
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== Burgundavia grumbles about writing cover letters
Burgundaviathere goes nothign12:36
mdkeBurgundavia, what is breezy like right now?01:19
mdkeits time I got a breezy partition01:19
Burgundaviathere is an issue with esd01:19
Burgundaviawhich makes gnome not load about half the time01:19
Burgundaviamy custom gdm theme is gone01:20
Burgundaviaand cursors are borked01:20
Burgundaviabut your mileage may vary01:20
mdkeok sounds good01:20
Burgundaviaif you really want to be useful01:20
Burgundaviainstall a default hoary01:20
Burgundaviaupdate it01:20
Burgundaviathen upgrade01:20
Burgundaviaand file any bugs your find01:20
=== mdke nods
Burgundaviathere is a bug for that01:21
Burgundaviajust a sec01:21
mdkewhat is a good way to resize my existing partitions you think?01:21
Burgundaviano idea01:21
mdkewhat is any way to do it?01:21
BurgundaviaI would test the paritioners01:21
Burgundaviathat is the root but for all upgrade issues01:22
mdkethe breezy partitioners?01:22
mdkeor the hoary01:22
Burgundaviacolony 3 will have the new live/install intergration work01:23
mdkecolony 2 is only just out i thought01:23
Burgundaviahmm, that was an interesting typo01:23
mdkeso either I do a breezy install or a hoary install01:24
mdkei think hoary maybe01:24
mdkehow the hell do meta bugs work?01:24
Burgundaviathe root bug depends on01:24
Burgundaviaand the tree bugs block01:24
mdkein terms of filing the bug, what do I need to do to get it a dependency of that root bug?01:25
Burgundaviajust mark it as a blocker of the root bug01:25
BurgundaviaI think that should automagically do it01:25
mdkei can't see that in the interface01:27
mdkelemme check better01:27
mdkeok see it01:27
Burgundaviathe other thing I am going to test is to install almost everything in main and then upgrade01:28
Burgundaviaand see what happens01:28
mdkeyou are a machine!01:28
BurgundaviaI have a spare machine01:28
Burgundaviawow, I actually just saw the pulsing thing for the first time01:34
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=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-142-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudAfrican Greetings10:31
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== Njal [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Njallo all06:09
froudlo Njal 06:42
=== Njal_ [~chatzilla@dsl-80-46-214-80.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Njal_guys i think there might be an error in the gnome userguide, can someone confirm?06:53
mdkefroud, how do you do that thing with the userguide?07:15
froudwhat thing?07:17
mdkethat thing you just uploaded07:18
mdkewhere you align the paragraphs differently07:18
mdkethere is no URL07:18
mdkeyou just committed it now07:18
froudAH you mean indent the xml07:19
mdke"make valid and well formed"07:19
froudHmmm pretty print07:19
froudI think tidy does that for you07:19
mdkewell you must know how you did it no?07:19
froudyou can use http://1060research-server-1.co.uk/docs/1.0.0/docxter/doc_ext_sys_ura_xmltidy.html07:20
mdkeits ok, i liked it how it was before, but i was just curious as to how you did it07:21
=== Njal [~chatzilla@dsl-80-43-176-40.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkewb Njal 07:21
Njalthanks, sorry about the error thing was a false alarm07:21
mdkeNjal, just to clarify, you are talking about the ubuntu user guide when you say "gnome user guide" right?07:22
froudNjal: use the validate.sh to validate your docs before patching07:22
NjalYes the gnome userguide part of it07:22
froudNjal: the patch is applied and fixed07:22
mdkebetter not to apply the patch so that people can correct it and learn IMO07:23
NjalHow do i use the validate script properly, coz sometimes it passes sometimes it fails, i don't know what to do if it fails07:23
froudnah just get on with it07:23
froudjust do ./validate.sh path/to/foo.xml07:24
mdkeNjal, just to clarify, the gnome user guide is a wholly different document and is not in our repository, so if you are working on userguide.xml, that is the ubuntu userguide07:24
Njalyes, but we have gnome and kde aspects of the ubuntu guide i was refering to our gnome guide07:24
mdkefroud, if you keep fixing people's errors without telling them what is wrong, they won't learn07:24
