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qos_ | i need 2 packages for a patch file, can somebody tell where to get them? http://www.realvnc.com/pipermail/vnc-list/2004-May/045424.html | 12:00 |
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Vis | nalioth: Cool. Thanks. Will give it a shot. | 12:00 |
nalioth | Vis: your deb-src lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list must be enabled (uncommented) | 12:00 |
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omegadc | how do i upgrade gaim? | 12:01 |
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jeroen_ | omegadc, backports or Breezy | 12:01 |
thenuke | qos_: what two packages you do need for that patch :O | 12:01 |
dualBhelp | nalioth: so i can use grub off a live cd like i mean ill have to install it to the hddrive then boot off the hdrive like in that website? | 12:01 |
dualBhelp | can't | 12:01 |
omegadc | hum... | 12:01 |
omegadc | ok then | 12:01 |
omegadc | tks | 12:01 |
thenuke | qos_: the patch is in the url you gave | 12:01 |
qos_ | look at the patch file ... i think i need 2 ... do i? | 12:01 |
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harold | noliath and Seveas: I just wanted to verfiy that dpkg command for fixing X in Warty; what was it? | 12:01 |
nalioth | dualBhelp: you'll use the live cd to get into a linux environment | 12:02 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | this hard drive is ticking me off >.< | 12:02 |
thenuke | qos_: no I dont feel like looking into it. sorry. | 12:02 |
cmatheson | harold: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86? | 12:02 |
nalioth | dualBhelp: then switch environments to the one on your system now | 12:02 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i can't figure out how to get the damn thig to work | 12:02 |
thenuke | qos_: if you cant tell us what you need.. | 12:02 |
harold | Thanks, cmatheson | 12:02 |
=== joseph [~joseph@adsl-67-121-209-208.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joseph | So how can I check my passwork for a user account I created a long time ago? I created an account for asterisk, but have no idea the password. Any help? | 12:03 |
cmatheson | joseph: just change it | 12:03 |
joseph | Yeah, but there are programs that I think use it. | 12:04 |
seth_k | yep, just use sudo passwd and change it | 12:04 |
goldfish | joseph: crack it. | 12:04 |
qos_ | i want to patch vncviewer ... so i downloaded the patch. but, i have to patch the sources ... i downloaded the sources. but the patch failed, and it seems that the patch needs 2 source packeges. 1 of the original vnc 3.3.7 and one of ultravnc 3.3.7 | 12:04 |
joseph | Why would I have to crack it... if I am root, there is no way to check passwords? | 12:04 |
goldfish | nope | 12:04 |
joseph | Ah... ok. | 12:04 |
joseph | Then I should change it... | 12:05 |
goldfish | yes or crack it... | 12:05 |
qos_ | so, please only look at the 1st 3 lines... and correct me if i am wrong. | 12:05 |
dualBhelp | nalioth: when u say "then switch environments to the one on your system now" i would like to do this with out installing grub is this possible? | 12:06 |
nalioth | dualBhelp: surely, its in that wiki article. just don't install grub | 12:06 |
harold | noliath: It's reporting that xserver-xfree86 is not installed. Is this the right one for Warty? | 12:06 |
dualBhelp | nalioth: oh really i'll have another look sorry | 12:06 |
nalioth | dualBhelp: you might wish to open a terminal and look at "man chroot" and/or google it | 12:06 |
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dualBhelp | nalioth: ah I thought was just talking about chmod | 12:07 |
harold | nalioth: what do I change the sources.list to to install Hoary? | 12:07 |
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dualBhelp | thinks to learn | 12:07 |
nalioths_dog | harold: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 | 12:08 |
nalioths_dog | harold: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 12:08 |
=== Einzelganger [~Einzelgan@cust.92.248.adsl.cistron.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
harold | nalioth: Tank you (again) | 12:08 |
synd | am installing Ubuntu on a seperate IDE drive (slave, master drive has XP) and got to the part where i take the CD out and reboot. Grub loads up and gets an Error 21. Any ideas?? | 12:08 |
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dfghdfgdf | does ubuntu 5.04 work on inspiron 6000? | 12:09 |
lifeless | it should | 12:09 |
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harold | nalioth: So that's it? I just change the sources and apt-get update and upgrade? | 12:10 |
synd | harold, yes | 12:10 |
qos_ | i there nobody who can help me with this patch? http://www.realvnc.com/pipermail/vnc-list/2004-May/045424.html | 12:10 |
MrJangles | is there anyone here with experience with it on a dell inspiron 6000? | 12:10 |
synd | Anyone have any ideas? | 12:10 |
=== Rotund [~joe@d12-204.rb.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
abbe80 | I have a file which I chmod to 744, but still other users cannot open the file and write to it... | 12:10 |
seth_k | dfghdfgdf, i'm running a 600m, which has a lot of the same hardware | 12:10 |
MrJangles | no intallation problems? | 12:10 |
inemo | Seveas: the python script still won't run | 12:10 |
goldfish | abbe80: thats not the correct permissions for everyone to read/write | 12:11 |
abbe80 | -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 463 Jul 6 01:22 <-- other users cannot write to it | 12:11 |
seth_k | MrJangles, none. everything works as expected, even bluetooth, wireless | 12:11 |
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goldfish | abbe80: what is the file? | 12:11 |
MrJangles | excellent, thanks :) i'll keep you updated | 12:11 |
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inemo | still says invalid python installation | 12:11 |
abbe80 | goldfish, it is a .java file | 12:11 |
goldfish | hmmm | 12:12 |
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goldfish | abbe80: what folder is it in? | 12:12 |
=== pingus [~pinugus@shm67-1-81-56-36-45.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goldfish | abbe80: they might not have rights onthe directory. | 12:12 |
moparfan90 | im trying to burn a .ISO of ubuntu and need help. i am using sonic record now and dont know how to make burn so its bootable. any know | 12:12 |
harold | nalioth: It's fairly easy for me to change the sources list. I'd like to try something else first. | 12:12 |
nalioth | harold: yes, update your sources.list, "apt-get update" and "apt-get dist-upgrade" | 12:12 |
hosler | How do I make dvds play smoother is xine? They are a bit skippy. | 12:12 |
abbe80 | goldfish, /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/WEB-INF/classes | 12:12 |
goldfish | hosler: is dma on? | 12:12 |
harold | nalioth: I'm going to try using that wirelss card. | 12:13 |
hosler | goldfish: where do i check? | 12:13 |
goldfish | hosler: that means no so :) | 12:13 |
goldfish | hosler: sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc | 12:13 |
goldfish | abbe80: what are the permissions on that directory? | 12:13 |
=== ateves [~ateves@p54906DE8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ateves | can't wine simulate winxp? | 12:14 |
moparfan90 | v | 12:14 |
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moparfan90 | help me | 12:14 |
abbe80 | goldfish, drwxr--r-- , but since the file in that folder has other permission shouldn't it work ? | 12:14 |
moparfan90 | im trying to burn a .ISO of ubuntu and need help. i am using sonic record now and dont know how to make burn so its bootable. any know | 12:14 |
goldfish | abbe80: yes. | 12:14 |
goldfish | abbe80: you need read and write permission on the directory too. | 12:15 |
hosler | goldfish: it got smoother but every 3 seconds my computer kinda skips | 12:15 |
abbe80 | ahh ok | 12:15 |
dnakata | ateves: i just run xp on a partition | 12:15 |
goldfish | hosler: what are your specs? | 12:15 |
abbe80 | I will try that. Thanks :-) | 12:15 |
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moparfan90 | im trying to burn a .ISO of ubuntu and need help. i am using sonic record now and dont know how to make burn so its bootable. any know | 12:16 |
ateves | i cannot install applicatiosn via wine that require winxp | 12:16 |
hosler | 2 ghz pentium 4 | 12:16 |
harold | ateves: Which application? Not all will work perfectly with win. | 12:16 |
harold | With wine, that is | 12:16 |
hosler | intel 810 graphics | 12:16 |
ateves | harold: in fact it is the gmail notifier | 12:16 |
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hosler | 512 mb ram | 12:16 |
ateves | because no linux alternives work | 12:16 |
ateves | alternatives | 12:17 |
ateves | ^^ | 12:17 |
harold | ateves: I haven't even used Gmail notifier on Windows | 12:17 |
dnakata | and qemu it | 12:17 |
dnakata | better emulation than wine, imho. | 12:17 |
moparfan90 | how do you burn an .ISO image on sonic record now? anyone know? please help | 12:17 |
harold | ateves: You never know, though, it may work on wine. | 12:17 |
ateves | yeah, but i like notifier apps | 12:17 |
ateves | so no X related apps work | 12:17 |
harold | ateves: Wine is far from perfect. I've had some surprising success with it, but also some miserable failures. | 12:18 |
ateves | harold: do i not have to configure it? after installing i can only access it via the "wine" command in the console | 12:18 |
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harold | ateves: Though I haven't used Wine in awhile (nor Linux), I recall that you should be able to install shortcuts to Windows apps on your Linux desktop. | 12:19 |
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harold | ateves: I was using Xandros, so I'm not certain how it works with Ubuntu. | 12:20 |
seth_k | ateves, the shortcut would be "wine /path/to/windows/executable.exe" | 12:20 |
seth_k | ateves, that will launch wine automatically for that program | 12:20 |
harold | Everyone: I can't wait to get Ubuntu going (with a GUI and all)! | 12:20 |
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harold | Anyone know how I can test a wireless card with my new Ubuntu install? | 12:21 |
harold | From the console, that is? | 12:21 |
thenuke | harold: with ping perhaps | 12:21 |
seth_k | harold, first run iwconfig and see if it even appears | 12:21 |
thenuke | harold: or with links or lynx | 12:22 |
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harold | thenuke and seth_k: Thanks | 12:22 |
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harold | noliath: Here's an update: I haven't changed sources yet, but I ran an apt-get update and then an apt-get upgrade. It's currently upgrading Warty. I'm keeping Warty for a little while to test my wireless adapter. | 12:23 |
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harold | noliath and Seveas: I will certainly take your advice and upgrade to Hoary later. (and add fluxbox) | 12:23 |
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vladuz976 | hi can someone help me. i want to use ubuntu, but i tried it and the screen resolution is really low, can can't change it. i tried the live cd same thing | 12:25 |
goldfish | vladuz976: got an nvidia card? | 12:26 |
=== Ray|v|an-1010 [~raymanrey@dsl-200-95-45-79.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vladuz976 | goldfish, yes | 12:26 |
goldfish | vladuz976: get the nvidia drivers or do a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and pick the vesa drivers | 12:26 |
harold | goldfish: Would you want to pick the VESA drivers if you're using an old Apple PowerBook? | 12:27 |
vladuz976 | nvidia drivers available with apt? | 12:27 |
lsuactiafner | !fixresolution | 12:27 |
ubotu | lsuactiafner: No idea | 12:27 |
lsuactiafner | !resolution | 12:28 |
ubotu | it has been said that resolution is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:28 |
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lsuactiafner | vladuz976 : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto also, apt-cache search nvidia | 12:28 |
goldfish | harold: dunno, worth a try. | 12:28 |
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chibifs | Ctrl+Alt+PgUp/PgDown? :P | 12:28 |
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sara_poo | I have to install DB2, and I don't feel like installing red hat or suse. But I have a but load of RPM's to deal with. | 12:28 |
sara_poo | any suggestions? | 12:29 |
harold | ubotu: Thank you | 12:29 |
ubotu | my pleasure, harold | 12:29 |
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harold | goldfish: Thanks | 12:29 |
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vladuz976 | i tried this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto running it againlast time and no changes | 12:29 |
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harold | This is a radical way to getting/giving support | 12:30 |
joseph | anyone know how to figure out what user is running my .php files? | 12:30 |
joseph | I have .php scripts that run, but I don't know what user they run as. | 12:30 |
joseph | So I get permission errors. | 12:31 |
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joseph | Like: Warning: is_dir(): Stat failed for /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom (errno=13 - Permission denied) in /var/www/admin/ivr_action.php on line 96 | 12:31 |
harold | Is anyone who develops Ubuntu actually in this channel? | 12:31 |
joseph | Sometimes they are in here. | 12:32 |
harold | All volunteers here? | 12:32 |
joseph | I guess... | 12:32 |
Quest-Master | harold: #ubuntu-dev | 12:32 |
harold | Thank you, Quest-Master | 12:33 |
poningru | dude thats not the channel | 12:33 |
lsuactiafner | joseph : ps aux | grep -i php | 12:33 |
Quest-Master | poningru what. | 12:33 |
joseph | ok | 12:34 |
poningru | Quest-Master: care to join that channel? | 12:34 |
lsuactiafner | oh joseph : look into chown and chmod and user nobody | 12:34 |
Quest-Master | what the. | 12:34 |
joseph | I get root 12166 0.0 0.6 3032 748 pts/0 S+ 15:34 0:00 grep -i php | 12:34 |
lsuactiafner | harold : only volunteers | 12:34 |
poningru | exactly | 12:34 |
lsuactiafner | yeh joseph misunderstood, look into chown and chmod and user nobody | 12:34 |
joseph | User nobody? I need it to be user asterisk... | 12:35 |
lsuactiafner | however if you change things with www servers make sure you know what you are doin | 12:35 |
poningru | its #ubuntu-devel | 12:35 |
Quest-Master | Ah | 12:35 |
harold | I was way-laid! | 12:35 |
Quest-Master | My bad. | 12:35 |
poningru | laaaaaiiiiiiiid | 12:35 |
harold | I was sent down a blind alley | 12:35 |
joseph | lol ls, I don't have a clue what I am doing... ergo, I am here... hehe | 12:35 |
Quest-Master | Sorry! :x | 12:35 |
lsuactiafner | no you cant have user * as far as i know | 12:35 |
joseph | yes, but I want my .php to run as user asterisk. | 12:35 |
joseph | to get the correct permissions. | 12:35 |
harold | That's okay | 12:35 |
harold | I like it here fine, anyway | 12:36 |
=== webcosimo [~webcosimo@ip-216-76.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
webcosimo | help ubuntu | 12:37 |
=== The_Flyest [~redney@d51A5EB22.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lsuactiafner | joseph : chmod a+x *php but i think that is dangerous | 12:37 |
joseph | So how do I get my .php stuff to run as user asterisk | 12:37 |
qos_ | can somebody take a look at my compiler error? http://phpfi.com/68491 i think there are missing some source files ... | 12:38 |
lsuactiafner | joseph : i really recommened getting a second opinion from someone who knows more about php and webservers | 12:38 |
=== laura [~laura@CPE-65-26-31-7.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
The_Flyest | can someone help me how to make this soundcard "Intel 82801FB ICH6 - High Definition Audio Controller [B-1] " work in ubuntu? | 12:38 |
joseph | lsuactia, Agreed, anyone around here that is? | 12:38 |
laura | my flashplayer plugin isn't playing sound | 12:38 |
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lsuactiafner | The_Flyest : intel shoudl work, brandname | 12:39 |
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lsuactiafner | !supported | 12:39 |
ubotu | lsuactiafner: I don't know, could you explain it? | 12:39 |
The_Flyest | when i open a musicfile, i get error: ALSA device "default" does not exist | 12:39 |
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lsuactiafner | !hardware | 12:40 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, lsuactiafner | 12:40 |
leitao_ | any good tutorial about recording cd in ubuntu? | 12:40 |
lsuactiafner | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupport | 12:40 |
lsuactiafner | bleh | 12:40 |
lsuactiafner | The_Flyest : http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupport | 12:41 |
lsuactiafner | and | 12:41 |
lsuactiafner | ubuntu should have alsaconf but it doesnt.. | 12:41 |
=== seraphiel [~seraphiel@ti132110a080-14006.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | what text editor do you use, people? | 12:41 |
Razor-X | I don't want a holy war, just names ;) | 12:41 |
laura | Open Office | 12:41 |
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cmatheson | Razor-X: vim | 12:41 |
lsuactiafner | i use joe, but abiword is nice | 12:42 |
Razor-X | you edit text in Oper Office? | 12:42 |
lsuactiafner | joe is more for programmin + real text | 12:42 |
Razor-X | *Open | 12:42 |
lsuactiafner | abiword is like ms_word but nicer, | 12:42 |
Razor-X | well, programming should be included, ;) | 12:42 |
laura | yeah, it has a word program | 12:42 |
poningru | emacs all the way | 12:42 |
Razor-X | yeah yeah, i've used it all | 12:42 |
poningru | no emacs | 12:42 |
Razor-X | laura: text editor and word processor are different things ;) | 12:42 |
poningru | you cant use it all | 12:42 |
Razor-X | errr, not used | 12:42 |
Razor-X | heard of | 12:42 |
poningru | there is only emacs | 12:42 |
Razor-X | poningru: I think with you ;) | 12:42 |
lsuactiafner | for progammin joe, mc (midnight commander) has a nice editor | 12:42 |
laura | *kills self* | 12:42 |
Razor-X | mcedit ;) | 12:43 |
=== poningru is asking for a kickin | ||
Razor-X | any more? | 12:43 |
cmatheson | poningru: emacs sucks bleh! (haha, just kidding i like it almost as much as vim) | 12:43 |
Razor-X | from what I can gather...... | 12:43 |
Razor-X | the most popular ones (in no order) are: | 12:43 |
lsuactiafner | joe really is nice for programmin, colours.. | 12:43 |
Razor-X | emacs, vim, nano, joe, mcedit | 12:43 |
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Razor-X | any others you people have heard of, that work in command-line? | 12:44 |
lsuactiafner | apt-cache search editor | 12:44 |
Razor-X | hmmmm? | 12:44 |
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lsuactiafner | apt-cache search "text editor" | 12:44 |
lsuactiafner | Razor-X : joe works in commanline, i write all my programmin in it | 12:44 |
blueyed | What's the ubuntu way to mount a ftp site? This is in an internal network and I think it would make backups easier. | 12:44 |
lsuactiafner | also, it has colours to make things easier | 12:45 |
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Razor-X | lsuactiafner: hmmm... I shoulda thought o that ;) | 12:45 |
cmatheson | lsuactiafner: don't they all have colors? | 12:45 |
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Razor-X | I've heard of joe, I have a friend who's a diehard joe user | 12:45 |
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blueyed | jEdit is good for programming (java editor, I use it for php). | 12:46 |
qos_ | can somebody take a look on my error? http://phpfi.com/68492 | 12:46 |
=== lips [~lips@132-bem-14.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | is it command-line? | 12:47 |
vladuz976 | goldfish, is there anyway during installation to make sure it configures the videocard? | 12:47 |
blueyed | Razor-X: jEdit? no.. | 12:47 |
vladuz976 | goldfish, so i don't get that resolution problem | 12:47 |
=== unome [~unome@ool-4351863e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | that's what I thought | 12:49 |
Razor-X | wow, text editing has gone too much by the way of GUI, IMO | 12:49 |
vladuz976 | anybody else in here have the same problem with the really low resolution? | 12:49 |
lips | hi all is there anybody using iPodder on hoary? | 12:49 |
Razor-X | vladuz976: tons ;) too tired to remember the solution, though | 12:49 |
cmatheson | vladuz976: no, just edit your xorg.conf | 12:49 |
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: I believe there is a wiki entry on that | 12:49 |
bimberi | !resolution | 12:50 |
ubotu | rumour has it, resolution is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:50 |
Razor-X | lips: almost always is ;) | 12:50 |
=== ep [~ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, but i don't know my the exact specs | 12:50 |
lips | razor-x that's great | 12:50 |
Razor-X | can you people do me a favor? | 12:50 |
Razor-X | look at two documents, and tell me which looks prettier | 12:50 |
Razor-X | there's a very subtle difference, but there's a difference | 12:50 |
lips | razor-x because i experience strange problems with it: during installation it copied my entire /home to /opt | 12:50 |
lips | razor-x that succesfully filled my hard drive | 12:51 |
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Razor-X | lips: i've heard of problems such as that, sorry, I myself don't use an ipod ;) | 12:51 |
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: do you have a manual for your monitor? When you press the menu buttons, does it display the specs? Can you look it up on the internet? Can you use the monitor with another computer/OS where it works? | 12:51 |
lips | razor-x oh, ok | 12:51 |
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, no unfortunately not | 12:52 |
lips | razor-x it's not ipod, its iPodder lemon, podcasting software | 12:52 |
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: you can't do any of those things? | 12:52 |
=== noob [~noob@c8f6dbdf.sts.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, i can get the specs online i guess | 12:52 |
=== Weiss [~weiss@modem-3753.lemur.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: then do it. Good luck. Welcome to linux | 12:52 |
j_fletcher | beep media player says that mpeg support is enables ,but nothing plays | 12:53 |
j_fletcher | ideaS/ | 12:53 |
Razor-X | beeeeeeeeeeeeeep ;) | 12:53 |
Razor-X | ahhh, yeah, i'm tired | 12:53 |
Razor-X | I use VLC meself, sorry :\ | 12:54 |
Razor-X | and cplay/mpg123/ogg123 for audio playback | 12:54 |
j_fletcher | apt-get cmd? | 12:54 |
j_fletcher | i really need a video player | 12:54 |
j_fletcher | for porn | 12:54 |
j_fletcher | ;D | 12:54 |
j_fletcher | and DVDs etc | 12:54 |
Razor-X | ok........ the latter was not neccessary | 12:54 |
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lsuactiafner | mplayer | 12:54 |
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Razor-X | but if you're so sad you can't find sexual happiness (as I gather from other sexuals), then use VLC | 12:54 |
=== lsuactiafner nods in agreement with Razor-X | ||
Razor-X | however unholy your usage is ;) | 12:55 |
Razor-X | i'm asexual, so, heh *shrugs* | 12:55 |
j_fletcher | hey, i got my reason | 12:55 |
lsuactiafner | mplayer rocks your world. | 12:55 |
Razor-X | i'm not doubting that ;) | 12:55 |
=== mwe [~mwe@port462.ds1-ynoe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j_fletcher | you wouldnt be winking if you knew | 12:55 |
Razor-X | mplayer is pretty awesome, I just prefer VLC meself | 12:55 |
Razor-X | j_fletcher: out with it then ;) | 12:56 |
tiglionabbit | say Razor-X, right now for me mplayer will play quicktime with sound, but vlc will not. Why's that? | 12:56 |
lsuactiafner | mplayer got the nice -vf cropdetect and -vf crop and no huge windowed display | 12:56 |
j_fletcher | well, it's not actually for porn, but the reason I dont got a gf is due to tradgedy.. | 12:56 |
j_fletcher | anywho | 12:56 |
lsuactiafner | so i can watch a movie while i do other things on the desktop | 12:56 |
Razor-X | tiglionabbit: really?.... | 12:56 |
j_fletcher | I'll download mplayer now | 12:56 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: yeah. Do I need some codecs? | 12:56 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: both play the video | 12:56 |
Razor-X | I myself watched Revelations QT hi-res, and all went fine | 12:56 |
Razor-X | make sure you're sound plugin is sound, i'm guessing | 12:57 |
Razor-X | (no pun intended) | 12:57 |
lsuactiafner | argh | 12:57 |
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, i found the ones for the monitor do i need the videocard too? | 12:57 |
lsuactiafner | why do ppl always say no-pun | 12:57 |
Razor-X | lsuactiafner: because it came out pun-ish only after I rerread it | 12:57 |
Razor-X | *reread | 12:57 |
lsuactiafner | its like rubbin it someones face that you're capable of usin puns.. | 12:57 |
=== l3n [l3n@81-179-119-102.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | and, therefore, I used a nice colloquialism to cover up my lack of thought in internet-speech | 12:58 |
noob | hi everyone... i need some help... can someone tellme how to point my Ubuntu to open videos with MPlayer? My default application for it is Totem but MPlayer is muuuuuch better... | 12:58 |
l3n | lo | 12:58 |
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: it doens't hurt to know everything about your hardware | 12:58 |
lsuactiafner | lol | 12:58 |
Razor-X | the more tired I get, my speech 'evolves' I have little blocks that dumb my speech down ;) | 12:58 |
Razor-X | as, i'm assuming, you can tell | 12:58 |
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tiglionabbit | noob: right-click on a file, and select properties. There should be a tab in the window that shows up that lets you add and switch preferred viewers for that filetype | 12:58 |
Razor-X | noob: ahhh, sorry, I use CLI meself | 12:58 |
Razor-X | I never open anything from a GUI, except my Eterm which I pass quite-a-few weird parameters | 12:59 |
noob | ok ppl i m trying... | 12:59 |
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Razor-X | therefore, I need not use the large behemoth that is called the GUI, heh | 12:59 |
Razor-X | but, as I get sleepy, my grammar deadens | 12:59 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: no need to pontificate, it was a quick answer | 12:59 |
l3n | im using the live cd and the display is fooked, any ideas? Thanks | 01:00 |
Razor-X | tiglionabbit: brain is looping in fogdom | 01:00 |
=== Troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | I need to keep talking while I finish the section and turn in for the afternoon ;) | 01:00 |
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l3n | it just comes up mashed up colours :( | 01:00 |
biovore | oO | 01:00 |
=== Chrischan [~Chrischan@p54BFC111.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | 13n: are you using the correct amount of colors? | 01:00 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: anyway, my sound is fine, but it appears at the moment mplayer is my only video player that can play quicktime with sound. Totem and VLC do not play any sound, with the same videos | 01:00 |
biovore | what graphics card you using l3n, (laptop?) | 01:01 |
tiglionabbit | I also don't appear to support .rm.... | 01:01 |
Razor-X | tiglionabbit: as I said, I played Star Wars: Revelations on VLC quite-a-few times | 01:01 |
=== transgre1s [~transgres@68-191-96-214.dhcp.dctr.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: I'm asking why, not if it's possible | 01:01 |
Razor-X | not sure... hmmmmm | 01:01 |
l3n | not its Ati radeon 9200 | 01:01 |
Razor-X | Ubuntu, correct? | 01:01 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: of course, dude. Hoary | 01:01 |
l3n | desktop | 01:01 |
lsuactiafner | l3n : yeh that card is a beech.. but never tried it with ubuntu | 01:02 |
Razor-X | tiglionabbit: it was Kubuntu or Ubunt ;) | 01:02 |
biovore | hmmm.. discribe the problems sum more? | 01:02 |
Razor-X | *Ubuntu | 01:02 |
lsuactiafner | l3n : run xorgconf | 01:02 |
Razor-X | hmmm... | 01:02 |
biovore | low color res? | 01:02 |
=== concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | use the standard window manager? | 01:02 |
l3n | whats the cheatcode to start low res | 01:02 |
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l3n | it boots into the funny mashed up screen | 01:03 |
biovore | you can press ctrl alt + or ctrl alt - to change the modes | 01:03 |
kbrooks | wtf is scrollkeeper | 01:03 |
l3n | after boot? | 01:03 |
biovore | after x is started | 01:03 |
l3n | to change res? | 01:03 |
Razor-X | kbrooks: google | 01:03 |
biovore | yup.. | 01:03 |
smokin1 | could anybody assist me in setuping up my internet connection with Ubuntu? | 01:03 |
l3n | thanks mate | 01:03 |
l3n | ill try that | 01:03 |
biovore | it might just be xorg.conf is missing the "DefaultDeep 24" line down by the modes | 01:04 |
=== ubuntu_ [~ubuntu@user-7293.l1.c6.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
l3n | its running the defaults on the live cd | 01:04 |
j_fletcher | dvd player? | 01:04 |
j_fletcher | :s | 01:04 |
j_fletcher | anyone | 01:04 |
blueyed | What special purpose has the "backup" user on a ubuntu system? Can I use it to execute my own backups via cron? | 01:04 |
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blueyed | smokin1: what connection type doy ou have? | 01:05 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: can you tell me exactly what packages I should have for vlc to play quicktime and realmedia properly? | 01:05 |
=== biovore has never used the live version.. | ||
smokin1 | blueyed: dsl | 01:05 |
blueyed | smokin1: "sudo pppoeconf" | 01:05 |
=== slacker [~charles@65-194-22-127.block4.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== blueyed fell in love with the live version.. | ||
slacker | hey, can i ask kind of a noob question | 01:06 |
l3n | lol | 01:06 |
slacker | lol | 01:06 |
kbrooks | ASK | 01:06 |
smokin1 | blueyed: i take it thats the command to enter in terminal?...pardon my noobness | 01:06 |
kbrooks | Ask* | 01:06 |
blueyed | smokin1: rightyright :) | 01:06 |
slacker | i installed and i selected some low resolutions on what res i wanted to use | 01:06 |
slacker | during the install | 01:06 |
l3n | ok, ill try ATRL ALT +, etc | 01:06 |
slacker | and now i want to change that | 01:06 |
slacker | can i change it in a config | 01:06 |
l3n | thanks alot for your help | 01:06 |
=== EfaistOs [~efaistos@m239.net81-64-31.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
l3n | cya | 01:07 |
smokin1 | blueyed: lemme give it a whirl peace | 01:07 |
blueyed | smokin1: it says Superuser (root), please do "pppoeconf" | 01:07 |
biovore | yeah.. ATI+linux == crap untill ATI makes a decent driver | 01:07 |
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lsuactiafner | slacker : ##slackware (; | 01:07 |
l3n | thanks anyway | 01:07 |
l3n | bye | 01:07 |
slacker | whaa why there | 01:07 |
slacker | oh lol | 01:07 |
kbrooks | slacker, ubuntu or slackware? | 01:07 |
slacker | no this is my nick from a long time ago | 01:07 |
=== robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slacker | im on ubuntu | 01:07 |
slacker | i used to be theslacker in like middle school | 01:07 |
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slacker | before i knew what linux what | 01:08 |
slacker | was | 01:08 |
slacker | u know when u do the install you select what resolutions to use? i forgot to select some | 01:08 |
=== Strife [~mdepalati@69-163-127-58.crlsca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HrdwrBoB | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:08 |
tiglionabbit | slacker: you can edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf to add them | 01:08 |
HrdwrBoB | re-runs that program | 01:09 |
lsuactiafner | heh omg now i'm laggin.. | 01:09 |
kbrooks | i want to upgrade python to hoary's version. i'm on warty. could a simple install of the python package do it? | 01:09 |
slacker | ok thnx | 01:09 |
noob | thanks razor and tigli... it's working now | 01:09 |
slacker | thank u tiglionabbit | 01:09 |
kbrooks | on warty, upgrading to hoary | 01:09 |
HrdwrBoB | kbrooks: lots of things depend on python, it'll be very messy.. I'd recommend upgrading the whole thing | 01:09 |
vladuz976 | hi anybody, what are the drives called i look for with apt-get to make my nvidia work? | 01:09 |
lsuactiafner | prolly getting flooded | 01:09 |
kbrooks | HrdwrBoB, how! | 01:09 |
kbrooks | erm wait | 01:09 |
kbrooks | 'the whole thing' | 01:10 |
kbrooks | ? | 01:10 |
HrdwrBoB | vladuz976: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:10 |
HrdwrBoB | kbrooks: yes | 01:10 |
tiglionabbit | slacker: simply add them as strings on the lines about your monitor that start with "Modes" | 01:10 |
lsuactiafner | ubotu : tell slacker about resolution | 01:10 |
kbrooks | as in warty? | 01:10 |
HrdwrBoB | kbrooks: change 'warty' to 'hoary' | 01:10 |
HrdwrBoB | in /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:10 |
kbrooks | ah okay | 01:10 |
HrdwrBoB | sudo apt-get update | 01:10 |
=== kbrooks smacks self | ||
HrdwrBoB | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 01:10 |
lsuactiafner | !resolution | 01:10 |
ubotu | well, resolution is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 01:10 |
kbrooks | HrdwrBoB, im not a noob, i just got confused | 01:11 |
tiglionabbit | watch out about dist-upgrade though. It will uninstall packages if requirements change, and after that you may as well be hoary | 01:11 |
lsuactiafner | vladuz976 : apt-cache search nvidia | 01:11 |
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HrdwrBoB | kbrooks: that's cool :) | 01:11 |
HrdwrBoB | tiglionabbit: ? it *will* be hoary | 01:11 |
tiglionabbit | HrdwrBoB: um, yeah. | 01:12 |
kbrooks | hm | 01:12 |
tiglionabbit | HrdwrBoB: but not completely. Only for the things you upgrade. Unless you don't give that an argument | 01:12 |
kbrooks | uh | 01:12 |
tiglionabbit | in which case yes | 01:12 |
HrdwrBoB | if you dist-upgrade, it'll upgrade everthing it can | 01:13 |
HrdwrBoB | that's the whole point. | 01:13 |
kbrooks | why argue over a solved issue? ;) | 01:13 |
tiglionabbit | yeah | 01:13 |
=== pirata80 [~pedro@166.Red-83-53-35.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slacker | is there a line i can put in modes in the xorg that will just enable them all | 01:13 |
lsuactiafner | slacker, nope | 01:14 |
slacker | k thnx | 01:14 |
HrdwrBoB | slacker: if you have your monitor configured right it will auto probe them | 01:14 |
kbrooks | slacker, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 | 01:14 |
vladuz976 | the nvidia driver install worked but the resolution is still bad and can't change | 01:14 |
kbrooks | slacker, (use w/ caution) | 01:14 |
slacker | ok | 01:14 |
HrdwrBoB | vladuz976: your monitor definition is likely wrong | 01:14 |
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HrdwrBoB | anyway, off to work | 01:14 |
lsuactiafner | i'll paste alll for yuou | 01:14 |
kbrooks | read everything carefully before confirming..... | 01:14 |
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kbrooks | slacker, if it offers to probe, say yes | 01:15 |
goldfish | vladuz976: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:15 |
smokin1 | blueyed: no dice...command not found | 01:15 |
kbrooks | (as in autodetect) | 01:15 |
vladuz976 | i am gonna try the wiki page now | 01:15 |
lsuactiafner | ubotu : tell vladuz976 about resolution | 01:15 |
kbrooks | grrrr | 01:15 |
kbrooks | i need a FAST mirror | 01:16 |
blueyed | smokin1: then you have to "sudo apt-get pppoeconf" before. Or use synaptic | 01:16 |
kbrooks | blueyed, uh | 01:16 |
kbrooks | blueyed, apt-get install pppoeconf | 01:16 |
blueyed | right.., smokin1 .. ^^ | 01:16 |
blueyed | I often forget that damn "install" | 01:17 |
smokin1 | gotcha...synaptic is??? | 01:17 |
blueyed | there should be apt-install.. | 01:17 |
kbrooks | a gui frontend to apt | 01:17 |
smokin1 | ok | 01:17 |
kbrooks | blueyed, dont whine | 01:17 |
smokin1 | wish me luck | 01:17 |
blueyed | ..just alias ;) | 01:17 |
kbrooks | heh | 01:18 |
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kbrooks | alias apt-install='apt-get install' | 01:19 |
kbrooks | :P | 01:19 |
lsuactiafner | kbrooks : good idea | 01:20 |
vladuz976 | hey guys, after the nvidia driver installed fine, do i still need to configure the video hardware or can i just tru the monitor, because sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:21 |
vladuz976 | asks me to to configure the video hardware too | 01:21 |
mcdonaldswes | off topic: I've got code I'd like to put under BSD license... do I have to put the license text in every single source file, or can I just include it in the readme? | 01:22 |
lsuactiafner | mcdonaldswes : no idea, ask in ubuntu-devel | 01:22 |
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kbrooks | mcdonaldswes, uh, let me check | 01:22 |
kbrooks | lsuactiafner, dude! | 01:22 |
kbrooks | mcdonaldswes, "Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer." | 01:23 |
kbrooks | mcdonaldswes, put the license in every file..... | 01:23 |
mcdonaldswes | hmm, I guess I can't go wrong if I do that | 01:24 |
vladuz976 | hi for desired X server driver do i pick nv or nvidia? | 01:25 |
kbrooks | nvidia | 01:25 |
keikoz | nvidia is better | 01:25 |
vladuz976 | thanks | 01:25 |
=== joseph is now known as joseph_11891 | ||
vladuz976 | guys, i don't know what kernel framebuffer device interface is | 01:26 |
vladuz976 | asks me to use or not? | 01:26 |
=== idleCat [jeje@c-24-125-51-156.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | vladuz976: Tell it 'No' | 01:26 |
lsuactiafner | /dev/fbdev | 01:26 |
lsuactiafner | /dev/fb0 | 01:27 |
vladuz976 | ok | 01:27 |
idleCat | Any news on mono 1.1.8 ? | 01:27 |
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=== FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010487351pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vladuz976 | hmmm, select the X.org server modules that should be loaded by default. do i need to select anyting here? | 01:28 |
vladuz976 | other than what is already selected | 01:28 |
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cafuego | vladuz976: Check /usrs/ahre/doc/nvidia-glx/README for info. | 01:29 |
cafuego | s/ahre/share/ | 01:29 |
z|bandito | hi | 01:29 |
j_fletcher | anyone have trouble with DVD playback? | 01:29 |
j_fletcher | coz I do | 01:29 |
idleCat | What does it mean for something to be in the backports ? | 01:30 |
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lips | So i'll try again: is there anybody using iPodder Lemon on hoary? | 01:30 |
lsuactiafner | j_fletcher : sudo hdparm -d /dev/dvd | 01:31 |
cafuego | watch out for adam curry | 01:31 |
=== tsunammis [~tsunammis@lns-vlq-32-orl-82-253-222-231.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j_fletcher | lsuactiafner: should that fix somthing? | 01:31 |
j_fletcher | no dvd folder in dev | 01:32 |
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goldfish | j_fletcher: what is your problem? | 01:34 |
lsuactiafner | try /dev/cdrom | 01:34 |
=== slacker [~charles@65-194-22-127.block4.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goldfish | j_fletcher: sluggish dvd playback? | 01:34 |
j_fletcher | goldfish: none at al | 01:35 |
goldfish | I see. | 01:35 |
j_fletcher | goldfish: i followed the installation on www.ubuntuguide.org | 01:35 |
goldfish | j_fletcher: installation of what? | 01:35 |
j_fletcher | and installed xine and mplayer | 01:35 |
vladuz976 | all that stuff on the wiki page didn't do anything to the screen resolution | 01:35 |
j_fletcher | "DVD Playback" | 01:35 |
goldfish | j_fletcher: i see. | 01:36 |
lsuactiafner | vladuz976 : press control alt + or - | 01:36 |
=== kassetra [~kassetra@c-67-171-201-213.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goldfish | what program you using? | 01:36 |
lsuactiafner | the plus and minus @ the far end of the keyboard | 01:36 |
j_fletcher | goldfish: I'm using mplayer and xine to test | 01:36 |
goldfish | hmm | 01:36 |
j_fletcher | I have a DVD mounted | 01:36 |
goldfish | j_fletcher: try out vlc | 01:36 |
vladuz976 | lsuactiafner, only gets bigger | 01:36 |
j_fletcher | goldfish: when I click DVD on xine, it gives an error (somthing about the engine" | 01:36 |
goldfish | j_fletcher: also that site, is bad, its sources.list can cause problems. | 01:36 |
goldfish | hmmm | 01:36 |
goldfish | i dont like xiine. | 01:36 |
goldfish | *use | 01:37 |
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j_fletcher | goldfish: I use that plus the sources.list of www.tehjunkyard.net/sources.list | 01:37 |
kbrooks | whats the deal with apt resettting *% (where * is a numbber) when a pkg has finished dling | 01:37 |
lsuactiafner | vladuz976 : rofl | 01:37 |
lsuactiafner | vladuz976 : xorgconf dude | 01:37 |
kbrooks | the first one? | 01:37 |
goldfish | j_fletcher: try apt-get install vlc | 01:38 |
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goldfish | j_fletcher: see if vlc works for you | 01:38 |
vladuz976 | lsuactiafner, whta's that | 01:38 |
sinferno | umm when i mount my ntfs hard drive i have trouble accessing it due to permissions | 01:38 |
=== epohs [~epohs@65-210-97-77.cust.dnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goldfish | sinferno: how are you mounting it? | 01:39 |
vladuz976 | anybody else gone thru the same trouble? | 01:39 |
kbrooks | uh | 01:39 |
vladuz976 | and can help? | 01:39 |
goldfish | vladuz976: lots. | 01:39 |
kbrooks | i have a question | 01:39 |
=== kart_ is away: hohoaho, Aavjo Atyare... | ||
sinferno | just sudo mount /etc/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1 | 01:39 |
vladuz976 | goldfish, could please give me some more advice | 01:39 |
goldfish | sinferno: you can access it with sudo | 01:40 |
kbrooks | i need a INSTANT mirror for Canada | 01:40 |
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sinferno | its like an mp3 hd | 01:40 |
sinferno | i want to be able to access it from anywhere | 01:40 |
sinferno | how do i access it with sudo | 01:40 |
sinferno | err with anyone that is | 01:40 |
goldfish | em | 01:40 |
goldfish | hold on | 01:40 |
sinferno | k | 01:40 |
Strife | anyone in here successfully built E17 from CVS source? | 01:40 |
epohs | i would like to know how to unmount a directory that was mounted using the --bind option | 01:40 |
goldfish | umount -f ? | 01:41 |
vladuz976 | goldfish, i thought my hardware is pretty standard so it should have detected | 01:41 |
goldfish | vladuz976: yeah, that reconfigure should have sorted it ou | 01:41 |
goldfish | *out | 01:41 |
epohs | device is busy | 01:41 |
vladuz976 | i had all the specs and went thru all the steps on wiki | 01:41 |
vladuz976 | but still same | 01:41 |
sinferno | i meant to say mount /dev instead of /etc | 01:42 |
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sinferno | e/e | 01:42 |
j_fletcher | goldfish: VLC works, thanks :) | 01:42 |
goldfish | j_fletcher: cool | 01:42 |
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kbrooks | hmmm | 01:42 |
goldfish | sinferno: i know :) | 01:42 |
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j_fletcher | now I can watch "I'm Alan Partridge", before I got on holiday tomorrow :) | 01:42 |
j_fletcher | last moments of England | 01:43 |
sinferno | lol yea | 01:43 |
sinferno | ok so its mounted now... but i cant access it | 01:43 |
sinferno | so i have no problem mounting it | 01:43 |
sinferno | i guess chown?? | 01:43 |
goldfish | sinferno: you need to specify a umask of 000 so anyone can read to it | 01:43 |
goldfish | im trying to find the syntax for you | 01:44 |
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sinferno | ok cool | 01:44 |
sinferno | yea theres no man for umask | 01:44 |
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goldfish | sinferno: try mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1 umask=000 | 01:45 |
epohs | goldfish, umount -f still says the device is busy, but it gives the error twice | 01:45 |
goldfish | hmmm | 01:45 |
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=== The_Flyest [~redney@d51A5EB22.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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goldfish | epohs: are u in the directory of the device you're trying to unmount? | 01:46 |
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sinferno | bah | 01:46 |
The_Flyest | can someone help me wiith installing alsa? | 01:46 |
sinferno | it worked to make a folder | 01:46 |
sinferno | but not to mount | 01:46 |
The_Flyest | a good howto maybe? | 01:46 |
sinferno | it just tells me the usage | 01:46 |
goldfish | sinferno: k | 01:46 |
epohs | no | 01:47 |
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epohs | goldfish, i don't seem to be accessing it with any terminal or anything | 01:47 |
The_Flyest | someone a good howto for installling alsa? | 01:47 |
sinferno | maybe i can just edit my fstab? | 01:47 |
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sinferno | last time i did that i had to reinstall tho lol | 01:47 |
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goldfish | sinferno: mount -oumask=000 /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1 | 01:48 |
sinferno | oumask or umask | 01:48 |
epohs | it is basically a folder full of mp3s that i'm trying to mount into another user directory, but i'm unable to unmount it, ever. | 01:48 |
bwlang_ | is there a web cam that works well with linux (gpl drivers preferably) | 01:48 |
vladuz976 | goldfish, so no more help you canoffer? | 01:48 |
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The_Flyest | someone a good howto for installling alsa? | 01:48 |
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sinferno | holyyyyyyyy crapppp | 01:49 |
sinferno | u are sooo awesome | 01:49 |
sinferno | goldfish, thanks | 01:49 |
goldfish | vladuz976: i'm not too sure man :/ | 01:49 |
goldfish | sinferno: np | 01:49 |
sinferno | is this gonna be here | 01:49 |
sinferno | when i restart | 01:49 |
sinferno | or do i have to do something | 01:49 |
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vladuz976 | goldfish, ok thanks anyways | 01:49 |
goldfish | sinferno: you have to put it in /etc/fstab if you want permanent | 01:50 |
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goldfish | vladuz976: not alot of the knowledgable ppl are on, maybe they can help when they come on | 01:50 |
sinferno | i tried to do that last night | 01:50 |
sinferno | and i had to reinstall | 01:50 |
=== eno__ [~eno@HSE-Kingston-ppp329749.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sinferno | lol | 01:50 |
goldfish | sinferno: well | 01:50 |
goldfish | sinferno: i'll help. | 01:50 |
sinferno | im scareeed | 01:50 |
vladuz976 | goldfish, ok i'll try againlater | 01:50 |
goldfish | !resolution | 01:51 |
ubotu | it has been said that resolution is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 01:51 |
jasoncohen | what's the easiest way to install only selected packages from backports? i'm thinking i would have to add a pin for hoary, hoary-updates, and hoary-security of 990 and then set hoary-backports as 500 in /etc/apt/preferences | 01:51 |
goldfish | vladuz976: u looked at that link? | 01:51 |
jasoncohen | would that work? | 01:51 |
eno__ | hi can I install rpms in ubuntu? | 01:51 |
eno__ | and if so, how would I do it? | 01:51 |
goldfish | eno__: alien moo.rpm | 01:51 |
Quest-Master | eno_: man alien | 01:51 |
goldfish | gives u moo.deb | 01:51 |
goldfish | then use dpkg -i moo.deb | 01:51 |
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vladuz976 | goldfish, which one | 01:51 |
eno__ | is anyone else having problems with firefox these days :P? | 01:52 |
sinferno | hmm it made a folder called umask=000 in my home dir should i delete that? | 01:52 |
goldfish | !resolution | 01:52 |
ubotu | resolution is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 01:52 |
goldfish | vladuz976: ^^ | 01:52 |
sinferno | somehow | 01:52 |
goldfish | eno__: yes, i switched to opera. | 01:52 |
goldfish | sinferno: yes. | 01:52 |
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vladuz976 | goldfish, the wiki how to? yeah | 01:52 |
eno__ | thanks for your help folks | 01:52 |
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lsuactiafner | eno__ : no problems if you use the firefox binary from the mozilla site | 01:53 |
torti- | evening guys, did anyone install patched orinoco drivers (with monitor mode)? if so can you _please_ telle me an elegant way to do so? | 01:53 |
lsuactiafner | firefox for ubuntu needs to be recompiled. | 01:53 |
eno__ | well there is a version problem, which isn't a big deal... but now it wont install java. | 01:53 |
cafuego | torti-: Fetch the drivers, replace the old driver in the kernel source tree with the new ones, build kernel, install, boot, done. | 01:53 |
torti- | hm i try to avoid that | 01:54 |
=== Raegenhere [~raegenher@200-147-208-137.canbrasacesso.speeduol.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
sinferno | lol wtf this music player sucks | 01:54 |
torti- | actually i like the installed kernel | 01:54 |
sinferno | there is no plugin installed to handle a mp3 file | 01:54 |
sinferno | thats lame | 01:54 |
Quest-Master | sinferno: Rhythmbox? | 01:54 |
Strife | that's not the player | 01:54 |
Strife | that's ubuntu | 01:54 |
sinferno | yeah | 01:54 |
Quest-Master | sinferno: Yes there is. | 01:54 |
torti- | the nicest would be a patched pcmcia-cs+orinoco .deb file | 01:54 |
sinferno | it says that | 01:54 |
cafuego | torti-: Then you'll need to build the patched drivere by hand and replace the in-kernel driver. | 01:54 |
eno__ | okay, the rpm is in a bin file, do I just extract and then alien? | 01:54 |
Quest-Master | sinferno: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad | 01:54 |
bwlang_ | Which webcam is a good choice for debian? | 01:55 |
torti- | cafuego: this is the lesser of two evils | 01:55 |
cafuego | bwlang_: Ask on #debian | 01:55 |
sinferno | thanks | 01:55 |
jasoncohen | sinferno, apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad | 01:55 |
torti- | cafuego: any more ubuntu-like way to do it? | 01:55 |
Quest-Master | sinferno: Make sure you have universe enabled.. and next time you ridicule software, make sure you know the facts before doning the ridiculing :P | 01:55 |
cafuego | torti-: Dunno, just adding it to the kernel source has always worked fine for me. | 01:55 |
jasoncohen | sinferno, or apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins | 01:55 |
cafuego | torti-: After all, you can do it to the ububntu kernel-source tree and then rebuild the ubuntu kernel. | 01:55 |
sinferno | omg chill out man did u make the software or something i was kidding | 01:55 |
sinferno | thanks anyways | 01:56 |
torti- | cafuego: well then you need to recompile the kernel into a deb file (can ubuntu then update the kernel?) | 01:56 |
cafuego | torti-: Of course. | 01:56 |
bwlang_ | cafuego: doh... thought i was in debian | 01:56 |
jasoncohen | sinferno, it has nothing to do with rhythmbox. mp3 is trademarked and couldn't be included in main | 01:56 |
vladuz976 | goldfish, wanna know what did it? | 01:56 |
cafuego | torti-: Use 'make-kpkg' from the 'kernel-package' package to do that. | 01:56 |
goldfish | vladuz976: yes :) | 01:56 |
eno__ | well to hell with it I guess, I will wait until they fix it for synaptic eh? hahahahaha | 01:56 |
sinferno | oh thats why | 01:56 |
jasoncohen | sinferno, you need to add the universe source | 01:56 |
torti- | cafuego: somehow i don't feel comfortable with this... any guide for this? | 01:56 |
goldfish | !sources | 01:56 |
ubotu | from memory, sources is http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories | 01:56 |
goldfish | !repositories | 01:57 |
ubotu | repositories is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 01:57 |
goldfish | sinferno: ^^ | 01:57 |
vladuz976 | goldfish, /etc/X11/xorg.conf i added the desired resolution to the list under color depth 24 and then i could pick it | 01:57 |
goldfish | vladuz976: hah | 01:57 |
sinferno | lol how do i get xmms | 01:57 |
goldfish | vladuz976: well done :) | 01:57 |
vladuz976 | goldfish, but now screen is flickering | 01:57 |
sinferno | nvm stupid question | 01:57 |
goldfish | sinferno: dont | 01:57 |
sinferno | ill get it | 01:57 |
vladuz976 | goldfish, not really | 01:57 |
sinferno | ok | 01:57 |
sinferno | why | 01:57 |
jasoncohen | sinferno, if you uncomment the deb lines in /etc/apt/sources.list you'll have all available ubuntu sources. you can also add the sources easily in synaptic | 01:57 |
goldfish | sinferno: get beep-media-player | 01:57 |
goldfish | it's better | 01:58 |
sinferno | ok | 01:58 |
Seveas | eeek | 01:58 |
goldfish | vladuz976: hmmm, ok, that sounds like vert horz refresh rates are not correct | 01:58 |
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Seveas | an ubuntuguide url in ubotu | 01:58 |
Seveas | bad bot | 01:58 |
goldfish | Seveas: indeed . | 01:58 |
vladuz976 | goldfish, i edit those in the same file right? | 01:58 |
goldfish | how do u make it forget stuff? | 01:58 |
goldfish | vladuz976: yep, what computer u on? | 01:59 |
Seveas | goldfish, ENOIDEA | 01:59 |
jasoncohen | sinferno, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 01:59 |
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vladuz976 | goldfish, laptop with you now | 01:59 |
Seveas | sinferno: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 | 01:59 |
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nalioth | Seveas: no! ubotu recommending the 'guide? horrors! | 01:59 |
jasoncohen | sinferno, you can use either the synaptic or the terminal method | 01:59 |
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sinferno | ok thanks | 01:59 |
goldfish | vladuz976: is this the one you are editing xorg on? | 01:59 |
=== Seveas feels tempted to +q the bot :) | ||
vladuz976 | goldfish, no | 01:59 |
goldfish | Seveas: lol | 01:59 |
signbarn | How do I find my internal IP address in Ubuntu? | 01:59 |
goldfish | vladuz976: ok, what is the pc you are editing xorg on? | 01:59 |
Seveas | signbarn, ifconfig | 02:00 |
Jimbob | /sbin/ifconfig | 02:00 |
signbarn | thank you, Saveas | 02:00 |
vladuz976 | goldfish, amd athlong what do you need to know? | 02:00 |
epohs | goldfish, according to fuser "gam_server" is the process using that directory that i have mounted | 02:00 |
epohs | any ideas? | 02:00 |
goldfish | epohs: kill it | 02:00 |
jasoncohen | Seveas, as for music players- there are many- Rhythmbox, amarok, beep-media-player for music and xine-ui, totem, mplayer, vlc, kaffeine etc. for video | 02:00 |
chope | hi, when i try to run amarokapp, or frozen-bubble they give the "segmentation fault" error, they used to work fine until i had some problems with graphic drivers, what can be happening? | 02:00 |
goldfish | epohs: ps aux |grep gam_server | 02:00 |
goldfish | epohs: kill the pid of the process it finds | 02:01 |
tiglionabbit | chope: there's problems with your graphics drivers | 02:01 |
goldfish | epohs: ps aux |grep [g] am_server | 02:01 |
jasoncohen | chope, what driver are you using? | 02:01 |
Seveas | jasoncohen, I know :) | 02:01 |
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goldfish | vladuz976: hmmm, is the flickering bad? | 02:01 |
vladuz976 | goldfish, pretty bad yes | 02:01 |
goldfish | k | 02:01 |
cafuego | torti-: There's probably a nice step-by-step guide on compiling one's own kernel on the wiki, let me a have a look. | 02:01 |
Seveas | cafuego, there is | 02:02 |
Seveas | cafuego,torti: You can find compilation instructions on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCompileHowto | 02:02 |
epohs | goldfish: ok, i killed gam_server and it let me umount, but i kinda want to automate the mounting and unmounting of that directory, this will cause a problem no? | 02:02 |
goldfish | epohs: hmm, it might | 02:02 |
sinferno | woot that worked thanks guys | 02:03 |
torti- | cafuego: thx for looking | 02:03 |
cafuego | torti-: Cool. in that howto, just replace the c source files in kernel-source-2.6.11.whatever/drivers/net/wireless/*.[ch] with the ones from the orinoco-0.15-X tarball. | 02:03 |
torti- | hm this should work | 02:04 |
cafuego | torti-: ... then recompile. | 02:04 |
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sinferno | goldfish, where can i get that beep-media-player | 02:04 |
sinferno | i dont see it in the package manager | 02:05 |
Seveas | sinferno, enable universe | 02:05 |
sinferno | i did | 02:05 |
sinferno | and updated | 02:05 |
sinferno | theres a crapload of packages now but i still dont see it | 02:05 |
Seveas | it's the package beep-media-player | 02:05 |
Seveas | sinferno, a nice Ubuntu skin for it is http://ubuntu-nl.org/file/4Humans.tgz | 02:05 |
torti- | cafuego: by the way: dou you know the reason why the patched drivers aren't in the kernel tree? | 02:06 |
nalioth | sinferno: enable multiverse, too (lots more toys) | 02:06 |
tiglionabbit | Is there a command to make something play in rhythmbox while the program is open (not create another instance) | 02:06 |
sinferno | yeah i did | 02:06 |
|QuaD- | dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/python2.3-imaging_1.1.5-0ubuntu1_i386.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/pilconvert.py', which is also in package python2.4-imaging | 02:06 |
tiglionabbit | like a queueing command | 02:06 |
sinferno | still cant find it | 02:06 |
|QuaD- | dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe) | 02:06 |
|QuaD- | anyone else getting that | 02:06 |
|QuaD- | on breezy? | 02:06 |
goldfish | sinferno: in a terminal, apt-cache search beep-media-player | 02:06 |
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epohs | hmm... [ tp://www.gnome.org/~veillard/gamin/ ] is there any way to keep that from locking my mounted directories? | 02:07 |
jasoncohen | will this work to choose ubuntu packages over backports? - http://pastebin.ca/16997 | 02:07 |
sinferno | ok i did that but it didnt do aything | 02:07 |
transgress | is it bad if i forgot to install swap space? | 02:07 |
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transgress | or make swap space i guess | 02:07 |
Seveas | jasoncohen, no | 02:07 |
Seveas | you need to set the ubuntu repos at +1000 | 02:08 |
nalioth | transgress: depends on how much system ram you have, if over 8gb, probably not :P | 02:08 |
Seveas | 1001 | 02:08 |
transgress | nalioth: got 512 on my lappy... never used over half of it | 02:08 |
jasoncohen | Seveas, why? | 02:08 |
jasoncohen | Seveas, that will remove all my backports stuff | 02:08 |
transgress | nalioth: but i've heard that it's still kind of needed | 02:08 |
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nalioth | transgress: you can use parted (or its graphical frontends) to free up some space and make swap | 02:08 |
jasoncohen | Seveas, i want to be able to have some backport packages but not have to upgrade my other ubuntu packages to backport | 02:08 |
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sinferno | i have 3290 packages listed does that sound like i have universe whatever done right? | 02:08 |
Seveas | jasoncohen, oh, I thought that that was what you wanted.... | 02:09 |
transgress | nalioth: do i need to do anything special before i do that? or can i just run it? | 02:09 |
kalolo | HI.. any tip for getting up monodevelop? | 02:09 |
Seveas | if the current situation is ok but you want no more backports this should work | 02:09 |
jasoncohen | sinferno, no- you have main | 02:09 |
nalioth | transgress: qtparted should be able to get you ~512mb space for swap | 02:09 |
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jasoncohen | sinferno, with universe, multiverse, main, restricted you would have 16,000 or so | 02:09 |
sinferno | hmm i did all that wikepedia stuff | 02:09 |
Will__ | Stop saying my name! | 02:09 |
jasoncohen | sinferno, you need to run apt-get update | 02:09 |
nalioths_dog | sinferno: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 | 02:10 |
sinferno | let me check the sources again | 02:10 |
nalioths_dog | sinferno: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 02:10 |
transgress | nalioth: is it safe to do that on a mounted partition? | 02:10 |
nalioth | transgress: probably not | 02:10 |
transgress | nalioth: so perhaps from a livecd or what? | 02:10 |
nalioth | transgress: do you have a liveCD? | 02:10 |
transgress | hehe | 02:10 |
Seveas | transgress, you cannot resize a mounted partition :) | 02:10 |
sinferno | ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mg | 02:10 |
sinferno | thats wh | 02:10 |
sinferno | i did the last 2 lines | 02:10 |
goldfish | !forget sources | 02:10 |
ubotu | i forgot sources, goldfish | 02:10 |
sinferno | instead of the first 2 | 02:10 |
eno__ | what happened to BeOS? that was awesome. | 02:11 |
jasoncohen | sinferno, ? | 02:11 |
transgress | ah wait... i can nab some from the ntfs partition though hehe | 02:11 |
nalioth | goldfish: i just did that | 02:11 |
Seveas | goldfish, you are the greatest :) | 02:11 |
goldfish | !sources is paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 | 02:11 |
ubotu | goldfish: okay | 02:11 |
sinferno | i uncommented the wrong ones | 02:11 |
jasoncohen | eno__, lol, i never even got sound working in BeOS | 02:11 |
goldfish | nalioth: k | 02:11 |
Seveas | !sources | 02:11 |
ubotu | sources is, like, paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 | 02:11 |
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nalioth | goldfish: Seveas i just did that | 02:11 |
transgress | nm no i can't | 02:11 |
goldfish | sorry i didnt see | 02:11 |
goldfish | :/ | 02:11 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: you may want to put http:// | 02:11 |
nalioth | goldfish: Seveas i just updated the bot | 02:11 |
=== fivre [bergzerg@slip-12-64-158-143.mis.prserv.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goldfish | nalioth: ok :) | 02:11 |
Seveas | !forget sources | 02:11 |
ubotu | i forgot sources, Seveas | 02:11 |
bimberi | lol | 02:11 |
Seveas | ubotu, sources is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 | 02:12 |
=== Os1r1s [~os1r1s@sud-cable-66-186-83-56.vianet.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Seveas: okay | 02:12 |
Seveas | than you ubotu | 02:12 |
Seveas | thank* | 02:12 |
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sinferno | ok sweet thats why | 02:12 |
sinferno | im getting it now | 02:12 |
=== linuxn00b [~xquizit@d66-183-135-155.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Seveas is going crazy, i'm talking to bots :) | ||
Seveas | where's my eliza :) | 02:12 |
Kyral | When the bots start talking back... | 02:12 |
linuxn00b | Hi, I can't play a video stream over the network using vlc I keep getting "could not add application" | 02:13 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: is there a reason why it lists archive.ubuntu.com twice? | 02:13 |
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Seveas | tiglionabbit, yes | 02:13 |
sinferno | hahahah when u search for beep theres a livejournal client called logjam | 02:13 |
Seveas | loook at the differences :) | 02:13 |
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tiglionabbit | hoary-updates | 02:13 |
fivre | Hey, does build-essential come with a C# compiler? | 02:13 |
Seveas | fivre, no | 02:13 |
tiglionabbit | but can't you put that on the other lines? | 02:13 |
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Seveas | C# is not considered essential | 02:14 |
Seveas | (and t isn't) | 02:14 |
tiglionabbit | hehe | 02:14 |
nalioth | Seveas: so c# is recreational? | 02:14 |
Seveas | fivre, install some mono packages for that | 02:14 |
Seveas | nalioth, in hoary: yes | 02:14 |
tiglionabbit | build-recreational | 02:14 |
tiglionabbit | lol | 02:14 |
Seveas | you know that a new name for the # character is rap | 02:14 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: why is it you can't put hoary-updates on the top lines, and must list those sources twice? | 02:14 |
Seveas | to use in C# | 02:14 |
bimberi | Seveas: lol | 02:15 |
nalioth | i miss mirc, when you /notice somebody their client pings | 02:15 |
Seveas | tiglionabbit, hoary-updates is a different repository | 02:15 |
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Seveas | nalioth, check :) | 02:15 |
=== hondje [~hondje@c-67-174-186-96.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | Seveas: could you explain to me how those arguments are interpreted? | 02:15 |
=== thechitowncubs [~thechitow@c-67-175-52-127.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j_fletcher | k, installing themes, not just like installing desklets? | 02:15 |
=== eric__ [~eric@dyn216-8-135-52.ADSL.mnsi.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goldfish | nalioth: run it in wine | 02:16 |
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goldfish | oh | 02:16 |
j_fletcher | install package -> search -> file.tar.gz ? | 02:16 |
Seveas | tiglionabbit, base_url repository [section [section [section [section] ] ] ] | 02:16 |
bimberi | "man sources.list" | 02:16 |
nalioth | goldfish: i don't miss it that much, and was referring to me /noticing YOU and others | 02:16 |
goldfish | nalioth: :) | 02:16 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: ah, so the first argument is not a section. thanks | 02:16 |
eric__ | hey people, I'm new to ubuntu, I'm trying to view my ntfs and fat32 partitions, and am having some trouble | 02:17 |
Seveas | eric__: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically | 02:17 |
tiglionabbit | eric__: can you mount properly? | 02:17 |
tiglionabbit | oh | 02:17 |
psychonate | Any play chess in Ubuntu? I'm not very good and the gnuchess engine is too hard. I'm playing in eboard and was wondering if there is a way to turn the difficulty of the gnuchess engine down. | 02:17 |
epohs | crap, stupid gamin will not let go of that directory when i'm trying to umount it. anyone know more about gamin? | 02:17 |
nalioths_dog | eric__: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/windows_fstab to make your windows partions mount automatically | 02:17 |
Seveas | nalioth, you're wayyyyyy behind | 02:17 |
Seveas | I renamed that | 02:18 |
eric__ | I've tried that several times and when I try to view the partitions in the file viewer, they have those red x's and wont let me view them | 02:18 |
transgress | gotta love installing something to RAM eh? | 02:18 |
liable | root: what does the command 'id' say? | 02:18 |
Seveas | btw, nalioth i'm working on db synchronization | 02:18 |
liable | oops | 02:18 |
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nalioth | Seveas: yes, i'm way behind in lots of ways | 02:18 |
Seveas | but you're a member now :) | 02:19 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: do you think they will add this or a script like this to breezy? | 02:19 |
Seveas | all praise nalioth :) | 02:19 |
HrdwrBoB | epohs: killallgamin; sudo umount foo | 02:19 |
Seveas | tiglionabbit, sort of | 02:19 |
HrdwrBoB | epohs: that's how to do it until breezy | 02:19 |
Seveas | not this exact script, but the functionality will be there | 02:19 |
tiglionabbit | cool | 02:19 |
Seveas | I just hacked this up to overcome the gap | 02:20 |
nalioth | Seveas: you still can't spell, though | 02:20 |
epohs | HrdwrBoB: "bash: killallgamin: command not found" | 02:20 |
Seveas | nalioth, that's the alcohol :) | 02:20 |
thechitowncubs | Hey everyone, an ubuntu computer in my house is undergoin difficulties... GDK seems to freeze, it goes through the whole bootup process than when gdm starts the working cursor justs sits for a long time and the hard drive is active but nothing ever happens | 02:20 |
thechitowncubs | i cant even CTRL+F1 to get into a terminal | 02:20 |
psychonate | Well, are there any chess frontends for *nix that allow one to set the difficulty level? | 02:20 |
Seveas | epohs, killall gam_server | 02:20 |
eric__ | ok, so how do I download and install it? | 02:20 |
Seveas | or gam_serve | 02:20 |
=== virgule [~virgule@modemcable066.0-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HrdwrBoB | epohs: oh sorry thats totally | 02:20 |
HrdwrBoB | wrong | 02:20 |
HrdwrBoB | what seveas said :) | 02:20 |
HrdwrBoB | I just got to work, need more coffee :) | 02:21 |
=== transgress is playing lets try and break an install by resizing a partition | ||
jasoncohen | ok, i set this as my /etc/apt/preferences and it prioritizes ubuntu packages over backport packages. unfortunately it doesn't allow me to install backport packages with apt-get install -t hoary-backports package | 02:21 |
=== Seveas off to bed, it's 2:21 am here | ||
jasoncohen | what did i do wrong? | 02:21 |
Seveas | cya all ! | 02:21 |
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jasoncohen | http://pastebin.ca/16998 | 02:21 |
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nalioth | eric__: are you referring to the winmac thing you were sent? | 02:21 |
eric__ | yes | 02:22 |
epohs | ok, thanks.. i kill it with killall gam_server, but it just immediately respawns and ties the directory back up | 02:22 |
nalioth | eric__: download the thing (save as) and open a terminal where it d/l to | 02:23 |
sinferno | question, i have a soundblaster live value but i have 4 speakers, only 2 of them are working | 02:23 |
sinferno | how would i uhhh make all 4 work | 02:23 |
eric__ | ok, I'll give it a try | 02:24 |
torti- | hrm, i try to compile the kernel now. but when i enter 'dpkg-buildpackage -B -uc -us -rfakeroot' i get 'dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: docbook-utils kernel-package (>= 8.091.0ubuntu3) sharutils transfig dpatch kernel-wedge (>= 1.25.1ubuntu5) | 02:24 |
torti- | dpkg-buildpackage: Build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied; aborting.' --- feeling like a brick | 02:24 |
=== drew [~digitalbo@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drew | hey everybody | 02:24 |
=== ted_ [~ted@12-202-253-170.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drew | annybody home? | 02:25 |
nalioth | eric__: when you get the terminal open where the file is, type "chmod +x winmac_fstab", then "sudo winmac_fstab" | 02:25 |
ted_ | I just set up ubuntu and the admin utiltities in the System menu do not seem to recognize my user, or the root password. I have attempted to change the root password and use that, but to no avail. Does ubuntu handle this in some special way? | 02:25 |
drew | hey, could somebody help me setting up my Soundblaster Live! 24 bit soundcard? | 02:26 |
virgule | hia, how many 'pbflush' process are normaly ran at once? Is two normal? also there is two kio_trash and two kio_pop3.?? can I safely kil one of them without smoking my system? | 02:26 |
sinferno | does anyone know how to get setup 4 speakers on my soundblaster live | 02:26 |
nalioth | ted_: there is no root password | 02:26 |
torti- | ted_: added your user to the /etc/sudoers? | 02:26 |
drew | sinferno, you got your soundblaster live to play sound? | 02:26 |
drew | cus then you're way ahead of me | 02:26 |
nalioths_dog | ted_: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 02:27 |
ted_ | torti-: does it need a special line? or just the usual ALL=(ALL) ALL ? | 02:27 |
j_fletcher | can anyone tell me how to install GTK themes that I download? please | 02:27 |
torti- | ted_: just that | 02:27 |
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drew | j_fletchter: click system, preferences, theme | 02:27 |
nalioth | j_fletcher: most themes go in ~/.themes, i believe | 02:27 |
drew | j_fletcher: it's pretty straight forward | 02:27 |
ted_ | drew: you can download an alsa utility that will set up everything for you. There are also some emu10k1 utilities that you can find | 02:27 |
=== atholas [~atholas@222-153-14-87.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drew | ted_: where can I find these utilities? | 02:28 |
ted_ | apt-cache search alsa | 02:28 |
j_fletcher | drew: yeah, I then went to the tar.gz AND tryed it extracted, nothing happened | 02:28 |
ted_ | apt-cache search emu10k1 | 02:28 |
drew | ted_: in console? | 02:28 |
drew | thanks, wish me luck | 02:29 |
torti- | hrm, i try to compile the kernel now. but when i enter 'dpkg-buildpackage -B -uc -us -rfakeroot' i get 'dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: docbook-utils kernel-package (>= 8.091.0ubuntu3) sharutils transfig dpatch kernel-wedge (>= 1.25.1ubuntu5)' -- anyone recognizes this or can give me a hint? | 02:29 |
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drew | ted_: so after I download awesfx (that's what it's called) what do I do? just restart? | 02:30 |
drew | j_fletcher: um, sorry. I don't know then. that's what I did | 02:30 |
sinferno | drew, it played sound when i installed | 02:30 |
drew | thanks. | 02:30 |
sinferno | drew, i have a soundblaster live value | 02:30 |
transgress | gparted doesn't want to work :( | 02:30 |
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j_fletcher | drew: in tar.gz or what? | 02:31 |
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j_fletcher | when u searche dthe file | 02:31 |
sinferno | im having problems getting all four of my speakers to work on my soundblaster, can someone help me | 02:31 |
drew | sinferno: is it 24 bit? | 02:31 |
sinferno | ummm im not sure its so old | 02:31 |
sinferno | 16 i think | 02:31 |
sinferno | no idea actually | 02:31 |
drew | sinferno: um, how do you know if it's value? | 02:31 |
eric__ | nalioth: thanks alot, I got it to work | 02:31 |
sinferno | because i do know | 02:31 |
sinferno | it was a value when i bought it | 02:32 |
drew | haha, k. | 02:32 |
drew | thanks | 02:32 |
zenlunatic | when i click on system -> lock screen the screen doesn't lock. why? | 02:32 |
sinferno | it was cheaper... | 02:32 |
sinferno | lol | 02:32 |
drew | yeah, I recently bought mine at best buy | 02:32 |
sinferno | mines really old | 02:32 |
drew | but no sound is playing. | 02:32 |
sinferno | my friend gave it to me | 02:32 |
sinferno | a long time ago | 02:32 |
sinferno | my sound worked when i installed | 02:32 |
sinferno | but i need to get all 4 speakers owrking | 02:32 |
drew | what did you use to test the sound? | 02:32 |
sinferno | test it? | 02:32 |
sinferno | it worked when i installed | 02:33 |
drew | yeah, what application did you use to make the sound | 02:33 |
drew | so I can test if mine works | 02:33 |
sinferno | beep media player | 02:33 |
drew | how do you open the volume control thingy? | 02:33 |
kalolo | anyone suceded getting up monodevelop? | 02:33 |
drew | nvm | 02:34 |
drew | yeah, sinferno, no dice. | 02:34 |
transgress | hmm... gparted didn't want to work, but parted sure did | 02:34 |
kalolo | o.O | 02:34 |
zenlunatic | when i click on system -> lock screen the screen doesn't lock. why? | 02:34 |
drew | zenlunatic: what does it do? | 02:34 |
sinferno | no dice on what | 02:34 |
nalioth | transgress: so you got sorted? | 02:34 |
zenlunatic | drew nothing | 02:34 |
sinferno | i got some dice | 02:34 |
drew | sinferno: on sound | 02:34 |
sinferno | oh | 02:34 |
=== judax [~judax@ppp-69-148-18-161.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zenlunatic | drew it used to work | 02:35 |
drew | could you open device manager? | 02:35 |
sinferno | sorry im not really that good @ giving advice i just installed this distro | 02:35 |
sinferno | lol | 02:35 |
drew | sinferno: same here | 02:35 |
transgress | nalioth: looks like it. gonna have to fix my fstab but other than that yes | 02:35 |
drew | let's help each other:-p | 02:35 |
drew | sinferno: what's device manager say about your soundcard? | 02:35 |
zenlunatic | drew any ideas? | 02:35 |
drew | zenlunatic nope, sry. | 02:35 |
sinferno | lemme look | 02:35 |
nalioth | transgress: great! | 02:35 |
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sinferno | drew, sb live! EMU10k1 | 02:37 |
drew | for mine it recognizes it as SB audigy ls | 02:37 |
sinferno | that seems like a problem | 02:37 |
drew | sinferno ohh, I need ca0106 not emuk01 or whatever | 02:37 |
drew | sinferno, but there's no application for that. :-/ | 02:38 |
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=== asd [~asd@p548B7985.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drew | sinferno, lemme work on this for a sec. i've got an idea | 02:39 |
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sinferno | k | 02:39 |
sinferno | can anyone help me get 4 speakers working on a sb live! value? | 02:40 |
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drew | sinferno can you pm me if you find the answer to that? btw, i've heard horror stories about people trying to get that to work. | 02:41 |
=== eltino [~eltino@AStrasbourg-208-1-7-80.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sinferno | ok | 02:41 |
eltino | hello | 02:41 |
virgule | hi | 02:42 |
=== ScislaC [~scislac@ip68-2-249-199.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eltino | are there official hoary torrents? | 02:42 |
idleCat | What does it mean for something to be in the backports ? | 02:42 |
nalioth | eltino: yes there are | 02:43 |
sinferno | hey someone sent me a beep media player skin earlier but i didnt get the link 8( | 02:43 |
jasoncohen | idleCat, http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/faq.php | 02:43 |
transgress | nalioth: thanks for the tip... got me a nice little swap partition added | 02:43 |
nalioth | jasoncohen: thank you (for saving me the typing) | 02:43 |
nalioth | transgress: great! (now share the love) | 02:44 |
jasoncohen | nalioth, np | 02:44 |
eric__ | anyone: how do you add mp3 functionality in totem | 02:44 |
=== boga [~judith@CPE0011095f2041-CM00e06f240dd8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boga | how can I make Kubuntu see my camera as an external device? When I connect via USB, nothing happens! | 02:44 |
thenuke | eric__: check ubuntuguide.org | 02:44 |
nalioths_dog | eric__: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support | 02:44 |
nalioths_dog | thenuke: Please do not advise ubuntuguide. Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 here explains why https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines | 02:44 |
sinferno | does anyone have 4 speakers working in ubuntu? | 02:45 |
=== orion2012 [~orion@cpe-70-117-2-253.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jasoncohen | i read through the developer chat on the backports project and there were some concerns about security updates on backports. Any info on whether security updates will be handled differently now with the official backports project vs. regular updates? | 02:45 |
drew | sinferno did you check the forums? | 02:45 |
sinferno | i checked google | 02:45 |
sinferno | its a hard string to search for | 02:45 |
sinferno | im like uhhh "4 speakers" soundblaster linux | 02:45 |
sinferno | lol | 02:45 |
eric__ | good stuff | 02:46 |
drew | http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/index.php?vendor=All#matrix | 02:46 |
drew | sry, ignore that | 02:46 |
drew | Please, install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution | 02:46 |
drew | how do I do that? | 02:46 |
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drew | anyone? | 02:47 |
nalioth | drew: open synaptic and search for 'kernel' what comes up, look for source | 02:47 |
=== boga [~judith@CPE0011095f2041-CM00e06f240dd8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stevenj | anyone having lag connecting to yahoo (gaim)? | 02:47 |
thechitowncubs | Hey everyone, an ubuntu computer in my house is undergoin difficulties... GDK seems to freeze, it goes through the whole bootup process than when gdm starts the working cursor justs sits for a long time and the hard drive is active but nothing ever happens | 02:47 |
thechitowncubs | i cant even CTRL+F1 to get into a terminal | 02:47 |
drew | how do I know what kernel I have? | 02:48 |
=== bddebian [~bddebian@pcp08717033pcs.phnixv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | drew: are you using hoary? | 02:48 |
drew | yes | 02:48 |
bddebian | Hi nalioth :) | 02:48 |
drew | <== is a super n00b | 02:48 |
nalioth | then i believe its 2.6.10 | 02:48 |
nalioth | bddebian: howdy | 02:48 |
drew | nalioth: thanks | 02:48 |
drew | nalioth: where do I download the kernel source? | 02:48 |
drew | nalioth *how do I? | 02:49 |
lifeless | bob2___: ping | 02:49 |
bddebian | drew: You can apt-get a kernel package | 02:49 |
drew | bddebian: what do I type? | 02:49 |
nalioth | drew: using synaptic | 02:49 |
drew | nalioth what do I do exactly? I'm sorry, i'm new to this | 02:49 |
bddebian | Or synaptic too | 02:49 |
=== boga [~judith@CPE0011095f2041-CM00e06f240dd8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
drew | if I search for kernel in synaptic... I only get results for 2.4.27 | 02:50 |
nalioth | drew: synaptic is the frontend to apt-get | 02:50 |
reka | thechitowncubs: could you make a guess at what caused it? i.e. did you make any changes etc. | 02:50 |
LinuxJones | drew, search for linux-image | 02:50 |
drew | linuxjones ok | 02:50 |
LinuxJones | drew, sorry your looking for source | 02:50 |
LinuxJones | drew, my mistake | 02:51 |
=== CerBerO_ [~CerBerO@pc-138-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bddebian | drew: If you use apt-get you can "sudo apt-get kernel-image-2.6.12.." | 02:51 |
drew | linuxjones oh ok. thanks for helping. | 02:51 |
drew | is that exactly what I type? | 02:51 |
drew | thankds | 02:51 |
stevenj | whats the best Python IDE to learn with? thanks | 02:51 |
bddebian | drew: No, not the ... | 02:51 |
=== XhyldazhK [~xhyldazhk@dup-200-64-114-12.prodigy.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XhyldazhK | Hi all | 02:51 |
nalioth | bddebian: talk him thru the use of a terminal once (after that, he'll have it) | 02:51 |
bddebian | drew: Do you really want the source or are you just looking for an updated kernel? | 02:52 |
drew | bddebian: i'm good w/ computers, just new to linux. if that's possible | 02:52 |
=== Doomgaze [~Doomgaze@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mez | ooh when did you get ops nalioth? | 02:52 |
drew | Please, install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution | 02:52 |
thechitowncubs | reka: well it was burning a cd w/ graveman than it froze so we rebooted it | 02:52 |
thechitowncubs | and now it does this | 02:52 |
drew | that's the error message, bddebian | 02:52 |
nalioth | Mez: seveas did it and then left, i yelled into a quit message | 02:52 |
bddebian | drew: You truly need source? | 02:52 |
drew | bddebian I guess so | 02:52 |
XhyldazhK | Hi... I need to install nvidia-glx. nvidia-glx depends on xlibmesa-glu, but xlibmesa-glu is replaced by and conflicts with libglu1-xorg... I forced the installation of nvidia-glx, but that left nvidia-glx broken... what should I do? | 02:53 |
drew | bddebian: I ran ./configure for alsa and it says that I need the kernel source | 02:53 |
bddebian | Ahhh | 02:53 |
=== mcdemr [~mcdermr@c-67-167-70-226.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bddebian | Why are you compiling alsa? | 02:53 |
stevenj | drew, did you (by chance) follow the "unofficial Ubuntu Guide" to set up your Ubuntu? | 02:53 |
drew | bddebian: because I want sound | 02:53 |
reka | XhyldazhK: how are you installing them? with apt-get? | 02:53 |
drew | stevenj no I didn't. | 02:54 |
XhyldazhK | reka: yes | 02:54 |
XhyldazhK | or with synaptic | 02:54 |
drew | stevenj I looked at it, but I only used it to manage my extra hard drive | 02:54 |
XhyldazhK | or with aptitude | 02:54 |
bddebian | drew: We don't have an alsa package? | 02:54 |
reka | XhyldazhK: :) | 02:54 |
drew | bddebian: what? | 02:54 |
reka | XhyldazhK: was gonna say...if you were installing with dpkg, you may have probs with dependencies | 02:54 |
bddebian | drew: Why are you compiling alsa instead of just installing? | 02:54 |
drew | bddebian: http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?company=Creative+Labs&card=Sound+Blaster+Live+7.1.&chip=SB0410%2C+P17&module=ca0106 | 02:54 |
XhyldazhK | reka: what whould I do? I cannot install anything since nvidia-glx is broken... | 02:54 |
drew | bdddebian: it told me to do it this way | 02:54 |
XhyldazhK | should | 02:55 |
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drew | bddebian, is there an easier way? | 02:55 |
bddebian | Hang on | 02:55 |
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stevenj | drew, its pretty good but stay away from the backports as the guide suggests---also there is a "good" thread in Ubuntu forums on setting up sound (ie Alsa) | 02:55 |
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drew | stevenj, what are backports? | 02:55 |
reka | XhyldazhK: so you can't install it without forcing? | 02:55 |
Mez | lol - you dont have proper ops - not form CS anyways | 02:56 |
=== internat [~internat@dare.to.play.on.our-lan.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mez | ust manual ops | 02:56 |
reka | stevenj, drew : yes there certainly is: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26567 | 02:56 |
nalioth | Mez: no, it was a drive-by opping from seveas | 02:56 |
bddebian | drew: Did you try "sudo apt-get install alsa-base" ? | 02:56 |
Mez | hehe | 02:56 |
drew | bddebian, nope. | 02:56 |
drew | bddebian, i'll type that in now. | 02:56 |
nalioth | Mez: i was answering a question, he opped and left | 02:56 |
internat | ok so, just installed ubuntu, well kubuntu but i dont really think thehre is much difference apart from kde over gnome.. and my sound isnt working, its loaded the module for sound, snd_emu10k1x 18084 0 | 02:56 |
drew | alsa-base is already the newest version. | 02:56 |
drew | bddebian, I guess i'm good? | 02:57 |
internat | and other stuff says its using that module.. but alas, i get no sound | 02:57 |
internat | suggestions? | 02:57 |
nalioth | internat: there is a difference in sound 'tween ubuntu and kubuntu (they use different sound modules, i believe) | 02:57 |
nalioth | internat: you might try #kubuntu or #kde | 02:57 |
bddebian | drew: What are you trying to do that isn't working? | 02:57 |
XhyldazhK | reka: no, I cant install it without forcing or without uninstalling all my desktop | 02:57 |
drew | bddebian, I'm trying to get sound. the alsa site says taht I need to use the ca0106 driver | 02:58 |
jasoncohen | why is azureus not in breezy? it's in sarge- so i can't imagine stability is the issue | 02:58 |
stevenj | drew, backports screwed my install up -- but its a repo that installs some bleeding edge packages (gaim,gimp,firefox) | 02:59 |
jasoncohen | bleeding edge? | 02:59 |
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jasoncohen | drew, backports allows you to run newer versions of many desktop packages. most of the distribution is unchanged | 02:59 |
drew | jasoncohen, thanks. | 02:59 |
eltino | jasoncohen: because it needs java? | 02:59 |
jasoncohen | stevenj, how did it screw up your install? | 02:59 |
drew | but what do I need to do to get my sound? | 02:59 |
jasoncohen | eltino, ? | 02:59 |
stevenj | jasoncohen, firefox would no longer work | 03:00 |
reka | XhyldazhK: hmm, not sure. did you install any packages outside of main/multi/universe that could have caused packaging problems? | 03:00 |
bddebian | drew: try "sudo modprobe ca0106" | 03:00 |
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jasoncohen | stevenj, i'm using firefox from backports now- it works fine- as does j2re from backports | 03:00 |
zenlunatic | when i click on system -> lock screen the screen doesn't lock. why? | 03:00 |
drew | bddebian, FATAL: Module ca0106 not found. | 03:00 |
XhyldazhK | reka: I dont think so... the conflicts were all between ubuntu official packages | 03:00 |
stevenj | jasoncohen, not sure...but it was the same thing on two installs...I did dist-upgrade and broke firefox with 1.0.4 | 03:01 |
bddebian | drew: Give me a sec | 03:01 |
drew | bddebian, gladly, thanks for all the help :) | 03:01 |
nalioth | XhyldazhK: if you install the VESA driver, can you get the nvidia stuff sorted then? | 03:02 |
jasoncohen | stevenj, strange- so you just went back to 1.0.2? | 03:02 |
stevenj | jasoncohen, just reinstalled the whole thing ;) | 03:02 |
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jasoncohen | ii firefox 1.0.4-1ubuntu3~5.04ubp5 lightweight web browser based on Mozilla | 03:02 |
XhyldazhK | nalioth: i surely have vesa driver... but its not accelerated | 03:02 |
jasoncohen | stevenj, that was unnecessary | 03:02 |
nalioth | stevenj: and will be wary of backports, i take it | 03:02 |
stevenj | jasoncohen, now I use the uni and multiuni and thats all | 03:03 |
bddebian | drew: Try this "sudo modprobe snd-ca0106" | 03:03 |
nalioth | XhyldazhK: i'm not saying use it forever, just to let you remove all the nvidia stuff and start over with it | 03:03 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, did you add some weird sources? | 03:03 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, show me your /etc/apt/sources.list file | 03:03 |
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drew | bddebian, FATAL: Module snd_ca0106 not found. | 03:03 |
drew | FATAL: Error running install command for snd_ca0106 | 03:03 |
sinferno | can anyone help me get 4 speakers working with a sblive value? | 03:03 |
nalioth | stevenj: there's nothing wrong with BP for individual proggys, as long as you comment them out when you get that proggy | 03:03 |
bddebian | drew: OK, check out this link then: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19307 | 03:04 |
XhyldazhK | brb in 5 seconds | 03:04 |
stevenj | jasoncohen, I have no problems...besides I never noticed a difference in using the lastest apps...worked the same to me (gaim, gimp, etc.) | 03:04 |
nalioth | XhyldazhK: but don't show him in here, use a pastebin or #flood | 03:04 |
bddebian | nalioth: BP? | 03:04 |
jasoncohen | nalioth, well, the problem with that is you get no security updates at all | 03:04 |
nalioth | bddebian: BP backports | 03:04 |
stevenj | nalioth, maybe that was my problem...I got every update | 03:04 |
jasoncohen | stevenj, i'm not advertising backports. i'm just wondering what caused your problem | 03:04 |
nalioth | bddebian: backports can cause trouble if left enabled in your sources.list | 03:04 |
nalioth | stevenj: i have no doubt that is what screwed you | 03:05 |
bddebian | Ohh | 03:05 |
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drew | bddebian, ok, i'll work on that. | 03:05 |
jasoncohen | nalioth, hopefully things will get better with the official project | 03:05 |
XhyldazhK | hi again | 03:05 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | is there a way to compare the files from 2 of the same folders but on diffrent drives? | 03:05 |
=== Razor-X makes the Darth Vade "Noooo" sound | ||
nalioth | jasoncohen: yes, the official blessing can only bring us closer to harmony | 03:05 |
XhyldazhK | let me paste my sources on some pastebin | 03:05 |
drew | bddebian, gimme a few | 03:05 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: are both drives mounted? | 03:05 |
bddebian | drew: NP | 03:05 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | yes | 03:05 |
btech | i need help setting up my sound if theres anyone here who wants a shot | 03:06 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: the command "diff" | 03:06 |
jasoncohen | nalioth, the problem is that i still can't seem to find away to keep backports on my system without using all of it. my /etc/apt/preferences file allowed me to prefer ubuntu sources but then i couldn't install backports with -t hoary-backports | 03:06 |
Razor-X | the creator of KPDF uses......... uses........ USES | 03:06 |
stevenj | jasoncohen, the problem (once again) was firefox, it would not load, it gave an error when installing...it must be held back for a reason in BP, because you have to dist-upgrade | 03:06 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ok how would i use it? | 03:06 |
Razor-X | Mandrake!!!! nooooooooooooo!!!!! | 03:06 |
bddebian | btech: Whats the issue? | 03:06 |
nalioth | jasoncohen: i have BP in my sources.list, but its commented. | 03:06 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: open a term and type "man diff" | 03:06 |
jasoncohen | stevenj, yeah you do need to dist-upgrade | 03:06 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | k | 03:06 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: you may wish to use it in a way we wouldnt suggest | 03:06 |
jasoncohen | stevenj, it's using breezy's firefox which uses the firefox package - hoary uses mozilla-firefox | 03:06 |
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btech | ive got ubutu installed and if i play freecraft it has no sound? | 03:07 |
jasoncohen | stevenj, so it has a new dependency- requiring the dist-upgrade | 03:07 |
btech | are bzflag | 03:07 |
btech | or | 03:07 |
jasoncohen | stevenj, i bet you had some 1.0.2 firefox stuff and some 1.0.4 | 03:07 |
nalioth | jasoncohen: and i only enable the BP in my list, to get a pkg, and then i comment it back out | 03:07 |
ilmari | is there a place where one can get old versions of packages from breezy (like snapshot.debian.net)? | 03:07 |
bddebian | btech: Do you get sound in anything? | 03:07 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | no i had a backup folder of 32gigs on my desktop | 03:07 |
stevenj | jasoncohen, yes and apparently I did not do something in the right order and it broke | 03:07 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and copyd them to a drive i just put in | 03:07 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i know some of the files whern't copyd | 03:07 |
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nalioth | btech: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary | 03:07 |
j_fletcher | anyone know how to get that mac style menu I see on screenshots? | 03:07 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i just wanted to know which ones | 03:07 |
SirGrok | I just reinstalled ubuntu and my repositories are going REALLY slow (3000 B/s). Does anyone have an idea as to what to do? | 03:07 |
jasoncohen | nalioth, i tried to enable backports so that i could install selectively and get upgrades for backport packages without using all backport packages | 03:08 |
btech | on the desktop and when it boots, just not on games that i guess run in x | 03:08 |
XhyldazhK | http://rafb.net/paste/results/9N8yrY71.html <-- thats my sources.list... anyone sees any thing that can keep nvidia-glx broken? | 03:08 |
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nalioth | jasoncohen: i find me manually commenting/uncommenting works best for me. ymmv | 03:08 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and nalioth what does that mean? | 03:08 |
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bddebian | ymmv == Your Mileage May Vary | 03:08 |
nalioth | j_fletcher: you mean the dock looking thing? | 03:08 |
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stevenj | jasoncohen, I do need the multimedia codecs and totem-xine...I assume BP is the place to get it? | 03:08 |
jasoncohen | nalioth, it's easy to do in debian with testing/unstable but considerably harder in hoary because with debian there are only two versions that i was using (testing & unstable) + unstable is a higher version so you could apt-get upgrade both testing & unstable at the same time | 03:08 |
j_fletcher | nalioth: yes | 03:08 |
btech | ?? | 03:09 |
nalioth | stevenj: no, you can get them from uni and multi | 03:09 |
UbuWu | For anyone on breezy here: my openoffice2beta just got upgraded to 1.9.113! Feels much faster and has a beautiful splash screen... | 03:09 |
Amaranth | nalioth: Please don't stay in operator mode if you aren't using it. | 03:09 |
nalioth | Amaranth: Seveas did it | 03:09 |
jasoncohen | stevenj, yes | 03:09 |
stevenj | nalioth, nice..thanks! | 03:09 |
reka | SirGrok: is it just the repos or the net in general? | 03:09 |
nalioth | Amaranth: CS doensnt have me in the list yet | 03:09 |
j_fletcher | nalioth: you know how to get it? | 03:09 |
HuzzahItInstalle | So, I'm utterly new to linux, and apparently I need to create a symbolic link from /usr/x11R6/lib/libx11.so.6.2 to /usr/x11R6/lib/libx11.so ? | 03:09 |
Amaranth | nalioth: Oh, you aren't in the access list? | 03:09 |
taomaster | hello- new to this o/s - do u all know the link to check for updates ? | 03:09 |
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jasoncohen | stevenj, totem-xine is in universe | 03:09 |
SirGrok | reka, just the apt-get repositories.... | 03:09 |
nalioth | j_fletcher: that is a superkaramba widget | 03:09 |
jasoncohen | but not all multimedia codecs are- w32codecs and libdvdcss2 are in hoary-extras | 03:09 |
j_fletcher | thx | 03:09 |
XhyldazhK | jasoncohen: what can be wrong with nvidia-glx? | 03:09 |
nalioth | Amaranth: Seveas opped me and ran | 03:10 |
stevenj | jasoncohen, I dont think codecs are though? hmm | 03:10 |
j_fletcher | nalioth: thx | 03:10 |
Amaranth | jdub: Can you add nalioth to the access list? | 03:10 |
reka | SirGrok: using mirrors or the defaults? | 03:10 |
SirGrok | Defaults. | 03:10 |
nalioth | j_fletcher: and yes, kde apps run under gnome | 03:10 |
bddebian | taomaster: It should be already there unless you want/need universe and or multiverse | 03:10 |
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taomaster | i did the apt-get | 03:10 |
taomaster | is that it? | 03:10 |
bddebian | taomaster: You did apt-get update? | 03:11 |
reka | SirGrok: well, i'm using au mirrors, so i can't compare...but maybe the servers are just slow? | 03:11 |
SirGrok | reka, where can I find mirros (if that is the solution) | 03:11 |
taomaster | yes | 03:11 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, you are using breezy main & restricted with hoary security & upgrades!!! | 03:11 |
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stevenj | speaking of multimedia-has anyone tried the firefox multimedia extensions..its kicks ass. | 03:11 |
nalioth | jasoncohen: WOW, no wonder | 03:11 |
Arkainium | What files, if anything, can I check to troubleshoot system lockups? | 03:11 |
stevenj | extension I mean | 03:11 |
XhyldazhK | jasoncohen: what can happen with that? is so bad? | 03:11 |
SirGrok | reka, I have used the defaults all along and they have never gone this slow. | 03:11 |
jasoncohen | yes- very | 03:11 |
nalioth | XhyldazhK: you'll have serious version discrepancys | 03:11 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, breey is unstable and your setup is even worse than pure breezy | 03:11 |
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jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, you have some hoary & some breezy = BROKEN | 03:11 |
felix | chupamelo | 03:11 |
XhyldazhK | what should I do? | 03:12 |
nalioth | XhyldazhK: hope you can revert to hoary | 03:12 |
jasoncohen | remove the breezy line | 03:12 |
jasoncohen | and try manually re-installing the hoary packages | 03:12 |
jasoncohen | you're in over your head i think though | 03:12 |
XhyldazhK | revert to hoary? i can't upgrade to breezy milestone 1? | 03:12 |
Razor-X | wow..... an emacs user is having a hard time putting emacs in his own non-objective words.... | 03:13 |
stevenj | when you remove something in linux (or apt-get) does it leave things behind (like Windows) or completely uninstalls like it was never even installed? | 03:13 |
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SirGrok | reka, where does one go abouts finding mirrors for ubuntu's apt-get? | 03:13 |
jasoncohen | stevenj, apt-get remove leaves configuration files- apt-get remove --purge purges it | 03:13 |
reka | SirGrok: if you want to try the US mirrors, you can change all the urls to us.archive.ubuntu.com/* | 03:13 |
Amaranth | stevenj: If you purge it is all goes away, except for files it put in your home dir | 03:13 |
bddebian | stevenj: It depends on the package and/or the person who packaged it. | 03:13 |
reka | in sources/list | 03:13 |
reka | *sources.list | 03:13 |
jasoncohen | so, what should XhyldazhK | 03:14 |
jasoncohen | just reinstall? | 03:14 |
stevenj | thanks ... did not know about purge :) | 03:14 |
SirGrok | reka, muchas gracias mi amor!!! | 03:14 |
XhyldazhK | jasoncohen: i can't use breezy? | 03:14 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, you can | 03:14 |
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Razor-X | SirGrok: mmmm? je ne comprende pas, je ne parle pas espagnol | 03:14 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, um..you have hoary multiverse and breezy main restricted | 03:14 |
nalioth | XhyldazhK: breezy is broken | 03:15 |
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jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, even worse- hoary multiverse & universe and breezy main & restricted | 03:15 |
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stevenj | I cant wait until breezy is released | 03:15 |
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jasoncohen | you must be getting ridiculous conflicts | 03:15 |
IceDC571 | freddy_: Qt my ass | 03:15 |
XhyldazhK | what should I have in my sources.list? | 03:15 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, you should have all hoary, heh | 03:15 |
stevenj | ubuntu is soooo much better than FC or Mandrake..esp mandrake | 03:16 |
jasoncohen | can he manually go back to hoary or is it not worth the trouble? | 03:16 |
XhyldazhK | jasoncohen: but many new packages, like wesnoth latest, depend on breezy... | 03:16 |
stevenj | I tried FC 4 and its a pain to setup right | 03:16 |
stevenj | for me anyway | 03:16 |
seth_k | XhyldazhK, not if you use backports... | 03:16 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, that's what backports are for | 03:16 |
goldfish | fc is satain | 03:16 |
XhyldazhK | seth_k: what is backports? | 03:16 |
XhyldazhK | please explain me about backports... | 03:17 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, ually go back to hoary or is it not worth the trouble? | 03:17 |
jasoncohen | xhaker, the safe(r) way to use newer packages | 03:17 |
seth_k | XhyldazhK (man that's hard to type): see http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ | 03:17 |
nalioth | XhyldazhK: backports are programs from breezy, BackPorted to hoary | 03:17 |
stevenj | http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ | 03:17 |
jasoncohen | and backport-extras has a few apps but mostly multimedia plugins not available in breezy or hoary due to licensing restrictions | 03:17 |
jasoncohen | sorry- hoary-extras | 03:17 |
XhyldazhK | aaaahhh so I use hoary + backports and it's like a transitional step to breezy | 03:17 |
Razor-X | name to me a use of emacs other than text editing | 03:18 |
Razor-X | something emacs cando | 03:18 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, it's hoary with updated apps- most of your system stays as hoary | 03:18 |
XhyldazhK | so i should be hoary + hary-backports | 03:18 |
seth_k | indeed | 03:18 |
Razor-X | (odd that I can't think of any at the moment) | 03:18 |
Razor-X | *can do | 03:18 |
seth_k | you get all the stability of Hoary | 03:18 |
seth_k | with new apps from Breezy | 03:18 |
drew | bddebian, whta does the ls command do? | 03:18 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, yes- but your situation now isn't great | 03:18 |
bddebian | drew: It is like dir | 03:18 |
Razor-X | I already wrote about terminal, and IRC | 03:18 |
seth_k | drew, ls is like "dir" in MS-DOS | 03:18 |
seth_k | bah, beaten | 03:18 |
XhyldazhK | jasoncohen: what can I do now? | 03:18 |
drew | bddebian, because cd .. && ls *.deb is taking a while | 03:18 |
bddebian | drew: It's short for list I think | 03:18 |
reka | Razor-X: web browse | 03:18 |
drew | bddebian, is it worth watching it all list or can I move on? | 03:18 |
Razor-X | reka: ahhh, there we go | 03:18 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, either manually downgrade all your packages to hoary and then add backports OR reinstall (much easier) | 03:19 |
stevenj | still I just dont see any difference in the new packages bp offers... | 03:19 |
reka | Razor-X: i think it can play mp3s as well, but it might do that through xmms | 03:19 |
drew | bddebian, nvm, it's done. | 03:19 |
XhyldazhK | jasoncohen: reinstalling is not easier... | 03:19 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, you've never downgraded an entire system before... | 03:19 |
Razor-X | reka: I'ld just open an emacs terminal and run cplay, meself ;) | 03:19 |
reka | Razor-X: i'm actually a vim user :) | 03:19 |
XhyldazhK | jasoncohen: at least downgrading i don't lost all my user data | 03:19 |
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Razor-X | reka: I used to be one ;) | 03:20 |
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SirGrok | reka, I hate to be a bother, but I can not seem to get this working... could you e-mail me your sources.list file? | 03:20 |
bddebian | nano r00lz | 03:20 |
Razor-X | bddebian: stay back, fiend | 03:20 |
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jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, start up synaptic, go to status > installed | 03:20 |
bddebian | mwuhahaha | 03:20 |
Wegg | hello | 03:20 |
reka | SirGrok: pm OK? | 03:20 |
bddebian | Hello weedar | 03:20 |
nalioths_dog | SirGrok: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 | 03:20 |
bddebian | Err Wegg | 03:20 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, and force all breezy packages back to hoary | 03:20 |
reka | nalioth: he wants US mirrors. | 03:20 |
Wegg | Is there a tool that lets me add/format/mount a second hard drive to my Ubuntu install? | 03:21 |
nalioth | reka: alrighty then | 03:21 |
bddebian | Wegg: Uhm mount? | 03:21 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, you'll probably have to start with base packages- otherwise it'll complain that others can't be downgraded | 03:21 |
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jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, you have to understand- apt-get is setup to upgrade packages- not downgrade | 03:21 |
seth_k | it's so hard to downgrade | 03:21 |
Wegg | does that mount the drive for good? Like. . . for every time I re-start the machine? | 03:21 |
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jasoncohen | Wegg, apt-get install gparted - it's a nice partitioning tool | 03:21 |
seth_k | you're almost assuredly better off reinstalling | 03:21 |
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Wegg | gparted? | 03:22 |
XhyldazhK | jasoncohen: what is the default distribution of hoary-backports? | 03:22 |
Wegg | ok | 03:22 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, if it was just KDE or something i would tell you to downgrade manually | 03:22 |
jasoncohen | but your entire system is basically breezy | 03:22 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, hoary? | 03:22 |
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jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, hence the hoary..backports | 03:22 |
Mobius | how can I find out information about my kernel?> | 03:22 |
XhyldazhK | it's not hoary-backports or something alike? | 03:22 |
bddebian | Mobius: What type of information? | 03:22 |
jasoncohen | packages from breezy for hoary | 03:23 |
nalioth | Wegg: gparted, qtparted are both frontends for parted | 03:23 |
Wegg | whats the most noob proof? | 03:23 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, yeah, i think gparted will add a line in fstab for you so it'll be mounted on boot | 03:23 |
Mobius | bddebian : I am trying to see if its 386 or 686 or.. something (i am pretty new to this stuff =/) | 03:23 |
g23 | Is there a way to load openoffice.org2-base | 03:23 |
bddebian | Mobius: Get to a termina and do "sudo uname -a" | 03:23 |
XhyldazhK | jasoncohen: so now that i'm on breezy... i'm damned to be broken forever? | 03:24 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, no- it'll be ok when you get closer to breezy release date | 03:24 |
kalolo | ... | 03:24 |
XhyldazhK | so I will be broken until october? | 03:24 |
bddebian | Mobius: Sorry, you don't need sudo for a uname -a | 03:24 |
jasoncohen | you shouldn't upgrade to the development version until most of the active development is done | 03:24 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, no- not that long | 03:25 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, by september or august most of the work will be done and it'll be in a partial freeze | 03:25 |
Wegg | I can't find qparted in the Synaptic Package Manager | 03:25 |
Mobius | thats okay, bddebian - it says 2.6.10-5-386 but to the right it has i686.. | 03:25 |
seth_k | XhyldazhK, you're broken? I'm running Breezy and doing fine. If you have upgraded to breezy, take all hoary sources out of your list and add all the breezy sources | 03:25 |
seth_k | Wegg, qtparted or gparted. No such thing as qparted | 03:25 |
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stevenj | I wonder why multimedia codecs and (mp3 support) is not in universe or multiverse? | 03:25 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, you need to add universe - and it's qtparted | 03:25 |
bddebian | Mobius: That doesn't necessarily mean that you have a kernel built for 686 | 03:25 |
jasoncohen | stevenj, licensing issues | 03:25 |
Razor-X | hmmmm.... | 03:25 |
Wegg | universe? | 03:25 |
Razor-X | what came first? | 03:25 |
Mobius | how do I know which I want bddebian | 03:26 |
Razor-X | emacs or BASH? | 03:26 |
jasoncohen | seth_k, i wouldn't recommend that | 03:26 |
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jasoncohen | seth_k, unless he doesn't mind have his system break | 03:26 |
XhyldazhK | seth_k: which accel card do u have? | 03:26 |
bddebian | Mobius: Are you using a native Ubuntu install? | 03:26 |
stevenj | jasoncohen, i see | 03:26 |
seth_k | jasoncohen, if he's already gone halfway, he should go all the way | 03:26 |
Mobius | brand new bddebian | 03:26 |
nalioth | stevenj: mp3 not in uni and multi? | 03:26 |
Razor-X | hah, i'm guessing no-one here knows ;) | 03:26 |
seth_k | jasoncohen, less trouble | 03:26 |
jasoncohen | breezy is not ready to be used yet | 03:26 |
seth_k | XhyldazhK, video card? | 03:26 |
reka | Razor-X: is this a chicken/egg question? | 03:26 |
jasoncohen | seth_k, i agree- a full breezy system is better than what he has now | 03:26 |
reka | :) | 03:26 |
jasoncohen | but if he expects it to stable he's mistaken | 03:26 |
stevenj | nalioth, not sure..is it? what is it called? | 03:26 |
seth_k | indeed | 03:26 |
XhyldazhK | seth_k: yes | 03:26 |
g23 | openoffice.org-base is not in universe or multiverse... in Debian experimental though... | 03:27 |
seth_k | jasoncohen, i've been running it since Hoary+1 with little trouble. Now that the Cxx transition is done, it's quite stable | 03:27 |
nalioths_dog | stevenj: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support | 03:27 |
Razor-X | reka: actually, it isn't ;) | 03:27 |
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HuzzahItInstalle | Does anyone know what version of libgtk is included in Hoary? | 03:27 |
seth_k | XhyldazhK, I run Breezy on two systems. One has a GeForce Ti4400, the other a Radeon 9000 | 03:27 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, read this about adding repositories - https://wiki.ubuntu.com//AddingRepositoriesHowto | 03:27 |
stevenj | nalioths_dog, ok thanks | 03:27 |
Wegg | thanks Jasoncohen | 03:27 |
XhyldazhK | seth_k: how did you managed the nvidia-glx conflict? | 03:27 |
ilmari | HuzzahItInstalle: http://packages.ubuntu.com/libgtk2.0-0 | 03:27 |
Razor-X | I need to know whether emacs controls were influenced from the controls of BASH (or SH) or was it the other way 'round | 03:27 |
ilmari | HuzzahItInstalle: 2.4.10-1ubuntu1.1 | 03:28 |
seth_k | XhyldazhK, i'm running without nvidia drivers right now | 03:28 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, before you do that- read this | 03:28 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components | 03:28 |
HuzzahItInstalle | That's ilmari | 03:28 |
HuzzahItInstalle | er, Thanks | 03:28 |
Mobius | bddebian, what did you mean by native | 03:28 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, easy- he has breezy | 03:28 |
ilmari | HuzzahItInstalle: uh, that was warty, hoary has 2.6.4-0ubuntu3 | 03:28 |
bddebian | Mobius: I mean you didn't build your own kernel? | 03:28 |
ilmari | HuzzahItInstalle: packages.ubuntu.com is really handy | 03:28 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, your problem is due to mixing breezy and hoary- it'll be fixed if you remove your hoary entries and add universe & multiverse for breezy | 03:28 |
Mobius | bddebian: I just reinstalled ubuntu on my laptop - Ive been trying to get the sound to work | 03:28 |
Mobius | =/ | 03:28 |
XhyldazhK | seth_k: hmm... I do 3d modelling on my box | 03:28 |
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Razor-X | hmmmm.... | 03:29 |
