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ogra | eeek | 12:16 |
ogra | the gksudo patches were reverted | 12:16 |
doko | mdz: zopeinterface is ok for main | 12:25 |
mdz | doko: thanks | 12:26 |
ogra | phew, ffmpeg will require some assembler love.... | 12:33 |
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seb128 | hum, we should probably sync splashy from Debian experimental | 12:46 |
ogra | seb128, i thought splshy was discarded in its current form ? | 12:48 |
seb128 | why? | 12:48 |
ogra | some framebuffer probs in the implementation iirc | 12:48 |
seb128 | I don't say we should use it as default, but having it for universe doesn't hurt imho | 12:48 |
ogra | thats true :) | 12:49 |
seb128 | hum, and gnome-alsamixer | 12:52 |
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lifeless | daniels: around ? | 01:09 |
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=== terrex taotrodiita | ||
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jdub | mjg59: http://linux.dell.com/blog/2005/06/21/#1639 | 03:12 |
jdub | thom: http://linux.dell.com/blog/2005/06/21/#1639 | 03:12 |
lamont | Converting ./caution.png | 03:34 |
lamont | /bin/sh: ./caution.png: Permission denied | 03:34 |
lamont | sigh | 03:34 |
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mako | jdub: dude | 04:08 |
mako | jdub: something wicked is going on with ubuntu-users | 04:08 |
mako | jdub: i'm getting MANY bounces | 04:08 |
mako | something like someone tried to subscribe bloglines.. i dunno | 04:08 |
jsgotangco | mako | 04:10 |
jsgotangco | dud | 04:10 |
jsgotangco | dude | 04:10 |
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mako | jsgotangco: yessir | 04:19 |
mako | jsgotangco: whats' up | 04:19 |
jsgotangco | mako, nvm we got it figured out, it was because the last docteam was using your p.u.c shell to host the preview pages of docs | 04:20 |
jsgotangco | mako, we'll just put it in our svn since it has https access | 04:20 |
jsgotangco | mako, although we're still not sure if its the best way to go | 04:22 |
Amaranth | wtf | 04:48 |
Amaranth | i don't know how windows does it but it automatically makes bad spots in ram unusable | 04:49 |
Amaranth | i'm supposed to have 512MB, windows says i have 501MB because some is bad | 04:50 |
HrdwrBoB | it does? | 04:51 |
HrdwrBoB | I know you can do it in linux | 04:51 |
HrdwrBoB | I wasn't aware that windows had that functionality | 04:51 |
HrdwrBoB | you're sure you don't have an integrated video which steams ram? | 04:51 |
Amaranth | linux can't do that, can it? | 04:52 |
Amaranth | i thought you had to tell it what parts were bad | 04:52 |
HrdwrBoB | you do, but you tell it by scanning memory | 04:52 |
HrdwrBoB | it's not much of a stretch to integrate it more | 04:53 |
Amaranth | if your kernel has the badram patch | 04:53 |
HrdwrBoB | yeah | 04:53 |
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Amaranth | it takes 40 minutes to scan my RAM, windows seemingly does it instantly | 04:53 |
Amaranth | do ubuntu kernels have the badram patch? | 04:53 |
HrdwrBoB | not afaik | 04:53 |
bob2 | are you sure windows is ignoring 11MB because it's bad? | 04:53 |
HrdwrBoB | generally I throw out ram that's bad | 04:53 |
Amaranth | bob2: only reason i can think of, it generally reads it all for me | 04:54 |
HrdwrBoB | but as I said before, are you sure it isn't an integrated graphics controller or something? | 04:54 |
Amaranth | and the computer works, so it's doing something | 04:54 |
Amaranth | i have a radeon | 04:54 |
Amaranth | so no | 04:54 |
Amaranth | with a different set of 512MB ram in this machine windows read it as 512MB | 04:55 |
Amaranth | i wish i could get some new ram but it's $$$ and i'm a student | 04:55 |
Amaranth | so i had to switch to windows unless i wanted a CLI with messed up text | 04:56 |
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cartel_ | candidate ubuntu logo: http://fun.sdinet.de/pics/3ubuntu.jpg | 05:00 |
jdub | mako: yeah, looking at it atm | 05:01 |
jdub | mako: i've already removed most of the bouncing addresses, but there's obviously a whole stack in the queue | 05:01 |
wasabi | i love it. | 05:05 |
cartel_ | i want a tshirt | 05:05 |
dilinger | i want one of the models | 05:06 |
bob2 | that's so last week | 05:06 |
cartel_ | heh | 05:06 |
cartel_ | bob2 haha | 05:06 |
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jnc | cartel_: ... O_O | 06:02 |
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lifeless | daniels: ping | 06:08 |
fabbione | morning | 06:10 |
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doko | morning all | 06:37 |
fabbione | hey doko | 06:38 |
fabbione | doko: you are a perl expert, aren't you? | 06:38 |
doko | fabbione: not really, that's the reason I'm learning python now | 06:40 |
fabbione | doko: ehehe | 06:40 |
fabbione | mind to take a look at http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/libg/libgtk2-perl/1:1.090-1/ ? | 06:40 |
fabbione | perhaps you have a clue on why it is FTBFS | 06:40 |
fabbione | a test failure and that's clear | 06:41 |
fabbione | but why... | 06:41 |
doko | I'm putting it on the list. somebody wants me to extract preprocessed sources from the kernel source first | 06:44 |
fabbione | thanks | 06:47 |
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stuNNed | howdy ho, what's the command to apt-get dist-upgrade and have no config protect i.e. write all new config files pulled from the new version? | 07:16 |
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fabbione | mdz: ping? | 07:34 |
Lathiat | stuNNed: -y --force-yes maybe (not sure) | 07:39 |
stuNNed | Lathiat: tseng had the trick, i'll check with him later thanks | 07:40 |
mdz | fabbione: pong | 07:51 |
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pitti | Morning | 08:26 |
fabbione | hey pitti | 08:29 |
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\sh | infinity: pingeling | 09:27 |
sivang | morning all | 09:27 |
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pitti | Hi sivang | 09:58 |
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doko | seb128: did cairo break the API between 0.5.0 and 0.5.1 again? | 10:34 |
Kamion | stuNNed: -o DPkg::options::=--force-confnew | 10:37 |
Kamion | stuNNed: but I'd strongly advise using dpkg --force-confnew by hand on individual packages rather than doing that for a whole apt run | 10:37 |
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seb128 | elmo: drivel sync please | 11:31 |
doko | seb128: was there a gdk_cairo_create symbol in libcairo in the past? | 11:33 |
seb128 | doko: read the NEWS, all the new/deprecated functions are listed | 11:33 |
seb128 | and 0.5.1 does break the 0.5.0 API/ABI | 11:33 |
seb128 | I've not replied to your mail yet | 11:34 |
seb128 | doko: anyway gdk_... seems to be a gtk namescheme | 11:34 |
doko | seb128: this symbol is undefined in lib-gnu-java-awt-peer-gtk.so.6, but this is linked against libcairo 0.5. trying to find out, where I can find the reference. it's not in the libgcj source | 11:43 |
seb128 | doko: /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdkcairo.h:cairo_t *gdk_cairo_create (GdkDrawable *drawable); | 11:46 |
seb128 | doko: that's a new gtk symbol | 11:46 |
seb128 | (and I'm not going to upload this gtk to debian unstable) | 11:46 |
seb128 | (or to ubuntu) | 11:47 |
Burgundavia | seb128, would you mind looking at a really odd bug | 11:58 |
Burgundavia | https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12084 | 11:58 |
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Kamion | daniels: any word on that xterm source? | 12:01 |
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seb128 | Burgundavia: that's not weird, that's a known bug | 12:04 |
Burgundavia | seb128, ok, shouldn't have bugged you | 12:04 |
seb128 | np | 12:04 |
Burgundavia | on another note, did you see my stuff on users&groups?(I will file the new bugs upstream tomorrow) | 12:04 |
seb128 | yep I've read my mails yesterday | 12:05 |
seb128 | and I'm quite bug flooded for some time, these are upstream and low priority | 12:05 |
seb128 | I'll reply today though | 12:05 |
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daniels | Kamion: no, sorry, but apparently we have working wireless now, so I'm going to fire up my laptop and check | 12:16 |
daniels | been setting up these two machines all morning, and running around setting up machines for HP (their stand is using Ubuntu on some machines, and we owe them because they lent us two machiens), etc | 12:17 |
daniels | right now I'm IRCing from one of the display amchines. i'm trying not to do this much. ;) | 12:17 |
Kamion | heh | 12:17 |
daniels | right, bbiab, will try to get wireless on my laptop. | 12:17 |
lifeless | daniels: are you interested in a multi-device patch for xorg ? | 12:17 |
lifeless | ttps://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3594 | 12:17 |
lifeless | courtesy a ubuntu user in #twisted | 12:18 |
thom | lifeless is inventing new protocols again | 12:18 |
lifeless | hom: sure am. | 12:18 |
\sh | argl...jabberd2 s03 is heavily broken when it comes to more then 100 conns | 12:19 |
\sh | updating it | 12:19 |
daniels | hoorah! i'm now IRCing from something that isn't a 19" LCD | 12:20 |
daniels | a little less obvious | 12:20 |
thom | heh | 12:21 |
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daniels | lifeless: um, that's NOTOURBUG | 12:23 |
daniels | lifeless: the nv driver is crap and doesn't do dual head at all | 12:23 |
