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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:pitti] : Calendar -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Calendar || Logs -- http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs || Tue 28 June 17:00 UTC: Tech Board -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda || Thu 30 June 14:00 UTC Documentation Team -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamMeetingAgenda || Tue 5 July 22:00 UTC Community Council -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda || http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Calendar || This is NOT #ubuntu, or #ubuntu-devel || UTC
pitti@all: Today's TB meeting needs to start earlier, at 1700 UTC05:17
jbaileyErr, that's awfully short notice for a change, isn't it?05:18
=== jbailey can't make that time.
jbaileyOh good, agenda doesn't concern me really anyway.05:19
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seb128hey dholbach :)06:55
dholbachhey :)06:55
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\shhuhu daniel :)06:56
ograhoho dholbach 06:56
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ogradholbach, i added a mention of revu to the expanding universe goal, but didnt change the status06:57
mdz2 minutes06:58
ogradholbach, to make th eprogress visible06:58
=== pitti waves to everybody and gets a seat
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=== ogra puts a pot coffee on the table
dholbachogra: excellent06:59
mdzgood morning, everyone07:00
mdzwaiting for sabdfl and Keybuk07:00
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=== ogra quickly uploads a fixed ffmpeg before the meeting
\shogra: u made it? ,-)07:01
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Keybuk(I'm almost entirely not present, but will respond if my name goes blue ;p)07:02
ogra\sh, with a lot of help from mvo (you should call him the AssemblerKing now)07:02
\shogra: good to know *eg*07:02
mdzok, that's quorum at least :-)07:03
dholbachogra: mvo rocks07:03
mdzwe seem to have one MaintainerCandidate to process07:03
mdzAnkur Kotwal?07:03
ograDanielN ?07:03
\shUnfrgiven: 07:03
ograhuh ? 07:03
\shAnkur is Unfrgiven07:03
mdzhe's applying for MOTU07:04
\shand DanielN_atw is not online07:04
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ograyep... i always muddle Ankur and Ante :)07:04
sabdflhi all07:04
ivoksi'm Ante :)07:04
ograhey sabdfl 07:04
dholbachhi mark07:04
\shfor Unfrgiven I can give a ++ for MOTU...he did a lot for cxx and stuff 07:04
ograivoks, i know.... but ivoks is more familiar ;)07:04
sabdflmdz: you under way?07:05
mdzsabdfl: yes07:05
mdzsabdfl: currently Unfrgiven (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AnkurKotwal) is being considered for MOTU maintainership07:05
\shand for DanielN_atw , he made some progress in those 2 weeks after the last meeting and I think he would be a good candidate. Ogra, what do u think?07:05
mdzogra and \sh both support his admission07:05
dholbachi worked with him on a package, but that's some weeks ago, he did it well07:06
ivoks++ by me too 07:06
dholbachi read his name a cuople of times on the c++ library list07:06
ograsabdfl, we also met hi at udu, he made good progress with packaging since then07:06
ograhim even07:07
dholbachthat's true, ogra07:07
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sabdflok, fine by me if ogra and \sh have worked with him and think he's up to it07:08
ograabsolutely :)07:08
Keybuksame for me07:08
dholbachexcellent :)07:08
ograyay :)07:08
\shheissa :)07:08
dholbachwatch the MOTU team grow :)07:08
sabdflwelcome aboard Unfrgiven!07:09
mdzUnfrgiven: congratulations and welcome07:09
\shhe's going mad when he's hearing that :)07:09
ograso welcome Unfrgiven (in sleeping absence )07:09
mdznext up, Riddell on choosing an office suite for Kubuntu07:09
sabdflRiddell: is there a wiki page that outlines the options and arguments?07:09
Riddellsabdfl: no there isn't07:09
