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uniq!learn paste http://kubuntu.pastebin.com12:59
kinfoInprinted paste (memory injection successful)12:59
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Tm_Kopeteuhm, hi01:07
Tm_Kopeteme in four... too much01:08
Tm_Trno shit Sherlock01:08
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Tm_TTm_Kopete: fuck off01:10
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Tm_Tyup, ok app that is01:11
Tm_Ttestdriving Kopete and Kmail etc this week01:12
monchynot a big fan of kmail personally :x01:12
Tm_Tme neither01:12
Tm_Tbut maybe I can use it with Kontact01:13
monchykopete is ok, but no tabbed messaging -.-01:13
Tm_Twell, there's not much need for such apps anyway here :p01:13
Tm_Tos it's ok01:13
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uniqi use kontact and it keeps me happy.01:21
uniqactually.. it rocks. korganizer is good.01:22
Tm_Tno it's not01:27
Tm_Tbut worth trying01:27
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mrmanicmonchy: what do you mean by "no tabbed messaging"?01:32
mrmanicmonchy: I ask only because I currently have a single tabbed message window, so I figure you must be talking about some OTHER awesome feature.01:33
monchylike in gaim/trillian, a new convo gets opened up in a tab and not a whole new window01:33
monchywas just saying thats what kopete lacks01:33
liz4rdhey monchy what are those windows codecs called? the package name01:33
monchyno worries01:34
Tm_Tmonchy: err, tabs are in kopete too01:34
monchyi never seen tabbed messaging in kopete -.-01:34
Tm_TI just tested different settings01:34
monchyinstead of laughing how about showing me ;)01:34
Tm_Tyou asked for it01:34
monchyso can you produce a screen capture or not?01:36
Tm_Tmonchy: sure01:38
monchyhah how bout that. should be the default instead of the way they have it01:41
Tm_Thmm, I thought that is default... don't know sure, I use svn trunk :p01:43
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ychahibiKubuntu installation finished. Enjoyment started . :)02:02
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penguinboyhey guys02:06
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penguinboyheyhey hey02:08
penguinboyhow is lizzy02:08
penguinboyhey TT02:08
monchyspamncheese is calling for you02:08
Tm_Tok, I'm off, sleep well comrades02:08
penguinboyno one is in spamncheese02:09
liz4rdi am02:09
unomeguys, I'm using a router to connect two PC, on this box ifconfig reveals the ip of the router .. how do I change that?02:09
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dwmurphyare the trackers for the kubuntu dvd images down?02:14
mrmanicunome: are you using dhcp?02:16
mrmanicunome: is it a consumer router like a linksys or netgear?02:16
mrmanicunome: what is the address of the router?02:17
unome192.168.0.2 02:17
mrmanicthat's interesting02:17
mrmanicnormally it's .102:17
unomethat's what is says02:17
unome inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
mrmanicwhat do you get when you do ping
unome21 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 19996ms02:18
unomefirewall, sorry02:19
unomeyes I can ping it so that's my router addy02:19
uniqgnite guys.02:19
mrmanicnight uniq 02:19
unomenow this box is
unomeg'nite uniq 02:19
mrmanicunome: that is pretty standard02:19
unomebut's that's not my ip is it?02:19
mrmanicunome: it should be02:20
unomewhois me02:20
mrmanicunome: your internal ip is different from your external ip02:20
mrmanicunome: this is something called NAT routing02:21
unomeI see02:21
mrmanicit allows you to share a single external IP among multiple computers.02:21
unomeso, when I open a port it's for my internal not external02:21
uniqguys, feel free to use !learn to learn kinfo smart things like NAT and such !help for info.02:21
unome!learn NAT02:22
kinfoAvailable commands: !help, !uptime, !netuse, ??, !!, !cs, !whoset, !learn, !relearn, !forget, !topten, !status02:22
uniqyes. '!learn nat what is nat.' would be correct.02:22
mrmanicoooh, neat02:22
unomethis is good :)02:22
uniqthere is a webinterface too. http://frode.kde.no/kinfo/02:23
uniqjust for seearching though.02:23
uniqnow, gnite for real.02:23
mrmanicok, night night uniq 02:23
mrmanicdammit, unome left!  I wasn't done explaining NAT!02:24
uniqexplain it in a !learn :)02:24
uniqhttp://frode.kde.no/kinfo/?find=%25 to see what's already learned.02:24
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mrmanicunome: did you figure it out?02:25
unomejeez konversation crushed again02:25
unomemrmanic: nah trying02:25
mrmanicmy konversation is rock solid02:25
mrmanicunome: what are you trying to do?02:25
unomerolled it your self?02:25
mrmanicit's the kubuntu one.02:25
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mrmanickonvi 0.1602:26
mrmanicfrom 3.4.102:26
unomemrmanic: well trying to get firestarter to see my box as my extenal ip so that I can close and open ports on the fly02:26
unomeahh I'm using 0.1802:26
mrmanicunome: is your box the only box that needs to be able to have ports open?02:27
mrmanicunome: if you're not scared, you might close all your ports and put yourself in the DMZ02:27
mrmanicmost routers have a DMZ02:27
unomewhat's dmz?02:28
mrmanicdemilitarized zone02:28
unomeif there's such thing as secure to begin with02:29
KaiLInternet <-> DMZ <-> Clients02:29
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nerdHey there.02:29
unomeso how do I do that?02:29
unomehi nerd02:29
nerdI was wondering, why are graphical root logins not allowed as default in kubuntu? and how can I change this?02:29
nerdunome: Hey :)02:30
KaiLnerd: security02:30
unomenerd sudo su -02:30
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nerdumone: Well, yeah, but I need to do a graphical login. You know...from kdm?02:30
KaiLand logging in as full root is a VERY bad idea02:30
nerdKaiL: I know this. I'm doing it so's I can add a printer using KDE's print manager02:30
KaiLyou can currently too02:31
nerdKaiL: "Can currently too"? What does this mean?02:31
KaiLstart the printer managemant tool, and look at the bottom, the button in the middle :)02:32
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nerdKaiL: I'd still like to be able to do a full graphical root login....02:32
unome!learn what is nat02:32
kinfoInprinted what (memory injection successful)02:32
uniq!forget what02:33
kinfowhat was supressed02:33
uniq!learn nat network address translation02:33
kinfoInprinted nat (memory injection successful)02:33
uniq?? nat02:33
kinfo[nat]  network address translation02:33
nerdKaiL: Ok. Something's wrong. It keeps refusing my password. Perhaps I cannot su? 02:33
unomeoh, I sure can teach this bot all bad info :)02:33
KaiL(it's using sudo, but not saying that very clear)02:34
nerdKaiL: I just had to run "gpasswd -a nerd sudo02:34
nerdNo biggie02:34
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nerdKaiL: Damn! Now it says "Su returned with an error"02:35
nerdThis is not going well so far.02:35
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KaiLgpasswd -a nerd sudo << what on earth?02:36
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nerdKaiL: I was adding my user to the group "sudo" as listed in /etc/group02:37
KaiL...interesting, that I don't have my user in that group here ;)02:38
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nerdKaiL: For some odd reason, I had to set up all users and passwords (and groups) manually after  the Kubuntu install. I take it I'm not supposed to have to do this.02:39
KaiLthat's not good...02:39
KaiLbut sudo works now?02:39
nerdKaiL: Maybe I should add users in  another fashion. At least I would if I could actually USE KDE AS ROOT! Do you know how to allow root logins? I REALLY need the ability to administer graphically02:40
nerdKaiL, After all. I have to fix all these problems. Oooh man. Kubuntu is giving me more trouble than my Gentoo box.02:40
uniqnerd: edit  /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc to allow root logins from kdm.02:41
uniqchange AllowRootLogin=false02:41
uniqto true02:41
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uniqnerd: as you probably already know, it's not recommended to run KDE as root.02:42
uniqand now, good night for real.02:42
nerduniq, Yep. I've been told. thanks02:42
douglaswhat packages do I have to have to mount a smb volume with fstab options?02:44
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douglasKubuntu comes with that right?02:45
KaiL..at least it's in main :)02:46
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gandalfsbigwandanyone know where kcolorchooser package is for Ubuntu Hoary?02:48
gandalfsbigwandI'm looking for the kcolorchooser program which is part of a larger package of programs for KDE but I can't find it in the repositories. I tried custom searches in synaptic but found nothing.02:48
uniqis the packagename02:49
gandalfsbigwanduniq, hi thanks I searched for that too but couldn't find it02:49
uniqit's in universe02:50
gandalfsbigwandok I have kdegraphics installed but I can't find kcoloredit on my system??02:50
gandalfsbigwandvery odd02:50
uniqkcolorchooser shouls be there then.02:50
gandalfsbigwandit only finds icons for it02:50
uniqi have both.02:51
uniqalt+f2 'kcolorchooser' enter02:51
gandalfsbigwandgives an error02:51
gandalfsbigwandI'm using ubuntu with all kde installed02:52
uniqstrange. apt-get install --reinstall kcoloredit02:52
gandalfsbigwandthx i'll try one second02:52
gandalfsbigwandCouldn't find package kcoloredit02:52
uniqah.. it02:52
uniqit's been introduced in 3.4.1..02:52
gandalfsbigwandkcolorchooser was in previous versions of kde... 02:53
gandalfsbigwandI have KDE 3.4.102:53
gandalfsbigwandI mean 3.4.002:53
gandalfsbigwandit should be in there.. oh well, if not, is there a gnome equiv?02:54
uniqi really have to go to bed now. install that package and you'll have kcolorchooser.02:55
uniq?? sources.list02:55
kinfo[sources.list]  example /etc/apt/sources.list with all official repositories plus KDE 3.4.1 and Koffice 1.4 from kubuntu.org can be found at: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/30380202:55
gandalfsbigwanduniq, thanks for your help02:55
uniqto enable universe and get kde 3.4.1 and koffice 1.4 (if you want)02:55
uniqno problem.. and good night.02:55
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ookiii'm having the hardest time installing transcode, anyone know of any alternatives?02:58
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Blissexookii: 'mencoder'/'mplayer' but  there are ready made 'transcode' packages, which install just right.03:01
ookiii am interested in these packages you speak of03:01
ookiireally i want dvd rip, but i learn this is a front end for transcode, so apparently i want transcode03:01
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Blissexookii: look for the marillat repository at nerim03:03
Blissexookii: in general check http://WWW.apt-get.org/ out before thinking of installing things yourself...03:04
ookiiBlissex: the marillat apt source isnt' working for transcode03:04
Blissexookii: you also want 'dvd::rip' from the same repository.03:04
Blissexookii: then download the source debs and recompile, or be careful about the dependencies...03:04
ookiiBlissex: eh, i downloaded everything transcode wanted, configure went fine, but i had some ogg vorbis errors or something during the make03:06
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Blissexookii: but really it should work with the binaries without much trouble...03:06
Blissexookii: you may need to tweak carefully the dependencies using 'aptitude'03:07
ookiiBlissex: ah i have no idea what that is, it's sad because all i want this computer to basically do is rip dvds, but it doens't look like it's going to happen03:08
Blissexookii: try to install the Debian 3.1 (''sarge'') release, it is similar to Ubuntu and the Marillat repository is based on it.03:10
