
uniqchurch_of_foamy: is it hdb1 ? does /storage exist? 12:04
ChurcH_of_FoamYas far as i know it does12:04
uniqany spelling mistakes in /etc/fstab?12:04
ChurcH_of_FoamYno not that i know of12:05
ChurcH_of_FoamYthis is the first hard drive i ever partitiond in linux12:05
ChurcH_of_FoamYso i may be doing something wrong12:05
ChurcH_of_FoamYi tryed using qtparted and makeing the changes in fstab12:06
ChurcH_of_FoamYi must not be knowledgable enough to do it12:06
ChurcH_of_FoamYi can tell you what i did from the start if you want12:07
uniqplease do.12:08
uniqi'm a little busy with a meeting right now.. i'll try to answer you. but i might be a little slow.12:08
ChurcH_of_FoamYthe hard drive was orginaly in a windows machene with an ntfs partition12:08
ChurcH_of_FoamYi took it out of that machene and dumped all the stuf on my linux hard drive12:08
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ChurcH_of_FoamYthen i wiped the partiton and tryed to use qtparted to make a new one and format it12:09
ChurcH_of_FoamYas well as make it active12:09
ChurcH_of_FoamYi thought i made the nessisary changes to fstab to allow the drive to be used12:09
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut i either get a root error telling me that only root can mount the drive12:09
ChurcH_of_FoamYor that the drive dosen't exist or that access denied thing12:10
ChurcH_of_FoamYdepending on what i do12:10
ChurcH_of_FoamYwith fstab12:10
ChurcH_of_FoamYin any event i can't get access to the hard drive12:10
uniqok. pause there. 12:10
uniqwhat does 'sudo fdisk -l' tell you? 12:11
uniq.. about hdb112:11
ChurcH_of_FoamY  Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System12:11
ChurcH_of_FoamY/dev/hdb1   *           1        4865    39078081   83  Linux12:11
uniqthis looks like your harddisk, right? 12:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYas far as i know12:12
uniqnow, if you run 'sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb1'12:12
uniqyou'll make a ext3 filesystem on it.12:12
uniqit will be formatted. 12:12
uniqso make sure it's the correct disk.12:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYyes it is12:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYhmm this may be easyer than qtparted lol12:13
ChurcH_of_FoamYit's formating the correct disk12:13
ChurcH_of_FoamYok it's done12:14
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ChurcH_of_FoamYand back at the prompt12:14
uniqok. then 'sudo mount /storage'12:15
uniqit was silent? 12:15
ChurcH_of_FoamYmount: mount point /storage does not exist12:16
uniq'sudo mkdir /storage'12:16
uniqthat was why it wasn't mounted at boot.12:16
uniqbah. is12:16
ChurcH_of_FoamYok done12:16
uniqthen mount again.12:16
ChurcH_of_FoamYas sudo?12:16
uniq 'sudo mount /storage'12:17
ChurcH_of_FoamYk done12:17
uniqnow it's mounted.12:17
uniqas you can see with 'df -ah'12:17
ChurcH_of_FoamYit gives me an access denied error when i try to wright to it12:18
uniqnow, make a directory in /storage, as an example /storage/youruser  'sudo mkdir /storage/youruser'12:18
uniqand change the ownership to youruser. 'sudo chown youruser.youruser -R /storage/youruser'  12:19
uniqnow youruser can write to /storage/youruser/12:19
ChurcH_of_FoamYlet me try12:19
ChurcH_of_FoamYthere we go12:21
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut is that gonna be so i can only wright to that file on the drive?12:21
uniqnow you can only write to that directory, yes.12:22
uniqyou can make more directories.12:22
ChurcH_of_FoamYwell i suppose that is good enough for goverment work lol12:22
ChurcH_of_FoamYthank man12:22
uniqor you could mount it with more options. But i recommend putting your stuff in a subfolder. it's the easiest and best way imho.12:22
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ChurcH_of_FoamYyou did what no one else seemed to be able to do ^_^12:22
^jude^hi - can anyone tell me how to restart apache2??12:23
ChurcH_of_FoamYyou rock ^_^12:23
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ChurcH_of_FoamYwill i be able to change the name of the folder?12:23
uniq^jude^: from the commandline 'sudo invoke-rc.d  apache2 restart'12:23
^jude^hi foamy - gamecat here on a bnox with no nickserv password :)12:23
^jude^uniq: ta m812:23
ChurcH_of_FoamYoh hey jude12:23
uniqchurch_of_foamy: sure, you can change the name from the commandline with 'sudo mv oldname newname'12:24
=== ^jude^ is running kubuntu on his powerbook :D
uniqnice. i'm on a ibook :)12:24
ChurcH_of_FoamYi will do that as soon as i get the 34 gigs of crap back on the drive ^_^12:24
ChurcH_of_FoamYi so want and i book12:25
ChurcH_of_FoamYthey look so nice12:25
^jude^mac hardware+free software=lovely system12:25
monchyi'll take an alienware laptop over an ibook12:25
ChurcH_of_FoamYi wish i could afford either12:25
^jude^I'm not an ibook fan either, but this powerbook is just gorgeous, as a piece of engineering12:26
ChurcH_of_FoamYmac stuff usually is good 12:26
ChurcH_of_FoamYin that respect12:26
^jude^foamy: me too - i got a new job and decided to treat myself on the cc :)12:26
ChurcH_of_FoamYaltho i think them switching to an intel cpu is kinda dumb though12:26
ChurcH_of_FoamYug 1hour till transfer is done >.<12:27
^jude^i can't figure that intel thing either - but i doubt it'll be "any intel"12:27
ChurcH_of_FoamYi hope not seeing as mac cpu's where vastly faster than anything intell put out12:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhich worries me about the quality of mac now12:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYis a psudo mac fan12:28
monchythey aren't that great, if anything they are heavily overpriced12:29
^jude^having just bought one, i boviously disagree :)12:30
^jude^if only i could type12:30
monchya barebones iMac G5 is 1600+ tax here12:31
^jude^where are you?12:31
=== ^jude^ is a uk body
monchynot american!12:31
^jude^hell no12:32
monchythat point has to be stressed ;p12:32
ChurcH_of_FoamYyou lucky buggers12:32
^jude^powerbook was 1400UKP12:32
ChurcH_of_FoamYi'm stuck in this shit hole of a country12:32
monchynot bad12:32
^jude^whatever that is in your money, eh12:32
monchy12 inch? 15?12:33
^jude^512/80/combo drive12:33
monchy1 sec i'll do a currency conversion lol12:33
^jude^might not be a bad plan - i reckon us lot get ripped off12:33
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monchywow thats like 3000 cdn lol12:35
^jude^see what i mean :/12:35
monchywe always get the shaft though12:36
^jude^my view is that if I'm happy with what I've got then the price was fair :)12:36
monchyimagine the alienware setup you could get for that much though ;)12:37
^jude^it wouldn't be built the way this one is12:38
^jude^i've seen a few of their machines12:38
monchyso fast, i wish i could get one12:38
^jude^(not recently I'll admit)12:38
^jude^I'm offski, see you later12:46
qos_can somebody take a look on my error? http://phpfi.com/6849212:47
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uniqqos_: try to install libx11-dev12:50
qos_i already did, but thx. any other ideas?12:52
uniqxlibs-dev maybe.12:52
qos_hmm, same error after installing them ..12:54
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_hippiehow to change appearance of taskbar?12:56
qos_so ... no ideas left ;(12:56
qos_take a look in the control center ...12:56
=== Fraeon [kzer-za@85-194-204-72.wlannet.com] has joined #kubuntu
FraeonCould Krita users tell me if it misses some vital features Gimp has like channels and so on?01:02
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FraeonAnd I just would like some plain comments about it in general01:02
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uniqfraeon: last time i tried it it was a little unstable. i'm no graphics guy but i got my simple things done.01:19