mdkeNjal, I see, ok, just so that you are clear on that07:25
froudmdke: rather fix and ensure they are making progress07:25
froudnot patching makes it frustrating for people07:25
froudrather fix and patch07:26
NjalYup, though it's the validate script i don't understand, I can run it, but if it fail's i don't know what to fix so i just send it to the list in the hopes someone will know how to fix it07:26
mdkefroud, its best to give feedback on what is wrong07:26
froudOK fine07:26
mdkeNjal, the validate script should tell you exactly where the problem is, it will refer to a specific line in the code07:26
froudNjal: if you know the patch has a problem you cant fix just say so in the message07:26
mdkeso that should help you find the problem07:26
Njaloh, i will remember that07:27
froudNjal: but try to figure it out07:27
mdkeits normally quite straightforward if you read it carefully07:27
froudNjal: in general have you looked at the Docbook Definitive Guide07:27
mdkemost errors are typos07:27
NjalYes, many times07:27
mdkeso using a syntax highlighting editor will also help07:27
mdkeyou've read the docbook guide?07:28
mdkethen I would say you won't have problems diagnosing any errors in your work07:29
NjalHalf the battle's understanding. i can re-read it all i want but until i understand it im hitting a brick wall07:29
NjalI can say though i am getting there07:30
froudNjal: it's ok, work at it, if you have a problem I will help07:30
NjalI will don't worry07:32
Njali'm working on the command prompt bit right now, though how do you remove a directory?07:33
froudyes I see07:33
froudrm -rf dirname07:34
NjalRight thought as much07:34
froudread the man (man rm) :-)07:34
Njal... i haddn't thought of that, sorry my file system had become corrupted so i just rebuilt it, that's what's been on my mind right now07:36
mdkeperhaps maybe add a warning that that command can be very dangerous07:40
mdkenew users such as those reading that guide might easily remove valuable thing07:40
NjalIm talking them through creating a directory, using it then removing it, not going onto system folders or sudo... yet07:42
mdkei believe there is a separate section on sudo somewhere07:43
Njalprobibly, but i aint found it yet07:43
jeffschhowdy folks07:45
mdkehey jeffsch 07:45
froudhey jeffsch 07:45
jeffschi've just been reading the harnessing user guide thread07:45
froudjeffsch: you may want to update the ubuntu XML_CATALOG for ubuntu stuff07:46
mdkejeffsch, thoughts on that?07:46
froudjeffsch: it will have processing faster07:46
jeffschmdke: yeah. I have an idea that might work (based on ideas in the thread)07:46
jeffschbut it's not entirely efficient, and will be more work in the medium term07:47
mdkei have been looking around in the gnome-docs cvs and in their irc channel07:47
mdkeafaics the team is wholly dead07:47
jeffschbut also has beneficial side effects07:47
jeffschhere it is: copy the gnome user guide to svn07:48
jeffschturn it into the ubuntu user guide07:48
jeffschafter breezy, separate  out the gnome stuff and push it upstream07:48
mdkei couldn't find a copy of the source for the userguide07:48
mdkei found a couple of the java desktop ones, but not the one that was published for 2.1007:49
mdkejeffsch, i think that would be a lot of work, although a nice idea07:49
mdkeit would involve us updating the entire document07:50
jeffschit will be a lot of work07:50
jeffschyep. but it will be updated and valid for breezy07:50
jeffschinstead of not updated and not valid for breezy07:50
mdkejeffsch, essentially what you are suggesting is similar to us becoming the gnome/ubuntu documentation team07:50
froudjeffsch: vendor drop it and use it to build th eubuntu docs07:50
mdkefroud, we can't do that because of it being so out of date07:51
froudjeffsch: if you need to make changes directly to it, then do them in your drop and push them to gnome07:51
froudmdke: yes you can07:51
froudyou can make changes in svn07:51
mdkeok that is essentially the same suggestion that jeffsch made07:51
jeffschfroud: that's one option, but I'm talking about something different07:51
froudand push the changes upstream07:51
jeffschmdke: not really07:51
mdkein terms of workload07:51
jeffschi'm talking about converting gnome user guide into ubuntu user guide07:52
