
froud+ text releated documents + text getting help (KHelpCenter, Community Support) + start writing organization kuserguide.xml 12:35
froudwould like reviews12:35
froudlater, night, night, don't let the bed bugs bite12:36
mdkeevenin all01:06
=== squinn [~squinn@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
squinnmdke, question01:09
mdkehello squinn01:10
squinnwhere's the file01:13
squinnthat has all the "links"01:13
squinnlike %ubuntu = http://ubuntulinux.org01:13
squinnuse.desc i think it's called01:13
mdkethe entities are in libs/global.ent01:13
mdkee.g. &ubuntu;01:13
mdkesquinn, are you working on something at the moment?01:16
mdkeif so, you should submit patches often, even if they are small, because that way if other changes are made to the guide, two people don't edit the same document01:17
squinnmdke, yes, i'm getting ready to submit a patch01:18
squinni'm finishing up a section01:18
mdkeok, in future though you should patch regularly, so that two people don't work on the same section :)01:19
mdkesquinn, also, always do svn up before making the patch01:20
squinnmdke, I know. I've been through a few reinstalls.01:22
squinnmdke, so I've not been so active in docteam. I'm finishing up now..I'm not done with a section, but patching.01:23
mdkecool thanks for the work01:23
squinnMy svn account is going to canonical now though.01:23
mdkeok, feel free to come in here to ask questions about how the system works, its normal to have a few things to discover early on01:24
squinnright, thanks, mdke 01:27
squinnI should 'make ug' right?01:27
mdkeBurgundavia, around still?01:27
mdkesquinn, you can check the doc as xml, using the procedure outlined on the StepbyStepRepository page, or make the html yeah01:28
mdkeBurgundavia, how does one close bugs in malone?01:28
squinni did both01:28
squinnmdke, I've always wondered that [bout Malone] 01:28
mdkesquinn, most important is to use the ./validate.sh script01:28
Burgundaviayou should just be able to do it01:28
squinnyeah, it found an error...fixed it though01:28
squinn</para> goes before </sect1> -- must remember that01:28
Burgundaviawhich bug?01:28
mdkeBurgundavia, 33301:28
mdkemalone is a really terrible interface right now01:29
mdkei can't wait for it to improve01:29
Burgundaviafound it01:30
Burgundaviayou have to click on the line that says01:30
Burgundavia"ubuntu seahorse"01:31
Burgundaviacan I close the bug as fixed?01:31
mdkenp, i've got it01:31
Burgundaviampt, ping01:32
Burgundaviathe UI is going to improve, we hope01:32
mdkei hope so01:32
mdkeBurgundavia, what do you mean by "page page in history" (email)?01:35
mdkesquinn, cool, will look at patch now! thanks01:36
BurgundaviaI am actually quite well spoken, I just can't write worth a damn01:36
Burgundaviapage moves in history01:36
Burgundaviato allow easy rollbacks01:36
BurgundaviaWP just introduced it in 1.501:36
Burgundaviaas there was a vandal they called Willy on Wheels01:36
mdkepage moves as in renames?01:37
Burgundaviawould move pages to things like Wikipedia is Communism01:37
BurgundaviaI wish moin would drop the stupid icons and use text01:37
Burgundaviatop right corner01:37
Burgundaviathe icons are badly created and don't illustrate what they are supposed to01:38
Burgundaviaand text works just find01:38
mdkewell the UI should be customisable01:39
mdkedo the icons have hover?01:39
Burgundaviahmm, no idea01:39
BurgundaviaI just figured out by looking at the hyperlinks they were01:39
Burgundaviayou need a good default01:40
Burgundaviaas 90% of users never change the default01:40
mdkebut our wiki doesn't use those icons01:40
Burgundaviayes it does01:40
mdkei don't see em01:41
Burgundaviaudu wiki does01:41
Burgundaviawhy do we have findpage and search?01:41
mdkeyeah udu is basically moin default i think01:42
Burgundaviaget info and show changes should be merged, into history01:42
mdkeget info is last diff01:42
mdkeshow changes are all diffs01:42
mdkeneither expression are very intuitive01:42
Burgundaviathere is no need to show the last diff01:43
Burgundaviajust a general history thing01:43
Burgundaviain fact, the default icons are even worse01:43
Burgundavia8 small icons in the top corner01:44
Burgundaviajust joined #moin to ask about history stuff01:45
mdkein the meantime you could ask henrik if he thinks its a good idea to merge the two, he could just do it on our wiki01:45
BurgundaviaI shall fire another incoherent email to the list about that01:46
=== mdke hugs
mdkewe have a slight problem01:47
mdkesquinn's patch overlaps with njals01:47
Burgundavia1. reject both and get them both commit access, so they can fight over it01:49
Burgundavia2. rewrite the 2 into a better one01:49
mdkei'm gonna commit squinns cos there is nothing wrong with it01:49
mdkethen get njal's, which is much more substantial but a bit dodgy, refined a bit more01:49
Burgundaviaanother moron who did an "expert" install and is now reporting bugs about it01:50
=== Burgundavia eagerly awaits the wikipedia/mediawiki 1.5 conversion
mdkemaybe I should do a breezy install on this computer02:15
Burgundaviahmm, totem-gstreamer still sucks for non-freee stuff02:17
Burgundaviatoo bad02:17
mdketricky issue that02:17
mdkehow is breezy these days?02:17
