[12:00] korCZiz, make-kpkg --initrd [12:00] read manpages... [12:00] Breezy is great !! :) [12:00] !breezy [12:00] Breezy is due for release in October 2005 If you need to ask if it can be used yet, you shouldn't use it (X is broken, and other important packages could be too) [12:00] xryy: hehe i lived in sweden for a while. i just need to ask another person a Q before answering. [12:00] korCZiz, and even then, you should use mkinitrd instead of mkcramfs... [12:00] ubotu: ahhhhhhhhhh thanks [12:00] remyforbes777: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? [12:01] remyforbes777: psssst ubotu is a robot [12:01] <_zero> can anyone help me with problems with my sound... (aka i've got no output it seems) === katzor [~udssr@p54BA0A36.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["night] [12:01] _zero, do you hear the system sounds (like the drumming when you get the login screen)? [12:01] <_zero> nopers [12:01] <_zero> Sorry, no I don't Seveas [12:01] _zero, does /dev/dsp exist? [12:02] <_zero> Seveas - yeah - and am using kubuntu btw [12:02] Seveas, back up: gdm is running but not xorg :( [12:02] Seveas: how i said many time before mkinitrd is not working [12:02] Seveas, oh btw I forgot to mention..XP is fine..no crashes I dont think but then my time spent in it is slashed compared to linux.but im usually in xp for a day stretch or so and over months use I dont see crashing so I dont suspect nvidia 3d which I have in xp as well..then again who knows..im not sure anyone does yet..it seems to effect other distros too SHRUG [12:02] <_zero> zero@omikani:~$ ls -la /dev/dsp [12:02] <_zero> crw-rw---- 1 root audio 14, 3 2005-06-27 21:00 /dev/dsp [12:02] IFRFLYR, any clues from /var/log/xorg.0.log? [12:02] Seveas: mknitrd dont produce ANY output [12:02] Seveas: i don't use gnome, a guy here has an odd gnome related error (though not terminal) where 'line 1760 of gconf-editor references an alternative version of libesd-alsa0 (i think - it's in norweigen). can he purge gconf-editor and reinstall it? [12:02] Ah, one sec [12:02] korCZiz: mkinitrd is broken [12:02] _zero, do you perhaps have multiple soundcards (like an onboard one and a real one)? [12:02] korCZiz: it's broken here also, happened after a recent upgrade [12:02] delire: yes it is and i have red it on net [12:03] neighborlee, the winxp nvidia driver is much better supported than the linux nvidia driver unfortunately === delire notes korCZiz and I can both confirm mkinitrd is broken as of a recent version. [12:03] <_zero> Seveas - I'll check - I dont think so... /me gets on hands and knees [12:03] Seveas: maybe this is a clue... "/var/log/xorg.0.log: No such file or directory" ? [12:03] delire: so i NEED mkcramfs to CREATE initrd but i dont know which dir must be passed as one of args.. [12:03] Need some help for ACPI , I got a Athlon XP-M 2800+ in my Packard Bell Laptop, and it just overheats and shuts down . Been messing arround with powernowd and acpi , but it just don't seems to work =/ [12:03] IFRFLYR, :| [12:03] Agtreed [12:03] zyth: are you awake? [12:03] Beep Media Player AND XMMS freezes on me when trying to play something. Any clues anyone? [12:03] er...s/agtreed/agreed [12:04] I NEED NEW KERNEL VERSION [12:04] Seveas, yeah tis true sadly [12:04] korCZiz, yoi should file a bug about mkinitrd being broken, or read the manpage for mkcramfs :) [12:04] korCZiz: why ? [12:04] concept10: Something else is using /dev/dsp? [12:04] xryy: try 'apt-get install --reinstall gconf-editor' [12:04] concept10: To make xmms or beep-media-player actually play things, change the audio output plugin to eSound [12:04] Seveas, I would l hope nvidia is trying to help track this given its closed source :( [12:04] resiak, nope === Chrischan [~Chrischan@p54BFD4D8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] Seveas, I still suspect xorg though === thotypous [~thotypous@201-26-65-222.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] gah...what security update is this? kernel? [12:04] Seveas, I never had crashing with warty..not ever [12:04] Seveas: in manpages is not writen which dir must be passed as argument [12:04] neighborlee, try using the nv driver === djm62 hates rebooting [12:05] Seveas, that is simpy not a option.I must have 3d due to game developement [12:05] korCZiz: i am in exactly the same boat. i ditched the ramdisk and went for a mono boot. === thekoreuk [~thekoreuk@dsl-80-43-164-35.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] cavediver: because is just one way how to create initrd.img [12:05] Seveas: any other ideas? [12:05] same message [12:05] korCZiz, in the manpage of mkinitrd, it is described how it works... [12:05] Seveas, but I think friends that use ubuntu dont have crashing..he's using [12:05] korCZiz: Why not run the kernel you have now ? [12:05] Seveas, 'nv' I think..shrug at this point I dont know what to do as I really must have 3d enabled ;-)) [12:05] neighborlee, I mean just to test it, so you can point out which one is the bad guy on your system [12:06] Seveas, I must try other combos I guess and try to find what fixes it [12:06] xryy: jesus! well it's not a terminal error. in fact it's pretty harmless. i have no idea quite why that's happening though. i do see "6 not fully installed or removed." which i believe is where your problem is. this is why i thought 'dpkg --configure -a' would assist. at least a 'apt-get -f install' === aurax [~aurax@bzq-218-44-187.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] Seveas, trouble is its such a random crash I have no idea how long i'd have to use 'nv' just to be sure its not something else..oh well life is grand LOL [12:06] anyone here uses kolab2? [12:06] lol neighborlee :) === djm62 waits to see if he will be told to reboot === SnakeBite [~SnakeBite@] has joined #ubuntu === yuacht [~zth@h-83-140-113-25.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] djm62, you must reboot :p [12:07] (just messing with ya) [12:07] korCZiz: i always try to stay a month behind the latest stable kernel. === Fazer [~fazer@CPE0050f276c615-CM0012c90fe42a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] horray! [12:07] Seveas, ill consider using 'nv' for a while though to see..test the HELL out of this OS LOL [12:07] awesome, it worked. [12:07] BTW delire, yes, CTRL+ALT+F1 works as expected [12:07] Fazer: hehe grand ;) well done [12:07] Seveas: I meant the kernel update...will it popup a warning? [12:08] delire: maybe good idea [12:08] nope :-/ [12:08] IFRFLYR, ps aux | grep X shows nothing? [12:08] IFRFLYR: i would read 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE' === AlexMBa1 [~AlexMBas@] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] Seveas: Correct! [12:08] delire, no such file :| [12:08] Seveas: except the grep itself [12:08] Seveas: yikes.. [12:08] delire: do i have to install ubuntu again? [12:08] IFRFLYR, try /var/log/messages === NetGeek [~dbasinge@xlaptop130.lib.utah.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Psycho275 [~Psycho275@81-86-245-114.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #Ubuntu [12:09] or /var/log/dmesg [12:09] delire: i think it happened after i installed java [12:09] maybe something has been thrown in there [12:09] xryy: not at all. you just need to configure those 6 packages that haven't been configured properly yet. somehow these were not installed properly. === jMi [~jmi@cpc1-ruth3-3-0-cust173.renf.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:09] Seveas: Sorry: ps aux | grep xorg shows nothing. grep x shows xscreensaver and x-session manager but no xorg. [12:09] xryy: hmm === Betty__ [bambas@] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] Checking demesg [12:09] dmesg [12:09] IFRFLYR, grep X === Psycho275 [~Psycho275@81-86-245-114.dsl.pipex.com] has left #Ubuntu ["Leaving"] === mhz [~mhz@mhz.fan.moinmoin] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] with capital X [12:09] Mo9in! [12:09] moin! [12:09] good evening mhz [12:10] evening Mr.Seveas [12:10] xryy: wait a moment.. [12:10] woohoo [12:10] World of Warcraft runs at 100% in normal old WIne for me [12:10] zyth: great, now on to MS office 2005 [12:10] zyth: hmm, what card? [12:10] hey.. I bet mhz would know what is a "multiseat system"? [12:11] delire, GeForce Ti4200 [12:11] Seveas: /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7 [12:11] nalioth, um ew? [12:11] ;) [12:11] IFRFLYR, so X *IS* running... [12:11] Weird, though! === Vinh [~Vinh@ppp221-241.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] yes [12:11] blank screeen, but I do hear the music. . . . [12:11] try playing with your notebooks external/internal display switch [12:12] CarlFK: it happens to be my initials are m.h.z in Chile :) nothing techier than that [12:12] :) [12:12] ah, the old mhz myth [12:12] None i know of Seveas: this notebook just came out of the box from HP and ... wait for it...The display works in windows. . But also, I can get terminal windows on screens 1-6 and 8-9 [12:12] xryy: i want to find all the packages that are a problem currently on your system. do this 'dpkg -C | --audit' [12:13] CarlFK: is that a system licenesed for multiple users? [12:13] mhz - opps. I was thinking you were mdz... one of the main if not the main Ubuntu dudes [12:13] bash: --audit: command not found [12:13] nalioth - if I knew, I wouldn't be asking ;) [12:13] Anyone knows of any ubuntu cutomization LiveCD/Installable based on XFCE4 or Fluxbox ?? [12:13] IFRFLYR, I suggest you send out an e-mail to ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com, this sounds like a bug to me [12:13] CarlFK: np === nalioth runs off to ask uncle google [12:14] isn't multiseat dual-monitor dual keyboard etc [12:14] mhz, check the buntu wikipage [12:14] Really? === Poromies [~PoroUkko@j158.ip2.netikka.fi] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] Seveas, thanks - Linux has too many sound protocols (along with everything else) [12:14] djm62, yes it is [12:14] xryy: 'dpkg -C'? === ufo- [~PunK@] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] dpkg: tolkingsfeil, i fila /var/lib/dpkg/available nr linje 1760 pakken gconf-editor: [12:15] does gweather works on ubuntu for anyone? It doesn't work for me on three different machines.. [12:15] Depends-felt, referanse til libesd-alsa0: versjon inneholder === murphy [~murphy@c-24-10-166-226.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === dolny [~dolny@99-2.echostar.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] djm62 - the only thing I can think of is mulit nic because I have both a pci nic (that is detected) and an isa one (3c509, no module loaded, so I don't see how it could see it) [12:15] hoary that is.. sorry === thingy [~jinesh@] has joined #ubuntu === Raptoid [~raptoid@] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] xryy, try LC_ALL=C dpkg -C [12:15] anyone know a good media player for ubuntu? [12:15] Maybe we can understand the output then [12:15] vlc [12:15] vlcplayer [12:15] CarlFK: what's the problem? [12:15] :) [12:16] :) [12:16] murphy, vlc/totem/beep-media-player/mplayer [12:16] CarlFK: too far up for me to see [12:16] dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 1760 package `gconf-editor': [12:16] CarlFK: djm62 was correct, a 'multiseat system' is one in which multiple users can log into the same box at the same time and both have their own xserver === mgalvin [~mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] `Depends' field, reference to `libesd-alsa0': version contains ` ' [12:16] i can't install enlightement properly on my kubuntu === mgalvin [~mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:16] xryy, eeeeeek, sounds like your available file is fubar [12:16] I have totem right now, and it won't play ANYTHING! [12:16] djm62 - trying to install hoary and get an error dialog - something about trouble setting up a multiseat system [12:16] no such option in GDM after installation [12:16] if i add it manually Gnome launches instead of E17 [12:16] that sux [12:17] wtf does that mean, Seveas ? [12:17] The Gracious Gooseberry release? does this affect only x86_64 in x86 emulation mode? [12:17] murphy - try vlcplayer [12:17] xryy, try apt-get update [12:17] CarlFK: do you have multiple graphics cards (perhaps onboard and additional?) [12:17] CarlFK: did you see the ubuntu forums re multiseat? [12:17] i did [12:17] murphy: or eventually kaffeine (for kde but great as a default player after installation) [12:17] it works fine [12:17] vlcplayer - google iti [12:17] it [12:17] concept10: was that before or after "stinky skunk"? [12:17] hmm, leme look... could be... [12:17] Last week I googled everywhere , unsuccessfully, for a solution to having an iBook run in a different resoltion than 800x640 (which is forced by default and any changes to xorg won't take effect) Any ideas? [12:17] does gweather work on hoary? [12:17] xryy: try dpkg --record-avail -R /var/lib/apt/lists [12:17] murphy: have you installed suitable codecs? http://ubuntuguide.org/#codecs [12:18] CarlFK: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-May/007371.html [12:18] nalioth, thats a funny name - when will it end? [12:18] mhz: what kind of ibook? mine runs o-o-t-b at 1024x768 === DagaZ [~rolle@h34n1fls35o858.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] white one, 15 inches [12:18] nalioth - um, cool - but not me. one keyboard/mouse/video === delire [~delire@cpe.atm2-0-71124.0x50a62a92.boanxx16.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] concept10: i'm not the one who started the weird animal version names, look at apple [12:19] xryy, did that work..? [12:19] xryy: sorry about that, battery died [12:19] dpkg -C work? [12:19] dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 1760 package `gconf-editor': [12:19] `Depends' field, reference to `libesd-alsa0': version contains ` ' [12:19] ok, delire === hackeron [~hackeron@hackeron.user.gentoo] has joined #ubuntu === fatou [~fatou@tra78-1-82-235-114-214.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] mhz: that's weird, i have a dual-usb white iBook2 G3/600 and my rez defaulted to 1024x768 [12:19] xryy, even after dpkg --record-avail? [12:19] mhz: have you run the reconfigure thing? [12:19] how do I edit track preferences in rhythmbox? -- I right click on track, click on properties, see text fields where I'm supposed to edit, but I cant add or change anything... === lw [~lw@h76.40.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] nalioth: yep, that was 1st thing [12:20] mhz: or added settings to your xorg.conf (or whatever it is) [12:20] nalioth: yep, that was 2nd thing :) [12:20] Seveas: yes === kafeine [~kori@] has left #ubuntu ["f0ck] [12:20] how do i check how much ram (free/max) from the console? [12:20] xryy, odd.. [12:20] Seveas: i think he needs to audit the 6 partially configured packages on his system. === gm78 [~gm78@S01060004e28f5eac.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] mhz: i have a 3d guess. did you run the reconfigure thing and choose VESA as the driver? === parabolize [~paraboliz@68-69-136-167.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] delire, well, a parse error in the available file is not too good either === BoD_SWAT [~swat@dsl159-68-100.fastxdsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] Seveas: no it's not.. [12:21] xryy, another try: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* [12:21] nalioth: that I have not done yet! THX for that 3r one .) [12:21] and then apt-get update [12:21] mhz: the VESA driver will run a dead skunk === StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === haich [~haich@214.Red-83-45-254.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] hi all - i want to create a new user and from the desktop, I select: System ; Administration ; Users and groups ; and then === Fazer [~fazer@CPE0050f276c615-CM0012c90fe42a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] put in the root user's password and i get an error message [12:21] How does Ubuntu manage send out free cds to anyone who asks? Who bears the cost of media and postage? [12:21] does anyone have any suggestions ? [12:22] rm: cannot remove `/var/lib/apt/lists/partial': Is a directory [12:22] boomer77, it wants *YOUR* passwords === mauper [~mauper@dsl-082-082-172-145.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] thingy: Canonical [12:22] thingy: the sponsor/owner is a bazillionaire [12:22] boomer77: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo [12:22] boomer77, enter your user password, not the root password [12:22] xryy, that's ok [12:22] anyone? [12:22] xryy, try apt-get update now [12:22] nalioth: "dead shunk" ? [12:22] how to check ram from console? [12:22] lw: top [12:22] lw: /proc/ [12:22] lw: or free [12:22] thingy, Canonical sponsors Ubuntu, the owner is rich [12:22] dmesg [12:22] lw, cat /proc/meminfo [12:22] mhz: all modern video cards (way back at least 4 years) are VESA compliant [12:23] uh [12:23] i entered the user's password and got "failed to run users-admin Child termeinated with 196 status [12:23] mhz: so you can drag out that ancient cirrus card and VESA will run it [12:23] Seveas: done [12:23] thanks for the url for root/sudo [12:23] heh, I chose to download it and save Ubuntu the money! [12:23] boomer77, run sudo users-admin from a normal terminal, what happens? === djm62 [~djm62@82-40-60-28.cable.ubr08.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [12:23] xryy, does dpkg -C still give that error? === yfrank [~frank@65-102-152-106.tukw.qwest.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:23] yes === zever [~zever@kotnet-145.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has left #ubuntu ["Heading] [12:23] :| [12:23] xryy: wow [12:24] i got asked for a password and i put in my user's password [12:24] xryy, are you using unofficial repositories? [12:24] boomer77, and it worked..? [12:24] and it says username is not in the sudoers file [12:24] Seveas: did the bulb just light up? [12:24] and the prompt appeared again [12:24] would someone be kind enough to tell me if gwather works for him in Hoary? [12:24] Seveas: hm, yes, or, im using the one that's in ubuntuguide.org [12:24] boomer77, then add it to the sudoers file as a user who can (the user created when installing the system can) [12:25] xryy, ubuntuguide.org is bad... [12:25] xryy: ubuntuguide will (and has) led you astray [12:25] There someone doh === MasterYoda [~mnicholso@] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] now im mad [12:25] xryy: hopefully it can be recovered from [12:25] thanks - do I just add the name of the user to the end of the file ? [12:25] hm [12:25] should i reinstall ubuntu? [12:25] any one in here know anything about the network-manager package in breezy? [12:25] xryy, try: sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/available /var/lib/dpkg/available_old [12:26] nalioth: thx for the tip, I'll try it on wednesday (when I'll be in front of the machine) [12:26] Seveas: could he cd into /var/lib/dpkg and mv available available.old? [12:26] xryy, and then apt-get update [12:26] delire, LOL!! [12:26] haha bet me to it [12:26] amazing... [12:26] ;) [12:26] Great minds DO think alike ;) [12:26] mhz: np, i have 2 ibooks (and 0 other machines) [12:26] Seveas: done [12:26] hah [12:26] xryy, and, what does dpkg -C say? [12:27] nalioth: that's why, tehn! [12:27] then [12:27] oh goodie - it happens in breezy too [12:27] dpkg: failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' for reading: No such file or directory === Blissex [~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu [12:27] Seveas: has someone been playing with your tanks EM shield? === CarlFK waits for the "don't use breezy" lashing... [12:27] gweather is not working, not working on my hoary... does anyone have a working gweather in hoary or breezy, whatever...? [12:27] xryy, dpkg --record-avail -R /var/lib/apt/lists [12:27] dont use hoary! [12:28] CarlFK: nomasteryoda knows what he's getting into [12:28] ufo- My weather does not work except under gkrellm - that works fine === dsr [~fboyer@HSE-Montreal-ppp345971.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] dpkg: failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' for reading: No such file or directory [12:28] :| [12:28] hang on... [12:28] IFRFLYR, great, let me just catch the gay that develops gweather [12:28] it's not working for months now.. I don't know whats up with that.. [12:28] Seveas: can xryy 'touch' a new one? [12:28] Not so fast - it works on my...ahem...gentoo machine :) === IceDC571 [~IceDC571@c-67-188-217-188.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] i had a fc4 installation before this one, and it didn't work there either [12:29] whats that make command to remove a program? i forget === Tatster [~Miranda@82-34-96-139.cable.ubr06.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] see if there's make uninstal [12:29] l [12:29] IceDC571: apt-get remove program [12:30] Seveas and delire: thaks for the help, but i think im reinstalling [12:30] that not make [12:30] IceDC571: 'dpkg -P program' also [12:30] *'s [12:30] IceDC571: you shouldnt need a 'make' command to remove stuff. that depends on the packager including a 'clean' script (which lots don't ) [12:30] xryy: !! === Funraiser [~Funraiser@] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] xryy, cd /var/lib/dpkg [12:30] xryy, wget http://ubuntu-nl.org/~dennis/available [12:30] Hi - can someone help me with a wierd Apache problem on Ubuntu? [12:30] that is a correct hoary available file [12:30] IceDC571: you should use "checkinstall" instead of "make install" so your apt can keep track of your stuff [12:30] Seveas: good thought.. [12:30] well, i did make install for wine, now i want to remove wine [12:30] no, thank you, im just reinstalling [12:30] xryy, your call :) [12:30] IceDC571: good luck [12:30] xryy: this is fixable! [12:30] and apt-get remove wont help.. [12:31] IceDC571: if you have a "make clean" option in your wine build dir, that would be it [12:31] okay thanks nalioth [12:31] IceDC571: sorry, thats make uninstall [12:31] xryy: try 'sudo dselect update' first. [12:31] IceDC571: for user compiled and installed programs you'll need to 'whereis program' and remove all those files if you don't have a 'make uninstall' option === gm78 [~gm78@S01060004e28f5eac.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] IceDC571: and in the future, use "checkinstall" (yes it sux for pkg maintenance, but its just fine for yer local system) instead of "make install" [12:32] delire: it works :).. damn im lucky they have an uninstall script for wine === pressurem [~pressurem@ip-202-37-228-1.internet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] hehe === pressurem [~pressurem@ip-202-37-228-1.internet.co.nz] has left #ubuntu [] === MasterYoda [~mnicholso@] has left #ubuntu [] === pressurem [~pressurem@ip-202-37-228-1.internet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] make uninstall only works for the few apps that have an uninstall script im guessing [12:33] yes [12:33] IceDC571: yes corret [12:33] whereis! here's a new one to me, much better than find :) [12:33] hm [12:33] the dselect update works [12:33] no problem anymore [12:34] haha [12:34] IceDC571: and that depends on the programmer not being lazy (the rule is "no uninstall script", usually) [12:34] uniq: nice one [12:34] thanks guys [12:34] Peace out [12:34] delire: :) [12:34] hey, is anyone using asterisk pbx on ubuntu? [12:34] uniq: does that generate a /var/lib/dpkg/available? [12:34] delire: yes. [12:34] uniq: good tip, cheers === chris_ [~chris@dsl-213-023-064-004.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] thanks everybody that helped me ;) [12:36] good old dselect to the rescue === nikkia [~nikki@3ffe:80ee:33e6:1:202:2dff:fe8b:59b2] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] byebye [12:38] but now [12:38] i have another question.. [12:39] my screensaver have a really bad fps, and i think there's something about the drivers, but i cant find any drivers for ati radeon 9600xt i apt [12:39] i=in === spawn [1001@pool-68-239-168-218.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] xryy: you can install the non free-software (but 0$) ATI drivers for that card or use the opensource drivers, though you will miss out on a few Graphical Processing Unit features like 'shaders' === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu [] [12:41] xryy: try 'sudo modprobe radeon' === Jadugarr84 [~chris@12-203-179-26.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu === reisio [~reisio@reisio.user.gentoo] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] xryy [12:44] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto [12:44] anybody getting spam from Betty__ ? === cphase [~THilton@] has joined #ubuntu === chombee [~sean@CPE00c049e51d9b-CM0011ae92b74a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === root__ [~root@S0106001217e3e751.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] Hello - I wondered if anyone else had found that using gnome-menu-editor and smeg really messes up the GNOME menu in random ways, and if there's any way to reset the gnome menu? [12:45] How do you convert MP3s to OGM? [12:45] reisio, can you paste it to me in private [12:46] Seveas: I'm not, someone else was [12:46] reisio, ah [12:46] Kyral: Do you really want to do that? You will lose quality [12:46] Seveas: bant in #gentoo :p [12:46] kicked, rather [12:46] erm, both :) [12:46] Kyral - OGM? [12:46] nah :P [12:46] Seveas: do you need a date that badly? [12:46] nm === DjMadness [~DjMadness@0x53586bc8.naenxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] reisio, you mean Betty__ ? [12:46] ya [12:46] nalioth, lol no :) [12:46] hi network nooby here. i am trying to network boot machines from a dhcp server . when i push f12 on the terminal it says make shure root path is configured ? anyone know how to configure DHCP [12:46] whatever open source audio format :D === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has left #ubuntu [] === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Invisible_Magi [~Invisible@] has joined #Ubuntu [12:47] ogg :p [12:47] Kyral: get sox [12:47] Kyral: sox.sf.net [12:47] yah yah yah :D === zoople [~zoople@ppp224-123.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] Kyral: You could convert them to FLAC [12:47] root__ - what kind of netboot? [12:47] Kyral: its best to use oggenc (or other ogg rippeer) straight from the original cd [12:47] They will get bigger though === keffo [~keffo@user150.82-197-233.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] I need something that will xfer onto my iPod nicely :D [12:47] hello all. need help finding Zinf on my system. how do i run it? [12:47] nalioth: ehhh, I don't HAVE original cds :D [12:47] gtkpod [12:47] Kyral: does your 'pod run linux? [12:47] dhcp thin client network boot [12:47] zoople: ls /usr/bin [12:47] nalioth: Not yet :D [12:48] zoople: ls /usr/bin | less, even [12:48] k, and what am i looking for? [12:48] Kyral: well, to my knowlege, the 'pod only plays mp3z and aacs (and im not sure about mp3z) [12:48] zoople: the name === ironmc [~dick@c-67-188-18-201.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] root__ - here is close: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//LocalNetInstall [12:48] doesnt have it there === Koi [~CYPRINUS@CPE0004e2ace05c-CM014310000680.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["you] [12:49] nalioth, it plays MP3s [12:49] Kyral: so your choices are aac and mp3 [12:49] Kyral: until you install linux on the 'pod than you can watch movies on it [12:49] nalioth: took the words out of my mouth [12:49] root__ - what distro are you trying to boot? [12:49] zoople: anything in man zinf? === dajar_ [~dajar@cpc3-leed1-6-0-cust142.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] no manual entry for Zinf [12:50] And more importantly, why on earth are you IRCing as root? [12:50] anyone here got a static 32bit mplayer binary that supports -vo x11? [12:50] Okay, I'm lazy [12:50] cafuego, can i talk to you in private for a sec? [12:50] AWESOME thanks thats exactly what i was looking for [12:50] Seveas: Give me a few moments... [12:50] I just made a bash alias for "killall gnome-panel" [12:51] Kyral: great! now you're addicted (only takes one) [12:51] heh [12:51] ubuntu === tkiesel [~bones@] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] I have a big alias file, want to see? :P [12:51] is there like a FAQ or begginers tutorial i should read? [12:51] I made an alias for "mount /media/anime" [12:51] root__ - what makes you think you can do it? === BoD_SWAT [~swat@dsl159-68-100.fastxdsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] Kyral: nah, your aliases are incompatible with my aliases [12:52] I used synaptic on a hoary system to install apache2 and php4.I have to say it really is messed up. [12:52] Kyral: my ~/.bashrc is 6 years old. i'd be a criminal to post it here ;) [12:52] see i just have to make the dhcp server tell the clients what to do properly [12:52] zoople: https://wiki.ubuntu.com [12:52] lol [12:52] because the clients are communicating with the server [12:52] tiredbones: Did you also get libapache2-php4 ? === cphase [~THilton@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:52] ok thanks. maybe i should read that [12:53] root__ - um... like I said... [12:53] zoople: there is info there to boggle the mind [12:53] root__ - what makes you think you can do it? [12:53] tkiesel, yes [12:53] zoople: so "zinf" doesn't run it? [12:53] because my friend super linux nerd configured it [12:53] nope [12:53] then i wrecked it when i relocated the server === omaru_ [~omaru@] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] tiredbones: What's messed up about it? [12:53] what directory am i in? [12:54] /usr/bin? [12:54] its looking for [12:54] zoople: what happens if you run "zinf" in a terminal? [12:54] zoople: at the prompt of a terminal, type "pwd" [12:54] but the server is === LostSole [~drain@dsl081-059-028.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] bash: zinf: command not found [12:54] root__ - hmm. ok, lets start from the beginning... A is the server, B is a client. does B pxe net boot? [12:54] zoople: hum, what makes you think you installed it? [12:54] maybe i didnt [12:54] tkiesel, when start the server it's looking for libphp4.so in /etc/apach2/modules/, but [12:55] i could have done it wrong [12:55] how do i install it? [12:55] yes b has F12 network service boot [12:55] I'm pretty sure "zinf" is the command [12:55] there in /usr/lib/apache2/modules. [12:55] theres actually 8 b's [12:55] zoople: ask the channel - I don't use Ubuntu === __Ace__ [~love@h55l211.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] oh ok..thanks [12:55] root__ - one is enough ;) [12:55] zoople: probably apt-get zinf install or something on commandline [12:55] how do i install zinf..channel [12:55] zoople: open synaptic and search for zinf [12:55] synaptic? [12:55] root__ - is everthing on the same server? === darmou [~darmou@CPE-61-9-146-174.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] tiredbones: Ahhh. Un momento. [12:56] root__ - dhcp, tftp, nfs, whatever else [12:56] zoople: System > admin > synaptic (at the top left of your screen) [12:56] no, theres a windows file server . and a terminal server [12:56] which appers to be down [12:56] root__ - does that have anything to do with your thin client boot problem? [12:56] tkiesel, I tried to move libphp4.so to /etc/apache2/modules/ but now other modules can be found. [12:56] tiredbones: Try this in a terminal. Not sure if it'll require sudo or not. Probably. ;) a2enmod php4 [12:56] no complettly nothing :P [12:57] got that openm [12:57] ok, so keeping witht he current problem... [12:57] root__ - is everthing on the same server? [12:57] tkiesel, I don't use sudo. [12:57] tiredbones: Root user then. Same difference. ;) [12:57] yea everything is on the A terminal server . [12:58] are the mirimax backport servers down or is it just me? [12:58] root__ - post your /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf to the paste page.. somneone know the URL? [12:58] ok..zinf is not there === mrks [~mrks@] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] the only reason why i want is is that my xmms always freezes on me [12:59] root__: the paste pakge is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl [12:59] thanks [12:59] CarlFK: It's in the channel topic. [12:59] oh yeah... duh === Jesse1 [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] Jadugarr84: backports are trouble. up or down [01:00] tkiesel, after excuting a2enmod php4 I tried apache2 -t and the server is still telling it can find [01:00] zoople: do you have universe and multiverse repositorys enabled? [01:00] php4 modules. [01:00] zoople: maybe try beep-media-player? === RealmMaster [realmx@users.daforest.org] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] whats that [01:00] zoople: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto [01:01] tiredbones: You said you moved that .so file? Or did you copy it? *thinking* [01:01] kan i just change the adresses to what it really is [01:01] do i have beep? [01:01] everything is set to 104 when it should be 101 [01:01] zoople: you need to enable universe and multiverse [01:01] tkiesel, I copy it. [01:01] zoople: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 [01:02] root__ - you can do whatever you want, but if you follow our instructions you have a good cance of sucees ;) [01:02] beep-media-player forked from XMMS - it has gtk2 :) [01:02] root__: sure, why not just try? if it fails you can always change back :) [01:02] Is there a dual booting windows and ubuntu how-two someone can point me to? [01:02] nevermind the backports are up but really slow today, i think the webpage is down though === mhz [~mhz@mhz.fan.moinmoin] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving] [01:02] root__ I have a feeling you can delete some lines [01:02] any1 know where i can get the wm10 codec's from? [01:02] ok ill post the config file . [01:02] tiredbones: I'm not quite sure then. Have you tried searchign the forums for a clue? 90+% of my problems have been solved that way. Searchign for the name of that .so file will probably net some results. [01:02] root__ - and I would like to see how your bud did it - I didn't think ubuntu supported it [01:03] Jesse1: win32codecs doesn't handle it? [01:03] tiredbones: what's your problem? === mrks [~mrks@] has joined #ubuntu === mrks [~mrks@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:03] reisio, no it lets me play all others bar windows media 10 [01:03] Jesse1: downer :/ [01:03] root__ - so... please post your /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ [01:04] uniq, the apache2 server is trying to find libphp4.so in /etc/apache2/modules/, but [01:04] W: GPG error: http://au.archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key [01:04] http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/267 [01:04] root__: yes, change to .101 [01:04] that module is in /usr/lib/apache2/moudules/ [01:04] that's my suggestion. [01:05] root__ - how did the IP of BoxA change from 104 to 101? [01:05] when I copy is over to where apache2 wants it [01:05] guess no one knows where to get it from :( [01:05] I get another php4 module not foound. [01:05] RealmMaster: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo [01:06] jesse1: One moment. [01:06] It looks like synaptic is a little confuse. [01:06] nalioth: thank you =) [01:06] aaxine is better than bad... it's good [01:06] i moved it from a hub to the router back to the hub [01:06] tiredbones: copying shouldn't be necessary === Rogers [~rogers@p508E9C4E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] [01:07] root__ - um... BoxA should have a static IP. do you have a 2nd dhcp server other than BoxA? [01:07] Jesse1: Tried here? http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/design7/codecs.html [01:07] uniq, ok what do I do to solve this problem? [01:07] maybe how would i know ? i have some kinda loop protocol ? [01:08] uniq, the server can find php4 files. [01:08] root__ - what are you callling "the router" ? === anemias [~anemias@] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] Fear me! For I have like 12 torrents lined up to download while i am away! === djs [~djs@DC-244-147.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] linksys wireless 8 banger [01:08] root__ - I have a feeling the 101/104 problem is just the tip [01:08] root__ - default install of the linksys? [01:08] yea [01:09] /quit [01:09] he said to me dont turn this machhine off. or move it around . [01:09] root__ - yeah.. you need to turn off it's dhcp [01:09] tiredbones: how did you install apache and php? [01:09] oh yah [01:09] tkiesel, i dont really want to have to download 10 mb if its not in there and im using totem [01:09] cause its trying to boot from the linksys DHCP [01:09] root__ - basicaly. [01:09] uniq, I used synaptic on a hoary system. [01:11] so. its set to auto dhcp. the other options are static , Ppoe . ect .. [01:11] tiredbones: then php should just work. [01:11] root__: look for LAN settings. looks like that is WAN settings. [01:11] argh..zinf freezes too. does linux have a problem with files with spaces? === twistymcgee [~twistymcg@blk-224-182-212.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] zoople, no [01:12] no... [01:12] tiredbones: you can try 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall libapache2-mod-php4' in the console. [01:12] zoople: yes [01:12] but badly coded programs might... === tahooie [~tyler@] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] uniq, well, when I enter apache2 -t I get a failure tell met that libphp4.so can not be found. === revelater [~root@adsl-63-193-147-93.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] root__ once you get the linksys dhcp turned off, I get the feeling that BoxA needs to be given a static IP:, but if the linksys is indeed your lan's gateway to the internet, then BoxA, dhcpd.conf, option routers the linksys's IP?) [01:12] hello [01:12] hello [01:12] hello [01:12] hi everyone [01:12] anyond here know how to change the magic cumbers? [01:12] numbers [01:12] :P [01:13] zoople: Yes and no. Does Linux have a problem with spaces in the filename? No. Do you need to be careful about spaces in filenames when working in the terminal? yes. [01:13] tiredbones: oh. ok. that's telling you that you've changed sometihng in the config. [01:13] uniq, that is why I move libphp4.so to where apchae2 was looking for it. [01:13] root__ - I think you need to get your bud on the phone/chat/whatever - im sure we could get you hooked up, but buddy would be able to do it way quicker [01:13] box A is 101. and its configured as 104 [01:13] i didnt adjust the settings on the linksys before . so i dont know if i should tamper [01:13] root__ - any idea how A chaned from 104 to 101? [01:14] root__: you shouldn't be running as root :P [01:14] why ? === KhaBal [~cvbvcbcv@c220-237-142-131.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] uniq, yes I did. I add a LoadModule directive for php4 as per instructions. [01:14] root__: its unsecure in irssi [01:14] tiredbones: remove it. [01:14] irc [01:14] anyone know how i can get rhythmbox to accept mp3 files? whenever i try to import a folder all my files are greyed out [01:14] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh [01:14] tiredbones: remove the bit you added. === Strife [~pde@aha164.ccs.itd.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] ok bye thanks for help. going to fix my network . :) [01:14] root__: just change your nick so its not so obviouse [01:14] ok..do i need to install an mp3 plugin [01:14] tiredbones: and try apache2 -t again. [01:15] back later [01:15] root__ - so whate [01:15] hang.. rats. [01:15] Anyone have a working souncard C-Media PCI CMI 8738 working? [01:15] uniq, One second, I'll give it a shot. [01:15] so, I was a dumb ass and tried to upgrade to breezy... now when I tried to downgrade back to hoary, it decided that gdm shouldn't work, and worse, now I can't even boot [01:15] anywho, anybody know how to find the magic numbers of a file and make the system recognze it? [01:15] twistymcgee: have you enabled universe and multiverse? [01:15] yes [01:15] basically, I get a kernel panic because now the kernel doesn't recognize sata, it seems [01:15] i followed the instructions on the unofficial howto [01:15] Strife: Downgrading is a hard road to trod, I've been told. [01:15] twistymcgee: installed gstreamer0.8-mad? [01:15] Strife - no problme. just install hoary over the top ;) [01:16] twistymcgee: oh no! stay away from ubuntuguide [01:16] hmm [01:16] nalioth: yup...it's installed [01:16] Hello again. Can anyone point me to a tutorial for backing up an entire HDD partition? I want to do something equivalent to Norton Ghost on the cheap. [01:16] CarlFK: hmm, so you don't think any weird errors would occur if I just reinstalled without formatting? [01:16] twistymcgee: ubuntuguide will lead to system breakage [01:16] really? [01:16] anyone?? [01:16] Strife, you're out of luck, reinstalling is the only easy option [01:17] twistymcgee: yes, the use of unofficial repositories, for one [01:17] Ubuntuguide bad? Say it ain't so! [01:17] Seveas: right, which is what I had figured anyway, but should I reformat, or is it ok to just reinstall without reformatting? [01:17] AfterShock: you awake? [01:17] Strife - well, re-install will include formatting, so... [01:17] uniq, Ok that worked. Can you explain why I didn't need it? [01:17] tweakism, ubuntuguide must be taken with a large grain of salt [01:17] andersbr: take a look at partimage. it can be downloaded from synaptic / apt-get. http://www.partimage.org/ === tahooie [~tyler@] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] Strife, reformatting would be better [01:17] Strife - don't expect to save any of the old config. [01:18] guess not [01:18] tiredbones: Synaptic will usually configure everything for you. The basics at least. It set up Apache to use php4 for you. No extra steps needed. :) [01:18] Don't try to even - there may be breezy-specifics in the config that Hoary will b0rk about [01:18] i've had good luck with ubuntuguide so far [01:18] except with the rhythmbox of course [01:18] twistymcgee: it's only a matter of time [01:18] tiredbones: because it's added automatically by the php4 installation. the reason you don't see it is that it's loaded from /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php4.load === ubotu [~blootbot@ubuntu.cc.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === abbe80 [~abbe80@krs-dhcp432.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] nalioth: so what repos should be enabled? [01:19] !why is there no long factoid that matches by question and should thus on the pr3vious code have told me I'm a moron, but won't now? [01:19] cafuego: what are you talking about? [01:19] anyone know how to edit mime? [01:19] twistymcgee: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 [01:19] tkiesel,uniq - thanks for the reply. === reisio [~reisio@reisio.user.gentoo] has left #ubuntu ["Why] === phycho [~phycho@darktech.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] tkiesel, thanks for the reply. [01:19] uniq - thanks for the reply. [01:19] tiredbones: No problem. [01:19] There we go. [01:20] tiredbones: happy to help. :) [01:20] ubotu: goo'boy [01:20] Aww, thanks dad. [01:20] revelater: I'm still trying to figure out magic numbers. [01:20] twistymcgee: there is nothing wrong with unofficial repos IF YOU USE THEM ONCE for the program you are after, then disable them [01:20] revelater: i.e. What you mean by magic numbers. === IFRFLYR [~nick@cpe-69-204-132-232.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === caonex [~caonex@ip70-177-55-187.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] does the command alsa work ? [01:20] on ubuntu? [01:20] tkiesel: its the first 4bytes of a file that identify it.. [01:20] nalioth: ok i'll have a read of those [01:20] omg, it says here to get your sound card working the command alsa would fix it [01:21] nalioth: any ideas in the meantime as to the rhythmbox issue? [01:21] Buenos. Another question - anyone have their internal Memory Stick readers working on a notebook? [01:21] or recommend something equivalent? [01:21] how do i make my mouse move faster? [01:21] twistymcgee: i'm not sure, i have every plugin i could find installed on my box [01:21] in X? === Ironfrost [~adsfkjask@82-36-124-129.cable.ubr04.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] Isuactiafner, move your fingers more rapidly [01:21] revelater: No clue here. [01:21] twistymcgee: and everything i have works (except wmv9/10) === mike [~root@S0106001217e3e751.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] lsuactiafner, maybe system > preferences > mouse? === UbuWu [~UbuWu@h82151173197.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] ok network problem guy here. back [01:23] mike - were you root__? [01:23] the thin client (b) says error ! no root path [01:23] yes . [01:23] mike - any idea how A chaned from 104 to 101? === EfaistOs [~efaistos@m239.net81-64-31.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] no idea man. [01:23] So, perhaps stated better: if you insert a memory stick card in an internal card reader, what should it mount as? [01:24] Seveas, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/304946, can you look at that? [01:24] lol [01:24] ill do an ifconfig [01:24] bleh i donthave system/preferances.. [01:24] yup 101 [01:24] can anyone please help me? [01:24] whats the gnome app called? [01:24] ive just looked up a site on c-media drivers for linux http://www.cmedia.com.tw/download/OS-e-cmi8738_linux.htm [01:24] mike - I have a feeling BoxA is set get its IP from a dhcp server, maybe even itself. [01:25] it shows download 1,2,3 do i download all 3 or one of 3? === quam [~quam@user-1120s02.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === Vinh [~Vinh@ppp221-241.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] :( no ones helping [01:26] mike - dig around in A's network config and figure out how to change A's IP from 101 back to 104 [01:26] KhaBal: patience [01:26] nalioth: can you help me nalioth? please [01:26] KhaBal, you're actually not being entirely clear. Try stating the question in one go, as succinctly (briefly) as possible [01:27] ok [01:27] mike - was B going to boot a version of Ubunto, or LTSP (linux terminal server projct ) === Kyral is now known as Kyral|AFK [01:27] KhaBal: have a little patience, the brain(s) are at work [01:27] ubunto === BuffaloSoldier [~ugachaga@] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] we had it so all the clients can boot from 1 user === BuffaloSoldier [~ugachaga@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:27] is there a way to link the terminal copy and paste crap with x copy and paste? if i highlight something in terminal, i can only shift+insert it into other terminal windows :( [01:28] yah i think i ll change the addresses back to 104 [01:28] quam : use shift when copy+pasting [01:28] Im having problems with my sound card (C-Media CMI 8738) on linux, and in order to fix it I have looked up the main site for the driver updates for linux sound cards from here: http://www.cmedia.com.tw/download/OS-e-cmi8738_linux.htm it shows here download 1,2,3 do i just download 1 of 3 of them or all 3? [01:28] mike - can you post your /etc/fstab /etc/exprots and something/default [01:28] KhaBal: please tell us what you are trying to do, and what these files are supposed to do. [01:28] nalioth: they are dirver updates [01:29] KhaBal: they appear to be a driver and 2 patches, but i'm not sure which (or all) you need [01:29] lsu: holding down shift doesnt do anything :P [01:29] what terminal is the most customizable/best ? === k40z [~mp@] has joined #ubuntu [01:29] konsole is cool but i cant delete the boundaries totally [01:29] meeting brb [01:29] dolny: that is a question to start fires === lakin [~lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:29] :) [01:29] nalioth: there are instructions underneath these writings, but ?I dont really understand [01:29] lsuactiafner: i dont have trouble pasting from x into terminals, i have trouble pasting stuff from terminals into x programs [01:30] dolny: try eterm [01:30] anyway i like konsole but i cant delete the borders - they stay thin [01:30] KhaBal: what kind of system are you running? distro, version, etc === nilsl [~nilsl@c-e8b8e253.029-138-73766c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] nalioth: ok gonna check it now [01:30] nalioth: the latest version of ubuntu [01:30] make sure the option-root path is specified ? [01:30] If I want to compile my own packages (that I download), what do I need? [01:30] anyone can understand those files for khabal? i havent a clue [01:31] nilsl: 1: install "build-essential" 2: install "checkinstall" (both can be found in the repos) [01:31] file1: is the driver [01:31] and the 2 other ones are patches === pedingto [~pedingto@cpc2-norw1-5-0-cust35.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] why do you need a patch for a driver? [01:31] nalioth: I've got to go now, but some investigation into wether KhaBal really needs the new driver or not might be good. [01:31] KhaBal: and that is what i'm not sure on [01:32] Take care all! [01:32] tkiesel: please start detecting [01:32] nalioth: Thx. [01:32] lsuactiafner: hrm, heh, i pressed the middle mouse button on accident and it did what i wanted it to :P thanks anyway [01:32] crap [01:32] KhaBal, I think files 2 and 3 are different patches for different kernels [01:32] hi.. using Ndiswrapper for USB wifi, works fine, but *always* loses connection after 10-30 minutes - any ideas?? [01:32] nalioth: Wish I could. but the wife needs me. [01:32] tkiesel: be safe [01:32] nalioth, why crap? [01:32] Seveas: you still here? [01:33] djs: hmm, which one would suit the latest version of ubuntu? [01:33] Jesse1: cuz i can't read as fast as this thing scrolls [01:33] Is there a way to roll back ubuntu at all? [01:33] lol === hazem_ [~Whisky@] has joined #Ubuntu [01:33] djs: thats what i suspected also, but idk nuthin about kernels === {{Snake] ] [~{{Snake] ] @cm-81-9-144-206.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] pedingto: reinstall [01:33] i want to convert file from pdf to txt or doc or any thing to edit it [01:33] so how i can do it? [01:33] Lol, yeah I assumed that. [01:34] how can i hide the upper tray in Eterm? I mean that thing with 'eterm' 'font' 'background' 'terminal' thing [01:34] pedingto: there is a way, but i'm sure reinsalling is easier [01:34] i want it to look as a part of the desktop [01:34] pedingto: and quicker (and less swearing) [01:34] Yeah I think I'll do that :) [01:34] hazem_, pdf in non editable unless u have adobe [01:34] lol - I've sworn enough already ;) [01:34] nalioth: how can i hide the menu? in eterm [01:34] i think file 3 is 2.6 and above [01:34] KhaBal, The one with 2.6.4 (file03) would be better but I'd be concerned that there isn't an exact match (ie. 2.6 10) === Nikopol [~mambo@i-195-137-15-67.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] <{{Snake] ] > in which directory this I cosay source in ubuntu?? [01:35] pedingto, currently the underlying package system doesn't support it. It is something that is on the roadmap for the future [01:35] dolny: i'm not sure if the ubuntu version can do that (or any version) [01:35] Before installing apache2 I completely removed apache, yet I still see the old server "ServerRoot" path. Which was /var/www. Shouldn't it have been removed? [01:35] Ahh okay Burgun :) [01:35] damn, because its cool beside that [01:35] ;] [01:35] hazem_ - you can highlight the text and paste it somewhere else, i reckon [01:35] KhaBal: ask Seveas when he gets back === kishkumen [~kolob@207-246-186-200.Corbin.ResNet.wiu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] dolny: yes, the random chngng bkrd is way cool [01:36] k40z: can't do it :) [01:36] nalioth: whos Seveas? === mike [~root@S0106001217e3e751.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] KhaBal: one of the real brains of this channel [01:36] i am just a neuron [01:36] well, i use transparency :D and delete all borders so i can write on the desktop but i cant hide borders in Konsole... and I can't hide the menubar in Eterm...doh :) [01:37] does anyone know a decent swf to avi converter for Linux? [01:37] nalioth: who know when he'd be back [01:37] ok, i am trying to get mysql set up on my box and i keep on getting this [01:37] http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/268 [01:37] Ironfrost - transcode and mencoder are the 2 best [01:38] can someone help me with a dvd burning problem? it seems my burner is not reaching top burning speeds in ubuntu, i can only burn dvd's at 3x, while i have 8x media and a 16x burner, how do i fix this? [01:38] If the screensaver has activated, should it be possible to switch to a console? Can anyone confirm this for me? [01:38] im using k3b if that helps [01:38] kishkumen - no spacec between u and root [01:39] does Transcode really convert from Flash? [01:39] is it any another good front-end to wvdial (except gnome-ppp) ? :) [01:39] hazem_ you using linux w/ X, yea? highlight the text and use the middle buttom of your mouse to paste what is highlighted [01:39] Ironfrost - oh.. flash.. probably not [01:39] my oh my [01:39] the admins on this network sure are talkative aren't they? :) hehe. I like that though. [01:39] KhaBal: no i dont === kvidell doesn't like it when you _never_ hear from or see the admins [01:40] k40z: any way thx bro i found answer :) betatester hazem_: u can try with the command ps2ascii [01:40] CarlFK: i still get an error [01:40] CarlFK: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/269 [01:41] kishkumen - is mysql running on the same box? [01:41] CarlFK: yes === boow [~boow@dyn29-ter1-pittsburg.fament.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] try mysqladmin -uroot -ptrustno1 === GrammatonCleric [~ekrieger@pcp03770528pcs.parads01.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] can xterm be transparent? === dockane [a7bff03ba9@p5084DDCA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === carlos-d-man [~carlos@] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] xterm dont thinkso try aterm [01:43] bleh [01:43] budluva: ya got a brand new burner? [01:43] eterm can do it tho === Fazer [~fazer@CPE0050f276c615-CM0012c90fe42a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] Hello, does anyone here recommend something better than abi word? === Heart_ [~jzdgc@p549C38FC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] Fazer: what could be BETTER than abiword? [01:44] i have a transparent aterm in archlinux [01:44] nalioth: Heh, i see your point. === erkan_ [~erkan@c220-237-142-131.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === bassinboy [~jared@user-0cet1jo.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] Fazer: light(relatively)weight RTF writer? [01:44] CarlFK: this is what I get [01:44] CarlFK: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/270 [01:44] you know when you look up something on gnome? it shows the file thats being runned on the taskbar? i accesedenitly deleted it [01:44] how do i make it so i reapeares? [01:45] wireless loses connection: dmesg output = wlan0: no IPv6 routers present -- what to do? [01:45] Fazer : abiword is sexy ok. [01:45] what about OOO [01:45] try mysqladmin -uroot -p [01:45] OO is ugly [01:45] Fazer: lsuactiafner especially if you compile it yourself with --with-sexy-voice-interaction enabled [01:46] OO is ugly and ponderous [01:46] Geez, nothing is working.... vlc looked like it was almost about to open a DVD, but it crashed [01:46] hmmm [01:46] nalioth : when i first came to this channel i was bashed for talkin sheet.. but now everyone is talkin sheet with me.. [01:46] lol [01:46] i ruined it [01:46] hehe [01:47] lsuactiafner: bad timing on me hitting the enter button [01:47] i compile vlc it was pretty unstable [01:47] conformer! === doonz [~doonz@s142-59-15-213.ab.hsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] =) [01:47] boow: why not use apt-get ? [01:47] this was on slackware === jode [~jode@S0106000d8802739b.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] ah [01:47] i see :) === KhaBal [~erkan@c220-237-142-131.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] im back [01:48] wb [01:48] Hi, is there any file sharing programs for ubuntu? [01:48] emule and amule === kab [~abarrera@] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] jode: plenty [01:48] I tried to apt-get it and couldn't [01:48] anyone get gstreamer to work with dvds [01:48] jode: gtk-gnutella [01:48] jode: bittorrent [01:49] boow: my a/v works great except for wmv9/10 === hazem_ [~Whisky@] has left #Ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:49] can I apt-get them? [01:49] I have my / partition with reiserfs, and today I upgrade my ubuntu system, and when I reboot i get a ugly kernel panic, can you help me? [01:49] jode: do you have universe adn multiverse repos enabled? [01:49] jode: yes but you might need the extra repos [01:49] do you have a initrd [01:49] i was search in google, but I cant make a good initrd image with mkinitrd [01:49] no, I don't know how [01:50] jode: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto [01:50] jode: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 === synd [~phillipma@h76.40.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] synd, dullard of feline dentifrice === gek [~gek@d226-24-172.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] woRd [01:50] jode: http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories [01:50] jode: adding the extra repos will sovle most of your apt-get install whatever needs... [01:50] synd: that means, hey howzit goin? === AfrOTRokHE [~AfrOTRokH@] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] then http://ubuntuguide.org/#azureus for the filesharing section [01:51] Ironfrost: please don't recommend ubuntuguide === liable_ [~linux@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === Roger1 [~rogers@p508E9C4E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] nalioth: why not? === omniscient [~omni@d211-31-230-97.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] nalioth: i told you them old tymer references g over my hdead [01:51] is there a jre.deb [01:51] (I'm not disagreeing, just wondering) [01:51] Ironfrost: see #3 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines [01:51] ok, thanks alot!!!!!!!!! [01:51] hi all [01:51] =) === liable_ is now known as liable [01:51] synd: "look what the cat dragged in" dullard of feline dentifrice [01:52] OK, fair enough [01:52] can somebody tell me what command i need to change my warty to hoary? [01:52] o0? [01:52] ok, here is a "screen shot" of my "multiseat" error http://dev.personnelware.com/carl/temp/Jun27/p1010004.jpg [01:52] can anyone name some desktop thingies bnesides KDE and gnome? [01:52] bleh i love ubuntuguide.org [01:52] there was fluxbox [01:52] i'd rather have a java package then the installer from sun [01:52] yes thats the one! [01:52] i get this with both hoary and breezy [01:52] KhaBal: enlightenment, xfce4, fluxbox, openbox, more more more === thaytan [~jan@CPE-60-229-53-108.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] ratpoison [01:53] anybody? [01:53] AfrOTRokHE: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 [01:53] anyone know of any strange hard disk corruption issues with 2.6.10-5? [01:53] AfrOTRokHE: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto [01:53] nalioths_dog: thanks man [01:53] =) [01:53] AfrOTRokHE: you do those things, and update your apt-get, you'll move from warty to hoary [01:54] nalioth. then? i need make apt-get dist-upgrade or something else? [01:54] nalioth gimme the ubuntugods url === Nameeater [~subspace@210-246-4-33.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [01:54] AfrOTRokHE - are you ready to trash your system beyond repair? [01:54] CarlFK: never ready, but i'm prepared [01:54] =P === misfit_toy [~guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:54] CarlFK: trash? changing sources in my list and upgrading worked fine for me === zoople [~zoople@ppp203-213.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:55] nalioth - as long as someone is ready.. good. if they are not ready, then they shouldn't [01:55] CarlFK: he asked for the procedure [01:55] ok...getting there. next thing. how do i see my windows NTFS partition from linux [01:55] ubuntu is cool vs's sarges 14 cd's [01:55] oh wayit.. to hoary, not from hoary... [01:55] CarlFK: he'd have to know there was a procedure to ask about it [01:55] nm... I was thinking to breezy [01:56] AfrOTRokHE: continue operations === Vinh- [~Vinh@ppp197-46.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] AfrOTRokHE: you'll be fine [01:56] zoople - seeing is easy.. do you want to write to it? [01:56] anyone know why fluxbox need fluxconf? [01:56] nope [01:56] zoople: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/windows_fstab to make your windows partions mount automatically === unome [~unome@ool-4351821f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] good morning CarlFK [01:56] that causes problems ive heard [01:56] hi KhaBal [01:56] zoople: you are correct (total data loss problems) [01:57] what fluxconf? [01:57] zoople, modprobe ntfs then youll have to edit fstab [01:57] nalioth: fluxconf deletes everything? === jamin [~jamin@ppp-70-242-130-218.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] aww crap.. my server isn't where my server was... [01:57] boow: i dont know what that means === zoople is now known as zoople-newbie [01:57] :p [01:57] KhaBal: i have no clue what you are on about. most -conf files tell the program they belong to what to do/how to act [01:57] sudo modprobe ntfs [01:57] http://pictures.foxshare.net/carl/temp/Jun27/p1010004.jpg - there is the error I am getting === cast_ [~cast@cast.member.fsf] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] oh sry [01:58] zoople-newbie: read what nalioths_dog said above [01:58] and what is fstab [01:58] nalioth, email sent to mez [01:58] zoople-newbie: File System TABle [01:58] /etc/fstab [01:58] ah ok. how do i do that [01:58] Note that 'fdisk -l' doesn't list my sata drives. [01:58] zoople-newbie: tells your linux where all the data is, and how you want to interact with said data [01:59] ah ok. so i did the sudo thing. now what [01:59] zoople-newbie: read above to waht nalioths_dog said to you [01:59] cafuego - wow. I didn't know you could do that (no dev/x) [01:59] how do i make ubuntu not install a dependancy? === rainer [~rainer@146sosua108.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] CarlFK: Ey? === Distro^Junkie [~Pat@CPE000ae6c702bb-CM000e5ce665ba.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] lsuactiafner, why? [01:59] cafuego - I knew about fdisk -l /dev/hda, but not just -l [01:59] CarlFK: [02:00] i do apt-get install mplayer-fonts but i dont want the ubuntu package, i compile my own mpayer [02:00] mplayer-fonts is one package i want for something else.. [02:00] i just see text [02:00] but i need to disable the dependancy mplayer64 === achy [~chris@MTL-HSE-ppp186625.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/windows_fstab [02:00] does ubuntu have poor external modem support? [02:01] zoople-newbie: can you use a terminal? === Sysace [~Xunil@stjh1-3858.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:01] evidently not === thaytan [~jan@CPE-60-229-53-108.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["See] [02:01] so do i just copy and paste that into the terminal? [02:01] zoople-newbie: gimme a minute [02:01] Hi, i installed gcursor and dowload a cople of cursor themes from gmone look but i cant install tmen any help? [02:01] zoople-newbie: Open a terminal, run 'wget -c http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/windows_fstab' [02:02] wow..ok [02:02] zoople-newbie: go to Applications > System Tools > Terminal (and open a terminal) [02:02] zoople-newbie: Then run 'sudo sh ./windows_fstab' [02:02] hey guys.. got something going on with my firefox.. re-installation doesn't work for either ver 1.0.2 or 1.0.4... fails with the error: error while loading shared libraries: libmozjs.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. Can anybody please help??? [02:02] ok that run [02:02] so how do i disbale dependancy checkin with apt-get? [02:02] Sysace: back up the libmozjs.so and try again [02:02] and i said no to making it writiable [02:03] zoople-newbie: ok then [02:03] wow [02:03] there they are [02:03] THANKS!! [02:03] nalioth: backup and try what again? I've completely removed it and tried re-installing v1.0.2.. failed, removed and reinstalled 1.0.4 and still failing. :( [02:03] you guys have been aweseom [02:03] zoople-newbie: you just executed a "shell script" === mxpxpod [~bryan@mxpxpod.user] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] ah ok [02:04] Sysace: its complaining about that libmozjs.so, right? if libmozjs.so still exists, back it up and try again [02:04] cool === zubziro [~zubziro@] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] zoople-newbie: be careful about using "sudo" (bad instructions following it can wreck your system) === junior_aspirin [~chatzilla@cpc1-pete3-4-0-cust78.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] zoople-newbie: when taking instructions from in here (or any channel) don't execute them right away [02:05] zoople-newbie: cuz if someone gives out evil instructions, some(body)one will let you know quickly [02:05] nalioth: thanks man, it's workin' [02:05] =) [02:05] anyone [02:05] (i think) [02:05] xD [02:05] achy: huh? [02:06] Hi, i installed gcursor and dowload a cople of cursor themes from gmone look but i cant install tmen any help? [02:06] nalioth: it's saying that it can't be found, however it's in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/ .. /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/ .. and /usr/lib/nvu-1.0PR. So what exactly are you saying.. back up one of the files (copy it to another location).. then try installing again? if so .. I've tried that [02:06] AfrOTRokHE: i hear windoze installs are easy [02:06] im glad i purged my pc of windows [02:06] ok thanks [02:06] :-) [02:06] hahahahahahahahahahahaha [02:06] nalioth: i talking'bout warty to hoary [02:06] Sysace: back it up as in "mv libmozjs.so libmozjs.so.bak" [02:06] AfrOTRokHE: i know, i was pullin yer leg [02:07] :S [02:07] nalioth: I didn't actually back it up in that sense, however I did delete it completely and it returns with each attempt at re-installation [02:07] Sysace: well thats crazy [02:08] Sysace: apt-get has "Force" options === ratl3 [~ratl3@12-208-42-236.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu === Elsidox [~Elsidox@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu [02:08] and this is a brand new install just completed last night.. everything was working then.. till I changed repositories following a ubuntuguide and tried updating from 1.0.2 to 1.0.4 [02:08] Sysace: as in get out the sledge and get it in there === KhaBal [~erkan@c220-237-142-131.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === holy_cow [~biteme@mail.wjsgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] how do you compress a bz2 file? [02:08] Sysace: ah ubuntuguide AGAIN [02:08] is the ubuntu backprots server down? [02:08] Sysace: comment out all the unofficial repos you have now [02:09] KhaBal: "bzip2 file" [02:09] nalioth: who was the person you reffered to me that is the braniest guy out? [02:09] nalioth: I actually restored my original sources.list and tried re-installing 1.0.2 but no luck.. same error [02:09] KhaBal: ask your question again, there are differnt people in here now [02:09] tried that command this error came "bzip2: Input file discostoo_sephiroth.tar.bz2 already has .bz2 suffix." [02:09] Sysace: remove all that you installed under the ubuntuguide sources === gigli [~martin@81-224-198-118-no30.tbcn.telia.com] has left #ubuntu [] [02:10] KhaBal: then you needed to ask how to UNcompress a bz2 file === teeagoo [bmyrp@201009041206.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] yes lol [02:10] KhaBal: bunzip2 filename.bz2 [02:10] why is ubuntuguide linked on the ubuntu website? === poningru [~poningru@pool-71-101-67-91.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] twistymcgee: i have no clue [02:10] twistymcgee: but it is evil (as you can see on an hourly basis here) [02:11] can i install ubuntu in hdd? (grub in hda mbr)? [02:11] nalioth: I installed a lot of software following the ubuntuguide.. too much to go back and remove [02:11] teeagoo: sure can [02:11] well i still can't get rhythmbox to recognize that i have gstreamer0.8-mad installed so i figure it has to be something i did from that site [02:11] Sysace: you are not the first to do so and not be able to go forward or backup [02:11] Sysace: the easiest quickest option is not the prettiest [02:11] nalioth: there must be some way this can be fixed though.. some path somewhere to tell it where to find the lib [02:12] [nalioth] bua, aaaam, grub will be installed automaticaly on hda mbr (sorry for my bad english) ? [02:12] what commands do people use to extract a .tar file? [02:12] twistymcgee: Sysace y'all read #3 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines [02:12] teeagoo: grub can be on the /dev/hda/mbr and still start ubuntu on /dev/hdd [02:12] tar -xzvf?? [02:13] KhaBal: depends on what kind of tar file [02:13] is there a iptables log located somewhere in the system? [02:13] KhaBal: plain tar, tar.gz or tar.bz2 [02:13] [nalioth] ok, tks!! [02:13] plain tar [02:13] [nalioth] i will try! [02:13] KhaBal: tar xvf file.tar [02:14] nalioth: i read it i just don't remember what all i installed using those instructions [02:14] I can install grub by boot cd? (rescue...) [02:14] can i install grub by boot cd? (rescue...) === poningru [~poningru@pool-71-101-67-91.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] what command can i run to check all the extra packages installed on my system and to make em all update? [02:14] teeagoo: i think you must boot the livecd and chroot, but i don't know for sure how to do that [02:14] lsuactiafner: apt-get upgrade? [02:14] k.. what's a decent alternative browser for me to use till I get firefox going again [02:15] Sysace: galeon [02:15] [nalioth] tkz :-) === Funraiser [~Funraiser@] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] oh wow. totem-gstreamer is actually usable on breezy. yay! [02:15] Sysace: epiphany [02:15] sysace - if you don't mind propriatory software, Opera is excellent [02:15] nalioth : doesnt seem to upgrade non-default packages [02:15] otherwise, Mozilla [02:15] nalioth: galeon: Depends: mozilla-browser (>= 2:1.7.5) but it is not going to be installed [02:15] bleh firefox [02:15] twistymcgee: Sysace most folks who have followed the ubuntuguide to y'alls postions usually reinstall [02:15] hah. everything depends on gecko. :) [02:15] oh [02:16] Sysace: opera, then [02:16] alternative [02:16] netscape was nie [02:16] a guys anyone use teamspeak [02:16] lsuactiafner: it wont upgrade things you've built/installed [02:16] excuse me where do you mkdir .fluxbox in the home folder? [02:16] lynx or links (: [02:16] got epiphany now :) [02:16] Sysace: oh. epiphany doesn't depend on mozilla-browser. right. [02:16] and it's the official gnome browser, too! [02:16] and it blows [02:16] flodine, u can use skype instead u know [02:16] personal opinion of course === maruchan [~gallonegr@] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] Funraiser, skype instead of teamspeak? [02:17] nalioth: there are things that I hate about it, but I still like it more than firefox, for some reason. [02:17] probably because it's just more HIG-compliant. [02:17] concept10, yes [02:17] links -G might work [02:17] skype works on a LAN too [02:17] command to launch epiphany? [02:18] wolverian: i use galeon and kazehakase [02:18] Funraiser, have you used it during a game? [02:18] Funraiser does it connect to team [02:18] Sysace: type epiphany in the terminal (it should be on your menu under Internet) [02:18] concept10, a friend of mine did right here in my house [02:18] nalioth: kazehakase seems interesting. I've been meaning to try it out. gaelon I just didn't find interesting, at all. [02:19] can anyone help me. I was wondering if the ubuntu backports repos where down. I cant download anything from them. [02:19] flodine, this i don't know [02:19] bash: epiphany: command not found [02:19] woohoo... "apt-get build-dep mozilla-browser" seems to have fixed my firefox :) === AlexMBas [~AlexMBas@] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] Sysace: then it's not installed, apparently. [02:20] wolverian: kazekahase renders things that galeon doesnt, but is lacking some features galeon has [02:20] epiphany is already the newest version. [02:20] Sysace: maybe your shell needs a 'rehash' or so, then. [02:20] (the command.) [02:20] doesn't really matter though I guess with firefox working again :) === _simple [~simple@1f8c3dd372661dba.