
Meziso files dont have a mime tpye do they12:07
Riddellthey must do12:07
Riddellthey have an icon12:07
Riddellapplication/x-iso says Konqueror's file associations12:08
=== KaiL [KaiL@p548F35C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Mez[Desktop Entry] 12:09
MezI cant find how to make them open with a certain app though12:10
Riddelladd MimeType= to k3b.desktop12:12
pefbye !12:17
=== tvo [~tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has left #kubuntu-devel []
MezRiddell: still here?01:09
MezRiddell, ping01:10
RiddellMez: hi01:12
Mezwant that latest version of k3b?01:13
Riddellgo on then01:13
Mezlemme upload01:13
Mezgimme 5 mins01:13
RiddellMez: want a mention in the lugradio dot.kde.org news article?01:13
Mezif you want to mention me :D01:14
RiddellI need an angle01:14
Mezwhat would i be mentioned for though01:14
Mezhow do you mean an "angle?"01:15
Riddellwell I can't just say "Mez was there"01:15
Riddellneeds to be a reason for mentioning you01:15
Riddell"Mez was persuaded to adopt the k3b packages for Kubuntu"01:16
Mezlol - well you could mention I was one of the only people to leave the lighting talks room to come see you on the main stage (in fact the only person)01:16
Riddellthat's shocking, who was speaking in the other room?01:16
Mezor that due to lugradio, I became a member of ubuntu and am heading to becoming a maintainer :P01:16
Mezwhoever was meant to be on before you01:17
Mezone sec lemme find out01:17
Mezto be fair dude, you bombed on stage01:18
MezDrew Mclellan was in lihting talks room01:18
Riddellwho's he?01:19
Riddellcan't be as cool as me, I've never heard of him01:19
Mezguy who developed XMLHTTPRequest (aka Ajax)01:19
Mezor at least is a leading expert in it01:20
Riddelloh.  guess he's got a certain coolness then01:20
Mezlol :d01:20
Mezgod the up speed is slow here... can twait to get back to my 4MBps line :d01:21
Mezhttp://www.sourceguru.net/ubuntu/dev/ = 0.12.2-0ubuntu101:22
Mezhttp://www.sourceguru.net/ubuntu/dev/ = k3b0.12.2-0ubuntu1 *01:22
Mezshoot... can you add to the changelog about the iso thing01:23
MezI forgot to :D01:23
RiddellMez: it doesn't contain any patch for iso01:28
Mezshoot... i edited file directly :D01:28
Mezone sec01:28
Mezhttp://www.sourceguru.net/ubuntu/k3b.dev/ = k3b-0.12.2-0ubuntu1 (when it's done uplaoding)01:33
Mez(aka dont download any .part files ;)01:33
Mezlol - it's just uploading orig.trar.gz now01:34
Mezwhich you have already01:34
MezRiddell: uploaded - go for it01:42
MezRiddell, if you're getting rid of KControl... then what about all the stuff that depends on it?01:42
RiddellMez: kcontrol will still be there, kde-systemsettings depends on it01:43
Riddelljust won't be in the menu01:43
Mezfair enough :d01:43
Mezany chance of a copy of your shineh thing ?01:43
Meza test for hoary (and to put into backports-extras if you want?)01:44
Riddellof my what?01:44
Mezyour kcontrol replacement01:47
Riddellkde-systemsettings in breezy01:47
Riddellmight need a breezy version of unsermake not sure01:48
=== Mez starts backporting
RiddellMez: that's k3b uploaded thanks.  keep an eye on its buildlogs and test it once it's built01:49
=== Riddell beds
Mezwill do :D01:49
Mezwho you beddign?01:49
MezRiddell... really weird, but there's no files there for it01:52
Mezah it got promoted to main01:53
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=== tvo fixed searching below directories, removed a lot of unnecessary code and implemented 3)
=== tvo is off to lunch now
=== Mez [~mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== froud [~froud@ndn-165-142-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu-devel
froudmart: ping02:36
froudOk I have now tried but upgrade and dist-upgrade and I am unable to get my machine to run x02:38
froudsudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg says /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xserver-org is not installed02:40
froudand that after an apt-get upgrade02:40
froudkdm is there02:40
froudwhich is better than what I am left with after a dist-upgrade02:40
