
comadrejaI mean, I compiled the basic mplayer from sources without sv support12:02
comadrejabut then how could it be that dvd's can't be played ?12:03
danielsit could be an mplayer bu12:03
danielsthe only way to find out if mplayer is decoding it correctly is to not use xv12:03
comadrejamplayer, xine, and totem...12:03
danielsif you use x11, and that works, then it's decoding it correctly12:03
danielsyes, a lot of them use common code for decoding stuff12:03
danielswhat you need to do, is find a video where, with the very same media player, plain x11 works, and xv fails12:04
comadrejaI see, then it's gotta be that12:04
comadrejano, don't misunderstand me, I don't want it to be an X problem :)12:04
comadrejaI prefer it to be an mplayer one12:04
comadrejaand it's more reasonable12:05
comadrejaI'll try to debug mplayer... also much easier :D12:05
comadrejato whom should I report progress on this ?12:07
ogracomadreja, if you make progress, attache the information to the bug12:07
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comadrejacool, thanks12:08
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comadrejadaniels, still there12:33
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Kamionlamont__: yo - was your ping here already sorted in /msg?12:36
lamont__dealt with, thanks12:37
lamont__mvo: it'd be nice if apt had an option that said to retry apt-get update N times, or until the gpg checks pass12:38
mvo*ick* 12:38
lamont__setting that to 2 or 3 would eliminate lots of the current transient errors we sometimes ee.12:38
mvooh, I see12:38
mvowe would need atomic update :)12:39
lamont__likewise, having apt just start all the fetches at once would tend to have the same effect, since they'd all be open files on the server system that way... but that's not as nice...12:39
mvobut just keep retrying is a workaround we may try12:39
lamont__mvo: that's a hacky attempt at atomic update-esque behavior...12:39
lamont__mvo: and if you do it in apt, then I don't have to add it to buildd... :-)12:41
mvolamont__: heh :) I'll be away for two weeks for my summer vacation. but I can have a look when I come bug. 12:41
lamont__cute freudian slip there.12:42
=== Arrogance [~aks@CPE00112f96b894-CM001225423850.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== mvo blushs
lamont__Keybuk: ping12:50
=== ogra would rather think of *radiates* with all thia atoms around
mvolamont__: think of it as some kind of outlandish accent ;)12:50
danielscomadreja: yo12:52
lamont__Keybuk: other window...12:52
comadrejadaniels : it's an xv problem :(12:53
comadrejadaniels : I downloaded ubuntu sources, and compiled myself12:53
comadrejadaniels : with xv and x11 support12:53
comadrejadaniels : output is in an attach on the bug12:54
danielsok.  i have some xv updates for i810 in the pipeline, so we'll see if that fixes it.12:54
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comadrejadaniels : awesome12:55
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dokoelmo: is OOo2 for i386 hanging in NEW?01:21
mdkehe's not here right now01:21
Kamiondoko: yes, it is, I'll deal with it01:22
ogradoko, where is ooo2 for amd64 hanging ? :P01:22
Kamionogra: not in NEW :P01:22
=== hubH [~hub@toronto-hs-216-138-231-194.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dokoogra: unlikely that it will build for breezy01:24
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hubHthom: I've got my log for the NM crqsh01:25
thomcool, mail me it? (thom@ubuntu.com)01:25
thomi'm going to bed now01:25
hubHthom: where shall I report the bug ?01:25
hubHok I'll mail01:25
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Kamiondoko: openoffice.org2-l10n-pt-br needs to depend on language-support-pt, not language-support-pt-br01:27
dokoKamion: fantastic idea ... did pitti make a list of mapping from locales to language pack names?01:32
Kamionjust s/-.*// on the locale part01:32
hubHis it me or gaim crashes ?01:38
hubHI reported the bug, but I wanted to make sure01:38
jmjoneshubH: when does it crash for you?01:43
jmjonesi've been using it for months and haven't experienced a single crash.....01:43
dokoKamion: is that true for zh-cn and zh-tw as well?01:43
dokoahh, yes01:44
Kamiondoko: yes01:45
KamionI'll new them anyway, you can fix those next upload01:46
jmjoneshas anyone in here taken a look at gtkwifi?01:46
=== Kamion gets confused by -base being a database module
hubHjmjones: when launching it01:47
jmjonesit'll be in the next release?01:47
Kamionit's not in the distro yet01:48
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Kamionlrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2005-07-05 18:26:55 ./usr/share/man/man1/oobase2.1.gz -> openoffice2.101:50
Kamiondoko: should that be -> .1.gz?01:50
\shKamion: sorry for holding up...01:50
mdkenp \sh 01:50
Kamion\sh: np01:50
=== \sh will sponsor a 1he thingy to freenode :)
dokoyep, I didn't look at the bug reports yet, current state is getting it built and running (java based parts don't work yet very well)01:51
Kamiondoko: firefox vs. mozilla-firefox dependencies from mozilla-openoffice.org are a bit random01:52
Kamiondoko: (yup, I'm just queueing the problems I see up here in lieu of firing up a web browser to file bugs :P)01:52
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Kamiondoko: accepted01:54
wasabiHmm. Oddly beagle isn't installable at home.01:57
wasabiSeems to require "dbus-1" which makes a lot of stuff get removed01:58
danielssounds about right01:58
danielsdbus-1 -> old dbus01:59
wasabiGOt it installed at work just fine though01:59
wasabiAhh there it goes02:00
dokoKamion: fixed the firefox dep's02:01
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dokothom: could libnss and libnspr be built from the firefox source as well? Is one package generally preferred for building these binary packages?02:08
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danielsfabbione: right, got the xserver-xorg problem02:22
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mxpxpodjbailey: ping03:15
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jphijbailey evo bug =)03:23
jpjbailey evo bug =)03:23
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jbaileymxpxpod: Hey, I'm back.03:36
jbaileymanaged to get locked out of my place. =)03:36
mxpxpodjbailey: let's figure out this error I'm getting03:36
jbaileyI haven't assembled any furniture yet. =(03:36
mxpxpod/usr/lib/gnome-panel/wnck-applet: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libwnck-1.so.16: R_PPC_REL24 relocation at 0x0ffa7b58 for symbol `XextRemoveDisplay' out of range03:36
jbaileyI was waiting for my mother in law to come back with the housekeys03:36
jbaileyThis is current breezy, right?  So probably not alot of ppc testers.03:37
mxpxpodjbailey: right, current breezy03:37
jbaileyBest thing is for me to get my machine setup and see if I can replecate it.03:37
mxpxpodand I upgraded from  hoary03:37
jbaileyI've moved from being on the floor to sitting ona bench with my laptop balanced on a box.03:38
jbaileyOn the upside, I found a curry house that when I asked for "spicey" beleived me.03:38
Amaranthi can't stand spicy food03:39
jbaileyIt didn't *quite* get past my tollerance, but my stomach "could'na take any more, captain!"03:39
jbaileyAmaranth: I'm a vegan - much of the cooking in the world that I can eat has spice as an integral part of it.03:40
Amaranthotherwise there is no flavor at all :p03:40
mxpxpodjbailey: do you want the bug number?03:41
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jbaileymxpxpod: Not at the moment - I can't do much useful with it in this setup, and I think my time is best spent making sure that I can be productive from the beginning of the day tomorrow.03:44
jbaileyActually, hmm.03:44
jbaileyAre you able to assign the bug to me?03:44
jbaileyIf not, I can go in and take.03:44
mxpxpodjbailey: I can assign it03:45
mxpxpodjbailey: jbailey@ubuntu.com?03:45
hubHgaim still not working and debug build not helpful03:47
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mxpxpodhubH: go into your config and remove the loading of gaim-encryption03:47
mxpxpodthat made it work for me03:48
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jbaileymxpxpod: Please.03:51
hubHmxpxpod: ah03:51
hubHmxpxpod: abi issues ?03:51
mxpxpodhubH: no clue03:52
mxpxpodhubH: did that work?03:52
mxpxpodjbailey: is that your bugzilla id?03:52
hubHmxpxpod: wait. my machine is superslow03:52
jbaileymxpxpod: Yes.03:53
mxpxpodgah, my cat is being a pain03:53
hubHmxpxpod: work way much better03:54
hubHmxpxpod: thanks for the tips03:54
mxpxpodhubH: no prob03:54
hubHI forgot about thses03:54
=== Amaranth [travis@AC97DA0C.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
hubHno one use gaim-encrypt anyway03:55
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mxpxpodjbailey: I can't reassign... I'll CC you03:58
jbaileyI can do then.03:58
jbaileyGot a bug #?03:58
jbaileyJust that if you had it open anyway and could do it.03:58
mxpxpod12241 03:58
jbaileyMatt said he was locking permissions down and I haven't had the chance to figure out what that means people can do.03:59
jpjbailey evo bug =)04:00
jbaileyjp: I see that you said that earlier in the channel.  I haven't a clue what you're talking about at the moment.04:00
jpjbailey really dude?04:00
jbaileyjp: As I said earlier, I have spent the last 4 days or so moving from one province to another.04:01
jpso now I know why evo crashes yet on breezy, thanks.04:01
jpjbailey, https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12188 that's what I've been saying you =)04:02
jbaileyOh.  Do you know if someone has repoted this to upstream bugzilla?04:03
jbaileyIf youhave a chance to look at that, it would be very useful - I don't have an exchange server handy to test against, so with evo-exchange bugs, I usually wind up working with upstream.04:04
jpjbailey no, I don't, I'll search on gnome bugzilla04:04
=== jbailey checks to see if ximian bugzilla is still separate.