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] rehash? [02:21] nalioth: I thought they both used gecko [02:21] Elsidox: its better you not use backports except when you are getting a certain program, and then disable them [02:21] wolverian: they do, and thats the funny thing [02:21] Sysace: some shells need you to manually tell when to refresh the cache of available programs [02:21] nalioth: oh. okay. === davi1 [~redactech@] has joined #ubuntu === davi1 [~redactech@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:21] Sysace: this shouldn't be a problem in bash. [02:21] (but maybe you're using dash, or something) [02:21] nalioth, I see. I was trying to install smeg. But I get errors liek cant contact server. [02:22] supreme court said p2P apps are illegal === goldfish [~nldlsjdlk@carbon.redbrick.dcu.ie] has joined #ubuntu === hajiki [~none@main.prosystemfx.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] what cursor theme does ubuntu use? [02:22] Human :) === gverig [~gverig@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:23] Funraiser: no, it didn't. [02:23] what did it say? [02:23] Hello, Can some one help me with sound, it sounds very distorted [02:23] oh i though i saw it on debian and assumed it was something else [02:23] Funraiser - URL? [02:23] thanks [02:23] one sec [02:23] Funraiser: read a good news source (i.e. not /.) [02:23] nalioth, any ideas? [02:23] maruchan: turn your pcm volume down in the volume mixer === hajiki [~none@main.prosystemfx.com] has left #ubuntu [] [02:24] maruchan: you are probably peaking becuase the slider is too high [02:24] http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=us&q=mgm+supreme+court&btnG=Search+News [02:24] Elsidox: i recommend you comment out all unofficial sources from your list [02:24] Elsidox: and if you HAVE to have it, you can compile it by hand [02:25] can somebody suggest something for me to monitor my cpu and hd temps? === unome [~unome@ool-4351821f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] nalioth, I was going to do that. But stuff like java is hard to intsall === dlanor [~dlanor@CPE00c049ae692c-CM0011ae00c2cc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] wolverian, what's a good source? [02:25] Elsidox: for java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] [02:25] psst What's everyone's favourite distro here? [02:25] wolverian: you mean /. isnt OMNIPOTENT? === Octane [~octane@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] The US Supreme Court gave a boost to the effort to crack down on online piracy, ruling that peer-to-peer networks like Grokster used to swap music and films can be held liable for copyright infringement. [02:26] nalioths_dog, that will make java run in firefox also? [02:26] Elsidox: yes it will [02:26] Elsidox: you ARE on a x86 box, right? [02:26] nalioth, thanks [02:26] Funraiser = "can be held liable" bah... that isn't definative === zho40 [~zho40@user-24-214-168-103.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] the supreme court just stirred schlitz up with their ruling [02:27] nalioth, yes im on x86 [02:27] Elsidox: just wondering [02:27] nalioth, =). thanks again [02:27] how do i upgrade to 686 kernel in synaptic? [02:28] how do you completly remove something? === pietro_spina [~pietro@pool-68-163-205-77.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] Funraiser: right. that doesn't make P2P itself illegal. [02:28] Elsidox, You can obtain a DEB file for smeg from here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38183 [02:28] (which doesn't mean it's not a horrendously bad verdict.) [02:28] djs, thanks [02:28] Elsidox: yw :) === DiESELMuSA [~dieselmus@] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] metzen maruchan: turn your pcm volume down in the volume mixer> Lowering PCM dosnet help infact it lowers the volume [02:29] ia m trying to reinstall mysql-server-4.1, but it is giving me this error [02:29] http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/271 [02:30] wolverian, ok, but it's a big step in that direction (not that i care) [02:30] kishkumen - you may want to try #mySql [02:30] CarlFK: *sigh* sure [02:30] sowwy ;) [02:31] Funraiser: yes. [02:31] nalioth: i can get amarok working with gstreamer...which is fine for me...there's no way i'm reinstalling [02:31] I wonder what bram will say about it [02:31] twistymcgee: just showing you what is happening [02:31] CarlFK: this time it is an ubuntu problem though... === jblack [~jblack@static-209-158-45-74.scr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] CarlFK: not a mysql problem [02:32] nalioth: appreciate it...everything else is working fine it's just rhythmbox which i can live without === P3L|C4N0 [~gcamposm@] has joined #ubuntu === ep [~ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === odie5533 [~odie5533@c-67-175-208-140.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] CarlFK: is there a way to completly remove a package from ubuntu === nalioth is now known as nalioth_wrkn [02:33] CarlFK: cause apt-get remove is not cutting it === nalioths_dog [~Apple@cpe-66-25-34-88.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:34] kishkumen - um... yes? I know what you are getting at, but I don't really know [02:34] speaking of which: "the war of the worlds" premieres on the 29th :-) [02:34] kishkumen: --purge. man apt-get === markm [mark@securable.org] has joined #ubuntu [02:34] kishkumen: apt-get remove --purge [02:34] djs, do you know how to install azereus? === rcec52 [~richard@c-24-10-183-121.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:34] bleh [02:34] goto sleep ;p === teeagoo [bmyrp@201009041206.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #ubuntu [] [02:35] How do I go about getting gcc allong with the std c++ libraries, the debugger, linker, documentation etc.? Is there a single apt-get for something similar to this? [02:35] Elsidox: If you enable the "multiverse" repository it should be available for install [02:35] ep: build-essential [02:35] ep - yes... devel-essincials or something... gime a sec.. [02:35] Elsidox, http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#azureus [02:35] yeah, that. === b-rad [~fubar@pcp0010034564pcs.epensb01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] djs, Funraiser thanks === douglas [~douglas@dpc6745164251.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] Elsidox: Take care with ubuntuguide - not always the best advice [02:36] djs: once purged i can do an apt-get install as if i never did it before right? [02:36] kishkumen: yes [02:36] holy shyt, I changed my nick HERE?! I thought I did it on the Undernet! === Kyral|AFK is now known as Kyral === zxy_ [~ralph@host-84-9-35-93.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu === Kyral holds up his new copy of Linux in a Nutshell :D [02:37] evening everyone :) Does anyone have a copy of the ubuntusetup.sh script mentioned on the forums? I can't download it since I get a connection refused when trying to wget to download.ubuntuforums.org === sproingie [~chuck@64-121-15-14.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:37] i am getting this now... [02:37] http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/272 [02:38] b-rad, I do [02:38] Want a DCC? [02:38] should pcm volume control also control the main volume? [02:39] yeah, hopefully it'll connect up === Kyral points to his send try :D === Can0Beans [~fart@c-24-3-113-223.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] I clicked accept... it's sitting heh === Kyral kills it [02:39] Funraiser, for somer reason the backports repos arnt working === b-rad kicks the DCC === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:39] I never have luck with sending files === nathan__ [~nathan@68-191-51-15.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] and why use wget, just fire up lynx or FireFox and get it :D [02:40] tried that [02:40] Elsidox, u have to follow all the steps === nathan__ is now known as Phrostbyte [02:40] same error on firefox :) [02:40] O_O === Phrostbyte is now known as Kenosis === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] yeah... not sure what the deal is. I can do all of that stuff manually, but I'd rather not if there's a script for it already :) [02:41] Funraiser, I did [02:41] I just jumped ship from Gentoo [02:41] Is there no repository for mplayer? [02:41] okay -- trying to load Hoary on a latitude D610 laptop (might have SATA drives) and I keep getting the Load Installer components from CD failed [02:41] any suggestions? === Telep [telep@bot.kapsi.fi] has left #ubuntu [] [02:41] Funraiser, Failed to fetch http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/hoary-extras/restrictedd/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [IP: 80] === ep sings 'Another one bytes the dust..." [02:42] b-rad: well, thus far gentoo support is a hellva lot better then anything i have gotten here [02:42] Elsidox: You made a typo. extra 'd' in restrictedd [02:42] kishkumen, I'm offended! :P === Funraiser [~Funraiser@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:42] cafuego, lol. doh. Thanks [02:42] Kyral: when ever my ??'s get too complicated people shut up [02:42] kishkumen: Well, I got tired of compiles and whatnot with Gentoo, so here I am. I've had Ubuntu on the laptop for a while now [02:43] kishkumen, Ask on the Forums? [02:43] the forums ROCK === EBAL_VAS_VSEH [~Rojer@] has joined #ubuntu === occy [~october@ip24-252-197-99.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] I'm doing a Gentoo stage3 on my server right now. [02:43] where are "the forums"? [02:43] kishkumen: I'd like to help more but mysql isn't my area :( [02:43] I don't have time for a stage1 [02:43] www.ubuntuforums.org [02:43] ? ???? ??? ???? [02:43] I have Ubuntu on my desktop [02:43] Kenosis - Generally Too much trouble? ;) === gandalfsbigwand [~gandalfsb@006791687c3aa557.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu === pedingto [~cherrill@cpc2-norw1-5-0-cust35.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] mmm === scorpix [~o@as17-196.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] djs: it is not a mysql problem though, apt-get is not removing everything it is suppose to, even with an apt-get --purge [02:44] I'm on my desktop now... switched it over last night === Sismondi [~Sismondi@modemcable156.168-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] Gentoo == Too much work [02:44] Are there entries in the Ubuntu/Debian repositories for mplayer? === rodrigo [~rodrigo@] has joined #ubuntu === rodrigo [~rodrigo@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [02:44] Kenosis, use Totem and Xine and Beep instead :D [02:44] or maybe libDVDeCSS? === kishkumen runs gentoo on his laptop, but Ubuntu on his server cause he doesn't feel like waiting untill 3006 for it to compile [02:45] Kenosis - #gentoo gang is pretty cool - but i found it a bit too much hassle to keep up [02:45] I'm looking for the kcolorchooser program which is part of a larger package of programs for KDE but I can't find it in the repositories. I tried custom searches in synaptic but found nothing. [02:45] Will they come with the codecs? [02:45] Kyral, don't suppose you could email me that script? brad@fubarpa.com [02:45] Kenosis, enable Backports, Universe, Extras, and Multiverse [02:45] sure [02:45] much appreciated :) [02:45] E: Couldn't find package xine [02:46] How do you create new shortcuts (not edit old ones)? === Octane [~octane@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] anyone know where kcolorchooser package is for Ubuntu Hoary? [02:46] i.e. for to execute a script. [02:46] Kenosis: Its xine-ui [02:46] ahh..sorry [02:46] kishkumen: I just checked on packages.ubuntu.com and my.cnf is part of the mysql-common-4.1 package. Perhaps try reinstalling that. === Agrajag- [~filip@c211-30-4-5.artrmn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] run this command [02:47] gday. is it possible to install apache 1.3 on warty? === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:47] Kenosis, sudo apt-get install xine-ui totem-xine w32codecs [02:47] !info apache warty [02:47] apache: (Versatile, high-performance HTTP server), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 1.3.31-6 (warty), Packaged size: 368 kB, Installed size: 800 kB [02:47] djs: i have tried reinstalling it more then once [02:47] Couldn't find package w32codecs [02:48] oh b-rad you want a GMail invite with that? [02:48] Agrajag-: 'sudo apt-get install apache' [02:48] !info w32codecs hoary [02:48] Kyral: No thanks, already have 50 of my own to deal out :) [02:48] i've tried apt-get install apache, it tells me apache-common replaces it [02:48] which doesn't make much sense [02:48] kishkumen: -comon or -server ? [02:48] how do i open esd.conf to edit it [02:48] common* [02:48] Agrajag-: Just make sure you have 'universe' listed in your sources.list [02:48] ok === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] djs: -server === bwlang [~bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] djs: that is the only one i had install prviously [02:49] Kenosis, check your PM === Tomek [tomek@] has joined #ubuntu === Ironfrost [~adsfkjask@82-36-124-129.cable.ubr04.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [02:49] djs: i guess I tried to manualy delete /etc/mysql, i know that is the problem (stupid me) that is why I am trying to completly remove the package and reinstall [02:49] anyone have any suggestions for my issue? [02:49] kishkumen: -server depends on -common so it would be installed when you installed it. Try deinstalling both [02:49] Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) [02:50] kishkumen: it = -server === Tomek [tomek@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:51] b-rad, sent [02:51] Kyral: Got it, thanks a lot :) [02:51] djs: when removing -common i get this http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/273 === steve_f [~steve_f@pool-64-222-117-63.burl.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] Hrm, I'm getting a scrollkeeper error during installation. === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === swe3tdave [~swe3tdave@Toronto-HSE-ppp3759483.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === swe3tdave [~swe3tdave@Toronto-HSE-ppp3759483.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:53] kishkumen: hmm - do you get the same error if you try deinstalling again? [02:53] well its still doing it [02:54] I didn't have this error before [02:54] I'm reinstalling, and now getting parser error: 792 === Spug_ [~Spug@ti211310a081-3831.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] djs: i mkdir /etc/mysql and then re ran the apt-get remove --purge and it ran with out a problem [02:54] djs: i just did 'apt-get install libmysqlclient14-dev mysql-server-4.1' and it installed with out a hitch [02:54] Kyral: doh, looks like it's not going to be of much use at the moment... some of the files it downloads are from download.ubuntuforums.org === kishkumen crosses fingers [02:54] kishkumen: smart work!! - now try reinstalling [02:54] no matter, I think I can get around it [02:55] kishkumen: too quick for me [02:55] :) === djs crosses fingers too === Nameeater [~subspace@210-246-6-60.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] Why would I get an error for Cannot connect to localhost:4001??? [02:56] what repo's should i use for apt? === secretaria [~secretari@] has joined #ubuntu === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === ookii [~ookii@pcp04395065pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] djs: ok it looks like it is a mysql problem now [02:56] djs: i'll ask #mysql, thanks though ;-) [02:56] anyone have any alternatives for transcode? i'm having the hardest time installing it [02:57] kishkumen: you feel you have a clean install now? === Strife [~pde@arkanoid.gpcc.itd.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] kishkumen: ok - good luck. [02:57] apt-get install --reinstall --force-confmiss mysql-server [02:57] so I'm trying to reinstall ubuntu, but the only network access I have is via wireless, which requires me to use a web browser to authenticate.... is there no lynx or links that comes on the install cd? [02:58] cafuego: what does that do? [02:58] kishkumen: Forces a reinstall, including default config files. === Elsidox_ [~Elsidox@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu [02:58] just to show you, this is when I get when I do /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h moroni password '' [02:58] http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/274 [02:58] cafuego: ahhh [02:59] kishkumen: Ah yes. That's a feature. [02:59] kishkumen: '/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -p' [02:59] cafuego: a feature? [02:59] kishkumen: try that,. [02:59] kishkumen: Yes, you're FORCING it to connect via TCP, not via the local socket. === abarbaccia [~andrew@pcp0011109857pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] so more specifically, when I am trying to install, it "couldn't retrieve zlib1g" and quits [02:59] Strife - gime a sec.. I'm sure this can be hacked ;) [02:59] CarlFK: I'm sure it can, somehow... === bassinboy [~jared@user-0cet1jo.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] === mdm4301 [~mark@] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] cafuego: this is what I get http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/275 === AfrOTRokHE [~AfrOTRokH@] has left #ubuntu ["Ah] [03:01] I mean, if I have the cd anyway, why would it try to get something from the network? === Blissex [~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has left #Ubuntu ["Konversation] [03:01] kishkumen: It doesn't prompt for the password? [03:01] Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xine-ui/xine-ui_0.99.3-1ubuntu1_i386.deb Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) [03:01] grr! [03:01] cafuego: no === ep [~ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === r0bbyr0b [~wakawaka@cpe-204-210-133-115.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] How do you create new keyboard shortcuts (not edit old ones)? i.e. to execute shell scripts.. [03:02] so it's telling me that this could be either a network problem, or a bad CD... [03:02] kishkumen: What hgappens when you run 'mysql -u root -p' ? [03:02] I don't want to have to use the ass slow os x disk utility again :( === _unome [~unome@ool-43513cf5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] cafuego: it asks for a password [03:02] kishkumen: *nod* enter root's password [03:03] ahh ok that works [03:03] How do I open up port 4001? [03:03] still shooting for complete c++ package: apt-get install build-essentials -->Couldn't find package build-essentials. Did I type this wrong? [03:03] I sthere a system firewall installed by default? [03:03] *is [03:03] what command is it to work out the modeline again? [03:03] kishkumen: Ok, I expect the uissue is '-h moroni'. Maybe try '-h localhost' [03:04] so does anyone know why the installer is crapping out at the zlib1g part? [03:04] Strife - so you don't really need the Net, just need to get the install to stop tring to use it? [03:05] CarlFK: well I don't know if it's really trying to or not... because I tried to go back and have "no configuration at this time" but I still ran into the same problem [03:05] I may just restart and try again... [03:05] ep: try build-essential instead of build-essentials [03:05] Strife - you are correct that everything you need is on the cd. [03:05] but right now I'm checking the CD for integrity just in case, that way if I need to reburn the CD (which is really slow for CDRW by the way) I can know that I need to [03:05] lol ah [03:05] CarlFK: yeah, I recall having installed entirely from the CD last time [03:06] Strife - on the step that asks for a mirror, there should be a way to specify file://cdrom/ or something === _simple [~simple@92e1f78ef7c09238.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] CarlFK: it hasn't even gotten THAT far... it craps out on installing the base system [03:07] Strife - I bet you can pass that as a kernel parameter [03:07] that shouldn't be necessary [03:07] Strife - so it doesn't get to the reboot part? [03:07] the only kernel parameter I passed last time I installed ubuntu was vga=771 [03:07] CarlFK: not even close [03:07] Strife - any idea how you told it to use the CD and not the net? === EBAL_VAS_VSEH [~Rojer@] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] CarlFK: last time I installed, that came at the mirror selection [03:08] got another question: anyone have a working Ubuntu backports mirror URL? ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net appears to be down... can't get a connection === stevenj [~steven@pcp02000216pcs.laurel01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === hawke [~hawke@home.hawkesnest.net] has joined #ubuntu === SloMo_ [~slomo@p5487F333.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] uh oh... a file failed to match up with the checksum [03:09] f*** [03:10] that bites [03:10] yeah === bassinboy [~jared@user-0cet1jo.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] well I'm going to try restarting and not setting network from the getgo and see what happens... [03:10] whats a good DVD player? === AfterSho1k [~brian@dsl081-082-052.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] bassinboy: xine [03:11] thx === goliat [~goliat@] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] hello there === rbeldin [~rbeldin@adsl-223-96-208.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] nevermind... it's rollin now heh [03:12] argh, why is reinstalling linux such a pain? the first time on my laptop it worked flawlessly === AfterSho1k is now known as AfterShock === Heart_2 [~jzdgc@p549C36D4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:13] xine plays my dvd fine, i wonder why totem and vlc (menus) doesn't [03:13] because totem sucks === keffo [~keffo@user150.82-197-233.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:13] and I don't like vlc either [03:14] Good news. Installed 5.04 on a HP Pavilion a810n (AMD64) w/ a Linksys wireless card (Broadcom 43xx) and ndiswrapper and it worked without a hitch. Nice job. [03:14] bassinboy: strangely, even when totem uses xine as its backend, it still sucks [03:14] nalioth_wrkn, thanks for the supporting comment on breezy [03:14] rbeldin: sweet, now tell me why I can't reinstall ubuntu on my laptop :P [03:14] I generally wipe out old partitions with system rescue on my laptop and then reinstall into the free space. [03:15] Strife: on an HP? ewww..... [03:15] i work at HP :P [03:15] So do I [03:15] bassinboy: no, dell === Strife sighs [03:15] the a810n isn't bad. ASUS motherboard, 512mb, DVD writer. Got a refurb for $400 === stub [~stub@203-217-37-199.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] rbeldin: in H-town? === Strife hates Houston [03:16] Re -laptop - Compaq Evo N610c w/ 5.04 and wireless works just fine. Had to use orinoco_usb drivers from cvs. [03:16] H-town? Houston? No. Atlanta [03:17] i see :) [03:17] rbeldin: good. because Houston is the devil. [03:17] Bleh! [03:17] The laptop still keeps its original winders ntfs partition which was resized with system rescue cd. I have RHEL4 and 5.04 on it as well. === cherrill_ [~cherrill@cpc2-norw1-5-0-cust35.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:18] Anyone tried the IA64 Ubuntu distro? I have a zx2000 workstation that I would like to test it on [03:19] so I like how OS X's "disk utility" by default does the really slow CDRW erase, yet the commandline tool hdiutil does the quick erase [03:19] do you peoples know a good www image gallery program? === uber_newber [~luke@adsl-68-253-116-195.dsl.sgnwmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] bassinboy: gallery [03:19] gallery.sf.net [03:19] the best there is [03:20] installing.. [03:20] cool :)P [03:20] the only other thing I would ever use is the html gallery export feature in gthumb [03:20] which is nce when you don't have sql access === oofnik [~oofnik@c-66-56-40-216.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] although.... apparently I don't see anything about sql === bimberi [~bimberi@DC-244-147.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] installed gallery :) [03:21] I could've sworn gallery used sql === lamp_ [~la@dsl-084-056-139-145.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] hey im really new ubuntu an linux itself, but righ now my main goal is to configure my lynksis wireless b network adapter. so ppl have told me i need ndiswrapper to acomplish this. so i downloaded it but have no clue how to install it and usee it [03:21] I'm confused... did they do away with sql in it or something? [03:22] can sum1 help me out please === cherrill__ [~cherrill@cpc2-norw1-5-0-cust35.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] hey, can someone help me get v4l working please? [03:22] uber_newber: do you have module-assistant installed? === FlyingSquirrel31 [~FlyingSqu@ool-4571f2e3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] nope [03:22] i want to be able to use my webcam [03:22] uber_newber: install it [03:22] ok [03:23] ANYBODY USES phpgroupware here ? [03:23] uber_newber: actually, ths will help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//SetupNdiswrapperHowto [03:23] uber_newber: out of curiosity, is it the USB adapter? === r4ndy [~r4ndy@db5e5f4192e8b7f4.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] i thought someone made a native driver for the linksys chipset..? [03:23] Strife: Awesome... now how do i get started with gallery? === BROKEN_LADDER [~pral@h-69-3-236-189.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #UBUNTU [03:23] bassinboy: hell if I know... I never installed it, only mooched off of someone's server :) [03:24] lol [03:24] although I need to learn how to install it [03:24] because I'm setting a website up for my parents soon so they can have pictures and stuff online [03:24] sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils [03:24] tbh [03:24] i haven't installed in on deb/ubuntu but it's pretty easy on the RH/mandrake boxes i've put it on === quijote [~quijote@dsl.shannon.id.au] has joined #ubuntu === Agrajag- [~filip@c211-30-4-5.artrmn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [03:25] steve_F> ya it is a usb adapter [03:26] ugh writing CDRWs takes forever [03:26] uber_newber: I don't know the "correct" way, but I just set one of these up for my dad over the weekend. [03:26] it better damn well work this time [03:27] steve_f> well how would u suggest i do it [03:27] can anyone help me with setting up my webcam? [03:27] bassinboy: http://gallery.menalto.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=GalleryDocs&file=index&page=gallery1-install.unix-ftp.php [03:27] for some reason v4l isn't working [03:27] uber_newber: check this page to see if your version is supported: http://developer.berlios.de/projects/at76c503a/ [03:28] ok thanx [03:28] uber_newber: Mine is v2.8 and works well. [03:28] and i dunno if it really matters but im running off an ancient laptop, a toshiba tecra 8000 === holycow [~a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] uber_newber: as long as you have USB it should be ok :) [03:29] ok kool [03:29] older hardware usually works better... in terms of having drivers that work that is === zip [~zip@ppp002.van.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] steve_f> where do i find the version of my wireless adapter thing [03:30] I bought the linksys wusb11 on saturday for $9 and had it working in about an hour... I was very pleased that it worked at all so I didn't have to return it :) [03:30] The version is under the velcro plate on the bottom. [03:30] lol kool [03:30] oh ok thanx again === pedingto_ [~pedingto@cpc2-norw1-5-0-cust35.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] so.. nobody has a webcam in here? i need some help.. please.. :-/ [03:31] ya, mines 2.8 also [03:31] :) [03:31] <^thehatsrule^> webcam?! [03:31] steve_f: usually you check google first before you buy hardware for a linux box :P [03:31] <^thehatsrule^> :/ [03:31] Then it should work fine... the better question is how to do it right. Ie via module-assistant as someone mentioned earlier. [03:31] Hrm. I'm having an issue with apt-get. I've edited the sources.list and its failing to fetch one of them. [03:31] hah yes, webcam... [03:31] i have the drivers loaded for it and everything [03:31] ya [03:31] pedingto_: do you know for sure that you've edited it correctly? [03:31] but v4l is broken! [03:31] Strife: yeah, I know. It was an impulse buy. COuldn't beat the price. [03:31] Yup [03:32] pedingto: could be a typo [03:32] pedingto: perhaps that link is down. [03:32] pedingto_: what did you try to add to it? [03:32] Strife> what was that thing again? module-assistant? was that it === ninjak [ninjak@ool-18b841d9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz === gm78 [~gm78@S01060004e28f5eac.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] That was the package it failed on === SlicerDicer- [~Slicer@] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) === SlicerDicer- [~Slicer@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:33] uber_newber: yes... but the one time I used that was with debian, not ubuntu... I think ubuntu already has binary drivers for ndiswrapper... [03:33] Hey all. My internal PC speaker is beeping at me about once every 3 minutes or so. What could this mean? [03:33] uber_newber: from a quick search via apt-cache, the atmel drivers don't appear to be available for use via module-assistant [03:33] gm78: the world is about to end [03:33] hey gm78, is your normal sound working? [03:33] hahah strife === Quest-Master [~Quest-Mas@c-24-99-26-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:33] uber_newber: now that my dad has one of these devices, though, I hope to create a package and get someone to sponsor it in universe. [03:33] steve_f> ok so that means........ === porpuse [~porpuse@CPE00b0d04320d0-CM00003917e05e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === fr500 [~andres@143.228.uio.satnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] sup ppl? [03:34] Strife, lol, im just worried it could have something to do with CPU temp or something like that. the fans are working fine though....theres enough of them in this thing [03:34] i mean about what u said earlier [03:34] uber_newber: that you'll be able to apt-get install it and it'll automagically work [03:34] oofnik, yep...my normal sound is working fine...using beep media player right now === mrpickles [~mrpickles@ip68-225-119-62.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] sweet [03:34] Strife, just making sure my computer isn't going to be dead tomorrow [03:34] gm78: it very well could mean that, but it's hard to say... the pc speaker beeps for a lot of reasons [03:34] err, i think i messed up my apt-get software, can someone help >? [03:34] hm.. gm78 check what dmesg has to say [03:35] hello [03:35] strife> umm how do i install it. thats the first part of my problem lol [03:35] uber_newber: module-assistant is a way to build modules from source that are not part of the mainline linux kernel [03:35] i c [03:35] uber_newber: did the link I sent you a while ago not help? [03:35] dang sorry, i musta missed it [03:35] what was it? [03:35] google 'debian ndiswrapper' [03:35] oofnik, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary there [03:35] and look for the ubuntu wiki entry [03:35] ok thanx [03:35] hmm, i dont think mod php is working... what do i add to the apache config? [03:36] why don't you think it's working? [03:36] i have access to my work pc from home, and i enabled vnc, but i forgot to enable auto login, and i sent a reboot, is there a way for me to access my work pc's desktop, i can go in through ssh and edit files if requiered [03:36] did you try phpinfo(); yet? === Rogers [~rogers@p508EA8EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] gm78 i guess you could just go into volume control or alsamixer and mute the PC speaker [03:36] oofnik, i figured it might be that i am hitting too many buttons on the keyboard (like windows does sometimes) so i sat and hit some buttons repeatedly and nothing happened [03:36] hah well it's probably not that then.. could it be a certain key combination or something? === pedingto_ is now known as pedingto [03:36] Strife: when i go to a php page, firefox asks me if i want to save the file to disk :P === concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] wow this place is so much more helpful than just asking questions in a chat room, ppl actually help u here and dont critisize u for not bearing the knowledge that they do [03:37] oofnik, dont think so....i cant see why it would. i was typing an email [03:37] uber_newber: yeah, this ain't #debian... [03:37] don't get me started on #debian... [03:37] I mean [03:37] I'm as elitist as the next guy, but seriously [03:37] if you so much as ask them a question, you're insulting SOMEONE [03:37] ya [03:37] yeah #debian people.. argh [03:37] lol [03:38] ok, trying to reinstall AGAIN [03:38] ubuntu people are awesome [03:38] ya totally [03:38] Hrm. I've double checked the entry in sources.list and it is right. [03:38] oofnik, there is no option in the gnome-volume control or alsamixer for my internal pc speaker [03:38] yeah ubuntu people are awesome... too bad for the most part I like pure debian better... [03:39] minus the fact that its installer is old and outdated === alexmr [~alexmr@] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] and that it doesn't autodetect all the hardware that it should [03:39] etc. [03:39] gm78 if you backspace in terminal do you hear beeps? === The_bellman [~The_bellm@dsl.shannon.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] why my d4x dont work? [03:39] gm78: right after it beeps, you may try seeing the output of dmesg [03:39] Strife: how do i enable php? my mind is really out of it right now [03:39] how can i kill xserver from console, it always respawns [03:39] alexmr: that's a very vague question === crazyhorse [~ps@p508BEDC4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === moman [~moman@pcp05290820pcs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] bassinboy: did you try making a .php file with already? [03:40] in english or portuguese here ? [03:40] brb [03:40] Strife: will do [03:40] http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/power/library/pa-cell/?ca=dgr-lnxw03SpufsCell === KhaBal [~erkan@c220-237-142-131.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === punkrockguy318 [~lukas@pcp02403054pcs.brdgtn01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] Strife: still doesn't work === memin [~Linux@adsl-68-74-114-115.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] oofnik, yep, it beeps at me [03:41] bassinboy: file was in whereever apache looks when you type http://localhost in the browser? [03:41] so does anybody have a working video4linux device? [03:41] I'm hosting an apache 1 server on my ubuntu box.. Is there any sort of html thing that can make my pictures easily viewable on my site? [03:42] Strife, just tried that a minute ago, didnt show anything out of the ordinary [03:42] gm78 thats very odd, haha i have no idea what it could be [03:42] gallery [03:42] woa. [03:42] i just want to cp my pics to a folder and have people view them through an interface that is better than index of / === steve_f is now known as steve_zzz === keffo [~keffo@user150.82-197-233.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] hailfeafhl;eaf;savcnl;asf [03:42] Strife: your last sentense made no sense to me :P [03:42] SON OF A MONKEY'S UNCLE [03:42] Strife, just beeped right this second, typed dmesg, nothing has changed [03:42] Hello how can i create a .xinit script, in my home folder, containing "/usr/share/xpde/bin/startxpde"? [03:42] hm, anyone got dualboot (ubuntu -> winxp) [03:42] IT STILL SAYS THAT IT CAN'T RETRIEVE ZLIB1G [03:42] ? [03:42] punkrockguy318 - gallery - not quite that easy, but close enough === Strife dies [03:42] oofnik, lol, its confusing me too. CentOS used to do it too, and then Ubuntu never did it until today [03:42] Strife: [03:43] keffo - I do. [03:43] ok [03:43] gm78 if you heard it on different OS's then maybe it's not linux at all but your BIOS is trying to tell you something? [03:43] can you post yer menu.lst [03:43] CarlFK, thanks [03:43] have some booting problems for win [03:43] oofnik, is there anyway i could check that?? like in linux? === Gabriel [~bandwidth@20.mbps.with.optimized.org] has joined #ubuntu === jayparadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] keffo - no, because it is in XP now, and XPee can't read ext2... duh. [03:44] CarlFK, i'll check that out [03:44] argh [03:44] gm78 if you get some sort of hardware monitor maybe.. but you should check the BIOS [03:44] ok seriously [03:44] why the f*** wuld I get the "Couldn't retrieve zlib1g" error? [03:44] oofnik, should there be an option in the BIOS when i reboot to check that sort of thing? [03:44] does that mean that the iso I downloaded was corrupt? [03:44] CarlFK, where can I get some docs on using this? [03:44] usually all BIOS menus have a hardware monitor page [03:45] I have a C-media CMI 8738 sound card, it seems to not work on linux, so in order to fix it i downloaded the driver from the following site http://www.cmedia.com.tw/download/OS-e-cmi8738_linux.htm I downloaded file 1 for the driver but the next 2 are required for the right kernal, Im using the latest version of ubuntu and there seems to be no patch for the latest kernel what do i do? [03:45] How can i create a .xinit script, in my home folder, containing "/usr/share/xpde/bin/startxpde"? [03:45] it will list temperatures and fan speeds and such [03:45] http://gallery.menalto.com/ === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] oofnik, alright, im going to reboot, ill let u know what it says [03:45] tty in a bit === pedingto [~pedingto@cpc2-norw1-5-0-cust35.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === Derum [~eddie@ool-43543f23.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] anyone else using dualboot? [03:46] keffo: yep [03:46] keffo: on my desktop.... windows and debian [03:47] can you guys post yer menu.lst [03:47] got some bootingprobs [03:47] Hey, I was wondering " what is the best way to begin to learn all that linux has to offer, especially how to use terminal well and learning all the commands"? [03:47] KhaBal what kernel do you have? [03:47] the latest kernel on ubuntu [03:47] not here... but do you have a thread in ubuntu forums? [03:47] umm currently im using the latest ubuntu [03:47] and i havent touched the kernel after installation === wick2o [~frank@] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] hello [03:48] ok, i have apache and php installed, but i still can't get php to work [03:48] keffo, I use dualboot === mxpxpod is now known as mx|gone [03:48] oofnik: did you understand? === scott__ [~scott@host-232-75-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] keffo i am posting my menu.lst on pasebin, i hope it can help === kishkumen [~kolob@207-246-186-200.Corbin.ResNet.wiu.edu] has left #ubuntu [] [03:48] ugh, *stabs apt-get* === scott__ [~scott@host-232-75-220-24.midco.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:48] keffo, a small portion of my memory is devoted to windows Xp (Cough SISTER Cough) while the main portion of my memory is UBUNTU [03:48] hey strife, i found this but i have no clue how to do ne of it http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?Installation === bolivar [~bolivar@host-232-75-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu === gm78 [~gm78@S01060004e28f5eac.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === Sysace{A} [~Xunil@stjh1-2771.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] oofnik, ummmm, is it just me, or is 52 deg. Celcius way too hot for the cpu???? [03:49] oofnik, im hoping its just me [03:49] 52 deg. is kind of hot.. mine runs at about 45 c === omaru [~omaru@] has joined #ubuntu [03:50] what CPU is it? [03:50] uber_newber: still trying to install ndiswrapper? === zip [~zip@ppp002.van.centurytel.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:50] keffo, here you go http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/276 [03:50] should have got AMD :P [03:50] oofnik, Athlon XP 2200+ [03:50] ouch. [03:50] gm78 what kind of heatsink? [03:50] haha bassinboy [03:50] will 52 deg burn it out or melt it? === wick2o wishes ubuntu apt-get was as huge as debains apt-get sources [03:50] clean out you heatsink/fan.. and re apply thermalgreese [03:50] haha, it won't melt it but it puts stress on the chip.. [03:50] wick2o: have u added multiverse and universe to your sources? [03:50] wick2o: portage my friend.. [03:51] oofnik, how do i check what kind of heatsink....and how do i regrease it? === absinthe_ [~matt@cpe-065-190-143-067.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] goldfish> ya === Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-88.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] KhaBal unfortunately i don't have any experience with your soundcard.. have you searched ubuntu forums? [03:51] so, hows the easiest way to check what partition is what.. i mean the "root (hd0,0) something something) [03:51] cant get it working [03:51] yes [03:51] keffo: I run windows from 1st partition on slave drive... if this is similar to your setup I can help [03:51] i even posted myself no response [03:51] uber_newber: have you added the extra repos to your sources.list? [03:52] pietro_spina, yes, same here i guess [03:52] damn dcc chat [03:52] umm no, i dont even know waht that is [03:52] goldfish: i have uncommented everying in the sources.list [03:52] wick2o: kk [03:52] is there something im missing? [03:52] keffo: not exactly something you should be gessing :-) [03:52] uber_newber: ok, no probs. [03:52] pietro_spina, shoot.. im 95% sure [03:52] its late, and im very tired [03:52] I have a C-media CMI 8738 sound card, it seems to not work on linux, so in order to fix it i downloaded the driver from the following site http://www.cmedia.com.tw/download/OS-e-cmi8738_linux.htm I downloaded file 1 for the driver but the next 2 are required for the right kernal, Im using the latest version of ubuntu and there seems to be no patch for the latest kernel what do i do? === bassinboy [~jared@user-0cet1jo.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] [03:53] keffo: I had to install windows on the disk when it was a master, then swapped them around... [03:53] that sounds like the lamest [03:53] What could be causing an MD5Sum mismatch in apt-get? [03:53] KhaBal check this out: http://tinyurl.com/dkqur === zoople [~zoople@ppp203-213.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] pietro_spina, but you couldnt start windows in anyways? [03:53] before that..? [03:54] keffo did you take a look at my menu.lst? [03:54] oofnik, didnt help very much, thanks anyway :< [03:54] hello people. on intalling LIMEWIRE: Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive... [03:54] Configuring the installer for this system's environment... [03:54] No Java virtual machine could be found from your PATH [03:54] environment variable. You must install a VM prior to [03:54] running this program. [03:54] oh, alright, sorry hah === hyphenated [~cgilmour@] has joined #ubuntu === memin [~Linux@adsl-68-74-114-115.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] === blueman [~scott@69-174-148-30.frdrmd.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:54] oofnik: is that the right kernel? === r0bby [~wakawaka@cpe-204-210-133-115.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] keffo: If you did something similar the you will have to use the map( ) command and rootnoverify also... Hang on I'll post a link.. [03:55] i didn't download it but i think it's just source.. so it shouldn't matter === tmanArch [~tman@CPE-24-166-178-183.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] Whats the best way to get to learn more about linux and learn all of its commands? === iDennis [~dennis@166-91.8-67.swfla.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === gm78 [~gm78@S01060004e28f5eac.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === tmanArch [~tman@CPE-24-166-178-183.kc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [03:56] Anyone know how to format a usb stick in Ubuntu? === ECJB [ECJB@pcp0011789794pcs.plsntv01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] iDennis do you want it to be vfat? [03:56] Well, is that the best to use? [03:57] if you want it to be viewable in windows [03:57] I want to be able to use it with all PCs [03:57] yeah [03:57] oofnik, hey....just shut down the computer...using another one in the house now. I lucked out, my room-mate was on her way to return a router and i caught her just as she was leaving the store...she is picking up some thermal grease :) [03:57] iDennis i can't remember the format command.. ehh sorry === Derum [~eddie@ool-43543f23.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:57] oofnik, what is the melting point of a cpu do u think? :-P [03:57] haha gm78 good job [03:58] i think AMD chips are rated to 85 c max or so [03:58] keffo: an old post of mine... http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=213084#post213084 [03:58] How do i intall a Java VM? [03:58] so technically you're safe, but you could have been under heavy load and you probably passed 60c at some point [03:58] zoople, open a private chat ill walk u through it [03:59] I know it's a stupid question, but can anyone else help me format my usb stick [03:59] pietro_spina, thank you very much.. ill try [03:59] oofnik, good, it should be fine then === jejones [~jejones@12-216-178-59.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] keffo: np [03:59] iDennis, which device is it, sda? === jejones [~jejones@12-216-178-59.client.mchsi.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === D1 [~damian@pool-71-104-241-160.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] yes [04:00] gm78, yes. Sorry [04:00] mkfs.vfat /dev/sda ?? === tman [~tman@CPE-24-166-178-183.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] mkfs -t vfat /dev/sda i think === Chrischan [~Chrischan@p54BFD3FC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === ApesMa [~jejones@12-216-178-59.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] iDennis, either mkfs.vfat /dev/sda or mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1 [04:02] Hello there. I'm new to Ubuntu. I am having trouble setting up multimedia with my Ubuntu. Can anyone help? [04:02] iDennis, one of those will work [04:02] gm78, I'm sorry it is sda1 [04:02] sda is the device, sda1 is the partition [04:02] I just need to unmount it. Then test it [04:02] I see. [04:02] tman, what's the specific problem? [04:02] ok, unmount it (but dont eject it) and then do that format, then eject it, and plug it back in [04:02] iDennis, sorry, read above post [04:02] a couple. 1, I can't get wmv to stream to Totem. === keffo [~keffo@user150.82-197-233.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] gm78, By eject do you mean, just pull it out? [04:03] tman did you install the w32codecs? [04:03] I have installed all w32Codecs. === pedingto [~pedingto@cpc2-norw1-5-0-cust35.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === lamp- [~la@dsl-084-056-130-106.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] works fine pietro_spina ! thank you so much [04:03] iDennis, NO [04:03] ah.. well do you have totem-gstreamer? you need totem-xine to use the w32codecs [04:03] iDennis, eject /dev/sda === kwilcox [~kylewilco@ip68-229-81-101.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] what does eject do gm78? [04:04] keffo: Excellent [04:04] How do I check for Totem-Xine? === scoon [~scoon@dsl092-234-243.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] tman in totem, go to Help -> About === sheissder [~garrett@clyn-900mhz-033-183.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] and it will tell you if you're using gstreamer or xine [04:05] Why does apt-get hate me so? I'm getting an MD5Sum mismatch on something its trying to fetch. [04:05] gm78, Thank you very much. I have noted everything, so I will remember. I appreciate the help. Everything worked out great [04:05] Hold on, I did a apt-cache search... I let you know in a sec... [04:05] tman, i think there is a totem-xine package that replaces totem-gstreamer [04:05] iDennis, no problem [04:05] yeah gm78 thats what he needs to do [04:05] no apt-get for the wpa suppliment? anyone know of a tut for setting this up in ubuntu? [04:06] apt-cache tells you what is installed on your system, correct? === dutch [~dutch@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === misfit_toy is fresh here from #fedora, the speed of ubuntu is blinding, I"m impressed. [04:06] misfit_toy: agreed, i am on the same boat [04:07] yes misfit_toy, it seems a lot of ubuntu users switch from fedora, that's what i did haha [04:07] anyone handy with ACPI errors during installation? [04:07] usually because they're sick of RPM :-P [04:07] wick2o, after watching my HD churn last night for the 8000th time, I said f it and went for it. [04:08] testing xchat color here [04:08] Anyone got an idea of how I can fix my apt-get? lol [04:08] darnit... [04:08] again [04:08] sheesh [04:08] ped: apt-get update? [04:08] i guys will ubuntu see my soundblaster card [04:09] fails at one of them [04:09] Is there another mirror to use for "ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net"? This one seems to be not responding. [04:09] Nevermind... [04:09] I get an MD5Sum mismatch [04:09] will ubuntu see 32bit sound cards [04:10] flodine, what kind of sound card??? check if it is compatable with linux (google should help u with that) [04:10] misfit_toy: only prob im having is getting wpa setup for my wireless [04:11] wick2o, ndiswrapper will fix that, I'm onto that next [04:11] wick2o, which wirless device are you using [04:11] tman how's it coming? [04:11] anyway night folks. [04:11] Ok, installing the totem-xine application did it! Now on to the DVD. [04:11] flodine, really depends on the card.....u need the chipset and the model number....a good way to test it out is with a live cd [04:11] ipw2100 or 2200 i forget off the top of my head [04:11] download knoppix and see if it detects your sound card [04:11] ok cool.. i haven't tried dvd yet so i don't know if i can help [04:12] i think you need the css decryption libs === TallRain45 [~wa_usa_gu@c-67-168-108-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:12] Yeah, I got those as well. [04:12] kwilcox: the card works..im using it now on a neibors wireless connection that doesnt have any encryption === Hylas [~Hylas@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [04:12] and if i enable wep encrypting then i can connected to my home network, but i prefer to use wpa [04:12] It tells me something about not being able to open dvd:// === mx|gone is now known as mxpxpod [04:12] wick2o, ok i thought you were having trouble getting it to work [04:13] just getting the wpa stuff setup [04:13] tman, thats odd.. let me go get a dvd and try it out [04:13] tman, u might need to install libdvdcss [04:13] tman, its not in the repos...u have to compile it, but it is incredibly easy to compile [04:14] Ok, that totem-xine must have cured alot. That got my dvd working as well. [04:14] tman, libdvdcss is a nice thing to have anyways. i use it to rip my dvds to hard disk (not by itself of course) [04:15] autoGK for linux is needed o.0 someone get on that! [04:15] I take that back. Here is the error just poped up after playing two frames: "The source seems encrypted, and can't be read. Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss?" === frequency [~frequency@cpe-24-28-173-234.elp.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Dj_AlTeK [~Dj_AlTeK@69-172-90-242.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] tman, open a private chat with me, ill walk u thru install libdvdcss === rusty [~rusty@pcp07166705pcs.tupelo01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] I already have them installed. Maybe it's a configuration thing? [04:17] tman, u already have libdvdcss installed??? unless u grabbed it from an unsupported repo or already compiled it urself, u dont have it [04:17] heh tman dvd works for me.. good luck haha [04:18] I'm using gdesklets/starterbar and I want to create a starter for Synaptic. I have but it says I must be root to use it. [04:18] Anyone farmiliar with acpi errors upon installation? [04:18] How can I have it ask for passwd like the shortcut in administration? [04:18] anyone have probs with ettercap-gtk? [04:19] im getting an "the error was 'ABadIDChoice" [04:19] New to linux and ubuntu. I want to play mp3s in music player. looked for XMMS in my synapic package manager. Nothing by that name there. I running ubuntu on a pretty old PC. Where is my XMMS package? [04:19] tman, started a private chat with u, ill walk u through installing it there [04:19] absinthe_: gksudo /usr/sbin/synaptic === iratsu [~iratsu@modemcable157.255-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:19] can anyone test something quick for me please [04:19] FINALLY installing correctly... [04:19] just open gstreamer-properties [04:19] pietro_spina, Thank you! [04:19] I get the following error when trying to run X with the nvidia driver: (EE) NVIDIA(0): The NVIDIA kernel module does not appear to be receiving interrupts generated by the NVIDIA graphics device. Please see the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS section in the README for additional information Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device! *** Aborting *** (II) UnloadModule: "nvidia" (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usa [04:19] ble configuration. [04:19] rusty : xmms should be there.....it is a supported package as far as i know [04:20] rusty, vlc plays everything btw [04:20] absinthe_: np [04:20] what is vlc? [04:20] oofnik, got it opened === Can0Beans [~fart@c-24-3-113-223.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:20] rusty, a media player === gil [~gil@host-24-225-172-240.patmedia.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] rusty, does video and stuff too [04:20] it stands for Video Lan something... it plays video media [04:20] gm78 in the video tab whats selected for input? [04:21] where do i get vlc? === evader [~evader@220-253-14-102.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] www.videolan.org [04:21] one more question. Beep media player works great except every once in awhile it will pause play. I have to hit pause and then unpause to fix it === bratsche [~bratsche@dsl093-053-083.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] rusty, it is in synaptic if u enable universe and multiverse [04:21] oofnik, video4linux [04:21] Is there a way to minimise RAM usage by disabling daemons? and how? === rince2k [~rince@dsl-084-056-137-040.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === airmikey [~airmikeyy@c-67-160-238-101.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] gm78 does it test correctly? [04:22] Hi. I'm running breezy and VMware errors during install saying that gcc 4.0.1 isn't supported... [04:22] bob2, anyone on Ubuntu team working on making Bluetooth work as it does in SuSE 9.3? [04:22] would I be able to get libdvdcss if I have universe and multiverse on? [04:22] oofnik, it shows a grey snowy line at the top of the black window...so i guess so :P [04:22] bob2, I can turn on my Bluetooth mouse and it just works [04:22] is the pipeline 'v4lsrc? [04:22] tman, nope....ubuntu does not ship it at all. there has already been a lawsuit over it === Ubuntu_Brazil [~MrJohn@200-221-62-228.tvaacesso.speeduol.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] oofnik, yes [04:23] hello all. How can I install Ubuntu with enlightnment? [04:23] damn well why doesn't mine work.. argh === jo [~jo@cc667024-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] sudo apt-get install libpt-pluins-v4l wont instal how its call then? [04:23] oofnik, did you install the whole win32 codecs package and mplayer? [04:24] i think when you do that it will install. [04:24] one more question. Beep media player works great except every once in awhile it will pause play. I have to hit pause and then unpause to fix it [04:24] yep nomasteryoda i got that === puto [Administra@195-23-147-165.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] at least on mine... but i may have added some other repos === kwilcox is now known as kwilcox_afk [04:24] it's not a codec issue, it's the video4linux pipeline [04:24] right [04:24] oofnik, im not sure [04:24] My choices for vlc are debian, familiar, suse, mandrake, red hat, fedora. Which one workks with ubuntu? === psychonate|remot [~Bonnie@pcp02453525pcs.lwrswt01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] oofnik, lol, i suck at helping u fix problems and ur good at helping me fix problems :-P [04:25] haha gm78 you just have simpler problems! [04:25] oh well.. so does anyone else want to help me fix my video4linux problem === psychonate|remot [~Bonnie@pcp02453525pcs.lwrswt01.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Ubuntu_Brazil [~MrJohn@200-221-62-228.tvaacesso.speeduol.com.br] has left #ubuntu [] === psychonate|lap [~Bonnie@pcp02453525pcs.lwrswt01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] wen i run xawtv /dev/video0 working but not abel to do in gnomemeeting that takes /dev/video1 [04:26] oofnik, other dialog box === finite [~FiniteSta@1Cust19.tnt46.ewr3.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] not pusbul to make /dev/video0 in gnomeeting? [04:26] <_unome> anyone knows how to change desktop background from terminal? [04:27] jo just make a sym link from /dev/video0 to /dev/video1 [04:27] oofnik, lol [04:27] doint no hao w to do that [04:27] sudo ln -s /dev/video0 /dev/video1 [04:28] I'm using Beep Media Player. It pauses play while I'm browsing the internet (firefox) at random. I have to hit pause/unpause to get play to resume. Anyone know how to fix this? [04:28] I want to download vlc for ubuntu. which version works: debian, familiar, mandrade, YOPY, fedora === jeronim- [~jj@c210-49-82-219.rochd3.qld.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [04:29] wont work oredy ther [04:29] rusty, use debian [04:29] but hawo to get v4l1 [04:29] tha wil fix it [04:29] thanks, absinthe === caonex [~caonex@ip70-177-55-187.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] rusty, from terminal do "sudo dpkg -i "name of vlcpackage.deb" === jasmuz [~jasmuz@77sdl30m43.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] rusty, np [04:30] befor it was apt-get install libpt-pluins-v4l [04:30] but not longer there === Fergy [~Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] absinthe_, do u happen to have esd running? [04:30] gm78, I am using Alsa. === Rydekull [~Rydekull@c-967673d5.012-55-6c756c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu [04:31] It's working fine now. It's only when I'm using the mouse+browser [04:31] gm78, It's working fine now. It's only when I'm using the mouse+browser [04:31] Is there a website with information/experiences etc on Ubuntu on laptops/notebooks? Especially with respect to off-the-shelf ones. === nilsl [~nilsl@c-e8b8e253.029-138-73766c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === SpecialBuddy [~matt@c-24-11-130-184.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === matjan [~matty@] has joined #ubuntu === SithToast [~SithToast@cable5-113.murray-ky.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] what's the difference between v4l and v4l2? [04:33] is ther any amsn video suport yes andt wil it work in gaim? === imnes [~nicholas@12-217-159-91.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] jo, not yet i don't think.. did you ever get your video thing working [04:33] v4l2 wont run on gnomeeting [04:34] v4l wil run [04:34] on my gentoo box works great [04:34] but wen i select v4l2 wont work same in heren but in here not abel to select v4l [04:35] jo i can't get v4l to work either.. strange [04:35] in xawtv i see my self [04:35] Will removing ssh alter performance on my box? [04:36] but in gnomeeting it syest wont /dev/vedeo0 its taking /dev/vedeo1 al the them === c_rodge [~cale@] has joined #ubuntu [04:37] how can i install java on ubuntu 4.10 [04:37] i no its a bug [04:37] do the fix things fast in urbuntu [04:37] guys when i cat /dev/video0 i get this: /dev/video0: Cannot allocate memory [04:38] any ideas? [04:38] ore do i have to wait andt wait en wait [04:38] absinthe_: I think ubuntu just gived you the client... sshd is not running by default.. [04:38] how can i install java in ubuntu 4.10 [04:38] absinthe_: gived =gives [04:38] /etc/init.d/ssh start === IceDC571 [~IceDC571@c-67-188-217-188.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] c_rodge: check here (btw 4.10 is warty) ... [04:39] !java [04:39] hmm... java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//Java [04:39] hmm.. what advantages does warty have over hoary? [04:39] c_rodge, another option is to download java from Sun's website and run the installer (assuming x86). === Xenguy [~gnu@ottawa-dial-206-191-1-61.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] pietro_spina, Thanks === Vinh [~Vinh@ppp197-46.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] IceDC571: none [04:41] absinthe_: if you run the ssh server per cast's example be sure you have srtong passwords as you will be scanned.... [04:41] IceDC571: warty is the prior release. Older but still supported [04:41] pwc Philips webcam module version 10.0.6-unofficial loaded. [04:41] pwc Logitech QuickCam 4000 Pro USB webcam detected. [04:41] andt stil wont work [04:42] absinthe_: It's real no big deal though, just fills up some logs :-) [04:42] how to forst gnomeeting to take /dev/video0 grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [04:42] pietro_spina, heh, ok. I don't use ssh so I'm removing i [04:43] absinthe_: I altered the port i run it on... [04:43] in stad of my tv kaard gr === dts [~dennis@c-67-188-233-62.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] Any one know how to line syntax how to mount a partition of hdb? === nomasteryoda|w [~nomastery@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] i was just wondering why people still used it === TallRain45 [~wa_usa_gu@c-67-168-108-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:43] too lazy to upgrade eh? === puto [~puto@195-23-147-165.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu === TallRain45 [~wa_usa_gu@c-67-168-108-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] err i mean hda [04:43] absinthe_: oh... then that will save you like whole 100kb of space hehehe [04:43] umm apt-get wapsupplicant doesnt work, its this a mistake or am i missing a source in myu sources.list [04:43] wen i wont to go run unstabel testing how to handel [04:44] pietro_spina, Bah! I'm paranoid so I removed it. lol === misfit_toy [~guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] every time i upgrade my kernel all my grub configuration changes get overwritten and my system becomes unusable, how can I prevent this? [04:44] run gentoo [04:44] dts, keep the last known [04:44] finite last known what? [04:44] pietro_spina, I'm also a space-freak. I need every available kb of free space. I'm rather obsessive about it =) [04:44] dts, keep the last known good menu item under the autmatic configuration line. [04:44] dts, sorry about that. [04:45] finite is there a seperate automatic configration file? === lamp- [~la@dsl-084-056-136-209.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] absinthe_: I was getting an almost constant scan from Sogang University In Korea untill I changed th port.... (grin) now nothing... === matjan [~matty@] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] In the file /boot/grub/menu.lst [04:46] when i cat /dev/video0 i get this: /dev/video0: Cannot allocate memory ... anyone know what could be going on? i have 1 GB of ram... [04:46] hm [04:46] ok if i go to suns website and download it, how do i install it [04:46] pietro_spina, Pluggin the holes in your boat? =) [04:46] absinthe_: so you used to defrag everyother day in your windows days? [04:46] dts, there is a line that says "end debian automagic kernels list" (in all caps). [04:46] pietro_spina, lol, yes [04:46] dts, in the file /boot/grub/menu.lst [04:47] pietro_spina, I'd uninstall programs that I hadn't used for awhile then reinstall them days later all the time [04:47] is ther not yet video skype in urbunto [04:47] finite and everything after that get'ssaved? [04:47] thanks i'll try that === matjan [~matty@] has left #ubuntu [] === LostSole_ [~drain@dsl081-059-028.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] jo do you mean ubuntu? whats up with your spelling [04:48] i really need help, i need java, [04:48] for warty [04:48] absinthe_: they kept trying to login as root and a dictionary of passwords... but I had disabled remote root login they were just banging on the door and filling my logs... hehe === Taken_By_Kristin [~CowTippa@user-0c90s4g.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] c_rodge it's not in synaptic? [04:48] apt-get wpasupplicant no worky...any help? [04:48] where would i check it in there [04:48] just search for j2re [04:49] Really quick gentlemen...howcome every time I restart my computer, I have to redo my wireless connection? [04:49] dts, Everything after that is retained. I had the same problem (wrong partitions etc in automatically generated lines) [04:49] absinthe_: I used to do that... now I'm just a distro junkie... [04:49] /dev/hda1 /media/windows vfat umask=000 0 0 <<--- now what do i change to show the 2nd fat partiion on the same drive, hda? [04:49] Taken_By_Kristin: what do you mean 'redo' ? [04:49] Well my wireless card is still installed. [04:49] pietro_spina, Heh, some people are persistent. [04:49] sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla [04:49] I just have to type iwlan0 scan and stuff. [04:49] All over again. [04:49] And then configure the settings. === Prottie [~gjorans@dsl236-106.adsl.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] absinthe_: code red worms even more so.... [04:50] it says it is not installable [04:50] Is there a way to stop that so I'll always be connected? [04:50] dts, If you know a section that works, keep a copy of it under that demarking line. Use that to boot in. And then change the list manually.... === oren [~oren@] has joined #ubuntu === advantage1_ [~advantage@S0106001217e3e751.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] it says not installable, in synptic [04:51] c_rodge.. weird.. what is the exact message [04:51] dts, ...so that you get it at the top as your default one. Also, you could correcti it manually after each kernel update, before shutting down. [04:52] how do i make my konsole transperint === oren [~oren@] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] I get the following error when trying to run X with the nvidia driver: (EE) NVIDIA(0): The NVIDIA kernel module does not appear to be receiving interrupts generated by the NVIDIA graphics device. Please see the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS section in the README for additional information Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device! *** Aborting *** (II) UnloadModule: "nvidia" (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usa [04:52] ble configuration. [04:52] finite, is there a way i can change the default kernel automatically? [04:52] could not mark all packages for installation [04:52] Howcome I have to reconfigure my wireless internet connection every time I restart? [04:52] how do i make my konsole transperent [04:53] advantage1_: ask in #kubuntu [04:53] where am eye ? [04:53] #ubuntu [04:53] ok [04:53] how do i get there [04:53] type /join #kubuntu [04:53] Double click #kubuntu [04:53] Or that. [04:54] My way is easier. =P [04:54] dts, I am not sure; not a sensible one anyway :-) and :-( [04:54] Parabolize you think you can help me out really quick? [04:54] finite, heh [04:54] Howcome I have to reconfigure my wireless internet connection every time I restart? [04:54] dts, you can set default kernel in /boot/grub/menu.lst [04:55] Taken_By_Kristin: such as essid? [04:55] Can I use LOADLIN to boot the live CD off my HD? === bigbootay [~bigbootay@CPE0004e28a9289-CM000a73a14ed4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:55] I'm no good with wireless. sorry [04:55] Taken_By_Kristin: you got dhcp set up? [04:55] Yeah I do. [04:55] Goldfish. [04:55] And not like that Liable. [04:55] I still have my wireless card installed it still detects it after typing 'ndiswrapper -l' [04:56] I just have to scan for it again and then configure it. [04:56] Loaded 156 plugins with 302 features. [04:56] Taken_By_Kristin: i think u can use dhclient iwlan0 === TallRain45 [~wa_usa_gu@c-67-168-108-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:56] Taken_By_Kristin: oh, ok. [04:56] hmmm [04:56] i still cant get java, i need it to play a game on internet [04:56] concept10, can i select the default kernel to be the option i selected at my last boot? [04:56] maybe you could make a startup script to do it for you Taken_By_Kristin [04:56] c_rodge: java.sun.com [04:56] Does everyone have to do that who connects wirelessly? [04:56] what does that have [04:57] Taken_By_Kristin: i did [04:57] !java [04:57] well, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//Java [04:57] c_rodge: follow that link [04:57] I'm using Beep Media Player. It pauses play while I'm browsing the internet (firefox) at random. I have to hit pause/unpause to get play to resume. Anyone know how to fix this? [04:57] Hmm...is it difficult? Do you think you can give me a quick run through? [04:57] Taken_By_Kristin: so you mean you don't load ndiswrapper in /etc/modules? [04:57] Or show me a site that does? [04:57] No I don't Strife. [04:57] Taken_By_Kristin: sudo echo ndiswrapper >> /etc/modules === robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] It sounds like the start up script would work though, Goldfish. [04:58] Taken_By_Kristin: methinks [04:58] So just type 'sudo echo ndiswrapper /etc/modules' === Thunderguy [thunderguy@titan.pfak.org] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] And I should be good? [04:58] Taken_By_Kristin: no, sudo echo ndiswrapper >> /etc/modules [04:58] no [04:58] Strife: that won't work either [04:58] Ok. [04:58] Thanks Strife. [04:58] bob2: hrm? [04:58] Taken_By_Kristin: wait [04:58] Taken_By_Kristin: echo ndiswrapper | sudo tee /etc/modules [04:59] what do i do after i go to java.sun.com [04:59] heh [04:59] c_rodge: follow the java link [04:59] Oh yeah...Seveas was mentioning something like that heh... [04:59] bob2: uh, why? [04:59] Strife: (the shell redirection which does the writing will run as you, not root) [04:59] there has got to be a beter way... [04:59] Thanks Bob2, Strife, and goldfish! [04:59] what java link [04:59] That takes care of redoing my reconfiguring when I restart? [04:59] Strife: something like sudo "sh -c echo ndiswrapper >> /etc/modules" is another option [04:59] !java [04:59] extra, extra, read all about it, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//Java [04:59] c_rodge: that one :) [04:59] Hey, anyone know how I would set a default resolution in Hoary Hedgehog, changing X resolutions everytime I log in is getting annoying. [04:59] bob2: interesting.... oh well, I always edit it rather than echoing :) [04:59] which [05:00] goldfish can i pm u [05:00] no ! [05:00] does anyone have a working video4linux device [05:00] im a bit busy , sorry [05:00] ok [05:00] but which link [05:00] Thunderguy, edit [05:00] concept10: What would I edit though? [05:01] c_rodge: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//Java [05:01] Thunderguy, Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to remove unwanted video resolutions [05:01] i have tried that and i didnt know what to do [05:01] c_rodge: do what I do, just download the jdk and install it somewhere, add that to your path [05:01] What's the difference between 'sudo' and 'su'? (Don't have Linux running to go play with MAN or INFO...) [05:01] Has anyone gotten Electric Sheep working with Ubunut? [05:02] I like to put things like that in either /opt or /usr/local [05:02] i have no idea what ur talking about [05:02] strife [05:02] concept10: Thanks man, btw, is the sync rates in the same file? [05:02] ECJB: su is switch user, sudo is superuser do, i.e runa command with root priveleges [05:02] Im on 60hz [05:02] ECJB: su gives you a shell, and requires the root password, sudo is a system that lets you run certain commands (or even a shell) as root by authenticating as yourself [05:02] Thunderguy, not sure right off hand === shmoolik [~shmoolik@] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] hey bob2 - wana see a weird one? isa vga = http://pictures.foxshare.net/carl/temp/Jun27/p1010004.jpg [05:03] hello [05:03] i m looking for quick start for openoffice === monchichi [~digwater@adsl-69-110-21-230.