
wondershowzenhi, I am trying to install ubuntu, i get to the "Configuring Network with DHCP" and it never goes past 0%, what should I do?12:00
searcher`only for irssi12:00
azumangaBetter not run any of those terminals as root tho! If someone hacks into your session they can use that to get root access!12:00
Seveasscreen + mc + clusterssh = great network management :)12:00
tiglionabbitwondershowzen: does your service support dhcp?12:00
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Seveasazumanga, duh :)12:00
searcher`azumanga: if anyone breaks into my house they can take my pc!12:00
njanSeveas, Active Directory = better network management :-P12:00
wondershowzeni dont know, how could i check?12:00
searcher`it's all about how paranoid you are12:00
hramrachwondershowzen: skip network configuration?12:00
Seveasnjan, hehehe :)12:00
azumangaI'm running root X right now! BWAHAHAHA!!12:00
wondershowzenwell i dont know how to skip :\ it doesnt give me very many options... just does stuff12:01
Seveas /kill azumanga12:01
azumangamainly because I've well and truely f**ked up gcc / g++ / libstdc++-v3 and am trying to piece sensibleness back together :\12:01
tiglionabbithramrach: network config is very important for deb distros...  I couldn't imagine using it without internet12:01
netsurfok i am helping a friend install ubuntu 64bit to an external harddrive that runs via usb ide adaptor the install is perfect but for some reason the grub bootloader cannot mount the partion a code 17 error the system has 4 hd 2 one 74gb raptor (hd0) raid stripe (hd1) and the usb hd that the computer is installing to (hd2) install works fine as i said but will not mount partition gets no further than that12:02
tiglionabbitazumanga: that's bad.  Why don't you reinstall build-essential?12:02
azumangacos it's my own compile of g++. In this case I know (vaguely) what I'm doing, and it's quite unusual :) It's fine, I'm sure I'll figure it out12:02
=== concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wondershowzenumm what should i do?12:03
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searcher`azumanga: does apt-get even like that sort of stuff?12:03
azumangaNo, it's throwing a strop. Thats part of the problem12:03
hramrachwondershowzen: do you have some idea how is your network configured?12:03
netsurfany ideas for my problem?12:03
=== Fnoy [~Fnoy@dsl-prvgw1hfd.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbityou have to suppress it.  Read the wiki12:03
tiglionabbitmake it pin those packages or something12:04
wondershowzenheh i suppose i could find out somehow?12:04
azumangai think I'm gonna figure out how to run my own local package repository and then put empty g++ / gcc / etc packages in there at a really high version12:04
=== Seveas brb
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searcher`you could a chroot environment, that way you won't mess up your `good' install12:04
Seveasazumanga, use equivs12:04
=== zenlunatic [~zenlunati@pcp0011110799pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PoopinClumpinis there a way to add icons to the gnome desktop in ubuntu for home folder and browser and such12:04
zenlunaticHow do I play avi's in totem?12:04
azumangaI should probably try to find a nicer way of doing all this.. :)12:05
searcher`PoopinClumpin: you can drag most of the icons from the panel to the desktop12:05
netsurfzenlunatic totem "myvideo.avi" ?12:05
zerokillszenlunatic: use VLC, it is the answer to all of my media prayers12:05
PoopinClumpinsearcher`,  theres not way to just make shortcuts from the desktop?12:05
PoopinClumpinlike how you rightclick in windows to make shortcut12:06
searcher`you can use the Configuration Editor to put links for Home, Documents and Computer12:06
PoopinClumpinoh ok I'll try that12:06
searcher`well you can rightclick and select `Create Launcher'12:06
Will__Gnome has became amazingly unconfigaruble12:06
searcher`that gives a dialog in which you can specify the program to start12:07
netsurfok i am helping a friend install ubuntu 64bit to an external harddrive that runs via usb ide adaptor the install is perfect but for some reason the grub bootloader cannot mount the partion a code 17 error the system has 4 hd 2 one 74gb raptor (hd0) raid stripe (hd1) and the usb hd that the computer is installing to (hd2) install works fine as i said but will not mount partition gets no further than that12:07
Will__Dear gods I am illiterate12:07
Seveasnetsurf: please stop repeating the same question. If someone knows, (s)he will answer. You can try posting on the mailing list too.12:07
searcher`Will__: lets not get caught up in the whole menu editor thing ;-)12:07
Dj_AlTeKhey seveas i got the cvs of cedega to work12:07
netsurfseveas: sorry12:07
SeveasDj_AlTeK, nice :)12:07
tiglionabbitPoopinClumpin: right-click, select "create link"12:07
Fnoyhow do i get xmms12:07
Fnoylike is ther a apt code for it12:08
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SeveasFnoy, sudo aptitude install xmms12:08
Seveasyou need to enable universe though12:08
PoopinClumpintiglionabbit, i dont not have "create link" when i right click12:08
loplyhow do you get a 2.6 linux kernel compile to give the old (2.4) style compilation messages?12:08
SeveasFnoy: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:08
Fnoywhat does sudo mean?12:08
SeveasFnoy: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3812:08
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tiglionabbitPoopinClumpin: right-click on a file12:08
Seveassudo means: run as root12:08
PoopinClumpinah ok12:08
searcher`super user do12:08
PoopinClumpinsudo = super user do12:08
Will__Ideally everything I install should have an aqua theme to it. Don't ask why. I just find a burning need to aqua any skillable application/enviroment12:08
=== berna [~PERBERNA@host26-163.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
concept10netsurf, you may need to search for answers on that.  Your system has to be able to recognize a USB drive from boot.  Check the BIOS for boot from USB settings12:09
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netsurfhow do you mean?12:09
=== zerokills thinks Ubuntu pwnz.
hramrachExcess flood is annoying, you cannot paste at all :/12:09
netsurfi have been looking elsewhere first12:10
netsurfi find no likeness of it12:10
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searcher`netsurf: a USB drive should show up as an /dev/sda device12:10
zenlunaticzerokills: sound isn't working in VLC12:10
netsurfya it did12:11
tiglionabbithramrach: ?  use #flood or a pastebin12:11
searcher`just install using the install cd12:11
Fnoysorry if im a n00b but i was getting mad at getting viruses every 5 seconds12:11
zerokillszenlunatic: go into terminal and type: pkill esd, then try it12:11
netsurfit was detected as /dev/sdd12:11
concept10netsurf, for example.  When you power your computer on, and it goes over to GRUB, your hardware needs to be able to recognize a USB drive (have drivers in memory)12:11
searcher`and set the bios to boot from USB, like someone else said12:11
Fnoythats why i moved to linux12:11
=== Elsidox [~Elsidox@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
concept10netsurf, I tried to boot from a external USB - unsuccesful12:11
ttyS0why doesn't ubuntu recognize my xerox phaser 3121? :\12:11
searcher`Fnoy: Apple is good too ... or can't you say that in a linux channel ;-)12:11
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tiglionabbitFnoy: if you're dual boot or still use windows, I strongly recommend trying out http://free.grisoft.com12:12
concept10netsurf, make life easier for yourself, install on internal drive12:12
PoopinClumpinis it normal for eye of gnome to not be able to view jpegs from a networked samba share but still be able to view a local copy of the same file12:12
zenlunaticzerokills: that worked thx12:12
zerokillszenlunatic, np12:12
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concept10netsurf, and use the external drive for backup/storage etc12:13
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zenlunaticzerokills: that killed my streaming mp312:13
zenlunaticzerokills: how do i start esd back?12:13
krmeljivihi brain12:13
zerokillszenlunatic, just type esd12:13
Fnoytiglionabbit i dont have windows on my hd12:14
zerokillszenlunatic, i turn esd on and off a lot during my sessions12:14
netsurfconcept so what difference is there between the grub and lilo?12:14
tiglionabbitFnoy: I'm dual boot.  Like it or not, there are some things it does better...   but very few, and they'll probably disappear once I pay for crossover office and cedega12:14
tiglionabbitnetsurf: people like grub better?12:15
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concept10netsurf, there are many differences.  search on that, grub is more configurable12:15
tiglionabbitthey're similar.  Different distros prefer different bootloaders.  I'm not sure on the specifics, but grub has always been good to me12:15
concept10I hate the way grub names the drives and partitions, but thats my only complaint about it12:16
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=== zerokills is going out for a smoke, brb.
=== mon [~javier@217.Red-80-25-51.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
netsurfonly thing i hate about grub is that i use suse and it uses the big glossy pictures which cause problems if something changes12:17
ThE__OnEhow do i kill a port?12:17
yuachthello. could somebody please guide me through setting up a ftp server and creating accounts? proftpd will be used. please MSG me12:17
concept10netsurf, you can change that12:17
tiglionabbitzerokills: smoking kills.  http://newgrounds.com/portal/view/13578612:17
=== roma [~roma@d83-177-241-66.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Will__Ideally everything I install should have an aqua theme to it. Don't ask why. I just find a burning need to aqua any skillable application/enviroment12:17
netsurfconcept10 SUPER12:17
ThE__OnEhow do i kill a port?12:18
tiglionabbitThE__OnE: better get your shotgun12:18
ThE__OnEand does anyone know what Ipp service is?12:18
=== tiglionabbit has no idea
netsurfall i need to know now is how to reinstall grub12:18
ThE__OnEsomeone has told me in ehre be412:18
mjrThE__OnE, internet printing protocol12:18
mjrThE__OnE, cups is the daemon servicing that12:18
concept10ThE__OnE, yep12:18
netsurfipp is the cups user isn't it?12:18
ThE__OnEno there is a command to put in terminal12:18
ThE__OnEis it safe to kill that?12:19
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concept10Will__, why do you keep posting that?12:20
ThE__OnEso how cna i ill a port, in firestarter it says firefox-bin is open in port 80 but i dunt even have firefox open12:20
netsurfi had to reinstall linux once the cups server used 100% of cpu constantly no reason for it just all the time how odd12:20
concept10ThE__OnE, im using your port 80 to browse the classifieds12:21
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ttyS0have anybody used xerox phaser 3121 on ubuntu?12:21
ThE__OnEneturf, so is it safe to kill that protocol?12:21
T5netsurf, large network?12:21
ThE__OnEconcept10, it might be eaier to search for then than use my ip12:21
=== spoilerhead [~spoilerhe@85-124-34-244.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
concept10ttyS0, what is that12:21
krmeljiviis it possible to install fluxbox on ubuntu12:21
loplyive just compiled a custom kernel for my ubuntu box and the kernel is unable to mount the root fs- Do i need to include an initrd or something? (the root fs is just ext3...)12:22
concept10ThE__OnE, just kidding :)12:22
ttyS0concept10, printer12:22
tiglionabbitkrmeljivi: yes.  There is a package for it, but it's a bit old.  You'll have to run the menu generator script on the website12:22
T5maybe its the cups browsing feature that automatically searches for network printers12:22
netsurft5, no[e12:22
njanok.. trying to debootstrap hoary off a knoppix CD12:22
njanI: Validating base-passwd12:22
njanI: Validating bash12:22
njanI: Validating bind9-host12:22
njanI: Validating bsdmainutils12:22
njanI: Retrieving bsdutils12:22
njanE: Couldn't download bsdutils12:22
njanroot@0[debootstrap-0.2.45ubuntu38] #12:22
njanack.. apologies, only meant to copy 3 lines12:22
njananyone any ideas why it's failing with that?12:23
concept10ttyS0, have you tried www.linuxpriting.org ?12:23
tiglionabbitnjan:  do not paste here.  Use #flood or a pastebin12:23
ThE__OnEand becsdes, some idiots here are trying to connect to it12:23
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ThE__OnEi should just post the hostname here12:23
ThE__OnEshuold i?12:23
ttyS0concept10, not yet. i'll try now :) ty12:23
njanloply, did you compile file system drivers for your filing system into the kernel?12:24
ThE__OnEand the nick12:24
njanloply, s/your filing system/your root filing system/12:24
loplynjan: Yeah, ext3... Does the inclusion of an initrd in the included Ubuntu kernels influence the partition number?12:24
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zerokillstiglionabbit, smoking kills?12:25
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Seveasloply, not at all12:25
concept10ttyS0, I just checked dont see your printer12:25
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loplyWeird, the kernel definately acts as if I have supplied an invalid root=/ option, but its the same as the other kernels which work fine12:26
ttyS0concept10, oh :(12:26
loplyEven if i havent included ext3, the FS should get mounted as ext3 afaik?12:26
likkashotIs there a way to install azureus on the ubuntu 6412:26
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likkashotI cant get JRE to install12:26
topylidoes the vlc plugin work with epiphany?12:26
PoopinClumpinme either likkashot12:26
=== Fabian [~Fabian@212-41-102-169.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #ubuntu
Fabiancan anyone explain to me, how I write a script in linux?12:27
loplyFabian: Thats not something you can cover on IRC really (bit of a large subject)12:27
Fabianloply, I mean, just a simple script, which executes one command after another in a shell12:28
=== jamie_k [~jamie@host-84-9-86-229.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasFabian, go to tlpd.org and look for docs there :)12:28
tekkAlright, another question, I'm trying to run a file in the terminal, the terminal opens but then quickly closes out. Any suggestions on fixing this?12:28
=== jamie_k is having a terrible time trying to do a net install of ubuntu!
JuhazFabian, just type the commands in a text file, put #!/bin/sh as the first line and chmod +x it12:28
ThE__OnEso does anyone know how to kill a specific port?12:28
tiglionabbitzerokills: well, what's worse than dying is living your entire life with screwed up lungs, yellow teeth, and a decreased immune system12:29
jamie_k(yes, still working on that)12:29
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likkashotanything that replaces azureus for 64?12:29
tiglionabbitjamie_k: wanna download a CD?12:29
FabianJuhaz, thank you. Then just clicking on it?12:29
jamie_ktiglionabbit: no optical drives12:29
tiglionabbitjamie_k: darn.  How'd you boot?12:29
jamie_ktiglionabbit: from the hard disk12:30
loplyFabian: Just make a file with the executable permission set, and put #!/bin/bash as the first line of the file12:30
jamie_ktiglionabbit: ...which has xp on it :-(12:30
tekkNo answers? :(12:30
concept10ttyS0, try this http://www.linuxprinting.org/pipermail/xerox-list/2004q4/000394.html12:30
JuhazFabian, clicking would depend on where, but yeah, if you (double) click on it in nautilus for example, it asks if you want to show or run it12:30
zythnjan, any luck?12:30
zerokillstiglionabbit, true, im trying to quit, i have a nicotine gum, ive just been smoking for so long im miserable when i dont have smokes12:30
FabianJuhaz, loply what does this #!/bin/sh or #!/bin/bash mean?12:30
jamie_kanyone know any nice, simple how-to that is clearer than NetbootInstallHotto on the ubuntu wiki ?12:30
likkashotI got Doom 3 and UTK3 for linux will I be able to run it on the 64 version?12:30
ttyS0concept10, ok12:31
JuhazFabian, what should that file be interpreted with it, for list of commands that's usually shell, bash or sh, but it could be perl or python or example in "scripts" written in those languages12:31
njanzyth, knoppix 3.9 kernel panics12:31
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ttyS0concept10, i haven't kde though :)12:31
ttyS0and setup.sh doesn't run12:32
njanzyth, luckily, someone lazy and forgetful (me) left a copy of knoppix 3.8 on a fileserver in the corner and that appears to be working, debootstrapping now, although the guide on the ubuntu wiki on debootstrapping from knoppix is wrong and has incorrect commands and stupid URLs, so it's a slower process than I'd hoped :p12:32
concept10ttyS0, try to use the gnome printer util and install your drivers12:32
FabianJuhaz, so bash would be the right thing to chose. Does it have to end with .sh?12:32
ttyS0concept10, already tried :)12:33
JuhazFabian, no, as long as it has that line and is executable12:33
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FabianJuhaz, to execute in a shell ./script ???12:34
njanzyth, any idea how long a debootstrap of haory takes these days? I feel like I'm installing gentoo :p12:34
concept10ttyS0, there is a linux driver from what I read , you just have to find it.  it may be on your install disk12:34
ttyS0it is12:34
skel_Eccck gentto isntall to hard12:34
JuhazFabian, yeah12:34
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FabianJuhaz, thanks and good nicht12:35
zythnjan, LOL.  No idea, but it's GOT to be less time than gentoo12:35
=== tekk [~tekk@host-64-139-251-128.nctv.com] has joined #Ubuntu
FabianJuhaz, nicht = night! :D12:35
njanzyth, it'd better be, I need to go visit a client first thing tomorrow morning :p12:35
likkashotWhat do I need to instal to have nice speaker settings 5.1???12:35
hramrachI installed Gentoo and it took about a day. I guess debootstrap is faster than that unless you are using a modem12:35
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njanhramrach, you evidently didn't do a stage 1 install then :p12:36
TokenBadis there a program for mounting bin files or iso files in ubuntu?12:36
zythnjan, at worst you can always install XP from system restore CDs ;)12:36
njanzyth, it didn't come with them, it came with a 6gb recovery partition, and guess what the first thing I did with partition magic was? :p12:36
hramrachnjan: I had enough time to compile everything so I used it, partially because I wanted to test system stability :)12:37
zythnjan, Oh. Fun.12:37
njanzyth, It's not like with 100gb of space I was going to notice, but it's the principle that counts... ;)12:37
=== njan kicks himself
zythnjan, LOL :D12:37
=== NewUbuntubie [~chatzilla@dialpool-210-214-16-41.maa.sify.net] has joined #ubuntu
likkashotWhat do I need to instal to have nice speaker settings 5.1???12:37
=== arjun [~arjun@CPE00079516b730-CM0011ae8a8b02.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveashi NewUbuntubie12:38
Seveasdid it work..?12:38
arjuncan someone help me? I can't connect to any backport mirrors.  my sources.list looks alright.12:38
njan<3.. mirrorservice.org is giving me ~150kb/s on most of these files :)12:38
tiglionabbitarjun: the backports mirrors aren't reliable12:38
hramrachlikkashot: you need a sound card that supports it and that has a driver in linux that supports it as well :P12:39
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arjunwhat backport server should i use?12:39
tiglionabbitarjun: have you read the website?  (type the url for it into your browser)12:39
arjunand if it connects it's good?12:39
tiglionabbitno, backports.ubuntuforums.com should explain some of it..  I'm not sure which ones are functional right now12:40
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=== mortis is now known as chumino
concept10ttyS0, you must use GDI drivers.  hope that helps12:40
tiglionabbitoops, wrong url.  The url for your repository12:40
=== chumino is now known as omaru
arjunwhich repository?12:41
ttyS0concept10, ok, ty very much!12:41
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likkashothramrach, Ido have a card that suports it and the drivers are nforce drivers12:42
tiglionabbitarjun: the backports one.  sorry I'm being disorganized here, anyway I'm saying if you access the url through your browser, generally it will give you an html page about it.  The forums backports page explains which mirrors it has12:42
concept10Has anyone had problems connecting to the network with wireless after installing ndiswrapper?  I cant get it to find my router12:42
tiglionabbit.org, not .com, there we go12:42
hramrachlikkashot: then you have answered yourself :)12:42
likkashoti want the speaker settings12:43
likkashotu know front back sub12:43
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jamie_k||||""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""anyone, anyone feel like hand-holding a frustrated noob who just cannot get its head around net-install?12:44
jamie_ksorry i didn't intend those first characters...12:44
=== Lunahood [~lunahood@D8a68.d.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
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jamie_k... guess not heheh12:46
ttyS0is it possible to download multiple files with wget (i mean directory with files)?12:46
hramrachlikkashot: maybe you could turn it on and off in alsamixer. And some dvd playback software or games could use it. I do not use 5.1 myself12:46
zerokillsjamie_k, if i knew anything about the net-install i would help, sorry12:46
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crappledevwow, i must say that i am impressed with the ease in which the ubuntu installation went12:49
Chiconudistagranbuenas noches12:49
concept10jamie_k, why net install12:49
jamie_kzerokills: it's okay -- i'm just rading tons of conflcting shit12:49
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Chiconudistagrangood night12:49
jamie_kconcept10:  new machine, no optical drive12:49
pr0gerhey all have a apt-get error12:49
pr0gernot sure how to fix it12:50
jamie_kconcept10: and the enclosre for my dvd drive is.... broken somehow12:50
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concept10jamie_k, http://www.wrigley.me.uk/wp/?p=7112:51
jamie_kconcept10:  reading, thx!12:52
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jamie_kconcept10: he has a floppy :-(12:53
crappledevno #ubuntuppc eh?12:53
concept10jamie_k, you have no flopply either?12:53
spoilerheadhi, i'v got a problem with my soundcard (snd_intel8x0) sound works fine in kernel 2.6.10-5-386, but doesnt work in 2.6.10-5.686 any ideas?12:53
jamie_kconcept10: nop.12:53
concept10pr0ger, try to do apt-get clean and then reinstall12:54
jamie_kconcept10: it's a subnotebook hp-compaq 401012:54
TokenBadok I am confused..trying to install a game onto my mounted drive..which has 9 gigs free..and it needs 3.6 gigs..and its telling me there isn't enough space12:54
jamie_kconcept10: i didn't expect this enclosure to pack up12:54
pr0gerreinstall the linpng package?12:55
njanI: Configuring required packages...12:56
Seveasok does anyone know this: Can I let xscreensaver run any program I want as screensaver?12:56
njanhoary: line 160: dpkg_progress: command not found12:56
concept10spoilerhead, maybe that driver isnt compiled in that kernel, tload the 686 kernel and run "lsmod" and see if it is there12:56
njanok.. debootstrap has just died on me with that..12:56
spoilerheadit is there12:56
SeveasI have this windows screensaver that I am addicted too and it runs flawlessly with wine12:56
Seveasbut xscreensaver somehow won't run it...12:56
=== phillambrechts [~phil@c-67-175-52-127.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
concept10pr0ger, yes reinstall12:56
njanI can't find *any* reference to dpkg_progress any aside two links on google which are logs of an identical error with no hint at a fix...12:56
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spoilerheadconcept10 the card is even listed in /proc/asound/cards12:56
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pr0gerdoesnt work12:56
pr0gersame error12:57
paul555is there a way to update firefox from 1.0.2 to 1.0.412:57
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phillambrechtshow can i change my card to use a static ip within the terminal? the computer im setting up is a server and i didn't install the GUI packages12:57
netsurfpaul555 try just installing over top of it12:58
xiaomaipaul555, if you're running hoary you already have 1.0.4, you just need to change the version string12:58
TokenBadanyone know what I am talking about?12:58
xiaomaithere's a link to it on the ubuntu site12:58
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Seveasxiaomai,paul555: Open firefox and in about:config set general.useragent.vendorSub to 1.0.412:59
paul555well i put some repositories from ubuntu unofficial guide and now when i want to upgrade it wants to update firefox to 1.0.4 and gcc to 4.0 base?12:59
paul555is that safe?12:59
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concept10pr0ger, I would try to purge the .deb and reinstall it.  dpkg --purge package12:59
phillambrechtsSeveas: where can i learn what to change in /etc/network/interfaces12:59
Seveasphillambrechts, man interfaces12:59
phillambrechtsto make my ip static12:59
Seveas(in the terminal)01:00
phillambrechtsthank you :)01:00
=== Zuiden [~Zuiden@12-210-132-177.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
debuggerphillambrechts, look at the debian manuals.01:00
Seveasiface eth0 inet static01:00
TokenBadSeveas, you ever have that problem?01:00
Seveasaddress YOUR_ADDRESS_HERE01:00
FoamY_is_awayum is there a good internet school that teaches linux?01:00
Seveasnetmask YOUR_NM_HERE01:00
Seveasgateway YOUR_GW_HERE01:00
debuggerphillambrechts, eg: start here http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/reference.en.html01:00
Seveasand done :)01:00
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SeveasTokenBad, which..?01:00
TokenBadtrying to install a game to my mounted drive01:01
TokenBadit has 9 gigs free01:01
concept10TokenBad, ive had that problem before, cant remember what i did to fix it, I think it was a chmod01:01
TokenBadand the game needs 301:01
Seveasshould be enough...01:01
TokenBadwhen try to install says there is not enough space01:01
pr0gersame error :S01:01
Fnoydoes anyone know if the ati drivers work good for linux01:01
phillambrechtsSeveas: already learned it from man :)01:01
Zuidenalright i just intalled hoary and i rebooted the machine and i am getting a great screen resolutino of 6xxX4xx (like 680 by 440 or something liek that) i go to the gnome tools and thats the only option i have, i also go into a terminal and type set scr 800x 600 to make it at least managable before i set it up for 1400 x 120001:01
Zuidenand nothing happens01:01
concept10pr0ger, what are you trying to install?01:02
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TokenBadZuiden, you got the drivers for your video card?01:02
pr0gerwell nothing right now, But I cant install anything unless this is fixed01:02
TokenBadfor linux?01:02
phillambrechtsSeveas: to restart networking is sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart?01:02
Zuideni have an onboard video card01:02
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Zuidenand no other distro has had trouble with it01:02
zerokillsZuiden, during the installation process, you are given options of all the resolutions you want, did you choose the ones you want?01:03
Seveasphillambrechts, yes01:03
kpetersonwhat is the code for booting ubuntu live with no GUI?01:03
Zuideni didn't get that01:03
Zuidennor did i get an option to set the root password01:03
phillambrechtsSeveas: now when i type in ifconfig my device doesn't show :o01:03
phillambrechtsonly lo01:03
crappledevZuiden: you should reinstall then01:03
Zuidenlo = the most secure network connection ever01:04
phillambrechtsi know why :P01:04
paul555does anyone installed gcc4.0 base?01:04
concept10Zuiden, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto?highlight=%28resolution%2901:04
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phillambrechtsnevermind, i dont01:04
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Zuidenalright but when i still didn't get an option to set my root password01:05
concept10paul555, youre trying to install gcc 4.001:05
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paul555that i need to if i do an upgrade01:05
Seveasphillambrechts, have you typde 'iface eth0 inet static' correctly?01:05
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Seveasand does ifconfig -a show it?01:05
concept10paul555, huh?01:06
phillambrechtswhat does the -a command do?01:06
phillambrechtsI am rebooting (yes, i know, bad idea)01:06
Seveasshows all available interfaces :)01:06
Vjazshows all interfaces01:06
pr0gergrr oh well guess i can just install from sources :S01:06
phillambrechtsbut i'm gonna see if it works01:06
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phillambrechtsfirst time i've tried to setup a base install01:06
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paul555well i put the repositories from ubuntu unofficial guide and now after the update in upgrade it needs to install gcc4.0 base01:07
concept10paul555, what needs to install gcc 4.0?01:07
Seveaspaul555, ubuntuguide sucks01:07
phillambrechtslol, a reboot solved it01:07
Seveasbig time..01:07
Seveaspaul555: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3801:07
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kpetersonis there a code i can use when i boot ubuntu live to prevent it from presenting a GUI and instead just use the command line?!01:08
concept10Seveas, add www. to your link01:08
Seveasconcept10, that won't work :)01:08
Seveaswww.paste.ubuntulinux.nl does not exist :)01:09
concept10what is it?01:09
paul555Seveas could u give a link?01:09
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phillambrechtshe just did...01:09
Seveaspaul555, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3801:09
phillambrechtshit CTRL+CLICK on it01:09
TokenBadbah..why will this not install...i got enough space...01:09
TokenBadand 3.3 gigs free on my OS drive01:09
concept10Seveas, do you use xchat?01:10
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concept10Seveas, I havent checked but are the repos you posted different from ubuntu guide?01:10
pr0gerhmm so no one has any other idea?01:10
Seveasconcept10, a lot01:11
concept10pr0ger, you should specify what you are trying to install01:11
Seveasthey don't include backports/marillat01:11
Seveasso they don't include breakage :)01:11
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pr0gerIm not trying to i nstall anything, Im trying to fix this so i can install something when I want to01:11
pr0gerIt wont let me install anything unless this is fixed01:11
concept10pr0ger, maybe im confused about your problem.  are you using synaptic or CLI apt-get?01:12
Seveasapt-get -f install libpng12-dev01:12
pr0gercli apt-get01:12
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pr0gerSeveas: I get the same error01:12
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Seveaspr0ger, how about: apt-get remove libpng-devel01:13
krmeljivii have a problem with installing fluxbox on my ubuntu. i've downloaded it, upackaged it (tar -zxvf.....), after that i entered the new dir and vrote ./configure. it vorked so far, but when i wrote make it said that there is no target or something what should i do?01:13
Seveasand then retry01:13
Seveaskrmeljivi, you should install it froim the repositories instead of manually compiling it...01:13
pr0gerI get the ubment dependicies thing01:13
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Seveaslibpng-devel is some weird package that I don't even have available..01:14
Seveaswhere did you install it from?01:14
TokenBadok found out why its not letting me install01:14
pr0gereh it was needed by some program01:14
pr0gerthe autoupdates thing01:14
krmeljiviwho, me?01:14
TokenBadsee have my 80 gig drive mounted to a dir on my OS drive01:14
TokenBadand it is only looking at the free space on that os drive01:15
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concept10Seveas, are those the only repos you use?  no backports?01:15
TokenBadnot the free space on my 80 gig01:15
Seveasconcept10, indeed01:15
TokenBadis there a way around that?01:15
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pr0gersays " libqt3-mt-dev: Depends: libpng12-0-dev"01:15
pr0gerwhen I try to do your remove libpng-devel01:16
muttDChello :), i have problems installing desklet xmms-corner... i install it and then when i try to load it it sends an error saying that a sensor couldnt be found01:16
Seveaslibqt3-mt-dev is also not an ubuntu package01:16
muttDCany idea?:(01:16
Seveasomg, you are not running breezy are you..?01:16
pr0gerI never install that manually01:16
youngcoderi ran the apt install kubuntu-desktop command and it told me that KDe was dependent on Konversation but that Konversation is uninstallable01:16
pr0gerwtf is breezy01:16
uniqseveas: libqt3-mt-dev is in main :)01:16
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Seveasuniq, that is libqt3c102-mt-dev01:17
Seveasoh wait, only the binaries have the c102 postfix...01:17
Seveaspr0ger, you can safely remove -dev packages, they are only used when you manually compile things...01:17
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lamont__pr0ger: breezy badger is the 5.10 release01:17
lamont__currently under development01:17
pr0geroh ok01:17
pr0gerso how would I remove all dev packages then?01:18
youngcoderi ran the apt install kubuntu-desktop command and it told me that KDe was dependent on Konversation but that Konversation is uninstallable. can anyone help me?01:18
ttyS0"madplay: error while loading shared libraries: libid3tag.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" . i've already installed libid3tag but where libid3tag.so.0 has to locate?01:18
uniqyoungcoder: can you post your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://kubuntu.pastebin.com ?01:18
Seveaspr0ger, remove whatever gets in your way for what you want to do now :)01:18
pr0gerwell I cant even install lets say gkrellm without that error stopping me01:18
SeveasttyS0, apt-get install libid3tag0 :)01:19
crappledev /set auto_away off01:19
concept10Seveas, dependency hell in here today :)01:19
ttyS0Seveas, i think i corrupted apt-get's files :|01:19
SeveasttyS0, ouch :|01:20
Seveasjust for this package or in general?01:20
pr0gerdamn apt-get :S01:20
ttyS0in general01:20
Seveashow did you do that?01:20
crappledevpr0ger: you know we all love apt01:20
ttyS0i'll try to restore it now :) don't know how01:20
pr0gerI dont atm01:21
Fnoywith which program are you guys downloading movies music etc01:21
crappledevpr0ger: i remember the days...01:21
concept10Anyone using openoffice 2.0 beta succesfully yet?01:21
zerokillsFnoy, LimeWire is very good for media file sharing01:22
pr0gergiftd n giftcurs for the fe01:22
Seveaspr0ger, dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | grep -- -dev | awk '{print $1}' | xargs apt-get remove --purge01:22
topyliconcept10: yes, it's getting better01:22
Seveasthat'll uninstall all -dev packages01:22
concept10topyli, is it in the repos?01:22
Seveaswah crap01:23
concept10I see it01:23
Seveaspr0ger, wait01:23
Seveasdo not do that :)01:23
topyliconcept10: yes, search for openoffice.org2. but they're not very up to date01:23
crappledevSeveas: that has to be one of the longest *nix admin commands i have ever seen01:23
pr0gergood thing I didnt do it :P01:23
djsit's a beauty isn't it01:24
Seveaspr0ger, dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | grep -- '-dev[^a-z] ' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs apt-get remove --purge01:24
Seveasthis one does work :)01:24
TokenBadbah got gta for nothing since it will not install01:24
concept10topyli, im not installing it, it calls for gcc 4.0 and I dont want to mess with that right now01:25
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pr0gernope :S01:25
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furtyIs there someone who can help a stupid guy like me???01:25
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crappledevfurty: depends ;)01:26
djsfurty, ask away - hopefully someone can01:26
pr0gerscrew depends heh :S01:26
topyliconcept10: it does? what would it do with gcc? :)01:26
furtybecause I did a big mistake01:26
furtyI have on my computer ubuntu and windows XP01:26
furtyand I installed Grub on the mbr!01:27
Seveasthat's not a mistake01:27
Seveasgrub can boot windows01:27
furtywhat can I do if I want to go on Windows??01:27
Seveas(does it on my machines too)01:27
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Seveasfurty, the installer should have made a windows entry in your boot menu01:27
furtyno because the boot files of windows are missing01:27
pr0geryeah I still get the try apt-get -f install without a package name etc...01:27
pr0gerand it says alien dependson some -dev package :S01:27
Seveaspr0ger, can you please paste your sources.list on paste.ubuntulinux.nl01:28
furtybut when I'm clicking on it there is error messages01:28
crappledevfurty: and?01:28
crappledevfurty: that's usually the right choice.01:28
crappledevfurty: now i am thinking that you can't get back to XP?01:28
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topylitopyli: anyway, i'm using pavel's packages. he always has the latest builds: ftp://ftp.linux.cz/pub/localization/OpenOffice.org/devel/680/01:28
Seveaswhich error exactly furty ?01:28
Seveastopyli, you're talking to yourself :p01:28
jamie_kanyone help me follow these instructions here? wiki.ubuntu.com/LocalNetInstall?01:29
furtyI don't remember exactly because my computer is always rebooting after01:29
crappledevppc or i386 furty?01:29
furtybut it's writing that some files are missing01:29
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furtypentium IV01:29
crappledevrerun ybin or grub01:29
ivan_qkanybody speak spanish?01:29
topyliSeveas: well i was talking to concept10 but he's gone anyway =)01:29
crappledevsee if that fixes it01:30
Seveasivan_qk, #ubuntu-es01:30
Will__Well, just got samba up and running on my new ubuntu system. I'm amazingly inpressed so far, and will be writing thankyou emails/donating monies as soon as possible01:30
Seveaspr0ger, that looks good01:30
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furtyI think you must know that I'm not so good with computers and I don't really want to manually config again grub01:31
Seveascan you paste the output of apt-get -f install01:31
Seveas(again on the pastebin of course)01:31
crappledevWill__ , I am in the same boat. I have been hearing so much about ubuntu lately I had to give it a try01:31
Seveasfurty, does windows start booting or do you get an error from grub?01:31
=== jamie_k is dying of helplessness
crappledevWill__ , coming from debian it's not really that different...just more up to date ;)01:32
furtyerror from windows01:32
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crappledevfurty, reboot with the XP cd and go to the recovery console01:32
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Seveaspr0ger, have you tried apt-get remove --purge libpng-devel ..?01:32
crappledevfurty, run fixmbr and fixboot01:32
furtyyou think I get a chance with this way??01:32
Seveasif so, I'd like to see the output of that too01:32
Seveasfurty, yes, that will give you windows back01:33
ttyS0Seveas, it says, that latest version of libid3tag is already installed :001:33
crappledevfurty, then you can come back to ubuntu from the cd and fix Grub01:33
furtyfrom the recovery console??01:33
Seveasfurty, but then you  will have to re-install grub01:33
zerokillsFnoy, you trying out LimeWire?01:33
furtyhow can I reinstall grub01:33
di2cohi; i'm having a problem getting this USR Winmodem to dial. lspci shows 5610 56k FaxModem WinModem. I followed the directions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto but when i type sudo pon nothing happens.01:33
Seveasfurty, that's quite difficult :(01:34
furtywith ubuntu install cd??01:34
Seveasfurty, no, only with the live CD01:34
crappledevSeveas, there is no 'rescue' mode in ubuntu?01:34
Seveaspr0ger, apt-get remove --purge libpng-devel libqt3-mt-dev01:34
Seveasand again place the output on the pastebin :)01:34
Seveaswe have to tackle this one01:34
Seveascrappledev, i'm not 100% sure...01:35
furtywhat I will do after?01:35
furtywith the live CD?01:35
pr0geryeh this is after i installed kde heh01:35
topylifurty: boot from a rescue cd rom. mount your root partition. chroot. run gub-install :)01:35
Seveasfurty, some abracadabra01:35
Seveaspr0ger, HOW did you install kde..?01:35
thundrcleezeMy printer is spitting out two pages for every one printed.  Is there a setting that I missed?01:36
pr0gereh :S01:36
=== TokenBad runs around pulling hair out
pr0gerapt-get install kde?01:36
Seveasbecause this can go on forever01:36
crappledevfurty, and as yaboot would say, blessing dev/hdX with holy penguin pee01:36
Seveashmm, and that installed all the -dev files..?01:36
pr0gerI have no idea :\01:36
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Seveasare you runningwarty perhaps?01:36
crappledevTokenBad , what is going on?01:36
furtyI will try like that!!01:37
furtythank you01:37
pr0gerwhichever one comes with shipit01:37
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airmikeyywhich wireless network card is compatible with linux01:37
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pr0gerprism2 chipsets01:38
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Seveaspr0ger, how long ago..?01:38
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djspr0ger, How many people on the CD cover?01:38
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zookoGreetings, people of #Ubuntu!  I cannot mount my cdrom, although I can boot the Hoary Live CD from it.01:38
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Seveasyeah, that's hoary01:38
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djspr0ger, that's hoary :)01:38
pr0gerah ok thought so01:38
ttyS0weehaaa, madplay works :) just "sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libid3tag.so /lib/libid3tag.so.0"01:38
pr0gerconsidering it says Ubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Release i386 (20050407)01:38
zookoWhen I try to mount it, I get only this in syslog: Jun 23 20:38:53 yumyum kernel: cdrom: open failed.01:39
djspr0ger, lol01:39
zookoand only this on the cmdline: mount: No medium found01:39
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strHi all!01:39
zookoOh, maybe this CD is broken.01:39
strany1 has already been able to intsall customizegoogle in firefox?01:39
=== zooko tries a different CD.
thechitowncubsSeveas: i have another question, where can i add programs to the startup if i have only the base system installed01:39
jamie_kif no one helps me, i'm going to do myself in.01:39
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pr0geri and it wont let me remove kde because i get the unmet dependicies of libqt3-mt-dev01:39
pr0gerso it just keeps looping01:39
ShadowRagehow do I use a custom cursor theme?01:40
zookoA-ha.  A different cd works.  Thanks. ;-)01:40
Seveaspr0ger, just follow the trail of -dev packages01:40
crappledevyou think i would have better luck with limewire rpm with the alien install01:40
Seveasand try to remove them all in 1 command01:40
pr0gerhmm alright01:40
crappledevor the linux 'other'01:40
=== zerokills kicks the stool out from under jamie_k's feet...
Seveaspr0ger, or:01:40
jamie_kzerokills: hey thanks!01:40
Seveasdpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/packages/libpng*01:41
zerokillsjamie_k, anytime01:41
zookoHm.  But this CD works fine in Mac OS X...01:41
Seveasthat means: forcefolly install that .deb file01:41
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Seveasthat will clear away the error01:41
TokenBadcrappledev, I am trying to install gta on my system...I have over 9 gig free on my mounted drive but it says not enough space..and it only needs 3.6 gigs01:41
crappledevzerokills , guess you're not 'zero' anymore01:41
Seveasand you can start uninstalling KrapDE :)01:41
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zerokillsSeveas, hehe, KrapDE indeed01:42
jamie_ki KNOW someone around here is nice & clever enough to help me solve this horrible problem01:42
crappledevTokenBad, what partition?01:42
crappledevis the space really there or is it 'growable01:42
Seveasthechitowncubs, add them to /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh if you want them to run on boot, add them to ~/.bashrc if you want them to run at login01:42
TokenBadits a fat32 partition01:42
zerokillscrappledev, nope always been zerokills01:42
jamie_kzerokills: he means, you killed me01:42
crappledevzerokills , i was referencing that kicking of the stool ... ;)01:43
=== zerokills is a little slow ;)
=== jamie_k is evidently slower
TokenBadcrappledev, my OS drive is only 6 gig01:43
crappledevjamie_k , no, we're on the same page01:43
=== tribu [~tribu@150.Red-83-33-134.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
TokenBadmy mounted drive is 80 gig01:43
=== zooko shrugs and scp's the contents of the cdrom from Mac OS X to Ubuntu.
TokenBadwhen it trys to install its only registering the 3.3 gigs free on my OS drive01:44
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TokenBadand not the 9 gigs on my mounted drive01:44
=== tekk [~tekk@host-64-139-251-128.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu
pr0gerlol this is horrible01:44
pr0gerSeveas: that doesnt work either01:44
TokenBadany ideas?01:45
crappledevTokenBad , I'll have to look in to that. I have Fat32 larger >301:45
crappledevand no issues01:45
Seveaspr0ger, mind if y /msg you in private?01:45
TokenBadmy fat32 is 9 gigs free01:45
pr0geryeah go ahead01:45
TokenBadand 80 gig total01:45
ShadowRageman, you all have a lot of fat :(01:45
ShadowRagehow do I change my icon theme in ubuntu under gnome?01:46
zerokillssystem> preferences> theme01:46
=== roger [~roger@cpc1-duns3-5-0-cust35.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
zerokillstheme details01:46
ShadowRagenot icon01:46
ShadowRagemouse cursor01:46
StRany1 has already been able to intsall customizegoogle in firefox?01:47
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zerokillssystem> preferences> mouse01:47
zerokillsclick on the Cursors tab01:47
zerokillsdoesnt give very many options tho01:47
Seveasyou can do it with gcursor01:48
_raw_Hi, I am new to ubuntu..I never used suspend feature on linux u can probably guide me01:48
di2coif ubuntu detects the winmodem, it should work right?01:49
zerokillsjamie_k, what are you having problems with again? net-install? whats the link to that?01:49
_raw_I want to suspend_2_ram...by the way it is *not* a laptop01:49
jamie_kzerokills: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LocalNetInstall01:49
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jamie_kzerokills:  is what i'm following now01:49
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_raw_can I do suspend_to_ram on desktop? with acpi?01:50
=== Klementas [~Klementas@lichte.ctcis.net] has joined #ubuntu
tekkCan someone help me please?01:50
Klementasask your question tekk01:51
naliothtekk, i missed your question01:51
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tekkAlright.... im trying to install a file (doom3_installer.sh) and i keep on getting this error.01:52
tekk/home/tekk/.setup8217: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:52
=== Gfault HELP --> How install on HD live CD ?
Klementastekk: do you have gtk1 installed?01:52
=== jjj [~jjj@c-24-21-205-99.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothGfault: can't be done easily01:52
naliothGfault: you need the 'install' cd01:53
tekkI'm not sure, i guess it'll be in synaptic?01:53
Klementastekk: it should be, yes01:53
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rogertekk, apt-get install libgtk1.201:53
jjjNewbie needs to change permissions on a file I accidentally created from root terminal01:53
Klementastekk: what roger said01:53
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=== dav1 [~david@ip68-230-221-42.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
rogerjjj, you probably just need to change the owner of the file - "sudo chown user:user filename"01:55
thechitowncubsHow can I add something to my init.d01:55
dav1hello all01:55
thechitowncubswhat i did was:01:55
tekkDownloading now....should it work once this is done?01:55
jjjOK, will try it, thanks01:55
thechitowncubssudo nano /etc/init.d/kaid01:55
TokenBadwell crappledev if you find out let me know..cause its driving me nuts01:55
thechitowncubssudo chmod +x kaid01:55
thechitowncubssudo chmod +x ...kaid01:55
Klementastekk: it should01:55
dav1i'm looking for some help with automatically mounting usb devices01:55
Seveasthechitowncubs, update-rc.d kaid defaults01:55
Klementastekk: unless some other library is missing01:55
tekkAlright, thanks.01:56
tekkInstalling.....hope it works. :(01:57
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dav1anyone else had any problems with usb keys in Ubuntu?01:57
PoopinClumpinmine seems to work fine01:58
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rogerdav1, what happens if you plug it in? anything?01:59
dav1nothing at all01:59
kpetersonI am having a very bizarre problem.  I had ubuntu running fine, but then I added another serial ata hard drive, and now there is a kernal panic when i try to boot.  I determined that the problem lies in that my main harddrive (with Ubuntu) becomes sdb instead of sda when the new drive is added.  Unfortunately, I cannot configure which sata drive for my mobo to boot from first, so if i change the plugs so that ubuntu is on sda, then it01:59
kpetersonwill boot the wrong drive. I need to change my configurations so that when grub boots from the harddrive with ubuntu (sdb) it does not look for sda partitions where the boot stuff used to be located.  I tried editing fstab but that didn't help. Sorry this is so confusing...can anyone help?01:59
Klementasoops, time to reboot01:59
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dav1i'm able to mount it using the mount command though01:59
rogerplug it in and type "dmesg" see if it says it found a new USB device?01:59
rogerah ok01:59
rogeryou could just create an entry for it in /etc/fstab to auto mount it02:00
dav1i've tried that...02:00
=== furty [~charles@modemcable219.10-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
dav1perhaps I got the syntax wrong?02:00
=== Trixisity [~Trixisity@j223053.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
newbie_linuxHi, is anyone firmiliar with x11vnc???02:00
rogerwhat does that line of fstab look like?02:00
tekkAlright...another question...02:01
rogerunder options you'll need something like "rw,user,auto"02:01
ubotuI don't know, socomm02:01
newbie_linuxHi, is anyone here firmiliar with x11vnc???02:02
tekkHow do i mount another cd in the middle of installation?02:02
Seveaskpeterson, you will need to re-run grub-install02:02
socommJust ask.02:02
furtyis there a #ubuntu french channel?02:02
dav1 /dev/sda/media/usbdiskvfat defaults 0002:02
Seveasfurty, #ubuntu-fr02:02
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kpetersonSeveas How do I do that?02:02
Seveaskpeterson, boot from a live cd, make a chroot dir, mount your drives and proc there, chroot into the installed system, run grub-install '(hd0)'02:03
squinnHow do I downgrade a package?02:03
=== furty [~charles@modemcable219.10-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
tekkDo i simply eject and enter a new cd in the drive?02:03
squinnI heard that a Breezy fix was to downgrade one package with supposedly more benefits than harms02:03
Seveassquinn, aptitude install package=version02:03
rogerdav1, i think you need to specify a partition as well so /dev/sda1 instead of /dev/sda02:03
squinnah okay thanks02:03
dav1let me try it that way02:03
snowseali cant eject my cdrom02:04
=== HrdwrBoB [~matt@bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
squinnQuestion 2.02:04
=== AvFnx [~edjmarine@ool-18bbd5d8.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
squinnHow do I see the web repository for hoary?02:04
Seveassnowseal, probably it's still mounted then...02:04
squinnNever mind, Googled.02:04
Seveassquinn: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3802:04
rogersnowseal, try typing 'eject' in a terminal02:04
Seveasor did you mean packages.ubuntu.com :)02:04
kpetersonSeveas that brings up another problem I have...do you know how to boot Ubuntu live in text only mode?02:04
=== crush [~bhilton@nlsngabas01-pool8-a66.nlsnga.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
kpetersonSeveas with no GUI?02:05
snowsealhmm the. i closed bk3.02:05
dav1thanks a bunch02:05
dav1that did it :-D02:05
squinnpkgs.ubuntu, thanks Dennis02:05
snowsealnow its ok.02:05
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Seveaskpeterson, probably with 'single' as boot parameter02:05
rogergood stuff :)02:05
socommkpeterson: Try the "Safe mode".02:05
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socommThat would boot you into single user mode.02:05
rogerkpeterson, i think appending a '1' to the end of your kernel options in grub will put you into runlevel 1 (most services but no X)02:06
kpetersonSeveas I'm sorry I'm not very experienced with Linux...when you say " make a chroot dir, mount your drives and proc there, chroot into the installed system,"02:07
rogerkpeterson, might be different for the livecd though02:07
kpetersonSeveas I'm not sure what all that means...02:07
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Seveaskpeterson, i figured that :)02:07
CiAnCi10is anyone firmiliar with x11vnc??02:07
Seveaskpeterson, I am making a manual for it, but that's not yet finished02:08
CiAnCi10is anyone firmiliar with x11vnc??02:08
rogerCiAnCi10, not really, but what's up? Gnome has a built in VNC server if that's any good?02:09
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KillerSmurfhow do you add xfce to the session selection of X?02:09
CiAnCi10how can i make x11vnc so that it is on 24/7 and when a client disconnects it doesn't shutdown?02:09
SeveasKillerSmurf, sudo aptitude install xfce402:09
kpetersonSeveas well, i can try to figure it out, any clues before I do so?02:10
socommWouldn't synaptic be better suited for neophytes?02:10
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KillerSmurfSeveas thanks again02:11
Seveaskpeterson, use google02:11
Seveassearch for grub+recovery+chroot+proc02:11
kpetersonSeveas allright, thanks for your help02:11
gallonegro_where do xmms skins go02:12
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=== Seveas off
zythWindows Update won't run in Wine for me w/o a MS XML update that won't install02:12
=== zyth weeps
doogluszyth, wean yourself off satan's tit02:13
zythdooglus, I consider it more blasphemy of the highest order :D02:13
doogluszyth: you've installed linux.  why on earth would you want to emulate windows update in linux?02:13
zythdooglus, see, that's exactly it.02:13
zythjust because it's absurd.02:13
rogerdon't want wine catching viruses or anything02:14
doogluszyth: you have turned to the light side.  leave childish ways behind you.02:14
socommWINE Is Not  an Emulator.02:15
thechitowncubsSeveas: sudo: unable to execute /etc/init.d/kaid: No such file or directory02:15
dooglussocomm: it's close enough to being an emulator that most people can't tell the difference.  maybe if it was an emulator it would work better.  anyway, the point is... "why use it?"02:16
Gfaultnalioth_wrkn, how install live-cd on HD ?02:16
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dooglusGfault: somewhat amazingly, the live-cd isn't installable!  if you want to install, you have to download another 600Mb of 'install disk'!02:17
pr0gerforgot I was on irc02:17
Gfaultdooglus, thanks02:17
pr0gerguess thats what happens when you use screen ;P02:17
dooglusGfault: really?  "thanks" isn't how I reacted when I learned about that little snippet...02:17
=== mabu [~mabu@cmb32-29.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu
jjjIs there a bash coomand to go back one directory from the directory you're currently in? 'Cause I'm about ten folders deep and I don't want to retype all of them over just to go back up one directory.02:17
zythjjj, yeah cd ..02:18
pr0gercd ..02:18
dooglusjjj: "cd -" will take you to the place you were at last02:18
jjjAh! Thanks02:18
dooglusjjj: "cd .." will go up one02:18
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Gfaultdooglus, little snippet ?02:18
dooglusGfault: the "you've downloaded 600Mb of stuff to see if you like ubuntu, now, if you like it, download ANOTHER 600mb of stuff" snippet.02:19
kpetersonSeveas, quick question after some searching...can i just run /sbin/grub and do something within there to fix my problem?02:19
Gfaultdooglus, ok02:19
rogerthechitowncubs, do you just want to execute some command on bootup or do you actually want to create a new service?02:19
thechitowncubsI want to add a command on bootup and i want to get my init script working02:20
bwlangdooglus: hmm - that would be pretty cool to use the live cd as a install source - then you just just dl a minimal installer image.02:20
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squinnI'm confused.02:21
=== Adyeths [vq4tbp@pcp01447321pcs.carlsl01.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["I]
squinnI'm having a problem in Breezy, but I found a bugzilla fix.02:21
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squinnTo downgrade this one package, libglib2.0.02:21
squinnBut if I "Force Version ->" or aptitude install, i lose all these packages02:22
=== ScislaC [~scislac@ip68-2-249-199.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Burgundaviasquinn, the best thing to do with packaging issues is to wait02:22
Firetechdooglus: the devs are working on a live cd installer02:22
Burgundaviathe next version is likely to sort it out02:22
tiglionabbitI have a live/install dvd02:22
squinnI'd like to be able to add my email account to Evolution though, Burgundavia02:22
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=== zerokills steals tiglionabbit's DVD burner.
