
=== jaross [~jaross@c-67-162-147-246.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stan__din, I have a linksys USB12:00
Stan__din, ubuntu doesn't recognize those12:00
mtiUntersttz ubuntu meinen D-Link DWL 120 USB Adapter?12:00
cmathesonStan__: get a real ethernet card12:00
twb_aw crap, source is larger in bytes, but i made the head, track, and cylinders the same12:00
=== Proteque [~gjorans@dsl236-106.adsl.no] has joined #ubuntu
cmathesontwb_: yeah, dd's a pain in the butt12:01
Stan__cmatheson, then what do I have if its not a real ethernet card?12:01
cmathesonStan__: go buy a new one12:01
twb_is there a way to modify byte count?12:01
jarossI dont knwo if anyone awnsered my question before, but my connection was dropped for some reason...so if you wouldnt mind releating it...12:01
twb_size w/e12:01
mtiis there a support for my D-Link DWL 120 USB Adapter ?12:01
=== itz [~richo@c-c75072d5.08-223-67626721.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
BjoernVDMmti: nur wenn du weisst was du tust: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-4041.html12:01
cmathesontwb_: i'm not sure... i've only used dd on floppies to be honest (i always just tar up my hard-drives if i want to copy them)12:01
=== jacky^ [~no@d83-176-29-40.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
Stan__cmatheson, no offense, but that sounds like a M$ solution12:01
twb_tar up?12:02
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W0nk0smear 'em in bitumen12:02
W0nk0when it gets cold, it shrinks12:02
W0nk0and the bit density increases12:02
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=== thr1ce [~ubuntu@24-247-232-145.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
jacky^i tried to add: /dev/hdc2 /mnt/windows deafults,user 0  0   in /etc/fstab, but can't mount it as user..12:03
dinStan__, is it a wireless card?12:03
cmathesontwb_: use the 'tar' command to make a big zip-like file of the whole filesystem (or i generally just do the files i want to copy, not the entire fs)12:03
thr1ceare there ways to lock packages?12:03
webcosimojacky mi lei?12:03
gnat_xgrrr. i am having an endless flow of problems with my freshly installed ubuntu system.12:03
jacky^can I munt a partition as user ?12:03
Stan__din, i don't think its a card... Its plugs into USB12:03
thr1cei have an ATI, and want to test breezy, but want to have it never update my kernel / drivers12:03
twb_well, i need windows to go onto my new HDD12:03
=== lamp_ [~la@dsl-084-056-177-040.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
thr1ceis there a way I can lock them?12:03
jacky^webcosimo yes12:03
mjrthr1ce, yes, echo "packagename hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections (might be an easier way too, dunno ;)12:03
twb_can tar handle that12:03
=== freecraft [toroman@ds-01-ppp-029.dip.urc.bl.ac.yu] has joined #ubuntu
dinStan__, cable modem?12:03
webcosimook karamelli pa tuss12:03
Stan__din, yes... wirless12:04
mjrthr1ce, swap hold for install to reverse the change12:04
jasoncoheni read on the restricted formats wiki that many programs have problems with ESD and don't produce sound. i haven't had that issue with any programs. In amarok, I had to choose esdsink for gstreamer to get multiplexing in gnome, but other programs like xine, totem, kaffeine, mozilla just worked12:04
cmathesonjacky^: add the 'user' parm to your /etc/fstab for that drive i think (that or add your user to the disk group)12:04
dinahh so it is wireless12:04
=== gnat_x has just installed the most broken fresh install he has ever encountered
jasoncohenso, what programs have issues?12:04
thr1cemjr, interesting...gotta be an easier way i'd think...hm12:04
=== Lucar [~administr@200141245140.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
thr1cegnat_x, i doubt it's ubuntu12:04
dinStan__, iwconfig essid (your essid) enc (your encoding wep if you have one)12:04
cmathesonjasoncohen: generally they don't if stuff is set up right... i don't have a problem w/ anything on my system12:04
dinStan__, iwconfig essid (your essid) enc (your encoding wep if you have one) eth012:04
jacky^cmatheson ok, thanks12:05
mcdenyeri like ubuntu :)12:05
dinStan__, iwconfig eth0 essid (your essid) enc (your encoding wep if you have one)12:05
Stan__din, I don't understand... sorry12:05
mcdenyerbut i dont knowhow do do shit on it12:05
freecraftcan I use packages that come with ubuntu cd in my debian sarge installation?12:05
cmathesonfreecraft: no12:05
gnat_xthe ubuntu.png file is corrupted which doesn't allow Human to load right, which breaks X login, and the only way to fix it is through restarting X a few times12:05
cmathesonfreecraft: don't mix and match the different distros debs12:05
jasoncohencmatheson, so, what's the wiki targeted at?12:05
thr1cei hate some deps in ubuntu...12:05
gnat_xi have trouble seeing how that's not ubuntu.12:05
thr1cemplayer's are rediculous and incorrect12:06
Stan__din, what is essid?12:06
=== jaross_ [~jaross@c-67-162-147-246.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnat_xnot that i haven't had good eperiences in the past, this one has just been hell.12:06
twb_does anyone know of a way to modify the size of an HDD, i.e i have 82348277760 byte hd and i need it 80026361856?12:06
thr1ceso no really good way to lock packs from updating?12:06
dinStan__, if it's wireless then surely you must have a wireless router12:06
=== gltyaschrgd [~michael@ffzrouter.yorktown.arlington.k12.va.us] has joined #ubuntu
cmathesonjasoncohen: i haven't ever looked at the wiki... there may be issues w/ java or something, but you can get anything to work w/ esd if you set stuff up right12:06
thr1cei want to keep my kernel, and NOT go to 2.6.1212:06
nybbleanyonoe have troubles getting apache to process php files?12:06
gnat_xso anyway i figured i would change the login screen settings, but that crashes on launch12:06
asdxI can't mount a vfat floppy as user =//12:06
Stan__din, is that what essid is?12:06
jasoncohencmatheson, the problem i had with amarok was due to a dumb default setting. amarok-gstreamer uses the oss output plugin by default rather than using gnome's default (esd)12:06
jaross_anyone know how to make it so that the wep key doesn't expire in linux?  I have to type it in every 24 hours or something12:07
cmathesonthr1ce: just tell it to hold the package12:07
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jaross_it dopesnt change though12:07
dinStan__, it's the name of the wireless connection on your router12:07
jaross_bc all my windows computers keep working...12:07
thr1cecmatheson, can I do that permanently?  so that everytime I run dist-upgrade, it'll skip it?12:07
Stan__din, oh ok12:07
cmathesonjasoncohen: yeah, it's just like that (sometimes you need to configure stuff)12:07
jasoncohencmatheson, that's problaby not a good idea. most ubuntu apps are from debian anyways. what exactly do you want from ubuntu?12:07
cmathesonthr1ce: hmm, i'm not sure12:07
thr1ce(i'm on the live CD, testing)12:07
Stan__din, that is linksys, let me try that12:07
=== [1] Quest-Master [~Quest-Mas@c-24-99-26-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cmathesonjasoncohen: ??12:07
dinStan__, does it have a wep key?12:08
jasoncohenlol, sorry cmatheson12:08
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Stan__din, sorry, idk12:08
jasoncohenfreecraft, that's problaby not a good idea. most ubuntu apps are from debian anyways. what exactly do you want from ubuntu?12:08
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dinStan__, idk is the key?12:08
freecraftjasoncohen, some python packages ?12:08
Stan__din, idk=i don't know12:08
=== Discipulus [~disc@main095.ppp.rockriver.net] has joined #ubuntu
dinStan__, if you don't know, it probably doesnt12:09
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jasoncohenfreecraft, ah- you mean the python2.4 packges that debian is missing?12:09
dinStan__, so do this.. iwconfig eth0 essid linksys12:09
dinthen, dhclient eth012:09
Stan__din, ok12:09
=== frank_dot [~frank@Toronto-HSE-ppp3779106.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu []
dinit should get an ip address12:09
thr1cehow is breezy doing..."stable" yet?12:09
jasoncohenfreecraft, they won't install due to missing/different dependencies most likely12:09
cmathesonthr1ce: read the topic12:09
jasoncohenthr1ce, it's not stable and wont' be for a while12:10
Stan__din, ... operation not permitted12:10
thr1cecmatheson, that's been that topic for months12:10
dinStan__, sudo iwconfig12:10
cmathesonthr1ce: so?12:10
dinsorry, forgot :)12:10
thr1cejasoncohen, i thought that since these gcc packs were almost done it would be better now12:10
freecraftjasoncohen, but I can try? if something went's wrong, i can uninstall the with synaptic I suppose?12:10
=== bcc|grave [~bcc|grave@chello062178225065.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
cmathesonfreecraft: you'd be better off just compiling the stuff you want yourself12:11
jaross_anyone help?12:11
=== Strife [~mdepalati@69-163-127-58.crlsca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
cmathesonfreecraft: you're going to mess yourself up w/ all kinds of conflicting dependencies12:11
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cmathesonjaross_: just ask the question12:11
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Stan__din, No such device12:11
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=== TMM [~hp@c51471f2c.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
freecraftcmatheson, yes I know, but my problem is that i have testing sarge (with python 2.3) and I need python 2.412:11
dinStan__, try eth112:11
ABRAXAS77is there any method to tart with live cd with kde and not gnome?12:11
cmathesonfreecraft: yeah, so just go get the python sources and compile it yourself12:12
Stan__din, same response12:12
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freecraftcmatheson, the problem no2 is that I have dialup 14kbps so I can't download it that easily12:12
din:/ not good12:12
=== bcc|grave [~bcc|grave@chello062178225065.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
cmathesonfreecraft: oooh, that does suck12:12
freecraftcmatheson, :)12:12
ABRAXAS77is there any method tostart with live cd with kde and not gnome?12:12
=== spec [~spec@linus.yorktown.arlington.k12.va.us] has joined #ubuntu
dinStan__, lspci | grep -i ethernet12:12
cmathesonfreecraft: i would still try to find some other way of getting the sources (at work or a library or something)... the ubuntu packages aren't made w/ debian in mind12:12
spechey -- libexpat1 is corrupted on ubuntu's main servers12:12
Stan__din, type that in two lines?12:12
dintype what in 2 lines?12:13
dinone sec, on the phone with dell12:13
jaross_I already did: anyone know how to make it so that the wek key does not expeire after like 24 hours in linux?12:13
Stan__din, i thought the | was a seperator, nvm12:13
seth_kno Stan__ it's a pipe12:13
=== QaDeS [~QaDeS@p54A9B9CB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
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QaDeShiyas :oD12:13
ABRAXAS77is there any method tostart with live cd with kde and not gnome?12:14
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freecraftABRAXAS77, isn't that Kubuntu?12:14
QaDeShas anybody ever done a dist-upgrade from sarge to hoary?12:14
ABRAXAS77freecraft, yes but i have already ubuntu12:15
freecraftABRAXAS77, ubuntu comes without kde enviroment12:15
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ABRAXAS77freecraft,  shit12:15
freecraftABRAXAS77, why?12:15
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BatsotOdoes anyone knows how to copy text or image from postscript file?12:16
ABRAXAS77freecraft,  i wanted kde12:16
jcoxonevening all12:16
ABRAXAS77thank freecraft  good luck12:17
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jaross_anyone know how to make the wep key in linux not expire?12:17
Stan__din, should i try e-mailing Linksys Tech Support?12:19
cyphaseGo to http://cyphase.homelinux.com/blog/2005/07/07/explosions-in-london/ to comment about the London Attacks12:19
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-101-118.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
freecraftcyphase, comment?12:20
Stan__cyphase, spam?12:20
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jaross_anyone know how to make the wep key not expire in linux?12:22
jsimmonswhat's the super-secret code string for mounting a vfat partition so I can write to it?12:22
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freecraftjsimmons, 'users, rw' ?12:23
jsimmonsi have this right now...   /dev/hdb6/media/win_g vfat auto,users,rw,gid=users 0 012:24
jsimmonsand i can't write to it12:24
freecraftjsimmons, and umask=0777 i think12:24
freecraftjsimmons, or umask=022212:24
=== QMario [~ndubisi@209-223-48-213-dsl.oplnk.net] has joined #UBUNTU
QMarioDoes Samba need a desktop configuration to run?12:25
=== action09 n8
freecraftQMario, what is "desktop configuration" ?12:27
QMarioGNOME or KDE?12:27
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mjrsamba does not need that12:27
Stan__din, gave up on me?12:27
=== ZeRoCo0L [~martix@d83-176-87-153.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
flogistonHi, what command does show were the nouse is mounted? like in /dev/mouse /dev/tty0012:28
QMarioMjr, I can't see my computer in my network, when I installed samba as a server.12:28
jaross_anyone know how to make the wep key not expire in linux?12:28
mjrQMario, well, I don't have much samba experience, so I can't help you with that, but I do know it doesn't require any desktop12:28
freecraftjaross_, looks like nobody knows, try google maybe?12:29
ZeRoCo0Lciao ragazzi...sapete come posso installare i plugin di wma su ubuntu???12:29
freecraftflogiston, check the /etc/X11/XF86Config file?12:29
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jsimmonshmmm, still not working12:30
flogistonIme using xorg12:30
QMarioOh, okay. Thank You. :)12:30
freecraftjsimmons, strange, try writting as super user?12:30
Grovermanflogiston, ls -la /dev/input12:30
ChurcH_of_FoamYhmm vmware might be god for gaming?12:31
ChurcH_of_FoamYon low res games?12:31
freecraftChurcH_of_FoamY, hardly. use wine(x)12:31
cmathesonflogiston: you don't "mount" a mouse... it depends on what kind you have ttySx for serial /dev/psaux for ps2, /dev/input/mice for usb, etc.12:31
cmathesonChurcH_of_FoamY: maybe not... not unless you have a supercomputer at your house12:31
=== crimsun_ [~crimsun@rchp4.rochester.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu
Grovermanflogiston, mine is a ps2 mouse that resides at /dev/input/mouse012:31
flogistonThanks cmatheson.12:31
cmathesonflogiston: no problem12:32
ChurcH_of_FoamYi have something close ^_^12:32
=== rasputnik [3074ll-be-@cpc2-cdif2-3-1-cust41.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
flogistonI rememdered now that it was psaux.12:32
cmathesonChurcH_of_FoamY: haha, ok, go at it then...12:32
ed1tflogiston, isnt it inverse? PS2 is /dev/psaux? and serial is /dev/input/mouse?12:32
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flogistonWhat do you mean?12:32
crimsun_/dev/input/mice covers all, ed1t12:32
ed1tooo k12:32
Grovermanhi langela12:32
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langelado you know how can i configure my hs psc 1210 impress and scaner ???12:33
=== Weiss [~weiss@modem-3725.llama.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
mcdenyerwhats the coolest free linux game that isnt hard to set up?12:33
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cmathesonmcdenyer: nethack12:34
ed1tlangela, look for the drivers on HP site, they might have it12:34
|grunt|mcdenyer, free? :D12:34
=== Chrischan [~Chrischan@p54BFC4B6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
mcdenyerok ty12:34
cmathesonlangela: check out xsane12:34
rasputnikmcdenyer: compiling kernels12:34
langelaed1t : ok, thanks, I'll see12:34
Grovermanmcdenyer, i am hooked on armagetron12:34
rasputnikor frozen bubble12:35
cmathesonmcdenyer: my friend pointed out noiz2sa to me, it's pretty rad12:35
|grunt|mcdenyer, try Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory12:35
cmathesonmcdenyer: maelstrom is ok12:35
mcdenyerany multiplayers?12:35
|grunt|Yes, again Enemy Territory :D12:36
rasputnikcmatheson: you can get that for linux? wicked12:36
Groverman|grunt|, it rocks :-)12:36
|grunt|yeah, hehe12:36
Discipulusfreecraft, is there a free version of wine(x) available?12:36
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=== Groverman is unfortunate though. no DRI enabled for epia boards yet (three years in progress)
freecraftDiscipulus, afaik, it is free if you download source code12:37
blahanybody else having problems with apt-get or synaptic?12:37
freecraftDiscipulus, also you can find it 100% using some p2p network12:37
Discipulusfreecraft, got a link?12:37
freecraftblah, all beginners have problems with that :)12:37
blahya but im not a beginner,12:37
blahnovice now hehe12:38
freecraftDiscipulus, nope :) search it by some p2p client12:38
benplautblah: what's your problem? :)12:38
blahso is anybody else not getting synaptic to work?12:38
ChurcH_of_FoamYhmm vmware seems to be more ov a computer hog >.<12:39
benplautwhat do you mean by not working12:39
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blahFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gnet/libgnet2.0-0_2.0.4-1_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch12:39
blahE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?12:39
benplautdoes the program not open, or...12:39
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=== anacaona [~nadine@MTL-HSE-ppp200243.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
blahmd5sum mismatch12:39
benplautsomebody was complaining of this earlier12:39
crimsun_blah, try another mirror, like ca.archive or se.archive12:39
crimsun_blah, or just plain archive instead12:40
blahwhats wrong withthe us archive?12:40
Grovermanblah, not ver stable12:40
blahok, ill log into root and change my apt sources to just archive then12:41
blahstill there?12:42
=== Magalas_79 [~It@host243-124.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Grovermani have no problems with the us.archive at the moment though12:42
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auraxhow can i remove postfix from the system without removing ubuntu-base etc12:43
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auraxanyone ?12:44
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=== cyphase is testing
Grovermanaurax, they should not be tied to eachother12:46
=== Esaj_ [~jason@calpe25.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
auraxthey are12:46
Magalas_79hi all12:47
auraxroot      8653  0.0  2.0  18296 10480 ?        S    Jul07   0:03 /usr/lib/gnome-panel/wnck-applet --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:Groot      8655  0.0  1.7  17840  8656 ?        S    Jul07   0:00 /usr/lib/gnome-panel/clock-applet --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:root      8657  0.0  1.9  19408 10044 ?        S    Jul07   0:00 /usr/lib/gnome-applets12:47
=== QMario [~ndubisi@209-223-48-213-dsl.oplnk.net] has left #UBUNTU []
freecrafthii iiik. too much vodka this day12:47
Grovermanpostfix are tied to: anacron, at, lsb, laimx, muss, postfix-tls12:47
poofsityphaShould rythym box play net streaming mp3s from soma fm from the basic unbuntu cd install...12:47
=== tsn [~tsn@0x5358c857.hsnxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
auraxapt-get remove postfix12:48
auraxthats what i get.12:48
rasputnikaurax: removing ubuntu-base won't break anything12:48
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auraxyou sure ?12:48
Magalas_79i'm searching about defacement12:48
freecraftdear friends, can I order ubuntu DVD ?12:48
Grovermanrasputnik, is ubuntu-base just a dummy like ubuntu-desktop?12:48
rasputnikaurax: I'm pretty sure it's a meta-package, it does'nt install anything, just lists dependencies12:49
rasputnikGroverman: hope so yeah :)12:49
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GrovermanThe Ubuntu base system12:49
GrovermanThis package depends on all of the packages in the Ubuntu base system.12:49
GrovermanIt is safe to remove this package if some of the base system packages are not12:49
Grovermandesired.  However, it is recommended that you keep it installed, because it is12:49
Grovermanused to carry out certain upgrade transitions (such as adding new packages to12:49
Grovermanthe system).12:49
jf6il est tot le matin12:49
=== tsauter [~tsauter@p54A1AB4E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
jf6et les enfants dorment encore!12:49
Grovermanyep - safe rto remove!12:49
auraxwell if it get fucked it will get me some time to come back and shout @ ya12:49
rasputnikaurax: just leave postfix in. postfix is nice.12:49
=== aurax uninstalls
blahstrange , i changed deb sources to ca.debian, and im still getting a message saying us archives md5sum mismatch12:49
auraxim installing kolab12:50
=== rasputnik googles
rasputnikgroupware? yek12:50
auraxfo work12:50
=== ateves [~ateves@p54904FB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== aurax makes bux
ateveshji, i just installed mldonkey-server via apt. but how can i start it?12:50
blahapt-get is still wanting to install from us servers, even tho i edited it to ca.12:51
crimsun_blah, did you sudo apt-get update first?12:51
auraxateves : cd / | rm *12:51
Grovermanblah, apt-get update12:51
rasputnikactually we are stuck with groupwise (novell) at work and it rilly stinks.12:51
blahI did that12:51
tsauterhi all12:51
rasputnikSo badly they are even thinking of M Sexchange12:51
auraxexchange is gay12:51
tsauteris there a netinst image for ubuntu available?12:51
auraxbut the concept of sharing stuff12:51
auraxis sweet12:51
crimsun_blah, are you sure? The fact that apt is trying to retrieve from your "old" archive is a telling point.12:51
rasputnikaurax: well, duh :)12:51
blahyep i ran sudo apt-get update12:51
auraxbut m$ Yewk12:51
auraxit costs around 150$ per server for 5 users12:52
auraxloads of shit12:52
blahits still updating us server12:52
auraxwith all that s3cr3t RPC codes12:52
=== jaross [~jaross@c-67-162-147-246.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rasputnikaurax: personally I like imap and maybe ical, anything else is too much like management BS for me12:52
auraxjah, true12:52
auraxits full of bs12:52
auraxbut when u see the result, its pretty cool12:52
auraxcheck www.toltec.co.za12:52
crimsun_blah, did you change _all_ us.archive references to archive?12:52
auraxi think its .za or .az south africa12:52
rasputnikaurax: however we are going to have to support one anyway, so I'll see if they fancy kolab12:53
blahok i didnt change all the references sorry12:53
auraxkolab is the only working package that dont ask for $$$12:53
auraxopengroupware is java based12:53
auraxtotaly gay12:53
=== aurax doesnt like java
=== apollo2011 doesn't either
=== Morbo [~jens@c-650672d5.026-54-6c756e2.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
auraxconcider that kolab is pre-configured package so simple to install..12:54
=== freecraft [toroman@ds-01-ppp-029.dip.urc.bl.ac.yu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
auraxbitchx is ugly bitch12:54
auraxwhere is my mirc12:55
rasputniktoltec is a connetor that lets lookout talk to kolab then?12:55
blahdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe12:55
blahdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe12:55
blahdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted12:55
blahdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted12:55
blahdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe12:55
blahdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe12:55
blahdeb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse12:55
blahdeb-src http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse12:55
auraxyou set permissions on one side, integrate it with the server, and you roll12:55
auraxblah stfu12:55
blah## Backports12:55
blahdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted12:55
blahdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted12:55
rasputnikaurax: we don't need that, the client we have is a piece of crap anyway12:55
blahsuck my dick bitch12:55
aurax!tell blah about being a homosexual12:55
maswanbe nice?12:55
blahyou want my dick in your mouth, you know it12:56
rasputnikblah: jeez pack it in12:56
jarosshere is the situation.  My wireless works fine for about 24 hours and then it just stops.  As soon as i type int he wep key again, it starts back up.  How can i fix this?12:56
auraxmaswan -> fag?12:56
|grunt|aurox don't be a naughty boy12:56
rasputnikwow i really feel like helping you now mate12:56
=== bimberi [~bimberi@DC-244-234.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu
|grunt|ubuntu is known for it's mild community12:56
maswanaurax: that seems fairly unrelated to niceness12:56
auraxthats seems fairly related to you being ass12:56
blahwell to me its known as a buggy distro12:56
Grovermanjaross, maybe you have a time-limit in your accesspoint/router12:56
=== rob^ [~rob@rob-ubuntu.student.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu
auraxsame goes for mr. blahblah12:56
=== Heart_ [~jzdgc@p549C28D6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
|grunt|yes, you to blah12:57
=== aurax pukes @ the channel floor
|grunt|now shake hands12:57
Morboi got a D-link DWL-G650M (mimo) that wont work... lspci says its an unknown Ethernet controller form Atheros. any ideas?12:57
=== Shuddertrix [~andrew@user-0cdv20s.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
jarossGroverman, I do not becuase I have 2 windows computers and one mac that continue to get wireless internet from the same router...12:57
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blahill bitch slap the little boy12:57
BatsotOdoes anyone knows how to copy text or image from postscript file?12:57
lumberjackhow do i mount with umask=00012:57
=== bkv [~bkv@dynamic-62-56-36-81.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
auraxblah, watch out ill send maswan to ass rape yew !12:57
Grovermanjaross, good. at least you know it is connected to this one machine.12:58
blahis he your butt buddy?12:58
blahnice of you to share12:58
auraxweee, are we funny today12:58
rasputnikgirls, take it outside12:58
jarossyes, i know that for a fact12:58
auraxrasputnik u mean inside12:58
blahtakes his big 10 inch outside::((12:59
lumberjackisnt it like sudo mount /dev/hda /blah/blah umask=00012:59
ajmitchaurax, blah: stop this now12:59
=== aurax stops this no
auraxnow even12:59
blahaurax has cum breath me thinks12:59
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|grunt|oh oh, you've done it now01:00
=== Stan_ [~chatzilla@ip68-14-106-246.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
|grunt|too late, but well deserved =)01:00
auraxhehe, common.01:00
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rasputnikircname: root ? haha01:00
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*aurax@*.cablep.bezeqint.net] by ajmitch
chris24tnhi, folks. i have an odd (and probably horribly newb) question: is there an easy way to move a panel?  I moved my top panel to the right, and now it blew my icons up HUGE, and I can't right-click on the panel to change it's properties, and I can't drag it up to the top.01:00
chris24tnhow can I get it back to the top?01:01
|grunt|why can't you right click on it?01:01
chris24tnthat's what i'm saying01:02
|grunt|is there no space to right click on it?01:02
rasputnikchris24tn: but why? are the icons too big or something?01:02
chris24tnwhen i moved it over, my applications menus and such are up at the top, then it immediately goes to HUGE icons (4 of them), and after that the rest of the bar01:02
chris24tncan't right click on anything that is the panel itself, i've thuroughly checked the whole bar01:02
chris24tnthe icons are like 90-100 pixels wide01:03
=== craz3d [~craz3d@68-64-153-94.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
chris24tnnm, figured it out: had to delete a couple of icons, to get some free (blank) panel space01:03
chris24tnnow i can change it back01:03
craz3dAnybody know anything about dx9wine, like where I could get it, or if it is in-fact WineCVS?01:03
chris24tnwill have to re-add those icons, tho01:03
chris24tnif i submit that as a bug report, do you think anyone would take me seriously?01:04
|grunt|you can do that, but I'm not sure if it's a bug01:04
bimberichris24tn: I was going to suggest that but it's such a kludgy solution - surely there's a better way01:04
maswanchris24tn: well, probalby, yes. it does seem like a usability issue01:04
=== monmon [~monmon@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
chris24tnum...how do i submit a bug report? i mean, gnome is huge, is there a person or list or something i should send gui useability issues to?01:05
=== andrewlightstar [~chatzilla@ip70-176-23-36.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
rasputnikchris24tn: I think you could have tweaked something in 'configuration editor' - it has loads of settings for the panel01:05
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rasputnikchris24tn: I remember the first ever gnome beta back on the 2.0 kernels. It stank, the panel expanded to eat your screen several times a day01:06
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chris24tnrasputnik, that's still not intuitive or simple, which is something i think ubuntu works towards01:06
chris24tnrasputnik, lol. they've come a very long way,t rue01:06
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rasputnikchris24tn: no, it's a bug for definite. you should google for 'gnome usability project', they do exist01:07
andrewlightstarHello all I'm having a bit of problem compiling a custom kernel. I configured, compiled the kernel and modules, and installed both, and put the kernel in grub. when it boots I get a kernel panic where it can't find "modules.dep" in /lib/modules/2.6.10 I checked the file was there and ext3 is compuled as part of the kernel. can any one help?01:10
|grunt|Ladies and gentlemen, it's been fun, but unfortuantely I have to hit the sack. Thank you very much, and don't forget to tip your waitress.01:10
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rasputnikandrewlightstar: are you sure it's looking in the filesystem and not your initrd?01:12
lsuactiafnerandrewlightstar : make the keren option * not M, ie, dont make it a module01:13
andrewlightstarwell I did build an initrd iimage as well01:13
=== pingus [~pinugus@shm67-1-81-56-36-45.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
lsuactiafneralso, make sure you got the correct block devices compiled in, ie, support for your hard disk01:13
monteiromy disc is running low, anyone knows tips to get it faster ?01:13
lsuactiafner#kernel may also help01:14
=== ReD_inThe_sKy [~kong0@c-af6ae253.531-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
lsuactiafnermonteiro : linux disk/filesystem doesnt get fragmented, if dma is enabled its runnin as fast as it can run01:14
inemoMonteiro: WD40 ;)01:14
=== Chrischan [~Chrischan@p54BFC4B6.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"]
lsuactiafner<*> ATA/ATAPI/MFM/RLL support... look under those options andrewlightstar01:14
monteiroinemo : i've a seagate 7200 rpm01:15
ReD_inThe_sKycan i get dc++ to linux (or something like it)??01:15
jf6WHO love ME?01:15
monteirolsuactiafner : but my mouse has glintches01:15
hajikiare OTF files fonts?01:15
lsuactiafnerandrewlightstar : if you are new to kernel i suggest to take a .config from your distrobution, and remove options you are sure you dont need01:15
inemoMonteiro: WD-40 can make anything go faster :/01:15
andrewlightstarlsuactiafner: thanks I'll take a look at that... thanks to Rasputnik01:16
=== Derreck [~derreck@69-162-63-128.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
lsuactiafnerwork from there, remove part for part, test and remove more01:16
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lsuactiafnerandrewlightstar : ccache, install it and read man ccache to enable it01:16
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andrewlightstaractuly I've used a lot of distros, and never run into this problem...01:16
lsuactiafnerwill save you time when you recompile01:16
=== concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
monteiroinemo : what is WD40 ?01:16
monteiroinemo : never heard about it01:16
monteiroinemo : it's an hardware ? like scuzzy ?01:17
inemoMonteiro: teflon like lubricant, comes in a spray can01:17
lsuactiafnerwestern digital01:17
LokeDKAfter I've installed KDE, the fonts in whole gnome is more.. bad shaped.. what can I do?01:17
lsuactiafnerworks well..01:17
andrewlightstarused to be a RH man  untill I found ubuntu01:17
=== nxv__ [~matrix@dsl-084-056-121-031.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
lsuactiafneri get around 50mb/s on my sata WD01:17
monteirolsuactiafner : i'm using gnome01:18
=== blah [~blah@host-142-204-9-69.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
andrewlightstarthanks guys... got to reboot and see what I can do :-)01:18
monteirolsuactiafner : i get 20 mb/s with a seagate 7200 rpm01:18
lsuactiafnermonteiro : what are you on about?01:18
lsuactiafneri missed what you asked...01:18
blahyaahhh i got apt-get working again, thanks to all who helped01:18
monteirolsuactiafner : i was asking about increasing the speed of the disk, i think that is relationed with my stop freeezes all the time when the memory passes to swap.l01:19
lsuactiafnermonteiro : make sure there aint a bottleneck somewhere else, like over the lan to a windows share i get 3mb/s but between 2 linux pcs i get 10mb (encryped) and between my own two disks 50m/s01:19
=== Shuddertrix [~andrew@user-0cdv20s.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
inemoMonteiro: http://www.wd40.com/ ;)01:19
=== ubuntu_ [~ubuntu@c-67-165-91-155.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lsuactiafnermonteiro : how much ram you got and how much is used? free -mt01:19
lsuactiafnerchances are you aint even usin your swap @ all01:20
monteiroMem:           250        246          301:20
monteiroSwap:         1992         40       195101:20
monteiro             total       used       free01:20
=== la2hka [~la2hka@ti541210a080-8431.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
lsuactiafnerdude get more ram, and your swap is too big, should be only 1G01:21
lsuactiafnerif your swap is too big it could also cause bottlenecks (though i might be wrong on that one)01:21
=== |QuaD- [~QuaD@pcp0011386062pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lsuactiafnergnome is heavy on ram, try fluxbox or blackbox instead01:22
uniqxfce is nice.01:22
lsuactiafneri dont think your h/d is the bottleneck, how much cache does your h/d have?01:22
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monteirolsuactiafner : maybe you're right about the size, bigger the size , bigger the use01:22
lsuactiafnerif only a 2m/b cache it might explain slow h/d speed01:23
monteirouniq : but i like gnome :P why i've RIMS why ??01:23
lsuactiafneri got a 1G swap i never use.01:23
Stan_anyone know how to remove the power input from an internal CD drive?01:23
monteirolsuactiafner : you advise me 512 mb of swap ?01:23
lsuactiafnermonteiro : gnome is bloated, it will cause your pc to run slower. gnome eats ram like no other01:24
uniqmonteiro: gnome should run just fine on 256MB ram, just make sure you have DMA enabled on the harddrive.01:24
=== dorje [~dorje@p548D87D1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
monteirouniq : i've dma enabled01:24
lsuactiafnermonteiro : 1G max01:24
lsuactiafner512 might be small on your system..01:24
lsuactiafner512 minimum and 1G max01:25
uniqmonteiro: then it should run just fine, you could split your swap space into two partitions. would make it more efficient, but i doubt it will give you a extreme performance boost.01:25
=== Strife [~mdepalati@69-163-127-58.crlsca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
lsuactiafnersysctl -a | grep swap01:26
lsuactiafnerbut playin with sysctl aint a good idea....01:26
monteirouniq : you mean 512 mb each ?01:26
uniqmonteiro: yes. just split your current swapspace into two partitions.01:27
monteirouniq : okey01:27
monteirouniq : in cfdisk01:27
uniqmonteiro: i doubt it will give you very much of a performance boost, but you could try if you don't have anything else to do :)01:28
monteirowell, i've an exam tomorrow, but i'm aproved in that discipline :P01:28
=== Lucar [~administr@200141245140.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Lucarjoin #debian01:29
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KyralWhat is the plugin needed to let Beep play FLAC files?01:31
cozzoso... how often do you see noobs show up?01:32
=== Wanderson [~wanderson@] has joined #ubuntu
seth_kall the time cozzo01:32
seth_kthat's what we're here to do, is help01:32
seth_knew users and veterans alike01:33
cozzo:P kind of a retorical question eh :P01:33
=== Kyral kills the xmms-flac
KyralNot work in Beep!01:33
cozzolinksys WPC1101:33
cozzoHP pavilion N541501:33
WandersonEU NAO FALO INGLS01:33
WandersonE AGORA01:34
cozzothe card no workie... suggestions?01:34
WandersonI'dont speak english01:34
ajmitchWanderson: english in here, please :)01:34
Wandersoneu nao falo ingles01:34
blahthen get out01:34
Wandersonfock you01:34
ajmitchthere may be an #ubuntu-es01:35
seth_kblah, that's not necessary. Wanderson: #ubuntu-es01:35
concept10blah, dont do that01:35
blahfock you tooooo lol01:35
ajmitchblah: don't01:35
concept10blah, apologize01:35
blahfock you01:35
Wandersonhelp please01:35
seth_kWanderson: #ubuntu-es01:35
concept10Wanderson, goto #ubuntu-es01:35
=== mello6 [~mellowyll@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cozzoyeah... so it's a wireless 802.11B card. everything else seems to be working just fine01:36
Quest-MasterWanderson: /join #ubuntu-es01:36
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Wandersonyou speak portugueses01:36
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bob2Wanderson: /j #ubuntu-br01:37
blahhai bob01:37
Quest-MasterWanderson: /join #ubuntu-br01:37
chris24tnok, so i'm still having trouble getting the sound to work on my sound blaster audigy 2 zs01:37
ajmitchmorning bob201:38
=== Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-66.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
seth_kchris24tn: have you unmuted the analog/digital out?01:38
chris24tnhowever, i think it's at least partially due to the fact that the sigmatel sound on my ati tv-wonder is being picked up first01:38
bob2hey ajmitch01:38
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o ajmitch] by ajmitch
chris24tnseth_k, i have through the volume control panel widget, but is there a better way to do it?01:38
Wandersonai tem alguem afim de tc de ingles para portugues01:38
seth_kchris24tn: try http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=32920801:38
chris24tnthnx, seth_k01:39
seth_kchris24tn: no worries. if it doesn't work, we can try some other ways but that should work.01:40
Lucaralguem pode dar um help de como adicionar um impresso windows no ubuntu ???01:40
Wandersontem portugues na fita01:40
=== caonex [~caonex@ip70-177-55-187.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
chris24tnwoot woot!!01:41
chris24tnlol that was it01:41
chris24tntook me forever to find that, too01:41
ubotuI haven't a clue, seth_k01:41
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LokeDKHow do I switch anti-aliasing on? kde ruined it01:41
bob2Wanderson: por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portugues.01:41
bob2Lucar: por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portugues.01:41
LokeDKand I've even removed kde01:41
chris24tnahh, ic01:41
mjrLokeDK, try desktop preferences/fonts01:42
caonexMy gnome session sometimes kicks me out and sometimes the computer restarts by itself, where would be a good log to look for the errors producing these?01:42
seth_kubotu audigy is muted by default in Ubuntu. To unmute, type alsamixer and find Audigy Analog/Digital Out. Select it and press M to unmute. Then type sudo alsactl store to save your settings.01:42
ubotuseth_k: okay01:42
chris24tnthe analog/digital switch that i needed to unmute wasn't displayed by the volume control widget by default, and when i try to enable it volume manager crashes01:42
mjrLokeDK, if that fails, sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig01:42
chris24tnthink i should submit that as a bug, also?01:42
LokeDKmjr, I've tried.. it has no affect at all01:42
seth_kchris24tn: known bug01:42
LokeDKk thx.. i will try that01:42
ReD_inThe_sKycan i get dc++ ?01:42
chris24tnah, cool01:42
ReD_inThe_sKyin synaptic?01:42
Grovermannight all01:42
LokeDKmjr, shall I enable bitmapped fonts?01:43
cozzoI, will be back tommrow when I have more time01:44
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seth_kReD_inThe_sKy: it is not in Synaptic to my knowledge. It *may* be in backports01:44
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MorboReD_inThe_sKy, no dc in synaptic, but nice guid for install on the forums...01:45
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chris24tnas always, there's so much changing ;)  i'm suprised, though. for a free distro, ubuntu has a good deal of "polish"01:45
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LokeDKfonts are still ugly.. I have restarted gnome.. didn't help to reconfigure it01:50
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DeFiis there a boodisk image for ubuntu somewhere?01:52
DeFilike for a floppy01:53
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Aerebuscan someone help me? i installed a different video card other than the one i installed ubuntu with and now when i startup my linux box its telling me it cant start the X environment (graphical thing) and i need to correct the problem01:53
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seth_kAerebus: the easiest way is to, in a terminal, type 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'01:55
Aerebusthat should fix it?01:55
seth_kAerebus: that will redetect your video card settings, yes.01:55
Aerebuscool ty lemme try it01:56
=== Walkman [~walkman@pc61.host12.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu
=== Aerebus just started using linux ;p ubuntu was first choice w00t
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=== Victus [~dave@c-24-128-97-172.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Victushey does anyone know how to enable evolution to display images in the email?01:58
HrdwrBoBVictus: it just does01:58
HrdwrBoBclick on the arrow with the picture in it01:58
Victusok but I got an email jpgs and it has empty boxes with red diamonds where the pic should be01:59
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joseanyone available??01:59
b_e_n_zany xen howto for ubuntu?01:59
seth_kjose: we're all here, just ask your question :)02:00
josei have a problem with ubuntu and pcmcia wireless card02:00
TokenBadif i paste something in flood can someone tell me what it means?02:00
seth_kTokenBad: go for it02:00
seth_kuse the pastebin though02:00
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WalkmanHello people! I was looking for any help with setting up Eclipse 3.1 under Ubuntu 5.0402:00
josegot mi question?02:01
=== Arkainium [~mark@pool-70-23-250-85.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
b_e_n_zWalkman, huh? just download eclipse and ./eclipse?02:01
KyralWhy doesn't it work? Is it detected?02:01
seth_kWalkman: the Eclipse people have precompiled binaries that should work just fine02:01
joseokay, as soon as i plug it, ubuntu freezes02:01
seth_kWalkman: Eclipse 3.1 just entered Breezy :) so it'll be in Synaptic for Ubuntu 5.1002:02
Kyralhave you tried booting with it in?02:02
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WalkmanWell, it does not work. I do not know why, but it should, I know ... Eclipse is written in pure Java02:02
Aerebuscould you type that command one more time for me plz?02:02
josewhen starts pcmcia services it freezes too02:02
Aerebusthe one to have ubuntu redetect the video settings02:02
TokenBadseth_k, ok its posted to the pastebin02:02
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b_e_n_zWalkman, which jvm do you use02:02
seth_kTokenBad: ack, no idea02:03
TokenBadit happens when running a game..02:03
TokenBadand the game crashes02:03
TokenBadbut only after the first level02:03
WalkmanI am not sure, but I've just added sun 1.5 upd 4 using the method provided on wiki.ubuntu.com/java02:04
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b_e_n_zWalkman, type "java -version"02:04
ilba7ri am running linux and want to connect to a windows pc. The windows pc has a private ip address so what should i type in ssh to connect to it?02:04
b_e_n_zilba7r, ssh <private ip>?02:05
WalkmanI'm not quite good with NetBeans 4.1, but NB 4.1 works fine.02:05
b_e_n_zilba7r, is sshd running on winblows though02:05
ilba7rb_e_n_z yes it is running on windows02:05
WalkmanWell ... it shows Sun Java 1.502:05
ed1twhat are disklets?02:06
=== babyfire [~babyfire@ip68-108-217-218.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ilba7rb_e_n_z my problem is get a message can not connect to host pc02:06
b_e_n_zWalkman, what is the error you get when you ./eclipse?02:06
cyphasewhy is firefox randomly turning off every once in a while?02:06
b_e_n_zilba7r, can you even ping the windows machine?02:06
ilba7rb_e_n_z and i am a newbie do not know what ip address should i type in02:06
ilba7rb_e_n_z no02:06
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WalkmanIt does not start at all02:06
b_e_n_zilba7r, then you have a networking problem... fix that first i guess02:07
b_e_n_zWalkman, not even a single error message?02:07
ilba7rb_e_n_z i am not directly connected to the windows pc and i want to know how can i do it on the internet02:07
ak37ilba7r, Maybe you need to do ssh tunneling02:08
ilba7rb_e_n_z it is not connected to me through lan02:08
babyfirecheck it out people really do speak on freenode02:08
WalkmanWell ... I'll have to reconstruct that situation, because I've used 3.1RC3 version instead of 3.102:08
babyfirewill some one help me pretty please02:08
ilba7rak37 is there a webpage that might teach me how to do tunneling02:09
ak37ilba7r, Wait a sec, let me google it. I once got a bookmark of one, but it's on my Windows machine02:09
babyfireand tell me where to go to so i can understand how to open up tar.gz files02:09
babyfirei am lame02:10
ilba7rak37 ok02:10
babyfirei just installed this thing02:10
babyfireis htere a instuction book02:10
ak37babyfire, use tar -xzf filename.tar.gz02:10
babyfirei type that where02:10
babyfireplease dont hate me too bad02:11
ak37babyfire: open a terminal, type it in the same folder as the file02:11
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HaroldJohnsonDaniels: Hello.  I've in the process of upgrading to Hoary from Warty; I've changed the source.list file, ran an apt-get update, and then apt-get dist-upgrade.  Is there anything else I need to do to fully upgrade to Hoary?02:13
=== digitalfox|chore is now known as digitalfox|FC
ak37ilba7r, try this. It's short, but might help http://csociety.ecn.purdue.edu/~sigos/projects/ssh/forwarding/#port02:14
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KyralHaroldJohnson, not that I can think of02:14
naliothbabyfire: go to the terminal and type "man tar"02:14
HaroldJohnsonKyral: Thank you.02:14
hajikireboot and log-in02:14
naliothhowdy y'all02:14
naliothHaroldJohnson: sounds to me like you've dont it02:15
naliothHaroldJohnson: you done it, now ya just gotta configure your bootx02:15
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Got it02:15
ilba7rak37 thanx02:15
naliothwhere is everybody?02:16
=== Elsidox [~Elsidox@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Let's hope that's it.  This type of upgrade upgrades the kernel, too doesn't it?  It looks to be the same name/version, though.02:16
naliothHaroldJohnson: you will need to move your kernel and the other thing so taht bootx can find them02:17
budluvacan someone tell me why when i try to open http://localhost/testphp.php which is supposed to show phpinfo() that it asks me to save to disk?02:17
=== luakagon [somebody@185.indianapolis-16rh16rt.in.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu
ak37budluva: have you installed php?02:17
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Okay.  Yeah, I've been doing that with every reboot after an apt-get upgrade.02:17
luakagonhey whats the bare minimum for an ubuntu installation?02:17
naliothbudluva: becauase your browser doesnt know its sposed to dislay php02:17
mjrbudluva, perchance you might want to spesify the mime type in your php script02:17
naliothluakagon: bare minimum what?02:17
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Back in awhile, hopefully02:18
digitalfox|FCbrowsers don't handle whether it's PHP or not02:18
digitalfox|FCit's server-sie02:18
ak37ilba7r: here is another website, it's more like a tutorial: http://mc5.dyndns.org/doc/ssh/ssh_tricks.html02:18
digitalfox|FCPHP outputs HTML to the client02:18
digitalfox|FCthe server executes it02:18
mjrlike header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); for example02:18
luakagonthe bare minimum system02:18
budluvanalioth, well i have added a couple of lines to my apache2.conf, AddType application/x-httpd-php .php02:18
luakagonthis one has 64MB RAM, 6 gigs and a pentium ii processor02:18
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budluvanalioth, also a line for .phps02:18
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luakagonI dont know its processor hertz02:18
ak37budluva: tried to restart apache?02:18
babyfireis there a index of commands somewhere02:19
budluvaak37, many times02:19
naliothluakagon: ya got it goin on02:19
luakagonbabyfire, heres an idea02:19
naliothluakagon: you'll be fine02:19
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luakagontheres a $PATH environment variable but I dont know how to get it displayed02:19
luakagonit lists where all your commands are that you type02:19
ak37budluva, if you recieve the file, what is the content of it?02:20
uniqluakagon: from a terminal 'echo $PATH'02:20
naliothbudluva: i dont know how to make the browser render php02:20
luakagonoh wait, just hit tab,tab,y and that should do it, but itll make your screen overflow02:20
ak37luakagon: try 'env' to see all environment variable02:20
LokeDKI removed gnome's tray by an accident.. how do I get it back?02:20
budluvaak37, <?php phpinfo(); ?>02:21
luakagonbabyfire, you can 'ls' each and every path listed by 'echo $PATH'02:21
luakagonand youd get an idea02:21
mjrLokeDK, right button on panel, add to panel02:21
budluvaak37, thats what its supposed to be02:21
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ak37budluva: it's as if php is not installed at all02:21
LokeDKmjr, yeah.. but what is it called?02:21
babyfireok thanks02:21
mjrLokeDK, notification area or system notification area, I think02:21
babyfire hol up02:21
=== Tufek [Tufek@Montreal-ppp3531862.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
uniqbudluva: you shouldn't need to change anything in the apache config for php to work, just install the correct package with mod_php and it should all work automagically after restarting apache.02:21
naliothLokeDK: "panel"02:21
mjr(I have a finnish translation here)02:21
luakagonnalioth, so you think itll work? gee I hope you're right02:22
ak37budluva, just apt-get install php4 actually (after apache)02:22
naliothluakagon: you have excellent hardware for ubuntu02:22
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ak37budluva, I followed ubuntuguide.org/#installapachehttpserver02:22
LokeDKIt doesn't work anymore.. f.ex no icon appears with gaim02:22
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luakagonok now I need to figure out how to get dial up internet access for it.  it's got a real modem I think02:23
uniqbudluva: 'apt-get install libapache2-mod-php4' - don't change the config, and remove all the changes you've already made. then it should work.02:23
mjrLokeDK, hm, restarted gaim?02:23
mjrif still doesn't work, dunno why02:23
LokeDKyes.. serveral of times02:23
mjrof course, you might try the "windows way" of logout/login, but if that's required, that's really a bug... :I02:24
LokeDKmust be gaim.. cd-player makes a icon there02:24
naliothluakagon: if it IS a hardware modem, it'll work out of the box (with some info added, of course)02:24
luakagonright ok thank you02:24
mjrLokeDK, ah, all is not lost ;)02:24
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budluvaak37, sorry was on the phone02:25
ak37it's ok02:25
LokeDKhelped with disable/enable the gaim tray icon plugin thing.. thanks anyways02:26
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mjrLokeDK, righto02:27
budluvaak37, nope still not working02:27
ksmurfanyone know of an alternitive to Keepass?  It's a password safe for 'doze02:27
mjrLokeDK, if you can bother, you could report it as a gaim bug, then02:27
=== Aerebus [~nexus@cpe-66-25-33-72.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Aerebusty seth02:28
LokeDKgaim just crashed... and when i started it again, the icon didn't appear02:28
uniqksmurf: in KDE we have kwallet for that.02:28
seth_kAerebus: what'd I say? :P02:28
=== nomasteryoda [~nomastery@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
flughis there anyway to get apt to ignore all these other languages when deciding dependancies during an 'apt-get install <package>'?02:28
ak37budluva, hmm I suggest removing all php/apache2 related packages as well as the configuration files02:28
ak37then try to install it from scratch02:29
ak37I followed ubuntuguide and php runs smoothly02:29
ksmurfuniq ... Could I use that in gnome?02:29
budluvaak37 even after installing libapache2-mod-php4 still nothing02:29
flughi don't need dk, jp, etc, etc02:29
Aerebusthanks man but i have a big problem now lol02:29
budluvaak37, whats the easiest way to remove php4 and all it dependancies?02:29
uniqksmurf: don't know how good that will work, i guess gnome has its own, i just don't know it's name.02:29
naliothak37: please.. ..02:29
naliothak37: do it in a PM02:29
budluvaak37, like all the modules that ive installed02:29
=== mwe [~mwe@port462.ds1-ynoe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Aerebuswhen ubuntu wanted to reconfigure it reconfigured my mouse into agony02:29
nalioths_dogak37: Please do not advise ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead.  Item 3 here explains why https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines02:29
ksmurfwhat's the password safe in gnome? equiv to keepass or kwallet02:30
Aerebusmy mouse is acting all strange, moving all over the screen, opening stuff, clicking everywhere02:30
Aerebusvery hard for me to control =/02:30
=== Hackmo [~sean13@82-41-83-57.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ed1tAerebus, you got a laptop?02:30
ksmurfarebus ... serial?02:30
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flughAerebus: protocol is probably wrong. mine does that if i set it to explorer or anything besides imps/202:30
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Aerebususb logitec mx51002:31
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Aerebushow do i fix this? lol if this keeps going i'll have to reinstall lol02:31
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=== xfSx [~fire@host-84-9-48-7.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
luakagonthanks folks and have a great tomorrow02:31
xfSxhey guys when i try running synaptic i get the following error: Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic:02:32
xfSx Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file. anyone know why that might be? thanks..02:32
naliothxfSx: do you HAVE an xauthorization file?02:32
xfSxnever needed one before afaik, so i guess maybe not..02:33
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xfSxhow do i set one up and why is it necessary?02:33
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naliothxfSx: i have no clue what it even is02:33
uniqksmurf: you can try 'revelation' or 'mypasswordsafe' for your passwords. both are in the universe repository.02:33
xfSxnal, oh ok, danyang :)02:33
=== demente [~jorgeluis@cbl-sd-57-32.aster.com.do] has joined #ubuntu
helloyoi'm unrar-ing a file (non-free), but the folder structure is lost02:33
ed1tis there any apt-get respitory for xfce?02:34
js_helloyo: unrar x file.rar02:34
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xfSxhmm my ubu is ill02:34
uniqed1t: you can get it from the universe repository in ubuntu.02:34
naliothhelloyo: you type "unrar --help" and find out that the command is unrar x file.rar02:34
helloyojs_, that was quick! thanks heaps!02:34
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dementekien me dice el canal de ubuntu en espaol02:34
nalioth!info xfce02:34
hondjedemente: #ubuntu-es02:34
ubotuxfce: (The Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 3.8.18-2ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 907 kB, Installed size: 2548 kB02:34
helloyothanks nalioth, i had no idea there would be such a differnce between e and x02:34
dementegrax men02:34
ed1tuniq,  wats the source?02:34
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ak37nalioths_dog: Ok02:35
=== BeatYou [ne00@ip70-179-141-68.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
BeatYouhi, has anyone setup VNC to work with kubuntu desktop ?02:36
BeatYoui just get a gray screen with black x02:36
uniqed1t: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto02:36
BeatYoushell access if that helps so i can edit things if need be02:36
nalioths_doged1t: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3802:36
uniqbeatyou: echo 'exec startkde' >> ~/.xintrc02:36
uniqbeatyou: and you should stop offering shell access to strangers. that's very insecure.02:37
BeatYouno i mean i have it myself02:37
BeatYounot offering it ;] 02:37
uniqah.. heh.02:37
BeatYoukde is running uniq, i plugged in a monitor and its up with the login screen02:37
uniqthen it's ok. i missed the 'i' on that line.02:37
BeatYoui setup vnc to be able to login with gnome (gdm i believe) by using a thread on the forum02:38
BeatYouhopefully it can be done with kubuntu02:38
naliothBeatYou: what box are you vncing INTO?02:39
BeatYouanother machine02:39
uniqbeatyou: how did you start vnc?02:39
BeatYoui am on windows with a vnc clinet, do you mean the vncserver on ubuntu machine ?02:39
ksmurfuniq ... I found revelation but not my password safe02:40
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BeatYouto tell you the truth i didn't start it- i installed with apt-get02:40
naliothBeatYou: in needs to be running to access it02:40
uniqbeatyou: ok, then it's not started. But you could just enable desktop sharing in the control center.02:41
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uniqksmurf: correct, that's my bad, mypasswordsafe will be in the next version of ubuntu. sorry.02:41
BeatYouit has been starting upon boot before i installed kubutnu02:41
uniqbeatyou: do you recall the package name?02:42