BurgundaviaI have a gdm issue02:18
Burgundaviabut X starts02:18
BurgundaviaI seem to have lost my custom theme02:18
mdkeX starts?02:19
mdkewith tinkering or without?02:19
Burgundaviano tinkering02:19
BurgundaviaI have never tinkered with my X server02:19
Burgundaviano symlinks, no nothing02:19
Burgundaviathat is stupid and gentooish02:20
mdkewell many people have been fixing their symlinks in order to get X working in breezy02:20
mdkethat makes them gentooish?02:20
Burgundaviathen when daniels releases a fixed version, the symlinked stuff usually breaks02:21
mdkebut half the devs have been doing it02:21
mdkeinclude daniels himself probably ;)02:21
Burgundaviahmm, I doubt it02:22
Burgundaviathe reason they break is that the package will not overwrite the symlink with the correct file02:23
Burgundaviaas it it has been created by a user02:23
mdkebut earlier it broke regardless of that02:23
mdkeanyway, now its fixed02:23
Burgundaviaas we get closer to July 7th, there is likely to be less breakage02:23
mdkewhat is that date?02:24
BurgundaviaUpstream Version Freeze02:24
mdkethats pretty early02:24
mdkeis that earlier than for hoary?02:24
Burgundaviaactually, one week02:25
squinnmdke, i had to check that serpentine was official cd burning software03:02
squinni did that with #ubuntu-devel first, and it is serpentine, not nautilus [that's data cd burning] 03:02
mdkesquinn, yeah you did the right thing to write that as a comment03:02
Burgundaviaserpentine is the official, afaik03:05
Burgundaviait is already in main03:06
squinnIt is, Burgundavia.03:06
squinnAccording to #ubuntu-devel03:06
squinnBurgundavia, do you think that after the UVF, it'd be safer to upgrade to Breezy?03:06
Burgundaviamight be03:07
Burgundaviathe major piece of breakage is X03:07
Burgundaviaand I have no idea what the schedule for that is03:07
squinnBurgundavia, let me center Breezy discussion on docteam.03:07
squinnThere is a crucial release of gnome-doc-utils coming asap, according to main developer upstream03:08
squinnThe package itself is in Breezy, but the older version. After UVF, the new version can't come in, or can it?03:08
Burgundaviadocs are different03:09
Burgundaviathey go in very late03:09
squinnthis is my first [heh]  release 03:11
squinnin this position03:11
squinni was here for hoary...left for gentoo..came back03:11
mptBurgundavia: pong04:53
mptBurgundavia: I just happened to be editing [[Iran] ]  a couple of days ago, and went on to the Talk page, and found you there04:54
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mptjdub: ping05:25
Burgundaviampt, I am quite active on Wikipedia07:47
Burgundaviampt, I was pinging you regarding the malone interface07:48
Burgundaviais there a timeline for that changing?07:48
mptNot a public one07:48
mptChanging to what?07:48
Burgundaviathe bug editing thing07:49
Burgundaviawhere you get different screens by clicking in different places07:49
mptcould you be a *little* more specific?07:50
Burgundaviaif I click on edit bugs in the portlet on the left, I get a different page then if I click on the link "ubuntu PACKAGENAME"07:51
BurgundaviaI understand about the many bugs/one package thing07:51
mptYou mean, one bug, many packages?07:51
mptBurgundavia: By "Edit bugs in the portlet on the left" do you mean "Edit Bug Details" in the portlet on the right?07:52
Burgundaviayes, sorry07:52
Burgundaviais late here07:52
=== Burgundavia hmms
Burgundaviathe iran thing was probably someone asking on #wikipedia for support07:54
mptWell, those pages are pages I'm not allowed to change at the moment07:54
mptSo there's not much I can do about it, unfortunately07:55
mptIf you have *specific* suggestions on how to fix it, please do report them07:56
Burgundaviaon another note, did you see my latest blog07:56
BurgundaviaI am trying to think of a good way to do that07:56
mptYour link to Katimavik is broken07:57
mptI like the idea07:58
Burgundaviathe Eye of Gnome maintainer was interested as well07:58
Burgundaviait wouldn't take too much effort to hack eog and gimp to do that07:58
Burgundaviasee how it goes07:59
mptwith the possible exception of the Manage button07:59
Burgundaviathat would have to come later07:59
mptjust as you'd like to see every viewer have an integrated Edit interface07:59
mptI'd like to see a collection manager rather than a file manager08:00
BurgundaviaI had the same thought08:00
Burgundaviathat the manage stuff should actually be part of the file manager08:00
Burgundaviathe idea was spawned by that 3.0 mockup and long thread about making evince view everything by default/the divide between editors and viewers08:01
Burgundaviathat is something that NO other desktop could do08:02
Burgundaviawell, maybe KDE could do it08:02
Burgundaviabut not OS X and Windows08:02
mptOften I'm playing a movie or an audio file and thinking "hmm, I wish I could crop it"08:02
mptI understand Quicktime Pro can do it08:02
mptbut the normal player can't08:02
mptand iTunes can sorta kinda crop audio, but it forgets the cropping whenever I reimport the music, because it's keeping the info in its own database instead of in metadata attached to the file itself08:03
Burgundaviawhat do you think of the interface of totem vs. idvd?08:03