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === dave_ [~dave@189-30.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] http://www.openoffice.org/about_us/new.html === battlecat [battlecat@pool-71-116-23-20.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] strife, im downloading the jdk, no how do i install it [05:05] ECJB, thanks but i mlooking for deb package [05:05] Hi can you use apt to instlal something off of a CD? [05:05] CarlFK: ooh, I saw that plenty of times today [05:05] Oh - you mean you can't find the system tray thingie... [05:05] Thunderguy, I dont see the refresh rates, I had to delete those unwanted resoltions today, that was really bugging me too [05:05] c_rodge: you extract it and run the binary install file as root, by following the directions [05:05] CarlFK: hah [05:05] Strife - i just figured out the cause: isa vga card. [05:05] im a total noob so i dont really have agood idea what ur talking about [05:06] I meant CarlFK on that last one [05:06] erm [05:06] no [05:06] ok after i download it, where do i extract it [05:06] nevermind [05:06] concept10: Well Thanks again. === Strife is tired [05:06] whereever the hell you want, c_rodge [05:06] I only have 1 setting for my screen resolution [05:06] Any reason why my xmms would crash everytime I open it? [05:06] c_rodge: like I said, I like putting that stuff in either /opt or /usr/local/ [05:06] it doesnt matter, ok after i do that how do i install as root [05:06] CarlFK: yeah, multiple cards makes multiseat kick in [05:06] with sudo [05:06] what is multiseat? [05:06] aiui === IcemanV9 [~nobody@ppp-68-20-3-71.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] strife, can i pm u [05:07] no I am about to leave [05:07] How do I check what programs are using a device I am trying to unmount? === quam [~quam@user-1120s02.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] o ok [05:07] http://documentation.openoffice.org/ [05:07] but how do i put it in opt or /usr/local/ === finite [~FiniteSta@1Cust19.tnt46.ewr3.da.uu.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:08] odie5533: not letting you unmount? [05:08] c_rodge sudo mv whatever /opt [05:08] goldfish: sure isnt [05:08] ok later gentlemen (and possibly one or two ladies) [05:08] what is whateever [05:08] like java download [05:08] odie5533: there is a force option [05:08] anyone have exp install wpa_supplicant manually? [05:08] -f? [05:08] tried that [05:08] hmmmm === pow3r [~roque@200-112-142-226.bbt.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] can anyone else help me in installin java [05:09] http://java.com/ may be able to help. [05:09] ive looked there, didnt really help [05:10] what java are you trying to install? [05:10] try searching in synaptic for 'java' [05:11] i dont think its in synaptic unless you add an extra repository [05:11] <_simple> look at the ubuntu starters guide [05:11] sun java [05:11] i guess i need it to play a game [05:11] use blackdown java, theres ubuntu packages floating around somewhere [05:11] on interneyt [05:12] ive tried that too, it says not installable [05:12] does it say why? [05:12] !java [05:12] java is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com//Java [05:12] <_simple> http://ubuntuguide.org/#jre ? [05:12] will a linux that is optimized for i686 work on a p3-600 [05:12] yes === crappledev [~jamesmont@host-65-7-69-154.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] im downloading the jdk right noew === virgule [~virgule@modemcable247.67-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] now [05:13] I'm using firestarter how can I allow traffic in/out on a certain port (for bittorent)? [05:13] was that a yes at me crimsun? [05:13] wait, you want the jre not the jdk [05:13] where can i find it === jblack [~jblack@static-209-158-45-74.scr.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:13] Do I really need 'hotplug'? [05:14] virgule: if you use usb or pcmcia, then probably yes [05:14] am i the ONLY one who cant get wpa_supplicant from apt-get? [05:14] c_rodge, the jre is included in the jdk, so just download that [05:14] its just overkill is all [05:15] jdk is for java programmers === battlecat [battlecat@pool-71-116-23-20.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] === Trace [~Trace@] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] man i really need to get this, i have no idea what im doing [05:16] I'm using firestarter how can I allow traffic in/out on a certain port (for bittorent)? [05:16] only a USB mice [05:16] absinthe_: make a rule [05:16] bob2 - who said mutiple cards? 1 isa vga card - thats all. [05:16] monchichi, How, and what should it contain? [05:17] absinthe, well, look at whos being blocked in the firestarter gui [05:17] and right click and allow everyone to connect on that port [05:17] absinthe_: read this http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=130 === phaedrus44 [~phaedrus4@cpe-24-198-29-175.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] Since I only have a USB mice --no other 'hotplugable' devices-- do I still need to run hotplug at boot? === nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth === nalioths_dog [~Apple@cpe-66-25-34-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:18] nalioth, hey thanks for that comment... now i'm playin with full debian [05:18] nalioth_wrkn, thanks [05:18] 6881 is the traditional BT port, but now it uses all kinds of weird ports [05:18] try not running it [05:18] yeah [05:18] virgule: im not sure.. but why turn it off? [05:18] nomasteryoda|w: the comment "he knows what he's doing"? [05:18] alot of isp's are begininning to block 6881 === karlheg [~karlheg@host-250-237.resnet.pdx.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Varanger [~salmenara@] has joined #ubuntu [05:18] it take ~20 seconds just for that.. I dont know patience ;) [05:19] hi! I can make php and apache work together ! [05:19] how can I do ? [05:19] vrigule, heh, fair enough, try turning it off and see what happens... you can always turn it back on if your mouse wont work [05:20] got it... [05:20] Varanger - i have the ilne to make it happen... ust a asec [05:20] varanger: just "sudo apt-get install apache2 php5" [05:20] or php4 [05:21] Varanger - just sudo apt-get install apache2 php4 [05:22] Varanger - do you plan on using mysql too? (aka LAMP) [05:22] CarlFK: thanks! the problem was that I also needed universe ! === unome [~unome@ool-43513cf5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] CarlFK: for now, no... I am learning php first [05:23] later I'll start with mysql (the book I am reading has info on LAMP too...) [05:23] CarlFK: great! [05:23] here is my whole lamp line: sudo apt-get install mysql-server-4.1 apache2 php4 libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php4-mysql [05:23] ok I sure need it mouse stopped working right away without outplug. 'alight [05:24] Varanger - then I install http://mamboserver.com === dutch [~dutch@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:24] anyone know the debain main repository for synaptic? [05:24] virgule: it shouldnt take 20 seconds to start the hotplug system... takes about 2 on my system [05:24] someday (maybe in a week or 2) I will have some real sites running that setup. it is really fun ;) [05:25] 300 Mhz.... ;) [05:25] join hay [05:25] do people bother looking things up in google anymore? [05:25] but still I think yu are right lots of stuffs take loooong since im with ubuntu [05:25] how do i join [05:25] ouch 300 mhz... [05:25] a diferent room [05:25] boogle [05:25] ..and still running 24/7 [05:25] how do i get email [05:26] anyone know how to get email ? [05:26] advantage1: 'evolution' is the default mail client [05:26] i need help [05:26] what do i do [05:26] advantage1_ - get it from where? === IcemanV9 [~nobody@ppp-68-20-3-71.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Because] [05:27] get email? [05:27] i need email [05:27] how do i get email [05:27] advantage1_: http://gmail.com [05:27] or are you kidding? [05:28] or do you want to serve your own email? [05:28] i want email [05:28] advantage1_: www.gmail.com [05:28] like i wanna type email [05:28] mutt [05:28] in terminal, how do u log out as sudo root and gob ack to normal user? [05:29] advantage1_: thunderbird, sylpheed, evolution, pine, mutt [05:29] exit === odie5533 [~odie5533@c-67-175-208-140.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] How do I make a link that will jump you to the target instead of hard link? [05:29] Vinh: sudo only lasts 5 minutes, and if you dont put the 'sudo' in front of command, you are a regular user [05:29] ln -s [05:29] how do i install my windows 98 cd [05:29] ? [05:29] a.k.a soft-link [05:29] advantage1_: lol === auk [~scott@h-69-3-135-82.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] anyway to not wait 5mins [05:30] mondays suck [05:30] im mounting drive and testing to read only [05:30] Vinh: don't use 'sudo' [05:30] Vinh: you can change it in the sudo config file [05:30] and i can still write, must be in root? [05:30] hmmm [05:30] advantage1_: i think you are playing with us [05:30] jasmuz: yer troll detector isnt working? [05:30] advantage1_: asl wtf loel omfg pwnsauce cybarrrrr 11!!!oneone [05:31] nalioth: no....it isnt [05:31] /dev/hda5 /media/backupdrive vfat umask=0444 0 0 <--- thats what i have and i can still write to it :( [05:31] yeah.. jus kidden im a super linux nerd from the 5th dimension.. jus messin [05:31] maybe that umask setting allows everyone to write to it Vinh [05:32] i cant remember my umask im afriad [05:32] goldfish: umask=0000 allows all users [05:32] ah right [05:32] thanks === byen [~byen@bgp01113005bgs.westln01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] goldfish: don't thank me, i'm channeling someone in here (let me see who i can blame) === kkathman [~kkathman@h-64-105-16-185.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] i like crawl thru directories wit h ssh === byen_ [~byen@bgp01113005bgs.westln01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] if i do sudo *.. it still doesnt ask for password, how do i make it ask for password again? [05:33] nalioth: :) === KhaBal [~erkan@c220-237-142-131.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] Vinh: it wont ask for 5 minutes [05:34] Vinh: the first time, it asks. you wait 5 or 10 minutes (am not sure of the timeout) and it will ask again [05:34] wish my sound was working === titan_systems [~john@12-221-216-144.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] I'm using Beep Media Player. It pauses play while I'm browsing the internet (firefox) at random. I have to hit pause/unpause to get play to resume. Anyone know how to fix this? [05:34] KhaBal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary [05:34] how do u go on interent [05:34] absinthe_: i would guess it's flash plugins that are interfering [05:34] absinthe_: turn on dmix for your card [05:35] absinthe_: firefox suX0rs (my opinion) [05:35] whenever i try to fbsetbg a picture it tells me to esetroot and eterm? [05:35] whats the problem? [05:35] nalioth, What do you use? [05:35] KhaBal: run 'fbsetbg -i' [05:35] absinthe_: galeon and kazehakase [05:35] nalioth, What a name. [05:35] nalioth: have you used opera before? [05:36] Fazer: way long ago when i (ab)used windows, i used opera [05:36] Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion [05:36] Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset [05:36] advantage1_: notice how you're being ignored...? [05:36] nalioth: and is galeon better? [05:36] absinthe_: kazehakase is a japanese made gecko wrapper [05:36] KhaBal: hmmm [05:36] nalioth, Oh ok. === kkathman [~kkathman@h-64-105-16-185.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [05:36] Fazer: i stopped using non-free stuff a long time ago [05:36] If I add myself to a group I find that the change does not take effect until I log out and in again. Is there a way to add onesself to a group and benefit immediately without logging out and back in again? [05:36] Fazer: i'm a open source evangelist === lamp_ [~la@dsl-084-056-132-173.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] nalioth: I see.. [05:37] Fazer: i don't like adware [05:37] nalioth, Isn't Galeon using mozilla though? [05:37] Fazer: even more than i don't like non-free stuff [05:37] nalioth: got the damn point. [05:38] absinthe_: galeon, kazehakase both use the gecko engine === viork [~viork@] has joined #ubuntu === jobli [tor@xn--abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzss-vnc45c5f.de] has joined #ubuntu === quam [~quam@user-1120s02.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === Fazer [~fazer@CPE0050f276c615-CM0012c90fe42a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:40] how do I make evolution print nice calendars of all my stuff to do in a month? === remyforbes777 [~remyforbe@cpe-24-209-235-191.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === MisterMattiMoo [~matt@cpe-67-9-84-169.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] make: imlib2-config: Command not found [05:42] make: imlib2-config: Command not found [05:42] cc -DPIXMAP_SUPPORT -DHAVE_UNISTD_H -o Esetroot Esetroot.c [05:42] make: cc: Command not found [05:42] make: *** [Esetroot] Error 127 [05:43] what does this mean? [05:43] imlib2-config is missing [05:43] sigh ok [05:43] KhaBal: install imlib and imlib-dev [05:43] is it in synaptic? [05:43] KhaBal: should be === kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-109.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] KhaBal: you'll also want to install build-essential, to fix the second error [05:44] mdz: good call (i'm tired) [05:44] or as we say in Texas, "ahm tarred" [05:45] ok so i just installed the new version of Ubuntu, but i cant get the sound to work. I have Sound Blaster Audigy 2, and have looked through the Wiki but found very little. Any ideas? [05:45] there imlib1 [05:45] MisterMattiMoo: amixer sset 'Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack' on [05:45] theres imlib11 [05:45] MisterMattiMoo: gimme a minute, my browser is locked atm [05:45] MisterMattiMoo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary [05:46] MisterMattiMoo: crimsun knows best [05:46] KhaBal: install imlib2 === BROKEN_LADDER [~pral@h-69-3-236-189.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #UBUNTU [05:46] and imlib2-dev [05:46] KhaBal: there should be an imlib2 package in synaptic [05:48] KhaBal: and don't forget "build-essential" [05:48] oooh the packages name are libimlib2 and libimlib2-dev === brian_ [~brian@S0106004005c36f0c.ls.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] Ok cool, im trying it out right now. I am a reborn linux person. I havent used it in a while. LOOONNNNG while [05:48] hey all [05:48] crimsun- I was banned from -devel a while ago because the freenode server saw my 8 /join commands as a flood and would kick me, and auto connect would connec, then the joins, then the kick.. apparently for hours... [05:48] anyone have any idea why my sound just stopped working? === ups [~ups@] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] brian_: is the cat playing behind the puter? [05:49] it says insert cd [05:49] no [05:49] duh.. so now that I have that under control, can you unban me? [05:49] its plugged in [05:49] i inserted still not working [05:49] it says esd cannot start pipeline or w/e === hardcampa- [~hardcampa@c-dd1272d5.01-134-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu [05:49] brian_: what sound card? === ups [~ups@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:49] an onboard one.. my sb live would NOT work with esd so i decided to use the onboard === paganini [~paganini@ts-ilwrdn88.madisontelco.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] brian_: which sblive do you have? [05:50] value === skuter_khayalan [~Sechewan@] has joined #ubuntu === oofnik [~oofnik@c-66-56-40-216.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] ya saya [05:50] brian_: not the 7.1 nor the 24-bit, correct? [05:50] That's wierd.. soundblasters should be liked by linux in general [05:50] suma kamu sehat kah ni [05:50] dont think so [05:50] brian_: please make sure [05:50] sound blaster live value 3.1 i beleive [05:50] im NOT using it though [05:51] my onboard was working yesterday with esd [05:51] free sudah astro kan [05:51] brian_: cat /proc/asound/modules === unome [~unome@ool-43513cf5.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [05:51] OMG [05:51] it says insert cd [05:51] 0 snd_usb_audio [05:51] 1 snd_intel8x0 [05:51] 2 snd_emu10k1 [05:51] its allready inserted and its still saying it! === Count_Down [~Count@SENIOR-FOUR-EIGHTY-EIGHT.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] ubuntus dumb [05:52] brian_: heh, you have three sound devices [05:52] yeah [05:52] brian_: which do you want to use? [05:52] the onboard [05:52] intel8x0 [05:52] it was working yesterday [05:52] actually until i restarted lol [05:52] usb_audio is my webcam === bimberi [~bimberi@DC-244-147.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] brian_: then do this: echo "options snd-usb-audio index=-2" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base && echo "options snd-emu10k1 index=-2" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base [05:53] brian_: then you can: sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-reload === max__ [~max@53532C7E.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu === StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] brian_: you rebooted with the usb webcam plugged in, probably, and it grabbed the first 'slot' [05:54] OH [05:54] someone plugged it back in [05:54] lol [05:54] anyhow, after you execute those two commands, your on-board will be the primary one [05:54] do i do that with the quotes? [05:54] yes [05:54] use that exact syntax [05:55] just copy and paste [05:55] the | are seperaters right? [05:55] they're pipe symbols, and they're essential [05:55] just copy and paste the commands I gave you [05:55] k [05:55] should it work or do i reboot [05:56] you can force-reload, like I said above, or you can reboot. Your choice. [05:56] alright [05:56] yeah... i got it so far but sound stops me everytime in linux [05:56] hell i even got the fglrx to work :P [05:56] thanks crimsun [05:57] np [05:57] its still a no go [05:57] :| === J2Dope [~me@203-217-79-117.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] cat /proc/asound/modules [05:57] same as b4 === nilsl [~nilsl@c-e8b8e253.029-138-73766c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === gjlynx [~dormouse@adsl-64-123-15-179.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] brian_: then just reboot [05:57] kk [05:57] brb === rezzcobain [~rezzcobai@pcp01873087pcs.oakrdg01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] gday. will ubuntu work on a dell inspiron 6000 laptop?? [05:58] should do [05:58] works fine on my inspiron 8600 === ratl3 [~ratl3@12-208-42-236.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu === unome [~unome@ool-43513cf5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] great... thanks goldfish [05:59] no problems to report? [05:59] nope [05:59] imlib2 isint in synaptic [05:59] i found it a second ago [05:59] now i try searching [05:59] i found a machine tonight that the livecd wouldnt boot on [05:59] well, i needed ndiswrapper for the internal wireless [05:59] not there [05:59] amd 1500 [05:59] J2Dope - what wifi nic does it have? [05:59] but that was easy enough [06:00] wifi nic? [06:00] how can i tell CarlFK [06:00] but it was cobbled together and the cdrom was wankered [06:00] J2Dope - um... find the specs at dell.com, or boot a live cd and do lspci [06:00] J2Dope, lspci === nalioth is now known as nalioth_zZzZzZz [06:01] Please insert the disk labeled: [06:01] Ubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Release i386 (20050407) [06:01] in drive /cdrom/ its allready inserted!!! [06:01] finding specs at dell is pure shit [06:01] omg! [06:01] nomasteryoda im currently running windows [06:01] nomasteryoda|w: my faith in your abilitys was misplaced? (what statement?) [06:01] i have an intel Pro/Wireless 2200BG Network Controller [06:01] J2Dope, you can look at the current driver version using Manage under my computer [06:01] says windows hardware [06:01] KhaBal: comment out the line containing cd , in /etc/apt/sources.list === mello6 [~mellowyll@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] J2Dope, drill down to the driver details [06:02] J2Dope: you will need to use ndiswrapper for that , or install the ipw2200 module, but it's esy enough. [06:02] i forget where [06:02] *easy [06:02] ubuntu has made it much easier [06:02] its just some generic windows driver installed i think? [06:02] goldfish: what do you mean? im in editor now [06:03] KhaBal: does the first line mention cd ? [06:03] deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Release i386 (20050407 === brian_ [~brian@S0106004005c36f0c.ls.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] KhaBal: put a # at the start of that line [06:03] save and exit [06:03] hey again.. it is testing the pipeline ok crimsun but no sound... [06:03] nalioth_zZzZzZz, lol... where I mentioned using breezy [06:03] then run sudo apt-get update [06:03] and hosing it by upgrading to debian...lol [06:04] nn nalioth_zZzZzZz [06:04] never mind [06:04] goldfish: it worked! thanx lol [06:04] thanks for helping me out there crimsun [06:04] goldfish: you dont know how much stress that put me in [06:04] one more Q... do i have to format my free partion to a linux file system? or can ubuntu do that for me? [06:04] brian_: paste the output from amixer onto pastebin.ca === synd [~phillipma@h76.40.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] i got it [06:04] k [06:04] i didnt have the volume up in the mixer *noob* [06:04] :) [06:05] Z time [06:05] my only other problem isnt important... in bzflags my keyboardoesnt except input [06:05] it just DIES [06:05] nomasteryoda|w: i'm still lost as to how you went from breezy to vanilla debian [06:05] and i have to restart to get out [06:05] lol [06:05] accept* [06:05] KhaBal: np [06:05] nalioth_zZzZzZz, not completely debian from what i can tell [06:05] but now i'm all theway there on this box [06:05] J2Dope: ubuntu cd does it all for you. === dr_willis [~willis@12-222-71-130.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] thanks all [06:06] got the netinstaller and am updating as we speak [06:06] J2Dope: what graphics card u got on it? === Neods`Yoshi is now known as NeodiuM [06:06] where do they make balloons? [06:06] a generic intel one [06:07] k === Rydekull [~Rydekull@c-967673d5.012-55-6c756c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu === geesus [~paul@220-244-218-250-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:07] hi! [06:07] hello. [06:07] nomasteryoda|w: i don't even want to know....but as long as its workin [06:07] :D === wtfhappened [~love@h55l211.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] goldfish: if u can give a quick answer. do i have to format my free partition, or will ubuntu do it?? im giving ubuntu 12gigs === ER_JAGUAR [~yaguar@] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] J2Dope: nah, leave it free, and let the cd do it for you. [06:09] please!! [06:09] J2Dope: http://www.antoniocheca.com/wp/content-text/ubuntu-inspiron6000.html [06:09] i need to install bitchx [06:09] goldfish thanks [06:09] ER_JAGUAR: sudo apt-get install bitchx [06:09] thk [06:09] irssi > bitchx [06:09] tbh === bigbootay [~bigbootay@CPE0004e28a9289-CM000a73a14ed4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:10] 0_o === dr_willis waits for the 'how to i run BitchX' question to be asked next [06:11] :) [06:12] goldfish, you KNOW it will happen [06:12] so many errors [06:12] Esetroot.c:21:22: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory [06:12] Esetroot.c:22:23: X11/Xutil.h: No such file or directory [06:12] Esetroot.c:23:23: X11/Xatom.h: No such file or directory [06:12] Esetroot.c:24:21: X11/Xos.h: No such file or directory [06:12] Esetroot.c:25:20: Imlib2.h: No such file or directory [06:12] what does all this mean [06:12] wtf [06:12] this is just a bit of error [06:12] KhaBal: what are you trying to do? === jo [~jo@cc667024-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] there like times 10 more [06:13] im trying to get esetroot working [06:13] KhaBal: have u got Eterm? [06:13] no [06:13] guess thats why? [06:13] you need to use that with the Eterm terminal [06:13] yeah [06:13] KhaBal, looks like you dont have the ImLib dev stuff installed? [06:13] any dev's want to see an error I got installing breezy-server? http://pictures.foxshare.net/carl/temp/Jun27/1119930781/p1010001.jpg [06:13] i just installed that [06:13] KhaBal, what exactly are you trying to do anyway? [06:13] hell di instal nvidia andt som oter progies but nauw alsa wont run alsamixer [06:13] No mixer elems found [06:14] KhaBal: sudo apt-get install feh [06:14] ? [06:14] KhaBal: use that instead of esetroot [06:14] works fine for me [06:14] gen i fix alsa [06:14] im root nad it says could not get lock [06:14] var/lib/dpkg/lock [06:15] synaptic is running? [06:15] have u got synaptic open? === robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:15] yes.. :_ [06:15] :) [06:15] close it [06:15] you guys know everything wish i did [06:15] KhaBal, read, read, read.. then read some more. :P [06:15] where? [06:16] tldp.org? === gm78 [~gm78@S01060004e28f5eac.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] CarlFK: what does boostrap.log is saying [06:16] KhaBal: just use ubuntu for a while [06:16] Hit the bargin table at the book stores.. buy linux books.. keep them in the bathroom.. then eat a high fiber diet. [06:16] :) [06:16] its ther way to look for error [06:16] system wide [06:16] same error goldfish [06:17] hmm yeah.. Ubuntu is brown.. fiber.. kind of a mental picture 0_o [06:17] it just installed feh [06:17] oofnik, hey, im back, got the thermal whatever (cant remember the name put on) and the system seems to be running much faster, is that my imagination u think? [06:17] GoldFish: Same error mate [06:17] KhaBal: yeah, now try 'fbsetbg -i' [06:17] virgule - nothng interesting - I thought I posted it.. jsut a sec. === prc [~prc@] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] feh is a nice wallpapersetter. You won't have any problems. [06:18] lol [06:18] I have a problem [06:18] KhaBal: ok, now try 'fbsetbg -f pathtofile' [06:18] prc, what kind of problem? [06:18] i have to learn how apt-get works [06:18] any websites to it? [06:18] man apt-get [06:19] :) === krischan [~krischan@p54B80842.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === tamu [indah-net@] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] KhaBal, several dozen [06:19] google [06:19] When I load Ubuntu it plays music, but I can't get any other applications to play sounds [06:19] there's loads of info [06:19] e.g. SND === misfit_toy [~guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] how did you know feh was in my sources.list ? [06:20] because [06:20] it's in the ubuntu repos [06:20] and i searched myself [06:20] hmm i see [06:20] apt-cache search filename === WMCoolmon [~WMCoolmon@ip68-6-113-244.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] searches the repos for a package [06:20] so to install thing you add them in sources.list then apt-get install [06:20] hi.. [06:20] KhaBal: no [06:21] KhaBal: just apt-get [06:21] tamu: hello [06:21] helloo [06:21] KhaBal: your current sources.list should be fine. [06:21] hey, anyone know anything about getting cedega working on Hoary64? [06:22] virgule - http://pictures.foxshare.net/carl/temp/Jun27/1119930781/bootstrap.log [06:22] i've heard it's possible to do it via 32-bit chroot and natively and am wondering which to try to get working first [06:22] goldfish: what if i apt-get install mozilla? [06:22] KhaBal: mozilla firefox? [06:22] i just write apt-get install mozilla [06:22] will apt-get install anything? [06:23] yes [06:23] the mozilla broswer === lamp_ [~la@dsl-084-056-140-237.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] *browser [06:23] well anything thtas in the repositories. :P [06:23] Why might I be having problems getting programs like SND to play sounds? [06:23] so whats the point of synaptic? [06:23] KhaBal: it's a gui frontend to apt-get [06:23] more n00b friendly apparantly [06:23] whats the point to anything. :P [06:23] but in order to install you have to add the url and deb blah blah [06:24] what? [06:24] you have to go resporities and add it in [06:24] you add the repositories once [06:24] then look for it and install [06:24] thats it [06:24] what if the program you want to apt-get isint there? === kornelius [~krichard@c-65-96-3-245.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] build it from source or wait until a package is made [06:25] hmm i see [06:25] does anyone have any advice for playing sounds? [06:25] hi all [06:25] CarlFK: dependencies problems is all I see in there.. [06:25] goldfish: so to add one you have to deb and src I think i saw this yesterday [06:25] any one running ubuntu on a sony t series laptop? [06:25] virgule - should I bugzilla it? === tristanmike [~tristan@blk-224-251-101.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] prc: is there a setting somewhere to choose output device? might be something to do with that === byen [~byen@bgp01113005bgs.westln01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] KhaBal: yeah [06:26] !repos [06:26] I haven't a clue, goldfish [06:26] !repositorie [06:26] goldfish: I give up, what is it? [06:26] !repositories [06:26] [repositories] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto [06:26] CarlFX: search first.. I am sure they know its still misfunctionning ;) [06:26] KhaBal: that link shows you [06:27] goldfish: bash:~$ echo deb http://www.getsweaaa.com/~tseng/ubuntu/debs ./ | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list [06:27] does that edit it? [06:27] yes [06:27] i'd search around libc6 [06:27] virgule - any idea what to search for? [06:27] hmm i see brb [06:27] libc6_2.3.5-ubuntu7 === ginger [~ginger@c-67-171-65-199.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:27] *opps *libc6_2.3.5-1ubuntu7 === GTswagger [~allaboutd@68-119-207-153.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:28] I'm trying to get skype working... when people talk to me there is zero lag, but when I talk to them there is a lag that gets progressively worse like clockwork. Any ideas? Setup: kernel 2.6.11 ... kernel ALSA w/ OSS emulation ... Audigy MP3+ (emu10k1) ... wireless B (atmel_usb) to cable modem with 1.5 mbit d/l and 256 kbit u/l === ShdwFear [~ShdwFear@154a0c176c712c01.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu === Mestapheles [~Captain@d142-179-138-139.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:28] where do they make ballons === MisterMattiMoo [~matt@cpe-67-9-84-169.hot.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [06:28] South Korea. [06:28] GTswagger - use a standard VoIP phone, like sjPhone from sjlabs.com [06:29] what audio player does everyone use in here? [06:29] beep-media-player [06:29] aplay ! [06:29] cplay! [06:29] music player [06:29] mp3blaster [06:29] I'm trying to play .aiff files from SND, but nothing comes out [06:29] CarlFM -- I doubt that will work for what I want... I want Skype b/c I'm doing a podcast and it's so EASY to record a skype conference into a podcast [06:29] prc: you might need codecs for that.... === sweeny [~scott@c-67-163-233-246.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] wheever i minimize something in gnome the program just dissapears instead of being placed in my task bar whats going on here? [06:30] prc: or maybe snd doesnt support .aiff files. [06:30] goldfish: what is codecs? [06:30] GTswagger - have you looked at any others? I found Skype hard to work with - they are doning something funky [06:31] It definately is supposed to support them [06:31] hmmmm === jino [~jino@] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] CarlFK -- No, but I really don't want to if I don't have to since everybody involved is already setup on skype [06:31] yup ive been having issues with skype too [06:32] hi..how to configure a mail server..? [06:32] GTswagger - so popular is more important than quality ;) [06:33] GTswagger - but I understand that getting everyone else to install something new can be a pain [06:33] CarlFK - It's almost certainly not Skype... why would you have ONE WAY Lag... it's related to my system [06:34] i wish skype was compiled with gtk [06:34] GTswagger - it isn't an open source app, so only the shaddow knows === Strife [~mdepalati@69-163-127-58.crlsca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] A friend suggested it could be my digitizer ... but hell if I know how to find out [06:34] so what's with all the backports stuff being down or really slow? [06:34] CarlFK, how to configure a mail server [06:34] is it safe to use packages built for debian, not specifically for ubuntu [06:34] CarlFK --More specifically, it's most certainly related to how my system is processing sound [06:35] Octane: depends... [06:35] Octane: if you mean from the debian archives... I wouldn't necessarily recommend it [06:35] Octane: as long as its not important packages [06:35] GTswagger - personaly, i doubt it. I can't imagine anything other than skype buffering [06:35] Octane: but if you mean you're downloading a .deb file from some software's web site, then probably it's ok === Amaranth [Amaranth@AC9ABCE4.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === rezzcobain [~rezzcobai@pcp01873087pcs.oakrdg01.tn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:35] Strife, IceDC571: something like amarok for example [06:36] that would be fine [06:36] Octane: amarok is okay, its a deb package at least.. you can remove it if it causes problems [06:36] rock on thanks [06:36] you can get it from ubuntu repos [06:36] just make sure you have the right dependencies === Varanger [~salmenara@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === FireEgl [Ariel@Atlantica.US] has joined #Ubuntu [06:37] Some time, I try to do certain things in the terminal, but I have to gain root acess it say. Oh well, I try login with root, but it say that I have to be on lowest level: sh, I go to sh, but the same message appaer. === pietro_spina [~pietro@pool-68-163-205-77.bos.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Bye"] [06:38] nilsl: thats a little confusing [06:38] IceDC571: What is confusing? [06:38] nilsl: by lowest level, do you mean runlevel? [06:39] I get acces denied when I try some things, like; /dev/kmem [06:39] Etc. [06:40] have you tried the sudo command? [06:40] uh [06:40] So then I try login as root, and just go to: sh [06:40] Uh, sudo. [06:40] what the hell are you trying to do/ [06:40] ? [06:40] lol Strife [06:40] Strife: Uh, login with root. [06:41] oh [06:41] well [06:41] you need a root password first === evader [~evader@220-253-14-102.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:41] nilsl: by default root doesn't have a password set [06:41] I have no sound with gaim [06:41] Oh. [06:41] Hi. I switched to Breezy to give it ago - I'm not prepared to deal with the breaks and nvidia problems I've had so can I just swithch my sources back to Hoary and downgrade? [06:42] Will it work OK? [06:42] sudo should work for most tasks.. but if you really want you can use super user === auk [~scott@h-69-3-135-82.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] evader: if you reinstall... yes [06:42] Super user == sudo, right? [06:42] not quite [06:42] does anyone have problems with gaim not having sound [06:42] nilsl: sudo = "super user do" === theNeonGod [~chatzilla@pool-141-150-136-125.mad.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] Hm, I have to read some manual or something. [06:42] :-) [06:42] SpecialBuddy: of course, it happens all the time. it's usually because something's hijacked the sound device so that only one thing can use it [06:43] Strife: What do you mean? I have to reinstall from scratch? Can I just switch this current Breezy system to Hoary and let apt downgrade it? [06:43] metzen: Right, I read some like that before. [06:43] anyone here a physics major or highly knowlegable in the subject? i need some homework help :-/ [06:43] sudo can do tasks as any user you are authorized to do so [06:43] not just super user [06:43] something hijacked the sound device? [06:44] probably means switch user do [06:44] does anyone know of a good video edit/capture program for linux/gtk? [06:44] oofnik - yeah.. I think it is called lives [06:44] nilsl: type sudo passwd root in the terminal to set the root password for su [06:44] Oh, this seem to work. :-) [06:44] though whatever it means its probably the same as plain "su" [06:44] SpecialBuddy: some program has taken exclusive access to sound output. that means other programs can't access it [06:44] anyone here running the amd64 ubunu? [06:44] norris: yes [06:44] wow that has to be the most asked question in this channel :) [06:44] lol, really? [06:44] Hi. Can someone please tell me if switching my apt sources to Hoary will downgrade safely from Breezy. I want to switch back. [06:45] IceDC571: Thx. === wessuck [~wessuck@c-67-181-23-189.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:45] so how do I take care of that problem [06:45] oofnik - http://www.xs4all.nl/~salsaman/lives/ [06:45] How do i install yahoo mess [06:45] thanks CarlFK i'll take al ook [06:46] go to yahoo's site [06:46] and [06:46] wessuck: download the deb file [06:46] Hi. Can someone please tell me if switching my sources to Hoary will downgrade safely from Breezy. I want to switch back. [06:46] SpecialBuddy: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/faq.php#q22 === Jimbob [~jcape@c-24-14-115-101.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] evader: im not sure, but i dont think its as simple as that. [06:46] thanks === lynx [~lynx@200-230-203-235-amr.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] evader - from what I hear, no. [06:46] ii left debian for x86_64 fedora when i got my amd64, i have had 0 probelms getting the nvidia driver to work, and am able to run all my gfraphic accelerted games, doom3 unreal tournamanet, ut 2003, 2004, nwn , etc. Am I gonna have as much success with ubuntu amd64? [06:47] CarlFK: So it's a matter of a reinstall from scratch? [06:47] goldfish: ^ [06:47] evader - based to just reinstall hoaray (yes, wack all your previous setup) [06:47] yup. [06:47] evader: yep [06:47] im not 100% sure though [06:48] Anyone know what happens if I switch the sources back to Hoary from Breezy === rezzcobain [~rezzcobai@pcp01873087pcs.oakrdg01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:48] norris: it depends, personally.. i think you should do a dual boot with ubuntu and fedora.. whichever works for you the best.. you keep [06:48] things will break i'd imagine [06:48] heh [06:48] i'll give it a go. [06:49] :) [06:49] anyone here knows how can i play .avi files? what packages do i have to install? [06:49] i cant believe you're going to try downgrading.. why not start clean again? [06:49] I just hate that I can't play games [06:49] you have to do some jiggery pokery with pinning for downgrade to work [06:49] are 32 bit games like doom3 with 64 bit nvidia drivers, and 64 bit ubuntu possible without a chroot IceDC571? [06:50] i believe if you downgrade, even if you are successful, you'll have a bunch of junk left over [06:50] norris: sorry im not that smart, im still somewhat new to linux [06:50] lynx: w32codecs [06:50] lynx: i think [06:50] are 32 bit games like doom3 with 64 bit nvidia drivers, and 64 bit ubuntu possible without a chroot calc? === Spec [~Spec@] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] hm [06:51] heya - greetings from the NECC conference, where we're pushing ubuntu in education (+ltsp) [06:51] Spec - neat [06:51] yeah, fun stuff tomorrow :) [06:52] norris: no, you pretty much need a chroot === t6nis [~t6nis@217-159-184-186-dsl.est.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu [06:52] norris: actualy, doom3 might work without it [06:53] norris: UT has a native 64bit port. anything you play with cedega is going to need a 32bit chroot of course [06:53] it's frustrastrating really, i have always used debian based distros, but fedora x86_64 just works, want to switch to ubuntu, but i the ease of game setup is keeping me from it. fedora doesn't suck enought lol [06:53] so you are saying that fedora is good for games [06:53] ubuntu for x86_64 works pretty well too. it's the 32 bit stuff that's kind of a pain [06:54] i don't use wine, all my games, like nwn, ut, ut2003, 2004, doom3 , armyops, rtcw, etc, are native linux ports [06:54] blame apt. it can't handle multiple architectures at once [06:54] fedora on x86_64 rocks for games [06:54] i can play them all [06:54] even old ones [06:54] i think it's more of a multiarch issue [06:54] i'd rather use windows than fedora [06:55] i can still p;ay soldier of forturne and rune, on x86_64 fedora [06:55] i'd rather use windows than use gnome's file selector, that's for sure [06:56] sproingie: Why? [06:56] uplink, and sid meirs alpha centauri and uplink, hereos of might and magic,and railroad tycoon still run too [06:56] maybe I should dual partition with fedora because I can't get that damn wine program to work [06:56] Jimbob: it drives me nuts. the autocomplete behavior is by far the worst === SteveGriff [~griff@82-69-245-142.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:56] sproingie: Why is it the worst === LexiCon[gsr-dj] [LexiCon_gs@cpe-024-088-029-029.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] the thing that sucks most about fedora though is lack of being able to upgrade between verisions. clean install are neede to eliminate all problems. My web servers' upgrade from woody to sarge though, was the best though! [06:58] Jimbob: it autocompletes while i'm still typing. so if i type "/usr", it ends up as "/usrsr" === tkiesel [~tkiesel@] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] sproingie: What version of GTK+ are you using? [06:59] Hiya everyone. [06:59] hey...I've got a question :\...I set up ubuntu on a dual-boot with winxp pro, and everything went fine, but when I try to login at the ubuntu splash screen, all I get is a tan screen, a login sound clip, and my cursor...then my hd/cpu fans spin up, and nothing else happens [06:59] am I missing something? [06:59] Jimbob: beats me. the one that installed with firefox, the only app where i'm unfortunate enough to suffer that behavior [06:59] :\ [07:00] how can I clean install wine because I think there are some problems everytime I try installing it === yaaar [~yaaar@12-216-231-118.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] erv identify maryjane === skel_ [~skel@pcp08123387pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] 1 quick question [07:00] limwire wont miziimize to tray === Eman [~eortizo@] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] hi all [07:00] it just closes i have the setting to go to tray but it does nto [07:01] I tried so many times to dual boot xp and ubuntu and I couldn't get it to work [07:01] how come?~ [07:01] sproingie: Try "dpkg -s libgtk2.0-0", and tell me what the version is [07:01] it's pretty easy [07:01] YES! I have finally found the ultimate recursive solution for ruling the world!!! [07:01] so, how can i tell real quick if i'm running both processors of this smp box? [07:01] (i'm in a livecd) [07:01] you aren't [07:01] it's not that easy [07:02] yes it is [07:02] fairly. [07:02] the trick is to install windows first [07:02] SpecialBuddy: one hd? [07:02] sorry, can anyone tell if there is a command to erase 1 line of text? [07:02] not when you have an IBM thinkpad that keeps installing some secret partition everytime you install xp [07:02] Eman: in what? [07:02] eman in what? dd in vi [07:02] LexiCon[gsr-dj] : How long will it sit there doing nothing? [07:02] i tried that on bash [07:02] I do have one hd [07:02] until I do a hard reboot :\ === goliat [~goliat@] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] SpecialBuddy: did you install windows first? [07:03] i didt grep $1 file.txt|dd but didnt worked === jkf [~jkf@] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] LexiCon[gsr-dj] : Like HrdwrBoB said, you want to install Windows first. It won't play nice with letting Linux boot too. === didymo [~ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] I have tried it both ways === Octane [~octane@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] hello there [07:03] seceret? you mean that 8mb partition windows likes to make? [07:03] Eman: dd in vi [07:03] windows takes over [07:03] I had windows installed first [07:03] not in grep like that. [07:03] LexiCon[gsr-dj] : Hrrrm. Where'd you get yoru install CD/DVD? [07:03] hello everybody [07:03] can someone please let mek now how do i stop (or reroute) my firwall messages away from my system logs [07:03] $1 is a variable placeholder [07:03] no [07:03] 3.2 gb partition [07:03] everytime [07:03] dbernar1 but can i use that command en a bash program too? === imaek [~imaekphp[@adsl-69-235-169-152.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] o ic [07:04] Hmm.... [07:04] SpecialBuddy: you just install windows, then ubuntu, and it should work, works here. [07:04] I installed windows, shrank the partition, installed ubuntu on the open partition :X...I got the image from the clemson university linux site [07:04] no [07:04] Jimbob: tells me that it's not installed. [07:04] doesn't work [07:04] just install the grub to the mbr, tho [07:04] no [07:04] ya [07:04] when it asks you whether to do it, say yes. [07:04] install to mbr [07:04] took me 5 tries to understand [07:05] the main boot record [07:05] mbr is taken over and everytime I try that it screws it up [07:05] sproingie: What version of ubuntu? [07:05] Jimbob: can't even find it with dpkg -l. i doubt firefox is statically linked [07:05] Eman: what exactly are you trying to do? [07:05] Does anyone know a terminal text editor that has syntax highlighting? [07:05] install windows, leave empty space, let ubuntu partition empty space, and voila. [07:05] LexiCon[gsr-dj] : Did you check the md5 sum to make sure that your download was error free? [07:05] how to install the fcitx? [07:05] no [07:05] imaek: vim [07:05] doesn't work that easy [07:05] I'm telling you [07:05] ok [07:05] I had install it, but can't use it [07:05] SpecialBuddy: worked that way for me. [07:05] tkiesel: how do I do that? [07:06] I'm sure it did but there is something about this laptop that screws it up [07:06] oh right [07:06] I install ubuntu and when it restarts it doesn't finish the install and goes to xp [07:06] LexiCon[gsr-dj] : Also, check that the copy you burn is clean too. I had to go down to 2x on my burner to get real error-free burning in Windows XP. [07:06] Jimbob: hoary [07:06] imaek once in vi/vim the command to turn it on is :syn on [07:06] sproingie: Strange [07:07] SpecialBuddy: what laptop? [07:07] LexiCon[gsr-dj] : Google for md5sum. Good windows md5 program. :) === blackfaith [~abood@adsl109.col12.cyberia.jo] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] Thanks, dbernar1. [07:07] IBM thinkpad [07:07] Any one help me [07:07] Jimbob: actually, it seems to have stopped doing that. i know it used to [07:07] it's weird [07:07] it's a 20 gb hard drive [07:07] if I install xp then it will say 16 gb harddrive [07:07] LexiCon[gsr-dj] : Your download is likely good. But I'd maybe try doing a slow burn of the install disc. I had issues with install until I did a disc that I'd burned slower. === mariosunshine [~ubuntu@cpe-66-75-185-233.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] dbernar1 am trying to capture a variable, then find that text in a txt file, then erase that line of text [07:08] guess i should lear something like awk [07:08] a nice task [07:08] I am trying sdomething, [07:08] Jimbob: well, problem 1 of 2334525346 with that file selector solved === sproingie has made good use of the thumbnail view in the file selector [07:08] sproingie: Ok, what are the other problems? [07:08] /dev/hda7 97429708 29114624 63365864 32% /mnt/l [07:08] /dev/hda9 97429708 29114624 63365864 32% /mnt/l [07:09] how is that even possible? [07:09] Jimbob: just lack of features, like detail and thumbnail view. both of which i've had many occasions to use [07:09] both on same dir? [07:09] LexiCon[gsr-dj] - get http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/ [07:09] for md5sum.exe [07:09] and a pile of other goodies [07:09] does anyone now how to eliminate a zombie process?...xmms went zombie on me and its hogging the audio [07:09] What does "detail" offer above the existing view === SteveGrif [~griff@82-69-245-139.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:10] I really wish it did work because I can't get wine to work either [07:10] jasmuz: can't kill -9 it/ [07:10] ? [07:10] (a thumbnail is likely do-able) [07:10] goldfish: nope [07:10] jazmus if u know the name of the process i guess kill will dow it [07:10] RPM = Ridiculously Primitive Method/Management [07:10] not sute thought [07:10] cyphase: Do you understand all the internals of the rpm system? === sproingie [~chuck@64-121-15-14.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu === lcarlos [~lcarlos@] has joined #ubuntu === r4ndy- [~r4ndy@ef44d478c62a13b2.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] cyphase: And yum repositories? [07:11] Amaranth, no, and i wasn't being serious [07:11] lol [07:11] i'm SO glad konversation keeps a persistent history, considering how often it crashes [07:11] Guys good night [07:11] i just noticed it could syand for it, so.. [07:11] lol === xxtreme [~xxtreme@] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] later jasmuz [07:11] ANYONE KNOW HOW TO CONFIGURE TE PORTD FOR AMULE??? [07:11] ANYONE KNOW HOW TO CONFIGURE TE PORTS FOR AMULE??? [07:12] no [07:12] someone kick him? [07:12] OBVIOUSLY NOT [07:12] My notebook is compaq presario 2009AP, and I installed the ubuntu I can't going to the windows. help [07:12] :-) [07:12] lcarlos you mean like, router stuff/ [07:12] lcarlos: Please don't yell. If someone knows they will answer. [07:12] Or in aMule? === sobersabre [~bilbo@l192-115-16-116.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] lcarlos: try gtk-gnutella [07:12] lcarlos: Maybe when my ears unclench. [07:12] sorry [07:12] is it possible to create kernel package with make-kpkg which will be named "linux-image" instead of "kernel-image" ? [07:12] lcarlos, a check of the amule homepage may tell you wht ports you need forwareded.. but I dident have to mess with the ports on my system [07:12] Eman: ya, maybe some scri[pting thing... [07:13] During the boot process, when it gets to Loading ACPI Modules... it goes to a blank screen and never does anything... any suggestions? Tried installing with noacpi, nolacpi, and apci=off [07:13] lcarlos: ;) What is the port configuring you need to figure out? I don't use amule, but if it's a basic question, I'm your man. [07:13] Jimbob: i've used the detail view to sort by owner in a directory where people drop all kinds of stuff. i probably don't use it that often. thumbnail view i do all the time, since i'm always slinging pictures around [07:13] ( some modules want kernel pack. to be called that way ) [07:13] jejeje was thinking the same [07:13] Eman: I can prolly figure out how to erase the last line in a file, tho. [07:13] theres #aMule also :P [07:13] mmm any help is well recived xD [07:13] the problem is that i have lowID and i wanna hava HiID [07:13] lcarlos: If you're behind a router/firewall, you'll need to set it up to forward the appropriate ports to yoru computer. If you're not, then it shoudl work with no extra config from you. [07:13] sobersabre: make-kpkg --stem="linux" ... [07:14] my friend say its really easy, but he wont tell me [07:14] Jimbob: with detail view in windows i can pick arbitrary metadata. too bad it's just about impossible to make explorer remember which columns I want in explorer view [07:14] if i find out ill tell ya [07:14] eman, unix course? [07:14] but i don't have a firewall [07:14] mmm linux =) [07:14] LInux course? [07:15] Any suggestions would be great... During the boot process, when it gets to Loading ACPI Modules... it goes to a blank screen and never does anything... any suggestions? Tried installing with noacpi, nolacpi, and apci=off. === sproingie really wants a CLIM-like interface instead of vile manglers (file managers) [07:15] and i have lowID and the downloads are too slow [07:15] lcarlos, Then you shouldn't require any messing with ports for Amule to work. [07:15] something where i can type "ls" and have it populate the terminal with clickable icons [07:15] CLIM? [07:15] yes, am with a buch of friends trying to learn the miracle of linux, using ubuntu to practice [07:15] yes but i dont know haw to do that [07:16] Jimbob: common lisp interface manager [07:16] lcarlos: A lot of p2p systems rank you based on how much sharing you do. The more files you share, the better your downloads. === eltino [~eltino@AStrasbourg-208-1-7-231.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] whats si gtk-gnutella??? [07:16] maybe let my try [07:16] sudo aptitude install gtk-gnutella === Reylan [~reylan@] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] lol mexican public tv sucks [07:17] jaja [07:17] lcarlos: gnutella is another p2p app, I think. [07:17] miss u fox ='( [07:17] ha [07:17] theres a ubuntu p2p wiki [07:17] thats prolly ythe worst channel invented(except for some local/.. === Reylan [~reylan@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:18] jajaja === BoD_SWAT [~swat@dsl159-68-100.fastxdsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu === pinPoint [~pinPoint@pool-71-243-208-178.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] u cant live without fox its a tc virus [07:18] errr tv+ [07:19] o well, thx for all the help, bed time, maybe my friend light my path,if so ill tell u how to resolve the probledbernar1m [07:19] well night [07:19] later === cary [~cary___@ip70-178-14-138.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === Eman [~eortizo@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === erbel [~Mark@] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] whois cary === epl_ [epl@4-1-4-39d.gmt.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] hey everyone i'm trying to compile an application that needs libc6 2.3.2.ds1-21 but ubuntu only has 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu any suggestions? === blackfaith [~abood@adsl109.col12.cyberia.jo] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] seems a lot of packages depend on this new libc6.. [07:24] oofnik: are you running hoary or breezy? [07:24] hoary [07:24] all repo's are enabled [07:24] what package is depending on it? [07:25] oofnik is getting something from sarge or marillat stable [07:25] hay thanks the genutella works good [07:25] sure does [07:25] i haven't tried.. where can i find those repo's? [07:25] i read on the forums though that that's not such a good idea.. [07:26] paste your sources.list somewhere [07:26] oofnik: I'm not telling you to, I'm saying that's what you're doing. [07:26] oh.. haha nevermind then [07:26] i don't think i'm doing that though.. [07:26] You must be. [07:26] i'm trying to install libfaac0 [07:26] It's either from sarge, marillat, or unstable [07:26] and it wants 2.3.2.ds1-21 [07:26] yeah, libfaac0 is marillat [07:26] oh alright [07:27] you can't build from source? [07:27] or paste your sources. [07:27] i mean from a source package [07:27] i guess i could find source, but i want it because a bajillion things depend on it [07:27] ultimately i'm trying to install gtranscode === bimberi [~bimberi@DC-244-132.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] no, i mean compile from the marillat source package [07:28] which wants libavcodeccvs, which wants libfaac0, which wants the new libc6 [07:28] oh.. how can i do that? [07:28] Jimbob, tell me so i shall: make-kpkg --stem=linux --revision=blabla kernel_image ? [07:28] Is there a command to save, but not exit, in VIM? [07:28] maybe you shouldn't be doing this :P [07:28] imaek: :s [07:28] err, :w === pgavin [~pgavin@] has joined #ubuntu === Amaranth is tired [07:29] Thank you, Amaranth. [07:29] :) === blackfaith [~abood@adsl109.col12.cyberia.jo] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] haha, yeah i'm a newbie.. :-/ === Morten^Toft [~Morten^To@] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] i was looking at this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44615&highlight=libc6+2.3.2.ds1-21 and it scared me a little [07:29] sobersabre: Yeah [07:29] sobersabre: "revision" would be something like "1" or "2" === Poromies [~PoroUkko@j158.ip2.netikka.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] Anyone had good/bad/neutral experiences with apt-build? [07:30] Jimbob, don't worry about it. i was worried about the name of the target. [07:30] make-kpkg --targets lists the available targets [07:30] Amaranth do you think i can force the package to get by with -20ubuntu13 version of libc6? [07:31] actually i got into make-kpkg script and started adding linux_image in misc places... [07:31] oofnik: no [07:31] but you saved me from debugging. [07:31] well see you [07:31] is there some new feature in the new release that is absolutely necessary or something? [07:31] thansk for the help [07:31] genutella [07:31] sorry for being a bit lost when it comes to this stuff [07:31] why is this util not ported to ubuntu on ubuntu ? [07:31] works good [07:31] oofnik: something built for a newer version of libc6 won't work on an older libc6 === mae [~mae@dpc674653178.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] generally [07:31] oofnik: Because it's a patent minefield? [07:31] tkiesel thanks [07:31] guys i need help with mplayer === bosewicht [~bosewicht@hnllhi1-ar1-4-65-058-061.hnllhi1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:32] lcarlos: No problem. :) [07:32] hah === plefno [~jirc@adsl-152-75-18.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:32] so should i try to just compile from source package? [07:32] i know that if i installed the real player plugins it can runs it, but its now right now and also its not running MP3 formats ? [07:32] any idea === Spec [~Spec@] has joined #ubuntu [07:32] Hi, with anjuta I am getting "config.status: error: cannot find input file: test.in" when i try to do a make autogen... what package do i need to install? (I already installed all the reccomended and suggest packages) [07:32] oofnik: That will almost certainly work. sudo apt-get -b source libfaac0 [07:32] anyone who can help a newbie with a ubuntu boot-up problem? [07:33] okay i will try that, thank you === omaru [~omaru@] has joined #ubuntu [07:34] plefno: ask away - hopefully someone can help === Tomcat_ [~Tomcat@p54A1AB1A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === iphitus [~iphitus@c210-49-173-87.mckinn1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] ok, cool. I just installed Ubuntu 5.04 from the installation cd and the installation seemed to work fine, but when i boot up and sign in, the system immediately freezes [07:35] where does ubuntu store the lists of drivers to load on boot? I have a driver for my wireless card that ubuntu selected, however ndiswrapper works substantially better. Where can I stop it loading the first wireless driver? === hondje [~hondje@c-67-174-186-96.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] the desktop doesn't load or anything. it just freezes up immediately after i enter my username and password === vdm is now known as VDM_Afk [07:36] Amaranth - no good, i have some 25 unmet dependancies of header files... meh] [07:36] oofnik: sudo apt-get build-dep libfaac0 [07:36] there are several applications i have tried to install which depend on the new libc6, maybe whoever is in charge of that package should look into updating? [07:37] plefno: anything on the screen at all? [07:37] oofnik: It's not going to happen in hoary. [07:37] nope, it's just the default brownish background [07:37] oofnik: 1) hoary is stable and 2) libc6 changes shouldn't be done lightly === thisfred [~thisfred@c529d80b4.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] how can I stop ubuntu from loading acx100 ? [07:38] plefno: does F2 do anything? [07:38] i tried kubuntu also, with a similar problem [07:38] argh, there must be an easier way than to just build all these dependancies from source [07:38] nope, the system is totally frozen up === misfit_toy [~guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] would you happen to know if any difference from the hoary version of libc6 to this new one that everything wants? [07:38] iphitus: add it to /etc/hotplug/blacklist or something === gobeavs [~ross@pool-71-111-138-196.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === mario [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] any ideas? === bimberi is thinking [07:40] Amaranth someone on the forums installed the breezy libc6 files on hoary, is this potential for disaster? === Amaranth runs away screaming [07:41] lol [07:41] hahah i take that as a hell yes [07:42] well shoot, i keep going deeper and deeper in the dependancy tree to no avail.. i dont want to give up gtranscode :( [07:42] plefno, I think you should try booting into "recovery mode" and looking through the log files (in /var/log). I'm trying to see which one(s) might have anthing interesting [07:42] plefno, tell me something: is this a full and new install of ubuntu on your machine ? [07:43] yeah, it's a brand new installation [07:43] plefno, and is it possible you changed your hostname lately ? === dougsk_ [doug@0-1pool140-56.nas5.spokane1.wa.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] i'm not sure what you mean [07:44] have you installed the system yourself ? [07:44] yes, just a couple hours ago. actually several times now [07:44] hm. is the network given to you via dhcp ? [07:44] the system doesn't have any internet connection at the moment because it's connected via wireless [07:45] this is not causual ... [07:45] anyway: press Alt+Ctl+F1 [07:45] does it respond ? [07:45] no, it doesn't [07:45] you should be in the console. === Vinh [~Vinh@ppp197-46.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:45] it's completely frozen up if i try to go into GNOME [07:46] and hm... Alt+Ctl+Backspace ? [07:46] plefno: You're not using the 2.6.11 kernel, are you? [07:46] 2.6.10 [07:46] so you see the GDM, and _after_ you login you get this right ? === pitti [~pitti@] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] yeah, right after i put in my username and password it looks like it starts to boot but then locks up [07:47] ok. [07:47] will i get any performance improvement by installing the 686 kernel image instead of 386? [07:47] that sounds exactly like the inotify issue with 2.6.11 [07:47] oofnik: Somewhat. [07:47] which video card do you use ? === foxiness [~nayif@] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] any possible problems with doing so? [07:47] Amaranth, what are you talking about ? [07:47] i have a geforce 6200 256mb [07:47] plefno, which driver do you use ? [07:48] nvidia's or xorg's ? [07:48] whatever the installation chose [07:48] oih...i see. [07:48] sobersabre: Using the 2.6.11 in universe causes your system to hard lock on GNOME startup. [07:48] Amaranth, and the reason is.. ? [07:49] selinux settings? :) [07:49] is rarewares.org down? [07:49] plefno: does it only freeze after you put in your un/pw or if you leave it does it freeze anyway? [07:49] sobersabre: It isn't really 2.6.11, it's a snapshot of some time after 2.6.10 [07:49] ok [07:49] no, i don't think it will freeze if i just let it sit there [07:49] anyway, plefno you seem to need to edit your xorg.conf file. [07:49] and you probably need to install nvidia drivers. === sly [~sly@host217-44-73-252.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] well i'm extremely new to linux so I don't know how to do that. any howtos you can point me to to help out? === omniscient [~omni@d211-31-222-144.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === sly [~sly@host217-44-73-252.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] plefno: ok. so it's unlikely to be something that starts up after gdm [07:50] yep. use the ubuntu nvidia guide. === Thunderguy [thunderguy@titan.pfak.org] has left #ubuntu ["sleep"] [07:51] bimberi, it is very possible that gnome uses some nicey-nice feature like composite or whatever rendering. while gdm - doesn't , thus the lockup [07:51] ok, i'll try that out [07:51] plefno, there's guide on how to setup your ubuntu to use nvidia drivers and what to edit. [07:52] in the ubuntu portal... sorry i don't wish to search for it. [07:52] you need to be able to edit files via console. [07:52] i'll find that under documentation on the ubuntu site? [07:52] yep. [07:52] but. [07:52] nvidia drivers are covered in the BinaryDriverHowto on the wiki [07:52] you will probably need to reboot. after you see login screen - don't try to login via ir [07:52] it [07:53] wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowo [07:53] wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto [07:53] plefno, press "Alt+Ctl+F1" to get into console ( now it is locked,, so it won't help ) [07:53] thanks hrdwr [07:53] no worries [07:53] should i boot in recovery mode or to the failsafe console? [07:53] you don't need to reboot [07:53] you don't need to go to console [07:54] you can install the drivers [07:54] then logout [07:54] then hit ctrl+alt+bksp [07:54] i can't login at all [07:54] it just freezes up [07:54] HrdwrBoB, without logging into the system it is difficult === ilba7r [~ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] ah oh it freezes [07:54] plefno, you do need to reboot. [07:54] :) [07:54] ah the 6200 is not supported [07:54] and you do need to get into console [07:54] I thought he just needed nvidia drivers [07:55] i want to add an application to the gnome menu i know there is a menu editor for gnome but i forgot its name any help is appreciated === levander [cponder@user-11219us.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] wow. [07:55] ilba7r: smeg [07:55] ok, will do [07:55] plefno, wait! === JaneW [~JaneW@] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] thank bimberi [07:55] HrdwrBoB, are you sure about the card ? [07:55] ilba7r: yw :) [07:55] Recently I started having some minor wierd terminal emulation issues when I connect to my Ubuntu box via putty. This has happened to anyone else? === patternchaser [~patternch@CPE-143-238-153-251.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] sobersabre: the 6200 came out after the latest drivers, I'm fairly sure the binary drivers don't support it [07:56] so will i need to try some other drivers? [07:57] plefno, no... if you have an unsupported card.... you have an unsupported card. [07:57] :|( [07:57] the nv drivers however may work === kamstrup [~kamstrup@0x3e42da90.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [07:57] well i might as well try that === hyapadi [~hyapadi@] has joined #ubuntu === gobeavs [~ross@pool-71-111-138-196.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:57] it figures that when i find a linux distro that sounds like i'd actually like it, that my video card isn't supported === JaneW [~JaneW@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:58] lol plefno [07:58] plefno: It's probably still worth trying the Howto - things can only improve [07:58] latest driver: Release Date: June 22, 2005 [07:58] what is a good video card to get that is comparable to the 6200 that is well supported by ubuntu? [07:58] apparently the 7667 drivers might work [07:58] are you trying to tell me the card came out after that ? [07:59] yeah i'm going to try it. i'm finishing a fresh install of ubuntu at the moment [07:59] plefno, don't listen to pessimists :) [07:59] 6600 works fine here === Zotnix [martin@ool-43573655.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] use the latest nvidia drivers [07:59] plefno: how many install so far? :) [07:59] plefno, reboot, don't waste time... after it is all setup you will enjoy [07:59] well just counting ubuntu and kubuntu, probably about 4 today. i kept switching back and forth even though neither worked === gobeavs [~ross@pool-71-111-138-196.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] i really want to use KDE but once i get Ubuntu working it's easy enough to get KDE [08:00] KDE loves you, come to the light. [08:01] plefno: yes a "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" will do that [08:01] well I'm a lifetime Windows user and KDE seems like the best transition to linux for me [08:01] amen. === X7C [~xtc@pc-43-180-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu === achille [~achille@lns-vlq-38-lyo-82-253-138-196.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === achille [~achille@lns-vlq-38-lyo-82-253-138-196.adsl.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu [] === Cemetery] [Gates [~lucho@] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] ok, installed. rebooting and hoping for the best [08:06] I used to be pro KDE [08:06] now Gnome > KDE [08:06] gobeavs :) [08:06] me too [08:06] well i'll probably try out both gnome and KDE, but at the moment i like KDE better [08:06] howdy ICE :P [08:06] how do i use splashimages in menu.lst ? [08:07] gobeavs: what made you switch? [08:07] where do i write what ? [08:07] Ubuntu :D [08:07] Kubuntu wasnt fully developed [08:07] and just using Gnome, I have come to love it === Demitar [~demitar@212214250108-WEBTECH-OREBRO-NET.host.songnetworks.se] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] thats good to hear [08:07] although I havent really used KDE in a while.....it just seems like its way to cluttered [08:07] which could probably be fixed, but I just like Gnome [08:07] i remember when gnome first had nautilus.. it was really slow, my only option was to use kde [08:08] yes!!! it worked. woohoo!! [08:08] thanks a lot guys [08:08] I don't want to go to kubuntu... Gnome is much better packaged imho. [08:08] plefno: great! [08:08] Not even xfce is packaged so well. [08:08] wow, gnuplot isn't gpl'd :( [08:08] is there a xubuntu? heh [08:08] i need help [08:08] whats everyones favorite light window manager? [08:08] IceDC571: ubuntu has one of the best xfce bundles I heard. [08:09] advantage: whats your problem? [08:09] gobeavs, i dont mind fluxbox [08:09] i need a girl friend [08:09] But it's just like KDE... you have to do everything yourself. :o [08:09] advantage1_: me too [08:09] advantage: tough [08:09] :-P === Demitar [~demitar@212214250108-WEBTECH-OREBRO-NET.host.songnetworks.se] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] bud: I think thats my fav also [08:09] who needs a girl when i have linux [08:09] how come linux nerds never get hot chicks [08:09] I have a hot chick [08:09] haha === ratl3 [~ratl3@12-208-42-236.