FiretechThere will still be a install cd, but also an easy to use live installer...02:23
thechitowncubsroger: you get that?02:23
Burgundaviasquinn, email is vastly over rated02:23
=== bur[n] er [~norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rogerthechitowncubs, yeah... so if you try to execute the init script it says file not found?02:24
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Firetechzerokills: steal mine, it has only been used to burn like 2 CDs :P02:25
=== mon [~javier@217.Red-80-25-51.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
thechitowncubsroger: ya02:25
rogerthechitowncubs, the file definitely exists and has readable permissions?02:25
thechitowncubsi've never added an init script before02:25
thechitowncubsis there something i could read02:25
rogerthechitowncubs, is the first line #!/bin/sh   or link to some other shell?02:26
monHi. I've just moved my /usr to another partition & everything seems to work exactly as before making the move, except for sound02:26
monbefore I could hear soun perfectly in my hoary02:26
zerokillsjamie_k, im reading over that page, im still kinda new to linux so im not familiar with everything. what are you having trouble with?02:26
monbut now I can't even load the sound volume applet02:26
rogerthechitowncubs, google is probably best bet for that02:26
TokenBadanyone here use cedega and installed GTA?02:26
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jamie_kzerokills: i progressed a stage now, it's rsynch-ing02:27
socommI play GTA on dosbox02:27
=== xav [~xav@did75-4-82-66-46-93.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
jamie_kzerokills: i'm going to write this up afterwards, if i manage it, because none of those documents are right02:27
monmy problem is that when accesing the multimedia system config in gnome the sound or video doesnt detect alsa or esd or anything02:28
xavhi all! is breezy usable ?02:28
Burgundaviaxav, not really02:28
=== MrNoOne [~jsmith@S0106002078d9edb9.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
xavwhen should it be ?02:28
Burgundaviaxav, it installs and might run02:28
Burgundaviaxav, October 13?02:28
monhow can I reconfigure sound?02:28
socommxav: Read the breezy FAQ.02:28
=== MrNoOne is now known as Jim2
xavi mean for testing purposes02:28
zerokillsjamie_k, yea you should do that02:28
jjjDoes anyone know of a repository for a .deb file to install ndiswrapper-1.2? Synaptic only has 1.1. 'Cause I've spent two days trying to do it manually.02:29
squinnBurgundavia, filed a bug upstream02:29
Burgundaviaxav, preview release is pretty stabl02:29
zzzsleepymon, see ubuntu guide for information on sound fix in gnome02:29
Jim2having a very confusing time with the install version of this distro02:29
rogeranyone know if gtk 2.7 is getting put in breezy?02:29
Burgundaviaxav, it gets more stable all the time02:29
Burgundaviaroger, it might not make gnome. If it doesn't make gnome 2.12, it doesn't make breezy02:29
thechitowncubsDoes someone care to explain init scripts to me and how to add remove them at startup?02:29
xavokay, so i can give it try without worrying to much02:29
Burgundaviaxav, yes, but please don't come whining here if it break and you end up over your head02:30
zzzsleepythechitowncubs, install rcconf and make your life easier ;)02:30
rogerBurgundavia, yeah, thought the reason for doubt over making 2.12 was due to lack of testing though - and breezy seems good chance to get some testing02:30
Daveyjjj: try using the "alien" command on an rpm?02:30
Burgundaviaroger, breezy releases shortly after gnome does02:30
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jjjI don't know of any ndiswrapper-1.2 rpms either :(02:30
xavburgundavia, okay thx u02:30
=== mon [~javier@217.Red-80-25-51.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu []
Jim2Have multiple distros on two hard drives as well as Win2k.. Even if I create partitions for ubuntu the application informs me that it apparently will format all of the existing partitions on the drive as well02:31
rogerBurgundavia, yeah...?02:31
Burgundaviaroger, breezy releases october 13, gnome in sept sometime02:31
thechitowncubsrcconf doesn't let me modify them02:31
Burgundaviaroger, the schedules are deliberatly synced02:31
rogerBurgundavia, so? i was asking whether gtk2.7 was going to be put in breezy? :)02:32
JuhazJim2, use the "manually edit" option02:32
Burgundaviaroger, if it makes gnome 2.12 it will, I seriously doubt if it will make breezy if it doesn't02:32
Jim2manually edit?02:33
lsuactiafnerwriting a dvd, basically cloninanother dvd.. how do i do that?02:33
=== tekkah [~tekk@c-24-218-70-48.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DeFihow do i set the time from the command line in hoary??02:34
lsuactiafnerdate -s 18:0002:34
lsuactiafnerFri Jun 24 02:34:52 SAST 200502:34
JuhazJim2, it's kind of hard to miss if you've actually used the installer...02:34
socommDeFi: ntpdate02:34
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lsuactiafnerso 02:34 might be a better quess..02:34
lsuactiafnerntpdate is also nice02:34
StyxHi, has anyone tried installing Ubuntu on a Mac Mini??02:34
=== gorm [~gorm@APointe-a-Pitre-104-1-8-202.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
BurgundaviaStyx, people have succesfully installed Debian, so I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work02:35
socommStyx: Why don't you try and let us know how it goes.02:35
gormi have a problem with mplayer under ubuntu. is this the right chanel ?02:36
socommJust ask.02:36
Jim2ok I went through and used the partitioner to create 3 partitions. One for / one for /home and one for Swap. The installer still presented me with a list of all the aprtitons on the the drive and indicted that it was about to format them and asked for a YES or NO. I also created the partitions using Partition Magic 8 with the same result02:36
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StyxBurgundavia: OK, I was just wondering how well supported the hardware inside the Mac Mini was, because it's not as if you can upgrade it :)02:37
gormi have installed the freshest ubuntu and installed mplayer but though the plugin is taken into account by firefox, it never displays any video nor plays anysound.02:38
BurgundaviaStyx, the wireless doesn't work, but that is no surprise02:38
=== mon [~javier@217.Red-80-25-51.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
monHi again02:38
StyxBurgundavia: Thanks02:39
BurgundaviaStyx, np02:39
monI've done the process described in the ubuntu guide & I have no sound02:39
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zzzsleepymon, no sound where?02:39
zzzsleepymon, did you reboot?02:39
rogergorm, so you've installed mplayer-plugin right?02:39
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gormroger : yes i did02:40
monlet me explain the problem02:40
zzzsleepymon, ok02:40
rogergorm, and about:plugins in firefox shows it but it doesn't actually work? ;\02:40
monI have set a separate partition for /ust02:40
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monI've copied my /usr to that partition02:40
Jim2<Juhaz>: ok I went through and used the partitioner to create 3 partitions. One for / one for /home and one for Swap. The installer still presented me with a list of all the aprtitons on the the drive and indicted that it was about to format them and asked for a YES or NO. I also created the partitions using Partition Magic 8 with the same result02:41
mon& now everything seem to work ok02:41
monexcept sound & splashy02:41
monsplashy has a known bug that doesn't work with a separate /usr partition02:41
gormfor instance, it buffers, but then i only get a black screen02:41
monso that's ok02:41
monbut before moving /usr & had perfect sound in gnome02:42
monsorry for my english02:42
JuhazJim2, http://www.cc.puv.fi/~e0000274/part13.png02:42
rogergorm, ah right... this will sound weird but try right clicking on the display, sometimes the overlay gets messed up02:42
gormi feel desperate with linux, cause i hadthe same problem wiht mandrake 10.1 and 9 as well02:42
rogergorm, does the sound play? or does it just not work at all?02:42
JuhazJim2, the manual part of partition looks something like that in the end, and sure doesn't tell anything about formatting, aside from showing the little ascii faces which tell what is going to be done with each partition in the list02:42
gormnot at all !02:42
zerokillson board sound device?02:43
JuhazJim2, you are installing hoary, right?02:44
Jim2Juhaz: Yes I believe it was after that screen that I was presented with the format screen02:44
zzzsleepyJim2, "Ubuntu 5.04 (The Hoary Hedgehog release) "02:45
monany ideas before I assume I have to reinstall everything?02:45
Jim2Dont know what version it is. I downloaded the ISO off the web site last week or this week02:45
zzzsleepymon, you might try posting to the ubuntu forums with this issue if you don't see it resolved here.02:45
zerokillsgorm, get a sound card, my onboard sound devices dont work either, i had to get a sound card02:45
zzzsleepygorm, and disable your onboard sound in BIOS when you have a new sound card installed02:46
JuhazJim2, I see, I don't remember for sure what's presented after that, but I assume it would refer to whatever partitions you just set up, not anything else, because it doesn't format anything else02:46
monI think tomorrow morning I'll reinstall everything02:46
gormokay, that i could quite easily try, but however, i suspect the problem comes from something else : other sound applications work fine.02:46
zerokillsgorm, so you do get sound from some applications?02:47
gormyes i do.02:47
spoilerheadprobably a esd problem?02:47
zzzsleepyIs using ubuntu on a Mac easier than on a PC? Without trying to get all the many different hardware components all to work ?02:47
HrdwrBoBzzzsleepy: not really02:47
zerokillsgorm, ok, dont get a sound card... that's something to do with your setup02:47
zzzsleepyHrdwrBoB, darn, because of proprietary hdwre right?02:48
HrdwrBoBzzzsleepy: if you have a PC with all supported hardware, it'll work perfectly02:48
naliothzzzsleepy: works right out of the box on PPC (unless you have airport extreme)02:48
gormyes. i am afraid it is more a probleme with the mplayer installation.02:48
zzzsleepyHrdwrBoB, & nalioth rhx02:48
HrdwrBoBzzzsleepy: mac gives you some limitations due to arch02:48
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naliothzzzsleepy: thats why my new mac is still runnin osx (linux has no APX support...yet)02:48
zzzsleepyHrdwrBoB, limitations but advantages as well because of a smaller hardware pool?02:49
zerokillsgorm, i personally only use VLC for all of my media needs.. i have to pkill esd every now and then for some movies to work, but it works great02:49
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naliothzzzsleepy: the smaller hardware pool is great02:49
HrdwrBoBnot really, if you have a PC that's well supported, you're probably better off than a mac02:49
HrdwrBoBit just means that you know the hardware (aside from airport extreme) will work without thinking about it02:50
naliothzzzsleepy: only the airport extreme is non-supported (thanks, broadcom!)02:50
gorm0Kills, sorry : what is VLC ? I am fully ready to get rid of esd but how ?02:50
JuhazJim2, just read the help, and they list the meaning of the different smileys and other tokens as for what's going to be formatted and what isn't, etc.02:50
zzzsleepyalright, thanks guys :)02:50
zerokillsgorm, in terminal type sudo apt-get install vlc02:50
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zerokillsgorm, that will install VLC for you, you can open VLC from the applications> sound and video menu.  to kill esd, type pkill esd in the terminal02:51
zerokillsgorm, to turn it back on just type esd in the terminal02:52
zzzsleepyI hate esd02:52
zerokillsme too02:52
zzzsleepythanks to the ubuntuguide, I removed it forever! (queue laughter)02:52
gormok, it is now downloading, i'll try it as soon as its done and come back to you. thanks !02:53
zerokillsnp, good luck02:53
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msumu_piti_gnouit s pistons baby02:56
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msumu_piti_gnoupray for the pistons y all02:57
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Jim2Juhaz: Ok will give that a shot. All the other distros I have installed in the past made it perfectly clear which partitions were going to be formatted. I give it a shot02:59
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muttDCquestion: is there a plugion for gift that allows support with ares??03:05
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gormok zerokills ! you are a guru !!! it works perfectly well. many thanks !!!03:07
zerokillsgorm, hehe, glad i could help03:08
idgehello everyone, I am new to Linux and I need help making a boot disk using dd03:08
idgei am trying to make the file "smb.bin" into a bootable 3.5" floppy03:08
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Fnoyhow do i open rar files03:09
idgecan anyone educate me?03:09
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Jim2yure: you there?03:11
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spongebob_square /nick spongebob_squared_shitless03:12
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lsuactiafnerwrong window..03:12
Xenguyidge: use 'rawrite' from DOS, or 'dd' from linux (IIUC)03:12
lsuactiafnerdd if=image.img of=/dev/fd003:13
idgeXenguy: i am trying using the command "dd if=smb.bin of=/dev/fd0"03:13
idgeit keeps saying "No such file or directory"03:13
msumu_piti_gnouzerokills: hear you are some kinda guru ; please pray for detroit03:13
rogeridge, try "dd if=smb.bin of=/dev/fd0 bs=512"03:13
lsuactiafnerls -lh smb.bin03:13
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Jim2Well no futher ahead with Ubuntu03:14
idgeok will do...brb03:14
zerokillsmsumu_piti_gnou, lol03:14
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lsuactiafneri dont think smb.bin exists03:14
idgeroger: still says "No such file or directory"03:14
idgesmb.bin is on the Hoary install cd03:15
lsuactiafneryes there file.. it aint there..03:15
pete_guys: I just got an archos Gmini 200xs. when I plug it into an intel ubuntu machine it mounts on the desktop, but on my G4 powerbook I see nothing03:15
idgei have copied that fild onto the Desktop03:15
idgefile that is03:15
pete_I can see that the device is registered in 'devices'03:15
pete_do I need to manually edit the fstab?03:15
rogeridge, so try "dd if=~/Desktop/smb.bin of=/dev/fd0 bs=512"03:16
Xenguyidge: I agree with lsuactiafner - your source file path seems wrong03:16
pete_both installations were exactly the same.03:16
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idgeXenguy:  really?...whoa that is wierd03:16
orlandohi, synaptic says i have linux-386 installed, how do i switch to 68603:17
orlandoi have a pentium 303:17
lsuactiafnerupdatedb ; locate smb.bin03:17
lsuactiafnerjust if=/cdrom/smb.bin or whereever the original smb.bin is03:17
Xenguyidge: use 'ls -d' to confirm the path; then 'dd' etc. should work :-)03:17
lsuactiafneri'm getting icecream03:17
lsuactiafnerand i'm also high so dont do anythin i say03:18
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idgeXenguy: just type "ls -d"?03:18
rogeridge, dd if=~/Desktop/smb.bin of=/dev/fd0 bs=51203:18
rogeridge, that should work if the file is on your desktop03:18
lsuactiafnerroger : good idea03:18
Xenguyidge: ls -d <path/to/filename>03:18
idgeXenguy: Ah...i see03:18
lsuactiafnerwonder why i didnt type that03:18
Xenguyidge: er, ls -d path/to/filename03:19
lsuactiafneralso though about it03:19
lsuactiafnerbut i need more icecream03:19
idgeXenguy: ok cool03:19
chris__Wow, I love ubuntu already, I just downloaded and installed it, actually worked with my videocard/monitor unlike debian did upon install03:19
Xenguylsuactiafner: hey, I need some of that stuff :P03:19
lsuactiafneri'm goin to the fridge now and getting icecream03:19
Xenguychris__: yeah, it's kinda automagic for me to :-)03:19
orlandohow do i switch my kernel to 686 instead of the 386 currently installed? i have a p303:19
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idgeXenguy: i guess i am stupid becuse it is still saying no file or directory03:21
Daveyorlando: apt-get install linux-image-2.6.10-5-68603:21
lsuactiafnerorlando : you multiply it by 2 and subtract 8603:21
benjamy Hoary mounts USB pen, then when i remount it it dosent appear...how can i fox this ?03:21
lsuactiafnerbenja : pull in and out03:21
lsuactiafnerpull out and in03:21
Xenguyidge: that just tells you the file isn't where you're looking :-)  Try (as someone suggested) -> updatedb && locate filename.bin03:22
ttyS0am...stupid question...but......how to change system charset from UTF-8 to CP1251 ?03:22
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rogeridge, dd if=~/Desktop/smb.bin of=/dev/fd0 bs=512    ?!?!03:22
chris__Can anyone give me a step by step guide to getting my windows partitions to be accessable in linux please?  Thank yo9u03:22
chris__Thank You.*03:22
Xenguyidge: or what roger said ;-)03:22
orlandowell i installed it in synaptic03:22
orlandothe 686 kernel03:22
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orlandowill ubuntu automatically use that now?03:23
lsuactiafnerwhy aint 2.6.12 not writin to nfts?03:23
benjalsuactiafner, dosent work :(03:23
lsuactiafnerused to work?03:23
Xenguychris__: are your d0ze filesystems FAT32 or NTFS ?03:23
Jim2I am trying to understand the built in formatter but am not having very much luck.. just getting more frustrated03:23
lsuactiafnerbenja : i have same problem, put pen in diff slot03:23
taomasteris there an easy was to install java in this o/s?03:23
lsuactiafnerand also type sync as root before you put it in03:23
lsuactiafnersomwhow seems to help03:23
idgeroger: when you have the "~" in there...what does that mean?03:24
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chris__My windows file systems are NTFS03:24
ubotusomebody said java was https://wiki.ubuntu.com//Java03:24
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idgeroger: tried but still no work03:24
chris__hda1 and hdb103:24
rogeridge, ~ is an easy way of saying 'my home directory' basically03:24
lsuactiafneridge : go make yourself coffee, when you get back you will know whats up03:24
rogeridge, is the file on your desktop? and it's definitely called smb.bin?03:25
lsuactiafnerreally trust me on ir03:25
idgeroger: yes03:25
benjalsuactiafner, dosent work :(03:25
Xenguyidge: P.S. 'desktop' is a windowism I prefer to avoid :-)03:25
idgei see it right now and can look at its properties03:25
chris__:-P Sorry I'm a newbie, I just started trying out the free distrobutions and this one seems to take to my system the best so far03:25
idgeXenguy: i am thinking you are right!03:25
squinnchris__, good choice.03:25
rogeridge, type "ls -l ~/Desktop/smb*", what's the output?03:25
idgeroger: ok hold on03:26
squinnchris__, no worries..this is a newbie-friendly zone03:26
Xenguychris__: NTFS can be 'mounted' by linux, but only 'read-only'...03:26
chris__Yeah, I just need it for listening to music really :-X03:26
lsuactiafneryeh how do i write to ntfs with 2.6.1203:26
Xenguychris__: whereas 'FAT32' filesystems can be mounted by linux read/write03:26
lsuactiafner2.4.26 still wrote to ntfs03:26
taomasteruse partiton magic03:26
Xenguylsuactiafner: no03:26
taomasterin windows03:27
^thehatsrule^use captive-ntfs03:27
chris__I made a FAT32 partition called 'shared' when I partitioned this03:27
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idgeroger: what do i put in place of the "~"?03:27
Xenguy^thehatsrule^: captive-ntfs is still very alpha AFAIK03:27
lsuactiafnerbut i want to write to it03:27
orlandoi installed kernel for 686 processors, i have the 386 currently installed. how do i edit grub or whatever to add the 686?03:27
lsuactiafneri dont care if i break things03:27
Xenguyidge: /home/youruserid03:27
rogeridge, nothing, just type the ~ and it will automatically work out your home directory for you03:27
idgeXenguy: ok will try03:28
lsuactiafnerroger : updatedb ; locate smb.bin03:28
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naliothlsuactiafner: then boot into windows03:28
zukalkhey, i had trouble login in Ubuntu now, i had to chown .ICEauthority because it didn't belong to me anymore. does anyone know why this happened?03:28
lsuactiafnerfind /home | grep -i smb will also work i think03:28
naliothlsuactiafner: also have this to throw into your brain-bucket: qemu03:28
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rogerlsuactiafner, sudo the updatedb eh? :)   but he says the file is on his desktop03:28
lsuactiafnernalioth : you from rsa03:28
Xenguylsuactiafner: not grep03:28
naliothzukalk: the easiest way is to del that sorry file (it'll regrow, honest)03:29
idgeRoger: tried it your way and Xenguy way...still does not work03:29
lsuactiafnerwell some icon sucks03:29
rogeridge, what does it say?03:29
naliothlsuactiafner: i'm sorry?03:29
idgeroger: "No such file or directory"03:29
zukalknalioth, thanks. but any idea why it started in the first place?03:29
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lsuactiafneri dont have qemu in apt-cache03:29
Xenguyidge: jeez why not download the file again, and this time put it somewhere you can find it ;-)03:29
ttyS0how to change system charset from UTF-8 to CP1251 ?03:29
lsuactiafnernalioth : where you from?03:29
naliothzukalk: it's a known problem on ubuntu, ppc  and x86 (i've personally seen) alike03:30
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naliothzukalk: i just switch to another login console, login, and del the little troublemaker03:30
rogeridge, right click on the file and select 'properties', what does it say in the "name" and "location" fields?03:30
naliothlsuactiafner: houston, tx, why?03:30
idgeXenguy: i have the file on the Hoary install cd...then extracted it to the desktop03:30
rogerXenguy, why do I get the feeling he's taking the piss? :)03:30
Xenguyidge: if that's true, the only thing you need is the correct path03:30
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zukalknalioth, i'll keep that in mind ;)03:31
lsuactiafnerwonderin what time you have there.. you are always online with me03:31
Xenguyroger: caffeine is probably a major factor here03:31
lsuactiafnerFri Jun 24 03:31:59 SAST 200503:31
idgeroger: name: sbm.bin   location: /home/idge/Desktop03:31
lsuactiafneras i said go get coffee, the answer will come03:31
benjamy Hoary mounts USB pen, then when i remount it it dosent appear...how can i fox this ?03:31
Jim2I need more than coffee03:31
rogeridge, right, so you want sbm.bin instead of smb.bin!03:31
coolkevwho here likes the song Acky Breaky Heart03:32
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naliothlsuactiafner: don't strain your brain, i drive a taxi and am here at all hours in-and-out03:32
coolkevby Paul Sirus03:32
lsuactiafnerwhen i program and get stuck, i make coffee.03:32
idgeroger: ok...now i am really pissed at my dyslexia!03:32
Jim2I have a stick drink03:32
Xenguynyuck nyuck nyuck03:32
lsuactiafnerlol i thought the bootdisk was some LOAF smb share03:32
rogeridge, so type this: "dd if=~/Desktop/sbm.bin of=/dev/fd0 bs=512"  and that should work a treat03:33
Jim2I have a stiff drink03:33
coolkevu have a stick dick?03:33
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coolkevi mean drink03:33
rogeridge, no worries man so long as it works this time :)03:33
XenguyJim2: that's even better than coffee :-)03:33
idgeroger: bad news, still says "no such file la la la"03:33
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lsuactiafneri think bed is a good option03:34
Xenguytomorrow is a brand new day :-)03:34
zukalkwhat's the easier way to set the apps for each mime type?03:34
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idgeroger: should is cd into the Desktop in the root terminal?03:35
jsimmonsi just installed quake2, but it's not in the menu.  how do i run it?03:35
Xenguyjsimmons: which quake203:35
rogeridge, type that command in a normal terminal as your user, not root03:35
jsimmonsthe one in the repository03:36
Jim2Xenguy: Yes and I do care about Ubuntu then either03:36
Xenguyjsimmons: type that at the command-line03:36
jsimmonsin a terminal window?03:36
XenguyJim2: ?03:36
Xenguyjsimmons: yeah03:36
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idgeroger: i think it worked!03:36
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Xenguyjsimmons: it should show the full path if it is installed03:37
idgeroger: it is writing to the floppy!03:37
Jim2I have had nothing but confusion w trying to install Ub.03:37
rogeridge, awesome!03:37
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jsimmonsLoadLibrary("ref_softx.so") failed...03:37
idgeroger: man03:37
idgeroger: i didn't know i was supposed to be in a regular terminal03:37
XenguyJim2: really eh?  I haven't followed your saga (just popped in recently), but I found Ubu pretty flawless on my new hardware at work <shrug>03:38
idgeroger: how will i know if it worked properly?03:38
rogeridge, heheh, no worries03:38
crappledevyou've got to love the menu pkg... i never knew it was special until i switched over today...03:38
rogeridge, try booting it? :)03:38
pr0gerwhats a good dvd ripper other then mencoder and dvdrip since those both suck horribly03:38
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idgeroger: yeah i guess so03:38
zukalkhow do i set which apps are used for each mime type?03:39
idgeroger: man thanks for your help!03:39
snowsealdvdshrink with wine03:39
rogeridge, no problem, hope it works!03:39
Xenguyjsimmons: did you install from DEB, or from SOURCE?03:39
Jim2I am at a Partion Disk screen. If I say finish partitioning and write changes to disk option then it presents me with a screen that presents me with a whole slew of existing swap partitions used by other distros as well as the ones I told the install to use for UB!03:39
idgeroger: me too!03:39
pr0gershouldve thought of that :P03:39
jsimmonsi think03:39
idgeroger: how do you know / how did ytou learn all this stuff?03:39
idgeroger: about Linux that is?03:39
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snowsealmake iso with dvdshrink and burn with k3b03:40
pr0gerI want the avi on the comp :P03:40
Xenguyjsimmons: if you installed from DEB, there should be no missing dependencies03:40
rogeridge, just experience, and some solaris training at work03:40
pr0gerI want a*03:40
Jim2My quesiton is why the heck is it going to touch the other swap partitions?????03:40
XenguyJim2: that definitely sounds messed up...03:40
crappledevidge, we all thank man ')03:40
crappledevjsimmons , yeah, thank deb too03:40
idgeroger: man, i hope i can get to where i can answer ppl's questions on Linux03:41
jsimmonsi installed with synaptic03:41
budluva1is it possible to install ubuntu over top of my current debian install? my / is on a separate partion from my /home and /storage drives, so i don't see why i cant, anyone done this?03:41
chris__X_x I need gdesklets, it's not in synaptic Package manager though03:41
XenguyJim2: you wouldn't by any chance have a 3rd-party tool like 'Partition Magic' on d0ze, would you?03:41
idgeI just switched to Linux bc i heard it kicks window's ass03:41
rogeridge, you will do :)  just stick with it03:41
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naliothidge: you probably already can....03:41
chris__idge: me too03:41
pr0gerchris__: you have universe and multiverse enabled in your sources.list03:41
crappledevimo i see no immediate benifit to switching to aptitude03:42
idgeroger: awsome...well..i am off to reboot..thanks again!03:42
naliothbudluva1: what is your current debian distro?03:42
rogeridge, good luck ;)03:42
Jim2<Xenguy> Jim2: you wouldn't by any chance have a 3rd-party tool like 'Partition Magic' on d0ze, would you? <== some of these partitions may have been formatted with it03:42
chris__pr0ger: X_X I'm afraid I have no idea what you mean...03:42
budluva1nalioth, sarge03:42
Jim2Xenguy: Do not know if it is installed under Win2k .. Dont believe so03:42
pr0gerchris__: Whats your /etc/apt/sources.list look like03:42
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naliothbudluva1: are you in a hurry to switch?03:42
jsimmonsahhh i see03:43
jsimmonsThis package contains no data files.  You will need to either install the03:43
jsimmonscommercial data from the Quake II CD-ROM with the ``quake2-data'' package,03:43
jsimmonsor install some free data files.03:43
XenguyJim2: if you have PM, I'd try to sort out the partition confusion with that tool; set up the partitions 'in advance', so when you install Ubu, it can just slide into the partitions it's supposed to03:43
budluva1nalioth, well i have an xp machine and 2 debian machines, was going to install ubuntu on one of my deb machines, but no its not a big hurry i guess, why?03:43
snowsealwhat should i do to mount my ntfs drives rw?03:43
jsimmonsah well, it's not that important to me03:43
jsimmonsi just wanted to check it out03:43
Jim2Xenguy: Already tried that and I am dam sure the same result occurred03:44
naliothbudluva1: i'm kinda dumb on some of the names (sarge, sid, etc) but you can transition to ubuntu from one of them (what was before sarge?)03:44
crappledevset auto_away off03:44
Xenguysnowseal: there's a tool called captive-NTFS, but I think it is fairly 'alpha'03:44
budluva1nalioth, woody03:44
naliothbudluva1: and i'm not the one to ask. you should ask seveas or bob203:44
chris__pr0ger: What do you mean look like? I'm looking at it right now, what should I look for that may be 'off'03:44
jsimmonsremoving it now03:44
jsimmonsand it's gone03:44
budluva1nalioth, sarge is current stable, sid is experimental03:44
XenguyJim2: I'm not sure what to say; sounds like you need to simplify your setup frankly03:44
crappledevthe whole 2.4 kernels are what made me take a break from linux and bust back out the OS X cds03:44
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naliothbudluva1: ok. ask seveas later or bob2 for a sure answer03:45
snowsealty Xenguy03:45
pr0gerlook for a line like "deb http://<thedeblink>/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe multiverse"03:45
Xenguysnowseal: yw03:45
crappledevdon't forget etch03:45
crappledevetch is testing03:45
chris__pr0ger: Should I un comment out the lines that end with 'hoary universe'03:45
=== wsalahi [~wsalahi@cpe-67-49-36-167.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
pr0geryeah gdesklets is in the universe pool :P03:45
Xenguychris__: yep03:45
wsalahihey for the grub menu how do i make it so that there is no timelimit?03:46
chris__Do I have to be in root to do that?03:46
wsalahiim already looking at the file i have to edit, i just dont know what to put for the slot03:46
Xenguychris__: prepend 'sudo'03:46
Jim2Xenguy: Well Suse,Mandrake, SLackware and even Fedora had no problem going on. It only UB that is putting up a fight03:46
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Jim2What is the skull & crossbones ascii character indicate?03:47
chris__What do you mean, I know I can go into the prompt and use su to change to root, but what do I do to open this?03:47
XenguyJim2: I've only done a few Ubu installs - the last one was (auto)magic, but then I don't have umpteen partiations either -- anyhow good luck, cos I'm out of ideas03:48
XenguyJim2: = swap (I think)03:48
crappledevI thought there was a slack ppc back in the day, wonder what happened :/03:48
indigocan anyone please tell me why the "gnome" session on my recent ubuntu install has no window manager?03:48
wsalahihey im looking at the file to edit the grub menu defaults. i want to make it so that i have an unlimited timelimit to choose between operating systems. what entry should i put for timeseconds to do so?03:48
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Xenguywsalahi: man grub ?03:49
indigowhat does gnome use for a wm these days, anyway?03:49
wsalahixenguy: no information for timeout03:49
Styxmetacity, I believe03:49
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chris__:-X What's the default root pass in ubuntu?03:49
indigoStyx: thanks03:50
Xenguyindigo: metacity I think03:50
indigoi'll try installing it03:50
indigobut first, i have to close this window...because i can't move it :(03:50
Xenguychris__: by default, there is no root :-)03:50
budluva1bob2, you therE?03:50
zukalkchris__, do you mean the sudo pass?03:50
Xenguychris__: if you want root, do -> sudo passwd root03:50
Xenguychris__: (tho some don't recommend it)03:50
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chris__Erm......I think I've confused myself, what do I have to do to edit sources.list03:51
indigommmm....window management03:51
Xenguychris__: sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list03:51
Xenguychris__: or -> sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list03:51
chris__it asks me for a password X_x03:51
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Xenguychris__: yes, your user password03:52
chris__oh okay03:52
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chris__:-D I <3 you all, I'm starting to get this now03:52
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chris__uh-oh, :-X how do I save with nano?03:54
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chris__I feel so dumb -__-;03:54
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ray_anybody here03:54
jsimmonswhen I install apps, how do I put them in the menu?03:54
zukalkchris__, Ctrl+X, it'll ask you if you wanna overwrite03:54
winnipegmhow can i mount fat32 i was able to mount hfsplus i need to transfer files :(03:55
crappledevjsimmons , get menu03:55
crappledevapt-get install menu03:55
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crappledevthen sudo update-menus03:55
crappledevthat will give you the awesome menus we took for granted in debian03:55
ray_wow thats good to know03:55
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Xenguychris__: there should be clear indicators at the bottom of the screen...03:56
aboodhi all, guys i need support with firestarter, its damn firewall :( wont work.. cany any body help ?03:56
Xenguychris__: or type 'h' for help (?)03:56
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Xenguyabood: if you are looking for an alternative, keep 'shorewall' in mind (no GUI tho)03:56
ray_anybody know how to get sound to work with multiple apps?03:56
zukalkoops, forgot the '/'03:57
crappledevray_, what are you running?03:57
zukalkcya lads03:57
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bddebianHey folks03:57
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bddebianAnyone have another mirror for Breezy?  I am told that the us mirror is borked?03:58
crappledevjey bddebian03:58
aboodXenguy, maybe i will try it later, now i need someone to go with me for making firestarter works :S03:58
winnipegmhow can i mount fat32 i was able to mount hfsplus i need to mount my windows drive anyone wanna help me with this i really need sum important files03:58
ray_I didnt have any sound when i installed. I had to grab the latest version of alsa to get sound to work. Now I have to uncheck the system sound on startup box to hear sound on apps.03:59
cartel_winnipegm: mount -t vfat /dev/blah /mnt/blah03:59
Xenguyabood: nod03:59
winnipegmoh ok03:59
aboodwinnipegm, check www.ubuntuguide.org everything is solved there03:59
naliothwinnipegm: the easiest way is to go here http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/windows_fstab03:59
winnipegmok thanks03:59
ray_and i want both the system sounds and my other apps to have sound03:59
naliothwinnipegm: stay away from ubuntuguide03:59
jsimmonsi got menus and ran update-menus, but nothing happened. do i have to restart X?03:59
naliothwinnipegm: it will "fix" you at a cost04:00
cartel_nalioth: his soul?04:00
aboodhuys, who's here is running Firestarter Firewall ???, i need helpp04:00
naliothcartel_: worse, his box04:00
cartel_nalioth: how so:?04:00
cartel_nalioth: bad experience?04:01
winnipegmroot@S01060010dc713c89:~ # mount -t vfat /dev/hda2 /mnt/gentoo/04:01
winnipegmmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2,04:01
winnipegm       or too many mounted file systems04:01
winnipegm       (aren't you trying to mount an extended partition,04:01
winnipegm       instead of some logical partition inside?)04:01
naliothcartel_: read this (no 3) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines04:01
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naliothcartel_: a lot of the questions/problems in here are due to the 'guide04:02
ray_anybody out there get thoggen to work?04:02
=== QMario [~ndubisi@adsl-70-241-18-1.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU
winnipegmthat didnt work to well04:02
naliothcartel_: teh SOB who wrote is in here lurking and keeping score04:02
crappledevmy new kernel is rocking with the mac mini suppor04:02
QMarioHow can I enable flash or mplayer to play sound with the video?04:02
aboodno support :( ?04:02
squinnI think I really screwed up dpkg04:03
winnipegmhow do i start ssh?04:03
naliothwinnipegm: no luck?04:03
ray_any body know how to copy dvd's04:03
squinnI'm not at the moment, abood.04:03
naliothwinnipegm: open a terminal and type it04:03
squinnnot running it*04:03
crappledevabood , i am not a fw guy04:03
squinnHow would I fix dpkg if I really messed it up?04:03
concept10How do I change KDE fonts to match gnome?  I want k3b to look like native app04:03
crappledevsquinn, what do you mean 'messed it up'04:03
snowsealis it possible to play multiple audio streams at the same time?04:03
winnipegmnalioth, that mount didnt work04:03
QMarioHow can I enable flash or mplayer to play sound with the video?04:03
auknow i am using a dvorak mapping04:03
snowsealatm it is not, but windoze can.04:04
winnipegmsaid wrong fs type04:04
squinncrappledev, messed around with config file04:04
concept10nalioth, why dont you guys get the guy to fix the guide04:04
squinnnow it won't do anything04:04
aukbr, c am gocib a ekrpat mallcbiv04:04
naliothwinnipegm: then ask uncle google "mount windows partition linux fstab"04:04
QMarioHow can I enable flash or mplayer to play sound with the video?04:04
aukydco co jrrn04:04
naliothconcept10: i don't know who it is04:04
naliothconcept10:  i don't recommend it, and neither do a lot of the other regulars in here04:04
aukcy ,rgne ,rpt ,.nn yr .bjre. orm.ydcbivvv04:04
crappledevsquinn , you want a default one?04:04
winnipegmother partitions didnt work04:05
winnipegmthis one did :D04:05
QMarioHow can I enable flash or mplayer to play sound with the video?04:05
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ray_u guys like ubuntu04:05
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aukfrg jab yfl. jrmln.y.nf paberm ydcbio!04:05
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concept10winnipegm, what are you trying to mount?04:05
winnipegmi got it04:05
winnipegmi was trying to mount another drive04:05
winnipegmbut it came with a error04:05
QMarioHow can I enable flash or mplayer to play sound with the video?04:05
winnipegmbut the other drive worked04:05
winnipegma windows drive04:05
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concept10abood, what is your problem with firestarter04:06
Mobiuswould anyone be willing to help me compile sound drivers?04:06
QMarioHow can I enable flash or mplayer to play sound with the video?04:06
Jim2Well.. Ubuntu will not leave other Swap paritions alone during the install04:06
XenguyQMario: stop repeating, you fool04:06
squinncrappledev, certainly04:06
winnipegmhow can i tell if ssh is running tho04:07
naliothMobius: do you know how to compile?04:07
naliothwinnipegm: cuz you can see it in the terminal04:07
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concept10winnipegm, ps aux | grep ssh04:07
squinncrappledev, /var/lib/dpkg/info/dpkg.prerm04:07
sladenQMario: try stopping esd04:07
Mobiusnot really nalioth - I am quite new - I've followed a few walkthrus, but I can't do it on my own - I have the realtek drivers I need04:07
crappledevsquinn, do you want a default conf file04:07
squinncrappledev, yes04:07
winnipegmroot@S01060010dc713c89:~ # ps aux | grep ssh04:07
winnipegmshaun     4083  0.0  0.4  2920  868 ?        Ss   18:47   0:00 /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session x-session-manager04:07
winnipegmroot@S01060010dc713c89:~ #04:07
naliothMobius: what do you want to compile?04:07
_douglasHow do I manually change the x resolution while it's running, kde won't let me go past 640x480 on this old crappy monitor yet I know it goes up to 1024x768?04:07
winnipegmnot running i guess04:07
concept10QMario, are you trying to get flash? or audio/video codecs04:08
MobiusI am trying to get sound to work on my new laptop nalioth04:08
concept10_douglas, search the wiki for videoresolution04:08
QMarioConcept10, I have the flash player and mplayer, but neither of them play any sound/audio.04:08
naliothMobius: what you have is not to be compiled. open the zip and let me know what is in it04:09
concept10QMario, check you volume controls04:09
Mobiuscan we do a private chat nalioth?04:10
Jim2Has anyone here ever installed Ubuntu on another computer which has another Linux distro?04:10
QMarioConcept10, they are all the way up.04:10
naliothMobius: your choice, but if we have our little question/answer in here, someone else might learn something04:11
aboodconcept10, i installed a fresh pakge , and i runnied it, after that i went to the wizard and configued it correctly now , nothing is sunning from the applications like Firefox or gaim or ircd unless i stop the firewall, i tried to add in the inbound all the ports that i need and i applied changes but wont work too ?04:11
winnipegmconcept10, ssh isnt runnin04:11
Mobiusahuman01, okay, thats fine nalioth =)04:11
MobiusI am downloading it on the laptop now04:12
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crappledevJim2, triple booting powerbook04:12
Mobiusokay, there is a azx.tar.bz204:13
Mobiuscore.h, modules.conf, readme, and turbolinux.txt04:13
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concept10abood, you shouldnt have to change the initial config of firestarter to use gaim or firefox04:13
naliothcrappledev: tripleboot? what dya have besides ubuntu and osx?04:13
concept10QMario, check the wiki04:13
naliothMobius: read the readme04:13
crappledevsquinn, where is the pasteboard for this place?04:13
Mobiusyeah, but I dont quite get it all nalioth04:13
QMarioConcept10, any specific wiki?04:13
crappledevso i can give you this04:13
Burritodid GNULinuxer got on line today?04:14
aboodconcept10, yeah i tried the fs before doing anything and also not working ( and i rebooted after installing it) !04:14
Mobiusit says to unzip it, turn on sound support? and then compile source code..04:14
_3rd_nippleBurrito, havent seen him04:14
concept10QMario, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems?highlight=%28sound%2904:14
squinncrappledev, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl04:14
naliothMobius: hang on i'm d/l it04:14
crappledevno bots in here?04:14
crappledev!seen crappledev04:15
ubotucrappledev is currently on #ubuntu (20m 42s)04:15
concept10abood, do you have any other firewall?04:15
ubotunalioth: No idea04:15
Mobiusi think you can paste at paste.ubuntulinux.nl crappledev04:15
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crappledevBurrito, check with ubotu04:15
=== dave [~dave@29-27.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cartel_hi dave04:15
davehi cart04:16
davenew to linux04:16
davehave a few ?'s04:16
cartel_go ahead04:16
crappledevshoot dave04:16
aboodconcept10, no04:16
concept10abood, do you have a router?04:16
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QMarioThank you, concept10. :-D04:17
davehow do I adjust the screen resolution from 640X480...it won't gve me any other choices04:17
=== QMario will hear sound soon.
concept10QMario, did you fix it?04:17
Xenguydave: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:17
daveon my way...txx Zen04:17
aboodconcept10, also no :S, its strange prop dude :(04:18
squinncrappledev, pasted?04:18
Xenguydave: good luck04:18
Mobiuslet me know when you've got it nalioth04:19
concept10abood, do you use cable/dsl04:19
naliothMobius: thats a damned slow site04:19
Mobiusyou want me to upload it?04:19
squinncrappledev, ping04:19
Mobiusor is it going at a reasonable pace04:19
aboodconcept10, yes ADSL broadband connection04:19
concept10abood, what company04:20
aboodconcept10, Cyberia04:20
naliothMobius: no i'm punishing the site by using prozilla04:20
crappledevpasted squinn04:20
crappledevdon't forget to chmod it04:20
concept10abood, the firewall config doesnt have too many options in the wizard, try using DHCP, also check the firestarter documentation, its good04:21
crappledevDave, still here04:21
aboodconcept10, thats why im here dude :), i checked the docs and tried wih the DHCP, but not working too :(04:22
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concept10abood, what kind of rules do you have set?04:22
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aboodconcept10, before fs i installed another firewall and removed it by synaptic, how can i check if its still runnin or not, its not in the sessions04:22
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concept10abood, what fw was it?04:23
ghjsdfso we log in as MythTV; gnome plays a sound; but when we run mythtv, it compalins about problems with pcm (sound)'; ... now, if we log in as a regular user instead (at the commahnd line and start stuff up with startx), when we log in, gnome does not play anything, ubut then we can play wave files fine 9where as with mythtv we can't play even wave files ... any ideas what might be wrong? thanks in advance04:24
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aboodconcept10, beileve me i dont remmber, i just add the ports rules to open http and 1863 for the gaim -=> MSN,  and IPP thats all04:24
jjjThanks for the help. Laterz :)04:24
=== ralf_ [~ralf@cpe-66-27-204-50.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
concept10ghjsdf, try $mythtv-users04:25
adam_I just installed Ubuntu... and..04:25
adam_it seems it does not recognize "CVS" command04:25
concept10ghjsdf, try #mythtv-users04:25
naliothMobius: sorry bud, but the instructions are all greek to me, i can help you compile the stuff, tho04:25
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naliothMobius: someone else can help you with where it goes04:26
Xenguyadam_: sudo apt-get install cvs   ?04:26
ralf_Under System try administration, Sympathic04:26
adam_oh wow, i will try that Xenguy : )04:26
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concept10abood, not sure about your problem. Like I stateted, you shouldnt have to open ports for web and irc04:26
Xenguyadam_: yw04:27
Mobiushmm, why are the greek?04:27
adam_cool it's installing :  )04:27
=== Kenosis [~nathan@pc-68-191-51-15.newt1.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
naliothMobius: i run apple hardware and don't have any trouble with sound cards and such04:27
naliothMobius: so i have 0 experience04:27
KenosisFresh Install - very impressed04:28
aboodconcept10, yeah i checked that in the docs, but its dosent works with or without editing rules. i hate that stuff04:28
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KenosisSwitching to KDE though...04:28
Mobiusnalioth: do you think it would go in /usr/src04:28
concept10does your dsl box have a firewall?04:28
crappledevKenosis , you are fresh too?04:29
KenosisCurious- after I apt-get install enlightenment, what do I do from there to try it out?04:29
aboodconcept10, no, its just an ADSL MODEM, not router04:29
naliothMobius: it will go wherever it is programmed to (and /usr/src/ is not where it will finally go)04:29
XenguyKenosis: good question - I bet is it a FAQ (?)04:30
naliothMobius: do you have the "build-essential" package installed?04:30
MobiusI do now nalioth =)04:30
naliothMobius: then follow the easy steps in the readme04:31
Mobiusill try04:31
Mobiusand get back to you04:31
DaveyKenosis: my suggestion is to install XNest (or something like that) and go to Applications > System Tools > New Login in Nested Window, choose "Session" and then "Enlightenment"04:31
naliothMobius: just the ones that start with ./configure04:31
adam_hm... excuse me04:32
=== Tenniru_ [~Tenniru@pool-138-88-255-160.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
DaveyKenosis: yes, "xnest" is the name :)04:33
adam_i can't use "sh autogen.sh" command..04:33
DaveyKenosis: or just logout and go to "Session"  then Enlightenment and log back in :)04:33
MobiusI dont understand nalioth04:33
Tenniru_Um, how do I make the wireless password it gives to the router be in hex?04:33
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crappledevKenosis, Davey's method would be the easiest04:34
DaveyKenosis: I hated Enlightenment (e16) though, which is why I suggest xnest, it runs in a smaller window inside your current X Session04:34
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DaveyKenosis: e17 looks a lot nicer though, I look forward to it, if it *ever* comes out04:35
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aboodconcept10, whata the other firewall name that u told me about it, i will try it04:37
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naliothabood check this out http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=13004:37
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concept10_abood, I fixed my wireless while I was helping you!04:37
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aboodconcept10, hehehe ;)04:38
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concept10_abood, okay try this04:39
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aboodconcept10, im reading it04:39
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g00berwhat does "can't find kernel source.. " mean? im trying to install ndiswrapper for my wireless04:40
zeeeeehi all, i read on some the forum that i can install synergy via synaptic, but i can't find it on the list... how do i fix this? (see http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php%3Fid%3D5313&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhttp://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php%253Fid%253D5313%26hl%3Den%26hs%3D1Rx%26lr%3D%26client%3Dfirefox%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:unofficial)04:40
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concept10_abood, under prefs in firestarter, network settings make sure your connection is selected, I just had to do it with wireless04:40
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concept10_anyone know a good tool to detect wireless ranges?04:40
angryfixwhen you have gaim open is there a way to make it blink with a new message?  also, is there a way to make any program blink when there is activity04:40
=== likkashot [~killah@modemcable135.111-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Tenniru_Um, how do I make the wireless password it gives to the router be in hex?04:41
aukxchat run w/o it's windows open?04:41
crappledevgaim won't blink, but it will come to the foregroung04:41
aukwrong channel04:41
crappledevwhich gets annoying04:41
g00bernoone can help me?04:41
djszeeeee: you need to activate the "universe" repository04:41
Tenniru_I think the password Ubuuntu gives to my router is being sent in ASCII.04:41
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angryfixcan gnome desktop blink when a program shows new activity04:41
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likkashotwhats the file I need to edit for my eth004:42
concept10_g00ber, did you load the wrapper?04:42
g00beri did a "make install"04:42
aboodconcept10, lol maybe that is the proplem, i entered the eth1 that its connected to the modem , or i must choose the ipv6 ??04:42
g00berand thats when the kernel error appear04:42
concept10_dont use ipv604:42
zeeeeedjs, oh ok, thanks for the tip04:42
djszeeeee: yw :)04:42
concept10_g00ber, do you have build-essentials installed?04:43
TokenBadwhats command to unmount an iso?04:43
g00beri dunno whats it mean04:43
g00beri tried to "apt-get install kernel-source"04:43
g00berbut i got another error04:43
likkashotwhats the file I need to edit for my eth004:43
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djslikkashot: not sure what you mean but /etc/network/interfaces could be the one04:44
g00ber50%... blah blah.. "package kernel-source is not avail, but is referred to by another package"04:44
concept10_g00ber, use this it worked for me https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SetupNdiswrapperHowto?highlight=%28ndis%2904:44
=== Bhunta [~Bhunta@68-66-23-209.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
g00berok.. lemme try that04:44
aboodconcept10, i entered dialup ppp0 device and i start the firewall, and it working04:44
HaldrikHey guys, Ubuntu overwrites resolv.conf everytime it brings up the network (it basically erases everything and replaces it with just one line: nameserver (router), but I want it to keep as the first line always, since I use the named server locally and its way faster than using the router and earthlink's nameservers...how can I fix this?04:44
likkashotwell I just want to set it at full duplex for some tests04:44
youngcoderi installed the apache2 package on my system.. how do i run the program?04:44
aboodconcept10, but i must check it correctly04:45
naliothHaldrik: your 'hosts' file doesnt work?04:45
Haldrikwell, yeah, I guess....I never really looked at it.04:45
g00bereh? it says on top of that wiki page .. "Please note: This is not the right way! Compiling from source must be avoided! A rewrite of this page will be available soon "04:45
DaveyI wish I could get e17 running on here04:45
naliothHaldrik: cat /etc/hosts and see what the top line is04:46
Haldrikits localhost04:46
naliothHaldrik: so you are fixed up04:46
BhuntaHi, newbie arriving...does anyone have time for a question about apache vs. apache2?04:46
likkashotthink ill need my LPIC book04:46
=== Phaeton [~PhaetonX7@SENIOR-FOUR-O-FOUR.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
Mobiuscan anyone tell me where something like /etc/modules.conf or conf.modules is in linux?04:47
Haldrikbut my resolve.conf just says instead of the localhost thing. I have to manually add that line every time I start the computer.04:47
Haldrikif i want to use the local dns04:47
naliothHaldrik: are you the only user on the network?04:47
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Haldrikna, couple of others in the house04:48
naliothHaldrik: then i'm out of answers04:48
idgei have a dual proc machine and Linux doesn't see both procs...can anyone help?04:48
naliothidge: you need a smp kernel04:48
idgenalioth: i thopught i had one!04:48
youngcoderi installed the apache2 package on my system.. how do i run the program?04:48
concept10_Mobius, locate modules04:48
tekkQuick question, every time i try to run a script in the terminal the terminal will quickly open then close why is this?04:48
idgei installed everything smp in synaptic04:49
naliothidge: open a term and check "uname -a"04:49
crimsunMobius: you should avoid using /etc/modules.conf directly04:49
idgenalioth: ok04:49
Haldriknalioth hey thanks anyway, I'll experiment a little more...that's the fun of linux anyway!04:49
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djsHaldrik: Try locking /etc/resolv.conf with "sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf" (to unlock, use chattr -i)04:49
naliothtekk: are you writing IN the terminal or in the 'run appliation' box?04:49
yzerowhat is a lock?04:49
idgenalioth: it says: "Linux idge 2.6.10-5-686-smp #1 SMP Tue Jun 7 09:34:54 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux"04:49
djsHaldrik: ... once you've set it up the way you want :)04:49
tekknalioth: im using the 'run application' box04:50
Haldrikok, lemme try it out...thanks!04:50
naliothidge: ok then. we've left the realm of my smp knowledge04:50
naliothidge: and how do you know its NOT seeing them both?04:50
=== kenosis [kenosis@pc-68-191-51-15.newt1.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
likkashotDo I realy need to have ip6 installed >???04:50
naliothtekk: shell scripts should be run in a terminal window04:50
idgenalioth: in the sys monitor it only shows one proc04:50
likkashotor is it there by default04:50
kenosisHey, where do I find the "sparkle" desktop on my system (or http)???04:50
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BhuntaHas anyone installed Ruby on Rails and gotten the following error? No such file to load -- zlib (LoadError)04:51
zenlunaticI have a website and I updated the code on it but when I refresh in firefox it doesn't show the new code but rather the old. any ideas?04:51
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naliothidge: ok. i'm lost at this point04:51
djsyzero: in this case, preventing changes to the file04:51
naliothzenlunatic: clear your cache04:51
BhuntaI've added the recommended zlib packages and recompiled Ruby, but still no dice04:51
idgenalioth: me too04:51
tekknalioth: okay, just to make sure, the command to run a python script is py scriptname.py correct?04:51
naliothtekk: blahblah.py yes04:51
Bhuntazen: set your cache to check every page load....04:51
Bhuntaand shift-reload will force a cache clear04:52
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crimsunidge: do you have true smp hardware?04:52
tekknalioth: because that has not been working for me :(04:52
youngcoderi installed the apache2 package on my system.. how do i run the program?04:52
kenosisHey, where do I find the "sparkle" desktop on my system (or http)???04:52
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naliothtekk: do you have the correct python interpreter installed?04:52
idgecrimsun: what do you mean?04:52
naliothidge: are you running a hyperthreading p4?04:52
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zenlunaticnalioth: y do i have to do that every time?04:53
tekknalioth: Python 2.4.1 (#2, Mar 30 2005, 21:51:10)04:53
tekk[GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2)]  on linux204:53
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idgenalioth: no this is a dual PIII 550 machine04:53
naliothzenlunatic: i have no idea, i don't use FF04:53
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tekknalioth thats what it says when i start the interpreter04:53
naliothtekk: there are several versions of python04:53
Dj_AlTeKhey all04:53
idgenalioth: Gigabyte 6BXDS board04:53
naliothcrimsun, any SMP ideas?04:53
idgei have 2 actual, physical procs04:54
tekknalioth: read my copy/paste its 2.4.1, the one that came with ubuntu already installed04:54
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naliothtekk: but perhaps your .py depends on a nother version04:54
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tekknalioth: i created this file myself today04:54
crimsunidge: when you boot, does POST actually display both procs?04:54
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naliothtekk: i know next to nothing about python, other than i have several versions installed right now04:55
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Dj_AlTeKhey ne1 try out SLI boards yet??04:55
idgecrimsun: what is POST?04:55
crimsunidge: power-on self-test04:55
BhuntaYoungcoder: the apache2 executable is located in /etc/init.d04:55
idgeit used to!04:55
naliothidge: when it boots, does it say "found 2 procs" or something like that?04:55
Bhuntado /etc/init.d/apache2 start04:55
idgenalioth: it used to!04:56
naliothidge: then you may have a jumper/mobo problem04:56
zenlunaticnalioth: well same deal with epiphany04:56
tekknalioth: sigh...alright can you point me in a direction i should go for help?04:56
idgenot since Hoary install!04:56
Bhuntayou can also pass it the stop parameter04:56
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naliothzenlunatic: i have 0 idea04:56
idgenalioth:  hhhmmmmmmmm04:56
Bhunta/etc/init.d/apache2 stop04:56
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naliothtekk: ask uncle google, cuz i'm not a python man04:56
likkashothow can I test the speed transfer between my 2 comps04:56
idgenaloith: why would it see both procs and then all the sudden it doesn't?04:56
tekknalioth: uncle google has already been asked, but thanks for the trying anyway..04:57
cartel_idge: wrong kernel install?04:57
naliothidge: the POST stopping 'seeing' them is a mobo problem  (jumper, wire, loose CPU, etc)04:57
naliothidge: perhaps one of you fans isnt adequately cooling, could be anything04:57
naliothidge: but the POST (that used to see them both) now only seeing one, is ominous04:58
idgenalioth: that is not what i wanted to hear but you are prolly right! what do you mean by ominous?04:58
naliothidge: as in "it don't sound good"04:58
idgenalioth: i am from Texas...you are now speaking my language!04:59
djstekk: python <scriptname> should work04:59
naliothidge: what a coincidence, i'm from Houston04:59
idgenalioth: live there now?04:59
naliothidge: every day05:00
dylan_Nooby question: I'm trying to install gparted in a fresh and vanilla hoary install.  I've added universe, multiverse, and hoary backports to sources.list.  I've also run sudo apt-get update.  I'm getting a message about unmet dependencies (libglibmm-2.4-1, libgtkmm-2.4-1, libsigc++-2.0-0).  What am I doing wrong?05:00
idgenalitoh: awsome, i am in Nacogdoches...about 2 hours north of IAH05:00
naliothidge: my sister used to live there05:00
idgenalioth: really? what is her name (small town, gotta ask)05:01
naliothdylan_: remove the backports from your list05:01
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djsdylan_: try commenting out the backports repository (for now)05:01
naliothdylan_: reload your apt-get05:01
naliothdylan_: and see how it goes05:01
naliothidge: i prefer to keep my family private05:01
tekkdjs: oh, sorry i thought it was py <scriptname> thanks for the help05:01
idgenalioth: fair enough05:01
djstekk: np05:02
naliothidge: to me, it sounds like a cpu fan may have stopped/slowed down and one of you procs cooked05:02
naliothidge: or may be loose05:02
naliothidge: the mobo/cpus need to be investigated (send in vacuum cleaner first)05:02
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idgenalioth: hhmmmmmm....i think you are right.....05:03
idgenalioth: I am going to power down and investigate05:03
naliothidge: i wouldnt worry, your system runs ok anyway, right?05:03
naliothidge: or do you have spare CPUs to plug in?05:04
idgenalioth: yeah pretty much...just slower thn it used to..oh yeah..i have many spare PIIIs and PIIs05:04
idgei collect them it seems05:04
naliothidge: well then perhaps you can bring it back up05:04
=== nalioth used to have a dual-proc box
idgenalioth: yeah...i think that is what I am going to do...05:05
dylan_nalioth: same error after commenting out backports.  Any other ideas?  I can futz around in the terminal fdisk and parted, but I'm a GUI junkie :P05:05
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idgenalioth: just took case off....both proc fans are spinning....comments?05:05
naliothdylan_: did you 'apt-get update' after editing your sources.list?05:06
naliothidge: investigate further, batman05:06
dylan_nalioth: yup yup05:06
idgenalioth: so it shall be, thanks and ttyl05:06
naliothdylan_: backports cause this kind of thing, and i'm not sure how to advise you to correct it05:07
naliothdylan_: what hardware / arch are you using?05:07
dabarYou are all lucky my Ubuntu works...05:07
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dylan_Nalioth: amd64 with an i386 install of Ubuntu (just wiped the amd64 install - too many things weren't working off the bat)05:08
bob2how so?05:08
dabarserious, otherwise you would have to work on it.05:08
dittohow do change your window setting in X05:08
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dabarwell, have to...05:08
dittothe screen resolution?05:08
dittoi wanna make it 1200+78005:08
dittoor something like that.05:08
bob2no one has to help you with anything05:09
bob2people here are volunteers05:09
dabar(22:08:37) dabar: well, have to...05:09
bob2be grateful that they did help05:09
dabarNow, I have a question for you though...05:09
dabarDO you really think I was serious about that?05:09
dabarsorry dbl caps.05:09
yzerobob2, Are you any good with grub problems ?05:09
lifelessyzero: what problem are you having?05:10
yzeroAfter an install.. it reboots and I get "grub hd install error"05:10
dabarlifeless: there is still some life left in you.05:10
lifelessdabar: hahahaha, thats *so* funny05:10
dabaryzero any errors during install?05:10
yzeroThe autodetect isn't working properly.05:10
yzeroAnother person the forums with a qosmio laptop had the same error05:11
dabarenabled boot from hd in BIOS?05:11
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yzerolol yes05:11
Dj_AlTeKugh! i dun like linux nemore :(05:11
aboodguys how do i change the icons pack ?05:11
yzeroI had to wipe the mbr to get windows back05:11
aboodi need to install a new icon pack05:11
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lifelessyzero: so you want to setup chain loading to windows?05:12
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yzerolifeless, no.. I want to be able to boot ubuntu05:12
yzeroand windows05:12
StyxIs there a line I can add to my /etc/apt/sources.list so I can apt-get install mplayer?05:12
yzerobut grub won't install properly05:12
dabarabood: http://art.gnome.org/faq.php#q405:12
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Quest-MasterStyx: add universe05:12
dabarmultiverse in fact, I think.05:12
lifelessyzero: ok, where are you trying to install it from - a boot cd, or floppy or ..?05:12
yzeroboot cd05:12
lifelessis ubuntu installed already ?05:12
yzeroubuntu install cd..05:12
dabarabood, remember that site, it has the FAQs for anything realted to skining gnome.05:13
yzeroand the livecd is option out since i have no blanks05:13
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ilba7rwhy does ubuntu use most of my memory. I used it on a pc with 256 MB ram and another with 512 MB ram and on both it say it is using 84% of the memory though i am hardly running any program?05:13
lifelessgo into the installer in expert mode05:13
oofnikilba7r what program are you using to check mem usage05:13
dylan_Hmm... speaking of GRUB probs, has anybody heard of an XP install and a 2000 install breaking after GRUB is installed?  I chainload into the Windows bootloader just fine, but both installs of windows crash out before they finish loading...05:14
yzeroHow do i enable expert mode05:14
ilba7roofnik just gaim media player and evolution05:14
lifelessand get through the hardware detection - but don't do any partitioning, hit escape when it starts asking about that foo, and there is a option to 'enter a shell'05:14
dabarsays press f1 for help, enter to boot.05:14
lifelessyzero: I don't05:14
kenosisHey, where do I find the "sparkle" desktop?05:14
dabarYou type in expert and hit enter.05:14
lifelessyzero: I don't recall sorry05:14
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yzerolifeless, I've tried that.. and my hard drive isn't listed on /dev05:14
oofnikilba7r unless you feel your system running sluggishly i don't think there's anything to worry about05:14
dabarlifeless: if you follow what I said, that works.05:14
lifelessyzero: is it in /proc/ide ?05:15
yzeroNot sure05:15
cthulfuegoilba7r: It's using otherwise free ram as file/disk cache. This is not a problem, this is a design feature that speeds up the syste.05:15
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lifelessyzero: you have to go through the normal process to the partitioning point05:15
yzeroObviously the installer finds it though.. since i did a complete install05:15
lifelessyzero: or the drivers won't have loaded05:15
yzerooh ok05:15
yzeroI see05:15
ilba7roofnik the problem is when i run cross over some the cpu start running like crazy that my pc heat up and the computer shut down05:15
yzeroSo i can mount it then and edit menu.lst?05:15
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lifelessits at the partitioning point you need to stop, hist escape and then go into the shell via the menu05:15
lifelessthen you mount it, chroot into it05:16
cthulfuegoilba7r: The CPU overheating has nothing to do with ram and everything with a broken fan.05:16
lifelessi.e. mount /dev/hda3 /mnt05:16
lifelesschroot /mnt05:16
ilba7rcthulfuego i checked its using too much memory compared to mepis which i used to run here too. And am not talking about cache mem05:16
oofnikilba7r: haha.. thats not good.. cthulfuego got it05:16
lifelessand then edit menu.lst etc05:16
lifelesswhen its all ready, run grub-install /dev/hda05:16
oofnikhow big is your swap partition?05:16
lifelessto rewrite the mbr05:16
cthulfuegoilba7r: I can't -guess_ what you're talking about unless you give me actual numbers.05:16
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yzeroawesome i will try that05:16
cthulfuegoilba7r: I have no idea what Mepis does and what it runs, so I also have no idea what its ram usage is like.05:17
ilba7rcthulfuego lol thats another problem shouldn't it be the same when i run window for the cpu never heat up when i use window05:17
=== cary [~cary___@user-12hcv7n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
oofnikanybody want to help me out with samba?05:18
dabarnot me...05:18
cthulfuegoilba7r: Nevertheless, overheating is caused by faulty hardware, not Linux.05:18
ilba7rthe ram is now 48% in use 48% cash and am running amarok, gaim evolution on a pc of 512 MB RAM05:18
cthulfuegoilba7r: yes. That's bad how?05:19
cthulfuegoilba7r: if you don't want it to use the ram, pull the DIMM out.05:19
oofniksamba won't let me share anything out of my home directory... i don't know what to do about this05:19
ilba7rcthulfuego what you mean by putt the DIMM out?05:19
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dabarhe means take the memory stick out of your comp05:20
cthulfuegoilba7r: if you want Linux to not use your ram, take it out of the machine.05:20
dabarnot spelled like that...05:20
ilba7rby the way i am not a linux expert but i can see a problem when i run a certain disto and have problems running another05:20
ilba7rsmart ass05:20
dabarcthulfuego: you did not get the point, his comp shuts down...05:20
cthulfuegoilba7r: it's using it because it's there. The moment it needs it for an application, it will flush the cache and re-use it as application ram. This does NOT make it slow.05:21
ilba7rany way i am not gona argue stupid arguments i like ubuntu i thought this might be a problem that needed to be looked into05:21
cthulfuegodabar: I don't see what using 48% of ram as cache has to do with a cpu overheating.05:21
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hondjehahaha, this ol' troll? :-)05:21
dabarI can not agree or agree, cthulfuego, cause I dont know, but I think that is his issue...his comp shutting down.05:21
oofniksometimes memory leaks go together with high CPU usage..?05:21
cthulfuegodabar: Yes, and my response was "broken hardware"05:22
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dabarcthulfuego: ok, then good. It works in windows, but I seen that b4...05:22
cthulfuegooofnik: ~ 230Mb for Gnome/X is normal05:22
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ilba7rand my answer was cthulfugo broken hardware will be broken on all operating sys not ubuntu in particular05:22
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cthulfuegoilba7r: Well, then I can't help you further until you give me more specific info.05:23
dabarilba7r: Ive seenn cases where it was not like that, ask metalsand....:))05:23
Razor-Xilba7r: why is using 48 % RAM and cache unusual?05:23
r2d4My tv tuner card is not being detected. What should I do?05:23
=== cthulfuego has often seen Windows die on machines that happily run linux and vice versa.
