
=== lilo [lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
sabdflMez: good point12:03
=== lilo looks in
Seveaswelcome lilo12:03
ogramako, lead us !12:04
sabdflhey lilo, i'll ping you when we get to your agenda topic12:04
lilosabdfl: thank you!12:04
makosilbs, you around?12:04
silbsmako: yes12:04
makosilbs asked to handle the art team first12:04
MezFTR: I'm Martin Meredith12:04
makowhich, i think makese sense12:04
=== sabdfl is Mark Shuttleworth
makoso yes12:04
makoeveryone should state their name for the record/log12:04
=== \sh is Stephan Hermann
=== Seveas aka Dennis Kaarsemaker
mdke<-- Matthew East12:04
=== Mez is Martin Meredith
=== seth_k is Seth Kinast
=== smurfix is Matthias Urlichs
=== mako is Benjamin Mako Hill
=== silbs is Jane Silber
=== lamont__ is LaMont Jones
bddebian<-- Barry deFreese12:05
kinjoo<-- Josh Kress12:05
=== nalioth is Marek Spruell
sabdflelmo sends apologies, he is mid-move with no net access12:05
makomy suggestion is to do the art team first and then to go back to the new maintainers and the rest in order12:05
=== uniq is Frode Doeving
sabdflok, ArtworkTeam12:05
makosilbs: want to give us the few-sentance version?12:06
Mezmako: you mean new Members not maintainers right ?12:06
silbsthere has been interest in having an artwork team. The purpose is outlined on the wiki page ArtTeam12:06
SeveasMez, new maint. is not CC business12:06
silbsI took the initiative to suggest some short term goals12:06
mdkeawesome idea12:07
silbs6-7 members were already signed up, but the team has never had formal approval from the CC12:07
sabdflthere's a lot of community interest in artwork generally12:07
MezSeveas, my point exavtly, mako said new Maintainers :D12:07
=== mvo is michael vogt (and late)
Seveaswill the art team save the Ubuntu calendar?12:07
sabdflSeveas: yes!12:07
Seveas+1 from me then12:07
silbsone of the goals (is the team accepts it) should be that the art team makes calendar wallpapers12:08
mdkei have one small question12:08
sabdflthere are a couple of names already12:08
sabdflandyfitz is working on icons, but needs community direction12:08
=== mdz [~mdz@host217-37-231-22.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
makomdke: shoot12:08
mdkewhen the april fool gdm screen happened, i got some complaints from people who were running ubuntu in their business12:08
Seveasi'm a (imnsho) relatively good photographer so I would like to join the team for wallpapers12:08
makosilbs: andyfitz is not on the list of members.. is that just an oversite?12:08
mdkethat is artwork related right? does anyone have any views?12:08
\shmdke: u mean with the 3 *sses?12:09
sabdflvolvoguy has done quite a bit of work, and is interested in the team12:09
Seveasmdke, Hoary was not released back then, businesses should not have used it12:09
makomdke: i think that's a sepereate issue we should maybe addres between now and next april.. but maybe not now12:09
sabdflSeveas: it was accidentally uploaded to warty too12:09
mdkemako, fair enough12:09
silbsmako: the list was a self-sign up thing.  I didn't add any of those names. I've spoken to Andy, who has already been working on icons. He was psyched about the idea of a team and more input on the icons12:09
=== mako nods to silbs
makook, that's what i suspected12:09
makoi suspect there are some other folks not on that list that would also be interested12:09
sabdflso that we have a point of contact, i'd like to nominate volvoguy as a short-term leader, for six months12:10
silbsbecause Kamion wasn't sure if he coul dmake the mtg, I spoke to him about this earlier.  He was concerned about a leader for the team.12:10
makomy main concern with new teams is that i don't want to create unnecessary divisions and buerocracy or empty teams12:10
mdzsilbs: did you receive a response from volvoguy?12:10
silbsthe suggestion was that we ask someone to lead for a temp period (say 6 months), and then let the team pick their own leader.12:10
sabdflafter six months we can review that, and choose someone based on the feelings of the team as it has emerged over that period12:10
makoit sounds like in this team, a team would be a good catalyst and organizational structure for continued work12:10
=== smurfix thinks it's a very good idea, and not just because he wants the calendar back ;)
sabdfldo we have a mailing list for them?12:11
silbsI asked Aaron Waite (sp?, volvoguy) if he would be willing to lead on a temp basis.  volvoguy has been very active with artwork stuff.12:11
mdkei feel sure that the team would attract contributors after being set up, lots of people are interested in artwork12:11
=== mako nods to silbs
silbssabdfl: we have a list ready to go - not announced yet. Was waiting for CC approval12:11
makosabdfl: what was kamion concerned about?12:11
SeveasI like the docteam approach for handling contributions: a few people with repository access and a mailing list for contributions12:12
makois there a reason we would not want to start with a team secretary/contact ala locoteams instead and then let the team decide over a few months what they want/need?12:12
\shactually, artwork needs to be approved by tb or cc because it concerns the whole distri *mypoint*12:12
SeveasMaybe the artwork team should use that too12:12
silbsmako: Kamion was concerned about having a leader/contact person/coordinator/secretary12:12
mdkemako, cool idea12:12
mdkeSeveas, cool idea too12:12
Seveasmako++ (again :))12:12
mako\sh: quite honestly, i don't have an interest in approving all artwork?12:12
\shmako: no...but the way to go12:12
makosilbs: i'd like one too, but we've been burned by this before.. i'd prefer the contact/secretary (which we need) and then we let the team decide if they need/want more12:13
Seveasmako, I think that the artteam should do that12:13
\shit's a window to the world, how we're presenting ubuntu to the world12:13
Seveasand that the CC should approve only the final artwork per release12:13
mako\sh: i think we should trust teh team to do the work and then get involved when there is problem12:13
mdzmako: so you support the creation of an official team?12:13
silbsso I don't have an answer from volveguy yet, but I propose that if he is willing then he start with that coordinator/secretary/whatever role (on a temp basis, till team gets rolling)12:13
\shmako: i would ++ Seveas point ...12:13
makomdz: yes12:14
makomdz: absolutely12:14
SeveasCreative minds work better when combined12:14
sabdflagreed that it should be a temp appointment, and subject to review at six months or sooner if it doesn't work12:14
ogramako, but thats what you look at the next six months.... i would like to see that it is accepted by a broad majority of our users before release12:14
sabdflbut volvoguys has been committed and active12:14
mdzartwork is an area which needs some initiative; the creation of a team would help to organize the ambition which is already forming in the community12:15
ogra++ for volovoguy12:15
makoogra: yes, getting things out there for preview *is* important12:15
ogramdz, but agreement form the community should still be required...12:15
\shok...++ for team + artwork + after 6 months a majority vote on the work12:15
Seveas3 months this time, artwork deadline is end of september...12:16
Seveas6 months was for leader appointment12:16
