[02:53] jbailey, did you get ant up? [02:53] I notice a reject from this mornig. [02:55] wasabi: Can you forward me the reject message? I left you as the maintainer, so I didn't see it. [02:55] (or paste the relevant bits here) [03:00] Rejected: ant_1.6.5-0ubuntu1.dsc refers to ant_1.6.5.orig.tar.gz, but I can't find it in the queue or in the pool. [03:00] I just got added to the keyring! [03:00] Nice! [03:00] From: James Troup [03:00] Done - sorry for the delay. [03:00] yay! [03:00] Cool, give it a spin! [03:02] DId you get ecj up? [03:02] Oh yeah, you did. [03:02] It just broke on amd64 [03:13] If you give me eclipse, I'll look at it on !i386 tomorrow. [03:13] putting it togheter now. ;) === _ivan_ [~ivan@] has joined #ubuntu-java [03:27] Hmm. It suceeded on i386 but never showed up. === _ivan_ [~ivan@] has left #ubuntu-java [] [04:14] Ant appeared in the archive in 10 minutes. ecj-bootstrap still isn't there. [04:14] Wonder what causes that. [04:53] http://akita.larvalstage.net/~wasabi/ubuntu/eclipse [09:37] wasabi: eclipse-3.1/debian/eclipse-rcp.postinst modifies a file from another package. bad. if we need an update mechanism, it should be in the same packages as gcj-dbtool. === doko_ [~doko___@dsl-084-059-065-082.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-java === rtcm [~jman@] has joined #ubuntu-java === jbailey [~jbailey@CPE00501836c657-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-java [01:40] wasabi: g'm. Is your uploading and such all working now? === doko [~doko___@dsl-084-059-065-082.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-java [03:14] yeah [03:17] Nice. [03:22] Oh nifty. Even though ecj-bootstrap broke on amd64, it's still available on amd64. [03:23] Since only the -gcj portion broke, the pure Java part is Arch: all. [03:23] Yay for that. [03:24] And the -gcj part simply enhances it. Makes it faster. It's not required. [03:24] =) [03:25] Eclipse 3.1 is going up. So you can play with it. It's still in multiverse though. [03:26] But that's fine until all the kinks are worked out. [03:27] Well, it would be nice to at least get it shifted to universe. [03:27] I am quite confident about this package. I have spent hte last 3 days going over it with a fine tooth comb. [03:27] A fine example of cdbs-powered art. ;) [03:28] *lol* [03:28] How much of it should eventually be rolled into a java module? [03:29] whatcha mean? [03:29] oh cdbs? [03:29] Hmm. [03:29] I'm not really that sure. I think we obviously need a dh_gcj or something. [03:29] of cdbs / debhelper or whatever. [03:29] I think you'll have a good idea when you read it. [03:30] =) [03:30] I'd like it to be as easy as firing of some dh_* to set up a native gcj version of a package. [03:30] So, it needs to scan a certain prefix for jars, and map them to a certain other prefix. [03:30] From one package to another. [03:31] Can you write the logic out? [03:31] I'll have to think about it a bit. [03:31] in the meantime->shower/work/etc [03:39] wasabi, jbailey: I disabled -gcj again, maybe a bit too early, but I needed a working package in the archives, and it didn't show up. is there a way to disable one package for an architecture in cdbs? [03:40] doko: override DEB_ARCH_PACKAGES and DEB_INDEP_PACKAGES [03:41] did I mention, that I love the cdbs documentation? [03:41] doko: Someone has to. =) [03:42] doko: Documentation is one of the only things holding up the cdbs2 release. [03:42] Although what we have already is much better than cdbs1 had. [03:44] wasabi: I don't like the ecj-bootstrap Recommends: ecj-bootstrap-gcj. did you see my pointer, that ecj is miscompiled? [03:45] doko, I know that the dbtool thing is bad. [03:45] The script included with j-g-c wasn't suitable though. I will be building a better script/tool. [03:45] wasabi: and why does ecj-bootstrap-gcj depend on ecj-bootstrap? [03:45] One is required for the other to work. [03:45] ? [03:46] The idea is we are going to have the non-native version recommed the native version, so in the default cause, users are using the enhanced gcj version. [03:46] Debian will knock the recommends down. [03:46] As they don't care very much about the default case. ;) [03:46] s/cause/case/ [03:46] wasabi: I will knock them down as well, I do not want to recommend a miscompiled ecj [03:47] That is being fixed. [03:47] It's apparently a GCC bug or something. [03:47] jbailey, ? [03:47] wasabi: yes, but it's currently broken. [03:47] wasabi: again, why does ecj-bootstrap-gcj depend on ecj-bootstrap? [03:47] doko: Is it causing your grief? The arch indep one should just work in its place automatically. [03:48] Yup. That's the idea. [03:48] THe native version isn't REQUIRED, but it's a speed enhancement when it's present. [03:48] jbailey: I don't want users to install the -gcj one