mptI haven't used iDVD08:04
mptbecause I don't have any DVDs08:04
BurgundaviaI have used idvd on my gf's laptop and it sucks compared to totem08:04
mptIt's rather bothersome that (a) Totem "Movie Player" (sic) is the default program for audio files, and (b) that results in visualization effects that I can't turn off08:05
Burgundaviayes, those are annoying08:05
Burgundaviathis is funny "  Manila faithful flock to bury Sin" http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4628957.stm08:05
mptAll the recent files in its "Movie" (sic) menu are Ogg Vorbis08:05
Burgundaviathat audio issue is due to upstream not having a good media player08:09
Burgundaviasonance is looking quite nice08:09
Burgundaviavery similar to iTunes08:09
mptcrap, I need a yellow fever vaccination08:10
Burgundaviato go where?08:10
Burgundaviaah, for Launchpad stuff08:10
mptbecause my flights between South Africa and New York happened to stop in Senegal08:11
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-143-84.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgundaviasalut froud 08:11
froudAfrican Greetings08:12
Burgundaviampt, regarding HelpfulHelp, is there movement in the Breezy timeline and how can that be helped along?08:12
mptWell, yelp needs to be hacked so that it opens a particular "book" rather than opening the ToC08:13
mptI need to talk to shaunm about that08:13
Burgundaviampt, he is in gnome-hackers on irc.gimp.net right now08:13
mptI just haven't had time for much of it yet08:14
mptbut I have to go right now08:14
mptcoz my sister's picking me up08:14
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=== Njal [~chatzilla@dsl-80-43-203-46.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkehi Njal 11:37
mdkegot my email?11:37
Njalyeah, im just a little confused on how the system works11:37
Njalnothing big really11:37
Njaljust wanna make sure i get it right11:37
mdkeyeah its confusing because since you made your patch, the file has been edited11:39
Njalthink is i have done the svn up and all my work is still there11:39
mdkeok let's do this11:40
mdkeyou got your patch safe?11:40
Njalthe .diff file?11:40
mdkejust making sure I have a copy in case11:40
Njalyes i have my patch then11:40
mdkeyou can delete the file userguide.xml and then restore it doing svn up11:41
Njalgot it now11:41
mdkeok now apply your patch using patch < nameofpatch11:42
Njalneil@ubuntu:~/ubuntu-doc/gnome/userguide/C $ patch < userguide.xml.diff11:42
Njalpatching file userguide.xml11:43
NjalHunk #2 FAILED at 974.11:43
NjalHunk #3 succeeded at 1427 (offset 5 lines).11:43
Njal1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file userguide.xml.rej11:43
mdkeok check out that file userguide.xml.rej, see what is in it11:43
mdkeit might be the audio burning section11:43
Njalboth the audio CD bit and the data CD bit11:44
mdkeyeah that is probably because that section changes since you made your patch11:45
mdkeok now you should work on userguide.xml, check that everything has been put in the right place and so on11:45
mdkeif you want, you can add things to the burning section11:46
mdkealthough note that nautilus does not do audio burning11:46
Njalis it a program integrated with nautilus then?11:46
mdkethere is a program shipped with breezy to do audio burning11:47
mdkecalled serpentine11:47
Njalthen my work on those sections is obsolete then11:47
Njalsince i am not running breezy and can't until the 4th or 5th of next month11:47
mdkeyou can make a note that it needs revising for breezy11:48
mdkeif you start to write sections that have nothing right now, that is always useful11:49
NjalWell do you know if nautilus will still have that built in burning directory? Well it's not really up to Ubuntu is it it's gnome's baby11:50
mdkei'm sure nautilus-cd-burner will continue to exist11:50
mdkebut Ubuntu makes decisions about what software to ship independently of gnome11:50
mdkepersonally I didn't know nautilus-cd-burner did audio11:51
mdkei haven't tried it11:51
NjalI think it does, well i can include my section and if it's still there in breezy to a degree it'll still be relevent11:52
mdkethe thing is, it conflicts with the section already there which speaks of serpentine, and the author said that he asked in #ubuntu-devel to ensure that this was correct11:52
NjalI'll not contiune with the audio then, since serpentine will be used, should i add the bit about data CD's?11:54
mdkeyeah definitely11:54
mdkethanks for that work11:55
mdkeafter you've checked that everything is in the right place, patch and resend11:55
Njalalso i did some work on the command line section, is that any good, im thinking like the top ten most useful commands to remember or the like, i might need some help on that since some commands i use i don't actually know what some of the argument's stand for etc11:56
mdkeyeah that is a cool section11:57
mdkethings like "ls" "cd" and so on11:57
mdkea basic guide11:58
mdkemaybe there is some material on the wiki11:58
Njalright i wasn't sure if i should have shown how to do stuff like that but i will do basic stuff like how to create a directory etc11:58
Njalanyway i will patch this then work on the command lin11:59
Njaloh finally made the patch12:05