froudjeffsch: yes I read that07:52
mdkejeffsch, that would involve using the things that we have added right?07:52
mdkeseems to me to be the same as doing a vendor drop and updating it there07:52
froudmdke: what jeffsch is saying is that Ubuntu user guide will be a set of patches on the Gnome user guide07:53
jeffschi'm talking about replacing what we have in svn now with the gnome user guide from gnome cvs07:53
jeffschfroud: no07:53
mdkejeffsch, so you would envisage using the other stuff in the current userguide or not?07:53
froudjeffsch: I would not count on the GDP being so dead07:53
jeffschmdke: the ubuntu specific stuff, yeah07:54
mdkejust dumping all the stuff about ubuntu/installation/free software etc?07:54
mdkeok in terms of workloads i don't see the difference between the two suggestions07:54
froudif you do a v drop07:55
froudyou wil have the abulity to push upstream07:55
froudand if you use gug07:55
froudas your base for uug07:55
froudyou will be able to benefit from work here and upstream07:56
froudI would not discount the gdp coming alive again07:56
froudbetter to manage a copy in trunk that is uug07:56
mdkei agree it is a good idea froud 07:56
mdkemy point however is that we don't have enough people working to adopt either solution07:57
froud and merge changes that are gnome back into our v drop07:57
froudthat way you can update the upstream07:57
froudyou may also be able to bring some of the gnome authors to ubuntu07:57
mdkeyes, but there are no gnome authors working on the userguide07:57
froudthere are07:57
froudyou need to engage them individually07:58
froudand explain how it works07:58
froudthe management of this need care07:58
mdkei have to engage the gnome authors and say "sorry, but your guide is about a year out of date"07:58
froudor you will endup with ubuntu stuff going upstream07:58
froudwell, they are approachable07:59
mdkesome of the gdp website has not been updated since 2003 and refers to gnome 107:59
froudnot all will join you07:59
mdkemy point is that if there were people working on the userguide, it wouldn't be so out of date07:59
mdkei think what has happened is, the name has been changed to 2.10 and nothing else07:59
froudwell I think that you will get les work that writing a user guide from scratch08:00
froudI am considering the same approach with kde08:00
mdkeyeah, but you said kde have good docs08:00
froudthey do08:00
froudbut kubuntu in breezy will not use kcontrol08:01
jeffschit might be difficult for us to update the gug for the gdp because default gnome desktop is different than default ubuntu desktop08:01
froudthey will use kde-system settings08:01
froudjeffsch: yes this is why I say it will be hard to manage08:01
froudjeffsch: in the end you may decide it is just better to fork the code08:02
jeffschwhich is where my idea comes from. start with gug, and transform it into ubuntuuser guide08:02
froudand then instruct the devs not to ship gug08:03
jeffschfroud: exactly. ship uug in place of gug08:03
froudmakes sense dude08:03
=== mdke nods
froudjeffsch: why dont you branch08:03
froudcreate a folder branches/jjeffsch/08:03
mdkethe problem is that the gnome userguide is the help for many applications, such as nautilus08:04
mdkeif our docs are html, that will cause some problems no?08:04
froudjeffsch: svn list https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches08:04
froudmdke: yes it could, but doesn't nautilus have its own docs08:05
mdkethey are part of the gnome user guide i think08:05
jeffschfroud: i want more discussion with the others before taking that step08:05
froudjeffsch: if you do it in a branch you will not need to08:06
froudjeffsch: you can experiment there08:06
mdkeyou can play around with the idea08:06
froudjeffsch: without impacting anyone08:06
mdkei still prefer copying gnome stuff into our userguide though08:06
froudjeffsch: later, if it works, we can merge it to trunk08:06
froudmdke: if jeffsch 's idea works you will be08:07
froud:-) the whole bollody thing08:07
mdkeyou know what I mean08:07
froudjeffsch: can you branch gnome/userguide/08:07
froudtry it and see what happens08:07
froudyou cant lose anything08:08
jeffschfroud: i'll look into it.08:08
jeffschmdke: yeah, nautilus uses gug for its help08:08