jbaileyYup, looks like it is.04:05
calcis network magic going to include wpa supplicant?04:06
jpok jbailey 04:06
jbaileycalc: That's the new version of wep that there isn't a free software implementation for yet? 04:07
calcthats built into hardware?04:08
calcwpasupplicant is currently in universe/net04:08
calcand is GPLed04:09
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
calcand BSD, hmm dual license GPL/BSD it appears04:09
jpjbailey uhmm Im not finding nothing :/ but I follow the seek :)04:12
jpthe search (:04:12
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seth_kcalc, NetworkMagic works with wpasupplicant iirc04:18
calcseth_k: ok, it doesn't mention it on the udu wiki page04:18
seth_kcalc, I remember somebody talking about it here in -devel04:18
calcgood integration with wpasupplicant will make linux a lot easier to use with wireless04:18
seth_kyou know it04:18
seth_kI want better roaming04:18
seth_kwith profiles that switch on the fly04:19
seth_kI travel so much and am always having to change my wireless config04:19
calci may not have it set up exactly correct right now, but it seems i have to hardcode the ssid now if i want to connect to a ap that doesn't broadcast it04:19
calcand its certainly not mom friendly yet ;)04:20
seth_kAunt Tillie, jah04:21
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seth_ktch, 11 pm here. How about "Happy 0400 GMT"?06:07
bddebianHello fabbione 06:07
bddebianWow, I guess it's morning here too..  12:04am06:08
jsgotangcoits lunch on my side :)06:08
fabbioneyou all live in weird timezones :P06:08
jsgotangcohmm what is the "one true timezone" then?06:09
fabbioneof course06:10
HrdwrBoBjsgotangco: mine06:10
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seth_kHrdwrBoB, do you have ops in #ubuntu ?06:17
seth_kwe need somebody in there06:17
HrdwrBoBseth_k: if I did, I'd have done something already :(06:17
seth_ki couldn't remember if you did06:17
seth_kI only have ops in #kubuntu06:17
=== seth_k grumbles
seth_know he's /query'ing everybody06:18
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KaiLBurgundavia: so bugs which are fixed in breezy should "resolved fixed", or only if they can be tolerated in hoary?07:23
Burgundaviais there a good reason to backport the fix?07:24
Burgundaviaie, major crasher or security hole?07:24
Burgundavialooks like a minor issue to me07:24
KaiLuhm, yes - esp. as you see the arrow07:24
Burgundaviaif a bug is fixed in Breezy, it can marked fixed (this is my assumption)07:25
KaiL..except it's something critical07:25
Burgundaviaif you wish to get is backported, the best place to convince somebody would probably be here or ubuntu-devel07:25
Burgundaviaso, to answer your question, yes to the first part and non-serious crasher/security bugs are tolerated in hoary07:28
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pittiGood morning07:54
Amaranthjdub: Can nalioth be added to the #ubuntu access list?07:55
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Unfrgivenhi all. is anyone able to run totem, xine or mplayer on breezy atm?08:12
danielslook, possibly a stupid question, but are any of dpkg/apt/archive tools going to run into problems with a 4627-character Depends line?08:12
danielshm, of course elmo and Keybuk aren't here08:12
danielsKamion: ?08:12
Lathiatheh, what has a 4627-character depends line08:15
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fabbionehey pitti08:19
fabbioneKamion, mdz, elmo: what happened to my redhat-cluster-suite upload?08:19
pittifabbione: you lost uploads as well?08:20
pittifabbione: I already started to wonder whether I'm completely dumb08:20
fabbionepitti: looks like it...08:20
sladendaniels: it's 7am in the UK.  and keybuk only logged off 5 hours ago...08:22
pittifabbione: the whole incoming queue is crowded with hppa uploads since yesterday08:23
fabbionebut that's no problem...08:23
fabbionei am uploading _sparc binaries.. and they get ACCEPTED08:23
pittifabbione: right, I see sparc as well08:24
fabbioneso i don't really see why sources shouldn't be processed08:24
pittifabbione: and indeed my uploads from yesterday night are mentioned for hppa, but not the source package or anything else08:24
fabbioneprobably the mailq is still flushing08:24
pittifabbione: it's not the mail, I think08:25
pittiserpentine | 0.6.1-0ubuntu1 |        breezy | source, all08:25
pittiI uploaded 0ubuntu[23]  yesterday08:25
pittiredhat-cluster-suite | 1.20050704-0ubuntu1 |        breezy | source08:25
danielsLathiat: xserver-xorg08:26
fabbionepitti: yeah.. i uploaded 1.2005070608:26
infinityYeah, I lost two source uploads as well.08:26
infinityThought I was losing my mind, so I reuploaded them.08:26
fabbioneinfinity: just reupload?08:26
fabbionei mean i think we should wait for elmo to look at it08:27
infinity<shrug>... reuploading doesn't seem to have done any good.08:27
pittiinfinity: I did the same :-/08:27
infinityI assume elmo needs to poke it, yes.08:27
infinityI didn't realise it was a widespread issue until now.08:27
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danielsthere down to a far more reasonable 3183 lines08:40
danielschrist.  i really don't want to write descriptions for all these packages.08:42
danielsshit, I don't even know what half these input drivers *are*.08:42
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Mezsiretart: ping09:26
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siretartMez: pong09:45
Mezaha :D09:45
Mezmind adding me to REVU?09:45
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Mezyou have my email with key and stuff in it ;)09:45
Mezand if you want help with REVU -I wouldnt mind helping09:45
siretartMez: just a moment09:45
pittifabbione: I finally found the cause of the esound hang09:46
pittifabbione: sometimes draining the PCM device seems to trigger a race condition which makes the driver hang09:46
pittifabbione: according to alsa's upstream changelog, this should be fixed in 1.0.9a09:46
pittifabbione: can you please upgrade the alsa driver to 1.0.9b in the next kernel?09:47
siretartMez: are you already an uploader for ubuntu?09:48
Mezer... no09:48
fabbionepitti: it's already 1.0.9b09:48
Meznot that I kow of :D09:48
MezI've had all my uploads sponsored09:49
pittifabbione: oh? thanks09:49
siretartno problem, just need to know09:49
pittifabbione: well, I upload a workaround for now09:49
Mez(going for MOTU/Backports thgouh - well alrady backports - but need to go on REVU and do stuff to start with backports!)09:49
Mezs/with backports!/with MOTU/09:50
=== mdz [~mdz@george.kkhotels.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielsmdz: so, dude09:51
pittiHey mdz09:51
danielsmdz: do you know of any issues apt or such would have with a 3183-line Depends?09:51
danielsmdz: any fixed buffers I'd be smashing?09:51
mdzdaniels: apt doesn't care about lines, but there are some byte limits09:51
tepsipakkianyone using rbscrobbler on breezy? stopped working for me.. maybe some bonobo-issue09:51
pittidaniels: which package is supposed to have so many deps?09:51
mdzdaniels: what's this breakage with xkb about; is there a workaround?09:51
danielsmdz: 'kay09:52
danielsmdz: what xkb breakage?09:52
siretartMez: ok, I added you to the keyring. you may upload now09:52
mdzdaniels: (EE) Error loading keymap /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/compiled/server-0.xkm09:52
mdzis it only me?09:52
mdzpitti: morning09:52
=== Mez tries uploading
mdzdaniels: .../compiled is a symlink to /var/lib/xkb, which is empty09:53
fabbionemorning mdz09:53
mdzfabbione: morning09:53
mvomorning mdz09:53
fabbioneit sounds strange to have you around at this time of the day09:54
=== fabbione is almost ready to give InstallerVolumeManager a nice working upload
mdzdaniels: I also have /usr/bin/X11 as a directory containing a symlink 'bin'09:55
danielsmdz: right.  if nothing has landed in /var/lib/xkb, then xkbcomp has failed to produce anything.  what sort of layout are you ... oh.09:55
danielsmdz: yeah, nuke /usr/bin/X11 and make it a symlink to /usr/bin09:55
danielsinfinity: you were saying you knew how to do the /usr/bin/X11 migration properly?09:56
mdzdaniels: nothing failed during the upgrade, though09:56
danielsmdz: it just failed silently09:56
mdzwhere does xkbcomp get called?09:56
danielsmdz: from within the server09:56
mdzoh, sweet09:56
danielsmdz: it puts the compiled keymap in /var/lib/xkb, and the server then open()s that09:56
danielsyeah, it's fucking nasty, to be blunt09:57
danielsthere are about ten shell injections and buffer overflows you could trigger there to get root under the right set of circumstances09:57
hungerpitti: Just playing with luks... does that really need ~600k to store one key?09:57
pittihunger: it probably allocates much space for the keyring09:57
pittihunger: you can have multiple keys09:58
pittihunger: that makes sense for /home e.g.09:58
hungerpitti: Yes... but 600k is room for LOTS of keys!09:58
danielsmdz: (that figure isn't an exaggeration, BTW)09:58
pittiI didn't look at the exact space requirements so far09:58
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danielsbbiab, making dinner10:00
hungerpitti: I am trying to do a keystore in a file. The loopback device is 1MiB, the filesystem has only 495k free.10:00
mdzX starts now, going back to the modern era with graphical user interfaces10:00
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pittiwb, mdz :-)10:02
mdzpitti: with an X server, this time!10:02
pittihow l4m3 :-)10:02
infinitydaniels : Yes, re-poke me when you're done dinner.10:02
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pittimdz: now that we have a working esound as emergency fallback again, I'd like to switch to polypaudio as default to get more widespread testing. Are you opposed to that?10:13
mdzpitti: it's very difficult for us to switch back due to the dependency issues; are you fairly confident we will be able to release with polypaudio?10:14
pittimdz: it has worked stable for over a week on my laptop now, however, I'd like to see more testing10:14
mdzpitti: ok, let's do it10:15
pittimdz: why is it difficult to switch back?10:15
pittiwe did it in Hoary as well10:15
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pittimdz: if I get more testing and bug reports, then we can certainly fix the remaining crashes; it's not totally broken any more at least10:16
pittimdz: switching would mean: change desktop seed and regenerate ubuntu-meta?10:17
mdzpitti: if you look at a sample of systems which were running hoary during development, you'll find that many of them still run polypaudio unless the user explicitly switched back10:17
mdzpitti: yes, seeds and ubuntu-meta10:18
pittimdz: uh, becuase they deleted ubuntu-desktop?10:18
mdzpitti: no, because polypaudio Provides: esound10:18
infinityIf ubuntu-deskto had a versioned dep on esound, you could force that.10:19
mdzpitti: even if we add an explicit dep which only matches polypaudio, apt will generally prefer to remove ubuntu-meta rather than disturb so many other packages10:19
mdzbreakfast, bbiab10:20
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pittimdz: well, then I rather ask for more testing on u-devel first10:20
pittiHey seb128 10:20
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mdzpitti: it is a development branch; we don't need to clean everything up perfectly10:20
mdzif you feel there is a reasonable chance to get it working well, let's do it10:20
pittiyes, I feel so10:21
pittion my desktop I experienced some crashes occasionally10:21
seb128hi pitti 10:21
pittibut we should be able to fix them10:21
pittiseb128: esound works again :-)10:21