now. [03:48] Why? [03:48] because it's broken. recommends are installed automatically by synaptic [03:49] It's only broken on amd64 though, it works as designed on all other platforms? [03:49] wasabi: AFAIK it's broken on all platforms [03:49] doko: The right thing is to extract the patch from gcc CVS head to fix some misdetection causing mmap grief. [03:49] Well, it' sin the archive on i386, and works. [03:50] And ppc apparently. [03:50] What breakage are you seeing? [03:50] I haven't tested it on ppc, but I can do so if you'd like. [03:50] again: what's the reason for ecj-bootstrap-gcj Depends: ecj-bootstrap [03:50] Gcj native compilation isn't a replacement for the non-native version. [03:50] It is a runtime enhancement. [03:50] doko: All the -gcj versions should depend on their -non -gcj counterparts. [03:51] When the classloader grabs a .class out of the ecj.jar, it looks that .class's hashmap up in the classmap.db [03:51] And then loads teh cooresponding .so file if present. [03:51] That way you always can run the Java app, even if you try with a non-gij VM. [03:51] vs interpreting the code. [03:51] The original ecj.jar still has to be present. [03:51] Not only that, but the ecj.jar has more than code in it. Resources. [03:51] jbailey: sure, we will have this one with the next gcj upload [03:52] wasabi, jbailey: would you mind writing down things as a policy? [03:52] I beleive it's already in the wiki. That's where Jerry and I did most of the brainstorming. [03:52] wasabi: It does present the interesting question of what causes the -gcj version to be installed... should the depends go the other way? [03:53] That has the downside, though, that an arch that can't produce the -gcj for some reason would be uninstallable. [03:53] Well, I was banking on synaptic automatically installing -gcj's for users. ;) [03:53] http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaRoadmap ? [03:53] no [03:53] For buildd's, it doesn't matter as much. [03:53] wasabi: Ah. =) [03:54] Maybe we didn't write this down. ;) [03:55] what happened to JavaIntegration [03:57] I thought there was more in there. [03:58] it would be very nice, if we had something as a proposal for a policy ... [03:59] Sure. I'll try to cook something formal-looking up next week. [03:59] you're at debconf? [03:59] No. [03:59] would be nice to have something for a bof however ... [04:00] I'm moving this weekend, so I'm off the next 4 days, though. [04:00] I think it's unlikely that Debian and Ubuntu will converge soon. =( [04:00] the Eclipse debacle sort of highlights that. ;) [04:00] jbailey, few shells cripts to be shized. ;0 [04:00] /usr/share/java-common/java-common.sh [04:01] Joy. =) [04:01] That one definitly. The binary launcher for eclipse and ecj, I don't care. In fact I like them Just Working in bash. ;) [04:01] s/binary// [04:01] wasabi: wimp. =) [04:01] Just, the common component should be sh compatible. [04:03] there are always two sides in a desaster ... [04:03] The side that covered their asses and the side that didn't? =) [04:04] Of coruse, whichever side I'm on, is right. ;) [04:07] well, introducing conventions without documenting them isn't nice either. hacking all java packages like you did for ecj and eclipse may work for you, but not for Debian. There's a lot of things we can do better in Ubuntu. [04:10] RIght, but documenting conventions with no experience just means that things have to be changed afterwards. [04:11] That's why Debian Policy reflects current best practice, not the other way around. [04:17] jbailey, please grab Eclipse. =) === wasabi anxious! [04:19] me->work() bbl [04:22] jbailey: please could you have a look chinstrap:~doko/ecj-bootstrap, despite DEB_ARCH_PACKAGES it wants to build the binary package [04:26] scp: /home/doko/ecj-bootstrap: No such file or directory === jbailey looks [04:27] ecj-bootstrap* [04:29] doko: And the goal is that on amd64 would do not want with_native, right? [04:29] yep === Bylli_79 [~bylli79@host1-107.pool81116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-java [04:42] hmm. That hack ought to be working. When I test the constructs they work... =( [04:42] (GNU Make really is quite annoying) === wasabi_ [~wasabi@] has joined #ubuntu-java === Bylli_79 [~bylli79@host1-107.pool81116.