BeatYouvnc4server i believe02:43
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naliothBeatYou: excellent choice02:43
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uniqnalioth: is vnc4server similar to tightvncserver ?02:45
ed1ti cant find xfce in synaptic package manager?02:45
naliothuniq: they're both vnc servers, vnc4 is command-line operable02:45
naliothed1t: look for xfce402:45
BeatYoureinstalled vnc4server02:46
uniqnalioth: vncserver -kill etc?02:46
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BeatYoustill not bringing up kubutnu login :[02:46
BeatYouno uniq, i can't figure out how to start it02:46
ed1tnalioth, xfce4 is not there either02:46
BeatYouno vnc4server in /etc/init.d02:46
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naliothuniq: yes, so you can ssh into the box, start a vncd and then login with a viewer02:48
uniqbeatyou: ok, execute: echo 'exec startkde' > ~/.vnc/xstartup02:48
naliothed1t: you added the repositorys like in the URL?02:48
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uniqbeatyou: what that command will do is to tell vnc to start kde when the vncserver is started.02:48
BeatYou/home/beatyou/.vnc/xstartup: no suck file or dir02:49
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uniqbeatyou: ok, 'mkdir ~/.vnc/' and then the other command.02:49
BeatYoureboot machine ?02:50
loupgaroublondhas anyone here had problems making initrd kernels using make-kpkg where the initrd file isn't being used properly?02:50
uniqbeatyou: no, then you execute 'vncpasswd' to set the password for your vnc session02:50
naliothBeatYou: the only time you need to reboot is when you upgrade your kernel02:50
dementekien sabe una web para configurar el ubuntu02:51
naliothdemente: hablamos espanol en #ubuntu-es02:51
ed1tnalioth, i got an error when i opened synaptic respitory http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/43902:51
BeatYouok uniq, now restart xserver ?02:52
uniqbeatyou: no, don't touch the xserver, it'll make a new virtual X server, you don't need to run X on it at all.02:52
uniqbeatyou: now execute 'vncserver'02:52
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naliothed1t: hang on a minute02:53
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uniqbeatyou: now you should have a vnc-server running.02:53
uniqbeatyou: try to connect to display :1 from your client pc.02:53
BeatYouvncserver outputs : wrong type or access mode of /home/beatyou/.vnc02:54
loupgaroublondi'm having problems compiling a kernel in ubuntu using make-kpkg and using initrd files02:54
uniqbeatyou: did you run all commands as the user beatyou ?02:54
BeatYouchmod'd .vnc +x if that matters02:54
konkihow do i extract a .RAR files? found 2 apps. on the synaptic pkg. mngr. 1. unrar & 2. unrar-nonfree??? what's the difference between the 2??02:55
naliothed1t: the repos have been wonky today02:55
uniqbeatyou: chmod 700 ~/.vnc02:55
ed1tooo k02:55
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loupgaroublondunrar-nonfree is "nonfree" but can extract version 3.0 rar files02:55
naliothkonki: use unrar-nonfree02:55
uniqbeatyou: and chmod 500 ~/.vnc/passwd02:56
naliothkonki: and thats "free as in freedom"02:56
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konkinalioth, ok... but whats the diff??02:56
BeatYouargg, same error02:56
konkinalioth, how come it says "non-free"??02:56
naliothkonki: what loupgaroublond said02:56
naliothkonki: because if you take the non-free and open it up to figure it out, you are breaking the law (somewhere)02:57
konkiok ok02:57
konkithanks.. lemme chck it out...02:57
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=== PhysSent [~joel@67-42-141-223.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
BeatYousudo vnc4server gives me same error02:58
supertedwill hoary see GNOME 2.10.2 ?02:58
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PhysSentWhere do I report a Md5sum mismatch from one of the packages on us.archive.ubuntu.com?02:58
uniqbeatyou: ok, sorry but i have to leave now, take a look at sharing desktops in control center. it's probably easier.02:58
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seth_kPhysSent: known issue, there are a lot that have problems. Use archive.ubuntu.com instead02:59
Aerebushey seth are you there?02:59
BeatYouthanks for the help though02:59
naliothPhysSent: the repos are wonky today02:59
naliothPhysSent: that is the reason for the md5 error02:59
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seth_kAerebus: what's up02:59
Aerebushow do i format my hdd in ubuntu? i need to reinstall02:59
seth_kwhy do you need to reinstall? :/03:00
konkinalioth, i already installed the unrar-nonfree version... now where in the applic. dropdown box should it appear??03:00
Aerebusmouse is crazy cant fix uggh can barely typkek03:00
naliothkonki: unrar nonfree lives in your terminal03:00
TokenBadwhat was command to refresh gnome?03:00
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seth_kAerebus: do you have a ps2 / usb adapter to use?03:01
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seth_kuntil you can fix your xorg.conf?03:01
Aerebusyes its on03:01
seth_kand still wonky?03:01
konkinalioth, so that means if i have a .rar file i just click and it should unzip or unrar it... right??03:01
Aerebusits beyond03:01
ed1tAerebus, paste your mouse configuration on http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl03:01
Aerebusyou're speaking greek to me edit03:02
xnoobHi everyone... I belive i have a big trouble !   My Ubuntu dont load.... It starts, print many code lines on screen and the load process stops whith the following message: kernel panic - not syncing -Attempted to kill init !03:02
ed1tAerebus, wat u using? Xorg or xfree86?03:02
seth_kAerebus: Hoary or Wary03:02
seth_kxorg then03:03
seth_ksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:03
seth_kand paste the contents at pastebin03:03
ubotupastebin is, like, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ http://pastebin.com or #flood03:03
Aerebusall i know is the mouse is acting super crazy and a reinstall would prolly fix things but if you guys got a better idea i'm all ears03:03
seth_koy, why waste all the time reinstalling03:04
seth_kwhen we can fix in 10 minutes03:04
Aerebusok plz tell me where i type sudo.....etc03:04
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naliothkonki: there is a program called file-roller or ark that should pop up and take care of your busniess03:04
ed1tAerebus, in a terminal window03:04
naliothAerebus: a reinstall is most likely not necessary03:04
n6modAnyone built php5 for hoary/amd64?03:04
=== Silmaris [~vampyre@m130.net81-67-104.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu
loupgaroublondis there somewhere i can go to ask questions about issues with make-kpkg where it'll be more on topic?03:05
ed1tAerebus, applications > system tools > terminal03:05
ed1tin that windows, type sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:05
n6modI'm trying to use dexter's deb-src, and dpkg-buildpackage wants libfam-dev03:05
naliothloupgaroublond: have you asked uncle google to research for you?03:05
seth_kloupgaroublond: sounds like a topic for #ubuntu-devel if google shows nothing03:06
Aerebuso opened that xorg.conf file and nothing is in there03:06
seth_kdid you copy and paste?03:06
n6modinstalling libfam-dev wants to remove 100 pkgs, including little things like gnome03:06
seth_kthat's a capital X in X1103:06
seth_kand two number 1's03:06
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loupgaroublondnalioth, seth_k, its an ubuntu issue, b/c using the same process, i haven't had problems doing this under debian03:06
loupgaroublond#ubuntu-devel sounds good though03:06
Discipulusthere should be an EncFS package in the Ubuntu Repositories.03:06
bob2questions about using make-kpkg aren't development-related03:07
naliothloupgaroublond: https://wiki.ubuntu.com or #ubuntu-devel (if google doesont produce)03:07
loupgaroublondnalioth, the wiki is no good, the instructions there are the same for debian and give me issues03:07
bob2loupgaroublond: best to just ask here03:07
naliothloupgaroublond: ask bob2 he knows everything03:08
loupgaroublondbob2, i did ask, twice, no one answered, and now i'm reading most of the questions people ask here, and i feel like it was off topic03:08
naliothloupgaroublond: but bob2 is here now to save the day03:08
ed1tAerebus, did u find it?03:08
konkinalioth, thanks alot... now i downloaded some files with Amule... first time i downloaded these files with aMule... now my problem is there are files called .met .part & .bak or combined together... i don't know where aMule stored the .rar files... any comments on this??03:08
bob2I don't see a question from you at all03:08
bob2maybe you changes your nick03:08
Aerebusi think thats it03:08
loupgaroublondno, i didn't phrase it like a question per se, i'll ask again03:08
naliothkonki: i have never used <anything>mule, so have no clue03:08
=== cam [~cmatheson@63-225-233-108.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothkonki: looks to me like a partial download03:09
geneI just added a 19" lcd monitor to my amd 64, nvidia 5200 ubuntu box and can't see any rez higher than 1024x780/60hz in screen resolution options. Any tips?03:09
=== ptlo [~senko@83-131-76-168.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
konkiits not cause its 100% or completed on the when i open up the app....03:10
bob2"screen resolution options" = "gnome screen res thingy"?03:10
bob2if so, ignore it and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" from a terminal03:10
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konkinalioth, any suggestion on searching for the files on my comp or root??03:10
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loupgaroublondi'm having a problem with make-kpkg where i follow the procedure from the wiki, where i make-kpkg --append- [junk]  --initrd kernel_image kernel_headers and while an initrd is made and installed, for some reason none of the modules get loaded from the initrd.  when i compile the basics like SATA drivers into the kernel, it boots up, and i get no framebuffer and nothing until GDM loads, plus my kernel feels slightly slower03:11
jasoncohengene, you just have to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose a higher resolution03:11
naliothkonki: open a terminal and type "sudo updatedb"    We are doing this NOW because you just NOW d/l the stuff you are looking for03:11
ed1tAerebus, what mouse did you say it was?03:11
Aerebuslogitech mx51003:11
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bob2loupgaroublond: why are you compiling one at all?03:11
jasoncohengene, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:11
naliothkonki: 'updatedb' usually runs in the middle of the night when you leave your machine one03:11
=== tatiana [~tatiana@d198-166-227-35.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothkonki: on even03:11
jasoncohengene, sometimes the maximum resolution is detected incorrectly but it can be easily fixed03:11
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naliothgene: and if that doesnt work, come back and let me know03:12
=== Diablo_ [~samer@200-109-225-28.genericrev.cantv.net] has joined #ubuntu
tatianadoes anyone know where to d/l the program "smeg" for changing gnomes menus?03:12
Diablo_need help03:12
jasoncohentatiana, it's in hoary-extras03:12
loupgaroublondbob2, i like custom kernels, i've been doing it since i used debian, and when i install the nvidia drivers from their website, it complains that it won't work with a kernel that has rivafb support03:12
Diablo_i need to create a keyboard shortcut03:12
Daveytatiana: jas03:12
tatianajust add taht to synaptic?03:12
naliothtatiana: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnomeMenuEditingHowTo03:12
jasoncohentatiana, http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/03:12
Daveytatiana: http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/03:12
bob2loupgaroublond: the nvidia drivers work fine with ubuntu kernels03:12
bob2loupgaroublond: using whatever .config you used on Debian should also work fine03:13
tatianaheh ty all03:13
Daveytatiana: there is a script for Ubuntu there, to grab the latest version (.deb) and install it03:13
loupgaroublondbob2, tell that to the nvidia install program03:13
bob2loupgaroublond: if you're building a custom kernel, tho, there's no reason to use an initrd03:13
ubotusocomm: I give up, what is it?03:13
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tatianawill it um just install itself after making it executable03:13
bob2loupgaroublond: (no display until X starts sounds very much like you forgot VGA or VT support)03:13
ubotunalioth: I don't know, could you explain it?03:14
loupgaroublondbob2, i'm having a bigger problem where i compile the video drivers into the kernel and i still have framebuffer problems, so i guess technically this counts as two problems03:14
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto03:14
konkinalioth, ok done... what else???03:14
jasoncohentatiana, you add "deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted" to /etc/apt/sources.list then sudo apt-get update and then apt-get install smeg03:14
tatianalol ok thats too much to remember but ty03:14
naliothkonki: now in the terminal type "locate *.rar"03:14
bob2loupgaroublond: I'd be rather surprised if your .config from Debian didn't work on ubuntu03:14
tatianai'll try usin just synaptic or updater or whatever first heh03:14
loupgaroublondi'm not using a .config from debian, i haven't used debian since i used 2.4 kernels03:15
n6modAnyone want to help me out of dependency hell?03:15
bob2so, your problem is that you're configuring it wrong03:15
jasoncohentatiana, in synaptic, choose settings > repositories03:15
bob2n6mod: don't use non-ubuntu repositories03:15
tatianathen add the ones there?03:15
bob2n6mod: if you have already, delete them from /etc/apt/sources.list03:15
n6modCool! Where's the ubuntu php5 package?03:15
konkiok the file came up..03:15
bob2n6mod: if you care that much, compile it from source03:16
konkinalioth, now what??03:16
bob2n6mod: or find packages that are actually meant for ubuntu03:16
n6modI'm trying. Been trying all day.03:16
Aerebusok my mouse just completely disappeared =/03:16
jasoncohentatiana, then choose add > custom and paste "    deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted" without quotations03:16
naliothkonki: what did it show you?03:16
Diablo_anybody know how i can crate a keyboard shortcut?03:16
konki/home/konki/.aMule/Incoming/Lucky Dube - Africas Reggae King.rar03:16
jasoncohentatiana, choose ok and then hit reload03:16
n6modOK, so I'm pretty sure that something in dists/php5/hoary is "meant for ubuntu"03:16
bob2n6mod: apparently not if you have "dependency hell"03:16
tatianahm k03:16
bob2n6mod: maybe you could just paste the errors from apt to #flood03:17
naliothkonki: that is the  only rar on your system right now03:17
tatiananot sure what universer & multiverse are yet... i'll have to look on their wiki i guess. ty jasoncohen03:17
BeefTubehttp://www.s91842597.onlinehome.us/game/ship/pontoon1.jpg http://www.s91842597.onlinehome.us/game/ship/pontoon2.jpg http://www.s91842597.onlinehome.us/game/ship/pontoon3.jpg     My new spaceships03:17
Aerebused1t seth either of you there?03:17
xnoobHi everyone... I belive i have a big trouble !   My Ubuntu dont load.... It starts, print many code lines on screen and the load process stops whith the following message: kernel panic - not syncing -Attempted to kill init !03:17
konkinalioth, so how can i extract it??03:17
nalioths_dogtatiana: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3803:17
bob2n6mod: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to #flood03:18
naliothkonki: in the terminal, cd into the directory shown, and type "unrar x blah.rar"03:18
tatianaum k nalioths_dog heh... i'll look there in a min i guess.03:18
bob2loupgaroublond: I'd really just suggest not bothering compiling it, unless you can find someone to sit down and show you how03:18
bob2loupgaroublond: it sounds very very much like it's just a misconfiguration03:18
loupgaroublondbob2, might be, i'm gonna keep plugging away at this for a while03:18
loupgaroublondits just something that takes half an hour between tries to see if it works right03:19
bob2install ccache03:19
n6modusing il.archive due to the MD5SUM problems with us.archive all day03:20
naliothn6mod: the repos are wonky today03:20
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naliothn6mod: if you remove any prefix, you get 'next random server' i believe03:20
jasoncohentatiana, universe includes thousands of packages that are taken directly from debian. they aren't supported (no security support). there might be security updates if someone from the community fixes the problem. multiverse has packages with restricted licenses that isn't supported like mplayer03:20
tatianaah k ty jasoncohen03:21
bob2n6mod: get rid of that backport junk, and try again03:21
n6modSo, it's commented out.03:21
jasoncohentatiana, read this- http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components03:21
bob2n6mod: if that doesn't work, paste the output of "apt-cache policy libfamc102" to #flood03:21
tatianakeep getting some error with marillat too. i found a thread on ubuntus forums for it but didn't understand it.03:21
n6modsorry, misread...one sec03:21
naliothtatiana: please stick with official repositorys03:21
naliothtatiana: unofficial repos, can break your system03:21
ed1tis there any difference in CD ubuntu sends you and the one you burn from an iso image? i mean option wise03:22
bob2n6mod: archive.ubuntu.com points to two servers in london03:22
bob2ed1t: no03:22
naliothed1t: nope03:22
jasoncohentatiana, why in the world are you using marillat with ubuntu? backports is safer03:22
ed1thmmm coz i've heard lot of people having problems with the CD they got from ubuntu03:22
konkinalioth, problem... msg is: Cannot open blah.rar No files to extract03:22
naliothjasoncohen: but not MUCH better, heh03:22
ed1ti downloaded an image, and it worked fine for me03:22
bob2ed1t: some people have had badly pressed cds, it seems03:23
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naliothkonki: when you started amule, did you tell it where to d/l files to?03:23
jasoncohennalioth, i haven't had problems with backports- but then again i was using sid before03:23
jasoncohenso i'm used to fixing stuff03:23
ed1tooo k03:23
naliothjasoncohen: until they come more fully into the 'official' family, i still don't recommend them for everyday use03:23
jasoncohenlol, so whatever happened to ubuntu's monthly calender artwork?03:23
naliothjasoncohen: the project is open, would you like to take it on?03:24
konkinalioth, no.. but i can see the files now on the explorer location /home/konki/.aMule/Incoming it shows the files...03:24
=== nickrud [~nickrud@ppp-66-140-227-159.dialup.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
n6modSo, I ditched the il. prefix, did an update, and attempted to add libfam-dev again.03:24
jasoncohennalioth, i agree- hopefully when they become official and they work more closely with ubuntu developers they'll iron out the problems03:24
n6modI get the same 'broken package' error03:24
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Aerebusdoes anyone know if ubuntu can make some sort of startup/boot disk like windows can? something i can use to format the hdd03:24
tatianab/c i added it using an automated script..well the script did that...that i found on the forums.  shrugs i just removed it jasoncohen03:24
jasoncohennalioth, well, i'm no artist. was it dropped because of the nudity scandal?03:24
bob2Aerebus: why would you use that?03:24
naliothjasoncohen: well, they are 'official' now, but are not yet in sync with the rest of the software03:24
bob2n6mod: 11:21:27           bob2 | n6mod: if that doesn't work, paste the output of "apt-cache policy libfamc102" to #flood03:24
Aerebusbecause i have no choice03:25
jasoncohentatiana, those automated scripts are dangerous and they suck03:25
naliothn6mod: the repos are wonky03:25
jasoncohendon't use them03:25
naliothAerebus: yes, the livecd03:25
tatianawell it got good feedback on it.03:25
Aerebusi cannot use a cdrom at this time03:25
n6modnalioth: yeah, I got that.03:25
bob2Aerebus: why do you need to "format the hd"?03:25
jasoncohentatiana, they add dangerous unsupported repositories for no reason03:25
naliothtatiana: please stay away from ubuntuguide03:25
tatianaso... i tried it.  if i break it i'll format heh... this is a testing laptop03:25
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Aerebusi need to reinstalle dubuntu03:26
tatianabut ty for the advice. i removed marillat anyway just now03:26
naliothtatiana: in that case, i have some things for you to do...... lol03:26
bob2Aerebus: why would you format the hard disk then?03:26
n6modbob2: done Is that 500 an http result code?03:26
jasoncohennalioth, i still think hoary-extras is absolutely great to have. it makes installing java, getting DVD support and xvid/divx, wma, quicktime support a piece of cake03:26
bob2n6mod: no03:26
Aerebusi also cannot use a cdrom, i think grub my have messed up my boot order or something because not i cannot boot off of the cdrom like i did last night to install ubuntu03:26
bob2Aerebus: no, grub cannot possibly do that03:26
nickrudtatiana the thing that's really wrong with ubuntu guide is it doesn't give you a clue about what you're doing. There is some good stuff there.03:26
naliothjasoncohen: i don't think i've ever seen a hoary-extra URL03:26
bob2Aerebus: your boot order is determined by the bios03:26
bob2n6mod: it's the internal pinning level apt gave that version of the package03:27
naliothAerebus: cdrom booting is controlled by your bios, not grub03:27
n6modbob2: ah, OK.03:27
Aerebusi'll try somethign03:27
bob2n6mod: now paste the output of "sudo apt-get install libfam0c102=2.7.0-5ubuntu2"03:27
naliothaerebus is in houston, i could drive over and help him (Not)03:27
jasoncohennalioth, it's just the packages that backports produces that aren't in breezy - see  http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/03:27
konkinalioth, thanks i found the .rar shell commands... i'll try 'em out.. if i have probs.. i'll be back... astalavista....03:27
ed1tjasoncohen, hoary-extras?03:27
tatianaya well i agree with that.  i'm a linux user for almost 3 or 4 years so i have a fair idea of what its doing in the guide, but i avoid danerous stuff if ican. shrugs are the repositories synaptic lists like multivers (officially supported) ok then?03:27
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jasoncoheni think backports is more valuable for the extra packages they provide than for the backports03:28
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nickrudtatiana main, universe, multiverse03:28
ed1tjasoncohen, where do i get the hoary-extras?03:28
naliothed1t: stick with official repos, please. it'll make your life (and computering) much easier03:29
n6modbob2: done03:29
n6modbob2: this is where I hit the wall :)03:29
jasoncohened1t, add "deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted" to /etc/apt/sources.list and apt-get update03:29
ed1tnalioth, ooo ok03:29
naliothtatiana: great to hear. the guide is very dangerous for very new users03:29
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jasoncohened1t, only use it if you need something from extras03:29
tatianabtw, in mandrake i had a way to switch desktops using a key shortcut, is there one for ubuntu?03:30
naliothjasoncohen: explain to ed1t (and lurkers) how to enable/disable them, please03:30
bob2tatiana: alt-fN's the default, iirc03:30
tatianaya nalioth i can see it is so i'm tryin to be smart using it and go by my experiences.03:30
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jasoncohennalioth, why doesn't the author of the guide give some explanation? the info isn't bad- it's just that it's a list of commands rather than a howto03:30
ed1tyea im new to linux03:30
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tatianabob2, nope03:30
bob2tatiana: you can change it in system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts03:30
toranhey guys, what command would I use to draw some text to the screen at a certain location?03:30
jasoncohenok, ok03:30
naliothjasoncohen: some of it is plain wrong03:30
tatianahm ok03:30
=== slipaway172 [~slipaway1@adsl-211-189-55.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2toran: install xosd.  run that.03:31
tatianaguess i'll see cuz i wanna swap desktops w/kb shortcuts03:31
bob2toran: assuming you mean "in X"03:31
bob2tatiana: then jost go set one03:31
ed1tnalioth, the repositories you gave me are the official ones right?03:31
jasoncohennalioth, well, if he's just adding hoary-extras it's not a problem. you only have to disable backports if you want just a few apps03:31
jasoncohenthough i'm not sure how great an idea that is either03:31
tatianai will bob203:31
tatianajust wondered if there was a preset.03:31
toranbob2: it's not installed, and it isn't in my apt repositories either03:31
=== NoHope [silas@201-1-147-177.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
NoHopehi all03:31
naliothed1t: if my dog gave em to you, they are official03:32
ed1tjasoncohen, i just installed ubuntu like 2 days ago, so im pretty new03:32
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MDM3455anyone know why Gens is so slow when the window is doubled or put in fullscreen mode?03:32
ed1tnalioth, heh03:32
NoHopeHey, what makes ubuntu differente than Debian?03:32
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jasoncohenit's dumb to use mozilla-firefox, gaim and other packages from backports that are in backports unless you're going to keep backports enabled because you then don't get any security updates03:32
HrdwrBoBNoHope: it releases every 6  months03:32
naliothNoHope: US03:32
HrdwrBoBand has a focus on end user Just Workability03:32
bob2toran: xosd-bin, then03:32
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bob2n6mod: well, it's not installable here, either03:32
toranbob2: right, it's there ^_^.. .just did an apt-cache search03:32
HrdwrBoBand the code of conduct, meaning that people should be nice03:32
NoHopeHrdwrBoB, where is the Debian focus?03:32
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jasoncohened1t, this web page gives info on the official packages provided by ubuntu. only main is fully supported. - http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components03:33
HrdwrBoBNoHope: they're not exactly sure; hence the problem03:33
n6modbob2: OK, so it's not just me, then. Any suggestions?03:33
HrdwrBoBbut basically, a lot of packages, stable over time on a lot or architectures03:33
HrdwrBoBit's an excellent base to build from03:33
NoHopeHrdwrBoB, I'm searching a distro for developers.03:33
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toranbob2: hmm.. installed that, xosd is still not a command03:33
ed1tthx jasoncohen03:33
jasoncohened1t, however hoary-extras provides packages that couldn't be included in ubuntu like multimedia codecs that have legal issues - for example libdvdcss2 which is illegal in the US but needed to watch most commercial DVDs03:33
bob2toran: dpkg -L xosd-bin | grep bin03:33
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ed1tjasoncohen, oooo so its like illegal packages03:34
bob2n6mod: I'd just stop php5 depending on libfam, I can't imagine what useful thing it'd be doing with it03:34
jasoncohened1t, it also provides the w32codecs package for divx/xvid, windows media, quicktime and realplayer codecs for xine (and totem with totem-xine, kaffeine etc)03:34
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n6modbob2: Yeah, I was wondering about that anyway. OK, time to learn more about debian packaging. :)03:35
jasoncohened1t, and it packages j2re and j2sdk03:35
naliothed1t: packages that are not "free"03:35
jasoncohennalioth, well multiverse and restricted have packages which aren't free03:35
bob2n6mod: remove it from the build-depends line in debian/control03:35
ed1ti need java run time!03:35
xnoobHi everyone... I belive i have a big trouble !   My Ubuntu dont load.... It starts, print many code lines on screen and the load process stops whith the following message: kernel panic - not syncing -Attempted to kill init !03:35
naliothjasoncohen: dja see your notices?03:35
bob2n6mod: and probably edit the call to ./configure in debian/rules03:35
jasoncohennalioth, some of the packages in extras are actually plainly illegal in the US03:35
nalioths_doged1t: for java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , fakeroot make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] 03:35
slipaway172like lame and libdvdcss03:36
jasoncohennalioth, i didn't know dja was asking03:36
nickrudtatiana had to walk away for a sec, ctl-alt-arrow moves around desktops, if you haven't found out already03:36
n6modbob2: control I knew about, rules was what I didn't know. Thanks!03:36
BeatYouim tryiong to get into the ircd-hybrid dir but i get permission denied, and sudo cd ircd-hybrid gives me error03:36
naliothjasoncohen: well its good i live in texas, right?03:36
jasoncohennalioth, why's that?03:36
bob2BeatYou: "sudo -s", or, better still, just edit files as you need to03:36
naliothjasoncohen: let me type without an accent03:36
naliothjasoncohen: did you see your /notices from me?03:36
tatianaoh k ty nickrud03:36
tatianaadded universe & multi but it doesn't find smeg03:37
tatianai thought i got the original from a website03:37
tatianasigh.. pita.03:37
BeatYoubob2 what does -s do ?03:37
naliothtatiana: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnomeMenuEditingHowTo03:37
jasoncohentatiana, smeg is in hoary-backports i believe03:37
naliothtatiana: you'll find the homepage of smeg there, i believe03:37
bob2BeatYou: give you a shell03:38
BeatYoui am shell right now03:38
jasoncohentatiana, yes it's in backports03:38
jasoncohennalioth, what notice?03:38
tatianaty nalioth03:38
naliothhate opening new windows03:39
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bob2MrNaughty: you might want to fix your /quit message03:39
naliothjasoncohen: do you know the /notice command?03:39
n6modbob2: It builds a fam control library...don't need that. :)03:39
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bob2go php03:40
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ed1tnalioth, how do u do  fakeroot make-jpkg [the bin file]  ?03:40
jasoncohennalioth, no- i just use /query, /msg/ usually03:40
naliothjasoncohen: but you do know what /notice does?03:40
ArCHoNKoGthere is a MD5Sum mismatch for gftp03:40
ed1ttype jpkg jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin03:40
naliothed1t: you need to install 'fakeroot'03:40
bob2ArCHoNKoG: use archive.ubuntu.com instead of us.archive.ubuntu.com03:40
ArCHoNKoGguys know when will it get fixed03:40
ed1too k03:40
ed1talright installing03:41
jasoncohennalioth, no, not really03:41
tatianak found smeg i'm happy03:41
naliothjasoncohen: watch your screen03:41
tatianaty all an goodnite03:41
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ArCHoNKoGbob2, thanks it worked03:42
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BeatYouanyone know what default port for ircd-hybrid is ?03:43
Discipulusdefault port for any irc is 666703:44
BeatYoutried connecting on that and get rejected03:44
n6modbob2: looks like I need to pull out a few more things to keep if from building the php-fam module, but I know where to look.03:44
n6modbob2: Thanks again!03:44
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ed1ti dont think fakeroot was installed properly coz of repositories03:45
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ed1tusr/bin/fakeroot: line 150: make-jpkg: command not found03:45
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bob2that means you don't have make-jpkg installed03:46
BeatYouwhat ircd do you guys suggest03:46
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dapimp53I just installed Ubuntu on my Toshiba Satellite laptop. The only problem is that my keyboard and my mouse dont work. How might I fix that03:46
ed1tbob2, how do i get make-jpkg?03:47
naliothed1t: same way u got fakeroot03:47
nomasteryodaMan, Ubuntu R0xX!03:48
ed1tE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:48
nomasteryodayet again, it amazes03:48
bimberied1t: It's in the "java-package" package (in multiverse)03:48
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nomasteryodaed1t, you must have synaptic running?03:48
nomasteryodaor apt-get process?03:48
nomasteryodaor even aptitude maybe03:48
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dapimp53any ideas?03:49
BeatYoued1t yea i had that issue and synaptic was open03:49
teferihey, any kernel team people here? i'd kinda like to get some idea of when linux-restricted-modules for 2.6.12 will finally be uploaded...03:49
ed1too k03:49
bddebiandapimp53: Did you look at the logfile?03:50
=== Amaranth waits for the Disconnect of Doom
Amaranthstupid modem, dies after 15 minutes03:50
dapimp53bddebian: how do I get in the logfile if my keyboard doesnt work?03:50
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nomasteryodaed1t, running ubuntu with XFCE4 right now... on a Dell D505 laptop03:50
dapimp53I am a newbie at this. I am trying to install this for my class03:50
bddebiandapimp53: Oh yeah, good point03:50
nomasteryodadapimp53, what kind of system is it... i just got tot the channel03:51
bddebiandapimp53: Can you ESC the grub boot menu or is the keyboard dead that early already?03:51
ed1ti guess ill have to try installing tomorrow, coz i cant access the repositories03:51
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ed1tnomasteryoda, did u had to download xfce4 or it was in your repository package?03:52
nomasteryodaI added the repository03:52
naliothAmaranth: you're that much closer to home03:52
nomasteryodafrom ubuntuguide.org03:52
adwaithello ppl..........i am compiling a custom kernel for the first time.......03:52
nomasteryodais the directions site03:52
Amaranthnalioth: ha03:52
nomasteryodagood stuff03:52
Amaranthnalioth: Sunday :D03:52
nomasteryodaits in backports i think03:52
adwaitcan someone tell me wht "rm -rf linux" will  do?03:52
bddebianadwait: Congrats03:53
ed1tnalioth, you said the repositories having problems today?03:53
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naliothnomasteryoda: nomasteryoda dang this is recursive03:53
ed1tthe archive.ubuntu.com03:53
Amaranthnalioth: Did you ever get access?03:53
dapimp53_sorry about that. My net died03:53
dapimp53_nomasteryoda: Its a Toshiba Satellite Laptop03:53
naliothno no nomasteryoda no talk of the guide, please03:53
bddebianadwait: Force rem the linux directory and any subdirectories under it03:53
n6moded1t: Past couple of days... ditch the us. in your sources.list03:53
naliothAmaranth: not that i've been told03:53
FalcHello, i'm trying to get the IDLE package, but, I get an error. (Will paste when I copy the error)03:53
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naliothAmaranth: let me try03:53
n6moded1t: in other words, change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com03:54
n6moded1t: that helped here03:54
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FalcW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/p/python2.4/idle-python2.4_2.4.1-0_all.deb03:54
Falc  MD5Sum mismatch03:54
FalcThat error.03:54
naliothAmaranth: i've been told i dont have the proper access level03:54
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ed1tn6mod, thats wat i have, i dont have us03:54
bddebianFalc: Do you have a high-speed connection?03:54
nomasteryodaok, so how about .. how to fix the Nautilus from spawning a new window each time I click a folder03:54
adwaitbddebian: ok..but wht does it contain? the linux directory...03:55
FalcIn sybpatic, when getting the idle package for pyhton.03:55
Xzallionokay, I just installed ubuntu, and dual boot using grub between win XP and ubuntu, and when ubuntu starts up it says there is an error with the x server and I need to know how to fix this.  I have a Nvidia geforce card if that helps03:55
ed1tn6mod, i have these, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3803:55
bddebianadwait: What directory are you in?03:55
XzallionThanks in advance if anyone can help03:55
n6moded1t: Oh. Don't know what to suggest then. I was using il. for a while, and that worked.03:55
adwaitbddebian: this is wht i am referring to http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-kernel.en.html03:55
Falcbddebien, Can you define 'high speed'?03:55
dapimp53_nomasteryoda: do you know how to make the keyboard and mouse to work03:55
bddebianFalc: Not dial-up03:55
nomasteryodadapimp53, thinking on that03:55
FalcHigh speed.03:55
bddebianFalc: Try the uk mirror then03:55
youthHey i have an issue, i am unable to eject a dvd from my laptop. Does anyone know how to fix this!?03:55
youthit says " invalid argument "03:56
bddebianyouth: Push the button? :-)03:56
Falcbddebian, could you give us some info on doing that, I don't know how. :/03:56
naliothyouth: open a terminal and type "eject cdrom"03:56
nomasteryodadapimp53, yes03:56
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nomasteryodadapimp53_, yes03:56
nomasteryodatry to reboot the system and edit the bios to support legacy USB?03:56
ed1til doenst work for me either03:56
bddebianFalc: edit /etc/apt/sources.list  Change us.archive.ubuntu.com to uk.archive.ubuntu.com03:56
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FalcOkay, thanks.03:56
nomasteryodai would guess it is using the usb bus for keyboard and mouse eventhough they are internal03:57
youthi get the same error.03:57
Amaranthah, the Disconnect of Doom has come03:57
youthit says invalid argument.03:57
n6modHey, since I'm waiting for php to build (finally!) I have a simple question: How do I get the automounter to recognize a CF card in the pcmcia slot the way it does thumbdrives?03:57
adwaitbddebian: there are two methods mentioned on the site http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-kernel.en.html, which one should i use bddebian?03:57
dapimp53_so what does that mean?03:57
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nomasteryodanalioth, sorry about that... i just had success using it yesterday03:58
nomasteryodathe g that is03:58
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bddebianadwait: Oh, that is just deleting the linux source directory from /usr/src03:58
nickrudyouth try doing pkill gam_server in a terminal, then ejecting the dvd03:58
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naliothnomasteryoda: we're trying to keep the curious NEW *nix users from getting dangerous info03:59
dapimp53_nomasteryoda: how do I get the Ubuntu to use them03:59
adwaitbddebian; ok.....well thrs no linux directory in my /usr/src anyway......so doesnt matter03:59
ed1tstill the same problem, oh well ill try back tomorrow03:59
youthiyouth@cpe-24-209-241-103:~$ pkill gam_server03:59
youthyouth@cpe-24-209-241-103:~$ eject cdrom03:59
youtheject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument03:59
ed1tthx for all your help people03:59
nickrudsometimes we have to help them work around bugs, though03:59
bddebianadwait: I would pull the ubuntu source package if you can03:59
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youthstill dont work. :(03:59
bddebianadwait: Then you are fine03:59
ed1tcya all tomorrow03:59
fhobiahow do i upgrade gaim from 1.1.4 to 1.3 ?03:59
nomasteryodadapimp53_, did you change the bios?04:00
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lucasrhi all04:00
bddebianHello lucasr04:00
lucasrlivecd help...04:00
XzallionDoes anyone know how to fix X server or whatever its called?  I just installed, and can't open a gui and can only do command line.  I need to download the Nvidia drivers or something to fix it cause thats what I did last time, but I can't remember how04:00
lucasri translated the boot messages of ubuntu livecd04:00
nomasteryodadapimp53_, pretty sure thats off by default04:00
bddebianXzallion: Do you know which drivers?04:00
nomasteryodaso you need to check i think04:00
nickrudyouth hm, do you have a nautilus window open to the dvd?04:00
bddebianlucasr: Shoot04:00
adwaitbddebian: it says here to make a symbolic link from linnux-2.6.whtever to linux.......wht if i just rename?04:00
lucasrbut non-ascii chars becomes trash04:00
youthi dont think so04:00
dapimp53_so what do I do in the bios?04:01
naliothXzallion: this should get you a functional gui04:01
youthit said something about natilus but i clicked close.04:01
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bddebianadwait: That works but a symbolic link is better if you want to keep a couple of kernel trees around04:01
Xzallionim not sure, but if you tell me how to find out, I shall do that.  Im currently in Win XP (yes its a dual boot)04:01
naliothXzallion: open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" choose teh VESA driver04:01
Xzallionok nalioth I shall try that04:01
nickrudyouth make sure you have no file manager windows open anywhere, then try unmounting the dvd one more time.04:01
cyphaseare there any applications that cycle your wallpaper for you?04:01
bddebiannalioth: Stop stealing my n00bs ;-P04:02
naliothXzallion: its not a nvidia driver, but it should get you a gui04:02
youthoh i sure do have some open but i am copying data from my ipod to the harddrive it wont be done for 20 min..04:02
naliothbddebian: i type 80 wpm, keep up04:02
youthafter thats done it should work right?04:02
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Xzallionokay Im off to try it, thanks04:03
naliothcyphase: chbg04:03
nickrudyouth what *may* be happening, is the thing that tracks changes to mounted drives won't let go of the cd (a bug, and a known one)04:03
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bddebiannalioth: I'm slow and old man..04:03
nickrudwhen you're done, try closing all filemanager windows, and unmounting the dvd04:04
youthso how do i fix it?04:04
cyphasethanx nalioth04:04
nickrudyouth you can't fix it :) You can only live with it, it really doesn't happen often. And, it's not ubuntu's fault.04:05
naliothbddebian: and we are all n00bs04:05
naliothcyphase: do you use gnome?04:05
youthSo how do i get the cd out?04:05
bddebiannalioth: Tell me about it :-)04:05
=== shad0w1e [~stjrox@ool-182ede79.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
shad0w1ehey is there any way to scan the pci bus from WINDOWS?04:05
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bddebianshad0w1e: For what purpose?04:05
nickrudyouth wait until you've completed your file transfer, then, in a terminal pkill gam_server . It nearly always works here.04:05
youthOk thanks a lot04:06
shad0w1ebddebian because a friend of mine (a GIRL) had her windows reinstalled and cannot find the proper drivers04:06
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ajmitchbddebian: you're probably younger than a lot of people around here, so don't complain :)04:06
bob2wow, a GIRL?04:06
ubuntu_anybody know where i can find a good tutorial on installing software on linux?04:06
shad0w1eand I dont feel like having her download and run a linux live cd to find out what hardware is in the machine04:06
jtan325__if i want to mount an external usb drive, i.e. sda1, and i want to let all users have read,write permissions -- basically do everything and anything, what options should i put in my fstab?04:06
bob2ubuntu_: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto04:06
ubuntu_im trying to install BLENDED 3d, i  have no idea what im doing04:06
jtan325__i.e. rw, exec, nodev?04:06
bddebianshad0w1e: That's what plug and pray is for.  Does it have "Unknown devices" in Device Manager?04:07
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shad0w1ebddebian , yes too many!04:07
bddebianshad0w1e: Do you know the make/model of the machine?04:07
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shad0w1eand its a damn emachines so theres no support or way to find out which hardware is in the machine from their site04:07
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shad0w1eemachines m541404:07
budluvashad0w1e, ???04:07
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comadrejaI upgraded to breezy, and now X won't start04:07
shad0w1ei know i was shocked myself04:07
shad0w1eand I looked04:08
budluvamy ubuntu box is an emachines, and yes you can find hardware info04:08
HelpHelpCan anybody help me?04:08
shad0w1eand it was true!04:08
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budluvashad0w1e, let me get the link04:08
shad0w1eif u can, I'd appreciate!04:08
bddebianHelpHelp: Just ask, we'll try04:08
shad0w1eif all else fails I'll hav her pop in a live cd and run lspci or something04:08
budluvashad0w1e, http://parts.emachines.com/emachines/04:08
budluvam5410 is as close as your goin to get04:09
naliothHelpHelp: with what?04:09
budluvashad0w1e, oh is it a laptop?04:09
bddebianAn emachines laptop?  Scary.04:10
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shad0w1ei know!04:10
budluvayou might be sol on that one04:10
shad0w1ewell im thinking that it woud be awesome (anyway) to know of a windows-based program to scan the pci bus04:10
shad0w1eknow of any?04:10
budluvawhat are you trying to do?04:10
shad0w1epop in a live cd and run lspci! (arghh)04:10
budluvaor what piece of hardware do you want info for?04:11
budluvawhy doesnt lspci work?04:11
shad0w1ei need drivers04:11
shad0w1ebecause linux isnt on the machine04:11
youthis there any way to use photoshop on linux?04:11
n6modbob2: enough fun for one day...but I'm on the right track. thanks again.04:11
shad0w1ei just figured maybe someone in here might know how to ...04:11
bddebianshad0w1e: I don't know of any that will tell you the actual devices04:11
budluvayouth, wine04:11
shad0w1eyouth, you can run 7 forsure04:11
shad0w1ei dont know about CS though04:11
bob2nalioth: np04:12
youthawesome, can i get WINE in Synaptec ?04:12
naliothbob2: humbug04:12
budluvayouth, why not use apt?04:12
shad0w1eso nobody knows of a "lspci"-like program for windows?04:12
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budluvayouth, yes, its what synaptic runs off04:13
youthim sorry i forgot all about how to use ubuntu.. lol04:13
nickrudbudluva not to be pendantic, but syn_apt_tic uses apt :)04:13
youthwhat do you mean?04:13
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budluvayouth, think of synaptic as a front-end gui for apt04:13
youthjust do apt-get wine?04:13
omegadchello folks04:13
budluvayouth, apt is command line so you have to run in a terminal04:13
bddebianHello moe04:13
budluvayouth, no, apt-get install wine04:13
bddebianerr omegadc04:13
budluvayouth, but you have to be su'd04:14
youthoh sweet.. that works!04:14
=== bddebian apt get installs beer
youthappreciate it04:14
omegadccould anyone help me to configure gitf?04:14
omegadci ve instaled already ....as giftoxic04:14
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lumberjackhey, when i mount my serial hard drive it has root permissions04:15
adwaitomgadc: ok so.......u cant connect?04:15
omegadcafter starting giftd i try to use giftoxic or giftui but no anwser04:15
Hackmohey all, can anyone help me get my surround sound working?04:15
omegadcnum....the front end doesn even start04:15
lumberjackisnt there a command thats like mode=00004:16
adwaitomegadc: umm...try starting giftoc by itself, i guess it auto starts gift on my end04:16
lumberjackor umask or something04:16
bddebianlumberjack: chmod04:16
nickrudlumberjack man mount, look for umask, uid, gid04:16
budluvaadd the user option and add your user to the disk group?04:16
omegadcit says something about there can be nother process in pot 121304:16
bddebianlumberjack: And you don't want to use 00004:16
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shad0w1eum whats the best way to find out what devices are in my linux machine?04:17
bddebianlumberjack: That would essentially mean no-one has permissions, including root04:17
adwaitomegadc: when does it say that?04:17
bddebianshad0w1e: lspci or /etc/proc04:17
budluvashad0w1e, well are you currently using linux or windows?04:17
nickrudshad0w1e lspci, lsusb are quick04:17
shad0w1elinux if i have to04:17
omegadcwhen i $ giftd04:17
shad0w1ebut I remember devices having like a 0x12304:17
budluvawell i thought you didnt have drivers?04:17
drummer87hi, can someone help me.. i can't access my ubuntu box from the home XP box on the same network (orwin2k for that matter)04:18
shad0w1eor s/t like that04:18
omegadc*** GIFT-FATAL: Failed to load interface subsystem04:18
omegadcThere may be another giFT daemon running on this host.  Check to see if the04:18
omegadcinterface port (1213) is currently in use by another process.04:18
omegadc*** Often times more information can be found in the log file or with the -v command line switch.04:18
shad0w1elspci doesnt show that04:18
youthhow come my update is downloading at 3.8 kb a secong04:18
youthi have a broadband connection04:18
budluvayouth, repos are busy?04:18
camomegadc:  don't paste in here. and did you check the logs are start it w/ -v like it said?04:18
shad0w1elspci gives me PCI ID's. what if I want hardware ID?04:18
drummer87it shows up in the local network but asks for a login and password and i have no idea what to put here :(04:18
budluvayouth, maybe you have the wrong repos setup04:18
youthhow do i find out04:18
bob2shad0w1e: "hardware id"?04:19
jtan325__does anyone understand the "umask" stuff in fstab?04:19
adwaitomegadc: thts wht i said.........just dont start giftd, directly start gitftoxic04:19
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jtan325__or does anyone understand mounting/unmounting pretty well?04:19
shad0w1ebob2 i remember seeing something like 0x12304:19
nickrudomegadc netstat -tln will tell you if something is already using 121304:19
bob2lumberjack: lots of people do04:19
budluvayouth, well if you live in the us, use us sources, if you live in france, use fr sources04:19
bob2jtan325__: umask=00004:19
youthhow do i find out what i am using..04:19
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jtan325__bob2, what kind of permissions does that enable04:19
budluvayouth, nano /etc/apt/sources.list04:19
bob2jtan325__: read/write for everyone04:19
omegadcit says "address already in use"04:20
jtan325__ok perfect, sweet04:20
bob2well, read on NTFS04:20
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jtan325__what about "dev/nodev"?04:20
youthnow what?04:20
jtan325__when should i use that04:20
adwaitomegadc: when??04:20
budluvayouth, what do you think?04:20
bob2jtan325__: when you know that you need it04:20
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omegadc$giftd -v04:20
ray_does anybody know if the fglrx drivers work with the686 kernel?04:20
youthno idea.. i dont know where to look.04:20
jtan325__bob2, when would that be?04:20
jtan325__what's the default?04:20
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bob2jtan325__: if you don't understand it, you don't need it.  the default is dev.04:21
ray_does anybody know if the fglrx drivers work with the686 kernel?04:21
jtan325__ok cool04:21
jasoncohenray_, it should - see linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-686 - Non-free Linux 2.6.10 modules on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV04:21
=== judax [~judax@adsl-68-92-151-170.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
budluvayouth, deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted04:21
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bob2jtan325__: it stops people putting/using device nodes on a filesystem, which could be used in some attacks04:21
budluvayouth, i live in canada, if you live in us, use us.archive.ubuntu.com, if you live in france, use fr.archive.ubuntu.com04:21
=== argonaut [~bui@c-67-169-105-183.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jasoncohenray_, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-686 includes the fglrx, nvidia, madwifi driver for the -686 kernel04:21
youthi do have us.archive.ubuntu.com04:21
budluvayouth, where do you live?04:21
ArCHoNKoGis there a gui c++ compiler ?04:21
adwaitomegadc: tyr ps -al | grep giftd04:21
adwaitand then kill <PID>04:22
bob2ArCHoNKoG: no, that would be silly04:22
rekaArCHoNKoG: install build-essential04:22
budluvayouth, ok well then the repo must just be busy04:22
rekaah, whoops04:22
youthhm.. so i just be patient.04:22
rekaread over the gui part :)04:22
youthi mean this update is taking 5 hours!04:22
shad0w1eguys I want to write a script that can "detect" if there is an internet connection, and act accordingly... can anyone maybe give me a little help with that?04:22
bddebianWon't kylix do C++  or kdevelop even?04:22
bob2shad0w1e: you need to define "detect" very very strictly04:22
budluvayouth, everything else fine speed wise? ie browsing the net?04:23
shad0w1elets say ping google.com04:23
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youthyeah everything else is col04:23
shad0w1eand be able to react to whether or not it successfully pings04:23
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argonauti've run into a couple major problems in installing ubuntu... first i noticed was the bulk of the installer being hardly readable due to a graphics distortion.. also, the installer crashes 25% through "configuring apt -- setting up pimary installation repository"04:23
budluvayouth, sit it out and wait i guess :P04:23
nickrudyouth I've been using us for a long time, and 3.8 seems extremely slow. I'd try another country.04:23
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youthAnother country.. how do i change?04:23
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=== nickrud is on dialup, so, 3.8 is reasonable :)
lumberjacki am trying to mount a serial ata drive04:24
youthi remember someone had this same issue a while back, but i forget what they did to fix it04:24
lumberjackand when i mount i get04:24
adwaitomegdc: well? can u start giftoxic now?04:24
tiglionabbitIf I'm compiling, and the thing says I don't have GL, what dev package am I missing?04:24
lumberjacklumberjack@lumberjack:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt04:24
lumberjackmount: you must specify the filesystem type04:24
budluvayouth, change the 2 letter country code, save, and apt-get update04:24
bob2tiglionabbit: libGL-dev04:24
ArCHoNKoGreka, how would you use build-essential as a compiler ?04:24
shad0w1ehow can a script know if theres an internet connection?04:24
youthi cant edit the nano file..04:24
nickrudyouth edit /etc/apt/sources.list, change us *everywhere* to uk (the uk recommendation is parroting)04:24
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budluvayouth, cause your not su'd04:24
omegadci did it04:24
argonauti'm on a fic kt748 motherboard and a atlantis radeon 9200se 128mb 8x agp video card04:24
adwaitomegdc: right........well now can u start giftoxic?04:25
zipif i use apt-get to download from a source repository, will it automatically compile and install for my syste,?04:25
rekaArCHoNKoG: it provides g++.  i'm not sure what you mean by a gui compiler though.  g++/gcc is invoked via the command line04:25
budluvayouth, exit and either sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list or su - then nano /etc/apt/sources.list04:25
omegadcno :(04:25
adwaitomegadc: wht does it say now?04:25
=== ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
argonautanybpdy know why there are these crazy problems in the installer?04:25
budluvayouth, btw if you didnt know su - switches your user to the root account and stays root, so you dont have to sudo all your commands04:26
omegadcit doesn say anything...i just doesn open04:26
youthhow do i save it?04:26
nickrudargonaut there are no crazy problems, just fixable ones04:26
budluvayouth, ctrl-o04:26
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budluvayouth, then ctrl-x to exit04:26
=== Xzallion [~chatzilla@12-207-18-251.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudheh, what a crock :)04:26
ray_thanks guys who answered my fglrx question it worked!04:26
argonautwell, sure they're fixable... definately unusual04:26
adwaitomegadc: try from the commandline....maybe itll print some errors there?04:26
rekaargonaut: [1]  graphics issue - try using the vga option [2]  apt crashing - sure it really crashes?  some people have experienced "hangs" but the installer starts up again04:27
=== dapimp53 [~chatzilla@c-24-23-233-194.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
omegadcno...i wrote $giFToxic04:27
omegadcit just jumped to next line like nothing has happened04:27
argonautso, "linux vga" at the "boot: " prompt?04:27
argonautah.. i left it on that screen for half an hour then decided its fubar04:28
rekaargonaut: not sure of the exact syntax.04:28
youthit seems to be working faster..04:28
argonautand i'm on an athlon 2500 so i figure that's reasonable04:28
rekaargonaut: yeah, 30 mins is pushing it...04:28
budluvayouth, what mirror did you use?04:28
Xzallionok I tried the vesa driver thing, and I think I messed that up. It loads up, I hear the boot sound and get a black screen.  I can't even get the command prompt.  Oh and i have a Gforce Nvidia fx 5200 if that helps...04:28
adwaitomegadc:  in ~/.giFT/giFT.conf is the value of setup non zero04:28
budluvayouth, btw you have to change all of your sources04:29
adwaitomegadc: actually....limewire is better.......maybe u should try tht :)04:29
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youthi did..04:29
youthi changed them all to uk04:29
budluvayouth, ok good04:29
XzallionI think Im going to have to re-install to overwrite my mess up, and then try to fix it with what ever anyone suggests04:29
budluvajust makin sure04:29
DiscipulusI can't get giftcurs to work correctly04:29
Discipulusanybody know why?04:29
dapimp53ok I got the keyboard and mouse to work. Now I need to get on my wireless network. It says it configured and active. How do I actually use it so it connects to the internet? The network terminals that are flashing at the top says its useing lo. My wireless is ath004:29
omegadccan i reach fastrack from it?04:29
youthbut it is going 3618B/s..04:29
camDiscipulus:  you're going to have to provide more information than that04:29
Discipuluscam, well, I start it up from the command line but it doesn't even show me a UI04:30
argonautanybody know the kernel option for vga?04:30
budluvayouth, thats roughly the same speed as last time04:30
youthit seemed to be going faster. but its the same.04:30
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adwaitomegadc: umm.....i am not sure which protocols it uses....but nevertheless it gives many results04:30
camDiscipulus:  so what does it show?04:30
youthwell the apt-get update is done now.04:30
omegadchow do i use with debian04:30
Discipuluscam, nothing04:30
adwaitconsidering i search for indian songs, and most ppl here only use kazaa for p2p, thts pretty good04:30
youthi was doing the automatic update before and it was taking 5 hours..04:30
youthit is suppose to take that long?04:30