HuzzahItInstalle | Any idea why this program (Kylix) at install would inform me that "Libgtk version >= 1.2.0...FAILED" ? | 03:29 |
Razor-X | I'm thinking emacs AND vi preceded BASH | 03:29 |
seth_k | you compiling, Huzzah? | 03:29 |
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bddebian | Mobius: Anyway, you can look at this from a terminal: "apt-cache search linux-image-2.6" | 03:29 |
seth_k | it probably can't find the right path, Huzzah | 03:29 |
nalioth | Mobius: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary | 03:29 |
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HuzzahItInstalle | Hopefully will be | 03:29 |
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r0d | trying to get wireless card to see dhcp . have the essid, mode, and wepkey correct. i run a 'dhclient ath0' and no dice | 03:29 |
XhyldazhK | seth_k: so you use the drivers directly from nvidia? | 03:29 |
g23 | Does anyone know a way to load openoffice.org2-base (Database program) | 03:29 |
Amaranth | nalioth: ping me or whatever when it's needed | 03:29 |
bddebian | Mobius: Are you just trying to upgrade your kernel just to fix a sound issue? | 03:30 |
Amaranth | nalioth: and i'll put it back when i leave | 03:30 |
Mobius | its worse then that nalioth | 03:30 |
eric__ | hey everyone, I just installed ubuntu today and I dont remember being asked for a root password, now I cannot login as root, is the anyway to find out the password? | 03:30 |
nalioth | Amaranth: np | 03:30 |
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stevenj | nalioths_dog, ok thanks what I needed ta know | 03:30 |
seth_k | XhyldazhK, yeah, Breezy isn't for you right now... no, I use the included drivers right now, which give me < 200 fps with my Ti4400 (3000 fps usually with the drivers) | 03:30 |
bddebian | eric__: There isn't one | 03:30 |
bwlang_ | eric__: you don't use root in ubuntu... you use sudo | 03:30 |
Mobius | bddebian: I just remember last install I tried working on it my friend had me get 686 stuff I think | 03:30 |
nalioths_dog | eric__: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 03:30 |
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seth_k | s/the drivers/the glx drivers | 03:30 |
reka | Razor-X: wikipedia time i think :) | 03:30 |
XhyldazhK | seth_k: which included drivers? | 03:30 |
eric__ | I see | 03:30 |
Razor-X | reka: well, i'm pretty sure it's so | 03:30 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, you probably have xlibmesa-glu installed from hoary | 03:30 |
seth_k | jasoncohen, I think it gets conflicted out | 03:31 |
Razor-X | because a "property of the Bourne family of shells" is that "you can have vi or emacs editor binds" | 03:31 |
internat | ok well im having problems with my sound, i just inistalled kubuntu, the module is apparently loaded snd_emu10k1x 18084 0.. but i still have no sound.. anyone? no one in #kubuntu knows anything, nor is anyone in #alsa awake.. | 03:31 |
XhyldazhK | jasoncohen: no I dont... it was uninstalled in the upgrade to breezy, it got replaced with the xorg's glu | 03:31 |
nalioth | ok y'all, the customers callin | 03:31 |
jasoncohen | ok, so what's the problem when you try to install nvidia-glx? | 03:31 |
reka | Razor-X: is this homework or something? | 03:31 |
seth_k | XhyldazhK, the "nv" driver as opposed to the "nvidia" driver | 03:31 |
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seth_k | jasoncohen, it's broken right now with deps | 03:31 |
XhyldazhK | nvidia-glx needs xlibmesa-glu | 03:31 |
jasoncohen | seth_k, ah, so it's broken in breezy | 03:31 |
Xenguy | Longshot question: I'm trying to install a Citrix client on Ubuntu, but so far I have not been successful - has anyone here done this successfully by any chance? | 03:32 |
Razor-X | reka: a guide for the good of the Linux community | 03:32 |
HuzzahItInstalle | seth_k , if you're thinking it can't find the directory, what would be your suggestion? | 03:32 |
seth_k | jasoncohen, depends on xlibmesa-glu but xlibmesa-glu is now called libmesa-glu1 i think | 03:32 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, so use nv | 03:32 |
seth_k | but he does 3d modelling | 03:32 |
seth_k | so meh | 03:32 |
jasoncohen | until it's fixed in breezy | 03:32 |
seth_k | he's stuck for a bit | 03:32 |
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XhyldazhK | so i should forget nvidia and use nv... which acceleration do nv provide? | 03:32 |
jasoncohen | it's currrently broken according to seth_k | 03:32 |
seth_k | none :D | 03:32 |
leitao_ | i know there is a package that says how much another package is beeing used. how is this package name? | 03:32 |
XhyldazhK | it's easy to uninstall the official nvidia driver? | 03:32 |
seth_k | HuzzahItInstalle, there is probably a path flag you have to set | 03:32 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, you can install hoary and have a stable system with nvidia acceleration or use nv in breezy until it's fixed and things WILL break in the future | 03:33 |
XhyldazhK | (i mean, in its pristine form, not as a deb) | 03:33 |
Trace | Does anyone know how to see mother board type in Linux? | 03:33 |
jasoncohen | that's just what happens in a development branch | 03:33 |
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seth_k | XhyldazhK, jasoncohen is 100% correct | 03:33 |
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seth_k | either reinstall fresh Hoary, or wait it out | 03:33 |
seth_k | imo < 2 weeks | 03:33 |
Amaranth | XhyldazhK: Just as hard as anything else you compile from source. | 03:33 |
drew | bddebian, I followed the site.. but sound still isn't working:-/ | 03:33 |
XhyldazhK | there is a third dirty way | 03:33 |
jasoncohen | yeah...downgrading to hoary | 03:33 |
XhyldazhK | Amaranth: I can compile the nvidia driver? | 03:33 |
Amaranth | XhyldazhK: Yeah. | 03:33 |
XhyldazhK | nope... installing the driver from its script directly from nvidia.com | 03:34 |
jasoncohen | is anyone here skilled in apt pinning? | 03:34 |
Amaranth | XhyldazhK: It compiles a kernel module. | 03:34 |
XhyldazhK | and forgetting ugly deb nvidia-glx | 03:34 |
Amaranth | the deb isn't ugly | 03:34 |
jasoncohen | i still can't figure out what pins i need to selectively install from backports | 03:34 |
Amaranth | running that script is ugly | 03:34 |
jasoncohen | based on version- not packages | 03:34 |
Amaranth | pin backports lower than regular repos | 03:34 |
Amaranth | then you have to actually choose to install the one from backports | 03:35 |
Mobius | bddebian : http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/dlhd-2.aspx?lineid=2004052&famid=2004052&series=2004061&Software=True | 03:35 |
eric__ | I created a directory /usr/java to install the java runtime, I am trying to move a file from my home folder and am being told I dont have the permission to write to the folder | 03:35 |
leitao_ | anyone knows the package that measure the others package usage? | 03:35 |
jasoncohen | Amaranth, i tried- it gave priority to ubuntu packages but then i couldn't install backport packages with apt-get install -t hoary-backports packagename | 03:35 |
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XhyldazhK | Amaranth: so if I source compile (apt-get source --compile nvidia-glx) I will have a non conflicting deb? | 03:35 |
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Wegg | puter locked up. :-/ | 03:36 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, no- the problem is that the package is in a state of flux | 03:36 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, it changed dependencies and one of its dependencies isn't available yet | 03:36 |
stevenj | last question: should I use XMMS or Beep-MP? | 03:36 |
Wegg | So what was the name of that partitioning/mounting tool Jason? | 03:36 |
XhyldazhK | I cannot hack the deb to doesn't depend on anything? | 03:36 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, gparted | 03:36 |
jasoncohen | it's in universe | 03:36 |
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bddebian | Mobius: You are trying to get a wireless card working? | 03:36 |
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Mobius | bddebian: sound card on a laptop | 03:37 |
Wegg | thanks | 03:37 |
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Hackmo | Hey all, can anyone help me with wormux? | 03:37 |
Hackmo | it's keeps freezing when it gets so far | 03:37 |
jasoncohen | Amaranth, here's my /etc/apt/preferences file - http://pastebin.ca/17003 | 03:37 |
reka | stevenj: bmp! | 03:37 |
Amaranth | jasoncohen: I know next to nothing about pinning | 03:37 |
jasoncohen | heh, pinning was so much easier in debian with simple versions | 03:38 |
XhyldazhK | Amaranth: I cannot hack the deb to doesn't depend on anything? | 03:38 |
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Amaranth | XhyldazhK: No, you need linux-restricted-modules | 03:38 |
bddebian | Mobius: Did you try the link that nalioth posted? | 03:38 |
jasoncohen | just had to add a line to make testing the default version in /etc/apt/apt.conf | 03:38 |
Amaranth | XhyldazhK: They're working on it. | 03:38 |
drew | bddebian, any ideas? | 03:38 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, this is why you don't use a development branch if you don't want things to break. wait it out or use hoary | 03:38 |
Mobius | bddebian: yeap, that is for specific programs.. | 03:38 |
Mobius | not what I need | 03:38 |
XhyldazhK | Amaranth: why do I need that? that installed fine and is not conflicting... | 03:39 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, tomorrow, something else could break | 03:39 |
stevenj | reka, yes it looks better, I dont use extra xmms plugins anyway | 03:39 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, you don't- it's most likely already installed | 03:39 |
Amaranth | XhyldazhK: You need linux-restricted-modules 2.6.12 | 03:39 |
reka | stevenj: i might be wrong...but you could probably use xmms plugins with it too. | 03:39 |
Wegg | You can only run gparted as root. . . so. . . how do I become root? | 03:39 |
stevenj | reka, read that it does'nt work with "some" not sure which | 03:39 |
drew | can anyone help me get ca0106 driver set up for my soundblaster live!? | 03:40 |
stevenj | maybe clock | 03:40 |
jasoncohen | Amaranth, wouldn't it have already upgraded it for you? | 03:40 |
bddebian | drew: Did you get an error? | 03:40 |
jasoncohen | Amaranth, he has a main & restricted breezy source | 03:40 |
drew | everything worke | 03:40 |
drew | d | 03:40 |
drew | but still no sound. | 03:40 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, dpkg -l | grep linux-restricted-modules | 03:40 |
Wegg | Ooo never mind I got it | 03:40 |
cyphase | hey everyone | 03:40 |
drew | I can modprobe or whatever still | 03:40 |
Amaranth | jasoncohen: It doesn't exist. | 03:40 |
bddebian | drew: and an lsmod shows it installed? | 03:40 |
eric__ | anyone: how do I access files that require me to be the 'owner' is there another login or something? | 03:41 |
drew | bddebian, what do you want me to type? | 03:41 |
XhyldazhK | jasoncohen: I don't have the 2.6.12, my linux-restricted-modules is 2.6.10... what should i do? | 03:41 |
drew | bddebian, when I type lsmod, it shows up. | 03:41 |
jasoncohen | Amaranth, ah | 03:41 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, wait- like Amaranth says | 03:42 |
jasoncohen | ...or use hoary | 03:42 |
jasoncohen | it's up to you | 03:42 |
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XhyldazhK | i cannot go back to hoary because that means to erase my entire disk | 03:42 |
jasoncohen | but from what you've said it doesn't sound like you're willing to use a development version | 03:42 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, no it doesn't | 03:42 |
Mobius | bddebian: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36870&page=1&pp=10&highlight=realtek+sound | 03:42 |
XhyldazhK | all my apps and config files and my home dir | 03:42 |
cafuego | XhyldazhK: Yeah, you should have thought of that BEFORE installing breezy eh? | 03:42 |
tiglionabbit | yo, I don't know much about customizing, but what's a really quiet fan I can put in? | 03:42 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, you don't have to format /home | 03:43 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, that's the reason you (i hope) created a seperate /home partition | 03:43 |
bddebian | drew: Did you reboot? | 03:43 |
Amaranth | XhyldazhK: If you need accelerated 3d drivers _right now_, go back to hoary. | 03:43 |
XhyldazhK | jasoncohen: I have all in the same partition | 03:43 |
Amaranth | XhyldazhK: ah, then you're screwed | 03:43 |
drew | bddebian, no, should I? | 03:43 |
XhyldazhK | nah I'm not screwed, i will use the ugly nvidia script | 03:43 |
Amaranth | XhyldazhK: There is a reason ubuntu puts /home on a seperate partition :) | 03:43 |
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cafuego | XhyldazhK: Of course, you could use 'equivs' to create a virtual libglu1 package and satisfy the depends that way, but don't even try if you don't know how or why. | 03:43 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: that so? I don't have a /home partition | 03:44 |
drew | bddebian, wait, I think I heard something | 03:44 |
XhyldazhK | cafuego: that sounds interesting... | 03:44 |
cafuego | XhyldazhK: That was the wrong response | 03:44 |
reka | Amaranth: me neither | 03:44 |
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XhyldazhK | cafuego... what is equivs? | 03:44 |
Amaranth | tiglionabbit: It tries to do it anyway, unless you did the partitioning on your own. | 03:44 |
drew | yay! | 03:44 |
drew | I have sound:) | 03:44 |
drew | thank you bddebian :) | 03:44 |
cafuego | XhyldazhK: A nice way for you to break the system even more. | 03:44 |
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Amaranth | tiglionabbit: I had a blank HD and let it setup everything on it's own. | 03:45 |
cafuego | XhyldazhK: just go back to hoary. | 03:45 |
bddebian | drew: Cool, congrats :-) | 03:45 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: I did. heh, I didn't realize it was recommended. But this whole install is in just 10gigs, so.. I could always resize my other partitions and move my files | 03:45 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, you're over your head. you shouldn't be using a development distro. you should backup your files and go back to hoary | 03:45 |
Amaranth | hehe, he will anyway | 03:45 |
XhyldazhK | my system is not broken, the only thing broken in my beautiful breezy milestone 1 is nvidia-glx, and only because it belongs to hoary | 03:45 |
Amaranth | when X breaks tomorrow | 03:45 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, or you could try to do a manual downgrade- but backup first | 03:45 |
jasoncohen | you have nothing to lose | 03:45 |
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cafuego | XhyldazhK: Breezy is like debian Sid. if you don't know how to fix issues on your own, stay away from it. | 03:46 |
jasoncohen | Amaranth, why is X breaking tomorrow? | 03:46 |
bddebian | Or build it all from source.. :-) | 03:46 |
cafuego | XhyldazhK: it's not "cool to run it coz the version numbers are higher" | 03:46 |
jasoncohen | cafuego, breezy is worse than debian sid. | 03:46 |
XhyldazhK | there are 2 ways for me, one is 'equivs' the another is to get the ugly nvidia installer | 03:46 |
jasoncohen | cafuego, with, sid you can get along OK if you are careful about dist-upgrade'ing usually | 03:46 |
XhyldazhK | cafuego, if equivs means to make an installed package to artificially satisfy a missing dependence, that is what I need | 03:46 |
Amaranth | jasoncohen: X in breezy breaks at least once every other day | 03:46 |
drew | bddebian, it says something else is using /dev/something and it can't play. | 03:47 |
tiglionabbit | the nvidia installer worked for me on debian. Is there some reason it is so horribly ugly to you guys in ubuntu? | 03:47 |
cafuego | jasoncohen: Except for that time when pam broke ;-) | 03:47 |
jasoncohen | though gnome and alsa broke within a few days for me after gnome 2.10 was added and then it was fixed in a few days | 03:47 |
tiglionabbit | I have not installed ubuntu on a machine with nvidia yet | 03:47 |
Amaranth | jasoncohen: sid is about to go through all the same stuff breezy is | 03:47 |
bddebian | drew: /dev/dsp? | 03:47 |
jasoncohen | Amaranth, lol | 03:47 |
cafuego | XhyldazhK: equivs means checking documentation. | 03:47 |
Amaranth | jasoncohen: But with debian there are people who own packages, so it'll probably take longer | 03:47 |
jasoncohen | own packages? | 03:47 |
bddebian | drew: What are you trying to play with? | 03:47 |
drew | xmms | 03:47 |
drew | totem | 03:47 |
drew | anything. | 03:47 |
drew | gaim has sounds. | 03:47 |
jasoncohen | you mean they have many more maintainers- something like 1400 i think | 03:47 |
drew | and the system makes noises when I click stuff etc. | 03:48 |
Amaranth | jasoncohen: In debian every package has a maintainer, only that maintainer does things with that package. | 03:48 |
jasoncohen | Amaranth, yeah, i know. i was confused by what you meant by "owned" | 03:48 |
Amaranth | jasoncohen: In ubuntu no one owns any package, all the developers can work on whatever package needs fixing. | 03:48 |
jasoncohen | Amaranth, i use debian sarge on my server and i used etch & then sid on my laptop | 03:48 |
drew | bddebian, OSS device "/dev/dsp" is already in use by another program." | 03:48 |
Burrito | does anybody knows how to unistall a desktop? | 03:49 |
Amaranth | brb, trying to use xchat | 03:49 |
Burrito | like kde | 03:49 |
bddebian | drew: Ahh | 03:49 |
drew | bddebian, I got it | 03:49 |
bddebian | drew: Did you look at ... NeverMind :-) | 03:49 |
drew | bddebian, but the sound sounds very fuzzy | 03:49 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, so, what are you going to do? | 03:49 |
drew | I'm using esd plugin. | 03:50 |
XhyldazhK | 'However, if equivalent functionality to P is known to be installed, this tool can be used to trick the Debian package management system into believing that package P is actually installed.' | 03:50 |
bddebian | drew: Good job man, sound is one of the biggest PITAs in GNU/Linux IMHO | 03:50 |
XhyldazhK | Equivs! | 03:50 |
drew | bddebian, yeah, somethings up.:-/ | 03:50 |
tiglionabbit | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 <-- sound? | 03:50 |
bddebian | drew: Also check out http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary if you haven't already | 03:51 |
Wegg | jasoncohen it looks like this disk had a (read-only file system) on it. So I can't do anything with it. Is there any way to wipe it? | 03:51 |
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jasoncohen | Wegg, what file system? | 03:51 |
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ray_ | how do i upgrade to the i686 kernel? | 03:52 |
reka | 'nother sound thread: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26567 | 03:52 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, just because it's read only doesn't mean you can't format it | 03:52 |
crimsun | ray_: install it. aptitude install linux-686 | 03:52 |
Wegg | ext3 | 03:52 |
bddebian | ray_: "sudo apt-get install linux-image-xxx" | 03:52 |
Wegg | I'm trying to re-format it and it is spitting errors at me. | 03:52 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, read-only ext3? you sure it's not just mounted read-only? | 03:52 |
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ray_ | thanks guys | 03:52 |
Wegg | I'm not sure of anything | 03:52 |
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bddebian | nalioth_wrkn, et al: Is there a wiki page for apt magic? | 03:53 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, why are you reformatting? | 03:53 |
Wegg | I can see the disk. . . I select it and try and delete the partitions and it says "Error: Unable to open /dev/hdb - unrecognised disk label. | 03:53 |
cafuego | Muahaha | 03:53 |
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jasoncohen | Wegg, paste your /etc/fstab in pastebin | 03:53 |
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Wegg | whats pastebin? | 03:54 |
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reka | Wegg: a dumping ground: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 03:54 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, you paste text on a website and give the link in IRC - www.pastebin.ca | 03:54 |
jasoncohen | or that | 03:54 |
Wegg | cool | 03:55 |
jasoncohen | rather than flooding the channel | 03:55 |
jasoncohen | XhyldazhK, what did you decide to do? | 03:55 |
twb_ | Linux is so complicated | 03:55 |
bddebian | nalioth_wrkn: NM, I found it :-) | 03:56 |
jasoncohen | twb_, why is that? | 03:56 |
Trace | Hello, Does anyone know how to get info of motherboard in Linux? | 03:56 |
bddebian | twb_: Yeah, why is that? :-) | 03:56 |
bddebian | Trace: What type of info? | 03:56 |
twb_ | haha, two peaople said the same hing to me.. | 03:56 |
Wegg | http://pastebin.ca/17004 | 03:56 |
twb_ | it's jst different, i can't seem to get anything to work | 03:56 |
reka | hmm, seeing as i didn't make a seperate /home partition, could i just copy my /home/<usrname> directory to backup? (i used to tarball everything before and then redo configs) | 03:56 |
bddebian | twb_: Sounds just like Windows ;-) | 03:57 |
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Trace | for example, lspci can get video, sound info, i want to get info of my motherboard such as type, etc | 03:57 |
twb_ | why won't it run .exe files? | 03:57 |
bddebian | twb_: It will run executables, they just don't have to have a .exe extension. :-) | 03:57 |
Amaranth | arg, xchat is so slow on windows | 03:57 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, so, what's the partition that's mounted read only? | 03:57 |
twb_ | ehhhh, what does that mean | 03:58 |
reka | Amaranth: why are you using it on windows? | 03:58 |
twb_ | for example, i can't get Limewire or Ventrilo to run.. | 03:58 |
bddebian | Trace: You won't get the motherboard "Make" from anything if thatis what you mean | 03:58 |
Amaranth | reka: My linux machine doesn't have a modem | 03:58 |
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twb_ | i'd just like to listen to some tunes | 03:58 |
jasoncohen | do the sound problems only arise on some systems? | 03:58 |
jasoncohen | i didn't get sound issues on either of my ubuntu installs | 03:58 |
bddebian | twb_: I mean files can be executable without having to have the filename.exe naming convention | 03:58 |
bddebian | Amaranth: I find xchat on Windows pretty quick actually | 03:59 |
Wegg | /dev/hda1 | 03:59 |
Trace | So, if i want to get info of motherboard, the only way is open my box, is that right? | 03:59 |
jasoncohen | twb_, try this- http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly | 03:59 |
Amaranth | bddebian: Not compared to mIRC. I'm on a 200Mhz with 64MB of RAM that has to run AOL. | 03:59 |
Wegg | actually I don't know | 03:59 |
remyforbes777 | trace: is this a retail computer | 03:59 |
drew | bddebian, grrr, it's still all fuzzy | 03:59 |
Trace | or, can i get any info of motherboard in Linux? any :-D | 04:00 |
bddebian | Trace: You might be able to get chipset type information from lspci or /proc but it won't say "Intel DE815" | 04:00 |
Wegg | I don't get whats going on. | 04:00 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, type mount | 04:00 |
reka | Amaranth: hydrairc is OK if you want an alternative. | 04:00 |
jasoncohen | and paste the line for / | 04:00 |
twb_ | has anyone gotten Liewire or Ventrilo to run properly on Ubuntu? | 04:00 |
remyforbes777 | trace: you can probably get the specs from the manufacturers website | 04:00 |
Trace | yes, remyforbes777 | 04:00 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, it should be rw,errors=remount-ro | 04:00 |
remyforbes777 | trace: what type of computer | 04:00 |
remyforbes777 | trace: go to their website | 04:00 |
XhyldazhK | twb_: why don't use gtk-gnutella? | 04:00 |
Razor-X | i'm a gonna have to give up screen... :( | 04:00 |
Trace | ok, thx | 04:01 |
jasoncohen | twb_, ubuntuguide has instructions for installing limewire | 04:01 |
Wegg | Should I just re-install ubuntu? | 04:01 |
Razor-X | at least, my screen muscle-memory :( | 04:01 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, no- tell me what mount shows for / | 04:01 |
drew | can anyone help me w/ my sound? | 04:01 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, and explain the problem | 04:01 |
Wegg | /dev/hda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors-remount-ro) | 04:01 |
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jasoncohen | Wegg, so it should be read-write | 04:01 |
bddebian | drew: Still in all applications? | 04:01 |
Wegg | how do I change it? | 04:02 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, what's the problem and what are you trying to do? | 04:02 |
drew | yeah. | 04:02 |
drew | totem and xmms at least | 04:02 |
twb_ | i've tries gtk, but it is amazingly slow | 04:02 |
Wegg | I am trying to mount this second hard drive as my /home | 04:02 |
drew | the other ones the sound effects aren't loud enough to tell | 04:02 |
Wegg | I wish I could just format the bugger and mount it but it isn't letting me. | 04:02 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, so, what does that have to do with /dev/hda1 (your root partition)? | 04:02 |
reka | drew: installed totem-xine and gstreamer0.8-mad? | 04:03 |
Wegg | I guess nothing | 04:03 |
crimsun | drew: what's the problem? | 04:03 |
Wegg | I have two hard drives. | 04:03 |
drew | my sound is all fuzzy | 04:03 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, so, you want to format the partition and use it as your /home ? | 04:03 |
drew | I just set it up | 04:03 |
drew | gaim seems to make good sound effects | 04:03 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, don't you have a /home now? | 04:03 |
drew | reka, I installed gstreamer0.8-mad | 04:03 |
Wegg | I do have a /home now but it is on a small disk and I'd like to use my "home" as a samba share. | 04:03 |
crimsun | drew: cat /proc/asound/modules | 04:03 |
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drew | crimsun, type that in terminal? | 04:03 |
crimsun | yep | 04:04 |
Wegg | I have two disks on this system. /dev/hda and /dev/hdc | 04:04 |
drew | 0 snd_ca0106 | 04:04 |
Wegg | hdc is the bigger one. | 04:04 |
drew | crimsun, 0 snd_ca0106 | 04:04 |
Wegg | I can't seem to format / remount it. | 04:04 |
crimsun | ugh. audigy ls? sblive "24-bit" or 7.1? | 04:04 |
crimsun | those cards are horrible. | 04:04 |
goldfish | anyone good at bash scripting? #bash os dead atm :/ | 04:04 |
drew | 24-bit | 04:04 |
drew | I know. | 04:04 |
crimsun | are you using alsa-driver 1.0.9b? | 04:04 |
bddebian | goldfish: Just put it out there and see if anyone knows | 04:04 |
goldfish | k | 04:05 |
drew | crimsun, how could I check. | 04:05 |
drew | ? | 04:05 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, so, you're not trying to replace /home- you just want to add the new drive to access the files? | 04:05 |
crimsun | drew: contents of /proc/asound/version | 04:05 |
goldfish | >> appends to the end of a file, can u add stuff to the beginning of files? | 04:05 |
Wegg | I'd like /home to be this new bigger drive | 04:06 |
drew | permission denied, crimsun | 04:06 |
Wegg | So when/if I move it to another machine I can just mount it as /home and go from there. | 04:06 |
crimsun | drew: cat | 04:06 |
crimsun | (don't paste here) | 04:06 |
drew | 1.0.8 | 04:07 |
ahuman01 | what package do i have to install to get the dictionary 'words' file ? | 04:07 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, is anything on the drive currently? | 04:07 |
drew | crimsun, 1.0.8 | 04:07 |
bddebian | ahuman01: You mean dict? | 04:07 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, if not you can just partition it as ext3 and mount it as /home but first you'll need to move /home ot /home_backup or something | 04:07 |
crimsun | drew: what happens when you use alsa directly instead of using esound? | 04:07 |
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jasoncohen | and then you can copy the files over | 04:07 |
drew | crimsun, how do I do that exactly? | 04:08 |
Wegg | ok. | 04:08 |
lsuactiafner | how do i make q3a use alsa? | 04:08 |
ahuman01 | bddebian, yea /usr/share/dict/words | 04:08 |
Wegg | I can't partition it jason. | 04:08 |
bddebian | goldfish: I'm looking | 04:08 |
crimsun | drew: System>Preferences>Sound>uncheck Enable sound server startup | 04:08 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, if you don't care what's on there currently, just format it (it's not mounted) | 04:08 |
Wegg | GParted is spitting out errors saying it is read only. | 04:08 |
crimsun | drew: then, System>Preferences>Multimedia Systems Selector>Default Audio Sink>ALSA | 04:08 |
ahuman01 | bddebian, there is a link in /usr/share/dict/ called words but it points to nothing | 04:08 |
drew | crimsun, it plays the song reallllly fast. | 04:09 |
crimsun | drew: what does? | 04:09 |
drew | crimsun, wait, not fast. | 04:09 |
drew | crimsun, xmms stutters while playing it. | 04:09 |
jasoncohen | Wegg: what do you have on there currently? it's unmounted but read-only? are you running gparted as root? | 04:09 |
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crimsun | drew: did you tell xmms to use the alsa output? | 04:09 |
drew | crimsun, yes... | 04:10 |
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drew | crimsun, but now I put it in oss and it's happy | 04:10 |
crimsun | drew: did you tell alsa to use plughw:0,0 ? | 04:10 |
drew | crimsun, and the song's good:) | 04:10 |
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Wegg | yes I am running gparted as root and no I don't care about what is on the drive. | 04:10 |
drew | crimsun, so I think I'm good | 04:10 |
bddebian | ahuman01: That is just a symbolic link to the dictionary file | 04:10 |
Hackmo | can someone help me with this problem? | 04:10 |
crimsun | drew: avoid using oss directly, as it ties up the sync chain | 04:10 |
HuzzahItInstalle | Has anyone been successful in installing Kylix to Ubuntu 5.04? | 04:10 |
bddebian | Hackmo: Just ask the question and we will try | 04:10 |
Hackmo | I download battle of survival using synaptic and have no idea how to start it | 04:10 |
crimsun | drew: try using plughw:0,0 with the alsa output | 04:11 |
drew | crimsun, so how do I tell alsa to use that pluging? | 04:11 |
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crimsun | drew: type it in to the device drop-down list | 04:11 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, then i don't understand why it's saying it's read only | 04:11 |
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drew | crimsun, it stutters again. | 04:11 |
ahuman01 | bddebian, i know ... the link poinst to /etc/dictionaries-common/words , which dosent exist, so how do i get it there ? | 04:11 |
bddebian | Hackmo: It doesn't show up in Gnome? | 04:11 |
jasoncohen | Wegg, what does gparted say about the drive..what options do you have? | 04:11 |
crimsun | drew: with plughw:0,0 ? | 04:11 |
parkbench | Hello, another ubuntu-newbie here...it says just ask the question but it seems theres a deluge of questions so anyone willing to help me, i would appreciate it...thanks | 04:11 |
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drew | crimsun, hw:0,0 | 04:12 |
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bddebian | ahuman01: Did you install dict? | 04:12 |
drew | crimsun, that's what I have under audio device | 04:12 |
crimsun | drew: no, not hw:0,0 but plughw:0,0 | 04:12 |
siimo | whats the end date for warty support | 04:12 |
Hackmo | bddebian: no, I looked for it in Applications > games but it wasn't there | 04:12 |
drew | crimsun, ok. | 04:12 |
bddebian | parkbench: Shoot | 04:12 |
crimsun | drew: you have to read my instructions carefully | 04:12 |
Wegg | I can pick "delete" and apply but it spits out errors. | 04:12 |
reka | parkbench: ask away! that's what we're in here for. :) | 04:12 |
drew | crimsun, sorry | 04:12 |
Wegg | I'm just going to start over. | 04:12 |
Wegg | re-install with the partition tool in the installer. | 04:12 |
Wegg | Thanks for your help. | 04:12 |
bddebian | Hackmo: What is the package name and I'll try it | 04:12 |
ahuman01 | bddebian, yup | 04:12 |
reka | Hackmo: right-click -> properties -> installed files | 04:13 |
drew | crimsun, still stuttering. | 04:13 |
ravn | All right! That was the easiest install ever.. Man i never thought linux would get so easy | 04:13 |
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reka | Hackmo: then look for /bin/* | 04:13 |
Hackmo | bddebian: it's called bos | 04:13 |
crimsun | drew: is mmap enabled? | 04:13 |
ravn | Debian was a bit more complicated.. | 04:13 |
Hackmo | reka: ok thanks' i'll look now | 04:13 |
reka | Hackmo: or something that has "bin" in it | 04:13 |
drew | crimsun, how do I check? | 04:13 |
reka | the path that is | 04:13 |
crimsun | drew: look in the alsa options for xmms... | 04:13 |
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drew | yeah, it is. | 04:14 |
drew | I think, the box is sunk in. | 04:14 |
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twb_ | is there a command to shut down the PC? | 04:14 |
seth_k | sudo shutdown now | 04:14 |
crimsun | drew: then you can try using the oss output | 04:14 |
bddebian | ahuman01: What happens if you go to a terminal and run "dict hello" ? | 04:14 |
HuzzahItInstalle | Has anyone successfully installing Kylix 3 on Ubuntu 5.04? Thank you very much. | 04:14 |
drew | well, we know that oss output works | 04:14 |
crimsun | drew: it may not work with multiple sounds, though, depending on your hardware. | 04:14 |
parkbench | alright. well, i installed ubuntu. no problems there. but i'm using a wireless adapter--i've been reading up all day on this and i only have isolated facts...i have a WUSB 12 802.11b linksys...so after a while of troubles and permissions, i'm following the guide, and eventually i get to root terminal...eventually i get synaptic to work...i finally am able to install the ndiswrapper package. however here's where it gets sketchy...first, | 04:14 |
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siimo | whats the end date for warty support | 04:15 |
drew | crimsun, ok thanks. | 04:15 |
drew | crimsun, any idea how to make it play through all 5 speakers? | 04:15 |
reka | siimo: 18mths from release iirc | 04:15 |
crimsun | drew: use plug:surround51 | 04:15 |
reka | not certain though | 04:15 |
drew | crimsun, where do I type that? | 04:15 |
crimsun | drew: the same place you typed plughw:0,0 | 04:16 |
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bddebian | siimo: Can't find it | 04:16 |
drew | plug:surround51 gives me an error, crimsun | 04:16 |
crimsun | what sort? | 04:17 |
crimsun | don't flood here | 04:17 |
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ahuman01 | bddebian, I get 3 defs: from moby thesaurus, From Collaborative International Dictionary and from Wordnet .. so I seem to have these dicts installed .. but where are they located ? | 04:17 |
seth_k | siimo, reka is correct | 04:17 |
drew | crimsun: couldn't open audio | 04:17 |
crimsun | drew: you have to use the alsa output for it | 04:17 |
drew | crimsun, shouldI be in oss to type that or alsa? | 04:17 |
flodine | can someone tell me what snapshot program counts from 5 down to 1 then snap | 04:17 |
drew | crimsun, i'm in alsa and I typed that. | 04:18 |
flodine | screenshot | 04:18 |
crimsun | drew: use plug:iec958 then | 04:18 |
drew | crimsun, that only plays it in those two speakers | 04:19 |
sinferno | can anyone help me get 4 speakers working with a sblive value? | 04:19 |
crimsun | drew: then fix your mixer elements | 04:19 |
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crimsun | drew: that is, use the surround/iec elements | 04:19 |
drew | crimsun, everything's turend up full. | 04:19 |
seth_k | flodine, KSnapShot does, but it's KDE | 04:19 |
crimsun | sinferno: just use plug:surround40 | 04:19 |
bddebian | ahuman01: You know, that is a good question. I never checked | 04:19 |
crimsun | drew: bad idea. Contrary to popular belief, turning everything up doesn't work. | 04:20 |
zenlunatic | when i click on system -> lock screen the screen doesn't lock. why? | 04:20 |
drew | crimsun, then what do I do? | 04:20 |
sinferno | k | 04:20 |
crimsun | drew: mute the ones you aren't using, like capture* | 04:20 |
drew | crimsun, what other ones do I mute? | 04:20 |
eno__ | are there any other cool distros of linux (ubuntu is now my favourite) that I should try out? | 04:20 |
crimsun | drew: there's a good resource for the mixers on alsa.opensrc.org. Read the documentation. | 04:21 |
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drew | crimsun, I'll look. btw, thanks for all the help | 04:21 |
goldfish | eno__: there's loads. | 04:21 |
ahuman01 | bddebian, apparently wordnet is on the net http://wordnet.princeton.edu/cgi-bin/webwn | 04:21 |
bddebian | ahuman01: There are several database options that it can use | 04:22 |
drew | crimsun, should I be using alsamixer? | 04:22 |
bddebian | eno__: Try Slackware. ;-) | 04:22 |
goldfish | eno__: gentoo is cool | 04:22 |
zenlunatic | drew it looks like the screen saver daemon wasn't running | 04:23 |
eno__ | I have tried Knoppix, Arklinux, Blag, Xandros and Debian (but I didn't know any command line so I didn't do anything in Debian) | 04:23 |
parkbench | hm, i'll condense my question...can anyone hyelp with wireless setup on ubuntu? | 04:23 |
drew | zenlunatic, what? | 04:23 |
zenlunatic | drew i guess your forgot. nm. | 04:23 |
sinferno | crimsun, where do i enable that plugin... | 04:23 |
drew | zenlunatic, no wait come back! | 04:23 |
benplaut | parkbench: what kind of card do you have? | 04:23 |
eno__ | will it be hard to install them on my drive without removing ubuntu? | 04:23 |
drew | zenlunatic, what did you do? | 04:23 |
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zenlunatic | drew: i restart screen saver daemon | 04:23 |
drew | zenlunatic, how? | 04:23 |
benplaut | killall xscreensaver | 04:24 |
benplaut | and then | 04:24 |
drew | crimsun, how can I get this thing to stop stuttering? I'll work on all speakers later. | 04:24 |
benplaut | xscreensaver | 04:24 |
benplaut | i think | 04:24 |
zenlunatic | drew: i went into the screen saver propertives and it said "the daemon is not running, start it now" and i said yes | 04:24 |
=== Strife [~mdepalati@69-163-127-58.crlsca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | sinferno: it's not a plugin, it's an alsa device. | 04:24 |
kbrooks | huh | 04:24 |
drew | zenlunatic, and that helped you w/ surround sound? | 04:24 |
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bddebian | goldfish: You stumped me on that one | 04:24 |
kbrooks | md5 mismatch | 04:24 |
kbrooks | wtf | 04:25 |
parkbench | benplaut: i don't know, i've been trying to determine that, to match with one of the lists | 04:25 |
goldfish | bddebian: :) | 04:25 |
crimsun | drew: use newer drivers (or) use a better sound card (or) use the oss output plugin | 04:25 |
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goldfish | bddebian: i got a couple of suggestions. | 04:25 |
bddebian | parkbench: What is the problem with the wireless? | 04:25 |
drew | crimsun, ok thanks. | 04:25 |
reka | eno__: two things you'll have to work out [1] partitioning [2] possible bootloader issues | 04:25 |
goldfish | #bash woke up | 04:25 |
kbrooks | *.deb MD5Sum mismatch | 04:25 |
eno__ | cause I have Grub... can I just repartition and it will work? I don't want to lose my settings in ubuntu | 04:25 |
=== Co_B [~G-Ry@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benplaut | parkbench: what kind of computer? | 04:25 |
drew | crimsun, but can oss do surround sound? | 04:25 |
parkbench | bddebian: err, i could paste again, but i wrote a really long paragraph if you scroll up | 04:25 |
kbrooks | o | 04:25 |
sinferno | crimsun, oh well how do i enable it then or whatever in alsa config? | 04:25 |
=== SpecialBuddy [~matt@c-24-11-130-184.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zenlunatic | drew: who said anything about surround sound? | 04:25 |
kbrooks | i'd like to get rid of that message | 04:25 |
drew | zenlunatic, I mean 5 speakers | 04:25 |
sinferno | crimsun, i been searching google but i cant find out how to do it | 04:25 |
drew | zenlunatic, not surround. | 04:25 |
=== cyphase [~cyphase@adsl-69-105-177-162.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bddebian | parkbench: It didn't all paste in. Hence why no one answered I think | 04:26 |
kbrooks | and let it install directly | 04:26 |
zenlunatic | drew: i said nothing about speakers | 04:26 |
parkbench | bddebian: oh! darn. err, should i condense then? | 04:26 |
crimsun | sinferno: you want to use it through alsa natively? | 04:26 |
drew | zenlunatic, I'm sorry, I don't remember you. waht was your problem? | 04:26 |
bddebian | parkbench: Please | 04:26 |
cyphase | hey everyone | 04:26 |
=== FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010487351pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zenlunatic | drew: just forget it heh | 04:26 |
sinferno | crimsun, as long as it works | 04:26 |
bddebian | Hello cyphase | 04:26 |
drew | zenlunatic, haha, I remember now | 04:26 |
sinferno | crimsun, i dont really care | 04:26 |
Co_B | Hi.............. | 04:26 |
crimsun | sinferno: then read alsa.opensrc.org about asoundrc and plug:surround40 | 04:26 |
sinferno | crimsun, ok thanks | 04:27 |
parkbench | well ive been trying to fix this all day....i have a wusb 12v1.1 802.11b wireless adapter | 04:27 |
parkbench | following the guide i got further and further | 04:27 |
drew | crimsun, what plug do I use? adn can I use oss w/ it? | 04:27 |
Co_B | Asl pls | 04:27 |
parkbench | i was able to install the ndiswrapper after finally opening synaptic etc | 04:27 |
crimsun | drew: the oss output plugin for xmms (for xmms, of course). | 04:27 |
jasoncohen | hmm- nautilus says i have 695 MB used in /home and df -h says i have 1GB | 04:27 |
jasoncohen | what could account for the discrepency? | 04:27 |
benplaut | parkbench: go to System>Administration>Device Manager | 04:27 |
parkbench | but my main problem right now is a) it seems that both drivers are considered invalid, and b) when i try to do "modrpobe," It says operation not permitted | 04:27 |
drew | crimsun, but do I type plug:surround something somewhere? | 04:27 |
parkbench | benplaut: im already there, i was actually looking for an answer to your quesiotn -_-; | 04:28 |
benplaut | oh | 04:28 |
crimsun | drew: no, those are only virtual alsa devices. they won't work with oss. | 04:28 |
drew | crimsun, snap. so no fun for me? | 04:28 |
bddebian | parkbench: Does lsmod think it's already installed? | 04:28 |
benplaut | parkbench: paste the output of dmesg in the #flood channel | 04:28 |
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crimsun | drew: not unless you try additional things like new drivers or another card. | 04:28 |
arentie | How do I move a directory to another user's home folder? | 04:29 |
drew | crimsun, but I can get 5 speakers working but stuttering using alsa? | 04:29 |
crimsun | drew: certainly. You might be able to get rid of the annoying symptoms if you experiment with asoundrc. Read the alsa.opensrc.org web site. | 04:29 |
parkbench | bdebbian: well it's odd--the ndiswrapper is definietly instaleld, but the drivers, itll get errors and say it failed but yet hwen i checked theyre "instaleld" but invalid | 04:29 |
kbrooks | why do i get a MD5Sum mismatch message? | 04:30 |
crimsun | back to work | 04:30 |
parkbench | benplaut: err i wouldnt be able to--the ubuntu computer has no internet. | 04:30 |
drew | crimsun, thanks:) | 04:30 |
benplaut | parkbench: OK | 04:30 |
=== StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | Failed to fetch ftp://ubuntu.mirrors.tds.net/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-3.3/gcc-3.3-base_3.3.5-8ubuntu2_i386.deb MD5Sum mismatch | 04:30 |
drummer87 | can someone explain to me why sound is often spluttery when i use zsnes? | 04:30 |
drummer87 | it's only in zsnes, nowhere else | 04:31 |
arentie | parkbench I suggest running the ndiswrapper commands directly in the folder where the windows drivers reside | 04:31 |
parkbench | im just kind of lost right now--ive tried reinstalling the ndiswrapper...a lot of my problem had to do with permissions, so i edited the sudoers file and had to keep running program as and stuff | 04:31 |
parkbench | arentie: alright, i guess i could try that | 04:31 |
=== discman [~discman@dial81-135-183-112.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | Why do i get this message: Failed to fetch ftp://ubuntu.mirrors.tds.net/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-3.3/gcc-3.3-base_3.3.5-8ubuntu2_i386.deb MD5Sum mismatch | 04:31 |
arentie | parkbench, i had the same problem...also, lose the ~ if you're following what's stated on Ubuntu's Wiki | 04:32 |
benplaut | parkbench: do any LiveCD's properly setup the card? | 04:32 |
reka | kbrooks: guessing: something's not right with your sources.list | 04:32 |
kbrooks | Anyone know? | 04:32 |
drew | crimsun, so what plug: do I type again? i'm sorry, I cleared this window or something | 04:32 |
=== virgule [~virgule@modemcable066.0-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benplaut | kbrooks: corrupt file... that's what MD5Sum checks for | 04:33 |
seth_k | kbrooks, it's a backports issue. Try again, you should get a new backports mirror | 04:33 |
seth_k | er, wait | 04:33 |
=== nomasteryoda [~nmyoda@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seth_k | that's not a backports mirror, where is that | 04:33 |
kbrooks | seth_k, i'm upgrading to hoary! | 04:33 |
parkbench | benplaut: ? im sorry. this is my first linux install, i have a lot of experience with windows and other tech, but ive had problems like this before so im hoping to just make my way through it and learn from it...i didnt use a live cd, and i dont think they do--some guides said "dont even try to do this with live cd" | 04:33 |
benplaut | mirimax is a good mirror | 04:33 |
arentie | kbrooks, I suggest downloading from a different mirror | 04:33 |
kbrooks | arentie, noooo! i dont wanna have to redl | 04:33 |
seth_k | anything you've already downloaded is cached | 04:33 |
seth_k | in /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 04:34 |
seth_k | so you're fine | 04:34 |
kbrooks | can i dpkg -i *.deb ALL the packages? | 04:34 |
kbrooks | is it possible? | 04:34 |
reka | kbrooks: gross | 04:34 |
seth_k | oy, gross | 04:34 |
=== shawarma [~sh@3E6B503C.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reka | kbrooks: "One-line upgrade: sudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 04:34 |
benplaut | parkbench: if a live CD (Knoppix is very good) can properly detect the card, then it's not very hard to see how it's setting it up, and repeat it on the Ubuntu install | 04:34 |
reka | but hta assumes you ahve a correct sources.list to begin with | 04:34 |
benplaut | we all have/had problems with wireless :) | 04:34 |
parkbench | benplaut: i *suppose* i could do that but i would like to avoid using blank cds if possible | 04:34 |
bddebian | Amen to that | 04:35 |
reka | *that assumes you have | 04:35 |
arentie | Amen to wireless issues | 04:35 |
kbrooks | reka, ok, so whats a clean sources.list | 04:35 |
benplaut | parkbench: OK... i'm kinda out of ideas | 04:35 |
parkbench | benplaut: because there is supposedly a solution to this but the problem with this sort of thing is no one ever makes a comprehensive guide..some do but only to one part of the problem, so its just kind of like, making do with what you got. that method got me as far as i am but im litterally lost now :| | 04:35 |
parkbench | alright | 04:35 |
arentie | everyone, how do I copy a directory into another user's home folder? | 04:36 |
reka | kbrooks: just a sec | 04:36 |
benplaut | parkbench: where was the guide/manpage you followed? | 04:36 |
parkbench | my main obstacle is getting ndiswrapper.ko to actually let me touch it | 04:36 |
=== vladuz976 [~vladuz976@pool-71-106-211-189.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bddebian | arentie: cp -r | 04:36 |
parkbench | well i used lots of googlefu, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com//HowToSetUpNdiswrapper <-that one | 04:36 |
vladuz976 | anybody here who knows how to fix the screen resolution problem? | 04:36 |
parkbench | plus countless forum posts and such | 04:36 |
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benplaut | hmm | 04:36 |
arentie | bddebian, what does the -r represent? | 04:36 |
seth_k | recursive | 04:36 |
kbrooks | recursive | 04:36 |
bddebian | arentie: recurse through the subdirectories | 04:36 |
HuzzahItInstalle | I'm reading through this guide, and apparently I need to install libgtk1.2 , so it tells me to "sudo apt-get install libgtk1.2 libxaw6" , except it tells me "E: Couldn't find package libgtk1.2" | 04:37 |
vladuz976 | goldfish, i am back | 04:37 |
kbrooks | echo! | 04:37 |
seth_k | echo! | 04:37 |
arentie | thanks, I'll try that | 04:37 |
reka | kbrooks: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/419 | 04:37 |
HuzzahItInstalle | Is there something I need to do to set up apt-get? | 04:37 |
seth_k | (if you don't use -r, it will copy the directory structure with nothing inside) | 04:37 |
drew | does anyone know what to type in for xmms to get 5 speakers to play? it's plug: something | 04:37 |
seth_k | Huzzah, not really | 04:37 |
benplaut | parkbench: will you download and burn one CD? SimplyMepis supports many ndiswrapper'ed cards "out of the box" | 04:37 |
reka | kbrooks: that's the warty sources.list | 04:37 |
reka | kbrooks: then run the command i gave above | 04:37 |
kbrooks | ok | 04:37 |
bddebian | HuzzahItInstalle: "sudo apt-cache search libgtk" | 04:37 |
parkbench | benplaut: :/ i suppose if i really need to...how big is it, curious | 04:37 |
remyforbes777 | huzzah: you have to make sure that your apt-get sources list is correct | 04:37 |
parkbench | benplaut: iw as hoping, even if i had to stay up all night, that id have this solved by tomorrow | 04:38 |
arentie | I receive this error: cp: cannot stat `Folder': No such file or directory | 04:38 |
benplaut | it makes full use of a CD... 700mb | 04:38 |
parkbench | hrum.. | 04:38 |
benplaut | good luck on that... | 04:38 |
HuzzahItInstalle | Hmmm, it just has 2.0 | 04:38 |
parkbench | an entier live cd just for that...hmm | 04:38 |
benplaut | you're on dialup, i suppose? | 04:38 |
parkbench | i mean i guess it IS worth it for the functionality ill get just... | 04:38 |
reka | vladuz976: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 04:38 |
vladuz976 | reka, i tried that already | 04:38 |
parkbench | well ill keep that in mind...if i cant figure out how to make ubuntu permit me to perform operations on ndiswrapper.ko | 04:38 |
HuzzahItInstalle | So this sources list dictates what I see when I apt-get? | 04:39 |
benplaut | is this a PCMCIA/cardbus card? | 04:39 |
reka | vladuz976: and? | 04:39 |
vladuz976 | reka, nothing happend | 04:39 |
bddebian | arentie: "cp -r /home/usr1/* /home/usr2/ " You did it like that? | 04:39 |
remyforbes777 | huzzah: it dictates where apt-get will go to search for the packages | 04:39 |
bddebian | HuzzahItInstalle: Yes | 04:39 |
reka | vladuz976: post your xorg.conf file to a pastebin | 04:39 |
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HuzzahItInstalle | How do I change where it's pointing? | 04:39 |
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HuzzahItInstalle | Because apparently I need to downgrade that package | 04:39 |
arentie | bddebian, not exactly, but I'll try now...by the way, i'm moving a folder/directory | 04:39 |
parkbench | benplaut: assuming i do use the livecd, i just watch the method used to enable the ndiswrapper, or what? | 04:40 |
=== DonL [~don@d206-116-131-181.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bddebian | arentie: EVERYTHING is a file in *nix ;-) | 04:40 |
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remyforbes777 | huzzah: look in etc/apt/sources.lst | 04:40 |
reka | HuzzahItInstalle: you edit the file: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:40 |
jasoncohen | i dont' get this. sometimes esd does multiplexing properly and sometimes it doesn't | 04:40 |
jasoncohen | when i see two esd instances it works and when i don't it doesn't | 04:40 |
vladuz976 | reka, ok hold on | 04:40 |
remyforbes777 | sorry , reka is right its sources.list | 04:40 |
benplaut | parkbench: well... pretty much. did ndiswrapper even install correctly onto your machine? or did that fail? | 04:40 |
Hackmo | can anyone tell me how to execute a bin file? | 04:41 |
kbrooks | yes | 04:41 |
kbrooks | ./bin | 04:41 |
reka | Hackmo: type the name? | 04:41 |
HuzzahItInstalle | Thanks all | 04:41 |
kbrooks | if the file is +x, which can be set by: chmod +x bin | 04:41 |
reka | Hackmo: did you find the name? | 04:41 |
Hackmo | reka: already tried just typing the name of the file but it didn't work | 04:41 |
jasoncohen | why would multiplexing work only sometimes? | 04:41 |
Hackmo | reka: nope | 04:42 |
kbrooks | Hackmo, what is the file name? | 04:42 |
Hackmo | el.x86.linux.bin: | 04:42 |
arentie | bddebian, error: mv: cannot stat `Wedding': No such file or directory | 04:42 |
kbrooks | huh..... | 04:42 |
arentie | bddebian, Wedding is the name of the folder that I'm trying to move | 04:42 |
=== sebdcl [~sebas@ip51cecfd8.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hackmo | it says to install it I need to chmod the directory to 577 which I have done then run that file | 04:43 |
Hackmo | I don't know how to run that file though | 04:43 |
Frank_dot | The long struggle is over!! I switched to Ubuntu32 from 64. So little pain... it's like heaven! | 04:43 |
parkbench | if ti helps at all, im looking through dmesg and it is informing me what i guess i already know: loadndiswrapper failed, over and over again | 04:43 |
reka | Hackmo: is this still the game you're talking about? | 04:43 |
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Hackmo | reka: this is a different game now | 04:44 |
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reka | arentie: then there isn't a Wedding subdirectory where you currently are. | 04:44 |
parkbench | benplaut: it supposedly installed correctly: from synaptic it said everything was fine but evidence suggests no...i tried reinstallling...should i try compeltely removing and then reinstalling? | 04:44 |
reka | arentie: type "ls" to check | 04:44 |
phoenixeye | has anyone install ubuntu with a SATA hard drive? | 04:44 |
bddebian | arentie: Show me the command | 04:44 |
jasoncohen | it appears as if esd only spawns correctly sometimes | 04:44 |
tiglionabbit | lawl, I'm actually weaning myself off the console and discovering how things can be done in beautiful guis now | 04:44 |
benplaut | parkbench: brb | 04:44 |
jasoncohen | other times it doesn't spawn | 04:44 |
Hackmo | I completed pingus and supertux so I thought i'd try out some more :p | 04:44 |
=== aethyr [~aethyr@dyn006633-twr2-student.cpmc.columbia.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reka | nice:) | 04:44 |
arentie | root@marndthomepcubuntu:/home/marndt # cp /home/marndt/Wedding -r /home/yellopokey | 04:45 |
arentie | cp: cannot stat `/home/marndt/Wedding': No such file or directory | 04:45 |
=== Mestapheles [~Captain@d142-179-138-139.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hackmo | so anyone know how to execute this file? | 04:45 |
reka | Hackmo: is this a manual install, or using apt-get/synaptic? | 04:45 |
=== ice1963 [~gary@bgp923786bgs.brghtn01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hackmo | manual install | 04:45 |
arentie | root@marndthomepcubuntu:/home/marndt # ls | 04:45 |
arentie | cei.conf TUX_Issue2_May2005.pdf | 04:45 |
arentie | Desktop ubuntu5.04 | 04:45 |
arentie | Document Checklist.sxw walleye.jpeg | 04:45 |
arentie | Firefox_wallpaper.png Wedding | 04:45 |
arentie | gtk-gnutella-downloads Wedding Mass Worksheet.pdf | 04:45 |
arentie | Music Wedding Program Cover Picture.jpg | 04:45 |
DonL | Hackmo, well done. I've not come close to finishing those games | 04:45 |
arentie | ndiswrapper-1.1 windows_drivers | 04:45 |
tiglionabbit | arentie: don't paste here | 04:45 |
reka | Hackmo: is it in the repo? | 04:45 |
bddebian | arentie: "cp -r /home/marndt/Wedding /home/yellopokey/" | 04:45 |
tiglionabbit | arentie: use #flood or a pastebin | 04:46 |
reka | tiglionabbit: too late :) | 04:46 |
Hackmo | reka: no i've already checked | 04:46 |
reka | sorry. that was my fault. i told him to run ls :) | 04:46 |
vladuz976 | reka, it asks me what video modes i would like to use, non of these really sound familiar, canyou help? | 04:46 |
reka | vladuz976: post your xorg.conf file first | 04:46 |
reka | to a pastebin | 04:46 |
vladuz976 | ok | 04:46 |
benplaut | parkbench: what does "sudo ndiswrapper" spit out? | 04:46 |
reka | Hackmo: README or INSTALL file? | 04:47 |
Hackmo | the readme doesn't help and there is no install.txt | 04:47 |
parkbench | well, i just completely uninstalled ndiswrapper and reinstalled..fromt hat point it says unable to look up ubuntu via gethostname, and the public/pickup error | 04:47 |
reka | Hackmo: link to website you're getting it from? | 04:48 |
HuzzahItInstalle | It's installing! Thank you all! | 04:48 |
Hackmo | reka: http://www.eternal-lands.com/index.php?content=download | 04:48 |
HuzzahItInstalle | Reka, that sources pointer was fantastic | 04:48 |
Hackmo | reka: from that page it says "download the zip file, and unzip it cd to the directory where you isntalled it chmod to 775 and execute el.x86.linux.bin" | 04:49 |
vladuz976 | reka, http://rafb.net/paste/results/AKGzSV73.html | 04:49 |
bddebian | Hackmo: Is that file there? | 04:49 |
Hackmo | bddebian: yeah | 04:49 |
reka | Hackmo: yeah, those instructions are crappy :) | 04:49 |
DonL | got to go for now. Bye | 04:50 |
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reka | HuzzahItInstalle: good to hear :) | 04:50 |
Hackmo | reka: lol yeah | 04:50 |
=== DonL [~don@d206-116-131-181.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
bddebian | Hackmo: And you did "./el.x86.linux.bin" from that directory? | 04:50 |
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benplaut | parkbench: OK, it's now officially over my head... sorry. Try posting at UbuntuForums (if you haven't already), lots of people using ndiswrapper over there. i only used it once, and it... didn't work... | 04:50 |
reka | vladuz976: what res do you want? | 04:50 |
Hackmo | bddebian: no I did not, I was not aware I needed to "./" | 04:50 |
bddebian | Hackmo: You do if you are in that directory | 04:50 |
vladuz976 | reka, 1280x1040 i think is it | 04:51 |
Hackmo | bddebian: haha yeah just tried it and it works | 04:51 |
Hackmo | thanks a lot for all the help guys | 04:51 |
vladuz976 | reka, or is it 1080? | 04:51 |
bddebian | Hackmo: Otherwise you have to do "/path/to/file/el.x386.." :-) | 04:51 |
bddebian | Hackmo: Cool | 04:51 |
parkbench | benplaut: agg -__-. alright, now comes where i try every friggin driver there | 04:51 |
reka | vladuz976: dunno. never gone that high :) | 04:51 |
=== reka shakes fist at crappy monitor | ||
vladuz976 | reka, 1280x1024 | 04:51 |
vladuz976 | reka, that's what i used to have | 04:51 |
reka | vladuz976: you sure your monitor is capable? do you know the model? | 04:52 |
=== stone__ [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
parkbench | but i cant even do that cos it wont let meaccess | 04:52 |
reka | vladuz976: ah, do you have the model handy? | 04:52 |
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vladuz976 | reka, yeah that is what i had | 04:52 |
vladuz976 | reka yes hold on | 04:52 |
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arentie | tiglionabbit, sorry but I don't know anything about #flood or pastebin | 04:52 |
parkbench | i mean, i also tried the INFs that came with my wireless adapter on the cd, but those are apparently also invalid | 04:53 |
bddebian | INFs?? WTF? | 04:53 |
siorfin | ndiswrapper | 04:53 |
bddebian | eeks | 04:53 |
reka | arentie: #flood is an IRC channel, pastebins are places where you can dump text....one is linked to in the channel topic above | 04:53 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | anyone know how to get mplayer to play movies with a bigger sized picture? | 04:54 |
vladuz976 | reka, dell ultrascan p780 here is what i found http://support.jp.dell.com/docs/monitors/P780/En/spec.htm | 04:54 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | even in full screen | 04:54 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | it's samll >.< | 04:54 |
reka | ok, hang on | 04:54 |
parkbench | bdebbian the driver | 04:55 |
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bddebian | parkbench: What kind of card is it again? | 04:55 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | any ideas? | 04:55 |
=== HaroldJohnson [~harold@pool-71-106-130-227.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HaroldJohnson | I live here now. | 04:55 |
bddebian | Well welcome home then HaroldJohnson :-) | 04:55 |
HaroldJohnson | Hey there | 04:55 |
=== HaroldJohnson is now known as harold | ||
reka | vladuz976: can you run this please: sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange | 04:56 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | anyone know how to make the picture in mplayer bigger? | 04:56 |
=== harold is now known as Harold | ||
parkbench | bdebbian: I dont know, where can i see that? it's an old comp that i found in basement, dell p3...im in device manager but where would it be labeled? | 04:56 |
vladuz976 | reka, monitorrange: 30-85, 48-120 | 04:56 |
reka | ChurcH_of_FoamY: i've heard of that. search ubforums while you wait | 04:56 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | kk | 04:56 |
vladuz976 | reka, that is correct no? | 04:56 |
Harold | I just received a message about using LVM while apt-get upgrading | 04:57 |
reka | vladuz976: yep, hang on | 04:57 |
Harold | Anyone have any idea what it means/ | 04:57 |
Harold | ? | 04:57 |
Harold | Ah, nevermind | 04:57 |
=== warrior_ [~warrior@cpe-069-132-109-204.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bddebian | parkbench: Hang on a sec | 04:58 |
warrior_ | Hey guys, I need someone to look at my xorg.conf file and let me know why I'm getting a keyboard error at startup | 04:59 |
warrior_ | I've got the error if you need to see it | 04:59 |
bddebian | parkbench: Is it a USB adapter? | 04:59 |
seth_k | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl warrior_ | 04:59 |
seth_k | and I'll look | 04:59 |
reka | vladuz976: ok, what i've done is edited your xorg.conf file. i've added your monitor rates in the Monitor section and added 1280x1024 as the default resolutions for all colour depths. replace your old xorg.conf file with this one. (backup if you want) | 05:00 |
reka | vladuz976: http://rafb.net/paste/results/tBp0UA47.html | 05:00 |
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remyforbes777 | reka are you female? | 05:00 |
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vladuz976 | reka,ok i'll try | 05:00 |
reka | remyforbes777: no. do i give that impression? :) | 05:00 |
remyforbes777 | no, the name reka did | 05:01 |
reka | remyforbes777: i got it off "eureka"...my favourite movie :) | 05:01 |
remyforbes777 | im from the hood so i was thinking like shareka, or dareka, | 05:01 |
remyforbes777 | lol | 05:01 |
reka | i've been told it means "river" and "right" in other languages | 05:01 |
warrior_ | seth_k, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/420 | 05:01 |
remyforbes777 | real ethnic hood names | 05:01 |
reka | ha | 05:02 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | there seems to be only documentation about how to compile and instal mplayer in ubuntu | 05:02 |
=== allio_ [~omfg@202-169-215-101.megapass.worldnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reka | remyforbes777: no, occasionly listening to r&b is as urban as i get. :) | 05:02 |
parkbench | bdebbian: sorry, yes, it is a USB adapter | 05:02 |
parkbench | bdebbian: linksys WUSB12v1.1 802.11b | 05:02 |
Harold | Here's a hood name: Choo Choo | 05:02 |
remyforbes777 | lol, alright | 05:02 |
seth_k | warrior_, and the error? | 05:03 |
Harold | Or Clownboy | 05:03 |
vladuz976 | reka, just restart X is enough? | 05:03 |
rob^ | yay I'm back after spilling coffee on my old keyboard and breaking it | 05:03 |
reka | vladuz976: should be | 05:03 |
reka | vladuz976: reboot if not | 05:03 |
vladuz976 | reka, ok i'll be back | 05:03 |
remyforbes777 | reka: let me ask you something | 05:04 |
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rob^ | it was funny to watch the coffee short out different keys and watch them scroll across the screen in gedit | 05:04 |
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remyforbes777 | reka: how many hours a day do you say you spent learning linux | 05:04 |
=== FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010487351pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warrior_ | seth_k, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/421 | 05:04 |
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seth_k | thanks warrior | 05:05 |
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Harold | What is a pastebin? | 05:05 |
warrior_ | seth_k, actually, thank you if you have any insight on my prob | 05:05 |
reka | remyforbes777: not many | 05:06 |
bddebian | parkbench: Have you tried the atmel driver? | 05:06 |
=== WillieDaPimp [~dtigue@pcp09536141pcs.gadsdn01.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warrior_ | seth_k, I redid fglrxconfig after I got the error but no change | 05:06 |
seth_k | Harold, it's a place to paste lots of stuff without flooding the channel | 05:06 |
reka | Harold: a website where you can dump text for others to se | 05:06 |
seth_k | warrior_, you are using Warty or Hoary? | 05:06 |
remyforbes777 | reka: really, how did you become so knowledgable | 05:06 |
parkbench | atmel? no, is it located in ubuntu already? i might have seen an atmel.ko | 05:06 |
=== reka shakes fist at seth_k | ||
reka | :) | 05:06 |
parkbench | or i could be making shit up | 05:06 |
warrior_ | seth_k, Hoary | 05:06 |
parkbench | but regardless, no i havent | 05:06 |
=== seth_k runs from reka | ||
bddebian | parkbench: Try this: "sudo modprobe atmel" | 05:06 |
Harold | Thanks, Seth and Reka | 05:06 |
WillieDaPimp | i just recieved 10 copies of Ubuntu and i tried to boot the live version and it won't boot, not one out of the ten will boot | 05:07 |
=== seth_k finds large net and sneaks back to reka | ||
reka | remyforbes777: they're common problems to ubuntu. just stay in here a while and you pick up stuff. :) | 05:07 |
ksmurf | http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/308177 | 05:07 |
=== reka runs | ||
parkbench | 'unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()' | 05:07 |
remyforbes777 | reka: ohhhh ok, got you | 05:07 |
ksmurf | That is what I get when I open a sudo natilus or gedit from terminal | 05:07 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | how to get to the hdb1 drive in console? | 05:07 |
parkbench | then 'postdrop: warning: unable to look up public/pikcup: no such file or directory | 05:07 |
ksmurf | should I be worried? | 05:07 |
reka | remyforbes777: how long have you been using linux? | 05:08 |
reka | ksmurf: wow | 05:08 |
parkbench | i get that for a lot of the commands i enter | 05:08 |
bddebian | parkbench: OK, hang on a sec | 05:08 |
remyforbes777 | reka: not long, i have been messing with it for a few months | 05:08 |
parkbench | okay, thank you | 05:08 |
=== Heart_ [~jzdgc@p549C2A9C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i need to get into the hdb1 drive in console anyone know how to? | 05:08 |
ksmurf | reka what's it mean? | 05:08 |
Harold | Anyone: How do I check how much disk space I have remaining/ | 05:08 |
seth_k | warrior_, this file is super whack. Have you tried 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' ? | 05:08 |
Harold | ? | 05:08 |
seth_k | otherwise I'll have a go at trimming it up for you | 05:09 |
bddebian | ChurcH_of_FoamY: In console? | 05:09 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | yes | 05:09 |
warrior_ | seth_k, no but will that reset my 3d acceleration with ati? | 05:09 |
reka | ksmurf: not sure. might be a glib issue by the looks of it | 05:09 |
=== vladuz976 [~vladuz976@pool-71-106-211-189.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warrior_ | seth_k, I mean I'll do it again if I have to but you know | 05:09 |
remyforbes777 | reka: I am studying for my Linux +, I have Ubuntu installed on an old HP Pavilion with about 32 MB of ram, I am not even running X | 05:09 |
ksmurf | reka... k thanks | 05:09 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i'm trying to get to my hdb1 drive and the folder i created there | 05:09 |
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seth_k | warrior_, two things | 05:09 |
vladuz976 | reka, awesome works like a charm | 05:09 |
seth_k | first, you'll have a backup | 05:09 |
vladuz976 | reka, thank you sooo much | 05:09 |
reka | vladuz976: good to hear. | 05:09 |
seth_k | second, you'll be able to select the fglrx driver again so it's all good | 05:09 |
reka | vladuz976: back it up somewhere for future reinstalls :) | 05:09 |
seth_k | imo the benefits are worth it | 05:09 |
reka | then you can just copy it over | 05:10 |
vladuz976 | reka, | 05:10 |
seth_k | You're using the driver straight from ATI? | 05:10 |
vladuz976 | reka, yes for sure | 05:10 |
seth_k | or the fglrx driver from Ubuntu | 05:10 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | media hdb1 | 05:10 |
warrior_ | seth_k, gotcha, I'm gonna give it a shot. Yep the rpms from the website 8.14.13-1 | 05:10 |
remyforbes777 | reka: i wanna do a lot more with it, setting it up on a windows network, maybe use it as a firewall, a DNS server, or a proxy server | 05:10 |
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ksmurf | anyone here use 3ddesktop switching? | 05:10 |
=== AlohaWolf [~alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reka | remyforbes777: see. i have no clue about networking on *nix. :) | 05:10 |
remyforbes777 | reka: there is so much to learn though, I feel like I dont know jack | 05:10 |
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seth_k | yeah, just select the fglrx driver, warrior_ | 05:11 |
reka | remyforbes777: you'll get there. :) | 05:11 |
seth_k | when you do the reconfigure | 05:11 |
remyforbes777 | I did set SAMBA up and I can see this box from my windows machine | 05:11 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | anyone know? | 05:11 |
warrior_ | seth_k, cool bbl if all goes well :) | 05:11 |
seth_k | cross fingers :D | 05:11 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | cd cdrom0 | 05:11 |
ksmurf | u can see the box but can't get in right? | 05:11 |
reka | remyforbes777: i didn't even know how to use irssi a month ago...so i'm always learning :) | 05:11 |
remyforbes777 | reka: compiling my kernel has been another task, I keep getting errors everytime | 05:11 |
remyforbes777 | reka: i dont even know what irssi is | 05:12 |
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reka | remyforbes777: see, i avoid messing with my kernel. only compiled once, and that was using a guide | 05:12 |
reka | remyforbes777: apt-cache show irssi | 05:12 |
remyforbes777 | reka: what is that supposed to do | 05:13 |
=== chugga [~msingh@203-59-164-75.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
remyforbes777 | reka: it didnt do anything | 05:13 |
chugga | will ubuntu run off a cd? | 05:13 |
remyforbes777 | reka: does that run using X? | 05:13 |
reka | whoops. | 05:13 |
parkbench | chugga: there are ubuntu livecds if thats what youre asking | 05:13 |
reka | remyforbes777: it's just an IRC client that can run in a terminal | 05:14 |
chugga | park, official ones? do they work well? | 05:14 |
bddebian | parkbench: Is this the only network adapter? | 05:14 |
reka | WillieDaPimp: tried them on a different computer? | 05:14 |
remyforbes777 | reka: ahhhhhh, see I am not using a terminal, straight shell | 05:14 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i'm trying to get here in console how to do : media:/hdb1/shane | 05:14 |
parkbench | bdebbian: on the linuxbox? yeah its the only usb | 05:14 |
remyforbes777 | reka: anytime I try to boot into X my box freezes | 05:15 |
=== D1 [~damian@pool-71-104-123-53.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
parkbench | chugga: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/5.04/ scroll down to livecd | 05:15 |
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parkbench | chugga: i havent used them but from waht i understand they work fine just like any other livecd | 05:15 |
reka | remyforbes777: why? | 05:15 |
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reka | remyforbes777: tried fixing it? | 05:15 |
bddebian | parkbench: OK but is it the only network card in the computer? | 05:15 |
zeeeee | hi all, it seems right now i can't run apps that use esd and jack audio systems at the same time... is there any solution for this? | 05:15 |
remyforbes777 | reka: dont know how, someone suggested it was because I only have 32MB of RAM | 05:16 |
parkbench | bdebbian: well again i dont know. before i installe dlinux i just plugged the USB in and it worked fine, windows xp | 05:16 |
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bddebian | ChurcH_of_FoamY: Mount the drive somewhere | 05:16 |
reka | remyforbes777: ah, yes. probably :) | 05:16 |
=== kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-10.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChurcH_of_FoamY | it's already mounted | 05:16 |
chugga | how long have ppl here been running ubuntu? have you had any problems with updating or upgrading | 05:16 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i just need to get to it through console | 05:16 |
remyforbes777 | reka: the logs really didnt show me much | 05:16 |
=== Out_Off [~quaqua@200-206-151-127.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bddebian | ChurcH_of_FoamY: What do you mean by console? You mean a terminal window? | 05:16 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and i don't know how to change deives in linux yet | 05:16 |
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reka | remyforbes777: although ubuntu req. says it only needs at least 32 | 05:16 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | yes terminal window | 05:16 |
drew | crimsun, are you still there? | 05:16 |
=== wrinkols [~brian@71-35-53-165.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reka | remyforbes777: tried using a more lightweight WM? t could be gnome. | 05:17 |
reka | *it could be | 05:17 |
parkbench | bdebbian: and the computer USED to be a commonly used comp with 56k, then cable, years ago | 05:17 |
bddebian | ChurcH_of_FoamY: There are no "drives" in GNU/Linux. It mounts to a directory. | 05:17 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | um...ok | 05:17 |
remyforbes777 | reka: someone suggested that, but I dont know where to start , I havent researched it yet | 05:17 |
drew | well, could someone help me? when I use the alsa plugin w/ xmms the sound stutters. Any ideas? | 05:17 |
robitaille | bddebian: just saw your wiki page. You're not THAT old :) | 05:17 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | then how do i get to the directory in hdb1? | 05:17 |
tiglionabbit | oh hi again ChurcH_of_FoamY | 05:17 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | hey how are ya? | 05:17 |
reka | remyforbes777: well if you're happy using console only... | 05:18 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: is that partition mounted somewhere? | 05:18 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | yes | 05:18 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: then go there | 05:18 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | it's on a drive seperate then mine | 05:18 |
=== Out_Off is now known as lucas-unesp | ||
bddebian | parkbench: Do you see anything if you go to System->Administration->Networking ? | 05:18 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: what did you put for the mountpoint? | 05:18 |
remyforbes777 | reka: i mean its cool, I might learn more using just that, but I would like to have a WM | 05:18 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | but i need to do it in terminal to get mplayer to play in full screen | 05:18 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | storage | 05:18 |
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tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: you're not making sense. What is in the second column for it in fstab, or the second argument you passed to mount | 05:19 |
bddebian | ChurcH_of_FoamY: Just type "mount" on the command line | 05:19 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: or that, what bddebian said | 05:19 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ok in windows you have drive c: | 05:19 |
sayao | does anyone knows if there are openoffice 2 beta packages available for hoary? | 05:19 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: the windows drive letters don't matter here | 05:19 |
bddebian | ChurcH_of_FoamY: It should say /dev/hdb1 on /foo/bar | 05:19 |
reka | remyforbes777: i couldn't live with console only. :) i'd try it if i were you...something like fluxbox probably | 05:19 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | if you want drive d you go "cd d:/ | 05:19 |
drew | well, could someone help me? when I use the alsa plugin w/ xmms the sound stutters. Any ideas? | 05:19 |
bddebian | robitaille: Well I feel about 75 ;-P | 05:19 |
reka | sayao: yes | 05:19 |
sayao | reka, where? | 05:20 |
parkbench | bdebbiaN: to even get INTO that i have to run the program as user root and input password and all that | 05:20 |
parkbench | bdebbian: but once inside.. | 05:20 |
bddebian | parkbench: No, you have to put your password in :-) | 05:20 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: think linux here | 05:20 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ok then how the heck do i change to the harddrive that contains the info in terminal >.< | 05:20 |
parkbench | there's a grayed out "modem connection" | 05:20 |
reka | sayao: openoffice.org2 - Office suite core, version 2.0 | 05:20 |
remyforbes777 | reka: so do a apt-get install fluxbox? Then how do I mak that my defualt WM | 05:20 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i'm trying but have been dumbed down by years of windows use | 05:20 |
reka | sayao: it will install it seperately from the default one | 05:20 |
ksmurf | K ... next . Does anyone have any experience with wine? | 05:20 |
bddebian | parkbench: No "Ethernet Connection" ? | 05:20 |
robitaille | bddebian: well, now I feel old after seeing your birthday... | 05:20 |
reka | remyforbes777: ah, see, i'm not sure bout that | 05:20 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and the drive is | 05:20 |
parkbench | bdebbian: no | 05:20 |
remyforbes777 | reka: i'll google it or something | 05:21 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: okay, first off, in a terminal, say `mount`. What does it say /dev/hdb1 is on? | 05:21 |
blah | streamripper sure is a nice application | 05:21 |
reka | remyforbes777: i'm sure there are people in here who know though. | 05:21 |
parkbench | bdebbian: and i realised that nothing there was the problem...so ive just been trying to piece togehter resources on how to get ANYTHING to appear | 05:21 |
=== patrick_ [~patrick@cpe-069-132-002-228.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChurcH_of_FoamY | /dev/hdb1 on /storage type ext3 (rw) | 05:21 |
remyforbes777 | reka: I'll be on tomorrow, right now I have to lay it down for the night | 05:21 |
sayao | reka, but where are the packages? | 05:21 |
bddebian | parkbench: I think something is missing in your network config | 05:21 |
bddebian | ChurcH_of_FoamY: OK, so cd /storage | 05:21 |
remyforbes777 | reka: take it easy | 05:21 |
blah | then i edit the mp3 rips with audacity | 05:21 |
parkbench | what would i do in order to change that, though? | 05:21 |
reka | sayao: that's the package name: openoffice.org2 | 05:22 |
bddebian | parkbench: I'm not sure what it is yet. Something is screwed up with DNS or something | 05:22 |
reka | it's a metapackage | 05:22 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: then it's in /storage. So go look at the highest directory in your filesystem and go into the storage directory there | 05:22 |
blah | who needs p2p when u just rip audio streams right off the internet | 05:22 |
reka | remyforbes777: later | 05:22 |
bddebian | parkbench: Get to a terminal and type "cat /etc/resolv.conf" | 05:22 |
=== CavalierBob [~bob@c-24-4-128-79.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
parkbench | bdebbian: well when i installed the only component that cuoldnt complete was the networking, because there wa sno connection and it was this wireless thing | 05:22 |
parkbench | bdebbian: ok | 05:22 |
bddebian | parkbench: Ahhh | 05:22 |
sayao | reka, i've installed those, but they are old.. .79 iirc | 05:22 |
parkbench | no such file or directory? | 05:23 |
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reka | sayao: oh, ok | 05:23 |
bddebian | parkbench: OK. Try this just for fun: "apt-get update" then do "apt-get -f install" | 05:23 |
robitaille | sayao: that the best ooo2 packages you will find officially for hoary. | 05:23 |
reka | sayao: what about installing directly from their installer? | 05:23 |
bddebian | parkbench: Scratch that | 05:23 |
blah | hehe i just had to do a apt-get -f install | 05:24 |
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tiglionabbit | why are you forcing apt? | 05:24 |
parkbench | bdebbian: done, they "worked' but it said 0 new instaled, 0 removed, 0 not upgraded... | 05:24 |
blah | firefucked wouldnt upgrade | 05:24 |
bddebian | tiglionabbit: -f is fix | 05:24 |
tiglionabbit | oh | 05:24 |
tiglionabbit | =P sorry | 05:24 |
bddebian | :-) | 05:24 |
vladuz976 | i was using fedora before i got ubuntu today. apt-get works similar to yum? | 05:24 |
reka | blah: the ubuntu version already has 1.0.4's security updates | 05:25 |
blah | how would i go about installing opera on ubuntu? | 05:25 |
bddebian | vladuz976: Somewhat | 05:25 |
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: yep, but in most people's opinion, better. You can use aptitude or synaptic as well, for the same purposes | 05:25 |
blah | dont care much for firefart | 05:25 |
bddebian | blah: "sudo apt-get install opera" ? | 05:25 |
seth_k | blah, there is a deb package on opera.com | 05:25 |
vladuz976 | bddebian, so if i wanna install xine let's say i just go sudo apt-get install xine\* | 05:25 |
blah | cool thanks | 05:25 |
DonL | I did the same transition, vladuz976 . I really like apt-get | 05:25 |
seth_k | bddebian, i don't think it's in the repos | 05:25 |
seth_k | iirc | 05:25 |
bddebian | seth_k: Ahh | 05:25 |
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: you probably want xine-ui | 05:25 |
reka | vladuz976: just xine will be fine | 05:25 |
seth_k | since non-free | 05:25 |
vladuz976 | DonL, what's better about it | 05:25 |
bddebian | vladuz976: You don't need the xine\* | 05:25 |
parkbench | bdebbian: so those worked but i dont think anything changed | 05:25 |
reka | or what tiglionabbit said :) | 05:26 |
bddebian | parkbench: No it didn't | 05:26 |
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vladuz976 | xine xine-ui what's the differnece? | 05:26 |
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: you can search through your package lists with apt-cache search | 05:26 |
seth_k | blah, http://opera.com/download/get.pl?distro=ubuntu&id=26855%2C26854&location=132&sub=++++&x=116&y=15 | 05:26 |
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: um, it's xine with a user interface? | 05:26 |
bddebian | seth_k: Is there a specific package for all the network "stuff" ? | 05:26 |
chugga | vladuz976, try vlc | 05:26 |
seth_k | bddebian, more specific please | 05:26 |
blah | ya vlc rocks | 05:26 |
vladuz976 | chugga, wht that | 05:26 |
tiglionabbit | chugga: lol, everyone can recommend a player | 05:26 |
bddebian | seth_k: What installs /etc/resolv.conf and the like? | 05:27 |
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tiglionabbit | totem, mplayer, vlc, xine | 05:27 |
yojimbo-san | bddebian: dhclient, if you're on dhcp | 05:27 |
reka | vladuz976: also, apparently there aren't the dependency problems you get with RPM-based distros | 05:27 |
yojimbo-san | bddebian: otherwise, manual | 05:27 |
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DonL | vladuz976, it seems better at addressing additional packages | 05:27 |
vladuz976 | reka, really, sounds good | 05:27 |
DonL | Yeah Dependencies | 05:27 |
bddebian | yojimbo-san: He is getting gethostbyname() issues and doesn't even have the network card set up yet | 05:27 |
chugga | tiglionabbit, yeh, but vlc wins hands down. i used xine for a year then switched to mplayer because it was better, and now i have all three installed but only use vlc | 05:27 |
=== Tsunamii [~tsunamii@CPE-138-130-181-171.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vladuz976 | repo's are handled similar to yum.repos? | 05:27 |
bddebian | vladuz976: /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:28 |
tiglionabbit | chugga: what do I need for vlc to play quicktime with sound? | 05:28 |
Mestapheles | anyone useing XFS? | 05:28 |
unique | can i install ubuntu from network using floppies? | 05:28 |
vladuz976 | oh ok | 05:28 |
seth_k | yes, except our repo's don't suck | 05:28 |
yojimbo-san | bddebian: then /etc/hostname ? | 05:28 |
Tsunamii | Hi, can somebody help me? - I was wondering if there's an easy way to patch or update Ubuntu | 05:28 |
seth_k | you bet! | 05:28 |
seth_k | it's called Synaptic | 05:28 |
bddebian | yojimbo-san: ?? | 05:28 |
ksmurf | K ... next . Does anyone have any experience with wine? | 05:28 |
seth_k | and it is in the System > Administration menu | 05:28 |
chugga | tiglionabbit, not sure to be honest. havent had the need | 05:28 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, just hit the Reload button and then Mark All Upgrades and you will be updated | 05:28 |
tiglionabbit | chugga: what, do you only play .avi format? | 05:28 |
chugga | tiglio, nah, mostly dvds | 05:29 |
Tsunamii | oh, thank you seth_k | 05:29 |
Tsunamii | is that it? | 05:29 |
DonL | I install it, ksmurf and some programs work with it, and some don't | 05:29 |
seth_k | it's that easy | 05:29 |
tiglionabbit | chugga: yeah, but some people need to play other media formats =P | 05:29 |
yojimbo-san | bddebian: man 1 hostname, and look in /etc/hostname file - used in /etc/init.d/hostname | 05:29 |
Tsunamii | because when I put in my 66GT before, it won't boot up the GUI | 05:29 |
seth_k | Synaptic is also what you use to install new software in Ubuntu | 05:29 |
Tsunamii | so i changed to my gf2 | 05:29 |
seth_k | just search for what you want and click it | 05:29 |
Tsunamii | I see | 05:29 |
bddebian | parkbench: try: "cat /etc/ hostname" and tell me what's in it if anything | 05:29 |
Tsunamii | haha, I just randomly install files on my desktop :P | 05:29 |
reka | Tsunamii: hang on...make sure your sources.list is "safe" first | 05:30 |
reka | before upgrading | 05:30 |
Tsunamii | what do you mean reka? | 05:30 |
ksmurf | DonL .... I have one windows proggie left that I can't find an alteritive for. It uses a serial port. Do you think wine might work? | 05:30 |
seth_k | reka, if he didn't know about Synaptic, I doubt he's changed his sources.list | 05:30 |
seth_k | tbh | 05:30 |
parkbench | etc is a directory, but hostname no such file or directort | 05:30 |
Tsunamii | Yeah, I haven't touched it yet | 05:30 |
reka | Tsunamii: i'd avoid doing upgrading hacing backports in there | 05:30 |
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DonL | ksmurf, can't hurt trying | 05:30 |
tiglionabbit | ksmurf: what's the program? | 05:30 |
reka | Tsunamii: ah ok then :) | 05:30 |
reka | Tsunamii: not likely you'll have much to update then | 05:30 |
Tsunamii | :P | 05:30 |
chugga | tiglionabbit, fair enough. it is nice to look at my system monitor and find the load to be only 10-13% when playing a movie :) | 05:30 |
ksmurf | Tiglionrabbit EasyGPS | 05:31 |
Tsunamii | in anycase, by updating - will my Geforce 66GT be supported? | 05:31 |
bddebian | parkbench: Got a favorite editor? | 05:31 |
parkbench | bdebbian: text? ive only used gedit sincew thats what comes with ubuntu | 05:31 |
bddebian | parkbench: That's fine. Create a file in /etc called hostname | 05:31 |
yojimbo-san | my matrox g200 doesn't seem to deliver hardware acceleration - can I do anything about it? | 05:31 |
tiglionabbit | ksmurf: have you googled "linux gps" ? | 05:31 |
ksmurf | DonL Anything I need to know bout installing wine | 05:31 |
yojimbo-san | bddebian: and make sure that hostname is mentioned in /etc/hosts | 05:32 |
bddebian | parkbench: Just put any name in there for now. Call it test1 or something | 05:32 |
Tsunamii | seth_k, by updating - will that make Ubuntu support my Geforce 66GT? | 05:32 |
bddebian | yojimbo-san: Aye, thanks | 05:32 |
drew | does annnyone know how to get alsa working right in xmms? | 05:32 |
bddebian | parkbench: And I need a cigarette quick so brb | 05:32 |
DonL | When I installed the new Ubuntu version of X-Chat, it automagically gave me a quick link to #Ubuntu and one to #Debian, so I thought I'd try the debian one | 05:32 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, search for package 'nvidia-glx' | 05:32 |
seth_k | that's what you need | 05:32 |
Tsunamii | I'll just download it all :D | 05:32 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | anyone know how to get mplayer to play a bigger image? | 05:32 |
Tsunamii | ok, thanks | 05:32 |
parkbench | bdebbian: ahh, wish i ha dsmokes. im all out | 05:32 |
=== XhyldazhK [~xhyldazhk@dup-200-64-114-192.prodigy.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vladuz976 | cany you guys recommend any good repos | 05:33 |
DonL | Install it from Synaptic, ksmurf | 05:33 |
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ksmurf | tiglionrabbit.... Ya . a couple of command line tools came up but I have 40 - 50 locs a week. Too much to command line in | 05:33 |
XhyldazhK | Hi all again! at last! I have working gfx accel, breezy badger, and no conflicts in synaptic! | 05:33 |
yojimbo-san | vladuz976: main, universe, multiverse .. :-) | 05:33 |
limer | hello everyone | 05:33 |
yojimbo-san | hi limer | 05:33 |
vladuz976 | yojimbo-san, oh never heard of that stuff gotta explore a little | 05:34 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: change your video engine to xv and it should work | 05:34 |
DonL | While on the Debian chat, I mentioned I used Ubuntu....... Anyone else done that? | 05:34 |
limer | anyone have an ati 9200 that crashes with most screensavers? | 05:34 |
parkbench | bdebbian: well as i tried to save it said ia lready existed...so i browsed to the folder nad opened it and inside it just says ubuntu | 05:34 |
Tsunamii | hey seth_k, there's no nvidia glx - but there's the common kernal update :P | 05:34 |
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tiglionabbit | DonL: probably a pretty harsh response, eh? | 05:34 |
=== seth_k tries to remember what it was called in Hoary | ||
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DonL | Yup. I wasn't expecting it either | 05:34 |
yojimbo-san | parkbench: so your hostname is "ubuntu" then. OK, have a look in the /etc/hosts file | 05:34 |
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parkbench | bdebbian: ah, ok it didnt work before beucase i put a space....without a space in terminal it lists ubuntu | 05:35 |
seth_k | ah, Tsunamii, you have to activate the 'restricted' section of your sources.list | 05:35 |
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Tsunamii | :O | 05:35 |
XhyldazhK | seth_k: i did it... I installed the nvidia driver from nvidia.com, and uninstalled nvidia-glx... until breezy gets fixed, that's the easier way | 05:35 |
Discipulus | if I have to install something by source, whats's the best way to go about it? | 05:35 |
seth_k | fair do's XhyldazhK | 05:35 |
seth_k | Discipulus: using the package "checkinstall" | 05:35 |
DonL | tiglionabbit, ubuntu has moved me to love Debian. | 05:35 |
yojimbo-san | Discipulus: apt-get source <package> ? | 05:35 |
tiglionabbit | Discipulus: Download it, tar xvzf it, and read the readme | 05:35 |
Tsunamii | how do i open the restricted function? | 05:35 |
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yojimbo-san | parkbench: what was your original problem? is it now fixed? | 05:36 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:36 |
bddebian | parkbench: OK, that is fine. Now look at /etc/hosts | 05:36 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: sudo edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment (remove the single #) before the appropriate lines | 05:36 |
seth_k | yep | 05:36 |
parkbench | yojimbo-san: no, i twasnt fixed...one moment | 05:36 |
Tsunamii | rgr | 05:36 |
Discipulus | seth_k, what's checkinstall do? | 05:36 |
bddebian | yojimbo-san: He is trying to load a linksys usb wireless adapter | 05:36 |
seth_k | Discipulus, have you ever installed something from source before? | 05:36 |
Xenguy | Discipulus: apt-cache show checkinstall | 05:37 |
tiglionabbit | zomg sauce | 05:37 |
bddebian | yojimbo-san: And he gets gethostbyname() failed | 05:37 |
yojimbo-san | Discipulus: makes a package out of a compiled source tarball. | 05:37 |
parkbench | localhost | 05:37 |
seth_k | you use ./configure && make && make install | 05:37 |
Discipulus | seth_k, on Mandrake? All the time. On Ubuntu? Nope. | 05:37 |
bddebian | parkbench: Is that it? | 05:37 |
Discipulus | Yea, I know how to do it. | 05:37 |
seth_k | with checkinstall, you do ./configure && make && checkinstall | 05:37 |
Discipulus | ah, alright | 05:37 |
yojimbo-san | parkbench: bddebian: hosts should have the word "ubuntu" on the same line | 05:37 |
seth_k | and it'll make a Debian package that is easy to uninstall | 05:37 |
seth_k | which is the big problem with installing from source | 05:37 |
parkbench | bddebian: yup | 05:37 |
seth_k | hard to uninstall | 05:37 |
seth_k | but with checkinstall, it's gravy | 05:37 |
bddebian | parkbench: You need to edit that file and add ubuntu after localhost | 05:37 |
parkbench | space or no/ | 05:37 |
tiglionabbit | whoa, seth_k, that sounds cool, how did you say you do that? | 05:38 |
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bddebian | parkbench: so it should say localhost ubuntu | 05:38 |
yojimbo-san | parkbench: just like this "<space>localhost<space>ubuntu" | 05:38 |
seth_k | tiglionabbit, wherever the readme tells you to use "make install", simply replace with "checkinstall" | 05:38 |
seth_k | and it will install and also spit out a debian package | 05:38 |
seth_k | that you can then use to remove the files you installed via source | 05:38 |
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seth_k | it's super nifty | 05:38 |
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warrior_ | seth_k, things are running great | 05:38 |
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seth_k | w00t! | 05:38 |
tiglionabbit | seth_k: seems so. I shall install this checkinstall | 05:39 |
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parkbench | wont let me edit...read only | 05:39 |
warrior_ | seth_k, thanks for your help, you are a true master of the arts | 05:39 |
seth_k | glad to hear it warrior_ | 05:39 |
Tsunamii | how do i know which one to uncomment? | 05:39 |
seth_k | haha, np | 05:39 |
parkbench | i assume theres a way around with permissions, or something, or if i run gedit as root | 05:39 |
tiglionabbit | parkbench: start your command with 'sudo' | 05:39 |
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seth_k | Tsunamii, look for one with "restricted" in it | 05:39 |
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bddebian | parkbench: Aye, sudo | 05:39 |
tiglionabbit | parkbench: or run a root terminal | 05:39 |
seth_k | deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted | 05:39 |
seth_k | deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted | 05:39 |
Tsunamii | yeah, but do i have to uncomment them all? | 05:39 |
seth_k | jsut those two | 05:39 |
seth_k | except yours say "hoary" | 05:39 |
seth_k | er | 05:40 |
bddebian | parkbench: Learn vi ;-) Just kidding | 05:40 |
seth_k | those are security | 05:40 |
seth_k | my bad | 05:40 |
seth_k | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted | 05:40 |
seth_k | deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted | 05:40 |
seth_k | those two | 05:40 |
eltino | Hello | 05:40 |
seth_k | the ones that end in restricted | 05:40 |
tiglionabbit | yeah but whatever you do, DONT put the word breezy in there | 05:40 |
seth_k | hi eltino | 05:40 |
parkbench | okay, done | 05:40 |
Xenguy | bddebian: everyone should learn vi eventually :-) | 05:40 |
tiglionabbit | that'll really screw you up | 05:40 |
seth_k | indeed! | 05:40 |
Tsunamii | ## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch updated software from the network | 05:40 |
Tsunamii | # deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty main restricted | 05:40 |
Tsunamii | # deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty main restricted | 05:40 |
Tsunamii | is that it? | 05:40 |
seth_k | yep | 05:40 |
seth_k | oy, wary | 05:40 |
seth_k | s/wary/warty | 05:40 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: yup. Warty? | 05:40 |
seth_k | upgrade | 05:40 |
=== parkbench remains quietly ignorant, and despite not knowing what it is hopes to learn vi someday ;P | ||
Tsunamii | yeah, what's wrong with Warty? D: | 05:40 |
seth_k | vi is a text editor | 05:41 |
seth_k | Warty is old :P | 05:41 |
Tsunamii | i got it free with a PC mag | 05:41 |
Tsunamii | oh | 05:41 |
Tsunamii | :( | 05:41 |
IceDC571 | vim is neat | 05:41 |
bddebian | Xenguy: No, they shouldn't :-) | 05:41 |
seth_k | you have broadband? | 05:41 |
Tsunamii | yeah | 05:41 |
Xenguy | parkbench: it's worth it (vim actually) | 05:41 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: to upgrade to hoary, I believe you can replace all of those "warty"s with the word "hoary", and then do sudo apt-get uppdate; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:41 |
bddebian | parkbench: It's an antiquated editor :-) | 05:41 |
seth_k | that's correct | 05:41 |
seth_k | s/uppdate/update | 05:41 |
Xenguy | bddebian: how else will we know when world domination is complete?! :P | 05:41 |
IceDC571 | i hated it at first but i grew to love it | 05:41 |
parkbench | bddebbian: ahh, from the dark ages of linux perhaps :) | 05:41 |
bddebian | Xenguy: Heh | 05:41 |
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Xenguy | bddebian: antiquated my ass | 05:41 |
Tsunamii | i tried apt-get update ( doesn't work :P ), haven't tried apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:41 |
bddebian | parkbench: Actually from Unix | 05:41 |
Tsunamii | ok firstly | 05:41 |
tiglionabbit | vi is an editor in which you can use the s/old/new/ substitution syntax everyone uses in this chatroom | 05:41 |
Tsunamii | which should i do first? | 05:42 |
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Tsunamii | update this via synaptic, or dist-update? | 05:42 |
seth_k | eh, use Warty for now | 05:42 |
=== Xenguy starts an editor war... | ||
seth_k | uncomment those lines, save | 05:42 |
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parkbench | bdebbian: coolies. so now that thats corrected, should i stop geting gethostbyname errors | 05:42 |
IceDC571 | i just discovered checkinstall.. neat script | 05:42 |
seth_k | then reload in Synaptic | 05:42 |
seth_k | then you can install nvidia-glx | 05:42 |
Tsunamii | there's a lot of Commented lines btw D: | 05:42 |
seth_k | and get your vid card fun | 05:42 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: that's dist-upgrade | 05:42 |
bddebian | parkbench: Let's hope. Try your "sudo modprobe atmel" again | 05:42 |
Discipulus | so what does dist-upgrade do that upgrade doesn't? | 05:42 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: don't uncomment the ## ones, just the # ones | 05:42 |
Tsunamii | yeah, there's 6 of them | 05:42 |
tiglionabbit | Discipulus: dist-upgrade is allowed to remove packages when dependencies change in a newer version | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | ## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch updated software from the network | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | # deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty main restricted | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | # deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty main restricted | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe' | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | ## repository. | 05:43 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, they do different things. add security updates, add more software | 05:43 |
tiglionabbit | Discipulus: remove and install newer dependencies | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu | 05:43 |
Discipulus | ah, alright | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | ## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security | 05:43 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, please don't flood | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | ## team. | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | # deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | # deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe | 05:43 |
bddebian | Whoa | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | # deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty-security main restricted | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | # deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty-security main restricted | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | yeah sorry | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | just wanted to know which one to uncomment D:! | 05:43 |
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warrior_ | :D | 05:43 |
jbroome | nice | 05:43 |
seth_k | in the future, just use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 05:43 |
tiglionabbit | Discipulus: "upgrade" will often report that some things were "held back" because their dependencies had changed. To install these held back ones, you've got to use dist-upgrade instead | 05:43 |
Tsunamii | k | 05:44 |
Discipulus | tiglionabbit, ah, alright | 05:44 |
Tsunamii | so yeah, uncomment all # ? | 05:44 |
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seth_k | well, IMO you should uncomment all of them, and change all "warty" to "hoary", then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:44 |
tiglionabbit | Discipulus: sorry for being so verbose there, just thought other people in the channel could stand to read that too | 05:44 |
warrior_ | geez how far away is kernel 2.6.12? I need to upgrade. I NEED it! | 05:44 |
seth_k | warrior_, it's in Breezy now :D | 05:44 |
eltino | anyone having trouble accessing MSN with hoary's gaim? | 05:44 |
seth_k | I'm running it | 05:44 |
DonL | warrior_, why? | 05:44 |
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warrior_ | seth_k, true but breezy is very unstable | 05:44 |
tiglionabbit | eltino: MSN always has problems. It's usually MSN's fault | 05:44 |
seth_k | eh, it's all in how hard you run it | 05:45 |
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warrior_ | DonL, cause I love speed and compiling | 05:45 |
tiglionabbit | eltino: I'm not having problems at the moment though | 05:45 |
seth_k | I'm running it on two computers, no problems | 05:45 |
seth_k | but I like pain | 05:45 |
seth_k | :P | 05:45 |
eltino | tiglionabbit: ok, thanks :) | 05:45 |
parkbench | bdebbian: i did the modprobe, and entered obviously, and it just goes to next line...am i to assume it registerd? | 05:45 |
warrior_ | seth_k, no errors? | 05:45 |
seth_k | warrior_, sure, but no showstoppers | 05:45 |
tiglionabbit | eltino: actually, yes I am, msn could well be down right now | 05:45 |
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bddebian | parkbench: Sounds like it. You can verify with "sudo lsmod" | 05:45 |
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Wegg | Ello | 05:45 |
seth_k | warrior_, I can't run the nvidia-glx driver right now (I would have to use the ones from Nvidia's site) | 05:45 |
Tsunamii | ok, uncommented - and reloaded the update list | 05:45 |
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seth_k | warrior_, and some other stuff | 05:45 |
Tsunamii | what was that about the other version? | 05:45 |
Wegg | Are any of you experienced with Samba? | 05:46 |
XhyldazhK | eltino: I have same problem, and I'm almost sure isn't gaim's fault | 05:46 |
seth_k | warrior_, but all in all very stable | 05:46 |
kertrats | hey, anyone have any idea why Firefox keeps going Back seemingly at random? | 05:46 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, did you change warty to hoary, or did you leave it? | 05:46 |
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warrior_ | seth_k, any news on ati drivers on breezy? haven't seen anything in the forums. | 05:46 |
seth_k | kertrats, backspace key acting up? | 05:46 |
bddebian | Wegg: Enough to be dangerous, what's up? | 05:46 |
Tsunamii | back in the file? | 05:46 |
kertrats | not that I know of | 05:46 |
DonL | I installed Kstars because I like the program, and I had to install Konqueror because of it. I've tried using Konqy for some stuff and it's sooooo slow | 05:46 |
tiglionabbit | kertrats: doesn't happen to us, hitting a key accidentally? | 05:46 |
kertrats | it doesnt go off in a word processor | 05:46 |
seth_k | warrior_, we're waiting on a new linux-restricted-modules right now | 05:46 |
Wegg | Ok I have it installed and set up to share my /home | 05:46 |
parkbench | bdebbian: so...thats done. but i do ndiswrapper -l and i still just see lswlusb.inf invalid driver (i shoul djust remove that...) | 05:46 |
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warrior_ | seth_k, they don't have headers yet either do they? | 05:46 |
IceDC571 | adwait: welcome back | 05:47 |
kertrats | nothing on the keyboard, it just keeps going back every few seconds :-| | 05:47 |
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Wegg | But from my Windows machine . . . when it asks for my name and password it insists on inserting the name of the machine before the username | 05:47 |
adwait | ICEDC571: :)...hey | 05:47 |
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SirGrok | Can someone help me configure my Sound Blaster Audigy card under Ubuntu... I know that there is basically a one line command to get Ubuntu to enable sound, but I can not remeber it for the life of me. | 05:47 |
tiglionabbit | kertrats: do you have any extensions installed, such as, perhaps, mouse gestures? | 05:47 |
=== D1 [~damian@pool-71-104-123-53.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joke | hi | 05:47 |
warrior_ | SirGrok, | 05:47 |
Wegg | so instead of name = blah. . . it does a name = computername/blah | 05:47 |
kertrats | nope | 05:47 |
Tsunamii | you want me to find and replace all Warty with the other one? | 05:47 |
bddebian | parkbench: You shouldn't need ndiswrapper if you use that driver, I don't think | 05:47 |
Tsunamii | is that safe? | 05:47 |
SirGrok | warrior_, | 05:47 |
parkbench | hmm...so should i check my network conifg? | 05:47 |
=== alohawulfie_ [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adwait | SirGrok: there is currently no sound on ur ubuntu? | 05:47 |
bddebian | parkbench: Yes | 05:48 |
SirGrok | Si Si | 05:48 |
joke | how do you do | 05:48 |
seth_k | nope, breezy has 2.6.12-3.3 linux-headers, warrior_ | 05:48 |
tiglionabbit | wait what? Yeah there's sound, just a few problems with it | 05:48 |
tiglionabbit | oh | 05:48 |
=== tiglionabbit misread | ||
bddebian | Wegg: Is it acting as a domain controller? | 05:48 |
SirGrok | adwait, nope. No sound. | 05:48 |
warrior_ | SirGrok, go to alsamixer slide over to where it says Audigy Analog digital input jack have some music playing and press del on your keypad | 05:48 |
parkbench | bdebbian: i checked...still just the grayed out modem conn | 05:48 |
adwait | SirFrok: well....hv u enabled the sound? u can check that in system>preferences>sound | 05:48 |
Wegg | I don't really know what that is bddebian | 05:48 |
Tsunamii | seth_k, if i replace all Warty with Hoary, is that safe? | 05:48 |
seth_k | empirically safe | 05:49 |
eltino | silly question I guess, but how do I query installed packages? Like, do I have restricted modules installed, and which version? | 05:49 |
seth_k | go for it | 05:49 |
Tsunamii | empiraically? | 05:49 |
bddebian | eltino: dpkg -l | 05:49 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: actually, many programs will be more likely to play sound when that is unchecked | 05:49 |
eltino | bddebian: thanks | 05:49 |
bddebian | Wegg: Hang on a sec | 05:49 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, without a doubt it's safe | 05:49 |
Tsunamii | rgr | 05:49 |
DonL | tiglionabbit, or turned up.. | 05:49 |
Tsunamii | haory was it ? | 05:49 |
=== Wegg hangs on | ||
seth_k | hoary | 05:49 |
Tsunamii | hoary | 05:49 |
warrior_ | I'm in love with breezy. Where do I get my repository? sign me up | 05:49 |
seth_k | haha | 05:49 |
tiglionabbit | eltino: it should be listed in synaptic. Look at the sections available | 05:49 |
Tsunamii | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted | 05:49 |
bddebian | parkbench: OK. What do you get if you do this at the command line: "devprobe eth0" | 05:49 |
Tsunamii | like that? | 05:49 |
seth_k | yep | 05:50 |
Tsunamii | k | 05:50 |
seth_k | change them all | 05:50 |
seth_k | :) | 05:50 |
adwait | tiglionabbit: those using alsa/oss will do that.......but its not necessary because all my apps play sound fine, and i have the sound server enabled | 05:50 |
seth_k | warrior_, your system might die a horrible death | 05:50 |
Tsunamii | done | 05:50 |
seth_k | :P | 05:50 |
Tsunamii | i hope you're right :s | 05:50 |
seth_k | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:50 |
seth_k | gogogo | 05:50 |
warrior_ | seth_k, as long as its slow and painful like gentoo was, bring the pain | 05:50 |
Tsunamii | what about synaptic? | 05:50 |
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seth_k | mmmmm pain | 05:50 |
parkbench | command not found? | 05:50 |
adwait | tiglionabbit: since SirGrok has no sound at all........i am thinking it could be a driver problem, what say? | 05:50 |
seth_k | sure, synaptic is fine | 05:50 |
SirGrok | warrior_, I havee gotten into there, but hitting delete isn't turning it on... I have found the module you are talking about, and it is off, but delete isn't enableing it. | 05:50 |
Tsunamii | ok | 05:50 |
Tsunamii | i'll use that | 05:50 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: what do you think of this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 it made my sounds behave a lot better than they did | 05:50 |
seth_k | SirGrok, try M | 05:50 |
seth_k | the letter M, that is | 05:51 |
Tsunamii | mark all upgrade, ... jesus - this will take long :P | 05:51 |
seth_k | jah | 05:51 |
seth_k | few hours | 05:51 |
parkbench | bddebbian: i tried a ocmmand from the guide; sudo modprobe ndiswrapper, and it difnt give me hostname error but still said operation on ndiswrapper.ko not permitted | 05:51 |
SirGrok | seth_k, IT LIVES! | 05:51 |
SirGrok | Thanks. | 05:51 |
seth_k | np | 05:51 |
SirGrok | I couldn't remeber that one. | 05:51 |
warrior_ | SirGrok, then go to volume control under sound and video in your menu and choose edit and preferences and turn it on that way | 05:51 |
Tsunamii | default upgrade, or smart? | 05:51 |
Tsunamii | smart is dist-upgrade | 05:51 |
bddebian | Wegg: That must be new to samba. Can you log in with computername\username or does it fail? | 05:51 |
Discipulus | is there an openssl-dev package? | 05:51 |
seth_k | smart | 05:51 |
Wegg | yea it fails. | 05:52 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: thanks for telling me that, I was wondering | 05:52 |
bddebian | Discipulus: "sudo apt-cache search openssl-dev" | 05:52 |
adwait | tiglionabbit: i have seen that post.......but when i turned of esd, rhythmbox became a little unstable: ie: whn i hit play, sometimes it would give an error and sometimes play it so i enabled the sound server and configured most apps to use alsa, so now i do have multiple sounds | 05:52 |
