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Burgundaviasalut jsgotangco 02:39
jsgotangcojdub_, ping?02:56
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Burgundaviajdub, jsgotangco is looking for yo03:39
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jsgotangco(if you're not too busy)03:44
=== Burgundavia laughs
=== Burgundavia thinks that jsgotangco should be a Canuck
jsgotangcooh i have immigration papers being processed actually03:48
jsgotangcoi wanted to ask jdub if its too much of a task to edit the main page of yelp since i found out how it works last night03:49
jsgotangco(if it would be pointless since we always update stuff from upstream, it might bork other links)03:49
jsgotangco(the yelp->scrollkeeper relationship that is)03:50
jsgotangcoediting toc.xml is easy, the hard part is actually getting all the current stuff organized in a logical way03:52
jdubjsgotangco: we already did it for hoary03:52
jdubjsgotangco: but for breezy, a document will be displayed instead (most likely)03:53
jsgotangcooh ok03:53
jdubso if that happens, not sure there's much point03:53
jsgotangcoso i guess i'll just scrap this then03:53
jdubbut if it doesn't, we'll have to do similar hacks that we did with hoary would be fine03:53
jsgotangcomy toc.xml atm is very different from the hoary default03:54
jdubif they're rad changes, may as well play with them now just in case03:55
jsgotangcothe mix of html and xml docs made the look so inconsistent03:57
jsgotangcobut i guess that can't be helped03:57
jdubnot immediately03:58
jdubbut plenty of those html docs come from docbook source03:58
jdubonce we've analysed what we ship, we can start shipping upstream's pure docbook instead03:58
jsgotangcojdub, does that mean we can choose what docs will be kept and docs that will be deprecated?03:59
jsgotangco(in terms of relevance)03:59
jdubwe can't already?04:14
jsgotangcowell i just thought you guys want the whole thing at the moment as is and just organise them...04:18
jsgotangcobut weeding out stuff not useful will be very much welcome imo04:19
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froudAfrican Greetings07:41
jsgotangcohi froud 07:42
froudjsgotangco: howzit dude07:55
froudcoffee, morning news and irc chat :-)07:55
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froudgeeze these dudes in Endinburgh are heavy07:56
jsgotangcoi've been fine07:58
jsgotangcoi just came from lunch07:58
jsgotangcoi've been dabbling with the yelp front page toc.xml07:59
jsgotangcolearning how it works with scrollkeeper07:59
jsgotangcoit may not be much of use if the frontpage would be a document07:59
froudno it will be of use08:00
jsgotangcoif we still use toc.xml08:00
froudjust because we ship html does not mean that we will not register with scrollkeeper08:00
jsgotangcogood point08:00
froudand knowing how to change the toc is helpful08:00
jsgotangcooh changin the toc is incredibly easy08:01
froudsure it must be, just no docs to explain it08:01
jsgotangcoi guess the biggest challenge is how everything gets interwined08:01
jsgotangcoi noticed that even the doc you made got lost in the links08:02
jsgotangcofor hwdb08:02
jsgotangcoalthough its ubuntu-specific08:02
jsgotangcoeverything is in /usr/share/yelp and sometimes traverse to /usr/share/scrollkeeper for the toc entries08:03
froudyes, but I think that hwdb does have a help button08:03
jsgotangcoand currently the ubuntu-specifc docs are declared as yelp chunks08:03
froudjsgotangco: have to found out why scrolkeeper wont support docbook 4.308:04
froudlast time we tried it, it worked only with 4.1.208:04
jsgotangcoscrollkeeper or yelp itself?08:04
jsgotangcoim not so sure of the relation, sk has its own syntax in a way08:04
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jsgotangcohmm why does RHEL's yelp have an index and ours don't?10:36
jsgotangcooh wait10:36
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jsgotangcoits an incredibly old version of Yelp10:36
jsgotangcoat least it can search through titles (doh)10:37
mptit can?10:45
mptwhy didn't anyone merge that upstream :-(10:45
jsgotangcoits an incredibly old version10:45
jsgotangcobut its strange indeed10:45
jsgotangcoediting the frontpage isn't really complicated to begin with, i discovered last night10:46
mptnow you tell me :-P10:54
jsgotangcowe'll need it or else we'll end up with the same structure in a few months :P10:56
mptneed what?10:57
jsgotangcofixing the frontpage of yelp10:57
