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\shjre: #ubuntu-meeting asap12:26
uniqno need, he was approved after all :)12:27
\shyes yes :) 12:29
uniqhey, i'm not in the members list in launchpad.. 12:29
MezRiddell, you do that dot.kde.org article yet12:33
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RiddellMez: yes it's up01:00
Mezno mention of me :(01:00
RiddellMez: you arn't Martin Meredith?01:02
Mezpeople in real life call me Mez 01:03
Mezwhich is why was confused01:04
Riddellthe daily build is quite broken01:11
Riddellkubuntu install CD01:21
uniqwhere can those be downloaded? 01:24
Riddellthey've just been made in the last few days01:25
Riddelluniq: download them, they you can rsync in future for quick updates01:25
uniqok. thanks. 01:26
uniqthe rsync trick is nice.01:27
uniqhowever, i'm on a 64k ISDN dialup line at the moment. :|01:32
Riddelluniq: that's why you want to download overnight and rsync as required01:32
uniqi'll download at the office tomorrow.01:32
uniqthis connection is just for late ngiht irc and mail.01:33
RiddellMez, uniq: should we offer seth_k ops on #kubuntu?01:44
uniqsure, my grep -c on my kubuntu.log says 876 lines. more than most others.01:45
KaiL_what does this want to tell me?01:46
KaiL_run-parts: /etc/dbus-1/event.d/20hal exited with return code 201:46
KaiL_(sometimes also returns 1)01:46
KaiL_a _present_ op on #kubuntu would be great, for example for the warez kiddie last night 01:47
uniqriddell: we should also make some guidelines for the channel. i've noticed my view is a little more 'on topic' than others.01:47
MezKail when was that?01:47
seth_kI was there01:47
Riddellseth_k: want ops?01:47
seth_kgodsmoke told him off01:47
seth_kRiddell, I'd be honored :)01:48
MezSeth was I online?01:48
seth_knot sure, Mez01:48
Mezah - well if I was you shoulda poked me :d01:48
Mezbtw - Riddell - I put kde-systemsettings in backports-extras01:49
seth_kmmm systemsettings01:49
=== seth_k yoinks it
MezIt's on breezy normal :d01:49
Mezand when i aske dyou earlier you said you preferred kcontrol :D01:49
Riddellnobody can prefer kcontrol surly01:50
seth_kno, I said I used kcontrol01:50
Riddell00:49 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [seth_k]  has been added to the access list for #kubuntu with level [20] 01:50
seth_kthanks Riddell01:51
KaiL_wow, that starts fast01:51
Riddelluse it wisely01:51
seth_k$temperature['kubuntu'] --;01:51
karthik085Riddell: I tested KCall on Hoary. It aksed me tons of packages to install, which i did. There were lot of dependencies problem, I had to resolve, in order to get it running. When running KCall, I am getting lot of warnings and errors too. Overall, I think it is a good package. It got contacts from the addressbook. But, its still in its early stages of development and deployment. It is not...01:51
karthik085...stable. I get warnings and errors when running it. Server connection errors is highly likely to occur. Looks can be improved. Also, it lacks documentation. So, what do you think? 01:51
KaiL_what on earth is KCall?01:51
Riddellinternet phone stuff01:52
karthik085KaiL_: telephony application of Kontact01:52
seth_kI have to run to work, but I'll be back. Thanks all01:52
uniqenjoy work.01:52
seth_kindeed I do01:52
Riddellkarthik085: what needed to be installed?01:52
uniqi'm on my way to bed. almost 0200 here.01:52
seth_knight uniq01:52
\shhmmm..what about shtoom as backend to VOIP stuff?01:53
KaiL_systemsettings looks realy good!01:55
uniqgah.. i'm close to the point where i disable pictures and colors to be able to surf. isdn rocks.01:55
KaiL_It Still Does Nothing (don't ask me, where I found that)01:56
karthik085Riddell: Qt 3.3 above, few libraries that had dependencies problem such as libfontconfig1-dev, libpng1.0.12, etc during ./configure. During make, some x11 libraries01:56
Riddell\sh: shtoom qt wasn't working last I tried (which was ages ago)01:57
uniqthat's just for building it.. probably not much for running.01:57
KaiL_time for a reboot now - let's hope, that brings hal back to work01:58
Riddellkarthik085: did you get it working?  could you make phone calls and stuff?01:58
\shRiddell: yeah for me too..but it looks like it has to do with nonworking python-qt crap01:58
karthik085Riddell: qt-mt was needed01:58