DonL | In my experience, a Sound Blaster card is recognizable and sets itself up on a reboot | 05:52 |
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Discipulus | bddebian, already did, nothing showed up | 05:52 |
seth_k | Discipulus, I can't find one | 05:52 |
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Discipulus | seth_k, EncFS is complaining that OpenSSL is required... | 05:52 |
Wegg | do I have to create a new samba user account for EVERY machine on the network even though they are all logged in as the same person? | 05:52 |
warrior_ | DonL, oh it works...it just needs proper settings to make noise come out | 05:52 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: can you play two media players at the same time and heard the sound from both of them, mixed? | 05:52 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | which | 05:52 |
tiglionabbit | *hear | 05:52 |
Discipulus | checking openssl/ssl.h usability... no | 05:53 |
Discipulus | checking openssl/ssl.h presence... no | 05:53 |
Discipulus | checking for openssl/ssl.h... no | 05:53 |
Discipulus | configure: error: Encfs requires OpenSSL | 05:53 |
DonL | warrior_, , ok | 05:53 |
bddebian | Discipulus: It might be libssl-dev? | 05:53 |
tiglionabbit | Discipulus: do not paste here | 05:53 |
adwait | tiglionabbit: yup..........and in addition, ubuntu sounds worked too....which wouldnt work with the method in that post | 05:53 |
Tsunamii | whoops, forgot to find the nvidia glx | 05:53 |
warrior_ | SirGrok, did that do it? | 05:53 |
eno__ | thanks folks | 05:53 |
=== Tsunamii mashes head on keyboard | ||
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seth_k | tiglionabbit, meh, 4 lines. | 05:53 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: whoa, really? Dude tell me how | 05:53 |
Discipulus | tiglionabbit, I was under the impression pasting was OK in any channel as long as it was 4 lines or under.... | 05:53 |
seth_k | what's the matter Tsunamii? | 05:53 |
tiglionabbit | Discipulus: heh sorry | 05:53 |
Tsunamii | forgot to look for nvidia glx, and tick it | 05:53 |
adwait | tiglionabbit: well.....i did everything mentioned in that post..just tht i turned the sound server back on | 05:53 |
Tsunamii | it's downloading the rest atm ;p | 05:54 |
seth_k | no worries | 05:54 |
seth_k | do it after the upgrade | 05:54 |
Tsunamii | yeah | 05:54 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: so did I, but there's this odd behavior | 05:54 |
seth_k | better to upgrade first, then install things later anyways | 05:54 |
seth_k | you did fine | 05:54 |
DonL | I must go now. You people are sooooo cool. I always feel welcome and enjoy being here. Good night | 05:54 |
bddebian | parkbench: What is in /etc/network/interfaces file? | 05:54 |
Tsunamii | 15 minutes, jesus - time to find something to eat | 05:54 |
doonz | whats that command used to instal a deb package? | 05:54 |
warrior_ | later DonL | 05:54 |
bddebian | dooglus: dpkg -i | 05:54 |
Xenguy | doonz: dpkg -i | 05:54 |
chuckums57 | how do i change the bios shared video memory | 05:54 |
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ksmurf | brb | 05:54 |
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doonz | thats what it is | 05:54 |
doonz | thnx | 05:54 |
doonz | was trying -install | 05:54 |
Discipulus | bddebian, downloading it now, thanks | 05:54 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: if I run beep-media-player, and then run amarok, I can play sound in amarok fine, but if I click play in beep-media-player it hangs until I close amarok, and then it begins playing | 05:55 |
grunge | iiiiiiiiiiii | 05:55 |
warrior_ | the anticipation is killing me | 05:55 |
warrior_ | I need to know if it worked | 05:55 |
parkbench | bddebian: there's a note then iface lo inet loopback | 05:55 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: what should I be doing? | 05:55 |
adwait | tiglionabbit: i dont use any of those really.........but i would i say configure one to use alsa and the other to use esd... | 05:55 |
grunge | shs | 05:55 |
grunge | kimak | 05:56 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: give me an example of two media players at once that you use? | 05:56 |
IceDC571 | ahh.. xchat-gnome is fast.. im impressed | 05:56 |
chuckums57 | how do i change the bios shared video memory | 05:56 |
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chuckums57 | ??? | 05:56 |
bddebian | parkbench: OK. What do you get if you type "dhclient" on the command line? | 05:56 |
adwait | tiglionabbit: i hv set xmms to use alsa, and rhythmbox to use esd | 05:56 |
grunge | hai | 05:56 |
warrior_ | haha | 05:57 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: after I did that stuff, when I try to run xmms, it does nothing... there is no error or anything printed to terminal, but nothing launches... | 05:57 |
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parkbench | buncha stuff, unknown hardware adderss, no such device, receive packet on wlan0 failed network is down, | 05:57 |
grunge | hai shawarna | 05:57 |
adwait | tiglionabbit: hmm...thts odd......it didnt make any difference when i did all the stuff in the post....... | 05:58 |
bddebian | parkbench: That's OK, at least the program is installed | 05:58 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: what could be happening to my xmms, wtf | 05:58 |
parkbench | i see | 05:58 |
=== JesusOfSuburbia [~Paragraph@pcp09287064pcs.brick101.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adwait | tiglionabbit: umm i dunno...maybe u can temporarily turn the sound server off and see if it starts? | 05:58 |
grunge | hai | 05:58 |
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LoNeLy^sTyLo | uiii | 05:59 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: nope... is there any way to track an application? This is weird, I don't know what it's doing | 05:59 |
JesusOfSuburbia | I was wondering if Ubuntu has any built in Server Tools, and if not what tools would be reccomended | 05:59 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | taik mu grunggek | 05:59 |
Xenguy | JesusOfSuburbia: example? | 05:59 |
adwait | tiglionabbit: not that i know off......haven't been using *nix for a very long time :) | 06:00 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: I'm going to paste what gdb says to #flood | 06:00 |
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bddebian | Wegg: Sorry. You might have to create computer accounts yes but not user accounts. You should be able to run in peer mode though and not use Samba as a PDC. | 06:00 |
JesusOfSuburbia | Xenguy, What do you mean? I want to run it off a Pentium II 266mhz, but it dont want to go through the hassle of installing it unless i can use it as a server | 06:00 |
parkbench | bddebian: so, thats 'working...' any idea on where to go from here? :/ | 06:00 |
adwait | tiglionabbit: i am there | 06:00 |
grunge | hai | 06:00 |
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bddebian | parkbench: try "iwconfig" Does that work? | 06:01 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | oi9 grunggek | 06:01 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | taikmulah edi | 06:01 |
parkbench | yeah | 06:01 |
parkbench | and it says no wireless extensions in any of the three | 06:01 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | ui ko bila nak keluar | 06:01 |
Xenguy | JesusOfSuburbia: no, what do you mean? The question was one of clarification :-) Linux is perfect for a server, but again, details would help. For example, what service(s) do you want to run? | 06:01 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: pretty messed, eh? I think I'll reinstall it or something | 06:01 |
doonz | anyone got a few seconds to help me get dma enabled on my 2 burners | 06:01 |
chuckums57 | i have a question | 06:02 |
tiglionabbit | chuckums57: that's what we're here for | 06:02 |
chuckums57 | how do i change the bios shared video memory | 06:02 |
=== IceDC571 [~IceDC571@c-67-188-217-131.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adwait | tiglionabbit: i guess a reinstall wouldn't harm........but dunno if itll solve ur problem :) | 06:02 |
warrior_ | I'm assuming SirGrok got it fixed | 06:02 |
=== tiglionabbit hates it when he greets a question asker and they say something way over his head | ||
warrior_ | tiglionabbit, it happens | 06:03 |
tiglionabbit | bios shared video memory? wtf? | 06:03 |
doonz | Well mebbe you can help me | 06:03 |
doonz | i tied following the guide for enabling dma but im getting an out put | 06:03 |
doonz | tried* | 06:03 |
grunge | hai ipih | 06:04 |
warrior_ | chuckums57, go into bios and look around | 06:04 |
chuckums57 | i cant get my res out of 6xx by 4xx | 06:04 |
warrior_ | thats an xorg problem | 06:04 |
seth_k | chuckum57, that sounds more like an xorg.conf issue | 06:04 |
tiglionabbit | what's dma? | 06:04 |
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seth_k | you don't happen to have an intel chipset? | 06:04 |
chuckums57 | i do | 06:04 |
warrior_ | we have a winner | 06:04 |
seth_k | hah | 06:04 |
seth_k | i win | 06:04 |
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grunge | bionic | 06:04 |
adwait | tiglionabbit: dierct memory access | 06:04 |
tiglionabbit | chuckums57: is this a video resolution question? | 06:04 |
chuckums57 | ya | 06:04 |
SirGrok | warrior_, Yes. M was the answer. Thanks. | 06:05 |
seth_k | what monitor do you have, chuckums57? You will need to put some values into xorg.conf | 06:05 |
chuckums57 | i looked up my question and it said to increase the video memory | 06:05 |
warrior_ | not a problem, glad it worked. Took me three weeks to figure that out :D | 06:05 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | grunggek | 06:05 |
=== kg6gfq [~chatzilla@c-24-5-89-36.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SirGrok | Hehe... Luckily I have people like you to figure it out before me ;-) | 06:05 |
chuckums57 | ok | 06:05 |
seth_k | doonz: the command for enabling dma is hdparm -d 1 /dev/whatever | 06:05 |
chuckums57 | thankyou | 06:05 |
seth_k | erm | 06:06 |
doonz | i did that but its saying not permitted | 06:06 |
seth_k | sudo hdparm -d 1 /dev/whatever | 06:06 |
warrior_ | it feels good to help someone | 06:06 |
SirGrok | I just had to afro-engineer a fix for my apt-get problem. | 06:06 |
warrior_ | whos next | 06:06 |
seth_k | gotta use sudo | 06:06 |
grunge | hai | 06:06 |
seth_k | haha, you savvy Afrotech Mods? | 06:06 |
seth_k | that site is hilarious | 06:06 |
SirGrok | Oh, hells yes. | 06:06 |
doonz | i am using sudo | 06:06 |
SirGrok | Yeah it is. | 06:06 |
SirGrok | I show everyone. | 06:06 |
bddebian | parkbench: What do you get if you run: "sudo ifconfig -a" ? | 06:06 |
seth_k | and still not permitted, maybe it doesn't support dma? | 06:06 |
doonz | they do tho | 06:07 |
SirGrok | I want to major in afro-engineering. | 06:07 |
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tiglionabbit | SirGrok: you mean like, hair-styling? | 06:07 |
doonz | cause dma was on them when they were in my windows box | 06:07 |
SirGrok | tiglionabbit, no I mean coming up with ghetto solutions to problems. | 06:07 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | ui edi | 06:07 |
seth_k | heh, somebody find the link to afrotech | 06:08 |
grunge | kimakmu | 06:08 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | taIK MULAH | 06:08 |
grunge | hendri | 06:08 |
grunge | laso | 06:08 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | JANGAN KO MACAM3 | 06:08 |
warrior_ | anybody here a fan of bash.org? | 06:08 |
=== adwait is off the phone. | ||
adwait | tiglionabbit: did u reinstall? any luck? | 06:08 |
grunge | fak | 06:08 |
=== JB318 [~jason@adsl-38-9-206.tulsaconnect.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LoNeLy^sTyLo | UI SAMPE BILA KO DISINI | 06:09 |
bddebian | parkbench: You still with me? | 06:09 |
seth_k | grunge, LoNeLy^sTyLo, stop spamming the channel | 06:09 |
Discipulus | alien to change RPM to deb right? | 06:09 |
seth_k | yep | 06:09 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: nope | 06:09 |
SirGrok | warrior_, I frequent bash. | 06:09 |
grunge | mampus kamu semua ................. | 06:09 |
SirGrok | But I am much more a fan of fark | 06:09 |
Xenguy | Discipulus: last resort | 06:09 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: still dies with no message | 06:09 |
Discipulus | alright, cool | 06:09 |
=== Harold [~harold@pool-71-106-130-227.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seth_k | and alien -i to automatically install the deb that alien generates | 06:09 |
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Wegg | Is there a better system monitor than. . . System Monitor? I'd like to see network bandidth. | 06:09 |
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grunge | jangan marah ya | 06:09 |
Xenguy | Discipulus: tarballs with checkinstall are better IMHO | 06:09 |
Discipulus | seth_k, it's a source .rpm | 06:10 |
parkbench | hmm... | 06:10 |
seth_k | hmm | 06:10 |
seth_k | grunge, stop it | 06:10 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | JUST KIDDING | 06:10 |
Xenguy | Discipulus: which app? | 06:10 |
SirGrok | I am going to go for a fun little log-in and log out. Cya in a bit | 06:10 |
Discipulus | Xenguy, can't find a tarball for it :'( | 06:10 |
grunge | no | 06:10 |
Discipulus | Xenguy, librlog | 06:10 |
chuckums57 | how do i boost the amount of video memory my comp recognizes | 06:10 |
chuckums57 | ?? | 06:10 |
bddebian | parkbench: ?? | 06:10 |
tiglionabbit | chuckums57: get the right kernel and video drivers? | 06:10 |
grunge | no phone | 06:10 |
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LoNeLy^sTyLo | marahkah sorry ya | 06:10 |
hyphenated | Wegg: there's plenty of monitoring tools. I personally use gkrellm to show me what the machine's doing. according to some people, that makes me gay :-) | 06:10 |
warrior_ | chuckums57, unfortunately its sharing memory already so you'd lose performance in other areas | 06:11 |
grunge | arnia hai | 06:11 |
=== Tomcat_ [~Tomcat@p54A19E17.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warrior_ | such as ram | 06:11 |
chuckums57 | thtats ok | 06:11 |
=== Heart_2 [~jzdgc@p549C2A9C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xenguy | Discipulus: are you sure that isn't packaged already tho? | 06:11 |
Discipulus | yep | 06:11 |
Discipulus | already looked | 06:11 |
grunge | jawab la ba | 06:11 |
grunge | gila | 06:11 |
=== mbirkis_ [~marius@dsl-37-130.bo.tiscali.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wegg | I'd like to be gay too. . . | 06:11 |
Wegg | :-) | 06:11 |
chuckums57 | so how do i do it | 06:11 |
grunge | setan | 06:11 |
=== seth_k regrets only having ops in #kubuntu | ||
warrior_ | chuckums57, :D ok well do you know anything about overclocking ram | 06:12 |
=== seth_k hunts down an op to get rid of grunge | ||
bddebian | seth_k: :-) | 06:12 |
parkbench | bddebian: i said, it works, but there is no extension for each of the three thigns | 06:12 |
chuckums57 | a bit | 06:12 |
=== Brunellus [~luigi@ip68-100-19-156.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warrior_ | chuckums57, skip and and purchase a video card | 06:12 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | ijust want suck | 06:12 |
bddebian | parkbench: The "ifconfig -a" works? | 06:12 |
Brunellus | any xfce4 users here? | 06:12 |
chuckums57 | ok | 06:12 |
seth_k | let's see, nalioth idle, crimsun away | 06:12 |
seth_k | :/ | 06:12 |
parkbench | err, didnt see that | 06:12 |
grunge | gila'''''''''''........ | 06:12 |
chuckums57 | thanks for your time | 06:12 |
hyphenated | Wegg: there's plenty to choose from, but I stuck with gkrellm, so I don't know what others use or how well it compares to other programs | 06:12 |
Brunellus | I think I've just lost my XFCE panel.... I didn't do anything but restart! | 06:12 |
warrior_ | chuckums57, also, if you want to stay with linux go nvidia | 06:12 |
warrior_ | well he'll never get that | 06:13 |
seth_k | heh | 06:13 |
grunge | hai | 06:13 |
parkbench | er, it...lists some stuff | 06:13 |
seth_k | truer words never spoken though | 06:13 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | stop it....(: | 06:13 |
grunge | lambatnya | 06:13 |
warrior_ | seth_k, did we solve any of his problems? | 06:13 |
peet | has anyone used cedega? | 06:14 |
seth_k | he doesn't stay around long enough | 06:14 |
=== pressure_man [~pressure_@port165-38.ubs.maxnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warrior_ | peet, I own it | 06:14 |
grunge | seth mampus kau | 06:14 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | hi hih | 06:14 |
Tsunamii | so what's so good about hoary? | 06:14 |
seth_k | nalioth_wrkn, ping? | 06:14 |
peet | warrior_: how is it and what video card do you use it with | 06:14 |
seth_k | it's newer | 06:14 |
grunge | haaaaaaaaa.. | 06:14 |
Tsunamii | ooer | 06:14 |
warrior_ | I use an X800 and using it is sometimes like bleeding | 06:14 |
grunge | apa | 06:14 |
warrior_ | but it does the job | 06:14 |
parkbench | bddebian: any details in particular from the lsit you want? | 06:14 |
Tsunamii | 4 minutes left D: | 06:14 |
warrior_ | I've been using it to play counter-strike source | 06:15 |
peet | warrior_: what do you mean bleeding :( | 06:15 |
peet | warrior_: doesn't sound too good | 06:15 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | ko will this suck | 06:15 |
=== grunge takda nak layan ke | ||
warrior_ | peet, some games, such as far cry, are hard to install. But others are a breeze like hl2. It depends on what cedega is working on | 06:15 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | u don want me | 06:15 |
Discipulus | hmm | 06:15 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | pi | 06:15 |
Discipulus | where does a src rpm install itself too? | 06:15 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | koool | 06:15 |
adwait | lonely^stylo: ???? | 06:15 |
peet | warrior_: but performancewise its fine right? | 06:16 |
bddebian | Do you need yenta_sockets for USB wireless cards?? | 06:16 |
IceDC571 | um i think a bunch of kids just walked into the channel | 06:16 |
adwait | discipulus: /usr/src/rpm methinks....... | 06:16 |
warrior_ | peet, if you're talking about all the tuning and settings no, but speed wise yes | 06:16 |
rob^ | does the ubuntu kernel have LUFS support built in? | 06:16 |
=== eugene [~eugene@69-171-56-172.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warrior_ | peet, as long as you're not anistrophix 8x and all that other high end stuff it will run great | 06:16 |
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grunge | pi lonely | 06:17 |
=== drew [~drew@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warrior_ | peet, I have the lowest lag of any cs:source room I go into :-D | 06:17 |
jasmuz | warrior_: how about UT the win version? | 06:17 |
grunge | apa yu | 06:17 |
peet | warrior_: obviously because linux rules :0 | 06:17 |
Tsunamii | btw, does ubuntu require a firewall? | 06:17 |
peet | warrior_: :) do you know anything about nvidia crds? | 06:17 |
warrior_ | jasmuz, the original UT? | 06:17 |
Tsunamii | is are linux os pretty much safe? | 06:17 |
jasmuz | warrior_: or Hitman2? | 06:17 |
Discipulus | I found it! | 06:17 |
warrior_ | peet, I do | 06:17 |
grunge | lonelt mampus makan taik............... | 06:18 |
=== niran [~niran@cpe-67-10-213-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warrior_ | peet, I ran an nvidia 5500 | 06:18 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | grunge | 06:18 |
grunge | apa .. | 06:18 |
Discipulus | it put a .tgz in / | 06:18 |
warrior_ | peet, nvidia works so so so so much better | 06:18 |
drew | anybody here now who can help me w/ alsa and xmms? | 06:18 |
peet | warrior_: if i bought a 6600gt would i be satisfied? (currently use a 9800pro) | 06:18 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | wat u say | 06:18 |
Xenguy | Tsunamii: if you are not running services, then maybe you don't need a firewall | 06:18 |
seth_k | peet, mmmmmm 6600gt | 06:18 |
=== Brunellus [~luigi@ip68-100-19-156.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LoNeLy^sTyLo | i did no | 06:18 |
Tsunamii | peet, neg - you'd want a 68GT | 06:18 |
grunge | apa2 je | 06:18 |
jasmuz | warrior_: yes, the original UT and Hitman2 | 06:18 |
Brunellus | gah. where's my XFCEpanel gone?! | 06:18 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | akalah | 06:18 |
warrior_ | peet, depends on the game but yes it would be adequate for almost any game | 06:18 |
Tsunamii | Xenguy, by that you mean? | 06:18 |
peet | Tsunamii: is there one slot solutions for 6800gt? | 06:18 |
jasmuz | drew: what is the issue? | 06:18 |
=== eltino [~eltino@ALamentin-101-1-10-10.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tsunamii | yeah, there is | 06:19 |
warrior_ | jasmuz, I have not installed either of those but I do have hitman contracts and ut2004 installed | 06:19 |
Tsunamii | 66GT isn't much different from 98Pro | 06:19 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | ko punya sejarah sudah siapkah | 06:19 |
peet | warrior_: hmm yeaso how much does cedega cost | 06:19 |
Tsunamii | just that, you'd want a PCI e 16x slot for the 68GT | 06:19 |
drew | jasmuz, my xmms stutters when it tries to play in alsa | 06:19 |
=== absinthe [~matt@cpe-065-190-139-072.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grunge | sapa ni | 06:19 |
peet | Tsunamii: ooooh an athlon64 system :) | 06:19 |
jasmuz | warrior_: i have UT2003 and it sucks | 06:19 |
warrior_ | peet, $15 to start and 5 dollars a month after that (goes to developing it and is worth it to me) | 06:19 |
drew | jasmuz, it stutters terribly | 06:19 |
Xenguy | Tsunamii: OTOH a firewall is never really a *bad* idea; 'shorewall' is a good firewall script. So is 'firehol' I hear | 06:19 |
parkbench | jasmuz: i liked ut2k3, and its successor | 06:19 |
grunge | ........../////"????????? ha 2 | 06:19 |
pressure_man | argh. shorewall is terrible! | 06:20 |
jasmuz | drew: are you using alsa as the default on Gnome? | 06:20 |
seth_k | peet, but you don't *have* to keep subscribing if you don't want to | 06:20 |
warrior_ | jasmuz, well thats because they rushed production od ut2k3 | 06:20 |
Tsunamii | OTOH? | 06:20 |
Xenguy | pressure_man: nonsense | 06:20 |
Tsunamii | on top of my head? | 06:20 |
Xenguy | on the other hand | 06:20 |
drew | jasmuz, what? | 06:20 |
Tsunamii | rihgt :P | 06:20 |
Tsunamii | right | 06:20 |
adwait | drew: wht if u use esd? | 06:20 |
peet | warrior_: can you install other apps like office and photoshop in particular? | 06:20 |
Brunellus | anyone running xfce? | 06:20 |
pressure_man | it produces the ~least~ efficient iptables script i've ever seen in my life | 06:20 |
peet | warrior_: easily( | 06:20 |
seth_k | peet, you'll just lose access to upgrades | 06:20 |
warrior_ | jasmuz, ut2k4 has a linux installer so you don | 06:20 |
warrior_ | jasmuz, need cedega for ut2004 | 06:20 |
Tsunamii | woot, it's applying the updates =] | 06:20 |
peet | seth_k: you mean to the windows apps? | 06:20 |
warrior_ | peet, use wine its free | 06:20 |
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pressure_man | it forces all traffic to traverse all chains before finally going into the chain where it gets filtered! | 06:20 |
seth_k | peet, no, to cedega | 06:20 |
Xenguy | pressure_man: I disagree - the author is a professional, and many swear by it | 06:20 |
IceDC571 | what?!? you need cedega for ut2004? w | 06:20 |
seth_k | peet, if you want office apps, not games, use wine | 06:20 |
IceDC571 | right..... | 06:20 |
peet | warrior_: wine is a pain to isntall (at least on gentoo) | 06:20 |
pressure_man | the author is clearly an amateur | 06:20 |
peet | seth_k: i have tried wine i don't lik eit :( | 06:21 |
adwait | peet: wht isnt? | 06:21 |
adwait | :d | 06:21 |
warrior_ | peet, little easier with debian I promise | 06:21 |
tiglionabbit | peet: it's on apt | 06:21 |
IceDC571 | don't judge wine until you get it to work right | 06:21 |
drew | adwait, I don't get any sound w/ esd | 06:21 |
seth_k | peet, for office apps, cedega is no better than wine | 06:21 |
Xenguy | pressure_man: do you write firewalls for a living? | 06:21 |
pressure_man | just look at the script it generates, and you will see how much timewasting the packets do as they traverse useless chains that will never match those packets | 06:21 |
peet | seth_k: really? :( | 06:21 |
seth_k | peet, cedega's real advantage is its directX stuff | 06:21 |
Tsunamii | wine? windows emulator? | 06:21 |
seth_k | yep | 06:21 |
Tsunamii | why would you do that on linux | 06:21 |
seth_k | sudo aptitude install wine | 06:21 |
adwait | drew: hmm.....do u hv the sound server enabled in system>preferences>sound? | 06:21 |
warrior_ | isn't there a quemu? | 06:21 |
peet | so is installing apps the same difficulty as with wine? | 06:21 |
seth_k | because there are specialized programs that have no linux versions? | 06:21 |
peet | on cedega* | 06:22 |
jasmuz | warrior_: my UT2k3 came with a linux installer too | 06:22 |
jasmuz | warrior_: but i have an onboard videocard, without accel sigh :( | 06:22 |
bddebian | parkbench: Do you have a /proc/net/wireless file? | 06:22 |
Tsunamii | oh | 06:22 |
seth_k | office apps, yes | 06:22 |
pressure_man | not for a living, but i am a cisco, netscreen/juniper and proxim certified network engineer, so i know a thing or two about firewalls | 06:22 |
drew | I need alsa | 06:22 |
seth_k | games, easier | 06:22 |
drew | I want it to work so that I can get 5.1 to work. | 06:22 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, I run a stats program called Fathom that is Windows-only | 06:22 |
Tsunamii | i see | 06:22 |
tiglionabbit | why would you want to use windows office apps? | 06:22 |
warrior_ | jasmuz, stuck on a rowboat with no oars. I'm sorry to hear that. ut2004 runs flawlessly with settings maxed out | 06:22 |
peet | seth_k: is wineX better than cedega? | 06:22 |
tiglionabbit | there's plenty of office apps for linux | 06:22 |
Xenguy | pressure_man: I think yer on crack, but whatever - pick yer poison :-) | 06:22 |
warrior_ | peet, no | 06:22 |
vladuz976 | can someone tell me how i add multiverse? | 06:22 |
peet | warrior_: ut2k4 has a native linux install file ont he cd | 06:22 |
seth_k | vladuz976: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:22 |
IceDC571 | oh god, i've had enough with aMSN | 06:22 |
IceDC571 | i hate Qt | 06:23 |
seth_k | vladuz976, and uncomment the multiverse lines | 06:23 |
jasmuz | warrior_: i envy you | 06:23 |
warrior_ | vladuz976, go to http://www.ubuntuguide.org | 06:23 |
peet | warrior_: and performance on my rig (2500+ / 9800-ro) was abysmal | 06:23 |
pressure_man | Xenguy: i personally don't give a sh*t what you think i'm on, but don't go giving wrong advice to newbies about firewalls | 06:23 |
seth_k | noooooooo, not the ubuntuguide | 06:23 |
tiglionabbit | seth_k: are you sure there are multiverse lines? | 06:23 |
seth_k | there are on mine | 06:23 |
=== seth_k shrugs | ||
warrior_ | peet, yea it does, thats how I have it installed | 06:23 |
tiglionabbit | seth_k: ubuntuguide is a good reference for the repositories though | 06:23 |
IceDC571 | so there's no gtk based msn client? | 06:23 |
warrior_ | peet, so does quake 3 | 06:23 |
tiglionabbit | !repositories | 06:23 |
ubotu | methinks repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 06:23 |
=== bddebian has multiverse lines | ||
peet | warrior_: but the performance was terrible | 06:23 |
Xenguy | pressure_man: I think you're wrong - so take your own bad advice elsewhere, K? | 06:23 |
peet | warrior_: like truly truly terrible | 06:23 |
parkbench | bddebian: yeah, isnide theres some sor tof table | 06:23 |
jasmuz | anybody here own a Sharp Zaurus SL5500 or 5600? | 06:23 |
warrior_ | peet, was it on gentoo? | 06:24 |
pressure_man | the only thing worse than poort security is the misconception of good security | 06:24 |
seth_k | tiglionabbit, but then he might read the rest of it | 06:24 |
peet | warrior_: yeat it was | 06:24 |
Xenguy | pressure_man: You're actually the first person I've *ever* seen speak ill of 'shorewall' | 06:24 |
=== James686 [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seth_k | 3. Do NOT recommend people to use ubuntuguide.org | 06:24 |
bddebian | parkbench: Just for grins, try: "sudo ifconfig wlan0" | 06:24 |
peet | warrior_: im doing a stage 3 instlal of ubuntu right now haha, i run ubunutu on my other comp | 06:24 |
warrior_ | peet, gentoo is like grave digging, once in the hole with no ladder getting out is tough | 06:24 |
pressure_man | Xenguy: the kind of people who use shorewall are the kind of people who can't write iptables scripts by hand | 06:24 |
peet | warrior_: gentoo* | 06:24 |
parkbench | shows a table with a whole lotta 0 | 06:24 |
parkbench | s | 06:24 |
Xenguy | pressure_man: nonsense (and we're back where we began ;-) | 06:24 |
pressure_man | Xenguy: so, i wouldn't take their opinion with a lot of consideration | 06:24 |
warrior_ | peet, ubuntu is the smartest choice for simple setup | 06:25 |
Xenguy | pressure_man: nuff said (this is not going anywhere useful) | 06:25 |
warrior_ | peet, my 3d acceleration took 10 minutes | 06:25 |
=== adwait wises ppl would stop flaming each other and jus tstick to helping ppl out | ||
warrior_ | on ati | 06:25 |
adwait | *wishes | 06:25 |
pressure_man | Xenguy: tell me then, what is the point of packets traversing chains they are never going to match? | 06:25 |
jasmuz | anybody here own a Sharp Zaurus SL5500 or 5600? | 06:25 |
LoNeLy^sTyLo | i wish8 | 06:25 |
peet | warrior_: well i got my ati drivers setup in about that time too but the performance sucked :( | 06:25 |
warrior_ | why not ubuntuguide? | 06:25 |
Xenguy | pressure_man: take it to the shorewall list - I'm done now. | 06:25 |
pressure_man | it just wastes kernel time and slows network performance | 06:25 |
=== LoNeLy^sTyLo [~Marshal@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
James686 | ok, I just installed Ubuntu and it doesnt find my hardware for some reason so I cant go on it, how can I fix that? | 06:25 |
seth_k | > Ubuntuguide.org presents wrong solutions, ranging from suboptimal solutions to pure regressions. | 06:26 |
seth_k | > Ubuntuguide.org is not really a guide, but a mere list of command you might enter. It gives no explanations at all | 06:26 |
seth_k | > All information on Ubuntuguide.org is present on the wiki in clearer and better form | 06:26 |
tiglionabbit | warrior_: because it doesn't explain to people what things do and why. | 06:26 |
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James686 | do I have to take everything out of the computer and put them back in? | 06:26 |
adwait | James866: a little more specificcation perhaps? wht hardware/ | 06:26 |
pressure_man | if you ever have to look after a box that needs to move traffic faster than DSL speeds, you'll know what i'm on about. | 06:26 |
absinthe | Someone reccomend some good online poker? Multiplayer | 06:26 |
tiglionabbit | absinthe: um, yahoo? | 06:26 |
James686 | graphics card, and it says it skipps some of the files during installation, its hard to explain cuz its too much... | 06:26 |
warrior_ | tiglionabbit, true, but most beginners just want things to work | 06:26 |
adwait | absinthe: in what concievable way is this related to ubuntu? | 06:26 |
warrior_ | tiglionabbit, nqa | 06:26 |
tiglionabbit | warrior_: yeah yeah, but uh, wiki when possible. | 06:27 |
absinthe | adwait, I'm using Ubuntu. Geez | 06:27 |
tiglionabbit | warrior_: ubotu is generally right | 06:27 |
warrior_ | tiglionabbit, I'll agree with that | 06:27 |
Tsunamii | do i have to worry about spyware and adaware on Ubuntu? :P | 06:27 |
adwait | James686: ok well, if it can't see ur graphic card properly, try downloading drivers from ur manufacturers site | 06:27 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: no | 06:27 |
Tsunamii | :D | 06:27 |
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peet | Tsunamii: yes you do :b | 06:27 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: as long as you don't log in to X as root | 06:27 |
James686 | how can I if I have a wireless network? | 06:27 |
Xenguy | Tsunamii: no, just rootkits ;-) | 06:27 |
warrior_ | ads on the other hand.... | 06:28 |
Tsunamii | so I can pretty much expect full performance on Ubuntu? | 06:28 |
Xenguy | Tsunamii: couldn't resist | 06:28 |
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adwait | does anyone know anything about how DMZ works? i need to run a http server on my comp, but the router firewall keeps blocking it | 06:28 |
seth_k | Tsunamii: it's my primary OS, it better give me full performance | 06:28 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: once you have the correct kernel build, yes | 06:28 |
Tsunamii | lol | 06:28 |
=== MrJangles [dfghdfgdf@CPE0050bacbe689-CM000f212fb20c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warrior_ | I love firefox's adblock and flashblock | 06:28 |
peet | anyone here running reiser4? | 06:28 |
MrJangles | what is the default chmod for /usr? | 06:28 |
Xenguy | warrior_: gawd yes | 06:28 |
Tsunamii | great, means more memory for me | 06:28 |
Tsunamii | and less cpu usage | 06:28 |
James686 | so, any help? | 06:28 |
warrior_ | Xenguy, that stuff is so awesome. Have you installed prefbar yet? | 06:29 |
seth_k | drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 4.0K 2005-06-05 02:28 usr | 06:29 |
Tsunamii | then have to port my proggies to Ubuntu ;o | 06:29 |
Xenguy | warrior_: not yet | 06:29 |
warrior_ | peet, reiser4 on ubuntu is a bad idea right now | 06:29 |
warrior_ | peet, wait for breezy | 06:29 |
bddebian | James686: I didn't understand your question | 06:29 |
tiglionabbit | MrJangles: drwxr-xr-x aka `chmod 755 | 06:29 |
peet | warrior_: so reiser4 is going to be in ubuntu?! | 06:29 |
peet | !! | 06:29 |
ubotu | peet: Are you smoking crack? | 06:29 |
warrior_ | Xenguy, I used prefbar to go to internet explorer only pages | 06:29 |
peet | ubotu: what doyou mean? | 06:29 |
ubotu | peet: Are you smoking crack? | 06:29 |
peet | ubotu: i'm not why? | 06:29 |
ubotu | peet: I don't know | 06:29 |
adwait | lol | 06:30 |
MrJangles | i've changed the permission of that to 744 (=\), and i cant change it back | 06:30 |
warrior_ | :D | 06:30 |
peet | hehe | 06:30 |
Tsunamii | sudo ? | 06:30 |
Xenguy | warrior_: I'll watch for it then | 06:30 |
James686 | Ubuntu wont install properly, certain files skip being installed or whatever and it doesnt find any hardware...Im sry I cant explain... | 06:30 |
peet | reiser4 is really fast but i wanna know how stable it is :) | 06:30 |
=== Heart_2 [~jzdgc@p549C2A9C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | MrJangles: `sudo chmod 755 \usr` | 06:30 |
warrior_ | peet, lets get your 3d drivers working first and your system at top end | 06:30 |
MrJangles | substitute user? | 06:30 |
peet | warrior_: okok :) | 06:30 |
warrior_ | then explore reiser4 | 06:30 |
adwait | James686: does ubuntu get installed? does it start? | 06:30 |
MrJangles | just making sure i'm not all that lost hehe | 06:30 |
peet | warrior_: now im torn | 06:30 |
tiglionabbit | MrJangles: no, don't you mean the \usr directory? | 06:30 |
James686 | the X server does | 06:30 |
James686 | not the desktop | 06:31 |
warrior_ | peet, why? | 06:31 |
peet | warrior_: im doing a stage3 gentoo right now but im wondering if i should do ubuntu or debian | 06:31 |
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peet | warrior_: ^ | 06:31 |
adwait | James686: the xserver starts but not ur desktop? as in u can see the login screen but can't login? | 06:31 |
James686 | yes | 06:31 |
Tsunamii | it's going to be a b*tch to get all my windows programs to work on this isn't it? :P | 06:31 |
adwait | James686: when u login, what happens? | 06:31 |
warrior_ | peet, personally I was on gentoo and had so many errors I went back to what I was good at. And its debian. Portage is spectacular but I'll take debian any day | 06:31 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: find alternatives | 06:31 |
MrJangles | bash: sudo.... ? | 06:31 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: what programs do you need? | 06:31 |
James686 | it says somethin like New Mail | 06:31 |
Tsunamii | STEAM | 06:31 |
Tsunamii | Photoshop | 06:31 |
Tsunamii | that's the basic need | 06:32 |
Tsunamii | ftp software | 06:32 |
Tsunamii | and yeah - that's really on what i operate | 06:32 |
pressure_man | Tsunami: photoshop === gimp | 06:32 |
Tsunamii | yeah? | 06:32 |
warrior_ | Tsunamii, you'll need cedega for steam | 06:32 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: cedega supports steam, crossoveroffice supports Photoshop, and linux has many native ftp programs | 06:32 |
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Tsunamii | but photohop CS2, i need :P | 06:32 |
adwait | James686: huh? are u logging in failsafe terminal mode? and please add my name to each message meant for me, its hard to see each message meant for me with all these messages going around :) | 06:32 |
peet | warrior_: what would you recommend for a GAMING LINUX OS | 06:32 |
pressure_man | CS2? does that run real slow for you too? | 06:32 |
warrior_ | peet, I game on ubuntu right now. | 06:32 |
Tsunamii | cedega eh? | 06:32 |
Tsunamii | nah, runs fine for me | 06:32 |
pressure_man | lucky... | 06:33 |
Tsunamii | is Cedega easy to operate? | 06:33 |
=== MrJung_ [~MrJung_-@p5483F95C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pressure_man | i'm going back to CS. something is really wrong with CS2. | 06:33 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: should be, it costs money | 06:33 |
Tsunamii | ouch | 06:33 |
Tsunamii | that won't do :P | 06:33 |
IceDC571 | pshh.. cedega isnt free | 06:33 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: a monthly subscription in fact | 06:33 |
Tsunamii | what about Wine ? | 06:33 |
tiglionabbit | 5 bucks a month | 06:33 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: free | 06:33 |
IceDC571 | wine is free as in freedom | 06:33 |
Tsunamii | but buggy? | 06:33 |
IceDC571 | not at all | 06:33 |
warrior_ | peet, I know what you're looking for and you've looked at every OS to find it. You want something as good or better than windows for gaming. Linux can be anything you want it to be | 06:33 |
IceDC571 | depends how you use it | 06:33 |
peet | Tsunamii: its not expensive less than a mmorpg | 06:33 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, Cedega has amazing forum-based support. but you'll pay for the privilege | 06:33 |
Tsunamii | I don't have credit card access | 06:34 |
MrJangles | 'bash: sudo: command not found' | 06:34 |
Tsunamii | I like to find free alternatives =] | 06:34 |
James686 | adwait: I dont know what Im logging into, just the Xserver I guess... | 06:34 |
tiglionabbit | MrJangles: zomg, that is not good, are you sure you are using ubuntu here? | 06:34 |
James686 | it always comes up upon boot | 06:34 |
ShamblyHermit | Ubuntu can't find my network card :( | 06:34 |
peet | warrior_: ive tried FC3 redhat mandrake debian and getnoo and a little bit ubuntu | 06:34 |
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peet | :( | 06:34 |
MrJangles | just installed 5.04 today | 06:34 |
warrior_ | I pay for cedega and its worth the money | 06:34 |
MrJangles | let me restart and see what happens | 06:35 |
eltino | just installed 5.04 one hour ago :) | 06:35 |
peet | warrior_: how ofsten do you use windows | 06:35 |
IceDC571 | i dont pay for developers who profit off of a stolen code | 06:35 |
warrior_ | peet, the 5th of never | 06:35 |
seth_k | I tried cedega CVS once (free version), it was pretty poor | 06:35 |
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tiglionabbit | MrJangles: you should definately have sudo installed. Are you not an admin user? | 06:35 |
warrior_ | peet, I hate windows like I hate my car (personal reason) | 06:35 |
peet | warrior_: even for games? hat about office | 06:35 |
adwait | James686: ok......when u login, what do u see? do u see the desktop? or do u just see a terminal screen on a blue background? | 06:35 |
peet | warrior_: i dont like windows either | 06:35 |
warrior_ | peet, open office is what I use and games with cedega run for me | 06:35 |
Tsunamii | Linux has the blue screen of death? ;o | 06:35 |
freddy_ | *yawn* | 06:35 |
MrJangles | i wasnt, i did 'su' and it gave me a pass error. lol one sec | 06:35 |
James686 | I just see a black background w/ white text... | 06:36 |
peet | warrior_: but openoffice can't view microsoft office docs with objects properly | 06:36 |
seth_k | I use the right tool for the job. Sometimes windows is the right tool. I don't have time to spend tweaking games to run, I just want them to work. So a tiny windows partition is just fine | 06:36 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: it has a screensaver called BSOD which allows you to watch different OSs crash in 21 unique ways | 06:36 |
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peet | tiglionabbit: i know it scared my roomates :) | 06:36 |
warrior_ | peet, you are absolutely correct and no windows machine can read linux docs | 06:36 |
Tsunamii | umm, what's the URL to where i can paste things? | 06:36 |
Tsunamii | need help :P | 06:36 |
warrior_ | peet, but I'm in college and as long as I can print my doc its just as good as windows | 06:36 |
adwait | James686: ok then i think ur logging into failsafe mode.......(should be coloured actually.but whatever).......anyway, at the login screen, at the bottom right there is a button says "session" try changing the session to gnome and the nlogin | 06:36 |
tiglionabbit | warrior_: well it can if you use fat32 | 06:36 |
jasoncohen | will beagle work from backports? | 06:36 |
warrior_ | tiglionabbit, tricky trick | 06:37 |
peet | warrior_: but have you tried to get ms office to work on your nix machine? | 06:37 |
=== IceDC571 cries | ||
Tsunamii | seth_k, I need the paste URL :P | 06:37 |
IceDC571 | i want a gMSN | 06:37 |
James686 | no theres no buttons... | 06:37 |
tiglionabbit | peet: why would you use ms office? | 06:37 |
James686 | all it is is text... | 06:37 |
peet | IceDC571: why gaim does msn | 06:37 |
chugga | Ice, gaim | 06:37 |
MrJangles | ice - amsn | 06:37 |
warrior_ | peet, if you reallt need ms office you can dual boot with grub | 06:37 |
jasmuz | peet: Openoffice does everything for me | 06:37 |
adwait | James686: the login screen is also the same? white text and black background? no text? | 06:37 |
peet | warrior_: but then thta defeats the purpose :) | 06:37 |
adwait | *no graphics | 06:37 |
chugga | amsn is kludgy but effective | 06:38 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, in /topic ;) | 06:38 |
peet | warrior_: id rather just remote desktop | 06:38 |
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jasmuz | IceDC571: dont you mean aMSN? | 06:38 |
James686 | correct | 06:38 |
seth_k | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 06:38 |
peet | warrior_: bleh i wish adobe supported nix | 06:38 |
tiglionabbit | peet: there are many programs that will do what ms office does. I like abiword. Look around | 06:38 |
adwait | James686: ok......are u using grub? | 06:38 |
Tsunamii | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 06:38 |
=== nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth | ||
chugga | peet, why? | 06:38 |
warrior_ | peet, it does | 06:38 |
James686 | yes | 06:38 |
James686 | I was | 06:38 |
James686 | I think | 06:38 |
IceDC571 | peet: i've tried the aMSN that crashes every so often and gaim doesnt have all of msn messenger's features | 06:38 |
James686 | lol | 06:38 |
warrior_ | peet, acrobat reader | 06:38 |
peet | tiglionabbit: thats not the poitn the thing is i want to view ms docs :( | 06:38 |
peet | warrior_: but not photosho p:( | 06:38 |
Discipulus | hmm | 06:38 |
nalioth | howdy | 06:38 |
Discipulus | anyone here installed Fuse? | 06:38 |
adwait | James686: ok anyway........try this.....login and then use the command startx | 06:38 |
warrior_ | peet, GIMP photoshop | 06:38 |
IceDC571 | i'm happy adobe made their software available to linux themselves | 06:38 |
Razor-X | hmmm, any LaTeX gurus here? | 06:38 |
tiglionabbit | peet: adiword and openoffice can use 3 different versions of .docs | 06:38 |
Razor-X | or, people better at LaTeX than me? ;) | 06:39 |
warrior_ | peet, looks the same and again FREE | 06:39 |
MrJangles | hmm i cant login as root, i'm getting a pass error, how is this possible? i only used one pass during installation | 06:39 |
Tsunamii | lol crap | 06:39 |
Tsunamii | can't copy | 06:39 |
Tsunamii | anyways | 06:39 |
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tiglionabbit | MrJangles: you do NOT want to run X as root | 06:39 |
nalioth | Razor-X: that is a hard request, you are the LaTex KiNg | 06:39 |
Tsunamii | seth_k, it asks me to update the package mainter's version or keep my currently installed version | 06:39 |
tiglionabbit | MrJangles: it is purposefully disabled | 06:39 |
Discipulus | MrJangles, root is disabled | 06:39 |
MrJangles | i'm not in X | 06:39 |
Tsunamii | something about gdm.conf | 06:39 |
adwait | tiglionabbit: more like he CANT run x as root | 06:39 |
Discipulus | MrJangles, use sudo for everything | 06:39 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, hit D for diff | 06:39 |
seth_k | and see what changed | 06:39 |
nalioths_dog | MrJangles: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 06:39 |
seth_k | what file? | 06:39 |
peet | warrior_: yea but when you have diagrams it doesn't display properly so i want o know how i can get ms office to work in nix without wine :( | 06:39 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: you can, it's just configured to not let you | 06:39 |
Xenguy | nalioths_dog: keep that one handy ;-) | 06:40 |
MrJangles | X doesnt work cause i've changed the permissions wrong for /usr | 06:40 |
Tsunamii | craplah, can't do it - i accidently tried to copy and paste - and error happened ;o | 06:40 |
Razor-X | MrJangles: for the meantime, if you want an X comparable environment, I suggest "sudo apt-get install twin" | 06:40 |
adwait | tiglionabbit: yeah....i meant to say in ubuntu | 06:40 |
Tsunamii | failed to apply all changes :( | 06:40 |
=== jasmuz dosent want to study more Neuroanatomy (damm finals) | ||
MrJangles | i think we are on the wrong page | 06:40 |
seth_k | is ok | 06:40 |
warrior_ | peet, you can do ntfs filesystem on one hard drive partition I guess | 06:40 |
tiglionabbit | peet: why can't you use abiword or openoffice writer? | 06:40 |
adwait | James686: any luck with startx? | 06:40 |
Razor-X | jasmuz: doctory is for you application nuts ;) | 06:40 |
Tsunamii | dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg -- configure -a' to correct the problem. | 06:40 |
Tsunamii | wha? | 06:41 |
James686 | well, when I first boot up, it comes up w/ a blue screen that says it cannot start the X server and it needs to be configured or whatever | 06:41 |
MrJangles | when i boot my system, it goes directly to a dos like login screen | 06:41 |
peet | tiglionabbit: i can but they don't display ms documents properly | 06:41 |
MrJangles | no X | 06:41 |
Razor-X | math is my wide open space ;) | 06:41 |
peet | tiglionabbit: not all i mean | 06:41 |
tiglionabbit | peet: yes they do... | 06:41 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, run what it says in a terminal | 06:41 |
tiglionabbit | peet: last I checked | 06:41 |
seth_k | dpkg --configure -a | 06:41 |
peet | tiglionabbit: not when you have the drawings | 06:41 |
seth_k | er, sudo dpkg... | 06:41 |
nalioth | James686: open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 06:41 |
Tsunamii | will do | 06:41 |
tiglionabbit | peet: oh, yeah the drawrings look fugly, that's true, but uh, whatchagonnado | 06:41 |
James686 | how do I open a terminal? | 06:41 |
adwait | James686: ok.....umm....ok try this dpkg-reconfigure-xserver-xorg | 06:41 |
peet | tiglionabbit: :( | 06:41 |
nalioth | James686: applications > system tools > terminal | 06:41 |
peet | tiglionabbit: you think ms would make a linux versio? | 06:42 |
James686 | how do I g2 applications? | 06:42 |
tiglionabbit | peet: rofl | 06:42 |
warrior_ | peet, if you can get Bill and Linus together you may have a chance ;-) | 06:42 |
adwait | James686: nevermind.....ur not logged in x, so the thing u see is the terminal | 06:42 |
peet | tiglionabbit: or better yet make it readable lol | 06:42 |
adwait | ppl......he isnt in X....... | 06:42 |
nalioth | James686: sorry, you are at a terminal | 06:42 |
Razor-X | nevermind, I fixed my LaTeX error.... | 06:42 |
nalioth | adwait: yes i'm slow on comprehension | 06:42 |
tiglionabbit | peet: I think MS has been trying for quite a while to thwart third party programs from reading their formats | 06:42 |
adwait | naliothj: heh :p | 06:42 |
MrJangles | i'm not loged in as root, is that why i'm getting '-bash: sudo: command not found" ? | 06:42 |
tiglionabbit | MrJangles: no | 06:43 |
Razor-X | MrJangles: what the hell did you do to your system? | 06:43 |
tiglionabbit | MrJangles: go to system -> admin -> users and groups. Are you in the admin group? | 06:43 |
MrJangles | chmod 744 /usr "lol" | 06:43 |
Razor-X | did you like... unpermission off /usr/sbin or /usr/bin ? | 06:43 |
=== jasmuz Screams: Help Stop Piracy; Use Open Source! | ||
Razor-X | tiglionabbit: no X, remember? | 06:43 |
nalioth | James686: at the prompt type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 06:43 |
Tsunamii | how to i correct the problem? :S | 06:43 |
Razor-X | MrJangles: it's hellishly simple? | 06:43 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: what, MrJangles had that problem? | 06:43 |
MrJangles | ? | 06:43 |
seth_k | i'm out for the night, bye all | 06:43 |
nalioth | today must be "no X" day | 06:43 |
Tsunamii | D:! | 06:43 |
bddebian | Later seth_k | 06:44 |
warrior_ | later seth_k | 06:44 |
Tsunamii | but i need help ;'( | 06:44 |
adwait | hehe | 06:44 |
seth_k | hehe | 06:44 |
MrJangles | all i did was that command, and now everything is unaccessible | 06:44 |
seth_k | 10 more minutes :D | 06:44 |
jasmuz | seth_k: ciao | 06:44 |
Razor-X | MrJangles: sudo chmod 777 /usr | 06:44 |
Razor-X | for a very interim solution | 06:44 |
Tsunamii | seth_k, okay, so what do i do in dpkg? | 06:44 |
Tsunamii | :D | 06:44 |
norris | any gamers here using nvidia's driver? | 06:44 |
warrior_ | yay for 10 more minutes! | 06:44 |
seth_k | oy, /usr is 755 | 06:44 |
tiglionabbit | MrJangles: oh shit man | 06:44 |
Razor-X | then do exactly what nalioth said | 06:44 |
ksmurf | anyone use 3ddesktop? | 06:44 |
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MrJangles | razor - '-bash: sudo: command not found" | 06:44 |
tiglionabbit | MrJangles: why'd you do that? | 06:44 |
Razor-X | then, come back here | 06:44 |
seth_k | I did ksmurf | 06:44 |
seth_k | was silly | 06:44 |
Tomcat_ | ksmurf: 3ddesk? | 06:44 |
MrJangles | cause i wanted to do 755 | 06:44 |
warrior_ | ksmurf, you dying to try it or have an error? | 06:44 |
Razor-X | MrJangles: you double-boot on the box? | 06:44 |
MrJangles | i was fooling around | 06:44 |
ksmurf | Tom yes | 06:44 |
jasmuz | norris: how much fps are you getting? | 06:44 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, you ran the sudo dpkg --configure -a ? | 06:44 |
Tsunamii | yeah | 06:44 |
tiglionabbit | MrJangles: that is going to screw you up pretty bad. You'll probably need to configure Grub to boot you as root | 06:44 |
Tsunamii | i'm in it | 06:44 |
nalioth | MrJangles: sudo can be found at /usr/bin/sudo | 06:44 |
seth_k | in it? :/ | 06:45 |
Razor-X | there's a reason you read man pages _before_ you use chmod | 06:45 |
Tsunamii | yeah :/ | 06:45 |
seth_k | it should just run | 06:45 |
norris | 12000+ but i am using fc4 x86_64 | 06:45 |
nalioth | MrJangles: use the whole line i posted | 06:45 |
Tsunamii | :/ | 06:45 |
Tomcat_ | ksmurf: I tried it some days ago, and a friend uses it heavily... but it takes time away from work. :P | 06:45 |
seth_k | what does it say | 06:45 |
Tsunamii | i'll do it again | 06:45 |
Razor-X | tiglionabbit: GRUB shouldn't have anyhting to do with root | 06:45 |
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tiglionabbit | Razor-X: he is unable to use root because he chmodded sudo, remember? | 06:45 |
nalioth | Harold: how is the upgrade goin? | 06:45 |
Razor-X | exactly | 06:45 |
norris | jasmuz 12000+ but i am using fc4 x86_64 | 06:45 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: so if he boots as root, he can chmod it back | 06:45 |
Tsunamii | it says need an action | 06:45 |
Razor-X | exactly | 06:45 |
Tsunamii | along with other commands | 06:45 |
Razor-X | but GRUB only boots kernel | 06:45 |
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MrJangles | how do i boot as root? | 06:45 |
Harold | Whoa, that was wierd. I just returned. | 06:45 |
seth_k | okay, what command | 06:45 |
pacorro | alguien que hable espaol | 06:45 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: you can use grub to boot as root | 06:46 |
Harold | Hello nalioth | 06:46 |
adwait | tiglionabbit: cant he configure grub to boot him to run level 1......and login as root? | 06:46 |
Razor-X | does it? | 06:46 |
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parkbench | pacorro: que te pasa | 06:46 |
Razor-X | hmmm.... | 06:46 |
Discipulus | has anyone installed Fuse before? | 06:46 |
seth_k | tiglionabbit, shouldn't he just add the word "single" to the end of the boot command? | 06:46 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: that's what I said | 06:46 |
ksmurf | I'm woundering how to acquire screens at startup. I know the command is 3ddesk --acquire but it doesn't seem to work in startup under sessions? any ideas? | 06:46 |
parkbench | pacorro: no tengo mucho tiempo pero dime alomejor puedo ayudarte? | 06:46 |
Discipulus | I installed it but it's asking for a kernel module called fuse | 06:46 |
nalioth | pacorro: hablamos espanol en #ubuntu-es | 06:46 |
Discipulus | which (I think) should have been installed with it | 06:46 |
norris | jasmuz r u using nvidia's drivers? | 06:46 |
Harold | I upgraded, so I suppose I have to move the kernel again? | 06:46 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, if it asks to keep or replace, hit D for diff | 06:46 |
Discipulus | any reason why it wasn't? | 06:46 |
adwait | seth_k: just the number 1 will do | 06:46 |
=== Razor-X is finding no docs saying that | ||
warrior_ | ksmurf, over my head unfortunately | 06:46 |
Tsunamii | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/422 | 06:46 |
seth_k | adwait, thanks, didn't know that :) | 06:46 |
nalioth | Harold: you shouldn't have to move anything | 06:46 |
Harold | nalioth: Do I need to move the new kernel version now that I've apt-get upgraded? | 06:46 |
jasmuz | norris what is your problem? | 06:47 |
Razor-X | MrJangles: do you double-boot this box? | 06:47 |
adwait | seth_k: :) | 06:47 |
seth_k | Tsunami, configure has two -- in front | 06:47 |
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peet | Razor-X: you mean duial boot? | 06:47 |
seth_k | sudo dpkg --configure -a | 06:47 |
Harold | nalioth: But there's a new kernel in there. | 06:47 |
ksmurf | norris I use the nvidia driver... why? | 06:47 |
nalioth | Harold: but wait, you are on the old world mac | 06:47 |
MrJangles | how do i configure grub? | 06:47 |
Tsunamii | ah right | 06:47 |
Razor-X | peet: duial? | 06:47 |
tiglionabbit | Harold: if you got a kernel image, it will automatically be applied. Just select the new entry in grub's menu when you reboot to use it | 06:47 |
Tsunamii | ok, i pressed d | 06:47 |
nalioth | Harold: then yes (but by now, you are experienced at it) | 06:47 |
Razor-X | there is no English word known as 'duial' ;) | 06:47 |
Tsunamii | now what? :P | 06:47 |
adwait | Tsunami: i dont think there should be a space between -- and configure | 06:47 |
nalioth | tiglionabbit: he's on a old-world macintosh | 06:47 |
peet | Razor-X: i meant dual | 06:47 |
Tsunamii | now it has lots of comments at the bottom | 06:47 |
bddebian | Smash-n-toss?? :-) | 06:47 |
James686 | whats the password when I type that in? | 06:47 |
peet | Razor-X: :) | 06:47 |
pacorro | haz instalado el request tracker | 06:48 |
nalioth | tiglionabbit: Harold is on an old-world macintosh | 06:48 |
=== tiglionabbit is having trouble keeping up with this channel, things going by too fast | ||
Razor-X | peet: yes, of course ;) | 06:48 |
Tsunamii | do i umm, just reboot? :P | 06:48 |
Harold | Thanks, Tiglionabbit, but I've got to keep the kernel on my Mac partition | 06:48 |
warrior_ | The tech support here is awesome | 06:48 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, the + lines were added | 06:48 |
seth_k | the - lines were removed | 06:48 |
seth_k | what file is it? | 06:48 |
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Tsunamii | yeah | 06:48 |
James686 | ??? | 06:48 |
tiglionabbit | Harold: sorry | 06:48 |
Tsunamii | what does that mean? :P | 06:48 |
warrior_ | there is hardly no question that goes unanswered | 06:48 |
Harold | Warrior: The tech support is awesome, isn't it/ | 06:48 |
nalioth | tiglionabbit: Harold is on a mac so old, it doesnt even use yaboot | 06:48 |
Razor-X | pacorro: no hablamos espanol avec aqui | 06:48 |
James686 | well? | 06:48 |
Razor-X | errrr | 06:48 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, do you know what file it is? | 06:48 |
tiglionabbit | nalioth: I heard you the first of 3 times | 06:48 |
bddebian | nalioth: I added myself to the list so now what? :-) | 06:48 |
Razor-X | *en aqui | 06:48 |
peet | has anyone got linux installed on ao mac mini | 06:48 |
Tsunamii | gdm.conf ? | 06:48 |
Razor-X | damn, my French and limited Spanish are mixing | 06:48 |
norris | ksmurf , jasmuz, not having a probelm with with fedora core 4 x86_64 & nvidia with any of my games, from doom3 to ut, and even the 64 bit ut2004. I was just wondering, if there were any known gotchas, in case I were to decide to swith to ubuntu i386 | 06:48 |
seth_k | ah ha | 06:48 |
Harold | nalioth; LOL | 06:48 |
pacorro | sorry! about that | 06:48 |
Harold | It's true | 06:49 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, exit the preview and select "install new version" | 06:49 |
Harold | But I'm not the first! | 06:49 |
warrior_ | lol Razor-X | 06:49 |
nalioth | bddebian: you wait a minute | 06:49 |
James686 | hello??? | 06:49 |
Tsunamii | install new version where? D: | 06:49 |
adwait | James686: ? | 06:49 |
warrior_ | I'm all about some french | 06:49 |
Harold | nalioth: So right now I'm transferring the kernel and the initrid.img | 06:49 |
Tsunamii | go back and run it? | 06:49 |
bddebian | nalioth: Though after tonight I think I am reconsidering.. ;-P | 06:49 |
adwait | warior_: que? | 06:49 |
seth_k | you should be able to exit the diff view | 06:49 |
seth_k | and then hit I for install | 06:49 |
Tsunamii | ;o | 06:49 |
Razor-X | warrior_: mainentant, tais toi, pedant ;) | 06:49 |
James686 | adwait: I said whats the password when I type that in? | 06:50 |
warrior_ | porquoi? | 06:50 |
nalioth | bddebian: this is nothing | 06:50 |
adwait | James686: ur user password | 06:50 |
pacorro | somebody that has installed request tracker | 06:50 |
seth_k | mmm, le francais | 06:50 |
Razor-X | muahahahaha!!!! | 06:50 |
bddebian | nalioth: Well I'm losing.. :-) | 06:50 |
Razor-X | ok ok, i'm sorry | 06:50 |
Harold | nalioth: I also ran that dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 earlier. | 06:50 |
nalioth | Razor-X: y'all take that to ubuntu-fr, please | 06:50 |
Tsunamii | kk | 06:50 |
Tsunamii | installing | 06:50 |
Tsunamii | woot! | 06:50 |
adwait | uhh......;donc maintenant tout le monde veut parler en franais!! | 06:50 |
James686 | I did, then it said that line of text is invalid... | 06:50 |
Harold | Actually, I had to install xserver-xfree86 | 06:50 |
MrJangles | what would you guys recommend for wifi detection software> | 06:50 |
warrior_ | La Bouche moi Razor-X j'em apelle Tim | 06:50 |
Tsunamii | what? finished already? D: | 06:50 |
seth_k | wifi-radar | 06:50 |
MrJangles | ty | 06:50 |
Tsunamii | now what seth_k, it finished installing :P | 06:50 |
Razor-X | nalioth: is there an #ubuntu-bg ? | 06:50 |
seth_k | lemme find you a link to a deb | 06:50 |
Harold | wifi-radar? I'll try it, too | 06:50 |
MrJangles | anything extra to install on gnome? | 06:50 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, run another synaptic upgrade | 06:51 |
MrJangles | or will it run | 06:51 |
seth_k | neg, it's a gnome app | 06:51 |
Tsunamii | will do | 06:51 |
seth_k | i'll find you a deb | 06:51 |
Razor-X | like , ami bangla te kotha bolie... foo! XD | 06:51 |
pacorro | somebody that has installed request tracker | 06:51 |
MrJangles | beauty | 06:51 |
Razor-X | (no, in real life, I don't say "foo") | 06:51 |
warrior_ | comment t'appelle tu Razor-X ? | 06:51 |
MrJangles | btw i fixed my problem (thanks :) | 06:51 |
nalioth | Razor-X: bg being what? | 06:51 |
Tsunamii | and download everything else? | 06:51 |
Tsunamii | via smart? | 06:51 |
Razor-X | warrior_: not for you to know ;) | 06:51 |
warrior_ | I guess not | 06:51 |
Razor-X | nalioth: bengali | 06:52 |
tiglionabbit | James686: NO IDEA MAN, WHATS THE PROBLEM? | 06:52 |
adwait | James686: wht happened with that command? | 06:52 |
warrior_ | James686, because you started drinking too early today! | 06:52 |
adwait | lol | 06:52 |
James686 | can I install my Nvidia driver from the CD? | 06:52 |
=== signbarn [~signbarn@adsl-211-172-87.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | si'l vous plait, parlez francais en #ubuntu-fr | 06:52 |
MrJangles | newb question.. how do i create folders? | 06:52 |
James686 | I dont drink lol | 06:52 |
tiglionabbit | James686: no | 06:52 |
warrior_ | James686, no | 06:52 |
MrJangles | i'm assuming i dont have permission | 06:52 |
Tomcat_ | MrJangles: right click, "New folder" | 06:52 |
=== adwait [~adwait@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bddebian | MrJangles: There are no "folders" in GNU/Linux ;-) | 06:52 |
Razor-X | nalioth: non! tais toi MAINTENANT (joking) | 06:52 |
tiglionabbit | MrJangles: use the `mkdir` command, or in the gui right-click and create a new folder | 06:52 |
James686 | how can I install it from the terminal? | 06:52 |
sinferno | can anyone help me get 4 speakers working with a sblive value? | 06:52 |
Tsunamii | seth_k, ? D: | 06:52 |
MrJangles | its blanked out | 06:52 |
Razor-X | nalioth: does code text look good in a table? | 06:52 |
tiglionabbit | !nvidia | 06:53 |
ubotu | [nvidia] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:53 |
Razor-X | based on the PDF I sent you a while back | 06:53 |
adwait | damn.....i wish i would stopp pressing ctrl + a to select all text.......xchat just quits :p | 06:53 |
warrior_ | James686, from the top. Put the cd and follow the instructions | 06:53 |
Tomcat_ | MrJangles: You need write permission in the directory for that... and probably execute. | 06:53 |
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warrior_ | I got nothing else | 06:53 |
seth_k | Tsunamii, if reconfigure finished, run synaptic and upgrade again | 06:53 |
tiglionabbit | James686: read that wiki ubotu just printed out | 06:53 |
seth_k | to make sure it got it all | 06:53 |
Tsunamii | all ? | 06:53 |
Razor-X | adwait: C-a scrolls to the beginning of the line, you idiot ;) | 06:53 |
MrJangles | i tried setting it up before and messed things all up | 06:53 |
Tsunamii | or just smart ( dist ) | 06:53 |
=== cary [~cary___@user-12hcv7n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | Razor-X: what kind of code and what kind of table? am i missing a point? | 06:53 |
seth_k | smart is fine | 06:53 |
MrJangles | how do i do it in X? | 06:53 |
Tsunamii | ok | 06:53 |
Razor-X | nalioth: i'll send you a sample | 06:53 |
Tsunamii | yeah i think it has all of it | 06:53 |
Tsunamii | now for the nvidia thing | 06:54 |
nalioth | Razor-X: please preface my nick when you address me | 06:54 |
MrJangles | nvm | 06:54 |
adwait | Razor-X: C-a = select all in winblows (new convert) :) | 06:54 |
warrior_ | good work today guys. I'm waiting for someone to come in here and ask about world hunger | 06:54 |
bddebian | seth_k: I thought you went to bed?? :-) | 06:54 |
Razor-X | adwait: ewwwwwwwwwwww! | 06:54 |
nalioth | bddebian: you are approved, prepare for spam! j/k | 06:54 |
=== omaru is now known as lcharly2 | ||
bddebian | nalioth: Oh Nooo :-) | 06:54 |
Tsunamii | so where's the nvidia setup seth_k? it's not in the list :P | 06:54 |
adwait | ,lol | 06:54 |
Tsunamii | NVM | 06:54 |
tiglionabbit | adwait: X uses mostly the key bindings from the emacs text editor | 06:54 |
Tsunamii | found it :P | 06:54 |
=== lcharly2 is now known as omaru | ||
seth_k | nvidia-glx | 06:54 |
bddebian | nalioth: Approved for what exactly? :-) | 06:54 |
adwait | James686: ok.......get the drivers from someplace...then use dpkg to insall | 06:54 |
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seth_k | bddebian, Tsunamii asked for 10 more minutes of help | 06:54 |
=== seth_k yawns | ||
warrior_ | seth_k was happy to oblige a call for help | 06:55 |
adwait | tglioabbit: hmm.......haven't used emac, mostly i use vi | 06:55 |
Tsunamii | kk found it | 06:55 |
seth_k | groodums | 06:55 |
cyphase | does anyone know of a program/script that can randomly generate the kinds of images used to disallow bots from creating multiple accounts on a website? | 06:55 |
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peet | should i name my workstation beets or asparagus | 06:55 |
seth_k | beets | 06:55 |
peet | quick! | 06:55 |
seth_k | easier to type | 06:55 |
bddebian | neither | 06:55 |
warrior_ | :-) | 06:55 |
seth_k | mine are eos and erebus and nox | 06:55 |
Harold | Anyone know how to stop a file transfer in sftp/ | 06:55 |
Harold | ? | 06:55 |
peet | seth_k: haha :) | 06:55 |
seth_k | CTRL + C? :P | 06:55 |
tiglionabbit | peet: you should think of a clever naming convention. My machines are all named after characters from Super Mario Bros | 06:55 |
peet | Harold: control c? | 06:55 |
warrior_ | I'm an okra fan myself | 06:56 |
nalioth | Harold: ctrl-c | 06:56 |
lifeless | cyphase: yes, there is an open source thing to make such read-this-text pictures | 06:56 |
Harold | Thank you all | 06:56 |
sinferno | can someone tell me where to get cedega | 06:56 |
nalioth | Harold: or pull the ethernet | 06:56 |
ksmurf | bbl | 06:56 |
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peet | tiglionabbit: well mine is vegetables :turnip alfalfa | 06:56 |
seth_k | http://transgaming.(net|com) | 06:56 |
lifeless | cyphase: I don't recall its name | 06:56 |
warrior_ | sinferno, yes http://www.transgaming.com | 06:56 |
Tsunamii | so when i reboot, i'd have Hoary version seth_k ? :P | 06:56 |
seth_k | yep | 06:56 |
Tsunamii | :) | 06:56 |
seth_k | if the synaptic upgrade finished | 06:56 |
seth_k | with no more packages | 06:56 |
Tsunamii | i'll reboot after nvidia dl | 06:56 |
Harold | Control-C: Could've sworn i tried that earlier. | 06:56 |
Tsunamii | k done | 06:56 |
seth_k | okay, then I'll head off to bed now :) | 06:56 |
Tsunamii | i'm pretty sure it's updated | 06:56 |
Harold | Worked now, at least | 06:56 |
Tsunamii | cya | 06:56 |
James686 | dpkg? | 06:56 |
seth_k | have a good night Tsunamii | 06:57 |
James686 | whats that? | 06:57 |
seth_k | hope it works out for you | 06:57 |
Tsunamii | i'll wake you up, if i need anything seth_k :P | 06:57 |
Tsunamii | aye | 06:57 |
Tsunamii | =] | 06:57 |
warrior_ | later seth_k | 06:57 |
seth_k | haha | 06:57 |
jasmuz | sinferno: Cedega is a pay for use software, get WineCVS | 06:57 |
seth_k | there are LOTS of people who know more than I do, ask them | 06:57 |
Tsunamii | LIES | 06:57 |
Tsunamii | anyways, reboot ;p | 06:57 |
seth_k | I just like the punishment of coming and helping out | 06:57 |
seth_k | cross fingers, bye | 06:57 |
tiglionabbit | !dpkg | 06:57 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: No idea | 06:57 |
adwait | james686: if u can get drivers for ur card, they'll be in a *.deb file (preferable).then u use sudo dpkg -i <filename> to install them at the prompt | 06:57 |
warrior_ | *peeing | 06:57 |
=== seth_k is away: sleepytime | ||
tiglionabbit | what, ubotu doesn't know about dpkg? But ubotu was originally dpkg! | 06:57 |
adwait | !command dpkg | 06:58 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, adwait | 06:58 |
tiglionabbit | James686: read the wiki | 06:58 |
adwait | : | 06:58 |
adwait | :p | 06:58 |
tiglionabbit | !nvidia | 06:58 |
ubotu | somebody said nvidia was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:58 |
Razor-X | stop this Control+ madness | 06:58 |
Razor-X | it's all about C- | 06:58 |
James686 | the internet wont be able to work on the computer w/ Ubuntu since its wireless... | 06:58 |
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adwait | James686: right ull need to get on another pc..........does the cd tht u have, have linux driverS? | 06:58 |
James686 | that ok? | 06:58 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: not everyone knows emacs-notation. There are windows converts in here | 06:59 |
James686 | no... | 06:59 |
Mystery | can someone please help me with some sound problems? | 06:59 |
James686 | the other PC is this one | 06:59 |
peet | tiglionabbit: whats emacs notation :S | 06:59 |
adwait | James686: right......then u need another pc with a net connection | 06:59 |
Harold | Everyone: Now that I've got Ubuntu, what do I do with it? LOL | 06:59 |
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James686 | which is this | 06:59 |
adwait | Harold: umm.......curse windows | 06:59 |
Harold | Adwait: LOL | 06:59 |
bddebian | Harold: :-) | 06:59 |
adwait | James686: wekk then get to the first pc :) | 06:59 |
Tomcat_ | Harold: Use it, have fun and then get other people to use it? :o | 06:59 |
Discipulus | could someone do me a favor? | 06:59 |
Mystery | anyone? | 06:59 |
tiglionabbit | peet: emacs is a text editor. It has lots of commands where you hold control and press something. It denotes them all by saying things like C-x C-s or C-a or things like that | 07:00 |
=== WMCoolmon [~WMCoolmon@ip68-6-113-244.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | Harold: anything you want | 07:00 |
adwait | James686: any chance tht u might have a dual boot OS on this pc/ | 07:00 |
Mystery | when ALSA starts up it gives me some errors | 07:00 |
James686 | the first one, the one w/ Ubuntu? I only have 2 computers | 07:00 |
Harold | Tomcat: I will, if I like it. I've been a fan of Xandros | 07:00 |
Mystery | namely "Invalid Cad Number" | 07:00 |
adwait | Discipulus: like wht? | 07:00 |
James686 | this PC sucks lol | 07:00 |
Discipulus | adwait, (as root) type apt-cache search fuse-module and show me output | 07:00 |
adwait | James686: well then go to a public net access place dude :p | 07:00 |
James686 | and? | 07:00 |
Harold | adwait: What do you use to find public hotspots? | 07:01 |
peet | :O | 07:01 |
James686 | dude this is so friggin complicated lol | 07:01 |
WMCoolmon | Hey all...again. Trying to compile bbracer, but I keep getting "configure: error: Cannot find GL library" - I've tried installing various OpenGL libraries, but haven't managed to satisfy it, any pointers? | 07:01 |
peet | Harold: use "#iwlist scanning" | 07:01 |
James686 | I wish I could just get the installation finished... | 07:01 |
Mystery | anyone? | 07:01 |
=== woodwizzle [~corey@user-0c6t0t8.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | ubotu dpkg is Debian PacKaGe manager. Use it to install and remove .debs you can't get through APT | 07:01 |
ubotu | okay, tiglionabbit | 07:01 |
woodwizzle | Is there anyway to play WMV9 files in linux? | 07:01 |
tiglionabbit | !dpkg | 07:01 |
ubotu | [dpkg] Debian PacKaGe manager. Use it to install and remove .debs you can't get through APT | 07:01 |
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Harold | peet: Thank you. That's my next project, figuring out how to configure my wireless adapter. | 07:01 |
woodwizzle | I've tried totem, vlc and mplayer and no luck :( | 07:01 |
=== ilba7r [~ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | tiglionabbit: HOW do i use dpkg? | 07:01 |
peet | Harold: :) if you have centrino its real easy | 07:01 |
Discipulus | adwait, ??? | 07:02 |
kolwon | sup guys | 07:02 |
Davey | woodwizzle: did you install the w32codecs package? | 07:02 |
James686 | will I be able to get that Nvidia video driver w/ out the net? | 07:02 |
peet | woodwizzle: make sure you have the codecs | 07:02 |
Discipulus | adwait, not gonna help me out? | 07:02 |
Discipulus | anyone? | 07:02 |
James686 | on my computer? | 07:02 |
tiglionabbit | nalioth: uh... how much do you think I should have it explain? | 07:02 |
adwait | Harold: i dont hv a laptop, so dont need to.......i got ADSL on pc | 07:02 |
WMCoolmon | Mystery: are you sure it isn't "Invalid Card Number"? | 07:02 |
Harold | peet: I'm using a D-Link card on my powerbook | 07:02 |
Burgundavia | James686, it may be on the desk | 07:02 |
Burgundavia | James686, s/desk/disk | 07:02 |
MrJangles | when i run wifi-radar in a terminal, it says "bash: wifi-radar: command not found" ? | 07:02 |
peet | Harold: can't say about dlink but it hink they are nix friendly | 07:02 |
Harold | adwait: that's the easy way | 07:02 |
James686 | how can I get it to run? | 07:02 |
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Mystery | WMCoolmon: but wtf does that mean? | 07:02 |
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peet | Harold: you can always use ndiswrapper for unsupported wireless cards | 07:02 |
Davey | MrJangles: apt-get install wifi-radar | 07:02 |
Mystery | and how do i fix it? | 07:02 |
Discipulus | adwait, you can't do that for me? | 07:02 |
Harold | peet: I think this card will work; it's worked for other linuxheads | 07:02 |
adwait | Disciplus:nothing....... | 07:02 |
peet | Harold: what model is it | 07:03 |
nalioth | tiglionabbit: a simple explanation and usage instructions | 07:03 |
seth_k | here's wifi-radar debs btw: http://master.grad.hr/~ivoks/ubuntu/ | 07:03 |
Harold | peet: Exactly; I've read that ndiswrapper works | 07:03 |
adwait | Discipulus: sorry..got a call in the mean while :) | 07:03 |
=== seth_k runs back to bed | ||
tiglionabbit | ubotu forget dpkg | 07:03 |
ubotu | i forgot dpkg, tiglionabbit | 07:03 |
nalioth | tiglionabbit: short and to the point, please | 07:03 |
Discipulus | adwait, then why does fuse-utils 'recommend' fuse-module ??? | 07:03 |
Harold | peet: D-Link DWL-G630 | 07:03 |
MrJangles | ty | 07:03 |
peet | Harold: well ndiswrapper is just emulating the windows driver | 07:03 |
peet | Harold: er running the windows driver in linux | 07:03 |
=== adwait shrugs | ||
MrJangles | error: couldnt find package | 07:03 |
Discipulus | adwait, one of the progs installed by fuse-utils wants a kernel module called fuse :-\ | 07:03 |
Discipulus | grrr | 07:03 |
WMCoolmon | Mystery: not exactly sure, but there seem to be a couple threads about it on the Ubuntu forums | 07:03 |
Discipulus | this is retarded | 07:03 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu dpkg is Debian PacKaGe manager: dpkg --install, dpkg --remove, dpkg --info | 07:03 |
ubotu | okay, tiglionabbit | 07:03 |
James686 | how do I add that to the terminal? the unsupported wireless card thing | 07:03 |
Harold | peet: I'll have to figure out how to get ndiswrapper working, next. | 07:03 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu dpkg | 07:03 |
ubotu | it has been said that dpkg is Debian PacKaGe manager: dpkg --install, dpkg --remove, dpkg --info | 07:03 |
peet | Harold: and then get cpufreqd working too :) | 07:04 |
peet | Harold: you might have to build support for it in teh kernel | 07:04 |
Mystery | WMCoolmon: i did a search, thread and no replies | 07:04 |
nalioth | Harold: you should look at the supported wireless hardware b4 you purchase a wireless device for your old powerbook | 07:04 |
Mystery | :| | 07:04 |
Mystery | maybe my search is screwed, can you give me a link? | 07:04 |
WMCoolmon | Mystery: "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=+site:ubuntuforums.org+alsa+%22invalid+CARD+number%22" | 07:04 |
=== exavor [~exavor@sud-cable-66-186-83-56.vianet.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | why is there no wiki on dpkg? | 07:04 |
Harold | nalioth: True; I researched it to see if it would at least work with Linux | 07:04 |
Mystery | ah ok | 07:05 |
Mystery | google... | 07:05 |
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WMCoolmon | hehe | 07:05 |
woodwizzle | davey, peet. I'm searching synaptic for w32 and codecc but nothing like that is coming up. I have the universe and multiverse enables | 07:05 |
WMCoolmon | so, anyone know how to satisfy "configure: error: Cannot find GL library"? | 07:05 |
Harold | nalioth: I was also hoping it might work with Mac, but no drivers exist (that i know of) | 07:05 |
tiglionabbit | woodwizzle: you need the backports repository. | 07:05 |
tiglionabbit | !backports | 07:05 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, backports is http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ | 07:05 |
Davey | woodwizzle: I think its in backports | 07:05 |
tiglionabbit | woodwizzle: or a mirror of it, look through the mirrors at that site | 07:06 |
MrJangles | seth_k - server down | 07:06 |
peet | woodwizzle: try apt-cache search win | 07:06 |
nalioth | Harold: there is a wireless thing in that old powerbook? | 07:06 |
bddebian | WMCoolmon: "apt-cache search libgl" ?? | 07:06 |
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nalioth | woodwizzle: make sure you comment out backports after you've gotten your things | 07:06 |
=== adwait gonna go..... | ||
adwait | bbye ppl | 07:07 |
Harold | nalioth: No, it's a pccard I picked up at Fry's | 07:07 |
seth_k | MrJangles, whoa! I just downloaded the file from it about 5 min ago | 07:07 |
seth_k | MrJangles, uploading to my server now :) | 07:07 |
nalioth | Harold: ah, well education pays | 07:07 |
MrJangles | can you send that link again | 07:07 |
MrJangles | i couldnt connect | 07:07 |
bddebian | seth_k: GO TO BED! :-) | 07:07 |
seth_k | yes yes | 07:07 |
seth_k | so much work to do! | 07:07 |
seth_k | so little time for sleep | 07:07 |
MrJangles | thanks :D | 07:07 |
MrJangles | how do i install debs? | 07:07 |
tiglionabbit | MrJangles: using dpkg | 07:08 |
nalioth | !dpkg | 07:08 |
ubotu | methinks dpkg is Debian PacKaGe manager: dpkg --install, dpkg --remove, dpkg --info | 07:08 |
seth_k | sudo dpkg -i blah.deb | 07:08 |
Harold | nalioth: 6 years with Linux, huh? What was your first distro? | 07:08 |
warrior_ | I think I'm gonna go install some games on cedega. See everybody tomorrow | 07:08 |
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MrJangles | better yet, any good documentation for people like me ? lol | 07:08 |
WMCoolmon | bbdebian: i get a crapload of stuff, i think i've tried most of the relevant ones though :-/ | 07:08 |
tiglionabbit | MrJangles: man dpkg | 07:08 |
MrJangles | overall i mean | 07:08 |
woodwizzle | thanks guys! =) | 07:08 |
ilba7r | harold perhaps this link be of use for you https://wiki.ubuntu.com//SetupNdiswrapperHowto | 07:08 |
tiglionabbit | MrJangles: sudo dpkg --install thepackage.deb | 07:08 |
=== Quest-Master [~qmaster@c-24-99-26-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | ubotu forget dpkg | 07:08 |
nalioth | Harold: way back in the day, it was redhat | 07:08 |
ubotu | i forgot dpkg, tiglionabbit | 07:08 |
Harold | ilba7r: Absolutely - thanks | 07:08 |
warrior_ | later all | 07:09 |
ilba7r | harold you are welcomed i had to install ndiswrapper from scratch for my wirless too | 07:09 |
bddebian | OK, 1:10am is far to late for this old fart. Gnight folks | 07:09 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu dpkg is Debian Package Manager: sudo dpkg --install package.deb | 07:09 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: okay | 07:09 |
unome | !debconf | 07:09 |
ubotu | unome: No idea | 07:09 |
tiglionabbit | !dpkg | 07:09 |
ubotu | rumour has it, dpkg is Debian Package Manager: sudo dpkg --install package.deb | 07:09 |
Harold | nalioth: That was going to be my first install, but I ended up trying Xandros first. | 07:09 |
parkbench | ilba7r: ahh! im having the same problem but that thing is not helping :| | 07:09 |
peet | ubotu: its not a rumor its true | 07:09 |
seth_k | MrJangles: http://sethkinast.com/ubuntu/breezy/wifi-radar_1.9.4-0ubuntu2_all.deb | 07:09 |
ubotu | peet: I don't know, could you explain it? | 07:09 |
MrJangles | ty :) | 07:09 |
peet | ubotu: explain that dpkg is debian? | 07:10 |
tiglionabbit | peet: wha? | 07:10 |
Harold | ilba7r: Must have been a challenge. | 07:10 |
ilba7r | parkbench have you checked the link to supported hardware it will tell you where to get the win drive | 07:10 |
peet | ubotu: said it was a rumor that dpkg was debian hehe | 07:10 |
ubotu | Bugger all, i dunno, peet | 07:10 |
nalioth | ubotu dpkg is Debian Package Manager: sudo dpkg -i package.deb | 07:10 |
ubotu | ...but dpkg is already something else... | 07:10 |
ilba7r | harold yes because the page does not explain to how to set the wifi | 07:10 |
tiglionabbit | peet: ubotu is a bot | 07:10 |
James686 | ok help, I typed in that line of text for the Nvidia driver, I typed in my password, it said Please insert the CD I did and pressed enter and it CONSTANTLY keeps on saying to Make Label and it says a name to label it, I even typed that in, nothin worked | 07:11 |
peet | tiglionabbit: really? | 07:11 |
James686 | whats wrong? | 07:11 |
tiglionabbit | nalioth: I think the long options are more explanitory to newbies | 07:11 |
peet | tiglionabbit: thats funny :) | 07:11 |
tiglionabbit | peet: yes. We train it | 07:11 |
Harold | ilba7r: I hate when that happens | 07:11 |
peet | tiglionabbit: :b | 07:11 |
tiglionabbit | peet: when you say !something it responds, like this: | 07:11 |
tiglionabbit | !nvidia | 07:11 |
ubotu | [nvidia] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:11 |
peet | tiglionabbit: ahh | 07:11 |
peet | !time | 07:11 |
ubotu | peet: No idea | 07:11 |
nalioth | tiglionabbit: the average answer in chan is the short one, we will see | 07:11 |
ilba7r | harold piece of cacke now just follow the instructions then i will help you complete the setup | 07:11 |
peet | !dpkg | 07:11 |
ubotu | [dpkg] Debian Package Manager: sudo dpkg --install package.deb | 07:11 |
nalioth | !info xchat hoary | 07:12 |
ubotu | xchat: (IRC client for X similar to AmIRC), section net, is optional. Version: 2.4.1-0.1ubuntu5 (hoary), Packaged size: 248 kB, Installed size: 672 kB | 07:12 |
parkbench | ilba7r: yeah but its down | 07:12 |
parkbench | so i never could compare | 07:12 |
James686 | that doesnt help... | 07:12 |
tiglionabbit | peet: to train it, say "ubotu <whatever> is <the definition>" | 07:12 |
=== harold_ [~harold@pool-71-106-130-227.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ilba7r | parkbench let me check it for you | 07:12 |
peet | tiglionabbit: and anyonecan trian it? | 07:12 |
James686 | so what can I do? | 07:12 |
tiglionabbit | peet: well, I just did, didn't I? Yes | 07:12 |
nalioth | the bot gets audited once a week | 07:13 |
unome | ubotu All packages that include support for configuration management through *debconf* are configured as they are being installed. If you want to change a configuration option later, you can do so using [dpkg-reconfigure] . To change the configuration options for ssh run: dpkg-reconfigure ssh | 07:13 |
ubotu | unome: I think you lost me on that one | 07:13 |
unome | lol | 07:13 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | anyone know what to do with this? http://ubuntuguide.org/sample/mplayer.conf_mplayer | 07:13 |
parkbench | ilba7r: thanks...i have a wusb12 v1.1 802.11b (i think prism2_usb) adapter | 07:13 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: stay away from it? | 07:13 |
sinferno | whats the difference between snes9x-common and snes9x-opengl | 07:13 |
peet | ubotu: peet is the best | 07:13 |
ubotu | peet: okay | 07:13 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | why? | 07:13 |
tiglionabbit | !dpkg-reconfigure | 07:13 |
SpecialBuddy | how can I install the new version of wine with synaptic | 07:13 |
ubotu | No idea, tiglionabbit | 07:13 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: ubuntuguide will lead you to reinstalling | 07:13 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | oh ok | 07:13 |
tiglionabbit | !reconfigure | 07:13 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: Wish i knew | 07:13 |
=== concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peet | ubotu: are you a supybot | 07:13 |
ubotu | peet: Are you smoking crack? | 07:13 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | linux is more complex than i relised | 07:13 |
ilba7r | parkbench ok | 07:13 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i'm almost ready to give up | 07:14 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | >.< | 07:14 |
tiglionabbit | !peet | 07:14 |
ubotu | [peet] the best | 07:14 |
tiglionabbit | !peet | 07:14 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: dont do that | 07:14 |
peet | :D | 07:14 |
_cory | is there anybody who can help me setup ndiswrapper..it's a bitch? | 07:14 |
Dr_Willis | Complex? Bah. | 07:14 |
=== plovs_ [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | !peet | 07:14 |
Dr_Willis | Its very logical and learnable. :P | 07:14 |
SpecialBuddy | it is complex and hard to figure out | 07:14 |
jasmuz | can anybody recomend me a frontend to configure iptables tru (im a noob), and i need to set up another pc tru mine | 07:14 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | well theres so many things that i don't know | 07:14 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: once you learn it, it never changes | 07:14 |
=== AlohaWulf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peet | tiglionabbit: it forgotme | 07:14 |
concept10 | _cory, yes | 07:14 |
peet | !peet | 07:14 |
Dr_Willis | its not hard to figure out. :P | 07:14 |
ubotu | I guess peet is the best | 07:14 |
tiglionabbit | peet: no, it just doesn't like me asking the same thing twice | 07:14 |
Dr_Willis | lots of redings. | 07:14 |
peet | oh :) | 07:14 |
Dr_Willis | reading. | 07:14 |
concept10 | Im BORED and I am here to help! | 07:14 |
nalioth | jasmuz: http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=130 | 07:14 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | this os is great it is nice that i own it and all.....but it seems really complex | 07:14 |
concept10 | who needs help | 07:15 |
Dr_Willis | but its very logical in many ways. | 07:15 |
SpecialBuddy | can anyone tell me how to get the new version of wine with synaptic | 07:15 |
parkbench | ilba7r: also, i didnt compile ndiswrapper, i instlaled with synaptic so...i dont know, does that make it differetn? i dont seem to have th driver directroy im allgedly supposed to have | 07:15 |
=== FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010487351pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChurcH_of_FoamY | when comapred to m$ | 07:15 |
_cory | awesome | 07:15 |
peet | ChurcH_of_FoamY: well ms hides its complexity | 07:15 |
peet | ChurcH_of_FoamY: its messy complexity | 07:15 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu tiglionabbit is a very helpful IRCer. Ask him stuff, unless it has to do with obscure hardware he hasn't used. | 07:15 |
ubotu | okay, tiglionabbit | 07:15 |
peet | ChurcH_of_FoamY: linux is clean complexity | 07:15 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: it seems that way, because YOU have much more control over this OS, then you do windoze | 07:15 |
Dr_Willis | MS is great when it works... but when it breaks you are SOOO "S.O.L" | 07:15 |
James686 | hello? | 07:15 |
peet | James686: hi | 07:15 |
Razor-X | any joe users in the house? | 07:15 |
Dr_Willis | with Linux. when it breaks you can figure out whats wrong and fix it. (with some research) | 07:15 |
tiglionabbit | hi James686 | 07:15 |
James686 | help me out installing it plz | 07:15 |
tiglionabbit | James686: what's your prob? | 07:16 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i like that but theres gotta be some sorta way to make things a tad bit easyer | 07:16 |
nalioth | Razor-X: you are the jOe KiNg | 07:16 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | cause now i'm hooked on ubuntu >.< | 07:16 |
SpecialBuddy | whats wrong with my computer | 07:16 |
Razor-X | nalioth: I saw a joe user on here earlier ;) | 07:16 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: you are on easy street right now | 07:16 |
ilba7r | parkbench i think they are updating the page so i can not check if the card will work | 07:16 |
SpecialBuddy | I can't install things from source | 07:16 |
Dr_Willis | Im useing Ubuntu mainly. | 07:16 |
nalioth | Razor-X: we are all joe users | 07:16 |
SpecialBuddy | I think my compilers are messed up | 07:16 |
Razor-X | ChurcH_of_FoamY: wait till you read my CLI guide | 07:16 |
James686 | ok help, I typed in that line of text for the Nvidia driver, I typed in my password, it said Please insert the CD I did and pressed enter and it CONSTANTLY keeps on saying to Make Label and it says a name to label it, I even typed that in, nothin worked | 07:16 |
parkbench | ilba7r: its okay, thanks anwyay | 07:16 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and what to use it effectivly in my gaming/multimedia ways | 07:16 |
=== HaroldJohnson [~harold@pool-71-106-130-227.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
James686 | thats whats wrong | 07:16 |
ilba7r | parkbench i too did try to install the ndiswrapper from synaptic did not work though | 07:16 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | Razor-x i can't waite | 07:16 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: read wiki.ubuntu.com, ubuntuforums.org, and this here irc chat, and you should be fine | 07:17 |
parkbench | worked for me though, i just cant get past that point after install | 07:17 |
=== Quest-Master [~qmaster@c-24-99-26-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ilba7r | parkbench i had to download the binary and install it to work | 07:17 |
Razor-X | ChurcH_of_FoamY: well, it's in the works, at the moment | 07:17 |
tiglionabbit | James686: it asked you to put in a CD? | 07:17 |
ilba7r | lets do a check | 07:17 |
=== Iluciv [~iluciv@60-240-184-180.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
James686 | yes | 07:17 |
Razor-X | it's not much now, a simple 15 page document, I believe | 07:17 |
tiglionabbit | James686: you mean your ubuntu cd? | 07:17 |
MrJangles | thanks for all the help guys | 07:17 |
James686 | when I typed in that line of script for Nvidia cards | 07:17 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | for the most part i am fine it's just that i'm starting to wanna fix the little intracacys that bug the hell outta me | 07:17 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and i don't know enough >.< | 07:17 |
tiglionabbit | James | 07:17 |
tiglionabbit | !nvidia | 07:17 |
ubotu | from memory, nvidia is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:17 |
tiglionabbit | James686: are you doing this ^ | 07:18 |
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James686 | omg THAT DOESNT HELP! | 07:18 |
James686 | YES | 07:18 |
ilba7r | parkbench when you type ndiswrapper -l what do you see | 07:18 |
vladuz976 | how do you search for packages with apt-get? | 07:18 |
SpecialBuddy | anyone know why I get this error | 07:18 |
SpecialBuddy | Compilation failed, aborting install. | 07:18 |
James686 | I typed in that line of texT!!!!!!!!!! | 07:18 |
Dr_Willis | vladuz976, use apt-cache search | 07:18 |
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nalioth | vladuz976: you use "apt-cache search <term>" | 07:18 |
tiglionabbit | James686: this one? sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 07:18 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | like why does my soundcard only let one program access it at a time? | 07:18 |
nalioth | SpecialBuddy: could be anything | 07:18 |
vladuz976 | cool thanks nalioth and Dr_Willis | 07:18 |
James686 | yes | 07:18 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and how come the video in mplayer is so damn small >.< | 07:19 |
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
James686 | now what? | 07:19 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: because ESD sucks. Read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 | 07:19 |
=== retrogradesnowco [~sarah@mdsnwi13-vlan445-15.dsl.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SpecialBuddy | what do I need to compile files nalioth? | 07:19 |
Iluciv | how does one reset their password here on freenode | 07:19 |
tiglionabbit | !sound | 07:19 |
ubotu | No idea, tiglionabbit | 07:19 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | ok | 07:19 |
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tiglionabbit | ubotu sound is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 | 07:19 |
ubotu | okay, tiglionabbit | 07:19 |
dubious9 | hey, I think I'm having DNS problems. can somebody do a dig for www.kk.org and let me know what the IP comes up as | 07:19 |
retrogradesnowco | I installed kubuntu under vmware in windows. how do I access my windows disks, if that's even possible? (they're in NTFS, also) | 07:20 |
dubious9 | thanks in advance | 07:20 |
James686 | ??? | 07:20 |
nalioth | Iluciv: do a /msg nickserv help | 07:20 |
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tiglionabbit | James686: then what you need to do, if that's not working, is edit your sources to use the internet instead of your cd | 07:20 |
tiglionabbit | !repositories | 07:20 |
ubotu | well, repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 07:20 |
Iluciv | nalioth: thanks | 07:20 |
tiglionabbit | James686: read this ^ | 07:20 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | will this howto break my box? | 07:21 |
dubious9 | probably ;) | 07:21 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i got it running just the way i like it | 07:21 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: which howto? | 07:21 |
JB318 | dubious9: I get, with www as a cname to bald kk.org | 07:21 |
unome | ubotu debconf is a configuration management system. All packages that support *debconf* are configured as they are being installed. If you want to change a configuration option later, you can do so using *dpkg-reconfigure*. To change the configuration options for ssh run: dpkg-reconfigure ssh | 07:21 |
ubotu | okay, unome | 07:21 |
James686 | thats all for the desktop... | 07:21 |
unome | !debconf | 07:21 |
vladuz976 | nalioth, i am looking for xine-lib but can't find it with apt | 07:21 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 | 07:21 |
retrogradesnowco | anyone know about my disk question? | 07:21 |
nalioth | unome, the channel will never see that | 07:21 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: the sound one? Nah, it works fine for me, hopefully it will work for you | 07:21 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | if it's gonna break it i don't wanna do it | 07:21 |
vladuz976 | nalioth, you think it might have a different name | 07:21 |
unome | too big? | 07:21 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | kk | 07:21 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i'll try it | 07:21 |
dubious9 | JB318: thanks. I'm not getting any return from my dns server. I'll have to call them up | 07:21 |
harold_ | How long can you keep a PowerBook running Ubuntu on before it gets too hot? | 07:22 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: good luck. It's a lot of steps to follow though. This issue will hopefully be fixed completely by Breezy's release | 07:22 |
parkbench | ilba7r: when i do it shows, "prism2_usb invalid driver!" | 07:22 |
=== absinthe [~matt@cpe-065-190-139-072.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
James686 | ok Im gonna get a driver, what OS should it be under? | 07:22 |
dubious9 | it only happens with some sites though. not sure what the problem would be. some kind of propagation error maybe | 07:22 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | so whats the diff between breezy and hoary? | 07:22 |
James686 | Im gonna save it to a CD lol | 07:22 |
=== Upgrade [~x-cript51@64.Red-83-42-198.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | James686: wtf are you talking about? lol | 07:23 |
ilba7r | parkbench than it is not installed i would prefer if you install the binary | 07:23 |
ilba7r | parkbench and do not download the latest 1.2 download the 1.1 | 07:23 |
James686 | the Nvidia driver | 07:23 |
=== Mario [~script@114.red-62-57-39.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | vladuz976: search for 'xine' | 07:23 |
tiglionabbit | James686: did you read the repositories wiki? | 07:23 |
James686 | what OS should it be under? | 07:23 |
nalioth | harold_: your PB should never get hot | 07:23 |
=== tovella [~ktraglin@pool-141-149-32-100.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | James686: it'll be called "linux x86" wont it? | 07:23 |
James686 | no because that has to do w/ the desktop | 07:23 |
tiglionabbit | James686: no it doesn't, it explains by commandline too | 07:24 |
harold_ | nalioth: So I can keep it on, theoretically, forever? | 07:24 |
nalioth | harold_: yes, theoretically | 07:24 |
Razor-X | nalioth: http://www.sosdg.org/~razorx/CLI.pdf | 07:24 |
=== [jon] [~ircap8b@48.Red-81-39-237.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | James686: you just have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove single #s where necessary, and put a # on the cdrom line to exclude your cd | 07:24 |
Amaranth | Warning: Abuse of the bot will result in a ban. | 07:24 |
tiglionabbit | !tiglionabbi | 07:24 |
ubotu | No idea, tiglionabbit | 07:24 |
tiglionabbit | !tiglionabbit | 07:25 |
ubotu | well, tiglionabbit is a very helpful IRCer. Ask him stuff, unless it has to do with obscure hardware he hasn't used. | 07:25 |
harold_ | nalioth: This PowerBook line runs notoriously hot. (The joke is that you could cook an egg on its belly.) | 07:25 |
Razor-X | nalioth: errr, some errors | 07:25 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: aw, pweese? | 07:25 |
tiglionabbit | !x86 | 07:25 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: I don't know | 07:25 |
Razor-X | try again | 07:25 |
Razor-X | it should be fixed now, nalioth | 07:25 |
nalioth | Razor-X: ok | 07:25 |
harold_ | nalioth: What's your slowest laptop? | 07:26 |
tiglionabbit | !xine | 07:26 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 07:26 |
Razor-X | there are quite a few logic errors in the basic commands section | 07:26 |
parkbench | ilba7r: from where? | 07:26 |
tiglionabbit | !mplayer | 07:26 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: Are you smoking crack? | 07:26 |
Razor-X | because, I haven't finished that section | 07:26 |
tiglionabbit | lol what | 07:26 |
nalioth | harold_: a iBook G3/600 | 07:26 |
Razor-X | !vlc | 07:26 |
ubotu | Razor-X: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 07:26 |
harold_ | nalioth: What's been your slowest with Linux? | 07:26 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu vlc is a media player with native support for .avi | 07:26 |
ubotu | okay, tiglionabbit | 07:26 |
Razor-X | I basically lost interest in one section and went to the next ;) | 07:26 |
tiglionabbit | !vlc | 07:26 |
parkbench | nenevermind, i found | 07:26 |
Razor-X | that's why I need info on joe | 07:27 |
tiglionabbit | !vlc | 07:27 |
ubotu | vlc is probably a media player with native support for .avi | 07:27 |
nalioth | harold_: dual cpu intel 400mhz | 07:27 |
parkbench | but how will i transfer to that pc? i dont want to waste a cd...shit | 07:27 |
tiglionabbit | !linux | 07:27 |
nalioth | tiglionabbit: vlc has native support for MANY codecs | 07:27 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, tiglionabbit | 07:27 |
tiglionabbit | nalioth: ok, you make a better one | 07:27 |
[jon] | [Mario] | 07:27 |
harold_ | nalioth: LOL, that was you slowest? I'm on 233MHz | 07:27 |
nalioth | harold_: i don't shop at goodwill | 07:28 |
ilba7r | parkbench http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=93482 | 07:28 |
Mario | yes | 07:28 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | brb | 07:28 |
harold_ | Someone keeps changing my name. | 07:28 |
Razor-X | tiglionabbit: vlc is probably a media player with native support of just about every known format | 07:28 |
harold_ | nalioth: LOL | 07:28 |
Razor-X | how do you teach ubotue things? | 07:28 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: not wmp, rm, or mov | 07:28 |
nalioth | Razor-X: dont abuse the bot | 07:28 |
tiglionabbit | which are quite well known | 07:28 |
Razor-X | nalioth: I won't | 07:28 |
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harold_ | nalioth: I lucked out finding this PowerBook there; I'd been looking for one for a while | 07:28 |
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Razor-X | tiglionabbit: even known ones | 07:28 |
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nalioth | holy cow! | 07:28 |
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tiglionabbit | Razor-X: what? | 07:29 |
nalioth | Amaranth: wake up | 07:29 |
[jon] | what? | 07:29 |
tiglionabbit | hey, who are these generic people joining? | 07:29 |
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tiglionabbit | uh... | 07:29 |
[jon] | what? | 07:29 |
[jon] | what? | 07:29 |
nalioth | zombies | 07:29 |
tiglionabbit | are they trying to crank up our user count or something? | 07:29 |
Mario | yess | 07:29 |
Razor-X | !Razor-X | 07:29 |
ubotu | Razor-X: Wish i knew | 07:29 |
tiglionabbit | what is this | 07:29 |
harold_ | nalioth: What? | 07:30 |
harold_ | What's the deal? | 07:30 |
Razor-X | ............... | 07:30 |
=== Heart_2 [~jzdgc@p549C2A9C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | wow,t hat's sad | 07:30 |
harold_ | Who are these demons? | 07:30 |
=== jasoncohen [~jason@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | whaere is amarannth | 07:30 |
nalioth | Amaranth: wake up | 07:30 |
Razor-X | *wow that's | 07:30 |
liable | pwned computers :) | 07:30 |
harold_ | nalioth: What does Amaranth do? | 07:30 |
nalioth | harold_: Amaranth is an op | 07:30 |
Razor-X | !Razor-X | 07:30 |
harold_ | nalioth: Ah, i had a feeling. | 07:30 |
ubotu | Razor-X: Are you smoking crack? | 07:30 |
Razor-X | hahahaha! | 07:30 |
nalioth | attention in teh channel! this is why i hate windows so much | 07:30 |
Razor-X | !Amaranth | 07:31 |
=== ubotu stabs things | ||
liable | !ops _|DioS33|_ something fishy | 07:31 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, liable | 07:31 |
nalioth | zombies | 07:31 |
liable | wah, no ops | 07:31 |
Amaranth | hi | 07:31 |
peet | nalioth: what? | 07:31 |
vladuz976 | hey, i am trying to use this shell script which i use for fedora onubuntu now, but since ubuntu has no root. it doesn't really work, can someone take a look at it? | 07:31 |
Amaranth | ack | 07:31 |
tiglionabbit | nalioth: huh? | 07:31 |
harold_ | What's a zombie? | 07:31 |
hondje | /msg chanserv op #ubuntu | 07:31 |
hondje | :) | 07:31 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: use sudo | 07:31 |
nalioth | Amaranth: why are all the zombies here? | 07:31 |
tiglionabbit | !sudo | 07:31 |
ubotu | [sudo] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 07:31 |
hondje | oooh, now I have to be nice to nalioth | 07:31 |
Amaranth | nalioth: I'm looking for the limit command | 07:31 |
Razor-X | hmmm... weher's my typesetting obsessed friend... -_- | 07:31 |
Amaranth | nalioth: For now start banning | 07:31 |
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, it's a shell script. so just go sudo ./file | 07:31 |
vladuz976 | ? | 07:31 |
Razor-X | *ypesetting | 07:31 |
hondje | Amaranth: user -J | 07:31 |
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: yes | 07:31 |
=== HIIIITLER [~x-cript51@64.Red-83-42-198.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | **typesetting | 07:31 |
hondje | er, use J | 07:32 |
HIIIITLER | [jon] | 07:32 |
liable | Amaranth: J | 07:32 |
HIIIITLER | Mario | 07:32 |
hondje | -L sets a hard limit IIRC, J x,y lets you throttle joins | 07:32 |
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HIIIITLER | otro | 07:32 |
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harold_ | I'm guessing nalioth is going to town on the Zombies. | 07:32 |
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tiglionabbit | uhhh | 07:32 |
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vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, i get an eroor | 07:32 |
HostingGeek | OMG | 07:32 |
HostingGeek | WTF | 07:32 |
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Amaranth | shit | 07:32 |
JB318 | BBQ | 07:32 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
tiglionabbit | can someone explain to me what is happening? | 07:32 |
HostingGeek | some add +f to this channel | 07:32 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+R] by Amaranth | ||
tiglionabbit | in english plz? | 07:32 |
HostingGeek | Amaranth: here add the following mode | 07:32 |
Razor-X | isn't it obvious? | 07:33 |
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tiglionabbit | Razor-X: no | 07:33 |
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HostingGeek | Ohh never mind | 07:33 |
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Razor-X | hahahaha! | 07:33 |
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HostingGeek | you already have it | 07:33 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *DioS*!*@*] by Amaranth | ||
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: I see that a ton of things are joining the channel, but why? | 07:33 |
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, http://rafb.net/paste/results/NOfs2342.html | 07:33 |
tiglionabbit | and now they're dead | 07:33 |
Amaranth | join/part flood | 07:33 |
Razor-X | tiglionabbit: you've never seen a spam, before? | 07:33 |
nalioth | boys, that was a windows zombie attack | 07:33 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: I've never seen a join-spam | 07:33 |
Razor-X | the guy keeps trying to do something for my client | 07:33 |
tiglionabbit | windows zombie attack? | 07:33 |
=== Razor-X laughs | ||
hondje | zombies eat your braaaaanes | 07:34 |
Razor-X | I don't use mIRC, sorry | 07:34 |
Razor-X | ;) | 07:34 |
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=== hondje probably is the only one that remembers that silly fake #fedora log | ||
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=== ChurcH [~kisain@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: that error just says cvs isn't found. Install it | 07:34 |
tiglionabbit | !cvs | 07:34 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 07:34 |
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, how do i install cvs? | 07:35 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+J 10,5] by Amaranth | ||
HostingGeek | Amaranth: set ban on *_|*!*@* and *|_*!*@* | 07:35 |
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: with synaptic or apt-get | 07:35 |
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Amaranth | HostingGeek: No, that's too broad. | 07:35 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by Amaranth | ||
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ChurcH | i got a box on my screen called informational-artsmessage >.< | 07:35 |
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, sudo apt-get install cvs | 07:35 |
vladuz976 | ? | 07:35 |
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: yes | 07:35 |
HostingGeek | Amaranth: no its not | 07:35 |
liable | nicks that start with _ should be banned anyay :) | 07:35 |
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, says unmet dependencies | 07:35 |
=== Amaranth turns the volume on so he can hear pings | ||
ChurcH | and it says somethings messd up | 07:36 |
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tiglionabbit | vladuz976: really? Read this then | 07:36 |
tiglionabbit | !repositories | 07:36 |
ubotu | rumour has it, repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 07:36 |
=== ChurcH is now known as ChurcH_of_FoamY | ||
Amaranth | someone say my name | 07:36 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth | 07:36 |
hondje | Amaranth: | 07:36 |
HostingGeek | Amaranth: no one right now has _| | 07:36 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | amaranth ^_^ | 07:36 |
Amaranth | perfect | 07:36 |
harold_ | ubotu: That joke never loses its humor. Or does it? | 07:36 |
HostingGeek | Amaranth: or |_ | 07:36 |
ubotu | harold_: I don't know, could you explain it? | 07:36 |
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, i already added those | 07:36 |
Amaranth | HostingGeek: So? They might in the future. | 07:36 |
HostingGeek | Amaranth: in there nick | 07:36 |
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, you told me earlier | 07:36 |
harold_ | Rumor has it... | 07:36 |
HostingGeek | Amaranth: for now... ban it for the next 20min | 07:37 |
harold_ | ...oh, forget it! | 07:37 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | can anyone help solve this error i got | 07:37 |
Amaranth | HostingGeek: I already have them covered. | 07:37 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | it has to do with my sound | 07:37 |
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: then cvs should be able to install. It is a supported package. Do you have non-ubuntu repositories? | 07:37 |
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vladuz976 | no | 07:37 |
harold_ | I keep getting this error that says I'm not smart enough to use Ubunut. | 07:37 |
HostingGeek | Amaranth: Can I ask you on your fav. shades of brown? in a /msg or #clearlooks ? | 07:37 |
harold_ | See what I mean/ | 07:37 |
harold_ | ? | 07:37 |
vladuz976 | only the stuff from the guide... tiglionabbit | 07:37 |
concept10 | I need something new, someone recommend a good app for me to play around with, im bored | 07:37 |
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: have you said sudo apt-get update recently | 07:37 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | harold_ same here | 07:37 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i think it just called me stupid >.< | 07:38 |
Amaranth | HostingGeek: err | 07:38 |
harold_ | Church_of_FoamY: LOL | 07:38 |
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, after i added the repos | 07:38 |
Amaranth | HostingGeek: I don't really care for brown at all. | 07:38 |
tiglionabbit | brown is awesome, whatchoo talkin bout | 07:38 |
harold_ | I need to figure out how to quick-insert usernames in IRc | 07:38 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i followd this to the letter: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 | 07:38 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | and rebooted now i get a sound error at startup that dosen't mean a thing to me | 07:39 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: okay, and then you restart, and then .. | 07:39 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | >.< | 07:39 |
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tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: what do it say? | 07:39 |
tsunamii | how do i install something via synaptic? | 07:39 |
tiglionabbit | tsunamii: click on it | 07:39 |
HostingGeek | Amaranth: Well can I still /msg you? | 07:39 |
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vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, synaptic does it | 07:39 |
harold_ | Can I live without a GUI? | 07:39 |
SpecialBuddy | I can't figure out how to install something from source | 07:39 |
tiglionabbit | harold_: yes | 07:39 |
Amaranth | HostingGeek: That depends on the topic. | 07:39 |
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SpecialBuddy | everytime I try It fails | 07:39 |
tsunamii | but then i don't know what's the best place to install it | 07:39 |
harold_ | tiglionabbit: Are you certain? | 07:39 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | acording to the howto i need more brans to finish this | 07:40 |
nalioth | harold_: start typing a nick, and tab-complete it | 07:40 |
tiglionabbit | harold_: depends. Does not seeing graphics make you go insane? | 07:40 |
HostingGeek | Amaranth: topic is html notations | 07:40 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | beacuse it needs more tweaking | 07:40 |
tiglionabbit | harold_: you can do most everything on the terminal, but most people wouldn't want to | 07:40 |
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, synaptic list a lot of stuff when i search cvs what do i need to install? | 07:40 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | or my soundcard dosen't support it >.< | 07:40 |