ilba7rok dabar than ctulguego05:23
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KillerSmurfhello all i'm trying to do a chmod command.... what flags should I set for only user and root to rwx but not others?05:23
Razor-Xcthulfuego: I haven't seen the vice versa of that yet ;)05:23
crimsunilba7r: you do know that Linux caches aggressively, correctly? Normal usage means that nearly ALL of your physically free RAM will disappear.05:23
dabarYo, fuinky.05:23
ilba7rfor you who asked why i think it is unusual simply because when i run more programs this ratio does not change05:23
Razor-XKillerSmurf: what do you want the other users to have?05:24
ilba7rrunning 2 3 or 4 applications it is using the same ratio of the mem05:24
cthulfuegoRazor-X: WIndows was OK on a box with an error in the high ram area here, linux did poo on it...05:24
Razor-Xilba7r: if somethin nulls the cache, it's still uses part of it05:24
crimsunilba7r: don't be misled by the reporting of a tiny fraction of free physical RAM. That is NORMAL and expected.05:24
dabarilba7r: please concentrate on what you want to have done at the end of the convo...05:24
dabarbest way to get it done...05:24
Razor-Xcthulfuego: hmmm? as far as i've seen, Linux behaves better on bad RAM than Windows does...05:24
=== cthulfuego will brb; BSOD
HrdwrBoBok, to solve this, run free -m05:25
ilba7rok my problem the main one is that the pc shutts down unexpectdly while i am working05:25
crimsunilba7r: for instance, take a look at the ,,free -m'' output and concentrate on the +/- buffers line05:25
cthulfuegoRazor-X: yes, it surprised me too... but there ya go :-)05:25
dittocan someone maybe help change my screen resolution05:25
ilba7ri thought it might be overheating05:25
ubotusomebody said resolution was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:25
dabarok, give information about the issue, what comp, what install, what whatever you think is relevant...05:26
Razor-X!log[-1] 05:26
ubotuRazor-X: Are you smoking crack?05:26
cthulfuego!wiki FixVideoResolutionHowto05:26
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Razor-Xwhat kind of bot can't calculate log -1?!05:26
Razor-Xthat there's a _useless_ bot ;)05:26
dabarwhat base?05:26
cthulfuegoRazor-X: I think I disabled math.pl05:26
dabarthats why it told you your on crack...05:27
dabar+ it knows..05:27
Razor-Xdabar: ...........05:27
dabarbut, the bot is funny how it encourages drug abuse...05:27
Razor-Xin all higher math log is implicit base e05:27
Tenniru_Um, I'm having issues with my AirPort card.05:27
dabarAre you smoking crack? cause if youre not, I know this one guy....05:27
dabarairport extreme?05:28
Tenniru_I enter the SSID and WEP into the Network app and yet it still doesn't connect.05:28
Tenniru_No, the normal one.05:28
Tenniru_I think Ubuntu is trying to use the password I entered in ASCII, when the passwords is in hex.05:28
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ilba7rthanks everyone for your help05:28
DaveyTenniru_: enter the pass key05:28
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Tenniru_into the thing in the Network app?05:28
lifelessTenniru_: if you have a string, entere it as s:password05:28
DaveyTenniru_: I believe so, I have never gotten it working, I tried today but didn't try that and my sysadmin at work said that might try05:29
dabarwell, youre welcome, you did not get any yet, I think.05:29
Tenniru_That's what I've been trying.05:29
dabarnalioth what time is it there where you are?05:29
dylan_nailoth is zzzzz05:30
hondjewhy can't I edit that video resolution wiki?05:31
oofnikanybody know why samba won't let me share anything out of my home dir? if anyone knows i'd appreciate some help on this.. thanks05:31
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dabaroofnik read the wiki?05:32
dylan_So - anybody able to think of a reason that after Ubuntu installs the GRUB chains into the ntbootloader just fine but my XP 64 and Win2k crash out of a safemode boot?05:32
oofnikyeah dabar i've been looking at it, i've changed most everything in my smb.conf and it won't do squat05:33
dabarallowed permissions for teh samba yuser?05:33
bur[n] eranyone know how to change gtk1 themes in ubuntu, without wrecking the gtk2 theme?05:33
dabarI reaslly kno nothing about uit...05:33
oofnikyeah i did that in swat i think05:33
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beavisi need help ....05:34
bur[n] eryeah?05:34
bur[n] ercon que?05:34
beavismy network icon says i'm disconnected .. but i can log in to the internet .. why's that ?05:34
bur[n] erthe network icon is pointed to a different device?05:34
gm78Does anyone here have problems with the Firefox bundled with Ubuntu Hoary? I am having numerous problems. The biggest one is it won't open numerous webpages. www.lxer.com is one such example. It just stops loading after the page is half up. Opera works fine. Anyone else notice these problems?05:35
bur[n] erie eth0 when you really use eth1 ?05:35
bur[n] ergm78: no probs here05:35
beavisso i have to check that in some config file ?05:35
beaviswhere's that ?05:35
bur[n] erbeavis: right click the icon?05:35
oofnikgm78 did you try to reinstall the firefox package?05:35
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beavisyeah . i clicked on properties .. and noticed that there are two selections available ...05:36
beaviseth0 and lo05:36
beavisif i choose eth0 .. it says disconnected. . but i can still use the internet05:37
beavisbut if i use lo ... it says connected05:37
concept10_bur[n] er, what app are you trying to change gtk1 theme?05:37
bur[n] erlo == loopback == home ==
bur[n] erconcept10_: that's my questino ;)05:37
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gm78bur[n] er: oh, never mind, opera isnt working now. I think its my useless router. I tried both Opera and firefox, wouldnt work. So I hooked my pc right up to my cable modem, bypassing the router, and tried opera, and it worked (never tried firefox, probably should have). then i rehooked back up to the router, and opera worked (probably reading from cache) and firefox still didnt. so i cleared opera's cache, and it isnt working again. Why would05:37
bur[n] eri was gonna try gtk-theme-switch, i used to use that, but it messed up gtk2 themes05:37
gm78oofnik: numerous times :P05:37
iratsudoes anyone have problems uploading m4a files to an ipod in gtkpod?05:38
bur[n] erheh, gotcha gm7805:38
bur[n] ergood luck05:38
oofnikgm78.. always got to ask the obvious you know, haha05:38
gm78oofnik: lol, yeah, i know05:38
gm78bur[n] er: i think my next step is take a hammer and smash the router into pieces :P stupid piece of junk05:38
Razor-Xmy emacs binds are set! ;)05:38
beavisbur[n] er: how can i fix that ?05:39
oofnikhaha perhaps that might help.. you said it works when connected directly through the cable modem gm78?05:39
concept10_bur[n] er, are you trying to change thems with the theme app in the system menu?05:39
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bur[n] erbeavis: don't be dumb? ;)05:39
bur[n] eryour router work with other machines?05:40
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gm78oofnik: works fine, never had a problem with the router before a few days ago too. this has me baffled05:40
bur[n] erdhcp not working?05:40
bur[n] ercan you ping locally?05:40
bur[n] erconnect to the router?05:40
oofnikit's not a linksys is it?05:40
bur[n] errestart router?05:40
bur[n] erreset router?05:40
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bur[n] eretc05:40
bur[n] erthere's about a million ways to start this troubleshooting05:40
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oofnikhm.. so nobody has experience with samba in here?05:42
gm78oofnik: sorry, zoned out, i use it a bit, u having problems with it?05:43
Razor-Xsorry for that05:43
gm78bur[n] er: hey, im resetting my router....so i might disconnect for a second, ill let you know tho05:43
=== caonex [~caonex@ip70-177-55-187.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xi'll bet I can type 'aoeu' faster than most people here05:45
caonexlately, i have been noticing that my X11 is terminated and I am left out in the console and whenever i press CTRL + F7 to go back to X, my ubuntu box just freezes up and i have to do a hard restart (pressing the button) because nothing else will work, any ideas?05:45
regeyaoh boy a dvorak fanboy05:45
Razor-Xregeya: maybe you shouldn't speak so soon... Linux flaunter05:46
regeyaRazor-X: FOOL!  I can type 'asdf' FAR faster!05:46
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NathanHomecaonex, haven't had that problem but if i find myself stuck at console i login and run 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'05:46
dylan_<--- fastest homerow in the West05:46
Razor-Xof course you can! but there's no use.... f is a stupid key anyways05:46
Razor-Xit's used much less often than aoeu id htns ;)05:46
hondjehah, I can type 05:46
caonexNathanHome, i know that, i did not have the chance to use it though....05:47
brendan_How do you eject a cd?05:47
=== hondje gets ninja
caonexNathanHome, i actually like doing killall -1 gdm05:47
brendan_I tried right clicking and saying eject05:47
brendan_But it said device busy05:47
dylan_nownow hondje.  That was Korean.  Ninja were Japanese.05:47
Razor-Xbrendan_: eject -f /dev/device IIRC05:47
NathanHomecaeonex; i only mention it because sometimes i'll press ctrl+alt+backspace to kill X and it doesnt restart05:47
Razor-Xhondje: Korean is just impolite Japanese ;)05:47
hondjedylan_: oh yeah, 05:48
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NathanHomebrendan_, 'device busy' means you have a program or folder open thats using the cd05:48
hondjeRazor-X: Say that to a korean, and then run fast :)05:48
brendan_Its installing something05:48
Razor-Xhondje: I know, I know ;)05:48
brendan_I need to insert disc two05:48
=== hondje is hiding from angry korean right this minute
dylan_Speaking of which - how do I set up Japanese IME in Ubuntu?05:48
Razor-Xdylan_: it's in the Ubuntu guide05:49
=== dylan_ rtfms
hondjeit is?05:49
brendan_Yes it is05:49
Razor-Xmmmmhmmm ;)05:49
Razor-XI have to get my arse to work on my compendium of Algebra II knowledge05:49
NathanHomebrendan_, thats a tricky one :)  normally you'd just kill off whatever process is using the cd, but i guess thatn's not desirable05:49
Razor-Xpsshh, htis course is so easy, it's not even funny05:49
hondjedylan_: I used http://www.mrbass.org/linux/ubuntu/scim/05:49
oofnikhey gm78 sorry i was trying stuff.. hah yeah i'm having a problem with samba05:50
oofniki can't share anything that's not in my home dir without errors05:50
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Razor-Xdamn... when will my Calc book come >_<05:51
Razor-Xhow long does it take to come.... erggggg!05:51
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levanderIs there some utility I can run to stress my processor? Like Prime95 under Windows?05:52
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gm78bur[n] er: hey, no luck....im getting ever closer to grabbing the hammer =P05:53
gm78bur[n] er: which makes me mad. I always used to prefer SMC routers05:53
Razor-Xmy Netgear works like a charm05:53
ubotumethinks faq is Frequently Asked Questions you can check it out from here ---> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrequentlyAskedQuestions05:54
Razor-Xgm78: you don't have to buy a router, ya know05:54
=== SogniX [~SogniX@ca-vannys-bluewave3b-41.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
gm78Razor-X: I have 3 computers and 1 cable modem though05:54
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SogniXhow do I get ubuntu to detect my video card? I installed a new video card and now I can't get into X :(05:54
levanderApparently, prime95 has been ported to linux.  Anybody know the package name for it?05:55
KillerSmurfanyone know an alt for EasyGPS(winapp) for Linux?05:55
gm78SogniX: What kind of video card did u have before and after?05:55
SogniXit was an integrated one...05:55
niranSogniX, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:55
nirani think.05:55
Razor-Xgm78: and?05:55
Razor-Xyou still need to buy a router?05:55
Razor-Xpsshh, I wouldn't ;)05:55
gm78Razor-X: well they all need to have internet access, what else should i do?05:55
gm78i guess....i could build a router....but i dont have room for another cheap pc05:56
KillerSmurfIf I left read flags on can people copy the file(other users)?05:56
oofnikgm78 you still up for helping me with samba? :-D05:56
Razor-Xgm78: cheap PC05:56
gm78SogniX: What kind of vid card did u buy (please dont say ATI =P)05:56
Razor-Xor, convert a usable one to a router05:56
Razor-Xor, go fish for one at a donation store05:57
SogniXit's asking me about the bus identifier for it - showing:  PCI:1:0:005:57
SogniXbut I have an AGP one05:57
gm78oofnik: yeah, sorry, as you can see my router is a piece of junk which is why i keep disconnecting =P what problems u having?05:57
SogniXI enter AGP and it complained :/05:57
SogniXgm78 - I didn't buy it, I already had it in anothoer computer. :p  nvidia :)05:57
gm78SogniX: if im not mistaken linux sees AGP devices as PCI devices, which is why lspci will show an agp device05:58
Razor-Xgm78: use a box as a router, an upside is you get traffic sharing05:58
NathanHomeyeh PCI:1:0:0 is how linux identifies agp device05:58
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gm78Razor-X: i have absolutely no room for another pc tho......if i make room, would an old 386/486 (not sure what it is, one of the 2) work?05:58
niranSogniX, type lspci05:59
niranSogniX, find the right card, and use that address05:59
gm78oofnik: start a private chat with me, i have too many going in this window, cant keep up =)05:59
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kangpehbreezy still not use06:00
gm78SogniX: you might want to install the nvidia drivers first, they are available through apt06:00
Razor-Xgm78: yes it would06:00
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Razor-Xin fact, old 486's are common routers06:00
niranSogniX, the address is in hex, but X wants it in decimal06:00
gm78Razor-X: It doesn't have Network cards tho06:00
niranSogniX, so make sure you convert it06:00
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gm78Razor-X: before i start going out and buying network cards or another router....have u ever heard of problems like mine with a router?06:01
niranconfiguring a new graphics card shouldn't be this hard.06:01
SogniXX is starting! :D06:01
Razor-Xgm78: more often than I can shake a stick at06:01
niranno proble,06:01
gm78Razor-X: wouldnt i need 4 network cards in a cheap pc06:02
niranSogniX, if it's an nvidia card and you want 3D, install the nvidia drivers06:02
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gm78SogniX: they are available through apt06:02
gm78SogniX: search for nvidia in synaptic06:02
SogniXhow do I find them? just apt-get nvidia?06:02
Razor-Xgm78: how fast is the machine you want to router-ize?06:02
niransudo apt-get install nvidia glx SogniX06:03
Razor-Xgm78: and why 4 network cards?06:03
Razor-Xmy old pc has a network card I bought for $10 or $15... IIRC06:03
NathanHomei assume you mean versus the 4 ports your router has06:03
saruanyis there any girls here06:03
niranthere should be a dash in there06:03
=== roger21 [roger21@trion-1-82-67-41-36.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
skel_whats the command to kill wine06:04
skel_Its frozen my pc06:04
Razor-Xsaruany: this isn't a sex channel06:04
gm78Razor-X: never used it before...so im not sure. how would i share an internet connection with 3 other pcs without 4 network cards. it was a windows 3.1 machine though, so ill just say old =P06:04
roger21what is the ubuntu user paswword on the live-cd please06:04
niranskel, killall -9 wine06:04
Razor-Xgm78: well, they use the other machine as a gateway06:04
djsroger21: there is none but you can set it06:04
niranskel, use tab completion after you type wine in case that's not the exact name of the binary06:05
skel_that u very much06:05
saruanywho said it was06:05
Razor-Xgm78: leave the thinking to me :), my only payment is thanks06:05
oofnikgm78 heres the link: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/19106:05
oofnikto my smb.conf06:05
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Razor-Xsaruany: I said it wasn't a sex channel, and I stand by my claim06:05
saruanywhat if i dont want to talk to a guy about things06:05
roger21djs, hmmm, i'm in xscreensaver, how i come out06:05
djsroger21: <ctrl><alt>F2   then   "sudo passwd ubuntu"06:06
roger21oh, of course, thanks06:06
djsroger21:  then <ctrl><alt>F7   and use the fresh p/w to unlock06:06
Razor-Xsaruany: then I think you're being sexist06:06
djsroger21: np06:06
niranroger21, there should be a simpler way than that...06:06
niranroger21, try typing ubuntu for the password in xscreensaver06:06
saruanyno why i dont like to talk to guys about sertine things06:07
Razor-Xsaruany: do you use Ubuntu, or Linux?06:07
Razor-Xif you don't, please leave06:07
Razor-Xquickly, or i'll remove the 'please'06:07
gm78Razor-X: the old pc is my last resort tho....i would have to reorganize my entire office to make room....or else leave it sitting on the floor06:07
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djsniran: doesn't work - it's a known issue06:07
roger21niran, no it doesn't work06:07
nirandjs, roger21 oh, oops06:08
=== TokenBad [~tokenbad@c-24-20-250-129.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
levanderthere is anyway to tell linux to explicitly run this process on this processor on an SMP system?06:08
Razor-Xsaruany: then ask for help, but, not many women will help you06:08
KillerSmurfis there a way to open the gnome file browser with sudo?06:08
Razor-Xgm78: hmmm, ok06:08
levanderKillerSmurf: sudo nautilus06:08
NathanHomesudo nautilus06:08
KillerSmurfu rock06:09
niranKillerSmurf, run application: "gksudo 'nautilus --no-desktop'"06:09
saruanyok but can i ask u if u want to hear somthing i think is or might be yrue06:09
Razor-Xsaruany: shoot06:10
gm78Razor-X: Is there any settings on a router that could cause problems like these, i can still access the router through a webbrowser and configure it06:10
saruanylies are just ideas we have not used yet06:10
saruanyso what do u think06:10
NathanHomegm78, it sounds like 'anti-hax' protection to me06:10
saruanydone yet*06:10
gm78NathanHome: i have the firewall shut off on it tho06:11
Razor-Xgm78: i'm not sure, because settings change from router-to-router, but, 9 times out of 10, it's router failure of some sort06:11
Razor-Xsaruany: well, the very definition of lie is something that is intrue06:11
Razor-Xif a condition satisfied implies truth, than the unsatisfaction of that principle implies lie06:11
Razor-Xit's as simple as that, really06:11
saruanybut i might really do the "lie" somtime in ur life06:11
NathanHomegm78, in that situation, i'd try to devise some sort of tests to confirm if the router is at fault06:12
saruanyit is intrue cuase u have not done it yet06:12
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Razor-Xgm78: I concur with NathanHome06:12
rj-awaylevander: Something which uses http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man2/sched_getaffinity.2.html probably exists somewhere... set affinity, then execve() off the real process.06:12
NathanHomegm78, for example rapidly downloading http pages from somewhere, perhaps with curl or wget06:12
Razor-Xsaruany: so, are you saying it's a lie that humans cannot fly using organic compounds that have developed without hindrance or enhancement in the human body?06:13
bob2this seems kinda off-topic06:13
bob2take it elsewhere, please06:13
Razor-Xbob2: tell him that *shrugs*06:13
NathanHomegm78, i'd also try ftp or something else to ensure your ISP isn't stuffing up web connections somehow06:13
fr500a question, i installed samba with apt-get samba, but it wont start auomatically on boot06:13
fr500does anyone know why?06:13
bob2I'm telling you both :-)06:13
Razor-Xbob2: ok ;)06:13
Razor-Xgm78: true that, generally the people i've talked to have done tests to show that the router is at fault06:14
saruanyyes the human might continue to evolve over a lone period of time but  we are not sure yet and it is a lie until it will happen06:14
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=== Elsidox [~Elsidox@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
saruanycan anyone else se what im wriiting or just u06:14
niransaruany, just him06:14
Razor-Xsaruany: everyone else can06:14
Razor-Xniran: ;)06:15
NathanHomei cant06:15
saruanyok kool06:15
fr500also, after starting it manually with smbd, i can't access my ubuntu pc by it's hostname, only by ip address06:15
NathanHomei find mental spam blockers to be the best technology going06:15
saruanyso if i say hi to david he cat see it06:15
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Razor-Xsaruany: evolution is considered a biological change, a lie can only be considered a lie at the very time at which it's deemed a 'lie', and unless you PM me, that's the end of my input06:15
Razor-Xsaruany: yes, he can, this is a chatroom.... -_-06:15
Razor-X*change over time06:16
Razor-XPrivate Message06:16
NathanHomefr500, do you have an /etc/init.d/samba file?06:16
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=== hondje slaps Razor-X around for a bit
gm78Razor-X: Alright, so just use wget to download the webpages that im having problems with?06:16
fr500NathanHome, yes06:16
saruanyim saying it is a lie untill u  do it then its not a lie right06:16
stevenjare the Ubuntu backports the best (only) way to install win32 codecs?06:16
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gm78Razor-X: I'm also going to upgrade the firmware06:16
saruanywhats PM?06:16
stevenjI was told not to use backports06:16
david__anybody in here know how I can use KDE instead of GNOME?06:17
hondjeyeah, backports are bad06:17
NathanHomefr500, i'd check its symlinked in /etc/rc2.d06:17
Razor-Xgm78: that too06:17
stevenjhondje, how to do I get win32 codecs then?06:17
Razor-Xsaruany: /msg Razor-X blah06:17
fr500NathanHome, does a red filename mean a link?06:17
Razor-Xthat sends me the message 'blah' so that _only_ I can see it06:17
NathanHomefr500, in nautilus?06:17
hondjestevenj: go to mplayer's website, download the codecs, put them in /usr/lib/win3206:18
NathanHomestevenj, i use the marillat repository but i guess thats probably on the 'bad' list too06:18
fr500nope, i went to console06:18
nirandavid__, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:18
saruanyread my 3 respones afer this one06:18
NathanHomefr500, in my console symlinks are light blue (cyan)06:18
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nirandavid__, then select kde from the gdm session dialog06:18
david__thanks niran...i am getting a package error with konversation06:18
fr500NathanHome, it's linked wrong, that will fix the first part06:18
nirandavid__, what's the error?06:18
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gm78Razor-X: alright, im going to be logging off for a few since i have to reboot the router...ill let u know if it works06:18
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david__just a sec06:19
stevenjhondje, thanks..but I'm new what do I type to copy codecs to folder in terminal thanks06:19
david__unmet dependencies...broken package06:19
niranhmm... that's odd06:19
nirando you have any unofficial repositories enabled?06:19
NathanHomefr500, the other bit was something about  name resolution ?06:19
saruanyhey raxor x why is ur name light on the right06:19
hondjestevenj: cp <source> <destination>06:19
fr500NathanHome, yes, after running smbd it works06:19
Razor-Xsaruany: because i'm addressing you by prepending your name to the left06:19
fr500NathanHome, but only by ip06:20
Razor-Xgm78: yeah, and i'll start my research06:20
david__hmm...what are the official ones...i just installed ubuntu over mandrake06:20
fr500NathanHome, but it's weird, my ubuntu pc can see my other pcs by name, but the other ones can't see my ubuntu pc by name06:20
david__i used to use easyurpmi to set all that up ;)06:20
saruanyok kool06:20
unomeubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net ( is down?06:20
NathanHomefr500, 'by name' are you referring to using windows networking?06:20
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saruanythis is just a help chat room right06:20
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fr500NathanHome, yes, netbios names06:20
niranfr500, go to system->administration->shared folders06:20
hondjeyes, just help06:21
niranfr500, click add, then general sharing settings06:21
Razor-Xsaruany: yeah, help only06:21
saruanyok kool06:21
fr500niran, all that is done, thanks, i'm not that noob06:21
fr500niran, sharing works just fine, but only by ip06:21
niranfr500, the workgroup is the right one?06:21
NathanHomefr500, i believe nmbd is responsible for that06:21
rj-awayfr500: Are you using swat?06:21
NathanHomenot, smbd06:21
fr500rj-away, nope06:21
rj-awayfr500: It's a nice browser-based samba config tool.06:21
fr500NathanHome, i'll check, but i never had issues before06:21
NathanHomefr500, i dont believe i've ever had it work without nmbd06:22
rj-awayAlso tracks the running of samba, open shares, open files, etc.06:22
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fr500NathanHome, i don't remember setting anything about nmbd ever06:22
niranNathanHome, fr500, it works for me and all i ever installed was the samba package06:22
rj-awaySeems to make setting samba up a simpler process.06:22
niranthen again, i didn't have the init.d symlink problem either06:22
fr500rj-away, the thing is i made my own config file that worked in every distro (including this) fine, but this time around something went wrong06:22
rj-awaynmbd is part of the samba package, afaik.06:23
saruanyok kool thanx i love u guys are kool06:23
NathanHomerj-away, yeh i believe so06:23
gm78Razor-X: can u go to this webpage   http://www.smc.com/index.cfm?event=downloads.doSearchCriteria&localeCode=EN_CAN&knowsPartNumber=false&productCategory=1&userPartNumber=&modelNumber=924&partNumber=2400&downloadType=2&os=12   and let me know which driver firmware to download....the newer one (latest release date) is a much smaller download and has a lower version number06:23
fr500NathanHome, nmbd wasn't neccesarry, samba at startup fixed it, maybe it takes long to get the names right if not don on bootup or something06:23
fr500Tanks everyone06:23
fr500thanks i mean06:24
NathanHomefr500, sweet - i wonder what nmbd actually does then :)06:24
KillerSmurfHey RazorX have a min?06:24
saruanyi love u raxor x06:24
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Razor-XKillerSmurf: shoot06:24
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Razor-Xgm78: hmmm... model number?06:24
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Spermyi have a little fast question06:25
gm78Razor-X: lol...ill grab the info, brb (router in other room)06:25
Spermywhy cant i load enlightenment from the gnome session listing?06:25
saruanyi love u06:25
saruany ilove u06:25
rj-awaynmbd does do the name resolution stuff...06:25
saruanyl love u06:25
saruany i love06:25
rj-awayBut, in the absence of it, another machine using SMB will fill the role.06:26
saruanyyes u i love u06:26
fr500rj-away, got it, thanks06:26
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saruanyrazor x06:26
Spermydosent know how to answer that question/06:26
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saruanyok by06:26
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jasmuzSpermy: what are you trying to do?06:26
niranRazor-X, well that was itneresting.06:26
fr500niran, thanks too06:26
niranyou sure have an effect on people.06:26
rj-awayI believe there's a process of 'elections' between participating machines, such that pretty much the latest version of windows on the network will become the name mapper, but you can give nmbd a value such that it appears to be the more-recent-than-the-latest-windows.06:27
Spermyi'm tring to load enlightenment06:27
niranfr500, no problem06:27
Razor-Xniran: it seems so06:27
NathanHomerj-away, ah ok06:27
Razor-Xi'm bisexual, so don't hold that against me XD06:27
gm78Razor-X: Model number is smc7004vbr  and the part number is 751.011306:27
Spermyjasmuz,  its not showing under the session listing in gnome.06:27
Razor-Xthanks gm7806:27
gm78Razor-X: no, thank you =P06:27
Razor-Xbut I don't hit on loser06:27
gm78Razor-X: lol, meant to put a =) not a =P06:27
niranRazor-X, even so, from first sight to professions of love in five minutes? impressive.06:27
NathanHomefr500, you were right - the  windows pc here can see my ubuntu pc, and i dont ahve nmbd running either06:27
jasmuzSpermy: did you download the packages from synaptic?06:28
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Spermyand gnome is not letting play music in xmms06:28
Razor-Xniran: I guess... I have a way with men?06:28
Spermyjasmuz, nope lol06:28
Razor-X(I still prefer women, though)06:28
gm78Spermy: killall esd06:28
gm78Spermy: under preferences and multimedia systems selector, change input and output to alsa and run killall esd everytime u log in (under preferences and sessions, u can have this done by default)06:28
Spermygm78 yeah?06:29
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gm78Spermy: automatically, not by default i mean06:29
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Spermygm78 what do i change it to?06:29
crimsunwhy killall esd? Simply uncheck System>Preferences>Sound>Enable sound server startup06:29
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gm78Razor-X: which file do u think i should try, kinda scared of breaking my router (which is weird, i felt like smashing it a second ago =P)06:30
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ezilihello hello06:31
ezilii'm having a problem with my digital camera.06:32
ezilii can only access it as root.06:32
KillerSmurfcan u change permissions on a FAT32 drive?06:32
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Razor-Xgm78: hold on, sorry ;)06:33
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gm78Razor-X: oh, no prob....sorry for being impatient, im like that =06:33
Razor-Xgm78: part number?06:33
Razor-Xno no, i'm not paying enough attention ;)06:33
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Mejobloggshow do i start a service?06:34
gm78Razor-X: well when u go to smc's main webpage and to their download section, u have to give a part number and a model number.  model#=smc7004vbr  and part#=751.011306:34
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jasmuzMejobloggs: sudo /etc/init.d/servicename06:35
hyphenatedKillerSmurf: you can set the default permissions when you mount it, but permission changes aren't stored anywhere, because it's not a filesystem type that knows anything about permissions06:36
gm78Mejobloggs: sudo /etc/init.d/servicename start   works for me. to stop it it is sudo /etc/init.d/servicename stop06:36
Razor-Xgm78: http://www.smc.com/files/AB/FW_SMC7004VBRV2_R108.zip06:36
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jasmuzMejobloggs: sudo /etc/init.d/servicename start06:36
gm78Razor-X: is that the one with the latest release date?06:36
Razor-Xgm78: latest version06:37
Razor-Xand release date06:37
KillerSmurfhyphenated right now I can even get into the drive.... playing too much with chmod.06:37
Mejobloggsits not working guys06:38
KillerSmurfhyphenated right now I can even get into the drive.... playing too much with chmod What if I changed the fstab ...06:38
jasmuzMejobloggs: sudo /etc/init.d/servicename start06:39
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Mejobloggsit doesnt say anything06:39
jasmuzMejobloggs: what service are you trying to run?06:39
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gm78Razor-X: alright, sorry for being a nag, but u made sure it was the right part number? =P (im paranoid06:39
NathanHomeMejobloggs, many services wont say anything unless there's an error06:39
Mejobloggsok, but BUM says it is not started06:40
jasmuzMejobloggs: you can start it with BUM06:40
Mejobloggsyeah, but doesnt work06:40
NathanHomeMejobloggs, does "pgrep apache2" say anything?06:40
Mejobloggsi set it to start with the computer too06:40
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Razor-Xgm78: yes yes ;) backup your old firmware, if need be06:40
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gm78Razor-X: lol, thx for your help...ill be back in a few to let u know how it went06:41
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Mejobloggspgrep apache2 doesnt say anything06:41
jasmuzMejobloggs: open a console and do a ls /etc/init.d  to check if you have apache there06:41
skel_I have 2 Drives a Cd and a Dvd drive.. I only see my DvD drive in my computer when something is in it.. Why cant i see it when there is no media in it?06:41
dittogm78 can i msg you again?06:41
Mejobloggsapache 2 shows up when i do  ls /etc/init.d06:42
KillerSmurfis there an apt-get emacs package?06:43
NathanHomeMejobloggs,  do you see the " * Starting web server (Apache2)..." line when you do sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start ?06:43
Mejobloggsit does nothing06:43
jasmuzMejobloggs: do a sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart06:43
Mejobloggsdoes it matter if i am already logged in as root?06:44
Mejobloggsrestart does nothing either06:44
NathanHomeMejobloggs, check out /etc/default/apache206:44
NathanHome(and make sure NO_START=0 )06:44
Mejobloggshow do i 'check it out' ?06:44
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NathanHomecat, vi, gedit - any text viewer/editor06:44
Razor-Xemacs!!! ;)06:45
Razor-Xbut, cat pwnz all06:45
NathanHomei shouldn't have said vi :)06:45
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tvnI have DocumentRoot /home/thanhvu/myWWWPath    in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf   , I also reload apache2 but it keeps pointing to the default /var/www  .. am I missing something ?06:45
Mejobloggsumm, there is nothing there at all06:45
Mejobloggsah, spelt it wrong06:46
Mejobloggsidiot me06:46
Mejobloggsit says: NO_START=006:46
unomeNathanHome: what about sshd, how disable at boot?06:46
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NathanHomeunome, i dont know the preferred method, but i would do "sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/ssh"06:47
Mejobloggsanyway, cya people, thanks for help06:47
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unomeThx Nathan06:49
NathanHomeunome, reading /etc/init.d/ssh , i assume the preferred method is "sudo touch /etc/sshd/sshd_not_to_be_run"06:49
NathanHomebut thats ssh specific06:49
unomegreat to know, thx06:50
NathanHomethere's also update-rc.d06:50
fr500a question, what is mpps?06:50
unomeisn't touch relates to tmestamps?06:51
NathanHomefr500, in what context (haven't heard it)06:51
fr500lan switches06:51
NathanHomeunome, yes - but it also creates the file if it doesnt exist06:51
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fr500 Forwarding rate: 8.55 mpps06:51
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NathanHomefr500, maybe just a typo for mbps ? dunno06:52
fr500not really06:52
NathanHomeonly other thing i can think of is the first p refers to 'packets'06:52
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fr500nevermind, i found what i need06:52
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fr500NathanHome, i thought the same too06:53
NathanHomefr500, did you find out what it is?06:53
fr500not really, but i have so much to do, i'll write it on my todo list06:53
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gm78Razor-X: Hey, Firmware upgrade worked, router still being a piece of crap. im contacting smc right now, i dont think it is a router failure....as everything else is still working (like me using IRC, etc)06:53
NathanHomefr500, google seems to say 'million packets per second'06:55
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fr500NathanHome, but packests are variable size, thats a weird unit06:55
NathanHomefr500, i believe its related to the CPU speed of the router06:55
fr500the backplane maybe06:55
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NathanHomewhile packets are variable sized, the router (roughly( only needs to look at the destination address to determine what to do06:56
dittoenlightenment is hard as fuck to use06:56
dittoanyone have anyhelp sites for it?06:56
benplautditto: then why use it?!06:56
dittotring something new?06:56
dittofluxbox is coo but boring.06:56
benplautXFce 8)06:57
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fr500NathanHome, you are right06:57
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gm78ditto: xfce is pretty cool. u can compile the latest version with a graphical installer from their website06:59
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Razor-Xgm78: can I continue helping you tomorrow?07:03
Razor-XI got my Calculus book in the mail, and i'm gonna jump headfirst into it07:04
mebaran151how would I ssh to a remote server07:04
mebaran151presetup for it07:04
ironmcPrinter Problem --  I have an HP psc2110 that I can't seem to print with - Worked with Mandrake 10.0 just before Ubuntu07:05
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Kamping_Kaiserironmc, have you got the foomatic db?07:06
ironmcdon't know07:06
ironmcwhere can I find out07:06
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Kamping_Kaiserironmc using synaptic07:07
Kamping_Kaisersearch for foomatic07:07
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Kamping_Kaisermebaran151, what do you mean presetup?07:07
QMarioWhat program can I use in Ubuntu to play .mid files?07:08
djsKamping_Kaiser: (s)he's quit07:08
Kamping_Kaiserso they did07:08
Kamping_Kaiser*shrug* i did ask before07:08
djsKamping_Kaiser: Perhaps their IRC dropped out07:09
djsKamping_Kaiser: ... and it took a while to show07:09
Kamping_Kaisercould be, but that's a proper quit07:09
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djsKamping_Kaiser: k (I'm still on somewhat of an IRC learning curve)07:10
SogniXis there a way i can force unmount a drive? umount -f keeps telling me the device or resource is busy - but nothing that I can tell is accessing it07:10
Kamping_Kaiserlol. yeh, that's fair enough djs... what are you using?07:10
QMarioWhat program can I use in Ubuntu to play .mid files?07:10
ironmcKamp_Kaiser  I have all the foomatic istalled07:11
QMarioWhat program can I use in Ubuntu to play .mid files?07:12
NathanHomeQMario, something like timidity perhaps07:12
Kamping_Kaiser*fires up synaptic for the first time in weeks*07:12
Kamping_Kaiserironmc, and cups?07:12
ironmclet me check07:12
ironmccups is installed07:13
Kamping_Kaiserironmc, you need at lest "cupsys cupsys-bsd cupsys-client"07:13
Kamping_Kaiserright then07:13
QMarioNathanHome, why doesn't Ubuntu just have a few programs that can play all audio types, such as the Windows Media Player?07:13
ironmcall those are installed07:14
NathanHomeQMario, .mid's are a bit unusual07:14
Kamping_Kaiserironmc, I'm trying to think of packages that would have the drivers07:14
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Kamping_Kaiserironmc, how did you install, using the printer thing?07:14
ironmcKamp_Kaiser  system>admin>printing shows nothing in the que07:15
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ironmcusing firefox and Acroreader07:15
Kamping_Kaiserironmc, have you run the new printer setup?07:15
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ironmcyea i set up the hp using the defaults07:16
NathanHomeQMario, http://wiki.vrijschrift.org/GstreamerContractWork talks about Free Software midi problems a little07:16
ironmchpjis driver07:16
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Kamping_Kaiserironmc, did you use a recomeneded driver?07:17
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ironmcyes hpijs07:18
Kamping_KaiserI'm not sure ironmc. i just have to try contact somone now... you mgiht need to grab some help from one of the others here07:19
QMarioNathanHome, do you or anyone else know how to enable the mplayer plug-in for mozilla-firefox to produce audio at all?07:20
ironmcthanks Kamp_Kaiser07:20
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Tenniru_Um, I can't connect to my wireless router. I don't know why.07:21
Tenniru_I think Ubuntu might be sending the password in ASCII when it should be in hex.07:22
Tenniru_What should I do?07:22
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QMarioNathanHome, do you or anyone else know how to enable the mplayer plug-in for mozilla-firefox to produce audio at all?07:22
NathanHomeQMario, dont know sorry07:22
QMarioAre most people in this chat room usually asleep?07:22
Tenniru_I'm not.07:23
gm78_QMario, there is an extension for firefox to allow you to have embedded video/audio to load in an external program like kaffeine or vlc07:23
Tenniru_Unfortunately, i'm useless.07:23
NathanHomeits late afternoon in my timezone, but i guess it might night time in more populated parts of the world :)07:23
jbroomeTenniru_: but honest. :)07:23
QMarioNathanHome, have you ever tried it, or do you use Windows for those type of things?07:23
Tenniru_as is my regular AirPort card, which cannot connect to my wireless router.07:24
NathanHomeQMario, i tend to download video/audio clips rather than play directly within firefox07:24
QMarioGm78_, is kaffeine for KDE.07:24
gm78_kaffeine is for kde, but works in gnome (like almost all kde programs) vlc is for gnome07:24
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NathanHomei just use totem plus some of the things on marillat07:24
hardcampa-but works in kde if you got gnome etc07:24
NathanHome'things' being codecs i mean07:25
djsironmc: still here?07:26
djsmaybe not :)07:28
djsanyway - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HpPscHpPhotosmartSeriesAllInOnePrinters07:28
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SogniXfor some reason I can't mount a share on another computer (used "Shared Folders" from utilities), keeps asking me for my username 'n password07:28
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=== sobersabre [~bilbo@l192-115-16-116.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
sobersabrehi guys... why the osd plugin for xmms shows the fonts so ugly ? is there a way to enable AA ?07:32
budluvacan i install ubuntu over top of my current debian sarge install??? i have my / on one disk, and my /home and /storage each on other disks, i shouldnt have a problem installing ubuntu on my / after formatting right?07:34
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NathanHomeafter formatting the drive with / , no07:35
NathanHomeyou can setup the /home and /storage mounts again during install07:35
budluvabut i can still keep my /home and /storage correct?07:35
sobersabrebudluva, i have upgraded ubuntu over sarge before it was stable.07:35
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NathanHomebadluva, long as you dont format over them07:35
delltonyquestion: if i installed linux-restricted-modules- that includes the module for fglrx do i still need to have xorgdrivers-fglrx installed ? or do i simply install that restricted module package and restart? leaving the xorg.conf file in place07:35
NathanHomeafter formatting the drive with / , no  <-- "no you wont have a problem" is what i meant07:36
budluvaive installed debian over itself before, just wondering if it would work installing different distros on top of each other07:36
sobersabrebudluva, and you can also loose all the information if you don't install ubuntu, but simply format /home and /storage ;-)07:36
budluvaand i found my answer, thanks guys07:36
NathanHomedelltony, i dont have that card but if its anything like nvidia, one is the kernel module and one is a driver for xorg07:36
delltonyso i need both?07:37
NathanHomei would think so07:37
HrdwrBoBNathanHome is correct07:37
oofnikhey, can anyone help me with a samba problem07:37
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bob2delltony: restricted-modules is only the kernel side07:37
sobersabreguys... lib osd... does it use AA ?07:37
bob2oofnik: you need to ask your qustion first...07:37
NathanHomei've installed linux-restricted-modules and nvidia-glx for my nvidia card, ati sounds similar07:37
bob2sobersabre: you mean "anti aliasing"? no.07:37
unomedamn, it takes ages to compile wine!07:37
delltonyhmm i'm just trying o figure out why my computer after running for a little bit seems to get so dang slow07:37
delltonyin terms of windows refresh slow as crap07:37
bob2unome: if only there was a way to get it without compiling it ;p07:38
oofnikunome, wine is pretty big.. heh07:38
sobersabreis there a way to make xmms plugin for osd to do anti-aliasing ?!07:38
sobersabrebob2, you got me right.07:38
delltonyand dvds lag07:38
bob2sobersabre: you care that much?07:38
delltonyits like the whole computerr goes to half the speed07:38
sobersabrebob2, yes. it looks ugly :)07:38
oofnikbob2 specifically i'm trying to share something that isn't in my home directory, and it won't become accessible07:38
bob2oofnik: add another share section to the config07:39
oofniksmb.conf? that's what i've been doing07:39
oofnikand i restarted the server07:39
sobersabrei have mp3 q.: is there a linux tool to cut an mp3 into several short cuts ?07:39
delltonyif someone doesn't mind helping that wouuld be great07:40
delltonyi can't seem to put my finger on the problem :(07:40
Klementashow can I make ubuntu stop loading up all the kernel modules when it starts?  is the hotplug stuff doing this?07:40
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djssobersabre: try audacity07:41
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foxinesshi..fax in linux ,what the answer than?07:41
ExodusI have a problem installing ubuntu07:41
Klementasare there tools to rip a DVD to theora, or are all DVD tools not in the system?07:42
foxinesshi Exodus07:42
oofnikexodus, whats your problem?07:42
bob2Klementas: thoggen07:42
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drsewscan someone tell me if you can access my webiste , I just configured ssl and a bunch of modules so need to see if it works , https://halong.dyndns.org/index.html ?07:42
Klementasbob2: thanks :)07:42
foxinessoofnik, the same Q07:42
bob2Klementas: why do you want to stop modules loading?07:42
ExodusAfter it installs base systems and all it tell me to reboot, once it reboots, kernel starts, mods...then i loose keyboard handle.07:42
bob2oofnik: and what isn't working with samba then?07:42
foxinessi want to send fax on linux ?07:42
Klementasbob2: ?07:42
oofnikfoxiness, youre having the same problem as me?07:42
NathanHomedrsews, yes07:43
ExodusAnyone know my problem?07:43
NathanHomedrsews, all fine other than invalid cert07:43
Exodusafter i reboot my kb stops working.07:43
foxinessoofnik, what is your problem is it fax on linux?07:43
KlementasExodus: do you have an XT keyboard?07:43
bob2Exodus: nothing in the last archives or on google?07:43
Exodusit starts setting up all the packages and i noticed it stoped working, the mouse.no numlock no nothing.07:43
drsewsNathanHome:   oh ok  ....  how to create a valid cert ?  this is for my home server07:43
Klementasah, nevermind07:44
oofnikbob2, i can't access any share that isn't in my home directory.. e.g. i'm trying to share a vfat volume and i can't get anything to see it07:44
NathanHomedrsews, if you really need it, you need to buy one07:44
ExodusKlementas, it worked on install07:44
NathanHomedrsews, if its just for friends or whatever, it doesnt need to be valid (signed)07:44
bob2oofnik: paste the relevant sections of smb.conf to #flood07:44
foxinessoofnik, if you mean "oofnik, the same Q" this about exodus q07:44
drsewsNathanHome: i c ,  I just add ssl to use subversion control  ....07:44
oofniki'll just post my smb.conf file07:44
KlementasExodus: ok07:45
oofnikoh ok foxiness07:45
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foxinessoofnik, did you use fax ?07:45
NathanHomedrsews, i wouldnt worry about it then - signing a cert is basically just to prove you are who you say you are07:45
oofnikwhat would fax do?07:45
foxinessfax from linux may dad ask me to send fax to work now07:45
oofnikfoxiness i'm trying to configure samba haha07:46
jessidhi. some of you know how can I export my environment variables automatically every time I log in the system? I used to doit in ~/.profile in SuSE but it seems not to work in Ubuntu07:47
foxinessi think on bashrc07:47
foxinessor something like that07:47
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oofnikbob2 i put my smb.conf in #flood07:47
djsjessid: perhaps .bash_profile07:48
Exodusi mean in debian kb works fine, i reboot, kb keeps working. But i installed ubuntu just now, it tells me to reboot so i enter my new system, bam...kb dies after kernel modules load (around that point)07:48
Exodusany tips?07:50
sobersabredjs, is there a batch mode in audacity ?07:50
foxinessno one recommend me a program to send fax there are 15 package on synaptic did i need to try all this ?! to know what is the best07:51
djssobersabre: don't know, sorry07:51
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HermanDEthe_faulkenator, hi07:53
the_faulkenatori just installed Ubuntu, and i don't believe it asked for a root password. is there a default?07:53
foxinesshi the_faulkenator07:53
Klementashi the_faulkenator07:53
Amaranththe_faulkenator: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo07:53
Klementasthe_faulkenator: there is no root password07:53
the_faulkenatorahh ok07:53
Klementasthe_faulkenator: if you want root, type: sudo passwd07:53
foxinessuse the same one you create with your name07:53
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Klementasthe_faulkenator: and then give the root password07:53
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AmaranthKlementas: Bad advice.07:54
oofnikcan anyone with a clean hoary install give me a copy of their smb.conf please?07:54
Klementasthe_faulkenator: then you can start logging in as root, or do su07:54
AmaranthKlementas: A majority of the users will never need root, sudo should be enough.07:54
foxinessoofnik, am here :)07:54
AmaranthKlementas: If you really want a root terminal, run sudo -i07:54
NathanHomeindeed, unless you have a good reason for actually wanting root enabled, its best left disabled07:54
Klementasno thanks07:54
HermanDEAmaranth: There are times when apps need a system root password.07:55
Klementassudo sucks, I use su -07:55
oofnikfoxiness do you have the original smb.conf?07:55
AmaranthHermanDE: The app is broken.07:55
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jessidsorry, but it did not work in .bash_profile...or what else do I have to do besides copying PATH=/new/path/to/somewhere/else  ?????07:55
HermanDEAmaranth: Uh...   Yea.....07:55
the_faulkenatorso my root password is just blank currently, correct?07:55
AmaranthHermanDE: Name one?07:55
the_faulkenatori just hit enter when it asks for the root password?07:56
NathanHomethe_faulkenator, not really - it just doesnt exist07:56
AmaranthHermanDE: I don't know of any apps in Ubuntu that don't work with sudo07:56
HermanDEthe_faulkenator: Just disabled.....07:56
HermanDEAmaranth: Try SWAT.....07:56
oofnikAmaranth.. swat07:56
oofnikHermanDE said it before me hah07:56
Amaranthoh, a universe package07:56
HermanDEoofnik: But I'll give you the popcorn....07:57
NathanHomethe_faulkenator, as Amaranth mentioned:  login in with your user account, run 'sudo -i' and give your user account's password again07:57
Amaranthdid anyone file a bug in malone?07:57
Amaranthit it still broken in breezy?07:57
Amaranthis it07:57
NathanHomeAmaranth, yeh i know a few in universe07:57
oofnikyes! popcorn!07:57
jessidi'm trying to work with a jar file in java, and I don't want to source .profile every time I use the console...what do I have to do if I want to export some variables automatically i log in?07:57
NathanHome"broken" as in launch via the gnome menu anyway07:57
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foxinessoofnik, not the orginal07:58
NathanHomeethereal being one i routinely use07:58
oofnikhmm would i get some better responses if i posted my samba problem in the ubuntu forum do you think?07:58
foxinessoofnik, sorry07:58
NathanHomeoofnik, can you summarise it07:58
HermanDEoofnik: What are you looking for?07:58
oofniki can't share anything that's outside my home directory or it isn't accessible07:59
the_faulkenatordoes any debian package work with ubuntu?07:59
NathanHomejessid, i'm not sure why youre .profile wouldnt be sourced to begin with07:59
foxinessThE__OnE, any!07:59
NathanHomejessid, oh cos you haven't started a login shell07:59
foxinessthe_faulkenator, any sure yes07:59
the_faulkenatorhaha awesome08:00
HermanDEthe_faulkenator: Sure...  Just take care that you use a package from pre 3.1.08:00
niranNathanHome, the only problem with ethereal is the .desktop files08:00
niranNathanHome, oh, you already said that. oops.08:00
NathanHomeniran, yep - i haven't struck any apps that dont work without root, just ones that cant be launched via the .desktop08:00
HermanDEoofnik: Did you fire up SWAT and create a new share?08:00
the_faulkenatorand one more question then i'll leave you guys alone,  does anyone know of a good list of apt-get sources and how to update them?08:00
jessidNathanHome, i think I read somewhere that not in all distributions .profile does not work...08:01
NathanHomei lack the smarts to modify the menu08:01
NathanHomejessid, try mv .profile .bashrc08:01
HermanDEthe_faulkenator: Try www.apt-get.org08:01
oofnikHermanDE yep, i did that, several times, it won't do anything08:01
foxinessthe_faulkenator, ubuntuguide.com08:01
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foxinesssorry .org08:01
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HermanDEoofnik: What do you mean...  anything...  Does SWAT work?08:01
the_faulkenatoralright, thanks guys08:01
NathanHomejessid, or just symlink it.   i'm sure there's some history behind running scripts for login and non-login shells, but i just find it frustrating08:02
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NathanHomejessid, so on my systems i usually just make .bashrc and ln -s .bashrc .bash_profile08:02
oofnikHermanDE yes, swat works, and i can add the share and everything, but whenever i try to access the share, it can't find it08:03
oofniki can share /tmp and my home directory though08:03
jessidNathanHome thanks a lot08:03
kangpehwhats the most sleek, but simple theme you guys have found08:03
kangpehfor gnome08:03
NathanHomekangpeh, also whats your favourite colour? :)08:04
jessidNathanHome you were right!!!08:04
jessidgood bye08:04
HermanDEoofnik: Is nmbd running?08:04
kangpehnathanhome: doesn't matter08:04
Nickangpeh, i use industrial controls and clearlooks window border08:04
kangpehi just want sleekest08:04
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kangpehi can mess w/ the colors08:04
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NathanHomekangpeh, i was pointing out its largely a matter of taste08:04
oofnikHermanDE, yes08:04
kangpehnathanhom:e ah08:05
HermanDEoofnik: I have found that when I do heavy modifications with UBUNTU + SWAT, nmbd stops while smbd runs fine....08:05
NathanHomekangpeh, personally i just install everything i can find in synaptic and then go through them08:05
kangpehi just want the cleanest sleekest simplest but cool08:05
kangpehlike not squares08:05
kangpehbut rounded shit08:05
HermanDEoofnik: Did you try and search for the samba box by ip address?08:05
Nicindustrial rounds most things08:05
NathanHomekangpeh, i use clearlooks but that may not be for you08:05
Tenniru_Okay, I think I know the problem with my wifi connection. How can I tell if my computer is boradcasting a password in ASCII or hex?08:05
Tenniru_to the wireless router?08:05
Nicbut not the stuff in the application panel08:05
oofnikHermanDE that is very odd.. although yes it is running.. i can get a list of the shares, but i cannot access the ones that are not in my home directory08:06
HermanDEoofnik: What user do you have SMBD and NMBD running as?08:06
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HermanDEoofnik: Did you enable browsable on the shares?08:07
NathanHomeTenniru_, from memory ubuntu will only accept hex08:07
Tenniru_During the net-install the wifi connection to work, but now it doesn't.08:07
oofnikHermanDE.. is there a way to check that to be sure? i'm logged in to swat as root08:07
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NathanHometenniru_, i assume you're using WEP08:07
Tenniru_Let me check.08:07
HermanDEoofnik: Go to the particular share and see if you have the browsable block checked.....08:07
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HermanDEoofnik: Are you logging into the samba box as a samba user?08:08
HermanDEoofnik: If not, do you have guest access turned on?08:08
NathanHomeTenniru_, also what wifi card do you have - generally ubuntu's wifi driver support is pretty lousy i think08:08
Tenniru_The normal AirPort.08:08
Tenniru_It has worked before when I used Ubuntu earlier, and it also worked during the net-install.08:08
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NathanHomeok then08:08
oofnikHermanDE yes, guest access is on, that's how i am trying to use samba08:09
oofniksecurity is not an issue for me at all08:09
NathanHomeTenniru_, at a terminal i'd usually run 'iwlist wlan0 scanning'08:09
NathanHometo confirm if i can actually see my AP08:09
NathanHome(assuming broadcast is enabled)08:09
HermanDEoofnik: What is the user you are mapping guest to?08:09
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HermanDEoofnik: Does that user have access to your share by the linux rights?08:10
Tenniru_It claims that it doesn't support scanning.08:10
Tenniru_According to Ubuntu, my AirPort card is eth1.08:10
oofnikHermanDE.. um.. i don't know about that08:10
faulk_linuxroot@booger:~ # gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:10
faulk_linux(gedit:26998): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:08:10
HermanDEoofnik: If I remember it is located in the global pane..   Check the rights on the share.08:10
oofnikHermanDE the thing is, both entries in smb.conf are identical, but only my home directory is accessible08:10
NathanHomeTenniru_, sorry i'm not famiilar with the AirPort hardware08:11
NathanHomeoofnik, whats 'accessible'08:11
NathanHomeTenniru_, but in that situation, i'd probably turn off WEP and work from there08:11
faulk_linuxi'm getting that error when trying to update my repository list?08:11
Tenniru_What could have wound up with it working during install (and a while ago when I used version 4) and now not?08:11
oofnikNathanHome: accessible meaning i can access the share..08:12
foxinessi wnat to link /media/cdorm to /cdrom0 is this by ln -s /media/cdrom /media/cdrom0 correct?08:12
HermanDEoofnik: I'd like to see your smb.conf.  It's been awhile.  What is the channel for doing dumps?08:12
djsfaulk_linux: Try "sudo gedit..." from your normal user08:12
NathanHomeoofnik, cant access how - ie, whats the error08:12
Vjazfoxiness, yes that's right08:12
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foxinesswnat want08:12
foxinessVjaz, thanks08:12
oofnikHermanDE i will post it in #flood08:13
HermanDEoofnik: Hold one... Going there now...08:13
oofnikwait, i haven't posted yet08:13
mejobloggshi, I am trying to start apache2, but it wont start08:13
foxinessln: creating symbolic link `/media/cdrom0/cdrom' to `/media/cdrom': Read-only file system08:13
Tenniru_My ethernet port, which Ubuntu claims is eth0, works fine...08:13
oofnikNathanHome: nautilus says: "music" couldn't be found. Perhaps it has recently been deleted.08:13
oofnikbut it's there08:13
mejobloggscan anyone help me?08:14
HermanDEmejobloggs: /etc/init.d/apache2 start08:15
mejobloggsnothing happens08:15
NathanHomere mejobloggs; to start from where we ended last time. apache2 script is there, it does nothing08:15
NathanHomei got him to check /etc/default/apache208:15
NathanHomeNO_START=0, so something else is missing08:15
NathanHomeperhaps apache2 binary itself, didnt check that08:16
rob^man, I hate floppys08:16
mejobloggsnono, NO_START-0 is there08:16
mejobloggsit is ther08:16
NathanHomemejobloggs was saying sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start prints absolutely nothing (so its silently dying inside apache2 init script)08:16
HermanDEoofnik: Is EXT2 a mounted filesystem?08:17
mejobloggsyes, that guy knows more than me :)08:17
NathanHomemejobloggs, work down the list i guess08:17
mejobloggsthanks NathanHome08:17
NathanHomemejobloggs, ls -l /usr/sbin/apache208:17
NathanHomecheck it exists and is executable08:17
mejobloggsno such file...08:17
NathanHomeif you didnt typo it, sounds like a corrupted installation08:18
mejobloggsi copy pasted08:18
mejobloggsok, so i re-install?08:18
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NathanHomemejobloggs, yeh check which packages you have installed to08:19
mejobloggsi just do that using 'Add/Remove Programs' ?08:20
foxinessif i use ln -s to create link ,how can i break it than08:21
mejobloggsok, i went to Advanced, clicked on Networking, then selected 'apache2-common'08:21
mejobloggsAlso, i have got rid of all the internet repositories, and just kept the CD one08:22
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mejobloggsso, if there are any things that are needed that are not on the CD, i guess it wont work, but I am not able to use the internet repositories08:23
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bob2foxiness: rm it08:23
george_i am not going to hang around here...but whoever compiled the debian package or ubuntu package for kile forgot to include ec...08:23
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foxinessbob2, if i use rm /media/cdrom/cdrom0 ? its says its not eampty08:24
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bob2foxiness: then it's not a symlink08:24
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george_there is more i could discuss but ec is necessary for the letter template...and should have been included08:25
bob2george_: have you filed a bug?08:25
foxinessbob2, thanks its rm now08:25
george_bob2, hell no...i don't file bugs...i fix stuff....but anyway i am gone back to work on the hurd08:26
mejobloggsNathanHome, did you understand what i said?08:26
bob2george_: er, if there's a problem, it would be great if you could file a bug with a patch then08:26
NathanHomemejobloggs, try right click and 'reinstall'08:27
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george_bob2, i just gave you what you needed to know...why should i file a bug....if you want free document processing...untied to proprietary java and all that crap...then you need to get the deb file for ec at least for kile.08:27
bob2george_: that's not a very useful attitude, but your choice08:28
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bob2(I don't use or care about kile, but apparently you do)08:28
mejobloggsaah, do I need an mpm thing?08:28
george_bob2, of course i like lyx-qt and kile....been using them for years....along with gi....gnu replacement for vi08:28
bob2mejobloggs: install the apache2 package08:28
mejobloggsi have no 'apache2' package08:29
bob2mejobloggs: perhaps it's not on the cd08:29
mejobloggsthey are all stuff like apache2-common08:29
bob2you certainly need it if you want apache2 to work, tho08:29
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george_well i am going back to work on the hurd because it has lots of problems08:29
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bob2that is true08:30
bob2good luck with it08:30
george_bob2, thanks...i need it....there is so much to do just to get anything working...like the problems with freedos32...on my other partition08:31
bob2that doesn't sound very hurd-related08:31
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mejobloggsis it ok to download any .deb package and use on Ubuntu ?08:31
george_ok bye08:31
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bob2mejobloggs: no08:31
bob2mejobloggs: only use .debs from ubuntu itself08:32
bob2and only ones from the same version of ubuntu you're using08:32
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mejobloggsso, if i want something else, i have to compile it right?08:32
bob2you generally just use the ubuntu package08:34
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bob2in the very very small number of cases where it's not in ubuntu, you might need to compile it08:34
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NathanHomeand in those situations, i use checkinstall08:34
NathanHomewhich is in ubuntu repository08:34
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mejobloggsand that checks if it is installed correctly08:35
NathanHomethe name is stupid08:35
bob2sure, or make your own debian package, depending on how much you care08:35
NathanHomelike bob2 says, it builds a debian package08:35
NathanHomei like that since then i can easily uninstall08:35
mejobloggsah, ok, thanks for helping me08:35
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oofniki got my samba to work, just had to add guest account = [myaccount] .. not secure but i don't care :) later everyone08:36
CodeZillaHi @ all, could anybody tell me, how to mirror an installationserver and how much space does i need? (I not allways have got an internetconnection)08:36
oofnikthanks again NathanHome08:36
NathanHomenp, happy to bring another  person into the insecure samba fold :)08:36
bob2CodeZilla: "installation server"? you mean an ubuntu archive?08:36
bob2CodeZilla: my warty,hoar,breezy i386 main+restricted mirror is 6.1GB08:37
bob2CodeZilla: mirroring the full thing for i386 would probably be on the order of 15GB (including universe and multiverse)08:38
CodeZillabob2, i think an ftp-url or something would do it (need only hoar)08:38
bob2tho that is a guess08:38
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bob2CodeZilla: no, you need a proper mirroring program08:38
CodeZillaftpmir? wget?08:38
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NathanHomersync i assume08:38
bob2CodeZilla: debmirror -m -h au.archive.ubuntu.com -p -v --nosource --method=ftp -r /ubuntu/ -d warty,hoary,breezy --section=main,restricted --arch=i386  ./ubuntu/08:39
HermanDECodeZilla: jigdo or rsync would be best....08:39
bob2CodeZilla: the debmirror program is what you want08:39
bob2I'm pretty sure jigdo doesn't make mirrors08:39
NathanHomedont listen to me :)08:39
HermanDEbob2: Good choice...  Just couldn't remember the name.....08:39
bob2and rsync won't let you mirror a single release08:39
CodeZillaoh i like that community!!08:39
bob2since warty hoary and breezy packages are all in the one directory, and don't have identifying labels08:39
NathanHomeif we all give an answer, at least one of them might be correct :)08:40
bob2well, I use my answer daily, so I know it's right ;p08:40
CodeZillaNathanHome, i heard you ;-) rsync is cool (debmirror could use it)08:40
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NathanHomebob2, what mirror do you run?08:40
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bob2NathanHome: oh, just one in my house08:40
upswhat's the quick way to know whether a package is in main/universe via command-line?08:40
NathanHomebob2 oh ok08:40
bob2ups: apt-cache show packagename | grep \^Section08:41
upscool, thx bob208:41
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=== cthulfuego falls over
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=== _0kills is listening to Onesidezero on his head phones.
=== cthulfuego does poo
QMarioHow do I access addons.mozilla.org08:46
cthulfuegowith a web browser08:47
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=== SamerAdra so sleepy
QMarioCthulfuego, when I use Mozilla Firefox, it says I haven't been upgraded to 1.04, but I have upgraded to 1.04.08:48
cthulfuegoQMario: Really? How?08:48
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NicQMario, you need to go about:config08:49
cthulfuegoQMario: What versuioin does it ive you when you enter 'about:' in the location bar?08:49
Nicthee is a string in there that you need to change08:49
Nicversion or something08:49
QMarioMozilla released 1.0.4 firefox, and ubuntu backported fixes to 1.0.2. But, mozilla doesn't allow instaling extensions from their site on firefox <1.0.4. Since ubuntu's mozilla has 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 fixes, it acctually, is 1.0.4 firefox. But, version string in programs says
cthulfuegoQMario: Ok, so you're running 1.0.2 with 1.0.4 fixes. But
SamerAdrahave you tried downloading the default package from firefox's website and installing that instead of from apt?08:50
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HermanDEQMario: try using about:config08:50
Amaranththere is the fix08:50
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=== Amaranth goes back to his movie
HermanDEQMario: Search for 1.0 and change it to 1.0.408:50
SpecialBuddyhow do I install the new version of firefox08:50
Nicchange the string to 1.0.408:50
cthulfuego!firefox is https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=10681#c308:50
ubotucthulfuego: okay08:50
CodeZillabob2, hmm, starts downloading, but stops with that few lines as last output. I had tries some other mirrors to. Any suggestions? Get Packages and Sources files and other miscellany.08:51
CodeZilladists/breezy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz needs fetch08:51
CodeZillaGetting: dists/breezy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz... ok08:51
CodeZillaFailed to download some Package, Sources, Contents or release files!08:51
CodeZillareleasing 1 pending lock... at /usr/lib/perl5/LockFile/Simple.pm line 182.08:51
HermanDEQMario: It is at general.useragent.vendorSub08:51
HermanDEQMario: Then click on it and put in 1.0.408:51
CodeZillaNathanHome, or you? Still listening ;-)08:52
Kamping_Kaiserwhat's the tool for c# developement under Linux? is it mono?08:52
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AmaranthKamping_Kaiser: yeah, you probably want monodevelop too08:53
Kamping_Kaiseramaranth, thanks08:53
HermanDEKamping_Kaiser: I like to call it vi....08:53
QMarioHermanDE, do I restart Mozilla Firefox then or something?08:53
cthulfuegoQMario: Nope08:53
Kamping_Kaiserhermande, i was thinking of giving other editors a go ;)08:53
NathanHomeCodeZilla, sorry not familiar enough with that software08:53
HermanDEQMario: Nope....  Just browse to the archive....08:53
QMarioThank you everyone, it now works! :-D08:54
=== QMario is happy.
