
ivoksajmitch: looks like you and me aren't members yet :)12:01
ivokswell... time to go12:03
ivoksnight all12:03
ivoks1:1 :)12:03
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ajmitchonly accordin to launchpad..12:06
Mezyeah, apparentlly Riddell isnt a member :P12:25
ajmitchbecause the existing members haven't been imported there12:28
Riddellam too12:41
RiddellI was the first member12:41
leslievg'nite all!12:42
=== Thanatermesis [~Enlighten@95-211.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Thanatermesisany person like to are a beta-tester for the packages of E17 ? (from debian originally)01:06
ThanatermesisI need to adapt my packages for ubuntu users for if any ubuntu user are interessing01:07
ajmitchI'd like to, if I weren't at work :)01:09
BurgundaviaThanatermesis, you might find more takers in #ubuntu01:10
Thanatermesisno ubuntu interessed...01:10
Thanatermesisubuntu persons speak: what is E17 ?01:10
=== terrex taotrodiita
=== mfgalizi [~mfgalizi@CPE000f66e3da54-CM000f9f7770aa.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
mfgaliziOK, so, I added my requested package to the UniverseCandidates site, and the location of the packages I have made too.  Now I can just wait, or is there something more I should do to get these included?01:16
ajmitchyes, add them to MOTUNewPackages01:21
mfgaliziand thats the start of the submission queue?01:22
ajmitchin a sense :)01:22
mfgalizithanks ajmitch01:22
mfgaliziShould it be accepted, will I be offered the opportunity to maintain? (like the Debian mentors thing)01:24
ajmitchwe don't have a strict concpet of maintainership as debian does01:24
mfgaliziok, well, mission one is getting it in, i'll worry about the rest later.01:24
ajmitchyou could certainly put up new versions for review & becoming a MOTU is much quicker than becoming a DD :)01:25
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ajmitchmfgalizi: you may wish to put your name in the MOTUNewPackages page there..01:32
mfgaliziajmitch, under "NEW Maintiner" ?01:34
mfgalizimy name is mentioned on the paged linked to by location01:36
bddebianHeya ajmitch01:37
ajmitchhello bddebian01:37
=== tseng wonders why he wanted to put all this mono stuff in main
ajmitchbecause you enjoy pain01:39
bddebianHe's like Jeff then eh.. :-)01:40
mfgaliziok, thanks all!01:40
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tsengbddebian: eh01:47
Burgundaviatseng, because it builds character01:50
=== tseng looks over at his 43423423 hoary cds
bddebianYou have 43M Hoary CDs?02:10
tsengno, i have 7002:10
tsenggive or take a few02:10
tsengajmitch: did you get my mail to -devel02:20
ajmitchlast one I saw from you was a couple of days ago about the maintainer's guide02:25
tsengi posted on about main reviews02:26
tsenga few minutes/hours ago02:26
tsengah i have it now02:26
ajmitchgmane has it02:26
tsengi *just* got it02:26
dokoajmitch: could you have a look at http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/g/ginac/1.3.0-2ubuntu3/ginac_1.3.0-2ubuntu3_20050622-0050-i386-failed.gz02:26
ajmitchdoko: alright..02:26
ajmitchdoko: I'll update the existing dpatch for it then02:36
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dokoajmitch: thanks02:39
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bddebianSo if I want to start doing some stuff, should I install breezy?04:15
ajmitchat least in a chroot04:17
bddebianpfft, chroots are for pussies.. :-)04:17
ajmitchhow kind of you to say so04:17
bddebianBah.. :-)04:27
bddebianajmitch: You don't love me anymore either?? :'-(04:34
ajmitchonly when you decide to be insulting & silly again :)04:35
bddebianOK, I admit I'm weird, but am I really insulting?04:38
crimsuna bit grating at times.04:38
crimsunthe language could certainly be a bit less colourful, too.04:38
=== bddebian scrolls back and only sees one even remotely dirty word
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\shahhhyes...my kde is running again08:17
Lathiatgnome never broke! ;p08:38
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\shkde also not08:44
\shbut X08:44
\shXkb at least ;) and then my .kde settings were f****up08:44
Lathiatits all Xs fault ;p08:44
Lathiatgnome didnt get upset about buggered xkb tho,it just asked once about it? ;P08:44
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DanielN_how can i check the right version compiled with gcc4 for the build deps (talking about cxx trans)09:55
\shDanielN_: you mean gnome?09:56
\shDanielN_: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/09:57
DanielN_\sh: gnome?? no, not gnome09:57
\shwhcih package?09:57
DanielN_unmet buld deps09:57
\shDanielN_: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/s/soqt/09:57
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DanielN_\sh: well, the build deps are the same as mine, but it doesn't build??10:02
\shDanielN_: put your buildlogs somewhere so that I can see :)10:04
DanielN_it's just the same as yesterday with aqsis.. but i don't know the right version10:05
DanielN_for the build deps10:06
DanielN_dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: doxygen xlibs-dev xlibmesa-dev | libgl-dev libcoin40-dev libqt3-mt-dev qt3-dev-tools10:06
\shin your pbuilder?10:06
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DanielN_\sh: i'm building on breezy direct10:12
DanielN_ok :)10:17
\shwhy don't u use pbuilder? it's easier to debug pbuilder package.dsc &> build.log10:17
DanielN_\sh, ok ok.. but that doesn't solve my problem...10:20
DanielN_how to find out, to what the deps must be changed10:20
\shDanielN_: i can't tell you, cause I don't know what you have installed on your main system10:21
\shapt-get install oxygen xlibs-dev xlibmesa-dev libcoin40-dev libqt3-mt-dev qt3-dev-tools10:21
\shDanielN_: pbuilder would say which package he can't fetch10:21
DanielN_\sh, ok i pbuild it when i'm back from toilet ;)10:22
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DanielN_hm.. seems that it builds with pbuilder :/10:45
\shDanielN_: so you didn't install all the deps on your system...that's the reason why: use pbuilder10:46