Blissexookii: BTW, I also have some 'transcode' dependency problem; I must keep 0.6.x installed, instead of 1.0.x03:10
ookiiBlissex: my previous experience was all debian, but me wanting to not work very hard to set things up, debian was behind the times, but i read now it's up to date or something03:11
Blissexookii: for now it is up to date, released a few weeks ago...03:11
ookiiBlissex: debian with kde is just more work, kubuntu comes all good to go :-p03:11
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The_bellmanwhat kind of email account is gmail (as in i want to get kmail to check it... is that possible?)?03:42
godsmokegmail offers pop3 access03:42
godsmokeyou need to sign into your gmail account online, and enable it03:42
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The_bellmandamnit, i suppose you enable pop3 in settings, and settngs can't be accessed by konq cause its not fully supported03:46
The_bellman... i just made the switch from gnome, and have to get used to the new gotchas03:47
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The_bellman:( Kontact is saying that kwallet isnt avaliable, so i opened up kwallet, and it still says its not avaliable.04:02
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Tm_TThe_bellman: KDED or someting is crashy04:05
Tm_Ttry to create new wallet ;p04:05
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Neuromantikyou got mugged04:07
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The_bellmannope, I've been mugged and left to bleed on the sidewalk :P   ...oh well you cant win them all04:18
The_bellmanspeaking of winning them all, is there a way to get a gnome applet to run as a kde applet?04:19
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godsmokeThe_bellman: I highly doubt it04:35
godsmokeThe_bellman: Konqueror will not work with roughly 10% of popular websites -- I just use firefox -- even though it runs slowly in addition to kde04:36
The_bellmanluckily for me, i dont visit many popular websites :P04:44
The_bellmani hear somepeople say that firefox doesnt work with lots of websites, and that konq works with even fewer. Honestly gmail is the only site that ive had areal prob with04:46
godsmokeThe_bellman: I have never found that to be true04:49
dwmurphydid anyone else get a grub error 17 when they install kubuntu?04:50
godsmokedwmurphy: when did you get this error?04:50
dwmurphyright after i installed it, first reboot04:50
dwmurphypartitions are on sevondary master.. havve xp on the primary.. installed grub in the mbr04:50
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godsmokedid you google the error ...?04:53
godsmoketo at least find out what was wrong04:53
dwmurphyyeah.. something about not recognizing the partition type.. which is odd.. it formattied them itself04:53
godsmokedid you read this?04:54
godsmokedid you hibernate windows first?04:54
godsmokeit seems that windows may be writing a non-known partition for its hibernation04:54
godsmokeand that could easily cause grub to error04:55
dwmurphyno.. not a laptop04:55
godsmokedoesn't matter04:55
dwmurphyi did a normal sthutdown.. i think i did see that post04:55
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godsmokeanyway -- sounds like you should do some research -- if all else fails -- then you should redo the partitions04:55
godsmokejust some common sense advice04:55
dwmurphyyeah.. i'm not concerned.. just annoyed :)04:57
godsmokestuff happens04:57
godsmokecould have been an error with the partition-making04:57
godsmokeyou should always be doing them yourself anyway04:57
dwmurphythey were already done.. i just told it to reformat them04:58
godsmoketakes a few minutes -- makes things right04:58
godsmokewho knows -- maybe kubuntu just hates you04:58
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dwmurphythanks though ;)05:00
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dwmurphyfixmbr is my friend :)05:04
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lostmonkif i install debain jr, for example05:05
lostmonkwill it go right into the kde menu05:05
lostmonkor a debian subsection?05:05
godsmokewill what go right into the kde menu?05:06
lostmonkthe symlink for the app05:06
godsmokewhy don't you ask in a Debian Jr. specific help?05:06
lostmonkare u a tard?05:07
lostmonki came here for kubuntu05:07
godsmokethen why are you asking about debian jr?05:07
godsmokethat's a special distribution -- separate from kubuntu/ubuntu and debian05:07
lostmonkdebian jr is a group of childrens applications05:08
godsmokeit's a distribution05:08
lostmonkit never became a distro05:08
godsmokeanyway, there is no debian menu in kubuntu05:09
godsmokethere is no menu-handling system either, I've been told05:09
lostmonkso then installed debs dont make it to the menu?05:11
godsmokeright -- the ubuntu package team has to do it05:11
godsmoke`menu` was never adopted from debian05:11
godsmokeso any menu calls the package wants to make are not going to show up05:12
Psynecologisthmmz .... no rip in universe05:12
godsmokeunless debian-jr becomes an ubuntu package05:12
Psynecologistwhat's a good recomendation for ripping CDs ?05:12
lostmonksound juicer05:13
Psynecologistdoes it use lame ?05:13
lostmonksomeone else told me about it05:13
=== Psynecologist checks
godsmokesoundjuicer is gtk-based05:13
godsmokeuses gstreamer from their website05:13
Psynecologistit wants a bunch of gnome05:14
=== Psynecologist thinks
godsmokeand gstreamer05:14
godsmoke= gnome05:14
kalenedraelok, is there an easy way of getting a 32-bit libc with apt?05:14
kalenedraeli'm on an athlon 6405:14
kalenedraeli'm trying to compile gcc05:15
kalenedraelhmm, for that matter, can i tell gcc to only compile for 64-bit?05:15
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battlecatIm downloading Kubuntu05:18
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battlecatI realize that it has KDE does it also retain the GNOME?05:18
kalenedraelit doesn't come with the gnome window manager but it has gtk05:19
kalenedraeland such (i think)05:19
battlecatThat is what I was wondering05:19
Psynecologistbattlecat, it has KDE .. to get the gnome as well ... just sudo apt-get install it afterwards05:19
kalenedraelif not you can always sudo apt-get install05:19
Psynecologistbattlecat, though it seems redundant to have 2 DEs05:19
kalenedraeli had to sudo apt-get install xchat, for that matter05:19
kalenedraeli have four window managers05:20
kalenedraelkde, xfce, enlightenment, and fluxbox05:20
battlecatThank you Psynecologist. I have a problem I need to be able to download the packages and write them to CD then take them to the totally offline machine to install. Will the Ubuntu package manager be able to do this?05:20
Psynecologistmeh ... either E or kde05:20
kalenedraeli tried all of them at some point05:20
Psynecologistno need for kde & gnome imo05:20
kalenedraeldidn't delete them05:20
kalenedraeli couldn't get used to any of them05:20
Psynecologistbattlecat, dunno .. I'm still new to kubuntu .... I'm a sorcerer/gentoo guy really ;)05:21
battlecatI see.05:21
PsynecologistI'm sure there must be a directory05:21
battlecatI am looking at all the distros there are just to many05:21
Psynecologistwell .... ubuntu is as easy as it gets05:21
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battlecatIve used plain ubunut05:23
battlecatIts really slow on my p3-60005:23
Psynecologistdepends on the ram usage05:23
Psynecologistalso ... might want to try using a real light wieght wm .. like blackbox or a blackbox clone... openbox, fluxbox etc05:23
battlecatRight now Im running plain XP Pro and its 'fast'05:23
Psynecologistwhat are your system specs ?05:24
battlecat192 megs ram05:25
battlecat20 gig HD05:25
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battlecat8 meg agp05:25
Psynecologistshould run linux fine05:25
battlecatthats it05:25
battlecatit runs linux ok but not as fast05:25
godsmokeshould NOT run kde or gnome fine05:25
Psynecologisthow are you judging fast ?05:25
godsmokeuse a lightweight wm05:25
Psynecologista *box05:25
battlecatwell based off time to have a prog start and delays in menus even with all effects off05:26
godsmokexfce will run fine on that05:26
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Psynecologistbattlecat, the heavier , beefier, bloatier DEs eat more resorces05:26
battlecatI know05:27
godsmokeso don't use them on that system05:27
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battlecatI understand that05:27
godsmokexfce is pretty and decently lightweight05:27
battlecatI am still trying to figure if its worth going to linux if I give up the tools and speed in XP05:28
godsmokeprobably best for you05:28
PsynecologistI just noticed that kubuntu dosen't have 1-4gb ram selected in their kernel05:28
godsmokebattlecat: the speed loss you're experiencing is a window manager problem -- it has absolutely nothing to do with "linux"05:28
PsynecologistI have 1.28gb of ram ... and it's only seeing 90605:28
battlecatWell programs like blender are much slower even under XFce05:29
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godsmokePsynecologist: I use 1.5GB of ram here -- no problems05:29
Psynecologistbattlecat, blender uses tons of cpu cycles05:29
godsmoke2 GB in another system05:29
Psynecologistgodsmoke, mine isn't showing05:29
Psynecologist( Computer Stats ) [ CPU Model: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2500+ Speed: 1830.178 MHz Cache: 512 KB ]  | RAM Usage: 125/906M [||||||||||]  ( 13.8% ) | [ HD Model: Maxtor 6E030L0 Size: 146G with 85G Free ( 58.2% ) ]  | Number of process: 6605:29
godsmokegood for you05:30
Psynecologistnot good for me05:30
godsmokejust telling you that I have kubuntu installed -- no problems05:30
PsynecologistI have to rebuild the kernel myself05:30
godsmokewhy wouldn't you anyway?05:30
Psynecologistdo you see your full ram ?05:30
battlecatI used Ubuntu for a month and liked it05:30
godsmokePsynecologist: I said I did, yes05:30
Psynecologistand you didn't build the kernel yourself with the 1-4gb ram option ?05:31
godsmokenot on those systems05:31
Psynecologistwhere is the kernel held /05:31
Psynecologistin kubuntu05:31
godsmokeheld ...?05:31
Psynecologist/usr/src/linux dosen't exist05:31
godsmokethat's not where you put a kernel05:32
godsmokethat's where you put kernel source05:32
godsmokeright ...05:32
Psynecologistif I have to build it05:32
PsynecologistI need the source05:32
godsmokewhy would the source be in your system already?05:32
godsmokethat's silly05:32
godsmokeyou need to get the version you want05:32
godsmokeso go get it05:32
PsynecologistI;'m coming from a source background05:32
PsynecologistI'm used to source being on my system05:32
godsmokethat's fine -- but the source doesn't magically come down -- then you wouldn't be able to say which version you wanted05:33
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godsmokethat would be very very silly05:33
godsmokedownload the source version you want, end of story05:33
godsmokethere are ubuntu packages which have all of the ubuntu patches already, or you can use vanilla05:33
Psynecologistgodsmoke, I installed yesterday ... I assumed the kernel source would be on it for situations like this05:33
godsmokenope, thank god not05:33
Psynecologistshould be there05:34
godsmokeyou obviously don't understand the target audience of ubuntu05:34
PsynecologistI guess not05:34
Psynecologistlike I said .. I installed yesterday05:34
godsmokeit's roughly 35 characters in a terminal to grab the package05:34
kkathmanyah...Gentoo...source, ubuntu...no source05:34
KaiLthere are optimised kernel images (-k7 and -686), afaik those are build with 4GB support05:35
Psynecologistty KaiL 05:35
godsmokeoh -- did you not install the appropriate kernel?05:35
godsmokethat might do it05:35
Psynecologistgodsmoke, I INSTALLED YESTERDAY05:35
Psynecologisthow much do you expect me to know of the distro ?05:35
godsmokeit asks you which one you want -- so it has nothing to do with how many days you've had it installed05:35