ograSeveas, it should be public some time before 12:16
makosabdfl: so, there's consensus to form the team12:16
sabdflok, so there are three proposals in front of the cc12:16
makosabdfl: thanks.. i'm trying to sort out what we're deciding here12:17
\shsilbs: can u prepare a fitting artwork (icons etc.) for gnome+kde?12:17
sabdfllet's hear from everyone, +1 or -1 or 0 on each oh these:12:17
sabdfl - setting up an artwork team, and asking volvoguy to coordinate for the first six months12:17
=== mako nods
bddebian+1 If I get a vote yet. :-)12:17
sabdflthat should do it then, kamion was +1 too12:18
makoi'd prefer that we stayed away from "leading" but, it's mostly semantic.. i think there's an important responsiblity to be filled and i think he's the guy to do it12:18
ograSPOC !12:18
mdkemako, :)12:18
Mezmako - thats why he said coordinate not lead :D12:18
sabdflok - thanks guys12:18
ogra(single point of contact !)12:18
silbsif volvoguy doesn't have time or can't for some reason, is there anyone here who would like that coordinator role?12:18
makoMez: liike i said, it's semantic12:19
\shsilbs: u? ,-)12:19
Seveassilbs, Andy Fitzsimon perhaps?12:19
ograsilbs, i'm available for packaging12:19
silbs\sh: nope, not me.  No artistic talent at all :)12:19
sabdflogra: could you add yourself as the technical contact for artwork packaging?12:19
\shsilbs: coordinating != painting ;)12:19
ograsabdfl, sure :)12:19
makoi'd like to lurk/follow the team as well12:20
makolooking at pretty pictures > reading more emails12:20
\shmako: hahaha12:20
makosabdfl: you said there were three issues12:20
\shmako: i have a lot ;) 12:20
sabdflmako: i could send you the raw files for the original calendar?12:20
makosabdfl: but your breakdown isn't the same as mine apparently.. was was 2/312:20
naliothwould think there'd a list to lurk 12:20
makosabdfl: DUDE, you have those?!12:21
makosabdfl: mako@ubuntu.com12:21
sabdflmako: that's because i can't count12:21
makosabdfl: ok, so we've done three already?12:21
=== Seveas rofl @ mako
sabdflmako: yes, and yes ;-)12:21
sabdflso, next?12:21
=== \sh grabs a new beer
makosilbs: alright, you win12:21
silbsmako: thanks :)12:22
makosilbs: what do you need from us? an announcement?12:22
makosilbs: you have the list, etc.. anything else?12:22
sabdflmako: can we add UbuntuSpatial to the agenda, please?12:22
mdzmako: the mailing list already exists; it needs CC endorsement ;-)12:22
sabdflmdz: that's done12:22
ograsabdfl, UbuntuSpatial ? 12:23
makosabdfl: for this meeting?12:23
silbsmako: the list (ubuntu-art) is ready. proposed goals are on the wiki.  Would like to talk to volvoguy, then we just need an announcement. I can coordinate that with you tomorrow12:23
=== mako gets another beer
Mezcan someone poke me when member candidates come up?12:23
sabdflthe opportunity for me to prostrate myself before the wizards of Gnome and ask forgiveness for that particular error12:23
\shogra: raeumlich :)12:23
mdkeMez, yes12:23
SeveasMez, ack12:23
\shogra: regional :)12:23
makosabdfl: ok12:23
=== mako puts the beer back
ogra\sh, yes...12:23
=== mdke looks around for wizards
makosilbs: sounds perfect12:24
sabdflmako: i've already had mine for the evening :-)12:24
mdzmdke: yes?12:24
sabdflok, member candidates?12:24
makosilbs: i am giving two talks tomorrow but should be around enough to coordinate12:24
makosabdfl: yes12:24
mdkeMez, poke12:24
makook.. not everyone was here12:24
=== \sh had 6 but anyways...member business
makoPeterVanEynde ?12:24
makonot this week?12:25
tsengi mailed him12:25
Mezhehe :D12:25
makoJeanRemyFalleri ?12:25
tsengabout being more visible in MOTU12:25
=== ogra hast seen him since he opened hs lisp team
tsengno luck.12:25
makotseng, ogra: next time :)12:25
makomore luck with Jean Remy ?12:25
ograsad he's missing.. kubuntu would be happy12:26
makowho was here last time IIRC12:26
makoogra: kubuntu can be happy next time12:26
Mezdidnt JRe get passed last week ?12:26
\shyeah..jre is a nice add12:26
Seveaswasn't he approved..?12:26
Mezhe was approved last time with me12:26
makoi think we asked to come back in two weeks12:26
=== mako boggles
Meznope Mako - you approved him12:26
=== Seveas does a quick vgrep on logs
Mezsame as me :D12:26
tsenghe did the packaging guide12:26
ogramako, hmm, i think Mez is right...12:26
=== mako looks and realizes you are right
makoyes, yes, i have it on my list12:26
=== Kamion arrives belatedly
\shjre is member 12:27
Seveaswelcome Kamion 12:27
mdkehi Kamion :)12:27
Mezhe's in approved on there mako12:27
\shhe wasn't motu 12:27
sabdflhey Kamion! grab a beer12:27
ograor a coffee :=12:27
\shhe isn't motu better to say12:27
makowell, no CoC yet, but he's approved12:27
mdzKamion: good evening12:27
makosomeone tell the man to send me a signed CoC12:27
Kamiona lemsip in my case12:27
\shmako: i will poke him and advise him12:27
makoalright, lets move on12:27
mdkebut he's in the member group in launchpad12:27
makokinjoo: DUDE12:27
kinjooI#m here12:27
makoso, here's the deal12:28
makoyou should give us a few sentances of what you've done for ubuntu12:28
Mezbeing in the member group doesnt mean member - just approved12:28
makoand then a sentance or so about hwere you want to see the project go12:28
makoand what you want to do to take it there12:28
mdkeMez, ok... not that logical tho ;)12:29
kinjooWell, I think the most important I've done so far:12:29
kinjooPromoting Ubuntu at my dorm12:29
kinjooand at LinuxTag12:29
kinjoowhich rocked!12:29
Mezmdke: I think the approved bit = added as approved memebr and when you sign a CoC you get karma added on launchpad12:29
\shnice..next year I will visit the linuxtag ;) 12:30
Kamion /whois kinjoo12:30
kinjooI've talked to a lot of University members12:30
mdzKamion: ;-)12:30
Kamionmdz: (intentional)12:30
Seveasyes Kamion 12:30
ograKamion, 12:30
kinjooThey'd be happy to help spread ubuntu12:30
kinjooKamion: yes12:30
Seveaskinjoo, do you cooperate with ubuntuusers.de?12:30
\shkinjoo: u mentioned on your wiki page: "Writing a book about ubuntu"12:30
makokinjoo did *serious* work to make ubuntu at linuxtag a success12:30
makohe was also at mataro12:30
kinjooThe future: Ubuntu should rule the world ;-)12:30
ogramako, yes, he snores :)12:31
\shkinjoo: u mean o'reilly germany, in cologne?12:31
mdkethere was a book published in german, was that yours kinjoo ?12:31
kinjooyes I had a long phone call this morning12:31
\shkinjoo: u will write, or u wrote?12:31
ogramdke, you mean the book from kofler ? 12:31
kinjoomdke: no this was Kofler's12:31
mdkeah right12:31
kinjooI write a new one12:31
\shso especially ubuntu is covered?12:32
kinjoowil be GNU FDL12:32
makokinjoo: :)12:32
\shkinjoo++ :)12:32
kinjooto include it to Ubuntu12:32
=== Seveas thinks: become a member when the book is done :)
makokinjoo has done great work promoting ubuntu and playing a major leadership role in the german ubuntu loco presence12:32
\shkinjoo: can u get in contact with sebastian for php includes for ubuntu? ,-)12:32
sabdflkinjoo: fantastic work in Linux Tag, btw12:32
kinjoowill be german first, then hopefully english (depends on OReilyy USA)12:32
kinjoosabdfl: Thanks!12:33
makoi appreciated his work at LT and enjoyed the kebap i ate with him on the way to the trainstation12:33
sabdflso, CC, yes, or defer, to kinjoo membership in the ubuntu project?12:33