seb128pitti: what have you changed?10:21
pittiseb128: snd_pcm_drain() sometimes triggered a race condition in the kernel driver10:22
pittiseb128: I disabled the call for now; that might cause a few sound hickups, but at least it doesn't hang your desktop10:22
pittiseb128: it's a workaround, not a real bugfix, but since it is so important, I wanted a quick solution10:23
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seb128pitti: k10:23
seb128hey carlos 10:23
=== fabbione shrugs at p-a-l
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danielsinfinity: i'm sort of done now10:24
infinitydaniels : Oh, I'm sort of not ready to be useful to you yet. :)10:30
infinitydaniels : THe short answer to dir -> symlink transitions is "ship the symlink, test if it's a link in postinst, if not, make it one"10:30
infinitydaniels : Doing it in preinst does VERY bad things.10:30
infinitydaniels : The long answer is that you'll have to now cover some extra corner cases you've accidentally created cause you have files in that directory (unless you're positive those files can go away, then just rm -rf the thing)10:31
seb128mvo: around?10:31
danielsinfinity: gnur10:32
mvoseb128: yes10:32
\shdaniels: libXi is now referenced by libxi-dev as b-d?10:32
seb128mvo: there is a new gnome-system-tools version upstream, do you work on it or should I?10:32
daniels\sh: what?10:33
mvoseb128: I won't be able to before I leave for vacation I think10:33
\shsomething failed cause of missing libXi.so* 10:33
\shso i need to include libxi-dev as b-d for this package..:(10:34
seb128mvo: k, so I'll do it. I'm just making sure to not dup the work10:34
mvoseb128: thanks!10:34
seb128mvo: have you done any work on desktop files/sudo? 10:34
seb128mvo: since you do some work on gksudo and so10:34
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mvoseb128: what kind of work exactly? converting gksu -> gksudo in .desktop files?10:35
daniels\sh: yeah, always has (at least, since 4.3.0)10:35
seb128let's grab that somewhere else10:35
daniels\sh: if it failed, then it's never properly worked10:35
\shdaniels: hmmm10:36
Kamionfabbione: I can't quite see what happened to redhat-cluster-suite ... it may be in progress10:36
\shhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/libk/libkexif/0.2.1-2ubuntu1/ <- worked without10:36
\shhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/libk/libkexif/0.2.1-2ubuntu2/ <- didn't build :(10:37
daniels\sh: must've been an impliclt dependency, then10:37
danielse.g. libkfoo-dev depended on libxi-dev10:37
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\shso we have to have a look there10:37
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dokocarlos: pong10:39
Kamionmdz: apparently the live CD rootfs-building script adds xresprobe and laptop-detect to all live CDs10:40
Kamionmdz: should we just put those in the seed?10:40
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carlosdoko, libcpp and libstdc++ have .po files but Debian and Ubuntu are not installing .mo files for them, only for gcc. How is that?10:40
mdzKamion: yes, and remove them from the script10:40
danielsfabbione: dude, can you remember how to parse m-i-r output?10:41
danielsi'm looking at it now, and it makes no frigging sense10:41
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fabbioneKamion: don't worry... apparently a bunch of packages upload has been queued with a long delay.. it's pretty strange.. but well10:43
fabbionedaniels: not at all...10:43
danielsok, think I've sorted it out now10:44
danielsthere was a bug in m-i-r, some completely backwards code which totally broke the purpose it was put there for in the first place and made no sense whatsoever10:44
fabbioneKamion: p-a-l should have never existed...10:45
Lathiatwhats m-i-r?10:45
fabbioneKamion: all the stuff is already in partman-auto and partman-lvm...10:45
danielsthat and some behaviour which I think shouldn't be there at all10:45
danielsLathiat: manifest-install-reconcile10:45
fabbioneKamion: p-a-l is just a badly copy&paste of the 2 above...10:45
danielsLathiat: some absolutely crack script which is meant to tell you what is and isn't being installed in the xorg package10:46
danielsLathiat: i.e. files make install installs, but aren't in any packages10:46
fabbioneKamion: definetely it is worth a redisign from scratch, but the changes required in partman-auto and partman-lvm are big to make it for breezy....10:46
Kamionfabbione: I think it was a prototype of recipe parsing10:46
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Kamionfabbione: but dude, talk to Anton about this, I so don't know anything about it10:46
fabbioneKamion: yeah.. 10:47
dokocarlos: libstdc++ only contains yes/no. IIRC these po files are not the final word. libcpp has the po files in gcc-4.0-locales.10:48
carlosdoko, does it means libstdc++ is not used at all?10:49
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carlospitti, Yesterday I started fixing the review-* potemplates I hope all those will be killed at the end of this week10:50
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carlospitti, seb128: Is the gnome-panel's 'About Ubuntu' string supposed to be inside the gnome-panel's .pot file?10:51
seb128carlos: that's a desktop file ...10:51
carlospitti, seb128 if the answer is 'yes' we have a problem with the Hoary's .pot file10:51
carlosseb128, oh!10:51
seb128carlos: no, that's a debian/....destkop not listed by POTFILES10:51
carlosseb128, we need it inside POTFILES if you want to get it translated with Ubuntu10:52
carlosseb128, or as its own .pot file10:52
seb128I know, but I did a lot of translations hack before hoary10:52
dokocarlos: only in the testsuite10:53
carlosdoko, https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/hoary/+sources/gcc-4.0/+pots/libstdc++/de/+translate10:53
seb128carlos: there was no point to hack that before hoary, keeping translation updates with bugzilla was already some good work10:53
carlosdoko, ok, I will mark it then as 'ignore' or is it useful to get other transaltions for the test suite?10:54
seb128pitti: DOH, bug flood since yesterday10:54
=== seb128 reads the bugs mailbox
carlosseb128, hoary does not supports .desktop translations so it's ok, but please fix that for breezy (if it's not already) so we can get those translations if we get .desktop support in place on time10:55
dokocarlos: ignore is ok, unless you want to extend the testsuite ;-P10:55
seb128carlos: sure10:55
carlosdoko, ok10:55
carlosseb128, thanks10:56
pittiback from breakfast10:56
carlospitti, how should we handle the packages I detect that does not have a .pot file?10:56
carlospitti, is a bug report against it ok for you?10:56
pitticarlos: we have to fix them for breezy10:56
pitticarlos: no need for a bug, I monitor them10:57
carlospitti, universe included?10:57
pitticarlos: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/langpacks/dload-strippedtar.txt10:57
pitticarlos: that's the report from the automatic daily import10:57
pitticarlos: no, not universe10:57
carlospitti, should we get anyone from Universe to take care of those packages?10:57
carlosI mean, any universe maintainer10:58
pitticarlos: it would be nice to have a list10:58
pittiyes, of course10:58
pittimight even be better to ask Debian maintainers10:58
pittilots of my "generate pot file" patches were already adopted in Debian10:58
carlosoh, cool10:58
carlospitti, is it too difficult to create the same .txt for universe?11:00
pitticarlos: no, actually not11:00
carlospitti, please, do it then so we can know which upstream packages should be bugged about it :-)11:01
carlosit's not urgent11:01
pittialright, I add it to my todo list11:01
carlosso do it when you have some spare time11:01
carlospitti, thank you11:01
sabdf1carlos: i have a very nice surprise for you today11:05
sabdf1last night's late work11:05
Kamionmdz: I think I'd better mail ubuntu-devel@ about UVF ...11:07
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mdzKamion: agreed11:08
carlossabdf1, is it related to a suggestion language selection?11:10
carlossabdf1, or a new one? :-P11:10
sabdf1carlos: new one, part of rosetta that's been ugly for a while (i wrote the ugly bit too, but it's been nagging at me)11:10
Kamionmdz: I'll move the merge deadline out a week on the release schedule, like we discussed11:10
mdzKamion: thanks11:10
carlossabdf1, cool11:10
seb128Kamion, mdz: can one of you promote docbook2x (approved by pitti for gnome-doc-utils) and libexchange-storage1.2-dev (lib for evolution-exchange moved) to main the corresponding ftbfses?11:17
seb128to fix the ftbfses11:18
jordiseb128: btw, we should fixup all the evo-data-server mess in Debian11:19
jordiwe have two e-d-s' now, thanks to takuo11:19
seb128jordi: that doesn't hurt11:19
seb128they are versionned11:19
jordiit's a messa nyway.11:22
jordiwe only want one11:22
Kamionseb128: done11:22
seb128Kamion: thanks11:22
jordiwhen are you taking over evolution for Debian anyway? :)11:23
seb128jordi: we have enough to do without taking over eds11:23
seb128jordi: no way11:23
jordiseb128: yeah, someone needs to package ephy11:23
seb128jordi: I'm not the one doing NMUs on it :p11:23
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pittiseb128: so libgnome is the library that is responsible for playing sound events?11:28
pittiseb128: I'd like to make them work with polypaudio11:29
seb128pitti: yep11:29
mjg59mdz: Around?11:30
mdzmjg59: yes, but in a meeting11:30
mdzmjg59: coming to london today?11:30
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mjg59Where/when would be good?11:31
mdzmjg59: fieldwave office / the sooner the better11:36
mjg59mdz: Where's the fieldwave office?11:37
sabdf1mjg59: axiscross house, mossop st, off draycott ave11:37
sabdf1between the admiral codrington and the australian, in pub coordinates :-)11:38
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mdkeyou guys go by pub coordinates eh...11:42
mdkenow I know why Ubuntu is such a smooth successful distro11:42
pittidaniels: dangling /etc/X11/X symlink is a known issue?11:43
pittiit did not just bite me11:44
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mjg59mdz: Ok, ought to be there shortly before 112:06
mdzmjg59: wonderful, see you there12:06
fabbionehmmm food time12:10
fabbionemaswan: if you are around.. buttercup died again12:11
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mptmako: ping12:20
mptmako: deping12:22
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maswanfabbione: I'll try to remember that within the next couple of hours12:24
fabbionemaswan: thanks.. there is no rush..12:24
fabbioneit died one or two days ago12:24
fabbionei think there is one package (always the same) that manage to crash the box at build time12:25
maswanwell, if i don't get to it before friday, I'll be in HEL instead of here12:25
fabbionemaswan: that's ok.. don't make it a high priority thing12:26
fabbionethanks a lot!12:26
fabbionetime to start cooking :)12:26
terrexfollows Malone the same numeration of bugs that Bugzilla?12:28
sabdf1jamesh: which was that branch of yours with the fix? can i just merge it directly fro you? need it before i can add the page tests :-)12:29
Kamionterrex: no12:30
jameshsabdf1: the +ubuntupkg one? james.henstridge@canonical.com--2004/launchpad--smallfixes--012:31
sabdf1jamesh: thanks. sorry, ww :-)12:31
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Kamionmdz: debconf-communicate needs some more fixing to work the way you're using it12:47
Kamionmdz: (namely, it doesn't currently autoflush STDOUT - working on it)12:48
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Mezogra: ping01:00