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Psynecologistgodsmoke, proving your guruness well :roll:05:37
godsmokewhen you want to stop trolling -- you're welcome to ask questions05:37
PsynecologistI did ask a question05:38
Psynecologistto which05:38
runelindI have kubuntu installed on a dell inspiron 4100, and I get studdering on keyboard and mouse which also causes sound output to studder05:38
Psynecologistyou prefered to dick aropund with ...05:38
godsmokerunelind: wow -- that's scary05:38
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godsmokerunelind: have you tried a random non-ubuntu live cd -- just to see if it's a main driver issue?05:39
battlecatstupid question whats is a p3-600 is it a 386 486 586 or what?05:39
runelindgodsmoke: knoppix works, and WinXP also works05:39
battlecatthank you05:40
godsmokethat's very strange05:40
godsmokealmost sounds like a bus issue05:40
godsmokeI remember my sony laptop had weird acpi interrupts05:41
godsmokewhere I could only get my usb ports to work if I caused a lot of noise on the bus -- by playing an mp305:41
godsmokebut that's acpi for ya05:41
godsmokewas fixed in 2.605:41
godsmokerunelind: I'd suspect it's a kernel issue -- try an old kernel first05:42
godsmokeubuntu is all about new packages -- not quite as tested as debian was05:42
godsmokeit's likely the knoppix you tried used an older kernel05:42
runelindit uses a 2.6 kernel05:42
godsmokewell, I know -- but, 2.6 is just a major revision05:43
godsmokeit's possible whatever you're using in kubuntu is very new05:43
godsmokeand knoppix might be using something older05:43
runelindyeah perhaps05:43
godsmokejust giving you ideas to test out05:43
runelindmaybe a new build of kubuntu will fix it05:43
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godsmokewell, kernel revisions aren't done too often05:44
godsmokeI'd try an older kernel first, try to isolate the problem05:44
runelindyeah that's a good idea05:44
runelindI'll look into it, thanks05:44
godsmokeor wait for someone who knows more than I do -- also try #ubuntu -- far more people there -- this is not likely a kde issue05:45
runelindsounds like a plan05:45
runelindhave a good night05:45
godsmokeyou too05:45
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plefnoanyone here who can help someone completely inept?07:30
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torzhi, I just installed Kubuntu last night and having problems installing the JDK 1.5.08:22
torzroot@titan:/home/torum/apps # rpm -i jdk-1_5_0-linux-i586.rpm08:22
torzrpm: To install rpm packages on Debian systems, use alien. See README.Debian.08:22
torzerror: cannot open Packages index using db3 - No such file or directory (2)08:22
torzerror: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm08:22
torzDo I have to use alien?08:23
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froudis it possible, using the Run Command (Alt+F2) to perform commands with sudo. For example sudo kynaptic08:35
froudhow can I pass the password for sudo using this example?08:36
mrmanicfroud: kdesu08:38
mrmanicfroud kdesu synaptic08:38
mrmanickdesu is like sudo only it uses a kde messagebox to validate your password.08:39
froudcool thank mrmanic 08:39
mrmanicnp froud 08:39
unomeanyway to add some good fonts to konsole?08:42
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mrmanicunome: doesn't konsole pull from the same fonts as everything else?08:50
mrmanicmaybe I'm wrong08:50
unomemrmanic: not for me mate08:50
mrmanicyep, sure enough, I'm wrong08:50
unomeI like konsole just can't stand the fonts08:52
hieudtunome: you can change konsole font: settings -> font -> custom08:54
unomehieudt: hmm yeah you can but what if the fonts you want aren't there but everywhere else in the system?08:55
unomecopy them to ~kde~/konsole/fonts ?08:55
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amethystso uh, kubuntu is ubuntu with KDE?08:56
unomeyes and a KDE spirit too08:56
amethystwhat kind of spirit is that versus gnome?08:57
unomeUser Friendly08:57
mrmanicI thought gnome was user friendly08:59
mrmanicLike user friendly with teeth.08:59
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mrmaniclike..."We're going to be user friendly to you....OR ELSE"08:59
mrmanicI only used it for 3 hours or so, though.09:00
amethystwhy doyou like kde more?09:00
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mrmanicamethyst: I find KDE easily customizable and easily scriptable09:01
amethystwhich is faster?09:01
mrmanicamethyst: I also feel as though the designers of KDE don't assume that I'm stupid.09:01
mrmanicI have no idea09:01
unomeamethyst: it's just a personal thing, some people think GM is the best, others Chevrolet is the bomb09:02
amethystnod, 09:02
amethystim stuck in windows right now but i guess i could run a vmware image of ubuntu09:02
unomeI never liked Gnome, but that doesn't me it's a bad desktop09:03
amethystand then after get a new drive free up some space09:03
mrmanicamethyst: my views don't reflect the views of anyone but me. :)09:09
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mrmanic|sleepbtw, the ipodslave maxes my CPU sometimes09:56
mrmanic|sleepit does make amaroK work like a dream, though.09:56
mrmanic|sleepby "sometimes" I mean "for hours after removing my ipod"09:56
nikkiamrmanic|sleep: that's quite scary09:58
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torzjust downloaded Azureus from sourceforge and it aint loading!11:32
torzException in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/torum/apps/azureus/libswt-pi-gtk-3106.so: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:33
torz        at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)11:33
torzand so forth...11:33
Choubakaget the file.11:33
torzoh! wait, maybe I should have opened my eyes. I need those libraries dont I?11:33
torzChoubaka: indeed, I was stupid. DIdn't read it properly11:34
torzso you guys know of any packaged with those libs?11:42
torzroot@titan:/home/torum/apps # apt-get install azureus/11:45
torzReading package lists... Done11:45
torzBuilding dependency tree... Done11:45
torzE: Release '' for 'azureus' was not found11:45
torzweird :~(11:45
torzChoubaka: yeah I'll look there in a second. I just tried to install it via apt-get since it will hopefully get all the other bits I need but meh... that sucks11:45
ChoubakaThis site has "Welcome Slashdot!" on the front page.11:46
nikkiaChoubaka: well, /. did just post a story about them :)11:47
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torzyay the gtk problem is solved. Good old apt-get :~)12:08
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MatyyHi, I have installed KDE on a "normal" ubuntu system, and now I use XFCE, I have installed the German language file "kde-i18n-de" and kde is german12:42
Matyybut when I start a KDE app (konqueror, krusader, amarok) in XFCE4 it's still English12:42
torzheh, "normal" ubuntu12:43
torzdont you have to configure konqueror within it?12:44
MatyyI got it 12:45
torzexcellent :~)12:45
MatyyThere is "settings" in the xfce menu where i can get to all the KDE settings, and there I can just set the language to German12:45
nikkiamatyy, the first time you run KDE, you should get the new user wizard, which asks your language etc12:46
torzkpersonalizer or whatever its called12:46
nikkiamatyy, my guess is that somehow you had a .kde directory that made the wizard not run12:46
nikkiaand thus everything defaulted to german12:46
torzwoohoo Azureus is now installed :~), rock on apt-get :~)12:46
Matyyyeah, probably, I think I didn't use kde with my account12:47
nikkiamatyy, i'd suggest creating a new user, then login to KDE as that user, and see if you get the wizard... if that works, you could rename .kde out of the way on  your normal account, and see if that forces the wizard to start12:47
Matyyeh, it works now12:47
MatyyI just had to set it to english12:48
nikkiaoh, wait, you WANT german12:48
Matyyyeah :))12:48
=== nikkia misread
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snowsealanybody used the nvclock tool? is it resonably safe to use or what.12:49
snowseali dont want to fry my laptop's video card just yet.12:50
Tm_Tsnowseal: overclocking is never safe12:51
nikkiaspecially on a laptop, where you have everything crammed in a tiny space12:51
snowsealbut i got low performance on the card in liux. compared to windows.12:52
snowsealhmm. okay. ty for advice.12:53
nikkiasnowseal, you are using the nvidia driver, not 'nv' right?12:53
snowsealnikka i installed kernel-restricted modules, and in xorg.conf i stated to use the nvidia driver. ack12:54
nikkiathen i don't really understand why it would be lower performance, tbh12:54
snowsealhm, so it should be equal?12:55
nikkiaits highly doubtful the windows driver is overclocking, unless you made it12:55
nikkiasnowseal, it should be comparable12:55
nikkiait might be a little slower in some things or a little faster in others *shrug*12:55
snowsealokay!, i'll debug it some more. hope to find a error12:55
nikkiaone thing i'd check...12:55
nikkiaby default, the nvidia driver will use their own AGP GART if none is specified (Option "NvAGP" in the config)12:56
nikkiathe nvidia gart isn't always the best, sometimes its better/faster to use the one specific to your motherboard, even if that motherboard is nForce based12:56
snowsealin the xorg config ?12:56
nikkiayeah, you probably don't have that line at all12:56
snowseali'll definately check it. tx12:57
nikkiaif there is no 'Option "NvAGP"' line, then it defaults to, iirc, '0' which means 'use the motherboard gart if its loaded, otherwise use the one built into the X driver'12:57
snowseali got a intel mb, so i guesss its nforce based. (its a g-force fx actually.)12:57
snowsealhmm, complex for me. but ty for tips12:58
nikkiathe problem there, is that usually the motherboard gart isn't loaded by default, the kernel modules will exist, but aren't set to auto-load, so the nvidia driver looks, sees no gart, and uses the built  in one12:58
snowsealwill have to learn more about this.12:58
nikkiaif you set Option "NvAGP" "2"    then it forces it to load the motherboard gart12:58
snowsealjust great info. thx again12:58
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nikkiaafternoon uniq01:06
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snowsealhmmm, indeed i got no " NvAGP" option in xorg.conf01:07
Matyydoes someone know a similar icon theme for kde: http://art.gnome.org/themes/icon/1051 ? 01:08
uniqworkhi nikkia.01:08
uniqworkbrb. fucked copyingmachine.01:08
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_michaelsaluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut tout le mondee01:10
uniqworkhi michael.01:11
snowseallol, raped copymachine. yuk.01:11
_michaelg plein de kestion a poser y a pas un geeks pour maider ???01:12
_michaelhi uniqwork ;-p01:12
uniqworksnowseal: yes, sorry for the bad language. 01:12
_michaelsomeone can help me ?01:12
_michaelplease ...01:13
MatyyHmm, where can I learn how to create own icon themes?01:13
uniqworkwhat is your problem michale? 01:13
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nikkiamatyy, i think themes.org has some tutorials01:13
nikkiano, i was thinking of kde-look, i think01:14
snowsealnikkia,  should i add nvagp as option in the device section of xorg.conf ?01:15
snowsealor as module, or or01:15
_michaeli have a kunbuntu 5.04 and i wonder wich line i have to add in my sourceslist.conf for update from debian ...01:15
nikkiasnowseal, yes, in the device section, i think01:15
nikkiayep, device section01:15
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uniqwork?? sources.list01:16
kinfo[sources.list]  example /etc/apt/sources.list with all official repositories plus KDE 3.4.1 and Koffice 1.4 from kubuntu.org can be found at: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/30380201:16
uniqwork_michael: take a look at that.01:16
