
_hippiehow can u create a trash bin?12:01
uniqon the desktop? 12:04
Tm_Tah, it's there afaik12:05
uniqno. it's hidden.12:05
uniqby default.12:05
_hippieuniq: ya12:05
Tm_Tyeah, it's there _hidden_12:05
Tm_Tnano ~/Desktop/trash.desktop12:06
uniqchange to Hidden=false12:07
Hekoim having problems with kubuntu live... "artsd" takes up almost 100% CPU load and when i kill it the system crashes, if i dont kill it, it dies after 5 minutes saying CPU overload and crashing the system too. 12:07
_hippiek thanx12:09
uniqfor a guide.12:09
=== liz4rd [~liz4rd@static24-72-76-248.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #kubuntu
liz4rdwould it be easyer just to sudo apt-get install gnome? or ubuntu-desktop12:13
liz4rdand what version wouldi get if i did install it the gnome way12:13
Tm_Tbut without ubuntu artwork12:15
liz4rdwhat version of gnome is it?12:16
liz4rdis there anyway of finding out?12:16
Tm_Tapt-cache show gnome ?12:16
Tm_Tapt-cache show gnome-core12:17
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liz4rdi want 2.10 :P12:19
liz4rdi like newer thing12:19
liz4rdis there a way to install 2.10 instead?12:19
uniqdoesn't hoary use gnome 2.10? - apt-cache policy gnome-session tells me it does.12:20
uniqgnome-core and gnome are just meta packages.12:21
liz4rduniq: how can i install the newest version?12:21
uniqbut.. this is all a littlebitt off topic in here :)12:21
uniqapt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:22
liz4rdwell no ones talking about anything els :P12:22
uniqwill install the newest version in the repositories.12:22
liz4rdwhat what version will that give me of gnome?12:22
uniqi guess.12:22
uniqi don't do gnome.. so i wouldn't know.12:22
uniqyou can ask in #ubuntu12:22
liz4rdether do i12:22
uniqto be sure.12:22
unomeany kbuntu specific repositories?12:23
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unomekonversation: Depends: kdelibs4 (>= 4:3.4.1) but 4:3.4.0-0ubuntu3.2 is to be installed12:23
unomeE: Broken packages12:23
unomeCan't update to .1812:23
uniqunome: not really.. there are a few call it 'updates' in the repositories mentioned in the topic.12:24
unomeTm_T what about it?12:24
Tm_Tthere's KDE 3.4.112:24
uniqunome: where did you get konversation from? 12:24
unomeuniq: came with kbuntu12:24
unomev ...1612:25
uniqunome: but the new package? 12:25
uniqthe one you're trying to upgrade to.12:25
unomeapt-get install konversation12:25
uniqyou using breezy? 12:26
uniqyes you are.12:26
uniqif you have 0.18 you must be.12:26
unomeno I'm not12:26
unomeI have .16 trying to upgrade12:26
uniqcan you paste the output of 'apt-cache policy konversation' ? 12:26
unome  Installed: 0.16-1ubuntu112:27
unome  Candidate: 0.18-1~5.04ubp112:27
unome  Version table:12:27
unome     0.18-1~5.04ubp1 012:27
unome        500 http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net hoary-backports/main Packages12:27
unome *** 0.16-1ubuntu1 012:27
unome        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main Packages12:27
unome        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status12:27
uniqno need for more.. figured it out already.. it's the backports.12:27
unomewhat about them? lose them?12:28
unomeI got them from the ubuntuguide12:28
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uniqno, if you want them or not is up to you.12:29
unomebut can I upgrade to 0.18?12:29
uniqyes, you just have to install kde 3.4.1 first.12:29
liz4rdif i install ubuntu-desktop...will gdm override kdm?12:29
uniqliz4rd: no, you'll get a question about it.12:29
unomeuniq: kde 3.4.1 is stable?12:30
liz4rdis there anyway of changing it if i change my mind?12:30
uniqunome: hang on.. i'll find a url for you. yes it's more stable than 3.4.012:30
uniqliz4rd: sure there is.12:30
unomethanks uniq 12:30
Tm_Tunome: yes it is12:30
liz4rdand where can i go to change it?12:30
uniqliz4rd: dpkg-reconfigure kdm or dpkg-reconfigure gdm will give you the choices.12:30
uniqunome: http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-341.php12:31
unomewhat about it?12:31
unomeoh nm lol12:31
uniqread and do as it says :)12:31
uniqafter adding the source, apt-get update;apt-get -u dist-upgrade12:31
uniqand you're on.12:32
unomewhat does -u do?12:32
unomeshould I log off kde first?12:32
uniqnot needed.. but a logout and relogin would do good after the update is finished.12:33
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unome-u <- what does it do12:33
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unome-u  Show a list of upgraded packages as well12:34
unomegot it12:34
=== unome crossing fingers
unomekde comes with sshd?12:42
unomeJun 22 18:41:32 localhost useradd[28343] : new user: name=sshd, uid=107, gid=65534, home=/var/run/sshd, shell=/bin/false12:43
unomenever installed it12:43
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uniqssh is good.. lots of things depends on it.12:46
unomeK, thanks12:47
unomeI guess it's good until I get owned (j/k)12:48
unomeupgrade went smooth, gotta log off/in12:49
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desolatorhello children!12:50
desolator=) lets read the topic links12:50
desolatorin my 62 years of life I havent seen some helpfull young lads12:52
Riddellgood evening desolator 12:54
desolatorhavent seen such nice documentation in a long time12:55
desolatorwell id better get going12:56
desolatoris there any mailing list12:57
Riddelldesolator: do pop in if you have any problems12:57
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apollo2011I am trying to install AIM for Linux and I am not sure if I use Debian 2.1 or Debian 3+ package for Ubuntu Hoary01:11
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liz4rdhow do i remove everythign that installed during the install of ubuntu-desktop01:19
liz4rdall that gnome crap is still there01:20
liz4rdplus gdm and stuff01:20
sirukinanyone know how I'd go about upgrading mysql?01:24
ChurcH_of_FoamYanyone know how to configure the mail applet for gkrellm?01:27
ChurcH_of_FoamYliz4rd whazzup???!!!01:27
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liz4rdChurcH_of_FoamY: not man you?01:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYnothin much01:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYjust trying to configure the mail app01:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYin gkrellm01:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYand not knowing how01:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYi use thunderbird and i want it to see that01:29
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut i have know idea how to >.<01:29
liz4rdme neather sorry01:29
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liz4rdhow do i set KDM to default instead of GDM01:36
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uniqliz4rd: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm01:44
uniqand goodnight.01:44
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drbrownDoes anyone know how to install icewm window decorations?  the option does not apear in the Control Center02:13
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_Simoncan anyone help me with samba please? theres no smbusers file in /etc/samba, so I created one02:24
_Simonbut when I do smbpasswd -a username, fill out the password, nothing is there02:24
_Simonam I missing something?02:24
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nmorseDadgummit, why does the Koffice 1.4 repo give me size mismatch errors?!?02:50
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nmorseGod, the Kubuntu.org repo gives size mismatch errors and the download.kde.org one doesn't even work02:53
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monchymakes me happy to be on sarge, big list of package mirrors lol02:56
unomemonchy how's sarge treating you?02:57
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monchyvery good thus far02:57
monchyupgraded gnome to 2.10.1 earlier and it went fine02:57
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monchythe only thing that will give me problems is installing ati drivers02:57
monchyyeah, hard to do i think02:58
unomehow's your net connection speed?02:58
monchymine? it's good02:59
karllllwhen i 'apt-get install kde',  i get a message that says "Package kde is not available, but is referred to by another package."02:59
karllllhow do i install kde?02:59
karllllgnome sucks02:59
monchyand why do you say that lol02:59
karlllli hate it. 02:59
monchyso, because you hate it, it sucks03:00
karllllto me, yes.03:00
unomelike you did just add -u to see what's will install03:00
karllllunome: are you talking to me?03:01
unomewrong window sorry03:01
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karlllli can apt-get kde-core03:01
karllllbut not kde03:02
karlllli can get kdemultimedia, kdenetwork, etc.03:02
karllllshould i just get all that crap?03:02
karllllor should i just ask questions to an empty room on irc03:03
unomeuse synaptic?03:03
karllllwhats that?03:03
unomesudo synaptic03:03
karlllli've used ubuntu for about 30 minutes now03:03
karllll"gtk-warning: cannot open display"03:04
nmorse30 minutes and you already know how to use apt-get, eh?03:05
unomekarllll: are you installing kubuntu  for first time?03:05
karlllli knew a dude who ran debian and he wouldn't shut up about apt-get03:05
karllllunome: i haven't installed kubuntu yet.03:05
unomesudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:05
unomethat should get you KDE & co03:05
karllllright on. thanks.03:06
karlllland it'll just show up in the sessions part of the logon?03:06
jsubl2then http://kubuntu.org03:06
unomeyes, dkm or gdm whatever you like03:06
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Moshedoes kubuntu configure anything automatically, or do things need to be done manually like with slackware?03:26
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=== monchy drops a pin
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penguinboyhey guys and gals03:44
monchyhey mrs.liz4rd03:45
penguinboyhey hey hey monchmeister!03:46
monchyhows it goin03:48
penguinboygood....I am burning some CDs so that I can have duplicates at workl03:49
penguinboyK3b is certainly S-L-O-W03:50
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penguinboyhey solar03:51
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drbrownanyone know howto install icewm window decorations?????03:58
liz4rdhow is icewm? 03:58
liz4rdwhat would you comepare it to?03:59
thunderdawgwell crazy shit04:00
thunderdawgi wiped out my kubuntu install and I am installing solaris express04:00
liz4rdI CAN BE RANDOM TOO!!!04:00
monchyyou just missed your husband liz04:00
liz4rddid i?04:00
liz4rddid he say he was coming back?04:00
monchyno, just left04:00
monchythat was about 5 minutes ago04:00
liz4rdi'll check on jabber04:01
liz4rdmmm he'll be back04:02
=== liz4rd is on a fresh install of kubuntu
liz4rdi tryed FreeBSD last night04:02
liz4rd...never willi try agian04:02
monchysaved me from trying it then ;p04:02
liz4rdplus... i hate xfree86 as of now04:02
liz4rdmaybr sarge will be diff i dont knwo04:03
monchyoh xf86 isnt that bad04:03
thunderdawgsolaris express04:03
thunderdawgim all freaked out now04:03
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monchyyou should see if there is a solaris channel lol04:04
liz4rdthunderdawg: lol i thought you said polar express04:04
damjanDoes anybody know how much would an ubuntu mirror need storage, and how much traffic will it see dayly?04:05
liz4rddamjan: depends on where you are04:05
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liz4rd(for the traffic part)04:05
liz4rdFINE THEN04:05
thunderdawgthats funny04:06
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thunderdawgyou know they realeased all the source code into the wild04:06
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damjaliz4rd: how do you mean "depends where I am"?04:06
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liz4rdwell people select the closes mirrors04:06
liz4rdso if your in the US then probly alot of traffic04:07
damjaliz4rd: no I meant how much traffic from upstream04:07
damjaliz4rd: how much things change (on average)04:07
liz4rd...you have to go to the website or come here to see whast new04:07
liz4rdthunderdawg: liek the apes?04:08
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transgresswhat's the gui that kde uses for rar files?04:31
transgressand tars for that matter04:31
Tm_Tno, Ark04:31
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unomehow do you search for a package using apt-get?04:42
liz4rdsudo apt-cache search packagename04:42
unomeor is it dpkg that supports search04:43
unomeliz4rd: thanks04:43