froudSo the question is how the hell to get a working Kubuntu on breezy?02:41
Riddellfroud: start kdm?02:42
froudI had a typo in sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg02:44
froudand sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart stopped and started kdm02:44
froudnow reboot02:45
froudno get back to console02:46
froudRiddell: this is dumb. What they hell is it. I did an upgrade on Ubuntu and it works. I do the same things on Kubutuntu and it does not!02:48
froudRiddell: to upgrade to breezy development branch must the system be at 3.4.102:50
froudOk somebody please explain the process for upgrading from hoary to breezy02:54
Riddellfroud: when did you do the ubuntu upgrade?02:55
froudabout a week ago02:57
froudI think02:58
froudsince then I have been trying to do the same for kubuntu02:58
froud1. I install new Kubuntu from the haory cd02:58
froud2. I change hoary repos's in sources.list to breezy02:59
froud3. I sudo apt-get update in Konsole02:59
froud4. I sudo apt-get upgrade02:59
froudat first I was doing sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:59
froudbut that was not working, mart suggests do only upgrade03:00
froudseems that method also does not work03:00
froudperhaps somebody could do this procedure and if they dont get the same result then it must be dumb me03:00
Riddellwhat's the error that you get?03:01
froudWell in both cases its a bunch of errors03:01
Riddellgo on03:01
froudcan t give you the exact now cause the host is now trying another upgrade03:02
mdzRiddell: have you tested Kubuntu CD builds recently?03:02
froudRiddell: in all cases when I restart the machine I am brough to console prompt03:03
froudcannot startx03:03
froudoh sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm says dpkg-reconfigure not installed03:05
Riddellmdz: there are no recent kubuntu CD builds, kamion hasn't been making them03:06
mdzRiddell: he just told me that they have been enabled03:06
froudRiddell: I just did it from the iso on the download03:06
froudbut that was downloaded about a week back, its the same ISO from hoary release03:06
mdzhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20050705/ looks quite recent03:07
Riddellmdz: excellent, time for a wget then03:08
froudRiddell: do you have a spare box, try it I downloaded on 29/0603:08
Riddellfroud: I'll try the daily build from last night03:08
froudRiddell: OK will do, but it will take some time to download03:09
Riddellfroud: rsync03:09
Riddellrsync is nice for CDs03:09
mdzRiddell: there are also recent live CDs, but it seems that the filesystem in them might be old and broken03:10
tvoRiddell: I'm now playing with regexp searches, though it appears to be quite impossible to pass certain construct through konqueror into the ioslave03:49
Riddelltvo: is regexp that useful compared to just shell wildcards?03:51
tvoRiddell: for example, "foo[^/] bar" gives an error because konqueror thinks it has to look for a directory foo[^/ or something...03:51
tvoRiddell: I think not, unless it's quite easy to implement :)03:51
tvoRiddell: so I drop regexps and just add wildcards "*" and "?" ?03:52
tvoRiddell: btw, I got 3 working, I'm going to make 3 screenies and attach them to the wiki or something...03:53
Riddelldepends what people would use, I suspect I'd never use regexps03:54
tvoRiddell: also, someone who knows regexp probably isn't afraid of commandline, so he/she can just do locate -are by himself/herself03:56
Riddelltvo: http://ktown.kde.org/~binner/contextsearch.png03:58
Riddellthat should be extended to be able to search for files03:58
Riddelland default to files when in filemanager mode03:58
tvoRiddell: they are the same plugins as the searchbox top right in konqueror ?04:03
Riddelltvo: what are?04:03
tvothe search plugins I see in your screenshot04:04
tvoRiddell: on my place, locate is already the default, though I don't know for which profiles04:04
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tvoRiddell: http://home.casema.nl/vollebregt/soc/1.png04:11
tvoalso 2.png and 3.png04:11
martfroud: still here04:13
froud:-) barely04:13