ograMez, ?01:00
Mezany chance of getting k3b bugs auto-assigned to me?01:00
MezI asked kiko - he said to get it cleared with you01:00
Mezogra, I mean for bugzilla, in case you hadnt figured... seeing as I'm now maintaining K3b :D (even if it is through sponsored uploads)01:01
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Mezlol @ ogra...01:05
Mezcrash ?01:05
ogra_Mez, riddell seems to be happy with it, if he approves i'm fine to have them assigned to you and him for now, but i'd like you having upload rights first before you get them alone...01:06
ogra_nope, daily disconnect :)01:06
Mezogra... I'll poke riddell then :D01:06
Mezand I'm working towards upload rights, as you darn well knoe :D01:06
ogra_yep, i know :)01:06
=== Riddell feels poked
Mezriddell - that cool with you?01:07
Mezk3b bugs assigned to us both ?01:07
RiddellMez: sure01:07
Mezthere yo go ogra ;)01:07
KamionI don't think bugs can have multiple assignees01:07
makompt: i'm here.. although quite scrambling01:07
Kamionyou can have an assignee and a QA contact01:07
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Kamionbut the QA contact should probably just be kubuntu-bugs@?01:07
Mezwell... wouldnt it make sense to have me as asignee and riddell as QA?01:08
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Mezbut /me shrugs01:08
Meztis up to ogra01:08
mptmako: Sorry, "deping" means "cancel that ping" -- I had a question about Condorcet, but found the answer myself01:08
Riddellkubuntu-bugs should remain as QA01:08
mdzpitti: language-pack-en seems to be removed on dist-upgrade due to openoffice.org-thesaurus-en-us01:08
ogra_Riddell, with this address you get them on your desk ? 01:08
Lathiatmpt: heh you say 'deping' too01:09
Riddellogra_: yes01:09
ogra_Riddell, ok, just want to make sure youre seeing what goes on in your universe ;)01:09
Mezis kubuntu-bugs on gmane ?01:09
RiddellMez: no idea01:09
dokomdz, pitti: we don't have the thesaurus for oo2 yet.01:09
Meznah it isnt01:10
MezRiddel... can I add it?01:10
RiddellMez: sure01:10
zygafile roller crashes when extracting files from zip archive with incorrect filename encoding 01:10
Mezwhats the permissions for it?01:10
Mezread only?01:10
Mezposting allowe?01:11
zygashould I file a bug/01:11
RiddellMez: read only01:11
pittimdz: you mean the support package?01:11
ogra_Mez, i cant edit components in bugzilla... we probaby need mdz01:11
mdzpitti: ah, yes01:12
Mezkiko can and will01:12
ogra_Mez, ok01:12
Mezor msz...01:12
Mezseeing as he's here01:12
zygaIt crashes in glib so I think it's relevant01:13
mdzdoko: where is the conflict with the oo.o1 thesaurus?01:13
mdzogra_: what do you need?01:14
ogra_mdz, Riddel and Mez want to share the bugload for k3b, so Mez should be added as asigee to k3b... QA contact for kubuntu-bugs shall remain01:15
dokomdz: there is no conflict, it's not yet built for oo.o2. afaik, the format did change as well, so you cannot use the oo.o1 thesaurus with oo.o201:15
mdzogra_: ok, will do01:15
ogra_mdz, thanks 01:15
mdzdoko: installing openoffice.org2-base removes openoffice.org-thesaurus-en-us01:15
Mezmdz, thanks01:16
mdzdoko: there is a conflict somewhere01:16
mdzMez,Riddell: done01:17
Mezwell I should go and get my eyes checked now really01:18
dokomdz: it's a direct conflict in openoffice.org2-core. Suggest openoffice.org2-thesaurus; conflict against01:19
doko      openoffice.org-thesaurus once we have a solution to let both co-exist01:19
doko      with the "normal" dictionaries-common system.01:19
doko      (They are incompatible and The OOo1 Thesauri make OOo2 crash..) [RE] 01:19
doko    - add openoffice.org2-officebean [RE] 01:19
Treenaksyay for OOo01:21
mdzdoko: ah, I see01:22
dokodid somebody see my openoffice.org2_1.9.113-0ubuntu2 getting accepted? I didn't get a message01:22
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ogra_Treenaks, i cant even open ooo2 stuff here :/ so it seems with breezy amd64 is incompatible with the rest of the world :(01:22
Treenaksogra_: I had to install 512M of extra memory to be able to even /boot/ OOo2 on my work box01:23
Treenaksogra_: ok, it's SuSE, but that's no excuse01:23
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dokoTreenaks: yes, OOo2 with less than 512MB sucks01:24
Treenaksdoko: are "they" working on that?01:26
dokoKamion, mdz, elmo: is my openoffice.org2_1.9.113-0ubuntu2 getting accepted? I didn't get a message, but got one for a later upload01:26
zyga#12437 if anyone would like to review01:26
dokoTreenaks: did you ever see an application shrink?01:26
pittidoko: some uploads silently disappeared since yesterday01:26
Treenaksdoko: yes.01:26
ogra_doko, sure... after a rewrite :)01:27
Treenaksogra_: gnome is shrinking...01:27
ogra_Treenaks, thats not an app :)01:27
dokopitti: try a re-upload?01:27
Treenaksogra_: it's a collection of apps01:27
pittidoko: I already did, it didn't help01:27
pittidoko: that's really an elmoish problem01:27
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hungernew gnome-doc-utils depend on libxml2-python2.3 for some reason.01:29
Riddellis it possible to explicity ignore a package from shlib:depends?01:30
Kamiondoko: I can't see it anywhere ...01:30
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Kamionug, there's a load of stuff in queue/unchecked01:31
Kamiondoko: your upload's there; I think something's crashing01:32
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pittiKamion: do you also see two serendipity and redhat-cluster-tools uploads?01:34
pittiKamion: s/serendipity/serpentine/01:34
KamionE: libsigcx-gtk-0.6-1c2 in breezy is in the overrides more than once.01:35
Kamionpitti: two serpentine, one redhat-cluster-tools01:35
pittiso they were not competely lost01:35
Kamiondon't worry, it's almost certainly all there01:35
KamionI'll fix01:36
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pittiKamion: oh, you can? great01:36
Kamionshould be able to, yes01:36
Kamion    section    | priority |   name01:39
Kamion universe/libs | optional | main01:39
Kamion universe/libs | optional | universe01:39
Kamionok, what the hell happened here01:39
makompt: cool :)01:39
makompt: i think i read that "reping"01:39
=== mako got it :)
mptgood good01:40
Kamionmdz: <lock> on katie overrides01:42
mdzKamion: ack01:44
fabbioneKamion: while you are at it, could you also fix gnome-alsamixer to be really in universe?01:44
zulEmmanual, as he will have to give you some guidance as to01:44
zulwhat time to come in on Monday, etc.  I will prepare an01:44
zulEmployment Agreement for you to sign - I'll email it later01:44
Kamionfabbione: it already is01:45
fabbionezul: you keep surprising me :)01:45
zulfrig...stupid xchat01:45
Kamiongnome-alsamixer |    0.9.6-1 | breezy/universe | source, amd64, i386, powerpc01:45
fabbioneKamion: yes.. but for some reasons wanna-build keeps trying to fetch it from main.. or consider it so01:45
dokofirefox constantly crashes, when I try to edit the BreezyGoals page ... :-(01:45
Kamionqueue/unchecked is emptying now01:45
fabbioneKamion: do we need to reupload or it has been processed?01:46
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KamionRejected: 'dpkg-source -x' failed for openoffice.org2_1.9.113-0ubuntu2.dsc [return code: 6400] .01:46
Kamion [dpkg-source output:]  dpkg-source: error: file openoffice.org2_1.9.113.orig.tar.gz has size 195858972 instead of expected 19699678201:46
Kamiondoko: ^--01:46
Kamionfabbione: no, existing uploads were just sitting there, it's fine01:46
fabbioneok thanks01:46
dokoKamion: argh, yes, thanks, I remember ...01:48
fabbioneKamion: i dunno the changes that elmo did to katie.. but the new redhat-cluster-suite will add 2 new binaries..01:49
fabbionenot sure if you need to do more than what you already did01:49
Kamionfabbione: they'll hit NEW once the buildds build the binaries01:50
fabbioneok thanks01:50
fabbioneKamion: if you will be the one processing them.. the 2 new bins can just go and float in universe..01:51
Kamionthey would anyway01:51
fabbionejust to be sure :)01:52
lifelessis elmo around at the moment ?01:52
Kamionlifeless: moving house01:52
lifelessor is someone filling for him ?01:52
Kamiondepends which role01:52
KamionI'm doing urgent Ubuntu archive maintenance when necessary01:52
lifelessmail to team@bazaar.canonical.com is timing out contact the server01:52
Kamioncan't help you there ...01:52
lifelessI'll sms him01:53
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dokohmm, please could somebody try to verify a firefox crash, that pressing the left cursor key, when editing the http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDownUnder/BreezyGoals page (line OpenOffice2) ?01:58
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ogra_doko, is your ff upto date ? i had this bug with the last version but its gone quite a while now02:01
carlosogra_, I think I filed that bug and it was with hoary02:02
ogra_carlos, i had it on amd64 with breezy... but only til last update02:02
ogra_doko, mozex.mozdev.org/02:05
dokoI see it on i386 and amd6402:07
dokocurrent breezy02:07
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camilotellesmdz, hi there.02:12
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carlospitti, breezy transaltions are being imported into production today02:20
carlospitti, I think it will take a while (easily, a couple of days)02:20
carlospitti, just in case you want to check anything02:20
pitticarlos: indeed, that outcome will decide the direction of language packs02:21
pitticarlos: do you have an estimation of how many of breezy's po files are actually changed by rosetta? I. e. received new translations?02:21
carlospitti, no easy way to know that, why?02:22
carlospitti, at the moment I doub we have any change02:22
carlosas the .po files are still being imported02:22
pitticarlos: but we already received many hoary updates02:23
carlosand the changes done to hoary are not yet automatically applied to breezy02:23
pitticarlos: oh, but they certainly will in the future?02:23
carlospitti, they appear as suggestions, someone needs to select them02:23
carlospitti, yes02:23
pittiI mean, as long as the strings don't change, they can be reused?02:23
pittiok, fine02:23
carlospitti, yes, that's the plan02:23
carlosI hope we will have that done before breezy release or at the same time02:23
=== carlos -> lunch
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mdzcamilotelles: hello02:34
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camilotellesmdz, how is going UE? we can help in anything?02:34
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camilotellesmdz, i saw in the wiki that you are working in the backend.02:41
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lamontKamion: redhat-cluster-suite is Uploaded on i386,amd64,ia64, needs-build on the other 303:04
Kamionlamont: yep, already NEWed03:04
lamontKamion: actually, since it links with ld (violates gcc spec), it's FTBFS on hppa03:05
tvois there actually any difference between tla and baz, except the latter being writting in C and the first not?03:07
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Kamiontvo: your "except" is not true03:07
Kamionbaz is a branch of tla aiming at user interface improvements03:08
Kamionit is written in C03:08
Kamionas is tla03:08
tvoah because I don't see any differences yet, but I'm still learning....03:08
Kamionbetter mirror support and better signed-archive support are perhaps the most obvious03:09
Kamionalong with various UI cleanups03:09
Kamionthe release notes are on bazaar.canonical.com, you could look there03:10
Kamionunder Downloads03:10