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu-java [] [04:45] Erp. It looks like make rules don't lazy evaluate the variables. [04:46] What's that mean? [04:46] Something to do with patsubst? :0 [04:47] Yeah, doko's trying to override the package list from debian/control. [04:47] It hasn't come up in any other packages, but we planned for it. [04:47] Usually make variables are lazy evaluated, so you can override them later in the game and have everything work. [04:48] But it looks like when variables are used in rules, they're hard evaluated once immediately, not after a full pass of the Makefile has been read. [04:48] cdbs2 solves this by putting all the evaluation into the shell and recursing into Make (so causing a reread each time) [04:49] cdbs1 doesn't look like it'll have an adequate solution. [07:29] !SESSION 2005-06-30 19:26:39.618 -----------------------------------------------eclipse.buildId= [07:29] java.version=1.4.2_07 [07:29] java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. [07:29] BootLoader constants: OS=linux, ARCH=x86, WS=gtk, NL=en_US [07:29] Command-line arguments: -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86 [07:29] !ENTRY org.eclipse.update.configurator 2005-06-30 19:26:42.337 [07:29] !MESSAGE /usr/local/share/eclipse/plugins is not a valid plugins directory. [07:29] !ENTRY org.eclipse.core.runtime 2005-06-30 19:26:43.921 [07:29] !MESSAGE Product org.eclipse.sdk.ide could not be found. [07:29] !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2005-06-30 19:26:43.930 [07:29] !MESSAGE Application error [07:29] Hmmmm. [07:29] !STACK 1 [07:29] java.lang.RuntimeException: No application id has been found. [07:29] at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$1.run(Unknown Source) [07:29] at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(Unknown Source) [07:29] at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(Unknown Source) [07:29] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) [07:30] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39) [07:30] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) [07:30] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324) [07:30] at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(Unknown Source) [07:30] at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(Unknown Source) [07:30] at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.run(Unknown Source) [07:30] at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(Unknown Source) === jbailey [~jbailey@CPE00501836c657-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-java [08:06] wasabi_, you don't see the stack trace? [08:07] I saw it. I am considering it. === tashiro [~stephan@p213.54.197.246.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu-java [08:38] doko, can you mkdir /usr/local/share/eclipse and touch /usr/local/share/eclipse/.eclipseextension [08:38] and just let me know if it fixes it for you [08:40] they exist [08:41] Hmmm. [08:41] Well this is odd. [08:42] owned by root [08:42] readable though, right? [08:42] $ eclipse [08:42] using specified vm: /usr/lib/j2sdk1.4-sun [08:42] yes [08:43] hmm, defaults to the non-free jvm? [08:43] I have to do some thinking about that still. [08:43] If some user manages to get Sun's VM installed... do we want to go ahead and use it? Or make the user edit a config file to switch to it? [08:44] I chose the former for now. [08:46] hmm, why not use gij as the default? [08:46] It does. [08:46] If Sun's isn't installed. [08:46] Check the file /etc/jvm.d/eclipse [08:46] I don't call that a default ;-) [08:47] It needs to be thought about. [08:47] hmm, and it doesn't like the blackdown installation ... [08:48] It should only require /bin/java at the path. [08:49] ah, my mistake. typo in the path [08:55] Ahh! [08:55] I know the problem. [08:56] Hmm. That sucks. [08:56] apt-get install eclipse-sdk [08:56] Hmmmm. [08:56] That's going to have to be thought about. [08:59] wasabi_: http://kyoto.larvalstage.net/ubuntu/ seems to have been down all day... [09:00] yeah. [09:00] Luckily you don't need it anymore [09:00] You asked me to grab eclipse earlier for ppc testing, I've been trying occasionally. [09:00] archive.ubuntu.com [09:25] doko, can you open /usr/share/eclipse/configuration/config.ini, search for the line that contains org.eclipse.sdk.ide and replace it with org.eclipse.platform.ide [09:25] save, and try to launch. [09:27] yes, that works [09:27] Alrighty. [09:28] Weird. For the life of me I have no idea what eclipse-sdk actually DOES. I suspect it's just a "metapackage" to upstream. [09:28] can you fix the dependency stuff as well? [09:28] Which stuff is that? [09:28] java-gcj-compat-dev in b-d [09:29] You mean add or remove it? It is in b-d [09:31] ahh, remove java-gcj-compat [09:31] -dev is enough [09:31] k [09:32] drop libgcj6-dev, ecj-bootstrap, fastjar as well, these are java-gcj-compat-dev deps [09:32] btw, is it still multiverse? [09:32] Yes. [09:33] why? [09:33] Because I haven't verified that there are any multiverse deps left, and haven't told anybody to move it. [09:33] I suspect it's ready to move. [09:35] see https://wiki.ubuntu.com//UbuntuMainInclusionQueue , what's needed ... [09:35] I assume, you'll have to write one of these reports === rtcm [~jman@] has joined #ubuntu-java