NjalAnd submitted12:12
mdkegreat thanks!12:13
Njalcool thanks12:15
mdkebtw did you use bluefish?12:16
Njalno i found GEdit's spell checker12:17
mdkethat works too12:17
mdkei am in love with bluefish12:17
mdkeit will add tags for you12:17
NjalPersonally i would have prefered NVU but it wouldn't open the xml file12:17
Njalso, if you don't mind me asking, what do you folks do? Apart from write ubuntu documentation?12:19
mdkein life?12:20
mdkemost are in computing12:20
mdkei'm a lawyer12:20
mdkejust finished law school12:21
Njalwow. I'm a humble student, just finished a two year course, started when i was 1612:21
NjalNow ready to go to uni to do networking and networked programming12:21
mdkewhere do ya live?12:21
NjalYork, England, well i don't live IN york but it's the nearest big city, i live about 15 miles away from it, yourself?12:22
mdkewhat city?12:22
NjalI live near York12:23
mdkeoh i c, you mean york is the nearest big city12:23
NjalYou live in london, heared of the amature transplants?12:24
NjalYou into rather warped commendy?12:25
mdkedepends how warped i think12:28
NjalHave you ever thought about how bad the state of the underground is?12:28
mdkewhich underground?12:29
Njalthe london underground12:29
Njalthe tube's12:29
mdkeit sucks balls12:30
Njalmake sure you have the flash plugin and an mp3 player12:30
mdkeah i have that song12:30
mdkehaven't seen a video tho12:31
Njalit's funny12:31
Njali thought you said you havn't heard of them12:31
mdkei hadn't12:32
mdkejust know the song12:32
Njalah go to the listen section and listen to snippets 12:33
mdkethat song was well publicised here ;)12:35
mdkeeven made our free newspaper "the metro"12:35
Njalwe have the metro up in York on the busses and the like, it's also avalible in Scotland too ;) 12:36
mdkeis it the same one?12:36
NjalI presume so, blue METRO written on the top12:37
Njali never read it' though, all the news i get s google alerts sent to my inbox so i can read it when i have the time12:38
NjalHave you ever been in court when some of these famously stupid questions have been asked, you know like 12:40
NjalWhen was your child concieved?12:41
Njaltuesday 24 august12:41
Njalwhat were you doing at the time12:41
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mdkenot yet12:41
NjalAre these real? Or has someone with too much spare time made them up?12:41
mdkecould be real i guess12:41
NjalI've always wondered12:42
=== mdke switches computers
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rob^just a quick question, people writing the Userguide, are you using Breezy now?01:04
mdkesome are01:04
rob^much difference between it and hoary?01:05
rob^apart from it being up to date01:05
mdkei don't know, i haven't tried it01:05
mdkeits only recently started working01:05
rob^just thinking it might be a good idea if I'm going to contribute to it01:06
mdkeyeah i agree01:06
rob^oh well, time for a dist-upgrade :)01:06
mdkesave your things01:07
rob^ah, yeah01:07
mdkei will probably make a separate install for breezy01:07
mdkekeep my hoary01:07
rob^I would to if I had a bigger hard drive01:07
mdkehow big is it?01:07
mdketwice the size of mine ;)01:07
rob^most of it is a /home partition01:08
rob^still left from my Debian install infact01:08
mdkeevolution keeps crashing on me01:12
rob^firefox is nicer01:16
rob^I ment thunderbird01:16
mdkewhat do you use for a calendar?01:16
rob^just click on the clock on the top right of your screen01:17
rob^its got a drop down one01:17
mdkeyes, that is evolution ;)01:17
rob^well, thats the only thing I use it for01:17
mdkeoh right01:18
rob^or just use date01:18
mdkeappointments and stuff?01:18
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=== rob^ [~rob@dsl-202-52-55-156.qld.veridas.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkerob^, this is one of the good things about using evolution with Ubuntu: you get your appointments in the drop down menu: http://www.mdke.org/images/calendar.png01:24
rob^sounds like a good idea, I normally just use the gnome todo applet01:26
rob^might have a look however01:26
rob^ah that is pretty good actually01:26
rob^dam netsplit01:27
=== froud [~froud@ndn-165-143-84.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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froudjjesse: ping02:18
jjessefroud pong02:18
froudthe only case where I have implimented it is in the generic instal guide02:19
froudThe similarity between gnome and kde is because much stuff was based on the gnome work02:19
froudit makes sense to profile, if, these common parts remain the same02:20
froudhowever, we are not required to make it as such02:20
jjesseare all the documents going to contain the preface, conventions used etc02:20
jjessecause it would be silly to be copying and pasting everything 02:20
froudWell it should use an XInclude02:20
froudkuserguide is setup for support to XInclude/XPointer02:21
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froudconventions are a common object02:21
froudwe only have a single xml instance for that02:21
froudPreface can change between books02:22
froudso it is not a common object in entire02:22
froudrather parts such as conventions would be common objects02:22
