
=== prc [~prc@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
judaxmdke: ping12:48
prcI have a problem with playing sounds. Can anyone help?12:52
judaxprc: have you tried #ubuntu?12:53
prcyes, but no one seems to respond to me12:54
prcI will try again12:55
judaxhmm, it can be a busy place most of the time12:55
judaxI am not a sound expert or I would give it a go, my sound works so I thank my lucky stars12:55
prcwell it seems that only one application, like the os or SND, can use esd at a time12:57
prcSo whenever I run SND I have to kill all the system sounds12:58
judaxprc: what is snd?01:00
judaxI know there are issues with certain programs wanting/expecting complete control of the sound system and you do need to kill esd to get them to work01:01
prcits an application that plays sounds, like .aif files01:01
judaxI have that with ut200401:02
prcjudax: thats probably whats going on01:02
judaxit works if you kill esd and then use SND?01:03
prcyeah. Then it works great, but then nothing else can use esd.01:03
judaxforums have any insight into it?01:06
prcwhich forums?01:06
judaxthe ubuntu-users mail list is also VERY active01:07
prcI haven't checked, but I will.  I'm new to linux/ubuntu.01:07
prcSo, every time you run ut2004 you have to kill esd manually?01:08
judaxprc: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ check this out too if you are new, map help01:08
judaxno way around it from what I can tell/have researched, that app, ut2k4 just demands it01:09
prchmmm.  Well I'll check those places out.  At least now I know that SND or something is broken.01:10
judaxI have seen that too with some video players, like mplayer01:10
judaxmaybe that is not the right player, I use xine most of the time01:10
judaxgood luck01:11
prcThanks.  01:11
mdkejudax, pong, Burgundavia pong01:55
judaxmdke: Hi01:55
Burgundaviamdke, is your bug still relevant01:55
judaxquick question, just working on some of the docs and was wondering why the copyright on the kynaptic doc is different01:55
mdkeBurgundavia, will check01:56
mdkejudax, no idea01:56
mdkeBurgundavia, yeah, still crashes02:07
mdkenight all, see you at the meeting tomorrow03:05
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robitailleI don't think I'll be able to make it to the meeting.  It's really a bad time for me.  One of these days I'll make it to a doc meeting :)08:28
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-143-84.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudAfrican Greetings08:42
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rob^how long until the meeting?11:03
froud-workmy time now11:03
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froud-workmeetind at 14:0011:04
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mgalvinmorning all03:03
froud-workmgalvin: abt you public key03:03
froud-workdo you have a key set?03:03
rob^aww.. I gotta go03:04
mgalvinfroud-work, yes03:04
froud-workif you do, just send me your public key03:04
froud-workand username wanted03:04
froud-workelmo will add it to the server03:04
mgalvini'll send it to you now03:04
=== jsgotangco [jerome60@dialup-222-126-75-172.infocom.ph] has joined #ubuntu-doc
jsgotangcoalright i almost forgot we have a meeting03:06
rob^yes, which sucks03:06
jsgotangcosucks because of your timezone?03:07
rob^well, the fact its almost midnight03:07
rob^and due to the demands of a normal sex life...03:07
jsgotangcoahh well my wife just arrived from KL today and i want to go to bed too03:08
=== rob^ looks at time.. I have 52 minutes
=== froud-work looks up at the mention of sex
froud-workrob^: its OK you can always catch a log03:10
rob^I just turned logging on actually03:10
froud-workrob^: I would if I had to choose between meetings and sex03:10
=== froud-work is a horny little devil
jsgotangcooh the vogolity of it all...03:12
froud-workNo definitions found for 'vogolity'.03:13
jsgotangcosure its a HHGTTG term03:14
rob^night all03:14
froud-worknite, rob^ :-)03:14
jsgotangcorob^: night03:14
froud-workwe want a report tomorrow03:15
jsgotangcoreport tommorow? you mean meeting minutes?03:15
froud-worknot of rob^ 's nocturnal activities03:16
jsgotangcooh right03:16
jsgotangcoi'd rather not submit mine03:16
jsgotangco(i really want to go to bed now btw but it can wait)03:16
froud-workwell if you have any, there are welcome03:16
froud-workwell nice to see you're here anyway03:17