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karthik085_Riddell: There were few updates I had to do. That messed my Ubuntu. Sound and eth0 interface was not loaded properly. I think I made some mistake during upgradtion. I will have to try it again02:03
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karthik_r085Riddell: There were few updates I had to do. That messed my Ubuntu. Sound and eth0 interface was not loaded properly. I think I made some mistake during upgradtion. I will have to try it again02:11
karthik_r085Riddell: Sorry, my router was restarted. So, I was kicked out.02:12
=== KaiL [KaiL@p548F6FFD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== KaiL [KaiL@p548F63C2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
KaiLhmm, media:/ still dead in breezy?02:20
Mezactually Ping: Riddell here02:29
KaiLnice, new openOffice, but why does that free >30MB? ;)02:29
karthik_r085KaiL: OpenOffice 2.0 in breezy?02:34
RiddellMez: not sure, bugzilla permissions have always been a mystery to me02:35
Mezlol fair enough02:36
KaiLRiddell: media:/ is still dead in breezy?02:36
RiddellMez: are you able to close it?02:36
Mezno idea02:36
Mezi dont see the option too02:36
Riddellwell there's lots of controls at the bottom if you can02:36
Mez You tried to change the Status field from NEW to RESOLVED, but only the owner or submitter of the bug, or a sufficiently empowered user, may change that field.02:37
KaiLwhich bug #?02:37
RiddellKaiL: I've just done a fresh upgrade to breezy and not X is broken so I can't test media today but mind and poke me to do so tomorrow02:39
karthik_r085Riddell: was qt working for you on hoary?02:39
Riddellkarthik_r085: on hoary yes02:39
KaiLMez: that bug sould be resolved fixed?02:40
KaiLRiddell: X is missing /usr/bin/X11/X?02:40
karthik_r085Riddell: I think I need to reinstall Ubuntu. My updates caused major problems. I will try KCall again and let you know.02:40
MezKaiL, yeah it should... but I cant set it like that02:40
Mez You tried to change the Status field from NEW to RESOLVED, but only the owner or submitter of the bug, or a sufficiently empowered user, may change that field.02:41
Riddellkarthik_r085: ok, thanks02:41
MezKaiL, https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1209902:41
KaiLMez: as now? :=)02:41
Mezkarthik - you missed your member thing02:41
MezKail - do you have access to allow me to own k3b bugs/02:41
KaiLfor that I need your email02:42
karthik_r085Mez: I wanted to fix bugs and develop few packages, before I join MOTU.02:42
Mezyou cnat join MOtu eithout being a ammebr02:42
MezKaiL.... will you be able to assign me all future bugs?02:43
KaiL7877 too? That's to chris.halls@..02:43
Mezywah, mark as resolved..02:43
KaiLfunture bugs not, for that beg ogra (same for own permissions)02:43
Mezcause like.. would have marked as duplicate02:44
KaiLdup of the 12099?02:44
Mezyeah ... basically02:44
KaiLalso done.02:44
KaiLsomething else?02:45
Meznot atm02:46
KaiLsomebody else without a ticked - eh without bugzilla permissions? ;)02:46
Mez... ?02:48
Mezwithout a ticked - eh ?02:48
KaiLold joke from my math teacher02:49
=== Mez confused
MezI maintain k3b now for kubunut02:49
Mezbut... dont get any damn bug reports02:49
MezI just resolved most of them as fixed in the latest packages02:49
KaiLhe always asked "somebody else without a ticket?" after he catched the first, who didn't do the homework (which was normally one of the first 3 he asked)02:50
KaiL"If you have unexpectedly lost editbugs privileges, talk to mdz/ogra/kiko"02:50
KaiLthose 3 should also be able to assign k3b bugs automatically to you02:51
KaiLkde-i18n-fy and -lt look "nice"02:56
KaiL6 files in the packages - that's not, as it should be02:57
KaiLMez: that might also be something for you: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1023702:58
Mezweird error03:00
Mezif it's not mounting though... that isn't k3b.03:01
Mezit's mount 03:01
KaiLmeybe we should send it to mount?03:02
=== Mez has editbugs :D
KaiLk3b should suggest/recommend k3b-mp3 imho03:11
KaiLwhat to do, if a bug is fixed in breezy, but still exists in hoary? is that called "fixed"?03:15
MezKaiL, I dont think it should, seeing as really... we dont want to endorse MP3 stff...03:16
MezKail - wait for backports :D03:16
KaiLat least we should find a way to install all that mp3-support in an easy way in breezy, maybe some "kubuntu-mpeg" meta package in universe?03:17
Mezthats a good idea :D pseudo packages are fun03:17