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scotdbWhy does my /etc/resolv.conf file keep getting changed ?   Can I turn this off ?01:25
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godsmokescotdb: probably because you're running dhclient01:26
godsmokeor somehow getting dhcp01:26
sdfginsdifnsignshi, um how would i install a .sh file01:26
godsmokesdfginsdifnsigns: you don't -- .sh is a shell script -- you execute it01:26
godsmokeprobably an installer01:26
sdfginsdifnsignsgodsmoke, how would i do that01:26
sdfginsdifnsignshow would i execute it01:27
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godsmokemake sure it has execution permissions ("chmod +x FILENAME") -- then just type it's path and filename ("./FILENAME" if you're in the same directory)01:27
MikeStylegodsmoke, i have no idea how to do what you just said01:27
godsmokeI just told you EXACTLY how to do it01:28
godsmokethat's why I put the commands there01:28
scotdbgodsmoke : let me check that01:28
godsmokescotdb: it's about the only reason it should be changing01:29
scotdbyes : got it in one01:29
godsmoke(automatically, that is)01:29
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scotdbSo now I have to work out how to stop dhclient3 from starting automagically01:30
godsmokewell ... do you USE dhcp on your network?01:30
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godsmokeif you do -- then you need to run it01:30
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MikeStylegodsmoke, i did what you just said and it didnt do anything01:30
godsmokeMikeStyle: I don't know what that means01:31
godsmokeyou have to be more specific01:31
Zhukovive just installed01:31
MikeStylei typed the commands01:31
scotdbgodsmoke : not on this box (my web server / mail server / etc) I want to be static01:31
MikeStyleand i just got invalid filename01:31
godsmokethen you executed the script01:31
scotdbMaybe just deinstall ?01:31
MikeStylei DID01:31
Zhukovkubuntu, to give it a try (ubuntu user), aind i cant configure the wireless connetion no matter what i do!!01:31
godsmokescotdb: god no ...01:31
godsmokescotdb: edit /etc/network/interfaces01:31
godsmokeZhukov: what specifically isn't working?01:32
Zhukovit just doesn grab an ip01:32
Zhukovcable all fine, gnome all fine01:32
Zhukovkde nothing01:32
godsmokeZhukov: you have to TELL it to grab an ip01:32
godsmokeafter you tell it which network to connect to01:33
Zhukovgodsmoke: i know01:33
Zhukovall set up01:33
godsmokeKDE/Gnome should have nothing to do with this whatsoever01:33
godsmokedon't use any graphical tools01:33
godsmokethat's not the proper way to configure a network interface01:33
Zhukovgodsmoke: sudo ifuo and iwconfig here01:33
godsmokeok -- well, kde has absolutely nothing to do with that01:33
Zhukovwell, ill just try it again...01:33
godsmokeabsolutely nothing -- let me be very clear about that01:33
scotdbyes I saw that deinstalling dhcp client would remove ubuntu-base : not a good idea01:33
FraeonThe thing I keep wondering is what the change in the kernel was that requires people to activate homepna manually when distros with earlier versions of it have it enabled by default. :P01:34
godsmokescotdb: well -- it wouldn't fix the problem either01:34
scotdbSo I'm in the interfaces file 01:34
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godsmokescotdb: change it to your needs01:34
godsmokeset the ips, take it off dhcp config01:34
Zhukovgodsmoke: i dont understant this too ;D I could hardly believe, but my wireless card isnt an kde fan... :D   maybe i misstyped something.01:34
godsmokeuh, ok01:35
scotdbgodsmoke : I already did : I set  -01:35
scotdbiface eth0 inet static01:35
scotdb        address
scotdb        netmask
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godsmokethen you're done01:35
scotdbwhich I thought would stop dhcp01:35
scotdbnetworking restart and resolv.conf has changed again !!!01:36
godsmokethen you didn't do it correctly01:37
Zhukovscotdb: try this sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf01:37
Zhukovthis will lock youre file01:38
Zhukovunless you're using reiserfs01:38
scotdbZhukov : that's a bit harsh.  And isn't it dangerous ?01:39
Zhukovscotdb: no01:39
Zhukovi use it every time :D router here01:39
godsmokethat's a nonsense solution01:39
Zhukovgodsmoke: the only one with some routers01:40
godsmokeno ...01:40
godsmokeyour computer has 100% control over its acceptance of dns servers01:40
Zhukovscotdb: if you need to change the dns for a specific network, just sudo chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf and let the network do the rest :D01:40
Zhukovgodsmoke: some routers have conflicts with 2.6 kernels01:41
godsmokethat doesn't make any sense01:41
godsmokethe kernel doesn't control the file01:41
Zhukovthey lock, for example as the DNS server (router ip) and they cant go on. They just sit there and only after a wile they resolv it01:41
godsmokethat's a dhcp process01:42
=== ..[topic/#Kubuntu:Riddell] : Congrats to seth_k on membership | Kubuntu help channel | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | KOffice 1.4 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-koffice-14.php | KDE 3.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-341.php/
scotdbok I've edited resolv.conf again and restarted network : it is still OK.   I'll see how long it lasts01:44
godsmokeunless you've told your computer to run a dhcp client ... it won't01:45
godsmokethat's 100% fact01:45
godsmokeso assuming you made proper modifications to your interfaces file, there should be no problem01:45
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scotdbI think I have the answer : when originally set up dhcp was used.   Unless you kill dhclient it will continue to run even if you change interfaces and bounce the network01:50
godsmokenot if you ifdown the network01:51
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douglasAnytime I plug my system into a different monitor it always starts xorg in 640x480 and I can't go any higher than that unless I plug my machine into the original monitor I installed kubuntu with?01:53
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mcquaidhello, is there any way to get hotkeys working?02:07
uniqtry alt+f2 'khotkeys' and press enter.02:08
uniqto restart khotkeys.02:08
uniqsometimes it dies without a good reason.02:08
mcquaidheh alt f2 actually does nothing for me02:10
mcquaidbut running it in a term i get:02:10
mcquaid ERROR: Communication problem with khotkeys, it probably crashed.02:10
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uniqmcquaid: ah. stupid me, alt+f2 is a hotkey :|02:15
uniqmcquaid: restarting kde does not help? do you have the latest kde? (3.4.1)02:16
mcquaidnope and yep02:16
mcquaidit runs fine for you?02:16
uniqyes, it does.02:16
mcquaidi searched the forums and others have the prob but no resolution02:17
mcquaidi thought everyone actually had it02:17
mcquaidwhat package provides khotkeys?02:17
uniqi don't think everyone have the problem, i've never heard of it in here before.02:17
uniqprovides khotkeys.02:18
mcquaidjust wanted to ensure that somehow i didn't have version 3.4 of that02:18
mcquaidor err well you know what i mean02:19
uniqyou -can- try to install kdebase-dev i can see there is one file provided by kdebase-dev that could be needed. even though i don't think it shluld be used.02:19
uniqi'm on a deadly slow internet connection, else i would have tested my self.02:19
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mcquaidcan't see how a dev would help but here goes02:20
uniqit shouldn't be needed.02:20
mcquaidnope no change02:20
uniqbut it provides libkdeinit_khotkeys.la 02:20
uniqdid you try to restart khotkeys after installing the -dev? 02:21
uniqno dice? 02:21
mcquaidsame error02:22
