
=== KaiL [KaiL@p548F55BF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
McScruffhas anyone installed ktemperature?12:05
nmorseHmm, those sempron Micro-ATX boxes do look awfully nice if not quite as small12:05
buzMcScruff: ive been using ksensors12:06
buzworks ok12:06
buzyou need better coooling with semprons12:06
buzif you want something silent, it's harder12:06
nmorseYeah, and the micro-ATX is like 13x14x5 for the cases usually12:06
buzas for mini itx cases, generally there's space for ONE harddisk12:06
buzis that cm or inch12:06
nmorseI was really hoping to build something smaller12:06
buzback to the mini then :)12:07
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buzmight also look into the asus pundit12:07
buzcheap but p4/celery12:07
nmorseNo P4's for me, thanks12:07
nmorseCheap and P4 don't mix well12:07
buzi feel the same :)12:07
nmorseand they're hot sunofaguns12:07
buzwell celery is quite cheap12:07
buzbut still a hot plate12:07
nmorseYeah, my main concern besides price is reliability12:08
McScruffhas anyone used any bsd?12:08
buzrock solid os12:08
nmorseI run FreeBSD for a server OS12:08
McScruffwhats that like?12:08
nmorsereally is rock solid12:08
nmorseYou compile stuff a lot12:08
nmorserc.d instead of init.d12:08
buzna you can use package12:08
buzit's not really a desktop os12:09
nmorseYeah, but who really does that?12:09
buzlacks a bit on the driver front12:09
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nmorseSome things like erlang and ejabberd don't even come as packages12:09
buzin theory most stuff is there for the desktop tho12:09
buzyou use erlang?12:09
nmorseI know people who run it as a desktop12:09
buzi didnt think anyone outside ericsson used that beast12:09
nmorseerlang is pretty dadgum neat, but it's mostly there for ejabberd's sake12:09
buzit's a mighty language12:09
buzbut fucking weird12:10
nmorseMakes for easily scalable stuff and the ability to update running apps is nice12:10
buzyeah its kinda like java on steroids12:10
McScruffi would love mezzo to come to ubuntu12:10
nmorseI wouldn't12:10
nmorseDadgum perl everywhere12:10
buzyikes perl12:10
McScruffthe symthony os thing12:10
buzperl is EVIL12:10
nmorseI want customization, not having to recode everything12:11
buzonly use i have for perl is spamassassin12:11
=== _osh slaps buz around with a large piece of perl code.
nmorseIt's great for regexp, so I hear, but as I don't do regexp much I don't have to tolerate it12:11
_oshbuz: Perl is a great tool for some things. Don't knock it. :-)12:11
buznearly every other script language can do the same regex12:11
buzsure it is12:12
buzbut it is an ugly programming language none theless12:12
buzstill beats bash though12:12
nmorseI use bash and Python for most of my scripting needs12:12
buzi consider it to be a better batch language12:12
buzpython is nice12:13
buzbut i miss the static types (from all scripting languages)12:13
buzand something like eclipse, ofcourse ;)12:14
_oshI use python most of the time now too but perl still has its uses, when doing small/simple scripts for example. I don't do python for that.12:14
buzif it wasn't so heavyweight i'd use java12:14
buzbut these days i rarely ever code anyhow12:14
nmorseYeah, python does tend to be pretty verbose for simple, quick, and sometimes dirty scripts12:15
buzand if, it's mostly hacking some php apps to do what i want them to12:15
buzphp is a giant mess, too12:15
nmorseI'm really not jumping full into coding until next month when I start college12:15
nmorseMostly I just play around right now12:15
buzbetter do it now12:15
buzhelps A Lot12:15
nmorseWrite apps I need for the network stuff here, PHP scripts for sites, etc.12:15
buzthen again I still think computer sciences destroys the joys of computing12:16
buzlots of ugly crap12:16
buzlittle of real life value12:16
nmorseI suspect I'll learn quite a bit of real life value in my program, mostly because senior year teaches you the practical network admin stuff12:17
buzmost of the practical stuff you can't teach12:17
buzyou can only learn it12:17
nmorseLike what?12:17
buzpersonally, i've flwon computer science after half a year12:17
buztoo many way crazy people12:17
=== _randabis is now known as randabis
nmorseHopefully not where I'm going (private college)12:18
nmorseUniversity of Tulsa has some of the happiest students in the country too12:18
buzi went to one of the best engineering unis of the world12:18
buzdidnt help it12:18
nmorseThere are very few students where I'm going12:19
nmorseLess than 5000 I think12:19
buzmhh been about twice that were i was (abot 1500 CS in all classes)12:19
nmorseShould help cut down on those who are in it for the money and those who are in it for no reason really12:19
buzproblem with CS programs is the really high amount of totally inept nerds12:19
nmorseAh, well, hopefully I won't fall into their ranks12:20
buza friend of one once said it's like meeting the /. crowd in real life12:20
buzwhich basically means NOT meeting them, relaly12:20
nmorseHeh, most of the people on /. are retards (present company excluded as always)12:21
buzi only read it12:21
buzposting to it is too bloody moronic12:21
opiI only read it when I'm bore12:21
ecadrenever posted on it12:21
nmorseI only post when I really need to12:21
buzi've never really needed12:21
buzthere might be the odd AC comment from myself12:21
nmorseLike to explain that Mac OS X viruses weren't new at the time12:21
opibut I must say, sometimes it's a nice place to get some decent jokes ;)12:21
buzbut i dont think ive ever registered12:21
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buzyou mean like: in soviet russia, jokes get you12:22
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opithat's one has a beard ;)12:22
randabisheh in soviet russia, computer boots you12:22
opirandabis: that's actually funny :P12:22
buzvery rarely, there's one that's actually funny12:22
ecadreno it's not :-/12:23
randabisso, I forgot how to switch between desktops in kde via keyboard shortcut...lol12:23
opiecadre: you should get a drink, then ;)12:23
buzbut all in all, /. is a giant waste of time, better be outlawed12:23
opirandabis: CTRL+ALT - arrows12:23
nmorseBut then who would be the 32nd most visited site on the net?12:24
ecadrei assure you it's not a drink problem  ;-)12:24
buzrandabis must have too many drinks, OTOH12:24
opibuz: but as I said, comes handy when you're borded ;)12:24
buzor when you should do real work you don't actually want todo12:24
buzlike learning for exams ;)12:24
opibuz: having too many drinks it's an oxymoron ;)12:24
buztrust me its not12:24
ecadreor doing actual work...........12:24
opiOK, you won12:24
McScruffshit, pc is running very hot12:24
randabisumm...that's what I thought. but it isn't working12:24
opiI've been there, you know ;-)12:24
McScruffis 57 C too hot ?12:24
buzmy head said it's actually possible just on thursday12:25
buz57C of what12:25
randabisCTRL+ALT+ARROWS...not working :p12:25
buzharddisks? yes. cpu? ok12:25
opiMine CPU's around 2712:25
randabis57C is a bit warm for a cpu, but not critical...really depends on the chip12:25
McScruffi need a new fan 2moro or monday12:25
buzyour pc must sound like a jet engine12:25
opibut I don't want to dive under the desk, to check12:25
McScruffpc is silent :)12:25
opidepends on PC ;)12:26
buza 2 fan radiator is not silent12:26
buz0 fan is silent12:26
McScruffi got a Pentium 4 3ghz in it12:26
opiyou can hear in another room when our IBM-server's fans kick ins 12:26
randabisMcScruff: heh that's why it runs hot12:26
randabisp4s are flamethrowers12:26
buzdon't tell me about ibm servers12:26
opibuz: I won't12:26
buzthose suckers always drive me nuts when i try to get them installed on my desk12:27
opibuz: I'm lucky to not be sysadmin there ;)12:27
ecadreput an ice cube on it  :-)12:27
nmorseYou should hear my old Dell server (Dual PPro Poweredge)12:27
randabiswell, I need to figure this out...ctrl alt arrows isn't working12:27
buzi don't buy hell stuff12:27
nmorseIt actually cools the room down about 10 degrees when it runs12:27
nmorseAnd it has 7 hard drives12:27
buzhow can a server cool a room?12:27
buzit could only heat it12:27
nmorse7 80mm fans12:27
buzyeah still without no connection to the outside, it wont cool anything at all12:28
opibuz: maybe it's Windows server, you know, it's freezed ;)12:28
ecadrebut they are there to pump heat into the room12:28
buzworse even, windows doesn't know jack about HLT12:28
nmorseIt has a giant vent on the front of the server12:28
buzwhich serves to move heat out of the server INTO the room, yes12:28
nmorseAll the excess cool (or hot if ever heated up) air vents out the front12:28
opibuz: There's no steping for Windows?12:28
opibuz: nor downclocking?12:29
buzmhh doesn't seem to work out of the box very well12:29
buzbut then again, i havent touched win in months12:29
opibuz: Oh, pitty. I don't have Windows anywhere to check ;)12:29
buzand i dont plan to do so any time soon either12:29
randabisif you wanna hear loud, then you gotta hear my computer at my house lol12:29
nmorseDoes it sound like a jet engine?12:30
opirandabis: you put bells on fan? ;)12:30
buzaaanyway i'm gonna go to bed now12:30
randabis92 mm vantec tornado 12:30
buzbell fans12:30
buzthat would be something for them overclockers12:30
opibuz: for 0verklokerz12:30
randabisthe case has about 11 fans in it12:30
opibuz: great mind thinks alike ;)12:30
buzstill better than the fan case hihi12:30
ecadreof course they might have found a way around the second law of thermodynamics12:30
randabisthat vantec tornado fan sounds like a hair dryer12:30
buzthey wouldn't find a way around their own bullshit12:31
opiI admit, I have a Dell mouse ;)12:31
opiit works pretty well12:31
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opimaybe it's the highest complication of HW that they can handle? ;)12:32
nmorseTheir OptiPlex GX110 doesn't take many varieties of RAM12:32
nmorseAnd the RAM it had just went belly up12:32
nmorseHence time for a new server12:32
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McScruffwhats the command to shut pc down?12:36
ecadredid anyone see Mark Shuttleworth at LugRadio Live?12:37
dutchcli ?12:37
dutchMcScruff: cli ?12:38
McScruffi dont want to test, im setting up incase my pc gets too hot12:39
dutchtry as root, "shutdown -h now"12:40
McScruffi dont want to test yet :)12:41
McScruffi will when i goto bed12:41
ecadrebye McScruff, see you in a minute then :-)12:41
McScruffis there any non root command12:42
ecadreer, you're on Linux, right?12:43
McScruffcoz if im out and it overheats i want it to shutdown without me comeing home and typing password in12:43
ecadretry pulling out the power cable........12:43
ecadreyou don't need root for that12:43
ecadrecan't you ssh as root12:44
ecadressh in as root that is12:44
McScruffi just wanted it to shutdown if it got hot :(12:44
ecadreah, I see, not a remote shutdown, just an auto shutdown if it gets too hot12:45
ecadreon my laptop there are tool (Linux stuff) that deal with that12:45
McScruffi have installed KSensors12:46
McScruffwill that be ok :S12:46
McScruffmy bios must have it somewhere12:46
McScruffnext is security12:46
ecadredunno, sorry.   I seem to be remembering from when I used to use Suse12:47
McScruffsecurity isnt a prob, nor are virus's12:47
McScruffbut is it worth gettin an AV?12:47
ecadrefor Linux?12:47
McScruffi have seen a few about12:47
McScruffbut never got 112:47
ecadreonly if you doing something like an email server or gateway12:48
McScruffthats a no then12:48
McScruffwhere does totem look for codecs?12:48
ecadrethere aren't any AV progs FOR Linux (if you see what I mean)12:48
McScruffi do12:49
ecadreit uses Xine12:49
McScruffwhere are them codecs kept12:49
ecadrejust a mo12:49
ecadremy windows codecs are in12:50
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ecadreI'm not sure where all of the ogg, theora etc stuff is though.12:52
McScruffthe win32 are fine12:52
red22how do i list packages available for download that a match a certain string pls?12:52
red22used to using 'yum search xx' on fc but not sure how on kubuntu.. apt-get has no search option ithat i can find..12:53
ecadretry synaptic or kynaptic12:54
ecadreyou can search in those12:54
red22ok will do, ty. but do you know how to search on the command line pls?12:55
ecadreyeah, the lists from the repositories are saved in plain text, does anyone know the best way to search them not using a GUI?12:57
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red22is there a kde firefox for kubuntu?12:58
red22(as opposed to the gnome defalut download)12:58
McScruffkde firefox?12:59
McScrufffirefox is firefox12:59
ecadrefirefox is not KDE (Qt and all that)01:00
ecadrethere's no mention of search in man apt-get01:00
red22the one that that is installed from default repositories looks like it is for gnome... on fc4 it looks like a pure kde app.01:00
ecadreyeah, but that's becauase of Red Hats themes01:00
=== thoreauputic [~prospero@wolax8-162.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
ecadrelook isn't the only difference between Gnome and KDE01:01
red22themes?  can they be installed for kubuntu?01:01
ecadrehave a look at the Control Panel in KDE01:02
red22i mean in fc4 the firefox menus, buttons, etc look themed just like all the other kde apps.  in kubuntu all the widgets look bland.01:02
McScruffi know :)01:02
McScruffits a firefox extension01:02
ecadrethat's blue curve01:02
red22nono, i have the same kde theme installed in fc4 as i do in kubuntu and that is not the answer..01:02
McScruffits a firefox theme01:03
McScruffi will get the name 01:03
ecadreno, not the KDE theme, it's what fc (Red Hat) have done to change Firefox01:03
red22mcscruff, can that be installed for kubuntu?01:03
McScruffits a firefox thing01:04
ecadreit's a bit like what Suse do to Open office01:04
red22i heard about some project that makes all gnome apps look like your regular kde apps once.. can't recall the name01:04
ecadreactually, McScruff, you're right, there probably is a theme you could get01:04
red22yeah, that too. openoffice in fc4 looks kde too01:04
ecadreheh, don't tell anyone at Gnome01:05
McScruffPlastik style from KDE with Crystal SVG icons for Firefox.01:05
ecadretbh I prefer to use Konqueror anyway01:06
red22i've always been using kde... i heard gnome is themeable too an all that... i'll install it and check it out to be fair i guess.01:06
McScruffis that what you mean?01:06
McScruffnite ppl01:11
red22mcscruff, looks promising. will install firefox and see if that fixes menus and all... gimme a  min01:11
ecadrehmmm, Mozilla won't allow me to get at the themes unless I upgrade from 1.2 to 1.401:11
McScruffyou need the ltest firefox01:12
McScruffthen get it...01:12
red22well if you gotta go, ty for help.  if curious, i'll brb.01:12
McScruffim curious01:12
ecadreand there's no package on the Kubuntu repositories01:12
ecadreare you?01:12
McScruffi got it from their website :)01:12
ecadrevery curious indeed......01:12
McScruffhas an installer01:12
ecadreyeah, but I try not to do that too much01:13
ecadreit can muck up a dist upgrade01:13
red22so firefox is natively written (if that makes sense) with the gnome libraries / for gnome? (gtk is it?)01:14
McScruffi dont think so01:14
McScruffbut i installed ubuntu then kde01:14
McScruffso thats why i had gnome i think01:14
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thoreauputicfix for firefox: type about:config in the URL bar, search for vendorSub , edit the string to 1.0.4 and you will be able to install themes and extensions01:16
McScruffnice tip01:16
thoreauputicjust be sure you have the latest security fixes in place from ubuntu first01:17