daniels | not with a Xinerama-like setup, not with a MergedFB-like setup | 12:23 |
lifeless | daniels: ah. but this might help fix it ? | 12:24 |
lifeless | daniels: what should I tell the guy that gave me the patch. | 12:24 |
lifeless | me / you | 12:24 |
daniels | lifeless: tell him that he needs to use the nvidia driver or buy hardware from a vendor who makes better drivers | 12:25 |
mdke | hi all. a friend of mine has told me that he got assigned a bug, although he has nothing to do with the development of Ubuntu ;) does anyone know how this can have happened? its bug 12077 | 12:26 |
Kamion | if you type just part of a name, bugzilla auto-completes | 12:27 |
Kamion | somebody probably forgot to check | 12:27 |
mdke | hmm i see | 12:27 |
mdke | that bug is quite oddly reported | 12:28 |
Kamion | I'll reassign it somewhere | 12:28 |
seb128 | seems that the submitter has assigned it | 12:28 |
mdke | yeah ok that is what I figured | 12:28 |
Kamion | seb128: you want it? :P | 12:28 |
mdke | my friend has never heard of the submitter, so I guess he just typed in part of a name or something | 12:28 |
seb128 | Kamion: pick "reassign to owner/QA" for the component, that will probably go to me anyway :p | 12:29 |
=== mdke nods | ||
Kamion | (critical? my arse) | 12:29 |
mdke | thanks guys | 12:29 |
mdke | beautiful detail given in that bug | 12:29 |
Kamion | seb128: yup ;) | 12:29 |
Keybuk | guys ... please don't file bugs on dpkg using the Ubuntu bugzilla, the chances of me seeing them is practically zero. File them on the Debian BTS. | 12:30 |
\sh | pitti: ping | 12:45 |
pitti | Hi \sh | 12:45 |
\sh | pitti: i'm trying to compile jabberd2...it needs postgresql-dev and is searching for libpq-fe.h | 12:45 |
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\sh | pitti: apt-file says it's in postgresql-dev (or new libpq-dev) but it doesn't find it... | 12:46 |
pitti | \sh: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-June/008021.html | 12:47 |
pitti | \sh: libpq-dev is the correct package | 12:47 |
pitti | libpq-dev | 8.0.3-6 | http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/main Packages | 12:47 |
\sh | pitti: hmmm | 12:47 |
\sh | yes...it doesn't find it | 12:47 |
pitti | \sh: you have to convert it to the new architecture | 12:48 |
pitti | \sh: what do you mean with "find it"? | 12:48 |
pitti | the package is in the archive | 12:48 |
\sh | libpq-fe.h is not found by configure, looking into /usr/include/postgresql and /usr/local/... | 12:49 |
\sh | the package itself is not the problem ;) | 12:49 |
pitti | \sh: ah, you have to use pg_config --includedir | 12:49 |
pitti | \sh: it's now in /usr/include/postgresql/8.0, but you should not hardcode that | 12:49 |
pitti | \sh: <pitti> \sh: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-June/008021.html | 12:49 |
\sh | ah thx :)( | 12:50 |
seb128 | pitti: gst-plugins0.8 Debian package now builds a musepack package, that requires libmpcdec3 which is universe ... what is the procedure for such case? Should I ping you/somebody to review it for main, or just assume that's fine and upload? :) | 12:50 |
pitti | seb128: it should be reviewed | 12:51 |
pitti | seb128: for packaging, security history, QA, and in particular patents | 12:51 |
pitti | seb128: is that something mp3'ish? | 12:51 |
seb128 | musepack is a format | 12:52 |
seb128 | which is not mp | 12:52 |
seb128 | mp3 | 12:52 |
seb128 | apt-cache show libmpcdec3 | 12:52 |
pitti | seb128: do you know the patent situation? | 12:53 |
seb128 | no | 12:53 |
pitti | seb128: please add it to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionQueue | 12:53 |
seb128 | k | 12:53 |
seb128 | thanks pitti | 12:53 |
pitti | seb128: btw, I still experience polypaudio crashes | 12:54 |
seb128 | :( | 12:54 |
pitti | seb128: I'm packaging a new esd now, if that works fine with thew new alsa again, we should keep it for now | 12:54 |
seb128 | who put gtkhtml3.0 for main? | 12:54 |
pitti | seb128: I'll try to fix polypaudio, but we should have sth stable ready | 12:54 |
seb128 | we have 3.6 and 3.8 ... there is no way to use these? | 12:55 |
seb128 | pitti: k | 12:55 |
pitti | seb128: oh right, -> tseng ? | 12:55 |
pitti | bah, the esd package is a mess... | 12:56 |
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seb128 | pitti: like a lot of changes directly to the .diff.gz? | 12:58 |
pitti | yes | 12:58 |
pitti | and of course most of them fail to apply to the new orig.tar.gz | 12:58 |
seb128 | was the same with gdm ... | 12:58 |
=== pitti dives into diff.gz... | ||
seb128 | some maitainers really deserve some kicking | 12:59 |
thom | all the ones who use c d b s, for a start ;-) | 12:59 |
pitti | *cough* | 12:59 |
=== seb128 kicks thom | ||
=== Kamion blocks | ||
pitti | oh, does thom use cdbs? :-) | 01:00 |
seb128 | cdbs is great :) | 01:00 |
pitti | -> | 01:00 |
pitti | #ubuntu-religiouswars, please | 01:00 |
thom | *giggle | 01:01 |
thom | * | 01:01 |
=== Baby [~nena@baby.kavi.silver.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
seb128 | thom: can you fix firefox to work with pango/cairo? | 01:01 |
thom | seb128: it doesn't? | 01:02 |
\sh | how can I see from where we did sync a package for hoary or breezy? | 01:02 |
pitti | \sh: "where"? | 01:02 |
pitti | when? | 01:02 |
seb128 | thom: no, it assumes than gtk use pangoxft, which is not true with cairo | 01:02 |
\sh | pitti: yes...jabberd2 is only available from debian experimental ;) | 01:03 |
Kamion | \sh: Origin: line in the mail to *-changes | 01:03 |
thom | seb128: oh lordy | 01:03 |
thom | seb128: k, i'll look | 01:03 |
\sh | Kamion: thx | 01:03 |
seb128 | thom: workaround is to edit /usr/bin and to comment the PANGO export :) | 01:04 |
thom | seb128: where are gtk+cairo packages? | 01:04 |
seb128 | thom: "deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/gtk ./" for i386 | 01:05 |
daniels | Kamion: who uses xterm, anyway? | 01:05 |
seb128 | deb-src at the same place for !i386 :p | 01:05 |
Kamion | daniels: oh, only gnome-session :P | 01:05 |
seb128 | thom: that's new pango/gtk | 01:05 |
thom | seb128: cool, k | 01:05 |
daniels | Kamion: wtf? | 01:06 |
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thom | seb128: oh; can you add nm-applet to the default session, please? :-) (I assume you can add stuff that won't necessarily be installed yet without difficulty) | 01:07 |
=== {Seb} [~{Seb}@i-195-137-120-148.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
{Seb} | i've gotting a problem with brezzy (as usual) | 01:09 |
quitte | did someone successfully build glibc with gcc-4 already? I tried with the debian version and couldn't get it working even with a lot of patches and with glibc from cvs. but later i found out that the problem might have been the binutils beeing too old. so now im wondering if i should give it another try. | 01:09 |
{Seb} | i keep getting this error while going a dist-upgrade: | 01:09 |
seb128 | thom: k | 01:10 |
thom | merci bien | 01:10 |
{Seb} | the error is http://pastebin.com/302434 | 01:11 |
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seb128 | thom: de rien :) | 01:11 |
{Seb} | any way around this? | 01:11 |
seb128 | # | 01:11 |
seb128 | dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/xlibs-data_6.8.2-32_all.deb (--unpack): | 01:11 |
seb128 | # | 01:11 |
seb128 | trying to overwrite `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb', which is also in package libx11-6 | 01:11 |
seb128 | is your issue | 01:11 |
{Seb} | yep | 01:11 |
daniels | ... why is that in libx11-6? | 01:12 |
{Seb} | seb128: any ideas? | 01:13 |
{Seb} | seb128: i've clered the cache and tried several times | 01:13 |
Kamion | daniels: gnome-session falls over with a viciously ugly error when you don't have xterm installed | 01:13 |
Kamion | says "chooseSessionListWidget" | 01:13 |
Treenaks | Kamion: it says that even with xterm installed for me | 01:14 |
schweeb | Kamion: I've seen tat as well | 01:14 |
Kamion | daniels: at least I assume it's gnome-session, it's something in that arena at least | 01:14 |
schweeb | actually, I think it's to do with GDM's sessions | 01:14 |
daniels | Kamion: what the frig | 01:14 |
{Seb} | has anyone else experienced this problem? | 01:14 |
daniels | Kamion: i think xterm is used in the fallback session | 01:14 |
daniels | so you've already lost if you've fallen back | 01:14 |
schweeb | cause once I selected GNOME as default | 01:14 |
schweeb | it worked fine | 01:14 |
daniels | gnome can fail viciously when it doesn't find apps it wants to | 01:14 |
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Kamion | daniels: as schweeb says | 01:14 |
schweeb | but when I actually used "Default Session" | 01:14 |
schweeb | it didn't work | 01:15 |
seb128 | Kamion: isn't that #11942 ? | 01:15 |
schweeb | Kamion: so, try using a different session... GNOME preferably | 01:15 |
Treenaks | schweeb: exactly. also, ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't work anymore | 01:15 |
Kamion | seb128: yes | 01:15 |
schweeb | well, that's a vty issue | 01:15 |
daniels | Treenaks: yeah, that's my bug | 01:15 |
seb128 | Kamion: iz gdm bug | 01:15 |
{Seb} | has no one else got this error - am i doing something wrong? | 01:15 |
ogra | Treenaks, that was fixed by mdz with -32 | 01:16 |
Kamion | schweeb: this isn't an "I want my personal system to work" thing, this is an "I want fresh installs from CD images I'm producing to work" thing :P | 01:16 |