Amaranth | HostingGeek: I don't even know what those are. | 07:40 |
=== sladen is about 100km South of Stockholm, anyone know any geeks in Stockholm with bandwidth/crashspace ? | ||
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and i don't know which it is | 07:40 |
idleCat | Any news on mono 1.1.8 ?\ | 07:40 |
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: the one that is called "cvs" and has an ubuntu logo next to it | 07:40 |
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, ok | 07:40 |
harold_ | tiglionabbit: I dig using the terminal, but I can't see using it to, say, surf the web or edit audio. | 07:41 |
tsunamii | i want to install the macromedia plugin - but i want to do it in the correct place easily | 07:41 |
harold_ | (or edit video, for that matter) | 07:41 |
tsunamii | i was told that synaptic could do it | 07:41 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | arrghh >.< i like this os why must it tourture me | 07:41 |
tiglionabbit | harold_: tried links or w3m ? | 07:41 |
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, working ;-) | 07:41 |
Amaranth | tsunamii: flashplayer-mozilla or mozilla-flashplayer | 07:41 |
tsunamii | eh? | 07:41 |
tiglionabbit | no no, install flash through your web browser | 07:41 |
Amaranth | tsunamii: Can't remember which one it is, one of those will install it. | 07:41 |
harold_ | But for communicating via IRC, email, etc - no prob. I've used Lynx, but I'd rather mozilla | 07:41 |
tiglionabbit | it's easier that way | 07:41 |
harold_ | or Firefox | 07:41 |
tsunamii | what do you mean Amaranth ? | 07:42 |
tsunamii | it's for firefox | 07:42 |
tiglionabbit | harold_: true, no problem in having both | 07:42 |
Amaranth | tsunamii: I know, this is how you install it. | 07:42 |
tsunamii | ? | 07:42 |
HostingGeek | Amaranth: html color numbers | 07:42 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i give up | 07:42 |
tiglionabbit | tsunamii: to install flash, just go to a flashed page and click on the puzzle piece | 07:42 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: on what? | 07:42 |
tsunamii | doesn't work, now i have to do a manual install | 07:42 |
harold_ | tiglionabbit: But once I'm done editing audio, for example, I prefer using the terminal to encode using lame and then upload using sftp | 07:42 |
Amaranth | HostingGeek: Ok...I just use The GIMP to get those. | 07:42 |
SpecialBuddy | can I turn something thats source into a .deb | 07:43 |
=== tiglionabbit can't answer everyone's questions at the same time | ||
ChurcH_of_FoamY | on my sound problem it is both beyond my understanding and to complex for my lvl of linux knowledge | 07:43 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i just broke most of my sound | 07:43 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | using that howto somehow | 07:43 |
tiglionabbit | SpecialBuddy: I believe there is a program called checkinstall that you can use in place of the make install command to do a debian-style install of it | 07:43 |
Razor-X | ChurcH_of_FoamY: that's why you upgrade from lvl to level ;) | 07:43 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and i followd it to the letter | 07:43 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: what is the error? | 07:43 |
Razor-X | how is 'lvl' an abbreviation, none of the keys are on the home row | 07:43 |
Razor-X | what is the problem? | 07:44 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | in a game i play it is | 07:44 |
nalioth | SpecialBuddy: yes, use "checkinstall" | 07:44 |
SpecialBuddy | ok | 07:44 |
SpecialBuddy | thanks | 07:44 |
tiglionabbit | !checkinstall | 07:44 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 07:44 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i don't know it just dosen't make sound now at the startup | 07:44 |
harold_ | SpecialBuddy: Funny name (or creepy; it's one or the other) | 07:44 |
tiglionabbit | would somebody define a !checkinstall ? | 07:44 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | but other sounds still work from diffrent programs | 07:44 |
Razor-X | I tried defining my name | 07:44 |
Razor-X | but, I failed | 07:44 |
Razor-X | ;) | 07:44 |
tiglionabbit | !Razor-X | 07:44 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, tiglionabbit | 07:44 |
harold_ | Define "irony" | 07:45 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i still have the box that poped up on startup | 07:45 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu Razor-X is a nifty guy | 07:45 |
ubotu | okay, tiglionabbit | 07:45 |
Razor-X | harold_: if something is full of iron | 07:45 |
tiglionabbit | !tiglionabbit | 07:45 |
ubotu | well, tiglionabbit is a very helpful IRCer. Ask him stuff, unless it has to do with obscure hardware he hasn't used. | 07:45 |
tiglionabbit | !Razor-X | 07:45 |
harold_ | Razor-X: nice try | 07:45 |
tiglionabbit | !Razor-X | 07:45 |
ubotu | razor-x is probably a nifty guy | 07:45 |
nalioth | ubotu checkinstall is a program used in place of "make install". It makes a simple deb for installation | 07:45 |
ubotu | nalioth: okay | 07:45 |
Razor-X | ahhh, I see ;) | 07:45 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i'll pastebin it for you | 07:45 |
harold_ | Razor-X: "A" for effort | 07:45 |
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tiglionabbit | ubotu forget Razor-X | 07:46 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: i forgot razor-x | 07:46 |
tiglionabbit | there, now make one, Razor-X | 07:46 |
harold_ | Man, it's taking long to upload via sftp tonight! Usually it's lighting-fast. | 07:46 |
Razor-X | ubotu Razor-X is your friendly asexual Ubuntu power-user who is probably writing a guide about command-line usage for beginners | 07:46 |
ubotu | Razor-X: okay | 07:46 |
Razor-X | !Razor-X | 07:46 |
ubotu | it has been said that razor-x is your friendly asexual Ubuntu power-user who is probably writing a guide about command-line usage for beginners | 07:46 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: asexual? | 07:46 |
harold_ | ubotu: Now it's a rumor. | 07:46 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, harold_ | 07:46 |
nalioth | y'all dont fill the bot with crap, fill him with useful info | 07:46 |
Razor-X | tiglionabbit: look up human asexual in wikipedia | 07:46 |
HostingGeek | Amaranth: can you read it? | 07:47 |
tiglionabbit | o.O | 07:47 |
=== SpecialBuddy [~matt@c-24-11-130-184.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: uh....? | 07:47 |
nalioth | ubotu forget Razor-X | 07:48 |
ubotu | i forgot razor-x, nalioth | 07:48 |
nalioth | ubotu forget peet | 07:48 |
Razor-X | ................. | 07:48 |
ubotu | i forgot peet, nalioth | 07:48 |
Razor-X | nalioth: stop that! | 07:48 |
tiglionabbit | hey nalioth, don't ruin our fun | 07:48 |
=== DrSchlauf [~Sven@p54894B6B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
concept10 | asexual? | 07:48 |
Amaranth | Warning: Abuse of the bot will result in a ban. | 07:48 |
Razor-X | ubotu Razor-X is your friendly asexual Ubuntu power-user who is probably writing a guide about command-line usage for beginners | 07:48 |
ubotu | Razor-X: okay | 07:48 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | now according to this: http://pastebin.com/308219 | 07:48 |
nalioth | ubotu forget tiglionrabbit | 07:48 |
ubotu | nalioth: i didn't have anything called 'tiglionrabbit' | 07:48 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | my box is arguing with it's self? | 07:48 |
Razor-X | Amaranth: can you lock definitions of helpers? | 07:49 |
signbarn | What's the command to see the free space on your mounted drives? | 07:49 |
tiglionabbit | yay, saved by nalioth's misspelling of my name. Seriously though, why? | 07:49 |
Amaranth | Razor-X: I have no control over the bot. | 07:49 |
Razor-X | concept10: as I said earlier, look up human asexual in wikipedia | 07:49 |
Amaranth | Razor-X: But you shouldn't be in it. | 07:49 |
nalioth | tiglionabbit: remove your name entry in the bot, please | 07:49 |
Razor-X | Amaranth: whose bot is it? | 07:49 |
Razor-X | is it? | 07:49 |
Amaranth | cafuego's | 07:49 |
Razor-X | ubotu forget Razor-X | 07:49 |
ubotu | Razor-X: i forgot razor-x | 07:49 |
tiglionabbit | nalioth: ={ | 07:49 |
Razor-X | ubotu forget tiglionabbit | 07:49 |
ubotu | Razor-X: i forgot tiglionabbit | 07:49 |
Razor-X | there we are, our little mess cleaned up | 07:49 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | anyone have any idea about my error? | 07:49 |
nalioth | the bot has limited memory, y'all fill it with useful info | 07:50 |
tiglionabbit | why was that necessary? | 07:50 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: what is your error? | 07:50 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | http://pastebin.com/308219 | 07:50 |
tiglionabbit | nalioth: it does? What does it run on? | 07:50 |
Amaranth | tiglionabbit: Are you so special that you need an entry in the bot? :) | 07:50 |
Razor-X | how much does it have? | 07:50 |
=== RichardC [~richardc@sdn-ap-005tnnashP0206.dialsprint.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: well I spend a lot of time here now, I thought, why not? | 07:50 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | what a bot and what dose it do? | 07:50 |
concept10 | !ubotu asexual is something we would rather not talk about | 07:50 |
ubotu | concept10: okay | 07:50 |
=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | Amaranth: I was thinking that the frequent helpers here should have titles, but if the memory is that limited, I don't want to take up useful space | 07:51 |
concept10 | !asexual | 07:51 |
ubotu | asexual is, like, something we would rather not talk about | 07:51 |
Razor-X | concept10: thanks ;) | 07:51 |
tiglionabbit | rofl | 07:51 |
Amaranth | ubotu forget asexual | 07:51 |
ubotu | i forgot asexual, Amaranth | 07:51 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: how old are you, and why do you consider yourself this? | 07:51 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | any idea? | 07:51 |
Razor-X | tiglionabbit: uggghhhh, ;) | 07:51 |
Amaranth | it gets filled with garbage all the time, on accident | 07:51 |
Razor-X | !vlc | 07:51 |
ubotu | rumour has it, vlc is a media player with native support for .avi | 07:51 |
Amaranth | for example: | 07:52 |
Razor-X | ubotu forget vlc | 07:52 |
ubotu | i forgot vlc, Razor-X | 07:52 |
Amaranth | vlc is awesome! | 07:52 |
Razor-X | of course | 07:52 |
nalioth | Razor-X: fix the vlc entry | 07:52 |
Amaranth | hmm, i guess he fixed that | 07:52 |
Razor-X | and therefore defines a fitting vlc entry | 07:52 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | what is a bot? | 07:52 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | is it some sorta ai program? | 07:52 |
harold_ | Church: Ever see the Jetsons? | 07:52 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | yea | 07:52 |
harold_ | Church: Exactly | 07:52 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | oh ok | 07:52 |
concept10 | can it contain links? | 07:52 |
tiglionabbit | yes | 07:52 |
harold_ | Church: It's a program that acts like it's real. | 07:52 |
tiglionabbit | !restricted | 07:52 |
ubotu | methinks restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 07:52 |
nalioth | !restricted | 07:52 |
Razor-X | ubotu vlc is a media player with excellent native support for almost all known formats excluding a rare few proprietary formats and can be obtained using 'sudo apt-get install vlc' | 07:52 |
ubotu | Razor-X: okay | 07:52 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | wow thats awsome | 07:53 |
concept10 | thank god for links | 07:53 |
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Razor-X | there we are, now, I don't have to spell out VLC any longer | 07:53 |
harold_ | Church: it automates, in other words (like AI) | 07:53 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: rare few? you mean all proprietary formats? | 07:53 |
harold_ | For example, nalioth is a bot. | 07:53 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ubotu how are you? | 07:53 |
ubotu | mas o menos, ChurcH_of_FoamY | 07:53 |
Razor-X | tiglionabbit: the only format my VLC can't play is WMV | 07:53 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: I'd like to see a list of the formats vlc does support and the ones it doesn't. I'm pretty sure there are more that it doesn't | 07:53 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ? | 07:53 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: rm, mov? | 07:53 |
Razor-X | and that's because I haven't compiled the support in | 07:53 |
harold_ | Church: I'm just kidding, nalioth isn't a bot. | 07:53 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | oh | 07:54 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ok | 07:54 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | >.< | 07:54 |
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concept10 | heh | 07:54 |
harold_ | I'm a bot, though. | 07:54 |
nalioth | tiglionabbit: and on a intel box, vlc can play some wmv | 07:54 |
Razor-X | mov and rm work | 07:54 |
Amaranth | Razor-X: Did Jon ever provide the patch to make vlc handle vc1 files? | 07:54 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | O_O | 07:54 |
tiglionabbit | lol harold_ stop playing with him | 07:54 |
harold_ | Church: I'm just kidding. | 07:54 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: not for me | 07:54 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ok i'm lost | 07:54 |
Razor-X | Amaranth: nopes | 07:54 |
concept10 | bot, who said bot, yes I run on a loney server somewhere | 07:54 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: when I play a .mov vlc crashes. When I play an .rm it gives a messagebox saying it can't | 07:54 |
Amaranth | Razor-X: Then you can't play WMV3 files with vlc yet | 07:54 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | which one of you are bot and which ones people? O_o o_O | 07:54 |
harold_ | Church: Google has a bot that scours the Internet, caching sites. | 07:55 |
Razor-X | hmmm... maybe i'm wrong about .rm, but .mov I played a short while back | 07:55 |
harold_ | That's the truth. | 07:55 |
Razor-X | ChurcH_of_FoamY: exactly | 07:55 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: there's only one bot, it's oBOTu | 07:55 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | oh ok | 07:55 |
Razor-X | in fact, I should get off my ass, and do it now | 07:55 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i get it | 07:55 |
Razor-X | for something as deserving as VLC | 07:55 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: I just downloaded the QT music video and it crashes | 07:55 |
harold_ | Church: But there's different types of bots, varying in complexity. | 07:55 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | so now that my mind has been warped any ideas to my question | 07:55 |
vladuz976 | i am getting these errors: aclocal: command not found. is that something i need to install separately? | 07:55 |
nalioth | tiglionabbit: i dont think vlc supports modern quicktime | 07:55 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | thats neat | 07:55 |
Amaranth | quicktime is just a container format | 07:56 |
harold_ | Church: None of them, to my knowledge, will fool you too long, though. Most bots will reveal their limitations soon enough. | 07:56 |
Amaranth | you mean vlc doesn't handle h.264 | 07:56 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | cause i an't hitten ok in that box till someone says it's ok | 07:56 |
Razor-X | nalioth: try the Metroid Prime 2 trailers, or the Revelations movie | 07:56 |
=== SpecialBuddy [~matt@c-24-11-130-184.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | Amaranth: I thought it does? | 07:56 |
Amaranth | Razor-X: Well, it handles SD versions. | 07:56 |
tiglionabbit | When I try to play the trailers from nintendo.com, vlc has no sound | 07:57 |
tiglionabbit | how do I get vlc to support things like this? | 07:57 |
Troglodyt | is there an application that will keep track of when my internet connection is active? I need to know how often I drop offline | 07:57 |
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tiglionabbit | ubotu forget vlc | 07:57 |
ubotu | i forgot vlc, tiglionabbit | 07:57 |
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harold_ | Also: Is there an application that will tell you how much HD space you have left? | 07:58 |
cyphase | woohoo | 07:58 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu vlc is a media player that plays some formats natively. | 07:58 |
ubotu | okay, tiglionabbit | 07:58 |
nalioth | harold_: 'discus' | 07:58 |
cyphase | my server's been up almost 58 days | 07:58 |
SpecialBuddy | how do you use this checkinstall | 07:58 |
harold_ | nalioth: coolness | 07:58 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | so can i hit enter on that error or what? | 07:58 |
mindstorm | checkinstall help | 07:58 |
tiglionabbit | SpecialBuddy: they said you use it in place of `make install` | 07:58 |
nalioth | !checkinstall | 07:58 |
ubotu | it has been said that checkinstall is a program used in place of "make install". It makes a simple deb for installation | 07:58 |
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, is there other stuff i need to install to use cvs? | 07:58 |
tiglionabbit | vladuz976: apt should handle it for you, as long as your repositories are correct | 07:59 |
vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, i am getting this: aclocal: command not found | 07:59 |
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vladuz976 | tiglionabbit, and this :autoheader: command not found | 07:59 |
Amaranth | vladuz976: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 07:59 |
vladuz976 | Amaranth, i did | 08:00 |
Razor-X | back | 08:00 |
nalioth | vladuz976: install "build-essential" | 08:00 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: I think he may need more than that | 08:00 |
HostingGeek | I need some ginny pigs | 08:00 |
tiglionabbit | autoconfig is in a different package | 08:00 |
HostingGeek | Who wants to be one | 08:00 |
Razor-X | tiglionabbit: you gave it an unholy description of VLC ! | 08:00 |
tiglionabbit | I can't remember which one | 08:00 |
SpecialBuddy | what do I put after checkinstall | 08:00 |
HostingGeek | you must like browns! | 08:00 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | crosses fingers hits ENTER | 08:00 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q ubotu!*@*] by Amaranth | ||
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: VLC CAN'T play "almost everything" | 08:00 |
nalioth | SpecialBuddy: hit the enter key | 08:00 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
HostingGeek | Amaranth: why did you do that | 08:00 |
lucifer | Question : Hello; how do I reach to my files at my memory stick after connecting it ? (If your answer is mounting the drive, then how do I know which usb port I'm using? I guess there is 8 of them) | 08:00 |
Razor-X | of course it can | 08:00 |
_cory | can anybody help me with changing directory user permissions | 08:00 |
SpecialBuddy | I guess I don't get how to use this | 08:01 |
vladuz976 | nalioth, says its installed | 08:01 |
Razor-X | on my box, it can | 08:01 |
Amaranth | HostingGeek: People are screwing with it. | 08:01 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | O_O | 08:01 |
Razor-X | if you can't get it to work..... -_- | 08:01 |
HostingGeek | !ubotu jump in the lake | 08:01 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | it works still | 08:01 |
tiglionabbit | lucifer: does it pop up as an icon on your desktop? | 08:01 |
=== nalioth is now known as nalioth_ | ||
Amaranth | It does, but you can't see it here. | 08:01 |
Razor-X | doesen't mean that, in ideal circumstances, it doesen't | 08:01 |
lucifer | tiglionabbit: i wish it did | 08:01 |
tiglionabbit | lucifer: you should be able to lsusb to see what your usb ports have in em | 08:01 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | wow it diden't crash ^_^ | 08:01 |
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lucifer | thank you | 08:01 |
HostingGeek | Who likes browns!?!??! | 08:01 |
HostingGeek | I need someone who likes browns! | 08:02 |
tiglionabbit | I LIKE BROWNS | 08:02 |
Razor-X | HostingGeek: brown? | 08:02 |
Razor-X | as in "South Asian"? | 08:02 |
HostingGeek | No | 08:02 |
=== nalioth_ is now known as nalioth | ||
Razor-X | !joe | 08:03 |
tiglionabbit | guys, why do you say there is limited memory in ubotu? | 08:03 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | can anyone recommend a good cheap soundcard for ubuntu/kubuntu? | 08:03 |
Razor-X | ubotu left? | 08:03 |
Razor-X | tiglionabbit: it must have a limited HDD space | 08:03 |
SpecialBuddy | I still don't get this checkinstall and maybe this isn't what I even need to use | 08:03 |
sladen | ChurcH_of_FoamY: any should do | 08:04 |
Razor-X | regardless, any joe users? | 08:04 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ok cause i think my onboard one is crap | 08:04 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | maybe thats what that error means | 08:04 |
Razor-X | uggghhhh, writing a book is tough, and gets boring after a while -_- | 08:04 |
=== schasi_ is now known as schasi | ||
Razor-X | that reminds me... I've slated a fiction book inbetween Calculus and this book.... but, I have no time | 08:05 |
Razor-X | damn my personal goals >_< | 08:05 |
=== Mr_Smiley [~smiley@CPE-144-136-186-183.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: okay, perhaps following that guide was a bad idea. It doesn't work for everyone. Do you hear system sounds now? Can you play things in a media player? | 08:05 |
=== Shuddertrix [~andrew@user-0cdv20s.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i can still for some reason | 08:05 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | only play sound from one prog at a time | 08:05 |
Razor-X | anyone want to coauthor with me? | 08:06 |
Razor-X | preferrable, one versed in LaTeX? | 08:06 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | and i need to play sounds from to diffrent apps at once | 08:06 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | if teamspeak is running nothing else will | 08:06 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | same with all other sound producing apps | 08:06 |
tiglionabbit | Razor-X: how limited must its space be for it to not be able to contain too many single lines of text? I mean sheesh | 08:07 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: same thing happens to me | 08:07 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | is there a reason for that? | 08:07 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: behaved a little bit better after following that guide, but otherwise not perfect | 08:07 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i don't see any diffrent results accept the sound is somewhat clearer | 08:07 |
tiglionabbit | dunno man, seems to be Hoary's way. I hear it's fixed in Breezy, so you can look forward to that in mid October, but for now.. ask an admin how he fixed it | 08:07 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | good idea | 08:08 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i like this release how much diffrent will it be? | 08:08 |
SpecialBuddy | do I need to set something up in order to install things from source | 08:08 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: well, it'll fix a lot of problems... | 08:09 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | cool ^_^ | 08:09 |
tiglionabbit | SpecialBuddy: well you need build-essential | 08:09 |
SpecialBuddy | where do I get that | 08:09 |
SpecialBuddy | synaptic? | 08:09 |
tiglionabbit | SpecialBuddy: you will also need whatever libraries the program you're compiling requires | 08:09 |
tiglionabbit | SpecialBuddy: yeah | 08:09 |
SpecialBuddy | I just want to install wine from source | 08:10 |
=== Sn1Pe [~Sn1Pe@cpe-68-203-189-106.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SpecialBuddy | because thats the only way I can get the newer version | 08:10 |
tiglionabbit | SpecialBuddy: can't you get a .deb of the most recent version? | 08:10 |
SpecialBuddy | I don't think so | 08:10 |
IceDC571 | no, compile wine! | 08:10 |
IceDC571 | compile the latest wine! | 08:11 |
=== Chipmunk [Chipmunk@pool-71-112-105-224.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | IceDC571: is there a guide? | 08:11 |
tiglionabbit | !wine | 08:11 |
SpecialBuddy | well I get errors everytime I try to do that | 08:11 |
tiglionabbit | gah, why have they taken ubotu away from us!? | 08:11 |
tiglionabbit | SpecialBuddy: what errors? | 08:11 |
tiglionabbit | SpecialBuddy: they're trying to tell you something, I swear | 08:11 |
IceDC571 | if you're having a problem with the latest wine, ask me | 08:11 |
SpecialBuddy | ok | 08:12 |
SpecialBuddy | I might have to do that but rigth now I can't | 08:12 |
SpecialBuddy | but most likely I'm going to have questions | 08:12 |
zeeeee | hi all, it seems right now i can't run apps that use esd and jack audio systems at the same time... is there any solution to this? | 08:12 |
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tiglionabbit | zeeeee: welcome to the hoary club | 08:12 |
zeeeee | tiglionabbit, hello | 08:13 |
lucifer | Question again : when I use "lsusb", i just get a list starting with "Bus 004 Device 001.. en ending Bus 001 Device 001" ; on my /dev/ folder where my usb ports would be ? It's not sda1 or something. I just can't figure out. | 08:13 |
SpecialBuddy | I used 200505whatever, and I couldn't run certain things so I thought I would get the newer version | 08:13 |
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zeeeee | tiglionabbit, are you telling me there's no solution? | 08:13 |
IceDC571 | SpecialBuddy: what couldn't you run? | 08:13 |
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tiglionabbit | zeeeee: there's a solution, but only the admins here seem to know it. There's a forum thread that might help a little, but still doesn't make things play at the same time and mix | 08:14 |
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tiglionabbit | Amaranth: *poke* | 08:15 |
parkbench | i need to get this ndiswrapper source from this computer to the linux | 08:15 |
jasoncohen | what's the best way to start beagle on boot? should i start it with gnome or as a service? | 08:15 |
parkbench | ideas? | 08:15 |
parkbench | i dont want to waste a cd | 08:15 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | wow the ubuntu facts are kinda neat | 08:15 |
jasoncohen | i don't want it to open over and over again if i restart gnome | 08:15 |
SpecialBuddy | I couldn't get starcraft to work | 08:15 |
stevenj | Can someone please tell me what this means? http://rafb.net/paste/results/gQ8K4j88.html | 08:15 |
parkbench | i tried ptuting it on my external but for some reason when i connect it to linuxbox the files disappear | 08:15 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | or faq's even | 08:15 |
parkbench | and floppies ar totaly fucked up and not working for some reason...i think ive exhausted everything but am i missing something? | 08:15 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: where? | 08:15 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | although it wasen't what i was looking for | 08:15 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | www.ubuntu.com | 08:16 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | are the things called "snapshots" safe to use? | 08:16 |
=== r4ndy [~r4ndy@9f9cab381cb902ff.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Amaranth | tiglionabbit: hi. | 08:17 |
tiglionabbit | hi Amaranth. Did you happen to know how to make it mix audio? | 08:17 |
Amaranth | tiglionabbit: Make what what? | 08:17 |
=== petitohaime|OQP [MTP@dyn-83-152-31-80.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | in hoary, have multiple programs play their sounds at the same time | 08:17 |
tiglionabbit | in an elegant fashion | 08:18 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | multiple sounds from diffrent apps at once | 08:18 |
SpecialBuddy | IceDC571 | 08:18 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ok that too lol | 08:18 |
IceDC571 | SpecialBuddy | 08:18 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | we both have the same problem actually | 08:18 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: also, where'd ubotu go? I miss him. He was my friend | 08:18 |
=== Blue_Summer [~rob@cpc1-leed4-5-0-cust211.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IceDC571 | oh starcraft? | 08:19 |
SpecialBuddy | IceDC571, to compile from source I just have to use wineinstall right | 08:19 |
Blue_Summer | Can anyone tell me how to connect to the GameSurge servers? | 08:19 |
Blue_Summer | onIRC | 08:19 |
IceDC571 | SpecialBuddy: yep | 08:19 |
SpecialBuddy | ok | 08:19 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ubotu you there? | 08:19 |
Amaranth | tiglionabbit: No idea and I made him go away because you guys abused him. | 08:19 |
SpecialBuddy | I'm doing that | 08:19 |
SpecialBuddy | I'll let you know how it goes | 08:19 |
IceDC571 | okay | 08:19 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: aw, that makes me sad. What's so wrong with giving him different entries? | 08:19 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: he saves me a lot of repeating myself | 08:19 |
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Amaranth | tiglionabbit: I could make everyone that abused him go away instead. ;) | 08:21 |
Blue_Summer | Guys: Using XCHAT how do i get onto the GameSurge Servers? (On mIRC its automatically listed) | 08:21 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: aw, seriously though why can't he have lots of entries? | 08:21 |
IceDC571 | does gamesurge have anything to do with Ubuntu? | 08:21 |
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tiglionabbit | IceDC571: xchat sort of does | 08:21 |
Blue_Summer | IceDC571, Xchat does | 08:22 |
IceDC571 | okay | 08:22 |
solar_ant | hiiiii !!!!! | 08:22 |
_root_ | hi | 08:22 |
Blue_Summer | Hi | 08:22 |
tiglionabbit | Blue_Summer: you need to type in the full server name, like irc.gamesurge.net or whatever it is | 08:22 |
Amaranth | tiglionabbit: Signal/noise ratio gets out of whack. | 08:22 |
Blue_Summer | ahh ty tiglionabbit | 08:22 |
solar_ant | i get a child terminated with status error 1 | 08:22 |
tiglionabbit | solar_ant: ah, generic error | 08:22 |
solar_ant | everytime i try to change my system settings , like packet manager or networking | 08:22 |
solar_ant | tiglionabbit, how do i go aabt it ? | 08:23 |
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tiglionabbit | solar_ant: what exactly are you doing? | 08:23 |
_root_ | does xorg-x11-devel requires on xorg-x11 | 08:23 |
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solar_ant | i click on synaptic packet manager | 08:23 |
solar_ant | it asks for my password | 08:23 |
solar_ant | once i type | 08:24 |
solar_ant | it says | 08:24 |
solar_ant | child terminated with 1 status | 08:24 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: uh, I think it actually saves people time, because they can have ubotu point out a link instead of having to explain things theirself | 08:24 |
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Amaranth | tiglionabbit: That helps, sure. | 08:24 |
tiglionabbit | solar_ant: are you typing your password right? | 08:24 |
Amaranth | tiglionabbit: Goofy entries and entries about yourself diminish the goodness though. | 08:24 |
solar_ant | yeah | 08:25 |
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solar_ant | when i type a wrong password it says password error | 08:25 |
tiglionabbit | solar_ant: when you just run `gksudo ls` or something equally retarded, what does it say after you enter your password? | 08:26 |
solar_ant | it doesnt say anything after i enetr my password | 08:27 |
solar_ant | bu before i do it says | 08:27 |
solar_ant | gdk warning locale not supported by xlib | 08:27 |
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Blue_Summer | tiglionabbit, is there a command like /nick to change name inside Xchat? | 08:27 |
sinferno | when i edit my fstab, under type would i put someting like ntfs or vfat, i have ntfs so i guess i would put that? | 08:27 |
sinferno | or is that something totally different | 08:27 |
tiglionabbit | Blue_Summer: yes | 08:28 |
solar_ant | gdk - warning cannot set locale modifiers | 08:28 |
tiglionabbit | sinferno: yes | 08:28 |
sinferno | ok thanks | 08:28 |
sinferno | just making sure | 08:28 |
sinferno | i edited my fstab once and had to reinstall | 08:28 |
sinferno | lol | 08:28 |
tiglionabbit | sinferno: safest way to check what you should put is, mount it, and then say 'mount' and see what mount mounted it as | 08:28 |
Blue_Summer | tiglionabbit, well whats the command ? :P | 08:28 |
solar_ant | and now it said the same error | 08:28 |
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solar_ant | when i tried the command again | 08:29 |
sinferno | its mounted and working perfect | 08:29 |
tiglionabbit | Blue_Summer: /nick some-idiot | 08:29 |
solar_ant | child terminated with 1 status | 08:29 |
sinferno | but i had problems last time with permissions | 08:29 |
solar_ant | and it also says | 08:29 |
solar_ant | solar is not in | 08:29 |
solar_ant | solar is not in | 08:29 |
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solar_ant | solar is the username | 08:29 |
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sinferno | tiglionabbit, oh badass thats nice thanks | 08:29 |
tiglionabbit | sinferno: if it's mounted, say `mount` and look at the line about it. mount prints out what things are mounted | 08:30 |
tiglionabbit | yeah | 08:30 |
solar_ant | tiglionabbit, ???? | 08:30 |
sinferno | tiglionabbit, yeah that works good | 08:30 |
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sinferno | what is dump and pass? | 08:30 |
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Amaranth | woo, yet another freenode staff member is enjoying the ubuntu goodness | 08:30 |
tiglionabbit | dunno | 08:30 |
Blue_Summer | help! I tried running a program and it proper zoomed into my screen and i have to move my mouse to the edges to scroll lol | 08:30 |
Blue_Summer | how can i unzoom | 08:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-q ubotu!*@*] by Amaranth | ||
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solar_ant | anyone ??? | 08:31 |
tiglionabbit | Burgundavia: oo, I hate that display mode. uh... | 08:31 |
Blue_Summer | Anyone know its kinda urgent | 08:31 |
tiglionabbit | oops, meant to say that to Blue_Summer | 08:31 |
Amaranth | Blue_Summer: Ctrl-Alt-+, iirc | 08:31 |
tiglionabbit | Blue_Summer: dunno what you do to change it.. there may be a key combo | 08:31 |
tiglionabbit | yeah that one | 08:31 |
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ksmurf | anyone here use vmware? | 08:33 |
Amaranth | ksmurf: I've used it. | 08:33 |
solar_ant | is there anyone who knows how to solve this problem ? | 08:33 |
solar_ant | it shows child process terminated with 1 status | 08:33 |
Amaranth | solar_ant: what command are you running? | 08:33 |
solar_ant | whenever i try to run anything with gksudo | 08:33 |
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Amaranth | solar_ant: hmm | 08:34 |
ksmurf | Amaranth ... I worked great for that windows proggie that I couldn't get the altern for. Can you game in it too? | 08:34 |
sinferno | would it be bad to download the nvidia drivers from the site and use those, because the ones i got in the package thing arnt working very well | 08:34 |
sinferno | when it comes to opengl | 08:34 |
Amaranth | ksmurf: Not really, no. | 08:34 |
Amaranth | ksmurf: It doesn't do 3D acceleration at all. | 08:34 |
solar_ant | Amaranth, ? | 08:35 |
solar_ant | any idea ? | 08:35 |
Amaranth | solar_ant: Nope. | 08:35 |
solar_ant | it shows me the rror | 08:35 |
tiglionabbit | sinferno: you mean the !nvidia damnit why is ubotu not here package? And have you tried the ones on nvidia's site? | 08:35 |
Amaranth | solar_ant: I'm not on an ubuntu machine so I can't help. | 08:35 |
solar_ant | even when i click synaptic package manager | 08:35 |
sinferno | no i havent tried those | 08:35 |
solar_ant | oops | 08:35 |
ksmurf | Amaranth Oh OK. Damn I wanted to free up the 20 Gb I have xp on. Guess I'll have to keep it there for gaming (till I can figure out wine) | 08:35 |
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Amaranth | tiglionabbit: Are you trying to annoy me? | 08:36 |
solar_ant | where do i download cc or gcc for ubuntu ? | 08:36 |
sinferno | tiglionabbit, i downloaded glx in the package manager and i havent restarted yet, should i?? | 08:36 |
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tiglionabbit | Amaranth: because I want my ubotu back, waaah | 08:36 |
ksmurf | Amaranth Guess the 530Gb I have for linux will have to do | 08:36 |
Amaranth | solar_ant: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 08:36 |
Amaranth | ksmurf: hehe :D | 08:36 |
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tiglionabbit | Amaranth: just got used to being able to stop hunting down urls all the time | 08:36 |
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Amaranth | tiglionabbit: 1) it's back and 2) you seem to be trying to get banned | 08:37 |
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tiglionabbit | !nvidia | 08:37 |
ubotu | rumour has it, nvidia is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:37 |
solar_ant | solar is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. | 08:37 |
tiglionabbit | yay | 08:37 |
solar_ant | Amaranth, solar is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. | 08:37 |
stchatterbox | good afternoon | 08:37 |
tiglionabbit | thank you, Amaranth. You could ban me, but I'm just so helpful, ya know? (=P okay not at the moment, but usually) | 08:37 |
stchatterbox | may i know if untanbu can have dual booting? | 08:37 |
tiglionabbit | stchatterbox: yes | 08:38 |
Amaranth | stchatterbox: It can, as long as you installed windows first. | 08:38 |
tiglionabbit | I'm doing that right now | 08:38 |
Amaranth | solar_ant: Err, heh. | 08:38 |
eternale1 | hello , what package system does ubuntu use? apt-get? | 08:38 |
Amaranth | solar_ant: There is your problem. | 08:38 |
Amaranth | eternale1: Yep. | 08:38 |
sinferno | ubotu, lmfao | 08:38 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, sinferno | 08:38 |
stchatterbox | i'm running window XP Sp2 | 08:38 |
bimberi | eternale1: yes | 08:38 |
tiglionabbit | you should be able to install either in any order, but if you install things after Ubuntu you'll have to change some things in grub | 08:38 |
stchatterbox | wish to know the instructions for that, mind to give me the URL to that? | 08:38 |
eternale1 | ok ty | 08:38 |
stchatterbox | thanks | 08:38 |
tiglionabbit | !dual | 08:38 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: I give up, what is it? | 08:38 |
tiglionabbit | !dualboot | 08:38 |
ubotu | hmm... dualboot is ""http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38398 hm "", or "" !grub"" | 08:38 |
tiglionabbit | !grub | 08:39 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto | 08:39 |
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Amaranth | tiglionabbit: Installing Windows last will make you have a Windows only machine that happens to have an ubuntu partition. | 08:39 |
sinferno | charles@slacker:~$ sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 08:39 |
sinferno | Password: | 08:39 |
sinferno | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 08:39 |
sinferno | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 08:39 |
Amaranth | tiglionabbit: Unless you boot up in rescue mode from the install cd and fix the mbr. | 08:39 |
bimberi | stchatterbox: wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo | 08:39 |
twb_ | whats the command for removing an application | 08:39 |
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Amaranth | sinferno: Close synaptic. | 08:39 |
sinferno | oh thanks | 08:40 |
sinferno | lol | 08:40 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: exactly | 08:40 |
sinferno | that was easy | 08:40 |
Amaranth | tiglionabbit: Installing Windows then Ubuntu will automagically set everything up for you. | 08:40 |
bimberi | twb_: apt-get remove <package> | 08:40 |
stchatterbox | thanks a lot | 08:40 |
stchatterbox | i'll try to read them | 08:40 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: yes, but installing an OS is an expensive operation | 08:41 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: things should work both ways, and they do | 08:41 |
ksmurf | Amaranth I just looked at the help file.... You can enable 3D.... Have u tried it? | 08:41 |
jino | how to get grub after windows installation.. | 08:41 |
sinferno | what does pass mean in fstab | 08:41 |
Amaranth | ksmurf: err | 08:41 |
stchatterbox | and since i've installed some softwares in my D drive | 08:41 |
stchatterbox | my system in C | 08:41 |
Amaranth | ksmurf: Must be new in version 5. | 08:41 |
stchatterbox | any problems? | 08:41 |
twb_ | and for running a program? | 08:41 |
Amaranth | ksmurf: I doubt you can play anything released in the last 4 years. | 08:41 |
ksmurf | Amaranth It is <ksmurf used to be a warez junkie> | 08:41 |
ksmurf | 128 megs can be allotted | 08:42 |
jino | i have a 40 gb hdd and i need both xp and linux..so how should i set my partitions.. | 08:42 |
ksmurf | jino what do u need xp for? | 08:42 |
cyphase | screw xp! | 08:42 |
cyphase | ;) | 08:42 |
tiglionabbit | ksmurf: cmon, let him | 08:42 |
ksmurf | Games? | 08:42 |
jino | nope | 08:43 |
jino | photosho and stff | 08:43 |
cyphase | lol | 08:43 |
=== NyChamp757 [~NyChamp75@ool-45776e74.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | jino: if I were you, I'd install XP on a small fat32 partition, so linux can see it | 08:43 |
cyphase | try Gimp | 08:43 |
ksmurf | photoshop ... try gimp | 08:43 |
Amaranth | photoshop works in crossover office | 08:43 |
NyChamp757 | Hi everybody | 08:43 |
IceDC571 | photoshop works in wine | 08:43 |
Amaranth | The GIMP is worthless compared to Photoshop | 08:43 |
bimberi | twb_: depends on the program, sometimes a menu entry is created, sometimes from the command line | 08:43 |
cyphase | or you could use Gimp | 08:43 |
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jino | tiglionabbit, how could i do it.. | 08:43 |
jino | how can linux see it | 08:43 |
cyphase | Amaranth, not worthless | 08:43 |
Amaranth | They aren't meant to do the same things. | 08:43 |
ksmurf | Amaranth... I have Photoshop too.... | 08:44 |
songpenguin | sup NyChamp757 | 08:44 |
NyChamp757 | hey | 08:44 |
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tiglionabbit | jino: see... well, linux can read ntfs, but it can both read AND WRITE fat32 | 08:44 |
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cyphase | i haven't used photoshop much, so i can't say which is truly better, but Gimp isn't worthless | 08:44 |
jino | okie | 08:44 |
jino | how do install and work in wine.. | 08:44 |
tiglionabbit | jino: set the sizes the way you want. Some people here recommend you have ubuntu install a / and a separate /home, but uh | 08:44 |
ksmurf | I'm not asking to be a jerk jino. I'm asking to see how much room you need | 08:44 |
Amaranth | tiglionabbit: If you knew why you would think that was a wonderful idea. | 08:45 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: I know why, but I didn't know what sizes to anticipate. My entire install is on 10gigs and it's happy | 08:45 |
jino | ksmurf, i wanna watch dvds, and listen to usic as well | 08:45 |
ksmurf | I have seperate /,/home,/etc ant /opt | 08:45 |
jino | so which one will u suggest | 08:45 |
Amaranth | tiglionabbit: You can switch distros, you can upgrade, you can reinstall and /home _never_ gets touched. | 08:46 |
Amaranth | tiglionabbit: I set / to 10GB. | 08:46 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: yeah I know. But that wastes space in each partition... When I start installing on HDs all over the place I'll start doing that | 08:46 |
jino | ksmurf, okie | 08:46 |
Amaranth | tiglionabbit: I guess once you get past 100GB of space it doesn't matter if you waste a couple gigs. :) | 08:47 |
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SpecialBuddy | IceDC571, how long does it take for wineinstall to finish | 08:47 |
ksmurf | I wish I have 100 Gb (free) | 08:47 |
ksmurf | rofl | 08:47 |
twb_ | i wish i could find my gtk-gnutella | 08:48 |
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IceDC571 | IceDC571: about an 50 minutes on my 1.7ghz p4 | 08:48 |
SpecialBuddy | ha | 08:48 |
SpecialBuddy | I have the same thing | 08:48 |
Amaranth | ick, p4 | 08:48 |
IceDC571 | are you serious? the old core version? | 08:48 |
SpecialBuddy | not sure | 08:48 |
jino | 256 mb | 08:48 |
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ksmurf | ouch.. | 08:48 |
Amaranth | my 1.2Ghz Duron probably does about as good as that thing | 08:48 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: hehe, well this is just a laptop where I wiped out the default "D". It's dual with Windows XP Tablet Edition, which isn't available as an install disc, only as a restore disc that must have its partition the exact size the manufacturer set | 08:49 |
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Amaranth | tiglionabbit: You bought a Compaq? | 08:49 |
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IceDC571 | Amaranth: i have my AMD64 at my friend's house... i miss it | 08:49 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: Acer | 08:49 |
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Amaranth | tiglionabbit: Oh, I thought only Compaq was retarded. I'll make a note. | 08:49 |
Mystery | i'm still having problems with sound in ubuntu :( | 08:49 |
SpecialBuddy | are the amd64 processors nice | 08:49 |
Mystery | i need help | 08:49 |
jino | am planning to buy an hp nx 6120 laptop, any suggestions..? | 08:49 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: MS does not allow any manufacturer to give people tablet edition install discs | 08:50 |
=== cyphase can't wait until beagle is in ubuntu | ||
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Amaranth | cyphase: breezy :) | 08:50 |
SpecialBuddy | I would go to cyberpower and buy one of thier laptops jino | 08:50 |
tiglionabbit | Amaranth: they do however format their windows partition to fat32, so uh, usable | 08:50 |
ksmurf | K u want a swap drive. Go for 10 Gb in windows and 30 to linux. I would (just me people) have /=19Gb and /home=10Gband 1Gb to s3wap. My Xp would be in Fat32 | 08:50 |
cyphase | Amaranth, yea, i know :) | 08:50 |
cyphase | lol | 08:50 |
ksmurf | is that right people? | 08:51 |
cyphase | do you know if breezy is going to have "smart folders" the way apple has with spotlight? | 08:51 |
tiglionabbit | yeah. Remind him to install windows first, in a partition the size it should be | 08:51 |
tiglionabbit | though you can resize it later anyway | 08:51 |
ksmurf | jino I'm a noob... So that was just my opion | 08:52 |
Mystery | so is anyone up for a challenge and help me solve this damn sound problem??? | 08:52 |
tiglionabbit | smart folders? | 08:52 |
ksmurf | opnion | 08:52 |
Amaranth | ksmurf: / should be 10G and /home should be 19G | 08:52 |
ksmurf | dang spellin | 08:52 |
jino | ksmurf, the manufacturer gives me 4o gb windows forenmatted hdd | 08:52 |
tiglionabbit | ksmurf: actually I'd tell him to give windows 20gb. Many windows programs are quite heavy, and he'll need places for it to store things because windows can't see his /home | 08:52 |
jino | so am planning to delete two partiotions and install linux | 08:52 |
tiglionabbit | jino: don't delete it | 08:53 |
jino | then? | 08:53 |
tiglionabbit | jino: just use the ubuntu CD to resize the partition | 08:53 |
ksmurf | oh... It's preformatted and backuped... that changes everything | 08:53 |
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nellie_ | hello | 08:53 |
jino | tiglionabbit, how can i do that | 08:53 |
ksmurf | jino forget what I said.... Do you have room for another drive? | 08:53 |
jino | how will i set the spave for / and home and swap | 08:53 |
ksmurf | or money | 08:54 |
nellie_ | can someone tell me how i can install *.deb files? | 08:54 |
Mystery | anyone? help? please? | 08:54 |
jino | i dont think so | 08:54 |
tiglionabbit | jino: boot from the cd, and at the partitioning phase, press enter on your windows partition, and then press enter on the "size" indicator | 08:54 |
budluva | nellie_, dpkg -i blah.deb | 08:54 |
Amaranth | nellie_: sudo dpkg -i file.deb | 08:54 |
twb_ | why is gnutella so slow | 08:54 |
twb_ | gtk | 08:54 |
nellie_ | thanks | 08:54 |
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tiglionabbit | twb_: cuz it iz, whatchoo expect. Find a file that has a little arrow next to it, that will indicate multiple sources are available | 08:54 |
ksmurf | will that not nuke his win partition... I had trouble with an uncoropertive emachine | 08:55 |
woodwizzle | is it possible to create PDF files under linux? | 08:55 |
Mystery | gah, i've looked everywhere for a solution | 08:55 |
woodwizzle | preferable via the gimp? | 08:55 |
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Mystery | there's no help on the net | 08:55 |
ksmurf | Wood YEs | 08:55 |
tiglionabbit | ksmurf: no, I don't think it will. I've resized ntfs partitions for people before | 08:55 |
SpecialBuddy | IceDC571, what do I do after wineinstall is done | 08:55 |
Mystery | can someone help me solve this damn problem??? | 08:55 |
tiglionabbit | Mystery: which? | 08:55 |
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Wiser | damn that's a lot of people in the channel | 08:55 |
nellie_ | damn "nerolinux_2.0.0.0-7_i386.deb' is not a debian format archive" | 08:55 |
woodwizzle | ksmurf, can you gimme a nudge in the right direction, I havn't been able to find anything useful via google | 08:55 |
ksmurf | Wood np Just a sec | 08:56 |
Mystery | tiglionabbit: sound! i don't have sound and ALSA comes with an error when it starts up saying "Invalid card number" | 08:56 |
bimberi | nellie_: bad download perhaps? | 08:56 |
Mystery | i looked on the net | 08:56 |
Mystery | nothing | 08:56 |
tiglionabbit | Mystery: damn.. is there an ubuntu wiki about soundcard support? | 08:56 |
nellie_ | bimberi, like i know, maybe i'll try again :) | 08:56 |
Mystery | i looked everywhere >_> | 08:56 |
Mystery | i mean everywhere | 08:56 |
tiglionabbit | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards?highlight=%28sound%29 | 08:57 |
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bimberi | nellie_: see if you can check it against an md5sum | 08:57 |
jino | tiglionabbit, thank you | 08:57 |
ksmurf | Wood openOfice prints to PDF | 08:57 |
SpecialBuddy | IceDC571, what do I do after wineinstall is done | 08:57 |
ksmurf | Is that what u mean? | 08:57 |
jino | tiglionabbit, how do iet my swap space | 08:57 |
tiglionabbit | iet? | 08:57 |
jino | and spaces for / and home | 08:57 |
ksmurf | jino. Tiglionrabbit says you can resize your parts | 08:58 |
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Amaranth | Mystery: Perhaps https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary can help. | 08:58 |
nellie_ | bimberi, no i can't, but if i doubleclict the file, it opens it with some other program | 08:58 |
jino | ksmurf, okie | 08:58 |
woodwizzle | ksmurf... hmm, I'll give that a try then. Not exactly what I was hoping for but it may do the trick | 08:58 |
tiglionabbit | jino: it should be pretty explanatory once you're in the partitioning stage. Just resize the windows partition, and it should show a "20gb empty space" entry in there. Select that, and add partitions into it. Set the format of one of them to "swap", and the linux ones to "ext3" | 08:58 |
ksmurf | wood Hope I helped | 08:59 |
=== Nameless1 [~nameless1@ppp108-42.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mystery | Amaranth: i'll try that link but i think i've tried just about everything by now.. | 09:00 |
Mystery | ...i hope it works | 09:00 |
jino | tiglionabbit, thanx | 09:00 |
tiglionabbit | jino: good luck with your install. Once you're in, come in here and party | 09:01 |
jino | tiglionabbit, yo | 09:01 |
tiglionabbit | ya? | 09:01 |
jino | tiglionabbit, yup | 09:01 |
jino | tiglionabbit, will that auto detect mty ac97 sound card | 09:01 |
jino | do i need to set some thing extra | 09:02 |
tiglionabbit | jino: lemme check the compatibilities | 09:02 |
SpecialBuddy | IceDC571, | 09:02 |
jino | okie | 09:02 |
tiglionabbit | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards <- it here? | 09:02 |
tiglionabbit | jino: ^ | 09:04 |
ksmurf | I'm going through the painful process of installing SP2.... why I don't know | 09:04 |
tiglionabbit | ksmurf: so internet explorer will no longer install harmful activeX controls? | 09:05 |
=== tiglionabbit roffles | ||
jino | tiglionabbit, i dindnt get u | 09:06 |
nellie_ | hey anyone? what's wrong when i get "`nerolinux_2.0.0.0-7_i386.deb' is not a debian format archive", and file appears to open if i double click it? | 09:06 |
=== twb_ [~twb@47-20.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hodgman | does anyone know of an app that will capture a specified region on my desktop and will allow me to send that to a streaming server ? | 09:06 |
ksmurf | Don't do it nellie | 09:06 |
ksmurf | lol | 09:06 |
twb_ | why am i not able to connect to eMule? | 09:06 |
woodwizzle | ksmurf, that actually worked out pretty good. Thanks! =) | 09:06 |
twb_ | nvm, got it | 09:06 |
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tiglionabbit | jino: I said, is your sound card listed on that site? | 09:07 |
ksmurf | np wood. I'm a noob at linux but I know my puters | 09:07 |
SpecialBuddy | how would I get my console to look like this again user@ubuntu:~/wine-20050628$ | 09:07 |
=== FlannelKing [~flannel@ca-crlsca-cuda2-c4b-172.crlsca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | SpecialBuddy: change the variable PS1 | 09:07 |
hyphenated | SpecialBuddy: set PS1 properly | 09:07 |
=== doans [~doans@ip68-3-188-206.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mystery | tiglionabbit: well i might try installing a new alsa driver | 09:08 |
=== _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-89-153.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SpecialBuddy | well it looked like that but I changed users but I want it to look like that again | 09:08 |
Mystery | but i'm not sure how to go about doing it? | 09:08 |
=== cafuego is *magic* | ||
jino | no idea | 09:08 |
Mystery | i'm downloading the latest driver now | 09:08 |
jino | tiglionabbit, lemme check | 09:09 |
ksmurf | Anyone try the beta Oo2? | 09:09 |
harold_ | Anyone seen this: My terminal display, since the Ubuntu installation, is divided into multiple parts, and flickers. | 09:09 |
SpecialBuddy | not sure what PS1 is | 09:09 |
tiglionabbit | Mystery: just look around the wiki for things related to your hardware, search it for "sound" and such | 09:09 |
jtan325_ | SpecialBuddy, you have to edit you .bashrc file | 09:09 |
tiglionabbit | SpecialBuddy: PS1 is a shell variable. You set it by saying PS1="blah blah" or whatever you want | 09:09 |
jtan325_ | SpecialBuddy, in ubuntu you probably already have a deafult PS1 set | 09:09 |
ksmurf | harold Your vert or hort sync is wrong | 09:09 |
Mystery | tiglionabbit: i have | 09:09 |
tiglionabbit | SpecialBuddy: it is usually set when bash starts, via the .bashrc file | 09:09 |
Mystery | it's just not there | 09:09 |
SpecialBuddy | oh | 09:10 |
Mystery | i don't think this sound card is even suppost to exist o.O | 09:10 |
jtan325_ | make sure you put your PS1 after that line(s), or comment out the previous PS1 | 09:10 |
harold_ | ksmurf: Thank you. Do you know how to fix this? | 09:10 |
tiglionabbit | Mystery: what's it called? | 09:10 |
cafuego | SpecialBuddy: set PS1 to "\u@\h:\w$ " | 09:10 |
Mystery | it's an ectiva 5.1 | 09:10 |
Mystery | creative ectiva | 09:10 |
ksmurf | what is the command to config xorg.... is it dpkg xorg? | 09:10 |
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jino | tiglionabbit, bye | 09:10 |
memoryleak | i have problems to power off my lap-top (Hoary). i added "nolapic" to the menu.lst, but it doesn't turn off after message "Power Down". Can anyone help? | 09:11 |
harold_ | ksmurf...I'm using Warty, so I believe it's xserver-xfree86 | 09:11 |
ksmurf | What is that horizontal and vertical sync of you moniter? | 09:11 |
jtan325_ | ksmurf, the actual xorg.conf should be in /etc/X11R6/xorg.conf | 09:11 |
=== carlospc [~carlospc@36.Red-217-125-73.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jtan325_ | scratch that, /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:12 |
ksmurf | harold... warty I have no Idea about but what u need to do is find out the vert and horz sync and reconfigure xfree86 | 09:12 |
harold_ | ksmurf: Thanks | 09:13 |
ksmurf | np | 09:13 |
tiglionabbit | ksmurf: can't he just press the buttons on his monitor to display them, or look up the model on the internet? | 09:13 |
ksmurf | jtan....I see that file so much I dream about it ... rofdl | 09:13 |
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harold_ | tiglionabbit: I'm using a PowerBook G3 | 09:13 |
ksmurf | tig.... yes but not on lcd's or old moniters | 09:14 |
tiglionabbit | harold_: hm, lcd. Is there a manual? | 09:14 |
tiglionabbit | m | 09:14 |
tiglionabbit | x doesn't detect it right? | 09:14 |
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tiglionabbit | !resolution | 09:14 |
ksmurf | xfree86 | 09:14 |
ubotu | I heard resolution is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 09:14 |
harold_ | tiglionabbit: No manual (it's a PowerBook). Right, X won't run. | 09:14 |
tiglionabbit | wont run at all now? | 09:14 |
=== ukato [~trey@ip24-251-109-39.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | !x | 09:14 |
harold_ | Hasn't ever run. | 09:14 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: I don't know, could you explain it? | 09:14 |
harold_ | Just completed install last night. | 09:15 |
tiglionabbit | well darn | 09:15 |
ksmurf | a powerbook..... | 09:15 |
ksmurf | hmmm. Laptops are funky | 09:15 |
harold_ | I'll check the wiki; thanks guys/gals | 09:15 |
ksmurf | Powerbook is apple right | 09:15 |
ukato | hm, has anyone here ran steam from wine before | 09:15 |
ksmurf | ? | 09:15 |
harold_ | ksmurf: yes | 09:15 |
sinferno | what does pass mean in fstab | 09:15 |
ksmurf | harold pm me | 09:16 |
harold_ | ksmurf: Okay | 09:16 |
tiglionabbit | sinferno: man fstab, and type /pass, then use n to jump between em | 09:16 |
ksmurf | ukato I have heard of it but I personally have not | 09:17 |
jtan325_ | sinferno, it means whether or not to check the filesystem when you boot | 09:17 |
harold_ | ksmurf: How do i private message?] | 09:17 |
sinferno | jtan325, check it for what? errors? | 09:18 |
harold_ | not familiar with IRc | 09:18 |
ksmurf | Amaranth u still here? | 09:18 |
SpecialBuddy | IceDC571, | 09:18 |
Amaranth | ksmurf: Yeah | 09:18 |
ukato | ksmurf, i see. i just got it working, but it won't boot, and i think my video card has to have Open GL enabled | 09:18 |
ukato | but anyway | 09:18 |
tiglionabbit | harold_: /msg username blah blah blah | 09:18 |
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=== Mez [~mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
twb_ | this may be a stupid question, but after you download a song on eMule, how do you play them? | 09:19 |
tiglionabbit | twb_: use one of linux's many media players | 09:20 |
tiglionabbit | twb_: some you have installed may be listed under applications -> sound & video | 09:20 |
ukato | how would i enable openGL | 09:21 |
ukato | ? | 09:21 |
tiglionabbit | enable... | 09:21 |
twb_ | that aren't downloaded to a specific file are they? | 09:21 |
jtan325_ | install nvidia driver? | 09:21 |
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tiglionabbit | twb_: wha? | 09:21 |
Mez | ukato - try running the command glxgears and see if it works... mine did by default | 09:21 |
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twb_ | the songs, are they sent to a specific file after downloa | 09:22 |
ukato | mez, if it displays, it's running? | 09:22 |
=== Lou_ [~lou@bro69-2-82-228-92-77.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sladen | ukato: it should "just work" | 09:22 |
sladen | ukato: what card do you have? | 09:22 |
tiglionabbit | twb_: yes, your download directory, it should be set somewhere in the program you're downloading with. | 09:22 |
Mez | if it displays and dosnt look jerky, it's running | 09:22 |
johntramp | hey how in apt can I see how big a downlaod will be without downloading anything? | 09:22 |
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johntramp | like emerge -p in gentoo | 09:22 |
ukato | ATI rage 128 pro | 09:22 |
ukato | cutting edge, i am | 09:22 |
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sladen | johntramp: apt-get install ... and then press Ctrl-C | 09:23 |
tiglionabbit | johntramp: I'm not sure, but in synaptic you can right-click on it and select properties | 09:23 |
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johntramp | oh | 09:23 |
Mez | johntramp, use the -s option to simulate ;) | 09:23 |
tiglionabbit | johntramp: yes, apt-get should give you a yes/no prompt before it actually installs | 09:23 |
johntramp | so there isnt a separate command | 09:23 |
johntramp | ok thanks Mez | 09:23 |
=== Manny [~Manny@matht459.maths.unsw.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johntramp | tiglionabbit, sometimes it doesnt | 09:23 |
prego | hello. I'm planning to buy a new machine, yesterday already talked about purchuasing an AMD64. | 09:23 |
FlannelKing | synaptec also shows you total filesize at the bottom | 09:23 |
ukato | sladen, it's running, so i guess it's working | 09:23 |
prego | My question is: are dual-core supported by ubuntu? | 09:24 |
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Mez | prego, yes, but there are sometimes problems | 09:24 |
twb_ | wow, no sound...one problem after another | 09:24 |
prego | Mez, which kind of problems? | 09:24 |
=== s0n1cm0nk3y_ [~s0n1cm0nk@cpe-065-190-169-080.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | anybody know of a way to see exactly what is installed for my system, like say how alsa is installed | 09:25 |
prego | s0n1cm0nk3y_, use synaptic to see what it is installed | 09:25 |
tiglionabbit | s0n1cm0nk3y_: there is a section in synaptic | 09:25 |
twb_ | wtf stupid linux | 09:26 |
twb_ | im goin to bed | 09:26 |
prego | Besides, are there problems with sata disks (not necessary with dual-core cpu) | 09:26 |
tiglionabbit | twb_: not stupid linux, stupid j00 | 09:26 |
tiglionabbit | I mean you | 09:26 |
tiglionabbit | =P | 09:26 |
tiglionabbit | sorry | 09:26 |
prego | heh, I'm stupid also | 09:26 |
twb_ | this thing is bull | 09:26 |
tiglionabbit | twb_: mm, bull, that's what's for breakfast | 09:26 |
tiglionabbit | or dinner | 09:26 |
Mez | prego - if you're planning to install to a SATA disk, there are sometimes problems with pivot_root... but that's being fixed upstream I believe | 09:27 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | ah okay, say if i was going to install a different distro, hehe, hypothetically, do you think since ubuntu works with alsa on my hardware i can just install alsa-base and it should work. my audio is onboard | 09:27 |
=== Kretchfoop [~Kretchfoo@flash61.highway1.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mez | s0n1cm0nk3y_, most likely yes, but you may need to do a lot of customisation | 09:27 |
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s0n1cm0nk3y_ | ouch, alot, thats probably where ill screw up mez, is their a way to auto configure it for my system? | 09:28 |
prego | Mez, finally what about pci-express? I plan to put a nvidia card and I have the choice of pci-express instead of AGP. I would use Nvidia's drivers. | 09:28 |
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Mez | s0n1cm0nk3y_, not tried any others for a while | 09:29 |
Mez | and prego http://hwdb.ubuntu.com/ | 09:29 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | mez what doy ou mean? | 09:29 |
=== telemaco [~telemaco@60.Red-83-34-162.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mez | s0n1cm0nk3y_, I've no idea about alsa configuration, I havent had to do it for ages | 09:29 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | ah, i know its partly retarded, but does everyone in here use ubuntu, or do some of you also use gentoo | 09:30 |
=== pallav [~pallav@202-74-213-110.ue.woosh.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | thats the second os im questioning, for my main pc | 09:31 |
Mez | some of us use other OSes as well, just not me :D | 09:31 |
pallav | i want to setup an ftp server how can i do that?? what do i need to do?? | 09:31 |
memoryleak | pallav: start synaptics, klick to search button and search for "ftp server" in name and package description | 09:32 |
pallav | then? | 09:32 |
harold_ | Night, everyone | 09:32 |
tiglionabbit | pallav: then install it and have fun times | 09:32 |
tiglionabbit | hehe | 09:32 |
pallav | install which one?? | 09:33 |
ksmurf | what is the difference between apptitude and apt? | 09:33 |
harold_ | Goodnight, until another day of installation fun! | 09:33 |
prego | Mez, I might use legacy mode at bios for sata disk if I have trouble, I guess... | 09:33 |
memoryleak | your favourite one | 09:33 |
FlannelKing | aptitude uses apt, its just a frontend | 09:33 |
tiglionabbit | ksmurf: apt is a protocol, aptitude is a frontend for it | 09:33 |
prego | Mez, btw nice link :-)) | 09:33 |
Mez | prego :D I think it might have been fixed in upstream and work in breezy - but doesnt work in debian - not too sure | 09:33 |
=== Nermal [~pprior@pc2.packadsl.ftech.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
prego | Mez what is "upstream" some kind of enhanced hoary? | 09:34 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | um side question, anybody know what release ubuntu is on, is this the 4 release or something further? | 09:34 |
memoryleak | pallav: you should first get more info about the ftp server you want, before you install it | 09:34 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | ubuntu 5.04 i mean | 09:34 |
pallav | k | 09:34 |
FlannelKing | s0n1cm0nk3y_, what do you mean? | 09:34 |
Mez | prego... upstream is the upstream packages... we take programs and package them, upstream is the people who write te programs we package | 09:34 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | flannelking how many releases of ubuntu have been released, just curiousity | 09:35 |
prego | Mez, how do I use upstream for a new installation that probably might have problems with current hoary install disk? | 09:35 |
FlannelKing | Warty, and Hoary. Its only been around for a little over a year. | 09:36 |
pallav | is there a simple gui ftp sevrer program you guys know of?? | 09:36 |
johntramp | gftp | 09:36 |
johntramp | oh server | 09:36 |
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memoryleak | johntramp: server | 09:36 |
Mez | prego ... using upstream means compiling things from sratch | 09:36 |
johntramp | I use pureftpd but there is no gui | 09:36 |
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tiglionabbit | say, why is ubuntu on version 5 already? What were versions 1-3? | 09:36 |
prego | Mez, oops. Thanks. | 09:37 |
johntramp | there might be something in webmin to make it gui'ish | 09:37 |
memoryleak | i never heard about a ftp server with gui for linux | 09:37 |
Mez | prego - and I'd suggest LFS or gentoo if you want to compile everything | 09:37 |
pallav | he he he | 09:37 |
pallav | ok | 09:37 |
prego | tiglionabbit, versioning numbers mean year/month | 09:37 |
prego | Mez, I have not so much free time... | 09:37 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit version 5, if you mean the version number it means its 2005 5 for the year | 09:37 |
tiglionabbit | prego: oh, so there are 4 years of development we didn't know of? | 09:37 |
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prego | tiglionabbit, I don't know you, but I am in 2005 | 09:38 |
tiglionabbit | s0n1cm0nk3y_: ooooh, so it has nothing to do with the actual work at all? | 09:38 |
memoryleak | pallav: if you install proftpd, there is a Webmin module that you can use for server configuration | 09:38 |
Mez | tiglionabbit, 5=year 04 = month | 09:38 |
Mez | 5 = 20054 | 09:38 |
tiglionabbit | ok | 09:38 |
Mez | 5 = 2005 * | 09:38 |
Mez | 04 = april | 09:38 |
=== stisev [~no@64-121-92-140.c3-0.sfo-ubr1.sfrn-sfo.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | ok I got it the first time | 09:38 |
Mez | ;) | 09:38 |
tiglionabbit | sheesh | 09:38 |
pallav | thanks | 09:38 |
stisev | good fucking lord | 09:38 |
pallav | :) | 09:38 |
Mez | stisev - watch your language | 09:38 |
stisev | Sorry | 09:38 |
stisev | but I'm VERY pissed off right now | 09:39 |
tiglionabbit | I just expected version numbers to have to do with significant improvements | 09:39 |
stisev | for the love of my sanity anyone know anything about VMWare (linux) | 09:39 |
Mez | sisev, well that doesnt mean you can waive the CoC | 09:39 |
stisev | CoC? | 09:39 |
stisev | ?? | 09:39 |
Mez | stisev - #vmware | 09:39 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit nope its october 2005, thats why i was curious to how many releases have been out yet, and wondering if anybody here knew | 09:39 |
=== Poromies [~PoroUkko@j158.ip2.netikka.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stisev | Mez: I tried... I tried 50 times. No one responds there, not even 24 hours later | 09:39 |
Amaranth | breezy will be the third release | 09:39 |
tiglionabbit | does that mean every version of ubuntu is going to be .04 .10 .04 .10 over and over? | 09:39 |
stisev | :( | 09:39 |
FlannelKing | 5.10 (every six months) | 09:39 |
FlannelKing | yes tiglionabbit | 09:40 |
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Mez | stisev: CoC: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct | 09:40 |
stisev | ah | 09:40 |
stisev | k | 09:40 |
=== Amaranth wonders what happens if ubuntu is still around in the year 3000 | ||
tiglionabbit | that sounds kind of stupid, but whatever | 09:40 |
stisev | I just can't get VMware to work. | 09:40 |
ksmurf | stisev what do u need in vmware | 09:40 |
=== Mez slaps amaranth for being awkward :D | ||
tiglionabbit | ubuntu 1000.4, Amaranth | 09:40 |
stisev | ksmurf I'm trying to get VMware tools setup on my linux box | 09:40 |
stisev | ksmurf: please go here | 09:40 |
stisev | http://episteme.arstechnica.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/96509133/m/415005814731 | 09:40 |
stisev | It has a full explanation of my problem with followup and a screenshot of the error | 09:41 |
Amaranth | Mez: I guess it's a champagne problem. | 09:41 |
Mez | Champagne? | 09:41 |
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Mez | oh | 09:41 |
Amaranth | If we run into this problem we need to be popping the corks off some champagne and celebrating. | 09:42 |
Mez | champagne... the WD drives | 09:42 |
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ksmurf | ok | 09:42 |
ksmurf | ok? | 09:42 |
Amaranth | I meant the year 3000 thing | 09:42 |
Mez | oh, ah I get it noe :D | 09:42 |
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stisev | ack | 09:42 |
stisev | sorry, did anyone say anything? my client crashed | 09:43 |
=== Codestorm [~Codestorm@203-217-89-226.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
memoryleak | <stisev> ack | 09:43 |
memoryleak | * sinferno has quit IRC ("Leaving") | 09:43 |
memoryleak | <stisev> sorry, did an... | 09:43 |
memoryleak | :) | 09:43 |
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zeenix | hi | 09:44 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit, possibly, unless they are late or early, or take a break or vacation | 09:45 |
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stisev | ? | 09:45 |
=== Codestorm giggles | ||
inemo | nalioth: all ready for when virus/F/sexy comes back? :p | 09:45 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | anybody else here having some troubles with ubuntu repositories, i usually have troubles with things like flux, also ive had troubles getting rhythm box to work in xfce, any ideas why that happens, i get something like cant read this stream | 09:45 |
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tiglionabbit | !repositories | 09:46 |
ubotu | well, repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 09:46 |
Arnia | I wonder if I can achieve something akin to an immersion environment for language learning if I write my code using Latin for the identifiers and comments. | 09:46 |
tiglionabbit | s0n1cm0nk3y_: the fluxbox on the repos is really old | 09:46 |
Arnia | I think I may drive everyone else mad though | 09:46 |
tiglionabbit | !scim | 09:46 |
ubotu | I heard scim is Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Language input. http://www.mrbass.org/linux/ubuntu/scim/ | 09:46 |
Jesse1 | whats a good website editor for ubuntu? | 09:47 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | ah, is that why nothing shows up in the right click menu? | 09:47 |
tiglionabbit | Jesse1: there's screem | 09:47 |
inemo | I have an iBook running ubuntu with a 2MB/s internet connection and 1.4GB HD space. Any idea's as to what I could do with it? I already have a website, ftp, irc bot running off my iMac and I don't really know what to use the iBook for. So any ideas would be appreciated. :) | 09:47 |
FlannelKing | Arachnophilia, if you have java | 09:47 |
Nermal | inemo, a digital photo frame | 09:47 |
tiglionabbit | Arnia: I believe you should be able to add keyboards for different language layouts | 09:47 |
Nermal | with things like mythtv for weather, etc | 09:48 |
Jesse1 | tiglionabbit, ill have a look at that | 09:48 |
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tiglionabbit | Arnia: to system -> prefs -> keyboard | 09:48 |
inemo | Nermal: hmm, could I just run mythtv for weather fullscreen anyway? | 09:48 |
Jesse1 | :( i capped my download limit | 09:48 |
Nermal | also attach a cctv camera and run motion on it, along with a bluetooth usb dongle. run hci tool ever minute, and if your phone is out of reach, turn the camera on and watch for motion as security | 09:48 |
Nermal | inemo, yah | 09:48 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | inemo, lol if you dont want it...... : ), but you could use it for admin purposes on your network, checking security? | 09:48 |
inemo | Nermal: haha, got that already ;) | 09:48 |
Nermal | :) | 09:49 |
=== slacker [~charles@65-194-22-127.block4.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
inemo | s0n1cm0nk3y_: nice try :p and my powerbook is tooled up for security.. | 09:49 |
Arnia | tiglionabbit: I can use my en-GB layout for writing Latin ;) | 09:49 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser [~kaiser@ppp220-145.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== KarlosII does the peter panda dance in the room | ||
slacker | ok i just updated my nvidia drivers, i was JUST running glxgears a second ago and now when i try to run it i get Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 09:49 |
slacker | glxgears: Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual. | 09:49 |
inemo | Nermal: think i'll go the route of installing mythtv for constant weather updates on that screen :) | 09:50 |
=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | inemo lol, you cant blame me, powerbooks are nice systems, so what are you running for the security? ive tried knoppix std, but it became a pain in the arse after a bit | 09:50 |
=== cjnodell [~Miranda@p54A30D85.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cjnodell | Hello | 09:51 |
=== slacker is now known as sinferno | ||
Poromies | ok, this a silly question, but what are the fast-keys for XMMS's "search"? | 09:52 |
cjnodell | I have a question about ndiswrapper | 09:52 |
=== IceDC571 [~IceDC571@c-67-188-217-131.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arnia | KarlosII: Peter Panda vs Bertie Badger -- the great showdown | 09:52 |
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inemo | don't really need that much security on it imo, just a small home network of 4 machines, wired and wireless, including a wireless bridge to my room network. everything is passworded and protected, I run OS X.4.1 on the powerbook, X.4.1 on mothers iMac, 10.4.1 server on my iMac, and now hoary on the iBook | 09:52 |
KarlosII | :) | 09:52 |
=== lionel_ [~lionel@10.21.96-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cjnodell | can anybody help me out? | 09:53 |
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cjnodell | ... | 09:54 |
sinferno | i think its late | 09:54 |
sinferno | everyone is afk and whatnot | 09:54 |
cjnodell | ah, got it. | 09:55 |
cjnodell | Time zone throw me off a bit | 09:55 |
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tiglionabbit | !ndiswrapper | 09:55 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: I don't know | 09:55 |
tiglionabbit | darn | 09:56 |
FlannelKing | whats your question cjnodell? | 09:56 |
sinferno | does anyone know | 09:56 |
sinferno | what that wikipedia site is | 09:56 |
inemo | ubotu: am I still smoking crack? | 09:56 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, inemo | 09:56 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | inemo, wow theres alot of mac love in your family, i envy you, my dads still stuck on windows, and im having to do the usual maintenance such as virus scans in the bg | 09:56 |
sinferno | glxgears: Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual. | 09:56 |
sinferno | i was running glxgears right before i installed the nvidia drivers from the package thing | 09:57 |
=== Polo_Step [~anonymous@adsl-69-108-2-15.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mischa | hi there: i have a serious problem with our :) ubuntu hoary version on my dell inspirion 9300. sometimes it freezes about 5 mins after bootup. i can't find a thing in the syslog about a crash...what can i do...? | 09:57 |
inemo | s0n1cm0nk3y_: always been mac users, I started to learn to use a computer by hanging onto the coffee table and waggling the Apple ] [ joystick around aged 1ish... | 09:57 |
sinferno | lol nvidia-setting is a joke | 09:58 |
tiglionabbit | hey guys. My parents are completely averse to learning ANYTHING, like a button that looks slightly different from windows is a HUGE PAIN to them for some reason. They are completely deathly afraid windows will blow up their computers at any second. What should I do? | 09:58 |
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inemo | brainwash them | 09:58 |
sinferno | get a piece of masking tape | 09:58 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | lol, i started off on a old unix machine my buddy in the military gave me, learned the way around the cmd prompt that way, now ive moved into linux, and it appears a few years of windows has dumbed me, all the way from 3.1 to xp pro | 09:58 |
sinferno | and write start on it | 09:58 |
zeenix | hi again | 09:58 |
Arnia | Nuclear war... it solves everything | 09:58 |
FlannelKing | put pastic explosives on their monitor? | 09:58 |
tiglionabbit | FlannelKing: I don't think they'd like that | 09:58 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | oh btw that was addressed to inemo | 09:59 |
zeenix | did any of the message make it on the channel (except for 'hi') ? | 09:59 |
FlannelKing | Well, they expect it to explode... | 09:59 |
zeenix | s/message/messages/ | 09:59 |
inemo | s0n1cm0nk3y_: i've got about 10/12 macs in the family, about 8/9 of them are mine :D, I started messing around with the cmd line when I got OS X | 09:59 |
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inemo | nalioth: nalioths_dog is a bot right? | 09:59 |
sinferno | whats the difference between removal and complete removal on spm | 09:59 |
FlannelKing | complete removes config as well | 10:00 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | 10/12, 8/9 yours, um ... you want a new friend heheh ^^. and any of those a mac mini, ive been wondering how those things run, w/ and w/o linux | 10:00 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | and i dont mean yellow dog, yuck | 10:00 |
FlannelKing | that way you can reinstall something (with just remove), you can also go back later and remove the config | 10:00 |
sinferno | if im going to install nvidia drivers from thier site should i uninstall the ones in spm | 10:00 |
osiris | Does anyone know which file to edit after installing the nforce audio drivers? | 10:01 |
=== Arnia is looking forward to the new intel chips and motherboards | ||
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zeenix | i installed ubuntu on this newly bought notebook of mine yesterday and all was working good but this monring when i booted, it gave me a kernel panic | 10:02 |
zeenix | i rebooted many times but it didnt help, so i tried something very stupid: re-install grub | 10:02 |
sladen | ukato: glxinfo | grep direct will tell you | 10:02 |
zeenix | but the grub didn't install successfully and now even the grub doesn't load successfully | 10:02 |
FlannelKing | if nothing else, reinstall ubuntu | 10:03 |
sladen | zeenix: what does the panic say? Is it a panic, or can it just not find the root partition? | 10:03 |
sinferno | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 10:03 |
sinferno | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 10:03 |
sinferno | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 10:03 |
sinferno | Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual | 10:03 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | zeenix, i can help a lil, i just learned how the whole grub number scheme goes ^^ (slightly proud of self* | 10:03 |
sladen | zeenix: if it's a new laptop and you only installed yesterday; it'll only take you 15minutes and you won't loose any work if you reinstall | 10:03 |
sinferno | what od i doooooooo | 10:03 |
zeenix | sladen, it was something regarding the serial port interrupts | 10:03 |
zeenix | s0n1cm0nk3y_, cool, let me paste the problem i am having now | 10:04 |
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s0n1cm0nk3y_ | zeenix, lol, i dont know how much i can help, i just learned the numbering scheme so far for the install on my gentoo box, hehe, im not sure at my abilities to help you but i will try | 10:06 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | inemo, so besides your madre who else is running mac? | 10:06 |
znh | morning | 10:06 |
znh | hm.. I'm trying to play a .asx file, xmms doens't seems to support it, anyone known with player that does? | 10:07 |
sinferno | when i try to do nvidia-glx-config enable it tell me to change nv to nvidia, i did that and nothing happened | 10:07 |
sinferno | same error | 10:07 |
tiglionabbit | znh: dunno. That's a streaming file, isn't it? | 10:08 |
znh | tiglionabbit: yea | 10:08 |
znh | i'll see what's in the file | 10:08 |
tiglionabbit | same problems here... | 10:08 |
FlannelKing | asx is windows media, I believe | 10:08 |
znh | FlannelKing: that's right | 10:09 |
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tiglionabbit | it's windows media streaming, so it doesn't contain the actual audio, just info on how to connect to it I believe | 10:09 |
=== TimmyJ [~tim@cpe-66-67-139-238.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FlannelKing | yep, just like ram | 10:09 |
znh | tiglionabbit: your right, just open the file and you can pick the url | 10:09 |
tiglionabbit | znh: oh really? coolies | 10:09 |
sinferno | whats the ubuntu wikepeidia site | 10:09 |
znh | \o/ | 10:09 |
FlannelKing | wikipedia site? or the ubuntuwiki? | 10:10 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | znh, for streaming win32 codecs, which im pretty sure .asx (could be wrong) i havent found much of a way to get past that, though i have heard of mplayer doing good with different kinds of streams | 10:10 |
cyphase | http://www.ubuntu.com/wiki | 10:10 |
sinferno | thanks | 10:10 |
znh | s0n1cm0nk3y_: i'll try the w32codecs | 10:10 |
tiglionabbit | znh: didn't work for me | 10:10 |
znh | tiglionabbit: same for me, I get the message they are already installed | 10:10 |
cyphase | or just wiki.ubuntu.com | 10:10 |
cyphase | lol | 10:11 |
tiglionabbit | that'll get you wmp, but no streaming | 10:11 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | znh, not sure if those will work though, cause i already have the win32codecs in, but im still dealing with troubles in streams, such as quicktime and wmv streaming from skateboarding sites | 10:11 |
znh | s0n1cm0nk3y_: I'll try mplayer | 10:11 |
FlannelKing | avifile can play them | 10:11 |
=== stisev [~no@64-121-92-140.c3-0.sfo-ubr1.sfrn-sfo.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | FlannelKing: what's that? | 10:12 |
tiglionabbit | say, I wonder if streamtuner could play em | 10:12 |
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IceDC571 | tiglionabbit: what are you trying to play? | 10:13 |
FlannelKing | I dont know, well, its a media player, but it showed up when I googled, it appears mplayer can play it too | 10:13 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | znh good luck, may the horse be with you | 10:13 |
tiglionabbit | IceDC571: we're talking about .asx | 10:13 |
tiglionabbit | I don't have any .asx handy to test it though | 10:13 |
znh | s0n1cm0nk3y_: heh, thanks :) | 10:13 |
tiglionabbit | could someone give me one to try this out? heh | 10:13 |
IceDC571 | heh.. good luck with asx, it belongs to M$ | 10:13 |
tiglionabbit | we know | 10:13 |
golgor | can anyone tell me where packages install themself? :P | 10:13 |
znh | tiglionabbit: i'll try the asx with streamtuner | 10:13 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit, lol, i dont but my step bros hdd that has some ......adult streams in .asx, does. lol | 10:14 |
tiglionabbit | golgor: right-click on em in synaptic, go to properties | 10:14 |
FlannelKing | golgor, synaptec can | 10:14 |
tiglionabbit | golgor: or use dpkg -L | 10:14 |
golgor | yea, but i used apt-get | 10:14 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit, and no i am not willing to test, that guy is disturbingly secure when it comes to his files | 10:14 |
golgor | are they still in synpatic? | 10:14 |
tiglionabbit | golgor: yes, but you can just dpkg -L thepackage instead | 10:14 |
FlannelKing | yes, apt and synaptec are linked, but you can use dpkg if you prefer the CLI | 10:15 |
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golgor | great | 10:15 |
golgor | thanks | 10:15 |
IceDC571 | what does the a stand for in aMSN and aMule? | 10:16 |
=== bcc|grave [~bcc|grave@chello062178225065.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | "all platforms"? | 10:16 |
IceDC571 | alternative? | 10:16 |
FlannelKing | all platform | 10:17 |
IceDC571 | ohh | 10:17 |
znh | tiglionabbit: streamtuner is just a front-end to xmms | 10:17 |
tiglionabbit | znh: yeah but it will probably be able to extract the url to feed to xmms | 10:17 |
tiglionabbit | znh: and it can be a frontend to anything, set your preferences | 10:17 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit how about vlc, doesnt it have streaming possibilities? | 10:17 |
tiglionabbit | s0n1cm0nk3y_: I don't know. Give me an .asx to try it out =P | 10:18 |
golgor | anyone familiar with wine? | 10:18 |
FlannelKing | Actually, All Platform is just for aMule, aMSN is apparently for "Alvaros Messenger" or "Another MSN" | 10:18 |
IceDC571 | solution.. wine windows media player lol | 10:18 |
znh | tiglionabbit: this may be interesting http://www.linuxsa.org.au/pipermail/linuxsa/2004-May/069467.html | 10:18 |
tiglionabbit | IceDC571: no. | 10:18 |
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IceDC571 | FlannelKing: do you use aMSN? | 10:19 |
FlannelKing | Nope, but thats what the home page said, google is my friend :) | 10:19 |
tiglionabbit | znh: can't connect to that link | 10:19 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | um let me check the wonderfull google tiglionabbit | 10:19 |
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znh | tiglionabbit: works for me, but it's in australian so there's much between u :P | 10:20 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | just to make sure, you got w32codecs installed right tiglionabbit? | 10:20 |
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-39-50.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
golgor | anyone familiar with wine? | 10:20 |
tiglionabbit | oh neato! | 10:20 |
rekr | got an install problem | 10:20 |
tiglionabbit | my mplayer mozilla plugin is playing the asx just fine | 10:20 |
IceDC571 | golgor: i am | 10:21 |
znh | hehe my bird is making noise at my shoulder AAAH! | 10:21 |
tiglionabbit | wonderfully in fact | 10:21 |
tiglionabbit | I'm amazed | 10:21 |
znh | tiglionabbit: where did you get that plugin? | 10:21 |
IceDC571 | what are you watching? hmm.. | 10:21 |
tiglionabbit | znh: synaptic | 10:21 |
golgor | IceDC571, can you tell me where the main directory is? | 10:21 |
tiglionabbit | mozilla-mplayer I believe | 10:21 |
tiglionabbit | IceDC571: just something I found by googling "filetype:asx windows" | 10:22 |
rekr | I have windows installed on a SATA raptor on the primary partition, I have 5 gigs partitioned off for an ubuntu install, the install goes fine GRUB sees my WIndows install I tell it to install GRUB then when I reboot it still goes straight to the windows bnoot menu no GRUB | 10:22 |
znh | tiglionabbit: and then? | 10:22 |
rekr | I get no errors during install | 10:22 |
tiglionabbit | znh: then what? | 10:22 |
IceDC571 | golgor: um.. i'll have to search for it hang on, what seems to be the problem? | 10:22 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | or for that fact how did you get mplayer running, its never stable for me, or for some of the my friends who use ubuntu | 10:22 |
=== djp [~david@dynamic-62-56-58-90.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
znh | tiglionabbit: I got synaptic loaded, but what's it called? | 10:22 |
tiglionabbit | it's called mozilla-mplayer | 10:22 |
znh | tiglionabbit: sweet! | 10:23 |
tiglionabbit | it plug-ins firefox automagically | 10:23 |
=== internat [~internat@dare.to.play.on.our-lan.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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znh | tiglionabbit: it cries about mplayer | 10:23 |
tiglionabbit | znh: then get mplayer-586 | 10:23 |
internat | ok stupid questoin, what do i need to do to turn the standard ubuntu into using kde instead of gnome? | 10:23 |
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golgor | query IceDC571 | 10:23 |
tiglionabbit | or whatever is right for your build | 10:23 |
tiglionabbit | I mean architecture | 10:23 |
tiglionabbit | internat: install kubuntu-desktop | 10:24 |
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internat | how much does it change? | 10:24 |
tiglionabbit | internat: and then when you login next time, click on sessions, and select kde | 10:24 |
internat | cause frigs me why sound isnt working with the kubuntu install cds | 10:24 |
tiglionabbit | internat: it just adds a lot of programs | 10:24 |
ubuntu_ | hello | 10:24 |
znh | tiglionabbit: the following packages have unmet dependecies | 10:24 |
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tiglionabbit | znh: add a backports mirror | 10:24 |
tiglionabbit | !backports | 10:24 |
ubotu | somebody said backports was http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ | 10:24 |
znh | http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ | 10:25 |
ubuntu_ | i have an interesting problem | 10:25 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | somebody need backports, I GOT EM ^^ | 10:25 |
tiglionabbit | ubuntu_: what is it? | 10:25 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | if you want i can give yout he url for em | 10:25 |
ubuntu_ | right now, i am on my desktop using live ubuntu | 10:25 |
tiglionabbit | ya and? | 10:25 |
=== LinuxRoc [~homer@c-67-166-91-212.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu_ | however it doesnt boot on my notebook | 10:25 |
=== Evil [~evil@AGrenoble-152-1-79-169.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu_ | i mean the very same cd | 10:25 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories | 10:25 |
Evil | hello all | 10:25 |
ubuntu_ | every setting is okey | 10:26 |
tiglionabbit | ubuntu_: is your notebook the same architecture as your desktop? | 10:26 |
ubuntu_ | the booting sequence starts from cd | 10:26 |
LinuxRoc | Good Eve everyone | 10:26 |
rekr | I have windows installed on a SATA raptor on the primary partition, I have 5 gigs partitioned off for an ubuntu install, the install goes fine GRUB sees my WIndows install I tell it to install GRUB then when I reboot it still goes straight to the windows bnoot menu no GRUB | 10:26 |
ubuntu_ | yes both are i386 | 10:26 |
znh | tiglionabbit: I have already backport mirrors | 10:26 |
hkdev | hello everyone | 10:26 |
rekr | anyone know why this is happening? | 10:26 |
tiglionabbit | znh: then you should be able to get mplayer, shouldn't you? I got it | 10:26 |
=== Tsunamii [~Tsunamii@CPE-138-130-181-153.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tsunamii | ok dokie | 10:26 |
Tsunamii | how do you work wine? | 10:27 |
Tsunamii | i've installed it already :P | 10:27 |
znh | tiglionabbit: I'll compile mplayer and mozilla-mplayer at myself.. this is too weird for words :P | 10:27 |
IceDC571 | Tsunamii: type wine appname.exe | 10:27 |
FlannelKing | rekr, are you sure youre not just missing the auto-timout of a hidden grub menu? | 10:27 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: open the terminal, and say "wine" followed by the exe you want to run | 10:27 |
Tsunamii | really? | 10:27 |
ubuntu_ | so, xp cd is booting, and another recovery cd from toshiba is booting but this live cd isn@t booting | 10:27 |
Tsunamii | that's it? | 10:27 |
IceDC571 | Tsunamii: yep | 10:27 |
Tsunamii | you're kidding me | 10:27 |
IceDC571 | Tsunamii: what are you planning to run? | 10:27 |
Tsunamii | is wine limited to certain programs though? | 10:27 |
Tsunamii | well, i want to run steam and half life later :P | 10:27 |
Nermal | gfl :) | 10:27 |
IceDC571 | Tsunamii: yes, there's an application database you can look at | 10:27 |
Tsunamii | hey? | 10:28 |
IceDC571 | Tsunamii: http://appdb.winehq.org/ | 10:28 |
hkdev | rekr: is your ubuntu partition a primary? | 10:28 |
rekr | Shouldnt it got straight into GRUB and default to ubuntu | 10:28 |
LinuxRoc | Tsunamii: I would go to wine's site and they will help you out with extra setting if needed | 10:28 |
Tsunamii | so basically it's an extension that i'll need to download? | 10:28 |
FlannelKing | It isnt 'limited' to those applications, it depends on what the application actually uses | 10:28 |
rekr | both the windows and the ubuntu / partitioins are primary | 10:28 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr if you went through the regular install it should have made ubuntu your default, at least it did for me | 10:28 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr did you reinstall windows or something, because windows can be a pain and hog the mbr | 10:29 |
Tsunamii | i can't find steam or half life on that list, do i click one of the other links? | 10:29 |
Tsunamii | IceDC571, ^ | 10:29 |
hkdev | rekr: u don't have a special partition for /boot right? | 10:29 |
Tsunamii | nvm, found it ;) | 10:30 |
djp | patent decision in EU Parliament today folks... | 10:30 |
rekr | no special partitionn I let ubuntu do a guided partiotining scheme it took 5 gigs for / and 500 megs for swap | 10:30 |
=== Evil [~evil@AGrenoble-152-1-79-169.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
tiglionabbit | say guys, two instances of scim appear on startup. How can I make it so only one starts? | 10:30 |
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s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, just to clarify, did you manually set your partition table? | 10:31 |
hkdev | the GRUB is not installed properly. I had the same issue before. | 10:31 |
rekr | basically it seems like the install goes perfect but i dont think it is writing the GRUB to the MBR | 10:31 |
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hkdev | I re-install and reformatted the partition and it was fine | 10:31 |
rekr | i have tried both autop and manually setting the partition tables,GRUB never seems to load right | 10:32 |
=== tiglionabbit points out his question again | ||
Tsunamii | also | 10:32 |
Tsunamii | would i have to install direct x and the like? | 10:32 |
Tsunamii | to be able to actually play them? | 10:32 |
tiglionabbit | where would it set such a thing as scim to start at startup? | 10:32 |
hkdev | may be some one can help by giving the instruction to manually install the GRUB? | 10:32 |
rekr | which partion should be set as bootable>? | 10:32 |
tiglionabbit | rekr: if you're using grub, it doesn't matter | 10:32 |
froh | i have problems with my 2.6.12+rt-preemt kernel, missing some hotplug stuff and probably a lot more. Is there a ubuntu kernel with ingo's realtime-preemt? | 10:33 |
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s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, if you setup grub by letting ubuntu do it, nothing should have to be bootable, because grub handles it for you | 10:33 |
tiglionabbit | rekr: old ms-dos bootloaders look at bootable flags, I believe | 10:33 |
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rekr | also I have 2 ide drives setup in raid do you think maybe it is installing GRUB to one of theose drives | 10:33 |
jsgotangco | hello | 10:33 |
tiglionabbit | hello jsgotangco | 10:33 |
jsgotangco | tiglionabbit: hi there | 10:34 |
tiglionabbit | !mplayer | 10:34 |
ubotu | No idea, tiglionabbit | 10:34 |
hkdev | rekr: i usually set my / partition to bootable. otherwise, i set to /boot | 10:34 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu needs to learn some stuff | 10:34 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: I give up, what is it? | 10:34 |
Tsunamii | anyone? :P | 10:34 |
jsgotangco | oohh we have a bot here | 10:34 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, maybe you check your iso with the md5 sums? | 10:34 |
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Tsunamii | do i need to install directx ? | 10:34 |
nightswim | directx? | 10:35 |
rekr | also when I switch the bootable flag to the / dpartition it doesnt load the windows boot menu it says Error loading operating system, if i switch the boot flag back to the windows partition it loads the windows boot menu | 10:35 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: I don't believe you must install anything. cedega will run directx programs | 10:35 |
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Tsunamii | i don't have cedega | 10:35 |
Tsunamii | i'm using wine | 10:35 |
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sinferno | ok im trying to install the nvidia drivers from thier site, and i installed linux-restriced-modules but it says unable to find kernel source tree | 10:36 |
sinferno | it says i can specify but i dont know where to specify | 10:36 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | both my windows xp and ubuntu are bootable let me check mine in fdisk | 10:36 |
LinuxRoc | sinferno: try installing the header files for your kernel | 10:36 |
bigfoot1 | hi everyone. i am having difficulty viewing some particular webpages. My first problem was with adrian.warnock.info. The problem, I discovered, was that I couldn't load halocscan.com, which this blog uses to host blog comments/trackbacks. Today, I am trying another blog: www.michellemalkin.com. I have tried the text browser w3m for these, with no success. It's only when i use a proxy such as www.guardster.com (with javascript enabled) can i | 10:36 |
bigfoot1 | access these sites. Can anyone help me? | 10:36 |
tiglionabbit | s0n1cm0nk3y_: it shouldn't matter | 10:37 |
sinferno | LinuxRoc, what is the package name | 10:37 |
Tsunamii | where's program files with wine? | 10:37 |
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s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit, well always a poss. it might help | 10:37 |
cyphase | LOL! | 10:37 |
cyphase | omg | 10:37 |
Tsunamii | somebody PM me, if they know | 10:37 |
Tsunamii | where program files is with wine | 10:38 |
cyphase | my cousin reinstalled Ubuntu because she accidently removed the top panel | 10:38 |
tiglionabbit | Tsunamii: program files? Uh, wine should create a fake C:/ I believe | 10:38 |
sinferno | LinuxRoc, should i uninstal linux-restricted-modules in order to install nvidia-kernel-source? | 10:38 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, yeah my windows partiotn is set to boot, and my ubuntu isnt, odd though that the original windows mbr would overpower grub | 10:38 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | im guessing bad iso? but im not sure rekr | 10:38 |
sinferno | LinuxRoc, his package is not needed on an Ubuntu system because | 10:38 |
sinferno | a pre-compiled kernel module is supplied by the linux-restricted-modules | 10:38 |
HrdwrBoB | cyphase: heh.. well, it fixed the problem I bet | 10:38 |
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jsgotangco | JaneW! | 10:39 |
cyphase | HrdwrBoBm, yea :D | 10:39 |
IceDC571 | ive been using linux for months and i just found out the ls -a command | 10:39 |
cyphase | it was a fresh installation anyway | 10:39 |
tiglionabbit | IceDC571: hooray for you, you're learning | 10:40 |
tiglionabbit | =P | 10:40 |
tiglionabbit | IceDC571: how else did you see your config files? | 10:40 |
tiglionabbit | !linux | 10:41 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about | 10:41 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu linux is a kernel, but commonly refers to awesomeness | 10:41 |
ubotu | okay, tiglionabbit | 10:41 |
IceDC571 | tiglionabbit: the file manager for amatures.. nautilus.. and my guessing with TAB completion ;) | 10:41 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, could you fdisk -l so we can see your partitioning scheme? | 10:41 |
tiglionabbit | IceDC571: lol. | 10:42 |
sinferno | where do i find the kernel-header files | 10:42 |
sinferno | whats the name | 10:42 |
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rekr | im in windows now | 10:42 |
djp | sinferno: do you need nvidia drivers under hoary? | 10:42 |
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sinferno | oh nvm i have them installed | 10:42 |
sinferno | djp, yes | 10:42 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | oh.... hmmmmmm | 10:43 |
rekr | is there a way to get the partitioning shcme in xp/ | 10:43 |
IceDC571 | cd .(tab) was my friend.. heh | 10:43 |
djp | sinferno: why don't you just apt-get nvidia-glx? | 10:43 |
benplaut | \quit "goodnight everyone" | 10:43 |
tiglionabbit | say, can I ask my question again? Startup thingamabobs-- scim starts up twice, how do I fix that? | 10:43 |
sinferno | djp, i did and when i restarted glxgears didnt work | 10:43 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | do you have a live cd handy rekr? | 10:43 |
benplaut | darn! | 10:43 |
benplaut | did it again! | 10:43 |
sinferno | djp, soo i was trying to install the ones from thier site | 10:43 |
djp | sinferno: oh, i see | 10:43 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, um you could check the drive manager or whatever its called | 10:43 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | i think i can guide you to it, its in computer management i think, right above where you can format a drive or unallocated space | 10:44 |
djp | sinferno: i use the nv drivers with my geforce2 card due to my free software philosophy, so unfortunately i cannot be much more help i'm afraid | 10:44 |
tiglionabbit | anybody, yo | 10:44 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr though i dont think it will tell you which is bootable, thats why i was asking if you had a live cd | 10:44 |
sinferno | djp, oh | 10:45 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit, sorry, what was your question? when i dont sleep much i sadly have one track mind | 10:45 |
djp | sinferno: good luck | 10:45 |
tiglionabbit | there are two scim icons in my notification-area | 10:45 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit, ill will be glad to help to my fullest if i can though | 10:45 |
sinferno | thanks | 10:45 |
tiglionabbit | two of em always start up. How can I make it not do that? | 10:45 |
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internat | i hate to say it, but im quiet disapointed with this. i have no understand of why such a basic soundcard isnt detected/working | 10:45 |
rekr | right now the windows partition is et to bootable | 10:45 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit, you running kde as ur wm? | 10:46 |
lesshaste | maybe not exactly a linux question but what methods are there for logging into a windows machine remotely from linux? | 10:46 |
tiglionabbit | s0n1cm0nk3y_: no, gnome | 10:46 |
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s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit, okay, lol, sadly i didnt know who scim was, so im going by google here | 10:46 |
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tiglionabbit | lesshaste: lots. Samba is pre-configured, so you can see shared files in Places -> Network Servers | 10:46 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit, does it do that every boot or just this one? | 10:46 |
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lesshaste | tiglionabbit, I didn't mean sharing a file system. I mean like a remote X connection | 10:47 |
znh | tiglionabbit: now your talking about it, how is that program called.. it's so nice | 10:47 |
tiglionabbit | lesshaste: vncviewer is also installed, so you can use desktops remotely with that. And uh, other stuff I don't know much about too | 10:47 |
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s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, yeah so is mine, yet i dont have windows taking over the mbr, thats why im curious, do you have ubuntu installed already? | 10:47 |
tiglionabbit | s0n1cm0nk3y_: every boot, and | 10:47 |
qt2 | hm... how do i get more doftware to download on ubuntu? :o | 10:47 |
tiglionabbit | !scim | 10:47 |
ubotu | scim is probably Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Language input. http://www.mrbass.org/linux/ubuntu/scim/ | 10:47 |
IceDC571 | a little out of topic but whats so different about openbsd and freebsd? | 10:47 |
tiglionabbit | qt: use synaptic | 10:47 |
_root_ | a non-root user on my machine is not able to start x.. problem with pam..could anybody please tell me what are the pam entries ? | 10:47 |
lesshaste | tiglionabbit, thx... that's single user right? | 10:48 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, if so see if you can get into ubuntu, turn off the bootable flag, then get into grub and switch it to be able to boot into windows, which im guessing is the first primary on the first drive, so it would be hd0,0 | 10:48 |
tiglionabbit | _root_: pam? first off, are they in the "desktop users" permissions group? | 10:48 |
IceDC571 | comparing both of them i mean | 10:48 |
qt2 | oh, didnt notice that before... :o | 10:48 |
tiglionabbit | lesshaste: yeah | 10:48 |
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_root_ | tiglionabbit: yes | 10:48 |
tiglionabbit | lesshaste: there are probably many possibilities out there I don't know about yet | 10:48 |
lesshaste | tiglionabbit, ok... can't find a multiuser solution yet | 10:49 |
Mestapheles | does the hoary d-i support multiuser partition setup? | 10:49 |
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tiglionabbit | s0n1cm0nk3y_: it's probably not dependant on scim, it's a startup item. Where can I find the config files for startup things? | 10:49 |
tiglionabbit | s0n1cm0nk3y_: it's not in the gui startup thingo | 10:49 |
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JaneW | hi jsgotngco | 10:50 |
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JaneW | hi jsgotangco even | 10:50 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit im not sure on that, though im pretty sure i was looking around a tweaked such things before, let me see if i can find where the startups are | 10:50 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit, im guessing if anything they will be in system or something like that | 10:51 |
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username | hello | 10:51 |
tiglionabbit | s0n1cm0nk3y_: system what? | 10:51 |
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rekr | thats the problem I cant get into ubuntu | 10:52 |
IceDC571 | Hints|ubuntu?? lol | 10:52 |
tiglionabbit | !grub | 10:52 |
ubotu | somebody said grub was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto | 10:52 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit the gnome panel menu system, but i just checked it and couldnt find anything so im not sure, time to check the wonderful google | 10:52 |
rekr | i can only load the windows boot menu | 10:52 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, hmmm, do you understand how to use basic linux, like fdisk and such? | 10:52 |
Hints|ubuntu | i got a problem... my screen resolution is 2 small so i can't exit some stuff | 10:52 |
tiglionabbit | s0n1cm0nk3y_: I don't think it's related to that. It is a thing that is somehow startup'd | 10:52 |
caskey | Is there a package to install a qmail builder? | 10:53 |
tiglionabbit | !resolution | 10:53 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, resolution is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 10:53 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr if so i can give you the url to knoppix or some other live cd, even ubuntus live cd | 10:53 |
Hints|ubuntu | i tried setting it to something larger but it not in list | 10:53 |
rekr | i believe i should be able to use fdisk | 10:53 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit, i know it sounds a bit windows, but try checking it out in synaptic, and if it sounds safe to del it, then do so and reinstall, maybe that might fix it | 10:54 |
rekr | I have the ubuntu livecd somewhere, but will that let me access my ubuntu install>? | 10:54 |
tiglionabbit | s0n1cm0nk3y_: groan... | 10:54 |
tiglionabbit | !scim | 10:54 |
ubotu | methinks scim is Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Language input. http://www.mrbass.org/linux/ubuntu/scim/ | 10:54 |
tiglionabbit | lemme check the steps and make sure that's how I set it up | 10:54 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit, lol, sorry, but its the best i can think of at the current moment, im still a bit of a n00b, i just have alot of spare time | 10:55 |
tiglionabbit | oh cool, the startup files are edited in that howto | 10:55 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, i think so, i know you can fdisk or use qparted to setup your partitions on your harddrive, but thats all in knoppix so im not sure | 10:55 |
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sinferno | ok i installed the nvidia-glx from apt and now i get Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 10:56 |
sinferno | when i run gl apps | 10:56 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit, there we go, ubotu is an usung hero of #ubuntu, lol | 10:56 |
tiglionabbit | !nvidia | 10:56 |
ubotu | somebody said nvidia was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:56 |
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znh | tiglionabbit: aviplay works perfectly | 10:57 |
tiglionabbit | znh: for what? | 10:57 |
tiglionabbit | sinferno: read step 2 | 10:57 |
znh | tiglionabbit: playing asx files | 10:57 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit just out of curiousity, whats witht he ! before nividia or scim? | 10:57 |
rekr | is the GRUB menu defaulted to hidden after an ubuntu install?? | 10:57 |
znh | oh boring classic fm -_- | 10:57 |
tiglionabbit | znh: I noted a while ago that mozilla-mplayer played em peachy too | 10:57 |
Hints|ubuntu | how do i change from terminal back to gui? | 10:57 |
tiglionabbit | s0n1cm0nk3y_: command to ubotu | 10:58 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, not that i know of, it just boots up from it, | 10:58 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | tiglionabbit, oh its a bot, man i need to pay attention | 10:58 |
sinferno | tiglionabbit, step 2 of what | 10:58 |
znh | tiglionabbit: mplayer doesn't want to install, so that is nothing for me :( | 10:58 |