red22hm, you do need to  install firefox from the mozilla website.  the page for themes says ubuntu shipped with a messed up something or the other..01:17
red22ah, now u tell me heh ty01:17
thoreauputicred22: see above, and no, you don't need to01:17
red22yeah i just saw ty01:18
McScruffi still have the ubuntu one on system , and put this one in a new dir01:18
thoreauputicOK :)01:18
red22thoreauputic: string not found.. i searched for "vendorSub"01:20
red22"app.version" maybe?01:20
McScruffim off to bed, i hope that is your problem, im sure it is :)01:20
thoreauputicsorry, no . between user and agent01:21
red22lol i see it there, but i'm wondering why the search failed....01:21
thoreauputichmm... well just change the string to 1.0.4 and you should be OK01:22
red22done. works. ty.01:23
red22now installing theme to see if it looks kde'ish now01:23
ecadreyep, it worked, in the end.01:23
ecadrestill won't be using Firefox though (if possible)01:23
ecadreoh, and thanks thoreaputic01:24
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thoreauputicno worries :)01:25
red22no no. that's not the fix.  it is still looking like a gnome app with a couple different icons01:25
ecadrewell, it's still probably Red Hat and their Blue Curve stuff you're thinking of01:26
red22thoreauputic: you know how fc4 has a firefox that looks like a native kde app?  how can u make kubuntu have that too?  kubuntu's firefox is for gnome..01:26
red22ecadre: i use the same theme in fc4 than in kubuntu.  the kde apps look the same in fc4 than here, but not firefox..01:27
thoreauputicI don't know, really: maybe because of fc4 using BlueCurve or something?01:28
red22but isn't bluecurve just another regular kde theme?01:29
ecadrefc4 doesn't look like KDE anyway, it looks like fc401:29
ecadrebut a regular KDE theme will not touch firefox01:29
red22or is bluecurve some gtk-qt abstraction layer?01:29
thoreauputicI think ubuntu's firefox uses a package for gnome compliance with firefox - can't remember the name of it off the top of my head01:29
ecadreit was Red Hats attempt to make Gnome and KDE both look like........ Red Hat01:30
red22ecadre: kde under fc4 looks just like kde on kubuntu on my machine i don't know what you mean..01:30
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thoreauputicecadre: indeed - I seem to recall a couple of Red Hat KDE devs resigned over bluecurve01:31
red22which reminds me.. does kubuntu have some tool for controlling all your machines running services / daemons?01:32
thoreauputicor rather, Rh's changes to KDE in general01:32
red22machine's *01:32
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red22in fc4, for example, there is something like menu > system > services and you can start/stop etc  all your daemons01:33
red22i can't find that in kubuntu (or similar)01:34
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thoreauputicred22: this might help --> http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=7501:37
red22about the bootup manager?01:40
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ecadrethat looks interesting01:41
red22ah i see01:41
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ecadrehe, he, someone requested the highlighting of scripts that were not installed (snigger)01:43
ecadreI'm very bad for laughinh, you don't have to talk to me now (I'm already in Coventry though!!)01:46
thoreauputicthat would be for the Schroedinger's Cat scripts ;)01:47
ecadreonly if you looked01:47
red22thoreauputic, ty for link.  will try installing later.  that seems to be what i needed ty.01:48
ecadreI presume there shouldn't be any particular problem installing that onto Kubuntu01:48
thoreauputicred22: you're welcome :)01:48
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ecadreI'm going to try it now01:52
ecadreit's only dependency is on the Perl-Gtk2 libraries01:53
dutchwhat's the equalivent of gedit in kubuntu ?01:54
ecadrekate ?01:55
dutchdon't know, asking01:56
red22there used to be kedit, but it's being deprecated in favor of kwrite01:56
thoreauputicecadre: red22 more info in the Ubuntu section of this article --> http://www.linuxjournal.com/node/8322/print (on boot up manager)01:56
ecadreooh, thanks01:56
red22dutch: kwrite worked right?01:57
dutchok, kwrite works...now, to see if I can print it01:57
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red22damn, someone mentioned schroedinger and it's been a while since physics so i decided to look up again... what a tremendous headache i have worked up :P01:59
thoreauputicred22: hahah :)02:00
red22i wonder if that wiki entry helps anyone without a physics major..02:00
ecadrethoreaputic - that article claims that bum is in the Ubuntu repositories, however, I can't find it02:01
red22ah i get it now... if i impose a macroscopic wave function on my cat, then i will destroy it's superposition... easy.02:02
ecadrenah, Shroedinger was just tking the piss02:03
thoreauputicecadre: ah - i just used the deb from the website - it won't break anything02:03
thoreauputicsudo dpkg -i  to install it02:03
ecadreyeah, that was what I was about to do, but the mention of the repository made me look02:03
red22i'm also interested in a good sources.list file.  there's a lot of things not found by the default.02:03
phantombrainmi just understand 30-40% of the article. My english ist to bad for that difficult stuff02:03
red22what's your native language?02:04
ecadreshow it to your cat02:04
phantombrainmi just can read schoolenglish02:05
ychahibiHow can I install a downloaded package (like bum) without having to fix dependencies manually with apt-get before doing dpkg -i ?02:05
dutchred22:  ok, using kwrite works, and now I can print..just took a few minutes to set up the printer02:05
dutchred22: thanks for the help02:05
red22dutch, glad to help, np02:06
ecadrewoops, I clicked on the download and it opened up in Kate.........02:06
thoreauputicychahibi: bum should install without dependencies: you shouldn't force an install if there are deps (obviously it wouldn't work anyway)02:06
red22phantom: what is german for cat? :)02:06
red22ah i see02:07
red22http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schrdingers_Katze  << knock yourself out :)02:07
red22lol yw02:07
red22i hope you get a massive headache like i did heh02:08
phantombrainmseems like02:08
phantombrainmin german its not easier than in english...*g*02:09
red22isn't that funny?  the wikipedia translations of the same entry even include different pictures02:09
ychahibithoreauputic: When using urpmi for example, urpmi bum* automatically looks for missing packages, with Kubuntu, I have to do dpkg -i then look for missing packages, then do apt-get install <missingpacks> then dpkg -i 02:09
phantombrainmyeah, thats funny02:09
red22yeah, the german one is a lot harder. but i don't speak german :)02:09
red22well, other than "katze" now.02:10
thoreauputicychahibi: the urpmi trick only works for stuff that urpmi knows about (ie that's in the urpmi data base) - same with apt02:10
phantombrainmi dont get it. Is the Katze dead or alive ?!?02:11
thoreauputicychahibi: best is to do an apt-cache search first - usually what you want is there in one of the repos02:11
ychahibithoreauputic: not it isn't the case, urpmi looks for missing packages even if it's not presentin its repositories, anyway I don't want to troll ...02:12
thoreauputic*shrug* - as I said , the order in which you do it is the key: look for what you want in the repositories, enable univers and multiverse... urpmi isn't magic - it has to have somewhere to look too02:14
phantombrainmhow did you find that article?02:15
ecadrebum bum bum bum bum bum   :-)02:15
red22if you install firefox with the installer (mozilla.org download) will you be able to uninstall it with synaptic or any other easy uninstall tool?02:16
ecadreyou can stick firefox into a single directory02:16
phantombrainmon wikipedia.fr (france) is another picture of the cat ;)02:17
thoreauputicred22: the package system won't know about an install from the installer, basically, so no, sysnaptic / apt won't see it at all02:17
ecadrethey probably killed the original one02:18
ychahibithoreauputic: I have a bad english, let me explain : Bum isn't present in the repositories, I downloaded it from its website, to install it I did :sudo dpkg -i bum* dpkg told there were missing dependencies ( gnome-perl ... ) , I did apt-get install <missingpacks>, then dpkg -i bum* to install bum, I thought apt-get install bum* would have resolved problems, but it hadn't02:18
ecadreonly deb files can be tracked02:18
ecadre^original cat02:18
phantombrainmif i install something by hand i can see it in synaptic02:18
phantombrainmif you convert *.rpm with alien to .deb you also see them when theyre installed02:19
ecadrei like BUM, thanks thoreauputic02:19
ecadre'cos it's now a deb02:19
thoreauputicphantombrainm: yes, because you made a .deb 02:19
red22phantom, if you install "by hand" how?02:20
ecadreeven more thanks to the guy who wrote it02:20
phantombrainmwith dpkg02:20
ecadrethen you're using the same system as apt-get uses02:20
phantombrainmdpkg -i *.deb02:21
phantombrainmor convert a *.rpm with alien02:21
ecadreaptitude package manager02:21
phantombrainmif you cant find a .deb02:21
ecadreuses dpkg02:22
red22can i see what files a package has? i'm curious where the default firefox installs all its files..02:22
thoreauputicred22: dpkg -L firefox02:22
red22like rpm's query function... apt or dpkg have that02:22
red22ah ty02:22
phantombrainmnever used the -L switch. Interesting02:23
thoreauputicoops,  dpkg -L mozilla-firefox02:23
ecadreif you use the installer from firefox then everything is put into one directory02:23
=== Borg^Queen [~kate@h-68-164-202-94.nycmny83.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu
ecadreyou choose where02:23
Borg^QueenHey people02:23
Borg^Queenand others02:23
phantombrainmok. need to go to bed now. 2:23 AM here02:23
Borg^QueenI have a question about the latest release of KU. I have one I DLed about 4 months ago 5.04. Is the release on for DL the same as that one?02:24
ecadrehi borg02:24
red22phantom: c ya 'night02:24
Borg^QueenHi ecadre. Good night phantombrainm 02:24
godsmokeBorg^Queen: you don't need to redownload an installer02:24
godsmokeyou can just update your system via apt02:25
Borg^Queenok butt?02:25
Borg^QueenSo use the current disc as the install then just do a distro update?02:25
godsmokethere's no reason to ever use a new installer -- unless you want to wipe your system02:25
Borg^QueenI wipe it all the time02:25
godsmokewell, it depends on what release you want02:25
ecadreor it's a new system02:25
godsmokethat's pointless02:25
Borg^QueenI learn by reinstalling over and over again02:25
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ecadrewhat are you doing to your poor computer02:26
Borg^QueenI always want the latest release02:26
godsmokeanyway, depending on which release of kubuntu you'd like to run, you would set up apt differently02:26
Borg^Queenecadre: learning02:26
godsmokereinstalling doesn't actually teach you anything about linux02:26
Borg^QueenI install, tear the system apart and reinstall02:26
ecadretorture  :-O02:26
godsmokeit just teaches you how to use the dumb debian installer02:26
godsmokewhich is really not worthwhile02:26
Borg^QueenI find it useful02:27
red22dpkg -L <pname> only works if it is currently installed... is there nothing similar that queries the remote repository for the included files?02:27
godsmokedpkg only deals with local packages02:27
godsmokeapt deals with retrieving packages02:27
thoreauputicred22: yes, apt-file - but you have to install it and update it02:27
ecadreyou can look at the list of files if you use Synaptic02:27
Borg^Queenapt-get name of package02:27
red22install and update what?02:27
thoreauputicred22: the apt-file tool02:28
thoreauputicapt-cache show apt-file to read about it02:28
Borg^Queenok thanks people.02:28
Borg^QueenOff to reinstall land 02:28
ecadreyes, that's true, but life is too short for all that typing02:28
Borg^QueenMay the source have mercy on my processor02:29
ecadreBorg... that's Gentoo02:29
godsmokeecadre: I don't know why you would say gentoo -- it's certainly not the only source-based distro02:30
Borg^Queenecadre: we all come from the source code02:30
Borg^QueenAnd we must return to the source02:30
Borg^QueenBoy was Matrix 3 disappointing02:31
ecadreyou're sounding a bit messianic now02:31
godsmokeboy was Matrix > 1 retarded02:31
Borg^QueenYou think?02:31
godsmokehorribly put together02:31
ecadreyou'll be wanting to assimilate us next02:31
Borg^Queenecadre: are you using gnu linux?02:31
gdhnearly as 'milking the concept' as Police Academy :)02:32
Borg^QueenLet's not talk about that series of crap02:32
Borg^Queenecadre: are you using gnu linux?02:32
ecadreyes, of course  (unless you're ESR)02:32
Borg^QueenThen you have already been assimilated....02:32
godsmokeis this star trek stuff now?02:33
godsmokeget that crap out of here02:33
Borg^Queengodsmoke: can't keep up?02:33
red22thoreauputic: eek, apt-file wants to download all the packages' contents from all the sources to keep an on disk list... it should just find the single package that you query and list its contents...02:33
godsmokered22: read the apt manual02:33
Borg^Queenred22: use synaptic02:33
godsmokedon't use synaptic02:33
ecadreuse synaptic02:33
godsmokeuse apt -- just read the manual02:33
thoreauputicred22: no, it just updates the data base like apt-get update :)02:33
Borg^Queenuse synaptic02:33
ecadreright click on a package and chhose properties02:34
Borg^Queenred22: give in to the darkside02:34
red22synaptic lists the contents of a particular package? individual filenames and directories?02:34
ecadreyes, yes, yes, yes02:34
red22ah neat. i only saw the description available02:35
Borg^QueenWelcome to the darkside02:35
ecadreyou have to use the description tab if it's not installed already02:35
godsmokeI want to stab my eyes with something blunt02:35
Borg^QueenI can help02:35
godsmoketo distract myself from the pain here02:35
ychahibiAPT: I installed an old wine version to make flash mx trial work on my box, I don't have synaptic and want to lock it, so if I do apt-get upgrade it won't be updated , is there any command to lock a package ?02:35
ecadrehe, he02:35
godsmokeychahibi: read the apt manual02:36
godsmokethis is a WELL COVERED TOPIC02:36
=== Borg^Queen crams the entire Star Trek film and series collection into godsmoke 's eyes
Borg^QueenI didn't use the corners02:36
godsmokedvd or vhs?02:36
Borg^Queendvd of course02:36
Borg^QueenMommie, what's VHS?02:37
red22nope, doesn't seem like synaptic will list individual files in a package if you haven't installed it yet..02:37
godsmoketheora is a file format ... we're talking physical format -- welcome to the conversation02:37
ecadrelook on the "description" tab red2202:37
Borg^Queengodsmoke: I'm talking about video formats02:37
godsmokeBorg^Queen: physical video formats -- when you said "dvd" you didn't say "mpeg-2"02:37
godsmokehence my point!02:37
godsmokeso, theora is not a competing product02:38
Borg^QueenNope, neither I use LUV02:38
ecadrehah, I'll change that............. a lot of packages don't include it in their description....pooo02:38
Borg^Queenof GLUV02:38
godsmokeit has to download the package to find out all of the files in it02:38
godsmokesince the file list is part of the package itself02:38
red22ecadre: the "description" tab has a description.  no filesnames/directories/contents are listed there...02:38
red22at least for firefox02:38
ecadreah well,  I'll just go to the corner and shoot myself  :-(02:38
godsmokered22: listen to me ...02:39
red22lol ok02:39
godsmokethe file list is a part of the deb package02:39
godsmokeuse apt-file02:39
godsmokeget over yourself02:39