DanielN_\sh: you smoked how much today?10:46
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DanielN_ouch :/10:47
DanielN_for me: 2 *freu* :))10:47
shawarmaCan someone please explain the difference between universe and multiverse?10:48
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DanielN_multiverse are non free10:48
DanielN_if i'm right10:48
shawarmaDanielN_: I see. What's in "restricted", then?10:48
DanielN_packages linked to stuff in main, but non free10:49
DanielN_if i'm right again ;)10:49
shawarmaOk... The why is restricted enabled by default, but not (un|mult)iverse?10:51
DanielN_no  security fixes10:51
DanielN_in universe and multiverse10:51
DanielN_that's why they are not enabled10:51
DanielN_by default10:51
Lathiatis anyone working with the debian guys to provide security updates wereposible?10:52
ajmitchthere's at least 1 person working hard on universe security10:52
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herziogra: ping11:23
\shDanielN_: i will grab it now and try to upload11:26
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DanielN_\sh, soqt?11:32
\shDanielN_: jepp11:35
\shDanielN_: u r subscriped to breezy changes?11:36
\shUrgency: low11:44
\shMaintainer: Steve M. Robbins <smr@debian.org>11:44
\shChanged-By: Daniel Neuenschwander <neuenschwander@dev.erased.ch>11:44
\sh libsoqt-dev - Qt GUI component toolkit for Inventor - development11:44
\sh libsoqt20  - Qt GUI component toolkit for Inventor - runtime11:44
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DanielN_\sh, huh?11:55
DanielN_\sh, another question, what i don't understand yet: how are these debdiffs which we provide in the bts applied to the package? is this happen in the buildd's ?11:56
\shno...by hand11:56
\shor automatically via script .. but not on the buildds11:57
ivoksDanielN_: via patch program :)12:00
DanielN_ok guys12:10
DanielN_i'm leaving.. i toke free for this afternoon, harhar ;)12:10
DanielN_cu later12:10
ivoksi'm holiday in croatia :)12:12
ograherzi, pong12:19
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ivoksogra: i would like to join edubuntu12:32
ograivoks, great12:33
ivoksand maybe with time, fork project :)12:34
ograare you already subscribed to edubuntu-devel ?12:34
ivoksnope, will do that...12:34
ograyep, thats a good start12:34
ivoksi'm thinking to start corporate team12:36
ivoksthat would produce server-clients enviorment12:36
ivoksit very much like edubuntu, so contributing to edubuntu would be good start :)12:36
ograivoks, that is what edubuntu is going for, yes... we start with one classroom and grow/shrink the setup in further releases...12:38
ograskolelinux is dreaming of 50000 clients and 200 servers and the like...12:39
ograso we'll try to scale up to this as near as we can :)12:40
siretartdoes anyone happen to know if we have kolab (or even kolab2) in breezy?12:51
ivoksi was checking that app too yestrday12:51
ivokswe have koffice :)12:51
siretarta friend is looking for a groupware solution, and I try to convince him of ubuntu :)12:52
ivoksno, kolab isn't in breezy12:52
ivokssiretart: evolution-data-center?12:52
siretartivoks: jepp. koffice and kmail and friends are the client parts. I'm talking about the server part12:52
herziogra: i have new hula packages12:52
herzi(built against hoary)12:52
ivoksevolution-data-server :)12:53
ograherzi, why no breezy ?12:53
siretartivoks: do you happen to know what would be necessary to syncronize evolution calendars and tasks? what kind of server software would I need?12:53
herzii'm still on hoary (the X issue)12:53
ivokssiretart: i'm checking it right now12:54
herziwhen i'm back from the linuxtag i'll build it against breezy12:54
ivokssiretart: i think it's localhost only12:54
siretartherzi: we cannot upload to hoary anymore, its released. if you want them included (I'd love to test them for my friend looking for a groupware solution), you would need to provide packages for breezy12:54
ivokssiretart: but you have opengroupware and phpgroupware12:54
siretartivoks: that would be webbased only then?12:55
ivokssiretart: this two work with evolution/thunderbird/outlook etc12:55
ivokssiretart: no12:55
ivokssiretart: webdav12:55
siretartivoks: phpgroupware have an webdav enabled server onboard nowadays?12:55
siretartlast time I checked that (ok, about 3 years ago), I didn't find anythin in that direction12:56
siretartperhaps 2yrs.12:56
ivokssiretart: i'm sure for opengroupware12:57
siretarthm. he wanted to check egroupware, iirc..12:58
siretartivoks: but thanks anyway. is on the list for evaluation.12:58
siretartmust work on review-tool first ;)12:58
ivokshttp://www.instantogo.com/ - nice :)12:59
siretartivoks: yeah, I found that earlier today. but if I understood that correctly, they don't provide free downloads01:00
herzisiretart: you can tell your friend to take a look at http://www.blaubeermuffin.de/packages/hula01:00
herzithey should be fine for breezy too (as i also run them on sarge without recompiling)01:01
siretartherzi: that'll be great. we also installed sarge on the target machine, so I would recompile for sarge anyway01:01
siretartherzi: do you have a reference which lists the key features of hula?01:02
Burgundaviahula is under pretty heavy development right now01:02
BurgundaviaI would choose something more stable for a production system01:02
siretartherzi: would you consider hula mature enough for replacement of an exchange server for a small office?01:03
herzii think you should wait about 6 months01:03
herzii'm using it for my personal email only01:03
siretartok. thank you anyway01:03
herziit mostly works01:04
Burgundaviain about 6 months, once they get the gmail-style interface going, it will rock01:04
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\shogra: ping01:34
=== asw waves
ivokshi/bye :)01:47
\shAnyone interessted in building a MOTU InstantMessaging team?01:48
aswWhat is an InstantMessaging team?01:50
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ivoks\sh: ?01:51