mcquaidi installed 3.4 from the official reps and then added 3.4.1 and upgraded02:22
uniqshould work.02:22
uniqworks for me, and i presume most others.02:22
uniqif it didn't help you can safely remove kdebase-dev then :)02:23
mcquaidnow i actually used the meta pkg kde-core instead of kubuntu desktop to save some space02:23
mcquaidalready did ;002:23
mcquaidi wonder if kde-core misses something that khotkeys needs?02:23
mcquaidi woudln't think so tough02:24
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uniqdon't think it does.02:25
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uniqwell, if there is no bugreport, please make one. references to forum threads if others have the same problems are much appreciated.02:26
uniqI have to go to bed now.. almost 02:30.02:27
mcquaidwill do02:27
mcquaidthx for the help02:27
MezRiddell :D02:28
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stisevHi all02:30
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_mikehey guys, when i do sudo apt-get install setiathome it says the package isnt in temp and when it trys to install it gets a sub process error02:36
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natasWhy can't I log in as root?02:39
natascan I change it so that I can log in as root?02:39
natascan somebody help me?02:40
_mikeno one wants to seem to help right now...02:41
natas<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">02:41
natas<body><B>/msg nickserv register</B></body>02:41
=== boga [~judith@CPE0011095f2041-CM00e06f240dd8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
bogahow can I make Kubuntu see my camera as an external device? When I connect via USB, nothing happens.02:43
godsmokeboga: depending on the camera it a) might not be supported, b) might need special drivers, or c) it might need to be manually configured02:47
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bogagodsmoke: At least the automounting of a USB device should work...then configuring would be another matter.02:48
bogagodsmoke: the problem is: Nothing happens!02:49
godsmokedepends on the camera02:49
bogawell it's a Nokia 5900 CoolPix!02:49
godsmokegood for you02:49
bogasorry! Nikon02:50
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internatok well im having problems with my sound, i just inistalled kubuntu, the module is apparently loaded snd_emu10k1x           18084  0 02:59
internatbut i get no sound02:59
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l1nux_friendany one can help 03:15
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l1nux_friendi use kubuntu03:15
seth_kjust ask :)03:15
seth_kwe're all here to help you03:15
l1nux_friendbut my logitech web cam03:15
l1nux_friendcan't work03:16
l1nux_friendhhiii seth03:17
l1nux_friendu can help me03:17
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seth_kwhat model of webcam is it?03:17
seth_kdo you receive any errors or does it just not work?03:17
seth_kand what program are you trying to use it with?03:17
l1nux_friendlogitech quick expres03:18
l1nux_friendlike yahoo messenger03:18
l1nux_friendu know gyach03:18
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l1nux_friendi try to control center 03:19
seth_kI'm not even seeing webcams as a supported feature of gyach. Does it even let you use them?03:19
l1nux_friendso ?03:20
l1nux_friendwhat  program  can i use03:20
seth_kthere is very little webcam support on Linux right now03:20
seth_kGaim-vv is the closest we have to usable support03:20
seth_kbut 1.2.0 is not very new03:20
seth_kKopete is also starting to have rudimentary support03:21
seth_kand there will be good support in KDE 3.503:21
seth_kbut right now, maybe something like GnomeMeeting?03:21
l1nux_friendbut my web cam logitech,, can they support my cam03:22
l1nux_friendoke ,,, i try03:22
l1nux_friendjust moment03:22
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seth_kl1inux_friend, you will need to look here: http://qce-ga.sourceforge.net/03:23
seth_kbut tbh if you're a new Linux user, I'd advise to switch back into windows when you want to use webcam, and spend time learning about the other features of Linux for now03:24
seth_kHardware support is getting better, but it is not there yet03:24
l1nux_friendoke i just compile that file03:25
l1nux_friendnoo.... i hate windows03:25
l1nux_friendlinux is fun03:25
l1nux_friendoh iya03:26
l1nux_friendhow about movie player support .wav03:26
l1nux_friendu know what program is03:27
internatok well im having problems with my sound, i just inistalled kubuntu, the module is apparently loaded snd_emu10k1x           18084  0.. but i still have no sound.. anyone?03:28
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monchyah man msn service is broke again03:35
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mattrnormally, adding .desktop files to /usr/share/xsessions adds the session to the menu. However, my new session isn't being added. something different that i need to do?03:37
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markcare there any channels or mailing-lists for those trying out breezy ? the latest Xorg is broken03:42
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seth_kmarkc, what error do you get?03:55
seth_kmost can be fixed03:56
seth_k(I use breezy on two computers)03:56
monchyhow is it shaping up btw?03:57
seth_kever so nicely03:58
seth_kNetworkManager is going to rock so hard03:58
seth_kmostly for the wireless roaming and network swapping03:59
KaiLmarkc: which error?04:00
seth_kit's a little rough right now because they just switched to the 2.6.12 kernel04:00
seth_kKaiL, he went idle 15+ minutes ago, so gone for now04:01
KaiLI had a problem here too (/usr/bin/X11/X missing), which was quite easy to fix04:01
KaiLmaybe he's only making a pizza :)04:01
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monchymm pizza04:02
monchycheeseburger pizza with the bacon on it04:02
monchyits so good i dunno if you can get it like that there04:05
seth_kwhere are you?04:05
monchythen theres a taco one that will light your ass on fire04:05
monchycanadian 2 4 1 is where i get my pizzas04:05
monchyif you opened one wherever you are, you'd be rich :P04:07
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seth_kmaybe like the "Empenadas Argentinas" I ate at in Mexico04:12
seth_kI would be richer than sabdfl if I sold those here04:12
monchynever heard of them but if they are spicy i'm game04:13
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dlr_hey guys04:45
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seth_khi dlr_04:51
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dlr_this chat is dead05:08
dlr_apt-get moo!05:08
monchyget used to it, its almost always this way05:11
dlr_i usually join #ubuntu or #debian05:12
=== seth_k ops self and kicks random people to get things moving :P
dlr_and then i promptly get told "wrong OS"05:12
monchy#ubuntu they shouldn't be saying that lol05:13
dlr_i know05:13
seth_kunless it's a KDE question, but meh05:13
dlr_gnome blows chunks05:13
monchywhich is rare05:13
seth_kyou know it05:13
seth_koh i hate gnome05:13
dlr_i love gentoo05:13
monchyboth stink :P05:13
monchygo xfce ;p05:13
dlr_but it NeeDS AN INSTALLeR!!!!!!!!!!05:13
seth_knever tried it tbh05:13
seth_ki tried, um, fluxbox?05:13
dlr_anyone tried that?05:13
dlr_that sucka05:13
dlr_fluxbox is good05:14
monchyanytime i install now, its straight up Xubuntu05:14
dlr_is that for the xbox?05:14
dlr_like xebian?05:14
monchyits xfce + ubuntu05:14
monchynice and slim05:14
seth_kmeh, I have 200GB05:15
seth_kI can waste 500MB on KDE :D05:15
monchyoh i don't care about the HD space, memory i care about though ;)05:15
dlr_i have 80 GB05:15
seth_ktrue that05:15
dlr_and a 160GB external05:15
dlr_and a 60GB ipod05:15
monchyand you have to admit both kde and gnome are bloaty05:15