godsmokecase closed02:39
Borg^Queenmy goodness02:39
godsmokejesus h christ02:39
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ecadreyeah, keep that casa opn !!02:39
red22i was just enticed by the pretty gui to do it easy :P02:39
ecadrehello sun02:40
godsmokewell, you're dumb02:40
godsmokeanother case closed02:40
Borg^QueenHere comes the sun02:40
thoreauputicgodsmoke: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct02:40
godsmokethoreauputic: thank you02:40
thoreauputicgodsmoke: please be respectful and helpful02:40
_sunecadre, i still don know how to make the printer working.02:40
monchyand take your medication02:40
godsmokethank you -- I want to be a good child of god02:40
red22what is "h" in jesus "h" christ?02:40
Borg^QueenIndeed, I'm searching now...02:41
ychahibi<q> <godsmoke> this is a WELL COVERED TOPIC </q> : I can't see it any where !02:41
red22or herbert02:41
godsmokeychahibi: I'm sorry, I can't help02:41
Borg^QueenApparently "Holy"02:41
Borg^QueenMoving on02:41
ychahibigodsmoke : no problem02:41
=== godsmoke does the african dance
Borg^Queenthanks for the help and the touch of insanity02:42
godsmokethis is the spirit of ubuntu!02:42
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ecadreoh dear, the sun has left02:42
=== Borg^Queen shoots godsmoke with a tranq gun
godsmokenot gonna do much good02:42
monchyit has to be a tranq gun?02:42
Borg^Queenmonchy: yes02:42
godsmokeI just ran like 10 miles -- I'm exausted already02:43
ecadretrance gun?02:43
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Borg^Queengodsmoke:  you can either behavior yourself and go back to using win95 alpha for all eternity02:43
godsmokebehavior myself02:43
godsmokecan I give you english lessons02:43
monchyand here it comes02:43
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Borg^QueenOoops behave02:43
Borg^QueenThat was a tyyyppooo02:44
godsmokeit wasn't a typo02:44
godsmokeit was a different word02:44
thoreauputicychahibi: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-search.en.html#s-apt-file02:44
Borg^Queenooh thanks thoreauputic 02:44
ecadrehere's a question02:44
Borg^Queengodsmoke: a typo is a word misspelled or misused02:45
ecadreI was looking at the Canonical website earlier02:45
godsmokebut that's not what this was02:45
godsmokethis was a grammatical error02:45
ecadredoes Canonical have any developers based in South Africa?02:45
godsmokea REAL word, related to the correct word02:45
godsmokeused incorrectly02:45
godsmokefar from a typo02:45
Borg^Queenhence a typo so thereee02:45
ecadreoi, shurrup  :-P02:45
ecadre* ducks*02:46
Borg^QueenIts doesn't matter, he's a man and there for wrong by genetics02:46
godsmokeoh boy02:46
ecadre"there fore"02:46
godsmokewant me to correct that sentence too??02:46
Borg^QueenLOL therefore02:46
ecadreyou've got me at it now/??!!02:46
godsmoke"by genetics" is very wrong02:46
godsmoke"by nature" -- "due to genetics"02:47
godsmoketake your pick02:47
monchythis is great02:47
Borg^Queengodsmoke: did it everr accur to u that I'm puling your chain?02:47
=== monchy gets popcorn
ecadreanyway........... about Canonical02:47
godsmokeBorg^Queen: no, but I'd suspect you to use it as an excuse for grammatical errors02:47
ecadrela, la, la, la, la02:47
Borg^QueenI'm sorry ecadre I'm finished.  God on.02:47
ecadrenot listening02:47
Borg^QueenGo I mean lol02:47
Borg^Queengodsmoke: you' re too easy02:48
thoreauputicgodsmoke: I suggest you try #ubuntu-de or #ubuntu-pt and see how well you manage there: it might have escaped your attention that not everyone in this channel has English as first language, and that a world exists outside North America02:48
godsmokethank you02:48
Borg^QueenAnyway, thanks again. BBL02:48
godsmokethat's what I tell all the ladies02:48
ecadreI was just wondering about Canonical, and whether they have any developers in South Africa02:48
Borg^Queenthoreauputic: good point.02:48
godsmokethoreauputic: no -- that's the point -- this is an english-speaking channel -- if I were in #ubuntu-de -- I would be expected to articulate myself in german02:49
Borg^QueenI speak 5 languages. It can become confusing02:49
godsmokeand that's why I don't go there02:49
godsmokeI respect other languages02:49
godsmokeand wouldn't attempt to butcher them02:49
godsmokeI expect the same here02:49
Borg^Queengodsmoke: you will find that the Germans are very patient with those trying to learn German02:49
ecadretheir website only mentions europe, south america and somewherwe else, nothing about Africa02:49
godsmokeBorg^Queen: I'm german :)02:49
Borg^QueenYou're an oddity02:49
godsmokethat's what the manager of the psych facility told me02:50
godsmokebefore I was released02:50
ecadre* gone to sulk *02:50
Borg^QueenWhat is Canonical anyway02:50
godsmokeBorg^Queen: the company that supports Ubuntu02:50
Borg^QueenNo no no, I'm sorry ecadre I'll shut up now.02:50
Borg^QueenI thought it was based in SA02:51
ecadreback, just getting a drink02:51
godsmokeThe Isle of Man02:51
ecadreyeah, that was the impression that I had as well02:51
ecadreISM is where it's registered as a company02:52
godsmokehence "based"02:52
ecadredoesn't mean it's based ther02:52
godsmokewell -- it's really just a rough collection of people02:52
Borg^QueenWhat is?02:52
godsmokebut, if it were to be based anywhere -- it's that02:52
godsmokebtw -- ecadre: "Canonical is a global organisation headquartered in the Isle of Man, with employees throughout Europe, North America, South America and Australia."02:52
Borg^QueenNice work for a rough collection of people.02:53
godsmokeBorg^Queen: Ubuntu is the work of many people02:53
Borg^QueenI know02:53
godsmokenot Canonical alone by any means02:53
ecadreyeas, that's what I read02:53
godsmokeplenty of communty effort02:53
Borg^QueenI know02:53
gdhDo Canonical employ anyone specifically for Kubuntu?02:53
godsmokeI don't think Kubuntu is Canonical supported at all02:53
gdhOr is it just riddell, amu and friends doing their best in spare time?02:54
godsmokeI think it was a community-led effort, which Ubuntu has adopted packages from02:54
ecadreI found it a bit odd because of Mark Shuttleworth's continuing heavy involvement with promoting open source in SA02:54
Borg^QueenKU isn't a UB official project02:54
ecadreand his avowed aim for promoting indeginous industry in Africa02:54
thoreauputicgodsmoke: I'm surprised to see you ended a sentence with a preposition: tutu tut02:55
red22alright it's been interesting. ty. goodnight.02:55
=== thoreauputic gives godsmoke a black mark on pedantry
ecadreaccording to the Kubuntu website it is an official Ubuntu project02:55
gdhJust not funded or available on Ship-It :)02:56
godsmokethoreauputic: it's loose, not incorrect02:56
Borg^QueenOH it is?02:56
Borg^QueenI could swear I read it wasn't a UB project02:56
thoreauputicgodsmoke: "this is the sort of English up with which I will not put!" - Winston Churchill 02:56
ecadreIt's a discussion point, not a criticism, since I know very little about the setup of Canonical02:57
Borg^Queenecadre: you're a trouble maker02:57
ecadrebut I was under the impression that it had more of an involvement in SA02:57
godsmokeI met one of the 8 supposed Canonical employees paid to work on Ubuntu -- he didn't present it as an impressive operation02:57
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ecadrewhere was that godsmoke?02:58
Borg^QueenIRC fights02:58
godsmokeecadre: at a nyc2600 meeting02:58
gdhlamer train now leaving at platform 1337. all aboard!02:58
ecadre* not fighting *02:58
godsmokeBen Mako, I believe02:58
Borg^Queengdh: there are not lamers, only geeks02:59
ecadrerighty ho, I'm just curious02:59
ecadrenow, back to the proper subject of spilling03:00
godsmokeI'm starting to get the feeling back in my feet and lower legs03:00
Borg^QueenI'm assuming Kubuntu has all the packages I need to compile my own apps after I install them off the reps right?03:00
godsmokeBorg^Queen: Kubuntu is just a set of kde packages03:00
godsmokelobbed onto Ubuntu03:00
gdhBorg^Queen: Yes.03:00
godsmokeso, yes, Ubuntu has plenty of compilers03:00
ecadreBorg, yes03:01
Borg^Queengodsmoke: I know that. That wasn't my question.03:01
Borg^Queenthank you gdh 03:01
godsmokeno, Kubuntu does not have compilers03:01
godsmokeUbuntu does, if that's what you want :)03:01
gdhBorg^Queen: typically 'apt-get build-dep packagename' will get all the dependent -dev packages you need to recompile packagename03:01
ecadre* pokes god with a stick *03:01
=== godsmoke spites ecadre
=== Borg^Queen pokes godsmoke with a sharp stick
Borg^Queenthanks gdh 03:02
godsmokeBorg^Queen: I can't feel it yet03:02
godsmokegive me 10 more minutes03:02
Borg^Queennumb from the abuse?03:02
gdhgodsmoke: how did you lose feeling in your lower half?03:02
godsmokejust my lower quarter03:02
Borg^Queenfrom what?03:02
godsmoke<godsmoke> running03:03
gdherk - sounds like entirely too much effort03:03
ecadrejust reboot03:03
godsmokeI'm entered in the Opel Ironman with my father03:03
Borg^QueenNow its definitely GN.03:03
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godsmokeecadre: you are a champion googler03:04
godsmokeI just hope I can finish03:05
godsmokethat's all03:05
ecadrehave fun03:07
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godsmokeecadre: I plan to03:07
godsmokemy father lost 10,000 calories -- 8 pounds of water in 200303:07
godsmokeI hope we won't repeat that03:07
godsmokethat's horrible03:07
ecadreno, good to have fun03:07
godsmokehe had to go to the hospital03:07
ecadreyou beat me to it with the stuff about your dad, that doesn't look good at all03:08
godsmokehe came out alright03:08
godsmokehe's an old man :)03:08
ecadrewhat about water/rehydration points and all that03:09
gdhI can't imagine any amount of 'enormous sense of achievement' compensating for that level of pain03:09
ecadreI've fallen off a mountain (not very far!), it was painful, but i still climb every now and then03:10
godsmokeecadre: well, until you do a long-distance tri -- you don't know what it's like03:11
godsmokeI mean ... hydration is so hard to keep track of03:11
godsmokeafter you're halfway through the bike -- you're barely conscious of stuff around you03:11
ecadreno, probably not, I was just replying to gdh03:11
godsmokeyour body doesn't really tell you how hydrated you are at that point03:11
=== gdh revolves
godsmokeand if you drink too much ... you can easily do damage to your body if you race like that03:12
godsmokebut I'm gonna pace him this year -- keep track of his sodium intake as well as I can without a chemistry set ;)03:12
ecadreah well, I'll think of that the next time I try to throw myself off a cliff  :-)03:12
godsmokehow far did you fall?03:13
ecadreonly about a hundred feet or so03:13
godsmokethat sounds really scary03:13
ecadrebounced around and ended upside down03:13
godsmokeI'm not one for heights03:14
gdhOuch. Did you even get $250 from 'World's Scariest Moments' through a passer-by with a camcorder?03:14
ecadrejust bruises and stuff, I think it frightened my friend more than me03:15
ecadreuntil I gott back down to the bottom that is03:15
ecadreadreniline and all that03:15
ecadreno camcorders, it was all rather boring03:16
godsmokeand painful, I imagine03:16
gdhYes, lots of pain.03:16
ecadresomeone waved at us, i waved back so they went away  ;-)03:16
gdhHaha :)03:16
ychahibithoreauputic: Thanks for everything03:17
ecadreanyway the scenery was nice (Snowdonia)  :-)03:18
ecadreare all of these people actually here watching this discussion?03:19
godsmokeI'm not even watching it03:19
ecadreor are they just pretending?03:19
godsmokeI'm making a floorplan of my office03:19
godsmokebut, have no good software for it03:20
ecadrebits of paper are very useful03:20
godsmokeeh -- pain in the ass for trying to move stuff around03:20
godsmokeand measuring distances03:20
ecadreare you going to cut out shapes for all your furniture?03:20
godsmokeno, I'm doing it on the computer03:20
ecadreyou can move them around and see where things fit03:21
godsmokefancy schmancy03:21
ecadreyeah, better than those computer thingies, I don't believe in them myself....03:21
godsmokeI love the fishes 'cause they're so delicious03:30
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liz4rdi get this:  error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory while trying to ope ncertain programs....why? synaptic says i have them04:03
=== segphault [~segphault@adsl-67-123-205-241.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
segphaultI'm an ubuntu user and I want to use Kexi, but I don't particularly want or need other KDE packages (tho I might need some more in the future) anybody have any suggestions?04:07
segphaultis it possible to add a kubuntu repos to my apt sources list and just grab the stuff I need?04:08
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honhow is breezy now? is it close to be stable?04:29
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torzhey how do I configure the programs to load at startup?04:47
torzSystem -> Preferences -> Sessions in Gnome but I have no idea in KDE04:48
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deadlyshadowDoes anyone know how I get the latest version of KDE on Kubuntu?05:22
crimsunhave you read the topic? :)05:27
deadlyshadowCrimsun: On which forums? LOL.05:29
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crimsundeadlyshadow, the topic has information RE: KDE 3.4.1 on Kubuntu05:29
deadlyshadowYes, but on which forums?05:30
monchyubuntuforums.org lol05:31
crimsunthe topic in this channel has the appropriate deb lines you need to add to /etc/apt/sources.list05:31
crimsunrather, it has a url that contains the appropriate deb lines05:31
deadlyshadowI feel mental now.05:31
monchyadd deb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde341 hoary-updates main to your sources.list05:32
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deadlyshadowHey, uh, whats the name of the package?05:33
crimsunthe same as the ones you have installed. You need to update && upgrade.05:34
deadlyshadowOH yeah, thats how I did it last time. :)05:34
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penguinboypermission to come aboard, captain05:43
monchyahoy ye land lubber oO05:43
Brydenn[WU] permission to come aboard?05:44
penguinboyHey, its Captain Monchmeister05:44
Brydenn[WU] this isnt the SCA guys lol05:44
penguinboyaye aye05:44
Brydenn[WU] ;)05:44
monchyhave you seen this penguin ;  http://www.savetoby.com/05:44
penguinboywhat is the SCA?05:44
Brydenn[WU] penguinboy... http://www.sca.org/05:46
Brydenn[WU] you'll understand ;)05:46
penguinboyLets All Save Toby!05:47
monchyi ordered a mug lol05:47
Brydenn[WU] its a fuckn rabbit, kill it and cook it up haha05:47
monchylets kill you and cook you up ><05:48
=== _dwmurphy is now known as dwmurphy
Brydenn[WU] lol05:49
Brydenn[WU] good one monchy05:49
penguinboykewl site Brydenn[WU]  05:49
Brydenn[WU] np penguinboy05:49
Brydenn[WU] i actually went to one of those events where i live (oregon)05:49
Brydenn[WU] was kinda cool 05:49
Brydenn[WU] learned how to make this cool alcohol 05:49
penguinboydid you dress appropriately05:49
Brydenn[WU] naw i didnt05:50
Brydenn[WU] was my first time05:50
Brydenn[WU] there's lots of cool stuff at those events though05:50
Brydenn[WU] i mean, if you're a somewhat nerd05:50
Brydenn[WU] and since we're all in a Linux chan... my guess is yes05:50
penguinboyi am05:50
Brydenn[WU] hahaha05:50
penguinboyi am a nerd....out....proud....and loud!05:50
Brydenn[WU] i kinda am too but dont fit the "profile"05:51
Brydenn[WU] www.myspace.com/Brydenn33 is me05:51
monchypenguin: don't forget the other part, you know, the thing you say to liz4rd05:51