omegadcapt-get install limewire?04:30
camDiscipulus:  does it take you back to the command prompt or just a blank screen?04:31
adwaitomegadc: go to www.limewire.com and download limewire for linux (not rpm)04:31
budluvayouth, after apt-get update you should try apt-get upgrade to actually get your packages04:31
Discipulusdon't even do that, it stays at the command prompt04:31
DiscipulusI'll show you04:31
adwaitsimply extract it and run sh ./runLime.sh04:31
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camDiscipulus:  do you have giftd running?04:31
nickrudyouth as a test, I'd try getting some random file off the net, and see if it was also slow.04:31
youthhow do i cancel from the terminal?04:31
budluvayouth, ctrl-c04:32
youthok.. thakns lol sorry for the newbie questions04:32
adwaitomegaomegadc: at the bottom of download links.........other04:32
Xzallionok, how would I get Ubuntu 5.04 to install the Nvidia drivers (newest) or working x server configuration to get to a gui?  I will have access to the command prompt once I reinstall04:32
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rekaargonaut: linux vga=77104:32
Discipulusdisc@student:~$ giftd -d04:32
Discipulus[21:34:58]  giFT: 926104:32
Discipulusdisc@student:~$ giFTcurs04:32
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Discipulusand then it goes to a newline04:32
Discipulusand sits there04:32
argonautthank you04:33
youthbudluva, by the way it said that wine is not available ?04:33
Aerebuscan someone please help me fix my mouse? lol its running all over the screen04:33
budluvayouth, wine - Windows Emulator (Binary Emulator)04:33
budluvayouth, maybe your not using the correct repositories?04:33
Discipuluscam, any reason why it would do that?04:33
Xzallionhello anyone want to help a newb?04:33
camDiscipulus:  because it won't work if you don't04:33
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bimberiXzallion: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx04:34
camDiscipulus:  giFTcurs is just a front-end to the daemon04:34
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Discipulusgiftd is running and working tohugh04:34
dapimp53_ok I got the keyboard and mouse to work. Now I need to get on my wireless network. It says it configured and active. How do I actually use it so it connects to the internet? The network terminals that are flashing at the top says its useing lo. My wireless is ath004:34
DiscipulusI don't see a UI04:34
Discipulusit just sits there04:34
budluvayouth, Package wine04:34
budluva    * hoary (otherosfs): Windows Emulator (Binary Emulator) [universe] 04:34
budluva      0.0.20050310-1.1: i38604:34
budluvayouth, make sure you have universe enabled04:34
camDiscipulus:  where are you running the ui from?04:34
Discipuluscam, command line04:34
youthah.. how do i do that?04:34
youthfrom terminal?04:34
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budluvayouth, check your sources.list again and see if you have the universe repo04:35
adwaithey is there a command to check the uptime of the system04:35
bimberidapimp53: System -> Administration -> Networking04:35
root________Hi, I'm thinking of doing a net install (it IS possible with ubuntu, right ?) and I need to know if ubuntu will like my Atheros Wireless Network card04:35
budluvayouth, check and see if its commented out or not04:35
bimberiadwait: "uptime" :)04:35
camDiscipulus:  hmm, i've never seen it not work before when the daemon is running... do other curses apps work?  have you tried the gtk front-end?04:35
danielsroot________: a) yes, b) yes04:35
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adwaitbimberi: aah.......could never have guessed :p04:35
root________bimberi, /exec -o uptime, if you wanna show it off04:36
josiewhere in the world is the alsaconf utility!??  I have an old integrated sb16 on an isa bus.  Everyone claims that it's provided in the alsa-utils package, but if you look at the file listing, it's clearly not there.04:36
youthbudluva, the internet download was going at 201kb a second04:36
danielsroot________: c) recommended you don't IRC as root04:36
Discipuluscam, giftui doesn't open either04:36
Discipuluscam, and I'm not sure about other curses apps04:36
root________daniels, I'm not :)04:36
camDiscipulus:  wow, you're sure it's configured correctly (the daemon that is)04:36
=== Codestorm [~Codestorm@203-217-89-226.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
dapimp53_bimberi: It says its active but I still dont have internet access04:36
Discipuluscam, yea, I'm sure, I can try to reconfigure it though04:36
youthdo i take away the ##?04:36
danielsroot________: your nick, username, and real name are all 'root'?04:36
Xzallion:bimberi: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx does not work...  Something about packages or something04:37
Codestormis there anyone using Blam! successfully in Hoary?04:37
bimberidapimp53: Is it the default gateway device?04:37
youthto umcomment do i add or take away an #?04:37
adwaittake away04:37
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Aerebuscan someone please help me fix my mouse? lol its running all over the screen and clicking on all sorts of things, i dont think ubuntu likes my mouse =/04:38
rekayouth: a line starting with a # is commented out04:38
root________daniels, before I explain the "root" thing..  I've already tried knoppix, and it doesn't like the atheros chipset..  are you SURE about it04:38
lumberjackhow does the chmod command work04:38
root________daniels, ?  /ctcp version mich :)04:38
root________lumberjack, man chmod04:38
bimberiXzallion: What is the message?04:38
lumberjacki did man but when i try and change the folder permissions it wont change04:38
dapimp53_bimberi: I set it as that then I hit ok but it doesnt seem to stay04:38
lumberjacki did chmod 311 /folder/blah04:38
danielsroot________: ubuntu is vastly different to knoppix.  ubuntu has a linux-restricted-modules image which makes ath available.  should be in the default image.04:38
root________lumberjack, it should work..04:38
lumberjackits root only and i want anyone to be able to access it04:38
youthokay, it still says that wine is not found04:38
lumberjackit has a mounted serial ata in it04:39
root________daniels, alright, thank you :)04:39
danielsroot________: (i maintain l-r-m, just can't remember whether or not it's available for net installs since I do them with a wire anyway; seems to be rather required for PXE)04:39
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bimberidapimp53: ok can you paste the results of "ifconfig" to #flood04:39
rekayouth: post your sources.list to the pastebin linked in the channel topic04:39
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josiewhere is the alsaconf utility?04:39
youthwhere is that?04:39
rekayouth: actually, hangon.04:39
dapimp53how am i suppose to do that with no internet connection04:39
rekayouth: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 : ready to use sources.list04:39
bimberidapimp53: sry04:40
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youthwhat do i do with that?04:40
=== bimberi smacks forehead
rekayouth: apps > system tools > terminal04:40
rekayouth: then type: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:40
rekathen replace everything in that file, with the stuff in the hyperlinl i sent04:40
dapimp53under ath0 it doesnt list any ip or anything04:40
XzallionUm hold on, I will have to reinstall to check it, as my attempt to set up a vesa driver did not work and leads me to a black screen where I can not access the terminal.  I will be back when I have the message written down k?04:40
root________daniels, could you check that l-r-m is on the net install CD ?04:41
danielsroot________: oh, net install *cd*?  thought you meant pxe boot.04:42
bimberidapimp53: ok - if you click on properties in the Network setting window you should be able to set it up (hopefully)04:42
danielsroot________: no, not really, sorry.  don't have any images to hand, and given australian dsl speeds, you'll be waiting longer for me to check than you could do it.04:42
root________daniels, lol, I just need to stick a CD in and get sources from the "interweb thingamajigger"04:42
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youthhow do i eject the CD again04:44
youthi forget the code.04:44
youthit pkill.. something04:44
=== ubuntiebuddy [ubuntiebud@CPE-65-26-18-178.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
root________youth, eject /mnt/cdrom ?04:44
youthno not that04:44
youthit was somethin else04:44
youthill try04:44
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-101-118.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitbob2: I don't see any library by that name or anything similar....  What GL Library do I need?04:44
youththat didnt work i am tyrin to get this cd to come out04:45
nickrudyouth first, make sure you have all filemanager windows closed, and try ejecting.04:45
youthno matter what i do it just wont04:45
ubuntiebuddyI did something funny like power off while it was changing user info or something, and now when I login to change something, it gives me: "failed to run users-admin   child terminated with 1 status"04:45
bob2tiglionabbit: xlibmesa-gl-dev04:45
rekayouth: right click on the drive's desktop icon and click unmount/eject04:45
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root________wait..  now that I think about it..  I CAN just download packages from the internet and instal them, right ?  rather than downloading however many CDs ubuntu is supposed to be...04:46
ray_why wont the java repositories work?04:46
ubuntiebuddyI can't access administrative privelages, I get "failed to run users-admin  child terminated with 1 status04:46
Discipulusifup lo isn't being run at startup, why not?04:46
bob2root________: ubuntu is one cd04:46
bob2you could probably do with a less annoying nick, tho04:46
tiglionabbitbob2: I have that one, but this thing still doesn't detect GL when configuring04:46
rekaray_: for java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] 04:46
tiglionabbitI'm trying to install scourge04:47
ray_reka, oh thank you04:47
youthreka where exactly do i put this code?04:47
HaroldJohnsonHi everyone; can anyone tell me a command that will tell me the disk space I have left on my HD?04:47
bimberiHaroldJohnson: df04:47
bob2HaroldJohnson: df -h04:47
HaroldJohnsonThanks, Bom and Bim04:48
bddebianHaroldJohnson: Any relation to Howard Johnson? ;-)04:48
rekayouth: you replace the contents of sources.list with it.04:48
=== bddebian bets he's never heard that one before
youthall of the contents?04:48
HaroldJohnsonbddebian: We're closing down all our restaurants, sadly.04:48
HaroldJohnsonbddebian: You're so original!  ;004:49
HaroldJohnsonOkay, because of that, I'm outta here...04:49
HaroldJohnsonJust kidding - I'm going to check my disk space.04:49
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root________does ubuntu use xorg or xfree ?04:50
rekawell, hoary does.04:50
bddebianreka: Warty did?04:50
bddebianOh :-)04:50
HaroldJohnsonRumor has it that Warty used xfree?04:50
lwatcdrHello any one here gotten the extra buttons in an HP internet keyboard to work?04:50
rekawarty uses xfree04:50
rekabddebian:  think so04:50
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root________alright..  now I'm curious about something...04:50
HaroldJohnson(Wait a minute, I'm supposed to not be here.)04:51
rekalwatcdr: sys > pref > k/b shortcuts04:51
lwatcdrTried that reka04:51
root________If I install today..  when the next version comes out (whatever's after hoary) will I need to reinstall, or just apt-get update whatever ?04:51
youthreka, still no luck04:51
rekalwatcdr: ah, you probably have to do it another way then.  'd search ubforums first.04:51
youthi dunno what the heck happene d04:51
lwatcdrI set the keyboard to a 5181 but I can not get any of the buttons to assign.04:51
bddebianroot________: Change sources.list, apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade04:52
danielsroot________: dist-upgrade04:52
youthi replaced EVERYTHING with that code04:52
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rekayouth: did you replace it?04:52
rekayouth: you prefer to use synaptic or CL?04:52
nickrudlwatcdr look under system-prefs-keyboard-layouts-keyboard model, if you're lucky it's there.04:52
rekayouth: save the file and close it, then open synaptic and click on reload04:52
rekathen search for wine04:52
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lwatcdrI did look for there nickrud  but There are a couple of keybards. I have no idea which one mine is.04:53
lwatcdrNo labels I did run xkyb from the hotkeys site and it said it was a 518104:53
nickrudlwatcdr I'm not sure how to check a keyboard, except to look at the label :)04:53
rekalwatcdr: look on the bottom :)04:54
rekaor underside rather04:54
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lwatcdrDid that. No clear markings.04:54
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rekahow old is it? :-/04:54
lwatcdrBut a pn maybe. 518504:54
HaroldJohnsonbddebian: After you've updated to Hoary from Warty using apt-get update/apt-get dist-upgrade, is there anything else that needs to be done?04:55
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RatmannHello all04:55
bddebianHaroldJohnson: Shouldn't be04:55
bddebianHello Ratmann04:55
lwatcdrNow if I can find the correct keyboard layout for it.04:55
RatmannCan anyone help me with a quick problem?04:55
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ray_does anybody know how i can have white text on a black background in the terminal?04:56
RatmannI'm trying to unrar a file, and i can't seem to get it work extract04:56
lwatcdrOkay you know I did look at that label about 6 times and did not see that part number.04:56
tiglionabbitRatmann: you may need unrar-nonfree04:56
rekaray_: edit > current pofile > colors tab04:56
tiglionabbitapt-get it from restricted04:56
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HaroldJohnsonbddebian: After upgrading following that method (apt-get), do I need to move the vmlinux- kernel and initrd.img- file to my Mac partition for BootX?04:56
ray_reka, thanks....by the way your java adviceworked great! thank you04:57
lwatcdrthanks reka. No I need to diddybop over to the gnome channel.04:57
nickrudtiglionabbit Ratmann not to butt in, but unrar-nonfree is in multiverse04:57
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rekaray_: it should've.  an op wrote the instructions. :)04:57
RatmannLemme try and find it04:57
RatmannI'm pretty new to linux soo04:58
bddebianHaroldJohnson: Ugh, bootx.. :-)  Yes, probably04:58
comadrejahow do I make an automatic reconfig of xorg ?04:58
ray_reka, after all this time those colors were that easy tochange....lol04:59
HaroldJohnsonbddebian: When does the kernel change?  During every upgrade, even of packages?  Do you know by any chance?04:59
tiglionabbitnickrud: thank you04:59
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tiglionabbitRatmann: you may want to read the repositories howto then04:59
ray_what theme do you guys use?04:59
uboturepositories is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto04:59
nickrudRatmann then, ubuntu sources come from four places: main (the free stuff canonical provides) restricted (the non free stuff that canonical provides)04:59
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nickruduniverse (the free stuff that volunteers provide) and multiverse (the non free stuff that volunteers provide)05:00
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rekaray_: Human.  i just change the window border to clearlooks-deepsky.05:00
bddebianDoesn't Ubuntu have virtual ttys you can switch to?05:00
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nickrudRatmann and tiglionabbit has pointed you towards getting them all :)05:02
comadrejaplease, I've got a screwed breezy, and X won't start. How do I make an automatic reconfig of X05:02
VictusHey is anyone else having trouble playing quicktime videos?05:02
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rekacomadreja: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will attempt to reconfigure it05:03
comadrejareka: something more like... the installer, that asks no questions ?05:03
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bimberibddebian: If you mean <ctrl><alt>F1 to F6  - then yes05:04
rekaafaik, nothing exists for that.  which is why you should backup before changing it. sorry05:04
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bddebianbimberi: Yes, they have them or yes, the don't? :-)05:05
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bimberibddebian: ubuntu has them :)05:06
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bddebianbimberi: Then why can't I switch to them? :-)05:06
misfit_toybest dvd bin/cue burner for ubuntu is?05:06
bimbericomadreja: Maybe "sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg" is worth a try05:06
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bimberibddebian: sry don't know - remapped k/b shortcut ?05:07
bddebianbimberi: It switches but I don't get a prompt, it's a blank screen05:08
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nickrudnow, that is a nick, trebuchet :)05:09
jasoncohenwhy the hell hasn't jdong removed konversation 0.18 from backports? it has a broken dependency which requires kdelibs4 3.4.1 and this prevents kubuntu-desktop from being installed05:09
jasoncohenand ubuntu users are being told to install KDE 3.4.1 to fix the problem when they only have to do sudo apt-get install konversation=0.16-1ubuntu105:09
=== reka contemplates changing his nick to battering-ram :)
trebuchetyup, anybody who's anybody loves medievel weaponry :-D05:10
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nickrudhm, maybe I'll try mangonel05:10
nickrudif I could spell05:10
adwaitlol.i hv seen everyone of them only in AOE05:10
trebuchetgreekfire... brownies... pitchfork05:11
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bimberibddebian: I have a number of processes with /sbin/getty 38400 tty# - I wonder what starts those05:12
rekajasoncohen: can't you email the dev then?05:12
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bddebianIf Recovery Mode asks for a root password, what do you use?05:13
jasoncohenreka, i made several posts telling users how to fix the problem and i created a new thread on the backports forum telling jdong to fix the problem - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4725805:13
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bob2bddebian: it doesn't05:13
AerebusSamus_Aran you in here?05:13
rekaah, i see.05:13
jasoncohenreka, it amazes me that other ubuntu users are telling people to install KDE 3.4.1 to fix this issue. Talk about overkill05:13
bddebianbob2: It's asking ubuntiebuddy for one.  "Enter root password or Ctl-D to continue"05:13
lumberjackwhen i mounted my /dev/sda1 it changed the folder i mounted it in permissions05:13
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jasoncohenthis is why newbies shouldn't use backports05:13
bob2then ubuntiebuddy did something silly that they need to tell us about05:14
rob^soon newbies wont have to05:14
lumberjackand when i do mount -rw it still does it05:14
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jasoncohenrob^, what do you mean?05:14
rekajasoncohen: well, i can't really say anything: [1]  i am not a KDE fan [2]  i avoid BP like the plague05:14
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rob^once breezy is release most of the sought after packages will be included in the normal mirrors05:14
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jasoncohenreka, it's been in BP for nearly 3 weeks and there are numerous posts on the forums about this issue05:15
Take_Da_Fishmy evolution has crashed.. can anyone tell me how I can reinstall it or rebuild the database?05:15
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bddebianbob2: Well I'm trying to help him but this portion of Ubuntu is still a little greek to me05:15
jasoncohenhow the hell did this get out of staging? it prevents a user from installing KDE...isn't that a big enough "bug"?05:15
shad0w1eif you want KDE, MEPIS is probably a better distro for you05:15
jasoncohensure, it's easy to fix by forcing the correct version but still05:15
lumberjackwhen i mount my harddrive it changes the folders permissions i mount it in to root05:15
bob2mepis is a worse choice if you want a real supported O05:16
trebucheti've got a sapphire radeon 9200se 128mb 8x agp graphics card. how should i go about installing which drivers?05:16
rekajasoncohen: heh, well good on you for trying to tell people the right way.05:16
jasoncohenand now a bunch of new ubuntu users might have problems upgrading to breezy now that they have kde 3.4.1 installed05:16
Take_Da_Fishmy evolution has crashed.. can anyone tell me how I can reinstall it or rebuild the database?05:16
uboturumour has it, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:16
bob2trebuchet: pretty sure you don't need to do anything05:16
rekatrebuchet: easy way: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//BinaryDriverHowTo05:16
bob2jasoncohen: using backports has historicaly broken upgrades anyway05:16
trebuchetthis driver that was auto0installed isnt 3d accellerated05:17
jasoncohenbob2, well, it shouldn't now with the package naming scheme. jdong uses ~ so the packages are all below the breezy version05:17
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jasoncohenbob2, this was discussed in the meeting that made backports official05:17
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bob2trebuchet: well, it did for mine, but: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:17
bob2jasoncohen: yes, I was there05:17
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adwaitfishynet: if u want to reinstall, u could remove and install again  i guess05:17
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ubuntu_can someone help me with a small problem05:18
bob2ubuntu_: you need to ask...05:18
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ubuntu_im trying to run a command05:18
ubuntu_csh install05:18
jasoncoheni was surprised how civil Amaranth was compared to the other devs who at first seemed quite hostile. I thought he opposed backports.05:18
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ubuntu_and it says command not found05:18
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bob2ubuntu_: why are you trying to run that?05:18
camubuntu_: you don't have csh installed05:18
jasoncohenTake_Da_Fish, what happened to the evolution db?05:19
adwaitubuntu_: try this sudo apt-get install csh05:19
Take_Da_Fishubuntu_: my evolution has crashed.. can anyone tell me how I can reinstall it or rebuild the database?05:19
jasoncohenTake_Da_Fish, just because it crashed doesn't mean you lost everything05:19
bob2I thought everyone was quite civil05:19
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Take_Da_Fishi know that05:19
nickrudjasoncohen I just hover around the fringes, but most dev's seem to hate things that screw up their work.05:19
Take_Da_Fishbut i can't restart evolution05:19
jasoncohenTake_Da_Fish, why do you want to reinstall it then?05:19
adwaitTake_Da_Fish: : u can remove with apt-get remove and install with apt-get install05:19
Take_Da_Fishi want to reinstall evolution05:19
jasoncohenTake_Da_Fish, ps -ax | grep evolution05:19
camTake_Da_Fish:  can you not start it now?05:19
bob2Take_Da_Fish: that's not going to help unless you have disk corruption05:19
Take_Da_Fishno.. it just sits there an my hard disk goes flat out05:20
jasoncohenadwait, he already has it installed so he would probably want to use apt-get install --reinstall evolution05:20
Take_Da_Fishit doesn't open up.. the screen does but doesn't fully load.. its like it trying to open somethign up but can't05:20
jasoncohenTake_Da_Fish, what does ps -ax | grep evolution do?05:20
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jasoncohendoes it show you any running evolution processes05:20
adwaitjasoncohen:: hmm.....k05:20
camTake_Da_Fish:  if worse comes to worse you would just need to delete your ~/.evolution directory (assuming something got screwed up there, which is unlikely)05:20
jasoncohenadwait, man apt-get for all its features05:21
jasoncohenadwait, and man apt-cache too05:21
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rekaapt-get -h as well :)05:21
danielshm, indonesian ubuntu.  rock.05:21
jasoncohencam, he probably just has a zombie evolution process which he needs to kill05:21
nickrudTake_Da_Fish don't delete ~/.evolution, just move it to ~/evolution-maybe-screwed, and try running evolution again05:21
Take_Da_Fishthanks guys, I'll try tht..im on my lappy and its in another room05:21
adwaitjasoncohen: hmm......i did man apt-get b4, but i was looking for an action like install or remove :)05:21
ubuntu_ADwait - I ran sudo apt-get install csh, then it said (reading package lists (done) then building dependency chain(done) then it says E: couldnt find package csh05:21
jasoncohenTake_Da_Fish, did you do ps -ax | grep evolution ?05:21
camjasoncohen:  yeah probably (i don't run evolution, but if something is screwed up it would be there in the home dir, not the actual binary itself)05:22
jasoncohenTake_Da_Fish, it's in universe. you need to enable the universe repository05:22
adwaitubuntu_: thts odd........u have universe/multiverse in ur repos?05:22
ubuntu_i dont know05:22
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ubuntu_how do i check05:22
jasoncohenubuntu_, it's in universe. you need to enable the universe repository05:22
adwaitsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:22
ubotuadwait: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?05:22
ubuntu_im sorry im a beginner, but i really need help05:22
jasoncohenubuntu_, read this first - http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components05:23
ubotuadwait: I don't know, could you explain it?05:23
adwaituuh....whts the spelling05:23
ubotuI don't know, adwait05:23
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ubotumethinks repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto05:23
jasoncohenubuntu, and then read this for instructions how - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto05:23
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=== adwait should i hv paid attention in one of those boring english classes ;)
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misfit_toybest dvd bin/cue burner for ubuntu is?05:24
ubuntu_!reposistories says EVENT NOT FOUND05:24
ubotuI haven't a clue, ubuntu_05:24
dapimp53_hmmmm it says my wireless is connected but I cant connect to any web pages or ping anything05:24
adwaitubuntu_:?? tht is just a command for the bot tht we have in the chatroom05:25
jasoncohendapimp53_, does ifconfig show that you have an IP?05:25
adwaitubuntu_: u dont enter that at the prompt05:25
root________so I'm going to install ubuntu for my girlfriend on her laptop...  But I need to split the drive in half first, for she has windows XP and doesn't want to lose it yet..  what should I use to resize the partition05:25
adwaitanyway.......ubuntu_: paste ur /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl and paste the URL here05:26
rekaroot________: you can edit the partitions in the installer.  resize XP and whatnot.05:26
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nickrudubuntu_ then, you've come to the right place :)05:26
dapimp53_jasoncohen: when I choose the DHCP no... if I set the ip to go on my network it say it has the IP I entered05:26
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jasoncohendapimp53_, do you have a DHCP server?05:26
bob2misfit_toy: cdrdao, I'd assume05:26
root________reka, the partition will not get destroyed and such ?05:26
heinrichdoes ubuntu include the x windows system?05:26
misfit_toybob2, but with GUI...05:27
jasoncohenheinrich, yes05:27
adwaitheinrich: yes05:27
rekaroot________: hopefully not. :)  defrag first to get the maximum space05:27
jasoncohenheinrich, if you use a regular desktop install- no if you do a server install05:27
dapimp53_I have comcast cable and they connect to the net via DHCP.... Normally I can connect to my netgear router using the DHCP as well05:27
jasoncohenheinrich, you can see exactly what ubuntu installs by checking the dependencies on ubuntu-base and ubuntu-desktop05:27
rekaroot________: then select "manually edit partition table", highlight the windows partition, select the size field and press enter, then enter a new size.05:27
nickrudubuntu_ if you're a beginner, then, why do you want csh? (not that it's wrong, just, suggesting you keep the clutter down for now)05:27
rekain the installer05:27
jasoncohenheinrich, see http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/misc/kubuntu-desktop and http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/base/ubuntu-base05:28
jasoncohenheinrich, a server install just uses ubuntu-base. a desktop uses both05:28
ubuntu_im trying to install equinox 3d and it said extract and run csh install05:28
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ubuntu_ADWAIT <-----http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/44105:28
root________reka, will it resize the filesystem and everything like partition magic (which I don't have anymore u,.,u) or will it just mark it as smaller ?05:28
dapimp53_would it help anything if i plugged in to it via a hardwire05:29
dapimp53_then tryed the wireless05:29
adwaitubuntu_: every line in ur sources is commented out :S05:29
rekaroot________: it will shrink the windows partition to create some free space (assuming windows originally took up the entire drive)05:29
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adwaitremove the # at the beggining of line 2005:29
jasoncohenholy crap...this has got to be a joke!05:29
rekaroot________: you can then use the free space and auto-partition it for ubuntu.05:29
adwait20, 23, 2605:30
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root________reka, it will properly resize the NTFS partition though, leave it in a usable, preferably error free state ?05:30
soft_talkhi there folks05:30
jasoncohenthe guy who packaged the broken konversation says there's nothing wrong with requiring users to install KDE 3.4.1 to get one new package...and he said " Mez packaged Konversation with deps on 3.4.1 so users would upgrade"05:30
adwaitubuntu_: sudo gedit /etc/sources.list and remove the # from line 20, 23 ,26 as seen in the pastebin05:30
rekaroot________: done it twice, haven't had problems before.05:30
ubuntu_okay and save05:30
rekaroot________: backup first of course :)05:30
dapimp53_jasoncohen: any ideas?05:30
adwaitubuntu_: after that sudo apt-get update05:31
adwaitubuntu_:after that apt-get install csh05:31
jasoncohendapimp53_, well, it sounds like your DHCP server isn't working? do you have DHCP enabled on your router? try using wired ethernet first05:31
jasoncohenreka, can you believe that response from backports?05:31
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root________reka, alright..  thank you very much :)  *glomp*05:31
ubuntu_i edited in text editor and tried to save it wont let me though05:32
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adwaitubuntu_: did u use sudo b4 gedit?05:32
rekajasoncohen: heh, not very good of him.05:32
adwaitsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ubuntu_05:32
ubuntu_in root terminal?05:33
ubuntiebuddyI'm having a problem with Ubuntu accepting passwords, anything requiring password verification through the GUI, I can't get to. It gives me "Failed to run users-admin  Child terminated with 1 status05:33
adwaityeah sure........in root terminal skip the sudo05:33
jasoncohenreka, he's an idiot...if he's going to do that, he should tell users that they need kubuntu's sources to use backports!05:33
trebuchetubuntu really rocks05:33
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adwaitin root terminal just use gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:33
rekajasoncohen: are there major differences b/n the default konv and the one in BP?05:33
ubuntiebuddyhelp! help! I'm having a problem with Ubuntu accepting passwords, anything requiring password verification through the GUI, I can't get to. It gives me "Failed to run users-admin  Child terminated with 1 status05:33
trebuchetgotta love a system that just works well05:33
jasoncohenreka, no clue- i bet there isn't05:33
jasoncohenreka, and backports doesn't have a changelog so i'll have to check breezy05:34
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jasoncohenreka, you know some people...it's 2 digits higher so it must be better!05:34
adwaitubuntiebuddy:  u in sudoers list?05:34
nickrudubuntiebuddy wow, that is a unique error05:34
rekajasoncohen: exactly!05:34
rekajasoncohen: i used BP once and broke my system...never used it since.05:35
adwaitnickrud: not really....saw a bunch of them in the forums/here.........no idea abt the soln though05:35
jasoncohenreka, http://konversation.kde.org/05:35
ubuntiebuddyI can't get to root terminal05:35
jasoncohenreka, i bet it could have used kde 3.4.0 libs just fine...the guy who built it  was probably just lazy and dumb05:35
ubuntiebuddybecause from the GUI you need a password to get to it05:35
adwaitubuntiebuddy: in normal terminal use sudo05:35
ubuntiebuddyand I'm a stinking nweb05:35
adwaitu cant use gksudo05:35
jasoncohenreka, why aren't these packages built on a hoary system?05:35
rekanickrud: ubuntiebuddy turned his computer off in the middle of verification iirc05:35
nickrudadwait and, there's no man page :)05:36
rekajasoncohen: no idea.05:36
nickrudreka verification meaning ...05:36
adwaitnickrud: man page for....?05:36
lumberjackwhen i try to play an mp3 in xmms it freezes05:36
lumberjacki have alsa insatlled05:36
lumberjackand a sound blaser live!05:36
ubuntiebuddyis that what to do?05:36
=== Aerebus [~nexus@cpe-66-25-33-72.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
adwaitnickrud: actually he'll probably get the same errro for anything tht uses gksudo05:36
adwaitso the problem is with gksudo itself05:37
rekalumberjack: did you change the output plugin?05:37
_crimsunlumberjack: what type of sblive specifically?05:37
ubuntu_ADWAIT <---- i ran apt-get install csh <<---- LOOK GO TO http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/44305:37
rekalumberjack: btw, beep-media-player is nicer :)05:37
adwaitubuntu_: did u run sudo apt-get update?05:37
nickrudso, how does one fix gksudo?05:37
adwaitubuntu_: first run that and try again05:37
ubuntiebuddyit says that I am not in the sudoers file05:38
lumberjacki had beep05:38
ubuntu_okay, its downloading05:38
nickruddoh, I need to think now and then05:38
lumberjackbut i changed to xmms when it froze05:38
ubuntu_just a second05:38
lumberjackbut it happens in both05:38
adwaitubuntuiebuddy: right.......well then add urself05:38
lumberjackreka, how?>05:38
rekalumberjack: did you change the output plugin?05:38
rekalumberjack: ctrl+p05:38
lumberjackreka, no, ok05:38
ubuntu_it looks like the script is working now ADwait!05:38
=== limer [~limer@69-174-31-248.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
_crimsunlumberjack: what type of sblive?05:38
rekathen search for an output plugin option05:38
rekathen change it to alsa05:38
adwaitubuntu_: :)05:38
ubuntu_thank you05:39
adwaitubuntu_: np05:39
=== lcharly_TheOne [~lcharly@] has joined #ubuntu
rekalumberjack: if that doesn't work, ask crimsun (he's a sound guru)05:39
adwaitubuntiebuddy: what was the first user created on the pc?05:39
aukubuntubuddy: got GNOME?05:39
lumberjack_crimsun, ls05:39
lcharly_TheOnehow can i give sudo permission for another user05:39
lumberjack_crimsun, live! ls05:39
_crimsunlumberjack: do you mean an audigy ls?05:39
nickrudlcharly_TheOne sudo adduser <user> admin05:39
=== QMario [~qmario@adsl-70-241-18-1.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
adwaitlcharly_TheOne:  as root........visudo05:40
ubuntiebuddywell, I was editing05:40
ubuntiebuddythe users05:40
=== Xzallion [~chatzilla@12-207-18-251.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
XzallionOk im back.  Hi everyone.  Same prob.  More information though05:40
ubuntiebuddyI think there's aproblem with the boxes that come up that you enter your password into05:40
QMarioHow can I scan using HP PSC 2410 in Ubuntu?05:40
lcharly_TheOnebut i have a problem i erase the fisrt user and i create a new user but i can make sudos05:40
lcharly_TheOneand i cnat be root05:40
lumberjack_crimsun, 5.1 ls05:40
adwaitubuntiebuddy: actually ur not in the sudoers list, thts the problem05:40
jasoncohenreka, heh, i responded quite harshly. let's see if anything gets done- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=245461#post24546105:41
=== jayparadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rekaQMario: apps > graphics > Xsane maybe?05:41
adwaitlcharly_TheOne: use the root terminal emulator, application>system>root terminal05:41
heinrichhow do you change from gnome to xwindows in ubuntu?05:41
_crimsunlumberjack: I need the lspci -v audio line05:41
ubuntiebuddythen how do I get there?05:41
nickrudubuntiebuddy are you the guy that when you try to boot in recovery mode, you can't even log in?05:41
lumberjack_crimsun, ok05:41
bddebiannickrud: That is him05:41
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ubuntu_Adwait, How do i check where it installed?05:41
Xzallionproblem: Cannot start x server  Tried: sudo apt-get install Nvidia-glx   What happened: couldn't find the package Nvidia-glx05:41
QMarioReka, Xsane doesn't work and returns an error.05:41
rekaheinrich: er, doesn't gnome run on top of xwindows?05:41
ubuntiebuddythat's me, couldn't access root from the recovery boot05:41
_crimsunXzallion: not Nvidia-glx but nvidia-glx. Case-sensitive.05:42
nickrudheh, it's time for a recovery disk, and editing passwd, group and sudoers05:42
adwaitubuntu_: its probably in /usr/bin05:42
QMarioIt says "no device available".05:42
ubuntu_i checked but not there05:42
aukubuntubuddy: got any valuabl edata on there?05:42
ubuntu_let me look again05:42
heinrichreka, oh05:42
adwaitubuntu_:wht happens if u type csh05:42
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ubuntiebuddyI KNEW WHERE THIS WAS GOING! :) and, no05:42
=== dapimp53 [~michael@c-24-23-233-194.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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trebuchethow do i add an app to the application menu?05:42
bddebiannickrud: Damnit, I didn't even think of that05:42
ubuntu_it gives me a # on the next line05:42
aukwipe the disk an reinstall05:42
ubuntu_csh install?05:42
nickrudubuntiebuddy lol, and I will NOT walk you thru it :)05:42
dapimp53I can get online no problem with my hardwire but not my wireless for some reason05:43
adwaitubuntiebuddy: u could boot to run level 1, but i hv been told tht y defaut all run levels are same in ubuntu05:43
rekaQMario: is it detected in the device manager?05:43
Xzallion_crimsun: oh ok.  *smacks self in head* thanks I shall try to fix that.05:43
ubuntiebuddylol, well thanks for your time, people05:43
rekatrebuchet: google for: smeg menu editor05:43
ubotucsh!! sucks!!05:43
dapimp53I plugged it in... surfed around the internet for a bit05:43
dapimp53then unplugged it and tried my wireless05:43
auktrebuchet: /usr/share/applications05:43
=== Amaranth [amaranth@AC96BFC7.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
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QMarioIt is a USB Printer.05:43
_crimsunlumberjack: did you change the xmms output plugin?05:44
adwaitubuntu_:i dunno wht csh install does............csh is a shell, like bash05:44
lumberjackhow do i kill a process05:44
lumberjackits frozen05:44
jasoncohendapimp53, did you setup your SSID & wep key correctly in network-manager?05:44
lumberjacki dont want to restart05:44
adwaitlumberjack kill pid05:44
adwaitkill <pid>05:44
jasoncohendapimp53, you can't associate unless you have the right credentials05:44
aukor killall05:44
cafuegoadwait: csh is like tcsh, not like bash.05:44
_crimsunlumberjack: pkill xmms05:44
ubuntu_hey adwait, if u follow this link and scroll down you will see what im trying to do http://www.equinox3d.com/Download.html05:44
rekaQMario: [1]  search ubforums/google for scanner topics [2]  you may need to install a driver or something.05:44
dapimp53jasoncohen, I typed them exactly like I was told too05:44
adwaitcafuego: i meant to say tht it is a shell......not similar to, but a shell just as bash is a shell05:44
QMarioI tried the 'hpoj' driver, but it doesn't work.05:45
cafuegoadwait: 'rc' rocks05:45
lumberjack_crimsun, i changed it to alsa and it doenst work05:45
mengis Gnome 2.10.2 out for Ubuntu?05:45
adwaitubuntu_: hmm........why dont u chuck csh, and try ./Install in that directory05:45
ubuntu_says command not found05:46
rekaQMario: hmm, not really sure as i don't have a scanner myself.05:46
_crimsunlumberjack: how so? does it hang, or does it appear to play with no sound?05:46
lumberjack_crimsun, i got it nevermind05:46
=== ksmurf [~ksmurf@S010600112f82c311.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
adwaitubuntu_: first type bash05:46
lumberjack_crimsun, thanks alot 4 ur help05:46
_crimsunlumberjack: yw05:46
adwaitubuntu_: now go to the directory where u unzipped the files05:46
adwaitubuntu_: there ./Install05:46
ksmurfanyone have exper. with swat for samba?05:47
ubuntu_cannot execute binarry file05:47
adwait*sudo ./Install05:47
bddebianDAMNIT -1 bddebian.. :'-(05:47
adwaitooh....its a binary file...i thought it said a script05:47
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ubuntu_adwait: it said install script05:47
adwaitright.......so i figured its in install SCRIPT..05:47
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ksmurfanyone have exper. with swat for samba?  I can't seem to get it right05:48
adwaitubuntu_: ok well...i dunno much abt this, so lets start following the instructions again :)....when u type csh Install what haooens?05:48
ubuntu_adwait: i thought it already installed, do you want me to post what happened when i ran apt-get install csh05:48
cafuegoubuntu_: what does 'head -n105:48
ubotuksmurf: I don't know05:48
cafuegoubuntu_: what does 'head -n1 ./Install' say?05:48
trebuchetwhat command do i use to install a deb?05:48
ubotusamba is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba05:48
=== ReneS [~rskrodzki@CPE0011d8107c27-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegotrebuchet: dpkg -i foo.deb05:48
adwaitubuntu_: tht installed csh, not the software u r trying to install05:48
ubuntu_install: no such file or directory05:49
aukhehe or alien -i <pkg>05:49
QMarioKsmurf, what are you trying to do?05:49
adwaitubuntu_: try captilizing I, linux is case sensitive05:49
=== competenCe [~comp@adaac352d84cc6e4.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu
adwaitInstall is not same as install05:49
competenCehow would i move all the files in 1 directory off a shell into a ftp folder when i logon to ftp in the shell?05:49
trebuchetdamn. not only does ubuntu rock, fresh from install but its got some kickass support in its support channel :-D thanks, guys05:49
ubuntu_oh shit05:49
ubuntu_it just installed05:49
cafuegotrebuchet: liar!05:49
rekatrebuchet: what are you installing?05:50
=== cafuego kicks your ass
ubuntu_adwait: lol, i didnt know linux was case sensitive05:50
Stan__When I boot my computer, it doesn't come up with any options before loading M$ windows.  How can I change the boot order within windows?05:50
=== grphx [~grphx@ip68-97-140-39.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
auknot in the repositories?05:50
rekaah, forgot. :)05:50
adwaitubuntu_: :)...05:50
grphxHey does ubuntu not support NTSF?05:50
trebuchetdoesn't look like it05:50
Razor-XStan__: you can't ;)05:50
adwaitStan__: XP?05:50
holycowStan__, windows can't boot linux05:50
Razor-Xyou need to obtain a Linux floppy05:50
meng grphx: there is only read support05:50
holycowyou need to install grub boot loader05:50
QMarioDoes Ubuntu have another scanning program other than XSANE?05:50
cafuegogrphx: For reading, yes.05:50
aukStan__: BIOS?05:50
Razor-Xgraphx: it supports NTFS read support05:50
Stan__Yes, XP... how can I change boot order then?05:51
aukbut not write05:51
rekaStan__: did you do anything recently?  sounds like you need to reinstall grub05:51
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grphxI have music on an NTSF HD, but I can't get to it, and I'm kinda new to linux05:51
adwaitStan__: no freakin idea.....spent hours @ a friends place trying to do that :)05:51
cafuego!listkeys ntfs05:51
grphxI know you have to mount the HD, but I can't find it05:51
ubotuFactoid search of 'ntfs' by key (2 shown): ntfs ;; user accessible ntfs.05:51
Razor-XStan__: get a bootable Linux floppy, and try and fix GRUB05:51
meng grphx: but can always use captive05:51
cafuego!user accessible ntfs05:51
=== auk looks up a wiki page for grphx
cafuego!tell grphx -about user accessible ntfs05:51
Razor-XI suggest just getting GAG (a nice boot-manager)05:51
Razor-Xgraphx: what's the mount-point?05:51
Stan__Well how can I change the boot order if My computer doesn't give me a chance before loading windows?05:52
cafuegogrphx: Check what ubotu just /msg'd you.05:52
Razor-XStan__: get a bootable floppy05:52
Razor-Xdo you know what that is?05:52
rekagrphx: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/windows_fstab to make your windows partions mount automatically05:52
ubuntu_adwait: the program works, thank you very much, i am much obliged05:52
Stan__it doesn't even check the floppy!05:52
adwaitubuntu_: :) np05:52
Stan__i put one in and it still started!05:52
Razor-XStan__: then change your BIOS settings05:52
grphxreka: I guess that link doesn't work05:52
cafuegoStan__: You need hot <esc> dor <del> well before that, so you can change the bios05:52
Razor-Xis the floppy bootable?05:52
Stan__ok, can you tell me how?05:52
Stan__I don't have that option, cafeugo05:53
mengRazor-x: can just try using the install CD05:53
Stan__that is the whole problem05:53
Razor-Xcafuego: on my old computer's Phoenix BIOS, it's F305:53
Razor-XStan__: you have to05:53
cafuegoStan__: What brand is the machine?05:53
Stan__Local company05:53
cafuegoRazor-X: I avoid phoenix bioses like the plague05:53
Razor-Xcafuego: it was good for its time05:53
rekagrphx: hmm, sorry bout that... old reference perhaps05:53
aukStan__: try F1 or F205:53
mengstan, isn't Del instead05:53
grphxYeh, got an updated reference?05:54
cafuegoStan__: Can you give them a call and ask them how to get into the bios?05:54
Razor-XStan__: try Esc, Del, F1, F2, or F305:54
rekagrphx: anyway, you'll need to edit fstab05:54
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mengphoenix is Del05:54
Stan__The screen didn't come up but I helled all the buttons down05:54
Stan__and it worked05:54
cafuegomeng: AWARD is del05:54
aukgrphx: i've got one working05:54
=== phaedrus_ [~phaedrus@cpe-24-198-29-175.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rekagrphx: post the output of sudo fdisk -l to a pastebin05:54
Razor-Xmeng: not this old Phoenix05:54
cafuegoStan__: Cool. Now there will be a menu of a list. Iif a menu, go to the 'BOOT' options. If a list, go to the second item in the list.05:55
cafuegomenu OR a list even05:55
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Razor-Xbasically, make sure that the first device to boot is floppy05:55
mengintel is normally05:55
trebuchetok, i want to get my pinnacle dc50 a/v capture card working... its got a zoran chipset05:55
grphxreka: http://pastebin.com/30927905:55
mengrazor_x: can i suggest something?05:56
auk/dev/hda1               /mnt/xp                 ntfs            ro,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000                       0       005:56
trebuchetlspci calls it: Zoran Corporation ZR36057PQC Video cutting chipset (rev 02)05:56
mengauk: use a pastebin05:56
=== BigIslandVegan [~BigIsland@m190e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu
mengthe the topic line05:56
rekagrphx: sudo gedit /etc/fstab05:56
rekameng: it was one line05:56
grphxreka: Okay05:56
rekahardly a need for a pastebin05:57
QMarioHas anyone hear scanned a picture or any other object using an HP PSC?05:57
mengdoes /dev/hda1               /mnt/xp                 ntfs            ro,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000                       0       0 looks like one line05:57
=== fiddle [~lisette@w146.z064003078.san-ca.dsl.cnc.net] has joined #ubuntu
grphxreka: I did what you said05:57
rekagrphx: actually, better make a directory first like auk's example05:57
rekagrphx: sudo mkdir /media/NTFSdrive05:58
aukreka: why do that?05:58
Harold_installinWatching an install: It's like watching the grass grow.05:58
rekaauk: otherwise where will it mount to?05:58
aukput something in /mnt/05:58
Harold_installinI've been watching the grass grow for a week now.05:58
rekagrphx: now, it looks likeyou want to mount /dev/hdb105:58
Harold_installinbddebian: I may be nearing the end of my installation.05:58
aukharold: lol05:58
=== Am|NickTaken [~amaranth@ACA39D2C.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
grphxreka: That could be my WinXP installation but okay05:59
Harold_installinauk: Thanks for laughing at my expense, LOL05:59
rekagrphx: eh? i thought what you wanted was on the second drive?05:59
grphxEr yeh05:59
grphxI have two HDs05:59
rekagrphx: look at your fdisk output and see which one you want.05:59
rekato mount05:59
bddebianHarold_installin: Nice05:59
grphxHD#1 is partitioned into a WinXP install and linux install05:59
Harold_installinbbdebian: If this is nearing completion, get ready to break out the champayne.06:00
grphxHD#2 is a 120GB of NTSF with music and stuff on it06:00
rekagrphx: then it's the 2nd one :)06:00
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grphxHow did i view the fstab stuff without opening up the file?06:00
Harold_installinbddebian: Okay, gotta go finish up.06:00
adwaitgrphx: umm cat06:00
adwaitcat /etc/fstab06:01
rekagrphx: we need to edit it.06:01
=== jewel_ [~jewel@cpe-66-87-25-252.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Harold_installinbddebian: Guess it's still installing ubuntu-desktop.06:01
bddebianHarold_installin: Good luck :-)06:01
rekagrphx: append this to the end on a new line:06:01
aukgrphx: don' tuse sudo06:01
rekagrphx:  /dev/hdb1               /media/NTFSdrive                 ntfs            ro,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000                       0       006:01
Harold_installinbddebian: Thanks, I'll need it, with this old PowerBook.06:01
adwaitauk: how come? u can edit fstab w/o sudo?06:01
Harold_installinbddebian: I love this PowerBook, but boy has this installation been a killer on 'er.06:02
aukhe did not want to edit it06:02
=== Razor-X loves his emacs
=== solar_ANT [~solar@] has joined #ubuntu
=== auk agrees
solar_ANThey !!!!!06:02
ubuntu_anybody know a site that has linux commands so i can learn how to use the terminal06:02
GNULinuxerany idea if breezy is stable by now?06:02
Harold_installinbddebian: I have yet to see an Ubuntu GUI.  It's not *the* most important thing, but i'd like to see one, anyway.06:02
=== adwait doesnt have emacs; P
Razor-XGNULinuxer: nopes06:03
jewel_ubuntu_ search for bash tutorial06:03
GNULinuxerRazor-X, hmm06:03
ubuntu_ok, thank you jewel_06:03
rekaRazor-X: how is your emacs/bash research going? :)06:03
adwaitGNULinuxer: not much......but look at thge top06:03
Razor-Xubuntu_: you can look at an infantile version of my guide06:03
Harold_installinubuntu: http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl.htm06:03
aukHarold: it';s just gnome06:03
Razor-Xreka: progressing along fine ;)06:03
GNULinuxerRazor-X, are you still on Hoary ?06:03
Razor-XI need someone to help with the "joe" section06:03
jewel_ubuntu_: http://www.hypexr.org/bash_tutorial.shtml06:03
adwaitsolar_ANT: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii06:03
Razor-XGNULinuxer: yes06:03
solar_ANThow do i run gmake in ubuntu ???????06:03
solar_ANThey adwait  !!!06:03
Harold_installinauk: I haven't actually used Gnome yet.06:03
rob^bah, has anyone installed daemontools before? which is the recommended approch, the djb format or fhs?06:03
Razor-Xsolar_ANT: wait for others to answer..............06:04
nickrudubuntu_ get Using the Bash Shell, from O'Rielly06:04
AerebusCan someone please help me fix my mouse? i've been trying to get it fixed for over an hour in #linux and i would hope someone from here could help since i'm using Ubuntu 5.04. Someone said my mouse has the wrong protocol and i put my xorg.conf up on http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/nVCWCg70.html06:04
=== QMario wants to scan with his multifunction printer
Harold_installinauk: I'm used to KDE; although I did see a Fedora installation once, for a couple of hours or so.06:04
Razor-Xnickrud: I don't think you need a book for BASH06:04
=== dbernar1 [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-158-162.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-XHarold_installin: you didn't get Kubuntu?06:04
=== nomasteryoda [~nomastery@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
adwaitubuntu_: http://linux-newbie.sunsite.dk/html/lnag.html try this06:04
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Razor-Xemacs is something a book is worth for, if you want its full power06:04
QMarioBye everyone.06:04
aukgnome is better :)06:04
QMarioGood Night. :)06:04
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nickrudRazor-X it was the best US$30 investment I've made in the last 5 years06:04
Razor-Xso, no joe users?06:05
Harold_installinRazor-X: Didn't know about it until yesterday or so; besides, it's going to be a miracle if I can get this running on my old PowerBook at all.06:05
Stan__ok, now I discovered that this computer doesn't cooperate with any CD drive.  Is there anyother way to boot ubuntu on it?06:05
QMarioThank you for all your help. :)06:05
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=== babyfire [~babyfire@ip68-108-217-218.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
solar_ANTanyone knows abt gmake in ubuntu ?????06:05
Razor-Xnickrud: I learned about BASH more through experience than anything else06:05
grphxfstab is readonly..06:05
Razor-Xand, when time comes to formalize my scripting knowledge, there's a free book for that06:05
babyfirehello all06:05
nickrudRazor-X yeah, but, I do like to learn from other's experience as well06:05
Razor-XStan__: netinstall06:05
=== vinux [~vince@pcp08896310pcs.hcksrd01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
aukgrphx: use sudo06:05
rekagrphx: cos you didn't use sudo. :-/06:05
Razor-Xnickrud: to each his own, my pocket book is very limited06:05
jewel_Aerebus: Did you try setting your device to /dev/input/mice?06:05
Stan__razor-x ok what is that?06:05
ubuntu_hey thank you guys06:06
men1 Stan__: check if the CD ROM is set as slave?06:06
Harold_installinOkay, back to my installing.06:06
Razor-XStan__: installing using the interNet ;)06:06
rekaauk: you told him not to.  see what happened? :)06:06
Stan__oh internet06:06
aukthat's what he wanted06:06
AerebusJewel, thats what is was before someone told me to change it to /dev/psaux06:06
Stan__capital N confused me06:06
gm78Hey all. Does anyone know how to completely shut off my internal pc speaker in linux? The thing beeps for no reason, i have already gone through diagnostics in the bios and with other utilities which show nothing wrong with the system. It is driving me nuts06:06
nickrudRazor-X yeah, so, let's point him at the Bash stuff at the linux documentation project, it's not bad06:06
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jewel_Aerebus: I assume you have a PS/2 mouse...?06:06
AerebusMy mouse is moving all over the screen and clicking on all sorts of things06:06
Razor-Xnickrud: definitely so06:06
adwaitgm78: if it beeps at start up, there is some reason/meaning to it.luukup beep codes of ur BIOS06:06
Razor-Xmy BASH experience started stabbing at a system I couldn't get X working in06:07
Razor-Xlong ago, on a very old piece of machinery06:07
rekagm78: sys > prefs > sound > system bell06:07
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grphxWhat is it, [sudo gedit /ect/fstab] ?06:07
Aerebusits a usb mouse with a ps2 adapter a logitech mx510 http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/details/US/EN,CRID=2142,CONTENTID=798206:07
men1Aerebus: i've a touchpad that does the samething06:07
adwaitgrphx: right06:07
=== Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
babyfireyou guys i have a problem06:07
jewel_gm78: You can edit /etc/initrc06:07
Razor-XAerebus: reccomending mice... tut tut06:07
babyfireand its sooo simple06:07
grphxIt opens up a blank document though06:07
Razor-Xmice pale in comparisin to trackballs06:07
men1i place 2 fingers on it to stop the funny movements06:07
jewel_gm78: I mean /etc/inputrc06:07
adwaitgrphx: check spelling06:07
Razor-Xbabyfire: i'm listening06:07
gm78adwait, it isnt, its after its been running for a while, checked system temp, nothing wrong with cpu temp or fans. voltage seems to be fine, i think it just hates me. where can i find those beep codes?06:07
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aukgrphx: */etc/*06:08
babyfirei dont know how to unzip tar.gz files06:08
nickrudI own one book, that was it, and, inside, I have 4 pages from the aptitude docs. That's worked well for me over the years.06:08
dbernar1in unison, now06:08
Razor-Xbabyfire: tar -xzvf file.tar.gz06:08
Moppinbabyfire, hehe, tar zxvf <filename>06:08
babyfireand its impossible to get anywhere06:08
men1babyfire: can just use archive manager06:08
rekababyfire: you could use natilus/fileroller06:08
dbernar1tar xzvf file.tar.gz06:08
rekababyfire: or tar zxf < filename>06:08
adwaitgm78: hehe.......tht differs with the bios, which one do u have? and generally those beepcodes are only while startup, so i guess ur right, it just hates u :)06:08
Razor-Xnickrud: I have almost $100 saved up06:08
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nickrudRazor-X buy hardware :)06:08
Razor-Xgonna spend it either on a Das Keyboard, an HHKL2, or a better MP3 Player06:09
=== adwait wants a 64 bit processor
comadrejaany place I could find older, but not so old ubuntu packages ?06:09
Razor-Xmy keyboard is too plain, my trackball is just awesome ;)06:09
gm78jewel_, what do i change in that file, the descriptions in the file arent very descriptive06:09
adwaitanybody here uses it? is it like very different from 32 bit performance wisE?06:09
MadpilotRazor-X: what's an HHKL2?06:09
MoppinRazor-X, you don't need a Das Keyboard, just type inthe dark :)06:09
men1is there a way to use window shares in a network automatically?06:09
=== nickrud just wants a better computer
gm78adwait, is there any way i can tell without rebooting which bios i have?06:09
Razor-XMadpilot: Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite 206:09
Razor-XMoppin: darkness doesen't give weighted keys ;)06:09
=== Madpilot is just glad his new computer is finally working. Hardware trouble sucks.