martre dist-upgrade vs upgrade04:14
martI only meant to suggest you consider which one to use before you upgrade04:14
martI didn't mean that upgrade was the most appropriate in that case04:15
martonly that it definately wouldn't have removed stuff04:15
froudmart: does it matter, they should both work and dist-upgrade should not have left the host in that state04:15
froudI understand04:15
martbut they do different things04:15
martupgrade shouldn't have necessarily done what you wanted04:16
froudyes, dist-upgrade is the correct route, right?04:16
martbut yes, I agree dist-upgrade shouldn't have barfed04:16
froudSo I wonder how ppl with hoary cd's will be able to dist-upgrade04:16
froudperhaps this problem will be fixed by release04:16
martfroud: dist-upgrade (allegedly) does its best to get the latest versions of most of your software04:17
marteven if that means deleting stuff04:17
martotoh, upgrade is supposed to be safe04:17
martbut you don't neccessarily get the latest version of everything04:17
martfroud: what happens when you aptitude install kubuntu-desktop now?04:18
froudsure, understood, which is why I did not use it in the first place, thinking that dist-upgrade was the way to go. I am downloading a new breezy iso 04:18
froudmart: it cant do it04:18
martbtw, aptitude dist-upgrades are supposed to be more reliable that apt-get dist-upgrades04:18
frouddependancies on amorok and some stuff04:19
froudHmm I thought aptitude was just another frontend to apt04:19
martok, so maybe you'll have to manually work around it if those packages, force them if necessary04:19
mdzaptitude dist-upgrade is different; it is sometimes better and sometimes not04:20
frouddunno, to me the whole upgrade thing is borked. gimme yast anyday :-)04:20
mdzha, ha, ha04:20
martfroud: if you'd read what it said it was going to delete! :P04:21
froudHmm well kinda hard to scoll back on the console04:21
martshift up04:21
martshift page-up, even04:21
martjust dont swap vt04:22
froudand besides, the point is that it should not be leaving me in the console. If it is then the system is borked04:22
froudbasically, I dont think anyone tested it04:22
froudthey just assumed it would work04:22
martok, so are you going to say *which* dependencies are broken, so someone can look at it?04:22
froudnot good because dummie slike me who just write docs get caught04:22
mart"something about amarok" isn't particularly specific.04:23
froudmart: you want me to copy the stuf fon the screen. I will be typing all day04:23
froudpeople should just do the steps I did and test it04:23
froudmuch faster imho04:24
froudtake a hoary cd and do it yourself04:24
froudsee whathappens04:24
froudthe amount of stuff on the screen is too much for me to try and explain on an irc or even an email04:24
froudanyway, hopefully the breezyiso will work04:25
martwhat does apt-get install amarok say04:25
martor rather does it work?04:25
froudhard to say now since I am trying another upgrade04:29
froudmart: why dont you just download an iso from 29/06 and see?04:29
martam grabbing it now04:29
marthope qemu is packaged04:29
martbah, it's old04:30
=== Soneras [~chris@p50884C0B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
froudwhat the iso04:30
froudor qemu :-)04:30
froudhey Soneras 04:30
Sonerashi there :)04:31
froudmart: just so you understand, I just write docs, I don't spend much time programming or phathoming why things don't work :-) just no time or patience for that, unless it directly impacts on the document I am writing and I must explain it.04:32
froudBut its hard to write docs for a gui you can't see :-)04:33
martyeah, I've saw the docs04:33
froudmart: better to focus on one thing than do all things04:37
martfroud: wonder if you're talking about my thesis? :)04:37
froudheh heh, what are you writing about?04:39
martI'm supposed to be writing my progress report...04:39
martbut I don't seem to be making much progress04:40
=== mart discovers the true value of hyper-threading while an ubuntu install goes on in the background
martanyone remember the name of the package that generates 'dummy' packages to satisfy dependencies?05:26