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penguinboyi am a geeky homosexual....out...proud....and loud!05:51
Brydenn[WU] queer05:53
Brydenn[WU] hahaha05:53
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penguinboyBrydenn[WU] : said on his website that he was interested in anal sex...got me excited...and then said he just wanted to get my attention....such a tease05:54
Brydenn[WU] lol05:54
Brydenn[WU] yah and i'm straight05:54
Brydenn[WU] ;)05:54
Brydenn[WU] mmmmm female booty hole05:54
penguinboybut he is a porn afficianado i c05:54
Brydenn[WU] hahahahahahhaha05:54
crimsunnot really sure what this all has to do with Kubuntu...05:54
Brydenn[WU] nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING05:54
penguinboywe are just having some fun05:54
Brydenn[WU] and thats ok05:54
Brydenn[WU] i know05:54
Brydenn[WU] some people can only talk about Kubuntu05:55
Brydenn[WU] lol05:55
penguinboywhile others liek to dabble in various subjects05:55
Brydenn[WU] besides, win XP Pro owns it hahahahaha05:55
crimsunlet's keep it on-topic with Kubuntu, please05:55
Brydenn[WU] crimsun try the /ignore command05:55
dutchevening crimsun05:55
crimsunthere are a variety of other channels to create/use if you want to discuss other things05:55
penguinboydo i hear censorship?05:56
Brydenn[WU] no you dont05:56
Brydenn[WU] you hear a poor attempt at it05:56
Brydenn[WU] anyway05:56
Brydenn[WU] continue05:56
crimsunevening, dutch05:56
penguinboyBry....from where do you hail?05:56
monchycome to irclikelife penguin05:56
Brydenn[WU] Portland, Oregon05:56
monchyno censorship there05:56
Brydenn[WU] but you would have known that if you read my profile ;)05:56
penguinboykewl place05:57
Brydenn[WU] yah its ok05:57
penguinboyi got stuck on the you know what statement.....DROOL05:57
penguinboyi never read the rest of your site05:57
penguinboywe have something in common i see05:57
penguinboywe both like things asian05:57
Brydenn[WU] what05:58
Brydenn[WU] what are you talking about05:58
Brydenn[WU] asians are like black chicks man.... the hot ones are few and very VERY far between05:58
Brydenn[WU] lol05:58
crimsunyou've a very small sampling size, then05:58
Brydenn[WU] yah that might be05:59
Brydenn[WU] Portland is one of the "whitest" cities in the USA05:59
penguinboynow if i was a straight man i might be attracted to those women on your site05:59
Brydenn[WU] lol05:59
crimsuntravel to southeast asia sometime05:59
Brydenn[WU] go KKK j/k ;)05:59
Brydenn[WU] dude Thai chicks are HOT05:59
Brydenn[WU] i give you that05:59
penguinboyand Thai men?06:01
Brydenn[WU] lol06:01
Brydenn[WU] well lets just say you wouldnt catch me balls deep on any of 'em06:02
Brydenn[WU] lmfao06:02
penguinboyto each his own06:02
Brydenn[WU] indeed06:02
Brydenn[WU] gay people are funny man06:02
Brydenn[WU] i have this one gay friend06:02
Brydenn[WU] he's like 40 something06:02
Brydenn[WU] i give him shit all the time06:02
Brydenn[WU] he cant believe the stuff that comes outta my mouth06:03
Brydenn[WU] heh06:03
Brydenn[WU] I went to Gay Pride when it was going on here in Portland06:03
Brydenn[WU] and i wore a t-shirt that said, "if you lick it they will come" hahaha06:03
monchyand all that time he's probably thinking of what he wants to put in your mouth06:03
Brydenn[WU] i got a lot of stares and laughs06:03
penguinboywow Brydenn[WU]   those are some nice pictures of yourself on the site06:03
penguinboyreally nice06:03
Brydenn[WU] lol thanks.... but dont wack off to 'em ok 06:03
monchypenguin your married to liz4rd!06:03
Brydenn[WU] thats just... wierd06:03
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penguinboyhey hey KK06:04
penguinboymonchy come over hereand give me a kiss06:06
Brydenn[WU] penguinboy i think they have a channel for you #gay-Kubuntu06:07
monchyhow's about i kick you in the nuts06:07
monchywith my steel toe boots on06:07
penguinboywell it might be a pleasurable experience...so have at it06:07
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monchyblah lol06:08
Brydenn[WU] i wear a size 12 shoe... you know what that means <winks to penguinboy> lol06:08
Kamping_Kaiserhi penguinboy06:08
monchyliz4rd needs to come back lol06:08
penguinboyhey hey KK06:08
penguinboywow...a size 12...SWOON06:08
Brydenn[WU] lol06:09
penguinboyliz4rd is no where near a 1206:09
penguinboynor is transgress06:09
penguinboyand I don;t even think that monchy is06:09
Brydenn[WU] <sigh> can anyone think of a good song that would be nice to "work out too"06:10
monchyactually i'm a size 13 but that's not the point here lol06:10
Brydenn[WU] like something ROCK06:10
Brydenn[WU] something that makes you wanna beat ass06:10
penguinboyshure you are06:10
Brydenn[WU] and NOT in that "way" penguinboy06:10
Brydenn[WU] hehe and monchy i'm really a 12 06:10
penguinboydid someone say, "beat ass"?????06:10
Brydenn[WU] and i'm only 5'8"06:10
Brydenn[WU] i got fucked in the height department06:10
monchybe careful brydenn i think penguins got a crush on you06:10
Brydenn[WU] yah he's homo like dat06:11
Brydenn[WU] shit, when the guy smells a fart he gets a boner06:11
penguinboyyou need to go see his purty pictures on his website...there is one of him in wrestling spandex06:11
Brydenn[WU] hahaha06:11
Brydenn[WU] yep06:11
monchyi don't want to see him06:11
Brydenn[WU] www.myspace.com/brydenn3306:11
Brydenn[WU] i'm hot06:11
Brydenn[WU] i get all the ladies and men06:11
penguinboyyes you are06:11
Brydenn[WU] hahahahah06:11
monchyi'd cut my own eyes out before going there06:11
monchythen i'd burn them so they couldn't be re-attached06:12
monchyit's not me, it's really crimsun06:12
Brydenn[WU] penguinboy... i got one for you.... www.blacksnake.com06:12
Brydenn[WU] right up your alley06:12
penguinboyoh my gosh!06:13
Brydenn[WU] penguinboy check your PM lol06:14
=== penguinboy has fainted
Brydenn[WU] lol06:14
Brydenn[WU] http://www.livejournal.com/community/tws_support/347374.html06:15
Brydenn[WU] ok there you go guys06:15
=== penguinboy wonders if anyone is gonna give him mouth to mouth
Brydenn[WU] ;)06:15
Brydenn[WU] nope, you're gonna die penguinboy06:15
=== monchy pokes penguinboy with a stick, which is really a stick and nothing anything else
=== penguinboy is still on the floor of the cyberroom from his fainting spell
=== penguinboy hears the distant wail of a lone siren
Brydenn[WU] lol they dont come save homo's06:18
Brydenn[WU] your ass is grass buddy06:18
Brydenn[WU] hahaha06:18
monchybrydenn bad news, penguins just confessed to me that he likes you :x06:18
Brydenn[WU] thats not bad news06:19
penguinboyit was the wrestling tights and the amazing pic of his six pack06:19
Brydenn[WU] yah that one always does it ;)06:19
penguinboyespecially the six pack06:19
monchyyou two should hook up then lol06:19
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Brydenn[WU] naw06:20
penguinboyhey hey hey sproingie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!06:20
Brydenn[WU] but i'll mail him some poop or something06:20
Brydenn[WU] speaking of06:20
Brydenn[WU] penguinboy you wanna see a picture of one of my poops06:20
Brydenn[WU] this is real btw lol06:20
Brydenn[WU] http://www.ratemypoo.com/ratemy/poo?image=7018306:20
Brydenn[WU] thats right... my poop is sperm free06:21
Brydenn[WU] sorry to let ya down hahahaha06:21
Brydenn[WU] lol ok guys06:21
penguinboynow i am getting a little turned off06:21
Brydenn[WU] darn06:21
Brydenn[WU] that hurts my feelers heh06:21
Brydenn[WU] alright i'm gonna go out with my gf and get drunk06:22
Brydenn[WU] ttyl guys06:22
Brydenn[WU] enjoy the nasty fuckn pictures haha06:22
Brydenn[WU] oh and penguinboy06:22
Brydenn[WU] one more for you ;)06:22
Brydenn[WU] shit06:23
Brydenn[WU] they took it down06:23
Brydenn[WU] lol lame06:23
Brydenn[WU] err next time06:23
Brydenn[WU] ;)06:23
Brydenn[WU] later06:23
=== Brydenn[WU] away not being gay
monchyfrom penguin: now in the world can such a straight man know so many gay sites06:23
monchyer *how06:24
penguinboyfrom moi?????06:24
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=== aseigo thinks Brydenn[WU] does have a rather healthy interest in the topic to be sure.
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Brydenn[WU] naw, i'm just twisted... now stop talking about me hahah06:25
Brydenn[WU] later06:25
monchyi think your in the closet lol06:25
penguinboycome out....be out...loud...and proud06:25
penguinboylike Liz4rd06:25
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penguinboyhey crimsun06:29
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penguinboyta da06:31
penguinboyhey Lizzy06:31
liz4rdI'M BACK06:31
penguinboyi am glad06:32
liz4rdsorry everyone06:32
penguinboywe have missed you06:32
liz4rdi missed you too06:32
=== liz4rd is glad to be home...in #kubuntu
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penguinboywhere have you been...the monchmeister was spreading the rumor that you were dead06:32
=== Kamping_Kaiser wonders if htere would be a point in #kubuntu if it wasnt a chat channel ;P
penguinboywe do discuss things Linux occassioally06:33
penguinboyKK scared rofiq off...LOL06:33
liz4rdLOL ever notice wehn you get me penguinboy monchy and transgress in the same channel...the topic is no morew :P06:33
Kamping_Kaiseryes, 06:33
monchy80% of the time the chan is dead anyway06:34
=== Kamping_Kaiser slaps liz4rd around with a topic
liz4rdYOU PENIS06:34
Kamping_Kaiserand 99% of the time it's Linux idle :D06:34
penguinboypenis???? where???? whjere????06:34
=== Kamping_Kaiser sensors liz4rds post
monchyyour like a dog without a bone penguin :P06:34
penguinboyspellign tisk tisk06:35
penguinboyspam and cheese is no more06:35
liz4rdITS ALIVE RIGHT NOW!!!!06:36
liz4rdFOR REAL06:36
liz4rdjoin #spamncheese06:36
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transgresstalkative bunch we got here07:21
Kamping_Kaiseryeh no shit07:21
transgressanyone need some help?07:21
transgresskubuntu is just that good07:21
Kamping_Kaisernah, they all just ask in Ubuntu07:21
Snickerdoodlei wanna help someone07:22
liz4rdwell if your all bored come to #irclikelife07:25
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froudwhat do I install in order to get bluetooth working?11:36
Kaiser_awayomg. life ;) depends what you want to get working11:42
Kaiser_awaybut i probably cant help you :(11:42
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=== Brydenn[WU] [~Bry@blk-222-57-141.eastlink.ca] has joined #kubuntu
froudKaiser_away: lets start with just installing support for Bluetooth. I have install BlueZ.12:03
Brydenn[WU] hey12:03
nikkiafroud, i'd recommend kdebluetooth next12:03
Brydenn[WU] if i'm gonna use a progy to run win XP Pro in Linux... what is the best app for that?12:04
Brydenn[WU] Win4Lin VMware?12:04
Brydenn[WU] etc12:04
nikkiaBrydenn[WU] : i use vmware, but thats because work bought me a license12:04
Kaiser_awaywhat's the app?12:04
Brydenn[WU] well if you had a choice nikkia12:05
nikkiaBrydenn[WU] : it'd still be vmware :)12:05
Brydenn[WU] what's more "stable" and uses less resourses12:05
Brydenn[WU] heh ok12:05
Brydenn[WU] yah it seems pretty popular from what i've read so far12:05
nikkia5.0 is pretty good, too12:05
Brydenn[WU] so...12:06
nikkiaaltho, despite following their instructions, i haven't gotten D3D support enabled yet12:06
Brydenn[WU] eh12:06
nikkiavmware5 added support for D3D acceleration12:06
nikkiabut you have to enable it in config files, because its 'still beta quality'12:06
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Brydenn33haha omg12:07
Brydenn33i was on the damn socks proxy12:07
Brydenn33didnt even realize it12:07
Brydenn33no wonder i was having problems staying online12:08
Brydenn33anyway... what do you know nikkia12:08
=== Brydenn33 is now known as Brydenn[WU]
froudnikkia: kdebluetooth is not in any of the repositories12:17
nikkiafroud, no, you have to add a specific repository12:18
nikkiahold on12:18
nikkiadeb http://fred.hexbox.de/debian ./12:19
KaiLI have the package somewhere here (for hoary)12:19
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petyare all12:21
petyai am using kubuntu, and i have problema with hungarian accented characters12:21
petyathere is no  and  chars in qt applications12:21
petyait just types sqares instead of them, otherwise, it's normal12:22
froudnikkia: OK thanks12:22
KaiLnikkia: the version number in that package is quite bad selected - that will be seen as "newer than 1.0 final"...12:22
petyaif i copy and paste the text to a gtk application it's normal again12:22
petyai use the same font for qt and kde12:22
petyawhat can be the problem?12:23
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=== Poromies [~PoroUkko@j158.ip2.netikka.fi] has joined #kubuntu
KaiLwhich font?12:24
KaiL....looks ok in everything "normal" here...12:24
nikkiakail, don't blame me, i didn't package it12:24
petyaKaiL: every font, but the first i tried was sans serif12:25
petyasome language pack i forgot t install?12:25
petyai have installed kde-i18n-hu too12:25
petyaand hungarian language pack12:25
petyaKaiL: i think it is definitely some kde based stuff12:25
Poromiespetya, i have the same problem but with finnish language and 4.3.1 KDE12:26
petyaKaiL: could you please tell me wich language related packages do you have installed?12:26
KaiLafaik default is Bitsream Vera Sans - and there it works...?!? :)12:26
petyafor example dpkg -l |grep lang12:26
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petyai check12:27
petyaKaiL: no, it's the same there12:27
KaiLto test I've just used your line as the example for the KDE font-change-dialog12:27
jesushey i have a computer running kubuntu and it has 3 hard drives but says it cant find them in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab when i try to mount the others12:28
petyaKaiL: in the test dialog it works for me too12:29
petyafor some fonts12:29
petyabut for example in quanta or kwrite it doesn't12:30
KaiLmost here12:30
=== Kaiser_away is now known as Kamping_Kaiser
jesuscan anyone help?12:30
petyaKaiL: can you try it with kwrite?12:30
KaiLhttp://moba.linuxfaqs.de/meine_Zeichen.htm open that in konqueror and press crtl+u12:31
KaiL..a kwrite will pop up and show many many characters as blocks...12:32
jesuscan either of you guys help?12:32
KaiLah, yes12:32
petyabut in konqueror it displays properly12:32
KaiL....there Bitstream Vera fails deadly12:33
petyabut with sans serif it does the same12:33
KaiLthat's only a link to "somewhere" ;)12:33
petyacan you give me a font wich works?12:34
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petyashall I install some true type font?12:34
KaiLFreeMono and FreeSans12:34
petyaand what about fixed fonts?12:34
KaiLFreeSerif mostly12:34
petyai tried freesans, it doesn't work eiether12:34
petyafreeserif does the same thing12:35
KaiLsorry, FreeSerif always, FreeSans mostly :)12:35
KaiL(at least here)12:35
petyanone of them works12:36
KaiLFreeMono always works (and should be perfect for editors)12:36
KaiLthat's btw. what the page uses12:37
froudnikkia: thanks bluetooth working ;-)12:37
KaiL...in konq12:37
buzwill we get kde 3.4.2?12:37
petyafreemono produce that too12:37
KaiLyou see the characters on that page in konqueror all ok?12:38
petyabut in the editor, i see squares12:38
KaiLthat pages is forced to use FreeMono12:39
KaiLguess, why :)12:39
petyasorry, that not here12:40
petyai can guess why:)12:40
petyabut it doesn't work12:40
KaiLit's the only (?) font to show all this silly chars12:40
petyanow i set everything to freemono, and it's still doesn't work12:40
nikkiaworks here, change kate's settings for font to use 'FreeMono 14' and bingo, they all appear12:40
jesushey i have a computer running kubuntu and it has 3 hard drives but says it cant find them in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab when i try to mount the others12:41