babyfireok where do i find my file at i downloaded it and it askedwhat i wanted to open it with i chose gzip and the file is no where to be found06:09
adwaitgm78: not tht i know off........but we have bigger geeks here ;), one of thems gotta know06:10
dbernar1adwait, the processor uses more memory, but yeah, it should be faster06:10
grphxOkay I added that line and saved06:10
Razor-Xmy only grip is that, if the Ctrl key is weighted too much (which I've read it weighs more than the normal keys) my emacs'ing will suffer06:10
jewel_gm78: It's the line near the top that's commented out that says "set bell-style"06:10
jewel_That won't turn off the hardware though06:10
adwaitdbernar1: hmm06:10
nickrudlol, then, switch to vim06:10
=== nickrud ducks
Razor-Xnickrud: nooooooooooooooo!!!!06:10
=== Razor-X thumps chest
MadpilotRazor-X: oh cool. I learned to type on the old grey Mac kbs, sometimes the "standard" kb still feels too big...06:11
Razor-Xyou darest insultest ye?06:11
grphxSo now is my NTSF HD mounted after i saved?06:11
solar_ANTi have a packgae with a makefile how do i06:11
gm78jewel_, that is only for tab completion and such though. if it is just beeping for no reason, will that shut it off?06:11
adwaitgrphx: no06:11
nickrudtruthfully, I use vim cuz I started there, no other reason06:11
Razor-XI use Dvorak, so vi is a pain in the arse for me06:11
solar_ANThow do i run gmake to compile it06:11
adwaitgrphx: u hv to use sudo mount /dev/<hd whatever>06:11
Razor-Xgood to se another vim starter ;)06:11
grphxShould I make all the lines line up with the others?06:11
aukRazor-X: lol06:11
Razor-Xcompared to all these nano whelps06:11
grphxOn that text file06:11
_crimsunRazor-X: I kinda like using my left hand for navigation06:11
aukemacs is better06:11
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solar_ANTcuz make gives sme error06:12
Razor-X_crimsun: you mean aoeu ?06:12
jewel_gm78: No06:12
dbernar1nickrud: me too, a professor said that it is a good skill to have, since any unic will have vi.06:12
solar_ANTand documentation says to use gmake06:12
Razor-Xbecause, that's my home row06:12
MoppinRazor-X, I've found that Dvorak setup does make vi very difficult.  Even Ctrl-C Ctrl-V is rought06:12
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_crimsunRazor-X: nah, left hand for up and down; right for left and right06:12
gm78adwait, jewel_, is it possible for a bios to beep with the power cord unhooked from the computer? (please dont laugh if this is a stupid question :-P)06:12
Razor-Xewww, wasd ;)06:12
jewel_gm78: Not unless it's a laptop06:12
=== Aerebus [~nexus@cpe-66-25-33-72.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-XI've never used WASD, even in my QWERTY days06:12
men1that would be so haunted06:12
jewel_gm78: If it were my computer I'd just go unplug the pc speaker06:12
nickruddbernar1 I don't remember exactly how it happened, it was some tutorial on using bash, i think06:12
Madpilot"Attack of the Randomly Beeping Computer"...06:13
adwaitjewel_: umm......can't ut use tht little Li-Ion battery ? which it uses for keeping time?06:13
Razor-Xdunno why WASD caught on, i've been an arrow key user through and through in UT06:13
jasoncohenlol, this guy just doesn't get it. He doesn't see why preventing hoary users from installing KDE unless they install KDE 3.4.1 (a massive upgrade) is a bad idea when he admits he could easily have used kde 3.4.0 dependencies but chose not to because he thinks users should use 3.4.1. He also apparently doesn't feel the need to tell users before hand that they need kde 3.4.1 to use his package!06:13
gm78jewel_, now that is odd, i unplugged it at one point and heard it. i cant think of anything tho that is sitting near my computer that could possible be beeping06:13
AerebusJewel, i'm back sorry my mouse disappeared06:13
jewel_Razor-X: I think you can remap all of your keys in vim to the corresponding devorak keys06:13
_crimsunjewel_: sure can06:13
Madpilotgm78: it's haunted. arrange for an exorcist...06:13
_crimsunjasoncohen: he must not be using 5.04.3 ;)06:13
men1Aerebus: mouse trap?06:13
jasoncohenhe also violated the new backport guidelines. backported packages are supposed to use hoary libraries only06:13
Razor-Xjewel_: I probably can, regardless, I've fallen in love with emacs06:13
gm78Madpilot, lol....arrange for a baseball bat is more like it06:14
grphxHow do I show fstab without opening it?06:14
jewel_gm78: Some motherboards with integrated sound cards play the pc speaker through the regular speakers06:14
adwaitgm78: how does it beep? short? long ?06:14
jewel_grphx: cat /etc/fstab06:14
Razor-Xvery nice for comparing two tex files, compile one on the side with a terminal, putting things in a scratch file, and yeah06:14
aukgrphx: cat /etc/fstab06:14
jasoncohen_crimsun, he built the packages...he probably did so on a system with KDE 3.4.1 installed and he was too damn lazy to change dependencies06:14
nickrudplus, I don't code, so I never needed an extra operating system.06:14
aukoh. haha06:14
jasoncohen_crimsun, grr- some people shouldn't become maintainers06:14
Razor-Xnickrud: I do ;)06:14
vinuxwhat are some good ubuntu books?06:14
men1try the creepy a7n8x-e board startup sound06:14
Razor-Xjasoncohen: i'm hoping to become one meself06:14
jasoncohenor make packages06:14
gm78jewel_, well mine has an integrated sound card, but it is not linux compat. so i have it shut off in the bios and am using a pci sound card06:14
_crimsunjasoncohen: err, which maintainer did that?06:14
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Madpilotmen1: you mean when it talks to you?06:15
jasoncohen_crimsun, this retard who makes packages for backports06:15
gm78adwait, when i backspace or tab in a terminal, it is short. this beeping is a bit longer06:15
grphxokay I did a sudo mount /dev/hdb106:15
Aerebusmen1, i'm sorry if i dont find that too humorous right now i'm very tired and i wish i hadnt just installed linux for the first time the other day i'm really trying desperately to get this fixed >.<06:15
dbernar1vinux: there is a ubuntu book?06:15
jewel_gm78: And it has no speakers attached?  Perhaps your modem?06:15
jasoncohen_crimsun, read this- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=245481#post24548106:15
TokenBadwhat was command again to see free space on drives?06:15
adwaitgm78: ok if u hv an Award bios, and it beeps during operation it could indicate overheating06:15
vinuxdbernar1, Not sure that's why I'm asking06:15
Razor-Xdbernar1: not really, as far as I can tell06:15
tiglionabbitTokenBad: df06:15
_crimsunjasoncohen: ah. I was about to say that none of us MOTUs would do that.06:15
Harold_installinWhat is Breezy's full name?06:15
gm78jewel_, winmodem that is not hooked up to anything06:15
dbernar1ya, I dunno of any neither06:15
tiglionabbitHarold_installin: Breezy Badger06:15
jasoncohenof course not- because MOTUs are intelligent06:15
gm78adwait, i already checked the system temps, they are sitting around where an athlon xp should be06:15
jewel_Harold: Breezy badger06:15
Harold_installinTigli: Thanks06:16
nickrudHarold_installin Breezy badger06:16
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Harold_installinThanks Nick06:16
tiglionabbitlol everyone wants to answer that one06:16
adwaitgm78: hmm.......k06:16
dbernar1jasoncohen: maybe it is an ignorance thing more than not intelligent, teach teh guy, I guess.06:16
men1Madpilot: the system says system is booting in a robotic female voice06:16
TokenBadthanks tiglionabbit06:16
jasoncohenthey realize that requiring a massive system upgrade in order to install a desktop app is stupid especially when it's completely unnecessary06:16
jewel_Here's a better question... what comes after breezy06:16
nickrudheh, any one who's watching for the next version knows that one :)06:16
tiglionabbitBadger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM06:16
Razor-Xby the way... does anyone have an iRock 830 here working with Linux?06:16
jewel_I was thinking auntie anteater would sound good06:16
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grphxThank you, I got it working now!06:16
Madpilotmen1: I know, I've got the Deluxe version of the same mobo. it's damned odd... :)06:16
Harold_installinRazor-X: Is that like an iRiver?06:16
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Razor-Xnot really06:17
Razor-Xit's an MP3 player though06:17
jasoncohendbernar1, i tried explaining why what he did was bad but he just doesn't seem to get it. He says that 3.4.1 wasn't needed but he thinks " Any user who is using backports obviously wants the latest packages... why not KDE 3.4.1 as well?"06:17
nickrud38 days and counting, till I install breezy for real06:17
Harold_installinRazor-X: In other words, a portable MP3 player?06:17
Razor-Xi'ld think the iPod would be the stereotype there, but, meh06:17
grphxWhat's a good mp3 player for linux?06:17
jasoncohendbernar1, he also doesn't think telling users that 3.4.1 is required to use his package is necessary either06:17
men1Aerebus: tried another pointing device?06:17
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adwaitgrphx: i like rhythmbox06:17
jasoncohenand the consequence of his actions is to prevent KDE from being installed for hoary users06:17
dbernar1jasoncohen: oh, yeah, cool, whatever, backports people are needy.06:17
Razor-Xgraphx: iRiver works famously06:17
adwaitgrphx: but u gotta d/l gstreamer for it06:17
aukadwait: *06:17
Razor-Xand has OGG support as well06:18
gm78jewel_, i shut my speakers off and it still does it. this has me baffled. the thing is out of warranty and i dont feel like taking it in for tech work06:18
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jasoncohenunless they know how to force a specific version06:18
Razor-XI think he meant portable MP3 player06:18
adwaitauk: ?06:18
jasoncoheneasy with synaptic but may not be obvious to newbies06:18
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: what?  We can use kubuntu06:18
men1Madpilot: there's an editor for windows for the sound06:18
grphxIs there a keystroke combo to go straight to the desktop?06:18
auk<auk> yeah06:18
Razor-Xrythmbox is stupid, cplay is the way to go, coupled with mpg123 and ogg123 ;)06:18
jasoncohentiglionabbit, no, if you use backports apt-get install kubuntu-desktop won't work...try it06:18
Harold_installingrphx: I would say the iRiver; I've had great luck with it on Linux.06:18
=== adwait is slow :p
Razor-Xwhich basically is all the formats I love, MP3, OGG, and FLAC06:18
jasoncohentiglionabbit, you must do sudo apt-get install konversation=0.16-1ubuntu1 first06:18
jasoncohentiglionabbit, kubuntu-desktop depends on konversation and this guy included a version of konversation that doesn't work with hoary06:19
gm78grphx, xmms or beep media player work good too, you can also download and compile wma plugins for them06:19
aukgrphx: *06:19
tiglionabbitI got kubuntu on hoary though06:19
adwaitrazor-x: if u hv a large collection, rhythmbox is the only one i hv tried which lets u search06:19
Harold_installingrphx: But I've also heard the new Archos series has Linux installed on it.06:19
jasoncohentiglionabbit, it requires kde 3.4.1 libs not in hoary06:19
Razor-XFLAC pwnz06:19
tiglionabbitit didn't have any problems06:19
jasoncohentiglionabbit, do you have backports?\06:19
jasoncohentiglionabbit, dpkg -l konversation06:19
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gm78If it is some sort of hardware problem with my bios, wouldnt dmesg show some kind of output for it?06:19
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tiglionabbitthe only thing I got from backports was w32codecs I believe06:19
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jasoncohentiglionabbit, this only affects users that have backports enabled in their sources06:19
grphxwhat the heck06:19
doug_A Problem: all of a sudden ubuntu won't accept my usb optical mouse.  Any suggestions?06:19
tiglionabbitii  konversation          0.16-1ubuntu1         user friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for KDE06:19
Razor-Xadwait: cplay does as well06:19
Madpilotmen1: ya. wanted to edit mine to say "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated" - but then I stopped using Windows... :)06:19
grphxThe music player can't handle mp3s?06:19
Razor-Xcplay is all comand-line, though06:20
jasoncohentiglionabbit, you have the hoary version installed06:20
jewel_aerebus: Take a look at "man 4x mouse"06:20
Razor-Xwhich is what I love about cplay, nice and compact06:20
jewel_aerebus: There are a lot of settings you can play with06:20
jasoncohentiglionabbit, konversation 0.18-1~5.04ubp1 is broken06:20
aukgrphx: you need to install an dadditional package06:20
jasoncohentiglionabbit, read my post -  only affects users that have backports enabled in their source06:20
ubotuI heard w32codecs is a set of codecs needed to play many common audio and video formats, such as WMV. You can install w32codecs from the Backports repositories (see: http://backports.ubuntuforums.org).06:20
AerebusJewel, sorry my mouse is going crazy right now06:20
jasoncohentiglionabbit, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=245481#post24548106:20
jewel_aerebus: Are you still here?  I just realized I have the same mouse06:20
tiglionabbithm, ok then.  Well tell people not to have backports enabled when they install kubuntu?06:20
jasoncohentiglionabbit, i told them how to force the hoary version06:21
AerebusJewel, i'm here06:21
=== caonex [~caonex@ip70-177-55-187.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudhm, that should mention adding those repositories, getting w32codecs, and then commenting out the backports06:21
men1Madpilot: take a spare partiton and install wndows, use the app, hten remove windows once done06:21
jasoncohentiglionabbit, it's a one line fix but most users won't know to do it06:21
grphxDoes ubuntu come with a windows emulator?06:21
dbernar1dont have backports enabled ubnless you are installing something from them...06:21
nickrudfor general use06:21
dbernar1at all.06:21
jasoncohentiglionabbit, sudo apt-get install konversation=0.16-1ubuntu1 will install the version from hoary06:21
adwaithow do i search in cplay?06:21
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aukgrphx: install wine06:21
jasoncohenyou can also do the same with synaptic06:21
jewel_aerebus: The setting I suspect will help you is the samplerate setting06:22
gm78grphx, what do u mean by windows emulator. wine allows u to use some windows apps, but very few and it is sort of hit and miss. crossover office is a little bit better, but it costs money06:22
Harold_installinIf I want to use xcde3, do I need xserver-xorg?06:22
jewel_aerebus: But I don't know what you would set it to06:22
adwaitcedega if u want to spend money06:22
gm78grphx, vmware and win4lin actually allow you to run windows on top of linux06:23
Madpilotmen1: might do that; need to stick XP in a partition anyway to convert some non-Ubuntu-readable files...06:23
ubotusomebody said windows was Everything runs in linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office, or find an !alternative06:23
gm78grphx, both cost money though06:23
grphxBah I can just reboot to windows, nevermind.06:23
ubotuhmm... alternative is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant06:23
grphxI kinda wish I could read/write to my "archives" HD06:23
tiglionabbitgrphx: is it ntfs?06:23
Harold_installingrphx: Everything doesn't run in Linux, but neither does everything run on Windows.06:23
gm78jewel_, adwait, do u think it is safe to just continue using my computer if it doesnt say anything about heating problems?06:24
Razor-Xbe back in a bit, people06:24
tiglionabbitgrphx: you can read it.  You just can't write from linux06:24
Harold_installingrphx: It depends on the apps you're depending on.  Can you give up those Windows apps, or most of them?06:24
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nickrudHarold_installin yeah, you need X, you can get the minimum by doing aptitude install x-window-system-core06:24
grphxI do a lot of video/graphic editing..06:24
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grphxBut all my music and videos are on that other HD06:25
Harold_installinnickrud: Do you know how to do this from the terminal?06:25
nickrudHarold_installin I just did :)06:25
gm78grphx, what version of windows is installed on the other harddrive?06:25
tiglionabbitgrphx: ah.  Well, be sure to try gimp, inkscape, and the various 3d graphics programs available.  I'm sure there are some video programs too06:25
nickrudHarold_installin I recommend using aptitude instead of apt-get, both work06:25
aukyay, gimp!06:25
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nickrudHarold_installin especially for a fresh install06:26
adwaitgm78: beats me06:26
auknickrud: why??06:26
Harold_installinnickrud: Oh, so I can apt-get install x-window-system-core?  Just like that?06:26
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chombeeDoes anyone know if there's an f-spot channel? I'm backing up my data, and wondering if all my labels in f-spot are stored somewhere in my homedir? where does f-spot store its config?06:26
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nickrudauk because aptitude tracks what's installed, and it's dependencies, and will, if you use it consistently, remove unused packages06:26
nickrudHarold_installin yes06:26
tiglionabbitHarold_installin: get xserver-xorg...06:26
grphxI guess I could just format my NTSF to a Fat32 or whatever Linux has to use06:27
Harold_installinnickrud:  Dang, wish I had know that before I began my apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop.06:27
=== adwait 's gonna go.........."BBYE PPL"
tiglionabbitgrphx: sure could, that way both could see it06:27
Harold_installintiglionabbit: I believe it's installing.06:27
hghsorry this is more of general linux question, but does anybody know how to grep through a directory excluding a specific subset of files?06:27
nickrudHarold_installin ;(06:27
Harold_installinnickrud: What can I remove?06:27
grphxAh but I have so much installed on that HD *sniff*06:27
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tiglionabbithgh: excluding?  Why not make your filename wildcard exclude those itself?06:28
auknickrud: and apt-get does not?06:28
Harold_installinnickrud: I mean, what can I safely remove to get xcfe3 installed?  I understand I also need fluxbox.06:28
nickrudHarold_installin if you're well into the install, and have the disk space, keep it all.06:28
trinidadHELP! Can someone point me to the easiest way to install the latest nvidia drivers for hoary?06:28
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Harold_installinnickrud: That's just it; i *don't* have much disk space left.  (Only 2GB total).06:28
hghtiglionabbit: whats the rgex syntax to exlude?  grep "search spec" "!excluespec" ?06:28
grphxI'll be back maybe..06:28
chombeetrinidad - if you have added all repositories, i think you can search for nvidia in synaptic06:28
nickrudHarold_installin hm06:28
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tiglionabbithgh: * can be replaced with 0 or more characters, and ? can be replaced with exactly one character.  You can use these together, like lib*.??? would match libgl32.abc or something similar06:29
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trinidadthank you chombee, i will try right now06:29
Harold_installinnickrud: I"m hoping I don't run out before the current install ends.06:29
stisevHi all06:29
hghtig: but what if the files are more general than that?06:29
trinidadchombee, the latest version is 717406:29
chombeeDoes anyone know how to set bookmarks, for the Places menu, in GNOME, and if you can set emblems/icons for them?06:29
tiglionabbitHarold_installin: use df -h to see how much space you have, and apt should report the space it will use when you install something06:29
hghtig: specifically, say I want to exclude everything that starts with 'ChangeLog'06:29
Harold_installintiglionabbit: Thanks, I just found that out earlier.06:30
trinidadthrough synaptic, however, nvidia has 7667 on website06:30
tiglionabbithgh: hmm...  oh I know there's a way to do that but i've forgotten it06:30
jewel_hgh: Do this: grep include | grep -v exclude06:30
nickrudHarold_installin, well, just finish the install, and see what's left.06:30
Harold_installintiglionabbit: I should be okay with this current install.06:30
stevenjTo run a "gui" Vim in gnome do I need Vim and gnome-vim?06:30
aukchombee: AFAIK, not possible in gnome 2.1006:30
trinidadHELP! Can someone point me to the easiest way to install the latest 7667 nvidia drivers for hoary?06:30
stevenjI installed VIM but I can only run through terminal06:30
Harold_installinnickrud: Will do.  Speaking of which, I'm going to go finish it.06:30
auktrinidad: no reason to repeat06:31
chombeetrinidad - did you find 7174 in Synaptic? If the Ubuntu package is out of date, you might have to download the drivers from Nvidia and compile them. I think Nvidia have an installer06:31
trinidadthey do06:31
ubotumethinks nvidia is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto06:31
trinidadi will init3 then install06:31
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tiglionabbitis this howto correct, guys?06:31
jayparadisehow can i open another instance of gdm ? i'm on fvwm and can't get kde or gnome to launch06:31
Harold_installinnickrud: I have 332MB left.06:31
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aukchombee: support is suppossed to be coming in future versions06:31
men1Madpilot: i use a SB Live card to override the sound, silence is better06:31
tiglionabbitjayparadise: gdmflexiserver06:31
Harold_installinnickrud: I understand Gnome is going to be dogslow on my 233MHz system.06:31
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chombeeauk - support for adding bookmarks? okay. Well for now you can edit .bookmarks i believe, but I just wanted to customise the icons06:32
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Lancellorhello everybody i have a little problem this is the second time this happen don,t know what is going on06:32
aukchombee: you mean in the places menu?06:32
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nickrudHarold_installin probably, there are some tricks to speed up gnome, but they might not be enough06:32
ramblingturtle23are us servers having problems or something?06:32
chombeeauk - yeah. Another way to add them is to add them as bookmarks in the GNOME file chooser06:33
chombeeauk, yeah06:33
aukdidn't know that06:33
Harold_installinnickrud: I'll try it, but I have a feeling I'm going to want xcfe3/fluxbox.06:33
aukso just in the nautilus bookmarks neu?06:33
nickrudHarold_installin I've been running gnome on a 466 successfully, but I use every trick I know.06:33
tiglionabbityeah, when you're opening or saving, it's easy to tell it to pin/add something to its list06:33
chombeeauk, there is a hidden config file in your homedir, it's a very simple file, I dunno what the syntax for customising the icons is though if there is one06:33
Harold_installinnickrud: I've read reports that it runs slow on my particular system.06:33
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aukhmm i will check it out06:34
Harold_installinnickrud: That is, I think I have.06:34
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men1Harold_installin: it's a miracle if anyone can do tricks for KDE to run on 166mhz06:34
nickrudHarold_installin first hand experience is what matters.06:34
Harold_installinmen1: That's a miracle, alright.06:34
Harold_installinnickrud: Yes, true.06:34
hghjewel: good call, thanks... i was trying to find a piece of text in some source, say ABC excluding ChangeLog* files, and found this to work: grep ABC * | grep -v ChangeLog06:34
vinuxAny speach recognition pkgs for ubuntu or in source that I can use?06:34
chombeeAm I right in expecting that if I backup my homedir and restore it in a fresh install of Linux all my app configs should be renewed? eg.: downloaded emails in evolution, tagged images in f-spot ?06:34
aukchombee: not necissarily /all/06:35
Harold_installinOkay, I suppose it's time for a reboot to see if I've got a GUI on this Mac!06:35
aukgood luck06:35
nickrudchombee I've done exactly that many times, but I'd move each dot file individually and test06:35
wolverianchombee: the system daemon configs will be lost, user specific configs will be retained06:35
Lancellorwhen i turn on my computer everything is ok until when ubuntu is about to start this is in my screen "pivot_root: no such file or directory  /sbin/init: 428 cannot open dev/ console: no such file kernel panic-no synicing: attented to kill init!06:35
nickrudalthough, evolution has never failed me06:35
tiglionabbitHarold_installin: you shouldn't have to reboot.  Just say startx06:35
wolveriannickrud: if you do that a lot it might be easier just to use a separate partition for /home06:36
bddebianHarold_installin: You never told me it was a Smash-n-toss :-)06:36
chombeeauk - evolution seems to have the necessary config files, but I don't find any for f-spot. Seems crazy that f-spot would store all that tagging work elsewhere06:36
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Harold_installinbddebian: Sure I did.  Didn't I?06:36
bddebianHarold_installin: I think you impied it :-)06:36
auklancellor: uh-oh06:36
nickrudwolverian been doing that for a long time06:36
Lancellorthis happen twice so i have to hard drives with ubuntu06:36
Harold_installinbddebian: It's a PowerBook.06:36
bddebianHarold_installin: Wallstreet?06:36
chombeewolverian - do you know if the f-spot tags will be retained?06:36
auklancellor: new install?06:36
Harold_installinbddebian: Exactly.06:37
newbieany one know how can i connect directly from a home pc to another home pc for file transfer preferrebly through ssh06:37
Harold_installinbddebian: Why, do I have some more pain to look forward to?06:37
NinwaHello, I was wondering if anyone could help me getting Java working with Firefox. I've installed Java with synaptic and I can run Java applications otherwise, but Firefox still says its not installed.06:37
nomasteryodachombee, retained in the files? ...06:37
Harold_installinbddebian: Was that an "Ah" or an "Ahhhhh!"06:37
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Harold_installinbddebian: Or rather, an "aaargh!"?06:37
bddebianHarold_installin: Dunno, I haven't tried Ubuntu on one.  I used to run Debian on a few.06:37
chombeenomasteryoda - erm... does f-spot insert metadata into the actual files when you tag them?06:37
hillokidoes anyone know to optimize a build for pentium4s?06:38
chombeeif so that'd be great06:38
Harold_installinbddebian: Okay, I'm off to starx.06:38
bddebianHarold_installin: Good luck :-)06:38
nomasteryodachombee from what i can tell if you edit the comments, yes... but other tags are in a flatfile db ... from my testing of it06:38
Harold_installinbddebian: Before I begin, how will I get out of X/return to the terminal?06:38
nomasteryodaright in the folder with the pics06:38
tiglionabbitHarold_installin: so, does it flicker a few times and then fail?06:38
tiglionabbitHarold_installin: control-alt-backspace06:39
chombeenomasteryoda - and do you know where the flat-file db is kept?06:39
bddebianHarold_installin: That's always the fun part on Mac's isn't it :-)06:39
tiglionabbitHarold_installin: actually, that kills X.  To switch between it and the terminal, use control-alt and the F keys06:39
Harold_installintiglionabbit: I'll let you know when I try it.  First, I want to transfer the kernel to my BootX partition.06:39
nomasteryodachombee, just sec06:39
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Harold_installintiglionabbit: Thanks for the tips.06:39
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tiglionabbitHarold_installin: k.  But right now, play around switching terminals with control-alt-F#06:40
auki love doing that06:40
tiglionabbitHarold_installin: ubuntu usually sets up the first 6 for text.  The 7th is where X will start, and other X session will go after those06:40
auklike virtual desktops, but better06:40
bddebianYou have to use shift, ctl, or the apple key on the PowerBooks, I can never remember06:40
tiglionabbitoh yeah, forgot they have dif keyboards06:41
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aukNinwa: yes06:41
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tiglionabbitcrobably control-command-F#06:41
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tiglionabbitor with option or something =P06:41
bddebianAye, I tink06:41
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bddebianerr think06:41
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bimberiNinwa: Have a look at the bottom of this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java06:42
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NinwaAppreciate it guys :)06:42
bimberiNinwa: np - hope it helps06:42
grphxSo does ubuntu come with dvd burning software?06:42
levanderWhat's the best software to stress test a Linux box that you're worried if the cooling is good enough for?06:42
aukgrphx: yep06:42
levandergrphx: graveman, nautilus06:42
levandergrphx: nautilus if all you're gonna do is data dvd's06:43
grphxhow do i run that?06:43
tiglionabbitno no, use uh..  kaffeine06:43
Harold_installintiglionabbit: I've been using control-alt-F2 to drop into the terminal.06:43
Harold_installintiglionabbit: Anyway, I'm going to get to testing X in a moment.06:44
levandergrphx: from the Places menu on your desktop, or just type nautilus at the command prompt06:44
Harold_installintiglionabbit: I'll let you know my progress.06:44
jewel_levander: I do a md5sum on a bunch of big files06:44
nickrudno, k3b is best for general burning, at least at the moment06:44
jewel_levander: That should get the hard drive heating up as well06:44
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levanderjewel_: suggestions for these big files?06:44
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jewel_levander: /var/cache/apt/archive/*06:45
grphxI typed in nautilus and it opened up a window to my desktop06:45
jewel_levander: That might have 500MB worth of files in there if you're lucky06:45
bimberigrphx: OK - under the "Go" menu you have CD/DVD Creator.  Once you've pasted files in there you can "Write to disc"06:45
grphxOh that's it?06:45
nickrudgrphx nautilus is the name of the file manager for ubuntu06:45
Madpilotgrphx: Nautilus is Ubuntu's default file viewer06:46
grphxOr you can simply put in a blank DVD and drag stuff to the icon06:46
aukuhh, for gnome06:46
levanderjewel_: thanks, that's what i'll do tomorrow, going to passive cooling on a dual pentium iii 550 box, hoping it works...06:46
Madpilotnickrud: beat me to it... :)06:46
jewel_levander: There might be a better way, see if you find anything on google06:46
nickrudfingerflick, answered that before :)06:46
bimberigrphx: sounds like you know more about it than me :)06:46
jasmuzCan anybody tell me why my sound works with the 2.6.8 kernel and not with the 2.6.10?06:46
Harold_installinI'm currently transferring my kernel to my BootX partition.  How often is the kernel altered?06:47
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levanderjewel_: some reason, there's only 19M in /var/cache/apt/archives06:47
grphxbimberi: Don't even think about saying that.06:47
jewel_levander: You've not done much upgrading, apparently... :)06:47
grphxI've only ran linux for about 2 hours06:47
Razor-XHarold_installin: often enough ;)06:47
trinidadOK, I've just updated via Ubuntu update manager and have lost sound!06:47
Harold_installinGeneral question for anyone: I'm currently transferring my kernel to my BootX partition.  How often is the kernel altered?06:47
nickrudI do love the way nautilus handles data disks.06:47
aukgrphx: how ols are you?06:47
stisevHi all06:47
_crimsuntrinidad: cat /proc/asound/modules06:47
grphxThat's including the time it took to find a good download, download it, and install it06:48
stisevanyone know anything about vmware here?06:48
Razor-Xthere's no set interval of time at which a kernel changes06:48
levanderjewel_: well, i'm on hoary, it's has been a few weeks since I've updated though.  Next time I update, there's going to be a lot?06:48
Harold_installinRazor-X: Is it altered while you upgrade packages/06:48
Razor-XHarold_installin: yeahp06:48
Razor-Xyou can obviously do it manually, but, yeah06:48
trinidad0 snd_emu10k106:48
jewel_levander: I think there might be an openoffice.org update06:48
Harold_installinRazor-X: You're kidding.06:48
jewel_levander: That's 100MB or so06:48
levanderjewel_: you're on hoary and have about 500M in there?06:48
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_crimsuntrinidad: please paste the output from ,,amixer'' (without the quotes or commas) onto the pastebin in the topic06:48
jewel_levander: No, I'm on breezy06:48
Harold_installinRazor-X: So I have to manually move it to my BootX parition after every install of a package?06:49
jewel_levander: 500MB is the default limit for that cachec06:49
jasmuzCan anybody tell me why my sound works with the 2.6.8 kernel and not with the 2.6.10? it think it has to do with the loading of the OSS modules06:49
jewel_jasmuz: You can check and see what modules are loaded with lsmod06:49
Harold_installinjasmuz: Wish i could help you there.06:49
tiglionabbitjasmuz: if you want, you can screw around with it like in this forum post, but it's not guaranteed to help you06:49
jasmuzjewel_: where should i post em?06:49
ubotuit has been said that sound is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206306:49
jewel_jasmuz: if you have the old kernel still you can boot into both and get the results of that and compare them06:50
jewel_levander: running updatedb should take your hard drive06:50
jasmuzjewel_: i know...06:50
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jewel_levander: Then you'll have to find something else to run at the same time to keep your processors busy.06:50
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Harold_installinAnyone: When you run an apt-get upgrade, does that affect your kernel?06:51
tiglionabbitWow you guys, I just noticed a very interesting bug06:51
jasmuzjewel_: thing is im not smart enough to find out wat06:51
steven_hey im trying to download xfce and i cant find most of the packages on synaptic06:51
Harold_installintiglionabbit: What is that?06:51
mihai_help. I get an mp5 error on libcairo when I try to update firefox with synaptic06:51
levanderjewel_: yeah, good point06:51
grphxWhen I'm adding files to the blank DVD, how do I tell how much more I have left to go?06:51
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maiHarold_installin, only if you upgrade the kernel06:51
_crimsunsteven_: enable the universe repo, then install the xfce4 package06:51
steven_whats hte universe repo?06:51
jewel_levander: compiling the kernel with the -j3 option should keep both processors busy06:51
trinidad_crimsun:  it's there06:51
Harold_installinmai: So you're not upgrading the kernel when you do an apt-get upgrade?06:52
_crimsunsteven_: wiki.ubuntu.com/UniversePackages06:52
Harold_installintiglion: What's the bug?06:52
steven_wiki.ubuntu.com/UniversePackages thats the site06:52
maiHarold_installin, not necessarily06:52
bimberimihai_: there are problems with the us repositories.  Change us.archive to just archive in your sources.list06:52
Harold_installinmai: I had a feeling you'd say that.  How do you know?06:52
maiHarold_installin, if you don't want to upgrade the kernel (but apt wants you to) just hold it06:52
maiHarold_installin, it will tell you what applications it will upgrade06:52
maiHarold_installin, better yet, use 'aptitude' and it will give you a nice graphical menu06:52
Harold_installinmai: So how do you hold the kernel?06:52
jewel_Harold_installin: Just right click on it in synaptic06:53
levanderHarold_installin: good question06:53
jewel_harold_installin: I think... :)06:53
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maiHarold_installin, in aptitude you would hit '=' on it06:53
levanderAny way to do that with apt-get?06:53
jasmuzjewel_: may i query you my results?06:53
shad0w1ehelp! what do I do with the output of lspci!06:53
_crimsuntrinidad: you need to unmute the External Amplifier06:53
Harold_installinjewel: Do you know how to do this via the terminal?06:53
shad0w1eits just giving me a buncha numbers!06:53
trinidadok ill try again06:53
tiglionabbitHarold_installin: well this has happened several times so far.  Run kaffeine from terminal, open a file and play it.  Then press control-C at terminal...  it closes, but kaffeine is still displayed and playing stuff!  Several seconds later, kaffeine takes over all my system resources and my fan goes wild trying to cool it down06:53
nickrudHarold_installin right click in synaptic, equals sign in aptitude06:53
nickrudHarold_installin synaptic is an excellent tool06:54
Harold_installintiglionabbit: I've seen behavior similar to that on Xandros.06:54
trinidad_crimsun:  didn't work06:54
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jewel_Harold_installin: Through aptitude as mai said06:54
Harold_installinnickrud: Thank you.  How about an apt-get equivalent?06:55
Harold_installinjewel: I guess I just favor apt-get.06:55
_crimsuntrinidad: did you increase the volumes of your Master and PCM?06:55
Harold_installinjewel: I'll have to figure out aptitude.06:55
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steven_the first step in the wiki it says Select computer menu from top of the screen06:55
tiglionabbitHarold_installin: what's up with this program?  I don't like it.06:55
steven_whats that06:55
nickrudHarold_installin figuring out aptitude is a superior idea :)06:55
stisevanyone know anything about vmware here?06:55
stisevtrinidad: hey06:56
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stisevtrinidad: can you help me out? :(06:56
_crimsunsteven_: you need to choose System instead. That guide was written for Warty.06:56
Harold_installintiglionabbit: I didn't mean I'd seen behavior in that program like that, but similar behavior with another app or two on Xandros.06:56
trinidad_crimsun: yes, I also have played with unmuting the analog/digital jack.06:56
stisevtrinidad: I successfully setup VMware on my box06:56
stisevtrinidad: installed  vmware tools06:56
jewel_Harold_installin: I think you edit some configuration file w/ apt-get06:56
_crimsuntrinidad: the analog/digital output jack needs to be ON (unmuted) if you're using analog speakers06:56
stisevtrinidad: (on my laptop) but i'm having trouble using any other resolution other than the virtual 650x48006:56
stisever 65006:56
Harold_installinnickrud: aptitude is probably great, I just keep stumbling when using it.06:56
stisevomg 64006:56
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trinidadstisev:  I am responding to someone  else with the "yes"06:56
stisevtrinidad: http://episteme.arstechnica.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/96509133/m/41500581473106:56
Harold_installinjewel: Perhaps I'll use aptitude, then.06:57
trebuchetwhat'd be the name of the kernel source for hoary via apt-get?06:57
trinidad_crimsun:  I'll tryagain06:57
_crimsuntrebuchet: linux-source-2.6.1006:57
trebuchetthank you06:57
nickrudHarold_installin there are just a few keystrokes you need to use aptitude effectively.06:57
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Harold_installincrimsun: Really? I just ran an apt-get dist-upgrade and I've still got vmlinux- installed in my /boot.06:58
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nickrudfirst, / (backstroke) it searches for files06:58
holycowthe i810 driver has ogl acceleration?06:58
holycowthis is weird06:58
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holycowi can play gltron just fine06:58
_crimsunHarold_installin: was that meant at me?06:58
Harold_installinnickrud: Basically, it's just "+" and "-", isn't it?06:58
Harold_installincrimsun: Yes.06:58
holycoweither its all done on the cpu or the i810 driver has got an update06:58
_crimsunHarold_installin: not sure what you're referring to06:59
trinidad_crimsun:  this is going to seem odd, but if surround slider is down, I get nothing.  I got sound when I turned the surround volume up06:59
Harold_installincrimsun: I'm sorry - the linux kernel version.06:59
nickrudHarold_installin yes, those, and = for holding06:59
_crimsuntrinidad: good06:59
grphxSo what's another good CD/DVD burner?06:59
trinidadwhatever works for now ay!06:59
trinidadthanks again06:59
_crimsunHarold_installin: right, but I'm not sure why you addressed that to me06:59
_crimsuntrinidad: yw06:59
thoreauputicHarold_installin: that's the warty kernel - did you change your sources to point at hoary /06:59
levanderif I compile a package using apt-get/dpkg (whatever you're supposed to use) to stress the cpu on my box, is it going to replace the package I've currently got installed?07:00
nickrudHarold_installin and, shift - (underscore) for purging configurations07:00
Madpilotgrphx: has anyone mentioned gnomebaker yet?07:00
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Harold_installinthoreauputic: Yes, I certainly did.07:00
levanderMadpilot: I was trying to think of that one, read something where Ubuntu wants to standardize on gnomebaker in Breezy07:00
Harold_installinnickrud: Thank you.07:00
Harold_installinnickrud: I will learn it, in due time.  (Like soon, I'm sure.)07:00
thoreauputicHarold_installin: have you rebooted since the dist-upgrade? what does `uname -r ` return?07:01
nickrudHarold_installin I've been using if for years, I still get suprised at what it does07:01
Harold_installinthoreauputic: One momemt...07:01
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supernixOk just curious what can use use in Kubuntu to work with your digital camera ?07:01
grphxSo I go to their website and download it?07:01
jasmuzsupernix: Kcam07:01
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Madpilotlevander: someone mentioned that to me, too. Rythymbox is also supposed to be getting audio burning capability!07:02
supernixty jasmuz07:02
Harold_installinthoreauputic: And yes, I've rebooted.07:02
trebucheti just installed the kernel source you said but in building this app it stills halts because it can't find a build dir inside the source tree07:02
zlost1does ubnutu support oldworld mac ?07:02
_crimsunHarold_installin: still using Warty?07:02
tiglionabbitzlost1: ask Harold_installin07:02
jasmuzsupernix: is your camera supported?07:02
thoreauputicHarold_installin: very odd if you have hoary - what does ` cat /etc/issue ` say?07:02
trebuchet/bin/sh: line 0: cd: /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/build: No such file or directory07:02
trebuchetmake: *** [here]  Error 107:02
Harold_installincrimsun: No, it says Hoary when I reboot.07:02
_crimsuntrebuchet: more than likely what you want instead of linux-source-2.6.10 is linux-headers-$(uname -r)07:02
supernixnot sure I don't see Kcam yet07:02
Madpilotgrphx: gnomebaker is in Ubuntu repos. no need to visit a website...07:02
supernixI am running the LiveDVD of Kubuntu now07:02
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_crimsunHarold_installin: are you trying to use the latest hoary kernel?07:03
zlost1Harold_installin does ubnutu support oldworld mac ?07:03
Harold_installinthoreauputic: Ubuntu 5.04 Hoary Hedgehog \n \l07:03
Madpilotgrphx: repositories. Open Synaptic, search for "gnomebaker"07:03
nootropeAnyone: my friend has a Dell with WinXP. He wants to install Ubuntu (HH). His single physical HD is formatted NTFS and currently partitioned into two: C: has 19.7/29.2GB free, and D: has 35.5/45.2 GB free. Ubuntu installation wants me to choose a partition...07:03
Harold_installincrimsun; yes.07:03
grphxHow do I open up Synaptic?07:03
nickruduhh, repos07:03
Harold_installinzlost1: I'm trying to figure that out.  Stick around.07:03
nootropethat's D, not D:07:03
_crimsunHarold_installin: what's the output from ,,apt-cache policy linux-image-2.6.10-5-powerpc''?07:04
levanderAnybody has seen an ubuntu package for an application called stress?07:04
zlost1what are you using for a boot floppy ?07:04
tiglionabbitgrphx: system -> admin -> synaptic07:04
cmatheson_grphx, type 'sudo synaptic' in the terminal (or go to admin->synaptic)07:04
Madpilotgrphx: System menu --> Admin --> Syn07:04
nootrope...and it doesn't give NTFS as a choice. Does this matter? if I choose the current D partition for Ubuntu, will the ~100GB of data be wiped from it?07:04
grphxIt didn't find gnomebaker07:05
tiglionabbitnootrope: you cannot use linux on NTFS, but you can resize an ntfs partition to fit an ext3 partition for linux07:05
Stan__when trying to boot from Floppy (because PC wont boot from CD), I get "non-system disk or disk error <br> Replace and press any key when ready07:05
nootropeoops ~10GB, not ~100GB07:05
trebuchetno way.. ubuntu doesn't come with gcc?07:05
tiglionabbittrebuchet: get build-essential07:05
jasmuztrebuchet: remember Ubuntu is made for the Desktop users in mind, that dont necesarily compile anything07:05
cmatheson_trebuchet, aptitude install build-essential07:05
steven_can i download xfce straight from synaptic07:06
alberto_anyone used an ipod with ubuntu ?07:06
nickrudgrphx you need to enable the extra stuff that ubuntu provides, read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components for a description, and use https://wiki.ubuntu.com//AddingRepositoriesHowto to enable them07:06
tiglionabbitcmatheson_: if he just installed, he probably doesn't have aptitude.  Say apt-get07:06
_crimsunsteven_: yes. Enable the universe repository, then install the xfce4 package.07:06
cmatheson_tiglionabbit: ubuntu comes w/ aptitude07:06
thoreauputicsteven_: yes, enable universe and install xfce407:06
steven_i enabled universe07:06
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steven_xfce4 pacakage07:06
Harold_installincrimsun: I'm not certain how to interpret this.  Under Installed it says none, though...07:06
nootropetiglionabbit, thanks. so ext3 is a good choice, after i resize, say, the D partition down. how big should i make the ext3 partition for a beginner's explorations?07:06
_crimsunHarold_installin: you can paste the output onto the pastebin in the topic07:07
steven_which package do i install07:07
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steven_is there a specific one07:07
_crimsunsteven_: xfce407:07
steven_or should i dl all of them07:07
Harold_installincrimsun: I've never done that.07:07
mcdenyerhey i just installed ubuntu....now what do i do07:07
ubotuWish i knew, Madpilot07:07
cmatheson_nootrope: if you're not planning on sticking a bunch of mp3's and crap on there you could just get by w/ like 5G no problem07:07
nootropetiglionabbit, i have about 30 GB to play with07:07
Harold_installincrimsun: Can I do that from the terminal?07:07
tiglionabbitnootrope: My ubuntu partition is 10 gigs.  The software for ubuntu I have installed only takes up 3.2 so far, so if you have a separate home directory, you don't need to have much space for your root dir07:07
_crimsunHarold_installin: just paste the output from that apt-cache command onto that web site07:07
_crimsunHarold_installin: copy and paste07:07
uboturepositories is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto07:07
nootropethanks a lot!07:08
mcdenyerhey what kind of partitions was i supposed to use when i installed ubuntu07:08
Harold_installincrimsun: Unfortunately, I don't have X running on that Ubuntu system yet.07:08
tiglionabbitnootrope: people recommend you make a /home partition and a / partition07:08
mcdenyeri think i used like ext 307:08
Madpilotok, that does work. can someone train ubotu to respond to "repos" as well as the full name?07:08
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Harold_installincrimsun: Lemme check something...07:08
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tiglionabbitnootrope: and a swap partition too07:08
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_crimsunHarold_installin: do you have ssh and do it via that?07:08
nootropetiglionabbit, both of them ext3?07:08
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tiglionabbitnootrope: yes.  And swap is its own format07:09
nootropetiglionabbit, so three of them07:09
tiglionabbitnootrope: however, you could make your home directory fat32 instead, if you want it to be readable by windows as well, if you're dual booting07:09
jasmuzalberto_: use gtkpod07:09
thoreauputicubotu, repos is  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto07:10
ubotuokay, thoreauputic07:10
Harold_installincrimsun: I'm just now running startx for the first time.  Seeing "Ubuntu: for the people" or something like that...07:10
tiglionabbitLinux for Human Beings, Harold_installin07:10
grphxHm there isn't a way to convert a partition from NTSF to Fat32 is there?07:10
thoreauputicMadpilot: done07:10
grphxWithout formatting07:10
Harold_installintiglionabbit: Exactly.  Like that slogan, by the way...07:10
alberto_im trying07:10
jasmuzHarold_installin: Cool!07:10
Madpilotthoreauputic: thanks. couldn't remember the ubotu-training syntax - and like to leave it to those better-qualified, anyway... :)07:10
alberto_jasmuz, im trying but it doesnt sync...07:11
Harold_installincrimsun: It's a grey screen now; it's probably loading X or something still...07:11
thoreauputicMadpilot: you just say " ubotu, <keyword> is < whatever>07:11
jasmuzalberto_: has your Ubuntu recognized that a deviced is attached?07:11
Madpilotthoreauputic: thnx.07:11
Harold_installincrimsun/everyone: I'm seeing an icon!  (Botton left corner)  Still grey everywhere else.  Also got a pointer that moves...07:11
nickrudubotu, components is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components07:12
ubotu...but components is already something else...07:12
ubotucomponents is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components/document_view07:12
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Harold_installincrimsun/everyone: Brown screen now...07:12
othernoobalmost like sex isn't it Harold :p07:12
alberto_yes and mounts it07:12
Harold_installincrimsun/everyone/othernoob: Yes, it's like sex...07:12
Harold_installincrimsun/everyone: ...like sex on a rainy day...07:12
steven_I LOVE UBUNTUU!!!07:12
grphxWhat is that other link refering to components?07:13
Madpilotgrphx: they're both the same content07:13
Madpilotgrphx: just oddness in the wiki07:13
jasmuzalberto_: then how the heck arent you sync'n?07:13
nickrudgrphx it explains what you're getting from !repositories link07:13
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Harold_installincrimsun/everyone Omigosh I'm seeing a burst - some starlike thing...an Applications menu...there's more...where's that other Old World user?07:13
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alberto_jasmuz, it gets the files from the pod07:14
alberto_but i cant put any on the pod07:14
grphxOkay so these are I guess a list of programs that people feel that should be available to other Ubuntu users?07:14
mpmdoes anyone know if it would be expected to experience an increase in static and noise when converting from .wma to .wav format via mplayer??07:14
nickrudgrphx yes, about 15,000 of them :)07:14
Harold_installinEveryone: Would I really be wise to try Firefox on this 233MHz Mac PowerBook?07:14
nickrudor so07:14
Harold_installinEveryone: Here we go...07:14
jasmuzalberto_: that is because you are probably mounting it as read-only07:15
grphxBut apparently I don't have a list all of them07:15
thoreauputicHarold_installin: it will run, but take a while to start07:15
grphxLike I'm suppose to get gnomebaker, but it doesn't show up on the list07:15
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mcdenyerhow much does cedega cost?07:15
Harold_installinthoreauputic: It's running...07:15
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alberto_well it was not me07:15
alberto_it was ubuntu07:15
jewel_mpm: It should sound the same as listening to the wma file through your headphones07:15
Madpilotgrphx: this might have been posted earlier: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//AddingRepositoriesHowto07:15
mcdenyerhow much does cedega cost?07:16
jiyuu0grphx, have u check http://ubuntuguide.org07:16
jewel_mpm: Unless you're resampling to a lower sampling rate07:16
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Harold_installinthoreauputic: Firefox isn't running yet, I guess it's starting...07:16
grphxMadpilot: That link didn't work eailer, but I tried it again and it worked, sorry to have "ignored" it07:16
alberto_now it syncs07:16
nickrudgrphx gnomebaker is in universe. the components link explains what the universe section is, and the repos link explains how to enable universe07:16
alberto_but the ipod doesnt play anysongs07:16
vladuz976hey does "apt-get install base3" make my computer calculate in base 3 instead of base 2?07:17
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mpmjewel what about after burning the wav files to CD?  I hear a degradation after the conversion to wav and a worse one after conversion to CD-audio...07:17
Harold_installinThe only problem I'm seeing, is the screen is still divided into 4 parts.  Must be a display issue.  I learned to ignore it when running the terminal.07:17
thoreauputicHarold_installin: It runs on my pentium 200mmx, 64MB RAM - but it takes a long while to start07:17
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jewel_mpm: There shouldn't be a degredation from wav to CD-audio if your wav file is at 44100 hz07:17
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jewel_mpm: A more common source of degredation would be from converting to a low bitrate mp3 or ogg07:18
trebuchetFATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/build/System.map': No such file07:18
mpmjewel that's what I thought!07:18
thoreauputicHarold_installin: a quick graphical browser is "dillo" - but it doesn't do javascript, frames etc07:18
niketjust after installing mysql-server package , how to set password of mysql root07:18
mcdenyeris xchat a private irc network or does it link u to all servers?07:18
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jasmuzjewel_: but from cd to Flac there isnt degradation07:19
jewel_Harold_installin: You're running gnome on that thing?07:19
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Harold_installinthoreauputic: Firefox is just now *barely* getting started...07:19
steven_IM HAVING A CRISIS07:19
steven_I need helpp07:19
jiyuu0nickrud, mysqladmin -u root password db_user_password07:19
steven_if someone cna help me with this one problem i will be sooo thankful07:19
grphxOkay I went to that site, followed it's directions and I still can't get gnomebaker07:19
Harold_installinthoreauputic: I've never heard of dillo; think I'll try it.07:19
thoreauputicmcdenyer: xchat is a client - it will use any network/server you point it at07:19
jiyuu0oops niket mysqladmin -u root password db_user_password07:19
jasmuzHarold_installin: get xfce407:19
niketthanks jiyuu007:19
steven_i cant get sound on my xfce or kubuntu07:19
Razor-Xsteven_: shoot07:19
steven_what should i do!!07:19
jasmuzsteven_: what is the issue?07:19
Harold_installinjewel: I guess so.  Yes, i want that xfce4 thing.  how do I get it installed?07:19
nickrudjiyuu0 that can't have been ment for me :)07:19
Stan__does anyone here use wirless internet on unbuntu succesfully?07:19
mcdenyeroh ok07:20
maisteven_: yuou probably just need to run esd07:20
steven_i cant get sound on xfce or kubuntu but gnome i get perfect soudn07:20
jewel_Stan__: Yes07:20
Razor-XStan__: many, me not included07:20
steven_how do i do this07:20
steven_im an oob07:20
Razor-Xmai: ugggghhh07:20
Razor-Xlet me say something07:20
thoreauputicHarold_installin: dillo is quite nice, but somewhat limited - good for searching on google, locl files, simple web pages etc07:20
jiyuu0nickrud, auto tab nick prob... sorry07:20
jasmuzsteven_: im going to query you07:20
Stan__jewel, what hardware is recommended?07:20
jewel_steven_: What does ps aux | grep esd say?07:20
Razor-Xthank you very much ;)07:20
thoreauputicHarold_installin: it *is* fast though07:20
nickrudjiyuu0 if I'd been patient .... but I'm not ;)07:20
jewel_Stan__: You need a supported wireless card07:20
Razor-Xjewel_: did you see my all caps message?07:20
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maiRazor-X: chill out07:21
jewel_Stan__: Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of them around07:21
Razor-Xsteven_: put ps -e in pastebin for me07:21
mcdenyerr there any good free win32 emulators???07:21
maimcdenyer: wine07:21
MrJung_if i do this "which  ping || echo no && which  pong || echo no" i see the path  but, i wan't see the path, how can i do ?07:21
IceDC571mcdenyer: qemu07:21
thoreauputicmcdenyer: qemu07:21
IceDC571wine is not an emulator07:21
Stan__jewel, i will check unbuntu.com, does that list the supported ones?07:21
Razor-Xmcdenyer: depends on your goal, accuarate emulation, OS to emulate, quick, exactly ;)07:21
mcdenyeri heard they dont work very well07:21
maiIceDC571: does he really need an emulator, or just something that will run win32 apps?07:21
mcdenyeri want to play cs 1.607:21
jewel_Stan__: I've had a lot of success with the Intel 220007:21
mcdenyeron steam07:21
Razor-Xmcdenyer: you want Cedega07:22
jewel_Stan__: If you're looking for a 802.11 G card07:22
IceDC571lol.. talk about emulating games07:22
jewel_Stan__: There are a lot more 802.11b cards support07:22
mcdenyeryeah but cedega costs...07:22
Razor-Xmcdenyer: complie from CVS07:22
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jewel_Stan__: The atheros cards are supported, but you need special binary drivers07:22
maimcdenyer: winex (i've never used it)?07:22
Stan__jewel, is this expensive?  This is just a test PC for linux, not looking to spend a lot07:22
Razor-Xmai: winex == old cedega07:22
IceDC571The atheros cards work out of the box for me07:22
Harold_installinthoreauputic: Oh yeah, I've gotta try it.  There's *no way* I'm going to be using Gnome on this old Mac.07:22
jewel_Stan__: Then get a $20 802.11B card07:22
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maiRazor-X: oh... i've been out of the computer-scene for a couple years07:22
mcdenyerand i dont want to pirate anything that has to do with linux07:22
mcdenyerlol i support linux distors07:23
Razor-Xmai: heh, well welcome back ;)07:23
jewel_IceDB571: Yes, it works, but it doesn't have an open source driver, so it's not nearly as fancy07:23
Razor-Xlaugh-out-loud ;)07:23
linuxn00bHi, how do I mount a hard drive using the hoary live cd??07:23
Razor-Xsorry, I had to do that07:23
thoreauputicHarold_installin: use xfce4 or something really light like icewm or one of the *box window managers07:23
Razor-Xtoo much 'lol'ness in here07:23
mcdenyerhow do u do that name thing where your message is red for the person u r directing it to?07:23
mcdenyerirc noob07:23
Razor-Xthoreauputic: XFce is awesome07:23
Harold_installinthoreauputic: How do I find out what to install/remove?07:23
grphxI marked gnomebaker for installation, now how do I install it?07:24
maimcdenyer: that's a feature of your client, you don't need to do anything07:24
thoreauputicRazor-X: yes, it's very good indeed :)07:24
Harold_installinthoreauputic: I understand I'm going to need fluxbox or something?07:24
jewel_Stan__: Search around and make sure it's supported... you don't want one that needs ndiswrapper07:24
trebucheti've got an error in building a driver: FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/build/System.map': No such file07:24
Razor-Xmcdenyer: if someone addresses you (i'm prepending the message with mcdenyer:) then, it highlights red07:24
IceDC571qemu crashes every time i try to install windows :(07:24
IceDC571oh well07:24
Stan__jewel, ok thanks i will search07:24
IceDC571off to vmware for me07:24
Razor-Xof course, I have BitchX, so I don't use anything like that07:24
IceDC57130 days is enough time07:24
Razor-X*get anything07:24
jewel_grphx: Hit "apply"07:24
Madpilotgrphx: just click "Apply" in Syn07:24
=== Razor-X needs more music
thoreauputicHarold_installin: xfce4 would probably run OK - or fluxbox, yes07:24
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mcdenyerRazor-X is there anyway i dont have to keep typing your name over and over again?07:25
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Razor-XI want .hack//SIGN OST 3 :(07:25
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Razor-Xmcdenyer: tab complete ;)07:25
tiglionabbitRazor-X: gtk-gnutella?07:25
jewel_trebuchet: Is that file in /boot ?07:25
Razor-XI long gave up typing people's names, feh07:25
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: something along those lines, yes ;)07:25
mcdenyerlol whats complete07:25
Razor-Xmcdenyer: i'm not 100% sure in XChat, but in BitchX, type in part of the name and hit Tab07:25
tiglionabbitmcdenyer: in irssi, I can hit tab and it will type out your name07:25
Razor-Xand voila, C'est un nom07:26
thoreauputicmcdenyer: try for example thore <tab>07:26
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: ewww, irssi ;)07:26
niketmysqladmin -u root password db_user_password | not works for me.. gives error | error: 'Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO)'07:26
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mcdenyerthoreauputic, ok workewd07:26
tiglionabbitRazor-X: ew?07:26
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: hah, yeahp07:26
Razor-Xirssi is like BitchX in every way but a spare few07:26
tiglionabbitirssi is awesome, whatchoo talkin bout07:26
mcdenyerthoreauputic, so u use a comma and not one of these things : lol07:26
mcdenyerthoreauputic, ?07:26
Razor-Xand those little differences just make it so unusable for me07:26
jewel_niket: I think it's --password=db_user_password07:26
mcdenyerugh im such a noob07:26
tiglionabbitRazor-X: irssi is better than bitchx in every way07:26
thoreauputicRazor-X: irssi is a lifesaver if you want torun without X, say over ssh07:26
Razor-Xmcdenyer: to each his own, it's your choice07:26
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mcdenyerRazor-X, ?07:27
Razor-Xthoreauputic: this BitchX is being run over SSH now ;)07:27
thoreauputicmcdenyer: you can change that in prefs07:27
mcdenyeroh ok07:27
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: hell no, in your dreams ;)07:27
supernixHiya guys can someone help me with my Kodak digital camera? I am using Kubuntu 5.0407:27
tiglionabbitRazor-X: well at least irssi wraps lines without breaking them!07:27
Razor-XI do almost all my chatting on SSH, don't let my machine dabble it07:27
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: fine fine, you have me there07:27
niketjewel_ : not works07:28
jasmuzsupernix: is it supported?07:28
Razor-Xthere's probably a script to remedy that, anyways07:28
thoreauputicRazor-X: hmm... I kind of have a prejudice against bitchx for its lame default quit messages ;)07:28
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supernixHow can I find out ?07:28
Razor-Xthoreauputic: that's why you either customize your quit messages... or never quit, like me ;)07:28
supernixI know that I can see it in the settings that it is detected07:28
Razor-XI just detach my screen session (soon to be an emacs session)07:28
jasmuzsupernix: if it is you could mount it as a USB disk07:28
Razor-Xmcdenyer: yes?07:28
mcdenyerRaskall: ok got it07:28
AerebusAnyone wanna take a shot at my iffy mouse problem?07:28
HackmoHey all, anyone got any clues on how to get my webcam working?07:28
thoreauputicRazor-X: thanks, but I'm quite happy with xchat or irssi :)07:28
jasmuzsupernix: you would have to browse the web, in google.com/linux07:28
tiglionabbitRazor-X: lol.  But irssi is better in many other ways too, like how you can connect to a ton of different channels at the same time and it keeps their messages separate (alt-# switch) and reports their activity all the time.  You can also use multiple servers07:29
trebuchetanybody recognise: unknown symbol videobuf_dvb_unregister07:29
niketi just want to know steps after apt-get install mysql-server what should i do07:29
mcdenyerRazor-X: lol i got : to work lol07:29
Razor-Xsome people append commas after names, others append colons, still others yet use the pipe-to-file character (>), and lastly, the hyphen07:29
supernixthanks jasmuz07:29
jewel_niket: What are you trying to do?07:29
mcdenyerRazor-X: how exciting07:29
jasmuzsupernix: look for your camera model in linux07:29
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: so can you in BitchX07:29
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tiglionabbitRazor-X: how do I make it so bitchx separates the messages from different channels?07:29
Razor-Xwell, it doesen't matter to me07:29
tiglionabbitit's really annoying07:29
Razor-XI can read well-enough as the next guy-or-gal07:29
mcdenyeranyone up for explainig to me how apps are installed into the linux distro filesystem thing07:29
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Razor-Xmaybe better ;)07:30
niketjewel_ just want to add database do not knows password of root user and do not know how to add user07:30
Razor-Xand, you can do multi-servers in BitchX07:30
tiglionabbitRazor-X: yeah but sometimes it's nice to be able to pay attention to a single channel when several of them are active07:30
jewel_niket: I think the default password is blank07:30
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: how often do you get channel notices?07:30
jewel_Try `mysql -u root -p`07:30
Razor-XI'm not seeing all channel messages in one window07:30
tiglionabbityou're not?07:30
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Razor-XI have different windows restricted to different channels and queries, of COURSE07:30
niketjewel_ on FC its works but not on ubunut07:30
tiglionabbitRazor-X: how?07:30
Razor-Xi'ld die having to sort out through all that ;)07:31
othernoobmcdenyer on ubuntu with a .deb file dpkg -i filename.deb or via synaptic/kynaptic or apt-get07:31
Harold_installintiglionabbit: I had to kill Gnome; that was a painful experience.07:31
tiglionabbitHarold_installin: aw...07:31
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: the FAQ has a very easy to bind command for that, and in recent versions, if you join one channel with an already connected one, it quits07:31
mainiket: maybe try 'dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server' (not positive about this one, but it's worth a shot)07:31
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Harold_installintiglionabbit: Pretty desktop, though.07:31
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: basically, you have to get a hang of the windowing system07:31
tiglionabbitRazor-X: ew07:31
jasmuzLoneLy: hey07:31
phaedrus_!request http://www.kellymadison.com/members/home/  (netbilling)07:31
ubotuphaedrus_: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?07:31
Razor-XI can get a ton of channels running here through screen and BitchX windowing07:31
mcdenyerothernoob: lol i have know idea what your talking about this is my first day of ever usingany linux distro07:31
niketmai thanks07:31
grphxSo what's a good mp3 player?07:32
jewel_niket:  I'm not sure, it's been a while since I've done it07:32
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: my .bitchxrc means I hit /join, and a new window auto-pops-up07:32
maigrphx: beep-media-player, rythmbox...07:32
tiglionabbitI don't like that solution.  I like how irssi allows me to run only ONE instance of itself, yet handle unlimited amounts of channels and servers SEPARATELY07:32
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razaif I'm getting an MD5Sum mismatch error trying to apt-get install something, should i try to find another mirror?07:32
Poromiesgrphx: xmms, amaroK07:32
jasmuzgrphx: Xmms, Beep media player, Amarok, muine07:32
Hackmoanyone got any idea on how to get my webcam working?07:32
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: I run one instance per-server, only beacuse it's inconvenient to manage more than 10 windows in one application07:32
mcdenyeri need some practice.....i need an app to try and install on ubuntu07:32
maiseriously people the text-based irc clients are not worth the debate07:32
jasmuzHackmo: is your webcam supported?07:32
Razor-XI gave an average of 4-14 windows per server07:32
The_Voxamarok rocks...but it seriously hates me07:32
Razor-Xmai: they are, XChat user ;)07:32
othernoobmcdenyer: lol well, you maybe have seen the konsole.. that's where you'd use dpkg -i...., synpatic is ubuntus installmanager07:33
Hackmojasmuz: yes07:33
mcdenyeri dont get how to install linux apps07:33
jasmuzHackmo: what do you need to do then?07:33
Razor-Xmcdenyer: apt-get/synaptic is the general method07:33
maiRazor-X: haha, i use the text-based ones too (but if you really wanna get me involved i prefer irssi too (or epic4)07:33
othernoobmcdenyer: you maybe want to edit your sources.list firs though07:33
thoreauputicmcdenyer: try typing  sudo apt-get install gftp  :)07:33
Hackmojasmuz: it doesn't work, i'm getting an error that it is already in use when I try to use it07:33
The_Voxmcdenyer: "sudo aptitude install whateverapp" in your nearest terminal.07:33
mcdenyerothernoob: OH!!!! thats what synaptic is and thats why everyone is talking about it lol07:33
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, sources is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3807:33
Razor-Xmai: not many BitchX users left ;) only because irssi tends to be defacto in newer distros07:33
Harold_installinWho was a talking with about my kernel not upgrading?07:33
mcdenyeryea i already edited the list07:33
tiglionabbitmcdenyer: it's not that hard, you can just use synaptic07:33
Razor-Xactually, in an older distro, BitchX was defacto, whence I adjusted to BitchX07:33
uboturepositories is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto07:33
mcdenyersome guy helped me do that eralier07:33
Harold_installinthoreauputic, was that you?07:33
uboturumour has it, synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto07:33
jasmuzHackmo: that is odd07:34
othernoobmcdenyer: lol yep :)07:34
mcdenyerok ty much all07:34
Razor-XHarold_installin: me07:34
trebuchetgrr.. i'm having problems getting this a/v card working07:34
Hackmojasmuz: yeah it is, any clues on how to sort it?07:34
mcdenyerwhat should i install lol07:34
thoreauputicHarold_installin: briefly a while ago, yeah07:34
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othernoobporn :D07:34
Razor-Xerr, ok then, two people ;)07:34
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mcdenyerhow do u install porn?07:34
mcdenyeri thought those were an image07:34
jasmuzHackmo: what proggy are you trying to use it with07:34
Razor-Xothernoob: don't take that name here ;) that's nasty stuff (literallly)07:34
Poromiesapt-get install porn07:34
tiglionabbityou don't install porn, you download it07:34
jewel_mcdenyer:  With apt07:34
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trebuchetlspci calls this card a Zoran Corporation ZR36057PQC07:35
othernooblol sowwy Razor-X ;)07:35
Razor-Xyou can also get pork ;)07:35
trebuchetZoran Corporation ZR36057PQC07:35
mcdenyerwell i want to install a program07:35
Hackmojasmuz: i've tried multiple programs and I get the same error from all of them07:35
Hackmojasmuz: apart from gnome-meeting that gives me a different error07:35
Poromiesyou need to activate the porn repos07:35
Razor-Xtoo.... much.... laugh-out-loud'ness.... noooooooo!!!!07:35
thoreauputicmcdenyer: sudo aptitude install pornview  (seriously !)07:35
Harold_installinFellows/ladies: So when I started X and went into Gnome, there was a message there that stated that I could upgrade a few packages, including linux-kernel-image or something.  So now that I'm back in the terminal, I've run an apt-get dist-upgrade.07:35
mcdenyerthoreauputic: lol07:35
The_VoxRazor-X: what was the debian cow thing?07:35
tiglionabbitRazor-X: meh, I dunno, I got really tired of how bitchx would break my lines and thread everything together unless I ran multiple instances.  Now that I've got irssi, I have it connect to freenode and feed nickserv my password on startup, and I have all my windows within the same instance, and can see their activity with the colors of their window numbers...  it's uh, neat07:35