\shInstant Messaging is clear I think, something like Jabber01:52
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\shso, the team should build an enviroment to have a good ammount of components etc. for jabber IM and build a server base for installing a jabber im solution directly from cd ;)01:54
ivoksi think this could be inside one bigger team01:58
ivokslike corporate team01:58
ivokswith IM and groupware01:59
\shivoks: right now theres nothing at all :)02:00
\shivoks: the server pakcages for jabber are crap..i just updated jabberme.net/org/de with a new version of jabberd2 (compiled against hoary)02:00
\shivoks: the components right now, are only build against jabberd1, which is, sorry to say, obsolete for the majority of jabber IM developers02:01
ivoksi don't use jabber that often02:01
ivoksjabber can have server on one computer and clients in same subnet?02:01
\shivoks: u should.02:01
\shivoks: jabber is decentralized02:02
ivoksso they could use it wihtout contacting outside?02:02
\shivoks: sure02:02
ivoksdidn't know that...02:02
\shivoks: sending messages is only one small part of the jabber idea02:02
ivokswhat else?02:03
\shjabber, better to say, xmpp is an xml stream protocol, where u can transform one protocol data into xml , transport it via jabber server, and on the other side, there is a client which can translate the xml data into native data and display it02:03
\shor do something else with it02:03
\she.g. pubsub02:04
\shthere is a whole community which is using pubsub via jabber to get their rss feeds, or something else...02:04
\shthere is more02:07
\shsending mail to your im account...first it lands into your imap account, second it will be send to your IM client directly02:07
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\shok..going home now...cu later guys02:16
siretartdoes anybody has a better name than "review-tool"?02:20
siretartnope. already taken02:20
tsengwhat are you making?02:21
siretartimplementing http://siretart.tauware.de/review-tool02:21
siretarthow about uma?02:23
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JResiretart: may be reviewforge02:27
JRepackage-forge ?02:28
JanC"revu" ?02:29
JReJanC: revu is cool ;)02:29
siretartWe've chosen uma, reffering to the nameing scheme of dak ;)02:30
elmouma's already in use in packaged dak02:31
siretartI've seen it only on the "reserved for future use" list02:32
JResiretart: in which language is coded review-tool ?02:33
siretartJRe: python02:33
siretart# Add a user to to the uid/maintainer/fingerprint table and02:33
siretartok, found uma02:33
tsengis that thing going to integrate automatic pbuild/lintian/linda testing?02:34
tsengor just be a place for us to sanely comment02:34
tsengdont get me wrong I already like it02:35
siretarttseng: yes, this is planned for next step. we want to have basic reviewing functionality soon02:35
JRei find that rock too :)02:35
tsenggreat stuff02:35
siretartelmo: could you suggest an neat name? ;)02:35
siretartok, will take JanC's suggestion: revu02:44
JResiretart: yeah that is cool ;)02:45
ograsiretart, elma ;) (elmo automated)02:50
ogra(since it builds and tests the packages like he does)02:50
tsengwe could call it grover02:52
tsengbecause he hangs with elmo02:52
ograyeah, great :)02:52
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bddebianQuiet today.  Have I scared everyone away?? :-)03:47
\shhey jre03:52
bddebianHello JRe03:55
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Micksawhat's the deal with the mplayer/ac3 bug?04:22
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DanielNhi folks :)06:33
bddebianHeya DanielN06:34
DanielNback from river :)06:39
DanielNnow fixing libyehia ;>06:39
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bddebianDanielN: Which river?06:46
\shDanielN: your package went through :)06:47
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DanielNbddebian, the Aare in bern, switzerland06:56
bddebianAhh, a little ways away from me. :-)06:56
DanielN\sh, i saw .. i'm happy, thx ;)06:56
DanielNbddebian, from where do you come06:56
DanielN\sh, but need help again anyways.. got 5mins for me?06:56
bddebianDanielN: Pennsylvania USA currently06:57
DanielNbddebian, ou.. well, i think there are a huge of larger rivers in US06:57
bddebianYeah, we have the Delaware river close to us06:57
DanielN\sh, i'm working on libyehia..06:57
DanielN\sh, it's pulling out something about deps i don't understand, but look:06:58
DanielN libsigcx-gtk-0.6-dev: Depends: libsigcx-0.6-dev (= 0.6.4-4) but it is not going to be installed06:58
DanielN                        Depends: libsigcx-gtk-0.6-1 (>= 0.6.4-4) but it is not going to be installed06:58
DanielNbut this versions _are_ in breezy already :/06:59
\shDanielN: did u update your pbuilder?07:00
DanielN\sh, yes.. but sorry.. i found it already...07:01
DanielNlibsigcx-0.6-dev isn't in the build deps *shame*07:01
=== bddebian is bored
\sh universe07:02
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\shDanielN: ask ajmitch if he uploaded already :)07:02
\shsame for libsigcx-gtk-0.6-1c207:02
DanielN\sh: i'm talking about libsigcx-dev-0.6-207:03
DanielN\sh: i'm talking about libsigcx-0.6-2-dev07:03
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\shDanielN: yes :) development packages :)07:04
\shfor the same libs07:04
DanielNaway to eat07:05
\shDanielN: if they're showstoppers for u right now, ping ajmitch :) and poke him ;)07:05
bddebianDang, where is everyone today?07:10
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bddebianmort_: THE moritz?07:11
mort_bddebian: the one and only07:11
bddebianmort_: How have you been?07:12
mort_bddebian: a bit pissed of, I thought I were home by now. trains in .ch don't work anymore07:14
mort_bddebian: great power outage :-(07:14
mort_bddebian: how about you? feeling fine? /join #bub-n-bros07:14
bddebianmort_: I'm seeing if I can't get everyone in #ubuntu-motu to hate me like they do in #d-d   :-)07:33
\shbddebian: we signed a letter of intend to not hate anybody for stupid questions :)07:37