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LincxCan someone help me with something04:46
liz4rdask the question dont ask to ask a quaestion04:46
Lincxlol ok how do i add the normal desktop icons (My comp, home,trash)04:48
liz4rdwell what window manager are you using?04:48
liz4rdjust drag them onto the desktop04:48
liz4rdand click copy here when promted04:48
=== Lincx chomps down his slice of watermelon
Lincxhmm ok brb04:49
Lincxi cant find the my computer icon04:53
liz4rdlol thats windows buddy04:54
Lincxi had it on ubuntu =P04:54
liz4rdthast gnome04:54
liz4rdthis is KDE04:55
Lincxwell im new kde heh04:55
Lincxi like it tho04:55
liz4rdlol kde is cool but for speed use xfce4 :)04:56
liz4rdi love it04:56
liz4rdits a lightweith window manager04:56
liz4rdlight weight04:56
liz4rdok hold on :) ( i just happen to have a screenshot dump)04:57
liz4rdanyone can use that btw05:01
liz4rdony for screenshots05:01
liz4rdfor people in #kubuntu :P or i'll set a password05:01
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liz4rdLincx: what do you think?05:02
LincxIm checking05:03
liz4rdok :)05:03
Lincxim checking05:05
liz4rd:) it works05:05
bossmanany got time for a question?05:05
liz4rdsure do05:06
bossmanit's a bout karamba05:06
liz4rdmmm i know about it but dont use it sorry05:06
bossmanwell maybe not directly the problem may be due to something else05:06
Lincxyou had just taken the pic05:08
bossmanchecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!05:09
bossmanFor more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.05:09
bossmani get this error when compiling  the pacakage 05:09
HekoI have a problem... Kubuntu Live crashes 5 minutes after I boot into it, saying that "artsd" caused a CPU overload, and when I kill artsd prematurely since it is using 100% cpu, kubuntu crashes.05:09
liz4rdLincx: yup05:09
kalenedraelHeko, that's odd05:09
kalenedraelnot the artsd crash, but that kubuntu crashes along with it...05:09
kalenedraeli have the same problem with artsd05:09
kalenedraelkubuntu shouldn't crash, though05:10
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=== monchy [~monchy@S010600e04c400007.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
liz4rdspeaking of faggots05:12
liz4rd^_^ jk monchy05:12
monchyyour the one who married a man lol05:13
monchywhich will be up on bash.org soon for all to see :p05:13
liz4rddid i tell you i added it?05:13
liz4rdor did you?05:13
monchyi added it05:13
liz4rdme to!!!05:13
liz4rdbut i took out liek people leaving and stuff05:14
monchyyeah same here, there were two entries though i cant remember the 1st one i did05:14
liz4rdhere i'll send it to you on msn05:14
Tm_Tuh oh, new icons05:15
liz4rdmonchy, i'm just gonna upload it to ma server05:16
monchypulp fiction best movie evar05:17
liz4rdhow long does it take for bash.org to put it up?05:18
liz4rdi did it yesterday05:18
monchya while i think05:18
liz4rdthat sucks05:18
liz4rdlol what?05:19
liz4rdmy wedding05:19
kalenedraelthat's great05:19
liz4rdlol that was yesterday05:19
kalenedrael"till netsplit do you part"05:20
liz4rdXD I LOVE THAT PART05:20
liz4rdwas pure improve05:20
liz4rdwe didnt plan a thing05:20
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LincxHow do i get the flash media player plugin 05:38
Lincxwait forget it05:38
Lincxlol @ me05:39
liz4rdso what made you change?05:39
LincxMe well i liked Gnome but i dunno05:39
Lincxwanted to try it 05:39
liz4rdgood enough05:39
Lincxand i like the hover-over-icon-boxes05:39
LincxHmm hey you have any tips on customization?05:43
liz4rdfor KDE?05:43
liz4rdget super karamba05:44
liz4rdi dont use alot of eye  candy anymore tho05:44
LincxNo like software05:45
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liz4rdfucker left05:53
monchyquiet night05:58
liz4rdyeah i know05:58
monchyat least pulp fiction was on05:59
monchyyou laugh but its the best movie ever :p06:01
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_oliverG'day.  Have any of you people got ruby on rails working on kubuntu 5.04?06:33
liz4rd... thats a programing language isnt it06:35
_oliverRuby is the programming language, rails is the web development platform...06:36
liz4rdoh cool06:36
_oliverIt's really nice; especially when one can get it to install06:36
liz4rdisnt ruby like from python?06:37
_oliverI came over from SimplyMEPIS, thinking (as always), wow, this sounds great, I bet there's hardly any stupid quirks in Ubuntu!06:38
_oliverFrom python?06:38
=== Octane [~octane@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu
_oliverIt's its own language...06:38
=== rofiq [~rofiq@rws.maltech.ne.jp] has joined #kubuntu
_oliverRuby is an interpreted scripting language though...06:40
=== _oliver sighies.
=== _oliver waves.
Octaneanyone here know of a way to make kubuntu not request a pw when i sudo06:43
liz4rdnow why would you want that ?06:44
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SQFreakI'm using Ubuntu (with kde installed). Can I use the KOffice source line on kubuntu.org? I'm currently using one from one of KDE's mirrors (deb ftp://chernabog.cc.vt.edu/pub/projects/kde/stable/koffice-1.4/kubuntu hoary-updates main)...06:48
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weijie90whats the vanilla kernel07:02
weijie90the original one?07:02
liz4rdi dont know07:02
mrmanicit's the one from kernel.org07:03
weijie90i see07:03
unomeman my connection is crawling under linux. is there a way to improve it?07:03
weijie90on kernel.org what do the patches do? 07:03
weijie90the kernel.org patches07:04
liz4rdunome: how so07:04
unomeliz4rd: how do I know. 07:04
liz4rdthat too07:04
weijie90unome: u using eciadsl driver or network card?07:04
dabaRunome, pages loading slow?07:04
mrmanicweijie90: various things.  the mm patches generally support more experimental stuff, and the ac patches tend to be less experimental and more stuff that will probably make it into the next kernel revision, I think.07:04
dabaRyou were in both channs.07:04
dabaRwell, how do you notice this?07:05
weijie90should i use them?07:05
unomeweijie90: card07:05
unomedabaR: tests07:05
unomedownlods etc07:05
dabaRoh, well, that means not much...07:05
dabaRtry pinging your ISPs home page.07:05
weijie90unome: ADSL?07:05
dabaRtell me if its over 150ms07:05
unomeyes it does, when I down the live cd from the same source under windoz and linux it's huge dif07:06
unomeweijie90: cable supposedly the best in east cost07:06
mrmanicweijie90: only if you need something that they provide07:06
unomedba 38907:06
dabaRhow did that ping work?07:06
mrmanicweijie90: choosing and configuring your own kernel is generally a big job.  07:06
weijie90what about the ubuntu patches? do i need them?07:07
mrmanicweijie90: why do you want to make your own kernel?07:07
weijie90im using 686, the kernel is for 38607:07
mrmanicwhy not just download the kernel image for 686?07:07
unomedabaR: they're blocking pings07:07
sproingiethe kernel works on 386.  it's actualy compiled for 58607:08
mrmaniclinux-image-2.6.11-1-686, I think07:08
dabaRunome, I bet you ahve a router, tho.07:08
mrmanicmaybe I'm wrong on that.07:08
weijie90so its the same, but faster?07:08
unomedabaR: negative07:08
sproingiei don't think you'll notice any speed difference07:08
unomedabaR: no07:08
mrmaniciaw sproingie 07:08
dabaRunome, cant ping anything? or just their page?07:08
unomeI dont need no firewall I'm not runing anythig on this box07:08
sproingiehonestly, the kernel takes almost NO advantage of cpu-specific optimizations like SSE207:09
unomedabaR: just their pag07:09
dabaRok, ping google, tell me if its over 100ms07:09
mrmanicweijie90: if you're going to try to optimize your system, I'd go with gentoo07:09
sproingiea processor-specific build of xmms might be faster.  you will NOT notice a difference with a kernel07:09
unomedabaR: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=14 ttl=243 time=17.9 ms07:09
unomebut still slow07:09
liz4rdsproingie: hey man07:10
dabaRok, well, what does the bnandwidth test tell you?07:10
unomecompering to windoz07:10
unomedaba 8mb07:10
sproingieliz4rd: how's married life beating you?07:10
liz4rdsproingie: havnt seen him since07:10
dabaRper sec?07:10
liz4rdsproingie: but like 10 people said they posted to bash.org but its not up yet :P07:10
mrmanicbash.org is WAY lagged.07:11
weijie90i heard that compiling for your own machine only gives a 2% speed increase07:11
sproingieping times suck for bandwidth tests07:11
dabaRwell, they dont do that at all.07:11
mrmanicbash.org has a backlog of quotes numbering in the tens of thousands, I think.07:11
dabaRthey test the delayt07:11
sproingieping -f might do better.  'course it might get you firewalled07:11
dabaRI just had a course..07:11
liz4rdmrmanic: :(07:11
unomedabaR: 6.6 megabits per second yes07:11
mrmanicliz4rd: you could always be a quote judge person.07:11
unomeunder linux07:12
unomeand 9 some under windoz07:12
liz4rdmrmanix: whats that?07:12
mrmanicliz4rd: you could decide which quotes get accepted.07:12
dabaRthats good, whats your DL speed for downloading from sites?07:12
liz4rdmrmanic: how07:12
dabaR9 some, thats a good isp...07:12
unomeits cable07:12
=== sproingie points at funroll-loops.org for all those custom-compiling nuts
dabaRya, Comcast caps at 6.07:12
weijie90i heard that compiling for your own machine only gives a 2% speed increase07:12
sproingiei get 10 megabits from rcn07:13
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unomesproingie: I believe you07:13
dabaRwell, thats not too bad, not sure why its slower... if you ahve no firewall, no router, good ping times...not sure at all.07:13
sproingie1.5 up ... fine by me, i don't serve files anyway07:13
mrmanicliz4rd: http://bash.org/modapp/app/07:13
liz4rdthe bandwidth tests are gay for me cuz the servers are far07:13
dabaRwell, they give you some kind of picture...07:13
unomemaybe test suck under windowz caus they use java?07:14
liz4rdmrmanic: those aplications are probly back logged aswell :P07:14
unomeand linux java support sux?07:14
sproingieweijie90: compiling for your own machine will give you negative increase if you do it wrong07:14
unomeI mean under linux07:14
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mrmanicweijie90: I think it depends on what compiler you use.  icc used to give a MAD speed increase07:14
mrmanicliz4rd: I don't think so...I think the application process is pretty automated.07:14
dabaRI would doubt that, but then again, I would doubt anything, its weird...07:14
sproingieicc is unlikely to speed up the kernel, which is almost ALWAYS i/o bound07:14
weijie90icc vs gcc??07:14
dabaRyou know what it could be,..07:14
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dabaRit could be that just at diff times you tested, when there are less of your isp's users online when in windows, and when there are more bandwidth hogs in linux..07:15
dabaRthat would make sense07:15
dabaRcable dont guarantee bandwidth, it is spread over the number of users inherently due to the architecture.07:16
mrmanicsproingie: A buddy of mine successfully compiled the kernel with icc and he said it helped with skipping on video and things like that.  I don't know why, though.07:16
weijie90oh icc is not free 07:16
sproingiewhich is odd, considering the kernel doesn't do any kind of codec stuff07:16
mrmanicweijie90: you can get a license for it for personal use.07:16
mrmanicsproingie: yeah, but it does handle scheduling, so if that were tightened up, it might account for the speedup.07:16
=== mrmanic shrugs
mrmanicI don't know much07:16
sproingiecompiling a preemptible kernel helps with skipping.  icc isn't likely to speed up the poor algorithms linux uses for page selection and such07:17
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sproingiethe scheduling algorithm is computationally trivial07:17
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sproingieit itself takes basically no time, unless you're running 10000 processes07:17
sproingieeven now i think it's using an O(1) algorithm, so it still takes no time07:18
mrmanicYou know a lot more than I do, sproingie 07:18
trooperdbusing kubuntu.. wondering where to change the click behavior for kde (double click vs single click,etc)?07:19
sproingiemaybe it moves code around for cache locality or something, which could really help07:19
unomewhoa! k3b is really great07:19
sproingiei doubt it's THAT sophisticated tho07:19
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sproingiemmmm k3b is nice indeed07:19
unomefirst time I use it07:20
sproingiei'll never use nero again (not that I did before, I used alcohol 120)07:20
liz4rdsproingie: wtf07:20
Tm_Ttrooperdb: kcontrol -> pheripherals -> mouse07:20
liz4rdsproingie: me and trangress are updating the site oday to the new version...i think your funny and would be good for the project i gotta talk to him later07:21