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tiglionabbit | znh: it should... did I add a marrilat repository or something? Lemme check the wikis and forums a sec | 10:58 |
znh | tiglionabbit: ok | 10:58 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, question, when you did the manual config, did u make ubuntu bootable while you were doing so? | 10:58 |
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tiglionabbit | oh cool | 10:59 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto | 10:59 |
ubotu | okay, tiglionabbit | 10:59 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, sorry, cant find a bloody screen shot to show you what im talking about | 11:00 |
tiglionabbit | znh: does that guide help you out? Seems all it does differently is add the multiverse repository. Do you have that? | 11:01 |
znh | tiglionabbit: I have, I got a sources from the ubuntuforums which contains all | 11:02 |
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internat | fwaor even the live version of standard ubuntu has issues with my sound card | 11:02 |
sinferno | i still cant get it working | 11:02 |
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sinferno | i dont know what u meant by step 2 | 11:02 |
misieq | hi there! | 11:03 |
rekr | im not sure i understand the wuestion, did i make thubuntu partiton bootable? | 11:03 |
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tiglionabbit | znh: there are other wiki entries for mplayer from source and such | 11:04 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, during the install in the manual partitioning, theres a setting after you set the partition (when it shows the file system, the size and other stuff) that allows you to make the ubuntu partition bootable, im not sure if its needed, but im guessing that could be the reason for your mbr woes | 11:04 |
znh | tiglionabbit: okay, but it's not really needed.. aviplay is awesome | 11:04 |
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tiglionabbit | znh: ok then | 11:05 |
misieq | i used movixisocreator under windows xp in order to create a bootable iso image with movies, but fat32 isn't able to store files larger than 2gb, so i had to make one ntfs partition, but when i used mkisofs, it created output which diseppeared right after mkisofs quited. i decided to use '-split-output' parameter, so mkisofs created few iso files of 1gb size. the question is how can i write them on dvd???? | 11:05 |
rekr | tried that thats when i get the Error loading operating system | 11:05 |
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misieq | i'm working on ubuntu now, and have iso images accessible | 11:06 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, odd, so you set that option to bootable and you get error loading system, you mean it pops up even before grub gives you your choices to boot from? | 11:07 |
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s0n1cm0nk3y_ | to help rekr, does anybody know any problems with sata hard drives and installations ? | 11:07 |
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misieq | s0n1cm0nk3y_, well, i installed once grub with fedora4 on sata | 11:08 |
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misieq | s0n1cm0nk3y_ (or rekr), but tell me what the problem is? | 11:10 |
tiglionabbit | !windows | 11:10 |
ubotu | it has been said that windows is Everything runs in linux. Your choice of emulation is a difficult one. Cedega, Wine(x), VMware,Xen,CrossOver Office, are there more? let me know. | 11:10 |
tiglionabbit | !windowsusers | 11:11 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: Bugger all, i dunno | 11:11 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | misieq, rekr is having troubles with grub in his mbr, from what i gather when he has his windows primary set to bootable, it forsakes grub and just boots windows, and when he sets his ubuntu partition during the installation to bootable, he gets system error | 11:11 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu windowsusers is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant | 11:11 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: okay | 11:11 |
Seveas | s0n1cm0nk3y_, sounds like he installed grub on the wrong partition | 11:11 |
soulfly | if I want to use 2.6.12 on hoary, which are the minimum required patches I must download to not interfere with functionality in hoary? | 11:11 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | misieq i was curious as to whether you had any troubles with installing to sata, cause im basing my ideas on my ide drives | 11:11 |
misieq | yes, i had problems | 11:12 |
Seveas | grub should be installed on the primary partition during install. If you mess with drive booting settings in the bios later, you will need to change the grub config | 11:12 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | seveas from what i gather hes letting ubuntu do it, so im guessing its just installing grub in the mbr, as it did for me | 11:12 |
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misieq | it seems that you have other /dev-s under grub and under booted linux | 11:12 |
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Seveas | s0n1cm0nk3y_, maybe in the mbr of the wrong drive... | 11:12 |
rekr | yes the error loading pops up before grub it happens during bioses attempt to boot a hard disk | 11:12 |
misieq | rekr, what drives do you have? i mean only sata or ide as well?? | 11:13 |
rekr | im thinking it might be installing it to one of the IDE drives | 11:13 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr is windows your first primary partition on the hdd? | 11:13 |
Seveas | rekr, install grub on the primary boot drive | 11:13 |
Seveas | grub can boot windows perfectly fine | 11:13 |
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s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, also is the drive your ubuntu and grub installed on your master drive, the primary drive? | 11:14 |
rekr | i have one SATA and 2 IDES in RAID, but the install shows the IDE drives separately as hda and hdc, and the SATA as sda | 11:14 |
rekr | when GRUB is loading it says installing to hd0 | 11:14 |
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Seveas | rekr, correct, hd0 is sda | 11:14 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | seveas , rekr, yeah mine doesnt have problems, but have windows and ubuntu on the same master drive | 11:14 |
tiglionabbit | !alternatives | 11:14 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 11:14 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu forget windows | 11:15 |
ubotu | i forgot windows, tiglionabbit | 11:15 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu windows is Everything runs in linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office, or find an !alternative | 11:15 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: okay | 11:15 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu forget windowsusers | 11:15 |
ubotu | i forgot windowsusers, tiglionabbit | 11:15 |
rekr | im getting no errors during install it installs GRUB fine it seems, it just when it reboots to start ubuntu for the first time, I got directly to the window bott menu, no GRUB | 11:15 |
gm78 | Hey all. I have something weird going on. Xsensors is claiming i have a dead fan, but my fans are running. it is saying there is a third fan, but i dont know what it is talking about. i have uploaded a screenshot to my webspace. http://members.shaw.ca/ryan_mcgregor/Screenshot.png | 11:15 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu alternative is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant | 11:15 |
ubotu | okay, tiglionabbit | 11:15 |
tiglionabbit | !osswin | 11:15 |
ubotu | No idea, tiglionabbit | 11:15 |
Seveas | rekr, is your machine set to boot from the IDE drives? | 11:15 |
misieq | rekr, you have to type (in grub console) 'root (hd' then hit <tab> - it will tell you, what hard drives grub sees and how are they named. | 11:15 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu osswin is http://osswin.sourceforge.net/ | 11:16 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: okay | 11:16 |
=== hints|ubuntu [~username@c211-28-36-59.sunsh1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | or is your bios set to show the IDE drives before the SATA drives? | 11:16 |
hints|ubuntu | how much space should i give ubuntu? | 11:16 |
Seveas | hints|ubuntu, as much as you want | 11:16 |
=== freeflying [~rockie@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
misieq | rekr, then you have to choose the partition where your ubuntu is (by hitting <tab> and selecting partion where it is installed). | 11:16 |
tiglionabbit | hints|ubuntu: for installing packages and such, at least 5 gigs I'd say | 11:16 |
Seveas | but at least a few GB would be nice | 11:16 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | rekr, im sure seveas and misieq can help you, im gonna crash, good luck man | 11:16 |
Seveas | s0n1cm0nk3y_, 'night | 11:17 |
misieq | it's midday in my place ;) | 11:17 |
Seveas | :) | 11:17 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | thnx, and good luck helping him you too misieq | 11:17 |
=== Seveas just woke up (11am) | ||
gm78 | Does anyone know anything about fans or xsensors, i tried to ask this the other day (the temps were lower then) and no one answered then either. does anyone know if that screenshot looks proper? | 11:17 |
s0n1cm0nk3y_ | its 5 am in mine, im dont sleep much, but its always good to try | 11:17 |
bigfoot1 | does ubuntu come with any podcasting application? I mean: there is an RSS feed that sends audio content to listen to on an mp3 player. | 11:18 |
misieq | rekr, then type 'setup (hd' and put 0/1/what-else in here - it has to be your primary booted drive | 11:18 |
hints|ubuntu | think 20 gig would be enough? | 11:18 |
Seveas | gm78, screenshot? | 11:18 |
rekr | thnaks man | 11:18 |
Seveas | hints|ubuntu, more than enough | 11:18 |
misieq | rekr, so it should look like 'setup (hd0)' | 11:18 |
gm78 | http://members.shaw.ca/ryan_mcgregor/Screenshot.png | 11:18 |
hints|ubuntu | k | 11:18 |
Seveas | hints|ubuntu, are you partitioning manually? | 11:18 |
hints|ubuntu | dunno lol | 11:18 |
gm78 | Seveas, . http://members.shaw.ca/ryan_mcgregor/Screenshot.png | 11:18 |
hints|ubuntu | whatever is easyest lol | 11:18 |
rekr | my machine is set to boot from the SATA | 11:18 |
misieq | rekr, do _not_ add the partition, otherwise grub won't boot | 11:18 |
Seveas | hints|ubuntu, you need at least 2 partitions for Ubuntu, 1 for the files and 1 for swap | 11:19 |
hints|ubuntu | o.o | 11:19 |
=== anthony [~anthony@ool-45776e74.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | how much memory do you have? | 11:19 |
rekr | but the BIOS detects the SATS first | 11:19 |
hints|ubuntu | can the installer do it automaticly? | 11:19 |
misieq | rekr, then you should reboot, and boot into grub | 11:19 |
hints|ubuntu | dam. i need 3 partitions then :( | 11:19 |
anthony | if anyone has time i need help on changing my screen resolution | 11:19 |
rekr | i mean but the BISO detects the IDE drives first | 11:19 |
Seveas | hints|ubuntu, it can | 11:19 |
rob^ | hi, just wondering what the issues are with the backport repositories as found on ubuntuguide.org and the faq (just deciding what to do with them for the official faq) | 11:19 |
gm78 | Seveas, the temps have dropped a degree or too since i took that screenshot, but for the most part it is the same | 11:19 |
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hints|ubuntu | is that the easyest way? | 11:19 |
Seveas | rekr, aha, can you set it to detect SATA first? | 11:19 |
gm78 | Seveas, is the link loading properly? | 11:20 |
Seveas | gm78, some of the voltages are odd... | 11:20 |
misieq | rekr, if the grub found its config files, you should see 'ubuntu linux (some kernel)' selected | 11:20 |
misieq | rekr, hit 'e' to edit the command | 11:20 |
Seveas | gm78, ant the mobo temp looks odd too | 11:20 |
hints|ubuntu | ? | 11:20 |
gm78 | Seveas, yeah, the voltages are weird. whats odd about the mobo temp? | 11:20 |
anthony | anyone knows how i can edit the reso | 11:21 |
gm78 | Seveas, what do u think i should do with it? take it someone to be repaired? | 11:21 |
anthony | i can't deal with this big screen | 11:21 |
Seveas | 13 degrees is awfully low | 11:21 |
misieq | rekr, and then you have to change 'root' parameter to proper value. | 11:21 |
=== jamey3 [~james@82-37-129-139.cable.ubr01.telf.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | anthony: To find out how you can change your display resolution, go to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:21 |
jamey3 | I have a Canon i250 printer. Does anyone know a working driver for Ubuntu (Hoary)? | 11:21 |
=== chrissturm [~chris@83-65-246-1.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Amaranth | Seveas: My latest ban should never be removed. | 11:21 |
Seveas | gm78, I think xsensors is behaving odd :) | 11:21 |
Seveas | Amaranth, ok | 11:21 |
anthony | alright thanks sev | 11:21 |
=== jeroen_ [~jeroen@cp413115-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
misieq | rekr, it is: if you typed 'root (hd0,2)', then it should be 'root=/dev/hda3' | 11:22 |
gm78 | Seveas, do u think i should reboot the computer and check the actual temp in the bios to see if the thing is even working? | 11:22 |
Seveas | if your bios has that option, try it | 11:22 |
gm78 | Seveas, to see if xsensors is working i mean | 11:22 |
gm78 | Seveas, alright, ill brb | 11:22 |
bigfoot1 | what's a ubuntu-approved podcast receiver app? | 11:22 |
anthony | Seveas: is that page down? | 11:22 |
misieq | rekr, basically it is hd0=/dev/hda; hd1=/dev/hdb (it might be hdc, you have to try) | 11:22 |
Seveas | anthony, no | 11:23 |
misieq | rekr, and if your partion was 0, then it would be hdx1 | 11:23 |
Seveas | it redirects to https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:23 |
anthony | Seveas, not working on my side | 11:23 |
Seveas | try the direct link :) | 11:23 |
jamey3 | I have a Canon i250 printer. Does anyone know a working driver for Ubuntu (Hoary)? | 11:23 |
misieq | rekr, you simply have to increment the number of partion | 11:23 |
wdh | jamey3, tried to install it already through cups? | 11:24 |
misieq | rekr, but watch out, because there might be some /dev/sda as your sata disk | 11:24 |
bigfoot1 | does anybody here know of a good and simple podcast receiving software? | 11:24 |
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Iaidoka | what makes podcasts different from ordinary mp3's? | 11:25 |
jamey3 | wdh, no I don't know how to, sorry. | 11:25 |
wdh | jamey3, is the i250 similar to the bjc250 by any chance? | 11:25 |
internat | ok stupid questoin how do i set up dual monitor support? | 11:25 |
Iaidoka | I listened to the latest Boardgame geek-episode with XMMS, and it claimed to be a "podcast". | 11:25 |
wdh | internat, thats not a stupid one i guess :) | 11:25 |
misieq | rekr, and if you boot to linux, you can edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file to have your changes remembered | 11:25 |
jamey3 | wdh, I'm not sure... all I've done is go System ->Admin -> Printers and the i250 isn't listed. | 11:25 |
internat | know how to do it? | 11:26 |
misieq | rekr, tell me, what version of windows do you have? | 11:26 |
misieq | rekr, i mean is it NT? | 11:26 |
bigfoot1 | Iaidoka, podcasts are put on an RSS feed. | 11:26 |
hkdev | rekr: good luck to you. have to go. | 11:26 |
Iaidoka | ahh | 11:26 |
bigfoot1 | Iaidoka, what is the first character in your nickname? the letter L as in lion, or what+ | 11:26 |
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Iaidoka | so I skipped the actual podcast-step when I got the mp3 directly from the website.. | 11:27 |
Iaidoka | bigfoot1: capital i | 11:27 |
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jamey3 | wdh: When I try to add a printer, there are none detected in the list. | 11:27 |
Iaidoka | but sorry, then I don't know how to help you | 11:27 |
wdh | jamey3, usb or parallel? | 11:27 |
jamey3 | USB | 11:27 |
jamey3 | It's plugged into a port right now. | 11:27 |
jamey3 | (And switched on, lol) | 11:28 |
misieq | rekr, are you there? | 11:28 |
rekr | im herer | 11:28 |
misieq | rekr, tell me, what version of windows do you have? | 11:28 |
rekr | XP | 11:28 |
misieq | rekr, thats good. | 11:29 |
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=== warrior_ [~warrior@cpe-069-132-109-204.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rekr | iw as trying to read through the chat to see what i had to do, but you said to go into the GRUB console, how do I get into that if I cant load grub or ubuntu | 11:29 |
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wdh | jamey3, found a page in explaining how to fix it.. | 11:30 |
wdh | its in german though :P | 11:30 |
warrior_ | Whats up guys. Quick question, I want to stay with Hoary but I want to compile the 2.6.12 kernel. Whats the best way to do it? | 11:30 |
misieq | rekr, if you want to restore your windows bootloader (which may occur after many tries with grub) you have to boot windows from cd, hit 'r' to get into recovery console, logon to windows and type 'fixboot' | 11:30 |
wdh | http://www.ubuntu-forum.de/artikel/556/sid9ef4ff965a87b13eff995ce5ff207005/Problem-mit-Canon-i250.html | 11:30 |
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misieq | rekr, you don't have grub installed? | 11:30 |
jamey3 | wdh: thanks. | 11:30 |
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fxP1 | hi all. does anyone have experience of making 2 machines talk to each other with minicom? | 11:30 |
misieq | rekr, try to look around for grub boot floppys | 11:30 |
wdh | jamey3, try the canon site also.. they seem to have linux-drivers available.. | 11:31 |
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misieq | rekr, once you boot grub hit 'c' and it'll drop you into console | 11:31 |
jamey3 | wdh, they do but I'm having problems compiling them. I'm trying them again now. | 11:31 |
=== Chris_takesAwalk is now known as Chrischan | ||
jamey3 | wdh, I've got lots of errors when running "make". Can you look at them in #flood and tell me what they mean? | 11:32 |
wdh | jamey3, first try it with the ppd file only.. it might just work :) | 11:32 |
jamey3 | oh okay | 11:32 |
rekr | thats the problem ubuntu install installs RGUB but it never comes up during boot, I can only get the windows boot menu to come up | 11:32 |
rekr | i can get into windowds i want grub some i can boot into ubuntu | 11:32 |
jamey3 | I tried it with "BJC 250" and I sent a test page to the printer. But there are dozens of "USB Printer #XX" and I don't know which one to choose. | 11:32 |
wdh | jamey3, try lsusb | 11:32 |
=== dockane [be6686c7e8@p5084E319.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
misieq | rekr, try to look for grub on ubuntu cd - there hould be a floppy image with rawrite | 11:33 |
jamey3 | wdh, good idea :P | 11:34 |
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jamey3 | wdh: "Bus 001 Device 005: ID 04a9:1084 Canon, Inc." There are sixteen different "USB Printer" selections, which one should I choose now? | 11:34 |
warrior_ | Is it possible to stay with Hoary and go to 2.6.12 kernel? or do I have to dist-upgrade breezy? | 11:35 |
=== hmrocha [~hmrocha@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hmrocha | Hello | 11:35 |
hmrocha | I'm having trouble installing a printer. | 11:36 |
tiglionabbit | !quicktime | 11:36 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: I don't know, could you explain it? | 11:36 |
tiglionabbit | !realmedia | 11:36 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 11:36 |
tiglionabbit | you guys, I still don't have quicktime or realplayer playing right | 11:36 |
hmrocha | I have a server called "printers" | 11:36 |
jamey3 | wdh: Any ideas? | 11:36 |
hmrocha | That has a printer named "laserc6" | 11:36 |
tiglionabbit | I looked through the wiki and don't see anything. Ima raid the forums | 11:36 |
jamey3 | tiglionabbit: have you looked on the Ubuntu Wiki? | 11:36 |
jamey3 | oh lol! | 11:36 |
hmrocha | How can i use it in this computer? | 11:36 |
tiglionabbit | jamey3: I've been hawking the restrictedformats page for weeks, but I still don't know how to play real media or quicktime. I do not want to install the realplayer | 11:37 |
=== gm78 [~gm78@S01060004e28f5eac.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | quicktime plays fine in mplayer, but nothing else. I kinda wanted it to work in other things | 11:37 |
hmrocha | In the "Add printer" dialog i chose "Network printer CUPS Printer" | 11:38 |
jamey3 | tiglionabbit: Are you sure Totem doesn't support RM files? | 11:38 |
gm78 | Seveas, i PM'd you | 11:38 |
hmrocha | But what's the URI? | 11:38 |
jamey3 | hmrocha: Maybe you can help me. I am trying to install a Canon i250 printer; there is no driver and it is not detected as a "local printer". | 11:38 |
hmrocha | jamey3, i don't have a local printer | 11:38 |
hmrocha | I have never set up a printer on linux | 11:39 |
=== Arkainium [~mark@pool-70-107-67-197.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | jamey3: nope. "Totem could not play 'file:///home/nick/download/funday.rm'." "There were no decoders found to handle the stream in file "file:///home/nick/download/funday.rm", you might need to install the corresponding plugins" | 11:39 |
gm78 | jamey3, good luck. canon makes crappy printers, their drivers make up for the problems. very few linux drivers are available. (i used to sell them). check linuxprinting.org for the printer, it might tell u a driver u can install in synaptic to make it work | 11:39 |
tiglionabbit | wanted to watch the funday pawpet show =P | 11:39 |
=== caskey [~caskey@adsl-66-159-247-125.dslextreme.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
jamey3 | tiglionabbit: So search for some codecs. | 11:39 |
gm78 | jamey3, ill quickly look for you | 11:39 |
dualBhelp | hey all | 11:39 |
tiglionabbit | jamey3: yeah yeah, search search, guess I'll search by description then, but can you tell me which I need? | 11:40 |
jamey3 | gm78: thank you. Aww, my i250 is lovely! | 11:40 |
jamey3 | tiglionabbit: No because I hate RM. :P | 11:40 |
jamey3 | I'll have a look | 11:40 |
tiglionabbit | jamey3: but I still need to play it, sheesh | 11:40 |
hmrocha | How can I detect network printers? | 11:40 |
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=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | hmrocha: isn't there an option in system -> prefs -> printers ? | 11:41 |
dualBhelp | can anybody help me or enlighent me about this? | 11:41 |
dualBhelp | #/sbin/grub-install /dev/hda | 11:41 |
dualBhelp | /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc does not have any corresponding BIOS drive. | 11:41 |
tiglionabbit | I mean system admin printing | 11:41 |
gm78 | jamey3, their higher end printers are awesome, but their lower end stuff isnt that great. low ink prices is the main motivation for buying one | 11:41 |
tiglionabbit | there should be a thing you can check in the menus there, for detecting network printers | 11:41 |
=== Evil [~evil@AGrenoble-152-1-79-169.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hmrocha | tiglionabbit, "no printers detected" | 11:41 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser [~kaiser@ppp220-145.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Evil | hello everybody | 11:41 |
=== ogg [~admin@1-1-2-20a.um.um.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ogg | helo. | 11:41 |
Evil | I need help please, X doesn't work for me | 11:41 |
tiglionabbit | hmrocha: global settings -> detect LAN printers | 11:41 |
jamey3 | gm78: exactly. 2 a cartridge is great. In the low-end sector, is there anything better? | 11:42 |
tiglionabbit | Evil: oh no | 11:42 |
ogg | which is fastet? fluxbox or iceWM? | 11:42 |
=== oliwer [~oliwer@bon31-1-82-234-80-31.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Evil | it says /etc/X11/X is not executable | 11:42 |
tiglionabbit | Evil: did you just install? | 11:42 |
Evil | what should i do ? | 11:42 |
pitti | Evil: sudo rm /etc/X11/X | 11:42 |
hmrocha | tiglionabbit, still no printers detected | 11:42 |
tiglionabbit | Evil: have you done anything to mess it up? | 11:42 |
tiglionabbit | hmrocha: well I don't know | 11:42 |
pitti | Evil: sudo ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg X | 11:43 |
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goliat | whats the easyest mail server to start on ubunto for smtp and pop3? | 11:43 |
Evil | tiglionabbit: just a dist-upgrade | 11:43 |
pitti | Evil: erm, sudo ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg /etc/X11/X | 11:43 |
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hmrocha | goliat, postfix | 11:43 |
pitti | Evil: I had the same problem, blame daniels :-) | 11:43 |
oliwer | goliat > postfix to | 11:43 |
tiglionabbit | pitti: you sure that dir is right? | 11:43 |
oliwer | znh ? | 11:43 |
jeroen_ | Evil, I had the same problem yesterday | 11:44 |
goliat | does it have a gui ? | 11:44 |
tiglionabbit | oh sorry, yes it's right | 11:44 |
pitti | tiglionabbit: yes | 11:44 |
dualBhelp | can anybody help me or enlighent me about this? | 11:44 |
dualBhelp | /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc does not have any corresponding BIOS drive. | 11:44 |
gm78 | jamey3, linuxprinting.org doesnt even list the i250, i used to own the i350, its a paperweight in linux. avoid epson and lexmark on the lowend. samsung makes good linux compatable laser printers that are lower price and reliable (thats what i use). hp makes awesome low end printers, but has more expensive ink. brother is a really good brand name too | 11:44 |
jeroen_ | Evil, I solved it by removing all the /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg stuff and replacing it by /usr/bin/Xorg | 11:44 |
jeroen_ | in all the configuration files | 11:44 |
oliwer | goliat > i don't think so | 11:44 |
=== slacker [~charles@65-194-22-127.block4.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slacker | im trying to switch linux images | 11:44 |
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slacker | how do i do that | 11:44 |
hmrocha | tiglionabbit, the server is running cupsd | 11:44 |
gm78 | jamey3, always, ALWAYS, check linuxprinting.org before buying something though | 11:44 |
zeenix | hey again | 11:44 |
hmrocha | I should be able to use ipp://printers | 11:45 |
jamey3 | gm78: Price of ink is more important thank anything else for me. I will check that site from now on, thanks. | 11:45 |
dualBhelp | dualBhelp: its grubs not installing to the right place | 11:45 |
=== slacker is now known as sinferno | ||
zeenix | i reinstalled ubuntu | 11:45 |
sinferno | can someone help me switch linux images | 11:45 |
jamey3 | gm78: Can you help me; I'm trying to compile the i250 (official) drivers but getting make errors. | 11:45 |
goliat | any docs about it ? | 11:45 |
Evil | thanks jeroen_ i'll try it | 11:45 |
zeenix | maybe, it only works on the first boot :) | 11:45 |
oliwer | jamey3 > what says ./configure ? | 11:46 |
gm78 | jamey3, canon released official drivers???? *drops dead* ive complained to them numerous times about linux drivers. open a pm with me and give me the link | 11:46 |
tiglionabbit | slomo: you should be able to find one in synaptic. Have synaptic install it, then restart your computer and you should be able to select it from grub | 11:46 |
tiglionabbit | oops, that was for slacker | 11:46 |
tiglionabbit | who is gone | 11:46 |
tiglionabbit | crap | 11:46 |
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tiglionabbit | oh, sinferno | 11:46 |
gm78 | jamey3, oh, brother makes an awesome printer too, about mid-range on ink price, less expensive than hps. you have to buy all in ones with them though, or laser printers | 11:46 |
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=== supernix [sdasf@68-189-171-229.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goliat | when i reload in synaptek i get an error in this link http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-security/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz: This HTTP server has broken range support [IP: 80] | 11:47 |
tiglionabbit | !realplayer | 11:47 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: I give up, what is it? | 11:47 |
goliat | how can i fix that | 11:47 |
jamey3 | gm78: ah I see. I despise MFDs. Laser is overkill for my needs. | 11:47 |
jamey3 | oliwer: it seemed to go fine. | 11:47 |
sinferno | tiglionabbit, well i am using the 386 one and i looking in modules and nvidia isnt there | 11:47 |
jamey3 | oliwer: But as soon as I run make, there are loads of errors. | 11:47 |
tiglionabbit | er.. | 11:47 |
supernix | I tried ubuntu and unfortunately the kubuntu worked much better at detecting my printer | 11:47 |
=== Troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sinferno | tiglionabbit, so i downloaded the k7 one, and it has nvidia in modules | 11:48 |
oliwer | jamey3 > so I cannot help you ^^^am noob | 11:48 |
sinferno | tiglionabbit, and i have a k7 so i would rather use that one anyways | 11:48 |
tiglionabbit | sinferno: ok then... | 11:48 |
sinferno | tiglionabbit, :( | 11:48 |
oliwer | goliat > just delete the server that doesn't work from the list | 11:48 |
sinferno | tiglionabbit, is it really hard or something? | 11:48 |
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tiglionabbit | sinferno: is what? | 11:48 |
jamey3 | oliwer: no problem, join the club. :P | 11:49 |
sinferno | tiglionabbit, switching images | 11:49 |
tiglionabbit | sinferno: once you install the kernel image, all you have to do is reboot and select it from grub | 11:49 |
=== anthony [~anthony@ool-45776e74.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sinferno | tiglionabbit, then uninstall the other one? | 11:49 |
djp | sinferno: if you wish to use an athlon/duron specific kernel just apt-get linux-k7 | 11:49 |
anthony | can someone tell me how i can save a file when i finished editing it under nano? | 11:49 |
tiglionabbit | sinferno: uh, mebbe. I just keep it around, if it doesn't uninstall it itself... | 11:49 |
sinferno | tiglionabbit, ok thanks | 11:50 |
tiglionabbit | anthony: the commands are all written on the bottom of the window, with ^ denoting "hold control". I believe it's control-O | 11:50 |
oliwer | anthony > ctrl + o then enter | 11:50 |
sinferno | djp, you mean linux-image-2.6.10-5-k7 ? | 11:50 |
goliat | is all what i need is postfix ? | 11:50 |
djp | i have installed the linux-k7 kernel here as i have an amd/duron processor. after installing the k7 specific kernel, i did not have to do anything with my grub loader. ubuntu just booted using the new kernel. | 11:50 |
Arkainium | are cpu fans normally intake or outake? | 11:50 |
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sinferno | ok cool brb | 11:51 |
ogg | which window manager is fastest, iceWM or fluxbox | 11:51 |
tiglionabbit | djp: yes exactly. What I mean is selecting that on the menu grub shows you on boot | 11:51 |
ogg | for ubuntu hoary | 11:51 |
oliwer | finland invasion | 11:51 |
djp | sinferno: choose linux-k7 from synaptic or apt-get etc. it will install any other dependencies anyway. | 11:51 |
=== ficoc [~ficoc@p508723BD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nikkia | Arkainium: outtake - pull air over the heatsink and push it away | 11:51 |
tiglionabbit | djp: he gone | 11:51 |
oliwer | ogg > afterstep | 11:51 |
nikkia | Arkainium: intake would push hot air over the rest of the chipset, bad idea | 11:51 |
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djp | tiglionabbit: ahh, sure. i don't have a boot loader screen here. | 11:52 |
=== qpid [~dfgdfgdfg@a81-14-179-6.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arkainium | nikkia, that's what I figured. that goes for all chipsets, right? you'd only want intakes coming from outside, correct? | 11:52 |
Evil | still have problems | 11:52 |
anthony | i pressed ctrl + o but when i open the file in a text editor, it shows the same depth . | 11:52 |
nikkia | Arkainium: yes | 11:52 |
ogg | afterstep. is it very lightweight? | 11:52 |
nikkia | Arkainium: even then, you might not want intakes at all | 11:52 |
tiglionabbit | djp: oh, when you're not dual booting it doesn't show it? | 11:52 |
Arkainium | nikkia, dust? :P | 11:52 |
djp | tiglionabbit: great isn't it. dishing out some advice and puff... disappear into thin air! ;) | 11:52 |
nikkia | Arkainium: a PC case is non-airtight, and air will come in naturally to replace the pushed out air | 11:52 |
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djp | tiglionabbit: no | 11:53 |
Arkainium | nikkia, ah, thanks for the info. | 11:53 |
tiglionabbit | djp: no meaning yes? | 11:53 |
nikkia | Arkainium: an 'extra' case fan would be intake... but the standard ones should be outtake | 11:53 |
djp | tiglionabbit: :) it doesn't show it when you are not dual booting | 11:53 |
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=== I-IIEars [~billharps@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nikkia | Arkainium: by 'standard' i mean the PSU fan, really | 11:53 |
tiglionabbit | djp: k | 11:53 |
djp | tiglionabbit: now even i'm getting confused! ;) | 11:53 |
=== andy_ [~beezly@2001:630:63:16:230:1bff:feb7:2528] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nikkia | Arkainium: a secondary case fan on the back, or on the front, can be intake or outtake, but outtake is usual for back fans, intake on front | 11:54 |
=== kimo [ahmedy@60-248-83-24.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nikkia | Arkainium: basically, look at the case fan location, if it has an air-filter screen, its probably intended to be intake, otherwise, its outtake | 11:54 |
Arkainium | nikkia, heh, my PSU's fan actually blows over the fets by the cpu. *shrug* | 11:54 |
=== Aruviel [~aru@lpr2-786.cable.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nikkia | Arkainium: sounds like a badly designed PSU, to me | 11:55 |
=== sinferno [~charles@65-194-22-127.block4.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sinferno | holy crap, that fixed all the problems i had | 11:56 |
sinferno | thanks alot | 11:56 |
sinferno | it started my nvidia drivers | 11:56 |
sinferno | and whatnot | 11:56 |
oliwer | ogg > afterstep is about 3 megs and runs pretty fast on my laptop | 11:56 |
oliwer | but i gess it is not the faster | 11:56 |
sinferno | omfffggg | 11:56 |
sinferno | thanks guys | 11:56 |
sinferno | i went from 200 fps in glxgears | 11:57 |
sinferno | to 3119 | 11:57 |
sinferno | and i can actually run it | 11:57 |
=== aCiD2 [~acid2@host86-128-78-196.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== tutatis [~tutatis@62-15-77-54.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aCiD2 | What is the command to create system links? | 11:57 |
oliwer | acide2 > ln | 11:59 |
tutatis | hello | 11:59 |
aCiD2 | thanks oliwer :) | 11:59 |
oliwer | hi | 11:59 |
oliwer | :) | 11:59 |
tutatis | I've been dealing with a newbie problem for 2 days and I thought it was being time to ask for some help here | 12:00 |
oliwer | lol | 12:00 |
tutatis | it's related to samba and folder sharing between two ubuntu boxes | 12:00 |
=== IceDC571 [~IceDC571@c-67-188-217-131.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tutatis | i've installed samba successfully in both machines | 12:00 |
oliwer | that's not a newb problem... | 12:00 |
tutatis | but I can't get it to work | 12:00 |
oliwer | you didn't foind some good tutos with google ? | 12:01 |
tutatis | well, quite a lot | 12:01 |
tutatis | i think tyhe proble is i'm missing something | 12:01 |
tutatis | let me expose it briefly | 12:02 |
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oliwer | k | 12:02 |
=== maradong [~bhentges@vodsl-592.vo.lu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tutatis | i'd like to EASILY shared some folders form one machine to the other | 12:02 |
tutatis | no user/pwd would be nice | 12:02 |
tutatis | just as i use to do in windows | 12:02 |
tutatis | i installed samba and edited smb.conf in machine 1 | 12:03 |
oliwer | nice story | 12:03 |
tutatis | i added a samba user, with the same name than machine 2 user name | 12:03 |
internat | lol | 12:03 |
internat | yeah lol i htink that is a story cuas ei havnt managed to get that set up on my debian box rthat ive been playing with for the last year | 12:04 |
tutatis | tried to access it by "Places/Network servers" | 12:04 |
tutatis | ok, i could see both machines there | 12:04 |
tutatis | when doubleclicking one of them, it opened showing the shared floder | 12:05 |
=== permik [~permik@host-84-220-96-141.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tutatis | ok, but then when clicking theat folder i got a message saying that resource is anavailable or unexistant | 12:05 |
oliwer | are you sure that the shared folders are chmoded 777 | 12:05 |
tutatis | nope | 12:05 |
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tutatis | but anyway, that was yesterday | 12:06 |
=== samuelk [~samuelk@h141n1fls32o279.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tutatis | today i can't even see eachothe in Network servers | 12:06 |
oliwer | hmmm... samba sucks anyway | 12:06 |
tutatis | ok, if samba sucks | 12:06 |
tutatis | how should i do it? | 12:06 |
aCiD2 | When I try and do "ln ~/Projects/ proj" I get the message: "ln: `/home/acid2/Projects/': hard link not allowed for directory" | 12:06 |
aCiD2 | What does that mean, and what should I do instead? | 12:06 |
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oliwer | you should ask a competent person... | 12:06 |
tutatis | oliwer is that for me? | 12:07 |
oliwer | this channel is full of n00bs | 12:07 |
oliwer | yep | 12:07 |
tutatis | mm, i thought it was a ubuntu help channel | 12:07 |
aCiD2 | tutatis, try the forums? | 12:07 |
aCiD2 | Lots of helpful people there :) | 12:07 |
oliwer | or try the evening | 12:07 |
aCiD2 | Anywho, any ideas on my link question? | 12:08 |
oliwer | there are more geeks around 21h | 12:08 |
tutatis | shouldn't i ask this kind of questions here? | 12:08 |
=== gismo_ [~gismo@p54956FBA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oliwer | yes u should | 12:08 |
internat | anyone know how to set up dual monitor support? | 12:08 |
tutatis | wouldn't like to bother, but the channel's topic lead me here | 12:08 |
maradong | internat, check out xinerama | 12:08 |
oliwer | tutatis tu es franais ? | 12:09 |
tutatis | no, I'm spanish | 12:09 |
oliwer | gay... with such a french name... | 12:09 |
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tutatis | lol, tutatis is a name asterix used to invoke | 12:09 |
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oliwer | ye :) | 12:10 |
aCiD2 | internat, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XineramaHowTo | 12:10 |
tutatis | ;) | 12:10 |
gismo_ | ok | 12:10 |
tutatis | well, i'll come later then | 12:10 |
samuelk | i have a question...in Kynaptic i gett a a msg then press the "upgrade all packages" it is saying: "Operation not possible with broken packages please fix them first"... | 12:10 |
tutatis | this thing is driving me crazy | 12:10 |
oliwer | o god ! u remind me that i must go in spain next mounth and i still suck in spanish | 12:10 |
samuelk | i go up in the menu file >Fix all broken packages | 12:11 |
notos | samuel fix them use the fix broken duh ;) | 12:11 |
oliwer | linux made a lot of creazy men | 12:11 |
samuelk | and it whant to remove kdmtheme but i sure dont whant to.. | 12:11 |
tutatis | yep :) | 12:11 |
samuelk | and it is not broken... | 12:11 |
tutatis | well, c'ya later then | 12:11 |
tutatis | thanks | 12:11 |
oliwer | cya | 12:11 |
samuelk | any ideaS? | 12:11 |
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oliwer | samuelk > did you add a lot of servers in list.conf ? | 12:13 |
=== tiglionabbit [~nick@c-67-171-159-205.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
samuelk | dunno | 12:13 |
tiglionabbit | you guys, do I really want to have gstreamer0.8-plugins installed? | 12:13 |
=== klaym [~klaym_@a81-197-80-23.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
notos | type in a termial sudo apt-get -f install | 12:13 |
=== lambert [~lambert@d213-103-45-17.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
panji_5 | j/jakarta | 12:14 |
notos | check yor sources.list (/etc/apt/sources.list) | 12:14 |
samuelk | notos you mean me? | 12:14 |
tiglionabbit | I'm asking if I should, not how to | 12:14 |
oliwer | samuelk > well maybe u should make a fresh sources.list | 12:14 |
tiglionabbit | !repositories | 12:14 |
ubotu | hmm... repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 12:14 |
notos | si | 12:14 |
notos | i mean yes | 12:15 |
notos | :P | 12:15 |
samuelk | oliwer i have just enable universe | 12:15 |
oliwer | strange | 12:15 |
unome | anyone knows how to find out the ubuntu release 'codemane' installed, like if it's hoary or breezy? | 12:15 |
jeroen_ | unome, system -> about ubuntu | 12:15 |
djp | tiglionabbit: not if you want to stick with gnu/fsf prinicpals | 12:15 |
=== unome doesnt have system > about ubuntu | ||
oliwer | bah... install synaptic :p | 12:16 |
tiglionabbit | djp: well I just installed it. And I'm kicking myself. So many dependencies I've gotta remove now if I want it gone | 12:16 |
tiglionabbit | djp: is there a quicker way to get rid of everything from a metapackage? | 12:16 |
djp | tiglionabbit: i don't use the plugins as i only use ogg/theora vorbis formats | 12:16 |
jeroen_ | unome, probably Warty then | 12:16 |
samuelk | are there no way to gett it to understand i dont whant to remove kdmtheme | 12:16 |
Seveas | unome, cat /etc/issue | 12:16 |
unome | jeroen_: I dont use gnome | 12:16 |
samuelk | what ever i install or remove it whant to remove kdmtheme | 12:16 |
unome | Seveas!! thanks mate | 12:17 |
jeroen_ | unome, aha | 12:17 |
oliwer | wait a sec | 12:17 |
=== ealden [~ealden@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djp | tiglionabbit: well, if i wanted as many formats, both restriced and un-restricted working i would install the metapackage plugins | 12:17 |
djp | tiglionabbit: you will also need to install the gstreamer-ffmpeg plugin if you want to watch divx files | 12:18 |
unome | I knew in debian it was /etc/debian_version ... now I should remember /etc/issue =) | 12:18 |
djp | tiglionabbit: you may also need to make changes under Multimedia Systems Selector with regards audio in order to prevent jerky playback in totem | 12:19 |
tiglionabbit | djp: is there any way to play quicktime or realmedia without real player? I'm still not getting this | 12:19 |
internat | ok well lets see if i just broke xorg.conf | 12:19 |
djp | tiglionabbit: quicktime files will playback if you install the gstreamer-ffmpeg plugin | 12:19 |
oliwer | samuelk > funny ! i dont see anything that looks like kdetheme on my box... | 12:19 |
samuelk | kdmtheme | 12:20 |
tiglionabbit | djp: I have that, but totem will not play quicktime, vlc plays it without sound, and mplayer plays it right | 12:20 |
djp | tiglionabbit: with regards realmedia, i am not sure. | 12:20 |
oliwer | ooops | 12:20 |
samuelk | heh | 12:20 |
tiglionabbit | djp: what video settings should I put in multimedia systems selector? | 12:20 |
djp | tiglionabbit: i know that .mov files will playback under totem-gstreamer with the ffmpeg plugin installed | 12:20 |
tiglionabbit | zomg, "Ascii Art X11". Is this real!? | 12:20 |
tiglionabbit | ... I just selected it, hit test, and multimedia selector went poof gone | 12:21 |
djp | tiglionabbit: change default audio sink to ALSA | 12:21 |
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oliwer | samuelk > same for kdmtheme | 12:21 |
tiglionabbit | yeah yeah got alsa selected already. What about video? | 12:21 |
djp | tiglionabbit: ESD caused syncing issues with video and audio for me | 12:21 |
tiglionabbit | xv? | 12:21 |
samuelk | well ist an addon for kde so you can change kdm theme | 12:21 |
samuelk | easyer | 12:21 |
djp | tiglionabbit: leave default | 12:21 |
oliwer | samuelk > try to uninstall it ;) just for fun :p | 12:22 |
djp | tiglionabbit: should be xwindows | 12:22 |
tiglionabbit | djp: so what's with the quicktime stuff though | 12:22 |
djp | tiglionabbit: hold on... | 12:22 |
oliwer | a thememanager... | 12:22 |
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samuelk | nod | 12:22 |
Scroopy | hello people | 12:23 |
samuelk | any ideas? | 12:23 |
Scroopy | da noob has returneth | 12:23 |
samuelk | heh | 12:23 |
=== JaneW [~JaneW@wbs-146-148-30.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Scroopy | what is da short cut key for terminal? | 12:24 |
=== oliwer gives up. He's going to watch some pr0n... | ||
hhurtta | oh. mighty noob | 12:24 |
tiglionabbit | djp: I can play the QT dance music video from slashdot in gmplayer, and the nintendo trailers too. The QT one crashes vlc though, and the nintendo trailers play without sound in it. None of em play in Totem | 12:24 |
Scroopy | oh, u have NO idea how nooby | 12:24 |
=== mameluke [bo@84-72-14-76.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djp | tiglionabbit: i have only ever played back .mov files that i was sent by my brother in the past. all worked fine with sound under totem. | 12:25 |
tiglionabbit | djp: well go to slashdot and get the QT music video then, and watch vlc crash | 12:26 |
djp | tiglionabbit: it does appear from what i have read on the forums that many people recommend using mplayer with quicktime however | 12:26 |
tiglionabbit | oo, vlc prints out "Floating point exception" when it crashes | 12:27 |
tiglionabbit | fun times | 12:27 |
djp | tiglionabbit: not used vlc myself | 12:28 |
znh | eeh.. I just updated my kernel to -k7, I try to start my X server but it says 'module Nvidia not found' | 12:28 |
=== I-IIEars [~billharps@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
znh | It worked fine with my -386 kernel | 12:29 |
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znh | Do I have to reinstall my nvidia drivers for this kernel? | 12:29 |
tiglionabbit | djp: what totem does is... it pretends to start playing something but with no sound or video. The little progress bar thingy moves at first very fast but slows down exponentially, then turns grey and stops, indicating 4 minutes 23 seconds out of 6:something... then a little while later it jumps to the end and says it's done | 12:29 |
djp | tiglionabbit: and gstreamer-plugins metapackage and gstreamer-ffmpeg are both installed right? | 12:30 |
klaym | is there some other web browser than firefox that I could get from ubuntu's repositories? | 12:30 |
tiglionabbit | sorry I mean 4:19 out of 4:33 | 12:30 |
tiglionabbit | djp: yes | 12:30 |
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=== atholas [~atholas@222-153-14-87.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
znh | klaym: links, lynx | 12:31 |
=== Spug [~Spug@ti211310a081-15644.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djp | tiglionabbit: only thing i can suggest is use the player that works to view that/those file/s (i believe you said mplayer worked). | 12:32 |
znh | attention please.. in a big trouble here.. | 12:32 |
tiglionabbit | djp: yeah. Dude go download the music video and watch stuff screw up on it. I dare you. =P Anyway, I was hoping to avoid having to download a realplayer though... | 12:32 |
djp | tiglionabbit: i would recommend avoiding the formats that are restrictive | 12:33 |
klaym | znh: thanks | 12:34 |
tiglionabbit | djp: but dude, it's QT. Um... | 12:34 |
tiglionabbit | djp: I didn't make the video, but I still want to watch it | 12:34 |
Seveas | klaym, epiphany | 12:34 |
=== Jimbob [~jcape@c-24-14-115-101.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | djp: some people only distribute certain formats... | 12:34 |
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znh | Is this a known bug? that the nvidia drivers don't work with the k7 kernel? | 12:34 |
Seveas | znh, no | 12:35 |
znh | Seveas: then why doesn't it work for me :/ | 12:35 |
Seveas | which kernel (uname -r)? | 12:35 |
znh | 2.6.11-1-k7 | 12:35 |
Seveas | ah, that is known | 12:35 |
Seveas | 2.6.11 is unsupported and known to be buggy | 12:35 |
Seveas | use 2.6.10 in hoary | 12:35 |
=== Albaraha [~Albaraha@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
znh | okay | 12:35 |
djp | tiglionabbit: i know. i normally drop them an email and ask them to provide a free alternative. ;) | 12:36 |
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=== Spug_ [~Spug@ti211310a081-15644.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | djp: hmm... good idea, but some people use rm just because it's the lightest file format around | 12:36 |
tiglionabbit | allows the most compression | 12:36 |
tiglionabbit | regardless of how awful it makes things look | 12:37 |
djp | tiglionabbit: theora is very good. | 12:37 |
aCiD2 | "http://diva.enove.pl/wp-content/diva_screenshot_01.png" Does anyone know what the little face is in the notification tray is? | 12:37 |
=== dualBhelp [~Joshua@203-173-167-249.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
djp | tiglionabbit: i realise though that this does not help you in your situation. hold on, let me check something uot... | 12:38 |
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tiglionabbit | djp: awesome, xine crashes on the qt video too | 12:38 |
Seveas | aCiD2, that's tintin :) | 12:38 |
aCiD2 | Thats what the program is called as well? | 12:38 |
aCiD2 | I know the character :P | 12:39 |
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aCiD2 | ahhhh, its tomboy | 12:40 |
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wrinkols | anyone feel like helping me out with fstab? | 12:41 |
klaym | where does epiphany go after installation? what's the command for running it in console? :P | 12:41 |
tiglionabbit | klaym: dpkg -L the package name to find out where things were put | 12:42 |
tiglionabbit | !cli | 12:42 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, tiglionabbit | 12:42 |
tiglionabbit | !gui | 12:42 |
klaym | ok | 12:42 |
=== doive [~david@210-246-18-192.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | tiglionabbit: I don't know, could you explain it? | 12:42 |
tiglionabbit | darn, ubotu doesn't know those | 12:42 |
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Seveas | wrinkols, mounting windows drives? | 12:42 |
wrinkols | yeah | 12:42 |
wrinkols | I had it working earlier | 12:43 |
Seveas | wrinkols: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically | 12:43 |
Seveas | run that little script once | 12:43 |
doive | hey any printing wizes here? | 12:43 |
wrinkols | sorry i'm really new | 12:43 |
wrinkols | how do i run the script? | 12:43 |
wrinkols | lol | 12:43 |
=== Adreno [~kevin@60.84-48-89.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
doive | 5.04 has broken my printing | 12:44 |
=== henriett [~henriett@laptop-guest-56.chem.warwick.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Adreno | hey | 12:44 |
hhurtta | wrinkols: open terminal, cd to scriptfile, chmod u+x <file>, and finally ./<skriptfile> | 12:44 |
hhurtta | probably as root | 12:45 |
=== nxv__ [~matrix@dsl-084-056-126-251.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wrinkols | alright i'm going to try it now | 12:45 |
Adreno | im having trouble with something and was wondering if anyone could help | 12:45 |
tiglionabbit | wow, xine does a horrible job of playing these quicktime files too | 12:45 |
znh | Seveas: I'm still getting the same error | 12:45 |
doive | anyone else here had trouble with usb printers? | 12:45 |
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Seveas | wrinkols, sudo bash winmac_fstab | 12:46 |
klaym | Seveas: LOL! | 12:46 |
=== unome had extreme hard time to get his printer to work | ||
Seveas | znh, what is the error? | 12:46 |
Adreno | Im trying to install dosbox on ubuntu linux, but i cant seem to find the right file, or how to install anything in general | 12:46 |
doive | unome you too? how did you fix it? | 12:47 |
unome | doive: found a driver :D | 12:47 |
doive | unome my driver is fine | 12:47 |
=== ptlo [~senko@darguner.rdlab.carnet.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
znh | Seveas: that he can't load the nvidia module, (it's not even in the /lib/modules/2.6.10-k7/kernel/drivers/video folder | 12:47 |
doive | it's a brother hl-1430 there are already drivers for it in cups | 12:47 |
Seveas | znh, install the linux-k7 metapackage | 12:48 |
doive | it worked in warty | 12:48 |
Adreno | anyone know where to get dos box for ubuntu? | 12:48 |
znh | Seveas: ? | 12:48 |
=== hkdev [~hkdev@cm166.delta75.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | you need the restrcited-modules package | 12:48 |
znh | ah :) | 12:48 |
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znh | then i've gto reboot? | 12:49 |
tiglionabbit | Adreno: it should be in the basic repositories | 12:49 |
unome | Adreno: apt-cache search dosbox ...says: dosbox - A x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA graphics, sound and DOS | 12:49 |
tiglionabbit | Adreno: it's in universe | 12:50 |
unome | apt-get into it :) | 12:50 |
action09 | apt-get moo | 12:50 |
unome | :p | 12:50 |
action09 | :] | 12:50 |
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tiglionabbit | zomg | 12:50 |
Adreno | cool. ok im new to linux. Windows crashed and i decided to replace. difficult. | 12:50 |
tiglionabbit | they actually built that into apt-get? | 12:50 |
klaym | what's this galeon web browser thing? is it good? | 12:51 |
tiglionabbit | that's not in the manual | 12:51 |
Adreno | i write commands in the root terminal correct? | 12:51 |
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tiglionabbit | Adreno: yes, you need root permissions to use apt-get | 12:51 |
wrinkols | I ran it.. it still tells me that the 'special device' does not exist | 12:51 |
tiglionabbit | Adreno: you could use synaptic though, for the same purposes. It's gui | 12:51 |
Adreno | yeah, i have a password for it. | 12:51 |
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notos | join #ubuntu-es | 12:52 |
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tiglionabbit | why is this moo thing in apt-get? are there any other weird things they put in it? | 12:52 |
=== NyChamp757 [~NyChamp75@ool-45776e74.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wrinkols | im curious - has anybody set up a raid0 on ubuntu | 12:53 |
znh | Seveas: yaay thanks works now :) | 12:53 |
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Adreno | synaptic and gui are unfarmiliar words tto me as of yet. ive had linux for 5 days. heh i mean ive seen them but dont know what meaning they hold. | 12:53 |
unome | Try aptitude -v moo | 12:53 |
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unome | and .. aptitude -v -v moo | 12:53 |
thenuke | Adreno: gui is Graphical user interface. nothing linux spesific | 12:53 |
HostingGeek | PATENT REJECTED!!!! | 12:54 |
thenuke | Adreno: synaptic is software. softwares you found from the top menus | 12:54 |
HostingGeek | WOOHOO!!! | 12:54 |
wrinkols | I'm not sure what's wrong | 12:55 |
desplesda | HostingGeek: huh? | 12:55 |
sam_ | Any idea why I can't open .torrent files in azureus by just double-clicking them? | 12:55 |
HostingGeek | Software Patent in europe got rejected!!! | 12:55 |
desplesda | :o | 12:55 |
Adreno | nice. makes sence. | 12:55 |
tiglionabbit | rofl | 12:55 |
tiglionabbit | aptitude | 12:55 |
tiglionabbit | more -v s | 12:56 |
unome | that should be topic I guess (jes kidding) | 12:56 |
tiglionabbit | why did they do that? | 12:56 |
wrinkols | because you don't visit the asiandvdclub | 12:56 |
Adreno | synaptic is an application found in the applications menu at the top of the gui correct? | 12:56 |
sam_ | I tried right-clicking and picking open in Azureus. But they are still recognied as gnome-bt files. | 12:56 |
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sam_ | I can only add them to azureus by dragdropping the files into the program. | 12:56 |
=== otep anyone here who uses a snap server? | ||
Jimbob | HostingGeek: Do you have a URL for that or no? | 12:57 |
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wrinkols | doesn't azureus make itself the default on startup? | 12:58 |
wrinkols | or is that only in win | 12:58 |
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sam_ | wrinkols, apparently it didnt | 12:58 |
wrinkols | yeah that's tru | 12:58 |
sam_ | but even if i right-click and then pick open in azureus, nothing seems to happen | 12:58 |
HostingGeek | Jimbob: Liston to the live stream | 12:58 |
HostingGeek | "The assembly voted by 648 to 14 with 18 abstentions to reject the law" | 12:58 |
Adreno | ok i found a synapic package manager,upgrading. | 12:58 |
wrinkols | strange... the last few releases have been buggy | 12:58 |
wrinkols | maybe that's why | 12:59 |
Jimbob | What live stream? | 12:59 |
HostingGeek | Jimbob: the | 12:59 |
Adreno | im sorry for noobing | 12:59 |
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wrinkols | adreno ... i don't think anybody is as noob as I | 12:59 |
Adreno | hehe | 12:59 |
Adreno | are you new to liinux? | 12:59 |
wrinkols | i woke up this morning and was like.. "i'm going to dump my windows setup and try to figure out linux" | 01:00 |
wrinkols | yep | 01:00 |
Scroopy | i dunno | 01:00 |
Scroopy | id give u a run for ur money | 01:00 |
Jimbob | HostingGeek: Like there's only one? | 01:00 |
Scroopy | i have had in total 2 hrs of linux exp | 01:00 |
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Scroopy | and 1 of those i was ready to get a hammer | 01:00 |
wrinkols | haha, yeah i thought about that today | 01:00 |
HostingGeek | Jimbob: ya | 01:01 |
Scroopy | i also thought about windows 2k or ewven XP again | 01:01 |
HostingGeek | Jimbob: reload slashdot | 01:01 |
HostingGeek | it will be there soon | 01:01 |
wrinkols | i like it, but now i'm going to have to find all my programs again | 01:01 |
Adreno | My ol windows xp had itself a virus and deleted the program needed to start windows. replaced the damn os | 01:01 |
Scroopy | lol | 01:01 |
wrinkols | i did go back, this morning I installed ubuntu, about lunchtime started installing xp64, then changed my mind again and here I am | 01:02 |
NyChamp757 | i just installed ubuntu | 01:02 |
sam_ | I would recommend people to get a separate hard drive for starting out with linux and dual-booting. | 01:02 |
NyChamp757 | a mear hour ago | 01:02 |
HostingGeek | http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D8B5RBI00.htm?campaign_id=apn_tech_down | 01:03 |
HostingGeek | Jimbob: http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D8B5RBI00.htm?campaign_id=apn_tech_down | 01:03 |
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Choris | Hey | 01:03 |
Adreno | hi | 01:03 |
wrinkols | yeah, i was thinking about that. i have a spare. well now i don't. i set up two hard drives for the system.. 1 with swap and root, and one with home | 01:03 |
Choris | i have problems with ubuntu | 01:03 |
NyChamp757 | anyone know where i can get the plugin for mp3's for the totem player | 01:03 |
NyChamp757 | so i can listen to my music ? | 01:04 |
Choris | it doesn't have fb0 device, how can i get it? | 01:04 |
Seveas | NyChamp757, you need gstreamer0.8-mad | 01:04 |
Seveas | NyChamp757: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support | 01:04 |
NyChamp757 | Alright thanks | 01:04 |
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Adreno | how would i find a specific file ( like dosbox ) with the synaptic file manager? | 01:05 |
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HostingGeek | http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D8B5RBI00.htm?campaign_id=apn_tech_down | 01:05 |
HostingGeek | mdz: hey | 01:05 |
wrinkols | is there any reason why if i plug in another sata drive my system wont boot? | 01:05 |
HostingGeek | mdz: long time no see | 01:05 |
mdz | HostingGeek: good morning | 01:05 |
HostingGeek | mdz: now you ring a very big bell in my head | 01:05 |
Choris | someone knows how to get a FrameBuffer device installed? | 01:05 |
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HostingGeek | mdz: I know I will remeber you | 01:06 |
HostingGeek | mdz: you are a devel? | 01:06 |
mdz | yes | 01:06 |
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bpuccio | developer and then some | 01:06 |
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bpuccio | mdz: I've seen you posting on debian lists, ubuntu lists, in general, all over the place, don't know how you do it all | 01:07 |
wrinkols | thank you for the help, i'm going to sleep and then retry in the morning | 01:07 |
Seveas | HostingGeek, mdz is the CTO of Ubuntu :) | 01:07 |
Adreno | how would i find a specific file ( like dosbox ) with the synaptic file manager? | 01:07 |
mdz | bpuccio: I type fast ;-) | 01:07 |
HostingGeek | mdz: I remember you!!!!! | 01:07 |
Seveas | Adreno, use the search function :) | 01:07 |
Adreno | good luck wrinklos | 01:07 |
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HostingGeek | mdz: http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D8B5RBI00.htm?campaign_id=apn_tech_down | 01:07 |
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wrinkols | thank you... you also | 01:07 |
wrinkols | bye bye | 01:07 |
Adreno | that easy? | 01:07 |
Snakes | is there a novell for ubuntu | 01:08 |
Seveas | Adreno, it is in Universe, so you need universe enabled | 01:08 |
Adreno | universe is enabled in the synaptic file manager munu right? | 01:08 |
Adreno | menu | 01:08 |
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Adreno | you guys are really helping i appreciae that. just bear with the dumb Q's | 01:09 |
Choris | noone knows how to create framebuffer device? | 01:09 |
Seveas | Adreno: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 01:10 |
Seveas | Adreno: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 | 01:10 |
Seveas | Choris, why do you need one..? | 01:10 |
Adreno | :-\ | 01:10 |
sam_ | is there no "previous folder" or "up" button in the file browser except for pressing alt+up? | 01:10 |
Choris | for a 3d game | 01:10 |
Choris | i can't run it because it misses fb0 | 01:11 |
HrdwrBoB | bksp | 01:11 |
HrdwrBoB | goes up | 01:11 |
Seveas | Choris, try: mknod /dev/fb0 c 29 0 | 01:11 |
Choris | done | 01:11 |
jtan325__ | what's the directory that X starts in, for ubuntu? | 01:11 |
Choris | but that didn't help | 01:11 |
Adreno | a repository is like a safe box right where files are stored? i just dont know where i type in paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 | 01:12 |
Seveas | Choris, now retrt, if it doesn't work: modprobe vesafb | 01:12 |
jtan325__ | and also, how come .xsession doesn't seem to get loaded on startup? | 01:12 |
nightswim | Adreno: /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:12 |
Adreno | im guessing we are talking about the SPM | 01:12 |
Seveas | Adreno, the easy way of enabling universe is in SPM | 01:13 |
Choris | retrt: command not found | 01:13 |
Choris | but done the modprobe | 01:13 |
sam_ | Ah, there was another browser thing as well. Why is the crap file browser enabled by deafult? | 01:13 |
Seveas | Adreno, go to settings -> repositories | 01:13 |
hkde1 | has anyone using another file manager in place of nautilus? any recommendation? | 01:13 |
Adreno | ok hold on i got dosbox installed now. it was simple. | 01:14 |
Seveas | and make sure 'community maintained (universe)' is enabled | 01:14 |
Seveas | hehe ok :) | 01:14 |
Adreno | sweet | 01:14 |
Adreno | hey thanks man. | 01:14 |
Seveas | hkde1, I use mc extensively :) | 01:14 |
hkde1 | mc is good :) | 01:14 |
hkde1 | but are u able to replace nautilus at all? it seems nautilus is taking up quite a fair bit of RAM. correct if i'm wrong | 01:15 |
Choris | there is /dev/fb0-file, but if i try to cat /dev/fb0, it says no such device | 01:15 |
Seveas | hkde1, don't mix up shared mem and exclusive mem in your head :) | 01:15 |
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HostingGeek | mdz: how are you? | 01:16 |
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HostingGeek | mdz: Can we talk? | 01:16 |
dockane | Error trying to open /dev/hdd exclusively (Device or resource busy)... retrying in 1 second. <-- output from 'sudo cdrecord blank=all dev=/dev/hdd'. any ideas ? | 01:16 |
mdz | HostingGeek: I am well, but I have a lot of work to do right now. anything in particular? | 01:16 |
thoreauputic | break out the champagne! The Software Patents Directive has been defeated in the EU parliament ! | 01:17 |
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jtan325__ | when i put commands in my .xsessions, they don't seem to get executed | 01:18 |
jtan325__ | is that not where i should put them? | 01:18 |
thoreauputic | http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/07/06/eu_bins_swpat/ | 01:18 |
Adreno | one q. where did the file get installed to,, | 01:18 |
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bimberi | Adreno: Do you mean a file downloaded by synaptic? | 01:19 |
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nikkia | thoreauputic: 'for now' | 01:19 |
Choris | noone knows how to fix my problem? =/ | 01:19 |
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nikkia | thoreauputic: or do you honestly believe MS will stop backing the attempts after just a dozen or so goes? | 01:19 |
Adreno | yeah | 01:20 |
Adreno | bimberi: yeah | 01:20 |
bimberi | Adreno: Synaptic downloads its DEB files to /var/cache/apt/archives | 01:20 |
Adreno | thanks | 01:20 |
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thoreauputic | nikkia: of course MS will keep at it - but it's still an important victory in the ongoing battle | 01:21 |
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notos | Yeah!!! i created my first deb package !!! | 01:22 |
notos | yay to me :) | 01:22 |
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bimberi | Choris: I don't know much about your problem but when Seveas said "retrt" earlier I think he mean to restart X. | 01:22 |
Choris | oops =P | 01:22 |
jtan325__ | where do you put stuff that you want to start with your xsession? | 01:23 |
Adreno | thats wierd | 01:23 |
Adreno | it wasnt there | 01:23 |
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Adreno | bimberi: i searched for dosbox with the spm but when i looked in the folder you specified there was nothing there.. | 01:24 |
Adreno | i installed it as well. | 01:24 |
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Choris | restarted x... no help | 01:25 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: ~/.xsession is the "default" session - it will only be read if you choose that session in gdm: it doesn't apply if you choose, say, gnome | 01:25 |
bimberi | Adreno: Is it there now (after installing) | 01:26 |
thoreauputic | it would be read if you were using "startx' from a tty as well | 01:26 |
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Dreco | Hi All, question please, I am busy working with SAMBA shares, have followed the smbpasswd username -a to add a new smb user, the user can log from a windows machine with the correct credentials, but he is not limited to his own folder, but to all shares in different home folders. | 01:26 |
Adreno | no i cant find it. wierd | 01:26 |
Dreco | How do I limit that user to his own shared home folder | 01:27 |
sam_ | Can somebody recommend a text editor for writing simple C learning apps. It should support syntax highlighting and have functionality implemented through menus and toolbars rather than obscure keyboard commands. | 01:27 |
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bimberi | Adreno: 'tis wierd. Hang on I'll try installing dosbox myself | 01:27 |
jtan325__ | thoreauputic, so where should i put something if i want it to start with X? | 01:28 |
thoreauputic | sam_: scite, or nedit | 01:28 |
NyChamp757 | anyone know how i can open .bin files | 01:28 |
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Adreno | bimberi: it could be because it think im trying to upgrade the entire system and not just dos box | 01:28 |
Nermal | NyChamp757, I imagine they are binary | 01:29 |
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thoreauputic | jtan325__: normally you can save a session with the app runing, and it will start when gnome starts | 01:29 |
Nermal | what does file <filename> say ? | 01:29 |
thoreauputic | *running | 01:29 |
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bcc|grave | NyChamp757, you can make it executable by: chmod +x bla.bin and then run it by ./bla.bin | 01:29 |
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NyChamp757 | i downloaded realplayer for linux and it came in a .bin | 01:29 |
bcc|grave | if it isn't an image ;) | 01:29 |
jtan325__ | thoreauputic, actually, i'm using fluxbox | 01:29 |
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jtan325__ | thoreauputic, or else i'd do it the easy way :-) | 01:29 |
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jtan325__ | basically i want X's "terminal" to source my .bashrc when i login | 01:30 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: ah, in that case you need to consult the docs at http://fluxbox.org | 01:30 |
bimberi | Adreno: Yep - got the files after installing via synaptic. Not sure what's going on. | 01:30 |
bartekp | xorg in breezy is broken? | 01:30 |
Dreco | Hi All, question please, I am busy working with SAMBA shares, have followed the smbpasswd username -a to add a new smb user, the user can log from a windows machine with the correct credentials, but he is not limited to his own folder, but to all shares in different home folders. | 01:30 |
jtan325__ | thoreauputic, yeah, but it says to put stuff in .xsession or .xinitrc | 01:30 |
jtan325__ | ok technically, i can put stuff in fluxbox's "startup file" | 01:31 |
jtan325__ | but that doesn't work | 01:31 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: it's quite possible to run fluxbox from ~/.xsession, but I think it would be easier to edit your startfluxbox script | 01:31 |
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sam_ | thoreauputic, thanks, ill try them out | 01:32 |
jtan325__ | thoreauputic, you might be right. what i'm really trying to do is have X "source" my .bashrc when i login to fluxbox | 01:32 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: you can find it by typing `whereis startfluxbox` or `which startfluxbox` - it's a bash script that starts the wm | 01:32 |
jtan325__ | would editing startfluxbox do that? | 01:33 |
Adreno | bimberi: u also found a file called dosbox right? | 01:33 |
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thoreauputic | jtan325__: what are you trying to start? | 01:33 |
Dreco | Pleez heeelp meee :) | 01:33 |
jtan325__ | thoreauputic, the real goal is to add a menu item to fluxbox that does an scp to a server via RSA | 01:34 |
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jtan325__ | i have the RSA all set up, with keychain and stuff | 01:34 |
bimberi | Adreno: dosbox_0.63-2_i386.deb | 01:34 |
jtan325__ | and it works beautifully, i.e. if i opened up a terminal and did the scp manually | 01:34 |
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thoreauputic | jtan325__: you need to edit the menu then - it's quite easy | 01:34 |
jtan325__ | right | 01:34 |
jtan325__ | i did that | 01:34 |
jtan325__ | but then openssh pops up | 01:34 |
jtan325__ | asking for passcode/password | 01:35 |
Nermal | Dreco, chmod 750 the home dirs ? | 01:35 |
jtan325__ | that shouldn't happen, it doesn't happen in the terminal | 01:35 |
jtan325__ | (because of keychain) | 01:35 |
Seveas | jtan325__, use ssh-add | 01:35 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: this is more of an ssh configuration issue, i think | 01:35 |
bimberi | Adreno: The dosbox executable itself is at /usr/bin/dosbox | 01:36 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: as seveas says | 01:36 |
Adreno | ahhhh | 01:36 |
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jtan325__ | Seveas, thoreauputic: keychain is the "better" version of ssh-add | 01:36 |
bimberi | Adreno: Sry if I misunderstood | 01:36 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: uh... ?? | 01:36 |
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Adreno | sorry for not explaining correctly. im pretty new at linux | 01:37 |
jtan325__ | it works on the system, so you don't have to do ssh-add for every terminal you open, and you don't have multiple ssh-add's lying around | 01:37 |
Dreco | Nermal, please explain. | 01:37 |
jtan325__ | ok, it's not ssh-add, it's a frontend for it | 01:37 |
bimberi | Adreno: np whatsoever. Hope you're enjoying it :). | 01:37 |
Nermal | chmod 750 /home/* | 01:37 |
Nermal | learn unix permissions :P | 01:38 |
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Dreco | Nermal, must I log in and do it as each user or sudo ? | 01:38 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: I just use public keys ( ssh_keygen -t dsa ) and copy the relevant keys to authorized_keys2 in ~/.ssh on each machine - no password will be required once configured | 01:38 |
Nermal | just do that once with sudo | 01:38 |
Dreco | Hey i'm learning, one thing at a time :) | 01:38 |
Dreco | k thanks lemme try | 01:38 |
Nermal | actually | 01:38 |
jtan325__ | thoreauputic, that's exactly what i have | 01:38 |
Nermal | it would need to be 700 really | 01:38 |
jtan325__ | i can do all of that if i open up a terminal | 01:38 |
jtan325__ | and that's great | 01:39 |
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jtan325__ | but if i do this from a fluxbox menu item | 01:39 |
jtan325__ | it requires a password | 01:39 |
Adreno | bimberi: hmm nothing there either. i checked off the box in the Synaptic, clicked apply and chose install. that should do it right? | 01:39 |
jtan325__ | am i making any sense at all | 01:40 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: I might have missed something here, but i think you have 2 ways to do ssh here: GUI via for example nautilus (which works fine for me) or executing the command in a terminal | 01:40 |
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thoreauputic | jtan325__: are you saying a command like " xterm -e ssh your.target.box " won't work ? | 01:41 |
Dreco | damn nermal left, do I have to chmod every time I add a new user account ? anyone | 01:42 |
Dreco | chmod worked btw | 01:42 |
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=== d-man [~d-man@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jtan325__ | it doesn't work because it doesn't get the chance to source my .bashrc, which does the ssh-add and stuff | 01:42 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: I can even make fluxbox menu items for X apps and run them remotely over ssh | 01:42 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: what i think you're missing, is the concept of running the entire desktop as a ssh-agent subtask, with SSH_ASKPASS pointing to a GUI program | 01:43 |
jtan325__ | .... | 01:43 |
thoreauputic | so I still think there's a config issue here | 01:43 |
bimberi | Adreno: It should. What type of icon does SPM have against dosbox now? | 01:43 |
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thoreauputic | nikkia: well, please enlighten jtan325__ :) I only know what I use here with success | 01:44 |
samuelk | well iam off to windows :/ | 01:44 |
jtan325__ | ok when i make a menu item for fluxbox | 01:44 |
jtan325__ | my first try was "{scp ~/mymusic.m3u attu.cs.washington.edu:}" | 01:45 |
jtan325__ | as the comand to execut | 01:45 |
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nikkia | jtan, what you want done, is the entire desktop running under ssh-agent | 01:45 |
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nikkia | jtan, which is how ubuntu and kubuntu run gnome and kde respectively | 01:46 |
jtan325__ | exactly | 01:46 |
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nikkia | however, they won't be doing that for fluxbox, you'll need to set it up manually | 01:46 |
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jtan325__ | that's ok... do you know where to start? | 01:46 |
jtan325__ | or what files i should peek into | 01:46 |
nikkia | kubuntu, for example, loads kde with: /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /usr/bin/startkde | 01:46 |
Adreno | bimberi: one sec. something different happened now. it seems to be upgrading as a terminal has opened. its been doing some unpacking and instaling. i think its completely upgrading | 01:47 |
Adreno | there done | 01:47 |
nikkia | jtan, at a guess, you need to find the config files for your login manager, whether its gdm, kdm or xdm | 01:47 |
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jtan325__ | hmmm interesting...."/usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session startfluxbox" is curretly running | 01:48 |
Adreno | bimberi: i think i might have it now. brb | 01:48 |
nikkia | jtan, then it looks like it should work | 01:48 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: but surely you can scp by making an xterm run your command? Like ' xterm -e mywrapperscript-for-scp ' ? | 01:48 |
jtan325__ | but it doesn't | 01:49 |
jtan325__ | and i could write a wrapper script, sure | 01:49 |
jtan325__ | but that's not really how this should work | 01:49 |
jtan325__ | because in that wrapper script i would have to do ssh-add right? | 01:49 |
jtan325__ | and then ssh-agent | 01:49 |
Adreno | bimberi: ok now its marked as green. but i couldnt find it in the archives folder in the var dir. | 01:50 |
nikkia | jtan, erm, no | 01:50 |
jtan325__ | sorry, i don't mean to sound/be difficult, thoreauputic, nikkia | 01:50 |
nikkia | jtan, you could just set SSH_ASKPASS... | 01:50 |
bimberi | Adreno: is there anything in there? | 01:50 |
jtan325__ | what is SSH_ASKPASS? | 01:50 |
nikkia | jtan, just out of curiousity, can you echo $SSH_AGENT_PID in a xterm ? | 01:50 |
Adreno | bimberi: yeah a folder called partial and something called lock. | 01:51 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: I have never had to explicitly use ssh-add etc - i just have my keys on each box and it works transparently: I guess either I'm missing something obvious, or my needs are different | 01:51 |
jtan325__ | nonexistant | 01:51 |
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nikkia | jtan, its a path, it points to a program that should be used to ask for a password, it allows you to use a GUI program to prompt for passwords/pass-phrases instead of the console method that ssh normally uses | 01:51 |
jtan325__ | ok | 01:51 |
jtan325__ | ideally, i don't want to be asked for anything at all | 01:52 |
bimberi | Adreno: Strange. Here's a couple of commands to try... | 01:52 |
magog | i know this is totally unsupported, but is it a know bug that breezy wont recognize an external harddrive? | 01:52 |
zukalk | is there a command to add text (e.g. 1 or 2 lines) to an existing text file, instead of just overwriting it? | 01:52 |
nikkia | jtan, you're not doing anything silly like starting xterm as a 'login shell' are you ? | 01:52 |
bimberi | Adreno: "sudo updatedb" - should take a while to finish | 01:52 |
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thoreauputic | zukalk: echo "foo" >> yourfile.txt | 01:52 |
jtan325__ | hmmm ok i use aterm | 01:52 |
thoreauputic | note the double >> | 01:52 |
bimberi | Adreno: "locate dosbox" - should (hopefully) find some files | 01:53 |
jtan325__ | ok | 01:53 |
jtan325__ | tell me what to try... | 01:53 |
jtan325__ | i will use xterm | 01:53 |
jtan325__ | but i don't know its parameters | 01:53 |
nikkia | jtan, just start a plain xterm, with no parameters, and see if SSH_AGENT_PID is set | 01:53 |
magog | do you guys know if my drive problem is a known bug? if not ide like to report it | 01:54 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: I use aterm as well - the syntax is the same: aterm -e "what-you-want-to-execute" | 01:54 |
jtan325__ | nikkia, SSH_AGENT_PID is set when i start a plain terminal | 01:54 |
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jtan325__ | because starting a plain terminal sources my .bashrc | 01:54 |
nikkia | jtan, ok, then it looks like your terminals are set to start with the equivalent of -ls | 01:54 |
nikkia | which is nobbling the ssh-agent parameters | 01:55 |
nikkia | jtan, you really really don't want a ssh-agent in .bashrc | 01:55 |
nikkia | let the desktop's ssh-agent process handle everything | 01:55 |
Adreno | bimberi: sudo updatedb didint turn up in the search. i tried it in the root command as well but nothing turned up... | 01:55 |
jtan325__ | hold on. thoreauputic, when i do "aterm -e scp.... ", it still prompts for passcode, but in a console way | 01:56 |
nikkia | jtan, also, i wager you're using "eval `ssh-agent`" or something to mimic your shell being wrapped by ssh-agent, and that is REALLY bad, as when the shell vanishes, it leaves a ssh-agent process lingering, and you get one per shell/window :) | 01:56 |
bimberi | Adreno: No that command just updates a database - and has no output. | 01:56 |
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jtan325__ | nikkia, that is the whole point of keychain | 01:56 |
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jtan325__ | keychain ensures that at most one ssh-agent is running | 01:57 |
bimberi | Adreno: Having run it, "locate dosbox" might give some results | 01:57 |
Adreno | bimberi: just a few sec ago i completed a smart update through the synaptic i think it was taked care of then. but its still a mystery why the files dont show in the archives dir. | 01:57 |
cyphase | hey everyone | 01:57 |
Adreno | hi | 01:57 |
Adreno | bimberi: got it! | 01:58 |
jtan325__ | ok nikkia, thoreauputic, i am making no sense | 01:58 |
jtan325__ | let me back up and make sure i have my vocabulary right | 01:58 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: this might help you, it's basically what I used http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~mbonati/WIRC/manual/DATARED/setting_up_no-password_ssh.html although not that precise howto | 01:58 |
Adreno | bimberi: ok found the executable. done deal. thanks alot bro | 01:58 |
bimberi | Adreno: Great. Can I ask where? | 01:59 |
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jtan325__ | when does my .bash_profile get executed/sourced? | 02:00 |
jtan325__ | maybe i have this all wrong | 02:00 |
Sionide | http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v97/Riot999/paris2012.jpg | 02:00 |
Adreno | bimberi: where u said. usr/bin but it appeared after the ubuntu OS upgraded itself. i guess the initial install didnt occur before that was done. It also bugged out so i had to restart the process. old computer.. | 02:00 |
Sionide | london got the 2012 olympics | 02:00 |
jtan325__ | thoreauputic, i followed those instructions word for word when i did it too | 02:00 |
reka | Sionide: wow, wasn't paris the favourite? | 02:01 |
bimberi | Adreno: Ahh OK. :) | 02:01 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: hmm - I didn't have to touch my .bashrc or .bash_profile at all | 02:01 |
Sionide | dunno | 02:01 |
Sionide | perhaps | 02:01 |
=== Granville [~chatzilla@82-38-46-73.cable.ubr03.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sionide | but we rock :P woo! | 02:01 |
bimberi | Wow. London! | 02:01 |
Granville | hello?? | 02:01 |
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Adreno | bimberi: Do you know how to install the windows media plugin for streaming vids on blog pages? | 02:01 |
Granville | when I download the isio for ubuntu do I just burn it??? | 02:02 |
Adreno | bimberi: that is a clone for linux | 02:02 |
Sionide | yeah Granville | 02:02 |
reka | Sionide: you're going down in the ashes though ;) | 02:02 |
Granville | I have burnt the iso and my laptop fails to boot from it | 02:02 |
bimberi | Adreno: No sorry. One for the room I think. | 02:02 |
Sionide | reka, lol :D | 02:02 |
Sionide | Granville, try burning at slower speeds | 02:02 |
Sionide | the burn is very very sensitive to mistkaes | 02:02 |
Adreno | bimberi: the room? | 02:03 |
Sionide | mistakes* :\ (lol ironic) | 02:03 |
Granville | so I just burn the iso I don't do anything else | 02:03 |
jtan325__ | thoreauputic, nikkia, thanks for the help so far. i need to clarify though, when does the .bash_profile get executed? | 02:03 |
bimberi | Adreno: lol - the chatroom - a question that others in #ubuntu might know about | 02:03 |
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jtan325__ | when you open up a plain old xterm or aterm, it does NOT source .bash_profile, correct? | 02:04 |
jtan325__ | it sources .bashrc though | 02:04 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: .bash_profile is sourced for login shells | 02:04 |
Adreno | bimberi: ok lol. misunderstood ya there. | 02:04 |
jtan325__ | i don't understand what is the "login shell" | 02:05 |
jtan325__ | is that the non-graphical version of the login screen? | 02:05 |
jtan325__ | or a shell that is login | 02:05 |
jtan325__ | enabled | 02:05 |
jtan325__ | i.e. aterm +ls | 02:05 |
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gr0bi | hi everyone | 02:06 |
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gr0bi | i have a problem with vmware | 02:06 |
jtan325__ | thoreauputic, if i logged in using the graphical gdm login screen, is my .bash_profile sourced still? | 02:06 |
gr0bi | i installed windows xp professional with service pack2, but vmware can't boot it | 02:06 |
gr0bi | someone have any idea why? | 02:07 |
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thoreauputic | jtan325__: I'm not sure on that one, frankly | 02:08 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: are you sure you are looking in the right place to solve the problem? I don't understand why you are so concerned with .bash_profile | 02:10 |
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jtan325__ | hmm well like i said in the beginning, the real heart of the problem, is that i want to execute two commands when my xsession starts. i want to execute them in the same place where fluxbox commands would run, i.e. if i had a fluxbox menu item that simply did "cp file file1", i want to know where's the "terminal" that that command runs in, and how can i affect its environment | 02:12 |
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ubuntu_ | hey ppl | 02:13 |
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thoreauputic | jtan325__: ah, so you want to run the command without popping up an aterm or whatever ? | 02:14 |
jtan325__ | well i guess | 02:14 |
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jtan325__ | no | 02:14 |
jtan325__ | i want to run a command without a password being prompted for | 02:14 |
jtan325__ | currently, if i opened an aterm | 02:14 |
jtan325__ | and then typed "scp file host:" | 02:15 |
jtan325__ | it works, without asking for a password | 02:15 |
jtan325__ | as it should | 02:15 |
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jtan325__ | but if you have an idea for what you mentioned, go ahead | 02:16 |
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thoreauputic | jtan325__: well, as a test I just did touch fubar ; aterm -e scp fubar mmx:/home/thoreauputic and that happened without asking for a password FWIW | 02:20 |
jtan325__ | where did you do this from? | 02:20 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: mmx is an old machine on the local network set up for ssh using keys as we discussed before | 02:20 |
jtan325__ | from another aterm? | 02:21 |
jtan325__ | or from something like a fluxbox menu item? | 02:21 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: yes | 02:21 |
jtan325__ | if i do what you did from another aterm, it works too | 02:21 |
jtan325__ | which is great | 02:21 |
thoreauputic | no not from the menu - i'd have to hack the menu file to do that ;) | 02:21 |
thoreauputic | I think a menu item *should* work with that syntax | 02:22 |
jtan325__ | so yeah, that's what i'm trying to do, is do it from the menu | 02:22 |
thoreauputic | but I may be wrong | 02:22 |
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refuze2looze | how can i go through a video frame by frame? | 02:24 |
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=== reka is interested in an answer for that too | ||
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ripok | Hello, i need help to setup my wlan on ubuntu. | 02:26 |
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jtan325__ | thoreauputic, i got it to work, albeit a workaround | 02:26 |
jtan325__ | i should've just listened to the other guy.... write a script | 02:26 |
jtan325__ | and then to aterm -e scriptname | 02:27 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: the other guy was me ;) | 02:27 |
jtan325__ | lol hahahahhaha | 02:27 |
jtan325__ | it is 5:27 a.m. | 02:27 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: ;-) | 02:27 |
lambert | et | 02:27 |
Will__ | Anybody know a way to play shoutcast stuff on linux? (Trying to play winamp TV on my linux box) | 02:27 |
jtan325__ | thanks alot thoreauputic though | 02:28 |
reka | refuze2looze: i think most media players skip by at least 5 seconds right? we might have to turn to some sort of video editors to be able to do that. | 02:28 |
lambert | quand j'ouvre synaptic, on me demande aucuin mot de passe!! normal?? | 02:28 |
thoreauputic | jtan325__: you're welcome :) | 02:28 |
thoreauputic | lambert: depends on how long since you last were asked for a password | 02:29 |
Ja1 | Does anybody know whether Ubuntu-warty runs on kernel 2.6.12 from Etch ? I need rt2400.ko. | 02:30 |
fabbione | Ja1: no | 02:30 |
fabbione | you need breezy 2.6.12 | 02:30 |
refuze2looze | reka, yeah i'm looking for a video editor.. you can play VLC in slow motion and you can get close | 02:30 |
fabbione | to get the rt2400 | 02:30 |
lambert | yes thanks :) | 02:30 |
Ja1 | thx, I will pick a 2.6.12 kernel from archive.ubuntu.com | 02:31 |
reka | refuze2looze: i'm looking for something like quicktime player's functionality where you can use the arrow keys to go back and forth frame by frame. | 02:31 |
reka | refuze2looze: let me know if you find something good :) | 02:31 |
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ripok | Can anyone help me on setting up wlan? | 02:32 |
refuze2looze | reka, that's the sort of thing i wanted also.. i don't think there is though. a video editing program would be close, i'll install some and see which one is good and let you know | 02:32 |
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reka | refuze2looze: cheers | 02:33 |
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QRay | hai | 02:36 |
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siorfin | i want to make a a rescue disk off a 256meg usb drive how do i do that? | 02:37 |
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kbrooks | I want to upgrade the packages NOT upgraded | 02:39 |
kbrooks | heh this theme is athesically pleasing..... | 02:39 |
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jeroen_ | kbrooks, ? | 02:43 |
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tekyogi | hi... guys.. absolute newbie here.... first time on internet from my new linux box... | 02:44 |
jeroen_ | hi | 02:45 |
tekyogi | can't remember when was the last time i had this kid-in-a-candyshop-feeling!!! | 02:45 |
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bimberi | :) | 02:45 |
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thoreauputic | tekyogi: welcome to Ubuntu :) | 02:45 |
tekyogi | i built my system n' everything seems to be pretty fine... the modem was such a dog to set it up... | 02:46 |
kbrooks | erm | 02:46 |
kbrooks | i have a problem | 02:46 |
jeroen_ | kbrooks, just ask | 02:46 |
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tekyogi | stills ome probs with the sound i thnk... | 02:46 |
maradong | kbrooks, go ahead and ask :) | 02:46 |
acid2 | Hey, I ran a fullscreen app and I forgot to code a way to quit it.. is there anyway I can xkill it? | 02:46 |
tekyogi | gosh.. 12:45 am here.. betta get some sleep | 02:46 |
kbrooks | some packages have been kept back and i require they be ALL upgraded | 02:47 |
Seveas | kbrooks, dist-upgrade | 02:47 |
jeroen_ | kbrooks, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:47 |
kbrooks | are you joking? | 02:47 |
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maradong | kbrooks, open a terminal, type "sudo apt-get update && sudo aptitude" | 02:47 |
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maradong | kbrooks, while in aptitude press "U" | 02:47 |
maradong | kbrooks, note that it is a capital U | 02:47 |
reka | acid2: if ctrl+c doesn't work, try a ctrl+d to minimise everything | 02:47 |
maradong | kbrooks, than press g | 02:47 |
maradong | kbrooks, that should do it | 02:48 |
acid2 | reka: coo, ill try that | 02:48 |
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tekyogi | so this is kinda the ubuntu chat group,right??? | 02:48 |
kbrooks | okay | 02:48 |
acid2 | reka, nope, nothing :P | 02:48 |
acid2 | still fullscreen | 02:48 |
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Seveas | tekyogi, yes | 02:48 |
reka | tekyogi: so you just came in here to tell us of your happiness? :) | 02:48 |
philstar | using which linux burning program will ensure proper burning of 5.04 install cd? | 02:48 |
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TomTom | hi there! what is the parameter for the live-cd kernel to SKIP ieee1394/firewire detection ? | 02:49 |
=== StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | acid2: or dive into a tty with "ctrl-alt-F2", login and issue pkill <app> ; then lt-F7 to return to GUI | 02:49 |
acid2 | im in a console now (thats how im on irc :P) | 02:49 |
acid2 | so yea, ill try that pkill idea | 02:49 |
tekyogi | yeah... pretty much guys... i wish i cud wake all my flatties up n' tell them... anyway i betta stop b4 i get kicked out...:-) | 02:49 |
acid2 | but.. how do I know the window id to kill? | 02:49 |
kbrooks | ps? | 02:49 |
thoreauputic | acid2: pkill will kill by app name or process name | 02:50 |
maradong | kbrooks, ps? | 02:50 |
kbrooks | tekyogi, huh...... | 02:50 |
maradong | kbrooks, what should that mean? :) | 02:50 |
acid2 | thoreauputic: ok | 02:50 |
tekyogi | btw i'm here in New Zealand... how about u all??? | 02:50 |
reka | philstar: apparently, the speed should be set rather slow to ensure a good burn. don't think the app matters much, but gnomebaker has been recommended a few times | 02:50 |
siorfin | does anyone here know anything about trinity rescue kit? | 02:50 |
kbrooks | ps -aux | grep program name | 02:50 |
acid2 | erm "issue - command not found" | 02:50 |
reka | tekyogi: melbourne | 02:50 |
philstar | thanx reka | 02:50 |
thoreauputic | acid2: heh - I said to "issue" a command | 02:51 |
acid2 | ooo | 02:51 |
acid2 | xD | 02:51 |
kbrooks | i'm in peterborough, staying at a home for a while | 02:51 |
thoreauputic | leave out "issue" | 02:51 |
acid2 | bo yah | 02:51 |
acid2 | Thanks :) | 02:51 |
thoreauputic | :) | 02:51 |
acid2 | Now then.. time to code a way to quit :P | 02:52 |
tekyogi | g'day.... reka.. i'll in Melbourne from 18th - 24th.... | 02:52 |
kbrooks | :) | 02:52 |
=== thoreauputic goes to watch the Tour de France | ||
tekyogi | any tips on good places to see? | 02:52 |
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kbrooks | heh | 02:52 |
kbrooks | 2.4 rules the world | 02:52 |
=== bimberi still has to watch highlights of the TDF Team Time Trial | ||
kbrooks | gad | 02:53 |
=== jbailey [~jbailey@modemcable086.134-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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kbrooks | mozilla-firefox is a hog | 02:53 |
tekyogi | i've got plans to do some climbing in grampians or so.. was seeing in the news how one of the 12 apostles rock crumbled the other day... | 02:53 |
reka | ah, went to the grampians around 8 yrs ago | 02:54 |
tekyogi | thought grampians is the place to be... | 02:54 |
reka | tekyogi: so you're coming here for a holiday? | 02:54 |
acid2 | kbrooks, hog? | 02:54 |
tekyogi | for me its training for the first 3 days n' 3 days to seeing the place around... | 02:55 |
kbrooks | huge...... | 02:55 |
acid2 | oh, right | 02:55 |
kbrooks | on disk space | 02:55 |
acid2 | I thought you meant resource hog :P | 02:55 |
kbrooks | and memory | 02:55 |
kbrooks | acid2, that too | 02:55 |
acid2 | naw, its not bad | 02:55 |
kbrooks | heh | 02:55 |
kbrooks | well, i partitioned up /usr | 02:55 |
acid2 | Wait a sec... | 02:55 |
acid2 | VM Size is memory usage? | 02:55 |
tekyogi | not sure if u guys heard.. london has just been selected to host the 2012 olympics... pretty good,eh.. | 02:55 |
=== pH|Wille [~irgendwer@dialin127047.server4you-dsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
acid2 | apparently firefox-bin is using 80mb :/ | 02:56 |
kbrooks | /var is too | 02:56 |
kbrooks | and so is /home | 02:56 |
tekyogi | hey.. i betta be going... gnite alll... | 02:56 |
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reka | night. enjoy your new system. :) | 02:57 |
acid2 | We just got a new Ubuntu user? | 02:57 |
kbrooks | Yup. | 02:57 |
acid2 | bo yah, thats the spirit | 02:57 |
acid2 | :) | 02:57 |
tekyogi | sure did.. its me :-) | 02:57 |
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acid2 | I installed mine 2/3 days ago | 02:57 |
kbrooks | tekyogi, | 02:58 |
acid2 | Haven't looked back yet :) | 02:58 |
kbrooks | ubuntuguide.com | 02:58 |
reka | we should come up with a ritual for newbies....something with paddles. :) | 02:58 |
kbrooks | or .org, dunno which | 02:58 |
acid2 | kbrooks, that site doesnt work for me.. are there any mirrors? | 02:58 |
tekyogi | i got mine running yesterday, but took whole of this evening to figure out the ppp connection... | 02:58 |
=== _SWAT_ [~SWAT@dsl159-68-100.fastxdsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tekyogi | yeah....:-) | 02:58 |
acid2 | (And its .org) | 02:58 |
reka | kbrooks: please don't recommend ubguide | 02:58 |
kbrooks | reka, no, we should link people to the ubuntu guide | 02:58 |
kbrooks | reka, why? | 02:58 |
reka | kbrooks: er, no, we shouldn't | 02:58 |
reka | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines [see number 3] | 02:59 |
kbrooks | god | 02:59 |
=== kbrooks reads | ||
=== Trackilizer [~gsg@p54AE208E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tekyogi | ok guys.. will sure have a look there.. hope to see u sometime soon... bye n' gnite.. | 02:59 |
acid2 | ooo | 02:59 |
reka | the ops in here would scold me for not piping up bout that | 02:59 |
Trackilizer | hey ppl | 02:59 |
_SWAT_ | I want to use this howto to compile my own kernel. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43065&highlight=Kernel+compilation What if this fails and I want to return to my old kernel? How would that work? | 02:59 |
Trackilizer | new to linux | 02:59 |
Trackilizer | ubuntu is simply amazing | 02:59 |
Trackilizer | it simply works! | 02:59 |
reka | Trackilizer: good to hear :) | 02:59 |
acid2 | Trackilizer, wonderful, isnt it? | 03:00 |
acid2 | :) | 03:00 |
_SWAT_ | indeed Trackilizer...... and tell your friends! | 03:00 |
=== Arkainium [~mark@pool-70-107-67-197.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
acid2 | im gonna wow my friends into getting Linux with Luminocity ;) | 03:00 |
Trackilizer | i tried suse and other distros but only ubuntu works | 03:00 |
Trackilizer | like i said, it simply just works | 03:00 |
acid2 | Fedora worked well for me, but I couldnt get mono working - and Im a .NET developer | 03:00 |
kbrooks | Ubuntuguide.org presents wrong solutions, ranging from suboptimal solutions to pure regressions. # Care to give a example, someone? | 03:00 |
Trackilizer | i love the ubuntuguide | 03:01 |
kbrooks | (not that I want proof!) | 03:01 |
acid2 | lol | 03:01 |
=== richx [~richx@i5387DABE.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_SWAT_ | beware of Ubuntuguide, it may shorten the lifespan of your system | 03:01 |
kbrooks | _SWAT_, heh | 03:02 |
Trackilizer | really? | 03:02 |
Trackilizer | thought it was good | 03:02 |
Trackilizer | worked for me | 03:02 |
kbrooks | Trackilizer, in general, yes | 03:02 |
Trackilizer | shoed me how to intall the codecs and other stuff | 03:02 |
Trackilizer | showed* | 03:02 |
kbrooks | but some answers are wrong | 03:02 |
=== kbrooks searches for a example | ||
_SWAT_ | depends on which of the guides 'help' you follow (tip: it's always good to read the original readme/install file of a program) | 03:03 |
Will__ | I like ubuntuguide, as I know what I'm doing, but at times forget the method | 03:03 |
kbrooks | uh. last updated today? | 03:03 |
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kbrooks | :| | 03:03 |
ripok | have anyone set up wlan on ubuntu? | 03:04 |
kbrooks | i'll have to critize sudo. someone can masquerade as me and become root BECAUSE THEY KNOW my password | 03:05 |
kbrooks | (already) | 03:05 |
kbrooks | plain and simple | 03:05 |
kbrooks | other than that | 03:05 |
kbrooks | it "just works" | 03:06 |
=== maxy_noob [~maximus@modemcable214.99-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maxy_noob | Hi guys, can you tell me where I can find those instructions for installing plugins like flash? | 03:07 |
_SWAT_ | pfff... compiling your kernel takes a lot of time :/ | 03:07 |
kbrooks | maxy_noob, uh | 03:07 |
maxy_noob | It appears they've changed things around in the ubuntu site | 03:07 |
acid2 | What do you think about a wiki entry called "SuccessStories" ? | 03:07 |
no_gatez_fan | bbl | 03:07 |
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0955.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
acid2 | maxy_noob, wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 03:07 |
kbrooks | maxy_noob, ubuntu wiki. | 03:08 |
kbrooks | :) | 03:08 |
maxy_noob | thanks! | 03:08 |
=== Shadax [ofGaldonia@str-dr-harc3-unassigned-14.dial.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
acid2 | np | 03:08 |
Shadax | hello peple | 03:08 |
reka | kbrooks: i can't explicitly show you the "regressions" b/c i don't know which ones they are. i'm not knowledgeable enough. but after seeing the ops ward people off the guide, i felt i needed to point it out. | 03:08 |
Shadax | i'm wondering about how long it should take for my ubuntu cd's i ordered to arrive in the mail.. i ordered from ubuntu.org | 03:09 |
richx | anybody knows how i have to tell azereus to download more than three files at the same time? | 03:09 |
reka | Shadax: depends where you are. | 03:09 |
_SWAT_ | richx, that can really take a while | 03:09 |
Shadax | wiconsin | 03:09 |
acid2 | Shadax, apparently 4-8weeks | 03:09 |
kbrooks | reka, heh | 03:09 |
Shadax | ack keyboard sucks | 03:09 |
richx | realy? | 03:09 |
reka | mine took ~10, but i'm in aus | 03:09 |
Shadax | omg | 03:09 |
acid2 | reka, sec | 03:10 |
kbrooks | Shadax, be patient! | 03:10 |
_SWAT_ | richx, just search the azureus options :P | 03:10 |
Shadax | my god i cant wait that long | 03:10 |
kbrooks | Shadax, why? | 03:10 |
=== TiffOn [user@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shadax | my slackware distro died :P | 03:10 |
acid2 | because ubuntu rocks! | 03:10 |
richx | but i cant find it! | 03:10 |
acid2 | He NEEDS ubuntu | 03:10 |
acid2 | :) | 03:10 |
Shadax | and i cant get crux workin | 03:10 |
Shadax | i dunno... it was deterierating over time | 03:10 |
Trackilizer | i ordered a cd aswell but it never came so i dloaded ubuntu | 03:10 |
=== henriquemaia [~henriquem@cb-217-129-174-207.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shadax | i'm also waiting for gentoo, i wanna try both | 03:10 |
Shadax | oh man | 03:11 |
acid2 | reka, try setting Transfer -> Maximum number of connections per torrent to 0 | 03:11 |
kbrooks | Shadax, well, you can install it via other ways.....i wont mention them (unsupported ways), it's up to you to check the net | 03:11 |
reka | Trackilizer: i got sick of waiting so i burned it myself as well....then the disc came all nicely packaged :) | 03:11 |
acid2 | I want to order it just so I have a nice packaged cd :) | 03:12 |
kbrooks | heh | 03:12 |
Trackilizer | lol | 03:12 |
Shadax | well, i have dial up... 14.4k | 03:12 |
Trackilizer | im still hoping mine comes soon | 03:12 |
=== mgalvin [~mgalvin@host-66-202-95-170.spr.choiceone.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Trackilizer | i love the ubuntu name cause i know what it means | 03:12 |
reka | richx: i think acid2's post was meant for you. :) | 03:12 |
Trackilizer | im half tanzanian | 03:12 |
Trackilizer | grew up in tanzania | 03:12 |
kbrooks | Shadax, are you on windows? | 03:12 |
_SWAT_ | reka, the same thing happened to me. I wanted to install ubuntu, so I burned the cd myself. 1 Day later, the Ubuntu discs arrived :-/ | 03:12 |
reka | hehe | 03:12 |
acid2 | whatever xD | 03:12 |
kbrooks | heh | 03:13 |
Shadax | atm, yeah | 03:13 |
kbrooks | 1 hour | 03:13 |
acid2 | richx, yea, do what I told reka to do :P | 03:13 |
Shadax | on my parent's pc | 03:13 |
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Trackilizer | how long did it take for your cds to arrive? | 03:13 |
klaym | I also installed ubuntu of my own burned cd just a day before I received the 20 cd's I had ordered | 03:13 |
acid2 | 20?! | 03:13 |
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Trackilizer | 20?? | 03:13 |
Trackilizer | wth? | 03:13 |
kbrooks | mine? i dunno, i just waited patiently | 03:13 |
_SWAT_ | klaym, why 20? | 03:13 |
Shadax | lol 20! | 03:13 |
klaym | yea, I will decorate the christmas tree with those | 03:13 |
richx | thanks, but nothing happend | 03:13 |
kbrooks | yeah, you caan distribute the cds | 03:13 |
kbrooks | can* | 03:13 |
reka | it's actually better to order more than one guys :) | 03:13 |
Shadax | i ordered 10, but only cuz my friends wanna try it | 03:13 |
Trackilizer | do they come to germany aswell? | 03:14 |
acid2 | richx, dunno then, chill out on the porn I say | 03:14 |
acid2 | :P | 03:14 |
richx | status of the other torrents is still "waiting" | 03:14 |
reka | Trackilizer: worldwide | 03:14 |
Trackilizer | cause i orderd them a looong time ago? | 03:14 |
kbrooks | ubuntu is distributable | 03:14 |
_SWAT_ | people, please order just the amount you really NEED. Otherwise it's a waste of ubuntulinux money | 03:14 |
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acid2 | richx, right click forced download? | 03:14 |
kbrooks | modifiable | 03:14 |
kbrooks | etc | 03:14 |
=== Hallski [~micke@h15n1fls305o1035.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
richx | yes Trackalizer, die CDs werden auch nach germany geschickt | 03:14 |
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Trackilizer | cool, kann irgendwie net mehr warten | 03:14 |
kbrooks | richx, and that means what | 03:14 |
Hallski | if you want suspend to disk in ubuntu on a IBM Thinkpad X41, should you do that on it's own partition or something purely in Linux? | 03:14 |
Trackilizer | ich will das die bald kommen | 03:14 |
acid2 | die bald? | 03:15 |
_SWAT_ | Trackilizer, I'm in NL and they were also delivered here (p.s. please speak english here) | 03:15 |
acid2 | was ist die bald? (ich bin englisch :P) | 03:15 |
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Trackilizer | bald = soon | 03:15 |
_SWAT_ | indeed it is | 03:15 |
richx | ich warte auch noch | 03:15 |
acid2 | you want them to come soon? | 03:15 |
richx | hab schon ne mail geschrieben | 03:15 |
Shadax | same here, and i'm 15 :P | 03:16 |
_SWAT_ | richx, english please | 03:16 |
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richx | sorry | 03:16 |
_SWAT_ | :) | 03:16 |
Shadax | oh LOL :P | 03:16 |
kbrooks | bonjour ;) | 03:16 |
richx | yes, it works with "force download" | 03:16 |
kbrooks | :P | 03:16 |
kbrooks | j/k | 03:16 |
richx | thanks | 03:16 |
Trackilizer | how many of you guys orderd the cds? | 03:16 |
ivoks | great job EU! | 03:16 |
_SWAT_ | I'm a german (living in NL) and also speaking english, but it's not fair to all the other users in this channel (there is a #Ubuntu-de if you're wondering) | 03:16 |
Trackilizer | how long did it take them to come? | 03:16 |
kbrooks | Trackilizer, many of us | 03:16 |
=== Shadax raises hand | ||
kbrooks | Trackilizer, stop polling | 03:17 |
Trackilizer | do you guys use KDE or gnome | 03:17 |
_SWAT_ | gnome | 03:17 |
Trackilizer | many ppl seem to think gnome is shitty | 03:17 |
_SWAT_ | it's much easier (and looking really sweet0 | 03:17 |
kbrooks | Trackilizer, you DO NOT want 487 people replying at the same time!!! | 03:17 |
Trackilizer | telling me to install kubuntu | 03:17 |
_SWAT_ | hehehee... indeed | 03:17 |
kbrooks | i love gnome | 03:17 |
cyphase | how do you look at login attempts in ubuntu | 03:17 |
richx | me too | 03:17 |
cyphase | ? | 03:17 |
richx | ;-) | 03:17 |
richx | i ordered 22 cdsx | 03:18 |
richx | sorry, cds | 03:18 |
kbrooks | ubuntu ships with it | 03:18 |
_SWAT_ | OMG, I hope the EU votes AGAINST softwar patents.... :-/ | 03:18 |
Shadax | i dislike gnome for the most part | 03:18 |
kbrooks | cyphase, i think you can find them in: | 03:18 |
Shadax | kde feels more complete | 03:18 |
Trackilizer | what do you get with the cds other than the cds of course? | 03:18 |
acid2 | Trackilizer, no, most people think gnome is best | 03:18 |
acid2 | hence the fact that both Fedora and Ubuntu use it by defaul | 03:18 |
kbrooks | /var/log/auth.log | 03:18 |
acid2 | +t | 03:18 |
Shadax | fedora doesnt count :P | 03:19 |
acid2 | ...why? | 03:19 |
kbrooks | gnome = ubuntu = free | 03:19 |
reka | Trackilizer: the nice packaging of course | 03:19 |
hhurtta | _SWAT_: eu voted against... | 03:19 |
kbrooks | er, s/free/open source/ | 03:19 |
kbrooks | hhurtta, when | 03:19 |
_SWAT_ | hhurtta, just read it.... YESSSSSSS | 03:19 |
Shadax | fedora, mandrake, and redhat cant count towards anything anymore, they're too corrupt :P | 03:19 |
hhurtta | today | 03:19 |
=== Trackilizer hopes his cd will come soon.. | ||
=== _SWAT_ does his happy happy joy joy dance | ||
kbrooks | hhurtta, prove it! site? | 03:20 |
_SWAT_ | No software patents in the EU! | 03:20 |
acid2 | Shadax, ... Fedora is pretty much fine | 03:20 |
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kbrooks | _SWAT_, site please! | 03:20 |
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acid2 | _SWAT_, atm that is | 03:20 |
_SWAT_ | www.ffii.org | 03:20 |
Shadax | by the time i get it, it'll be obsolete :P | 03:20 |
_SWAT_ | the site is down | 03:20 |
kbrooks | i'd like reliable proof | 03:20 |
=== jmjones [~jmjones@adsl-218-39-234.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_SWAT_ | a dutch article about it http://www.tweakers.net/nieuws/37937 | 03:20 |
_SWAT_ | of the 732 people.... 648 voted AGAINST | 03:20 |
_SWAT_ | :D | 03:20 |
=== bravopr [~bravopr@user-24-214-21-169.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hhurtta | http://www.mbnet.fi/jutut/uutiset/?from=etusivu#U1827 finnish article | 03:20 |
_SWAT_ | I didn't think it would work... but it worked | 03:21 |
djp | _SWAT_: great news! | 03:21 |
=== Hallski [~micke@h15n1fls305o1035.telia.com] has left #ubuntu ["Lmnar"] | ||
refuze2looze | reka, give cinelerra a try http://heroinewarrior.com/cinelerra.php3 | 03:21 |
=== moritzzzz [~richx@i5387D728.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_SWAT_ | damn, I was really worrying | 03:21 |
djp | _SWAT_: can i change my index.html file now? ;) | 03:21 |
_SWAT_ | but it worked out ok | 03:21 |
_SWAT_ | :P | 03:21 |
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reka | refuze2looze: thanks. does it do what we want? | 03:22 |
cyphase | can someone ssh into a server and see if it's working? | 03:22 |
kbrooks | i heard cinelerra was broken | 03:22 |
cyphase | my cousin is getting permission denied | 03:22 |
acid2 | so, does this mean people in europe aren't subject to any software patents? | 03:22 |
kbrooks | acid2, ALFN | 03:22 |
Trackilizer | has anyone seen "Go open"? | 03:22 |
Trackilizer | http://www.legaltorrents.com/index.htm | 03:22 |
acid2 | cyphase, sure | 03:22 |
acid2 | alfn? | 03:22 |
kbrooks | at least for now | 03:22 |
Trackilizer | !stats | 03:23 |
acid2 | ... | 03:23 |
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=== digitalfox|walk is now known as digitalfox | ||
=== maxy [~maximus@modemcable214.99-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | heh | 03:24 |
bionic | when making the kernel with make kpkg, where does the .deb file store? I cant find it in the current dir, and not in /usr/src/ .. anyone please? | 03:24 |
_SWAT_ | acid2, indeed | 03:24 |
maxy | can you guys tell me what the command line is to navigate to a folder (he says all embarrassed) | 03:24 |
_SWAT_ | we aren't subjected to software patents (and hopefully never will) | 03:24 |
acid2 | nice | 03:24 |
Trackilizer | so, has anyone seen "Go open"? | 03:24 |
reka | refuze2looze: whoa, 4gb ram recommended? | 03:24 |