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Matyynikkia, they talk about kde2.x there. Can I still use it?01:17
_michaelthanks .... 01:17
Tm_TMatyy: wtf01:17
nikkiasnowseal: here's mine:  http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/30512701:18
MatyyI just browsed a bit and found the actuall version01:18
snowsealwell, /var/log/messages shows some nice agp hardware beein detected. restarting X..01:18
snowsealbbl, ty01:19
_michaeli want to install wine , how can i do ?01:20
snowsealhey   nikkia  you got alot more options than i have.01:20
_michaelsorry but my english are a little : bad :-{01:20
snowseali got no options at al in there01:20
snowseal_michael, apt-get isntall wine01:20
Matyy_michael, go to winehq and look for the deb sources01:20
Matyythere you get a more actuall version01:21
nikkiasnowseal: wow, that's a tiny device section i use here, you should see my device section on my machine at work01:21
Matyy_michael, http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb01:21
nikkiaactually, no you shouldn't, i reinstalled since i setup X properly there :/01:22
snowsealwhy are these options not commented. how else would i know what options are available01:22
_michaeli already try apt-get install but he said he can't find the package 01:22
nikkiasnowseal, they're documented in the README on nvidia's site01:22
snowsealakay. got my self a project now ;)01:22
_michaelthanks Matyy i will try it01:23
_michaelthanks for your help i will be back ;-p good bye 01:24
nikkiahey uniq...01:26
nikkiais there a way to delete a pastebin posting ? i was about to show snowseal my work xorg.conf device section, but he left01:26
nikkiaaltho it looks like pastebin just died anyway01:27
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uniqworkhosted by Paul Dixon (paul at elphin dot com)01:37
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uniqworknikkia: don't know, never thought of that. can't find a delete-button anywhere. you could always mail ^^01:37
ztonzyhi apokryphos 01:38
ztonzykdm still doesn't start :-\01:38
ztonzyand I removed gdm as well01:38
uniqworknikkia: you can however edit the post in the box below the actual post.-01:41
nikkiauniq, yeah, i suppose i could just reuse it next time i need pastebin :)01:41
nikkiaatm, i've returned to being angry at ebay sellers :P01:42
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uniqworkheh. why is that? 01:42
nikkiafound a commercial seller selling something i want, then decided to check his non-ebay site, and found he's selling the same item from his web store *cheaper* than he's selling it on ebay01:43
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uniqworknice one.01:43
nikkia101 vs 102, pre VAT01:44
=== snowseal [~snowseal@adsl-dc-2dd1a.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu
nikkiastill not sure what to do tho, as i've seen 'buy it nows' for 117 inc VAT, which is 2 cheaper still01:44
=== ztonzy think he will grab some sun before work
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uniqworki ordered 'the debian system' yesterday.. from a german online bookstore. %u20AC4401:48
uniqworkehm.. did you see that euro sign? :)01:48
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uniqworkcgi:irc isn't a very good client :|01:49
nikkiauniq, no, it did %u20AC4401:53
nikkiawhich probably shows up as a euro symbol to you anyway :P01:53
nikkiamorning dwmurphy01:54
uniqworknikkia: no it doesn't :)01:54
=== dwmurphy debates attempting to install kubuntu again before work
uniqworkmorning dwmurphy. all kde 3.4.1 packages are ready. i'm just waiting for Riddell to take a look at them and copy them over to kubuntu.org01:55
dwmurphyuniqwork: ok. excellent. thanks01:55
snowsealnikkia, agpgart                33608  3 intel_mch_agp,intel_agp,nvidia02:01
snowsealseems like agp drivers are loaded, but gl refuses to work.02:02
snowsealmaybe it uses the wrong driver becouse : " intel_mch_agp          10256  0"  is not used.02:03
nikkiasnowseal, run glxinfo and cut and paste the output into a pastebin entry02:09
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andreakubuntu ownz02:17
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=== snowseal awakes
snowsealnikkia, segmentation fault02:36
nikkiaerk, that's not right02:36
snowseali just removed nvidia-glx package, becouse x didnt boot anymore02:37
snowseali figured that package made a conflict. and it was a package i recently added.. after removal x booted again.02:37
snowsealmaybe that has something to do with it.02:37
nikkiamost likely you still have the DRI stuff being loaded in xorg.conf02:38
snowsealwich is not good?/02:39
nikkiaaltho, in saying that, i have dri loaded in mine, and it doesn't stop nvidia loading02:39
nikkiawell, it used to be that the nvidia driver wouldn't load with it enabled, but i have it enabled, and i'm using the nvidia driver *shrug*02:39
snowseali dont have any DRI reference in xorg.conf02:40
=== clparker [~clparker@67-42-205-162.albq.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
clparkeranybody know how to update kopette?02:42
apokryphosclparker: do you have the latest repo?02:42
snowsealhuh, busid on my nvidia device is pci:1:0:002:42
snowsealwhile it should use agp02:43
snowsealclparker,  apt-get update && apt-get install kopete02:43
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clparkerthank you02:44
clparkeri will try that02:45
apokryphossnowseal: not if he doesn't have the topic repository02:45
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nikkiasnowseal, that's normal, the busid thing02:45
apokryphosclparker: if you haven't done so already, you'll have to first add "deb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde341 hoary-updates main" to your /etc/apt/sources.list, and sudo apt-get update02:45
clparkerwill do02:46
apokryphos(followed by the aforementioned sudo apt-get install kopete)02:47
=== Matyy is now known as MatyyAFK
snowsealhmm, i'll add thast repository. :)02:48
apokryphosit's the one with 3.4.1, too02:48
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snowsealomg 171 upgrades available.02:55
snowsealhmm, lemme pray it works okay02:55
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snowsealim gonna compile the kernel myself and add nvidia modules to it, manually. using the readme and howto. have to do it yourself if you want to get it don right. sigh.03:21
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nikkiasnowseal, you don't need to do that03:23
nikkiasnowseal, compiling the kernel yourself buys you nothing in terms of adding the nvidia drivers03:23
nikkiayou might as well just remove the packages for the nvidia stuff, then download the .run file from nvidia and run it03:23
nikkiayou need the kernel-headers package, but i think thats all03:24
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snowsealnikkia im a purist. ;) and i the kernel is not using my newest processor architecture. it might improve speed. and although it takes lots of time, i will get grip on this video driver mystery.03:32
nikkiasnowseal, the 686 kernel package is probably about as fast as you'll get anyway03:32
nikkialast time i checked, the kernel doesn't really make any use of floating point and/or SSE :)03:33
snowsealbut  see your point, the kernel doesnt have alot to do with the video drivers.03:33
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hussamThe kubuntu cd installed the 386 kernel for me. will I gain anything if I remove it and install 686 kernel instead?03:39
snowsealhussam,  i would say yes. but now im not so sure anymore :P03:39
nikkiahussam: yes03:40
nikkiahussam: especially if you have 1GB or more of ram :P03:40
hussamI have a Pentium 3 with 384MB ram03:40
nikkiait'd still be worthwhile, IMO03:41
Tm_Tuh oh03:41
nikkiapersonally, i'm not sure i'd 'remove it' for the 386 kernel tho03:41
Tm_Thussam: no need to remove any kernel, just install more ;p03:41
hussamwould there a gain in performace?03:42
nikkiatm, the grub menu can get a bit daunting with 30 kernels though :)03:42
snowsealwell, currently the processes run with the old 386 instruction set, while the p3 has way more efficient intructions, wich you currently dont use.03:42
nikkiahussam, some, yes03:42
Tm_TI have ... 9 different kernels installed03:42
Tm_Tnikkia: well, then yes03:42
Tm_Tnikkia: and please use whole nick, so I get hilighted ;)03:42
=== snowseal nerdly grins
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Tm_Tsnowseal: eh, ever programmed assembler?03:43
snowseali wish i could.03:44
Tm_Tit's easy03:44
nikkiaTm_T: there is some truth to what he said03:44
Tm_Tnikkia: there is, that's why I asked03:44
nikkiaTm_T: the 386 lacks some of the registers that that are useful for the schedular03:44
snowsealbut when i stared at the assembly codes in the asm bewbie guide i got a headache03:44
snowsealeasy you say? how did you start learning it , Tm_T ?03:45
snowseali prefer some higher level programming03:46
Tm_Tsnowseal: well, I started with 8088 doing 1+2 etc03:46
Tm_Tfrom basics03:46
nikkiafeh, 8088? newbie! :P03:46
Tm_Tthat was hight tech!03:47
Tm_T- t03:47
nikkiathe 8088 was never 'high tech'03:47
snowsealhmm, you got an asm compiler on your 8088?03:47
nikkiait was at best, a cut-down version of the 8086 :P03:47
Tm_Tsnowseal: all you need is old good ibm testbox and  datasheet03:47
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Tm_Tnikkia: heh, it was hightech in our school03:48
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=== nikkia started on Z80, 6502 and 6805
Tm_Tsnowseal: uhm, not much compiling...03:48
snowsealhex editing.. ?03:48
Tm_TI continued with C(++)&AVR03:48
Tm_Tsnowseal: yaight!03:48
nikkiathankfully, i don't do much asm anymore03:49
nikkiathe last i did was about 10 months ago, on SH-303:49
Tm_Tlast time 5years ago03:49
gdhI write Bad Perl and Bad Bash :)03:49
uniqme to :)03:49
nikkiagdh, the 'bad' is superfluous on perl03:49
gdhnikkia: I was waiting to see who'd comment on that :)03:50
snowsealasm is still very useful to debug programs. is the main reason i wish to learn asm.03:50
nikkiawhenever i need a quick n dirty language, its always python i grab for03:50
gdhI write Perl like I write BASIC .. one big if..then..else :)03:50
nikkiaall my image manipulation scripts are python03:50
nikkiaof course, PIL makes that a no brainer :)03:51
snowseali started programming ms-basic on the msx.03:51
snowsealhardly anyone knows what an msx is nowdays.03:51
nikkiasnowseal: heh, i do03:52
nikkiaMSX2 was the best spec 8bit03:52
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nikkialargely due to the TMS9938 being utterly brilliant03:52
Tm_Tpois pois ->03:53
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snowsealthen i got an amiga500, for gaming. and then my dad bought a PC. 286, wich i trashed with lots of virusses.03:54
snowsealwich some of you might have created.03:54
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snowsealheh, i even got my p100 trashed with the cih virus, tjernobyl. it flashed my bios and the first MB of my hd on 26 april. had to buy a new bios for it.03:58
snowsealwich was my most destructive virus i ever cought.03:59
nikkialast virus i was affected by, was green catapilla04:00
nikkiaon windows 3.104:00
snowsealare there any linux virusses in the wild?04:03
snowsealother then the worms i know of.04:04
snowsealguess not. ;D04:06
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marterm, where are the password repeat and email boxes?04:47
imtheshadesa lall04:48
imtheshadesal all04:48
martand "Create Profile" ?04:48
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neulapparently Kubuntu works so well, nobody anywhere has any problems...  wow, that IS a relief05:28
nikkianeul, no, all the problems are with networking :P05:31
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neuloh i see-- Kubuntu is totally blown, but nobody can hook up to IRC properly to bitch about it... :-D05:33