MezRiddell what do you think?03:17
Mezhehe :D KaiL - wanna just make it anyways03:18
KaiLat least better than an endless list of packages03:18
Mezcause I cant remember which packages :D03:18
KaiLakode-mpeg, k3b-mp3 for the first03:18
MezKaiL, what about03:18
Mezkubuntu-media-restricted ;)03:19
Mezlibdvdcss ;)03:19
Mezetc etc03:19
Mezis w32codecs in the real repositories?03:19
KaiLbut we need one for the files in universe and one for the ones from -extras03:19
KaiLno, as libdvdcss203:19
Mezthose'd come from extras then03:20
Mezfrom backports ;)03:20
MezI can always do a backports pseuod-package :D03:20
KaiLkubuntu-media-restricted goes to backports and depends on kubuntu-mp3 (universe), libdvdcss2 and w32codecs.03:21
KaiLkubuntu-mp3 goes to universe and depends on akode-mpeg and k3b-mp3 (and maybe others)03:22
KaiLRiddell: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=11346 ?03:27
=== seth_k is away: sleepytime
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-142-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu-devel
froudAfrican Greetings07:27
KaiLbefore you open too many apps, could you check, if this still exists? https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12031 :)07:29
KaiLeh, sorry, this: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1017507:29
KaiLRiddell: some easy (?) file-moving-fun: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=813607:32
KaiLhttps://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=11845 another easy fix08:00
KaiL\sh_away: what about this https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=11076 ? fixed?08:07
KaiLhttps://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8596 next easy one08:14
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\shshitty xorg stuff10:31
MezE: gaim-assistant: changelog-file-not-compressed CHANGELOG10:31
Mezcan anyone explain that to em10:31
\shman dh_installchangelog ;)10:34
MezNo manual entry for dh_installchangelog10:35
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\shRiddell: ping 10:38
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Riddell\sh: hi11:25
\shRiddell: do we miss the libxi-dev somewhere? 11:29
Riddell\sh: it's been recently separated out11:30
\shyeah..so we have to put it into build-deps right?11:31
Riddellif a package needs it11:32
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froud*cough* mart, Mez anyone able to upgrade a hoary kubuntu to breezy yet?12:26
Riddellfroud: the daily CD is indeed broken12:26
froudRiddell: :-(12:27
Riddellfroud: I upgraded hoary to breezy but had to --formve-overwrite on a package and fix the fonts line in xorg.conf12:27
froudRiddell: when do you think I can get an ISO that will at least install and do the setup of xorg12:28
froudeager to work but no tools12:28
froudand kde-systemsettings will only keep me busy for a short while12:29
Riddellfroud: well upgrading from hoary works with some hackrey12:29
froudRiddell: I am in co.za, we have cap limits on our international downloads12:29
froudRiddell: can you email me instructions for the hackery12:30
froudI can then document them and put them up for others12:30
Riddellfroud: isn't there a .za ubuntu mirror?12:30
froudyes but IS throttles the download per connection to 14KBit/s12:31
Riddellfroud: when it says "can't install package because it includes file foo that already exists in another package" you can sudo dpkg --install --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/foo.deb12:31
Riddellthen if X complains about broken fonts edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change /usr/share/X11/foo to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/foo in the fonts section12:32
froudwill try it again later, now must work :-(12:33
Riddellfroud: thanks for your patience12:34
froudnp shit 'appens. Just want to get up and running and be able to get books for release:-)12:35
froudlost patience yesterday. went to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Boy Angela Jolie is hot :-)12:35
froudfeel much better12:36
RiddellKaiL: media:/ and HAL support works for me in breezy12:43
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=== tvo teaches himself arch/baz
KaiLRiddell: without patching anything?03:12
RiddellKaiL: yes03:13
KaiLthat's strange03:13
RiddellKaiL: what's your problem?03:16
KaiLI don't even get Icons for USB-Sticks in media:/ :/03:17
