
=== robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkehey robitaille 01:17
robitaillehi mdke.  Totally forgot about the CC meeting.  I should check my own calendar  a bit more often :)01:18
=== robitaille is tired after 2 full days of first-aid training...
mdkei bet01:19
mdkei was thinking today we should get cracking on the wiki icons01:19
mdketo start with it is me and you i think, maybe more people will join01:19
robitaille"cracking on wiki icons"  as in repairing wiki pages with icons that don't currently work?01:19
mdkewe could use a table to record which icons have been fixed, like last time01:20
robitailleI'll have some time later tonight (i.e in 4-5 hours) to work on that.  I still think we are not talking about so many pages here :)01:22
mdkerobitaille, we'll see. So do you agree on the use of a table?01:23
mdkeso that we can see who has done what already?01:23
robitailleyes. I guess similar to the "wikigardening" page (or whatever is is called)01:24
mdkeok i will amend that page01:24
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mdkerobitaille, did you move just the icons to IconsPage or also the screenshots?01:31
robitaillejust the icons.   Which screenshots?01:33
mdkehang on a tic01:35
mdkerobitaille, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WikiGardeningIcons?action=show , some of the things towards the bottom are screenshots01:39
mdkei gtg to bed now, but leave some for me tomorrow! :)01:44
mdkerobitaille ^^01:44
robitailleI have to go soon...not sure I still understand the difference between screenshot and icons.01:45
mdkerobitaille, a screenshot is a capture for the sake of one document. an icon is a small file. Basically the question is, did you upload them all as attachments to IconsPage, or just the ones described in IconsPage?01:46
robitailleI simply uploaded as attachment to IconPages all the icons that were refered to in IconsPage.01:47
mdkerobitaille, ok that's what I thought. My view would be to let the other things (screenshots etc) take care of themselves, we can't track them all down one by one01:47
robitailleAh, now I get it.  Personally I think screenshots should be attchement to the page there are used in; except maybe for the ones that are reused many times. 01:48
mdkethat was the idea01:49
robitailleI have to go; kids are screaming for food for dinner.  I'll be back in a couple of hours01:49
mdkerobitaille, ok cool, i'll see ya tomorrow01:49
mdkeleave me some icons...01:49
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jsgotangcoouch i missed the CC meeting03:37
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mgalvinhi all03:44
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froudAfrican Greetings07:27
jsgotangcoim looking at this07:35
jsgotangcoim trying to get ideas for the team07:36
froudyes they have nice methods07:37
froudthe core of the team is an employed group07:37
froudbut they have a good contributor team07:37
jsgotangcoyeah i noticed that07:37
jsgotangcothere's so much pride in their work i notice07:38
jsgotangcothat's nice07:38
jsgotangcoCustom scripts to generate PDF and HTML output07:39
jsgotangcoCustom XSLT stylesheets for both print and HTML versions07:39
jsgotangcoEmacs with PSGML mode (optional, but recommended)07:39
jsgotangcoThe Documentation Project is not interested in unmaintained documentation. If you have a document to submit, either you or someone else will need to continue maintenance of the document. Documentation should be focused on software found in Fedora Core or Extras. If you have an idea outside of that scope, please bring it to the mailing list for discussion.07:40
froudjsgotangco: what are you suggesting?07:41
froudwe have custom stylesheets07:43
froudbut we dont support PDF07:43
jsgotangcoyes i know that, i'm just dumping 07:43
jsgotangcosomething is missing here07:44
froudmainly because it requires install of java07:44
froudhowever, in kde Makefile I do make install guide as a pdf07:44
froudthe xsl cust layer for PDF is there07:44
froudbut we dont really use it07:44
froudsometing missing at ubuntu?07:45
froudyes, but people don't seem to like formal approaches07:45
jsgotangcoperhaps that is the problem?07:45
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froudit is, but it is hard to make people work in a way they dont want to07:46
froudso we kind of go by  the seat of our pants07:46
froudbut all that is not the core problem IMHO07:47
jsgotangcothere's really no need to formalize so sudden, it should be a natural progression for that as the project matures07:47
froudjsgotangco: the real problem is that we do not have enough people actually writing07:47
