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tsengogra: http://www.pfu.fujitsu.com/en/hhkeyboard/images/200B.jpg < i ordered this12:21
tsengogra: not *as* hardcore as the one you were looking at12:21
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wombleHow do I report/help with a security fix in Universe?  wiki://MOTUSecurity doesn't help, and there's no Universe-specific MLs on lists.ubuntu.com.  (The package is phpwiki, BTW)01:48
wombleIt's vulnerable to the XMLRPC vulnerability.01:48
ajmitchpossibly just submit a normal security report?01:49
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wombleajmitch: Who to?01:53
koke_hi motus!01:54
koke_I have a scoop for you... :)01:55
koke_my first whole program :901:55
\shah..i thought u meant poocs ,-) from freshmeat ,-)01:55
koke_\sh: I hope the meaning of "scoop" is correct :)01:56
ajmitchwomble: I'd guess martin.pitt@canonical.com but I think there's a security contact address as well01:56
\shkoke_: dunno..i'm not a native english speaker ;)01:57
wombleBut does that get to "the community" that Martin referred to in the php4 USN?01:57
ajmitchwomble: sorry, I haven't seen the USN01:57
\shwomble: if php4 is in main, pitti will do it :) if he doesn't know about it, ping him, send him letters and some beer :)01:58
ajmitchand he can tell you the appropriate contact for universe stuff01:58
\shit's also pitti01:58
\shnobody wants to make his hands dirty for security issues....god knows why01:59
\shwomble: we need a volunteer for universe security...:)02:00
=== ajmitch will bbl, lunch time
=== \sh goes to bed..dating with a really hot woman...so linux is obsolete ,-)
Seveaswill the motu still help me if I want to package stuff that needs the sun jre?02:02
\shif sun jre is included..can't it be compiled with gnu java?02:03
Seveasno, it's too heavily dependent on sun02:04
Seveasi've been trying to patch it02:04
Seveasbut to no avail :)02:04
uniqgnite \sh, good luck tomorrow :)02:04
Seveasand sun JRE is not included, how can that be leaglly possible?02:05
uniqwhat is it you want to package?02:05
Seveasuniq, globus02:06
Seveasgrid computing stuff02:06
spaceygrid computing in java? :/02:06
SeveasI'll have my own cluster to experiment on within a few weeks02:06
Seveasyeah, the WSRF framework is java02:06
Seveastoo bad :(02:07
spaceysounds inefficient02:07
uniqyou can make a package out of it. but i don't think it can be included in the universe.02:07
SeveasI liked GT2 better02:07
|QuaD-anyone having a problem with python2.3-imagint?02:07
Seveasuniq, I wouldn't even hope for that, I just need some packaging help :)02:07
uniqseveas: anything specific? shoot.02:08
Seveasuniq, not yet, am just trying to initialize packaging of these things02:08
SeveasI only wanted to know the motu policy on packages that might not be available outside backports02:10
spaceythere is pretty good howto @ wiki i think02:11
uniqi don't know if there is a policy saying anything about that. but all packaging questions are welcome afaik.02:11
spaceythat debian package making is much more complicated as for slackware still =P02:11
spaceyofcourse much more features too ^_^02:12
uniqhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuPackagingGuide is pretty good too.02:14
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tsengkoke rocks02:32
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schweebwhiprush: what about koke?03:29
whiprushsee planet03:29
whiprushif he can get it to monitor a directory for new torrents, I can get 400mb of ram back by not using azureus. :p03:30
tsengazureus is bloatware crap :/03:31
=== Amaranth uses a modified bittorrent 4
tsengbtdownloadcurses > *03:32
Amaranthi really need to migrate my patches to the 4.1.2 version and fix the packaging03:32
Amaranthhehe, my main addition to the official client was a tray icon03:37
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|QuaD-tseng: bittornado's btdownloadcurses > bittorrents btdownloadcurses03:53
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=== seth_k is away: sleepytime
Burgundaviaseth_k, can you turn your away message off?06:58
seth_ksorry, didn't know it was on until I hit away06:59
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UnfrgivenBurgundavia: ping?08:14
UnfrgivenBurgundavia: saw your post on the forums about esd being broken. does that have anything to do with the fact that totem is currently hanging on my machine on startup (i get no gui) and xine/mplayer crash on startup? or are these separate issues. i currently cannot watch any videos :(08:21
=== Mez [~mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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siretartmorning, folks09:45
siretartMez: hi! :)09:53
Mezhey :D09:53
siretartMez: you uploaded gaim-assistant, did you?09:53