froudlet me know if you want help with the branching08:08
froudjeffsch: ouch08:08
froudso they will have to ship gug08:09
jeffschhow does that work? does nautilus open yelp and point it to the xml file directly?08:09
mdkeif you think you have to time to update the gug, best thing IMO is to go with the froud vendor drop idea08:10
mdkeotherwise, I would suggest we use bits of the gug as we see fit to enhance our ug08:10
froudwell you guys let me know what you decide and I will help you get whatever you want into svn08:10
froudvendor or branch08:10
jeffschthe biggest good part of the gug is the style of writing.08:11
froudthat is so you jeffsch 08:11
mdkenjal has a strange style of writing08:11
jeffschthe style in the uug right now is not good, and it will take lots of learning to get it better08:12
jeffschthe gug stuff can act as a good example of style08:12
jeffschif it's there in people's faces, they will be able to better emulate it08:12
mdkebut copying in bits of the gug would help with that too08:12
=== froud is reminded that he must merge kde upstream to our vendor
=== Seveaz [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdke <para>Again the command is simple, to remove the newfolder type cd ~ (just to get you outside of the directory before you delete it) now type rm -rf newfolder, how do you know it is gone? Simple, type your prefered command for viewing directorys, is newfolder there? It shouldnt be. Congratulations you have used the basic file management functions in the terminal.</para>08:13
mdkevery stream of consciousness08:13
mdkejeffsch, how about forcing everyone to read the styleguide? that would help08:14
jeffschhmmm... draconian.... I like it!08:15
jeffschit might be more useful to give feedback that points to the style guide08:16
mdkesame thing08:17
jeffschmaybe have a couple of before and after passages on wiki somewhere08:17
jeffschfor example, convert the sample you pasted here into a proper format08:17
mdkejeffsch, you think the whole of the userguide is bad? or are some bits worse than others?08:17
mdkebecause a lot of the early sections are marked "done"08:18
jeffschtbh, i haven't look at the whole userguide, just glance through some sections to see what's happening08:18
mdkeah k08:19
mdkei have to go out08:19
mdkewill someone apply njal's patch but give him some feedback on the language?08:19
mdkelater I'll continue my hunt for the gug source08:19
jeffschI don't think we need to single out njal... it's a general thing applicable to all08:20
jeffschbut i'll see if i can come up with something08:21
mdkenono you misunderstand me08:22
mdkehe has just posted a patch to the list, that's all08:22
mdkei would apply it but i have to go08:22
jeffschahh... ok.08:22
mdkei know he appreciates feedback08:22
jeffschi have to go too... if it hasn't been applied when i get back, i'll do it.08:23
mdkeah ok08:23
=== ealden [~ealden@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkehey robitaille :)11:44
mdkejeffsch, do we have a recent html preview of the styleguide?11:45
judaxmdke, thanks for the tip on using Bluefish, it truely does rock.  I use it whether I am in gnome or kde11:56
mdkejudax, yeah its so awesome. i only discovered it recently too11:56
jeffschmdke: cd ubuntu-doc/gnome12:02
jeffschmdke: make sg12:02
jeffschhtml files are in build/styleguide/12:03
mdkejeffsch, I found an html and pdf in the styleguide directory itself, are those not updated?12:03
mdkeshall I remove them?12:03
jeffschyou can remove the html12:04
mdkemaybe you better do it12:04
jeffschi put the pdf in there for people who don't have apache fop and can't build it themselves12:04
mdkewe should get them online and update the instructions on how to build em in the wiki12:04
jeffschyeah. i was planning on waiting until we get a web location for the files12:05
mdkesounds fair12:06
jeffschbut that doesn't stop you from going ahead and doing it... hint hint hint12:06
mdkethe wiki page still refers to make styleguide in the styleguide/ directory12:06
mdkeok i will change the wiki12:06
jeffschyeah. I just added the make target in the gnome Makefile the other day12:06
mdkehow come in gnome?12:07
jeffschmostly because i use gnome12:07

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