sabdflthis sort of thing is best done in spec format, as a proposal07:09
Riddelltrouble is I don't yet have an answer to propose :)07:10
Riddellkoffice is faster and smaller and integrated07:10
sabdflbecause whichever way it goes, in future people will want to know what was factored into the decision07:10
mdzthe guiding principle should be to do whatever the KDE community will love07:10
pittiRiddell: what about stability?07:10
sabdflmdz: agreed07:10
\shRiddell: what about the compatiblity to ms office?07:10
ogramdz, whyt about MS compatibility ?07:10
Riddellopenoffice is probably less buggy and more compatible with MS Officce07:10
pittiRiddell: OO.o is a pain both stability- and performance-wise, is KOffice any better?07:10
\shogra: *g*07:10
sabdflin addition, since openoffice is in main, we should also make sure that k-oo.o love is around and available, even if it isn't the default07:10
Riddellpitti: it's a lot better performance wise, not so stability wise07:11
mdzogra: see above; if MS compatibility is of great importance to the KDE community, they will factor that into their opinions07:11
Mithrandirsabdfl: k-oo.o love is utterly painful for amd64.07:11
sabdflRiddell: we had a similar debate around abiword + gnumeric vs oo.o07:11
\shmdz: i don't think it has to do with KDE alone...it's a matter of integration of * Linux into the office structure of companies07:11
sabdflMithrandir: is that true for the goo.o too.o?07:11
Riddellsabdfl: where can I find out about the discussions of that?07:11
Mithrandirsabdfl: less so, but yes.07:11
Mithrandirsabdfl: that is, more packages => more pain.07:12
mdz\sh: to a certain extent, such companies will make their own decisions about which software to use07:12
ogramdz, true.... but still non KDE people will switch too :)07:12
sabdflRiddell: poorly documented i'm afraid, we mostly had it on irc in the SSDS days07:12
mdzthe default should be the "right thing" for a KDE-oriented distribution07:12
\shmdz: and most of the companies using OOo as a choice 07:12
mdzwhat do other KDE distributions do?07:12
Mithrandirsabdfl: I'm throwing in a data point, I'm not trying to veto (which I wouldn't be able to) k-oo.o.07:12
\shthey put both07:12
Riddellmdz: the only distribution to ship with koffice is mepislight07:12
ivoksoo.o seems more mature atm, but koffice is doing great improvment, imho07:12
Riddellship as default that is07:12
sabdflMithrandir: your say counts for a lot around here, so don't be shy07:13
Riddellone agrument is that if nobody uses koffice then it will never improve07:13
Mithrandirsabdfl: the pain will be significantly less with ooo2 once we get it usable in a 64 bit form.07:13
sabdflRiddell: similarly for Gnome office and KOffice, though07:13
mdzthe 32-bit stuff for oo.o2-kde will be painful, yes,, but we'll need to do it regardless of which office suite is default in kubuntu07:13
\shRiddell: what about shipping with koffice and OO?07:13
Riddell\sh: no space for that07:13
sabdfland with java and sun, there's a feeling that it would be good to have strong ground-up-free office suits07:14
mdzhow big is koffice?07:14
ogra\sh, no redundancys !07:14
Riddellalthough we will probably ship with kexi (database) and krita (drawing)07:14
Mithrandirmdz: but we won't have to package half of kde in ia32-libs-kde if we don't use ooo for kubuntu.07:14
sabdflmdz: is oo.o2 64-bit K difficult because of the C++ nature of K?07:14
Riddellmdz: source is 20MB07:14
mdzsabdfl: it's difficult because KDE has a huge dependency chain which would need to be repackaged a la ia32-libs07:15
=== \sh likes the idea to ship koffice with a real kde distro ;)
mdzMithrandir: even if kubuntu uses koffice by default, we should have oo.o2-kde available on all supported architectures07:15
Mithrandirsabdfl: ooo2 64 bit is difficult because the programmers writing staroffice thought that having assembly in a office suite made sense.07:15
Mithrandirmdz: do I get an extra bottle of whisky a month to endure the pain? ;-)07:15
\shMithrandir: no whisky while you're working ;-)07:15