froudmart: so you have the same problem, it's not just me05:52
froudplease say so, so I feel better :-)05:52
martfroud: no, I haven't got that far yet05:53
martdependency problem was qemu :)05:53
Mezincase anyones interested-  I put kde-systemsettings in the backports hoary-extras :D06:04
=== Soneras will chck out kdesystemsettings then :)
froudMez: has anything changed? Please see http://lnix.net/~froud/kquickguide/C/ch03s07.html06:35
froudMez: if you know of things changed from what is shown there ^06:53
MezI avent looked at it myself06:54
Mezwhy not download it and try it?06:54
froudI have installed it06:54
=== Mez wouldnt knwo
froudbut not from backports06:54
Mezwell i just grabbed the copy from breezy and compiled for hoary06:55
froudyes Riddell guided me through the process when I installed in for myself :-)06:56
froudOk downloaded last nights breezy iso and gues what is does not want to load kernel modules and for my network it says I have a firewire interface that I dont have.07:11
martfroud: it must be you. kubuntu hates you. :)07:13
frouddude 5.04 install beautifully on the same machine07:13
=== mart has a virtual machine that is still trying to install hoary
froudNo kernel modules and cant load any on the cd07:14
frouddudes this iso is wacked07:14
froudspeaks about installing a different version of ubuntu07:15
marthmm, hang on....07:15
martI wrote a CD that just didn't work, it only worked when I got someone else to burn it...07:15
martdodgy cd coincidence? or dodgy iso somewhere?07:16
froudnah this is not good, do people check these iso files or do they just like wating peoples bandwidth07:16
martit couldn't be... could it?07:16
=== froud has no patience going to the movies .... c ya later
=== froud is now known as froud-away
=== KaiL_ [KaiL@p548F6C7C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
hungerRiddell: scribus is in kubuntu, isen't it?08:57
hungerRiddell: Maybe you could help malex (debian maintainer for it) over in ubuntu-devel.08:58
Riddellhunger: not on the CD (no room) but I think in supported08:58
hungerRiddell: It is in main...08:58
Riddellcool, (I just installed MEPIS)08:59
hungerRiddell: Could you talk to malex over in ubuntu-devel? He is the debian maintainer, trying to contact his ubuntu-peer.08:59
hungerRiddell: I'd be surprised if that wasn't you;-)08:59
Riddellhunger: that's me all right, thanks for the poke09:00
Riddellthis MEPIS thing is evil, no source packages09:00
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SonerasRiddell: looking into the mepis center? I'm not sure if you'll finde sources without contacting the devs09:06
Sonerasthough the installer it has could be nice for a live-to-hdd install. used mepis for a while09:07
marthow did froud-away say he tried to install kubuntu? just by going from ubuntu cd installation, then apt-cdrom add or something?09:09
Riddellmart: he installed from the daily install kubuntu CD09:11
Riddellwhich I'll do later on too09:11
RiddellSoneras: but there's no deb-src line at all for the mepis packages09:11
Sonerasdoubt it even exists. didn't when I used it only deb-src where the standard debian (testing/unstable) ones. Maybe you'd have some luck contacting the author - warren.09:13
martRiddell: I thought he said he'd tried to migrate from ubuntu before that?09:13
Riddellyes he did a dist upgrade from hoary previously09:13
martto breezy? or to 5.04?09:14
Riddellmart: breezy09:16
martah, ok09:16
Mezhey riddell, you here?09:22
RiddellMez: yes09:24
Mezk3b build was fine... and mind looking over a universe package/uploading for me (tis only wee)09:25
RiddellMez: what is it?09:25
Mezjust a lib for gaim09:25
Riddellsounds non-kde09:25
Mezyeah, it is non KDE.... but it's a v v simple package (just install a .so fie)09:26
RiddellMez: new or existing09:27
RiddellMez: needs reviewing09:27
Mezyeah, by MOTU people ...09:27
Mezand I've no idea how to get it reviewed09:28
RiddellMez: get an account on REVU and upload there09:28
MezREVU ?09:28
uniqhi guys.09:29
Mezhow do i get an account on there?09:30