seb128 | {Seb}: try #ubuntu | 01:16 |
{Seb} | but this is breezy? | 01:16 |
schweeb | Kamion: haha, sure | 01:16 |
seb128 | and? | 01:16 |
seb128 | {Seb}: this is not an user chan nor a bug tracker | 01:16 |
Kamion | {Seb}: it's an X bug. the X maintainer already answered: | 01:16 |
Kamion | 12:12 < daniels> ... why is that in libx11-6? | 01:16 |
schweeb | Kamion: but I want my personal system to work :p | 01:16 |
Kamion | {Seb}: please don't repeat "has anyone else seen this?" over and over again | 01:17 |
schweeb | technically, it works fine though, after I choose a session other than "Default" | 01:17 |
quitte | gcc-4 is the default in breezy? | 01:17 |
{Seb} | Kamion: any idea when the bug will be fixed then? | 01:17 |
Kamion | {Seb}: no. | 01:17 |
=== schweeb takes off for work | ||
schweeb | later guys | 01:17 |
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daniels | {Seb}: i'm on holiday this week, so no idea | 01:19 |
{Seb} | right | 01:19 |
{Seb} | oh well, back to SUSE ;-) | 01:19 |
quitte | do i at least have a voice here? | 01:20 |
daniels | i think there have been like five xorg uploads, one libx11 upload and one libxext upload since I last had the most recent sources of anything on my laptop | 01:20 |
Kamion | quitte: gcc-4.0 is the default, but not necessarily used for all packages (some override it due to compiler bugs) | 01:20 |
schweeb | daniels: yea, mdz's been pretty busy with your xorg :p | 01:20 |
quitte | ok thanks. that's great. you dont know if glibc already used gcc-4? | 01:21 |
daniels | schweeb: i did notice all the xorg uploads, and now all the bugs for stuff that I didn't change that was allegedly fixed by the same person who filed them :P no idea hwat's going on | 01:21 |
schweeb | hahaha | 01:21 |
Kamion | quitte: not offhand, no | 01:21 |
schweeb | daniels: welcome to my life, I never know what's going on at work anymore | 01:21 |
schweeb | if I don't fix it myself, who knows when the hell it'll get fixed (if at all) | 01:22 |
=== schweeb leaves for real | ||
thom | seb128: pango from your repo doesn't build-depend on cairo | 01:25 |
seb128 | arg | 01:25 |
seb128 | thanks | 01:26 |
seb128 | jdub: around? | 01:26 |
seb128 | {Seb}: force the package install, that's not a big deal | 01:27 |
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\sh | ah...now it runs stable | 01:31 |
Duck_Happy | pitti: YES, CDBS IS GREAT ! | 01:33 |
pitti | \sh: tamed postgresql? | 01:35 |
\sh | pitti: yeah...jabberd2_2.0s08 runs now ;) | 01:36 |
\sh | but I'm really not sure, what JOSS JabberD server is...it's plain jabber.org jabberd2 server | 01:36 |
sivang | Duck_Happy: it's sure is :-) | 01:36 |
\sh | and it's not from debian...the experimental package is completly different from that package we have inside | 01:36 |
Duck_Happy | sivang: :-) | 01:37 |
seb128 | hey Duck_Happy | 01:38 |
Duck_Happy | coin seb128 | 01:38 |
seb128 | sivang: I've dropped the packages you listed a second time on LaunchpadIntegration (you put 3 GtkUIManager packages already listed) | 01:38 |
seb128 | Duck_Happy: why are you happy? :) | 01:39 |
sivang | seb128: ah ok, sorry | 01:39 |
sivang | seb128: which were them? | 01:39 |
Duck_Happy | seb128: because i think i found the ONE | 01:39 |
seb128 | sivang: looks on the wiki diff, not sure | 01:39 |
Duck_Happy | so every Duck_<state> is overriden | 01:39 |
sivang | seb128: btw, what about gaim? did I list it under the right catagory?? | 01:39 |
pitti | seb128: esd 0.2.26 plays well with alsa again | 01:40 |
seb128 | sivang: dunno | 01:40 |
seb128 | sivang: but you listed bug-buddy ... is there a bug-buddy menu? | 01:40 |
pitti | seb128: so in the next gstreamer upload, could you please switch back the default sink to esd? | 01:40 |
seb128 | pitti: sure | 01:40 |
pitti | seb128: that will work with both esd and polypaudio, direct dmix still breaks for too many people | 01:41 |
sivang | seb128: no there is not. Thanks for correcting me | 01:41 |
seb128 | pitti: k | 01:41 |
seb128 | pitti: so I should change my alsasink back to esdsink? | 01:41 |
pitti | seb128: as you with | 01:41 |
pitti | seb128: if alsa works fine for you, there is not really a reason to | 01:41 |
seb128 | s/with/wish? | 01:41 |
pitti | seb128: erm, yes | 01:42 |
seb128 | :) | 01:42 |
pitti | seb128: esd ist just a safer default | 01:42 |
seb128 | but we keep dmix? | 01:42 |
pitti | sure | 01:42 |
seb128 | hum, I though it doesn't work well with esound | 01:42 |
seb128 | esound and dmix I mean | 01:42 |
pitti | seb128: not with 0.2.35 :-) | 01:42 |
seb128 | oh, that's fixed? | 01:42 |
pitti | seb128: I upload 0.2.36 shortly | 01:42 |
seb128 | rock | 01:43 |
seb128 | nice job pitti :) | 01:43 |
pitti | yep, new esd works well | 01:43 |
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pitti | \sh: please send the jabberd postgresql patch to Debian | 02:08 |
\sh | pitti: i can't | 02:08 |
pitti | \sh: Debian has started the transition, too, and if possible we should sync from them | 02:08 |
pitti | why not? | 02:08 |
\sh | pitti: the jabberd2 version which we're using is not the same debian is using...debian has jabberd2 in experimental...and we got it from somewhere else | 02:09 |
\sh | and I don't know from where... | 02:09 |
pitti | ah, ok | 02:09 |
pitti | nevermind, then | 02:09 |
\sh | JOSS Jabberd2 rewrite *whatever it is* | 02:09 |
\sh | is oures | 02:09 |
\sh | ours even | 02:09 |
tseng | pitti: hi! | 02:13 |
tseng | pitti: what can I help you with | 02:13 |
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pitti | tseng: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionQueue has gtkhtml3.0 for gtk-sharp | 02:13 |
pitti | tseng: any chance that gtk# can do with 3.6 or 3.8 which are already in main? | 02:14 |
tseng | pitti: hm can you double check that, i rebuilt it with 3.6 | 02:14 |
pitti | tseng: thanks for the other reports | 02:14 |
tseng | pitti: a few weeks ago | 02:14 |
pitti | that would be cool | 02:14 |
tseng | Depends: libgtkhtml3.6-18 | 02:14 |
tseng | from apt-cache depends libgnome-cil | 02:14 |
tseng | same for libgnome2.0-cil | 02:14 |
tseng | it should be a non-issue now, yes? | 02:15 |
tseng | pitti: should have some more reports tonight. | 02:15 |
pitti | tseng: thanks, then we can remove it from the queue | 02:16 |
tseng | pitti: great, no problem | 02:16 |
pitti | tseng: I review your reports shortly | 02:17 |
pitti | s/shortly/soon/ | 02:17 |
tseng | elmo: can you please sync f-spot 0.0.13-3 from unstable, ok to overwrite | 02:18 |
tseng | pitti: thanks | 02:19 |
mako | jdub: must have been something weird, last night i was getting like 10:1 ubuntu-users bounces to everything else.. almost all from bloglines | 02:21 |
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=== fabbione kills power3* power4* kernels | ||
abelli | s/kills/builds again | 02:35 |
fabbione | no | 02:35 |
fabbione | there is powerpc64-smp for them | 02:35 |
fabbione | power3 and power4 in 32bit are not supported by upstream anymore | 02:35 |
fabbione | so you go 64Bit | 02:35 |
abelli | fabbione: even userspace? | 02:36 |
fabbione | userspace is still 32bit | 02:36 |
fabbione | there is no need of 64bit userland | 02:36 |
abelli | come no? | 02:36 |
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abelli | .. ooppss . | 02:36 |
fabbione | no | 02:36 |
fabbione | there is no need to | 02:36 |
fabbione | like sparc | 02:36 |
fabbione | 64 bit kernel -> 32 bit userland | 02:36 |
fabbione | it works perfectly | 02:36 |
jdong | hey, is Breezy gonna have SELinux? I thought it was gonna be Breezy+1, but the WikiPage shows excellent progress already.... | 02:37 |
abelli | so if i find a 32 bti kernel .. it should work? | 02:37 |
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fabbione | abelli: yes, but i don't see the point in running a 32bit kernel when 64bit run better | 02:37 |
tseng | jdong: do you have time to document what you alluded to the other day about rsyncing the livecd fs to zero removed bits? | 02:38 |
tseng | jdong: it would be very helpful to several people. | 02:38 |
abelli | fabbione: ive got a 32bit cpu running sarge atm. | 02:38 |
Kamion | jdong: stuff like installer support hasn't been specced and I don't have time to do it, so ... | 02:38 |
fabbione | abelli: if it's a power3/power4 cpu than you can run 64bit | 02:39 |
jdong | tseng: it's just dd'ing a 2GB file of zeros, making an ext2fs on it, loop-mounting, and copying over all files to it :) | 02:39 |
tseng | jdong: im sorry, i dont have a really strong grasp on the entire process to just instantly pick up on what you are saying | 02:39 |
tseng | jdong: is there any chance you could put that note in the appropriate place on the LiveCDCustomizationHowot | 02:40 |
tseng | howto* | 02:40 |
abelli | fabbione: sun sparc 5? | 02:40 |
fabbione | abelli: i am talking about powerpc | 02:41 |
fabbione | power3/power4 = powerpc | 02:41 |
jdong | tseng: ok | 02:41 |
tseng | jdong: thanks muchly :) | 02:41 |
abelli | fabbione: ... | 02:41 |
abelli | yes .. i was .. | 02:42 |
abelli | i was .. sorry . | 02:42 |
fabbione | so what has that to do with sun sparc? | 02:42 |
=== fabbione doesn't get it | ||
abelli | you said your sparc port as 32 bit userland .. | 02:42 |
abelli | so i said "if i get a 32 bit kernel, would it work?" | 02:43 |
pitti | tseng: did you check upstream bug trackers for these packages? | 02:43 |
fabbione | abelli. hoary probably yes.. not breezy | 02:44 |
fabbione | abelli: but all sparc userlands are 32 bit | 02:44 |