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] i find my gf hot [08:10] i want a linux nerd girl friend [08:10] we can ssh . and rub ports [08:10] apt-get free sex [08:10] lol [08:10] lol [08:10] error: [08:10] haha === jo [~jo@cc667024-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] yes [08:11] ok ima go sleep beside my commodore [08:11] agreed [08:11] :P night all [08:11] hm yes i must go to stil awy 40 oures [08:11] IceDC571, shit, have you filed a bugzilla report? [08:12] anyone here ever had problems with sound and alsa in hoary? [08:12] i hope he falls asleep dreaming of a terminal with nothing but errors.. one of the most boring dreams you can have [08:12] i will file a bugzilla report [08:12] my apt-get moo still works [08:12] mine too [08:13] what's moo? is that some mud client? [08:14] ratl3: go to the terminal type apt-get moo [08:14] gnome term is a good mud client ;) === cavedive1 [~jonas@] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] oh, ha [08:14] apt-get for rpms.. ahahah === DJ_Mirage [~djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] pretty soon the gentoo crowd will follow and use apt-get to compile their apps [08:16] forget ebuilds [08:16] i like ebuilds... [08:16] me too [08:17] too bad debian doesnt support it [08:17] can you alien an ebuild these days? [08:17] it's alien just for binary packages? [08:18] sadly, i think so [08:18] i meant to say isnt [08:18] ok, new question. i'm using a linksys wireless USB adaptor. the device is listed correctly in the device manager, but it's shown as a network adaptor when i do "iwconfig" === Adross [~drew@] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] Yes, finally a 64 bit celeron :-D [08:18] dvorak messes with your mind [08:18] ebuilds are not actually packages, merely commands to compile a package and thus cannot be supported by alient [08:18] ratl3: i read it wrong.. i thought you said isnt too.. my stupid vision [08:19] IceDC571: heh [08:19] IceDC571: it's great mistyping whole words instead of just letters... [08:19] with the nautilus right click menu, the create documents sub menu, how do i go about installing templates? [08:19] dvorak.. i want to try it so badly! [08:20] but then whenever i go to my friends house they'll be like.. wtf.. you cant type [08:20] IceDC571: common words just flow out so easily.... so if a word is similar to a common word sometimes i just type that word [08:20] try to explain you can only type in dvorak to your gf [08:20] IceDC571: it takes a while to get used to the switch [08:20] ratl3: you're actually using it? [08:21] IceDC571: i can only type dvorak on this keyboard, but on other keyboards i'm fine with qwerty [08:21] IceDC571: by switch i mean alternating between dvorak and qwerty [08:21] How do you go to a specific line in VIM? [08:21] ratl3: so its like once you learn dvorak you can pretty much type with both qwerty and dvorak fluently? [08:21] IceDC571: it's only about 5 to 10% better [08:22] my fear is going out to the rest of the world and not remembering how to type qwerty [08:22] IceDC571: on a switch, say i go to a friends house, it'll take me about 5 mins to warm up [08:22] Nevermind. [08:22] i see [08:22] IceDC571: then i'll be back to what i was originally [08:23] hmm === Mr_Smiley [~smiley@CPE-144-136-182-237.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] ratl3: do you have a dvorak permanent keyboard, modified keys, or stick-ons? [08:23] IceDC571: it doesn't take much to learn either though... 10 or 20 times easier to learn than qwerty [08:23] where do the scandinavian letters go in a dvorak layout? my keyboard has those letters. [08:23] and and [08:23] IceDC571: model M, movable keycaps :D === meng [~meng@] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] i'm using stickers [08:24] Choubaka: Sorry, dvorak was designed for english. [08:24] Choubaka: i wouldn't know [08:24] hmm. [08:24] cafuego: there's versions of it for other languages [08:24] i wish i could pick some up from a local linux shop.. but there isnt such thing === thisfred [~thisfred@c529d80b4.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] finnish would probably require all the vowels readily accessible. === Gman_ is now known as GmanAFK [08:25] lots of vowels in Finnish words. :) [08:25] IceDC571: i think it's best just to get a qwerty keyboard you like and some stickers [08:25] and a special 'coffee' and 'vodka' key [08:25] haha [08:25] hehe [08:25] I want one of those USB coffee makers. [08:25] then I could bind "coffee" to a key [08:26] No, you don't. They make shit coffee. [08:26] won't that take a while to make a cuppa? [08:26] USB is low powered, remember === ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] screw USB, tie it to one of the wires to your PSU [08:26] haha [08:26] Well, then I want a remotely controllable coffee maker that makes good coffee. [08:26] would like a mini fridge myself === AwayWolf is now known as HiddenWolf [08:27] or just use your computer to brew it... === crappledev [~jamesmont@host-65-7-69-154.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:27] That would work. [08:27] i need someone to make a gui for pizza party [08:27] ? [08:27] does Pizza Party only works in the US? [08:28] is that a game? [08:28] http://www.beigerecords.com/cory/pizza_party/ [08:28] sweet! [08:28] plefno: still here? [08:28] i should make a cron job for this [08:28] hah [08:29] that's awesome [08:29] Try hacking the coffee daemon [08:29] Or was that tea daemon? [08:29] bah, what an idea/ [08:29] ktea? [08:29] no, not k [08:30] Kteatime [08:30] There's been somehting since well before kde === cafuego checks if he still has his config file [08:30] but no prefs for local varities though [08:30] IceDC571: All of my prayers have been answered, pizza party :) [08:31] hmm, no [08:31] i don't even know if i can use pizza party with pizza hut an dominos in malaysia [08:31] why would you want a gui for pizza party? === heatxsink [~jmioph@c-24-7-127-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] easier for people to order pizza [08:31] wtf would you order pizza fom dominos or pizza hut? [08:31] they are _so_ bad === zeedo [~zeedo@www.reboot-robot.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] wouldn't the places web sites work for that? [08:31] cafuego: what do they do to your pizza? lol [08:31] anyone know how I can make gnome in ubuntu use the windows key L binding to lock the screen? [08:31] well considering that they have websites.. [08:32] IceDC571: cardboard [08:32] IceDC571: heart attack, stroke.... === cafuego wouldn't eat crap pizza just because the pizza place has a website [08:32] lol [08:32] I mean come on, have some standards === dbernar1 would say se ya later. [08:33] see [08:33] make a script that sends a random girl to my house from those dating sites [08:33] no one? Windows Key L? [08:33] haha, IceDC571 / [08:34] called apt-get aids [08:34] CarlFK -- are you still around? [08:35] why not just apt-get escorts? [08:35] heatxsink, unfortunately the windows key cannot current be used with any other key. It is quite an annoying bug [08:36] Burgundavia , that doesn't sound like a bug, it sounds intentional === DmapEditor [~tyler@24-48-182-37.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] in KDE it launches their start panel [08:36] in gnome the key does um... nothing [08:36] IceDC571: Ctrl-F1 === robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] alt+f1? [08:37] well my crapple key works...with bindings [08:37] oh, alt [08:37] yeah [08:37] Hey I just installed the ubuntu on my machine and noticed that there was little programming stuff. Where could I get some good java/c++/perl stuff === Amaranth needs sleep === synd [~phillipma@h76.40.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu === dabaR points and laughs [08:37] hehe, jj. [08:38] i need a keyboard with a tux key [08:38] sudo aptitude install build-essential to begin [08:38] I need a tux with a keyboard [08:38] Agreed. [08:38] a keyboard tuxedo hhahaha [08:38] IceDC571, if the happy hacker keyboard wasn't $99 we'd all have one [08:38] DmapEditor: also, well, what more specifically would you like? === synd [~phillipma@h76.40.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] search google for programming tools linux [08:39] crappledev, no it is a bug, because some distros patch it [08:39] how do I run kill it [08:39] find some program and aptitude install it [08:39] ahhaha, why don't you just spray paint your own keyboard black for like, $3.00 [08:39] ooo.. someone likes using aptitude > apt-get [08:40] evceryone should so I hear. [08:40] dabaR, search google? the number? [08:40] what is google? [08:40] DmapEditor: installing build-essential gets you a basic C/C++ tool chain [08:40] its too late, I have a midterm tomorrow. Im going to sleep [08:40] DmapEditor: if you want more than just that, you'll need to be more specific [08:40] bye, bye [08:41] I told him that too:) [08:41] well, in fact, ill leave this open...might as well [08:41] cool bob2, thanks [08:41] the build-essential does not have support for -l objc [08:42] indeed, objective C is not C or C++ [08:42] bob2, where can i get it? [08:42] you want gobjc if you care about that [08:42] does anyone have an example of why aptitude handles dependencies better than apt-get? [08:43] bob2, thanks [08:43] haha [08:43] everyone missed it [08:43] or is it just a well known rumor? [08:43] DmapEditor asked what is google. [08:43] I just noticed... nice [08:43] I assumed it was a silly joke === otep [~otep@AP-] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] yeah same here [08:43] ok, I thought all missed it [08:44] ok, night again. === action09 [~action09@albator.cyber-networks.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] darn, ubuntu won't let me su - [08:44] shalalala [08:44] I'm just clark kent without my super user powers [08:44] DmapEditor: wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo === davi1 [~redactech@] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] (it's in the FAQ, and the installer explained it) [08:45] cool [08:45] the ultimate proof that aptitude is not better than apt-get is: aptitude moo === gobeavs [~ross@pool-71-111-138-196.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:45] hah.. i never noticed that, unome [08:46] what a lame response though [08:46] hehe [08:46] haha [08:46] i guess it shows they are tough by not including easter eggs [08:46] or that you haven't found the real aptitude easter egg [08:47] So easily discouraged! [08:47] i never really thought of easter eggs on linux [08:48] but.. "aptitude lets one uninstall unused packages without messing with dependencies..." which let me to this, apt-get remove aptitude [08:48] try aptitude -v moo [08:48] or aptitude -v-v moo [08:48] lol [08:48] haha === _otep [~otep@AP-] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] Myrtti: how did you find that out? [08:48] and keep adding -v is more fun [08:49] Probably wasn't as easily discouraged [08:49] google: "aptitude moo" [08:49] ;-) [08:49] though in warty it was more fun [08:49] arg, I can't stand not being able to get to a root shell [08:50] apt-cache show cowsay [08:50] you win on the 5th one [08:50] that's what gentoo was all about [08:50] the 6th one explains it, how cute [08:51] DmapEditor: a) you don't need one, b) you can have one. "sudo -s" === amethyst [~amethyst@cyben.org] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] gah, i just installed a DVD drive and it was working fine until it froze up, i had to reboot and now its playing my DVDs at an accelerated rate [08:54] help? [08:54] is kubuntu the live cd? [08:54] isn't there a root terminal in Gnome's menu? [08:54] amethyst: no, kubuntu is ubuntu with KDE [08:54] ugh, emerge command not found [08:55] lol [08:55] unome, applications-->system tools--> root terminal === lok [~lala@pouet.dnsalias.org] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] oh cool [08:55] i'll make my own pubuntu with porn [08:56] Burgundavia: thanks for confirming, I don't use Gnome [08:56] haha. [08:58] is google running on unix.. or freebsd? === vurdak [~vurdak@adsl-ull-43-28.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] freebsd is a type of unix [08:58] google OS? [08:58] windows server 2003 [08:58] ack. [08:58] I hear google uses linux heavily, though I suppose they might use others as well [08:59] GooOS [08:59] the idea behind it is really intuitive [08:59] i hate ASP, all the websites have errors and most of them are only viewed properly in ie [08:59] people can write buggy web applications in any language === rza [rza@todellisuus.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:00] what about php? [09:00] what do i gain with ubuntu compared to pure debian? [09:00] well php can be buggy sometimes but from all the websites i've visited its had more uptime than websites hosted on windows servers [09:01] rza: a support group like a saturn family? just kidding, I don't know, yet [09:01] rza: regular updates. [09:01] rza: you can loose a lot of headaches with ubuntu [09:01] rza: as in stable, supported releases. [09:01] ubuntu very easy to install [09:01] rza, ubuntu is more agressive with new package and is better integrated [09:01] "and is better integrated" [09:01] hrm, not really more aggressive, in general [09:01] meaning what? === gobeavs [~ross@pool-71-111-138-196.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] hey guys... [09:02] one good default set of programs, not many for the same task [09:02] how did plefno get past the drivers issue with the 6200 vid card? :\ [09:02] I get the same lockup @ the login screen :( [09:02] does ubuntu come with default set of applications? [09:02] rza, 'better integrated' means that Ubuntu feels like a system instead of a collection of tools... [09:02] bob2, modular X, x.org, gnome 2.10, etc [09:02] rza, yes === Echylo [~echylo@70-190.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] can i have minimal installation if i want? [09:02] Burgundavia: debian has newer libc, tomcat, etc [09:02] rza: sure [09:02] rza, yes, there is a default desktop install and a default non-desktop install [09:02] bob2, true [09:03] the non-desktop is the minimal install :) [09:03] how do I get past the 6200 vid card driver issue? :\ [09:03] if ubuntu adoptes upstream packages faster, can i be sure that they are properly tested? [09:03] do i get the same stability as with pure debian [09:03] rza, yes, sometimes even better === Nic [~NicP_@c211-28-154-93.brasd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === rattboi [~rattboi@c-24-22-178-137.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] no, you can't be sure [09:04] they do get months of testing before ending up in a stable release, tho, so it's generally ok [09:04] Ack... if you try a development version you might have a more rough ride [09:04] rza, ubuntu is one of the few distros to ship the developement versions of gnome [09:04] Ubuntu development versions are not like Debian testing :) [09:04] rza: with pure debian, you have to configure everything and start from scratch.. from my experience, ubuntu automates a lot of tasks and preconfigures a lot of things a new user would want to do [09:05] rza: are you part of the wutang crew? === scorpix [~o@as4-49.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] Seveas: They're like experimental. :) === KhaBal [~erkan@c220-237-142-131.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] Yes, Breezy is a little rough at the moment :) [09:07] cavedive1: Understatement of the century. [09:07] IceDC571: i hate when operating system tries to think for me [09:07] They are in a major transition go GCC 4 and some other stuff. [09:07] rza, there is a difference between thinking for you and being well integrated [09:07] I use it and don't have so much trouble. [09:07] cavedive1: debian sid is about to do that too [09:07] ok.. [09:07] "ubuntu automates a lot of tasks" [09:08] sounds evil [09:08] note that it seems many of you don't seem to have used sarge, which is closer to ubuntu's style than woody was [09:08] not really [09:08] thats like one step closer to devil (ms) === [Chameleon] [~Paul@000f660c9c52.click-network.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] rza: it's not, don't be silly. you can undo anything it does. === fader6 [~fader@adsl-067-032-167-143.sip.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu [09:08] maybe ill stick with debian [09:08] anyway, thank you for comments [09:08] rza: well. Just use LFS then if you don't want anything predone. [09:08] i dont mean automate as in do stuff without your permission [09:08] bob2: What do you mean closer to ubuntu [09:08] err, ubuntu's style [09:09] Amaranth: e.g. users are in the audio group [09:09] i mean like preconfigured hardware stuff so everything works properly when you boot into ubuntu [09:09] that sort of thing [09:09] oh [09:09] yeah, that was a PITA in woody === jose [~jose@90-42-28.dial.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] and they obviously have the same installer, etc [09:09] bob2: i think i actually annoyed you about a couple of those things in #debian a long time ago :) [09:09] http://rlocate.sourceforge.net/ <-- neato [09:09] er, similar installers based on the same code [09:10] I think a gui installer is planned for Breezy [09:10] Or the next one. [09:10] nope === jaardsi [jaardsi@debianse.cx] has left #ubuntu [] [09:10] fedora's anaconda installer is a nightmare.. very evil [09:10] Can't remember === rza [rza@todellisuus.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:10] was planned for breezy, doesn't look like it's going to happen [09:10] same as usplash === ecrappledv [~jamesmont@host-65-7-88-23.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] Amaranth, it is going to happen [09:11] Amaranth, the live and install cds are going to be unified [09:11] Burgundavia: are you serious? [09:11] usplash is another matter [09:11] Burgundavia: That's not what I'm talking about. [09:11] hello? :\ [09:11] oh, you mean they're going to cheat on the install? [09:11] IceDC571, I haven't seen any code, but I understand that is what is happening [09:11] Amaranth, mepis does the same thing, I think [09:12] thats correct, mepis is a live cd and installer [09:12] but personally i like it the way it is [09:12] Amaranth, the debian installer is going to stay texted based [09:12] ubuntu that is [09:12] boot up to a full working ubuntu live cd X then run an installer app from there? [09:12] s/texted/text [09:12] basically [09:12] i know.. thats horrible, i dont want to boot up a desktop from a live cd and install from there [09:12] also means that shipit will only need to ship one cd [09:13] IceDC571, there are many gains and few losses [09:13] how will it all fit? [09:13] it barely all fits now [09:13] no idea [09:13] shoe horns? [09:13] mepis made it fit [09:13] Burgundavia, you keep strange hours [09:13] >_> [09:13] holycow, it is only midnight here [09:13] Magick Ubuntu powers of DOOM. [09:13] *cough* [09:13] :) [09:14] 2am here [09:14] hurray midwest [09:14] 10 am here :P [09:14] 12am here [09:14] damn west coast people [09:14] Choubaka: AUS? [09:14] hah === Choubaka is in Finland. [09:15] *boggle* [09:15] 10 am? [09:15] seriously [09:15] that timing must be off a few hours === swarm [~swarm@] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] oh [09:15] GMT+2 [09:15] i can believe it [09:15] it's 8am UTC, so 9am western europe and 10am finland :) [09:15] oh wait i counted wrong [09:15] stupid me [09:16] yeah [09:16] 12 am here too [09:16] i thought 10am was close to 12am [09:16] i can do super advanced crazy math but i can't do basic addition [09:16] yay! [09:16] 12am..? middle east..? [09:16] Hm. [09:16] Seveas: california [09:16] canada, you goat [09:16] :) [09:16] hmm [09:16] yay canada! [09:16] maybe rlocate could use inotify or something. [09:16] yay indeed! [09:16] ah, midnight [09:17] 12am comes before 10am :) === Burgundavia is a proud canuck [09:17] holycow: where you at? [09:17] i'd say that's 0am or 12pm [09:17] Choubaka, i was more thinking like really fast file searches [09:17] IceDC571, vancouver, you? [09:17] holycow: well, yeah. [09:17] i really want to go back up to vancouver [09:17] im in san francisco [09:17] locate rocks, but you have to keep it updated ;P [09:17] oy :) [09:17] sf sounds cool oo [09:17] too [09:17] yeah [09:18] until you live there...then you want to move back to Canada :) [09:18] (done it....) [09:18] Choubaka: ubuntu handily kills your system performance once a day by running updatedb for you [09:18] portland is quite nice [09:18] the city is almost canadian in feel [09:18] portland is lovely [09:18] Amaranth: yeah. [09:18] i remember passing by there [09:18] Amaranth: Breezy should incorporate ck patches and shedtool === Marble2 [~Marble@CPE-24-163-214-72.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Amaranth doesn't know what those are [09:19] Amaranth: so they could run the update in batch mode or something. [09:19] talk to me about gnome, not cli junk :) [09:19] Amaranth: really cool stuff. [09:19] Choubaka, a better place to ask about that kind of stuff might be #ubuntu-devel [09:19] what is the release date set for breezy? [09:19] IceDC571: 5.10 [09:19] the other thing that would be neato would be a caching too for nautilus, particularly for dirs like /usr/bin [09:19] Amaranth: check out kernel.kolivas.org :) [09:19] 10.5? lol [09:19] IceDC571, 5.10.13 to be precise [09:20] should the gnome release not slip === Nelo [~Nelo@cpe-24-221-253-171.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] IceDC571: 5.10 == October 2005 [09:20] Ubuntu 10.5 could rock. will it ever exist? :P [09:20] http://www.kaboodle.org/ <-- *hmmm* [09:20] Choubaka: Nope. [09:20] i thought kaboodle was a kde media app? [09:20] 10.4 might [09:20] heh, yeah. [09:20] well, 10.04 [09:20] houston, i think we have duplication [09:20] Hello, question...speaker still working with Headphones plugged in! [09:20] 10.4 has to be pretty good .P [09:20] any ideas how to fix that? === parabolize [~paraboliz@68-69-136-167.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === Choubaka wonders what the world will be like in 2010 [09:21] 10x10 [09:21] you will be arrested if you're using windows [09:21] oh nm, it turns out to be a windows app [09:21] meh [09:21] :D [09:21] because by that time.. all copies will be illegal === parabolize [~paraboliz@68-69-136-167.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] Nelo, the speaker muting and headphones muting are different controls on some (most?) laptops... [09:22] Nelo, open a terminal, maximize it, and start amixer [09:22] alsamixer* [09:22] thanks [09:22] you'll see the different controls, it's really nice :) [09:22] cool [09:22] Ik even got my led-in-the-mute-button to work :) [09:23] how do i use synaptic so it can detect this https://wiki.ubuntu.com//AddingRepositoriesHowto [09:23] It* [09:23] damn, /me needs coffee [09:23] woops wrong URL === Seveas bbl [09:23] Seveas thanks [09:23] Burgundavia: have you seen http://live.gnome.org/10x10 recently? They started adding more stats to it [09:23] how do i add this site to synaptic http://dockapps.org/file.php/id/29 [09:23] deb http://dockapps.org/file.php/id/29 ?? [09:24] or just deb http://dockapps.org/ [09:24] KhaBal: no. === Hylas [~Hylas@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [09:24] KhaBal: it needs to be a specific debian repository. [09:25] how do you know that/ [09:25] robitaille, nice [09:25] KhaBal: I just do. [09:25] isnt it common sense? [09:25] KhaBal: those are source packages, not debian packages. [09:25] you can't add them to synaptic :/ === rexman [~rexman@cpe-024-074-051-248.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === rasputnik [3351ll-be-@cpc2-cdif2-3-1-cust41.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === Jesse1 [~ubuntu@217.028.dsl.brs.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] Hey [09:28] moo === liable [~linux@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] woo moo [09:28] KhaBal, debian repos have a certain look to them. Once you see it, you will recognize it. Take a look at archive.ubuntu.com === henke [~henrik@host022.robackshus3.ac.se] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] lalalalalaoooo [09:29] its like http://firstpart.domain.com/ somename/ [09:29] i believe [09:29] all repos look like that.. i forgot the deb at the beginning === X7C [~xtc@pc-43-180-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] what about the deb-scr at the frount [09:31] front* [09:31] those are src files === rattboi24 [~rattboi@c-24-22-178-137.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] and they do? [09:31] they are source files incase you want to build from the source [09:31] you can do apt-get source and get the source for particular package === FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010497935pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] i see [09:31] if you need to modify the package === cast_ [~cast@cast.member.fsf] has left #ubuntu [] [09:33] well i probably wont be needing to use them === cyphase [~cyphase@ppp-69-233-169-193.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === ogge [~admin@1-1-2-20a.um.um.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] hey everyone [09:34] i'm dead.. dont talk to me [09:34] i need some animal crackers [09:34] animal crackers? [09:34] biscuits made from animals? [09:34] eeww [09:34] exactly. [09:35] hey ive got another question it's not really ubuntu releated but if i buy a ata harddrive now becuase im running out of space, and later on i deciede to upgrade mobo's to one with sata would my hd still work? [09:35] dog-biscuits <3 [09:35] hey [09:35] Jesse1: yes === action09 [~action09@albator.cyber-networks.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] ok [09:35] if you cant have gtkrellm on synaptic well look http://errr-online.com/pics/shot-2005-06-28-023223-1400-1050.jpg [09:35] yes you can === tolstoy- [~keith@c-67-168-251-148.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] Jesse1: yes. [09:36] does ubuntu hoary (minimal install) include any webserver? [09:36] Jesse1, most sata capable mobo's have an ide controller on board, and if not a pci-ide card is cheap === X7C [~xtc@pc-43-180-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] ok thx [09:37] Jesse1 : there are ata-sata converters around for cheap too === Guybrush|Numb [~franz@] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] anyone run windows games on wine with success? [09:37] I use cedega [09:37] yea but i dont really want to have to urchase of the internet [09:37] gobeavs, sol.exe an mshearts work great! [09:37] gobeavs: yes. se4 [09:37] :-P [09:37] Se4? [09:37] HrdwrBoB, where you get cedega from or you pay for it? [09:37] heh heh [09:37] space empires 4 [09:38] Jesse1: I paid for it [09:38] ah [09:38] HrdwrBoB, it cost $15 right [09:38] which is the latest version of gaim? i got 1.3.1 === kutucape [~zayn@] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] correct [09:38] $15USD [09:38] ogge there is a new version but its on in the repositories [09:38] Ok [09:38] yea so it will cost me about 24 aud [09:39] hi all [09:39] any way of telling what fixes are in a particular package. just booted ubuntu and running firefox 1.0.2 is making me twitchy [09:39] yeah I'm in AU too [09:39] rasputnik: dpkg -L packagename [09:39] yea go au! [09:39] HrdwrBoB : ta [09:39] gobeavs: wine runs just about anything from blizzard. === Bramme [~bram@88.122-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] parabolize, what about WoW? [09:40] I used to play WoW in cedega but I stopped subscribing === f3ck4r [r0x@201008208092.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] I play WoW atm. [09:40] parabolize: cool, thanks === f3ck4r [r0x@201008208092.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #ubuntu [] [09:40] don't know about WoW [09:40] yea HrdwrBoB thats the only reason why i havent got that game stupid subscriptions and no au servers [09:41] You can even play it windowed mode but then the mouse disappears ingame. [09:41] HrdwrBoB : actually that seems to just list the files - is there a way of seeing what advisories have been patched? === carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] Jesse1: you can install by cvs. [09:41] im a little bit worried what ive got in my sources.list. [09:41] which respositorys is official , and needed. [09:41] rasputnik: not per se [09:41] bugger. I'll rtfm them [09:41] rasputnik: however if you use apt-get to update your packages [09:42] parabolize, yea [09:42] s/m/n/ === thisfred [~thisfred@c529d80b4.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] it will grab the altest patched versions [09:42] where is that paste text thing [09:42] url [09:42] ops, sorry. topic. [09:43] HrdwrBoB : yeah, just ran synaptic and picked everything up, but i know things can lag a little and wanted some way of knowing when a package has a hole - bit like portaudit in freebsd if you know it [09:43] wow, spammers must be desperate [09:43] http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/277 - this is my sources.list , does it seem ok? Do I got official respositories? [09:44] rasputnik: there is an automatic process that will pop up an icon in your bar when ther eare packages to update [09:44] rasputnik, I think your looking for apt-listchanges or zcat /usr/share/doc/$PACKAGENAME/Changelog.debian.gz | most [09:44] whats a good theme for gnome? === WMCoolmon [~WMCoolmon@ip68-6-113-244.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] hey, is this an average result for a fairly fast (say 5x or more DVD) CD/DVD drive?: Timing buffered disk reads: 8 MB in 3.42 seconds = 2.34 MB/sec [09:45] dougsk_ : that'll do thanks, as long as I can cron it in and get a mail I'm a happy bunny === BL4NK [blank@adsl-69-226-35-202.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] any girls in here? [09:46] WMCoolmon: a little on the low side, i think [09:46] did they all leave? [09:46] WMCoolmon: i'm pretty sure i write at 10MB/s when i'm writing at 8x, so 2.34MB/s would be somewhere close to 2x [09:47] nikkia: that's the read speed [09:47] WM, yeah, i know, but the base units are the same, i believe [09:47] rasputnik, I think it's what your looking for, anyhow, and by the way the patch from 1.0.4 was ported back to this hoary version of firefox preventing maliciousness === siimo [~siimo@siimo.user] has joined #ubuntu === geeky_bodhi [~bodhi@] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] hi anyone know how to get asian fonts for ubuntu 4.10 ? i see these square boxes with numbers in them in gaim for my asian friends [09:48] dougsk_ : yeah, I googled before coming in here. I'd just like to not have to everytime a ff bug comes out (i.e. every other week :) ) [09:48] !uptime [09:48] i'm trying to figure out why totem freezes when i try to play a dvd, and copies from the disk seem so slow [09:48] WMCoolmon: apparently, that is pretty much 2X === heatxsink [~jmioph@c-24-7-127-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] this is my first linux for about 4 years, nice to see how it's progressed [09:49] WM, '2x 22.16 Mbps (2.64 MB/s)' [09:49] [Best WinXP Uptime] : 1wk 5days 20hrs 55mins 2secs oh i could never get that much uptime on my windows box [09:49] wm, check DMA is enabled on the drive === azol [artem@] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] wm, my dvd defaulted to PIO mode under kubuntu [09:49] nikkia: yeah, i just did that [09:49] rasputnik, I haven't directly used a bsd in about two years so ;~P [09:50] totem's still freezing === rattboi32 [~rattboi@c-24-22-178-137.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] totem is buggy [09:50] siimo not really [09:50] well, iirc, menus don't work on VLC [09:50] wm, they work in xine :) === telemaco [~telemaco@92.Red-81-35-13.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === tolstoy- [~keith@c-67-168-251-148.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:51] dougsk_: they changed a lot since then :) net and free anyway, I don't bother with others === tolstoy- [~keith@c-67-168-251-148.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] !thetime [09:52] Jesse1: I haven't a clue [09:52] ubotu, ?? [09:52] Jesse1: I don't know, could you explain it? [09:52] right time for work, cheers for the handholding === rasputnik [3351ll-be-@cpc2-cdif2-3-1-cust41.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu [] === siimo [~siimo@siimo.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:52] ubotu, explain what? === dougsk_ [doug@0-1pool140-56.nas5.spokane1.wa.us.da.qwest.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:53] nikkia: ty, xine-ui seems to be working fine [09:53] Jesse1: PM ubotu [09:54] Jesse1: dont do it here === knolte [~knolte@c219100.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] 2 more questions tonight... [09:54] 1) should i care if an application will remove "ubuntu-desktop"? [09:54] synd, ?? === _ggilbert [~ggilbert@68-66-243-62.ventca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] how to delete a file in terminal? === _ggilbert [~ggilbert@68-66-243-62.ventca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [09:55] WMCoolmon: yes, it will make upgrading to breezy when it's released harder [09:55] ogge: rm [09:55] thx [09:55] ogge: rm for files, rm -r for directories [09:56] bob2: so keep evolution et al even though i may be using thunderbird instead? === siimo [~siimo@siimo.user] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] I would [09:56] ubuntu rocks for including PornView!!! Description: Image and movie viewer/manager PornView is an image and movie viewer/manager with thumbnail previews. Additional features includes thumbnail caching, directory tree views, adjustable zoom, and fullscreen view. Slideshows allow for unattended presentation of images for hands-free viewing. Pornview is written using GTK+. [09:56] LOL [09:56] alright, thanks :) [09:56] unless you're really strapped for disk space [09:56] I have a problem removing gnome-gv, E: gnome-gv: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 127 [09:56] evolution is much better imo [09:57] bob2: no, i've got ~19 GB to work with [09:57] asad2005: that's not the error, look further up === henke [~henrik@host022.robackshus3.ac.se] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] thunderbird is a huge memory hog, it has part of firefox in it [09:57] mutt 4 life. [09:57] bob2: and if i run out of space there, 30 GB [09:57] what a great name for a program [09:57] Cannot install anything else while this error is on [09:57] 2) is there a good way to upgrade to alsa 1.0.9? i've tried source packages, but the kernel sources are missing one "include/version.h" === Arkainium [~mark@pool-70-107-46-67.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] what web browser do you prefer if not firefox ? [09:57] Jesse1, well its specially designed for porn viewing "hands-free" [09:57] lol [09:58] asad2005: scroll up and paste the entire error to #flood [09:58] i see lol [09:58] 3) Do you have a good reason for wanting alsa 1.0.9? [09:58] why is everyone upgrading alsa? [09:58] cafuego: yes. i have an audigy 2 nx, and support is supposedly much better in 1.0.9 [09:58] IceDC571: It's newer gotta be better lolol [09:58] scroolkeeperupdate error while loading shared libraries: libxsl.so.1 [09:58] lol [09:59] WMCoolmon: you don't build modules against the kernel source, you build them against the kernel headers [09:59] ahh... [09:59] WMCoolmon: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r) [09:59] WMCoolmon: There are alsa 1.0.9 packages in breezy; down,oad those manually and install them using dpkg. [09:59] !info alsa-utils breezy [09:59] (just checking) [09:59] alsa-utils: (ALSA utilities), section sound, is important. Version: 1.0.9a-2ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 995 kB, Installed size: 1748 kB [10:00] bob2, scrollkeeper-update: error while loading shared libraries: libxslt.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [10:00] Yes, there you go,. No need for inelegant, unpackaged, stupid idea tarball installs. [10:00] asad2005: something has trashed your disk === tolstoy- [~keith@c-67-168-251-148.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:00] bob2 how to recover [10:00] are the alsa problems people have really caused by the userland tools, tho, and not the drivers themselves? [10:01] any1 know where i can get the windows media 10 codecs? [10:01] cafuego: sorry, where are breezy files? [10:01] WMCoolmon: In pool/ with everything else. [10:01] asad2005: sudo apt-get --reinstall install libxslt1.1 [10:01] how can I get a list (probalby in terminal) of what applications, window manager, and system (software) I got installed on my ubuntu hoary partition. [10:01] WMCoolmon: searching for the package on http://packages.ubuntu.com/ will give you a download link === liable_ [~linux@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] ogge: dpkg -l | grep \^ii [10:01] ogge: that will list all fully installed packages [10:02] bob2: Supposedly the userland tools fix some incompatibilies, yes. With 2.6.12 and 1.0.8 on the mac mini i couldn't adjust the volume. With 2.6.12 and 1.0.9a I could. [10:02] thats crasy :) [10:02] thans [10:02] x [10:02] i cant wait for gnome 3 [10:02] IceDC571: It's newer gotta be better lolol [10:02] cafuego: exactly. === cafuego cries and walks off [10:03] if she's a new gf shes gotta be better === jean-jacques [~jeanjacqu@] has joined #ubuntu === siimo [~siimo@siimo.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:03] How can you define a library? [10:03] bob2, apt-get gives gnome-gv removal apriority and stops with same error === jean-jacques [~jeanjacqu@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:03] whats a good theme for gnome? [10:04] Jesse1: www.gnomelook.org [10:04] Jesse1 that's a bit objective [10:04] i would search in the highest rated category [10:04] http://art.gnome.org [10:04] for example; Mesa 3D graphics library [X.Org] [10:04] yeah thats a good site too === Jesse1 goes and looks === kutucape [~zayn@] has joined #ubuntu === no0tic [~no0tic@host158-157.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] cafuego: will upgrading libc from 2.3.2 to 2.3.4 mess up my system? [10:09] cafuego: apparently libasound and other alsa packages from breezy depend on that === viork [~viork@] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] Bluetooth nokia 6230 Blaez gnome Bluetooth web?????????????? help help [10:10] Bluetooth nokia 6230 Blaez gnome Bluetooth web?????????????? help help === scanwinder [~scanwinde@CPE-60-224-192-21.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === xliu [~xliu@STH-9-NAT-] has joined #ubuntu === francesco99 [~francesco@p50871940.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] bob2, Do I have to reinstall just because of a broken package === JanC [~janc@JanC.member.lugwv] has joined #ubuntu === heatxsink [~jmioph@c-24-7-127-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:13] hi, what is the difference between "the group which the file belongs to" and the "file owner"? thanks === skaller [~skaller@ppp5-13.lns1.syd3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === Shufla [~shufla@router.kkzabrze.com.pl] has joined #ubuntu === gabriel [~Gabriel@] has joined #ubuntu [10:15] can someone confirm these keys please? pub 1024D/437D05B5 2004-09-12 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key [10:15] sub 2048g/79164387 2004-09-12 [10:16] i'm getting authentication failure on every package download === Nermal [~pprior@pc2.packadsl.ftech.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === guy [~guy@wbs-146-138-40.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === gabriel [~Gabriel@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === lampshade [~lampshade@tconl92168.tconl.com] has joined #ubuntu === housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-143-128.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:19] will ubuntu hoary automaticly detect WLAN on a ibm thinkpad? === WMCoolmon [~WMCoolmon@ip68-6-113-244.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === amirse [~amir@bzq-82-80-129-208.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] silly question, if I take some of the commands from the little black boxes on the ubuntu guide, throw them in a file with #!/bin/bash at the top, will bash do all of the commands in the proper order nice and neat? [10:20] what can i use as a graphical front-end to scp between machines? === skaller [~skaller@ppp5-13.lns1.syd3.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:22] lampshade: I would think so yes. [10:22] lampshade: why dont you just try :) [10:22] amirse: Nautilus? Konqueror? [10:22] lampshade: chmod o+x gives owner permission to execute that [10:23] amirse: gftp has great ssh support too [10:23] thanks === Amaranth [Amaranth@AC9ABCE4.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === Dalkus [~David@81-86-159-34.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] thenuke, I was just afraid that like, I don't know, bash would start the next command before the previous command was done and that would screw things up === trevor_ [~trevor@dsl-80-42-205-77.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === amirse [~amir@bzq-82-80-129-208.red.bezeqint.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === knolte [~knolte@c219100.adsl.hansenet.de] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === pinPoint [~pinPoint@pinPoint.bronze.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] lampshade: a line break in bash is equivalent to ; [10:27] it will wait until the prior line is finished :) === BeTa [~beta@beta.loc.e-glop.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] my ubuntu hoary with xfce4 feels a little bit sloggish, is there anything I can do about it? dma is ON. [10:29] ogge: what kernel are you using? [10:29] what linux kernel version? [10:29] yeah [10:29] I dont know really, is there anyway I can check it [10:29] yeah [10:29] uname -a [10:30] Linux ubuntu 2.6.10-5-386 #1 Tue Jun 7 08:26:42 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux === ubuntu_ [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] my processor is a celeron (coppermine) 700mz. 128mbyte ram. [10:30] laptop. [10:32] ah. you were asking about this last night, no? [10:32] yep. [10:32] what exactly is sluggish? [10:32] now I know dma is on :) [10:32] when minimize windows, resizeing windows. [10:32] when surfing firefox. [10:32] anyone know how to install nvidia 32 bit onto ubuntu? [10:33] http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-7667.html is this the right site? [10:33] khabal: yea, but its best to install the ubuntu debs [10:33] which arent 7667 yet unfortunetly === WMCoolmon [~WMC@ip68-6-113-244.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === mikl [~mikkel@mikl.active.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] maybe its just me, being a little bit fastidious. [10:33] ogge, run gnome-system-monitor in a terminal and see whats eating up memory and/or cpu [10:34] mochichi: how do i do it ? [10:34] monchichi, I dont run gnome. === _linuxAS_ [~linuxAS@cmbe-212-89-16-88.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] you can still run system monitor [10:34] i tried installing the alsa packages from breezy, but alsa still registers as 1.0.6 in /proc/asound/version [10:34] bash: gnome-system-monitor: command not found [10:34] the mixer is version 9 tho [10:34] monchichi: is it possible to install nvidia 32 driver by apt-get ?? === _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-35-199.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] or do i have to do it step by step like on this site http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-7667.html [10:35] emcoolmon, thats the kernel module thats 1.0.6 [10:35] khabal: you can do it with apt-get or synaptic === holy_cow [~biteme@mail.wjsgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] monchichi: hmm [10:35] you just have to add universe or multiverse [10:36] and install linux-restricted-packages [10:36] do a sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx and see what happens [10:36] monchichi > bash: gnome-system-monitor: command not found [10:36] ogge.. apt-get install gnome-system-monitor [10:37] respositiries? [10:37] ogge, or apt-get install top [10:37] do i add it in through there? [10:37] how do i get both my monitors working? === SOLos [Mix@user-203-212.wireless.rskoming.net] has joined #ubuntu === londonboi2k3 [~londonboi@82-69-165-102.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === wezzer [~antti@a84-230-117-87.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] khabal: huh? [10:37] monchichi: you said by synaptic [10:37] ogge, or apt-get install top [10:37] Hi, I have just filled free ship form. I'm interested how long will it last until I got CD's ? [10:37] will it be in there already, or do you do it by going to respositiries [10:38] top is a text based process monitor [10:38] how would i go about getting the 1.0.9 kernel module? [10:38] will i need to grab the alsa-source package as well? === black-whisp [~black@] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] monchichi: yes its allready there [10:38] wmcoolmon: i wouldnt recommend it [10:39] khabal: then install it ;) [10:39] do i download nvidia glx and nvidia dev? [10:39] all of whats there? [10:39] download nvidia everything, and it will also install some kernel stuff [10:39] monchichi: is there any other way to install alsa 1.0.9, then? if it's an issue of breezy being different from hoary, i've ended up installing a number of breezy packages to get the other stuff working [10:40] wmcoolmon: i dont really know..? you could try compiling the modules from source, or you could upgrade your kernel to 2.6.12 or something === aigarius [~aigarius@cable-62-205-80-136.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu === londonboi2k3 [~londonboi@82-69-165-102.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-52-214.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] monchichi, thank you. is there any way I can copy all text in top? [10:42] monchichi: im sure you have to download all of them. nvidia-glx nvidia-glx-dev nvidia-kernel-source nvidia settings === MorphDK [~morphdk@port237.ds1-od.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] khabal, yeah, not all necessary but very useful [10:42] ok [10:42] hey.. shouldn't totem use the same codecs as xine? [10:42] nvidia-settings is useful little program [10:43] theres two different totem backends [10:43] totem-gstreamer and totem-xine [10:43] I can play everything in Xine-UI but nothing in totem.. :( [10:43] I did it. [10:43] check out my "top" - anything looking suspicious? [10:43] http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/278 [10:43] totem-gstreamer is installed by default [10:43] monchichi, so what I'm looking for is totem-xine? [10:43] monchichi: might as well, i suppose :p [10:43] sudo apt-get install totem-xine [10:43] monchichi, i figured that out ;) === mjr uses totem-gstreamer these days, though fortified with the gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg codec package [10:44] monchichi, ah.. then it removes the gstreamer backend.. nice [10:44] ;) [10:44] mjr, can you play avi, wmv, mov etc? [10:44] ogge, hold on a sec [10:44] monchichi, yep. === ubuntux [~ubuntux@] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] monchichi, nice, that did the trick.. thank you [10:45] ogge, when in top, hit F then n then return [10:45] np [10:46] Hi everbody... [10:46] monchichi: while its installing dont you meant to turn off everything your running? [10:46] it will sort the processes by memory use [10:46] synaptic makes life so easier :) [10:46] khabal... no.. this isnt microsoft here [10:47] just let it do its thing then reboot [10:47] ok :) [10:47] I already install ubuntu in my computer. but i don't know how to change root password? any body can help me? [10:47] i forgot how to [10:47] ubuntux: sudo passwd [10:47] i used to know === zeedo [~zeedo@www.reboot-robot.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] monchichi: how many years have you been with linux? [10:47] reboot? [10:47] is KhaBal installing a kernel? [10:48] about 9 [10:48] no my driver [10:48] what driver? [10:48] nvidia [10:48] 9 years that is [10:48] i have install webmin by apt-get install webmin and it be done. [10:48] It does not require a reboot :/ [10:48] ok, restart your x server then [10:48] ;P [10:48] monchichi: do you use debian as well? [10:48] monchichi: what other distributions do you use? [10:48] well, reboot is simplest, but not necessary. [10:48] how to use webmin if i don't know root password? [10:49] naw.. ubuntu is actually my first debian experience.. i used slackware and suse back in the day [10:49] ubuntux: to make a root password type sudo passwd [10:49] slackwares hard suse is just too easy [10:49] ubuntux: set your root password by running "sudo passwd" in a terminal [10:49] lol [10:49] Ok monchichi I'll try... [10:49] im a newb but not a complete newb, i know what im doing [10:49] suse used to be hard too... EVERYTHING used to be hard.. === mo_bu [~morganeva@eurotron.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] now its easy [10:50] just use that yast2 thing [10:50] monchichi: you're lucky [10:50] yea [10:50] whys that nikkia? [10:50] monchichi: you missed the days where if you wanted X you compiled it yourself :P [10:50] its just like windows === Deanodriver [~dean@ppp64-167.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] hi [10:50] fedora is pretty much windows [10:50] gentoo is the best distribution [10:51] and the hardest, [10:51] lol, its true nikkia, but it was still a bitch to get video cards to play nice [10:51] i tried it you have to download all the parts and all the programs you want before installing [10:51] monchichi: yeah, unless you planned ahead and bought a card that was known to work [10:51] Ok thanks monchichi. It is first time i use debian like. [10:51] so i no familiar with debian command. [10:51] hows debian? same thing has ubuntu? [10:51] I'm still looking for NetworkManager for Ubuntu.. Anybody got it working? [10:51] should i try debian? [10:51] planned ahead? what does that mean [10:51] does anyone know how to set a filesystem to automount in /etc/fstab, and have read+write access by a certain user? [10:51] monchichi: back then, there was none of this 'oh no, gotta have amazing 3d performance' so you just bought whichever 512k or 1MB card worked best with what you wanted to do :) [10:52] why, when i was a kid... [10:52] the only video card i remember having problems with X with, was, a Diamond Speedstar 24, whcih was a (at the time) brand new version of the ET4000 chipset [10:52] BTW how old are you guys? [10:52] if it's a fat32 partition on the drive? [10:52] my 486 50mhz was the shit [10:52] lol [10:52] 50 mhz [10:53] 23 years [10:53] khabal, don't knock it [10:53] (i'd format it to ext3, but I sometimes remove the hdd and put it in windows PC's [10:53] 20 [10:53] the 486-50 was usually faster than the 486-66 if you got the right 486-50 [10:53] :p === steved [~steve@stephendonovan.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:53] monchichi: what year old did you start linux? [10:53] Deanodriver: http://ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountfat [10:53] 19 years [10:53] i dont know what year... about the same time windows 95 came out [10:54] KhaBal: i started using linux in 1992 [10:54] im 15 years old [10:54] brb [10:54] version 0.13 [10:54] i guess 1995 [10:54] 21 [10:54] can you get a job with linux? [10:54] black-whisp, thanks, but I want it to automount on bootup (hence why I wanted to know how to do it in /etc/fstab [10:54] KhaBal, I did :) [10:54] khabal, of course you can [10:54] wow [10:54] or you can sysadmin [10:54] i cant wait then [10:54] Deanodriver: it's there- ;) the fstab thing you want [10:54] ok, thanks :) === emilio [~emilio@106.Red-83-46-18.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] brb guys eating [10:55] buenas [10:55] algun espaol en la web [10:55] ? [10:55] i got paid $300 to set up a suse enterprise/openexchange server today === terrex [~terrex@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] and it was fun! [10:55] no espanol aqui [10:55] es posible hay un poquito [10:55] Does anybody know if there's any proper support for Toshiba A60 laptops yet? I've looked on the web but from what I can see a lot of the Toshiba stuff is outdated. [10:56] ok === monchichi [~digwater@adsl-69-110-21-230.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === monchichi [~digwater@adsl-69-110-21-230.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] monchichi, oh my gosh. you got your own company? [10:56] i love the warnings about breezy everywhere and how much i ignore them [10:57] ogge: yeah man, im self employed [10:57] is fdisk availble thrue the terminal? [10:57] everyone needs computer work === mo_bu [~morganeva@eurotron.plus.com] has left #ubuntu [] === ubuntux [~ubuntux@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:58] yes fdisk availble thrue the terminal [10:59] well duh === peterretief [~peterreti@] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] how do i get both my monitors working? [10:59] in X? [10:59] edit your xorg.conf [10:59] do i just download some nvidia drivers or what? === mello6 [~mellowyll@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === golanz [~golan@] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] what do i edit? [10:59] edit your xorg.conf === guim [~glederer@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === mattyJ [X@oh-clevelandheights-cdnt1-bg2c-224.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] what filesystem does ubuntu use by default? [11:00] erm.. none really [11:00] ubuntu_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20128 *spoon feed* [11:00] when you do auto partition what one does it use [11:01] erm... reiser I imagine [11:01] maybe ext3 for boot [11:01] how do i find xorg.conf? [11:01] oh for fucks sake === AlohaWulf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:01] /etc/X11/xorg.conf [11:01] ta [11:01] or locate xorg.conf === maddler [maddler@] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] leaving due to vast numbers of cretins and n00bs [11:02] just wanted 2 know where it was [11:02] shame this channel has gone downhill [11:02] i'm a complete noob === Nermal [~pprior@pc2.packadsl.ftech.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:02] mattyJ: ext3 by default when doing auto partitioning [11:02] pfooh, got breezy installed [11:02] sjoerd: for the "/" partition? im in windows right now and i need to backup some files, trying to get this to work so i can read the filesystem [11:03] nermal, i think its great that so many people are switching to ubuntu [11:03] mattyJ: yep [11:03] or linux in general [11:03] try to help out where i can [11:03] you were a noob once too [11:04] nermal already left, and ya, no reason to get mad about people asking questions, we are not all born with this stuff in our head === Amaranth thinks about banning nermal [11:04] hey, he said he didn't want to be here :D [11:04] ...just kidding [11:04] too bad.. === hno73 [~hno73@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === mello6 [~mellowyll@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === bob2___ [~rob@crumbs.ertius.org] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] if you dont want to help someone just keep quiet - or what? [11:05] oh woops, the logout color blends with my background === AlohaWulf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [11:06] hehe.. monchichi.. [11:07] im always ranting at people who arent even there ;) [11:07] thats the way you get the least arguments back. ;) === WMCoolmon [~WMCoolmon@ip68-6-113-244.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] nice ;) [11:08] my usb (1.0) wired optical logitech hungs up it self sometimes. freezes. any1 other got experienced this? [11:08] ogge, nope [11:09] monchichi: just a shame that i dont have enough experience to help people.. ;) hehe would mess more than help. :P === zyth [~kyth@S01060013102db441.nb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] still the stickpin works when usb mouse freezes. strange.. === erbel [~Mark@] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] well, looks like the new kernel doesn't help: not only does video quit, but the soundcard issues with the A2NX weren't fixed. Although they may have been fixed in the final ver and not the release candidate [11:10] so, new question: why is x-chat not remembering my username? [11:10] ogge, run "cat /var/log/syslog | grep usb" and see what it gives you [11:11] back [11:11] i remember it used to...and it's getting late, so this will be my last question [11:11] anyone still here? === WMCoolmon is still here [11:11] wmcoolman, the video probably quits becase youre using the nvidia driver.. and it hasnt been released for 2.6.12 yet [11:11] monchichi, Ill try it out. === zever [~zever@kotnet-145.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] monchichi: if i wanted a linux job what will i need from school [11:11] monchichi: yeah, since the .12 kernel doesn't offer me anything for now i'm sticking with the .10 [11:12] black-whisp: just wanting to help is good enough, rather than wanting to be the ke3l l33t hax0r gaosho 0WN3r of the n3t === mo_bu [~morganeva@eurotron.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] lol [11:13] khabal: it depends what you want to do [11:13] so no clue why my username in x-chat keeps resetting itself? [11:13] monchichi: hehe.. ;).. [11:13] uuuh, finally got this thing working! [11:13] monchichi: what can you do on linux as a job? [11:13] programming? === HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.160.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] scripting? === lao_v [~vishal@82-44-149-42.cable.ubr01.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] emcoolmon: no idea :/... try rm -r ~/.xchat and starting from scratch [11:13] took me mad trying for couple of days.. my hardware-clock was going 2.4x normal speed/time [11:13] phew [11:13] monchichi: k, brb [11:14] finaly, yes! [11:14] my CPU speed is 100% [11:14] something using it up alot by dont know what [11:14] khabal: you could just teach yourself with some books if you want [11:14] Sorry guys. Had to restart system. Anyway, as before if anyone knows anything about supporting Toshiba A60 laptops under Ubuntu Hoary 5.04 let me know. I'm away from my computer (in the office) but any info would be helpful. Thanks. [11:14] monchichi: if you learnt alot about linux what will that help in getting a job? [11:14] i'm unable to mount certain partitions on boot, using hoary, upgraded to kernel my HDD w/ the boot partitions (including NTFS and VFAT) mount fine is SATA. the drive w/ partitions not automounting is PATA. i've tried creating an S99 personal mount 'script' but says the device /dev/hdaX does not exist. when i do a mount -a after i login, it mount fine though. is there any way to fix this without reverting to the old kernel? [11:14] Specifically I'm looking at power management for CPU and LCD. I've got sound working fine. === messiahs [~jesus@153.Red-81-44-30.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:14] anyone else had this mad clock-problem with 64bit Linux, that makes your systemclock tick twice the normal speed? [11:15] mo_bu, dont know if ubuntu supports toshiba A60. But mine Toshiba Satellite 1700 (or something) works great. All hardware supported. [11:15] monchichi: usually all you worry about now is school then when u get to uni or whatever then you start worrying about your job dont you? [11:15] new iTunes is out (for all you OS X users) === WMCoolmon [~WMCoolmon@ip68-6-113-244.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === Losty [~losty@adsl-69-235-1-228.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] monchichi: x-chat seems to have had its amnesia cured, thanks :) [11:16] monchichi: thats what some people do.. i majored in biology at uni for some reason, got bored in computer classes cause i already new most of it [11:16] lol [11:16] What's the password for the default user on a Ubuntu livecd? [11:16] I want to do su operations but can't [11:16] i want a linux job that gets you a reasonable amount of money === Dalkus is now known as Dalk-Away [11:17] thanks to everyone who helped :) [11:17] im in year10 i think i need really high maths thats about it [11:17] monchichi: whats your job admins? [11:18] anybody have help for me? [11:18] khabal: mostly just administering networks for businesses [11:18] linux/ [11:18] can you like work for a company === Maz [~finalb@otamn.net1.nerim.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] sometimes i get to do something fun with linux, [11:18] KhaBal, yes [11:18] ogge, Ubuntu runs fine with my system and recognises pretty much everything and battery lasts OK but because I can't control LCD brightness it sometimes eats power when I don't need it too. Also suspend to RAM/Disk does not work at all. [11:19] i dont know if theres one in australia/melbourne [11:19] yeah, ive been offered permanent sysadmin jobs but id rather not have a boss.. === herzi [~herzi@c220056.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu === mrzero [~ole@orwen.net] has joined #ubuntu === aleck [~aleck@cpc2-oxfd3-4-0-cust33.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] ogge, Thanks for the help anyway [11:19] hello! [11:19] How can I view unused disk space? [11:19] mo_bu. its ok! [11:20] can u show me some examples with jobs in linux? [11:20] could anyone help me with installing ubuntu? [11:20] scripting, programming, networking? [11:20] aleck, its simple [11:20] ogge, df -H ? [11:20] aleck. what type of install do you want? [11:20] I was not able to add a user during install, could someone show me his sudoers file, or the script that make user privileged user ? [11:20] thans morph. [11:20] np [11:20] i have XP and was wondering whether i could install on top of it and not lose my mp3's and movie files and most of all photoshop files [11:21] http://www.linux.org.au/jobs/ :) === londonboi2k3 [~londonboi@82-69-165-102.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] aleck if you have enough diskspace, np [11:21] argH! [11:21] and if i happen not to like ubuntu could i reverse the installation? [11:21] i'm unable to mount certain partitions on boot, using ubuntu 5.04, upgraded to kernel my HDD w/ the boot partitions (including NTFS and VFAT) mount fine is SATA. the drive w/ partitions not automounting is PATA. i've tried creating an S99 personal mount 'script' but says the device /dev/hdaX does not exist. when i do a mount -a after i login, it mounts fine though. is there any way to fix this without reverting to the old kernel? [11:21] i can't upgrade my firefox.. [11:21] ohhh [11:21] part time debian linux sys adm [11:21] oh my god, Just discovered dragging windows to the right puts it in the next desktopspace. So sweet :D === maddler [maddler@] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] theres a job up for grabs in austrlia "part time debian linux sys adm" === johane [~johan@h65n15c1o255.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] morphdk.. use the ubuntu backports to update firefox [11:22] How do I authenticate for su, when I'm running from a livecd and haven't configured any users? [11:22] http://backports.ubuntuforums.org [11:23] run sudo passwd in a terminal and set a root password [11:23] How do I fast switch to next desktopspace === bcroq [~bertrand@bruz.freeskop.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] monchichi, it tells me to to a dist-upgrade.. isn't that bad? [11:23] khabal: there ya go, perfect :) [11:23] ctrl+shift+right arrow === silmaris [vampyre@m59.net81-67-104.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] didnt work. but ctrl + alt did :) [11:24] monchichi, excellent. Thanks. [11:24] monchichi: are these jobs, training first? or do you go straight into it? [11:24] monchichi, it says "The following packages have been kept back: mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox-gnome-support" when I do an apt-get upgrade [11:24] ah [11:24] MorphDK: Are you upgrading to breezy? [11:24] Amaranth, no, i don't want to === guenterhb [~guenter@p5489B0DD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] do apt-get install mozilla-firefox and what happens? [11:25] anyone using badger? what is the Backports adres to put into the sources.list please, same as with hoary? [11:25] maan, think its such a delay in here. where is this freenode server located? [11:25] Poromies: breezy doesn't have backports, backports come from breezy === synd [~phillipma@h76.40.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] monchichi, it tells me the updates for mozilla-firefox has been kept back === gigli [~martin@81-224-198-118-no30.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] im using breezy, but theres no backports [11:25] ogge: depends on which one you're on [11:25] ach, thanks [11:25] monchichi, and i'm already using backports in my sources.list [11:25] morphdk, idk, check the forums [11:25] ogge: some are in the US and i think 2 or 3 are in EU [11:26] isnt there only one freenodeserver [11:26] no [11:26] oh ok [11:26] there are 7, iirc [11:26] it's a network [11:26] Is it at all possible to mount HFS+ drives from Ubuntu? Mount seems to not support that filesystem [11:27] Losty: Last I heard HFS+ support was highly experimental and not included in any distro [11:27] losty, theres an hfsplus kernel module floating around that works pretty well [11:27] how do i get 2 monitors haappening?? === oofnik [~oofnik@c-66-56-40-216.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] damn [11:28] monchichi: the modules are there === garrut [~gerrit@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === garrut [~gerrit@garrut.xs4all.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:28] I'm just booting from a livecd on my powerbook and I want to manage my partitions [11:28] same [11:29] i got an old lilo i want to get rid of === jino [~jino@] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] so i can install ubuntu [11:29] losty, did the partition table get reported correctly? === SliderMan [~moshe@bzq-82-81-206-34.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] can i install rpm files on ubuntu [11:29] losty, the usual problem with mac disks is that apple use a different partition scheme to everyone else [11:29] nikkia, itk [11:29] how do i oopen bin files? [11:29] idk* === sid [~sid@ppp-217-133-138-33.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:30] losty, look at the dmesg output and see if the partitions look right :) [11:30] jino: That depends, you can try to run alien on it. === motagaly [~XamaX@] has joined #ubuntu [11:30] Hii Every body [11:30] :) [11:30] Amaranth, how can i do it? [11:31] wat does it mean [11:31] jino: sudo alien foo.rpm [11:31] losty, also, bear in mind that apple create several partitions that are usually hidden from you [11:31] how do i oopen bin files? === concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === cro_mogwai [jhg@ad5-m86.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] the first real partition in the table is usually partition 4 iirc [11:32] just did a apt-get install dillo - where can I start it? [11:32] cant find it [11:32] ogge: probably have to run it from a terminal [11:32] SliderMan: .bin files could be anything [11:32] SliderMan: What is in the file? [11:33] Amaranth, its lilke iso file [11:33] nikkia, I don't know what this is that I'm looking at :) [11:33] Amaranth, disk imeage [11:33] SliderMan: Ah, some illegal movies. [11:33] Amaranth, yes something like that [11:33] Amaranth, lol [11:33] SliderMan: Google is your friend. I'm not helping you do that. [11:34] PLEASE! how do i get 2 monitors haappening?? [11:34] Greetings [11:34] Amaranth, but is legal [11:34] from Egypt === BigIslandVegan [~BigIsland@m010e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] sum1 told me i have to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?? [11:34] anyone here know how to setup === Maz [~finalb@otamn.net1.nerim.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] what do i change? [11:35] JDK 5.0 === Amaranth has to go [11:35] ubuntu_: xinerama [11:35] xinerama? [11:35] silderman... sssuure its legal [11:35] Amaranth, i have a key to open the file [11:35] its is [11:35] theres a program called binchunk to turn a .bin to a .iso [11:35] Hello .. any body knows how to install and configure environment variables of Java JDK 5.0 [11:35] ?? [11:36] what alternatives is there when it comes to webbrowsers, if not firefox. [11:36] thanks [11:36] give me examples! [11:36] ogge, mozilla browser [11:36] ogge, I like galeon [11:36] ogge, operah [11:36] *opera [11:37] thx guys. want a fast browser. [11:37] ogge, kazehakase [11:37] fastest. [11:37] sweet. [11:37] is there any wat that totem can play videos in firefox? like the mplayerplug-in but with totem instead? [11:38] Could someone paste his sudoers, in priv or on a website please ? [11:38] there is a mozilla-totem plugin [11:38] any body here [11:38] monchichi, there is :D [11:38] installed JDK 5.0 Propbely ?> === lok [~lala@pouet.dnsalias.org] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] what is xinerama? [11:39] morphdk, lol yeah somewhere [11:39] monchichi, then i'll find it ;) [11:39] antarctica or somewhere [11:39] how do i open files with no format? [11:39] gxine has a little wizard that will install a mozilla plugin [11:40] sliderman... whaaaa? [11:40] SliderMan, look at the properties what sort o file it is [11:40] how do you clap with one hand? === MrNaught [MrNaughty@d199-126-25-30.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] slap urself [11:41] some file of game [11:41] still makes a clapping noise doesnt it? [11:41] its no format [11:41] SliderMan, strange, have you tried sudo gedit [11:41] yes [11:41] its not good [11:41] then i have no id [11:42] monchichi: is it possible to mount an iso or bin image without burning it? [11:42] its a game something need to run it [11:42] back-whisp: yeah, [11:43] monchichi: with mount? or some fancy program? [11:43] mount -o loop -t iso9660 filename.iso /directory-to-mount-to [11:43] monchichi: okay.. :P [11:43] sliderman, how big is the file? === ubuntu_ is now known as da_dj [11:43] sec === doko_ [~doko___@dsl-084-059-078-087.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] 725.7 KB [11:44] do a chmod +x on the file and then execute it === geesus [~geesus@CPE-203-51-237-159.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] in a terminal [11:44] ./file? [11:44] wow, weird [11:45] I entered "open ~" and now all my text is messed up === ogge [~admin@1-1-2-20a.um.um.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] heh [11:45] Hey guys, im having ad-hoc wifi troubles :( Got ubuntu on a laptop, windows 2000 on a desktop, and im not sure which is the cause but on my laptop the signal strengh keeps alternating between full strength and no signal every second or so. Any ideas? [11:45] what exaclty were you trying to do losty? === echylo_ [~echylo@252-171.246.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] oh my god. ubuntu hung up itself. totaly freezed. had to hold the powerswitch! should linux be very stable? =) [11:46] can someone help me recompile/reconfigure alsa for my new 686-smp kernel? [11:46] monchichi, shuld i open it on a terminal with ./file? [11:46] sliderman, yeah, or sh ./file [11:46] crimsun helped me do it last time and he was a great help but i don't think he's here now.. [11:46] monchichi, thanks ! [11:46] shouldnt === fonsken [~fonsken@d54C32E81.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === doko__ [~doko___@dsl-084-059-079-071.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] monchichi , ./file: ./file: cannot execute binary file [11:47] ogge: it should be... bad things do happen.. you need to learn some tricks [11:48] sliderman, i dont know, file is probably incomplete [11:48] eh.. well does anyone know what time crimsun is usually on here? [11:48] monchichi, ./file: relocation error: ./file: undefined symbol: __glutRoot === Linuxdogmatiker [tobias@83-169-159-73-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #ubuntu === jino [~jino@] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] hi all [11:50] hi [11:50] how do i install a deb file [11:50] sliderman: youre missing some gl library [11:51] black-whisp, plz help me installing a deb file [11:51] monchichi, so what to do? [11:51] is there any command like ctrl + alt + del in windows? [11:51] jino, sudo dpkg -i i think [11:51] yes [11:51] How do I go about installing an HFS+ kernel module then? [11:51] ogge, ctrl+alt+backspace [11:51] its openning monitor [11:51] jino, dpkg -i package.deb [11:51] ok === berkes [~berub@d46082.upc-d.