Mezyes... reuploading again now ;)09:53
MezI eidnt read the docs fully before09:54
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siretartno need for that09:54
siretartI can do that locally here, did you already start?09:54
MezI already did09:54
siretartok, then proceed09:54
siretartI have all rejected uploads in a rejected queue09:54
Mezah fair enough09:54
Mezwell - I jsut uploaded09:54
=== Mez sits and waits
Mezwhats with REVU erroring out all the time09:56
\shmorning siretart09:57
siretarthi \sh09:57
Mezsiretart can i suggest a small change to your .htaccess?09:58
Mezmakes it show full file name rther than bits of it09:58
Mez    IndexOptions FancyIndexing NameWidth=*09:58
siretartI reverted to an earlier version, should be better now09:59
siretartNameWitdh does what?09:59
Mezyeah :D10:01
MezIt makes it so insterad of showing > at the end and cutting off the filename, it shows the full filename10:02
siretartah, good idea, will mark that on my list10:02
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\shanybody working on the 500 packages? ,-)01:27
ogra_if qcad is among them, yes....01:28
\sh apt-cache rdepends libstdc++5|less01:29
ogra_nah... apt-cache rdepends libstdc++5|grep qcad01:29
\shI'm gettin 573 packages01:31
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ogra_ha, so doko lied...01:31
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doko\sh which architecture?01:36
ogra_or AEG lavamat :)01:37
\shwas too expensive a machine with linux embedded01:38
\shbut impressiv what reactions i received yesterday night, while I was posting my diary text :)01:38
\shthe whole world is writing me ;)01:39
\shdoko: should I send u my list? and u can recheck with your list?01:40
ogra_is this normal for qt apps compiled in pbuilder ? Session management error: Could not open network socket01:43
ogra_i get a lot of these01:43
dokono, why?01:43
\shI get it also, everytime for MOC stuff01:43
ogra_grmpf... qcad needs more love then i can give it now, odd01:47
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\shuniverse? what u need?01:48
ogra_dunno, i think a int/long patch, it was just a quick test if qcad would be fine with a recompile....01:49
ogra_but it seems its not...01:49
ogra_i'll leave it out of the edubuntu seeds for now01:49
\shlemme check for u :)01:50
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DanielN_atwhello motu's :)02:51
DanielN_atwsorry but i have to tell something very bad to you ;(02:52
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LathiatDanielN_atw: ?02:54
\shwhat is bad?02:55
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ivoksyay! europe said NO03:07
ogra_DanielN_atw, ?03:08
ivokshi all :)03:08
\shhey ivok03:09
ivokshey \sh03:13
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\shDanielN_atw: what's up?03:22
mortDanielN_atw probably just found out that he liked Windows ME better than ubuntu  :-(03:35
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=== \sh 's gone
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HostingGeekivoks: I heard is live05:23
HostingGeekivoks: and said is when it happened05:23
HostingGeekin this channel05:23
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siretarthi folks!07:01
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siretartSloMoSnail: ping08:02
siretartSloMoSnail: say, you uploaded some fixed packages from marillat to revu, right?08:03
SloMoSnailyes... i think they should work as intended now08:04
siretartSloMoSnail: I was thinking about about some sort of MOTUMultimeadia team08:04
siretartSloMoSnail: this team would take e.g. mariallats repository as upstream and does some maintenance for keeping them in good shape in ubuntu08:04
siretartSloMoSnail: would you be intereted in joining such a group?08:05
SloMoSnailyes, sure... but i think we can't take everything from marillat as some of his stuff (e.g. w32codecs) includes stuff we (and he) are not allowed to distribute08:06
ivoksi bet siretart has some logging device on revu that sends him a SMS when somethings happening :)08:07
SloMoSnailand for example the faad2 and faac packages by marillat are a mess imho ;) i would make a new package from scratch for these both rather than taking his08:07
siretartSloMoSnail: right. So we would have to document procedures and package lists, some sort of 'seed' lists08:07
siretartSloMoSnail: exactly. so the MOTUMultimedia group would be in the maintainer field then..08:08
ivokssiretart: i'm interested in that, too08:08
siretartivoks: hey, that would be great! :)08:08
ivoksi'm interested in everything ;)08:09
ivoksdarn wifi-radar needs one more vote08:09
ivoksplease, vote!08:09
SloMoSnailwhat exactly would be in that lists? all packages we can distribute?08:09
=== siretart already voted..