trooperdbthanks :)07:21
sproingiealcohol is still good for beating copy protection, but k3b's got some nice interface overall07:21
unomenice interface and speed 07:21
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unomedid I close the window?07:22
trooperdbthis is a pretty nice distribution... never again will i tweak a debian install to death just for some eye candy ;)07:23
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unomeI came back to linux after 3 years of divorce and I'm telling you huge difference07:24
mrmanicis there anything like alcohol 120% on linux?07:24
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sproingiemrmanic: i doubt it07:24
liz4rdmy computer hasnt sniffed windoze dor 9 months07:24
unomeyes, only better: k3b lol07:24
sproingiek3b is a competitor to nero, not alcohol07:25
unome9 months uptime?07:25
mrmanicunome: I sense you haven't been using alcohol to its fullest extent.07:25
sproingiealcohol has a virtual drive manager with copy protection emulation07:25
unomemrmanic: right07:25
mrmanicsproingie: that is why I use it on windows, for that specific piece of functionality.  I would guess that it's not necessary on linux b/c there isn't that much copy protection to deal with on linux b/c most programs are distributed via the internet rather than on CD (oh, and are open source and copy friendly)07:26
sproingiecd images are pretty easy in linux for sure, you just mount the file.  tho a virtual device doesn't seem to exist07:27
sproingieyeah, i guess there's not much call for it on linux07:27
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cartel_i just got 8 iterations of amarok open07:39
mrmanicsproingie: one nice thing that I'd love to see integrated into kubuntu by default is the mountiso stuff07:46
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Octanei want to install a newer version of amarok but in order to do that, i need to apt-get remove it (which will remove metapackage kubuntu-desktop). is that alright?07:50
cartel_you should just be able to apt-get install the new version over the top07:50
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cartel_anyone got a ubuntu gimpshop .deb anywhere?08:03
liz4rdooh i want it to if anyone does08:04
unomehow do you strart hdcp server?08:07
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cartel_i havent tested it08:12
cartel_so dont bitch when it breaks08:12
cartel_(downloading now)08:12
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cartel_sorry liz4rd, it is a sarge deb08:23
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cartel_dont worry it wont break anything08:24
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liz4rdHE'S BACK08:58
unomehey what's a good peer-to-peer app these days?08:59
unomekeep coming08:59
liz4rdbit torrent08:59
liz4rdyour mom08:59
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liz4rdyour mom08:59
liz4rdbit torrrent08:59
unomeyou must be a teenager.09:00
liz4rd...oh yes..youv caught me...go you09:00
liz4rdi'v just been labled09:01
kakaltoanybody got some good grub splash images?09:05
unomeI use 'gear'09:06
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thieflarI have a question: how do I uninstall everything from "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" so that I can re-run it? I'm in GNOME right now, the first installation didn't work, and I want to retry it.09:15
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kakaltothieflar, don't quote me on this, but I'd assume you'd go "sudo apt-get uninstall kubuntu-desktop"09:17
thieflarkakalto: thanks, i'll try it09:18
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liz4rdlol hey09:19
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thieflarHaha, it said, "invalid option: uninstall".09:20
thieflarthanks though09:20
thieflardoes anyone know how to uninstall everything "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" put on my computer?09:20
liz4rdyou cant09:21
liz4rdits just a lil thing it installed a bunch of other progs09:21
liz4rdyou'll have to do it all seperatly09:21
kakaltothieflar, didn't you notice unome say remove09:21
kakalto"sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop"09:21
liz4rdor that09:21
liz4rdno it doesnt09:21
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thieflarkakalto: no, didn't see that, thanks09:24
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thieflardidn't work09:28
thieflar"E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution)." 09:29
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Firetechthieflar: one thing you can do (not really recommended... I did it, and got a non-kubuntu-kde when I reinstalled it afterwards...) is to apt-get remove kdelibs4... (I do NOT recommend it.)09:35
FiretechIt's a last exit if you can't figure out anything else.09:36
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thieflarFiretech: It's looking like I'll have to risk it. Why don't you recommend it?09:37
Firetechthieflar: "...u can do (not really recommended... I did it, and got a non-kubuntu-kde when I reinstalled it afterwards...) is to a..09:38
kakaltobasically, the themes, etc. from kubuntu weren't applied to kde after?09:39
Firetechyou'll probably get a working kde but the kubuntu-default-settings packages kind of disappears and cannot be reinstalled09:39
thieflarI just want to get rid of KDE altogether so I can start over with its installation.09:40
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Firetechthen try it, but don't say I didn't warn you09:40
thieflarOk I'm doing it.09:40
FiretechI did it some months ago, and now some packages have changed.09:41
thieflarit won't even let me do that09:41
Firetechsudo apt-get remove kdelibs409:42
thieflari did, it says i have "Unmet dependencies." .... one second I'm "meeting my dependencies"09:43
FiretechMicrosoft are plain stupid right now... In November they will activate Sender ID  for MSN and Hotmail...09:43
Firetechonly 1,5 % of all mail servers use it (It's patented and won't be able for Debian, and probably not Ubuntu either...). Everyting NOT coming from a Sender ID server will be marked as spam. How many users do you think will leave Hotmail?09:45
FiretechThey are killing themselves.09:45
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chrisanyone got a stock cupsd.conf file from Kubuntu09:48
Firetechchris: maybe09:49
chrisi hosed my cups install and when i try to reinstall and restart the service it doesn't start09:49
liz4rdhttp://irclikelife.com/ LMFAO read the episodes!!!09:50
FiretechI seem to have one... Last changed in February, and I didn't have kubuntu by then :P09:50
chrisit seems like i blew away too much in the /etc/cups folder09:51
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Almindorhello, will KDE 3.4.1 be a standard addition in hoary or will it be standard only for next release? (I read the topic)09:59
Almindorjust should I wait for it or should I get it manualy..09:59
kakaltohoary is already out...10:04
Almindoryes but KDE3.4.1 is not in the standard repositories10:05
Almindorwill it?10:05
kakaltoI don't think they're going to change it, they'd just incorporate 3.4.1 in breezy10:05
AlmindorI see10:05
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yukimarui wanna run a kunumtu server10:10
yukimaruanyone know if it works well10:11
mindspinyou mean kubuntu server ?10:11
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mindspinif not, just out of curiousity what is kunumtu server?10:13
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LathiatSo.. in breezy, i installed kubuntu-desktop, and it doesnt show up in kdm or gdms session list. any ideas?10:31
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chrishas anyone successfully configured pdf-cups on Kubunu.  I'm trying to print from windows xp to a pdf printer on Kubuntu.  It shows the job is sent to the linux box but then sits in the queue.  10:47
chrisi should mention i have set the pdf printer up through samba.10:47
\shLathiat: apt-get install ksmserver:10:48
\shLathiat: apt-get install ksmserver10:48
Lathiatthanks \sh 10:48
\shLathiat: sorry for the long time...apt-file had to be updated ;)10:48
ChurcH_of_FoamYcan someone tell me how to delete files using sudo...iforgot10:49
chrissudo rm 10:49
ChurcH_of_FoamYit's a dir i created and it won't let me delete is there another comannd?10:51
chrisyeah, rm is just for files ithink10:52
\shChurcH_of_FoamY: rmdir == delete empty dir10:52
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\shrm -Rvf /dir == delete the contents of the dir completly and remove the empty dir afterwards10:52
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ChurcH_of_FoamYand when you uninstall a program does it remove all refrences to that program?10:53
spiritzdoes anyone know the kubuntu repository for breezy? I can't find it out.10:53
\shspiritz: archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted universe multiverse10:54
spiritzOk, I thought there was a specific one such as kubuntu.org/breezy...10:54
spiritzthanks \sh10:54
spiritz\sh : too bad, I'm still having the same problem with this repository... half of the packages request kdelibs4 while other request kdelibs4c2 ; Is there any quick fix?10:57
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\shspiritz: yes, don't use breezy ;) right now :)10:58
\shspiritz: no, anyways, we're just at the end of the cxx transition, not all the apps are rebuilded, so at least you have to w8 a bit longer10:59
spiritz\sh: is it gonna like 2 or 3 days?11:00
\shspiritz: no :)11:00
spiritz\sh, ok fine11:00
spiritz\sh tnaks11:00
\shspiritz: u know, 20 ppl against a lot more packages ;)11:00
spiritz\sh: yep I know.. I got more than 300 broken packages ;)11:01
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Lathiat|Homenextquestion, what do i need to do to convince amaroK to play an mp311:06
Lathiat|Homeor juk11:06
Lathiat|Homemaybe artsd+dmix isnt playing so well11:07
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CherryX^Hey, i'm having problems installing GCC/G++ on kubuntu11:12
CherryX^any help for the sudo apt-get install package name?11:12
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Lathiat|Home"The /usr/bin/klaptop_acpi_helper aplication does not seem to have the same size or checksum as when it wascompiled"11:34
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_cloudre all12:02
_cloudhi..someone can give me some help about the sources.list?12:02
_cloudwell...i was trying to install amule and amsn but apt-get can't connect to the repository!12:04
Tm_Terror was?12:04
_cloudit gives error on dependencies of gtk12:05
_cloudand i can't install gtk12:05
_cloudi tryind with kynaptic but it does'nt install the packages i select12:05
Tm_Tok, say "sudo apt-get install amsn" in konsole12:05
Tm_Tpaste output to somewhere12:06
_cloudroot@K5:/home/cloud # sudo apt-get install amsn12:06
_cloudLettura della lista dei pacchetti in corso... Fatto12:06
_cloudGenerazione dell'albero delle dipendenze in corso... Fatto12:06
_cloudE: Impossibile trovare amsn12:06
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Tm_Tok, so there's no amsn package?12:07
_cloudit seems...i downladed the .deb package but i don't know how install that"!12:07
Tm_Tdpkg -i package.deb12:07
Tm_Tand sudo ofcourse12:08
_cloudin the same directory of the package?12:08
Tm_Tand replace package.deb with your package12:08
_cloudi'm already in root mode so sudo is not necessary right?12:08
Tm_Thmm hmm hmm12:09
_cloudit is impossible to install amsn with dpkg..it returns errors with dependencies...12:10
_cloudit needs some libraries tha ti don't have installed12:10
thoreauputicerm.. apt-cache policy amsn -->  500 http://au.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe Packages  <-- it's in universe12:10
Tm_T_cloud: then "apt-get -f install"12:10
thoreauputic_cloud:  you need to enable universe repository12:10
Tm_TI think it'll install all dependencies12:10
thoreauputicTm_T: that won't work - he needs universe12:11
_cloudapt-get -f install removed amsn12:11
Tm_Tgood ;p12:11
Tm_Tjust enable universe then12:12
Tm_Tif it's there12:12
_cloudhow can i do that?12:12
Tm_Tedit your /etc/apt/sources.list12:12
_cloudi uncommented the lines of the repository url but it didn't work...12:12
thoreauputic [repositories]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:12
thoreauputic_cloud: run sudo apt-get update afterwards12:13
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thoreauputicor reload your list...12:13
thoreauputicsame thing12:13
_clouddoing that..12:15
_clouddeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe multiverse12:16