cthulfuegoKamping_Kaiser: other editors?08:55
Kamping_Kaiserthen vi08:55
Kamping_Kaiseror screem08:55
cthulfuegoKamping_Kaiser: Those don't exist.08:55
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=== cthulfuego should get ready for his police escort
Kamping_Kaiserthanks people08:56
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bob2CodeZilla: that means it couldn't download some files08:57
bob2CodeZilla: also, you will need to customise the line I gave you, you presumably don't want warty or breezy08:58
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george_it is so sickening that Sun put their logo all over openoffice and also used all that proprietary java code......08:59
NathanHomecthulfuego, monodevelop was a bit too basic last time i used it to give up vi08:59
george_but for those people who are sick and tired of Bill Gates and Sun....they can use lyx-qt or kile....because some of us believe09:00
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george_What You See is What You Mean...is more important than Bill Gates "What you see is what you get"09:00
Nicgeorge_, you should learn latex09:00
george_Nic, you mean like latex to docbook or latex to hthl or latex to ps09:01
bob2george_: this seems kinda off-topic09:01
bob2and very ranty09:01
cthulfuegoNathanHome: if you choose a real language you won't need to use monodevelop09:01
NathanHomecthulfuego, what do you suggest :)09:01
cthulfuegoNathanHome: dutch09:01
Nicgeorge_, it dosent matter what you output it as its all latex?09:02
QMarioIs there an extension for Mozilla Firefox that allows me to have embedded video/audio to load in an external program such as kaffeine or vlc?09:02
NathanHomenow i'm offtopic, but has anyone used DocBook before? is it worth looking into ?09:03
CodeZillabob2, ok, but why? and from every mirror i try? (modfied already, stops always after downloading the Release-file, of the last selected dist)09:03
unomewhen is 'Ubuntu - Humans' book coming out!!09:04
HermanDEQMario: I remember using plugger.  It would redirect netscape requests for specific things to a linux app....09:04
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QMarioHermanDE, how do I tell Mozilla Firefox to use Plugger instead of MPlayer?09:09
shad0w1ewhat is the difference between l33t and 1337 ?09:09
wulfepuphi guys09:10
_0killshi wulfepup09:10
_0killsshad0w1e, yea, and what does pwnz mean09:10
CodeZillawulfepup, servus09:10
HermanDEQMario: Plugger was an application you would load then configure plugger to play avi with mplayer.  And configure it to play MP3's with xmms....09:10
shad0w1ethat wasnt the question09:10
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wulfepupl33t is only half as "elite" as 133709:11
HermanDEQMario: It would follow a mime table.....09:11
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unomeshad0w1e: 1ts 411 4b0ut p3rc3pt10n09:11
NathanHomeshad0w1e,  nothing09:11
shad0w1eso they are the same thing09:11
NathanHomethey are all variations of 'elite'09:11
QMarioHermanDE, where would I find Plugger?09:11
shad0w1eoh wo l33t * 2 = 133709:12
george__there is one question for you gnome ubuntu people...since kile is so kde'ish....does anybody have amyedit working or PyOffice09:12
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shad0w1eand l33t /2 = le3t ?09:12
HermanDEQMario: Try FM....09:12
unomeshad0w1e: l1k3 3y3 s4id 1t's 411 ab0ut n3bn3ss + p3rc3pt10n09:12
Choubakageorge__: I have amyedit working09:12
bob2CodeZilla: I don't know, I'd guess a problem with your connection09:12
shad0w1ei think i got it09:12
george__Choubaka, how is amyedit compared against kile...i have seen very few screenshots on it09:13
shad0w1eI hope I never know more09:13
QMarioWhat does FM stand for?09:13
unomefull motion lol09:13
george__Choubaka, and what about PyOffice...how responsive is it09:13
Choubakageorge__: I haven't used kile or PyOffice :/09:13
shad0w1eis firestarter a GUI frontend to iptables?09:13
mikasQMario, in what context?09:13
Choubakashad0w1e: yes.09:13
shad0w1ehow do I get into the GUI once its installed09:14
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QMarioMikas, in HermanDE's comment.09:14
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mikasQMario, freshmeat.net09:14
_0killsshad0w1e, system tools09:14
shad0w1eum what ports does windows use to browse the LAN ?09:14
shad0w1ewell, linux too09:14
goliatguys how can i check what are the ips that accesses my machine through ssh09:15
shad0w1eI want to block all LAN access09:15
NathanHometcp 139 is windows networking09:15
shad0w1esamba is 139 too, right?09:15
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ChoubakaLAN access can mean any port, so hm.09:15
shad0w1ehow about linux networking09:15
NathanHomeChoubaka, indeed09:15
Choubakawhat networking?09:15
shad0w1ei think so09:15
shad0w1ei think nfs09:16
shad0w1eokay I'm looking to completely block LAN access on one of my adapters09:16
NathanHometurn it off? :)09:16
shad0w1emeaning, only internet can pass thoruhg09:16
shad0w1eno networking, seeing shares, etc09:16
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NathanHomeshad0w1e, you probably want to block by subnet then09:17
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goliatguys where does ssh throw its access logs by default ?09:17
shad0w1eNathanHome, meaning?09:17
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NathanHomeshad0w1e, what is your network topology exactly?  is the computer you want to block lan access to a gateway for the lan?09:17
bob2someone needs to write a big fat "THIS IS HOW NETWORKS WORK" document and make people read it before they setup firewalls09:18
bob2goliat: /var/log/auth.log09:18
mikasgoliat, /var/log/auth.log09:18
NathanHomebob2, yeh. problem is it quickly gets tricky for anything but the simplest of circumstances09:18
goliatthnx alot guys09:18
ChoubakaNathanHome: especially with iptables.09:19
Choubakaiptables is freaky09:19
NathanHomebob2, like this one - i'm kind of intrigued why you would want to block file sharing on the lan, but not internet09:19
bob2maybe I haven't done big enough networks09:19
shad0w1eI have a router. A friend uses the router too. I dont want my friend accessing any of my files so I wired the router into my linux box and then put anotehr adapter in there and ran it from there into my switch09:19
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shad0w1eand I'm running iptables to pass the internet along09:19
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Choubakashad0w1e: uh, hm09:20
NathanHomeshad0w1e, so where does your friend plug in09:20
Choubakashad0w1e: simple solution: don't share the files to your friend.09:20
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shad0w1ebasically its a shared office09:20
shad0w1etwo locked doors09:20
shad0w1ewire running from his router09:20
shad0w1eto my box09:20
NathanHomeChoubaka, i tend to agree - if you just want to protect your one (linux) pc, leave samba etc uninstalled09:21
shad0w1ebut I want to share within my network09:21
mejobloggscant you just have no shared folders?09:21
mejobloggsand if you want to share something, put it into one of their shares?09:21
shad0w1esudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j SNAT --to
shad0w1e# Security09:21
shad0w1esudo iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT09:21
shad0w1esudo iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -i ! wlan0 -j ACCEPT09:21
shad0w1esudo iptables -P INPUT DROP   #only if the first two are succesful09:21
shad0w1esudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o wlan0 -j REJECT09:21
NathanHomei'm not quite following the topology - is your friend on the same subnet as your local pc's, or is he routed via your ubuntu box09:22
shad0w1emy ubuntu box is wired to his router09:22
goliatwhats the facility that helps me know to who an ip is registered09:22
QMarioWhy does Mozilla Firefox suddenly close itself randomly without asking first when you have more than one tab open?09:22
NathanHomeand how do your local boxes get out09:22
shad0w1ealso I'm running 10.009:22
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shad0w1ehe's running 192.16809:23
shad0w1eso I suppose that means that his subnet is
shad0w1eand mine is
ninnghizidha_I' looking for a good filesharing-Programm ... does anybody has a good suggestion?09:23
NathanHomeapart from being trivial to get around, you're safe by default if you dont have a route between them09:23
shad0w1eNathanHome, but I need a route between them so that all the other computers on my switch can access the internet09:24
unomeapollon is not bad09:24
ninnghizidha_i heard of gnutella, but does it support overnet/kadmedia?09:24
NathanHomeshad0w1e, how many NIC's are in your ubuntu box09:24
rj-awaygoliat: 'whois'.09:25
NathanHomeyou really need 3 if you want to protect your side of the network09:25
rj-awaygoliat: You can do it over www at http://www.arin.net09:25
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shad0w1eNathanHome I dont understand what a 3rd one would do09:25
NathanHomeif i understand right, your ubuntu box has one nic going out to the internet09:25
NathanHomeand one to a switch09:25
Nicman everytimg someone says nic i get all excited :(09:26
NathanHomethe switch has your internal pcs plus a link to your friends router09:26
shad0w1eplus the ubuntu box09:26
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NathanHomeif you're worried about him swiping your fields, thats a problem09:26
shad0w1ewhich is wired to the router09:26
mikasshad0w1e, why not just put samba to listen on your networks ip and not his?09:26
goliatif i got ips trying to log to my system with random users but theyr failing is there a way to report them or an authority to report them to ?09:26
NathanHomesince he can just change his ip to something in your subnet, and totally ignore your ubuntu box09:26
shad0w1emikas, but how about all of my windows computers on the network , sharing files as well09:26
mikasshad0w1e, you have nat right?09:27
rj-awaygoliat: Did you go and look at the stuff I mentioned, above?09:27
shad0w1eI pasted above09:27
shad0w1ethats what Im running now09:27
mikasshad0w1e, then the other side can't see your lan at all09:27
NathanHomeshad0w1e, and how is your friend's subnet being routed into yours (assuming it currently is)09:27
shad0w1eI think its pretty safe now09:27
mikasif i understood at all your current setup09:27
shad0w1eI think its too safe09:27
shad0w1eI cant open up a direct connection to people over the internet09:28
shad0w1ethey need to initiate09:28
shad0w1eso its a bit of a pain in the ass09:28
QMarioCan realplayer work in Ubuntu?09:28
goliati got to know whos the ISP this ip refers to and thers an email to report abuse to09:28
NathanHomeif you're friends router is routing between your network and his network, your ubuntu box is powerless as a firewall09:28
goliatshould i send a copy of the log with an email there ?09:28
shad0w1eNathanHome : NO09:28
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shad0w1emy adapter thats plugged into his router is running on 192.16809:29
shad0w1ethe one going to my internal network is 10.009:29
rj-awaygoliat: report the abuse in a way you would consider 'sensible'.09:29
NathanHomei thought we said earlier his router was plugged into your switch09:29
shad0w1eplugged into the box09:29
rj-awayThis would probably include concise logs, ips, dates and times.09:29
shad0w1ethen another ethernet adapter on the box, goes to the switch09:30
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NathanHomeshad0w1e, so your ubuntu box has one nic going to his router, and one going to your network?09:30
shad0w1eNathanHome correct09:30
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NathanHomehow do you get internet access09:30
shad0w1eIm running iptables on the ubuntu box09:30
george__ninnghizidha_, right now everybody is using i2p with garlic routing09:30
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george__ninnghizidha_, except for all those Bill Gates and Sun whores that are all using tor and onion routing09:31
SpecialBuddyhow do you install splash themes gnome?09:31
xliuis there localized channel for Chinese?09:31
NathanHomeshad0w1e, but where is your internet connection actually plugged in?09:31
goliatcat /var/log/auth.log | grep "the_abusers_ip" > "the_abusers_ip".txt09:31
vaabhavin' big problems about "fam", but I can't find it with apt-cache09:31
shad0w1einto my friends router09:31
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NathanHomeoh i see09:31
goliatand ill attach it with the mail09:31
NathanHomeso you're routing through him for internet09:31
shad0w1eI guess09:31
george__ninnghizidha_, but i am sure you know the difference between onion and garlic routing so you choose09:31
NathanHomei had assumed it was the other way round for some reason09:32
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shad0w1eno he has the router09:32
shad0w1eand the internet09:32
ratl3does anyone know how to find the window id's spawned by a process id?09:32
QMarioHow do I get Real Player to work on Ubuntu?09:32
SpecialBuddydoes anyone know how to change the splash screen on gnome09:32
shad0w1eQMario it sucks, dont bother, but you can install it from synaptic09:32
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Nicurgh realplayer09:32
shad0w1eoh sorry, not synaptic09:32
NathanHomeshad0w1e, well yeh you're right, you're secure by default09:32
ratl3i should probably ask somewhere else09:33
shad0w1eNathanHome what do you mean by that09:33
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NathanHomeshad0w1e, your ubuntu box isn't configured to route traffic from your friends router into your network09:33
shad0w1eNathanHome but it is routing internet09:33
dukenhow to upgrade openoffice.org to openoffice.org2 ?09:34
NathanHomeshad0w1e, yeh SNAT will give your network's computers internet access09:34
airmikeyanyone here use , azureus09:34
george__duken, why do you want that Sun bait and switch stuff...why not stick with free software09:34
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NathanHomebut there's no way path for a machine on your friends network to connect to amachine on yours09:34
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george__duken, even the new koffice would be a better choice than that...at least it is GPL09:34
shad0w1eNathanHome, so if I just use the SNAT, without any of the security features09:35
shad0w1eI'm fine?09:35
shad0w1esudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j SNAT --to
wulfepupwoohooo  ... this should work from work too.09:35
airmikeyi cant connect to nat server port with 688109:35
shad0w1ethat command, alone, is safe?09:35
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wulfepupgotta love tunneling to bypass local firewalls that anal-retentive bosses put up....09:36
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shad0w1edamn I hate system administrators09:36
=== keikoz hello tlm
shad0w1ethey get all defensive09:36
shad0w1eand go out of their way09:36
shad0w1ejust to show they can own your ass09:36
shad0w1eNathanHome, I'm also running SAMBA on this machine09:37
shad0w1eI dont want anyone to be able to access samba from the 192.168 network09:37
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QMarioWhat is the most reliable program in Ubuntu that can play .mov files?09:38
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Hoxzerhi, I have a problem with Gnome09:39
NobodyrealHas anyone managed to get gmailfs working properly under Hoary?09:39
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linuksoMorn du!09:40
linuksoWhops wrong channel, sorry09:40
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shad0w1eNathanHome, how would I block out all access to my ubuntu box from my friends network?09:41
niranHoxzer, what's your problem?09:41
QMarioNiran, is that a pun?09:42
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niranHoxzer, FYI, the easiest way to go about asking questions here is just to ask it, and whoever can fix it will answer09:42
niranQMario, ha, no09:42
jeanrewhats a good dvd ripper?09:44
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george__jeanre, you are not supposed to rip dvd's...do you live in the US09:44
NathanHomeshad0w1e, something like iptables -A INPUT -s --state NEW -j REJECT09:44
jeanregeorge__:  no I dont09:45
sleptI'm looking for an (music)  database , that I can access via network , nfs and local database is to slow . Any Ideas ? It should be able to update itself and remember which enties I deleted (didn't want to see)09:45
george__jeanre, oh...you are lucky...you don't have the DMCA09:45
jeanregeorge__:  its my own dvds09:45
HoxzerHow I can move that bar (that contains system and everything) ?09:45
george__jeanre, it doesn't matter.09:45
shad0w1eNathanHome, isn't it /24 ?09:45
jeanreit does09:45
jeanreits for backups09:45
george__jeanre, you don't have DMCA and patent laws where you live?09:45
niranHoxzer, where are you trying to move it to?09:45
airmikeytrying o figure out which nat server port to use for azureus....6881 doesnt connect09:46
jeanregeorge__:  we do but we can make backups09:46
niranHoxzer, you can move it sideways by right clicking on it, unlocking it, then richt clicking again and clicking move09:46
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george__jeanre, here in the US ...if you buy a DVD you only get to watch it once...and then scratch  it and throw it in the garbage and waste all your money for nothing09:46
HoxzerNiran: down as it is normaly09:46
jeanregeorge__: thats is stupid09:47
george__jeanre, and if you want to watch it again...you have to pay more money09:47
niranHoxzer, if you want it on the bottom panel, unlock the applets there and drag it down09:47
sleptIt doesn't have to be a database, anything else that does the job would be fine09:47
QMarioJeanre, do you mean "backups"? :)09:47
george__jeanre, well you have never seen the arcade video games where if you want to play a game again you have to put in more money09:47
george__jeanre, you better start getting used to Trusted/Treacherous Network Computing09:48
george__jeanre, and get ready to empty your wallet and everything you own for the megacorporation's profits09:48
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jeanreQMario: yip09:49
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budluvai just installed ubuntu for my first time, and i am reading the ubuntu starter guide, trying to install j2re 1.5 and it tells me to edit my sources.list and uncomment the repos which i do, then update, then apt-get install sun-j2re1.5 and it wont find the package, what am i missing?09:50
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budluvai tried apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla aswell, it doesnt work either, so is it my apt sources that are screwed?09:51
=== mejobloggs [~chatzilla@ip-210-54-30-48.watchdog.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
mejobloggsif i want to do remote desktop from a windows pc, what do i need on the windows pc?09:52
QMarioBudluva, why don't you just use Synaptic Package Manager?09:52
george__budluva, why do you want the proprietary Sun java stuff09:52
mejobloggswhat i mean is, i want to see the ubuntu pc's desktop, from the windows pc09:52
budluvageorge__, azureus09:53
jeanremejobloggs: vnc09:53
budluvaQMario, because im new to ubuntu and have never heard of synaptic package manager09:53
george__budluva, oh...yea....more Sun stuff.....man those guys are making a killing by selling computers that promote piracy09:53
mejobloggsany vnc?09:53
QMarioBudluva, look at the top of the screen.09:53
=== Taken_By_Kristin [~CowTippa@user-0c90s4g.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
QMarioClick System, then Administration, and then you will see Synaptic Package Manager.09:54
Taken_By_KristinCan anyone help me access the internet with the Live CD??09:54
shad0w1eNathanHome, thanks so much for your help09:54
george__budluva, they have tor, azureus, ants, and all kinds of Sun Java stuff....it is ridiculous09:54
QMarioTaken_By_Kristin, shouldn09:54
QMario't you be on the internet already?09:55
Taken_By_Kristinname Taken_By_Kristina09:55
budluvageorge__, you know of any better bittorrent clients than az for ubuntu?09:55
budluvaQMario, thanks man09:55
george__budluva, and the worst thing is people are paying money for that Sun stuff...just because they think they will get to pirate stuff with it09:55
Taken_By_KristinIt's on a computer that gets it's connection through a wireless adapter.09:55
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george__budluva, yes...there are native C++ bittorrent clients09:56
mejobloggsso, any vnc program will work? Do you have any recommendations?09:56
Taken_By_KristinWhat should I do?09:56
QMarioTry System, then Administration, then click on Networking.09:56
Taken_By_KristinDid that.09:56
QMarioIs your network WEP or WPA enabled?09:57
george__budluva, there are also some python bittorrent clients as well09:57
Taken_By_KristinI don't think so.09:57
Taken_By_KristinLemme check.09:57
kangpehWhat is the average CELCIUS temperature at which an AthlonXP runs at?09:57
Taken_By_KristinWEP is disabled.09:57
george__budluva, why do you want to support that proprietary Sun Java stuff09:58
Taken_By_KristinDo I enable it?09:58
QMarioFirst of all, that's unsecure, but good enough for testing things. Click the Wireless Connection icon.09:58
george__budluva, what you should do is throw openoffice and azureus in the garbage can09:58
QMarioLet's just make sure you can connect first.09:59
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george__budluva, unless enough improvements are made in gcj to get a Sun free version09:59
budluvageorge__, well i've used azureus in the past and its worked for me, why fix something thats not broken? :P09:59
Taken_By_KristinWhere's the Wireless Connection Icon?09:59
budluvageorge__, i just havent found a better client for linux thats all09:59
QMarioAre you using Hoary or Warty?09:59
george__budluva, because you are implicitly supporting the rich that cruelly manipulate and ruthlessly exploit the poor10:00
=== cbruggeman [~cbruggema@AAmiens-104-1-6-13.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
george__budluva, Sun has billions of dollars...how much do you have?10:00
Taken_By_KristinIt's the Hoary Live CD.10:00
QMarioUsually it is eth1.10:00
Taken_By_KristinI still have XP installed I just wanted to try the Live CD first.10:00
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Taken_By_KristinSo go to System, Administration, Networking, and then Wireless Conenction?10:01
QMarioIn the connections tab there should be something that says wireless connection. Double-click on that.10:01
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Taken_By_KristinOk just a sec.10:02
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Taken_By_KristinI have to boot from the Lice CD again.10:02
Taken_By_KristinThere aren't any differences between the Live CD are there?10:03
QMarioYou should make sure that the first check box is filled. The one that says "This device is configured".10:03
QMarioNot much, but the Live CD runs slower than the real thing.10:03
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QMarioDid you partition your hard drive?10:04
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Taken_By_KristinNot yet.10:04
Taken_By_KristinIf this Live CD thing works out, possibly.10:04
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youngcoderi tried to use the su command and it said auth failed.. why is this?10:05
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youngcoderi enter the root PW10:05
Taken_By_KristinIt's almost done booting.10:05
Nermalyoungcoder, no root account10:05
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Nermalyoungcoder, use sudo su10:05
rronkivanyone around?10:05
Taken_By_KristinSorry for making you wait.10:05
QMarioIt's okay. :)10:05
youngcoderNermal, thank you10:06
Taken_By_KristinPlus the computer is in a different room and I have to keep walking back and forth...ugh10:06
QMarioI understand your frustration. ;)10:06
rronkivWhat am i using? Linux IA32, Linux AMD64/EM64T or Linux IA6410:06
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albackerrronkiv, uname -a10:07
Taken_By_KristinSo I'm on Networking.10:07
Taken_By_KristinAnd I can choose Modem Connection or Ethernet Connection.10:07
rronkivalbacker, it says i686 but where does it say which one of those?10:07
Nermalrronkiv, what cpu ?10:08
rronkivim trying to download my video card drivers10:08
QMarioIs the wireless adapter plugged in correctly?10:08
rronkivim using a P410:08
Nermalprobably IA3210:08
Nermalyeah IA32 then10:08
Taken_By_KristinIt should be.10:08
QMarioAre you using a Wireless USB Adapter?10:08
Nermal"Intel Architecture 32 bit"10:08
albackeri686 is the proc.10:08
QMarioWhat brand name?10:08
QMarioAre the lights on the Linksys Adapter on?10:09
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rronkivi have a really retarded question but10:10
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rronkivis anyone here able to write me a file that will install and configure the drivers for me? from the SH command to the finish?10:11
rronkivi'm too n00b to do it10:11
QMarioDoes this adapter work with your Windows XP?10:11
Taken_By_KristinIt's not USB.10:11
Taken_By_KristinYes it works with XP.10:11
Taken_By_KristinIt's not USB.10:11
Taken_By_KristinI didn't set this up so I don't know much, sorry again haha.10:11
QMarioWhat kind is it?10:12
Taken_By_KristinUmm...I don't know.10:12
sleptTaken_By_Kristin, do you know the modelname ? you can find out with lspci, have a look if it is supported on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards , there is a description how to get it working aswell10:12
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Taken_By_KristinCan I describe it to you?10:12
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Taken_By_KristinIt's not plugged into the USB port it's just an antenna that seems to just be screwed in.10:13
CybermagellanI installed webmin from synaptic....however it is supposed to be webbased and I can't find anything for it....how am I supposed to access it anyone?10:13
QMarioYou should use the link that slept gave you on your other computer.10:14
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Tomcat_Cybermagellan: Try "man webmin"10:14
Taken_By_KristinJust a sec.10:14
sleptCybermagellan, its' on https://localhost:1000010:14
QMarioIf you can not, I'll take a look for you.10:14
Tomcat_Cybermagellan: Or navigate to /usr/share/doc/webmin and check out the files... I don't know the webmin package so I can't give you any direct things.10:14
Tomcat_Cybermagellan: + what slept said. :)10:14
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sleptCybermagellan, but to use webmin with ubuntu you'll need to create a webmin-root account there is a script that comes with webmin to do so10:15
Taken_By_KristinAll right.10:15
Taken_By_KristinI typed in lspci into the terminal.10:15
Taken_By_KristinWhat do I look at?10:15
QMarioThe 'Ispci' command doesn't work on my PC.10:17
sleptQMario, you don't have pci ?10:17
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salviahay dudes10:17
Taken_By_KristinYou just typed Ispci10:17
_0killshey dude10:18
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Taken_By_KristinWhat do I look at after typing lspci?10:18
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salviaanyone here using some kind of groupware?10:18
sleptTaken_By_Kristin, it lists all cards you have , look for wireless or network or linksys10:19
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QMarioSlept, can you take it from here, because it's almost 3:30 A.M.10:20
sleptCybermagellan, it's /usr/share/webmin/changepass.pl /etc/webmin root <your passwordhere>10:21
QMarioTaken_By_Kristin, I hope you get your problem fixed.10:21
sleptQMario, I don't have any expirience with wireless but I'll try10:21
QMarioGood Night everybody!10:21
Taken_By_KristinI found network controller and ethernet controller.10:21
Taken_By_KristinThanks for all your help mario!10:21
_0killsnight QMario10:21
QMarioI believe in you slept. ;)10:21
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_0killsim off too, take care all10:22
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sleptTaken_By_Kristin, how are they called ?10:23
Coricalhow do i check the total bw usage on my pc ?10:23
Taken_By_KristinIt seems like I need to install a driver.10:23
Coricalin and out .. ?10:23
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Taken_By_KristinAnd on that link you sent me it says I'll need ndiswrapper or something.10:25
sleptTaken_By_Kristin, and the model ?  In linux you have kernel-modules instead of drivers you have to find out the chipset10:25
Coricaldoes anyone have an idea ?10:27
Coricalany command maybe that i can  use ?10:27
Coricalto check   bandwidth usage10:27
Taken_By_KristinAnything else?10:28
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Taken_By_KristinHow do I find out the chipset and get on the internet?10:30
mejobloggshi, i am tryng to share my /var/www folder using samba10:30
mejobloggsbut i cant write to it, on the windows pc. Is this because /var/www is a root folder or whatever?10:30
mejobloggshow would i enable writing to it?10:32
=== george_ [~george@adsl-68-90-45-149.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
sleptTaken_By_Kristin, ndiswrapper uses windows drivers with linux for wlan cards , you'll need the bcmwl5a.inf file10:32
Taken_By_KristinHow do I use ndiswrapper?10:32
Taken_By_KristinI booted from the Live CD.10:33
george_slept, why do you want ndiswrapper...that implicitly supports the rich that ruthlessly exploit the poor...MS has billions of dollars...how much do you have?10:33
george_slept, you are supporting the people that work with MS and write MS drivers.10:33
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yonilhow can i use lsof to find all the applications that use /dev/dsp ?10:34
Taken_By_KristinHow do I use ndiswrapper?10:34
george_slept, you need to support the people that starve and work for freedom instead of money10:34
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sleptgeorge_, I don't want it , I don't need it , slow down with your fear for expliotion . I'm trying to give suport and if I tell buy an other card who has to pay , not the rich .10:35
george_slept, well i would not even mention ndiswrapper because it supports the rich instead of the poor10:36
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Taken_By_KristinWhichever gets me online...10:37
sleptgeorge_, no it supports the people who can afford to buy an other card , are these people rich ? No. So they won't have acess to the internet . If you do so you achieved the opposit of what you wanted to.10:37
Taken_By_KristinHow do I use ndiswrapper?10:37
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george_if you have not learned nothing about history and greed and gold....then learn the meaning of these gnuflash graphics at10:38
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Tomcat_george_: lol, 1996 called :)10:39
SeveasTaken_By_Kristin, you use windows drivers with ndiswrapper, so first download wondows 2000 drivers for your card10:40
george_Seveas, you should be shot for giving that advice10:40
budluvaim having a networking problem, i have both of my ethernet connections setup and active, and i have ip_forward enabled in my /etc/network/options and i can ping between both machines, but my xp machine doesnt have internet access, i have my xp machine configured to use my ubuntu machine as a gateway, what am i doing wrong or what havent i enabled to share my internet connection?10:40
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sleptgeorge_, what is it , free software is not about hate and ignorance , if you made the mistake of buying a not supported card you shouldn't be punished. With your attitude you close doors to freesoftware,10:43
Taken_By_KristinI can't download it without a connection.10:43
liablebudluva: try shorewall, easy to config to use nat.10:43
Taken_By_KristinI should be getting to bed I guess...10:43
Taken_By_KristinI'll try and get help in the morning.10:43
Taken_By_KristinThanks anyways guys.10:43
Taken_By_KristinGood night.10:43
george_slept, no....you have the free GNU compiler and the freedom to write your own driver for the hardware you already have...and in the future don'10:44
george_don't buy MS type hardware10:44
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ekCohey does vidalinux have a chan10:46
ekCoif so where?10:46
sleptgeorge_, people who aren't able to get use to linux might not be capable of reverse engeneering . Give them a chance to get started with easier things. But I agree to not buy MS products or hardware thats not supported :)10:47
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george_slept, if people would get started writing their own drivers with GNU software and freely distribute them to others...then this improves free software not closes free software.10:48
budluvawhen i nmap localhost i come up with 2 open ports, ports 25 and 631/tcp open ipp, what is ipp? i know port 25 is for my mailserver but do i need ipp open?10:48
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HrdwrBoBshan: budluva they are only open locally10:49
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oofnikdoes anyone know how to force wine to use ALSA?10:49
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george_slept, we have always had an acronym since day 1....don't help these bastards take the easy road....tell them to RTFM10:49
george_slept, otherwise you get computers that say "Intel on the Inside" and implicitly "Idiot on the outside"10:50
george_slept, because Intel has billions of dollars...how much do you have?10:51
Nermalyou should simply be able to return hardware that doesn't work with linux and get your money back. simple as that.10:51
Nermalso lets not get into a flamewar10:51
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Nermalit's a friday :P10:51
sleptgeorge_,   Of course it improves free software .  Are you kernel developer ?10:51
george_slept, sometimes i patch a few things...but i for sure did not write the DRM patch in 2.6.12...that was IBM...again the rich10:52
=== kestas [~asdf2@ppp170-71.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
george_IBM has billions of dollars....how much do you have?10:52
Nermalgeorge_, some people don't care about ethics and supporting microsoft. they just want to be able to get on the internet10:52
=== munki counts his money .
Nermalgood for you to have ethics, but in real life, people just want the hardware to work10:53
=== holycow [~a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalgeorge_, and tbh, with ndiswrapper stuff, the biggest offender is broadcom, not microsoft10:54
=== gorilla_ [~george@ppp101-211.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
ratl3my first forum post... hah10:54
=== BigIslandVegan [~BigIsland@m410e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu
ratl3what a hack10:55
Nermalbah.. composite is such a fad10:55
Nermallike lesbians and TV10:55
ratl3it's nice on this laptop10:55
sleptgeorge_, I care about ethics. But if a had bouth non supported hardware and I'm not able to develop the driver. Then I decide to buy a new card , who gets the mony? It's not me . It's an other company having billons of ... .10:55
ratl3hasn't crashed yet10:55
=== vurdak [~vurdak@adsl-ull-36-19.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
george_slept, well don't buy their hardware if they will not give out all the secret microcode and firmware and layout designs according to the Free Hardware Foundation princiiples.10:57
=== slipjig [~mark@82-38-204-204.cable.ubr05.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
george_slept, that way anybody could get the info and call a low labor cost fab in China or India and put them all out of business10:57
Nermalgeorge_, what cpu have you got ?10:57
george_Nermal, well i wanted the e2k...the beast...but it was not available10:57
=== darkmantux [~darkmantu@126.Red-213-98-126.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalthat wasn't my question ?10:58
CybermagellanWhat the? Why does removing sendmail remove mysql?10:58
george_Nermal, and so far no one has produced a reasonable speed version of f-cpu10:58
Nermalif it's an intel or amd, GFL finding the microcode source on their website10:58
=== [logic] [~logic@ool-4355201a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalgeorge_, married ? wear shoes ?10:58
=== naruto-nut [~fiendomfi@pcp03946321pcs.indstr01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
george_Nermal, no...no shoes...but i am married...but the bastards won't let me talk to my wife and kids for 11 years....fucking rich capitalist pigs10:59
=== naruto-nut [~fiendomfi@pcp03946321pcs.indstr01.fl.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
Nermalgeorge_, you buy her an engagement ring ?10:59
george_and their money whore government10:59
george_Nermal, no i bought her a wedding ring....and i don't know if she still has it11:00
Nermalah.. see it's not just computer hardware.. diamonds and trainers are both made / mined unethically11:00
=== shad0w1e [~stjrox@ool-182ede79.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
george_Nermal, because they won't let me talk to anybody for 11 years...fucking capitalist pigs and their paid-for government11:00
shad0w1eanyone know how to use "screen" ?11:00
shad0w1eHow do I execute a C-a command?11:00
george_Nermal, well it was no diamond...that is for sure.11:01
=== Nermal hauls the conversation back on topic and pats george_
george_Nermal, as a matter of fact...we did not have much...all her teeth rotted out at a young age11:01
george_Nermal, but these bastards won't let me talk to her.11:01
=== rommer [~rommer@203-219-130-10-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
NermalI guess the only thing you can do is wait until the kids are 18 and can make up their own mind11:02
=== Demitar [~demitar@21221425030-WEBTECH-OREBRO-NET.host.songnetworks.se] has joined #ubuntu
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george_Nermal, they should be far beyond that now....but either they have been coerced by this fucked up government not to call or they have been brainwashed11:03
george_Nermal, or they may be crippled or dead11:03
george_Nermal, and i should have a right to know...but this god-dammed government is for the collective megacorporations instead of the individuals and the people11:04
sleptgeorge_, I know to look for supported hardware, because I'm already on linux and gnu. But if you try to switch from microsoft to linux and you didn't knew about nonfree things . But now you try to break the circle and switch to the free world, improve things .... But suddenly george_  appears and tells you that you should buy things for not making other people richer.  Don't you think that george_ isn't any better than microsoft ? The idea of free softw11:04
sleptare is to make it available to everyone but you exclude people, and thats what you are trying to do .11:04
Nermalgeorge_, hmm.. I'm sure there are ways to get in contact.11:04
slepts/are/ free software11:04
Nermalslept, -1 flamebait11:04
=== araw1- is now known as araw1
george_Nermal, well i have tried many things over 11 years...but so far not one damn person will help11:05
Nermalgeorge_, well if I was near you I'd buy you a beer and give you a pat on the back :)11:05
george_Nermal, well i don't drink alcohol....and denying people freedom of information is not solved with pat on the back11:06
sleptNermal, I  just wanted to give support not to start a flamewar11:06
=== no0tic [~no0tic@host158-157.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalgeorge_, I didn't say it was.11:07
Nermalbut it's a start11:07
budluvagoogle down for anyone else?11:08
[logic] google a-ok for me11:08
=== DagaZ_ [~rolle@h34n1fls35o858.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaslol, google down :)11:09
Seveaslike that ever happens11:09
rommerSeveas: yo, i got php5 working11:09
Seveasnice, rommer11:09
[logic] i wouldnt mind if it did, i already sold all my shares in GOOG last week, hehe11:10
Seveasgeorge_: Please keep the code of conduct in mind when chatting here. You can find it at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct11:10
rommerSeveas: i just did sudo apt-get remove php4*11:10
Seveasrommer, lol :)11:11
rommeryeai know11:11
Seveasthat's a good way of surgically removing it :)11:11
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q george_!*@*] by Seveas
SeveasI don't like it when people tell me I should be shot...11:12
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by Seveas
=== george_ [~george@adsl-68-90-45-149.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu []
gorilla_heh :-)11:14
=== darksatanic [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasgood riddance, such people just put the free software / open source movements in a bad light...11:14
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=== vurdak np: Matt Smith - St. Anger Tribute
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sleptSeveas, thanks11:15
sleptgot to go have a nice time11:15
NermalSeveas, oh give over..11:15
Nermalstop making #ubuntu into a load of code of conduct waving idiots11:15
Nermallinux for humans - he was being human11:16
SeveasNermal, people that are just violently ranting about these things can be missed as a toothache11:16
Seveashe was being a bastard, not a human11:16
=== Nermal sighs
=== pom [~pom@CPE-144-136-192-117.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
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=== Nermal scrolls up to see where Seveas was told he was going to be shot
Nermalah.. there it is11:17
Nermalpoint taken11:17
=== mindspin [~mindspin@p54B2C817.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasit's not just that Nermal, it's his entire talking that's just so not suitable fir this channel11:18
Nermalobviously one very bitter guy11:18
Seveasranting and cursing about proprietary things is just not the good way to promote open source / free software. Plus this is a help channel and not an advocacy channel :)11:18
Nermalmoreso than me :)11:18
CybermagellanThere is really no "Postfix/Sendmail for Dummies" guide online is there?11:18
SeveasThe postfix website has a few intro docs11:19
Seveasincluding sample configurations11:19
NermalCybermagellan, there are a few good exim guides11:19
=== Seveas loves courier :)
CybermagellanAll I'm trying to do is figure out how I can have a CMS forward mail to my gmail account for sending...11:20
=== RuffianSoldier [~leet@cpe-24-209-106-36.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasCybermagellan, just make sure the myhostname and myorigin (aka the contents of /etc/mailname) are correctly set to your domain name11:21
Seveas(in /etc/postfix/main.cf)11:21
SeveasThat's the only thing needed for postfic to be able to send mail to the outside11:22
SeveasIt can do it without that, but most outside mailservers will reject the mail if you don't set these parameters correctly11:22
Cybermagellanwhich the domain name would be localhost yeah? I mean that doesn't make sense to me...however?11:22
Seveasdefinitely NOT localhost11:23
=== liz4rd [~liz4rd@static24-72-77-57.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
CybermagellanDidn't think so...11:23
liz4rdhow do i install all of the screensavers?11:23
SeveasThat's what makes servers reject it ;)11:23
Cybermagellannow I have a domain....11:23
SeveasCybermagellan, want an example?11:23
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CybermagellanBUT it is being used....I would love one.11:23
mindspinanyone an idea how to get openoffice to show special characters (german) they print fine but don't show up on screen ?11:24
=== SpecialBuddy [~matt@c-24-11-130-184.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CybermagellanI do better using examples and hacking apart code then I do going from scratch....11:24
SeveasCybermagellan, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/192 , that's for my server: virtualschoolllab.nl11:24
SpecialBuddyI need help?11:24
=== fwiffo [~fwiffo@dhcpserver0.oersted.dtu.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasthe content of /etc/mailname is simply virtualschollab.nl11:24
SeveasSpecialBuddy, just ask :)11:25
SpecialBuddyhow do you put a picture on the login screen next to your login name11:25
SpecialBuddymine just shows a head with a question mark11:25
SpecialBuddyand I would like to put a pic in there11:26
CybermagellanSeveas, now I own a domain...but a hoster has the DNS for it....that wouldn't let me use that domain on this box would it?11:26
SeveasCybermagellan, yes11:26
Seveasit would11:26
SpecialBuddyI'm guessing I have to do something with the .xml file but I'm not sure what to do and it won't let me edit it anyway11:26
=== yure [~yure@dhcp-212-235-229-194.sd.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasif the domain points to your machine11:26
CybermagellanWhich :( it doesn't11:27
CybermagellanI have hosting through someone....11:27
Cybermagellanand the DNS is changed to them....11:27
Seveasis it your home machine?11:27
Cybermagellanthe one I am trying to get the mail to work on yes....11:28
Cybermagellanthe one the DNS is currently pointed at is no.11:28
Seveasjust use ip68-231-152-140.tc.ph.cox.net is the mailname etc...11:29
=== mejobloggs [~chatzilla@ip-210-54-30-48.watchdog.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasthat's the domain name your provider gives you :)11:29
=== frantheman [~chatzilla@adsl-ull-33-184.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasSpecialBuddy, good question, I'm looking for an answer...11:30
=== ubuntutou [~ubuntu@203-173-253-168.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
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=== jeanre [~jeanre@ndn-165-128-53.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntutoucan some one tell me how to mount my hardrive vi ubuntu live cd11:31
=== EvilDork [~grey@64-18-99-236.adsl.catt.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasSpecialBuddy, create /usr/share/faces/YOUR_LOGIN.png11:32
SeveasIf i interpret gdm.conf correctly, that should do it11:32
=== flogiston [~flogiston@c-2ba3e253.27-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
SpecialBuddyI'll give that a try11:32
=== seby [~seby@p54A27F05.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasubuntutou, windows drive or linux drive?11:32
flogistonI need to change some settings in grub.11:33
flogistonBut i cant find were to chage it.11:33
flogistonVan anyone help?11:33
Seveasflogiston, /boot/grub/menu.lst11:33
flogistonThanks :)11:33
liz4rdwhats the package name for all of the ms fonts?11:33
Seveasubuntutou, linux driver are mountable by simply creating mountpoints and mounting them, for windows drives http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/windows_fstab can come in handy11:34
mejobloggsare ubuntu's repositories browsable on the internet?11:34
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Seveasliz4rd, msttcorefonts, available only on marillat11:34
SpecialBuddyhow come my terminal isn't in english?11:34
mejobloggswow, my pc just went nuts11:34
SpecialBuddythis just happened11:34
Seveasmejobloggs, packages.ubuntu.com11:34
SeveasSpecialBuddy, hmm, have you perhaps been messing with locales?11:35
mejobloggsthanks Seveas11:35
SpecialBuddyI don't think so11:35
=== elio_ [~elio@host62-42.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
estradinhi, i have a little problem... ever since i installed kubuntu my gnome desktop doesn't work11:35
SpecialBuddyI just updated my computer so I just used my terminal11:35
estradinwhen i try to log into a gnome session11:35
estradinit just sits there11:36
estradindoing nothing11:36
SeveasSpecialBuddy, did that login image trick work..?11:36
Seveasestradin, how far does it get, do you see a splash screen..?11:37
SpecialBuddyit's in english but I think it's encrypted11:37
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=== ciocanel [~alex@zamolxis.cs.unibuc.ro] has joined #ubuntu
SpecialBuddybecause I can copy stuff into it but it looks different11:37
SeveasSpecialBuddy, aaahhh :)11:37
Seveasit's just messed op11:37
Seveasclose it and open a new one11:37
=== ratl3 [~ratl3@12-208-42-236.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasthat sometimes happens when you accidently paste control characters into it11:38
ciocanelanyone can give me a hand configuring dual display(2 monitors) in ubuntu11:38
CybermagellanSo Seveas the SMTP server would be ip68-231-152-140.tc.ph.cox.net if I were to enter that into Thunderbird or?11:38
=== Cazabam [~craig@] has joined #ubuntu
CybermagellanSorry for being so retarded11:38
=== elio_ [~elio@host62-42.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasCybermagellan, no, that should just be localhost :)11:38
SpecialBuddyI tried doing that11:38
Seveasby default postfix listens only on localhost11:38
Seveas(and that's a VERY sane default)11:38
mejobloggscan i make ubuntu auto login at startup ?11:39
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Seveasmejobloggs, yes11:39
Seveasmejobloggs, system -> administration -> login screen setup11:39
estradinSeveas, no, i don't11:39
estradinall i get is the wallpaper11:40
estradinand the pointer11:40
llebergHow do i burn a music-cd in hoary? :)11:40
mejobloggscool bananas, thanks again Seveas!11:40
Seveaslleberg, graveman / gnomebaker / k3b11:40
llebergWhat's the package-name?11:41
Seveasestradin, hmm... have you tried deleting KDE again to see whether that help (deleting is easy: install debfoster, run sudo debfoster, answer y to all the questions except the kubuntu-desktop one, answer p there)11:41
=== biochemza [~amanda@pc045.agr178.unp.ac.za] has joined #Ubuntu
Seveaslleberg, these are package names :D11:41
llebergDamint :11:41
=== SpecialBuddy [~matt@c-24-11-130-184.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaswb SpecialBuddy11:42
Seveasyou don't need to logout to test the login screen ;)11:42
SpecialBuddythats not it11:43
=== Seewai [~cyan@frink.nuigalway.ie] has joined #ubuntu
=== r0d [~r0d@CPE-65-30-208-109.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SpecialBuddymy terminal is messed up11:43
=== ngd [~neil@host81-154-127-17.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nermaltype reset11:43
=== jsimmons [~john@cpe-66-69-76-4.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
llebergWhy do i need he hoary cd to install k3b? :(11:43
SpecialBuddyit's looks encrypted or has a different font11:43
Seveaslleberg, comment out the cdrom line in /etc/apt/sources.list :)11:43
Nermallleberg, because you haven't commented out the cd source in /etc/apt/sources.list11:44
SeveasSpecialBuddy, can you make a screenshot of it?11:44
llebergHe who searches will find!11:44
Nermaland run apt-get update11:44
Seewaihi - I'm trying to install ubuntu on an amd64 machine. Unfortunately the hoary install CD doesn't have support compiled in for my hardware RAID card (the megaraid2 driver). Does anyone have any ideas?11:44
=== kamstrup [~kamstrup@0x3e42da90.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasSeewai, it has11:45
Seveastry dropping to a terminal in the install cd and run modprobe megaraid11:45
SeveasSpecialBuddy, then please make a screenshot and put it online or mail it to dennis@kaarsemaker.net (aka me)11:45
llebergSeveas: Just delete it? :)11:46
Seveaslleberg, or put a # in front of it11:46
Seveashas the same effect :)11:46
=== mindspin [~mindspin@p54B2C817.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeewaiSeveas: my card is only supported by the megaraid2 driver, not megaraid :(11:46
Seewaimegaraid is available as a module, but megaraid2 can only be compiled in11:47
Seewaiand it's not :(11:47
Seveashmm, I don't even see megaraid2 on my installed system11:47
Seveasah ok11:47
lleberguhm, what line was it now again? :)11:47
Seveaswell, best thing to do is file a bug then11:47
Seveasand hope that they'll include it in breezy11:47
=== james [~james@81-178-20-101.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaslleberg, the one that has cdrom in it :)11:47
Seewaiis there anything I can do for myself though? :)11:48
Seveasprobably one of the first lines11:48
SpecialBuddyI sent it11:48
SeveasSeewai, I don't see an easy option, you would have to remaster the install CD to use a kernel that you will have to compile yourself too11:48
llebergSeveas: Do i have to update the apt-get after that?11:48
biochemzaHelp - I am an exWindows user, and I've just installed Ubuntu. I'm having a problem getting my internet connection to work properly. I use a proxy, and I am supposed to authenticate, but when I type in the proxy settings (in Firefox), I get just blank pages. If I check autodetect the proxy settings, Firefox works fine (no authentication), but the package manager won't work (presumable because of no authentication...) - now, could be that the sneak11:49
Seveaslleberg, you will have to run apt-get update once after editing that file11:49
SeewaiI tried looking at the wiki, and there's a guide for remastering a livecd11:49
Seewaibut no guide for remastering an install cd11:49
SeveasSpecialBuddy, omg... never seen that before....11:49
jameshello, could somebody give me some advice on what permissions I should use in my web directories.  should I change ownership of the files to the apache user?11:49
SpecialBuddyit happened after I upgraded11:50
SeveasSpecialBuddy, does it happen in other programs? Does it happen in xterm?11:50
SpecialBuddynot sure how to fix11:50
SpecialBuddysince I'm a noob anyway :)11:50
=== mindspin [~mindspin@p54B2C817.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
r0d everytime i try to compile any object file w gcc I get 'xscan.c:114: error: `xev' undeclared (first use in this function)' for all functions in the .c file. anyone know why?11:50
SpecialBuddywhats xterm11:51
Seveasxterm is another terminal emulator11:51
Seveasstart it with <alt><F2> and type xterm11:51
Seveasjames, the apache user just has to be able to read them11:51
SpecialBuddythats works11:51
SpecialBuddyI don't have to restart do I?11:52
=== CerBerO_ [~CerBerO@pc-138-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasr0d, probably you need some header files, what are you trying to compile?11:52
=== apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-35-115.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasSpecialBuddy, try it, it might just help :|11:52
jamesseveas: i am using a php app that needs write permissions within it's directory tree11:52
SpecialBuddyhow do I put a file into that faces folder11:52
Seveasjames, then give the apache user write permissions to that folder :)11:53
=== adnans [~adnans@noterik2.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
SpecialBuddykeep getting error11:53
=== Guybrush|Numb [~franz@] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasSpecialBuddy, just create it as normal user and use sudo mv YOU.png /usr/share/faces/11:53
ubuntutouThanks for the info..11:53
SpecialBuddymv stands for move?11:54
jamesseveas: does that mean I change ownership to apache user, at the moment user and group are both root11:54
=== dabaR [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-57-53.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
r0dSeveas, xscan11:54
Seveasjames, either that or chmod a+w /path/to/folder/11:54
r0dSeveas, it happens to anything i compile11:54
Seveasr0d, Ubuntu uses sane for scanning, not xscan...11:55
=== nebo [~nebo@p5481BBC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
jamesseveas, I will try changing the group to apache and assign write permissions to that. I assume letting all write would be a bad idea.11:56
Seveasr0d, the 'simple' solution is: install apt-file, run apt-file update once, compile it again, see about which missing header files it complains, run apt-file search the_missing_header_file.h and see which packages you need11:56
Seveasjames, indeed, what you just said is probably the best solution11:56
r0dSeveas, ok, but i'm use to xscan:\ old habbits i guess, plus everything I tried to compile so far has been being a b@#@#$11:57
r0dok Seveas11:57
jamesseveas: thanks for the advice11:57
Seveasr0d, the recipe I gave works for everything you try to compile :)11:57
SpecialBuddykeeps saying no such file or directory11:57
llebergHow do i start k3b without starting it from a console?11:57
Seveasmake sure you spelled it right SpecialBuddy11:57
Seveaslleberg, afaik it's only in the menu if you use KDE11:58
lleberg(i don't want the console window to be opend as long k3b is)11:58
Seveasbut you can add it to the menu with smeg11:58
llebergI don't use kde..11:58
Seveasif you start it with 'k3b &' (without the  '') you can close the terminal11:58
apokryphoslleberg: or just Alt + F2 > k3b11:58
llebergSeveas: Thanks! :)11:58
r0dSeveas, does that make some kind of apt file?11:59
Seveasapt-file can search which packages provide which filenames11:59
Seveasvery useful for missing headers :)11:59
SpecialBuddythe .png has an x in the top right corner11:59
r0dkool, that sounds like that sounds like a winner11:59
CybermagellanSeveas, so if the mails are wating in queue...and flushing the queue comes back with postqueue: warning: valid_hostname: numeric hostname: postqueue: warning: valid_hostname: numeric hostname: 231.152.140 what does that mean?11:59
apokryphosSeveas: are you sure the & tackles that? I was pretty sure that it only means you can put other commands in terminal... closing the terminal seems to terminate process12:00
SeveasCybermagellan, no idea, i'm not that used to postfix...12:00
CybermagellanAh. ok12:00
mejobloggswhat causes these 'horizontal scan bar line things' across my screen? They kinda stay there untill i waggle my mouse all over them12:00
Seveasapokryphos, ah crap, indeed12:00
Seveas<alt><f2> does a setsid, so that's indeed better :)12:01
=== abbas [abbas@cable-195-162-223-51.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu
jsimmonshow do you chdir into a folder that has spaces in the name?12:01
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Seveasjsimmons, use quotes or escapes12:01
apokryphosjsimmons: either use quotes or \12:01
snowsealmy apps wont start anymore.12:01
Seveaslike cd "path with space"12:01
Seveasor cd path\ with\ space12:01
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llebergSeveas: How to use smeg?12:02
Seveassnowseal, can you be a bit more descriptive?12:02
snowsealxmms segfaults and a wine app just dies.  10 ours ago it all worked.12:02
mejobloggsanyone know the ansewr to my problem?12:02
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Seveaslleberg, www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg12:02
mejobloggsim sorry i cant explain it properly12:02
snowsealSeveas, sometimes the whole X dies on my overnoght12:03
Seveassnowseal, that really sounds like bad memory...12:03
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Seveassnowseal, if you want to test this: reboot, choose memtest86 and wait for a few hours12:03
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Seveasmejobloggs, do these lines also appear in screenshots?12:03
snowsealokay, where is memtest86?12:03
AmaranthSeveas: it'll only take ~40 minutes12:03
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Amaranthsnowseal: in the grub boot menu12:04
SeveasAmaranth, not if you do the complete test with all passes :)12:04
mejobloggsill try get one Seveas12:04
SeveasAmaranth, do you have a trigger for smeg? :)12:04
biochemzaHelp - I am an exWindows user, and I've just installed Ubuntu. I'm having a problem getting my internet connection to work properly. I use a proxy, and I am supposed to authenticate, but when I type in the proxy settings (in Firefox), I get just blank pages. If I check autodetect the proxy settings, Firefox works fine (no authentication), but the package manager won't work (presumable because of no authentication...) - now, could be that the sneak12:04
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snowsealso i'''ll try ' memtest86'  at grub prompt?12:04
llebergSeveas: I don't think i've installed anything without using the apt-get command :P12:04
llebergSeveas: How do i do this?12:04
AmaranthSeveas: It runs more than one pass to make sure the bad spots show the same everytime, but one pass should be enough.12:04
Seveassnowseal, yes12:04
llebergdeb or tar.gz?12:04
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guimhi all12:05
snowsealmy windowze also crashed after two days of uptime.12:05
AmaranthSeveas: If two passes show different spots though your RAM timing and/or frequency is wrong and needs to be corrected in the BIOS.12:05
blehzdoes Ubuntu support DVB card ?12:05
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snowsealwell okay, im rebooting. bye and thanx12:05
AmaranthSeveas: yeah, actually12:05
Seveaslleberg, on that site a gave you there's an install script12:05
guimis there anybody from Canonical here?12:05
jsimmonsstill won't let me chdir12:05
Amaranthguim: What do you need?12:05
Seveasjsimmons, use tab completion ;)12:05
llebergSeveas: Oh12:05
jsimmonswhen I do a "ls", it shows up in Blue12:05
jsimmonsdoes that mean anything special12:06
guimjust ask a few questions12:06
guimdo you work there?12:06
avalentecheck your alias, .bashrc, .bash_profile /etc/bash_profile or your shell's startup thingie... remove the alias ls= ls --colors12:06
=== CarlFK [~CarlK@c-24-13-55-197.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthguim: Nope, the #ubuntu-devel channel would probably be better for talking to them12:07
Seveasguim, there are no canonical emplyees currently active in this channel12:07
jsimmonsi use cd "/My Downloads" and it tells me "My Downloads does not exist"12:07
guimmmm ok12:07
blehzdoes Ubuntu support DVB card ?12:07
apokryphosjsimmons: try "My Downloads" without the /12:07
guimthank you, i hope I won't "disturb" them12:07
Seveasjsimmons, ditch the "/"12:07
avalentethat was to remove the colors..12:07
Amaranthjsimmons: You want cd "My Downloads" or cd "~/My Downloads"12:07
kestastry My\ Downloads12:07
apokryphosjsimmons: there you're implying that My Downloads is in the root directory12:07
guimthanks for the info12:07
Amaranthguim: happy to help12:07
jsimmonsahhhh - no slash12:07
jameshello, does anyone know which repository php4-mysql resides in?12:08
Seveasjames, universe12:08
CarlFKjames - http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=+php4-mysql&searchon=names&subword=1&version=hoary&release=all12:08
CarlFKeww... didt think it was that big...12:08
jsimmonsokay, new question - i downloaded the smeg install script of the 3rdparty forum, but it doesn't "go" when I type the name and hit enter12:09
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Seveasjsimmons, it says "Permission denied" i guess12:09
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jsimmonsno - it says command not found12:09
Seveashehe :)12:09
Amaranthjsimmons: chmod +x installsmeg && sudo ./installsmeg12:09
mejobloggsSeveas, how do i show you the screen?12:09
Seveasmejobloggs, can you mail it to dennis@kaarsemaker.net12:10
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d4rksh4dehow can i save network settings, every time i boot they will be lost12:10
NoTrusTydoes Ubuntu support DVB card ?12:11
Seveasd4rksh4de, install cd or live cd?12:11
jsimmonsafter "cleaning up" it gave me this: "dpkg: status database area is locked by another process"12:11
jsimmonswhat's that mean?12:11
d4rksh4deinstall cd12:11
Seveasjsimmons, close all instances of apt-get/synaptic/aptitude etc...12:11
Seveasd4rksh4de, they should be saved in /etc/network/interfaces...12:12
jsimmonsshould i run that last command again?12:12
llebergSeveas: How do i use this auto-install script?12:12
d4rksh4deok ill check12:12
SpecialBuddythat didn't work12:12
SpecialBuddythe faces12:12
biochemzahow do I check what proxy my internet connection is using?12:12
Seveasbiochemza, system -> preferences -> network proxy12:12
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SeveasSpecialBuddy, damn :|12:12
Seveashang on, i'll keep looking (want to know it kyself too :) )12:13
CarlFKd4rksh4de - they shold be stored in /etc/networking... um... hang on...12:13
biochemzaSeveas - if I type in my proxy settings, Firefox doesn't work properly. If I check Autodetect, everything is fine (except that I don't authenticate properly)12:14
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d4rksh4decan't find them12:14
jsimmonsahhhhhhh - smeg is tits12:15
d4rksh4demy DNS address will get lost everytime12:15
CarlFKd4rksh4de - me neither... i was just editing it a few days ago..12:15
mejobloggssent it Seveas12:15
jsimmonsmany thanks seveas12:15
Amaranthjsimmons: thanks12:15
CarlFKd4rksh4de - static or dhcp?12:15
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jsimmons(smeg is cool, but i wish installers did the menu addtion thing automagically)12:16
Seveasd4rksh4de, ahhhh, you use dhcp and manually edited /etc/resolv.conf i guess?12:16
CarlFKd4rksh4de - are you using dhcp?12:16
Amaranthsadly, i must now reboot into windows12:16
mejobloggssounds bit of a lame question, but do you guys type out people;s names if you want to talk to them?12:16
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mejobloggsor is there some nifty thing12:16
Seveasmejobloggs, <tab> :)12:16
CarlFKmejobloggs - tab.12:16
d4rksh4dewhats dhcp?12:16
Seveasd4rksh4de, the opposite of static IP addresses12:17
d4rksh4dei have dynamic12:17
Seveasd4rksh4de, i thought so12:17
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mejobloggsdoes tab only select the last person?12:17
d4rksh4deim behind router12:17
Seveasd4rksh4de, please hang on, i'm currently trying to figure out something else, i'll help you in a few minutes12:17
CarlFKd4rksh4de - your dhcp server should be specifing the DNS addresses12:17
d4rksh4deu mean router?12:18
biochemzais there an ubuntu chat room for beginners?12:18
d4rksh4deyeah there is router address but it will do nothing12:18
jamie_kCould anybody walk me through a network install as descibed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetbootInstallRemarks -- I am getting stuck at TFTP12:18
d4rksh4dei cant connect to internet if i dont specify another DNS address12:18
SeveasSpecialBuddy, still there..?12:19
mindspinwhere do I set the default charset in (k)ubuntu?12:19
mejobloggsbiochemza, i think im noob enough for this to count12:19
CarlFKd4rksh4de - type "ca" and hit Tab so I know who youare talking to12:19
d4rksh4deCarlFK, ok12:19
mejobloggsaha! that is how you use it!12:19
CarlFKd4rksh4de - your dhcp server should be specifing the dns IPs12:19
CarlFKmejobloggs - yeah, I kinda did that for you ;)12:20
mejobloggsheh, i figured that12:20
d4rksh4deCarlFK, what u mean dhcp server?12:20
SpecialBuddyI was afk12:20
d4rksh4deCarlFK,  i have router12:20
liz4rdehhh... i member aq link on how to install gimp shop..but i forgot it any help?12:20
SeveasSpecialBuddy, in private chat i gave you the answer :)12:20
liz4rdit was the install for ubuntu12:20
Seveasd4rksh4de, hi :)12:20
CarlFKd4rksh4de - I am guessing "router" is a box that shares a single internet connection?12:20
d4rksh4deSeveas, hi =)12:20
Seveasd4rksh4de, you need to edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf12:21
d4rksh4deCarlFK,  yes12:21
CarlFKSeveas - I think that is the wrong way...12:21
mejobloggsd4rksh4de: your router can automatically give your computers different IP addresses or something. From what i understand, that is dhcp12:21
mejobloggsunless i have it totally wrong12:21
SeveasCarlFK, if the router is misbehaving, it's the correct way :)12:21
d4rksh4demejobloggs, but it will not recognise addresses12:21
mejobloggsget my email Seveas?12:21
Seveasd4rksh4de, type sudo gedit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf12:22
d4rksh4deSeveas, ok ill try12:22
CarlFKSeveas- im thinking fix the dhcp server12:22
Seveasmejobloggs, yes, i'm puzzled, which graphics driver do you use?12:22
biochemzamy package manager is failing to download the updates - any help?12:22
SeveasCarlFK, some routers don't have that ability12:22
mejobloggsum, whatever was installed default12:22
Seveasmejobloggs, odd, please file a bug and attach that screenshot and /etc/X11/xorg.conf to it12:23
mejobloggsSeveas: this also happened on mandrake too12:23
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Seveasmejobloggs, please mention that in your bugreport too12:23
mejobloggsok, i think i managed to fix it once12:23
Seveasd4rksh4de, in that file look for a line that starts with the word request12:23
mejobloggslet me just try some things12:23
jsimmonsdoes add/remove programs typically take a long time to display a list of programs?12:24
jeanreI hate setting up windows boxexs12:24
Seveasjsimmons, that program will no longer work, it's a bug12:24
d4rksh4deSeveas, found it12:24
CarlFKd4rksh4de what is the make/model of your router?12:24
jsimmonswell that sucks... :/12:24
Seveasjsimmons, try system -> administration -> synaptic package manager12:25
jsimmonshow do I remove programs then?  Thru synaptic?12:25
djsbiochemza, is there an error message?12:25
Seveasjsimmons, yes12:25
Seveasd4rksh4de, ok, in the line after that you see domain-name-servers, remove that part12:25
d4rksh4deCarlFK, cnet but theres nothing wrong with my router it works fine in windows12:25
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skywebhi *12:25
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CarlFKd4rksh4de - tell Seveas ;)12:26
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biochemzadjs - tells me there may be network problems - I think its because I'm not gettting through to my proxy authentication page, and I don't know how to fix it (complete lunix noob)12:26
d4rksh4deSeveas, removed12:26
Seveasd4rksh4de, including the comma?12:26
djsbiochemza, this is in synaptic?12:26
d4rksh4deSeveas, yea12:26
Seveasnice :)12:26
d4rksh4deSeveas, thats all?12:27
Seveasnow make a new empty line before the line that starts with request12:27
biochemzadjs - yes, but I can't bring up my authentication page in firefox either12:27
Seveasd4rksh4de, almost ;)12:27
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d4rksh4deSeveas, ok12:27
Seveason that line you write: prepend domain-name-servers YOUR_DNS_SERVER;12:27
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Seveasthen save that file12:28
apokryphoshi :)12:28
CarlFKSeveas - if d4rksh4de works in windows, why not figure out why it isn't woking here?12:28
djsbiochemza, were you trying to do the 'smart upgrade'12:28
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Seveasand if you want to test it (you will get disconnected) sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart12:28
d4rksh4deSeveas, done12:28
d4rksh4deSeveas, me?12:29
SeveasCarlFK, because this is the only way i've seen to make this work. It's a bit clumsy but does what it needs to do...12:29
Seveasd4rksh4de, yes :)12:29
biochemzadjs, well, I haven't even tried to upgrade yet - I have just been trying to reload the packages, and it won't reload (this all started, btw, when I installed win XP service pack 2, but I don't see how it could have interfered with Ubuntu!)12:29
d4rksh4deSeveas, it should work now12:31
Seveasd4rksh4de, yes :)12:31
d4rksh4deSeveas, i got 3 more DNS addresses now12:31
CarlFKSeveas - um... make dhcp work?  if it "works in windows" I bet the dhcp server is working right and somewhere in the ubuntu config is something that needs to be fixed,12:31
djsbiochemza, I suppose it could be an issue down the line.  Try "sudo apt-get update" in a terminal window12:31
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=== Seveas brb
jeanreI dont have sound on divx movies12:32
jamie_kCould anybody walk me through a network install as descibed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetbootInstallRemarks -- I am getting stuck at TFTP12:32
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biochemzadjs - I have connection refused error msgs12:33
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d4rksh4deI'm still stuck with my graphics resolution12:33
jeanremy sound just mutes all the time12:33
jeanred4rksh4de: whats the issue12:33
djsbiochemza, how about "ping google.com"12:33
d4rksh4dejeanre, i can use only 640x48012:33
jeanreerm what graphics card12:34
d4rksh4dejeanre, voodoo 312:34
d4rksh4dejeanre, i think that ubuntu is not recognising the monitor12:34
abbasdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8612:35
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apokryphos..if you're on hoary12:35
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biochemzadjs ping seems to be ok - hang on, brb12:36
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jojo123hey all12:37
jojo123grub has .... erhm.... sort of made something dirty to my windows partition12:38
jeanreanyone had xine mute sound?12:38
jojo123grub can boot linux, but not windows12:38
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jojo123booting a win98 cd into dos mode and tries to access c: it says bad filesystem12:39
djsbiochemza, how about "ping us.archive.ubuntu.com"12:39
jojo123but the wierd part is: i can mount hda1 (windows) in linux and read/write to it!12:39
xabbuWhat filesystem is it?12:39
mindspincan anybody tell me how to change fro utf8 to iso something charset?12:40
xabbuThere should be no problem then. I guess.12:40
jojo123very wierd. never seen it before12:40
jojo123xabbu: i agree.12:40
biochemzadjs - thats fine too. I'm almost convinced it has to do with my internet proxy settings and authentication12:40
djsbiochemza, yes it seems so.  Interesting that ping works.12:41
jojo123xabbu:  i guess the easiest solution would be to reformat hda1 but i'm reluctant. I only use win for a game here and there. i want a quick fix :-)12:42
biochemzawell, the weird thing is that my proxy settings don't seem to work at all right now - I have to click on Autodetect for Firefox to work, but then I don't authenticate. Thats fine, I surf all I want, but seems to be an issue for Synaptic12:42
xabbujojo123, Im thinking of a way to fix it.12:43
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jojo123xabbu: thanks. i did try to repair by "fdisk /mbr" in dos. I re-installed grub as well.12:43
=== djs ponders
xabbubtw, is there any good id3tag editor for ubutnu thats okey and quick to work with?12:44
biochemza***biochemza ponders too12:44
djsbiochemza, Have you configured SYstem -> Preferences -> Network Proxy  (sorry if previously asked)?12:45
jojo123yep, http://easytag.sourceforge.net/12:45
biochemzadjs - yes...  (i'm convinced that this is all Microsofts fault, lol)12:46
mindspincan anybody tell me how to set default charset?12:46
mindspinor better where12:46
Seveasmindspin, sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales12:46
jojo123xabbu: easytag can search and replace multiple tags as well12:46
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djsbiochemza, Surely not :).  Does web browsing work while in XP?12:47
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jojo123hi locomorto12:47
biochemzadjs - no... lol, neither Firefox, nor IE are working in XP either. Everyone else is fine, and I am able to chat, so clearly the network is not down..12:48
jsimmonscan i remove evolution? it says it wants to remove the gnome desktop too12:48
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jsimmonscorrecttion - the ubuntu desktop12:48
jojo123jsimmons: gnome-desktop is a dummy file. safe to remove12:48
locomortojsimmons, yes you can12:48
locomortothat is just a meta pacakage12:49
djsbiochemza, Another thing to try in the terminal window - "wget http://www.google.com" - interested in any message12:49
locomortomake sure to reinstall it though if you want to dist-upgrade to breezy12:49
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d4rksh4dei have graphics resolution problem, can anyone help?12:49
locomortod4rksh4de: yes12:50
biochemzadjs - resolving failed: Host not found12:50
d4rksh4delocomorto, ok12:50
locomortod4rksh4de: what graphics card do you have?12:50
d4rksh4delocomorto, i can use only 640x480 and i have voodoo312:50
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jsimmonsis there a gui tool that allows me to turn off unneeded services?12:51
d4rksh4delocomorto, i think that problem is with monitor12:51
locomortodo this in terminal : sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:51
Seveasd4rksh4de:  find out how you can change your display's resolution, go to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:51
djsbiochemza, and ping www.google.com works?12:51
abbasd4rksh4de dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8612:51
locomortothen scroll down and when you see 640x480 replace it too what you want to use12:51
Seveasabbas, that's only for warty...12:51
d4rksh4deSeveas, tried and messed up everything12:51
biochemzadjs, yes (by that, I mean, all packages sent and received, yes)12:51
locomortothen hit ctrl-alt-delete and re-login12:51
locomortohopefully everything should be good12:52
locomortomake sure to save the config file first though12:52
djsbiochemza, wierd12:52
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biochemzadjs - you're telling me?12:52
biochemzadjs - and all since I installed XP service pack 2, lol12:53
jojo123jsimmons: it is called BUM12:53
locomortobiochemza: SP2 blows12:53
jojo123jsimmons: Boot-Up Manager. think you can find it at sourceforge12:53
locomortojust run SP1 from within qemu12:53
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biochemzalocomorto: yes, i know12:53
locomortothen you can use Windows XP AND linux at the same time :D12:54
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locomortowindows just takes forever to install :(12:54
djsbiochemza, Surely a coincidence.12:54
biochemzadjs - i know... :(12:54
LozPrimeI need to install Webmin on Ubuntu - synaptic seems to give me problems - any clues?12:54
mejobloggseh, i have to create an account to use bugzilla12:54
locomortoLozPrime: what problems?12:54
jojo123jsimmons: found it! http://www.marzocca.net/linux/bum.html12:54
mejobloggsbum is good12:55
LozPrimewell it installs but doesn't run12:55
biochemzaa friend of mine thinks that maybe the IT dept just installed Server 2003 SP1 on the proxy and that might be whats causing the problems, but no-one else has these issues?12:55
=== Fish-Face [~chris@cpc1-stkp4-3-0-cust125.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
LozPrimea search on this came up with "First of all, and most important... DON'T use the webmin from apt-get or Synaptic. These are older files, and they will require 'root' as the login"12:56
Fish-FaceHas anyone here had trouble running aMSN on Warty, or warty-backports?12:56
biochemzaanyway, I'm going to reboot into windows, and try to get this working there... thanks everyone12:57
djsbiochemza, Yet another :) - "wget" (www.google.com ip address)12:57
Fish-FaceIf I use tcl/tk 8.4, I get an immediate segfault12:57
Fish-FaceIf I use 8.5 I get a segfault upon coming online12:57
biochemzadjs - same error, just faster this time12:57
locomortoLozPrime: dpkg --remove webmin12:58
locomortothen compile it from source12:58
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djsbiochemza, just to verify - "resolving failed: Host not found" ?12:58
biochemzadjs - wait, sorry, now it says connection refused (not host not found)01:00
biochemzadjs: "--12:54:20--
biochemza           => `index.html'01:01
biochemzaConnecting to failed: Connection refused."01:01
michael__hello, does anybody know how to solve the "Received signal 11, exiting..." problem in tc-elite01:01
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Fish-Facewait, not warty01:02
=== djs is stumped atm
Fish-FaceDoes anyone have problems with amsn on _hoary_?01:02
LozPrimeBeing new to Ubuntu I've never compiled from source before - can you guide me?01:02
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d4rksh4dehow can i edit xorg.conf , it says permission denied :S01:03
Seveassudo gedit xorg.conf01:03
SeveasFish-Face, apart from that amsn is extremely ugly, no :)01:03
Fish-FaceSeveas, it really isn't.01:04
Fish-FaceI'm wondering whether some backport has screwed it up01:04
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Seveaswhat's the problem then..?01:05
djsbiochemza, Ooh here's an idea.  Edit your sources.list and change http to ftp and retry "sudo apt-get update"01:05
d4rksh4deSeveas, thanx01:06
Fish-FaceSeveas, big-bad segfaults, but I'm wondering what package it is that did it01:06
=== zever [~zever@kotnet-145.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasFish-Face, ouch :|01:07
Seveashave ou tried moving ~/.amsn out of the way?01:07
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biochemzadjs - you brilliant brilliant man (?) (sigh, all this because I wanted to download something to play some music... lol)01:07
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djsbiochemza, it still hasn't solved the port 80 (http) issue though.  A real puzzler.01:08
biochemzadjs - i changed it in the package manager (not a terminal), but at least its downloading the new packages01:08
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xliu_i want to reinstall firefox, how to?01:08
Fish-FaceSeveas, yes I have01:08
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Fish-FaceSeveas, and rolling back amsn versions (I use CVS as a rule)01:09
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djsbiochemza, as you say it must be a proxy thing01:09
xliu_how to reinstall application?01:10
d4rksh4deI'm on 1024x768 now, =))))))))01:10
Fish-FaceIt looks like I'll have to roll back to hoary-updates, and then if I still want backports, to update one package at a time :@01:10
biochemzabut ftp is all good, because it bypasses my monthly 50 Mb limit at the university, lol :)01:10
biochemzanow, what is a good program to play music (like winamp for linux?)01:10
Seveasxliu_, sudo apt-get install --reinstall $APPLICATION01:10
Seveasbeep-media-player indeed :)01:11
djsbiochemza, lol - the university will have to send the summons down under.01:11
Seveasthere's an ubuntu skin fot it at ubuntulinux.nl/files/4Humans.tgz :)01:11
xliu_Seveas,  thanks01:11
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biochemzadjs :D01:11
GrammatonClericspeaking of beep-media player...01:12
=== niran [~niran@cpe-67-10-213-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
GrammatonClericis there a MAD plugin for it.01:12
d4rksh4de2 problems solved: internet connection - ok, graphics resolution - ok01:12
d4rksh4denow i have sound card problem01:12
Seveasd4rksh4de, excellent score so far ;)01:13
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djsbiochemza, maybe the issue is that you've blown the 50Mb limit :)01:13
d4rksh4deSeveas, yeah and thanx to u01:13
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SeveasGrammatonCleric, beep has an mp3 codec built in01:13
biochemzadjs - yeah, but normally I get to a page telling me that, and providing a link to check my usage01:13
Seveasd4rksh4de, what's this sound card problem?01:13
glDaherhi, I'm trying to install photoshop over wine, but the installer is checking for free disk space and it fails...01:13
d4rksh4deSeveas, ubuntu is not reconginsing my soundcard01:14
Fish-FaceglDaher, you want to go on the wine channel01:14
locomortobiochemza: amarok is really nice if you dont mind qt, and resource hoggishness01:14
GrammatonClericyea but I was looking for the MAD decoder.  just a personal preferance.01:14
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GrammatonClericI think it sounds better01:14
Seveasd4rksh4de, do you have an onboard soundcard and a regular one, or just one soundcard?01:14
d4rksh4deSeveas,  i have 1 soundcard01:15
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d4rksh4deSeveas, i think its integrated01:15
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kestashow do you know its not being recognised?01:15
kestaswhats the error message?01:15
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Seveasd4rksh4de, okay, first i need info :)01:20
Seveasd4rksh4de, type the follownig commands01:20
Seveaslsmod > audio_error_output01:20
Seveaslspci >> audio_error_otput01:20
=== EL [~luke@60-240-116-129-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasls -al /dev/dsp* >> audio_error_output01:21
Seveasand put the contents of the file_audio_error_output on a pastebin or mail me the file01:21
=== popeyeray [~popeyeray@VDSL-130-13-10-79.PHNX.QWEST.NET] has joined #ubuntu
Seveashi EL01:21
=== popeyeray [~popeyeray@VDSL-130-13-10-79.PHNX.QWEST.NET] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
rommerSeveas, now i've found out that phpmyadmin isnt working properly after i've got php5 going, all ive got showing up is the vertical line that separates the left and right sides :S01:21
ELwith GRUB, how would i make it so winxp is at the top of the list?01:21
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Seveasrommer, i don't think phpmyadmin is php5 compatible01:22
ELby editing menu.lst, that is, but i dont understand it01:22
SeveasEL, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:22
EL^ yeah01:22
SeveasEL, why do you want it on top per se..?01:22
ELwhat do i edit01:22
d4rksh4dels: /dev/dsp*: No such file or directory01:22
rommerSeveas, yea that what i thought, but it checked it on php5 win32 and it works01:22
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ELbecause my family use winxp01:23
ELi want the countdown for it01:23
SeveasEL, ah :)01:23
Seveasyou can simply change the default boot entry :)01:23
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=== locomorto hates winxp
=== locomorto has restored to installing it trough qemu
locomortothat way i get CS2 from inside linux :)01:24
ELsry, what exactly do i change01:24
d4rksh4deSeveas, ls: /dev/dsp*: No such file or directory01:24
Seveasd4rksh4de, that's ok01:25
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SeveasEL, put your menu.lst on paste.ubuntulinux.nl please01:25
d4rksh4deSeveas, then, where are the errors?01:25
Seveasthe commands i gave you create a file, that contains some output i need to troubleshoot01:26
ELdone seveas01:26
d4rksh4deSeveas, ok01:27
SeveasEL, change the line default      0 to default      401:27
Seveasand it will boot winXP by default01:27
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biochemzahow do I permanently mount a partition?01:27
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stricjux!n00b alert! what to do if you changed your user group to something else and you cant do sudo anymore?01:27
ubotuYou are moron #1, stricjux01:27
goldfish_add it to fstab ?01:27
Seveasbiochemza, put it in fstab01:28
Seveasis it a windows partition?01:28
Seveasstricjux, login as root and fix it :)01:28
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ELahh :( where!01:28
stricjuxisnt root locked out by default?01:28
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SeveasEL, line 1201:28
Seveasstricjux, recovery mode lets you login as root01:28
biochemzaSeveas: its a "data" partition that I formatted as fat32 so I could use it on both Win and Ubuntu01:29
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stricjuxwhat if you dont have physical access to the mashine?01:29
Seveasstricjux, by the way: ignore ubotu, you triggered it with the ! :)01:29
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Seveasstricjux, hmm, then you have a problem01:29
djsstricjux, Just in case you don't know, ubotu is a bot which gave an automated response01:29
ubotuSeveas: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?01:29
ubotuSeveas: I don't know, could you explain it?01:29
Seveassee :)01:29
stricjuxie. my box is 2700km frome here.01:30
ELomg, im such a noob, sry, how do i un read only01:30
stricjuxyeah, np for the ubotu01:30
christopheI need som help for kde please01:30