kinjoomako: ;-)12:33
mako(but i have never meat a kebab i didn't enjoy)12:33
\shkinjoo: ++12:33
mdkekinjoo, if you like you can help the Documentation Team, just give us an email :D12:33
mako++ from me12:33
\shmako: come to kerpen ;)12:33
mdkekinjoo ++ for membership12:33
Seveaspast advocacy work definitely qualifies imho12:33
sabdflKamion: ?12:33
kinjoomdke: certainly!12:34
mdkekinjoo, that would be great, we are working on a number of books right now, you can see the list at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamProjects12:34
\shkinjoo: if you have a meeting here in cologne with the o'reilly guys, give me a call to sign keys and have a beer :)12:34
kinjoo\sh: cool, I call u12:35
\shkinjoo: would be nice, if we can get sebastian bergmann, to work with us on ubuntu php or something...but he is involved right now in gentoo :(12:35
Seveasubuntu php?12:35
Mezseveas ++12:35
\shkinjoo: but I think to get some contacts at o'reilly ping him and greetings from me12:35
sabdfli'm guessing colin / kamion is afk right now12:36
Mez(or should that be +?)12:36
sabdfl+1 from me for kinjoo12:36
kinjoo\sh: I will talk to him!12:36
sabdfli have a casting vote, which i'll use here to welcome kinjoo aboard12:36
\shkinjoo: welcome on board :) if it's working u rock dude12:36
Seveaswelcome kinjoo !12:36
ograsabdfl, well done :)12:36
Mezcongrats kinjoo12:36
Kamionkinjoo> +112:37
sabdflkinjoo: thanks again for your advocacy12:37
kinjooThank you, guys!12:37
sabdflKamion: phew :-)12:37
Kamionsorry for lag, I'm catching up elsewhere12:37
ograkinjoo, welcome12:37
\shguys: ubuntu php is only an idea :)12:37
sabdflKamion: you vector. i'm bunged up this eve12:37
sabdflnext up!12:37
makolets move on12:37
sabdflmarek spruell?12:37
=== Mez hands sabdfl some nasal spray
Kamionsabdfl: d'oh :-/12:38
sabdflnalioth: around?12:38
\shnalioth: u r not a member?12:38
naliothi had to work during last cc12:38
Seveaslast week he got the 2-week-notice12:38
ogranalioth, so how is UbuntuNUN going ? 12:38
naliothin the meat world12:38
Meznalitoh got put off for 2 weeks and missed last one12:38
mdzKamion: sabdfl is trying to transmit your pathology to me12:38
Kamionogra: beat me to it] 12:38
=== mako nods
Kamionmdz: I don't want to know12:38
ograKamion, new users network12:39
mdzKamion: easy, tiger12:39
makonalioth: want to do the intro to your work and your vision?12:39
naliothi have been working with Mez and Seveas concerning the NUN12:39
SeveasubuntuNUN is still in early stages, nalioth and /me are working on specs and things12:39
Kamionogra: yeah, I know, that's why I was about to ask about it too12:39
Mezoi and me Seveas !12:39
naliothhave been pointing prospective 'mentors' to the sign-up page12:39
Seveasbut i've been a tad busy myself so it god delayed on my side12:39
ograKamion, yes, i just remembered you dislike of abbrev.12:39
\shNUN is ruling da world 12:39
SeveasNuN will be great, nalioth is doing good IRC work too12:40
\shI just saw seveas and others answering a lot of questions lately12:40
naliothi help out quite a bit in #ubuntu with the "new" new user questions12:40
mdkeis there a URL for this NuN thing?12:40
Mezfor anyone who's interested: https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/people/unp/+members12:40
\shand nalioth is doing good work as well12:40
ogragot a wiki page ? 12:40
mdkefound it12:40
=== sabdfl likes the LP usage :-)
=== Seveas wants nalioth as member and definitely as IRCop in #ubuntu, we lack US based active ops
Mezogra: still in developemtn12:40
mdkeNewUserNetwork <- ogra12:40
\shhope u get rid of those stupid "Newbie" stuff ;)12:40
ogramdke, thanks :)12:40
Mezsabdfl, you gave me the idea to use it :D 12:40
\shmy idea actually12:41
Mez\sh what was your idea?12:41
\shmez: NUN12:41
Mezah the name :D12:41
Mezand the concept :D12:41
mdkenice guidelines Seveas 12:41
makonuns :)12:41
\shthe concept, i have nothing to do with it ;) but the meaning of Ubuntu and NUN comes along quite nicely :)12:41
Seveaswhich reminds me, i'll put op ubuntuguide.org for the next agenda...12:42
Mezyeah, we're thinking of getting NUNHelpers to sign the guidelines...12:42
MezSeveas - I think we'll be putting up NUN too :D12:42
mdkei don't like the name NewbieGods12:42
=== Mez pokes nalioth
\shmdke: ++12:42
mdkeits a bit patronising12:42
Seveasmdke, that has been scrapped already12:42
sabdflmdke: agreed12:42
Mezmdke - we're changing it :D12:42
naliothmdke: it will be changed in all places12:42
Mezwe said all this last meeting :D12:42
makodd/win 2412:42
Mezand we'll be changing it12:42
\shI told seveas to rename and/or remove it...newbies is just a word like "stoopids"12:42
bddebianHey, I resemble that remark12:43
Seveasthe NuN will not talk about newbies OR gods12:43
mdkeits simple to rename pages, just check the backlinks by cliccking on the page title, then fix the links, then rename12:43
=== silbs [~sbsm0084@host86-129-122-34.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
mdkei don't mind doing it12:43
SeveasBut let's get back to the agenda, we were discussing nalioth12:43
makoSeveas: thanks12:43
Mezmdke :D we're getting around to it :D I've been moving house so thats why it's been going slow :D and yeah - nalioth12:43
Seveas+1 from me12:43
sabdflcould any of the other NUN guys comment on nalioth's contribution?12:43
ogra+1 for nalioth 12:43
Mezsabdfl, to NUN ?12:44
=== mako is happy with the work and improvements in the last week
ograMez, overall12:44
sabdflMez: across the board12:44
\shas I said. nalitoth is doing a great job...I can't do it12:44
ogra\sh, so everything you cant do is great ??12:44
mako+1 from me12:44
Mezacross the board: nalitoh +1 from me, he's been doing a great job recruiting for NUN and also a great job supporting people via IRC...12:44
Mezhe says he puts in 10 hours a week12:44
\shogra: no :)12:44
Mezseems more like 2012:44
Meznalioth +112:44
sabdflKamion: your vote on nalioth for membership? NewUserNetwork admin and strong forum contributor12:45
\shogra: but sometimes I don't have the nerves for this new user thing. and I agree with larf...we need to inform the peopel, give them knowledge..so nalioth ++112:45
bddebianHmm, that might actually be one place I can help12:45
Mezstrong IRC contributor sabdfl 12:45
Mezbddebian, poke me after the meeting and we'll talk12:45
bddebianOK, thx12:46
KamionI haven't encountered nalioth myself much, but he seems to have a fan club among people I do know :-) +112:46
SeveasRequest to interrupt the members discussion after nalioth12:46
bddebianDoh I'll never get home.. :-)12:46
Seveaslilo has to leave soon, so can we please schedule the freenode registration now12:46
sabdflok, +1 from me too, welcome nalioth!12:46
ograhello nalioth 12:47
=== lips [~lips@132-bem-14.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
nalioththanks, y'all12:47
Seveaswelcome aboard, nalioth12:47
Seveassigned CoC's go to mako :)12:47
sabdflnalioth: you need to get a signed CoC to mako, and request membersip at https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/people/ubuntumembers/12:47
Meznalioth needs to get a key signed first ;)12:47
lipshi all12:47
ograMez, he can also find a notary12:47
bddebianHello lips12:48
tsengmako: no no12:48
Seveasmake, wait12:48
Mezogra: notary?12:48
=== ogra has no idea who that is....