Riddellkoffice .debs are 21MB07:16
Mithrandir\sh: you haven't done ia32-libs, I see. :-)07:16
uniqthe (few) comments on koffice vs. oo.o on kubuntu-users@list are all more or less pro oo.o.07:16
pitti\sh: you need the alcohol to double the 32 bit07:16
\shMithrandir: nope...but other nasty stuff;)07:16
mdzRiddell: what is your gut feeling?07:16
\shpitti: yeah...this I know perfectly ;)07:16
Mithrandiranyhow, ooo is k-able on amd64 just fine, it's just painful.07:16
dholbachstabitily and exchangebility maybe should be the keypoint, imho - since people judge a distribution by what they use and what (and probably what not) works for them  --- i say that without being a fan of oo.o and its not-integrated-ness, and i agree with riddell on getting users for improving, new products07:17
Riddellmdz: I've been trying to use koffice as much as possible this last week since 1.4 release.  for lugradio live kpresenter couldn't open it's own slides and I had to re-do my whole talk.  that put me towards keeping openoffice07:17
pittiRiddell: is "not so stable" == "it crashes every half an hour"? or is it better?07:17
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\shRiddell: do u think the userbase will increase for koffice, if kubuntu is shipping it as default?07:17
pittiRiddell: I'd judge stability over performance07:17
Riddellpitti: "it crashes every half an hour" isn't too far off I suspect07:18
pittiRiddell: then you will rather scare away people with it, I'm afraid07:18
Riddell\sh: yes I do07:19
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\shRiddell: so, ship it...we have OO in anyway available07:20
mdzRiddell: so if you're leaning toward openoffice, and kubuntu-users seems to be leaning the same way, is there someone who can speak for koffice?07:20
pittiRiddell: ... not that OO.o wouldn't be scary on any but the latest and greatest number crunching hardware07:20
Riddell\sh seems to speak for koffice 07:20
Riddellamu is a big koffice fan07:20
ogra\sh, whats the use of an ofiice suit that crashes every 1/2h, have fun with the bugreports you cant solve in a stable distro ?07:20
MithrandirI was a fan of koffice five years ago, but it sounds like it might not have moved too much since then?07:21
\shogra: well, thinking of ms word which is crashing for me every single time I try to open a big document I don't have anything against a crashing presenter07:21
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dholbachit's the same for gnome: abiword and gnumeric, but without a presenting software, you can't hand gnome-office to the average user yet, that's disappointing, but that seems to be life atm :-/07:22
ivokswe can't ship crashing app.07:22
pitti\sh: that isn't the thing we should compare software to07:22
\shlets say it like this: if kubuntu is shipping as default with koffice, we can also try to stablelize it07:22
sabdflMithrandir: if we were to put a google-size bounty on proper oo.o2 64-bit support, is there anyone you can think of in the upstream crowd who could take it on?07:22
ogra\sh, we'll talk about it after you lost your first ubuntu slides 1/2h before the telk ;)07:22
sabdflupstream being oo.o community07:22
pittidholbach: gnumeric is a great piece of software, it jsut works and is fast (as opposed to OO.o spread, which is buggy and slow as hell)07:22
Mithrandirsabdfl: I don't know upstream, so no, but I could look around.07:22
\shpitti: we have OO in the repos...so the user is able to install OO  in an way07:22
pittidholbach: it's abiword that sucks, though07:22
dholbachpitti: anyway, gnome-office just isnt ready yet :-/07:23
pitti\sh: right, but only one will be shipped on the CD07:23
pittidholbach: agreed07:23
ograpitti, its the missing presentation program that sucks imho07:23
pitti\sh: the point is, many users can't download big debs, they depend on a CD07:23
uniq\sh: koffice is smaller to download.07:23
ivoksthen with koffice, you could put more apps on CD?07:24
ivoksthat would be + for koffice07:24