froudand because there is no formality, everything is a team decision07:48
froudthis takes too much time07:48
froudand people get defocused off the writing07:48
froud90% of our meetings are about technical issues and semantics07:49
froudinstead of progress on the documents07:49
jsgotangcoright people notice that already07:49
jsgotangcoi actually receive emails with their concerns on our technical talk07:49
froudthis is why I am trying to focus on the docs07:49
froudbut I must also do some infrustructure stuff07:50
froudthankfully, jeffsch and mgalvin have also started with helping on that front07:51
froudI think people need to stake parts of the docs and commit to writing them07:52
frouda page a day approach07:52
froudif ppl do a page a day, then it very quickly mounts up to a book07:53
=== jsgotangco remembers kquickguide
froudyes like you did on that book07:53
froudclassic example07:53
jsgotangcoyeah it flew off on its own after having a structure07:54
froudpersonally I find that at the moment I get side tracked into other things07:54
froudit's not good07:54
froudso I am now in kquickguide adding kde-system settings07:55
froudbut I have a section in kuserguide that I must get back to07:55
jsgotangcoi guess i hvae to revisit that book again since the two other people who were involved are quiet lately07:55
froudbut inbetween doing this I have prepared the deb packaging07:56
froudI am focusing on kde stuff, mainly because it needs it and to get structures out of the way07:56
rob^dam it takes a while for emails to make it to the list07:57
froudrob^: sometimes it does. I am in africa so it takes it even longer to reach me :-)07:58
rob^heh yeah07:59
froudi see th epatches will apply them now07:59
jsgotangcoim going to look into svn again later and probably upgrade07:59
jsgotangcothe edubuntu stuff won't be around till next month i guess so i'll go back into kde08:01
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jsgotangcoalthough i was thinking of starting the admin guide right now even if its not going to be shipped, but a good head start for the next release after breezy08:03
rob^when is the faq guide going to be shipped?08:04
froudrob^: it is not planned for breezy. however, if it is ready we can ship it08:07
froudI don't think people will mind shipping it08:07
rob^a lot of people I know find the unofficial one helpful08:08
froudI think we should, if it is good and does not give problems like ubuntuguide.org08:08
rob^if we could ship an official one it would be good08:08
froudrob^: yes it is helpful08:08
froudthat is why we took it into svn08:08
froudbut ppl had issues with it08:08
rob^yes, a good idea I agree08:08
froudat least now you can edit and go to town on it08:09
rob^what parts, exactly, did they have issues with?08:09
froudmostly backports I thinkn08:09
rob^what if we remove those sections until they were ready?08:09
froudwhere possible try not to use them08:09
frouddont delete it just sgml comment <!-- them -->08:10
rob^yeah, thats what I was thinking08:10
froudbut you are more than welcome to do what you think on them08:10
froudmgalvin is also working on them08:10
froudhe wrote the ppc version08:10
rob^I might have a look08:11
froudit would be nice if all the authors who wrote derivatives of ubuntuguide would join us like he has08:11
jsgotangcoyeah well chua isnt coming here lately08:11
froudI wish Chen Wen Kiat would do that08:12
froudhe does stop by from time to time08:12
froudone of the problems autors had with the ubuntuguide.org is that it was not trully free08:12
rob^I pretty much have been working exclusively on the faq08:12
froudthat was solved when it came to svn08:12
froudI noticed08:13
froudthanks very much08:13
froudand keep the coffee in the cup08:13
rob^ah yes08:13
froudyou and mgalvin are doing a sterling job08:13
rob^I now have a nice wireless keyboard08:13
froudI am very happy to see that the week it took me to port it was not wasted08:13
rob^I'm still learning docbook, but my past php/html experience comes in handy08:15
rob^time to go get something out of the freezer for dinner..08:16
froudah yes wireless keyboards are brilliant08:16
froudrob^: did you see that mgalvin has profiled it for ppc, i386 and amd6408:16
froudthis is good because it stops the fragmentation and reduces the fragmentation that was taking place with the other versions08:16
froudreduces the ovehead08:16
froudI hope we can ship faqguide, but I think it will also go on help.ubuntu.com if we every get that working08:16
frouddinner, breakfast here08:17
froudjsgotangco: yeah what?08:17
frouddinner time for you to08:17
jsgotangcoyeah on all points regarding fragmentation08:17