froudit is debate able whether or not the about stuff should be common02:22
froudfor you and I profilig is not an issue, but for newbies, mdke has point02:23
froudthe more advance our feature set use of docbook is, the more a newbie must learn02:24
froudonly solution is that the newbie will get support from us and that assumes a willingness to learn02:24
froudlike when you did your learning on xslt02:25
froudcatch 22 I'm afraid02:25
froudon the oneside profiling can save hours of work02:25
froudon the other it raises the barrier to entery02:25
rob^being a newbie, i found it a pain initally but its not that hard02:26
rob^its very obvious actually02:26
jjesseagreed rob^02:26
froudglad you find it easy. I think mdke would like to discuss it and hear from people before using it02:27
rob^ok then02:27
froudwhat I can say, is that it is usual for KDE to ship HTML02:27
froudtherefore there is a lot more scope for advanced feature use in the kde/ section of the repos02:28
froudyou will notice that the kuserguide has a glossary and index section02:28
froudand uses XInclude02:28
jjesseyes i did02:28
froudthe aboutkubuntu document is actually an XInclude from the aboutkubuntu/C/ directory02:29
froudanother feature of the KDE docs is that they will utilize the help:/ kio-slave02:30
froudthe CSS and refs to KDE docs are setup using this IO-SLAVE02:30
froudFor an example of kio-slave usage see the kquickguide02:31
froudthe application of profiling is KDE docs is not out of the question because KDE ships html02:31
froudit may be a possability that kde docs can therefore use profiling, it would be especially useful when maintaining versions for i386 and PPC02:32
froudI also see application for DCOP02:33
froudbut wont go there for enow :-)02:33
froudjjesse: do you know what peices you want to write yet?02:35
jjessefroud not yet, but i mean i can work on the preface, but won't it be just copying and pasting from the gnome userguide?02:36
froudNot if you dont want to. You do what you feel is good for the book. Let the creativity flow, feel free to think outside the box02:37
jjesseok i'll work on the preface, i'll attach a <writing> to it like mentioned02:37
froudbtw. I hope you guys are checking my work :-) and will build on it. Please note that I am not attached to the words I write02:37
froudI changes the patches from gtaylor02:38
froudyou may have noticed02:38
froudI expanded on them substantially02:38
jjesselikewise i'm not attached to the words i write otherwise i wouldn't be doing it in an open way like this02:38
rob^I'm attached, I'm just a giving type of person :)02:39
froudalso checkout Related Documents //sect1[@id="sect-related"] 02:41
jjessefroud grin sometimes it seems like all you do all day long is write docs for here :)02:49
jjessei wish i had time like that02:49
=== froud on bongo drums
froudjjesse: believe me I am doing much more than just writing docs here :-)03:29
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=== mdke_ is now known as mdke
=== JonA [~jonathan@alxpc1jaa2.alx.aber.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudhttp://lnix.net/~froud/ updated08:25
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=== Njal [~chatzilla@dsl-80-43-203-46.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudNjal: nice patch dude08:37
NjalNot a problem, we're all here to do the same things08:37
Njalcan i ask who had the same GNOME problem as i did? Someone needs the bug report number08:38
uniqfroud: just a question; is there a reason for the big F in 'Free terms' - http://lnix.net/~froud/about-kubuntu/C/index.html - under "The team behind Kubuntu makes the following commitment to its users:" second commitment.08:39
froudit's not technically correct to write it that way, I guess the author was using some poetic license08:40
froudI'll patch it08:40
uniqnice :)08:42
uniqfroud: accesibility -> accessibility on the next line08:46
froudsnap, I just did a spell check and fixed a few08:48
frouduniq: btw, spelling must be US not UK :-)08:48
froudbut you are right that is a mistake08:49
frouduniq: has there been any decision on KOffice for Kubuntu yet?08:49
uniqno.. but after the discussion in #ubuntu-meeting i have a feeling oo.o will be selected.08:50
uniqbut no decision were made.08:51
uniq" that the Free Software community" and "principles of free software and open source development" - why the difference in capitalization ? 08:57
jeffschuniq: good question09:02
jeffschmaybe the author thought that since "Free Software" is used as an adjective,09:02
jeffschand "free software" is used as a noun, there should be a difference.09:02
uniqi have no clue.. it's not my native language. just looks strage to me.09:03
froudnative noun "Free Software09:03
froudfree software non-native09:03
froudbut in reality both could be lower case09:04
froudppl wont note the difference :-)09:04
frouduniq: you're actually quite good at this. want a full time job :-)09:04
jeffschfroud: by "native" you mean "nominative"?09:04
jeffschin any case, this situation is something we should consider for the style guide09:05
uniqfroud: i have a full-sparetime-jobb on kubuntu already. support+some packaging but hey.,. i can sleep less :)09:05