Seveasread my last lines please :)12:48
SeveasRequest to interrupt the members discussion after nalioth12:48
Seveaslilo has to leave soon, so can we please schedule the freenode registration now12:48
ogranalioth, nope12:48
makogot it sorry12:48
Seveaslilo, you're up :)12:48
makoplease, go ahead12:48
ogranalioth, its the alternative way12:48
lilookay.... first of all, I should introduce myself12:49
liloI'm Rob Levin, the executive director of Peer-Directed Projects Center and the head of staff of its project freenode12:49
sabdflkarthik085, you are next, please shout if you are present?12:49
lilothank you so much for putting us on the agenda!12:49
Seveasyw :)12:49
liloas you may have seen on the website, we're eternally in the process of transitioning from something that is not quite normal IRC to something that is slightly less like normal IRC :)12:50
Kamionlilo: thanks for going to the effort of going through these channels :-)12:50
Mezkarthik doesnt seem to be here12:50
liloKamion: not a problem :)12:50
Kamioner, channels not in the IRC sense ...12:50
liloKamion: glad to :)12:50
liloone of the latest changes is that we are in the process of slowly producing a replacement for irc services which is oriented more toward users and real-world gro12:51
liloups than toward nicks and channels12:51
lilo(forgive me, lack of sleep and an unfamiliar keyboard here :)12:51
sabdfl(terrex: btw, you'll be up next, could you be ready with a few sentences on where you'd like to take the ubuntu project and what your contribution has been so far?)12:51
lilothe new system involves registering organizations and then providing them with user cloaking and with more direct control of their channels12:52
liloas a forerunner to the new system, we have instituted a manual group registration process so that we can provide groups with some additional assistance in the interim, particularly, cloaks12:52
liloso that's where you guys come in :)12:52
Mezlilo - I'm surprised you're coming to us about this rather than us coming to you12:53
KamionFWIW, we did discuss the group registration thing at one point a while back12:53
\shlilo: u mean: #ubuntu* -> canonical/ubuntu?12:53
mdkethat's service eh12:53
KamionI think it didn't happen due to lack of effort more than anything else12:53
Kamionbut I could be wrong12:53
liloMez: I'm hoping to get most of the major projects cut over *before* the new software comes in12:53
SeveasI for one am totally supporting registering Ubuntu to show teamspirit12:53
lilo\sh: exactly12:53
Mezlilo :D nice we're recognised :D I was actually going to suggest talking to you guys about this in AOB - till it came up on the agenta :D12:54
liloone of the near-term advantages to the new system is that we can cloak your members for you, as a way to show their affiliation :)12:54
SeveasAnd am volunteering to be the contact, if the CC agrees12:54
liloMez: :)12:54
lilosince I'm a bit short on time, let me point you to the basic docs12:54
liloand summarize12:54
lilohttp://freenode.net/group_registration.shtml describes registration and points to the registration form12:54
\shlilo: what's the purpose of cloaking anyways?12:54
lilohttp://freenode.net/faq.shtml#groups is the section of the faq which talks about groups12:55
mdke\sh, hides your ip/gives you l33t status12:55
Seveas\sh, showing group participation12:55
Kamionlilo: awkward question: do you see Canonical and Ubuntu as the same organisation from this point of view? As you may know, there are some internal Canonical channels too.12:55
Mez\sh - /whois riddell12:55
lilo\sh: it's really for you guys to label your participants12:55
lilo\sh: it's a way to give them a little pat on the back, and to show your project around freenode as well12:55
lilowe like it because it gives freenode participants more of a window into who's working on what12:55
\shlilo: so, if i'm working for more projects then ubuntu, i have a problem, right? or can I cloak on channel level?12:56
Seveas\sh, no you cannot12:56
lilo\sh: right now you'd have to pick a single project to cloak yourself 12:56
lilo\sh: there's no convenient way to switch12:56
=== lilo looks apologetic
Seveas\sh, file a wishlist bug :)12:56
\shSeveas: this is not the point ;)12:56
lilobut eventually you'll be able to select your cloak at any given moment, and I suspect your user page and whois could show all your affiliations12:56
Mezlilo, but I'm sure thats something you could work on?12:56
sabdflKamion: i guess it would all be ubuntu12:57
liloMez: definitely12:57
liloMez: we're going to a more web-based system12:57
Kamionsabdfl: if you're happy with that, by definition so am I ;-)12:57
liloMez: and there I think we'll have a lot more configuration options12:57
liloMez: chat remains the same, but services will be more web-based12:57
sabdflKamion: i'm open to suggestions of course, just saying i don't have a need to dfferentiate12:57
\shlilo: one question more: how many user contributed servers do u have now in your network, where u have at least irc-admin access to ?12:57
Seveaslilo, why do you want as many groups as possible now instead of when the new software is there?12:57
liloMez: and the intent is definitely to give people more cloaking options12:57
Mezlilo - couldnt you make it more like a "hostserv" style thing to enable you to switch cloak?12:57
sabdfllilo: is there a cost?12:58
lilo\sh: I'd have to check, probably currently about 2512:58
lilosabdfl: there is no cost whatsoever12:58
Mezsabdfl, nope - read the documents12:58
lilosabdfl: we do it because you're participants 8)12:58
lilosabdfl: well, there is one slight cost12:58
\shlilo: liar ;)12:58
sabdfllilo: can we easily feed you a text list of members?12:58
sabdfland update it automatically?12:58
Kamionsabdfl: the only issue would be if there were any kind of network-imposed access control policy12:58
lilosabdfl: to get cloaks, you need to fill out a group contact form, at which point you acknowledge an official relationship with us :)12:58
mdzlilo: what do you gain when more users particpate in this?12:58
lilosabdfl: basically, you say, "we're here" :)12:59
Seveassabdfl, it takes a group contact to do that12:59
lilosabdfl: that's the cost :)12:59
sabdflbecause we could link the launchpad membership list to that, and then it would be automatic12:59
=== \sh doesn't like cloaking
Seveas\sh, cloaking is not the only point12:59
sabdfl\sh: is cloaking optional? lilo?12:59
lilomdz: we gain one more official participating group, and we gain the advantage of having your participants more visible on the net12:59
Mezlilo - you should have said it costs a lot ;) mark's a rich guy ya know :D12:59
sabdflMez: rich and STINGY!12:59
smurfixCloaking is optional, says the FAQ12:59
liloMez: hehe12:59
\shit doesn't give u a security at all...so it's only cosmetic01:00
sabdflok, this sounds fun01:00
lilosabdfl: so, it's, like, pretty cheap :)01:00
lilo\sh: not much security yet01:00
Mezsabdfl, yet you pay to go to space and agree to talk for free at LRL01:00
lilo\sh: again, something we plan to improve01:00
Mezsabdfl, you say link it to launchpad - which member group ?01:00
sabdflMez: moments of weakness, of which i';m sometimes proud ;-)01:00
mdzMez: for example, Ubuntu01:00
liloI will note that, when it comes to programmer help, freenode is probably the lowest-priority project on freenode 8)01:00
lilobut we're slowly making improvements :)01:00
\shlilo: so, cloaking is a nice to have for someone wants to show off...but gives u no security against floods or ddos?01:00
sabdflmez: https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/people/ubuntumembers/+members01:01
lilo\sh: it provides some security01:01
lilo\sh: there are race conditions01:01
