
=== rob^ [~rob@rob-ubuntu.student.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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=== judax [~judax@adsl-68-92-151-170.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mgalvinhey rob^, been busy huh, great work :)04:21
mgalvinrob^, one suggestion, if you use java 1.5 for the java section then the mozilla/firefox plugin will work04:21
mgalvineither way i think we also need to determine how gij and the jre might effect each other, i have seen issues arise when both are on a system together04:27
=== robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
rob^at least we now have a method that doesnt rely on bad repos :)04:58
rob^I'll have another look at it04:58
rob^mgalvin, blackdown doesnt seem to have an installer for 1.5 yet05:01
mgalvinrob^, only sun has a working 1.5 implementation thus far05:05
rob^good page that05:06
rob^once the apply the patch I just sent in, I'll update that java stuff05:12
mgalvinrob^ did you "apply" for commit access yet, if not you should05:14
rob^they are still getting around to adding an account for me05:15
mgalvinsame here, still waiting on mine too05:15
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rob^has anyone applied my patch I sent eariler yet?06:09
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=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-142-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
rob^morning, did you get my patch08:01
froudyes I just applied it08:01
froudin sources.list. If installation is done over network what will 08:03
frouddeb cdrom:[Kubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Release i386 (20050407)] / hoary main restricted08:03
rob^well that line points to your cd for a start08:05
froudyes but what if I instaled from network08:05
rob^just edit out that line and enable the other repos08:05
froudFTP, TFTP08:05
froudlets say I did not use a cd to install08:06
rob^what are you trying to make apt do? not use the cd at all08:06
froudI created a bootdisk and selected to install from a network resource08:06
froudnot trying to do anything08:06
froudjust trying to write about it08:07
froudin breezy we are supposed to have network installation08:07
rob^I would assume that there wouldn't be a line like that at all08:07
froudso if user installs form NFS or TFP what will the line say08:07
froudthere should be08:07
froudbecause there are many packages on the network share08:08
rob^all the packages should be contained on what ever repo you installed from08:08
rob^or network share08:08
froudits just like copying the cd to a disk and exporting it using nfs08:08
rob^not sure, dont do to many installs like that08:09
=== Burgundavia [~ubuntu@S01060040f4442ef1.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgundaviasalut all08:46
BurgundaviaI love live cds08:46
Burgundaviano more XP for me08:46
froudXP you been on XP all this time08:47
Burgundaviasee planet.ubuntu08:47
Burgundaviasee planet.ubuntu008:48
BurgundaviaI run Breezy at home08:48
froudBurgundavia:  Ha ha when you gonna write to the docs?08:51
Burgundaviawhen I get commit access08:52
BurgundaviaI havent been able to catch elmo again08:52
frouddid you send elmo your key again08:53
BurgundaviaI did08:53
froudI think you need to send enrico you new key and let him do it08:53
Burgundaviaonce I get my machine booted at home I will do it08:54
Burgundaviamoving my gf this weekend, should be fun08:55
Burgundaviaall right, night09:06
froudrob^: patches applied :-) thanks09:44
froudbbl school run09:45
=== FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010487351pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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Lizgreetings froud11:12
froudello Liz11:12
froudall good dwn there11:12
mdke_morning everyone11:12
froudmorn, its near afternoon, you just woke up?11:13
mdke_not entirely11:18
mdke_its 10 o clock here but I've been up for a while11:18
Lizits nearly 7.20pm here11:20
Lizsorry, got distracted by themovie11:21
Lizlilo and stitch..heh11:21