froudrob^: I can always output and upload the kde version to http://lnix.net/~froud08:18
rob^froud, I'm a ubuntu user, so I tend to stay away from explaining kde things08:18
rob^I use xmlto to check my work, doesn't work in yelp 08:19
froudno yelp cant do profiles08:19
froudto validate you can use xmllint08:19
rob^nither can xmlto (it looks a little funny)08:20
froudand to view you can use the make targets08:20
froudits better to use the gome/Makefile08:20
froudthat will output html to build/gnome/faqguidei38608:20
rob^whats the makefile target for the faq guide?08:20
=== rob^ looks
froudthere are three08:21
froudand one dummie that calls the three08:21
froudkfaq builds all08:21
rob^status: not working?08:21
frouddo you have the toolchain setup08:21
rob^doh, dam vim08:21
froudsudo apt-get install xsltproc08:21
froudsudo apt-get install docbook08:22
froudsudo apt-get install docbook-xsl08:22
froudthat should do it08:22
froudthen Make kfaq08:22
froudopps whatever the gnome target is08:22
rob^rob@rob:~/Documents/ubuntu-doc$ make faq-gnome08:23
rob^Makefile:150: *** missing separator.  Stop.08:23
froudmake faq08:23
rob^same result08:23
froudworks here08:24
frouddid you svn up since last night08:24
rob^about 2 minutes ago08:24
froudHmm missing seperator?08:25
rob^a svn status brings up several files with a ?08:26
rob^one of the the Makefile08:26
froudsvn up08:26
froudyou need svn up08:26
froudnot svn status08:26
froudsvn status shows you what is the change in your wc08:27
froudnope the make target is good (thanks mgalvin)08:27
froudin the root of your trunk do svn up08:28
rob^yeah, I know to use up08:28
froudOk then someting is wrong on your system08:28
rob^I'll recheckout the repository08:28
froudcan you do svn revert on the gnome makefile08:28
froudcd gnome08:28
froudsvn revert Makefile08:29
froudmake faq08:29
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rob^that seems to be working08:31
froudprobably a G on the Makefile08:31
froudfaq: faqi386 faqamd64 faqppc08:32
froudcalls three targets08:32
froudso you can also do make faqi38608:32
froudto just build the i386 version08:32
froudor shall we say gnome i386 version08:33
froudwe have six books in one file there08:33
rob^and kfaq make the kde one?08:34
froudsame thing08:34
froudcd ../kde08:34
froudmake kfaq08:34
=== rob^ gets it now
froudto make all the files do make kall08:35
froudthat is will build what we planned to ship08:35
froudif the kde faqguide is ready I will add it to the build for deb08:36
rob^thats much better, I was using xmlto which just chucks in all the profiles (quite ugly)08:37
froud:-) yes08:37
froudglad you know how to do it now08:37
jsgotangcofroud, we should make a schedule08:38
froudso remember when working you can use the arch and the os attributes on nodes08:38
froudjsgotangco: schedule I thought breezy release schedule was that :-)08:38
jsgotangcoyeah breezy sched is general though08:38
froudhow do you propose a schedule?08:39
froudjsgotangco: I dont understand08:40
froudhow would the schedule work?08:40
rob^does svn diff ignore the build directory?08:40
froudit ingnores files that are not added08:41
froudso it does not ignore build/kde or build/gnome08:41
rob^so remove them first08:42
froudbut it does ignore all the files in those paths because they are not added to svn08:42
frouddont remove them08:42
froudnobody did svn add on the files08:42
rob^oh ok08:42
froudso they will be ignored08:42
froudrob^: why dont you use eSvn08:43
froudsudo apt-get install esvn08:43
rob^never heard of it08:43
froudits a gui front-end to subversion08:43
froudit may be easier for you and will teach you svn08:43
rob^I'll have a look08:43
froudI use it08:44
froudbut  then I am biased as I wrote the manual08:44
froudIt's in universe08:44
=== rob^ looks at esvn
froudrob^: go to file > options > other > status refresh08:46
rob^how come esvn does show the C directories08:46
froudset it to online08:46
froudthat way it will show you the changed file status as they change in svn08:46
froudyou will also be able to see the files you changed08:46
froudit also has external diff08:47
froudand 3way diff08:47
froudjsgotangco: how do you propose the scheduling idea would work?08:48
froudjsgotangco: it sounds like a good idea, but how would it work?08:49
rob^how come there isnt anything under generic->faqguide etc..08:50
rob^like the C directory or the .xml files08:50
froudthere is08:51
jsgotangcofroud, breezy schedule is too general08:51
froudrob create a workspace08:52
jsgotangcoan internal schedule would of course target the freeze schedule of breezy in general08:52
jsgotangcosort of milestones08:52