Kamionlilo: if we fed you a membership list automatically as a list of project members, would all those folks end up cloaked, or can you distinguish in a slightly more fine-grained way between project members and project members who want cloaks?01:01
lilo\sh: again, that we plan to resolve01:01
Mezsabdfl, and we're only glad you do have those moments of weakness... we wouldnt be here if you did01:01
SeveasKamion, users will have to set-up cloaking themselves01:01
liloKamion: the faq section on cloaking describes what you guys can do01:01
sabdflMez: nah. that was a moment of weakness on your folks' part :-)01:01
liloKamion: basically, you can acknowledge whoever you consider to be a participant, and label them generically, or according to their role01:01
Kamionlilo: yeah, I read that, it was woolly :-)01:01
\shlilo: sorry, i only ask, cause the other irc networks are running quite diff. ircds ;)01:01
Mezsabdfl, I mean this community ;) :P01:02
sabdfllilo: if you can commit that individual members will still have control, then we can ask the community council how they feel about publishing the list to freenode like that01:02
liloKamion: you can cloak foo as foo.member.ubuntu or as foo.ubuntu01:02
lilosabdfl: individual freenode participants can always accept or reject a cloak; it's offered, not required01:02
Kamionlilo: right, but some of our project members won't want to be cloaked, even though we would wish to acknowledge them as project members01:02
lilosabdfl: you provide us with the list, and the user accepts or rejects01:03
=== lilo nods at Kamion
lilousually we add cloak and then ask, because in most cases the user already knows they're getting a cloak01:03
makosounds fine01:03
liloin the case of ubuntu, though, we can ask first, then cloak01:03
Seveassounds ok to me01:03
\shlilo: how do u add cloaks? on host basis or ip or network?01:03
liloit's your preference01:03
lilo\sh: by registered nick01:03
\shlilo: or is it just like nickserv?01:04
lilo\sh: so the user should register, and then we add the cloak01:04
lilohttp://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup describes the canonical (no pun intended) nick setup01:04
liloit's a bit elaborate, which is another thing we're working on fixing in the long term 8)01:04
lilo\sh: it's done through nickserv *nod*01:04
\shso \sh could be \sh!~sh@somewhere @ ubuntu_cloack01:04
Seveas\sh, yes01:05
\shbut \sh_away is not covered01:05
lilogenerally you'd be something like sh.somethingorother.ubuntu01:05
Seveasit is01:05
mdkeyou can link the nicks01:05
liloany linked nicks are covered01:05
sabdfllilo: we would feed you a list of nick's, right?01:05
lilothe first token is unique per-user, per-project and you can use name, userid, forum id, master nick, committer id, etc.01:05
lilowhatever you guys want to pick01:05
lilosabdfl: a list of nicks and any needed cloak detail01:06
lilo(foo.member.ubuntu, foo.staff.ubuntu, etc.)01:06
liloyou guys design the hierarchy01:06
sabdfllilo: hmm... cloak detail would be hard to provide from our membership list01:06
liloas long as it meets the general requirements01:06
sabdfloh, right01:06
lilosabdfl: it's your choice whether to provide it01:06
Mezsabdfl, dont you ahve differnt groups for members/maintainers?01:06
sabdflok, let's ask the CC if they want to proceed with this, and then we can work out the details01:06
=== \sh doesn't like cloaking..I'm a member of a community and not somethign special..
sabdflMez: yes, we do01:07
Seveas+1 from me01:07
liloanother benefit of group registration is that we can reserve your channel name space01:07
\sh-1 from me01:07
sabdfldevelopers, members (should be a superset, but it's not enforced), translators...01:07
Mezthen you can use that or just have everyone as nick.ubuntu01:07
lilowe'd reserve #ubuntu-* and #canonical-* probably01:07
Mezlilo - what about #kubuntu-*01:07
sabdflmako, Kamion?01:07
mdzlilo: probably?  are there standards for this?01:07
terrexhi friends01:07
lilowe have to defer to trademarks and we also defer to clear community-based name ownership01:07
=== robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Seveaslilo, what about channels that are registered already?01:07
makosabdfl: sounds totally fine to me01:07
terrexim late for the meeting sorry01:07
sabdflterrex: np, you're up next01:08
Kamionsabdfl: just waiting for this namespacing discussion to finish01:08
lilomdz: we do what's intuitive based on, again, trademark or clear community title01:08
mdzlilo: what level of control is granted for channels which are reserved, and to whom?01:08
\shI mean, chanserv and nickserv are enough for many of us who r working on more projects01:08
lilomdz: we get with you to disambiguate if there's a conflict01:08
lilomdz: in the case of ubuntu, there would be a sponsoring organization, if I understand the relationship correctly, and that would be canonical01:08
terrexi want to became a comunity member01:08
Seveasterrex, you'll be up next, please wait your turn01:09
sabdfl\sh i think this would just be a nice way to show your affiliation with a project, and as long as lilo says the user has totaly control no matter what a project says about them (something i assume they need just for basic sanity anyhow) it's fine by me01:09
terrexok sorry.01:09
liloso we would need someone at canonical with the authority to create a relationship with PDPC to submit an 'approving' entry01:09
mdzlilo: sponsoring in what sense?  representation, or financial support?01:09
Kamionlilo: I think the question would be, how much bureaucracy would one of us have to wade through if we wanted to create a temporary channel in our namespace quickly?01:09
=== lilo guesses that would be sabdfl
liloKamion: initially you just create it, and let us know if there's a conflict with a non-ubuntu "old-style" chanserv owner01:09
liloKamion: we talk to them for you and fix it01:09
Kamionsounds a bit WIPOish ;-)01:10
Seveaslilo, so creating #ubuntu-foobar temporarily is no big deal?01:10
liloKamion: when freenode-registry goes in, the approving contact can delegate both the control and the operation of some or all channels, and there will be a default feature01:10
liloSeveas: none at all, and less once we get to the next generation server :)01:10
liloSeveas: right now we intervene gently and manually if there's a problem, we point to the policy, and so on01:10
liloSeveas: eventually you'll have direct control01:11
Kamionok, we have a large enough collection of people who might want to do such things that I think locking it down technologically would probably be overengineering01:11
makoalright.. i'm going to need to dispear soon01:11
makothey'reabout to kick people out01:11
Seveassounds like a lot of occasional manual labor01:11
\shsabdfl: it's my opinion...i'm working on more projects then ubuntu..(not distro related) so I don't like the idea, actually, I'm a man of the folk not a "see, i have a ubuntu dev/member/god"...01:11
liloKamion: well, you can decide how to delegate it once the services replacement appears on the scene01:11
liloyou as a project01:11
Seveasmako, stand your ground! :)01:11
sabdfl\sh: that's why i think it's essential you're able to override this01:11
mdz\sh: as I understand it, that's your decision01:11
sabdflotherwise ANY project will claim linus as a member :-)01:11
lilono one has to accept a cloak01:11
seth_kmako, go war driving :P01:12
liloit's always the decision of the person to whom it's offered01:12
\shsabdfl: if it's not forced, u have my vote, if it's forced, remove my nick from the list01:12
sabdflmako: thanks for making it! safe travels up to HEL, see you there friday01:12
lilowe do ask that you let us hyphenate onto the first token an indication if you're a pdpc donor, so we can acknowledge those donors01:12