froudyep participation on FOSS projects leads to sleep deprivation (spelling)09:06
uniqcorrect spelling.. says 'dict deprivation' :)09:07
jeffschyes, and docteam has brought me many sleepless nights :-)09:07
froudjeffsch: perhaps use rule that we use lc unless it is a noun09:09
jeffschfroud: perhaps. there are lots of grey areas there...09:12
froudjeffsch: that's why I dont want to be the editor ;-)09:12
jeffschin editing class we discovered there is much debate between lc an uc in such cases09:12
jeffschit boils down to personal preference09:13
froudI may write all day, but punctuation, spelling and grammar, etc. are my pain09:13
froudthat goodness for editors09:13
jeffschyeah. writers don't care much about that stuff. "The editor will catch it..."09:13
froudyep, and editors love me cause I don't argue about their decisions :-)09:14
uniq"Kubuntu is KDE, a powerful Free Software graphical " - again this looks strange to me. what was you conclusion? 09:14
jeffschwe're leaning toward lower case at the moment09:16
uniq"It combines ease of use, contemporary functionality, and outstanding graphical design " - comma? 09:16
froudwhich the one before the and09:17
jeffschyou think there's an extra one before the "and"?09:17
froudin this case it is correct09:17
jeffschyikes! another gray area09:17
jeffscha comma before the and is called the "series comma"09:17
froudChicago Manual of Style agrees with me09:17
uniqi compared to " email software, programming languages and tools and of course, several games."09:18
jeffschmost style guides want the series comma, but others hate it09:18
jeffschtwo comma errors there...09:18
jeffschshould be no comma after "course"09:18
froudjeffsch: have you noticed how Chicago and Sunday Times don't agree09:19
jeffschnope. but I'm not surprised.09:19
uniq" In recent times, much work has been done to increase compatibility " comma? 09:19
froudthat one is correct IMHO09:20
mdkethe doc must be really good if we're worrying about commas09:20
jeffschbut in recent times would probably be better as Recently,09:20
froudemail software, programming languages, tools, and of course, several games09:20
froudthe and  .... and is very American thang09:21
frouddon't like it personally09:21
jeffsch"programming languages and tools" means "programming languages and programming tools"09:22
froudHmm yeah09:22
froudgood point09:22
jeffschit's where the serial comma comes in handy :)09:23
froudmail software, programming languages and tools, and of course, several games.09:23
jeffschi still worry about the comma after course. I'll have to look up the rule09:24
frouduniq: which doc you now on?09:24
uniqjust finished reading it.09:25
uniqhttp://lnix.net/~froud/kubuntu-install/C/ch01.html - second sentence -very- long. 09:27
uniqand the last sentence is long too.09:29
froudAlternatively, if you do have an operating system installed, that you do not mind erasing and replacing with <phrase os="gnome">Ubuntu</phrase>09:30
froud<phrase os="kde">Kubuntu</phrase>.</para>09:30
froudThis revision of the book assumes that you will be09:31
froudinstalling on a computer that does not have another operating system already installed. Alternatively, if you do have an operating system installed, that you do not mind erasing and replacing with <phrase os="gnome">Ubuntu</phrase>09:31
froud<phrase os="kde">Kubuntu</phrase>.</para>09:31
uniqmuch better :)09:31
froudnow where was the other sentence?09:31
uniqthe last one in the same chapter.09:32
froudFurthermore, this revision does not cover all possible permutations09:32
froudof the installation process, but assumes the default options of the09:32
froudinstallation system.</para>09:32
jeffschhow about: This document is designed to help you install Kubuntu on a computer that does not already have an operating system. The installation procedure will erase existing operating systems.09:32
froudjeffsch: nice09:32
uniqmaybe specify that by following the documents instructions.. 09:33
uniqThe installation procedure won't neccessarily erase existing operating systems.09:34
froudthe default will09:34
froud<para>This document is designed to help you install <phrase os="gnome"09:34
froud<phrase os="kde">Kubuntu</phrase> on a computer that does not09:34
froudalready have an operating system. The installation procedure will09:34
frouderase existing operating systems.</para>09:34
froudPerhaps the default installation will ...09:35
froudOr perhaps Following the default installation procedure described here will ...09:35
uniq" Following the installation procedure described here will"09:36
=== froud thinks this a very interesting and interactive way of editing ;-)
uniqhttp://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=305&slide=9 - you get to choose anyway - it's not specified in the installation that erasing everything is the default way. 09:39
froudyes you do get to choose09:39
froudbut if you were to select only the default selections of the install program, no changes, it would format the disk. Perhaps I need to rework this installation for greater flexability09:40
=== froud makes note in kjots
jeffschit might not be documented, but erasing everything (at least in Hoary install) is the default09:41