\shok...away...for some hours07:37
bddebianOh man, now no one is going to be here.. :'-(07:40
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tim__can someone point me in the direction of a good tutorial for building ur first ubuntu package?07:52
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bddebiantim__: I haven't read it, but you can look at this one:  https://wiki.duckcorp.org/DebianPackagingTutorial_2fCDBS07:58
DanielNwow mort_ shows his ass up at ubuntu chans :)07:59
bddebianDanielN: Watch your language.. :-)08:00
DanielNbddebian, i'm sure mort_ is understanding this.. aren't you? :P08:00
DanielNor interpreting it correctly08:00
ograbddebian, please dont advise people to use cdbs for their first package08:01
bddebianDanielN: Yes, but I got in trouble for saying pussy last night.. :-)  BTW, I was kidding08:01
bddebianogra: Oh, sorry08:01
ogratim__, try the debian new maintainers guide and learn a bit about debhelper and friends before you switch to cdbs, you need it first :)08:01
Nafallobddebian: you should have said kitten :-)08:01
DanielNajmitch, ping08:02
bddebianogra: Do YOU know where there is info about the framework for building Ubuntu based distros?08:02
ograbddebian, i only know there is a liveCD customization howto08:02
bddebianHmm, I read on one of the pages about some framework for creating derivitive distro's.. :-(08:03
ograbut for rebranding you will have to look in other corners then that08:03
bddebianWell I'm mainly thinking about Ubuntu GNU/Hurd.. ;-)08:03
ograbddebian, aks Kamion in -devel if you cant find something on the wiki... i know it was planned, but i'm not sure if it was a hoary or breezy goal08:04
bddebianogra: OK, thanks08:04
DanielNogra, are there any server related things to do for MOTU ?08:04
ograDanielN server related things ?08:05
ograyou mean maintaining packages of server software ?08:05
DanielNwell, short time ago i had a sleepless night, cause there were a huge of ideas in server stategies08:06
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DanielNogra, so, not only maintaining, but bringing in new ideas in the perspective of a good server distro08:06
DanielNdifficult to say exactlier what i mean in english :/08:07
ograDanielN sure...08:07
ograwasnt there a MOTUServer team ? if not ? add one ;)08:07
DanielNsounds cool08:07
bddebianogra: I think my second StinkPad showed up today.  So where should I start? :-)08:07
DanielNStinkPad ?08:08
ograhmm, in malone probably...08:08
bddebianDanielN: IBM ThinkPad08:08
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ograbddebian, just garb a bugor two and fix it...08:08
bddebianogra: Breezy stuff?08:09
=== herve [~hcauwelie@ip-3.net-81-220-179.nice.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianogra: From launchpad?08:09
ograhoary is non interesting for us08:09
bddebianHeya herve08:09
hervehello everybody!08:09
ograhi herve08:09
hervehow was your "fte de la musique" ? :-)08:10
DanielNbddebian, Thinkpads are great with ubuntu.. have one at work08:11
ograHPs are even better ;)08:12
herveDanielN, I want to sign "when" TONIGHT!08:12
herveDell aren't :(08:12
ograsince the kernel gets HP patches for their HW :)08:12
hervequestions are usually followed by a question mark :-)08:13
bddebiansmart-aXX :-)08:13
squinnI'm not a packager, not even a MOTU. I just come in here to help..without being a MOTU. If I know there's a new package out, do I package it per DeveloperResources' says to, and then forward to maintainer?08:14
ograsquinn, only if it wont show up in debian in time for breezy... else you would duplicate the work...08:16
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ograso if you have something that doesnt exist in either of them and isnt likely to show up in debian soon, package it and put it on MOTUNewPackages08:16
squinnI said that wrong, ogra.08:18
squinnI meant a new version of a package currently in universe.08:19
DanielNou.. hi squinn :)08:19
DanielNcould someone say to me, how the win terminal services client is named in ubuntu? (i'm on wmaker, so no gnome menu)08:20
squinnlike the command?08:21
squinnis tsclient as herve said08:21
DanielNthanks :)08:21
bddebianOnly 316 bugs.  Bah, I'll have those done by the end of the week.. ;-P08:22
ograsquinn, and this package is newer in debian too ?08:23
ograsquinn, then we just can sync it... else poke the debian maintainer or help him wth updating the debian package08:24
=== therning [~chatzilla@modem-3348.jaguar.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
therninghi all!08:26
squinnogra, i'll check08:26
therningI have a question about bug reporting on a universe package in Ubuntu, anyone around who might be able to answer?08:26
ograsquinn, yep08:26
ogratherning, shoot08:26
squinnogra, the old version still exists in debian unstable08:27
therningogra, is reporting it in Malone enough or should I do something more? (e.g. send a mail to the Debian maintainer, or to a mailing list, or something.)08:27
ograsquinn, so mail the maintainer in debian and offer to help updating, or if you dont like that, pick a package that isnt packed yet08:28
mort_bddebian: oh no, that's terrible! why does #d-d hate you?08:28
ogratherning, malone should be enough08:28
bddebianHello therning08:28
bddebianmort_: Because I'm a PITA :-)08:28
therningogra, ok, cool... I've uploaded modified a package that solves the bugs as well, which I've noted in the bug reports... the packages are for Hoary though08:29
squinnogra, mailing the Ubuntu maintainer, correct?08:29
squinnnot Debian08:29
therningbddebian, hi!08:29
ograsquinn, nope, debian08:29
mort_bddebian: maybe you should change something on you... nobody likes PITAs08:29
mort_(although it reminds me off maxican food)08:30
ograsquinn, the desired process is always to fix stuff in debian and then only sync .... ubuntu has no individual package maintainers like debian08:30
squinnogra, same guy, no worries08:30
ograah, ok08:30
squinnokay, so let me get this straight08:30
ograbtw, which package ?08:31