froudrob^: file > workspace08:52
froudsounds good, but how would that help make people write?08:52
froudjsgotangco: ppl hav eto keep the milestones08:53
jsgotangcogood question but the schedule isn't supposed to make people write08:53
jsgotangcoits supposed to make people aware of the time08:53
jsgotangcoso that they'll write08:53
froudrob^: you can also do view > refresh workspace08:53
froudjsgotangco: hmm, could work08:53
jsgotangcothe schedule isn't going to be too specific08:54
froudjsgotangco: but dont you think, knowing how it works here, that people just wont do08:54
jsgotangcolet's just say we give next week as sort of review #1 phase08:54
jsgotangcojust saying the book is "awaiting review" won't cut it IMO08:55
froudAt present we have status's on all nodes08:55
jsgotangco"people just won08:55
jsgotangco"people just won't do" doesn't apply to everyone08:55
froudbut those that are doing are not the target08:56
froudsee http://lnix.net/~froud/status/kqg-report.html08:56
jsgotangcohow often is the html page status updated ?08:57
froudone a day or every two days08:57
jsgotangcoi should burn my svn again08:57
froudif there are no changes I do every second day08:57
jsgotangcoi see soo may "HELP WANTED" now08:57
froudyes the new kde-system settings section i need help08:58
froudkcontrol is replaced by kde-systemsettings08:58
froudbut as you can see I have written Personal through to Launch Feedback08:59
froudand set to review08:59
jsgotangcoi can't do this, i don't even have this setup to begin with08:59
jsgotangcoyou said before you compiled it even08:59
froudjsgotangco: you can do it on the status attributes09:00
froudand people canbuild the html09:00
froudbut there is no place to upload gnome at present09:00
jsgotangcono i meant the book itself09:00
froudI dont understand09:00
jsgotangcokcontrol is replaced09:01
froudyes replaced in breezy kubuntu09:01
jsgotangcoi thought you said before you compiled09:01
froudjsgotangco: you mean you dont have a place to upload the docs09:01
froudwe are not connecting09:01
froudtry agian09:01
jsgotangcois there a kubuntu breezy repo already?09:02
froudyes in svn09:02
froudor do you mean the distro09:02
jsgotangcohmmm im so sure we are talking in english09:02
froudI have kde docs in svn09:03
jsgotangcoyeah the distro09:03
froudlike ubuntu there is no repos09:03
froudits everywhere and nowhere09:03
jsgotangcook so its just updated KDE then09:03
froudRiddell wanted an svn but has not09:03
froudjsgotangco: kubuntu will not ship a standard kde for breezy09:03
froudthere will be no kcontrol09:04
froudinstead there will be kde-systemsettings09:04
froudOK jsgotangco what can't you do?09:04
froudjsgotangco: as I see it, you can make all the docs09:06
froudand you can do the deb build for kubuntu-docs09:06
froudwhen I build the docs and upload to lnix.net/~froud I also compile in any changes to the deb and upload that09:07
froudthe status pages dont get shipped09:07
froudand we use them just for status's09:07
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froudjsgotangco: ?09:12
froudjsgotangco: we're talking about status notes on docs09:13
froudwhat I am saying is that we have status notes09:13
froudjsgotangco: so if there is status, how does that fit with schedule09:14
froudjsgotangco: perhaps you want a given number of nodes to be at a given status by a certain date?09:14
=== mdke rubs his eyes in disbelief
froudjsgotangco: that would be a milestone09:15
froudmdke: what? Have I done someting wrong again?09:15
mdkei see a long scrollback09:16
mdkebut i can't figure out what the hell you guys are talking about09:16
frouduhm I was helping rob^ and the jsgotangco is thinking about a schedule09:16
froudbut I dont understand how it works09:17
froudand now he mentions status's so I show status reports09:17
froudand from there I am lost 09:17
mdkesounds like he's had too much green tea again09:17
froudI can't understand09:17
froudtrying to09:18
froudwell the idea of a schedule may be good09:19
froudI would like to explore the idea and see how it works with our current system09:19
froudmdke: js is proposing milestones09:20
mdkerobitaille, nice work man09:20
froudto get people writing with a focus09:20
froudmdke: it comes back to the problem you mentioned09:20
froudmdke: many people have commit accounts, but not many are committing content09:21
mdkewe are volunteers09:21
mdkeits natural09:21
mdkei don't see a problem i have to say09:21
froudyes, we volunteer, but we that do commit can't do everything09:22
mdkeeveryone should do what they can09:22
froudand we would like to get books done so we can package them09:22