mptWell, yelp is going to be defaulting to opening a particular "book", rather than the ToC, within a few months10:58
jsgotangcoyeah, i guess my edits are not needed for now11:03
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jsgotangcomdke, hi12:21
mdkehello jsgotangco 12:23
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jsgotangcowhats up12:24
mdkenot a lot, you?12:25
jsgotangcoi've been messing around with stuff12:25
jsgotangcoi was installing RHEL today12:25
jsgotangcoand just curiously looked at its yelp12:25
jsgotangcoit had search!12:29
jsgotangco(it was an old version of yelp)12:30
mdkewhat was the help like?12:30
jsgotangcooh it was stock gnome12:30
jsgotangcobut it had a 4th button called "index" where you can type in whatever you fancy12:30
jsgotangcoi was actually messing around with the toc.xml page12:31
jsgotangcoits going to be useful or not for us, i cannot say yet12:32
jsgotangcoill just finish my research on this then i'll go back into writing docs for gnome12:36
mdkei saw corey's email on the yelp frontpage12:38
mdkei've added my thoughts12:38
jsgotangcoim not so sure if i can attend today's CC meeting; i have a morning appointment later12:39
mdkempt has some ideas about that question too12:39
mdkewhat time is the CC meeting?12:39
jsgotangco22:00 UTC12:40
jsgotangcoi'll forward you an email12:40
jsgotangcoits interesting12:40
jsgotangcoi haven't answered it yet though12:40
mdkewho from?12:43
jsgotangco(Peter Garrett)12:44
jsgotangcoi got to talk to this guy during UDU12:44
mdkeinteresting mail12:44
jsgotangco(he's a senior citizen btw)12:44
jsgotangcoi'll reply to him later12:45
mdkethe whole point of having forums and a wiki is that they are really easy to contribute to12:45
mdkebut as he says, there is no reason why people can't email us their work and we can go about integrating it12:47
mdkeits been done before12:47
jsgotangcowell yeah that's what i am about to say12:47
jsgotangcohe's probably not subscribed to ubuntu-doc12:47
jsgotangcohe's usually just in the chat room12:47
mdkewell i agree that greater communication is needed between us and ubuntu-users, ubuntu-devel etc12:48
mdkethat's why I sent round the team meeting thing12:48
mdkeif people want to contribute, it really is quite easy though IMO12:48
mdkejust write to the mailing list or /j #ubuntu-doc12:48
jsgotangcowell that's how Mentoring Community is supposed to be, but isn't being practised at the moment12:49
mdkewhat do you mean?12:49
jsgotangcooh well i'll reply to him later12:49
mdkehe has a lot of good points though12:49
jsgotangcowe had a BOF before about Mentoring Community12:49
jsgotangcowell i'll try to catch up later if i can12:50
jsgotangcoi gotta go12:50
mdkebye mate12:50
=== mpt wonders what the cvs equivalent of "baz commit" is
mdkesimilar I imagine01:24
mptmdke: not really :-)02:11
mpt"baz commit" means commit to your local repository02:11
mptso that, for example, "baz diff" starts again from zero02:12
mptand so, for example, "baz switch" works without dragging the changes you've just made to a different branch where you probably don't want them02:12
mptwhereas "cvs commit" means commit to *the* repository02:12
mptwhich only works if you have "commit access"02:12
mdkethat is what svn does02:13
mpt"that" being which?02:13
mptmore similar to cvs, or to baz?02:14
mdkecommit to repository02:14
mdkeremote repository02:14
mdkeso similar to cvs i guess02:14
mptbaz was the first RCS I learnt02:18
mptso maybe I'm spoiled02:18
mdkei've heard its good02:18
mptI've just made a diff, and sent it to the maintainer, and now I want to start another set of changes02:18
mptwithout the first changes showing up in the second diff02:19
mdkeon the userguide?02:19
mdkejust get commit access02:19
mdkei'm sure it would not be hard02:19
mpt"just" :-)02:19
mdkeespecially if he knows you02:19
mptdude, it's my first patch02:19
mptAnd I've talked to him approximately once02:19
mdkeif they don't have a lot of contributors, I'm thinking they will be happy for more02:20
mdkebut thats cool02:20
mdkeif you work on the second patch and send it to him, as long as he applies them in order there will be no problem right?02:20
mptthe second patch will be a superset of the first02:21
mptand the third patch will be a superset of the second02:21
mptand so on02:21
mdkeno problem02:21
mptWell, it is a problem if he likes the second and third but not the first :-)02:22
mdkeyes that is true02:22
mdkebut you can correct the relevant sections and make a fourth ;)02:22
mptanyway, sleep time02:24