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] oi oi [11:52] sliderman: idunno, search google [11:52] ogge, ctrl alt backspace kills the x-server [11:52] thank you , all [11:52] it works [11:52] ogge, ctrtl alt f1 switches to console [11:53] or f2, f3 ,f4 [11:53] monchichi: i preferred the old console-switch key :( [11:53] ctrl alt f7 is the xserver in ubuntu [11:53] ctrl-alt-sysreq to get back to the console just seemed more 'right' === kilaker [cyh@c-125fe353.450-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu [11:53] hehe [11:54] it also meant you didn't lose a F? key combo to the X server === gigli [~martin@81-224-198-118-no30.tbcn.telia.com] has left #ubuntu [] [11:54] the only good thing that keys ever done for anyne, sysreq [11:54] can anyone tell me what I should add to the command in GRUB to make my system boot to runlevel 4 (or whatever the non-X is) ? [11:54] monchichi: its also useful for kernel debugging, vaguely [11:54] berkes: not in grub [11:55] monchichi: huh? [11:55] nikkia, how so? === kestas [~asdf2@ppp171-182.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] monichi, I want one startup option that does not load the X environment [11:55] monchichi: alt-sysreq is the kernel debugging key [11:55] berkes: change the default runlevel in /etc/inittab [11:55] monchichi: no, not the default [11:56] ohh [11:56] berkes, just add the number at the end of the kernel command line [11:56] sorry, misunderstood [11:56] monchichi: i want to be able to give the option on startup [11:56] nikkia, just the number only? [11:56] berkes, yes [11:56] thanks a lot [11:57] monchichi, thanks anyway [11:57] np === berkes tried all sorts of runlevel=5 etc :) [11:57] guess i havent done much kernel debugging ;) === walter [~walter@M335P025.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu === TexMurphy [~TexJoachi@p508BC7C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === msumu_piti_gnou [~Msumou@71.173.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] no one these days even know what monchichis are.. [12:00] sad sad sad [12:00] what is monchichis then? [12:01] somehing very very sad [12:01] it was this awful cartoon in the 80s === gigli [~martin@81-224-198-118-no30.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] with furry monkeys [12:01] okay... sounds intelligent. ;) === nikkia notices her boss is scheduled for meetings all day, and concludes it might be safe to take a nap [12:02] nikkia: hehe.. ;) smart. :P [12:02] black-whisp: i've been in crunch time since december, i'm shattered === ironmc [~dick@c-67-188-18-201.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] nikkia: hehe.. ;) then it's nice with a boss at mettings. ;) === Choubaka is tired too; as it's summer holidays, it's always safe to take a nap. [12:03] christ, its june??? === holy_cow blackberries nikkia's boss [12:03] pff bosses, who needs em [12:03] *oospsie* [12:03] >_> === ben0ne [~ben0ne@200165239096.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] holy_cow, yeah, nice idea, except the blackberries we have at work rarely work :P === mlh_ [~mlh@c211-30-62-11.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] in fact, we were without mail/internet/etc for a week when he hosed the server trying to install the blackberry software :P [12:04] nikkia: hehe when are you going for some vacation? [12:05] how do i install deb file? [12:05] vacation ? :) [12:05] nikkia: sorry. im not a nativ english speaker.. :S bad at spelling. :P [12:05] black-whisp: i wouldn't mind, but they recently changed the rules and gave us 5 more days/year [12:05] SliderMan, dpkg -i ? [12:05] black-whisp: i don't know how to use the extra days!! :( [12:05] nikkia: hehe sad sad sad.. :( [12:06] previously, we had to save 5 days for christmas, now we get them given free [12:06] thanks! === Suepahfly [~Suepahfly@co455933-a.almel1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu === stefan_dk [~stefan@0x535d66ea.boanxx16.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] what is RPM? [12:07] I might just work to get enough money to travel abroad for some months. === guim [~glederer@] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] its a tar/zip kinda file format [12:07] slider, redhat package manager [12:07] nikkia: well that some sort of bonus.. ;) hehe. :) as long as you are under education.. you get these long long hollydays.:P hehe. ;) [12:07] SliderMan, RedHat Package Manager (IIRC) [12:07] you can us an archiver to open it up [12:08] otherwise used for what the others said [12:08] :) [12:08] you can use alien to convert it to a .deb [12:08] nikkia in fact, we were without mail/internet/etc for a week when he hosed the server trying to install the blackberry software :P <-- haha [12:08] serves you guys right for even using crackfuckingberries [12:08] that whole shit is a scam [12:08] holy_cow: it didn't seem funny at the time [12:08] i bet! === shodan_ [~shodan@p54941B16.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] holy_cow: personally, i don't see the point, other than a better keyboard, a decent mobile phone will do the same stuff [12:09] anybody wanna help me with my wifi prob? :O [12:09] and mobile phones don't need custom server software [12:09] i would be fine with it except that a: its closed source [12:10] b: its closed beyond even ms standards [12:10] c: the whole thing is geared towards upselling server software [12:10] which d: also is closed source [12:10] holy_cow: yeah === Xyrouz [~Xyrouz@535AA218.flatrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] allright, this sckks: i just installed ubuntu 5.04 on another box, but it fails to initiate x server. === ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] i still don't understand why my boss cannot just dialup my smtp servers and download email instead of having to forward everything to a blackberry [12:10] holy_cow: its pointless, a decent mobile phone (smartphone), or a PDA with GSM/3G would do the job equally well [12:10] its insance, i can't understand how anyone can recommend the thing [12:11] anyone got a clue what this libglide stuff is about? [12:11] nikkia, actually tahts a very good point [12:11] and give you more options === Deanodriver [~dean@ppp64-167.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] somehow it seems libglide cannot be found or so [12:11] i still don't understand .. <-- that was rhetorical [12:11] hi [12:11] holy_cow, i mean, my smartphone can do email and IM, what more do i need? [12:12] holy_cow: it'll even read .DOC and .XLS files ffs :) [12:12] i'm trying to download from a windows share (just using Nautilus), and it's going really slowly, any idea why? [12:12] with samba [12:13] worked fine earlier, until i set up smb === ogge [~admin@1-1-2-20a.um.um.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] nikkia, the latter two being completely useless for reasons beyond not being open source [12:14] :) [12:14] nikkia, i agree [12:14] nikkia, indeed, if you want any advanced functionality, get a pda with one of those pcmcia internet access dealies over cell network [12:15] you get dialup speeds but if your intranet apps are designed right, you can get superior options === fluff [~stereo@p5481F767.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] I did the apt-get install galeon. It also installed Mozilla Web Browser and Mozilla Composer. I dont want an of these, how to get rid of them? I got very limited disk space. [12:15] I dont want any of these [12:15] holy_cow, i have 3G, get plenty of speed, and i'm sure there are PDAs with 3G support, either native or via CF adapters [12:16] ogge, galeon might depend on those. check dependencies [12:16] I did the apt-get remove galeon. But still Mozilla web browser, and composer is there. [12:16] nikkia, interesting thought *hmm* [12:17] dependencies? === Vinh [~Vinh@ppp197-46.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] ogge, remove them [12:17] apt-get remove mozilla web browser doesnt work. === pointwood [~pointwood@] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] neither do apt-get remove mozilla === NigelS [nigel@] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] ogge, apt-get remove mozilla-browser [12:18] holy_cow: there is *one* advantage that blackberries have over using a GSM/3G solution [12:18] nikkia, thanx :D and how to get rid of composer? [12:18] holy_cow: that being, that when email arrives, it pushes a notification to the blackberry, so you're not wasting data transfer on checking the mailbox all the time [12:19] holy_cow: i wouldn't be surprised if there isn't something in the upcoming IMAP revisions that can do that in an open-source way though === keffo [~keffo@user150.82-197-233.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] nikkia, i'm not convinced push email is a killer feature [12:20] although from what i've read, thats what sold people on the crackberry [12:20] holy_cow, if you pay per byte, its wise [12:20] holy_cow: but as i said, it doesn't really justify a completely seperate, closed, architecture, IMO === dedalus [~dedalus@] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] *nod* you make some interesting points, i'll keep an eye out for imap standard stuff tho :) === dedalus [~dedalus@] has left #ubuntu [] === Shish_ [~shish@villatatra.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === ogge [~admin@1-1-2-20a.um.um.bostream.se] has left #ubuntu [] [12:21] yeah it just kills me that someone thinks that the separate architecture is okay for the kind of thing bb does absolutely [12:22] but then, not everyone lives in an open source world :) === Linuxdogmatiker [tobias@83-169-159-73-dynip.superkabel.de] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] === subjectdenied [~chris@chello062178196201.4.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] holy_cow: indeed, S2C notifications are part of the lemonade drafts [12:23] and look like they implement a form of push email === ogge [~admin@1-1-2-20a.um.um.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu === GmanAFK is now known as Gman_ [12:23] can anyone help me with x-keyboard in breezy please? [12:24] nikkia, thats kinda cool, i considered imap sorta 'not' under active development, but what od i know :) [12:24] time to get a few hours of sleep before work :) [12:24] holy_cow: it has its own IETF working group [12:24] (which is what 'LEMONADE' is) [12:24] nikkia, nice to meetcha, cool info [12:24] thx [12:24] :) [12:24] ha! === Rogers [~rogers@p508EA8EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] [12:24] cool name for a working group indeed :) [12:24] nite all [12:25] nite holy_cow === neuneu [~human2760@ADSL-TPLUS-18-68.intnet.mu] has joined #ubuntu === bimberi [~bimberi@ppp-36-96.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === jago25_98 [~jago25_98@82-32-242-120.cable.ubr11.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === yure [~yure@dhcp-212-235-229-194.sd.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu === jago25_98 [~jago25_98@82-32-242-120.cable.ubr11.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === snowseal [~snowseal@adsl-dc-2dd1a.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] khotkeys crashes. How can I update just that to fix it? === afonit [~afonit@] has joined #ubuntu === CavalierBob_ [~bob@c-24-4-128-79.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Vinh [~Vinh@ppp197-46.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === siimo [~siimo@siimo.user] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] hio. my xorg wouldnt boot, cant find nvidia driver. after i removed nvidia-glx, it was okay again. wich is weird, becouse the driver is in kernel-restrictedmodules. [12:38] what does the command "echo" do? just repeat what you say? [12:38] KhaBal, yes [12:39] piping pipes all the data into another program? [12:39] okay, anybody used the nvclock tool? is it resonably safe to use or what. === Asriel [adamw@82-69-200-201.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === Nermal [~pprior@pc2.packadsl.ftech.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] grep looks for the word you requested for in a txt file === ups [~ups@] has joined #ubuntu === Nermal [~pprior@pc2.packadsl.ftech.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === ups [~ups@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Flack_Monki [~Flack_Mon@wbs-146-174-178.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === rob^ [~rob@dsl-202-52-55-156.qld.veridas.net] has joined #ubuntu === bimberi [~bimberi@ppp-36-96.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === Mr_Smiley [~smiley@CPE-144-136-182-237.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === hawke [~hawke@home.hawkesnest.net] has joined #ubuntu === Triffid_Hunter [~Splat@funkmunch.net] has joined #ubuntu === Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-61.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu === norris [~norris@user-1120v1f.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === guerby [~guerby@gut75-4-82-235-162-148.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === bimberi [~bimberi@ppp-36-96.grapevine.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === bimberi [~bimberi@ppp-36-96.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === BigIslan1Vegan [~BigIsland@m410e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] whoa netsplit [12:43] must be our server/servers [12:43] yeah [12:43] does ubuntu have a program that i can make programs transparent? === nalioth_zZzZzZz is now known as nalioth_wrkn [12:43] hehe [12:43] what system you run all people, window manager, ubuntu version and so. would be fun to know. [12:43] gotta love netsplits === Xenguy [~gnu@] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] ogge: gdm, and gnome === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === adnans [~adnans@noterik2.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] help need a transparent program for ubuntu [12:45] transparent? [12:45] flodine, ? there is support in kde for example [12:45] just wan to shade diffrnt thing like browser === vurdak [~vurdak@adsl-ull-43-28.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === pete_ [~pete@stallion.psilocy.be] has joined #ubuntu === gigli [~martin@81-224-198-118-no30.tbcn.telia.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:46] i want to shade thing i open [12:46] the enlightenment desktop is supposed to be very configurable that way [12:47] cant remember the what the programs called === MorphDK [~morphdk@port237.ds1-od.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:48] flodine, are you using kde? if so then go to control centre / settings > desktop > window behavior > translucency tab [12:48] no flux [12:49] so no translucency on gnome [12:49] how do i mount my cdrom [12:49] hmm, i seem to have run into a problem with breezy: Id like to create 32bit chroot, and the instructions are to apt-get dchroot but its doesnt find it? i tried to download (both from debian and ubuntu website repository) and opening with package manager, but it wont open.. any suggestions? === vdm [~vdm@84-104-142-217.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu === masoft [~masoft@] has joined #ubuntu === karsten_ [~karsten@o1-dialup-66-81-217-220.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] sry for the spelling :) === shock [~shockwave@dsl-082-082-155-005.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] KhaBal: you should just put it in the machine [12:50] nalioth_wrkn: I forgot is it something like mount /mnt/cdrom? [12:50] flodine, sorry, I don't know how to do it with fluxbox [12:50] <_root_> anybody have seen this error.. __guard from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a is unresolved! [12:50] Is it http://www.ubuntulinux.com/ ? Or is ubuntu.com now active? [12:50] is there a Office for Ubuntu in Vancouver, Canada ? [12:50] Poromies: we don't use breezy a lot here yet, see /topic [12:50] I'd STFW but I've got about 9 million seconds lag ATM. === karsten_ is now known as karsten === no0tic [~no0tic@host158-157.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] karsten: www.ubuntulinux.org [12:51] :| === DagaZ [~rolle@h34n1fls35o858.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === Toka` [~Toka@dsl-084-058-002-022.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] will breezy own the world? =) [12:51] masoft: https://wiki.ubuntu.com [12:51] ogge: eventually, i'm sure (for at least 6 months) [12:52] karsten, ubuntu.com works too [12:52] i mounted my cd rom how do i go into it by command [12:53] this might actualy be hard to believe, but breezy works better on my machine then hoary [12:53] nalioth_wrkn, could not find anything there ! [12:53] KhaBal: "cd /mnt/cdrom" [12:53] masoft: www.ubuntulinux.org [12:53] just this irritating 32chroot problem :/ [12:53] thers nothing in my mnt folder [12:53] well, ill figure it out eventualy [12:53] masoft: www.canonical.com [12:53] KhaBal: /media [12:53] thanks === scorpix [~o@as6-31.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] thats wierd [12:54] says theres nothing in the cd [12:54] where do canonical get their money from? === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:55] ogge: the printers [12:55] ogge: the owner is a bazillionaire [12:55] nalioth_wrkn: Danke [12:55] ogge: It's the guy who did Thawte. [12:55] ogge: ...and bought a ride to the ISS. === factorx [~factorx@dsl-084-060-019-255.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] Anyone from NZ here? Aukland, specifically? === grillo [~grillo@72.Red-83-34-128.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] Ok [12:56] All swedish people, join #ubuntu.se [12:56] karsten, me === vurdak [~vurdak@adsl-ull-43-28.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] siimo: Got a guy down there who'd like help getting Linux set up. He's in Remuera. [12:57] siimo: Do you contract? [12:57] siimo: ...and/or could you name an Aukland LUG? [12:58] karsten, http://www.linux.net.nz/ [12:58] karsten, what do you mean do i contract [12:58] cp: omitting directory `resource' what does this error mean? [12:59] s/Auk/Auc. [12:59] karsten, its auckland [12:59] anyone listening? [12:59] please help "( === sly [~sly@host217-44-73-252.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] siimo: Would you be willing to teach a guy how to get started with Linux? He's a plant bio PhD. === sly is now known as Sly === paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] siimo: Yeah , I know. [01:00] KhaBal: It means the directory had something in it when you tried removing something. SOmetimes it goes away later. [01:00] siimo: Strong personality, but smart guy. [01:00] karsten, well depends how long because i dont have a lot of free time [01:00] How do I associate *.mp3 with beep-media-player [01:01] and im not really an expert with admining servers etc only use it on desktop [01:01] dubbel-click on a mp3 now, doesnt open anything. === erb [~erb@fibhost-37-6.fibernet.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] ogge, right-click and choose Open with [01:02] hi === JaneW [~JaneW@] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] siimo: Scientific workstation. He'd pay. Give me an email or point me at a LUG. === cafuego eyes karsten [01:02] siimo: www.linux.net.nz ?? === JaneW [~JaneW@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:02] karsten, thats the LUG website [01:02] sanitario, there isnt any "open with". I run xfce4. [01:02] cafuego: I'm not your type. [01:02] though ive never visited it [01:03] karsten: Oh come on, kiss me! [01:03] siimo: Danke. Where do they meet? === karsten kisses cafuego [01:03] karsten, its on the front page the meeting location === cafuego spreads the infection [01:03] cafuego: Dealing with the biomass is your own problem. === Whistler [tu10@82-135-244-53.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] karsten, whats a scientific workstation? does he use some special biology programs [01:03] is there any dc++ client for ubuntu? [01:03] !info dcplusplus [01:03] wish there was [01:04] Whistler, yes I read about it on forum === uniqwork [~9e705402@] has joined #ubuntu === Robinho_Peixoto [~preview@] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] I think there is a dc++ client under dev. [01:04] Well, there's always the non-packaged one. [01:05] siimo: Have you heard of bioinformatics? [01:05] jago25_98 where can i find it> [01:05] ? [01:05] i want dc++ on my linux [01:05] siimo: Basically: gene analysis and pattern searching. He wants to use this to "learn linux and install software". [01:05] let me search, hang on [01:05] karsten, yes i have a friend thats studying bioinformatics [01:06] dc++ on ubuntu: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28378 === shmoolik [~shmoolik@] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] hello [01:06] !forums 28378 [01:06] Forums: Thread 28378 is: Ubuntu Forums - HOWTO: Install DC++ for linux [01:06] im copying this game from a cd, how can i see if its nearly completed copying or not on the console? [01:06] karsten, do you know where in auckland this guy is located [01:07] i have can't install extation in firefox i resive this page http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/upgrade/?application=%7bec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384%7d [01:07] i can help him if he is near the city area [01:07] all though i know i have the last version [01:07] can i work around it? === elirips [~elirips@217-162-2-223.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] sources from the linuxdcpp wheres that? [01:08] shmoolik: go to about:config and set the vendorSub to 1.0.4 [01:09] siimo: Remuera. === lao_v [~vishal@82-44-149-42.cable.ubr01.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] hrm. cant get my *.mp3 associated with beep-media-player. using ubuntu hoary (minimal install), xorg, xfce4. [01:09] thanks [01:09] karsten - pass it on: http://bioknoppix.hpcf.upr.edu/applications [01:09] siimo: http://www.bloksberg-it.co.nz/ [01:10] CarlFK: Wozzat? [01:10] karsten, thats his company? [01:10] karsten - the list of bio related apps on a knoppix CD === snake [kult@adsl-192-219-192-81.adsl2.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] hi all [01:10] cafuego, i don't have vendorSub at about:config [01:10] =\ [01:10] i need some help with a pci SATA card [01:10] it's based on the sii3112 chipset [01:11] CarlFK: Danke. [01:11] it is responsible of LiveCD and InstallCD hang [01:11] siimo: Yes. [01:11] and if already installed, it makes hotplug hang [01:11] general.useragent.vendorSub [01:11] anyone willing to help ? [01:11] karsten - bitta [01:11] cafuego, okay i found it [01:12] its was app.vertion =] [01:12] many thanks [01:12] d'oh! [01:12] there's an updatee of firefox [01:12] just run apt-get update [01:12] snake: modprobe siimage (should work fine) [01:12] it is? 1.04 is latest? [01:12] i believe so [01:12] Is there a Dell Dimension 8400 specific Ubuntu page? [01:12] cafuego, it hangs during startup [01:13] the bug was in 1.02 [01:13] hotplug hangs [01:13] looks like a software company to do with bio stuff :P [01:13] CarlFK: s/a/e/ [01:13] siimo: Indeed. [01:13] anyone to help ? [01:13] snake: Remove the card, then add siimage to the hotplug blacklist; then re-insert the card [01:13] subterrific, i have updated [01:13] karsten, im studying software :-) [01:13] ...or more generally, SATA install stuff. [01:13] cafuego, ok, where is the blacklist file located ? [01:13] but the version number have not changed [01:14] siimo: OK [01:14] snake: /etc/hotplug.d/ i think [01:14] and the about:config didn't help [01:14] =\\ [01:14] ok, i'll look for it [01:14] an other question === we2by [~we2by@dc5146d009.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] is it recommended to regularly do the apt-get update and apt-get upgrade. does this commands upgrade all the softwares I run in ubuntu? [01:14] how services are managed under ubuntu [01:14] snake: That will get the machine to boot, but the card won't work (yet) [01:14] iam used to gentoo's rc-update [01:15] snake: install 'rcconf' [01:15] cafuego, i'll manage to get it to work [01:15] cafuego, it's not included by default ? === njan [~james@james.user] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] i need to add the adsl autoconnect [01:15] snake: Nope, as normally people don't need to edit init.d files. [01:15] and remove some useless services [01:15] o_O [01:15] O_o [01:15] snake: You do that differently [01:16] snake: To remove ueless services, just unintall them. [01:16] heh, it's important to manage services [01:16] i just want to remove them from startup [01:16] not unistall them [01:16] snake: To make dsl connect on boot, check /etc/init.d/ppp (there's a reference to ppp_on_boot) === DNAku-san [~DNA-otaku@dD5E07074.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] linux-image-2.6.10-5-386 [01:16] is this the latest? [01:16] i just need an equivalent of [01:16] rc-update del cups default [01:17] for example [01:17] if anyone used gentoo before [01:17] update-rc.d [01:17] ok, thx cafuego [01:17] i'll play with it [01:17] 'rcconf' is far easier though [01:18] someday, i'll write a graphical service manager for ubuntu [01:18] why does apt-get upgrade [01:18] linux-image-2.6.10-5-386 [01:18] thx a lot you guys [01:18] Eww, does that mean I *have* to install X? ;-) === yuacht [~zth@h-83-140-113-25.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] cafuego, you already have rcconf in that case [01:19] snake: Eh? === Safari_Al [~tr@ppp234-166.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] Eww, does that mean I *have* to install X? ;-) [01:19] karsten, ? [01:19] yes... === GeDaMo [~gedamo@dynamic-62-56-54-51.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] How do I use gconf2 tool and changed osssink to alsasink? [01:19] rcconf is command line no ? [01:20] yep [01:20] cya, going to reboot [01:20] ;) [01:20] thx a lot [01:21] siimo: ? what? [01:21] i sent you /msg [01:21] Does anyone know if there's a problem with the bittorrent tracker? [01:21] jago25_98, System->Prefrences->Multimedia System Selector [01:22] siimo: Didn't see it, sorry. [01:23] GeDaMo - there often is :( === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host134-106.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] Carl, ok, thanks :D === bimberi [~bimberi@ppp-36-96.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === rob^ [~rob@dsl-202-52-55-156.qld.veridas.net] has joined #ubuntu === Mr_Smiley [~smiley@CPE-144-136-182-237.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === hawke [~hawke@home.hawkesnest.net] has joined #ubuntu === Triffid_Hunter [~Splat@funkmunch.net] has joined #ubuntu === Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-61.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu === norris [~norris@user-1120v1f.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === guerby [~guerby@gut75-4-82-235-162-148.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] I already have the isos, was just making them available for uploads [01:23] yuacht, I'm on kde, trying to use gconftool-2 to fix it === bimberi [~bimberi@ppp-36-96.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === rob^ [~rob@dsl-202-52-55-156.qld.veridas.net] has joined #ubuntu === Mr_Smiley [~smiley@CPE-144-136-182-237.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === hawke [~hawke@home.hawkesnest.net] has joined #ubuntu === Triffid_Hunter [~Splat@funkmunch.net] has joined #ubuntu === Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-61.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu === norris [~norris@user-1120v1f.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === guerby [~guerby@gut75-4-82-235-162-148.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] alguien que entienda un poco de espaol [01:26] me puede ayudar con ubuntu === anatole [~anatole@a84-0-161-85.adsl-pool.axelero.hu] has joined #ubuntu === no0tic [~no0tic@host158-157.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === lok [~lala@pouet.dnsalias.org] has joined #ubuntu === Weiss [~weiss@conf.dow.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] emilio, try #ubuntu-es === tyma [~tyma@ool-182dc919.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === grillo [~grillo@72.Red-83-34-128.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [01:29] what program for burning should be used === nixblicker [~ubuntu@e181105192.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:29] i want install a translator === alejandro [~alejandro@alejandro.developer.kde] has joined #ubuntu === GeDaMo [~gedamo@dynamic-62-56-54-51.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [01:30] tyma: gnomebaker, graveman or k3b === narkceh [~narkceh@dsl-aur4-a1a.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === bloodhead [~bloodhead@p509202E5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === orso [~orso@h131n2fls34o862.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] I need to install mplayer but i cant because it isnt in sources.list. what do i need to add that i can atp-get it? [01:32] emilio - https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RosettaReleaseAnnouncement [01:32] narkceh - http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=mplayer&searchon=names&subword=1&version=hoary&release=all [01:33] narkceh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [01:33] what version of gnimebaker should i download [01:33] gnomebaker* [01:33] whatever is in the apt repository === ogra_ [~ogra@p5089D950.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] my mouse works fine under live-cd but not when ubuntu been installed. live detectets it correctly as a ps2++ mice but the install detects it as a imps2 mice? === Natja [~Natja@st-208-114.student.fundp.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] oh thank you [01:35] it told me to go to ubuntu.com for more info on downloading it === Keito [foobar@216-171-135.0504.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu === Epistemic [werd@c-24-131-139-102.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] tyma, how are you doing it? synaptic or using apt-get? === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-34-61.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu === maddler [maddler@] has joined #ubuntu === Stranjo [~marcelo@] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] tyma, just use: apt-get install gnomebaker [01:37] someone can help me? [01:37] probably [01:37] this is a help chan among other things.. [01:37] how can I change the system charset? cuz my charset is utf-8 but I'd want iso8859-1 === Kamping_Kaiser [~kaiser@202-136-104-198.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] rob, i dont know where to use apt-get install gnomemaker [01:38] my mouse works fine under live-cd but not when ubuntu been installed. live detects it correctly as a ps2++ mice but the install detects it as a imps2 mice? [01:38] tyma, just type that in a root terminal [01:38] uniqwork: so i need to download it from the website, right. I cannot apt-get it? [01:38] tyma, or use: sudo apt-get install gnomebaker [01:39] it will work [01:40] it said couldnt find package gnomebaker === ron_ [~ron@] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] !find gnomebaker [01:41] gnomebaker: (application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 0.3-3 (hoary), Packaged size: 384 kB, Installed size: 1244 kB [01:41] tyma you need to enable the universe repositories [01:41] add universe to your sources.list [01:41] ok how do i do that [01:42] bah, is there at ! for that yet? [01:42] !universe [01:42] cafuego: Are you smoking crack? [01:42] !repositories [01:42] rumour has it, repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto [01:42] yay there is [01:42] ubotu: yes [01:42] cafuego: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about === aimaz [~swp1@i-83-67-17-205.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu === othernoob [~othernoob@p54A2BC7D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] !universe is ask me about !repositories [01:42] cafuego: okay === valys [~nuititreb@] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] !multiverse is ask me about !repositories [01:43] cafuego: okay [01:43] man I cant wait for the official faq to come out ;p [01:43] rob where do i do that [01:43] tyma: visit the url ubotu just said [01:43] ditto [01:44] !find xmms-musepack === publius [~publius@adsl-154-41-30.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === aima_ [~swp1@i-83-67-17-205.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu === jbailey [~jbailey@CPE00501836c657-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] Ubuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'xmms-musepack' returned no results. === virtue|deaN [~deaN@] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] heck that took a while [01:45] idd :-) [01:45] probably had to download updated lists === DNAku-san [~DNA-otaku@dD5E07074.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] hello :) [01:45] anyone able to help me with dual boot? [01:46] trying to dual boot windows xp and kubuntu but dont no how :(. cant find anywhere on ubuntu site === Hylas [~Hylas@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] virtue|deaN: are both currently installed? [01:47] virtue|deaN, windows xp isnt in your grub boot up screen? [01:47] virtue|deaN: /usr/share/doc/grub/examples has a sample meny.lst with windows entry [01:47] did you install windows first? [01:47] yea :( [01:47] heard its har [01:47] hard [01:47] then kubuntu I take it === _Cartman_ [~dark@3e44aa09.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] no [01:48] virtue|deaN: It should be trivial. [01:48] as long as you install windows first, kubuntu will automatically set it up [01:48] i dont have the kubuntu installed as yet [01:48] in the grub boot menu [01:48] when it comes up the partition [01:48] where do i set it to? [01:48] just dont deleate the partition windows is on === jansen [~jansen@] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] virtue|deaN: It will do it automatically. [01:48] ive got 2 drives the 80gig ide is partitioned into 2 drives [01:48] a 15 and a 65 [01:48] and my 80 sata [01:49] firefox cannot install flash, how can i install it? [01:49] want it installed on the 65 part of the 80 ide [01:49] virtue|deaN: Just pick the one you want to use in the list, it's really straightforward, just READ the info on screen [01:49] is there anything on he 65gig part? [01:49] nope [01:49] formated it last week [01:49] my mouse works fine under live-cd but not when ubuntu been installed. live detects it correctly as a ps2++ mice but the install detects it as a imps2 mice? [01:50] virtue|deaN: When you get there, delete the 65GB part, then tell Kubuntu o use all avilable free space. [01:50] ah i c ;) [01:50] virtue|deaN, when installing kubuntu then, during paritioning, just choose to do it your self (not automatic) and select that area [01:50] narkceh, sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla === nubbe [~martin@c-a32970d5.031-17-67626713.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] imps2 thats an kernel-2.4 protocoll isnt it [01:50] Anyone know why ubuntu won't accept keyboard input at the boot prompt from the install or the live cd? [01:50] didnt understand if it would delete partition then id be screwed ;) [01:50] virtue|deaN, you will also need a small swap partition [01:50] yea [01:50] zever: E: Couldn't find package flashplayer-mozilla [01:50] i read that :) [01:50] couple of 100 megs at most [01:50] thanks guys [01:50] will do it now :D [01:51] virtue|deaN: It won't delete anything witout you telling it to. [01:51] np [01:51] hheheh yea ;) [01:51] thanksx [01:51] (unlike windows) [01:51] arent there any protocoll gurus here [01:51] !find flashplayer-mozilla [01:51] flashplayer-mozilla: (Macromedia Flash Player), section multiverse/web, is optional. Version: 7.0.25-0.0 (hoary), Packaged size: 956 kB, Installed size: 2136 kB [01:51] only trivial gurus [01:51] narkceh, have you enabled multiverse [01:51] orso, whats your point? [01:52] lol === mz2 [~mz2@81-1-70-13.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] bugg, bugg, bugg [01:52] zever: nope, ill do that first :) [01:52] narkceh, ok :) [01:53] zever: so, ill change "main" to "multiverse"? [01:53] zever: or what? [01:53] no [01:53] you need to add lines [01:53] didn't get it [01:54] narkceh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-42ee8db829cfca66a3a0f4f71a6682392bbe459c === robepisc [~robepisc@ppp-217-133-31-136.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:54] oh ok, thanks [01:57] i love linux you can do so many things at once without lagging === sebdc [~sebas@ip51cecfd8.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] im on a pretty buggy computer as well [01:57] 1333 mhz 256 mb ram [01:57] its only buggy cause you are used to windows ;p === jansen [~jansen@] has joined #ubuntu === ircrob [~rob@ppp86-82.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] you are not supposed to install grub to MBR according to the ubuntu wiki, i'm trying to set up a dual boot with ubuntu and windows, but i've failed every time :D [01:59] what do i do? [01:59] install it to the mbr [01:59] that is wrong [01:59] i did install to mbr, but then it won't buut [01:59] *boot [01:59] Keito: What rob^ said. [01:59] Keito: ...um. configure /boot/grub/menu.lst [02:00] but... but... i get this SYSTEM ERROR BEEP BEEP every time [02:00] shoud work, unless you have some weard problem.. [02:00] Keito, do you install it during installation? [02:00] karsten, how do i configure that when i can't get into any system [02:00] rob^, yes === nes_ [~nes@pm3-01-049.interconect.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === grexk [~grexk@] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] Can you watch BB asx stream in Linux ? [02:00] Keito: Boot a rescue / install disk. [02:00] ircrob, hehe my wife asked the same thing.. [02:01] answer ? [02:01] Keito, does anything come up on the screen or does the pc just beep [02:01] ircrob, I havne't gotten it to work yet :( === podge [~podge@adsl-143-75.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:01] karsten, waah, then i'll have to install a floppy drive in the machine. stupid new computers [02:01] rob^, it doesn't really beep [02:02] ircrob, gonna try running IE in ubuntu and see if that makes a difference [02:02] What software could i use to do VoIP communication like ventrilo on win32? [02:02] it says that no system was found, and something like that [02:02] lpih, skype [02:02] How long does it take to have the cd being ship from shipit free cds? [02:02] Keito: Bood CD? [02:02] Keito: s/bood/boot/ [02:02] hmm i'll try :S [02:02] grexk, long time [02:02] Anyone running MythTV on Ubuntu? [02:02] maybe vlc rtsp:// [02:02] grexk, depends where you live [02:02] 3 months? === siimo [~siimo@siimo.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:02] karsten, ah, okay === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-34-61.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [02:02] maybe grexk [02:02] rob: ok, waaaa [02:03] thats about how long it took me [02:03] Keito: Your install disk is also a rescue disk. [02:03] Hey folks, my ubuntu's automount stops working. Th initialization of the system don't find /dev/cdrom (there's a boot message)... and the automatic mounting of hdc and hdd doesn't occur... could someone help me? [02:03] just download the .iso if you have bb, or find a local LUG and they may give you one [02:03] karsten, oh, it can work like that? [02:03] ok [02:03] like, some boot paramenter? [02:03] Keito: Yes. [02:04] Keito: Once you're up and running though, burn yourself LNX-BBC or Knoppix. [02:04] Keito: They're ass-savers. [02:04] Keito, just hit F1-> and read [02:04] Keito: ...that's sort of like Lifesavers, but different flavor. [02:04] when it first boots the cd [02:04] Keito: Boot. Once the install starts, hit [02:04] Keito: ...and you've got a shell. [02:05] karsten, hahahaha, yeah, live cd's are nice [02:05] i'll try later [02:05] Even when I restart dbus, cds aren't recognized... === karsten trundles to sleep... === rob^ is torn between rove, sleep and irc [02:05] How can I restore the automount? === zerokarmaleft [~zerokarma@ip68-12-45-133.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] it's not my computer, you see. i said i'd install ubuntu for a friend, but he wants to keep windows for some weird reason! [02:06] blah, gamers! === tombs [~tombs@h141156.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] keito: windows for lamerz? [02:06] buy an xbox or something === DNAku-san [~DNA-otaku@dD5E07074.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === tyma [~tyma@ool-182dc919.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] that's what i did [02:06] ditto === kentoo [~kentoo@host75-99.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] even though my xbox is mostly used to watch movies using xbox media center, heehee [02:07] yes [02:07] hi :) i want to install evince and remove xpdf on Hoary, if i do a apt-get remove xpdf , it want to remove ubuntu-desktop and xpdf. can i safely remove ubuntu-desktop [02:07] ? [02:07] ditto again [02:08] without breaking all my desktop :) === Arkainium [~mark@pool-70-107-46-67.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] action09, dpkg -r xpdf === atholas [~atholas@219-89-100-141.jetstart.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] i need help installing my linksys card [02:08] apt-get install evince [02:08] action09: i yes, ubuntu-desktop can safely be removed. [02:08] whats the command to show all the list of partitions? [02:08] KhaBal: fdisk -l [02:08] ok thanks [02:08] when i configure the new theme,some errors [02:09] action09, just do those two lines [02:09] i have problems with apt-get install [02:09] root@ubuntu:/home/jansen/Desktop/clearlooks-0.6.1 # ./configure --prefix=/usr [02:09] checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c [02:09] checking whether build environment is sane... yes [02:09] checking for gawk... gawk [02:09] checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes [02:09] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [02:09] mplayer-686: Depends: mplayer-586 but it is not going to be installed [02:09] checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no [02:09] E: Broken packages [02:09] checking build system type... Invalid configuration `i686-pc-linux-': machine `i686-pc-linux' not recognized [02:09] configure: error: /bin/sh ./config.sub i686-pc-linux- failed === podge [~podge@adsl-143-75.swiftdsl.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:09] dont paste crap [02:09] root@ubuntu:/home/jansen/Desktop/clearlooks-0.6.1 # make [02:09] make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. [02:09] I just installed a sata drive and it's detected as /dev/sda - only problem is my cdrom drives /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd are no longer detected. Anything I can do to fix this? [02:09] use #flood instead [02:09] can anyone help me install my linksys card [02:10] uniqwork: didnt show me nothing === Badcel [Badcel@p54853662.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] uniqwork: there was another command but dont know what [02:10] wtf, anal bleaching on tv [02:10] sorry. I tried to install mplayer-686 with apt-get but it said E: Broken packages. What can i do? [02:10] KhaBal: cat /proc/partitions [02:10] how do i check how much free space i got on my linux driver/ [02:10] KhaBal: df -h [02:10] rob can u help me install my linksys card [02:11] KhaBal: df -h [02:11] tyma, depends [02:11] on what [02:11] if it is supported by linux [02:12] rofl [02:12] how can i find out so i can install it [02:12] :0 [02:12] "rob can you help me install my linksys card... start by writing drivers!" [02:12] mplayer doe snot work on Ubuntu? [02:12] does too === Dutchy [~Dutchy@ipd50ae694.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] I have alot problems with it [02:12] heh [02:12] anyway === The_bellman [~The_bellm@dsl.shannon.id.au] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [02:13] Hmm, when you use sata linux detects ide cdroms as scsi? So it would be /dev/sr# instead of /dev/hdx? [02:13] tyma, go up to System -> Admin -> Networking [02:13] ok [02:13] tyma, whats there? [02:13] so i cant install mplayer-686? [02:13] ethernet and modem connections [02:14] narkceh: try mplayer-586 [02:14] tyma, is one listed as eth0 [02:14] yes [02:14] is that the network card you want [02:14] uniqwork: mplayer-586: Depends: libsvga1 but it is not installable or [02:14] svgalib-dummyg1 but it is not installable [02:14] E: Broken packages [02:14] thats the defalt gateway device [02:14] tyma click on it, then click Properties [02:14] !find libsvga1 [02:14] Ubuntu Package Listing of 'libsvga1' (2 shown): libsvga1 ;; libsvga1-dev. [02:14] ok [02:15] uniqwork: bash: !find: event not found === Hurtig_ [~uulav@a84-230-176-231.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] Hi [02:15] what does it say there tyma === crutch [~crutch@mo-67-76-76-44.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] i have just installed ubuntu linux 5.04 [02:15] could you tell me how to get mp3 working [02:15] its configured with dhcp and nothing else [02:15] Hurtig_: cool [02:15] i have already installed xmms === concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] tyma, is that what you want? === Raptoid [~raptoid@] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] but when i tried to play mp3 it freezed [02:16] I use marillat repositories, is it better to use backports? [02:16] idk im so lost [02:16] and is there a check in "This Device is configured"? [02:16] i just want to use my wirless card [02:16] and its connected through a lan [02:16] www.kolumbus.fi/leena.valkamo/Kuvakaappaus.png [02:16] right now [02:16] check that out :) [02:16] narkceh: did you enable universe too, or just multiverse? - you need universe to get the depends for mplayer. [02:16] tyma. well if thats not the card you want, then choose another card. Most wireless cards dont work with Linux atm [02:17] uniqwork: oh i didnt. so i need to multiverse and universe? [02:17] wat about using ndis wrapper [02:17] narkceh: yes. === sijp [~sijp@DSL217-132-52-246.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] uniqwork: ok, thanks. [02:18] Hurtig_: for mp3 stuff -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-639a621dfdd2455b114477921b28145252b78050 [02:18] is it normal automount stops working without any configuration? [02:19] nes_: no, try to restart gnome-volume-manager; alt-f2 'gnome-volume-manager' and press enter. [02:19] rob can i use ndis wrapper [02:19] uniqwork: where can i paste my sources.list that someone could see whats wrong with it? [02:20] tyma, you can try [02:20] uniqwork: because now i got W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems [02:20] E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. === JaneW [~JaneW@] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] tyma, might work [02:20] rob, might work if i can figure out how to install it [02:21] narkceh: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl [02:21] anyone know with gnome, how to strech the bottom bar, so it takes 2 lines instead of the single bar [02:21] I restart gnome-volume-manager, but nothing happened. [02:21] tyma, see http://hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/Wireless.html [02:21] find your card there [02:21] uniqwork: thanks === james [~james@81-178-20-101.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === ealden [~ealden@] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] or chipset === JaneW [~JaneW@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:21] uniqwork: could you please watch whats wrong with that: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/279 [02:22] nes_: try to remove and pluing your removeable devices.. [02:22] tyma, also see http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/ [02:22] narkceh: did you do an 'apt-get update' ? [02:22] I did. I insert cds on hdc and hdd. No icon appeared on the desktop. === Albaraha [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] uniqwork: yeah but i got couple errors [02:23] narkceh: you can use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 as an example. [02:23] rob i downloaded the debian package earlier but i cant figure out how it install it [02:23] uniqwork: hey but i tried it second time and now i didnt get. guess it was somekind of download bug? [02:24] hello, i am just trying to get the pics off my camera, attached by usb. should the usb drive be popping up on my desktop? nothing seems to happen. [02:24] narkceh, probably just a download bug. [02:24] hello, trying to sort out my proftd, but when my friend tries to connect iwht his user/pass he gets: Status: Connected with lalallaa.no-ip.org:2121. Waiting for welcome message.. Error: Disconnected from server Error: Unable to connect! and in the terminal i get (ps aux) 14:18 0:00 proftpd: (accepting connections) [02:24] tyma, dpkg -i === chrissturm [~chris@83-65-246-1.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] what shpuld i do? [02:24] uniqwork: or whats its called. but thank you very mutch. === chase [~Chase@stuartma.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] uniqwork: now it works. thank you again. [02:24] rob, where do i enter this stuff becasue im stupid when i comes to installing programs [02:25] narkceh: no problem :) [02:25] tyma, in a terminal [02:25] you may need to add "sudo" to the start of that [02:25] can anyone help me with my usb problem? [02:26] rob, wats the [02:26] tyma, the .deb package you downloaded === deltron [ryan@CC4-] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] does anyone here know how to authenticate to a proxy? I need to authenticate to our proxy server here to get on the internet [02:28] deltron: open preferences in firefox and enter your proxy details. [02:29] err I need it for apt-get === speke [~speke@ns1.prolix.ro] has joined #ubuntu === ice_1963 [~root@pcp0010958892pcs.brghtn01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === DNAku-san [~DNA-otaku@dD5E07074.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] deltron: does your network demand that all network traffic passes through a firewall? === cmg_ [~cmg@151-204.tfn.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] unfortunately, yes [02:33] can anyone reccomend a good CVS client that i can get from Synaptic? [02:33] thanks [02:34] rob, it showed up as tar.gz [02:35] tyma, then use tar -zxf [02:35] cd into the directory it creates [02:35] read all the docs, including README [02:35] go from there [02:35] acquire::http::proxy "http://username:password@proxy:port"; [02:35] also see the site you got it from for instructions [02:35] deltron: add a line like this ^^ to /etc/apt/apt.conf [02:36] I'm almost giving up of automount problem... I thought problesm involving hal+dbus+g-v-m was solved... === Bramme [~bram@40-150.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu === snake [kult@adsl196-250-130-206-196.adsl196-5.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] hi all [02:37] can anyone reccomend a good CVS client that i can get from Synaptic? [02:37] still unable to boot ubuntu [02:37] nes_, theres always the trusty old mount/umount command [02:37] because of my pci SATA card [02:37] cmg_, cvs [02:37] and hotplug which hangs [02:37] unable to get past hotplug with ctrl+c [02:37] it's a hardlock [02:37] rob^, a cvs client... a front-end for cvs.. not cvs commandline [02:38] i use magickeys to reboot my system [02:38] cmg_, gcvs [02:38] oh, you didnt say what sought of client :) [02:38] zever, gcvs is good? === niran [~niran@cpe-67-10-213-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] Yep, if weren't they I was a ubuntu user given up. [02:38] cmg_, dunno, don't use it [02:38] rob^, lol.. yeah.. a gui.. any reccomendations? [02:39] I guess gcvs.. === beyond [~beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] i'll give gcvs a try then [02:39] I normally just use plain old cvs [02:39] deltron: did you get that? add a line like this to /etc/apt/apt.conf : acquire::http::proxy "http://username:password@proxy.hostname.com:port" [02:39] Has anyone used the via Unichrome drivers in hoary? [02:39] rob^, I do to for small projects.. but I have a big project with tons of files and my code tree is pretty complex.. so i need something to help me manage checkins [02:39] anyone to help ? [02:40] cmg: gcvs is not so good. eclipse has nice cvs integration, and smartcvs is also good if you dont mind using java === hyuned [~hyuned@ip51ccfab8.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu === ep [~ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === blazint [~blazin@cm99.epsilon201.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] chrissturm, hmmm.. i'm not using eclipse or java... but I suppose i could install a jvm.. smartcvs is good? === poningru [~poningru@pool-71-101-67-91.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] test [02:41] :s [02:42] cmg: i dunno, but its payware. a lot of people say its good [02:42] chrissturm, any recomendations for something that I can get from Synaptic.. without installing java? [02:42] anyone experiencing hotplug hngs ? [02:42] chrissturm, payware? screw that.. [02:42] heh [02:43] cmg: take a look at gcvs [02:43] yeah i guess i will then [02:44] I am having problems mounting a usb camera drive. I can see it using lusb but it doesn't appear on my desktop. how can i mount the drive automatically [02:44] cmg: what editor do you use? i bet you can find a nice editor that has a cvs plugin [02:44] cmg: for example jedit [02:44] james, gphoto2 [02:45] uniqwork: i'll try that :D [02:46] cmg: thats what i use: http://www.jessies.org/~enh/software/scm/ its really great, but it needs java to run. [02:46] chrissturm, i use SciTE.. I'm writing Python code.. all the Python IDE's suck.. [02:46] cmg: take a look at scm. i was not sure if it supports cvs (i use svn) but i checked and it does [02:46] rob, thanks for ur help [02:46] rob: i will give gphoto a go, but I would really like to see the drive pop up on my desktop. [02:47] chrissturm, will scm tell me if the files in my tree are in synch with the repository and or if they need to be checked in? === publius [~publius@adsl-154-38-91.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === DJ_Mirage [~djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] cmg: yep. http://www.jessies.org/~enh/software/scm/CheckInTool.png [02:48] I'm having trouble installing ubuntu [02:48] chrissturm, i would use svn also but this is at sourceforge.. I don't think they have svn yet === Prottie [~gjorans@dsl236-106.adsl.no] has joined #ubuntu === virtue|deaN [~deaN@] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] cmg: try scm, its great === liable [~linux@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] tyma, np [02:48] james, thats the linux solution [02:48] james, it does come with a good gui for looking at/downloading pics on your camera though [02:49] yay! got it to dual boot etc :) [02:49] chrissturm, it needs java? what is it.. Swing? [02:49] Does anyone know if the Ubuntu kernel supports lirc? [02:49] virtue|deaN, glad to hear it :) [02:49] cmg: yep [02:49] chrissturm, cool.. I'll give it a try.. thanks ;) === doktoreas_ [~chatzilla@host11-71.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] rob^ it works hehe :P. but when i go to activate a network device *one of my nic's* it has the tick then goes disabled again [02:50] rob, what about automounting non camera usb drives? [02:50] and that means i cant get internet access from my ethernet modem [02:50] james, mount it as a scsi driver [02:50] in kubuntu this is [02:51] james, mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb [02:51] as root [02:51] and make sure /mnt/usb exists :0 === DNAku-san [~DNA-otaku@dD5E07074.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] and check dmesg [02:52] note that not all usb keys/drives work though === Nikopol [~mambo@i-195-137-15-67.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu === anna [~anna@] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] wats command to check net status like pinging etc [02:52] rob: i will give that a try, I assume that later releases of ubuntu will include some kind of automount feature === Kyral smakcs his iPod [02:53] dunno, one day maybe james [02:53] anyone know how to init an ipod under linux? === eri1 [~erik@adsl-208-17.dsl.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:53] hya, could anybody tell me how to install libmp4v2 on my system? === ankur_ [~ankur@] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] you could write a simple shell script for it and have an icon on your desktop james === kbj [~kb@port227.ds1-oebr.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu [~ubuntu@p5089A3A2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] james: ubuntu DOES automount usb drives === kbj [~kb@port227.ds1-oebr.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] Kyral, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodder [02:55] rob, i will have a bit of a think about that. what I would like to implement is some kind of autodiscovery === KBJ [~kb@port227.ds1-oebr.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] maybe [02:56] hey [02:56] james, what chrissturm said [02:56] uniq: lol, export http_proxy worked fine :) [02:57] chrissturm, they don't on my system. === rob^ is too used to debian [02:57] does anybody know how to install libmp4v2?? === Kamping_Kaise1 [~kaiser@219-90-239-9.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] james: if it doesnt work its a bug. write a mail to the users list, or file a bugreport === DNAku-san [~DNA-otaku@dD5E07074.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === james__ [~james@81-178-20-101.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] anybody here do mono/c# development? [02:59] chrissturm, I will do that. do you know if the automount feature works with usb camera drives. [02:59] chrissturm, mine doesn't either, but then it never has with any distro === maddler [maddler@] has joined #ubuntu === Shuddertrix [Andrew@user-0cdvecn.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === ankit_ [~ankit@] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] james: it works for my pentax camera [03:01] chrissturm, does this mean a folder actually appears on your desktop when you plug your camera in? [03:01] james: yep === leonel [~leonel@] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] I will have to have a dig around and see what is going on. === cmg_ [~cmg@151-204.tfn.com] has joined #ubuntu === Dalk-Away is now known as Dalkus === bcroq [~bertrand@bruz.freeskop.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] I've installed qt3-apps-dev and qt3-dev-tools. How can I determine whether or not this installed 'designer'? If it didn't install it. How do I get it? [03:04] chrissturm, do you use Sun java? think I can run scm using one of the free JRE's in the repository? === KarlosII awakens [03:04] cmg: i use sun 1.5.02. would be interesting if scm runs with any of the free vms. [03:05] I hate than Sun's java isn't Free.. and I hate that you can't get a deb for it [03:05] cmg: you can make a deb [03:05] cmg: apt-get install make-jpkg === msieradzki [~marek@xdsl-1118.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] !java [03:05] java is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//Java [03:05] its all there === ups [~ups@] has joined #ubuntu === nubbe [~martin@c-a42970d5.031-17-67626713.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [03:07] ubotu, thanks! I think thats everything I need [03:07] cmg_: bitte [03:07] Also, 'build-essential' installed gcc3.3. But gcc3.4 is available. I was thinking about installing it but I'm wondering if there is reason I should hold off? === b_e_n_z [~benz@pcd317021.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu === JraNil [~chatzilla@host-83-170-28-41.customer.teleport-iabg.de] has joined #ubuntu === ups [~ups@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:11] If I am going to use a seprate drive for swap (cuz I have some extra ones laying around) is there anything wrong with "bigger"? === emanuelez [~emanuelez@adsl-253-74.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === hackeron [~hackeron@hackeron.user.gentoo] has left #ubuntu [] === bcroq [~bertrand@bruz.freeskop.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] theres a lot of debate on that CarlFK === justan00b [~justan00b@dsl-084-060-151-174.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === chase [~Chase@stuartma.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === tekkah [~tekk@] has joined #ubuntu [03:13] i think I just found the flaw in my plan [03:13] I have a 6gig for "system", 160g for user data and a dvd drive [03:14] hmm. maybe not... [03:14] will hooking up an "old drive" on the same ide channel as a "new drive" slow down the new drive? [03:15] the only thing is that Linux will use a lot of it, it can slow your system down if you have too much [03:15] how much ram have you got === cogumbreiro [~tiago@] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] lo all [03:15] CarlFK, yes [03:15] 196m [03:15] where can I talk about ubuntu packaging issues? is it here or is there a better channel for that? === Albaraha [~Albaraha@] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] I normally make it the same as the amount of ram I have up to 512mb [03:16] <^rob^> ack! [03:16] ack! [03:16] rob^ - I dont need any more swap, just figured I would fill the empty drive bay with some of my old junk [03:16] cogumbreiro, here is good [03:17] erm it can slow down your system to have too much swap? you sure about that? :) [03:17] but not if it is going to be detrimental to the new junk [03:17] CarlFK, like you said, it will slow down to the slowest device on each ide channel [03:17] touch: cannot touch `test': Read-only file system :( end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 44965296 :( [03:17] calc, yes.. but like I said its debatable [03:17] good - I didn't want to find the 3.5 to 5.25 mount brackets anyway ;) [03:17] i do recall some debate on whether separate smaller swap partitions are being access more efficiently than one large one [03:17] but not that in general more is bad === calc saw that on kerneltrap a few days ago [03:18] some people I know have a small swap partition on each physical hd === calc gone to work, bbia 10hr [03:18] I have 1g of the 160g setup for swap - [03:19] CarlFK, that will be ok probably [03:19] <^rob^> What is the performance difference like with spap file vs swap partition? [03:19] what's the default root password in ubuntu? [03:19] !root [03:19] hmm... root is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo [03:19] well, i'm trying to fix python-gnome2-extras package, since the nautilusburn module is broken. I've just started finding some dependencies not existent in some packages. Bugzilla is the way to go, right? [03:19] like I said... I don't need swap.. just wanted to heat up my box by jamming more junk into it ;) [03:19] <^rob^> Of all the performance complaints I have heard about OS X, noone has ever griped that it doesn't use a swap partition by default [03:19] carlfk: it's a good idea to have swap on your fastest disk, and in not too big partitions. there is no problem in have alot of swap. [03:19] calc: hi. Do you plan to update menu-xdg to fix the bug with duplicate menu items? [03:20] yeah the only thing I can see is a swap partition is dedicated space, a swap file isnt [03:20] preformance difference would be minor though [03:20] i would also like to get forward on every bug report against "serpentine" package, since I am its maintainer and would like to hear from those, to whom should i talk? === occy [~october@ip24-252-197-99.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] <^rob^> rob: I mean if you have a second disk, it seems like a great idea but... === blazint [~blazin@cm99.epsilon201.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] cogumbreiro, just a guess but there could be an option for it in bugzilla [03:23] cogumbreiro, try #ubuntu-devel [03:23] bah, spanish Wiggles === dutch [~dutch@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] rob^ thx === Deanodriver [~dean@ppp64-167.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] np === dan [~dan@] has joined #ubuntu === gorthaug [~gorthaug@215.Red-83-34-191.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] hi === mo_bu [~morganeva@eurotron.plus.com] has left #ubuntu [] === din [~din@] has joined #ubuntu === mikl [~mikkel@mikl.active.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu === rekr [~rekr321@] has joined #ubuntu === battlecat [battlecat@pool-71-116-33-77.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === youngcoder [~codemaste@220M09.oasis.mediatti.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] Why is ubuntu better than FC? === bob_ [~bob@S010600045a2d03e6.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] battlecat - chix did it. [03:27] did? [03:27] battlecat - chix dig it. [03:27] Have a qeustion, I'm trying to load the Ubuntu LiveCD, but my DVD drive is on the onboard promise controller, I get through the location questions on the installer but when it tries to mount the cdrom it cant find a common cdrom device, is there anyway to load it using a cdrom on a promise controller? [03:27] battlecat: Just try it and get your own opinion [03:27] Ive tried them bot I am looking for technical opinions not feelings [03:27] Does anyone have any idea why apache2 config file has been change to apache2.conf? [03:28] yes, I used to use Debian but Ubuntu makes a better desktop OS for several reasons [03:28] regular release schedual [03:28] up do date packages [03:28] documentation is comming along good [03:28] the GNOME desktop is well set up [03:29] Firefox and Thunderbird packages in repositories [03:29] the list goes on... [03:29] rob^: what no firefox in debian? [03:30] norm_, although there might be now [03:30] doh, stupid xchat [03:30] how do I remount my root filesystem as read&write? due to bad sector linux has remounted it as read only. [03:30] liable, no there wasnt last time I checked [03:30] firefox in deb? they are still waiting to see if lynx is stable ;) [03:30] hehe yeah probably === GPWex [~g@] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] anyone have an answer [03:31] hey all [03:31] to what? [03:31] 42... duh [03:31] rekr, when you boot.... [03:32] vmlinuz doscsi === bcroq [~bertrand@bruz.freeskop.net] has joined #ubuntu === Kaltzu [~Kaltzu@addr-82-128-222-45.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu === JanC [~janc@JanC.member.lugwv] has joined #ubuntu === pete [~pete@65-84-238-27.client.dsl.net] has joined #ubuntu === lesshaste [~lesshaste@st179.dcs.kcl.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [03:33] hi.. do any linux im clients support winks? === zerokarmaleft [~zerokarma@ip68-12-45-133.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === _0kills [~zerokills@12-214-110-179.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:33] <_0kills> hello, is there a way to change the GDM background image? [03:33] rob^: erm, seems its been there maybe a year or so iirc. [03:33] yeah, its been a while === MisterMattiMoo [~matt@cpe-67-9-84-169.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] _0kills, yes, check the forums or wiki [03:34] even then is not up-to-date, and insecure [03:34] <_0kills> concept10, thanks === MisterMattiMoo [~matt@cpe-67-9-84-169.hot.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] === Chameleon22 [~Serg@] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] _0kills, run gdm-config as root [03:34] not to mention the amount of bugs firefox has had lately [03:34] rob^: what version do you run? === fonsken [~fonsken@d54C32E81.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] the one in horay at the moment.. [03:35] its updating as we speek [03:35] rob^: which is? [03:35] speak.. [03:35] _0kills: system -> administration -> login screen setup. [03:35] any ideas? [03:36] 1.0.2, patched up to 1.0.4 [03:36] lesshaste, no idea [03:36] liable, why? [03:36] din, oh well [03:37] rob^: funny, on my sarge install I have 1.0.4. [03:37] _0kills, sorry, it's gdmconfig [03:37] well, I'm telling it as I saw it when I run Debina === lok [~lala@pouet.dnsalias.org] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] pfft.. [03:37] Does anyone know of good Linux OCR software? === Hurtig [~uulav@a84-230-176-231.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] hi === hussam [~hussam@] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] how i can install mplayer :) [03:38] sudo apt-get mplayer-386 didnt work? [03:38] liable, they do backport some stuff like that iirc === podge [~podge@adsl-143-75.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === Zeq [~ezequiel@OL251-23.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] <_0kills> thanks din and uniq [03:39] add the repositories in synaptic and search for mplayer [03:39] _0kills, np === eri1 [~erik@adsl-208-17.dsl.uva.nl] has left #ubuntu [] === Deanodriver [~dean@ppp64-167.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] hey, i need someones help =( [03:39] Hurtig, the Community and Multiverse repos === dwa_ [~dwa@dwa.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] Zeq, what's up? [03:40] when I try to open Synaptic I get this Unable to get exclusive lock [03:40] This usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) already running. Please close that application first. [03:40] done that? [03:40] the thing is that i installed ubuntu but some packages are broken [03:41] is anyone else having issues with xmms? [03:41] and i'm trying to fix the problem [03:41] done apt-get -f install yet? [03:41] I have just inherited 3 HP Netserevr LPr machines. Low spec but thought I could put Ubuntu on and play around. Can it be loaded on such machine ? [03:41] Zeq, sounds like you need to remove a lock file [03:41] mmm [03:41] and how do i do that :$ [03:42] i'm looking [03:42] if you know the app or package name use apt-get remove "app name" [03:42] OK, I finally have the via (unichrome) drivers working, but I can only get 640:480 [03:42] 640x480 sorry [03:42] any help would be most appreciated === Prawntasm [~BFCurtain@] has joined #ubuntu === dutch [~dutch@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] === Kejk_PL [~konrad@ark10.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] Nightcr8wl3r, thats dpkg -r appname === dutch [~dutch@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === zeedo [~zeedo@www.reboot-robot.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] I'm running a dual monitor setup, GF2 & Unichrome graphics cards. GF2 will display the resolution at 1600x1200 [03:44] the KM400 won't go over 640x480 [03:44] I'm sure it has something to do with my modeline or some such [03:44] Zeq, are you sure you don't have another synaptic running? === sly [~sly@host217-44-73-252.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] Zeq, ps aux | grep synaptic [03:45] type that in a term [03:45] rob^ you can also use apt-get remove "app-name" [03:45] rob^: i.e. apt-get remove ppp [03:45] what is the X server? [03:46] da_dj, your gui display of course [03:46] din, I get this: ezequiel 8401 0.0 0.4 10260 4108 ? S 10:40 0:00 gksudo /usr/sbin/synaptic [03:46] root 8403 0.0 0.8 15516 7612 ? S 10:40 0:00 /usr/sbin/synaptic [03:46] root 8671 0.0 0.0 2984 716 pts/1 S+ 10:45 0:00 grep synaptic [03:46] i had a feeling it might have been that [03:46] Zeq, in a term, type killall -9 synaptic [03:46] killall -9 gksudo [03:46] as root [03:47] that should take care of it [03:47] hmm === numb [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] I'm gettint tired I think.. === rob^ puts down the keyboard and backs away [03:48] and now i should try to open synaptic or something so install the broken pckages during the install.. ? [03:49] Zeq, you should be able to run synaptic now [03:49] do what you must [03:49] :) === lotusleaf [~lotusleaf@lotusleaf.user] has joined #ubuntu === wirjo [~wirjo@c220-237-62-238.