=== Razor-X takes pride in using his emotes with true throat sounds
jasmuzHackmo: how did you know that the system recognized it?07:36
thoreauputicmcdenyer: it exists - it's an image viewer ;)07:36
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: that must be a pretty ancient version of BitchX07:36
othernoobthoreauputic: is it good?07:36
Razor-XThe_Vox: huh?07:36
mcdenyerfuck people give msomething to install07:36
thoreauputicothernoob: it's OK - I prefer gqview07:36
Harold_installintiglionabbit: Is irssi a terminal app?07:36
tiglionabbitHarold_installin: yes07:36
Razor-Xmcdenyer: sudo apt-get install vlc07:36
mcdenyerbesides porn07:36
tiglionabbitHarold_installin: but as graphical as it needs to be07:36
Razor-XHarold_installin: use BitchX ;)07:36
Harold_installintiglionabbit: yeah!07:36
The_VoxRazor-X: never seen the cow thing?07:36
Razor-Xactually, use what you're most comfortable with07:36
Razor-XThe_Vox: nopes07:36
D1can anyone recommend some good mono apps besides muine?07:36
tiglionabbitok, I'm going to try bitchx for a moment07:36
Hackmojasmuz: because the red light that turns on when it's in use goes on during boot up07:36
othernoobmcdenyer: install mplayer..or something..07:37
Poromiesirssi is the best irc-client ever o/07:37
thoreauputicapt-get moo07:37
tiglionabbitw00t to that, Poromies07:37
Razor-XI think what really increases my reading speed, more than constant Fantasy reading, is this chatroom07:37
Harold_installinIs there a version of X-Chat Aqua?07:37
Hackmojasmuz: it's also the only philips cam that should work out of the box with Ubuntu, I remember reading that somewhere on the Ubuntu site but I can't find the page now07:37
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The_VoxRazor-X: sudo aptitude install cowsay07:37
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jasmuzHackmo: that isnt a proper way to make sure its recognized!07:37
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Razor-Xmanaging tech support with 3 people in between a flood of messages takes skill, one that takes a while to develop ;)07:37
Razor-XThe_Vox: mmmmkay07:37
mcdenyerRazor-X: i get this error07:37
mcdenyerE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)07:37
mcdenyerE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:37
Harold_installinX-Chat Aqua is the Mac OS X IRC app I'm currently using.07:37
Razor-Xmcdenyer: sudo apt-get install vlc07:37
tiglionabbitRazor-X: still has the same behavior, in the ubuntu version07:37
Razor-Xspecifically prepend the 'sudo'07:38
Hackmojasmuz: can you give me a better way to check then please?07:38
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: odd... then my sysadmin's a real god ;)07:38
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thoreauputicmcdenyer: you have multiple apt instances running07:38
tiglionabbitRazor-X: how do I make bitchx separate windows?07:38
The_VoxRazor-X: then: cowsay this is a test07:38
othernoobmcdenyer then you're running synaptic and you're trying to install it via konsole i assume07:38
jasmuzHackmo: check your query07:38
Harold_installinCan anyone tell me how I'm going to live with Windows now?07:38
Poromiesmcdenyer: close synaptic when you are using apt from commandline07:38
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: there'r commands for it, i've bound them specifically though07:38
mcdenyerRazor-X: whats an apt?07:38
Harold_installinNow that I'm in the Ubuntu world?07:38
ubotuapt is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/07:38
othernoobHarold_installin:  miserable? :p07:38
Razor-Xmcdenyer: apt is the package manager07:38
mcdenyerRazor-X: oh well im installing updates right now thats the problem07:38
Poromiessynaptic is graphical front-end to apt07:39
Razor-Xat least, the default package manager07:39
Razor-XI, myself, use aptitude07:39
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mcdenyerdamn learning a new os is so exciting07:39
othernoobwhy Razor-X?07:39
Razor-Xmcdenyer: damn straight ;)07:39
Razor-Xothernoob: because it's better than apt-get07:39
jewel_mcdenyer: You made the right choice for a new one to learn, too07:39
Razor-Xerrr, apt rather07:39
razaAnyone here running Synergy?07:39
Razor-Xsince there are many variants of apt07:39
othernoobwhat's it doing better?07:39
grphxI'm not trying to learn this OS right now, I'm just trying to get my mp3s to play so i can have some music to sleep to!07:40
Madpilot"aptitude is also Y2K-compliant, non-fattening, naturally cleansing, and housebroken." <-- oh boy...07:40
mcdenyerlol yeah my bro has a friend who went stragiht to the army to be a encrypter07:40
othernoobi hardly use apt or kynaptic so i dont know07:40
Razor-Xothernoob: has a nice curses interface if you invoke it normall, which I do on occasion, and can work just like apt-get if you want it to07:40
mcdenyerRazor-X: hes a crazy linux guy07:40
Razor-Xmcdenyer: ;)07:40
Razor-XI'm pushing for maintainership07:40
mcdenyerRazor-X: he wrote a sweet file sharing program i guess07:40
tiglionabbitothernoob: aptitude is like a console version of synaptic.  It lets you browse through the available packages07:40
Razor-Xand I promise the people, the first thing I do, compile as much proprietary support in VLC as I can and put it IN THE REPOS!!!!!07:40
Razor-X*will do07:41
Poromiesgrphx: just "apt-get install <mediaplayer>" like xmms07:41
wolverianothernoob: aptitude is for those who don't want to move their hands from the keyboard :)07:41
othernoobi see. i tend to compile most of the things i install..which isn't that much lately07:41
Madpilotgrphx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RestrictedFormats <-- for your mp3s07:41
Razor-Xothernoob: ahhh, I see07:41
Razor-XI compile my most-used things07:41
mcdenyerRazor-X: lol what am i installing btw?07:41
Razor-Xlike my Eterm is custom compiled07:41
grphxI got Xmms..07:41
Razor-Xmcdenyer: a media-player07:41
grphxBut everytime  I load an mp3 in there it wont' play07:41
Razor-Xthat far outpaces anything else, IMHO07:41
mcdenyerRazor-X:  i just got it started07:41
wolveriangrphx: go read that wikipage07:41
Razor-Xwow, I think I just broke a new typing plateau07:41
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Razor-Xthis channel gives you adrenaline ;)07:41
maigrphx: go check the wiki for restricted formats07:41
wolveriangrphx: also, xmms is a horrible, horrible program. use rhythmbox, please, or muine. :)07:42
mcdenyerRazor-X: oh will this come with a dvd encoder?07:42
thoreauputicgrphx: enable the esound output plugin in prefs07:42
wolveriangrphx: programs that don't conform to the desktop's interface suck.07:42
Razor-Xwolverian: hell no, VLC is teh way to go ;)07:42
grphxI'm guessing mp3s are restricted?07:42
tiglionabbitwhy not beep-media-player?07:42
Poromiesgrphx: check that madpilots wiki-link07:42
Razor-Xmcdenyer: if you mean decoder, then, yes07:42
jewel_Or, if you like the "winamp" interface, then beep-media-player is good07:42
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Poromieswolverian: :(07:42
mcdenyerRazor-X: LOL07:42
wolverianRazor-X: that's slightly better, but its interface isn't as simple as it could be, either.07:42
tiglionabbithey guys, what is the official difference between beep-media-player and xmms?07:42
Razor-XI gave up Winamp a while back07:42
wolverianPoromies: why the sad face? :)07:42
steven_jasmuz, no luck =(07:42
mcdenyerRazor-X: im such a noob07:42
steven_it still didnt work07:42
tiglionabbitwhen I run one while the other is open, it commands the other one, as if they are actually the same program07:42
The_VoxRazor-X: did you check the cow thing? :)07:42
thoreauputictiglionabbit: beep is a gtk2 fork of xmms07:43
Razor-Xwolverian: I suggest anyone who idolizes interfaces that much to go shower themselves in syrup, and not wash07:43
wolveriantiglionabbit: bmp uses gtk2 (when it chooses to actually use widgets instead of its own silly themes)07:43
Razor-XThe_Vox: ahhh, I forgot ;) I installed it07:43
Razor-Xhow do I invoke cowspeak?07:43
wolverianRazor-X: I don't idolize interfaces. I like consistency.07:43
wolverianRazor-X: I realise some people do like the eye candy.07:43
mcdenyerRazor-X: so u can use the terminal and type in a command that goes to synaptics and it install shit or u can go into synaptics itself and install?07:43
wolverianI'm a bit judgemental, true.07:43
Razor-Xwolverian: well, my consistency lies in the curses of the terminal07:43
Razor-Xmcdenyer: synaptic uses a command-line program called apt-get07:43
Razor-Xapt-get is terminal only ;)07:43
Bryan_wncurses is better07:44
The_VoxRazor-X: cowsay whatever you want it to say07:44
wolverianRazor-X: sure. that's where I spend most of my time. I was speaking about application-specific themes07:44
mcdenyerRazor-X: ok07:44
Razor-XBryan_w: there are different variants of curses, ncurses being my farovite07:44
thoreauputicwolverian: apt-get install cplay and use the consistent CLI interface ;-)07:44
steven_I dont have sound on Kubuntu or xfce but on Gnome i do.. why is this so? can anyone help meee im desperate =(07:44
Razor-Xthoreauputic: ahhh, the best of the best ;)07:44
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mcdenyerhmm my sound was working fine before i updated and now it doest work???07:44
wolverianthoreauputic: again, cli isn't what I was talking about, but thanks for the pointer :)07:44
eternale1arrggh ssh just work already .....07:44
thoreauputicwolverian: I was kidding :)07:44
Razor-XCLI is what I live in07:44
Ne0-AwHi, i delted my /etc/apache2 thinking that apt-get install apache2 would put back those files in /etc07:44
jasmuzsteven_: do on a command line ps aux to and check if ESD is running07:44
Ne0-Awhow can i get them back?07:45
The_VoxRazor-X: the debian cow rules :)07:45
wolverianRazor-X: what window manager do you use? :)07:45
maisteven_: seriously you need to check out what daemon you're programs are wanting to pipe their sound through, it almost certainly has to do w/ esd07:45
wolverianRazor-X: (if any)07:45
Razor-Xmy text editor, my special terminal, my media player07:45
tiglionabbitsay guys, has anyone tried to compile this?  http://scourge.sourceforge.net/   It doesn't appear to detect ANY of the things it requires on my system...  even though I have the dev libs of most of its dependencies07:45
Razor-Xwolverian: KDE... it looks good as a background ;)07:45
jasmuzsteven_: or change the Sound daemon you use for your applications to ALSA07:45
steven_what do i do first07:45
wolverianRazor-X: hmm. ever tried ion, or ratpoison? :)07:45
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: you sure you have the dev version of the libs?07:45
Razor-Xwolverian: never heard of the former, was considering the latter07:45
tiglionabbitRazor-X: yes.  And exactly what libs does it need?07:45
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steven_what do i do first07:46
beatyouHi, i delted my /etc/apache2 thinking that apt-get install apache2 would put back those files in /etc07:46
beatyouhow can i get them back?07:46
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: the website.... or the config process should tell you07:46
jewel_Razor-X: Even better than ratpoison is wmii07:46
mcdenyerhey why does my sound sometimes work an other times my computer beeps lol07:46
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Razor-Xbeatyou: apt-get remove apache2 & apt-get install apache207:46
wolverianRazor-X: ratpoison is even more barebones than ion, ion (ion3 to be specific) has floating windows optionally, and I like its keys better.07:46
Razor-Xjewel_: hmmm, is it?07:46
thoreauputicbeatyou: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure apache207:46
Razor-Xwolverian: I was also considering E07:46
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HackmoHey, can anyone help me out with my webcam problem?07:46
niketjewel_ : after reconfig its adviced me to set root password in /root/.my.cnf can i know how to put lines in that file07:46
Razor-XE has eye candy, but not the syrupy kind07:46
Razor-Xthe nice, dark, basking kind ;)07:47
wolverianRazor-X: enlightement?07:47
tiglionabbitRazor-X: the website doesn't say, and configure has many errors ending up with configure: error: Cannot find GL library07:47
Razor-Xwolverian: the one and only07:47
steven_I dont have sound on Kubuntu or xfce but on Gnome i do.. why is this so? can anyone help meee im desperate =(07:47
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: then get the opengl dev libraries ;)07:47
steven_ive tried going on ps aux07:47
jewel_steven_: try typing killall esd07:47
tiglionabbitRazor-X: what are they called?07:47
Razor-Xsteven_: put ps -e on pastebin for me07:47
maisteven_: stop asking the same question if you're not going to pay attention to people!07:47
wolverianRazor-X: last time I tried it, it looked like an RPG game interface from 199407:47
niketztonzy: hello , u r the same from #blender07:47
Razor-Xjewel_: KDE does not use esd07:47
mcdenyerRazor-X: hey i got this error when installing Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/v/vlc/wxvlc_0. 8.1-1ubuntu7_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch07:47
mcdenyerE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-mis sing?07:47
jewel_Razor-X: Yeah, I know, that's why I tell him to kill it.  :)07:47
Razor-Xwolverian: check the screenshots07:47
Razor-Xand I love oldschool RPGs ;;)07:48
jewel_mcdenyer:  You just need to do apt-get update07:48
Razor-Xjewel_: ahh, you got a point there ;)07:48
wolverianRazor-X: not the kind of I'm talking about. :) and those screenshots look nice.07:48
Razor-Xmost people then restart esd07:48
mcdenyerrazor but i already updated07:48
beatyouthoreauputic & Razor-X neither of those worked :[07:48
beatyoustill no apache2 in /etc07:48
grphxHOLY CRAP I'm playing my mp3s..07:48
Razor-Xmcdenyer: you need to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list07:48
tiglionabbitRazor-X: I have selected every library it could mean...   what am I missing?07:48
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pipatronmp3z are communism! :(07:48
Razor-XI suggest you get comfortable with a text editor first, mcdenyer07:48
steven_Jewel_, i killed esd but it said no process found07:48
jewel_niket:  I've got mysql on my laptop and didn't have to do that07:48
othernoobpipatron what?lol07:49
Razor-Xpipatron: no, they're a lossy music format07:49
jewel_steven_: Shoot07:49
niketjewel_ : after reconfig of mysql-server package its adviced me to set root password in /root/.my.cnf can i know how to put lines in that file07:49
whiprushbeatyou: look in /usr/share/doc/apache2/examples07:49
steven_razor-x, ill put that out put on pastebin now07:49
pipatronRazor-X: Oh07:49
grphxI have a feeling going from WinXP to Linux will take some time07:49
niketjewel: ok07:49
Razor-Xsteven_: ok07:49
mcdenyerRazor-X: i get this error when trying to do that07:49
tiglionabbitgrphx: be dual boot07:49
Razor-Xgraphx: always does07:49
niketjewel_ : what u had done07:49
grphxI am07:49
mcdenyerRazor-X: E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)07:49
othernoobgrphx not really07:49
mcdenyerE: Unable to lock the list directory07:49
grphxBut I want to go 100% linux07:49
tiglionabbitmcdenyer: use sudo07:49
Razor-Xmcdenyer: prepend a sudo07:49
grphxAnybody know if it's possible to convert a HD from NTSF to Fat32(or wahtever linux can read/write)07:49
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mcdenyerdont know what your talking about lol07:50
maimcdenyer: stop the other apt you have running (synaptic,aptitude,etc)07:50
adwaitgrphx: have dual boot for sometime..........then go 100%07:50
Madpilotgrphx: there is a learning curve. welcome to it!07:50
mcdenyerwhats a sudo?07:50
pipatrongrphx: It will take some time, because linux sucks in many areas that you simply don't have to bother with in windows07:50
tiglionabbitgrphx: no.  Only with expensive software07:50
beatyouwhiprush untar this apache2.conf.gz to /etc/apache 2 ?07:50
ubotuhmm... sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo07:50
Razor-Xgraphx: NTFS, and yes no, not really, unless you want a hellish job07:50
maigrphx: just skip the dual-boot entirely and you'll get in a lot quicker07:50
Madpilottiglionabbit: great minds thing alike?07:50
LoneLyhei were u go07:50
tiglionabbitmcdenyer: read what ubotu the bot said07:50
adwaitgrphx: partition magic could do that i think07:50
jewel_niket: You can edit that file with this command: sudo gedit /root/.my.cnf07:50
whiprushbeatyou: yeah that's like the default apache2.conf07:50
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beatyouwhiprush thanks07:50
LoneLy what talking abut07:50
nickrudhuh, ubotu is pretty smart :)07:50
pipatrongrphx: take some time = going 100% linux07:50
grphxif I can get my other HD to be Fat32 I'd be in good shape07:50
Razor-Xno point graphx07:51
whiprushbeatyou: next time just mv the old config file out of the way. :)07:51
LoneLy khgohk07:51
Razor-Xsetup an intermediary FAT32 partition07:51
tiglionabbitLoneLy: quiet you07:51
Razor-XLoneLy: ok07:51
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nickrudgrphx take your time, but it will be worth it07:51
grphxWhat format does Linux read?07:51
niketjewel_ : yes,, but what should i put in .my.cnf07:51
thoreauputicLoneLy: stop now please07:51
Razor-Xje comprende tres bien.... vas-toi07:51
Harold_installinI'm so happy to have seen the Ubuntu desktop for a moment on my PowerBook07:51
steven_Razor-x, http://pastebin.com/309313 theres the link tell me what you want em to do next07:51
grphxInternet doesn't work in WinXP now..07:51
Razor-Xgraphx: many, many07:51
tiglionabbitgrphx: many formats, including fat32 and ext307:51
Razor-XLinux primarily uses ext2 or ext2+journaling (ext3), and sometimes xfs or ReiserFS07:52
mcdenyerRazor-X: i have allray changed my source list07:52
adwaitwhts the advantage of reiserfs over ext3?07:52
jewel_niket: Good question, one second07:52
othernoobRazor-X you're forgetting jfs ;)07:52
Razor-Xbut can read-and-write to all of those and FAT32, and FAT1607:52
beatyouargh - tar -xvzf archive.tar.gz correct ?07:52
Razor-Xmcdenyer: remove all the 'us' from the file07:52
mcdenyerurl links wont work for some reson i have to copy paste07:52
Harold_installincrimsun: If you're still around - just to let you know, I'm apt-get dist-upgrading right now to see it it replaces the kernel properly.07:52
Razor-Xbeatyou: yeah07:52
adwaitwhts the advantage of reiserfs over ext3?07:52
tiglionabbitum, I still have my question about GL libs07:52
aukwow, you guys are still at it07:52
grphxI tried to burn a DVD and it said something about the names being the same, but the files are in different folders..07:52
Razor-Xadwait: better support for smaller files, like an MP3 collection07:52
mcdenyerRazor-X: us?07:53
steven_razor - x, did you get the link i sent07:53
tiglionabbitadwait: from what I've heard, reiserfs blows up in your face.  So, I don't know07:53
othernoobadwait reiserfs is faster...07:53
Razor-Xauk: like I said, hoping for maintainership ;)07:53
Razor-Xoternoob: ahhh, forgot about jfs ;)07:53
nickrudauk some of us either have no life, or are tied to a desk and need something to do ...07:53
Razor-Xsteven_: thanks07:53
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adwaithmm.......and is there anyway i can convert w/o losing data?07:53
thoreauputicothernoob: ricerfs ;-)07:53
Razor-Xadwait: like I said... why?07:53
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tiglionabbitanyway, could anyone help me out here?07:53
Harold_installinzlost1: Are you still here?07:53
Razor-Xannex a 200 MB least, 2GB most FAT32 partition as an intermediary07:53
adwaitrazor-x: hehe.......well just for the heck of it, i am just using linux to learn stuff....so why not try everything "linuxy" ;)07:54
nickrudor, really do care.07:54
othernoobadwait reiserfs is primarily used on servers. for personal pcs ext3 is better07:54
jewel_niket:  http://mysqld.active-venture.com/Option_files.html07:54
tiglionabbitRazor-X: I still don't know what libs to get.....   er07:54
Razor-Xsteven_: simple07:54
Razor-Xsteven_: /usr/bin/artsd start07:54
beatyouwhiprush: getting error from tar saying that /usr/share/doc/apache2/examples/apache2.conf.gz does not looke like a tar archive07:54
adwaitotherbnoob: hmm07:54
steven_Razor - x, is that all ? i put that on a command line07:55
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: run an apt-cache search for gl07:55
Razor-Xsteven_: yeahp07:55
hyphenatedbeatyou: indeed, it doesn't look like a tar archive07:55
Razor-Xbeatyou: it's not07:55
tiglionabbitRazor-X: I did07:55
Razor-Xit's a .gz archive07:55
thoreauputicbeatyou: because it isn't - try zless /usr/share/doc/apache2/examples/apache2.conf.gz07:55
hyphenatedbeatyou: note the word tar not in the name?07:55
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beatyouim silly07:55
tiglionabbitRazor-X: I have a lot of these packages.  What could it want?07:55
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: hold on while I run the same search07:55
whiprushbeatyou: try zcat apache.conf.gz >> somefilename07:55
whiprushor what thoreauputic said07:55
thoreauputicbeatyou: or gunzip07:56
tiglionabbitand searching for gl isn't very productive.  Everything may have those two letters next to eachother07:56
steven_Razor-X, ok i did that and i guess its doign something in the terminal, but what is it doing exactly.. do i even have that file07:56
grphxIf I partitioned a harddrive to run linux and winXP, where would all the WinXP files be?07:56
hyphenatedlots of editors can open .gz files directly and do the gzip management internally07:56
adwaitgrphx: in an ntfs/fat32 partition07:56
mcdenyeri shouldnt need to use sudo cuz im the admin lol07:56
mcdenyerim confused07:56
tiglionabbitgrphx: you can mount your windows partition anywhere you want07:57
jewel_grphx: Depends, it's wherever you choose to mount them07:57
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: hmmm... not sure,meself07:57
Razor-Xtry a google search07:57
grphxWell I want to..07:57
aukgrphx: on a diff partition07:57
Razor-Xgraphx: in NTFS07:57
tiglionabbithas anyone tried to compile this scourge game?07:57
mcdenyerRazor-X: hey im the admin so i shouldnt have to use sudo right?07:57
nickrudmcdenyer if you mean, you're in the admin group, that means that sudo will work for you.07:57
tiglionabbitI could check the forums07:57
Razor-Xthis man needs LVM, realy bad ;)07:57
aukgrphx: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda07:57
steven_Razor-X, am i going to get somethign that says load complete or something07:57
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Razor-Xmcdenyer: no, you should, because you need to be root07:57
Razor-Xsteven_: not really, no ;)07:58
jewel_mcdenyer:  No, you still have to use sudo... it's to keep you from accidentally doing something that needs admin privledges07:58
steven_Razor-X, then what will i get07:58
razaCan someone please help me with this error?  I keep getting the MD5Sum mismatch: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/44607:58
mcdenyerRazor-X: im the only one on this computer and im the only admin07:58
Razor-Xsteven_: absolutely nothing, IIRC07:58
steven_Razor-X, its just blank after i typed that07:58
grphxauk: Okay done..07:58
Razor-Xmcdenyer: doesen't matter, if you feel like being admin, the computer doesen't make you admin07:58
aukfind the ntfs partition07:58
thoreauputicmcdenyer: that's not how it works - you still need to use sudo07:58
tiglionabbitmcdenyer: heh, actually, being admin is what gives you ACCESS to sudo07:58
ubotumethinks rootsudo is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo07:58
grphxOKay found07:58
Razor-Xthere are some things (like the idiot that did sudo chmod 551 /usr) that you shouldn't do07:59
mcdenyerwhats the command for sudo?07:59
aukmcdenyer, unless you wan tto login as root07:59
Razor-XDON'T DO THAT ;)07:59
nickrudlol, sudo07:59
Razor-Xmcdenyer: sudo07:59
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jewel_mcdenyer:  sudo07:59
adwaitmcdenyer:prepend sudo to anything07:59
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mcdenyerlol whats prepend07:59
mcdenyerand how do i do it07:59
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Razor-Xmcdenyer: ...........07:59
auksudo <fhajhflas>07:59
nickrudfor example, sudo mv, sudo cp, sudo apt-get, etc07:59
thoreauputicmcdenyer: sudo <your command here>07:59
grphxput it before everything else07:59
adwaitadd in the begingn07:59
whiprushadd it to the beginning on a command07:59
Razor-Xappend is to add in the end07:59
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tiglionabbitmcdenyer: prepend means write something before.  Just say sudo before a command that takes root07:59
Razor-Xtherefore, the prefix pre replaces the prefix a07:59
Razor-Xand pre means before07:59
Razor-Xsimple suffixes, affixes, and prefixes ;)08:00
grphxauk: It's /dev/hda108:00
=== adwait looks on at the english class going on ;)
nickrudpend means add, pre means before08:00
steven_wtff i still ahve no sound08:00
nickrudto add to the confusion :)08:00
steven_i did everying you guys said08:00
aukgrphx: now what?08:00
mcdenyerRazor-X: so i would write sudo apt-get update?08:00
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grphxI dunno08:00
grphxI want to mount it I guess?08:00
Razor-Xadwait: my policy is not to blindly make memorize, but to teach08:00
thoreauputicmcdenyer: you got it08:00
Razor-Xmcdenyer: yeah08:00
aukgrphx: ok08:00
Razor-Xsteven_: ps -e again08:00
grphxI need to burn some stuff from that HD, because I'm too lazy to reboot to windows08:00
adwaitRazor-X: hmm.......<thumbs up>08:00
Razor-XI need to see it once more, steven_08:00
aukopen /etc/fstab08:00
Razor-XI work better if i'm taught something... then again, I learn with words and numbers ;)08:01
Razor-Xpictures have no effect on me08:01
grphxauk: And copy all that?08:01
Razor-Xthey just hinder my learning process08:01
steven_Razor - x, im putting it on pastebin08:01
mcdenyerRazor-X: so now do i try instaling that thing again ?08:01
grphxauk: Er.. okay it's open08:01
aukgrphx: have you got it open?08:01
Razor-Xmcdenyer: sudo apt-get install vlc08:01
aukoh, ok....08:01
nickrudme, put something in my hands, that's how I learn08:01
Razor-Xsteven_: yeah, I need the URL08:02
Razor-Xnickrud: neither am I tactile ;)08:02
Razor-Xthat's why i'll never be a hardware person08:02
mcdenyeroh ok so if u type sudo in front it will comfinrm that u are admin befor it does anyhintg08:02
Razor-Xsoftware works because I have an inane sense of math/programming logic08:02
steven_Razor - X, heres the link http://pastebin.com/30931608:02
=== nickrud caresses his keyboard
Razor-X(I may be good with computers, but I love math more ;)08:02
steven_Razor - X, http://pastebin.com/30931608:02
Razor-Xgot it steven_08:02
whiprushsudo means "superuser do", basically you're telling the computer "run the command I say with root access."08:02
mcdenyerRazor-X: lol i got the same error im going in circles lol08:02
Razor-Xsuperuser being the root user, the user with supreme power08:03
adwaitgrphx: at the end put /dev/hdX(whtever uw ant to mount> <TAB> /mount/point <TAB> auto <TAB> uid=1000,gid=100o <TAB> 0 008:03
tiglionabbitare we still explaining root in here?  Can't they read the wiki08:03
Razor-Xmcdenyer: edit your sources.list and remove the 'us' s from it08:03
Razor-Xsteven_: hmmm, hold on a sec08:04
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steven_razor - x, got it08:04
cyphasewhat's a good tool for file syncronization? i want to synchronize a folder on my hard drive with a folder on a USB drive08:04
mcdenyerRazor-X: whats the command to get to the source list lol08:04
thoreauputiccyphase: rsync08:04
othernoobmcdenyer: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:04
cyphasethoreaputic, is there a GUI?08:04
Razor-Xsteven_: try this08:04
dbernar1sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:04
thoreauputiccyphase: not that I know of08:05
Razor-Xdo you have an ogg file on you, steven_?08:05
steven_Razor - x, not really08:05
cyphasei was thinking like rsync was for online only08:05
cyphasei don't know why08:05
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thoreauputiccyphase: rsync can be used locally or remotely08:05
jewel_cyphase: There are some options you can pass to it to make it go fast when you're doing something locally08:05
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Razor-Xif not, get one (not hard, get a test one on the site), and type this in "ogg123 -d arts example.ogg08:05
steven_Razor - x, i just go on the ubuntu device manager and i just try the sound test.. so far i cant get any sound08:06
MrJung_which  apache2 || apt-get -y install apache2 php4 libapache2-mod-php4  <--- need more ? for www server ?08:06
Razor-Xand msg me if a sound plays, i'm gonna be back in a bit08:06
jewel_cyphase: Although just -a does about what you want08:06
steven_razor - x,  on the terminal08:06
Razor-Xyes yes08:06
Razor-Xanyways, brb08:06
dbernar1MrJung_: I dont understand your question08:06
mcdenyerRazor-X: do i delete the period also us.?08:07
dbernar1mcdenyer: yes08:07
dbernar1its a url08:07
maiMrJung_: it depends on what kind of web-server you're looking at08:07
jewel_MrJung_: Just the apache2 package is all you need for the web server itself08:07
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MrJung_dbernar1,  need i more as apache2php4 and libapche2-mod-php4 for an webserver ? ,.... i want place this code in a scripte file for automatic install08:08
inemo"Admiral_Justin: kicks ubuntu for being too stable for his tendancy to break things" from #wordpress ;)08:09
maiMrJung_: what is your mother language?08:09
mcdenyerRazor-X: ok just curious but why am i doing thi?08:09
MrJung_mai,  germany , sorry for the bad english08:09
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maiMrJung_: no it's cool, just trying to see if there was a better channel for you08:09
adwaitMrjung_ try #ubuntu-de08:09
maiMrJung_: you don't need anything except apache2 for the webserver, but you may need other stuff (php, mysql, etc) depending on what you want to do w/ it08:10
mcdenyerRazor-X: shit i dont think ive changed the list yet lol i never saved08:10
mcdenyerhow do u save shit lol i dont see any file> save08:10
steven_where can i download an example ogg08:10
MrJung_i am in ther, but nobody knows the prob08:10
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dbernar1MrJung_: yeah, apache or apache2 will do for a web server08:10
thor|afkmcdenyer: in nano, ctrl-x and then type yes08:10
mcdenyerok ty08:11
mcdenyerhey can somone give me the url to the site with the source.list?08:11
dbernar1sudo aptitude install apache208:11
ubotufrom memory, sources is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3808:11
nickrudsteven_ http://fredrik.hubbe.net/plugger/test.html has a decent media test08:11
MrJung_dbernar1,  thx, but install apt-get all file it needit ? wenn ei place this code in a script ?08:11
MrJung_ei = i08:11
mcdenyerthor|afk: hey can u give me the url to that sitre with the source.list i need?08:12
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thor|afksee ubotu above08:12
MrJung_dbernar1,  ah aptitude is a think i need , not apt-get ? ok thanks08:12
thor|afkmcdenyer: ^^^08:12
dbernar1mcdenyer: yes, if you put sudo aptitude install apache2 in a script file, that will install apache2, as a working web server08:12
cafuegoMrJung_: aptitude and apt-get do the same thing08:13
dbernar1apt-get install is very much the same thing as aptitude install08:13
MrJung_cafuego,  ah ok, but wat is the deferent ?08:13
dbernar1very small difference08:13
cafuegoMrJung_: aptitude can also run by itself, apt-get can not.08:13
thor|afkMrJung_: aptitude is slightly smarter ;)08:13
nickrudaptititude is just a bit smarter about package dependcy removal08:14
dbernar1aptitude is a user front end for apt-get08:14
dbernar1kinda, thats a sentence someone else said08:14
_crimsunaptitude is a frontend for apt, yes, not for apt-get.08:14
nickruddbernar1 not quite, apt-get and aptitude are front ends for apt08:14
mcdenyerdbernar1: i dont understand how this gives me the new source.list but ok lol08:14
MrJung_hmm i want install them automatic, i wan't see anythink08:14
ztonzyhi niket , not from #blender but from #blenderchat08:14
mcdenyerdbernar1: ok its done... now what do i do?08:15
cafuegoMrJung_: close your eyes after you hit return08:15
_crimsunaptitude logs attempted actions whereas apt-get doesn't.08:15
dbernar1mcdenyer: www.mts.net/~danb/sources.list08:15
dbernar1mcdenyer: I was not talking to you before.08:15
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mcdenyerlol ok08:15
MrJung_cafuego,  thanks *g*08:15
nickrudand aptitude will remove unused packages, keeping a cleaner system08:15
mcdenyerdbernar1: i just installed that thing08:15
dbernar1mcdenyer: what did you install, apache2?08:15
mcdenyerdbernar1: lol yeah08:15
steven_does anyone know how to change to root08:15
othernoobmcdenyer, if you edited the sources.list, save it, close it, type sudo apt-get update08:16
steven_while on a sesion08:16
dbernar1you can sudo aptitude remove apache208:16
cafuegoMrJung_: 'apt-get install -y apache2 libapache2-mod-php4'08:16
MrJung_steven_,  sudo ?08:16
cafuegoMrJung_: That will install apache2 and enable php4.08:16
dbernar1yes, sudo08:16
ubotuhmm... sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo08:16
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dbernar1steven, that is for you to read.08:16
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mcdenyerothernoob: yeah i will08:16
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ubotuit has been said that sources is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3808:16
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steven_steven@Ubuntu22:~$ /usr/bin/artsd start08:16
steven_akode: No media loaded08:16
MrJung_dbernar1,  thats my code -> which  apache2 || apt-get -y install apache2 php4 libapache2-mod-php408:17
lifelesshow to I un-disable the cups web administration ?08:17
dbernar1no need for the which, I dont see what that would do.08:17
signbarnwhat do i type in a terminal to make it so each command i type after that  like typing "sudo" before it?08:17
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nickrudlifeless sudo adduser cupsys shadow, then make changes using web admin, then sudo deluser cupsys shadow08:17
dbernar1MrJung_: to install anything on a system, you need to be root.08:17
mcdenyerso do i delete the old source list?08:18
cafuegoMrJung_: Just run 'apt-get -y install apache2 libapache2-mod-php4' - it doesn't matter if they are already installed.08:18
mcdenyerand replace it with that one?08:18
The_Voxsignbarn: sudo -s08:18
signbarnthanks, The_Vox08:18
nickrudlifeless do that each time, it's not advisable to leave cupsys in shadow08:18
dbernar1mcdenyer: open a terminal in gnome08:18
auksignbarn: sudo bash08:18
mcdenyeryeah i know08:18
dbernar1mcdenyer: then, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:18
signbarnis that prefered over running the root terminal program?08:18
MrJung_dbernar1, i want write an install script, in there is an root checking08:18
lifelessnickrud: do I need to hup cupsd ?08:18
dbernar1then, replace everything there with what you want there.08:18
aukdon't know08:18
nickrudlifeless yeah, I forgot the cupsys restart after each group change08:19
lifelessnickrud: oh, and thanks08:19
aukdon' thtink it really make sa diff08:19
mcdenyerdbernar1: then do i delte the source list or add on to it?08:19
nickrudlifeless np, I beat my head against that until someone helped me out08:19
MrJung_thanks for helping to me :)08:19
dbernar1mcdenyer: replace everything with the new one, save, close gedit, and in the same terminal, type in sudo aptitude update08:19
othernoobmcdenyer you alter the sources.list and simply save it.08:20
cafuegohow useful, a floor plan without dimensions :-P08:20
dbernar1MrJung_: if the user is not root, and you run that script, it will not works08:20
dbernar1if the user that runs the script is not a sudoer, he can not insatll anything08:20
TokenBaddoes proftpd have gui?08:21
dbernar1MrJung_: if you add sudo in front of the apt-get, and the user is a sudoer, the script will ask the user for his password, and after he types it in, he will be able to install apache08:21
The_VoxTokenBad: no08:21
dbernar1TokenBad: for what?08:21
dbernar1I mean, what would you do, change the config file?08:21
TokenBaddon't know..a friend was asking me08:21
sonoHello  friends.08:22
jasmuzsono: hello there08:22
MrJung_function S3 (){08:22
MrJung_if [ `whoami` = "root" ] then ...do any.....   i have this in the script as first08:22
dbernar1hey, friend:)08:22
sonoI am trying to clean and recreate a bug that makes VIA sound chipsets to produce slight audio crackles.08:23
dbernar1MrJung_: I dont know that much about scripting, or the shell, so I cant tell you if that will work08:23
cafuegoMrJung_: test $(id) -eq 0 || ( echo You need to be root && exit 1)08:23
mcdenyerdbernar1: ok its working08:23
dbernar1mcdenyer: good stuff08:23
sonoI have been testing and recompiling my audio apps looking for the source of the problem.08:23
mcdenyerdbernar1: thanks alot08:23
_crimsunsono: snd_via82xx?08:24
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cafuegoHmm, typical.08:24
TokenBadTokenBad what would you use gui for anyway?08:24
TokenBadphaedrus so configure users groups and directories and shit like that08:24
TokenBadthats what he said08:24
sonoright  _crimsun (by the way, hi crimsun, is nice to drop here and see you again, you maybe don't know but have supported me looots of times)08:24
cafuegoMrJung_: test $(id -u) -eq 0 || ( echo You need to be root && exit 1)08:24
MrJung_cafuego,  oh it is shorter thanks08:24
cafuegoMrJung_: Don't forget the '-u'08:25
_crimsunsono: default alsa on hoary? (1.0.6)08:25
dbernar1TokenBad: ya, thats config file editing, I guess there is not, open the config file though, it is very nicely commented.08:25
sonoright _crimsun08:25
_crimsunsono: using alsa directly or esound/polypaudio?08:25
sonowait, not for de via08:25
sonousing esd and oss08:25
mcdenyerafter i install something like vlc where do i goto run it?08:25
auknow i'm being kicked off the comp, see ya all tomorrow :(08:25
mcdenyerwhere is it lol08:25
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_crimsunsono: alsa's oss emulation or oss/free?08:26
sonothe only way I can default to alsa is when using M-AUDIO DUO USB08:26
dbernar1a terminal, or Applications menu>Sound& Video08:26
dbernar1mcdenyer: ^^08:26
sonoOSS Emulation08:26
mcdenyerok ty08:26
MrJung_cafuego,  thank you very much08:26
dbernar1bye auk.08:26
sonobut hold, even using XMMS with plain X08:26
mcdenyerdbernar1: whats the command in terminal to run vlc?08:26
_crimsunsono: does plughw:0,0 work (presuming snd_via82xx is driver 0)08:27
mcdenyerjust vlc?08:27
lifelessnickrud: yay, new printer working. Thanks!08:27
sonolet me see...08:27
dbernar1mcdenyer: try08:27
othernoobmcdenyer yes08:27
mcdenyerok sweet it worked08:27
dbernar1or go Applications>Sound and Video08:27
sonoI have not tried it yet08:27
dbernar1ya, it does:)08:27
nickrudlifeless np, and, it was good you proofread :)08:27
dbernar1anyone in cst, is it really 1:27?08:27
dbernar1bah, I have the dumbest qyestions.08:28
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dbernar1there is only a million other places I could find out.08:28
cafuegoFri Jul  8 16:28:43 EST 200508:28
umarhello all08:28
dbernar1hi, umar08:29
umari need to download ubuntu 5.04 kernel source08:29
_crimsunwhy yes, it's actually 1:29, dbernar108:29
mcdenyerdbernar1: it worked08:29
_crimsunumar: linux-source-2.6.1008:29
nickruddbernar1 san antonio time matches08:29
jasmuzgood night kiddies08:29
sono_crimsun: I am about to test the output of xmms using the plughw:0,0 output08:29
umarhow can i install08:29
dbernar1can you compile a kernel and then not use it? you can, right?08:29
_crimsunsono: for the alsa output plugin08:30
nickruddbernar1 yes, only if you add the kernel to grub, and then choose to use it.08:30
thoreauputicdbernar1: when in doubt re: time >>  sudo /etc/init.d/ntpdate restart   ;)08:30
sono_crimsun: yep08:30
trebuchetthe audio on my system is working, but for some reason its not working in tuxracer08:30
trebuchet"Reason: No available audio device"08:31
_crimsuntrebuchet: disable esd before playing tuxracer08:31
dbernar1thoreauputic: even when I am not sure the time zone and hardware clock are correct?08:31
steven_I GOT SOUND WORKING!08:31
thoreauputictrebuchet: try killall esd before running it08:31
cafuegoAccording to 'date' it's 06:31 in CST08:31
The_Voxsteven_: congrats08:31
=== dbernar1 chuckles - good for you
thoreauputicdbernar1: ah, that's different, agreed :)08:31
nickrudlol, that's not what my watch says08:31
dbernar1ya, I was not sure, cause of cdt.08:31
steven_i have a problem though08:31
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steven_i cant get sounds on08:31
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steven_some programs but i can get them working on mp3s08:32
mcdenyerhow do i play a dvd on this thing?08:32
steven_whats the deal08:32
dbernar1mcdenyer: not easy.08:32
mcdenyerdbernar1: lol08:32
_crimsunsteven_: what program are you using to play mp3s?08:32
dbernar1I had a girl fall asleep here, trying to get it working.08:32
Madpilotmcdenyer: put it in the DVD player. Totem should play it08:32
dbernar1not much easier on windows, I myst confess,08:32
_crimsunsteven_: is xmms using esound output?08:32
steven_i have no clue08:33
steven_what esound  is08:33
_crimsunsteven_: what does it say in the preferences for audio output plugin?08:33
mcdenyerMadpilot: no totem says it cant play dvds08:33
othernoobdbernar1 doesn't vlc play dvds?08:33
sono_crimsun: ok... this is pretty interesting, little cracking was reduced, but didn't dissapeared; is there a buffering or sound chunk priority parameter set for the ALSA Playback code?08:33
othernoobas well as mplayer?08:33
dbernar1othernoob: no idea, I know its not easy, prove me wrong.08:33
_crimsunsono: yes, there's a /proc entry08:33
dbernar1its all dma unenabled, and stuff.08:33
othernoobdbernar1 i'll try08:33
_crimsunsono: keep in mind you can also adjust the buffer parameters from within alsa08:34
steven_oss driver 1.2.1008:34
_crimsunsono: rather, xmms08:34
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_crimsunsteven_: change it to esound08:34
sono_crimsun: ok... anyway I only use xmms for testing08:34
steven_wait ok08:34
dbernar1click on the drop down.08:34
steven_ill do that08:34
steven_now that i changed it to esound08:35
steven_it doesnt work08:35
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dbernar1hehe, crimsun misread.08:35
_crimsunsteven_: make sure esd is running08:35
dbernar1or maybe not...08:35
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steven_it says "your soundcard is configure properly you have the correct out put plugin selected no other program is blocking the sound card"08:35
steven_Oh before all that it says "Pease check that"08:35
_crimsunsteven_: pgrep esd08:36
dbernar1if it gives you a number, its good.08:36
steven__crimsun, is there any way i can just put it as the oss plugin08:36
steven_for all my sound08:36
othernoobdbernar1 just put Pumping Iron in my dvddrive and I don't wanna sound like a queer or nothing, but Arnold is sexy ;)08:36
dbernar1or rather running.08:36
dbernar1working all good, and not choppy?08:37
othernoobdbernar1 yea08:37
dbernar1othernoob: and you did not enable dma?08:37
_crimsunsteven_: not unless your hardware supports it, which it doesn't seem to08:37
othernoobi enabled dma the day i installed kubuntu08:37
othernoobso, yes it's enabled08:37
dbernar1othernoob: wanna share how, the wiki changed, and no longer has that shown in a simple,. ubuntuguide, type of way...08:38
dbernar1wanna share how?08:38
othernoobphew. it's been a while..08:38
steven__crimsun, i put pgrep esd but for some reason it hasnt responded08:38
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=== _linuxAS_ [~linuxas@cmbe-212-89-16-88.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu
mcdenyeris kubuntu better then ubuntu/???08:38
dbernar1it is different, try and tell us if it is better.08:38
Tomcat_mcdenyer: No... the questions is if you want to use KDE or Gnome.08:38
steven_mcdenyer, it depend08:39
thoreauputicmcdenyer: kubuntu is the same as ubuntu except it uses KDE08:39
mcdenyeroh ok08:39
Tomcat_mcdenyer: Nonetheless I'd say Ubuntu is better, because the KDE is not as well packaged... unfortunately.08:39
dbernar1so very different...:)08:39
cafuegomcdenyer: That said, if you install ubuntu, you can add on KDE and vice versa.08:39
steven_can i download esd08:39
mcdenyerwhat do most people use?08:39
Tomcat_mcdenyer: Gnome/Ubuntu.08:39
cafuegosteven_: esd is already installed if you use ubuntu.08:39
nickrudand, there's no reason that kde will not be as well packaged in the future08:39
thoreauputicsteven_: you don't need to - it's installed by default08:39
_linuxAS_mcdenyer, 3.000.000 ubuntu and 3500000 kubuntu08:40
cafuegosteven_: 'dpkg -l esound'08:40
dbernar1steven_: type in esd in a terminal, and tell us if that makes sounds.08:40
nickrudalthough, I'll never know, but by hearsay :)08:40
_crimsunsteven_: do you mean it returned to a prompt immediately, or did the command hang?08:40
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dbernar1_linuxAS_: you know that for a fact?08:40
mcdenyerso more people use kubuntu08:40
Tomcat_I doubt that... :o08:41
_linuxAS_dbernar1, suere08:41
steven__crimsun it just hung08:41
_linuxAS_dbernar1, sure08:41
cafuegomcdenyer: You should use what YOU want, not what OTHERS want or use.08:41
mcdenyeri know08:41
cafuegomcdenyer: Why not try both and see which is nicer?08:41
mcdenyerjust curious08:41
mcdenyergood idea08:41
steven_YES IT MADE A SOUND08:41
beatyouhi, i accidently removed my /etc/apache2 thinking an apt-get install apache2 would REPLACE them, but it didn't so now i can't restore the /etc/apache2 files08:41
beatyoui tried this -> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3313008:41
Tomcat_cafuego: Having what most people have has advantages though... that's how I choose my packets. I know it's kinda stupid. ;)08:41
dbernar1we see small letters.08:41
dbernar1steven_: follow crimsun .08:41
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thoreauputicmcdenyer: kubuntu is still ubuntu - just a different desktop08:41
cafuegoTomcat_: Is that why you're running Windows 98?08:42
mcdenyeryeah i know08:42
nickrudlets,see, 435 total on #ubuntu, 86 on #kubuntu08:42
_crimsunsteven_: not the ,,esd'' command but the ,,pgrep esd'' command08:42
Tomcat_cafuego: Nah, only for the packages... I do run Ubuntu on all important machines. :)08:42
othernoobdbernar1 did you get the query?08:42
cafuegoTomcat_: But that's not what most people use ;-)08:42
dbernar1othernoob: I am using irssi, and dont know anything..08:42
steven__crimsun i put pgrep esd but i havent got anything yet08:42
dbernar1I got it, it says act 308:42
steven_ok i got an output08:43
steven_it said08:43
beatyouanyone help me out please ? heh08:43
=== nickrud runs win98, the few times he runs any windows
othernoobdbernar lol thats ok ;) open a konsole and type sudo hdparm -v /dev/hd* where * is your drive08:43
othernoobthen you'll see whether dma is enabled or not08:43
_crimsunsteven_: before or after you executed esd manually?08:43
steven_steven@Ubuntu22:~$ pgrep esd08:43
othernoobto enable it, type sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hd*08:43
othernoobd0 to disable08:43
dbernar1sorry crimsun .08:44
dbernar1othernoob: thank you.08:44
steven__crimsun, what should i do now08:44
_crimsunsteven_: in System> Preferences> Multimedia Systems Selector> Default audio sink, what is it set to?08:44
_crimsundbernar1: no need to apologise08:45
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dbernar1not as cute as when not in a console...08:45
dbernar1let me see how the dvd playsnow.08:46
othernoobdbernar1 no problem08:46
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steven_im trying to look for the multimedia systems selector but im on xfce08:46
dbernar1damn, I got goo all over the rented dvd...08:46
rob^is there any reason why gdesklets doesn't work?08:46
_crimsunsteven_: oh! well that's why... all your apps are still configured to use esound, but esd isn't invoked automatically by Xfce08:47
dbernar1rob^: for me, it is that I dont know how to use it.08:47
rob^all I get is a blank box appear on screen when I try to run one08:47
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thoreauputicrob^: tht it's rubbish ? *ducks*08:47
steven_so how do i do that _crimsun08:47
rob^thoreauputic, is there anything better?08:47
nickrudrob^ scrub that stuff08:47
dbernar1you invoke it as you did in terminal, esd08:47
thoreauputicrob^: I wouldn't know - I run fluxbox :)08:48
rob^gdesklets seems like a good idea, its broken as all heck though08:48
nickrudrob^ just find apps that give you the results, maybe gkrellm can be a start08:48
thoreauputicrob^: last time I played with gdesklets it ate my CPU for breakfast , so ...08:49
steven__crimsun, any suggestions08:49
rob^I was just after a simple rss aggreagator for my desktop :(08:49
thoreauputicrob^: liferea08:49
thoreauputicor straw08:49
_crimsunsteven_: dbernar1 answered that question08:49
nickrudI use liferea08:49
rob^thoreauputic, thanks08:49
steven_i invoke it?08:50
steven_what just type esd?08:50
_crimsunsteven_: yep08:50
steven_it works08:50
_crimsunsteven_: out of curiosity, cat /proc/asound/modules08:50
steven_0 snd_cs46xx08:51
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thoreauputicrob^: liferea has a gnome applet thing that sits in the notification area, by the way08:51
steven_do i have to type esd everytime i load the compt08:51
dbernar1my dvd is still choppy, should I I guess just try a different program to run it?08:51
_crimsunsteven_: interesting. That driver supports multiopen, but does your hardware?08:51
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steven_wat do you mean08:51
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_crimsunsteven_: what's the actual sound card?08:51
steven_cirrus sound fusion cs4608:52
_crimsunnot a laptop, correct?08:52
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steven_yeah it is a laptop08:52
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_crimsunah, the plot thickens08:53
vladuz976hi, the little icons on the gnome menu bar for the running gaim for instance or other running applications are gone. anybody know how i can restore it.08:53
steven_lol why is that bad08:53
_crimsunsteven_: ok, you may not even need esd08:53
othernoobdbernar1 if i remember correctly, you may also have to edit /etc/hdparm.conf and append /dev/hd* { dma=on } at the end08:53
_crimsunsteven_: kill esd, then change xmms to use oss output again08:53
steven_wait _crimsun i got sound working though08:54
dbernar1vladuz976: tried killall gnome-panel?08:54
=== nickrud hugs his ancient sound card
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_crimsunsteven_: that's fine, but now we're testing a hopefully more optimal solution08:54
thoreauputicvladuz976: you might have accidentally removed the notification area08:54
dbernar1othernoob: but, that is prolly only to enable it on boot, right?08:54
steven_ok _crimsun tell me what to do08:54
vladuz976dbernar1: yes, i actually followed a how to on the forum to get rid of the gnome foot in the panel, unfortunately that also removed te rest08:54
_crimsunsteven_: did you change xmms back to oss?08:55
beatyouhi, i accidently removed my /etc/apache2 thinking an apt-get install apache2 would REPLACE them, but it didn't so now i can't restore the /etc/apache2 files08:55
thoreauputicvladuz976: try right clicking the panel and adding a notification area08:55
beatyoui tried this -> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3313008:55
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vladuz976thoreauputic: i think i did. it's really inconvenient. i used to have gaim just running there without the window open08:55
vladuz976thoreauputic: let me try08:55
othernoobdbernar1 i'm not sure anymore. i did both, because i read both in the wiki back then08:55
cafuego!forums 3313008:55
steven__crimsun i changed it08:55
dbernar1vladuz976: oh, so the system tray thing?08:55
ubotuForums: Thread 33130 is: Ubuntu Forums - Apache2 directoy structure08:56
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dbernar1damn scrolling thing:)08:56
vladuz976dbernar1: yes08:56
thoreauputicdbernar1: it's called "notification" in gnome I believe08:56
_crimsunsteven_: did you pkill esd?08:56
cafuegobeatyou: 'dpkg -i --force-confmiss /var/cache/apt/atchives/apache2*deb'08:56
dbernar1vladuz976: then, yes, a notification thing will do it.08:56
vladuz976dbernar1: i don't remember where i found the post tho08:56
HackmoHey all, anyone got any ideas on how to get my webcam working?08:56
steven_kill esd?08:57
vladuz976dbernar1: i just added one, but no differnce08:57
cafuegobeatyou: the '--force-confmiss' will make it replace missing config files.08:57
dbernar1vladuz976: hm...check that it is enabled to have a system tray icon?08:57
steven_aright i killed esd08:57
beatyoucafuego hmm08:57
dbernar1call 911.08:57
vladuz976dbernar1: i don't even get the icon up thre08:57
lcoreOT: Want to buy 2 wireless PCI Cards to connect Debian serv with Ubuntu desktop. Which manufacturer will you suggest (cheap but enough to connect within a range of 50m^2 flat)? Which cards will be no problem to configure on both machines?08:57
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steven_now the sound dont work08:58
_crimsunsteven_: ok, that's good.08:58
dbernar1steven_: its a start...08:58
cafuegolcore: Check which cards are supported by the kernel, then get one of those.08:58
steven_soo starting up esd was the whole thing08:58
_crimsunsteven_: now, since esd is not running and xmms is configured to use oss, xmms should work08:58
=== dbernar1 chuckles again at the crimsun steven_ conversation
Imsdlewhen i open evolution it just hangs and my harddisk goes flat out08:58
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Imsdledoes anyoen know how i can reinstall it or something08:59
sono_crimsun: hmmm well, I still raised buffers to the top, getting no better output.  Volumes indeed are under 30%, but the cracking is still present...08:59
_crimsunsteven_: the entire point of this conversation, btw, is to drop esd completely, since it's highly suboptimal if your hardware can handle multiopen natively08:59
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steven_so esd isnt that great08:59
beatyoucafuego: still get same error08:59
dbernar1steven_: for your hardware, it is not.08:59
thoreauputicImsdle: have you tried running evolution from a terminal to see if there are error messages?09:00
steven_ok i have another problem09:00
steven_i want to see09:00
steven_if we can figure out09:00
vladuz976dbernar1: you think i should restart the panel after adding the notification area09:00
_crimsunsteven_: not quite finished with sound.09:00
dbernar1maybe, i dont think so, you should restart gaim, tho.09:00
Imsdleummm no how do i do that09:00
steven_were not09:00
_crimsunsteven_: did you test xmms?09:00
sono_crimsun: now I will test on the file format end... going to Audacity.09:00
steven_yes i did09:00
nickrudsteven_ I've use the same driver, and it works very nicely as _crimsun will tell you09:00
thoreauputicvladuz976: yes, try killall gnome-panel09:00
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_crimsunsono: via onboard, unfortunately, is highly suspect09:01
vladuz976thoreauputic: didn't do anythign09:01
steven__crimsun should i test xmms on esd or oss09:01
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dbernar1vladuz976: restarted gaim?09:01
_crimsunsteven_: oss, since esd isn't running09:01
steven_oss works09:01
steven_when ess isnt on09:01
dbernar1or excellent even.09:01
vladuz976dbernar1: yes09:01
ksmurfI'm getting this error trying to set samba up.  What do I do?  * Starting Samba daemons..                                              [fail] 09:01
ksmurfinvoke-rc.d: initscript samba, action "start" failed.09:01
beatyoucafuego: still a blank /etc/apache209:02
thoreauputicvladuz976: do any apps show in the notification area? eg music player/rhythmbox?09:02
vladuz976not there tho09:02
_crimsunsteven_: ok. Now, execute gstreamer-properties09:02
vladuz976thoreauputic: no09:02
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vladuz976thoreauputic: have rhythmbox playing, but doesn't show09:02
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sono_crimsun... hehe yeah.  In fact I work with the USB Duo for real work; but sometimes I need to do eventual quick on the road tasks with the Via09:03
steven_ok _crimsun im at gstreamer properties09:03
Imsdlehow do i run evolution in terminal09:03
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Imsdledohhh oh :P09:03
thoreauputicImsdle: :)09:03
=== dbernar1 chuckles, whats with the chuckling...
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_crimsunsteven_: in the audio sink section, set it to oss09:04
Imsdlees menu class init09:04
Imsdleadding hook target 'source'09:04
Imsdle(evolution:1077): camel-WARNING **: Invalid root: '/home/melissa/.evolution/mail/local/Outbox.ibex.index'09:04
Imsdle(evolution:1077): camel-WARNING **: version: TEXT.000 (TEXT.000)09:04
Imsdle(evolution:1077): camel-WARNING **: block size: 1024 (1024) OK09:04
Imsdle(evolution:1077): camel-WARNING **: free: 0 (0 add size < 1024) OK09:04
Imsdle(evolution:1077): camel-WARNING **: last: 6144 (6144 and size: 1024) BAD09:04
Imsdle(evolution:1077): camel-WARNING **: flags: unSYNC09:04
Imsdleupdate flow align09:04
nickrudImsdle not good to flood09:04
steven_set everything to oss?09:04
_crimsunsteven_: just audio sink09:04
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steven_the default sink was on esd09:05
steven_i mean09:05
mcdenyerok im out all later and ty for all the help09:05
steven_and the default saurce was on oss09:05
_crimsunsteven_: default sink -> oss09:05
dbernar1mcdenyer: see ya09:05
dbernar1Imsdle: melissa?09:05
nickrudImsdle, and, do you have use of evolution? (gtk/gnome programs sometimes flood warnings about recoverable things)09:06
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steven_what should i set the default source as _crimsun09:06
Imsdleno.. im am melissa's husband09:06
mypapithmm.. anybody here?09:06
_crimsunsteven_: don't worry about the source.09:06
dbernar1nickrud: evolution locks up, and the hard drivge too.09:06
dbernar1mypapit: none.09:06
_crimsunsteven_: now, play a song in xmms09:06
thoreauputicmypapit: you're all alone..09:07
_crimsunsteven_: while that song's playing, press the Test button in the default sink09:07
vladuz976thoreauputic: no more idea on how i could fix it?09:07
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steven_everything seems to be working good09:08
thoreauputicvladuz976: all I can think of is to see if the notification is enabled in the apps you are using09:08
_crimsunsteven_: both play simultaneously, correct?09:08
steven_they do09:08
vladuz976thoreauputic: that is a very odd thing then. i will post on the forum then09:08
_crimsunsteven_: excellent, problem solved. Toss esd out the window.09:08
dbernar1vladuz976: checked that the system tray plugin is working?09:08
dbernar1see I was gonna write that.09:08
vladuz976dbernar1: how?09:08
steven_now _crimsun will these setting save for my gnome , kubuntu , and gnome09:08
nickrudI've used evo from it's alpha versions, I'd start by moving .evolution to evolution-totally-screwed, and logging out, making sure gconfd is not running, and removing any evolution keys.09:09
dbernar1open the buddy llist, use ctrl+p as a keyboard shortcut to properties, and see in the pugin section09:09
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dbernar1steven_: yes, it is set up on a level before the desktop09:09
steven_ok sounds good09:09
steven_now let me ask you guys something am i able to watch music videos lets say from launch.com using the firefox09:10
_crimsunsteven_: if you run gnome again, you will have to ensure that esd isn't executed automatically.09:10
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Imsdlehow do i uninstall then reinstall?09:10
dbernar1steven_: how about we ask you that...09:10
_crimsunsteven_: that's set in System> Preferences> Sound> uncheck the Enable sound server startup09:10
steven_ok so ill kill esdand run gstreamer properties09:10
_crimsunsteven_: nope, no need to touch gstreamer-properties again09:10
dbernar1steven_: properties are good now09:10
nickrudlogged out, rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/evolution09:10
dbernar1you can euitehr killall manually, or set it up as he said09:11
steven_ok so should i change anything now09:11
dbernar11st option does not really make sense, tho.09:11
steven_can i go on gnome09:11
steven_and everything will be the same09:11
dbernar1go to gnome, system>prefs>sound>uncheck the enable sound server startup, and from thereon you are fine for gnome09:12
vladuz976dbernar1: how can i make sure the plugin is working?09:12
othernoobdbernar1: http://ubuntuguide.org/#speedupcddvdrom <<09:12
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dbernar1vladuz976: did you see if the system tray plugin is checked in plugins?09:13
dbernar1othernoob: thanks again,09:13
vladuz976dbernar1: where do you check the plugings?09:13
ksmurfI got this error http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/309342 trying to install samba.  Is thta normal?09:14
dbernar1told you, buddy list>ctrl+p09:14
othernoobdbernar1 you're welcome09:14
Imsdlehow do i install again from my local drive not from the internet!09:15
Imsdleapt-get install evolution09:15
Imsdlei dont' want to redownload it09:15
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dbernar1ksmurf: why backports?09:15
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othernoobImsdle: if you have a .deb then dpkg -i bla.deb09:16
thoreauputicImsdle: it may stillbe in your apt cache - but I don't think reinstalling will fix a config problem09:16
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nickrudImsdle the quick check would be to create a new user, and see if evolution will run for that user09:17
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thoreauputicImsdle: listen to nickrud09:17
mrpsychodoes anyone know if the 2.6.10-5 standard ubuntu kernels contain reiserfs support?09:17
thoreauputicmrpsycho: yes, of course09:18
mrpsychowhy do I get a message that says ext3 not found on root partition when I boot?09:18
othernoobthoreauputic: but not in 686 or?09:18
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mrpsychogrub seems fine, its pointed at the right partition09:19
thoreauputicothernoob: AFAIK all the kernels support reiserfs09:19
babyfirehello again09:19
mrpsychoand it still boots09:19
babyfirei have learned sooo much today09:19
othernoobmrpsycho afaik, that's just a minor bug09:19
mrpsychooh, phew09:19
thoreauputicmrpsycho: well, if it ain't broke, don't fix it09:19
mrpsychothx good to know09:19
othernoobmrpsycho: used to get the same message when i used reiser09:19
dbernar1mrpsycho: maybe your fstab says root is ext3? dunno.09:19
babyfireand i am still over my head in linux swamp09:19
thoreauputicbabyfire: it gets easier :)09:20
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=== dbernar1 chuckles, swamp:)
=== JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
babyfirei figured out my problem last tiem but i am haveing a problem whith what hte files are actually named09:20
babyfiresudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla09:20
babyfiredoesnt exist09:20
babyfireand i think i should09:20
uboturumour has it, repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto09:21
thoreauputicbabyfire: read that URL09:21
othernoobthoreauputic: are the 2.6.11 686 kernels stable now?09:21
The_Voxbabyfire: do "sudo aptitude" and you can do searches for partial names in there using /09:21
thoreauputicothernoob: no, and never will be09:21
The_Voxbabyfire: then just + g g to install.09:21
othernoobthoreauputic: why :/09:21
dbernar1even numbers are stable09:21
=== cafuego stabs the morons on ubuntu-users
=== babyfire giggles
The_Voxbabyfire: ? to get help09:21
babyfirethat all makes no sense at all09:21
thoreauputicothernoob: 2.6.11 was a snapshot and isn't supported AFAIK09:21
babyfirebut i have a clue09:21
babyfirethank you09:22
babyfirevery much09:22
cafuego!find flashplayer09:22
othernoobdbernar1: that only goes for the second value, ie 2.*6*....09:22
Madpilotto update Opera to 8.01, I just run "dpkg -i opera.bla.deb" and it'll overwrite/preserve as needed?09:22
ubotuflashplayer-mozilla: (Macromedia Flash Player), section multiverse/web, is optional. Version: 7.0.25-0.0 (hoary), Packaged size: 956 kB, Installed size: 2136 kB09:22
dbernar1thoreauputic: the even numbers are stable, odd are dev, that is how that works.09:22
The_Voxbabyfire: aptitude is a graphical-almost package manager for console that works pretty well09:22
cafuegobabyfire: Add multiverse to yuor sources.list fine.09:22
dbernar1ah, I knew there was some thing going on with those numbers.09:23
cafuegoMadpilot: it will remove files from the previous version and replace them with the 8.0.1 files09:23
ksmurfdb thanks09:23
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thoreauputicdbernar1: that's a change from 2.4.* then - it used to be 2.3, 2.5 were the unstable branches09:23
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Madpilotcafuego: what's that going to mean to my own config/bookmark/etc files? Haven't upgraded O in Linux before...09:23
dbernar1ksmurf: that solved it? nice.09:23
othernoobthoreauputic: so, when will there be a new kernel09:23
cafuegoMadpilot: They will be saved (They're in ~/.opera, which the installer won't touch)09:24
thoreauputicothernoob: for breezy - October09:24
babyfiresudo aptitude is sooooo great09:24
babyfirethank you09:24
thoreauputicothernoob: 2.6.12 I guess09:24
othernoobOctober is a long time09:24
The_Voxbabyfire: np :)09:24
dbernar1its soon, october, thats my birth month...09:24
othernooba looong time09:24
thoreauputicothernoob: heh - how old are you ? ;-)09:24
othernoobwhat am I supposed to do until then :/09:24
othernoobi'm 2209:24
dbernar1there is a new version for all my birthdays:)09:24
cafuego'/msg ubotu kernel' for kernel info :-)09:25
Madpilotcafuego: OK, thnx. Been putting off the upgrade, not smart because it's a security upgrade...09:25
The_Voxbtw, being new to kde and kubuntu...is the "kalypso team" often mentioned on the kubuntu wiki still active? I've never been able to get to their website\09:26
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dbernar1im off, later.09:26
cafuegoMadpilot: the dpkg package format should never overwite customised config files without 1) asking and 2) making a backup.09:26
othernoobcya dbernar109:26
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Madpilotcafuego: good to know. signing off now to upgrade Opera...09:27
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us3rXI have a laptop sitting here with no OS on it, but a friend told me to try ubuntu, it had windows on it, but i formated it and now its blank, i have an adapter so i can hook the laptop hdd to this computer, i am wondering how can i install ubuntu on it with out cds' cuz for some reason the cd rom on my laptop doesnt want to read the cd :( so i thought maybe i can install it from this hdd to the other... is this possible? lol09:29
Hackmoso hey all, anyone think they can help me with a problem i'm having?09:30
adwaitus3rx: um....maybe ur bios isnt configured to boot of CDs  in the laptop, cuz i donno anyway to install off the HDD and the residesnt experts seem to be away :)09:30
adwaitHackmo: u gotta ask....thn we can try to answer09:31
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cafuegous3rX: You could try with bootleable floppies or perhaps via the network.09:31
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us3rXi changed the bios to floppy>dc>hdd and still nothing09:31
cafuegous3rX: Can other machines boot that cd?09:31
ksmurfis ther a way to see shared folders?09:31
us3rXits the laptop cd rom i think09:32
adwaitus3rx: can ur laptop boot of CDs in general?09:32
us3rXyeah its gay09:32
Hackmoadwait: I'm having problems with my webcam, it's the only phillips cam that should work out of the box with Ubuntu...but it doesn't09:32
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=== adwait looks all around for someone who knows something abt webcams........................
cafuegous3rX: Easiest is probably boot floppies (you'll need 4)09:32
cafuegous3rX: if not, network boot09:33
comadrejawhat are the packages needed to build kernel modules09:33
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us3rXcafuego: where can i get these floopys?09:33
adwaitcomadreja: make-kpkg i think09:33
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cafuegous3rX: Just a moment, please09:33
thoreauputiccomadreja: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential09:34
tvoHackmo: which type? I've got a 820k iirc, had to install drivers myself but it works09:34
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Hackmotvo: it's a phillips toucam pro 2, my computer is picking it up fine it but I keep getting the error that it is already in use when I try to use it09:35
cafuegous3rX: Hmm, ubuntu appears not to have them. The debian ones *should* work though09:35
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comadrejadoes anyone knows what is needed to build kismet on breezy ?09:35
us3rXaight, ill try those. ty09:36
cafuegous3rX: http://http.us.debian.org/debian/dists/sarge/main/installer-i386/current/images/floppy/09:36
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cafuegous3rX: You can always do a base sarge install, then dist-upgrade to hoary after editing sources.list09:37
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=== MidNightRaVeN [~ravencorp@63-227-6-244.dnvr.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
MidNightRaVeNlol i'm such a newb09:37
us3rXcafuego: ty09:37
MidNightRaVeNis anyone in here?09:37
MadpilotOK, that worked. now running Opera 8.01. cool.09:37
MadpilotMidNightRaVeN: only 452 of us... :)09:38
thoreauputiccafuego: so there are no conflicts with base sarge and hoary? Good to know if so...09:38
MidNightRaVeNfirst time using Ubuntu AND Irc09:38
MidNightRaVeN<--- total newb ;-)09:38
nickrud_MidNightRaVeN then, you are totally welcome :)09:39
adwaitMidNightRaVeN: welcome to being an ubuntueit/ubunteit/ubuntie/ubunter09:39
thoreauputicMidNightRaVeN: you're all alone... no one is listening... no one cares .. </lame joke>09:39
MidNightRaVeNlol that makes me feel really good09:39
nickrud_we need to assign greeter duties ;)09:39
Madpilot... but not to thoreauputic, it seems.09:39
thoreauputicMidNightRaVeN: and any questions you may have will be unmercifully flamed *grin*09:40
MidNightRaVeNseriously... ;-)09:40
cafuegothoreauputic: I didn't have any issues going from Sid to Hoary; just needed to do X by hand.09:40
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thoreauputicMadpilot: PR was never my strong point... ;-)09:40
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Madpilotthe only questions that get flamed are the ones that're asked five or six times, quickly, via cut'n'paste...09:41
nickrud_dry humor lingers .....09:41
thoreauputiccafuego: OK - thanks09:41
=== cafuego stabs his liver. STOPPIT!!!!
adwaitlike this?09:41
adwaitlike this?09:41
adwaitlike this?09:41
adwaitlike this?09:41
adwaitlike this?09:41
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nickrud_MidNightRaVeN so, you have any issues that you need help with?09:41
=== thoreauputic applies th blowtorch to adwait
Ghetekwhen is the new gmail gonna be in repos09:42
MidNightRaVeNso.... i feel so dumb asking questions... and lol thoreaputic isn't helping any ;-) jk. But... I just installed Ubuntu (loving it by the way already) on my primary drive and I want to add my XP (which is on a second drive) so that GRUB will boot it secondary... but I have no clue how...09:42
Gheteki mean gaim09:42
=== Madpilot hands adwait a fireproof suit. He'll need it.