RiddellKaiL: does gnome-volume-manager work?03:19
KaiLlet's see, if I can use that somehow from kde03:19
KaiLbtw. hal-device-manager sees the changes03:20
KaiLhmm, that tool tries to mount sda, not sda1 - lol?03:22
KaiLmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scsi/host6/bus0/target0/lun0/disc,03:25
KaiLhal doesn't see partitions at all?!?03:28
KaiLmanager.c/1423: New Device: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_5dc_300_302AC2091004521_if0_scsi_host_scsi_device_lun003:28
KaiLmanager.c/1423: New Device: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_GEYSER_JUMPDRIVE03:28
KaiLshouldn't there be a line about part1?03:29
KaiL[4342173.309000]   /dev/scsi/host7/bus0/target0/lun0: p103:32
KaiLdmesg isn't that blind03:32
Riddellsounds like a broken HAL.  it's stopped picking up my internal CD-ROM drive (external one picked up fine)03:34
KaiLguess, what happenes, if I insert a disk into the internal cdrom? :)03:35
KaiLit get's automounted!03:36
KaiLso I don't know, how you broke your hal, but to mine it has EXACTLY the opposite result...03:37
KaiLhunger: how about you? a third result?03:38
hungerKaiL: My internal cd gets mounted.03:39
hungerKaiL: It is a laptop and the device is hotplugable, so it might count as an external drive though.03:39
KaiLis it hd** or sd**?03:40
hungerKaiL: sc*03:40
hungerKaiL: The icon even vanishes on eject now!03:40
KaiLwhat about USB-Sticks?03:41
KaiLand WTF is going on here?03:41
hungerKaiL: usb stick works for me (TM)03:42
RiddellKaiL: kl@3dots.de is you?03:59
Riddellah hah :)03:59
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froudRiddell: on that upgrade, did you say do an upgrade or a dist-upgrade?04:55
RiddellI just did an upgrade04:56
froudhere goes04:56
Riddellgood luck04:56
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hungerI set a keyboard shortcut for some programm... how do I remove it again once it is no longer listed in kmenuedit?05:40
hungerThe shortcut is still bound...05:40
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Riddellanyone going to stop me removing juk from the seed?07:18
hungerI never used it anyway;-)07:19
Riddellhunger: what do you use?07:19
hungerRiddell: I do not listen to music.07:19
marter Riddell ....07:20
martwhat's going to replace it? not amarok?07:20
Riddellmart: amarok was the idea07:20
martit doesn't crash for you?07:20
Riddellnope, not using the gstreamer engine07:21
martoh, it crashes for me with all engines after a couple of tracks07:21
martor just hangs07:21
Riddellmart: get a backtrace?07:22
martit used to send them every now and again when I built from source07:22
martit had this "copy the backtrace into an email " thing07:22
martbut it didn't always make at bt - sometimes it just crashed completely, no dr konqi07:23
martand they were from all over the code base too07:23
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martRiddell: you don't run artsd at all?07:24
martor rather...07:24
Riddellmart: still needs artsd for KDE sounds unfortunatly07:24
hungerRiddell: Let's all hope for kdemm:-)07:25
martwhat does Control Centre->Sound System->Hardware->audio device say?07:25
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Riddellmart: autodetect07:25
martjust wondered what else could cause it to be so unreliable07:27
martRiddell: what does configure amarok->engine->output plugin say for you?07:28
martthis relies on oss emulation in the kernel I guess?07:29
martah, just hung with that07:29
martoh well, if it's just me, then...07:31
=== mart only got one track with those settings
uniqamarok is stable as long as i don't try to stream radio or something like that.. then it dies.08:01
uniqdies in the "I need all available CPU-time + some more"-fashion.08:02
martok, I just want to play some mp3s...08:02
uniqhmm.. is breezy useable by now? 08:05
hungeruniq: Sometimes;-)08:05
uniqwhat about right now? :)08:05
martuniq: once you get past the upgrade it seems fine08:05
hungeruniq: if you fix X yourself it works ok at the moment.08:05
uniqX, like the fontpaths?08:05
martX in breezy kills my vt's too08:06
hungeruniq: The path to Xorg itself at the moment.08:06
martdon't know what that's about08:06
uniqok, i'll go for a upgrade then.08:06
hungeruniq: It is manageable... but not really fun.08:06
martoh, I think you have to force some packages too, with --force-overwrites08:07