mdke_awesome work on the faqguide rob^ 11:28
rob^mdke, thanks11:43
=== jjesse [~jjesse@mail.ftpb.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
jjessemorning everyone :)02:38
froud-workmorn dude02:38
froud-workhas anyone tried web-min on Ubuntu?02:38
jjesseits probablly afternoon for you froud?02:38
froud-workany suggestions other than web-min02:39
jjesseyou have to enable root before you can use webmin02:39
froud-workyep noon02:39
jjessewebmin requires a first sign on to be root and from localhost not from another box02:39
jjesseso when i install it on my server w/o X installed i have to use lynx to sign on and allow other ip addresses02:40
froud-workyou cant login using the browser on another host?02:40
froud-workor use ACLs02:41
jjessei'm not a webmin expert i just know when it is installed the first time it only accepts connections localy02:41
froud-workHmm, so you ssh in login with Lynx allow another IP-address rights then use that hosts web browser?02:42
froud-workwhy dont you just leave your hosts IP addres allowed?02:42
froud-workor wont it allow the login despite knowing the IP address02:43
jjessehold on just setup a debian box checking how i did02:43
jjessejust did an apt-get install webmin on a debian (sarge) box02:44
jjesseand it setups webmin as only allow from listed addresses02:45
jjesseand the listed addresses are
froud-workadd your host to th elist and you should be able to access from that hosts web browser and logon 02:45
jjessecorrect thats swhat i do02:46
froud-workof course you need apache to make it available02:46
froud-workand you can always secure the url with authentication02:46
froud-workso the user needs to logon twice02:47
jjessebut w/ webmin under ubuntu you need to enable root first02:47
froud-workjjesse: yes I expect it wont know what to do with sudo02:47
froud-workjjesse: have you tried any other tools like webmin02:48
froud-workjjesse: do any of them understand sudo02:48
jjessefroud i haven't had a chance to really02:48
froud-work:-) do what you know, no time for experiments :)02:48
jjessewell i do experiment w/ lots of stuff, just haven't branched out from webmin02:49
jjessedoh wrong window :)02:56
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=== jsgotangco [~jgotangco@info2-77.info.com.ph] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== jsgotangco curses his broken laptop
jsgotangcowhat's been happening lately in ubuntu-doc?06:06
mdkehey dude06:08
jsgotangcomdke: you doing good?06:09
mdkeyes i'm ok06:09
jsgotangcowell my laptop got busted today06:09
mdkebad news06:10
jsgotangcoi got myself a loaner but its running XP heh06:10
mdkeguess you need a new one eh?06:10
jsgotangcowell Taiwan-made laptops really dont last long06:10
jsgotangcodespite their great specs06:10
mdkewell fingers crossed on getting one off Canonical06:10
jsgotangcohehe i thought they gave those already?06:11
mdkenot to me!06:11
mdkeyou neither huh?06:11
mdkei don't think they've given em tbh06:12
jsgotangcojeezz xp fonts are really nice06:12
=== mdke slaps jsgotangco
jsgotangcoi tried running mIRC and i couldnt understand a thing06:13
jsgotangcoso i just downloaded gaim for win06:13
mdkegood call06:14
jsgotangcoactually i dumped all the free software i can get for windows06:15
mdkethe open cd?06:15
jsgotangcothe only non-free on this laptop is xp itself and PowerDVD06:15
jsgotangcoyeah, open cd and some more06:16
mdkewhen I installed XP on my laptop recently I found some cool free stuff06:16
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mdkeanyhow as i was saying06:17
jsgotangcopretty dumb exit key06:17
mdkealso some cool putty based scp stuff06:18
jsgotangcohmm i have PuTTY06:18
mdkeeven whois for windows ;)06:18
jsgotangcoits really nice06:18
jsgotangcohmmm what's SILC?06:19
mdkeno idea06:20
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jsgotangcothe close button really closes gaim DUH06:21
mdkewindows is intuitive like that06:22
mdkeoh i see what you mean06:22
mdkeinstead of minimising it?06:22
jsgotangcoreally dumb for an IM06:22
jsgotangcogrrr local politics here really suck06:24