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] i get the same message =((( === ups [~ups@] has joined #ubuntu [03:50] Zeq, hmmmm === ups [~ups@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:50] Zeq, ps aux | grep synaptic again === fsapo [~fsapo@201-1-136-104.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] i get this now: root 8759 0.0 0.0 2984 716 pts/1 S+ 10:50 0:00 grep synaptic [03:51] good === Wilitus [Wilitus@dsl-lhtgw2e8e.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] what's the error message again when you run synaptic? [03:52] has anyone installed Kiax successfully? [03:52] ive never ran Linux before, so i ran the live cd and all went well till a graphic error of somekind came up, and a command line i have no idea how to use [03:53] Unable to get exclusive lock [03:53] This usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) already running. Please close that application first. === fluff [~stereo@p5481CD52.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === rekr [~rekr321@] has joined #ubuntu === maddler [maddler@] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] Zeq, try sudo rm -rf ~/.gksu.lock [03:54] anyone know how to get the livecd to boot off a promise controller I can get as far as it detecting a cdrom then it says no common cd-rom device found === Gomben [~joel@mordad.ee.queensu.ca] has joined #ubuntu === darkridr [~darkridr@cpe-65-31-15-129.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Koloss [~hans@u15-167.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #ubuntu === GusARG [~xaxa@] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] Good greetings. === Gomben [~joel@mordad.ee.queensu.ca] has left #ubuntu [] === snowseal [~snowseal@adsl-dc-2dd1a.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] I have a question about video resfresh rate. [03:56] how do i see the instlaled packages with apt? [03:56] hello! I need help... When I "apt-get update" I get this: http://pastebin.com/305182 [03:57] snowseal: what package do you want to install [03:57] din, now i try to open synaptic? [03:57] Zeq, yes [03:57] same error :( [03:58] Zeq, you might try restarting X === thoreauputic [~prospero@wolax9-120.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] ctrl + alt + backspace will do it for you, make sure you save any work you have open [03:59] snowseal: apt-get install "app-name" [03:59] snowsealL if you have a package made for ubuntu, you can use dpkg -i "package name" [03:59] uhm, i want to remove soem installed packages. [04:00] i cant do much things, i see everything enormous, i cant change the screen resolution and a lot off things cause lot of packgs r broken. I'll be right back [04:00] so i would like to see a list of installed packeges. === robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] how can I change the video refresh rate from 60hz to 75? [04:00] Hello folks! I need some help... When I "apt-get update" I get this: http://pastebin.com/305182 ( MD5Sum mismatch ) [04:00] darkridr, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [04:01] hand edit? [04:01] darkridr, i always do, yes [04:01] thanks. [04:01] darkridr, check the monitor section [04:02] thanks much . === echylo_ is now known as Echylo [04:04] how do i see the list of installed packages with apt? [04:05] dpkg --list [04:05] <_0kills> /me quits. [04:05] <_0kills> hehe, damn [04:05] sudo apt-get install mysql-server; "Package mysql-server is not available, but is referred to by another package." [04:05] (breezy) [04:06] should this be bugzilla ized? === blazint [~blazin@cm99.epsilon201.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] cogumbreiro, right. one needs to know that once.. thanx === stridervc [~strider@vesuvius.obsidian.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] Hello folks! I need some help... When I "apt-get update" I get this: http://pastebin.com/305182 ( MD5Sum mismatch ) === Prawntasm [~BFCurtain@] has left #ubuntu [] === dutch [~dutch@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:09] CarlFK, have you tried apt-get install mysql-server-4.1? [04:09] hi all === minholi [~minholi@] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] I got a question - how to mount CF card attached via USB card reader? [04:10] this CF card is attached by ubuntu as sda at scsi1, channel 0 === VDM_Afk is now known as VDM [04:11] GusARG, that repo might be down, try again === apollo2011 [~apollo201@] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] marcin_ant, mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/point ?? === housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-143-128.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] GusARG, i also encounter that problem a few times. running "sudo apt-get update" a second time then it's OK === kwilcox_afk [~kylewilco@ip68-229-81-101.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:12] din: ok and what when I'll remove CF card from reader and I'll put another one? [04:12] concept10, blazint ... ok! ... I'll try again later [04:12] marcin_ant, did it mount for you? [04:12] marcin_ant, to unmount a device umount /mnt/point [04:12] din: trying === kertrats [~elijah@12-23-137-167.dul.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] Hey, does ubuntu come with Java preinstalled? [04:13] kertrats: no [04:13] kertr [04:13] there's my problem, then [04:13] (trying to get Azureus to work) [04:13] kertrats: you can install it from synaptic though [04:13] oh lol [04:13] heh [04:14] azureus is nice [04:14] din: ok it mounted [04:14] marcin_ant, great :) [04:14] din: heh the problem is that this CF is on my customers notebook [04:14] There is a guy on the Ubuntu forum claiming to have a problem mounting his DVD Drive so I told him to post his fstab and he says he doesn't have one. And I told him where to look and he still says he can't find it in /etc/fstab [04:14] marcin_ant, what is CF ? [04:14] din: and this is 55 years old guy pretty new to linux [04:14] heh [04:15] din: I need something "clickable" [04:15] marc [04:15] din: CF is Compact Flash [04:15] ahh [04:15] marcin_ant, do you have a computer business? [04:15] din: from Canon digital camera [04:15] marcin_ant, just make him an icon, and have it run the command sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/point [04:15] concept10: something like this - why? === Hoxzer [~niko@b62-248-137-93.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] marcin_ant, just curious, thinking about starting one [04:16] marcin_ant, or better yet.... === cdc [~cdc@] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] apollo2011, he should try to open the file with sudo [04:16] Anyone have any experience with 1280x800 resolution not booting up? [04:16] marcin_ant, make him a script that mounts it, and opens up the corresponding foler [04:16] folder* === hardcampa- [~hardcampa@c-dd1272d5.01-134-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu [04:17] din: heh after mounting I got nice icon in nautilus [04:17] HI [04:17] din: with "usb" device icon === TheReverant [robo1@] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] marcin_ant, yeah, it does that hehe [04:17] whats the package to play mp3s in Ubuntu? [04:17] hey [04:17] concept10: but even if he opens it normal he could see it. Editing it would require sudo [04:17] din: and with "unmount" option but failed [04:18] din: unable to run /usr/bin/punmount no access [04:18] marcin_ant: the command is umount [04:18] marcin_ant, yeah, umount [04:18] marcin_ant: and you have to do it in sudo [04:18] apollo2011, thats not true, i open files with out sudo and the files are empty [04:18] whats the package to play mp3s in Ubuntu? [04:18] i need to download that package [04:18] ccc: take a look at: [04:18] !restricted [04:18] methinks restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [04:18] concept10: I can open them fine just as read only though [04:18] gstreamer0.8-mad cdc [04:19] i used to have a script to mount my camera, copy the pics to a folder, open up the file manager, and then unmount the camera [04:19] apollo2011, maybe with that file. not the case with some in my experience [04:19] lok, oh ok thanks i was sure that it starts with gstreamer but didnt know what package it was thanks man [04:19] marcin_ant: sounds like you attempted to start punmount, a script that requires root access when you really wanted to start umount [04:19] i know im in the wrong channel is this is for ubunut, but ive got a prob with my debian [04:20] apollo2011: well right but maybe I just should add something to /etc/fstab and enable this to users (not sudoers?) [04:20] probably [04:20] marcin_ant, look into an app for the guy [04:20] concept10: I just typed gedit /etc/fstab in a new console window and it came up with my fstab in read only mode [04:20] TheReverant: it's OK, we won't kick you out ;) what's the problem ? [04:20] marcin_ant, like gtkam or something [04:21] apollo2011, key word "some files" [04:21] yes [04:21] ahh [04:21] so, yesterday my pc has overheated and crashed, when i tried to lgoon debian again my internet didnt work anymore [04:21] ive got a second hd on the pc with windows, there the internet does work [04:21] din: hmm maybe gphoto or something but I'm pretty dissapointed [04:22] din: there should be better alternative [04:22] din: something with hotplug etc? [04:22] marcin_ant, if you know how to script, there is [04:22] TheReverant: we need more details, and preferably error messages [04:22] ive got debian sarge stable i386 === rekr [~rekr321@] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] cable modem [04:22] din: and I got another problem - I need to configure pendrive for him [04:23] and when i use any browser the common message"Couldn't locate remote server" appears === TiffOn [user@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] tried ifconfig [04:23] concept10 - mysql-server-4.1 isn't in main - trying not to need universe [04:23] when booting he sends any packages to [04:23] try to [04:23] and when he sent them all theres an error "Failed with eth1" === k40z [~mp@] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] ifconfig says "eth1......Protocol: Ethernet" [04:24] TheReverant: can you ping IP numbers - like say [04:24] nope [04:24] tried it [04:24] does ndiswrapper (for wifi) need to be updated/drivers reinstalled or something after kernel update? === scotth [~scotth@] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] TheReverant: do you have nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf ? [04:25] erm dont know....whats that? === Zeq [~ezequiel@OL251-23.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] marcin_ant - did you say you have a CF reader built into the laptop? I have that on a Toshiba 6100, apparently no Linux support [04:25] uniq: huh? [04:25] TheReverant: there should be some IP numbers in that file - try ` cat /etc/resolv.conf ` [04:25] CarlFK: nope I got CF card reader connected to laptop via USB [04:25] oh [04:26] nvm [04:26] a game just crashed while i was playing.. and now the colors are all light.. how do I get my normal colors back? [04:26] CarlFK: this is CF card reader and only CF [04:26] another thing: ive got gnome X Windowing installed.. [04:26] ok, im going to try that out [04:26] got to reboot, so be right back [04:27] marcin_ant - lucky you -better chance of it working === TheReverant [robo1@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:27] CarlFK: well it works [04:27] CarlFK: CF card is visible and I can mount it but I need easy solution for "dumb" user === blazint test [04:28] CarlFK: it has to work like a cdrom or something - mount and umount automatically [04:28] hi, can anyone help me out with some problems I'm having with sympa and it being unable to set cookies through an apache 1.3 proxy === sproingie [~chuck@64-121-15-14.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] marcin_ant - on my SM reader it mounts it when I stick a card in [04:28] CarlFK: btw what your /var/log/messages says about your CF reader? === epselon [~epselon@p548AE2C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === omerlh [~kvirc@bzq-179-132-64.pop.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu === ogge [~admin@1-1-2-20a.um.um.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] Hello [04:29] Can we expect a faster, more snappy Ubuntu when Breezy is released? [04:29] less resource-heavy. [04:29] I search or files vmlinuz and vmlinuz [04:30] marcin_ant - it is a usb device - the only hit that it exists is lsusb shows a line [04:30] They supurt to be in Debian archives === pussfeller [~todd@t1-rtc-woodlawn.rtcol.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] CarlFK: and what when you insert some card in it? [04:31] ogge: i would suggest you install xfce4 and give that a try as a desktop - much lighter than gnome === spotswoode [~bbest@69-160-121-142.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] marcin_ant - nothing happenes at all, no dmesg, no /var/log/message, no change in lspci [04:32] Can you help me? [04:32] thor, thanks for the tip. I do already run xfce4 on this machine, celeron 700mhz with 128mb ram and 128kbyte cache. Isnt very light and snappy on this computer. :) But its ok. === jb__ [~jb@80-193-1-18.cable.ubr02.gray.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] ogge, the next version of gnome is supposed to be much lighter. They set bounties of optimization and resource usage so I'm assuming Ubuntu will get those performance gains [04:32] CarlFK: that sucks [04:33] scotth, sweet === _Grunt_ [~grunt@] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] marcin_ant - yup. [04:33] ogge, xfce better than gnome on that machine? [04:33] can anyone help me install the nvidia driver please? [04:33] ogge, I run full gnome on an 800 celery, I think you should look into more ram [04:33] concept10, havent tried gnome on this machine. === siorfin [~siorfin@UNKNOWN.wctc.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] scotth, yeah. maybe.. [04:34] <_Grunt_> hello everyone, can some tell me if the problem with suspend has been solved on a laptop that runs the nvidia driver? [04:34] ogge, also what browser do you use? I have just installed ubuntu on a celeron 333mhz with 392 mb of ram, firefox is slow! === LokeDK is now known as LokeDk [04:34] okay, I have a question totally not related to this channel [04:34] I use firefox, slow on this machine too! [04:34] But what other alternative do I got, Dillo which is very fast doesnt render the sites correctley. [04:34] ogge: depending on your needs and preferences, you could try another wm like icewm or blackbox [04:34] is it a bad idea to sleep with contact lenses in? [04:35] <_Grunt_> yes [04:35] (try and guess why I'm asking) [04:35] Micksa: yes [04:35] thor, ok cool. they should be faster than xfce4? [04:35] um, how mad? [04:35] bad [04:35] i just installed kernel image 2.6.10-34.3 because system update said it was available now my system hangs on shutdown and i cant open open office [04:35] <_Grunt_> it's not a disaster but it's not good for your eyes either === klaym [~klaym_@a81-197-80-23.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] Micksa: you can get away with it [04:35] how do i go back to the previous version? [04:36] ogge, have you disabled ipv6? === TheReverant [~robo1@] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] I'm trying to weigh up waking up my girlfriend :) [04:36] Where are the Debian archives?? [04:36] ok, back [04:36] she doesn't her her contact lens *stuff* here [04:36] concept, nopes. how do I disable it? [04:36] have === gandalfsbigwand [~gandalfsb@74494fdd32998397.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] ogge, check the ubuntuguide [04:37] cat /etc/resolv.conf [04:37] search chello.at [04:37] nameserver [04:37] nameserver [04:37] firefox goes much smoother with ipv6 disabled? [04:37] ogge, yes [04:37] ogge: not much you can do about firefox being slow to start though - I found epiphany starts a bit faster on old boxes [04:37] gragrghrhg :/ [04:37] <_Grunt_> does some one know if the problem with hibernating a laptop that runs on the nvidia driver has been solved? [04:37] ogge, because it checks for ipv6 connections first [04:37] @ thoreauputic that was [04:38] how to install xfce4? what is the package [04:38] <_Grunt_> I can hibernate my laptop, but I can't bring it back, the screen keeps blanc even though everything seems to start up [04:38] linux-image-2.6.10-5-386 version 2.6.10-34.3, i just installed this update and it has screwed up ubuntu, how do i fix this?? [04:38] thor, maybe Ill try eph. [04:38] concept10: sudo apt-get install xfce4 [04:38] concept. ok! [04:39] thoreauputic any idea? [04:39] TheReverant: looks like /etc/resolv.conf is OK [04:39] TheReverant: have you tried restarting the network? [04:40] how to? === maddler [maddler@] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] or ifdown / ifup or whatever === pietro_spina [~pietro_sp@pool-68-163-205-77.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] NO one knows how to fix ubuntu updates breaking my install with the kernel image update it posted today? [04:40] <_Grunt_> siorfin, can't help you sorry === mains [~mains@d91c5caa1e226bbb.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] <_Grunt_> but I'm no linux guru === redir [~reed@] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart << TheReverant === pietro_spina is now known as pietro_spina|wor [04:41] if that does the same like starting it, then i already did it [04:42] as i have gnome i i started it by right mouse --> open [04:42] siorfin - boot, hit "esc" when it tells you to and pick the older kernel === sly [~sly@host217-44-73-252.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === comic [~comic@] has joined #ubuntu === ripcord [~bbest@69-160-121-142.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === jb__ [~jb@80-193-1-18.cable.ubr02.gray.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:44] siorfin - don't pm people like that... [04:44] ask again here === kilmarnock [~me@A2413.karlshof.wh.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu === podge [~podge@adsl-143-75.swiftdsl.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:45] thoreauputic, how do I have xfce4 start on boot instead of gnome? === ubuntu [~ubuntu@81-203-33-172.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] yeah, i mcurious too. [04:46] ok #1 you pmd me is it considered impolite to reply to a pm? if it is i was unaware of this. if i reboot and choose an older kernel image how do i get rid of the update i just installed that broke ubuntu === rlo [~reed@] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] How do I start epiphany [04:46] concept10: choose it from sessions in the login screen [04:46] cant find in xfce menu after apt-get install it. === cerius [~cerius@ip-213-49-74-152.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu === jamin [~jamin@sys-] has joined #ubuntu === paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] ogge: type epiphany in a term - but you can add it with the xfce4-menueditor === Hurtig [~uulav@a84-230-176-231.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] siorfin - I dont think I pmed you [04:47] siorfin guessing uncheck it in Synaptic - or make the previous one the default [04:47] hey === jigme [~jigme@203-59-175-44.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] when i am trying to run wolf enemy territory ...loading libGL.so.1: Received signal 11, exiting... [04:47] you are showing up as brown in x-chat, isnt that a pm? [04:47] i have installed nvidia drivers [04:47] brb === cerius [~cerius@ip-213-49-74-152.dsl.scarlet.be] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === rattboi24 [~rattboi@c-24-22-178-137.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === TheReverant [~robo1@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:47] its highlighted. [04:48] siorfin - you are probly seeing lines with your name in them [04:48] in any event i tried to see if i could force previous version in synaptic but the only ones available are 3.34 and 3.3 [04:48] 3.3 would probably be the previous version? === jb__ [~jb@80-193-1-18.cable.ubr02.gray.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] siorfin why not make pms open a new tab instead [04:48] i got an old lilo bootup stuck on my pc and i want to get rid of it so i can install ubuntu clean. Do i need to use fdisk? I need some help because I don't want to delete all my xp files [04:48] anyone here use phpmyadmin/mysql? [04:49] when i am trying to run wolf enemy territory ...loading libGL.so.1: Received signal 11, exiting... [04:49] Still need help installing NVIdia driver in ubuntu so I can activate the 3D acceleration on my TI4600 graphics card please === zever [~zever@kotnet-145.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu [04:49] hardcampa it was probably colrs due to name like he said no need to open a pms tab i just aint familiar with xchat [04:49] jb__: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto [04:49] hey could somebody help me [04:50] Hurtig: does glxgears run === amit [~amit@dialpool-210-214-12-185.maa.sify.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] siorfin, ok.. I just find pming into a channel icky in xchat.. it's too easy to mistake for an actual channel privmsg. [04:50] typeing epiphany in term. doesnt work. [04:50] command not found [04:50] He should have given the option to add PM: or something infront of it [04:50] ogge: you may have to install it [04:50] yes [04:50] I have. [04:50] ogge: sudo apt-get install epiphany [04:50] HrdwrBoB, yes [04:50] apt-get install epiphany [04:51] ogge: ah - you installed epiphany, not epiphany-browser [04:51] I suspect [04:51] if you are thinking of installing the latest kernel update for hoary don't it sucks, i see a few people on forums saying it broke stuff also [04:51] ahh.... [04:51] really!? === jb__ [~jb@80-193-1-18.cable.ubr02.gray.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:51] ogge: there's another prog called epiphany [04:51] kernel image updatei should say [04:51] siorfin, now you tell me? [04:51] I have a problem.........I have a seperate hard disk for putting data on from Linux. === terrex [~terrex@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu === pinky_ [~pinky@cpc4-cmbg4-3-0-cust21.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] I think Ill remove it. [04:51] :) === BoD_SWAT [~swat@dsl159-68-100.fastxdsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Hoxzer [~niko@dsl-hkigw2p4b.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] hmm [04:52] lo all === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === afonit [~afonit@] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] just installed ubuntu [04:52] how can i mount the ext3 file system so that all users can write into that? [04:52] plz tell me the line to be added to fstab [04:52] amit, man mount [04:52] welcome to the linuxworld pinky_ [04:52] thank you [04:53] played with fedora but was lead to ubuntu [04:53] how was fedora? === x4m [~max@34-158.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] didnt like it? === Alek [~aleksande@217-103-57.0502.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] well [04:53] I liked it [04:53] Hay [04:53] Hey* [04:53] just thought id try ubuntu [04:53] budluva, i have read that [04:53] somethign different [04:53] ok [04:53] budluva, but still can't get around [04:53] Any one who know the command....? utitil [04:54] amit, ill paste you mine from my 2nd harddisk [04:54] k [04:54] /dev/hdd5 /home/storage ext3 defaults 0 2 [04:54] how can i access win disk from linux? [04:54] Alek, mount it [04:54] budluva, but the defaults option doesn't allow the users to write into [04:55] where? [04:55] budluva, where? [04:55] budluva, how* === ubuntu_ [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [04:55] amit, ok instead of defaults use rw,user and then your going to have to add your user to the disk group i think === MrNaughty [MrNaughty@d199-126-25-30.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:55] Alek, man mount === maddler [maddler@] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] budluva, i have done that too, but when i do "mount -a" it says bad line [04:56] /dev/hdb2 /mnt/lin_data ext3 rw, user [04:56] this is mine [04:56] rw,user [04:56] rw,user not rw, user i think might help [04:57] k [04:57] no spaces in the option part :) [04:57] shit...and great! [04:57] that was such a stupid typo [04:57] :) [04:57] thanks guys [04:57] yw [04:57] np [04:57] can't see those smileys though [04:57] thanks again [04:57] :P [04:57] bye [04:57] :P === robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] === SleepyEye [~mlynch@email.gcom.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] does wolf et work in 64-bit ubuntu === SleepyEye [~mlynch@email.gcom.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:02] Is there an securityrisk not logging out in the terminal? [05:02] after using it. [05:03] no [05:03] Does anybody here know how large the ubuntu-security-team is? [05:03] because you can just open another oen [05:04] depends though, if you've used sudo it's validated for 15 minutes [05:04] security team? [05:04] some sort of bad joke? [05:04] ok [05:04] pinky_: Yes, the people fixing the security issues [05:04] pinky_: And no, no bad joke [05:05] :) [05:05] what security issues [05:05] *breaks into a cold sweat* [05:05] pinky_: Such as the last sudo thing === Leeon [~asd@] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] ys, that's not a security issue, its a design decision in sudo [05:06] personally, i don't agree with it, but you can change it anyway [05:06] i can see all my files on my external hard drive but i don't have permission to write to it === Robinho_Peixoto [~preview@] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] Hi. Whats the best way to get the kernel sources? (I need them in /usr/src/linux to compile some kind of ALSA-drivers..). [05:06] da_dj: is it NTFS? [05:06] how do i get permission? [05:06] yes [05:06] you can't write to it, soryr [05:06] your screwed === Chrischan [~Chrischan@p54BFD3FC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] nikkia: It was just an example [05:06] unless you use captive ntfs [05:06] wot!!? [05:06] "you're" [05:06] whats captive ntfs?????? [05:06] depends if your american ;) [05:06] nope [05:06] google it? === Robinho_Peixoto [~preview@] has left #ubuntu ["Fui] [05:07] da_dj: if you can get MS to document it properly, then the linux ntfs people will be able to write to it [05:07] captive NTFS uses the windows NTFS driver to access NTFS filesystems [05:07] Just put in my usb-memory. How do I access it. [05:07] pinky_: even americans write "you're" for the contraction of "you are" [05:08] hmm [05:08] good idea [05:08] i'll use the usb flash drive instead! [05:08] ys, if you're even remotely interested in that sudo issue, the configuration parameter involved is 'timestamp_timeout' :) === scotth [~scotth@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:08] so would i be better off reformatting my external hda to fat? [05:09] or you can just do sudo -k before you walk away from your terminal, which will kill your sudo pre-auth [05:09] da_dj: if you want both *nix and windoes to read/write, yes === pietro_spina|wor [~pietro_sp@pool-68-163-205-77.bos.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === neul [~chatzilla@fmdt3-196.2wcm.comporium.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] thanks [05:10] what about fat32? [05:10] is that better? === mxpxpod [~BryanForb@wuw-ojr3gmca.dybb.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] would anybody mind sending me their hoary via_drv.o from /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers ? [05:10] da_dj: sorry, thats what I meant :) [05:10] fat32 wil Just Work [05:10] FAT32 == best :) [05:10] ahk cool. [05:10] the via_drv is only like 100KB I believe [05:10] +.o === n3C [~n3C@klik27.klik.bydgoszcz.pl] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] so how old are you guys and gals? [05:12] <^rob^> Davey: is the liveCD okay? [05:12] pinky_: Is this important? [05:12] not really [05:12] ^rob^: sure [05:12] hell, I have a LiveCD here, let me check that :) [05:13] pinky_: About 30 [05:13] anyone know how I can change my screen res to something a little better than 1024x728 [05:13] <^rob^> Davey: that would be easier, as I only have a minimal install on a virtual machine [05:13] ive got a 9700 pro [05:13] so that isnt the problem [05:13] pinky_: check the Ubuntu forums :) [05:13] thank you :) === bigbootay [~bigbootay@] has joined #ubuntu === ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0713.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] nikkia: It isn't about the decision to use sudo instead of root. There was a advisory about sudo lately [05:14] ^rob^: I can't find it, do you have it there? [05:15] <^rob^> hrmm, checking [05:15] <^rob^> gimme a while to start VirtualPC [05:15] thanks [05:15] <^rob^> its not the fastest kid on the block === schasi [~schasi@lelldorin.nickels-it.de] has joined #ubuntu === schasi [~schasi@lelldorin.nickels-it.de] has left #ubuntu [] === Davey|Work can only get his via KM400 upto 640x480 :( [05:16] Where are the kernel sources located in debian? [05:16] even though I know I can get 1600x1200 in windows :/ [05:16] <^rob^> Davey: I have it there [05:16] <^rob^> how can you not have it on your liveCD if I've got it on mine? [05:16] cause I'm not running it, I guess? [05:16] not in /usr/src/linux ... [05:16] I guess its unpacked [05:16] <^rob^> wanna give me a dummy account to scp it to? [05:17] ^rob^: can't do that, my sysadmin would kill me :/ === Davey|Work ponders [05:17] <^rob^> netcat? [05:17] I can give you an FTP account on my server? :) === redtech [~reddog@redtech.user] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] <^rob^> that would be fine too === cjs [~cjs@climate.rutgers.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] <^rob^> netcat would probably be easier [05:17] trying to install a wireless modem in my laptop, but ubuntu doesn't seem to even detect it.. anyone able to assist w/ this at all? === KarlosII [~KarlosII@S0106000f3d5ae683.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu [05:18] cjs - what wifi card? === slicslak [~slicslak@c68.112.133.26.stc.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === Heart_ [~jzdgc@p549C36D4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] not wifi.. EV-DO === __Ace__ [~love@h55l211.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] oh wow.. modem... neat ;) [05:20] does it show up in dmesg when you install it? [05:20] i found a suse tutorial that shows it coming up automatically at least as a USB device.. but I'm not seeing it at all === francesco99 [~francesco@p508718EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === samrec [~123@] has joined #Ubuntu === emilio [~emilio@106.Red-83-46-18.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === herrmarder [~herrmarde@c162106.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] jbroome: don't think so, and I see nothing in /proc/bus/usb/devices [05:21] como puedo instalar kdevelop en ubuntu [05:21] ? === Aoi^ [~Kaltzu@addr-82-128-221-236.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu === omaru [~omaru@] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] emilio - #ubuntu-es [05:23] all swedish people, come and chat about ubuntu. #ubuntu.se [05:23] as I can install kdevelop in ubuntu from the console? (spain) === cdc [~cdc@] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] emilio: sudo apt-get isntall kdevelop3 === LexiCon[gsr-dj] [LexiCon_gs@cpe-024-088-029-029.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] ok, guys [05:24] How to get write permissions to a folder??? [05:24] I'm having trouble with the nvidia drivers installation [05:24] thanks you [05:25] I've got a gf go 6200...and I hear its a bitch for ubuntu :X [05:25] jbroome, honestly can't tell if dmesg is seeing anything or not === ripcord [~bbest@69-160-121-142.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] can anyone help me out? === siorfin [~siorfin@UNKNOWN.wctc.edu] has joined #ubuntu === fivre [bergzerg@8.arlington-54-55rs.va.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu === sig_w32 [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] And now a random fact about Vin Doesel: "Vin Diesel could come to #Ubuntu, and solve all your issues, only if he wanted to." === Aoi^ is now known as Aoi === telemaco [~telemaco@92.Red-81-35-13.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] *dies* === budluva [~budluva@S0106000d8831d668.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === Alek [~aleksande@217-103-57.0502.adsl.tele2.no] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:30] well i cant fix this stupid update crap synaptic broke thanks to my cdrom being out and cant replace it till next week [05:30] is there a way to force synaptic to download something it would normally get off the cd? [05:30] did you remove it now? [05:30] or apt-get [05:30] yes. [05:30] how? [05:31] off course the solution follows... do sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [05:31] i wanna downgrade the image but it is looking for the cdrom and that aint working currently [05:31] ... === francesco99 [~francesco@p508718EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] if you are in f7 [05:31] put a # in front of the first line [05:31] the first line is the CD [05:31] oh cool that will help alot [05:32] i never noticed that in the sources list thanks === l337 [~s2@host156-40.pool8256.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] wel;come === dr_willis [~willis@12-222-71-130.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] thank Vin Diesel, tho. [05:32] "I will disbale this X server for now. Restart GDM when it is configured correctly" [05:32] AHHH!!! [05:32] do they know program of translation for ubuntu ?(spain) === Ohmer [~Homer@ip216-239-89-54.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] Does anyone here know about partimage? I can't seem to get the client to connect to the server. [05:33] LexiCon[gsr-dj] : a ati or nvidiia, right? [05:33] emilio: #ubuntu-es [05:34] got it going hopefully this will fix the cant shutdown and ooO hanging === xTina [~xTina@vpn2-dynip76.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] nvidia 6200 [05:34] :\ [05:34] did the wiki? === procrastinator [~kristian@0x50a47f50.vgnxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] dont use the windows slash... === greg [~greg@] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] the howto on wiki? [05:35] !binarydriverhowto yes [05:35] No idea, dabaR === Psycho275 [~Psycho275@81-86-245-114.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #Ubuntu === mameluke [bo@84-72-11-1.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu === Davey|Work [davey@davey.user] has joined #ubuntu === Psycho275 [~Psycho275@81-86-245-114.dsl.pipex.com] has left #Ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:36] emilio: there is a #ubuntu-es /join #ubuntu-es === Kefas [~Kefas@] has joined #ubuntu === SloMo [~slomo@p5487F4B8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:36] LexiCon[gsr-dj] : tried that wiki? [05:36] working on it [05:36] I tried it last night [05:36] and it just hung up my system === Dr_Melectaus [ryan@ACCBAD85.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:36] it wouldn't even go to the login screen during boot anymore [05:36] I need some quick help [05:37] if a link gets spawned in here with my nick i can only apolagise as its a virus my sister infected this box with === neiras [~gbauman@] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] But, where do i get the package that enables me to play mp3s === cmatheson [~foo@] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] or codec [05:38] hello!, i am using apache 2.0.53 / hoary, httpd is segfaulting quite often so i am wondering if there are some known issues with the hoary-apache ? [05:38] !restricted [05:38] it has been said that restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [05:38] How do I turn off that annoying beep in bash? [05:38] Dr_Melectaus: look at the bot's URL [05:38] procrastinator, in X or at the console? [05:38] Ok thankyou [05:38] Dr_Melectaus, u can play mp3 with xmms [05:39] Does that come as standard with ubuntu or do i have to install it? [05:39] well download it first === petitohaime| [MTP@dyn-83-152-29-239.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] hi, I have a problem with remotely connecting with ssh to another computer... I cannot enter any folders in my homedirectory... It works with other user's homedirectories though... anyone an idea? [05:39] procrastinator: stop making erors [05:39] Dr_Melectaus, sudo apt-get install xmms [05:39] Dr_Melectaus: do you know about repositories? [05:40] :P [05:40] !repositories [05:40] well, repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto [05:40] Also, i have a usb adsl modem. Anyone know a site were i can get hold of a package that allows me to use it? [05:40] herrmarder, what is the error it gives you? [05:40] well got it downgraded and locked the version until they get a better one up time to see if it fixes problem bbiaf! === samrec [~123@] has joined #Ubuntu [05:40] dabaR: Very funny, but it also does it whenever I want to use auto-completion :p === FERRY_BOYZ [~P-NGI@] has joined #ubuntu === mcrawfor [~mcrawfor@nannou.eplt.washington.edu] has joined #ubuntu === ankit_ [~ankit@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:40] not very funny, kinda funny. === H0arry [~hwu@dsl-084-059-133-070.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] um, it's saying nothing at all - just Documents is being opened [05:41] or, with u want to play mp3 with rythimbox u can install the gstreamer-0.8 with apt [05:41] what the heck package provides apxs for apache2? [05:41] wow... [05:41] gnome terminal, or console? [05:41] oh, I'm connencting with nautilus - forgot to mention that === SloMo_ [~slomo@p5487D4FC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] it works on the console [05:41] I just get a black screen when I try to do anything...even reboot w/ ctrl+alt+del :\ [05:41] MANIEZ_GIRL [05:41] Dr_Melectaus, u can tipe pppoeconf on console [05:42] usb likelyl wont work, tho, look at the wiki, the hardware part, there is a post about the USB dsl. === BROKEN_LADDER [~pral@h-69-3-236-189.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #UBUNTU === nikki [~nikki@3ffe:80ee:33e6:1:202:2dff:fe8b:59b2] has joined #ubuntu === kilmarnock [~me@A2413.karlshof.wh.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] lynx: once ive done the pppoeconf. how do i put these settings into affect === maddler [maddler@] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] LexiCon[gsr-dj] , try alt-ctrl-backspace === Kaltzu [~Kaltzu@addr-82-128-222-45.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] whateverYOurFaceIs: if you wanna turn it off in gnome-terminal in X I can tell you. FOr the bell [05:43] jj about the face [05:43] lynx, is there a link to this rythimbox [05:43] or is there any other convenient way to move files between computers via ssh? [05:43] your nick scrolled off the screen [05:43] If anyone wants to know, I solved it with echo 'set bell-style none' >> ~/.inputrc [05:43] it comes as default === searcher` [~searcher@ambeon.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] in gnome [05:43] ok thanks [05:43] or you could do that. === trevor_ [~trevor@dsl-80-42-205-77.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] procrastinator, disabeling the bell in the terminal eh? [05:45] How do i add a scanner to my PC - Hp scanjet 4500C? [05:45] procrastinator, :P thats a top 100 faq. set it to 'visual' to have the screen flash not beep. [05:45] trevor_, that an all in one Printer/scanner? usb? Parallel? === FERRY_BOYZ [~P-NGI@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:46] dr_willis: no it's a stand-alone, but it's USB === tseedmund [~Edmund@c211-31-48-185.rivrw7.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === bryanf [~BryanForb@wuw-ojr3gmca.dybb.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] trevor_, check the "SANE" web site for their support of the scanner. [05:46] dr_willis: ok, will do. thanks === ytrez [~ytre@magic.lirmm.fr] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] lynx: i tried running it in rythmbox but it says for all the mp3's there is no plugin installed to support this blah blah [05:46] also the ubuntu wiki's may have some info. === smallmatch [~orot@218-160-80-173.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu === Koloss [~hans@u15-167.dsl.vianetworks.de] has left #ubuntu [] === beezly [~andy@2001:618:400:1ad7:20c:6eff:fee1:a9da] has joined #ubuntu === ytrez [~ytre@magic.lirmm.fr] has left #ubuntu [] [05:47] i tried running it in rythmbox but it says for all the mp3's there is no plugin installed to support this blah blah, is there anything like a package or codec i need to get it to work === N17R0 [~n17r0@amf-zlh-90d6.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-* [05:48] Dr_Melectaus, do you have sound at all? === sig_w32 [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] yes i have sound [05:49] just cant play mp3s? [05:49] the ubuntu log onplays the intro music when ever i log on [05:49] yes [05:49] gstreamer0.8-mad << is that what i need? [05:49] hrmm better than me, i cant get ubuntu to kick out a scream even when trying to pinch its nipples [05:49] yes it is [05:50] install like I said above, I mean, unless you have some totally small HD [05:50] its codecs. [05:50] what program can I play wmvs and mpg's in? [05:50] alright, if I use foobar2000 on Windows, what's the closest equivalent in Linux? [05:50] budluva: roffle === chaitat [~chaitat@beru.openface.ca] has joined #ubuntu === dedalus [~dedalus@] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] fivre, wth is foobar2000 [05:50] raffle === dedalus [~dedalus@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:51] useless [05:51] root@ubunt:~ # apt-get install mplayer-gui [05:51] Reading package lists... Done [05:51] Building dependency tree... Done [05:51] E: Couldn't find package mplayer-gui [05:51] :@ [05:51] pinky_, try apt-cache search mplayer [05:51] ok [05:51] pinky_, totem-xine === ealden [~ealden@] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] note: if you don't know what foobar2k is, making suggestions is pointless [05:51] totem doesnt play .wmvs [05:51] :s [05:52] sudo aptitude install mplayer-386 [05:52] fivre, how do you know? === chaitat [~chaitat@beru.openface.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:52] because... I use it === lynx [~lynx@200-230-203-235-amr.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] its a player for media [05:52] and not a whole lot can be learned from a picture [05:52] whast the command to get totem plug ins? [05:52] itas pretyty grey [05:52] like simple [05:52] as they're all pretty different [05:53] pinky_, apt-cache search totem [05:53] ;) [05:53] cheer s [05:53] nono, pinky [05:53] hey guys, i can't run totem, it gives me this message "Resource busy or not available.", anyone knows what can i do? [05:53] !restricted [05:53] restricted is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [05:53] follow that page [05:53] fivre, beep media player, xmms [05:53] no no/@ [05:53] lynx, your sound card isnt setup? [05:53] http://frankandjacq.com/ubuntuguide/gstreamer0.8-lame_0.8.8-0.1_i386.deb [05:53] it is, i can play gxine for exemple, and totem used to work properly [05:53] is that the right one for intel ? [05:54] lynx, not setup properly or something is already running, try ps aux |grep esd and see if thats running [05:54] pentium 4 [05:54] Dr_Melectaus: for what? [05:54] pinky_, if you want plugins for mozilla / firefox, this link should help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-21405.html [05:54] to play mp3's [05:54] Dr_Melectaus: please open a terminal [05:54] sanitario, he needs plugins for totem [05:54] i got an old lilo bootup stuck on my pc and i want to get rid of it so i can install ubuntu clean. Do i need to use fdisk? I need some help because I don't want to accidently delete all my xp files [05:54] and type in sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-* [05:54] budluva, oh, I guess I misunderstood then [05:54] hit enter afterward [05:55] its not on this machine dabar, im haveing to put it to a memory stick from the family computer (dows xp) then running it on my laptop [05:55] ok, well, http://archives.ubuntu.com [05:55] dabaR, the laptop isnt on the net yet, still need to find some prog so i can use my usb adsl modem === smallmatch [~orot@218-160-80-173.dynamic.hinet.net] has left #ubuntu [] === mxpxfifws [~BryanForb@wuw-ojr3gmca.dybb.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] Dr_Melectaus: get the files off that site [05:57] gstreamer0.8-mad === da_dj [~djleo@] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] seriously people! apxs! where is it? what package? [05:57] or any you find with gstreamer0.8-* wont hurt === fivre [bergzerg@8.arlington-54-55rs.va.dial-access.att.net] has left #ubuntu [] === fivre [bergzerg@8.arlington-54-55rs.va.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu === katzor [~udssr@p54BA2011.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] http://archives.ubuntu.com < can you google so I dont havge to? [05:58] archive [05:58] ??? [05:58] dabr, i have [05:58] instead [05:58] http://packages.debian.org/testing/libs/gstreamer0.8-mad [05:58] no === da_dj_leo [~djleo@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:58] wich one is for intel [05:59] archive.ubuntu.com [05:59] there is a list but im unsure which one is the correct one === lao_v [~vishal@82-44-149-42.cable.ubr01.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] omg, give me a sec [06:00] sorry [06:00] :) [06:00] uhm. could you just say which one of the list on the site i gave you :( === dbernar1 [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-56-122.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] thats a shit load of files to waid thru to find it lol === tseedmund [~Edmund@c211-31-48-185.rivrw7.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [06:02] jesus, is there not some sort of package site that makes it easy? === dima_ [~dima@] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] where youi just search the package you want and it gives you a list? [06:03] ya its called apt === cmg_ [~cmg@151-204.tfn.com] has joined #ubuntu === Fish-Face [~chris@cpc1-stkp4-3-0-cust125.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] http://packages.debian.org/testing/libs/gstreamer0.8-mad [06:03] Could someone, please just tell me which one is the correct one for an intel p4 [06:03] what do I need to play mp3's on Ubuntu? gstreamer-mp3? [06:03] - do these characters appear correctly? [06:03] why are you using 'testing' packages? === Di42lo [~Di42lo@] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gstreamer0.8/ [06:04] there [06:04] I've been told my encoding's screwed... [06:04] On ubuntu installation he didnt asked me for ROOT PASSWORD ...how can i set one ? [06:04] cmg_: i think the gsreamer-mad is the ticket [06:04] Im on dows dbernar1, i need to put it on a memory stick then onto my laptop as its not on the net yet [06:04] cmg_: ubuntulinux.org/wiki/restrictedformats [06:04] Di42lo, sudo passwd root [06:05] dbernar1, why can't i find it in Synaptic? I can't get rhythmbox or xmms to play [06:05] budluva sure ? [06:05] Dr_Melectaus: well, go to that site [06:05] yes [06:05] xmms hangs? [06:05] Di42lo, you want to set a root password right? [06:05] Dr_Melectaus: ok, go get -mad and then put it on the laptop, and to install it,. dpkg -i package.deb [06:05] cmg_: go see there. [06:05] -.- [06:05] do i just copy all the files to my memory stick then? [06:06] sure [06:06] dbernar1, i am.. thanks.. looks like i need gstreamer-mad [06:06] some of them, the -mad for mp3 [06:06] you sure do === manuel_ [~manuel@modem-1500.baboon.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] mcrawfor, thanks [06:06] igf yoyur xmms hangs, tho === bronson [~bronson@node-40240852.sjc.onnet.us.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] if your^ [06:06] copy all the files from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gstreamer0.8/ onto my memory stick then? [06:06] hi [06:06] then, you need to chang the default output plugin in properties === nikopol [~nikopol@81-236-14-14-no26.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === sleeper [~sleeper@DWM-146-117.go.retevision.es] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] budluva yes... === nikopol [~nikopol@81-236-14-14-no26.tbcn.telia.com] has left #ubuntu ["] [06:06] not all, Dr_Melectaus , just -mad to start off [06:06] Di42lo, ok then do it [06:07] budluva ok thank you :D === Fish-Face [~chris@cpc1-stkp4-3-0-cust125.manc.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:07] can someone help me [06:07] dima_, ask away [06:07] I want some help with installing ATi driverw [06:07] dima_, good luck [06:07] :P [06:07] :p === lynx [~lynx@200-230-203-235-amr.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] = / === GNULinuxer [~ghoseb@] has joined #ubuntu === dima_ is now known as Killer_of_U [06:08] dima_, maybe im wrong but last time i checked ATI drivers + linux = a fun filled adventure, i dont use ati drivers so i cant help sorry [06:09] did that hel;p? [06:09] is there any way I can get openGL to work then [06:09] with hardware acceleration = p === sig [~sig@sig.user] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] yes, it work, it may take time, tho, dont give up [06:09] do a double boot until. [06:09] it works [06:09] not work [06:09] ok, see y a === Fnoy [~Fnoy@dsl-prvgw1hfd.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === dbernar1 [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-56-122.dynamic.mts.net] has left #ubuntu ["no] === Kokey [~Kokey@] has joined #ubuntu === beyond is now known as beyond-out === quam [~quam@user-1120s02.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] so - I installed apt-get install apache2, but apxs2 or apxs were not on my system afterwords [06:11] how do I get those? === stefan_dk [~stefan@0x535d66ea.boanxx16.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === bronson [~bronson@node-40240852.sjc.onnet.us.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] i see the apache-dev package, but that's for 1.3, not 2 === bassMonkey [~fgrano@dsl-hkigw3o4f.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === emptty [~mquinson@blaise.loria.fr] has joined #ubuntu === spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === evilstoy [HydraIRC@83-131-0-138.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu === emptty [~mquinson@blaise.loria.fr] has left #ubuntu [] === bryanf [~BryanForb@wuw-ojr3gmca.dybb.com] has joined #ubuntu === ep [~ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] Look i really am lost. sorry, but i havent really ever used nix before. Basicly, i installed ubuntu on my laptop. i have sound working, but i dont have an internet connection on it. So, im trying to get the gstreamer0.8 package for an intel p4 on a WINDOWS machine, so i can put it onto a memory stick, then onto my laptop. Can anyone help === sig_w32 [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] Dr_Melectaus: is it all there? right in front of you [06:16] ? === bhna [~andreas@p54B80F46.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === thotypous [~thotypous@200-161-86-67.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] the laptop, and windows machine... === graabein [~graabein@179.84-48-51.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] Dr_Melectaus, http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/debian/pool/main/g/gstreamer0.8/ === dbernar1 [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-56-122.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] Dr_Melectaus, you can find the packages there [06:17] hi guys! i just bought a new monitor. how do i set up my xorg.conf? [06:17] zever, why not the official repos? [06:18] dbernar1, he has to find them on a windows pc, i understand === Art0rz [Art0rz@dslam36-19-59-81.dyndsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] lo [06:19] fedora uses /etc/grub.conf for permanent additions to the grub kernel cmdline .. what about ubuntu? [06:19] i installed ubuntu, andwhen I boot it, i get a grub error saying "Error 21" [06:19] is the grub config symlinked somewhere? [06:19] so do I [06:19] uh? [06:19] yes dabaR its all in front of me mate [06:19] the official repos can be reached on any pc === Art0rz linux neub [06:19] cjs, it's in /boot/grub/menu.lst [06:19] ok, Ill get you a link [06:19] GNULinuxer, thanks. [06:20] i do apolagise for being a bit of a tard but its getting on my nerves :( [06:20] thats fine [06:20] how do i get xorg.conf to recognise my new monitor? === Di42lo [~Di42lo@] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] t === Di42lo [~Di42lo@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:21] pentium? [06:21] zever: once i have that on my memory stick, then onto my laptop. do i just double click it? or do i have to do the apt get thing [06:21] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gst-plugins0.8/gstreamer0.8-mad_0.8.9-0ubuntu4_i386.deb [06:21] if you have a pentium === mxpxpod [~BryanForb@wuw-ojr3gmca.dybb.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] yes its pentium [06:22] Dr_Melectaus: try dpkg -i xx.deb [06:22] save it to the memory stick, then get it on the laptop, then ask me what then. [06:22] or do what thenuke said, if you can manage [06:22] Dr_Melectaus, sudo dpkg -i package.deb [06:22] get the file linked above on the laptop [06:23] dbernar1, are there any deps? [06:23] for totem codecs, there is totem-xine, and totem-gstreamer [06:23] dbernar1, else he'll be in trouble [06:23] good q === neighborlee [~neighborl@d3-7.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] which version xorg does hoary ship please ? [06:23] but, I dont know the answer, we'll see. [06:24] dbernar1, okay ;-) [06:24] I gotta go tho [06:24] got it on the laptop? [06:24] GNULinuxer: you gonna be here to tell him the exact command? [06:24] anyone know how to setup a new monitor? my xorg.conf is out of date [06:24] neighborlee, Version: 6.8.2-10 [06:24] neighborlee: type ` X -version ` to see - I think it's 6.8.2 [06:24] basically, sudo dpkg -i gstreamer0.8-mad_0.8.9-0ubuntu4_i386.deb [06:25] dbernar1, hopefully ... [06:25] gotta go, later === ravent [~ravent@dsl-082-083-142-092.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === smallmatch [~orot@218-160-80-173.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] Dr_Melectaus, tell me when you have the file in your laptop === ravent [~ravent@dsl-082-083-142-092.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:26] ? [06:26] Dr_Melectaus, sudo dpkg -i gstreamer0.8-mad_0.8.9-0ubuntu4_i386.deb [06:27] I just remove it [06:28] GNULinuxer, ok, just about to pop it in [06:28] Dr_Melectaus, sudo dpkg -i gstreamer0.8-mad_0.8.9-0ubuntu4_i386.deb [06:29] Dr_Melectaus, just pray there are no additional dependencies [06:29] ok its in === T5 [~Jan@VPN202-201.vpn.hu-berlin.de] has joined #ubuntu === smallmatch [~orot@218-160-80-173.dynamic.hinet.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:30] anyone here having creative sb live! [06:30] ? [06:30] anatole, what is the issue? === Lamont___ [~Lamont@mn-10k-dhcp2-1494.dsl.hickorytech.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] awful sound while music playback [06:30] GNULinuxer: should i not copyy the file from the memory stick to somewhere on my laptop first ? === nalioths_dog [~Apple@cpe-66-25-34-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth [06:31] Dr_Melectaus, you can ... it's not required [06:31] hmmm [06:31] however, it is only hearable with some types of music... when there are a lot of bass in it [06:31] or distorted guitar === itom [~tommy@81-208-36-90.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] fpkg: error processing x.deb (--install): can not access archive: no such file or dir === ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] howdy [06:32] hello everyone [06:32] x.deb= file name [06:32] Dr_Melectaus: do you have that particular deb in the same working dir as you issued the command? === Lamont___ is now known as Lamont|IRCnewb [06:33] its on my memory stick plugged in nalioth [06:33] hi all. I've trouble with the live cd costumization; with chroot /mnt.new I've tested the X client (fluxbox) and all work perfectly; but how is the xorg.conf original for all pc? [06:33] Dr_Melectaus, you need to cd to the mem stick dir [06:33] Dr_Melectaus: ah. memory sticks === android [~Paranoid@] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] nalioth, is there some where in particular it should be to run it === rince2k [~rince@dsl-084-056-137-040.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] Dr_Melectaus: see GNULinuxer above [06:33] should i run: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg when i've bought a new monitor? [06:34] graabein: does the new monitor work? === unome [~unome@ool-43513cf5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === hno73 [~hno73@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [06:34] i'm looking at it now === telemaco [~telemaco@92.Red-81-35-13.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:34] nalioth, but i don't know if it's supported? [06:34] graabein: plug it in, and see [06:35] graabein: why make more work on oneself [06:35] nalioth, i have plugged it in, but my xorg.conf still thinks i'm using the old one [06:35] graabein: so it is showing you 1024x768 on a new 1900x1400 lcd or something? [06:35] nalioth, hehe you got it [06:36] graabein: sure thing, dpkg-reconfigure away [06:36] so how the heck do i run this package then :-\ === xuniL____ [~Samuelk_8@h141n1fls32o279.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] nalioth, okay, here goes === LostSole [~drain@dsl081-059-028.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] graabein: first check the wiki here [06:36] where in the fs does ubuntu attach USB devices (i.e. /dev/ttyUSB0) [06:36] helloo all [06:36] !fixres [06:36] fixres is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto [06:36] right... === samrec [~123@] has left #Ubuntu [] [06:36] graabein: see what ubotu said === Onder [~Java@] has joined #ubuntu === crutch [~crutch@mo-67-76-76-44.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] i have one question do ubuntu come with kde? [06:37] Dr_Melectaus: are you on the internet on your ubuntu box? [06:37] greetings all [06:37] nalioth, i'm on it [06:37] xuniL____: kubuntu comes with KDE, ubuntu lets you install it [06:37] xuniL____: no, but you can install it , or use kubuntu [06:37] xuniL____: no and yes. www.kubuntu.org i believe, or from ubuntu you can install "kubuntu-desktop" [06:38] okey :/ [06:38] nalioth: thats another story all together mate, i have a usb adsl modem which i will need to sort out to get on the net === misfit_toy [~guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] how do i install the "kubuntu-desktop"? [06:38] wondering if anyone could help me locate my firefox cache etc. etc. I've tried looking in usr/bin and usr/sbin but they arent there [06:38] Dr_Melectaus: can you drag the gstreamer_blah to your home directory? [06:38] xuniL____: use synaptic === parabolize [~paraboliz@68-69-136-167.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:39] crutch: its in ~/.mozilla/mozilla-firefox/blah i believe === valirion [~kvirc@dsl-082-082-141-139.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:39] I'm downloading ubuntu now. Have some limited SuSE exp. looking to replace a fileserver/webserver/linux experiment SuSE box possibly with ubuntu. Anyone know if the installer will let me do some kind of software RAID1 on 2 clean drives? [06:39] hiho [06:39] thanks nalioth [06:39] crutch: .mozilla/firefox/7xxhbbho.default [06:39] i have a problem [06:39] yes done that nalioth [06:39] YTES [06:39] thanks bhna [06:39] nalioth i want your babies === pokky [~endure@gb.jb.97.47.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu === Dr_Melectaus dances [06:40] crutch: npr [06:40] Dr_Melectaus: if hte file is in your homedir, run 'sudo dpkg -i gstream(blah).deb" [06:40] xuniL____: on the documentation page of kubuntu.org, there is a command that tells you exactly what you need to do to install kde. === mains [~mains@83ead986fad80e03.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] crutch: np [06:40] Dr_Melectaus: i'm a plant, so i'm sorry (some cuttings, perhaps?) [06:40] roffle [06:40] i need a gentoo-livecd that includes a driver for an older scsi card [06:40] aye that would do nalioth [06:40] it's a tekram dc390f [06:40] thc === Hoxzer [~niko@b62-248-137-93.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] thx [06:40] oh sorry [06:40] i mean ubuntu live-cd ;) === tom__ [~tom@p5492FB1F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Kefas [~Kefas@] has left #ubuntu [] === pokky [~endure@gb.jb.97.47.revip.asianet.co.th] has left #ubuntu [] === JonA_ [~jonathan@alxpc1jaa2.alx.aber.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu === timmy_ [~timmy@dawsonshouse.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] err, sorry but i am a total newb. I cant find .mozilla/firefox/7xxhbbho.default [06:43] where in the doc... is it? [06:43] crutch: what file mangler do you use? === sig_w32 [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] crutch: nautilus, konqueror, xffm4, terminal? [06:43] nalioth: nautilus [06:43] is there not a step by step guide for ubuntu begginners? [06:43] ahhh bubble trumps. nalioth, lots of text came up, but it said there were some errors. "dpkg: dependency problems prevent config of file.deb [06:43] crutch: in your address bar of a fresh instance, put .mozilla after the last / === OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] crutch: and hit enter === zip [~zip@ppp021.van.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] Dr_Melectaus: you require a net connection [06:44] Dr_Melectaus: can you steal the neighbors wireless signal? [06:44] ok, but what are the parent directories? [06:44] i have a wifi card but unfortunatly no one near by uses a wifi connection [06:45] nalioth is there a package for a usb adsl modem then? [06:45] crutch: /home/crutch/.mozilla (i'm confused) [06:45] because on the live cd i ran it before === robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === shmoolik [~shmoolik@] has joined #ubuntu [06:45] Dr_Melectaus: i know nothing about usb (memory sticks, microwaves, cold-cathodes, or other) [06:45] hello [06:45] ah ha! i see now. its hidden from normal browsing [06:45] thanks again === robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:46] crutch: dot files like .mozilla are "hidden" - use ctrl-h in nautilus to see them [06:46] Dr_Melectaus: is there not a real live network jack in the back of your modem? [06:46] how can i place my HDD at my computer? ( on Gnome_ === Kefas [~Kefas@] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] is anyone present who can help me? === Art0rz [Art0rz@dslam36-19-59-81.dyndsl.versatel.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [06:47] crutch: in those 'hidden' files are all your settings for the programs you use (these files serve a similar function as the windows registry) [06:47] valirion, ask any we could anser =] [06:47] yes there is, but thats for incomeing data, going into the modem. The usb bit sends the info out of it [06:47] i did ask === samiam010203 [~samiam010@pool-151-202-14-59.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] i found it now :D === athlon [~athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] will burn the ubuntu cd now i hope [06:47] Alright, I have an irrelevant question [06:47] thanks again nalioth and thoreaputic [06:47] i need an ubuntu-livecd that works with a tekram dc390f scsi card [06:47] Dr_Melectaus: you have an adsl modem that's NOT connected to a standard 4-wire phone line? === Detten [~Detten@d51531BA5.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [06:48] no it goes into the phone line yes === JoeB767 [~XXL@blfd-d9bb9571.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:48] Dr_Melectaus: then you should have a network jack on the back of it, meant for your puter [06:48] the default livecd doesn't start [06:48] which poster: http://www.allposters.com/gallery.asp?CID=25F0BBF5519C48EDB8555B0DCEBD4DFA&startat=http%3A//www.allposters.com/GetPoster.asp%3FAPNum%3D308850%26CID%3D25F0BBF5519C48EDB8555B0DCEBD4DFA%26PPID%3D1%26search%3D22664%26f%3Dc%26FindID%3D22664%26P%3D6%26PP%3D21%26sortby%3DPD%26cname%3DJames+Blakeway%26SearchID%3D or http://www.allposters.com/gallery.asp?CID=25F0BBF5519C48EDB8555B0DCEBD4DFA&startat=http%3A//www.allposters.co === CyberTF [~cybertf@65-37-27-182.nrp3.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:48] my eyes === CarlFK [~CarlK@c-24-13-55-197.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [06:48] I'm blind [06:48] fivre: wow what a succinct URL [06:49] :( [06:49] [puter] --usbport---------[modem] --------adsl filter-----phoneline [06:49] blame the site [06:49] fivre: tinyurl them [06:49] somebody here can give me a free shell accounts for using irssi in qnet? [06:49] Dr_Melectaus: pull the usb and replace with a network cable === lamp_ [~la@dsl-084-056-146-086.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:49] http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/BLA/STO1.jpg or http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/102/056_SF2.jpg then [06:49] Hoxzer: where do you get those? [06:50] I hope here :D [06:50] fivre: did you write something? [06:50] *from here even [06:50] lol [06:50] they're smaller though [06:50] Hoxzer: :-/ unfortunately quakenet has kind of a nazirules :-) only ~5clients / host is able to connect in to quakenet [06:50] anyone here now how to get the ligitech quickcam 400 microphone working. i tryed the ubuntu forums with no luck [06:50] Hoxzer: otherwise I might want to help you :I [06:50] oh, thats reason why === sig [~sig@sig.user] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] well had to use my own [06:50] :(( === MisterMattiMoo [~matt@cpe-67-9-84-169.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] Hoxzer: build up your own cheap irc-shell PC :) [06:51] :D I already have my laptop === graabein [~graabein@179.84-48-51.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] heah [06:51] Could anyone tell me is a package for usb adsl modems? [06:51] but its unstable :( [06:51] laptop as a server =) [06:51] nalioth, my goodness this looks great... [06:52] any onw know how i can add my hdd mounts to My Computer? === HiFi_dk [~hifi@port321.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [06:52] shmoolik: you mean to have ubuntu mount a windows drive automatically on startup? [06:53] nope === bruce_ [~bruce@dsl254-063-114.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:53] ok, i will try the question a different way === JoeB767 [~XXL@blfd-d9bb9571.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:53] LostSole, i want to add my HDD ot my computer on ubuntu [06:53] i accidently removes fstab, what are my options, other than just remaking the whole thing (wich is hard because i remember my options) [06:54] can anyone tell me how to create my own livecd with hardware support for older hardware [06:54] i *don't* remember my options ;) [06:54] EX: when i open my computer i want to c there my WINXP HDD [06:54] LostSole, === xxtreme [~xxtreme@] has joined #ubuntu === holycow [~biteme@mail.wjsgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:54] do grub make an auto configure on ubuntu? or do i need to do it my self? [06:55] shmoolik: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/windows_fstab to make your windows partions mount automatically [06:55] shmoolik: I guess I don't understand your question. [06:55] nalioth, dpkg-reconfigure did the trick. thanks for the help! [06:56] graabein: so what did you get? a 57" plasma monitor? === sig_w32 [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu === ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0623.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu [06:56] 20" lacie [06:56] 1600x1200... a step up from 17" crt! [06:56] graabein: lacie makes monitors (or just whores their name?) [06:57] do you need to configure grub yourself or do ubuntu configure auto? [06:57] xuniL____: grub will autoconfigure on installation [06:57] LostSole, i have mount my all my add dirve whith secces , if i enter media// i can c the partion. but when i enter "My cmputer" i don't c the partions i only c my cd floopys [06:57] good :D === albacker [~eni@] has joined #ubuntu [06:57] so i want to add my partions mounts there === umarmung [~Schreiber@p54AA1B6A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:57] nalioth, monitors... [06:57] shmoolik: use a symlink === enplo00 [~someone3@ppp-athens-1-120.teledomenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] syslink to were? [06:58] graabein: i've only heard of them for their kewl and porsche designed firewire products [06:58] shmoolik: symlink from where you see the drive, to where you want to see the drive [06:59] ok, since none seems able to help, bye [06:59] graabein: i'm gonna cut out the middleman, i'm gettin a 20" lcd with a computer bolted to the back (imac) [06:59] i don't think that "computer" is realy a folder [06:59] ... [06:59] nalioth, sounds like a plan [06:59] shmoolik: i do most of my stuff at a terminal, i don't know either [06:59] nalioth, i c [07:00] shmoolik: i don't even know where "My Computer" is on linux === JonA [~jonathan@alxpc1jaa2.alx.aber.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] lol [07:00] lol [07:00] =] [07:00] graabein: of course, another 20" Cinema Display would work well with the imac [07:01] its named "Computer" =] [07:01] my bad [07:01] Call of Duty crashed at quit.. now the colors are all very light and ugly.. how do I change it back? without restarting X.. if possible [07:01] i dont know that either. is it in nautilus? [07:01] yeah [07:02] will sybollic links to the kernel prevent your system from starting? [07:02] shmoolik: do you open Applications > System Tools > File Manager to get there? === Kefas [~Kefas@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:02] hum.... thanks nalioth u gave me an ideal [07:02] no [07:02] shmoolik: ok run with the idea, then [07:03] nalioth, places>coputer [07:03] or DT icon === DeFi is now known as DJ-DeFi === TiffOn [user@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === spartas [~tim@ip68-225-108-54.br.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === sander__ [~sander@de-leeuw.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === sander__ is now known as s_ander [07:06] shmoolik: i think thats a virtual 'folder' and i'm not sure how to add to it === xliu [~xliu@STH-9-NAT-] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] hi everyone, how can i get to know the edition of the application which will be installed when using apt-get? [07:07] nalioth, yeah i figured it out thanks to ya [07:07] =] [07:07] xliu: apt-cache policy [07:07] thoreauputic, thanks [07:07] i now working about editing it =] nalioth [07:08] shmoolik: ok great === OverDriv3 [~OverDriv3@176.80-202-10.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu === oo [~nej@1-1-2-20a.um.um.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] does the ubuntu5.4.1 includes KDE 3.4? === bigbootay [~bigbootay@] has joined #ubuntu [07:10] xliu: i believe so === sig [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu [07:10] xliu, ithink it does [07:10] xliu: and there is a URL in the wiki for KDE 3.4.1 [07:10] does winex conflict with wine ? === jean-jacques [~jeanjacqu@] has joined #ubuntu [07:10] hello [07:10] my wine does not work anymore [07:10] ok, thanks , then i can install it using apt-get [07:10] which WM is faster, smoother. Gnome or KDE? [07:10] i need a kernel guru [07:11] try KUBUNTU.ORG === vcarriere [~vincent@bonnefoy-3-82-224-105-22.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] i have some problems displaying fonts in forms. In my fonts list, i have three courier fonts: courier, courier 10 pitch and courier new. When i select the "courier" font, the preview field turns blank. Similar to the forms (on websites) - the text isn't visible! [07:11] oo: depends on your system [07:11] i can select it, but it simply doesnt show [07:11] i had the same problem with the bluefish editor, but i changed the font and now it works [07:11] on two exactly same systems. === steven_ [~steven@] has joined #ubuntu === pukka [~pukka@cpc2-nthc2-6-1-cust64.