uniqthat's no problem.08:07
hungermart: Don't remember having done that...08:07
hungermart: But then I am on breezy since it came out.08:08
uniqi had a computer on breezy too. but i replaced it when breezy was totaly broken.08:09
uniqbreezy here i come.08:09
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uniqhi pef.08:34
pefdoes an ubuntu package needs a desktop file for kde and gnome ?08:34
uniqyes, it's a good idea to include one. but i don't think it's needed as in policy needed.08:35
uniqyou're packaging datakiosk? 08:35
pefyes, and it's a comment I had08:36
uniqdon't know if a application like that needs a .desktop file.08:36
uniqI wouldn't focus too much on the .desktop file.08:38
uniqIt might be a good idea to include. but it's not like everyone should run this program anyway. it's a admin tool.08:39
pefuniq, no ;)08:39
Riddellit does include a .desktop file, maybe it doesn't work in gnome for some reason08:39
pefit's not a database manager08:39
uniqis it advisable to ship it with a .desktop at all? - i would consider this a 'doesn't need to appear in the menu'-type application. much like /sbin stuff on the commandline.08:42
Riddelluniq: it's not /sbin, it's a graphical user program08:43
uniqit's not a admintool? 08:43
uniqah.. then i'm just stupid.08:44
uniqi was thinking in the lines of kiosktool.08:44
uniqthen i take back everything i said and say: yes, you need a .desktop file :)08:46
Riddellwhich it already has08:47
peffor gnome _and_ kde so ?08:47
Riddellpef: no, one .desktop file should work for all08:47
pefRiddell, I have put it in /usr/share/applications/kde/, is it right ?08:48
pef(I've found that in another package)08:48
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pefso :)08:57
pefmy desktop file is ok ?08:57
Riddellpef: works in KDE great, just checking gnome now08:58
Riddell5mins to download gnome08:58
Riddellpef: did you make any changes to the upstream?  wondering about the patch comments08:59
pefRiddell, not yet, I'm currently correct all the defaults before uploading09:00
Riddellpef: what was corrected?09:02
pefRiddell, nothing, it's in my notebook now09:04
pefI just have the desktop file problem09:04
Riddellpef: it's just a comment says "please put patches in debian/patches" but I don't see any09:05
pefRiddell, yes, I don't have made any patch, don't know does he found that 09:06
pefmaybe inverted a comment with another package09:06
uniqthere are a lot of changes in the .diff 09:09
Riddellmostly evil autotools stuff, which is hard to avoid09:10
pefuniq, I haven't made any changes to the source :|09:10
uniqcan't you make the source before running the auto-stuff? 09:10
pefI think no09:11
uniqI can't see any non-auto-stuff changes either.09:12
pefI just ran dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot, am I wrong ?09:13
uniqtry debuild -S -us -uc09:13
Riddellpef: you're not wrong at all (although debuild has some extra checks before running dpkg-buildpackage)09:13
uniqdoes dpkg-buildpackage run clean first? 09:13
Riddelluniq: yes09:14
Riddelluniq: but it doesn't always clean up everything, autotools is like that09:14
uniqyou -can- clean it up manually.09:17
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uniqjust to make the diff cleaner :)09:17
uniq3616    datakiosk_0.7-0ubuntu1.diff.gz09:17
Riddellpef: .desktop file works fine for gnome09:18
pefRiddell, so why the comment ?09:18
pef(not you)09:18
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-142-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellhe must be mad09:19
uniqthere are no patches to use dpatch for.. the manpage doesn't need it's own patch.09:22
pefthe comment says "remove config.sub and config.guess from diff", must it be done manually after dpkg-buildpackage ? it is not very clean no ?09:22
uniqyou can add it to clean:: in debian/rules09:23
uniqrm -f config.sub config.guess09:23
Riddellpef: are you going to make the other changes requested?09:27
pefRiddell, the really needed (not patch ?) of course ;)09:29
pefNow i clean rules09:29
Riddellpef: copyright year and mention manpage in changelog09:30
pefRiddell, year is ok, the mention I added is "*added manpage"09:31
Riddellgood enough for me :)09:31
pefRiddell, so I upload09:32
Riddellpef: where to?09:32
pefRiddell, I will mention when it's ok09:34
tvoRiddell: already looked at kio_locate? ;-)09:37
Riddelltvo: what's the URL again?09:39