froud-workyou have been scarce lately03:17
jsgotangcowell i participated in a trade show thats why03:17
jsgotangcoit just ended today03:17
jsgotangcoi had some stuff to commit later03:18
froud-workjsgotangco: did you see your k quick guide is up at http://lnix.net/~froud03:18
froud-workSo far I have had good reports on it03:18
jsgotangcothats nice to hear03:19
froud-workan uniq has offered to make us a debs packaging system for the kubuntu stuff, so regular updates will be installable soon03:19
jsgotangcohopefully we get the linode server soon so we can move this stuff there03:19
froud-workthe kubuntu-devel guys have been a great help, especially uniq 03:20
jsgotangcohmmm i see the preview already shows 5.10 i guess the entities now reflect that03:21
froud-workyes, we are now moving that way. You are seeing development previews03:22
froud-workof course the whole docs are not aligned to 5.10 yet :-)03:22
froud-workhence the draft in the background of the pages03:22
jsgotangcoyeah...hmmm heavy editing on the svn lately03:23
froud-workall good stuff and great work from mgalvin 03:23
froud-workI have asked enrico to get him a commit account03:23
froud-workfour patches in two days03:24
jsgotangcoyeah i saw the email03:24
froud-workthat's good going03:24
froud-workfor a newbie03:24
froud-workso how was your trade show? did you get business?03:24
=== mgalvin is glad he glad to be helping out :)
jsgotangcothere were some potential stuff03:25
jsgotangcoone guy required docbook stuff03:25
jsgotangcoseems there is a possible demand for technical docs here03:25
jsgotangcodespite the very bad political climate here lately03:26
froud-workHe he, you see03:26
jsgotangcoi actually got to talk to one guy from toshiba03:26
froud-workBTW you want to open an INWords office in your part of the world?\03:26
jsgotangcofroud-work: i was about to ask that03:27
froud-workwe can speak about it:-)03:27
jsgotangcosure i'll just email you the details03:27
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mdkehello everyone03:35
mdkehey dude03:36
mdkehow are you?03:36
jsgotangcoim happy wife is back and i want to go to bed :)03:36
mdkebut you can't! mwahahah03:37
mdkelet's keep it short03:37
jsgotangcoi hereby appoint mdke03:37
mdkeas what?03:37
mdkei get to go to bed on your behalf?03:37
jsgotangcoNO WAY03:38
jsgotangcook i was thinking you go to my wife03:38
=== gtaylor [~gtaylor@130-127-67-44.lehotsky.clemson.edu] has joined #ubuntu-doc
jsgotangcogtaylor: morning to you03:45
squinngood morning Jer03:46
squinngotta love extra-45 minutest03:46
squinntold mom to wake me up at 9, stayed in till 9:4503:46
squinnwe'll be in #ubuntu-meeting right?03:48
jsgotangcoall meetings are done there03:48
mdkeexcept non-english ones03:49
jsgotangcobwahaha it works03:49
gtaylorWas the meeting today?03:50
froud-workIs the03:50
jsgotangcogtaylor: in 15 minutes03:50
froud-workhello gtaylor 03:50
gtaylorgood timing :)03:50
froud-workinstinct :-)03:50
froud-workcome with all KDE users03:50
froud-workgtaylor: when you have a chance it would be cool if you can edit my work in kuserguide03:51
gtaylorfroud-work: Ok, I can take a look at it soon03:51
froud-workcool, I added stuff to your getting help work03:52
froud-workand there has been an edit since then03:52
gtaylorsounds good03:52
jsgotangcoour kubuntu docs are going to be awesome03:52
froud-workwe hope03:52
jsgotangcoim sure of that03:53
=== froud-work wonders is jsgotangco is com'n back to kde :-)
jsgotangcoi have been minimalist lately...03:54
froudhe he03:55
jsgotangcook guys we're starting in a few minutes03:56
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mdkeanyone not already present, meeting now in #ubuntu-meeting04:04
mdkejsgotangco, i'm gonna drop into the edubuntu summit tomorrow, what is the deal with the docs?06:15
jsgotangconah, just ask around with the guys06:16
mdkeyou're doing them right?06:17
jsgotangcoyeah, i mean take the chance to talk to them if you get time to go there, about what weve been doing06:17
jsgotangco(shouldn't really be edubuntu specific)06:17
mdkeah right ok06:18
jsgotangcook i gotta sleep06:18
mdkenight night06:18
jsgotangcoits 12am06:18
mdkethanks for the awesome meeting06:18
jsgotangcogreat meeting guys06:18
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squinnwelcome back mdke 07:29
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