jojo123biochemza: /dev/hda7       /media/data       vfat    defaults,umask=000        0       001:30
SeveasEL, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:30
jojo123my biochemza: my data is on /dev/hda7.01:30
stricjuxso, no way of recovering my friggin access?01:30
Seveasbiochemza: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/windows_fstab to make your windows partions mount automatically01:30
=== yhan [~johan@modemcable013.94-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
djsEL, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:31
=== ogra_ [~ogra@p5089CD97.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasbwah djs indeed01:31
Seveasi got messed up :)01:31
Seveasstricjux, not really...01:31
stricjuxno way at all?01:32
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llebergHow do i acces the network with shared folders from other computers?01:32
ELthanks alot01:32
Seveaslleberg, places -> connect to server01:32
djsSeveas, I don't know how you can handle 3 queries at once like this :)01:32
Seveasdjs, 3 is simple01:32
=== DNAku-san [~DNA-otaku@dD5775DB6.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Seveas5 gets difficult01:32
Seveas7 I consider a challenge ;)01:32
=== mvo [~Michael@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu
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christopheHow install kde withou kubuntu defaut setting??01:33
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Seveaschristophe, sudo aptitude install kde01:33
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christopheok thx01:33
joesihi all01:34
christopheVery thank seveas01:34
=== keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveashi joesi01:36
christopheHi joesi01:36
joesihi, hab da ein problem mit ubuntu, will das hier in meiner firma installieren...bisher hat auch alles super funktioniert, apt upgrade gemacht, dann hab ich mich eingeloggt, pc hat angefangen gnome zu starten, und beim starten friert der rechner jetzt jedesmal ein...01:36
jojo123hi joesi01:36
=== jojo123 does not understand german
joesishould is speak english?01:37
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joesiok i try but dont joke ;)01:38
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d4rksh4deSeveas, i was away a little, where i can find the error log file01:39
jojo123joesi, no probs. give it a go01:39
djsjoesi, We won't.  Although there is a #ubuntu-de if you prefer01:39
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djs* realises he can't speak for everyone on #ubuntu :)01:40
joesii installed ubuntu on a machine at work...everything worked well! i did an upgrade with apt, installed kde with apt out of the terminal...then i logged in and it looked like gnome was starting...but its always freezing at startup, then i tried to login with a kde session...the same problem...its always freezing01:40
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Seveasd4rksh4de, the file you created is audio_error_output01:42
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d4rksh4deSeveas, it didnt create it01:42
Seveasit should have if you typed my commands exactly...01:43
d4rksh4deSeveas, i said that there was an error01:43
Seveaslsmod > audio_error_output01:43
Seveaslspci >> audio_error_output01:43
d4rksh4ded4rksh4de@d4rksh4de:~$ lsmod > audio_error_output01:43
d4rksh4ded4rksh4de@d4rksh4de:~$ lspci >> audio_error_otput01:43
d4rksh4ded4rksh4de@d4rksh4de:~$ ls -al /dev/dsp* >> audio_error_output01:43
d4rksh4dels: /dev/dsp*: No such file or directory01:43
Seveasthat the other one gave an error is irrelevant to it :)01:43
rommerSeveas, I read a FAQ at phpmyadmin.net that said yes it works with php5 ->  However, phpMyAdmin needs to be backwards compatible to php4. This is why you won't be able to run phpMyAdmin having enabled E_STRICT in your error_reporting settings.01:43
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Seveasyou should now have a file named audio_error_output in your homedit01:43
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rommerSeveas, though i have no idea what that means01:44
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Seveasrommer, error reporting isn't set to E_STRICT by default, so that's ok01:44
d4rksh4deSeveas, found it :)01:44
rommerSeveas, hmm ok01:45
d4rksh4deSeveas, whats the paste address?01:45
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d4rksh4deSeveas, pasted01:48
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Seveasd4rksh4de, i miss a part of the output: the lspci01:49
=== jeanre smacks his nose
Seveastry lspci > audio_error_output01:49
Seveasand paste the file again01:50
mikael_hi, I'm trying to build anjuta-2.0.0 on amd64, it fails at this error: has anybody seen it before: /usr/bin/ld: .libs/CallTip.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 can not be used when making  a shared object; recompile with -fPIC01:50
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Seveas(close all editors before typing the command)01:50
d4rksh4deSeveas, ok01:50
alonsohi all!01:50
jojo123hi alonso01:51
=== locsmif [~locsmif@rebelhomicide.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasmikael_, try CFLAGS='-fPIC' make01:51
alonsoi just install ubuntu, i would like to know that how can i modify source.list to install additional software01:51
mikael_Seveas, thanks, I'll try it, I did LDFLAGS=-fPIC, but that iddn't solve it01:51
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Seveasalonso: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto01:51
Seveasmikael_, afaik -fPIC sould be used when compiling01:52
d4rksh4deSeveas, pasted01:52
mikael_Seveas, I just thought because the error was with ld, but of course it still makes sense01:52
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Seveasd4rksh4de, very odd, it doesn't even physically see your soundcard...01:54
d4rksh4deSeveas, yea01:54
=== _dockane_ [ed9afcf04d@p5084F35C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikael_Seveas, I still get the same error, do oyu have more ideas?01:54
d4rksh4deSeveas, in windows it works fine01:54
Seveasmikael_, other than completely hacking up the Makefile.in to include CFLAGS by default: no01:54
Seveasd4rksh4de, try: sudo modprobe snd-intel8x001:55
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mikael_Seveas, I'll try it out :)01:55
Seveasand see whether you have sound after that01:55
alonsoSeveas:this link include all software that necessary for system, right?01:56
d4rksh4deSeveas, nope01:56
mikael_Seveas, I figured most of anjuta is written i C++ added CXXFLAGS=-fPIC01:56
Seveasalonso: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3801:56
Seveasmikael_, good one...01:57
Seveasd4rksh4de, then i'm out of ideas, sorry01:57
mikael_Seveas, yeah I have bright moments now and then01:57
d4rksh4deSeveas, ok thanx anyways01:57
procrastinatorI have a machine with an onboard and a PCI sound card. How would I set the PCI card to be used, if I can't disable the onborad in the BIOS?01:57
=== Xenguy [~gnu@xenarchy.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasmikael_, it won't hurt to add it to CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS :)01:57
procrastinatoronboard even01:57
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mikael_Seveas, it didn't work... I made make distclean, do you know how to add these ??FLAGS at ./configure-time?01:59
Seveassure, hack up the configure script02:00
mikael_it's a lot of hacking getting this anjuta-thingie going :/ brb02:00
=== nikki [~nikki@c-67-171-122-19.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasjust before the calls to ac_subst, say CFLAGS=-FPIC $CFLAGS02:00
=== Pixel83 [~pixel@p54AADB9C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveas-fPIC even02:00
=== mindspin [~mindspin@p54B2C817.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasand the same for CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS02:01
d4rksh4deI have soundcard problem, anyone can help?02:01
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=== Octane [~octane@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
alonsoSeveas: additional question is how can i change refresh rate for the monitor, because my refresh is only 60Hz02:02
jojo123d4rksh4de: have you tried to change IRQ in BIOS02:03
d4rksh4dejojo123, how should i change it?02:04
mikael_Seveas, I'll try that02:04
jeanred4rksh4de: whats the problem02:05
jeanredo lspci02:05
alonsojojo123: how can i change refresh rate for the monitor, because my refresh is only 60Hz02:05
jeanreand look for the soundcard02:05
=== mikael_ is an evil configure h4xx0r
jojo123d4rksh4de: Since it works in win... First I would recommend booting windows, go to the device-manager. Check the settings (AND NAME) of your soundcard. Check what IRQ it uses and DMA.02:05
d4rksh4dejojo123, ok02:06
jeanrejojo123: thats is not needed02:06
=== Arnald [~Arnald@81-86-116-102.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasalonso:  find out how you can change your display's resolution, go to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:06
jeanrelspci is all we need02:06
jeanred4rksh4de: paste the output of lspci in private02:06
Seveasjeanre, lspci didn't show the soundcard...02:06
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jojo123jeanre: lspci gives error02:06
d4rksh4dejeanre, i type lspci in terminal?02:06
Seveasjeanre, and that is on the pastebin already02:07
jeanrewell then dmesg?02:07
jeanresee if it is picling up?02:07
jeanrepicking even02:07
jeanremight just be a kernel stuff up02:07
d4rksh4dejeanre, what should i do then :S02:07
Vjazthat reminds me... I noticed that if I have my monitor turned off when starting Ubuntu, it uses 640x480 even though I usually use a higher resolution. I'm guessing it's autodetecting monitor features at startup, but is there a workaround?02:08
d4rksh4dejeanre, irq should be 5 and dma should be 102:08
jeanrecan you dmesg and page for the soundcard02:08
alonsoSeveas: 'cause i just use it, Thanks for all answer02:08
d4rksh4dejeanre, tell me what i should type, coz i dont know02:09
d4rksh4dejeanre, ok :P02:09
jeanrenow do dmesg |more02:10
d4rksh4dejeanre, lol i paste it?02:10
jeanreand page for the sound card02:10
jeanred4rksh4de: are you on irc from that box?02:10
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Seveasd4rksh4de, easy pasting:02:11
jojo123jeanre, d4rksh4de: ls /proc/irq/5         (i still believe in irq conflict)02:11
Seveaswget www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/pastebin02:11
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Seveasdmesg | python ./pastebin02:11
mikael_hey, pretty cool I have an load of 9, 5, 3; and my box is still snappy :)02:12
jeanrejojo123: but why would it work in windows?02:12
jojo123jeanre: because win can work around IRQ set in BIOS by itself02:12
jeanreis it a onboard soundcard?02:13
const !      02:13
Seveasconst, hi, we speak english in here...02:13
=== geekboy [~geekboy@pcp04910374pcs.benslm01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
d4rksh4dei pasted it in pastebin02:14
d4rksh4dein paste.ubuntu....02:14
jojo123d4rksh4de: is it a PCI card?02:14
d4rksh4dejojo123, dont know02:14
const fack02:14
jojo123d4rksh4de: probably onboard then... just for fun, type "ls /proc/irq/5"02:15
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d4rksh4dejojo123, what next?02:15
jojo123what is listed?02:15
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d4rksh4dejojo123, where? nothing02:16
jojo123ls /proc/irq/502:16
d4rksh4ded4rksh4de@d4rksh4de:~$ ls /proc/irq/502:16
=== mode/#ubuntu [-q const!*@*] by Seveas
=== jojo123 ponders
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d4rksh4deany ideas?02:17
jojo123d4rksh4de: If I were you, i would boot windows, check device-manager. Write down all info you can find.02:18
nevadowhat's the problem?02:18
d4rksh4dejojo123, ok ill do it02:18
jojo123Especially name/brand, irq, dma.02:18
jojo123Maybe a wierd chipset...02:18
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d4rksh4debye, ill be soon back then02:19
jojo123c u d4rksh4de02:19
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=== SliderMan [~moshe@bzq-218-148-27.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
SliderManhello i need help02:21
Nevadowhat's up?02:22
Nermalask the question02:22
jojo123jeanre: that soundcard. Could it be ACPI that disturbs it? What do you think?02:23
SliderManin terminal how can i download and install packge?02:23
SliderManwhats the command?02:23
Nevadoapt-get install packagename02:23
mindspinsudo apt-get install packagename02:23
Nevadosudo apt-get install packagename rather02:23
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podgequiet tonight?02:24
=== Goshawk [~Goshawk@host215-102.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
mindspinit's 2.24 pm here ;-)02:25
mikael_SliderMan, user synaptic from the System -> Administration menu instead02:25
podgemindspin: haha.. yep.. 10:30pm East Coast Australia..02:25
podgemindspin: Been doing anything cool with Ubuntu lately?02:26
pinballkidhi there, I would like to install ubuntu (or hopefully, kubuntu) on colinux. I am a complete newbie to both ubuntu and colinux, so I'm trying to find a good guide on how to do this. Could anyone point me in the right direction?02:26
mindspin2:24 pm and Summer here ;-)02:26
mindspinwhat is colinux?02:26
podgemindspin: Cold here.. but no snow ..02:26
=== michau_ [~michau@dsl-082-082-184-070.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
mindspin34 'celsius here02:26
podgemindspin: colinux allows you to run Linux under windows..02:27
michau_hello @ all02:27
michau_i have q question02:27
podgemindspin: but not in the usual vmware style..02:27
mindspinis it cygwin based?02:27
mindspinmichau ask02:27
michau_how can i get into the german UBUNTO IRC?? i am a newbie! sorry, geeks!02:27
mindspinjoin/ #ubuntu-de02:28
pinballkidmindspin, I dont think so: http://www.colinux.org/02:28
michau_ok! thx02:28
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pinballkidmindspin: Its a way to run linux natively on windows02:28
SliderManE: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-mad, why?02:29
mindspinfunny stuff02:29
goldfish_SliderMan: have you added the extra repos?02:29
jeanrejojo123: brb02:29
ubotuI heard repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto02:29
goldfish_SliderMan: follow that link02:30
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rommerwhere are the php and apache log files kept?02:30
mindspindepends on what is installed02:31
mindspin"/var/log" is always good for looking for logfiles02:31
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rommerok thanks alot02:33
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martinI have a compile problem under ubuntu hoary... anyone willing to give a helping hand?02:35
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MezMartinHohenberg, go ahead and ask your question - we're here to help02:35
MartinHohenbergok ...02:36
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MartinHohenbergconfigure: error: Your Installation isn't able to compile simple C++ programs.02:36
MartinHohenbergCheck config.log for details - if you're using a Linux distribution you might miss02:36
MartinHohenberga package named similiar to libstd++-dev.02:36
MartinHohenbergI have a strange error message during configure02:36
threatyou know the busy server right now?02:37
MartinHohenbergwell, libstdc++6-dev is installed. what can I do?02:37
SliderMani do it but its still not working02:37
mindsping++ ?02:37
mindspinor whatever its called02:37
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mindspinopen synaptic and search for ++02:37
NevadoMartinHohenberg, sudo apt-get install libstdc++6-dev02:37
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emanuelezhow do i check my cpu temperature?02:38
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SliderMani do it but its still not working02:38
SeveasMartinHohenberg, sudo aptitude install build-essential02:38
Mezsudo apt-get install build-essential02:38
Mezlol  Seveas02:38
Mezseveas - PM02:38
SeveasMartinHohenberg, sudo aptitude install libstdc++-dev02:38
SeveasMartinHohenberg, sudo aptitude install libstdc++6-dev02:38
=== d4rksh4de [~d4rksh4de@217-159-167-202-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
MezMartinHohenberg well, libstdc++6-dev is installed. what can I do?02:39
d4rksh4deim back02:39
jojo123hi d4rksh4de: what did yo find?02:39
d4rksh4dejojo123, i pasted my soundcard information in pastebin02:39
jojo123great. brb02:39
d4rksh4dejojo123, that what i could find02:40
jef_how do i change qwerty to azerty02:40
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Seveasjef_, system -> prefs ->keyboard02:40
goldfish_GazaM: hello ! first dubliner i've seen in here02:40
goldfish_other than me i mean02:41
GazaMGoldfish your from dublin!02:41
jojo123d4rksh4de: I found a solution for you in ubuntuforums for this soundcard02:41
jojo123hang on02:42
GazaMThat's great, didn't think there were many of us02:42
goldfish_GazaM: yus :)02:42
d4rksh4dei got 4 problems more: soundcard not working, keyboard problem, booting problem (not a big prob), power management problem02:42
jojo123d4rksh4de: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3647&highlight=ess186902:43
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d4rksh4dejojo123, ok checking02:43
emanuelezhow do i check my cpu temperature?02:43
jojo123d4rksh4de: I really think that all can be connected to ACPI as well. Try to disable it by adding PCI=NOACPI in /boot/grub/menu.lst02:43
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jojo123d4rksh4de: but see if the solution on ubuntuforums solves it first!02:44
d4rksh4dejojo123, ok02:45
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d4rksh4dejojo123, how can i create file in /etc/ ?02:49
mindspinsudo touch /etc/dilename02:49
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mindspind4rksh4de: disabling acpi is a solution for lots of weird problems i had02:51
d4rksh4demindspin, ok, but how to edit this file?02:52
jojo123sorry i was away02:52
mindspinsudo gedit /path/filename02:52
jojo123d4rksh4de: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.conf02:52
mindspinsudo vi /path/filename02:52
jojo123or gedit02:52
d4rksh4dejojo123, ok02:52
rommersudo nano -w /path/filename ;)02:52
=== jojo123 need coffee
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d4rksh4debtw nano is like gedit?02:53
sknroiwsI think so02:53
mjrnano is a textmode editor, gedit is a graphical one02:53
sknroiwsYeah they do the same thing02:54
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d4rksh4dejojo123, i followed the solution...and  WARNING: Error inserting soundcore (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound/soundcore.ko): Operation not permitted02:56
jojo123d4rksh4de: ok. we take it from the beginning02:56
d4rksh4deafter that modprobe snd-es18xx02:57
d4rksh4dejojo123, ok02:57
jojo123sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/soundcard02:57
d4rksh4dejojo123, emty file02:58
jojo123Yep, that's ok. enter this information in the file: alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0 (new line) alias snd-card-0 snd-es18xx (new line) options snd-es18xx enable=1 isapnp=0 port=0x220 mpu_port=0x388 fm_port=0x330 (new line) irq=5 dma1=1 dma2=002:59
MartinHohenbergthanks for pointing me to the solution of that compile problem ... now how can I put a path to /usr/local?02:59
jojo123d4rksh4de: then save the file and quit gedit02:59
atrogu64connect calvino.freenode.net03:00
d4rksh4dejojo123, done03:00
jojo123sudo modprobe snd-es18xx03:00
atrogu64server calvino.freenode.net03:00
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d4rksh4ded4rksh4de@d4rksh4de:~$ sudo modprobe snd-es18xx03:00
jojo123d4rksh4de: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa start03:00
d4rksh4dejojo123,  ok03:01
jojo123d4rksh4de: that should be it. If you have a file called /etc/modprobe.conf, remove it03:01
d4rksh4ded4rksh4de@d4rksh4de:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/alsa start03:01
d4rksh4de * Setting up ALSA...                                                    [ ok ] 03:01
jojo123SUPER. congrats d4rksh4de03:01
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d4rksh4decant delete :S03:02
d4rksh4deno permissi9on03:02
Seveasyou shouldn't delete it..03:02
d4rksh4dei made it myself03:02
jojo123Seveas: it is no longer in use03:02
Seveasah ok03:02
jojo123modprobe.d has replaced it03:02
Seveassudo rm /etc/modprobe.conf03:02
ubotuhmm... sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo03:03
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d4rksh4demodprobe.conf~    there is also this file03:03
mindspinthis is kinda essential to everybody using (k)ubuntu03:03
jojo123d4rksh4de: you should have sound now. give it a go03:03
=== jojo123 applaudes!
d4rksh4deTHANK YOU03:04
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d4rksh4deill check if i can play mp3 :P03:04
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d4rksh4deno plugins for mp3? :S03:07
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jojo123install the gstreamer-mad package03:07
MartinHohenbergI am trying to set up a custom $PATH variable to use under KDE - which config file is best suited for this attempt?03:07
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d4rksh4dejojo123, where?03:07
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d4rksh4dejoj it seems like soundcard is working now...i can set speakers volume lol03:08
jojo123d4rksh4de: no mp3 due to legal issues. sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad03:08
mindspind4rksh4de: go to synaptic and have a look, in kynaptic theres multimedia where you can check the packages03:08
dockanei would like to burn with nautilus out of "burn:///". the character coding does not fit and nautilus refuses to create the iso image. where do i find out _which file names are unacceptable for burning ?03:09
d4rksh4ded4rksh4de@d4rksh4de:~$ sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad03:09
d4rksh4deReading package lists... Done03:09
d4rksh4deBuilding dependency tree... Done03:09
d4rksh4deE: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-mad03:09
mindspini use xmms without any trouble playing mp3 or ogg03:09
d4rksh4dewhere can i get it?03:09
darkmantuxsomebody knows if Gaim-vv in Ubuntu works...03:10
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mindspind4rksh4de: go to synaptic and have a look, in kynaptic theres multimedia where you can check the packages03:10
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mindspinthere must be something similiar in synaptic03:10
d4rksh4deminavana, synaptic?03:10
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d4rksh4demindspin, whete?03:11
mindspinsudo synaptic03:11
jojo123d4rks4de: synaptic is the package manager (add/remove programs) for ubuntu/debian03:11
mindspinits a GUI for package management03:11
d4rksh4deoh, ok03:11
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kahuna_Hi. Can anyone help me with my Raid1? I've made a raid device with mdadm out of 2 empty ide drives. My raid is up and running according to mdstat. I've doen a fdisk /dev/md0 and put a linux partition on it.03:12
d4rksh4dehmm... and what i do there?03:12
kahuna_But I still have only /dev/md0 and not /dev/md01. Is that right?03:12
kahuna_How do I put a fs on the Raid?03:13
jojo123search for "mad"03:13
wizowhile trying to install nvidia drivers from the ubuntuguide.org page, it says it cant find : /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:13
wizoany ideas?03:13
mindspind4rksh4de: search for xmms03:14
wizod4rksh4de, trying to install xmms?03:14
kahuna_Hmm. am I supposed to partition my drives before creating the RAID?03:14
mindspintrying to get mp3 played anyway03:14
wizojuz get xmms03:14
d4rksh4desearch name:  xmms      results: none03:15
wizohint: if u are using a nvidia card, and xmms doesnt work properly03:15
rommeris debian better than ubuntu as a server03:15
Seveasd4rksh4de, enable universe03:15
Seveasd4rksh4de: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto03:15
Seveasd4rksh4de: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3803:15
Seveasd4rksh4de, and use beep-media-player instead of xmms03:15
mindspinand dont forget to update03:15
wizohint: if u are using a nvidia card, and xmms doesnt work properly03:15
=== mxpxpod [~BryanForb@wuw-ojr3gmca.dybb.com] has joined #ubuntu
d4rksh4deSeveas, universe?03:16
=== Mez [~mez@82-36-228-130.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
wizodo: apt-get install mikmod03:16
Seveasd4rksh4de, read these 2 websites :)03:16
d4rksh4deSeveas, ok03:16
wizod4rksh4de, u have to update yur list first03:16
Kamping_Kaiserhi mez03:16
slyquick question what sthe resolution up from 1024x76803:16
dockanei am really annoyed of this behaviour: i need to know _which (!) files are not acceptable to burn03:16
slyone that sounds similer to 1028x102403:16
wizowhile trying to install nvidia drivers from the ubuntuguide.org page, it says it cant find : /etc/X11/xorg.conf, any ideas?03:16
slythankyou :)03:17
Seveasubuntuguide.org is crap03:17
Seveaswizo, do you still use warty?03:17
wizohmmm, iim not too sure myself either03:17
Seveastype in a terminal: cat /etc/issue03:17
Di42loWhere should i add new fonts ? in which directory ?03:17
llebergwizo: isn't ite Xorg.conf? :)03:17
wizowarty version03:17
Seveaswizo, warty has no Xorg03:18
Seveaslleberg, no :)03:18
llebergdamnit :P03:18
Seveaswizo, for good nvidia support, i really suggest upgrading to hoary03:18
jojo123dockane: if you use rox file manager it will show all wierd filenames in red.03:18
wizohmm ok03:18
slyi better cntrl+alt+del now brb :)03:18
dockanei suppose nautilus uses mkisofs ... is there any log file where i could find which files are in wron condition03:18
wizoand how do i do that03:18
llebergi hadI had some problems with the case sensitive-thingie a while ago :P03:18
SeveasDi42lo, /usr/share/fonts or ~/.fonts03:18
Seveaswizo: One-line upgrade: sudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade03:18
Seveaswizo, it has to download several hundred MB03:19
jojo123dockane: I installed graveman for burning as well. very nice app. highly recommended03:19
wizosudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade <== i juz paste that in?03:19
SeveasKamping_Kaiser, depends on what you have installed03:19
Seveaswizo, yes, just paste it in a terminal03:19
wizook thx03:19
Di42loSeveas: thx03:20
wizoi`ll give it a go03:20
Kamping_Kaiserdefault upgraded is 450~03:20
Seveasindeeed :)03:20
jojo123dockane: maybe if you start nautilus from the terminal:  nautilus --no-desktop burn:///03:20
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dockanejojo123, the same problem03:21
dockanejojo123, and no additional information on the terminal03:21
jojo123dockane: any error messages in the terminal then?03:21
jojo123what is the exact error you get?03:22
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jfhtesting <--- sorry, first time using this app03:23
dockanejojo123, have to translate it : " Failed to start making the image. Wrong character sequence."03:23
slySeveas that reso didnt work , dunno why so............................03:23
slyi banged it into 1600x1200 i already wear specs why not make my eyes worse ?03:23
jfh<--- highly impressed with Ubuntu - easiest Linux install ever - wait, easiest install of any PC O/S03:24
jojo123dockane: never seen this error before. seems like you are using wierd characters somewhere in a file. I would try to burn it with "graveman" instead.03:25
llebergIs there anyway to change from 64bit hoary to 32bit hoary? :)03:26
=== badock [~badock@AMontpellier-251-1-27-138.w83-113.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserthere's a chance, not sure about the logistics03:27
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d4rksh4dewhere can i get repositories?03:30
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dockanejojo123_away, graveman is a bit ... hmm, lets say : complex, for the case you have got some hundred files03:30
wizod4rksh4de, read www.ubuntuguide.org03:30
wizoand read the first few pages03:30
d4rksh4deand how can i find beep-media-player?03:31
wizodo yur list first03:31
d4rksh4dei have some kind of list03:32
wizothen try searching it in synaptic03:32
d4rksh4desearch name?03:32
mindspind4rksh4de: open the file /etc/apt/sources.list with sudo gedit and remove the # before the lines defining universe03:32
mindspinthe file is kinda selfexplaining03:32
tweakismHi y'all.03:32
mindspin# deb http ...universe03:33
jojo123_awaydockane: graveman supports drag/drop just like nautilus03:34
dockanejojo123_away, and btw .... graveman is less helpfull .. it even does not say that there is somehting wrong with character coding. all it says : does not work03:34
wizosoo, as im downloading the upgrade, wads the difference between warty and hoary03:34
topyliwizo: age :)03:35
wizoerm, other than that? lolx03:35
dockanejojo123_away, i know ... did it that way but it opens every directory after drop what makes it complex to overview the compilation03:35
Kamping_Kaiserwizo, a bit of a ui improvement03:36
Kamping_Kaiser(? ) synaptic is now crap03:36
jojo123_awaydockane,ah i c.  then all I can say is that you should try to find a program that can check/rename faulty filenames automaticly. I have no idea where to find that though.03:36
wizouser interface improvement?03:36
dockaneor forces you to close each directory hirarchy03:36
topyliwizo: not much really. hoary works a bit better, there are small improvements all over the place03:36
wizo<Kamping_Kaiser> (? ) synaptic is now crap <= errr, synaptic package manger is crap?03:37
d4rksh4dei found the beep-media-player package, but there are two of them03:37
topylieven in free software, six months is not really that much03:37
Kamping_Kaiserin Hoary it is :S03:37
Kamping_Kaiseri prefered wartys03:37
wizowad do u mean by crap03:37
dockanejojo123_away, sorry to say: but graveman is some of the most complicated things to get a cd compilation above of 10 files03:37
dockanei will try k3b03:37
Kamping_Kaiserwizo, repositires are way harder to manage03:37
jojo123_awaydockane: not for me. i sort everything in folders before burning03:37
d4rksh4dewhat should i use beep-media-player or beep-media-player-dev ?03:38
topylidockane: well there's a complicated piece of software for you :)03:38
wizod4rksh4de,  use the player thingy03:38
=== jojo123_away is now known as jojo123
wizoread the description in synaptic03:38
d4rksh4denot dev?03:38
dockanetopyli, sorry for my poor english .. did not really get your point03:38
d4rksh4delol yeah03:38
topylidockane: k3b is more complicated than graveman, that's all. anyway, try gnomebaker too03:39
marcin_anthi all03:39
d4rksh4deand how to install it now?03:39
marcin_antcould someone help me and tell how to configure fglrx driver on hoary?03:39
=== jojo123 wish graveman becomes default in Ubuntu
wizoso errr, upgrading to hoary`s... does synaptic work the same as warty`s anyway/03:39
wizoin synaptic?03:40
wizod4rksh4de, in synaptic?? juz double click the thing, make sure thebox is checked, then click apply at the top03:40
topyliwizo: yes03:40
wizotopyli, that doesnt bother me that much then =)03:40
d4rksh4dewizo, ok..downloading03:41
dockanetopyli, not the number of options makes a gui complicated for me .. but the way of file and directory handling in this way. graveman is a good choice if you don' t need to choose i.e. a complete diorectory but _not this and that file plus that directory03:41
wizod4rksh4de, it should do everything automaticaly03:41
=== wizo 0shrugs-
topylidockane: yeah. anyway, gnomebaker has a k3b-style intefrace but is more at home in gnome03:42
wizoi use xmms and xine player03:43
=== toxicfume [toxicfume@gb.ja.95.11.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu
toxicfumehi all03:43
toxicfumeIs there a network sniffer for linux that can also rebuild captured packets?03:43
d4rksh4dewizo, it has mp3 plugin?03:43
wizoerm, you will have to download plugins03:43
d4rksh4dewizo, coz i cant get it working03:43
wizoi know03:43
d4rksh4dewizo, ok03:43
=== orospakr [~orospakr@ip-] has joined #ubuntu
wizoyou will have to go download the plugins03:43
mindspinxmms plays witout any extra download03:43
ezilican anyone help me with a usb camera permissions problem?03:44
=== x3r0 [~xero@209-159-32-163.wan.networktel.net] has joined #ubuntu
ezilii can only access my camera as root.03:44
wizoerrr, i downloaded some plugins and .wma format plugins03:44
d4rksh4dewhere can i get plugins?03:44
topylixmms has a zillion plugins but i don't know what's actually needed03:44
mindspinwma is adifferent story03:44
x3r0does ubuntu support the i915gm Graphics yet?03:44
wizobut actually, i couldnt play mp3 when i first installed ubuntu too03:45
mindspinbut i never needed wma03:45
=== sproingie [~chuck@64-121-15-14.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
wizobtw, im reading this article i searched and gotout from google03:46
=== ^rob^ [~rcaskey@cai17.music.uga.edu] has joined #ubuntu
=== TiffOn [user@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
wizo It is very easy to upgrade to 'Hoary': just edit your /etc/apt/sources.list configuration file to replace all instances of 'warty' with 'hoary' <== is that nessacery?03:47
x3r0does ubuntu support the i915gm Graphics yet?03:47
Kamping_Kaiseror doit in synaptic03:48
wizommm k03:48
wizothen wads this im downloading now?? O.o03:48
goldfish_wizo: yeah, replace warty with hoary and , apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade03:49
wizosudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade03:49
wizo  <== wad does that do03:49
goldfish_wizo: that swaps warty with hoary in the sources.list file and upgrades03:50
topyliwizo: it does the same thing with sed03:50
dockanetopyli, tried gnomebaker ... everything's fine _but : why does it not support to create a directory in the compilation manually ? following situation: there is a directory i.e. /home/user/scanns ... i would like to burn ~/scanns but not all in it .. just a few. how do i get scanns in the root of the compilation _and my choice into it ?03:50
=== wizo goes to search help with sed
goldfish_i really should learn sed, it's a handy command03:51
topyliwizo: have a nice summer learning sed :)03:51
wizoheh, its winter here03:51
topylidockane: dunno, i've never tried that03:51
topyliwizo: yeah, i was talking about next summer =)03:52
wizoooo so that command swaps all the warty with hoary03:52
topylia few winter months goes without saying!03:52
wizothats awesome03:52
topyligood for scripts03:52
dockanedo i have to expect serious problems installing k3b on ubuntu, since its written for kde desktop ?03:52
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=== thisfred [~thisfred@a80-127-80-154.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
wizothe only real problem i experienced so far with switchign from windows to linux is03:53
wizowriting my c programs03:53
goldfish_why's that?03:54
goldfish_much handier on linux i find03:54
d4rksh4dedoes ubuntu have c++ compiler?03:54
topyliwizo: why is that? can't find $FAVORITE_EDITOR?03:54
thenuked4rksh4de: you just have to install it first03:54
wizoim used to GUI03:54
wizolike dev bloodshed c++03:54
goldfish_CLI > *03:54
=== martin [~martin@ppp-82-135-67-237.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
wizowhich u can code and compile in the same program03:55
psychonatethen use kdevelop or something03:55
wizoi got emacs03:55
topylianjuta? not sure03:55
wizoand im still struggling to learn that program lolx >.<03:55
MartinHohenbergI get the following error if I try modprobe ndiswrapper under hoary: FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/misc/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted03:55
MartinHohenbergany ideas on that one?03:55
thenukeMartinHohenberg: sudo modprobe03:55
thenukeMartinHohenberg: it happens because you are not root03:56
psychonateyeah, anjuta might do it for you03:56
wizothats my rough guess on seeing Operation not permitted03:56
MartinHohenbergthenuke: jupp, just forgot to mention it.03:56
thenukewizo: man sudo, whatis sudo, sudo==superuser do03:56
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MartinHohenbergthenuke: negative. this is if I am root, too03:56
BeTahi, is there a smart tool to switch from TFT to VGA out (on a powerbook) ?03:57
MartinHohenbergI even tried that "Root shell" in gnome03:57
grimsehi, how to get information about used pcmcia-card-driver?03:57
sladenwin 8503:57
blazinmy .bash_profile is not sourced when i login, anyone can help?03:57
goldfish_grimse: lspci ?03:57
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thenukeMartinHohenberg: tried with verbosemode too?03:57
goldfish_blazin: are you trying to put aliases in it ?03:57
MartinHohenbergthenuke: verbose mode?03:57
thenukeit might give more info about the problem03:57
grimsegoldfish_, thx03:58
wizohmm, i downloaded like 1000mb of stuff this mornign when i reinstalled ubuntu03:58
wizoand now im downloading more =s03:58
MartinHohenbergthenuke: well, in this case, it doesn't. there now is another line preceding the error message: insmod /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/misc/ndiswrapper.ko03:58
blazingoldfish_, nope, i am changing the PATH, etc...03:58
=== seifu [~seifu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
goldfish_blazin: use .bashrc instead of .bash_profile03:59
blazingoldfish_, ok. i will try.03:59
=== Garathor [~Unknown_@] has joined #Ubuntu
goldfish_has anyone installed uplink on ubuntu ?04:00
wizouplink? wads that04:00
goldfish_a game04:00
psychonatedo people even still play that?04:00
goldfish_some do :)04:00
goldfish_wizo: it's an old hacking game04:01
goldfish_like strret hacker04:01
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=== remin [~remin@acc1-ppp242.per.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
blazingoldfish_, nope, it doesnt work. i log in from the text mode console, does it matter?04:01
wizodid u guys unpack smth like 1000+mb of stuff when installign ubuntu and it asked if u would like to download stuff from the net?04:01
wizoooo icic, sounds cool04:02
goldfish_blazin: ok, did you 'source /home/blah/.bashrc after u edited it?04:02
dockanek3b works , thnx jojo123 and topyli04:03
blazingoldfish_, if i source it manually, then it works. but after log out and login again, it's gone. seems like it's not sourced at login04:03
topylidockane: ok, adequately coolish :)04:03
=== X7C [~xtc@pc-110-88-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
goldfish_blazin: even with .bashrc ?04:04
blazingoldfish_, yes... :(04:04
=== EvilDork [~grey@64-18-99-236.adsl.catt.com] has joined #ubuntu
goldfish_hmmm, strange04:04
=== tovella [~ktraglin@pool-141-149-32-100.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
seifublazin: what's in ur .bash_profile?04:05
dockanetopyli, again i do not get what you mean but don't care ;). soon or later i will make my own backup script with mkisofs and cdrecord or seomthing like this04:06
topyliblazin: yes, bashrc should be sourced in profile04:06
=== tvelocity [~tony@ipa34.1.tellas.gr] has joined #ubuntu
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blazinseifu, can i paste here? or in #flood04:07
wizodid u guys unpack smth like 1000+mb of stuff when installign ubuntu and it asked if u would like to download stuff from the net?04:07
wizocheck out the channel topic04:07
topylidockane: why write backup scripts when you can just steal one? :)04:07
=== klaym [~klaym_@a81-197-224-152.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
=== ciocanel [~alex@zamolxis.cs.unibuc.ro] has joined #ubuntu
seifuone sec04:08
dockanetopyli, of course i am not going to reinvent the wheel but i will adopt something to my needs04:08
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=== Mez [~mez@82-36-228-130.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
topylidockane: yep. freshmeat is full of nice scripts you can build on04:08
ciocanelhello, i'm trying to configure my x, and X -configure gives me this strage error message "Missing output drivers"... can anyone please tell me what it means?04:09
=== michau_ [~michau@dsl-082-082-186-050.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
seifublazin: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/19904:10
seifucheck the url, put the contents in ur .bash_profile04:10
=== Dalkus [~David@81-86-159-34.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
seifuand remember to [re] source, or just quit and restart the terminal04:11
Kamping_Kaiserciocanel, did sounds like your kernel modules missing (iirc)04:11
blazinseifu, pasted there04:11
llebergIn firefox, why do i get the "the document contains no data" all the time?04:12
llebergi don't want it :(04:12
blazinseifu, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/20004:12
seifuyeah... already there04:12
ciocanelKamping_Kaiser, this is kinna stupid, 'cause i can run x only in 640X480... but yesterday was 1024X768 :-)04:12
=== nes [~nes@pm3-01-048.interconect.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserciocancel, have you upgraded the kernel/your driver module?04:13
ciocanelKamping_Kaiser, no.04:13
seifuthat's ur entire .bash_profile? so it already included the " . ~/.bashrc04:13
Kamping_Kaiserciocancel, I'm not sure what it could be04:13
blazinseifu, that's all the contents04:13
=== trupina_ [~trupina@clj22-212.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu
seifuextra weird04:14
blazinseifu, it's not sourced at login, i don't know why. i need to manually source it.04:14
=== Fnoy [~Fnoy@dsl-prvgw1hfd.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ciocanelKamping_Kaiser, just added another video card, couldn't manage to configure it and unplug it... and now, after dpk-recofigure it gives me this stupid error message04:14
blazinseifu, if i use $ su - user104:15
Kamping_Kaiserso you changed the card? from what to what ?04:15
blazinseifu, then it's sourced, but not at login04:15
nesHi people... I have a question: I can't write on my ubuntu shared folders accessing from a windows machine. Despite my efforts, it's always on read-only mode... how can I change it?04:15
topyliblazin: your profile is fine. perhaps /etc/profile is sick?04:15
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ciocanelKamping_Kaiser, now it's a intel i81004:15
blazintopyli, i didn't touch it since install04:15
ciocanelciocanel, before an old ati04:15
ciocanelstuipid me04:15
nesOn the other hand, I can access and write windows shared folders...04:15
Kamping_Kaiserciocanel. hvae you tried the vesa driver?04:16
=== jdthood [~jdthood@x095.decis.nl] has joined #ubuntu
topyliblazin: something still might have changed it... but this is fishing with long rods :)04:16
ciocanelKamping_Kaiser, not yet... I managed to make it work a week ago, with the i810 module, but I don't remember how...04:16
wizones, try reading www.ubuntuguide.org04:16
jdthoodWoo hoo.  I just dist-upgraded to breezy, and what do I read in the topic?...04:17
wizoi think they have an article on hwo to read from ubuntu04:17
wizoin windows04:17
Kamping_Kaiserciocanel, quite a few people with i810s been here. not sure what's happend04:17
seifuyeah:... blazin: do a cat /etc/profile and paste it at paste.ubuntulinux.nl, let's see04:17
blazintopyli, i just install hoary last night, and the apt-get upgrade04:17
blazinfresh install.04:17
ciocanelKamping_Kaiser, ok, thanks, back to text mode :-D04:17
Kamping_Kaiser;) sorry04:18
topyliblazin: ok, it shouldn't get rotten this quickly :)04:18
seifu[brb] 04:18
blazinseifu, line 001 to 029.04:19
blazinseifu, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/20104:19
=== EvilDork_ [~grey@64-18-99-236.adsl.catt.com] has joined #ubuntu
blazintopyli, :)04:20
=== d4rksh4de [~d4rksh4de@217-159-167-202-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
blazintopyli, if i use 'su - username' then it's fine.04:20
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=== avinoam [~avinoam@85-250-253-73.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
topyliblazin: what if you open a login shell with, say, "xterm -ls"04:21
Fnoyhow do you open rar files in lnux?04:21
avinoamCan I use the newest kernel with ubuntu?04:21
=== renick [~renick@61-229-10-50.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
jojo123d4rksh4de: try to offer the chat again04:21
mjravinoam, certainly, but wouldn't recommend it unless you have something spesific you need in there04:22
=== moshe [~moshe@bzq-218-148-27.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
topyliFnoy: with rar :)04:22
avinoammjr i see04:22
Fnoypleas help04:22
avinoammjr i like screwing around with my linux04:22
Fnoyim a really n00b to linux04:22
d4rksh4dejojo123, Already offering CHAT to jojo12304:22
mjravinoam, ok; well, if you want to roll your own, I'd recommend using kernel-package's make-kpkg; it rolls the kernels into deb packages04:23
avinoammjr i havve no idea what that is04:23
blazintopyli, cant do that right now, i am logged in as another user. all the login tests done at tty1,2,3...etc04:23
=== panthar [~Miranda@static-64-222-230-178.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
topyliFnoy: http://ubuntuguide.org/#rar04:23
d4rksh4dejojo123, whatever...04:24
avinoammjr what are advantages of recompiling kernel?04:24
mindspinavinoam: screw around your linux without building custom kernel04:24
jojo123d4rksh4de: doesn't seem to work. anyway, did it work?04:24
mjravinoam, that's why I said it04:24
d4rksh4dejojo123, still these things are not working :S04:24
mjravinoam, nothing much; if you don't know, don't :)04:24
avinoammjr cuz i'm bored04:24
jojo123are you using gnome or kde?04:24
d4rksh4dejojo123, sound error the same04:24
topyliblazin: well it's all the same. those are login shells too :)04:24
avinoammjr and there's the educational aspect04:24
d4rksh4dejojo123, restarting problem still smae04:24
=== panthar [~Miranda@static-64-222-230-178.port.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu []
d4rksh4dejojo123, but i noticed something04:25
jojo123d4rksh4de: even restarts? wierd wierd wierd.04:25
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jojo123d4rksh4de: yeah?04:25
=== njan [~james@james.user] has joined #ubuntu
mindspincompiling kernel is buzzword bingo for schoolyard nerds04:25
d4rksh4dejojo123, when booting.. several times said irq=5 error  ignoring line04:25
mindspinas for noobs talking about that04:25
=== Albaraha [~Albaraha@] has joined #ubuntu
mindspintheres definitely no need for04:26
d4rksh4dejojo123, what was the file name?04:26
jojo123d4rksh4de: you still have sound though?04:26
mindspinunless you have special hardware04:26
truz24can you use dd to make an image of a drive but only the space used ?04:26
d4rksh4dejojo123, i cant play mp304:26
=== MrScotty [1040@ente.hawo.stw.uni-erlangen.de] has joined #ubuntu
mindspintry du truz04:26
jojo123"resource busy"04:26
Nermalinstall the extra codecs04:26
mindspindu >diskusage.txt04:27
Nermaloh..ignore that04:27
d4rksh4dejojo123, and no sound again :(04:27
jojo123Nermal: libmad0 installed04:27
d4rksh4dejojo123, i think the file is missing04:27
blazintopyli, seifu, sorry guys, i just found out that the user's default shell is not bash, i created the user like 'useradd xxx', seems the default shell is assigned '/bin/sh'04:27
Nermalboot with pci=noacpi04:27
avinoamMy biggest annoyance is that my cable modem keeps disconnecting when i don't actively use the computer04:27
truz24mindspin, That gives me disk usage, i want to install ubuntu, then make a fresh image of it... but if I install it on a 200 gig, i can't burn a 200 gig image on a dvd....04:27
wizod4rksh4de, wad were u trying to do?04:27
d4rksh4dejojo123, was it modprobe.d ?04:27
jojo123modprobe snd-es18xx04:27
=== Pixel83 [~pixel@p54AADB9C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
d4rksh4dewizo, sound problems04:28
jojo123you don't have to edit the file again04:28
wizodid u have sound when u installed ubuntu?04:28
topyliblazin: sh is bash by default04:28
Fnoy/home/fnoy # sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla04:28
FnoyReading package lists... Done04:28
FnoyBuilding dependency tree... Done04:28
FnoyE: Couldn't find package flashplayer-mozilla04:28
=== Dalkus is now known as Dalk-Away
Fnoywhy cant i install it04:28
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d4rksh4dejojo123, warnings and fatal errors04:28
mbirkisFnoy: what architecture are you installing on?04:29
jojo123sudo modprobe snd-es18xx04:29
jojo123sudo /etc/init.d/alsa start04:29
d4rksh4dewizo, no04:29
topyliFnoy: you don't have the extra repositories added04:29
Fnoywhat should i do04:29
ubotuwell, restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats04:29
topyliFnoy: read ubuntuguide.org04:29
d4rksh4dejojo123, alsa ok04:29
wizoFnoy, go to ubuntuguide.org04:29
Fnoyok ok04:29
blazintopyli, i just manually changed it to /bin/bash, then it;s all working fine now.04:30
=== dizzie [~dizzie@port75.ds1-hj.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
wizoaww man04:30
topyliblazin: very weird. what does 'ls -l /bin/sh' tell you04:30
wizodownloading the upgrade sure takes ages04:30
blazintopyli, /bin/sh -> bash04:30
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=== topyli needs a drink
blazintopyli, i think bash wants to act like sh when you call him sh, :P04:31
=== Nermal too
=== munki [~munki@port75.ds1-hj.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalneed a drink04:31
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trupina_could you help me i have this simple problem i just need to know how to change port in gnome bittorretnt04:31
Di42lodamn it i got overflow and the openoffice was closed while saving... i lost all the info04:32
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OnoSendaiHey all04:32
nictukuHi, I have a problem exactly like http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-39838.html in a recent hoary installation.04:32
wizohoary installation?04:32
nictukuI have two scsi disk configured in a software RAID in the root partition. Is that supposed to work? It boots..04:32
OnoSendaiLooking for some help getting dual monitor support going, I want to extend the desktop to the second monitor instead of it just showing the same thing04:32
OnoSendaiIs this possible?04:32
nictukui have that setup, OnoSendai, for a nvidia card.04:33
OnoSendaiyeah i have an ATI X30004:33
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nictukuthat's different then.04:33
njananyone here regularly using breezy?04:34
mindspintruz24: what about makeisofs ?04:34
OnoSendaiwell the second monitor *does* show something04:34
OnoSendaii just want the desktop to be extended to it, rather than duplicated on it04:34
trupina_anyone here could help me with my bittorent ?04:34
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nictukuOnoSendai:         Option      "TwinView"                 "true"04:35
nictukuthat should do it, OnoSendai.04:35
trupina_what about bittorent*04:36
topyliblazin: there are hundreds of scripts on your system that set the sell to /bin/sh. let's hope they work :)04:36
nictukutrupina_: don't ask to ask. ask!04:36
blazintopyli, :)04:36
Fnoy/home/fnoy # sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla04:36
FnoyReading package lists... Done04:36
FnoyBuilding dependency tree... Done04:36
FnoyE: Couldn't find package flashplayer-mozilla04:36
psychonateOnoSendai, ah, I can help you with that.04:36
Fnoyim going crazy04:36
mindspintrupina_ asked but no one here uses bittorrent ;-)04:36
OnoSendaiwhich option is this, sorry nictuku?04:37
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topyliFnoy: have you edited sources.list? have you run apt-get update?04:37
trupina_ok then how to instal any program ?04:37
Nermaltrupina_, hush04:37
trupina_example lemule?04:37
=== shock [~shockwave@dsl-213-023-239-215.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
psychonateOnoSendai, Option          "TwinViewOrientation"   "LeftOf"04:37
psychonateOnoSendai, or RightOf heh04:38
OnoSendaium ok04:38
OnoSendaibut what are these options?04:38
OnoSendaihow do I change them?04:38
psychonateOnoSendai, for your xorg.conf04:38
psychonateOnoSendai, you need to open up your xorg.conf in an editor04:38
OnoSendaigood old config file editing eh :)04:38
psychonateOnoSendai, yep04:38
jinohi all04:38
OnoSendaihmm I'll give it a try, brb04:39
mindspintrupina_: sudo synaptic04:39
jinoi wanna install yahoo mesenger onmy system...04:39
topyliFnoy: ok, you have to actually read the instructions on ubuntuguide.org, just visiting the page doesn't quite suffice04:39
psychonateOnoSendai, you can look at my twinview xorg file if you wish04:39
jinohow to go about it04:39
Nermaljino, use gaim04:39
trupina_what does sudo synaptic mean ?04:40
jinoNermal: can i login wid my yaoo id in gaim04:40
=== ubuntu_ [~ubuntu@dyn-83-155-7-105.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
mindspinit starts the package manager04:40
Nermaljino, would I suggest it otherwise ?04:40
wizowhoa, twice as many users in gentoo than in ubuntu04:40
Nermalgaim does yahoo, icq, msn, irc, jabber, aol, etc04:40
topylijino: gaim logs into any protocol04:40
gorilla_trupina_, synaptic is a package manager, sudo will run a command as root.04:40
Fnoytopyli it stoped at 50%04:40
Fnoy apt-get update04:40
mindspinthere you can select the program you want to install04:40
FnoyErr http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release.gpg04:40
Fnoy  Temporary failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com'04:40
FnoyErr http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com hoary Release.gpg04:40
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Fnoy  Temporary failure resolving 'fi.archive.ubuntu.com'04:40
Fnoy40% [Connecting to fi.archive.ubuntu.com]  [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com] 04:40
NermalFnoy, hush04:40
=== hellomoto [Tester@68-189-171-128.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
OnoSendaiWhich section does it go in?04:40
=== camargo [~camargo@cm-net-poa-C8B02477.dynamic.brdterra.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
psychonatewizo, do you know why? It takes twice as much effort to get Gentoo up and running.04:41
trupina_do i have to download it or is it already here04:41
Nermaltrupina_, what ?04:41
=== jono [~jono@dsl-80-43-208-132.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
psychonateOnoSendai, the "Device" section04:41
wizogood one psychonate ;)04:41
Nermalsuprisingly, the package manager is already installed04:41
psychonateOnoSendai, can I PM you? I will show you my section as an example.04:41
jonoanyone know how to switch to projector display when using ubuntu on a powerbook04:41
wizois gentoo THAT hard?04:41
trupina_i didnt understand you either04:41
=== bur[n] er [~norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalwizo, not really04:41
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psychonatewizo, it's hard if you are not familiar with linux; otherwise, it is just time-consuming.04:42
topyliwizo: it just takes time, it's not that difficult04:42
wizomy friend was encouraging to start off learnign linux with gentoo04:42
=== yccheok [~yccheok@] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalwizo, you learn a lot04:42
Nevadowizo, more time consuming than difficult, but you'll learn a lot from it04:42
Taken_By_KristinHey everybody.04:42
mindspintrupina_: its the debian way to install software04:42
mindspintrupina_: its the debian/ubuntian way to install software04:42
yccheoki try to eject cdrom04:42
wizobut another friend is sayign i shouldnt do gentoo straight away04:42
Nermaltrupina_, just do sudo apt-get install <package name>04:42
yccheokyccheok@ubuntu:~$ eject04:42
psychonateI roughly had this sort of progression: Mandrake > Slackware > Gentoo04:42
yccheokumount: /media/cdrom0: device is busy04:42
yccheokumount: /media/cdrom0: device is busy04:42
yccheokeject: unmount of `/dev/hdd' failed04:42
yccheokwat i can do?04:42
Taken_By_KristinWho's lookin' forward to helpin' a complete noob??04:42
Nermalyccheok, unmount it04:43
jinohow to install bebian s/w04:43
NermalTaken_By_Kristin, not me,..04:43
Taken_By_KristinHaha ok.04:43
Nermaljino, what?04:43
trupina_where in the "terminal"?04:43
wizoTaken_By_Kristin, we`ll wad yur porolblem is first04:43
psychonateTaken_By_Kristin, just address the channel.04:43
topyliFnoy: security.ubuntu.com resolves fine. so does fi.archive.ubuntu.com (on my system anyway)04:43
NermalTaken_By_Kristin, just ask the %$^ question04:43
wizowe`ll see*04:43
=== camargo [~camargo@cm-net-poa-C8B02477.dynamic.brdterra.com.br] has left #ubuntu []
Taken_By_KristinI'm just trying to access the internet with the Ubuntu Live CD.04:43
Nermalyou've pissed me off now though04:43
gorilla_Taken_By_Kristin, depends... what the problem?? (no jokes about the any key here :-) )04:43
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wizouh huh04:43
Nermaltrupina_, rtfm04:43
yccheokyccheok@ubuntu:~$ umount /dev/hdd04:43
yccheokumount: /media/cdrom0: device is busy04:43
yccheokumount: /media/cdrom0: device is busy04:43
wizoarent u on the internet now?04:44
yccheokNermal: faill too :(04:44
Nermalyccheok, lsof /dev/hdd04:44
=== blazint [~blazin@cm99.epsilon201.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
Taken_By_KristinI'm using Windows XP on this computer but I'm running hte Live CD on my other one.04:44
gorilla_Taken_By_Kristin, cable, adsl, standard old-style modem04:44
psychonateOnoSendai, would you like to see my config?04:44
Taken_By_KristinWhich is connected wirelessly: Cable.04:44
Nermalneed less n00bs04:44
OnoSendainot right now thx psycho04:44
llebergI just want to informe you guys that today it's midsummers-eve in sweden04:44
Taken_By_KristinYes wireless.04:44
=== Nermal replaces lleberg with a cronjob
gorilla_wireless back to the cable modem?04:45
trupina_rtfm ?04:45
wizoissint wireless hard in linux04:45
Kamping_Kaisertaken_by_kristin, you here from church_of_foamy?04:45
llebergin other words, the best day to get drunk in all the year!04:45
yccheokoh, is my mplayer open it. but, i didnt use mplayer to play cd, i just listen to online radio ....04:45
Nermaltrupina_, read the docs04:45
NevadoI'd like to inform you that it has been raining all day in the UK :(04:45
trupina_are they04:45
Taken_By_KristinI think it's to the router actually.04:45
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Nermaltrupina_, for which package ?04:45
Taken_By_KristinI'm not sure.04:45
mindspinschool#s over somewhere?04:45
Nermalman <packagename>04:45
nictukuHi. I'm not being able to update the kernel in a server.04:45
topylilleberg: big here in finland too04:45
NermalI would love to know what trupina_ is actually trying to do04:45
OnoSendaiwhats the default root password?04:46
mindspinnictuku: why do you want?04:46
NermalOnoSendai, the user password.. use sudo04:46
topylilleberg: what the hell are we doing on irc? =)04:46
Nermalsudo su to get to root04:46
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avinoamwhat's the diff. between an ubuntu server and an ubuntu desktop?04:46
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Nermalavinoam, less desktop packages04:46
trupina_im missing basics here... i actually dont know what are you talking about04:46
Nermaltrupina_, leave04:46
llebergtopyli: It's 4:46 pm, and i'm not 13 years old :P04:46
nictukuI have exactly the same problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-39838.html04:46
llebergtopyli: Meaning, i04:46
lidobI'm 13 years old :P04:46
Nevadotrupina_, what are you trying to do?04:46
Taken_By_KristinBrb guys.04:46
llebergi'm still preparing my dinner!04:47
gorilla_yay.. one less m0r0n :-)04:47
avinoamI can't figure out how ubuntu fits so much on one CD!04:47
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Nermalthis channel is so infuriating..04:47
jinoNermal,doeas gaim allow to sign in in msn and yahoo at a time?04:47
nictukumindspin: why? security updates and add smp support04:47
mindspinlidob getting filesharing working04:47
NermalI probably know the answers to most questions but people are incapable of asking them04:47
Seveasjino, yes04:47
avinoamjino yes04:47
gorilla_jino, yes.04:47
davroDoes anyone know about the state of play with ubuntu and php5.04:47
wizochil it Nermal04:47
Seveasdavro, it might get to Breezy...04:47
lidobI can;t speak English very well04:47
Nermaldavro, I think my blog is 1st on google for it04:47
llebergNermal: Good point of view :P04:47
=== BROKEN_LADDER [~pral@h-69-3-234-223.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #UBUNTU
trupina_ok for start i would like to know what meta file is. because every time i start bittorent it sais i have to open meta file! where and what is it04:47
mindspinnictuku: so whats the problem?04:48
Nermaldavro, 2nd.. http://nermal.org/old/?entryid=58604:48
psychonatedamn FF is always crashing04:48
Seveastrupina_, a meta file is a file with a name that ends in .torrent04:48
Nermalsee the update bit04:48
Taken_By_KristinTo access the internet will I need a Live CD with ndiswrapper so I can install my wireless adapter's driver??04:48
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davroDid a google and theres some howto on compiling, just wondered, Breezy would be nice.04:48
psychonatecrashes randomly when I try to save pictures or view video heh04:48
avinoamis hitting apt-get update with backports enabled a bad idea?04:48
SeveasTaken_By_Kristin, yes.04:48
nictukumindspin: I won't pase the whole error message. Please kindly refer to http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-39838.html if you don't mind.04:48
llebergIs there any way not to get the "the document contains no data" GUI when surfing hte net in firefox? ;)04:48
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toxicfumeIs there a network sniffer for linux that can also rebuild captured packets?04:48
mindspini#ll do04:48
trupina_ok what about if i want to change ports in the bittorent how to do that04:48
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gorilla_Taken_By_Kristin, yes, but you would be better off installing otherwise all your changes that you make are gone when you reboot.04:49
Taken_By_KristinThanks Seveas.04:49
Nermaltrupina_, edit the config I suppose04:49
jinoNermal,how do switch to the other one when one is in use?04:49
Nermaljino, all people will be on the contact list04:49
Taken_By_KristinYeah I know, but I wanted to try out Ubuntu first.04:49
Nermaljust sign them all in04:49
OnoSendaiso theres no root account by default eh04:49
OnoSendaihow odd04:49
Nermalthey'll have different icons04:49
Nermalit's all transparent04:49
Nermaltry it04:49
=== vurdak [~vurdak@adsl-ull-36-19.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
jinoboth yahoo and msn?04:49
Nermalfor the 3rd time04:50
=== ohbother [~Snake@67-23-50-247.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasOnoSendai, you mean: how excellently secure :)04:50
Taken_By_KristinWill my wireless adapter definitely be supported?04:50
nictukuOnoSendai: there is a root account. It only has its password disabled.04:50
NermalTaken_By_Kristin, what adapter is it?04:50
davroCheers Nermal, but im really after a lazy .deb package04:50
gorilla_OnoSendai, there is a root account but the password is disabled.04:50
jinoNermal, thats kewl04:50
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Nermaldavro, which are at a link at the bottom of the post04:50
Nermalif you actually read it04:50
SeveasTaken_By_Kristin, only with ndiswrapper04:50
Nermalwhy I bother..04:50
=== vurdak [~vurdak@adsl-ull-36-19.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
Taken_By_KristinI typed in 'lspci'04:50
Seveasbroadcom is a spawn of the devil04:50
=== jojo123 [~johan@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
trupina_where is that when i open bitorent it sais open location for meta file. how to get pass that ?04:50
Taken_By_KristinAnd it says Networking Controller Broadcom and a bunch of numbers and junk.04:50
Seveastrupina_, you can't04:50
Kamping_Kaiserjino, i have IRC, MSN, aim, yahoo all going from GAIM *now*04:50
lidobis 8 nederlands :P04:50
Taken_By_KristinIs that what I'll need??04:50
Seveasit would be useless anyway..04:51
topylilleberg: so when you're under 15 in sweden you can't drink vodka before 6PM? ;)04:51
Nermaldavro, http://people.debian.org/~dexter/dists/php5/sid/binary-i386/  work04:51
trupina_where the is edit button04:51
mindspinnictuku: I have no clue on 64 ers and my server installations are all running debian04:51
wizobtw guys04:51
llebergtopyli: No.. the other way around04:51
NermalTaken_By_Kristin, broadcom can use ndiswrapper04:51
wizowads the difference between the file systems04:51
ohbotherHow do I have ubuntu start Apache, MySQL, and other applications when it starts up? (I guess what I'm asking is what is the linux equivalent of a windows Service)04:51
gorilla_trupina_, you need to find a .torrent tracker file first... rtfm.04:51
Nermaltrupina_, feed it a bittorrent file04:51
=== bernd_ [~bernd@arcturus.physik.uni-konstanz.de] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasohbother, just install them04:51
yccheokwat i should type to mount my usb pen driver?04:51
Nevadotrupina_, you need to open a .torrent file to download, there's not much else you can do with it04:51
Seveasthey'' auto-start04:51
mindspinnictuku: and theres nothing about kernel compiling in your post04:51
llebergtopyli: the yangsters can't figuera out something to do, so they start drinking at 4pm and trow up before 6pm04:51
Seveasyccheok, usually nothing at all unless you use Breezy04:52
Brammeis there a linux prog that can create and export vcards ?04:52
nictukuit's not a 64er issue. I believe it's a mkinitrd/raid issue.04:52
Taken_By_KristinAnd ndiswrapper DOES come on the install CD??04:52
SeveasBramme, evolution..?04:52
Taken_By_KristinI burned the install CD from the iso image.04:52
SeveasTaken_By_Kristin, yes04:52
nictukuit's not my post. It's not kernel compilation. It's kernel UPDATE.04:52
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NermalTaken_By_Kristin, ndiswrapper lets you use a windows driver under linux04:52
trupina_ive alreadi done that, and it said that i have to change my port because its blacklisted04:52
mindspintry make xconfig again04:52
Taken_By_KristinAny windows driver??04:52
NermalTaken_By_Kristin, wifi drivers04:52
ohbotherSeveas, installing by apt-get, will have them auto-start?04:52
Taken_By_KristinBecause I don't want to make the switch and then realize I can access the internet.04:52
SeveasTaken_By_Kristin, the windows 2000 driver for your card...04:52
BrammeSeveas, don't like evolution04:53
NermalTaken_By_Kristin, look on the ndiswrapper page then04:53
Seveasohbother, yes04:53
SeveasBramme, thunderbird then :)04:53
topylilleberg: ok cool. generations take turns so there's somebody out there all day :)04:53
=== SogniX [~SogniX@ca-vannys-bluewave3b-41.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ohbotherSeveas, because I run a game server that I have coded myself, and I need it to run as a service. i.e, if I reboot the computer, it needs to start automatically.04:53
BrammeSeveas, thx04:53
ohbotherSeveas, and I cannot apt-get that.04:53
Seveasohbother, why not..?04:53
mindspinnictuku: are you sure your /etc/apt/sources.list is correct?04:53
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davroNermal, do you think there will be a problem using your i386 .deb on this i686 laptop ?04:53
gorilla_ohbother, you need a startup script in /etc/init.d then04:53
Kamping_Kaiserohbother, /etc/init.d04:53
Seveasah ok, that's a diferent thing04:54
ohbothergorilla_, thanks. thats it.04:54
toxicfumeIs there a network sniffer for linux that can also reconstruct captured packets?04:54
Seveasohbother, you might be interested in BUM too, see the forums04:54
lidobSeveas kan je miss anwoord geve op mijn vraag in ubunt-nl?04:54
nictukumindspin: Please. I'm not a newbie.04:54
Taken_By_KristinWill I need to burn a copy of the driver I need onto a CD then since I won't be able to access the internet?04:54
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Seveaslidob, misschien, als je hier maar geen Nederlands praat..04:54
davrotoxicfume, ethereal04:54
mindspinnictuku: then I cannot offer you any help04:55
trupina_how to change port in gnome bittorent ?04:55
mindspinits sometimes difficult here for there are los of noobs here04:55
SogniXcan anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong - why can't I share a directory? I installed04:55
BrammeSeveas, thunderbird can't export vcards04:56
wizoSogniX, try www.ubuntuguide.org04:56
SogniXI installed samba and I can actually share and see the share from another computer - but can't actually connect :(04:56
mindspinbut nevertheless i would recommend debian sarge on servers04:56
toxicfumedavro: but ethereal can't do much at all, just reconstruct TCP packets...is there anything for Ubuntu/Linux that's equivalent to what Iris for windows can do? Iris: http://www.eeye.com/html/company/contact/sales.html?p=iris04:56
Nermaldavro, no04:56
SogniXdid that - does not work :(04:56
SeveasSogniX, make sure you add a *samba* password...04:56
=== chase [~Chase@stuartma.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
avinoamwhat's the best firewall for ubuntu04:56
Seveasavinoam, Linux has a firewall built into the kernel04:56
topyliavinoam: firestarter is a good front end04:56
Seveaswhat you think of as firewall are mere front ends04:57
avinoamseveas really?04:57
Seveasand firestarter is indeed a good frontend04:57
avinoamI see04:57
trupina_port change in bitorent????04:57
avinoamfirestarter you say?>04:57
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Seveastrupina_: please stop repeating the same question. If someone knows, (s)he will answer. You can try posting on the mailing list too.04:57
gorilla_toxicfume, any link with the registration requirement.04:57
Fnoythz guys i fixed my problem04:57
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wizoerm ok04:57
topyliavinoam: yes. it will set up the firewall for you04:57
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wizowho was asking for how to change ports04:57
jinoNermal, thanx a lot04:57
avinoamdo i really need a firewall if i'm not serving?04:58
gorilla_wizo, trupina_ was.04:58
toxicfumegorilla: say what? are you asking me a question??04:58
ciocanelTraxer|off, there's a -minport -maxport option man gnome-btdownload04:58
Nevadotrupina_, you could try using a different client like azureus04:58
topyliavinoam: you don't04:58
ciocanelerr... sorry Traxer|off04:58
wizotrupina_, can i pm u?04:58
Brammeis there something like KAddressbook for gnome ?04:58
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gorilla_toxicfume, opps.. I meant without the registration requirement.04:58
OnoSendaipsychonate: what were those lines for the conf again?04:58
ciocanelwizo, pm me too, I'm intrested too04:59
wizohmm ok04:59
toxicfumegorilla_: you mean you want to download it? Well it's only available for Windows04:59
wizoi only got a site04:59
avinoamtopyli even if i'm using azureus? on windows i was always getting hits... is there a difference?04:59
wizoof a forum that tell u how to do it04:59
trupina_yes... but that means that i have to install it. and i still dont know how to do that. what does pm mean ?04:59
=== ealden [~ealden@ipdial-191-183.tri-isys.com] has joined #ubuntu
topyliavinoam: well that's a service :)04:59
avinoamwhere do i get firestarter?04:59
NevadoBramme, you can use the evolution address book and there are panel applets to integrate with it etc if you wnat04:59
gorilla_toxicfume, that link took me straight to a form... I'm not downloading just to find out what the feature list is...04:59
topyliavinoam: just apt-get it05:00
toxicfumegorilla_: oh it did? damn let me try05:00
avinoamtopyli- is it in universe? multiverse?05:00
Fnoyhei guys wher can i find out what programs apt has to offer05:00
toxicfumegorilla_: my bad..i'll post the feature list links correctly now05:00
OnoSendaiah got it nvm05:00
SeveasFnoy, packages.ubuntu.com05:00
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SeveasFnoy, or simply synaptic05:00
toxicfumegorilla_: Iris: http://www.eeye.com/html/products/iris/features.html05:00
gorilla_toxicfume, I've got it...05:01
avinoamanyone know which repository firestarter is in?05:01
wizohope it helped u 205:01
toxicfumegorilla_: alright, so do you happen to know anything like that for ubuntu? :)05:01
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gorilla_not off the top of my head... snort will do some of it and nessus will allow you to test a firewall but nothing as an all in one solution.05:02
topyliavinoam: dunno, probably in universe05:02
GNULinuxeravinoam> it's both in universe and backports05:02
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avinoamCan I safely use backports enabled?05:03
wizoy does ubuntu give free distros and covers the shipping cost, while gentoo doesnt05:03
GNULinuxeravinoam> yeah ... but be a bit careful05:03
nesHey, how can I get write permission on ubuntu shared folders with samba from a windows98 box?05:03
Seveasnes, mount them with umask=000005:03
Seveaswizo, ubuntuguide.org is utter crap05:03
avinoamGNULinuxer one time i did a synaptic upgrade with it enabled and it totally screwed up my ubuntu05:04
Kamping_Kaiserwizo, Ubuntu +gentoo have a different target05:04
GNULinuxeravinoam> that's why I said so :)05:04
wizoSeveas, but it does tellu hw to access stuff =/05:04
gorilla_Yep, firestarter is in universe: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=firestarter&searchon=names&subword=1&version=hoary&release=all05:04
wizoKamping_Kaiser: different target?05:04
Seveaswizo, not really05:04
avinoamGNULinuxer which repositories can I have set when i do an upgrade?05:04
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GNULinuxergorilla_> the backports one is a newer version05:04
avinoamWithout killing my ubuntu i mean05:05
Seveaswizo, the instructions are bad and give no explanations05:05
Kamping_Kaiserwizo, target user group.05:05
GNULinuxeravinoam> if you enable backports, don't do a dist-upgrade05:05
=== phaedrus44 [~phaedrus4@cpe-24-198-29-175.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
wizohmm, yeh i guess, no explanations05:05
gorilla_GNULinuxer, I don't do backports... :-)05:05
wizobut it does work for most of the stuff for me =/05:05
avinoamGNULinuxer, will that install upgrade?05:05
avinoamGNULinuxer i mean will that install breezy?05:05
neshum, but how I configure the mounting with umask=0000? Isn't that an fstab option?05:05
Seveasno avinoam05:05
Seveasnes, yes05:05
GNULinuxeravinoam> yeah, IMHO it's safe to upgrade05:05
topyliwizo: it's a terrible learning tool though. leaves nebwies helpless as they came05:05
GNULinuxeravinoam> no. it won't install breezy, and don't even think about that now05:06
avinoamOnce I did upgrade in synaptic, with backports enabled, and it killed my kernel05:06
avinoami had to reinstall ubuntu05:06
wizoi learned thru that05:06
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GNULinuxeravinoam> when was that?05:06
avinoamGNULinuxer, a few weeks ago05:06
GNULinuxeravinoam> you can tell apt to hold the kernel05:06
GNULinuxeravinoam> so it won't upgrade it05:07
d4rksh4deIm having sound problems05:07
avinoamGNULinuxer although i don't understand why the newer kernel would be problematic05:07
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GNULinuxeravinoam> me too :)05:08
avinoamGNULinuxer although it did05:08
nesBut I can see and write on windows shared boxes (mounts are set on /etc/fstab)... I can't on the ubuntu box.05:08
GNULinuxeravinoam> which version did it install?05:08
avinoamGNU i don't even know05:09
avinoamI don't memorize kernel numbers05:09
GNULinuxeravinoam> and how exctly did it kill the kill th ekernel?05:09
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d4rksh4decan anyone help me with sound problems05:09
GNULinuxeravinoam> that's why i told you to be careful05:09
GNULinuxerd4rksh4de> what is the issue pal?05:09
avinoamGNULinuxer i couldn't boot into gnome anymore05:10
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GNULinuxeravinoam> did it boot?05:10
d4rksh4deGNULinuxer, i have to modprobe every time i boot to get sound working05:10
Seveasd4rksh4de, that's easy to solve05:10
GNULinuxerd4rksh4de> modprobe which modules?05:10
avinoamGNULinuxer maybe it wasn 't kernel, that's what people in this room told me, but it would hang while starting gnome05:10
Seveasadd the module you need to modprobe to /etc/modules05:10
d4rksh4deGNULinuxer, insnd wont work05:10
avinoamGNULinuxer, maybe it was a bad gnome05:11
GNULinuxerd4rksh4de> just put it in the /etc/modules05:11
nictukuI believe there is a bug in mkinitrd in hoary. If you can, please see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=227162#post22716205:11
GNULinuxeravinoam> :)05:11
jinoi dont get the users and groups in graphic view..05:11
gorilla_avinoam, lol05:11
avinoamGNULinuxer i'm a linux newbie, i'm still trying to get into the linux mindset05:11
jinocan i gt in copmmand line05:11
Fnoydoes anyone know how the ati drivers work for ubuntu05:12
=== Vincent_ [~Vincent_@jabber.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu
slythis may seem a stupid question but how to you speel nauti........05:12
Seveasjino, you mean system -> administration -> users and groups..?05:12
slyi dont even know how it begings -\05:12
Seveassly, nautilus ..?05:12
d4rksh4deGNULinuxer, theres no /etc/modules05:12
slyyeh thats the one :)05:12
topyliFnoy: only ATI knows that :)05:12
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slycheers :) ( again )05:12
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Fnoyok does anyone play windows games on ubuntu05:12
gorilla_d4rksh4de, try /etc/modules.conf instead05:12
jinoSeveas, yes05:12
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d4rksh4deis there a command insnd ?05:12
GNULinuxerd4rksh4de> there must be one05:13
d4rksh4deor something05:13
slyanyone used nautilus ontop of xfce................05:13
phinnaeusdoes anyone know how to open a .tpb file?05:13
Seveasjino, sudo users-admin05:13
phinnaeusi cant seem to open it05:13
jinoSeveas, actually in my machine it works, i have installed the addon cd aswell..but never on my friends machine..05:13
GNULinuxerd4rksh4de> just open the /etc/modules or modules.conf in an editor05:13
marcin_antHi all again05:13
Seveasd4rksh4de, maybe you accidently removed it..?05:13
GNULinuxerSeveas> removed it?05:14
jinoSeveas, thanx05:14
avinoamwhere did it install firestarter?05:14
avinoamdamn it05:14
GNULinuxeravinoam> /usr/bin05:14
d4rksh4deSeveas, no05:14
d4rksh4deSeveas, i found it05:14
gorilla_sly, I haven't but it can be done...05:14
Seveasd4rksh4de, then it must be there :)05:14
marcin_antI got ATI drivers installed and configured - unfortunatelly I got video output only on VGA not on DVI - could someone tell me how to enable this for DVI?05:14
avinoamGNULinuxer i have to run it from there?05:14
avinoamIt's not in my menu?05:14
Seveasavinoam, applications -> internet -> firestarter05:14
GNULinuxeravinoam> this is just a graphical firewall config tool05:14
GNULinuxeravinoam> the firewall is in the linux kernel05:15
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Seveasavinoam, and remember: do NOT set it to autostart or something, that's not needed05:15
avinoamit didn't put it in internet05:15
d4rksh4deSeveas, i forgot to say i have to type: sudo modprobe snd-es18xx    every time i boot to get sound working, is there a permanent way?05:15
Seveasfirestarter is only the configuration program05:15
Seveasd4rksh4de, yes: echo snd-es18xx | sudo tee -a /etc/modules05:15
GNULinuxerd4rksh4de> yes, put snd-es18xx in the file05:15
avinoami can't find it05:16
Seveastype that once and it will auto-load05:16
jinoSeveas, why i didnt get that in graphic view?05:16
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slygorilla im currently doing it now05:16
Seveasjino, no idea....05:16
=== michau_ [~michau@dsl-082-082-185-195.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
slyrather weird when right clicking on desktop to acces xfce options. but overall works pretty well05:16
slyonly weird cos you get normal menu instead of xfce's05:16
ice04Hi all where or how can i addd more fonts to my KDE enviroment (Newbie)05:16
gorilla_sly, nice :-)05:16
slyits kinda realy strange05:17
d4rksh4deok i try it out05:17
slybut good =\05:17
=== X7C [~xtc@pc-110-88-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveassly, people are fixing that for Breezy05:17
slythe right click on desktop thing ?05:18
=== unreal still doesn't have an active ubuntu machine :/
SogniXthanks wizo and seveas - samba works now. I guess I missed the samba password part. I figured it used the same password. :p05:18
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avinoamit didn't put firestarter in my internet menu05:18
Seveasavinoam, where did you install it from, backports or universe?05:18
avinoamseveas, universe05:19
jinohow do i share a folder/file on lan05:19
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Seveasavinoam, maybe you should restart gnome-panel, try logging out and logging back in05:19
slyim so used to right clikin desktop on xfce that , ive done 4/5 times already now =\05:19
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slybut looks good with desktop icons on05:19
avinoamseveas i'm in kde05:19
avinoamkillall kde-desktop?05:19
gorilla_firestarter can be found in the Applications-> System tools menu05:19
gorilla_avinoam, that was for you :-)05:20
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Seveasavinoam, ah!05:20
Seveasi don't think it will show up in KDE05:20
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avinoamseveas why not?05:20
Pu7ois there any way to resize an HFS+ partition without losing the data in it?05:20
avinoamseveas everything else does05:20
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avinoamwhat's the kde panel's process called?05:20
Pu7oi want to install ubuntu on my mac but i don't want to lose the data in it05:20
Seveasavinoam, no idea, I hate KDE so I don't use it05:21
zip*just installed ubuntu on his mac and erased his hard drive*05:21
avinoamseveas i like it a lot05:21
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avinoamAnyone know what the kde panel process is called?05:21
bkinmanHello people. I am developing a linux CCTV based security camera solution in ubuntu. I want it to do automated encoding and DVD burning at the end of the day... any ideas which software i should burn with?05:22
topyliavinoam: it was 'kicker' last i heard05:22
slyavinoam have you installed kubuntu ?05:22
terrexwhat happened to "open virtual" from desktop context menu in new gnome (breezy)?05:22
avinoamsly yes05:22
mindspinavinoam ksystray05:22
Slikehello, is there an "ubuntu-way" to have firefox extensions/themes installed? or should I install it from the mozilla sourcepackage?05:22
Seveasterrex, they dropped it05:22
avinoamtopyli way to go you are correct05:23
topyliterrex: terminar rather?05:23
jinohow do i install themes?05:23
Seveasjino, art.gnome.org/faq.php05:23
avinoamdamn it but it didn't restart05:23
zip.. are the applications listed in my gnome Applications menu really all the user software I have? doesn't seem quite right..05:23
Seveaszip, no, there's lots more :)05:24
zipi thought so05:24
slyright im out, take care :)05:24
Seveasthere are like a zillion command-line applications05:24
ziphow do i get them to show up without going to the /bin05:24
Seveasand these don't get listed05:24
avinoami love my command line05:24
terrexSeveas: why the dropped it?, i liked it where it was05:24
=== sly highly recomends nautilus (spelt right ) ontop of afce
zipi'm running nautilus05:24
jinoSeveas, can i share my file on lan ...05:24
Seveasjino, what do you mean..?05:25
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zipwell, does the application menu only show Gnome apps or what?05:25
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bkinmanSo nobody here encodes and burns to DVD?05:25
topylizip: mostly05:25
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Fnoywhats the apt-get code for kde05:25
slyburns to dvd yes05:25
ziphow do i make it show more without manually adding everything =p05:25
gorilla_zip: gnome menu will only show those application that addd themselves to the gnome menu config files.05:25
slyencodes no. i only deal in true dvdr05:25
slyso no need to encode05:26
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SeveasLoneElf, not personally, but look at the forums, I've seen some guides there05:26
topyliFnoy: you want to install kde?05:26
LoneElfsly, which software do you use?05:26
topyliFnoy: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:26
slyk3b & dvddecryptor under wine05:26
zipurk.. i thought GCC got installed from the CD05:26
avinoamanyone knjow where firestarter is on kubuntu?05:27
Fnoytopyli does it take long05:27
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avinoamoh also what is the difference between processed than open with ./ and those that open without?05:27
topyliFnoy: yes. depends on your bandwidth05:27
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zipdo i have to install the packages g++ and g++3.3 or only one?05:28
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wizocya peepz05:29
jinoSeveas, i want to make a shared folder just like in windows..05:29
Fnoytopyli problem05:29
FnoyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:05:29
Fnoy  kubuntu-desktop: Depends: konversation but it is not going to be installed05:29
FnoyE: Broken packages05:29
jinoso that people can view that and access it from another machine05:30
topylizip: g++ is a virtual package and depends on the latest g++05:30
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Nevadocan anyone recommend a good ID3 tag editor?05:30
zipso both05:30
topyliFnoy: well, that is a problem05:30
topylizip: no. just g++ and it will install whatever it depends on today05:30
d4rksh4dehehe... problems solved: internet connection - ok, graphics resolution - ok, soundcard - ok05:31
zipah, right you are. i went from the bottom up and marked GCC etc before i got to g++ so it didn't prompt me05:31
d4rksh4de3 problems more05:31
d4rksh4dehow to check and select keyboard keymaps?05:32
d4rksh4deor layouts05:32
GNULinuxerd4rksh4de> keyboard prefs05:33
Seveasjino, you need to install samba05:33
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avinoamhwo to check firewall status?05:34
jinoSeveas, okie..how to work with it.05:34
mindspinbtw. there's a security hole in smb protocol05:34
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Seveasjino, it comes with a config files with examples05:34
Seveasmindspin, there are several...05:34
Seveaswhich one are you referring to..?05:34
skymtdon't edit smb.conf by hand, use SWAT05:35
topyliavinoam: sudo iptables -L05:35
zipok new problem, how do i connect to my OS X 10.3 computer? :D05:36
mindspinthere is also an exploit out there for that hole05:36
d4rksh4dehow to get correct keyboard layout?05:36
mindspinbad news for companies running still nt405:36
d4rksh4desome keys arent working05:36
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avinoamtopyli and then what?05:37
d4rksh4dei have the right language but still05:37
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avinoami'm not quite sure firestarter is working correctly05:38
LoneElfWhere is the transcode package????!?05:39
Fnoyhei guy you know when you start ubuntu. Then things like [ok]  comes up05:39
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Fnoyhow do you change the colours and the put a bg image up05:39
d4rksh4deanyone can help me with my keyboard problem?05:40
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jagocan any one help to configure my network card05:40
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GNULinuxerjago> yes05:41
jinoSeveas, done..how n where from ..do im acces from a remote machine..05:41
gorilla_jago, what's you network card??05:41
=== gorilla_ sighs..