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] oo: and they are ? [07:12] oo: doesnt matter. if you have a powerful processor and megaram, KDE is smooth [07:12] according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LAMPForHoary - I need universe? it seems the php-msql part isn't in main - can someone confirm? [07:12] [07:12] lets say a 1,4 amd athlon with 512mb ram [07:12] i can't configure modem-modules-2.6.10-5-686 because of a dependency on kernel-image-2.6.10-5-686 but kernel-image-2.6.10-5-686 is installed i really dont understand === neuneu [~human2760@] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] anyone? [07:13] hey why do i get fatal error: call to undefined function mysql_connect [07:13] oo: you might want to stick with gnome or xfce for "blazin response" === Kartagis [~kabuto@kunduz.org] has joined #ubuntu === scorpix [~o@as17-200.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] Because PHP doesn't have the mysql library loaded. [07:13] hello [07:13] complete newb here, need some help: xmms stalled, what do i do? [07:13] steven_ - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LAMPForHoary ;) [07:13] resiak, how can u load it [07:14] steven_: ^^^ [07:14] pukka, check in the menu? [07:14] pukka: find some mp3z and pres play? [07:14] pukka: try changing the output plugin to esound [07:14] i've spent two full days in trying to set up my modem, please help ! [07:14] pukka: sorry i misread [07:14] nalioth: i have managed to install a usb adsl modem package on my laptop. Whats the command to install the gsstreamer web package# [07:14] oh stalled [07:14] yeah, but how do i get rid of the application? it's just sitting there and i can't do anything with it [07:14] can I get help? I had a nvidia display card, I had to take it out, and now X won't start [07:14] So i cant take my modem out of my laptop and use it on my laptop === resiak makes nalioth chant "useless answers < no answers" over and over. [07:15] Dr_Melectaus: "sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad" [07:15] how do I fix that entry in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [07:15] pukka: open a terminal and type ` pkill xmms ` [07:15] pukka: or killall xmms [07:15] nalioth, will it attempt to get it from the net then yea? [07:15] no one? [07:15] thanks thoreaputic [07:15] Dr_Melectaus: if it sees the internet, it will indeed === LostSole [~drain@dsl081-059-028.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:15] ok thanks mate === DJ_Mirage [~djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] bbiab then [07:16] hello i can't install a package with dpkg [07:16] Kartagis: what kind of card do you have now? [07:16] is there someone who could give me a few indications ? [07:16] nalioth: onboard [07:16] how do you run identd on ubuntu? === spektral [~spektral@83-65-236-165.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu === aperson [aperson@] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] TokenBad install one === misfit_toy [~guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] jean-jacques: You'll need to be more specific about what's not working [07:17] Kartagis: from a terminal run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and it will lead you thru reconfiguring X [07:17] TokenBad sudo apt-get install oidentd [07:17] what processor is faster? Intel PIII or Intel Celeron (both in a laptop) [07:17] aloha all [07:17] hi all [07:17] oo: celeron what? === aperson [aperson@] has left #ubuntu ["I] [07:17] coppermine [07:17] i've followed this, http://lists.debian.org/debian-user-french/2005/02/msg00871.html and i can't configure modem-modules-2.6.10-5-686 because of a dependency on kernel-image-2.6.10-5-686 but kernel-image-2.6.10-5-686 is installed i really dont understand [07:17] nalioth: thanks [07:18] oo: celerons usually lag behind their full pentium brethren (due to artificial castration) [07:18] resiak, as explained here also https://wiki.ubuntu.com//BinaryDriverHowto === xuniL____ [~Samuelk_8@h141n1fls32o279.telia.com] has left #ubuntu [] [07:19] so can i install fluxbox [07:19] steven_: from a terminal or gui? === sig_w32 [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu === brk3 [~brk3@159-134-221-121.as1.rtd.sligo.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu === roddy [~roddy@r200-40-244-176-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] what package do i need to install for programmers documentation [07:20] thanks kartagis [07:20] whats the difference [07:20] buy guys [07:20] jean-jacques: I wasn't offering help, I'm afraid: I was just advising you to be a little more specific in your question [07:20] steven_: what method YOU prefer [07:20] nalioth thanks a lot man it worked [07:21] Kartagis: happy Xing [07:21] nalioth, terminal is ok [07:21] id need a simple way to get a webcam running [07:21] steven_: then "sudo apt-get install fluxbox" [07:21] resiak, apt-get install php4-mysql doesnt work === jo [~jo@cc667024-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Amaranth [Amaranth@AC8FD6FE.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] jean-jacques: Please don't /msg me. === Yvonne [~fsck@cn-sdm-cr02-2552.dial.kabelfoon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] Amaranth: howzit goin? [07:21] nalioth can I also use it to configure nvidia too? I think doing stuff manually fucked things up [07:21] jean-jacques: I don't know enough myself. [07:22] steven_: Define "doesn't work". [07:22] nalioth: I'm still on Windows ME, ask again next week. [07:22] Kartagis: it is used to configure whatever videocard you have === Shabadoo [~takuan@ppp170-82.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === Sn1Pe [~BlackH4wk@cpe-68-203-189-106.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu [07:22] yes after 20 oures get web cam to work was zo simpel i tok v4l in stade of v4l2 [07:22] 20sec work gr [07:22] steven_: You'll need to prod /etc/php4/apache2/php.ini to actually load the .so [07:22] Kartagis: just remember, that if all else fails, VESA driver runs almost everything === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-34-64.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] Amaranth: OOOH (sorry i asked) [07:22] jean-jacques: Please DON'T /msg me === vurdak [~vurdak@adsl-ull-43-28.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] jean-jacques: I don't know enough myself to help. [07:22] resiak, E: couldnt find package [07:22] i never gif up til it work [07:23] steven_: :( [07:23] i also did [07:23] thanks for the help yesterday [07:23] rsiak, ok [07:23] but no pic [07:23] nalioth: It's fun trying to help people with ubuntu when I'm not running it. :) [07:23] resiak, thank you anyway [07:23] steven_: Must confess that I haven't an Ubuntu box handy... Look on packages.u.c ? [07:23] andt sorry for my typo im dislekties === jean-jacques [~jeanjacqu@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:23] resiak, i already have uncomment the php.ini [07:23] Amaranth: great memory work [07:23] nalioth I do have a problem with nvidia display card I have. X freezes and they told me not loading the module for nvidia causes that, so I did but it still did continue to freeze :( === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-34-64.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [07:24] can you help me with that? [07:24] Kartagis: when you put your nvidia card back in, try using the VESA driver [07:24] eeek! Konversation! is sucks [07:24] nope [07:24] s/is/it/ [07:24] any guides on how i can get my laptop integrated soundcard to work? === sig_w32 [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] the ubuntu startup sound is there, but nothing else [07:24] wierd.. [07:24] can somebody help me to install php-mysql [07:25] i am running ubuntu for amd64 === umarmung [~Schreiber@p54AA1B6A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] nalioth with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg again? [07:25] is there anyway to download the universe onto a couple of dvds like debian? i don't have internet at home so it'd be awesome if i could === kalevi [~kalevi@dsl-aur5-jae.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] steven_ dus it run oke [07:25] Kartagis: yes, and for your nvidia card, choose the VESA driver and see how it goes [07:25] i have gentoo on 64 bit [07:25] hi [07:25] jo, yes it does [07:25] but urbuntu on 32 [07:25] steven_: ah! you havent mentioned that b4 [07:25] oke [07:26] nalioth, does it matters [07:26] steven_: you may have to use apt to build your own ubuntu pkg [07:26] thx anyway === no0tic [~no0tic@host158-157.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:26] nalioth, so how am i suppose to do that [07:26] Has anyone setup a D-Link 520 Wireless card? OR any wireless card that requires firmware? === bhna [~andreas@p54B80F46.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] === yaaar [~chatzilla@lifebook.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] word [07:29] anybody know why i'd get "Error code 1: Access violation" when i try to get or put a file through tftp? i've got netkit-tftp + xinet.d with the default root dir (/tftpboot) and all files within it at mode 777, and with this xinetd service file: http://rafb.net/paste/results/Rp72pI46.html === Karn [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu === roennau [~roennau@c143017.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] hi ... anyone know if the tracker is down? ifso is there an alternative? === lakin [~lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] nabend, wie bekomm ich das hin, dass unter Orte -> Computer die Windowspartition (vfat) angezeigt wird? === Aegir [~roelof@217-19-24-84.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu === samer [~samer@200-109-225-28.genericrev.cantv.net] has joined #ubuntu === sig_w32 [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] roennau: /join #ubuntu-de [07:32] *g* sry === cmg_ [~cmg@151-204.tfn.com] has joined #ubuntu === samer is now known as Diablo_ === roennau [~roennau@c143017.adsl.hansenet.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === parabolize [~paraboliz@68-69-136-167.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:32] I have a question: What package(s) do I need to install, to get a GNOME mail check applet? [07:33] what other music players are there besides XMMS and Rhythmbox that I can get from Synaptic? [07:33] cmg_: beep media player, amarok, mpg123 [07:33] cmg_: many more [07:33] nalioth let me ask you something. will dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg do everything for me? === warlock [~emotodik@adsl-134-86.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] nalioth.. which do you like? === warlock [~emotodik@adsl-134-86.37-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu [] [07:34] anyone know if torrent.ubuntu.com:6969 is down? and when it will be coming back up? [07:34] vlc is also nice. does play video too :) [07:34] beep-media-player is a winamp clone. === valirion [~kvirc@dsl-082-082-141-139.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:34] cmg_: i run rhythmbox [07:34] Kartagis: it won't polish your shoes [07:34] Kartagis: i don't understand your question [07:34] hiho [07:34] ok, im back and give it another try [07:34] picasso you just do sudo apt-get install and it will install dependencies too === Fanskapet [Fanskapet@d213-101-21-229.swipnet.se] has joined #ubuntu === ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0623.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] Kartagis: yes i am familiar with the apt-get system === dair [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] should the live-cd work with a sym53c8xx based scsi card? [07:35] Kartagis: but what package can i install to get a GNOME mail check applet? [07:35] i have not found any [07:35] nalioth I mean I won't have to edit anything by hand, right? [07:35] picasso: use synaptic to search (in packages/descriptins) for what you want [07:35] picasso oh, sorry I don't know [07:35] Kartagis: that is what it is for, correct [07:36] picasso gkrellm does that [07:36] nah gkrellm isnt a gnome applet [07:36] i want something that will dock in the panel [07:36] hi there! i want to start using ubuntu, should i download 4.10 or 5.04? what are the differences? is 5.04 stable enough? === Mortified_Pengui [~Matthew@82-40-62-206.cable.ubr08.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] fedora had it built in, it seems strange that it wouldnt be included by default with the gnome stuff [07:36] 5.04 for sure [07:36] 5.04 is the latest stable release [07:36] picasso I use it on both gnome and kde === yonil [~naeron6@bzq-218-167-100.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] dair: 5.04 is very stable [07:36] Kartagis: yes, it is a standalone app === omer [~omer@bzq-179-132-64.pop.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] "for sure"?! ok then, thanks. lets get ready to rumble!!! [07:36] nalioth including /etc/modules? [07:36] Hey guis [07:36] i dont want gkrellm, i want a mail check applet that will dock itself in the gnome panel [07:37] hey, where are the kernel sources in ubunutu? [07:37] gnome-mailcheck or something [07:37] I need some help [07:37] *ubuntu [07:37] dair but alsa not veryy stabel [07:37] omer: what's up? [07:37] im trying to run a file (one i just compiled) and i get Permission Denied. the file is owned by my user, and i have executing permissions. what could be the issue ? === bingo [~bingo@d3-7.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] I just installed ubuntu [07:37] and it have have problem with Intel [07:37] omer: i wish i could say the same [07:37] yonil: what file is it? [07:37] another israeli :O [07:37] take amd === darksatanic [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] Where are the kernel sources located in ubuntu? [07:38] jo, do you have an amd64 machine [07:38] jo: not veryy stable?! hm..... what do you think of yellow dog linux? is it as good (easy to use) as ubuntu? [07:38] picasso try gnubiff [07:38] It not recognize my graphic card [07:38] goldfish, just compiled a c file using gcc [07:38] jub [07:38] it onboard [07:38] dair, gay! [07:38] and I can't install the driver [07:38] omer, israeli ? [07:38] yellow dog is gay?! [07:38] Yes [07:38] yonil: hmmm strange, what directory is it in? [07:38] picasso: gnome-apps.org might have something [07:38] picasso: or sourceforge === ravent [~ravent@dsl-082-083-142-092.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === Amaranth looks around [07:39] k thanks [07:39] okay, if i wget the whole of pool/universe and mirror it on a few dvds, can i just add it the dvds in synaptic? [07:39] nalioth that includes /etc/modules? [07:39] ok, no answer to my question again [07:39] dair i istaled streamturner butafter 15 min sound alsa mixer f.... [07:39] bze [07:39] bye [07:39] \quit [07:39] Shabadoo yes you can [07:39] Kartagis: i have no idea what an /etc/module is === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] awesome, thankyou mr kartagis [07:39] What is Dialog ullity? [07:39] goldfish, the directory is owned by me, and has x permissions ... it says Permissoin Denied even when i run it through root [07:40] np mr Shabadoo [07:40] Can someone please tell me if and where the kernel sources are located in ubutnu === ravent [~ravent@dsl-082-083-142-092.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:40] picasso: apt-cache show flink [07:40] sweet [07:40] thoreauputic: thanks [07:40] Mortified_Pengui apt-cache search linux-source [07:40] mortified: if you've already apt-get'ed them they'll be in /usr/src === Heimdall [MS3@219.106-30-212.9massy1-1-ro-as-i2-2.9tel.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] picasso: no worries :) [07:40] hm... i think i'm going to have a look at this operating system called ... thanks for your answers, bye bye [07:40] hello roooom === korCZiz [~korCZiz@ip-85-160-89-241.eurotel.cz] has joined #ubuntu === Pihl [~Pihl@port134.ds1-gjp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [07:41] Does anyone can explaine me HOWTO install intel Driver? === cmg_ [~cmg@151-204.tfn.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:41] omer, what intel driver ? [07:41] dair it's not an operating system, it's a distro [07:41] Is there any list of what the ubuntu hoary minimal install containt, detailed. [07:41] contains [07:41] yonil: hmmm, that is weird [07:41] The screen card that onboard [07:42] anyone know why my media player freezes? XMMS and Beep both hang when I try to play an mp3.. RhythmBox works fine [07:42] I have the driver, but can't install it === OverDriv3 [~OverDriv3@176.80-202-10.nextgentel.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:42] cmg_: tell them to use esd [07:42] cmg_: set the output plugin to esound [07:42] I have directory with a lot of bookmarks in it, in what directory should I copy them in order to get theml in firefox ? [07:42] cmg_: what is the output plugin set to in your media players? [07:42] You don't appear to have dialog installed. This program requires it [07:42] that the massage when I try to install the driver [07:43] omer: so install the dialog package [07:43] devios, thoreauputic, justin .. not sure how to check [07:43] Heimdall: can you do an import from the file menu of the firefox bookmarks manager? [07:43] But what it is the Dialog? [07:43] cmg_: is there a preferences or options menu item? === Bleak [~Miranda@] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] I searched for it in google, and in ubuntu [07:43] devios : no, it is a directory with links [07:43] devios.. looking [07:43] omer: apt-cache show dialog [07:44] devios : and I can't import a directory [07:44] omer: did you do a sudo apt-cache search dialog? [07:44] one last question, anyone have any idea how big an ubuntu universe mirror is? like very roughly how big [07:44] Heimdall: symlink it === sig_w32 [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu [07:44] What it is apt-cache? [07:44] devios: you don't need sudo to use apt-cache [07:44] I searched in synaptic [07:44] omer: in a terminal, type ` apt-cache show dialog ` [07:44] omer it searches repositories [07:45] omer: synaptic has it too [07:45] And it install it? [07:45] Kartagis: it searches your local apt-cache [07:45] goldfish, yeah it is.. when i copy to another directory it works tought :\ [07:45] omer: YES [07:45] sorry nalioth ? [07:45] devios, changing the plugin worked.. thanks dude! [07:45] I searched for Dialog in synaptic [07:45] aah well, thankyou again mr kartagis, night [07:45] omer: just install the bloody package [07:45] omer: sudo apt-get install dialog === erniee [~ernestoe@] has joined #ubuntu === siorfin [~siorfin@UNKNOWN.wctc.edu] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] Heimdall: sorry my brain got ahead of reality [07:46] lol ok === d4rksh4de [~d4rksh4de@217-159-167-202-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] Not working [07:46] The pakage is missing [07:46] omer, what does it say .. [07:46] Reading package lists... Done [07:46] Building dependency tree... Done [07:46] Package dialog is not available, but is referred to by another package. [07:46] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [07:46] is only available from another source [07:46] E: Package dialog has no installation candidate [07:46] that what it said [07:47] I run exectly what you said === r4ndy [~r4ndy@1a28056e670a425c.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] Heimdall: what exactly does a bookmark file look like? [07:47] omer: read ubotu's URl === xvlun [~Jan@dsl-084-059-001-180.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] What? === nathan__ [~nathan@S0106001217e3e751.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] !repositories [07:47] well, repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto [07:47] omer: ^^^ [07:47] omer, you need to add repositories .. [07:47] nalioth : I don't understand you sorry :/ === fhr [~fhr@] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] OK [07:48] Heimdall: you said you had a dir full of links. what exactly is a link file? [07:48] brb, gotta switch to X === hussam [~hussam@] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] oh... '*.url' [07:48] What wireless card is fully supported by 2.6 kernel without any use of ndiswrapper? In #linux they recommended cisco 350. [07:49] Heimdall: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=95439 will that work? [07:49] Heimdall: open firefox, browse to that directory, and bookmark it [07:49] Heimdall: there HAS to be a firefox extension to do this [07:49] yeah === paxmaster [~paxmaster@] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] cmg_: I had a similar problem with xmms. the people in here helped me. make sure you share your newfound knowledge. [07:50] crap he quit [07:50] how could I send a message to other computer [07:50] paxmaster: what kind of msg [07:51] paxmaster: like a winpopup? [07:51] a text [07:51] well reverting to previous kernel image fixed the inability to shutdown without forcing it and slow openoffice === Omni_x [~Jacob@c-24-3-32-20.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === marc [~marc@pD9FBEB51.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:51] well boys I don't understand [07:51] paxmaster: linpopup install instructions are in the doc at ubuntuguide.org [07:51] I don't have the tool converter [07:51] Heimdall: your firefox will view your file system [07:51] whaaat ??? === kb00heda [~kb00heda@dhcp169-26.math.chalmers.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] ok just ist also work with mac 0sx [07:52] has anyone tried using hostap with a prism2 usb wifi adapter? [07:52] Heimdall: if you put in the address bar "file:///path/to/heimdall's/bookmarks" it will show you that direcotry [07:52] devios: please dont advise ubuntuguide [07:52] yeah ok but then ?? === ix [ix@flode.org] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] devios: please see #3 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines === Kaltzu [~Kaltzu@addr-82-128-222-45.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu === Toba [~eastein@pool-141-154-31-110.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] Heimdall: click on a link [07:53] how can I set an environment variable for my entire user account, not just my shell? [07:53] is that even possible? [07:53] Toba: put it in ~/.bashrc [07:53] Thank you, one problem solve and here come the other: [07:53] You don't appear to have a supported kernel version === AndyR [~andrew@rogers666.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] Toba: like export PATH=$PATH:/blah , for example [07:54] nalioth : ok and ? === Toba tries [07:54] Heimdall: did you go somewhere (after clicking the .url file)? === jago25_98 [~jago25_98@82-32-242-120.cable.ubr11.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] I wnat to put my links in my boolmarks [07:54] Heimdall: i don't know how === Mortified_Pengui [~Matthew@82-40-62-206.cable.ubr08.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] Heimdall: this method is the best i can think of [07:55] no it show me the content of the *.url file [07:55] How do I get to System > Admin > Network settings? (where is /etc/conf.d/net in ubuntu? [07:55] Heimdall: you can bookmark this dir, and put it in your bookmarks [07:55] Heimdall: https://addons.mozilla.org/quicksearch.php?q=Favorites§ion=E [07:55] Heimdall: well i dont know any more, then [07:55] Hey, im going to connect ,my laptop to the ethernet, what do i need to configure to let ubuntu go online? [07:55] /etc/conf.d/net is in /etc/conf.d/net [07:55] Heimdall: Plain Old Favorites extension? [07:55] thas not a solution :) [07:55] sorry devios ? [07:55] what is the resource in jabber if you hve a pri network [07:55] Mortified_Pengui: should work out of the box === __Ace__ [~love@h55l211.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] Heimdall: https://addons.mozilla.org/quicksearch.php?q=Favorites§ion=E === GoClick [~goclick@S0106001217b6a7f7.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] I 'm going to this page [07:56] Heimdall: i dont use firefox or *.urls (i dont even know WHAT uses *.url) === francesco99 [~francesco@p508718EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] devios : upgrade ??? [07:57] After the live CD is booted can you take it out and use your CD drive? If the answer is "yes" can the live CD play DVDs? I have a Toshiba laptop with a combo drive and the windows video drivers crash when you try and play DVDs. [07:57] nalioth: wasn't aware - sorry. however: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=linpopup&titlesearch=Titles [07:57] GoClick: sorry, you need 2 optical drives for that [07:58] devios: aware of what? [07:58] nalioth: the NewUsersNetworkGuidelines [07:58] nalioth a .url file is a plain text file that contains a fully qualified uri, they were popularized by Microsoft when "Windows95 Internet Explorer Edition" came out, since then their pretty mich limited to Windows. [07:58] nalioth thanks [07:59] Heimdall: you are trying to import Windows files? [07:59] has anyone tried using hostap with a prism2 usb wifi adapter? [07:59] can anyone translate "es mejor cuando" in the spanish exit message above? [07:59] nalioth : indeed [07:59] ooh, Qt4 is out [07:59] Something about the software is like sex, it's its free lol === Dr_Melectaus [ryan@ACC968F8.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] "it's better whhen it's free" [07:59] Lamont|IRCnewb: "is better when" I think [08:00] Aha.... My spanish is a little rusty. Thx :p [08:00] "software is like sex, it's better when it's free" === jago25_99 [~jago25_98@82-32-242-120.cable.ubr11.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] hehe [08:00] Heimdall: no wonder, i havent owned a windows box in over 5 years [08:00] Heimdall: I am suggesting that you go to the tools menu in Firefox, select extensions, select the get new extensions link, and expand the capabilities of firefox with an extension (not an upgrade) that will let you use the IE Favorites. the link I gave you is a search of all firefox extensions for "Favorites" [08:00] jesus h christ. Why is it so f***ing hard to get ubuntu on the net [08:00] nalioth : sorry I should have said that before [08:00] okay devios === steven_ [~steven@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:00] Dr_Melectaus: it isn't, usually === metzen [~metzen@pool-68-237-249-120.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] Dr_Melectaus: take your meds... what's the problem? === xliu [~xliu@STH-9-NAT-] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] Dr_Melectaus: needs a network cable === mwe [~mwe@port462.ds1-ynoe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] thoreauputic: is there some kind of noob guide. Ive never really used nix before, and i have installed the package for usb adsl modems. But where the hell do i go from there [08:02] no, i have a usb adsl modem that runs of my usb port [08:02] i need a noob guide for usb prism2 stuff... [08:02] freaking usb. [08:02] lol Omni_x [08:02] I modified PS1 in bash.bashrc, but even if I re-login, the modification had not effect, could you explain why? === blueyed [~daniel@i53871069.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu === kenny [~kenny@cpc3-ruth1-6-0-cust23.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] hi guys === huerlisi [~shuerlima@] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] xliu, bash.bashrc? === qingl [someone@] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] try .profile [08:03] xliu, bahs.bashrc? [08:03] No one here has intel motherboard? [08:03] yes, /etc/bash.bashrc, i think it is the same as /etc/bashrc === jago25_98 [~jago25_98@82-32-242-120.cable.ubr11.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] xliu, and you don't need to relogin, just source .profile [08:04] siorfin, `ls: /etc/conf.d: No such file or directory` [08:04] So is there some kind of noob guide to getting ubuntu online or not? [08:04] :( === Aoi^ [~Kaltzu@addr-82-128-219-116.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] thre is a ubuntu noob guide === secata [~secata@rrdg-ip-nas-1-p157.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === Aoi^ is now known as Aoi [08:04] Dr_Melectaus: ubuntuguide.org ! === Diablo_ [~samer@200-109-225-28.genericrev.cantv.net] has left #ubuntu [] === lao_v [~vishal@82-44-149-42.cable.ubr01.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] siorfin: u there? [08:05] jago, sorry i didnt realize you what you were asking, it can differ with the distro === SirGir [~gir@h112n6c1o1099.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] hi all [08:05] siorfin: I am on kubuntu 5.0.4 [08:05] zyth, yes , i have tried, ,but if I turn off the current terminal and open a new one, it returned to the original status [08:05] Has Ubuntu developers got Ubuntu HAL working yet [08:05] xliu, that's because you did bash.bashrc [08:05] which isn't gonna work === pinPoint [~pinPoint@pool-70-104-145-248.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] zyth, then how can i do ? [08:05] it's .bashrc or .profile [08:06] Or will it be fixed for the next release [08:06] I'd recommend .profile === osmandemirhan [~osman@] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] siorfin: ubuntuguide.org says `System -> Administration -> Networking` but I have not idea where that is. Is there some sort of ubuntu config tool? [08:06] zyth, .bashrc is in /etc? or /home? [08:06] I need some help with my internet connection on Ubuntu... [08:06] It seems like my connection "stalls"...espetially when I have multiple browsers open or multiple tabs in firefox [08:06] xliu, /home/xliu or whatver === napsy [~asd@BSN-77-126-125.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] hi guys...i'm trying to "telnet localhost 3306"..but get "Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused" can you tell me how to resolve this, if possible... [08:07] zyth, thanks [08:07] xliu, ok apparently ubuntu uses .bashrc [08:07] so use that [08:07] xliu, on my system /etc/bash.bashrc is sourced from /etc/proflie [08:07] why the fuck does the ubuntu documentation not return jack shit on getting online [08:07] The browser just keeps on showing that it's loading the page, but nothing happens [08:07] xliu, i.e. it's already there [08:07] DeMel what connection do you have === lsuactiafner [~noirrac@tpc-ip-nas-1-p78.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] adsl usb modem [08:07] Dr_Melectaus, perhaps if you explained why you're NOT online [08:07] PPPoE? [08:07] oh usb modem [08:07] zythL: i have several times [08:07] :/ [08:07] that might be ur problem, linux dosnt work well with usb modems [08:08] ati radeon 9200 and the xorg driver work? i just did startx and got nothing [08:08] what make is the modem [08:08] Dr_Melectaus: I think the problem is USb modems in general [08:08] yeah, 9200 works [08:08] i have an ibook [08:08] and it works forme [08:08] bt voyager 100 adsl modem [08:08] I think i saw something about that, i will have a search on the net brb [08:08] ok thanks [08:08] zyth, mwe, then why still there is the file bash.bashrc in /etc? [08:08] hmmm [08:09] might be the mouse then [08:09] what mouse are you using? === NotThomMay [~thom@shutt.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === kafeine [~kori@] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] had a usb genius mouse === nes__ [~nes@pm3-01-043.interconect.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] Dr_Melectaus, you need a driver package called ECIADSL [08:09] now i put psaux in [08:09] xliu, it's only sourced if the shell is bash [08:09] will get the pc runnin tomorrow while flatmate is out [08:09] hmm, not sure [08:09] Dr_Melectaus, dont expect the docs to have explanations for eevery problem. They are quite good. You can figure out how to install and make a wiki page for the community. [08:09] i have installed eciadsl zyth [08:09] DrMel i think i have a website for u [08:09] xliu, that's global, and is overridden by .bashrc [08:09] but im not sure where to go from there === NotThomMay [~thom@shutt.demon.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:10] go there http://eciadsl.flashtux.org/download.php?lang=en [08:10] zyth: howzit goin? [08:10] kenny, cheers [08:10] are there dutch language pack for openoffice like ms office? [08:10] As well, does anyone know where I can change the port settings, i.e. bit rate, compression etc? [08:10] Dr_Melectaus, Well, I can't help ya, I'd have to read the instructions, so you'll have to do the same, sorry. [08:10] thanks zyth and mwe [08:10] can anyone help with with hostap?? [08:10] nalioth, hola! [08:10] no bother [08:10] np xliu [08:10] remember DrMel google is ur friend [08:10] Anyone ever clean install ubuntu directly onto a pair of RAID1 drives? Know if the install supports that? (Burning ISO now but impatient) :p === Di42lo [~Di42lo@] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] Hey folks, can someone tell me why everytim I boot Ubuntu on, it creates links /dev/cdrom and /dev/cdrw both pointing to /dev/hdc? How can i fix it? [08:11] is apt-get install php4 apache ...enough ? [08:11] nes u can fix it by editing the fstab [08:11] the fstab is in /etc [08:12] nes__: I'm burning my first ubunutu now but sounds like /etc/fstab isn't configured right [08:12] nalioth, not too bad, got a major ear infection tho :( [08:12] humm, let m see... === anto9us [~antoninus@cpc2-ptal1-5-1-cust109.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] nes open a terminal and type "sudo gedit /etc/fstab [08:12] nes__, is hdc a cdrw drive? [08:12] then modify the entries [08:12] yep. [08:12] nes__: because hdc is the cdrw [08:12] that's why [08:12] lol [08:13] lol [08:13] mine makes hdd /dev/dvd and /dev/cdrom1 === francesco99 [~francesco@p508718EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] The point is... [08:13] whereis openoffice installed on Ubuntu? [08:13] and some programs use /dev/cdrom and /dev/cdrw so the symlinks are made [08:13] afaik [08:13] we2by i think its installed in /user/share/local [08:13] /dev/cdrom and /dev/cdrw are created by the system... and both point to /dev/hdc! [08:14] nes__: yeah [08:14] thats ok [08:14] goldfish - good point [08:14] nes__, so? hdc is a cdrw... what difference does it make? [08:14] zyth: drink lots of ontarian whiskey [08:14] I've tryed to fix it by hand, but maybe there's a script that erases what I do... === sam_ [~sam@g247.ip5.netikka.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] nes__: why do u want to erase the links? === shorty1684 [shorty1684@cc488391-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] nes__, why does it need fixing? it's not broken === Omni_x [~Jacob@c-24-3-32-20.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["usb,] [08:14] it's working properly [08:14] Lamont|IRCnewb: ty [08:14] nes__: that's so that if someone tries to find your optical drive using the common /dev/dcrom, it ends up in the right place. You probably want to leave it [08:14] the difference is... my hal+dbus+automount system isn't working... [08:15] where do i put openoffice langauge pack files? [08:15] nalioth, lol, I'll keep that in mind [08:15] I think the problem remains on these links... [08:15] zyth: or even that rotgut tennessee stuff made by that daniels boy [08:15] I have two devices in fact: /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd... === sig [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] this last one isn't recognized... [08:16] we2by, there are a bunch of language packages you can apt-get === ravent [~ravent@dsl-082-083-142-092.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === __Ace__ [~love@h55l211.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu === shorty1684 [shorty1684@cc488391-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [08:16] But it exists on /etc/fstab. === hussam [~hussam@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:17] we2by: can't you just install them from synaptic? === vurdak_ [~vurdak@adsl-ull-147-29.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === andres__ [~andres@143.228.uio.satnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] ok [08:17] I still have problem with intel [08:17] it is installed :) [08:17] For two days I've been trying to fix it up, reading docs, but without sucess... === d0ril [~antbiotic@200-170-183-009.xf-static.ctbcnetsuper.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === hhhh [~gggggg@85-50-64-34.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] Does anyone had intel and ubuntu? === hhhh [~gggggg@85-50-64-34.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [08:17] nes__, fixing what? [08:18] automount. === seby [~seby@p54A24EF1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] nes__, you mean mount on boot? [08:18] is apt-get install php4 apache ...enough for apache2+php ? [08:18] they doesnt work for me [08:18] nes__: andres just connected - text your basic situation again if he feels he can help [08:18] together [08:18] Di42lo: apache2 [08:18] we2by: search for openoffice in synaptic to find all the available language packs [08:19] goldfish: but i got apache2 installed [08:19] k [08:19] anyone know if and how good Xen works on Ubuntu? === UbuWu [~UbuWu@h82151173197.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu === dia [~dia@] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] Nope, that feature that makes me have icons on my desktop everytime I insert cds on /dev/hdc or /dev/hdd... === asym [~asym@phreebsd.org] has joined #ubuntu === TimmyJ [~tim@cpe-66-67-139-238.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] anyone here gotten any success w/ mythTV on ubuntu? === secata [~secata@rrdg-ip-nas-1-p157.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:20] To me it is what make ubuntu attractive... [08:21] it stops working suddenly, don't know why... [08:21] does anybody know what it means when bugzilla says a bug is assigned to debian bug importer?? === vurdak [~vurdak@adsl-ull-147-29.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === Bols [~bols@173-213.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] And I've got a strange message at boot... [08:21] does someone have an Asus A7N8X, plz? [08:21] "setting disk parameters... /dev/cdrom... no such file or directory"... === prats [~gyqzigzar@a81-84-114-240.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] hi === vurdak [~vurdak@adsl-ull-147-29.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] hello [08:23] lol === mgalvin [~mgalvin@host-66-202-95-170.spr.choiceone.net] has joined #ubuntu === mgalvin [~mgalvin@host-66-202-95-170.spr.choiceone.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === lamont__ [~lamont@] has joined #ubuntu === gorthaug [~gorthaug@215.Red-83-34-191.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === ravent [~ravent@dsl-082-083-142-092.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === nalioth is now known as nalioth_wrkn === dr_willis [~willis@12-222-71-130.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu === nalioths_dog [~Apple@cpe-66-25-34-88.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:29] apache doesnt work for me after apt-geting it [08:29] apt-get install apache2 php4 === maxpro4u [~maxpro4u@cpe-24-166-118-16.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] dosent start [08:29] even after /etc/init.d/apache2 start/restart [08:29] hello [08:29] check its logs? [08:30] sec [08:30] Di42lo, sudo aptitude install libapache2-mod-php4 === sig_w32 [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu === djp [~david@dynamic-62-56-51-144.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] still doesnt work [08:31] where are the logs ? [08:31] hello all [08:31] poofy! [08:31] /var/log/apache2/error.log [08:31] empty === raz [~toshiba@toronto-HSE-ppp4327473.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] hmm I wonder when i will get those cute little pressed ubuntu CD's to share among my freinds :) [08:32] and so that i will be able to replace w2k3 on my file/web server :) === __mp__ [~mp@] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] <__mp__> how do you enable rsync access to an ubuntu box? [08:33] am annoyed with linux atm.. [08:33] friend got funny hardware [08:33] Seveas: [08:33] root@god:/etc/apache2 # /etc/init.d/apache2 stop [08:33] * Stopping web server (Apache2)... [ ok ] [08:33] root@god:/etc/apache2 # /etc/init.d/apache2 start [08:33] root@god:/etc/apache2 # [08:34] doesnt even start [08:34] it does [08:34] ps aux | grep http [08:34] it did [08:34] hello all [08:34] only the grep http is there :| [08:34] hmmm === root__ [~root@S0106001217e3e751.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] the funny [08:35] ps aux |grep [h] ttp [08:35] is the way to do it :) [08:35] goldfish: nothing [08:35] ok, well it's not starting [08:35] weird [08:35] ok so how do i change my IP from to [08:35] yup [08:35] ps aux | grep -v e is not the way to do it [08:35] __mp__: try looking for /etc/default/rsync - I think you might need to enable access there [08:36] root__: ifconfig [08:36] root__: where blah is the interfave === quam [~quam@user-1120s02.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] whats blah ? [08:36] <__mp__> thoreauputic - thx! [08:36] *interface [08:36] interface .. cool [08:36] __mp__: np :) [08:36] aight thanxs / [08:36] Can someone navigate to pinch.no-ip.org ? === niquil [~niq@echoradio.org] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] do i put the < > around blah interface? [08:37] root__: nope [08:37] word . thanks again [08:37] doesn't seem to work SirGir [08:37] Toba, okay. Thanks... [08:37] SirGir: resolved dns but didn't ping [08:37] root__: why are you on irc as root? Very bad move... [08:38] hm.. [08:38] oh yeah [08:38] root__: never irc as root [08:38] irc as root = dumb [08:38] yup === mello6 [~mellowyll@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === zeth [~zeth@ip68-224-202-157.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] root__: in fact most channels will ban anyone running as root, for good reasons [08:39] hi, will ubuntu work on an old machine? Having a 4gb hd, a Trio32 video card (which i don't know it's ram size), and not more then 64mb of ram and an an intel celeron of 550mhz === francesco99 [~francesco@p508718EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === kafeine [~kori@] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] most irc networks wont allow ppl to connect running as root [08:40] ok, I have googled for 5 hours on this. I have a netgear wg511 v2 made in taiwan pcmcia wifi card, ndiswrapper loads the windows driver fine, I can see it listed. [08:40] asym: sure, just don't try and run gnome [08:40] misfit_toy: what isn't listed? [08:40] however when I try to modprobe ndiswrapper, I get: [08:40] FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted [08:40] misfit_toy: helps to be root [08:40] yep [08:41] I am doing it with sudo [08:41] Hummm it seems my problem is a udev problem... [08:41] misfit_toy: doing what? === chase [~Chase@stuartma.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] sudo modprobe ndiswrapper [08:41] misfit_toy, did you add the drivers already? [08:41] andres__, yes [08:41] weird === angryfix [~ojobojo@c-24-9-87-222.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] what chipset? [08:41] justin: cause what i did, was i putted the 4gb hard disk and it's video card onto another machine..and i installed ubuntu..but basically after the installation the screen remained blank... === dbernar1 [~dbernar1@wb-user047.cc.umanitoba.ca] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] it's listed as installed: [08:42] ndiswrapper -l [08:42] Installed ndis drivers: [08:42] wg511v2 driver present, hardware present [08:42] guy@sancho:/etc/ndiswrapper/wg511v2$ [08:42] anyone have an IBM x40? [08:42] andres__, it's actually a Marvell Technology Group Ltd. [08:42] Are file permissions (e.g. a chmod of 766) stored in the actual file, or are they tracked by the OS? [08:43] stored in an inode [08:43] andres__, I had it working fine with FC3 and FC4 and it works in windows [08:43] misfit_toy, hmmm, i necer had any issues (that kind) [08:43] and does ubuntu allow u to choose another desktop manager? because from what i have seen it installs gnome as default without giving u the opportunity to choose something else === SteveGriff [~griff@82-69-245-141.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] misfit_toy: what does 'iwconfig' output? === toni_ [~toni@220.Red-83-37-123.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] asym apt-get install anything. [08:43] asym, ubuntu comes with gnome by default [08:43] or sudo aptitude install [08:43] goldfish, lo no wireless extensions. [08:43] eth0 no wireless extensions. [08:43] sit0 no wireless extensions. [08:43] asym: you can do a "server" install and add whatever you wish to that base [08:44] misfit_toy: ok, not good. [08:44] you can install kde by synaptic [08:44] goldfish, is it the kernel? [08:44] then, at the gdm login screen, thereis a sessions button, where you can choose. [08:44] ah yup [08:44] goldfish, surely the latest kernel has wireless extensions in it?? [08:44] misfit_toy: looks like it's complaining about the kernel, is it a custom kernel? [08:44] goldfish, stock kernel, fresh install [08:44] thankx i will try once again :> [08:44] hmmmm [08:45] I could compile it, but DUH, that should be standard nowadays! [08:45] misfit_toy, try sudo su and then retry, altough shouldnt be an issue === spamalope [spamalope@spamalope.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] misfit_toy, kernel is just fine [08:45] if i dont have the install cd and i want to install something...it asks for the cd. can i not force it to download [08:45] misfit_toy: how did u install ndiswrapper, apt-get [08:45] ? [08:45] goldfish, yes [08:45] goldfish, same results with sudo su [08:46] hmmmm [08:46] that is weird [08:46] spamalope do a sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and commment out the CD line, meaning put a # in front of it [08:46] I guess I can try uninstalling and making it from tar [08:46] there are some issues with broadcom chipsets and the stock kernel [08:46] dbernar1: thanks [08:46] andres__, this isn't a broadcom, it's a Marvell === dbernar1 shakes fist at broadcom [08:46] misfit_toy, go to ndiswrapper page and find the ubuntu rt [08:46] part [08:46] andres I have been all OVER that site, lol [08:47] there is a guide on how to install and/or recompile if having issues [08:47] my chip is listed, the drivers load, just can't modprobe [08:47] andres__, ok let me look one last time before I fling this out the window === Toba [~eastein@pool-141-154-31-110.bos.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["/part] [08:47] maybe you dont need to modprobe it..might be in the kernel [08:47] lsuactiafner, how would I tell that? I get no lights from the nic [08:48] and I see this 'operation not permitted' error all over google but no solution [08:48] no idea. i dont use ubunt kernels ect [08:48] lsmod? === murtun [~murtun@dsl-80-41-227-226.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] hey all [08:48] misfit_toy, try #ndiswrapper [08:48] lsmod doesn't list ndiswrapper [08:48] How do i install .deb pakacges [08:48] andres__, will do thanks === maxpro4u [~maxpro4u@cpe-24-166-118-16.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:49] misfit_toy, before you go [08:49] imgonna sit this one out, for redundancy avoidance reasons === Davey [~davey@212-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:49] :) [08:49] murtun: dpkg -i blah.deb [08:49] misfit_toy, try modprobing again and run dmesg | tail and pm me the output === angryfix [~ojobojo@c-24-9-87-222.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === turid [~turid@dsl-20-43.td.tiscali.no] has joined #ubuntu === kafeine [~kori@] has joined #ubuntu [08:49] cheers gold fish === msumu_piti_gnou [~Msumou@71.173.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] 9.6mb of logs in this channel [08:50] misfit_toy, you should have listened to me, that channel is not that helpful === jonathan_ [~jonathan@p508B1230.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] hello everyone [08:50] hi [08:50] whats up? === tom^ [~sir@dsl-sjkgw2c6a.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === tom^ is now known as tommi^ [08:51] wer hat ubuntu? [08:51] Hi. How is it possible that Xorg takes about 44 % of my CPU and firefox about half? [08:51] need assistance with install of firefox [08:51] Is it possible to replace postfix with exim4 in ubuntu? [08:51] Hey.. I onoly just installed Ubuntu... I am trying to do some installations and i am missing ALOT of things... it this normal? [08:51] i dont know [08:51] ff is installed in ubuntu on install [08:51] murtun enable repos [08:51] How can I get all these files? [08:52] which files, be more specific [08:52] what files? [08:52] ^ [08:52] ^^ [08:52] programs? [08:52] amsn depends on imlib1; however: [08:52] I have about 10 of these [08:52] amns?? [08:52] Yes.. [08:52] I am new to ubuntu too === procrastinator [~kristian@0x50a47f50.vgnxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] go cat /etc/apt/sources.list, and paste the output to pastebin.com === enplo00 [~someone3@ppp-athens-1-164.teledomenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] linuxboy: sure. it'll wind up removeing ubuntu-base on pre-breezy systems, but that's just a metapackage [08:53] then, Ill tell you what is wrong [08:53] of course, at upgrade time, you'll want to reinstall ubuntu-base (which won't Depend: postfix in breezy) === dr_willis [~willis@12-222-71-130.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:53] murtun: you can apt-get amsn , its crap though, gaim is better. === d-man [~dsmith01@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] lamont__: lots of things depend on it [08:54] I prefer it.. :P [08:54] what is apt-get? [08:54] lamont__: wait... not it but an MTU === QMario [~qmario@adsl-70-241-18-1.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu === spamalope [spamalope@spamalope.com] has left #ubuntu [] [08:54] oh, he is dpkkging stuff? [08:54] dbernar1: yes [08:54] How do I make a file owned by root writable? [08:54] linuxboy: right. so 'apt-get install exim4' [08:54] apt-get an advanced installing program something === d-man [~dsmith01@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [08:54] QMario: what file is it? [08:54] can debian stuff be installed to ubuntu? [08:55] murtun try sudo aptitude install amsn in a terminal [08:55] linuxboy: and it'll do what you want (remove postfix, install exim4, and [sadly] remove ubuntu-base) [08:55] d4rksh4de usually [08:55] ok [08:55] d4rksh4de: it's best to install from the ubuntu repositories [08:55] need basic instructions on installing programs [08:55] d4rksh4de look for the sam ething in ubuntu repos first, tho [08:55] Goldfish, one of my Perl Programs that only root can change the permission access. [08:55] dbernarl: I'm confused... [08:55] maxpro4u do you have one program that you would like installed? [08:56] d4rksh4de: installing stuff from debian repositories can result in apt bitching later, as well as dependency hell for things that have diff lib depends than ubuntu does [08:56] murtun open a temrinal, type in sudo aptitude install amsn [08:56] What option do I use for chmod? [08:56] yes new firefox [08:56] QMario: k, you can chmod to change access to it, or chown it so you become the owner. [08:56] I dont get you ppl [08:56] anyhow give me another, I dont wanna deal withthat === Kaltzu [~Kaltzu@addr-82-128-219-116.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:56] its just a stupid versionj [08:56] amsn is horrid looking [08:56] use gaim [08:56] it looks same does the same thingl....and so on [08:57] tell me another program that you would like === eltino [~eltino@ALamentin-101-1-10-175.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] hello [08:57] dbernar1: gaim [08:57] I am running a dualboot soulution with Fedora and with shared /home. The partition is formatted by Fedora, and when I boot Ubuntu I get an error from fsck saying "filesystem has unsupported features, get a newer version of e2fsck". I can boot the system by pressing Ctrl+D, but it's quite annoying, and probably not that healthy either. === magog [~magog@68-168-15-129.miamfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === mxpxpod [~BryanForb@wuw-ojr3gmca.dybb.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] eltino: hi [08:57] dbernar1: i did that... not to sure what it did though.. [08:57] now, ,do a amsn in a terminal [08:57] type in amsn [08:57] does anyone know of an ubuntu pekwm package? the debian package doesent like the ubuntu packages [08:57] and hit enter [08:57] I wanted to try breezy, but the topic of this channel is pretty scary ;p [08:57] not found. [08:58] magog: apt-cache search pekwm ? [08:58] eltino: yep [08:58] ok, then you did not sudo aptitude install amsn with success. [08:58] anyhow, I gotta stuudy, later' === derJunior [~derJunior@p549FED36.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] is there a normal mysql client for gnome ? not like mysql-navigator [08:58] eltino, well basicly lots of things dont work "out-of-the-box" in breezy yet [08:58] mysql-navigator sux === Dr_Melectaus [ryan@ACC968F8.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu [] === lonewolff [~lonewolff@lonewolff.user] has joined #ubuntu === x4m [~max@34-158.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:00] Di42lo: phpmyadmin works well if you have LAMP installed on your system. [09:00] lamont> i checked from synaptic, there arent === jaco^ [~kazzimiii@host84-59.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] goldfish, nope none there, and it says i have some missing dependacies however i do have what its looking for [09:01] Di42lo: you could also search synaptic for mysql I guess === evilstoy [HydraIRC@83-131-18-227.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] Di42lo: mysqlcc? [09:01] i hate the dependency :S [09:02] Where can I paste pictures into this channel? [09:02] I have downloaded the tar file for firefox but what do I do with it (stupid windoze user) [09:02] yea i think its looking for debian packages when theyre ubuntu packages and it doesent like them [09:02] why i have to install 10 things to get one program working [09:02] Pastebin.com does not seem to be working. [09:02] I'm about to go back to WinXP === silmaris- [vampyre@m59.net81-67-104.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] devios: mysqlcc isnt on apt-get [09:02] Davey: out trolling? === siorfin [~siorfin@CPE-65-29-183-16.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] Di42lo: did you enable the backports repositories? [09:03] devios: certainly not, I'm only talking about my work machine ;) [09:03] devios: which is ? [09:03] my home machine has been happily using Ubuntu for about a month now :) [09:03] devios: i have breezy/unstable etc.. [09:03] QMario: pictures? [09:03] devios: just getting fed up :/ [09:03] Where can I paste pictures into this channel?[What is the website for pasting pictures into this channel] ? [09:03] Yes, goldfish. [09:04] Davey: saying things like that in here doesn't help. have a problem, ask about it and address it. [09:04] aahh, I wanna contribute to ubuntu but I have no programmer skills... i wanna be involved in the development somehow :D [09:04] Di42lo: gimme a sec [09:04] devios: I'm been trying to "address it" since 8:30am, its now 3pm :/ [09:04] Yuacht, then learn HTML. === lonewolff [~lonewolff@lonewolff.user] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] QMario: lol [09:05] I know html and some php (very bad though), got some photoshop skills too... :) === EiGHTBALLx [~zak@host81-155-85-89.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] yuacht: learn C , python or something === vince_ [~vince^@80-219-98-68.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] devios: I cannot get my second monitor out of 640x480, even though the same monitor on the same card in winxp will run at 1600x1200, and is also running (I have two the same) right now at 1600x1200 o my other gfx card [09:05] hi, i have just got a webcam its generic, what can i use to record, or take picsa with on ubuntu === Lamont|IRCnewb [~Lamont@mn-10k-dhcp2-1494.dsl.hickorytech.net] has joined #ubuntu === sijp [~sijp@DSL217-132-52-246.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] Davey: have you tried 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' ? [09:06] Davey, if you want to use the :-/ emoticon, put a "-" symbol between ':' and '/'. [09:06] just need some basic instructions on installing programs [09:06] yes, it doesn't even *see* my second card === ^thehatsrule^ [tehats@tehats.0ffice.info] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] only the primary [09:06] maxpro4u: add repos, then use, synaptic to install programs. [09:06] !repositoires [09:07] goldfish: I don't know, could you explain it? [09:07] !repositories [09:07] it has been said that repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto [09:07] maxpro4u: follow that link [09:07] hi, i have just got a webcam its generic, what can i use to record, or take picsa with on ubuntu === swarm [~swarm@host122-151.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] ok === ratl3 [~ratl3@12-208-42-236.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] Does anyone know whether or not Google Earth will be available for Linux? [09:07] EiGHTBALLx: tried searching ubuntuforums.org for a howto ? === tommi^ [~sir@dsl-sjkgw2c6a.dial.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:08] will read thanks [09:08] who was it that wanted to know where /etc/conf.d/net is in ubuntu? === mjk [~matti@a84-230-107-110.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] no, i was asking about an app though , not if it comes stock with ubuntu [09:08] k [09:09] says page does not exist yet [09:09] maxpro4u: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto [09:09] that / [09:09] ? === ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0623.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu === mameluke [bo@84-72-11-1.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu === Kaloz [~kaloz@arrakis.dune.hu] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] devios: well ? [09:10] not there [09:10] maxpro4u: works fine for me :/ [09:10] Goldfish, how can I upload my picture into this channel? [09:11] QMario: what pictures? screeshots? === umarmung [~Schreiber@p54AA1B6A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:11] *screenshots === QMario is fishing for goldfish. [09:11] you dont upload pictures to this channel [09:11] Yes, screen shots. [09:11] wtf [09:12] QMario: upload them to ubuntuforums.org go to the art section [09:12] found it!!! [09:12] thanks === Bols [~bols@173-213.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] I'll be back........ === __Ace__ [~love@h55l211.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu === omniscient [~omni@d220-236-110-11.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] Di42lo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//AddingRepositoriesHowto === jukpelto [~jukpelto@a84-231-139-79.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === msieradzki [~marek@xdsl-1118.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] Di42lo: sorry: http://zerocalm.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=16 [09:14] Hi! -- does someone have an Asus A7N8X with sata drives, plz? === bubaq [ac1b3123@gw2.cnet.sk] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] how to make ssh-add will remember my keys between x-window sessions? [09:15] Bols, yes, what is the issue [09:15] msieradzki: install keychain [09:16] justin: thx i'm going to see === LeaChim [~michael@dial81-135-240-222.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] Burgundavia, I dist-upgraded from warty (kernel 2.6.8) to hoary (kernel 2.6.10) and now, I get a kernel panic at boot === bruce_ [~bruce@dsl254-063-114.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:17] how do you play dvds in ubuntu? [09:17] get vlc or mplayer === solomarv [~solomarv@idontknow.clarkson.edu] has joined #ubuntu === [Arnold] [~arnold@p5483045D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] <[Arnold] > hello [09:17] Burgundavia, it seems like the modules for my sata controler are not loaded... [09:17] <[Arnold] > Just installed Kubuntu and have 2 questions [09:18] goldfish, i have mplayer. how do i play a dvd with it? [09:18] <[Arnold] > My Laptop provides 1 GB Ram, but Kubuntu just shows 906656 on "mem" [09:18] LeaChim: from a terminal u can do .... 'mplayer dvd://' [09:19] Thank you goldfish, I fixed my problem! [09:19] Bols, hmm [09:19] Burgundavia, have you added something in your /etc/modules or in another file? === QMario throws in fish food for goldfish [09:19] <[Arnold] > The prior installed Debian showed the correct size [09:19] QMario: cool. [09:19] Bols, I don' [09:19] Bols, believe so. The machine is actually my brothers [09:19] :-D === QMario [~qmario@adsl-70-241-18-1.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #Ubuntu [] [09:20] devios: theres nuffing there on apt-get .... [09:20] Burgundavia, could post me what lsmod give you, plz? (pv) [09:20] Bols, nope [09:20] ok [09:20] Bols, i current have no access to that machine [09:20] is there a program to view .EMF files on Linux? === misfit_toy [~guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === pedingto [~pedingto@cpc2-norw1-5-0-cust35.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] Di42lo: if you set up backports correctly, there is [09:21] do ubuntu have SDL library? [09:21] goldfish, doesn't work. it complains about no css - but if i run the file it asks me to - it says dpkg-source: error: file libdvdcss_1.2.5.orig.tar.gz has size 210368 instead of expected 267699 [09:21] devios: whats backports ? [09:21] Di42lo: http://zerocalm.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=16 [09:22] how might I patch and install Xorg without breaking Ubuntu? [09:22] Di42lo: I'd also search the ubuntu forums and wiki for more information about backports [09:22] LeaChim: oh right, hmm i've no idea man, try getting vlc ? === Neill_ [~Neill@fresco.nrsmith.me.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:22] Anyone set up software RAID before? === kafeine [~kori@] has joined #ubuntu === trog_ [~trog@240x22.ssimicro.com] has joined #ubuntu === trog_ is now known as Troglodyt === qingl [someone@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:23] devios: i have univers/breezy and all this shit...... [09:23] what do i need to download to get SDL library? [09:23] form Synaptic [09:23] Wondering if there's an advantage to making the linux swap a partition on the RAID device vs a partition on the physical drive [09:24] d4rksh4de: sudo apt-cache search sdl-dev === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] dont need sudo for apt-cache [09:25] afaik === fonsken [~fonsken@d54C32E81.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] Lamont|IRCnewb: maybe for raid1, for raid0 you can just add both and the kernel will already manage them correctly === cavediver [~jonas@] has joined #ubuntu === mario__ [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] hi to all! === mai [~foo@] has joined #ubuntu [09:26] ya am doing RAID1 [09:26] Hrm. I'm getting a failed to fetch during an apt-get update. [09:26] MD5Sum mismatch. [09:26] I can make a swap of GB with 118GB to the RAID partition, or do all 120GB as RAID and make the swap be a part of the raid partitions [09:26] Just wondering what makes more sense [09:27] how can I make a netinstall image? I've +200 computers in a lab and I want install ubuntu there [09:27] Hi. I have a strange problem with Nvidia and tvout. I only see half the desktop on my tv, the rest is outside. I can't watch movies in full screen. I was fiddling a bit with some options and come across another strange thing. When i add the option "IgnoreEDID" "1" and restart X, the desktop looks fine on my tv, but the monitor goes black :) Anyone have an idea what this can be ? === tmdca [~tmdca@h20n2fls34o973.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] d4rksh4de, any application that you install out of synaptic/apt-get should pull the sdl libraries it needs [09:28] Di42lo: I don't understand how I can see it, and you can't then... [09:28] Di42lo: why don't you past your /etc/apt/sources.list in #flood [09:28] hi. i have problems with skype. i dont hear when it rings and i dont see contacts that are online... [09:29] tmdca: you should use not-ip telephony ;) [09:29] korCZiz, Why? its free. :D [09:29] does ubuntu suppost KCorp wireless cards? [09:30] tmdca: i know.... but its problematic... [09:30] devios: is that cool ? === Will0r [~wilgeroth@dialin124192.server4you-dsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] question about graphics design for a new linux user.. [09:30] my program needs SDL version 1.1.5 [09:31] Di42lo: you didn't have backports repositories set up [09:31] goldfish, vlc doesn't seem to work either [09:31] CyberTF: ask away [09:31] what tool can i use for shapes like photoshop. gimp doesn't have shapes [09:31] LeaChim: are u using hoary? [09:31] Di42lo: note that it is unwise to leave your backports uncommented at all times [09:31] Di42lo: what program are you after? [09:31] cyphase, I don't know that gimp can do that === nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth [09:31] goldfish, yeh [09:31] mysqlcc [09:31] korCZiz, oookej.. =/ what to do then? [09:31] nalioth_wrkn: mysqlcc === ep [~ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] CyberTF: you mean like inkscape? [09:32] LeaChim: hmmm, somethings up, im not sure what's wrong, i'm afraid [09:32] tmdca: it was bad joke, voice over the net is good technology... === jedipottsy [~jedipotts@82-47-0-157.cable.ubr01.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] mysqlcc is in universe [09:32] nalioth: is that the one like coreldraw? [09:32] What would be the cause of an MD5sum error during ap-get update? [09:32] devios: Di42lo mysqlcc is in universe [09:33] CyberTF: inkscape is an SVG art tool thang [09:33] ep: Couldn't find package mysqlcc [09:33] devios: advising backports w/o explanation of safe use is not good [09:33] korCZiz, Eh. I dont have any humor at all. Sorry. How do i make the bloody thingy work? [09:33] indeed === nalioths_dog [~Apple@cpe-66-25-34-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] Di42lo: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 [09:34] i cannot use any newerkernel, because i cannot use mkinitrd to creating ramdisk. mkinitrd is broken and dont produce any output, why? [09:35] thanks dog :D [09:35] tmdca: i dont know, i have not yet skills with installing it [09:35] tmdca: i am only user === Ohmer [~Homer@ip216-239-89-100.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] nalioth: i tried that and now i remember why i didn't like it. i cant get "not rounded" turned off [09:35] HI [09:36] CyberTF: fire up synaptic and search for what you are looking for (or search packages.ubuntu.com) === dan [~dan@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu === dan is now known as Octane- === david__ [~david@h-68-164-231-172.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] How do i get unreal tournement to work? ie install from CD's? === _simple [~simple@H80.C211.tor.velocet.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] how can i get the codecs to play *.wmv videos? === ups [~ups@] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] david__: wmv9/10 probably won't work no matter what you do [09:37] nalioth: sent him this link: http://zerocalm.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=16 === ups [~ups@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Fanskapet [~din@h99n1fls308o1124.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] jedipottsy, you'll need to download the linux binaries and read the instructions that come w/ them === apollo2011 [~apollo201@] has joined #ubuntu === zenfoo [~zenfoo@AStrasbourg-251-1-61-60.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === pgavin [~pgavin@] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] mai, k, u got a linux? [09:39] /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 [09:39] does that line look ok (above) [09:39] jedipottsy, no... it's been a lot of years since i've played w/ that. it should be pretty easy to find though, just search google for unreal linux binary or something like that [09:39] ut2004 btw [09:39] devios: that is a cool page [09:39] Thank you all i got the mysqlcc [09:39] anyone aware of a good postfix + ubuntu howto? [09:39] jedipottsy, oh. i'm not sure about ut2004... there may not be native binaries, in that case you'd have to check out winex or something === milo53 [~milo@] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] nalioth: thanks - maybe I should put it in the ubuntu forums === milo53 [~milo@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:40] mai, k thnx neway [09:40] I think I've got some error in my sources.list somewhere... === HiddenWolf [~HiddenWol@213-73-250-180.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] Something is causing an error message with an MD5Sum mismatch... [09:41] Any ideas? lol [09:41] budluva: other than fixing main.cf (hoary) or master.cf (warty), the debian howto's would be fine === kekkone [~stratovar@adsl-ull-214-17.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] hey ciao [09:41] pedington, does it hapen with only certain package(s)? [09:42] hrm? yeah. [09:42] doesnt someone speack italian? [09:42] Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-security/main/source/Sources.gz MD5Sum mismatch [09:42] or better ... [09:42] kekkone, try #ubuntu-it === cavediver [~jonas@] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] pedingto: give it a couple minutes and do it again [09:42] Its been doing it since last night lol [09:42] None have a clue about my tvout problem ? === kekkone [~stratovar@adsl-ull-214-17.46-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] [09:43] pedingto: ah, then bitching about here is the right thing to do... === SteveGriff [~griff@82-69-245-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] Eh? === kwilcox [~kylewilco@ip68-229-81-101.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] hmmh, sounds weird that [09:43] generally it's a transient error [09:44] Right.. === nalioth is now known as nalioth_wrkn [09:44] or trans error that has happend when originaly upping the packet to servers === nalioths_dog [~Apple@cpe-66-25-34-88.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === milo53 [~milo@] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] I must admit I am getting rather frustrated with ubuntu. Tried using the synaptic package manager to update firefox now, and it produced an error. [09:46] And no longer works. [09:46] pedingto: try s/security/archive/ :-) [09:46] Recent switch from Gentoo... installation problem here... [09:46] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=232723#post232723 [09:46] ok...guys...I need some serious help here...I've tried installing ubuntu 3 times now on a free partition, and the setup goes fine...but it always locks up after the login screen...I was told its because of my geforce 6200 vid card...so I installed the nvidia driver, as per the wiki howto...but then, it won't boot up at all in normal mode...doesn't even GET to the login screen, I just get a black screen [09:46] kwilcox: you switched from gentoo, and you've having problems with the ubuntu install?! (kidding) [09:47] LexiCon[gsr-dj] , just reboot your computer and add 'noinotify' to the kernel's command line [09:47] i have heard some bad stories about that GF-card :| === psychonate|lap [~Bonnie@pcp02453525pcs.lwrswt01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] it uses turbocache right? [09:47] lamont, I'm fairly new to linux so I didn't understand that :) [09:47] wich actualy is that it uses system ram as videocard memory... === lotia [~lotia@] has joined #ubuntu === njan [~james@james.user] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] pedingto: change the security.ubuntu.com link to be archive.ubuntu.com [09:48] it's a workaround, but stands a good chance of working for you === oscar [~oscar@113-102-150.adsl.cust.tie.cl] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] so i've been looking around, and haven't seen any definitive answers. any way to get resolution other than 640X480? === mxpxfifws [~BryanForb@wuw-ojr3gmca.dybb.com] has joined #ubuntu === [Arnold] [~arnold@p5483045D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [09:48] i have an integrated intel 845g graphics chip on my machine. [09:49] lotia, add other resolutions to /etc/x11/xorg.conf [09:49] Hrm, I do have archive.unbuntu.com in there sources.list === factorx [~factorx@dsl-084-060-019-255.