jsgotangcowe don't deserve a democracy :)06:24
mdkethey suck everywhere06:24
mdkei have to go out, supermarket06:25
mdkelater mate06:25
jsgotangcoi gotta sleep too06:25
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jsgotangcofroud: hey what's up buddy07:36
jsgotangcooh well maybe later, good night anways its almost 2am07:41
=== judax [~judax@adsl-68-92-151-170.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== Soneras [~chris@p50883DDF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Sonerashuhu, froud, you there?07:47
froudSoneras: hi07:49
Sonerasah, hi07:50
Sonerassome questions07:50
Soneraswhen I do a change (like now with the screenshots) and do an svn up before I make the diff, wouldn't that overwrite my changes?07:51
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froudsvn up will merge changes into the xml instance07:52
froudthis way you can chck for C (conflict)07:52
froudI am working in the Kubuntu System Settings section at present so, so long as you stay clear of that section we should not conflict07:53
Sonerasok, next one (wasn't clear to me yesterday): when I send my changes as a diff to you. can I keep working with my current xml before my patch goes into svn and then send you more changes (including the previous ones)  and that would be ok?07:53
froudso hack the src and trust svn07:53
Soneras(haven't worked with any versioning system, thus the questions)07:54
froudbetter to finish your work session then patch07:54
froudwait for commit07:54
froudand svn up again before new session07:54
Sonerasok, thought small patches were better07:54
froudyes but when making changes of the nature you are doing now, the fewer the better07:55
froudhowever, if you are writing sections it is a good idea to patch small07:55
Sonerashmm. yes, that's why I ask . I'm finished with the layout shifting stuff and do consider o write a bit (if that's ok)07:56
Sonerassooo: when I change the actual docs (write some stuff, not just layout changes) you will review this (the english, writing layout) when I send you the patch? So I can basically edit, where I see fit? Adding some stuff, like more manual links and some more explanaitions (like kjobviewer and other one-sentence paragraphs).07:56
Soneras(sorry for the many questions)07:56
froudno questions are good07:57
froudjust go ahead, scratch any itches you have and I will help07:57
froudSoneras: a few others work on kubuntu here. they are jjesse judax gtaylor mgalvin07:58
Sonerasoh good, more people to annoy with questions ^^07:59
jjessegrin i only use kubuntu08:00
jjessebtw intereseting discussion on slashdot on the announcement about the ubuntu foundation08:00
Sonerassomething kubuntu related? :D08:00
judaxKubuntu rocks!08:01
Sonerashey, I like this channel08:01
froudkonqueror your desktop with konqi08:01
froudsometimes we have kde vs. footprint wars ;-)08:02
judaxhehe, I have been spending some time in 'footprint' lately08:02
jjessegasp on purpose?08:02
Soneraswell, as long as they are less ugly as they get on slashdot sometimes... ;)08:03
froudsabdfl is going for mass adoption now08:03
judaxyeah, just messing around, but I can't handle naut at all so I am not there long08:03
froudcritical mass that's how foss works08:03
Sonerasyeah, nautiluts (even the browser mode) is somewhat lacking, isn't it?08:04
=== judax agrees
Sonerasfroud: send you a patch - only the small layout changes. maybe I'll do some writing now (and the doc links). only system-settings is a no go at this time?08:06
jjessei feel so far behind in my contributions to the kuserguide :(08:07
judaxfroud: are the kubuntu doc deb packages worked out yet?08:08
froudSoneras: yes, leave that section08:08
froudjudax: yes, form tomorrow the name of the package is settled08:08
froudjudax: we will be using kubuntu-docs_5.10-0.1 kubuntu-docs_5.10-0.2 kubuntu-docs_5.10-0.3 etc08:09
froudjudax: then on release the number beocmes kubuntu-docs_5.10-1.008:09
froudjudax: over the weekend kubuntu-docs is getting uploaded so we have a footprint in th edistro08:09