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petyanikkia: how do you change that?12:43
petyai used xfce before12:43
KaiLpetya: settings -> configure kate -> fonts&colors -> font12:44
nikkia(FreeMono 12 works, i just felt the characters were a little small in freemono :)12:46
petyaKaiL: thx, i got it12:46
KaiLnikkia: that's why I made them so huge12:46
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KaiLesp. as they are sometimes VERY difficult to identify12:47
nikkiai've never really understood why 12pt in one font shouldn't look the same size as 12pt in another font12:47
KaiLdon't forget: that's everything, you can call "latin font"12:47
nikkiakail, well, its a bit more than latin-1, which is why the boxes appear12:48
nikkia isn't in latin-1 for example12:48
KaiLnikkia: yes, every kind of latin12:48
KaiLeven some slavic or celtic languages are called to use some "latin font" :)12:49
nikkiakail, i see what you're saying, but to me 'latin font' refers to latin-1 :)12:49
KaiLnot in that page12:50
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petyabut if it were font problem, i still cannot figure out why did it work in gtk12:51
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nikkiayou know what i'd like? i'd like the xorg people to standardise specifying a desktop number as a -geometry argument :P12:57
nikkia(while they're at it, they can add in xinerama geometry rules, but i'm not so bothered by that)12:58
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Brydenn[WU] hey nikkia02:00
Brydenn[WU] got a copy of VMware v5 you wanna send me ;)02:00
nikkiabryden, just dl it from their site02:01
nikkiathe license key is the bit that's tricky :P02:01
nikkiaaltho, if you try really hard, i'm sure you could find one02:01
twidgetI've just installed Kubuntu as my first OSS OS... and I like!02:02
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twidgetWhat about anti-virus/anti-spyware software? Do I need to install anything?02:05
Poromiesgeneraly no, linux doesnt have that problem02:06
Poromiesyou might need a firewall though, but its not that important either than it is on the windows-land02:06
twidgetRecommendation on a firewall?02:07
Poromiesi use guarddog, its simple and fast to set up02:07
twidgetlink, by chance?02:08
Poromiesopen synaptic and search with it02:08
Poromiesor type this in terminal "sudo apt-get install guarddog"02:08
twidgetwhere/what is synaptic? (I'm a total newbie, sorry)02:10
Poromiessynaptic/kynaptic are the main ways to install software to Ubuntu, and if you like to use terminal the "apt" is the way02:10
Poromiesklik K menu, then System and there is Kynaptic :)02:10
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twidgetThis is so frikkin cool!02:11
Poromieshmm, for a total newbie, i recommend reading the forums, then the ubuntuguide and latest the kubuntuguide for detailed information how to install software, to get to know repositories and how to modify them and all.. :)02:11
twidgetWhy did I wait so long?!02:11
Poromieswww.ubuntuforums.org www.ubuntuguide.org and http://kudos.berlios.de02:12
maddwarfi'm having trouble getting my ati card to work to its full capacity. i have run xorgconfig and told it what i have, but am unable to get  above 1024x768, (60Hz). I would like to get up to 1600x1200 (75Hz) but can;t see any way to do this02:13
twidgetGod, I feel like a kid on Christmas morning! :)02:13
maddwarfanyone know how i can improve my ATI performance?02:15
Poromiestwidget: if i were you, i would first read about adding more repositories to apt/kynaptic/synaptic.. by default you have the main repositories open (wich are good, stable and realiable sources of software packages) but if you like to get restricted packages like medialibrarys, codecs and such working, youll have to tweak a bit and and repositories to your /etc/apt/sources.list02:16
Poromiesmaddwarf: id be keen to know more about them also, coz im having bit of trouble with mine also :)02:16
Poromiesbut i think mine is just because i have 64bit system, and ati doesnt fully support that02:17
maddwarfPoromies: i had the card working just fine under slackware, but my hdd crashed, and so i installed Kubuntu, but i can;t get them back working 8o((02:18
maddwarfi don;t want 3d support (yet), but something above 1024x768 would suit my 20" montor better ...02:18
Poromieshave you installed the ati drivers 8.14.13 or something like that?02:19
Poromiesor have ya installed them from repos?02:19
maddwarfi looked thrrough kynaptic, and installed anything ATI i could find (not much) ... 02:20
Poromiesdo you have 32bit or 64bit system?02:20
maddwarfthe ATI control panel says i do not have all the libraries02:21
maddwarf(FIreGL missing)02:21
maddwarfand i am using Mesa 6.1.202:22
Poromieshave you read guides in forums or ubuntuguide?02:25
maddwarfi'm struggling to find anything. where should i look?02:25
Poromiesand this is a index of how-tos: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3109402:26
maddwarfgreat, i'll have a read through. thnx02:26
Poromiesbeeing bit of a linux-noob myself, I bookmark all good sources of infomation ;D02:26
Poromiesoh, and this is the one i followed to get partial 64bit support or something: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3249502:27
Poromiesthose are instructions to install the lates official ATI drivers02:27
maddwarfok, gonna look, see what i can;t get working 8o)02:29
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maddwarfhow do i find my kernel version?02:35
tilixmaddwarf: uname -a or in Kcontrol02:36
tilixanybody of the Kubuntu developers here?02:39
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marthi, anyone know why installing php4 gets me a web server...?02:49
Kamping_Kaiserbecause that's what it's usualy used for02:50
martbah.  so much for having different development box and a server box.02:52
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ezequielhi ppl03:00
ezequielisn't there any qt4 build for ubuntu?03:01
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MadDwarfwell, that didn;t work! tried installing ATI drivers, didn;t work (no screens found)... tried restoring to xorgconf-old and i got horrid banding across my screen! 8o((03:08
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MadDwarfanyone any ideas how i ca get a readable screen back?03:08
MadDwarfif i CTRL-ALT-backspace, i see a load of errors - skipping /etc/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore/a:m_debug_xxxx03:10
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MadDwarfi can;t find any reference to this line ( /etc/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore/a:m_debug_xxxx) in my xorg.conf03:13
MadDwarfcan anyone see where my problem is?03:14
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martMadDwarf: it might be related to the Load "GLcore" line in your xorg.conf03:18
MadDwarfok - i'll comment that out. thnx03:19
martbut I don't know how to fix it :(03:19
MadDwarfi don;t have Load "GLcore"03:20
MadDwarfi have Load "glx"03:20
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MadDwarf#'d Load "glx" and get a different set of errors!03:21
martMadDwarf: you want glx03:21
martMadDwarf: but I don't know if your binary drivers(?) also want GLcore03:21
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MadDwarffrom what i have read, i probably do want GLcore03:23
martMadDwarf: you get to pick it when you do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but it's probably just easier to add the line at the top of the modules section03:23
martwhere the line == Load "GLcore"03:24
MadDwarfjust tried that - no difference03:26
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martah php4-cgi seems to be the package I needed if I don't want a web server03:44
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tracksomethingdoes someone knows how to make a sound blaster live actually sound?04:39
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eolohi guys, I would like to install firefox in my kubuntu; I only find tar.gz file how can i build a deb package?05:15
gdheolo: er, you need to look again - firefox is already packaged..05:16
gdhapt-get install mozilla-firefox05:16
gdhor use kynaptic05:16
eoloit answer me: Il pacchetto mozilla-firefox non ha candidati da installare05:17
eoloit doesn't have candidates05:17
eoloperhaps i have to edit the config file of apt-get05:18
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gdhjust open /etc/apt/sources.list in a text editor05:18
gdhfrom a Konsole, something like 'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list'05:18
gdhtype your login password when asked05:18
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gdhjust check that you have a line like "deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted"05:19
_P_eolo: 05:19
_P_vieni  in pvt che  ti aiuto05:19
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geiserihmmm is anyone aware that kmail will sigfpe when you delete an email in the latest KDE packages?05:31
geiserithis seems to be a backported bug from kde 3.505:31
twidgetIs there a reason behind Kubuntu partitioning my HD into 1.0K, 246G and 3.1G partitions?05:39
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_deathyo i installed nvidia-glx with kynaptic but its not working05:40
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marttwidget: sounds like the 'guided partitioning'05:53
twidgetI found out what they are: boot, swap and /05:54
marttwidget: it's supposed to be helpful, but for that size of disk you might as well use 1 or 205:54
martunless it's a server05:54
martactually, that seems fairly sensible, now I think about it05:55
twidgetNah, I'm just coming from 20 years of Windows and it bothered me not knowing why it did it05:55
marttwidget: don't worry about it05:55
martah, 246G. I misread05:56
marthmm, 1kb are you sure?05:56
twidgetThat's what it says05:57
martdf -h ?05:57
twidgetYou're talking Greek to me! :)05:57
marttype it in konsole :)05:58
twidgetI'm guessing that's a terminal command05:58
martselect the output, then just a middle click in your irc input05:59
twidgetFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on06:00
twidget/dev/sda1             227G  1.7G  214G   1% /06:00
twidgettmpfs                 500M     0  500M   0% /dev/shm06:00
twidget/dev                  227G  1.7G  214G   1% /.dev06:00
twidgetnone                  5.0M  2.8M  2.3M  55% /dev06:00
twidget/dev/hda              1.2M  1.2M     0 100% /media/cdrom006:00
gdhhda is your CD ROM drive ... a boot CD in the drive?06:01
gdhsda1 is your hard disk - I guess it's Serial-ATA ?06:02
twidgetand yes06:02
martok, sorry, as root try:06:03
martecho p | fdisk /dev/sda06:03
martis more useful output06:03
marttwidget: ?06:04
twidgetI've removed the CD. All that was on it was my bookmarks file.06:05
twidgetand it is set to boot prior to my HD06:05
twidgetFD, CD, HD in that order06:05
martok, but you've booted from your HD right?06:06
martcool, what does the command above show?06:06
twidgetoh... hang on06:06
twidgetunable to open06:07
martas root06:07
twidgetwith the CD back in06:08
martCD doesn't matter06:08
twidgetthen, what do you mean?06:08
martyou need to be root to read the partition table, so type 'su' then your root password06:08
martnot explaining very well06:08
martsu is a command06:08
twidgetsystem user, I'd guess06:09
mart'super-user'? I've never thought about it06:09
martso your shell prompt should end in # rather than $06:09
twidgetauthentication failure06:10
martok, you need to type the root password you gave when you installed06:10
martnot your user password06:10
marter, which did you type?06:11
twidgetI thought I did06:11
marttry 'su' with your root password06:11
twidgetnot working06:12
mart(if you use 'sudo' you will need your user password, but I don't know if that will be set up for you)06:12
gdhkubuntu has no root password by default 06:12
gdhsudo will be set up06:12
martgdh: ok, that's changed since I installed :)06:13
twidgetso, what then do I do?06:13
marttry 'sudo -s'06:13
martthen your password06:13
twidgetThe number of cylinders for this disk is set to 30401.06:14
twidgetThere is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,06:14
twidgetand could in certain setups cause problems with:06:14
martignore that06:14
twidget1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)06:14
twidget2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs06:14
martskip to the lines /dev/...06:14
twidget   (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)06:14
twidgetCommand (m for help):06:14
twidgetDisk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes06:14
twidget255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders06:15
twidgetUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes06:15
twidget   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System06:15
twidget/dev/sda1   *           1       30028   241199878+  83  Linux06:15
twidget/dev/sda2           30029       30401     2996122+   5  Extended06:15
twidget/dev/sda5           30029       30401     2996091   82  Linux swap / Solaris06:15
twidgetDisk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes06:15
twidget255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders06:15
twidgetUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes06:15
martI don't see a 1kb partition :)06:15
martI think that's probably just free space that it didn't allocate06:16
twidgetit's just a data CD06:16
martthis is your hard disk we're looking at06:16
martyou were asking why it had partitioned it like it had?06:16
twidget   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System06:16
twidget/dev/sda1   *           1       30028   241199878+  83  Linux06:16
twidget/dev/sda2           30029       30401     2996122+   5  Extended06:16
twidget/dev/sda5           30029       30401     2996091   82  Linux swap / Solaris06:16
martso that's really just two partitions (PC partition tables are crazy)06:17
martone primary, with all your data in /dev/sda106:17
gdhtwidget: your '500M' tmpfs from above is just a RAM-disk06:18
gdhthe '227G /dev' doesn't actually exist - great, eh? :)06:18
=== twidget boggles
marttwidget: it's not worth worrying about06:20
gdhheh, was just going to say that06:20
twidgetI know...06:20
marttry looking in your system menu, for "KInfoCenter"06:20
martand look at the "Storage Devices" section06:20
martit's easier to read06:20
twidgetHey, my motherboard keeps beeping every once in a while!06:20
twidgetI just started noticing it this morning06:21
gdhtwidget: next chance you get, I'd maybe reboot and look in the bios at the PC Health stuff - check the temperatures?06:22
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twidgetMy root folder... that's the equiv of "My Documents"?06:22
gdhwould be easier than trying to get the sensors support to work :)06:22
marttwidget: even when you're not using the machine? 06:22
twidgetmart, No. At least... I don't think so06:23
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SysFail can anybody verify that doing the upgrade to kde 3.4.1 will end the konqeror crashes?06:23
marttwidget: it might just be system notification, you might be able to turn it off06:23
js_SysFail: not here06:23
SysFailfew ppl in the forums said it did06:24
marttwidget: no root folder is (almost) your entire disk06:24
marttwidget: see the 2nd icon on your 'start' bar?06:24
twidgetThis is so cool!06:24
twidget /home/charles is my folder... I got it06:25
gdhAnd it's helluva lot easier to type than C:\documents and settings\charles\My documents ....06:25
twidgetthat... it is06:26
twidgetI am so frikkin jazzed about this stuff!06:26
=== mart steps back in case he gets hurt in the frenzy...