=== adwait gets a blowtorch......
thoreauputicMidNightRaVeN: compassion fatigue - it's a terrible affliction - be sorry for me please ;')09:42
action09_hi all09:43
adwaithell action09_09:43
MidNightRaVeNlol where does this lack of compassion steam from =D ?09:43
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MidNightRaVeNtoo many newbs ;-) ?09:43
Ghetekgaim? new version?09:43
thoreauputicMidNightRaVeN: :)09:43
cafuegoMidNightRaVeN: Didn't the installer auomatically add WinXP to the boot menu?09:43
tvoHackmo: I doubt I can help you then. Could try to remove/replugin cam, I've no clue otherwise09:43
adwaitwho dont RTFM ;)09:43
action09_Someone using  freenx on Hoary ?09:44
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thoreauputicMidNightRaVeN: actually I'm a softy, you'll see...09:44
MidNightRaVeNno... i was having problems installing the grub with XP as my Slave so I just took it off, installed Ubuntu and heard that I could just add XP later09:44
pvhMy azureus won't start -- couldn't see anything in google searches or on the Azureus page. Anyone familiar with the problem?09:44
nickrud_lol, just, swap a few vowels, and you have it09:44
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othernoobpvh, did you install java? ;)09:45
cafuegoMidNightRaVeN: *nod* Check /usr/share/doc/grub/examples/menu.lst - that has an example entry in it. Just check that the disk entry (hd0,1 or something) is updated for your machine.09:45
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thoreauputicMidNightRaVeN: you might have to remap your drives in /boot/grub/menu.lst09:45
cafuegoMidNightRaVeN: Note that windows may not work if it's on the slave drive.09:45
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MidNightRaVeNkk... gonna check lol may take a bit cuz lol I have no idea how to navigate fully yet09:46
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MidNightRaVeNi was reading and can't you trick it to though?09:46
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MidNightRaVeNlike think that it's a master?09:46
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Hackmotvo: already tried that but thanks anyway09:46
parabolizeI am having truble getting a iriver ifp-890 working. When I type dmesg I get this:09:46
parabolizedevice descriptor read/64, error -7109:46
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cafuegoMidNightRaVeN: it insists on having 8MB FAT32 on the master as a mimimum09:46
MidNightRaVeNblegh.... that's going to make things SOOO complicated...09:46
cafuegoMidNightRaVeN: I'm not certain, but I would guess winxp is too dumb to be tricked that way <heh>09:46
cafuegoMidNightRaVeN: You can always make XP the master and flip Linux to the slave; it doesn't care,09:47
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MidNightRaVeNyea... but it feels... soo... disrespectful...09:47
MidNightRaVeNXP should be the slave ;-)09:47
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nickrud_linux is master, whatever XP thinks :)09:48
othernoobif you dislike xp that much, why even use it?09:48
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=== adwait thinks XP shouldnt be there at all........but wht the hell
MidNightRaVeNcuz i'm a gamer09:48
MidNightRaVeNcan you game that much on linux?09:48
MidNightRaVeNdidn't think you could...09:48
adwaitMidNightRaVeN: some windows games work with wine09:48
nickrud_MidNightRaVeN some, and well, but... you can't fight city hall09:48
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MidNightRaVeNyea... so I figure that I'll just keep XP for gaming and Linux for ALL else09:49
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adwaitsalut kilikili09:49
MadpilotUbuntu has Minesweeper and Tetris. what more does a person need? ;)09:49
othernoobMidNightRaVeN: don't you think you'll get annoyed ..i mean..rebooting all the time...09:49
othernoobMadpilot: strip poker :D09:49
nickrud_frozen bubble, mmmm...09:50
soccerfienddoes anyone know of an update udev .deb?09:50
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soccerfiendie 3rd party09:50
nickrud_soccerfiend there is no reason to update udev09:50
soccerfiendkernel 2.6.1209:51
soccerfiendbreaks udev09:51
nickrud_oh, breezy, I'll wait for 37 more days09:51
soccerfiendis it that soon?09:52
NermalI thought it was november09:52
MidNightRaVeNwell... yea lol sometimes, but I still love to game and I figure that if I keep it this way, I'll be able to play and have an actual stable system09:52
cafuegosoccerfiend: Any reason you can't use the normal udev deb with 2.6.12?09:52
soccerfiendit breaks my udev rules09:52
nickrud_no, that's less than 2 months before release, about that time I figure the dev's will go into bug fix mode, not feature mode09:52
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=== thoreauputic_ [~prospero@wolax9-218.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoWhatcha doing with weird-ass rules then :-P09:52
soccerfiendusb hard drives keys etc09:53
othernoobMidNightRaVeN: you could give wine and cedega a try.. or if you must, vmware with xp.09:53
soccerfiendnothing life threatening09:53
soccerfiendjust annoying as hell09:53
MidNightRaVeNthose are all virtual systems of XP right?09:53
othernoobnot quite, but you could say so.09:54
soccerfiendI have a temp fix by forcing a debian based deb install (the evil dpkg --force- commands)09:54
pvhothernoob: I should say: "Azureus stopped working."09:54
cafuegosoccerfiend: Just fetch the udev source deb and the new udev source, replace sources, exit Changelog, build customised .deb09:54
pvhothernoob: It used to start.09:54
MidNightRaVeNwell... for right now i'm a little fresh to linux... so I kinda want to get a good feel before I delve to deeply09:54
cafuego!info udev breezy09:54
ubotuudev: (/dev/ management daemon), section admin, is important. Version: 0.056-2ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 231 kB, Installed size: 688 kB09:55
soccerfiendwas lazy, looking for an easy dpkg -i :)09:55
cafuego!info udev hoary09:55
ubotuudev: (/dev/ management daemon), section admin, is extra. Version: 0.050-3ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 232 kB, Installed size: 696 kB09:55
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othernoobMidNightRaVeN: yea i understand that. but everyone i know, who's a gamer and dualbooted, stayed in XP for casual stuff after playing a game..09:55
nickrud_MidNightRaVeN then, for the next few minutes, ignore this channel :)09:55
cafuegosoccerfiend: Yeah, compile your own deb using the udev tarball, I reckon.09:55
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othernoobpvh and then? what happened then?09:56
othernoobpvh do you use the safepeer plugin?09:56
pvhothernoob: I'm not sure -- I suspect it was a java update that broke it. I didn't notice right away at any rate.09:56
pvhothernoob: Yes, but I don't even get the splash.09:56
=== dantalizing [~dan@cpe-70-117-19-77.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbithey, I just noticed wolfenstein is listed as free on the games forum sticky.  Where can I get it?09:56
pvhothernoob: And 2.2/2.3 both don't work, even when I move my old .Azureus out of the way.09:56
us3rXcafuego: those floppys didnt work, it trys to make me download a "debain iso" or whatnot from the ftp.us.debian.org lol09:57
cafuegous3rX: damn09:57
othernoobpvh tried to uninstall the old crap?09:57
babyfireyou guys rock09:57
cafuegous3rX: get the 100Mb netinst iso from debian.org; install with that; then upgrade to Ubuntu09:57
othernoobtiglionabbit: the ooooooold wolfenstein 3d?09:57
shinudo the packages installed by apt-get get stored somewhere on disk before installation? do they get deleted after installation?09:58
pvhothernoob: How do you mean?09:58
babyfireproblem done09:58
thoreauputicshinu: /var/cache/apt/archives09:58
othernoobpvh i meant, did you try to uninstall azureus and install the latest?09:58
tiglionabbitothernoob: um, yeah09:59
shinuthoreauputic: ok thanks a lot09:59
tiglionabbiter, wolfenstein enemy territory09:59
tiglionabbitnot sure which, I don't really know what the game's about.  Just thought, since it says it's open source, I'd download it09:59
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tiglionabbito I think I can get it from this site if I "register".09:59
othernoobtiglionabbit: mmh, if you find out where one can get it, please let me know09:59
tiglionabbitI'm going to download it from here10:00
othernoobnice, thanks10:01
Protequewhat is the name of the binary of pearpc?10:02
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cafuegoProteque: Don't even bother, it's not useable.10:02
NermalI found it useable10:02
cafuegoNermal: Running what, OSX?10:02
Protequeokay. but what is the binary named?10:02
NermalProteque, read the manual10:02
cafuegoNermal: What did you run it on?10:03
Nermalathlon 2400+ 512 mb ram10:03
cafuegoNermal: It was frighteningly slow on my AMD64/2800+ with 1.5GB ram10:03
cafuegoNermal: Took it *6 hours* to boot up.10:03
Nermaltook it around a minute on mine10:03
ProtequeNermal: the manual does not say what the binary is called. if it is named pearpc it is not in path here10:03
cafuegoProteque: 'ppc'10:04
Nermalyou didn't think after 3 hours that something might be wrong10:04
NermalProteque, have you configured pearpc ?10:04
Nermalit's not called pearpc iirc10:04
cafuegoNermal: No, i was just assuming it sucked even harder than windows ;-)10:04
Protequecafuego: thank you10:04
cafuegoProteque: dpkg -L pearpc | grep bin10:04
soccerfiend40 times slowdow10:04
soccerfiendit is currrently brutal10:05
=== cafuego just runs Tiger on the Macs now; much quicker.
NermalProteque, $ src/ppc CONFIGFILENAME10:05
Nermalwell fuck me sideways - right there on the website10:05
Nermal*rolls eyes*10:05
othernoobhas anyone here ever played Dune 2000?10:05
cafuegoNermal: Um, the Ubuntu package doesn't contain 'src/ppc'10:05
Nermalwell.. thats about 10 minutes of noobness10:06
Nermalthat's my fix of retards for today10:06
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nickrud_Nermal then, why are you here?10:06
cafuegobetter get rid of that mirror then10:06
nickrud_or not10:06
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Protequewhat a nice guy...10:06
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cafuegohe's on #gentoo*, so a tard by definition.10:07
nickrud_heh, can't comment on that10:07
Ghetekwhat is "cron" and how do i add a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" to it?10:07
shinuis ubuntuguide.org down?10:07
othernoobshinu no10:08
tiglionabbitshinu: does it matter?10:08
nickrud_Ghetek cron is a means of running a command at a specific time10:08
tiglionabbitwe have a wiki.ubuntu.com10:08
shinutiglionabbit: yes?...10:08
shinuothernoob: cant open it here... thanks anyways10:08
cafuegoGhetek: Adding 'sudo apt-get upgrade' to cron is *not* a clever idea.10:08
tiglionabbitshinu: why, what do you need?10:08
Ghetekcafuego: why?10:08
shinutiglionabbit: just some small bits of it. :D10:09
cafuegoGhetek: What if an update messes up a config file?10:09
nickrud_Ghetek I'd personally change the upgrade to apt-get upgrade -d10:09
GhetekI've never used -d10:09
tiglionabbitshinu: there is generally better information on the wiki.  I suggest you search it10:09
shinutiglionabbit: i cant open wiki either :D10:09
cafuegoGhetek: You can do the update via cron, but please do a manual upgrade.10:09
=== Ghetek is checking man pages
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tiglionabbitshinu: then it's an internet problem =\10:09
nickrud_Ghetek that will download the files.10:09
Ghetekah ok10:09
cafuegoGhetek: Just make a script and dump it in /etc/cron.daily. No sudo needed, it runs as root.10:09
shinutiglionabbit: seems so... cant ping anything10:09
shinubut irc works fine :D10:10
tiglionabbitshinu: how are you talking to us now?10:10
Ghetekcron.daily is a folder?10:10
nickrud_Ghetek *always* personally monitor changes to your system, unless you are running a farm, then, do whatever you feel :)10:10
cafuegoGhetek: yes10:11
shinutiglionabbit: er... normally? seems that something wrong with the pages... but irc seems fine10:11
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tiglionabbitthat's odd shinu...10:11
shinui just tried to install a modem that i dont have on my comp...10:12
shinuso maybe thats why10:12
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parabolizedoes anyone have a iriver ifp-890 working in ubuntu? I updated the firmware with a xp box but that didn't help. I just tested the usb port with my mouse and it works.10:14
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jasmuzparabolize: can you mount it?10:15
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parabolizeI get this when I type dmesg: device descriptor read/64, error -7110:16
jasmuzumm :/10:17
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parabolizethe ifp works in windows10:17
shinuhow do i restart my services?10:18
shinulike in fedora it would be: services restart network or something10:18
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RichardCi just tried (like 5 or so times) to install mplayer-38610:19
nickrud_shinu invoke-rc.d <service> start|stop|etc10:19
jasmuzparabolize: until you can find a way to solve it. dual boot10:19
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shinuthanks nickrud_10:20
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nickrud_I have a few dribbles to share; you are welcome :)10:21
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BeatYouis where a command to see all insalled packages? i'm trying to slim down my used space10:21
BeatYouconsidering im jus tusing ubuntu as a server10:21
thoreauputicBeatYou: dpkg -l | less10:22
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tiglionabbitwow, neverball is fun10:23
tiglionabbitI wish I had a real graphics chipset10:23
BeatYouthoreauputic thanks - and i like the Henrey Thoreau nick reference10:23
nickrud_tiglionabbit what do you use, I have a 1999 voodoo 3 :)10:23
thoreauputicBeatYou: :)10:23
tiglionabbitnickrud_: well, it's a laptop with "Intel Extreme Crappiness 2"10:23
nickrud_lol, then, it's probably newer :)10:24
RichardCi tryed to get mplayer10:24
RichardCapt-get install mplayer10:24
tiglionabbitno no, see, this is an onboard chipset with absolutely nothing devoted to rendering anything 3D10:24
tiglionabbitthe processor handles it10:24
RichardCbut it says there was and md5sum mismatch10:24
tiglionabbitso anything 3D sucks on this machine, or simply doesn't work10:25
RichardCive tried and apt-get update, then apg-get install mplayer (again10:25
=== thoreauputic notes that any hardware including the word "extreme" is worth avoiding on principle ;)
RichardCand apt-get install mplayer --fix-missing10:25
RichardCit doesnt work10:25
RichardCsame problem10:25
nickrud_RichardC are you using the us.archives ?10:25
tiglionabbitthoreauputic: well, I wanted a tablet PC, and they didn't sell any with real graphics cards at the time.  I'm looking at Toshibas now10:25
RichardCGet:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main libgii0 1:0.8.5-2 [126kB] 10:25
RichardCGet:2 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main libggi2 1:2.0.5-1ubuntu1 [193kB] 10:25
RichardCFetched 319kB in 1m40s (3163B/s)10:25
RichardCFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libg/libgii/libgii0_0.8.5-2_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch10:25
RichardCFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libg/libggi/libggi2_2.0.5-1ubuntu1_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch10:25
nickrud_why does use always go fubar, it's nationally embaressing10:26
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nickrud_RichardC if you have broadband, just remove us. from everything; if dialup, use uk. or ca. and leach from friends.10:26
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othernoobnickrud_: does that mean others arent friends?10:27
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nickrud_no, just, they're the ones that most often forgive our trespasses10:28
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RichardCnickrud_: why uk instead of us?10:29
thoreauputicRichardC: the us server has had issues it seems10:30
johntramphi I have a pc with ubuntu and no internet access.  Every time it turns on it waits ~30 seconds trying to update ntpclient,  How can I remove this from the startup?10:30
nickrud_RichardC cuz us.archive has a problem, I recommend uk based on other peoples's experiences10:30
shinuis the 'networking' service responsible for my ethernet interface?10:30
soccerfiendupdate-rc.d ntpdate remove10:31
johntrampsoccerfiend, thanks10:31
thoreauputicjohntramp: sudo update-rc.d ntpdate -f remove from memory - but c=heck the man page10:31
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cyberixDoes ubuntu have a package to setup 6to4 without having to configure it manually?10:34
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acid2" Extras/MonoQuery/Makefile.am:76: warning: automake does not support conditional definition of SQLITE_FILES in EXTRA_DIST" Does anyone know what I can do about that?10:35
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IceDC571if i change my motherboard and cpu, would i have to reinstall the linux kernel?10:36
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soccerfiendoh ya, update-rc.d must be done as root10:36
soccerfiendchange to an i386 kernel first10:36
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nickrud_IceDC571 as long as you have a i386 kernel, you're ok10:36
soccerfiendthen swap out the MB/CPU10:37
soccerfiendthen install one that matches new proc10:37
soccerfiendI just did this on a box at home a week ago10:37
lamer1I have an LSI MegaRaid Controller on my just installed Ubuntu system. I'm getting the following error SCSI error : <0 0 0 0> return code = 0x40001 and my file system is on read-only state. Any hint ?10:37
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soccerfiendwent from an AMD 1000 to a dual PIII 100010:37
ubuntu_newI am using live CD, how can I use Kdevelop ?10:37
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ubuntu_newwhy are there no significant programs with the liveCD ?10:37
SpooksHey guys. I want to uninstall Ubuntu from this HD & install it on a different one. Any special steps I need to take?10:38
HrdwrBoBSpooks: remove HD, plug into other machine10:38
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nickrud_ubuntu_new what do you mean, 'no significant programs'?10:38
ubuntu_newnickrud_,  no developers program10:38
ubuntu_newno IDE10:38
thoreauputicubuntu_new: umm - desktop oriented ? And define "significant"10:38
nickrud_ubuntu_new this is a user's system, but it's all available10:38
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SpooksI can just whack in a windows CD then & it will format it for me?10:39
nickrud_I mean, how would this thing get made without devel's tools :)10:39
ubuntu_newnickrud_,  I meant its not provided with the liveCD, so what takes up its space?10:39
thoreauputicubuntu_new: if you want development tools, a knoppix CD or similar is a better choice I guess10:39
HrdwrBoBubuntu_new: lots of things10:39
ubuntu_newthoreauputic,  In my opinion knoppix has many more useful tools than the current version of ubuntu does10:40
tiglionabbitubuntu_new: it is very easy to install new software over apt once you have a base install going10:40
ubuntu_newcan't do much with the live cd then?10:40
nickrud_well, I do keep a knoppix disk around for emergencies, but that's inertia10:40
thoreauputicubuntu_new: so use knoppix - ubuntu is aimed at a different user than you, clearly10:40
tiglionabbitubuntu_new: ubuntu is a desktop distro.  It has media players, internets, chat, and drawing stuff by default.  If you want more, install it10:41
acid2too late..10:41
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tiglionabbito well10:42
thoreauputictiglionabbit: he already had made up his mind, methinks10:42
nickrud_heh, got drug in again10:42
tiglionabbituseful tools... wonder what he meant?10:42
Spookskzm, nevermind. I'll try myself.10:42
acid2stuff he can be 1337 with?10:42
nickrud_gcc, that stuff,10:42
tiglionabbitubuntu live cd wouldn't have kdevelop anyway, it's gnome-based10:42
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tiglionabbiteven if it did have compilers10:43
thoreauputictiglionabbit: he wanted kdevelop IDE - on a gnome based disc: he didn't do his homework i guess10:43
nickrud_so, l337 is kdevelop these days :)10:43
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ubuntu_newzomg ubuntu has gnome stuff so it's not as good as knoppix cuz I wanted KDE10:44
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nickrud_heck, I remember when poking into memory above basic was elite :)10:44
tiglionabbitnickrud_: I have heard people brag about how awesome windows is, after hex-editing it to change the window manager...10:45
=== tiglionabbit rolls around laughing.
othernoobheh.. i never understood why people love knoppix..10:45
nickrud_windows, I'm talking about Z80's with 4k memory ;P10:45
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shawnhhey baby10:46
IceDC571whats a good overclocking amd cpu and mobo?10:46
tiglionabbitI burned a knoppix CD for this guy once, to help him save his PC.  It was an old PC.  When we booted it, I was immediately very pissed off to see the bouncing icons and all manner of crap to eat up his tiny amount of memory and crash the poor machine.10:46
Triffid_HunterIceDC571: my epox 8rda is awesome.. kinda dated though, it takes up to a 3200+ socket A10:46
tiglionabbitI thought Knoppix was used for repairs.  Why would they do that to it?10:46
nickrud_othernoob I have rescued my system more than once with knoppix, klaus is a genius10:46
othernoobwell, then you should have used DSL tiglionabbit10:47
IceDC571tiglionabbit: thats kde for ya10:47
thoreauputicnickrud_: Z80 ? When i were lad, we had an abacus if we were *lucky* ! Z80? ha!10:47
othernoobnickrud_ have you tried kanotix yet?10:47
Triffid_Hunterugh dsl.. that doesn't work on old/small systems either10:47
nickrud_othernoob no, I'm pre abacus, I am truly hard to move from what I know :)10:47
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IceDC571Triffid_Hunter: are they still selling overclockable AMD cpus?10:47
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othernoobnickrud_ lol :)10:47
tiglionabbitit made me want to use a version of knoppix that had ONLY the commandline or something.  That would feel better10:48
=== tiglionabbit should look on the site when he's not too tired..
Triffid_HunterIceDC571: nfi.. my board has let me change all my settings.. dunno if its good board or unlocked chip tho10:48
thoreauputictiglionabbit: there was a guy called tech2k on #knoppix a couple of years ago who was making a CLI only knoppix - but he disappeared mysteriously10:49
tiglionabbithmm.  Have you ever heard a person on a deb distro say they're "Too lazy to install that right now"?10:49
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thoreauputictiglionabbit: not as such: but I've often heard "I'm too lazy to read the apt-howto"10:50
tiglionabbitwhenever I hear that from a debian or windows user, I wonder how red hat or gentoo people can survive10:50
jonoI added a respository to sources.list - is there a way of removing all packages and dependent software from that repo?10:50
nickrud_tiglionabbit I keep a very old lnx-bbc boot disk, just for old stuff, because I'm to lazy to install :)10:50
BeatYoudo you guys suggest ReiserFS or ext3 ?10:50
BeatYoui formatted with Reiser10:51
tiglionabbithmm, I wish I knew the answer to jono's question10:51
jonotiglionabbit, same here :P10:51
thoreauputicjono: apt-cache policy combined with deborphan I guess10:51
tiglionabbitBeatYou: I would suggest ext3 only because I have heard nasty rumors about reiserfs10:51
othernoobext3 BeatYou10:51
othernoobtiglionabbit:  like what?10:51
jonothoreauputic, any idea how I can do it?10:51
tiglionabbitothernoob: like that it blows up in your face eventually10:51
Triffid_Huntertiglionabbit: emerge -avt program; get a coffee ;)10:51
tiglionabbitif you "do something ignorant"10:51
nikkiaBeatYou: ext3 for the simple reason that it is backwards and forwards compatible10:51
nickrud_jono I'd comment out the repository, aptitude update, then run aptitude, and look under obsolete and local packages, they'll all be there10:51
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othernoobtiglionabbit: well, most things blow up if you do something stupid ;)10:52
Triffid_Hunterreiser3.6 works just fine here10:52
nikkiaBeatYou: if you really need to read the disk on a kernel without ext3 support (yeah, right, those still exist...) then ext2 will read it just fine :)10:52
thoreauputicjono: I never needed to - but I guess deborphan would help10:52
BeatYoutiglionabbit: example? everyone ive talked to says ResierFS10:52
tiglionabbitothernoob: well, I really know nothing about reiserfs, but I know ext3 works fine...10:52
nickrud_heh, I've needed to, bad update from experimental in debian. What I said works.10:53
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othernoobBeatYou if you don't take good care of ReiserFS the speed advantage you once had will backfire drastically.10:53
Triffid_Hunterothernoob: i have a desktop and a server running reiserfs, neither have had any problems whatsoever10:53
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jononickrud_, so how do I remove the package and its dependencies from that server?10:53
BeatYouothernoob: how do i maintain it then10:54
IceDC571wow.. so xfce really is fast10:54
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othernoobTriffid_Hunter: I didn't say ReiserFS was bad ;)10:54
IceDC571i love reiserfs! :)10:54
nickrud_jono first, comment out the repository in /etc/apt/sources.list10:54
othernoobBeatYou ask Triffid, he seems to know it very well :)10:54
nickrud_jono, then, aptitude update10:54
nickrud_jono, next, simply run aptitude10:55
Triffid_Hunter*shrug* it Just Works for me10:55
IceDC571i love aptitude :)10:55
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jonohow can I find which repo a particular package is in?10:56
nickrud_then, look for 'obsolete and local packages', and this is where it can get hard, depending on what you've installed from the repo you want to clear:10:56
thoreauputicjono: apt-cache policy <package>10:56
tiglionabbit!info w32codecs10:56
FLDhey if i do vncserver :0   can i use that desktop somehow?10:56
tiglionabbit!info xine10:56
tiglionabbitdah, what's one that exists10:56
tiglionabbit!info neverball10:57
ubotuneverball: (3D arcade games: neverball & neverputt), section universe/games, is optional. Version: 1.4.0-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 176 kB, Installed size: 468 kB10:57
tiglionabbitthere we go.  Anyway, that's how you tell10:57
thoreauputictiglionabbit: xine-ui10:57
tiglionabbit!info gxine10:57
nickrud_jono if you're lucky, you've only added new packages, not replaced old ones.10:57
ubotugxine: (the xine video player, GTK+/Gnome user interface), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.4.1-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 240 kB, Installed size: 624 kB10:57
thoreauputic!info xine-ui10:57
ubotuxine-ui: (the xine video player, user interface), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.99.3-1ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 1669 kB, Installed size: 3364 kB10:57
jonoI am having a problem installing transcode from marillat10:57
tiglionabbitxine-ui is all bad-ass dysfunctional looking10:57
tiglionabbitwith a whole lot of buttons that don't work10:57
nikkiajono, the one in backports works better, IME10:58
thoreauputicjono: marillat is out of sync with hoary - use backports10:58
nikkiajono, the transcode in marrilat is regularly broken, even on a pure debian system10:58
othernoobTriffid_Hunter: do you use reiser4?10:58
nickrud_jono the recieved wisdom is to use backports, but a better solution is to compile that one yourself.10:58
nikkianickrud_: have you ever tried compiling transcode yourself ?? :)10:59
=== nickrud_ feels comfortable saying that, knowing he'll never try
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nikkiatranscode is probably the hardest thing in linux-land to compile 'right'10:59
nickrud_nikkia I actually have done, but I doubt I will try again10:59
nikkiait has a trillion depends, almost all of which are 'exact version' depends10:59
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shinuoh my god10:59
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shinui did something seriously wrong with my ubuntu11:00
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shinuafter restart even irc didnt want to work...11:00
=== MidNightRaVeN [~ravencorp@63-227-6-244.dnvr.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitshinu: oh no, what did you do?11:00
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MidNightRaVeNi have a quick question if anyone has a sec =)11:00
shinutiglionabbit: id better tell the whole story :D11:00
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: go ahead, ask before shinu launches into a tale11:01
MidNightRaVeNlol kk11:01
shinutiglionabbit: firstly i thought id install the usb eagle modem (cause i have one back home where i am about to go)11:01
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thoreauputicMidNightRaVeN: just ask :) Someone might know, you never know your luck ;)11:01
MidNightRaVeNi'm thinking of downloading some free-ware from freshmeat.net... how do I know what will work with Ubuntu?11:01
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MidNightRaVeNit's a newb question lol11:01
nikkiaMidNightRaVeN: look at its list of dependancies, check the repositories for -dev versions of those11:01
thoreauputicMidNightRaVeN: you don't normally need or want to do that - use synaptic11:02
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nickrud_MidNightRaVeN figure out what you want from freshmeat, then go to packages.ubuntu.com and see if it's available using apt get11:02
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nikkiaMidNightRaVeN: but first, you're best checking if the app/package in question is *in* the repositories already11:02
shinutiglionabbit: but after installation i noticed i cant open webpages nor ping anything11:02
MidNightRaVeNwhat's the easiest way to do that?11:02
thoreauputicmost things are already available11:02
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: have you used synaptic, or any method of using apt yet?11:02
shinutiglionabbit: so i uninstall what i installed and restarted...11:02
thoreauputicMidNightRaVeN: apt-cache search <keyword>11:02
shinutiglionabbit: but it still didnt work xD11:03
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: I suggest you run it, it's in system -> admin -> synaptic.  It makes installing things a breeze11:03
shinu(not very detailed...)11:03
nickrud_MidNightRaVeN http://packages.ubuntu.com has an excellent web search for programs in ubuntu11:03
ubotuit has been said that synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto11:03
ubotuI heard repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto11:03
tiglionabbitbookmark those wiki entries11:03
tiglionabbitshinu: hehe, I don't know what you can do11:04
MidNightRaVeNthx =) gonna try right now and see if I can find it11:04
tiglionabbitwhat are you looking for?11:04
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cafuego!wiki AddingRepositoriesHowto11:04
MidNightRaVeNa good media player11:04
shinuoh my god... this is just so bad...11:04
thoreauputicMidNightRaVeN: you don't usually need to download stuff a la Winblows11:04
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nickrud_lets see, me, thoreauputic (apt-cache search) and tiglionabbit (synaptic) have good pointers, MidNightRaVeN11:04
MidNightRaVeNlol i see... i kinda thought it was the only way =X11:04
FLDhow do i set xdm to open fluxbox session?11:04
steven_hey hyows it going guys11:05
thoreauputicMidNightRaVeN: Ubuntu saves you the trouble of searching the web for apps11:05
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: well, you've got totem already.  Using synapting you can find vlc, mplayer, gxine, and several other things too11:05
MidNightRaVeNso anyone have a recomendation for a good media player they like??11:05
tiglionabbitwith the right repositories enabled11:05
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MidNightRaVeNlike one that works well and does lots of formats?11:06
steven_ubuntu is thebest11:06
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tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: I like totem, vlc, and mplayer.  But I had to install some things to make them work the way I want.  I also like beep-media-player11:06
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: you just need to install codecs11:06
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steven_I cant believe i had redhat before ubuntu11:06
uboturestricted is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats11:06
steven_REDHAT SUCKS11:06
nickrud_rhythmbox for a lot of music muine for a lovely interface for music; mplayer and xine for video11:06
tiglionabbityes it does steven11:06
shinuis there no such thing as restore settings? 8)11:06
MidNightRaVeNlol i agree...11:06
steven_wowi  had redhat before11:06
MidNightRaVeNi almost killed my machine trying to get redhat to work...11:06
=== shinu feels weird using windows again...
steven_windows blows11:07
steven_linux never gets any spy ware11:07
steven_but with windows11:07
steven_you go to any site11:07
steven_and you get infested11:07
MidNightRaVeNanyway... so i can use a DivX codec from DivX and it will install the same as in like windows?11:07
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: ubuntu is good in a vary similar way that red hat is bad-- installing software11:07
steven_what is the best graphical desktop gui thats out there?11:07
thoreauputicMidNightRaVeN: read the restricted formats wiki11:07
PoromiesMidNightRaVeN: you can get all codecs you need with apt-get11:07
steven_i find xfce pretty good anything better then that11:07
ubotuit has been said that restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats11:07
cafuegosteven_: MacOS X Aqua11:07
nickrud_steven_ twm :)11:08
steven_havent heard of that one11:08
cafuegosteven_: I suggest you pick one that works for you, coz what's best for me problably isn't for you.11:08
nickrud_quick, stable, and obsolete11:08
thoreauputicsteven_: he's joking - twm is the *basic* X interface from the dark ages11:08
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: well, vlc will probably play your divx by default.  By installing codecs though, you can probably get totem and mplayer to do it to11:08
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shinusteven_: install them and try out :D11:08
cafuegothoreauputic: it's the best wm for 8Mb machines11:08
steven_macos x aqua11:09
steven_is that one any good11:09
MidNightRaVeNlol so many choices...11:09
thoreauputiccafuego: yes, i guess that's true :)11:09
cafuegosteven_: Woks for millions of Mac users11:09
steven_so ubuntu is a debian distro?11:09
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nickrud_it also has the oldest bug in debian, iirc11:09
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cafuegosteven_: I find Gnome nice, my wife prefers KDE.11:09
steven_i like kde11:09
steven_gnome.. eh i got bored of it11:10
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tiglionabbitnickrud_: what bug is that?  Bug #1?11:10
thoreauputiccafuego: actually twm works OK if you don't mind basic11:10
steven_but now im inlove with xfce11:10
=== nikkia lols at the suggestion of twm
steven_I just wish i could get my ipod working11:10
steven_i tried the wiki11:10
QMarioIs there an IDE for Perl in Ubuntu?11:10
steven_but it doesnt work to well11:10
cafuegothoreauputic: There's a reason i still have my 1997 ~/.fvwmrc11:10
nikkiathoreauputic: its 'hey, i need to open a window, will you place it on the screen for me' feature is annoying tho11:10
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MidNightRaVeNreal quick... can i get vlc through synaptic?11:10
nickrud_tiglionabbit uh, i think 7 hundred something, it's something I read in a debian announce post a while ago11:10
cafuego!info vlc11:10
tiglionabbitQMario: dunno, but vim, emacs, and gedit can pretend to be an IDE for anything11:10
ubotuvlc: (multimedia player for all audio and video formats), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 4867 kB, Installed size: 11816 kB11:10
cafuegoMidNightRaVeN: yes11:11
QMarioHow do you use emacs?11:11
nikkiaqmario, read the emacs manual :)11:11
tiglionabbitQMario: use control and alt a lot11:11
cafuegoQMario: omg, nooooo!11:11
nikkiaQMario: emacs is a great environment, once you're used to it11:11
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Rydekullvi :)11:11
gm78hey everyone. there is a game where u play table tennis and it is 3d, does anyone remember the name for it?11:12
MidNightRaVeNis there like a search i have to do in synaptic that will take me to vlc?11:12
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: you will need to read the http://wiki.ubuntu.com/addingrepositorieshowto11:12
nickrud_I do NOT need an extra operating system ;P11:12
BeatYou!info beneath-a-steel-sky11:12
ubotubeneath-a-steel-sky: (a science fiction adventure game), section universe/games, is optional. Version: 0.0368-3 (hoary), Packaged size: 67691 kB, Installed size: 70932 kB11:12
thoreauputiced! ed is the editor! man ed! ed man!11:12
gm78MidNightRaVeN, just click the searh button and type in vlc11:12
tiglionabbitthoreauputic: ...no11:12
nickrud_BeatYou that's actually a pretty good free game11:12
BeatYouit is ?11:12
MidNightRaVeNyea... when i typed it in though, nothing came up.... will try again11:12
nikkiathoreauputic: feh, cat and sed is all anyone will ever need!11:13
steven_Hey how long has ubuntu been out there11:13
cafuegois it about a dyson sphere gone mad?11:13
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thoreauputictiglionabbit: nikkia  http://users.fishinternet.com.au/~peterg/edistheeditor.txt11:13
nickrud_BeatYou I had some fun at it's expense11:13
cafuegonikkia: cat is useless11:13
steven_did you see the long ass review article they had for ubuntu on linux world mag11:13
tiglionabbitnikkia: what about people who want to delete past the start of the line?11:13
othernoobBeatYou it's a great game, you should try it11:13
gm78steven_, nearing a year11:13
IceDC571wow.. i thought galeon and epiphany were the same for a while11:13
cafuegonikkia: sed and awk are all you need, using < | > and tee11:13
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gm78steven_, but it is heavily based on debian, which has been around for over 10 years11:13
tiglionabbityou guys, stop being ridiculous, and start promoting an editor that lets you see more than one line of text at a time.  Without having to print it out yourself11:14
nikkiatiglionabbit: i use emacs, i already said its a great environment once you're used to it :P11:14
cafuegotiglionabbit: I never said vim wasn't the best11:14
=== nickrud_ wonders why someone would go to the expense of learning sed when he has paper and scissors ;)
QMarioThank you for all your help! Good Night! :)11:14
tiglionabbitBeatYou: nano is a bit limited11:15
WMCoolmonHey, I'm trying to get checkinstall working but got this bizarre error: package architecture (x86_64) does not match system (amd64)11:15
BeatYouwhat should i use11:15
Rydekullvi/vim, preferably the later but the first does the job aswell :)11:15
cafuegoBeatYou: No, nano is shit; it breaks long lines11:15
tiglionabbitBeatYou: compared to emacs and vim11:15
thoreauputicBeatYou: nano isn't 1337 enough11:15
gm78answered my own question, cannon smash. fun little game, anyone with an Nvidia or ATI card should try it11:15
cafuegoBeatYou: give 'jed' a go.11:15
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IceDC571now which one is faster.. epiphany or galeon?11:15
cafuegoIceDC571: yes11:15
thoreauputicIceDC571: heh - dillo11:15
nikkiathoreauputic: my view on nano is 'if i wanted to use wordstar, i'd find a time machine' :P11:15
WMCoolmonIs there any way to get checkinstall to realize that x86_64 == amd6411:15
nickrud_IceDC571 epiphany, hands down11:15
Rydekullgm78: basically anyone these days then :P11:15
MidNightRaVeNthe more i use ubuntu... the more i'm loving it...11:16
nikkiaaltho if i remember, joe is even more wordstar-y than nano11:16
tiglionabbitBeatYou: if you want to stay commandline, try vim and emacs out a little.  Ubuntu has the "vimtutor" command set up, and in emacs you can say control-h t  to get a tutorial11:16
BeatYounano is 1337 enough11:16
tiglionabbitBeatYou: no, it's not11:16
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WMCoolmonmidnightraven: you are very lucky... :-/11:16
gm78Rydekull, no, believe it or not, most computers still ship with those cheap crappy intel cards...i used to sell them, well over 60% of the ones we sold went out the door with intel cards11:16
BeatYouso vim is the 1337est ?11:16
IceDC571nickrud_: why do you say epiphany?11:16
MidNightRaVeNwhy's that? you not liking it?11:16
tiglionabbitBeatYou: probably11:16
cafuegoBeatYou: No, 'ed' is.11:16
BeatYouWHICH ONE IS THE MOST 133711:17
=== IceDC571 loves vim
tiglionabbitBeatYou: that's a matter of opinion11:17
Rydekullgm78: well, yeah, I know, I have one myself, the IBM x40, but still, it aint that bad :)11:17
BeatYou!info 133711:17
thoreauputicBeatYou: you really are intent on reigniting the editor wars, aren't you ? *grin*11:17
MidNightRaVeNwhcoolmon: not liking it?11:17
Rydekullgm78: they even provided drivers, not that easy to find, but still :)11:17
BeatYou<ubotu> Package '1337' does not exist. - what repos has the latest 1337 ?11:17
nickrud_IceDC571 experience on a slow machine, I've used both as alpha thru today.11:17
WMCoolmonmidnightraven: it seems like everything i try to do, something is either broken or simply not possible under linux that was easily possible in windows11:17
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WMCoolmonmidnightraven: besides, that is, actually getting it installed on my sata drive :p11:18
tiglionabbitBeatYou: you will be l33t when you learn to use vim or emacs to the extent that you are editing multiple documents in a single instance of it, using several windows in them, compiling, and running your shell through them, such that during programming you never have to look at another terminal or quit11:18
nickrud_Epiphany as windows opened from liferea; galeon for general browsing.11:18
gm78Rydekull, really??? i just use the i810 drivers, do the ones they provide give u better performance?11:18
nikkiatiglionabbit: to be l33t in emacs you also need to have written at least one major .el file too :)11:18
tiglionabbitnikkia: yeah, that too11:18
MidNightRaVeNwhcoolmon: =( yea... the way i've understood it is that it's a pain in the arse to get started and going... but once it's up, it's rock solid. I just like it cuz I felt frustrated and burnt out on Windows...11:18
gm78Rydekull, i have an nvidia on the one computer, intel on the other11:18
Rydekullgm78: yeah, long since I tried but it improved a little :)11:19
tiglionabbitBeatYou: you will also have to have at least 200 keyboard commands for your favorite editor on hand at all times, by heart11:19
nikkiathe ultimate emacs l33tness is writing a .el that allows you to write 99% of a source code file by pressing one keystroke :)11:19
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MidNightRaVeNwhcoolmon: trust me... lol it's been a huge pain in my rear to get anywhere that I am now. I almost gave up... it was really crappy11:19
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gm78Rydekull, hmmm....well, my mom uses that computer, she plays pogo.com games, doubt she needs better performance :-P11:19
Rydekullgm78: true :P11:19
tiglionabbitnikkia: now that is ridiculous11:19
tiglionabbitbut just might work11:19
BeatYouwell, first, i have to learn how to open a file in emacs then11:20
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nikkiaBeatYou: i told you, read the emacs manual11:20
tiglionabbitBeatYou: C-x Cf11:20
cafuegoBeatYou: You like pain, eh? ;-)11:20
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tiglionabbitI mean C-x C-f11:20
thoreauputicMidNightRaVeN: it gets easier - then you have to break stuff if you want to avoid boredom ;)11:20
tiglionabbitmeaning, hold control and say X F11:20
Rydekull^x,f :)11:20
nickrud_lol, breakage for fun, that's the channel credo :)11:21
WMCoolmonmidnightraven: well, hopefully i can get to that point sometime, it'd be nice to be able to get away from windows altogether.11:21
cafuegobash: emacs: command not found11:21
nikkiaor just alt-x  find-file  return11:21
cafuegogotta love it11:21
nnachtI have now a problem: I mounted a partitiion of a disk in fstab. Nextime as I boot the computer, it said that: fsck.ext3: FS has unsupported features (/home1), please get a new version of e2fsck.11:21
tiglionabbitcafuego: sudo apt-get install emacs2111:21
BeatYoui tried that cafuego11:21
Rydekullcafuego: -bash: emacs: command not found11:21
cafuegotiglionabbit: No thanks, i only have 40GB free space11:21
Rydekullcafuego: ;)11:21
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tiglionabbitcafuego: lol11:21
tiglionabbit!info emacs2111:21
ubotuemacs21: (The GNU Emacs editor), section editors, is optional. Version: 21.3+1-8ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 1931 kB, Installed size: 5852 kB11:21
IceDC571oh god i just installed the epiphany game11:21
MidNightRaVeNwhcoolmon: know what you mean... the only reason i keep windows right now is cuz i have TONS of games on it, and it does seem to atlease hold up for the gaming world...11:21
IceDC571!info epiphany11:22
nickrud_IceDC571 lol11:22
ubotuepiphany: (Clone of BoulderDash Game), section universe/games, is optional. Version: 0.5.1-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 576 kB, Installed size: 2260 kB11:22
nikkia!info xemacs2111:22
ubotuxemacs21: (highly customizable text editor), section universe/editors, is optional. Version: 21.4.17-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 13 kB, Installed size: 48 kB11:22
tiglionabbitcafuego: I think your hard disk will survive11:22
thoreauputicIceDC571: heheh - epiphany-browser I think11:22
BeatYouwhy does it need 44MB11:22
BeatYouthis is silly11:22
nikkia48K ? that's not right....11:22
cafuegotiglionabbit: No, because I will kill it with a hammer if emacs touches it11:22
nikkiaah, its just a meta-package for xemacs21-bin11:22
MidNightRaVeNwhcoolmon: which stinks cuz I'd rather use Ubuntu for gaming and not deal with XP... i just can't get into wine and stuff like that cuz it's too complicated as of yet11:22
Rydekull!info vim11:22
ubotuvim: (Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor), section editors, is optional. Version: 1:6.3-046+1ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 671 kB, Installed size: 1412 kB11:22
BeatYou!info nano11:22
ubotunano: (free Pico clone with some new features), section editors, is important. Version: 1.2.4-3 (hoary), Packaged size: 398 kB, Installed size: 1296 kB11:22
nickrud_nnacht ask that question again, in a few minutes this storm pass :)11:22
cafuego!info vim-common11:22
ubotutiglionabbit: I don't know, could you explain it?11:22
ubotuvim-common: (Vi IMproved - Common files), section editors, is extra. Version: 1:6.3-046+1ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 3341 kB, Installed size: 13376 kB11:23
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BeatYou!info 1337edit11:23
tiglionabbitI don't think that one exists11:23
BeatYou!info what is the best editor11:23
ubotutiglionabbit: Bugger all, i dunno11:23
thoreauputic!info sex11:23
nnacht I mounted a partitiion of a disk in fstab. Nextime as I boot the computer, it said that: fsck.ext3: FS has unsupported features (/home1), please get a new version of e2fsck.11:23
IceDC571for terminal i like vim, for gui i like leafpad11:23
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MidNightRaVeNthoreauputic: thoreaputic lol your name is too darn hard to write ;-) but I imagine as soon as I do get stuff going and ready, I'm going to break lots of stuff as well =D11:23
BeatYoutab brotha11:23
tiglionabbitsex is not a pack..age...   wow that's more suggestive than I expected11:23
nikkiaMidNightRaVeN: what is wrong with thor<tab> ? :)11:23
thoreauputicMidNightRaVeN: do thore <tab> ;)11:23
RydekullIceDC571: all you have in a gui is a terminal anyway :P11:23
BeatYou!info sex11:24
gm78nnacht, did u format the other partition with ubuntu?11:24
MidNightRaVeNthat helps lol11:24
tiglionabbit!info leafpad11:24
ubotuleafpad: (GTK+ based simple text editor), section universe/editors, is optional. Version: 0.7.9-3 (hoary), Packaged size: 53 kB, Installed size: 368 kB11:24
BeatYou<ubotu> Package 'sex' does not exist.11:24
tiglionabbit!info pornview11:24
ubotupornview: (Image and movie viewer/manager), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 0.2pre1-4 (hoary), Packaged size: 224 kB, Installed size: 676 kB11:24
IceDC571whoa i thought that was fake11:24
WMCoolmonmidnightraven: cedega isn't too hard to install, even on amd64, if you can get the .debs11:24
tiglionabbitno, it's a real program11:24
=== BeatYou types apt-get install pornview
nnachtgm78, no it is a partition in ext3 which I formated earlier with fedora11:24
thoreauputicBeatYou: it does exist actually : "simple editor for X" IIRC11:24
gm78nnacht, which version of fedora?11:24
nickrud_it's not too bad of a viewer, either11:25
IceDC571watch pornview depend on a lot of xvid files11:25
gm78nnacht, selinux might be to blame, there are extended features it adds into ext311:25
BeatYouso has ubuntu pretty much taken over in terms of what distro n00bs install ?11:25
MidNightRaVeNWMCoolmon: never heard of cedega =X i tried Fedora, and umm lol uhhh... mandrake... but so far ubuntu suits me best11:25
BeatYouover mandrake that is11:25
IceDC571whorey wants me to insert my cd for epiphany11:26
nikkiaheh, pornview doesn't like .vob files very much11:26
nnachtgm78, oh, yes. it could be possible. but if i mount it manuelly, it was no problem11:26
RydekullI must say that porn-get rules pornview11:26
gm78BeatYou, somewhat....there is still linspire, xandros and mepis11:26
othernoobMidNightRaVeN cedega used to be called winex11:26
gm78BeatYou, it is definately the best newbie gnome distro11:26
IceDC571the xfce run panel doesnt know what sudo means11:26
BeatYouslackware is the best newb kde distro11:26
MidNightRaVeNothernoob: i haven't been around long enough to hear of either...11:27
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gm78BeatYou, i might have to disagree with you there :-P Mepis and Kubuntu are much easier to use11:27
WMCoolmonmidnightraven: it's a windows emulator for games, but it can run other programs as well11:27
gm78BeatYou, slackware is good if u want to learn linux tho11:27
WMCoolmonmidnightraven: once it's installed you just type "cedega program.exe" and it runs it11:27
othernoobgm78 so is LFS ;)11:28
gm78othernoob, lol, true11:28
MidNightRaVeNWMCoolmon: does it crash a lot though?11:28
BeatYouwe run slackware in our class for one of the servers11:28
gm78MidNightRaVeN, depends entirely on the game, check the site for support11:28
gm78*supported games11:28
nnachtanother question: I want to compile a QT-programm from soure. By the configure, I got the message that QT was not installed. What should I install? Say: apt-get install ???11:28
gm78nnacht, apt-get install libqt-dev11:28
MidNightRaVeNkk =) thx for the info! lol I'm learing so much in one day I think my head is going to explode ;-)11:29
BeatYouanyone have gmail in here ?11:29
thoreauputicnnacht: those errors almost always mean you need -dev libraries11:29
tiglionabbitBeatYou: I do11:29
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gm78MidNightRaVeN, the level of support is incredible though when u think about it. they have to write a compatability layer for a lot of microsoft's libraries without any support from microsoft11:29
tiglionabbitand up to 50 other people around here can too, ask away!11:29
BeatYouis there any way to use pgp keys with gmail11:29
=== tiglionabbit turns into a gameshow host
MidNightRaVeNwhat is the stuff you guys when you put "! blah"?11:29
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: it commands ubotu the bot to say something11:30
BeatYoudont make me turn on trivia bot tiglionabbit11:30
MidNightRaVeNgm78: seriously... the community with Linux is so sweet... it's the thing that attracts me the most11:30
BeatYoucause im sure id be banned in 5 minutes11:30
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othernoobBeatYou: it's worth it ;)11:30
gm78MidNightRaVeN, lol, yeah, problems get solved pretty quickly here11:30
BeatYouno thanks11:30
tiglionabbitI was attracted to linux for the fiddling11:31
gm78MidNightRaVeN, not sure if anyone told u, cedega requires a subscription fee11:31
tiglionabbitI like an OS I can stare at for days and always find new things to screw around with and shove in it11:31
nnachtgm78, as I was just trying with apt-get install libqt-dev, I got the message that libqt3-dev is already install. And there is nothing to install for libqt-dev11:31
MidNightRaVeNno one told me =(11:31
BeatYoui was attracted to linux beacuse running server programs in windows = satan11:31
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tiglionabbitBeatYou: good reason11:31
BeatYouand ubuntu is only <= satan11:32
gm78nnacht, ok, read the log file, it will search for qt in /lib/qt or something like that, i think ubuntu puts qt in the same directory except qt3, u might have to make a symlink (i had to on RHEL)11:32
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BeatYougoing to sleep now11:32
gm78MidNightRaVeN, u can compile it from source, but it is missing features, such as support for some games11:32
nnachtgm78, thanks a lot11:32
BeatYounick BeatYou-zZz11:32
gm78nnacht, no problem11:32
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MidNightRaVeNgm78: yea... it's a bit to take on just yet... i still have to get my sound card to work lol11:33
IceDC571why cant they just call it the dildo browser?11:33
othernoobIceDC571: because guys wouldn't use it :p11:33
gm78MidNightRaVeN, what kind of sound card?11:34
thoreauputicIceDC571: heh - funny name I agree: but dillo is blazingly fast at least11:34
MidNightRaVeNgm78: Creative Audigy ZS Gamer11:34
MidNightRaVeNhaven't tried to mess all that much to get it to work11:34
othernoobMidNightRaVeN: and what is the problem?11:34
gm78thoreauputic, yeah, and it craps out on standards compliant sites. run www.redhat.com through w3c.org's html checker, it should be compliant, dillo wont render it properly11:34
gm78MidNightRaVeN, open a terminal, type lspci, and then post the line about your soundcard11:35
MidNightRaVeNdunno... no sound... could just be something stupid like the sound is just muted or something cuz I just started Ubuntu today... but I mean... the sound isn't muted and for some reason when i try to test it, nothing plays11:35
tiglionabbitwow, leafpad and mousepad are exactly the same thing.  They are identical in every way except that mousepad has a print button!11:35
thoreauputicgm78: dillo has no support for frames etc - and I agree it doesn't render pages as they are written at times11:36
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thoreauputicgm78: still a nice little browser for searches and docs etc11:36
MidNightRaVeN0000:02:08.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy (rev 04)11:36
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gm78thoreauputic, yeah, i tried it but i need java applets and for pages to load properly, etc. a lot of my schooling is done through a web browser11:36
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martiiquestion about cron as ubuntu comes with anacron11:37
thoreauputicgm78: I use it mostly for local files and on my old pentium 200 machine11:37
gm78MidNightRaVeN, yep, hats it11:37
othernoobMidNightRaVeN: do you use kde or gnome?11:37
tiglionabbitwhat is cron?11:37
martiidoes /etc/init.d/cron restart restart anacron ?11:37
MidNightRaVeNfor now anywho11:37
martiiin fact there is cron + anacron11:37
gm78MidNightRaVeN, ok, how are you trying to test your sound? like with what program?11:37
martiiwhy ?11:37
nikkiamartii: they serve different purposes11:38
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: if you ever decide to add kde, install the package 'kubuntu-desktop' while you don't have a backports repository in your list.  Just uh, store that snigget of info for later11:38
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othernoobi have the Audigy 2 ZS and all i had to do was to select analog output MidNightRaVeN11:38
gm78tiglionabbit, if u install kubuntu-desktop, does it replace gdm with kdm or anything like that?11:38
othernoobin KMix...which you don't have11:38
nikkiamartii: if you want a program to run 'once a day, at, or after, 8am' anacron is your solution....11:38
tiglionabbitgm78: it asks you if you'd like to11:38
thoreauputicmartii: anacron does useful stuff like running cron after the machine has been down or otherwise unable to run cron jobs11:38
gm78tiglionabbit, ah, alright11:39
MidNightRaVeNgm78: well.. i tried the program Ubuntu Device Database i think it is, and it asked if it played sound... and nothing happened11:39
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IceDC571someone made my dream come true! http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=20811:39
tiglionabbitgm78: it installs kdm regardless, but during the install it asks you which you'd like to make the default.  You can always switch in sys -> admin -> login screen setup11:39
IceDC571a gtk-based msn messenger!11:39
MidNightRaVeNgm78,: where do you select analog sound from?11:39
othernoobis there something like Kmix for Gnome?11:39
gm78MidNightRaVeN, open a private chat with me, i might be able to get it going11:39
jeroen_IceDC571, It can't be as good as amsn ;-)11:39
MidNightRaVeNgm78: how do i do that?11:40
REWindHi! I just recovered my computer after a Windows installation. But when grub reinstalled itself on the bootblock it started to name the partitions diffrent since before11:40
martiithoreauputic: ok so should I restart anacron ?11:40
gm78query gm78 (put a forward slash in front of query though)11:40
othernoob"/query name" MidNightRaVeN11:40
nikkiamartii: why do you feel you need to restart anacron ?11:40
IceDC571jeroen_: oh but it will rule over amsn as it progresses :)11:40
MidNightRaVeNothernoob: thx =D11:40
thoreauputicmartii: yeah, sudo  /etc/init.d/anacron restart11:40
REWindIs it any way to get grub to understand the real partitions names?11:40
IceDC571after all its only version 0.111:40
thoreauputicor whatever11:40
jeroen_IceDC571, okay, whatever ;-) If you can get it into universe, I will try it :-)11:41
martiithoreauputic: I think it does not work well11:41
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tiglionabbitREWind: grub numbers your partitions by their order from the master, starting with hd0,011:41
thoreauputicmartii: ?11:42
martiithoreauputic: /etc/init.d/anacron restart and nothing happens11:42
martiithoreauputic: while11:42
martii/etc/init.d/cron restart * Restarting periodic command scheduler...                              [ ok ] 11:42
thoreauputicmartii: you don't normally need to touch anacron - what are you doing that requires this?11:42
martiithoreauputic: edit anacron file11:42
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martiithoreauputic: /etc/cron.d/anacron11:43
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yonilQ: which software can encode an avi video with DivX / XviD or something else ?11:45
martiiyonil: mplayer11:45
REWindtiglionabbit, I needed to remove the windows partion and the swap partion to be albe to reformat and recreate the windows partition before installation. That created a change in partitions number as you say... it counts from the "master".. What I did was load a live CD and then rearrange the partitions so they have the same numbering as before and then reinstalled grub. That was my misstake I would say.11:45
martiiyonil: it has encoder boundeled in11:45
yonilmartii, oh right i forgot ... i11:45
yonili'll try it then, thanks11:46
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REWindIf I had restarted the machine again before reinstall grub, grub would have recongnise the change in partitionnumbering and then done the installation as I wanted it to be... but now that's not the case. Can I somehow correct this?11:46
nikkiayonil: mplayer (mencoder), ffmpeg, transcode, etc11:46
IceDC571is balsa more lightweight than evolution?11:47
thoreauputicIceDC571: yes11:47
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thoreauputicIceDC571: almost anything is lighter weight than evolution ;)11:47
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gm78Hey, just wondering, anyone here using 3ddesktop?11:47
tiglionabbitlol, when you run pornview, on the taskbar it shows "proview_status"11:47
tiglionabbitthat's awesome11:47
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IceDC571is it supposed to be like a disguise?11:48
tiglionabbitwell it's better than someone seeing the word "porn" in your tasks11:48
IceDC571i see11:48
gm78probably wouldnt look good if ur boss walked behind u and saw it11:48
othernoobonly if it's a woman :P11:49
IceDC571well my boss is bisexual11:49
tiglionabbitoh sorry I'm wrong, it shows the pornview one too11:49
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vuduchldi have installed ubuntu in my spare box many times.  however -- the past couple of times the monitor frequency has been out of range and it no longer boots into GDM.  i think my monitor has a safeguard for that because a convenient blue box came up with nothing else telling me what was going on.  considering there is nothing in the ubuntu install that has any configurable options for monitors, i'm assuming, something with the updates / de11:49
atevesis there some linux notifier for gmail?11:49
_4strO_yop oyp11:49
gm78IceDC571, ur boss is pretty open and honest with u i take it?11:49
IceDC571ateves: yep11:49
vuduchldhave misinterpreted my monitor11:49
nikkiaif my boss walked up behind me, i'd be seriously worried about how  he broke into my home :P11:50
atevesIceDC571: which one?11:50
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IceDC571ateves: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=59011:50
tiglionabbitI wish I had a boss.  I've got no job!11:50
IceDC571ateves: actually nevermind.. its for windowmaker11:51
vuduchldhas anyone every experienced my monitor problem ?11:51
tiglionabbitI've been trying really hard to get hired...   having difficulty even getting one at Wendy's11:51
thoreauputicvuduchld: I would run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg and enter your monitor's specs11:51
othernoobtiglionabbit: you'll have to show your goods more ;)11:51
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vuduchldthoreauputic thank you11:51
vuduchldi think i can get to a command prompt11:51
tiglionabbitI suppose I should make a flashy website11:51
tiglionabbitI hand around my resume, which looks like this: http://people.ucsc.edu/~nretalla/resume.html11:52
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tiglionabbitzomg, now you know where I live11:52
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Will__Able to reconfigure MOST operating systems, eh?11:53
=== nikkia orders lots of pizza to tiglionabbit's house
nikkiatiglionabbit: personally, i wouldn't put the dvorak stuff in there11:53
Will__I'm not impressed. I demand dvorak on ALL platforms11:53
nikkiait'll just confuse HR people, and they don't like being confused11:54
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tiglionabbitWill__: I only say "Most" because someone is going to have me use an uber-primitive database program with no underlying OS11:54
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atevesIceDC571: i dislike this program right now, because no dependent packages can be found via apt11:55
nikkiaWill__: i can think of a few situations where dvorak is a no-go11:55
Will__That's the one reason I hold off on dvorak.11:55
nikkiaWill__: a vt terminal to a remote machine, for example11:55
tiglionabbitand yeah, you're right, maybe I do want to tailor it to what will actually make them want to talk to me first11:55
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nikkiatiglionabbit: when i was looking for a job last, i had about 12 different resumes11:55
Will__nikkia: sarcasm. I dislike it as an idea, and am dubious of some studies of speed11:55
tiglionabbitnikkia: =\  is it that hard?11:56
nikkiatiglionabbit: each one tailored to presenting a different set of skills as the 'key', each potential employer got the resume most suited to their needs11:56
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tiglionabbitI've applied to over 30 places already.  Yeah..11:56
nikkiatiglionabbit: i dunno, its just a trick i was told to use, and it helped, i think11:56
Will__nikkia has the right idea11:56
tiglionabbitstill waiting for a response from Wendy's, and that Cleaners place11:56
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pepsixtiglionabbit, mmmm.. another person looking for employment at fine establishments11:57
tiglionabbitI don't like being dishonest11:57
pepsixat least im not alone :D11:57
vuduchldi rebooted.  in my bios screen it was off center.  i made it center.  oddly when it resumed booting GDM came up just fine.  thoreauputic -- do you think this is alright ?11:57
nikkiatiglionabbit: you don't need to be dishonest, you just need to make sure that your skill set presented in the resume most suits the job its for11:57
thoreauputicvuduchld: hey, if it works why change it ?11:57
tiglionabbitvuduchld: it is common that after installing video acceleration, the screen is a little off in adjustment11:58
vuduchldok just wanted to make sure it was safe11:58
nikkiatiglionabbit: noone's going to dive thru a list of OS sysadmin tasks to find that you say you can program C at the bottom, when they want a developer, for example11:58
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tiglionabbitnikkia: that's why I put C near the top11:58
othernoobnikkia, i hardly doubt that Wendy's cares about any of it either...11:58