judaxfroud: ok, are they hosted at http://lnix.net/~froud?08:10
mdkeare you putting po files in the upload package?08:10
froudjudax: yes, each night, providing there are changes, there is an update of that url and the package is built08:10
froudmdke: no not yet08:10
mdkeah ok good08:10
froudmdke: thought we do that as per release schedule08:11
judaxfroud: ok, cool08:11
mdkei agree yeah08:11
froudjjesse: yes you are way behind dude08:11
=== judax needs to rip out his manual kubuntu doc install for khelpcenter now
=== froud pinches jjesse
jjessegrin thanks froud i know i'm way way behind08:12
jjesseeveryone else is writing so much more then me08:12
froudjjesse: my stratergy is to write one section a day08:12
froudjjesse: if I can do more I do08:12
judaxjjesse: I need to finish doc specs and do some writing too, been busy with work lately08:12
froudjudax: content in the docs take priority IMHO08:13
froudspecs, nice to have08:13
jjessefroud any response on the whole kynaptic vs apt-get vs kapture debate?08:14
judaxfroud: agreed08:14
=== jjesse doesn't subscribe to kubuntu-devel
froudjjesse: no, but as I learn things or notice them I add authorblurbs08:14
froudthese are displayed in the reports08:14
=== mgalvin [~mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudso if these is a change or I think something needs note I mention it08:15
froudspeak of the devil08:15
froudhere's mgalvin 08:15
froudnearly all the Kubuntu team here tonight08:15
mgalvinwhats up08:15
froudwe're just discussing kubuntu docs08:16
froudmgalvin: news is that kubuntu-docs_5.10_0.1_all.deb will be uploaded this weekend08:16
froudso we have a footprint in the daily builds08:17
froudmgalvin: hows work08:17
froudstuf working, getting funding08:17
froudjjesse: its good to authorblurb if you find or learn something08:19
froudis everybody cool with the way Kubuntu docs is working at present?08:20
jjesseyes i am cool :)08:21
jjessefroud are you cool?08:21
judaxwere you referencing something more specific?08:21
froudyeah, I just tend to move ahead and forget that others are lost08:22
froudso just making sure08:22
froudI think the main thing to focus on now is the content08:22
froudoutlines are there, make system and packaging system08:22
froudoh and preview system08:22
mgalvinfroud, funding? for what08:22
judaxI will certainly ask if I get too lost08:23
froudmgalvin: never mind :-) r you cool with the way kubuntu-docs is going08:23
froudmdke: never mind08:23
mdketoo late for that now08:24
froudgeeze mention money and everybody is here08:24
=== mdke nods
judaxfroud said he was funding new laptops for the doc team08:24
mgalvini just didn't know what you meant, i don't work where funding is needed08:24
froudmgalvin: no matter08:24
mgalvinyes, i'm cool with how kubuntu-docs is going :)08:25
mdkefroud, its unusual of you to mention something then say "oh never mind" as if something secret is going on08:25
mdkeits normal that people are gonna ask08:25
frouddo the ppl working on kubuntu think that they can each contribute one sect a day between now and string freeze08:26
jjessewhen is string freeze?08:27
=== judax ponders that a moment
mgalvinthat sounds resonable... what about the ubuntu docs (gnome focused)? since i use ubuntu, i will be contributing more of that content08:28
judaxmy issue will be that fact that I will be going on a 2-week vacation starting 7/16 and will be traveling08:29
mdkemgalvin, no strict rules about contributions on the ubuntu docs to my knowledge08:29
froudjudax: ok can you do what you can?08:31
judaxfroud: you bet08:31
froudmdke: when is string freeze again?08:31
froudjudax: just take one section a day and write it08:31
mdke7th september iirc08:32
froudjudax: big or small08:32
mgalvinsvn commit access, argh :)08:34
mdkemgalvin, we've been bugging elmo, also I asked henrik to bug him about it08:34
froudjjesse: can you do a section a day?08:35
=== mdke cracks whip
jjessei will try my hardest08:36
froudjust for the record these are not strict rules08:37
froudjust trying to get momentum on the work08:37