_cloud   deb-src ftp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe multiverse12:16
_cloudi added those lines12:16
_cloudfollowing the howto instructions12:16
_cloudnow i'm going to do the apt-get update12:16
_cloudand i'm twisting my fingers :D12:16
_cloudok update seems to have updated the packages list12:17
_cloudnow i can do apt.get install?12:17
thoreauputicOK now see if  sudo apt-get install amsn  works12:18
_cloudamsn: Dipende: imlib1 ma non  installabile12:18
_cloud        Dipende: libpng10-0 ma non  installabile12:18
_cloudit returns this error..12:18
_cloudit needs this libraries12:18
thoreauputic_cloud: you made an error folowing the howto i think12:18
thoreauputicreplace your /etc/apt/sources.list with this one and try again >> http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3812:19
thoreauputicreplace the whole thing 12:20
thoreauputicmove the old one if you want 12:20
_cloudWHOA...IT WORKS :D12:22
thoreauputicnow leave that list alone ;)12:22
Chameleon22do you people actualy think that linux is better then windows...? lol linux is a joke12:23
thoreauputicChameleon22: troll elsewhere12:23
Chameleon22thoreauputic, aww did i hurt your little feelings?12:23
_cloudidiot trolls12:23
_cloudthanks to all for the support12:23
_cloudyou are great guys12:23
Chameleon22bunch of wannabes lol 12:24
=== thoreauputic applies the useful /ignore command
Tm_TChameleon22: try #linux ;)12:24
Chameleon22i like it here 12:24
Chameleon22liz4rd, you awake dude?12:24
liz4rdwhast up12:25
Chameleon22eh nothing just stirring shit lol12:25
Chameleon22maybe if thoreauputic had a gf he wouldnt react like that ay 12:26
Chameleon22liz4rd, hows your coding going? 12:26
liz4rdmeh sticking with python12:27
Chameleon22cool cool12:27
Chameleon22planty of time 12:27
Chameleon22for others12:27
Chameleon22ok its toileting time12:28
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jentonhey all 12:37
jentonhaving trouble installing koffice 1.4 from the kubuntu.org debian repositories12:38
jentoncan anyone help?12:38
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ChurcH_of_FoamYcan someone tell me how to make xmms the defualt player for inet radio in kubuntu?12:58
Tm_Txmms :/12:58
Tm_TamaroK <312:59
ChurcH_of_FoamYi'll use that12:59
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut i have to configure streamtuner to use it01:00
ChurcH_of_FoamYand then configure amaroK to be the default player01:00
ChurcH_of_FoamYTm_T have i lost you yet?01:00
Tm_Twhat you maen by default player? konqi settings?01:01
ChurcH_of_FoamYum ok let me explane what i'm trying to do01:01
Tm_Tplease do01:02
ChurcH_of_FoamYi am trying to use streamtuner to record my favorite radio station01:02
ChurcH_of_FoamYxmms sucks01:02
ChurcH_of_FoamYand streamtuner uses it has it's default app for media01:02
ChurcH_of_FoamYi wanna change that to something better01:02
ChurcH_of_FoamYand make that same app the default for the system01:02
Tm_Tok, so we talk about streamtuners settings01:02
ChurcH_of_FoamYoh ok ^_^01:02
Tm_Tor, well..01:03
Tm_TI don't really know what kind of app streamtuner is ;p01:03
Tm_TI'll check it and let you know if I find out something01:03
ChurcH_of_FoamYit lets you record inet music01:03
Tm_Tah yes!01:05
Tm_Tfound it01:05
Tm_Tin streamtuner -> edit -> preferences -> 01:05
Tm_Tand change xmms to one you like to use, but in this case, amaroK isn't the best choice01:06
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhat would you suggest?01:07
ChurcH_of_FoamYkaffiene? beep?01:07
Tm_Tsimple qt app01:07
Tm_Twas it noatun that audioplayer...01:08
Tm_Tsomething like that01:08
ChurcH_of_FoamYi don't know01:09
ChurcH_of_FoamYi just wanna get something that works01:09
ChurcH_of_FoamYkaffiene eats cpu 01:10
Tm_Ttry noatun01:10
ChurcH_of_FoamYand xmms sucks01:10
ChurcH_of_FoamYdon't have it :(01:10
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Tm_Tinstall it then ;)01:11
Tm_Tlooks like it's audio/videoplayer01:12
Tm_Tdon't forget to install noatun-plugins package01:12
Tm_TI think that'll do it01:13
ChurcH_of_FoamYi'll get it01:14
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thoreauputicChurcH_of_FoamY: erm - you *do* have streamripper, I assume?01:16
ChurcH_of_FoamYi do ^_^01:16
ChurcH_of_FoamYi downloaded them both and installed01:16
ChurcH_of_FoamYsee i'm trying to make it the default music app so i can listen to a station that dosen't01:17
Tm_Tthoreauputic: looks like you have an idea, so go ahead and share it with us01:17
ChurcH_of_FoamYshow up in the live 365 tab01:17
thoreauputicChurcH_of_FoamY: you might prefer beep-media-player to xmms - it has more intuitive preferences01:17
ChurcH_of_FoamYsee my idea is why have to launch several diffrent progs to record music01:17
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ChurcH_of_FoamYi should be able to go to www.live365.com click on the station i want01:18
ChurcH_of_FoamYthat should open up streamtuner and the app that i select to play the music01:18
ChurcH_of_FoamYand then if i like the song i record it ^_^01:19
ChurcH_of_FoamYno hassle no fuss01:19
thoreauputicChurcH_of_FoamY: you could make streamripper your default and tap into it using port 8000 ( I do this) See man streamripper01:19
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thoreauputicYou then have your player reading form the local port 8000 01:19
ChurcH_of_FoamYhow do i do that man thing is that manual?01:19
thoreauputicand you are recording at the same time...01:19
thoreauputichang on01:20
ChurcH_of_FoamYok i'll have to find the manual then01:20
ChurcH_of_FoamYi just want a player that works good with internet radio01:20
ChurcH_of_FoamYkaffiene does but it sucks to much cpu for my taste01:20
ChurcH_of_FoamYand xms is a waste of time01:20
ChurcH_of_FoamYxmms even01:21
ChurcH_of_FoamYnot even a halfway decent peace of code that xmmx01:21
thoreauputicthe option for using a redirected port 8000 is -r I think (streamripper)01:21
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thoreauputicthen you tune in to  to monitor the rip01:22
ChurcH_of_FoamYthinks for a sed01:23
thoreauputicso you can listen and record at the same time, and not waste any bandwidth01:23
ChurcH_of_FoamYhmm 01:24
thoreauputicmy "record a stream" says x-terminal-emulator -e streamripper %q -r /path/to/music/directory01:24
ChurcH_of_FoamYi'm trying to locate the station in live 365 tab but i can't even find it in search01:24
ChurcH_of_FoamYand you did all that in streamtuner?01:24
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhere lol01:25
thoreauputicno, that's in edit preferences in streamtuner01:25
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thoreauputicedit > preferences . applications01:25
ChurcH_of_FoamYi don't seem to have those settings in there01:26
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thoreauputicoops it should be  x-terminal-emulator -e streamripper %q -r  -d /path/to/music/directory01:26
ChurcH_of_FoamYok you lost me lol01:26
thoreauputicyou change the settings for "Record a strem"01:26
ChurcH_of_FoamYso that would let me record whatever my pri music app hears?01:27
thoreauputicwhen you choose "record", yes01:27
ChurcH_of_FoamYok do i have to make a music folder first?01:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYto record too?01:28
thoreauputicbut your music app needs then to tune to 01:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYok now you really lost me >.<01:28
thoreauputicyou don't have to make a dir - I think the default is your home dir01:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYso let me get this straight01:29
thoreauputicyou make a preset/ bookmark for 01:29
ChurcH_of_FoamYthere we go lol01:29
ChurcH_of_FoamYnow i get it01:29
thoreauputicthen when you are recording, you listen to that URL01:30
thoreauputicbut you have to use the -r option above for streamripper in prefs01:30
thoreauputic x-terminal-emulator -e streamripper %q -r01:31
thoreauputicthe -d option is just to direct output to a directory of your vhoice01:31
ChurcH_of_FoamYoh ok01:31
ChurcH_of_FoamYso the default is just as good?01:32
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thoreauputicChurcH_of_FoamY: should be fine if you are happy with the dirs it makes for you01:32
ChurcH_of_FoamYhey has long as i can find shit i don't care lol ^_^01:32
ChurcH_of_FoamYnow i need to make something else the default player01:33
ChurcH_of_FoamYkaffine sucks to much cpu power01:33
thoreauputicI just directed all output to /home/me/music01:33
ChurcH_of_FoamYi don't have that /me/music part lol01:33
thoreauputicbeep is currently using about 1% or less CPU here...01:34
ChurcH_of_FoamYok so how to make streamtuner use beep as well as kubuntu?01:35
ChurcH_of_FoamYi have it installed on top of my ubuntu install01:35
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thoreauputicChurcH_of_FoamY: just put beep-media-player %q for the "Listen" options in streamtuner01:36
ChurcH_of_FoamYfor both .m3u and stream?01:37
thoreauputicworks fine for both01:37
ChurcH_of_FoamYok and how to make beep the default for kde?01:38
thoreauputicjust add the -r option after %q on the "Record a stream" line and add the bookmark for local monitoring as above01:38
thoreauputicthat I don't know - probably mime types in kcontrol01:39
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut my default player is kaffiene01:39
ChurcH_of_FoamYand i hate it lol01:39
thoreauputicassociate mp3, ogg m3u pls etc with beep then01:39
ChurcH_of_FoamYand i do that how?01:39
ChurcH_of_FoamYi'm in control center now01:40
thoreauputicin kcontrol, from memory - I'm using fluxbox here ATM01:40
thoreauputicfile associations? something like that01:40
ChurcH_of_FoamYlooks for kcontrol01:40
thoreauputickcontrol is the control centre ;)01:40
thoreauputicyou are already there :D01:41
ChurcH_of_FoamYoh lol01:41
thoreauputicKDE Components >> File Associations01:42
ChurcH_of_FoamYi'm there01:42
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thoreauputicOK just click a file type and set an app01:43
thoreauputiclike vorbis >> beep-media-player for instance01:43
thoreauputicyou can sort the order of preference as well01:43
ChurcH_of_FoamYso just fill in for the app "beep-media-player" as well?01:44
thoreauputictry it and see01:44
thoreauputicand do the same for mpeg etc blah blah01:44
thoreauputicyou can always go back and chnge it if it doesn't work as expected01:45
ChurcH_of_FoamYhmmm don't seem to have beep01:47
ChurcH_of_FoamYforgot to get it lol01:48
thoreauputichaha - sudo apt-get install beep-media-player01:48
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thoreauputicBTW you can use xmms skins or winamp2 skins with it01:49
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ChurcH_of_FoamYupdateing system config now ^_^01:53
ChurcH_of_FoamYthen i'll test01:53
thoreauputicif you got it right, clicking on an mp3 should start beep01:54
ChurcH_of_FoamYdamnit it's still using caffine01:54
ChurcH_of_FoamYand it won't change01:55
ChurcH_of_FoamYi click on the station in firefox 01:55
ChurcH_of_FoamYand it opens a window that shows the songs01:55
ChurcH_of_FoamYand then kaffine show up >.<01:55
ChurcH_of_FoamYstupid kaffine01:55
thoreauputicerm - do you have a plugin installed then?01:55
thoreauputicif you do, it will always do that01:56
thoreauputicit isn't kafeine that's at fault01:56
ChurcH_of_FoamYyea i think i do01:56
ChurcH_of_FoamYand it won't let me record >.<01:56
thoreauputicwell, you'd have to disable the plugin then01:56
ChurcH_of_FoamYin firefox?01:56
thoreauputic*sigh* 01:56
ChurcH_of_FoamYhey i'm learning here thanx for being patent01:57
thoreauputicI can't tell you *everything*01:57
ChurcH_of_FoamYyour being a really big help and i'm greatfull for it01:57
ChurcH_of_FoamYif it wherent for people like you nubs like me would be sol01:57
thoreauputicThis is why I suggested finding the URLs for your favourite streams and adding them as bookmarks to streamtuner01:58
ChurcH_of_FoamYoh ok01:58
thoreauputicusually you can get the URL by right clicking and saving the m3u or pls01:59
ChurcH_of_FoamYthats harder than it sounds lol01:59
ChurcH_of_FoamYi had done that before and lost it01:59
thoreauputicthen you open the file in an editor and copy paste the url01:59
thoreauputicthat way you can always find the stream source in streamtuner01:59
ChurcH_of_FoamYok i'm gonna try to disable kaffine in firefox02:00
ChurcH_of_FoamYnope i think i may uninstall it02:01
ChurcH_of_FoamYand beep looks awsome ^_^02:01
thoreauputicthe urls will look like  or similar for mp3 streams02:02
ChurcH_of_FoamYyea i know02:02
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ChurcH_of_FoamYi just need to disable kaffine02:02