dlr_and tons of media05:15
dlr_o def05:15
dlr_esp. gnome05:16
dlr_i hate it05:16
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seth_ktbh gnome feels MORE bloaty than KDE to me! dunno why05:16
dlr_i think so also05:16
seth_keven though I think KDE is probably more bloaty when using the definition of bloat05:16
seth_ke.g., memory and drive usage05:16
seth_kgnome is just so slowwww05:16
dlr_luna is the most bloated :)05:16
monchyand all the bloody programs it installs that you never use05:17
dlr_and avalon05:17
dlr_gentoo needs an installer05:17
dlr_i am in VMWare05:18
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jfieldsis there a way to change the way the permissions are set up by default in kubuntu/ubuntu to how they are set up in other distro's06:26
jfieldsmore linux like... instead of being so open06:26
seth_kgive an example? Everything is really quite locked-down06:26
jfieldswell.... i dont like sudo06:26
seth_kyou want a root account06:26
seth_kimo that is LESS locked down, but here's how06:27
seth_kdown at the bottom06:27
seth_ksudo passwd root06:27
jfieldsthen i can su to root?06:28
seth_kthat's correct06:28
jfieldsfor things like compiling and synaptic06:28
jfieldsthanks alot seth_k 06:28
jfieldsi appreciate it06:28
seth_knot a problem, that's what we're here for :)06:28
seth_kI'm glad I could help you06:28
jfieldsalso... i was wondering ..... how goes the repository stability... as far as both package compatability and non breakage as well as server availability06:29
seth_kfor Hoary?06:29
jfieldsbecause right now i'm on kanotix... and the kanotix server is down...06:30
jfieldsis that 5.0?06:30
jfieldsif so then yess06:30
seth_knear 100%06:30
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monchyah there are people talking, amazing06:30
seth_kI've only ever *heard* of one outage in 7 months, and I didn't even get hit by it b/c it was so short06:30
jfieldsi'm looking for something stable that i can depend on.... like right now i'm trying to compile something that requires a library i cant get to because the server is down... 06:31
seth_kyeah, it's a party monchy :P06:31
seth_kjfields, Ubuntu has been the most reliable distro I've ever used06:31
jfieldsmonchy: would you care for some punch?06:31
seth_kmmmm punch06:31
monchyis it spiked? if so, yes06:31
jfieldsseth_k: which ones did you come from for a comparison?06:31
seth_kI used SuSE for almost a year before Ubuntu06:32
jfieldsyes it is... drink up06:32
seth_khardware compatibility was great06:32
monchyew suse06:32
seth_kbut I hit RPM hell hard06:32
monchyi should smack you06:32
=== seth_k runs
seth_kno more suse on my systems, i'm clean06:32
=== monchy throws a shovel at seth_k
jfieldswas rehab hard?? LOL...06:32
seth_kbefore suse was mandrake... which turned me off of linux for close to a year :X it was terrible06:32
monchyah yea i was guilty of trying mandrake too06:33
seth_kand before mandrake was red hat 9, which was tolerable. I got my intro to Linux on it06:33
jfieldsyea... same here... pclinuxos variant is imo MUUCH better than it's roots06:33
seth_kbut slowww06:33
jfieldsonly b/c of the apt system tho06:33
seth_kmmmmm apt06:33
seth_ki'll never go back06:33
seth_ki'm not even tempted06:33
jfieldsmy background with linux dates back quite a few years.... my parents and I were at SAMS store and they had Mandrake 6.0 for sale... and i asked dad if we could get it06:34
jfieldswe got it... excited.... fired it up.... needless to say it left much to be desired06:34
jfieldsmore background than that is that my dad and i have been working on comps for years so ... we're no idiots06:35
seth_kyou can't be an idiot and try linu06:35
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monchyafter using windows though we were all idiots06:36
jfieldswas several years later... actually got back into linux about 1.5 - 2 years ago...06:36
jfieldsanyways... been great talkin to yall... i'm watchin a movie.... so.... bbl06:37
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seth_ksee you06:38
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_corycan anybody help me setup ndiswrapper?  It's a bitch07:14
KaiL_cory: broadcom 54mbit card? ;)07:15
_coryno bcm430607:17
KaiLat least broadcom.. so the ndiswrapper coming with hoary it to old.07:17
jfieldsi have a speedstream 54b wireless07:20
jfieldshavent been able to get it to work with kanotix07:20
ilba7r_corry i made my broadcom work following the instruction in this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com//SetupNdiswrapperHowto07:21
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godsmokendiswrapper = yuck, nonsense07:54
godsmokejust get a new card07:54
godsmokeone with a DECENT chipset :)07:55
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_corycan anybody help me with changing directory user permissions?08:00
godsmokesure ...08:00
godsmokewhat do you want to know, specifically?08:01
godsmokethe process is pretty simple08:01
_corydidnt work08:01
godsmoketell me what you did08:01
godsmokechown is well-tested -- it works -:)08:01
_corychown cory windows08:02
_corylol yes i realize08:02
godsmokeuh ...08:02
_corywhat i did was i mounted my windows partition to /media/windows and it will only let root view it08:02
godsmokethat has nothing to do with chown08:02
_coryfixable :-x?08:02
godsmokeyou need to mount the partition with user permissions08:02
godsmokemounting is not a "directory"08:02
_coryhow do u do that?08:02
godsmokeit's a special process08:02
_coryoh ok08:02
godsmoke_cory: look it up -- you need to issue commands at mount, or in fstab08:03
godsmokeit's even in the ubuntu guide08:04
godsmokeI would appreciate it if you did a minor amount of work on your own before coming here to ask08:04
_coryi did08:04
godsmokeno, you didn't08:04
godsmokebecause it's right there in the ubuntu guide08:05
_corylol i've actually never seen that guide before, i've been using google08:05
godsmokegoogle works just as well08:05
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godsmoke2nd hit on google for "mount user permissions linux"08:06
godsmoke"HOWTO Mount MS Windows partitions (FAT,NTFS) - Gentoo Linux Wiki08:07
godsmokeoh -- it's explained in the first hit as well08:07
godsmokejust not as obviously08:07
_coryok godsmoke, i'm sorry i bothered you with my noobness....please forgive me.  I didn't realize i was amongest the most elite linux users whom are not to be bothered by someone as non-knowledgable as me08:09
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monchyyou get used to him _cory08:10
jfieldshas anyone done apt-build on their box with kubuntu/ubuntu?08:10
_coryok 1 more stupid question (i seriously cannot find the answer, and i know its going to be an easy answer) whats the equivalent to gedit in kubuntu?08:12
monchykwrite, kate, kedit08:12
_coryok ty08:13
monchywhichever one you want08:13
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monchyanyway don't be afraid to ask your questions, godsmoke can't ream you every time :)08:14
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_coryyo what was that installion guide url for ndiswrapper?08:26
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silentshadowHey, how do i clear the history in Konqureror?08:27
silentshadowYeah, that doesn't help much. :(08:28
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unomesilentshadow: history sidebar > clear08:29
silentshadowAlright, thanks. :)08:29
monchybeen looking at some naughty websites? ;)08:29
unomesilentshadow: the wiki url was for _cory, not you :)08:30
silentshadowunome: Sorry, I jsut figured that out. LOL.08:31
silentshadowWhere is this "History Sidebar?"08:32
unomesomewhere in settings08:33
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silentshadowGot it!08:34