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] pedingto: and down further? you have security.ubuntu.com === fp_ [~fp@callisto.localaccess.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] Yup [09:49] Well just before that. [09:49] change that one [09:49] :-) === tarzeau [~tarzeau@80-219-78-73.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] O God! Daar's 'n byl in my kop! === peterretief [~peterreti@] has joined #ubuntu === fp_ [~fp@callisto.localaccess.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] HiddenWolf: they're already in there and 1280X1024 is the default [09:50] alguien en espaol [09:50] Okay, well no longer the md5sum mismatch [09:50] (just curious if they also know other words in afrikaans, beside UBUNTO!) === tvelocity [~tony@ipa142.3.tellas.gr] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] but I am getting an error. lol [09:51] yo hablo espaol [09:51] hola === telemaco [~telemaco@] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] tu me puedes ayudar a configurar la seguridad de linux ubuntu [09:51] pedingto: did you update? [09:51] tarzeau, ubuntu is not an afrikaans word, btw [09:51] mira soy nuevo en esto [09:51] apt-get update, aptitude update, whatever [09:51] oscar, #ubuntu-es [09:51] nobody know african words aside ubuntu? [09:51] apt-get update yes [09:51] a q te refieres? [09:51] y no ubico ocasi nada [09:51] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) [09:52] pedingto, close synaptic first [09:52] sudo apt-get update [09:52] close and restart synaptic === lamont__ should really learn the gui tools sometime. :-) === milo53 [~milo@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:52] Di42lo: hey - mysql-admin has replaced mysqlcc as the tool of choice... [09:52] lotia, check places > administration > screen resolution or something much like it [09:53] oscar does not write English very well and he want to know how is the security in Ubuntu [09:53] anyone know what: Totem could not play 'dvd://'. Could not read from resource. means? [09:53] lamont__, update == reload button in syn [09:53] Heh, didn't see I had that running === tarzeau [~tarzeau@80-219-78-73.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #ubuntu ["http://www.linuks.mine.nu/debian-worldmap/"] [09:53] Di42lo: actually, I was horribly wrong === sijp [~sijp@DSL217-132-52-246.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] Di42lo: tools are for different purposes [09:54] LeaChim, do you have livdvdcss2 installed? [09:54] Okay, now I'm going to try to fix firefox lol [09:54] oscar: q cosas de seguridad deseas saber? [09:54] Burgundavia, yep === yourghetek [~user@c-67-174-254-167.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] LeaChim, try totem-xine, not totem-gstreamer === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-22-36.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] mario__, please keep this channel english-only, just to be polite to those who don't speak spanish [09:55] what is the password for the cedega transgaming cvs? === qos [~qos@dsl-084-061-007-233.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === alex_ [~alex@adsl-ull-237-7.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] yourghetek, plain enter? === sijp [~sijp@DSL217-132-52-246.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu === nubbe [~martin@c-a42970d5.031-17-67626713.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] SirGir: nope 2 more tries [09:56] LeaChim: do you have gstreamer0.8-dvd installed? === discman [~discman@host81-133-130-34.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] djp, yes [09:57] hello world! I wanna install the new driver of NVIDIA, so I've download it from NVIDIA.com . I follow the instruction (go to the folder of the download and type # sh NVIDIA-AMD64.run) but the program said me that there was a version of X server running. How can I not run X server? [09:57] Burgundavia, now it plays the first part - copyright notice - but then says: The source seems encrypted, and can't be read. Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss? [09:57] alex_, if you're not logged into X, then type /etc/init.d/gdm stop [09:57] alex_: what is wrong with the nvidia driver that you already have? [09:58] LeaChim: did you install libdvdcss? [09:58] judax, yes [09:58] erm [09:58] justin, === LeaChim gets annoyed at autocomplete [09:58] justin, well, it installed libdvdcss2 instead [09:58] LeaChim: do like Burgundavia said and install totem-xine. i myself don't use totem to watch dvd's although i beleive it is possible using totem-gstreamer, which i prefer to totem-xine === LinuxNewb [~safasf@] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] LeaChim, gstreamer is really lovely framework, but some of the codecs are not there for it yet [09:59] hey yall..i am having problemsd with my mouse..it dont move at all [09:59] plug it in! [09:59] i need help configuring it [09:59] it is [09:59] Burgundavia: agreed... but it is getting there slowly... ;) [10:00] Burgundavia, totem-xine doesn't work either though :s [10:00] is there something i can do to get it to work ? === Mortified_Pengui [~Matthew@82-40-62-206.cable.ubr08.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === X-fact0r [~X-fact0r@sb-217-129-123-213.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] Hey, how do i download the kernel sources for 2.6.10 ? === alerim [~alerim@ALille-153-1-7-211.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] LeaChim: totem-xine should work fine. i know that i got that working a while back to playback dvd's...strange [10:01] I'm experiencing slow speed with K3b, my burner is 52x and it burns with max 20 - 22x.. it uses cdrecord [10:01] I just installed Ubuntu 5.04 on my HP laptop. Everything works fine, even the hibernation seems to work to some extent. Only problem is that after resuming from hibernation the laptop keyboard doesn't work anymore. Nothing unusual can be found from /var/log/messages. Is there any way to re-initialize the keyboard after resume? [10:02] LeaChim, it's best to use another xine backend so you don't have to kill ubuntu-desktop by replacing totem-gstreamer, try gxine [10:02] does someon eknow of a good command line mail reader that i can use to read my kmail from the shell [10:02] hi, is anybody experincing very slow repository updates? [10:02] LeaChim, restart totem, if you haven't already and then the remove and reinsert the dvd [10:02] HiddenWolf, totem-xine no longer kills ubuntu-desktop [10:02] is there is something i can do to get my ouse to work ? [10:02] its a standard p32 [10:02] ps2 [10:03] I tried apt-get install linux-source-2.6.10, but it says there is no package === DJ-DeFi is now known as DeFi [10:03] Mortified_Pengui, you need apt-get source linux-blah [10:03] what would it be for 2.6.10 ? === dockane [336ebea103@p5084BD77.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] Mortified_Pengui: it is unecessary to try it, because mkinitrd is not working, cannot produce initrd.img so you cannot use new kernel. i am trying to get know why it is not working but NOBODY knows it. NOBODY === alex_ [~alex@adsl-40-27.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] \It says that i need to put some source URIs in my sources list === msumu_piti_gnou [~Msumou@71.173.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:04] Mortified_Pengui: on channels #ubuntu, #kernel, #kernelnewbies [10:04] How do i do this? [10:04] gah!!! [10:04] this is a help ful place [10:04] ok...guys...I need some serious help here...I've tried installing ubuntu 3 times now on a free partition, and the setup goes fine...but it always locks up after the login screen...I was told its because of my geforce 6200 vid card...so I installed the nvidia driver, as per the wiki howto...but then, it won't boot up at all in normal mode...doesn't even GET to the login screen, I just get a black screen === beyond-out is now known as beyond [10:04] Mortified_Pengui, for each deb archive you have, add a deb-src archive [10:05] LinuxNewb: no it is not, because i have difficult question [10:05] LinuxNewb: i havenot heard answer on any from my questions... [10:05] LinuxNewb: these are channels for lamers.... no for solving serious problem [10:05] = ( [10:05] hey kids. [10:06] indeed === Abusado[LocO] [~Storm@] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] need help! how to save and exit in crontab using the terminal? [10:06] you must have easy questions if you will to get answer... [10:06] :( [10:06] Di42lo: actually mysql-query-browser is ok... [10:06] that dont make sense [10:07] korCZiz, please remember the Ubuntu code of conduct when in this room === Leoen [leo@216-240-71.5001.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] need help! im just a newbie, please how to save and exit in crontab using the terminal? === chiquito [~pedro@110.Red-83-39-119.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] Burgundavia: why? if here is not anybody able to help what can i do? === alex_ [~alex@adsl-ull-44-63.42-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] Abusado[LocO] : :wq [10:07] thanks goldfish [10:08] it depends on $EDITOR, doesn't it [10:08] yes [10:08] the default is vim, thats how to save and exit === ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0623.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] Burgundavia: i havenot heard answer on any from my questions. How can these channels help me? [10:08] korCZiz, the channel not being able to help you does not mean you need to say that this is a channel for "lamers" [10:08] I'm back! I've typed /etc/init.d/gdm stop and I've installed the drivers. now, how i can see what drivers are running? [10:08] Burgundavia: yes its true... [10:09] korCZiz, your question sounds quite techincal (I missed the actual problem) === xinud [~xinud@195-144-090-003.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] Burgundavia: lama questions... === morto [~matt@82-40-62-206.cable.ubr08.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === pd_ [~pd@] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] i have tried reconfiguring x server to get my mouse to work...i have tried i think around four ports ..none worked...i would appreciate it if anyone could help [10:09] does it default to vim? crontab -e brings up nano here I don't remember changing anything ... [10:09] Burgundavia: yes, they are very technical(why mkinitrd dont produce any output on ubunutu) === yourghetek [~user@c-67-174-254-167.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:09] mwe: hmmm, it did for me === Leoen [leo@216-240-71.5001.adsl.tele2.no] has left #ubuntu ["Forlater] [10:10] mwe: maybe i changed it... [10:10] Burgundavia: they are pretty technical [10:10] korCZiz, you might have better luck in #kernel sya [10:10] I'm back! I've typed /etc/init.d/gdm stop and I've installed the drivers. now, how i can see what drivers are running? === yuacht [~zth@h-83-140-113-25.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] Burgundavia: i tried #c, #kernel, #kernelnewbies, #ubuntu, #openbsd [10:10] korCZiz, ouch [10:10] Burgundavia: are here better channels..? === LeaChim [~michael@dial81-135-240-222.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:11] :: is anybody experincing very slow repository updates? :: [10:11] korCZiz, not that I can think of === redir [~reed@] has joined #ubuntu === x4m [~max@85-145.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:11] X-fact0r, which repo is slow? [10:11] all of them lol [10:11] korCZiz, have u tried ubuntuforums? prolly takes more time, but may be better for that stuff? [10:11] MY mouse Dont Work....CAN YOU HELP ME [10:11] nubbe: yes io have tried it === din [~din@] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] nubbe: but i have only read mkinitrd is not working well on ubuntu [10:12] nubbe: its alll === aapelii [~akaariai@cs181082055.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] nubbe: good help... === LinuxJones [~willy@blk-222-221-81.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu === misfit_toy [~guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === xvlun [~Jan@dsl-084-059-048-054.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] korCZiz, ok, :( (I know nuthin of the technical stuff) [10:12] Burgundavia, the security, universe, multiverse, restricted and backports... [10:12] korCZiz: what output do you expect mkinitrd to produce? [10:13] i can't get any speeds higher than 11 kbs === bobknox [~bobknox@ppp-138-137.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] mkinitrd /boot/initrd.img- [10:13] THIS IS BS [10:13] X-fact0r, backports might be slow [10:13] what would this command produce? [10:13] LinuxNewb, do you have another mouse you can try? === rcliii [~rcliii@cpe-65-26-158-102.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] maybe /boot/initrd.img- [10:13] is there anything i can do to get my mouse to wrk [10:13] korCZiz: man mkinitrd [10:14] nope [10:14] justin: fuck a bitch [10:14] justin: i have red it many TIME [10:14] LinuxNewb, what kind of mouse is it ? [10:14] i'm using local mirrors (and also tried .de .nl .es .us -- you name it...) and is all the same [10:14] korCZiz: then run the command correctly [10:14] korCZiz, please watch your language here [10:14] mkinitrd /boot/initrd.img- must procude /boot/initrd.img- [10:14] korCZiz: close, but not quite [10:14] its a generic no brand ps2 mouse two buttons and a scroll whell mouse [10:14] justin: -o [10:15] scroll wheel ** [10:15] justin: i have tried a lot of combinations, i have read many times on ubuntu forums MKINITRD IS BROKEN. YOU MUST USE K === apollo2011 [~apollo201@] has joined #ubuntu [10:15] MKCRAMFS === Mortified_Pengui [~Matthew@82-40-62-206.cable.ubr08.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:15] so dont try advice me NOT WORKING solution [10:15] ok...guys...I need some serious help here...I've tried installing ubuntu 3 times now on a free partition, and the setup goes fine...but it always locks up after the login screen...I was told its because of my geforce 6200 vid card...so I installed the nvidia driver, as per the wiki howto...but then, it won't boot up at all in normal mode...doesn't even GET to the login screen, I just get a black screen....someone please help!! [10:15] korCZiz: funny, it works fine for me, you must be the problem === E0x [~moya@pri-133-b32.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] LexiCon[gsr-dj] : 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' [10:16] justin: have you other kernel than 2.6.10-5-386? [10:16] there has to be something simple that i can do to fix my mouse [10:16] hello [10:16] justin: or do you have standart kernel? [10:16] How do I re-apply the GRUB boot loader? I installed Ubuntu but then re-applied my SuSE GRUB bootloader from in YaST and now I want to revert to the Ubuntu boot loader so I can eventually get rid of SuSE and my old WinXP partitions. === Dethread [~Dethread@p5484B8A8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === [L|eWiOn] [~lewion@] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] ubuntu is not ready out box for see windows share resource ? [10:16] why not send me the graphics card and i will swap you for a 16mb one :) [10:16] korCZiz: I use the nice working kernels that ubuntu provides, why would I do anything else? [10:16] justin: have you tried it with kernel 2.6.10 or [10:16] <[L|eWiOn] > hellow [10:16] justin: OMG [10:17] LexiCon[gsr-dj] , have you tried the "vesa" driver to see if it will work ? [10:17] <[L|eWiOn] > i've got a problem in ubuntu on my laptop [10:17] justin: I AM LKM DEVELOPER I NEED THE NEWEST KERNEL === telemaco [~telemaco@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:17] korCZiz: now that is a scary thought [10:17] justin: any other version than 2.6.10-5-386 is not WORKING [10:17] <[L|eWiOn] > my hp 1200 laserjet on the network doesn't work [10:17] linux jones ... are u askin me ? === ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] only the 1000s years old 2.6.10-5-386 is working perfectly.. [10:18] korCZiz: maybe because ubuntu made that kernel, and not you? [10:18] did you install 3d for an ati video card? === Raptoid [~raptoid@] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] <[L|eWiOn] > DUDES [10:18] justin: OMG === d4rksh4de [~d4rksh4de@217-159-167-202-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] [L|eWiOn] : what does, "doesn't work" mean? [10:18] has anyone here ever had a problem with there mouse..it is shitty [10:18] where is my windows xp???? [10:19] <[L|eWiOn] > can't get it to work [10:19] gone from booting list [10:19] justin: i have used typicall scenario to creating kernel. its working on all other linux [10:19] ALL [10:19] LexiCon[gsr-dj] , you can run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in a terminal window and accept most defaults (unless you know your hardware) when it asks for video driver scroll to select vesa then try starting x. [10:19] LinuxNewb: yeah, when my serial mouse conflicted with my isa modem, 7 years ago [10:19] <[L|eWiOn] > and localhost:631 is forbiden [10:19] yes [10:19] i have used vesa [10:19] <[L|eWiOn] > linuxnewb!! [10:19] <[L|eWiOn] > what sort of video card [10:19] nvidia 6200 turbo cache [10:19] LinuxNewb: vesa is a video driver not a mouse driver [10:20] only ubuntu have special kernel (maybe with spyware features when he would not use any other version)... [10:20] i dont know whats goin on [10:20] i know [10:20] <[L|eWiOn] > so just do apt-get instal nvidia-glx [10:20] i dont know [10:20] wtf [10:20] is here good reason why I MUST use kernel version 2.6.10-5-386 [10:20] ? [10:20] Do NOT USE [10:20] <[L|eWiOn] > apt-get install nvidia-glx [10:20] LexiCon[gsr-dj] , the driver isn't great but it usually works with alot of video cards. [10:20] korCZiz: because you don't know how to build a kernel properly? [10:20] i just want my mouse to wrk [10:20] justin: OMG [10:20] <[L|eWiOn] > DO USE [10:20] korCZiz> DO NOT USE [10:20] <[L|eWiOn] > it works like a charm [10:20] [L|eWiOn] : what happens if you use the printer setup program thing in the menus? [10:21] justin: i have done it many time [10:21] my mouse is a bitch [10:21] korCZiz> DESTROYED MY BOOTING LIST [10:21] <[L|eWiOn] > then it prints a page woth errors [10:21] make oldconfig, make, make install, make modules_install + configuring grub... [10:21] cant get to windows :( bad linux === Heimdall [MS3@219.106-30-212.9massy1-1-ro-as-i2-2.9tel.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] <[L|eWiOn] > PCL XL error [10:21] [L|eWiOn] : "errors"? [10:21] [L|eWiOn] : "PCL XL error"? [10:21] f my mouse..i am goin to kill it [10:21] <[L|eWiOn] > PCL XL error [10:21] <[L|eWiOn] > jeah === yahalom [~amichai@bzq-84-109-98-69.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] <[L|eWiOn] > subsystem: KERNEL === glyph [foobar@c-24-147-173-95.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:22] hey my gdm doesnt remember my sessions, any ideas? [10:22] <[L|eWiOn] > Error: IllegalAttributeDataType [10:22] i cant believe that no one knows how to fix a mouse problem in the support room [10:22] What version of Firefox does Ubuntu Hoary currently have? [10:22] yahalom: yes, in ubuntu is only a few things working correctly [10:22] <[L|eWiOn] > 1.0.2 [10:22] yahalom: try debian [10:22] yahalom, System >> Preferences >> Sessions select the save session feature checkbox === AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] occy: 1.0.2, but its the same as 1.0.4 [10:22] LinuxNewb, whats ur prob? [10:22] hmm, ok, that's what I thought. [10:22] yahalom: or other distro.. [10:22] my mouse dont move [10:23] ubuntu is not ready out box for see windows share resource ? [10:23] I can't figure out how to establish a user account on the Ubuntu Wiki [10:23] i just installed ubuntu [10:23] LinuxJones, no not that. when u choose gnome to be ur default session, it doesnt remember it, [10:23] LinuxNewb, is it a usb mouse? [10:23] <[L|eWiOn] > so plz help me with my cips [10:23] justin, I'm seeing some funky stuff on my FF. IE shows certain classes, but FF shows css classes to be different. [10:23] <[L|eWiOn] > cups [10:23] aaaargh i hate linux [10:23] devions: in ubuntu is only a few things working correctly. you must use another distro... [10:23] korCZiz, i disagree with u [10:23] its a ps2 mouse [10:23] <[L|eWiOn] > No you don't hate it [10:23] rm -R / [10:23] korCZiz, from all the distros i tried ubuntu works the best [10:23] <[L|eWiOn] > you love it [10:23] <[L|eWiOn] > like i do [10:23] linux killed my win xp === TTT_Travis|G3 [~travis@bal-broadband2-ws-208.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] <[L|eWiOn] > dude === robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === fc [~fc@] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] <[L|eWiOn] > you have killed it [10:24] LinuxNewb, what is ur mouse problem? [10:24] how do I set my internal IP Address to STATIC instead of DHCP? [10:24] i just updated kernel === robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:24] <[L|eWiOn] > haha [10:24] i cant get it to work..meaning it doesnt move [10:24] evil linux === squinn [~squinn@] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] <[L|eWiOn] > lol [10:24] LinuxNewb, wireless? [10:24] yahalom, ohh you mean at the GDM login screen sorry [10:24] brutalware distro is good equivalent for ubuntu [10:24] LinuxJones, yes [10:24] <[L|eWiOn] > no ps2 he has [10:24] LinuxNewb, check the InputDevice section pertaining to the mouse in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [10:24] TTT_Travis|G3: ifconfig ip === Bajas [~bajas@abb-44.83-19-194.svorka.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] LinuxNewb, u had a GPT mouse by any chance? [10:25] have to hack with files again :S === Bajas [~bajas@abb-44.83-19-194.svorka.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:25] LinuxNewb: what make/model mouse do you have? [10:25] im not sure how to do that...this is my first linux install [10:25] LinuxNewb, See if it says "Option" "Device" "/dev/input/mice" [10:25] <[L|eWiOn] > just do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and the configuration utility and change ur mouse [10:25] GPT doesnt work with linux from my experience [10:25] <[L|eWiOn] > GPT? [10:25] LinuxNewb, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf [10:25] goldfish so sudo ifconfig eth0 [10:25] i hit ctl alt f2 and then i login and then i type that command right ? [10:25] in a terminal [10:26] <[L|eWiOn] > yes [10:26] [L|eWiOn] , its a make [10:26] LinuxNewb, if you can't get a terminal open that would work [10:26] brb [10:26] <[L|eWiOn] > make? [10:26] <[L|eWiOn] > what's a make [10:26] TTT_Travis|G3: yes [10:26] k === shazb0t [~shazb0t@] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] goldfish that gives me a blank line and nothing happens [10:26] [L|eWiOn] , like A4, microsoft, there is GPT [10:26] a4=a4tech [10:27] <[L|eWiOn] > GPT = a4? [10:27] logitech [10:27] TTT_Travis|G3: where "nothing happens" means "changed your ip address" [10:27] <[L|eWiOn] > why do you tell me that i just have a cups problem [10:27] [L|eWiOn] , GPT is a company that makes mice, webcams, etc [10:27] linux destroyed mu grub list OMG what to do??? === yaaar [~chatzilla@lifebook.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] <[L|eWiOn] > OW === nalioths_dog [~Apple@cpe-66-25-34-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] justin so I just it ctrl + c? [10:27] <[L|eWiOn] > i see [10:27] and done? === nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth [10:27] yahalom, you didn't by chance set a user to automatically login did you ? [10:27] TTT_Travis|G3: type 'ifconfig' to see your i [10:27] ip [10:27] LinuxJones, nope [10:27] <[L|eWiOn] > I HAVE A CUPS PROBLEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [10:27] <[L|eWiOn] > somebody help [10:27] <[L|eWiOn] > !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [10:27] [L|eWiOn] : I give up, what is it? [10:28] d4rksh4de: turn off the computer and go to the pub and take many beers and than go sleeps [10:28] make = the manufacturer, i.e. Microsoft. model = Intellimouse 1.1A PS2 Compatible [10:28] d4rksh4de: its simple === thotypous [~thotypous@200-161-86-67.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] yahalom, you have done sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (this will restart xorg and you will need to log back in) === david__ [~david@h-68-164-231-172.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:28] korCZiz> no way....before that ill kill linux [10:28] <[L|eWiOn] > ok i have a hp 1200 [10:28] LinuxJones, i use xfce my wife uses gnome. she always uses gnome, and chose it as default, still when she logs in unless she chooses gnome specifically she gets xfce [10:28] <[L|eWiOn] > on a network [10:28] i hit that command and it listed a lot of options near the end which is all i can see right not..i see Server option..configured mouse [10:28] <[L|eWiOn] > and in my desktop it runs under ubuntu [10:28] LinuxJones, yes. its been going on for days === TimmyJ [~tim@cpe-66-67-139-238.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] <[L|eWiOn] > but not on my laptop [10:28] yahalom, argh [10:28] generic keyboard [10:29] d4rksh4de: so you must take big hammer and destroy whole pc and than you can go to the pub... [10:29] goldfish I can' connect to my server at all now [10:29] default screen [10:29] <[L|eWiOn] > i can't change my cups on my laptop [10:29] korCZiz> maybe [10:29] LinuxNewb, /query din [10:29] anyone know what config file does xterm run off by default? [10:29] <[L|eWiOn] > it gives me a login and pass screen and tried everythi [10:29] k..brb [10:29] d4rksh4de: certain with clear mind [10:29] no, here [10:29] TTT_Travis|G3: why did you want to change your ip ? [10:29] LinuxJones, and the bottom panel in gnome is half way up the screen. she has to move it down everytime [10:29] lol [10:29] OK, I used grub-install to re-apply GRUB to the /boot and MBR and I got this error: http://sial.org/pbot/11410. Once I get it to replace both, I am going to reset my config in /boot to the one I have now that isn't in use. [10:29] how can i get my old grub list back??? [10:29] yahalom, your running Hoary ? [10:29] re-write it [10:29] d4rksh4de, how many entries do u have man? [10:30] LinuxJones, yes [10:30] d4rksh4de: ubuntu is new distro and have lot of bugs... [10:30] no such file or directory [10:30] goldfish well it was getting DHCP from the router so the ip would change every so ofter, so I wanted to make it static so it never changes [10:30] LinuxNewb, type that in here [10:30] d4rksh4de: because it composited from many other distros.. [10:30] lol [10:30] i want it too always be [10:30] korCZiz, when did u last use ubuntu man? [10:30] TTT_Travis|G3: ok. [10:30] LinuxNewb: any chance your mouse wasn't plugged in during the entire install process? [10:30] no [10:30] yahalom> i updated linux krenel and it edited the grub list [10:30] yahalom: unfortunattely is now running on my second pc [10:30] yahalom, do you guys share a user account ? [10:31] TTT_Travis|G3, is ur issue the IP or ur dns changing all the time? [10:31] yahalom> no windows boot there anymore [10:31] ill make sure the connection is really striong [10:31] LinuxJones, nope [10:31] yahalom: but my brutalware is working perfectly on this diskless machine [10:31] d4rksh4de, so add it [10:31] no its the router that is changing the up [10:31] ip [10:31] can i boot with win cd? [10:31] yahalom> how? [10:31] d4rksh4de: a bootable win cd [10:31] korCZiz, dunno what to tell u. [10:31] d4rksh4de, how did u do it last time? [10:31] will w32codecs make it to backports or is there good substitute(s)? I got it, everything (almost) is good but synaptic reports conflicts in porperties [10:32] yahalom> there were about 5-6 lines about win === sly [~sly@host217-44-73-252.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] d4rksh4de, winxp? [10:32] yahalom> yes [10:32] nubbe: visit www.mplayerhq.hu and download the ' [10:32] why not just change your router to assign a static ip to that particular mac address [10:32] d4rksh4de: did you do something stupid like add the lines for windows between the BEGIN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST and END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST sections? [10:32] essential package" from the downloads section [10:32] nubbe: those are the latest w32 codecs === soulfly [~Soul@1-1-10-29a.lk.lk.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] d4rksh4de, 64 or 32? === GNULinuxer is now known as GNULinuxer_ === nybble [~nybble@d36-39-117.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] nubbe: http://zerocalm.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=16 [10:33] <[L|eWiOn] > www.mplayerhq.hu and then change the rpms in .deb files with alien blablabla.rpm [10:33] <[L|eWiOn] > and then pdkg -i blablablabla.deb [10:34] <[L|eWiOn] > and your set :) [10:34] yahalom> 32 [10:34] [L|eWiOn] : that is a pretty stupid thing to do, considering that there are already working .debs for those things [10:34] [L|eWiOn] : why go thru that when you can just get the tgz? [10:34] d4rksh4de, looking [10:34] justin> just updated kernel, automatic update [10:34] d4rksh4de: that's not what I asked you [10:34] Hi, i'm trying to get gnome-bluetooth to work (using KDE) but it won't display the "preferences" tab (guess it's there I set the password). Anyone knows how I can solve this (set pw or use prefs) ? [10:35] <[L|eWiOn] > tgz is more difficult [10:35] does someon eknow of a good command line mail reader that i can use to read my kmail from the shell === Bols [~bols@173-213.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] justin> havent done anyting === fp_ [~fp@callisto.localaccess.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] <[L|eWiOn] > then download the debs [10:35] <[L|eWiOn] > lol [10:35] Octane-: a shell reader to read your kmail? [10:35] Octane-: mutt [10:35] well [10:36] nalioth: something that supports mbox format :) [10:36] so that i could go through my mail from the shell [10:36] Octane-: mutt or pine [10:36] oh okay thanks [10:37] wth is this error? I got it at boot: "ERROR! Failed to initialize HAL!" [10:37] Octane-: you can find many neat apps at freshmeat.net or sourceforge.net [10:37] if my ubuntu is installed on a reiserfs partition, should reiserfs be built in the kernel? === ju_ [~juliana@] has joined #ubuntu === kwilcox_ [~kwilcox@ip68-229-81-101.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] should be [10:38] Bols: cat /proc/filesystems |grep reiserfs === lampshade [~lampshade@tconl92168.tconl.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] goldfish, and if reiser is compiled as a module, will it work? === bimberi [~bimberi@ppp-36-96.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] im not too sure === carsten [~carsten@reverse-82-141-55-249.dialin.kamp-dsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] hi [10:39] hi [10:39] <[L|eWiOn] > NO ONE WANTS TO HELP ME I THOUGHT THIS WAS FOR HELPIN PEOPLE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! [10:39] WHAT IS WRONG? [10:39] i am searching for something that's similar to packages.debian.org but for ubuntu [10:39] and stop using CAPS [10:39] <[L|eWiOn] > dude cups on laptop === shazb0t [~shazb0t@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:40] nalioth, thanks for the nfo, marillat will prolly be a good place for .deb even in the future, I read the backports sticky in forum and it sounds reassuring (about zerocalm.com) [10:40] oh god. not cups on ubuntu. now that is a pain.. [10:40] carsten: packages.ubuntu.org [10:40] oh...i see :-) [10:40] (only if you want to share it) === rezzcobain [~rezzcobai@pcp01873087pcs.oakrdg01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] Can anyone help someone new to linux? [10:41] rezzcobain: what's up? [10:41] grud; is there anything to be done on a shuttle sn95g5 amd64 box when trying to install grub on it yields "/dev/sda1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive. === pow3r [~roque@200-112-142-226.bbt.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] when a user runs an app that makes a dir (like cvs checkout), how can I define what group owns the dir and files? === jooony- [jony@1-1-3-33a.has.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] rezzcobain, maybe if you ask a more specific qeustion :) [10:42] i istalled X, which needed Y, Z, ... to run. after apt-get remove X the packages Y, Z ... where still installed - how to remove them? [10:42] CarlFK: man umask [10:42] <[L|eWiOn] > apt-get remove Y and Z [10:42] <[L|eWiOn] > lol [10:42] is there something to clean out packages that where just pulled in for dependency reasons? [10:42] nubbe: great === stevef_ [~stevef@egress.sbb.uvm.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Lilu [burrrn@b-205-100.cable.kpy.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] <[L|eWiOn] > apt-get clean [10:43] omg... [10:43] hmm - wasnt that for cleaning downloaded .deb-files? [10:43] how do I configure my wireless network on ubuntu? :\ [10:43] LexiCon[gsr-dj] : what card do you have? [10:43] goldfish "No manual entry for umask" [10:43] LexiCon[gsr-dj] : do you have any idea whether it's supported or not? [10:43] carsten, yeah us debfoster [10:44] <[L|eWiOn] > yes [10:44] LexiCon[gsr-dj] : just like on another linux system, depends [10:44] LexiCon[gsr-dj] : diffficult [10:44] <[L|eWiOn] > then i didn't get you question lol === francesco99 [~francesco@p508718EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] CarlFK: really? hmmmm [10:44] hi..i have a little doubt... i not sure if this is something from ubuntu, but anyway.... i have just changed for linux and there are some stuffs on my brother computer (he uses windows). i was trying to get them using the network servers (our computers are in network) but is nothing there... how can i get the files from another computer? [10:44] [L|eWiOn] : i think everything you told me was...well - wrong and kind of useless...? [10:44] CarlFK: you must download man-dev pages... [10:44] I've never setup a wireless connection on a linux system and I do not know if its supported [10:44] mwe: thanks [10:44] <[L|eWiOn] > uhm no [10:45] LexiCon[gsr-dj] , depends on the wireless card and what you want to do [10:45] ju_: by email :) [10:45] CarlFK: google umask maybe.... [10:45] ju_: are you in good workgoroup? [10:45] does anyone know why i cant set my wireless network card into monitor mode? if i try is says, "SET failed on device eth1 ; Invalid argument." & "SET failed on device eth1 ; Invalid argument." [10:45] the nuke: but there lots of things.. [10:45] ju_: still you can install ftp on win machine [10:45] ju_: or with scp (ssh) [10:45] mwe: there it says "install just wanted stuff" - but i want to uninstall unwanted stuff....can it do this also? [10:45] korCZiz: i guess.. [10:45] qos: your card/driver has to support it [10:45] dont install ftp-server, install winscp on windows machine [10:46] mwe: like...."it's yet too late", to prevent installing the dependencies...they are installed yet [10:46] how can i instal those things? [10:46] its a ipw2200 centrino card === ruby [~eric@cc34909-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] and on the ubuntu do, sudo apt-get install openssh-server [10:46] korCZiz Couldn't find package man-dev === misfit_toy [~guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] qos, ipw2200.sf.net [10:47] ju_: downlload winSCP for windows from here http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=85589&release_id=325712 [10:47] thenuke: thanks! [10:48] no prob. [10:48] nalioth, I'm using totem-xine and everything works fine, and I tried the backports now that he posted that it's an official project http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40291, I was wondering if all the w32codec functionality can be found in ubuntu reps (multiverse, backports, whatever) === ep [~ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] nalioth, just curious... :) [10:48] CarlFK: apt-get install manpages-dev [10:48] thaks [10:48] CarlFK: man 2 umask is working correctly on my ubuntu === konrad [~konrad@ark10.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] what can play m4p files? (The itunes bought music filetype) I just tried xine and it can't. Any ideas? === housetier_ [~housetier@dsl-084-056-157-004.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] nothing.. === miscz [~miscz@amw23.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] un till you decrypt it/unlock it [10:49] CarlFK: but its reference for umask function in c... [10:50] CarlFK: but it must be sufficient [10:50] lampshade, try vlc, if that can't, nothing can. [10:50] CarlFK: i havenot also man page for command umask === d-man [~d-man@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] well, I have the C page.. not sure what to do now [10:51] so, can somebody explain me whats going on with kismet and airsnort? why cant they capture the w-traffic from libpcap as ethereal does? === Jimbob [~jcape@c-24-14-115-101.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] CarlFK: you must learn IT! [10:52] CarlFK: whoever runs the app, will own the new directories. === uula [~uula@a84-230-176-231.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] hi [10:52] qos, in short ethereal lets you see the individual packets of data that the device catches, and I think kismet is the linux equivalent to netstumbler === dg-jfk [~dg@i172.hb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] goldfish - how does that solve my group problem? === zer0 [~zer0@] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] how to change system charset? :) === apollo2011 [~apollo201@] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] CarlFK: you could chown the new directories. [10:53] user foo is in group bar and www-data. when foo creates a dir/file, I want the group to be www-data [10:53] lampshade: m4p files are encrypted mp4 files from apple [10:53] k === nalioths_dog [~Apple@cpe-66-25-34-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === aethyr [~aethyr@] has joined #ubuntu === ripcord [~bbest@69-160-121-142.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] so, i want to save the whole (crypted) w-traffic in a file, cause i want to play a bit with aircrack ... [10:54] CarlFK: still you can use cron to do it.. [10:54] goldfish - I could, but that doesn't tech me how to use umask === bystander [~peter@wolax7-001.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] can i use the file ethereal creates? [10:54] cron?! [10:54] Question: If you have three partitions ( root, home and swap) will Ubuntu only install (or reinstall) on the "root" partition and leave home alone? [10:55] dg-jfk - yes. [10:55] dg-jfk: yes if you type dont format it [10:55] dg-jfk, you can specify that situation in the installer [10:55] CarlFK: well, i misread your initial question, umask wont do what you want, sorry, you'll have to use 'chgrp' === lxuser [~lxuser@] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] dg-jfk: but some data may be replaced [10:55] lol [10:55] CarlFK: sorry :) [10:55] umaks is for file permissions, not groups [10:55] *umask [10:55] CarlFK, korCZiz and Servas: Thank you ^_^ === pow3r [~roque@200-112-142-226.bbt.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu === lxuser [~lxuser@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [10:56] CarlFK, that is only possible in 2 ways: 1: set the default group of the user to www-data, 2: make the parent folder where users create folders in chown :www-data and sudo chmod g+s [10:56] omg [10:56] qos: have you configured kismet? [10:56] ATI supports XrandR now [10:56] lol [10:56] <[L|eWiOn] > BTW HOW ARE THE UBUNTU CD'S LIKE??? [10:56] question: i've installed hoary and now when i start ubuntu it only allows me to use a 640x480 screen resolution, wy is that? [10:56] goldfish - chgrp doesn't do it either. something must define what group is used on creation... [10:56] ttyS0, /etc/console-tools/config [10:56] [L|eWiOn] , please turn off caps lock... [10:56] surprising [10:56] :D [10:56] default group... where is that set? [10:56] <[L|eWiOn] > i mean those that you can get from shipit === Wa77z [~tw4t@] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] <[L|eWiOn] > Yeah srry === d-man [~d-man@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [10:56] a bit ... i tried to set the source to source=ipw2200,eth1,name [10:57] i got my mouse working [10:57] CarlFK, with usermod [10:57] but, no success [10:57] CarlFK: i think it uses whatever group the user who created it is in. [10:57] goldfish - the user is in 2 groups [10:57] Where is the boot log located? [10:57] [L|eWiOn] , the cd's from shipit are good quality Ubuntu cd's. Each set is a live CD and an install CD [10:57] k === samurai [~sam@] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] i see [10:57] hi all [10:57] apollo2011, /var/log/* [10:57] usermod soudns good [10:57] Seveas: but which one [10:57] hey Seveas [10:58] /var/log/{dmesg,kern.log,messages} [10:58] <[L|eWiOn] > live abd install [10:58] these 3 [10:58] Seveas: I am looking for a log with everything after the Uncompressing Ubuntu.... All the stuff printed to the screen [10:58] <[L|eWiOn] > si if you order 10 you get 20 cd's ? [10:58] mwe, i meant whole system, not only console. btw. i haven't any interesting in that config :) [10:58] apollo2011, just type in the terminal: dmesg [10:58] [L|eWiOn] : the ones I got are round, with a hole in the middle... [10:58] and the on-screen stuff is not really logged anywhere === nalioths_dog [~Apple@cpe-66-25-34-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] <[L|eWiOn] > lol [10:59] [L|eWiOn] , indeed === housetier_ is now known as housetier [10:59] does anyone know how to get the usb drives to automatically mount under hoary === nalioth hates having to reset the cable modem once a month (at least) === sly [~sly@host217-44-73-252.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] so guys, thanks a lot. but i have to leave ... my girl friend is crying ;) [10:59] samurai, that should work automagically, but not on Breezy yet... [10:59] once again........question: i've installed hoary and now when i start ubuntu it only allows me to use a 640x480 screen resolution, wy is that? [10:59] zer0: find out how you can change your display's resolution, go to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto [10:59] Seveas: yeah thats what I want...but I had an error with the kernel and I was only able to boot in the recover mode (im in that now). That log has the boot events for the recover mode boot, is there one for the last normal boot attempt? [10:59] thx! [11:00] Seveas: when I put it in the system recognizes it, but requires a manual mount instruction [11:00] Seveas> what could have destroyed my grub list? [11:00] <[L|eWiOn] > hmm any pics of the boxes and cd's??? [11:00] d4rksh4de, you yourself ;) === din [~din@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:00] Seveas> me??? [11:00] Seveas> havent edited it [11:00] now [11:00] i need to get my sound workin [11:00] apollo2011, dmesg is everything since the last boot, kern.log / messages might be of more assistence... === SnakeBite [~SnakeBite@] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] Seveas> my windows boot is gone from there [11:01] d4rksh4de, odd [11:01] d4rksh4de: you must have autocreated backup like menu.lst~ [11:01] did you put it instde the automagic kernel list perhaps? [11:01] <[L|eWiOn] > I wan't a pic of the boxes and cd's [11:01] Seveas> well, i updated kernel recently [11:01] Seveas> yes but its the same [11:01] d4rksh4de: have you typed update-grub? [11:01] Seveas, do you ever sleep? [11:01] korCZiz> no [11:01] d4rksh4de, if you put it inside the automagic kernel list, it will be removed on kernel upgrades [11:02] you should NOT manually put things inside the automagic kernel list [11:02] Seveas> dont know [11:02] HiddenWolf, hardly :) [11:02] Seveas> :( [11:02] what d i need to do to get my sound workin ? [11:02] Wa77z, plug in the speakers ;) [11:02] d4rksh4de: update-grub automatic prepares your /boot/grub/menu.lst and ALWAYS is working.. [11:02] Wa77z: what sound card? [11:02] onboard sound card [11:02] ATI Mobo === BuzW [~BuzW@w034.z064003218.dfw-tx.dsl.cnc.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] almost brand new [11:03] korCZiz, can you paste your menu.lst on paste.ubuntulinux.nl please [11:03] Seveas: that is better but what I had the problem with isn't in that log either. It had trouble loading the kernel for some reason [11:03] Wa77z: paste the output from ,,lspci -v'' onto pastebin.ca [11:03] I meant d4rksh4de ... === mz2 [~mz2@81-1-70-13.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] apollo2011, what was the problem..? [11:03] Seveas> ok [11:03] Seveas: wait pls, i must go to thhe machine with ubuntu [11:03] <[L|eWiOn] > Pics [11:03] <[L|eWiOn] > Pics [11:03] <[L|eWiOn] > Pics [11:03] srry but..this is my first install === mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ === mode/#ubuntu [+o crimsun] by ChanServ [11:03] im not sure how to get that output [11:04] Seveas: Not sure exactly, was hoping I could read what was printed later in a log...somehow couldn't find something so had a kernel panic so I had to boot in recover mode and that loaded ok and here I am === avinoam [~avinoam@85-250-243-107.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] Wa77z, open a terminal (rightclick on the desktop and select open terminal) and type: lspci [11:04] kk [11:04] I have a really weird bug [11:04] = ) [11:04] <[L|eWiOn] > yeah me too [11:04] my doesnt work === mortifed_penguin [~matt@82-40-62-206.cable.ubr08.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] Seveas: I might have to attempt a boot, and then reboot in Knoppix to retrieve it in a log [11:04] <[L|eWiOn] > a PIcs bug [11:04] <[L|eWiOn] > Pics [11:04] <[L|eWiOn] > Pics [11:04] i have to press twice and it looks weird [11:04] <[L|eWiOn] > Pics [11:04] Seveas> http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/285 [11:04] <[L|eWiOn] > see === lxuser [~lxuser@] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] apollo2011, /var/log/emerg.log might be of use, but only if the error was reasonable late === mode/#ubuntu [+q [L|eWiOn] !*@*] by Seveas [11:05] Hey, how would i download the kernel sources in apt-get? [11:05] heh === koma is now known as komA [11:05] mortifed_penguin: apt-get install linux-tree-2.6.10 [11:05] Seveas - # usermod mambo -G www-data, loged in mambo, touch x, still owned by mambo:mambo. trying to get it owned by mambo:www-data [11:05] crimsun will that install the whole kernel source? [11:05] mortifed_penguin: yes === cavediver [~jonas@] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] thanks [11:05] CarlFK, try -g instead of -G [11:05] clear [11:05] avinoam: Does it work with a space after? [11:05] dang it [11:06] Now I have converted from Breezy AMD64 to Hoary I386... [11:06] Seveas> it hasnt replaced it but it has edited it [11:06] cmarqu yes [11:06] I hate when all stuff doesn't work [11:06] cavediver, why did you do that? [11:06] why is that? it is so weird === fonsken [~fonsken@d54C32E81.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] d4rksh4de, so you want you windows boot back right? [11:06] k..i pasted it === fhr [~fhr@] has joined #ubuntu === i3dmaster [~i3dmaster@bi01p1.co.us.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] avinoam: Sounds like your deadkeys setting is not like you expect. [11:06] cmarqu and look what happens with apostrophe s [11:06] Seveas> yes =) [11:06] HiddenWolf: Stuff won't work under AMD64.... Things break with Breezy :) === mxpxpod [~BryanForb@mxpxpod.user] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] ? [11:06] cmarqu what is that? [11:07] Seveas: I don't even have that log...none of them have that message...Im going to try to boot again. I upgraded the kernle before but I rebooted since [11:07] d4rksh4de, great, is windows on /dev/hda1 ? [11:07] brb [11:07] yeah, how's breezy looking right now, still really unstable? [11:07] Seveas> cant get into windows =( [11:07] yuacht, it's getting shape.... [11:07] I can't notica any performance hit from going to I386 === jc-denton [~nils@zux173-061.adsl.green.ch] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] Seveas> ill check... [11:07] cavediver, what won't work under amd64? [11:07] hi all [11:07] Wa77z: I need the output from lspci -v, not lspci === Mez [~mez@82-36-228-130.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] Seveas, -g isn't it either [11:07] avinoam: XkbVariant "nodeadkeys" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf? [11:07] d4rksh4de, paste the output of sudo fdisk -l on the pastebin [11:07] ok [11:07] what's the state of selinux in ubuntu? [11:07] Seveas> /media/hda1 [11:07] lemme check [11:08] HiddenWolf: w32codecs, flash, poor java for instance..... === mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-63-105.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] Seveas, are you part of the ubuntu dev? === sejk [~sejk@213-163-23-213.vnet.hu] has joined #ubuntu === lxuser [~lxuser@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [11:08] yuacht: It's still under c transition. Really annoying X breaking and other annoying things [11:09] CarlFK, hmm, sounds like you need to do the sudo chmod g+s trick... [11:09] yuacht, no... [11:09] k..i pasted again [11:09] no cmarqu i don have that [11:09] Seveas, okay :) [11:09] cmarqu should i add? [11:09] cavediver: (C transition completed a while ago, it's the C++ transition) === thotypous [~thotypous@200-161-86-67.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] crimsun: yes i meant that [11:10] Seveas, what sudo chmod g+s trick? [11:10] Seveas> http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/286 [11:10] d4rksh4de, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/287 [11:10] crimsun: is Breezy being built with gcc4 ? === titan_systems [~john@vpn82-7e-92-62.near.uiuc.edu] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] d4rksh4de, see the bottom of my paste [11:10] bystander, most of it [11:10] bystander: yes. [11:10] bystander: all save the kernel. [11:10] bystander: not the kernel [11:10] ah thanks :) [11:11] avinoam: Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys" will make this go away, yes. But it should have asked you when you were choosing a keymap. [11:11] crimsum..i posted it.. === korCZis [~korCZis@ip-85-160-89-241.eurotel.cz] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] cmarqu do i have to restart? [11:11] CarlFK, if you make a directory owned by the group www-data, and du sudo chmod g+s that_directory, all files and dirs created in it will automatically be owned by group www-data [11:11] Seveas> have to change like this? [11:11] cmarqu [11:11] ' [11:11] suddently it works [11:11] and i didn't do anything [11:11] avinoam: Restart X, not the whole system. [11:11] Oh. [11:11] Seveas: http://rafb.net/paste/results/gZ8iTR10.html [11:11] about selinux, does anybody know? [11:11] Wa77z: you need to follow my instructions for compiling alsa-source from universe on the forum [11:12] that is so weird! ''''' [11:12] Wa77z: search the forum for "atiixp" and "crimsun" [11:12] umm.alright === Derkommissar [~alberto@] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [-b [L|eWiOn] !*@*] by Seveas [11:12] Seveas: but only 2.6.10-5-386 is working === kangpeh [~kangpeh@ny-chicagost2a-181.buf.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] Seveas: autogenerated by update-grub === mae [~mae@dpc674653178.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb g-odzilla!*@* morita02_!*@* Luisita!*@* Yully!*@*] by Seveas === mode/#ubuntu [-b inci_!*@*] by Seveas === lamont__ tries to figure out why mplayer doesn't like to deliver sound on his laptop. or crashes if esd isn't running [11:13] FOR ATI USERS: fglrx 8.14.13 SUPPORTS XRandR NOW! NOW YOU TOO can change SCREEN RESOLUTION on the GO with the Gnome Screen Resoultion Configure!!!!! One small step for ATI one giant leap for ATI users! [11:13] I just installed ubuntu. What utility can i use to reprobe my sound card, its not working? also how can i get my touchpad to work ( I have a laptop) any help, im a suse user, and without a utility like yast im kindoff lost. [11:13] lamont__, set ao=esd in /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf === cam [~foo@] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] Derkommissar, the utility you are looking for is called "google" -- check there first for hardware specific problem === Seveas off === mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by Seveas [11:14] abarbaccia, we try to be a little more constructive and helpful in this channel, please oblige [11:14] Seveas: MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: decode_audio [11:15] damnit, why can't there be a #automotive to help me with my car too... [11:15] Seveas: playing a .avi === shiro [~justinm@] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] HiddenWolf, how are we susposed to help if he didn't use google first - this is not tech support - its "community" support === pedingto [~pedingto@cpc2-norw1-5-0-cust35.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #Ubuntu === din [~din@] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] crimsun : dont mean to be a pain..but im not sure what asla-source is...is my problem a driver === Juhaz [voas0113@koopa.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu === u-sun_ [~u-sun@lth.bclub.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu === helmoltz [~gibbs1952@213-156-52-111.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] hii [11:18] isn't the default group as set with usermod -g supposed to decide what group a new file is owned by? [11:18] i am trying to install nvu, and i get an error === lcarlos [~lcarlos@] has joined #ubuntu === ozen [~ozen@pas38-1-82-233-120-19.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === nekton [~nekton@CPE-65-25-215-186.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] what program do i use for teanslucent windows [11:18] Wa77z: yes, it's a driver issue [11:18] i have downloaded the tar package and extracted it via terminal... but there is still an error [11:18] flodine, you need to set up the composite extension for x [11:18] and what about this, when i boot my ubuntu, gdm is running only cca 10sec and than shut down(or fall down) and i must start it with ctrl+alt+bspace. Than is all working correctly, but how i said before for first time after about automacily shut down after cca 10secs [11:18] flodine, check the wiki, i think there's a section on it [11:19] how can i view flash animation .swf??? [11:19] cam how do i do that [11:19] u-sun_, it might be easier to install it via the backports repository.... [11:19] Seveas, how? [11:19] lcarlos, install flashplayer-mozilla [11:19] lcarlos: you should download plugin for mozzila [11:19] u-sun_, go to http://backports.ubuntuforums.org for instructions === jvl [~jvl@est-213-228-155-11.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu === ozen [~ozen@pas38-1-82-233-120-19.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:19] but if i have the archive in my hhd?? [11:19] is anyone using "smartpm" instead of "apt-get"? [11:19] flodine, you need to add 'Section "Extensions"\nMode "Composite"\nEndSection' to your xorg.conf and then install xcompmgr and transset--check the wiki for more detailed info [11:20] I did sudo usermod -g src foobar; touch foo and foo is owned by foobar:foobar ?! === zeedo [~zeedo@www.reboot-robot.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] dooglus_, not really :) === ecrappledv [~jamesmont@host-65-7-67-106.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] canit be as simple as finding and downloading the driver..or is that where i have to make my own === ukato [~trey@ip24-251-109-39.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] Seveas: oh, ok. it looks like it might be a better solution. [11:20] i am having trouble finding ur guide === Seveas really off now... [11:20] Wa77z: look here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42625&page=2&pp=10&highlight=atiixp [11:21] kk [11:21] Seveas but have the animation in my hd [11:21] Wa77z: the only difference you MUST use is linux-headers-$(uname -r) instead of kernel-headers-$(uname -r) [11:22] sounds easy..how can i edit it [11:23] thanks i have played know [11:23] I unplugged my laptop halfway through an "apt-get dist-upgrade" this afternoon, forgetting that the battery was dead. Is it likely to have caused any damage? [11:23] dooglus_, it's probably cool === bionic [~bio@cD9089E88.sdsl.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] does the this prefix mean edit or rewrite -w ? [11:23] cam: I notice that sound doesn't work any more - it was probably upgrading esound at the time [11:23] Anyone had problem getting their laptop trackbal working ? [11:23] Any pointers, my trackball doesnt want to work [11:23] Wa77z: just follow those instructions [11:24] dooglus_, just finish doing the upgrade [11:24] alright === slicslak [~slicslak@c68.112.138.6.stc.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] in which directory should i use mkcramfs if i will to create initrd with this command? === njan [~james@82-41-130-94.cable.ubr02.glen.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] dooglus_, was it still downloading stuff at the time, or was it already unpacking and configuring everything? === lxuser [~lxuser@] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] hi. im trying to make zope start on boot. I tried with update-rc.d zopectl start 90 2 . but it doesnt work. any ideas ? thx [11:24] Seveas, how do i install via the back-ports? === jc-denton [~nils@zux173-061.adsl.green.ch] has left #ubuntu [] [11:25] jvl: try edit rc files manually [11:25] how do i install via the back ports!!! [11:25] u-sun_: read this please http://zerocalm.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=16 [11:25] jvl: its shit work but one of always working correctely, if you dont made a mistake... [11:25] nalioth, thanks [11:26] im sorry i ment my touchpad [11:26] korCZiz: that added a link to rc2.d. can u explain it ? === omaru [~omaru@] has joined #ubuntu === nalioth is now known as nalioth_wrkn [11:26] korCZiz: I mean that update-rc.d added a link to zopectl in etc/rc2.d [11:27] ok..i am lost...i undertood none of it [11:27] korCZiz: what do u mean by "editing it manually"? === Gman_ [~Glynn@amfea-proxy-2.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu === mortifed_penguin [~matt@82-40-62-206.cable.ubr08.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:28] how can i tell when someone is logged into my ftp? using proftp if that helps [11:28] jvl: go in /etc/rc(RUNLEVEL).d [11:28] jvl: and add your own entry [11:28] budluva, try command ftpwho [11:28] jvl: if you will start at runlevel 3 and 5 you must add aproppiate records in /etc/rc3.d and /etc/rc5.d [11:29] brb [11:29] mikas, anyway i can see what kind of speeds the user is uploading/downloading? [11:30] korCZiz: I know that. I have the links there - I want to start it at runlevel 2 and it has the link there. but its not starting [11:30] budluva, no idea [11:30] maybe something else I need to do ? [11:30] jvl: it may be bug in zope === Kefas [~Kefas@] has joined #ubuntu [11:30] crimsun..it may sound like i am askin for a hand me out..but i am just new to linux..i am tryin to learn..but not sure how to fix.this sound problem...i read that thread and didnt really uinderstand too much...can i dowload a premade driver [11:30] jvl: or it maybe bug in the file [11:30] how do i use hdparm ? [11:30] jvl: or another type of bug [11:31] Wa77z: just follow those instructions. [11:31] LokeDk: howto on ubuntuforums.org [11:31] jvl: but is not used number which is in zope link used by another link? [11:31] lmao [11:31] i wish i coould [11:31] Wa77z: it walks you through the entire process [11:31] oh okay.. didn't knew there was one.. thx [11:31] Wa77z: just do it :) [11:31] i must be lookin at somethin else === pipatron [~pipe@c83-248-111-30.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] Wa77z: the last post on that page? [11:31] jvl: for example S80zope and S80other.... 80 must by unique number === pipatron [~pipe@c83-248-111-30.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] korCZiz: nope . S90 is unique [11:32] jvl: and appz are starting from smaller to bigger... === IceDC571 [~IceDC571@c-67-188-217-233.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] jvl: and have you tried start a zope with the link? [11:32] Wa77z: here's a clearer url: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=219664&postcount=14 [11:32] korCZiz: yep and that works [11:32] jvl: is link able to start zope? [11:32] yes [11:33] manually it works [11:33] jvl: so i havenot already any idea... [11:33] i just want it to be automatically [11:33] korCZiz: thx nayway m8 [11:33] jvl: yes, i understand but every link should be started manualy [11:33] jvl: should be... [11:33] ok..i was lookin at the wrong page [11:33] lol [11:33] thakns === JDahl [~joachim@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2k1-212.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] jvl: last think maybe check if are permission same as at other files.. [11:35] checked and double checked :) every single link in rc2.d share the same perm. im even comparing with another machine === abarbaccia [~andrew@pcp0011109857pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === sanitario [~peter@1-1-8-8a.gka.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu === Arkainium [~mark@pool-70-107-46-67.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] jvl: numbers in entry should not be unique, but records with same nuber are started at the same time..... === twb_ [~twb@213-83.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] does proftpd accept fxp transfers? === J35U5 [~Jesus@] has joined #ubuntu [11:37] how do i make new files in /usr? [11:37] korCZiz: I have it to start after cron [11:37] budluva: it can [11:37] I don't get it [11:37] crimsun, do i have to enable them? [11:37] budluva: you need to configure it. Read the documentation on the proftpd web site. [11:37] jvl: it is not good idea. it may depend on other appz === Omni [~icechat5@c-24-3-32-20.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [11:37] jvl: try place it on the end [11:37] twb_: do u have perms to write in /usr? [11:37] jvl: as the last entry... === thotypous [~thotypous@200-161-86-67.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu === Pixel83 [~pixel@p54AAC7A6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] could anyone help me with a prism2 usb wifi adapter and hostap? [11:38] im admin [11:38] I do sudo usermod -g src mwe; touch foo and the file is owned by mwe:mwe [11:38] jvl: maybe are not all necessary started at the boot time [11:38] jvl: and now are started and so link is working [11:38] vipw confirms the change [11:38] jvl: have you seen boot messages? [11:38] or dmesg? [11:39] twb_: normally new files you create would go in /usr/local - what are you wanting to add to /usr ? [11:39] twb_: then touch testfile.txt should create one. as (admin) [11:39] bystander: every distro place in this directory own files === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:39] bystander: user added filles are in /usr/local [11:40] korCZiz: thanks, i know what /usr is for :) === runedude [~runedude@pcp0011021691pcs.longhl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] bystander: you can move files from /usr/local to /usr but it can make a mess in directory tree === zever [~zever@kotnet-145.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] anybody know anything about hostap? [11:41] korCZiz: why are you telling me? twb_ was the one asking [11:41] bystander: oh sorry === twb__ [~twb@213-83.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === oofnik [~oofnik@c-66-56-40-216.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] bystander: i didnot use history so i thought you were asking... again sorry [11:42] korCZiz: no worries ;) === lcarlos [~lcarlos@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [11:42] ok === jaco^ [~kazzimiii@host84-59.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] === haich [~haich@35.Red-83-41-118.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === jvl1 [~jvl@est-213-228-155-11.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu === _simple [~simple@e70ba8406771b0c4.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu === niall [~niall@i-195-137-20-120.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu === shmoolik [~shmoolik@] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] hello [11:44] if i apply patch must i recompile kernel? is patch working on source code or on executable code? [11:44] from some resone i can't upgrade my firefox via. apt-get === jvl1 is now known as jvl [11:44] isn't the group listed in /etc/passwd supposed to decide what group new files are owned by? [11:44] any ideals how i can do that? [11:44] i still cant figure this out [11:45] twb_: what are you actually trying to do? [11:45] is here any way how to install openbsd from running ubuntu? [11:45] i just want to make a new file in /usr [11:45] shmoolik, then your firefox is already updated [11:45] shmoolik, apt-get dist-upgrade ? [11:45] shmoolik, you probably have the latest version installed [11:46] shmoolik, you already have the bug fixes from 1.0.4, just the version number has not been bumped [11:46] twb_: what for and what function does it have? [11:46] shmoolik: apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade === wbastien [~william@d150-65-87.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === wbastien [~william@d150-65-87.home.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:46] come on, doesn't anyone know how to change the default group? :) [11:46] i have done upgrade dist-upgrade [11:46] i want it to hold my personal files [11:46] shmoolik, then your firefox is up to date [11:46] shmoolik: and update? [11:46] i resive an error like i have a brocken package === Deep6 [~DEEP6@] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] and i can't install extantions [11:47] twb_: your personal files live in /home/twb (always) [11:47] instead of going through /usr/bin/s-roller or w.e [11:47] shmoolik, they should link to bug and how to fix that [11:47] shmoolik:i have also problems with extensions, i must install it manually [11:47] korCZis, update works fine [11:47] oh... [11:47] hah [11:47] i c [11:47] then i not the only one with this problem ... [11:48] twb_: you *nver* put your personal files in /usr on linux [11:48] shmoolik: but i have upgrade firefox to 1.0.4 by using apt-get.... [11:48] wait ... i c that my version number is 1.0.4 [11:48] yes, is a bug in mozilla and how they deal with security updates [11:48] thanks alot jvl and bystander [11:48] shmoolik: maybe you have not all repositories in apt-get conf file.. [11:48] but still i can't install extantion [11:48] twb_: ur welcome [11:48] well, for future references, how do i make new files? [11:48] firefox don't lemme in! === ateves [ateves@p54904C6A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] shmoolik: for example repository for security updates [11:48] for anything === fivre [bergzerg@167.arlington-56-58rs.va.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] i have a wlan problem with the actual ubuntu distribution. i have wlan0 in iwconfig and ifconfig. i can ping my router. but when i use control center - internet & network - network settings, there is wlan0, but all buttons are disabled, so i can't enter a gateway or anything the same in administration mode [11:49] yeah i have updated firefox via aptget [11:49] twb_: if you want to "hide" your p0rn stash, putit in ~/.boring_acounts ;) [11:49] its hw, problem [11:49] korCZis, [11:49] you must buy new router and new pc... [11:49] lmao, i just installed this about 10 min.s ago [11:49] try it with new hw === JDahl [~joachim@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2k1-212.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:49] from xp [11:50] ateves: you shouldn't ask the same thing in 2 channels [11:51] actually it is not really the same though === JonA [~jonathan@alxpc1jaa2.alx.aber.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] well [11:51] as long as we are talking about wireless [11:51] shmoolik: so you have 1.0.4 but extensions are not working but only are not able autoinstall? what is going to do if you put it in .mozzila/plugins manualy? are they going to work? [11:51] can anyone help me with some hostap stuff? === bpuccio [~brian@ool-457a9d77.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] ralf: why? [11:51] ralf: its more certain... [11:52] korCZiz: because isn't good to do so === mortifed_penguin [~matt@82-40-62-206.cable.ubr08.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] does any one have a link to a workaround firefox problem ? [11:53] ralf: maybe but i have done it many times and many times i get answer only from one channel... what if i select bad channel? can i try it later on other channel? or not? if can so why i cannot save the time with asking on the both channels at the same time? === albacker [~eni@] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] shmoolik: one way is compile every appz from source... [11:54] korCZiz: because people in #kubuntu are even in #ubuntu [11:54] korCZis, its abit extrim [11:54] Does anyone have the correct kernel sources for 2.6.10-5-386? [11:55] i only want to install extantions to ff [11:55] ralf: its true i have not ever tried these channels, i tried #kernel, #kernelnewbies and #ubuntu... === zenlunatic [~zenlunati@pcp0011110799pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] mortifed_penguin: apt-cache search linux-source [11:55] is that it? [11:55] i don't care much if its not the latest version of firefox [11:55] mortifed_penguin: you will to compile new kernel? [11:55] i just want tab suppoet [11:55] no === lxuser [~lxuser@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [11:56] installing driver that requires source [11:56] um how do i stop my system from going to sleep?? the sleep never wakes on ibooks but i think this is a known, unfixed problem. [11:56] oh so [11:56] so what? [11:56] !drivers [11:56] it has been said that drivers is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//BinaryDriverHowto [11:57] if i delete my previous wondows partition..will grub recognize its gone..or do i have to edit it my self so it dont show up any more ? [11:57] so nothing... i thought you are going to compile new kernel... [11:57] ok [11:57] mortifed_penguin: ubotu's URL might help you [11:57] zenlunatic: change your pbbuttonsd.conf [11:57] where is that? [11:57] mortifed_penguin: um.. scroll up [11:57] zenlunatic: there will be some opttion for sleep, just change them to "none" or something like that === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu [] === twb_ [~twb@213-83.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === fsd3 [~sdfd@85-124-10-223.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] wow this thing is....different === msieradzki [~marek@xdsl-1118.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu === cleit0n [FPiViVX@dial-up-200-157-112-47.intelignet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === cleit0n [FPiViVX@dial-up-200-157-112-47.intelignet.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["[CyberScript] "] [11:59] anyone know how to install aim? [11:59] or anything else [11:59] o my [11:59] twb_: you don't need to - gaim is installed and does aim [11:59] si.... [11:59] Omni: i don't know which value to change [11:59] twb_: gaim is frontend to aim? [12:00] twb_: to install other stuff use the package manager (synaptic) [12:00] zenlunatic: ok, hold on, lemme look at mine