
=== killabee [~killabee@] has joined #ubuntu-java
wasabiAny opinions on what we call native java packages?05:39
dokowasabi: we should coordinate the naming with Debian06:13
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wasabijbailey, ping04:02
jbaileywasabi: pong!04:09
wasabiI do not have main upload privs yet (I left a message with elmo at keyring@ about 2 weeks ago now.)  Do you mind uploading java-common, ecj-bootstrap, and ant for me?04:10
wasabiAnd then telling me how to add a hook into a cdbs package to run AFTER dh_install.04:10
wasabiBut before building the .deb04:10
jbaileydoko: Does this conflict with anything you're hacking on atm?04:10
wasabidoko was going to do it, but had to step out.04:10
jbaileyDescribe the hook to me?  Sometimes there's already magic in there.04:10
wasabiI ijust figured if you were around you could get it.04:10
jbaileynp =)04:11
wasabijbailey, after each package is installed into debian/$pkg/foo, I want to run some steps on each package.04:11
wasabiTo scan for .jar and .so files, etc.04:11
dokojbailey: no, I'm doing java-gcj-compat. only thing which needs to be added is a build-dep on java-gcj-compat-dev04:11
wasabidoko, eh what's that about? :)04:11
wasabiSplitting j-g-c? Okay.04:11
dokowasabi: yes04:12
wasabiWhat about for EVERY package?04:13
jbaileywasabi: Should I wait before fetching and uploading?04:17
wasabidoko, what is your time frame? :)04:19
dokowasabi: upload it tomorrow, when I'm finished fighting with debhelper and cdbs :-/04:21
jbaileydoko: Put your package on chinstrap and I can finish it for you.04:24
wasabidoko, are you saying to upload MINE tomorrow, or that you are uploading yours tomorrow? :)04:24
dokowasabi: yours tonight, mine tomorrow ...04:25
wasabidoko, i can get jbailey to do mine Now... so I guess that's a green light. ;)04:26
wasabiI want to see how they break (if they break) so I can fix em. I have some free time today.04:26
wasabiI have to organize my uploads around free time to check after them. =.04:27
wasabiHave to run to work. Be back in a bit04:29
jbaileywasabi: confirm that I will upload ant, ecj-bootstrap and java-common right awya?04:29
wasabiI can't. I am not sure if doko means something special is happenign tonight, or that's just the first time HE can get to them.04:30
wasabiSo, don't upload them yet, and I'll ask you again in an hour when I get to work.04:30
dokojbailey, wasabi: no, it's ok to upload04:30
wasabiokay, confirmed. Upload. ;)04:30
wasabiMust go, late. ;)04:30
jbaileythanks, safe trip to work!04:31
dokojbailey: chinstrap:~doko/uploads04:46
dokoit works, but is ugly 04:46
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wasabi_jbailey, so, about running a make target using cdbs after dh_install for all packages, but before .deb making?05:18
jbaileyA make target?  What'cha doing? =)05:18
wasabi_Eclipse 3.1. I have dh_install installing all the plugins for each eclipse feature into debian/eclipse$featurename/05:19
wasabi_Just a normal cdbs package from that point.05:19
jbaileySo you're iterating through a bunch of dh_install calls?05:20
wasabi_What I want now is a target that iwll run after all the files have been placed in debian/eclipse-$pkgname, which will enumerate all the .jar's and .jar.so files and build classpath mappings.05:20
wasabi_No. I just need a rul that runs AFTER dh_install has moved files from debian/tmp to debian/$pkgname05:20
jbaileyIs this something that should be added to cdbs in general?05:20
wasabi_It would be nice, but it's a bit hard, and needs some thought.05:20
jbailey'kay, so this will be a lovely prototype.05:21
wasabi_Well, I am only doing it AFTER the move because that's the easiest way for me to generate mapping files for each individual package.05:21
wasabi_since all the plugins lib in usr/share/eclipse/plugins05:21