squinnbasically most "fixed" things in ubuntu come from fixes in debian08:31
squinnamule, ogra08:31
ograah, i guess that has to wait for the new wx packages08:31
plugwashlamont any news on the bootstrapping of freepascal (source package fpc binary packages fp-*)?08:31
therningthanks for your time, I'm off to enjoy the tennis08:31
ograsquinn, nope, but fixes we _have_ to make should flow back....08:31
ograsquinn, a newer version of a package is not a fix08:32
ograsquinn, the problem is, if you do a fix only in ubuntu, you have to do it again on every update.... which is a hell lot of work08:32
bddebianWell it COULD be :-)08:32
squinnlet me rephrase that then08:33
DanielNajmitch, ping08:33
squinnall new versions of packages we get in ubuntu must be in debian first?08:33
ograsquinn, so to reduce our work we should always try to get our fixes beck upstream (debian)08:33
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plugwashogra that assumes that the debian package ever changes ;)08:33
ograsquinn, they _shoud_ be in debian first... sometimes that doesnt work.....08:33
bddebianogra: Debian is upstream for Ubuntu?08:34
bddebianAck, I didn't know that08:34
bddebianSo for an Ubuntu GNU/Hurd, I would want to rely on Debian?08:35
squinni don't understand what you mean by upstream08:35
squinni've heard upstream/downstream before08:36
squinnbut i don't understand what they mean08:36
bddebiansquinn: Typically upstream means the actual package developer08:36
bddebianor maintainer if you will08:36
uniqupstream is where we (you) get something from - downstream is whoever uses your stuff. afaik.08:37
ograsquinn, the _real_ upstream is the software developer who worte the software... he is also upstream for debian...08:37
ograsquinn, since debian pulls its packages dirctly from the programmer, he is their upstream....08:38
squinnah, i understand08:38
ograsquinn, we pull our packages mostly from debian, so debian is ours08:38
squinnand ubuntu is the upstream for the user08:38
bddebianWow, I hadn't realized that there was that much dependency on Debian.  Hmm08:38
squinnbddebian, neither did I, but I get it now.08:39
squinnI just read that Breezy right now starts off as a snapshot of sid.08:39
squinnor any new release.08:39
ograsquinn, and the coolest thing is to get your patches applied at the _real_ upstream... saves work for all parties08:39
squinnAnd then feature goals are set, and it is updated.08:39
bddebianIt just never happens.. ;-)08:39
squinnogra, lemme try to use a real life example.08:39
siretartelma's made good progress today, /me's currently fighting with mod_python...08:39
squinnSome of my friends here at the DocTeam have a problem with yelp and gnome-doc-utils that caused a bug.08:40
squinnWe reported bug at GNOME bugzilla. Programmer made a patched new version.08:40
squinnSo there's a new version. The package in question is gnome-doc-utils, in "main".08:41
squinnOur version is 0.20-0ubuntu108:42
squinnThat's across-the-board, from Hoary to Breezy [unsure on Warty, probably Warty too] 08:42
squinnDebian's version is 0.1.3-308:42
squinnand that version's only available in sid08:44
squinner sarge*08:44
squinnsorry, sarge08:44
plugwashsquinn sarge is now stable btw08:45
bddebianogra: How do you differentiate yourself from Debian then?08:45
plugwashits etch and sid you wan't to be looking at for debians current stuff08:45
ograbddebian, with the patches we do... there is a lot of stuff where things did/couldnt flow back08:45
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squinni know that, plugwash08:45
ograbddebian, but you will se a lot of our stuff in etch08:45
bddebianogra: So if you patch a Debian package, do you try to get them to apply the patch first and then re-package, or just add an "Ubuntu" patch?08:46
squinn1.232 is latest version.08:47
squinnThat brings up my dilemma.08:47
ograbddebian, that would take to long, we apply it to our package...08:47
ograbddebian, but then offer it to the DD to add it to his package08:48
ograso if we are lucky, he accepts hem and we dont have to care in the next version08:48
bddebianogra: Well maybe I'm just thinking about it from the GNU/Hurd perspective but it's usually "interesting" to try to get patches applied. :-)08:49
ograbddebian, yes, sadly...08:49
squinn.2.0.1 is in debian unstable hence why we have it in our main08:49
squinn[we have 2.0.0-ubuntu1 which i can basically say is pretty much the same thing] 08:49
ograbddebian, but a major part actually flows back... gnome, xorg etc08:49
ograbddebian, mostly through the fact that the DD also works for the ubuntu packages08:50
bddebianogra: OK, so let me see if I get this straight.  I get foo-0.1 from Debian.  I make some patches for Ubuntu and make foo-0.1ubuntu1.  Debian does whatever and makes foo-0.2 without including the Ubuntu patches.  Now I have to re-pull foo from Debian and re-test/patch08:52
ograyep, sadly...08:52
ogramost of the patches szill apply... but not all08:53
=== bddebian needs to re-think MOTU aspirations.. :-)
ograstill even08:53
siretartcan anyone recommend a neat mod-python template engine?08:53
siretartthis psp stuff sucks08:53
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ivokshi all08:54
bddebianHello ivoks08:55
ivoksogra: ping08:55
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ivoksbddebian: hey, feeling better today? :)08:55
bddebianBetter than what? :-)08:56
ivoksbddebian: better than "why doesn't anyone like me?"08:56
ograivoks, qong08:56
bddebianivoks: Oh, I already know the answer to that. :-)08:56
ivoksogra: is it ok if I start doing somethin with LDAP?08:56
ivoksogra: and what is ContentFiltering? Squid based?08:57
ivoksogra: (i'm talking about edubuntu :)08:57
bddebianogra: So what is the benefit of MOTU vs. DD?  If I became a DD, I would be helping Ubuntu as much as/more than being an MOTU??08:57
tsengbddebian: it takes a very long time to become a dd08:57
bddebianI know08:57
tsengbut it would probably help more08:57
bddebianThat was more of a philosophical question08:58