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Kamionoh, and better URL support, mesh-merging, conflict marking, diff, switch03:11
tvoKamion: thanks for the info03:13
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=== tvo installs bazaar-1.4 and continues the tutorial at http://regexps.srparish.net/tutorial-tla/arch.html
zygais baz compatible with tla?03:19
zygatotally compatible I mean03:19
lamontzyga: baz can use tla archives, you can tell it to create a tla-compatible archive03:19
zygalamont: good enough03:19
Kamionit's not completely command-line compatible in the sense that you can't take scripts that call tla and s/tla/baz/g03:19
lamontbut some of the improvements have required archive internal changes03:19
zygahmm I see03:20
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Kamionbut it wasn't meant to be - tla is staying in basically its current command-line form as a scriptable reference client03:20
zygaI use tla ATM and I'm about to move another project without any vms to tla03:20
zygabut I've heard about baz recently03:20
Kamionsince much of what was awful in tla was the command-line interface, breaking that was OK :-)03:20
Kamionall the same, most of it should be familiar to you03:20
zygatla is okay once command line verbosity/obscurity is through one's head03:21
Kamionnot having to do ultra-strange things to set up signed archives is very nice03:22
Kamionyou might only do them once yourself, but every time you have to explain it to somebody else ...03:22
zygahmm? strange things03:22
zyga--signed and =default stuff 03:23
zygaboth are onle liners03:23
Kamionbaz doesn't require any of that03:23
Kamionno-liners better than one-liners03:23
Kamionwell, --signed yes03:23
zygawell good reading is still required since tla is totally different from cvs/svn03:23
thomis it just me or is OOo utterly hosed on amd64 - looks like ia32-libs is very unhappy03:26
lamontKamion: I thought --signed was the default these  days03:28
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dokothom: ia32-libs wasn't updated for breezy.03:29
mdkewhere is elmo these days?03:30
thomdoko: /usr/lib32/ is a symlink to /emul/<something> (my amd64 is off atm) which doesn't exist03:31
thommdke: moving03:31
lamontmdke: I'm betting he's in london03:31
mdkeeveryone is moving house right now03:31
dokothom: breezy or unstable?03:31
thomdoko: breezy03:31
dokoupgraded from debian, or fresh install?03:32
thomupgraded from hoary03:32
tsengthom: should i remove networking script from my runlevel, or will it do something useful with nm?03:32
tsengin the future03:32
dokothom: remove it, then reinstall ia32-libs*, lib32*03:33
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thomtseng: i'd leave it; in the future there might be something clever done03:33
thomdoko: ok03:33
dokoMithrandir: does this need a better upgrade procedure? ^^^03:33
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dokohmm, he's not there03:34
thomdoko: given that it utterly horks OOo, yes, i'd say it does03:34
hungerdebian has sdparm (hdparm for scsi disks) now... how about importing it into ubuntu?03:37
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seb128pitti: thanks for the work on serpentine03:39
pittiseb128: you're welcome :-) does it work for you now, too?03:40
pittiseb128: I happily burned 3 CDs with it yesterday03:40
seb128pitti: not tried, waiting to get the updates03:41
pittialthough the backend design is utter crack, it at least works03:41
pittiseb128: yeah, the upload was not accepted until Kamion fixed the queue some hours ago03:41
ograhum, i should have mentioned the update in my mail03:42
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pittiogra: btw, since putting bugs in bugzilla for already solved issues is not really sensible, and some patches are more like workarounds than proper fixes, can you forward the patches upstream?03:42
Kamionlamont: make-archive --help doesn't suggest so but the help isn't always 100% accurate03:42
KaiLis there any known problem big with hal on breezy?03:42
ograpitti, i'll mention them in my mail03:43
pittiKaiL: what do you mean in particular?03:43
KaiLwell, for me it doesn't see partitions on USB-Sticks, for Riddell no (internal) cdroms :)03:44
zygaseb128: thanks for the quick reply on my bug report03:46
pittiKaiL: please file a bug and send along dmesg and lshal outputs03:46
zygaseb128: will hoary ever get that update?03:46
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seb128zyga: what bug is yours? I've replied to like 40 bugs since this morning03:47
zygaseb128: file-roller03:48
seb128oh, no, no new version03:48
seb128a small patch could be a candidate for an hoary-updates upload03:48
zygaseb128: I see, the current version is just 'too' new, right?03:49
seb128nop, we just don't change versions on a stable distro03:49
seb128we patch for issues, but that needs some investigation/work to get the patch, etc03:49
seb128I'm pretty busy, better to fix some crasher on the current version than tackling a bug already fixed which doesn't happen a lot03:50
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davyddid breezy recently get a new major libc6 version?04:14
mjg59ogra: mdz asks if I can be given access to the hwdb04:19
=== davyd bings happily at mjg59
mdkemjg59, mdz, just saw the new laptop pages, is it cool if i do some formatting, maybe add titles etc?04:21
mjg59mdke: Sure, no problem04:22
mjg59ogra: Also, is there a list of MOTU members anywhere?04:22
ogramjg59, see /msg and the MOTU list is on wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU04:23
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Lathiatmjg59: suggestion fo rthe laptop testing spec, see if the laptop suspends and resumes a second time04:27
mjg59Lathiat: Sure - add it to the wiki04:27
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tepsipakkilatest rhythmbox broke rbscrobbler because something in the bonobo-interface has been changed. How do I find the new hooks in rb?04:31
tepsipakki(of course rb-applet broke as well)04:31
mxpxpodjbailey: ping04:31
jbaileymxpxpod: pong04:32
mxpxpodjbailey: any progress on my bug?04:32
jbaileymxpxpod: I've got my machine almost completely apt-get upgraded now.04:32
mxpxpodjbailey: I'm anxious to see if it's isolated to my machine04:33
jbaileyLooks like I'm updated, rebooting.04:33
Kamiondavyd: not recently; some time back04:34
mgalvinhi all, how do i determin which packages dep on other package...04:36
Lathiatmgalvin: apt-cache rdepends04:36
mgalvinfor example, is there a way to find out if any packages depend on cegui04:36
mgalvinLathiat, thnx04:36
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lamontKamion: coreutils/procps both delivering kill.1 manpage - I thought you said that was fixed???04:37
Kamionlamont: no, I sent patches04:39
lamontah, ok.04:39
Kamion'cos it needed dbs changes too04:39
Riddellcan I upload a package with section of non-free/doc ?04:39
Kamiondbs ships dpkg-arch.mk, you see ...04:39
lamontand hence we're not sure how it'll really get fixed, so it's best to wait for debian for a day or 6, yes?04:39
KamionRiddell: technically yes; it'll probably go to multiverse04:39
Kamionlamont: right, pretty much, I thought I'd give the dbs maintainer a chance to decide04:40
lamontis it true that dbs is being rewritten in php4?04:40
RiddellKamion: this is FDL licenced stuff, should I change the section to just doc?04:40
=== lamont ducks
KamionRiddell: leave the section as it is, that's what archive overrides are for04:40
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mxpxpodjbailey: so, how's it working?04:42
jbaileyIt's libwnck that you're seeing it in, yes?  Lemme fire up a gnome terminal then.04:44
mxpxpodjbailey: yessir04:44
jbaileyWhat app are you showing up the error in?04:44
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mxpxpodthis is from memory, so that may not be right04:45
jbaileyNo error.04:45
mxpxpodso now I have to figure out what's frelled on my system04:45
mxpxpodthis isn't fair :)04:46
Riddellmalex: how come scribus-doc includes both the GNU FDL and open publication licence?04:46
lamontKamion: I only mention it because it blocks gcc-4.0 :-(04:47
mxpxpodjbailey: when I get home tonight, can you help me figure this out?04:47
jbaileymxpxpod: Start with "ldd /usr/lib/gnome-panel/wnck-applet" and make sure everything points to /usr/lib04:47
jbaileymxpxpod: When is tonight for you? =)04:47
mxpxpodjbailey: 6:00 PM CST04:47
lamontKamion: well, gcc-4.0/hppa at least04:47
jbaileymxpxpod: CST, like north america?04:48
mxpxpodjbailey: yes, like Iowa04:48
jbaileyAh, I had forgotten you were american.04:48
jbaileyYes, I should be around a bit after that.04:48
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mxpxpodjbailey: cool04:49
mxpxpodjbailey: this is just really frustrating04:49
jbaileymxpxpod: I understand.  I'm setup to actually help you now, though.04:50
mxpxpodjbailey: I've considered re-installing all my packages :)04:50
mxpxpodjbailey: my lunch is in 2 hours... can you help me then?04:51
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mxpxpodmy boss wouldn't think it too keen to work on my laptop and get paid for it04:51
jbaileymxpxpod: Not really - that's about my lunch break too and I need to buy a fridge.04:51
jbaileyWell, it's certainly interesting.04:52
mxpxpodyou're telling me04:52
Kamionlamont: ok, I'll do a quick hack-fix in coreutils/ubuntu04:52
lamontKamion: any time in the next 24 hours or so would be wonderful. :-)04:53
lamonthppa has a pretty large hysteresis 04:54
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mxpxpodjbailey: well, I would pull out my laptop and work on this, but my boss is right across the hall from me right now :)04:55
jbaileyPlease don't get fired on my account. =)04:57
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mxpxpodjbailey: :D04:58
mxpxpodjbailey: how long will it take to buy a fridge?04:58
lamontmxpxpod: that depends on the "kill vs shop mentality" decision04:59
lamontISTR buying a fridge once with < 30 minutes in the store05:00
lamontKamion: that is, even without the fix, hppa has plenty to do for a while yet.  So stalling another day or 2 won't really hurt me.  Once it hurts main, then we have an issue.05:01
lamontbut I think that requires that coreutils or procps get uploaded05:01
jbaileyPart of the trick to fridge shopping is to get a reasonable price.05:02
jbaileyPicking the fridge will take 2 or 3 minutes.05:02
jbailey"Has freezer.  Is frost-free"05:02
jbaileyStove: "Has self clean"05:02
jbaileyWasher/dryer: "Is cheap"05:03
lamontjbailey: sometimes picking the fridge is 2-3 hours.  depends on wife's mood05:03
jbaileylamont: Right.  But you see, I have some leverage.05:03
Kamionlamont: I'm just testing the fix now05:03
jbaileyWe don't have a fridge at all right now, and we just spent $1000 or so to move between provinces.05:03
jbaileySo there's incentive to just pick the first one we see. =)05:04
lamontjbailey: and who's choice was it to move?05:04
jbaileyDepends if you're with revenue canada or not.05:04
mdzdoes anyone remember why we didn't add the bluez stack to the default desktop?05:04
jbaileyIf you are, then I was moving to be closer to Bjorn and Brad.05:04
jbailey(Thus making the move for work)05:05
lamontjbailey: good answer05:05
lamontmdz: that's bluetooth?05:05
ogramdz, because it was the job of the guy responsible for the goal ? 05:05
ograah, and its a bounty now05:06
ivokskhm... iproute has one nasty bug, fixed in 3.1, but not in hoary05:07
ivokscauses 100% proc usage05:07
ivoksby user, not root05:07
ograivoks, good catch, bug it :)05:07
ivoksit allready is05:08
ivoksshould i fix it?05:08