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jagoits a davicom05:41
=== avinoam [~avinoam@85-250-253-73.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
avinoamYeah i have no idea where it installed firestarter05:42
d4rksh4dewhat is this:  X server with incompatible libxkbfile implementation05:42
busfahrer_Excuse me, is it enough to have a ReiserFS partition (and swap), or do I have to keep an ext2 partition for grub?05:42
GNULinuxerjago> is it known to work with linux?05:42
GNULinuxeravinoam> dpkg -l firestarter05:42
avinoambut why? i apt-get it!!!05:42
GNULinuxeravinoam> that will tell you where it's installed05:42
gorilla_GNULinuxer, you mean dpkg -L firestarter :-)05:43
kangpehanyone have any idea how to make the root applications have a theme (follow user theme)05:43
kangpehwhen doing sudo-app05:43
GNULinuxergorilla_> yeah ... missed the shift key05:43
jagoI dont know05:43
kangpehi.e., like when u run synaptic and stuff05:43
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avinoami run the wizard from command line and then nothing05:44
GNULinuxeravinoam> what then nothing?05:44
avinoamand then i wanna see what's going on with the firewall!05:44
avinoamhow to set specific permissions, open close ports, etc05:45
doonzis there a command through terminal that will allow me to see used vs free space on my main drive?>05:45
d4rksh4deanyone can help me with restart/ shut down problem?05:45
jago:GNULinuexer one is integrated to my motherboard and the other one is a pci card, but this one does not detect it05:45
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gorilla_doon, try df -h05:45
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GNULinuxerjago> hmm05:45
gorilla_doonz rather05:45
goldfish_can u get line numbers in nano ?05:45
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kangpehi think CTRL+C05:45
goldfish_will try05:46
GNULinuxerjago> if it's not autodetected, it means it will not work easily or won't work at all05:46
doonzwow a 120gb hdd only reads as 110gigs05:46
doonzstupid formatting05:46
zip__no wonder file sharing wasn't working with my mac, no NFS.. no Samab(on my ubuntu computer)05:46
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GNULinuxerdoonz> it's normal05:46
gorilla_doonz, not really... also stupid binary vs decimal numbers :-(05:46
avinoamGNULinuxer how do i set settings on firestarter?05:47
GNULinuxeravinoam> just choose the outgoing device ... and the defaults will do05:47
avinoami see05:47
gorilla_goldfish_, try nano -c filename :-)05:47
jago:GNULinuxer where I can find a page to see if it is compatible with linux05:47
avinoamand what if i don't want defaults? or want to see what the defaults are?05:47
GNULinuxerjago> which model is it?05:48
gorilla_avinoam, the default is to allow everything..05:48
GNULinuxeravinoam> then look around and discover05:48
avinoamGNULinuxer, where?05:48
avinoamGNULinuxer i don't see a panel anywhere05:48
topyliavinoam: the firestarter gui of course05:48
moshehow can i install a new theme ?05:48
kangpehplz does anyone know how to set the themes for root applications to match the user theme?05:48
avinoamtopyli i don't know where it put it05:48
avinoamIn the gnome menu05:49
jinomoshe, do it from gnome website05:49
goldfish_gorilla_: ty :)05:49
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moshewhat is gnome website?05:50
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jinohow do i login as root in graphics mode?05:50
jago:GNULinuxer its a davicom DM9102AF05:50
gorilla_goldfish_, there are some other interesting switches nano --help for details :-)05:50
GNULinuxerjago> try google05:50
goldfish_will do , thanks05:50
Seveasjino, by default you cannot and you really *should* not do that05:51
kangpehJInO: u gotta set it to do that :O05:52
kangpehseveas:  do you know how to set the theme for root05:52
kangpehto match the theme of user05:52
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kangpehi.e., when running apps aZ sudo05:52
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kangpehim sure there is a way to do that05:52
kangpehinstead of permamently swithcing the default hteme05:52
=== Howitzer [~adrian@155.52-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
jinoSeveas, the thing is i want to copy html files from else where to www folder in gui05:53
jinobut it is allowd only as root.05:53
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jinoso i gotta do it in command prompt05:54
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jinokangpeh, how can i set it05:54
Howitzeri'm having a problem with Cedega05:54
Howitzeri just can't install it05:55
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Howitzer(Cedega CVS)05:55
Howitzereverything goes fine untill i reach phase 3: CVS Checkout05:55
Howitzerthen it babbles about some non-existant dir and it throws me off05:55
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jinokangpeh, can i login as root in gui05:57
thenukejino: yes you can, but you should not05:58
X7Cmy ubuntu cd's finally arrived... :S05:58
X7Cwhen was haory released?05:58
thenukejino: and you should not because it is not necessary and it is not secure05:59
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=== terrex dice: ahora s que s, me ausento. taluego
kangpehyou can06:01
kangpehyou have to enable it06:01
=== evrix [~labor@213-156-52-103.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
kangpehdont worry bout security shit06:01
kangpehjust understand that when you login as root06:01
evrixhi all06:01
kangpehany and all applications you run06:01
kangpehare running as root06:01
kangpehso if any and all of those applications have any type of exploitable interface06:01
kangpehthen someone can quickly and easily get root access to your system06:01
evrixsomeone has tried installing ubuntu on pavilion zv6000 ?06:02
jago:GNULinuxer thnks i found my error, the card was desactivated jejeje06:02
kangpehbut as long as you know and understand that and take it into precaution, jino, you will be straight out of compton06:02
jinokangpeh, okie06:02
X7Cevrix someone has tried installing ubuntu on pavilion zv6000 ? << nope06:02
kangpehif you know and understand it fully06:02
kangpehjust run gdmsetup as sudo or go to the login manager in the gnome menu06:03
kangpehand lalow root ot login06:03
kangpehsimple as that06:03
jinokangpeh, how do i do it06:03
kangpehbut like i said take heed to the warnings which i hath given you prior to such statements.06:03
kangpehsystem->administration->login MaNAGGGGGeRRR06:03
kangpehor something like that06:03
evrixit's a cheap notebook06:03
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kangpehand then 'SECURITY' or something liek that06:03
evrixbut seems to have some probs06:03
kangpehand then 'ALLOW r00t to l0gin ' or something like that06:03
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kangpehim not really sure lol06:03
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StrissDoes anybody know of any applications for Ubuntu for a virtual synth keyboard?06:04
kangpehevrix:  there is a site that has all the laptops with success and fail stories of running linux06:04
jinois that really insecure..06:04
evrixi know06:04
kangpehjino: it CAN be06:04
kangpehif you know what ur doing its straight outta compton though06:04
evrixand there's no zv6000 there06:04
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renickStriss - look in Synaptic under multimedia06:04
evrixthat's why i'm here06:04
renickthere's loads of them06:04
kangpehi'll buy the zv6000 from you for $6006:04
evrixper month?06:04
kangpehhow much is it?06:04
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kangpehyou should have just gone to DELL and waited for those 700$ off coupons06:05
kangpehthen u can get a dell inspiron pimptop for like 700$06:05
evrixi haven't got it yet06:05
kangpehim gonna get a 12" dell inspiron soon...06:05
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kangpehand im gonna put ubuntu on it and theme it to look like a mac06:05
zimba-tmwhat audioserver do you recommend ?06:05
kangpehso fools will think its a powerbook06:05
kangpehbut really its a pc running ubuntu06:06
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kangpehcuz the thing with powerbook is06:06
kangpehthe applications i need are linux06:06
kangpehnot MAC06:06
kangpehbut the interface i lvoe is MAC06:06
kangpehand the coolness and showoff thing is MAC06:06
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kangpehso i gotta look like MAC but run like LINUX06:06
kangpehu know what im saying though06:06
evrixi do?06:07
kangpehthere are 2 aspects to technological devices when it comes to those type of things06:07
kangpeh1) show off level06:07
kangpeh2) usability level06:07
kangpehfor me - usability means i do need to run linux06:07
kangpehfor me - show off level means it has to look like a mac06:07
=== flogiston [~flogiston@1-1-13-15a.gml.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
kangpehso as long as i got an nvidia vidcard i can use xcompmgr and have drop shadows and transparent menus06:07
kangpehand gdesklets starterbar is the bomb06:07
kangpehso i'll be straight :D06:07
kangpehim gonna paint the laptop case/outer cover too06:08
flogistonHI im about to format a ntfs disk in to linux filesystem. But cfdisk cannot find my drive.06:08
kangpehto make it look like aMac lol06:08
kangpehflogiston: lol06:08
kangpehflogiston: are you sure its cfdisk that can't find it or your kernel heh06:08
kangpehor for that matter are you sure u are lookin on the right drive for such partition06:08
kangpehflogiston:  install gparted it is a graphical user interface that makes things go a lot easier :D06:08
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kangpehsudo apt-get install gparted06:09
evrixcan we format ntfs?06:09
kangpehor use your kynaptic or synaptic crapz06:09
kangpehevrix: yeah06:09
kangpehwhy not lol06:09
evrixsudo apt-get install yoursister06:09
kangpehevrix:  o_o06:09
kangpehevrix:  you like cute girls?06:09
kangpehor hot ones06:09
evrixof course not...06:09
kangpehwhich one - hot or cute06:09
evrixboth if i can06:10
kangpehbased off your answer i can tell you a little bit about yourself06:10
kangpehwell which do you prefer the most06:10
kangpehcute like BoA and Hyori (see GOOGLE for such singers)06:10
kangpehor hot like Jessica Simpson (See GOOGLE for such singers)06:10
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flogistonI'm trying gparted now.06:10
evrixevanescence's singer06:10
kangpehif u had to choose06:10
kangpehflogiston: no doubt06:10
kangpehevanescence's i c i c06:10
evrixdont't remember the name06:10
kangpehevrix:  i know everything bout ur tastes now06:10
kangpehevrix:  you should google for 'suicide girls' and check out that site (not work safe) - no it is not a suicide site lolol its an adult site06:11
kangpehbut they have girls that fit your tastes.06:11
kangpehits actually a brand of adult media that is growing large though06:11
djm62this ain't regular #ubuntu :-/06:11
kangpehdjm62: How can I help you?06:12
Nevadosuicide girls? :\06:12
evrixnot my fault06:12
kangpehIt isn't girls doing suicide...06:12
evrixhe's MAC addicted06:12
kangpehIt is like a 'gothic themed' adult site :O06:12
Nevadolol, doesn't sound very appealing06:12
kangpehit's growing quite large in the adult community06:12
djm62kangpeh: no need of help (unless you know how to get xrandr rotating on a laptop06:12
evrixsuicide=sue side?06:12
kangpehdjm62:  what video card do you have06:12
djm62intel i81006:13
Howitzergimme a link of the gothic themed adult suicide chicks site06:13
kangpehdjm62:  hmm is it even supported on that gfx card06:13
Howitzer\ o /06:13
Howitzeri'm horny06:13
Howitzeroh god06:13
=== Howitzer runs
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kangpehhowitzer:  You are not 18.06:13
djm62kangpeh: I thought it was a pure software thing...06:13
evrixhe's 8106:13
Howitzerhow the hell do you know?06:13
kangpehdjm62:  I wish but... let me show you the error I get with an ATI video card06:13
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djm62the rotate, not the resize...the resize works06:13
Howitzerwho knows i'm some 56year old guy luring 3year olds with candy :<06:13
kangpehThe X Server does not support XRandR06:14
kangpehits software-driver based yeah06:14
kangpehso yeah software pure06:14
kangpehoh no doubt06:14
djm62kangpeh: did you enable it in xorg.conf?06:14
kangpehdjm62:  ati fglrx doesn't support XrandR06:14
kangpehi have like fglrx 8.10.12 :/06:14
kangpehthats like the latest i THINK06:14
kangpehi just compiled it like 3 weeks ago atleast06:14
kangpehand created a .deb huhu06:14
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kangpehi cheated though. cuz when i say compile i really didnt compile anything06:15
kangpehand to make the deb i just used 'alien'06:15
djm62kangpeh: have you did the option "Xrandr" "enable" or whatever in xorg.conf, though06:15
kangpehbut yeah06:15
kangpehdjm62: i think i commented it out06:15
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evrixthat may be the reason...06:15
kangpehdjm62: the thing is - if its in - gdm fails to start06:15
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kangpehdjm62:  because it says 'x server does not support xrandr extension'06:15
kangpehor something06:15
djm62meh, proprietary drivers, what can you do06:15
evrixa poll06:16
evrixkde or gnome?06:16
djm62i810: slow but free, like a wild tortoise ;)06:16
djm62evrix: gnome, because I've used it since 1.206:16
kangpehyo lets change ubuntu's reputation06:16
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kangpehlets make ubuntu the 3733t distro to use06:16
djm62evrix: KDE is good, but gnome's what I like06:16
kangpehand get all the highschool college kids to use ubuntu06:16
kangpehneed to get cute schoolgirls06:16
kangpehin ubuntu commercials on tv06:16
evrixgnome has strange things06:17
kangpehasia carerra runs debian SID06:17
zipwhat is the easiest way to retrieve files from my OS X computer over a LAN?06:17
kangpehi love gnome06:17
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djm62ubuntu is leet, among the cognoscenti...debian with style06:17
evrixfirst evolution doesn't tells if i type wrong passwords06:17
kangpehzip: ftp lol if you want EASIEST06:17
zipthats what i'm resorting too06:17
zipsamba is not being friendly :P06:17
kangpehthats the absolute easiest i.e., no looking up tutorials06:17
kangpehno asking for help06:17
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kangpehno setting anythign up06:17
zipyeah, i might have to do that06:18
djm62zip: ssh server on OS X, make it do sftp, and use a key-login?06:18
kangpehwell as long as u have an ftp server somewhere on either the mac or the other06:18
zipyeah its running an FTP server06:18
kangpehno doubt06:18
kangpehzip:  that's prboly easiest then heh06:18
djm62zip: and you can add the sftp server as a directory in gnome, and think about it no more06:18
kangpehwhat djm62 said too06:18
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zipyeah i just want to get the files i had on my laptop back06:18
kangpehdjm62 you are kind of smart man06:18
kangpehwho are you06:18
zipi copied them to my other computer so that i could erase my laptop HD and install ubuntu06:19
evrixguys i have to go06:19
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zipFTP it is :D06:19
kangpehpeace out evrix06:19
kangpehgood luck with ur laptop06:19
tahooieI have an OpenGL compiling problem,06:19
evrixno need06:19
evrixi have an ecs now06:19
kangpehtahooie:  use paste url in /topic06:19
kangpehevrix: oh no doubt06:19
kangpehzip:  coo coo06:19
djm62I know why this seems strange...I'm not usually out of work this early: different crowd06:19
tahooiekangpeh, ok, hang on...06:19
kangpehtahooie: no doubt06:19
kangpehdjm62:  ahah not bad not bad06:20
kangpehwhy are you out of work so early, FRI?06:20
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evrixi was just curious about pavilion06:20
kangpehevrix: ic ic06:20
kangpehif someone made a company06:20
djm62kangpeh: I'm in scotland, UK, so not all that early06:20
kangpehand got licensing rights from ubuntu06:20
goldfish_17:20 !06:20
kangpehto distro ubuntu as the OS on the laptop06:20
kangpehwould you buy the laptop06:20
kangpehif it had competitive pricing and hardware06:20
goldfish_hp distribute ubuntu on their laptops06:20
djm62kangpeh: HP are doing it06:20
kangpehare you serious06:20
kangpehwhy is HP always trying to steal the $ making opportunities from us little ones06:21
evrixno need for a laptop with ubuntu already in06:21
djm62actually, can anyone explain the logic of putting FREEDOS on them, rather than a straight linux install?06:21
evrixi'd do by myself06:21
kangpehevrix:  i awnt ubuntu to get popular like MAC dude06:21
kangpehevrix:  i want ubuntu to be the 'it'06:21
evrixi want it to be more popular06:21
kangpehi want it to be like 'linux? whats linux.  err i mean ubuntu.  AHH UBUNTU i know UBUNTU!"06:21
kangpehi want it to be like that yo06:21
Howitzeradrian@ubuntu:/media$ sudo cedega /cdrom/setup.exe06:22
Howitzerwine: '/home/adrian/.transgaming/wineserver-ubuntu' is not owned by you06:22
evrixbut i don't think i'll see in this week...06:22
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djm62kangpeh: next iteration, the desktop functionality will have surpassed window..mono, beagle, F-spot: these are the unique selling points06:22
kangpehso straight up ubuntu is like as popular in the OS world as ipod's are in the mp3 world06:22
HowitzerWhat do i do against that?06:22
evrixchange permissions howi...06:22
goldfish_Howitzer: who owns it?06:22
kangpehHowitzer: sudo chown -R adrian:<WHATEVERURGROUPIS> .transgaming06:22
Howitzerno idea :s06:22
pfpHowitzer: why the sudo06:22
mic__can some one recommend a wireless pci card that works out of the box please?06:23
kangpehoh yeah06:23
kangpehwhy the sudo06:23
Howitzeri saw before it didn't give me access06:23
Howitzerahh yes i remember06:23
kangpehdont put the sud006:23
djm62mic__: I think linksys are well-supported06:23
kangpehhowitzer: u should just get point2play06:23
kangpehmakes life e.z.06:23
kangpehdjm62: o-0o06:23
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mic__I can't get my linksys card to remember settings06:23
Howitzerkangpeh, you should get me a credit card -_-06:23
pfpHowitzer: hmmyes, i'd drop the sudo and fix perms elsewhere06:23
kangpehmic:  straight up a lot of wireless cards work06:23
evrixme too06:23
kangpehmic:  there is this thing that i can't remember the name it is like ndiswrapper or something06:24
goldfish_yeah, ndiswrapper06:24
kangpehmic:  but using that i got my wireless card to work even and it is like hella unsupported lol06:24
evrixit IS that06:24
mic__I know about ndis wrapper06:24
djm62mic__: what sort of settings? how are you making the settings?06:24
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mic__I am looking for one that will plug and play06:24
goldfish_Howitzer: work?06:24
HowitzerDirectX 9 installed halfly Oo06:24
kangpehand then i just use ubuntu's network configuration junkaroo and voailla its all setup just like that06:24
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evrixthis evening i'll plug and plauy06:24
mic__the one I have uses rt2500 chipset06:24
kangpehmic: straight up ndiswrapper is like plug and play yo06:24
Howitzeri clicked install DirectX for fun and it worked untill the progress bar got in half :D06:24
goldfish_3 commands06:25
mic__using the wiki guide I get it working but on reboot it is gone again06:25
kangpehmic:  just add a few linez06:25
goldfish_yeah, make a script to do it06:25
kangpehto rc.local lol06:25
djm62mic__: if the hardware works, then you can make the settings persistent...would you mind telling the room what you've done, what happens, and what you'd like to happen?06:25
kangpehwhatever u typed using ur wiki or whatever that is?06:25
goldfish_Howitzer: lol06:25
kangpehput that in /etc/rc.local lol06:25
d4rksh4decan anyone help me with my keyboard problem?06:25
kangpehd4rksh4de: wussup, ur a's are turning into 4's? o_O06:25
Howitzeri clicked on 'Play' and their are 3 options: 640, 720 and back06:26
d4rksh4dekangpeh, not really lol06:26
djm62I'm sitting in an internet caf right now with a random wireless card, and it booted onto the local network...these things /are/ possible06:26
Howitzeronly the option 'back' works -_-06:26
kangpehdarkshade:  hehe im just playin06:26
kangpehdarkshade: wussup though, whats wrong mang06:26
tahooieOk, OPENGL compiling problem here, if anyone could help me with it.       http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/20406:26
kangpehtahooie: checkin06:26
kangpehi meant06:27
mic__djm62 I tried using this guide      https://wiki.ubuntu.com//Rt2500WirelessCardsHowTo06:27
zipFTP won't connect to the OS X computer =\06:27
kangpehcould u paste the actual errors given to j00 by the compiler lol06:27
Howitzerit's working06:27
kangpehzip: are you serious06:27
kangpehzip:  maybe your os x computer has a firewall?06:27
kangpehzip:  maybe somehow the ip of the osx computer changed06:27
tahooiekangpeh, I dont have them at the moment, its on my home box06:27
Howitzerit's updating06:27
kangpehzip:  maybe the os x ftpd is misconfigured06:27
evrixi'm melting06:27
djm62mic__: and are you using/needing WPA?06:27
mic__or could some one post an idiots guide to installing and using ndis wrapper06:28
HowitzerPLEASE make GW work :')06:28
Howitzeri'm desperate :(06:28
evrixshall put my head into the refrigerator06:28
kangpehmic:  try doing what that thing says and just add it to ur rc.local06:28
mic__no don't need wpa06:28
kangpehmic__: check dis out my mang06:28
Howitzerwhat is ndis wrapper?06:28
zippossible, i'll FTP to 127. on the os x comp06:28
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evrixnight to all06:28
Howitzerzip, give the adress of the os x comp :D06:28
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kangpehwait i dont know where i put the thing06:28
Howitzerwould somebody allow me to acces their pc?06:28
Howitzeri'm curious about how it goes06:28
tahooiekangpeh, and the error seems to be intermitent, but I havn't yet figured out what causes it. Deffinately nothing in the code because that hasnt changed.06:29
thenukeHowitzer: X-D06:29
Ghetekanybody know of a good app to get cd info from amazon/freedb and write tags onto mp3s?06:29
Howitzeri'm just asking :<06:29
Howitzeror ehh06:29
thenukeHowitzer: if you let anybody to access yours06:29
kangpehtahooie: hmm06:29
djm62mic__: so, what happens when you do "System->Administration->Networking" and try to configure the card?06:29
d4rksh4dewhy cd rom is not giving my cd back?06:29
yccheoki wan to use pkg-config to find certain package but not found06:29
zipapparently no default action is associated with this connection =p06:29
thenukeHowitzer: but if you just want to see how it goes, you should do it with your own PC?06:29
mic__djm62 it works untill I reboot06:29
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Howitzerehh no06:29
yccheokhow can i use pkg-config to list out all the packages in my system seem by pkg-config?06:29
zipthe OS X computer can connect to itself though06:29
HowitzerHEY WAIT06:29
thenukeHowitzer: it IS the same thing you know :D06:29
tahooiekangpeh, it was working before I installed build-essential. Then it quit, but removing build-essential didn't fix it right away06:29
Howitzeri'll do it to my dad's pc06:30
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djm62Ghetek: musicbrainz, IIRC tries to do what you're asking, but I've never used it06:30
kangpehhowitzer: i could give you a shell on my 1000Mbit box located in Chicago IL running FreeBSD 5.3 with 3ghz HT procerssor... if u want06:30
Howitzerno wait06:30
kangpehhowitzer: but its going down soon cuz im moving it to fort lee NJ06:30
Howitzerkangpeh, yes please06:30
=== Howitzer bows
kangpehhowitzer: ok just paypal the $06:30
=== amir__ [~amir@bzq-82-80-129-208.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerwho said anything about pying06:30
kangpehi charge $19.99/month for webhosting (includes shell) huhu06:30
djm62Howitzer: or you could try sdf.lonestar.org (it's netbsd but pretty cheap and decent)06:30
kangpehoh free? i can't give u free - just lookup free shells on google ;p06:30
amir__how do install the w32codecs package? i get "no install candidate" for it (i have multiverse and universe in my apt.sources)06:31
Howitzerwell ehh06:31
thenukeHowitzer: I really cant see the difference if you connect to your localhost or to your dads for example06:31
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kangpehamir:  i think w32 codecs are in a different repository06:31
thenukeif the only reason is you want to see how it works06:31
kangpehtahooie: hmm06:31
kangpehtahooie: honestly i dont know what to say my man...06:31
djm62mic__: so when you reboot, all you have to do is re-run the configuration dialogue?  do you have to re-input the information too?06:31
kangpehtaooie:  for now i say try googling for exact errors , i.e., cut/paste an error line in quotes "" into google06:31
amir__kangpeh, well, which one? marillat?06:31
kangpehmaybe someone else has had the same problem06:31
zipwoot, connected =p06:31
Fnoywhats the atp-get code for gkrellm06:31
kangpehamir:  that i could not tell you06:31
djm62Fnoy: apt-cache search krell06:31
mic__djm62 I have to start from scratch06:32
kangpehamir:  your best bet is to type djm62:  help me06:32
kangpehdjm62 is the smartest guy in this channel right now bar none06:32
amir__i'll google a bit.06:32
kangpehamir:  if you ask him i guarantee he can help you man06:32
tahooiekangpeh, well it was worth a shot. thanks anyway.06:32
mic__I would be happy just to buy a card that works and use this card in a windows only machine06:32
kangpehtahooie: sorry :/06:32
djm62mic__: is it configured right now? if so can you look in /etc/network/interfaces?06:32
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mic__no its not06:33
Fnoydjm62 what then06:33
thenukeFnoy: and you REALLY did not even bother to try apt-get install gkrellm before actually asking how to apt-get install gkrellm..06:33
djm62mic__: can you look anyway? I want to see if the stuff is getting written to the file06:33
mic__sorry djm62 I thinkm this is a bit beyond me06:33
kangpehbbl i have to sleep for like 30 min real quick before the match06:33
Fnoyi did that thenuke06:33
kangpehi hope i dont get beat up lol06:33
djm62Fnoy: that list you get, one of those is the gkrellm package06:33
=== FLD [~FLD@a80-186-7-135.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
kangpehi didnt train at all this week06:33
thenukeFnoy: well, there is such package06:33
FLDi found but06:33
kangpehFLD: bye06:33
djm62Fnoy: I told you how to find out, all you have to do is read06:33
FLDat instalation cd06:33
FLDwhere should i tell this terrible bug06:34
noloseare here something from spain?06:34
ziphm.. how long should FTP hang on "preparing to copy"06:34
zipits about 2gb of files06:34
mic__okay djm62 I am looking06:34
Fnoymy bad06:34
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mic__djm62 what do you need06:34
djm62mic__: the trade-off in linux is more time configuring, less time maintaining...I don't /think/ you have a hardware problem, so I don't want to tell you to get a new card for nothing06:34
djm62mic__: can you use the pastebin mentioned in the topic?06:35
kangpehfld: wuts the bug06:35
mic__djm62 I'll try06:35
FLDat partition06:35
FLDit does not work properly06:35
kangpehFLD: how so06:35
djm62mic__: when you say PCI, you're not on a laptop, you want this machine to find the wireless network when in boots, right?06:35
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mic__djm62 it is desktop and yes06:36
djm62mic__: post the URL when you have06:36
FLDkangpeh if you delete 2partitions you get 2 free spaces06:36
djm62mic__: that makes things simpler06:36
FLDthats wrong06:36
FLDyou should get only 106:36
FLDso if you have 2 10G partitions you cant make one 20G06:36
djm62FLD: it depends if the partitions are next to each other...partition represent "real" disk geometry06:36
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FLDits still bug :/06:37
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mic__djm62    http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/20506:37
djm62FLD: it's a bug with the universe...talk to the Maintainer ;)06:37
kangpehdjm62: what is your job...06:37
kangpehdjm62: you seem to be very knowledgable06:38
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djm62FLD: you can move partitions if you want to consolidate the free space06:38
kangpehlike ur career i mean06:38
=== djm62 ain't got none yet...still training
djm62FLD: moving a partition takes a while, but it's not a problem06:39
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FLDor you can just use fdisk at another console :P06:39
ziphas anyone had problems getting an ibook internal microhpone to work with ubuntu06:39
mic__djm62 was that any help?06:39
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djm62mic__: reading that, I have a feeling that your card is being set up at boot, but that eth0 is being used in preference...06:40
djm62mic__: because having two links to the internet is obviously confusing06:40
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mic__I am only using two links so that I can get help here06:41
mic__djm62 what would be your advice?06:41
FLDsomebody report that bug06:41
djm62mic__: I think a first approach would be to move the line about "eth0" down to below the section on ra006:41
FLDit could destroy lifes06:41
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mic__djm62 okay I'll try  that and then should I reboot?06:42
djm62making ra0 the primary interface06:42
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HaKuxmako, !!! the midsevewebfest dude!!06:42
djm62mic__: the problem is what happens when you boot, so yeah.  That is just my best guess based on what you're said06:42
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mic__djm62 thank you I'll give it a try :)06:43
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djm62mic__: come back even if it works...nice to have a hunch confirmed06:43
mic__djm62 how does one edit this?sorry to be a pain06:43
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HaKuxmako, dude...06:44
djm62mic__: no probs, from a terminal type "sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces"06:44
d4rksh4deanyone knows where is my keyboard settings file?06:44
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djm62mic__: gedit is pretty easy to use, just like a word processor06:44
mic__djm62 again ty for your help and time06:44
mic__I will return06:44
djm62d4rksh4de: for X or console? do you want to define a keyboard or change to a different existing definition?06:45
d4rksh4dedjm62, my current settings06:45
MarvinRis there someone of the Accessibility Team on this channel?06:45
d4rksh4dedjm62, like im writing now...06:46
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djm62d4rksh4de: that's not very illuminating.  What do you want to happen, and what's happening at the moment?06:46
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d4rksh4dedjm62, i have problems, some keys arent working06:46
djm62what keys?06:46
d4rksh4dedjm62, cant type them lol06:47
MarvinRd4rksh4de: let me gues... some multimedia keys?06:47
djm62d4rksh4de: ah ;)06:47
d4rksh4dedjm62, no,06:47
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d4rksh4deMarvinR, no06:47
djm62d4rksh4de: where are you from? what sort of keyboard is it?06:47
d4rksh4dedjm62, its estonian keyboard06:48
=== djm62 wins the prize
d4rksh4denot yet :P06:48
djm62d4rksh4de: System->Preferences->Keyboard06:48
d4rksh4dedjm62, yea but i get errors when i set there06:49
djm62d4rksh4de: and you should be able to pick the right settings using only the mouse ;)06:49
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d4rksh4dedjm62, there i can set the language and type06:50
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d4rksh4dedjm62, when i set language i get errors and when i set type i get errors06:50
atohi, i'm new to ubuntu... need to know what is the default password for root?06:50
djm62d4rksh4de: what sort of errors?06:50
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d4rksh4dedjm62, a sec...06:51
afonitato:  in terminal, type "sudo passwd root06:52
afonitand it will let you set it up06:52
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atothanks i'll try06:53
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skel_i got a question06:53
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skel_i mounted my  Fat drive06:53
skel_but i want to see it in My computer...06:53
tweakismI have a question.  Do you think it's bad to do metamphetamine?06:53
skel_nope :)06:53
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Fnoyok its time for another n00b qusation06:54
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afonitato: for more info refer to this link http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38343&highlight=sudo06:55
Fnoywher can i see what ubuntu version i have06:55
skel_system About Ubuntu06:55
Fnoylike Hoary06:55
SeveasFnoy, cat /etc/issue06:55
skel_System>about Ubuntu06:55
skel_tahts what i always do :P06:55
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Funraiserhow do I launch a shell script?06:56
skel_I dont know06:56
Seveasor bash scriptname06:56
Funraiserk thanks06:56
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d4rksh4deSeveas, can u help me with my keybd problem?06:57
monke1I believe you can have it run by just typing in the script by moving the file over to /usr/bin06:57
monke1you need superuser settings for that though06:57
Seveasmonke1, use /usr/local/bin for that06:57
monke1oh yeah06:58
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atoafonit: after i try the line and i was ask for password but yet i still get 3 password wrong, what should i do?06:59
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afonitato: hummm07:01
Kirschhey guys, does anyone have any suggestions for converting a BIN/CUE into an ISO? (yes in linux)07:01
SeveasKirsch, bchunk07:02
atoafonit: i try it but still...07:02
atoafonit: wat is next? did i miss something?07:02
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afonitato: that is what I do and works, perhpas someone else will know07:03
Seveasato, what's the problem?07:03
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Trackilizerhey guys07:03
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Trackilizerjust wanted to say im a new to linux and ubuntu is the only distro so far that simply works07:04
SeveasTrackilizer, welcome aboard :)07:04
Trackilizeri still do have one problem :(07:04
KirschSeveas: thx07:04
atoseveas: i don't know how to set my root passwd07:04
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KirschTrackilizer: i'm sure one of us can try and help07:04
Kirschato: uhm. you shouldn't unless you really need to....07:04
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Seveasato: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo07:05
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d4rksh4deanyone can help me with my keyboard problem?07:05
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Kirschahh, they made a wiki entry... its been a while.07:05
Trackilizerthis may sound stupid but07:05
Seveasato, why do you need it, you usually don't...07:05
Trackilizeri know how to install software07:05
Kirschd4rksh4de: just ask your question07:05
Seveasd4rksh4de, what's up?07:05
SeveasI bet you asked before, but I was having dinner :)07:05
Trackilizerhowever how do i uninstall it?07:05
atoseveas: ya that is the question and thanks for letting me know07:05
SeveasTrackilizer, also with synaptic07:05
d4rksh4dei have set the language07:05
atoseveas: I'm really new to debian07:05
Seveasyou can simply unselect it and hit apply, it will then be removed07:06
d4rksh4debut i cant find the right type07:06
KirschSeveas: is it in REPO? (bchunk)?07:06
Trackilizeri see so just search for the app and uninstall?07:06
SeveasKirsch, yes07:06
d4rksh4deit gives errors all the time07:06
SeveasTrackilizer, indeed07:06
Trackilizercan you guys suggest any good codec packs07:06
Seveasd4rksh4de, what type of keyboard do you have?07:06
Kirschis there anyone here on the breezy team?07:06
Trackilizeri installed the one on the ubuntu site07:06
SeveasTrackilizer, www.mplayerhq.hu has good ones07:06
Trackilizerbut the videos seem to be jaggy07:06
d4rksh4deSeveas, it should be 101 keys07:06
TrackilizerSeveas: Thx07:07
djm62d4rksh4de: estonian07:07
d4rksh4deSeveas, estonian keyboard07:07
Trackilizeri didnt install the codecs using synaptic so how do i uninstall them?07:07
Seveasd4rksh4de, hmm, is that azerty/qwerty/qwertz or completely different?07:07
SeveasTrackilizer, how did you install them?07:07
KirschTrackilizer: how did u install them? (from source)?07:07
d4rksh4deSeveas, qwerty07:07
Trackilizeri did it like it says in the ubuntuguide07:08
Trackilizerform the website07:08
Seveasd4rksh4de, and a generic 101/102 (or 104/105) keyboard does not work..?07:08
Seveasah ubuntuguide07:08
Seveasthat sucks...07:08
KirschURL? (i'm not familiar with those instructions)07:08
SeveasWe're spending most of our time correcting mistakes made by people who used ubuntuguide07:08
d4rksh4deSeveas, dont know, i tried to select them but it gave errors07:08
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Seveasd4rksh4de, what kind of error?07:08
d4rksh4deSeveas, ill show you07:09
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tkieselHi everyone.07:09
djm62Seveas: is ubuntuguide fixable?07:09
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Seveasdjm62, someone has to pump some clue in the author07:09
d4rksh4deSeveas, well, actually i have selected 105 keys, and when i try to select language then it gaves errors07:09
Seveasd4rksh4de, hmm...07:10
Trackilizerso is there anyway i can uninstall those codecs??07:10
SeveasI'd like to see that error07:10
SeveasTrackilizer, these codecs are good07:10
Trackilizeri see...07:10
Trackilizerokay thx07:10
Seveasthis is one of the points where ubuntuguide does not suck that bad :)07:10
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Trackilizeragain thanks alot guys07:10
djm62Seveas: it looks like a bug for d4rksh4de, for real07:11
Trackilizerand see you soon07:11
mic__djm62 I tried your suggestion with my wireless card no luck think I'll give it a rest07:11
Seveasd4rksh4de, I must, say never seen that error...07:11
Seveasd4rksh4de, have you enabled the estonian locale?07:11
Seveas(sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales)07:11
tkieselI'm running an Ubuntu box as a server. Went for the full install, and want to pare it down a bit. I was wondering how I can have the system default to a text terminal login (no GDM, no X server loaded by default)07:11
djm62mic__: damn :(07:11
d4rksh4deSeveas, ok ill try07:12
mic__thanks for your time and help djm6207:12
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djm62tkiesel: you still want X installed, just not running by default?07:12
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tkieseldjm62: Precisely. I'll be remote managing via ssh, but if I send anyone in to physically access, they might want a friendly GUI. ;)07:13
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djm62tkiesel: so it's not a disk space thing?07:13
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tkieseldjm62: Nope.07:13
d4rksh4deSeveas, and how to i know which is right?07:13
Seveastkiesel: sudo update-rc.d gdm start 13 3 4 5 stop 13 1 2 607:13
tkieseldjm62: Just a "I don't want X hogging RAM unless it needs to" thing.07:13
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djm62tkiesel: whate Seveas said07:14
Seveastkiesel: sudo update-rc.d gdm start 13 3 4 5 stop 01 1 2 607:14
Seveastake this last one07:14
tkieselSeveas: Ahh. Thanks. :)07:14
djm62tkiesel: and if you're logged in on ssh, /etc/init.d/gdm start to bring it up07:15
Seveasd4rksh4de, what is the countrycode for estonia??07:15
d4rksh4deSeveas, this is selected et_EE.UTF-8 UTF-807:15
Seveasd4rksh4de, that's a good one07:15
djm62tkiesel: "/etc/init.d/gdm start"07:15
d4rksh4deSeveas, should be et07:15
Seveasdjm62, tkiesel, or simply: telinit 307:15
tkieselSeveas: "update-rc.d: error: expected runlevel [0-9S]  (did you forget "." ?)07:15
tkieselusage: update-rc.d [-n]  [-f]  <basename> remove07:15
tkiesel       update-rc.d [-n]  <basename> defaults [NN | sNN kNN] 07:15
tkiesel       update-rc.d [-n]  <basename> start|stop NN runlvl [runlvl]  [...]  .07:15
tkiesel                -n: not really07:15
tkiesel                -f: force07:15
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Seveastkiesel, DO NOT paste in here please07:15
mic__djm62 thank you again for your time,I'm going to throw rocks at this thing tc all07:16
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tkieselSeveas: Aye aye. I'll remember that. Sorry.07:16
Seveastkiesel: sudo update-rc.d gdm start 13 3 4 5 . stop 01 1 2 607:16
SeveasI forgot the .07:16
Seveasit's important :D07:16
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tkieselSeveas: heehee.  I'm making a note to learn the guts of that command.  More fun stuff to explore!07:16
Seveastkiesel, man update-rc.d07:17
Seveasmanpages are nice :)07:17
tkieselSeveas: That was my planned method of research. ;)07:17
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tkieselSeveas: It's still throwing that particular error.07:17
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Seveasargh, me must learn to read manpages more carefully07:18
Seveasand dots are too small07:18
Seveastkiesel: sudo update-rc.d gdm start 13 3 4 5 . stop 01 0 1 2 6 .07:18
RicardoBarriosHi mako07:18
zipi'm strongly considering installing Xfce, gnome is irritating me :\07:18
SeveasIt wants both periods...07:18
Seveaszip, by all means, try :)07:18
Seveasxfce is nice07:19
djm62zip: it's all up to you...money back guarantee07:19
zipis it difficult to install?07:19
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Seveaszip, not at all07:19
tkieselSeveas: Yeah. The most endearing and most infuriating aspect of computers is that they only do precisely what you tell them to.07:19
Seveassudo aptitude install xfce407:19
Seveastkiesel, indeed, they should have a brain ;)07:19
tkieselSeveas: Improvement. Now it's just saying "System startup links for /etc/init.d/gdm already exist."07:19
djm62warning, not an error07:19
zipwell, install, enable, and use i meant07:19
tkieselSeveas: Noooo! Then they'd take over. ;)07:20
Seveastkiesel, then first try update-rc.d -f gdm remove07:20
goldfish_zip: xfce4 is cool07:20
djm62zip: that's the install and enable bits...apt can't use it for you07:20
Seveaszip, that installs & enables it07:20
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Seveasit's easy to use :)07:20
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zipi can't do this with Synaptic Package Manager then? =p07:21
colmorequick question: i need to run a setserial command before X boots, into what file and where should I place the command?07:21
thoreauputiczip: sure you can07:21
Seveaszip, adtitude and synaptic accomplish the same :)07:21
djm62zip: oh, of course, search xfce07:21
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tkieselSeveas: Excellent!  Worked like a charm!  So now "/etc/init.d/gdm start" will kill Gnome and bring everythign up to the new defaults?07:21
Seveasbut make sure you install the xfce4 metapackage07:21
djm62zip: it's just easier to type it in here using apt-get or aptitude07:21
zipno hits07:21
Seveastkiesel, no, invoke-rc.d gdm stop07:21
Seveasand then you're up to the new defaults :)07:22
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Seveastkiesel, and starting gdm is simply telinit 307:22
=== djm62 waits for someone to gripe about "runlevel games"
tkieselSeveas: Ahh. Okay. That stopped gdm, but I see gnome bits and xorg still running. *scratches head*07:22
Seveasthey should be killed with it07:23
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tkieselI can kill them piecemeal.07:23
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HappyFoolcolmore: do you need to run setserial on boot, or every time X starts?07:24
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colmoreat boot, before X starts07:25
colmorebut I'm assuming if I restart X, it won't mess with my serial settings07:25
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HappyFooli'm not sure what the One True Way is, but you could add it to /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh07:25
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hussamhey, I installed 3 games using wine, but they won't run afterwards because they don't find the cdrom drive, how can I fix this?07:26
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osiekhanwhat do the names represent as far as "warty" "hoary" "breezy"? i imagine its something like stable, unstable and testing but i want to be sure.07:26
=== CyberdogX [~timmalone@rrcs-24-123-191-205.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
CyberdogXlots of folks07:26
radiodoghas anyone finished the breezy torrent that can join back in? i'm at 92.4%, and it's going at 1kb/sec...07:26
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HappyFoolosiekhan: they're the names for the six monthly releases. warty was october 2004, hoary april 2005 and breezy october 200607:27
Gentleman_finnhey, one off my friends is trying to install Ubuntu 5.04, but when he comes to where he makes his username, when he writes the password the second time, it goes back to where he can make a new user?? why is that?07:27
mindspinread the topic ?07:27
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CyberdogXi have Hoary07:27
SeveasHappyFool, breezy is october 2005, not 2006 ;)07:27
d4rksh4deGentleman_finn, hey i had the same problem07:27
SeveasGentleman_finn, he should type his password correctly...07:27
CyberdogXalthough i haven't really used it yet07:27
Gentleman_finnhe tryed 6 times07:28
CyberdogXit won't get past my second display card without hanging07:28
Gentleman_finneven with small passwords07:28
colmoreThanks, HappyFool07:28
d4rksh4deGentleman_finn, i just reinstalled07:28
SeveasGentleman_finn, maybe his username contains invalid characters07:28
Gentleman_finnd4rksh4de: what did you do?07:28
moquistso how do I get rid of the "perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings" messages that I get all the time with a regular Hoary installation?07:28
osiekhanHappyFool: so if you install with hoary and do an update, it should in theory upgrade you to breezy...correct?07:28
Gentleman_finnhmm maybe..! to sec I'll ask him07:28
Seveasosiekhan, DO NOT use breesy07:28
Seveasbreezy is unstable, broken even07:29
HappyFoolosiekhan: not by default. you need to tweak a few things to upgrade to breezy07:29
HappyFoolosiekhan: normal 'updates' are just security fixes etc07:29
CyberdogXnot exactly a breeze then eh?07:29
Seveasand should not yet be used by people who cannot even answer that simple question07:29
mindspinmore the bleeding in bleeding edge07:29
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CyberdogXany PPC users here?07:30
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Gentleman_finnok no invalid caracters, he is going to try d4rksh4de suggestion07:30
CyberdogXor is there a ubuntu ppc channel?07:31
d4rksh4deGentleman_finn, i installed yesterday and had the same problem07:31
=== PoopinClumpin_ [~PoopinClu@ppp-71-128-49-152.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
d4rksh4deGentleman_finn, and reinstalled, then it worked well07:31
Gentleman_finnyes, we are going to try that now :)07:32
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d4rksh4deGentleman_finn, no problem07:32
colmoreanyone have a good guess as to why the 2.6.11 kernel makes my computer hang after graphical login?07:33
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radiodogwhy not?07:33
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d4rksh4deGentleman_finn, u from finland?07:33
Seveascolmore, the 2.6.11 kernel is unsupported and known to contain bugs07:33
Seveassimply said: do not use it07:34
tkieselSeveas: I've got it working like a charm. It's operating noticably snappier since turnign off the GUI junk too!  Thanks for your help, yours and everyone's. :)07:34
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colmoreok, Seveas07:34
d4rksh4deSeveas, where is keyboard config file?07:35
colmoreand lastly (you guys rock) I can't seem to get mplayer working.  i downloaded the codec pack and unpacked it where the help file told me, yet it still crashes every time I try to load a movie07:35
Seveasd4rksh4de, /etc/X11/xorg.conf contains keyboard bits07:35
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Seveas/etc/X11/xkb contains a lot of keyboard data07:36
Gentleman_finnd4rksh4de: nope Denmark :)07:36
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Help channel | Have a question? Just ask! | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | PLEASE DON'T USE BREEZY YET -- REALLY | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com | Kubuntu discussion: #kubuntu | Ubuntu 5.04 (The Hoary Hedgehog release) released! http://www.ubuntulinux.org/504Released
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by Seveas at Tue Jun 14 22:04:00 2005
(reka/#ubuntu) Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu706:35
(reka/#ubuntu) Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu706:35
(dasa/#ubuntu) soo...no ideas on how to enable direct 3d acceleration on a linux ppc06:35
(nemik/#ubuntu) IPv6? is that in the universe, could i apt-get it?06:35
(CarlK/#ubuntu) nemik, not enabled by default, and apt-get install openssh-server is the setup procedure06:35
(ghjhjgfjfg/#ubuntu) please help me with grub.. need to go to work tomorrow with thus computer06:35
(ogge/#ubuntu) what can we expect in the breezy release?06:35
(reka/#ubuntu) jepsti: that's the version in the repo06:35
(nikkia/#ubuntu) nemik, IPv6 support is in the standard kernel installed06:35
=== SteveA [~steve@djoh.olf.sgsnet.se] has joined #ubuntu
(Asriel/#ubuntu) Direct3D is a Microsoft API - the only way you'll get it to work is via Wine06:35
(lsuactiafner/#ubuntu) ghjhjgfjfg : think lilo..06:35
Asrieland even then, it won't fully emulate everything06:35
nikkianemik, it can be a pain to setup tho, you'd need one machine to act as a tunnel probably06:35
rekajepsti: not likely to provide a later one as only security updates will be entered iirc06:35
jhennEvery time I open a data cd in nautilus the cd spins up and it brings up the contents, but the mouse freezes, and restarting x doesn't bring the mouse back. i have to manually reboot. anyone know why?06:35
jepstireka: vlc 0.8.1-1ubuntu706:36
rekaogge: Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu706:36
=== unome [~unome@ool-43513cf5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
CarlKnemik, hub isn't an issue, and router isn't either, assuming it is just a router.  if NAT is involved, then you need to do port forwarding06:36
nemiknikkia - i guess i could use the fastest one there as the tunnel...yea i don't expect it to be pretty...hehe06:36
dasaon a Powerbook g4 ATI Rdeon?06:36
rekaogge: http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDownUnder/BreezyGoals06:36
rekajepsti: yes06:36
nikkianemik, the overhead in tunnelling IPv6 isn't bad, its a little less CPU intensive than doing IPv4 NAT on a machine06:36
=== reka kicks irssi's pasting
abshello all, i was here last night chatting about how to get maya working on ubuntu, i have finialy done it and am over the moon, hhehheehhehepppppy, am gona reinstall ubuntu as i am sure i have installed loads of crap that does not need to be there, UBUNTU IS GREAT AND I HOPE IT KEEPS ON GROWING. FANTASTIC LINUX LOVE IT.06:37
nemiksoon i will have a lot of computers, each needing internet access. i already have a wireless router with 4 wire ports. 2 computers are connected wired-ly and about 3 wirelessly. they use the internet and bandwidth 'normally' (lots of browsing, ftp downloading, etc).06:37
nemiki will be getting many more smaller, low-end PC's with linux to use as servers that will hit a single PHP script i wrote once in a while. so between all of them they still won't be using anywhere near the amount of bandwidth as even one of the others.06:37
nemikbut they need internet access. i was thinking to use the 4 port-wired/wireless router i have and hook up a 16-port hub to one of the router's LAN ports and attach it to a port in the hub and have 15 ports from the hub going into the computers and the wireless and other 3 LANs being used for other computers that use internet more. does it make sense?06:37
nemiksorry, it was just long06:37
rekaabs: nice. :)06:37
miketechreka, hm i meant a graphical installer with X and gtk06:38
LinuxJonesabs, good to hear you are enjoying your Ubuntu system :)06:38
absreka, :)   love is back in the air, horaaaaa06:38
rekamiketech: http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/GraphicalInstaller06:38
absLinuxJones, is fab, thanks to all the brought this on earth, ;)06:39
LinuxJonesabs, :)06:39
CarlKnemik, good plan. here is what I would do for access: install openssh-server on all the boxes, setup the AP (what you called a  wireless router) to forward port 22 to one of your boxes (call it Master),06:39
=== fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
CarlKnemik, then from the outside you can ssh to Master, then from master ssh to any local box06:40
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absLinuxJones, reka: will chat later no doubt, now its time to re-install this OS to get-eid of all my messing around, by by, :)_06:40
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rekaabs: later06:40
=== Davey [~davey@212-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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xp__does ubuntu work on a macintosh g5?06:41
CarlKnemik, if that extra step becomes too much trouble, then consider IPv6 (which I know will work, but have no clue how to setup)06:41
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Prottiexp__: not really.06:41
Prottiexp__: no sound06:42
Vinhhow do you stop pinging06:42
xp__but everything else works?06:42
Vinhi did ping host in terminal06:42
ghjhjgfjfgwhy use ubuntu if you have a g5? :D06:42
xp__cuz I love linux :)06:42
dabaRanything gets killed with ctrl+c06:42
ghjhjgfjfgyeah but os x is linux plus plus for me06:42
=== rronkiv [~rronkiv@ip68-101-245-236.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
gorilla_ghjhjgfjfg, OS-X isn't that great something bug me but can't change it.06:42
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ghjhjgfjfgwhy pay for a g5 if you won't use os x? you could'v bought a mini06:43
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nemikCarlK -  thank you very much for the suggestions. i;m only wondering how i can tell all the boxes from one another in the hub? don't they all go to the same conection? sorry i'm bit of both a networking and linux noob06:43
dabaRin the hub?06:43
xp__nemik you tell each computer from another via their ip address06:43
nikkianemik, yes, they do, thats why you have to ssh to the master machine first, or use ipv606:43
di2cocan anyone point me to a good place for getting this us robotics hardware modem to work in ubuntu?06:43
di2coi'm driving in circles06:44
=== omoore does osx *and* ubuntu on his mac :)
jessicaNZthere doesn't seem to be any way to resize the partition in the ubuntu installation dialogue06:44
xp__omoore is that a g5 mac?06:44
nemikso each one will still get assigned an IP address? or will they share the one coming from the router's lan port?06:44
omooreno :( G406:44
nikkianemik, as it appears from the outside of the router, they all share one IP06:44
jessicaNZare you sure it's possible?06:44
rekajessicaNZ: it's sort of hidden unfortunately.  what stage are you up to?06:44
nikkianemik, internally, behind the router, they each have an IP address06:44
Daveyomoore: could be worse, could be a macintel :P06:44
xp__nemik do you have an advanced router that can do ip masquerading and dhcp like a cisco wifi router?06:45
ghjhjgfjfgi do os x on my mac, and escape to linux on my work pc as fast as i can :)06:45
nikkianemik, if you want to expose them each individually as seen from outside the router, you need to use IPv6 - buying IPv4 blocks isn't economically feasible anymore06:45
jessicaNZreka: [!!]  Partition disks06:45
omoorelol.. we'll see, maybe macintel won't be so bad, but i do love the ppc architecture speed06:45
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ghjhjgfjfgdo anyone develop asp.net on os x or ubuntu? thats my main reason for being stuck with xp in the daytime06:45
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nikkianemik, i'm not going to lie to you though, IPv6 isn't easy to setup :)06:45
rekajessicaNZ: and you see a list with a partition with "NTFS" next to it right?06:46
omoorebut then.. i'm a *nix whore06:46
rekajessicaNZ: select manually edit partition table.06:46
klaas_ghjhjgfjfg: check out the mono project. http://www.mono-project.com06:46
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rekathen highlight the ntfs partition and press enter06:46
ghjhjgfjfgi couldnt care less what kind of processor im using. as long as its mac os ox, and as long as other pc-geeks cant rape it with installing os x on their dells06:46
nikkiagh, someone will work out a way06:47
ugoapple is counting on it!06:47
nikkiagh, it'll probably require about 10 lines of code in qemu to fake the ID chip :P06:47
ghjhjgfjfgnikkia: sure but it wont run as smooth06:47
ghjhjgfjfgbad hardware support etc..06:47
ghjhjgfjfgklaaas_ i installet the 'framework'. but it didnt found any editor softare with it?06:47
nikkiagh, i used a mac for years, don't lie to me about 'rock solid hardware' :P06:47
Vinhim testing out my fire via some online port checking sites.. just wondering how come firestarter wont show any traces of events of such things happening?06:47
ugoif i remember they have a non-compete since billg put in some funds in apple when they were down06:48
nikkiagh, let me say one word.... CMD640A06:48
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ghjhjgfjfgnikkia... its same same hardware in many aspects.. but since its a limited amount of it it works fine togheter with os x :)06:48
nikkiagh, 2 of my G3s had CMD640As, great choice apple06:48
omoorepre OSX mac's OS was just as unreliable as win in my opinion... but i'm drifting off topic so i'll shutie06:48
ghjhjgfjfghehe. conservative people :)06:48
jessicaNZreka: there's nothing here about resizing06:49
dabaRits the apps stupid...06:49
nikkiaif you put a second HDD in the system, it would randomly corrupt data on *any* drive06:49
=== ghjhjgfjfg is now known as snigel1
ugoeasiest way into the market06:49
rekajessicaNZ: i know.  like i said, it's kind of hidden.06:49
snigel1nikkia, you but apple to use it out of the box. hasslefreee. that what its about06:49
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nemikwell i don't need to expose them really. that's fine to use internal addresses. as for the router, it is just a regular netgear 802.11b06:49
rekajessicaNZ: higlight the size field and press enter06:49
=== rubicant [~rubicant@ut-n-35192.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
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rubicantdoes anyone know where your data copied with your mouse gets saved ?06:49
gorilla_ugo, that assumes that they will be using a pc type architecture... Apple could use the same processor but different support chips around it.06:49
nikkiasnigel1: the problem is, apple only support the machine 'out of the box'06:50
snigel1nikkia, if you want to tweak your hardware, buy a pc :)06:50
nikkiasnigel1: in the CMD640A case, since the macs were supplied with *1* HDD, apple disavowed any responsibility on adding a second drive and corrupting your data06:50
jessicaNZreka: the field that says ntfs?06:50
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dabaRrubicant, ctrl+c?06:50
naliothappletalk, yummmmm06:50
ugowhats killing me is you can install windows xp on the developer machines06:50
rubicantdabaR, yeah06:51
dabaRhey nalioth06:51
xp__nimick did you get it to work?06:51
di2cowhy wouldn't ubuntu automatically detect the hardware port for a us robotics hardware modem?06:51
naliothugo: you'll be able to install xp on the production machines, also (why?)06:51
snigel1ugo. yes. macs and xp should be isolated from each other.. hehe.06:51
rekajessicaNZ: [1]  higlight the NTFS partition and press enter [2]  highlight the size field and press enter [3]  enter a new size06:51
=== zenlunatic [~zenlunati@pcp0011110799pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rekajessicaNZ: there may be intermediary steps06:51
ugoso...i get a mac and i can dualboot06:51
snigel1i hope they lock the hardware in some way06:51
dabaRrubicant: RAM?06:51
zenlunatichow do you make more virtual desktops in gnome?06:51
rekain between those06:51
ugomakes the mac a more compelling buy06:52
zenlunaticoh nm i found it06:52
ugoso i use the os a bit and i like it06:52
naliothugo: you can boot as many times as you like osx, xp, w2k, openbsd, different linux distros, etc06:52
omoorezenlunatic, right click on the virtual desktop browser, preferences, ..k06:52
rubicantdabaR, i dont know06:52
dabaRoh come on, zenlunatic that was too easy.06:52
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zenlunaticdabaR: heh06:52
ugothen the next os cycle i ditch xp and use mac os06:52
jessicaNZI'm getting the blue screen of life06:52
gorilla_dabaR, yep... submit the "complaint" to the gnome developers :-)06:53
naliothjessicaNZ: that doesnt sound good06:53
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dabaRrubicant: lets vote. Who thinks when you ctrl+c something, that it goes into RAM?06:53
dabaRlike copy.06:53
zenlunaticis there a better mp3 player than bmp?06:53
jessicaNZwell it said it might take a while, fingers crossed06:53
rekanalioth: why not?  it's the bso *life*.  sounds kinda neat to me06:53
naliothzenlunatic: mpg123, rhythymbox, more06:53
ugoits not really that hard....all apple needs really is to place their os in the eyes of more customers06:53
snigel1i fear the day os x get 50% marketshare.. and 50% of the viruses06:54
dabaRthe OS is retarded, I tell you,.06:54
ugocourse ill be dualbooting with ubuntu06:54
dabaRwehre is the console?06:54
naliothreka: ya want your life to come to a screeching halt, requiring a nap to restart?06:54
dabaRwhy so much things distracting me when I am trying to program?06:54
gorilla_dabaR, it's there :-)06:54
nikkiasnigel1: *shrug* i remember the days when MacOS had near 90% of the viruses06:54
dabaRwhy so barely customizable?06:54
rekajessicaNZ: then [1]  highlight the newly created free space [2]  automatically partition06:54
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dabaRmaybe I just dunno how to use it...06:54
nikkiasnigel1: back in the very early days, DOS had relatively few viruses compared to MacOS06:54
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jessicaNZI'm getting worried now, it's still just a blue screen06:55
dabaRbut, I really dont like it much more tha windows, except for the terminal...06:55
dabaRjessicaNZ: where?06:55
snigel1nikkia, i believe you. os x in not to be compared with older mac os <1006:55
naliothjessicaNZ: what program are you using?06:55
jessicaNZon the laptop06:55
rekanalioth: by that logic the bsod would bring stuff back to life then06:55
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ugoand thats another strong fact...the more it gets popular..the greater the number of attempts to crack its security06:55
naliothreka: it sure does. after a restart06:55
jessicaNZoh now it's back!06:55
rekadabaR, nalioth: she's installing ubuntu06:55
nikkiasnigel1: i also remember losing all my report for class due to a virus on a mac :/06:55
jessicaNZI have 30gb free space!06:56
naliothreka: using the ubuntu parted?06:56
nikkia(at 3am in the morning, the day it was due)06:56
rekajessicaNZ: then [1]  highlight the newly created free space [2]  automatically partition06:56
Prottieos9 and earlier was unusable. horrible06:56
ugobut honestly i switched to ubuntu yesteray...and im sooo impressed06:56
rekanalioth: ubuntu installer, she's resizing her ntfs partition06:56
dabaRresizing using the installer?06:56
naliothProttie: i only went to mac when OSX came out (i knew the unix core would allow me freedom)06:56
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snigel1nalioth: same here06:57
naliothreka: okeediddleeo06:57
rekaugo: well that's good.  most people have some tweaking to do.06:57
snigel1dont bother me about os 9 :)06:57
ugothis is the next best thing since sliced bread....06:57
jessicaNZcan swap be logical?06:57
dabaRnalioth: can you get to a console?06:57
phanterhello. Is there a program for ubuntu similar to cutepdf for windows (a pdf printer)06:57
dabaRyou mean makes pdfs?06:57
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dabaRmost programs on linux have it built in.06:57
nikkiaphanter: doesn't CUPS offer a 'print to PDF' by default?06:57
snigel1stilll.. i need to repair my MBR so it can boot both xp from hda and ubuntu from an usb-drive. heelp!06:57
ugotrue...ive been using linux since RH5 so perhaps i didnt notice the tweaks06:57
phanteryes, to make pdfs06:57
nemikanyone know of any motherboards that come with more than 2 serial ports? i can't get my serial port expansion PCI card to work in ubuntu and need more06:58
ugoi had to make06:58
gorilla_phanter, openoffice will create pdfs :-)06:58
dabaRsnigel, you have both installed on hda?06:58
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phantergorilla_, there is more in the world that i want to print then officce docs06:58
dabaRgorilla_: most programs will.06:58
snigel1dabar: xp is on hda, ubuntu is installed to a external usb drive06:58
ugoplus if anyones seruiosly needing fast tweaks http://www.ubuntuguide.org/06:58
dabaRok, well, why did you not install grub in the mbr?06:59
snigel1and grub fails to load06:59
rekaugo: please don't recommend ubguide06:59
dabaRthat way it would ask you to choose, go do that.06:59
nikkiawell, my CUPS config here has 'Print to PDF / Special (pseudo printer)'06:59
Miksi have a problem with my "nameserver", you see, i have to IP's in the DNS field, and then, all the websites load, but it takes a while until they get loaded....but if i delete one of the IP's in the DNS then the websites load immdiatly...but then, after some seconds, again i get the 2 ips and my websites take some while until they get loaded...how could i fix this?06:59
snigel1dunno. im not a hacker. i just did as the ubuntu installer suggested06:59
nikkiaand i haven't changed my CUPS setup in any way06:59
ugomaybe it was a little too smooth for me06:59
snigel1but it changed something in hda since it loads grub even when the usb disk is unplugged06:59
=== bethor [~bethor@dsl-082-082-156-062.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ugoreka: whats wrong with ubguide07:00
dabaRsnigel1: did you choose for grub to install on hda1? the mbr?07:00
billytwowillysnigel1, yah, it puts grub in the mbr space....07:00
snigel1dabaR. i think so07:00
snigel1since its there07:00
nemikMiks, assign different DNS's to the 2 IPs?07:00
snigel1but thers also a grub in the usvb drive07:00
snigel1seems like it splitted them in some kind of way07:00
rekaugo: i'll quote nalioth: "some of the stuff in there is just plan wrong".07:00
reka*plain rather07:00
dabaRgo try reinstalling only grub, just skip all the steps uin the install like, escape, then just go to the grub install, and install it on the mbr.07:01
Miksnemik: i have 2 IP's ...when i delete one of them, the websites load immediatly....and then again after some seconds i get the 2 ips again and the websites again take some while until they load07:01
rekaugo: and it's lack of explanations, the inclusion of backports in their sample sources.list...07:01
bethorhi, I have FUBARed my symlinks to the kernel includes. Could someone please paste these (kernel2.6) thanks. :-)07:01
snigel1dabaR: ill try. hang on ;)07:01
dabaRmiks, where is this, in the networking under sys>admin?07:01
dabaRsnigel1: in fact, that is the only advice I have on the topic.07:01
swarmI had a problem of clock skew (clock running at twice its speed) and I have read that a trick to solve it is to use no_timer_check in boot params with upgraded kernel 2.6.12. So I have got such kernel using breezy as apt source. I have upgraded gcc to 4.0 in the while. After such upgrade clock skew problem disappeared and I changed again /etc/apt/sources.list to use hoary repositories. Could I have any problem with apt in such situation?07:01
gorilla_night all :-)07:02
jessicaNZhow do I make a swap partition? do I call it /swap or swap?07:02
rekajessicaNZ: just auto-partition07:02
ugoreka: right...07:02
rekathe free space07:02
lsuactiafneryou dont call it anything07:02
dabaRif you did not aptitude upgrade, not really.07:02
bethorjessicaNZ, mkswap is your friend07:02
lsuactiafner /dev/hda1        swap             swap        defaults         0   007:02
dabaRbye gorilla_ .07:02
lsuactiafnerswapon is your friend also07:02
MiksdabaR : irs in Network settings, in the "DNS servers"....or in the /etc/resolv.config07:03
swarmdabaR,  I didn't apt upgrade (second time, first time I did and hoary died and breezy didn't born).07:03
rekabethor: going to be tough to do that...she's still in the install process :)07:03
dabaRwarm, nice...good job. you should be fine, altho, things are possibly gonna go wrong, but you did it proper/.07:03
bethorreka, was just trying to help ;-)07:03
dabaRmiks, try putting a fake ip.07:04
rekabethor: np.  you missed the start of her questioning.07:04
nikkialsuactiafner: using LABEL is your friend too :P07:04
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Miksmm ok07:04
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flodinea guys when try to plat mplayer it stop why07:05
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flodinedoes mplayer need files to run07:05
dabaRflodine: does it freeze and not move?07:05
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=== lsuactiafner lsuactiafner is your friend.