Kamion | elmo: I need to get a bunch of Priority fields changed to make debootstrap 0.3 work well with breezy. What's the format you'd prefer to get those changes in? | 02:44 |
tseng | pitti: yes, there are alot of open bugs around | 02:44 |
pitti | tseng: a friend of mine just asks me why breagle is not available for amd64 | 02:44 |
tseng | pitti: but nothing major. | 02:44 |
pitti | tseng: any reason for that? | 02:45 |
abelli | fabbione: its my first sparc .. i didnt know that. | 02:45 |
pitti | tseng: thanks; the bug situation should be mentioned in the reports | 02:45 |
tseng | pitti: hm ogra, dholbach, Nafallo all used it | 02:45 |
Kamion | beagle | | breezy/universe | source, amd64, i386, powerpc | 02:45 |
thom | pitti: i'm running beagle on amd64 | 02:45 |
abelli | moreover .. it was already installed when i received it .. and i havent even powered it up since then. | 02:45 |
fabbione | abelli: ok :) | 02:45 |
pitti | ok, thanks | 02:45 |
ogra | pitti, doesnt work to well, but runs :) | 02:45 |
tseng | pitti: he will need to install libmono-dev as a work around until packaging is finished. they handled versioning of a .so poorly | 02:46 |
abelli | fabbione: should i make it installing hoary? | 02:46 |
fabbione | abelli: it won't work. installer in hoary is broken | 02:46 |
abelli | any tricks? | 02:46 |
abelli | ...trick | 02:46 |
abelli | . | 02:46 |
fabbione | abelli: hmmm yes | 02:46 |
fabbione | no actually.. | 02:47 |
fabbione | no | 02:47 |
abelli | :D | 02:47 |
abelli | :( | 02:47 |
fabbione | you need to debootstrap it manually | 02:47 |
fabbione | chroot and install the 32 bit kernel | 02:47 |
abelli | ahh ok .. linux from scratch. | 02:47 |
fabbione | no | 02:47 |
fabbione | apt-get install debootstrap | 02:47 |
abelli | si :) | 02:47 |
=== fabbione goes back to give light to 2.6.12 final | ||
abelli | fabbione: grazie mille, ciao | 02:48 |
fabbione | ciao | 02:48 |
Kamion | elmo: also, would it be possible to enforce that everything in germinate's 'minimal' output (with maybe a few exceptions for kernels and bootloaders and such) has priority >= important, and everything not in that output has priority <= standard? | 02:48 |
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jordi | pitti: what's that? did ubuntu get the new upstream version of esound? | 02:51 |
jordi | pitti: hrm, we really need to get neuro to upload that. | 02:51 |
pitti | jordi: yes, just uploaded it | 02:51 |
jordi | pitti: so it fixes the distorted sound so many people were noticing in the bug reports' | 02:52 |
jordi | I'll mail the debian bugs to see if they can test your packages. | 02:52 |
pitti | jordi: I already did that | 02:52 |
=== jordi relaxes. :) | ||
jordi | thanks dude :) | 02:52 |
Kamion | elmo: (I've got code to do something along those lines in cdimage) | 02:54 |
jdong | tseng: in the wiki. Also added lots of swap to requirements, along with the cheap swapfile method of making more swap | 02:55 |
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jdub | mako: yeah, same here - over 3000 | 02:58 |
jdub | mako: i killed the subs, purged the bounce queue, etc. | 02:58 |
tseng | jdong: rock on! thanks alot | 02:59 |
pitti | tseng: do you want monodoc-http in main as well? this is a bit more interesting since it opens a port and such | 03:05 |
tseng | pitti: i dont | 03:05 |
pitti | ok | 03:05 |
jdub | tseng: is there a Good way to get f-spot going on hoary? | 03:05 |
tseng | pitti: but it looks like it would require splitting up packages | 03:05 |
tseng | jdub: hm yes | 03:05 |
pitti | tseng: why? | 03:06 |
pitti | tseng: it's already a separate deb | 03:06 |
jdub | tseng: works with mono 1.0 and old gtk-sharp? | 03:06 |
tseng | pitti: monodoc is the source? | 03:06 |
tseng | jdub: it does | 03:06 |
tseng | jdub: it should be in hoary sanely | 03:06 |
pitti | tseng: yes; but having the source in main does not meant that we must import *all* debs into main | 03:06 |
jdub | ah, tops, thanks :) | 03:06 |
tseng | pitti: ah dude, lets do it like that | 03:06 |
tseng | pitti: it will save us all alot of trouble | 03:06 |
tseng | so we can put monodoc-manual and monodoc-browser into main? | 03:07 |
tseng | and demote monodoc-http | 03:07 |
jdub | tseng: going to see if pia likes it :-) | 03:07 |
pitti | tseng: I updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionQueue and brought your reports into shape (and acked the first three) | 03:08 |
pitti | tseng: thanks for preparing them | 03:08 |
tseng | pitti: thanks for reviewing them | 03:08 |
pitti | tseng: erm, monodevelop is not built on amd64 | 03:21 |
KaiL | ah, icons for krita and kugar came up from nowhere...:) | 03:21 |
pitti | tseng: (although your report claims that) | 03:21 |
seb128 | jdub: ping (again) :) | 03:22 |
tseng | pitti: hm it should be arch all | 03:23 |
tseng | pitti: i will fix | 03:23 |
pitti | tseng: no, there are shared libs | 03:23 |
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tseng | pitti: are you sure? | 03:26 |
tseng | pitti: can you show me one | 03:27 |
pitti | I updated the report at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportMonodevelop | 03:27 |
pitti | -rw-r--r-- root/root 166296 2004-10-27 17:59:52 ./usr/lib/monodevelop/bin/libgdldock.so.0.0.0 | 03:27 |
tseng | ls: /usr/lib/monodevelop/bin/*.so: No such file or directory | 03:28 |
tseng | could this be a leftover from another install? | 03:28 |
pitti | tseng: that shuold be split off into a separare arch: any package, and the bulk should be in a -common package | 03:28 |
tseng | i have no so | 03:28 |
tseng | from monodevelop. | 03:28 |
pitti | tseng: I looked at the debs in /srv/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/monodevelop/monodevelop_0.5.1-3_powerpc.deb | 03:28 |
tseng | pitti: ah | 03:29 |
tseng | pitti: breezy has 0.7, it is all "managed" code | 03:29 |
tseng | can you please review that one | 03:29 |
pitti | tseng: 0.7 is not in the archive | 03:29 |
pitti | uh, wait | 03:29 |
pitti | monodevelop | 0.7-1ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/main Packages | 03:29 |
pitti | hey, who did that? | 03:29 |
tseng | hm that is wrong | 03:29 |
tseng | we didnt move all the deps | 03:29 |
pitti | indeed /srv/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/m/monodevelop/monodevelop_0.7-1ubuntu1_all.deb | 03:30 |
tseng | much better. | 03:30 |
=== pitti updates report *sigh* | ||
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tseng | thats odd | 03:32 |
tseng | thanks alot pitti | 03:32 |
tseng | pitti: do i need to do anything to get monodoc properly seeded? | 03:33 |
tseng | pitti: so we dont pull monodoc-http to main | 03:33 |
tseng | ok i mentioned it on the wiki | 03:35 |
pitti | monodoc-http | 1.0.6-1ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/main Packages | 03:36 |
pitti | aaaarrgh | 03:36 |
tseng | who is doing this? | 03:36 |
thom | interesting that firefox is broken but ephy isn't | 03:37 |
pitti | tseng: it's in the suported seed :-( | 03:37 |
tseng | pitti: we can fix this, right? | 03:38 |
pitti | sure | 03:38 |
tseng | or just demote -http | 03:38 |
tseng | we'll see when mdz is up. | 03:40 |
seb128 | thom: that's the difference between a real browser and a piece of crap :) | 03:40 |
pitti | tseng: I'll talk to mdz | 03:40 |
tseng | pitti: thanks | 03:40 |
tseng | pitti: i am going to lurk again if there are no more troubles? | 03:41 |
pitti | lurk where? | 03:41 |
tseng | i watch here all day, but i have some more work to do :P | 03:42 |
pitti | ah, ok :-) | 03:42 |
thom | seb128: grin | 03:43 |
carlos | fabbione, hi, around? | 03:44 |
fabbione | carlos: yes | 03:44 |
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carlos | fabbione, I'm not sure, but the problem I have with 2.6.12 could be related to driver change for my raid controller | 03:45 |
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carlos | fabbione, the megaraid driver has been updated | 03:45 |
carlos | fabbione, and when I boot in verbose mode, the driver is not loaded | 03:46 |
carlos | fabbione, does the list of drivers depends on mkinitrd or the kernel itself? | 03:46 |
fabbione | carlos: interesting... | 03:47 |
fabbione | carlos: it depends on what the drivers tell to depmod -a | 03:47 |
fabbione | carlos: i will check again the bug, but can you add a lspci -n to it please? | 03:47 |
carlos | fabbione, I 2.6.10 initrd works without problems with that version of mkinitrd | 03:47 |
fabbione | carlos: eight now i am extremely busy | 03:47 |
carlos | fabbione, ok | 03:47 |
fabbione | carlos: ok.. i know what to look for now | 03:47 |
fabbione | add me that info and i will fix it not for this release but for the next one | 03:48 |
fabbione | i need to upload .12 final today | 03:48 |
carlos | ok | 03:48 |
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carlos | fabbione, thanks | 03:48 |
fabbione | carlos: no problem | 03:48 |
carlos | fabbione, I just want test that driver version just in case fixes the other problem I reported | 03:48 |
fabbione | carlos: tomorrow i will be able to drive you trough a manual test to see if the problem is what i thinkg | 03:49 |
fabbione | right now i don't have enough time sorry | 03:49 |
carlos | ok | 03:49 |
carlos | fabbione, don't worry | 03:49 |
fabbione | i really need to release :) | 03:49 |
carlos | I'm doing my own investigation at the same time, but my knowledge is limited :-) | 03:49 |
fabbione | carlos: if you can send me your initrd image for .12 i will look at it and get it ready for when you will be awake | 03:49 |