tsengif you were interesting in sponsoring packages08:58
tsengi guess08:58
bddebianWell I have a few packages.  Problem is some of the attitudes that have invaded Debian (In my opinion anyway)08:58
ograivoks, i undestood ;)08:58
squinnogra, so what do i do?08:58
squinnsend this fixed package to debian or ubuntu?08:59
tsengsiretart: are we calling it grover yet? :P08:59
bddebiansquinn: Both?08:59
ograivoks, the ldap stuff is main.... leave it to mdz, but for content filtering we could really need ideas08:59
hervehi ivoks!08:59
ivoksherve: hi :)08:59
hervelong time not seen :-)09:00
squinnbddebian, wouldn't debian put it in first and then we get it downstream from them?09:00
siretarttseng: current work name is revu, but I like elma :) - grover is also a good choice09:00
ivoksogra: i tought creating ldap scheme for openldap, as a aditional package09:00
ivoksherve: yeah.. what's up? :)09:00
=== grover does a dance
herveivoks: job pressure09:00
hervedifficult ending to a project09:00
ograbddebian, yes, but in debian you are a individual maintainer, you _own_ a package, its hard to drop it it takes ages to become DD etc... in MOTU you can touch every package (ok, we have preferred ones too but still..) and its all teamwork09:00
ivoksherve: i know the feeling :/09:01
ograbddebian, the models are quite different09:01
ograsquinn, talk to the maintainer09:01
squinndebian or ubuntu? lol09:01
ograsquinn, (debian)09:01
squinnthey're different this time09:01
squinnwhat should i do?09:02
squinnjust send source or..09:02
siretartbddebian: I'd also consider that the atmosphere and the teamwork is the main difference from debian. from a developers point of view09:02
ivoksogra: contentfiltering can be done via squidguard and l7filter, depending how strong filtering you want09:02
ograsquinn, first mail him and tell him what you did09:02
squinni didn't do anything yet, though, ogra09:02
ograivoks, but how reliable is that, i heard awful stories09:02
ograsquinn, ...or plan to do09:02
ivoksogra: about? squidguard?09:03
ograivoks, yep09:03
ivokswell... it's based on couple of things09:03
squinnok ogra09:03
ivoksfilters by word in URL09:03
ivoksor by URL09:03
squinnwhat do i plan to do, ogra?09:04
ivoksso, you have total control... only it's hard do type them all :/09:04
squinni'm so confused. all i want to do is update this package for breezy09:04
ograsquinn, then tell it the debian maintainer, ask him if he can update, so we can sync09:04
squinnthen my whole major question09:05
ivoksogra: i would love to come to summit, but money and time are problem :)09:05
squinnwhat in the name of any-spiritual-being-you-want does a MOTU do?, ogra09:05
squinnbecause if a debian maintainer does the updating and packaging09:05
squinndo MOTUs just fix bugs?09:06
ograsquinn, nope09:06
squinnSorry, I'm sounding ignorant..but I'm just new to the whole Ubuntu structure.09:06
squinnNot new to Ubuntu, I've been here since Warty.09:06
ograsquinn, we package the stuff not yet in debian.... we _have_ to change things in packages for us you dont see in debian etc09:06
ivokslike no-question policy :)09:07
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squinnBut the majority of other universe packages from Debian are fixed by Debian maintainers, then, right?09:07
ivokssend bugfixes to debian09:07
siretartsquinn: and we fix packages with ubuntu related fixes09:07
ograsquinn, the ubuntu development is: 1. sync all the stuff from debian for some weeks... then freeze everything.... then fix everything and then release.... debian is only involved in the first setp09:08
ogra(and in grabbing the fixes for them afterwards indeed)09:08
squinnHow can one tell the difference between an Ubuntu-related fix and a global fix?09:08
ivokssquinn: changelog09:08
squinnAnd then what would be the point if we've already synced from De09:09
bddebianogra, siretart: OK, thanks.  Wasn't trying to be arguementative, just trying to understand. :-)09:09
squinnivoks, I know that. I mean how can I tell what to send to Debian and what to fix manually.09:09
squinnIf it's not in Debian, first, I got that.09:09
squinnBut if it is and it's an "Ubuntu-related fix", what do I do?09:09
ograbddebian, i didnt feel attacked ;)09:10
siretartsquinn: tell, us, and we'll prepare a fixes package if possible09:10
ivoksif it's changing source of program, then it's debian patch09:10
siretartsquinn: certainly you can fix the package yourself and have it uploaded by us (after reviewing, of course)09:10
ivoksif it's adding .desktop or icons, then it's debian patch09:10
herveogra, for a newly approved NEW package,09:10
herveI upload it and bother elmo?09:10
squinnsiretart, right.09:10
=== DanielN is making a bolognese right now :))
DanielNratatatataratatata :D09:11
tsengherve: elmo is automated, you dont usually need to bother him.09:11
ograherve, if you had your three reviews, just upload09:11
hervehi tseng by the way!09:11
DanielNgo for it herve09:11
ograherve, elmo comes back to you if he still finds errors09:11
tsenghi herve09:11
squinnivoks, what makes an ubuntu patch then?09:12
ograherve, (which absolutely shouldnt be the case after three reviews)09:12
ivokssquinn: for example, we use sudo, not su09:12
ivokssquinn: so if you change startup to use sudo, it's ubuntu patch09:13
ivokssquinn: if you compile it to work with xorg, instead with xfree, then it's ubuntu patch09:13
ivokssquinn: you will see differences with time..09:13
squinnahhhhhh i got it, ivoks09:14
herveogra, if the package haven't regressed since I last review it, it won't!09:14
ograherve, ?? but you had your 3 cross reviews ?09:16
herveand yes, that's still the package I reviewed a week ago09:16
squinnhm, i can't find the source09:16
herveogra, yes, I'm the third one09:16
herveI had a last whine09:16
hervenow fixed09:16
ograherve, go ahead09:16
hervewell, whine, the md5sums of the tarballs mismatched09:16
siretarthm, looks like this mod-python stuff is more complicated then I thought.. hmmhmm09:26