unomesettings > configure konqi > history sideba (9th option), I had to count :(08:34
silentshadowBut where do I clear the URL bar thing at?08:34
_coryok is it just me or does kynaptic suck?!08:34
silentshadowKynaptic does suck. LOL.08:35
_coryis there..other options ?lol for kubuntu?08:35
silentshadowSynaptic. :)08:35
_corythats the one i was using08:35
_corywith reg. ubuntu (gnome)08:36
silentshadowOh, I thought you were using Kynaptic.08:36
_coryhow do i get that?08:36
silentshadowOh, right.08:36
silentshadowI forgot, I did it last time though.08:36
silentshadowFirst things first, search for it in Kynaptic08:36
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silentshadowunome: How do I clear my URL bar?08:36
_coryi think i found it in kynaptic08:36
ilba7rtype sudo apt-get install synaptic in a terminalk08:37
unomesilentshadow: I told you :(08:37
silentshadowI did that already, it doesn't clear it. -.-08:37
unomeclears it for me08:37
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_corymaybe it's just my list of repositories, because i can't find ndiswrapper-util in either one08:38
ilba7r_cory it is not in the repos08:39
ilba7radd this line to your source list deb http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/debian ./08:40
_corywhat am i doing wrong, cuz before i formatted i found all sorts of stuff in the package manager like ndiswrapper08:40
silentshadowHey illba7r, do you know how to clear the URL bar?08:40
silentshadowClearing the history doesn't work. :(08:41
_corywhere is the src list?08:41
ilba7rdo not understand what you mean08:41
_coryok thx!08:41
silentshadowThe form where you type in the URL.08:41
silentshadowHow do I clear that?08:41
ilba7r_cory uncomment the other repos too08:41
silentshadowThe history on that form?08:41
ilba7rdo you use firefox08:41
silentshadowNo, Konqureor, fresh install of Kubuntu.08:42
ilba7rok let me see08:42
_coryilba7r do i have to change write permissions to be able to add to that list?08:43
ilba7r_cory no08:43
ilba7rif you wana edit it use this command 08:43
ilba7rsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:44
_coryok thx08:44
silentshadowOr you could just right-click sources.list then choose actions --> edit with root.08:44
silentshadowOr something like that. :)08:44
silentshadowBut the terminal is much easier.08:44
ilba7ri do not remember how to do it from the browser but from the menu go to control cetner and then clear the browser from there08:45
unomesilentshadow: restart konqi and check if the urls are still there. history sidebar gives you the option to sex max number of urls, set it to 0 to never have history08:45
silentshadowNone of that works unome, but I'll try illba7r's advice. :)08:46
ilba7rcontrol center internet&network web browser then you have it all the cache and history08:46
_coryis there a game like counter-strike for linux?08:47
silentshadowDoubt it. LOL.08:47
silentshadowAlthough you can emulate steam through Cedega.08:47
_corywhat is cedega?08:47
silentshadowAn emulation program.08:47
_coryah got'cha08:48
silentshadowI'm just going to remove Konq..08:48
silentshadowI just installed Firefox.08:48
silentshadowFirefox owns anyways..08:49
ilba7rdo not remove konquer08:49
silentshadowJust did.. LOL.08:49
silentshadowWhy does it do something special?08:49
silentshadowOH CRAp.08:50
ilba7rits more like explorer for window08:50
silentshadowMY FILE BROWSER08:50
silentshadowOH GOD..08:50
ilba7rso all your file browsing will be messed up08:50
silentshadowANOTHER INSTALL OF KUBUNTU :(08:50
ilba7rjust reinstall konquer08:50
silentshadowI'll just reinstall Konq.08:50
silentshadowLOL, yeah.08:50
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internatok guys im stumped, ive checekd my soundcard in knoppix and its broken in there, ive tried it in kubuntu live and its broken their, ive tried it in kubuntu installed and it doestnw rok there, but it works fine in windows.. its a creative live 5.1 card.. using emu10k1x drivers.. any suggetwsions as to why the shitty thing wont work?08:52
_coryi'm guessing cedega is not free?08:53
_coryrofl silent08:54
_corykonq sux08:54
_coryi think there are other file browsers08:54
ilba7rinstall firefox _cory it is one of the best08:55
_coryi've got firefox08:55
ilba7rthen you are done08:55
_coryive been using it forever08:55
_coryi just have using konq as a file browser08:55
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ilba7rdo not forget to install java and flash08:55
ilba7ror you will not be able to play online games08:56
_coryhow do u do that08:56
_cory**install java and flash08:56
_coryfor firefox for linux08:56
ilba7rgive me a min i will give you a site08:56
_coryok thx08:56
internatso no ideas on my sound problem?08:57
ilba7rit will help you download and istall java realplayer acrobat and flashplayer08:57
ilba7rsorry internat do not know that08:57
ilba7ri can only recommend mepis they have really good hardware support08:58
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unomeinternat: alsamixer shows your sound device?09:02
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internatalsamixer says cannt open default device09:02
internatwhen i lsmod the drivers snd_emu10k1x is loaded, w hich is the apparently proper driver for my soundcard so..09:03
unomeyou have soundblaster 16?09:03
unomewhat is it then?09:03
internatsound blaster live 5.109:03
unomemodprobe snd-sb8 09:03
unometry that09:03
internatok 1 sec09:04
internatno such device09:05
unomemodprobe snd-sb16 and try plain modprob sb09:05
unomemodprobe snd-sb16*09:05
internatno such device09:06
unome emu10k1 usualy works for live09:06
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internatk1 and k1x both load.. but nothing works09:07
unomeworks fine under windoz?09:07
internathow do u unload something?09:07
internatso the interesting thing is09:08
unomesudo killall esd09:08
internatif i load the emu10k1x driver, the speakers click, but it makes the same sound i normally only get when the conmputer is off09:08
unometry killing esd09:08
internatno procecess killed09:08
unomesystem -> preferences -> sound and uncheck start sound server09:09
internatwhat preferences?09:10
internati dont have a preferences09:10
unomeinternat: oh shoot KDE09:10
unometry this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4475309:10
internative done most of that b409:11
unomethe card is really giving you hard time eh :/09:11
internatits driving me nuts09:13
internati think i broke my alsa modprobe.d file in the mean time as well09:13
internatdo u have a copy of the orignal /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base file?09:17
unomermmod remove a module from the running kernel09:17
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unomeyes i do09:17
internatany chance of getting a copy?09:18
unomesure let me upload it somewhere09:18
internatalso making an assumption that its having issues with the emu10k1x driver, is there a way to force it to load emu10k1 insead of k1x?09:19
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internatfrig it, i might gibve re-installing a go09:20
godsmokethere are very very very very few cases where that's the best option09:23
internatwell i had my tvcard in there at one point, and some people thought that might have interfeered with the proper detection of my sound card.. so i thought wjhy not ill reinstall09:24
internative only had it running for a day , so im not going to lose anything09:24
godsmokewell, there's no reason to rely on "detection"09:24
godsmokethat's just ubuntu blowing smoke up your ass09:24
godsmokeit's nothing special09:24
internatwell what do u sugest i do?09:24
godsmokeyou know which driver your sound card needs?09:25
internatwell i know its 1 of 2, 09:25
godsmokewell, didn't you look it up?09:25