uniqit's explained at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/REVU09:31
\shrevu is just broken, ping siretart09:31
Mezok :D09:31
\shor sistropy 09:32
Mezbut only siretart can add me to the keyring?09:34
\shor sistropy09:34
Mezhmm... :D09:35
MezIRCbot ... I can help with that :D09:35
Mezwell... I think - not tried writing one in python yet, just PHP09:35
\shmez: ircbots are eval in a special way09:36
\shevil ;) 09:37
Mezyou mean evil ?09:37
\shnot eval09:37
Mezyeah they are :D09:37
Mezbut I've made a couple of nice ones in PHP09:37
\shi just ping siretart on irc and icq09:37
\shphp for cli is much more evil then shell ,-)09:37
\shI have to say it, but I'm just a php dev09:38
Mezlol - not really... I just made it into a loop and then sit on a channel...09:39
Mezto be fair, you could quite easily just put an eggdrop on somewhere, and get it to read from a file for announces etc09:40
\sheggdrop is the dangrouse thing ever09:40
Mezlol yeah09:42
Mezit was a suggestion09:42
Mezdoes ircssi allow scripts?09:42
allee\sh: ping?09:43
allee\sh: hi09:44
\shallee: you r the one with all the patches from debian, right?09:44
allee\sh: why did you add c2 to libkexif? 1156709:44
allee#11567 09:44
allee\sh: all the patches?  pardon?09:44
\shallee: forget just confused09:45
\shlet me check09:45
allee\sh I feel honoured nevertheless.  Please stay confused ;)09:45
\shyeah :)09:45
\shboah...something is wrong with the bloody computer today09:47
\shi think because it was on the list 09:48
\shcxx trans09:48
\shuna momementa09:49
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
\shRiddell: can it be, that kdelibs4 now is completly crazy?09:51
allee\sh c++ trans is one thing but libkexif did depend on kdelibs4.09:55
\shyes :) 09:56
\shis pipi-plugins an external package?09:57
\shkipi sorry ;)09:57
alleekipi-plugins Enhances: digikam, gwenview, kimdaba and showimg ;)09:58
alleeexternal in what sense?09:58
\shyepp...and libkexif is a rdepend to it09:58
alleeyeah, digikam and kipi-plugins and AFAIR showview rdepend on it09:59
\shthats why it was transisition10:00
alleedid ubuntu add c2 to all rdepends of kdelibs? (unlike debian will do)10:01
\shno...all cxx libs which were compiled with g++410:02
\shactually doko managed it here , so debian will have it too and debian will have less work with all the packages10:02
Riddell\sh: what's wrong with it?10:02
\shriddell: konqui is stucking in between10:03
\shit stops for 10 seconds, work again10:03
\shstops etc10:03
Riddellwell I'll see when I install this daily kubuntu CD10:03
allee\sh okay, so no lex KDE in ubuntu (as doko announced in debian-devel-announce)10:04
\shno lex KDE?10:04
allee\sh nitpicking: and why libkipi0 and not libkipi0c2 ;)  I fail to see the difference between the two :(10:05
\shallee: can be, that we forgot it...if it's c++ we should do it10:05
\shif so, please put it on the wiki (wiki.ubuntu.com/CxxLibraryList)10:05
allee\sh: both c++ and kdelibs10:06
Riddellonly kdelibs4 got a c2 on the end, anything else depends on that and so doesn't need one10:06
\shkdelibs4 are already transed10:06
\shriddell: libkexif stand on the list10:06
\shsometimes I'M a machine 10:06
Riddell"stand on the list"?10:06
\shwritten on the list10:07
\shdenglish at it's best10:07
=== Mez [~mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
alleeRiddell:  CxxLibraryList lists both libkipi and libkexif.  both are in hoary compiled against kdelibs4c2. libkipi -> libkipic2, but libkipi->libkipi10:09
alleeafaiu in debian because they depend on kdelibs4 the pkg name will not be changes, sh told me ubuntu adds always a c2 --> libkipi got no c210:09
\shi will revert the changes10:10
allee\sh now i'm confused.  Scrolled CxxLibraryList to the right and there are lots of 'KDE, not renamed'10:11
\shallee: yeah, and if u check for libkexif there is no kde ... 10:12
\shthis cxx trans stuff will f*ck my brains out 10:12
allee\sh but  it's c++ and links against kdelibs 10:12
\shallee: check my buglist on bugzilla, i wasn't really looking on the b-d for some packages...:(10:13
=== \sh needs holidays...