seb128pitti: what's wrong about abiword?07:24
mdzRiddell: I think the best thing to do is to collect points in favor of each suite and document them on a wiki page07:24
mdzRiddell: once that's done, the answer could well be obvious07:24
\shwell, from my point of view, I would like to see KDE applications on a kde distro and vice versa.07:24
Mithrandirsabdfl: Pavel Janik is doing some work on it already. pavel@janik.cz07:24
pittiseb128: it lacks too much important features, and the MS compatibility is much worse than OO.O's07:24
Riddellmdz: sounds like a plan07:25
seb128pitti: bah, not the place to argue about that :)07:25
sabdflMithrandir: is he upstream? distro? good credentials?07:25
pittiseb128: however, I only use gnumeric, and I never ever use a WYSIWYG word processor, so don't count on my opinion about abiword too much07:25
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seb128pitti: happy about gnumeric? :)07:25
pittiseb128: gnumeric rocks07:25
seb128yeah ;)07:25
sabdflok, i think this needs to be specced07:25
sabdflRiddell: could you put a spec together?07:25
sabdflOo.O2 vs KOffice - the default in Kubuntu07:26
Riddellsabdfl: I'm not sure what that would be.  isn't a spec more "we will do this" rather than "which should we do"?07:26
mdzright, the comparison chart we discussed would form the meat of a spec07:26
sabdflRiddell: it starts with "these are the options"07:26
mdzjust add some background to it07:26
pittiRiddell: after that discussion, do you think KOffice is still an option to consider?07:26
sabdflthen when there's a decision, you put that at the top07:26
sabdflso afterwards it reads:07:26
sabdfl "this spec documents our decision to run with OO.o2 for Kubuntu Breezy"07:27
sabdfl "rationale"07:27
sabdfl blah blah blah07:27
pittiRiddell: (I don't want to imply a "no" in any way)07:27
sabdfl</subliminal advertising>07:27
mdzRiddell: invite the kubuntu community to add their own thoughts to the list, within guidelines (keep it objective)07:27
sabdflyes, the doc is open so people with an interest in either course of action can add pro's and con's07:27
mdzif it's still unclear at that point, we'll discuss it again with this additional context07:28
Keybuksorry, desktop crapped out and decided that it didn't want to be on there07:28
sabdflthen it's easier to bring it to the TB and take an up or down vote amongst the kubuntu leaders and tb07:28
Mithrandirsabdfl: I think he's upstream, yes.  His blog has 271 entries on ooo and he's been doing amd64 porting for a bit of fair time.  I don't know him personally so I can't comment on his saneness, but it seems to be ok.07:28
Riddellpitti: I think it's an option, see jdub's speach on how gnome office can overtake openoffice.  same for koffice07:28
sabdflRiddell: there are definitely arguments in favour of lightweight native tools07:28
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pittiRiddell: ok, great. well, spec and argument collection sounds really sane then IMHO?07:28
sabdflbut we do have to make a decision on the default07:29
sabdfleven if both end up in main, as we did with gnome office07:29
sabdflanything more on Kubuntu Office?07:29
RiddellI'll write the spec then07:30
Mithrandirsabdfl: he's a Novell employee, fwiw.07:30
sabdflMithrandir: could be interesting :-)07:31
mdzok, next up, pitti on language packs07:31
Mithrandirsabdfl: well, I guess they're interested in a 64 bit OOo this year too..07:31
sabdflRiddell: you don't have to write it any further than needed to justify your own viewpoint, get someone else to argue the other side :-)07:31
pittiI wrote about the problem yesterday07:31
pittiso far I still think that the solution proposed in the udu spec (split up packs into -main/-gnome/-kde) is the way to go07:32
pittihowever, I'd like to collect more opinions about that07:32
pittithe actual source of problem is that Kubuntu is not a proper derivative07:32
seb1283) from the mail seems to be best option imho07:32
pittiwith its own archive and so on07:32