godsmokethen why are there two?09:25
internatand it came up as emu10k109:25
internatbut the auto dectection stuff loads it as emu10k1x09:25
godsmokewell -- auto-detection should never be a -source- of information09:26
godsmokeit can work -- but trust the expert database09:26
godsmokewhat card is it?09:26
internatok, creative sb live! 5.109:26
markcare there any channels or mailing-lists for those trying out breezy ? 09:26
godsmokemarkc: developers :)09:26
godsmokebreezy is not in good shape atm09:26
internatSound Blaster Live 5.1  emu10k1  Details (emu10k1)   [ANio]  [MIDIio]  (1) (3)09:27
godsmokeall the dev mailing lists and channels are going to talk about breezy09:27
godsmokethat's your best shot09:27
markcgodsmoke> yes, I've noticed :-)09:27
godsmokeso ...09:27
internatok so how do i make it load that driver and not the emu10k1x driver?09:27
godsmokeyou go into /etc/modules09:28
godsmokeand tell it which driver to load09:28
Mezmarkc, I wouldnt reccomend breezy at the moment, unless you like fixing things09:28
godsmokeafter running the alsa config, of course09:28
godsmokebreezy is highly unstable at the moment09:28
godsmokeI would say it's on par with experimental debian09:28
markcMez> I've been using it for months and have indeed ficed a few things09:28
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godsmokeinternat: still there?09:29
internatyeah im here09:29
unomeinsmod loads only the module you request, modprobe tries to load other modules that the one you request depend on09:29
Mezmarkc: go you :D09:30
Mezjust default recdomendation is to not use it unless you know what you're doing :D09:30
godsmokeunome: but we're talking about a soundcard -- so we want this placed in /etc/modules, not manually loading it09:30
Mezmarkc, I hope you've been using bugzilla/malone ?09:30
unomegodsmoke: ok.09:30
internatok, so what, how do i stop the existing driver from loading and make it load the other one?09:30
godsmokermmod MODULENAME09:31
markcMez> err no, just winging it by myself..  I'm on amd64 too so regular advice sometimes oes not apply09:31
godsmokeit won't force the driver load unless you configured alsa incorrectly ...09:31
internatwont that only just remove it for this boot insteance, 09:31
godsmokealsa needs to be told which driver you want09:31
godsmokeinternat: yes, you should do that first09:31
godsmokeanyway -- configure alsa09:31
godsmoketell it to use the proper driver09:32
Mezmarkc: if in doubt, file a bug, it helps us a hell of a lot09:32
internathow do i do that? alsaconf?09:32
godsmokeif the old driver continues to load on its own -- you'll have to blacklist it09:32
godsmokeyeah, I believe that's the name09:32
internatkubuntu doesnt have that config program for some reason09:32
godsmokeit'll auto-detect your sound card -- and you can tell it which driver it should use for it09:32
godsmokeright ... you download it09:32
godsmokealsa-utils or something09:32
markcMez> yes, that's why I am kinda asking about devel stuff... I should get more involved09:32
godsmokeprobably in universe, or multiverse09:32
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Mezmark - your best bet is the ubuntu-devel mailing list and hte #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-motu channels here on IRC09:33
godsmoke"here on irc"09:33
internati have alsa-utils.. and its not in that either09:33
godsmokeare we on the "irc network"?09:33
internatits meant to provide alsa-conf but it doesnt09:33
godsmokeyou sure it's not there?09:33
markcmez> great, thanks for the advice, will do09:33
godsmokesigh -- silly ubuntu09:33
internative done a locate on it, and its not ther09:33
godsmokeok -- well, I'm too tired to go through this now -- damn ... if you're right, I'm gonna get angry at the devels09:34
godsmokealsaconf is a good tool09:34
godsmokealthough -- it is possible, I have the name wrong09:34
godsmokeit could be alsa-conf or whatever09:34
internaton knoppiox its alsaconf09:35
godsmokeI'd just tab-complete "alsa....."09:35
godsmokesee what there is09:35
godsmokeit might have a different name09:35
godsmokeknoppix is crazy, don't use that as a guide09:35
Mezoh, and #kubuntu-devel as well for kubuntu devel ;)09:35
=== godsmoke has to go throw up
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stisevOT: anyone know a thing or two about VMware?09:41
Mezstisev - I've already directed you to #vmware09:42
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godsmokeas have I09:42
godsmokeMez: but he left09:42
Mezah yes09:43
godsmokeinternat: you're right -- alsaconf should be in that package and isn't -- die ubuntu09:43
Mezsaw him rejoin in #ubuntu :D09:43
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godsmokethere he is09:43
Mezstisev - I've already directed you to #vmware09:43
godsmoke<godsmoke> as have I09:43
Mezso there's no point in asking in here :D09:43
stisevMez/godsmoke: have you guys BEEN to vmware?09:43
stisever #vmware09:43
stisevit's literally deserted.09:44
godsmokeno -- never had a problem09:44
MezI dont own vmware, so no ... but it seems pretty full..09:44
stisevI would think 24 hours later, I'd get at least a hint of a response.09:44
Mezbut the point still is - this = kubuntu support channel not vmware support channel09:44
godsmokeyou have to WAIT for questions to be answered -- it isn't an on-demand service09:44
stisevgodsmoke: read above.09:44
godsmokestisev: search google, the mailing lists -- join the mailing lists, whatever you have to do09:44
stisevI tried searching google groups09:44
godsmokegoogle groups is USENET09:45
godsmokethat's not "vmware mailing lists"09:45
stisevwhat is vmware mailing lists?09:45
godsmokethe mailing lists that are for the support of vmware09:45
godsmokeusenet is its own system09:45
godsmokethis would be my first choice: http://www.vmware.com/vcommunity/09:47
godsmokethe official vmware community support website09:47
godsmokeforums, knowledgebases, user groups, newsgroups09:47
godsmokeso forth09:47
godsmokeit shouldn't be my responsibility to find you vmware help either09:47
godsmokejust because you asked here -- and it has nothing even remotely to do with ubuntu -- doesn't mean I'm your personal googler09:48
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stisevhey guys09:50
stisevsorry, back. you guys are right. This is a kubuntu support channel.09:51
stisevSorry for blanketing my problems in this channel. thanks for the help. I'll definitely try out the aforementioned channels.09:51
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cjnodellhello I have a wireless networking question. Can anybody help me out?09:56
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internatgodsmoke so.. how should i get it, compile alsa myself?10:05
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internathow do i kill x again? i thought it was init 210:10
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internathow do u show the files provided by a package?10:14
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Mezinternat - use synaptic ;010:25
internatfair enuff10:27
internati wanna know why the frig alsaconf isnt in there..a nd why the frig my sound card isnt working10:27
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goathey noob question but i need help on how to set root password after a clean install of kubuntu please11:42
Kamping_Kaisersudo passwd root11:44
internatso how do i set up dual screens?11:46
Kamping_Kaiserinternat: get a dual head video card, or 2+ video cards11:47
internatyeah i ahve that11:47
internati have a dual head vid card11:47
goatok Kamping_Kaiser i typed "sudo password root" in terminal but it prompts me for a password for that11:47
nikkiaif its nvidia, you'll have to read and understand their driver notes on how to setup TwinView11:48