ivoksor breeze will freeze, and it will stay out...08:09
ivoks\sh: ping08:09
siretartSloMoSnail: I would say all multimedia related packages we can distribute and at least one member agrees to work on08:09
siretartivoks: I just asked about this topic on ubuntu-devel. I hope someone will answer soon08:10
ivoksi saw it08:10
ivoksi don't know too08:10
SloMoSnailok that's fine :) but there remains the question who decides what we are allowed and what not08:11
ivoksimho, universe and multiverse should allways renew :)08:11
ivoksthat would kill needs for backports08:11
ivoksand we would have live repository08:11
SloMoSnailivoks: i would support that ;)08:12
ivokswe just wouldn't put new versions that aren't compatibile with last versions configs08:12
\shivoks: pong08:12
ivoks\sh: could you please review that wifi-radar?08:12
ivoks\sh: it needs just one vote :)08:12
\shivoks: yepp...08:12
ivoksthank you08:13
ivoksSloMoSnail: that would requiere a lot of work, you know that?08:13
ivoksthat's not doable while MOTU is so small group08:13
siretartSloMoSnail: well, I think we have a brain and can think. and if we make a mistake, we can always get it corrected (or better, correct ourselves)08:14
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siretarthi lamont08:15
SloMoSnailsiretart: ok... then lets try to start something like that ;)08:15
lamontsiretart: hi08:15
siretartSloMoSnail: do you have time right now to create a wiki page with templates for package lists, documentation of procedures and so on right now?08:16
ivokshi lamont08:17
SloMoSnailivoks: sure... it would be much work to keep everything up to date but how about keeping as much up to date as we can manage? and i think there are many people who are interested in helping with just that08:18
ivokskeeping uptodate only important things08:19
ivoksnot everything08:20
ivoksnoone can do that, not even debian08:20
SloMoSnailsiretart: yes I can try it... I have much free time until sunday08:20
siretartcoool! :)08:20
ivoksguys, most of multimedia packages are allready in ubuntu08:20
ivokswe could create some meta packages that would set up whole system, or something08:21
ivoksapt-get install mmulitmedia-i860008:21
ivoksthat would set up alsa, drivers, everythin for dell inspiron 8600 :)08:21
siretartivoks: yes. but I was rathing thinking about forming a group taking care about packages not in debian and mainly only found in marillats repository08:23
siretartlike mplayer, transcode, gtranscode, and so on08:23
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siretartmany of them will stay in multiverse08:23
ivoksmplayer will get in debian08:23
ivokssince ffmpeg allready is08:23
siretartivoks: that story i'm listing at since 3 years.08:24
siretartivoks: sorry, I still don't believe that will happen soon. better to get active ourselves08:24
ivoksok, we could try08:27
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ivoksc u08:37
=== siretart dinner
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Riddellsiretart: I can't get my password from revu09:21
RiddellIOError: [Errno 32]  Broken pipe09:21
siretartargl. just a moment, will sent it to you via mail09:21
siretartRiddell: email sent09:24
Riddellsiretart: cool, thanks09:27
siretartgotta fix this recover script soon :/09:28
Riddellsiretart: what do you mean by relibtoolize in datakiosk comment?09:30
SloMoSnailrunning libtoolize -fc probably09:32
siretartRiddell: err, did I say relibtoolize? damn, I meant 'autoreconf;09:32