twidgetoh no... anyone who knows me knows I move as little as possible06:27
marttwidget: might want to have a look at Help->Konquerer Introduction, if you've not found that already06:28
martit'll show you where important stuff is06:28
mart"Home" "Wastebin"...06:29
twidgetnow then.... where would I find the equiv of Documents/App Data/Thunderbird/ ?06:29
twidgetit's installed... yes06:29
marttwidget: it's probably something like .mozilla/...06:29
martwait, do you need to do this?06:29
martdoesn't it have an import for your bookmarks?06:30
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gdhmart: thunderbird, not firefox :)06:30
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twidgetmart, my mail06:30
twidgetfound it06:30
twidget /etc/mozilla-firefox06:31
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marter, twidget 06:31
gdhnow I'm really confused :)06:31
martyour normal user wont have write access there06:31
markcis anyone using Qt and ruby on kubuntu ?06:31
gdhtwidget: your thunderbird data will be in /home/charles/.mozilla-thunderbird/06:31
twidget oops06:31
twidgetyou're right, that's FF06:32
gdhmost per-user application data gets stored in 'dot files' in the root of your homedir06:32
gdhkonqueror won't show you them unless you tell it to with View -> Show Hidden Files06:32
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martor typing /home/charles/. in konq location will show things it can autocomplete with06:33
othernoobdoes anyone know a program like gspot for linux?06:34
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gdhothernoob: mplayer ? :)06:37
gdhIt plays just about everything, anyway - moreso with 'w32codecs' installed06:37
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othernoobgdh. gspot isn't a player06:38
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gdhno, but mplayer will tell you what the codecs are, etc.06:38
gdhit also has an -identify option06:38
othernooboh i didn't know that.06:39
othernoobso i just type mplayer -identify file in konsole and that's it?06:39
gdhshould be :)06:39
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unikumhello, need help here........06:42
unikumhow do i enable java plugin in firefox?06:42
gdhunikum: Heh :) apt-get install java-package, then follow /usr/share/doc/java-package/README.Debian06:43
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unikumi have d/l the .bin and installed it. no probs there ..06:44
twidgetWell, that wasn't intentional06:44
marttwidget: ?06:44
gdhunikum: nope, that was wrong then :) using make-jpkg will put the right files in the right places for plugins, etc.06:45
twidgetI quit accidentally06:46
unikumhmmm says here apt-get is uknown06:46
gdhunikum: you're definately using a kubuntu system? :)06:47
gdhand whathappens if you just open a Konsole and type 'apt-get' ?06:47
unikumis it sudo or su before apt-get?06:48
unikumunikum@ubuntu:~$ sudu apt-get java-package06:48
unikumbash: sudu: command not found06:48
gdhnot sudu06:48
gdh'sudo apt-get install java-package'06:48
gdhthe 'install' is kinda important :)06:49
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unikumcouldnt find package java-package06:49
gdhdo that :)06:50
gdhsince java-package is in multiverse06:50
unikumhow come java is not in the system from start?06:50
gdhHeh, there's a book in itself..06:50
gdhpolicital and licensing issues06:51
unikumok, Mepis has it though06:51
martunikum: where it says "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" ...06:51
SysFailhow do you tell what version of KDE you are on?06:52
gdhunikum: Mepis is playing with fire, then.06:52
gdhSysFail: Help -> About KDE .. ?06:52
martyou need to get a file browser, type /etc/apt + enter in the location06:52
martthen right click sources.list, and pick "Actions->Edit as root"06:52
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unikumgedit command not found ... i will try with kwrite06:53
martunikum: see what I just wrote!06:53
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unikumok, after sudo apt-get install java-package?06:58
mart[17:43]  <gdh> unikum: Heh :) apt-get install java-package, then follow /usr/share/doc/java-package/README.Debian06:58
gdhIf you already have the .bin installer you can just 'make-jpkg name-of-installer.bin'06:59
gdhthen dpkg -i the resulting .deb07:00
unikumit says i must be a fakeroot07:02
gdhah yes. so install fakeroot.07:02
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martgdh: why don't they just point to the blackdown repository?07:03
gdhmart: to give people choice, I guess :)07:03
gdhsome may just prefer to use an IBM runtime, some prefer to use 'the source' of Sun's own07:03
gdhand hopefully one day the GPL'd Java VMs will be mature enough not to need any of this nonsense.07:04
marthear hear07:04
martgdh: part of the country are you in?07:04
unikum/home/unikum/jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin: line 438: /usr/share/mime-info/java-web-start.keys: tkomst nekas07:04
unikumi got hundreds of this: 07:05
gdhChorley, 20 miles north of Manchester :)07:05
twidgetI've moved my Windows Thunderbird profile off a CD into the corresponding Linux directory, but now Thunderbird tells me I can't use it because it is is use. Help?07:05
gdhunikum: cut-paste exactly what you typed to generate those messages.07:06
unikumi cant get so high in the shell07:07
unikumbut i got no errors when installing the deb07:07
gdhpress the 'up' arrow :)07:07
gdhah, cool.07:07
unikumi did07:07
gdhquit any firefox instances and reload it, then type about:plugins in the address bar07:08
unikumyes it works!07:08
unikumthanks a lot guys!07:08
unikumone more thing ..... i have win xp on hda C: and D: . I would like to mount D: how?07:09
unikumis it hda2 or hda5?07:09
gdhno idea.. look in K -> System -> KInfoCentre07:12
martit's probably hda5, iirc07:12
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mart(based on hearing something about how windows allocates drive letters)07:13
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martanyone have latex installed?07:29
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Principe_azzurrosalve all07:31
Principe_azzurrodoes anyone know how to switch from a graphical runlevel to a text based oen ?07:32
Principe_azzurrodoes anyone know how to switch from a graphical runlevel to a text based one ?07:32
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js_Principe_azzurro: init 3?07:33
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Principe_azzurrothat one07:33
js_Principe_azzurro: edit /etc/inittab and make 3 the defualt one, or remove the startup links for your display manager using update-rc.d07:33
Principe_azzurroi'll try thanks :)07:33
js_you can also :> into the default-display-manager file (i forgot where it is)07:34
twidgetHow do I install Macromedia Flash player for my browser?07:34
marttwidget: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/07:34
twidgethaha, getting sick of me already, huh? :)07:35
twidgetokay... kay...07:35
Principe_azzurrowich rc I have to update ?07:35
martheh, it's the same page :)07:35
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Principe_azzurrousage: update-rc.d [-n]  [-f]  <basename> remove07:35
Principe_azzurro       update-rc.d [-n]  <basename> defaults [NN | sNN kNN] 07:35
Principe_azzurro       update-rc.d [-n]  <basename> start|stop NN runlvl [runlvl]  [...]  .07:35
Principe_azzurro                -n: not really07:35
Principe_azzurro                -f: force07:35
js_Principe_azzurro: update-rc.d -f kdm remove07:35
js_Principe_azzurro: and dont paste that in here07:35
martnobody has latex installed?07:36
Principe_azzurroand then i just only have to launch 07:36
buzactually i have07:36
Principe_azzurrostartx to start the gui ?07:36
buzbut i barely ever use it, so 07:36
martkdvi wont open anything here07:36
buzusually works for me07:37
Principe_azzurrothanks :)07:37
othernoobmmh, when i try to reboot or turn my pc off, my screen just goes black and then stops. any idea what could be wrong?07:37
Principe_azzurroI'll try it :)07:37
Principe_azzurronow :)07:37
buzdid you try xdvi?07:37
martI was wondering whether it was a bug07:37
buzshouldnt be07:37
martxdvi works fine07:37
buzi had it choke on one dvi tho07:37
twidgetCouldn't find it07:37
buzxdvi could read that one07:37
martnow it's *every* dvi07:37
buzso maybe there's some sort of bug07:37
twidgetKonsole, that is07:37
buzbut in general, it works for me07:37
marthmm, just wondered if it was a problem with the way I'm making the dvis07:38
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martbuz: ah, I reckon it must be a bug.  it can't even open the latex documentation07:39
buzit worked for my own latex stuff07:40
buzbut there truly might be a bug, lyx sometimes randomly crashed, too07:40
martyeah, but past tense isn't working for me right now :(07:40
buzi've gone back to use OOo because of it07:40
buzalso makes it easier for other to collaborate07:40
martyeah, I'm not sure my thesis is do-able in oo.o07:41
buzonce you figure it out, its formula editor is quite powerful07:41
buznot quite like latex, but not bad at all07:42
martbuz: er, yeah. but the theorem prover generates latex, so ...07:42
buzit's easily good enough for my graduate macroeconomics stuff07:42
buzwell in that case you probably should be using latex ;)07:42
buzcan you give me the path to one of the dvis that wont open?07:43
buzone that ships with it i mean :)07:43
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^jude^can someone help me install the m$ core fonts? kubuntu ppc...07:43
mart /usr/share/doc/texmf/programs/dvips.dvi.gz07:43
martbuz: might need to gunzip it first07:44
martactually, no, it seems to uncompress things now07:44
martbut still gives an error07:44
buzi didnt find that one07:44
buzbut kdvi /usr/share/doc/texmf/tetex/TETEXDOC.dvi.gz works for me07:45
martits in tetex-doc07:45
martbuz: what version are you on?07:45
buzmhhh kubuntu 5.04 with the kde 3.4.1 repositories07:46
twidgetIs there anything akin to shoutcast in Linux?07:47
buzicecast i think07:47
buzmart: kdvi 1.3 using kde 3.4.107:47
martam on breezy packages...07:47
buzbreezy is a recipe for pain07:47
twidgetbuz: yep, thanks07:48
martyeah, Riddell talked me into it07:48
buzcan't you just convert the dvi to pdf and look at that?07:48
buzkick hin07:48
martit's the forward/inverse feature that's so useful07:48
buzits an evil thing to do with someone who needs to get work done on that machine07:48
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principe_azzurrojs_, 07:52
principe_azzurroit works :) 07:52
principe_azzurrobut now i have a new problem.. i have to lauch a patch before launching startx07:53
principe_azzurrobut this patch has to be launched as root07:53
principe_azzurromaybe in some startup script07:53
principe_azzurroin slackware i used to put it in /etc/rc.lolc07:54
principe_azzurroin slackware i used to put it in /etc/rc.local07:54
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principe_azzurroanybody here ?07:54
principe_azzurrolook above :)07:55
martprincipe_azzurro: there are READMEs in /etc/{rcS.d,init.d}07:56
martso you could just create another startup script07:57
martor modify the xorg script, as it's a conf. file anyway07:57
principe_azzurromarkc, 07:57
principe_azzurromart, 07:57
principe_azzurroi'm new with debian bases07:57
principe_azzurroi'm new with debian based07:57
principe_azzurroI'm coming from slackware..07:58
principe_azzurroand here it's all different.. there are variour rc. scritp.. which one is right ?07:58
gdhall the init scripts are in /etc/init.d/07:58
gdhthe default runlevel is 2.. so /etc/rc2.d will be executed at startup07:59
gdhin numerical order07:59
martbut the rcS.d scripts are run first I think07:59
gdh(rcS.d will be done first)07:59
principe_azzurroi put 3 as primary runlevel08:00
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principe_azzurroscripts in /etc/rc2.d/ will be executed08:02
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honI am trying to get gecko as an alternative mode for konqueror. what package I should look for?08:04
martI don't think it exists...?08:05
gdhI remember 'kecko' being talked about an some conference08:07
gdhbut don't thiunk anything ever became of it08:07
martyeah, some mention on dot.kde.org, but I never heard anything08:07
honyeah, I have heard about Kecko in the dot08:07
honand I read somewhere that novell/suse have some version of it08:08
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ChurcH_of_FoamYcan anyone help me with my fstab?08:11
twidgetmart: what's that link again?08:12
marttwidget: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/08:13
=== twidget bookmarks it this time
ChurcH_of_FoamYcan anyone help me with my fstab?08:13
marttwidget: :)08:14
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ChurcH_of_FoamYi need to make a storage drive i had made with xp work in linux08:14
ChurcH_of_FoamYso i need to put it in fstab but not shure how the os sees it08:15
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ChurcH_of_FoamYor what the command should be to make kubuntu read an ntfs partition08:15
twidgetroot@Smokey:~# sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_backup08:21
twidgetroot@Smokey:~# sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:21
twidgetsudo: gedit: command not found08:21
twidgetI'm thinking that can't be a good thing08:21
gdhreplace gedit with kedit 08:21
gdhor kate.. or nano :)08:21
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gdhChurcH_of_FoamY: what kind of 'storage drive' ?08:23
gdhUSB thing or a HD partition?08:23
ChurcH_of_FoamYhd partition08:23
ChurcH_of_FoamYi got most of it08:24
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut it says only root can mount the drive08:24
gdhindeed.. you need to add the 'user' option in fstab, most likely08:24
ChurcH_of_FoamYthe error that pops up when i try to mount it is08:24
gdhor some 'uid=1000'08:24
gdhwell, tell me how you're trying to mount the partition 08:24
gdhand I'll try to tell you where you're going wrong08:25
ChurcH_of_FoamY/dev/hdb1        /INSTALLS       ntfs    rw,unmask222    0       008:25
gdhAh OK two problems.08:26
gdh1) you can't write to ntfs partitions reliably.08:26
ChurcH_of_FoamYi know08:26
gdhso change the 'rw' to 'ro'..08:27
ChurcH_of_FoamYi am gonna take everything off of it and reformat it for linux then plop everything back on08:27
gdhyour 'unmask222'.. you probably mean umask=222 ?08:27
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gdhalso might want 'uid=1000' in there, too08:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYgetting the same error though08:28
gdhjust stick on the same comma08:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYthat only root can mout the drive08:28
nmorsedid you try the user option?08:28
gdhyes, now also add in 'user' to the options string08:28
gdhso you 'll end up with ro,umask=222,uid=1000,user08:28
nmorseNote: user mounted drives are considered non-executable08:29
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nmorseNo running programs from a user-mounted partition (tried that with my backup partition where I keep my games)08:29
gdhnot likely to be an issue if it's an ntfs partition08:29
gdhjust loads of mp3 and porn :)08:29
twidgetKate doesn't seem to want to work anymore08:31
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nmorsewon't from the command line08:31
gdhtwidget: Yes I heard those rumours too :)08:31
twidgetKate is no longer a working girl? :)08:31
gdhapt-get install pimp08:32
gdhthat should fix it08:32
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martcue touch, finger, sleep gags...08:33
gdhyeh :)08:33
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nmorseI always figured popcon would return those as the most used utilities08:34
nmorseAnyone know how much popcon affected the packages put into Ubuntu?08:34
ChurcH_of_FoamYstill wont mount it >.<08:37
ChurcH_of_FoamYmount: only root can mount /dev/hdb1 on /INSTALLS08:37
kkathmanthat happens to me all the time...but its because my IPs change occasionally on my network08:37
kkathmani.e. after a power outage08:38
nmorseI hate cheap routers and their DHCP implementations08:38