liloand then we ask the receipient of the cloak if that's okay, too :)01:12
lilosome accept, some don't01:12
Kamionlilo: first token of ...?01:12
mdzmako: safe travels, and see you soon01:13
lilofor example, kamion.member.ubuntu might become kamion-sustaining-pdpc.member.ubuntu01:13
mdzmako: I've some fine bourbon to share in HEL01:13
liloagain, optional01:13
\shsabdfl: but, if the cloak gives me more security against kiddy flooding or ddos then: 100% ++ from me01:13
lilo\sh: it gives you some security01:13
\shlilo: we know the truth ;)01:13
lilo\sh: there are race conditions and ways to get past it, but it definitely gives you casual security and eventual changes will make it pretty solid01:13
=== \sh is long enough on irc to know the system :)
sabdflok, let's take it to a decision01:13
Kamionok, since it sounds like post-group-registration things remain approximately business as usual for us unless we choose otherwise on an individual basis, I don't have an issue with acknowledging the network's support01:14
Mezbasically... this is just saying if you want it, youcan, if you dont you dont, but this is to say whether it should be available or not01:14
lilo\sh: we have a prototype of ahighly secure cloak, but it's not scalable01:14
lilo\sh: we know how to do it, but it's not yet usable01:14
sabdfl + 1 from me to explore it further OOB, and try it out01:14
Kamion(which is a long way of saying "+1 as long as we keep thinking about it")01:14
Seveas+1 from me too01:14
sabdflwe can pull back if there's crack :-)01:14
sabdflok, and mako said he had no prob01:14
\shlilo: r u providing this security features to ircnet as well? or r u in contact with those admins?01:14
Seveassabdfl, shall I write a spec about this for the next CC?01:14
sabdflSeveas: that would be very cool01:14
lilo\sh: every irc server code tree is a bit different01:14
Seveassabdfl, consider it done01:15
lilo\sh: just about any network can do something similar if they so choose01:15
\shlilo: yes :) I mean those features can be backported ;)01:15
sabdflSeveas: we can ask ubuntu members to register their freenode nick in LP, and automatically send that text list to a freenode url01:15
Kamionlilo: (for the avoidance of confusion, the vote's formally among the four council members, although others certainly get to have a say ...)01:15
sabdflsee if you can work out the details with lilo01:15
Seveassabdfl, ack01:15
lilolet me wrap up my end of it01:15
\shlilo: we r all coming from ircd ,-)01:15
lilowe would need an approving group contact form from canonical, and we would phone the approving contact to verify01:15
sabdfllilo: email me that form, mark@ubuntu.com01:16
mdzlilo: that's no problem if the council approves01:16
liloif you want a different day-to-day contact, we recommend several, and they need to submit the forms as 'approved' type01:16
Kamiondoes this mean the council gets to assign action items to sabdfl? ;-)01:16
lilothen we verify them and check with the approving contact01:16
liloyou tell us what authority they have01:16
lilothen it's set up and several freenode staffers can take care of any cloaking requests or changes, or any channel record update requests01:16
sabdflKamion: assign away, but not necessarily with boundless optimism :-)01:16
lilothe url's provided above give you quite a bit of info01:17
sabdflok, let's see if we can make this work01:17
Kamionsabdfl: worth a try01:17
sabdfldo we have a list of our current OPS?01:17
liloagain, sorry to rush, and I really appreciate your putting us on the agenda01:17
\shlilo: can I poke u with some questions after this meeting?01:17
Seveassabdfl, OPS as in IRC operators?01:17
sabdfllilo: np, thanks for coming by, and we'll give this a whirl01:17
Kamionare our current approved ops actually ops? :-P01:17
sabdflSeveas: yes01:17
KamionSeveas: channel operators01:17
Seveassabdfl, /msg chanservaccess #ubuntu list01:17
=== Mez is an op on #kubuntu
Seveassabdfl, /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list01:17
lilosabdfl: fantastic... please use the 'squeaky wheel' procedure as outlined in the faq to make sure we take care you quickly01:18
=== Seveas would like to have nalioth operator too
sabdflSeveas: we also have an approved list, and i suspect most of them are not yet activated01:18
=== lilo waves to all and heads out
Kamionthat list does not correspond to what's previously been agreed01:18
Seveassabdfl, ah01:18
=== lilo bows
=== lilo [lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
sabdflcheers lilo01:18
sabdflthanks Seveas, will be interesting to see where that goes01:18
sabdflnext, terrex?01:19
Kamionjdub can create new operators; Keybuk/fabbione/lamont may be able to as well01:19
Seveasterrex, give us the 3-line description please :)01:19
terrexI'm using ubuntu since a half of a year; and linux 3 years ago. I send several bugs to ubuntu and gnome, and i've been joining some #ubuntu channels. At now i want to help with translate it to Spanish.01:19
=== \sh tries to get a server inside the freenode network
Seveasterrex, are you in contact with the spanish team already?01:19
Kamioncan applicants please state their real name? thanks01:20
terrexno, i arent01:20
Seveasterrex, please contact them01:20
seth_kKamion: terrex = GuillermoGutirrezHerrera01:20
Seveasterrex, is Jorge Daza01:20
Seveashmm ol01:20
terrexlaunchpad doesnt accept my gpg01:20
Seveasi'm behind on the list :)01:20
Kamionseth_k: thanks01:20
Mezterrex - shove it on a hey server :D01:21
Mezterrex - cool name01:21
terrexit is.01:21
terrexjeje thx01:21
mdketerrex, file a bug maybe01:21
Seveasterrex, what have you been doing for Ubuntu so far?01:21
Kamionterrex: you can certainly go ahead and start helping out; that would be good evidence of contribution towards membership01:21
terrexi send the coc signed to benjamin01:21
terrexi distributed 8 copies of it for my friends01:22
terrexand they are using it hapily, st with my help01:23
Mezterrex - have you contributed on the forums, via IRC, or the mailing lists?01:23
terrexyes, sending bugs01:23
Mezhave you filed bugs? packaged anything?01:23
ografixed bugs, made artwork etc...01:23
KamionI would like to see more evidence of contribution; links to bugs filed would be useful, as would follow-through on things like translation work01:23
terrexno only filed bugs01:24
ograterrex, we will need a list of stuff you did ...01:24
Seveasterrex, membership primarily is a sign of recognition of past and current contribution for Ubuntu, so I would say: contact the spanish Ubuntu team, help them out and et them vouch for you in a few weeks for your membership01:24
Kamionit sounds like terrex is working along the right lines, but just needs to keep at it :-)01:24
\shterrex: You didn't get your wife to use linux, why not?01:24
sabdflterrex: you're on the right track, and will likely be accepted as a member, but it will require some consistent constribution over time01:24
terrexim single \sh 01:24
seth_k\sh, that's Jorge you're talking about01:25
Kamion\sh: you seem to be in a somewhat confrontational mood tonight ...01:25
Seveas\sh, terrex != Jorge01:25
seth_k\sh, this is Guillermo01:25
terrexim Guillermo01:25
\shKamion: no :) 01:25
Seveaswas JorgeDaza skipped..?01:25
\shterrex: forget it :)01:25
terrexdoesnt matter01:25
\shKamion: and no confrontational mood :) 01:25
sabdflok, terrex: thanks for coming tonight, i know it's late in spain! can you keep going, build your wiki page with links to the bugs you file or comment on, etc, till you've made a strong impact on the community?01:26
sabdflthen come back for membership?01:26
Mez Jorge isnt here Seveas01:26
sabdflit does take time01:26
sabdflbddebian: around?01:26