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mgalvinfor <screen></screen>'s the extra new lines get displayed by the browser which can make copy/pasting that content always have extra lines...04:54
mgalvini would like to just make them more inline so that ...04:54
mgalvinsudo apt-get install gftp04:54
mgalvin                                </screen>04:54
mgalvinwould just be <screen>sudo apt-get install gftp</screen>04:55
froudbut that needs to be in a block element such as 04:55
mgalvinoh ok, i'll try that, the faq just currently uses <screen></screen> everywhere04:56
mgalvinright ok04:56
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mgalvinsince i am and will continue to be making changes to the faq and authoring new content for it (and since i co-authored the ppc version) is it appropriate to add myself as an author?05:10
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froudsure add yourself as author05:19
froudmgalvin: we used screen but you can use command, just that comand will not be shown with a black background05:21
froudperhaps you would be better served just doing <screen>some command</screen>05:22
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mgalvinfroud, agreed, i tried using <command>...</command> and that doesn't look very good, i will stick with <screen>...</screen>05:28
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froudmgalvin: are you using profiles for ppc05:43
froudyou know you can do05:44
froudmgalvin: for example you can use the arch attribute05:45
froud<application os="gnome" arch="ppc"05:45
froud                    >Terminal</application>05:45
froudif something is applicable to gnome+kde i386+ppc05:46
froud<application os="gnome,kde" arch="ppc,i386"05:46
froudthen just pass a new param to the processor with profile.arch05:46
froudand profile.os05:46
mgalvincool, i haven't yet, but i will definitly do that05:47
froud--stringparam profile.arch "ppc" profile.os "gnome"05:47
froudsee the faq make target and copy that to a new mae target05:48
mgalvini will do05:48
froudmgalvin: I am really glad you are loving that document :-)05:51
mgalvinfroud, I'm glad to be helping out :-)05:55
froudyeah thanks, I hope they get your key rolling quickly05:56
mgalvinme too05:57
mgalvinfroud, should i make the faqppc build target build into .../C/ppc06:03
froudit has a base.dir param to build/06:04
froudyou will need to create a new dir in the build tree06:04
froudif it's gnome it will be in build/gnome/faqguideppc/C/06:05
froudI think06:05
mgalvinok, i'll do that, thnx06:05
froudremember the links to ../images/C/ must work06:06
froud../../images/C/ must work06:06
froudif you change that path you will not get any images06:07
froudsaying this we will have to fix the i386 make target06:07
mgalvinto faqguidei386? then we will also need faqguideamd6406:10
froudyes :-) bingo06:10
froudall from the same instance, using different make targets06:11
mgalvinok, well, i am starving, i am gonna grab some food, i will change all those when i get back in like 30min06:11
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mdkejeffsch, you'd better apply that gnome makefile patch from mgalvin, i wouldn't have a clue08:25
mgalvinmakefile patches mailed to the list08:25
mgalvinum, i see you saw that already :)08:25
mdkethis boy needs commit access08:26
mdkemgalvin, did you apply?08:26
mgalvinmdke, yea, I am waiting on james to set up my account08:30
mdkehas it be a long enough time for us to bug him?08:31
mgalvinits been about 4-5 days08:32
mgalvini sent him an email this morning asking if he could set it up when he gets a chance08:33
mdkethat might be a yes08:33
mdkeok cool08:33
mgalvinno response yet08:33
mgalvinfeel free to bug him for me if you want :-)08:34
mdkei might08:34
mdkehe'll probably be at the CC this evenin08:34
jeffschhowdy folks08:36
mdkehey jeffsch 08:36
mgalvinhey jeffsch08:36
jeffschmgalvin: i applied your gnome makefile patch08:36
mgalvini saw, thanks08:36
jeffschwhat happens if someone wants to build the whole thing?08:36
mgalvini was thinking of making another target for all, i just didin't write it yet08:37
jeffschah, ok08:37
mgalviner, called faq, which would build all faqs08:37
jeffschi'll add your author file too. but you didn't need to send a diff :)08:38
jeffschit's just a file for the authors directory08:38
mgalvinoh ok, thanks, i just figured since its in svn i would send the diff (better safe than sorry)08:40
jeffschdoh! faq is still a target in "make all"08:46
jeffschmgalvin: how do you want to handle make all?08:46