Tm_TI can ] ;=05:33
martI was about to... but then remembered I could be using Gentoo...05:34
yourghetekis there a howto on getting the newest version amarok?05:34
mart(I wonder how on earth do they do c++ transitions?)05:35
yourghetek/doesnt know05:35
=== yourghetek doesnt know
yourghetekhtere we go05:35
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martyourghetek: which kde packages are you using? hoary?05:39
martinjh99Trying to run BZFlag in Accelerated mode - Not getting any joy at all.  Using KDE3.4.1 Hoary, with the Fglrx mods installed - Ran dpkg-reconfigure and told X to use the fglrx driver but something is not right - any ideas?05:39
Tm_Tmartinjh99: well, ati05:41
Tm_T] ;=05:41
martyourghetek: ah, I thought there might be something on hoary-updates, but doesn't appear to be05:41
martinjh99TN_T well yeah, should have thought about it...  Had it working though thats the annoying thing.  It stopped working for some reason...05:42
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nikkisee, networking problems :P05:43
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yourghetekdid any of you guys catch the outpost deal? http://shop.outpost.com/product/349223305:48
buzmaxtor drives suck05:48
nikkianot as much as WD ones do :P05:49
yourghetekbut at .35 a gig...05:49
buzsamsung and segate05:49
gdhmaxtor are at the bottom of the pile for me05:49
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buzmaxtor make the worst noise of them all05:49
nikkiaeveryone has different experiences05:49
gdhaside from my many personal experiences against maxtor...05:49
gdh... Dell put maxtor in all their PCs...05:49
buzmeans its gotta be crap05:49
nikkiai had 2 seagate drives pop their driver board, will never buy them again...05:49
gdhbuz: Bingo :)05:49
nikkiabought a WD that was 20GB of bad sectors out the box05:49
buzmhh i had all manufacturers drives die on me05:50
buzso now i buy the most silent ones05:50
buzand so far, no samsung died05:50
nikkia(and when we took that back, they said 'oh yeah, that was a fault on all of that batch, we can replace it if you'd like' (from the same batch))05:50
yourghetekive had 5 drives die on me05:50
buzmost important thing, keep yar drives cool05:50
jbroomeand keep the receipt. :)05:50
buzusually i cant be bothered to rma them05:51
buzjust not worth the trouble05:51
nikkiamicropolis used to be the best :/05:51
buzwhich is why they are bankrupt??05:51
nikkiai still have a 20yo micropolis scsi drive somewhere that still works fine, is slow as treacle, but works05:51
nikkiabuz, they were bought, iirc05:52
nikkiathey were expensive, and they didn't catch on fast enough with the capacity race, thats why they had trouble05:52
buzwhat is it with those new extended availability drives? do they really last longer?05:53
buzi'll buy a bundle if its true05:53
nikkiabuz, probably not05:53
buztheir mtbf is much higher05:53
nikkiabuz, its probably just the same kind of scam as an 'extended warranty'05:53
buzmhh seagate gives 5 year warranty anyhow05:53
yourghetekyeah i heard about that05:54
nikkiadrives are cheap enough that i don't really care about warranty05:54
nikkiaand if my drive dies, no amount of warranty is going to get my data back anyway05:54
yourghetekthen raid05:54
buzwhich is why i only buy drives in pairs05:54
buzi just dont get why sata drives are 20$ more05:55
nikkiabuz, you're lucky its only $20, tbh05:56
nikkiamany companies looked at SATA and thought back to the SCSI price reaming days05:56
buzmhh scsi drives are in fact sturdier built05:56
nikkiabuz, not all05:56
buzwe only ever have ide drives fail, practically no scsis ever05:57
nikkiabuz, i used to be exclusively scsi05:57
buzbut scsi needs even better cooling05:57
buzespecially 12kprm05:57
nikkiamost of the scsi drives i bought over the years, when i looked closely, they were exactly the same drive platters with a different controller board05:57
buzplatters maybe05:57
buzbut platters generally aren't the first thing to go bad05:57
buzusually the motors or the controller goes bad05:57
nikkiawhen i say 'platters' there, i mean platters, heads, motors, everything except the controller board05:58
buznot true these days05:58
buzmany scsi drives in fact use smaller platters than they have cases05:58
=== hippie [~hippie@pc-200-74-33-87.trinidad1.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #kubuntu
buzspinning real 3.5" platters at 15K rpm isn't really feasibly06:00
=== bjtaken [~J@p54A505DB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
bjtakenisnt there a kile package in kubuntu?06:03
Tm_Tkile - KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment06:04
bjtakenTm_T, am i missing something in sources.lst?06:07
martit's in universe06:07
martso need that before/after 'main'06:08
uniq?? sources.list06:08
kinfo[sources.list]  example /etc/apt/sources.list with all official repositories plus KDE 3.4.1 and Koffice 1.4 from kubuntu.org can be found at: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/30380206:08
nikkiauniq, can you test a url for me ?06:09
uniqnikkia: sure.06:09
nikkiauniq, see if you can access:  http://ipv6-test.singnet.com.sg/cgi-bin/IPv6-Test06:09
nikkiaall i get is 'document contains no data' :/06:09
=== Fnoy [~Fnoy@dsl-prvgw1hfd.dial.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu
Fnoyhow do i nstall kubuntu06:10
Tm_Tsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:11
uniqnikkia: doesn't work from my ipv4 connection.. give me a sec and i'll check from a ipv6-enabled box.06:11
nikkiauniq, their server is probably hosed then06:11
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
nikkiajust sometimes the 'document contains no data' is a symptom of my ISP's transparent proxy being lousy, but if its happening to you too, its probably not that :)06:12
=== AnHu [~AnHu@mnch-d9ba48ce.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu
uniqnikkia: 1.5 sec latency when pinging over ipv6. 06:13
nikkia(besides which, they can't transparent proxy IPv6, so if it was my ISP, it'd be a sign my IPv6 wasn't working)06:13
=== troy gets frustrated with the kernel
=== bhna [~andreas@p54B80F46.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
=== other is now known as godsmoke
troyanyone else have a problem with their IDE cdrom drive after updating to a recent kernel?06:17
nikkiawhat kind of problem ?06:17
troyhdd: cdrom_pc_intr: The drive appears confused (ireason = 0x01)06:18
nikkiano, nothing like that06:18
troyrefuses to boot unless I specify hdd=noprobe 06:18
troybut then of course, I have no cdrom ;)06:18
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troyI'll try in #linuxhelp... it's been so long since I've used the linux kernel...06:20
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bjtakenwhats the name of the control center plugin that makes gtk programmes look like qt programmes?06:29
martgtk2-engines-gtk-qt ?06:29
martsounds familiar06:30
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=== nikkia curses bmp
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maddwarfmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb3,07:11
maddwarf       missing codepage or other error07:11
maddwarfmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb3,07:12
maddwarf       missing codepage or other error07:12
snowseali got a segfault when i run wine, it could be the video output, or it might conflict with wineX. how do i find the problem?07:12
maddwarfhi all. don;t know if anyone can help. I have a problem mounting my second hard disk. I am getting "Mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock, missing codepage or other error" message07:12
maddwarf(sorry for bad pasting, not used to this IRC)07:13
maddwarfmy drive was a bootable slackware install, but i got a new HDD to install kubuntu, and that went fine, then I mounteed slack drive OK. after a reboot, i get these erros07:13
snowsealmaddwarf,  so how do you mount it?07:14
snowsealmaddwarf,  seems like you have to specify the fs type07:14
snowsealmaybe the /etc/fstab has bad values07:14
maddwarfthe drive is not defined in fstab, and I get the same errors when i specify the fs (ext3)07:15
snowsealmount -t ext3 /dev/hdb /mnt/slackware07:15
snowsealhmm. bad07:15
snowsealmaybe the drive has some errors on it.07:16
maddwarfi mount it with "mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/slack" or "mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 /mnt/slack"07:16
maddwarf8o(    i hope the drive is OK ... i backed up recently, but there is some newer stuff i don;t want to lose .....07:16
snowsealhmm hmm, you can try to check it with some tool. fsck if i remember right07:17
mrmanicfsck it07:17
maddwarfok, am looking at man fsck now ...07:17
snowsealand the first partition on hdb is definately ext3 ?07:18
maddwarfpretty sure it is ext3 ... 07:18
nikkiatry 'auto' as the fs type07:19
maddwarfauto gives the same result 8o(07:19
nikkiayou could use fdisk to check what the partition type is07:20
nikkiabut that'll only tell you if its 'linux' or 'ntfs' or something07:20
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maddwarfah, fdisk is saying that I have an "invalid flag 0x0000 od partition table 4 that will be corrected " .... think I should go ahead and let fdisk alter it?07:21
brk3anyone know what package has all the c++ documentation..?07:22
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snowsealmaddwarf, seems unharmfull to let it fixed.07:22
buzwill my system stop booting like last time if i install the kernel of today?07:23
maddwarfok thnx all - fdisk says i need a reboot. will return in a moment. 07:23
=== maddwarf shakes fist at God of Data Retention ... after all i've done for you!!!
snowsealhmm, seems unnescesairy, becouse it was not mounted07:24
maddwarfwell, its still not mounting ....07:24
maddwarfbut fdisk is no longer reporting the error...07:24
nikkiaerm, i wouldn't have let fdisk change anything, personally07:24
snowsealwell, reboot it, i am curious07:24
maddwarfyeah, i'm not sure, nikkia ... i'll reboot and return to let you know 07:25
nikkiayou might, if you have ANY disks left :P07:25
snowsealim sure any decent fs checker can repair a partition table.07:25
=== maddwarf grabs his hat and cloak, prepares to head for the revolving doors.
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buzwtf does that mean:07:28
buzWarning: '/proc/partitions' does not match '/dev' directory structure.07:28
buz    Name change: '/dev/dm-0' -> '/dev/evms/hda1'07:28
buzAdded Linux *07:28
buzSkipping /vmlinuz.old07:28
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buzi find it pretty weird that i don't have a / mounted anyhow07:29
buzproc on /proc type proc (rw)07:29
buzsysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)07:29
maddwarfgrrr ...07:29
buzdevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)07:29
buztmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)07:29
buz/dev on /.dev type unknown (rw,bind)07:29
buznone on /dev type tmpfs (rw,size=5M,mode=0755)07:29
buzusbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)07:29
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snowsealmaddwarf, not?07:30
maddwarfno difference, snowseal 07:30
snowsealmaddwarf, did you check the partition or the whole disk?07:30
maddwarfjust tried to fsck /dev/hdb         it gives similar "cannot read superblock" errors07:31
=== snowseal wonders how buz connected to this chan without a /
maddwarfit also says that 07:32
maddwarfThe superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext207:32
maddwarffilesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext207:32
maddwarffilesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock07:32
maddwarfis corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:07:32
maddwarf    e2fsck -b 8193 <device>07:32
nikkiamad, are you really sure its /dev/hdb ?07:32
=== maddwarf checks physical cables ....... primary slave.