froudno point packing something that is not done09:22
mdkei'm not against a schedule if people agree, the people responsible for docs should take care of it09:22
froudso those that commit have to do even more09:22
mdkei am against forcing people to do more than they can though09:23
froudbut how to make progress with small number of active committers09:23
mdkei'm off to play tennis09:23
mdkesee ya later09:23
froudBeerDump: fine what?09:24
BeerDumpno schedule then09:24
froudi c09:25
froudok ppl luv you and leave you till l8tr09:26
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robitaillemdke:  I'm off for the night.  As per your earlier request, I left you a few icons to play with on WikiGardeningIcons :)10:02
jsgotangcorobitaille: night10:03
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mdkeciao enrico10:52
mdkecome va?10:55
enricomdke: bene10:57
enricoI'm leaving friday for debconf and today I have to start preparing my 1 talk and 2 workshops, buying liquors and the like :)10:58
mdkeessential preparation eh11:03
mdkeenrico, portati il limoncello11:03
mdkeenrico, i don't know if you noticed, we changed the default QA for documentation to be the ubuntu-doc@lists11:04
mdkehope this is ok!11:05
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enricoit's very ok.  It didn't have much sense to point to me now11:08
mdkecool thanks11:08
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rob^you should get a largish patch for the faq shortly via the mailing list01:21
froud-workwill pic it up01:22
rob^should be intresting to see what people say about it01:22
froud-workrob^: has anyone applie dto get you a commit account01:22
froud-workplease send me your public pgp key and desired username01:22
froud-workthanks I will fwd to enrico so that he can get James to create the account01:30
froud-workenrico: ping new svn commit account headed your way01:31
enricofroud-work: ok, I'll catch it01:31
enricoin the meantime01:31
enricothe EU parliament rejected the proposal for a software patent directive !!!01:31
enricoW00T!  W00T!  W00T!!01:32
mdkegood news01:32
mdkealmost unanimous too01:32
rob^good to hear, if only Australia thought the same way :(01:33
mdkenow for a really good day all we need is for the Olympics to be given to London01:33
rob^night all01:34
froud-worknight rob^ thanks for your work01:34
froud-workenrico: elmo is slow again on some accounts01:34
mdkeelmo is pretty busy right now, we can always ping him and he'll do it01:35
froud-workwhen I ping him he ignores01:35
mdkehe has not been online the last two days01:35
enricoif elmo ignores, there's not much to do 01:35
enricoin Debian it's the same01:36
mdkei havent had him ignore me01:36
froud-workI pinged him about 4 days ago on kubuntu-devel01:36
enricoreally unfortunate01:36
mdkehe is just not always there01:36
froud-workHe he when he just posted a comment01:36
froud-workhe is there01:36
froud-workhe just chooses what to respond to01:36
froud-work:-) selective hearing01:37
mdkethat's what busy people do i guess01:37
mdkewe'll just keep trying01:37
froud-workbut problem is that this can discourage new people who have energy01:37
mdkein the meantime people can submit patches01:37
froud-workpatches are fine, but after some time they become a Royal PITA01:38
froud-workand people want more direct access01:38
mdkewell tbh we have only been waiting 5-6 days for mgalvin01:38
mdkeits not too bad01:38
froud-workit also creates work for ppl like you, jeffsch and I01:39
mdkewhen he comes online I will chase up01:39
froud-workyes, a week is reasonable01:39
froud-workbut longer and it gets silly01:39
=== mdke nods
froud-workwe need two elmo's I dont believe the fault with svn as sabdfl stated in last meeting01:40
froud-workits a human thing01:40
froud-workperhaps just for this it may be better to port to a linode :-)01:40
mdkewell i don't think its a huge issue01:41
mdkewe'll see01:41
froud-workIt's an issue for a long time and is like a thorn in the foot01:41
mdkefroud-work, can you fix the time on your computer? your emails often appear before the mail that they are replying to01:42
froud-workyou have an account so it's not an issue for you01:42
froud-workbut think of the new eager beaver01:42
froud-workdo they01:42
froud-workwhat's the uri for the ubuntu ntp server01:44
mdkenot sure01:45
froud-workAh its ok I found one in the UK01:45
mdke /usr/bin/ntpdate a.ntp.alphazed.net is the one i use01:45
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froudmdke: what is your time now01:52
froudOk its working 13:52 here01:52
mdkeWed Jul  6 11:53:10 UTC 200501:52
froudthanks for that I did not see the problem01:52