froudI find that if I do a section a day that it soon amounts to lots of work08:37
froudand the work becomes fun08:38
froudif I leave it then I find it hard to get started and going is slwo08:38
froudthink it may be the same of others08:38
jjessei thought work got fun when you got paid for it :P08:38
froudyou want to get paid?08:39
jjessegrin nope just joking :)08:39
froudwhat country are you in again?08:39
jjesseus :)08:39
froudAh yes08:39
jjessei'm joking about getting paid to docs, trying be a smartass08:40
froudI know08:40
judaxfroud: sorry had to attend to work, I will try08:43
froudjust do your best08:44
froudi figure if we each do a section a day that soon we will have completed a whole chunk of the work08:44
froudand we can start improving and tweaking08:44
froudsplitting hairs and all that stuff08:45
judaxone of our best storage architects just resigned, trying to put out fires08:45
froudfires are nasty08:45
judaxdaily seems like08:46
froudjudax: your in the us also right?08:46
judaxyes, austin, texas08:47
froudand where is jjesse ?08:47
froudIm back to work08:49
mdkeok i have wangled some webspace for ubuntu preview and status docs09:58
mdkethanks go to tseng09:58
mdkewill build, upload and email later09:59
mgalvini don't get it, all of my network speeds to ubuntu servers are at less then 5k/s, its taking forever to check out ubuntu-doc10:17
froudyou still on breezy?10:18
mgalvini just tried downloading the fedora iso to see if it me, i get 800k/s to their servers10:18
mgalvinon breezy10:18
froudhmm I just did a deb build, it svn co from canonical at good spead10:19
mgalvinmaybe a bad link btwn new york and your side of the globe10:20
froudI'm in co.za10:20
froudmy traffic goes via new york10:20
mgalvinza goes thru the us, i didn't know that10:22
froudyeah, depends on your ISP10:22
mdkeconnects quite well here afaics10:23
froudmdke: the server is right next door to you ;-)10:23
froudmdke: cool on the web space10:24
mdketrue and yeah10:24
froudbeats waiting for people10:24
froudlemme know if you need help with anything10:24
mdkei was already thinking of something ;)10:24
mdkei need to edit some files to include the gentoo address for the stylesheets10:25
froudI am mostly focusing on Kubuntu, but I dont want to see Ubuntu suffer for no good reason10:25
mdkecan you tell me which files I need to edit?10:25
froudthe xsl's in libs/10:25
mdkeall of em?10:26
froudno, just a sec lemme see10:26
froudwhy you working on gentoo anyways10:26
froudthat thing is only good for servers10:27
mdkehmm i wouldnt run it on a server ;)10:28
mdkeits fun to play with tho10:28
froudno gentoo on server is good10:28
mdkeright now my laptop is at the menders10:28
mdkeit will be back next week but right now i need to use gentoo10:28
froudok looks like jeffsch has the make system for ubuntu working from gnome/Makefile10:29
froudin Makefile you need to change 10:29
froud# SuSE10:29
mdkeyou adapted the stylesheet address for suse too right? I could just add it underneath10:29
froudno you need to replace10:30
froudor do an elseif10:30
froudjust replace10:30
froudthen see gnome/libs/gnome-ubuntu.xsl10:31
froudchange the import10:31
froud<xsl:import href="/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/html/profile-chunk.xsl"/>10:31
frouddo you build styleguide?10:32
mdkei'll build anything10:32
froudthen do the same in libs/style-guide-html.xsl10:32
froudthat's it I think10:33
mdkenow i just need to find the right address10:33
mdkefor gentoo stylesheets10:33
froudAh should be under the same area10:34
froudbut may use current/10:34
froudhere somewhere /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/current/10:34
froudyes those are the old paths10:35
frouddo you have the new ones10:35
mdkethose are the only files called profile-chunk.xsl10:35
froudthen gentoo still uses the old path10:35
froudUpdated http://www.lnix.net/~froud/10:36
jeffschstyle guide previews10:38
froudcool jeffsch 10:38
mdkejeffsch, if you like I can put them on tseng's webspace, your call10:38
jeffschdoh! I just spent the morning setting it up...10:38