maddwarfi can see the drive exists there (i only have the 2 ... kubuntu and slack), but kubuntu is refusing to read it.07:33
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buzmhh that kernel upgrade went nicely07:34
buzat least something07:34
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maddwarfcool, buz. good to hear _someone_ is having a good day 8o)07:35
buznot good07:35
buzjust acceptable07:35
buzdays with exams and exams on the next day are rarely good days07:35
maddwarfgood job i don;t have exams right now, with my data-drive down....07:37
snowsealSlackware can be installed on ext3, ReiserFS, xfs and jfs07:37
buzmhh my main machine is down since a few weeks07:37
buzthe cpu went bad after 3 weeks of use 07:37
buznice job, amd07:37
maddwarfi'm pretty sure i used ext3, snowseal 07:37
buzand i'm to stressed to fill out rma forms07:37
maddwarfbut with fdisk not reading it......07:37
snowsealdamn, how can it be corrupted.07:37
maddwarfouch, buz! 07:38
buzfirst of about 15 amd cpus to ever go bad 07:38
snowsealwell, without other options, i would try  e2fsck -b 8193 <device> , to see what happens07:38
buzits kinda weird07:39
buzmaybe the undervolting killed it07:39
maddwarfsame errors, snowseal 8o(07:39
buzbut that doesnt make sense07:39
=== snowseal wonders what happened to the disk
maddwarfit was fine just a day ago, snowseal , and i didn't do nothing to it!!!   ;o)07:40
buzthey just die you know07:40
maddwarfwell, i unplugged it, and replugged it .... 07:40
snowsealoh oh07:40
buzprobably dead then07:40
maddwarfyup, buz07:40
snowsealmaddwarf,  while it was offline offcorse?07:41
buzyou dont have backups, i assume?07:41
maddwarferrr ..... yes, it was all powered down07:41
maddwarfi have backups, but at 7-8 DVDs, its a long job i am hoping to avoid07:41
snowseallol, i had to ask07:41
buzmhh not so bad07:41
maddwarf8o) snowseal . i work in Windows Tech Support  (still learning this linux thing). you HAVE to ask the simple questions 8o)07:42
snowsealbuz, so your distro boots without the / defined in /etc/fstab ?07:43
snowsealthats weird07:43
maddwarf"there are no stupid questions ... but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots" hee hee hee07:43
snowsealspecially window users07:43
maddwarfyeah, goes with the territory (mass-market home users will f'k-up any system they get)07:44
snowsealmaddwarf,  i would lastly, try to mount all partitions on hdb and try the hdc1-5 too. just o make sure.07:45
buzgets weirder even:07:45
buzi sure didnt delete it07:45
buzwtf is going on on this machine07:45
maddwarfso, looks like i'm ready to invest in some recovery software - i've seen plenty about ....07:45
buzna, they generally don't fuckup osx07:45
maddwarfbuz got no / ?   but if its not mounted, how is it running your system??????07:45
buzi was just wondering abuot that myself07:46
buzlook at this07:46
buz$ mount07:46
buzproc on /proc type proc (rw)07:46
buzsysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)07:46
buzdevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)07:46
buztmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)07:46
buz/dev on /.dev type unknown (rw,bind)07:46
buznone on /dev type tmpfs (rw,size=5M,mode=0755)07:46
buzusbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)07:46
buzroot should be /dev/hda7 07:46
buzweeeird machine07:46
snowsealhmm, i didnt know one could unmount / while running.07:47
buzi doubt it was ever mounted07:47
buzbut the machine behaves perfectly normally07:47
hussamWhat wireless card is fully supported by 2.6 kernel without any use of ndiswrapper? In #linux they recommended cisco 350.07:47
=== maddwarf suggests "if it aint broke, don;t fix it". your system is up'n'running - leave well alone! LOL 8o)
snowsealit should, to boot.. (?)07:47
buzid assume it should07:47
snowsealbuz,  oh, it booted from the network07:47
buzmaybe it just keeps it open?07:47
buzna it didnt boot from the network07:47
buztheres nothing to boot from07:47
snowsealthis is hte weirdest problem one ever told me. lol07:48
buznot a problem07:48
buzjust an oddity07:48
buzit's definitely wierd that there is no fstab07:48
snowseali wonder if it boots..07:48
snowsealno fstab at all.07:49
buzsure it boots07:49
buzi boot it alteast once a day07:49
buzmust somehow be hardcoded in the kernel 07:50
buzof course i have everything on one giant partition07:50
buzit was meant to be a backup system until i get my parts rmaed07:50
=== zilone [~zilone@ool-44c355cc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu
ziloneIs there someone here that could give me some advice on a dual boot problem i'm having?07:51
maddwarfok, time for me to pull out the slack drive and put it safe until i can get some cheap recovery07:51
maddwarfmy boss jsut sent his drive for recovery - 50007:51
buzi'd use the dvds then07:52
buzno such thing as cheap recovery07:52
maddwarfyup, buz.07:52
buzi've heard a lot worse than 500?07:52
snowsealzilone, shoot07:52
buzmore along the lines of 3000? 07:52
maddwarfyeah, depends on the drive/problem buz. 07:53
zilonethanks snowseal, I can't seem to boot back into windows xp after installing ubuntu07:53
buzreplacing bad ibm board might not be that bad07:53
buzfriend of mine once managed to do it himself07:53
snowsealzilone, you did see the boot-loader?07:53
maddwarfi've heard of swapping out the boards, never thought to try it myself. but it seems like the problem here is on the drive (data)07:54
zilonethe boot loader? as in Grub?07:54
snowsealyes, or lilo. it lists the windows xp partition too. usually07:54
ziloneI tried it, didn't work07:54
snowsealany error?07:55
maddwarfwhat happens when you try to boot into XP, zilone ?07:55
zilonenone, it just doesn't show me anything 07:55
ziloneexcept the linux boots07:55
zilonei have linux installed onto a second harddrive, and xp on another one07:55
snowsealoh, so you choose windows xp and it boots linux.07:55
zilonei can't even choose windows xp honestly, it just doesn't list it07:55
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ziloneI had gotten a friend to help me, and we tried a few things and so far it hasn't helped07:56
snowsealzilone,  quick fix is to put a msdos floppy in it. boot it, and run fdisk, activate the windows partition. reboot.07:56
maddwarfthis sounds familiar, from my dualboot slackware/win2k. i had to configure lilo to see the windows drive, and also make sure lilo was installed on the right drive (the windows drive, i think). it was a while back adn i can;t recall the dtails07:56
ziloneHe said it might be a problem with it being a SATA drive07:56
ziloneI don't have a floppy drive though :(07:57
buzlinux cant boot from sata if the bios tells the sata to run ide emulation i think07:57
ziloneHmm, windows xp and linux are both on a different drive though07:57
snowsealzilone,  ok did you change the hard-disk order physically?07:57
zilonei did use the advance options during partition, and i remember setting the Linux drive as primary07:58
zilonedidn't touch the hardware itself07:59
snowsealprobably you need to edit the grub.conf manually07:59
maddwarfok, gotta go. thanx for the help07:59
zilonehmm, what kind of modification?07:59
snowsealmaddwarf, gl08:00
ziloneSorry, i'm still new to all of this :(08:00
snowsealzilone, grub isnt aware of the windows disk. you'll need to add it to its config08:00
ziloneI think my friend tried this, he told me to put in some commands into the konsole, it showed XP into it, but it would stop running after i choose it08:01
snowsealthat doesnt make sense to me..08:02
zilonesorry lol08:02
snowseallook at /etc/grub/grub.conf08:02
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ziloneI can't seem to find the grub folder in etc08:03
snowsealoh, its in /boot/grub08:04
zilonehmm, is it the menu.lst?08:05
zilonei don't see a grub.conf file08:05
snowsealgee, im used to lilo.haha. sorry.08:05
ziloneahhh, that sux :(08:05
snowsealmoment. lemme check first08:05
snowsealright its menu.lst08:06
ziloneShould i paste what was in the file here?08:06
snowsealnot her, too much08:06
ziloneerr, what was added into the file*08:06
snowsealso there is not any windows reference in that file?08:06
snowsealoh. yeas. please do08:06
zilone# on /dev/hda108:07
zilonetitle Windows NT/2000/XP08:07
zilonerootnoverify (hd1,0)08:07
zilonechainloader +108:07
zilonesorry for that spam08:07
snowsealso the windows system is installed on the second hard-disk? that seems erronous to me08:07
miklSigh, it seems to be impossible to get an answer for anything on the ubuntu forums - even the topic-spammers stay away :(08:08
ziloneI tried with different hardrive settings 0 to 9, but only that one seems to respond08:08
snowsealyou can try to change the line: rootnoverify (hd1,0) into --> root (hd0,0)08:09
snowsealzilone,  you did say that the windows option boots linux , right?08:09
miklzilone: hda1 should be hd0,008:09
ziloneerr, the system loads Grub first08:09
ziloneand it only gives me Linux in a set of 3 different boots08:10
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zilonewindows should of been the fourth, but it didn't show up, my friend later on told me to add in those lines from before08:10
snowsealzilone,  change the line: rootnoverify (hd1,0) into --> root (hd0,0)08:10
zilonehmm, i think we tried that one before too08:11
zilonewill give it a try though08:11
snowseallol. gl08:12
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zilonemm, how do i open this file through konsole? ^_^;;08:12
snowsealzilone, sudo kwrite /boot/grub/menu.lst ? or any other text editor08:13
zilonethanks :)08:13
zilonenow to reboot, i'll probably be back real soon heheh08:14
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zilonesnowseal it didn't work :( told me it was an unrecognizable format08:18
snowseali suppose the config file was in an unrecgnised format?08:19
zilonegave me an error i think it was something like partition 38x0 or something08:19
zilonethe config file?08:20
snowsealhmm indeed08:20
zilonehow would i go about fixing this ?_?08:20
snowsealzilone you need to know your hd and partition layout.08:23
zilonehmm, well, the first harddrive that's suppose to be for windows isn't partitioned08:24
snowsealdid you add an extra drive for linux?08:24
ziloneadd an extra drive? it was there to begin with really08:25
snowsealok, im trying to get the picture here.08:25
zilonebut i used another drive for linux, that's true08:25
zilonekk, first drive is a Western Digital 10,000 RPM i think the model was a Raptor, that's windows08:26
ziloneSecond drive is a Seagate Barracuda, 120 gigabytes, 5 gigs is for the user files, 15 gigs for the system files and 100 gigs is set up so Windows can use it as an NTFS partition08:26
ziloneI hope that helps...08:27
snowsealok, did you set the jumpers the same as before? i mean, maybe the extra drive you added is set to master and the windows drive is set to cs or somethin08:27
zilonei think i changed that during installation, i was afraid windows wouldn't allow me to boot into Linux, but i can almost swear i set it as primary, not master08:28
ziloneis there some way to tell?08:29
snowsealzilone,  if you got any means of booting into dos,or windows, you can fdisk /MBR to remove the bootloader, dont forget to activate the windows partition using fdisk.08:29
zilonei wish i had x_x08:29
snowsealhmmz, you do have a bootable windows cd.08:30
snowsealand im sure you can do the same using linux, but i dont kow the commands to do it.08:30
zilonekk, thanks for the help :)08:30
zilonei'll try and see if i can figure something else, if not i'll just have to uninstall Linux and go through the installation again till i get it right lol08:31
zilonethanks :)08:31
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MoebiusZerodo i have to login as root to set an su passwd?08:35
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godsmokeevangelion: what do you mean exactly?08:37
evangelioni open a term08:37
evangelionand cant su08:38
evangelionit never asked for a root pass during install08:38
godsmokeright, it wasn't supposed to08:38
godsmokethe su password is your user password -- there is no direct root login08:38
evangelionso how do i run apt then?08:38
godsmokesudo* rather08:38
godsmokeevangelion: there's an entire section of the FAQ about this08:38
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evangelionif basic commands dont work, then there is an issue08:39
godsmokethis is not a matter of things "not working"08:39
godsmokethere is no direct root login enabled by default08:39
godsmokeyou're welcome to enable it08:39
godsmokerunning "sudo passwd" and then entering your user password, and then the root password you want will enable direct root login with its own password08:40
MarcosGarciahello how to optimize my  kubuntu for slow pcs ??? 08:40