sabdfl"    Besides language-support-lang, Kubuntu additionally installs kde-i18n-lang.  "07:33
sabdflpitti: how do you propose to do that?07:33
pittisabdfl: that is to avoid splitting the -support packages, too07:33
pittisabdfl: it's already done07:33
sabdflif someone wants to add a new language to the system, how does the system know to install the -kde or the -gnome pack?07:33
pittisabdfl: the Kubuntu installer just does it and our language selector application can do it, too07:33
sabdflpitti: how does it know if the user has, for example, installed Kubuntu and added abiword?07:34
pittisabdfl: the crude solution would be that langpack-o-matic just checks whether gnome and/or kde is installed07:34
sabdflpitti: see above - "gnome" and "kde" become fuzzy concepts over time07:34
sabdflit's easy at install time07:34
sabdflhard once the sysadmin starts adding and removing packages07:34
pittisabdfl: the fine-grained one is to check which packages are installed, so that the relevant pack could be installed if needed07:34
pittisabdfl: so if language selector sees "ah, abiword is installed", it would pull in the gnome one07:35
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pittisabdfl: it's not an optimal solution, I'M aware of that07:35
pittisabdfl: it also makes elmo cry because it will add 400 packages07:35
pittisabdfl: but I don't know a better solution07:35
Mithrandirthis sounds like a good use case for Enhances: support, btw.07:35
pittiif anybody does have a better solution, speak up :-)07:36
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Mithrandirpitti: implement support for Enhances in dpkg and apt. :-)07:36
pittiMithrandir: how does that help to not split langpacks?07:36
mdzpitti: the root problem is what?  a combined language pack is too large?07:36
pittimdz: yes, we can't fit them all onto the CDs07:37
mdzwe already can't fit them all onto the CD07:37
mdzhow many would we lose?07:37
pittimdz: KDE translations alone are bigger than main+gnome right now07:37
mdzso we would lose more than half?07:37
Mithrandirpitti: it helps the packaging system note that "oh, you have this installed, then you probably want this too".07:37
pittimdz: we ship all on most CDs07:37
pittiMithrandir: ugh, that would be pretty intrusive; I think mvo and I had a better solution for the langpack selector at least07:37
mdzpitti: we ship all on 2 out of 6 CDs ;-)07:38
pittiyes, we would loose more than half of the translations07:38
dholbach"order your ubuntu cd-case today."07:38
mdzbut one of those two is the i386 install CD, which accounts for a disproportionate number of uses07:38
\shis a dvd not cheaper then?07:38
Mithrandirdholbach: s/case/backpack/. :-)07:38
pittiwell, DVDs would solve the problem at instant :-)07:38
mdz\sh: DVDs are more expensive than CDs07:38
mdzand less portable07:39
ivoksis it possible to do CDs by area? east europe, midle east, etc?07:39
sabdfl\sh: we still have to focus on 650MB CD's, unfortunately07:39
pittior make Kubuntu a proper derivative with its own archive07:39
ogra\sh, not everybody has a DVD reader07:39
mdzivoks: it is possible to create them, but it is impractical to test them07:39
mdzivoks: we already must test 8 images for each release candidate07:39
pittimdz: if langpack-o-matic could create different langpacks for Kubuntu than for Ubuntu, that would rock, but with the current structure it can't07:39
\shogra: yes :) i forgot the *grmpf* ;)07:39
mdzer, 907:39
ivoksoh, then this would be too much07:39
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ivoksdidn't think of that :)07:40
mdzpitti: what's the least intrusive way to split the langpacks?07:40
pittione alternative would be to split it to l-p-ubuntu and l-p-kubuntu07:40
pittiand copy the common stuff into both07:40
pittibut that's ugly IMHO07:40
sabdflpitti: i'm happy with your first proposal07:40
mdzunified language packs, while inefficient in terms of space, are awfully attractive due to their simplicity07:40
sabdflit just means the language selector needs to be smart07:41