allee\sh so I add KDE to libkipi in wiki and add a note to #11567, right?10:14
Riddell\sh is wrong10:14
\shallee: please do10:14
alleeRiddell: he does not need holidays?10:14
\shI will revert the patch10:14
allee\sh 'k10:14
Riddellwell he's wrong saying ubuntu adds c2 to kde libraries, and he's wrong that he need holidays because then who would be our top KDE MOTU?10:15
\shok..1. riddell is right...2. he's wrong and 3. I'm not the KDE MOTU, you are10:16
\shactually i need holidays or sex, one of the two ;)10:16
\shreverting patch now10:16
\shallee: sorry for the chaos10:17
allee\sh no problem at all10:18
\shUploading via ftp libkexif_0.2.1-2ubuntu2.dsc: done.10:19
\shUploading via ftp libkexif_0.2.1-2ubuntu2.diff.gz: done.10:19
\shUploading via ftp libkexif_0.2.1-2ubuntu2_source.changes: done.10:19
allee\sh your quick like hell ;)  so I don't ask who to reopen a bug ;)10:20
\shlibkexif_0.2.1-2ubuntu2_source.changes ACCEPTED10:20
\shallee: forget it :)10:20
\shedit wiki page as well ;)10:20
alleeokay, good CxxLibraryList is huge no fun to edit ;)10:21
\shdone as well10:21
\shand all this stress after a couple of beers ;)10:21
alleesome more beers will help now ;)10:22
\shtake a guess whats in my hand just right now ;)10:22
Mez\sh ... ew... we dont want to know10:23
\sh*grmpf* now I forgot to save the email address of my girl10:24
allee\sh: Alt-f2 kaddressbook10:24
Riddell\sh is soo dumped10:25
\shyou see Riddell you see I NEED HOLIDAYS10:25
\shand I need to get ace from my ass 10:25
\shany volunteers? 10:25
Mezto get the ace from your ass?10:26
RiddellI don't know what that means, and I probably don't want to10:26
Meznor do i :D10:26
Mez\sh... how cna you not know your girls email address?10:26
\shmez: check cxxliblist10:26
Mezdidnt you like - meet her ?10:26
Mezmeet her via the net 8710:27
\shmez: I met her today...this is  not the problem10:27
Mezah lol10:27
Mez\sh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CxxLibraryList ?10:28
\shbut I had her mail address in my c&p buffer 10:28
Riddell\sh: you just met her and you lost her address?  you'll regret that for the rest of your life10:28
\shRiddell: no..not her address, her email address :) i know where she's living.10:29
Mez\sh ...10:29
Mezklipper :D10:29
Mezit keeps a c&p history10:29
\shmez: yes, but not firefox 10:29
\shah it's not there anymore 10:30
Mezklipper keeps it no matter where you copy it from10:30
Mezdoes for me10:30
\shforget it...will ask her again10:30
Riddell\sh: what's the gossip, how did you meet?10:33
\shriddell: I blogged about the CSD last saturday, right?10:33
\shand here in cologne, it's not allowed to pee next to the street10:34
Riddelldon't recall10:34
RiddellChristophers Street Day10:34
\shso we have a special "force" from the municipalty they're coming and catching those guys and gals who are peeing next to the public toilets ;)10:34
\shshe catched me10:34
\shnormally it costs 30 euros or something :) but she asked me to have lunch with her10:35
=== karthik_r085 [~karthik08@12-208-111-104.client.insightBB.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddelland you say "if you don't report me I'll make you some kubuntu packages"10:35
Riddelleven better :)10:35
karthik_r085Riddell: Hey10:35
\shquite surprised :)10:35
Riddellkarthik_r085: dood!10:35
\shRiddell: and today I had lunch with her :) she's hotter then hell10:36
Riddellkarthik_r085: what are your skills?10:36
karthik_r085Riddell: Languages: C, C++, C#, Java, Ruby, Matlab, SAS10:37
allee\sh  instead having to pay 30 Euro you were invited for lunch?  You're kidding!!!!  Well, maybe .., please post a photo of you ;)10:38
Riddellkarthik_r085: would you be able to test the ruby packages in breezy?10:38
\shalle: u r german?=10:38
karthik_r085Riddell: Database: SQL, PL/SQL, Access, JDBC, Web: JavaScript, Java Applets, HTML, XML, JSP, I also know SPARC assembly language10:38