wasabi_We have a few eclipse packages, eclipse-rcp, eclipse-platform, -jdt, and -pde, which contain different plugins.05:22
wasabi_dh_install lists what plugins go to what package.05:22
wasabi_What abouta binary-post-install/ALLPACKAGES, repeat.05:22
wasabi_Or I can enumerate the packages myself.05:22
jbailey$(patsubst %,binary-post-install/%,$(DEB_PACKAGES)) ::05:23
wasabi_oh is that how that works?05:23
wasabi_Generates rules for each member of DEB_PACKAGES?05:23
wasabi_Is there anyway in that to know which rule is being called?05:23
wasabi_And thus, which package.05:23
jbaileyUse $(cdbs_curpkg) and it will give you the currnet package you're working on.05:24
wasabi_Hmm. is patsubst a cdbs construct?05:24
jbaileyThat lets us write rules like:05:24
jbailey        dh_installdocs -p$(cdbs_curpkg) $(DEB_INSTALL_DOCS_ALL) $(DEB_INSTALL_DOCS_$(cdbs_curpkg))05:24
jbaileyand have it JustWork(tm)05:24
wasabi_Yeah that's basically what I'm going for.05:24
jbaileyNope, patsubst is a gnu make thing.05:25
wasabi_How is cdbs_curpkg known?05:25
jbaileyIt's both what makes cdbs possible and what makes it so fUgly.05:25
jbaileycdbs_curpkg = $(filter-out %/,$(subst /,/ ,$@))05:25
jbaileyIs defined in buildcore.mk05:25
wasabi_cdbs is one big giant hack!05:26
wasabi_I love it!05:26
jbaileySo $@ always has the target being generated.05:26
jbaileySo you would have binary-post-install/eclipse-plugin-foo in there.05:26
jbaileythat magic strips everything that's not the package name by treating it like a path.05:26
jbaileyThere's alot of black magic and love that's gone into making it work.05:27
jbaileyIt's the 3rd or 4th generation of this idea.05:27
wasabi_I'm |---| this close to getting Eclipse 3.1 done.05:30
wasabi_This classmap thing should be the last issue.05:30
wasabi_for discussion:     The gcj-dbtool generation is being done like this by me, for now. Each package that contains a .jar will have a new companion package ending with -gcj.05:31
wasabi_The .jar.so file will be in that package, in an appropiate path.05:31
wasabi_For standard java packages, it'll be /usr/lib/java. Multiarch should be considered eventually.05:31
wasabi_For Eclipse it's /usr/lib/eclipse/plugins. For other packages, it may be arbitrary.05:32
jbaileymultiarch for java itself?  Is that for jni bits?05:32
wasabi_The native GCJ versions of the .jars05:32
jbaileyOh duh. =)05:32
jbaileyApproaching lunch time, IQ will steadily decrease from here. =)05:32
wasabi_So, cdbs needs to make it convient take take a) package 1 b) package 2 (-gcj pacakge) c) path 1 and d) path 2, and generate a mapping file in /usr/share/gcj-4.0/classmap.d/$package1name.db.05:33
wasabi_I think a dh_* is what we need.05:33
jbaileyQuite probably.05:33
jbaileyHmm, have to be somewhere in 30 minutes, I'm off.05:34
wasabi_did you upload those?05:34
jbaileywasabi_: I've done java-common.  ant had a checksum mismatch and doko asked me to add a manpage to ecj before uploading it.05:38
=== wasabi_ kicks ant
jbaileyThe mismatch is on the .diff.gz, lemme take alook at it, just a sec.05:38
wasabi_If you have to go, don't worry about it.05:39
wasabi_I suspect I just moved the wrong file.05:39
jbaileyMm, so this might not have all the changes you want in it anyway.05:40
jbailey'k, I'm off. =)05:40
wasabi_I didn't bother with a manpage for ecj-bootstrap because it "doesn't matter". It's just to bootstrap packages. ;)05:42
jbaileyDo you have one for the full ecj package?09:02
jbaileyI may as well make it complete if I can.09:02
wasabi_Hmm. I thought I saw one floating around.09:05
wasabi_My computer at home seems to have frozen, so I can't get to it.09:05
wasabi_So I can't tell you.09:05
jbaileyNo rush.  If you box is frozen, I can't d/l the packages anyway.09:06

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