vuduchldactually no acceleration was installed merely a kvm connecting the two computers.  i was in bios post screen11:58
nikkiaothernoob: well, that's true, but i doubt they care about 80wpm on dvorak either :)11:58
othernoobthat's why i said "any" ;)11:59
nikkia'can operate a spatula competantly' is about all they'll look for on a resume :)11:59
tiglionabbitnikkia: I thought that by listing my computer skills, after they'd heard I've admin'd several flavors of unix/linux, they would trust me to use their cash register11:59
vuduchldwho does 80wpm on dvorak ???  btw, who uses dvorak ?  someone who never swapped keyboards.. i never understood why it was created11:59
nikkiavuduchld: a very basic dvorak typer :)12:00
tiglionabbitis 80wpm slow?12:00
tiglionabbitI can't think fast enough12:00
nikkiawhen i was using dvorak i was hitting 120wpm12:00
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tiglionabbitI only switched last year12:00
nikkiabut given that i can type at 120wpm on qwerty too, and spent too much time having to swap between the two, i gave up on dvorak12:00
vuduchlddo people today still use dvorak ?  for me i thought it was a 80ish keyboard12:00
tiglionabbitmaybe I used a bad method of switching or something...  but I type more than twice as fast as I did with querty12:00
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Will__Stating you use Dvorak is letting them know you are a power-geek, and will happily live in a server room on doritoes and coffee12:00
Lucky68moinsen :)12:00
nikkiaWill__: what kind of company allows you need a server with doritoes ??!?12:01
vuduchldyeah but if you know dvorak its inevitable you will have to use qwerty too12:01
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tiglionabbitI can't use querty anymore.  Am I a failure?12:01
vuduchldi love coffee.  what i hate most about it is what it does for my digestive tract12:02
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vuduchldtiglionabbit not if you can use a spatula ;)12:02
tiglionabbitI can't type over 85wpm in dvorak...12:02
Will__80% of the server rooms I have been in kept all the goodies behind glass doors12:02
tiglionabbitI could never type more than 45wpm in querty12:02
othernoobwhat's the point of dvorak anyway?12:02
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vuduchldbut not to worry -- i dont think i could use a spatula12:02
Will__You could throw doritoes at them all night, and they would still be fine12:02
vuduchldhno73, my condolences12:02
nikkiawill, dorito-dust can be pretty nasty12:02
Will__I do 80wpm on qwerty without being able to touch type12:02
tiglionabbitothernoob: tailored to english, puts all the common keys in the middle to reduce carpal tunnel..  and uh, the keys actually have a reason to be where they are, instead of being all random and stupid12:03
nikkiatiglionabbit: tailored to *american english* is what you mean12:03
hno73vuduchld: ?12:03
tiglionabbitnikkia: what ever12:03
vuduchldwell you are .uk12:03
nikkiatiglionabbit: which is also its biggest downfall, imo12:03
othernoobthus not english :p12:03
Will__nikkia: Fair enough. Maybe we can negotiate a broom-closet for living space12:03
tiglionabbitwhoa, what's that?  I've never seen that dvorak site before12:03
vuduchldi didn't know exactly who was responsible until 4am12:03
vuduchldfor the london thing but thats a bit off topic12:03
hno73vuduchld: thanks. Fortunately not in London though12:04
othernoobtiglionabbit: are there outer layouts designed for other languages?12:04
=== nikkia nearly lost her SO yesterday
othernooblike german or swedish for example?12:04
nikkiaothernoob: of dvorak? no12:04
tiglionabbitothernoob: there's polish dvorak12:04
nikkiaothernoob: people have tried, but its a lot of work to analyse the character usage of languages12:04
othernoobnikkia, not of dvorak, i meant in general12:04
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nikkiaothernoob: yeah, there are lots of keyboard layouts12:05
sam_i started trying out dvorak recently12:05
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othernoobnikkia: is there one for german or swedish ;)12:05
tiglionabbitubuntu has dvorak for english, polish, french, swedish, norwegian, united kingdom, and english for one-handed people12:06
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=== thoreauputic wonders if he is in #keyboards - hmm, no the topic says Ubuntu... odd
nikkiatiglionabbit: there is only one official dvorak though, and the others work to a variety of effectiveness, IME12:06
tiglionabbitwhat's IME?12:06
nikkiain my experience12:06
tiglionabbitIn My Experience?12:06
tiglionabbitjust guessed it12:06
sam_nice when your fingers dont have to fly around the whole keyboard all the time12:07
nikkiasam, if your fingers are flying around the keyboard, you'e typing wong, regardless of the layout :P12:07
tiglionabbitbut damn, I can't type fast enough with dvorak then, if I should be typing 120wpm.  What do you think I should do to train?12:07
othernoobwell i was just wondering, would give something else a try, besides qwerty..but if there isn't one for german it's of no use to me12:07
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Mr_Smileyhow did you learn how to type dvorak? I want to try it12:07
adwaitwhts dvorak?12:07
tiglionabbitnikkia: no, querty takes a lot more movement.  I can really feel that12:07
tiglionabbitMr_Smiley: I just downloaded dvorak7min12:08
tiglionabbit!info dvorak7min12:08
ubotudvorak7min: (Typing tutor for dvorak keyboards), section universe/games, is optional. Version: 1.6-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 23 kB, Installed size: 116 kB12:08
Mr_Smileyah ok i'll try that then, thanks12:08
nikkiatiglionabbit: *shrug*, my fingers stay on the home row 99% of the time, the movements are minimal12:08
tiglionabbitMr_Smiley: make sure you set your keyboard layout to dvorak first though =P12:08
Mr_Smileyyep  :P12:08
tiglionabbityou can add a switcher to the gnome panel12:08
tiglionabbitit's handy12:08
Mr_Smileyyeah that could be handy12:08
Mr_Smileyhow do i do that?12:08
tiglionabbitright-click it and add a thing called "Keyboard Indicator"12:09
Mr_Smileyah yeah just found it :P12:09
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Mr_Smileyyeah that site i linked got me interested in it12:09
tiglionabbitMr_Smiley: switching keyboard layouts felt like I had my arm ripped off for about a week.  Keep that in mind...  do you have some time when you don't need to type anything?12:10
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Mr_Smileyyeah i do, i'm on holidays for two weeks :P12:10
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theturniphi, i just formatted my linux partition and reinstalled warty on it, installation carries along quite happily, but when rebooting grubs give me an error 17 and then nothing12:10
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ubotuI don't know, tiglionabbit12:11
tiglionabbitdamn, was worth a try12:11
tiglionabbitanyway, that means grub can't figure out your volumes12:11
tiglionabbitwhich is not gewd.  Are you sure you got it installed on the mbr correctly?  And uh, are you using a really old bios?12:11
Mr_Smileyhmm that keyboard indicator isn't showing dvorak12:11
sam_its easy to realize qwerty is flawed when there is only one wovel on the home row12:11
snowblinkHow do I change the keyboard from US to UK in console only? (server build)12:12
tiglionabbitMr_Smiley: add the keyboard.  System -> prefs -> keyboards, layouts tab12:12
Mr_Smileyyeah i have...12:12
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theturniptiglionabbit, whether i installed the mbr correctly i have no clue, never had to manually do anything to it in my life;)12:12
tiglionabbitand when you click on the indicator, it doesn't switch from USA to Dvo ?12:12
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Mr_Smileyah there we go, i readded it12:12
tiglionabbittheturnip: do you usually need a /boot partition?12:12
nikkiasnowblink: 'loadkeys'12:13
Mr_Smileylol was just about to type its working now, but i had changed it to dvorak12:13
snowblinknikkia, cheers12:13
theturnipwhenever i've set up things in the past they've just sorted themselves out automagically12:13
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tiglionabbitMr_Smiley: lol12:13
Mr_Smileytime to try this dvorak7min12:13
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tiglionabbitkjtrglu gl kjd ,oslu patsfk g; rosnpdmakgi  ( typing in the wrong layout is problematic )12:14
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Mr_Smileyyeah it looked a bit like that :-)12:14
G2khey all, I'm new to ubuntu I just switched over from gentoo...uhm...I have a question, I'm not able to install things like mplayer and I dont understand this repository thing too well...what am I supposed to add?12:14
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wijnandG2k: add them all12:14
Mr_SmileyG2k: have you been to ubuntuguide.org12:14
wijnandG2k: mplayer is in multiverse iirc12:14
Mr_Smileythats very useful12:14
znhIs it known that the ubuntu mirror gives 404 errors? (in apt-get)12:14
ubotuhmm... repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:15
ubotubackports is, like, http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/12:15
tiglionabbitread those instead12:15
znhtiglionabbit: that's not the prob..12:15
G2kMr_Smiley: ya im trying to make sense out of things12:15
G2kwijnand: ive added a bunch12:15
tiglionabbitI'm talking to G2k12:15
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tiglionabbitG2k: you need to add a mirror for backports12:15
tiglionabbitG2k: but be sure to comment it out once you've got mplayer and w32codecs12:15
tiglionabbit!info mplayer-58612:16
ubotumplayer-586: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu6 (hoary), Packaged size: 3486 kB, Installed size: 7508 kB12:16
tiglionabbitoh, it's in multiverse12:16
gm78Anyone here running amd64 ubuntu? i need the /etc/apt/sources.lst for someone running amd6412:16
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znhGetting xfce4 gives me 404 errors, updating does not help12:16
naliothtiglionabbit: i am glad you've got a big box of !12:16
G2ktiglionabbit: i added some backports (the ones that the ubuntu guide tells you to put)12:16
naliothznh: the repos are wonky atm12:16
wijnandtiglionabbit: :)12:16
tiglionabbitnalioth: =\  I get the idea, but i'm not gonna stop12:16
znhnalioth: :(12:16
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action09_tiglionabbit hi what do u mean please , there are 2 versions of mplayer ? one in backports and the other one where ?12:16
tiglionabbitnalioth: even though your dog is better12:17
tiglionabbitaction09_: well according to ubotu here, it's in multiverse12:17
naliothtiglionabbit: oh, no you misunderstand me, i'm glad you have a big box of !12:17
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lampshadeAnyone know when firefox is going to get fixed so that you can visit update.mozilla.org without the hackish solution?12:17
tiglionabbitlampshade: it's fine, I can tell you how to fix it though12:17
ubotuI heard firefox is version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"12:17
thoreauputiclampshade: Ocober, presumably12:17
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naliothG2k: stay away from the 'guide, it is full of pitfalls12:17
FLDthere is plenty of money in the world to guy that can fake his dead12:17
Mr_Smileyjust wondering what is wrong with the guide?12:18
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G2knalioth: well...what should I do then? I'm an ubuntu n00b, have no clue how the package system works here12:18
aburdaAnybody know if it is possible to use/set variables in the nautilus location bar, i.e. I can use type mp3 instead of /dos/mp3?12:18
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tiglionabbitMr_Smiley: it doesn't explain to you what any of the commands do, and can screw things up for you if you sudo around wildly like that12:18
TeezWhy does Ubuntu not upgrade software, it only provides security fixes for it? I find it really annoying to say the least12:18
action09_tiglionabbit ho ok if i have these 2 sources multiverse and backports (like in Ubuntu guide..) from which one will they be installed ?12:18
naliothG2k: https://wiki.ubuntu.com12:18
Mr_Smileyah ok yeah that is true12:18
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aburda....I can just type mp3 instead of ....12:18
lampshadetiglionabbit:  yeah that solution was the hackish thing I was talking about ;)12:19
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MezTeez, that's changing soon :D12:19
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Mr_SmileyI know what the commands do, so I just pick the stuff that I like12:19
znhTo remove gnome, would apt-get remove gnome-* adviceable?12:19
onkarshindeG2k: What help do you need about package system?12:19
TeezMez, When is soon?12:19
Mr_Smileybut yeah for new users its not too good12:19
TeezMez, heh12:19
naliothTeez: every 6 months you get a shiny new distro12:19
G2konkarshinde: all i want to do is install mplayer and a few other programs12:19
MezTeez, backports has become an official project so people will be able to choose12:19
MezTeez, well, we're not too sure.. the sbuild should be up and running pretty soon12:19
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tiglionabbityou guys, what is the best way to remove a metapackage?12:20
tiglionabbitby that I mean remove everything the metapackage pulled in12:20
onkarshindeznh: I suppose apt-get -f remove should do.12:20
TeezMez, Well, that'll be a major improvement12:20
onkarshindeG2k: on the terminal type 'sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list12:21
znhonkarshinde: just apt-get -f remove ?, then how does it know I want to remove gnome?12:21
G2konkarshinde: k12:21
MezTeez :D yes I know - but for now - check out http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/12:21
TeezMez, Alright, will do.12:21
naliothznh: i suggest you use synaptic, and search for "gnome"12:22
onkarshindeznh: I mean -f flag is important. You can put the package name you want. But please check this first.12:22
G|limmerhello all12:22
znhonkarshinde: Ok, thanks12:22
G2konkarshinde: i added ## Backports12:22
G2kdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted12:22
G2kdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted12:22
REWindDon't know if you talk about keyboard layout anymore.. however, what I've heard was that qwerty was designed to slow down typing when typing english due to the type machines couldn't type as quick as the human mind could. Therefore the designed a layout slowing down so the letters in the type machine didn't stuck in each other as they can do if you type to quickly...12:22
wijnandwhen i add the backports repository, can i have ubuntu blindly upgrade all packages? or will i run into trouble?12:22
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onkarshindeG2k: So now do apt-get update. This will update package listing. Then you can say apt-get -f install mplayer12:23
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naliothwijnand: at the time, its not recommended to do a full upgrade using BP12:24
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naliothwijnand: it's advised to get the pkg(s) you want, and then comment BP out until next time12:24
wijnandnalioth: so how do i prevent the update manager from looking in that repository?12:24
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onkarshindeG2k: alternatively you can close the terminal and use Synaptic (graphical tool). Not that you can't use both apt-get and synaptic simultaneously.12:24
wijnandahh right12:24
G2konkarshinde, E: Couldn't find package mplayer12:24
G2kterminal is better :D im coming from a gentoo background so i feel more confident with it12:25
naliothG2k: synaptic has a friendlier interface12:25
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naliothG2k: then at the prompt, type "apt-cache search mplayer"12:26
G|limmeri downloaded FireFox 1.04 and want to install it. But i am confused how should I proceed. Should I remove the old FireFox first? Where should I install the new one?12:26
znhThis is terrible, I can't even get firefox :/12:26
thoreauputicG2k: try apt-cache search mplayer - there is no mplayer package, only a choice accoeding to your cpu etc12:26
naliothG|limmer: why do you need 1.0.4?12:26
deFryskG|limmer, only use ubuntu packages12:26
G2kthoreauputic, nalioth, k done12:27
znhAren't there other mirrors?12:27
naliothG2k: in the output, you should see mplayer-i386 and similar12:27
rob^G|limmer, the firefox in ubuntu is patched up to 1.0.412:27
naliothznh: are you using us mirrors?12:27
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G2knalioth: mga-vid-source - Kernel driver for the back-end scaler on Matrox cards (source)12:27
G2kw32codecs - win32 binary codecs12:27
rob^no need to install again12:27
znhnalioth: yea.. they are terrible12:27
G|limmernalioth, deFrysk: Hi. 104 has security fixes, no?12:27
rob^G|limmer, it does, they are already included12:28
onkarshindeG|limmer: Why do you need FF 1.0.4? The fixes are ported to the Ubunbtu. All you need is to enable security repository and update your current FF.12:28
naliothG|limmer: rob^ mentioned about that to you12:28
naliothwhere is tiglionabbit and his box of !12:28
ubotu[firefox]  version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"12:28
deFryskG|limmer, if you update ubuntu the new 1.0.2 has the fixes included12:28
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znhterrible.. can't do nothing12:28
G|limmerrob: Is it already? I heard there is a probleb in Ubuntu in reporting and displaying v1.04 of FireFox as v1.02. Is that true and how to fix it?12:28
rob^G|limmer, yes12:29
vuduchldi did a apt-get dist-upgrade and thinking its upgrading my hoary to the new 5.10 version that is not official.  i am wondering if it will also update my sources.list ?  if it doesn't i dont know how i would go about creating a proper one12:29
G2knalioth: after executing that command i still cant install it12:29
rob^G|limmer, what ubotu said12:29
naliothznh: are you using us mirrors?12:29
znhnalioth: yes I do12:29
naliothG2k: which command is that?12:29
jeroen_vuduchld, you want to know what the correct sources.list is? Watch12:30
ubotufrom memory, sources is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3812:30
naliothznh: open your /etc/apt/sources.list for editing (using sudo) and remove the us from in front of us.archive, blah on all lines12:30
G2ksudo apt-cache search mplayer12:30
znhnalioth: ok, that would help -?12:30
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onkarshindeG2k: I am not sure how well maintained that backport repository is. Is there any special reason behind installing MPlayer?12:30
naliothznh: yes, it will give you 'random next server' instead of a specific mirror12:30
znhnalioth: awesome12:31
thoreauputicG2k: apt-cache search just shows you the packages12:31
naliothG2k: in the output you should see mplayer-i386 or similar12:31
G2knalioth: i dont i see like win32codecs and something else...im installing the win32codecs cus i need those anyawys12:31
=== znh gives nalioth a big hug
naliothG2k: find the package that matches your hardware, and use that pkgname behind your apt-get command12:31
onkarshindeG2k: I mean VLC ( available in universe repository) is really good at playing videos.12:31
vuduchldthose the sources pasted to pastebin appear to be for hoary.   does the hoary respository have the necessary files to upgrade to 10.212:31
G2konkarshinde: nah im used to mplayer and xine12:32
naliothG2k: are you lookinga at ALL the output?12:32
G2k$ sudo apt-cache search mplayer12:32
G2kmga-vid-source - Kernel driver for the back-end scaler on Matrox cards (source)12:32
G2kw32codecs - win32 binary codecs12:32
G2kthat was all the output12:32
naliothG2k: do you have all your sources enabled? universe and multiverse?12:33
thoreauputicG2k: your sources are incomplete or in error then12:33
G2knalioth: i think so12:33
nalioths_dogG2k: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3812:33
nalioths_dogG2k: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:33
naliothG2k: please confirm12:33
onkarshindenaliothI suppose that the repository he is using doesn't have mplayer.12:34
thoreauputicG2k: and did you do ' sudo apt-get update ' after adding sources ?12:34
znhAnonyone known here with vncserver? - How to define the windowmanager?12:34
naliothonkarshinde: that could be possible12:34
ubotusomebody said mplayer was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto12:34
onkarshindeG2k: Enable multiverse repository in sources.list. This official (but unsupported) Ubuntu repository contains mplayer12:34
nalioth!info mplayer12:34
G2kthoreauputic: well yea i did that before12:34
nalioth!info mplayer-i38612:35
onkarshindenalioth: he just needs to enable multiverse12:35
naliothonkarshinde: i thought so12:35
G2kwell i have to go guys12:35
G2kbut thanks for being so helpful12:36
G2kill figure it out12:36
G2kthnx again12:36
onkarshindeG2k: Check my message again.12:36
znhgzip returned error code (1) (while doing apt-get update)12:36
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sam_what can i do if i started a program in a shell without a & at the end and want to regain control of the shell without exiting the program?12:36
znhsam_: use screen :)12:36
naliothsam_: end the command with a &12:36
thoreauputicsam_: ctrl+z then type bg12:37
samuelki so hope that UT2004 dont lagg on linux12:37
znhsamuelk: It does for me..12:37
onkarshindeznh: which repository are you using? What do you want to install?12:38
naliothsam_: use 'screen' here is a howto (at the bottom) http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/07/06/unix_gems.html12:38
sam_thoreauputic, thanks, what does bg do though?12:38
samuelki tried wesnoth yesterday and it lagged....12:38
znhonkarshinde: just the archives, I commeted the backports ares already12:38
naliothsam_: bg is "background"12:38
samuelkeven if i have installed nvidia driver12:38
thoreauputicsam_: backgrounds it - fg foregrounds it again12:38
naliothsam_: the "background" is where programs go when you start them with a & suffix12:38
onkarshindeznh: Try apt-get update again. It is possible that the Packages.gz file was corrupt.12:39
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tiglionabbitbackground programs run independantly from the terminal window, so you can safely close the terminal.  foreground programs are attached to it, only one can be foreground at a time, and if you close the terminal it goes with it12:39
znhonkarshinde: It happens for me always.. these two months12:39
samuelkany one running transparant windows with shadows...s it laggs so bad..12:39
onkarshindeHas anyone tried running Ubuntu on Bochs?12:39
sam_ah, that explains some of it. thanks.12:40
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naliothonkarshinde: no, because i feel i'd need a 12-way cluster to get anywhere with it12:40
thoreauputiconkarshinde: try qemu12:40
onkarshindethoreauputic: I am on windows. And Qemu's site points to some third site for Windows binay. That third site is now closed.12:42
naliothonkarshinde: windoze? whats that?12:42
ubotuit has been said that windows is Everything runs in linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office, or find an !alternative12:42
peterretief!seen windows12:43
ubotupeterretief: i haven't seen 'windows'12:43
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tiglionabbitnalioth: so you really don't mind my loading the bot up with !s ?12:43
tiglionabbitlol peterretief12:43
thoreauputic!seen anything12:43
naliothtiglionabbit: as long as the info is readable and understandable and revelent12:43
ubotui haven't seen 'anything', thoreauputic12:43
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thoreauputicwell, that's comforting12:44
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jules_How do I log in as root with Ubuntu as using the word root doesnt seem to work?12:44
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tiglionabbitjules_: use sudo instead12:45
deFryskjules_, sudo -s12:45
onkarshindeCome on guys. I am at my office. And there are still many offices that use Windows though there is no functional dependency on platform12:45
ubotuI heard rootsudo is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo12:45
nalioths_dogjules_: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo12:45
naliothonkarshinde: bochs is kinda slow, imho12:45
tiglionabbitjules_: it is unsafe to run your xserver as root.  Bad things can happen..  I think.  But ubuntu has a "root terminal" in applications -> system tools, and you can sudo things too12:46
onkarshindenalioth: Bochs doesn't boot Ubuntu at all. Not even Knoppix.12:46
naliothonkarshinde: so it's reallly slow, lol12:46
naliothonkarshinde: get your boss to spring for vmware or virtual pc12:46
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chrissturmprinting from firefox and epiphany doenst work. what can be the reason? i can only print from internet exploerer right now (cxoffice)12:47
naliothonkarshinde: or better yet, persuade him to switch the userspace over to ubuntu12:47
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onkarshindenalioth: Can't do. Instead I will choose to make my system with double boot. Or rather dump Windows if there is no need in my new project.12:47
onkarshindenalioth: Like I did at my home. Goodbye Windows XP. Hello Ubuntu12:48
naliothonkarshinde: if your office allows, it a dual boot is great (then you can use qemu)12:48
nikkianalioth: best excuse i found to get my boss to pay for vmware, was to point out that we develop for different versions of windows, and its easier to test something works under NT, 98, 2k, XP, XP-embedded, by running it in vmware :)12:48
nalioththere are all kinds of mind-tricks to use on bosses12:48
onkarshindenikkia: That was the collest idea.12:48
onkarshindenikkia: I mean coolest12:49
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nikkiaonkarshinde: i also pointed out that it would present some solutions to long-term problems we have with upgrading other developer's desktops, but that plan hasn't happened yet12:49
goliathello there12:49
goliatis there a way that makes me install kernel 2.0 on ubunto12:49
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nikkiaonkarshinde: that problem being that some of the toolchains we use haven't been updated since god-knows-when and still rely on versions of cygwin that run on 98-only, and upgrading the host to XP causes the toolchain to break12:50
thoreauputicgoliat: since kernel 2 was old in 1999, not really12:50
Will__I like vmware.12:50
nikkiaonkarshinde: so we have developers stuck on '98 machines that reboot numerous times a day, i tried to point out that buying copies of vmware and running 98 in a VM would be more effective12:50
goliati need it so i can setup my penta12:51
yonilim trying to install a package (vlc) and it wont install cause of a md5checksum mismatch ... what can i do ?12:51
thoreauputicgoliat: penta?12:51
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onkarshindenikkia: At least I am using Win2K. But I am sure I will switch FC 4 or Ubuntu if I can in my next project12:51
naliothyonil: the repos are wonky atm12:52
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thoreauputicyonil: you are using the us archives, right? if so, edit them and change to plain archive.ubuntu12:52
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goliatPent@net DVB card12:52
naliothonkarshinde: use ubuntu, not fc412:52
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naliothonkarshinde: RPMs make me ill12:52
nikkianalioth: i felt ill yesterday...12:52
yonilthoreauputic, yes i am, ill try it12:53
thoreauputicgoliat: kernel 2.0 is ancient history12:53
nikkianalioth: some sister company has bought a redhat server running EE to run j2ee...12:53
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nikkianalioth: sun have stupidly linked the j2ee installer against C++ and the ABI on a brand new RHEE box doesn't match the ABI sun used12:53
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onkarshindenalioth: I really liked the speed improvement in Hoary over Warty. And since I am having 1GB RAM with Intel 2.8 GHz it will be blazing fast12:53
lesshasteany plugins to get bittorrent to work with firefox?12:54
nikkianalioth: i couldn't really help him, i mean, what can i say? 'sorry, sun are idiots'12:54
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naliothnikkia: aint corporate-think wonderful?12:54
nikkiaall i could suggest was trying the unbundled version of j2ee and hope that it doesn't rely on a C++ installer, failing that, 'talk to sun'12:55
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yonilthoreauputic, what happend to the us archives ?12:55
naliothyonil: they are having a little problem, atm12:55
thoreauputicyonil: I don't know - but people are having issues with them12:55
naliothteleyinex: good morning (from where i'm sitting)12:56
teleyinexgood morning12:56
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=== thoreauputic wonders why it's always us.archive.ubuntu that has problems
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nalioththoreauputic: had sporadic reports of gb doin it to yesterday for a bit12:57
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thoreauputicnalioth: well, given the events in the uk I guess traffic was pretty heavy all round for a while12:58
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nikkianalioth: not really surprising, UK networks went a bit flakey yesterday12:58
nikkialots of people were seeing dropped packets and huge lags12:58
IceDC571ahh.. i love light weight apps :)12:58
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kzmWhich BT client is recommended?  Anything I should be aware of?12:59
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naliothkzm: if you have a powerful machine, use azureus01:00
Hieronymuskzm, Gnometorrent will do the job01:00
scanwinderdoes anyone know a boot manager that will let me boot from a cd on my old laptop which doesent have support for booting from cd?01:00
bimberikzm: Gnome Bittorrent comes with the basic install01:00
naliothkzm: that is because java sucks the life out of resources01:00
HieronymusAzureus requires Java01:00
ubotuNo idea, Hieronymus01:00
nightswimscanwinder: perhaps grub01:00
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kzmE: Couldn't find package azureus01:01
lesshastescanwinder, I think it is possible but you will have to use a bootloader on a floppy or hard drive to do it01:01
kzmI've used gnome-bt, yes.01:01
lesshastescanwinder, i.e. it will not boot straight from the cd technically01:01
nalioththoreauputic: i'm surprised there isnt a floppy boot image on the ubuntu installer01:01
lampshadeanyone in here done a USB wireless device with ubuntu?  does it work off the bat?01:01
kzmSpeed is very slow at the start, but tends to pick up.  I assume that's the same with any client?01:01
lesshastewireless bats ? :)01:01
naliothkzm: yes01:01
nikkialampshade: i use a wireless keyboard/mouse pair on kubuntu, is that close enough ?01:01
naliothkzm: have you read how the bittorrent works?01:02
scanwinderlesshaste: how do i install it to a floppy?01:02
nikkiaor did you mean USB 802.11* ?01:02
thoreauputicnalioth: true that - although some 2.6 kernels won't fit on a floppy I seem to recall01:02
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lesshastescanwinder, can you really not just install something on the hard drive? It will be simpler01:02
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thoreauputicnalioth: ah scratch that - i misread01:02
lesshastescanwinder, do you have an OS on the hard drive?01:02
scanwinderlesshaste: nope....i want to boot of a debian install cd01:03
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serengetihi :) I have 3 ubuntu computers here at home and I've come up with an idea to sync my dad's profiles on all the machines so no matter which one he chooses to use, he'll have the same desktop and files and settings01:03
serengetiI think rsync is the way to go01:03
lampshadenikkia: not really,  I was talking like the new 802.11 devices, yeah.  That are just little usb rings.  Then I could put this one ubuntu box upstairs and in this other room and still have net01:03
naliothscanwinder: if you want debian, then go to debian.org and d/l the floppy boot image(s)01:03
nikkiaserengeti: if they're networked, wouldn't using a network share for the home directory be easier ?01:03
scanwindernalioth: thanks, i will try that01:03
kzmnalioth, only cursory.  I expect it needs time to start swapping with neighbors (or whatever the terminology is)01:03
lesshastescanwinder, I understand that. But do you have an OS on the hard drive at all?01:03
luzbelitohi, pls help. how can i copy one user profile (desktop, icons, bookmarks, etc) to another one??????01:03
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serengetinikkia: but then one of the computers'd have to be on all the time01:04
naliothscanwinder: if you want ubuntu, go to debian and d/l the woody floppy boot images01:04
bimberiserengeti: "unison" is another option worth exploring01:04
nikkiayeah, unison is nice, better than rsync, IMO01:04
lesshastezsync is cool too01:04
serengetibimberi: haven't heard of it gotta check it out :)01:04
Hieronymusluzbelito, the configuration files in user's home directory (the hidden '.' files, visible after pressing ctrl-h)01:05
bimberiserengeti: in a universe repo near you :)01:05
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scanwinderlesshaste: nope its got no OS on it rite now01:05
othernooba pc with no OS is like a woman with clothes on - not useable01:06
lesshastescanwinder, hmm... ok. how did it get in that state out of interest? :)01:06
=== nikkia glares at othernoob
naliothscanwinder: you can install a minimal woody, change the sources.list to ubuntu sources and install ubuntu that way01:06
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vi4mhello, i have nautilus 2.10.0-0ubuntu9, that simply crashes after startup, known problem ? the same problem with gnome-panel 2.10.1-0ubuntu101:07
scanwindernalioth: where do i find the floppies?01:07
serengetibut there's one problem - it's not good to simply sync all of the home dir because then all the .lock files will be in place. I think I'll have to check which files needs to be excluded from syncing not to lock the whole profile :)01:07
thoreauputicothernoob: hrmph... maybe time to read the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, eh ?01:07
scanwindernalioth: all i can find is cd images01:07
naliothscanwinder: follow the 'get debian' links and look for netinst floppy images01:07
naliothscanwinder: make sure you get woody images01:07
othernoobthoreauputic: there's a code of conduct...01:07
ubotuwell, conduct is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/document_view01:08
nalioths_dogothernoob: Please keep the code of conduct in mind when chatting here. You can find it at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct01:08
bimberiserengeti: you can configure unison to exclude particular files/dirs01:08
naliothboy, that dog is slow01:08
bimberinalioth: need to feed him more :)01:08
scanwindernalioth: yeh it only has 16mb ram so woody is the latest version that would work - it only need 12mb01:08
thoreauputicnalioth: you need a Greyhound ;)01:08
othernoobthoreauputic: i don't see how i disrespected any computer ;)01:09
naliothscanwinder: wow! you'll be using a lightweight wm in ubuntu, then01:09
bimberior her01:09
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scanwindernalioth: oh yeh, was thinkin fluxbox01:09
luzbelitohow can i copy hidden files in terminal with cp command ???01:10
serengetibimberi thanks I looked at their web page and it seems unison is the way to go :)01:10
bimberiserengeti: yw :)01:10
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sinfernohey is there a way to kill gdesklets without having to click on them01:14
sinfernoi have a profile with so many running that it wont run more and it wont show them on the desktop01:14
thoreauputicsinferno: killall gdesklets in a terminal should do it I gues01:14
deFryskand remove  .gdesklets01:15
sinfernodidnt work01:15
thoreauputicsinferno: try sudo pkill gdesklets01:15
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arangelI get this after upgrading woody to sarge "logcheck should not be run as root", but when I try to execute it with sudo or su I get the same thing, i also need logchek to run in a cron job, but I can01:16
arangelI get this after upgrading woody to sarge "logcheck should not be run as root", but when I try to execute it with sudo or su I get the same thing, i also need logchek to run in a cron job, but I can't even run it manually, Can anyone help?01:16
thoreauputicI personally recommend ' sudo apt-get remove --purge gdesklets ' but whatever...01:16
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Hieronymusarangel: *not* as root01:16
sinfernodidnt work01:16
arangelHieronymus, i tried as a user with sudo, but that doesn't work either01:16
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thoreauputicsinferno:  ps aux | grep gdesklets  and see if you can kill the processes then01:18
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sinfernoits ok01:18
sinfernoim uninstalling01:18
sinfernoi decided i didnt want gdesklets01:18
thoreauputicgdesklets are resource hogs...01:19
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sinfernoi know01:19
jluk_hello world01:19
sinfernoi installed just to play with them for a sec01:19
inemohey jluk_01:19
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feedbackmjr: ok, i successfully upgraded to amd64:)01:20
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anatolecould anyone help with setting up a transparent xterm?01:22
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Hieronymusanatole: in the settings01:23
feedbackanatole: i don't think that xterm allows that, unless you play with xcomposite, eterm should do the trick though.01:23
Hieronymusgnome-terminal lets you do that01:23
anatolei have a transparent eterm01:23
feedback[and gnome-terminal too] 01:23
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anatoleits just that it does not accept accented characters01:23
feedbackbtw it's not real transparency by now.01:23
anatolewhich sucks when using grep01:24
feedbackanatole: well.01:24
feedbackthat is a problem that you'd have to fix :)01:24
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thoreauputicanatole: xterm doesn't do transparency - eterm, aterm do but don't support utf-8, and gnome terminal does transparency and utf-8 but is a slow starter - take your pick ;)01:25
asad2k5I tried installing breezy install amd64 on amd64 3200, base system installs ok but end of copying packages to hard drive the system hangs. Is there a work around01:26
anatolei would use gnome terminal01:26
gm78thoreauputic, i just tried eterm with transparency, doesnt work so well, i had it on top of xchat and it showed the desktop through the terminal01:26
anatoleif i could make it borderless01:26
anatolegm78: that's how this kind of transparency should work01:26
thoreauputicgm78: it's only pseudo transparency, yes01:26
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gm78thoreauputic, is there any way to make it so it shows the application behind it, does gnome-terminal do that?01:27
samuelkhttp://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/447 any one know how to fix this ut2004 error?01:27
feedbackasad2k5: i did it yesterday ^^01:28
feedbacki used the network install01:28
thoreauputicgm78: no, that's an X thing - xorg can do it with composite I think, but it's still experimental AFAIK01:28
feedbacksamuelk: it's a glx problem01:28
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feedbackyou have to enable glx :)01:28
gm78thoreauputic, ah, alright01:28
feedbackvideo card?01:28
samuelkin the xorg.conf file?01:28
gm78samuelk, which driver version do u have installed?01:29
gm78samuelk, the one that ships with ubuntu?01:29
asad2k5feedback, what difference does it make network or CD01:29
samuelki installed the one from apt-get01:29
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gm78samuelk, did u enable it in ur xorg.conf file?01:30
samuelkdont think so..01:30
samuelkwhere is xorg.conf file?01:30
gm78samuelk, just opened a private chat with u01:30
gm78samuelk, ill show u how to do it there01:30
thoreauputicsamuelk: /etc/X11/01:30
feedbackasad2k5: you install all the packages afterwards :) that's the difference01:31
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feedbacksamuelk: /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:31
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chezhi guys, got a question I have a blog running on a linux box, how can I can access this using the full external ip without going through a prxy? - possible01:32
asad2k5feedback, I mean in my case, why it hangs all the pakages are copied to hard disk but installer seems failing to go next step01:33
chezobviously the blog is running on apache, wordpress it is infact01:33
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asad2k5feedback, Do i have to disable power management01:33
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onkarshindeanyone using Ubuntu on HP laptop?01:36
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bradi used to01:37
bradthen i got a 100000 times better thinkpad01:37
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onkarshindebrad: any thing that didn't work? What was status of Modem?01:37
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Shuflahello. I'm favourably shocked with Ubuntu foundation :)01:39
bradonkarshinde: it was a zv5000 and more stuff worked than with any other distro....i had broadcom wifi and it was crap with linux in general, and i havent used a modem since 99...lol01:39
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bradonkarshinde: ubuntu actually let me have my 1280x800 res out of the box! and when i ebayed the laptop i sold it with ubuntu on it :)01:40
onkarshindebrad: Thanks. I am planning to buy an HP laptop soon (just because I am getting it cheap). So wanted to know what all works.01:40
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bradonkarshinde: what model are you gettin?01:40
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samuelkokey here again01:40
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onkarshindebrad: Nx612001:41
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Grovermanhi everyone01:41
samuelkhey where are you--01:42
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GrovermanIs there a BeOS lookalike theme for Metacity? Like Beos5 PE. Not Wasp theme.01:42
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nomedhi all01:43
Grovermanhi nomed01:43
samuelkokey glxgears still not working..01:43
nomedin debian there is a file called pmount.allow01:43
nomedthat let u pmount not-remov devices .. like /dev/hda101:44
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nomedis it possible in hoary ..01:44
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bradonkarshinde: i have no idea about the pci-express "based" intel 900 gfx chip, thats all i see that i dont think will work...IF thats the trim level you are buying01:44
Grovermannomed, pmount does exist in hoary01:44
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nomedGroverman, i mean pmount.allow .. it doesn'exist01:45
nomedin pmount.allow it's possible to make a list of devices like /dev/hda1 /dev/hda3 that parmits pmount to mount them ...01:46
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Grovermannomed, if you have a look at man pmount you will see that you give users permission by group01:46
Grovermannomed, maybe you can attach that group to the device you want to allow...?01:47
onkarshindebrad: Lets see. I will first try Ubuntu Live on it. Then I will make it dual boot. Once I know how to make everything work. Then I will dump Win XP Pro.01:47
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bradonkarshinde: thats a good idea :)01:48
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nikkiabrad, from what i've seen, the i900 graphics is 'ok'01:50
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onkarshindebrad: I found a page on Ubuntu site that tells which laptop (and what components) will work in Ubuntu. It mentions Nx6110 & that Broadcom and card reader won't work. I didn't see mention of Nx6120. Are Nx6120 and Nx6110 same in config?01:51
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bradnikkia, onkarshinde: im not sure if they are the same, most of the time its a cpu/a few components changed. broadcom is annoying and i didnt know the card reader was installed in that model. the version i looked at on the i-net had ipw2200 in it and that works fine (you can always change it)01:53
nikkiabrad, i wouldn't say ipw2x00 works 'fine', personally01:54
digitalfox|sleepit does01:54
digitalfox|sleephte ipw2200 works great01:54
nikkiadigitalfox|sleep: then why doesn't WEP work on my ipw2200 card ?01:54
digitalfox|sleepdunno! WEP works fine here01:54
digitalfox|sleephaven't tried it under Ubuntu yet, maybe the version packaged with it is broken01:55
nikkiadigitalfox|sleep: it only works with 128-bit wep, 64/40 bit doesn't work, at all01:55
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bradnikkia: ok, i can say that i 50/50 agree with you......it for me at least with ubuntu it works great out of the box.....fedora on the other hand :/01:55
digitalfox|sleepI used WEP all the time under Gentoo with it01:55
samuelkcan someone help me with this problem: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/44701:56
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Grovermansamuelk, do you have Load "glx" in your xorg.conf file?01:57
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samuelkyes i have---01:58
digitalfox|sleepnikkia, I used 64 bit WEP on this when I was using a secured WAP at school01:58
samuelkthe one who is there is old01:58
nikkiadigitalfox|sleep: well, it doesn't work for me01:58
digitalfox|sleepwe used 64 bit primarily because I had a PDA wifi card that could only handle 6401:58
digitalfox|sleepare you sure you aren't on an ipw2100?01:58
nikkiadigitalfox|sleep: it claims to be connected to the WAP, but no data gets thru01:58
digitalfox|sleephave you tried setting the WEP key manually?01:58
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chezCan someone tell me a nice pcmia wireless card, preferably with a prism 2 chip that I can use on my viao running ubutu?01:59
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samuelkgroverman any clue?01:59
Grovermansamuelk, i was thinking.... what does glxinfo say?01:59
Grovermanso X has not loaded it02:00
Grovermanwhat video-card you got?02:00
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samuelkti 420002:00
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samuelki will post my new xorg.conf02:01
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samuelkmy xx.von02:02
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samuelkany help for you?02:02
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Grovermansamuelk, looks fine. have you installed nvidia-glx ?02:04
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samuelkyes i have02:04
samuelkinstalled version 1.0.7174-0ubuntu102:05
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Grovermansamuelk, then i have no clue. had a friend with ti4200 that worked good after nvidia-glx was installed... hmmm02:05
copap|ikserDoes Ubuntu 5.04 Support Serial ATA? I had many problems with Suse and Debian02:05
samuelkwell... i will try to fix it later gtg afk02:05
Grovermansamuelk, wait02:06
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Grovermansamuelk, did you do "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" ?02:06
samuelkdont think so..02:06
Grovermansamuelk, it need to be enabled to work02:06
samuelkError: your X configuration has been altered.02:07
samuelkthats good?02:07
Grovermansamuelk, probably. try to restart the computer (or ctrl+alt+backspace?02:08
Grovermansamuelk, probably. try to restart the computer (or ctrl+alt+backspace)02:08
=== Groverman need coffee
deFrysksamuelk, read your xorg.conf about what to do after manulally editing it02:08
digitalfox|sleepUbuntu needs a graphical setup tool for the xorg.conf02:08
samuelkis it said that to in there02:09
samuelkafk now..02:09
samuelkgtg eating..02:09
deFryskdigitalfox|sleep, why ?02:09
digitalfox|sleepbecause the average user should never have to touch it02:09
digitalfox|sleepI'm a Unix purist at heart but I don't think my grandmother should have to edit config files :(02:10
deFryskdpkg-reconfigure does the trick fine ;)02:10
digitalfox|sleepgrandma shouldn't have to run some weird thing from a commandline02:10
deFryskdigitalfox|sleep, whatever02:10
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digitalfox|sleepcan one change color depth without restarting X?02:11
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tommycan any1 help me out?? havin a bit of trouble installin mplayer02:13
usualno big deal to restart X02:14
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thoreauputictommy: I think you'll need to be a bit more specific...02:15
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Gouramiis there supposed to be a man for clamav ? I get no entry02:17
tommyok... im usin the latest amd64 release of ubuntu, i have tried "apt-get install mplayer-amd64" some of the packages download then there is a MDsum error02:18
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thoreauputicah .. amd64 ... can't help then - maybe someone running amd6402:19
digitalfox|sleepARGH. why on earth is this becoming a problem >.<02:19
tommyi think it could be the repos02:19
digitalfox|sleepa lot of KDE-related packages aren't in the repositories02:19
Riddelldigitalfox|sleep: what isn't there?02:20
bimberitommy: yes it probably is the repos - try switching, say to uk.archive.ubuntu.com02:20
digitalfox|sleephere is what it is trying to install02:21
=== TMM [~hp@c51471f2c.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
tommyi downloaded it the other day fine but then had 2 reformat and install ubuntu again but 2day not havin it..... will try the changin 2 uk now tho02:21
flyermandid someone run eve online on linux?02:21
bimberitommy: there has been problems with the us repos for the last day or so02:21
digitalfox|sleepark, atlantik atlanticdesigner kde-core kdeaddons kdeaddons-kfile-plugins kdeadmin kdebase kdeprint kfind knewsticker-scripts konq-plugins konqueror kuser psutils02:21
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digitalfox|sleepit gets some of these02:22
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digitalfox|sleepI get md5sum mismatches on ark, atlantik psutils kfind kdeaddons-kfile-plugins knewsticker-scripts and kuser02:22
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flyermandoes someoen has a repo for gaim 1.4?02:23
digitalfox|sleepis there any way I can force it to ignore MD5sums?02:23
digitalfox|sleepor rebuild them?02:23
Riddelldigitalfox|sleep: md5sum issues are a currently problem with the archives, try a different mirror (de.ubuntu, uk.ubuntu etc)02:23
tommythat might be the reason then02:23
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bimberidigitalfox|sleep: could the same issue as tommy - try switching repos02:23
digitalfox|sleepis there a ca. ?02:23
bimberidigitalfox|sleep: yes02:24
thoreauputicdigitalfox|sleep: same machine as us AFAIK02:24
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tommythats it then the us repos are facked02:25
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=== NoHope [1000@200-207-67-181.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
NoHopehi all02:26
virtualdis there a way to access the wiki without tls/ssl? links2 in ubuntu isn't linked with the ssl libs02:26
bimberitommy: atm - yes02:26
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tommywell bein in the uk doesnt it make sense 2 get stuff from uk repos??02:26
bimberitommy: too right - no use in wearing out those undersea cables :)02:27
deFryskare there also oversea cables then ?02:28
digitalfox|sleepI'm in the us sadly  :(02:28
tommyanyway cheers 4 the help guys.... laters02:28
NoHopeI have some questions about Ubuntu...02:29
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digitalfox|sleepNoHope, Re:?02:29
NoHopeIs GNOME-based, but is it possible to install Qt and KDE?02:29
mjrNoHope, of course02:29
digitalfox|sleeplook it up02:29
deFryskNoHope, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:29
NoHopeI prefer GNOME, but I'll try to develop some Qt applications...02:30
mjrNoHope, in fact, there's the Kubuntu project, which uses KDE by default, but you can also install regular Ubuntu and then add the kubuntu-desktop package for a full KDE installation02:30
digitalfox|sleepI've heard Qt is easier to code for than GTK02:30
mjrdigitalfox|sleep, I've heard that too, but I'd guess it's largely due to people comparing the GTK C api to Qt ;)02:30
NoHopeI'd downloaded the install CD but I didn't install yet... Does it comes with: perl? php? apache? python? tcl/tk? anjuta? glade?02:30
digitalfox|sleeptrue :p02:30
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NoHopemjr, I don't know what is better to my purposes: GTK and Qt.02:31
digitalfox|sleepNoHope, the install CD comes with perl I'm nearly positive02:31
mjrI mean, it's nice for portability and bindability that the GTK API is C, but if you're sane, you can still program GTK software with some nicer language (Python, Java, whatever)02:31
digitalfox|sleepdunno about apache and php02:31
mjrNoHope, right; well, the important thing is that you can easily have both in ubuntu02:31
NoHopemjr. It's good.02:32
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NoHope***ON*** ubuntu? not ***in*** ubuntu?02:32
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G|immerhello, again02:32
mjrNoHope, and as for perl, apache and python, I think both are in main. PHP might've been only in the universe repo (but still available), can't check right now02:32
mjranjuta and glade are of course available02:33
=== Fikrann [~fikrann@zmt.zinc.eu.org] has joined #ubuntu
FikrannHello all02:33
mjrNoHope, well, let me rephrase: Ubuntu has supported packages for both gtk and qt :)02:33
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NoHopemjr, I'm searching a distro to developers. I tried gentoo, but it has a lot of bugs. Slack is so good, but I don't like the package management and some other features.02:34
ElGranAzulHi all02:34
NoHopemrj, Are you a developer? As I said, I'm between GTK and Qt...02:34
ElGranAzulsomeone have hylafax running under ubuntu?02:34
ElGranAzulor could help me, please?02:35
NoHopeQt team is so good. They have a lot of good applications, like KOffice, knoda, umbrello (it's so better than DIA)02:35
mjrNoHope, I'm a semi-developer, and I'd use GTK (but not with C, but using some nicer application programming language such as python or java or whatever you like), but I'll admit to some bias against KDE/Qt stuff02:35
virtualdi want links2 in the next release to have tls/ssl support. where do i ask for it?02:35
=== Riddell smiles at NoHope
chezCan someone tell me a nice pcmia wireless card, preferably with a prism 2 chip that I can use on my viao running ubutu?02:35
mjr(heck, even C# ;)02:35
nikkiaNoHope: my only complaint about ubuntu/kubuntu as a developer, is the very very old version of sqlite in hoary, but that will be fixed with breezy02:35
znhErm, I did the ubuntu base installation.. and have installed xorg already, but how to install the gnome window manager?02:36
G|immeri had to shutdown suddenly last time and did not get what ubotu told me about firefox 1.02. can someone help?02:36
Xen1thHey i have installed ubuntu and dual booting on this pc but everytime i go start it once i have typed in username and passoword no matter what i select it just freezez, nothing works i have to yank power cable, i can get to the rescue terminal thingy tho, is their anything or any command type thing i could type their that basically kills ubuntu completely and so i could try installing agen?02:36
mjrznh, if you installed ubuntu and not kubuntu, gnome should be installed by default02:36
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mjror oh, base installation02:36
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znhmjr: not if you choose the base installation ..02:36
uboturumour has it, firefox is version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"02:36
mjrznh, install ubuntu-desktop02:36
flyermansomeone with a audigy zs 2 here?02:36
NoHopenikkia, yap. I have to study it more... GTK vs. Qt... I still am between...02:36
djpdoes mutt work straight away for sending email and receiving via an isp?02:36
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znhmjr: I only want gnome02:36
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djpby straight away, i mean under hoary. mutt is installed by default02:37
znhDoes anyone know how to install gnome?02:37
NoHopeIs there a general-programming channel02:37
znhNoHope: no they are specified in several channels02:37
G|immerstrange that vendorSub here says "1.0"02:38
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thoreauputicznh: install ubuntu-desktop02:38
NoHopeznh... ah. thx.02:38
znhthoreauputic: does that only install gnome?02:38
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znheh hello dhodo02:38
Xen1thHey i have installed ubuntu and dual booting on this pc but everytime i go start it once i have typed in username and passoword no matter what i select it just freezez, nothing works i have to yank power cable, i can get to the rescue terminal thingy tho, is their anything or any command type thing i could type their that basically kills ubuntu completely and so i could try installing agen?02:39
thoreauputicznh: plus a selection of apps - you could uninstall wj=hat you don't need afterwards I guess02:39
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znhthoreauputic: ah ok02:39
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G|immeris it enought to follow the steps in UbuntuGuid.org to add repositories?02:39
znhhehe.. my family finnaly lft windows after several crashes02:40
thoreauputicznh: apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop | less      for more info02:40
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znhthoreauputic: yea it's kinda much.. I wish there was a normal way to install gnome..02:41
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znhjust like kde, apt-get install kde..02:41
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thoreauputicznh: I guess if you look at the apt-cache depends you can cherry pick02:42
znhthoreauputic: true02:43
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znhtry in english :)02:44
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znhich spreche keine deutsch02:44
znheh... just did xD02:44
thoreauputic  /join #ubuntu-de02:45
talatleider, ich kann nur deutsch sprechen:(02:45
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znhtalat: /join #ubuntu-de02:45
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znhScroopy: Hi to austria02:46
bimberiG|immer: The repositories in ubuntuguide include backports which is ok for installing packages (that you must have) but not for doing general upgrades02:46
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Mezbimberi, just an FYI: backports are now official :D and will be being added to the ubuntu repositories within the next couple of weeks02:47
znhthe backports mirrors give me many 404 errors02:47
G|immerbimberi: ic. thks.02:47
bimberiMez: ty :)02:47
Mezznh - sudo apt-get update02:47
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znhMez: i'm not that stupid ;)02:48
G|immerbtw, is there a PHP4 package for Ubuntu?02:48
bimberiG|immer: There's a (currently) recommended sources.list at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3802:48
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Mezznh: what are you getting 404s on and what mirror are you using?02:48
Aragorn_Guardianhi all02:48
znhMez: not using backports currently, but it happend with many packages such as xfce402:49
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Mezznh :D that should be fixed02:49
znhMez: yea02:49
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znh`oh oh.. transfering a new gigabyte of data to my harddisk -_-02:52
G|immerznh: :-O02:52
znhhey what do I see.. is vnc(viewer/server) default in ubuntu-desktop?02:52
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Fikrannznh, vncviewer is.02:53
Fikrannznh, as for server, I'm not sure.02:53
znhserver isn't, just checked but that the viewer is default is really cool02:53
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znhHmm can anyone suggest me what resources are required for vncserver with many connections (think about ~5)02:54
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Fikrannznh, fast connection02:55
thoreauputicznh: if you are into remote graphical stuff you should check out freeNX by the way (*much* better than plain vnc)02:56
znhFikrann: yea okay that's no problem, it's in a local network02:56
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znhthoreauputic: I'll check that out!02:56
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G|immerafter i updated the repository lists from ubuntuguide.org, and did an 'apt-get update', why i now get 2 'W: Couldn't stat source package' erros in Synaptic?02:56
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Fikrannznh, besides that I think it would be as heavy as ordinary X session.02:57
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jerome__salut  tous02:57
Hieronymusjerome__: francais: #ubuntu-fr02:57
znhFikrann: that's true, two users using gnome takes about 700 Megs of ram (they would use firefox, and amsn)02:58
znhso it has to be at least one gig of ram02:58
Fikrannznh, most of that are buffers.02:58
znhFikrann: jup, but all buffered ram won't be used for other programs02:59
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Fikrannznh, besides, you stated 'vnc server with multiple connections' not 'multiple vnce sessions'02:59
comadreja(ws 502:59
znhhehe your sharp :)03:00
znhbut indeed, it are multipile vnce sessoins03:00
G|immeris it a bad thing to install upgrades that Synaptic says "can't be authenticated"??03:00
znhG|immer: not really03:00
znhG|immer: It just means it's not signed03:01
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znhsynaptic should explain that..03:01
FikrannIndeed it should.03:01
G|immerznh: thx :) fingers crossed, lol03:01
znhG|immer: hehe no worries03:01
G|immerznh: btw, where all the downloaded packaged are saved?03:02
bimberiG|immer: There have been problems with the "us" repositories.  You could try removing "us." from all entries that have it or use an alternative (such as uk.)03:02
znhG|immer: hmm.. /var/cache/apt03:02
thoreauputicG|immer: /var/cache/apt/archives03:03
znhG|immer: hmm.. /var/cache/apt/archives03:03
rekaG|immer: what upgrades?  use of BP should be as limited as possible.03:03
G|immerthx to all. :)03:03
G|immerreka: huh?!03:03
znhG|immer: BP = backports03:04
thoreauputicG|immer: best to limit use of backports ATM03:04
Fikrannznh, I think a gig of ram, perhaps /home on stripping array (not exactly raid, lvm2 will perform as well) + good cpu.03:04
kvidelllimit the use of backports because of bandwidth, sure.. but there's nothing wrong with it security-wise.03:04
znhFikrann: yea, maybe even a dual is required :?03:04
kvidellIt's Marillat you wanna watch out for.03:04
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G|immerznh, thereau: ic. but i am already downloading! lol03:05
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Fikrannznh, I doubt that, only if your users are going to be playing flash games all the time.03:05
znhFikrann: It's awesome.. I have a 220mhz laptop connected to my vncserver.. and it's extreamly fast (even on 10mbit)03:06
znhI think it may be even more cheap to buy several laptops (200mhz like), and one extreamly good server03:07
znhfor e.g. at home03:07
G|immerthis room is great. thumbs up. do u think i get so much help if i were on a windows channel? lol03:07
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Fikrannyes, that's good approach. Now put wlan cards into all of these machines }:>03:07
znhG|immer: They don't even exist ;)03:07
=== G|immer wondering
G|immerznh: LMAO03:08
kvidellGlimmer: It's possible. Depends on the group of people. If _I_ were in a windows channel I'd help out as much as possible :-P03:08
G|immerkvidell: nice :p03:08
znhkvidell: It would gave me a headache to help people in a window channel.. windows != logical03:08
kvidellyou'll have that ;P03:08
=== Fikrann agrees with znh
G|immerit is been years since i used Linux. Teh day before yesterday I installed Ubuntu, and I feel now I am hooked.03:09
dinG|immer, good for you. :)03:09
G|immermy P3 feels alive again. lol03:09
znh'the day before yesterday'... what remindes me with those words :/03:09
kvidella movie03:09
dini haven't used anything but linux since 199803:09
kvidellI'm gunna go03:09
rekaa crap movie :)03:09
kvidellreka: lol.03:10
znhlol, haha03:10
Scroopyanyone here running a SoudBlaster AUdigy 2 ZS on Ubuntu??03:10
znhkvidell: happy meal03:10
FikrannScroopy, I've been.03:10
ScroopyFikrann, you reckon you could help me get mine going?03:10
rekadin: what was your first distro?03:10
G|immerdin: I had RedHat before that date installed on a P233MMX. cannot remember when. hehe03:11
dinreka, redhat 6.103:11
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znhG|immer: redhat.. that made me think that linux completly sucks03:11
znhIt was even more unstable as windows :D03:11
znhok.. nearly03:12
dinthen i went to mandrake, then slackware, then debian, then gentoo03:12
dinthis box is my first ubuntu03:12
dinpretty much debian though :p03:12
G|immerznh: at that time, I did not know the whys and hows.. i liked it for as long as it lasted (not long, i have to say. lol)03:12
znhdin: did you like slackware?03:12
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dinznh, yeah, slackware was good03:12
znhG|immer: not long, indeed.. I remember me that too, it screws itself up after a while03:13
=== G|immer says: Downloding file 10 of 35...
