
=== zul [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
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chmjmorning 09:13
fabbionezul: the external-drivers-net-usb_zd1211 is broken09:13
fabbionezul: the external-drivers-net-usb_zd1211 was broken10:56
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zulfabbione: ok...you didnt include any patches that i stole from git?12:52
fabbionezul: no. because they are all pending in
zulah ok12:53
fabbionei am fighiting with alsa now.. because it breaks12:53
zulwhat breaks?12:53
fabbionedocbook creation. there was a wrong macro in include/sound/pcm.h12:57
fabbionealready fixed.. but it requires a full rebuild for testing12:58
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zulok dont know if im going to be around much today...first day of work01:04
fabbionezul: have fun01:10
fabbionei am going to upload the kernel and do some gardening afterwards01:10
zulgardening?! hehe01:10
fabbionethe emperor^W^Wmy wife decided that she doesn't like elephant grass01:11
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chmjI'm trying not to ask what elephant grass is/looks like 02:14
chmjoh, no such think in za :) 02:15
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jbailey<abentley> jbailey: any idea why the standard Ubuntu kernels don't include the intel8x0m module?02:47
jbailey<jbailey> abentley: The 'm' is the modem module, right?  I think there's an alsa driver that's supposed to cover for that instead.02:47
jbaileyANything else I should add?02:47
fabbioneit's there by default02:47
fabbioneif he wants the oss version he needs to do some magic02:48
fabbionesnd-intel8x0.ko and snd-intel8x0m.ko02:48
fabbionethe latter is the modem support02:49
fabbionefor audio he wants the first one02:49
jbaileyYeah, it's the modem he wants, thanks.02:57
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:fabbione] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KernelTeam | There are no kernel bugs.. only broken hardware | http://people.u.c/~lamont/Archives/kernel-team@ubuntu.com--2005/ playground: kernel-debian--preX,3--2.6.12
fabbione(it's not there yet.. it will be in a few minutes)04:29
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jbaileyBah, I need to install topicdiff again.04:42
fabbionechanged the playground and removed the baz thingy04:44
fabbioneok last commit signed.. i am off04:44
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