jeffschbut i will keep it for now10:39
mdkeno problem if we leave it there10:39
froudhe he10:39
jeffschif my isp complains about traffice, then I will go to tseng10:39
mdkei'll just upload the gnome things then10:39
froudyep, good idea10:39
mdkesome issues building10:42
mdkeI get a lot of "No localization exists for "c" or "". Using default "en"." Is that bad?10:42
mdkeby a lot, I mean a lot10:42
mdke(am doing make all)10:43
froudnormal and wanted10:43
mdkeit fails at about-ubuntu10:43
mdkei need to edit /libs/about-ubuntu-html-cust.xml i think10:43
mdkethat one is built separately?10:45
mdkei edited that one, now "make all" has stopped at faqppc10:52
mdkeComplete. Find outputs at ../build/gnome/faqppc/10:52
mdke(arg: 2) 10:52
mdkeit wants me to tell it something?10:52
mdkei pressed return and it returned me to the prompt10:53
mdkedunno what that (arg: 2) means10:53
froudwhen it says that then it should be finished10:54
mdkeok it looked like it was finished10:54
mdkehas it built status reports too?10:55
jeffschmdke: are the files in build/gnome/gaqppc?10:55
mdkelooks like it10:55
froudchaps I must call it a night10:55
mdkeok thanks for your help froud 10:56
froudmdke: nice one on the webspace10:56
jeffschlater dude10:56
mgalvingnight froud10:56
froudjeffsch: nice one on the style guide10:56
mdkejeffsch, has "make all" updated the things in build/status for me?10:56
jeffschhold on, i'll take a look at the makefile10:56
froudlook forward to seeing ubuntu-docs_5.10-0.1_all.deb hitting the nightly builds10:57
mdkei'm uploading10:58
mdkeits 31MB so it will be a short while10:58
froudhave you optimized11:00
mdkei haven't done anything11:01
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-142-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu-doc ["Konversation]
jeffschmdke: build/status is updated when you do make all11:08
mdkejeffsch, rock!11:08
mdkeok its nearly done uploading11:08
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mdkejeffsch, now all we need to do is make a package ;)11:11
mdkewhat was that froud said about optimising?11:12
jeffschi have no idea11:13
mdkemust have been a way to make images smaller11:13
mdkei'll update the wiki11:15
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jeffschawesome man. and it works too!11:17
mdkethanks for all your work on the build docs11:20
jeffschanh, twernt nuthin :)11:22
mdkeno faqguide status11:22
jeffschfaqguide status is not in makefile11:23
jeffschhold on a sec, i'll add it.11:24
jeffschmdke: add gnome/default.css to http://tseng2.ath.cx/~ubuntu-doc/11:28
mdkeok will do that11:33
mdkewiki page should be sorted now11:35
jeffschok. svn up and try "make status"11:36
mdkei ought to set up an rsync cron job to do some automatic upload11:37
jeffschwhen you do, lemme know so i can copy it11:38
jeffschi know nothing about that stuff11:38
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mdkejeffsch, ok css is there11:39
mdkejeffsch, can we get default.css in build/gnome/?11:40
mdkeactually maybe unnecessary11:41
jeffschi have a default.css in my build/gnome11:41
mdkenot me11:42
mdkei uploaded the whole folder11:42
jeffschhmm... i must have put it there myself. I don't remember doing it, but that's not surprising!11:43
jeffschoh wait! it's put there when you build the style guide, so if you didn't build the styleguide, then it won't be there11:44
jeffschi can change that though, if you want, so that it always goes there11:44
jeffschyou can do it yourself if you want... see the lines11:45
jeffsch# copy style sheet to build directory11:46
jeffschcp default.css ../build/gnome/default.css11:46
jeffschin the makefile?11:46
mdkei will look11:48
jeffschnever mind... I'm testing it now...11:48
mdkei guess we will need it for the proper css when we build the final files11:48
mdkeok I am experimenting with rsync11:48
mdkedoesn't look like it will work on tseng's server11:48
mdkejeffsch, here is a guide on how to do it though http://www.jdmz.net/ssh/11:53
mdkeah cool it works for tseng's server too12:00

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