pittimdz: right07:41
pittisabdfl: so we don't support KDE translations in Rosetta?07:41
sabdflmdz: you mean install all the gnome translations on a fresh kubuntu box?07:41
mdzsabdfl: I mean the approach we're already using07:41
pittisabdfl: would be the easiest solution, but redundant and non-symmetrical07:41
sabdflpitti: what's non-symmetrical about -base, -gnome and -kde?07:42
pittimdz: what do you mean by "way to split"?07:42
pittisabdfl: oh, I thought you meant (1) in my mail07:42
mdzpitti: I can't find your email; what was the subject?07:42
pittisabdfl: (1) in mail was the status quo07:42
mdzah, found it07:42
sabdflno, LanguagePackRoadmap07:42
pitti"27.06.05 18:43 Martin Pitt       Preparing tomorrow's language pack TB topic"07:42
pittisabdfl: ah, ok, so that would be the split07:42
sabdflit has its warts, but i can't see a better one07:43
mdzpitti: is there any significant advantage of (3) over (1) for breezy?07:43
Riddellmdz: it means kubuntu has translations on CD07:43
mdzRiddell: gnome translations, you mean?07:43
pittimdz: Rosetta support mainly07:43
pittimdz: and Kubuntu does not need to ship gnome translations and instead has room for kde ones07:44
Riddellmdz: 3 means we have translations, 1 means we don't have KDE translations07:44
pittiwell, there is no golden solution anyway, we just have to choose the pain07:44
mdzpitti: why does (1) make rosetta support impossible?07:44
Riddellmdz: nowhere for rosetta to output to07:45
pittimdz: not impossible, but we had to regenerate kde-i18n-foo, which consists of more than translations07:45
mdzoh, I see, it uses kde-i18n-foo rather than language-pack-kde07:45
pittimdz: it would be possible, I guess, with some hacking07:45
mdz(3) seems the clear winner, to me07:45
pittiwould it be possible to give Kubuntu it's own archive?07:46
mdznot for breezy07:46
pittior would that make sense?07:46
pittino, not for breezy, but in the long run07:46
pittiI think we could live with option (1) for breezy07:46
pittiif we have a solution in sight for breezy+n07:46
mdzwe should take advantage of rosetta for kubuntu07:47
=== Riddell doesn't like (1) at all
pittimdz: I think the biggest con of (3) is the hoary->breezy upgrade07:48
mdzI don't see that as a major issue07:48
mdzwhen the language pack is upgraded, we'll drop an update-notifier hook to prompt the user to reconfirm their language settings07:49
pittiwell, upgrade notes, just as for Hoary (when users lost all their translations as well)07:49
pittithat sounds good07:49
mdzany further unresolved issues regarding language packs?07:49
pittiIneed to convince elmo to accept 400 new packages :-)07:50
pittianybody has serious issues with (3)?07:50
mdzelmo: would you like to weigh in on this?07:50
ograpitti, give them to doko, then elmo wont even recognize ;)07:50
pittiok, thanks guys for your input07:51
mdzok, you can follow up with elmo later if he takes issue with it07:51
pittiok, I'll do07:51
mdznext up, REVU with no person associated with it07:51
sabdflhmm... sec07:52
=== \sh is the spokesman :)
pittiit's always better to hear more than just the own opinion when trashing he archive :-)07:52
\shand ogra :) and dholbach07:52
sabdfllinspire just did their German edition release07:52
ogramdz, you could put MOTU aside :)07:52
sabdflthey wait till they have a certain coverage of translations, then release a dedicated iso07:52
sabdflhas the advantage that the installer can skip the language question07:52
sabdfland just install the language it is dedicated to07:52
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mdzogra: /me points to the "INCLUDE YOUR NAME" comment in the wiki07:52
sabdfli wondered if there is any interest in us making similar releases?07:53
=== \sh is the faulty one :)
mdzsabdfl: we've discussed it; the primary issue is testing07:53
ogramdz, i didnt put it there ... \sh !07:53
Mithrandirsabdfl: but then, you get to keep half a gazillion ISOs on cdimage.07:53
mdzwe need to at least sanity check every ISO release07:53