ChurcH_of_FoamYi'm probibly gonna uninstall it02:02
thoreauputicno need to do that unless you prefer xine or mplayer or whatever02:03
thoreauputicI mostly use plain xine-ui or totem-xine for video02:03
ChurcH_of_FoamYwell i looked in firefox for the plugin but can't find it02:03
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ChurcH_of_FoamYso i'm thinking it's in the control center someware02:03
thoreauputicpossibly in the download section of prefs, or look at about:plugins02:04
ChurcH_of_FoamYstill learning where things are in linux02:04
thoreauputicabout:plugins in firefox URL bar will show what plugins you have02:05
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ChurcH_of_FoamYKaffeine Starter Plugin02:05
ChurcH_of_FoamY    File name: kaffeineplugin.so02:05
ChurcH_of_FoamY    Will start external Kaffeine Media Player for embedded media streams.02:05
ChurcH_of_FoamYis what it says02:05
ChurcH_of_FoamYsorry spam >.<02:05
ChurcH_of_FoamYshit i'll just uninstall it02:06
ChurcH_of_FoamYif i need it i can always get it back02:06
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thoreauputicChurcH_of_FoamY: you can disable the plugins in the downloads section of FF preferences under edit>> preferences02:07
thoreauputicclick on plugin there02:07
ChurcH_of_FoamYweard theres nothing that says kaffine in there >.<02:10
ChurcH_of_FoamYand i'm in the place where you control the plugins in ff02:11
thoreauputicdid you click "plugins" at the bottom?02:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYi have the plugin too02:11
thoreauputicwell, dunno then02:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYahh i'll just uninstall it no biggie ^_^02:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYif i need it again i know where to get it ^_^02:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYto bad beep dosen't plug into ff02:13
ChurcH_of_FoamYit works!!!02:14
ChurcH_of_FoamYthank you so much thoreauputic ^_^02:15
thoreauputicno problem :)02:15
ChurcH_of_FoamYyou rock man02:15
thoreauputicI spend too much time digging in Linux when I should be working ;)02:16
ChurcH_of_FoamYhey at least your learning something usefull02:16
ChurcH_of_FoamYand your able to help us noobsa02:16
thoreauputicheh - yeah at least I can help out a bit02:16
ChurcH_of_FoamYin 1 fell swoop ya solved all my probs02:17
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ChurcH_of_FoamYi just gotta figure out my record problem now02:19
thoreauputicglad it's working for you :)02:19
ChurcH_of_FoamYnicyly beep sounds awsome02:19
ChurcH_of_FoamYfirst time user02:20
thoreauputicyeah, beep works pretty well02:20
ChurcH_of_FoamYi'm gonna remove that -r 02:20
ChurcH_of_FoamYit dosen't seem to work02:20
miklwhat would I use for communicating with my phone with IRDA?02:20
thoreauputicit does02:20
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut a box pops up and closes with an error02:20
thoreauputicChurcH_of_FoamY: remeber you have to tune beep to the local port 800002:20
thoreauputicChurcH_of_FoamY: is stremripper working?02:21
ChurcH_of_FoamYyes but i'm still trying to get the station02:21
ChurcH_of_FoamYurl for it02:21
thoreauputicyou might have a typo in your command02:21
ChurcH_of_FoamYx-terminal-emulator -e streamripper %q  -r02:22
ChurcH_of_FoamYthats what it is now02:22
ChurcH_of_FoamYis that right?02:22
thoreauputiclooks OK02:22
thoreauputicnow make a preset/bookmark in streamtuner with 02:23
thoreauputicand when you record, click that to listen to the stream02:23
thoreauputiccall it "Ripping Monitor" or something02:23
ChurcH_of_FoamYnope the ripping monitor pops up and says something about proxys then 02:24
thoreauputichmmm - well it should work I think: but now's the time to consult  "man streamripper "02:25
thoreauputicyour sysntax might need a tweak02:25
ChurcH_of_FoamYhmm i can see the url in beeps playlist i just can't get to it02:25
ChurcH_of_FoamYif i put that in streamripper than i'd be set02:26
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ChurcH_of_FoamYman does beep sound nice ^_^02:26
thoreauputicso copy paste it in aterminal or add it as a bookmark or just type it in02:26
thoreauputicyou'll work it out... once you have it it will be easy02:27
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thoreauputicof course, the order you do it is :  click "record" in streamtuner first, then tune into the monitor with beep using your local monitor URL02:30
thoreauputictwo clicks...02:31
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_cloudhi all02:33
_cloudthere is someone who have two minute?02:34
ChurcH_of_FoamYoh ok02:34
ChurcH_of_FoamYi see02:34
_cloudi have to mount an hard disk on RAID02:34
_cloudbut it not appear in the special device list02:34
thoreauputicChurcH_of_FoamY: you are listening to the stream using a "proxy" port on your own machine02:35
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thoreauputic_cloud: you might have a better response in #ubuntu - I know nothing about RAID and it's pretty quiet in here ATM02:36
ChurcH_of_FoamYok so i start recording before i turn on beep?02:36
thoreauputicChurcH_of_FoamY: yes02:36
ChurcH_of_FoamYlet me try02:36
ChurcH_of_FoamYmaybe i did it backwards lol02:36
thoreauputicthen you click the monitor shortcut you made02:37
ChurcH_of_FoamYi even got the url just as you said02:37
thoreauputicwell, it's just a question of configuration: you *do* need to read the man02:38
ChurcH_of_FoamYok will do thanx ^_^02:38
thoreauputicI had to work it out all by myself ;)02:38
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thoreauputicChurcH_of_FoamY: the important thing to understand is that you will listen to the stream as it is recording - but not from the original net URL: from the local port 8000 Does that make sense?02:44
pointwoodhow do I make Firefox use kpdf as the default for pdf files instead of xpdf?02:50
thoreauputicpointwood: change the default app in firefox prefs for downloads02:50
pointwoodthere's no default app02:51
thoreauputicdoes firefox pop up a chooser when you click on a pdf ?02:52
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pointwoodthoreauputic: yes02:54
thoreauputichere, I get a popup box asking if I want to download or view: there's a drop - down list to choose which app to pen with02:54
pointwoodI get the same02:54
thoreauputicyou choose the app then, and tell it to always use the app you chose02:55
thoreauputicyou want /usr/bin/kpdf I guess02:55
pointwoodthat's the problem, I don't want it to always use that02:56
pointwoodI just want it to be the default02:56
thoreauputicin that case you choose each time - I don't see a problem?02:56
pointwoodin the popup box02:56
pointwoodI have to browse down to /usr/bin/kpdf each time02:57
thoreauputictype in /usr/bin/kpdf?02:57
thoreauputicI seem to remeber you can do that02:57
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thoreauputicif you say to use it all the time, you can always change it in prefs02:58
pointwoodhey! now it did it :)02:58
=== pointwood ponders whether it will still be there after he restarts the browser
thoreauputicone way to find out I guess...02:59
pointwoodworky worky03:00
pointwoodbut wierd03:00
pointwoodbecause I've done it before without it chaning anything03:01
thoreauputicit's magic! *grin*03:01
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hongkongukcan anyone shed light on a screen resolution issue i have?03:16
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_dwE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)03:18
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_dw... that's what I get on trying to upgrade to the new kde... Im getting03:19
CavalierBobHI all!03:19
_dwthere a problem with that package?03:19
_cloudno way to solve this problem03:20
_cloudi don't know how to mount my 120gb on RAID03:20
CavalierBobHas anyone here had problems using the Kubuntu KOffice 1.4.0 repo? I'm getting size mismatch errors on 3 packages.03:21
_dwCavalierBob: I'm getting an error too03:21
_dw..but with the kdelibs-data package03:22
CavalierBobPosted to the Kubuntu forums, but no answers, but did find another user with the same error.03:22
_dwI haven't re-logged in yet; I hope this won't muck up my old kde...03:23
CavalierBobdw: I have but I didn't install since the packages would be missing.03:24
CavalierBobdw: It was suggested to file a bug. Does Kubuntu use Ubuntu's Bugzilla?03:24
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_dwCavalierBob: I think so, yeah.03:25
CavalierBobdw: Thanks! I asked too soon. I just checked and they do indeed use Ubuntu's Bugzilla.03:26
_dwCool. Could you paste the URL after so I can follow, too? :)03:26
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CavalierBobdw: Here's the list with the bugs seaching Bugzilla on "kubuntu": http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4372003:29
CavalierBobdw: I'll post my bug URL in a biy - brb03:29
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CavalierBobdw: Here's the KOffice bug I just filed: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1211603:43
_dwCool; I'll bookmark it. Thanks.03:48
RiddellCavalierBob: could you try installing now03:51
Riddellapt-get update && apt-get install koffice03:51
CavalierBobRiddell: Will try to install KOffice again, brb03:56
CavalierBobRiddell: Hmmm, just got the same error03:57
CavalierBobRiddell: let me try again. I think I messed up...I was using Synaptic, not apt-get.04:00
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
CavalierBobRiddell: My apoligies, yep, I messed up. Hadn't updated the repo in Synaptic. KOffice now installed perfectly! Thank you!04:03
RiddellCavalierBob: cool, thanks for reporting the issue04:03
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CavalierBobRiddell: Glad to help! Thanks for all your teams work in making all this available04:04
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solomedes_ Failed to fetch file:/mnt/wine/kubuntu/dists/hoary/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz File not found Failed to fetch05:02
solomedes_but its alrady in the path 05:02
solomedes_so whats da problem05:02
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_userwhat's the minimal / size for ubuntu ?? (normal installation)05:13
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Expelliarmusi give it 7 gigs and up till now it's just being used < 2 gig :))05:16
Expelliarmusand one silly thing... i forgot to set up the swap partition :))05:17
Expelliarmusi ended up creating swap file :))05:17
solomedes_how i can install file.deb?05:17
solomedes_apt-get install file.deb ?05:17
Tm_Tdpkg -i file.deb05:17
solomedes_or apt-get only for search in media source?05:17
Expelliarmussolomedes... apt-get install <package name> ??05:17
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solomedes_thx Tm_T 05:18
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Expelliarmusi'm having problem connecting to yahoo messenger (i'm behind an ISA server firewall)05:18
Expelliarmusany suggestion?05:18
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Expelliarmusguys.... am i correct that gaim's and kopete's ui's "exactly" the same?05:48
Tm_Tthere's differences05:48
Expelliarmusmy mistakes....05:49
Tm_Ttry them and pick your favorite05:49
Expelliarmusactually.. i opened TWO gaim... and think that i opened both gaim and kopete :)05:50
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Expelliarmuslol :))05:51
Expelliarmuserr... still i have problem connecting to yahoo messenger....05:52
Expelliarmus*behind ISA firewall*05:52
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jeramyISA?  You mean the architecture that was in use before PCI?  ;)05:54
Expelliarmusyou're joking... right :))05:55
jeramyYes, I'm joking.  I don't know what an ISA firewall is, thought.05:55
hussamjeramy: ISA = Microsoft ISA proxy server05:56
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Expelliarmusany idea?05:56
jeramyThe first thing that came to mind was "use a proxy server" but I guess not... :)05:56
uniqmake the ISA server do NAT or masquerading. :)05:57
jeramyum, ask nicely for them to open the Yahoo port?  :)05:57
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Expelliarmusi'm trying ntlmaps05:57
jeramyhussam: thanks.  :)05:57
hussamjeramy: I was only kidding. I know you knew what it meant :)05:59
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Expelliarmusdo you guys know any socks4/socks5 over http proxy?06:04
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oldwulfhello all... New to ubuntu and haven't used debian in ages.  Im currently trying to port from fedora core 3 and ran into an issue with a sun qfe.  anyone know how to enable that during install?  should I try agian as expert?06:12