ivoksit's in main05:08
ografix it, attach the patch to the bug ;)05:08
Riddell"Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  MD5Sum mismatch05:09
=== seb128 kicks mvo
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=== ogra kick moodle... (inspired by seb128 )
pittiseb128: now this trouble also exists in sid05:10
seb128pitti: esound?05:10
pittiseb128: my sid pbuilder failed horribly because of that md5sum mismatch thingy05:10
ivoksit's kernel related patch05:10
pittiseb128: no, apt05:10
ograivoks, #ubuntu-kernel to discuss it ;)05:11
mxpxpodjbailey: ok, so if everything in my ldd of /usr/lib/libwnck-1.so.16 points to /usr/lib, then what?05:11
pittiseb128: I thought you kicked mvo because of Riddel's apt message :-)05:11
seb128pitti: I don't kick mvo about that :p05:11
pittiwell, then *I* do :-)05:11
pittiseb128: Advanced Pain Tool :-)05:12
seb128pitti: I kick him because he has dropped all the references to the Ubuntu patches while syncing gnome-system-tools with Debian, so now to guess what patches are Ubuntu specific and what they do05:12
jbaileyWell, let's stick to the binary that we're using rather than the library.05:12
jbaileyIn case the error message is wrong.05:12
mxpxpodjbailey: oh, right05:12
pittiseb128: we still have all earlier changelogs05:13
=== mvo runs from seb128
seb128pitti: right, but that would be good practice to mention what patches are used05:13
pittimvo: fear the wrath of a furious French man!05:13
mxpxpodsomeone shoot me... I have to figure out visual foxpro05:13
seb128mxpxpod: still having your wnck issues?05:14
mxpxpodseb128: yes :(05:14
jbaileymxpxpod: Email me the output of this please: ldd /usr/lib/gnome-panel/wnck-applet | grep '=>' | awk '{ print $3 }' | sort05:14
mxpxpodseb128: but jbailey is going to help me out05:14
jbaileysha1sum $(ldd /usr/lib/gnome-panel/wnck-applet | grep '=>' | awk '{ print $3 }' | sort)05:14
Kamionlamont: done05:14
mxpxpodjbailey: that's going to be difficult until I get home :)05:14
mvoseb128: if it's too anoying, I can do the merge (and fix the naming along the way)05:14
pittithom: firefox having *one* static copy of zlib in the code is painful enough, but *two*?05:15
jbaileyAh, no command line mail?05:15
thompitti: um? seriously?05:15
mxpxpodjbailey: no, I have to disconnect this computer to plug in my laptop05:15
pittithom: in security/nss/cmd/zlib and modules/zlib/src05:15
jbaileymxpxpod: *lol*05:16
seb128mvo: nop, I'm done with it05:16
pittithom: luckily both versions are old enough to not be affected by the recent issue05:16
thompitti: hahaha05:16
seb128mvo: just it FTBFS now, seems you have dropped the relibtoolize patch05:16
pittithom: but that might not be true for future vulns05:16
mvoseb128: yes, that's very possible05:16
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thompitti: good luck with that then05:16
=== seb128 kicks dpath which is b0rked
=== mvo wonders if seb128 is in kicking mood today
seb128mvo: bah :p05:21
ogramvo, i join him happily with all this educational alpha state php crap here... 05:21
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mvoguys, releax, take a bit of vacation :)05:21
ogramvo, GRRRRRRRRR05:22
lamontKamion: thanks muchly05:22
lamontmorning elmo05:22
elmohey lamont05:22
pittimvo: good idea, I think I pick Prague at Friday :-)05:23
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mvopitti: sounds like a good plan to me :) 05:23
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malexRiddell: I just read your question about scribus-doc. It has GNU FDL-covered tutorials and the main docs are under OPLv1. They are written by different authors who licensed them differently.05:36
Riddellmalex: how come it's in non-free but templates isn't?05:38
ograRiddell, i'm looking for a way to unite KDE and gnome help files.... do you know of any project that tried it... ? (edubuntu will have a mixed desktop and khelpcenter doesnt allow me to suppress non installed apps from the tree)05:43
Riddellogra: ubuntu-docs have tried havn't they?05:45
ograRiddell, good point... i didnt think about that... thats for pointing out :)05:46
mdkewe are shipping docs as html05:46
mdkeso any browser should be able to open em05:46
malexRiddell: OPLv1 and FDL are not DFSG-free. scribus-template(1.2.1 only as there hasn't been an update for 1.2.2) is GPL.05:46
ogramdke, yes, but i'd have to hack up the apps (or at least the libs calling the help viewer) 05:46
mdkebtw, does anyone have some convenient webspace for the documentation team to host preview versions and status reports of their books?05:48
ogramdke, i want the docs to show up either in the helpviewer of the currently used desktop or in a globally defined one.... using the KDE helpcenter seems not appropriate with this tons of links that point to nowhere05:48
ograi'm wondering why they built it that way05:49
mdkeah i c05:49
ograshould be easy to shouw only apps in the tree that are actually installed05:49
mdkewhat happens with ubuntu at the moment?05:49
mdkeif both kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop are installed05:50
ograkubuntu just uses khelpcenter as is afaik... but Riddel might prove me wrong05:50
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ograRiddell even05:50
Riddellmalex: scribus-template/debian/copyright says it's part public domain and part FDL05:50
ogramdke, curretnly it happens as i described it above...05:50
mdkeogra, so any solution would maybe be best applied to ubuntu as well as edubuntu?05:51
ograubuntu is my upstream, so finding a solution there would be the main target05:51
Riddellogra: surely khelpcentre just doesn't show non-installed apps?05:51
ograRiddell, if i click on help, the tree on the left is fully populated...05:52
malexRiddell: My mistake - you are right about the scribus-template. If it will be updated for 1.2.2 then I will upload an update into Debian/non-free.05:52
Riddellmalex: ok, I was just checking that it wasn't me getting confused05:53
mdkeogra, i'm afraid I don't know much about how docs are registered, but you could mail our list, someone will know05:53
ogramdke, i'll do... 05:53
mdkeany takers on the request for webspace?05:53
Lathiatrequest for web space?05:53
ogramdke, elmo is moving houses :) 05:54
Riddellmalex: success so far http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/s/scribus/
ograso let him take a deep breath :)05:54
ogramdke, and then poke again :)05:54
mdzjbailey: can we use the same approach you did in initramfs-tools to replace PCI coldplugging on boot?05:55
mdkeogra, i'm not asking for anything from elmo. Basically we are waiting on a server, until then, I was just looking for some space to host the docs temporarily. A kubuntu dev has provided some for the kde docs05:55
mdzjbailey: I assume it would be faster05:55
malexI'm trying to set up hoary and breezy chroots for building Scribus cvs packages, but debootstrap seems to be looking for "main" at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu and fails. Is there a different archive or a different option to debootstrap?05:55
ogramdke, ahh, i thought you mean the upcoming infrastructure05:56
malexRiddell: That's great that it builds fine. 05:56
mdkeogra, i'm sure one of us can do it if necessary05:56
mdkeogra, ah no we can be patient for that :D05:56
RiddellKamion: the package with section non-free/doc got rejected05:57
Riddellmalex: what's the failure?05:57
Riddellmalex: there's currently some md5sum issue with the archive05:57
malexRiddell: E: Invalid Release file, no entry for main/binary-386/Packages05:57
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malexRiddell: I run it as debootstrap --arch 386 hoary /chroot/hoary/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/05:58
malexRiddell: There is a /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/hoary script...05:58
mdkemako, around?05:59
Riddellmalex: --arch i386 06:00
Riddelladd an "i"06:00
jbaileymdz: I'd like to yes - that way we have consistancy of HW detection everywhere.  I'm just reading over some new udev/hotplug stuff that md poked at me.06:00
malexRiddell: you are right. Thank you.06:01
malexIs there a /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/breezy script somewhere?06:04
malexOr should I stick to warty/hoary for upstream package building?06:05
Riddellmalex: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot06:06
Riddellmalex: you need the package from breezy, grab my recompile there06:06
KamionRiddell: I think you need to get it synced from Debian first06:07
malexRiddell: Debian is and your build is
RiddellKamion: bah, we're too impatient for that :)06:08
KamionRiddell: (AFAIK we handle components a bit differently for syncs from Debian and for packages introduced directly to Ubuntu)06:08
malexRiddell: Can I just grab the breezy script from your debootstrap package or are there more changes?06:09
malexI am creating all chroots on a sid system.06:09
malexhoary chrooted fine06:09
Kamionmalex: you can't just use the breezy script without new debootstrap as well06:10
Kamionit relies on new features in core debootstrap06:10
Kamion scribus-template (1.2.1-1ubuntu1) breezy; urgency=low06:10
Kamion .06:10
Kamion   * Ubuntu build06:10
malexKamion: I have the debian debootstrap from sid
KamionRiddell: what does that mean? it doesn't say anything about what's changed06:10
Kamionmalex: should be OK, then06:10
malexKamion: 1.2.1 is the old one.06:10
malexKamion: Riddell has just gotten the built06:11
Kamionmalex: I'm inquiring about Riddell's changelog entry, which is uninformative.06:11
Kamionif it's just a merge, then one should use the -v option to dpkg-buildpackage / debuild in order to include older changelog entries so that readers of the -changes lists can tell what's going on06:12
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Riddellmalex: grab latest debootstrap and recompile http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/admin/debootstrap06:13
malexRiddell: I just copied the breezy scripts from your 0.2.45 package and the current debian bootstrap is getting breezy seemingly fine so far.06:14
Kamiondexconf: error: cannot generate configuration file;06:14
Kamionxserver-xorg/config/inputdevice/keyboard/layout not set.  Aborting.06:14
RiddellKamion: there's no changes, I havn't heard of the -v option06:14
mdzjbailey: if we're going to do that for breezy, now would be the time06:14
Kamiondaniels: ^-- on fresh install06:14
KamionRiddell: what was the upload for then?06:14
malexShould I set up a warty chroot and build packages for warty for my upstream repositories or forget warty and only do hoary/breezy?06:14
RiddellKamion: hmm, I didn't realise it was already in breezy06:16
=== malex has no idea of the rate of obsolescence of older releases in Ubuntu
Riddellchecked scribus and scribus-doc but must have missed checking that one06:16
infinityRiddell : But if there were no source level changes, why upload with an *ubuntu1 version, rather than request a sync?06:17
Riddellinfinity: because there are changes in the other two scribus packages, I was just incompetant with that one06:17
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KamionRiddell: even if it weren't already in breezy, the correct way to get a package into the distribution that's already in another distribution is to request a sync06:18
Kamionthat way we don't carry the no-op changelog diff06:18
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RiddellKamion: no-op changelog diff?06:20
infinityRiddell : MOM will now be picking up that package for merges, because of the *ubuntu* version number, and will be patching the tiny changelog diff in (and automatic syncs will stop)06:21