=== dabaR hugs lsuactiafner
flodinedabaR what do i do07:06
=== maxy_noob [~jim@modemcable150.99-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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dabaRright click on it before you click play, and select properties, then go audio(or plugins, cant ermember) select esd, and close out, then restart. That actually may work.07:07
maxy_noobHi guys!07:07
dabaRhey maxy_noob07:07
dabaRstill here?07:07
maxy_noobI have a question07:07
jessicaNZhmmm when I make the ntfs partition bootable the / partition becomes unbootable.  Can't I make them both bootable?07:08
maxy_noobwhen I try to load a boot cd grub interfers and loads the kernel. How do I switch it off?07:08
dabaRno, make only the first partition of the HD bootable.07:08
naliothjessicaNZ: no need, grup/lilo/yaboot will take care of it07:08
dabaR(if you want to be able to boot xp.07:08
dabaRput xp on the first partition.07:09
=== TonyP [~chatzilla@user-214.l6.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has left #ubuntu []
jessicaNZso I should keep the xp bootable and not worry about linux?07:09
maxy_noobIs there a way I can stop GRUB from interfering while I'm loading a boot CD?07:09
naliothjessicaNZ: linux boot loader will take care of linux07:09
dabaRmaxy_noob: what? you are trying to boot off a cd, and it never gets to there cause grub boots?07:09
maxy_noobdabaR, ya!07:09
naliothmaxy_noob: isnt that the point of a boot cd?07:09
maxy_noobnalioth, one would've thought, yes.07:09
rekajessicaNZ: iirc, you put both the smiley face and the thunderbolt on the / partition07:09
naliothmaxy_noob: check your bios07:09
naliothmaxy_noob: change the boot order07:10
maxy_noobI did07:10
maxy_noobdisabled the others07:10
maxy_noobit's weird07:10
naliothmaxy_noob: and it's still bootin from HD?07:10
dabaRjessicaNZ: check this out. the windows boot loader is in the mbr, on the first partition. You are about to install grub, the linux boot loader, on top of the mbr. Then once you boot, grub will start, and ask you which OS you want to boot into.07:10
samueldebconf just does "debconf packagename" correct?07:10
maxy_noobwell, from grub07:10
maxy_nooband then it loads linux07:10
maxy_noobI can't figure it out07:11
snigel1dabaR: i reinstalled the whole ubuntu. and choosed hd0 for grub. but stll error 21... any suggestions?07:11
naliothdabaR: there is no windows 'boot loader' theres a POS living on the / of the xp partition that the machine defaults to when it sees and empty mbr07:11
maxy_noobis there a way I can simple delete all contents off the hd?07:11
=== aragorn_ [~aragorn@127.Red-81-36-202.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
maxy_noobmaybe there's a boot sector where grub lies dormant.07:11
jessicaNZso does the thunderbolt need to be on the / partition?07:11
naliothmaxy_noob: add a line to your grub "boot from cd"07:11
naliothmaxy_noob: simple way?07:12
maxy_noobhow do I do that (note maxy_noob)07:12
naliothmaxy_noob: get a hammer07:12
dabaRmaxy_noob: while you are booting, it dont ask you like press any key to load from CD. does it?07:12
naliothmaxy_noob: there are many ways07:12
nemikanyone tried adding more serial ports to their machine via a PCI card? i have this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5205997334&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&rd=1 but ubuntu won't recognize ttys2/3/4/507:12
=== jf6 [~adam@lns-p19-8-idf-82-65-74-24.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothmaxy_noob: knoppix/ubuntu livecd(s) can do it for you07:12
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jf6comment faiton pour debloquer un contact sous Gaim?07:13
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maxy_noobwhat happens is I get: Loading from Boot CD ....07:13
maxy_nooband then Grub kicks in07:13
ubotudabaR: I give up, what is it?07:13
naliothmaxy_noob: i'd add a line to your grub to point to booting from cd07:13
ubotufr is, like, http://fr.ubuntuguide.org/ "Merci" to fr.ubuntuguide.org07:13
=== thoreauputic [~prospero@wolax9-207.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
maxy_noobare there directions which I can follow?07:13
naliothjf6: en la #ubuntu-fr, si'l vous plait07:13
=== SliderMan [~moshe@bzq-82-81-206-34.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
jf6how to deblok a contact?07:14
dabaRyour apologies mean nothing, we are now eternal enemies!07:14
unomemaxy_noob: check your bios boot section, make sure boot from cd is the first line07:14
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naliothmaxy_noob: ask google "grub for dummies" seriously07:14
dabaRits a PC, maxy_noob right?07:14
SliderMansomeone knows how can i do that if i use irc://ip:port/channel its will connect on X-Chat?07:14
jf6dabar what?07:14
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Seveasjf6, in gaim you mean?07:14
nikkiagah, curse you MS, you will rue this day!!!!07:15
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jf6yes in gaim07:15
snigel1dabaR and others, should i skip grub and try lilo? do it do the same thing?07:15
Seveasjf6, in gain it is menu tools->privacy07:15
jf6Seveas ok thx07:15
dabaRsearch for grub boot cd.07:15
nikkiawindows has decided to completely stop trying to remember the last directory the common file controls were in :(07:15
dabaRnol its different.07:15
naliothsnigel1: yes same operation, different vehicle07:15
maxy_noobdabaR, can you walk me through it man?07:15
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naliothSliderMan: try it and see07:16
naliothSliderMan: you won't hurt anything07:16
=== Mobius [~micah@ip162.192.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mobiushello everyone =)07:16
naliothmaxy_noob: there are several howtos, and walkthrus re grub07:16
maxy_noobor nalioth07:16
SliderManirc is isent a registered protocol!07:16
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0304.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
naliothmaxy_noob: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/forum/installation/grub07:17
naliothmaxy_noob: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto07:17
Mobiushello again nalioth07:17
naliothmornin, Mobius07:17
naliothmaxy_noob: see those 2 URLs07:17
maxy_noobthanks nalioth; i'll have a look07:17
jf6where is privacy?07:17
=== Uskyrt [~ciccio@host218-155.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
rekaSliderMan: xchat->serverlist07:17
jf6in Gaim07:17
jf6(i hav it in french so....)07:18
=== JavaOnLinux [~andyleung@] has joined #ubuntu
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Seveasnalioth, why did the forum idiots separate their stuff from the rest of the wiki/?07:18
naliothSeveas: i have no idea, i wasnt in on it07:18
zythSliderMan, why are you freaking out?07:18
SliderManits the servers list07:18
Mobiuswould you guys suggest win2K for dual booting?07:18
Uskyrthi all!07:18
zythSliderMan, ---> SliderMan someone?!?07:18
naliothMobius: if you have to run windoze, YES07:19
maxy_noobNot much there for me nalioth07:19
Mobiusnalioth: don't really want to but i might have to... and I dont want XP SP2 ..07:19
naliothSliderMan: ask your question "how do i register a protocol in my system?"07:19
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naliothMobius: win2k is the best windows to use (in my opinion)07:20
maxy_noobwhat's the command to get the grub file up07:20
naliothMobius: it doesnt have near the security issues of its younger sibling07:20
maxy_noobsudo gedit ...?07:20
Mobiusnalioth: it also feels less bloated then the rest07:20
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naliothmaxy_noob: if you're not seeing anythinhg there, ask your uncle google (i do it all the time)07:20
rekamaxy_noob: yes, if that's the editor you want to user07:20
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naliothMobius: it's the only windoze i'll install on clients puters07:21
zythSliderMan, you need to set your network.protocol-handler.app.irc in firefox, fyi07:21
Uskyrtanybody? I've just installed ubuntu on a toshipa 4200 but it freezes as soon as I login07:21
Uskyrtany ideas?07:21
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naliothUskyrt: can you change to a different login terminal?07:21
naliothUskyrt: <ctrl><alt><f3>07:21
Uskyrtyes I can use the terminal07:21
JavaOnLinuxhi, does anyone here know a web site that contains all GTK+ or Gnome software? I've been there before once but didn't bookmark it?07:21
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zythUskyrt, have you tried ctrl+alt+backspace to kill the server and restart it?07:22
zythJavaOnLinux, gnome-apps.org?07:22
naliothUskyrt: sounds like your video drivers are not cooperating07:22
Mobiusor gnomefiles.org07:22
JanC_gnomefiles probably07:22
UskyrtI'll give it a look07:23
JavaOnLinuxzyth, it's gnomefiles.org07:23
maxy_noobI do: sudo gedit /home/boot/grub/menu.1st and an empty window opens07:23
Uskyrtwhere do I find some error log?07:23
JavaOnLinuxzyth, thanks anyway, let me see what's on gnome-apps.org07:23
Uskyrtjust to check if it's so07:23
ushoozJavaOnLinux, www.gnomefiles.org07:23
rekamaxy_noob: replace the 1 with a small L07:23
JavaOnLinuxushooz, yes, thanks07:23
naliothmaxy_noob: its /boot/grub/blah blah07:23
maxy_noobthanks reka07:23
rekaand it's /boot/grub/menu.lst07:23
SliderManhow can i do that? network.protocol-handler.app.irc?07:23
maxy_noobit worked07:24
naliothSliderMan: put 'about:config' in your address bar and have a search for that term07:24
maxy_noobnow what command?07:24
maxy_noob# ...07:24
naliothmaxy_noob: this is where askin uncle google comes in07:24
naliothmaxy_noob: such as "add cd-rom grub menu"07:25
naliothmaxy_noob: or just "cd-rom grub menu"07:25
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maxy_noobgrub menu?07:25
X7Cdoes anyone know how to change the defalt activation key for expocity?07:25
=== djp [~david@dynamic-62-56-51-144.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Mobiusanyone have any suggestions /warnings about wireless router brands?07:26
SliderMani get some files in thre07:26
SliderMani need to put new?07:26
aethera_Mobius: I like planet07:26
=== WebMaven [~webmaven@ip68-104-53-190.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
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naliothMobius: check the linux hardware compatability list07:26
jasmuzbe back later07:26
djpwould it be worth my while to have ubuntu running alongside freedos in a dual-boot system? my reason for wanting freedos is in order to use certain emulators that do not work under linux07:26
naliothSliderMan: it's always goog NOT to overwrite existing settings07:27
naliothSliderMan: so make a new one to do what you want07:27
WebMavenis the ubuntu-calendar package no longer updated?07:27
maxy_noobnalioth, ok I'll try the second.07:27
SliderMani dont know what to put on it07:27
naliothdjp: if you use the emus often, sure07:27
SliderMansome script i guees07:27
naliothSliderMan: you were offered a suggestion (or two) earlier07:27
naliothSliderMan: scroll up and see07:28
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Mobiusany gripes about linksys or netgear?07:28
snigel1Lilo 22.6.1 Loading Linux . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. (dots continues)... is this fucked up or should i wait for the dots to fill my screen? :D07:28
SliderMani cant understand see what?07:28
zythwhere can I add stuff like trash icons, my computer, etc to my GNOME desktop?07:28
snigel1bah.... it got kernel panic07:28
naliothSliderMan: someone answered you earlier07:28
snigel1seems tricky with this usb driver07:28
=== ogge [~nej@1-1-2-20a.um.um.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
naliothzyth: were you the one who suggested to sliderman?07:29
naliothMobius: it's all about the chipsets07:29
oggestrange, just find a little 9mbyte partition in the defragtool (win2k)07:29
zythnalioth, what, about the protocol handler? yeah07:29
Mobiuszyth : http://ubuntuguide.org/#showdesktopicons07:29
zythMobius, thanks07:29
Mobiuszyth : np =)07:29
oggeguess its the toshiba systemrecoverypartition.07:29
naliothzyth: he doesnt know how to scroll, can you send it again?07:29
SliderManon mozila i will find what i want?07:29
jessicaNZhelp it's asking me to choose a kernel!07:30
naliothjessicaNZ: really?07:30
naliothjessicaNZ: what are the choices?07:30
jessicaNZlinux-386 linux-image-386 or linux-image-
snigel1when its about to boot ubuntu from the usb drive, it panics when the startup "initializing usb mass storage driver"07:30
naliothany ideas for jessicaNZ ?07:31
rekajessicaNZ: that's grub iirc :)07:31
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X7Ci chose linux-386 o thursday but it installed the same one i had which was the last one07:31
naliothjessicaNZ: i run a macintosh, i have no clue07:31
jessicaNZI've installed ubuntu a few times and it's never asked me before07:31
X7Ci think it's a buggy option thing07:31
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X7Care you installing on expert install?07:31
zythSliderMan, try http://www.neilturner.me.uk/2004/Sep/12/external_protocol_whitelisting.html07:31
zythSliderMan, it explains how to do it07:32
jessicaNZso which one should I choose?07:32
rekajessicaNZ: where do you get this?07:32
X7CJessicaNZ: are you installing on expert install?07:32
=== oct-- [~octane@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
djpnalioth: is it possible to install freedos after ubuntu? i have ubuntu installed at present on one hard drive with my /home directory on another drive. could i move my /home directory across to the hard drive with the ubunut system files on it and then use the other drive for freedos or am i too late having installed my linux system first?07:32
jessicaNZduring install the base system07:32
WebMavenDoes anyone know why the ubuntu-calendar package has not been updated? I've still got the April desktop background.07:32
thoreauputicjessicaNZ: the last one is safe :)07:33
=== Sir_Blizzardz [~bubbles@p54A13A64.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothdjp: yes, it is. you'll need to augment your grub/lilo menu to point to it, tho07:33
thoreauputicjessicaNZ: all of them will install a defualt i386 kernel I'd say07:33
jessicaNZwell I can always reinstall07:33
=== Wolven [~ion@c5100A7C5.sdsl.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu
naliothdjp: you don't need to switch drives, freedos don't take up much room07:34
Sir_Blizzardzcan someone help me please, installing a deb package?07:34
rekaWebMaven: looks like they've dropped development on it07:34
X7CjessicaNZ well I can always reinstall << i've chosen two of the in differents installs and they install gthe same kernel07:34
rekaSir_Blizzardz: what are you installing?07:34
Sir_Blizzardzi want to install opera07:34
thoreauputicjessicaNZ: you won't need to: but if you want to  change kernels later you can07:34
WebMavendevelopment? it's an image.07:34
naliothWebMaven: someone has to take the pix, pkg the image, etc07:34
naliothWebMaven: that person is the 'maintainer' or 'developer'07:35
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WebMavenwhere is the info that it was dropped?07:35
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naliothWebMaven: reka was just surmising07:36
rekaWebMaven: yep, i've noticed other people ask as well.  dunno really07:36
naliothWebMaven: https://wiki.ubuntu.com will answer your questions (if you have a photographic/artistic bent, you might could pick it up (if its down))07:36
=== newbie [~noob@c8d08f24.sts.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
rekaSir_Blizzardz: don't they provide it in tar.gz format?07:37
hjbleierwhen i try to install a *.deb file using dpkg it says i need to be superuser, but i installed off of the dvd-live 5.04 disc and it never asked for a root passwd during the installation... how can i fix this?07:37
rronkivubuntu is god!07:37
rekaah hang on.07:37
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rekahjbleier: what are trying to install?07:38
naliothhjbleier: different instance07:38
hjbleieri was trying varicad07:38
naliothhjbleier: now you must install using 'sudo'07:38
djpnalioth: ok thanks. so you would advise leaving my /home directory on a seperate hard drive right? i gathered that was a good solution when i installed ubuntu, as it means i can leave my personal info and downloads etc intact. also how would i go about partitioning the drive and installing frredos? do you know of any simple guides? i have tried googling but have only come across tutorials on installing windows alongside linux an07:38
djpd vice versa.07:38
=== solus_ [~solus@216-15-114-57.c3-0.arl-ubr1.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
naliothhjbleier: is the program not in the repositorys?07:38
hjbleiernalioth: how do i go about that?07:38
newbiehi everybody... i have a VERY simple question... following the ubuntu guide instructutions i mounted my windowsxp ntfs drive on my ubuntu.  but i want to create a shortcut for it at my desktop... how can i do it?07:39
naliothdjp: a seperate /home partition/HD is a good insurance choice07:39
naliothhjbleier: start synaptic and search07:39
solus_um, how does one go about installing drivers for an SB audigy 1 card?07:39
snigel1when its about to boot ubuntu from the usb drive, it panics when the startup "initializing usb mass storage driver"07:39
naliothdjp: if your HD with ubuntu isnt full up, i believe that parted will painlessly resize a partition07:40
naliothdjp: check on the 'painless resize' part b4 you start, tho07:40
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solus_how does one go about installing drivers for an SB audigy 1 card?07:41
naliothdjp: i only say that, because i'm not that familiar with actual use of qtparted07:41
djpnalioth: not full at all. do you think i should put freedos on the hard drive with ubuntu system files then?07:41
nalioths_dogsolus_: please stop repeating the same question. If someone knows, (s)he will answer. You can try posting on the mailing list too.07:41
oggeanyone know a good tool to defrag a win2k ntfs disk?07:41
nitroXLhello I have one question ... does anyone uses music Dj program mixxx .. it worked for me in MEPIS but not in Ubuntu .. it said that have problems with Xmu library .. does anyone have a cluse what could be missing ?07:41
naliothdjp: unless you have more ROMS than will fit....lol07:41
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djpnalioth: ;)07:42
naliothogge: use windows defrag07:42
rekaogge: why not just use win2k's?07:42
oggeyep. thats the strange thing. win2ks defrag only finds a 9 mbyte partition.07:42
naliothogge: wow07:42
oggei guess its toshibas systemrecoverpartition.07:43
djpnalioth: ok, thnaks. so parted and use it to partion the drive with my system files. i will google for some advice on doing that. thanks once again.07:43
=== Mez [~mez@82-36-228-130.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
oggewhat can I do?07:43
naliothdjp: qtparted is a gui frontend for parted. parted is sposed to resize partitions w/o data loss07:43
=== netsniper [~netsniper@c-24-63-194-15.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
newbiehi everybody... i have a VERY simple question... following the ubuntu guide instructutions i mounted my windowsxp ntfs drive on my ubuntu.  but i want to create a shortcut for it at my desktop... how can i do it?07:43
netsniperAnyone know how to change the default FESTIVAL voice???07:43
naliothnewbie: where is it mounted in your ubuntu?07:44
=== Agho [~Agho@rameau-4-81-56-27-120.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
netsniperI want my text2speech engine to sound more human!07:44
nikkianetsniper: employ someone to read the screen contents :P07:44
Seveasnewbie, ln -s /path/to/windows/drive ~/Desktop/windows_drive07:44
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zenlunatichow do i change my default web browser?07:46
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rekazenlunatic: sys->prefs->preferredapps07:46
naliothzenlunatic: system > prefs > preferred apps07:46
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=== newbie [~noob@c8d08f24.sts.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
anarky99Seveas: :_)07:47
Seveasanarky99, who has hit your nose? :)07:48
newbiewell my windows is under /media folder07:48
anarky99its cold07:48
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DaveyHowdy, does anyone know how and if its wise to install libc6 from breezy in hoary?07:48
anarky99fark its like 15degrees07:48
Seveascold?? can we trade places, it's f*n 35 degrees centigrade...07:48
DaveyI just upgraded xchat and it needs it :/07:48
DaveySeveas: thats all? thats cool here :D07:49
newbiehow can i create a shortcut for my windows folder at my desktop?07:49
SeveasDavey, it is NOT wise07:49
Seveasnewbie, ln -s /path/to/windows/drive ~/Desktop/windows_drive07:49
Daveybah :/07:49
naliothSeveas: quit whining its 91f here07:49
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Seveasnalioth, pfff, you must be melting :)07:50
=== Vjaz [peksi@htklx2.htk.fi] has joined #ubuntu
naliothnewbie: seveas just told you07:50
DaveyOK, how to install a source deb? :)07:50
naliothSeveas: nah, 91f is a cool day07:50
musashiI need help on gnome-ppp07:50
VjazAnyone familiar with the Freefont project or at least the fonts? http://www.nongnu.org/freefont/07:50
naliothSeveas: here in Houston, it'll get over 110f later on07:51
VjazMy problem with them is that they look bad in small font sizes.07:51
SeveasVjaz, then file a complaint at the creator :)07:51
naliothVjaz: you know you can use ANY truetype font, right?07:52
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Vjaznalioth, Yes I know that, but Freefont probably has the best Unicode support.07:52
VjazSeveas, Yeah, I know. What I was thinking is if everyone else has this problem too.07:52
VjazSeveas, they're installed by default on Ubuntu.07:53
SeveasVjaz, i'll check07:53
=== stefano7 [~stefano@adsl-ull-244-52.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasname an example that looks bad please :)07:53
musashiAnyone have problems with gnome-ppp?07:53
VjazSeveas, set the font size to 10 with FreeMono. On my system it has very low contrast.07:53
ttyS0musashi, yeah :)07:53
newbienalioth and seveas : i tried     ln -s /media/windows ~/Desktop/windows_drive07:54
SeveasVjaz, ack07:54
VjazSeveas, or 12 or some font size that you would use on a terminal or IRC for example07:54
Daveyfuck it ::compiles x-chat 2.4.4 from source::07:54
newbiebut system says07:54
VjazSeveas, you see it too?07:54
newbieln: `/home/ernesto/Desktop/windows_drive/windows': cannot overwrite directory07:54
VjazSeveas, you can also try FreeSans. it's not as bad, but it looks very fuzzy to me07:54
SeveasVjaz, indeed, they are quite low contrast07:55
VjazSeveas, you wouldn't happen to know a better font with wide Unicode support? :-\07:55
Vjazin the meantime I'll mail the author07:56
Seveasnewbie, what was the command that gave that error?07:56
=== X7C [~xtc@pc-110-88-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
newbienalioth and seveas : i tried     ln -s /media/windows ~/Desktop/windows_drive07:56
SeveasVjaz, no idea, usually I don't care too much about it07:56
dougsknewbie, you might need to use sudo as you mounted it root in ubuntu guide iirc.07:56
naliothnewbie: ok and the result?07:56
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Seveasdougsk, neh, not for ln -s07:57
musashittyS0, it don't works, I have glade errors on terminal07:57
anarky99Seveas: you got lincity installed?07:57
=== phaedrus44 [~phaedrus4@cpe-24-198-29-175.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
newbieyes i used sudo to mount my windows drive07:57
naliothnewbie: ok, change your ~/Desktop/windows to something like /win_C or whatever07:57
Seveasnewbie, the error you gave can *NOT* be de result of that command...07:57
=== penguin42 [~dg@dsl-212-23-14-246.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasanarky99, nope..07:57
anarky99I can not start it07:57
ttyS0munki, oh. the only error i have is Modem Initialization Error. Just use wvdial :)07:57
rronkivcan anyone help me in private on how to install my Video Card's Drivers? Please private message me if so!07:57
ttyS0not munki. musashi07:58
ttyS0(stupid TAB)07:58
rekarronkiv: ati or nvidia?07:58
Seveaslol ttyS0 :)07:58
Seveasrronkiv: You can read all about binary-only driver issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:58
naliothnewbie: try something like this: ln -s /media/windows ~/Desktop/win_c07:58
newbieok nalioth07:59
newbieit's on my desktop now07:59
newbieTHANKS to nalioth, seveas and dougsk07:59
Seveasrronkiv, then read that wikipage :)07:59
=== chromate [~yaman@cpe-67-49-36-167.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
musashittyS0, ok...08:00
chromatehi, i'm trying to run an application in WINE, and i get this error upon start:  err:d3d:IDirect3D8Impl_CreateDevice Error in setting current context (context 0x780f4030 drawable 0)!08:01
chromatefixme:d3d_caps:IDirect3D8Impl_FillGLCaps found GL_VERSION ((null))->(0x0000000000009)08:01
Seveaschromate, try #wine08:01
dougskSeveas, ooh your right, so long as the umask bit is set in the manual mount.08:02
chromateSeveas: sorry, i know its slightly off topic. the wine channel doesn't exist08:02
thoreauputicchromate: #winehq08:02
Seveaschromate, #winehq08:02
Seveassorry :)08:02
chromateah, thanks!08:02
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-40-211.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasdougsk, that's why I created a script to do that mounting/fstab adding :)08:03
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=== ompaul throws a party for audacity and oggvorbis
glDaherI've installed windows after installing ubuntu, but when windows try to reboot to continue install08:04
glDaherubuntu loader cannot see windows08:04
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rekaglDaher: need to reinstall grub to the mbr08:04
glDaherno, grub works fine, but windows is not listed08:05
rekaglDaher: then edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add windows as a boot option08:06
=== quam [~quam@user-11204vm.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
remyforbes777how hard is it to learn c++08:07
glDaherraka: I was looking in /etc ... so thx :)08:07
penguin42rem_: Not too bad if you take it slowly08:07
rekaglDaher: np.  seems like you know what to do then.08:08
penguin42remyforbes777: What other languages do you know?08:08
remyforbes777i really dont have any programming experience08:08
glDaherreka, yep :)08:08
remyforbes777is there a prerequisite language08:08
newbiethanks again... the shortcut is working fine ! bye!08:08
=== battlecat [battlecat@pool-71-116-24-141.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
battlecathi how can you install a package from a cd?08:08
rekaremyforbes777: i08:09
remyforbes777reka: lol08:09
rekaremyforbes777: i started with c and then move to c++08:09
remyforbes777reka: are you self taught08:09
rekaremyforbes777: but as long as you have good resources, it shouldn't be too hard.08:10
rekaremyforbes777: no, i'm undergoing a comp sci course08:10
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anarky99I have been playing with python08:10
anarky99nice language08:10
remyforbes777reka: oh, how hard do you think it would be to self teach yourself c++08:10
anarky99crappy syntax08:10
naliothbattlecat: what kind of file?08:10
remyforbes777anarky99: do you have any previous programming experience08:11
penguin42remyforbes777: As your first programming language I'd say pretty tough08:11
ttyS0anarky99, yeah...python is strange :)08:11
anarky99remyforbes777: c c++ php c# vb.net08:11
rekaremyforbes777: not devastating...it's a popular language08:11
Xenguyremyforbes777: yeah, I was going to mention python as a decent starter language08:11
anarky99and asp stuff08:11
anarky99hell no08:11
lsuactiafnerdoes this work in linux..08:11
lsuactiafnerWN-WL-138GR 275ASUS 54Mbps 802.11g PCI Cardbus Adaptor - Marvell08:11
anarky99decent language to start with is erm c08:11
rekaremyforbes777: personally i still love c the best08:11
remyforbes777Xenguy: cool, i might do that , start with python08:12
remyforbes777anarky99: erm c?08:12
anarky99C is fairly easy08:12
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anarky99go for java if you are newbie08:12
Xenguyremyforbes777: I'm not a big-time programmer BTW; just bits and pieces of scripting, so take my advice with a grain of salt ;-)08:12
=== sorush20 [~sadaf@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
=== anarky99 is a developer by day
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gveri1Is there a GUI in Ubuntu for X configuration (or just some configuration tool)?08:13
remyforbes777Xenguy: ok, i just have a c++ book and its a Sams 24 hr book, and just wondering if I could learn from that08:13
gveri1I tried editing xorg.conf but so far I am not getting any luck ::(08:13
anarky99gveri1: whats wrong08:13
Xenguyremyforbes777: you can learn whatever you want to :-)  But you perhaps want to ask, where would you use it?  For example, where I work it is a Java shop, so it would make sense for me to start there08:14
=== jo [~jo@cc667024-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
sorush20Here is an easy (very difficult depends) question? How do you write a file to a floppy disk using one of those things, that is dum, beautiful, and cheap (not a hore) oh no linux?08:14
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Mikshow can i set my computer to use only 1 DNS entry IP instead of 2, because when i use 2 it takes longer for it to load the websites...and if i delete any of those 2 IP's they get overwrited and appear again by themselves08:14
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gveri1anarky99: Refresh rate is stuck at 6008:14
rekasorush20: come again?08:14
joi yest instaled urbunto but were andt how to finfd kernel source08:15
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rekagveri1: common problem08:15
ubotufixres is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:15
jomust instal logitech webcam driver08:15
sorush20reka: how do I write a file to a floppy in Ubuntu, why can't I just drag and drop?08:15
jbroomefloppy needs to be mounted first08:15
loksorush20, with nautilus you can08:16
anarky99set automout08:16
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sorush20set automount...08:16
=== mameluke [bo@84-72-15-48.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
johow to update ubuntu08:16
lokjbroome, ubuntu use pmount to do all needed08:16
anarky99jo: apt-get dist-upgrade08:16
anarky99edit the sources list08:16
loksorush20, there is an automount by gnome08:16
rekajo: what kernel version do you have?08:16
sorush20where do I find it..?08:17
naliothanarky99: he needs the kernel-source to build from08:17
jo 2.6.10-5-38608:17
lokit's a default options08:17
joi have08:17
poningruwhat is gcc.real?08:17
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rekajo: then the package you're looking for is linux-source-2.6.1008:17
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lokhaven't you a icon which appears on your Desktop when you put a cdrom, a usb drive, or a floppy ?08:18
gveri1ubotu: thanks08:18
ubotugveri1: sure thing08:18
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rekaponingru: type: file gcc.real08:18
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naliothponingru: from a terminal, type awht reka said08:18
poningrugcc.real: ERROR: cannot open `gcc.real' (No such file or directory)08:18
sorush20the simplest things like writing a file to a floopy make your head hurt..08:18
poningruthats what I get08:18
rekaponingru: go to the directory where it's stored08:19
rekathen type it08:19
sorush20why isn't the automount already turned on gnome..08:19
sorush20can anyone run though it with me..08:19
poningruI have no clue where it is08:19
joi doint gen by root?08:19
ugohmm....does anyone know which debian packages provide getopt08:19
ugoGNU's getopt08:19
loksorush20, I don't understand whyt is your probleme by default the flopy is automounted by gnome and you can use drag and drop by nautilus08:19
=== Dj_AlTeK [~Dj_AlTeK@69-172-90-242.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
jodo i have to make root paswoordt?08:20
jodid not see it on setup?08:20
poningruhmm its in /usr/bin08:20
lokugo, use the search fonction on synaptic or apt-cache search getopt08:20
naliothponingru: open a terminal, type "locate gcc.real" then run "file /path/to/gcc.real" on it08:20
poningruwait its a link to an executable08:20
sorush20well I go to my computer in the gnome, then double click on the floppy, it mounts then I drag a file to be written to it and it just dosen08:20
rekaponingru: [1]  insert disk [2]  places->computer [3]  double click on floppy, automounts for you [4]  copy files/whatever [5]  right click on the floppy icon on desktop when done and unmount08:20
sorush20do anything...08:20
sorush20lok: there is no activity form the a: drive08:20
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sorush20I drag and drop the file to the floppy0 and its doesn't write..08:22
rekaubotu: tell jo about root08:22
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puddleboyi put on my robe and wizard hat08:22
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sorush20lok: should it write instantley08:22
joyes i wont to by root08:22
lokyes sorush2008:22
rekajo: yeah...that made sense08:22
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rekasorush20: iirc, it writes to disk when it unmounts08:23
lsuactiafneranyone know of a channel here on freenode to tell me about hardware compatibility for linxu?08:23
sorush20really... so I have to wait until then..08:24
sorush20that is very silly...08:24
joapt-get dist-upgrade08:24
joE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)08:24
joE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?08:24
=== kevin_ [~kevin@d150-130-184.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
sorush20there is something that needs to be worked on..08:24
glDaherwhats the command to update grub after editng the /boot/grub/menu.lst ??08:24
sorush20why do you think this is the case..08:24
D[a] veyhow to make it possible to change resolution in hoary?08:24
rekasorush20: imho it's better.  it's faster than the windows way.08:24
lsuactiafnerD[a] vey : /etc/X11/xorg.conf look for a line called modes08:25
rekaubotu: tell D[a] vey about fixres08:25
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rekaglDaher: no need to.08:25
sorush20reka: okay... I get your point.. anyways.. there is still a problem.. it doesn't write when i UNMOUNT can you help..08:25
rekasorush20: try the numbered process i gave above.08:26
naliothubotu: tell D[a] vey about res08:26
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naliothubotu: tell D[a] vey about fixres08:26
sorush20reka: the iirc08:26
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reka[1]  insert disk [2]  places->computer [3]  double click on floppy, automounts for you [4]  copy files/whatever [5]  right click on the floppy icon on desktop when done and unmount08:26
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=== nalioth will go back to bed
ugolok: already done08:27
=== nalioth is very slow this morning
vi4mhello, where to find Ubuntu/Kubuntu FAQ ?08:27
lsuactiafnerubotu : tell nalioth about sex and daylight08:27
naliothvi4m: https://wiki.ubuntu.com08:27
vi4mnalioth: thx08:27
ugolok: the application's configure script still barfing about getopt08:27
=== ChurcH_of_FoamY [~shane@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
D[a] veynalioth, reka: my resolution is fine, I just want to be able to change it at will08:28
lsuactiafnermarvell wireless chips work well in linux?08:28
sorush20guys I've still not been able to write a file to floppy...... please help..08:28
rekaD[a] vey: sys->prefs->screen res08:28
lsuactiafnerD[a] vey : press control alt + or -08:28
lsuactiafnerin x08:28
sorush20I keep getting the message that the floppy is not mounted..08:28
rekalsuactiafner: that doesn't work right.  at least on my machine.08:28
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lsuactiafnersorush20 : mount /dev/fd0 /mnt08:29
lsuactiafnerand write to /mnt08:29
lsuactiafnerand then umount /mnt when done08:29
lsuactiafnerreka : sometimes it works sometimes it doenst08:29
=== Toba [~eastein@pool-141-154-32-134.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
lsuactiafnerworks on my machine when setup correctly08:29
D[a] veyreka: I get "The X Server does not support XRandR extension. Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available"08:29
naliothreka: not to say it won't work right on others08:29
rekalsuactiafner: it never does.  it just blows up the top left corner08:29
rekanalioth: which is why i had a disclaimer about it not working on mine. :P08:30
puddleboyjeez this wine installation takes forever08:30
Xenguyjo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo  <-- FWIW08:30
rekaD[a] vey: did you install a graphics driver?08:30
=== IRCMonkey [~chatzilla@ool-18bc6b84.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
ugopuddleboy: were you able to sort out your ati card08:30
D[a] veyreka: yes, ATI fireglfx08:30
vdmIm trying to get Xnest to work on breezy, but i get  a fatal server error. Cant open the fonts, not even the default 'fixed' one. Anyone a clue?08:30
puddleboyugo, yes it took a while but i finally got it08:31
AlexMBashello, does anynone here managed to run WindowsForms on ubuntu?08:31
rekaD[a] vey: they don't support on the fly resolution changes iirc, you'll need to edt xorg.conf08:31
IRCMonkeyhow can i make a startup program start in a different workspace?08:31
puddleboyugo, I downloaded a different set of drivers from ati.com08:31
sorush20Its still not working...08:31
JavaOnLinuxhello, does anyone here installed Sun Java Application Server 8.1Q2? it hangs when I installed with JDK1.5.0_04 but I wonder if that is because of one of the Shared Libraries does not have enough permission?08:31
sorush20I tried to type the command that you said and its not working...08:31
rekavdm: you do know brezzy is still in development right?08:31
puddleboyugo, those worked out good, getting ~9k fps on the gears program =)08:31
vdmreka, yes08:32
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HappyFoolsorush20: you'll need to use sudo for those commands08:32
naliothvdm: we don't use breezy, we'd rather jump in a bag of critters08:32
Xenguysorush20: define "not working"08:32
vdmreka, and normally i have no problem with that.. but im a bit stuck on this one :/08:32
HappyFoolsorush20: as in, 'sudo mount /dev/fd0 /mnt'08:32
rekavdm: i can't help with breezy problems...sorry08:32
=== IRCMonkey is now known as whitelines
rekasorush20: if all else fails, you can use mtools08:33
TobaI'm having trouble with alien08:33
TobaI need to convert the linux rpm (in .bin format, whatever that is) to .deb to install it08:33
=== tenshiKur0 [~tenshiKur@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
monke1alien -d [rpm file] 08:34
vdmreka, oh well, recon i have to switch between seperate X instances then to test me code :/   Thanks anyway08:34
jo apt-get linux-source08:34
joE: Invalid operation linux-source08:34
TobaI tried "alien --to-deb jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586-rpm.bin" but it did not work08:34
=== Zotnix [martin@ool-435731b3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tobais .bin the same as .rpm?08:34
XenguyToba: Plan B would be to install from source (preferably using 'checkinstall')08:34
HappyFoolToba: there's a better way to install java08:34
resiakToba: No.08:34
TobaHappyFool: ooh?08:34
=== Davey [~davey@212-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasToba: To install java on Ubuntu: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, sudo aptitude install fakeroot java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , fakeroot make-jpkg [the bin file] , sudo dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] 08:34
monke1you have to change the permisions of the .bin file and then execute it08:34
HappyFoolit's seveas with the magic java-install answer ;)08:35
nalioths_dogToba: for java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] 08:35
HappyFoolToba: Seveas recipe works well08:35
Tobachange permissions... execute08:35
Tobagot it08:35
snigel1ok everyone. for a dualboot system. is it better to install xp or ubuntu first?08:35
Tobaor not08:35
rekasnigel1: xp08:35
Xenguysnigel1: xp08:35
HappyFoolsnigel1: i'd install xp first08:35
SeveasToba, do NOT execute the .bin file directly!08:35
snigel1hehe thanks08:35
Tobaheh ok08:35
=== nalioth IS slow today
TobaI won't08:35
shidoinstall XP first08:35
shidoYOU CAN08:35
shidodo UBUNTU first08:35
snigel1and just leave some gb of empty partition08:35
naliothsnigel1: windows first08:35
shidobut make sure you have power quest partition magic08:35
=== Toba cannot make sense of Seveas's plan
shidocrap i think its symantec now08:36
naliothsnigel1: windows will eat your bootloader08:36
snigel1sounds like xp first wins08:36
shidobut its tough08:36
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=== dutch [~dutch@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
shidoyou have to move the ubuntu partition08:36
SeveasToba, just install fakeroot and java-package08:36
anarky99wtf is up with greeks08:36
shidotowards the end of the drive08:36
anarky99my ex is greek and her parents hate me08:36
shidoand make a xp partition08:36
shidoaround the beginning of the drive08:36
naliothsnigel1: only use fat3208:36
=== Toba uses synaptic to do that
naliothsnigel1: NTFS blows08:36
HappyFoolit does?08:36
lsuactiafnerit blows indeed08:36
SeveasToba, you might need to enable multiverse08:37
shidoNTFS is fine - but you wont be able to "write" to ntfs in ubuntu without risking blowing things up08:37
rekaanarky99: silly bugger.  all parents hate their daughter's bfriends08:37
=== Dalkus [~David@81-86-159-34.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
snigel1uuh i already started a win install with ntfs.. and left 15 gb unpartioned for ubuntu08:37
snigel1should i re-do+08:37
puddleboysnigel1, just start over08:37
Seveassnigel1, it's OK, you just cannot write to it from linux08:37
HappyFoolsnigel1: that's fine. i use ntfs08:37
sorush20guys I'm just installing Mtools.. from the apt-get08:37
rekasnigel1: just know that you can't write to ntfs08:37
Xenguysnigel1: yeah, it's worth having FAT3208:37
snigel1aha. i dont care. will just have work-stuff in first partiion anyway08:37
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TobaI'll bet synaptic works fine08:37
sorush20so bare with me... I'm going to write to the floppy one way or another...08:37
Tobainstalling hte java thing with it now08:38
naliothsnigel1: naw, you just wont be able to write to your NTFS partition08:38
Xenguysnigel1: or partition some FAT32 space where linux and d0ze can share08:38
snigel1ok thanks thanks08:38
=== Davey [~davey@davey.user] has joined #ubuntu
Tobanow how to test that08:38
Xenguysnigel1: with partition magic you can convert NTFS->FAT32 later -- FYI08:38
sorush20Now if I was in windows.. just a drag and drop would have done it.. but no in linux.. things have to be pritty with Gnome, and KDE and all other frontends , but dum, and not to mention cheap...08:38
monke1Toba: go to a webpage with a java applet to test it08:38
monke1using the package manager, it should have made a link with firefox08:39
Daveysorush20: what're you trying to do?08:39
rekaDavey: mounting floppies08:39
=== Xenguy hands sorush20 some cheese...