oldwulfI know that the sun qfe is not supported, but could I grab the module from debian and run it?06:15
Expelliarmusqfe ?? what's qfe? :p06:16
oldwulfQuad Fast Ethernet06:16
jeramyYes, you most likely could.  Is it just one package?06:17
Expelliarmusoic... :)06:18
jeramyIf so, you can just download it off Debian's web page, and then run "sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb"06:18
oldwulfI believe it would be.  I can probably just rebuild the kernel and add the module.  I know it is supported under the 2.6 kernel06:18
jeramyIt's strange that there isn't a corresponding ubuntu package.06:19
jeramyDid you enable universe?06:19
oldwulfah good point... wasn't sure if that would work pulling from debian into ubuntu... I figured it would because it ( ubuntu) is based off debian06:19
oldwulfhaving an issue continuing the install because it is looking for the network support06:19
jeramyOh, that could be a problem... it's not yet installed?06:20
jeramyWhen I was disconnected from the network, though, it let me finish the install...06:20
oldwulfbut I have to admit to not trying very hard to complete the install and I didn't run expert.  I will prolly do that later.  this is not a primary system.. Just testing ubuntu06:20
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oldwulflike i said I didn't try very hard... got the error and stopped...not a major priority.. I have two other systems online to work from06:21
Expelliarmussounds like fun :)) btw, how much are you paying for your electric bill??06:23
Expelliarmusi wonder whether my country's electric rate's high?06:23
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oldwulfExpelliarmus:  Was that directed to me? ;-)  06:24
jeramyExpelliarmus: Indonesia?06:25
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Expelliarmusyeah :)06:26
oldwulfHeheh... actually my electric bill is like $50 for a four bed room house running 5 computer systems and a couple routers06:27
oldwulfbtw, I'm in the US06:28
Expelliarmus5 computers???06:29
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Expelliarmuswith monitors?06:29
Expelliarmusby router... you mean cisco class??06:29
Expelliarmusany air conditioner??06:29
oldwulfNo only two monitors.. I have a linux firewall, linux samba server, a testing box and two winblows boxes.  a 24 port switch and a router behind my firewall for added security. ;)  no ac I live in a cold place06:30
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Expelliarmushehehe ... that (the last one)'s good excuse :))06:30
Expelliarmushmm... btw that's still cheaper than my initial assumption.... :) :))06:31
oldwulfI'm actually looking into building a server room with air conditioning and a server rack for my systems06:31
Expelliarmusall those pc's running 24/7 ?06:31
oldwulfnever down06:32
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Expelliarmuscool ...06:32
oldwulfthe monitors are normally off at night06:32
oldwulfdepending if I'm sleeping... I don't like to do that... too much in the world to absorb to sleep06:32
Expelliarmushere we have A LOT of electrical downtime... :)) lol .... around twice a month .. :p 06:32
Expelliarmus*blackout* ??06:33
oldwulfwhere do you live06:33
Expelliarmusyeah .....06:33
oldwulfI lose power once maybe twice a year06:33
oldwulfofcourse when we do it is normally out for a couple of days because of snow or tornado damage06:33
Expelliarmusjakarta...... (the capital ..... :))06:33
Expelliarmusyeah ...at least with *good* reason.... 06:34
Expelliarmustornado?? *phew*06:34
oldwulfis it just a power grid issue?06:34
oldwulfmore users then power output or something06:34
oldwulfwe have that issue in certain areas of the US06:34
oldwulfCalifornia is bad for that06:35
oldwulfway too many people for the amount of power that is being created06:35
Expelliarmuslol... something like that... i suppose....06:36
Expelliarmusafterall, we have a lot of "thief" here... :P06:36
oldwulf?  that's uncool06:36
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oldwulfit is a shame that the thieves don't understand the true impact of thieft06:37
Expelliarmusyeah ... :))06:37
Expelliarmusand we don't punish those "/thief06:37
Expelliarmuswell... at least not enough :p06:38
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Expelliarmusand what about your internet connection?06:39
Expelliarmuswell.... guess i'm off for now... see you guys soon :))06:44
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oldwulflater exp06:55
oldwulftoo late06:55
oldwulfOK I'm off to lunch later all06:56
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jeramyWhere is Kexi in the new KOffice 1.4?07:19
Tm_Tread it through07:20
jeramyOh, I see.  :)07:20
jeramyI did an apt-cache search and it didn't come up.  :(07:21
jeramyWill it be in the same deb location?07:21
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Tm_TI know why kexi isn't included07:25
Tm_Tdatabase driver issue07:25
RiddellTm_T: ?07:25
Tm_Thmm, or maybe it's my install =)07:25
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Tm_TI forgot I use trunk atm07:26
yourghetekif i do an apt-get install gnome-desktop. what will happen?07:26
Tm_Tmaybe I should install 1.4 branch instead07:26
jeramyTm_T, did you set up a kdedev account, like they outline on quality.kde.org?  Just curious.07:26
Riddellyourghetek: evil things :)07:26
Tm_Tjeramy: ehm?07:27
yourghetekRiddell: mmm07:27
Tm_TRiddell: http://www.kapsi.fi/~tm_travolta/kuvat/temp/kexi_001.jpg07:27
Tm_TRiddell: recent trunk svn07:27
jeramyTm_T, I'm running the 3.4.1 stable, and trunk svn at the same time, but with two different accounts.07:27
Tm_TI just install what ever I like to use07:28
yourghetekTm_t: what is the app in teh upper right?07:28
Tm_Tyourghetek: torsmo07:28
Tm_Tyourghetek: torsmo.sf.net07:29
yourghetekTm_T: sudo apt-get install torsmo # i cant wait...07:29
Tm_TI advice to compile newest07:29
yourghetektoo late07:29
Tm_Tyou can always remove it ;)07:29
mrmanicapt has remove functionality?  07:30
mrmanicwill wonders never cease?!07:30
yourghetekTm_T: sudo apt-get remove torsmo #sigh... Tm_T hates me07:30
Tm_T] ;=07:30
jeramyand then you would use clean?  or autoclean? to remove it from the cache?07:30
=== Tm_T is installing 1.4 branch of Koffice
Tm_Tjeramy: whatever you like07:31
=== yourghetek installed 1.4 a while ago
jeramyTm_T, did you just download the snapshot or something?  How do you switch between trunk and 1.4 so quickly?07:31
Tm_Tjeramy: in separate folders07:32
=== yourghetek wants a text based internet browser that renders into ascii art...
jeramyok, so you just have select apps then that you have on both?07:32
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Tm_Tjeramy: so I just unsermake install the one I wan't to use07:33
jeramyI've never used unsermake... come to think of it, I don't know what it is.  :)07:34
jeramythat's cool though.07:34
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uniqyourghetek: elinks is a nice text based browser.07:45
Tm_Tlynx o/07:45
yourghetekelinks rocks07:48
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_thomasI'm searching for KEXI and KPLATO07:52
yourghetekis this correct syntax? "sudo slocate -u && slocate torsmorc| sudo nano -"07:53
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jeramy_thomas: Chances are you don't have Kexi.  I was looking for it 5 minutes before you came on...08:01
othernoobhi, im having problems printing a pdf (20 pages) with my laser printer, which worked fine before and has printed about 700 pages so far.08:01
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CyberTFi have a question08:32
CyberTFwhen doing an upgrade to KDE from the apt source listed in the topic, i get the following notice WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!08:33
CyberTFand it lists all of the kde packages to be upgraded08:33
CyberTFshould i go aheaad and do it or is there a way to authenticate these upgrades?08:34
uniqgo ahead and do it.08:36
uniqthere is no way to authenticate them at this time.08:36
CyberTFcan it be undone if something bad happens?08:37
CyberTFhow? never had to roll back a upgrade before08:37
uniqjust poke me or someone else in here.. and you'll get help to do that.08:37
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=== _dragec2 je avej, dojdem posle : Away at the moment
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philipacamaniacWho wishes a certain unnamed KDE developer would finish QT/Firefox? I know I do.08:54
uniqkonqueror rocks.08:55
Skaagkonqueror on the rocks.08:55
philipacamaniacI dig konqueror integration08:55
philipacamaniacI do not dig kjs(spell?) issues like Gmail08:56
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mrmanicI want konquerer to be rock solid stable08:56
philipacamaniacyeah - no random crashes please, when I click on an NPR Audio stream08:57
=== philipacamaniac understands that to have his way, he'll have to code it himself
mrmanicit's not exactly random08:58
philipacamaniacI suppose *everytime* and *random* aren't synonymous08:58
mrmanicpretty much any time I close konqi while I have an html page with embedded video it crashes.08:58
mrmanickonqi and kopete are currently my least stable apps08:59
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philipacamaniacsame here, although I will say it isn't as bad as complained about on the forums08:59
mrmanicone of these days I'm going to take a week off and figure out qt and C++ and start fixing bugs in kopete.09:00
philipacamaniacI, on the other hand, will do the same, but try to create a lightweight KDE browser, with Gecko and KHTML engine support09:01
philipacamaniacvery ambitious, but very wanted09:01
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philipacamaniachmm, I wonder what I'll call it09:03
mrmanickozilla kirekox?09:04
monchyi don't know if you want kox in the name lol09:04
mrmanicer, firefoKs?09:04
philipacamaniacfirefoKs is pretty cool09:05
philipacamaniacnow that's just silly09:05
philipacamaniacyeah. but imagine, a browser that excepts netscape and mozilla plugins, Firefox extensions, but is integrated into all of KDE (bookmarks, etc.)09:06
mrmanicthat would be nice.09:06
monchysounds like alot of work lol09:06
philipacamaniacwell, the mozilla plugin part is done, but the Firefox extensions might be tricky09:07
mrmanicI'm a big fan of integration.09:07
monchyas long as i have my ad-block i'll be happy09:07
philipacamaniacthat's in Konqueror SVN (maybe only trunk?)09:07
philipacamaniacwhat comes after a conqueror?09:09
philipacamaniac(as in, the navigator, the explorer, the konqueror)09:09
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CyberTFwell upgrade seemed to go well09:10
mrmanicphilipacamaniac: korruption?09:11
philipacamaniacI don't think my browser would get very popular09:12
philipacamaniacalthough, it might...09:12
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mrmanicmight get popular in the 1337 haX0r crowd09:12
philipacamaniacdon't they use lynx?09:12
CyberTFwhat browser. i'm up for trying something new09:13
philipacamaniacjust an idea, sorry09:13
mrmanicCyberTF: it's the one in philipacamaniac's head09:13
danwhere can I get the macromedia flashplayer for kubuntu?09:13
philipacamaniacthe one where Firefox and Konqueror are united as one in a happy marriage09:13
danright, what is the name of the pacakge I have to get?09:14
philipacamaniacdan: flashplayer-mozilla, and my other comment was about something else09:14
danaehm, do I need a special source?09:14
philipacamaniacrestricted must be enabled09:14
uniqflashplugin-nonfree works.09:14
danwhere do I get this?09:15
danits not in the kynaptics list09:15
CyberTFphillipacamaniac: sounds interesting09:15
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=== dan is new to Kubuntu/Debian
mrmanicdan: you probably have to change your /etc/apt/sources.list to include the nonfree stuff.09:16
danah, I see09:16
uniqdan: http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kf1.html#swmgmt09:16
philipacamaniacdan: look here http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories and find the lines where the word "restricted" is used09:16
philipacamaniacdan: n/m do what uniq said09:16
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philipacamaniacuniq: I feel like a bad person, always jumping to the ubuntuguide, rather than Kudos ;)09:17
uniqphilipacamaniac: ubuntuguide is nice too.09:17
uniqbut flashplayer-mozilla isn't in restricted.09:18
uniqit's in multiverse.09:18
philipacamaniachmm, that's what I meant to say. dyslexia?09:18
uniqdan: did you get that? flashplayer-mozilla isn't in the restricted repository.. it's in the one named multiverse.09:18