tvoneed scons to install09:39
tvo"scons configure && scons && sudo scons install" should do09:40
pef(scons rocks)09:40
tvoRiddell: I was wondering, how many things should be configurable, and how?09:42
tvocurrently it's via typing locater:config in konqueror09:42
tvothough I haven't modified the config dlg, none of the options of the first tab have any effect09:43
Riddelltvo: I think we should have metabar have a button launching locater:config09:43
pefmm I always have config.(guess|sub) in my diff09:44
Riddellpef: even if clean removes them?09:44
tvoyeah that would do, could also add a hyperlink to about:konqueror09:44
=== karthik085 [~chatzilla@me190-dhcp-15.ecn.purdue.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel
uniqpef: did you check with 'fakeroot debian/rules clean'  that clean actually remove the files? 09:45
pefuniq, you were right09:48
pefI think I must delete libtool, config.h, config.log, config.status, Makefile and stamp-h1 from the diff ?09:51
tvoRiddell: btw, which has higher "priority", kfind or inotify locate?09:51
tvoinotify locate seems cooler09:51
Riddellwhichever you think the most useful09:52
Riddellinotify locate would be cool it's true09:52
pefRiddell, should I remove all the stuff in diff which is like Makefile.diff and config.* ?09:55
Riddellpef: yeah I guess so09:55
tvoRiddell: and some question about baz: what is preferable, one summer-of-code archive with kio-locate and inotifylocate/kfind projects, or different archive with only a single project for each?09:56
pefRiddell, If I have Makefile.diff in subdirectory, how can I delete them cleanly ? using rm in clean:: ?09:56
pefin multiple subdirectories09:56
uniqpef: the easiest way to make a clean diff is to move the source directory out of the way, (don't delete it). unpack the orig.tar.gz, copy the debian/ dir from the source directory with everything included. now make the package from the new directory.09:57
Riddellpef: find . -name Makefile.diff | xargs rm -f09:57
uniqpoor explanation.. 09:57
Riddelltvo: ideally everything goes in the origional archives, so kio-locate archive for that etc09:57
Riddelltvo: but if you can't do that just put it in a baz archive (assuming you've worked out baz)09:58
tvoRiddell: I've worked through a quite large tutorial today (took me almost entire day....)09:59
Riddelltvo: where is that?10:00
tvoRiddell: http://regexps.srparish.net/tutorial-tla/arch.html10:00
tvoit's tla but it's almost the same I noticed10:00
Riddellbaz is a fork of arch which is ment to be easier to use10:01
Riddell(and is sponsored by canonical)10:01
tvoyeah, I asked about that earlier today on #ubuntu-devel10:01
tvothere was only one difference in first half of this tutorial10:02
tvolemme check10:02
tvotla archive-setup if I recall correctly wasn't needed in baz10:04
pefuniq, nice and clean method :)10:04
=== Mez [~mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
tvoRiddell: any specific version numbering scheme I should follow?10:09
Riddelltvo: for which?10:11
tvoRiddell: currently kio_locate, but later also inotifylocate/kfind10:12
pefRiddell, http://dl.erodia.net/ubuntu/datakiosk/ I think it's ok10:12
Riddelltvo: what's the current kio-locate version?10:12
uniq0.4.2 isn't it? 10:13
tvoyes that's right10:13
RiddellI would call it 0.4.2tvo0.1 or something10:15
=== tvo created a "2005-kio-locate" local archive and
uniqany idea how i can change the favicon for apt:/ ? i tried to add Icon= in the .desktop files but it didn't change anything. 10:18
Riddelluniq: where is it set at the moment?10:18
uniqriddell: can't find it anywhere. that's why i'm asking.10:18
uniqif i make Icon=something, like in regular .desktop files it doesn't change anything,.10:19
uniqlooks like the antenna favicon is something default.. 10:19
=== tvo adds a project "kio-locate--0.4.2tvo--0.1" to it (project--branch--version)
uniqand it changes to a regular "html-favicon" when something is added to the URI. like apt:/search?bash10:21
pefhttp://dl.erodia.net/ubuntu/datakiosk/ I've corrected what the comments mentionned10:21
alleepef: hi10:25
=== pef [~pef@tanneries.squat.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
alleepef: looks like the manpage is almost umodified kdemangen.pl output.10:26
pefallee, yes, there is no others command lines options10:26
alleepef: debian removed almost all skeleton manpages because users kept complaining10:27