carlos | fabbione, it's linked in the bug report, will add you to the CC of that report | 03:50 |
fabbione | carlos: basically the megaraid has been splitted up and i need to see why the correct driver hadn't been included in the initrd | 03:50 |
fabbione | carlos: i think i am already as kernel-team | 03:50 |
fabbione | or just gimme the bug number | 03:51 |
carlos | fabbione, I added the bug report against mkinitrd as you asked me instead of the kernel | 03:51 |
fabbione | it's faeter | 03:51 |
fabbione | ok | 03:51 |
carlos | https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12040 | 03:51 |
fabbione | carlos: ok.. i will look at it tomorrow | 03:52 |
carlos | lspci added. | 03:52 |
carlos | fabbione, ok, thanks | 03:52 |
shawarma | Hi! Can someone check something for me? On a Hoary system, try doing apt-get source samba and then try building that package? | 03:53 |
shawarma | On my system, first some patches fail to apply cleanly | 03:53 |
shawarma | And if I'm not much mistaken it fails to build, too. | 03:53 |
shawarma | I'll know in a few minutes. | 03:54 |
\sh | shawarma: pbuilder? | 03:54 |
thom | fails to apply in my chroot, eayh | 03:55 |
shawarma | \sh: As in: "Did you try in pbuilder?" ? | 03:55 |
fabbione | carlos: sorry.. can you be so kind to add lspci -n <- | 03:55 |
carlos | sure | 03:55 |
fabbione | carlos: it makes it a few eons easier to grab in the kernel code :) | 03:55 |
fabbione | thanks a lot dude | 03:55 |
\sh | shawarma: yes | 03:56 |
carlos | done | 03:56 |
fabbione | uhuh | 03:57 |
fabbione | yes | 03:57 |
shawarma | \sh: No, I haven't, but the system I'm trying it on is a clean install. | 03:57 |
\sh | shawarma: well...danielN did the same...and in a clean pbuilder enviroment it worked...suddenly ;) | 03:58 |
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shawarma | \sh: Garh.... So if I'm patching the source, every time I want to test, I need pbuilder? | 04:00 |
\sh | shawarma: well...yes :) it's not a pain, if you have helpers ;) | 04:01 |
shawarma | \sh: That's partly true. It'd be easier if it just built outside pbuilder. | 04:01 |
shawarma | \sh: Well, what do you know... If I build it as root on the clean box, it failed. With fakeroot, it seems to work. It's done yet, but I think it got farther than before. | 04:03 |
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jdub | seb128: pong! | 04:07 |
seb128 | jdub: hey :) | 04:07 |
seb128 | jdub: pango 1.9 to the archive or not? | 04:07 |
jdub | seb128: nah, think that should be decided with gtk | 04:07 |
mfgalizi | I'm having some package issues, and I was wondering if someone could help me out. I'm trying to keep a single repository for Debian and Ubuntu. The problem is that they use different versions of libc6, and if I compile on my debian box (even specifying a version manually), Ubuntu users get failed dependancies. Any thoughts? Am I going to have to keep two repositories and two sets of packages? | 04:08 |
seb128 | jdub: k, was not sure | 04:08 |
jdub | seb128: i'm using your packages, btw :) | 04:11 |
seb128 | that works fine? | 04:11 |
seb128 | it doesn't feel slow here | 04:12 |
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mfgalizi | Bueller? Bueller? | 04:15 |
mako | jdub: i sort of monitor my procmail queue.. it was going *insane* yesterday :) | 04:15 |
mdke | heh | 04:16 |
mdke | list bounces? | 04:16 |
bob2 | mfgalizi: or concot a custom chroot containing the lower version of each of your dependencies | 04:16 |
jdub | seb128: yeah, that is because we use clearlooks THE ULTIMATE IN GTK ENGINE PERFORMANCE | 04:16 |
seb128 | ah ah | 04:16 |
mfgalizi | bob2, thanks, but I think I'd sooner maintain two sets of packages. | 04:17 |
bob2 | yup | 04:18 |
bob2 | plus that's simple to automate | 04:18 |
mfgalizi | yeah | 04:18 |
mfgalizi | :( | 04:18 |
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mfgalizi | bob2, I could just remove the automatic dependancies from the control file and specify them manually, couldn't I? I know this is a bad thing to do, but it would work, right? | 04:26 |
bob2 | not in general | 04:27 |
mfgalizi | oh... why? | 04:27 |
bob2 | those dependencies are there for a reason | 04:28 |
bob2 | shlibs makes you Deppend on the version of a library you compiled against, in case you used a new symbol from it | 04:28 |
mfgalizi | I understand its probably the worst thing I could do, but it would work, right? | 04:29 |
bob2 | not in general | 04:32 |
mfgalizi | ok | 04:32 |
bob2 | it may work in your particular situation, for now | 04:32 |
Kamion | it will work until it doesn't; it will break with no warning; at that point you and your users will be left scratching your collective heads wondering what went wrong | 04:32 |
mfgalizi | Right, this is what I figured.\ | 04:33 |
Kamion | and it may break even now on other architectures; unless you can thoroughly test on all of them, you have no way to know | 04:33 |
mfgalizi | I'm only compiling for one arch (this isn't in the official distribution) | 04:33 |
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Kamion | sure, but somebody else may well take your source package and build it for other architectures | 04:34 |
mfgalizi | Uh, doubt it. In any case, I think I'll just keep two chroots. | 04:35 |
mfgalizi | thanks for the help, all! | 04:38 |
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shawarma | \sh: Ok, I'm back. Weird, the build in the fakeroot environment worked just fine. | 04:46 |
\sh | shawarma: well | 04:47 |
shawarma | \sh: It's great, but strange nevertheless. | 04:47 |
Micksa | is anyone here able to play a DVD or something with AC3 audio in mplayer on breezy or hoary? | 04:49 |
Lathiat | how can i tellifits ac3 audio? | 04:51 |
Lathiat | any dvd? | 04:51 |
Micksa | just about any DVD | 04:53 |
Micksa | at some point in the console output it should mention liba52 | 04:53 |
fabbione | Micksa: these are morelikely #ubuntu questions | 04:54 |
fabbione | Lathiat: same ... | 04:54 |
Micksa | graghrgrhghr | 04:56 |
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Micksa | fabbione: the response in #ubuntu was "use totem" 8) | 05:01 |
Micksa | whcih would be fine if playing DVDs was what I wanted to do. but I want to encode. And neither mplayer nor mencoder will work with AC3 audio for me. | 05:02 |
Micksa | so I'm trying to narrow it down. | 05:02 |
Lathiat | Micksa: not in here :) | 05:02 |
Micksa | I know I know. I'm done | 05:02 |
thom | whiprush: man, you rock | 05:08 |
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ogra | oh... seb128 YOU BLOG ? WOW ! | 05:16 |
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fabbione | Kamion: as soon as 12 final is built, you are good to go to switch d-i | 05:19 |
fabbione | Kamion: i still need to clean up nic-* and scsi-* but i guess we can do it in one of the next upload | 05:20 |
Kamion | fabbione: great, thanks | 05:24 |
fabbione | Kamion: i am aware that there are some regressions between rc6 and final | 05:24 |
fabbione | somebody says related to udev, but i not according to my tests | 05:24 |
fabbione | so if we get bug reports on boot being slow we know what's wrong | 05:25 |
fabbione | where slow = boot takes half second more | 05:25 |
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Kamion | elmo: does katie support architecture-specific priorities? | 05:31 |
elmo | no | 05:31 |
elmo | mostly 'cos apt-ftparchive doesn't | 05:31 |
elmo | but there's patches floating around | 05:31 |
elmo | tjhat mvo may or may not be integrating | 05:31 |
Kamion | mvo: *nudge* | 05:31 |
elmo | kamion: and err, yeah, should be possible, tho i'd prefer not to do it automatically based on germinate, but make it an anastacia type system | 05:32 |
elmo | the priorities-for-minimal thing | 05:32 |
Kamion | elmo: jackass:~cjwatson/jessica (name chosen arbitrarily) gets most of it right I think, modulo the arch-specific thing - if you run it with -n it's anastacia-like | 05:33 |
elmo | oh, keano | 05:34 |
Kamion | guess what I've been doing all afternoon | 05:34 |
Kamion | I think I'll need debconf bumped to required as well, which jessica won't tell you | 05:34 |
Kamion | I haven't tested it without -n, for obvious reasons | 05:36 |
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Kamion | elmo: it looks at the wrong germinate output file at the moment, really - I think we'll want cron.sync to produce sync/germinate/output/tmp/minimal_${suite}_${arch} files the same way it does for desktop | 05:38 |
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elmo | yeah | 05:38 |
elmo | the whole germinate as driven by cron.sync is a bit icky | 05:39 |
Kamion | mm | 05:39 |
Kamion | shame germinate's so slow and fond of filling the cwd with files, or it could just run on the fly | 05:39 |
elmo | yeah | 05:41 |
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fabbione | mdz: ping? | 05:54 |
fabbione | Kamion: are you going to stay around for a bit? | 05:55 |
fabbione | i need to go away.. if you can kindly remember mdz to seed 2.6.12 for main and make it the default... | 05:55 |
Kamion | I'll be here for maybe 45 minutes more | 05:55 |
fabbione | elmo: the last upload will need NEW love once it's builded | 05:55 |
fabbione | ok | 05:55 |
fabbione | i really need to go | 05:56 |
Kamion | I'll do the seeding | 05:56 |
fabbione | it has been a marathon today | 05:56 |
fabbione | and i need to run away in 20 minutes from home | 05:56 |