bddebianOf course01:26
sabdflyou're up01:26
terrexyes here is 01.25 AM01:26
terrexok, i will01:27
sabdflterrex: thanks!01:27
bddebianFirst off, let me say that I am not expecting membership at this point.  I'm still looking for a place I can help out more effectively.01:27
bddebianOh, Barry deFreese btw01:27
sabdflbddebian: you're not much older than me :-)01:27
ograbddebian, but you are already quite entertaining in -motu :)01:27
\shsabdfl: u r 35?01:27
ogra\sh, younger ;)01:28
sabdfl31, for a little while longer01:28
bddebianogra: Well that's good but I'd like to help too. ;-)01:28
=== FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010487351pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
sabdflbddebian: we'd love to have you on board in whatever capacity floats your boat01:28
=== \sh is feeling old
bddebianI have been trying to package FreePascal, I've been through the Cxx transitions list, the bug list about 4 times01:28
terrexok friends, i'm going to bed, to the next meeting!01:28
mdzFLeiXiuS: welcome from the old stomping ground of MD ;-)01:28
bddebianGn terrex 01:28
Seveasgood night terrex 01:28
ogra1/2+ from me for bddebian for entertainement and motivation in the cannel 01:29
sabdflbddebian: the WHOLE bug list?01:29
Seveasogra, any contributions yet?01:29
\shbddebian is a great add ... he likes working and poking around ,-)01:29
bddebianI will probably jump on the NuN list now that I know about it01:29
bddebiansabdfl: Yes01:29
Seveasbddebian, great :)01:29
ograSeveas, a lot of words :)01:29
bddebiansabdfl: Oh and there are several duplicates01:29
mdzbddebian: what is the origin of your interest in FreePascal?01:29
Seveasogra, that's important too01:29
sabdflbddebian: ok, i like your spirit and the MOTU guys appreciate your presence, so i think you're on track01:29
bddebianmdz: It was on the list :-)01:29
ograSeveas, exactly01:29
Seveas1/2+ from me too, defering at least 2 weeks seems appropriate01:30
bddebianI started with xfce4 but was dissuaded01:30
sabdflbddebian: find something that's fun and manageable and grow from there01:30
sabdflbddebian: anything else?01:30
ograbddebian, you should coordinate xfce4 stuff with crimsun...01:30
Seveasbddebian, oh and change your nick :)01:30
mdzbddebian: what went wrong with xfce4?  are you interested in the LightweightDesktop feature?01:30
sabdflSeveas: dude! open arms!01:30
bddebiansabdfl: I'm a little stuck too because I am heavily considering an Ubuntu GNU/Hurd distro01:31
bddebianmdz: The MOM processes docs were confusing me some01:31
bddebianSeveas: Unfortunately I'm kinda stuck with it.  A friend registered a domain with it and everything :-)01:31
sabdflbddebian: i'd love to see a port, but it would likely be a labour of love for years before it got fully supported01:31
bddebianI expect that01:32
sabdflbddebian: well, thank you for coming this evening and keep those MOTU guys laughing ;-)01:32
sabdflsee you again soon01:33
Seveasbddebian, I for one am happy to have an enthousiastic person like you on board, you will definietly become a member once contributions are visible01:33
bddebianSeveas: Thanks01:33
sabdflwho's next?01:33
Seveasseth_k, 01:33
seth_kI am, I believe01:33
bddebianI could use a tiny bit of guidance on what to help out on though.01:33
bddebianSorry, I'm done :-)01:33
sabdflseth_k: around?01:33
Seveasbddebian, go poke ogra a bit more01:33
sabdflbddebian: how about the new artwork team?01:33
Kamion(Seth Kinast, for the record)01:33
Seveasbecome a motu :)01:33
sabdflthere's lots to be coordinated01:33
sabdfla shiny web site to display their work would rock01:33
ograbddebian, we'll get you in shape ;)01:34
bddebiansabdfl: Not really my bag unfortunately01:34
sabdflor join the MOTU team if you want to develop code01:34
bddebiansabdfl: That, I am working on01:34
sabdflor help mdke make the wiki rock harder01:34
Kamionany backports people wish to speak for Seth's contributions there?01:34
=== Mez waves
sabdflseth_k: you're up!01:34
seth_kMez is a backports dev; he's sponsored many of my packages01:34
seth_kI'm a senior at the University of Oklahoma; have been using Ubuntu since the release of Warty and have been running Breezy since the day after Hoary was released (I like pain ;) )01:34
seth_kI feel that my primary contributions so far have been twofold01:34
lipsbddebian do you have anything more than website in ubuntu gnu/hurd project?01:34
sabdflseth_k: masochist01:34
MezKamion- I'll talk for seth on backports... poke me when you need me01:35
seth_kFirst, in the area of support: I have nearly 200 posts on the Ubuntu Forums, which are almost exclusively devoted to the areas of Hoary and Breezy support. Additionally, I spend an average of 10 to 12 hours a week on the Ubuntu IRC channels (mainly in #kubuntu), helping users there with their issues.01:35
mdkesabdfl, bddebian yeah the wiki team is recruiting :)01:35
seth_k(I'm also fluent in French, and so have had the opportunity to help some of Ubuntu's community in their native language.) I have also joined the NUN group and hope to channel some of my effort to that end.01:35
KamionMez: now's fine01:35
bddebianlips: I'm not sure I get your question?01:35
Seveasseth_k, please join the NuN too, the NuN needs people like you01:35
seth_kSecondly, in packaging and backporting: thanks to Mez and siretart, I've been increasing my work with Ubuntu packages. I've backported over 20 applications from Breezy to Hoary (and various others from Debian unstable to Hoary).01:35
seth_kSeveas, I am a member of NuN01:35
MezSeveas - he just did :D01:35
mdkelots of activity01:35
seth_kAlso, I recently patched and packaged zSNES 1.4.2, a Nintendo SNES emulator, which was accepted by siretart and should be included in Breezy.01:35
seth_ksiretart expressed interest in having me join the MOTUGames team, which is an area in which I feel that I could contribute. KDE is really my first love, though; in the future I'd like to get deeper into KDE development and package some of the smaller KDE applications that as of yet have been overlooked. However, my primary focus remains support, as I feel that it's the biggest hurdle to overcome in making Linux available to the mainstre01:35
FLeiXiuSmdz: ;-)01:35
seth_kAs far as where I see Ubuntu heading, let me quote from my wikipage: "Rather than being an elite community of hackers, Ubuntu is able to appeal to everyone, thanks to the emphasis on support and community. Bugs are fixable, poor user interfaces forgivable. But without a good community to help and support new users, they will never be able to succeed."01:36
=== kassetra [~kassetra@c-67-171-201-213.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
MezSeth's done a lot of work for backports01:36
bddebianHow do you "join" the NuN team?  I thought the NewbieGods page was going away?01:36
sabdflseth_k: i just sms'd elmo about the backports infrastructure, i think it will be up soon01:36
Mezin fact a few times we've raced to see who got the package built first01:36
Mezbut seth has a faster machine :D01:36
lipsbddebian i'm trying to follow hurd progress, and i know that they succeeded with running gnome on hurd. so i just want to know how far you are01:36
bddebianseth_k: Amen to that, hence one of the big reasons I want an Ubuntu based GNU/Hurd :-)01:36
Seveasbddebian, there is unp as team on launchpad01:36
seth_kUbuntu is the ONLY distro I've ever used with such an opportunity to get involved at EVERY level. From community support to the artwork team, there's so little bureaucracy! It's amazing01:36
Kamionseth_k: any opinions on where how you'd like to see backport/mainstream cooperation going forward?01:36
Seveasseth_k, wow, lots of enthousiasm there01:36
Kamions/where //01:36