CyberTFdan: are you using apt from command line or some package manager?09:18
liz4rdLOL http://irclikelife.com/09:19
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HowitzerHow can i set it up so, that at startup, the X server doesn't start automaticly, but that i have to login first and do Startx09:23
uniq'sudo update-rc.d -f kdm remove' in a console.09:24
Howitzerif i do startx09:24
Howitzerit will go to the KDM right?09:25
kalenedraelit should09:25
uniqit wont.09:26
uniqit'll start the desktop environment directly.09:26
uniqwhatever you specify in ~/.xinitrc09:26
Howitzeri need to be able to choose which desktop i'll be using09:26
uniqor the default.09:26
philipacamaniacin the textmode runlevel, you login on the command line09:26
uniqyou can choose in ~/.xinitrc09:27
uniqif you put 'exec startkde' in ~/.xinitrc you'll start kde.09:27
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Howitzeri don't have xinitrc09:27
uniqmake it.09:27
uniqecho 'exec startkde' > ~/.xinitrc09:28
Howitzerbut if i'd like to use Fluxbox09:29
Howitzerhow do i do that?09:29
uniqput 'exec fluxbox' into ~/.xinitrc09:29
=== slicslak [~slicslak@S010600121707168b.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
Howitzeri'll forget about this all then :/09:29
slicslaki just upgraded synaptic on my parents ubuntu machine.....  couldn't run something afterwards, so i logged out, couldn't log in so i rebooted.  no kernel on boot!  crazy.....09:30
philipacamaniackubuntu or ubuntu? cause you're in #kubuntu09:31
slicslakphilipacamaniac, wm doesn't make a diff in this case.  i'm just here cause i like kde and this room is a lot queter.  :-)09:31
philipacamaniacwell, you mentioned synaptic... ;)09:32
slicslakit was the older ubuntu anyway, i'm not looking for help, just commenting.  i'm backing up the home dir with knoppix right now, and i'll do a reinstall w/ the new ubuntu later.  09:32
uniqslicslak: you didn't upgrade to breezy did you?09:32
uniqstrangeness with the kernel stuff.09:32
slicslakuniq, not sure.  i just typed apt-get upgrade synaptic09:32
uniqshouldn't die like that then.09:33
slicslakyour telling me.  also strangness that X wouldn't start after the upgrade too.09:33
uniqsounds very strange.09:33
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uniqit's hard to say what broke without error messages though.09:33
uniqi'd suggest a re-install if you're able to backup /home09:34
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slicslakuniq, that's what i'm doing. knoppix plus external hd saves the day again.  :-)09:35
uniqslicslak: thank god for knoppix.09:35
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uniqthat reminds me.. i'll have to burn a livecd for my ibook.09:35
philipacamaniachas anyone tried knoppix 4.0 dvd?09:35
philipacamaniacit was just released to the wild (bittorrent) like yesterday09:36
=== dan [~dan@209-6-203-55.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu
gdhomg 0day war3z t3kn1q  :)09:36
philipacamaniachmm, it is sad that I understood that09:37
gdhhehe :)09:38
gdh1337 is a horrible disease that touches most IRC users to a greater or lesser extene..09:38
mrmanicI read up on 1337 on microsoft's site09:38
mrmanicI'm serious that it's out there, not serious that that's where I got my info09:39
gdhwow! :D09:39
philipacamaniacROFL LOL LMAO09:39
=== mrmanic ch0r+13z
gdh"Talk 1337 with Uncle Billy" :D09:40
liz4rdwhats the package called for all the windows fonts?09:40
gdhthat's just fantastic =)09:40
gdhliz4rd: msttcorefonts09:40
philipacamaniac"Now, Bobby, I don't want you pwning anyone today!"09:41
gdhyes :)))09:41
liz4rdhow do you install your own fronts? 1 by one09:42
philipacamaniacKDE Control Center09:43
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liz4rdmmm once i put it in there will it use them no matter what the WM?09:43
danI have another question :-)09:44
philipacamaniacliz4rd: correct09:44
danwhere can I get the win32 multimedia codecs from?09:44
danand libdvdcss2?09:44
gdhmarillat - w32codecs09:44
gdhmarillat for all that multimedia stuff09:44
liz4rdphilipacamaniac: whell i'm in xfce4 whats the control center like called? if i were to run that command09:45
danwhere is marillat?09:45
gdhdeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat stable main09:45
gdhalso testing + unstable - add them all 09:45
philipacamaniacliz4rd: err, kcontrol09:45
liz4rdlol thx09:45
philipacamaniacwho digs the new Crystal Clear icon theme? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2566809:46
liz4rdNot found.09:46
liz4rdah there it is09:47
gdhphilipacamaniac: Another shameless Mac ripoff? great.09:47
monchylooks good09:47
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liz4rdwow really good!!!09:47
uniqdan: http://ubuntuguide.org/#dvdplayback and http://ubuntuguide.org/#codecs - the whole guide is recommended reading.09:47
gdhtrying to look like a mac is worse than actually owning a mac :)09:47
monchyyou should preach to the people at aqua-soft09:47
uniqI own a mac and i'm proud of it.09:47
danuniq: yep, I read extrarepositories, but it has links to old URLs09:48
=== liz4rd watches uniq protest :P
philipacamaniacI don't think they look all that mac-like09:48
uniqdan: ok.. i didn't know that.09:48
philipacamaniacbut I may be in denial09:48
liz4rdphilipacamaniac: you use gimp?09:48
uniqliz4rd: my mac is 100% kubuntu.09:49
philipacamaniacyes, well recently I've been using gimpshop09:49
dangdh: the deb entry you gave me above goes to souorces.list?09:49
liz4rduniq: NICE09:49
gdhdan: yes.09:49
dangdh: mhh, this did not work09:49
liz4rdphilipacamaniac: !!!mind helping me install that?09:49
danapt told me it could not stat09:49
philipacamaniacliz4rd: gimpshop?09:49
gdhdan: and you apt-get update  .. ?09:49
=== dan blushes
dannope ;-)09:50
philipacamaniacliz4rd: you have to compile it, but it is fairly painless09:50
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liz4rd philipacamaniac: where do i get it from? how how will i have to enable it?09:50
liz4rdcuzi  was hardcore photoshop on windows...i miss the design days09:51
philipacamaniacliz4rd: first grab the source: http://www.plasticbugs.com/blogimg/GIMPshop-source-2.2.4.tbz09:51
liz4rdwhat version of gimp do i need?09:51
philipacamaniacOh, sorry. you misunderstood: you don't need gimp, because you will be recompiling gimp from scratch.09:52
philipacamaniacstill game?09:52
liz4rdits downwloaded09:52
liz4rdnow what09:52
liz4rdwait wanna open a new wndow for me?09:53
philipacamaniac? hold on09:53
philipacamaniacI followed this howto http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40427 and it worked perfectly for me09:54
liz4rdphilipacamaniac: http://evasivx.bioviral.net <-- thast what i did on windows09:56
philipacamaniacyou designed that?09:56
liz4rdevery part of it09:56
kkathmanIt works pretty sweet, but you have alot of work to do to get it all compiled and get the dependencies, plus you have to be very careful when updates come out for gimp.09:56
philipacamaniacvery nice09:56
=== kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-168.ps.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
liz4rdi love your webdesign better :P09:56
philipacamaniacthe howto addresses the dependencies09:56
kkathmanjust have to remember not to update gimp09:57
kkathmanhello kakalto :)09:57
philipacamaniacliz4rd: whose webdesign?09:57
liz4rdphilipacamaniac: yours09:57
liz4rdand i wish i could make icons 09:58
philipacamaniacat my blog? that mostly just the wordpress default theme, with a designed header09:58
liz4rdlol meh09:58
liz4rdhow long does it take you to make an icon set?09:58
philipacamaniacwait, wait, are talking about the Crystal Clear theme I announced... because that wasn't me. OH GOD I wish it was. but sadly, no.09:59
philipacamaniacOTOH, i do make icons. *sheepishly smiles*09:59
liz4rdphilipacamaniac: LMFAO i thought it was yours09:59
philipacamaniacmeh, I could've played it off as that... nah probably not10:00
philipacamaniaceveraldo is an amazing artist10:00
philipacamaniacfor the record, you wouldn't do a lot of icon work in gimp, you'd use inkscape10:01
liz4rdoh ok10:01
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philipacamaniacsvg is the preferred format10:01
philipacamaniac(and then png for legacy)10:01
liz4rdi like png10:01
philipacamaniacthink of svg as sort of a psd of a png10:02
philipacamaniachmm, did that make any sense?10:02
liz4rdi understand10:02
philipacamaniacthat's what makes it good.10:02
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liz4rdphilipacamaniac:if i have libpng12-0 installed do i get the libpng12-dev?10:06
philipacamaniacyes... and try to follow the howto version numbers exactly10:06
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liz4rdoh...well my versions are a bit higher10:07
philipacamaniacdoesn't it say "at least version"10:07
philipacamaniacso you be fine10:08
liz4rdwhen i asks to premove libgimp it wants to remove gimp gimp-python and xsane? do i mark those for uninstalation aswell?10:11
philipacamaniachold on10:12
philipacamaniacare you removing libgimp2.0 ?10:12
liz4rddo i remove or remove completely10:13
philipacamaniacjust remove (it doesn't delete the package from your cache)10:13
philipacamaniacI didn't have xsane, because I use kooka in kde10:14
liz4rdo ok10:14
philipacamaniac(I think that's the name)10:14
liz4rdit is10:15
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philipacamaniacdo you even have a scanner?10:15
ChurcH_of_FoamYliz4rd is there a way to fix that stupid font file in mplayer?10:16
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liz4rdno clue10:16
uniqchurch_of_foamy: what's the problem with the fontfile? 10:17
philipacamaniacliz4rd: the actual compile took about 40 minutes or so on an Athlon 160010:17
philipacamaniacmaybe less10:17
philipacamaniacway less than openoffice or kde10:17
liz4rdi'm gonna be here for along time10:18
philipacamaniacjust set it in a console and forget about it10:18
liz4rdgonna do that10:18
apokryphosztonzy: ping10:19
ztonzyapokryphos, :)10:19
apokryphosHi, how's it going? 10:19
apokryphosBeen away because of exams10:20
apokryphos(thank the Lord they're over)10:20
ztonzywell, I am back in gnome :)10:20
=== ztonzy ducks
liz4rdwhen i do tar -jxf GIMPshop-source-2.*.tbz it just hangs...10:20
=== apokryphos throws books at ztonzy
apokryphosztonzy: what are you doing there? ;-)10:20
=== liz4rd misses ztonzy
=== philipacamaniac gets hit by many of the books and decides to stick with KDE
apokryphos(admittedly, I went on gnome the other day; I like what ubuntu have done with it)10:21
kakaltoI wish I could do that10:21
ztonzyapokryphos, I got tired of some glitches and some too fancy stuff ;P10:21
apokryphosphilipacamaniac: at least the Maths one didn't hit you there; it's pretty heavy10:21
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liz4rdwhen i do tar -jxf GIMPshop-source-2.*.tbz it just hangs...10:22
apokryphos3.4.1 isn't looking too bad now after kdelibs-data package issue is ostensibly resolved10:22
apokryphosztonzy: pay attention to the clock..tick..tock... repeat after me: KDE is ze best, KDE is ze best10:22
ztonzyapokryphos, maybe I install it again...sometime10:23
monchy3.5 you will10:23
apokryphosone or two nice new styles/decorations/themes on kdelook since I'd been gone. Nice stuff -- Kopete styles really taking off10:24
liz4rdmonchy is a penis ^_^10:24
monchyyour the one who sucks on them lol10:24
liz4rdgood one10:24
ztonzyapokryphos, though one thing is strange...just recently 'gedit' dissapeared from my menu....10:24
monchynot my best, but calling someone a penis is so 3rd grade10:24
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liz4rdmonchy: i just learned what a penis was in 4th?10:25
apokryphosztonzy: that sounds like a good thing :P10:25
ztonzyapokryphos, haha10:25
apokryphosah, which reminds me. Must get amaroK svn -- new features in 1.310:25
ztonzyapokryphos, well...in KDE....when opening a folder, konqueror showed/s  two instances...if reloaded...it dissapears...how fun is that :P ?10:25
apokryphosa wiki apparently10:25
apokryphosztonzy: that was a known bug, wasn't it? It was on bugzilla, let me check out the site a sec..10:26
ztonzyapokryphos, ok10:26
philipacamaniacapokryphos: not a wiki, a page with hooks to wikipedia.org10:26
apokryphosphilipacamaniac: that's what I meant, sorry. Though they do have their wiki10:27
philipacamaniacyes, if it would only work j/k10:27
=== philipacamaniac grumbles one more time about the insanely long downtime at amarok.kde.org
apokryphosphilipacamaniac: saw something about that somewhere.. what happened? 10:28
apokryphosworks fine for me here10:28
philipacamaniacsure, it works now...10:28