fabbione | Kamion: ok thanks | 05:56 |
fabbione | Kamion: remember that i killed power3/power4 | 05:56 |
Kamion | yes, remembered :) | 05:56 |
fabbione | so you can just forget about them :) | 05:56 |
Kamion | no other arch package name changes? | 05:56 |
fabbione | ABI bump? | 05:56 |
fabbione | it's -2- | 05:56 |
Kamion | I know that bit | 05:57 |
Kamion | that's easy | 05:57 |
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fabbione | no.. we might have too look at the list of udebs since we added a couple for non-supported arches | 05:57 |
fabbione | but that's nothing that need fixing right now | 05:57 |
Kamion | ok, that can be worried about later | 05:57 |
fabbione | exactly | 05:57 |
fabbione | thanks a lot guys | 05:57 |
fabbione | cya tomorrow | 05:58 |
=== fabbione & | ||
Keybuk | fg | 05:58 |
Keybuk | ^Z | 05:59 |
Keybuk | bg | 05:59 |
Keybuk | disown %1 | 05:59 |
Keybuk | ^D | 05:59 |
tseng | Keybuk: he respawns | 05:59 |
Kamion | ah, somebody else who uses disown | 05:59 |
Keybuk | hmm? I didn't kill him | 05:59 |
daniels | disown kicks arse | 05:59 |
Kamion | tseng: ... and you're somebody who doesn't use disown | 05:59 |
tseng | i guess not. | 06:00 |
tseng | No manual entry for disown | 06:00 |
Kamion | help disown | 06:00 |
Kamion | it's a shell builtin | 06:00 |
tseng | oh! | 06:01 |
tseng | thats very useful | 06:01 |
thom | Kamion: foo &| is more my usual style | 06:01 |
thom | but that's a zshism | 06:01 |
Keybuk | it's basically nohup, but after you've run the command | 06:01 |
Kamion | I was about to say "zsh freak", yes :) | 06:01 |
Kamion | fabbione: seed changes done | 06:01 |
daniels | yeah, I use &|, or disown after the fact | 06:01 |
=== Keybuk does &| too | ||
daniels | Kamion: zsh is LOVE | 06:01 |
tseng | daniels: fix my home/end keys and ill use it | 06:02 |
daniels | tseng: setopt VI, Esc-0, Esc-$ | 06:02 |
Keybuk | actually, that's untrue, I use &! | 06:03 |
thom | what is &!? | 06:05 |
elmo | background and disown in zsh | 06:05 |
Kamion | hmm, I take it Fabio didn't do linux-meta | 06:05 |
thom | so just the same as &|, or is there a difference? | 06:06 |
Kamion | $ dpkg-source -x linux-meta_2.6.10-7.dsc | 06:06 |
Kamion | dpkg-source: error: unrecognised file suffix `.tar' | 06:06 |
Kamion | score | 06:06 |
Kamion | guess I should fix the version number for the next one | 06:07 |
Clint | &| and &! are equivalent | 06:07 |
thom | Clint: righto, thanks | 06:07 |
Keybuk | it's the same | 06:07 |
Keybuk | but I tend to use &| for "pipe stdout AND stderr" | 06:07 |
Keybuk | well, |& | 06:07 |
thom | Keybuk: yes, i know what equivalent means ;P | 06:07 |
thom | heh | 06:08 |
Keybuk | zsh is sex | 06:08 |
Kamion | fabbione: can power3/power4 kernel users upgrade smoothly to powerpc64 kernels? | 06:08 |
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Kamion | mdz: [2.6.12 status] I've got uploads prepared for base-installer, debian-installer, and linux-meta to cope with the switch to 2.6.12 and the powerpc64 changes, plus corresponding seed changes; I'm going out shortly, but I'll upload them later tonight | 06:28 |
Kamion | somebody will need to do 2.6.12-2 l-r-m | 06:30 |
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mdz | fabbione: is someone working on l-r-m? | 06:32 |
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mdz | Kamion: is it a prerequisite for CD builds? | 06:32 |
Kamion | mdz: it gets confusing if it's not there, but it's not *strictly* a prerequisite | 06:32 |
Kamion | as in people will get linux-image-* installed instead, which will prove interesting for upgrades | 06:33 |
jammcq | mdz: howdie | 06:34 |
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mdz | jammcq: good morning | 06:36 |
mdz | Kamion: presumably we could remove the dep from linux-meta | 06:36 |
bob2 | mjg59: is https://sourceforge.net/projects/sbs-linux/ crack? | 06:36 |
Kamion | mdz: in desperation, yes | 06:37 |
Kamion | I suppose that might even be short-term correct | 06:37 |
mjg59 | bob2: If it's the one I'm thinking of, then yes | 06:38 |
mjg59 | It requires hacking DSDTs to get battery support | 06:38 |
bob2 | yeah, it requires IASL at build-time | 06:38 |
Kamion | I'd like to generate linux-meta's debian/control from a template at some point, so that editing it isn't so error-prone | 06:38 |
mjg59 | The "right" way of doing it is to integrate the smart battery driver and teach hal about it | 06:38 |
bob2 | is it dangerous or just hacky? | 06:38 |
jammcq | up | 06:40 |
mjg59 | Which? | 06:40 |
jammcq | oops, sorry | 06:40 |
mjg59 | The DSDT hacking thing? It's fucking stupid | 06:40 |
bob2 | mjg59: using something which hacks the dsdt | 06:40 |
mjg59 | Yeah | 06:40 |
bob2 | hah | 06:41 |
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mako | mvo: you gonna be at LT? | 06:45 |
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mahmoud | hello...I've got a question: if I have the full path of a file, except that the file name itself is incomplete (but is known to identify it uniquely), what's the most efficient way to open the file? (the aim is to minimize scanning & name matching as much as possible) | 07:45 |
justin | append a * and glob? | 07:50 |
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bddebian | Hello | 08:04 |
bddebian | Hmm, no Kamion | 08:05 |
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ogra | doko, alive ? | 08:11 |
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doko | ? | 08:12 |
ogra | doko, how good is your assembler-fu ? | 08:12 |
ogra | error: PIC register '%ebx' clobbered in 'asm' | 08:13 |
ogra | :( | 08:13 |
doko | could be better ... | 08:13 |
ogra | ffmpeg is ftbfs on i386, but on all other arches it works just fine... | 08:14 |
ogra | i found a patch for building it with gcc-4.0 but it still fails with this error.... | 08:14 |
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chrissturm | ogra: this seems to be a problem a lot of packages have with the new gccs. how can i reproduce it? | 08:33 |
ogra | chrissturm, grab the latest debin ffmpeg package, add the epoch that the ubuntu package has.... apply the gcc-4.0 build patch from gentoo and try to get it compiled on i386 | 08:35 |
ogra | chrissturm, its a problem with double used registers in the assembler code if i understood it right... but i'm not enough of a assemble guy to fix it.... also there seem to be no further patches for this prob yet | 08:36 |
chrissturm | ogra: can you paste me the snippet? | 08:39 |
ogra | chrissturm, the patch ? | 08:39 |
chrissturm | ogra: i think a asm part must tell what parameters it changes, and its not legal to change some of them. so you must save ebx on start and restore it later | 08:40 |
chrissturm | ogra: the part of the source that he is complaining on | 08:40 |
chrissturm | the __asm__ snippet | 08:41 |
ogra | oh, sorry... | 08:42 |
ogra | chrissturm, thats a bit bigger, rather pull the source and look at libavcodec/libpostproc/postprocess_template.c in the source | 08:42 |
chrissturm | ogra: it should be easy to fix | 08:43 |
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chrissturm | ogra: point me to the source package tgz and i help you! | 08:45 |
ogra | i'll upload it... wait a moment | 08:46 |
chrissturm | k | 08:46 |
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ogra | chrissturm, http://www.grawert.net/ffmpeg/ | 08:51 |
chrissturm | ogra: can i reproduce it without applying the patches? | 08:55 |
ogra | chrissturm, thats the stage i stopped with, the patch is contained already | 08:56 |
chrissturm | ogra: http://www.grawert.net/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_0.cvs20050313.orig.tar.gz | 08:56 |
chrissturm | this one? | 08:57 |
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ogra | chrissturm, download all three (.dsc .tar.gz and .diff.gz) into the same dir and run dpkg-source -x ffmpeg_0.cvs20050313-2ubuntu1.dsc, it will create the patched source dir | 08:58 |
chrissturm | ok | 08:58 |
chrissturm | then just ./configure && make? | 09:00 |
ogra | nope | 09:03 |
=== Mauve [~chatzilla@c-dc30e253.57-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
ogra | easiest to see the error will be: fakeroot debian/rules binaryyyyyyy | 09:03 |
ogra | oops | 09:03 |
ogra | m keyboard goes crazy | 09:03 |
ogra | you will need to install fakeroot for that.... | 09:04 |
ogra | chrissturm, assuming you run breezy | 09:04 |
chrissturm | ok, building | 09:04 |
chrissturm | sure | 09:04 |
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kiko | mdz, ogra: or #ubuntu-bugs? | 09:25 |
ogra | hey kiko | 09:25 |
mdz | kiko: bugdays | 09:25 |
kiko | ;) | 09:25 |
kiko | did you read my mail? | 09:25 |
mdz | kiko: I actually need a keyboard break right now | 09:26 |
mdz | can we talk about this in 15 minutes? | 09:26 |
kiko | YES | 09:26 |
tseng | heya kiko | 09:29 |
kiko | heya tseng | 09:29 |
kiko | I might want a keyboard break too, everybody's doing it | 09:30 |
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ogra | use gnome-typing-monitor.... it does that for you :) | 09:30 |
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mdz | kiko: ok | 09:41 |
mdz | ogra: workrave >> gnome-typing-monitor | 09:41 |
ogra | ah, yes | 09:41 |
kiko | it's the mdz people | 09:41 |
mdz | kiko: so I'm reading your email | 09:41 |
kiko | I like to be kept informed | 09:42 |
mdz | kiko: most importantly the list of prereqs | 09:42 |
mdz | do we actually need any bugzilla changes in order to make this work? | 09:43 |