nmorseAnd I hate the hoops I have to jump through to keep static IP's behind the router08:38
kkathmanyah..its a pain08:38
ChurcH_of_FoamYso any idea guys how to get it to mount?08:39
martChurcH_of_FoamY: try just mount /dev/hdb108:39
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kkathmanfirst you have to go find the IPs...then you have to change your fstab08:39
ChurcH_of_FoamY/dev/hdb1        /INSTALLS       ntfs    ro,unmask=222,uid=100,usr    0       008:39
ChurcH_of_FoamYis what i put in there08:39
martChurcH_of_FoamY: no, that's fine08:39
martnow on the command line08:39
kkathmanthat looks fine08:39
ChurcH_of_FoamYso why can't i mount it?08:39
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martmount /dev/hdb108:39
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kkathmanor  mount -a && mount08:40
martkkathman: wtf?08:40
martmount -a mounts everything, and mount after it won't do anything08:40
kkathmanworks for me08:40
martyeah! sledgehammer, nutshell!08:41
kkathmandoesnt that go back and load from the defs in the fstab?08:41
kkathmanheh dont be a jerk08:41
martkkathman: mount -a mounts everything08:41
ChurcH_of_FoamYit's sating that mount point /INSTALLS does not exist08:41
martChurcH_of_FoamY: as root, do mkdir /INSTALLS08:41
ChurcH_of_FoamYand i created that folder when i used windows08:41
ChurcH_of_FoamYum ok08:41
martChurcH_of_FoamY: you need in in your linux file space08:42
kkathmanchurch - did this ever work?08:42
ChurcH_of_FoamYwrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb1,08:42
ChurcH_of_FoamY       missing codepage or other error08:42
ChurcH_of_FoamY       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try08:42
ChurcH_of_FoamY       dmesg | tail  or so08:42
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhoops sory08:43
ChurcH_of_FoamYdiden't mean to spam08:43
martis that what it says?08:43
ChurcH_of_FoamYyea for the error08:43
ChurcH_of_FoamYi really need the data off this drive08:43
marttry what it suggests?08:43
ChurcH_of_FoamYi don't know how >.<08:43
marttype dmesg | tail :)08:44
ChurcH_of_FoamYTFS-fs error (device hdb1): parse_options(): Unrecognized mount option unmask.08:44
ChurcH_of_FoamYNTFS-fs error (device hdb1): parse_options(): Unrecognized mount option usr08:44
martah, in your fstab file08:44
martchange usr for user08:44
ChurcH_of_FoamYoh ok08:44
marton the ntfs line, obviously08:44
martan change unmask for umask I think08:45
ChurcH_of_FoamYbing thanx man08:45
martnp :)08:46
ChurcH_of_FoamYbingo even08:46
ChurcH_of_FoamYkinda now i got a new error08:46
ChurcH_of_FoamYcould not enter folder /INSTALLS08:46
martah, right08:47
martyou tried that as your normal user?08:47
ChurcH_of_FoamYum don't think so08:47
ChurcH_of_FoamYi mounted it through konq08:47
nmorseRight, as user08:47
martyeah, normal user08:47
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martChurcH_of_FoamY: uid=100 -> uid=100008:48
twidgetmart: so all my Windows games?08:48
ChurcH_of_FoamYaccess denied to installs it says now >.<08:48
nmorseNo, Cedega and dx9wine play a lot of Win games08:48
nmorseHowever, they won't play Rome: Total War and for that I am sad08:49
martChurcH_of_FoamY: change 100 to 1000, then umount /dev/hdb1, then mount /dev/hdb108:49
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ChurcH_of_FoamYdo this as sudo?08:49
twidgetI don't understand "wine?"08:49
nmorseWine Is Not an Emulator08:49
marttwidget: winehq.com08:49
nmorseIt's a Windows translation layer08:49
twidgetThat's funny08:50
nmorseIt allows Windows applications to run on Linux on x8608:50
martChurcH_of_FoamY: er, how have you been editting /etc/fstab?08:50
nmorseRecursive Acronyms are a staple of OSS08:50
ChurcH_of_FoamYunmount command not found08:50
ChurcH_of_FoamYof course i have been typing in unmount lol08:50
nmorseI think unmount should be an alias to umount08:51
martonly one 'n'08:51
nmorseWould make life easier on newcomers08:51
nmorseWhy stuff like that is overlooked when making newbie-friendly distros is beyond me08:51
nmorseI'm still amazed eject on Ubuntu umounts first08:52
martthis is before you have to explain the difference between mount and pmount08:52
ChurcH_of_FoamYOMG >.<08:53
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhere is everything?08:53
ChurcH_of_FoamYit's not there08:53
ChurcH_of_FoamY35 gigs of data not there08:53
nmorseAre you sure it's properly mounted?08:53
ChurcH_of_FoamYas far as i know08:54
martChurcH_of_FoamY: what does 'mount' on it's own say08:54
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhat else could i do08:54
twidgetKate keeps crashing08:55
martsorry, don't know if you're running irc on the same machine...08:55
martdidn't we just have that conversation :)08:55
nmorsetwidget: what are you doing when it crashes?08:55
twidgetclicking on icons08:55
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martChurcH_of_FoamY: as root, ls /INSTALLS?08:55
twidgetchoosing "Open with Kate"08:55
twidgetjust about anything08:55
nmorseYou're on Hoary, right?08:56
nmorseDid you do the Kubuntu updates?08:56
martChurcH_of_FoamY: nothing there?08:56
twidgetAnd I am, but that's another story...08:56
twidgetUm... I think so08:56
ChurcH_of_FoamYi pasted it08:56
ChurcH_of_FoamYjust like it said08:57
nmorsetwidget: check your /etc/apt/sources.list for kubuntu.org08:57
martChurcH_of_FoamY: no, I mean, if you do 'ls /INSTALLS' as root08:57
ChurcH_of_FoamYeverythings there i just can't see it08:57
twidgetI just did sudo apt-get update08:58
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ChurcH_of_FoamYi can see all my files08:58
ChurcH_of_FoamYin the output08:58
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martok, so it's there, but...08:58
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ChurcH_of_FoamYi cant see any files in konq08:59
ChurcH_of_FoamYor access them08:59
martok, I think there was some weird bug with specifying the user and ntfs08:59
ChurcH_of_FoamYdamn >.<08:59
martChurcH_of_FoamY: but no fear!09:00
nmorseWhy do you need to mount it as user anyway?09:00
martnmorse: no, I didn't mean that09:00
ChurcH_of_FoamYi don't know thats what i was told to do09:00
martI mean09:00
martwith specifying the uid09:00
ChurcH_of_FoamYi was told to09:00
ChurcH_of_FoamYso i did09:01
ChurcH_of_FoamYis that wrong?09:01
gdhthat was me :)09:01
ChurcH_of_FoamY^_^ yea him lol09:01
gdhmaybe I was thinking about smbfs or something09:01
martuser=shane is wrong09:01
gdhindeed it is.09:01
martit should be just user if your going to use it09:01
martyou're even09:01
ChurcH_of_FoamYso get rid of the other stuff exept user in that part?09:02
mart /dev/hdb1        /INSTALLS       ntfs    ro,umask=222,uid=1000,user    0       009:02
ChurcH_of_FoamYok that looks like what i have now09:02
gdh[19:28]  <gdh> so you 'll end up with ro,umask=222,uid=1000,user09:02
ChurcH_of_FoamY/dev/hdb1        /INSTALLS       ntfs    ro,umask=222,uid=1000,user    0       009:02
martah, that was another bug, inverted umasks or something crazy09:02
gdhhistory repeating, eh? :)09:03
ChurcH_of_FoamYthat looks like what i have09:03
martChurcH_of_FoamY: pick a file in /INSTALLS09:04
martthen do09:04
martls -l /INSTALLS/yourfile09:04
ChurcH_of_FoamYi pasted my entire fstab for ya09:04
martlooks fine09:04
ChurcH_of_FoamYi have know idea what to do09:04
ChurcH_of_FoamYbecause it's not showing the files09:04
ChurcH_of_FoamYin konq09:05
martChurcH_of_FoamY: as root, do ls -l /INSTALLS09:05
twidgetokay, I'm looking at sources.list. What am I looking for?09:05
ChurcH_of_FoamYok what am i looking for now09:05
ChurcH_of_FoamYeverything is there09:05
nmorseYou know, shouldn't security updates include new updates for clamav?09:05
martthen do ls -l /INSTALLS/afile09:05
martwhere afile is something in that directory09:06
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martChurcH_of_FoamY: because we need to see what permissions it has09:06
nmorseIt's just not wise to leave a program alarming sysadmins by saying "This needs to be updated immediately" when it's freshly installed09:06
martso is there something like ntldr.exe or something there?09:07
martChurcH_of_FoamY: also ls -ld /INSTALLS09:08
mart(funny how only windows file systems have a dir called 'cracks')09:08
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martChurcH_of_FoamY: so with a 'd' this time09:09
nmorseYou know, I had a really clever virus scam email the other day09:09
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ChurcH_of_FoamYshane@FoamY:~$ ls -ld /INSTALLS09:10
ChurcH_of_FoamYdr--r----x  1 shane root 16384 2005-07-03 12:11 /INSTALLS09:10
nmorseIt told me my account had been suspended due to being taken over to send spam09:10
martwell that explains something...09:10
nmorseThen it said look at account-details.htm to find out why09:10
nmorseExcept it was account-details.htm                                    .exe09:10
martit needs to say dr-xr.......09:10
nmorseIt really had me fooled09:10
ChurcH_of_FoamYok  so how to fix that?09:10
martever try wine'ing those things?09:10
=== mart thinks
nmorseclamav just confirmed it was a virus for me09:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYwow nice09:11
nmorseI did in fact try running it under wine09:11
nmorseDidn't work09:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYcould you get it in linux?09:11
nmorseNope, couldn't convince it to run09:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYdamn lol09:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYgotta love linux ^_^09:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYok so what do i do to make this drive work?09:11
=== mart is thinking in binary, slowly
nmorseBinary is a slow way to think09:12
twidgetMy sources files seems b0rked09:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYcause all i want to do is move everythig to my linux drive format the secondary09:12
martChurcH_of_FoamY: try changing your fstab again...09:12
martthis time09:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYand put everything bak on it09:12
nmorsetwidget: paste in #flood09:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYstill get that access denied error in konq09:13
nmorsewhat's that clamav desktop search module?09:13
martChurcH_of_FoamY: you also need to umount /dev/hdb109:13
martmount /dev/hdb109:13
mart(maybe that's what the mount -o remount option is for...)09:14
martafter changing the file09:15
twidgetIt seems... like I caught the last part of it or something09:15
martls -ld /INSTALLS ?09:15
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhat am i doing wrong here09:16
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nmorseOkay, well, your sources.list looks just fine09:16
martChurcH_of_FoamY: "ls -ld /INSTALLS" again, please?09:16
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twidgetnmorse: me?09:16
Gheteki installed wine from cvs, how do i get rid of it now?09:16
martGhetek: you install to /usr/local?09:17
martChurcH_of_FoamY: "d" ls -ld INSTALLS09:17
martChurcH_of_FoamY: "d" ls -ld /INSTALLS09:17
Ghetekmart: i installed this way, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29996&highlight=wine+winetools09:18
nmorsetwidget: yes you09:18
ChurcH_of_FoamYmart huh?09:18
nmorseHowever it doesn't include the KDE updates, twidget 09:18
ChurcH_of_FoamYi typed that in and it says command not found09:18
martChurcH_of_FoamY: ls -ld /INSTALLS09:19
nmorseSo, if you don't mind having "unofficial" packages installed, you'll want to check out the links in the topic09:19
ChurcH_of_FoamYyea i did that09:19
ChurcH_of_FoamYthats the output09:19
mart[20:09]  <ChurcH_of_FoamY> shane@FoamY:~$ ls -ld /INSTALLS09:19
mart[20:09]  <ChurcH_of_FoamY> dr--r----x  1 shane root 16384 2005-07-03 12:11 /INSTALLS09:19
martChurcH_of_FoamY: do that again :)09:20
ChurcH_of_FoamYshane@FoamY:~$ ls -ld /INSTALLS09:20
ChurcH_of_FoamYdr-------x  1 shane root 16384 2005-07-03 12:11 /INSTALLS09:20
martoh shit, that's worse than before...09:21
nmorseWhat did you have him do, exactly?09:21
martnmorse: guessing umasks09:21
nikkiamart, what's to guess?09:21
martthere used to be a thing with ntfs, I don't know whether it's still the case09:21
nikkiaumask's are easy09:21
martbut the umasks had to be inverted09:21
martright now, we have 62209:22
martthe one before is 22209:22
nikkiamart, they have to be inverted because its a MASK09:22
nikkiamart, what do you want?09:22
martnikkia: no09:22
martinverted to what they're supposed to be09:22
martit really did your head09:22
ChurcH_of_FoamY?? O_O09:22
kinfoNo match for "O_O"09:22
martand it was only ntfs too09:22
nikkiai call BS, my NTFS partitions are all mounted with the umask i wanted09:22
martnikkia: might of just been a particular version,09:22
ChurcH_of_FoamYpills out linux dictionary09:22
martthis was pre kubuntu09:22
nikkiai'm more tempted to suspect someone doesn't understand octal, personally :P09:23
ChurcH_of_FoamYlooks to see what the hell there talking about >.<09:23
martnikkia: FO, I can do binary09:23
ChurcH_of_FoamYok so um what do i do?09:23
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martah, dmask :)09:24
nmorseOctal always fun for when you need a kick in the teeth09:24
ChurcH_of_FoamYmart huh?09:24
twidgetOkay, I can't edit it because it's owned by root, and Kate won't open it, Kedit can't be found, and nano's a pain in the ass09:24
nmorsetry joe09:25
nmorsejoe's a great editor09:25
nmorseJoe's Own Editor in fact09:25
ChurcH_of_FoamYso um any ideas guys?09:25
twidgetis it installed?09:25
nmorseTold you recursive acronyms were a staple of OSS09:25
nmorseprobably not09:25
martChurcH_of_FoamY: in fstab, dmask=55509:25
twidgetI didn't think so09:25
martin addition to umask09:25
ChurcH_of_FoamYwait huh?09:26
ChurcH_of_FoamYadd another "," and then that?09:26
ChurcH_of_FoamYbrain herts lol09:26
buzdid anyone ever manage to get firefox to display mathml?09:26
mart /dev/hdb1        /INSTALLS       ntfs    ro,umask=222,dmask=555,uid=1000,user    0       009:27
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ChurcH_of_FoamYbingo it worked09:27
ChurcH_of_FoamYnow for the fun part09:27
martChurcH_of_FoamY: you can read the files too?09:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYi'm copying everything to my main hd now09:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYand then i'm gonna format that storage drive to ext309:29
marthey, not bad for someone who can't do octal :P09:29
ChurcH_of_FoamYand copy everything back09:29
ChurcH_of_FoamY^_^ thanx09:29
ChurcH_of_FoamYit's gonna be a few hours though to copy shit lol09:29
ChurcH_of_FoamYshould be done about 6pm09:29
twidgethow do I install joe or fix Kate?09:30
=== twidget tries not to get frustrated
nmorseyou'll have to enable universe to get joe09:31
nmorseDon't bother since editing that file is what we want to do anyway09:31
martdon't the updates fix kate, or did that break with the updates?09:31
nmorseOr you could try adding repos through Synaptic09:31
twidgetI find no package including the expression 'repos' using Knaptic09:32
twidgetor whatever it's called09:32
nmorseI meant add new software repositories so you could install software not included in main09:33
nmorseHmm, check the FAQ in the topic for more on that09:33
twidgetnmorse: that's what started all this09:33
nmorseOkay, well that's interesting09:34
twidgetI cannot edit that file to add the new repositories09:34
nmorseYou may just have to use nano for the time being09:34
twidgetin Konsole... as root... may I change the preferences?09:34
twidgetof the file, to make it editable?09:35
nmorseThe file should be editable by root already09:35
twidgetit is09:36
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Poromiestwidget: "sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list"09:37
ChurcH_of_FoamYyou know i just thought of something09:37
nikkiaor 'sudo -e /etc/apt/sources.list'09:37
ChurcH_of_FoamYcan win xp read an ext3 partition?09:38
ChurcH_of_FoamYacrost a network?09:38
ChurcH_of_FoamYor do i have to make it a fat or fat32 partition instead?09:38
PoromiesChurcH_of_FoamY: not directly, you need samba to share files and folders via network09:39
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ChurcH_of_FoamYok so what should i do with the partition then ext3/fat16 or fat32?09:39
