
dholbachgood night12:35
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uniqriddell: if you give kdepim 10 minutes to upload. all kde 3.4.1 for amd64 is ready at http://frode.kde.no/hoary-updates/amd64/kde341/10:33
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spierrelHi everybody...02:34
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hungerqt4 is released...03:57
=== hunger is anxiously waiting for kde4 now.
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uniqnice. :)04:02
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hungerLets see whether kde will replace dcop now... they were waiting for qt4 to do so IIUC.04:28
hungerand I hope they'll manage to throw out arts for kde 4 as well.04:29
JRehunger: they are going to replace dcop ??????04:30
hungerJRe: Yeap... maybe even in time for kde4p04:31
hungerJRe: The Ettrich (sp?) guy claimed that dbus is basically dcop2.04:31
\shhunger: u mean the one of the founders of KDE? matthias ettrich04:32
JReuniq: ok ;) whatever they do, it will rock ;)04:32
hunger\sh: Yes that one.04:32
\shi had his book about kde2 in my hand yesterday ,) was one of my first o'reilly kde books ever..and I think the last one ,)04:32
hungerJRe: Well, KDE has some practice with ripping out the complete communication infrostructure minutes before the release;-)04:33
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JRehunger: lol ;)04:33
hungerBut I'm really curious about kdemm (arts replacement): They want to do some facade for other MM frameworks like gstreamer.04:34
hunger... the facade is to allow for easy setup and to allow them to switch later (so they do not end up in the same situation as with arts again).04:35
JReow good idea04:36
JRei'll document me a little about kdemm it seems interesting04:38
hungerJRe: There are no papers on the lectures at linuxtag on the web:-(04:40
JReanyone go to aKademy???04:41
uniqriddell: psst. amd64 packages done.04:42
Riddellso I see :)04:42
uniqoff to dinner. bbl.04:42
JReRiddell: i was sure that you would go! you're lucky Malaga is an amazing place!04:43
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frouddoes Canonical offer paid support for Kubuntu?05:54
uniqi would guess no.05:55
froudis there a markplace (web site) for company who do provide paid support?05:55
uniqnot that i know of.05:58
Riddellfroud: chances are if you pay them they'll support anything06:00
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uniqriddell: wake up.. TB meeting.07:09
uniqand koffice is up now.07:09
froudhttp://lnix.net/~froud/ updated main changes made to Kubuntu User Guide08:29
uniqnice, i'll have a look.08:31
froudcool, anyone is welcome to colaborate on these documents08:32
froudsrc can be checkout from https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/trunk08:33
uniqmy written english isn't that good.. i'll just give others more work in correcting my spellingmistakes :)08:33
froudwell you dont need to be a shakespear, the team will fix any problems08:34
froudideas and comments are also a big help08:34
uniqi'll start with ideas and comments :)08:35
froudcool, whatever you're comfortable with 08:35
martfroud: http://rafb.net/paste/results/a3avG310.html08:56
froudmart: thanks dude08:56
martjust a few things that don't 'parse' very well, and a wrong graphic08:56
martNot sure about the apostrophe in "Displays a list of filters arranged by possible package status'."08:57
froudmart patch applied in svn09:02
froudmart: the apos is correct denoting plural09:12
martyeah.. I just wasn't sure whether it was better to use package status in the singular09:14
marteg. you might arrange something by number, not by numbers09:14
martbut I guess it works both ways09:15
mart(it wasn't in the patch anyway)09:15
froudthe package can have multiple statuses (status')09:15
froudAccording to Chicago Manual of Style it is correct, but according to the Sunday Times it is wrong :-)09:15
froudthanks though for the patch09:16
martcan it? The filters look mutually exclusive09:16
martno, you're right. they're not09:16
martbtw, it would be good to say what it means for a package to be 'locked'09:17
froudHmmm good idea, write it and I'll patch it09:18
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KaiLOpenOffice.org 2.0 or KOffice 1.4 - hmm, already a decission?09:53
KaiLKOffice = small. fast; but not 100% stable and (that's the worst) the MSO import is way to bad09:54
uniqhm.. no, not decided yet afaik. there was a discussion about it in the TB meeting today.. but no decission made.09:55