Kamionright, what infinity said06:21
infinityRiddell : Of course, all of this is easily fixed by requesting a manual sync the next time Debian revs their version.06:21
infinityRiddell : You just have to remember to do so. :)06:21
Riddellinfinity: ok, who's the person to request that from?06:22
Kamionas with all sync06:22
Kamiondaniels: (that kills the install)06:23
Riddellinfinity: do you know why kexi is dep-wait on libmysqlclient-dev when it has a dependency on libmysqlclient12-dev?06:24
infinityRiddell : I suppose it's been like that for ages.  Ancient bug I fixed in the auto-dep-waiter.  Lemme clear it.06:27
infinity(Or is this a recent upload?)06:27
infinityIf so, then it's a new and fun bug.06:27
Riddellinfinity: no it's been there for a good while06:27
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infinityRiddell : Kay, should be happy now.  Unless it's not for other reasons.06:29
Riddellinfinity: I don't need to upload do I?  just wait for it to build?06:29
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mdzKamion: did you promote docbook2x?06:32
infinityRiddell : Just wait, yes.06:33
Kamionmdz: yes06:33
Kamion10:17 < seb128> Kamion, mdz: can one of you promote docbook2x (approved by pitti for gnome-doc-utils) and libexchange-storage1.2-dev (lib for evolution-exchange moved) to main the corresponding ftbfses?06:33
Riddellinfinity: cool, thanks06:33
mdzKamion: I've rearranged https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionQueue to help keep track of that processing; remember to update it when you promote things06:34
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infinityRiddell : I stand corrected, an upload will be required.  Missing build-dep.06:37
infinityRiddell :06:37
infinitycollect2: ld returned 1 exit status06:37
infinitymake[5] : *** [libkexidbparser.la]  Error 106:37
infinityStupid BitchX.06:37
infinity /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXi06:38
infinitycollect2: ld returned 1 exit status06:38
infinitymake[5] : *** [libkexidbparser.la]  Error 106:38
Riddellinfinity: ah well that wasn't a required build-dep when I uploaded before :)06:38
infinityPicky, picky.06:38
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RiddellI presume there's no way to find out a list of packages that need the xi-dev build-dep added?06:39
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infinitygrep the build logs for -lXi, or we fire up the auto rebuilding mojo.06:41
Kamionmdz: ok06:41
infinity(The lattor of which I assume I'll be turning on shortly after upstream freeze, as things settle)06:41
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infinityI'm betting a fair number of packages have become FTBFS since the X modualrisation began, so the rebuild tests will be somewhat critical this time around.06:43
xTinaIs there a configuration file for apt-ftparchive available anywhere that will simply recreate all Contents, Packages and Release files on a Ubuntu mirror?06:43
mdzxTina: I don't know of one, but it stands to reason that one might06:44
mdzthe one used for the master archive has a bunch of other stuff in it that I expect you wouldn't want06:44
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mdzI wrote a small script which would regenerate Packages and Release files, for use with CD customization06:45
xTinamdz: It probably doesn't deal with different architectures being available, does it?06:48
mdzxTina: no, since I created it for CDS06:53
xTinaI can't figure out what to do in order to put only arch packages in the ...-arch/Packages files. If I use the samples that are floating around the net for modifying CDs I have all architectures in my index files. The only thing I found was the Architectures option which didn't change anything.06:57
mdzxTina: you need to give it separate file lists06:59
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jordimdz: what happened to you? Suddenly... you appear so... unreal!07:04
siretarthow should I understand Kamions mail concerning the release update? when will autosyncing for packages in universe/multiverse from debian stop? tomorrow or on 21 July?07:04
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siretarthi mark!07:05
sabdflhey guys07:05
mdzjordi: are you looking at me?  I thought you went home! ;-)07:05
ograhey jordi 07:10
ograhi sabdfl 07:10
jordihi ogra!07:10
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eruinanyone in here know of any reported bugs ala "gnome only starts on second try" ?07:11
eruinand, is bugzilla or malone preferred for reporting?07:12
ograeruin, bugzilla for main bugs, malone for universe07:12
eruinah, silly me07:13
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mdzeruin: I've seen some of that sort of behaviour07:14
eruinyeah, this is on current breezy, and I'm not sure how to debug it properly07:14
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eruinthe session just doesn't load, although after a gdm restart I can login fine though I get an error about gnomepanel already running07:15
eruinthat was a bad sentence, I know :P07:15
sabdflhey ogra07:16
eruinohwell, I'll be back when I've got something usable to report07:16
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{SebPayne}chrisstiturm: are you around?07:19
{SebPayne}chrissturm told me that i had to make a new link after upgrading Xorg on breezy07:21
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{SebPayne}any idea what the link for /usr/bin/X11/X should be?07:21
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jordimdz: have you got patches for apt 0.6 to mark a few strings for translation?07:37
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xTinamdz: How would I get those file lists?07:47
mdzxTina: find07:47
mdzjordi: no, I don't think so.  are there strings which should be marked but are not?07:47
xTinamdz: find in 'pool' according to the architecture of the .debs?07:48
jordiI just found one in apt-get.cc07:48
jordi      c2out << _("Authentication warning overridden.\n");07:49
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jordimdz: line 69107:49
jordiand I'd swear I have another one07:49
jordilet me look07:49
mdzjordi: that string looks like it is marked for translation :-P07:49
jordimdz: I did :)07:50
{SebPayne}does anyone any idea when the next X version is coming?07:55
Kamionsiretart: autosyncing stops tomorrow/Friday/thereabouts; the 21st July deadline is for merges of uploads to Debian that happened up to tomorrow07:55
jordimdz: see it?07:55
mdzjordi: see what?07:56
mxpxpodjbailey: when you get back, let me know07:56
Kamionelmo: speaking of, ready to stop syncing end of tomorrow?07:56
mdzKamion: yeah, we talked about it a short time ago07:57
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siretartKamion: oh, I see. then my questions I posted to the mailing lists still stand07:58
jordimdz: the string that isn't marked for translation07:59
jordiWhat I pasted included my modification, the current package has no markers08:00
mdzjordi: I saw the string you pasted08:00
mdzI didn't look in the source for more08:00
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malexIs "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary main restricted universe" the main ubuntu archive? 08:05
Kamionmalex: yes, depending on what you mean by "main"08:05
malexKamion: master archive?08:06
jordimdz: gpgv.cc: "The following signatures couldn't be verified..." untranslated.08:06
malexKamion: I am looking for the main archive or a fast mirror for hoary and breezy packages for my pbuilder chroots.08:07
mdzjordi: a patch would be great08:07
Kamionmalex: yes, that's the primary mirror08:07
mdzor a baz branch if there are a lot08:07
jordii feared. I will send one :)08:07
Kamionmalex: (the master archive is not accessible to the world, only to a few internal mirrors)08:08
Kamionmalex: we recommend you use $COUNTRY_CODE.archive.ubuntu.com, so if you're in France you'd use fr.archive.ubuntu.com, for instance08:08
malexKamion: "primary mirror" is just what I was looking for.08:08
malexKamion: I'm in the us, so us.archive.ubuntu.com for me...08:08
Kamionmalex: some of those country mirrors are actually just aliases for archive.ubuntu.com, but may not always be so08:08
KamionI think us.archive.ubuntu.com currently == archive.ubuntu.com, but that's a temporary situation08:09
malexKamion: I will use us.archive... to be on the safe side.08:09
Kamionyep, that would be sensible08:10
KamionI think most of the country mirrors pull every six hours or so08:10
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jordimdz: when you do returns and have something to mark for translation, is that when you use string()?08:15
jordiie, here?08:15
jordi      return "At least one invalid signature was encountered.";08:15
mdzjordi: _() should be fine there; it returns a const char*, right?08:17
malexSo, breezy doesn't have an en_US.ISO-8859-15 locale at all?08:18
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jordimdz: yes08:20
Kamionmalex: no, ISO-8859-15 doesn't make much sense for the US08:20
Kamionhm, actually, I tell a lie08:20
Kamionmalex: yes, it's there, you have to enable it with 'dpkg-reconfigure locales'08:20
jordiKamion: what about poor americans wanting to express Euro? :)08:21
malexKamion: no, it's not in the list.08:21
KamionI suppose it was added for financial interoperability or something08:21
Kamionhuh, you're right, I was looking in sid08:21
Kamionjordi: they can use UTF-808:21
Kamionstrange that it was removed, perhaps it was a Debian patch or something - upstream don't normally remove locales08:21
malexKamion: Debian still has it08:23
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malexKamion: So, it was a Ubuntu breezy patch, most likely, as hoary still has it.08:24
Kamionmalex: breezy's glibc is based off Debian experimental08:26
Kamionmalex: if you're not looking at the latter, you aren't getting an accurate picture08:26
malexKamion: So, what is the proper procedure of building a Ubuntu package from a debian package? I have a hoary/breezy chroot installed, got the build-deps for my package, got my source package. What should I do with the changelog/version?08:26
Kamionnothing, unless you need to change the source package for some other reason08:27
Kamiondebuild -b08:27
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Kamionhmm, so there is a locales-supported.dpatch in the glibc source package which adds en_US.ISO-8859-15; upstream does not have it08:27
Kamionhowever, that patch is disabled08:27
Kamionjbailey: ?08:28
malexFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/devscripts/devscripts_2.8.6_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch08:28
jbailey-15 is latin 1 with a euro sign isn't it?08:28
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jbaileymxpxpod: I'm back. =)08:28
Kamionjbailey: yes08:28
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mxpxpodjbailey: I figured it out08:28
Kamion+#locales-supported     # g: untilsarge08:28
mxpxpodI reinstalled libxext6 and libxext-dev and now all is fine08:28
mxpxpodseb128: you know that gconf error I was getting the other day?08:28
Kamionsame comment in Debian experimental08:29
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Kamionjbailey: I'd venture to suggest that sarge has happened ;-)08:29
jordimdz:          return (string("Internal error: Good signature, but could not determine key fingerprint?!"));08:29
jbaileyKamion: Right, I think that's why it's commented out now.08:29
jordimdz: I assume this also needs marking, right?08:29