_SWAT_ | that means we can't get patented webshops ;-) (like the example of the FFII show) | 03:24 |
acid2 | does that cover algorithm patents? | 03:24 |
maxy | please | 03:25 |
maxy | :D | 03:25 |
reka | maxy: cd | 03:25 |
Trackilizer | http://www.legaltorrents.com/index.htm | 03:25 |
acid2 | yea, cd | 03:25 |
maxy | cd? | 03:25 |
maxy | I tried | 03:25 |
maxy | sudo cd ... | 03:25 |
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Trackilizer | anyone seen "Go open"? | 03:25 |
reka | maxy: cd <folder name/path> | 03:25 |
acid2 | maxy, no need to sudo | 03:25 |
_SWAT_ | acid2, Don't know. At least the first battle is won. But the war is still going on | 03:25 |
maxy | no sudo? | 03:25 |
Tomcat_ | acid2: Yeah, algorithm patents | 03:25 |
mdke | hi. is there anyway to remove window borders on metacity/gnome? | 03:25 |
Tomcat_ | acid2: It was especially targeted at algorithms, ideas and business processes iirc. | 03:26 |
reka | maxy: no, you're just traversing, not changing anything so it's not a priveliged action, therefore no need for sudo | 03:26 |
maxy | reka, thanks! | 03:26 |
reka | mdke: wow, remove them completely? | 03:26 |
acid2 | Tomcat_, sweeet - so marching cubes isosurfaces are unpatented here? | 03:27 |
=== moogman [~moogman@cpc3-cwma4-6-0-cust24.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
refuze2looze | reka, i have 512, it's enough to capture the frame i wanted =) | 03:27 |
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mdke | reka, just for one window | 03:27 |
Tomcat_ | acid2: Depends... the EU patent office has already issued 30k trivial patents, and they can't be taken back... you have to check with your patent lawyer. :o | 03:27 |
acid2 | ah, I see | 03:28 |
reka | mdke: i'm guessing no, not possible. seeing as the window borders ahve controls attached | 03:28 |
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mdke | reka, it is possible in other window managers, that's why I was hoping... | 03:28 |
corey | How do I get a kernel module to always load up? | 03:28 |
reka | refuze2looze: ah, ok then. damn, i just want a lightweight player that can do it. | 03:28 |
corey | instead of manualy modprobing it I mean | 03:29 |
reka | mdke: oh, ok then | 03:29 |
corey | Is there a way I can tell hotplug to make sure a certain module is always loaded? | 03:29 |
acid2 | mdke, its possible with other window managers | 03:29 |
Tomcat_ | corey: /etc/modules has all the info :) | 03:29 |
corey | Thanks Tomcat | 03:29 |
mdke | acid2, yeah, that's what I said :) | 03:29 |
reka | hehe | 03:30 |
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hhurtta | link about that patent decision to interested: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4655955.stm | 03:30 |
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kbrooks | heh | 03:32 |
acid2 | mdke, heh, i thought you said "is it possible?" | 03:33 |
acid2 | :P | 03:33 |
mdke | so any ideas about removing window borders? | 03:33 |
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mdke | acid2, aha, yeah you can do it on e17, so I wanted to do it with metacity too | 03:33 |
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cyphase | does anyone know why 1 person would be unable to ssh into a server | 03:37 |
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cyphase | and that person would be the person who wants to log into it | 03:37 |
cyphase | lol | 03:37 |
kbrooks | UH | 03:38 |
kbrooks | is the server started? | 03:38 |
mdke | cyphase, everyone else can log in? | 03:38 |
refuze2looze | reka, nah.. but if you really want to see something frame by frame every once in a while, might as well use it | 03:38 |
refuze2looze | reka, that's one of the good things about free software =) | 03:39 |
Triffid_Hunter | cyphase: dmesg | tail, see what it says | 03:40 |
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cyphase | mdke, everyone i've tried | 03:41 |
cyphase | 7 people | 03:41 |
cyphase | lol | 03:41 |
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mdke | cyphase, ok better check the server is started | 03:42 |
cyphase | mdke, of course it is | 03:42 |
cyphase | lol | 03:42 |
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cyphase | i'm on it right now | 03:42 |
cyphase | and everyone else was able to get in | 03:43 |
mdke | is the user that can't, a user on the system? | 03:43 |
cyphase | yes | 03:43 |
cyphase | everyone logged onto the same account | 03:43 |
mdke | ok better check the config file and the logs | 03:43 |
cyphase | for.. | 03:43 |
mdke | logs for the error message, config file to fix it | 03:43 |
cyphase | hmm.. | 03:44 |
=== Scroopy [~dscroop@dsl-203-113-236-147.SA.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | it just stopped working all of a sudden | 03:44 |
kbrooks | reestart | 03:44 |
cyphase | they were ssh'ing in a weeka go | 03:44 |
kbrooks | ssh server | 03:44 |
cyphase | wek ago* | 03:44 |
cyphase | week ago* | 03:44 |
cyphase | lol | 03:44 |
=== kbrooks telnets into cyphase's computer | ||
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kbrooks | J/K | 03:45 |
kbrooks | heh. | 03:46 |
Trackilizer | do you still use win or are you all linux now? | 03:46 |
kbrooks | Trackilizer, me? | 03:46 |
Trackilizer | all of you | 03:46 |
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Trackilizer | just wanted to know if you guys still use windows for somethings | 03:47 |
cyphase | Ubuntu here | 03:47 |
acid2 | I play guildwars on windows | 03:47 |
kbrooks | Trackilizer, i said stop polling. it makes you look stupid | 03:47 |
digitalfox | all Linux, except my mother's computer. I converted my dad over to Linux. | 03:47 |
acid2 | and cs: source | 03:47 |
digitalfox | oh, wait. | 03:47 |
cyphase | Ubuntu 100% | 03:47 |
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digitalfox | I have a spare Win2K box for RO | 03:47 |
kbrooks | i'm on linux | 03:47 |
digitalfox | but my server, desktop, three laptops, and router are all Linux-based | 03:47 |
Trackilizer | kbrooks, why would asking questions make me look stupid? | 03:47 |
kbrooks | Trackilizer, asking questions is ok. polling is not | 03:48 |
Trackilizer | erm.. why would "polling" make me look stupid? | 03:48 |
=== taomaster [~taomaster@68-187-197-013.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
taomaster | is there a page that i can go in download software for ubuntu? | 03:49 |
kbrooks | Trackilizer, no idea, but that's my view. | 03:49 |
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reka | Trackilizer: he'd prefer you to use interrupts </lame OS joke> | 03:49 |
cyphase | taomaster, use Synaptic | 03:49 |
kbrooks | taomaster, er, use synaptic | 03:50 |
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taomaster | thanks | 03:50 |
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dwing | hi | 03:50 |
veleno | where do i find lopster for ubuntu 5.04 ? | 03:50 |
kbrooks | veleno, use synaptic. did you search for it there? | 03:50 |
reka | Trackilizer: i still use windoze for games...never have diverted from a dual boot system | 03:50 |
dwing | when I insert a cd into the device, shouldn't it get mounted automatically? | 03:51 |
Ralc | uhm what do i do when my laptop just shows a blank screen when im trying to boot from the cd? i want to install ubuntu and i have already pressed enter to start "normal" install | 03:51 |
kbrooks | reka, You do know that many games exist for linux right | 03:51 |
kbrooks | Ralc, reboot and say: linux vga=771 | 03:51 |
reka | kbrooks: only so many games of frozen bubble can satisfy me kbrooks :) | 03:52 |
veleno | kbrooks: i did. it's not there | 03:52 |
Will__ | heh | 03:52 |
kbrooks | veleno, you on warty or hoary? | 03:52 |
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reka | dwing: yes, that's the default behaviour | 03:52 |
Ralc | kbrooks also the splash image is f*cked up | 03:52 |
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veleno | kbrooks: hoary | 03:53 |
dwing | reka: not here, I don't know what happened, but my cd's do not become mounted | 03:53 |
reka | dwing: sys > pref > removable | 03:53 |
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kbrooks | heh | 03:54 |
Ralc | kbrooks it doesnt work btw.. Could not find kernel image | 03:54 |
kbrooks | Ralc, wtf? uh. | 03:54 |
kbrooks | Ralc, press f1 please | 03:54 |
kbrooks | Ralc, (sorry for the swearing) | 03:55 |
dwing | reka: no effect | 03:55 |
Ralc | kbrooks yes and? | 03:55 |
dwing | something seems to be brokem :-/ | 03:55 |
kbrooks | Ralc, hm.....try pressing f7. | 03:56 |
reka | dwing: did you do anything "weird" you know of that might have caused it? | 03:56 |
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alebesio | prova | 03:57 |
alebesio | TEST | 03:57 |
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dwing | reka: not that I knew of. maybe because I removed the cdrom from the source in synaptic? | 03:58 |
reka | dwing: no, that should have no effect. | 03:58 |
Ralc | kbrooks yes and? | 03:59 |
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reka | dwing: is this all cds or just the one | 03:59 |
apack | hello :) | 03:59 |
dwing | all | 03:59 |
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reka | hmm, dunno | 04:00 |
taomaster | cyphase & kbrooks-thanks for the help | 04:00 |
sinferno | i have cedega installed, and i got cs 1.6 running, should i want to install winex? | 04:00 |
kbrooks | Ralc, any ibm thinkpad command? | 04:00 |
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zecoureaus | Hi you all... | 04:00 |
sinferno | or dx9wine | 04:00 |
kbrooks | Ralc, wait do you have one | 04:01 |
zecoureaus | I'm newbie on ubuntu... | 04:01 |
kbrooks | there is a option for some laptops | 04:01 |
Ralc | kbrooks no i do not have an ibm thinkpad | 04:01 |
=== Evil [~evil@AGrenoble-152-1-79-169.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Evil | hello all | 04:01 |
zecoureaus | and I need help to find a french channel, please... | 04:01 |
dwing | It seems that I'm even not able to mount cds manually | 04:01 |
sinferno | does wine run counter strike better than cedega??? | 04:01 |
goldfish | zecoureaus: #ubuntu-fr | 04:01 |
Evil | can someone help to get my X back please? | 04:02 |
kbrooks | Do you see a laptop option, ralc? | 04:02 |
zecoureaus | thanks a lot goldfish... ;-) | 04:02 |
Ralc | nope | 04:02 |
goldfish | sinferno: cedega | 04:02 |
kbrooks | Evil: running breezy? | 04:02 |
Ralc | kbrooks no i dont | 04:02 |
goldfish | zecoureaus: au revoir a bientot | 04:02 |
reka | dwing: you sure the drive isn't faulty? | 04:02 |
sinferno | goldfish, i thought so i just wasnt sure | 04:02 |
Evil | kbrooks: yes :/ | 04:02 |
kbrooks | Ralc, 'for some laptops' | 04:02 |
kbrooks | Evil, why? | 04:02 |
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zecoureaus | goldfish, c'est malin lol | 04:02 |
dwing | reka: yes | 04:03 |
Paule | hi | 04:03 |
kbrooks | english please | 04:03 |
Ralc | kbrooks nope | 04:03 |
dwing | booting with live cd is no problem | 04:03 |
Evil | because i wanted to test it and reports bugs... | 04:03 |
goldfish | kbrooks: WEE WEE | 04:03 |
kbrooks | Ralc, press f8 and check.... | 04:03 |
kbrooks | heh | 04:03 |
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sinferno | where is the modules.conf on ubuntu? | 04:04 |
kbrooks | goldfish, i said 'english please' | 04:04 |
kbrooks | is that bastardized english or what? | 04:04 |
Paule | can you help me with bootsplash on ubuntu | 04:04 |
goldfish | kbrooks: it's bastardized french. | 04:04 |
dwing | reka: when I try to mount it manually it says /dev/hdc does not exist | 04:04 |
nalioth_wrkn | Evil: whats the problem | 04:04 |
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kbrooks | Evil, X is broken in Breezy. | 04:05 |
kbrooks | If you have to ask, don't use Breezy. | 04:05 |
nalioth | Evil: n/m, i don't know breezy | 04:05 |
Evil | X doesn't want to start , it says /etc/X11/X is not executable nalioth | 04:05 |
apack | I'm installing Ubuntu for the first time, and was wondering if there is any manuals containing the basics on commands? | 04:05 |
reka | kbrooks: nalioth's back. now you can ask him which parts of ubguide are bad. :) | 04:05 |
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Evil | argh oki | 04:05 |
nalioth | apack: what kind of commands? | 04:06 |
kbrooks | nalioth: What parts of the Ubuntu guide are bad? | 04:06 |
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cerius | -de | 04:06 |
Paule | the problem is splasimage not found | 04:06 |
apack | well, all kinds of commands. This is my first time in the world of linux | 04:06 |
reka | dwing: not really sure....maybe search ubforums/start googling | 04:06 |
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kbrooks | heh | 04:07 |
nalioth | kbrooks: i don't have a list of 'bad' commands, but advising new users to enable non-official (and newly-official) repos for constant use is not good | 04:07 |
apack | nalioth: sort of "commands for beginners" | 04:07 |
kbrooks | the stupid kernel image.... | 04:07 |
goldfish | apack: google for 'linux terminal commands' any of the first results should be good. | 04:07 |
nalioth | apack: there is a menu system under Applications | 04:07 |
=== stefan_dk [~stefan@0x535d66ea.boanxx16.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | apack, look at www.tldp.org | 04:07 |
kbrooks | nalioth: uh, oh. *checks* | 04:07 |
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apack | goldfish: nalioth and Seveas... thanks! | 04:08 |
nalioth | apack: you will be quite busy learning from tldp.org | 04:08 |
apack | i guess so | 04:08 |
kbrooks | nalioth: ah. backports | 04:08 |
XandriX | apt-get -i build-essentials for gcc right ? | 04:09 |
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kbrooks | XandriX, uh | 04:09 |
nalioth | kbrooks: while backports have been 'officialized', they still have not 'synced' fully, imho | 04:09 |
nalioth | XandriX: correct | 04:09 |
XandriX | kbrooks, is that it ? | 04:09 |
XandriX | ok yay | 04:09 |
XandriX | i rememberd it lol | 04:09 |
kbrooks | -i is non existant | 04:09 |
kbrooks | wtf is -i anyway | 04:09 |
=== XandriX slaps his friend kbrooks | ||
XandriX | man apt-get ihih | 04:10 |
nalioth | oh me oh my....need to wake up | 04:10 |
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kbrooks | (sorry, nalioth, 'wtf' is my habit!) | 04:10 |
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kbrooks | nope | 04:11 |
kbrooks | XandriX, dont see -i | 04:11 |
nalioth | kbrooks: the 'guide is more written for advanced linux users (who know what the commands are/do) | 04:11 |
XandriX | kbrooks, well ur hihg lol | 04:11 |
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ravn | test | 04:11 |
kbrooks | i dont!!!! | 04:11 |
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XandriX | XandriX, has used all well alot of linux distros and all unixes that exist and all the bsds to | 04:12 |
kbrooks | who says i'n lying? :| | 04:12 |
kbrooks | i'm* | 04:12 |
kbrooks | nalioth: omg | 04:12 |
kbrooks | so its not for newbies? | 04:12 |
kbrooks | nalioth: how come? | 04:12 |
reka | kbrooks: look at the configure sound properly one and tell us what it's doing | 04:13 |
nalioth | kbrooks: correct, i see it more as a 'redhat/suse/gentoo > ubuntu/debian guide' | 04:13 |
nalioth | kbrooks: and some of plain out-n-out does not work | 04:14 |
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nalioth | kbrooks: let me ask, how many New Users know if they have PPC, x86 or amd64 in their boxen? | 04:15 |
kbrooks | that's long, nalioth. (the configure sound properly one) | 04:15 |
alebesio | DARIO Gay | 04:15 |
kbrooks | nalioth: yup | 04:15 |
=== Aruviel [~aru@lpr2-786.cable.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Proteque | nalioth: most ppl if they have ppc at least :D | 04:15 |
kbrooks | nalioth: read: *new* users | 04:15 |
Proteque | if they have ppc they have made a choice to have it. | 04:16 |
kbrooks | WTF? | 04:16 |
=== Sho_ [EHS1@dsl-213-023-153-238.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | it LISTS how to upgrade from hoary to breezy? | 04:16 |
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kbrooks | WHY WHY WHY? | 04:16 |
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nalioth | Proteque: yes, they might, but the ubuntuguide doesnt say "this doesnt work for ppc", it just instructs | 04:16 |
=== kbrooks curses at the ubuntu guide | ||
Proteque | hmmm never looked at the guide | 04:17 |
nalioth | kbrooks: thats why the popup exists.. .. .. to whop ubuntuguide advisors with | 04:17 |
Proteque | is it any good? | 04:17 |
reka | kbrooks: so my passing on of the warning was the right thing to do after all :) | 04:17 |
=== cem0r [~cem0r@dsl-084-060-173-134.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | kbrooks, ubuntuguide.org is crap | 04:17 |
nalioth | Proteque: are you an advanced linux user? | 04:17 |
Seveas | pure crap | 04:17 |
kbrooks | (nalioth: now you notice it's really a habit!) | 04:17 |
Proteque | nalioth: would say so. has worked with it for about 6 years now. | 04:17 |
Ralc | how do i check if the .iso i downloaded is working? | 04:17 |
nalioth | Proteque: then you know more than the guide offers | 04:18 |
kbrooks | i'm a intermediate linux user | 04:18 |
Proteque | well it is impossible to know everything. but if you know how to get to know stuff thats enough. | 04:18 |
nalioth | Ralc: find a md5 checksum from the download site and check it against your downloaded iso image | 04:18 |
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nalioth | Proteque: the 'guide is a load of <whatever sucks>, esp for brand new users | 04:19 |
magog | so if the file were corrupt he md5 would be incorrect right | 04:19 |
kbrooks | Seveas, yeah, and pure BS. reka gave a example... "configure sound properly" section. it's long, gives NO, ZERO, NIL, VOID, explanation of what the commands do, yet they work....and as for the repossitories, why suggest adding a new repo? | 04:19 |
Ralc | nalioth, and how do i do that? | 04:19 |
Proteque | doesnt sound work out of the box? | 04:20 |
magog | Ralc, if you use k3b it will check the md5 when you load the iso | 04:20 |
Proteque | there was a lot og noice untill I configured gdm to stfu I remember. hehe | 04:20 |
reka | kbrooks: 'cos some of the packages they tell you to install aren't in main/multi/universe | 04:20 |
reka | so they defer to BP | 04:20 |
kbrooks | reka, they shouldn't defer. | 04:21 |
Ralc | magog, i dont even know what k3b is | 04:21 |
kbrooks | what's the point? | 04:21 |
reka | kbrooks: exactly | 04:21 |
nalioth | Ralc: once you find the md5 checksum, put it in the same directory as the iso image, and open a terminal and type md5sum file.iso | 04:21 |
magog | Ralc, its a burning application | 04:21 |
nalioth | Ralc: once it gives you a result, check the result with the checksum you got from the site | 04:21 |
Ralc | heh i dont have linux installed, nalioth | 04:21 |
nalioth | Proteque: sound on hoary is kinda screwed, so the answer is yes and no | 04:22 |
nalioth | Ralc: what OS? | 04:22 |
Ralc | nalioth, windows and im trying to get ubuntu on my laptop | 04:22 |
magog | im sure in nero or alcohol 120 it shows the md5 | 04:23 |
kbrooks | nalioth: i would never modify configuration files *to get what I want* if I were a new user | 04:23 |
nalioth | Ralc: yes, i'm sure your burning applicatin can check the md5, just compare with the checksum from the d/l site | 04:23 |
nalioth | kbrooks: new users are ignorant of that | 04:23 |
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nalioth | kbrooks: new users are especially at risk from ubuntuguide | 04:24 |
Ralc | nalioth, ill give it a shot thanks | 04:24 |
=== chope [~chope@r200-125-0-144-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magog | kbrooks, when i started i managed to mess my stuff up, but everything of mine is externally backed up anyway | 04:24 |
kbrooks | nalioth: okay.....is the fud about backports true? | 04:24 |
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kbrooks | fear, uncertainity, doubt | 04:24 |
kbrooks | uncertainty* | 04:25 |
nalioth | kbrooks: once backports has been more integrated into the ubuntu official process, there should be no stigma | 04:25 |
nalioth | kbrooks: but for now and in the past, using BP constantly definitely would break your system | 04:25 |
kbrooks | ok | 04:25 |
nalioth | kbrooks: and any other unofficial repo | 04:25 |
magog | when i used to run windows i learned to be obsessive about backing everything up on 2 external hd's | 04:26 |
=== icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-132-19.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | new users should NEVER, EVER, i mean ever, add marillat. | 04:26 |
nalioth | kbrooks: never say never | 04:26 |
kbrooks | just because ubuntu is based on debian doesnt mean they are compatible | 04:26 |
=== peterretief [~peterreti@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | kbrooks: i advise (if you are dying to get a certain program) to enable those repos, get what you want, and then comment them out | 04:27 |
kbrooks | yup. | 04:27 |
kbrooks | the guide doesnt advocate that. | 04:27 |
nalioth | as Seveas said, the guide is crap | 04:27 |
kbrooks | it just says 'use this constantly' | 04:27 |
kbrooks | yup | 04:27 |
=== phaedrus_ [~phaedrus@cpe-24-198-29-175.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | 100% crap | 04:28 |
magog | although getting E17 from an unnofficial repo was alot easier | 04:28 |
nalioth | kbrooks: how long have you been hanging in here? | 04:28 |
=== dwing [~dimitrios@p54A3E639.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] | ||
reka | kbrooks: i can see your scepticism has flown out the window. :) | 04:28 |
kbrooks | nalioth: a long time | 04:28 |
kbrooks | reka, it has | 04:28 |
nalioth | kbrooks: how many users have you seen have to reinstall becuase of constant unofficial repo usage? | 04:28 |
kbrooks | nalioth: seen? uh, well, i have not been idling | 04:29 |
=== patrickyoung [~patrickyo@cpe-024-088-248-011.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bionic | when making the kernel with make kpkg, where does the .deb file store? I cant find it in the current dir, and not in /usr/src/ .. anyone please? | 04:29 |
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=== coolkev is now known as _kevin | ||
=== maxy_noob [~maximus@modemcable214.99-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_kevin | anyone can tell me how i install from a .bin file | 04:29 |
_kevin | in ubuntu | 04:29 |
maxy_noob | Need some help installing Ooo 2.0 beta. | 04:29 |
kbrooks | _kevin, execute it. | 04:29 |
bionic | _kevin: chmod +x file , ./file | 04:30 |
maxy_noob | I dl'd the file | 04:30 |
maxy_noob | it has several rpm's | 04:30 |
_kevin | maxy_noob try synaptic | 04:30 |
magog | 0oo? | 04:30 |
=== mindstorm [~mindstorm@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | maxy_noob, be careful with beta programs | 04:30 |
maxy_noob | do I have to install all? | 04:30 |
kbrooks | magog: openoffice.org | 04:30 |
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_kevin | maxy_noob if u add the extra repositories u can get it from synaptic | 04:30 |
magog | ah, ok | 04:30 |
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sproingie | isn't there a backport or something | 04:30 |
kbrooks | nalioth: get in there....please | 04:31 |
=== kbrooks is concerned | ||
=== nalioth doesnt undertand the constant need for the "latest and greatest" | ||
kbrooks | i dont either | 04:31 |
nalioth | maxy_noob: does the currently available OoO not do something you need? | 04:31 |
kbrooks | and dont care | 04:31 |
maxy_noob | _kevin, didn't think of that. Cool! | 04:31 |
sproingie | some people want to see what's new in OoO 2.0 because they hate 1.x? | 04:31 |
=== adellam [~adellam@adellam.sustaining.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | maxy_noob, wait. | 04:31 |
=== sproingie raises his hand | ||
kbrooks | hold it. | 04:31 |
maxy_noob | kbrooks, what? | 04:32 |
nalioth | maxy_noob: does the currently available OoO not do something you need? | 04:32 |
sproingie | i found the wp in oo 1.x to be practically unusable. i tried going back to abiword, but found it's become crashy as hell now | 04:32 |
maxy_noob | nalioth, not really. I just want the newer version. | 04:32 |
maxy_noob | :) | 04:32 |
kbrooks | maxy_noob, did you read the discussion me and nalioth had about adding repos? plain and simple, you can mess up your ubuntu system by adding unoffical repos | 04:32 |
=== jo [host17@uk82.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | maxy_noob: here in linuxland, stability is wonderful | 04:33 |
maxy_noob | No, but I did do a multiverse | 04:33 |
sproingie | multiverse is quasi-official | 04:33 |
nalioth | maxy_noob: universe and multiverse are fine | 04:33 |
kbrooks | multiverse isnt unofficial | 04:33 |
sproingie | no but it's not official | 04:33 |
kbrooks | marillat is (example) | 04:33 |
=== chizang [~achiang@c-24-9-120-225.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maxy_noob | maybe it was universe, I can't remember. | 04:33 |
holycow | i don't see what your problem is marillat | 04:33 |
holycow | none of the packages have dependencies on there | 04:34 |
kbrooks | sproingie, multiverse is official by definition | 04:34 |
maxy_noob | In synaptic I see a lot of Ooo entries. | 04:34 |
sproingie | universe is unofficial free, multiverse is unofficial non-free | 04:34 |
holycow | codecs and mplayer just work | 04:34 |
chizang | i notice that hoary installs vnc-common by default; how do i get it to use tightvncserver instead? i've already installed the tightvncserver package... | 04:34 |
kbrooks | nalioth: i dont get it | 04:34 |
maxy_noob | Is the newest: openoffice.org2? | 04:35 |
chizang | is there any further configuration i should do? should i apt-get remove vnc-common? | 04:35 |
kbrooks | i thought universe and multiverse were official? | 04:35 |
=== yure [~yure@dhcp-212-235-229-194.sd.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeroen_ | kbrooks, not-supported | 04:35 |
holycow | maxy_noob, yes, its a bit crashy tho | 04:35 |
=== qp1D [~dfgdfgdfg@a81-14-158-25.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | rather its still a beta | 04:35 |
maxy_noob | holycow, ok, thanks | 04:35 |
nalioth | chizang: they won't conflict | 04:35 |
holycow | you can have both installed simultaneously | 04:35 |
holycow | its not problem | 04:35 |
nalioth | kbrooks: they won't bogger your system | 04:35 |
=== ChurcH [~shane@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== anacron [~anacron@a84-230-88-252.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | kbrooks, i think you need to talk less and listen more | 04:36 |
=== ChurcH is now known as ChurcH_of_FoamY | ||
sproingie | i should imagine "not supported" means that main and restricted won't consider them if they need to break something? | 04:36 |
sproingie | because as far as i know, i can't call up canonical with tech support | 04:36 |
=== mannyc [~Manny@c211-30-128-97.blktn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | kbrooks: uni and multi are looked over and seen to play nice with ubuntu | 04:36 |
=== umarmung_ [~Schreiber@p54AA014A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chizang | nalioth, so how does the client know which vnc server to connect to? is it that the different servers run on different X displays? | 04:36 |
nalioth | chizang: hopefully you'll only be running one vncd at a time | 04:37 |
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kbrooks | holycow, yes, maybe i do. i'm a loudmouth | 04:37 |
=== sproingie can't figure out why his company runs rhel, when they never avail themselves of support | ||
kbrooks | :) | 04:37 |
holycow | lol | 04:37 |
chizang | nalioth, is vncd spawned from inetd? ps aux | grep vnc doesn't show anything... | 04:37 |
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=== vladuz976 [~vladuz976@pool-71-106-211-189.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sproingie | i'd have been calling up RH and bitching at them about kswapd eating up all my CPU | 04:38 |
Firetech | Is there anything wrong using a vanilla 2.6.12 kernel? I need squashfs support... | 04:38 |
sproingie | i think they even employ RVR | 04:38 |
=== ^johns^ [~john@decande.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | chizang: vncd is spawned by you, i believe (unless you have enabled it to run on startup) | 04:38 |
vladuz976 | hey does anybody know i can get rid of the ugly default icons in the gnome menu? | 04:38 |
=== Scroopy [~dscroop@dsl-203-113-236-147.SA.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== devios [~I_likea@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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nalioth | vladuz976: system > preferences > themes | 04:38 |
steffen | ex-chat | 04:38 |
kbrooks | 10 minutes... | 04:38 |
vladuz976 | Nakkel, that changes everything but those icons | 04:39 |
devios | I have an HP network printer on my network. how do I make ubuntu print to it | 04:39 |
=== maxy_noob [~maximus@modemcable214.99-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
devios | it has it's own hardware print server | 04:39 |
=== mike_ [~mike@modemcable139.17-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | devios, computer > system configuration > printing | 04:40 |
vladuz976 | nalioth, themes, icons only changes the folder icons for some reason | 04:40 |
holycow | add the printer, select network printer, select hp jet direct, type in ip | 04:40 |
nalioth | vladuz976: i'm not familiar with all the theme packages, i'd assume there would be at least 2 sets of icons onboard | 04:40 |
kbrooks | heh | 04:40 |
sproingie | vladuz976: except for folders and devices, you're basically stuck with most of the icons | 04:40 |
=== mike_ [~mike@modemcable139.17-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
sproingie | vladuz976: welcome to gnome. hope you like the color brown. kde has 100 shades of blue if you prefer. | 04:41 |
nalioth | vladuz976: google "bluecurve theme ubuntu" the redhat bluecurve theme has a complete icon set | 04:41 |
=== mameluke [bo@84-72-15-92.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vladuz976 | nalioth, can i use the redhat set? | 04:41 |
=== jbailey [~jbailey@modemcable086.134-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== sproingie likes rox filer's icons. rox looks pretty nice in general | ||
holycow | vladuz976, whats the problem? | 04:42 |
nalioth | vladuz976: when you google that, you should get a walkthrough on how to install the redhat gnome bluecurve theme | 04:42 |
holycow | you have half a dozen themes, pick one | 04:42 |
holycow | or select theme details and customize | 04:42 |
holycow | or go to art.gnome.org and download one you like | 04:42 |
holycow | or make your own | 04:42 |
=== MrJung_- [~MrJung_-@p5483F82D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | it doesn't get any easier | 04:42 |
nalioth | vladuz976: you DO have many choices | 04:43 |
=== MrMinit [~MrMinit@171.80-203-115.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | lol. | 04:43 |
Spec | waaait a second, what's a "choice"? | 04:43 |
nalioth | Spec: welcome to linux | 04:43 |
=== kbrooks just learned he doesnt like white for a theme..... | ||
Spec | :p | 04:44 |
kbrooks | er | 04:44 |
kbrooks | desktop background | 04:44 |
kbrooks | much too bright | 04:44 |
=== sproingie likes the qt-gtk theme engine. plastik is a pretty nice gnome theme too | ||
XandriX | what is it for build essentials its apt-get -something build-essentials | 04:44 |
kbrooks | s/s// | 04:44 |
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | apt-get install build-essential | 04:44 |
Spec | -something is the best switch ever | 04:45 |
maxy_noob | the ooo looks kewl! | 04:45 |
maxy_noob | the new Ooo, that is | 04:45 |
kbrooks | Spec: it's evil! | 04:45 |
Spec | Ooo? | 04:45 |
nalioth | Spec: yes, but you need the brainwave reciever on the box for it to work | 04:45 |
=== mannyc [~Manny@c211-30-128-97.blktn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spec | oo.org? | 04:45 |
=== bigfoot1 [~hideseek@FLH1Abb048.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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kbrooks | openoffice.org | 04:45 |
maxy_noob | lOL, evil? | 04:45 |
Spec | nalioth: luckily i have one | 04:45 |
nalioth | maxy_noob: let's hope it doesnt become oOouch | 04:45 |
Spec | maxy_noob: which version of Ooo are you referring to? | 04:45 |
kbrooks | maxy_noob, java can shit on me! | 04:46 |
=== patrickyoung [~patrickyo@cpe-024-088-248-011.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | maxy_noob, i hate it! i want it open source! | 04:46 |
Spec | I only have 1.1.2; I feel outdated and inferior | 04:46 |
bigfoot1 | hello everyone. has anyone heard of Gizmo, from the maker of sipphone? | 04:46 |
mannyc | ok...i give up...the what do i do with the gtkrc file from the gperfection gtk-2.0 theme available here: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=23563 | 04:46 |
Poromies | hopefully not, java-shit sure sounds like a bad cup of coffee :| | 04:46 |
maxy_noob | 1.9 milestone? | 04:46 |
kbrooks | 2 minutes | 04:47 |
=== Nard [~i_am@h-68-165-190-147.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XandriX | is there a fluxbox package for ubuntu ? | 04:47 |
kbrooks | XandriX, i think so | 04:47 |
kbrooks | try grabbing it | 04:47 |
bigfoot1 | Well Gizmo allows you to make free calls to other Gizmo users, (just as skype allows users to call other skypers). But Gizmo's advantage is that it allows you to phone USA/Canada toll-free numbers. This is good for those of us not in USA/Canada. | 04:47 |
nalioth | XandriX: yes there is | 04:47 |
bigfoot1 | But Gizmo is only for Windows at the moment. | 04:47 |
bigfoot1 | Can we somehow make Gizmo work in Ubuntu? | 04:47 |
kbrooks | we? who | 04:47 |
Spec | bigfoot1: wine | 04:47 |
Tomi | are there anything like packages.debian.org at ubuntulinux.org? | 04:48 |
kbrooks | crossover office | 04:48 |
Spec | bigfoot1: or whine to the developers of gizmo | 04:48 |
nalioth | mannyc: i'd read the readme in the theme package for instructions | 04:48 |
bigfoot1 | spec, will it work with wine? | 04:48 |
nalioth | Tomi: packages.ubuntu.com | 04:48 |
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Spec | bigfoot1: i'm not sure, i've never heard of it, you can try and find out | 04:48 |
kbrooks | bigfoot1, depends | 04:48 |
Tomi | nalioth: ok, im blind :) | 04:48 |
bigfoot1 | Spec, gizmo developers wil have a linux version soon. | 04:48 |
nalioth | bigfoot1: that will be an exercise for you | 04:48 |
=== jasoncohen [~jason@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spec | ah | 04:48 |
bigfoot1 | kbrooks, depends on what? | 04:48 |
Spec | patiences or try crossover or wine or winex or ... | 04:48 |
XandriX | how do i update my package list again ? | 04:48 |
jeroen_ | XandriX, apt-get update | 04:49 |
goldfish | apt-get update | 04:49 |
mannyc | nalioth...the only thing in the theme package is the gtkrc file | 04:49 |
XandriX | thx | 04:49 |
bigfoot1 | Spec, what's the diff between these programs you mentioned? | 04:49 |
kbrooks | bigfoot1, capabilty of dling dlls | 04:49 |
=== romel_ is now known as steve-0 | ||
nalioth | mannyc: open it in a text editor and read what it says | 04:49 |
Spec | crossover costs money, winex costs money, wine is free | 04:49 |
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kbrooks | cedega-cvs! | 04:49 |
kbrooks | :P | 04:49 |
bigfoot1 | kbrooks, whics can do that? | 04:49 |
Spec | what's cedega? | 04:49 |
jeroen_ | Spec, non-free wine | 04:50 |
jeroen_ | for games | 04:50 |
Spec | is cedega winex? | 04:50 |
mannyc | naloth: the first line is: style "clearlooks-default" | 04:50 |
bigfoot1 | spec, or... what? | 04:50 |
nalioth | Spec: commercial name of winex | 04:50 |
Spec | ah, okay | 04:50 |
jeroen_ | Spec, I think it is | 04:50 |
Spec | right then, cedega, wine, or crossover :p | 04:50 |
nalioth | mannyc: is all this expanded into a folder? | 04:50 |
Spec | or qemu+windows | 04:50 |
mannyc | is what expanded? | 04:50 |
nalioth | mannyc: your icons, bkgrds, etc? | 04:50 |
mannyc | the archive? | 04:50 |
bigfoot1 | why can't they make crossover or cedega free? | 04:50 |
bigfoot1 | I thought everything in linux was free? | 04:50 |
Spec | because they're bastards | 04:51 |
nalioth | mannyc: yes the archive | 04:51 |
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jeroen_ | bigfoot1, because they're lame | 04:51 |
nalioth | bigfoot1: most things | 04:51 |
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bloodlust | whats up al | 04:51 |
bloodlust | s;; | 04:51 |
kbrooks | bigfoot1, not every program is free | 04:51 |
jeroen_ | bigfoot1, the good things are free as in speech and free as in beer ;-) | 04:51 |
Spec | I can write a program that runs in linux and charge you for it, pretty easily | 04:51 |
jeroen_ | *programs | 04:51 |
mannyc | nalioth: 23563-Clearlooks-gperfection2.tar.bz2 is the filename. | 04:51 |
Spec | it's just i'd rather not | 04:51 |
nalioth | mannyc: open your system > preferences > themes and do the 'add theme' thing | 04:51 |
=== Nard is now known as Nard|life | ||
bloodlust | i'm new to ubuntu just tryin to figure out a way to rip dvd's? i have dvd rip and it's not working for me | 04:51 |
kbrooks | bigfoot1, define 'free'. the 'free' is ambigous. try 'open source' | 04:51 |
bloodlust | any suggestions? | 04:51 |
nalioth | mannyc: point it at the folder that bz2 expanded into | 04:51 |
mannyc | nalioth: did that...i get ugly rugged look...not in keeping with screenshoot on gnome-looks.org | 04:52 |
bigfoot1 | jeroen_, are you saying there's something better than cedega and crossover? | 04:52 |
=== sinferno [~charles@65-194-22-127.block4.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mjr | well, the crossover people aren't really bastards, most of their work does go into the free wine | 04:52 |
kbrooks | ambiguous* | 04:52 |
mjr | now, the cedega people... ;) | 04:52 |
bigfoot1 | kbrooks, when i say free now, i mean it costs no money. | 04:52 |
nalioth | mannyc: ah, well then i'm not sure | 04:52 |
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nalioth | bloodlust: define "rip" | 04:52 |
sinferno | whats is the line i put in the desktop grab screensavers in order to make them work? | 04:52 |
kbrooks | bigfoot1, well, the source code is important to get at | 04:52 |
jeroen_ | bigfoot1, no, I'm saying Cedega and crossover suck because they're non-free | 04:52 |
sinferno | they are all -root and its a stupid picture instead of my desktop | 04:52 |
kbrooks | non free as in not open source, just to be clear | 04:53 |
nalioth | bigfoot1: to me "free" means i can open the source code, rewrite it and not go to jail | 04:53 |
bloodlust | nalioth --- i'm trying to put dvd's on my hd | 04:53 |
bigfoot1 | what's the best no-money-attached program for running windows programs? | 04:53 |
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bigfoot1 | nalioth, oh, you must be a programmer. | 04:53 |
nalioth | bloodlust: you can use k3b to make an image | 04:53 |
bloodlust | got a package called dvdrip | 04:53 |
kbrooks | bigfoot1, | 04:53 |
kbrooks | uh | 04:53 |
kbrooks | qemu | 04:53 |
nalioth | bigfoot1: wine | 04:53 |
sinferno | u can get cedega... w/o paying | 04:53 |
bloodlust | wine | 04:53 |
sinferno | bt 4 the win | 04:53 |
bloodlust | i installed wine | 04:53 |
nalioth | bigfoot1: no, just a user | 04:53 |
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kbrooks | sinferno, cedega-cvs | 04:53 |
bloodlust | any perfered programs once wine is installed? | 04:54 |
sylone | Hi@all. I have a very dummy question. Where can i change the default boot order in ubuntu? | 04:54 |
nalioth | bloodlust: dvd::rip is to rip dvd vobs into mpeg/divx/etc | 04:54 |
sylone | I cant find the grub.conf | 04:54 |
sinferno | kbrooks, what? | 04:54 |
=== robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeroen_ | kbrooks, open-source is different from free | 04:54 |
mannyc | nalioth: thanks...will look into it | 04:54 |
jeroen_ | it's an important difference | 04:54 |
=== ernstp [~ernstp@k13d217-2.kam.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sinferno | whats is the line i put in the desktop grab screensavers in order to make them work? | 04:54 |
kbrooks | free as in speech == open source | 04:54 |
=== r0bby [~wakawaka@cpe-204-210-133-115.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bloodlust | nalioth --- thats the dir? im getting an error that it cant create a dir, and it won't let me "pre" create the folder in the dir before so | 04:55 |
kbrooks | free as in beer not speech == non-free | 04:55 |
kbrooks | there. | 04:55 |
sinferno | its on display -root | 04:55 |
=== nalioth is now known as nalioth_wrkn | ||
kbrooks | i'll admit, i dont like the ambiguity of 'Free'. | 04:55 |
sproingie | thus "open source" | 04:56 |
kbrooks | yes | 04:56 |
=== bash^^ [~bash@host-183.ken-64-141-63.norcomcable.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sproingie | a term dating back from "open systems". probably not the world's best term, but it's adequate | 04:57 |
kbrooks | that old? | 04:57 |
sproingie | probably not | 04:57 |
sproingie | maybe "harkening back" is a better phrase | 04:57 |
bash^^ | hey all | 04:57 |
jeroen_ | Free software stand for the philosophy | 04:57 |
kbrooks | lol | 04:57 |
jeroen_ | open-source is just lame | 04:57 |
kbrooks | i almost slept | 04:58 |
sproingie | yeah whatever. everyone's a freakin pundit | 04:58 |
kbrooks | jeroen_, the philosophy, not the word, right? | 04:58 |
bash^^ | any one know how i can convert a kspread doc to openoffice?? | 04:58 |
faya | hi there | 04:58 |
bash^^ | sup faya | 04:58 |
kbrooks | gad | 04:59 |
kbrooks | xsane-common is fricking slow | 04:59 |
=== chillywilly [~danielb@CPE-65-26-216-107.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | so..... | 05:01 |
bash^^ | or will koffice run in ubuntu | 05:01 |
faya | of course it will | 05:01 |
sproingie | runs fine. install kde. | 05:01 |
kbrooks | bash^^, it will. just use apt or synaptic | 05:01 |
kbrooks | sproingie, s/kde/kdelibs | 05:01 |
kbrooks | sproingie, kde is just kdelibs and kdebins. | 05:02 |
sproingie | kbrooks: true, one probably doesn't need kdegames | 05:02 |
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=== bloodlust [~bloodlust@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeroen_ | open-source is lame because it has nothing to do with protecting your freedom, and the word is lame because software with 'open' sourcecode can still be non-free | 05:02 |
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bash^^ | ty, ttyl | 05:02 |
bloodlust | alright | 05:02 |
sproingie | jeroen_: i could point out a few other things i perceive as lame at this moment | 05:02 |
bloodlust | will someone please walk me through this | 05:02 |
bloodlust | just so i know i get it right | 05:02 |
bloodlust | with dvdrip | 05:02 |
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jeroen_ | sproingie, go ahead | 05:03 |
bloodlust | i just start a new project | 05:03 |
sproingie | jeroen_: i'll spare the channel | 05:03 |
=== bcc|grave [~bcc|grave@chello062178225065.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | bloodlust, what us it? | 05:03 |
sproingie | and myself | 05:03 |
kbrooks | is* | 05:03 |
bloodlust | for rippin dvd's | 05:03 |
kbrooks | sproingie, feel free to pm me those | 05:04 |
bloodlust | i need to start rippin my dvd's cuz im off all this week from work | 05:04 |
=== sproingie points up to "and myself" | ||
sylone | Can anyone help me about the grub bootloader? | 05:04 |
kbrooks | o | 05:04 |
bloodlust | so i gotta learn to use the program | 05:04 |
kbrooks | sylone, ask | 05:04 |
bloodlust | i keep gettin an error so i figured i was doing something wrong | 05:04 |
jeroen_ | sylone, what's the problem | 05:04 |
sylone | kbrooks: Where can i change the boot order in grib? | 05:04 |
sylone | grub | 05:04 |
bloodlust | was going to see if someone would walk me through it | 05:04 |
sylone | I cant find the grub.conf | 05:04 |
kbrooks | sylone, boot order? | 05:04 |
jeroen_ | sylone, /boot/grub/menu.list | 05:04 |
sylone | sorry about the stupid question | 05:04 |
sproingie | sylone: just rearrange the menu options. it's in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:04 |
kbrooks | :| | 05:04 |
bloodlust | somebody told me earlir to use a diff dir | 05:05 |
bloodlust | for vob and avi dir's | 05:05 |
sylone | Ahhhhhhhhhhh, in "/boot/" | 05:05 |
sylone | I have searched in "/etc/" | 05:05 |
jeroen_ | sylone, it's not stupid. In the next release (Breezy Badger) ther will be a new administration item, 'boot', for these things | 05:05 |
=== jelks [~Jelks@pcp08580352pcs.alxndr01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sproingie | sylone: that's a sensible place, but since it's a bootloader it wants to keep it it in /boot | 05:05 |
jeroen_ | sylone, you could've searched for 'grub' in / | 05:05 |
apack | when i'm running a ping cmd, it just keeps on going for ever. How can i stop it without closing the terminal-window? | 05:06 |
jeroen_ | apack, ctrl-c | 05:06 |
bloodlust | can anyone with experience in ripping dvds to hd in ubuntu please help me??? | 05:06 |
sproingie | i think 'man grub' will tell you too | 05:06 |
apack | jeroen_ thanks :( | 05:06 |
sproingie | oh indeed it doesn't | 05:06 |
sylone | I think all configuration files are unter "/etc" | 05:06 |
=== DAWKIRST [~dawkirst@tpr-165-246-61.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sproingie | it's one of those craptastic "we hate man, read the info page" man pages | 05:06 |
kbrooks | sylone, not all of them! | 05:06 |
sylone | Thanks | 05:06 |
jeroen_ | sylone, boot is special ;-) | 05:06 |
sylone | Is that different to debian? | 05:07 |
kbrooks | No | 05:07 |
sproingie | it's a grub thing | 05:07 |
sylone | Ok | 05:07 |
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sproingie | the /boot partition is the only one grub is guaranteed to be able to read | 05:07 |
kbrooks | whoa | 05:07 |
kbrooks | i think i'll restart GNOME | 05:07 |
kbrooks | and see hoary ;) | 05:07 |
bloodlust | here is why i am having a problem | 05:08 |
sproingie | in my case, it actually is the only partition grub can read | 05:08 |
kbrooks | btw, ctrl+alt+backspace | 05:08 |
sproingie | the rest is xfs. which newer grubs can read, but not the one hoary installed | 05:08 |
bloodlust | when i go to the "RIP Title Tab" I get this eror | 05:08 |
bloodlust | An internal exception was thrown! | 05:08 |
bloodlust | The error message was: | 05:08 |
bloodlust | mkdir /usr/share/perl5/video: Permission denied at /usr/share/perl5/video/dvdrip/project.pm line | 05:09 |
bloodlust | any idea why im getting his error? | 05:09 |
six2one | run it from command line with sudo | 05:09 |
jeroen_ | bloodlust, you do not have write permissions for /usr/share/perl5/video, it seems | 05:09 |
bloodlust | its drinving me nuts | 05:09 |
jeroen_ | sudo it | 05:09 |
bloodlust | can you give me a command to throw into terminal fo rit | 05:10 |
jeroen_ | (or gksudo) | 05:10 |
bloodlust | im a little new to ubuntu | 05:10 |
=== kbrooks [~kbrooks@d235-165-109.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | hey | 05:10 |
SpecialBuddy | how do I uninstall wine from source | 05:10 |
=== Demitar [~demitar@212214250108-WEBTECH-OREBRO-NET.host.songnetworks.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeroen_ | sudo commandyouwanttorun, bloodlust | 05:10 |
sylone | Is "apt" the same as in debian? | 05:10 |
six2one | whats the prog name? | 05:10 |
kbrooks | back in teh hoary | 05:10 |
kbrooks | sylone, yes | 05:10 |
jeroen_ | sylone, yes | 05:10 |
=== dqsf [~erik@dD5E0574B.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bloodlust | whats the command to share that dir? | 05:10 |
sylone | So, can i use each apt-source? | 05:10 |
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kbrooks | sylone, yes | 05:10 |
sylone | Which should i use for stable software? | 05:10 |
kbrooks | apt-get | 05:11 |
dqsf | I'm trying to install a pinnacle pctv rave pci card on ubuntu | 05:11 |
sylone | At the moment, i would like "joe" to install | 05:11 |
dqsf | can anybody help me? | 05:11 |
=== dqsf is now known as Pinnacle | ||
jeroen_ | sylone, you mean which repositories are stable? | 05:11 |
jeroen_ | Hoary | 05:11 |
bloodlust | soo i type "sudo" then what is the command to share a dir | 05:11 |
=== Trog|odyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sylone | jeroen_: I mean, which apt source should i insert in the apt-conf to install "joe" | 05:12 |
six2one | are you in hoary? | 05:12 |
SpecialBuddy | how do I uninstall steam from a console | 05:12 |
bloodlust | i am in hoary | 05:12 |
jeroen_ | sylone, depends whether joe is in main or universe | 05:12 |
kbrooks | lol | 05:12 |
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six2one | system --> administration --> shared folders | 05:12 |
kbrooks | open source rules | 05:12 |
sylone | jeroen_: I think it is in main | 05:13 |
six2one | thats an easy way for you to do it | 05:13 |
six2one | then just locate the folder | 05:13 |
kbrooks | owwww | 05:13 |
jeroen_ | sylone, no it's not, it's in universe | 05:13 |
=== nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth | ||
six2one | you need to install samba or nfs if you havent alrwady | 05:13 |
bloodlust | six2one | 05:13 |
sylone | jeroen_: Oh, ok. How do you find that out? | 05:13 |
bloodlust | right on lemme try that right quick | 05:13 |
Pinnacle | How do I start installing pinnacle pctv rave? | 05:13 |
bloodlust | I have no sharing services installed | 05:14 |
jeroen_ | sylone, http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 05:14 |
six2one | apt-get update | 05:14 |
bloodlust | You need to install at least either Samba or NFS in order to share your folders. The tool will close now. | 05:14 |
six2one | apt-get install samba | 05:14 |
apack | Can i run the "Ubuntu update-manager" from terminal? something lige usr/bin/update-manager ? | 05:14 |
six2one | or just look in synaptic | 05:14 |
jeroen_ | apack, sudo update-manager | 05:14 |
nalioth | bloodlust: do you have windows boxes present on your network? | 05:14 |
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six2one | yes | 05:15 |
bloodlust | nalioth no | 05:15 |
apack | sudo? | 05:15 |
nalioth | apack: yes, its called "apt-get" | 05:15 |
nalioth | bloodlust: you are asking about sharing folders? | 05:15 |
jeroen_ | apack, yes, 'superuser do' | 05:15 |
bloodlust | yeah | 05:15 |
bloodlust | i don't want to share anything over the network | 05:15 |
nalioths_dog | apack: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 05:15 |
bloodlust | dvdrip needs to be a shared folder in order to rip to it | 05:16 |
bloodlust | does that make any sence | 05:16 |
bloodlust | ? | 05:16 |
Ralc | why do i get a blank/black screen when i try to install ubuntu???? | 05:16 |
bloodlust | mind you this is not on a network | 05:16 |
nalioth | bloodlust: ah, then you need to chmod it to "all users" | 05:16 |
six2one | ooo...u just need permission to read and write | 05:16 |
sylone | jeroen_: Thank you. Greate. | 05:16 |
inemo | bugger, someone already did my idea - http://hackaday.com/entry/1234000273048633/ | 05:16 |
bloodlust | nalioth excelent --- how do i do this? | 05:16 |
apack | will do | 05:16 |
kbrooks | chmod a+rw file | 05:16 |
Pinnacle | Can anybody give a little explaination about tv tuners to a new linux user? | 05:16 |
sylone | jeroen_: And not i must insert a new source in my sources.list? | 05:17 |
jeroen_ | sylone, yes | 05:17 |
nalioth | users: when you speak to someone in here, please preface their nicks so they know they are being addressed | 05:17 |
Ralc | why do i get a blank/black screen when i try to install ubuntu???? i inserted the boot cd, pressed enter and BLANK screen... what? | 05:17 |
bloodlust | nalioth --- chmod?? | 05:17 |
jeroen_ | sylone, just add universe after main and restricted | 05:17 |
nalioth | Pinnacle: they work the same on windows as on linux | 05:17 |
jeroen_ | and if you want to be completely free, remove restricted | 05:17 |
Pinnacle | nalioth: I don't know how to get my pinnacle to work with ubuntu | 05:18 |
nalioth | bloodlust: in the gui, you can right click and set permissions | 05:18 |
sylone | jeroen_: Thank you. You are a great help for me! | 05:18 |
Pinnacle | nalioth: what can i do to test? | 05:18 |
nalioth | bloodlust: under 'properties' | 05:18 |
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nalioth | Pinnacle: open synaptic and search for "tuner" in 'pkg name" or "tv tuner" in 'pkg contents" | 05:19 |
kbrooks | now to restart X! | 05:19 |
Ralc | why do i get a blank/black screen when i try to install ubuntu???? i inserted the boot cd, pressed enter and BLANK screen... what? | 05:20 |
Pinnacle | nalioth: You want me to install a tv tuner program? Is tvtime any good? | 05:20 |
=== jasoncohen [~jason@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeroen_ | Pinnacle, tvtime is nice | 05:20 |
nalioth | Pinnacle: i have no idea, but there are tvtuner programs available | 05:20 |
jeroen_ | Pinnacle, windowed | 05:20 |
nalioth | Ralc: do you have a ubuntu LiveCD? | 05:21 |
DAWKIRST | Greetings. I seem to have some probles with my Java envoirment and other Mozilla Firefox plugins...Any suggestions? I tried synaptic until my ears flowed... | 05:21 |
devios | I set my printer settings to use 'letter' and it keeps printing A4. | 05:21 |
nalioths_dog | DAWKIRST: for java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , fakeroot make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] | 05:21 |
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Pinnacle | jeroen_ : I have tvtime loaded by it keeps saying 'no signal' | 05:21 |
Ralc | nalioth no | 05:21 |
jeroen_ | Pinnacle, scroll | 05:21 |
Pinnacle | jeroen_ : is there anything i must configure? | 05:21 |
nalioth | Ralc: when you restart the installer, there is an option for help | 05:22 |
jeroen_ | Pinnacle, try scrolling with your mousewheel | 05:22 |
nalioth | Ralc: it will show you differnt parameters to pass to the kernel | 05:22 |
steve-0 | Men(and ladies ofcuz) I just wanted to tell you about this great res. http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ ... I'm newbie to UBUNTU, and this site helps me alot ! :))) | 05:22 |
=== Scroopy [~dscroop@dsl-203-113-236-147.SA.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DAWKIRST | nalioths_dog: thanks, but you'll have to slow down there. I'm only on Linux for 21 days now... | 05:22 |
Ralc | nalioth yes and what then? | 05:22 |
Pinnacle | jeroen_ "cannot open capture device /dev/video0" | 05:22 |
nalioths_dog | steve-0: Please do not advise ubuntuguide. Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 here explains why https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines | 05:23 |
bloodlust | nalioth --- i dont understand i see where the "share folder is when right clicked" however i dont' ahve samba installed insn't this a permission issue? | 05:23 |
jasoncohen | steve-0, the problem is that ubuntuguide tells you what to do but not why you are doing it- and some of their suggestions aren't that great | 05:23 |
jeroen_ | steve-0, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines read number 3 | 05:23 |
jeroen_ | Pinnacle, that's not good, I guess | 05:23 |
jo | hi,i would like to ask if somebode new program which can edit all menu not only application e.g smeg | 05:23 |
nalioth | bloodlust: when you right click, its 'properties' and 'permissions' i believe | 05:23 |
Pinnacle | jeroen_ guess not. What can I do to configure the card? | 05:23 |
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nalioth | is someone familiar with x86 installer boot time options? | 05:24 |
jasoncohen | steve-0, it can be useful but as the wiki says it's merely a list of useful commands without any explanation of why you would want to use them | 05:24 |
nalioth | can that someone help Ralc ? | 05:24 |
jasoncohen | steve-0, for example it tells you how to enable the root account without explaining the reasons for doing this or the consequences | 05:24 |
jeroen_ | Pinnacle, my pci-tv card just worked | 05:24 |
nalioth | DAWKIRST: the instructions from the dog have no time limit | 05:24 |
bloodlust | nalioth --- when under the permissions tab it says at the bottom "You are not the owner , so you can't change these permissions" | 05:24 |
Pinnacle | anybody else who knows how to install a Pinnacle tv tuner in ubuntu? | 05:25 |
=== inemo has lost his pencil | ||
steve-0 | hmmm , sorry , i never mentioned about WIKI ... im new to wiki ;-) Sorry about my post , I will never recommend it at all ! | 05:25 |
nalioth | bloodlust: ah, you are not sharing one of your own folders? | 05:25 |
=== steve-0 sorry | ||
DAWKIRST | nalioth, meaning!? I'm lost. Have patience please. | 05:25 |
jo | anyone knows names of programs to edit menu in gnome | 05:25 |
inemo | DAWKIRST: the dog is a bot, it just returns things with no speed slowdown on it | 05:25 |
jeroen_ | jo, smeg | 05:26 |
Pinnacle | jo smeg | 05:26 |
Spec | jo, vim, gedit, kedit, nano | 05:26 |
nalioth | DAWKIRST: nalioths_dog sent you some instructions for installing java the correct way | 05:26 |
bloodlust | i have to share my own folders??? im not on a network or is ubuntu just a little different (sorry for my ignorance in new to linux) | 05:26 |
nalioth | DAWKIRST: take you time with the inst, ask questions | 05:26 |
=== inemo has found his pencil :D | ||
jo | but i want to edit all menu not anly application so smeg is not ok | 05:26 |
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bloodlust | nalioth -- does that mean i need to install samba? | 05:27 |
nalioth | bloodlust: samba is a windows crutch, you only need to change permissions on the folder in question | 05:27 |
nalioth | what are the chmod command for "allow all users"? send answer to bloodlust | 05:28 |
jo | jeroen ,pinnacle do you know other programs to edit menu ? | 05:28 |
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Pinnacle | nalioth: my tv tuner tells me there is no dev/video0 . What am i doing wrong? | 05:28 |
jasoncohen | anyone know why hoary's mozilla and warty's firefox/mozilla haven't been patched for the latest round of security updates (firefox 1.0.4/mozilla 1.7.8)? | 05:28 |
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six2one | is it just "you" who needs the files | 05:29 |
six2one | ? | 05:29 |
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jeroen_ | jasoncohen, it has been, but the version number hasn't been bumped | 05:29 |
=== PMantis [~pmantis@cpe-66-66-114-3.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | Pinnacle: i'm not sure on video stuff, have you searched the wiki? https://wiki.ubuntu.com | 05:29 |
DAWKIRST | Is there anyway I can sort the channel list on X-Chat? | 05:29 |
nalioth | jasoncohen: firefox has been patched | 05:29 |
Demitar | DAWKIRST, Alt-leftarrow/rightarrow. | 05:30 |
jasoncohen | jeroen_, no- it hasn't - read the note - https://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/usn/usn-134-1 | 05:30 |
=== ^thehatsrule^ [tehats@tehats.0ffice.info] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bloodlust | nalioth --- it wont' let me change permissions it says im not the owner , and i canot change these permissions | 05:30 |
XandriX | apt-get install what is the pakcage for kernel headers and source | 05:30 |
jasoncohen | nalioth, not on warty | 05:30 |
XandriX | well headers for /usr/src/linux/include | 05:30 |
PMantis | I have a Kanotix key problem. | 05:30 |
six2one | are u using sudo? | 05:30 |
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PMantis | W: GPG error: http://kanotix.com ./ Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY FB1A399A71409CDF | 05:30 |
DAWKIRST | ty Demitar. | 05:30 |
jeroen_ | jasoncohen, if it hasn't file a bug: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | 05:30 |
nalioth | bloodlust: give me a minute, please, we'll get you fixed up | 05:31 |
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PMantis | I ran: gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys 71409CDF | 05:31 |
nalioth | jasoncohen: ah correct | 05:31 |
PMantis | Still no help. Can anyone help with keys ? | 05:31 |
jasoncohen | nalioth, i'm a bit surprised that they haven't patched warty's firefox yet. it's been over a month and a half since 1.0.4 came out and firefox has got to be one of the most used applications | 05:31 |
bloodlust | when i typed apt-get update in terminal this is the error i got E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied )E: Unable to lock the list directory | 05:31 |
=== tankabbot [~tankabbot@host217-43-44-108.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XandriX | found it hehe | 05:31 |
jasoncohen | mozilla is a bit deprecated at this point | 05:31 |
nalioth | PMantis: is said the pub key wasnt availabe | 05:31 |
=== Detten [~Detten@d51A4561C.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | PMantis: there is no help, there is no pub key | 05:32 |
nalioths_dog | bloodlust: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 05:32 |
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bloodlust | nalioths_dog -- is there a prob with my os? | 05:32 |
six2one | no | 05:32 |
PMantis | nalioth, I was just directed by #kanotix to import the key... gpg downloaded it, and imported it. but apt doesn't see it. Or, do I need a reality check? | 05:32 |
nalioth | bloodlust: nope, just your education | 05:32 |
bloodlust | hahahaha | 05:33 |
bloodlust | very true | 05:33 |
nalioth | PMantis: what you describe happens frequently, i wouldn't worry about it unless you are working on government jobs | 05:33 |
bloodlust | plus im pretty stoned soo im movin slow | 05:33 |
six2one | is it just your user who needs full control (god, i hate windows...sorry for that) of the directory? | 05:33 |
Ralc | doesnt ubuntu need a boot partition?!? | 05:33 |
kbrooks | lol | 05:33 |
kbrooks | Ralc, no | 05:33 |
nalioth | six2one: bloodlust needs a "all users" setting on a folder | 05:33 |
kbrooks | Ralc, it's pretty rare | 05:34 |
Ralc | kbrooks, kewl | 05:34 |
nalioth | Ralc: no, but you can have one if you wish | 05:34 |
jasoncohen | nalioth, firefox even has an open bug from firefox 1.0.1 - see https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=4679 | 05:34 |
Ralc | nah i dont mind i just found it strange, nalioth :) | 05:34 |
nalioth | jasoncohen: how many users are on warty percentage wise? | 05:34 |
six2one | chmod 007 "directory"? | 05:34 |
six2one | is that it? | 05:34 |
nalioth | Ralc: linux is free and open | 05:34 |
=== factorx [~factorx@dsl-084-060-016-162.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DAWKIRST | Ohkay, anyone knows a freeware Linux equivalent to Reactor, or FrootlyLoops? | 05:34 |
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nalioth | bloodlust: six2one is speaking to you | 05:34 |
jasoncohen | nalioth, i guess it pays to upgrade to the latest stable release. it simply becomes too difficult to backport security fixes on mozilla/firefox. the debian security team just gave up on mozilla 1.0 (3 years old!!!) | 05:34 |
PMantis | nalioth, Ok, I'm missing something here, then... I simply cannot install some packages I want to - not available | 05:35 |
jasoncohen | nalioth, no clue- i suppose the best way was to see many people are still downloading warty-updates & warty-security fixes | 05:35 |
nalioth | Ralc: some users have a partition for /boot, /home /usr (they just go nuts with it) | 05:35 |
nalioth | PMantis: what are you after? | 05:35 |
bloodlust | six2one --- chmod 007 i dont think so | 05:35 |
=== lllmanulll [~lllmanull@dan75-4-82-239-58-38.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | bloodlust: "sudo chmod 0000 foldername" | 05:36 |
Ralc | nalioth, im a newb so i just go with the standard settings | 05:36 |
PMantis | nalioth, apt-get install freenx=0.3.1-3 | 05:36 |
bloodlust | six2one --- im having permission problems all of a sudden i have used update before | 05:36 |
rasputnik | nalioth: don't you need an ext2/3 /boot if you want LVM on your root? or does grub support LVM now? | 05:36 |
bloodlust | right on | 05:36 |
jasoncohen | nalioth, but security support is supposed to last 18 months. and for the most part warty is getting all the same security updates as hoary- but both debian and ubuntu fall short when it comes to backporting fixes for mozilla/firefox - i think it's just very difficult | 05:36 |
nalioth | Ralc: that is best, until you learn what would serve you best | 05:36 |
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jasoncohen | nalioth, that might be a good reason to simple include the new upstream version rather than backport for firefox/mozilla | 05:36 |
nalioth | rasputnik: sorry i have no clue what LVM is | 05:36 |
PMantis | nalioth, I have to step down in versions, because of this: nxproxy: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 is to be installed | 05:37 |
=== telemaco [~telemaco@60.Red-83-34-162.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
kbrooks | heh | 05:37 |
kbrooks | i like cogeco. | 05:37 |
rasputnik | nalioth: logical volume management - sort of 'super raid' - the warty installer offers it as an option along with software raid | 05:37 |
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jasoncohen | nalioth, linux volume management - allows for file systems spanning multiple physical disks and physical volumens | 05:37 |
jasoncohen | *logical volume management | 05:37 |
nalioth | rasputnik: i have very little raid knowledge | 05:37 |
rasputnik | nalioth: that's why you don't see the point of a /boot :) | 05:38 |
nalioth | i'm just a simple user, i'm afraid | 05:38 |
jasoncohen | nalioth, i have my root FS on an LVM using two physical volumes seperated from each other- i also have a 450 GB LVM partition spanning 4 HDs- LVM is quite powerful | 05:38 |
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nalioth | rasputnik: i can name a few points for having a /boot partition, but for most users it's not necessary | 05:38 |
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kbrooks | nalioth, what are the points? | 05:39 |
marta_loka | wenas! | 05:39 |
nalioth | jasoncohen: rasputnik: im sure LVM is great, and works well, i'm just not a 'power-user' of that class | 05:39 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | wow i just read an awsome review if ubuntu | 05:39 |
bloodlust | damn | 05:39 |
marta_loka | wow ol are you? | 05:39 |
bloodlust | i cant even read the dir | 05:39 |
jasoncohen | nalioth, it's not hard to use. i set it up in the hoary installer | 05:39 |
nalioth | kbrooks: /boot on a seperate partition keeps 'accidents' from happening | 05:39 |
=== SS2 [~simon@dsl-084-057-016-058.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
six2one | hey bloodlust | 05:40 |
SS2 | hi guys | 05:40 |
six2one | i figured it out on my system | 05:40 |
nalioth | jasoncohen: i'm sure it's not, i just dont have 1.5tb of HD mountable atm | 05:40 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | http://www.reviewlinux.com/articles/8/1/Ubuntu---A-New-Approach-to-Desktop-Linux | 05:40 |
SS2 | ehm, how come i cant do quick replys? (new on ubuntuforums) | 05:40 |
nalioth | bloodlust: did you read that sudo URL the dog sent you? | 05:41 |
Ralc | does gnome or kde come with ubuntu? | 05:42 |
jasoncohen | nalioth, sometimes it's not about size- but location. i didn't want to wipe my old /home so i just took two partitions (with /home in the middle), made them physical volumes and created an LVM with both to act as one root partition. this was on a 30 GB laptop HD | 05:42 |
dark | Ralc: gnome | 05:42 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | any idea why ubuntu won't copy all of the files i want it too? | 05:42 |
nalioth | jasoncohen: rasputnik: thanks for pointing that out to me, i'll keep it in mind for my future macintosh (ab)usage | 05:42 |
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nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: because you didnt ask it correctly? | 05:43 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: because some are in use? | 05:43 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | all of them are storage files | 05:43 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | none arein use | 05:43 |
blueyed | What is a good, basic image editor? Like Irfanview for win32.. | 05:43 |
Blue_Summer | lo all, how is everyone? | 05:43 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | it copys the direcotry structure but not all the "inside" files | 05:44 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | from one deive to another | 05:44 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | drive even | 05:44 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: open the term and look at "man cp" | 05:44 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | kk | 05:44 |
=== Scroopy [~dscroop@dsl-203-113-236-147.SA.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blueyed | how do you copy them? | 05:44 |
Ralc | Rebooting your new Ubuntu System :D love that | 05:44 |
Scroopy | hey does anyone know if there is a Netlimiter equivalent for Linux? | 05:45 |
nalioth | blueyed: copy what? | 05:45 |
nalioth | Scroopy: to limit bandwidth? | 05:45 |
eriktown | Question: I installed Ubuntu on my laptop yesterday. Everything was working fine. I powered it down a couple of times and powered it back up again, and all was well. But this morning I booted back up again and X won't start, and a huge number of modules appear to have failed to load. any thoughts on why that might have happened? | 05:45 |
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blueyed | nalioth, I meant ChurcH_of_FoamY. | 05:45 |
Scroopy | yeah | 05:45 |
Scroopy | to limit the bandwidth | 05:45 |
nalioth | blueyed: church is learning atm | 05:45 |
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nalioth | Scroopy: yes there are, but i dont know the names of them | 05:45 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i want to gopy a 34 gig STORAGE folder to a new hard drive i installed to conatian the data | 05:46 |
Scroopy | ok, ill just hunt for them sometime, just good to know they are there | 05:46 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | hdb1 is the new drive | 05:46 |
blueyed | No image viewer/basic editor suggestions? | 05:46 |
nalioth | Scroopy: you can search packages.ubuntu.com | 05:46 |
nalioth | blueyed: that is a very good question | 05:46 |
eriktown | blueyed: imagemagick iirc was decent | 05:46 |
nalioth | eriktown: for editing? | 05:46 |
Scroopy | thanks | 05:46 |
rasputnik | nalioth: it's not for 'power users', it's for 'i can't say in advance that this partition will never need to be more than 40 gb' users :) | 05:46 |
apack | does Mirc run on linux systems ? | 05:47 |
nalioth | rasputnik: as i said, thanks for enlightening me to that | 05:47 |
nalioth | apack: under Wine | 05:47 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | hm that isen't what i was quite looking for | 05:47 |
nalioth | apack: try xchat instead | 05:47 |
rasputnik | nalioth: sorry, i'm speed scrolling down the screen, missed that | 05:47 |
Albaraha | Firefox was messed :/. nothing appears in [Code] [/Code] in the forums and nothing appears in Source Code window | 05:47 |
Scroopy | does anyone know how to get my microsoft mouse back n forward buttons working? | 05:47 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: you are looking for "cp -r /source /target | 05:47 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | oh ok | 05:48 |
Ralc | what is python? | 05:48 |
apack | since i started using linux about 30mins ago, i dont know what "Wine" is :( | 05:48 |
rasputnik | Ralc: programming language | 05:48 |
kbrooks | Ralc, ask #python | 05:48 |
kbrooks | :) | 05:48 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: the -r means | 05:48 |
goldfish | apack: It's an emulator which allows you to run windows programs on linux. | 05:48 |
Ralc | okay thanks :) | 05:48 |
apack | oh, okay then | 05:49 |
nalioth | apack: try xchat | 05:49 |
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rasputnik | apack: if you want to run all the same programs as on windows , you might as well run windows | 05:49 |
nalioth | apack: there are very few things on windows that you cannot find equivelants on linux | 05:50 |
six2one | i just use qemu to run windows so i can walk people at work through stuff | 05:50 |
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apack | rasputnik: it is only mirc... so that i can idle on this channel in case of "need help" | 05:50 |
nalioth | six2one: qemu roX0rs | 05:51 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | nalioth how to switch to the files in another hard drive? | 05:51 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: use the cp command | 05:51 |
maxy_noob | I've followed directions for installing themes on art.gnome.org but I keep getting error messages. Is there a special procedure of installing themes in ubuntu? | 05:51 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | k | 05:51 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: or use nautilus and drag and drop | 05:51 |
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six2one | nalioth: yeah it does, i have 2003, xp, 2000, and 98 installed | 05:51 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | how to start nautulus? | 05:52 |
nalioth | six2one: esp if you have a nice new ripsnorter of a box (with lots of wasted cycles) | 05:52 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | that seems easyer to me | 05:52 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: you are looking at it | 05:52 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: Applications > system tools > file mangler | 05:52 |
maxy_noob | I extract a .tar.gz to my desktop. Then I tried to navigate to those folders but no go | 05:52 |
cmatheson | maxy_noob: no, but my friend was telling me about some rad gnome-art app that installs everything for you | 05:52 |
maxy_noob | hmmm | 05:53 |
six2one | nalioth: haha, u get win update to work yet? i found a command to run but i havent tried yer | 05:53 |
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nalioth | six2one: i run macintosh hardware, i'd love to end up famous for getting win to run here on qemu | 05:53 |
holycow | mornin | 05:54 |
inemo | macs r0ck!! | 05:54 |
inemo | :| | 05:54 |
maxy_noob | cmatheson, any idea where I can get it? I tried googling it but google seems to be down or something. | 05:54 |
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rasputnik | apack: as others said, use xchat. linux has a bazillion irc clients, but that should be pre-installed. it's a lot less bother than mucking about with wine | 05:54 |
redtech | google doesnt do 'down' | 05:55 |
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six2one | nalioth: i REALLY want to run OSX on my thinkpad...lol....i am wayching qemu pretty close and i hope thats in the near future | 05:55 |
devios | I configured my network hp laserjet 5 and it's working,but it keeps printing A4 instead of letter. | 05:55 |
nalioth | six2one: i think you need PPC hardware | 05:55 |
goldfish | IRSSI !!! | 05:55 |
inemo | redtech: google isn't down | 05:55 |
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cmatheson | maxy_noob: i'm pretty sure you can just apt-get it | 05:55 |
redtech | inemo: didnt say it was | 05:56 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | wow 32.2 gigs i have to transfer O_o | 05:56 |
eriktown | no one has any thoughts on why my install failed to load modules after powering down overnight? | 05:56 |
inemo | uh, sorry redtech, meant to send to maxy_boob | 05:56 |
six2one | nalioth: they are working on the emulator, i think someone got the first osx 10 to isntall | 05:56 |
inemo | s/boob/noob | 05:56 |
redtech | ; ) | 05:56 |
nalioth | six2one: you mean OSXintel, ok | 05:56 |
DAWKIRST | eriktown, did your internet connection perhaps failed? | 05:56 |
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six2one | if it failed he couldnt be here | 05:57 |
six2one | lol | 05:57 |
rasputnik | six2one, nalioth : have either of you tried pearpc yet? | 05:57 |
eriktown | heh, no, my ubuntu box is going through the same hub as this machine | 05:57 |
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eriktown | and modules should be able to load even if there's no net connection | 05:58 |
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six2one | rasputnik: i was looking into that...u try it yet? | 05:58 |
nalioth | rasputnik: i run on apple hardware already | 05:58 |
rasputnik | six2one: keep meaning too, but get distracted. By stuff like ubuntu | 05:58 |
rasputnik | nalioth: oh right - you want the other way round then. | 05:59 |
apack | rasputnik: im now on xchats homepage, ready to download. But there are several files, all named xchat, but with a "lastname" like perl, python, i568 and src. What should i download | 05:59 |
nalioth | rasputnik: and according to current news from pearpc, i'd need a cluster of dual-core athlon64s to get any speed out of it | 05:59 |
nalioth | apack: don't download | 05:59 |
six2one | rasputnik, nalioth: i got a dual 450 g4 for 175.00 at the mi state surplus store with no mem or hd....i want to get that goin with some ppc version of linux | 06:00 |
nalioth | apack: are you using linux right now? | 06:00 |
apack | oh! | 06:00 |
rasputnik | apack: isn't it in your gnome menu, under internet? | 06:00 |
apack | this pc is running, but the one next to me is running Linux :) | 06:00 |
nalioth | six2one: ubuntu will work fine, once you replace the HD/ram | 06:00 |
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nalioth | six2one: keyword on ram >>>>LOTS | 06:00 |
apack | this pc is running windows, but the one next to me is running Linux :) | 06:00 |
six2one | nalioth: thats just it..its kinda picky about memory | 06:01 |
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rasputnik | nalioth: hmm possibly yeah. handily enough apple have saved you the trouble..... does bochs (bochs.sf.net) run on OSX? it's slow but ok. | 06:01 |
nalioth | apack: ubuntu linux? if so, xchat is installed under applications > internet | 06:01 |
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nalioth | six2one: it's not picky, it only wants the BEST | 06:01 |
nalioth | rasputnik: bochs runs on anything | 06:02 |
apack | im running ubuntu yes... okay, i'll look in to it.. | 06:02 |
rasputnik | apack: if it's not there, open a terminal and 'sudo apt-get install xchat'. | 06:02 |
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philippe | hi | 06:02 |
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nalioth | rasputnik: watch this: | 06:03 |
nalioth | !info xchat hoary | 06:03 |
ubotu | xchat: (IRC client for X similar to AmIRC), section net, is optional. Version: 2.4.1-0.1ubuntu5 (hoary), Packaged size: 248 kB, Installed size: 672 kB | 06:03 |
Blue_Summer | brb | 06:03 |
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Eddie | hi everyone | 06:03 |
jasoncohen | rasputnik, xchat should be installed with ubuntu. it's a part of the ubuntu-desktop meta package | 06:03 |
nalioth | optional my butt. its default with ubuntu-desktop | 06:03 |
apack_linux | wee :) | 06:04 |
Eddie | would ubuntu have the ability to run in a boiled down mode | 06:04 |
Eddie | for a p200? | 06:04 |
apack | wee^2 | 06:04 |
Eddie | setting up a server | 06:04 |
jasoncohen | Eddie, yeah, type server at the install prompt | 06:04 |
Davey | Eddie: try the server install | 06:04 |
nalioth | Eddie: yes, do server install and then if you have to have a gui, use a lightweight one | 06:04 |
jasoncohen | Eddie, it'll install ubuntu-base which is much smaller | 06:04 |
Eddie | thanks guys! | 06:04 |
Eddie | anyways need this monitor for the p200 | 06:04 |
Eddie | bbiaf | 06:04 |
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jasoncohen | apack, you might want to do "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-base" to make sure you have everything installed that you should. xchat should be there | 06:05 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i think autoskip was a bad idea to use >.< | 06:06 |
Mestapheles | any XFS buffs in? I know HFS+ support comes with ubuntu. Does installing ubuntu with XFS retain HFS+ support? | 06:06 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | cause now i can't tell whats being copyd and wahts not | 06:07 |
nalioth | Mestapheles: linux can read/write to most anything but ntfs | 06:07 |
jasoncohen | Mestapheles, ubuntu supports XFS | 06:07 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: del the folder you are copying too and start over if you want to know for sure (and read the cp man page) | 06:07 |
Mestapheles | so HFS+ suppport is not fs dependent? | 06:07 |
nalioth | Mestapheles: no it is not | 06:07 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | kk | 06:08 |
Mestapheles | great | 06:08 |
Eddie | oops | 06:08 |
nalioth | Mestapheles: you can mount and read any file system taht i know of (can't write to NTFS) | 06:08 |
Eddie | fallen at the first hurdle | 06:08 |
apack_linux | jasoncohen, its all up to date :) | 06:08 |
Eddie | is there any way to wipe a bios password | 06:08 |
Eddie | other than that uv light method | 06:08 |
Ralc | hahaha i quite like ubuntu | 06:08 |
Mestapheles | Is it "expert mode" that I need for XFS install? | 06:08 |
Ralc | nice distro | 06:08 |
Mestapheles | Or does the d-i allow for this in manual partitioning? | 06:08 |
jasoncohen | apack, so, now you have ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-base installed? | 06:09 |
cmatheson | Mestapheles: you can do it w/ the normal install, just make sure to set your partition type | 06:09 |
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jasoncohen | Mestapheles, XFS is supported in the manual partitioning mode | 06:09 |
apack_linux | jasoncohen, yea :) | 06:09 |
jasoncohen | as is JFS, reiserfs, ext3 etc i believe | 06:09 |
apack_linux | i did a update just 15mins ago | 06:10 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | it's weard what would cause it to want to skip about 20gigs of files? | 06:10 |
Mestapheles | does the d-i now provide a multi-user partiting scheme as debian's? | 06:10 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | like dvd images and video as well as some programs and songs | 06:10 |
jasoncohen | Mestapheles, why are you using XFS? i use it on my mythtv backend because it supports fast deletes of files that are huge (10 GBs) | 06:10 |
cmatheson | Mestapheles: what is a multi-user partitioning scheme? | 06:10 |
apack_linux | jasoncohen, should i do anything now then ? | 06:10 |
jasoncohen | Mestapheles, ubuntu's installer basically is a modified version of sarge's installer | 06:11 |
nalioth | apack_linux: enjoy your linux | 06:11 |
jasoncohen | apack, so, you have everything you want? just run update manager and make sure you have security updates installed | 06:11 |
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jasoncohen | apack, system > administration > update manger - hit reload | 06:11 |
apack_linux | jasoncohen, already done | 06:11 |
apack_linux | :) | 06:11 |
jasoncohen | you're done | 06:12 |
Mestapheles | sarge's multuser option allow for more than just the swap and the rest in / | 06:12 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | so i breezy ready for use yet or no? | 06:12 |
DAWKIRST | When I open my synaptic up, I get this error message: W: Couldn't stat source package list http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary-security_universe_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 06:12 |
patrickyoung | j | 06:12 |
DAWKIRST | Any ideas how to fix this? | 06:13 |
jasoncohen | apack_linux, you should probably have it check for updates automatically. click settings from the update manager and then choose preferences. then select "automatically check for software updates" every 1 days | 06:13 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: no | 06:13 |
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Blue_Summer | Can i get Breezy without having to delete all my packages e.t.c on Hoary? | 06:13 |
jasoncohen | ChurcH_of_FoamY, absolutely note | 06:13 |
jasoncohen | *not | 06:13 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ok i like this ubuntu and i can't waite for the next one | 06:13 |
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nalioth | Blue_Summer: breezy is a bad idea | 06:13 |
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jasoncohen | Blue_Summer, don't use breezy unless you're willing to have things break - and often | 06:13 |
jasoncohen | Blue_Summer, use hoary with backports | 06:13 |
kbrooks | god | 06:13 |
kbrooks | i hate waiting. | 06:14 |
Blue_Summer | oh ok nalioth and jasoncohen, what about when breezy comes out? Is it possible to do it then? | 06:14 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | same here | 06:14 |
DAWKIRST | Anyone? | 06:14 |
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nalioth | Blue_Summer: and only use backports when you're after a specific program | 06:14 |
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sam_ | isnt hoary good enough already? | 06:14 |
marius_ | r irc.sci.kun.nl | 06:14 |
jasoncohen | Blue_Summer, then you just do "sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and you'll be upgraded | 06:14 |
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Blue_Summer | ok cool | 06:14 |
kbrooks | Blue_Summer, yes | 06:14 |
nalioth | Blue_Summer: when breezy comes out, everyone will be migrating, just follow the crowd | 06:14 |
kbrooks | jasoncohen, wait wait | 06:14 |
kbrooks | jasoncohen, wait wait | 06:14 |
Blue_Summer | nalioth, lol kk | 06:14 |
apack_linux | this "apt-get" command is..? | 06:14 |
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jasoncohen | kbrooks, wait? | 06:15 |
mostrodibiscotti | good day mates | 06:15 |
mostrodibiscotti | I have a question | 06:15 |
nalioth | apack_linux: system > admin > synaptic package manager is a frontend for apt-get | 06:15 |
mostrodibiscotti | I set up a dual booot machine | 06:15 |
jasoncohen | apack, apt-get is the command line tool for installing software (and getting dependencies) on debian & ubuntu | 06:15 |
mostrodibiscotti | windows xp | 06:15 |
=== Tomcat_ [~Tomcat@p54A19E17.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jasoncohen | apack, man apt-get | 06:15 |
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mostrodibiscotti | ubuntu | 06:15 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | i started a linux teamspeak server if anyone's interested | 06:15 |
mostrodibiscotti | I am a linux newbie | 06:15 |
kbrooks | Blue_Summer, you missed something. sed -e 's/hoary/breezy/g' -i /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:15 |
mostrodibiscotti | I want to set up | 06:15 |
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mostrodibiscotti | and use | 06:16 |
apack_linux | sounds nice! | 06:16 |
mostrodibiscotti | well, use, xchat | 06:16 |
DAWKIRST | Okay, I'll try again: how to fix this: W: Couldn't stat source package list http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary-security_universe_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 06:16 |
mostrodibiscotti | but | 06:16 |
=== loftus [~adam@cpc1-oxfd5-6-0-cust87.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | DAWKIRST, apt-get update | 06:16 |
mostrodibiscotti | it can't connect | 06:16 |
jasoncohen | people need to realize that breezy is in active development and isn't made for daily, stable use but will in fact break and be unsable - that's the nature of a development branch | 06:16 |
mostrodibiscotti | says it cant get my host name | 06:16 |
mostrodibiscotti | or something like that | 06:16 |
mostrodibiscotti | says something about identd | 06:16 |
kbrooks | Blue_Summer, DO NOT UPGRADE!!! Breezy is UNSTABLE | 06:16 |
nalioth | DAWKIRST: run "sudo apt-get update" | 06:16 |
Blue_Summer | kbrooks, i was just wondering for when it is stable :) | 06:17 |
jasoncohen | if you want a rolling but relatively stable system you can use debian etch or fedora core 4 (good luck with dependency hell though) | 06:17 |
Blue_Summer | kbrooks, is there a time estimate for when the offical release will come out? | 06:17 |
=== alkuovi [~Jag@dsl-083-102-064-86.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | mostrodibiscotti: that is your isp, most likely (you might look around in xchat settings and tick the box for identd if there is one | 06:17 |
jasoncohen | Blue_Summer, it'll be out in october | 06:17 |
Blue_Summer | ahh ty | 06:17 |
jasoncohen | Blue_Summer, october 13th i think | 06:17 |
nalioth | Blue_Summer: breezy is not stable. | 06:17 |
kbrooks | Blue_Summer, 3 months | 06:17 |
Blue_Summer | kk thx guys | 06:17 |
=== robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Blue_Summer | will it be much different to Hoary? (Is there an ongoing changelog anywhere? | 06:18 |
Blue_Summer | )* | 06:18 |
kbrooks | it will be VERY different | 06:18 |
nalioth | Blue_Summer: see the wiki, there's all you ever want to know about current status | 06:18 |
Blue_Summer | heh, kk ty m8 | 06:18 |
Blue_Summer | kbrooks, has it beem "in the works" for a long time? | 06:18 |
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jasoncohen | Blue_Summer, most of the changes will be upgraded packages + new packages added since hoary's release- but there will be other changes as well | 06:18 |
jasoncohen | see the wiki | 06:18 |
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Blue_Summer | rgr :) | 06:18 |
jasoncohen | Blue_Summer, well, hoary was released in april- so no | 06:19 |
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Blue_Summer | ahh ok lol, these guys don't mess around :) | 06:19 |
kbrooks | Blue_Summer, breezy since april | 06:19 |
nalioth | Blue_Summer: there is a 6 month release cycle on ubuntu versions | 06:19 |
jasoncohen | for example, beagle, mono, smeg etc. will be gin breezy | 06:19 |
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kbrooks | Blue_Summer, hoary is frozen | 06:19 |
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kbrooks | and cant be melted......into | 06:19 |
=== DJLarZ [~fehue@ti231210a080-7101.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | :) | 06:19 |
Blue_Summer | kk brb all | 06:19 |
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Blue_Summer | :) | 06:19 |
DJLarZ | Hei everybody i have a question | 06:20 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | so "frozen" means no longer in development? | 06:20 |
=== EiGHTBALLx [~zak@host81-155-85-95.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jasoncohen | Blue_Summer, if you really need the latest versoin of desktop applications use backports. you get the stability of an ubuntu stable release with up to date packages | 06:20 |
kbrooks | erm | 06:20 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: that is correct | 06:20 |
EiGHTBALLx | what is the root pw by default? | 06:20 |
kbrooks | ChurcH_of_FoamY, correct | 06:20 |
jasoncohen | well- backports isn't as stable of course | 06:20 |
jasoncohen | but it's a hell of a lot better than breezy | 06:20 |
mostrodibiscotti | so | 06:20 |
nalioth | Blue_Summer: but don't leave the backports enabled all the time | 06:20 |
kbrooks | yeah | 06:20 |
eruin | anyone here with a ati9700 laptop? | 06:20 |
kbrooks | dont | 06:20 |
nalioths_dog | EiGHTBALLx: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 06:21 |
Will__ | Stop saying my name! | 06:21 |
kbrooks | wtf? | 06:21 |
kbrooks | Will__, | 06:21 |
eruin | will | 06:21 |
Trackilizer | any Germany ppl in here? | 06:21 |
EiGHTBALLx | thank you | 06:21 |
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Will__ | Stop paypalling me money | 06:21 |
nalioth | Trackilizer: you might see #ubuntu-de | 06:21 |
eruin | stop highlighting one of the more widely used english words! | 06:21 |
kbrooks | Will__, are you a bot? | 06:21 |
Trackilizer | thx | 06:21 |
=== PARTYcrap [~skopsko@60-240-126-128.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Will__ | kbrooks: Negative, I am a meat popsicle | 06:21 |
Trackilizer | think ill stay here however | 06:21 |
mostrodibiscotti | so where | 06:22 |
Trackilizer | like the english speaking ppl more | 06:22 |
jmjones | has anyone in here gotten dvdrip installed in hoary? | 06:22 |
nalioth | Trackilizer: knowledge is power | 06:22 |
mostrodibiscotti | can I go to find info on xchat configuring in Ubuntu? | 06:22 |
nalioth | mostrodibiscotti: is there something wrong with your <enter> key? | 06:22 |
DJLarZ | When I close the lid on my laptop I can't get back to x!! HELP!! | 06:22 |
septi | ikut...... | 06:22 |
DAWKIRST | kbrooks, nalioth: after running sudo apt-get update: | 06:22 |
DAWKIRST | GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 06:22 |
DAWKIRST | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 06:22 |
nalioth | mostrodibiscotti: xchat configures the same on all platforms | 06:22 |
jasoncohen | kbrooks, well, if you use backports and then remove it from your sources, you've basically cut yourself off from all security updates on that package | 06:22 |
jmjones | DJLarZ: waht does it do? | 06:22 |
jasoncohen | kbrooks, you would be better off doing apt pinning or just using all backports | 06:22 |
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PARTYcrap | Hi guys I have just installed Ubuntu but have problems, when computer starts everything is black cant see crap, I suspect its video driver problem , reinstalled it 3 trimes same thing managed to get into console but dunno hopw to fiux it and what is the default ROOT password? pleas help | 06:23 |
DJLarZ | jmjones: It displays "larzlogin: " | 06:23 |
jmjones | PARTYcrap: no root password. | 06:23 |
alkuovi | I am going to install clamAV. I do not use any additional repositories (backports or marillat), does that affect to the security of the program? | 06:23 |
jmjones | DJLarZ: and what do you do | 06:23 |
nalioths_dog | PARTYcrap: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 06:23 |
EiGHTBALLx | to get root tipe sudo -s and snter your pw | 06:23 |
DJLarZ | jmjones: and i tried both my pw and the root pw | 06:23 |
DJLarZ | jmjones: nothing happens | 06:23 |
xTina | Are there configuration files for apt-ftparchive for an Ubuntu mirror available anywhere? | 06:23 |
PARTYcrap | I dont care about that I want to get X to start all ois black...how to fix the video driver? | 06:24 |
jmjones | DJLarZ: should be *your* password | 06:24 |
nalioth | PARTYcrap: to see about your video, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose the VESA driver (if you are running hoary) | 06:24 |
DJLarZ | jmjones: i have to shutdown to make it work again | 06:24 |
jasoncohen | PARTYcrap, there's no root password- the administrative password is the one you setup at install | 06:24 |
PARTYcrap | didnt ask me to setup admin password | 06:24 |
jmjones | if you don't want it to do that, you need to change the /etc/acpi/lid.sh script | 06:24 |
PARTYcrap | only asked to setup user password | 06:24 |
nalioth | alkuovi: the current clamav from official repos is outdated | 06:24 |
jasoncohen | PARTYcrap, yeah, that password is for the administrator | 06:24 |
DJLarZ | jmjones: doesn't work even then | 06:24 |
jmjones | PARTYcrap: that's how ubuntu does | 06:24 |
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PARTYcrap | anyway I'm runnin on LAptop Asus W5A with Intel 915GM video card | 06:24 |
jmjones | DJLarZ: what do you mean it doesn't even work then? | 06:25 |
jmjones | after doing what? | 06:25 |
alkuovi | do I have to compile clamAV myself? | 06:25 |
jasoncohen | PARTYcrap, when you login you have normal user privileges. in order to get administrative privileges you use sudo and use your password | 06:25 |
DJLarZ | jmjones: It doesn't respond at all | 06:25 |
DJLarZ | jmjones: after trying to type in my pawssword | 06:25 |
mostrodibiscotti | nothing wrong with my <enter> | 06:25 |
nalioth | PARTYcrap: to see about your video, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose the VESA driver (if you are running hoary) | 06:25 |
mostrodibiscotti | ok | 06:25 |
jmjones | DJLarZ: if you make the lid.sh script blank, it should even get you to that point.... | 06:25 |
jasoncohen | why do people re-install when something doesn't work and expect it to work? | 06:25 |
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nalioth | alkuovi: or enable backports/marillat JUST FOR clamav | 06:25 |
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maxy_noob | Any idea why Music Player consistently gives me an "Unexpected end of stream!" error message at the end of each song? | 06:25 |
jmjones | jasoncohen: depends on what went wrong | 06:26 |
din | ok, java command not found | 06:26 |
PARTYcrap | nalioth: is intel 915GM< supported by Ubuntu and wide screen rez? 1280x800? | 06:26 |
Ralc | whats a good irc client for linux? | 06:26 |
din | :/ | 06:26 |
DJLarZ | jmjones: Where does the lid.sh go? /var/acpi? | 06:26 |
alkuovi | nalioth: thanks for your help | 06:26 |
mostrodibiscotti | so, xchat is already installed in Ubuntu, but there is something I'm not doing, where can I find out about that something | 06:26 |
din | i've installed and reinstalled like 5 times | 06:26 |
jasoncohen | kbrooks, why do you recommend that people install from backports and then remove the backports entry? if they do that they won't get any updates which is far worse than just using backports whole | 06:26 |
din | jre1.5 that is | 06:26 |
jmjones | jasoncohen: i've reinstalled tons of times because i thought I had installed something bad and couldn't track down waht it was..... | 06:26 |
mostrodibiscotti | I have specified a nick, and a real name | 06:26 |
nalioth | PARTYcrap: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SupportedHardware | 06:26 |
din | anyone have any ideas? | 06:26 |
jmjones | DJLarZ: /etc/acpi | 06:26 |
Skywind | hi, I order 17 Intel, 2 PPC, 1 AMD64 CDs in shipit website, is this amount reasonable and be accept? | 06:26 |
jasoncohen | jmjones, that's why you should use synaptic | 06:26 |
jasoncohen | jmjones, it keeps a log of all packages you install | 06:26 |
mjr | Skywind, yes | 06:27 |
DJLarZ | jmjones: ok.. thanks you very much! | 06:27 |
jasoncohen | jmjones, you can just backtrack | 06:27 |
maxy_noob | is there a better way to stream in linux? | 06:27 |
jmjones | jasoncohen: ummm...yeah - i use synaptic | 06:27 |
nalioth | mostrodibiscotti: https://wiki.ubuntu.com and the forums at the xchat homepage | 06:27 |
maxy_noob | stream music that is | 06:27 |
jmjones | jasoncohen: and it turned out to not be a package install problem | 06:27 |
nalioth | Skywind: you are just fine, keep up the good work | 06:27 |
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jasoncohen | jmjones, what was the problem? | 06:27 |
jmjones | jasoncohen: and i used google and found no help for my problem | 06:27 |
jasoncohen | synaptic > history | 06:27 |
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jmjones | jasoncohen: and nobody here could help either.... | 06:27 |
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jmjones | jasoncohen: gnome freezing at startup | 06:27 |
maxy_noob | anybody? | 06:28 |
PARTYcrap | my video card is not supported buuu:~~~~ | 06:28 |
jmjones | there were some things about it on the web, but nothing worked. i thought it was a package that i installed that borked my ssytem. | 06:28 |
nalioth | PARTYcrap: your video is supported under the VESA driver | 06:28 |
DJLarZ | maxy_noob: Use VLC media player, www.videolan.org | 06:28 |
jasoncohen | jmjones, so, you reinstalled and now it works fine? | 06:28 |
jmjones | jasoncohen: no | 06:28 |
jmjones | yes | 06:28 |
jmjones | no | 06:28 |
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nalioth | maxy_noob: vlc is installable via apt-get | 06:29 |
jmjones | jasoncohen: yes i reinstalled and no reinstalling didn't fix the problem, but yes, it works fine now | 06:29 |
jasoncohen | jmjones, how did you fix it? | 06:29 |
stonecold | hi | 06:29 |
kbrooks | jasoncohen, | 06:29 |
kbrooks | nalioth, ping | 06:29 |
maxy_noob | I just do a search for vlc in synaptic? I've already got all repositories | 06:29 |
jmjones | jasoncohen: i figured out that it just needed to sit there. after 5 or 10 minutes, it finally came up and hasn't "frozen" since. | 06:29 |
nalioth | kbrooks: ping what? | 06:29 |
kbrooks | jasoncohen, backports can easily break | 06:29 |
nalioth | maxy_noob: yes | 06:29 |
stonecold | anybody use ubuntu on vaio tr2???? | 06:29 |
maxy_noob | nalioth, (y) | 06:29 |
jasoncohen | kbrooks, now that backports is an official project, there's going to be more cooperation between the ubuntu developers and the backport developers so that breezy packages that are backported will try to use libraries compliant with hoary to maximize stability by making sure that libraries don't need to be backported to hoary | 06:30 |
=== znh is ready to help someone | ||
jasoncohen | jmjones, did you check what was running in top? | 06:30 |
Will__ | znh: Help me! | 06:30 |
nalioth | znh: no old ladies at local crosswalks? lol | 06:30 |
maxy_noob | nalioth, since you know me best around here, let me know when you think I can drop the "_noob" from my handle :-) | 06:30 |
=== znh slaps nalioth | ||
znh | Will__: what's the problem? | 06:30 |
nalioth | maxy_noob: we are all n00bs | 06:30 |
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jmjones | jasoncohen: yeah - nothing was eating up CPU. gdm was running.... | 06:31 |
maxy_noob | nalioth, cool! | 06:31 |
Will__ | Will__: Some girl is bugging me on msn, and my room is messy. Also. I have just finished my cup of tea | 06:31 |
stonecold | any body know how to use widescreen... | 06:31 |
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stonecold | ?? | 06:31 |
Will__ | Jesus. I sound 14, not 19 | 06:31 |
znh | Will__: ask god | 06:31 |
nalioth | stonecold: be more specific | 06:31 |
kbrooks | nalioth: <jasoncohen> kbrooks, why do you recommend that people install from backports and then remove the backports entry? if they do that they won't get any updates which is far worse than just using backports whole | 06:31 |
jmjones | jasoncohen: i'm chalking it up to something just blocking for a while needing to timeout or something.... works great now.. | 06:31 |
marcus | hello @all | 06:31 |
Skywind | mjr, nalioth I have a question: I need 10 Intel 2 PPC 2 AMD64 CDs only, but for follow the " 85% Intel, 10% PowerPC and 5% AMD64" rule, I change to 17,2,1 , need I follow that rule strictly? | 06:31 |
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stonecold | i am using sony vao tr2 | 06:31 |
jasoncohen | jmjones, that's good | 06:31 |
stonecold | and | 06:31 |
maxy_noob | is it gnome-vlc or gvlc? | 06:32 |
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nalioth | kbrooks: i dont advise removing the BP entry, just comment it out, because at the current time, prolonged use may cause system breakage in the future | 06:32 |
jmjones | jasoncohen: you should be able to read all about the adventure on o'reilly's site soon | 06:32 |
znh | hmm 100 Watt headphones are so sweet | 06:32 |
stonecold | i have tried to use 1280x768 resolution | 06:32 |
nalioth | kbrooks: as has been pointed out, bp is official now, and will become more stable as time goes by | 06:32 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | anyone know how to check the status of a ubuntu cd order? | 06:32 |
stonecold | but filed | 06:32 |
Skywind | mjr, nalioth , If I order 10 Inel,2 PPC,2 AMD64 CDs, is this amount reasonable and be accept? | 06:32 |
stonecold | failed | 06:32 |
jmjones | so - anybody in here have dvdrip installed? (in hoary?) | 06:33 |
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Skywind | s/Inel/Intel | 06:33 |
=== dawnfading [~dawnfadin@83-134-71-21.Gent.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | Skywind, ummm | 06:33 |
nalioth | Skywind: you are fine in your request | 06:33 |
jasoncohen | jmjones, he had the same problem? | 06:33 |
jmjones | jasoncohen: who? | 06:33 |
dawnfading | hi | 06:33 |
marcus | i've got a problem: i have installed ubuntu at school, but theres no www, so i cannot download any packages; are there any cd's with the most important software, likely to the 2nd, 3rd... CD at other distributions? | 06:33 |
six2one | jmjones: a guy called bloodlust is workin on that as we speak...he'll be back | 06:33 |
nalioth | jmjones: i have dvdrip | 06:33 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | is there a way to check the status of an order? | 06:33 |
jmjones | six2one: dvdrip? | 06:34 |
eruin | no fglrx for breezy yet? | 06:34 |
znh | marcus: All the important software is on the cdrom | 06:34 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | it's been 4 monthes | 06:34 |
jmjones | nalioth: how did you install it? | 06:34 |
dawnfading | can anyone explain how i can add a path to PATH and MANPATH? | 06:34 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | sence i orderd my 100 cds | 06:34 |
jmjones | i can't get past transcode | 06:34 |
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nalioth | jmjones: using apt-get | 06:34 |
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six2one | jmjones: yea...he is doin it right now i believe....his name is bloodlust when he gets back | 06:34 |
jmjones | nalioth: what do you have in your sources.list? | 06:34 |
marcus | znh: sorry...but i.e. anjuta isn't... :-( | 06:34 |
jmjones | six2one: coo - thx. | 06:34 |
stonecold | help me - how to use 1280x768 resolution on sony vaio tr2;; | 06:34 |
maxy_noob | vlc doesn't provide a list of music stations where I can stream from | 06:35 |
znh | marcus: Oh ok, no expierence with that | 06:35 |
maxy_noob | or does it | 06:35 |
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kbrooks | hm | 06:35 |
nalioths_dog | jmjones: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 | 06:35 |
marcus | if i'd start a wget -r http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main : hoch much traffic will it be? | 06:35 |
jmjones | nalioths_dog: sweet - i'll check it out.... | 06:35 |
jmjones | thx | 06:35 |
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znh | marcus: some gigs | 06:36 |
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marcus | znh: i got the installation, but i.e. german language support is only available from www | 06:36 |
maxy_noob | any more ideas? | 06:36 |
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Skywind | kbrooks, nalioth ok, then I will update the amount to 10,2,2 , this is my original requirement. (for save resource of ubuntu :) ) | 06:36 |
znh | marcus: can't you put that on a usb-stick? | 06:37 |
DAWKIRST | May I ask a general question: statistiacally, are there more NON-DEVELOPMENT programmers for Windows-based systems, or Lunix/Unix based systems? | 06:37 |
stonecold | some body help!! | 06:37 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | is there a way to tell the status of your order from shipit? | 06:37 |
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jmjones | nalioths_dog: i still can't get past transcode with that souces.list | 06:37 |
znh | stonecold: what's the probl :)? | 06:37 |
maxy_noob | any idea how I can stream music in vlc? | 06:38 |
stonecold | i don know how to use 1280x768 resolution on laptop | 06:38 |
maxy_noob | i.e. from radio | 06:38 |
znh | maxy_noob: vlc is not really handy with that, xmms does that better | 06:38 |
nalioth_wrkn | jmjones: i'd advise you to enable backports and marillat JUST FOR transcode | 06:38 |
stonecold | 1280patch doesnt work. | 06:38 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | so um no one know huh? | 06:38 |
nalioth_wrkn | jmjones: after you get transcode, comment out those entries | 06:38 |
marcus | znh: the problem is, that many packages depend on each other, and i cannot solve them all before... | 06:38 |
nalioth_wrkn | ChurcH_of_FoamY: they get there when the do | 06:38 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | oh ok | 06:38 |
jmjones | nalioth_wrkn: what's the entry for backports? | 06:39 |
jmjones | i've got marillat | 06:39 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i understand that i was just trying to see if the order went through | 06:39 |
nalioth_wrkn | stonecold: edit your xorg.conf (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com for howto) | 06:39 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | cause my other one's got here kinda quick | 06:39 |
stonecold | nalioth: yes i tried but failed.. | 06:39 |
Skywind | ChurcH_of_FoamY, how many CDs you order? | 06:39 |
znh | marcus: then you should update all the packages that are outdated | 06:39 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | 100 | 06:39 |
maxy_noob | znh, is that in synaptic? | 06:39 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | i want to become an ubuntu promoter | 06:39 |
Skywind | ChurcH_of_FoamY, wow, only Intel CDs? | 06:40 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | yes | 06:40 |
znh | maxy_noob: yes it is :) | 06:40 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i am gonna get some power pc cd and amd64 as well | 06:40 |
Blue_Summer | I Orderd 15 cds, gonna give em to loads of friends and familys and keep a few spare :) | 06:40 |
maxy_noob | I can never figure out which from the list I should install. | 06:40 |
Skywind | I need a little amount only :) | 06:40 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | but most people have x86 for the time | 06:40 |
nalioth_wrkn | stonecold: open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose your resolutions | 06:40 |
AstralJava | Okay then, got an Oracle question for you guys: How come if I set the environment variables in a .bashrc, I can't start sqlplus since it cannot find a shared library even though it's in a LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but when I set it by hand on that same terminal session, it works? | 06:40 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i figured 100 cd's would be a big order | 06:40 |
nalioth_wrkn | stonecold: if that still doestn work, reconfigure again, and choose the VESA driver | 06:40 |
Blue_Summer | I have an amd64 but chose the x86 package for compatibility with Wine/Cedega e.t.c | 06:40 |
nalioth_wrkn | i'm out of here | 06:41 |
znh | nalioth_wrkn: bye | 06:41 |
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Blue_Summer | nalioth_wrkn, cya m8 | 06:41 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i want to put the cd's in stores for free | 06:41 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | so people can have a real choice | 06:41 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | even officemax said theyd carry them | 06:41 |
=== apack [~gal@port69.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChurcH_of_FoamY | hopefully i can get them to put them next to the xp crap | 06:42 |
marcus | znh: do you know em all? *g* | 06:42 |
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znh | marcus: do know all what? | 06:42 |
marcus | znh: outdated packages... | 06:42 |
apack | another question: is it possible to install ubuntu/linux in a folder on a hd, without formating the entire drive? | 06:42 |
=== aeolist [~aeolist@ppp156.dialup.ntua.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
znh | marcus: I don't know what's all on your computer, but updating is never a bad idea.. | 06:43 |
Gerrath | I tried to sign the "Ubuntu Code of Conduct" but I keep getting the following error: Sorry, a system error occurred | 06:43 |
Gerrath | If you were just adding or changing something, Launchpad probably hasnt recorded those changes. | 06:43 |
DAWKIRST | apack: it's a whole different animal | 06:43 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | so is 100 cd's a big order? | 06:43 |
marcus | but the pc has no www | 06:43 |
apack | animal !?` | 06:43 |
maxy_noob | ok, installed xmms. How does it stream better than vlc? | 06:43 |
marcus | znh: but the pc has no www | 06:43 |
Skywind | when I recived CDs, I plan to order more CDs again, for distribute to many many Linux fans in our city :) | 06:43 |
znh | marcus: then connect the pc to a intenet network :) | 06:43 |
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jeroen_ | ChurcH_of_FoamY, sounds pretty big | 06:44 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | yea i had a hunch it was | 06:44 |
marcus | znh: i would spent all my money for a www connection...but there is no www ... | 06:44 |
=== pinguino [~pedro@166.Red-83-53-35.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChurcH_of_FoamY | but whith a 100 cd's i can drop them off at a bunch of places | 06:44 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and ubuntu will get more users "hopefully" | 06:44 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | my freind in ireland charges $5.oo for a cd | 06:45 |