KaiLOOo = more stable, better MSO support (still far away from 100%); but very big and incredible slow09:55
uniqbut i think oo.o is the one with most pros.09:55
KaiLwould be interesting, if 2.0 final will be faster than the current beta in breezy09:56
uniqaccording to the (few) posts in kubuntu-users@ and the discussion during the TB-meeting i got the feeling oo.o is what'll be in breezy. but riddell is making a 'spec' to list the pros and cons for both alternatives.09:57
uniqand then there will be a new discussion, probably resulting in a decission.09:58
KaiLthe question is, what we need more, MSO compatibility or being usable on slow computers09:58
uniqi can't speak for others than my self.. but MSO compability is high on my list for a office suite.09:59
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uniqhi pef.09:59
KaiLwho did the kdebluetooth package for hoary? is there one for breezy yet?10:00
uniqkail: the next on my list is stability. users think stable once someone says the word linux. we don't want to destroy that good reputation by adding software that crashes often.10:00
uniqkail: motaboy i think.10:00
uniqand for breezy i don't know.10:01
KaiLif I read the commends, both aren't REALLY stable10:01
uniqpeople have experienced that kpresenter can't read it's own filetype, etc.. that's serious problems. 10:02
KaiLgot some similar comment about oo2 Writer10:03
uniqok, we'll see when riddell get the spec up. afaik oo.o is already chosen for ubuntu.. so they consider it useable.. or to become useable.10:04
uniquseable as in good enought MSO compatibility and stable.10:05
KaiLMSO compatibility can't be "good enough" imho10:06
uniqI really don't have strong feelings for any of them. koffice would be great to promote KDE software. But i think it'll scare people away if it's crashing and such.10:07
KaiLwe had enough stability problems with KDE 3.4.010:07
uniqkrita is nice though.. should include that.10:08
KaiLyes, that for sure10:10
KaiLwhat about kivio?10:11
KaiLanother app without something similar in OO10:12
uniqyeah, i know.. but does it need to be on the CD? that's the question.10:12
uniqit'll all go into universe or maybe main.10:12
KaiLthe localisations are at meast more important10:20
KaiLevery single untranslated word is a big argument against kubuntu10:20
uniqi know.10:21
uniqonce we start to use rosetta it'll be easier to translate stuff.10:22
KaiLthe kde apps are quite good translated afaik, but have you ever seen localised manpages? most are awefull outdated10:22
hungerKaiL: kivio is useless without stencils... and you are asked to buy those.10:28
KaiLah, ok10:29
KaiL...so forget it, until there are no free ones10:29
hungerKaiL: There are a couple of free ones, but they look ugly and are hard to use.10:29
hungerKaiL: The stencil builder is proprietary...10:30
hungerKaiL: Damn Kompany:-(10:31
KaiLlooks like something to fix later10:32
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uniqriddell: do you have the time to copy the amd64 package for kde 3.4.1 and koffice 1.4 to kubuntu.org? 11:44
Riddelldev.kubuntu.org.uk has mysteriously gone down11:44
Riddellmay need to go on a late night cycle ride11:44
uniqkubuntu.org works for me.11:44
uniqif that has anything to do with anything.11:45
Riddellthat's separate11:45
Riddellbut I work on dev.kubuntu, kubuntu.org is behind a firewall, can't wget stuff11:45
uniqok. understand.11:45
uniqi have kio-locate ready for review too. it's at the new nice REVU site.11:46
alleeabout koffice: how about pkg with debug=full to get stacktraces?11:49
alleeput it on a page with a short page what to expect and what not and ask to use the debs and send debug infos.11:50
uniqsounds like a good idea.11:50
alleekoffice-1.4 branch get's 1-2 fixes a day.  I guess koffice developers are keen to get more feedback.11:51
uniqif i'm going to build more amd64 debs now is the time. while my livecd-pbuilder-setup is still running.11:51
alleeAnother idea is maybe to ask a ko devel of search web for what bug/crash infos are needed,  add this to webpage to11:52
alleeto enhance bug report quality11:52
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alleeah, and last but not least.  Never post the sources.list line.  Only a ref to the web page so people (hopefully) read the short intro ;)11:53
alleeFWIW:  I use koffice almost exclusively kwork, kpresenter admitted only for simple thing and I can remember a single crash11:53
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