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infinitydoko : pong.05:36
dokoinfinity, lamont: please push tulip to the buildd's on powerpc and ia6408:57
lamontdoko: given back09:12
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dokolamont: clanlib as well please09:23
=== lamont sleeps, noting that it's 0130 local
fabbionehey good night lamont09:33
dokoelmo: do you removals of packages from universe, or do the MOTU's handle these (i.e. librudiments0 source)09:35
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jbaileyfabbione: ping?02:04
fabbionejbailey: pong02:09
jbaileyI donj't see that initrd-tools bug anymore, did you steal it back from me?02:12
jbaileyOr am I just sleepy still and missing it? =)02:13
jbaileyOH, I See.  Just highi on the list from no comments, my bad.02:15
jbaileyDid you get a chance to look at it at all?02:15
fabbionejbailey: yes.. i told you what the problem was and you said you were going to fix it before this morning :)02:18
fabbioneso that i could test it on carlos machine02:18
fabbionebut we are anyway too late to get it in for today02:18
fabbionewe need to upload a kernel asap02:18
jbaileyUmm, I told you that I would have it for you for today.  I attached it to the bug last night.02:19
jbaileyThere's a new mkinitrd on there.02:19
fabbionei didn't get the mail02:19
jbaileyOh, you're not cc:'d on the bug.02:20
jbaileyHadn't even though to look. =(02:20
jbaileythought, rather.02:20
jbaileyAlthough the QA contact is setu.02:20
fabbionelet see if carlos is around..02:21
fabbioneotherwise tough luck02:21
fabbionejbailey: bingo02:26
fabbionemodprobe -k  unix 2> /dev/null02:26
fabbionemodprobe -k  megaraid_mbox02:26
fabbionemodprobe -k  megaraid02:26
fabbionemodprobe -k  sd_mod02:26
fabbionejbailey: ok.. we are still in time...02:27
fabbionecan you upload the changes on the fly and tell me the initrd version?02:27
jbaileySure, gimme a sec.02:28
=== jbailey wonders if there's anything else that needs to go in here urgently.
jbaileySuck, bugzilla doesn't let me go directly from needsinfo to pending upload.02:31
fabbioneyeah just close it02:32
fabbioneif you can also upload it.. the kernel i am uploading in 10 minutes will be more happy :P02:32
jbaileyOff she goes, check for her at the :0302:34
fabbioneyup.. great02:43
fabbionekernel is on the way too02:43
fabbionei am having a stupid problem with linux-meta02:44
fabbionePackage: linux02:44
fabbioneArchitecture: i386 amd64 sparc ia6402:44
fabbioneSection: restricted/base02:44
fabbionePriority: optional02:44
fabbioneDepends: linux-386 [i386] , linux-amd64-generic [amd64] , linux-sparc64 [sparc] , linux-itanium-smp [ia64] 02:44
fabbioneDescription: Generic complete Linux kernel.02:44
fabbione This package will always depend on the latest generic complete Linux kernel02:44
fabbione available.02:44
fabbionefor some reasons building it...02:44
jbaileyI don't think you can do depends like that.02:44
fabbionethe Depends line doesn't appear at all in the control file inside the deb02:44
jbaileyOnly build-dep02:44
jbaileyDepends lines are supposed to be generated if you need that type of magic.02:44
fabbioneah crap02:44
elmojbailey: you can do that with modern dpkg, actually02:45
jbaileyOh, cool. =)02:45
elmoerr, I think.02:45
=== fabbione checks what version of dpkg is using
elmoI thought you could - it was something doogie added quietly02:45
elmoscott may have un-added it :)02:45
jbaileyWhen a gave a shit about hurd-i386^UThat would have been handy a while ago...02:45
fabbioneelmo: no it doesn't.. :/02:55
jbaileyfabbione: BTW, James Morrison said he'll look at the sparc generation bug for us as soon as I get him a sparcstation online to hack on or get one shipped to him (since I have his old sparc box)03:03
fabbioneah cool03:03
jbaileyI'll get the U5 hooked up after I move, but I will probably start a hunt for a slightly sexier box shortly after that. =)03:04
jbaileyWe need someone big and corporate to be interested in sending us sunblades. =)03:04
fabbionei know03:10
jbaileyI wonder if BenC is still willing to send me one on the Debian side.03:10
jbaileyHe had mentioned that I Should talk to him about it.03:11
fabbionesubstvars hates me03:11
fabbionecat linux-meta- 03:13
fabbioneDepends: ${generic-depends}03:13
fabbionedpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${generic-depends}03:13
fabbionewhat am i missing?03:14
fabbionethe substvars file is created way before the call to gencontrol03:14
Mithrandirtry dpkg-gencontrol -Vgeneric-depends=linux-386  ?03:14
Mithrandirnot that it should make a difference, tho03:15
jbaileyIs it being masked by a per-package substvars?03:16
Mithrandiror you could make it be Depends: linux-${Arch} if that was appropriate.03:16
fabbioneunfornatly it's not map 1:103:17
fabbionefor arch i mean03:17
fabbionejbailey: nope.. it's the only one03:17
fabbionedh_gencontrol -s -Vgeneric-depends=linux-38603:18
fabbionedpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${generic-depends}03:18
jbaileyfuckage with -'s?03:19
jbaileytry genericDepends ?03:19
fabbionedh_gencontrol -s -VgenericDepends=linux-38603:20
fabbionedpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${genericDepends}03:20
fabbionethere fixed03:30
fabbioneyou need to tell gencontrol from what file to grab the vars.. go figure03:31
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elmolaminitiy: crested/king are back05:21
elmopls don't retry ruby until I get a chance to upgrade the kernel05:21
elmospeaking of - fabbione, what's the status of 2.6.12, is the one I just de-NEWed good to go?05:23
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lamont__hppa builds gcc-3.4, preparing for a fresh start10:30
=== lamont__ seems to recall that the order was {doxygen,expect-tcl8.3}, gcc-3.4, glibc, the world
lamont__oh - gcc-defaults too.10:32
=== lamont__ tries to remember if he wants the new glibc before or after gcc-{3.[34] ,4.0}
=== lamont__ notes that toolchain deps are even worse now
lamont__order is: {doxygen, expect-tcl8.3[hppa] , dpkg}, {linux-kernel-headers, binutils}, binutils, glibc, gcc-{3.[34] ,4.0}, gcc-defaults 11:36
lamont__oops, scratch that second binutils. :-)11:37
lamont__and then there's xorg. :-11:42

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