sabdflmdz: i don't know how this would fit into the broader picture, i would not want to amp up the number of iso's on the main release07:53
\shmdz: put the blame on me pls :) i need to put it asap on the agenda :)07:53
mdzif we do 10 localized ISOs, we need to test them all07:53
sabdfli suspect these would best be distributed from the loco websites07:53
mdz10 locales x 3 architectures = 30 more test cases07:53
sabdflwe would only do releases that the loco teams want, they test, when they're happy, we push the button07:53
Mithrandirmdz: have we considered doing some sort of automated testing similar to the lab joeyh has set up?07:54
pittiright now we still have the ability to ship 10 translations on a CD, which make them somewhat more universal07:54
mdzMithrandir: where "considered" -> "gee, that would be nice"07:54
ograsabdfl, you mean additional localized ones ? or our default release ?07:54
ivokssabdfl: maybe is possible to have more locos in same image, this way more loco teams would work on testing07:54
pittisabdfl: that would make much sense with translations we don't put on CDs though, even if the images are sort of unofficial07:54
sabdflivoks: that's a cool idea07:54
Mithrandirmdz: not "gee, that would be nice, let us commit some resources to it"?07:55
sabdflif we could automate the process of generating the install iso, we could make this work07:55
mdzsabdfl: I expect we would need the launchpad infrastructure in order to manage production of localized ISOs07:55
sabdflmdz: absolutely07:55
mdzmaintaining that many sets of seeds is impractical in our current setup07:55
sabdfli'll bounce the idea off kinnison in brazil07:55
mdzok, can we close the language pack discussion?07:56
pittifrom my side yes07:56
pittithanks 07:56
ograrevu !07:57
mdzright, next is \sh on REVU07:57
\shI don't know if anybody is informed about our new toy :) 07:57
ogra\sh, give us an introduction :)07:57
mdz\sh: perhaps a one-line explanation of what REVU does, for the benefit of those listening at home :-)07:57
sabdflurl again?07:57
\shto have a view inside, please refere to http://revu.ubuntu.linux-server.org/07:58
\shI created an account for you all, that u can have a look inside 07:58
\shusername: sh@linux-server.org and pw: sabdfl  ;)07:58
ograsabdfl, its a tool for test autobuilding packages, collecting comments and seeing all data about a package that should get reviewed07:58
\sh(will be deleted in anyway after this meeting :))07:58
\shsome adds to ogra: 07:59
dholbachand collecting advocates (3 for MOTU NEW packages)07:59
\shright now we're reviewing newpackages for MOTU via wiki..which is not bad, but it's sometimes confusing07:59
ograso it perfectly mirrors our review process07:59
ograand its written in python :)07:59
\shso siretart had an idea of doing it via a webinterface, with database and build automation08:00
\shsiretart and a friend of him wrote this nice little peace of software, and now we're trying to establish it to the motu world :)08:00
\shright now, uploading packages (debuild -S -sa) and putting comments etc. is working. the test build is included the next days08:01
dholbachautomatic linda and lintian are additional features08:01
ograbut we feel it would belong into the DC, but we need a sbuild capable environment, so a vserver might not work08:01
\shwe have only limited resources on our servers, siretart has only a vserver without the possibility to create a sbuild env. and I have only my server with more then one service running on it08:01
ogra(strike one but :) )08:01
\shdholbach: it's included already ;)08:02
\shwe can inject all automatic tests we need through hooks08:02
dholbach\sh: i didn't say they were missing :)08:02
\shok, now we're looking for a permanent home :)08:03
mdz\sh: are you interested in working on AutomatedTesting as well? ;-)08:03
mdzright, the matter at hand08:03
sabdflare the linode servers not capable of sbuild?08:03
\shmdz: let me do my other todos first :) 08:03
Kamionsurely you can chroot from a vserver ...08:04