uniqdefault as in if you just press enter.. yes.09:42
uniqbut the installer doesn'09:42
froudjeffsch: when I first wrote it I followed the defaults09:42
uniqt tell you that erasing everything is the default.09:42
froudjeffsch: I think I need to reiew this cours eof action09:42
frouduniq: yes09:42
froudor perhaps changing the whole approach to the procedure09:43
Burgundaviathe installer is likely to compeletely change for breezy09:43
Burgundaviaso don't write too much right now09:43
uniqoh.. nice to know. :)09:43
froudBurgundavia: Graphical Right?09:43
uniqthen i'll just skip that chapter :)09:43
Burgundaviaunified live and install cds09:43
frouduniq: :-)09:43
froudthat is news09:44
froudcool idea09:44
uniqi kinda knew that.. though.. just not thinking.09:44
froudhappens to me all the time, I call it a brain fart09:44
frouddudes I'm taking an early night today. uniq any other wishes, just post to me or the docteam list09:48
jeffschgotta run. bbl09:48
froudcheers jeffsch 09:48
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-143-84.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu-doc ["Konversation]
uniqok. i will take a break myself. move from sarge -> hoary on my server.09:50
BurgundaviaI wonder how many machines that have migrated debian-->ubuntu09:51
uniqi've migrated 5 myself :)09:51
BurgundaviaI moved RH 8 --> Warty09:52
jjessei moved SUSE -> Warty 09:52
jjessei hated how long it took to install SUSE09:53
uniqi belive in love at first sight.. it happend to me with apt-get :)09:53
mdkeunified live and install cd?10:06
mdkewill the opencd project stuff be on it?10:07
BurgundaviaI assume so10:07
BurgundaviaI have no idea10:07
BurgundaviaI am just a hot-air producer10:08
mdkegod knows how they will fit it all on10:08
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squinnmdke, hey.10:25
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mdkehi there squinn 10:32
squinnhi mdke.10:32
squinnI'll be back in a bit, mdke.10:32
mdkerobitaille, lovely work on IconsPage10:46
robitaillethanks.  the missing icons were annoying me :)10:47
robitaillenow we just need to scan the other pages for these same icons that point to the old locations.  Shouldn't be too much work...I don't think we use so many icons in that wiki10:48
mdkerobitaille, it will take bloomin ages ;)10:54
mdkerobitaille, but if there are a few of us to share the icons, it will be ok10:54
BurgundaviaI hate our wiki10:58
Burgundaviait like using windows10:58
Burgundaviait is10:58
mdkedon't make me kick you10:58
robitaillethe few icons I searched for last nigh only came back with 1-2 hits each.  The most hits were from the WikiGardening page (probably obsolete), and some of the tests for possible replacement to the frontpage (are still pushging this?)10:58
Burgundaviait is!10:59
robitailleI'll be back a while....meeting at work10:59
mdkerobitaille, you should try the common icons10:59
mdkeBurgundavia, c'mon dude10:59
Burgundaviait gets the job done, but it is very painful to do anything in10:59
mdkeworks good here10:59
Burgundaviait works10:59
Burgundaviait is not elegant10:59
Burgundaviait is little polish items that bother me11:00
Burgundaviabetter tables support and categories and watchlists11:00
mdkeBurgundavia, you're just spoilt!11:01
mdkeput up with it man11:01
BurgundaviaI am11:01
Burgundaviaif you say I am spoilt, I am going to go back and use windows11:01
mdkego ahead11:01
mdkeyou'll feel the pain11:01
Burgundaviatell me, why is there no category:documentation11:02
Burgundaviawith sub categories like Windows Interop and Media and stuff?11:02
Burgundaviaand no templates11:02
mdkeBurgundavia, you have to make categories for them to exist11:02
mdkeno one has made documentation yet11:02
Burgundaviacan add the category to a page and create it from there?11:03
Burgundaviaon wp, I can add [[Category:Airports of Blah] ]  and if it doesn't exist, it makes it a red link11:03
BurgundaviaI can then click on the red link and make the category11:03
Burgundaviaoh, and the difference between a page and non-page link to too small11:04
mdkeBurgundavia, yeah same thing, write CategoryDocumentation in a page, then click on it and make the categorypage11:04
=== Burgundavia grumbles about CamelCase
Burgundaviacan I have subcategories?11:05
mdkedescribe the behaviour you want11:06
Burgundaviawhat do you think about dropping CamelCase on our wiki?11:06
mdkei like the easy linking of CamelCase11:06
BurgundaviaI like [[link] ] 11:07
mdkebut its not as well implemented on this wiki as the old one11:07
BurgundaviaI find camelcase makes reading hard and is non-intutive11:07
mdkeBurgundavia, in zwiki if you renamed a page, it renamed all the links to it, so CamelCase was necessary for that11:07
mdkeWP doesn't do that, so [[link] ]  works11:07
mdkeMoin doesn't do it either11:07
Burgundaviaif you move a page in WP11:07
Burgundaviaa redirect is created11:08
Burgundaviawhich works fine11:08
mdkethat's also the solution they are considering in Moin11:08
mdkebut its not as clean as autoupdating links11:08
Burgundaviamediawiki has a "what links here" functionality11:08
Burgundaviathe issue with that is the sometimes you can have a link like [[foo|bar] ] 11:09
mdkeall wikis do11:09