mdz | we can set up a pre-cooked query for likely targets | 09:43 |
tseng | wasabi_: gcjwebplugin < ever heard of this? | 09:43 |
mdz | beyond that, I think the existing tools are sufficient | 09:43 |
ogra | yep | 09:43 |
kiko | mdz, we can have icing -- the homepage change, for instance | 09:43 |
kiko | nothing that's critical to getting it going | 09:43 |
ogra | a stored query would be enough | 09:43 |
kiko | ogra, it needs to be pasteable | 09:44 |
kiko | stored queries don't have that property (they are personal) | 09:44 |
mdz | right, I'm focused on what we need to do before we can make an announcement and have our first bugday | 09:44 |
mdz | the documentation is the biggie | 09:44 |
kiko | I can commit some time to writing documentation | 09:44 |
kiko | at the expense of a healthy sex life | 09:44 |
ogra | heh | 09:45 |
mdz | I'm probably better suited to write that, since I've more or less defined the process for ubuntu bugs | 09:45 |
mdz | it will also probably take me a week to find the time to do it properly | 09:45 |
kiko | I can commit a half-day to bugday participation | 09:45 |
kiko | at the expense of everything else | 09:45 |
ogra | i can do that too, but am busy with the first edubuntu CD until july 3rd | 09:45 |
kiko | mdz, why don't you write the documentation tonight, I review it tomorrow, we write the announcement on friday and launch a bugday on next tuesday? | 09:46 |
=== xuzo [~xuzo@81-203-43-239.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
kiko | tuesdays are good days | 09:46 |
kiko | no launchpad meetings | 09:46 |
mdz | kiko: I can't tonight; I have 70 bounty applications to review by friday | 09:46 |
seb128_ | speaking about bug howtos? | 09:46 |
ogra | kiko, tuesdays are TB and CC meetings | 09:46 |
mdz | seb128_: yes | 09:46 |
seb128_ | I can update GNOME stuff for ubuntu and put that to ubuntu bugzilla if you want: | 09:47 |
ogra | seb128_, you had something there | 09:47 |
kiko | mdz, why don't we just steal content and polish it later? | 09:47 |
seb128_ | http://developer.gnome.org/projects/bugsquad/triage/stock-responses.html | 09:47 |
kiko | that's talking! | 09:47 |
seb128_ | stock replies for dups, etc | 09:47 |
seb128_ | http://developer.gnome.org/projects/bugsquad/triage/ | 09:47 |
seb128_ | about triage | 09:47 |
seb128_ | basically this page is a good example | 09:47 |
mdz | that looks pretty good | 09:47 |
ogra | yep | 09:47 |
mdz | we just need to extend it to describe our severities and assignment process | 09:48 |
seb128_ | yep | 09:48 |
seb128_ | and describe the "forwarded upstream" case | 09:48 |
ogra | i could do it after the edubuntu summit, but i doubt i find the time before | 09:48 |
mdz | should we invite bugday participants to forward bugs? | 09:48 |
kiko | sure | 09:48 |
seb128_ | they should ask on IRC first | 09:48 |
ogra | yep | 09:49 |
kiko | they will ask everything on IRC first, at first | 09:49 |
mdz | tseng: yes, the issue with gcjwebplugin is that it has no security manager (and is therefore completely unsafe) | 09:49 |
tseng | argh | 09:49 |
mdz | I've added bugday documentation to my todo list | 09:49 |
mdz | hopefully by the end of the week | 09:49 |
kiko | okay | 09:50 |
ogra | mdz, if you cant make it, just forward it to me then | 09:50 |
mdz | ok | 09:50 |
ogra | since then its in my timeframe :) | 09:50 |
mdz | kiko: what shall we do about editbugs? | 09:50 |
kiko | mdz, revoke it before the first bugday and add it back gradually to people that deserve it. | 09:50 |
kiko | listen carefully on #ubuntu-bugs for complaints | 09:51 |
seb128 | editbugs, like people setting the milestone to the distrib they use? | 09:51 |
mdz | we should make an announcement and ask people to contact us in order to get it re-added | 09:51 |
kiko | yes | 09:51 |
kiko | well, the policy should be if you deserve it you get it | 09:51 |
mdz | I think I'm the only bugzilla admin at the moment; that is ab ug | 09:51 |
mdz | a bug | 09:51 |
chrissturm | ogra: dunno how to fix this. maybe you want to try a newer cvs snapshot | 09:51 |
mdz | kiko: right, but I don't have a list of everyone who deserves it. they need to remind us | 09:51 |
kiko | and when you get it, you get to read a page that tells you how to behave | 09:51 |
kiko | mdz, these people usually show up anyway :-) | 09:52 |
ogra | chrissturm, yes, thats my last resort | 09:52 |
chrissturm | ogra: http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/ffmpeg/libavcodec/libpostproc/postprocess_template.c.diff?r1=1.93&r2=1.94&cvsroot=FFMpeg | 09:52 |
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chrissturm | postprocess_template in cvs is very different from the cvs snapshot you were using | 09:53 |
chrissturm | ogra: sorry that i couldnt help | 09:53 |
=== chrissturm gotta go | ||
ogra | chrissturm, you already helped, thanks :) | 09:53 |
ogra | chrissturm, every pair of eyes counts ;) | 09:53 |
mdz | kiko,ogra: how about wednesday 6/29 as the first bugday? | 09:54 |
mdz | 0000-2359 UTC | 09:55 |
ogra | mdz, if we have the docs ready til then.... | 09:55 |
mdz | we will | 09:55 |
ogra | ok | 09:55 |
mdz | if it's not done by the end of this week, I will do it over the weekend | 09:55 |
Burgundavia | seb128, I already created wiki page with those responses, and created a forwarded upstream message | 09:55 |
ogra | then its ok with me... | 09:55 |
kiko | mdz, yes | 09:55 |
kiko | mdz, midnight UTC?! | 09:55 |
Burgundavia | BugResponses | 09:55 |
kiko | oh, the whole day, sorry | 09:55 |
mdz | kiko: a 24-hour UTC day, so everyone gets a piece in their time zone | 09:56 |
kiko | that's great | 09:56 |
kiko | I can handle 12UTC to about 17UTC | 09:56 |
kiko | I need editusers and editbugs | 09:56 |
kiko | k | 09:56 |
kiko | thx | 09:56 |
kiko | bye | 09:56 |
kiko | :) | 09:56 |
mdz | I can do about 0 UTC - 7 UTC, and then 15 UTC on | 09:56 |
mdz | kiko: did you just volunteer to become a bugzilla admin? | 09:57 |
ogra | :) | 09:57 |
kiko | to handle a bugday you need to have editusers and editbugs | 09:57 |
kiko | that's not optional | 09:57 |
kiko | otherwise people come to you and say "I can't do X" and you say uhhh yeah, contact the admin. | 09:57 |
kiko | that's not a very exciting bugday process | 09:57 |
mdz | kiko: how do I make you a bugzilla god? | 09:58 |
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kiko | it's more exciting if you say "whoosh here are your privs" and the guy says "oops I just deleted the Ubuntu product" | 09:58 |
mdz | I will do it right now | 09:58 |
=== kiko shakes head | ||
kiko | all that power | 09:58 |
seb128 | Burgundavia: "If the bug is not GNOME" ... you could have updated | 09:58 |
ogra | hehe | 09:58 |
kiko | mdz, editusers.cgi | 09:58 |
mdz | kiko: done | 09:58 |
kiko | mdz, "k-i-k-o-<enter>" | 09:58 |
kiko | click | 09:58 |
kiko | admin checkbox | 09:59 |
mdz | Added user to group editusers | 09:59 |
kiko | click | 09:59 |
mdz | Added user to group admin | 09:59 |
mdz | Added user to group editbugs | 09:59 |
kiko | update | 09:59 |
seb128 | mdz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugResponses to update for the standard replies | 09:59 |
kiko | thanks | 09:59 |
mdz | ogra: I can't find you in editusers.cgi for some reason | 09:59 |
mdz | oh, you changed your email | 10:00 |
mdz | ogra: you've got editbugs and editusers as well now | 10:00 |
ogra | thanks | 10:00 |
Nafallo | seb128: I have a bug for you on malone, but can't find out how to assign it :-P. #1111 for what's it worth :-). | 10:00 |
ogra | sure i changed :) | 10:01 |
mdz | kiko: would be nice if editusers.cgi would search realname as well as login | 10:01 |
kiko | Nafallo, I just commented on it. | 10:03 |
kiko | I need more information before moving it upstream. | 10:03 |
=== ogra just recognized that the chief editor of the software division of LinuxMagazine has a ubuntu bugzilla account :) | ||
mdz | Riddell: please update your email address in bugzilla and maintainer fields to @ubuntu.com | 10:04 |
tseng | Nafallo: ah dude, I did a use case on malone assignment | 10:04 |
tseng | Nafallo: they are totally hacking on a fix | 10:04 |
seb128 | Nafallo: the bug is quite useless, can you mention the error? | 10:04 |
seb128 | and the version/distrib | 10:04 |
mdz | ogra: do you know dholbach's email address in bugzilla? | 10:05 |
Nafallo | kiko: i just commented back :-) | 10:05 |
ogra | mailempfang.de | 10:05 |
Nafallo | tseng: rock on dude! :-) | 10:06 |
ogra | i think dh@ | 10:06 |
ogra | yes | 10:06 |
Nafallo | seb128: sure, I'll catch it again... | 10:06 |
seb128 | grumpf | 10:06 |
seb128 | malone has not NEEDINFO?? | 10:06 |
seb128 | wtf | 10:06 |
Nafallo | seb128: the error is in swedish ;-) | 10:07 |
seb128 | Nafallo: I'll use the .po to get the english one | 10:07 |
Nafallo | oki | 10:07 |
Riddell | mdz: done | 10:08 |
mdz | Riddell: thanks | 10:08 |
mdz | kiko: I'm granting editbugs to everyone I can think of who ought to have it | 10:08 |
mdz | should be a good starting point | 10:08 |
Nafallo | hehe, crossmessaging :-P | 10:08 |
kiko | mdz, have you revoked it? | 10:10 |
Nafallo | seb128: Ubuntu GNOME Team? you and dholbach? :-) | 10:10 |
mdz | kiko: not yet | 10:10 |
mdz | I thought it would be wiser to do it in this order :-P | 10:10 |
seb128 | Nafallo: quite of, we don't even have a list to get bugs, so ... | 10:10 |
=== dilinger notices ichat users w/ currently playing track displayed on aim. i want that; gaim pulling currently playing track from dbus, populated by totem or rhythmbox or something.. | ||