=== \sh needs a cloning facility ;)
mdzassuming you get root in the vserver08:04
ogramdz, \sh  first needs to write a KDE version of gnome-power )08:04
\shKamion: sbuild also? would u provide us with a solution? what we found out, that we need admin capabilities08:04
\shand then update-manager and SER and my normal work, and then life 08:05
sabdflmdz: i think linode gives you root08:05
sabdflit's either Xen or UML based08:05
ogra\sh, forget about your normal work, who nees TV anyway :)08:05
Kamion\sh: if you don't have root, then indeed that would be a problem; if you do, then it's relatively straightforward assuming sufficient disk space08:05
mdzsbuild just requires root08:05
\shogra: u pay my rent? ,-)08:06
ograheh, depends *g*08:06
\shand my wife ;-) 08:06
\shex at least ;)08:06
ograNO !08:06
\shmore expensive ;)08:06
dholbachguys... :)08:06
ograok, offtopic here08:06
mdz\sh: so is the root issue that you need help setting up sbuild?08:07
ogramdz, nope, we'd like a machine in the DC08:07
sabdflogra: why?08:07
\shmdz: it's that and resources...I can handle only a bit more...but then my server will break 08:07
ograsbuild in the test env is already running08:08
sabdflhow about a linode?08:08
ograsabdfl, can we ge sbuild running there ?08:08
ograget even08:08
sabdflogra: yes, i believe so, it's a root environment08:08
sabdflUML i think08:08
ograah, great, then this would suffice08:08
ograelmo, objections ?08:09
sabdflelmo: we need to get a purchase order for a bunch of linode's in08:10
elmothis is a buildd that only accepts uploads signed by universe maintainers right?08:10
ograelmo, yes08:10
sabdflthen we need a very lightweight process to get those fired up08:10
\shelmo: yes08:10
dholbachelmo: and MOTU hopefuls08:10
ograelmo, with additional acess control before08:10
elmoif so - I'm 95% completed work on something that makes it a moot point08:10
elmooh, ok, not for MOTU hopefuls08:10
mdzthis is essentially entirely untrusted stuff08:10
mdzit's probably not even signed at the moment08:11
elmook, nm then08:11
sabdflelmo: we will need the "build a package for anybody" stuff in due course, but i think linode is the answer for this one08:11
mdzand certainly not by a key we can authenticate08:11
\shthere is no package coming from this system08:11
elmosabdfl: want me to sort that out?08:11
sabdflelmo: yes please08:11
\shall packages are reviewed only and uploaded by MOTUs with upload right to universe08:11
mdzsabdfl: as long as it doesn't steal cycles from backports ;-)08:12
dholbach\sh: NO, they are uploaded by MOTU hopefuls as well08:12
ogradholbach, he means in the end08:12
dholbachogra: well uploads to the archive were already handled before :)08:12
ogradholbach, yeps08:13
mdzok, so the resolution is to set up a linode system to run these builds08:14
mdzany further unresolved issues?08:14
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sabdfl\sh: we will pay for the linode system, she's yours to play with08:14
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mdz\sh: will this meet your needs?08:14
\shsabdfl: we are honoured :) and I have to say thx for siretart in absence as well :)08:14
sabdflelmo: let's talk about a streamlined linode-for-community deal tomorrow?08:15
\shmdz: of course08:15
elmosabdfl: sure08:15
sabdflelmo: are you in london tomorrow?08:15
elmosabdfl: all week08:15
mdzI am in london in ~48 hours08:15
sabdflnext up?08:15
sabdflmdz: rock :-)08:15
ograsabdfl, done :)08:15
mdzthat's the end of the agenda08:15
mdzany other business?08:15
sabdfl\sh: REVU looks very cool, well done08:16
\shsabdfl: I will report it to siretart, I think he will be very proud to hear that :) 08:16
ograsabdfl, its siretarts baby, \sh has set up the backend08:16
mdzok, looks like it's safe to adjourn08:17
mdzthanks, everyone08:17
\shthx mdz08:17
ograthanks mdz 08:17
pittithanks folks08:17
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dholbachthanks mdz08:18
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