Daveyoh, I don't even own a floppy drive anymore08:39
sorush20Davey; just write a file to a floppy? not toomuch to ask I hope?08:39
=== gveri1 [~gverig@ppp-69-233-27-103.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasToba, just run: fakeroot make-jpkg jdk-something.bin08:40
=== Toba tries what Seveas suggested
Daveysorush20: do you have gnome-volume-manager installed?08:41
johow to get kernel source  apt-get source08:41
jo wont work08:41
rekajo; didn't i already tell you the precise command?08:41
Seveasjo, apt-get install linux-source-2.6.1008:41
Daveysorush20: you might want to try autofs as well, though I haven't tried it08:41
thoreauputicjo prepend sudo08:42
=== manderso [~manderso@adsl-68-248-166-137.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
jocan i do kernel like normaal fron /usr/src08:42
jolike oter distos08:42
whitelineshow can i startup a program in a different worksapce?08:42
gveri1ubotu: That fix (for resolution/refresh rate) did not work. I don't know why08:43
ubotuYou are moron #2, gveri108:43
Seveasjo, waarom wil je berhaupt de kernel source installeren, die heb je in Ubuntu niet nodig08:43
rekagveri1: ubotu is a bot.08:43
Seveasgveri1, ubotu is a bot, excuse his impolite answer08:43
=== qpid [~dfgdfgdfg@a81-14-177-6.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu
gveri1reka: :) Ok, got it08:43
SeveasMaybe we should silence it until the creator removes these...08:43
monke1there are bots in this room??!!08:43
Seveasmonke1, only ubotu08:44
Taken_By_KristinOk I'm still getting invalid driver guys....08:44
rekaSeveas: heh, the messages should be fixed, yeah.08:44
Seveasthe somewhat official bot08:44
lsuactiafnerrofl that was funny08:44
lsuactiafnerSeveas is a bot also08:44
=== marsh [~marsh@82-32-120-29.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasno one may know...08:44
gveri1Anywho... I have a problem with refresh rate. I set proper conf for X and V rates but it still sets 60 hz ...08:44
lsuactiafnerdont mind him just a very good AI08:44
Taken_By_KristinSeveas do you think you can help me out again?08:44
Seveasgveri1, did you restart the X server after changing the settings?08:44
lsuactiafneri think i need to post to bash08:45
jo:/usr/src # cd linux-source-2.6.1008:45
joroot@CC667024-A:/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.10 #08:45
mandersohowdy folks.  I was wondering if someone could lend a hand with getting netatalk running properly with ssl support enabled08:45
gveri1Seveas: :) Thank you for trusting in my mental capacity. And yes.08:45
gveri1Do you get Monitor section dumped into the log?08:45
gveri1Maybe Scree just misreads identifier...08:46
lsuactiafnerjo make menuconfig08:46
marshi bin searching for how to release my dhcp server so I can attach it to another machine, but cant find out how due to the word release covering so much ground (press release/version release etc... ) is there any other way of finding this out - or does anyone know how to release a dhcp client?08:46
jo apt-get gcc E: Invalid operation gcc08:46
jolsuactiafner must have gcc fust08:46
=== toxicaway [toxicfume@gb.ja.95.161.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu
lsuactiafnerjo : apt-get install build-essentials08:47
lsuactiafnerjo : apt-get install build-essential08:47
lsuactiafnerjo : also you might need ncurses also08:47
=== tenshiKur0 [~tenshiKur@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
rekagveri1: i think the identifier is just a label.  post your xorg.conf to paste.ubuntulinux.nl08:47
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joapt-get install build-essential08:47
lsuactiafneri installed ncurses from source i dont knwo if there is a package, should be08:47
mandersoit appears that the debian package disables ssl by default due to licensing issues.  I'm having difficulty rebuilding the package so it works again.  Never have gotten the hang of the debian package system.08:47
ubotufrom memory, build-essential is http://ubuntuguide.org/#build-essential08:47
=== matlan [~matlan@p549BEA08.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== lupus1010 [~lupus@dD57729F4.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Tobait says make-jpgk is not a valid command08:48
=== chris_ [~chris@MTL-HSE-ppp202310.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Tobacommand not found08:48
HappyFoolnot make-jpgk08:48
=== Derreck [~derreck@69-162-63-128.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
lupus1010how can I have bigger fonts in xterm?08:48
TobaI mistyped on IRC08:48
marshanyone??? there must be an easy equivalent of 'ipconfig /release' I tried ifconfig eth0 down - but it doesn't seem to release it... :(08:48
=== sisq0 [~sisq0@78.Red-80-39-214.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tobaroot@pippin:~ # fakeroot make-jpkg jdk-something.bin08:48
Toba/usr/bin/fakeroot: line 150: make-jpkg: command not found08:48
HappyFoolToba: then you need to install the 'java-package' package08:48
TobaI did08:48
gveri1reka: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/24808:48
Tobain synaptic08:48
gveri1reka: Thanks08:48
=== klontj [~knoppix@206-15-133-237.dialup.ziplink.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tobaor not08:49
joapt-get install   ncurses-devel08:49
joReading package lists... Done08:49
joBuilding dependency tree... Done08:49
joE: Couldn't find package ncurses-devel08:49
dougsklupus1010, hold down ctrl and right click08:49
Tobait syas can't find package java-package08:49
Tobawtf does that mean?08:49
TobaI did apt-get update today08:49
Tobaso it's not out of date08:49
rekajo: if you just need gcc, build-essential will suffice08:49
HappyFoolToba: as Seveas said, you need to enable universe/multiverse08:49
gveri1reka: Hmm, found something... one sec08:49
=== Toba has no idea how to do that
joi did08:50
=== kman___ [~kman@p5.pub.ro] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFooljo: try libncurses5-dev08:50
HappyFoolToba: are you using synaptic?08:50
rekagveri1: you have two monitor sections08:50
lupus1010thx dougsk08:50
gveri1reka: (WW) NV(0): config file hsync range 30-70kHz not within DDC hsync ranges.08:50
TobaHappyFool: no, I wasn't08:50
gveri1reka: but my screen refers to only one. Is that a problem?08:50
dougsklupus1010, np08:50
Tobabut I searched for "java" and I don't see java-package on there08:50
jovery good08:51
Tobajust java-common and something with sable08:51
TobaI installed those two hoping it would work, is that a problem?08:51
=== hondje [~hondje@c-67-174-186-96.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rekagveri1: hang on08:51
lsuactiafnerreka : he wants to run make menuconfig, you need ncurses for it08:51
HappyFoolToba: yes, that is because universe/multiverse are not enabled. Start synaptic, and then click Settings -> Repositories; that will being up a dialog bog08:51
HappyFoolbox, even08:51
rekalsuactiafner: ah righto08:51
HappyFoolToba: then click 'Add', and tick the 'universe' and 'multiverse' options (and the 'main' and 'restricted' if they're not ticked)08:52
=== achy [~chris@MTL-HSE-ppp202310.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
rekagveri1: try changing it to 30-90 and 50-160 (from the wiki fixres page)08:52
=== poningru [~poningru@pool-71-101-67-91.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
gveri1reka: ok, let me try taht08:52
=== redman [~redman@c5100A8AD.inet.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasjo, you should NOT manually compile the kernel with make bzimage etc...08:52
sisq0could anybody help me with mplayer? I'm trying to put complete screen to watch my videos, but i can't do it... mplayer just put complete screen but with the same size video window08:52
TobaHappyFool: I'm not seeing universe and multiverse options08:53
rekagveri1: whoops08:53
Seveasjo, use make-kpkg (package kernel-package) for building kernel images08:53
HappyFoolToba: have you clicked the 'Add' button?08:53
Tobaerr nevermind08:53
Seveastoba: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto08:53
Seveastoba: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3808:53
Tobait was in parenthesis ;(08:53
Tobajeez I'm a moron08:53
HappyFoolok, so enable them, and click ok08:53
HappyFoolthen ok again. synaptic should refresh, and you should be able to find java-package08:53
=== Toba did
Tobaok will do08:54
gveri1reka: ? 96? OK, let me try taht08:54
Tobadownloading stuff now08:54
=== jim_ [~jim@wldpt.actionnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
sisq0please! help08:54
Tobaoh THERE it all is08:54
HappyFoolyou may wish to also add the 'updates' and 'security-updates' repositories; they can be selected using the list-box at the top of the 'Add' dialog box08:54
black-whispanyone got a good way to make xmms support mpg and wma files????08:54
HappyFoolsisq0: maybe read 'man mplayer' (type that command in a terminal window) to find out mplayer commands08:55
=== JanC_ [~janc@dD5764F11.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
sorush20guys how do you exit a man page.. when it gets to the end...08:55
HappyFooltype 'q'08:56
Tobado I want universe and multiverse on my security updates and updates repositories?08:56
lokwma suy08:56
HappyFoolToba: i do, though i'm not sure it's worth anything08:56
=== mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-22-17.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
jo make && make modulle_install08:56
HappyFoolToba: it won't do any harm, as far as i know08:56
jobut witch bzImage to cp08:56
dougskblack-whisp, wma- no although there is a source package somewhere, mpeg there is a plugin called smpeg-xmms08:56
sorush20thanks happy fool..08:57
rekasisq0: i've heard of that search ubuntuforums.08:57
Octanedoes anyone have office 2.0 installed and can do me a huge favor?08:57
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=== epselon [~epselon@p548AFD1F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
dougskOctane, oo.o beta?08:57
dougskI got it08:57
Octanei need a 2.0 spreadsheet converted to 1.008:57
=== nalioths_dog [~Apple@cpe-66-25-34-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Octanewould you mind?08:57
naliothwell its time for a new workstation08:57
dougskOctane, no problems, but I've had troubles beofre with that08:58
dougskOctane, converting that is08:58
joafter  make && make modulle_install mout /boot andt than cp .......?08:58
poningru-----> Rebuilding the world ! <-----08:58
poningru-----> Building package list <-----08:58
poningruPlease read README.Debian first.08:58
poningruthats if I run08:58
poningruapt-build world08:58
naliothponingru: are you going gentoo on us?08:59
HappyFooljo: isn't there a Documentation directory in the kernel tree ? Maybe it will tell you. You may need an initrd image of some sort too.08:59
Octanedougsk: mind PM'ing me your email? or you want DCC?08:59
=== gveri1 [~gverig@ppp-69-233-27-103.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
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=== yuacht [~zth@h-83-140-113-25.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu
anarky99bye all08:59
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anarky99speak tomorrow08:59
gveri1reka: Nothing :(08:59
naliothponingru: did you read the part about rebuilding the kernel?08:59
dougskOctane, try DCC if you will08:59
anarky99cheers Seveas08:59
yuachtwhere do i edit what apps i want on autostart?08:59
=== mirak_ [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-22-17.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
poningruwhere is that file though08:59
gveri1reka: freq out of range08:59
rekagveri1: i'd try changing the other monitor's rates08:59
niallCan someone help me make tvtime or kaffeine detect my DVB card?08:59
rekagveri1: dunno really.09:00
Seveasjo, aren't you listening at all??????09:00
Seveasjo, you should NOT manually compile the kernel with make bzimage etc...09:00
_0killshey all, if you like rock n roll, check this band out: www.valhalladrive.com09:00
Seveasjo, use make-kpkg (package kernel-package) for building kernel images09:00
gveri1reka: Thanks09:00
naliothare the imac G5s any good as workstations?09:00
naliothijust killed this one right off doin some video09:00
=== d-man [~dsmith01@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasnalioth, they are supposed to be :)09:02
Seveasyuacht, hang on09:02
Seveassystem -> preferences -> sessions09:02
Seveasrightmost tab09:02
Tobanot working HappyFool09:02
=== rick__ [~rick@acs-24-154-207-229.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
yuachtSeveas, thanks09:02
Seveaswhat's up Toba09:02
Seveasstill on the java?09:02
djpdoes anybody know how i use an .img file in linux/ubuntu?09:02
Tobayes I am09:02
=== d-man [~dsmith01@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
yuachtand another thing, how do i change from the 386 kernel to the k7? without hazzle if possible09:03
SeveasToba, what's the problem?09:03
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Tobaso far I have added universe and multiverse, update stuff09:03
Tobainstalled java-package using synaptic09:03
Seveasdjp, can't bchunk transform that to iso?09:03
Tobadownloaded the .bin from sun09:03
Seveasnice nice09:03
Tobaand now I'm doing what you said09:03
Seveasalmost there :)09:03
Tobabut it's crashing09:03
djpyuacht: install linux-k709:03
Seveasooh, that's bad...09:03
=== joh_ [~joh@grn-dhcp049.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasToba, what's the error?09:03
Toba"no matching plugin was found"09:03
Tobawhat does that mean?09:03
yuachtdjp, is that it?09:03
naliothSeveas: believe bchunk requires a bin and cue09:03
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djpSeveas: i want to dump the contents09:03
HappyFoolToba: have you installed the deb file ?09:04
naliothSeveas: it's rather limited09:04
TobaI don't see a .deb file09:04
HappyFoolToba: 'sudo dpkg -i <somefilename>.deb' ?09:04
=== jarn01d [~jarnold@port0018-abz-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasToba, does make-jpkg say that?09:04
djpyuacht: yes09:04
Tobabrb checking my shell09:04
yuachtwill SMP give me any positive effect? using amd64 3200+09:04
Seveasyuacht, only if you have 2 processors :)09:04
HappyFooldo you have two processors?09:04
yuachti don't so :D09:05
naliothyuacht: yes, you'll actually use both cpus09:05
joyuacht no its for 2 cpu09:05
=== ToddMA [~todd@c-24-147-26-49.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasyuacht, when you have just 1 cpu, it will even degrade performance :)09:05
HappyFoolhuh. really?09:05
join gentoo it is09:05
Seveasgentoo alone is performance degradation...09:06
HappyFooli suppose it would be enabled by default if it didn't ;)09:06
yuachthmm, so i'll install linux-k7, but how do i get ubuntu to use it as default?09:06
yuachtis that automatic?09:06
Seveasyuacht, you can choose on boot09:06
TobaSeveas and HappyFool: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/24909:06
rekaSeveas: heh that's ironic09:06
Seveasif you remove the -386 kernels (or simply edit the grub config) it'll even be automatic09:06
Tobahow do I get the .deb file?09:06
TobaI tried alien, it did not work09:07
SeveasToba, you took the wrong .bin09:07
HappyFoolToba: with the fakeroot make-jpkg line09:07
Tobawrong .bin?09:07
Tobawhat SHOULD I have?09:07
=== haich [~haich@193.Red-83-32-114.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasToba, you should download the 'linux self extracting binary'09:07
=== Mobius [~micah@ip162.192.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
djpi have installed linux-k7 here and it just boots automatically using the k7 kernel09:07
=== bockman [~sean@ool-18bad083.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasnot the rpm version09:07
Tobaoh heh09:07
=== Toba goes to get that
=== gveri1 [~gverig@ppp-69-233-27-103.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
_0killsis wmaked on any ubuntu repos?09:07
Seveas_0kills, packages.ubuntu.com or apt-cache search can tell you...09:07
HappyFoolToba: i used jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin09:08
Tobadownloading it now09:08
gveri1reka: I returned to apologize for my stupidity...09:08
_0killsSeveas, thanks09:08
ttyS0please answer my lame question. how to edit gnome's APPLICATIONS menu  (with submenus)? :)09:08
gveri1reka: My res was wet to 1280x smth and 60 was the rate that this res runs at :(09:08
SeveasttyS0: you can find out more about gnome 2.10 (hoary) menu editing on http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GnomeMenuEditingHowTo09:08
=== tomatchili [~tomatchil@c-f5c1e253.69-0046-74657210.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
sorush20did you guys know that most of gnome things don't work in KDE09:08
Taken_By_KristinSeveas!  I got it to work!!09:08
ttyS0Seveas, ty09:08
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Taken_By_KristinHoly shit.09:08
Tobagrr, 180 kB/s can seen so slow :(09:09
SeveasttyS0, or the short answer: use smeg (www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg)09:09
SeveasTaken_By_Kristin, nice!09:09
ttyS0okidoki, thanks :)09:09
HappyFoolToba: try 56 kb/s09:09
Taken_By_KristinDoes Ubuntu come with a firewall or anything?09:09
rekagveri1: aha. :)09:09
HappyFoolif i'm lucky ;)09:09
TobaHappyFool: ;( I would die09:09
Taken_By_KristinNow that I'm online.09:09
SeveasTaken_By_Kristin, linux has a firewall built into the kernel09:09
rekagveri1: at least you worked it out. :)09:09
HappyFoolTaken_By_Kristin: yeah, but ubuntu has no listening ports by default (afaik)09:09
rekagveri1: no need to apologize09:09
Seveasbut Ubuntu does not need a firewall, no services are installed by default...09:10
Taken_By_KristinOh ok cool.09:10
Tobaooh, it works :D09:11
=== kman___ [~kman@p5.pub.ro] has joined #ubuntu
_0killsany of you guys like rock n roll?09:11
Tobanow that I'm not using the .rpm, things work better09:11
njan<Seveas> but Ubuntu does not need a firewall, no services are installed by default... <= that's not true09:12
Tobassh is09:12
njanthere are plenty of services, most of them just don't listen on anything but loopback.09:12
njanToba, no, it isn't.09:12
Tobamy bad then09:12
=== Toba watches this slowly build
_0killswell, if youre ever bored, you should give this band a listen: www.valhalladrive.com.. please check it out09:13
reka_0kills: don't spam please09:13
=== jaco^ [~kazzimiii@host84-59.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
achyHi,new to linux. how do i get new window to open up when i open a folder rather than the same one?09:14
Tobadunno, but that reminds me09:14
Tobahow do I get the "places" menu to open the file browser instead of whatever it opens by default?09:14
wolverianachy: either keep shift pressed when you open the new one, or use the middle mouse button to double click09:14
Tobaand how do I get it to just maximize it instead of starting tiny each time?09:14
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=== Rogers [~rogers@p508E91A5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
rekaToba: it's in preferences.09:15
=== vurdak [~vurdak@adsl-ull-104-17.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasnjan, ack :)09:15
rekabehaviour->always open in browser windows09:15
Seveasbut that makes no difference to firewalling needs09:16
=== vurdak [~vurdak@adsl-ull-104-17.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
achythanks wolverian, now how do I make all the windows open up to be the same size?09:16
wolverianachy: you don't.09:16
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achyyou cant?09:16
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wolverianI certainly don't know how to, besides not resizing them in the first place.09:17
wolverian(each folder remembers its size.)09:17
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njanSeveas, Not really; just didn't want to give him the wrong impression :p09:17
apollo2011Where do I edit what gets loaded when Ubuntu is booted? I see several things that I could remove and save sometime booting up09:17
achyya i know was hoping there was a option all to open same size09:17
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opticalany ideas?09:18
Seveasapollo2011, make *very* sure you don't need a certain service and use update-rc.d -f SERVICENAME remove09:18
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apollo2011Seveas: ok thx09:18
apollo2011Is there a list somewhere of those services or should I just look in the boot log09:18
Seveasoptical, yeah, stop screwing around with your sources.list...09:19
Seveasapollo2011, /etc/init.d09:19
apollo2011thx again09:19
opticalSeveas: i want breezy09:19
Seveasapollo2011, you might also be interested in BUM, a graphical way of managing booting services09:19
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Seveasapollo2011, look at the forums for more info09:19
Seveasoptical, read the topic09:19
apollo2011ooh even better09:19
Seveasbreezy should NOT be used by the general public09:19
Guest55494hi, is bin files like iso files...??? how does one burn them if so09:20
opticalbut what if i'm not the general public?09:20
Seveasand given that you don't know how to solve this: breezy is NOT suitable for you yet09:20
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SeveasGuest55494, k3b can burn them, bchunk can convert them to .iso files if you want to mount them09:20
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dougskSeveas, bum looks pretty neat, excellent add feature09:21
concept10How do I rewrite GRUB to the MBR using the install disk?09:21
HappyFooland a delightful name to boot09:21
dougskHappyFool, yeah easy to remember09:22
nitroXLdoes anyone uses mixxx dj program ?09:22
joGRUB is installed. To automatically switch to new kernels, point your09:22
jodefault entry in menu.lst to /boot/arch/i386/boot/bzImage-2.6.1009:22
joroot@CC667024-A:/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.10 #09:22
Seveasconcept10, are you currently still in the installed system?09:22
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ttyS0Seveas, dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of smeg:09:22
jois it oke/09:22
ttyS0 smeg depends on python-xdg (>= 0.14); however:09:22
ttyS0  Version of python-xdg on system is 0.9-1.     i don't understand. i've newer version and it is bad? :)09:22
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SeveasttyS0, run the smeg install script09:23
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ttyS0Seveas, i have .deb :)09:23
SeveasttyS0, 0.14 is higher than 0.909:23
concept10Seveas, no Im on another system, I need to fix NTLDR and GRUB09:23
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wolverianttyS0: possibly 0.14 is newer than 0.9.09:23
apollo2011Seveas: is there a specif web site for BUM.  It seems hard to search on...09:23
SeveasttyS0, that is not enough09:23
Seveasapollo2011, the 3rd part projects section on the forums09:23
=== HappyFool imagines googling for 'bum' ;)
apollo2011Seveas: oh the Ubuntu forums?09:24
Seveasapollo2011, yes09:24
dougskapollo2011, http://www.marzocca.net/linux/bum.html09:24
apollo2011thx dougsk09:24
Seveasconcept10, you should boot from a livecd, mount your partitions, mount proc on /mnt/installed_sys/proc, mount /dev on /mnt/installed_sys/dev, chroot into the installed system and run grub-install09:24
dougskno worries, I just had bum open and was looking at it ;)09:25
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Seveasdougsk, if this wasn't #ubuntu that would be a VERY weird line to say :)09:25
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kulthi all09:25
dougskSeveas, lmao, ohh oops, yes.09:25
PedingtoHeyo Folks09:25
Tobait wants me to logout to make flash work09:25
kulti'v got some weirdness with multimedia playback09:25
naliothsystem crashed harder than i thought09:26
Seveaskult, what's the problem ..?09:26
Seveasnalioth, ouch...09:26
Seveasnalioth, keep your dog away from it then ;)09:26
wolverianhah. I was just about to say that the only thing that crashes my system nowadays is my cat.09:26
kultSeveas, totem crash, rythmbox says that there is no handler for video/mpeg09:26
kultit's a fresh ubuntu install09:26
Seveaskult: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support09:27
Seveaskult, you probably need to install some codecs...09:27
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naliothSeveas: brb, and the dog rarely causes these things09:27
jostil in old kenel gr09:27
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=== Pedingto is currently downloading ubuntu to give it a whirl.
kultok thanks09:28
SeveasPedingto, welcome to the club :)09:28
jowitch site to go for how to do kernel in urbuntu09:28
PedingtoCheers, I'm hoping its slightly more compatable with my Dell Inspiron laptop then Knoppix was.09:28
Seveasjo, kijk op de wiki, er is KernelCompileHowto09:28
roycan someone help me get a broadcom chipset (belkin wireless card) working? i had the driver installed with ndiswrapper, but the card just won't light up for some reason09:28
Seveasroy, what does ndiswrapper -l say?09:29
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jooke want zit nog steeds iet in de source09:29
roydriver present, hardware present09:29
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swarmroy: have you changed kernel?09:29
royi installed all the updates...if that's what you mean09:30
Seveasroy, did you modprobe the ndiswrapper module?09:30
tapoSeveas: rtl8150?09:30
munkiroy , I know how :) got the same chip .09:30
Seveas(try lsmod | grep ndis to find out)09:30
Seveastapo, hmm?09:30
Guest55494hi, is bin files like iso files...??? how does one burn them if so09:30
royyes i modprobed09:30
munkireplace radiostate|1 to radiostate|0 in /etc/ndiswrapper/something.conf09:30
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munkiroy , replace radiostate|1 to radiostate|0 in /etc/ndiswrapper/something.conf09:30
tapoSeveas: pardon09:31
Seveasmunki, nice one, can you put that suggestion on the WifiHowto wikipage please09:31
swarmroy: you have to write ndiswrapper conf with ndiswrapper -m and to add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules. If you upgrade kernel you have to repeat almost all process for new kernel.09:31
munkiroy , and it will work, take my word on that .09:31
rathernotlargehmm may I ask whether anyone has faced some weird issues with notebook battery charging? ever since I installed hoary, I cannot charge my battery anymore, and my notebook runs on AC power. . once I switch off my laptop, or boot to windows, my battery starts charging. um my battery worked perfectly on warty, though.09:31
munkiSeveas , yeah .. sure :)09:32
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Seveasrathernotlarge, that is weird, does it happen also when you boot with acpi=off09:32
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royhow do i upgrade the kernel?09:32
munkiroy , did you try my suggestion ?09:33
Seveasroy, with apt-get upgrade :)09:33
royyeah i think i've tried replacing radiostate|1 with radiostate|0 in the conf files09:33
royokay let me try this again, thank you so much for all the help09:33
samuelsup all, has anyone had any luck getting a radion mobility 9000 working on a toshiba laptop?09:33
Seveasroy, you might need to reboot for that to work09:33
munkiroy , wait a sec.09:34
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Seveassamuel: You can read all about binary-only driver issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto09:34
royis it possible that the bcmwl5.inf file on my belkin disk sucks and i need a better one?09:34
black-whispsamuel: or try #ati09:34
munkiroy , http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683&highlight=broadcom+howto09:34
roymunki, thanks i was looking at that =)09:34
black-whispsamuel: they know some stuff about ati drivers..  :) drac at that channel help me with my radeon 9800 xt09:34
samuelSeveas, black-whisp thanks09:34
munkiroy :) that does work , use it my self .09:35
naliothi love 'gnu screen'09:35
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nalioththe bus must have stopped09:38
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PedingtoAnyone know of any issues with installs on Dell Inspiron 1100 systems?  I couldn't see any in the bugzilla, or listed elsewhere.09:40
Seveaswhat is the issue..?09:40
jodoint get it09:41
royin /etc/ndiswrapper/bcmwl5 i have 14E4:4320:1799:7010.conf but i can't open the conf file to change radiostate|1 to radiostate|009:41
PedingtoThere isn't one...yet ;)  But I haven't had a lot of luck with this laptop, just making sure there are no pre-exsisting bugs that could trip me over.09:41
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Guest55494hi, is bin files like iso files...??? how does one burn them if so09:42
ugoanyone knows how to get skype working on amd64 ubuntu?09:42
naliothtalk about "quiz and run"09:43
naliothugo: is there no binary from the repos09:43
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ugonalioth: however this is an amd64 laptop soo...its barfing09:44
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ugonalioth: ill try the skype static libraries first09:46
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Hoshimarugood evening. Is there a setting somewhere that binds samba to eth0 or eth1 ? When eth1 (wifi) I can see other pcs, but not with eth0 connected. (wired)09:47
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snigel1WHATHTEFUCK! my win xp recovery cd erased my partition info and took the whole disc. can i lower the partition space without formating it?09:48
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black-whispsingel1: is it in windows?09:49
absintheHow do you change the sound server in Xfce?09:49
snigel1black-whisp yes09:49
tapois an admin of ubuntu-forum.de here? I am waiting for my reg mail for over 15 minutes now...09:50
black-whispsingel1: i thinks theres a program called partition maigc or something like that to do that with.09:50
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snigel1black-whisp any freeware ?09:50
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naliothsnigel1: moral of the story: don't run windows09:51
naliothsnigel1: qtparted09:51
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kanichEEEHow I can install an .rpm program?09:51
black-whispsingel1: erhm.. maybe.. but not some i know. :S09:51
snigel1nalioth: i need it for work09:51
naliothsnigel1: of course you do, but you see how nasty it is09:52
tapokanichEEE: I think there's a repackaging tool somewhere. I dont remember the name :)09:52
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absintheHow do you change the sound server in Xfce?09:52
snigel1nalioth: of course it it. i use to run out on the street and scream when im at the office09:52
monke1kanichEEE....it's a program called alien09:52
heatxsinkhow do I know where a apt-get install package got installed?09:52
tapoyes, alien.09:52
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monke1kanichEEE: in order to install an rpm, you have to convert it into a .deb package09:53
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monke1you do this by this:09:53
monke1alien -d [name of rpm file] 09:53
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tapoheatxsink: dpkg -L packetname09:53
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Seveasheatxsink, dpkg -L packagename09:53
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SeveaskanichEEE, but please search for a .deb file before doing this09:53
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tapos/et/age :)09:53
kanichEEEThere isnt a .deb file :(09:53
SeveaskanichEEE, what are you trying to install?09:54
SeveaskanichEEE, gaim is in the repositories...09:54
Seveasand even installed by default!09:54
Seveasapplications -> internet -> gaim09:54
kanichEEElol.. well, and how do I install limewire ;o ... it s only .rpm09:54
naliothkanichEEE: use gtk-gnutella instead09:55
naliothkanichEEE: it has more features09:55
pietro_spinaheatsi: you can see that list in the package properties in synaptic as well09:55
remyforbes777  whatis the c++ compiler in linux called09:55
tapogaim from repository is rather old... 1.1.4 vs 1.3.109:55
yuachtI keep getting "unable to find workgroups in your local network" even though i have it all configured! what do i do=09:55
pietro_spinaremyforbes777: g++09:56
Seveastapo, backports has a more recent version09:56
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Seveasremyforbes777, if you are compiling things, make sure you have build-essential installed09:56
remyforbes777Seveas: how would i know if I do09:57
Seveasremyforbes777, install the build-essential package with synaptic or aptitude, it is not installed by default09:57
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tapoSeveas: backports? whats the sources.list line?09:57
Seveastapo: To find out the location of backports, go to backports.ubuntuforums.org/url.php09:58
remyforbes777Seveas: ok09:58
yuachtI keep getting "unable to find workgroups in your local network" even though i have it all configured! what do i do? :(:(09:59
Drako60is there anyway to get system wide UTF-16 support?09:59
SeveasDrako60, UTF-16 is not yet fully supported in glibc afaik, so I don't think so10:00
tapoSeveas: ok, but I do I tell it sources.list (after the url)10:00
Seveastapo, you visit that url with your browser to find a sources.list entry :)10:01
Drako60i think i will be glad when breezy is stable to use10:01
tapoI've been there :)10:01
SeveasDrako60, you are not the only one10:02
tapohmmm :)10:02
Drako60i've had to force a few things into hoary and its not been a pleasant experiance10:03
heatxsinkI'm confused, I downloaded the kernel source for the kernel i'm running10:03
heatxsinkand I downloaded the kernel patch10:03
tapoconfused, too.10:03
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tapohttp://backports.ubuntuforums.org/   has more info10:04
Seveasheatxsink, why would you want to compile your own kernel?10:05
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mrpickleswhat is the apt get command to get mp3 support ?10:05
heatxsinkbecause of the wlan-ng packages don't compile the pcmcia driverws10:06
BobSagatis that not included in the install?10:06
Seveasmrpickles: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support10:06
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heatxsinkso now i'm left to doing it myself10:06
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Seveasheatxsink, ah ok10:06
Seveasheatxsink: You can find compilation instructions on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCompileHowto10:06
hamishis there a default 'su' password?10:06
Seveashamish: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo10:07
heatxsinkperhaps I can make a dpkg to submit?10:07
mauperhamish: nope, du "sudo passwd" to set one10:07
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Seveasmauper, do NOT advise that...10:07
hamishok thanks :)10:07
Seveashamish, please read that page10:07
mauperSeveas: why is that ? afraid of the dark ?10:07
ubotufrom memory, root is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo10:07
Seveassetting a root password is not recommended on ubuntu10:07
BobSagatjust do sudo su and it will prompt for your user password.10:07
naliothhamish: read what ubotu said10:07
mauperSeveas: and why is that ?10:08
jamie_khi: can anyone help me add swsusp2 & recompile my kernel? not finding the online docs all that clear...10:08
Seveasmauper, it's just that Ubuntu by default uses the sudo model and in the chat you should rather point people to that than blindly telling them to set a root password10:08
tapotnx, l8r10:08
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hamishanother question, i tried to change the screen resolution, but there is only one option?10:09
mauperSeveas: then one should say that sudo in general is a good idea ... but I wonder, if the default user has all sudo privileges, where is the point ?10:09
Seveashamish:  find out how you can change your display's resolution, go to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:09
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Seveasmauper, read that wiki page too, it contains a discussion about it :)10:09
naliothmauper: sudo only lasts 5 minutes10:09
hamishok i'll have a look10:09
maupernalioth: 5 minutes should be enough ;)10:10
Seveasmauper, sudo eliminates the need for a root shell...10:10
Seveas(in most cases)10:10
BobSagatjust dont type sudo before any commands that you dont understand. =)10:10
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jamie_kSeveas: do you ever sleep? You seem to be always here...10:11
Drako60the worst thing i have found for getting fully supported is japanese10:11
maupernarf: what magic do I have to invoke to use my old rs232-mouse on my old box ? (never cared about, other distros made it work out of the box)10:11
zyththis is aggrivating, i can't unrar this file, I think because of the filenames10:11
Seveasmauper, set the mouse device to /dev/ttys0 in xorg.conf10:11
norristhen rename it or use quotes zyth10:11
mauperSeveas: thnx10:12
Seveasor /dev/ttys1 if it is attached to com210:12
{Seb}hi all10:12
mauperI will figure out ...10:12
Seveascapital S10:12
naliothjamie_k: he's a bot10:12
zythnorris,  no... the filenames of the extracted files10:12
{Seb}i've got an easy way to switch people to ubuntu10:12
jamie_knalioth: i had that impression10:12
{Seb}just tell them to look at http://www.crackman.de/newtenlightment/movies/ballmer/dancemonkeyboy.mpeg10:12
{Seb}this man is running their company?10:12
naliothjamie_k: extremely experiemental AI (running on a 12-Cell cluster)10:12
Seveasjamie_k, swsusp is included in the hoary kernel...10:12
JanCzyth : if it's a RAR 3.x  archive, you need the "unfree" version or (un)rar10:12
jamie_kSeveas: really?10:13
zythJanC, ahhh, ok, where's that?10:13
Seveasjamie_k, yes, the hibernate option from the logout menu uses it...10:13
jamie_kSeveas: right.10:13
JanCyou can install it in synaptic10:13
zythgot it10:13
Seveasunrar-nonfree is in multiverse iirc10:13
zyththanks JanC10:13
naliothSeveas: how many teraflops does the 12-Cell cluster you run on put out?10:13
SeveasJanC, :)10:14
jamie_kSeveas: no make-ing for me then hmm10:14
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zythOh that worked SO much better10:14
Seveasnalioth, you must be mistaken, I do not run on a 12-Cell cluster but on an experimental FPGA / microthreaded alpha testbed10:14
JanCand it's in multiverse like Seveas said  :)10:14
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naliothSeveas: coulda sworn there was 12 of em involved10:15
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Drako60oh well i guess i can deal without UTF-16 for now, UTF-8 has been working, though there are some things i could use UTF-16 support for10:15
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diegois there a way i can figure out how many ram slots are in use via software?10:16
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naliothdiego: just the software connected to your cornea10:16
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cwilluIs there an accelerated graphics driver for the i815 chipset?10:17
diegonalioth: damn10:17
Seveasnalioth, afaik ther IS a way10:17
jamie_kSeveas: running 'hibernate' still evokes a claim that 'your kernel does not have10:17
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Seveasdiego, yes there is a way :)10:17
jamie_kSeveas: '...software suspend 2 support...'10:17
Seveasdiego, sudo lshw10:17
Seveasjamie_k, do you have kernel 2.6.10-5 ..?10:17
Seveasdiego, you might want to pipe it to less :)10:18
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Seveasbut it WILL show whether a memory slot is occupied10:18
diegoSeveas: oh my word heh10:18
jamie_kSeveas, I installed off the latest binaries10:18
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Seveasjamie_k, the output of uname -a might be helpful (type /exec -o uname -a in this window if you use xchat)10:19
cwilluis there such a thing as an accelerated video driver for an intel 815?10:19
jamie_kLinux 0th3r 2.6.10-5-686 #1 Tue Apr 5 12:27:02 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux10:19
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naliothSeveas: you know everything10:19
Seveasjamie_k, that one definitely has swsusp built into it10:19
niallCan someone help me make tvtime or kaffeine detect my DVB card?10:19
jamie_kSeveas, then odd that 'hibernate' would not run10:19
mauperhmmm, xorg.conf, device bla, ttyS0, ttyS1 ... doesn't work ... what protocol should I use ?10:20
jamie_kSeveas, and would give that msg10:20
Seveasjamie_k, maybe you need to install the one from hoary-security...10:20
ttyS0i don't work. aaaaaa :)10:20
jamie_kSeveas, how would I got about that?10:20
Seveasjamie_k, enable the hoary-security and hoary-updates repositories10:20
naliothSeveas: i just ran that w/o sudo, what's the diff?10:20
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jamie_kSeveas, I think I have Security available in my sources.list10:20
Seveasnalioth, ENOIDEA, it's just that the progeam says: "WARNING: you should run this as root"10:21
Seveasjamie_k, odd, since you don't have the latest kernel...10:21
naliothSeveas: hmm i got a buttload of readable output re my system w/o sudo10:21
Seveasjamie_k: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3810:21
jamie_kSeveas: okay10:21
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Seveasnalioth, yeah /me too :)10:21
mauperargh ... want mouse now ... hate X config ... will google now ;)10:21
cwilluvideo drivers?10:22
Seveascwillu, afaik not...10:22
hamishsame problem i think...10:22
Seveasmauper, ttyS0 / S1 didn't work..?10:22
Seveas(you know you should restart X to make these changes work?)10:23
nemiki can't do the command: "more /proc/pci" but there is no pci in proc folder. i'm following instructions from here: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=pos1R1002391&aid=710:23
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jamie_kSeveas: changed sources.list, updated, uninstalled, reinstalled, ran Hibernatre, same msg :-(10:24
hamishhow do i stop 'X'?10:24
Seveasnemik, these instructions are extremely outdated...10:24
Seveashamish, /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:24
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nemikseveas, do you recommend any newer ones?10:26
mauperSeveas: nope, didn't work, and yes, I restartet X (even rebooted, because of extreme laziness ...)10:26
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ratmis it possible to install ubuntu without gnome BUT fluxbox?10:27
Seveasnemik, I don't really know what the instructions should tell you, I just know that /proc/pci got ditched a long time ago...10:27
Seveasratm, yes10:27
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crimsunratm: sure. Do a server (minimal) install, then install x-window-system-core and fluxbox.10:27
ratmwell, thats cool :D thanks!10:28
Seveasratm, boot the install cd with the 'server' option and after the base install, use apt-get to install X and fluxbox10:28
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Seveasratm, the x-window-system package will be useful10:28
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ratmof course it will ;)10:28
tmortonsdl-gfx1.2==which version of sdl_gfx?10:28
ender_what is dropline gnome?10:28
tmortonender_, A version of Gnome for Slackware10:29
crimsuntmorton: read the top line of the changelog for the package.10:29
jamie_kSeveas: all my problems are really complicate, aren't they? :-(10:29
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Seveastmorton, apt-cache show libsdl-gfx1.2 will tell you that10:30
tmortoncrimsun, I don't have ubuntu--it's just that someone reported a bug where there wasn't a sufficiant version of sdl_gfx installed, but I can't tell what version they have10:30
hamishsu, password set?10:30
hamishsudo password, then?10:30
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jamie_kbut Seveas: I am writing up the solution I discovered to installing Ubuntu over a network with no optical disks or diskdrive without using a local server ;-)10:30
crimsuntmorton: then cross-reference packages.ubuntu.com10:30
Seveasjamie_k, well, swsupsp/hibernate never worked for me yet, so it's not just you :)10:30
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tmortoncrimsun, Thanks--I was looking for a page like that :)10:31
Seveasjamie_k, like wiki.ubuntu.com/LocalNetInstallHowto ?10:31
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naliothSeveas: i did a very technical thing: i ran lshw both ways and there are only 4 lines different in output (according to 'diff')10:31
black_Nightmaredoes ubuntu have iptables or could that be added?10:31
jamie_kSeveas: that howto got me nowhere for 12hrs heheh10:31
naliothblack_Nightmare: hang on a minim10:31
Seveasjamie_k, ah :) well, feel free to improve it, it's a wiki :)10:32
ender_Wow, I get 5-7 more FPS in Quake 3 running Ubuntu over Windows XP. Even better, I just finally have a linux box that I can use well enough to even run games. =) gg ubuntu!10:32
naliothblack_Nightmare: check this out http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=13010:32
Seveasblack_Nightmare, of course ubuntu has iptables :)10:32
FLDhttp://koti.mbnet.fi/fld/DDR.mp3 hear this!10:32
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FLDit was mabe with ubuntu ;)10:32
FLDnowyou must hear it10:33
jamie_kSeveas, actually the install I used was really interesting: put minimal Grub components + kernel straight into C: and let it nuke the XP install10:33
hamishhamish@Laptop:~$ sudo password10:33
hamishsudo: password: command not found10:33
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jsilvasomebody speaks spanish?10:33
naliothjsilva: in #ubuntu-es10:33
muttDCno, no hablo castellano10:33
jsilvathanks a lot10:34
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black_Nightmareseveas..hmm ty10:34
black_Nightmarejust curious but any of you heard of any problem with ubuntu and macintosh graphic cards?10:34
pietro_spinahamish: are you trying to type "passwd"?10:35
hamishno idea...10:35
muttDCsudo -s10:36
black_Nightmareguess not perhaps10:36
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hamishthanks :)] 10:36
pietro_spinahamish: trying to change your password?10:36
mauperdpkg-reconfigure xserver-org did the trick (maybe it's too late for using vi - yawn)10:37
mauperthnx anyway10:37
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ender_is /usr/local/src a good place to put all the tarballs I download for software not included in ubuntu? various apps, qstat for example..10:39
mauperbtw: I never really liked shorewall and I wonder why ubuntu doesn't come with firestarter preinstalled, I think it is nice and comprehensive10:40
jamie_kSeveas: anyway, say I  patched my kernel with this module, how would I then rebuild it?10:40
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jh0nif i have framebuffer support, i should have /dev/fb0, correct?10:41
Seveasjamie_k, with make-kpkg10:41
Seveasjamie_k: You can find compilation instructions on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCompileHowto10:41
Seveasjh0n, probably you would10:41
Kyralcould you, in theory, change from a Debian Install to an Ubuntu Install and vice versa just by changing your sources.list and then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?10:42
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SeveasKyral, not really10:42
mauperKyral: just on instinct: I'd say no ;)10:42
yahalomcan anyone here give me a good news group? news.bla blah.com10:42
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ender_newbie question.. how do I set permissions so that I dont need sudo to play around in /usr/local?10:43
Seveasyahalom, news server you mean? supernews and giganews are good ones..10:43
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Seveasender_, you don't want to...10:43
Seveasnot for the *complete* /usr/local at least10:43
mauperender_: chown -R a+rwx * but you do not want to ;)10:43
yahalomSeveas, news.supernews.com?10:43
Seveasmauper, DO NOT give people crappy advise....10:44
mauperer chmod that is10:44
KyralSeveas: If I risk my system to experiment, can I get voice in here? j/k :P10:44
Seveasyahalom, yes...10:44
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yahalomSeveas, thanx man :)10:44
mauperSeveas: wouldn't have worked anyway10:44
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Seveasmauper, yeah well, but giving people crappy advise is really not done over here. Just explaining why they shouldn't do this kind of things is better :)10:45
ender_then is there a way to use the file browser as root?10:45
Seveasender_, again, you should not do this..10:45
mauperI disagree: answering the question and warning is better I think10:45
Seveasmauper, well, no, not if it can cause new users to easily wreck up their system10:45
concept10Seveas, I finally fixed my NTLDR.  Is there anyway to rewrite grub without a live CD.  I just have the x86 install CD10:45
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Seveasconcept10, I have been told that the install cd has the 'rescue' boot option....10:46
yahalomSeveas, Supernews handshake failed: 501 bad authentication ??10:46
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Seveasyahalom, for both servers you need to pay for an account10:46
mauperSeveas: well, if you tell them that it might wreck, endanger ... whatever ... their system, it should be okay ...10:46
Seveasmauper, no10:46
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Seveasthey will try it anyway :)10:47
yahalomSeveas, u dont know any free ones that r good?10:47
anouarhi dudes10:47
Seveasyahalom, not really, I use supernews (my provider pays for it)10:47
yahalomSeveas, ah ok thanx :)10:47
Seveashi anouar10:47
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ender_ok, it's just that I read this..10:47
ender_/usr/local and its subdirectories are used for the installation of software and other files for use on the local machine. What this really means is that software that is not part of the official distribution (which usually goes in /usr/bin) goes here.10:47
ender_When you find interesting programs to install on your system, they should be installed in one of the /usr/local directories. Most often, the directory of choice is /usr/local/bin. On Red Hat systems, the /usr/local directories are created but they are empty, ready for your use.10:47
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Seveasender_, yes, if you install things with ./configure; make; make install, they go there10:48
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ender_Seveas: you still have to install as root though right? or else wont I have problems with permissions?10:49
joi have logitech web cam 4000 pro witch driver to instal in gentoo its pwc10:50
ender_ok, that clears things up. thanks.10:50
Seveasand you really want to install as root/with sudo :)10:50
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johow i gt it in urbuntu10:50
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ender_right.. "sudo ./configure" "sudo make" etc..10:51
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Seveasender_, no10:51
Seveasyou use sudo only with make install10:51
Seveassudo make install10:51
Seveasor even better:10:51
Seveassudo checkinstall10:51
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Seveasthat will create a .deb file you can install with dpkg -i10:51
ender_hmm, what files do you checkinstall?10:52
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joandt wy there is only v4l210:52
joandt not 110:52
naliothender_: you use checkinstall instead of "make install"10:52
ender_oh ok10:53
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thomerzhi, is there a way to geht my kde/qt apps look like gnome apps in gnome? like it is done in fedora?10:54
thomerzgeht = get10:54
FLDhow do i see how much takes /etc space10:54
FLDand all subdirs10:54
mauperFLD: du /etc10:54
HavoKthomerz: you could use bluecurve both in kde and gnome10:54
FLDmauper does not work10:55
FLDit says all dirs diffrently10:55
FLDi want output 1 row10:55
FLDand in gigabytes10:55
maupershould be the last row of the output ?10:55
thomerzyes but i still have the ugly kde open/save dialog HavoK10:55
HavoKo you could use gtk2-engines-gtk-qt.. the gtk theme is like the qt one10:55
mikasFLD, du -hs /etc10:55
XenguyFLD: du -ch /etc10:55
XenguyFLD: or just 'man du' and find the options you prefer10:56
HavoKthomerz: hmmm10:56
mauperseems like du comes in different flavors ;)10:56
HavoKthomerz: you can't replace that, i think =)10:56
FLDkk kkk kk10:56
thomerzi have seen it in fedora at a schoolmates notebook, they have done it nicely10:57
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thomerzal apps have the same dialogues, icons, etc HavoK10:57
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Shepherdhello all.10:57
HavoKthomerz: no idea10:58
hondjeironically when they started doing that, a lot of people were pissed off :)10:58
ShepherdI'm having difficulty getting sounds working with another user on this system. Dag meneer hondje!10:58
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thomerzhmmm can be, but i would like to have only 1 theme for al kinds of apps hondje10:59
ShepherdI've made sure that ESD is running, that all users are in the sound group, and checked the following link:10:59
Seveasthomerz, gtconfig might help...10:59
Shepherdhmm. can't find it but it's a forum about sound written by a french person.11:00
abshello all, im back, with maya running nicley, just wondering, does anyone know how to desable the easy_click function, i mean the alt+ left mouse button, as this interferes with maya's function11:00
SeveasShepherd, are you trying to let 2 users use the sound server simultaneously?11:00
Shepherdnot simultaneously, only when I log off and let my roommate log on.11:00
Shepherdhe can't get sound.11:00
ShepherdI'm on that account now.11:01
Seveasthat might help11:01
thomerzsure it is gtconfig Seveas? can't find it11:01
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ShepherdSeveas: okay. I think I looked at that one the other day but I'll make sure right quick.11:01
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Seveasthomerz, qtconfig11:01
Seveassorry :)11:02
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thomerzahh :>11:02
thomerzbut there is no bluecurve to choose in there Seveas :/11:02
thomerzalthough i have installed kde-theme-bluecurve11:03
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Seveasthomerz, maybe you should install it, i wouldn't know, I refuse to install KDE/QT related things :)11:03
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thomerzyeah i don't like them too, but i like to use kdevelop and quanta :/11:04
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ushoozAnjunta and NVU are decent replacements for those thomerz  :)11:04
Seveasvim too ;)11:05
ushoozkdevelop is nice though11:05
neoenohello ubuntu and anyone who randomly decided to see what xchat was11:06
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thomerzyes, but i think it should be possible to make all apps look the same, because they have it in fedora :/11:07
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Seveasthen go find out how they did it :)11:08
lsuactiafneram bored11:08
thomerzthey have bluecurve11:08
thomerzbut i don't get bluecurve running with my kde apps :/11:08
hondjeinstall the blue curve theme for kde and gnome11:09
ushoozget bluecurve theme for QT and GTK 1.x and 2.x11:09
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thomerzyes, and how i change the kde theme to bluecurve?11:09
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HavoKthomerz: kcontrol11:09
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poningruok read the readme.debian for apt-build11:10
poningruRebuilding the world:11:10
poningruYou must create a package list.11:10
poningruThe simplest way to do it, is to run:11:10
poningrudpkg --get-selections | awk '{if ($2=="install") print $1}' > /etc/apt/apt-build.list11:10
poningruYou should edit this file to remove some packages like gcc, etc...11:10
poningruNote that rebuild all packages is still experimental and can break11:10
poningruyour system.11:10
poningrusorry for the flood11:10
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+q poningru!*@*] by Seveas
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Seveas+q = silent11:11
Seveashe cannot flood any more...11:11
HavoKah =)11:11
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lsuactiafnerSeveas : i keep getting +q everywhere lol11:11
HavoKsomething like a personal +m11:11
lsuactiafner1st time ive seen someone else get it11:11
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=== lsuactiafner will need to get into Seveas's good books
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Seveas(sorry, no more playing)11:12
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by Seveas
=== lsuactiafner knows this is a bad idea..
lsuactiafnerubotu : tell Seveas about sex11:12
poningruok real question11:12
ShepherdSeveas: do you know where to find the totem configuration file?11:12
Seveaslsuactiafner, nobody needs to tell me about that :)11:12
yahalomSeveas, when i do a whois on an ip and it gives me person: Johny Depp lets say. Who is this? The user? or the name of the isp manager?11:13
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Seveasyahalom, the ISP contact11:13
lsuactiafnername of isp manager unless some guy got his own static ip11:13
poningruit says permission denied11:13
poningruto build that file11:13
yahalomah ok cool11:13
poningruerr makefile the file11:13
ShepherdSeveas: do you know where to find the totem configuration file?11:13
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Seveasponingru, then do it as root11:13
poningrudid it as sudo11:14
yahalomSeveas, anyway i can do a trace on an ip?11:14
poningrustill gives the same error11:14
Seveasor with command | sudo tail11:14
to0omhi, i'm trying to get the bluecurve theme running under kde11:14
Seveasthe redirect will not be done as root11:14
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to0omi'm using gnome, but i want the kde apps look like the gnome apps11:14
Seveasyahalom, not to personal data of the person behind that connection...11:14
topyliShepherd: it's in ~/.gnome211:14
yahalomSeveas, no. to see which path he travels to get to me.11:15
to0omi've already installed the kde-theme-bluecurve package, but it doesnt' work. i can't select the bluecurve theme neither under qtconfig nor under kcontrol11:15
Seveasyahalom, aha, install mtr :)11:15
to0omunder gnome, it works with the redhat-artwork package11:15
to0omanybody an idea?11:15
yahalomSeveas, it removed ubuntu-base11:16
Seveasyahalom, meuh?11:16
SeveasI have it installed along with ubuntu-base, that is odd11:16
yahalomSeveas, if i install mtr it removes ubuntu base11:16
Shepherdtopyli: I didn't see it. there was a totem.pls file and a totem-addons11:16
yahalomSeveas, i have mtr-tiny11:16
Seveasyahalom, are you mixing up sources..?11:17
yahalomSeveas, not that i know of. will  mtr tiny do it?11:17
poningruok got it the root terminal worked11:17
Seveasyahalom, oops, yes i have that installed too11:17
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Seveasyahalom, still, the command is mtr :)11:18
topyliShepherd: ihave ~/.gnome2/totem_config. perhaps you haven't changed anything so a file hasn't been created?11:18
yahalomSeveas, what app do i use to scan him?11:18
Seveasyahalom, mtr his_ip11:18
to0omhondje, how have you installed the bluecurve theme for kde?11:18
yahalomSeveas, i did. really cool11:18
dasahi everyone...anybody has an idea how i could enable OpenGL acceleration on my PowerbookG4(ATI radeon 9600) running Ubuntu Linux11:19
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Shepherdtopyli: hmm. interesting . . . I'll try modifying it using the windowy interface and see if it makes one.11:19
confreywhy can't I use my pcmcia slot?11:19
naliothdasa: you should already have it11:19
yahalomSeveas, thanx11:19
naliothdasa: have you run 'glsgears'?11:19
dasaohh ok11:19
dasai ll give it a try..right now11:20
nirandasa, glxinfo | grep rendering11:20
dasawow ok11:20
naliothdasa: that is "glxgears" i cant type today11:20
thomerzushooz get bluecurve theme for QT and GTK 1.x and 2.x <- where do i get them for kde? i only found a .deb file, but i cant load this into kcontrol11:20
zenlunatichow do i make movie links open up with vlc?11:21
dasai just ran glxinfo and 'direct rendering' is set to no11:21
dasai ll try and apt-get glxgears11:21
Seveasnalioth, don't you need linux-restricted-modules and some xorg.conf tweaking on PPC?11:22
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timdoes nautilus burn iso's to DVD's?11:22
poningruanyone know what stuff to remove from the apt-build.list11:22
dasayeah..fglrx but no support for ppc i think11:22
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Shepherdtopyli: also the fuser command doesn't seem to be working. Should I get feedback from fuser /dev/dsp?11:22
naliothSeveas: mine ran out of the box11:22
poningrutim: if you have that lib11:23
poningrulook under /var/lib11:23
naliothtim: nautilus burns nothing well11:23
poningrualso I would do a apt-get for either K3b11:23
diegonalioth: bs, it burns CD iso's fine11:23
poningruor gnome burner11:23
timgnome baker?11:23
poningruI would use K#B11:23
poningruerr K3B11:24
naliothdiego: to each their own. i've never had any luck with it11:24
Shepherdtopyli: actually I'm not sure I'm using Hoary. Could I still be using Warty or are they the same thing (noob question I know . . . )11:24
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topyliShepherd: dunno about fuser11:24
dasayeah direct rendering is set to no..if you have any ideas please let me know11:24
poningrutim: yeah gnome baker11:24
poningruits a cd/dvd burner11:24
dasai have ATI Radeon 960011:24
SeveasShepherd, type 'cat /etc/issue' in a shell to be sure :)11:24
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topyliShepherd: cat /etc/lsb-release11:24
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naliothdasa: you didnt ask about direct rendering, you asked about opengl acceleration (i don't know the difference)11:25
naliothdasa: i DO know glxgears works on my ibook here11:25
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dasasorry i though that was the same thing11:26
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poningruso anyone know what exactly to remove from the apt-build.list11:26
confreywhy can't I use my pcmcia slot?11:26
dasaglxgears works here aswell..but when i run a screensaver things start to crash11:26
poningruremove some packages like gcc, etc...11:26
dasaor when i try to play a dvd11:26
Seveas poningru everything :)11:26
poningruthats the only instruction it gives11:26
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Seveasit's quite pointless to rebuild all packages...11:26
SeveasUbuntu is not gentoo...11:27
poningruwell I want to do everything in this thing11:27
dasanalioth what did you set on the device driver in xorg.conf11:27
dasai've got ati as the driver at the moment11:27
poningrulike literaly(sp?) everything11:27
poningruI wanna see what breaks this thing11:28
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naliothdasa: i didnt, this is a straight out of the box install11:28
poningruI wanna learn11:28
Seveasponingru, well, installing Breezy will break it :)11:28
poningruso true11:28
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dasaoh ok11:28
Seveasapt-build'ing hoary completely will not...11:28
Seveasyou'll just waste your time :)11:28
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poningruwell I am not trying to break it11:29
poningruI am trying to make it better11:29
poningruand see what breaks in the process11:29
zenlunatichow do i make vlc open the video streams off epiphany?11:29
Seveasyou won't make it perform better by recompiling everything...11:30
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epJust installed ubuntu two minutes ago.  I may redo.  I'm a KDE user -- do ya'll recomend going with kubuntu or just installing ubuntu and apt-getting the KDE desktop?11:32
jayparadisewhat is the location of the kernel header files?11:32
lsuactiafnerjayparadise : should be /usr/src/11:32
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Seveasep, if you apt-get install kubuntu-desktop you will have the equivalent of kubuntu :)11:32
epok thanks11:32
Seveasjayparadise, /usr/src/linux-$(uname -r)11:32
Seveasjayparadise, if you installed them of course..11:33
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unomeKubuntu is a virus, it's spreading very fast :P11:33
Seveasunome, ???11:34
unomejust kidding11:34
jayparadisehow can i install them?11:34
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jayparadisei need to for vmware11:34
confreywhy can't I use my pcmcia slot?11:34
Seveasjayparadise, sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r)11:35
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cyrainI got a little pb with my setup11:35
Shepherdtopyli: 4.10 warty . . . is that up to speed?11:35
cyrainpb :11:35
gekhi, i have some .m4a video files with aac audio in them. i can play them with noatun and totem, but i cant get any sound, any ideas? i have libfaad installed11:36
cyrainin the gui, I go to System and try to run the admin tasks liek user admin, it asks me a passwd11:36
gektotem-xine that is, totem-gstreamer gives me bad ghosting11:36
Shepherdtopyli: man this is baffling . . . everything should be working.11:36
Seveas /faq gek restricted11:36
Seveasgek: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support11:36
gekyeah ive read it11:36
Seveasdamn, stupid spacebar :)11:36
geki have w32codec and all that installed11:36
Seveascyrain, use *your* password11:36
Seveascyrain: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo11:36
jayparadisethanks saves11:36
cyrainoups sorry11:36
cyrainI'm a beginner or irc11:37
cyrainaw no11:37
cyrainok for ubuntu11:37
cyrainI did so11:37
=== flugh [~flugh@pool-70-17-221-190.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasShepherd, warty is the old release of Ubuntu, Hoary is the latest..11:37
cyraingive him my passwd11:37
Shepherdwell, crap.11:37
cyraindoesnt want to11:37
ShepherdSeveas: how do I update ??11:37
SeveasShepherd: One-line upgrade: sudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade11:37
cyrainif I run a term and swicth to root11:37
cyrainand run the task -> ok11:37
ShepherdSeveas: awesome11:37
SeveasShepherd, be warned, it will have to download at least 450 MB and need a while to upgrade...11:38
ep2nd question,  I do a little 3d gaming so I'm thinking I'd like to upgrade the kernel to something optimized for the Athlon K7.  Can I do this and still be stable?  If so I'd like to do it before i tackle the Nvidia drivers:)11:38
Seveasand you will need to reboot afterwards (new kernel)11:38
ShepherdSaveas: that's fine.11:38
Seveascyrain, what is the error you get..?11:38
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kdpep: i think the nvidia drivers are bundled in the kernel?  and yes, if you get the one with the ubuntu logo next to it it should be stable11:38
ShepherdSeveas: if I had to install sound modules and such will they be uninstalled when I reboot? OR is there no way of knowing?11:38
Seveasep, yes, just install linux-k7 (k7-tuned nvidia drivels will be installed with it)11:39
SeveasShepherd, depends on what you mean with install11:39
cyraina second11:39
cyrainChild terminated with  1 status11:39
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cyrainidem if I input wrong passwd11:39
Shepherdum, I had to do modprobe snd-cd4236 and then later I had to put it in init.d I think.11:39
Shepherdactually can't remember where I put it.11:40
eptoo cool, by "install linux-k7" what do u mean?  apt-get?11:40
SeveasShepherd, probably in /etc/modules11:40
SeveasShepherd, and that will be preserves11:40
llebergThis ain't good at all, my ubuntu-computer won't boot up :(11:40
Seveasep, yes11:40
Seveassudo apt-get install linux-k711:40
ShepherdSeveas: I can check right quick. Oh cool.11:40
confreywhy can't I use my pcmcia slot? why don't anybody help me? am I alone with a laptop?11:40
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Seveasconfrey, odd, on my laptops the pcmcia slots work..11:41
Seveasconfrey, type lsmod | grep yenta11:41
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Seveasdoes that give any output?11:41
unomeep, you'll want to check your grub after you install linux-k7 and before you reboot11:41
Seveaslleberg, what is the error?11:41
confreySeveas, yes, yenta-socket is loaded11:41
topyliShepherd: warty is still supported and will be for a good while still11:41
Seveasconfrey, are you sure it is the pcmcia slot then and not the card?11:41
jayparadisecool just got it to work with the path /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386/include11:41
Shepherdthanks seveas.11:41
Shepherdi'm going now. I really appreciate the help.11:42
epunome ok check grub for what?11:42
Seveasyw :)11:42
confreySeveas, I have a cf2pcmcia adapter; it's working in windowsxp, not in hoary11:42
jayparadiseyea thanks Seveas11:42
unomeep: for what will be there11:42
llebergSeveas: cmos check error or whatever it said11:42
jayparadisecoldnt have done it without you11:42
llebergSeveas: But that's fixed11:42
Seveasep, check /boot/grub/menu.lst and maybe point it to te new kernel to be the default11:42
llebergSeveas: And now it won't even go to bios..11:42
Seveaslleberg, that's a BIOS problem, not an Ubuntu problem11:42
llebergSeveas: I know .P11:43
unomeep: last time I installed linux-k7 my windoz entry disapeared from grub and I had to put back there11:43
jayparadiseim used to vmware on windos hope i dont run into any problems on here11:43
Seveasconfrey, odd, I have the same piece of equipment and it works fine...11:43
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Seveasunome, then you had put inside the automagic kernel list11:43
jayparadiseid like to put a picture on the grubloader, but i can find documentation for that11:43
unomeyes sir11:43
SeveasNever put anything inside there yourself11:43
cyrainSo, what's the pb with the admin gui commands ?11:44
Seveascyrain, try on the command-line: gksudo synaptic11:44
cyraincat .xsession-errors says nothing11:44
unomeSeveas: why not11:44
Seveasand see what error it gives11:44
jayparadisedoes linux get anyone else get too used to using tab in linux and use it to complete words while typing?11:44
jayparadiselol i'm starting to do that11:44
Seveasunome, that will be rewritten every time there is a kernel update...11:44
unomeah ok11:44
Seveasjayparadise, yeah, me too :)11:44
flughis there some way to specify the pci-id X tries to use. it seems to insist on using my onboard video device (it's disabled in the BIOS) rather than my pci video card11:44
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jayparadisethatd be cool if they could make a program that does that11:45
Seveasflugh, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:45
gekthe restricted formats page dosnt even mention m4a files, but i imagine since it says the audio is aac, i should get audio with totem-gstreamer + gstreamer-faad, but nothing :(11:45
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cyrainI went root and launched the commadn ok11:45
Seveasgek, maybe gstreamer doesn't use ESD on your system?11:45
cyrainI can update my packages11:45
Seveascyrain, did you launch it from a normal terminal or a root terminal?11:45
=== vurdak va a dormire
flughi can edit xorg.conf easy enough, but i'v been trying live-cd versions of ubuntu and others, and it's the same everytime with ubuntu stuff (fedora stuff doesn't though. hmm...)11:46
Seveasvurdak, please torn that off in here11:46
cyrainI went root with su11:46
joh23:44 < Seveas> and see what error it gives11:46
Seveascyrain, why..?11:46
joh23:44 < jayparadise> does linux get anyone else get too used to using tab in linux and use it to complete words while typing?11:46
flughjust thought there may be a 'proper, right way' to do it :)11:46
joh23:44 < jayparadise> does linux get anyone else get too used to using tab in linux and use it to complete words while typing?11:46
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joh23:45 -!- apokryphos7 [~dw@host-84-9-33-244.bulldogdsl.com]  has joined #ubuntu11:46
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cyrainthen retried directly with mly account11:46
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cyrainwhy -> to test as root ;)11:46
vurdakSeveas, it was a "/me i'm going to sleep"  in italian11:46
Seveasjoh, NEVER do that again...11:46
Seveasvurdak, ah ok :)11:46
gekseveas, how would i check if its using esd?11:46
cyrainwith my account,11:46
cyrainhe says : sorry user cyrain11:47
Seveasvurdak, since you didn't say anything before, I assumed it was an autothing11:47
Seveascyrain, aren't you in the sudoers list perhaps?11:47
vurdaknp, Seveas :D11:47
SeveasDid you do a server install cyrain ?11:47
cyrainI played with a while ago11:47
cyrainlemme check the sudoers file11:47
Seveascheck your /etc/sudoers...11:47
Seveaslol :)11:48
flughjoh: don't feel bad. i once pasted about 108 lines of partition magic info about my hard drives to #postgresql one night. *doh* :)11:48
cyrainso I played with a while ago and as a sudoer, can launch /bin/mount11:48
cyrainand umount11:48
keffohey guys, easiest way.. i have a (right its reiser) 40gb partition, on this partition i want to have a windows installation with some games (newer games that runs really really slow or not at all in cedega)11:49
keffobut i wanna keep everything else, like my other 4 linux partitions etc11:49
Seveaswell, all menu entries use sudo, so if you want to use them , you must be able to run them with sudo :)11:49
gekesd is not running, could that be the problem11:49
Seveasgek, yes11:49
Seveasgstreamer should use esd by default11:49
geki see11:49
cyrainhmm weird11:49
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gekis esd gnome-specific, because i switched to xfce411:50
cyrainmy account have the privilege to run admin commands11:50
cyrainin the account properties11:50
cyrainbut I'll give it a try11:50
Seveasgek, esd is ubuntu-specific. ESD will be ditched again for Breezy11:50
d4rksh4deBreezy is a kernel?11:51
Seveas(okay, that was not the complete truth, but I hope it will do)11:51
Seveasd4rksh4de, no, breezy will be the next release of Ubuntu11:51
parabolizeesd is enlightenment. but many desktops use it.11:51
resiakSeveas: Really? Thank _$DEITY_11:52
cyrainadded /usr/bin/users-admin11:52
cyrainand ran it -> idem11:52
remyforbes777  here is my problem, i have an old 233 mhz with 32MB ram, whenever i try to boot to gui it freezes right before the login screen, but i can boot it up without x fine,11:52
=== jo [~jo@cc667024-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
gekalright, so now the problem is either getting esd running somehow, or getting gstreamer to use something other than esd11:52
cyrainthen issued sudo /usr/bin/users-admin11:52
cyrainand it worked11:52
johello i wont to have  apt-get install  glib11:52
jo but wont install11:52
cyrainin gui, still fails11:53
jo apt-get install  glib11:53
joReading package lists... Done11:53
joBuilding dependency tree... Done11:53
joE: Couldn't find package glib11:53
gekesd is definitely installed, along with gstreamer-esd11:53
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Seveasjo do NOT! paste in here11:53
ender_anyone use qstat for gaming? I've having problems installing it. =(11:54
Seveasand use apt-cache search11:54
resiakSeveas: Don't large large segments of Gnome use esd?11:54
parabolizeresiak: yes11:54
remyforbes777any reason why my comupter is freezing right before the x login11:54
d4rksh4deender_> whats gstat?11:54
d4rksh4deender_> qstat*11:55
resiakparabolize: So how is esd going away in Breezy?11:55
kdpremyforbes777: probably b/c X needs more than 32 MB ram?11:55
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epok i Installed linux-k7 and I've inspected /boot/grub/menu.1st and the windows entry is still listed.  How do i make sure this is pointed to the new kernel (before i reboot)?11:55
ender_it's to find quake3, halflife, etc servers in terminal11:55
remyforbes777thats what i figured11:55
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ender_it cant install because..11:55
parabolizeresiak: no idea. I don't see a reason why.11:55
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kdpremyforbes777: X always uses around 150something on my machine11:56
resiakparabolize: Because esd sucks major ass?11:56
remyforbes777kdp: any other alternatives11:56
resiakremyforbes777: Not using X?11:56
Seveasep, you can do that while booting too ;)11:56
kdpdoubt it.  i dont know, its the major thing.11:56
geki tried removing esd in hopes it would force gstreamer to use another sound driver but no luck, then totem wont start and says "no reason given"11:56
kdpwith the thing. for the thing.11:56
Seveasep and it probably is already default11:56
ender_checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c11:56
ender_checking whether build environment is sane... yes11:56
ender_checking for gawk... no11:56
ender_checking for mawk... mawk11:56
ender_checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes11:56
ender_checking for gcc... no11:56
remyforbes777resiak: no i am not11:56
ender_checking for cc... no11:56
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Seveasender_, DO NOT paste in here11:57
resiakremyforbes777: I'm saying don't use it.11:57
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epso just grab my socks and reboot?11:57
Seveasep, yeah :)11:57
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remyforbes777resiak: lol ok11:57
epok thanks11:57
parabolizeresiak: works for me. But if somthing else works I wouldn't mind a change.11:57
remyforbes777resiak: im not using it right now11:57
remyforbes777resiak: strictly CLI11:57
cyrainep -> look at the name of kernel11:57
resiakremyforbes777: Stay that way!11:57
kdpwhat is this !*@* syntax11:57
=== flankk [~flankk@S010600402b442a94.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tatstercan someone help me please - how do I use a .patch file?11:57
cyrainit should match /boot/vmlinuz11:57
remyforbes777resiak: why is that11:57
flankkanyone tried ubuntu from the repositories?11:57
SeveasTatster, man patch11:57
paulproteusTatster: Talk to me about the patch file.11:57
resiakparabolize: ALSA and dmix. Done!11:57
cyrainor alink11:57
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resiakremyforbes777: Because you can't run X with 32MB ram? :)11:58
paulproteusTatster: What program are you patching?  What is the URL to the patch.11:58
flankkanyone tried fluxbox from the ubuntu repos? /is tired11:58
remyforbes777resiak: lol ok, i thought you were saying that for another reason11:58
=== Eni_ [~fdf@adsl-62-192.kotikaista.lsp.fi] has joined #ubuntu
cyrainSeveas, any other idea ?11:58
paulproteusI mean, "What is the URL for the patch file?  It would be most instructive if I could have a look at it."11:58
TatsterIt is a patch file, http://www.thegillis.net/examples/mambo/gallery.mambo.sef.patch to do with Mambo CMS, Gallery and Search engine friendly URL's11:58
paulproteusTatster: Do you know how to use the command line?11:59
paulproteusYou need to "cd" into the directory of gallery.11:59
paulproteusThat might be named "gallery-1.5.0" or just "gallery".11:59
=== mello6 [~mellowyll@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
paulproteusTell me once you've done that, or ask for help.11:59
TatsterIm in the gallery directory12:00
paulproteusDo you have the patch file downloaded somewhere on your system?12:00
paulproteusIf so, do this:12:00

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