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godsmokeMarcosGarcia: for actual slow computers -- kubuntu is not an ideal choice -- doing a minimal ubuntu install with a lightweight window manager would be best08:41
godsmokeKDE is a very complicated destop environment08:42
godsmokerequiring a significant processor and a decent amount of ram08:43
godsmokeif you have a slow computer -- it's not for you08:43
godsmokeusing a window manager like xfce or fluxbox would be a much better choice08:43
MarcosGarciaok thanks08:43
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March-RX8hi ppl08:55
March-RX8i need to use a usb irda port on a laptop running kubuntu. what shall i do?08:55
godsmokeMarch-RX8: load the drivers for it?08:56
March-RX8i dont hav any drivers. just windows ones08:56
godsmokeyou probably need to do some research on the device, if there are drivers to support it in linux, and so forth08:56
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March-RX8it is a general device, it doesnt hav particular drivers in windows so i dont know in linux08:58
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godsmokewell, the way to find out is to do some research on the device, check if your kernel autoloaded drivers already, and so forth08:59
March-RX8how can i do, i am a linux beginner09:00
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=== Ayreon [Ayreon@142-165-63-44.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #kubuntu
AyreonHi, how do I get a linux ?09:09
Ayreontheres so many out there, i dont know which 1 to get! :S09:10
AyreonCan someone help? please09:10
liz4rdwow you guys are alot of help :P09:11
liz4rdget kubuntu linux its what i'm on aswell09:12
liz4rdgoogle.com search kubuntu ISO09:12
=== geko [~geko@host11-71.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu
gekohi to all guys09:12
gekoi got a full ubuntu system09:12
liz4rdhey geko09:12
gekobut i wanna go to kde09:12
gekoit's better to install it using apt09:13
liz4rdlol why arent you in #ubuntu then?09:13
March-RX8update ur sistem and download kde for ubuntu09:13
gekoor doing a full installation from the sources09:13
liz4rdhow long did it take ?:P09:13
March-RX8depends on ur connection09:13
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liz4rdsudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop09:13
gekoliz4rd, got an erroring that says that need konversation09:14
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liz4rdwtf ? :P it should download the dependancies09:15
gekodon't know why09:15
liz4rdthats messed09:15
amhi guys, having some issues with my kwifimanager in hoary09:16
amit doesn't seem to set wep09:16
amif i do it manually via iwconfig it works fine09:16
amand kwifi picks it up09:16
amis there any way i can debug what is happening?09:17
gekoliz4rd, this is my sources.list09:20
March-RX8what should i use to open .diff files?09:21
amMarch-RX8: isnt that a patch file?09:22
liz4rdadd some of my sources to yours http://liz4rd.ath.cx09:22
liz4rdclikc the middle drive09:22
liz4rdthen linux09:22
liz4rdthen apt09:22
liz4rdand there you go09:22
March-RX8am: so what i should do to install that?09:22
amMarch-RX8: usually you use the patch program to apply it to source code...then compile the source code09:24
amMarch-RX8: whats the file from?09:24
March-RX8linux-irda project09:24
March-RX8i am an ignorant in linux09:24
March-RX8i just need to use a irda port on my laptop09:25
elmagohi all09:25
nikkiageko, if you have backports in there, take it out, and update the cache before trying to install KDE09:25
nikkiathere is a version of konversation in backports that depends on kde 3.4.1 and thus won't install09:25
amMarch-RX8: thats ok, can you give me a link as to where you found it, i can have a look and see whats going on09:25
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yourgheteki have a kubuntu machine that says fsck error and goes straight into console without the ability to ctrl alt f* into different modes.09:27
gekonikkia, thx now is working09:28
gekoafter it has installed09:28
gekowaht can i remove09:28
gekoto have only kde?09:28
nikkiageko, you could remove ubuntu-desktop09:28
amMarchRX8: ok, what device do you have...im not so sure you need anything at all09:29
nikkiaits safe to have both on the system though, if you have enough disk space09:29
March-RX8a usb-irda port09:29
March-RX8and i'm running kubuntu-ppc09:29
gekonikkia, i can select wich one start from the menu?09:30
amMarch-RX8: ok, do you know if there definately IS a driver for linux? sometimes if hardware vendors dont release information about a device, then linux basically cant encorporate it unless the hardware vendor actually makes drivers09:30
March-RX8i dont hav any linux driver in the box09:31
amMarch-RX8: ok, well then what is the brand of your irda adaptor?09:31
gekonikkia, not so much space09:32
gekoat least i ll remove the package09:32
nikkiamarch, have you tried 'modprobe irda-usb' ?09:32
March-RX8no, because i dont know so many text line commands09:33
amMarch-RX8: ok, erm..does it come up automatically in Kde control center under irda?09:33
March-RX8i'll check09:34
March-RX8isnt there sth like "harddrake" in kubuntu?09:34
March-RX8there is no irda voice in kontrol centre09:35
amMarch-RX8: not really, most stuff is automagically detected if it has a linux driver09:35
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March-RX8i dont see it anywhere09:37
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amMarch-RX8: ok, can you open up a console...09:37
epKubuntu has set up KDE in a way that I can't figure simple things out.  For instance, I have no trash icon.   This is ok I guess, I like a blank desktop.  But how might I empty it?  I right click the desktop and there's only an option to undo trash, not empty it09:37
amep, open konq, type trash:/09:38
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amep: i have it in my kicker though..from default09:38
Tm_Tep: or if you wan't enable trash icon to desktop...09:38
Tm_Tor if you like to control it from Kmenu09:38
Tm_Tthere's enough options09:39
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March-RX8yes i can open  konsole09:39
Tm_Tep: just tell me the way you like to do it, and I'll tell ;)09:40
March-RX8what should i do in konsole09:40
epI try it on kicker but FMI, how do i get it on the desktop09:40
Tm_Tep: so you wan't trash icon to your desktop?09:41
Tm_Tin Konsole: nano ~/Desktop/trash.desktop09:41
March-RX8sorry but i should go now09:41
March-RX8thanks for help09:41
Tm_THidden=true <- change it false09:42
epHow do I get a "Home Folder" Icon on the panel09:42
nikkiaep, there already is one09:42
amep which version of kubuntu are you using..my default had all this set up?09:43
nikkiapull up/down on the computer icon (second icon from left) and select 'Home Folder'09:43
amand mine is a brand new install from yesterday09:43
epdunno the version ubuntu version 5,04 and apt-get kubuntu-desktop09:44
Tm_Tep: and you can upgrade your KDE to 3.4.1 too ;)09:44
ephow do i upgrade to 3.4.109:45
Tm_Tyou know how to edit your sources.list?09:46
epadd that line right09:47
epnm, i'm checking out the page.... typing got in a hurry09:48
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epnikkia I already know about the "System Menu" (the computer icon) and I already know the menu it pops up contains a home folder.  But I want one directly on the panel ( one click instead of two)  This should be a simple matter to accomplish.09:51
epbut its isnt:(09:51
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gekonikkia: everything was fine09:53
Tm_Tep: easy09:53
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Tm_Tep: you do have home icon on desktop?09:54
epNo my desktop only contains device icon(s)09:55
epNo trash icon even:)09:55
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aseigoep: here's the easy way ... select Home from the system button... when konqi opens up, drag the icon in the location bar to the panel09:55
Tm_Tso, first, create home icon to desktop (I don't know how to do this directly)09:55
aseigoep: voila09:55
Tm_Taseigo: damn, guru!09:55
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Tm_TI was creating home icon to desktop and then drag09:56
yourghetekwhat is the password for the cedega transgaming cvs?09:56
aseigoand creating a home icon on the desktop is right click -> create new -> link to url -> for the location type $HOME09:57
epWhere's the system buttton? 09:57
aseigo$HOME and $USER are magic things in .desktop files (aka "icons")09:58
epI create one one the desktop drag it to the panel and delete it from the desktop afterwards. Hows that?09:59
Tm_Taseigo: yaight10:00
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epOk create link to URL made the icon on my desktop -- its not the house icon however:)  10:01
Tm_TI'm glad I can't keep icons on desktop10:02
Tm_Tep: then change it ;p10:02
Tm_Tap rightclick on icon -> settings (or similar) and click icon part10:02
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Tm_Tep I mean10:02
aseigoyep, right click, select Properties, click the icon button in the top left, look for the Home icon (or better: use the search line there)10:03
epok I've got the happy home on my panel :)10:03
decogerman ?10:03
epThanks sorry to be a pain10:03
aseigobtw, you could've just dragged the Home entry from the K Menu to the panel10:04
Tm_Ttoo easy10:06
epIts now own the K menu -- I only found one home icon on my whole system.  That was the one on the panel system menu and that one wouldnt drag!10:06
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epAlso, on my old KDE, I had a personalized menu (just like the system menu with the computer icon).10:10
epI can't seem to make one now.  How did i do it before? I  know about the quick launcher, but I like the personalized menu better.  10:10
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VenomHi all10:13
Venomexcuse me i have a small problem with kubuntu10:13
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gdhAsk and we can try and help :)10:14
VenomSound server informational message:10:14
VenomError while initializing the sound driver:10:14
Venomdevice: default can't be opened for playback (Device or resource busy)10:14
VenomThe sound server will continue, using the null output device.10:14
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Venomexcuse me for my bad english i'm italian10:14
troyVenom: do you have a /dev/snd ?10:15
Venomwait a minute i see10:15
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apollo2011How do I re-apply the GRUB boot loader? I installed Ubuntu but then re-applied my SuSE GRUB bootloader from in YaST and now I want to revert to the Ubuntu boot loader so I can eventually get rid of SuSE and my old WinXP partitions.10:16
gdhapollo2011: 'grub-install' ?10:17
troyokay, that means you should have a working sound driver at the kernel level- try going to the Control Center->Sound&Multimedia->Sound System; uncheck "Enable the sound system", apply; check "Enable the sound system", apply; hit Test Sound and see if you get sound10:17
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apollo2011that might work.  All the config and stuff are still intact in the /boot.  Its just I had YaST overwrite what was placed in the mbr10:17
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Venomnow i can ear only front speaker10:18
Venomthe rear and sub no10:19
nikkiahmmm, i wish KDE had something like audacity :/10:19
Venomi don't have audacity10:19
Venomi have Typhoon Acoustic Six10:20
Venomops sorry10:20
nikkiaaudacity, its a multitrack audio recording program10:21
nikkiabut it uses OSS and some very gnome-like look and feel10:21
gdhuses GTK1 :/10:21
apollo2011gdh: looks like that will work.  You select the device and it puts the conf in the /boot, and then applies it to the mbr, which is the part I wiped out on purpose10:21
nikkiagdh, i suspected as much10:21
gdhnice piece of software, just needs brought up to date :)10:21
apollo2011gdh: I can also backup my /boot and then replace to get back the config I have now10:22
nikkiagdh, something that uses arts, or even just alsa, and had a nicer UI would be very welcome10:22
nikkiagdh, yeah, altho the plugin system seems to be terrible10:22
gdhdep. on GTK isn't a problem, just not on GNOME itself :)10:22
gdhnikkia: I'm not an audiophile.. I just use such apps for cutting bits out of mp3s to make nice looping ringtones mostly :)10:22
apollo2011whoa I just moved the mouse to the edge of the screen and it scrolled the view of the desktop over to the left and then reset itself10:22
nikkiai was just playing about with it, recording some bass, and realised i hate its UI10:22
gdhI hate things that don't loop properly :)10:23
uniqgdh: can you please rewrite audacity to qt4? thx :)10:23
uniqhi btw.10:23
=== gdh waves his magic wand... and two 'maps' and grep later.. TADA!