jeffschinclude faqi386 etc, in make all target, or what?08:47
mgalvini am making a target called faq which calls faqi386 faqamd64 faqppc08:48
mgalvinso all will call faq which will call the others08:49
mgalvinits one line...08:49
mgalvinfaq: faqi386 faqamd64 faqppc08:49
jeffschhmmm... so faq will build three separate files08:49
mgalvinwhich will fix that breakage08:49
mgalvinit will build all 3 version of the faqguide08:49
mgalvini added these 3 lines for this if you wanna just add them08:53
mgalvin#Status: AVAILABLE08:53
mgalvin# FAQ Guide - build for all archs (i386, amd64, ppc)08:53
mgalvinfaq: faqi386 faqamd64 faqppc08:53
jeffschok, i'll add em08:54
mgalvinand these for kde08:54
mgalvin#Status: AVAILABLE08:54
mgalvin# K FAQ Guide - build for all archs (i386, amd64, ppc)08:54
mgalvinkfaq: kfaqi386 kfaqamd64 kfaqppc08:54
jeffschmdke: have you built any html lately?08:56
mgalvinin my file i added those right above the individual targets to keep them together and in order08:56
jeffschmdke: the other day you said something like "that ubuntu wiki draft graphic is cool"08:56
mgalvinjust so you know08:56
jeffschmdke: your wish is my command08:57
jeffschmgalvin: yep, that's where i put it08:57
mdkeno i haven't but I will08:59
mdkei don't think the draft thing is cool, but it is nice to be consistent ;)09:00
mgalvinjeffsch, cool :)09:00
jeffschok mgalvin, i added the faq target to gnome side of things09:01
jeffschgroud will do the kde stuff09:01
jeffschs/groud/froud :)09:02
mgalvinok great thanks09:03
jeffschgotta run. bbl09:08
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Njallo all09:32
mgalvinhi Njal09:32
Njalhows all?09:32
mgalvinpretty good, been patching the makefiles to allow for building different versions of the faq guide09:33
NjalCool, im not up to speed on it all yet, but i'm sure i'll catch on evertually09:34
mgalvinhave you worked on any of the docs yet?09:35
NjalYes, the ubuntu-gnome-userguide09:35
Njalspecifically the command prompt bit09:35
NjalIm off to uni in september so a lot of my time is spent learning C so learning xml on the side takes a bit09:36
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mgalvinif i only had commit access :-/10:51
Burgundaviaask elmo10:51
mdkeyes it is worth bugging him10:51
=== Burgundavia is reminded that he needs to get his commit access back
mdkeooh he's not here10:52
mgalvinBurgundavia, i did and so did froud10:54
mgalvinand enrico10:55
mdkei'll bug him at CC if he comes10:55
mdkemgalvin, don't worry, in the meantime we'll apply your patches as fast as we can :D10:55
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mgalvinfroud, ping11:01
mdkehe is applying em now11:02
mgalviner, ok, was just going to make sure he uses the second kde makefile patch11:02
mgalvini gotta run for now11:02
mgalvinsee you guys in a bit11:02
=== Burgundavia watches his ram usage climb, because of a stupid beagle bug
froudSo dudes11:14
froudwaz up11:14
mdkepatents news11:14
froudwhere did matt go'11:14
mdkefroud, he went away, he wanted to make sure that you used his second patch for the kde makefile, rather than the first11:14
froudI did11:16
froudI replied to the patches I applied11:16
mdkeah col11:16
froudthere is one already applied, but seems nobody replied to it11:17
froudthink we must get the message out that if you apply a patch that you reply-to-all11:17
mdkejeff did the gnome one and the authors one, but he replied to them both11:17
froudnope no messages to the list11:19
mdkei got them11:20
froudok, perhaps someting on the way, it take time for mail to reach africa :-)11:20
mdkeheh guess so11:20
froudyep I see the svn log11:20
mdkebut it was a while ago11:20
froudmatt is doing good work11:21
mdkethose emails are jeff posting to the ubuntu-doc list11:21
mdkefroud, yeah he is :D11:21
froudhe has the hang of profiles11:21
froudand th emake targets11:21
froudits really cool we have three archs and two os's in one file11:22
froudfickle hearted?11:23
froudyou non-believer you11:23
mdkefickle = change of mind, i haven't changed mine yet ;)11:23
froudyep oust software patents11:24
froudIf, down the road, Microsoft does attack GNU/Linux on patent infringement grounds, why isn't all this lobbying and undermining an example that could be used to demonstrate antitrust violation? Ditto on the standards wars.11:25
froudvery true11:25
froudwent to see mr and mrs smith today11:26
frouddam jolie is hot11:26
froudwell I am off for now se ya later11:26
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