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mindstorm | thats novel | 06:45 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i'm just given them away | 06:45 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | which i think is better than payin 5 bucks for them | 06:45 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | he diden't burn them the bastard >.< | 06:46 |
znh | ChurcH_of_FoamY: I don't even think your friend may ask money for a ubuntu cd | 06:46 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i diden't think so | 06:46 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | but you can find them on ebay as well | 06:46 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | which surprised me | 06:46 |
znh | people always try | 06:46 |
maxy_noob | Ok, I'll try again: how can I stream music in xmms? | 06:46 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i though it was supposed to be free | 06:46 |
znh | maxy_noob: By getting several libs | 06:46 |
devios | maxy_noob: tried stream-tuner? | 06:46 |
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maxy_noob | devios, is that an autonomous app? | 06:47 |
odie5533 | how do I edit grub from inside ubuntu? | 06:47 |
moire | hi | 06:47 |
jmjones | odie5533: vim? | 06:47 |
odie5533 | what file? | 06:47 |
mindstorm | odie5533: vi works well | 06:47 |
=== Ralc [~Ralc@port119.ds1-rdo.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marcus | sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst ? | 06:47 |
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mindstorm | /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:47 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | http://search.ebay.com/ubuntu_W0QQfkrZ1QQfromZR8 | 06:47 |
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maxy_noob | got it, thanks. | 06:47 |
maxy_noob | I'll let you know | 06:48 |
Skywind | ChurcH_of_FoamY, I think ubuntu need a distribute agent in most of country (or region) for speed mailing :) | 06:48 |
devios | maxy_noob: it indexes internet radio stations. you pick one. it opens xmms, pointing xmms at the stream. then you can close stream-tuner. | 06:48 |
moire | gnoe seems to hang a long time if something is places in autostart, why? | 06:48 |
jmjones | odie5533: /boot/grub/menu.lst i think | 06:48 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i would love to do that | 06:48 |
odie5533 | AND how do I set it to have a windows xp boot option? | 06:48 |
moire | gnome | 06:48 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | it would be awsome if i could | 06:48 |
maxy_noob | I installed it, but I don't know where to run it from | 06:48 |
sam_ | cant people just download the isos and burn them by themselves? | 06:48 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i live in america >.< | 06:48 |
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moire | odie5533: man grub ;) | 06:48 |
znh | devios: streamtuner is just a front-end, that would'nt help him | 06:48 |
odie5533 | ah good idea moire! | 06:48 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | http://search.ebay.com/ubuntu_W0QQfkrZ1QQfromZR8 can't beleve people are selling ubuntu >.< | 06:49 |
odie5533 | Yay I can make it have pretty colors :D | 06:49 |
devios | hrm... mine kinda worked out of the box | 06:49 |
maxy_noob | found it; sorry | 06:49 |
znh | devios: yes but if xmms hisself doesn't have the libs to play it | 06:49 |
moire | sam_: the problem is that it is without cost to order the dvds in a number which one likes ;) | 06:49 |
maxy_noob | cool! | 06:49 |
=== martina [~martina@p5486A04E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skywind | if ubuntu don't permit selling their free CD? | 06:50 |
Gerrath | odie5533, you have to edit the grub config file and then run the grub installer for the changes to take effect: man grub should explain it all. | 06:50 |
odie5533 | moire: I had the exact same thing added already. It wouldn't boot to my windows xp. It said boot failure | 06:50 |
moire | odie5533: hm, possibly the wrong partition id ;P | 06:51 |
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odie5533 | moire: it said it was vfat, which is the right partition | 06:51 |
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moire | xp on fat? lol | 06:51 |
znh | moire: why not? ntfs is very slow | 06:52 |
Gerrath | can someone help me with signing the "Ubuntu Code of Conduct" ? | 06:52 |
odie5533 | moire: yes, only way I can edit it via linux | 06:52 |
moire | this is a linux chat! ;) | 06:52 |
Kyral | Does someone wanna put the whole "EU Kills Software Patents" thing into the topic? | 06:52 |
moire | ok, that's an argument | 06:52 |
jeroen_ | Gerrath, do you have a launchpad account and a gpg-key? | 06:52 |
Ralc | hmm how does that nick completion work??? | 06:52 |
Kyral | tab :P | 06:53 |
Skywind | Ralc, you can try TAB | 06:53 |
moire | but why would you like to edit a xp installation from linux? | 06:53 |
=== odie5533 just likes vfat because I can edit it stably on linux instead of ntfs | ||
Gerrath | yes and I ran gpg --clearsign UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.txt and pasted the results in the form on Ubuntu | 06:53 |
Ralc | Kyral, haha okay | 06:53 |
Ralc | Skywind, easy | 06:53 |
odie5533 | moire: file exchanging | 06:53 |
Kyral | just had to make sure you had what client you had :P | 06:53 |
devios | znh: maxy_noob: I guess I got the libs as a result of following all the steps at ubuntuguide.org, though I know I'm supposed to recommend the wiki instead - closest thing I can find after a few minutes is: You can show up anytime after 6:15 PM | 06:53 |
Skywind | Ralc, :) | 06:53 |
Blue_Summer | Anyone know any easy way to check how many gigs ive used on my hard drive? | 06:53 |
odie5533 | moire: I often want to read foo on windows and have it on linux, so I just drop it in on linux, and windows has it! | 06:53 |
auk | xchat default is comma w/o any spaces | 06:54 |
Ralc | now i have to get my sound working | 06:54 |
Gerrath | jeroen_, I included -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- and -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- | 06:54 |
znh | devios: why do you include my name :)? | 06:54 |
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Gerrath | jeroen_, and everything in between. | 06:54 |
moire | odie5533: intelligent people do not save win installation files and document data on the same partition because of possible data crashes where windows likes to ;) | 06:54 |
jeroen_ | Gerrath, well, I don't know then | 06:54 |
peet | moire: whats that mean :b | 06:54 |
Gerrath | jeroen_, I'm assuming I should include the entire message including the BEGIN and END PGP strings? | 06:55 |
Skywind | Blue_Summer, gigs? | 06:55 |
moire | easy: install windows in one partition and store your personal stuff on another partition | 06:55 |
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jeroen_ | Gerrath, maybe without begin and end | 06:55 |
odie5533 | moire: nor do I, but I store copies of them that way. I have a 160gb ext3 hdd for storage and backups. HOWEVER, sometimes I need to edit files from windows | 06:55 |
Blue_Summer | Skywind, gigabytes lol | 06:55 |
Gerrath | jeroen_, have you signed it before? | 06:55 |
Skywind | Blue_Summer, :) | 06:55 |
=== maxy_noob [~maximus@modemcable214.99-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skywind | Blue_Summer, you can try df -h | 06:55 |
znh | humanoide paramenter.. lol - ubuntu | 06:56 |
maxy_noob | So I installed streamtuner and xmms. However, each time I choose a station streamtuner launches xmms which finds the station but then locks up. | 06:56 |
znh | maxy_noob: install libmad* | 06:56 |
maxy_noob | hahahaha | 06:56 |
znh | maxy_noob: or just install cplay - then you would get all the streaming libraries too | 06:56 |
znh | maxy_noob: I'm damn seriouse! | 06:57 |
Blue_Summer | Skywind, ty | 06:57 |
Skywind | Blue_Summer, is the results you want? | 06:57 |
maxy_noob | cplay? | 06:57 |
devios | maxy_noob: actually, you have to change the output plugin in xmms preferences | 06:57 |
Skywind | Blue_Summer, ^_^ | 06:57 |
moire | somebody an idea why my gnome hangs a long time if something is added to system>session>autostart? | 06:57 |
Blue_Summer | not really just wanna know how much memory i have left on my pc :) | 06:57 |
Skywind | :) | 06:57 |
maxy_noob | devios, to what | 06:57 |
maxy_noob | ? | 06:57 |
devios | maxy_noob: it's in that wiki link I sent you | 06:57 |
maxy_noob | oh | 06:57 |
Xenguy | Hi - Can someone check and tell me if the 'libmotif3' package is available on their system? (the Citrix client I'm installing apparently needs it) | 06:57 |
maxy_noob | can you resend please | 06:57 |
znh | devios: to OSS or Alsa, but if it's only while streaming then it doesn't need to be changend.. | 06:57 |
Xenguy | (hoary) | 06:57 |
Gerrath | jeroen_, I didn't register my key, that is the issue.. | 06:57 |
Skywind | Blue_Summer, to check free memory use: free | 06:57 |
devios | maxy_noob: I guess I got the libs as a result of following all the steps at ubuntuguide.org, though I know I'm supposed to recommend the wiki instead - closest thing I can find after a few minutes is: You can show up anytime after 6:15 PM | 06:57 |
znh | oops.. that was for maxy_noob | 06:58 |
jeroen_ | Gerrath, ah | 06:58 |
devios | what the hell | 06:58 |
devios | hehehehe | 06:58 |
znh | devios: sorry name conflict | 06:58 |
devios | that's like two clipboard things put together | 06:58 |
odie5533 | How stable is EXT3? | 06:58 |
Blue_Summer | Skywind, bollocks i think i have either 4mb or 4gb | 06:58 |
maxy_noob | I didn't get anything zhh | 06:58 |
znh | odie5533: stable | 06:58 |
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mindstorm | odie5533: very stable | 06:58 |
odie5533 | What risk do I run by using ext3 to store important files? | 06:58 |
znh | maxy_noob: what did you do :)? | 06:58 |
maxy_noob | huh? | 06:59 |
odie5533 | How often does it corrupt? | 06:59 |
=== Chrischan [~Chrischan@p54BFC111.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
devios | maxy_noob: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?highlight=%28xmms%29%7C%28plugins%29#sound | 06:59 |
moire | second question: where can i disable in gnome automounting of all possible file systems from fstab? fstab holds noauto for these | 06:59 |
znh | odie5533: I have a server running currently with a 75 day uptime | 06:59 |
odie5533 | znh: any data corruption though | 06:59 |
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Kyral | odie5533, ext3 is very very reliable | 06:59 |
Skywind | Blue_Summer, I think it's a joke :) | 06:59 |
odie5533 | znh: and what does your server do | 06:59 |
Eddie | Guys i need to get a decent wifi pci card for my old p200 to work with ubutu | 06:59 |
Eddie | any recommendations | 06:59 |
odie5533 | Kyral: Sounds good, I think I'll use it over ntfs then ;) | 07:00 |
znh | odie5533: It's a 24/7 gameserver/fileserver | 07:00 |
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odie5533 | znh: What connection you got? | 07:00 |
Kyral | the Journal is very good | 07:00 |
znh | odie5533: the server got a 100mbit connection | 07:00 |
Blue_Summer | Skywind, what do you mean a joke? | 07:00 |
maxy_noob | devios, looking ... | 07:00 |
Kyral | every time I have a crash, it just "recovers Journel" and is done | 07:00 |
odie5533 | Anyone know a site I can read up about journaling in ext3? | 07:00 |
SnaveZ | I tried to install my NVIDIA drivers, and now it says that X Server is corrupted, what do I do to fix the xorg.conf to get the X Server running correctly again? | 07:00 |
Kyral | holy cow | 07:00 |
Gerrath | jeroen_, It won't let me add my public key. do you have any idea what the webpage does when you click "Find and Import" when adding a gpg key? | 07:00 |
Kyral | the first episode of TNG is on | 07:00 |
Blue_Summer | TNG? | 07:00 |
mindstorm | odie5533: google.com | 07:01 |
Skywind | Blue_Summer, 4mb, 4gb :) | 07:01 |
maxy_noob | something about the gstreamer package? | 07:01 |
=== s1m0 [~simo@host130-66.pool8172.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
s1m0 | hello | 07:01 |
odie5533 | mindstorm, GOOGLE? never heard of it :D | 07:01 |
mindstorm | :) | 07:01 |
Blue_Summer | Skywind, lol? How much memory do i have left? Check ur pm for the paste :P | 07:01 |
jeroen_ | Gerrath, no, do you have javascript enabled? The stupid site requires javascript for some things | 07:01 |
devios | maxy_noob: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RestrictedFormats | 07:01 |
Ralc | is there a linux replacement for winamp? For playing .avi .mpeg and .mp3 | 07:01 |
devios | Ralc: xmms | 07:01 |
mindstorm | there are a lot of references for you, but can't really think of any in particular offhand | 07:02 |
jeroen_ | Ralc, beep-media-player and xmms are winamp clones | 07:02 |
Dr_Willis | xmms, beep-media-player.. | 07:02 |
mag | Ralc: a lot of - gstreamer,xmms, adne moore | 07:02 |
Dr_Willis | :P | 07:02 |
znh | odie5533: google for google | 07:02 |
Skywind | Blue_Summer, sry , what is pm? | 07:02 |
=== surfer7 [~surfer7@60-240-126-128.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mindstorm | so i would just google it myself | 07:02 |
peet | Ralc: Mplayer will do the trick | 07:02 |
Blue_Summer | Skywind, Private message :) | 07:02 |
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Skywind | ... | 07:02 |
Skywind | haha | 07:02 |
Skywind | got it | 07:02 |
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Ralc | okay thanks devios jeroen_ mag peet ill try xmms :) | 07:03 |
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maxy_noob | xmms is frozen | 07:03 |
maxy_noob | can't close | 07:03 |
=== synd [synd@ip68-105-196-144.cl.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | hit it with a hammer! | 07:03 |
znh | maxy_noob: kill that bastard | 07:03 |
jeroen_ | maxy_noob, kill it | 07:03 |
surak | Hello guys | 07:03 |
maxy_noob | :D | 07:04 |
PARTYcrap | Hi guys me again I fixed the graphics as u told me and hit into couple other problems, SOUND wont work and my laptop sound card is somer high definition sound card and i managed to fix my wireless connection and says 100% and works but its slow as a dog and im on 1.5mb ADSL under windows is fast as should be 150kbps and here barely opens the pages, any recomendations? | 07:04 |
znh | hi surak | 07:04 |
maxy_noob | is there no "end" override from somewhere like in windose? | 07:04 |
surak | Do we have a channel for breezy? | 07:04 |
maxy_noob | ctrl-alt-del | 07:04 |
synd | hey ive installed (almost) ubuntu and when it reboots to finish the installation, grub loads up and gets an error 21. how do i wipe the MBR and start over? | 07:04 |
jeroen_ | surak, no, just this one | 07:04 |
surak | X is borked on it... | 07:04 |
=== HappyFool [~HappyFool@tedo-ip-nas-1-p224.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
synd | im pressed for time and need to fix this ASAP | 07:04 |
jeroen_ | surak, you can fix it | 07:05 |
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jeroen_ | surak, I had the same yesterday | 07:05 |
maxy_noob | devios, I don't really see anything of relevance in that link you sent me. | 07:05 |
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surak | jeroen_: It is complaining about broken links - I've corrected them, | 07:05 |
jeroen_ | surak, yeah, just make it /usr/bin/Xorg | 07:05 |
surak | and then it complains about priorities | 07:05 |
jeroen_ | and try again | 07:05 |
jeroen_ | *what*? | 07:06 |
=== DietaryFiber [~DietaryFi@1015c959218d3318.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu | ||
luzbelito | hi to all, i cant use apt-get. sources not recognized. why? | 07:06 |
maxy_noob | do you mean the Sound and Third Party Software? | 07:06 |
jeroen_ | luzbelito, does it give an error? | 07:06 |
maxy_noob | segment? | 07:06 |
luzbelito | yes | 07:06 |
Ralc | what do i have to install so i can play mp3 files? xmms doesnt work | 07:06 |
Dr_Willis | synd, just reboot the cd and reinstall? odd that you get an error however. | 07:06 |
luzbelito | see error: W: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 07:06 |
surak | jeroen: it's only a warning. It complains that X is using priority -1 instead of priority 0. | 07:07 |
Dr_Willis | Ralc, the ubuntu wiki page has a large section on mp3 and other formats :P | 07:07 |
Naxalite | #ubuntu-fr | 07:07 |
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Dr_Willis | Ralc, will tell you why and what ya need to do. | 07:07 |
luzbelito | pls help me ! | 07:07 |
Ralc | Dr_Willis, ok thx :) | 07:07 |
jeroen_ | surak, you didn't do anything with nice? | 07:07 |
surak | a renice will do | 07:07 |
surak | no | 07:07 |
maxy_noob | anybody? | 07:07 |
HappyFool | !restricted | 07:07 |
ubotu | I guess restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 07:07 |
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eruin | !ati | 07:07 |
ubotu | well, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:07 |
HappyFool | luzbelito: please tell us what the error message is | 07:07 |
=== robbie_ [~robbie@adsl-065-013-008-003.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
luzbelito | Happyfool: W: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 07:07 |
HappyFool | ah, right. sorry | 07:07 |
robbie_ | can i get some help | 07:08 |
robbie_ | hello | 07:08 |
=== DietaryFiber is now known as PutinVampire | ||
surak | jeroen: is this bug submitted? | 07:08 |
jeroen_ | surak, try it | 07:08 |
eruin | !suspend | 07:08 |
ubotu | eruin: No idea | 07:08 |
jeroen_ | surak, I don't know | 07:08 |
HappyFool | luzbelito: are you running the live-cd ? | 07:08 |
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=== Gabriel [~bandwidth@20.mbps.with.optimized.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
luzbelito | happy: no, i has linux installed | 07:08 |
PARTYcrap | Hi guys me again I fixed the graphics as u told me and hit into couple other problems, SOUND wont work and my laptop sound card is somer high definition sound card and i managed to fix my wireless connection and says 100% and works but its slow as a dog and im on 1.5mb ADSL under windows is fast as should be 150kbps and here barely opens the pages, any recomendations? | 07:08 |
jeroen_ | surak, I think it's just a conversion in Breezy, not really a bug. The priority could be a bug though | 07:08 |
=== ripok [~ripok@dsl-62-44-193-105.phnet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
s1m0 | sorry, is there a guide to configure and install alsa in ububtu? please | 07:09 |
surak | jeroen: It is running X again. Let me see if I can login | 07:09 |
jeroen_ | luzbelito, just sudo apt-get update | 07:09 |
ripok | hi. I installed linux-wlan-ng drivers/modules on my ubuntu how can I remove them? | 07:09 |
cmatheson | s1m0: ubuntu uses alsa by default | 07:09 |
surak | hum... no | 07:09 |
jeroen_ | surak, just run gdm: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 07:09 |
robbie_ | how do i get more than a 640X480 screen with a ati randon 9000 64 | 07:09 |
jeroen_ | or restart | 07:09 |
s1m0 | cmatheson, it doesn't work on my pc | 07:09 |
surak | gdm is ok | 07:09 |
cmatheson | s1m0: what doesn't work? | 07:10 |
luzbelito | jeroen: its updatting now | 07:10 |
cmatheson | robbie_: go edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file | 07:10 |
synd | Dr_Willis, i tried that. still didnt work. | 07:10 |
cmatheson | robbie_: there's a "Modes" section that you need to edit | 07:10 |
synd | Dr_Willis, im gonna put Grub onto a floppy instead of the MBR | 07:10 |
s1m0 | cmatheson, i don't know. i can't hear nothing and when i try to configure the volume there is is error like this "no alsa device configured" | 07:10 |
eruin | weird, breezy gnome only starts properly after a gdm restart on bootup | 07:11 |
luzbelito | THANKS A LOT TO ALL. ITS WORKING NOW. | 07:11 |
cmatheson | s1m0: what kind of sound card do you have? | 07:11 |
synd | Dr_Willis, but i need to know how to restore the MBR | 07:11 |
s1m0 | cmatheson, is the sound card integrated in the mobo | 07:11 |
Dr_Willis | synd, restore the default windows xp mbr you mean? | 07:11 |
cmatheson | s1m0: what chipset? | 07:11 |
robbie_ | thanks | 07:11 |
Ralc | Dr_Willis, after i have read the documentation im still blank on what to do | 07:11 |
robbie_ | will try that | 07:11 |
s1m0 | cmatheson, QDI Kinetiz 7EA | 07:12 |
cmatheson | s1m0: is it supported in linux? | 07:12 |
synd | Dr_Willis, yes | 07:12 |
s1m0 | cmatheson, i don't know | 07:12 |
ripok | how to remove installed modules? | 07:12 |
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Dr_Willis | synd, you boot a xp install cd., and use its fixmbr command from the rescue mode. That will whipe out the grub mbr. and get your system back to booting windows (ick) | 07:13 |
cmatheson | s1m0: go search google real quick, search for your card w/ 'linux' after it and see what you can dig up | 07:13 |
cmatheson | s1m0: it's possible there is no driver, or that you need to get one from an external source | 07:13 |
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synd | Dr_Willis, i tried the xp install cd, but its not accepting the admin password.. | 07:13 |
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Dr_Willis | synd, no idea there.. ive never had issues with it. | 07:14 |
s1m0 | cmatheson, ok thanks | 07:14 |
surak | hum... gdm works, but no gnome | 07:14 |
surak | /etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup... | 07:15 |
surak | mkdtemp: private socket dir: Permission denied | 07:15 |
cmatheson | s1m0: actually, can you type 'lspci' and then look for what kind of 'audio controller' it lists? | 07:15 |
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=== tobi [~tobi@p54AAD51B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ralc | how do i play mp3 files in ubuntu? I need some sort of plugin i think | 07:15 |
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surfer7 | any1 that can help me with my SOUND problems and slow internet? | 07:15 |
surak | jeroen_: did this happened to you? | 07:16 |
tobi | ralc: try xmms | 07:16 |
surfer7 | can I tweak the speed or some settings? | 07:16 |
tobi | ralc: sudo apt-get install xmms; xmms | 07:16 |
s1m0 | cmatheson, ok 2 seconds please | 07:16 |
Dr_Willis | heh - thers some gstreamer thing ya need also isent there. | 07:16 |
Ralc | tobi, i have installed xmms | 07:16 |
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surfer7 | my sound wont play eaither the drivers are not working | 07:17 |
synd | Ralc, make sure its outputting to the right thing | 07:17 |
=== apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-109-232.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ralc | synd, and how do i do that? | 07:17 |
tobi | ralc: ctrl+p, audio plugins | 07:17 |
tobi | ralc (or preferences) | 07:17 |
s1m0 | cmatheson, what do you nned? | 07:17 |
=== lsuactiafner [~noirrac@tpc-ip-nas-1-p25.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tobi | ralc: eSound Output Plugin works nice for me | 07:18 |
synd | Ralc, preferences > output plugins | 07:18 |
surfer7 | can u tell why my internet is so slow? | 07:18 |
Dr_Willis | To play MP3s with Rhythmbox or amaroK, you must install the gstreamer0.8-mad package. This package is in the universe repository (see section 2 above). | 07:18 |
Ralc | synd, cant find that option, using a danish version | 07:18 |
s1m0 | cmatheson, i connect from the ubuntu computer with an other nick so i can paste the results? | 07:18 |
blueyed | isn't there a page on wiki.ubuntu.com which covers tweaking of the nvidia driver for x.org? | 07:18 |
apokryphos | Dr_Willis: not for amaroK | 07:18 |
Dr_Willis | thats from the ubuntu wiki. --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-639a621dfdd2455b114477921b28145252b78050 | 07:18 |
Dr_Willis | he was asking about xmms. :P | 07:19 |
cmatheson | s1m0: yeah, you need to run this on the ubuntu computer: 'lspci' | 07:19 |
Dr_Willis | thats a cut/paste. :P i got no idea how forrect it is.. go change the wiki if ya want. :P | 07:19 |
apokryphos | Ok, will do. | 07:19 |
s1m0 | cmarqu, now i'm connectng here from ubuntu 2 seconds | 07:19 |
cmatheson | s1m0: it will list all the pci devices on your computer, just look for the one that says 'Multimedia audio controller' (or something along those lines), and tell me what it is | 07:19 |
eruin | jsut fire up synaptic, select settings->archives and add the universe repo from there | 07:19 |
Dr_Willis | heh - it says down lower that xmms dosent need it - hmm... odd. | 07:19 |
=== s1m0_ubuntu [~simo@host130-66.pool8172.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eruin | its as simple as clicking add and selecting "universe" ;) | 07:19 |
s1m0_ubuntu | cmatheson, here i'm | 07:19 |
tobi | ralc: i don't know any danish, but there should be some context menu with the equivalent of Preferences -> Audio Plugins -> output Plugin | 07:19 |
s1m0_ubuntu | i paste the results in quesry? | 07:20 |
s1m0 | *query | 07:20 |
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cmatheson | s1m0: go ahead and paste it in #flood | 07:20 |
s1m0_ubuntu | ok | 07:20 |
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surak | jeroen: the /var/log/wtmp was with wrong permission, also as /tmp | 07:21 |
surak | now it works | 07:21 |
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=== criz [~criz@p54AE83C1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ralc | tobi, okay i think i found it but its called Multimediasystem | 07:21 |
=== lakin [~lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tobi | Ralc, well, you should try all available output plugins. hopefully you'll find one that works ... | 07:22 |
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lsuactiafner | anyone have experience with | 07:23 |
lsuactiafner | orion2012:0c.0 RAID bus controller: Integrated Technology Express, Inc. IT/ITE8212 Dual channel ATA RAID controller (PCI version seems | 07:23 |
lsuactiafner | to be IT8212, embedded seems (rev 10) | 07:23 |
lsuactiafner | orion2012:0d.0 Unknown mass storage controller: Silicon Image, Inc. SiI 3112 [SATALink/SATARaid] Serial ATA Controller (rev 02) | 07:23 |
Ralc | tobi, i found one that gives me kind of a beep like a phone or something | 07:23 |
lsuactiafner | cant seem to get /dev/ataraid/ so i can mount disks | 07:23 |
tobi | ralc: through the pc speaker or the sound card? are you sure that the mp3 you use is valid? | 07:24 |
=== Harry` [~Harry`@ACA18376.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Harry` | Hey people, I need help with partioning | 07:24 |
Ralc | tobi, im quite sure its sound card. im not sure i use a mp3 :S | 07:24 |
patrickyoung | anyone know how to configure Nautilus to NOT use the spatial browsing (looking to make a global change) | 07:24 |
=== Xyrouz [~Xyrouz@0x3e42caa9.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Kyral just realized something | ||
Ralc | tobi, or do you mean the file that im trying to play? thats valid for sure | 07:25 |
Kyral | When I upgrade to Breezy, my Prelink is gonna take LOOONNNNNNGG time | 07:25 |
tobi | ralc: yeah, I meant the file. | 07:25 |
apokryphos | Kyral: indeed :P | 07:25 |
tobi | ralc: which output plugins do you have available? should be at least "esound" and "oss" | 07:25 |
aCiD2 | checking for Ming_init in -lming... no | 07:26 |
aCiD2 | configure: error: *** ming missing - please install first or check config.log | 07:26 |
aCiD2 | Anyone know a package with ming? | 07:26 |
aCiD2 | I got mingw32 | 07:26 |
Kyral | can you say every library upgraded? :P | 07:26 |
Dr_Willis | patrickyoung, thats doable. :P i forget how.. i think its a setting with gconf, or may of been somehere else. | 07:26 |
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=== linuxAS_ [~linuxAS@cmbe-212-89-16-88.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | you need libmng | 07:26 |
aCiD2 | ah, ok | 07:26 |
tobi | ralc: my ubuntu also provides alsa and disk writer | 07:26 |
patrickyoung | Dr_Sillis - Tahnks! I will check gconf | 07:27 |
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tobi | ralc: which ubuntu release do you have? | 07:27 |
Kyral | on that note, has Breezy gotten to usable yet? | 07:27 |
patrickyoung | sorry Dr_Willis | 07:27 |
aCiD2 | I have libmng | 07:27 |
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aCiD2 | getting libmng-dev now | 07:27 |
Ralc | tobi, no idea.. downloaded it today | 07:27 |
aCiD2 | Nope, still happening | 07:27 |
randabis | i must be thinking of something else | 07:27 |
s1m0 | sorry, anyone know the module for integrated sound cards please? | 07:28 |
luzbelito | is possible to use webcam in GAIM with MSN service ??? | 07:28 |
aCiD2 | luzbelito, dont think so | 07:28 |
philips | Fresh install of Hoary and I am having trouble with ndiswraper "loadndiswrapper failed (11)" modprobe returns "Operation not permitted" | 07:28 |
Kyral | s1m0, it should have picked it up | 07:28 |
philips | Any ideas | 07:28 |
Ralc | tobi, and esound is not available | 07:28 |
aCiD2 | Does anyone know of any other desktop recording software other than vnc2swf? | 07:28 |
s1m0 | Kyral, my sound card doesn't work :( | 07:28 |
=== budluva [~budluva@S0106000d8831d668.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyral | Sound CARD or Onboard? | 07:28 |
=== Rotund [~joe@d34-57.rb.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | philips using sudo? | 07:29 |
philips | randabis: yes | 07:29 |
philips | randabis: sudo su | 07:29 |
=== ubuntuNoob [~ubuntu@p54BF2001.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tobi | ralc: do you have esound-common installed? | 07:29 |
Ralc | tobi, yes | 07:29 |
Ralc | tobi, i can play wav files now.. mp3 i still cant | 07:30 |
randabis | philips: hoary final right? some of the older hoarys had that problem | 07:30 |
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=== synd- [synd@ip68-105-196-144.cl.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | make sure you have all the latest updates | 07:30 |
philips | randabis: yea, I am pretty sure, grabbed the isolast week | 07:30 |
philips | randabis: ok, I will do a dist-upgrade then | 07:31 |
tankabbot | hi , is gnome disk manager available in ubuntu? does anyone know the packkkage name? :) | 07:31 |
s1m0 | Kyral, any idea? | 07:31 |
Seveas | tankabbot, nautilus..? | 07:31 |
Kyral | s1m0, what is the problem exactly | 07:31 |
randabis | philips: also, you did ndiswrapper -i foo.inf and ndiswrapper -m? | 07:31 |
tobi | Ralc, this should lead you to success: http://ubuntuguide.org/#xmms | 07:31 |
=== littlefae [~littlefae@host81-155-192-249.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | tobi, DO NOT advise ubuntuguide | 07:32 |
Seveas | ubuntuguide is absolute crap | 07:32 |
s1m0 | Kyral, there is no sound device found | 07:32 |
Seveas | Ralc: To make xmms or beep-media-player actually play things, change the audio output plugin to eSound | 07:32 |
Ralc | tobi, ill give it a go, thanks :) | 07:32 |
philips | randabis: yes | 07:32 |
philips | randabis: serveral time :-) | 07:32 |
randabis | lol yeah ubuntuguide is bleh | 07:32 |
littlefae | Well, this Ubuntu Laptop is complete. Metacity has been dumped, and I've got it looking beautiful. | 07:32 |
Kyral | sound card or onboard? | 07:32 |
s1m0 | Kyral, onboard | 07:32 |
Seveas | Ralc, ubuntuguide is crap... | 07:32 |
tankabbot | Seveas:no. i meant disks manager thats in gnome 2.10 | 07:33 |
littlefae | It's also very, amazingly, fast. :D | 07:33 |
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randabis | philips: hmm | 07:33 |
tobi | well, all you clever guys ... then you probably can tell ralc right away why his mp3 do not work :-/ | 07:33 |
=== littlefae wonders if she can become poster-girl for the xfce DE | ||
Kyral | s1m0, Okay, Desktop or laptop? What Mobo brand | 07:33 |
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jeroen_ | littlefae, #xfce perhaps? | 07:34 |
Kyral | Hmm, has anyone tried to replace Metacity with IceWM? | 07:34 |
s1m0 | Kyral, QDI K7 Kinetiz 7EA | 07:34 |
littlefae | I did | 07:34 |
=== Kyral blinks | ||
Kyral | Never heard of it :P | 07:34 |
Kyral | Sorry :P | 07:34 |
Kyral | try asking on the UbuntuForums Hardware board | 07:35 |
auk | Kyral: i replaced metacity with sawfish temporarily | 07:35 |
s1m0 | Kyral, k thanks | 07:35 |
Kyral | Well, here gies | 07:36 |
auk | (didn't save the changes) | 07:36 |
Kyral | the command is "icewm --replace" right? | 07:36 |
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jeroen_ | Kyral, man icewm | 07:36 |
auk | yeah, man icewm | 07:36 |
Kyral | no entry | 07:36 |
auk | hmm | 07:36 |
auk | killall metacity && killall metacity && icewm | 07:37 |
auk | ? | 07:37 |
Kyral | ..I'm an idiot | 07:37 |
auk | ? | 07:37 |
Kyral | I installed icewm-gnome-support, but it didn't pull in icewm | 07:37 |
jeroen_ | Kyral, admitting is the first step | 07:37 |
auk | hehe | 07:37 |
auk | lol | 07:37 |
jeroen_ | Kyral, file a bug | 07:37 |
surfer7 | can some1 help me to configure my Sound drivers ...alsa.. | 07:38 |
surfer7 | ? | 07:38 |
surfer7 | any1 pls? | 07:38 |
auk | surfer7: not me, sorry | 07:38 |
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surfer7 | :( | 07:38 |
=== icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-132-19.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
surfer7 | no1? | 07:39 |
auk | be patient, and someone will show up | 07:39 |
Harry` | I need help installing ubuntu | 07:39 |
Invisible_Magi | septi: QUIT MSGN Me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 07:39 |
auk | probably | 07:39 |
jeroen_ | surfer7, maybe on the wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ | 07:39 |
Invisible_Magi | geeeeeeeez | 07:39 |
jeroen_ | Invisible_Magi, ignore him/her | 07:39 |
=== ren0 [~pjharper@a213-84-42-207.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
surfer7 | auk: hard to be patient in 3:30am | 07:39 |
Kyral | hmm, the man page says that there should be an option in the GNOME Control Center to change WMs | 07:39 |
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=== Whisper [sash@pcp02245305pcs.bechgr01.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
auk | lol, wurfer7, where are you? | 07:39 |
cmatheson | Kyral: what are you trying to change it to? | 07:39 |
auk | *surfer7* | 07:40 |
aCiD2 | anyone know what package contains "libpng.so.2"? | 07:40 |
Kyral | IceWM :D | 07:40 |
=== tombs [~tombs@h141156.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== JDahl [~qwerty@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2v1-119.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeroen_ | aCiD2, maybe libpng ? | 07:40 |
Kyral | I'm just bored :D | 07:40 |
HappyFool | Harry`: what's the problem? | 07:40 |
aCiD2 | jeroen_, yea, im searching for that now :P | 07:40 |
surfer7 | Australia | 07:40 |
Kyral | Harry, I was helping you, then you quit :/ | 07:40 |
ren0 | I am getting this error in Totem: Totem could not play 'file:///tmp/2806_6.wmv'. | 07:40 |
auk | ah | 07:40 |
surfer7 | Sydney | 07:40 |
HappyFool | aCiD2: packages.ubuntu.com has a file-search form (at the bottom) | 07:40 |
jeroen_ | aCiD2, apt-cache search png | 07:40 |
=== JesusAteMyFaith [~DietaryFi@0142b952d5de97c0.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Harry` | I want to install ubuntu with win xp | 07:40 |
auk | i'm in california | 07:40 |
aCiD2 | yey | 07:40 |
auk | yes...? | 07:40 |
surfer7 | i'll be heading that way next ytear | 07:40 |
auk | for what? | 07:41 |
ren0 | I thought I had installed all the codecs following the www.ubuntuguide.org | 07:41 |
=== lionel_ [~lionel@ip-128.net-82-216-65.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | aCiD2: you may be out of luck anyway; I have libpng.so.3, and you probably do too. not sure how to get 'old' libraries | 07:41 |
=== Quest-Master [~qmaster@c-24-99-26-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
surfer7 | holiday | 07:41 |
surfer7 | :D | 07:41 |
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
surfer7 | what else | 07:41 |
auk | i see | 07:42 |
=== nnacht [~shaohui@shaohui.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeroen_ | ren0, please do not follow Ubuntuguide; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines (number 3) | 07:42 |
surfer7 | need to fix my audio drivers on my laptop (http://au.asus.com/products4.aspx?l1=5&l2=26&l3=0&model=414&modelmenu=1) | 07:42 |
JDahl | I seem to have a font problem with Xfig@Hoary - when I start xfig it complains that it cannot load usable fontset, and I cannot plot any strings in the program... anyone (using xfig) got an idea of what font-package I am missing? | 07:42 |
surfer7 | please help | 07:42 |
=== DJ_Mirage [~djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
auk | Harry': what's wrong?? | 07:42 |
aCiD2 | got it :) | 07:42 |
nnacht | Hello. Can somebody give a tutorial of how to make deb-packages? | 07:42 |
spamalope | google it | 07:43 |
Harry` | nevermind | 07:43 |
JDahl | nnacht, http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ | 07:43 |
ren0 | Thanks jeroen_ I'll have a look | 07:43 |
HappyFool | Harry`: installing ubuntu with XP should be possible -- what's the problem? | 07:43 |
Kyral | hmm | 07:43 |
Kyral | this isn't working | 07:43 |
Harry` | the Partitioning part | 07:44 |
HappyFool | Harry`: what's your current setup? | 07:44 |
=== MrJangles [dfghdfgdf@CPE0050bacbe689-CM000f212fb20c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JDahl | nnacht, I recommend you download a package that is similar as what you | 07:44 |
MrJangles | what would you guys recommend a site for getting programs and plugins for ubuntu? | 07:44 |
Kyral | Apt-Get :D | 07:44 |
JDahl | nnacht, I recommend you download a package that is similar as what you're making, and steal their debian/rules file | 07:44 |
littlefae | apt-get | 07:44 |
surfer7 | :~~~~ | 07:44 |
littlefae | Synaptic Package manager is also good, as you can see a full list | 07:45 |
Harry` | win xp | 07:45 |
nnacht | JDahl, thanks a lot for your idea. | 07:45 |
odie5533 | is there a way to fully reformat a hard drive? | 07:45 |
apokryphos | KPackage is great too, btw. My personal favourite, by a long shot. | 07:45 |
six2one | shred | 07:45 |
Kyral | Hah! Found it! | 07:45 |
=== thotypous [~thotypous@201-1-189-234.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | odie5533: of course; just use a partition manager | 07:46 |
Kyral | I gotta change the GConf key to /usr/bin/icewm | 07:46 |
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=== littlefae likes Synaptics, it just doesn't seem to support the theme I have, when under xfce | ||
Kyral | brb | 07:46 |
odie5533 | apokryphos: gparted only does past reformats as I see it | 07:46 |
nnacht | JDahl: what a what to do ist just to build a deb-package for some fonts which i just install with apt-get | 07:46 |
apokryphos | odie5533: what's a past reformat? | 07:47 |
nnacht | can you give some similar packages to download | 07:47 |
odie5533 | *fast | 07:47 |
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Harry` | HappyFool: win xp | 07:47 |
HappyFool | Harry`: and the windows partition (the 'C:') takes up the whole drive ? | 07:47 |
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Kyral | dangit! | 07:48 |
afonit | have any of you guys tried out the luminosity how to on the forums? | 07:48 |
luzbelito | can anyone help me to configure desktop with themes, weather and panels ??? | 07:48 |
Harry` | HappyFool: yep | 07:48 |
jeroen_ | luzbelito, Gnome? Weather is easy | 07:48 |
odie5533 | luzbelito: sudo apt-get install gdesklets | 07:48 |
nnacht | luz: what do u mean? | 07:48 |
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JDahl | nnacht, I know nothing about fonts (other than my xfig cant find any :S) | 07:48 |
devios | Harry`: http://www.zerocalm.com/2005/05/os-reinstallation-ms-windows-xp-and.html | 07:48 |
devios | Harry`: partitioning scheme discussed in there | 07:48 |
tankabbot | hi, i found out that gnome-system tools contain disks-admin, is it included in ubuntu? if anyone uses it, can u tell me the package name please? thx :) | 07:49 |
odie5533 | How do I do a FULL reformat? | 07:49 |
six2one | shred | 07:49 |
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apokryphos | odie5533: surely you can just delete all the current partitions and then format | 07:49 |
devios | odie5533: reformat, or wipe? | 07:49 |
nnacht | JDahl: no, perhaps i did not say it clearly. I just want to, for example make a deb-file from a folder | 07:49 |
odie5533 | devious: I want it to delete all traces of data | 07:49 |
HappyFool | Harry`: my recommendation is to backup any data you may have, repartition the drive, reinstall windows and windows applications, and restore your data, and then install ubuntu | 07:49 |
odie5533 | So that undelete won't work, nor any recoveries | 07:50 |
luzbelito | thanks oddie and jeroen | 07:50 |
Harry` | i already did | 07:50 |
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apokryphos | odie5533: yeah, do the above. It will do that for you. | 07:50 |
Harry` | i just got windows installed again | 07:50 |
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nnacht | which I can just copy to some place in the system. | 07:50 |
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obex | hello | 07:50 |
HappyFool | Harry`: well, you need to partition the drive *before* reinstalling windows | 07:50 |
odie5533 | apokryphos: Arent there still traces of the data on the hard disk? | 07:50 |
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devios | odie5533: hehehe - boot your system up with a knoppix or helix knoppix cd, and dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda (or /dev/hda) | 07:50 |
apokryphos | odie5533: there won't be, no. Of course, you can't do this to your current hard-disk | 07:51 |
obex | I just downloaded a .TPB file from bittorrent how do I open it? unrar won't do | 07:51 |
HappyFool | Harry`: if i recall, the Windows XP disc should have a partitioning tool; otherwise, you can use the partitioner on the ubuntu install disc | 07:51 |
luzbelito | error: root@lenin:/etc/apt # sudo apt-get install gdesklets | 07:51 |
luzbelito | Reading package lists... Done | 07:51 |
luzbelito | Building dependency tree... Done | 07:51 |
luzbelito | E: Couldn't find package gdesklets | 07:51 |
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odie5533 | devious: what does that do? Also, its not my main hdd, so can I do it without a live cd? | 07:51 |
apokryphos | odie5533: you'll have to be running your OS on a different hard-disk | 07:51 |
odie5533 | I am | 07:51 |
six2one | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1 | 07:51 |
devios | odie5533: there are more secure ways, but that will befuddle most forensics people | 07:51 |
Harry` | that wont work because i dont have a install CD for windows | 07:51 |
apokryphos | odie5533: you should be alright then, yes. | 07:51 |
Seveas | luzbelito, enable universe and run apt-get update | 07:51 |
six2one | that kills the mbr and part table | 07:51 |
odie5533 | that doesnt help me | 07:51 |
odie5533 | the traces are still there | 07:51 |
devios | six2one: that doesn't wipe the data though | 07:51 |
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Harry` | and i know nothing about partitioning | 07:52 |
apokryphos | odie5533: no, it won't leave any traces if you delete it, and then format it to your desired filetype | 07:52 |
six2one | shred -n 2 -z -v /dev/hda | 07:52 |
JDahl | nnacht, isn't there a debian package in restricted or somewhere for installing MS fonts? that sounds like what you're after, I think | 07:52 |
apokryphos | or disktype | 07:52 |
HappyFool | Harry`: so how did you reinstall windows? | 07:52 |
odie5533 | apokryphos: Yes it will :( | 07:52 |
devios | six2one: where's shred come from? | 07:52 |
Harry` | with my restore cd that came with my pc | 07:52 |
apokryphos | odie5533: something is going wrong then. I've done it before. | 07:52 |
nnacht | JDahl: ok, thanks a lot. I will have a try. | 07:52 |
six2one | boot up in knoppix | 07:52 |
HappyFool | Harry`: ah. awkward | 07:52 |
odie5533 | apokryphos: It doesn't destroy all traces as far as I know | 07:52 |
six2one | its there | 07:52 |
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devios | six2one: cool - didn't know that | 07:53 |
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odie5533 | wipe entirely ever bit on the hard disk bit by bit | 07:53 |
six2one | yep | 07:53 |
surfer7 | why do u reinstall windows? | 07:53 |
freddy_ | hello. | 07:53 |
six2one | shred does that | 07:53 |
apokryphos | odie5533: erm, just why wouldn't it? | 07:53 |
Harry` | Nobody can help me? | 07:53 |
surfer7 | why do u reinstall windows? | 07:53 |
luzbelito | thanks seveas | 07:53 |
odie5533 | NOT just change the table so it deletes as it needs | 07:53 |
freddy_ | Harry` with? | 07:53 |
odie5533 | apokryphos: It is faster not to | 07:53 |
Harry` | Partitioning | 07:53 |
surfer7 | if u need to change the table use the recovery widnows | 07:53 |
six2one | yes, the entire drive | 07:53 |
apokryphos | odie5533: obviously, but then it wouldn't be doing its job | 07:53 |
freddy_ | partitioning, how? | 07:54 |
Harry` | I need help with partitioning! | 07:54 |
odie5533 | gah I don't think it takes 10 seconds to delete every bit on a 160gb hdd | 07:54 |
odie5533 | it should take like an hour | 07:54 |
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HappyFool | Harry`: sorry, i'm sure how to proceed if you cannot install windows 'normally'. i suspect your rescue disk might repartition the drive as it sees fit | 07:54 |
six2one | it takes a long time actually | 07:54 |
devios | odie5533: after knoppix cd boot "shred -n 2 -z -v /dev/hda" or | 07:54 |
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surfer7 | 10 secs whipes the partition table | 07:54 |
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six2one | and it has to do it several times to be effictive | 07:55 |
surfer7 | and sets it to 0 | 07:55 |
HappyFool | Harry`: i'm *not* sure, i meant | 07:55 |
surfer7 | thats what quick format does | 07:55 |
odie5533 | devious: Its not my main hdd, so I can do that without live sessioning? | 07:55 |
freddy_ | Harry` how many partitions do you have? do you want? do you spect to have | 07:55 |
apokryphos | odie5533: as far as I know it was older partition managers that would take ages. These days they're quite quick, really. | 07:55 |
=== tankabbot [~tankabbot@host217-43-44-108.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
surfer7 | rewrites the partition table | 07:55 |
apokryphos | old hard-disks/data-transfer cables too, would affect | 07:55 |
odie5533 | apokryphos: they are only fast because they just tell the hdd "just overwrite when you need space" | 07:55 |
Harry` | i dont know anything about partitioning nor how to do it | 07:55 |
Eddie | btw guys | 07:56 |
surfer7 | i know | 07:56 |
surfer7 | :) | 07:56 |
=== nnacht [~shaohui@shaohui.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE] has joined #ubuntu | ||
six2one | sudo shred -n 2 -z -v /dev/hda | 07:56 |
six2one | that will do it | 07:56 |
odie5533 | there we are shred looks good | 07:56 |
Eddie | how in the hell do i get ubuntu working with adsl shared over a wired router | 07:56 |
devios | odie5533: after knoppix cd boot "shred -n 2 -z -v /dev/hda" or "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda". both will eradicate all data on your hard drive to the point that very very expensive recovery reserved for enemies of the goverment would be required to have a prayer of recovery. | 07:56 |
Eddie | with windows its just a matter of letting it get its ip from it | 07:56 |
six2one | change the 2 to a 3 to pretty much promise the data is gone | 07:56 |
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surfer7 | How to reconfigure my sound drivers or where do u change them? | 07:56 |
odie5533 | devios, wouldn't enemies of the government just take a mallet to the hdd :D | 07:57 |
odie5533 | Thats how to delete data ;) | 07:57 |
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devios | odie5533: that would probably be less effective than the commands... melting the drive, or grinding it into dust would work. | 07:57 |
Andril | hello all | 07:57 |
Kyral | hmm, how should I go about about grabbing OO2 from the Breezy Repos without killing my system... | 07:57 |
lsuactiafner | surfer7 : chances are the drivers are already installed | 07:58 |
odie5533 | devios: But how can they read a cracked disk? | 07:58 |
Blue_Summer | backports? | 07:58 |
Lt_Patch | just been recommended ubuntu by some comrades, and I've got a few questions, if anyone could answer them, I'd be most appreciative... | 07:58 |
odie5533 | Or... microwave!! | 07:58 |
Seveas | Kyral, apt pinning | 07:58 |
lsuactiafner | surfer7 : just go ahead and play mp3s.. | 07:58 |
devios | odie5533: you'd be suprised. | 07:58 |
odie5533 | Maybe thats just cd's tho >_> | 07:58 |
Kyral | apt pin everything :P | 07:58 |
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Seveas | read the AptPinningHowto | 07:58 |
odie5533 | cds microwave nicely | 07:58 |
Kyral | oh well | 07:58 |
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Kyral | I'm not gonna need OO2 fore a while | 07:58 |
Blue_Summer | Lt_Patch, it is a good distrobution, have you used linux before? It is a good starting Linux aswel | 07:58 |
Kyral | so I'm gonna use the beta for now | 07:58 |
Lt_Patch | which codebase is Ubuntu derived from, x86, or x64? | 07:58 |
apack-linux | how do i connect to another PC on LAN ? | 07:58 |
Kyral | x86 | 07:58 |
Seveas | Lt_Patch, both | 07:59 |
Kyral | with support for AMD64 | 07:59 |
Lt_Patch | Is there any SLi support? | 07:59 |
lsuactiafner | apack-linux : depends on what you want to accomplish | 07:59 |
Seveas | Lt_Patch, architectures aren't codebases... | 07:59 |
Blue_Summer | Lt_Patch, there is also amd64 | 07:59 |
luzbelito | anyone can help me to use gdesklets??? | 07:59 |
apack-linux | lsuactiafner, transfer files | 07:59 |
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lsuactiafner | apack-linux : between 2 linux pcs? | 07:59 |
luzbelito | how i install weather and another things in gDesklets ? | 08:00 |
Kyral | luzbelito, go to the gDesklet's site | 08:00 |
odie5533 | dd just copies zeroes onto it? | 08:00 |
lsuactiafner | dd only copies zeros on it | 08:00 |
Seveas | luzbelito, click on the gdesklets tray icon and select configure... | 08:00 |
Seveas | lsuactiafner, only u copy from=/dev/zero :) | 08:00 |
Seveas | lsuactiafner, only if you copy from=/dev/zero :) | 08:01 |
lsuactiafner | heh | 08:01 |
apack-linux | lsuactiafner, no sorry, i actually need to transfer files from the windows partitions on this pc. | 08:01 |
lsuactiafner | i actually use dd often | 08:01 |
odie5533 | shredding commencing :D | 08:01 |
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lsuactiafner | heh true Seveas | 08:01 |
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lsuactiafner | apack-linux : http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba | 08:01 |
lukus001 | How do i get my tablet working in ubuntu guys | 08:01 |
lsuactiafner | apack-linux : or quicker, mount -t smbfs //ip/share_name /mnt/mount_point | 08:01 |
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JDahl | Can I pursuade someone here to install Xfig, and see if they also get a lot of font warnings on startup? there might be something wrong with the Xfig package in universe (I also installed the recommended gs, gsfonts-x11) | 08:03 |
Rockett17 | samba rocks.. I use my windows box to store everything on through mapped drives :) | 08:03 |
Rockett17 | ^ to store everything on my linux box | 08:03 |
MrJangles | how do you install rpm's on ubuntu? | 08:03 |
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MrJangles | !dpkg | 08:03 |
ubotu | somebody said dpkg was Debian Package Manager: sudo dpkg --install package.deb | 08:03 |
Rockett17 | you cannot.. ubuntu uses debian packages | 08:04 |
Rockett17 | *.deb | 08:04 |
HappyFool | JDahl: yeah, i do. sorry, i didn't respond earlier | 08:04 |
HappyFool | JDahl: not a clue what the problem is | 08:04 |
lsuactiafner | there is a command to convert rpm | 08:04 |
MrJangles | yea i read it somewhere, i forgot it | 08:04 |
JDahl | HappyFool, thanks | 08:04 |
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HappyFool | JDahl: xfig suggests 'gsfonts-x11' | 08:05 |
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JDahl | HappyFool, I install that also - doesnt help | 08:05 |
lsuactiafner | cant find rpm command | 08:05 |
HappyFool | JDahl: hrm | 08:05 |
lukus001 | How can i get my tablet working guys? =) | 08:05 |
odie5533 | lukus001: be more specific.... | 08:06 |
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lukus001 | my genius usb tablet...? | 08:06 |
HappyFool | lsuactiafner: you looking for 'alien' ? | 08:06 |
lsuactiafner | deb2rpm | 08:06 |
lsuactiafner | err no | 08:06 |
JDahl | HappyFool, strace xfig sounds like an afternoon's worth of work :S | 08:06 |
HappyFool | JDahl: erk | 08:06 |
HappyFool | JDahl: install it on a different computer and run via ssh -Y ;) | 08:06 |
lsuactiafner | [07/03 00:45:17] <concept10> tiglionabbit, you have many options, you can make a rpm convert with alien, make a deb, try the bin | 08:07 |
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chrissturm | where is the flashplugin located? it crashes for me and i would like to disable it | 08:07 |
concept10 | lsuactiafner, huh? | 08:07 |
HappyFool | JDahl: those errors are a bit odd. e.g., -*-times-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-*-* is found by xlsfonts | 08:09 |
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spola | how would i go about sharing a folder with another ubuntu that's right next to me and connected to the same router? | 08:09 |
JDahl | HappyFool, I tried that on Debian/Sarge, but wont that still use my local X Fontserver? (at least I get the same warnings) | 08:09 |
jeroen_ | spola, nfs | 08:09 |
spola | what nfs? where do i type it in? | 08:09 |
HappyFool | JDahl: i'n not sure | 08:09 |
JDahl | HappyFool, I tried it on a Debian/Sarge box, I mean | 08:10 |
Kyral | I'm bored | 08:10 |
apack-linux | sudo apt-get update | 08:10 |
Kyral | I'm gonna install kubuntu-desktop | 08:10 |
apack-linux | f*** | 08:10 |
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Kyral | just in case I ever feel like switching | 08:10 |
Davey | how are all these people having problems installing the latest OOo? I just downloaded the rpm's, alien'ed them and created the menus :) | 08:10 |
hellraiser_rob | hi guys | 08:10 |
hellraiser_rob | can anyone give me a hand with beagle? | 08:10 |
nikkia | coda might be a better choice than NFS, to be honest | 08:10 |
jeroen_ | hellraiser_rob, try the wiki | 08:10 |
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hellraiser_rob | i've tried mate :) | 08:11 |
=== Thorrn4 [~Thorrn4@pool-68-160-104-75.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyral | wow, error | 08:11 |
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Kyral | Kubuntu-Desktop won't install | 08:11 |
Thorrn4 | hello! does Ubuntu have Qt and/or qt-devel packages? | 08:11 |
Kyral | says it cannot install Konversation | 08:11 |
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HappyFool | Thorrn4: afaik. try 'apt-cache search qt' | 08:12 |
hellraiser_rob | beagle help...anyone? | 08:12 |
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HappyFool | i think you want libqt-mt<something>-dev | 08:12 |
hellraiser_rob | ok i;ll shoot anyway | 08:13 |
Riddell | Kyral: what doesn't install? | 08:13 |
hellraiser_rob | in its present state it only searches evolution and chat logs | 08:13 |
hellraiser_rob | a suggestion of installing libsqlite0-dev | 08:13 |
hellraiser_rob | causes even that to stop working | 08:13 |
Kyral | kubuntu-desktop: Depends on Konversation but isn't going to be installed | 08:13 |
jeroen_ | Kyral, Breezy? | 08:14 |
jeroen_ | File a bug | 08:14 |
Kyral | Hoary | 08:14 |
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ivoks | bug? for what? | 08:14 |
HappyFool | spola: have you tried playing with System -> Administration -> Shared folders ? It's 'windows' sharing, but it might be a simple GUI way to share files | 08:14 |
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ivoks | Kyral: kubuntu-desktop will install | 08:15 |
Kyral | isn't working for me | 08:15 |
HappyFool | Kyral: konversation is in 'main', according to apt-cache | 08:15 |
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ivoks | Kyral: why? | 08:15 |
Kyral | konversation: Depends: kdelibs4 (>= 4:3.4.1) but 4:3.4.0-0ubuntu3.2 is to be installed | 08:15 |
ivoks | eh | 08:15 |
ivoks | using backports? :) | 08:15 |
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Kyral | yup :P | 08:16 |
s1m0 | Kyral, sorry, where is the channel that you told me? | 08:16 |
ivoks | so, what do you expect? | 08:16 |
Kyral | I'll comment out Backports then try it :D | 08:16 |
=== Liewe-Heksie [~Rebel-Lad@c9-ctn-10.absamail.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyral | s1m0, www.ubuntuforums.org | 08:16 |
ivoks | Kyral: do apt-get update first | 08:16 |
Kyral | Honestly, this is the first time I have EVER had a problem with Backports | 08:16 |
ivoks | backports are mess, i wouldn't use then | 08:16 |
s1m0 | Kyral, thanks | 08:16 |
ivoks | acctually, i don't use them | 08:16 |
Kyral | I use them | 08:16 |
Kyral | hell I use staging | 08:17 |
JesusAteMyFaith | I use cvs :) | 08:17 |
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Liewe-Heksie | hello all | 08:17 |
Kyral | this is the first problem I have ever had | 08:17 |
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Kyral | well, beagle is kinda broken, but I use locate anyway :D | 08:17 |
HappyFool | Liewe-Heksie: hey lavinia :P (or however it's spelt) | 08:17 |
Liewe-Heksie | hi HappyFool | 08:18 |
Liewe-Heksie | something like that lol | 08:18 |
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Liewe-Heksie | my first time here :) | 08:18 |
Kyral | hmm | 08:18 |
Kyral | W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 08:18 |
Kyral | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 08:18 |
jeroen_ | Kyral, so, have you apt-get updateed? | 08:19 |
Kyral | yep | 08:19 |
hellraiser_rob | beagle help anyone? | 08:19 |
Kyral | that was at the end :D | 08:19 |
JDahl | HappyFool, googling on it suggests it is a problem with localization in xfs (although my box should use a standard US setup) | 08:19 |
apokryphos | Kyral: you've just got the incorrect signature | 08:19 |
Kyral | ACK NO! Don't install OO1 | 08:19 |
apokryphos | Kyral: get the proper ones | 08:19 |
Kyral | apokryphos, I updated two minutes before and didn't get this :D | 08:19 |
freddy_ | hellraiser_rob about? | 08:19 |
=== ebone [bfvkgi@pcp900891pcs.cnorth01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | Kyral: oh wait, didn't realise it was archive.ubuntu.com. That's odd. Do you have broken packages? | 08:20 |
=== adwait [~adwait@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adwait | hello ppl | 08:20 |
Kyral | apokryphos, prolly | 08:20 |
=== Chipmunk [Chipmunk@pool-71-112-16-15.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyral | apokryphos, since I commented out my Backports for the sole reason of installing Kubuntu-Desktop | 08:20 |
=== adwait looks for someone he knows | ||
apokryphos | Kyral: why did you comment it out? You don't need to, for that... | 08:21 |
thenuke | how do I find out in what repository azureus belongs to | 08:21 |
freddy_ | heya adwait | 08:21 |
adwait | hey freddy_@ | 08:21 |
Kyral | apokryphos, it was breaking Kubuntu-Desktop | 08:21 |
adwait | *! | 08:21 |
freddy_ | haha | 08:21 |
freddy_ | whats up? | 08:21 |
HappyFool | JDahl: how about this? http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2005-June/037343.html | 08:21 |
adwait | nm........waiting for 12 (when my downloads become unlimited) to start some downloads and then go to sleep | 08:22 |
apokryphos | Kyral: odd. How was it breaking it? Which package specifically? | 08:22 |
Kyral | apokryphos, Konversation | 08:22 |
jeroen_ | thenuke, Azureus: java-trap | 08:22 |
apokryphos | Kyral: hm, I'm running svn for Kopete, so wouldn't know. But, do this.. | 08:22 |
JDahl | HappyFool, thanks! I missed that one in my googling | 08:22 |
Kyral | konversation: Depends: kdelibs4 (>= 4:3.4.1) but 4:3.4.0-0ubuntu3.2 is to be installed | 08:22 |
apokryphos | Kyral: add deb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde341 hoary-updates main .....to your sources.list; sudo apt-get update, and then retry | 08:22 |
=== maydayjay [~maydayjay@gimel.nas.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
luzbelito | hi i downloaded spanish packages for openoffice (apt-get install) but they are not available in the application. help please | 08:23 |
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apokryphos | Kyral: oh, right, yes. Adding the repo I just said should fix that | 08:23 |
Kyral | I'm using the main, I'll do that afterward | 08:23 |
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=== Thorrn4 [~Thorrn4@pool-68-160-104-75.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["adios] | ||
freddy_ | adwait sleep? oh your in india right? | 08:23 |
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | Kyral: It's because latest version of Konversation seems to require latest KDE, which isn't in main at the moment | 08:23 |
adwait | lfreddy_: right..........its 23:54 here | 08:23 |
freddy_ | oh | 08:23 |
freddy_ | hehe | 08:23 |
Quest-Master | adwait :D | 08:23 |
=== luke [~luke@bft18.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freddy_ | 2:23pm here :D | 08:23 |
=== jakob_ [~jakob@196.80-202-82.nextgentel.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | JDahl: at least the first of those pfb files is provided by gsfonts and gsfonts-X11 | 08:24 |
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freddy_ | just starting the afternoon | 08:24 |
freddy_ | omg im hungry | 08:24 |
adwait | hmm......u in the US freddy_? | 08:24 |
Quest-Master | I just woke up 2 hours ago rofl... 2:24 here | 08:24 |
freddy_ | and this cigarrette is not helping | 08:24 |
freddy_ | adwait venezuela | 08:24 |
thenuke | jeroen_: what the.. did you read my question :D | 08:24 |
adwait | Quest-Master: u sleep late!!!! i am up at most by 8.....can't sleep more than that | 08:24 |
=== karolvs [~karolvs@host22-220.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Quest-Master | rofl | 08:24 |
HappyFool | JDahl: ah. did you do 'xset fp rehash' after installing gsfonts-x11 ? | 08:24 |
Quest-Master | I fall asleep at 12-3AM | 08:24 |
Kyral | gak, still have the GPG error | 08:24 |
Kyral | anyone have the right keys? | 08:25 |
HappyFool | JDahl: or maybe just restart X, anyway, should work without needing to tweak any files | 08:25 |
luzbelito | hi i downloaded spanish packages for openoffice (apt-get install) but they are not available in the application. help please | 08:25 |
=== Thorrn4 [~Thorrn4@pool-68-160-104-75.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== inemo [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeroen_ | thenuke, because of the java-trap, it's prob multiverse | 08:25 |
adwait | Quest-Master: its same with me........but i am used to getting up early......besides i got college at 9 | 08:25 |
Quest-Master | ah | 08:25 |
Quest-Master | Summer break here right now | 08:25 |
apokryphos | Kyral: if it's happening just because of the backports commenting, then adding the new repo and the backports back shoudl sort it | 08:25 |
surfer7 | configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH | 08:25 |
surfer7 | See `config.log' for more details. | 08:25 |
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JDahl | HappyFool, xset fp rehash did the trick - great! | 08:25 |
=== HappyFool hopes JDahl isn't editing xfs font.dir files | ||
surfer7 | how do i fix this? | 08:25 |
Thorrn4 | hello!! for some reason it seems that I do not have G++ installed...where can i get it? | 08:25 |
Quest-Master | When school starts.. gonna have to wake up at like 7:30 :( | 08:25 |
apokryphos | Kyral: still seems odd to me that it's doing that. | 08:25 |
freddy_ | apt-get install g++? | 08:25 |
adwait | Quest-Master: yeah i hv my mid sem break too.......college starts monday | 08:25 |
HappyFool | JDahl: obviously there's a missing dep in xfig | 08:25 |
Kyral | apokryphos, thats AFTER I readded the Backports and the Kubuntu mirror | 08:25 |
Kyral | and updated of course | 08:26 |
adwait | Quest-Master: hehe.........i used to have school at 7 | 08:26 |
surfer7 | ??? | 08:26 |
Quest-Master | :P | 08:26 |
surfer7 | how do i fix the path for the time being? | 08:26 |
surfer7 | configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH | 08:26 |
HappyFool | surfer7: install 'build-essential' | 08:26 |
apokryphos | Kyral: it's not a mirror, it's a whole different repository. Did you add it originally? | 08:26 |
freddy_ | ok thats it..food...emergency. | 08:26 |
HappyFool | surfer7: 'sudo aptitude install build-essential' | 08:26 |
apokryphos | Kyral: oh wait.. I understand. | 08:26 |
Kyral | well, repo :P | 08:26 |
Kyral | repo == mirror to me :D | 08:26 |
adwait | Quest-Master: u in venezuela too? | 08:27 |
Quest-Master | is aptitude better than apt-get or what? | 08:27 |
=== jmjones [~jmjones@adsl-218-39-234.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JDahl | HappyFool, gsfonts-x11 are recommended, and I installed those... it's probably gsfonts-x11 that doesnt correctly restart/update the fontserver | 08:27 |
=== ralph [~ralph@modem-40.aardvark.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JesusAteMyFaith | Ubuntu is perfect, my god, there has never been a distro like this! | 08:27 |
Quest-Master | adwait: No.. Atlanta, Georgia, USA | 08:27 |
adwait | um....i guess it just has a sort of gui... | 08:27 |
HappyFool | Quest-Master: according to Seveas, who I believe ;) | 08:27 |
jeroen_ | Quest-Master, it's an interface | 08:27 |
Quest-Master | Hmm, interesting | 08:27 |
Thorrn4 | freddy_, thankyou | 08:27 |
surfer7 | THAT worked THNX | 08:27 |
=== no_gatez_fan [~caz@cpe-069-132-002-228.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
surfer7 | HappyFool: cheers mate | 08:27 |
Quest-Master | Thorrn4: fellow Spherical user again! :D | 08:27 |
jmjones | Quest-Master: what was that about atlanta? | 08:27 |
HappyFool | surfer7: cool. happy compiling. | 08:28 |
jmjones | sorry - just joined | 08:28 |
apokryphos | Kyral: only gpg signature stuff I ever did was here.. http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kf1.html#h2add -- you could try using those there instead | 08:28 |
Quest-Master | jmjones: I live in a suburb near it | 08:28 |
surfer7 | :D | 08:28 |
Kyral | Oh god, this prelink is gonna be fun... | 08:28 |
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Quest-Master | jmjones: Kennesaw, to be exact | 08:28 |
jmjones | Quest-Master: what suburb? | 08:28 |
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apokryphos | Kyral: or you could try not using the us. mirror. Not sure where the default archive.ubuntu.com server is located, actually | 08:28 |
jmjones | Quest-Master: ok - i live in conyers | 08:28 |
ralph | hi, bugzilla.ubuntu.com has many bugs in the unconfirmed state, even ones that are simply and obviously verifiable. AIUI they don't get worked until they're confirmed and reach New state. Is that right? | 08:28 |
Quest-Master | jmjones: Ah, cool.. my dad worked near there once | 08:28 |
Quest-Master | A bit far away though | 08:28 |
adwait | Kyral: sorry.......just joined......whts the problem | 08:28 |
jmjones | Quest-Master: i'm working in smyrna/vinings right now.... | 08:29 |
Quest-Master | jmjones: That's closer, hehe | 08:29 |
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jmjones | Quest-Master: yeah - to you :-) | 08:29 |
HappyFool | ralph: if you don't get a response here, maybe ask in #ubuntu-devel | 08:29 |
Kyral | Nah, nothing | 08:29 |
Quest-Master | Yep./ | 08:29 |
Kyral | Just GPG problems :P | 08:29 |
Kyral | nothing to break a system | 08:29 |
adwait | hmm | 08:29 |
Eddie | ok guys | 08:29 |
pcmxms | alo? | 08:29 |
Eddie | are you sure that the ubuntu server install is designed to cope with old systems? | 08:29 |
adwait | hey pcmxms | 08:29 |
=== ilpum [~ilpum@p54A395AC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eddie | installer has hanged | 08:30 |
jeroen_ | Eddie, will work on old systems | 08:30 |
mostrodibiscotti | is there an msn messenger for linux? | 08:30 |
pcmxms | sure | 08:30 |
Quest-Master | mostrodibiscotti: Gaim or Amsn | 08:30 |
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jmjones | mostrodibiscotti: gaim | 08:30 |
adwait | Eddie: it installs very basic things....so it should work on old ystems | 08:30 |
jeroen_ | mostrodibiscotti, amsn, gaim | 08:30 |
Kyral | GAIM! | 08:30 |
adwait | mostro....: or amsn | 08:30 |
pcmxms | Gaim, amsn, kopete .... | 08:30 |
Eddie | ok here are my last few lines before the hang | 08:30 |
holycow | mostrodibiscotti, gaim also supports yahoo, irc and quite a few other protocols | 08:30 |
Eddie | restarting tasks | 08:30 |
pcmxms | licq | 08:30 |
Eddie | strange kswapd0 not stopped | 08:30 |
mostrodibiscotti | ok, thanks | 08:30 |
JDahl | HappyFool, a modern Python version of Xfig would be a wonderful thing | 08:30 |
ilpum | I want to promote ubuntu on my website, can anyone give me a link to some buttons? I need a 88x15 one, plz. | 08:30 |
apokryphos | mostrodibiscotti: Kopete is the best :P | 08:30 |
mostrodibiscotti | by the way | 08:30 |
mostrodibiscotti | I got my xchat working | 08:30 |
Eddie | strange knpnpbiosd not stopped | 08:30 |
Kyral | Eww, Kopete | 08:30 |
Quest-Master | Gaim is better than Kopete IMO | 08:30 |
pcmxms | yes | 08:31 |
mostrodibiscotti | it wanted me to fill out the real name field | 08:31 |
Eddie | strange kseriod not stopped | 08:31 |
Eddie | done | 08:31 |
apokryphos | Kyral: not seen the latest versions? Features are rolling in like a landslide | 08:31 |
mostrodibiscotti | thanks for the help | 08:31 |
Eddie | ramdisk compressed image found at block 0 | 08:31 |
Eddie | then a total hang | 08:31 |
HappyFool | JDahl: if you write one i'll be a beta tester :P | 08:31 |
pcmxms | I dont know why, but my kopete dont whant to connect in the msn network... | 08:31 |
=== adwait thinks amsn is better.......its specially made for MSN and hence gives (ok tries to give) all features added in MSN | ||
Kyral | apokryphos, can it webcam? :P | 08:31 |
HappyFool | JDahl: yeah, there's no real competition. dia isn't quite up to scratch yet | 08:31 |
Kyral | and does KDE support gDesklets? | 08:31 |
Will__ | amsn will support webcam soon | 08:31 |
=== jeroen_ agrees with adwait | ||
jeroen_ | Will__, already does in CVS | 08:31 |
Eddie | anyone got any ideas there? | 08:32 |
Will__ | jeroen_: Which is why I say 'soon' | 08:32 |
apokryphos | Kyral: yes, but currently by using external progs only; they're working on it, though! In general it's far cleaner than Gaim, without a doubt. Has a few other cool things, too. | 08:32 |
Kyral | hmm | 08:32 |
=== kristianu [~kristianu@0x535c2ebc.vgnxx1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JDahl | HappyFool, also Dia doesnt have same nice Latex support | 08:32 |
Kyral | okay, I'm gonna show you a pic of my desktop, tell me I can recrate it in KDE and you may have a defector | 08:33 |
inemo | how do I install freetype fonts? | 08:33 |
=== nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth | ||
apokryphos | I just can't get over Gaim's ugliness. But then again, I'm pretty prejudice to all GTK based apps | 08:33 |
HappyFool | JDahl: yeah. also, text-sizing is a bit odd (though to be fair I find that text 'aligning' can be awkward in xfig) | 08:33 |
inemo | how do I install freetype fonts? | 08:33 |
JDahl | HappyFool, you must have some vacation coming up? ;-) | 08:33 |
=== holycow bonks apokryphos with a Kbat | ||
holycow | -_- | 08:33 |
holycow | be nice | 08:33 |
apokryphos | ouch | 08:33 |
Kyral | apokryphos, http://people.clarkson.edu/~petermcv/Screenshot.png | 08:34 |
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adwait | alright ppl............i am gonna go get some sleep now........will be back in the morning....... | 08:34 |
adwait | bbye | 08:34 |
=== ilpum [~ilpum@p54A395AC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
HappyFool | JDahl: i get .. um. 20 days vac leave a year ;) | 08:34 |
apokryphos | Kyral: what do you want... to know how you can recreate it? Which part, exactly | 08:34 |
=== nalioth is now known as nalioth_wrkn | ||
luke | does anybody have a great idea how to install flash on ubuntu64? I know that that depends on macromedia plugin, but maybe someone can do it without this plugin?? | 08:34 |
Quest-Master | GTK is only as ugly as the theme assigned to it is.. | 08:34 |
=== mackid [~dan@67-138-151-125.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyral | every part :P | 08:34 |
inemo | Kyral: not trying to turn it into OS X are you? | 08:35 |
apokryphos | Kyral: I'm sure I don't need to note that KDE has far better support for composite extensions | 08:35 |
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=== Mestapheles [~Captain@d142-179-138-139.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyral | inemo, YEEP! | 08:35 |
Kyral | my Icon Set is the default OS X set :P | 08:35 |
inemo | haha | 08:35 |
ilpum_ | I want to promote ubuntu on my website, can anyone give me a link to some buttons? I need a 88x15 one, plz. | 08:35 |
jeroen_ | ilpum_, tried the wiki? | 08:35 |
=== inemo has 9 macs | ||
jeroen_ | search for Art | 08:35 |
Kyral | shiiiit | 08:35 |
=== nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth | ||
Kyral | can I have one? | 08:35 |
mackid | hey all. I just installed hoary, then added more repos, and when i apt-get update i get a GPG error regarding http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates .. any help? | 08:36 |
inemo | nope :D | 08:36 |
apokryphos | inemo: wow | 08:36 |
Kyral | I'm not the only one!! | 08:36 |
Kyral | THANK YOU LORD!! | 08:36 |
nalioth | inemo it's not nice to be boastful | 08:36 |
=== peglax [~peglax@p54B24B9E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | us.archive.ubuntu.com had problems in the past, so they're happening again, perhaps | 08:36 |
inemo | nalioth: :p | 08:36 |
jmjones | Kyral: was that your desktop you posted a screenshot for? | 08:36 |
inemo | just stating facts | 08:36 |
Kyral | yah | 08:37 |
inemo | yes | 08:37 |
mackid | apokryphos, do i need to add that GPG key or something? | 08:37 |
inemo | he's finally buggered off | 08:37 |
ralph | JDahl: it may be easier to extend Skencil in the direction of xfig. | 08:37 |
jmjones | Kyral: what them you running? | 08:37 |
jmjones | that looks sweet. | 08:37 |
Kyral | GNOME :D | 08:37 |
nalioth | mackid: it is not YOU, it is the server having trouble atm | 08:37 |
=== jakob_ [~jakob@196.80-202-82.nextgentel.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
jmjones | i'll have to mod the background, though :-) | 08:37 |
apokryphos | mackid: I don't think so, since it's happening to the main archive, not an external third-party one | 08:37 |
=== HappyFool goes to look for skencil | ||
Kyral | if I can make KDE to that I may switch | 08:37 |
mackid | ah, ok - thanks | 08:37 |
nalioth | jmjones: did you get sorted? | 08:37 |
apokryphos | Kyral: do what? | 08:37 |
apokryphos | Kyral: what's special about it? | 08:37 |
Kyral | I like the feel :D | 08:37 |
KarlosII | Rank Distribution H.P.D* | 08:37 |
KarlosII | 1 Ubuntu 2492< | 08:37 |
KarlosII | 2 Mandriva 1617 | 08:37 |
KarlosII | lol | 08:37 |
jmjones | Kyral: what theme? | 08:37 |
Kyral | lemme get the parts | 08:38 |
apokryphos | Kyral: I think you should check the screenshots on kdelook.org | 08:38 |
ralph | JDahl: it's the new name for Sketch http://www.nongnu.org/skencil/ | 08:38 |
JDahl | ralph, I never heard of Skencil - is it worth installing? My primary reason for using Xfig is Latex, tho, my drawings are very simple, but I want the equations to be decent | 08:38 |
jmjones | nalioth: nah - couldn't get past the dependencies..... | 08:38 |
KarlosII | 17 KANOTIX 341= | 08:38 |
KarlosII | 18 Kubuntu 315< | 08:38 |
KarlosII | lol | 08:38 |
=== Chrischan__ [~Chrischan@p54BFD716.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jmjones | was looking for bloodlust, but haven't seen him..... | 08:38 |
nalioth | jmjones: want to learn further voodoo? | 08:38 |
=== Ralc [~Ralc@port119.ds1-rdo.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jmjones | nalioth: i dunno - don't wanna eff up my system. got it kinda like i want it. i may install the pieces i want from source into a relatively safe, secluded directory somewhere. | 08:39 |
jmjones | thx, though... | 08:39 |
Kyral | Controls: Glossy P, Window Border: Glossy P, Icons: MacOS-X | 08:39 |
apokryphos | Kyral: suffice it to say, you can make KDE do much more than that | 08:39 |
ralph | JDahl: oh, in that case I think you're best off with xfig as a gui tool. Have you considered something like pic in TeX mode? | 08:39 |
Kyral | mmm, you have me interested | 08:39 |
nalioth | jmjones: no effin allowed. . . | 08:39 |
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JDahl | ralph, my drawings are not *that* simple | 08:40 |
nalioth | jmjones: if i effed ya up, i'd havta help you fix it | 08:40 |
apokryphos | Kyral: what's the GTK theme manager? Whatever it is, superkaramba has more, really | 08:40 |
KarlosII | European Parliament Says No To Software Patents <---yeyeyeyeyey yey | 08:40 |
Kyral | I think I am using the Clearlooks I think | 08:40 |
inemo | how do I install freetype fonts? | 08:40 |
jmjones | yeah - i'm trying to work on this laptop - i don't really want to fix it from the bottom.... | 08:40 |
=== d-man [~d-man@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | inemo: in your ~/.fonts folder | 08:40 |
=== athlon [~athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
inemo | nalioth: so how? download them or are they already in .fonts? | 08:40 |
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apokryphos | Kyral: I'll show you mine, as an example. Did this not too long ago: http://kdelook.org/content/show.php?content=25999 I generally don't like dark themes | 08:41 |
nalioth | inemo: your current ~/.fonts shouldnt exist | 08:41 |
kalolo | hi!... can some one know where is the openssl directory in ubuntu? | 08:41 |
nalioth | inemo: freetype or truetype? | 08:41 |
apokryphos | and I didn't stay on that one long -- need a light one, myself. But that's just an example | 08:41 |
JDahl | ralph, well, maybe they are, but I dont have the patience for programming the pcitures in TeX | 08:41 |
nalioth | kalolo: open a terminal and type "locate ssl" | 08:41 |
luke | does anybody have a great idea how to install flash on ubuntu64? I know that that depends on macromedia plugin, but maybe someone can do it without this plugin?? | 08:41 |
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kalolo | ok.. thanks nalioth | 08:41 |
inemo | freetype 2 nalioth | 08:41 |
nalioth | luke, you may be out of luck | 08:42 |
apokryphos | Kyral: it should go to show though, that whatever your taste, there are things (icons, styles, karamba themes, window decorations, color scheemes) easily available | 08:42 |
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nalioth | inemo: download and install in ~/.fonts | 08:42 |
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Kyral | Any good Aqua themes? | 08:42 |
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gm78 | Hey everyone, I have yet another problem. All of my user accounts can no longer write to CD drives or open removable media such as thumb drives | 08:42 |
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inemo | nalioth: sure thing :) | 08:42 |
=== loviggi [~loviggi@host183-214.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ralph | JDahl: there's some pic examples at http://troff.org/prog.html -- it isn't TeX, pic spits out TeX from your description. | 08:42 |
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apokryphos | Kyral: Yes. | 08:43 |
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nameless1 | i have been running totem and i have noticed videos arnt as smooth as in windows. i have a ati video card and i have installed the drivers. I might not of set them up properly tho. does anyone have any tips to give me better performance? | 08:43 |
HappyFool | nameless1: you've turned on DMA on your DVD drive? | 08:44 |
jmjones | Kyral: you remember where you downloaded your pieces for your theme parts? | 08:44 |
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gm78 | is there any specific file which controls who has write access to removable media? | 08:44 |
Kyral | Combo of GNOME-look and art.gnome.org | 08:44 |
JDahl | ralph, that actually looks pretty useful - thanks! | 08:44 |
mostrodibiscotti | what about vnc for linux? | 08:44 |
mostrodibiscotti | realvnc? | 08:45 |
mostrodibiscotti | or is there another? | 08:45 |
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nalioth | mostrodibiscotti: search packages.ubuntu.com and you'll find several options for vnc | 08:45 |
nameless1 | HappyFool, im playin it off a harddrive happy | 08:45 |
holycow | mostrodibiscotti, its installed by default on ubuntu | 08:45 |
Kyral | http://kdelook.org/content/show.php?content=6585 <---SCORE | 08:45 |
holycow | *hmm* i think ... | 08:45 |
KarlosII | vnc is opensource but freenx is better | 08:45 |
Ralc | tobi, sorry i left like that before, but i think its using esound to output now. i can now hear the ubuntu sounds | 08:45 |
luke | hey guys, dont't you see my question? | 08:45 |
HappyFool | nameless1: just checking. DMA is not on by default for dvd drives -- should be on for hard drives | 08:46 |
holycow | oh yes it is | 08:46 |
Ralc | why cant my xmms play mp3?? | 08:46 |
holycow | system / prefs / remote desktop | 08:46 |
six2one | it can w/ plugin | 08:46 |
JesusAteMyFaith | luke, you either install macromedia's flash or gplflash | 08:46 |
nameless1 | HappyFool, where is it i go to turn it off? | 08:46 |
luke | because you havee no plugin | 08:46 |
=== chris24tn [~chris@pcp04897623pcs.andrsn01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n6mod | Sorry if you guys have been through this, I just popped in... What's up with the repository on us.security.ubuntu.com? | 08:46 |
nalioths_dog | Ralc: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support | 08:46 |
chris24tn | hi, everybody | 08:46 |
n6mod | Getting GPG BADSIGs on update | 08:46 |
HappyFool | nameless1: err, no, you want it on ;) | 08:46 |
Kyral | Now just find me a replace ment for my sensors and I'm happy :D | 08:46 |
HappyFool | nameless1: hdparm is the tool | 08:46 |
chris24tn | i've had a great time so far with ubuntu, but i'm having a lot of trouble getting my sound to work | 08:46 |
luke | there is no macromedia plugin for 64 bit architecture | 08:47 |
peet | chris24tn: what have you tired | 08:47 |
chris24tn | linux detects my sound card, i can adjust the volume, and even play music....but no sound!@ | 08:47 |
nalioth | n6mod: the repos are a bit off today, it seems | 08:47 |
peet | chris24tn: tried* | 08:47 |
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luke | and gplflash is very "in progress" | 08:47 |
peet | chris24tn: you have to unmute it | 08:47 |
HappyFool | nameless1: e.g., 'sudo hdparm /dev/hda' or 'hdparm /dev/hdc' | 08:47 |
chris24tn | i have tried the instructions on the unofficial handbook website | 08:47 |
Kyral | Okay | 08:47 |
six2one | no sound at all or can you hear system sounds? | 08:47 |
peet | chris24tn: you have to unmute! | 08:47 |
JesusAteMyFaith | luke, then I don't know what to tell you | 08:47 |
n6mod | nalioth: OK, so it's not just me. ;) | 08:47 |
chris24tn | it isn't muted... | 08:47 |
nalioth | chris24tn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary | 08:47 |
chris24tn | i've checked all the volume settings | 08:47 |
Kyral | WTF does Kubuntu-Desktop install openssh-server? | 08:47 |
peet | chris24tn: by default it is | 08:47 |
luke | ok, thanks | 08:47 |
nameless1 | HappyFool, using_dma = 1 (on) | 08:48 |
nalioth | chris24tn: did you go to ubuntuguide by chance? | 08:48 |
luke | maybe anybody else kwon a trick? is there a trick? | 08:48 |
Seveas | luke, no | 08:48 |
chris24tn | nalioth, yes i did, i've done everything they said to do | 08:48 |
nameless1 | HappyFool, any other ideas to make the video as smooth as with windows? | 08:48 |
JesusAteMyFaith | luke, a jedi asking for tricks? :P | 08:48 |
Seveas | linux+amd64+flash does not exist | 08:48 |
six2one | is there any sound at all, like system sounds? | 08:48 |
jeroen_ | Please do not follow Ubuntuguide; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines (number 3) chris24tn | 08:48 |
nalioth | luke: you are probably out of luck on flash and other proprietarty things on the amd64 arch | 08:48 |
HappyFool | nameless1: sorry, no | 08:49 |
nalioth | chris24tn: in the future avoid ubuntuguide, it is full of bad and completely wrong info | 08:49 |
luke | why? linux can do everything | 08:49 |
apokryphos | Kyral: because it gives you everything that would come on the kubuntu CD | 08:49 |
HappyFool | nameless1: try maybe mplayer / xine / vlc instead | 08:49 |
nalioth | chris24tn: see the https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead | 08:49 |
luke | macromedia is slepping | 08:49 |
nameless1 | HappyFool, do you think its most likly the videocard or what? | 08:49 |
pdkl | linux cant play Everquest 2 | 08:49 |
n6mod | luke: On amd64 here too...look for 32bit chroot in the forum or wiki | 08:49 |
pdkl | sorry :| | 08:49 |
chris24tn | oh ok | 08:49 |
apokryphos | Kyral: there are alternative methods for installing Kubuntu stuff. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/installingKDE | 08:49 |
gm78 | can someone open their /etc/group file, i think mine got messed up when i installed autopackage, i already had to fix it once? let me know when u have it open | 08:49 |
nalioth | luke: proprietary formats suck | 08:49 |
luke | ok thanks | 08:49 |
chris24tn | well shoot, wish i'd known that earlier ;) | 08:49 |
HappyFool | nameless1: sorry, don't really know. i only know the obvious suggestions ;) | 08:49 |
chris24tn | tho it did get my 3d accelleration working | 08:50 |
n6mod | There's a way to install another copy of Firefox in a chroot environment that will run the macromedia flash plugin | 08:50 |
gm78 | i need to see if i have my user as members of the proper groups | 08:50 |
n6mod | (and Java, and a few other things) | 08:50 |
nameless1 | HappyFool, ok thanx | 08:50 |
nalioth | chris24tn: not alll of it is bad, the trick is knowing the bad from teh good | 08:50 |
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Blissex | gm78: just reinstall the package that contains '/etc/group' | 08:50 |
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luke | what is proprietary format? comercial files? | 08:50 |
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n6mod | luke: Flash is not open source | 08:50 |
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gm78 | Blissex, /etc/group controls all user accounts on the system, i doubt that would be a very good idea | 08:50 |
chris24tn | ah | 08:51 |
nalioth | luke: anything that i can't d/l source code for, is proprietary as far as im concerned | 08:51 |
luke | I know, but animation is graet and so much web pages uses this | 08:51 |
JesusAteMyFaith | luke, Google what is proprietary | 08:51 |
chris24tn | well, since i obviously can't make that distinction, i'll stick with the wiki ;) | 08:51 |
n6mod | Macromedia hasn't discovered that there are people who use amd64 as something other than a shiny new 32-bit machine. ;) | 08:51 |
luke | thanks | 08:51 |
gm78 | Blissex, are you able to open yours and tell me all of the groups your user account is a member of? | 08:51 |
luke | :p | 08:51 |
HappyFool | !repositories | 08:51 |
ubotu | I guess repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 08:51 |
nalioth | chris24tn: or ask in here first, if you see it on the 'guide | 08:51 |
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n6mod | Thanks for the sanity check on the repos... | 08:51 |
Seveas | !sources | 08:51 |
ubotu | sources is probably http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 | 08:51 |
Blissex | gm78: but is of no use to you -- my groups are purely local. | 08:51 |
HappyFool | Seveas: ah, good keyword | 08:52 |
Grobi | how can i play .mpc-files with xmms?????? | 08:52 |
apokryphos | Seveas: bot? 'Bout time the channel got one | 08:52 |
gm78 | Blissex, are you able to tell me if u r a member of the hal group then? | 08:52 |
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chris24tn | hmmm....i still don't seem to be able to get this working... | 08:52 |
Seveas | apokryphos, it's been here a long time already... | 08:52 |
nameless1 | can someone tell me where i can get a list of server commands so that i can register my nickname? | 08:52 |
Seveas | /ns help | 08:52 |
jeroen_ | nameless1, /help | 08:52 |
luke | what do you do with it guys? 32-bit fedora or no flash or what ...? | 08:52 |
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gm78 | Blissex, i installed autopackage and have had nothing but problems since, it changed all of my group settings so i didnt even have sound, and a whole bunch of other things | 08:52 |
Blissex | gm78: here I am not, but I have a very peculiar setup for users. | 08:52 |
apokryphos | Seveas: Ah, I wouldn't know; was away for a long period of time with exams. | 08:52 |
nalioth | nameless1: type /msg nickserv help | 08:53 |
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luke | does anybody kwon when macromedia will give us 64bit plugin? | 08:53 |
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Blissex | gm78: well, you may want to add yourself back into the groups that own most hardware devices. | 08:53 |
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inemo | nalioth: ubuntu is built on unix isn't it? thus can't get virus's | 08:53 |
Blissex | gm78: just look at the groups in '/dev/; | 08:53 |
jeroen_ | luke, proprietary vendors are unpredictable | 08:53 |
jeroen_ | inemo, GNU/Linux is an Unix clone | 08:53 |
chris_ub | anyone can help me with two X problems please? | 08:53 |
gm78 | Blissex, alright, ill give it a shot. thx! | 08:53 |
JesusAteMyFaith | inemo, social engineering is a virus | 08:53 |
jeroen_ | inemo, the risk of viruses is small | 08:53 |
lsuactiafner | luke : install the 32bit plugin.. and run the 32bit firefox binary.. emulation is transparent | 08:54 |
inemo | jeroen_: JesusAteMyFaith: thanks :) | 08:54 |
nalioth | inemo: ubuntu is a linux distro. linux is intercompatible with unix. so, virii are diffecult to put on us users | 08:54 |
lsuactiafner | chris_ub : just ask dude | 08:54 |
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jeroen_ | inemo, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2003/10/06/linux_vs_windows_viruses/ | 08:54 |
AndyR | lo ppl | 08:54 |
Seveas | hi | 08:54 |
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nalioth | chris24tn: ask your question | 08:54 |
Evans | ssseveasss :( my modem still aint workin | 08:55 |
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chris_ub | ok | 08:55 |
Blissex | gm78: just look at the groups in '/dev/'; usually one wants to be in. I have put myself into 'disk', 'audio', 'video', 'lp' but I am not sure all of it makes sense. | 08:55 |
apokryphos | Seveas: how can I view all the current saved links? | 08:55 |
JesusAteMyFaith | inemo, people have been known to give out their passwords for a small reward, like a candy bar or something stupid, thus the OS can be virus/trojan resistant by design but still be vulnerable to flawed user/admins who are, by design, flawed as human beings. | 08:55 |
lsuactiafner | heh | 08:55 |
Seveas | apokryphos, dunno :) | 08:55 |
gm78 | Blissex, alright, will do. i just had my mom email me her group file too, so ill compare with it also | 08:55 |
chris_ub | i'm using breezy at the moment, and have problems with keyboard in X | 08:55 |
lsuactiafner | JesusAteMyFaith : if you dont mind change your nick its offensive to me | 08:55 |
nalioth | JesusAteMyFaith: yes, good ol' social engineering | 08:55 |
Poromies | has anyone using 64bit system managed to install Skype to 32bit chroot? is it possible? | 08:55 |
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nalioth | chris_ub: breezy ate your X | 08:56 |
inemo | JesusAteMyFaith: i'll take a fudge cake for my password ;) | 08:56 |
=== Blue_Summer [~rob@cpc1-leed4-5-0-cust211.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | chris_ub: x is broken in breezy atm | 08:56 |
JesusAteMyFaith | lsuactiafner, that's a candy bar in disguise | 08:56 |
chris_ub | i can't use umlauts and characters like the AT in email-adresses | 08:56 |
luke | you mean 2 firexox browsers (32bit and 64bit) ? | 08:56 |
Blue_Summer | Anyone know where i can get gaim_vv? | 08:56 |
chris_ub | i thougt it got fixed | 08:56 |
droz | exit | 08:56 |
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chris_ub | especially the XKB problem? | 08:56 |
jeroen_ | nalioth, virii is not the plural of virus | 08:56 |
Blue_Summer | viri is the plural of virus | 08:57 |
nalioth | jeroen_: educate me, please | 08:57 |
goldfish | penii is the plural of penis | 08:57 |
lsuactiafner | i run a 32bit firefox, didnt know firefox has been ported? | 08:57 |
jeroen_ | Blue_Summer, nalioth no it's not, the Romans never use plural for virus (slime) | 08:57 |
gm78 | Blissex, autopackage removed hal from a bunch of groups, thats what the problem is. that thing has been a nightmare, my computer hasnt been the same since i installed it. it is gone now, but my computer is still a mess | 08:57 |
apokryphos | Seveas: no worries; what about the syntax for getting him to remember something? | 08:57 |
chris_ub | another problem | 08:57 |
Ralc | YES I CAN PLAY MP3! sounds like crap tho :) | 08:57 |
jeroen_ | Blue_Summer, so it could only be genitive | 08:57 |
chris_ub | i can't start my default gnome-session anymore | 08:57 |
Blue_Summer | jeroen_, are we the romans no? | 08:57 |
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Poromies | im using 64bit ubuntu hoary, and i am quite frequently using 32bit programs that are set up on my 32bit chroot subsystem.. im trying to install skype to chroot now, has anyone had any experiences? | 08:57 |
HappyFool | jeroen_: what, didn't they have ghost-busters? | 08:58 |
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Seveas | ub0tu foobar is a http://foobar | 08:58 |
chris_ub | all i get is a xterminal without a window-manager | 08:58 |
Seveas | replace 0 with an o and he remembers foobar as http://foobar | 08:58 |
apokryphos | Seveas: thanks | 08:58 |
jeroen_ | Blue_Summer, use 'our' way then, viruses | 08:58 |
Nameless1 | HappyFool, just thought id let you know that its running faster in vlc so u can help anyone else that has the same problem :P | 08:58 |
goldfish | he> :) | 08:58 |
HappyFool | Nameless1: thank you. i'll remember | 08:58 |
chris_ub | right after a dialogbox is displayed saying "your" and showing a OK-button | 08:58 |
HappyFool | Nameless1: do you have totem-xine ? | 08:58 |
lsuactiafner | heh, rm -r .gnome aint a good idea or is it ppl? | 08:58 |
gm78 | Blissex, anyways, thanks for your help | 08:59 |
gm78 | ttyk | 08:59 |
gm78 | *ttyl | 08:59 |
lsuactiafner | for chris_ub.. | 08:59 |
Blue_Summer | Anyone know where to get gaim_vv or how to use a webcam with an msn account? | 08:59 |
chris_ub | i already did that | 08:59 |
chris_ub | and it didn't fix anything | 08:59 |
Seveas | Blue_Summer, have you googled for it yet..? | 08:59 |
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MrJangles | how do you pronounce ubuntu? | 08:59 |
nalioth | lsuactiafner: chris_ub is using breezy. is there a productive idea at all? | 08:59 |
Nameless1 | HappyFool, yeah i think i do ill install it later, i guess that SHOULD fix my problem too. Right now im off to watch some vids i downloaded. | 08:59 |
Nameless1 | OO BUN TOO ? | 08:59 |
HappyFool | Nameless1: have fun | 09:00 |
Seveas | MrJangles, ooh-boon-too, with oo as in book | 09:00 |
lsuactiafner | heh | 09:00 |
Kyral | Note to self, aptR kynaptic and openoffice-bin | 09:00 |
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lsuactiafner | nalioth : even i dont run it | 09:00 |
MrJangles | interesting :) | 09:00 |
ksmurf | how do I make dynamic links ... is it ln/your file name? | 09:00 |
jeroen_ | ksmurf, man ln | 09:00 |
kbrooks | no | 09:00 |
ksmurf | tks | 09:00 |
nalioth | lsuactiafner: i may install it when i get a spare machine next week | 09:00 |
Seveas | ksmurf, ln -s /path/to/file | 09:00 |
nalioth | keyword SPARE machine | 09:01 |
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lsuactiafner | ln -s what_is what_isnt | 09:01 |
Ralc | why does xmms sound like crap? | 09:01 |
nalioth | Ralc: speakers are crap? | 09:01 |
lsuactiafner | becuase it got no vowles in the name.. | 09:01 |
lsuactiafner | difficult to pronouce.. | 09:01 |
HappyFool | mpgs are at 8kb/s ? ;) | 09:01 |
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lsuactiafner | Ralc : change the audio out to alsa | 09:01 |
Ralc | nalioth, i know how my laptop speakers sound (theyre crap) but this is worse | 09:02 |
apokryphos | Ralc: see if you have the same problem in other players | 09:02 |
Proteque | what do I have to use to get sleep to work when I close my laptop? | 09:02 |
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nalioth | Proteque: patience | 09:02 |
Ralc | lsuactiafner, xmms freezes if i do that | 09:02 |
goldfish | pray to god | 09:02 |
nalioth | Proteque: in laptops, sleep is the big thing (both x86 and PPC) | 09:02 |
JesusAteMyFaith | goldfish, that froze my system | 09:02 |
Proteque | nalioth: nope. work great on my ibook (not ubuntu though hehe) | 09:03 |
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Proteque | nalioth: so there is no way to make it sleep and wake as the status is now? | 09:03 |
nalioth | Proteque: correct NOT ubuntu (ydl worked great on my iBook, too, but <shudder> i just can't handle RPMs) | 09:03 |
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nalioth | Proteque: not at this time, to my knowledge | 09:04 |
Proteque | nalioth: okay. (this is x86) | 09:04 |
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Proteque | status is the same there? | 09:04 |
nalioth | Proteque: you might check the wiki, for x86 | 09:04 |
Ralc | apokryphos, i cant play mp3 files in other players. rythmbox refuses to play them | 09:04 |
Mestapheles | hoary supports reiser 3 not 4 correct? | 09:04 |
chris24tn | hmmmm...is there any way i can check, to make sure that my output is going to the right sound card? | 09:04 |
HappyFool | Ralc: have you been to the restrictedformats page on the wiki? | 09:04 |
HappyFool | !restricted | 09:04 |
ubotu | restricted is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 09:04 |
apokryphos | Ralc: you may need gstreamer-0.8mad, I believe it is, for that. Otherwise get amarok | 09:04 |
nalioth | Ralc: have you installled gstreamer0.8-mad? | 09:05 |
Discipulus | http://www.sptimes.com/2005/07/04/State/Wi_Fi_cloaks_a_new_br.shtml | 09:05 |
Ralc | HappyFool, yes | 09:05 |
Ralc | apokryphos, okay ill to to find it | 09:05 |
Ralc | nalioth, nope :) | 09:05 |
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six2one | later all | 09:06 |
=== jakob_ [~jakob@196.80-202-82.nextgentel.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
dockane | just took a look to ubuntuguide.org for configuring a dhcp server ... what about the domain-name-servers ? i would like to add those from my isp. any idea ? | 09:06 |
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kbrooks | dockane, dont use the ubuntu guide | 09:06 |
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inemo | !wiki | 09:06 |
Ralc | nalioth, apokryphos, i cant find it | 09:06 |
inemo | !wiki dhcp | 09:07 |
dockane | kbrooks, whats wrong with it ? | 09:07 |
nalioth | dockane: please don't mention the ubuntuguide in here... | 09:07 |
kbrooks | dockane, use: system > adminstration > networking | 09:07 |
JesusAteMyFaith | why do people on the ubuntu forums suggest the unofficial ubuntu guide yet people in here say not to use it? | 09:07 |
nalioth | dockane: read #3 here, please | 09:07 |
bloodlust | whats up all | 09:07 |
apokryphos | Ralc: it's gstreamer0.8-mad | 09:07 |
kbrooks | #3? | 09:07 |
bloodlust | im dyin here | 09:07 |
HappyFool | Ralc: gstreamer0.8-mad is in the 'universe' repository -- have you enabled network repositories ? | 09:07 |
kbrooks | where? | 09:07 |
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kbrooks | doh | 09:07 |
nalioth | JesusAteMyFaith: you can read the same URL | 09:07 |
bloodlust | whats the easiest way to copy a dvd (movie) with ubuntu? | 09:07 |
=== kbrooks waits | ||
nalioth | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines | 09:08 |
JesusAteMyFaith | nalioth, thanks | 09:08 |
Ralc | apokryphos, its not on the list | 09:08 |
Ralc | HappyFool, no idea | 09:08 |
bloodlust | i have only the dvd+-RW drive no actual dvd playing drive to copy directly from | 09:08 |
HappyFool | !repositories | 09:08 |
ubotu | repositories is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 09:08 |
nalioth | bloodlust: make an image | 09:09 |
HappyFool | Ralc: go to that wiki page, and add the network repositories | 09:09 |
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bloodlust | nalioth ---- thats all i've been trying to do this hole time is copy dvds | 09:09 |
Ralc | HappyFool, okay | 09:09 |
apokryphos | Ralc: you need the Uni repository. Check the links provided above. | 09:09 |
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nalioth | bloodlust: use k3b | 09:09 |
bwlang_ | anybody know what a .wx file is? | 09:09 |
kbrooks | * Ubuntuguide.org presents wrong solutions, ranging from suboptimal solutions to pure regressions. # Regressions such as making you add a repoistory to be used constantly | 09:09 |
bloodlust | nalioth -- whats k3b | 09:09 |
Gerrath | I tried to register a gpg key with Ubuntu Launchpad and I got the following message:Key 1024D/69236B7B was claimed, sending email to :.At least one UID should be validated to get the key imported as yours. | 09:09 |
HappyFool | Ralc: then you can install the mp3 codecs (i.e., gstreamer0.8-mad) | 09:09 |
nalioth | !info k3b | 09:10 |
kbrooks | @ JesusAteMyFaith | 09:10 |
ubotu | k3b: (K3b, a sophisticated KDE cd burning application), section otherosfs, is optional. Version: 0.11.23-0ubuntu3 (hoary), Packaged size: 2209 kB, Installed size: 4716 kB | 09:10 |
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Gerrath | what does that mean? | 09:10 |
bloodlust | !info k3b | 09:10 |
JesusAteMyFaith | kbrooks, thanks | 09:10 |
HappyFool | Gerrath: it's probably sent a mail to you ? | 09:10 |
Gerrath | HappyFool, I thought that too but I have not recieved one yet. | 09:10 |
nalioth | Gerrath: have you had your key signed? | 09:11 |
HappyFool | Gerrath: *shrug*, sorry, not sure | 09:11 |
Gerrath | no. | 09:11 |
dockane | nalioth, kbrooks : i got the point. so i will bookmark the wiki instead of the guide and come back later with any questions | 09:11 |
Gerrath | HappyFool, no. | 09:11 |
=== AnguS [Hal9000@vpn198.rz.uni-mannheim.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | JesusAteMyFaith, also, for: "Ubuntuguide.org is not really a guide, but a mere list of command you might enter. It gives no explanations at all" look at making sound work properly in gnome and tell us what it does! | 09:12 |
Gerrath | HappyFool, do I sign it before I register it? | 09:12 |
Gerrath | HappyFool, I'm pretty new to gpg. | 09:12 |
nalioth | Gerrath: www.biglumber.com make it so | 09:12 |
HappyFool | Gerrath: me too! ask nalioth ;) | 09:12 |
nalioth | Gerrath: someone ELSE signs YOUR key | 09:12 |
AnguS | hi there... i got trouble installing the MANTIS package on hoary... it doesn't work! somehow it cant connect to mysql, but i supplied correct user/pass etc! anyone else experienced such problems? | 09:12 |
dizzie | Newest available PHP version for Ubuntu is 4.3.3, how can i install 5,x ? =) | 09:12 |
apokryphos | dizzie: you'll have to compile | 09:13 |
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Gerrath | nalioth, how do you get someone else to sign it? | 09:13 |
dizzie | Figured that, v5 is old and stable, just not if you use apt-get :) | 09:13 |
nalioth | Gerrath: www.biglumber.com <<<bookmark it | 09:13 |
nalioth | Gerrath: go to that site, find your nearest city (use only the city name, no state/province/country code) | 09:14 |
nalioth | Gerrath: email any of the users you find, in a friendly manner and they'll be happy to explain further | 09:14 |
devios | thanks for the help today, all. lata | 09:15 |
Gerrath | nalioth, Thanks, I'm assuming it will be one of them that will sign it? | 09:15 |
nalioth | Gerrath: basically you show them your govt issued id, some other things, and they show you theirs, adn y'all go home and sign each others keys | 09:15 |
nalioth | Gerrath: your key can be signed millions of times | 09:15 |
nalioth | Gerrath: if you could find millions of gpg users | 09:15 |
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Gerrath | nalioth, can I just have a friend sign it that also uses gpg? | 09:16 |
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nalioth | Gerrath: surely, as long as y'all follow the standards | 09:16 |
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nalioth | Gerrath: won't hurt a bit to contact someone from biglumber | 09:17 |
zooko | Greetings, people of #ubuntu! Can anyone help me install mplayer on breezy? | 09:17 |
zooko | 09:17 | |
zooko | I think maybe I'll just go get the mplayer source ... | 09:17 |
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dockane | nalioth, you gave me the advice to use system -> system -> administration. i may switch to dhcp cnfiguration there but where do i activate a dhcp server ? | 09:17 |
luke | see the topic | 09:17 |
nalioth | zooko: sounds good | 09:17 |
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nalioth | dockane: i have no clue. i think you've missent to me | 09:18 |
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dockane | nalioth, i am sorry. it was kbrooks | 09:18 |
punkrockmcduck | ahoy | 09:18 |
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kbrooks | dockane, uh | 09:19 |
Adreno | Anyone here know anything about Dosbox? | 09:19 |
nalioth | customers are calling | 09:19 |
nalioth | ttyl | 09:19 |
kbrooks | i said system -> adminstration -> network | 09:19 |
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=== mwh_ [~mwh@port10.ds1-arve.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dockane | kbrooks, i found everything i need in the wiki. no reaseon to get nervous ;) | 09:19 |
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kbrooks | dockane, not nervous. it's just a habit | 09:20 |
punkrockmcduck | i need some with my junky old sound card | 09:20 |
punkrockmcduck | i need some help, that is. | 09:20 |
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lsuactiafner | Adreno : use dosbox to play old dos based games | 09:20 |
lsuactiafner | Adreno : like dune2 not dune2000 | 09:20 |
lsuactiafner | dune2 is fun | 09:20 |
punkrockmcduck | ahh dune. that was always a good time. | 09:21 |
Adreno | i know what its for, and i got it installed, but i cant seem to find out how to mount the directory | 09:21 |
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Ralc | HappyFool, okay i figured it out now.. and i have installed that "mad" thing. the sound still sucks :D | 09:22 |
HappyFool | Ralc: tried any .wav files? | 09:22 |
lsuactiafner | Ralc : change to audio out | 09:22 |
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Ralc | HappyFool, have none :) | 09:23 |
HappyFool | Ralc: music cd? | 09:24 |
=== Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-66.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ralc | lsuactiafner, to what? esd is the only one that works | 09:24 |
HappyFool | Ralc: do the ubuntu sounds (like startup sound) sound ok? | 09:24 |
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lsuactiafner | alsa should be nice | 09:25 |
lsuactiafner | and make sure your speakers are plugged in properly | 09:25 |
Kyral | emm, nivermind, KDE != me | 09:25 |
Ralc | HappyFool, yes its okay | 09:25 |
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KarlosII | hmm msn is down | 09:25 |
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lsuactiafner | cool | 09:26 |
no_gatez_fan | anyone know of good reading material to help me get shorewall started and configured? | 09:26 |
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Big_O | hi | 09:26 |
HappyFool | Ralc: here's a test wav file /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav <-- you say this sounds ok ? | 09:26 |
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HappyFool | Ralc: i don't know why mp3 playback would be bad, but other playback ok | 09:27 |
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lsuactiafner | no_gatez_fan : freshmeat.net search shorewall then goto the shorewall page and read their documentation | 09:27 |
apokryphos | KarlosII: not here | 09:27 |
no_gatez_fan | ok ty | 09:28 |
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sly | Hi, I have tried three different nics with a new install and still cannot get an adress from my dhcp | 09:29 |
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Ralc | HappyFool, yeah they sound like theyre okay.. i have to play them in totem though.. and if i play a while at the same this as a mp3 the mp3 really fucks up | 09:29 |
kbrooks | lol | 09:29 |
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dszabo | My screen resolution is set at 640X480, using the Intel 845G Graphics | 09:30 |
dszabo | Cant get it out of this resolution | 09:30 |
lsuactiafner | ubotu : tell dszabo about resolution | 09:30 |
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kbrooks | what package do i need for dvd watching? started with lib something | 09:31 |
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lsuactiafner | libdvdcss to crack dvds.. | 09:31 |
lsuactiafner | libdvdread | 09:31 |
Discipulus | lsuactiafner, not libdvdcss2 ? | 09:31 |
lsuactiafner | many of em.. | 09:31 |
minimidgy | does any know how to compile cube (game) | 09:32 |
lsuactiafner | Discipulus : not sure, i usually just ftp to a gentoo mirror and do ls *dvd* | 09:32 |
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kbrooks | lsuactiafner, are you going offtopic? | 09:33 |
dockane | i am not really totally new to the topic, but isn't a bit too much for somebody wihtout _any knowledge about tcp ip to let him configure /etc/ipmasq.conf ?? | 09:34 |
Discipulus | lsuactiafner, why gentoo? | 09:34 |
lsuactiafner | kbrooks : no, easy way to list any package with dvd in the name | 09:34 |
lsuactiafner | and usually its the newest / stable package name | 09:35 |
dockane | as this is the provided "help" on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/forum/hardware/InternetConectionSharing | 09:35 |
sly | how come lspci gives me the nic but I cant get an address form my dhcp server? | 09:35 |
anacron | hmm can someone help me with updating my virtualhost or what ever it is (no-ip.org linux tool) | 09:36 |
jozzer | how does the default user setup work? my created user does it have root access? I can't seem to su - root wrong p/w??? | 09:36 |
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Kyral | sudo :D | 09:36 |
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jozzer | i dont whish to use sudo | 09:36 |
=== tiredbones [~tiredbone@dsta-ai166.pivot.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
^thehatsrule^ | do sudo su then | 09:37 |
goldfish | or sudo bash | 09:37 |
HappyFool | !sudo | 09:37 |
ubotu | methinks sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 09:37 |
anacron | sudo -s works as well | 09:37 |
Big_O | hmm how do i put an audio controller in fluxbox? | 09:37 |
HappyFool | jozzer: you can read that link for more, afaik | 09:37 |
tiredbones | Can someone tell me how to get my ip address of the adsl modem I use? | 09:37 |
goldfish | tiredbones: /sbin/ifconfig | 09:38 |
HappyFool | tiredbones: also Applications -> System tools -> Network tools | 09:38 |
tiredbones | Would an ip address of seem right? | 09:39 |
inemo | tiredbones: yup | 09:39 |
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neyz | hello | 09:40 |
epl | tiredbones: host dsta-ai166.pivot.net | 09:40 |
epl | tiredbones: perhaps? | 09:40 |
Big_O | uhhh... | 09:41 |
Big_O | hmm ill try somewhere else then | 09:42 |
tiredbones | Ok if that's looks like an ip for the modem, why would I get the placeholder page for the server when I keyin the address on the browser? | 09:42 |
kbrooks | can i have a dvd in a cdrom drive? | 09:42 |
anacron | what | 09:42 |
anacron | :D | 09:42 |
Big_O | jesus christ if i could do it i would though | 09:43 |
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JesusAteMyFaith | Big_O, were you talking to me? | 09:46 |