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mgalvinhi all03:16
mgalvinhey froud03:26
froudwazzzzz up kdude :-)03:26
mgalvindo you know where elmo is?03:26
froudenrico: ping03:27
froudenrico: speak to mgalvin about his account03:27
froudmgalvin: know enrico has nudged him today03:27
mdkeelmo is dead03:28
froudmdke: dont joke03:28
mdkehopefully he will be revived soon03:28
froudmdke: not funny dude03:28
froudmdke: bad karma03:28
mdkei take it back03:28
mdkeno harm intended03:28
mgalvinenrico, is it possible to get my account set up soon?03:28
enricoI sent a mail to elmo today, also asking about the status of old requests03:29
mgalvinok, thanks, more patches for know i guess03:30
mdkemgalvin, we'll get there eventually!03:30
mdke [14:32]  < thom> mdke: moving03:31
mdkeelmo is moving house apparently03:32
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mgalvinah, i see03:37
=== gtaylor [~gtaylor@130-127-67-44.lehotsky.clemson.edu] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mgalvindo we have a coding standards document for coding the documents? like for example i noticed that the xml docs all use spaces instead of tabs, things like that03:58
frouduse what is comfortable fo ryou03:59
mgalvinok cool, just wondering03:59
froudthe whitespace outside elements is worthless03:59
froudits just one option of how you may see tings03:59
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froudplovs: you wrote to the list!!! what a nice surprise.04:53
=== robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
robitaillemdke:  good job on these icons.04:58
mdkerobitaille, high five!04:59
mdkegood job to you too04:59
mdkeactually I might not have finished em04:59
robitailleI saw that you found at least one new one for the IconsPage page; maybe we'll have to seach for any png to see if any others are hidding in the wiki on individual pages.05:00
mdkei think I found most of em05:01
mdkei haven't uploaded all the screenshots yet, but I will do em in a mo05:01
robitaillehummm...LaptopTestingConditions has been created.  Have they started shipping them?05:01
=== mdke crosses fingers
=== robitaille crosses fingers and toes
robitailletime to go to work...sigh05:15
mgalvinIs it possible for me to become an "official" docteam member?05:39
mdkeyou are05:39
mdkewe don't really have official/not official05:40
mdkeexcept for commit access, which we're working on for you :)05:41
mdkewas there something else you had in mind?05:42
mdkeyou could go for Ubuntu membership if you want05:42
mgalvini am an ubuntu member :)05:42
mgalvinthat was all, i was just wondering if there was anything special i needed to do05:43
mdkeah no need then05:43
=== judax [~judax@ppp-69-148-18-161.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mgalvinis it alright if i edit the FQ Guide entry on the wiki05:46
mgalvinalso is a preview of the gnome version of the docs being hosted anywhere, mako's seem outdates05:47
mdkeyeah we are trying to sort it05:47
mgalvini could put previews on my site if no one else is already doing it05:48
mdkemaybe someone who has a people.ubuntu.com webspace will volunteer05:48
mdkei'm asking now05:49
mdkemgalvin, you got some decent space?05:56
mdkei have a 128 upload05:56
mdkewe could share it05:57
jeffschI can host the style guide, at least temporarily05:58
mgalvini like i have around 500MB free space at the moment05:58
mdkemgalvin, upload?05:58
mdkemaybe we can get mako again05:58
mgalvini can upload the previews to my site05:59
mgalvinor if mako can thats fin05:59
mdkei've pinged him, we'll see if he is around05:59
mdkehi jeffsch how you doing05:59
jeffschyou got olympics, you don't got patents06:00
mdkegood day alround06:00
mgalvini feel bad, i live in ny, sad on both those fronts :(06:04
mgalvinoh well06:04
mdkehow can you be sad on the patents decision?06:04
mdkei c06:05
mgalvini am very glad about the eu patent news06:06
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=== Skywind [Skywind@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== jjesse [~jjesse@mail.ftpb.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-142-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010487351pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== mgalvin [~mgalvin@host-66-202-95-170.spr.choiceone.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-142-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mgalvingotta run, l8r all11:00
=== gtaylor [~gtaylor@130-127-67-44.lehotsky.clemson.edu] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== gtaylor [~gtaylor@130-127-67-44.lehotsky.clemson.edu] has left #ubuntu-doc ["Kopete]

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