Kamping_Kaiserhtats your password11:48
internattype the password for YOUR account11:48
internatnot the root one, your one11:48
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goatnow i type "sudo password" or "sudo password root" and i get error "sudo: password: command not found."11:51
goatsorry its my first time ever with linux im trying to learn the filesystem and user system stuff11:51
internatnot password passwd11:52
internatsudo passwd root11:52
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goato wow thanks buddy11:53
goatsorry about that :P11:53
goatwould u recommend making my root password different from my user password?11:54
Kamping_Kaiseroops sorry about passwd/password11:57
nikkiagoat, i'd recommend learning to live with sudo :)11:57
Kamping_Kaisergoat, if you have a root password, it may as well be different11:57
Fraeonsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install root-account11:58
goatsu = switch user right?11:58
goatwhats the do?11:58
nikkiagoat, 'do' a command as a different user11:58
FraeonI always thought 'su' meant super-user.11:58
nikkiathere are a few situations where 'sudo command' isn't sufficient, but you can replicate su with sudo -s and sudo -i anyway11:59
nikkiaFraeon: no, you can switch to other users too11:59
Kamping_KaiserFraeon: no, substitute user11:59
goatwhat do those arguments do?11:59
Kamping_Kaiseryou can switch to anyone11:59
goat-s and -i?11:59
nikkiagoat, -s == create shell,  -i simulate login11:59
nikkiaKamping_Kaiser: almost anyone :)12:00
Kamping_Kaiser:) ok then12:00
nikkiaKamping_Kaiser: su honours nologin and shells lookup12:00
Kamping_Kaiseroh, ok12:00
Kamping_Kaiserta :)12:00
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=== goat looks around
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nikkiawell, it does if you're running it as a normal user, you can tell it to ignore them if you're root, which is useful for doing stuff as a daemon account12:00
goatso if i do "sudo passwd" as opposed to "sudo passwd root" whats the difference?12:01
nikkiagoat, none, really12:01
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nikkiaone is explicitely specifying the username to passwd, the other is letting passwd guess based on the EUID12:01
nikkiaeffective user id12:01
Kamping_Kaisergoat, and i don't like letting it guess ;)12:02
Kamping_Kaisersame when i su i always use "su root"12:02
nikkiaKamping_Kaiser: i always use 'su -' but that's me12:02
goatk sounds good12:02
Kamping_Kaisernikkia: well then i can see what's going on irrespective of what the system does12:03
nikkiawhich is odd really, as i use sudo -s these days, you'd think after years of being used to 'su -' i'd prefer sudo -i *shrug*12:03
goatalright im out thanks for all the help12:04
goatill try to come by here more often and start picking this stuff up12:04
Kamping_Kaiserhave fun goat12:04
goati tried a while ago but i was so lost between the user system and program installation i had to take a break :/12:05
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samuelki have a question...in Kynaptic i gett a a msg then press the "upgrade all packages" it is saying: "Operation not possible with broken packages please fix them first"...12:25
samuelki know how to fix the broken package12:25
samuelkbut i  dont whant to remove it...12:25
samuelkits kdmtheme any ideas how i can fix this?12:25
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unomeuse synaptic12:26
samuelkwell same there.12:30
samuelkany clue how to fix?12:30
unomeyou answered your own question I guess, you know what the problem is and how to fix it (the kdm theme)12:30
samuelkyes but it whant to remove kdmtheme12:31
samuelkand thats what i dont whant to..12:31
samuelkand the package aint borken.12:31
unomehow did you install it, dpkg?12:31
samuelkno from source i think..12:32
unomewhat kdm theme, gear?12:32
unomegear is a name of a theme, what was the theme's name?12:33
samuelki use shuttle12:33
samuelkand tux-mania12:33
unomeI have both, no problems12:34
samuelkuseing the kdmtheme manager?12:34
unomethemes should go to /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes12:34
unomethen change /etc/kde3/kdmrc I think to reflect the them's name12:35
unome /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc*12:35
samuelknod found it12:37
unomeyou gotta make /themes12:37
unomeit's not there by default12:37
unomethen in kdmrc you specify the location of the theme, simple12:38
unomehold on let me give you the excat line12:38
samuelki found the lime12:38
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otepanyone here who uses a snap server?12:53
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slicslaki've screwed my xorg.cong file....  what app does ubuntu use to config X11 at install?04:01
KaiLdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:02
slicslakKaiL, thx04:04
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wandAlgum manja de Slack ai?05:03
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cies"/usr/lib/mozilla/mozilla-bin: relocation error: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflash-mozplugin.so: undefined symbol: XtWindowToWidget"05:24
ciesanyone also has ^this^ error when seeing flash in mozilla (konq also freezes on flash)... 05:24
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l1nux_friendhiii every body06:16
l1nux_friendany one can help me06:16
ciesl1nux_friend: go ahead06:20
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[A] ndy80worse than DLL-Hell :( I'm using kdevelop, I need kde-devel but it requires kdesdk that conflicts with kdevelop O_o how can I fix this?08:42
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_alexSAlut @ tous09:25
_alexj'ai juste une petite question... Sous kubuntu ou est-ce qu'on rentre les path de faons permanente09:25
godsmoke_alex: this is an ENGLISH-speaking channel09:26
_alexOops sorry :p09:26
godsmokeno problems09:26
_alexStarting over in english !09:26
_alexHi everyone ! I just have a little question : where do I insert my Paths permanently in kubuntu?09:27
apokryphos_alex: the bath for what, exactly?09:28
godsmokethe bash path09:28
godsmokeyou put it in /etc/profile09:29
_alexActually my (french) aspell is not found by kmail09:29
godsmokeyou probably need to install it09:29
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_alexso i should export my path but i dont want to do it every time i restart my box09:29
godsmokeyou didn't read09:29
_alexgodsmoke: both aspell and ispell are installed09:29
godsmoke<godsmoke> you put it in /etc/profile09:29
godsmokeexporting a variable is exactly that ... a variable09:30
SysFailanybody having problems installing stuff?09:30
SysFailFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pango1.0/libpango1.0-0_1.8.1-0ubuntu2_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch09:30
godsmokethe information in /etc/profile is set every time the computer boots09:30
_alexok thanks!09:30
buzuse archive instead of us.archive09:30
SysFailthanks buz :)09:33
SysFailthat us.archive is default in the newest kubuntu install disc09:33
_alexlast thing in my /etc/profiles I have a line with PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/etc..." is it here that i should insert a :/usr/lib/aspell ? because the line is not that long....09:33
_alexthis is the actual line : PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11"09:34
buzis there any thesaurus for OOo?09:34
godsmokeyes ... this is covered by their website09:35
godsmokeand also an apt-cache search for openoffice thesaurus will get you one09:35
buzmust ahve mistyped09:35
buzdidnt find it last time....09:35
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supernixHow come Kubuntu does not have Firefox ?09:37
uniqit has konqueror09:38
supernixThey actually seem the same09:38