siretartRiddell: there are a lot of automake generated files in the diff.gz, maintenance in teams is easier (as the change is more obvious) if this would be done via dpatch in a patch in debian/patches09:33
siretartthis was what I wanted to say09:33
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siretartLathiat: ping10:57
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0955.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartLathiat: I uploaded your bzflag package11:32
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seth_kay siretart, how comes the c++ transition11:37
=== bddebian [~bdefreese@user216-178-65-218.netcarrier.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartseth_k: see http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-July/008650.html :)11:40
seth_kthanks ;)11:40
bddebianHeya seth_k, siretart11:41
seth_khi bddebian ^_^11:41
siretarthi bddebian11:41
seth_kI still think you need a new nick11:41
uniqhey guys.11:41
bddebianI know, I know.  I was thinking about it last night :-)  How about bdubuntu? ;-P11:42
bddebianHello uniq11:42
seth_kbd = initials?11:42
seth_kshorter = better, bd sounds cool11:42
bddebianI was thinking more along the lines of bdPermanentN00b :-)11:43
seth_ksiretart, if I merge changes from upstream, but create a package that still has Ubuntu-specific changes, do I reset the ubuntu# to ubuntu1, or increment it again?11:43
jamessanseth_k: that's what tab completion is for  ;)11:44
seth_kgood point11:44
siretartseth_k: so you want to upgrade to a new upstream version?11:45
seth_kthat's correct11:45
siretartsee http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/details.py?upid=37 as an good example:11:45
seth_kwhich I've done before, but never one with Ubuntu-specific changes11:45
siretartuse package_1.3-0ubuntu1 as new version11:45
siretartnever mind if it has ubuntu-specific changes, all upgrad should have a 0ubuntu1 appended11:46
=== siretart hopes not telling bullshit because of tiredness ;)
uniqthere is buildX too.11:47
siretartuniq: which I never really understood11:47
=== seth_k neither
uniqif i understood correctly it's the ones we change for now, but want merg-o-matic to automatically update from debian whenever a new version is included there.11:48
uniqshould be used more, to make the universe manageable.11:49
seth_kthe package is gdesklets, Debian unstable has .35.1-1, Ubuntu has 0.34.3-0ubuntu2. The package from Debian can't just be brought in directly because there are Ubuntu-specific changes11:49
seth_kso should I make it -1ubuntu1, so it's "newer" than the current debian version?11:49
seth_k(sorry for all the questions, but tell me once and I won't forget)11:50
uniq.35.1-1ubuntu1 sounds  ok to me.11:51
siretartseth_k: that .35.1-1ubuntu1 then11:51
seth_krighto, then I did it correctly :)11:51
uniqor 1ubuntu0 if you want.11:51
siretartI think we agreed on 1ubuntu111:52
seth_kwas going to say, i don't think i've ever seen an ubuntu011:52
uniqwe have lots in kde.11:53
siretartwell, I don't see a technical reason against, just convention11:53
siretartand well, I need sleep. gn8 folks!11:53
uniqit's not a big deal anyway.11:54
uniqgnite siretart.11:54
seth_knight siretart11:54
uniqi think i use ubuntu1 myself.11:54
seth_kI always have, too11:54
ivokswork faster :)11:56
ivokstomorrow is freeze :)11:56
uniquniverse won't freeze :)11:57
ivokseverything will freeze :)11:59
=== bddebian freezes in place
=== seth_k hands bddebian a lighter
seth_kdoes http://sethkinast.com/ubuntu/breezy/gdesklets/ look kosher?12:01

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