pefallee, but a package needs a manpage no ?10:27
pef(lintian complains if not)10:27
alleepef: yes.  without manpage one can submit a but.  But users expect that man <app> gives more info than <app> --help-all10:28
alleeIMHO better a bug than a disapointing manpage (manpages have a bad enough reputation already)10:29
pefok, so I remove the currently manpage ?10:30
=== allee feels a bit ashamed that his manpages only add a mininal extra info compared to --help-all
pefI only do that to be compliant, since this apps hasn't command line parameters, I don't know what I can add10:31
alleepef: Of course it's better to add some extra info than removing, but if you don't have time, I suggest it's removal10:31
alleepef: Some extra docs what it is (copy long description) how it works.  Enviroment vars used, standard location of files, references to other useful manpages docs, ...10:32
pefallee, I can add it later, into next package revision ?10:34
alleepef: I would say yes.  Release it when ready.  Just don't forget about it ;)10:36
pefallee, for sure ;)10:37
pefallee, and the rest of the package is ok ?10:37
alleepef: I only wondered that it links against all libqt*sql pkgs.  Aren't they loaded on demand (I only had a look at the diff not the code)10:38
pefallee, If you want to access to an sqlite database, you must have libqt-mt-sqlite, for mysql libqt-mt-mysql, etc10:40
pefshould I put them in recommends ?10:40
pefI afraid that personns don't read this fields, and complains about buggy apps10:40
alleepef: An I can hear complains I only need *sql my I'm forced to have xsql ysql too? ;)10:42
pefallee, erf :)10:42
pefso recommends is a good idea, no ?10:42
alleepef: seriously your on the save side10:42
pefat the beginning I had this problem, don't know why I can't open any database10:43
alleepef: I'm only brainstorming:  Depend: sqlite | xsql | ysql  and Recommend all xyz sqls10:43
alleepef: would make sure that at least one is installed and you can remove all but one.  aptitude/synaptics still installs all by default10:44
alleepef: hmm, I give revu a try ..10:55
=== pef [~pef@tanneries.squat.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
alleepef: so one more here: control misses final newline ;)11:09
alleepef: grep -h -r -i copyright  src | sort | uniq11:13
alleepef: you upload a .tar.gz not an .orig.tar.gz11:28
=== pef [~pef@tanneries.squat.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
pefallee, http://dl.erodia.net/ubuntu/datakiosk/ newline corrected11:29
alleepef: dpkg-source -x *.dsc complains :(11:29
alleepef: ah, fixed thanks11:31
pefI've just made a new upload11:34
alleepef: yes and I jumped in in the middle of the upload.  After a reload of the dir I found the orig.tar.  Sorry11:35
pefno problem11:37
pefI hope it's ok now ;)11:38
=== tvo imports his first serious project into arch/baz :)
alleepef: build and install her ;)11:39
alleetvo: hope you manage to like arch/baz.  I failed ;)11:39
tvoallee: I think I like it better than CVS already11:40
tvobut I never bothered to read the manual thorougly11:40
alleepef complain upstream.  Having handbook menuitem but no doc is careless11:43
pefallee,  dpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${misc:Depends}11:45
pef should I remove the variable from the rules file ?11:45
alleeI keep it. One never knows when dh_ tools add to it11:46
alleepef: libqt*sql use 1.3MB. So I keep you depend and forget my brainstorming suggestion11:47
pefallee, setting them all as Depends ?11:48
alleepef: yes.  1.3 is not that much.  and if people start complaining.  think about it again if you like11:49
Riddellhttp://dev.kubuntu.org.uk/~jr/kubuntu/qt4/  qt4 packages11:51
Riddellpef: no .orig at http://dl.erodia.net/ubuntu/datakiosk/11:58
uniqriddell: do you want the kio-apt without the nice kubuntu favicon before the freeze? 11:58
Riddelluniq: when is freeze?11:59
uniqvery soon.. a few hours or 24+a few hours.11:59
uniqtomorrow is said.11:59
uniqi don't have X right now.. so i can't check the mailinglists.12:00
=== uniq is upgrading to breezy.
uniquniverse won't freeze though.. 12:00
uniqbut kio-apt is one of those nice-to-have-in-main things.. imho.12:01
alleeRiddell: reload? I see the orig12:01
=== Riddell quite tempted just to upload everything
Riddellallee: yes it's there now, spooky12:01

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