uniqyou can download firefox after installation if you want it.09:38
supernixPretty much that is09:38
supernixAre you able to install anything if your using the LiveCD ?09:39
supernixI just wondered I did not want to damage my HD09:39
uniqyou can play around and install stuff with the livecd.09:39
supernixthat is awsome news09:40
uniqit might become slow after a while. if you install alot.09:40
supernixI was afraid to even use the Kwallet for fear it would mess with the partition or something09:40
supernixI have XP and I am sure everyone knows what a pain it is09:40
uniqthe livecd won't mess with your harddrive uynless you tell it to.09:41
supernixthat is good09:41
supernixI tried something one time then when I booted up again it said something about trouble with the disk but after the check was done all was well not sure which distro that was09:42
supernixI must say I liked the Kubuntu much more than the Ubuntu09:43
supernixUnder Ubuntu it would not detect my HP printer09:43
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goathey can anybody recommend a place to go where I can learn how to compile/configure/install programs when i have the tar.bz2 binary or whatever it is I am very new to linux.09:48
=== psymon [~psymon@p54A82CA3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
uniqgoat: what is it you are trying to install? 09:50
goatthe "essential" codec pack or mplayer stuff for kaffeine09:50
uniqdon't think there is any compiling needed for that.09:51
uniqyou can unpack it with 'tar -jxvf package.tar.bz2'09:51
goati have a tar.bz2 file..... im not sure exactly what to do with it09:51
goatthe documentation pages say i can make a .deb09:51
=== alexmic [~alex@pas75-2-82-226-163-88.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
uniqand place all the files under /usr/lib/win32 or something.. it's explained at mplayerhq.hu09:51
goatusing fakroot and stuff09:52
uniqok. i don't know what's included in the .tar.bz2. i don't use win32 codecs.09:52
uniqthere is probably some documentation included in the tar.bz2.09:53
goatim trying to watch some wmv file09:53
goatam i going about this correctly?09:53
uniqbut, maybe backports got the package you want.09:54
goat... backports..?09:54
uniq?? backports09:54
kinfoNo match for "backports"09:54
uniq!learn backports http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/09:55
kinfoInprinted backports (memory injection successful)09:55
goatis mplayer a part of kaffeine or something?10:01
goatam i adding an mplayer plugin or something?10:02
uniqkaffeine can use the mplayer win32 codecs somehow.10:02
goatoh ok10:02
goatthis is from the readme:10:02
goatPut the files contained in this archive in a directory where MPlayer will find10:02
goatthem. The default directory is /usr/local/lib/codecs/ ($prefix/lib/codecs/) if10:02
goatyou are compiling from source, but you can change that value by passing the10:02
goat'--with-codecsdir' option to './configure'.10:02
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goatis that the same place kaffeien will look?10:03
uniqdid you check backports first? 10:03
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goati didnt get it fully10:03
goatis that so that my kaffeine gets fully up to date or something?10:03
uniqyour kaffeine and you can probably get the codecs from there too.10:04
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uniqisn't this what you want  http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/hoary-extras/restricted/binary-i386/w32codecs_20050216-0.0_i386.deb ?10:05
goatlooks good10:06
=== Mez [~mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
uniqyou should take a closer look at backports :)10:07
goatim trying :/10:07
goatso that file u showed me opened up a binary in kate10:07
goatand told me not to save it or it would be corrupt...10:07
uniqok. just forget the file i showed you.10:07
uniqgo to backports.10:08
uniq?? backports10:08
kinfo[backports]  http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/10:08
uniqread the info on the page. and add the lines to /etc/apt/sources.list as explained.10:08
=== darylp [~daryl_jus@63-208-162-60.digitalrealm.net] has joined #kubuntu
goatshould i add the extras too or jsut stick to the updated packages backport?10:12
=== chase [~Chase@stuartma.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
uniqadd extras too. the package you want is in the extras repository.10:15
goatyea im beginning to see...10:15
uniqa suggestion: disable the backports after you've installed what you want.  you can do that by adding a # at the start of the lines in /etc/apt/sources.list10:16
uniqthen backports won't break anything on your system.10:16
goatbut would it be wise to have backports try and update all the outdated stuff ro whatever?10:17
uniqit should be safe. but i can't recommend it.10:22
=== othernoob [~othernoob@p54A2E7D0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
goathow do i add the line using root privledges..10:23
goatdo i have to do it thru a terminal?10:23
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hussamI know ubuntu cds are shipped for free. When Breezy is out, will Kubuntu ship for free too?10:23
uniqno, you can use alt+f2 'kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list'10:24
uniqthat was for goat.10:24
uniqhussam: no, currently no one is paying for kubuntu cds for free.10:25
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goathey thanks uniq i really appreciate all ur help10:27
goatso wiat can i use kynaptic now to find or do i need to do something different?10:29
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uniqgoat: you can user kynaptic. just make sure you press the right button first. to update the list of packages.10:31
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hussamdoes kubutnu check for new hardware at bootup? what if I decided to change a network adaptor or sound card or something? will it autodetect?10:41
uniqnot by default i think.10:45
uniqor, maybe hotplug detects it automatically.10:46
uniqnot sure.10:46
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hussamThe only thing missing from kubuntu is some sort of hardware manager.10:48
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hussamI know Ubuntu is basicly gnome based but is something like that being planned for the next release?10:50
aseigohardware manager? as in..?10:50
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hussammaybe soemthing like SuSE's Yast administrative tool ( I've seen some nice screenies )10:51
hussamor maybe a graphical hardware detection tool.10:53
aseigoyeah, that's a general low point of ubuntu. the admin tools are essentially non existent10:56
aseigoyast is really quite nice10:56
gdhhardware detection shouldn't need a graphical tool... it shouldn't need any 'tool' the user is aware of :)10:56
gdhit should Just Work(tm)10:57
hussamgdh: I know that but it still would be nice to have something like yast, not yast itself but something similar.11:00
gdhand on that note, am off to bed =) nn11:01
hussamgdh: ;)11:01
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=== hussam is away: Away at the moment
hussamhow do I set as away in konversation without away message?11:05
seth_khussam, Settings > Identities11:05
seth_kthen go to Away tab and deselect "show away messages"11:06
hussamok thanks11:07
hussamlemme try it11:07
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chromatewhy is gaim held back to 1.1.4?11:51
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uniqchameleon22: because hoary is frozen, and will only get security updates.11:56
uniqgah.. wrong nick.11:56
uniqand the other one quit.11:56
uniqsorry for that one chameleon22.11:57
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