seb128 | mdz: did you change my bugzilla rights? | 10:11 |
mdz | seb128: I think you were already in editbugs | 10:11 |
seb128 | mdz: I had edit component stuff, seems to be removed now | 10:11 |
mdz | bu tat any rate I made sure you were | 10:11 |
kiko | Nafallo, commented again | 10:11 |
seb128 | I kind of use it :) | 10:11 |
mdz | seb128: why do you edit components? | 10:11 |
tseng | dilinger: muine publishes track info to dbus | 10:11 |
dilinger | nice | 10:12 |
seb128 | mdz: because half of GNOME stuff are not assigned to me and you keep reassign bugs | 10:12 |
mdz | seb128: oh, you're setting the default assignee. ok :-) | 10:12 |
seb128 | mdz: and because I've put the desktop-bug list as QA for a desktop stuff too | 10:12 |
tseng | dilinger: there is a little app called muine-shell to script it into things | 10:12 |
tseng | dilinger: if you dont want to connect straight to dbus | 10:12 |
mdz | seb128: fixed | 10:12 |
seb128 | s/a desktop stuff/desktop stuff/ | 10:12 |
seb128 | thanks | 10:12 |
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mdz | I was only thinking about editcomponents for adding and removing | 10:12 |
mdz | which should not be necessary since debzilla automates that | 10:12 |
seb128 | right | 10:12 |
=== Nafallo installs grip | ||
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mdz | ok, I think I'm ready to revoke global editbugs | 10:23 |
Nafallo | kiko-afk, seb128: commented. | 10:27 |
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kiko-afk | mdz, announce and do it | 10:27 |
mdz | kiko-afk: writing the announcement now | 10:27 |
mdz | kiko-afk,ogra: ok if I mention you guys as points of contact for getting editbugs back? | 10:27 |
ogra | yeps | 10:28 |
mdz | alternatively, I can tell them to just show up to the bug day | 10:28 |
mdz | where editbugs will flow like water | 10:28 |
ogra | hopefully :) | 10:28 |
kiko-afk | right | 10:29 |
kiko-afk | tell them to show up on the bugday | 10:29 |
Nafallo | bugday? find as many as possible and get a prize? :-) | 10:30 |
ogra | Nafallo, nope | 10:31 |
kiko-afk | Nafallo, that too :) | 10:31 |
ogra | Nafallo, find the ones the community decides as the worst and gat famous AND get a prize !! :) | 10:31 |
ogra | s/gat/get | 10:31 |
mdz | announced | 10:31 |
Nafallo | ogra: hehe | 10:32 |
kiko-afk | mdz, you are a phat hacker | 10:32 |
mdz | and removed editbugs from .* | 10:32 |
mdz | kiko-afk: s/hacker/document0r/ | 10:32 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu Development | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-love for getting involved | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DeveloperResources | Colony CD 1 released | don't use ppc64 kernels yet. wait for the next release kthxbye. | If you have unexpectedly lost editbugs privileges, talk to mdz/ogra/kiko | ||
kiko-afk | I will only give editbugs back given a bribe, I forewarn people | 10:37 |
Burgundavia | can I have editbugs back? | 10:39 |
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kiko-afk | Burgundavia, do you commit to a) not changing target milestone spuriously b) being responsible with existing bug data c) upholding justice truth and liberty | 10:42 |
kiko-afk | Burgundavia, note that a) is the hard requirement | 10:42 |
Burgundavia | yes | 10:42 |
kiko-afk | yes yes yes? | 10:42 |
Burgundavia | yes yes yes | 10:42 |
ogra | kiko-afk, i think we can give the power back to Burgundavia ;) | 10:43 |
Burgundavia | I don't think I have ever changed a target milestone | 10:43 |
kiko-afk | okay, changing | 10:43 |
kiko-afk | Burgundavia, we're doing this for your good. you need to strive to uphold justice truth and liberty. and love. | 10:43 |
kiko-afk | (and linux) | 10:44 |
ogra | kiko-afk, he does, he was always a helpful bugfighter :) | 10:44 |
=== Burgundavia has visions of neo-orwellian stuff | ||
ogra | hehe | 10:44 |
kiko-afk | whoa! | 10:44 |
kiko-afk | who beat me to editusers? | 10:44 |
ogra | kiko-afk, youself ? | 10:44 |
kiko-afk | no, somebody else added him before. | 10:45 |
=== kiko-afk snifs | ||
kiko-afk | I'm out for a bit, bbi1hmol | 10:45 |
ogra | have fun | 10:45 |
tseng | if you understood that instantly | 10:46 |
tseng | you are a geek | 10:46 |
Nafallo | lol | 10:46 |
=== tseng is guilty. | ||
Nafallo | rhytmbox eat's my cpu :-P | 10:46 |
Burgundavia | I discovered why beagle was eating all my cpu | 10:47 |
=== Burgundavia hangs his head in shame | ||
=== Burgundavia had --fg option set | ||
tseng | yeah no kidding | 10:48 |
Nafallo | and I deleted the songs it was playing ;-) | 10:48 |
tseng | printf is expensive for some reason | 10:48 |
tseng | or, programs with lots of output run faster when redirected somewhere other than the screen at least | 10:49 |
doko | mdz: please could you turn editbugs for me again, just as long as there are C++ ABI change related bugs reports open? | 10:54 |
ogra | doko, i'll do it | 10:55 |
mdz | doko: I turned it on for you before I even disabled it globally | 10:55 |
ogra | ah | 10:55 |
mdz | Burgundavia: likewise for you, I had already given you editbugs | 10:56 |
Burgundavia | ah | 10:56 |
Burgundavia | thanks | 10:56 |
doko | mdz: thanks | 10:57 |
mdz | the mail was pretty explicit: I've re-added a bunch of people, and contact us only if you find that you _don't_ have privileges :-) | 10:57 |
doko | nitpicking ;-) | 10:57 |
mdz | kiko-afk: how do I create global saved searches? | 10:59 |
whiprush | thom: ? why do I rock? | 10:59 |
ajmitch | morning | 11:00 |
mdz | fabbione: is the unionfs in 2.6.12-2 the newest upstream? | 11:01 |
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Amaranth | hrm | 11:01 |
Amaranth | i changed my ram timings and such and memtest no longer reports any errors | 11:01 |
Amaranth | so now i'm just lost as to why X apps all segfault | 11:01 |
Amaranth | something about OpenWindow in gdb, but i can't get a backtrace | 11:02 |
Amaranth | i'll just reinstall hoary | 11:02 |
mdz | Amaranth: perhaps you have corrupted packages from the time when your ram was introducing random errors | 11:02 |
Amaranth | yeah, but that was 300 packages | 11:03 |
Amaranth | touching everything from GTK to X to the kernel | 11:03 |
Amaranth | so i'll just reinstall | 11:03 |
Amaranth | i have /home on it's own partition so it's not like i lose anything | 11:03 |
Amaranth | bbl | 11:04 |
Burgundavia | can someone else with breezy confirm that this bug is fixed? https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1944 | 11:09 |
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Nafallo | Burgundavia: how to scroll that one? | 11:14 |
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Nafallo | Burgundavia: seems fixed AFAICT | 11:16 |
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Burgundavia | I just fixed it | 11:17 |
Burgundavia | s/fixed it/marked it fixed | 11:17 |
mdz | Burgundavia: thanks for your help in bugzilla | 11:23 |
mdz | it's getting a bit out of hand, which is why we're trying to organize more community involvement | 11:23 |
Burgundavia | np | 11:23 |
Burgundavia | our bz is nothing compared to the gnome one | 11:24 |
mdz | how many people work in the gnome bugzilla? | 11:27 |
Burgundavia | no idea, but the issue is always that of man power | 11:27 |
Burgundavia | s/man/people | 11:27 |
mdz | bugzilla.mozilla.org has many more bugs than we do, but they also have many more people | 11:28 |
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\sh | mdz: sorry for being late, but can you shortly explain, what's going wrong, what fields were filled in wrong etc.?? | 11:31 |
=== Weems [weems@24-179-7-89.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
kiko-afk | \sh, mainly target milestone being misused | 11:32 |
\sh | kiko-afk: means? | 11:32 |
\sh | or did anyone explained it already here and it's in the irclogs? then I'm going to read now ;) | 11:35 |
ogra | \sh, not everybody should be able to change things in bugzilla, we changed it so we can assign write rights to people who kow what they do (and which show up on the bugday) | 11:36 |
ogra | s/things/severity, target milestone, asignee/ | 11:37 |
\sh | ogra: thx :) understand...*phew* and I thought, someone pushed all entries to me *sweatbloodandtears* | 11:38 |
ogra | \sh, hmm, good idea.... | 11:38 |
=== ogra fires up firefox | ||
\sh | *praystothedevilfor666* | 11:39 |
ogra | \sh, already solved https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=666 | 11:40 |
ogra | \sh, and you wouldnt have wanted this one ;) | 11:40 |
ajmitch | looks evil | 11:41 |
ogra | yes, 666 | 11:42 |
ogra | :) | 11:42 |
\sh | ok...lemme have a look at 1001 | 11:43 |
Burgundavia | mdz, for stuff that has moved out of main into universe (ggv), can I mark the old bug as universe and create on in malone? | 11:48 |
kiko-afk | Burgundavia, sounds like a plan | 11:49 |
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Burgundavia | bug work is sleep enducing | 11:58 |
bddebian | heh | 11:58 |
Burgundavia | how can you mark something as upstream, and not list a url for an upstream bug? | 11:59 |
seb128 | there is no policy saying that upstream == forwarded | 12:00 |
seb128 | I use that for GNOME bugs though | 12:00 |
Burgundavia | hmm, ok | 12:00 |
Burgundavia | I filed a malone bug about this | 12:00 |
Burgundavia | stating that upstream == forwarded | 12:00 |
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