tiredbones | HappyFool, I don't see any selection when I try yuor way. Application ->System ->network | 09:46 |
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HappyFool | tiredbones: what selection? | 09:46 |
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HappyFool | tiredbones: you wanted your adsl modem's ip address | 09:47 |
tiredbones | HappyFool, A way to look at the ip address on my modem. | 09:47 |
Big_O | probably JesusAteMyFaith ive got a very bad short term memoryy | 09:47 |
JesusAteMyFaith | Big_O, you said Jesus Christ | 09:47 |
HappyFool | tiredbones: change the 'network device' to 'modem' (or something other than 'loopback interface' | 09:47 |
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pfp | hmm... does anything break if i boot a kernel without initrd? (i have all necessary drivers compiled in, and the rest as modules) | 09:50 |
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jbailey | pfp: The whole system is setupu with that assumption, so be a bit careful. | 09:51 |
mwe | pfp, it didn't here | 09:51 |
pfp | ... like udev or what's that thing messing with /dev nowadays | 09:51 |
spacey | pfp, works here | 09:51 |
jbailey | Like in breezy, there's some chance t hat we may do all the udevstart stuff in the initramfs. | 09:51 |
jbailey | (Right now we do it twice) | 09:51 |
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tiredbones | HappyFool, I selected eth0 and it responded with So, I guess the modem ip is | 09:52 |
pfp | mwe, spacey, right, thanks | 09:52 |
HappyFool | tiredbones: quite possibly | 09:52 |
spacey | pfp, never hurts to try anyway | 09:52 |
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-178-120.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spacey | just don't do experimenting on a production machine :P | 09:52 |
pfp | jbailey: i see... but not in the current release though? | 09:52 |
pfp | spacey: it's "just" my home box :) | 09:53 |
jbailey | pfp: Right, not in Hoary. | 09:53 |
spacey | jbailey, will that shorten the boottime much? | 09:53 |
jbailey | spacey: Not alot, it can remove some boottime race conditions, I think. | 09:53 |
jbailey | udevstart is only a couple of seconds at worst. | 09:53 |
spacey | k | 09:53 |
dockane | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/forum/hardware/InternetConectionSharing <--- thats crap | 09:53 |
HappyFool | tiredbones: i think 10.* is a standard address for uhh. 'netmasqing' or whatever it's called. | 09:54 |
HappyFool | dockane: it's a wiki. please fix it ;) | 09:54 |
tiredbones | How does one go about trying to figure out if a medem is gone? My ISP doesn't support Linux and they want to charge me for a server call. | 09:54 |
pfp | jbailey: do you happen to know why my md devices re-number themselves every time one array's status changes? (this is why i'm switching to compiled-in raid) | 09:54 |
epl | tiredbones: your modems adress will not be the same as your network cards, try | 09:55 |
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Blissex | tiredbones: run the 'pppd' command in debug mode, it will print what it is doing. | 09:55 |
jbailey | pfp: I don't. It's something I'm trying to piece out with the raid stuff in the initramfs. | 09:55 |
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Blissex | tiredbones: or even better use 'minicom' or 'seyon' to talk directly to the modem and check if it responds to 'AT' commands | 09:56 |
shnazzle | ahoihoi | 09:56 |
HappyFool | Blissex: this applies for adsl too? (never used adsl, don't have a clue) | 09:56 |
pfp | jbailey: ok, thanks. so it's a known problem anyway? | 09:56 |
Blissex | HappyFool: no, ADSL modems are not really ''modems''. | 09:57 |
dockane | HappyFool, nope ... that should be a task for the guy who offered this bare information. its totally stupid imho to tell somebody to edit a .rul file. | 09:57 |
tiredbones | epl, when I enter the responds is "the connection was refused when attempting to connect to | 09:57 |
Blissex | HappyFool: in any case most ADSL modems are in effect winmodems, and they are very very dodgy to make to work with Linux. | 09:57 |
epl | tiredbones: ok, is it an internal or external "modem" ? | 09:57 |
HappyFool | dockane: *shrug* feel free to complain and not help then | 09:57 |
HappyFool | Blissex: ok. my point is tiredbones is going on about adsl ;) | 09:58 |
tiredbones | Blissex, does it matter if I'm using dsl connection? | 09:58 |
jbailey | pfp: I think so, yeah. | 09:58 |
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tiredbones | HappyFool, I'm reporting what's on the bottom of the modem. | 09:59 |
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Ralc | whats a good movieplayer? | 10:00 |
=== tjrtjiceGa [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-158-90.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
klaym | gxine | 10:00 |
Big_O | xine | 10:00 |
anatole | mplayer | 10:00 |
anatole | w/o gui | 10:00 |
anatole | :p | 10:00 |
HappyFool | tiredbones: i really don't know much about adsl, sorry | 10:00 |
Ralc | :D | 10:00 |
=== jakob_ [~jakob@196.80-202-82.nextgentel.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
dockane | its somehow strange that ubuntu makes it that hard to share a dial up connection with your lanm | 10:01 |
dockane | lan | 10:01 |
Kyral | Sharing a Dial Up on LAN?! | 10:02 |
Kyral | You are making a slow thing slower | 10:02 |
peet | rofl | 10:02 |
tiredbones | epl, it an external modem that my isp provides. | 10:02 |
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Kyral | I would hate to try to download that thing | 10:03 |
mjr | hmh, hard? perchance you'd want to check out ipmasq from universe, I think that wasn't very hard | 10:03 |
=== neyz [~neyz@pha75-5-82-224-189-48.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neyz | hey theren is there any netinstall cd for ubuntu ? | 10:03 |
Kyral | Seriously, if I become a National Leader, I'm gonna outlaw DialUp | 10:03 |
klaym | how can I set my default applications, such as web browser, music player, etc? so that when I click a file it opens up that specific application | 10:03 |
pinko | I wonder if I can bake trout with the skin still on, for good results. | 10:03 |
Kyral | National sponsored high-speed! | 10:04 |
dockane | Kyral, dial up does imho include adsl ?! .. if not i am sorry and correct this : its somehow strange that ubuntu makes it that hard to share your internet connection with your lan | 10:04 |
pinko | neyz: there's only one ubuntu cd. does it really need a net install? | 10:04 |
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Kyral | Dial Up == 56k | 10:04 |
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neyz | pinko, dl 20mb and burning on a RW is faster than 550mb ^^ | 10:05 |
odie5533 | Kyral: or 28k ;D | 10:05 |
Kyral | ADSL, DSL, Cable, T1, T2, T3 == HighSpeed | 10:05 |
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pinko | neyz: very true. oh well, there's always debian. | 10:05 |
odie5533 | Kyral: What about netzero highspeed! ;) | 10:05 |
Kyral | odie5533, I truly have pity for you if you use that | 10:05 |
odie5533 | so fast you'll think you were on broadband! | 10:06 |
Kyral | 56k is 56k, no matter HOW you slice it | 10:06 |
Hentai | shotgun | 10:06 |
=== tiglionabbit [~nick@c-67-171-159-205.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyral | ....someone has a nick of Hentai.... | 10:06 |
tiglionabbit | w00t! | 10:06 |
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odie5533 | Kyral: it is a kind of highspeed, but I doubt it actually ads speed. It compresses the files before it sends them, so they are smaller and then you uncompress them | 10:06 |
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neyz | its ok i will download the full cd - 2MB/s here - :d | 10:06 |
tiglionabbit | I have both kaffeine and beep-media-player playing sound at the same time | 10:06 |
=== Mez [~mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyral | yah, its still 56k | 10:07 |
=== Kyral hugs his Road Runner | ||
odie5533 | I suppose so | 10:07 |
=== odie5533 has comcast cable | ||
tiglionabbit | now, how can I get vlc and mplayer to play nicely too? | 10:07 |
odie5533 | I'm happy with the speed too | 10:07 |
HappyFool | odie5533: how do they compress compressed files then? ;-) | 10:07 |
Kyral | at school I have Duel T3 | 10:07 |
=== robtaylor_ [~robtaylor@nat5.sesnet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
odie5533 | happyfool: UHARC, though they dont use it | 10:07 |
dockane | so we ve got different definitions here of dial up ... since my dsl provider is PPPoE which is somehow dial up. but dont mind, the point that ubuntu does not include an easy way to share _any internet connection is really sluggish for a desktop os with a "wannabe user friendly attitude" | 10:07 |
Kyral | but its broken into so many "streams" that my cable is faster | 10:07 |
tiredbones | Blissex, If I have to buy a new modem for a DSL line what would you recommend? | 10:07 |
dockane | or did i miss anyhting ? | 10:08 |
Kyral | dockane, I use a Linksys Router to share my cable conn | 10:08 |
Blissex | tiredbones: almost anything with an Ethernet interface, not USB. | 10:08 |
=== lsuactiafner [~noirrac@tpc-ip-nas-1-p25.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyral | Cable Modem ---> Linksys Wireless Router ~~~Wireless~~~> My families 3 PCs | 10:09 |
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Blissex | tiredbones: I have a Belkin and it (like 3com and SMC) has some sw defects. Netgear has a few good models, but some are dodgy, and Linksys is not too bad. | 10:09 |
odie5533 | Kyral: wireless is crap | 10:09 |
odie5533 | packet loss up the poopie hole | 10:09 |
Blissex | tiredbones: there are also very many really cheap Conexant based ones, that for the price are not bad. | 10:09 |
dockane | Kyral, congratulation. that makes you rised abouve any ubuntu user who has to find his way | 10:09 |
Ralc | heheh how do i install xine-ui? i got it from the package-thingy but where has it been installed? | 10:09 |
=== Hackmo [~sean13@82-41-83-57.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Big_O | err what audio controler should i use audio controller with fluxbox? | 10:10 |
Discipulus | Ralc, did you use apt-get ? | 10:10 |
Blissex | tiredbones: but the crucial thing is the Ethernet interface, not USB or internal. | 10:10 |
HappyFool | Ralc: applications -> sound and video -> xine | 10:10 |
odie5533 | Ralc: sudo apt-get install xine-ui | 10:10 |
Blissex | Ralc: 'dpkg -L <package name>' | 10:10 |
odie5533 | lol so many different answers | 10:10 |
Ralc | hehe yeah | 10:10 |
tinman | hello, i have a usb dvd-r drive and i get a crash when it goes to scd0-scd4, is there any way to force it to stay on scd5 after rebooting? | 10:10 |
odie5533 | Ralc, I think it best you explain what you are trying to do | 10:10 |
Ralc | i tried odie5533's | 10:11 |
odie5533 | yay! | 10:11 |
Big_O | http://ubuntuguide.org/#xine-ui << xine instalation guide | 10:11 |
odie5533 | then just type xine in terminal | 10:11 |
tiredbones | Blissex,Ok thanks. I know my isp will not support me anymore. | 10:11 |
odie5533 | and it should run | 10:11 |
tiglionabbit | actually, gxine is probably a better choice | 10:11 |
Kyral | dockane: WTF? *looks confused* | 10:11 |
tiglionabbit | xine-ui looks crayzee | 10:11 |
odie5533 | tiglionabbit, same backend, whats it matter | 10:11 |
tiglionabbit | and don't hawk ubuntugide | 10:11 |
Ralc | YES it worked :) but its not in my program list | 10:11 |
Discipulus | Ralc, type xine-ui at a command line and tell me what happens? | 10:11 |
Ralc | under sound and video | 10:11 |
tiglionabbit | odie5533: well it's a different UI. One that looks more bad-ass, but has lots of useless buttons on it | 10:11 |
tiglionabbit | !ubuntuguide | 10:12 |
ubotu | it has been said that ubuntuguide is a helpful guide for new users located at http://ubuntuguide.org | 10:12 |
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odie5533 | Ralc: I dont think it ever will be. Anyways, I suggest you use Totem-xine instead, its easy to use with the same backend | 10:12 |
Kyral | !wiki | 10:12 |
tiglionabbit | hey, ubotu has a positive definition of that? | 10:12 |
odie5533 | Kyral's scripts broked | 10:12 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu forget ubuntuguide | 10:12 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: i forgot ubuntuguide | 10:12 |
odie5533 | ubuntuguide is great | 10:12 |
Discipulus | lol | 10:12 |
Discipulus | no it isn't | 10:12 |
odie5533 | Thats how I set some things up | 10:12 |
odie5533 | yes! | 10:12 |
Ralc | Discipulus, Command not found | 10:13 |
=== videographe03 [~parc03@modemcable119.141-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Discipulus | Ralc, then do 'sudo apt-get install xine-ui' | 10:13 |
odie5533 | teaches you things fast, exactly what I want | 10:13 |
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kbrooks | ubuntu guide is teh broken | 10:13 |
bojan | hi! i wanted to compile a .cpp file with gcc and the shell says: installation problem cannot exec 'cclplus': No such file or directory | 10:13 |
Discipulus | odie5533, it doesn't TEACH you anything | 10:13 |
kbrooks | dont use it! | 10:13 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please search the wiki instead, http://wiki.ubuntu.com | 10:13 |
ubotu | okay, tiglionabbit | 10:13 |
dockane | Kyral, of course its a solution to spend money on a router. but whats the problem with internet connection sharing with a ubuntu system that either way is running and runs 2 nics ? | 10:13 |
odie5533 | Ralc: the command is xine, thats why | 10:13 |
tiredbones | Blissex, Can I use minicon to try and trouble shoot the VisionNet 201 modem I have? | 10:13 |
tiglionabbit | bojan: install build-essential | 10:13 |
HappyFool | brojan: try 'sudo aptitude install build-essential' | 10:13 |
kbrooks | odie5533, it teaches you ZERO | 10:13 |
HappyFool | although that error's a little odd. | 10:13 |
odie5533 | kbrooks: how so? | 10:13 |
bojan | tiglionabbit: how can i do that? | 10:13 |
Blissex | tiredbones: 'minicom' is only for analog modems... | 10:14 |
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odie5533 | I now know how to install flashplayer for mozilla! | 10:14 |
tiglionabbit | bojan: use synaptic | 10:14 |
kbrooks | odie5533, you get commands thrown at you without explanation | 10:14 |
bojan | tiglionabbit: thanks | 10:14 |
Kyral | dockane, Sorry.... | 10:14 |
kbrooks | odie5533, also: | 10:14 |
tiredbones | Blissex, Are there any tool that can be used/ | 10:14 |
Kyral | its like only way I know how to share a net conn ATM | 10:14 |
odie5533 | kbrooks: Its aimed at people that dont want an explanation, so why give them one | 10:14 |
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Blissex | tiredbones: but for what? I haven't really understood what the problem is and the context. | 10:14 |
tiglionabbit | odie5533: it is most always better to read the wiki. I've shoved some topics into ubotu that will cover most things ubuntuguide does | 10:15 |
kbrooks | odie5533, hold on hold on | 10:15 |
odie5533 | Consider a typical windows user. Testing out ubuntu for the first time. But wait! his video player isn't working! What will he do? He wants to watch a movie now, not read a wiki. ubuntu guide to the rescue!!!! *ubuntuguide theme song plays in the background* | 10:15 |
kbrooks | odie5533, the ubuntu guide is for a knowledgable person | 10:15 |
tiredbones | Blissex, I'm trying to se if my modem is working or is there some value I have to change. | 10:15 |
kbrooks | odie5533, not a noob | 10:16 |
tiredbones | Blissex, to see what wrong with it. | 10:16 |
Blissex | tiredbones: but you first need to define fairly precisely what happens and what does not work. | 10:16 |
jeroen_ | How do I get the output of program 'X' in a txt file? | 10:16 |
odie5533 | kbrooks: I disagree | 10:16 |
HappyFool | jeroen_: X > file.txt | 10:16 |
kbrooks | odie5533, dude | 10:16 |
odie5533 | I didn't know any linux, then I found the guide, helped me learn some basics. When I got confortable with the commands, I looked into them | 10:16 |
HappyFool | jeroen_: or maybe X >& file.txt, if you're still getting terminal output | 10:16 |
kbrooks | odie5533, might i please give you a example? | 10:17 |
odie5533 | linux is used loosely | 10:17 |
doonz | is there a way to see how my process is working ie what speed? | 10:17 |
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odie5533 | apt-get install | 10:17 |
odie5533 | I didnt know what it did, I could guess, but I didnt | 10:17 |
tiglionabbit | odie5533: it shouldn't have helped you learn. It's much better to pick up a unix manual to learn how to get around first | 10:17 |
HappyFool | doonz: try cat /proc/cpuinfo | 10:17 |
kbrooks | tiglionabbit, erm | 10:17 |
kbrooks | you serious? | 10:17 |
Ralc | odie5533, okay i got totem-xine to work and its perfect :) thanks | 10:17 |
odie5533 | unix manuals take time, I wanted results, not a knowledge of how it works | 10:17 |
kbrooks | odie5533, pm me please | 10:17 |
doonz | oh cool | 10:18 |
HappyFool | doonz: unless you mean frequency scaling or similar, in which case i don't know | 10:18 |
tiglionabbit | I don't mean an actual unix MANUAL, but a guide to using unix | 10:18 |
bojan | can i compile .cpp files with gcc? | 10:18 |
tiredbones | Blissex, Ok, I'm going to reconnect my old modem and get the error message I'm getting. brb | 10:18 |
HappyFool | bojan: with g++ | 10:18 |
odie5533 | Ralc: You should also install win32codecs, it lets you play wmv files. sudo apt-get install w32codecs | 10:18 |
doonz | model name : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+ | 10:18 |
bojan | HappyFool: thanks | 10:18 |
tiglionabbit | !w32codecs | 10:18 |
bloodlust | what up all | 10:18 |
ubotu | rumour has it, w32codecs is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats or http://ubuntuguide.org | 10:18 |
bloodlust | can somebody help me here | 10:18 |
tiglionabbit | grr | 10:18 |
HappyFool | heh | 10:18 |
bloodlust | im just tryin to copy my dvd's | 10:18 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu forget w32codecs | 10:18 |
ubotu | i forgot w32codecs, tiglionabbit | 10:18 |
Discipulus | odie5533, if you want results without knowing how it works then go back to windows... | 10:18 |
HappyFool | tiglionabbit: ubotu has gone to the dark side! | 10:18 |
bloodlust | i have the dvd ripping through terminal package installed | 10:19 |
doonz | can someone recomend a good book to have? | 10:19 |
odie5533 | Discipulus: I am trying to atm. Grub won't let me | 10:19 |
bloodlust | if i gotta do it through terminal i will | 10:19 |
klaym | hey I'm about to uninstall w3m (it's annoying). it depends on 'ubuntu-base' so it needs to be deleted too. should I go for it? | 10:19 |
odie5533 | doonz: on what? | 10:19 |
bloodlust | i just can't find commands for it | 10:19 |
doonz | linux | 10:19 |
jeroen_ | thanks HappyFool | 10:19 |
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bloodlust | can anybody help me? | 10:19 |
doonz | like basics and intermediate stuff | 10:19 |
HappyFool | bloodlust: try maybe 'dpkg -L dvdrip' at the terminal | 10:19 |
concept10 | doonz, search for rute | 10:19 |
tiglionabbit | klaym: NO! You don't have to uninstall things in dependencies in that order!? | 10:19 |
Discipulus | doonz, running linux, 3rd edition | 10:19 |
doonz | kool | 10:20 |
bloodlust | HappyFool ---- what does that do? | 10:20 |
doonz | thnx guys | 10:20 |
Ralc | odie5533, it couldnt find the package | 10:20 |
HappyFool | bloodlust: lists files belonging to package dvdrip | 10:20 |
concept10 | doonz, http://www.icon.co.za/~psheer/book/ | 10:20 |
=== jakob_ [~jakob@196.80-202-82.nextgentel.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
odie5533 | try win32codecs then | 10:20 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu w32codecs is codecs needed to play some proprietary formats. Add a backports mirror to download them http://backports.ubuntuforums.org | 10:20 |
ubotu | okay, tiglionabbit | 10:20 |
tiglionabbit | !w32codecs | 10:20 |
ubotu | w32codecs is, like, codecs needed to play some proprietary formats. Add a backports mirror to download them http://backports.ubuntuforums.org | 10:20 |
klaym | how can I set my default applications, such as web browser, music player, etc? so that when I click a file it opens up that specific application | 10:20 |
=== haich [~haich@89.Red-83-43-192.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | that is much better | 10:20 |
odie5533 | Ralc: you entered it in wrong, it is w32codecs | 10:21 |
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tiglionabbit | klaym: in nautilus, right-click on a file and select properties. Go to the opens-with tab | 10:21 |
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Ralc | odie5533, i copied it from you? :) | 10:21 |
=== seamus [~seamus@spc1-stre2-6-0-cust247.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
odie5533 | Then I typed it wrong ;) | 10:21 |
bloodlust | HappyFool - yes it does how do I rip a dvd from the command prompt any idea? | 10:21 |
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odie5533 | Ralc: another good command to know is apt-cache search <search arg, such as codecs> | 10:21 |
concept10 | ubotu Rute is Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition. A great guide for learning about Linux and is available at http://www.icon.co.za/~psheer/book/ | 10:21 |
ubotu | I think you lost me on that one, concept10 | 10:21 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | whats the best way to move 32.2 gigs of crap from one hard drive toanother? | 10:22 |
klaym | tiglionabbit: thanks | 10:22 |
Ralc | odie5533, why not use the app? ehm symaptic | 10:22 |
concept10 | ubotu Rute is a great guide for learning about Linux and is available at http://www.icon.co.za/~psheer/book/ | 10:22 |
ubotu | okay, concept10 | 10:22 |
tiglionabbit | !defaults | 10:22 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about | 10:22 |
HappyFool | bloodlust: not a clue, sorry | 10:22 |
Blissex | ChurcH_of_FoamY: depends; 'pax' and a two-'tar' pipe come to mind, as well as 'rsync'. | 10:22 |
bloodlust | damn | 10:22 |
=== othernoob [~othernoob@p54A2E7D0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | bloodlust: maybe 'man dvdrip' will tell you ? | 10:22 |
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othernoob | how do i stop a ping command? | 10:23 |
Ralc | odie5533, and why is sudo always written first? | 10:23 |
odie5533 | Ralc: You will get bored of bulky frontends quite quickly. The console is your friend | 10:23 |
tiglionabbit | Ralc: there are two ways to do everything in linux. Either apt-get/cache, or aptitude, or synaptic, or whatever else you want | 10:23 |
odie5533 | sudo means root | 10:23 |
odie5533 | it executes it as root | 10:23 |
tiglionabbit | !sudo | 10:23 |
ubotu | rumour has it, sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 10:23 |
bloodlust | HappyFool -- any idea of a good dvd burning proggy for ubuntu | 10:23 |
bloodlust | ? | 10:23 |
odie5533 | Ubuntu doesnt enable the root user by default for security reasons | 10:23 |
jmoesen | othernoob: ctrl-c | 10:23 |
bloodlust | i have gnome baker | 10:23 |
odie5533 | it can be enabled though, but try to work around it | 10:23 |
HappyFool | bloodlust: sorry, no. i think cdrecord is the common backend for all burning apps, but it's not really user-friendly | 10:23 |
=== tiglionabbit pets odie5533 on the head. Good boy. | ||
othernoob | thanks jmoesen, i forgot :/ | 10:24 |
odie5533 | basically, root is given permission for everything, you the user isn't. However, you can just add sudo before something, and it will execute as root | 10:24 |
jmoesen | np | 10:24 |
HappyFool | bloodlust: maybe k3b can do dvd's, i don't know | 10:24 |
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tiglionabbit | hey | 10:24 |
tiglionabbit | yeah k3b can burn dvds | 10:24 |
jmoesen | can anyone tell me how i can get the brand or type of network card that is installed? | 10:24 |
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tiglionabbit | I used it to burn the ubuntu live/install dvd | 10:24 |
Ralc | odie5533, what a good security then :D | 10:24 |
concept10 | jmoesen, lspci | 10:24 |
HappyFool | jmoesen: looked at system -> administration -> device manager ? | 10:24 |
Discipulus | How expensive are DVD Burners and Blank DVDs these days? | 10:24 |
jmoesen | concept10thx! | 10:24 |
tiglionabbit | jmoesen: is it listed in system -> admin -> device manager? | 10:25 |
hussam | till when will Hoary still be supported with updates? | 10:25 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i'm getting point2play ^_^ | 10:25 |
jmoesen | HappyFool: it's on a server, no x installed | 10:25 |
odie5533 | Ralc: I see it as idiot proof, so you dont accidently delete your hard drive | 10:25 |
HappyFool | jmoesen: as concept10 suggested, try lspci | 10:25 |
Choubaka | Ralc: you have a point... :P | 10:25 |
tiglionabbit | hussam: Hoary has updates released all the time. In fact, I just updated something this morning | 10:25 |
spola | Discipulus, i have a dvd-rw +rw cd-rw for $80 | 10:25 |
tiglionabbit | hussam: you may need to select the proper repositories. | 10:25 |
tiglionabbit | !repositories | 10:25 |
ubotu | repositories is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 10:25 |
kbrooks | !ubuntuguide | 10:25 |
ubotu | methinks ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please search the wiki instead, http://wiki.ubuntu.com | 10:25 |
jmoesen | "Ethernet controller: 3Com Corporation 3c900 10Mbps Combo [Boomerang] " --> well, that pretty much explains why i couldn't set it to 100Mbps :-) | 10:25 |
kbrooks | erm | 10:25 |
spola | disks are like a buck | 10:25 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | how come when i try to copy files to a new hard drive not all of the copy? | 10:25 |
jmoesen | thanks again, concept10 | 10:25 |
othernoob | Discipulus: a burner ~60$ max, 100 blank dvds ~40 max @ebay | 10:25 |
Choubaka | Ralc: imagine a user exploit which runs "passw" | 10:25 |
Choubaka | passwd* | 10:25 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | them copy even | 10:25 |
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Ralc | odie5533, but still, it cannot find w32codecs | 10:25 |
Choubaka | instant sudo access :P | 10:25 |
kbrooks | tiglionabbit, add the link to the 3. stuff... | 10:26 |
jozzer | is it not possible to remove the totem player wo removed the ubuntu desktop???????? | 10:26 |
odie5533 | Ralc: sudo apt-get update | 10:26 |
HappyFool | hussam: for 18 months after release, i believe. so until october 2006 | 10:26 |
tiglionabbit | kbrooks: to what stuff? | 10:26 |
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hussam | tiglionabbit: I meant for how many months | 10:26 |
hussam | HappyFool: ok thanks. | 10:26 |
odie5533 | Ralc: if that doesn't work you need to add the universe and multiverse to your /etc/apt/sources.list file | 10:26 |
odie5533 | !universe | 10:26 |
ubotu | ask me about !repositories | 10:26 |
JesusAteMyFaith | jozzer, removing the ubuntu-desktop is no big deal you can reinstall that its a placeholder AFAIK | 10:26 |
odie5533 | !repositories | 10:26 |
ubotu | hmm... repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 10:26 |
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kbrooks | erm, the link that advises you not to mention the ubuntu guide | 10:26 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | because i'm trying to copy 32 gigs worth of files that i can't afford to loose back to the hard drive it was originally on | 10:26 |
tiglionabbit | jmoesen: yes you can remove it, go ahead. Ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage with nothing in it. It's just there to pull other packages in | 10:27 |
HappyFool | jozzer: according to ubuntu-desktop description, it can be safely removed | 10:27 |
doubleplus | hello, could anybody have an idea why, during install, the network configuration fails with dhcp | 10:27 |
=== tiredbones [~tiredbone@dsl-69-50-48-101.pivot.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JesusAteMyFaith | just reinstall ubuntu-desktop before you upgrade to breezy | 10:27 |
hussam | HappyFool: the thing is that by Breezy ( october 2005) , I might be to busy with work to upgrade to breezy. | 10:27 |
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odie5533 | doubleplus: is your dhcp server enabled? | 10:27 |
Ralc | odie5533, oh thats crap i understand nuthin of that guide | 10:27 |
HappyFool | hussam: hoary's ok until october 2006 -- so you should be ok for a while | 10:28 |
doubleplus | 0die5533:yes other machines are running off of it | 10:28 |
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kbrooks | odie5533, ralc needs efficient explanations.....in the guide | 10:28 |
concept10 | doubleplus, connectivity problems make sure its plugged in | 10:28 |
kbrooks | the guide doesnt explain | 10:28 |
tiglionabbit | Ralc: What do you need explained? | 10:28 |
kbrooks | it throws commands at you | 10:28 |
doubleplus | concept10:of course | 10:28 |
=== Blue_Summer [~rob@cpc1-leed4-5-0-cust211.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
odie5533 | Ralc: www.ubuntuguide.org | 10:28 |
Ralc | haha nevermind its okay now i see it | 10:29 |
tiglionabbit | !ubuntuguide | 10:29 |
ubotu | I heard ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please search the wiki instead, http://wiki.ubuntu.com | 10:29 |
tiredbones | Before I go back to my modem problem I saw another problem while booting my system. | 10:29 |
odie5533 | Ralc: [CTRL] + [F] "repositor" | 10:29 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | arggh this is getting to me | 10:29 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | >.< | 10:29 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i want to copy these damn files | 10:29 |
odie5533 | "I heard ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation" <-- owned | 10:29 |
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HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: what's wrong with rsync ? or even just cp ? | 10:29 |
tiglionabbit | odie5533: thank you. | 10:29 |
odie5533 | why does ubuntu hate ubuntu guide... it only helps people :( | 10:29 |
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kbrooks | odie5533, STOP IT | 10:29 |
tiredbones | I'm getting an error "ror: Temporary failure in name resolution" can someone tell me what this is? | 10:29 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | besides the fact that i don't know how to use them....nothing | 10:30 |
kbrooks | odie5533, stop mentioning it | 10:30 |
JesusAteMyFaith | odie5533, actually people on the ubuntuforums recommend it | 10:30 |
odie5533 | ouch | 10:30 |
kbrooks | JesusAteMyFaith, yes, but we dont | 10:30 |
JesusAteMyFaith | kbrooks, I know | 10:30 |
=== odie5533 got smacked with a rolled up newspaper | ||
tiglionabbit | tiredbones: that means you couldn't connect to some server. You probably don't have your internet plugged in or working properly | 10:30 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: 'man cp' or 'man rsync' or even 'cp --help' | 10:30 |
othernoob | church, just man cp, the syntax is pretty easy. | 10:30 |
kbrooks | JesusAteMyFaith, do you still have the link to the reasons not to advise people about the ubunntu guide | 10:30 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ok so how would i rsync a specific folder? | 10:30 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: you could also use the nautilus file-browser, i guess, assuming src and dest are mounted | 10:30 |
bloodlust | does anybody have the program Gear PRO for Linux | 10:31 |
bloodlust | i am in need of it | 10:31 |
kbrooks | JesusAteMyFaith, because i dont | 10:31 |
odie5533 | can't you just do cp -Rfv foo bar | 10:31 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | yes they both are but for some reason not all of the files are getting copyd | 10:31 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | out of 32gigs only 8 have been moved | 10:31 |
JesusAteMyFaith | kbrooks, which is smart to do, I would hate to have to provide support to some unofficial guide (however helpful it may appear or be) because its unofficial and because it's always changing | 10:31 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: maybe rsync -a is what you want | 10:31 |
odie5533 | ChurcH_of_FoamY: cp -Rfv foo bar | 10:31 |
kbrooks | use dd? | 10:31 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | the others will not copy to the new drive | 10:31 |
light_punch2 | what's the minium spec to run ubuntu? | 10:31 |
hussam | HappyFool: maybe I 'll edit source.list to breezy and do I a gradual update even if it takes weeks. | 10:31 |
kbrooks | JesusAteMyFaith, LINK US to it please | 10:31 |
JesusAteMyFaith | kbrooks, to what? | 10:31 |
faul | hi there | 10:31 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | um ok you already lost me | 10:31 |
HappyFool | hussam: oh, right, low bandwidth | 10:31 |
odie5533 | light_punch2: Pretty much anything. What do you have? | 10:31 |
Ralc | odie5533, okay i got it now i removed some ## and wrote multiverse.. guess what, it does not work | 10:31 |
tiredbones | tiglionabbit, Would this have something to do with the fact that I just installed Apache2? | 10:32 |
tiglionabbit | tiredbones: perhaps | 10:32 |
odie5533 | Ralc: you can't just write multiverse, one sec | 10:32 |
HappyFool | hussam: i'd recommend downloading the install CD over a weekend (or whatever), and upgrading with that. but not now! ;) | 10:32 |
kbrooks | JesusAteMyFaith: "to the reasons not to advise people about the ubunntu guide" | 10:32 |
hussam | HappyFool: 64 kylobits only lol | 10:32 |
=== ogg [~admin@1-1-2-20a.um.um.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | hussam: hey, i've got 56k and i got the hoary install cd in a weekend | 10:32 |
light_punch2 | odie5533, 500mhz, 256 ram, 200gb hard | 10:32 |
tiredbones | tiglionabbit, How would I go about checking this? | 10:32 |
tiglionabbit | tiredbones: if it's just apache complaining to you, it probably doesn't know how to make some connection. I have not used it though | 10:32 |
ogg | hello. How do I make a search on the disk of a .jpg | 10:32 |
JesusAteMyFaith | kbrooks, you mean this?: <nalioth> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines | 10:32 |
odie5533 | itll run fine. Install server though | 10:33 |
=== kickrocks [~kickrocks@pcp09527518pcs.maysld01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | ogg: try locate '*.jpg' | 10:33 |
kickrocks | I just installed on ia64 | 10:33 |
tiglionabbit | ogg: search for .jpgs? If it has been around for a while, locate .jpg | 10:33 |
hussam | HappyFool: on 8kbytes per socond, it would take like 35 hours. | 10:33 |
kbrooks | JesusAteMyFaith, thanks | 10:33 |
kbrooks | ubotu, ubuntu guide | 10:33 |
ubotu | kbrooks: I don't know, could you explain it? | 10:33 |
JesusAteMyFaith | kbrooks, no problem for Jesus, just another miracle. :) | 10:33 |
kbrooks | ubotu, ubuntuguide | 10:33 |
ubotu | it has been said that ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please search the wiki instead, http://wiki.ubuntu.com | 10:33 |
HappyFool | hussam: sounds about right. took me about 50, i think | 10:33 |
othernoob | HappyFool, what's the difference between locate and find? | 10:33 |
odie5533 | Ralc: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:33 |
concept10 | ogg, or use places > search for files | 10:33 |
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hussam | HappyFool: 64 kbits is 8kbytes right? | 10:33 |
odie5533 | Ralc: then put in it http://pastebin.com/308532 | 10:33 |
HappyFool | othernoob: locate uses a daily-updated index, and is quicker | 10:34 |
othernoob | hussam, yes | 10:34 |
concept10 | Why do you guys keep repeating that crap about ubuntu guide? | 10:34 |
ogg | im running ubuntu minimal install + fluxbox. | 10:34 |
tiglionabbit | othernoob: locate uses a database prepared by updatedb. It's much faster. Find has more complicated syntax, and searches on the fly | 10:34 |
HappyFool | hussam: yeah. i'm not sure what the deal with start/stop bits and all that nonsense is | 10:34 |
odie5533 | Ralc: then run sudo apt-get update, and try again | 10:34 |
ogg | the locate command doesnt seem to work. | 10:34 |
kbrooks | ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please search the wiki instead, http://wiki.ubuntu.com. Reasons not to advise people to use the guide are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines | 10:34 |
othernoob | okay, but the result is pretty much the same innit? | 10:34 |
odie5533 | 95% done shredding! | 10:34 |
kbrooks | erm | 10:34 |
kbrooks | ubotu, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please search the wiki instead, http://wiki.ubuntu.com. Reasons not to advise people to use the guide are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines | 10:34 |
ubotu | ...but ubuntuguide is already something else... | 10:34 |
HappyFool | ogg: then maybe this (slowish): find / -iname '*.jpg' | 10:34 |
kbrooks | how do i append? | 10:35 |
tiglionabbit | ogg: locate will work as long as updatedb has been run recently. Your computer will run it automatically every once in a while. 'sudo updatedb' to run it now | 10:35 |
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kbrooks | to a command | 10:35 |
kbrooks | anyone? | 10:35 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | um whats this mean? | 10:35 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | cp -Rfv /Desktop/STORAGE /storage/shane/STORAGE | 10:35 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | cp: cannot stat `/Desktop/STORAGE': No such file or directory | 10:35 |
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othernoob | tiglionabbit, but the results of find and locate are the same right? | 10:35 |
light_punch2 | is ubuntu faster than slackware? | 10:35 |
kbrooks | tiglionabbit, how do i append to a command? | 10:35 |
HappyFool | it means /Desktop/Storage doesn't exist | 10:35 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | but i'm in it | 10:35 |
tiglionabbit | othernoob: they should be, yes | 10:35 |
odie5533 | ChurcH_of_FoamY, do ./Desktop/Storage | 10:35 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | oh ok | 10:36 |
lsuactiafner | mkdir /storage/shane/STORAGE | 10:36 |
tiglionabbit | kbrooks: append what now? | 10:36 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: you don't maybe mean Desktop/Storage? / is absolute | 10:36 |
ogg | find -/ does work. thanx giys. | 10:36 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | um ok >.< | 10:36 |
kbrooks | "Reasons not to advise people to use the guide are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines" to ubuntuguide | 10:36 |
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ogg | is there anyone got an explanation why windows platforms does feel much more snappy, responsive than linuxdistros. | 10:36 |
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doubleplus | Does the plug and play option in the bios make any diffrence to an install? | 10:37 |
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=== JonnyRo [~jonnyro@monorad.raydiance-inc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | ogg: you may need to install a better kernel image | 10:37 |
ogg | I dont say windows platforms is technically faster, but its still more snappy. | 10:37 |
tiredbones | What's the easiest way to stop apache2 from start when I reboot? | 10:37 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | >.< it's there damnit | 10:37 |
tiglionabbit | ogg: search synaptic for one for your architecture | 10:37 |
kickrocks | more broked maybe | 10:37 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i am in it it exists >.< | 10:37 |
kbrooks | tiglionabbit, ^^^^^ | 10:37 |
goldfish | ogg: what distros u tried? | 10:37 |
kbrooks | ChurcH_of_FoamY, . | 10:37 |
kbrooks | use . | 10:37 |
ogg | ubuntu, mandrake | 10:37 |
kickrocks | ME, 95, and 98 se ? | 10:37 |
JesusAteMyFaith | ogg, #politics is a good channel for debates | 10:37 |
ogg | xp, win2k. | 10:37 |
tiglionabbit | hehe | 10:38 |
othernoob | ogg, try gentoo then | 10:38 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | both are there destination and the origon | 10:38 |
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ogg | I now many other windows > linux switchers also think so. | 10:38 |
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tiglionabbit | othernoob: don't scare him away | 10:38 |
kbrooks | othernoob, dude | 10:38 |
othernoob | lol | 10:38 |
JonnyRo | Is there any reason for the large number of md5sum mismatches i keep getting lately | 10:38 |
concept10 | ogg, I sure dont | 10:38 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: what does 'ls -d ./Desktop/Storage' say? | 10:38 |
JonnyRo | when downloading patches via synaptic? | 10:38 |
jg | I'm getting them too.... | 10:38 |
tiglionabbit | ogg: just make sure you have your video acceleration and the proper kernel, and it should be quite fast | 10:38 |
kbrooks | JonnyRo, yes | 10:38 |
othernoob | tiglionabbit, didn't he ask for a snappy one? ;) | 10:38 |
kbrooks | jg: yes | 10:38 |
JonnyRo | kbrooks, what's up? | 10:38 |
ogg | tiglion. aight. | 10:38 |
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JesusAteMyFaith | ogg, everytime I format Windows for someone and install Linux, Jesus tapdances for joy in heaven | 10:38 |
HappyFool | heh | 10:39 |
kbrooks | JonnyRo, use the main repo | 10:39 |
Big_O | umm | 10:39 |
jg | kbrooks: which one is that? | 10:39 |
JonnyRo | kbrooks, is it because i have the backports repo setup? | 10:39 |
ogg | hehe. firefox really slows down the computer. but it does render all pages correctly. anyone know a faster browser? | 10:39 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | it says it's not there but i'm freakin lookin right at it O_O | 10:39 |
JonnyRo | i'll turn that off | 10:39 |
JesusAteMyFaith | ogg, and it doesn't get more snappier than that | 10:39 |
cmatheson | ogg: links? | 10:39 |
Big_O | ok, then O.o*cant adjust the volume* | 10:39 |
kbrooks | JonnyRo, used the ubuntu guide? | 10:39 |
othernoob | ogg try lynx :) | 10:39 |
JesusAteMyFaith | ogg, w3m | 10:39 |
tiglionabbit | JonnyRo: It is a good idea to comment out the backports mirrors when you are not using them | 10:39 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: not to be rude, but i'm going to believe the computer ;) | 10:40 |
kbrooks | ubotu, forget ubuntuguide | 10:40 |
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ubotu | kbrooks: i forgot ubuntuguide | 10:40 |
ogg | cmatheson, what? | 10:40 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: you're probably in the wrong directory, or something | 10:40 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i can see it both in nautulus and in terminal | 10:40 |
kbrooks | ubotu, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please search the wiki instead, http://wiki.ubuntu.com. Reasons not to advise people to use the guide are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines | 10:40 |
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ubotu | kbrooks: okay | 10:40 |
Big_O | where is the audio config located? | 10:40 |
cmatheson | ogg: links, it's a browser | 10:40 |
JonnyRo | yea, i used ubuntuguide.org | 10:40 |
JonnyRo | k | 10:40 |
concept10 | ogg, how much memory do you have? do you have ipv6 disabled? | 10:40 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | /home/shane/Desktop/STORAGE | 10:40 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | is where it is | 10:40 |
HappyFool | and where are you? | 10:40 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i can see it so the computer must be wrong | 10:40 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | in the same dir | 10:40 |
ogg | 128mb ram. yep. it does browse the sites quite fast. but the browser itself is slow. | 10:40 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: does 'pwd' say? | 10:40 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | in both term and naut | 10:40 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: what does 'pwd' say? (oops) | 10:41 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: writing absolute or relative paths correctly is important when using the commandline | 10:41 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | /home/shane/Desktop | 10:41 |
kickrocks | firefox is a huge memory leak | 10:41 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: you want to be in /home/shane | 10:41 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | is what it says | 10:41 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: try 'cd' | 10:41 |
ogg | anyone got a "not test browser" but still fast-browser. | 10:41 |
ogg | ? | 10:41 |
ogg | text browser | 10:41 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: and then try the 'cp' or whatever command again | 10:41 |
concept10 | ogg, your memory is the problem, not linux. | 10:41 |
othernoob | opera ogg | 10:41 |
cmatheson | ogg: links has a graphical mode... i don't know if the ubuntu package has it or not, but you could go build it yourself | 10:42 |
Big_O | ogg lynx O.o | 10:42 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | cp: cannot create directory `/storage/shane/STORAGE/STORAGE': Read-only file system | 10:42 |
concept10 | ogg, links2 -g | 10:42 |
ogg | concept. well. win2k on the same machine does run very smooth. but I assume firefox is the problem. | 10:42 |
kbrooks | ubotu, newbie network guidelines is <reply>https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines | 10:42 |
ubotu | okay, kbrooks | 10:42 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | >.< | 10:42 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: what are you copying to? an ntfs drive? | 10:42 |
ogg | thanks guys. | 10:42 |
kbrooks | there | 10:42 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | no i changed it to ext3 | 10:42 |
bwlang_ | I have a program that uses python 2.3... but wxpython ends up in /usr/lib/python2.4 . How can i get wxpython to install in /usr/lib/python2.3? | 10:42 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | it was an ntfs drive | 10:42 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: changed it, or formatted it? | 10:42 |
concept10 | ogg are you using gnome? | 10:42 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: then you need to mount it rw | 10:42 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | both | 10:42 |
ogg | concept, fluxbox. | 10:42 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | it is | 10:42 |
kbrooks | HappyFool, read: ntfs | 10:42 |
ogg | on ubuntu hoary minimal install. | 10:42 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: heh. i believe the computer again :P | 10:43 |
ogg | fluxbox is really nice :) | 10:43 |
ogg | very clean | 10:43 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | happyfool /dev/hdb1 on /storage type ext3 (rw) | 10:43 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | see | 10:43 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | it is lying | 10:43 |
HappyFool | hmm | 10:43 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: umount it, then mount it again, and tell me what mount says about it | 10:43 |
ogg | clean, fast window manager for linux owns :) | 10:43 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ok | 10:43 |
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Big_O | it of a whore in ubuntu though ogg | 10:43 |
benplaut | well, i'm off to try Breezy Live :) | 10:43 |
goldfish | fluxbox rocks | 10:44 |
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kbrooks | benplaut, NO | 10:44 |
kbrooks | benplaut, NO | 10:44 |
kbrooks | benplaut, NO | 10:44 |
tiglionabbit | lol | 10:44 |
benplaut | why not? | 10:44 |
Big_O | >.< doesnt even have borders yet | 10:44 |
jg | kbrooks: well, I get MD5 sum problems today.... Using us.archive.ubuntu.com | 10:44 |
tiglionabbit | benplaut: breezy is still in early development... | 10:44 |
kbrooks | benplaut, why are you trying to use breezy? | 10:44 |
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=== Big_O is still setting it up | ||
kbrooks | benplaut, read the topic dude | 10:44 |
benplaut | kbrooks: just to check it out, see how the development is going | 10:44 |
benplaut | yes, i know | 10:44 |
HappyFool | it's the live cd. lighten up, guys ;) | 10:44 |
benplaut | i have no plans to install, just live :) | 10:44 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | /dev/hdb1 on /storage type ext3 (rw) | 10:45 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | still looks the same | 10:45 |
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kbrooks | ChurcH_of_FoamY, show us the fstab entry for /storage? | 10:45 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ok | 10:45 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | i tryed the command using sudo | 10:46 |
HappyFool | hrm. i wonder why cp says 'read-only filesystem' in that case. bizarre | 10:46 |
tsume | damn it, whoever is in charge of packaging is 2 weeks late | 10:46 |
kickrocks | when I type apt-get update | 10:46 |
tiglionabbit | tsume: packaging what? | 10:46 |
ogg | doin the x window screenshot / screendump in fluxbox. where does the images being saved? | 10:46 |
tsume | I moved 2 weeks ago from TN to AK | 10:46 |
kickrocks | everything returns 404 ? | 10:46 |
tsume | tiglionabbit: the cds | 10:46 |
tiglionabbit | o | 10:46 |
tiglionabbit | thought you meant software | 10:46 |
tsume | I ordered 35 x86, 4 ppc, 4 amd64 | 10:47 |
tsume | and damn it, now they are at the other house | 10:47 |
tiglionabbit | kickrocks: is your sources.list in good condition? | 10:47 |
tiglionabbit | !repositories | 10:47 |
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ubotu | methinks repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 10:47 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | hmm seems to let me copy if i sudo the command | 10:47 |
HappyFool | your user needs rights to that dir | 10:48 |
kickrocks | I just made the sources.list match the ubuntuguide | 10:48 |
goldfish | kickrocks: dont | 10:48 |
goldfish | it's bad | 10:48 |
=== tsume wonders what my little brother is supposed to do with all the damn disks | ||
tsume | dammit :) | 10:48 |
kbrooks | !newbie network guidelines | 10:48 |
ubotu | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines | 10:48 |
kbrooks | kickrocks, ^^^^^^^ read | 10:48 |
goldfish | !sources | 10:48 |
ubotu | hmm... sources is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 | 10:48 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | sudo cp -Rfv Desktop/STORAGE /storage/shane/STORAGE | 10:48 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | Password: | 10:48 |
goldfish | and then go there kickrocks | 10:48 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | that command worked | 10:48 |
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HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: you can use 'chmod' to make your user ('shane') the owner of '/storage/shane' | 10:48 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | oh is that my probelm | 10:48 |
HappyFool | ChurcH_of_FoamY: oops, chown | 10:48 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | wiish i had known that before lol | 10:49 |
kickrocks | the 6 listed on the second URL are good ? | 10:50 |
luzbelito | a good .torrent web source please ??? | 10:50 |
kickrocks | snarf-it | 10:50 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | from fstab : | 10:50 |
othernoob | luzbelito: for what? | 10:50 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | /dev/hdb1 /storage ext3 defaults 0 0 | 10:50 |
kickrocks | torrentspy or mininova | 10:50 |
kbrooks | "Ubuntuguide.org is not really a guide, but a mere list of command you might enter. It gives no explanations at all" | 10:50 |
kbrooks | kickrocks, ^^^^^^^^^^ | 10:50 |
kickrocks | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 i was asking if this link was accurate ? | 10:50 |
HappyFool | kickrocks: yip | 10:51 |
kbrooks | it is | 10:51 |
luzbelito | othernoob: i wanna download movies | 10:51 |
s1m0 | hi, anyone could help me please with alsa? ubuntu doen't load my sound device | 10:51 |
othernoob | piratebay.org | 10:51 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | yea me to movies and music ^_^ | 10:51 |
luzbelito | music too | 10:51 |
kbrooks | heh | 10:51 |
tiglionabbit | kickrocks: accurate enough, yes those are all officially supported repositories that are by default simple there but commented out on the default install | 10:51 |
kbrooks | tiglionabbit, not all | 10:51 |
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tiglionabbit | s/simple/simply | 10:51 |
tiglionabbit | kbrooks: true, the multiverse must be added | 10:52 |
kbrooks | er | 10:52 |
kickrocks | tiglionabbit, everything in the default file give me 404 | 10:52 |
tiglionabbit | kickrocks: is something wrong with your internet? | 10:52 |
kbrooks | tiglionabbit, universe isnt supported | 10:52 |
kickrocks | not that I am aware of | 10:52 |
nameless1 | php5 is not installing properly for me, is it possible for me to get a binary version? | 10:52 |
tiglionabbit | kbrooks: well it's in the default sources.list | 10:52 |
kbrooks | power cycle your modem | 10:52 |
tiglionabbit | but it does say it's unsupported | 10:53 |
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HappyFool | 404 means you are talking to the server, so your connection is probably fine | 10:53 |
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tiglionabbit | HappyFool: why would it give him that error? | 10:54 |
kickrocks | i am running on crap itanium though | 10:54 |
HappyFool | repo broken, maybe | 10:54 |
=== HappyFool runs apt-get update | ||
=== ompaul [~ompaul@213-202-165-193.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | kickrocks: can you post an URL giving you a 404 ? | 10:55 |
jg | well, I'm getting MD5Sum errors consistently.... | 10:55 |
kbrooks | dinner's soon | 10:55 |
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kbrooks | jg: paste your entire sources.list | 10:55 |
HappyFool | what, here? | 10:55 |
kbrooks | on a pastebin | 10:55 |
jg | kbrooks: what's a pastebin? | 10:55 |
kbrooks | jg: one is in the topic | 10:56 |
HappyFool | i'm getting some funny errors on apt-get update. i guess the repo is being updated, or something | 10:56 |
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doonz | oh guys | 10:56 |
sentinel | hi | 10:56 |
HappyFool | jg: place to dump a lot of text, so we can view it | 10:56 |
HappyFool | jg: dumping text in #ubuntu is considered rude | 10:56 |
doonz | i have a digital camera is there software out there that will allow me to get my pics onto my comp? | 10:56 |
=== spola [~fstr@dD5767C61.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lsuactiafner | gphoto | 10:56 |
=== ompaul wonders what it takes to get the EP to kill off the EPO | ||
kickrocks | Err http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main Packages | 10:56 |
doonz | that works with a canna camera? | 10:56 |
=== kristianu is now known as procrastinator | ||
spola | im having trouble with NFS can someone please help me? | 10:57 |
tiglionabbit | kickrocks: shouldn't that be a -, not a / ? | 10:57 |
Blue_Summer | anyone know what the command to download mozzila acitvex control is? | 10:57 |
kickrocks | 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 10:57 |
Seveas | doonz, most cams work by simply plugging them in | 10:57 |
spola | when i try to mount it says:mount: RPC: Programma niet geregistreerd | 10:57 |
ompaul | procrastinator, you took your time doing that! | 10:57 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | shit | 10:57 |
tiglionabbit | Blue_Summer: mozilla does NOT support ActiveX. Sorry | 10:57 |
Seveas | dooglus, the ones that don't usually work with gphoto | 10:57 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | something went wrong | 10:57 |
lsuactiafner | no idea, but works with several hundred | 10:57 |
=== natu [~natu@cust31-6.netcabo.co.mz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lsuactiafner | give it a shot | 10:57 |
procrastinator | ompaul: What? | 10:57 |
Blue_Summer | tiglionabbit, : root@ubuntu:/home/rob/TransGaming_Drive/Program Files/Valve/Steam # You need to install the Mozilla ActiveX control to | 10:57 |
Blue_Summer | be able to view webpages in this application | 10:57 |
kickrocks | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe multiverse | 10:58 |
kickrocks | deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe multiverse | 10:58 |
jg | kbrooks: done.... | 10:58 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | it was going good then started telling me about a read only filesystem | 10:58 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and quit >.< | 10:58 |
HappyFool | kickrocks: at a guess, things are a bit broken at the moment. try maybe again later, or tomorrow | 10:58 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | cp: cannot create regular file `/storage/shane/STORAGE/STORAGE/ZoneAlarm_Pro_v5.5.062.zip': Read-only file system | 10:58 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | is one of the errors | 10:58 |
ompaul | procrastinator, what does procrastinate mean :) | 10:58 |
nameless1 | can someone tell me if its possible to get a binary verson of php5 for ubuntu | 10:58 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and it startrd so well with the inital command | 10:58 |
Blue_Summer | tiglionabbit, yes it does support it lol | 10:58 |
tiglionabbit | HappyFool: you sure about that? It's working for me | 10:58 |
Seveas | ChurcH_of_FoamY, well, make /storage/...../ writable then :) | 10:58 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | how? | 10:58 |
Seveas | is it ntfs? | 10:59 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | no | 10:59 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ext3 | 10:59 |
mostrodibiscotti | is there a vnc package that I can get with apt get | 10:59 |
Seveas | hmm | 10:59 |
HappyFool | tiglionabbit: works now | 10:59 |
Seveas | ChurcH_of_FoamY, chmod +w | 10:59 |
Blue_Summer | Seveas, what's the command to download mozilla active x? | 10:59 |
Seveas | read the manpage for chmod for details | 10:59 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | so chmod +w /storage? | 10:59 |
Seveas | Blue_Summer, it doesn't support it | 10:59 |
procrastinator | ompaul: It means postponing things, as in laziness | 10:59 |
HappyFool | tiglionabbit: i often get hiccoughs with the repo -- maybe my isp's transparent http proxy is screwing me around *shrug* | 10:59 |
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=== ogg [~admin@1-1-2-20a.um.um.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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ogg | is there any text-based "terminal-mode" mp3-player? | 11:00 |
Blue_Summer | Seveas, there are loads of websites saying you can downloading the Mozilla AcitveX control | 11:00 |
tiglionabbit | HappyFool: I'm pretty sure his sources.list is just messed | 11:00 |
ompaul | procrastinator, and you changed your name, I suggested you took your time, this to me was a touch of irony | 11:00 |
HappyFool | Blue_Summer: are those not perhaps for windows ? | 11:00 |
s1m0 | hi, anyone could help me please with alsa? ubuntu doen't load my sound device | 11:00 |
HappyFool | tiglionabbit: could be | 11:00 |
Seveas | Blue_Summer, for one: activeX is M$ crap | 11:00 |
Seveas | won't run on linux | 11:00 |
kickrocks | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe multiverse | 11:00 |
kickrocks | deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe multiverse | 11:00 |
kickrocks | are these incorrect | 11:00 |
Seveas | and FF has no activeX at all... | 11:00 |
=== Ohmer [~Homer@ip216-239-88-77.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | kickrocks: no | 11:00 |
procrastinator | ompaul: Oh, now i get it. I'm a little slow, as you know ;) | 11:00 |
othernoob | doesn't only IE have activeX? | 11:00 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | hmm do i have to do anything after i do chmod +w? | 11:01 |
tiglionabbit | kickrocks: just use the ones from here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 and you'll be fine | 11:01 |
HappyFool | ok, i need to go to sleep | 11:01 |
kickrocks | that is what i used | 11:01 |
jg | kbrooks: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/424 | 11:01 |
HappyFool | *wave* | 11:01 |
kickrocks | tiglionabbit, I only have the 6 listed on that link exaclty how the link has them | 11:01 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | because it gives me the same errors still | 11:01 |
ogg | I did a X Window Snapshot. Where does the snapshot being saved? | 11:01 |
ogg | on the hd. | 11:01 |
=== toffy [~bjorn@28.80-202-83.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i must be the dumbest person here | 11:02 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | >.< | 11:02 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: could be | 11:02 |
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: sorry =P | 11:02 |
Seveas | ChurcH_of_FoamY, can you paste the complete output on the pastebin :) | 11:02 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | >.< it's ok | 11:02 |
kickrocks | failed to fetch sounds to me like the problem is not on my end | 11:02 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | shure | 11:02 |
Seveas | kickrocks, sometimes the repository is a bit in flux | 11:02 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: we should apologize for not listening to you about some things | 11:02 |
Seveas | kickrocks, can you paste the complete output of apt-get update on the pastebin | 11:03 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | no it's ok i understand you guys have to help alot of noobs like me | 11:03 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and that it may get quite tiresome at times | 11:03 |
Seveas | :) | 11:03 |
Seveas | noobs aren't tiresome | 11:03 |
kickrocks | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/main/ | 11:03 |
Seveas | ignorant fools are | 11:03 |
kickrocks | the ia64 stuff is not there | 11:03 |
Seveas | btw, you are not an ignorant fool :) | 11:03 |
kickrocks | is ia64 crap on a different server ? | 11:04 |
Seveas | kickrocks, no | 11:04 |
kickrocks | or is ia64 scrapped | 11:04 |
sve | could someone help with getting started a USB TV Tuner, please. | 11:04 |
Seveas | but /dists is not the folder to look at :) | 11:04 |
Seveas | you want /pool/ | 11:04 |
kickrocks | that is the directory the apt-get is trying | 11:04 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | http://pastebin.com/308556 | 11:04 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | theres most of it | 11:04 |
Seveas | kickrocks, can you paste the complete output of apt-get update on the pastebin <-- | 11:04 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | the other stuff seems to have scrolled off of the terminal | 11:05 |
kickrocks | yes | 11:05 |
kickrocks | I am doing that now | 11:05 |
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=== BluesRocker [Pendragon@smin-i17.dial.b92.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i just don't know what i'm doing wrong | 11:05 |
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ogg | anyone if there is an text-based mp3 player for ubuntu? | 11:06 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and i must be doin somethn wrong | 11:06 |
=== jakob_ [~jakob@196.80-202-82.nextgentel.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
benplaut | _that_ was an interesting experience... | 11:06 |
tiglionabbit | ogg: yes, mplayer | 11:06 |
cmatheson | ogg: mpg123 | 11:06 |
cmatheson | ogg: or mpg321 | 11:06 |
ogg | like. play, stop, pause in the terminal =) | 11:06 |
Seveas | ChurcH_of_FoamY, wget http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/pastebin && mount | python pastebin | 11:06 |
=== benplaut loves his working X in Hoary | ||
ChurcH_of_FoamY | seveas huh and what? | 11:06 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | the hell is that? | 11:06 |
=== JDigital` [~jdigital@host81-156-25-251.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== foolioio [~carsonr@dhcp-1-100.media.mit.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maxy_noob | I can't open google.com with Firefox in Ubuntu. Any ideas? | 11:06 |
Seveas | ChurcH_of_FoamY, command line pastebin poster ;) | 11:06 |
cmatheson | ogg: i saw an ncurses frontend to mpg321 on the ruby application repository thing... you could go to ruby-lang.org and search around | 11:07 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | um ok | 11:07 |
Seveas | you can also just type mount and paste it manually :) | 11:07 |
BluesRocker | I cant configure pppconfig, my modem won't dial :( | 11:07 |
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cmatheson | maxy_noob: check your network settings? | 11:07 |
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tiglionabbit | what's the difference between mpg123 and mpg321 ? | 11:07 |
foolioio | so, supposing I'd like to install firefox 1.0.4 | 11:07 |
maxy_noob | I can open almost every other site | 11:07 |
foolioio | what'd be the most elegant way to do that? | 11:07 |
Seveas | 321 is better | 11:07 |
cmatheson | tiglionabbit: i think one of them wasn't "free" enough so they started 321 | 11:07 |
foolioio | change the sources.list? | 11:07 |
JDigital` | foolioio: warty has it as standard | 11:07 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | um ok this looks complicated | 11:07 |
JDigital` | e | 11:07 |
tiglionabbit | foolioio: you already have 1.0.4, it's backported. Change your version number | 11:07 |
JDigital` | r | 11:07 |
JDigital` | hoary | 11:07 |
JDigital` | not warty | 11:07 |
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JDigital` | there's a page about it somewhere | 11:07 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | all i wanna do is copy files >.< | 11:07 |
foolioio | cool | 11:07 |
tiglionabbit | foolioio: type about:config into your address bar, and search for vendorsub. Change the number there to 1.0.4 | 11:08 |
=== dataw0lf [~dataw0lf@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | ChurcH_of_FoamY, mount just gives some output that I want to look at :) | 11:08 |
JDigital` | Can anyone recommend a decent ssh client? | 11:08 |
tiglionabbit | JDigital`: ssh ? | 11:08 |
Seveas | JDigital`, ssh :) | 11:08 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ok so what is wget? | 11:08 |
Seveas | wgwt is a download prog | 11:08 |
JDigital` | ssh doesn't work on my machine | 11:08 |
woodwizzle | wget is a command line downloading program | 11:08 |
foolioio | tigionabbit: wait, that just changes the string? | 11:08 |
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: wget is uh, web-get. It gets stuff from the web | 11:08 |
maxy_noob | any idea why only google.com and merriam-webster online wouldn't be opening? | 11:08 |
JDigital` | wget is a program that downloads a URL | 11:08 |
Seveas | JDigital`, what is the problem..? | 11:08 |
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JDigital` | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=239698 <--- This is the problem. | 11:09 |
sebastjanp | sudo apt-get openssh-server | 11:09 |
=== sexcopter8000m [~james@82-34-47-19.cable.ubr01.chel.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JDigital` | It's stumped me and a dozen people since February. | 11:09 |
JDigital` | I want the client, not the server. | 11:09 |
kickrocks | http://pastebin/308559 | 11:09 |
JDigital` | which I have anyway. | 11:09 |
BluesRocker | can I write AT country code in modem driver somehow? | 11:09 |
sebastjanp | hmm | 11:09 |
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sebastjanp | why don't you use the terminal window | 11:10 |
Seveas | BluesRocker, you can put it in the modemscript... | 11:10 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/425 | 11:10 |
BluesRocker | how? | 11:10 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | is that what you want? | 11:10 |
JDigital` | terminal window? | 11:10 |
sebastjanp | ssh IP.ADRRESS | 11:10 |
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sebastjanp | in terminal | 11:10 |
Seveas | kickrocks, hmm, are you or your provider using a proxy? | 11:10 |
JDigital` | sebastjanp: Like I just said, that doesn't work for me. | 11:10 |
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sebastjanp | hmm | 11:11 |
kickrocks | i am at my job so there is a proxy | 11:11 |
procrastinator | Does anyone have experience with Rosegarden? | 11:11 |
kickrocks | but this has worked before | 11:11 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | seveas http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/425 | 11:11 |
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tiglionabbit | procrastinator: I tried installing it on ubuntu. It crashed horribly | 11:11 |
Seveas | JDigital`, try without ssh keys | 11:11 |
tiglionabbit | procrastinator: ima try it again | 11:11 |
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Seveas | ChurcH_of_FoamY, od... | 11:12 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ? | 11:12 |
=== pfp [~pfp@YYYMYCCCIV.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChurcH_of_FoamY | something wrong? | 11:12 |
Seveas | no | 11:12 |
Seveas | that's what's odd :) | 11:12 |
Firetech | anyone know what can be wrong if I get "/etc/init.d/alsa: Warning: 'alsactl restore' failed with error message 'alsactl: set_control:909: failed to obtain info for control #35 (No such file or directory)'." after compiling a vanilla kernel with the same options (except the new settings) as my old ubuntu patched one? | 11:12 |
procrastinator | If I start jackd and then Rosegarden, the sequencer status says that the audio is ok, and that communication with Jack went as it should | 11:12 |
Seveas | ChurcH_of_FoamY, has it worked before? | 11:12 |
JDigital` | Seveas: How do I do without ssh keys? | 11:12 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | never tryed it | 11:12 |
=== delire [~delire@cpe.atm2-0-71124.0x50a62a92.boanxx16.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and can't afford to loose the data | 11:12 |
Seveas | JDigital`, move your ssh key out of the way :) | 11:12 |
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procrastinator | tiglionabbit: Well, did you make it work with sound and everything? | 11:13 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | it is vital i have years of crap i can't afford to lose | 11:13 |
tiglionabbit | procrastinator: no.. it wont even start properly ={ | 11:13 |
procrastinator | But with jackd there's no sound | 11:13 |
JDigital` | Where would my ssh key be? | 11:13 |
BluesRocker | Seveas, what is modemscript? | 11:13 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | pics of family music and hard to find games | 11:13 |
JDigital` | in .ssh? | 11:13 |
Seveas | JDigital`, yes | 11:13 |
delire | ChurcH_of_FoamY: what's up chap? | 11:13 |
Seveas | id_*.key | 11:13 |
procrastinator | tiglionabbit: How far did you come? | 11:13 |
JDigital` | There's nothing in .ssh except known_hosts | 11:13 |
JDigital` | I deleted .ssh twice already | 11:13 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | can't copy 32.2 gigs of stuff to a diffrent drive for some reason | 11:13 |
JDigital` | no fix | 11:13 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | it just dosen't like me or something | 11:14 |
Seveas | ChurcH_of_FoamY, maybe the disk is full..? | 11:14 |
kickrocks | Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-updates/main/binary-ia64/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 11:14 |
delire | ChurcH_of_FoamY: from which operating system> | 11:14 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | nope it's not | 11:14 |
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procrastinator | I've also tried with qjackctl, and for some reason, Rosegarden won't really communicate with that | 11:14 |
delire | ChurcH_of_FoamY: to which filesystem? | 11:14 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | the original files where on an ntfs partition | 11:14 |
kickrocks | if i see dist in the url and dist is incorrect where would dist come form | 11:14 |
JDigital` | maybe you don't have permissions on the drive you're copying to | 11:14 |
tiglionabbit | procrastinator: typed rosegarden at terminal. It shows a splashscreen saying "initializing view" in the corner, then pops up an error that says it couldn't initialize audio sequencing. The gui that appears after that is completely unresponsive. (this is rosegarden4 from synaptic) | 11:14 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | i took them of and put them in my ubuntu | 11:14 |
=== KarlosII [~KarlosII@S0106000f3d5ae683.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
JDigital` | or the folder you're copying to | 11:14 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | then reformated the drive ext3 | 11:14 |
Seveas | kickrocks, hmm, that happens to me too now | 11:15 |
delire | ChurcH_of_FoamY: you have the destination partition mounted? | 11:15 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | yes | 11:15 |
delire | ChurcH_of_FoamY: what filesystem is it? | 11:15 |
JDigital` | is it mounted ext3 now instead of ntfs | 11:15 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and the changes in fstab are there too | 11:15 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | yes | 11:15 |
Seveas | kickrocks, comment out hoary-updates for now and retry later | 11:15 |
delire | ChurcH_of_FoamY: can you ls the files in that partition? | 11:15 |
tiglionabbit | delire: he's already said it's ext3 | 11:15 |
procrastinator | tiglionabbit, I went past that. I think it was nothing but modprobe snd-seq that did the trick. | 11:15 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | in which one? | 11:15 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | my ubuntu drive or the other one? | 11:15 |
=== KarlosII curses freaking storm | ||
tiglionabbit | ChurcH_of_FoamY: in the one you're writing to | 11:15 |
delire | ChurcH_of_FoamY: what happens when you try to write to that partition? | 11:16 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | yes some of the files have been copyd and some have not | 11:16 |
=== jakob_ [~jakob@196.80-202-82.nextgentel.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
=== KarlosII it took out my power for a couple moments | ||
procrastinator | tiglionabbit: snd_seq even | 11:16 |
hooligan | are mako there? | 11:16 |
hooligan | are mako there? | 11:16 |
=== KarlosII says and just 20 minutes ago it was sunny | ||
tiglionabbit | procrastinator: wow yay, that's much better! | 11:16 |
tiglionabbit | procrastinator: thanks | 11:17 |
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Seveas | hooligan, simply /whois mako | 11:17 |
Seveas | and you'll see he's been idle for 9 hours :) | 11:17 |
procrastinator | tiglionabbit: Well, just wait till you see the problems that come after that ;) | 11:17 |
=== Sio [~dragon@cpc4-hem12-6-0-cust227.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hooligan | yeap, saw that | 11:17 |
BluesRocker | my modem is installed, i hear signal, but it doesnt call number | 11:17 |
delire | ChurcH_of_FoamY: when copying files for backup, always use cp -a (archive). if you have some files copied, and some not, see cp -u (update) as this will only copy new files to the location in question. | 11:17 |
hooligan | thx | 11:17 |
=== petitohaime| [MTP@dyn-83-152-26-103.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JDigital` | odd | 11:18 |
JDigital` | What's cp -a? | 11:18 |
delire | JDigital`: cp --archive | 11:18 |
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JDigital` | I mean, what's it do? | 11:18 |
=== REWind [~warty@port450.ds1-noe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== itz [~richo@c-d35072d5.08-223-67626721.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
natu | hi.... | 11:19 |
REWind | Hi! I just reinstalled my Windows and in the process lost my grub boot menu. Have anyone an idea how to get it back? | 11:19 |
delire | JDigital`: it's a copy that preserves symlinks, copies recursively and preserves ownership | 11:20 |
JDigital` | spiffy | 11:20 |
delire | JDigital`: very cool, used by recovery specialists in fact. | 11:20 |
procrastinator | REWind: You need to run grub-install /dev/hda in some kind of GNU/Linux environment | 11:20 |
natu | use...the ubuntu....cd... | 11:20 |
procrastinator | REWind: That can be a LiveCD, a floppy, or your installed Ubuntu | 11:21 |
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natu | it may help... | 11:21 |
=== jakob_ [~jakob@196.80-202-82.nextgentel.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
pfp | hmm, seems i need to compile the nvidia driver... could you suggest, which version to choose? (to avoid the x-frozen-mouse-pointer-moves-bug) | 11:21 |
REWind | procrastinator, I'm now in a liveCD.. so.. | 11:21 |
Seveas | REWind, wiki.ubuntu.com/recoveringgrubafterinstallingwindows | 11:21 |
itz | how cme if i "sudo nautilus --no-desktop --browser /home" in a terminal it works but if i do a "shortcut" with same i just see a blink on the screen and nothing happens? | 11:21 |
=== BluesRocker [Pendragon@smin-i17.dial.b92.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
procrastinator | REWind: Try if you can do grub-install /dev/hda | 11:21 |
=== BluesRocker [Pendragon@smin-i17.dial.b92.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | itz, because the terminal allows you to type a password for sudo | 11:22 |
natu | does....anyone...knows...a cool....c/c++ ide...linux...and with syntax...highlighting... | 11:22 |
Seveas | the gui not :) | 11:22 |
delire | natu: does that provide the option to grub-install? | 11:22 |
Seveas | itz, try gksudo in the shortcut | 11:22 |
natu | other...than...the tedious...gedit...vim... | 11:22 |
BluesRocker | Microsoft rules !!! | 11:22 |
delire | natu: i use vim but many swear by kdevelop | 11:22 |
natu | i am using gnome...man... | 11:22 |
=== chromate [~yaman@cpe-67-49-34-31.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | natu there are several, xcoral, nedit, and xemacs | 11:22 |
ogg | microsoft is a bit of cult :) | 11:22 |
itz | Seveas, same shit :8 | 11:22 |
ogg | windows machines.. | 11:22 |
delire | natu: vim, emacs | 11:22 |
tiglionabbit | natu: how are gedit or vim tedious? | 11:23 |
ompaul | natu, really you need to find one you want to use | 11:23 |
natu | i dont...like...them.. | 11:23 |
cmatheson | i love the crap out of vim | 11:23 |
natu | are very text oriented... | 11:23 |
delire | cmatheson: ;) | 11:23 |
natu | i want something...more graphical... | 11:23 |
chromate | hi... i'm just wondering if anybody knows a good way to keep two directories in sync? for example, if i have /mnt/ext and ~/files ... if a file changes/is added to /mnt/ext, i want that synched in ~/files and vice versa | 11:23 |
cmatheson | text is what you're editing, why wouldn't they be text-oriented? | 11:23 |
itz | do i need to reboot or something since it could gotten hnaged up trying without gk? | 11:23 |
ompaul | natu, that is very naughty of you to use all those full stops with a world wide shortage of them :) | 11:23 |
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Seveas | itz, by the way, running nautilus as root can totally screw up things... | 11:24 |
itz | Seveas, ok? :/ | 11:24 |
=== pyro_chaos [~none@c-67-173-133-172.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
itz | How can i browse my files in root level then? | 11:24 |
natu | i am talking..about...the fancy...things...just like...eclipse/visual studio... | 11:24 |
cmatheson | itz: yu don't have to be root to browse the files | 11:24 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: aw cmon, don't tell him that | 11:24 |
natu | sudo cd / | 11:24 |
delire | procrastinator: won't REWind have to chroot to run the grub-install? | 11:24 |
cmatheson | itz: you just can't change them | 11:24 |
=== KarlosII notes a weather alert for edmonton and area of severe thunderstorms and tornado warning in effect as of now. | ||
natu | try it... | 11:24 |
pyro_chaos | wats the name of the program that does package down and pre requirements also | 11:24 |
tiglionabbit | itz: only do it when you need to make admin changes | 11:24 |
bimberi | chromate: I use unison for that | 11:24 |
pyro_chaos | download* | 11:24 |
itz | Yes how can i change files then... | 11:25 |
itz | in gui | 11:25 |
tiglionabbit | itz: I think Seveas is afraid you'll delete something accidentally | 11:25 |
natu | is anyone...interested ....in robocup... | 11:25 |
natu | ???? | 11:25 |
cmatheson | itz: just don't use the gui if you need to change files as root | 11:25 |
Seveas | tiglionabbit, it can fubare your .Xauth etc... | 11:25 |
chromate | bimberi: is that free software? | 11:25 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: wha? | 11:25 |
budluva | is there anyway i can get a rough location on an ip if its behind a dyndns service? | 11:25 |
=== signbarn [~signbarn@adsl-211-172-87.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | natu, robocup is nice :) | 11:25 |
Seveas | budluva, dig the-dyndns-name | 11:26 |
natu | have...u tried..to setit up....in ubuntu... | 11:26 |
itz | erhm... im not very used to linux and since commands are diferent from dos i would appriciate to use some kind of filemanager in root level :/ | 11:26 |
natu | the simulator... | 11:26 |
Seveas | and then host the-ip-address | 11:26 |
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pyro_chaos | wats the name of the program that does package download and pre requirements also ? | 11:26 |
Seveas | natu, no | 11:26 |
signbarn | What is the command to see the free space on my mounted drives? | 11:26 |
procrastinator | delire: Well, if grub-install exists on the live-cd, he won't need to. But otherwise, you're right. | 11:26 |
Seveas | signbarn, df -h | 11:26 |
chromate | bimberi: and more importantly, does it require a server to be running? | 11:26 |
bimberi | chromate: Yes indeed :) - available in an ubuntu repository (universe) near you | 11:26 |
cmatheson | itz: read a HOWTO or something on the wiki... browsing the filesystem isn't difficult | 11:26 |
tiglionabbit | pyro_chaos: synaptic | 11:26 |
natu | i am trying to compile some code....but..i am having some problems... | 11:26 |
tiglionabbit | signbarn: df | 11:26 |
bimberi | chromate: no | 11:26 |
pyro_chaos | thats it thnx allot | 11:26 |
Seveas | natu, being..? | 11:26 |
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=== eliUbuntu [~eliUbuntu@koloa.IfA.Hawaii.Edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
natu | i cant get the make-files to work.... | 11:27 |
ogg | maan. just running a terminal, x-chat and beep-media-player. doing a free -m show free Mem 2Mbyte! | 11:27 |
budluva | Seveas, domain name pointer host.promptdns.com is what i get | 11:27 |
bimberi | chromate: I actually use it to backup to a remote server - but it can be used locally also | 11:27 |
Seveas | natu, can you paste the error on the pastebin | 11:27 |
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0955.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
itz | ok but anyway running nautilus in root mode doesnt bugs up things as long as im changing stuff that doesnt belong to the system right? | 11:27 |
tiglionabbit | natu: well makefiles are complicated and picky. They need to have tabs in them | 11:27 |
ogg | -/+ buffers/cache shows 81Mbyte free. | 11:27 |
ogg | out of 128. | 11:27 |
Seveas | budluva, well, you can't get anymore than that | 11:27 |
budluva | Seveas, so the server's ip is still hiding behind that host.promtdns.com, how do i get the actual machine's ip address? | 11:28 |
eliUbuntu | anyone wish to help out with a problem on startup? | 11:28 |
budluva | Seveas, ahh ok | 11:28 |
signbarn | I know my video card & monitor can go up to 1600x1200 resolution, yet I don't get that option in the Screen Resolution menu. Is there anything I can do to force it? | 11:28 |
natu | i have put in console ...make... | 11:28 |
Seveas | eliUbuntu, just ask :) | 11:28 |
tiglionabbit | signbarn: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add the modes you want | 11:28 |
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natu | and as answer...i received...a message...saying..that...there were no makefile | 11:28 |
ivoks | Seveas: hi | 11:28 |
=== wildtangent [~longlivem@d141-169-31.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
natu | in the current...directory..... | 11:28 |
eliUbuntu | ok, the gdm screen comes up with no problem. but when i log in the splash screen never initiates | 11:28 |
Seveas | ivoks, 'lo | 11:29 |
natu | but the makefiles...are there... | 11:29 |
tiglionabbit | natu: =\ | 11:29 |
wildtangent | n00b question, how do i determine what my kernel version i? | 11:29 |
eliUbuntu | it just sits there | 11:29 |
tiglionabbit | wildtangent: uname -a | 11:29 |
itz | i think its a bit bad to have so high res and hz default i also had to change in xorg.conf not very nice for noobs :D | 11:29 |
Seveas | natu, can you skip using so many '...' please.... | 11:29 |
natu | the extensions....of make file are tpml | 11:29 |
Seveas | wildtangent, uname -r | 11:29 |
natu | why???? | 11:29 |
Seveas | natu, it's annoying | 11:29 |
pfp | signbarn: you may need to add your monitor's specs to that file (horizsync and vertrefresh) | 11:29 |
natu | are....phobic | 11:29 |
eliUbuntu | i think it may be related to trying to uninstall evolution | 11:29 |
natu | ??? | 11:29 |
natu | hehehe | 11:29 |
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eliUbuntu | after i saw what i removed i reinstalled it | 11:29 |
chromate | bimberi: thanks for the recommendation i'll check it out! | 11:29 |
natu | ok i'll try | 11:30 |
tiglionabbit | !resolution | 11:30 |
ubotu | somebody said resolution was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:30 |
Seveas | eliUbuntu, drop to a console with <ctrl><alt><f1>, log in there and remove .ICEauthority | 11:30 |
bimberi | chromate: yw :) hope it fills your needs! | 11:30 |
othernoob | just curious, are the 686 kernels stable now? | 11:30 |
ivoks | othernoob: allways bin | 11:30 |
Seveas | othernoob, they have been since the beginning... | 11:30 |
chromate | another problem i seem to be having: i have usb-storage and ehci/ohci modules loaded, and when i plug in a remote storage device it triggers in the system logs, usb mass storage recognizes it, it identifies the device, but it fails to create a node which i can access it from (for example, /dev/sda) | 11:30 |
ivoks | bin :)) been | 11:30 |
ompaul | itz, http://www.tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/sect_03_01.html and search for the word visual that will help you understand something of a possible layout, you will get the major features from it | 11:30 |
eliUbuntu | then try to reboot gnome afterwards? | 11:31 |
eliUbuntu | after rm the file? | 11:31 |
Seveas | eliUbuntu, yes | 11:31 |
eliUbuntu | ok | 11:31 |
itz | ompaul, ok | 11:31 |
eliUbuntu | thanks | 11:31 |
ivoks | chromate: that | 11:31 |
eliUbuntu | let me try | 11:31 |
delire | chromate: what is the exact error? | 11:31 |
ivoks | chromate: that's official kernel? | 11:31 |
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=== Wegg_ [~weggingt@www.eggprops.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | chromate: sd modul isn't loaded | 11:31 |
chromate | delire: i don't get an error. it just stops progressing in the mount sequence | 11:31 |
delire | chromate: try modprobe sd | 11:32 |
chromate | ivoks: yes, it used to work before. i'm not sure what happened. | 11:32 |
Wegg_ | Hey. . . can anyone pont me to a good network bandwidth monitor? | 11:32 |
=== CerBerO_ [~CerBerO@pc-138-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | Wegg_, bwm | 11:32 |
othernoob | Seveas: they haven't been for me on ubuntu | 11:32 |
chromate | ivoks: let me try that one sec | 11:32 |
ivoks | chromate: restart hotplug (sudo /etc/init.d/hotplug restart) | 11:32 |
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eliUbuntu | ok, still no splash screen, even after removing .ICE* | 11:32 |
ompaul | itz, it is really a very bad idea to naivagate a file system using a graphical tool - once you take an action - that is it, and accidents can lead to game over feelings, not really nice | 11:32 |
eliUbuntu | i see the mouse cursor though | 11:32 |
chromate | ivoks: module sd not found | 11:32 |
itz | ompaul, thats how it work in ms / windows i dont have a roblem with it | 11:33 |
tiglionabbit | ompaul: stop telling him that. There is a friggin TRASH, you can restore files! | 11:33 |
eliUbuntu | there is no hard drive activity as well | 11:33 |
eliUbuntu | just sits there | 11:33 |
eliUbuntu | should i do a memtest? | 11:33 |
ivoks | chromate: sd_mode | 11:33 |
ivoks | chromate: sd_mod | 11:33 |
ivoks | chromate: pardon :) | 11:33 |
Wegg_ | I'll try that Seveas. Thanks. | 11:33 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | seveas why can't i copy if everythings ok? | 11:33 |
tiglionabbit | itz: don't let them get to you. Hehe, I'm actually weaning myself off the console to take advantage of the prettyness of ubuntu recently | 11:33 |
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Seveas | ChurcH_of_FoamY, no idea, maybe the kernel module has flipped | 11:34 |
itz | tiglionabbit, hehe | 11:34 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | whats that mean? | 11:34 |
Seveas | try unmounting and remounting /storage | 11:34 |
tiglionabbit | itz: I think the best solution for you would be to make a little launcher on your desktop that calls the command "gksudo nautilus" for when you want to do your admin-ing stuf | 11:34 |
eliUbuntu | Seveas, when you said drop to a console, xterm right? | 11:34 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | seveas been there done that but what do you mean flipped? | 11:35 |
TimmyJ | anyone know how to get https support in gftp? I get this error "HTTPS Support unavailable since SSL support was not compiled in. Aborting connection." | 11:35 |
itz | tiglionabbit, well thats were it stared... this doesnt work: gksudo nautilus --no-desktop --browser /home | 11:35 |
Seveas | eliUbuntu, no, just hit <ctrl><alt><F1> in the login screen or the hung gnome session | 11:35 |
=== ompaul never knew he was in the them club :) | ||
chromate | ivoks: no luck :-/ | 11:35 |
delire | eliUbuntu: he probably means CTRL-ALT-F1, a real console (not a virtual one like xterm) | 11:35 |
tiglionabbit | itz: no desktop? | 11:35 |
Seveas | ChurcH_of_FoamY, flipped out, gone crazy | 11:35 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | oh ok | 11:35 |
ivoks | chromate: no module? | 11:35 |
itz | tiglionabbit, something blinks but nothing happens | 11:35 |
chromate | ivoks: there's a module, but no device node is created on load | 11:35 |
itz | but if i do it in a terminal it works | 11:36 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | do you have any suggestions on what i could do to get the data off of my hard drive? | 11:36 |
tiglionabbit | itz: tried just gksudo nautilus? It should make a graphical password window | 11:36 |
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delire | chromate: can you post the exact error? | 11:36 |
ivoks | chromate: reinsert your flash again | 11:36 |
=== Seveas brb | ||
tiglionabbit | !guiadmin | 11:36 |
ubotu | Bugger all, i dunno, tiglionabbit | 11:36 |
Wegg_ | what total KB/sec should I expect from a Gigabit card? | 11:36 |
eliUbuntu | k, rebooting the computer and we will see what happens. what is ICEauthority? thanks for your help Seveas and delire | 11:36 |
ivoks | Wegg_: 60MB/s | 11:36 |
Wegg_ | I'm getting around 2000 KB/s | 11:37 |
chrissturm | Wegg_, 60-70 | 11:37 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu guiadmin is create a launcher on your desktop with the command "gksudo nautilus" | 11:37 |
ubotu | okay, tiglionabbit | 11:37 |
chromate | ivoks, delire: here is what happens in the syslog upon plugin: http://pastebin.com/308567 | 11:37 |
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natuzinho | is there anyone from mozambique.... | 11:37 |
tiglionabbit | !guiadmin | 11:37 |
ubotu | rumour has it, guiadmin is create a launcher on your desktop with the command "gksudo nautilus" | 11:37 |
itz | tiglionabbit, that works.... but why does the other thing just work in terminal? :/ | 11:37 |
Seveas | !forget guiadmin | 11:37 |
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ubotu | Seveas: i forgot guiadmin | 11:37 |
tiglionabbit | itz: what other thing? | 11:37 |
Seveas | tiglionabbit, please don't feed it bad things... | 11:37 |
itz | sudo nautilus --no-desktop --browser /home | 11:37 |
tiglionabbit | ubotu forget guiadmin | 11:37 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: okay, I phrased that badly, but still it's a useful entry | 11:38 |
Seveas | tiglionabbit, no | 11:38 |
ivoks | chromate: well, everything is ok | 11:38 |
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Seveas | running nautilus as root is bad | 11:38 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: WHY? | 11:38 |
chromate | ivoks: but there are no /dev/sd* nodes created | 11:38 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | how long does it take for sudo to clear it's self from memory? | 11:38 |
chrissturm | ha, gksudo nautilus, great! | 11:38 |
Seveas | tiglionabbit, as I said: it can FUBAR your .Xauth / .ICEauthority.. | 11:38 |
itz | Seveas, yes why | 11:38 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: how and why? | 11:38 |
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Wegg_ | So I'm getting 2mb/s and I should be getting 60? No way. . . hard drives can't even do 60. . . | 11:38 |
ivoks | chromate: ls -dl /dev/sda | 11:38 |
delire | chromate: it looks fine | 11:38 |
=== bddebian [~bdefreese@user216-178-65-218.netcarrier.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
itz | Seveas, is there any other tool that doesnt do that? | 11:39 |
chromate | ivoks: no such file or directory | 11:39 |
=== rep2 [~rep@cpc1-broo1-4-0-cust87.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
procrastinator | Tres. | 11:39 |
Seveas | tiglionabbit, search bugzilla/forums, happened to lots of people | 11:39 |
ivoks | chromate: ls -dl dev/scsi/host4/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 | 11:39 |
kbrooks | uh? | 11:39 |
=== Big_O [~Big_O@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chrissturm | Wegg_, if you try to copy files its much less. | 11:39 |
Big_O | i need a sound mixer to start with fluxbox | 11:39 |
kbrooks | Seveas, what happened to lots of people | 11:39 |
chromate | ivoks: for some reason there is no scsi directory in there | 11:39 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: where's that? Can you give me an example? | 11:40 |
delire | chromate: i would look for changes in /dev/sd* when you plug and unplug the device to see which device node is created. | 11:40 |
rep2 | i have java installed, but it will only work by "./java -version". How do i get the command "java -version" working? | 11:40 |
Seveas | kbrooks, .ICEauth /.Xauth got fubar -> next login hangs | 11:40 |
chromate | delire: that's the thing, there are NO /dev/sd* nodes | 11:40 |
Wegg_ | I just can't even figure out if this gigabit card is working | 11:40 |
Wegg_ | I got a kind of no-name brand card. | 11:40 |
Wegg_ | Zyxel. | 11:40 |
ivoks | chromate: did you mess with udev? | 11:40 |
chromate | ivoks: i don't believe so | 11:40 |
kbrooks | Seveas, er, define hangs | 11:40 |
eliUbuntu | Seveas: your recommendation worked. Thank you for your help. May I ask what is ICEauthority and why prevented ubuntu from loading correctly? | 11:40 |
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ivoks | chromate: you don't belive or you didn't? :) | 11:40 |
Xenguy | Are there any Ubuntu developers in the house currently? | 11:40 |
chromate | ivoks: i haven't touched the kernel, haven't changed any software unless it was included in some recent apt-get update/upgrade | 11:41 |
kbrooks | Seveas, a chown user:user then a chmod solved it | 11:41 |
kbrooks | for me | 11:41 |
Seveas | kbrooks, it's like what happened to eliUbuntu, after entering your password, gnome hangs, you never get even the splash screen | 11:41 |
bddebian | Xenguy: Why do you ask? | 11:41 |
Seveas | kbrooks, sure | 11:41 |
ivoks | chromate: ok | 11:41 |
Seveas | but it still is a bad thing because of this | 11:41 |
delire | ivoks: maybe he's installed udev or something | 11:41 |
Seveas | not everyone knows it | 11:41 |
=== nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth | ||
tiglionabbit | Seveas: what am I looking for? Could you give me an example? | 11:41 |
kbrooks | Seveas, i inadvertently said chmod 666 in a terminal once on debian | 11:41 |
ivoks | delire: udev should be instalated | 11:41 |
Big_O | ok whats the comand for the sound mixer | 11:41 |
kbrooks | Seveas, and debian gnome didnt start | 11:42 |
Seveas | tiglionabbit, search for 'login problem' 'Iceauthority' 'no splash' | 11:42 |
Arkainium | Hmm, I spotted these two lines in my syslog, but can't understand what they mean. I have a brand new hard drive installed. Jul 6 17:08:29 localhost kernel: ata1: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error } | 11:42 |
Arkainium | Jul 6 17:08:29 localhost kernel: ata1: error=0x84 { DriveStatusError BadCRC } | 11:42 |
bddebian | Heya nalioth | 11:42 |
ivoks | chromate: and there is no /proc/scsi? | 11:42 |
Big_O | alsamixer is saying something about elems | 11:42 |
Seveas | Big_O, alsamixer | 11:42 |
delire | ivoks: debian here.. well perhaps he should look at /dev/ub* then | 11:42 |
ivoks | chromate: and there is no /dev/scsi? | 11:42 |
chromate | ivoks: there is a /proc/scsi, but no /dev/scsi | 11:42 |
nalioth | howdy | 11:42 |
Seveas | Arkainium, hmm, run fsck on these disks... | 11:42 |
ivoks | delire: /dev/ub*? | 11:42 |
ivoks | chromate: lsmod | grep scsi | 11:42 |
nalioth | been quite an interesting day | 11:42 |
Big_O | tried it already Seveas its not working | 11:42 |
JDigital` | Can anyone recommend a decent ssh client? | 11:42 |
kbrooks | Seveas, then i chose to (out of my noobness) reboot and use single, then do these 2 commands i mentioned above | 11:43 |
JDigital` | ssh doesn't work on my machine | 11:43 |
ivoks | chromate: doh, you have scsi module... :( | 11:43 |
chromate | ivoks: in fact there's a file called /proc/scsi/usb-storage/4 that has the information of my drive | 11:43 |
ivoks | chromate: khm... | 11:43 |
Arkainium | Seveas, how can I boot up without mounting the disk? | 11:43 |
Seveas | Arkainium, live cd :) | 11:43 |
chromate | ivoks: yep, scsi_mod is there and its linked to usb_storage, sd_mod, libata, sr_mod,sbp42 | 11:43 |
delire | ivoks: yes, i for instance, mount usb storage devices to '/dev/uba /usb vfat rw,user,noauto 0 0' | 11:43 |
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kbrooks | Seveas, i know rebooting is overkill, but ..... | 11:43 |
delire | nalioth: very interesting day ;) | 11:43 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: it looks like most people with that problem had a problem with their graphics card, or something else | 11:43 |
eliUbuntu | Seveas: was using root for something cause the .ICEauthority problem? | 11:43 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: is there an example you can give me? | 11:43 |
kbrooks | Seveas, actually, it was 644, not 666 | 11:43 |
Seveas | kbrooks, how are newbies going to associate not logging in without apparent reason with .ICEauthority..? | 11:43 |
Big_O | No mixer elems found << i get this when i try to use alsa mixer | 11:44 |
ivoks | chromate: that's hoary? | 11:44 |
Seveas | tiglionabbit, not off th top of my head | 11:44 |
Arkainium | Seveas, grr. :P I searched google and it seems that most people who get this problem get a bunch of these errors in their syslog. I only spotted two. I *have* been getting some system lock ups lately though. So the only *real* way to diagnose is by checking the filesystem? | 11:44 |
chromate | ivoks: yup | 11:44 |
nalioth | eliUbuntu: the .ICEauthority thing is a known cross architextural problem, i dont think root has anything to do with it | 11:44 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: well you said there's lots, so you should be able to find one pretty easily, right? | 11:44 |
Seveas | eliUbuntu, it's a believable cause... | 11:44 |
chromate | ivoks: like i was saying it used to work before... though for some reason only once, then i'd have to reboot... but now it just doesn't work at all | 11:44 |
Seveas | Arkainium, that and smartmontools | 11:44 |
Seveas | check your disk with both | 11:45 |
ivoks | chromate: sudo apt-get --reinstall install udev | 11:45 |
Arkainium | Seveas, ok.. thanks for the help. one more thing though, should I run fsck with any special options? | 11:45 |
ivoks | chromate: and try with other flash drives | 11:45 |
kbrooks | Seveas, I inadvertenly did chmod 644 in ~ on Debian before, and I could not log on to whatever DE I was using, so I ended up having to chmod and chown | 11:45 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: it would be nice if you could tell me a concrete reason why sudo nautilus would cause this | 11:45 |
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Seveas | Arkainium, not neccessarily | 11:45 |
chromate | ivoks: i get the same behavior from my hard drive and my ipod | 11:45 |
delire | chromate: are you sure that's the full output after insertion of the usb key? | 11:45 |
Arkainium | Seveas, ok. thank you | 11:45 |
chromate | ivoks: should i stop hotplug or anything before reinstalling udev? | 11:45 |
Seveas | tiglionabbit, have you been reading at all..? | 11:45 |
ivoks | chromate: sudo apt-get --reinstall install udev - this could solve it | 11:45 |
chromate | delire: yes | 11:45 |
ivoks | chromate: no, just run this | 11:46 |
kbrooks | tiglionabbit, because nautilus is a X client | 11:46 |
Seveas | nautilus can chmod .ICEauthority and .Xauth | 11:46 |
Seveas | and then gnome won't read them | 11:46 |
Seveas | and then login hangs | 11:46 |
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kbrooks | and because it chmods .ICEauthority and .Xauthority | 11:46 |
ivoks | ptlo: hi | 11:46 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: why would nautilus do that? | 11:46 |
kbrooks | to 644 | 11:46 |
tiglionabbit | and when | 11:46 |
chromate | ivoks: how about after | 11:46 |
Seveas | tiglionabbit, because the programmers tell it to | 11:46 |
Seveas | get some clue... | 11:46 |
ivoks | chromate: reinsert your flash | 11:46 |
tiglionabbit | Seveas: no, I mean when and why does it? | 11:47 |
Seveas | tiglionabbit, when it is running... | 11:47 |
kbrooks | tiglionabbit, #gnome and figure out why | 11:47 |
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ptlo | oo ivox heya :) | 11:47 |
chromate | ivoks: no luck :-/ | 11:47 |
Seveas | nautilus is not designed to be run as root, so won't be extra cerful with these files... | 11:47 |
Seveas | careful* | 11:47 |
=== bojangles [~bojangles@ppp-68-89-168-212.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chromate | it says it mounts at /dev/scsi/host5/bus0/target0/lun0: but that directory does not even exist! | 11:47 |
kbrooks | uh | 11:48 |
ivoks | chromate: so, same behavoiur with every usb device? | 11:48 |
chromate | ivoks: yes | 11:48 |
bojangles | well is this damn thing going to work | 11:48 |
Seveas | s/as root/with sudo/ | 11:48 |
ivoks | broken scsi modules? | 11:48 |
bojangles | this breezy sure has a lot of problems...but it is getting there | 11:48 |
chromate | should i reload them? | 11:48 |
ptlo | ivoks, i got a apt-fu question: is there an easy way to see all the dependancies for a package (recursively listing all the packages that one depends upon)? | 11:48 |
ivoks | chromate: sure | 11:48 |
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bojangles | but will it hold up | 11:48 |
delire | ptlo: apt-cache show <package> | 11:49 |
Arkainium | Seveas, to run smartmontools I need to enable S.M.A.R.T. support in my BIOS? | 11:49 |
delire | ptlo: i like pbdv however | 11:49 |
ivoks | ptlo: apt-cache rdepends <package> | 11:49 |
Seveas | Arkainium, yes | 11:49 |
rasputnik | I'm getting a lot of 'WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! | 11:49 |
sls_ | how do you make a kickstart for ubuntu | 11:49 |
Xenguy | bddebian: back - I'm trying to install a Citrix client, and I think it may want a package called 'libmotif3'. When I tried apt-file, dpkg -l, apt-cache search, etc., sometimes the package would appear, but sometimes not. It doesn't seem to be available for install (in Hoary). What I'm really looking for is 'Openmotif' (Citrix wants it). Any clues? | 11:49 |
sls_ | ?? | 11:49 |
ivoks | ptlo: sorry, depends | 11:49 |
tiglionabbit | oo neat | 11:49 |
rasputnik | from apt - using what I think is backports? | 11:50 |
ivoks | ptlo: rdepends is to show packages depending on it | 11:50 |
Seveas | ptlo, apt-cache depends --recurse $packagename | 11:50 |
kbrooks | Seveas, huh..... | 11:50 |
delire | Seveas: yes that's better. | 11:50 |
foolioio | so, i'm not sure i understand how to install firefox 1.0.4 on Hoary | 11:50 |
kbrooks | recursion? | 11:50 |
kbrooks | :| | 11:50 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | sudo cp -Rfv Desktop/STORAGE /storage/shane/STORAGE | 11:50 |
tiglionabbit | foolioio: you already have it | 11:50 |
chromate | ivoks: no work | 11:50 |
ivoks | foolioio: it allready is 1.0.4 | 11:50 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | why does this command crap out on me | 11:50 |
kbrooks | foolioio, 1.0.4 already | 11:50 |
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tiglionabbit | foolioio: I told you a while ago how to change the about:config vendorsub line to 1.0.4 | 11:51 |
foolioio | ivoks: cool, but it says 1.0.2 | 11:51 |
nalioth | Seveas: you need to enable S.M.A.R.T in the bios to check a 'smart' hard drive? | 11:51 |
kbrooks | ChurcH_of_FoamY, error message | 11:51 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | is there a way to make the computer copy the data no matter what errors | 11:51 |
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ChurcH_of_FoamY | are incounterd | 11:51 |
tiglionabbit | foolioio: it has all features backported | 11:51 |
Seveas | nalioth, I thought so... | 11:51 |
bojangles | there sure is not much to work with at this time....even x is somewhat broken....and no gtkam or anything....but some basics have been better thought out | 11:51 |
ptlo | ivoks, delire, seveas: thanks! | 11:51 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | cp: cannot create regular file `/storage/shane/STORAGE/STORAGE/ZoneAlarm_Pro_v5.5.062.zip': Read-only file system | 11:51 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | it starts off normal then says that | 11:51 |
ivoks | foolioio: diff beetwean 1.0.2 and 1.0.4 are security fixes, wich ubuntu's firefox 1.0.2 allready has | 11:51 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | after like 10 minutes | 11:51 |
kbrooks | ChurcH_of_FoamY, no, no way | 11:51 |
ivoks | chromate: :/ | 11:51 |
nalioth | Seveas: thought it read straight from the ide/sata/scsi bus | 11:51 |
Seveas | hmm | 11:51 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | what? | 11:51 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | kbrooks? | 11:52 |
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foolioio | tiglionabbit: ok, but why not call it 1.0.4 from the getgo? | 11:52 |
nalioth | ChurcH_of_FoamY: is the disk full? | 11:52 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | no | 11:52 |
tiglionabbit | foolioio: cuz it's backported. Don't ask me | 11:52 |
chromate | ivoks: i'll try upgrading to the latest official kernel. a side note, any idea why gaim is held back to 1.1.4? | 11:52 |
othernoob | foolioio because ubuntu is gay like that. | 11:52 |
kbrooks | ChurcH_of_FoamY, you cant force cp to copy no matter what | 11:52 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | shit | 11:52 |
ivoks | chromate: held? | 11:52 |
delire | ptlo: np if you want recursion the yes, apt-cache depends --recurse. just straight depends, apt-cache show is ok. | 11:52 |
bojangles | anyway it is about time that gentoo and ubuntu kicked debians ass into the ground. | 11:52 |
foolioio | tiglionabbit othernoob: fair enough | 11:52 |
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chromate | ivoks: the most recent version in the repositories is 1.1.4 | 11:53 |
ivoks | chromate: ubuntu comes out every 6 months | 11:53 |
bddebian | Xenguy: The only thing I see is libmotif :-( | 11:53 |
kbrooks | ChurcH_of_FoamY, add it, and bang, errors would occur over the place | 11:53 |
foolioio | tiglionabbit othernoob: i saw that breezy has a 1.0.4, is there a way to sync up with that one? | 11:53 |
ivoks | chromate: when it's released, no new programs go in | 11:53 |
tiglionabbit | foolioio: it wouldn't really be a problem if mozilla didn't decide you need the newest version in order to get their addons | 11:53 |
ivoks | chromate: only bugfixes | 11:53 |
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=== delire notes that pbdv is the best visual interface to debian package dependencies and footprints | ||
Xenguy | bddebian: any idea if it provides 'openmotif' ? | 11:53 |
chromate | ivoks: ah. | 11:53 |
tiglionabbit | foolioio: there is like, no difference. Don't worry about it | 11:53 |
kbrooks | chromate, hoary is walled offf to new programs | 11:53 |
bojangles | foolioio, there is not much to work with at this time...but the basics are available | 11:53 |
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bojangles | foolioio, and much better thought out | 11:53 |
kbrooks | foolioio, do not upgrade to breezy | 11:54 |
chromate | ivoks, delire: well thank you guys for your help, i'm gonna try rebooting. | 11:54 |
ivoks | chromate: if you want, you could create me acc on yout comp to do a fast check | 11:54 |
foolioio | kbrooks: okay, i'll try the about:config hack | 11:54 |
foolioio | thanks for clarifying | 11:54 |
chromate | ivoks: if the reboot doesn't work i'll be back | 11:54 |
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ivoks | ok | 11:54 |
bojangles | foolioio, now we just have to port these basics over to the hurd...and be finished with a free os. | 11:54 |
chromate | thx | 11:54 |
kbrooks | foolioio, try it, but .... ;) | 11:54 |
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tiglionabbit | !firefox | 11:55 |
ubotu | [firefox] https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=10681#c3 | 11:55 |
dszabo | need help with .deb package | 11:55 |
dszabo | to install i need super user privelages | 11:55 |
chrissturm | what do i need to change in /etc/sudoers to not have to enter the password for a command? | 11:55 |
kbrooks | dszabo, ask | 11:55 |
tiglionabbit | dszabo: you want to "dpkg --install something.deb" ? | 11:55 |
tiglionabbit | dszabo: use sudo | 11:55 |
tiglionabbit | !sudo | 11:55 |
ubotu | it has been said that sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 11:55 |
Seveas | dszabo, sudo dpkg --install dilename.deb | 11:55 |
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bddebian | Xenguy: Dunno, not much info on it | 11:56 |
dszabo | i'm a newb at ubuntu, been using MEPIS :-) | 11:56 |
dszabo | thanks for the help | 11:56 |
ivoks | bddebian: :) | 11:56 |
nalioth | chrissturm: in /etc/sudoers, nothing | 11:56 |
Xenguy | bddebian: thanks, I'll wing it then. If I get citrix going, I'll add to the FAQ on the wiki (don't have a lot of time at work, but have been trying for a few days now, and no joy) | 11:57 |
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SysFail | whats with this firefox cant do addons thing? | 11:58 |
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chrissturm | nalioth, but? | 11:58 |
freddy_ | addons? | 11:58 |
tiglionabbit | !firefox | 11:58 |
ubotu | [firefox] https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=10681#c3 | 11:58 |
bddebian | Xenguy: According to the packages website it provides OpenMotif development files | 11:58 |
ateves | hi! i have a windows partition on /dev/hda1 and i can mount it without any problems. but when i try to mount the second windows partion on /dev/hda2, my system freezes | 11:58 |
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SysFail | yeah I read that... comment 3 makes no sense | 11:59 |
tiglionabbit | SysFail: you must change the vendorsub line to 1.0.4. Type about:config in your address bar | 11:59 |
SysFail | ok | 11:59 |
ernstp | not much activity on the bugday? | 11:59 |
tiglionabbit | bugday? | 11:59 |
Xenguy | bddebian: tx for the tip. Seems libmotif is replaced by lesstif2 in Hoary, which I already have installed, so we'll see. | 11:59 |
bddebian | ateves: It can only handle so much non-free partitions at a time.. ;-) | 11:59 |
Seveas | ernstp, #ubuntu-devel | 11:59 |
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