bddebianSeveas: OK, thx01:36
Mezhis packagesa re high quality (backports anywya) and he;s been a great help towards backports (I'm talking to John  to get him on team)01:36
seth_ksiretart would vouch for my zSNES Universe package imo, but he's asleep right now01:37
seth_kKamion, I think that "the b-word" are a necessity to make Ubuntu as accessible as it can be01:37
sabdflok, can anybody else chime in on seth_k?01:37
seth_khowever, it's going to require a lot of QA infrastructure that we still don't have in place01:38
sabdflseth_k: i'm really excited about the official backports01:38
Mezseht's also been a gerat help in #kubuntu ;)01:38
ograseth_k, just make a MOTUBackports team and use our QA ;)01:38
=== seth_k goes and pulls #kubuntu people to vouch for him :P
Seveasdo official backports mean Ubuntu infrastructure?01:38
mdkeseth_k sounds like he's done some good stuff. Help on forums and irc is good01:38
Seveasbecause backports servers now are down a lot01:38
KamionSeveas: (previous meetings)01:38
=== Seveas shuts up. Thx Kamion
bddebianOK, my apologies folks but I have GOT to head home.  Thank you for your time.  And +1 to seth_k  :-)01:39
sabdflSeveas: yes01:39
Riddellseth_k does do lots of support in #kubuntu01:39
sabdflbddebian: thanks and good night!01:39
KamionSeveas: (not meant as a "shut up", more as a reference :-))01:39
Mezsabdfl, can I talk to you in a bit about how thing are going to go about fgor backports?01:39
mdzMez: have you already reviewed the meeting outcome?01:39
mdzMez: it's a matter of logistics at this point01:39
MezI've seen that it;'s been accepted :D01:39
sabdflMez: i'm out of brownie points with the gf on late nights, and tonight isn't helping, so tomorrow ok?01:39
Mezfair enough sabdfl (cute gf though - reminds me of my ex)01:40
mdkewe're still waiting for a review of the backports meeting01:40
sabdflMez: we'll try bring it on stream this week, buildd's are ready for it01:40
mdkethat will help things along01:40
Seveas+1 on seth_k from me, based on what I hear here01:40
Mezsweet, well, poke me if you need things :D seeing as I'm the only one who'll be ablke to upload01:40
Mez+1 for seth from me - for backports and for irc/forums01:41
sabdflseth_k: +1 from me on backports work01:41
ogra+1 (for a still not given up hope on MOTUBackports)01:41
\shseth +1 for irc/forums but backports after official announcement...right now, there is more chaos about backports01:41
uniq+1 for seth_k from what i've seen in #kubuntu. 01:42
MezMOTU backports?01:42
\shMez: yes..whynot ;)01:42
ograMez, yes, i'm waiting for itz to form :)01:42
sabdfli think we'll be short without mako. kamion?01:42
Mezogra - poke me after meeting01:42
Kamion+1 seth_k; seems articulate, sensible, enthusiastic, has done Stuff01:42
Mezsabdfl, you have casting vote though :D01:42
seth_kwow Kamion, heavy adjectives there :P01:43
sabdflMez: don't often use it though01:43
Mezelmo isnt here either is he?01:43
SeveasMez, he has never abused that (apart from ubuntu spatial :))01:43
Kamionseth_k: you forgot the HEAVY NOUN01:43
sabdflin this case, ok +2 from me, so we're over the hump01:43
mdkeyeah love that Stuff01:43
sabdflwelcome aboart seth_k01:43
sabdflall aboart01:43
mdkegood work seth_k 01:43
Kamionsabdfl: advance warning, I'm beginning to pass out here01:43
sabdflKamion: me too :-/01:43
seth_kthank you all01:43
KamionI hadn't expected to be up until 1 here01:43
ograhey seth_k :)01:44
mdkebed calls for me01:44
SeveasNext up: marketing efforts01:44
ograKamion, be happy youre not here ;)01:44
bddebianGn mdke 01:44
Seveasor are we deferring that to next time?01:44
kinjooAh that's my point01:44
=== \sh has a date tomorrow :(
kinjooI'd be glad. It's almost 2 here01:45
Seveashere too01:45
mdz\sh: don't expect sympathy :-P01:45
Seveassabdfl, Kamion, given that you are passing out and mako and elmo are not here, shall we defer this final item?01:45
sabdflis there anyone here who has a strong interest in the marketing topic?01:45
\shmdz: hehehe ;)01:45
kinjoodeferr it, so everyone can get to his gf01:45
\shmdz: i'm up for everything :) but this woman is hotter the linux will ever be ;)01:46
sabdflthanks guys01:46
SeveasNext meeting: july 20 14:00 UTC01:46
kinjoothe most important thing about marketing would be coop with other projects01:46
ogra\sh, tell us againg in a year :-P01:46
sabdfl\sh: you never saw the images we COULDN'T put into the calendar!01:46
mdke\sh, surely not01:46
mdzogra: you sound like a married man ;-)01:46
sabdflnight all01:46
Seveas'night everyone01:47
\shsabdfl: u have millaJ in there? ,-)01:47
sabdflKamion: thanks very much for sticking with it01:47
mdkelol @ mdz01:47
ogramdz, you know i'm not :)01:47
sabdflabove and beyond...01:47
mdzthanks to all for your participation01:47
mdkenight guys01:47
bddebianGn sabdfl 01:47
mdzand good night01:47
kinjoonight to everyone01:47
naliothogra: notary?01:47
Kamionsabdfl: ok, glad to defer the rest01:47
=== mdz [~mdz@host217-37-231-22.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["thanks"]
Seveasi'll update the agenda01:47
ogranalioth, its outlined somewhere in the wiki01:47
Kamionnight, folks01:47
mdkenalioth, he is a rock start01:47
Kamionthanks to everyone for sticking around01:47
=== sabdfl [~mark@sabdfl.silver.supporter.pdpc] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
Seveasbtw: next meeting is 19 july01:47
Seveasnot 2001:47
=== \sh says sorry for all the old stupid sysadmin irc questions ;) hold up everything tonight ;)
ogranalioth, you can get a pritout of your key approved at a notary and fax it to mako01:48
naliothogra: ok thx (although i've arranged meetings with a couple of keysigners near me)01:48
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Seveas] : Calendar -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Calendar || Logs -- http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs || Tue 12 July 22:00 UTC: Tech Board -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda || Thu 14 July 22:00 UTC Documentation Team -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamMeetingAgenda || Tue 19 July 14:00 UTC Community Council -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda || This is NOT #ubuntu, or #ubuntu-devel
ogranalioth, its the absolute fallback01:48
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naliothogra: if my meeting(s) fall thru, there is the fallback01:48
ogranalioth, yeps01:49
KamionSeveas: (thanks for topic gardening)01:49
Mezogra - wanna talk MOTUBackports?01:49
\sh*yawn* 01:49
SeveasMez, you are MarekSpruell right?01:49
Mezthats nalioth01:50
seth_kMez = MartinMeredith01:50
Seveasstupid me01:50
Mezdont worry, mako did same thing01:50
Seveasweeding out the agenda now :)01:50
naliothSeveas: i think your browser is spoofing you01:50
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SeveasOK, agenda updated01:52
MezSeveas - you trying to be CC Secretary ? :P01:52
Seveasneh, just saving Mako some work :)01:53
Seveashalf a bottle of beer to go and i'll go to sleep :_01:53
naliothy'all be good01:58
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Seveassame to you :)01:59
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FLeiXiuSkassetra: <303:18
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fabbioneit's everything inside the tar12:19
fabbioneincluding the log or build-log12:20
fabbionei can't remember how i called the file12:20
fabbionethere was no .i iirc.. only .s12:20
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terrexfollows Malone the same numeration of bugs that Bugzilla?12:27
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Kamionterrex: no; but this channel is a poor place to ask12:30
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