uniqliz4rd: hey.. you out talking about genitals and sex again? - we did talk about this alright. take a look at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct and try to follow it :)10:28
philipacamaniacthey moved servers, then didn't report the dns change to the KDE higher ups10:28
liz4rduniq: sorry mr uniq, i'll try not to do it agian, monchy started it10:29
apokryphossurely it only takes around max 24 hours for DNS to resolve though?10:29
uniqliz4rd: good. just be nice. :)10:29
monchyhow did i start it you down syndrome retard10:29
liz4rdmonchy: LOL10:29
philipacamaniacapokryphos: not when trolltech employees (who run the server) dont make the change10:30
uniqmonchy: you too.. be nice.10:30
philipacamaniacit was a blame-game all around, but ended up as a 2-week blackout on the site10:30
monchyonly speaking the truth10:30
kalenedraelwhat the hell is the deal with the colors?10:30
philipacamaniacthe colors?10:31
apokryphosphilipacamaniac: Woah. That is some serious downtime. I had a problem with a silly domain registrar who wanted to control everything, which made it take ages to change DNS, but not even near a week, then10:31
philipacamaniacyeah I always see no less than 48 hour turnaround10:31
philipacamaniacare there screenies of amaroK 1.3 beta?10:32
ChurcH_of_FoamYall i have to say is google rocks not only did i find the fonts for mplayer10:32
ChurcH_of_FoamYi was able to get vlc in one fell swoop10:32
apokryphos.com/.org are normally very fast, too10:32
philipacamaniacnevermind, found the screenies10:33
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apokryphosanyone else here using the "Pure" Kopete style? Very nice10:36
uniqhmm.. pure.. i'll have to try that.10:37
apokryphosuniq: highest rated one, currently, on kdelook. Clean.10:37
uniqalready downloaded :)10:38
uniqi already have it.. maybe it's the one i'm using.. 10:38
apokryphosthe normal Pure gives me bugs, though; author suggests kopete svn is needed for it10:38
apokryphosthe Pure Single works fine though10:39
uniqheh.. already using it actually :)10:39
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linexI love how Kubuntu automatically mount my usb drive and places an icon on my desktop. How does Kubuntu do this ? It uses hal ?10:41
=== ztonzy goes for converting again ;)
philipacamaniachal and dbus, and the linux 2.6 kernel are the magic behind that10:42
ChurcH_of_FoamYkopete is nice with it's default settings10:42
linexphilipacamaniac: I read somewhere that it uses gnome-volume-manager . Is that true ?10:43
jeramyI'm not sure that KDE uses dbus.10:43
philipacamaniachmm, I think it uses dbus-qt, if I'm not mistaken10:43
apokryphosChurcH_of_FoamY: eek, no way. With all the "Message to/from" etc. and the primary colours colour-scheme?10:44
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philipacamaniacyes, after googling, I see that both dbus and hal are responsible for the media:/ magic10:45
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linexphilipacamaniac : where do you read this ?10:46
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philipacamaniacthis was done in Kubuntu. look at the running services10:47
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apokryphosanyone have any idea what happened with moving away from bugzilla?10:49
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philipacamaniacdidn't know that was in the works. were they going to move to malone?10:49
philipacamaniacbecause malone is a pile of dirt (and I'm being respectful)10:49
apokryphosphilipacamaniac: trying to remember what it was. I believe MOTU were going to use it first as a trial10:50
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apokryphosthat was a few months ago though; no idea what's happened since10:50
philipacamaniacwell, right now MOTU seems to be worried about an upcoming feature freeze (july, I think?)10:51
philipacamaniacfor breezy10:51
apokryphosaha, https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/+bugs10:51
philipacamaniacno, August 1110:51
philipacamaniacthat can't be for real!10:52
philipacamaniacis it mirroring bugzilla, or is buzilla down10:52
apokryphosI have no idea of anything; just seeing this now10:53
philipacamaniacit doesn't seem to have the same bugs as bugzilla.ubuntu.com10:54
philipacamaniacand now you can see that malone is bleh10:54
apokryphosI've never used it. I generally don't like bugzilla though...10:55
philipacamaniacexplore malone a bit, and you'll discover it lacks many of the features of bugzilla10:55
apokryphosSeems an awful lot faster so far10:56
philipacamaniacone thing that bugs (no pun intended) me is that the right sidebar is WAY off the screen.10:57
apokryphosless feature-filled, no doubt10:57
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apokryphosphilipacamaniac: not for huge monitors ;)10:58
apokryphosmaking my window smaller it seems to get squashed, but not nearly way out..10:58
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philipacamaniac"not for huge monitors" hmm, they didn't their CSS quite right11:00
apokryphosok, program on that I'm addicted to. Be back later11:00
philipacamaniacI'm out too. adios11:00
apokryphosyikes -- don't view that page in konqueror11:01
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mpupuis there any way i can get konqueror to show me something more useful than "free space" as a disk label in media:/?11:09
nmorseFree Space?11:12
nmorseAll mine are labeled by size and whether or not they're mounted11:12
nmorseI'm liking this latest Konversation release thanks to the fact that it displays people who are away as grayed out11:13
gsuvegnow can i install kexi ?11:15
nmorseBeats me, I can't even get the koffice from the topic11:15
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nmorseI'd really like to as well, since I really like Krita (beats everything I've ever seen in UI)11:15
nmorseIt's like a sanitized Photoshop, easy to work with11:16
nmorseWithout a million floating seperate windows11:16
nmorseOh, good, it looks like it's actually going to work today11:18
nmorseI'm just glad I didn't have to compile it all again, like I did with Beta 111:19
nmorseHuh, kexi doesn't appear to be in the Kubuntu packages for Koffice stuff11:19
nmorseAnd apt-cache just finds a dadgum EXIF library11:19
mpupunmorse: you were right, it's free space11:22
mpupuit's not very informative either way11:23
nmorseNot really informative, no11:23
nmorseBut if you want detailed volume info there are other KDE programs to show that11:23
mpupuagreed, but maybe they could just show things like "/mnt/hda1"11:24
mpupuless user-friendly, maybe11:24
nmorseActually, they're listed by that in order11:24
nmorseThe first one on the left is MBR11:24
mpupuand put the size in the status bar11:24
nmorseThen it moves to hda1, etc.11:24
nmorseYeah, a reworked sidebar would be even better11:25
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mpupufor me, the first one is hda3, an extended partition11:25
mpuputhen i have hda1, hda5(swap) and hda4 (/)11:26
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mpuputhere is also one thing i don't know if I should report as a bug11:27
nmorseI'm just wondering why the topic still has the KOffice 1.4 link up if it doesn't work for the repos11:27
=== morten [~morten@0x503e3635.arcnxx8.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu
nmorseNeither repo mind you, including the download.kde.org one11:27
mortenI would like to see some kind of steam from an internet page... but it tells me that "mms is not a registrated protokol"... what should i do11:28
Riddellnmorse: what doesn't work?11:28
nmorseWell, kexi isn't in the kubuntu.org repo, is it?11:28
Riddellnmorse: no11:29
nmorseAnd the Packages.gz can't be found on the kde.org one11:29
nmorseSo, we have an incomplete office suite in one, and the other repo doesn't work11:29
Riddellnmorse: i386?11:29
Riddellnmorse: Packages.gz is definatly there, must be a bad mirror11:30
Riddellnmorse: but kubuntu.org has the Packages.gz?11:30
nmorseThe kubuntu.org repo actually worked for me today11:30
mpupuif i install kubuntu-desktop in ubuntu, i think it would be better if the kde menus show just kde apps11:30
mpupuisn't ubuntu philosophy to have one app for each task?11:31
nmorseThey have to use the freedesktop.org desktop files for that11:31
nmorseDesktop unification in diversity or something like that11:31
Riddellmpupu: then ask gnome to add OnlyShowIn=GNOME to their files :)11:31
Riddellnmorse: kexi is packaged separately because they make more up to date separate released11:31
nmorseBut it's not in any of the repos but the download.kde.org one, correct?11:31
nmorseAnd the one listed in the link in the topic doesn't work11:32
nmorseI get a 302 error11:32
nmorseI still have the one I compiled from the KOffice 1.4 Beta 1, but I was hoping to get one that didn't crash when you just hit create11:33
nmorseAs in that button shouldn't be usable until you complete the wizard11:33
nmorseYou have a repo that has Kexi in it?11:34
=== dan_ [~dan@209-6-203-55.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu
nmorseThere we go11:39
nmorseUsed a KDE mirror's URL directly11:39
nmorseCrud, still no Kexi package11:41
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Riddellnmorse: I'm not planning to make hoary packages of kexi, and the breezy one is stuck on some build-dep11:41
=== apokout is now known as apokryphos
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apokryphosRiddell: was the progress on the move from bugzilla then? Are they going over to malone?11:48
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Riddellapokryphos: yes but I don't know the timetable11:48
dan_how can I reset apt-get?11:48
Riddellapokryphos: launchpad 1.0 will probably happen in the next month or two so I guess any time after that11:48
Riddelldan_: reset to what?11:48
dan_I just tried to isntall something and it cannot be installed11:49
apokryphosRiddell: is malone better, do you think?11:49
dan_but it is still in the buffer to be installed11:49
apokryphosdan_: error in the package? Maybe apt-get -f install by itself11:49
Riddellapokryphos: well, that remains to be seen :)11:49
dan_and I need to remove it from there11:49
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dan_yeah that gets me somewhere but it will remove a package I do not want to be removed11:50
nmorseWhat are the packages?11:50
dan_so I removed it11:51
dan_and it resovled the problem11:51
dan_now I just have to reinstall it11:51
dan_I hope I find it again11:51
apokryphosdan_: why did it fail? Broken package?11:52
apokryphosand, did you get that from apt?11:52
dan_but now I try to reinstall wlassistant and it does not work11:53
dan_I get:11:53
apokryphosdan_: I don't see that package in the repos... 11:53
dan_Package wlassistant is not available, but is referred to by another package.11:54
dan_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or11:54
dan_is only available from another source11:54
apokryphosYeah, it's no longer in the repos, it seems11:54
dan_and the new version from their website has dependencies on newer versions of other libs11:54
apokryphoswhat exactly is it?11:55
apokryphosGoogle gives no search results11:55
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dan_it is a very, very nice KDE-based wireless setup assistent11:56
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apokryphoswlassist[a] nt ;-)11:56
ztonzyapokryphos, got kde headers error11:57
apokryphosztonzy: ah, go for kde-devel11:57
dan_ooops, sorry ;-)11:58
ztonzy63.2MB  :-\11:58
apokryphosztonzy: yup, it's all the kde headers. I'm sure that's nothing with your Internet speed :P11:58
ztonzyalready downloaded...installing11:59
ztonzyquite fast11:59
=== KaiL [KaiL@p548F4898.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
ztonzy~ 888+kB/s11:59
apokryphosdan_: yup, it looks like you'll need to update those other packages11:59
apokryphosztonzy: my speed should be something like that in the next few days, hopefully. Free upgrade to 8 meg12:00
ztonzydoes Konqueror have a smooth-scroll option as Firefox have ?12:00
ztonzyapokryphos, sweet12:00
apokryphosIt's very smooth for me, yeah.12:00
Riddellztonzy: shift+down12:00
ztonzyapokryphos, I am thinking of swapping ISP since usage of one year now :)12:00
apokryphosThough I'm a quasi-convert to Opera now; it's nice.12:00
ztonzywill then get 24/1 :)12:01
dan_apokryphos: darn, I hope this works out; how can I best update?12:01
nmorseCrud, I'm still at 1.5/38612:01
ztonzyRiddell, but with mousewheel ?12:01
apokryphosztonzy: how come? Current one not good?12:01
nmorseand paying $60 a month for it12:01

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