Burgundaviawhere you see "blah blah bar blah" but the link is to foo11:09
Burgundaviathe other issue with camelcase is the making of links you don't want to have as links11:10
mdkebut that has the advantage that you can easily create such pages11:11
Burgundavialook at that --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page11:11
Burgundaviaand try to imagine it as camelcase11:11
Burgundaviait would be an unreadable mess11:11
mdkeyou don't HAVE to have CamelCase in our wiki11:11
mdkewhy don't you just make links without?11:12
mdke["link"] 11:12
Burgundaviaif we have half and half, we get into the mess that we had earlier11:12
Burgundaviawith rst and moin and blah being supported11:12
Burgundaviaactually, WP still supports CamelCase11:12
mdkewell thats a bad comparison11:12
mdkebut i see your point to a certain extent11:13
Burgundaviaour language is designed to have Capital letters At the End of sentEnces11:13
BurgundaviaSee hOw muCH harDer thiS iS To Read?11:14
mdkeharder, but its l3tt11:14
Burgundaviathat is why CamelCase sucks11:14
Burgundaviabasically, our brain does not grok CamelCase easily11:14
Burgundaviathat being said, would you support a change away from CamelCase?11:15
Burgundaviaall the pages would be moved11:15
Burgundavialinks would be made explicit11:15
BurgundaviaI would prefer [[] ] , to conform with mediawiki11:15
mdkeI don't think its worth the hassle11:15
BurgundaviaI do11:16
mdkein WP is it worth it because there are SO many links11:16
mdkemaking it hard to read otherwise11:16
Burgundaviadocumentation is very similar to encyclopedia articles11:16
mdkebut i don't see the problem with ours, and it would be more work which wouldn't be justified IMO11:16
Burgundaviait is not hard to do11:16
mdkeBurgundavia, yes but wikipedia articles LINK a lot11:16
Burgundaviaso can ours11:16
Burgundaviathere is no reason for ours not to11:17
mdkeits not necessary11:17
mdkein the encyclopedia, linking is very cool11:17
Burgundaviaour wiki is almost impossible to navigate currently11:17
Burgundaviaunless you know the exact page you are going to11:17
mdkeit needs work11:17
mdkeand better linking and categories11:17
Burgundaviathis is part of that work11:17
mdkebut there is always the search11:17
Burgundaviamore links make it harder to read11:18
Burgundaviaas per the CamelCase stuff I just told you about11:18
Burgundaviabut we need more links11:18
mdkeyes, but not necessarily all over paragraphs like in WP11:18
mdkeanyway there is nothing to stop you starting dialogue about it on the ML11:19
mdkeits an interesting question11:19
BurgundaviaI think I will11:19
mdkeactually sometimes I feel that there is too much linking on WP11:21
mdkethat also makes things less easy to read11:21
BurgundaviaI have a link for you11:21
Burgundaviajust a sec11:21
mdkeat risk of making you angry ;)11:21
BurgundaviaI have a funny link for you11:22
squinnmdke, yesterdays patch will be the last one i send.11:23
mdkesquinn, good11:23
mdkeyou have commit access?11:24
squinnmdke, working on getting it now11:25
squinna bit of a problem with pgp11:25
mdkesquinn, we can help. So that is not why you said that the patch was your last?11:26
mdkeBurgundavia, :)11:26
mdkeoh that's your edit!11:27
Burgundaviamy edit is the removal11:27
Burgundaviawell, I got my first vote for support11:30
mdkeBurgundavia, what is that?11:31
squinnmdke, that is11:32
squinni'm talking to guy-in-charge about pgp11:32
squinnits why he cant create pgp yet11:32
squinner commit account*11:32
mdkesquinn, you can still make patches!11:32
mdkesquinn, we encourage you to work on the docs11:32
squinni know11:33
squinnbut my commit account should be ready within the hour11:33
mdkewell then we look forward to seeing your work11:34
squinnyep yep11:34
Burgundaviacan I have subcategories?11:37
Burgundaviacan CategoryWindowsDoc be a category of Documentation?11:37
=== Burgundavia grumbles about cludgy category handling
Burgundaviatoo quiet11:47
Burgundaviamore debate11:47
Burgundaviadogs vs cats11:47
=== robitaille is allergic to both...
=== Burgundavia has a metric smegload of open bugs that he has filed
mdkewiki bugs?11:50
mdkei like cats11:50
mdkedogs smell and are hairy11:50
=== JonA [~jonathan@alxpc1jaa2.alx.aber.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgundaviano, bug on anything11:51
robitailleI only have a few still open.  I really need to get my Breezy partition working again and then I'll be back in the thick of it.11:53
Burgundaviasome of mine are truly bluesky11:55
squinnrobitaille, how much did you partition for breezy?11:56
robitaille10gb.  I have a 30gb at home...6 for Win98, 10 for Hoary and 10 for Breezy. (the rest are shared stuff between the various OSes)11:57
squinnah oky11:57
mdkei might stick a breezy partition on11:58
mdke5gig enough?11:58
=== mdke gives Burgundavia the official title of "Docteam ideas man"
robitaille5 should work...mine with a very empty home directory is at 3.1gb12:00
BurgundaviaI prefer the title Hot Air Producer, myself12:00
mdkeBurgundavia, i was just being polite12:00
=== mdke ducks
robitailleMaybe Ubuntu needs a "Contributor of the Month"  With a picture and all on a wiki/award page :)12:00

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