allee\sh yes10:39
\shallee: http://shermann.blogweb.de/ you will find anything and everyting about me;)10:39
karthik_r085Riddell: Yes, I can.10:39
karthik_r085Riddell: I am familiar with Ruby testing tools, such as Test::Unit, Watir and ZenTest10:42
Riddellkarthik_r085: well they're in breezy now so if you could install them and run some test KDE ruby apps to make sure they work that would be great10:42
karthik_r085Riddell: I do not have breezy Colony 2 yet installed. I will install today and start testing them asap.10:43
=== allee wonders if \sh sang 'liebe ist' before or after lunch for her ;)
Riddellkarthik_r085: rocking10:44
Riddellkarthik_r085: do you know how to make debian packages?10:44
\shallee: lach :)10:44
karthik_r085Riddell: Is there some specific tools you want me to test the packages with? Also, is there any package that needs to be completed first?10:45
allee'liebe ist' . 'liebe pisst' 'and die Eck' 'und dann weg' ...10:45
Riddellkarthik_r085: it just needs confirmed that it is usable, so grad any KDE Ruby program and make sure it runs10:45
karthik_r085Riddell: No. I do not know how to make debian packages. I can learn them soon.10:45
karthik_r085Riddell: Ok10:47
Riddellkarthik_r085: if you're looking for something to package KCall looks interesting10:47
Riddellkarthik_r085: this is a good read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuPackagingGuide10:48
tvoRiddell: if you've got some time to spare, here is a snapshot of kio_locate: http://home.casema.nl/vollebregt/soc/kio-locate-alpha-050705.tar.gz10:48
Riddellkarthik_r085: and you can add to that guide as you find things missing10:48
Riddelltvo: it's on my TODO list, poke me if I don't get round to it soon10:50
tvoRiddell: thanks, it supports searches like "locate:foo*bar !.h", with cmdline equivalent: "locate -i -r foo[^/] *bar | grep -v .h"10:50
karthik_r085Riddell: KCall looks interesting. Thanks for the info.10:51
Riddellkarthik_r085: I havn't tried it, may well be the program is rubbish and doesn't work, but it might be the next must have application10:51
Mezhehe :D10:53
MezI persuaded Seth_k to try for membership tonight :D10:53
MezI think he'll do well10:53
RiddellMez: who is seth_k?10:55
Mezseth_k form #kubuntu ... he's actualyl really good at giving support and stuff (e's helped me out of a few tight scrapes)10:56
Mezhe's trying for MOTU ... but I'm gonna try and persuade him to come to the Kuuntu team too10:56
RiddellMez: good stuff :)10:56
Riddellnever noticed him, but running /last seth_k on #kubuntu shows a lot of activity10:57
alleeRiddell, karthik_r085: AFAIR kcall is hacked severly at SoC.  so there is hope to get something great ;)10:57
Mez* last :Unknown command10:57
karthik_r085Riddell: I am little confused. You want me to test KCall, rite?10:58
Mezoh, and he's the one who helps me test out my breezy stuff :) seeing as he's running it10:58
Riddellkarthik_r085: I want you to evaluate it, see if it's any good or not and if it is good make a package of it10:58
Mezhe wubbles the k3b package :D great attention to detial apparently ;)10:58
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-142-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellwubbles.  sounds like a good word10:59
karthik_r085Riddell: Ok.10:59
froudanyone test that nasty iso?10:59
Riddellfroud: I will do so in a bit10:59
Mezwubbles is a great word11:00
=== Mez wonders if he should try breezy colony 2
=== karthik085 [~karthik08@12-208-111-104.client.insightBB.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
froudnight all11:27
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-142-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
=== seth_k [~seth@24-117-104-21.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel

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