apollo2011I like Audacity10:23
nikkiaevening uniq10:24
uniqhi nikkia.10:24
gdh<wavies> :)10:24
nikkiaapollo, i don't like GTK or OSS tho :P10:24
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mrmanicuniq: did you package that ipod kioslave?10:24
uniqmrmanic: i did. just packaged it though.. no development. 10:24
gdhI noticed Andrew de Quincey did it :) A familiar name in DVB circles...10:24
mrmanicuniq: so I should probably let the developers know about a bug? ;)10:25
uniqmrmanic: yes, if it's a bug in the software you should. you can cc to me in a mail, if you mail them :)10:25
uniqfrode@lnix.net is me.10:26
mrmanicah, ok10:26
epOk back to the KDE 3.4.1 upgrade.  Sorry for the delay, I'm like a kid in a candy store....  I've updated my sources, what next?10:27
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yourghetekpastebin isnt working10:28
nikkiaargh, audacity crashed!10:28
gdhnikkia: wine + sound forge? :)10:28
uniqep: apt-get update;apt-get -u dist-upgrade, or if you use kynaptic, start clicking the buttons from left to right. all of them :)10:29
yourghetekanybody know a place where i can drop my floods?10:29
yourghetekbesides pastebin...10:29
gdhnikkia: I was disappointed to see that Sony is now branded on Sound Forge.. I miss the old logo of some guy hammering a snake :)10:29
apollo2011OK, I used grub-install to re-apply GRUB to the /boot and MBR and I got this error: http://sial.org/pbot/11410.  Once I get it to replace both, I am going to reset my config in /boot to the one I have now that isn't in use.10:29
uniqyourghetek: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl10:29
gdhyourghetek: pastebin.ca ? :)10:29
yourghetekthx guys10:29
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nikkiagdh, its disgusting that sony own sound forge10:29
nikkiathey only bought it for vegas too10:30
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gdhnikkia: Sounds about right.10:30
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gdhnikkia: I also noticed nothing new whatsoever in Sony's 7.010:30
gdhlovely app :)10:30
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epOk i'll do those apt-gets. I dont' use kynaptic.10:30
=== nikkia stares at her blank audacity and wonders where her bass playing went to
gdhnikkia: :(10:31
yourghetekmy wine installer died... http://pastebin.ca/1614910:31
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soulflyhi . i'm trying to get blue-tooth to work (kubuntu hoary).  Is gnome-bluetooth the best choise even for kubuntu?10:32
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nikkiasoulfly: no10:35
nikkiasoulfly: kde-bluetooth is better10:35
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nikkiakdebluetooth even10:36
soulflynikkia: is it in hoary?10:36
uniqno it's not.10:36
nikkiai think you need to add a external repos that just contains it10:36
soulflyokay. i have the KDE kubuntu repo10:37
nikkiahmmm, where DID i get it ??10:37
soulfly:-)  can't you see that with apt?10:37
nikkiadeb http://fred.hexbox.de/debian ./10:37
gdhif yourghetek comes back, can someone point him at http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt/hoary/10:37
nikkiait needs bluez, which should be in hoary, i think10:38
gdh1 week old, and hella easier than compiling that beast10:38
gdhOK, 5 weeks old, but my other point still stands :)10:38
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soulflynikkia: installing...10:39
soulflynikkia: allready installed bluez-utils with deps10:39
BkEik ben dom10:39
BkEamsg roelz10:39
BkEamsg :D10:39
nikkiagdh, i found 'some' of my bass recording...10:39
nikkiagdh, and found that audacity, helpfully, cuts it into small <1.2MB chunks10:40
nikkiaso you have to paste everything back to one single waveform yourself10:40
BkEBkE is slim (amsg)10:40
epSince my configuration was somewhat oddball. I'm wondering if I should  install the package maintainers configuration or keep mine?  10:40
BkEKahlan schopt (amsg)10:42
nikkiaoh well, bbl10:44
soulflynikkia: it says I can replace bluez pin something with some kde stuff in /usr/lib. do you know what that is?10:45
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BkE9,9 Debruineo tis fuCk off10:47
BkE Debruineo tis fuCk off10:48
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soulflyanyone knows what password i must enter in the phone when I try to connect to it?10:49
soulflybluetooth that is10:49
soulflyim using kdebluetooth10:49
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BkE't is feest vandaag! [aMSG] 10:49
konradsoulfly:have you tried your user password?10:49
epI've completed the KDE 3.4.1 upgrade.  Should I remove the line I added to the  source repository or leave it?10:49
soulflykonrad: no.. trying that10:50
nikki_asoulfly: the bluez-pin stuff is the program that handles asking you to type in a PIN number for a device10:50
nikki_athe original bluez-pin obviously doesn't do much, the kdebluetooth one prompts with a KDE dialog box10:50
konradsoulfly: nikki_a have idea :)10:50
uniqbke: stop using colors please.10:51
soulflynikki_a: thanks. what was that kde alternative that was displayed at start?10:51
nikki_asoulfly, offhand, dunno, i had to shut down my PC, bad storm here10:51
nikki_aso i'm on my laptop, which doesn't have bluetooth installed10:52
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nikki_aand i'm getting scared by the lightning :(10:52
soulflynikki_a: good for you to have a laptop now :)10:53
epShould I leave the line I added to my sources list in order to upgrade KDE?10:54
=== nikki_a cowers
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Tm_TBkE: oh thank you10:55
Tm_Tep: leave it10:55
BkEi was testing /amsg :p10:55
Tm_Tyou just pissed off one old fart10:55
nikkiabke, active channels aren't the place to test commands that do that kind of thing10:56
Tm_TBkE: or do it in #xchat10:56
BkEok ok...10:56
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Tm_TBkE: relax, I can't kick you out ] ;=10:57
BkEno chanserv or something like that here,10:57
uniqyes there is.10:57
uniqit's just hiding.10:58
Tm_TI mean I can't get op here10:59
Tm_Tbut some of us can10:59
RiddellTm_T: do you want ops?10:59
Tm_TRiddell: no need to, thanks :)10:59
=== nikkia can taste the ions :(
soulflynikkia: im running /usr/lib/kdebluetooth/kbluepin and enter a pin. On the phone im asked for a password (cant see what im typing). just typing the pin here do not work (maybe im typing chars)10:59
nikkiasoulfly: you don't run kbluepin yourself11:00
nikkiasoulfy, you point the bluez pin command to it, and it will pop up that window when a PIN is needed11:00
Tm_TRiddell: it's better if I can't be police everywhere11:00
soulflynikkia: you mean delete it and create a symlink?11:00
nikkiasoulfly, you can do that, or you can edit the bluez configuration files and there is a line that tells it which program to run for a PIN request11:01
soulflynikkia: tnx. -> off to work11:01
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soulflynikkia: thanks!  very nice services in konqueror :)   now, where can i send the money ;)11:08
Tm_Tsoulfly: to me, use dcc11:09
jc-dentonhey keep up the good work11:09
Tm_T7dcc send nikkia bribe11:09
soulfly:-)  you mean dcc safe money transfer?11:09
jc-dentoni want ubuntu with a non-broken desktop :)11:09
mrmanicanybody know whether it's possible to set network kioslaves to stream data over the network instead of copying it to your home directory?11:10
mrmanicspecifically smb11:10
mrmanicbut I feel as though I have that problem with other network kioslaves too.11:10
nikkiasoulfly, if there's one thing i'd say its missing, its BT Imaging support11:11
nikkiabut there doesn't seem to be anything on linux that supports the Imaging profile11:11
nikkiaa shame too, as my phone does support it11:11
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jc-dentonwill i ever get a ubuntu-firefox which does not depend on all gnome stuff11:26
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kalenedraelfirefox uses gtk11:28
jc-dentonwell that's not gnome11:28
kalenedraelif you like, you can get the firefox source code and modify it to use qt11:28
jc-dentonsome gnome porcesses are started when firefox runs11:28
kalenedraelwell, gtk is like half of gnome :P11:28
kalenedraelthat's crap11:28
jc-dentonand it's not so well integrated in kde11:28
kalenedraelthen use konqueror11:29
nikkiathere IS a firefox-qt, it just doesn't seem to be very actively developed11:29
kalenedraelok, or use firefox-qt11:29
jc-dentonwell if u click twice on the icon it's startet twice11:31
jc-dentonkalenedrael: i can't11:31
kalenedraeland if you click once on the icon...?11:31
jc-dentonor something11:33
jc-dentondont remeber that :D11:33
jc-dentonim on debian atm11:33
epI text icons in konqs view pane are ridiculously (IMO) large.  How can I change this, I'm only finding font options in the settings menu.11:40
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epnever mind its the view menu, not the settings menu :)11:41
epPlus text icons were on preview mode so I was thumbnail type presentation.  Even cpp files. Silly.  11:46
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ateveshi there11:47
atevesi have a wlan problem with the actual kubuntu distribution. i have wlan0 in iwconfig and ifconfig. i can ping my router. but when i use control center - internet & network - network settings, there is wlan0, but all buttons are disabled, so i can't enter a gateway or anything the same in administration mode11:48
uniqdoes this happen when you run kcontrol as root too? (alt+f2 'kdesu kcontrol' <enter>)11:49
hussamanybody has any idea when OpenOffice.org 2.0 will be out?11:49
atevesyes, that's my problem :(11:50
godsmokehussam: try asking the openoffice devs -- there's a freenode channel11:50
godsmokehussam: obviously, #kubuntu is not the place to find out11:50
hussamgodsmoke: sorry I didn't know there was a channel for openoffice.org, heading there now :)11:51
godsmokehussam: it's pretty much just common sense -- I guarentee there are way more people using openoffice than there are using kubuntu11:52
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hussamgodsmoke: I see what you mean. I guess I was only asking randomly.11:53
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mrmanicgodsmoke: it's hard when the people here are so awesome and have the answers so often to not ask questions here.11:56
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godsmokemrmanic: heh11:56
godsmokewell, as a general rule of thumb -- unless stated on their website, a developer's group doesn't know exactly when their currently beta project will be released11:57
godsmokeyou just wait11:57
mrmanicI don't wait.11:58
mrmanicI give up11:58
mrmanicand 2 years later I come back to it and it's generally either dead or WAY MORE AWESOME than when I dropped it.11:58
hussamgodsmoke: well sometimes they do think you are nagging if you ask when a product will be out. But some developers do get used to the nagging.11:59
godsmokehussam: I agree -- which is why I'd just sit on my hands :)11:59
godsmokeit'll be released when it's released11:59
mrmanicgodsmoke: no no...asking a developer every day when it'll be released makes it faster.  Kinda like putting speed stripes on your car.12:00
mrmanic<-- middle management PHB with a car with stripes on it.12:01
nmorseGod, why won't klineakconfig compile?!?12:01

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