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squinnyeah, i can't find the source09:31
squinnyaknow why?09:31
squinnit's not released yet hah09:31
bddebianPull it from "upstream" ;-P09:32
tsengwhat happened to breezy-changes?09:32
squinnbddebian, I'm talking to the upstream of the upstream right now.09:33
bddebiansquinn: :-)09:36
squinnHow often do we sync with debian?09:43
squinnOnce at beginning of each release?09:43
siretartsquinn: permanently until UpstreamVersionFreeze09:44
siretartsquinn: see http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-changes-auto/2005-June/thread.html for syncs this month09:45
squinnsiretart, so whenever a new version or fix of a pkg ubuntu has goes into debian, it auto-syncs the package into our repos?09:46
siretartsquinn: it goes only the debian -> ubuntu direction, yes09:47
squinnoooh that's cool09:48
bddebianooohhh, ahhhh09:51
tsengogra: what is the malone move date again?09:57
ograi think around 6th of july ?09:57
tsengi wonder if he pushed my changes yet09:58
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tseng(everyone should still be giving bradb feedback)10:00
bradbtseng: which changes are you referring to? i'm hacking on the bug page right now based on some of the convo we had. i think you guys'll like it.10:00
tsengbradb: mostly the hard-to-find assignment, and the less useful stuff hogging up Actions10:01
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tsenggood news10:01
bradbtseng: yep, that's exactly what i'm working on. haven't yet figured out how best to tackle the how-to-assign thing, but fully understand the confusion you and others experience (and I would too. :)10:02
tsengbradb: i actually found a harder-to-use tracker :P10:02
hervesee you later dudes10:02
tsengI literally gave up before i figured out how to file a bug10:03
siretartcu herve10:03
bradbtseng: whoa10:03
=== tseng has low tolerance for busy ui's
tsengluckily malone doesnt suffer much from that10:03
bradbme too. trying to keep the fluff to a minimum in the bug UIs in Malone. doesn't take much to wind up with portlet graffiti10:04
bradbso, you guys gotta keep giving me the feedback. ;) it's really useful/fascinating to listen to what goes through a Malone user's mind.10:05
bradbif anybody else wants to schedule a user testing session with me, just let me know10:06
tsengill do another one after you push what you are working on now10:06
bradbyeah, that'd be cool10:06
tsengsee how much I can confuse myself10:06
Goshawkhow to add a package to the universe repo?10:07
tsengGoshawk: post a link to your debian sources on MOTUNewPackages on the wiki10:07
Goshawkand... how to become a universe packager?10:08
tsengread links starting from MOTU page10:08
tsenglike MOTURecruitment10:08
ograGoshawk, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU10:08
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Goshawkand... last question.. what about a package that is in the hoary universe repo that is very old and should be upgraded (already mailed the maintainer but got no responce)?10:10
tsengyou cant update hoary10:11
tsengits released10:11
Goshawkyes... i think for breezy, because the same package was in warty and hoary and on breezy it should be upgraded10:12
tsengwell update it and put the package on MOTUToReview I think it is10:13
Goshawkthanks for your answers10:13
tsengno problems10:13
ajmitchtseng: RFP & ITP comparisons won't be as easy as I thought10:14
tsengajmitch: :(10:14
ajmitchtrying to match names10:14
ajmitchthey'll be similar, but not the same10:15
tsengit might be easier when we sync to malone?10:15
DanielNcould someone teach me in providing an ITP in debians bugtracker ?10:17
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ajmitchDanielN: reportbug -B debian wnpp10:19
DanielNahhh ajmitch is around10:19
ajmitchit gives you options for ITP & RFP10:19
DanielNok thanks10:19
ajmitchnot for long, I'm meant to be at work in a few minutes :)10:19
ajmitchbtw, trying to ping me at 5 or 6am is unproductive ;)10:20
DanielNbut what about sigcx or something10:20
ajmitchtseng: probably, 90% of packages should be fine I think10:20
=== bddebian hugs ajmitch
DanielNajmitch, could you upload it then..  by time10:20
ajmitchDanielN: still got to extract the patch from the *evil* upstream source10:21
ajmitchpreprocessing c++ template code with m4 is not nice10:21
=== pvaneynd_ wonders why he loses his connection after asing a question...
ajmitchhi bddebian10:21
DanielNargh :/10:21
plugwashlamont any news on the bootstrapping of freepascal (source package fpc binary packages fp-*)?10:21
pvaneynd_Hello, so if I understand the UpstreamVersionFreeze idea correctly, as debian maintainer I just have to aim to have a reasonable stable version in sid at the 6th. Then it gets sucked into breezy and is frozen except for bugfixes. To get changes into the frozen universe version I need to go through the MOTU. Correct?10:21
ajmitchDanielN: so I'll probably have it uploaded in a few hours10:21
ajmitchpvaneynd_: yes, or we can request a sync from elmo10:22
ajmitchuniverse freezes aren't nearly as strict as main10:22
siretartpvaneynd_: we have a sync queue after UpstreamFreeze, which is handled manually.10:23
DanielNajmitch, cool.. then i can work on my lib :)10:23
pvaneynd_Great. I expect few changes anyway as I go offline from the 6th (great timing). This brings me to my next question: in the community meeting there was a mention of MOTUTeam requirements. Are they different from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTeamHowto ?10:24
siretartpvaneynd_: well, I don't think we have any real requirements for founding MOTUTeams. If you want to found a team, then do some work and create a wiki page. and, of course, talk to us :)10:27
ajmitchafaik, they should be similar - teams don't have own mailing lists10:28
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pvaneynd_Ok. I think I understand the process a little better. I'll try to find the gcc-4 problems sbcl has... Thanks.10:33
=== bddebian starts his Ubuntu GNU/Hurd team..