ChurcH_of_FoamYi have samba anyways lol09:40
martChurcH_of_FoamY: go for ext3, it's more robust that the fat partitions09:40
ChurcH_of_FoamYok but will windows be able to access it?09:40
Poromiesyes, with samba09:40
ChurcH_of_FoamYok cool09:40
ChurcH_of_FoamYthat works ^_^09:41
ChurcH_of_FoamYas long as the other computers can access it i don't care ^_^09:41
ChurcH_of_FoamYat least linux does what it's supposed to09:41
ChurcH_of_FoamYnot like my broken xp boxes >.<09:41
martChurcH_of_FoamY: you know you can use that install CD more than once? :)09:42
ChurcH_of_FoamYyea but wahts the point you still end up with crap in the long run09:42
ChurcH_of_FoamYbroken regestry links missing icons corrupted files09:43
ChurcH_of_FoamYall happens after a while with xp09:43
martChurcH_of_FoamY: I meant the kubuntu install :)09:43
nmorseIt's possible to keep Windows running and virus-free: it just takes too much effort to be worth it09:43
ChurcH_of_FoamYoh yea09:43
nmorseI don't mind tinkering with linux for a few days to get a few months of problem-free running09:43
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut one game right now won't run on linux09:43
nmorseWhat game?09:43
ChurcH_of_FoamYaeRO RagnaroKk09:44
ChurcH_of_FoamYminus the "k"09:44
=== mart is playing ? Introduction - Also sprach Zarathustra ? by Richard Strauss on Odyssey - The Essential Richard Strauss Orchestral Collection [JuK]
monchyah private server09:44
ChurcH_of_FoamYi have to get point2play i think09:44
monchyi played on there once09:44
ChurcH_of_FoamYin linux?09:44
monchynah, winblows09:45
monchyi don't think the priv servers will work09:45
ChurcH_of_FoamYi was told point2play could do it09:45
monchybc they all have there own patches09:45
twidgetthis is pathetic09:46
monchyif i could get lineage 2 working that'd be sweet09:46
ChurcH_of_FoamYyea i know09:46
ChurcH_of_FoamYthats what sucks but it's linux so i think it can be done09:46
ChurcH_of_FoamYi just am too much of a nub to know how to do it09:46
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut i would love to run this game in linux in linux09:47
ChurcH_of_FoamYummm repeat lol09:47
ChurcH_of_FoamYi was told that it could be done with point2play09:48
ChurcH_of_FoamYi though lineage 2 was working?09:48
monchyi think the game itself works but haven't tried the priv server patch09:48
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ChurcH_of_FoamYoh nice09:53
ChurcH_of_FoamYyea i want to get point2play to run it09:53
ChurcH_of_FoamYpeople on the forums say it will work09:53
ChurcH_of_FoamYeven witha a private patch09:53
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monchythat'd be nice, its the only thing i miss from windoze09:54
gdhthat's quite an exclamation09:59
liz4rdi'd say so09:59
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ChurcH_of_FoamYliz4rd whats up man ^_^10:00
liz4rdlol nm10:01
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twidgetsomebody look at #flood and tell me what's wrong with this?10:04
ChurcH_of_FoamYit says #overflow when you get there?10:05
twidgetE: Type 'deb' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list10:06
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twidgetI give up10:14
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GPHemsleyHow do I create a link to another directory?10:25
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spiralGPHemsley: ln -s10:32
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GPHemsleyspiral: Ah, OK... I was trying "link", but that wasn't giving me what I wanted10:33
spiralGPHemsley: all right10:33
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GPHemsleyspiral: Yay! Thanks10:35
spiralGPHemsley: you're welcome10:35
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penguinboygood afternoon fellow geeks and nerds!!!10:55
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ChurcHi'm using qtparted to change the partition from ntfs to ext311:09
ChurcHis there any thing i need to change in fstab11:10
ChurcHand do i have to make the partition active?11:10
no_gatez_fantrying to mnt a fat32 drive myself, is there fstab or you need to load an application to make an fstab?11:14
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ChurcHtheres an fsatb11:17
ChurcHfstab even11:17
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no_gatez_fanwhere is fstab?11:17
no_gatez_fanit isnt in etc is it?11:18
ChurcHyes i think so11:18
no_gatez_fanleeme look again11:18
no_gatez_fanthere it is thanks..lol11:19
no_gatez_fani didnt see it a min ago11:19
ChurcHdo i need to make my partition actve to use it?11:19
no_gatez_fani dont know..i am new to this distro11:19
ChurcHwell i think you'll like it11:20
no_gatez_fani do so far11:20
ChurcHthis place was hopping like 30 mins ago11:20
no_gatez_fandinnertime i recon11:21
ChurcHnow it's deader than a doornail11:21
ChurcHmust be11:21
no_gatez_fanlooks like i can edit it with kate11:21
ChurcHi installed kubuntu on top of ubuntu11:22
no_gatez_fanput a line in there for a fat32 storage drive i left in pc11:22
ChurcHso i get my gedit ^_^11:22
no_gatez_fani am going to look at my mandrake machines fstab...i have a 2nd drive in there11:23
ChurcHyea usually i keep a backup of my fstab11:24
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no_gatez_fangood idea11:26
no_gatez_fanthis looks like yoper11:26
no_gatez_fanthis distro11:26
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no_gatez_fanyoper is a distro from nz11:27
closurei've heard of it11:29
closurenever used it11:29
closurei want to try pcbsd11:29
closurei might do that tonight11:29
closurebut i have ubuntu running just the way i want lol11:29
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closureso why mess up a good  thing you know?11:29
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closurewish i had an extra box11:29
closurei've got 511:29
no_gatez_fanthis running good as heck11:29
closurebut 3 are missing pieces11:29
closurei. e. power supply, and proc's11:30
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closureubuntu is rock solid11:30
ChurcHhey what a good player for mp3's?11:30
closurethe only problem i have had is when they released kde update that was broken and i had to fix it11:30
closureChurcH, i use xmms11:30
no_gatez_fanyoper instals as i686 where most load i38611:30
ChurcHi hate y=taht11:30
ChurcHthat even dosen't work right for me11:31
closurewell you can use kaffeine(sp?)11:31
closureit's the easiest for me11:31
ChurcHyea always have problems with it11:31
closurethough i'm an avid winamp fan in windows11:31
ChurcHbeep is easyer and looks like winamp11:31
ChurcHalmost exactly like winamp11:31
closurei don't know if i've ever used it11:32
closurei tend to use the same apps i've used for the past 10 years11:32
ChurcHnice i'm the same way11:33
ChurcHhell i still have win 3.1 installed on a 486 dx6611:33
closurei'm not that hard core lol11:33
ChurcHthen i have win 3.11 for workgroups on another server11:33
ChurcHcomputer i mean11:34
closuresome of my boxes that i refer to as "frankensteins"11:34
closurei booted them and they had 3.1 on it11:34
closureon them11:34
ChurcHi even have a lunchbox computer11:34
=== Brydenn[WU] is thumping Journey - Highway Run.mp3
Brydenn[WU] lol11:34
ChurcHwith a 386 cpu and a woppin 16mb of ram lol11:34
closurewhat's a lunchbox computer?11:34
ChurcHit's the very first kinda laptop11:34
ChurcHthe actually had crt screens built into them11:35
ChurcHand hard drives you could not partition11:35
nikkiachurch, YOU can break your knees trying to use one like that... the rest of us prefer to call them 'portable' (occasionally 'man portable' in the ironic army sense)11:35
ChurcHyea i picked it up for like 5 bucks lol11:36
ChurcHi thought it was cute11:36
closurethat's sweet11:36
ChurcHthen i got an old one you had to build it yourself11:36
closurei was at this thrift shop and almost picked up some classic peice that was like 15 bucks11:36
closurebut i couldn't justify lifting it11:36
ChurcHit actually has binary switches on the front to input data11:36
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ChurcHlike phisical switches lol11:37
closurethat's intense11:37
ChurcHthere are only 8 of them11:37
nikkiafeh, real computer scientists used patchbays :P11:37
closurei don't know if i'd know how to use them11:37
ChurcHwhen you want to program something you had to flip the switches in sequens11:37
ChurcHit has a wopping 8 bytes of mem11:37
ChurcHpc 1 ithink lol11:37
no_gatez_fangot to go...see you tomorrow.....11:38
ChurcHhave a nice day/night11:38
no_gatez_fangoing to work  :(11:38
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ChurcHyea i collect old computers11:39
ChurcHamong my prized possesions is a tandy 128 and a commodore 6411:39
ChurcHcomplete with spyhunter and qbert11:39
ChurcHand for gamining systems you cant beat colico vision atri and intelevision11:40
ChurcHcomplete with games lol11:40
closure8 bytes1?!11:40
ChurcHis that something eh?11:40
closurewhat can you do with it?11:41
closureadd and subtract?11:41
ChurcHthats about it11:41
closure"this is a really big calculator"11:41
ChurcHyou have 2 seconds to flip the switches too11:41
ChurcHor it resets to 0 byte11:41
ChurcHthen you have to start all over again11:41
ChurcHi want to make it run tiny linux11:42
ChurcHbut don't think thats gonna hapen11:42
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closuretiny linux isn't THAT tiny11:42
ChurcHyea i figured11:42
ChurcHi'm still trying lol11:42
closurei remember my first computer had like a 250 meg hdd11:42
ChurcHbut i don't even know if it has a cpu11:42
closuredos ran on it11:42
ChurcHwow that was hyge11:43
closurei loved dos11:43
ChurcHi know i miss it so much11:43
closureyeah i'm only 21 so i don't got that far back11:43
ChurcHi'm 26 11:43
closureyou remember snake11:43
closureit came with the app edit11:43
closureincredible snake game11:43
ChurcHlol yea11:43
ChurcHit was awsome11:43
nikkiaclosure, it came with qbasic11:43
closurei can't stand these graphical snakes11:43
closurenikkia, that's right11:43
ChurcHone of my favorites was tetripz11:44
ChurcHit was this drug induced dos version of tetris11:44
ChurcHcomplete with awsome music11:44
ChurcHand it was sweet11:44
ChurcHit really rocked11:44
ChurcHthen there was doom for dos11:45
ChurcHand heretic11:45
ChurcHall games that rocked11:45
ChurcHi mean who could forget the classic hack11:45
ChurcHi still have them11:45
ChurcHon 5 and a quarter11:45
monchyi remember heretic11:46
monchyand commander keen i think it was11:46
closurelet me find this doom port for linux11:46
closurewe can play online >8-)11:46
closureit's super rad11:46
=== othernoob [~othernoob@p54A2EDDD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
closureit's only like 2 megs too11:46
ChurcHyea it rocks11:47
ChurcHi still have all my old dos games11:47
closurei've got the maps for doom 1 and 2 on my other pc as well11:47
closurei've still got sim copter11:47
ChurcHi am looking for a computer thats windows 98 compatable11:47
closurethat game rocks11:47
closureyou can fly all these kick ass helicopters11:47
closureand put out fires11:47
closureand land the choppers on cars and shit11:47
ChurcHi remember that11:47
ChurcHthose games where awsome11:48
closureyou can even import your maps from sim city11:48
ChurcHnowadays there to realistic11:48
closure2k that is11:48
ChurcHwhat? i diden't know that11:48
nikkiabest helicopter games were Zeewolf II and LHX  :)11:48
closurei STILL haven't played a damn flight sim i like as much as the old A-10 Tank Bomber11:48
closureand i rocked  the hell out of that a-1011:48
closurei would do all kinds of wild stuff11:48
ChurcHi'm gonna build me a dos box some day and dump all my old apps on it11:49
closureman can you imagine dos with a 5 gig hdd!11:49
nikkiaclosure, oddly, yes11:49
othernoobhow do i get vobsub subtitles displayed in vlc or kaffeine?11:49
closureyou could have a library of like every single app in the world11:49
ChurcHthat would hold what like a million apps11:49
nikkiachurch, i had an 8GB drive on my PC last time i used DOS :P11:49
closurenikkia, does it give you a warm feeling in your loins like myself?11:49
nikkiaiirc, you have to partition into 2GB :P11:49
ChurcHi here that theres a dos program for linux called dosbox11:50
ChurcHanyone tryed it?11:50
nikkiaclosure, i've never met you, let alone experienced any warm feelings from you :P11:50
ChurcHsupposed to emulate 6.2211:50
closurenikkia, i meant the thought of a 5 gig dos box not me11:50
ChurcHthe best version of dos ever made11:50
nikkiaclosure, not really, i never liked DOS that much11:50
nikkiaclosure, i only ever used to use it because its what i had to use for work (surprisingly)11:51
closuremy god there's something wrong with you11:51
nikkiaclosure, i was probably using linux when you were running dos anyway11:51
ChurcHyea but dos is better than linux in some ways11:51
=== Jeezis [~roger@jeezis.user] has joined #kubuntu
nikkiachurch, that's the most insane thing i've ever heard anyone say, really11:52
ChurcHwell the console version at least11:52
ChurcHi know 11:52
ChurcHi was dropped on my head as a kid11:52
nikkiachurch, an inoperable terminal brain tumour is better than dos, ffs11:52
ChurcHscrewd some things up 11:52
ChurcHnaw i'd perfer dos anyday to most installs11:53
ChurcHall the cool shit runs on dos and ya can't use it anymore11:53
ChurcHunless you wanna pay 60 dollars for the disks from microcrap11:53
nikkiachurch, even in 1993, dosemu ran dos stuff better than dos11:53
=== BobaFett [~BobaFett@] has joined #kubuntu
ChurcHnever herd of it what is it?11:54
=== wxy [~wxy@as6-200-56-74-141.mexdf.axtel.net] has joined #kubuntu
nikkiachurch, a vm thing for linux11:54
ChurcHoh wow11:54
ChurcHand it runs dos better than dosbox?11:54
=== wxy is now known as _wxy_
nikkiachurch, dunno, never tried dosbox11:54
=== _wxy_ is now known as wxy
ChurcHwhich by the way i can't figure out11:54
nikkiadosemu was around in the early days tho11:54
wxyIDENTIFY 17430211:55
nikkia*sigh* my xbox has attained coherent independant thought11:55
nikkiai'm a lap behind in forza, so it decides to start playing 'the driver' (a song about a driver that refuses to admit he's lost a race by continuing the race long (hours) after everyone else has gone home)11:56
ChurcHai on an xbox11:57
ChurcHi new gates was trying to rule the world >.<11:57
othernoobhow do i get vobsub subtitles displayed in vlc or kaffeine?11:58
=== closure [~ubel@adsl-065-013-010-009.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
closureman xchat just froze11:58
closurethat was sucky11:58
ChurcHyea it does that sometimes11:58
closurei need to reinstall clean11:59
closurethere's a bunch of apps i installed and i don't really know how to get rid of them11:59
closurecause i'm not very proficient with linux11:59
closurei like apt-get11:59
closurebut if i manually install shit i have no idea how to uninstall it really11:59
ChurcHsame here12:00
ChurcHi try to install from synaptic whenever possible12:01
BobaFettguys ... i'm having dependency problems with 'konversation' when installing kubuntu-desktop from apt-get... anyone knows what repos might I have missing?12:01
=== jsubl2 [~jsubl2@] has joined #kubuntu
ChurcHi love linux can it get any better?12:02
ChurcHi mean it rocks harder than any other os i tryed12:03
=== Saithr [~chrishau@ti112210a080-4258.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu
=== socomm [~socomm@adsl-69-104-173-70.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
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=== closure [~ubel@adsl-065-013-010-009.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
closureit freezes when i join this channel i can't figure it out at all12:04
closureany ideas?12:04
ChurcHme no12:04
closurei asked on the forums12:05
closuremaybe someone has responded12:05
=== KaiL [KaiL@p548F3F7D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== stisev [~stisev@64-121-92-140.c3-0.sfo-ubr1.sfrn-sfo.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu
closurehey KaiL 12:06
stisevhi All12:06

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