jbaileyHeya Jordi!08:30
jordijbailey: I updated your blog url for planet08:30
malexWhat's up with the md5sums for hoary?08:30
jbaileyjordi: Eh?08:30
Kamionjbailey: it seems a slightly strange decision to have added that locale, but now that it was added I don't think it should have been removed ...08:30
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mxpxpodjbailey: pretty strange, eh?08:31
Kamionhm, us.archive.ubuntu.com != archive.ubuntu.com at the moment08:31
jordijbailey: when you switched to phpblosxom, your rss url changed and it broke your planet subscription08:31
Kamionso perhaps it synced badly08:31
jbaileyKamion: I'd have to look at that locale specifically, but I suspect that we decided that once Sarge released that we would drop all of the locales that upstream had refused to give everyone (.. What's the formula?  each release cycle doubles in length?) N time to adjust.08:31
malexKamion: probably a bad sync, as breezy packages are fine, only hoary has the md5 problem.08:32
jbaileymxpxpod: Whacked.  Ah well, I'm glad it's working.08:32
mxpxpodjbailey: me too :)08:32
jbaileymxpxpod: Did you just reinstall each piece one by one?08:32
Kamionjbailey: hm. removing en_GB.ISO-8859-15 was a bit fucked, though08:32
mxpxpodjbailey: no, I did the ldd thing and then figured out where the Xext* symbols would be and reinstalled that package08:32
jbaileyIsn't that an upstream locale?  I would've thought it was...08:32
Kamionlooks like upstream have an overly legalistic viewpoint08:33
jbaileyKamion: that's a polite way of talking about needing a boot to the head, but ah well.08:33
Kamiontrue, the UK is not one of the Euro countries (bah), but that doesn't mean UK people don't have to deal in Euros an awful lot08:33
Kamionat least businesses08:33
Kamionbut I suspect Ulrich would say "just use UTF-8"08:33
jbaileyI wish that character set could be more trivially separated from everything else.08:34
Kamion$ bzcat Packages.bz2 | grep-dctrl -P devscripts -nsMD5sum08:34
Kamion$ md5sum devscripts_2.8.6_i386.deb08:34
Kamion2b21c93ea612f3f29d10318ce42111d7  devscripts_2.8.6_i386.deb08:34
Kamionthe Packages file is right; that file is corrupt on the mirror08:35
Kamionthe master is fine08:36
malexKamion: just as you suggested08:38
tvodoes breezy come with an inotify-enabled/patched kernel?08:41
chrissturmanyone aware of a flash plugin that works with the gcc4 compiled firefox?08:41
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ograKamion, UVF for universe ??08:44
ograwe didnt do that for hoary08:44
Kamionogra: MOTU was only just getting started for hoary, and hadn't had time08:44
Kamionfor breezy, there has been plenty of time to get things into shape08:45
ograKamion, but it worked quite well..08:45
Kamionnot really, there was a huge panic at hoary release and various people wanted to update hoary after release because you hadn't had time to stabilise it beforehand08:45
Kamionanyway, I have to go out now, sorry08:45
ograKamion, not really, Cxx transition is still ongoing and missing ~500 packages08:45
Kamionogra: that's not affected by UVF08:45
ograKamion, but it postpones other things08:46
Kamionand this is not a hard freeze, it just means you have to get approval08:46
Kamionwhich is not intended to get in your way, it's an extra review step, as I said08:46
ograKamion, but might steal your time08:46
Kamionright, I really have to run, Kirsten is waiting08:46
Kamionogra: talk to mdz08:46
ograoki, have fun :=08:47
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Seveasjdub, around..?08:55
seb128ogra: I'm going to package gnome-screensaver if you don't work on that08:56
mxpxpodseb128: ok, so I fixed that gconf issue I was having08:56
seb128mxpxpod: cool, how?08:56
mxpxpodseb128: I had a ~/.gconf/schemas/apps/workspace_switcher_applet for some reason08:56
ograseb128, jdub already asked me to do it, but go ahead if you want to grab it08:56
mxpxpodso I removed it, shut down gconf, and it worked08:56
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seb128ogra: as you want, I have planned to give a shot of the packaging now but if you want to work on it no problem08:57
seb128mxpxpod: ~/.gconf/schemas/apps/workspace_switcher_applet is an user setting ... what's wrong with it?08:58
ograseb128, then we'd have to wait until edubuntu leaves me some free time again... so go ahead :) i want to see it :)08:58
mxpxpodseb128: I think the values in there on my system were messed up08:58
seb128mxpxpod: and that makes this symbol errors??08:59
mxpxpodseb128: oh, no... that was something with libxext-608:59
ograi have to package some real crack here before i can move on to something more funny...08:59
mxpxpodseb128: when I reinstalled libxext6 and libxext-dev, it fixed the problem08:59
seb128mxpxpod: k, cool08:59
mxpxpodI'll go close the bug09:00
mxpxpodseb128: bug closed09:02
mxpxpodthanks for all the help09:03
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jammcq_officehey guys, we'll be showing Ubuntu at our LTSP.org booth at LinuxWorld in SanFran again this year, who should I talk to about getting a box of cds to hand out?09:06
elmojammcq_office: mako09:07
jammcq_officek, thanks, sorry for the interruption09:07
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mgalvinelmo, ping09:09
Keybukopenwrt doesn't have "watch" on it09:21
elmoquick, someone give me a small package that has a newer version in breezy09:30
elmoheh, I know, let's test backports with... DPKG!09:30
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jbaileyajmitch: awake yet? =)09:52
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mgalvinelmo, i know ur busy, svn account? would you possibly have some time to set it up soon?10:07
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elmomgalvin: yeah, in a sec10:09
mgalvinelmo, ok thanks10:09
siretartmgalvin: I just rechecked your update to cegui10:24
siretartmgalvin: currently 17 packages (mostly xfce) is build depending on cegui10:25
siretartmgalvin: did you check that all packages still build with that new version? why do you think that update is necessary?10:26
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ajmitchjbailey: of course I was ;)10:27
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mgalvinsiretart, cegui has nothing to do with xfce (i don't think), this is ceguimk2 (libcegui-mk2-0, libcegui-mk2-dev, -doc, -dbg), NOT libxfcegui10:32
mgalvinsiretart, its a lib for game ui's10:32
mgalvinogre uses it10:32
siretartmgalvin: oh, you're perfectly right..10:34
mgalvinsiretart, the update is necessary to get the new (working) version of ogre3d which many games use10:34
siretartmgalvin: ic. what about ogre? does ogre still build with the new version?10:34
mgalvinlong story short, ogre3d from cvs builds with this new version of cegui-mk2-0.3.010:36
mgalvinthe latest ogre release is broken, so it has to be the cvs version10:37
mgalvinbut they work together10:37
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mgalvinplus iirc the version of ogre in debian FTBFS on breezy (and hoary for that matter)10:38
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siretartmgalvin: ok, so you checked that there are no visible regression. ok, then I don't have further objections :)10:39
mgalvinsiretart, correct. great :)10:39
mgalvinsiretart, before you advocate it...10:41
mgalvini did notice that the build deps in breezy changed, i would like to verify those deps before you approve it. I will check this an upload a new version when i get home10:42
siretartmgalvin: I just checked, it FTBFS because of some libdevil-dev10:42
mgalvinright, thats the one10:42
mgalvinthere are some glut deps that seem to have changed that i need to fix10:43
siretartall right. I added a comment about this in revu. just upload a new version when it's ready10:44
mgalvinok, i will do10:44
siretartmgalvin: what about libcwd? is this case solved?10:44
mgalvinsync it from debian, its already there10:45
siretartso I may nuke it from revu, ok?10:45
mgalvinsiretart, its been there for weeks10:45
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Mezhey seth10:50
seth_khi mez10:54
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mgalvingotta run, l8r all11:00
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elmolamont/infinity: it's entirely possible I'm about to break your buildds or already have done11:05
elmoif either of you are around that'd rock ;-)(11:05
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seb128pitti: around?11:44
pittiseb128: yep11:45
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seb128pitti: do you know who has sudo rights nowadays on a default installation? An user or the admin group?11:47
pittiseb128: the admin group11:47
pitti%adminALL=(ALL) ALL11:47
seb128pitti: and is there any way for an user process to know if the user has sudo rights?11:47
pittiseb128: none that I know of, apart from just trying11:47
seb128pitti: lllmanulll is working on the GnomePanel spec, we want to hide menu entries which require sudo for non-sudo users11:48
pittiseb128: ah, that would be indeed nice11:48
pittiseb128: if you just check for admin membership you will miss upgraders from warty11:48
seb128we can't ask to an user to enter his password on startup to know if he has sudo rights :p11:49
pittino, right11:49
siretarthow about doing an $(groups $(user) ) and grepping for 'admin'?11:49
pittisee above11:49
seb128for the reason pitti just said11:49
seb128in fact I ask because my install has 11:49
pittiwould certainly work for the majority of users11:49
seb128user ALL=(ALL) ALL11:49
pittibut unrealiable11:49
seb128and an admin can change whatever he wants11:49
pittiright, even partial rights11:49
siretartright.. hm11:50
pittiseb128: I guess we need a small setuid wrapper for that11:50
seb128pitti: any opinion on what would be a good approch for this?11:50
seb128hum, maybe11:50
pittiseb128: a reasonably good heuristics for Ubuntu would be ingroup(admin) || uid == 100011:51
pittiseb128: but that's neither suitable for upstream nor a really good solution11:51
pittibut the only one that doesn't need root rights11:51
seb128lllmanulll: do a function with that to start maybe, we can still figure and another way later11:52
lllmanulllALl right11:52
seb128pitti: thanks11:52
pittiseb128: a setuid wrapper could check /etc/sudoers and return the result in its exit code11:52
pittiseb128: we should use sudo's existing parser for that, of course11:53
seb128pitti: that would be a better option probably11:53
pittiseb128: it would work reliably and it is cleaner, but requires setuid root, so it should be very small and auditible11:53
pittigeez, why must unix mail servers be so complicated...11:55
ivoksthey are pice of cake :)11:59
ivoksspecialy postfix :)11:59
pittiivoks: I try to setup SSMTP+SSL authentication in exim411:59
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ivoksi have that in postfix :(12:00
pittiivoks: this has worked once, but now I just get a "connection refused" for all but localhost connections12:00
ernstp found a bug on the colony 2 install cd, and a daily installer two days later12:00
ernstpboth cd's checked out ok on integrity test12:00
ernstpthey both hard lock right after the "Would you like to download additional language support"12:00
pittiivoks: I didn't find any good docs for postfix either, so I just kept the exim4 install12:00
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ivokspitti: if you want, i could tutor you... you need 5 minutes :)12:01
pittiivoks: this is my production system...12:01
pittiprimary mail hub for five persons...12:01

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