siretartbddebian: wooohoo :)10:35
ajmitchoh dear10:36
ivoksIf they are scared of text, they should really reconsider meaning of life.10:36
ajmitchsome context would have been nice :)10:37
ivoksapparently, no splash boot is scaring people :)10:37
ivoksso this is my comment :)10:38
ajmitchof course it's scary10:38
ivoksit isn't10:38
ivoksit just needs few colors10:38
ograsiretart, a MOTU team must be led by a MOTU, thats the only requirement10:38
ajmitchI've seen people on windows be confused by an icon being moved on their desktop10:38
ivoksbringing framebuffer will bring lots of problems10:38
ivoksajmitch: good one :)10:39
siretartogra: oh, yes, but nothing hinders even a non MOTU having fun doing stuff :)10:39
ograsiretart, yes... but he should try either to become a MOTU or to find one for uploads ;)10:40
tsengajmitch: thats my mom10:40
tsengajmitch: she hates moved icons10:40
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ivokshi doko :)10:48
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dokoivoks: hi11:13
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ajmitchDanielN_atw: I think I've got sigcx patched from arch, testing build now11:26
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\shre guys11:28
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ajmitchhi \sh11:30
\shajmitch: DanielN_atw poke you ? :)11:32
=== siretart seems to win over mod-python.. (dogfight is going on)
ajmitch\sh: several times, when I was nowhere near awake ;)11:32
\shajmitch: good ;)11:32
ajmitch\sh: it's still a matter of trying to pull fixes from arch for that one11:33
\shajmitch: what about a new version?11:33
\shor using the version directly out of the VS?11:34
ajmitchthe new version is the one in arch, in development, unreleased11:34
\shajmitch: hmm...try to build it? after all, we can release a <release version>+cvs<date>-0ubuntu1 or something...11:35
ajmitch\sh: that's a *maybe* :)11:36
ajmitchthe upstream developer is the debian maintainer11:36
ajmitchwe'd have to check that it's still API-compatible for libyehia to use11:37
ajmitchgood news is that it builds now11:37
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-1417.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shajmitch: strike :)11:42
ajmitchonly had to patch 3 files, after using m4 :)11:43
\shogra: should I name the team: MOTUIM or MOTUXMPP or MOTUJabber ?11:44
\shxmpp is the xml stream protocol behind jabber11:45
ograi wouldnt pick a particular app/protocol name11:45
\shbut I like IM, cause we can be responsible for all clients as well11:45
ograand you can always have subteams11:46
\shhmmm.MOTUIV is also free11:46
ograMOTU4 ?11:46
ajmitchmore people recognise jabber than xmpp, I think :)11:46
\shno IV in veine11:46
ograor does that mean I V ?11:46
=== ajmitch should add MOTUs to his gaim list >:)
\shand I will propose an Ubuntu Jabber IM ;)11:47
\shno problem with administrating it...11:47
\shhaha..2.0s8 is build on all archs11:48
ajmitchyou mean username@ubuntu.com ?11:48
\shajmitch: thought off11:48
\shbut only for members or something like this11:48
ajmitchshouldn't be hard11:49
schweebhey guys11:49
ajmitchyou just have to convince the powers that be :)11:49
ajmitchhi schweeb11:49
\shajmitch: jabber.ubuntu.com is also possile,i could handle it on my own public jabber server ;)11:49
schweebjabber is a relatively good idea11:50
schweebfor members11:50
\shbut a closed one is nicer11:50
\shbut an open one, outsourced could be nice for the NewUserNetwork11:50
Nafallo\sh: integrate it so that you have the same name and pass that's on launchpad :-)11:51
schweebshouldn't be too tough11:51
=== herzi [~herzi@dsl-084-056-242-121.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Nafallo\sh: autoadding those in the membersgroup or something11:51
schweebwonder what launchpad is backed w/... mysql or something11:51
\shNafallo: if it's mysql backend, np, postgresql also no pb, and berkley db also not11:51
Nafallo\sh: and no public registration :-)11:51
\shNafallo: that's the reason why I can't host it...11:51
\shjabberd2 has one limitation11:51
Nafallo\sh: I know. I've played with it ;-)11:51
\shyou can only have one client2server service...and c2s is handling the open or closed strategy11:52
\shi have to frickle on it11:52
\shright now, i have 5 sm's running and only one c2s11:52
Nafalloah, thought you were talking about that it's not in main ;-)11:53
=== JanC [~janc@dD5764F11.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsengmost of the launchpad stuff is postgres11:53
\shNafallo: jabber1 is in main...jabberd2 is in universe...updated it today, cause jabberd2-2.0s3 is terribly b0rked11:53
Nafallooh? kewl!11:53
\shtseng: no problem...auth backend for jabberd2 db, mysql, postgres and ldap11:54
tsenghm do we need a jaber server?11:54
tsengvs free jabber.org11:54
Nafalloehm, jabber is in universe according to my apt-cache madison :-P11:54
\shtseng: jabber.org is terrible..too many outages11:54
tsengwhats the advantage11:54
tsengI see11:54
tsengi guess we could have a directory also11:54
Nafallotseng: integration with launchpad? :-)11:55
\shtseng: and we can provide our own ssl stuff, so the internal communication is secure11:55
tsengi dont want j random user sneding me IM off a bug11:55
tsengi reserve IM for friends11:55
tsengits more in-your-face imo11:55
\shtseng: thats one thing , but information that a bug is waiting for u can be a nice pubsub idea11:55
ivoks\sh: you again :) with that jabber :)11:56
\shivoks: sure...:)11:56
JanCtseng : then just block everyone not on your contact list ?11:56
ograguys gusy gusy11:56
\shintegration also with SER ;)11:56
Nafallo\sh++ :-)11:56
ivoks\sh: ok, count me in :)11:56
tsengwhen do we get shtoom anyway11:56
\shaporpos SER...one of my goals.11:57
tseng$ apt-cache search shtoom11:57
ogratseng, ask `anthony :)11:57
tsengdaf packaed it months ago apperantly11:57
\shi build shtoom last time11:57
ivoksok... /me is ivoks@jabber.org :)11:57
=== \sh is sh@linux-server.org ;)
\shor sh@sourcecode.de ;)11:58
ogratseng, i think he waits until the audio infrastructure is sane11:58
\shemail + jid ;)11:58
\shbut sh@linux-server.org is my main :) so please use it ;)11:58
ivokslol, i will setup my own jabber server :)11:58
ivoksyay Nafallo11:59
Nafalloivoks: :-)11:59
\sh590 people right now on the server with only one entry on jabber.org and no webpage ;)12:01
Nafallo\sh: I had magicalforest.se on jabber before. but hoary didn't have jabber in main :-P.12:01

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