dingentoo is my fav still03:13
dinubuntu is nice too though03:13
znhdin: I liked gentoo too, but I hated the compiling of every pacakges03:13
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dinznh, you get used to it03:13
znhdin: time is expensive..03:13
hack_benjaminright, im needing to get the kernel-sources so i can make menuconfig, hows it done?03:14
spamalopei dont get why ppl say windows isnt stable03:14
penguin42I have a rather cosmic question03:14
G|immerznh: probably those were the reason I left it, too. I cannot really recall the reasons... [CRC error, lol] 03:14
penguin42How often is the universe updated?03:14
timmy_the_testiccan anyone help me out how would i apt-get akernel so i can make menuconfig it??03:14
spamalopeanyone that know his stuff can run any modern OS well03:14
rekaznh, din: what's the default gentoo DE?03:14
znhspamalope: Try to use a windows ftp server for 70 days, it won't succeed03:14
hack_benjamintimmy_the_testic: hack_benjamin right, im needing to get the kernel-sources so i can make menuconfig, hows it done03:14
znhreka: 'DE' ?03:14
spamalopei never use a windows box for anything internet facing03:15
rekapenguin42: security updates only03:15
spamalopebut its not because of it not being stable03:15
rekadesktop environment/window manager03:15
znhspamalope: without internet it's awesome indeed (or local network)03:15
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hack_benjamintimy_the_testicle: what time we going out?03:15
znhreka: It has no defaults ;)03:15
G|immerspamalope: i use Win2K Pro on this same P3, and it is great. Many ppl complain about stuff that work with me with no problems. But, the one thing I say is that Ubuntu is WAY faster on my P3 with 256 SDRAM! lol03:15
penguin42reka: Ah ok, I was wondering if things were added to universe; just hadn't noticed openoffice2 was in universe before03:15
spamalopei have win2k/2k3 servers that dont never ever crash03:15
penguin42so - the universe isn't expanding (ahem)03:15
dinznh, there is no default DE03:15
znhreka: It's like the ubuntu base installation, and everything else you may depend what's being installed03:16
spamalopesame with my linux and bsd boxes03:16
dinyou choose your liking03:16
znhdin: I told him that03:16
timmy_the_testici know.... b at my work bout 9pm-10pm ish03:16
dinerrr sorry03:16
rekaznh, din: ah righto. :)03:16
znhdin: np :)03:16
dini stepped away from my desk for a sec03:16
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znhgoing to put this harddisk in my dad's box, bye03:16
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DAWKIRSTHi people.03:17
timmy_the_testiccan anyone help me out how would i apt-get akernel so i can make menuconfig it??03:17
DAWKIRSTIs there some way I can get windows users to access my files? Samba?03:17
penguin42DAWKIRST: nod03:17
hack_benjamintimmy: apt-get install buildessentials bin86 and some other stuff03:17
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rekapenguin42: actually, i'm not so sure now. :)03:18
dinhttp://img91.echo.cx/my.php?image=xfce41lu.jpg <-- my ubuntu box03:18
rekai recall someone asking how they could add their package to the repo03:18
DAWKIRSTpenguin42, any idea how they can get access to mine? Samba?03:18
penguin42DAWKIRST: Yes, you need to install the samba server on your machine03:18
rekapenguin42: but the answer might have been for inclusion in breezy03:18
rekai can't remember03:18
penguin42reka: Hohum03:18
DAWKIRSTpenguin42, can you perhaps guide me? I don't know how to install the server.03:19
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penguin42DAWKIRST: Do sudo apt-get install samba  in a shell and carefully answer the config options it gives you03:19
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DAWKIRSTpenguin42, okay. Just one thing: my synaptic says it is already installed.03:20
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penguin42DAWKIRST: OK, probably just needs configuring and enabling03:20
DAWKIRSTpenguin42, perhaps I should just configure it?03:20
DAWKIRSTNot working.03:21
DAWKIRSTpenguin42, any help configuring Samba?03:21
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Suepahflycan anyone tell me how I get dlopen or something?03:23
penguin42DAWKIRST: First thing is to check it is running03:23
Suepahflyi need it to compile kvirc03:23
DAWKIRSTpenguin42, k, how?03:23
penguin42OK - before I try and remember the syntax for update-rc.d is there a pretty srevices manager on ubuntu ?03:24
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penguin42DAWKIRST: do  sudo update-rc.d  samba defaults03:24
penguin42DAWKIRST: and  sudo update-rc.d samba start03:24
ed1tis there any other package like wine?03:24
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rekapenguin42: rcconf perhaps?03:24
rekaah, no.03:24
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penguin42reka: I was expecting to find one off the system menu somewhere03:25
DAWKIRSTpenguin42, seems I don't have it: dawkirst@tarkalin:~$ sudo update-rc.d  samba defaults03:25
DAWKIRSTupdate-rc.d: /etc/init.d/samba: file does not exist03:25
Suepahflycan anyone tell me how I get dlopen^^03:25
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penguin42DAWKIRST: Can you have a look in /etc/init.d and see if samba or something with a similar name exists - I don't have it installed here03:25
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sinfernowhats the cedega command to run in a widnow03:26
penguin42Suepahfly: 'get' it ?03:26
Tracehello, does anybody meet the problem sis integrated sound card? 1039:701303:26
Suepahflyapt-get can't find it03:26
penguin42Suepahfly: You don't need to - its in the standard libraries - what you trying to do ?03:26
DAWKIRSTpenguin42, yes. I have a folder named Samba in /etc (btw, what does etc stand for?)03:26
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FikrannTrace, can you tell me which chipset it is integrated into?03:26
penguin42DAWKIRST: What about in /etc/init.d ?03:26
MezIf i manually edit my /etc/resolv.conf and restart the etherenet (ifconfig eth0 down) will that work?03:27
Suepahflyi'm trying to compile kvirc, but it sais it can't find dlopen capabilities03:27
Aragorn_Guardianhow debconf works?03:27
penguin42Suepahfly: Hmm - it should be in libdl03:27
Aragorn_Guardianwhat is exactly for?03:27
DAWKIRSTpenguin42, yes, I have /etc/init.d as well...03:27
FikrannMez, you don't need to deconfigure your ethernet device03:27
MezFikrann, why not?03:27
penguin42DAWKIRST: OK, but do you have anything with a name like samba in /etc/init.d ?03:27
FikrannMez, any change to resolv.conf will be immediately active.03:28
DAWKIRSTpenguin42, nope.03:28
TraceSilicon Integrated System03:28
Suepahflyid do have /usr/lib/libdl.so so that's correct right?03:28
FikrannTrace, which model03:28
MezFikrann, the simple fact is I'm having problems with my Router acting as a DNS proxy which I think I can resolv manually03:28
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penguin42DAWKIRST: Hang on a mo - let me just download and install it03:28
TraceSorry, because i don't have this computer, what do you mean , Fikrann?03:29
DAWKIRSTpenguin42, ta.03:29
penguin42timmy_the_testic: Erm your name is rather long - have you erm...thought of ...erm... a castration?03:29
penguin42DAWKIRST: So /etc/init.d/samba doesn't exist?03:29
FikrannTrace, exact chipset model name.03:30
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TraceSiS735 chipset, maybe03:30
timmy_the_testicnah cos i am a testicle:P03:30
DAWKIRSTpenguin42, no.03:31
Tracei googled this problem, many gays meet this problem03:31
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penguin42DAWKIRST: Hmm then I don't think you have the samba server installed - perhaps you are misreading synaptic - perhaps you just have some client part installed - do   sudo apt-get install samba03:31
Tracelinux 2.6.11 telles me to use snd-intel8x0, it is 1039:7012, but, i can't hear any sound03:31
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DAWKIRSTpenguin42, right.03:31
dinTrace, have you unmuted the channels?03:32
Traceno, i am sure.03:32
Tracewhen i use i810_audio module, at least, i can hear sound03:33
dinno you haven't unmuted them?03:33
Tracethouth it isn't drived totally, still some errro.03:33
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dindoes the intel8x0 even load?03:34
Tracedo you mean snd-intel8x0 or intel8x0?03:34
Traceat first, i load snd-intel8x0, no sound at all03:34
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Tracebecause /lib/modules/`uname -a`/modules.map tells me 1039:7012 use snd-intel8x0, it doesn't work actually03:35
[2] BoxingFiendquick questions.. i'm getting all kinda of md5sum error using mirrormax.net for backports and extras, any other suggested site i can use?03:36
FikrannTrace, can you see any channels when you run alsamixer?03:36
dinTrace, so you have the channels unmuted when you use the snd-intel8x0 then?03:36
Traceoh, i don't try it.03:36
dinTrace, well try03:36
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bimberi[2] BoxingFiend: planetmirror.com03:36
DAWKIRSTpenguin42, done. There is now a samba in /etc/init.d03:37
dinremove the i810_audio module03:37
dinand modprobe snd_intel8x003:37
dinthen run alsamixer03:37
Traceok, but now i don't in front of that computer, that is a liveCD, so , i don't think it is that problem03:37
dinuse "m" to unmute the channels03:37
dinw/e, what would I know03:37
Tracebecause this liveCD can make sound in others computer.03:37
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penguin42DAWKIRST: Cool - so now you should find samba is running - you just need to configure it to tell it how to validate users and what bits to let people see03:38
bimberi[2] BoxingFiend: full url is http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu-backports/03:39
TraceI build a liveCD, and it will play a music when bootup, but in that computer, i can hear nothing.03:39
DAWKIRSTpenguin42, ta man. I gtg now. I'll ask again if I encounter any difficulties...03:39
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Traceso, i think it is the problem about sound card driver.03:39
dinTrace, so why are you telling us?03:40
dinfix it then03:40
TraceAnyway, thx Fikrann, din!!03:40
TraceI just want to ask anyone know how to fix this problem.03:40
dinunmute the channels so you can hear them??03:40
Tracehow to deal with Silicon Integrated System sound card03:41
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FikrannHey guys, is there any metapackage I could tell a newb to install to get him kernel build enviroinment?03:48
xfSxety fueketey fekekek03:48
xfSxtelos aah fixed :)03:48
xfSxtelos so wassup03:48
xfSxtelos bbl; food03:48
xfSxStereo 12:20:27          telos |  r0x000r!03:48
xfSxStereo 12:20:32          telos |  oh fuck03:48
xfSxStereo 12:26:31          telos |  fuckety fueketey fekekek03:48
xfSxStereo 12:33:57          telos |  aah fixed :)03:48
xfSxStereo 12:34:00          telos |  so wassup03:48
xfSxStereo 12:41:11          telos |  bbl; food03:48
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xfSxStereo the sound of science03:48
xfSxoops wrong window03:49
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Shinjanhi folks03:49
Grovermanhi Shinjan03:49
Grovermanwhat's up?03:49
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whiprushFikrann: build-essential03:50
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unimatrix9hi there03:52
ed1they unimatrix903:52
=== Kyral stabs ZSNES
lotusleafNermal, O_O03:52
Kyralanyone know why the sound in ZSNES isnt working?03:52
ed1thow do i install jre on ubuntu?03:52
unimatrix9the older ubuntu, can you setup smb as easy as in the newer ones?03:52
Suepahflyso any of you having succesfully installed KVirc?03:52
unimatrix9you know to share files03:53
ed1ti know i gotta fakeroot it and stuff03:53
Gouramiwhich is full access 700 or 750 ? (chmod)03:53
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unimatrix9just an simple apt-get install samba and klick to share the file, is that also possible on older ubuntu?03:54
Fikrannwhiprush, thank you.03:54
frix_hi - how can i tell nautilus to use a certain icon for all files with the $certain extension?03:54
rekaSuepahfly: what problems you having?03:54
Suepahflycan't compile, i get dlopen errors03:55
rekaSuepahfly: hm, it's in the repo.03:55
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GouramiSuepahfly, I have a shared directory (SMB) that I want everyone to be able to read, whats the correct permissions ?03:55
rekaSuepahfly: why not jsut apt-get install03:55
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Aragorn_Guardianpenguin42: where i cat get info about this update commands?03:55
Suepahflythe version in th repo is 2.1.13, the latest stable is 3.203:56
penguin42Gourami: You don't need to use the magic numbers - you can do   chmod a+rx directory03:56
penguin42Aragorn_Guardian: Which update command?03:56
Gouramipenguin42, thats read only correct ?03:56
Aragorn_Guardianupdate-rc.d fpr example...03:57
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penguin42Gourami: Nod - read it as a+rx is 'all add read, execute' - now you need 'execute' on a directory to be able to browse it, but not on files03:57
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Aragorn_Guardiannot just the man...03:57
siorfinanyone here have experience with running world of warcraft? i need to know why it runs slow in windowed mode hwen i can run it fine like that in winblows03:58
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Gouramipenguin42, can you tell me why I no longer get a password prompt from SAMBA ? I may have changed something in the config03:59
penguin42Aragorn_Guardian: Hmm you know man is good! There is some stuff in /usr/share/doc/sysv-rc that might be useful?03:59
Zukeroanyone here knows if xpde works well under ubuntu ?03:59
penguin42Gourami: Sorry no03:59
rekaZukero: do you mean xpdf?04:00
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siorfinanyone with experience running world of warcraft04:00
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LinuxSwordhehe maybe on wine ;)04:01
siorfini have it running on cadega04:01
siorfinjust dunno if there is somethign special i ned to do so it runs faster in windowed mode04:01
penguin42siorfin: What is cadega ?04:01
Zukeroreka : no xpde Desktop Environment with looks like winXP04:02
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siorfincadega is a paid version of wine called winex or formerly winex04:02
penguin42oh ok, the transgaming one?04:02
rekaZukero: oh04:02
feedbackthe name is cEdega, btw04:02
siorfinyes transgaming04:02
siorfinwhatever, details details04:02
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feedbacksiorfin: is 3d acceleration/bloody hell/glx/whatever enabled?04:02
siorfinof course04:03
luzbelitohi all, i cant see my navigation bar on nautilus. how can i activate it?04:03
siorfini only get like 1500 in glxgears and 230 in fgl_glxgears though04:03
Zukeroluzbelito set in preferences, : open in a single window04:03
siorfinbut it runs faster in windowed mode under windows than under ubuntu04:03
rekaluzbelito: it's in prefs > behaviour tab > enable "always open in browser windows"04:04
siorfinmy vid card sucks but it should run faster than it is04:04
siorfinseems to run bout the same fullscreen as windows but not windowed ;p04:04
MoppinIn my cedega experiance, new games run slower in linus than it does in windows.  I know there is alot of support for WoW in the official transgaming forums.04:05
feedbackluzbelito: there is no navbar unless you use the "browser" mode04:06
FikrannMoppin, >any< game will run slower in an emulator than on native platform.04:06
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Fikrannin fact, >any< software run in an emulator will run slower.04:06
znhHm.. what's the current suggested sources.list ?04:06
siorfinwinex isnt really an emulator though it is a compatibility layer or so ive read04:06
feedbackFikrann: the difference between native/emulated starcraft is thin04:06
feedbackreally thin04:06
luzbelitook wait04:06
siorfinit runs pretty mcuh the same speed as windows in fullscreen04:06
feedbacksiorfin: yep, and in fact it DOES emulate the execution of win32 binaries.04:07
siorfinjust not windowed04:07
rekaznh: well, a sample one can be found here: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3804:07
znhreka: thanks, was search exatcly that one ;)04:07
znh http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3804:07
luzbelitothankxxx !!!04:07
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luzbelitoi just wanna say that ubuntu system and community is the best computer choice !04:08
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siorfinfeedback: when I think emulator i think something like ...whats that called win4lin that opens a virtual desktop or whtaever taking more ram, technically i guess you could say ye sit does emulate since it takes native windows calls and translates them for linux use04:08
siorfinor whatever04:08
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siorfinim ok with running in fullscreen though is rather run windowed if i can speed it up some04:09
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luzbelitoquestion: i wanna import other user bookmarks to my user (root permission). how can i do that ?04:09
siorfinyou need root permissions?04:09
dinluzbelito, as in firefox bookmarks?04:10
G|limmerguys, i find it strange that Mysic Player and Totem both say i do not have the codec to play mp3 files! is that "normal"?04:10
=== Kyral looks at ZSNES oddly
serengetiG|limmer yup04:10
feedbackbtw, my X fonts are really badly rendered, does anybody know where can I modify fontconfig/defoma/whatever settings?04:10
feedbackmaybe through dpkg-reconfigure something04:10
ed1tdoes anyone know how to install java runtime?04:10
KyralG|limmer, its one of those "issues" that you can solve with the almighty Backports :D04:10
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siorfini uninstalled totam and installed xmms and mplayer04:11
ubotuhmm... backports is http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/04:11
feedbacked1t: sure, there is a script for that04:11
ed1tfeedback, fakeroot?04:11
G|limmerserengeti, Kyral: ic.04:11
dinluzbelito, well if you don't mind copying over your root's bookmarks, you can always cp -r /home/(youruser)/.mozilla /root04:11
feedbacked1t: well. no04:11
feedbackthe script uses fakeroot04:11
Kyralquite easy to fix04:11
feedbackapt-get install java-package i think04:11
ed1tfeedback, i did that04:11
siorfinhas anyone installed autopackage?04:11
serengetiGlimmer: but you domn't need backports do get mp3 plugin04:11
Kyralserengeti, I thought you did, oh well, my bad04:12
dinluzbelito, otherwise you can just grab the bookmarks.html file from your ~/.mozilla folder and copy that over04:12
Kyral!info w32codecs04:12
feedbacked1t: /usr/lib/java-package or such then.04:12
feedbackthere are some script.04:12
feedbackthere are some scriptS.04:12
G|limmerserengeti: am alredy downloading some updates from there. so, where to find the mp3 codec then? and a DivX one if possible...04:12
=== feedback hates java
=== din does too
serengetiG|limmer you need gstreamer0.8-mad04:12
ed1t<3 java04:12
serengetiI think it's in universe04:13
=== feedback likes C#
Kyral!info gstreamer0.8-mad04:13
ubotugstreamer0.8-mad: (MAD MPEG audio decoder plugin for GStreamer), section universe/libs, is optional. Version: 0.8.8-1ubuntu4 (hoary), Packaged size: 49 kB, Installed size: 136 kB04:13
Kyralah, I see04:13
KyralI killed Gstreamer :P04:13
Kyraltotem-xine :D04:13
G|limmerserengeti thnks.04:13
G|limmerKyral: thanks for the nfo. hehe04:14
serengetithat's pretty extreme isn't it Kyral ;p04:14
feedbacktotem-gstreamer sucks... gstreamer needs a lot of work before it can handle fine video playback04:14
Kyralanyone know why ZSNES runs with sound when I execute it from command line, yet when I use the entry in my Debian menu, it doesn't?04:14
ed1t!info java-package04:14
ubotujava-package: (utility for building Java(TM) 2 related Debian packages), section multiverse/misc, is optional. Version: 0.23 (hoary), Packaged size: 18 kB, Installed size: 264 kB04:14
siorfin!info java04:14
ed1t!info jre04:14
ed1ti need a java runtime04:14
feedbacked1t: ...04:14
siorfincool ill have to remember that04:14
Kyralserengeti, I did it to get AVIs to work, and I have never had problems04:14
Fikrannfeedback, to get your fonts better looking edit /etc/fonts/local.conf04:15
feedbacked1t: ok04:15
serengetiKyral I understood you got rid of gstreamer completely04:15
siorfin!info autopackage04:15
ed1tnalioth told me how to do fakeroot and stuff last night04:15
rekaed1t: for java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] 04:15
feedbackyou should go to /usr/share/java-package04:15
feedbacksudo sh whateveryouwant.sh04:15
feedbackthere are a lot of scripts04:15
feedbackchoose the one you need04:15
Kyralserengeti, I got rid of totem-gstreamer04:15
feedbackFikrann: thanks04:15
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feedbackFikrann: wait, i have no local.conf04:16
evanproHowdy all.04:16
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Fikrannfeedback, which Ubuntu version are you using?04:17
feedbackFikrann: i bet i chose something wrong with debconf04:17
evanproAny suggestions for how to get an up-to-date version of the Open Office 1.9.x betas working on my Ubuntu x86 boxen?04:17
feedbacki just re-installed04:17
feedbackdue to the x86_64 upgrade04:17
naliothed1t: how are you doin today?04:17
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G|limmeris there a PHP4 package for Ubuntu?04:17
naliothreka: ya learnin some tricks?04:17
ed1tnalioth, hey!! im good thx, u04:18
feedbacknow font rendering sucks and i don't know why!04:18
feedbackevanpro: there is some script at evolutioncolt.com04:18
serengetiKyral I see, so gstreamer is still living somewhere in your system :) so gst-ffmpeg didn't work for you?04:18
evanprofeedback, grazie04:18
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feedbackevanpro: i'll search for it.04:18
Zukerohas any other DE/WM than gnome and KDE been tested successfully under ubuntu ?04:18
catfoxhi all. are there any docs for creating custom live cd's based on ubuntu04:19
naliothed1t: back again, to answer more questions04:19
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evanproG|limmer, php4?04:19
ed1trepositories finally working for me04:19
naliothZukero: all of them04:19
feedbackevanpro: http://www.evolutioncolt.com/mainweb/?q=node/1104:19
evanproG|limmer, I mean, apt-get install php404:19
feedbackthat's it04:19
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naliothZukero: which one(s) did you have in mind?04:19
rekanalioth: woof04:19
Kyralserengeti, I just found it easier to sudo apt-get install totem-xine xine-ui w32codecs :D04:19
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G|limmerevanpro: lol thx04:19
Zukerofor example04:19
naliothreka: heh heh04:19
Zukeroi want to try them out one by one04:19
naliothZukero: whee, i never heard of that one04:19
Zukeroto find by myself which is my favorite04:20
catfoxi'd like to create a live cd, with zope and plone installed and running upon boot, with some custom zope apps installed. no idea where to start tho :)04:20
ralchmm i cant find w32codecs.. it says its not available04:20
serengetiKyral I see :)04:20
naliothZukero: there are a number of desktop manglers available04:20
Zukeronalioth : it's for my parents, it looks like winXP04:20
Kyralralc: Backports04:20
naliothZukero: ah04:20
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ralcKyral, ahh okay04:20
ralcKyral, i did not think they were necessary04:21
aitziberke pasa04:21
KyralThats up in the air :P04:21
ziortzacan u read me?04:21
naliothralc: they are not, for w32codecs04:21
KyralI personally couldn't live w/o backports04:21
ziortzalet's talk in english04:21
naliothralc: you can go to www.mplayerhq.hu and download them04:21
Kyralnalioth, you try getting them without backports04:21
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naliothKyral: already have them via mplayer04:21
KyralAh, I see04:22
naliothKyral: mplayer website04:22
KyralI don't like MPlayer, thats why :D04:22
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FikrannKyral, you always can go the Gentoo way and install everything from scratch.04:22
=== Kyral gives Fikrann the mother of all Kanchoes!
eskaypeyhey guys how do you restart x04:22
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rekaeskaypey: ctrl+alt+backspace04:22
KyralGentoo hates my system for some reason :P04:22
Fikranneskaypey, ctrl+alt+BkSpace04:22
frix_one question: i chose english as the system's default language - how can i use gnome in my native language?04:23
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ed1tnalioth, i finally got the java runtime installed04:23
FikrannKyral, and personally, I hate Gentoo .. it's broken in soooo many ways.04:23
naliothed1t: great! now you can run java things and suck %50 of your system resources with one proggy04:23
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Kyralyah you are telling me?04:23
KyralI only run Java for Azureus04:23
lotusleafLinux geeks who end up in hell get stuck with compiling Gentoo for eternity04:24
G|limmerhow to permanently re-set the default screen resolution i want?04:24
ed1tnalioth, lol04:24
Kyraland actually, it doesn't give a performance hit04:24
Fikrannlotusleaf, lol, yes!04:24
Kyralmy system == uber for Linux :D04:24
lotusleafKyral, sure it does, it's like the sugar pill, it's all psychological ;)04:24
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nikkialotusleaf: so what you're saying, is they become regular gentoo users?04:24
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lotusleafnikkia, I really don't know what I'm saying, I haven't slept in days. ;(04:25
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evanprofeedback: That script is out of date (104, not 113). I'm going to try doing a uupdate with the current source code and build from scratch04:25
naliothyou guys, this is funny (pathetic) i finally got java running on my PPC, started azureus and 12 hours later, it was still loading04:25
FikrannAnyway .. I must be off.04:26
Hieronymusnalioth: java :/04:26
ubotusomebody said javatrap was http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/java-trap.html04:26
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ed1tnalioth, im trying to mount my fat32 partition, i followed the steps from ubuntuguide.org but got an error04:26
ed1tmount: special device /dev/hda5 does not exist04:26
nikkianalioth: eclipse does that to me, if i forget to switch to the kde desktop its set to initially get pushed to :)04:26
FikrannBe well!04:26
naliothHieronymus: yes, thats why i avoid java apps04:26
naliothed1t: stay away from ubuntuguide, it will lead you astray04:26
Hieronymusnalioth: Azureus can be avoided, .... right?04:26
=== robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, ubguide is Please do not follow Ubuntuguide; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines (number 3)04:26
naliothHieronymus: most all java apps can be avoided (i cant think of any i HAVE to use)04:27
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Hieronymusnalioth: why use java then? It's non-free04:27
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naliothHieronymus: i found it challenging to get installed on my PPC04:27
naliothHieronymus: so it was the challenge04:27
feedbackthis sort of font rendering sucks04:27
feedbackdon't know why.04:28
naliothHieronymus: and also, i'll try later to get jomic to run (jomic.sourceforge.net)04:28
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rekaed1t: sounds like you're trying to mount an invalid partition.  check the output of sudo fdisk -l04:29
naliothHieronymus: but although jomic as nice(r) features, i have 2 other comic book readers on my box04:29
Hieronymusnalioth: you just like to install things because it's hard?04:29
naliothed1t: have you searched https://wiki.ubuntu.com for mounting windows partitions?04:29
HieronymusWell, I can understand you install non-free binary shit then04:29
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ubotuHieronymus: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?04:30
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nalioths_doged1t: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partitions mount automatically04:30
ed1tnalioth, thats wat im trying to do now04:30
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Hieronymusubotu: mountwindows is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions04:30
ubotuokay, Hieronymus04:30
KyralAnyone know any good N64 Emulators for Linux?04:31
HieronymusKyral: no04:31
frix_once again: i chose english as the system's default language - how can i use gnome in my native language?04:31
cmathesonfrix_: dpkg-reconfigure locales04:32
cmathesonfrix_: and then choose a new default04:32
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cmathesonfrix_: you should be able to choose from the 'languages' button in GDM too04:32
frix_cmatheson: but i dont wanna change the systems default04:32
frix_just for gnome04:32
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cmathesonfrix_: run `sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales`04:32
lotusleafI swallowed a bag of rice and a printout of the gentoo sources and had it all compiled by suppertime04:33
cmathesonthen just change it from the menu in GDM04:33
luzbelitoi just wanna say that ubuntu system and community is the best computer choice !04:33
frix_cmatheson: in gdm theres just english04:33
lotusleafluzbelito, agreed04:33
Hieronymusfrix_: install the other languages' support04:33
yacek_I have some problems with kernel04:33
ed1tnalioth, do i just replace the original fstab with winmac_fstab's context?04:33
cmathesonfrix_: install the locale packages you want, and then run 'dpkg-reconfigure locales'04:33
naliothed1t: no, you execute the winmac_fstab in a terminal "sh winmac_fstab"04:34
naliothed1t: use "sudo"04:34
ed1tooo k04:34
frix_how do i do that?04:34
Hieronymused1t: no, make the thing executable first, then run ./winmac_fstab04:34
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yacek_i compiled my own kernel without pseudofilesystems> dev and during start ubuntu gives message "mount: unknown filesystem type 'devfs'" how to get rid of it??04:35
naliothHieronymus: 6 of one, half-dozen of another04:35
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naliothed1t: either method described to you will work04:35
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ed1tnalioth, i did sh winmac_stab04:36
ed1twith sudo04:36
ed1ti dont see any disks added to /media04:37
ed1tor do i have to reboot?04:37
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Hieronymused1t: no04:37
ralcheh i can't find w32codecs even though i use backport04:37
Grovermaned1t, sudo mount -a04:37
Grovermaned1t, that will read your fstab and mount04:38
naliothed1t: no reboot necessary04:38
ed1toooh k04:38
SDFH_Linuxis gnome 2.10.2 available for ubuntu?04:38
ralcKyral, where do you get your backport from?? or something :)04:38
naliothralc: go to www.mplayerhq.hu and to their codecs downloads page04:38
naliothralc: get the 'essential package'04:39
ed1ti got the windows partition now, but i have one more parititon which is fat32 which i use for data between linux and windows04:39
ralcnalioth, i did that.. but where are they supposed to go, the codecs?04:39
naliothralc: put all the codecs in /usr/local/lib/codecs04:39
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ralcnalioth, okay04:39
naliothralc: just the codecs (not the folder they came in)04:39
Hieronymusralc: press 'reload' in Synaptic, then try again04:39
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markocould anybody help with installing my usb-printer?04:40
luzbelitoedlt: what is the problem with that?04:40
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marko/proc/bus/usb/devices says, that he has found him, but I can't print04:41
ed1tnalioth, im not on apple though04:41
ralcnalioth, there is no such directory. should i create it?04:41
chezCan someone tell me a nice pcmia wireless card, preferably with a prism 2 chip that I can use on my viao running ubutu?04:41
ralcHieronymus, doesnt work =/04:41
naliothralc: yes04:41
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markoI've got a MPC190... is there any driver for it?04:41
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SDFH_Linuxis gnome 2.10.2 available for ubuntu?04:41
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Hieronymusralc: are you sure you have backports? Maybe you need backports-extra04:42
himitsuhi all04:42
luzbelitoi cant download video clips from canon ixus 400 with gthumb 2.6.3. pls help me04:42
luzbelitoits ok with photos04:42
HieronymusSDFH_Linux: http://packages.ubuntu.com04:42
chezc'mon who has a wireless card, what is ubuntus support like for it?04:42
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nikkiachez, i have about 6 of them04:43
luzbelitoi cant download video clips from canon ixus 400 with gthumb 2.6.3. pls help me04:44
nikkiasome work, some don't :)04:44
peterretiefchez, i have used both atheros and prism chipsets succesfully, i had a problem with prism 54 v2 chip though04:44
JonaxQuick question - What's the command needed to run .deb's04:44
evanproJonax, dpkg -i04:44
HieronymusJonax: dpkg -i will *install* them04:45
Jonaxta evanpro :)04:45
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cheznikkia, peterretief - so support is prett good then? is there like a central hardware compatability chart for ubuntu?04:45
evanproThat will install the debian package, and you can then run the programs within04:45
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HieronymusJonax: to find commands in the future: apropos blabla04:45
HieronymusJonax: to find out more about commands: man command04:45
evanproHieronymus, I thought that was a convenient gloss04:45
Hieronymusevanpro: a what?04:46
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peterretiefchez, the hostap only works with the prism set as far as i know04:46
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j^what happend to libwx2.5.3 in breezy?04:49
ubotuwireless is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards04:49
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evanproHieronymus, dpkg -i whatever.deb leads to /usr/bin/whatever being runnable04:49
evanproHieronymus, a "gloss" is a summary or abbreviation; "glossing over" the details04:50
BiSK-8can any1 help me with totem?04:50
BiSK-8ok.....i'll just ask04:51
rekaBiSK-8: telling us the problem would help. :)04:51
BiSK-8when i click on am mp3 it sais: Audio codec 'MPEG 1 Layer 3 CBR' is not handled. You might need to install additional plugins to be able to play some types of movies04:51
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rekaBiSK-8: you need to install a codec with mp3 support04:51
rekaBiSK-8: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad will do04:52
feedbackhello.[i've solved the font thingy] , anyone got flashplayer running on amd64? [NO CHROOT] 04:52
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nalioths_dogBiSK-8: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support04:52
BiSK-8i have real player04:52
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rekaBiSK-8: more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:52
BiSK-8it wont work either04:52
Zukerowhere is it that i can tell gdm where to look for other DE ?04:53
BiSK-8it works04:53
naliothZukero: when you log in, there is a "sessions" link you can click04:53
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BiSK-8thanks ppl04:53
Zukeroin configurations files04:53
ZukeroI installed a new one04:54
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BiSK-8ok then04:54
naliothZukero: ah, you've discovered lazy packagers disease04:54
BiSK-8i would like to install java for firefox04:54
Zukeroi need to tell gdm where that it exists, and where to find it ?04:54
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naliothZukero: what DM did you install and does it not show up in the session mangler?04:54
BiSK-8how should i do that?04:54
nalioths_dogBiSK-8: for java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , fakeroot make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] 04:54
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BiSK-8i did04:54
BiSK-8wont work04:54
Zukerowell, i installes xpde, and they ask to modify the .xinitrc04:55
naliothZukero: in /usr/share/xsessions you'll find some files, open one and use it as a template04:55
Zukerono .xinitrc04:55
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BiSK-8thanks guys04:55
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ubotubackports is probably http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/04:55
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naliothZukero: but please don't modify the file you are using as a template (or you'll be buggered)04:55
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Hieronymusralc: !ubguide04:55
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ubotuwell, ubguide is Please do not follow Ubuntuguide; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines (number 3)04:55
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serengetiis there a way to remove disk drive link from gtk's file chooser? there's no disk drive in my thinkpad04:57
kids_at_the_poolfirst time using linux and irc. i have a fat32 primary partition named "files" to share with winxp, and when I try to write to this partition it says "you do not have permission to write to this folder". Can anyone help? Thanks04:57
nalioths_dogkids_at_the_pool: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partitions mount automatically04:57
kids_at_the_poolnalioths_dog: hmmm, so fat32 drive isn't "mounted" right now? I can see one folder in it "system volume information"04:59
naliothkids_at_the_pool: that script should mount your fat32 stuff read/write (but will only mount your NTFS read-only)04:59
naliothkids_at_the_pool: it probably is, if you can see it04:59
naliothkids_at_the_pool: but you've mounted it read only or with the wrong user permissions04:59
kids_at_the_poolnalioth: oh okay. so back in CS class we used to chmod stuff, that won't work here i guess?04:59
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dbernar1nalioth: just cause writing is not safe in Linux, writing to ntfs drives that is, otherwise it works.05:00
naliothkids_at_the_pool: it needs to be properly outlined in the fstab05:00
kids_at_the_poolnalioth: i'll try your suggestion, thanks a lot05:00
Moppinkids_at_the_pool, when you type 'mount' does it list your FAT32 as (rw) or (ro) ?05:01
naliothdbernar1: yes, it does05:01
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dbernar1I know you know, dunno why I chose your name instead of his.05:02
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dbernar1cause I was really anmswering his question...05:02
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naliothdbernar1 i'm half asleep05:02
chomariohi to all!05:02
dbernar1why are you awake anyhow, you are same time zone as me...05:03
dbernar1or is it 11 where ou are?05:03
naliothdbernar1: i'm in Houston, Tx  (10am)05:03
dbernar1hi chomario05:03
kids_at_the_poolmoppin: well it says "dev/sda5 on /files type vfat (rw)" and  i have names my fat32 partition "files" so unless there's another common linux folder named files...05:03
dbernar1ya, I thouigh you were same time zone.05:03
dbernar1kids_at_the_pool: nah,. thats your files.05:04
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naliothkids_at_the_pool: there may be more you need to add to that line of your fstab05:04
chomariolittle question: where the countrychooser is?05:05
chomariocountrychooser package05:05
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kids_at_the_poolnalioth: okay05:05
dbernar1there is a explanation in the wiki on how to mount fat32 with fstab instructions, I believe.05:05
ubotuhmm... windows is Everything runs in linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office, or find an !alternative05:05
dbernar1not that one05:05
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kids_at_the_pooldbernarl: lemme try the ubuntu wiki then05:06
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ubotusomebody said alternative was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant05:06
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Hieronymusubotu: windows is Everything runs in GNU/linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office, or find an !alternative05:06
ubotu...but windows is already something else...05:06
rekadbernar1: the ubotu command is mountwindows05:06
dbernar1yup, reka has it05:07
rekafor the wiki reference above05:07
chomarioI was searching on breezy,hoary and warty with no results ; |05:07
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holycowwhat is the wireless applet called in breezy?  this is just for testing, i know breezy is unstable05:08
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holycowwireless applet package even05:08
dbernar1why do you think xmms is much quieter, less loud, than music player/rhytmbox for example?05:08
samuelkwhat do i add in xorg.conf after done the nvidia-glx-config enable command?05:08
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dbernar1samuelk: doesnt the wiki tell you?05:09
samuelkgive adress to wiki05:09
ubotudbernar1: Are you smoking crack?05:09
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, dbernar105:09
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ubotunvidia is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto05:10
rekadbernar1: you checked xmms' volume? btw, beep-media-player is nicer.05:10
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dbernar1ya, the volume is fine, off course.05:10
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dbernar1should have mentioned...05:10
six2one_awayholycow: ill tell you in a min, im installing breezy in qemu right now and it will be done soon05:10
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holycowsix2one_away, danke05:12
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uboturedtech: Bugger all, i dunno05:12
Zukeroi managed to run xpde05:12
Zukeronothing works in it05:12
Zukerono desktop icon works05:12
Zukeroand launching xchat from terminal crashed the session05:12
naliothZukero: did you read the faq at the site?05:12
naliothZukero: it requires some libraries that i'm not sure are in ubuntu by default05:13
BobaFettGuys ... i need help! :( Im getting a 'couldn't initiate scheduler' message when I try to run volume control or rhythmbox' ... any clue?05:13
BobaFettI've never seen that error message before!05:13
feugan3333Hi all. When looking at the output of free, it says i've only got a total of 800mb of ram while I have 2GB. Anyone know what the problem could be?05:13
serengetioh well I guess it's my questions-asking season:) is there any solution for a noisy fan in Thinkpad t42? acpi says the processor's temperature is just 39C, but the fan sounds as if it was working on a high gear...05:13
supernixHas anyone here experienced trying to install Linux on a Compaq ?05:14
ralchow do i delete a dir in a console?05:14
serengetiI wantet to try lmsensors but there's this scary message05:14
naliothserengeti: has the fan run out of grease?05:14
serengetiabout thinkpads05:14
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naliothralk rmdir05:14
BobaFettralc ... try with 'rm'05:14
serengetinalioth: this laptop is one week old05:14
naliothserengeti: heh, so it has plenty of grease05:14
redtechsupernix: what kind of compaq?05:14
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chomariofeugan3333: have you a raiser file system??05:14
serengetinalioth it's really silent under windows05:14
naliothserengeti: the acpi soft may not realize how new it is or something05:15
BobaFettGuys ... i need help! :( Im getting a 'couldn't initiate scheduler' message when I try to run volume control or rhythmbox' ... any clue?05:15
ralcsix2one_away and BobaFett thanks05:15
feugan3333chomario: no, normal amd64 box05:15
supernixMy fiancee has a Compaq that is a little over a year old can't recall the model05:15
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chomariofeugan3333: :  )  ok, but what file system??  XFS, Raiser, EXT2....05:16
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dbernar1BobaFett: there was some post somewhere, maybe while installing, that over a gig of ram needs to be enabled somewhere, make some keywords of my sentence, and then search google, is best I can do...05:16
serengetinalioth I guess it'll run out of grease pretty soon if it keeps spinning like that... :rolleyes:05:16
chomariohi LSD2505:16
naliothserengeti: you know how it is: the manufactures give microshaft all the tech specs, and our linux devs have to guess a lot of the time05:16
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jmjonesanybody know how to change your user's icon in gdm?05:17
Suepahflyso anyone got a recent version kvirc running on Ubuntu, the one in the repo is badly outdted05:17
BobaFettI have only 512 ram, dbernar :)05:17
cookiemnstrhow do i set up dial up connection with ubuntu?05:17
BobaFettits that feugan dude with the 1GB+ RAM issue :)05:17
feugan3333chomario: ext305:18
Grovermanis there an easy way of submitting a software suggestion of upcoming release to the ideapool?05:18
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LSD25what's the difference between warty/hoary/.. ?05:19
LSD25i'm new to ubuntu and wander what to choose05:19
luzbelitoLSD25: the realease name05:19
rekacookiemnstr: start off with sys > admin > networking perhaps05:20
LSD25thanx luzbelito05:20
serengetinalioth I'm not complaining :) I'm just looking for a solution. The bit about windows being able to slow down the fan wasn't there to bash linux devs it's just an observation :)05:20
GrovermanLSD25, hoary is the latest release.05:20
rekaLSD25: hoary is the most recent stable release05:20
feugan3333LSD25: hoary is a newer release. IE newer packages05:20
naliothLSD25: choose hoary, that is the current stable version05:20
LSD25than, what's specific about the other two ?05:21
naliothserengeti: and i've explained in my own slapdash way of why it is doing that. . .05:21
chomariofeugan3333: oh, i my mistake. The kernel is the problem, You must have a kernel compiled for 4GB of RAM05:21
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LSD25latest unstable?05:21
serengetinalioth :)05:21
LSD25thanx, i think i'll be ok with hoary05:21
rekawarty is older :)  breezy is still in development so you'll probably run into problems05:22
reka^^ LSD25: meant for you05:22
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ubotuGroverman: I haven't a clue05:22
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feugan3333chomario: Ahh, which option would that be. Is it compiled by that way on the amd 64bit release of ubuntu. I have the 32 bit version still.05:23
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LSD25it sounds like a very nice linux to me05:23
LSD25i think i need something like that to chill on05:23
Grovermanhow do i add software to ideapool05:24
HieronymusLSD25: linux is just a kernel05:24
ubotu[linux]  the "kernel", or core of the Ubuntu operating system. Ubuntu is only one version of Linux. For more information on Linux in general, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux05:24
ubotumethinks gnu is "http://www.gnu.org/gnu/thegnuproject.html"05:24
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ubotuHieronymus: I give up, what is it?05:24
BobaFettGuys ... i need help! :( Im getting a 'couldn't initiate scheduler' message when I try to run volume control or rhythmbox ... any clue?05:24
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samuelki have dont as it says in https://wiki.ubuntu.com//BinaryDriverHowto on nvidia graphics card but i dont gett glx to work05:25
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naliothGroverman: your answer is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com05:25
LSD25Hieronymus :D i meant distro05:25
chomariofeugan3333 for v2.6 "Processor type and features -> High Memory Support ". Put 4G05:25
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feugan3333chamario: Thanks alot05:26
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krylI have some problem with wepattack compilation under ubuntu hoary05:26
krylis there a way to download binary ?05:27
naliothkryl: is it listed at http://packages.ubuntu.com  ?05:27
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LSD25samuelk why not just install the nvidia driver and modify the xorg.conf05:27
krylnalioth, no05:27
dbernar1its not in the repos.05:28
LSD25the README with the driver explains alot, but if you got problem i can help you in basic to get it running05:28
naliothi don't even know what it is05:28
naliothkryl: is there no binary on its website?05:28
krylit is a wardriving tools to improve wep security05:28
naliothkryl: what probs are you having? (yes i'm off-topic)05:29
krylnalioth, I'm just searching a way to install wepattack on ubuntu ... so perhaps I can take the package from a debian server !05:29
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naliothkryl: not advised05:29
Suepahflyso anyone got a recent version kvirc running on Ubuntu, the one in the repo is badly outdted05:30
naliothkryl: you mentioned compile errors05:30
krylan instant please05:30
nikkiasue, i use the repository version on kvirc's homepage05:30
chomario; )05:30
nikkiaSuepahfly: it works fine05:30
Suepahflythe deb package form kvirc.net?05:30
nikkiaSuepahfly: yeah05:31
Suepahflynikkia,  how did you install, i cant since i have outdated libs05:31
nikkiai can't remember if i added the repository to my sources, or just dpkg -i'ed the files, but it all worked fine05:31
Suepahflyi gat a bunch of version mismatches05:32
Suepahflywich version of kvirc do you use ?05:32
krylI need to install a lot of library ... from the compilation errors ...05:32
naliothkryl: so use synaptic to find and install them05:32
krylI'm on the way05:33
nikkiaactually, i take it back05:33
nikkiaapparently, i built from source05:33
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Suepahflywhe i build from source i get a dlopen error in ./configure05:33
krylopenssl/md5.h < wich package handle this header ?05:33
dbernar1kryl, I am following instructions right now, Ill tell you if it is possible to install...05:34
naliothkryl: look for ssl-dev or something like that05:34
krylroot@plexus:/home/kryl/sources/WepAttack-0.1.3/src # apt-file search md5.h | grep open05:34
kryllibopenipmi-dev: usr/include/OpenIPMI/md5.h05:34
kryllibssl-dev: usr/include/openssl/md5.h05:34
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aukgrphx: ping05:34
nikkiaSuepahfly: as far as i can see in my config.log, i got a dlopen error, but it was non-fatal05:34
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samuelkshould i install fglrx if i install an nvidia card`?05:35
nikkiait tried -ldl after that05:35
kryldone . . .05:35
krylit seems to work05:35
Suepahflyso i do "./configrue -ldl" ?05:35
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nikkiaSuepahfly: no05:35
rekasamuelk: fglrx is for ati cards05:35
rekasamuelk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//BinaryDriverHowTo05:36
samuelkreka i have yes i have done that but i dont gett me nvidia glx thing to work05:36
rekasamuelk: check out that site...nvidia isntructions are at the bottom05:36
Suepahflyso what sould i do then nikkia ?05:36
nikkiaSuepahfly: i just did ./configure apparently05:36
nikkiait gave a dlopen error, then tried again using -ldl and decided that worked05:36
rekasamuelk: can't really help you there...i'm using an ati card05:36
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krylthanks for your advices05:37
samuelkreka to bad :/05:37
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SuepahflyI get a bunch of lines saying dlopen is not available and the i get "configure: error: "This was fatal...aborting"05:37
naliothkryl: don't get in too much trouble, now05:37
samuelkError: your X configuration has been altered.05:37
samuelkreka is says05:37
DiscipulusI have a question05:37
nikkiaSuepahfly: *shrug* perhaps you're missing a -dev package05:38
Discipulusso when the Ubuntu developers release a new version of Ubuntu, how does one upgrade to it?05:38
JonaxJust ask it, Discipulus.  No need to wait until someone responds :)05:38
rekasamuelk: when does it say that?05:38
naliothDiscipulus: change your sources.list05:38
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naliothDiscipulus: in a very simple way05:38
samuelkreka then i use nvidia-glx-config enable05:38
Discipuluswhat do you change about 'em?05:38
JonaxWhat nalioth says :)05:38
samuelkto turn glx on..05:38
naliothDiscipulus: when the time comes (as breezy is broken now) you swap 'hoary' for 'breezy'05:38
dbernar1Discipulus: hoary to breeze...05:38
Discipulusah, alright05:38
Discipulushow long does the dist-upgrade take?05:38
dbernar1kryl: no, its not simple:)05:39
Discipulus(I'm on dialup)05:39
naliothDiscipulus: bout an hour05:39
JonaxHow long's a piece of string? :)05:39
JonaxIt all depends on your download speed05:39
Discipulusnalioth, I'm on dial-up...05:39
dbernar1longer then.05:39
samuelkreka any clue?05:39
naliothDiscipulus: then maybe a touch longer, heh05:39
Discipulushow much longer?05:39
rekasamuelk: again, i'm not familiar with the nvidia process.05:39
foodcomanUgh... Dialup weeks eh?05:39
HieronymusDiscipulus: order CDs then05:39
rekasamuelk: sure you followed the steps? ;)05:39
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Frank_dotDiscipulus: you can probably use cds for the upgrade05:39
dbernar1dunno, too many factors unknown, such as size of files to be \downloaded, and yoiur bandwidth,05:40
kryldbernar1, it run well here now05:40
samuelkyes 100%05:40
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dbernar1kryl: what are you doing?05:40
yccheokany timidity user here? i am looking for a missing file /etc/timidity/freepats.cfg05:40
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yccheoki install the timidity from ubuntu server. after downloading and install, i realize the configuration file for the timidity is looking for another missing configuration file /etc/timidity/freepats.cfg05:41
kryldbernar1, I follow the compilation errors and I installed the appropriate library05:41
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dbernar1kryl: nice.05:41
blackmoonhi, some MOTU here?05:42
SDFH_Linuxwhich is better debian or ubuntu? and why?05:42
Hieronymusblackmoon: #ubuntu-motu05:42
dbernar1SDFH_Linux: because.05:42
rekaSDFH_Linux: says he in an ubuntu-biased environment :D05:42
HieronymusSDFH_Linux: I like Ubuntu better, but Debian atleast does good naming05:42
blackmoonHieronymus: thank you05:42
dbernar1SDFH_Linux: I find that ubuntu is better if you want an out of the box system.05:42
HieronymusSDFH_Linux: GNU/Linux instead of Linux05:42
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DiscipulusUbuntu doesn't have a deb for EncFS and Debian does05:43
Discipulusonly thing I don't like about ti05:43
dbernar1SDFH_Linux: then again, there is the standard sentence that debian is more stable.05:43
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SDFH_Linuxi am looking for the benefits over debian to move to ubuntu?05:43
elekisI try to install a prog who requiert  'clanCore-0.7'05:44
elekis I make apt-get isntall clanlib but I have the same error05:44
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rekaSDFH_Linux: quicker releases05:44
Hieronymuselekis: apt-cache search clan05:44
liablem4x: no05:45
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m4xliable, what?05:45
elekisI did that but no clancore05:45
jamey3To get the XFCE in Ubuntu, do I just need to install the xfce4 package?05:46
Hieronymuselekis: than there is none05:46
Hieronymusjamey3: correct05:46
elekisTo compile Flexlay you need a recent ClanLib 0.7, quite often the05:46
elekislatest not-yet-released development version from the subversion tree,05:46
elekisavailable at:05:46
elekis  * http://www.clanlib.org05:46
jamey3Hieronymus: thanks05:46
shinuanyone here know why installing a usb modem will stop my ethernet connection? (even if i dont plug the modem in...)05:46
elekisI found the error05:46
SuepahflySDFH_Linux, i don't know about Sagre but woody kinda sucked for the beginner like me05:46
jamey3Hieronymus: then I can choose it as a login option when I am logging in, right?05:46
elekisis clan 0.7 is in the beezy??05:46
liablem4x: nm... wrong window sorry05:46
jamey3btw, what do you think of XFCE?05:46
HieronymusHieronymus: yes, click 'session'05:46
Hieronymuselekis: http://packages.ubuntu.com05:47
Hieronymusjamey3: speedy :-)05:47
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Grovermanbugzilla is really crappy05:47
HieronymusGroverman: file a bug :D05:47
jamey3Hieronymus: cool. Is it what you use?05:47
Grovermanhow do i file a bug for bugzilla? it05:47
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HieronymusGroverman: agreed, it uses javascript :s05:47
Hieronymusjamey3: no, Gnome05:47
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jamey3Hieronymus: oh, why's that?05:47
naliothjamey3: if not, come back here for a fix05:48
elekiscan install caln 0.6 and 0.7 together05:48
Hieronymusjamey3: Because it's default, and because it's nice05:48
GrovermanHieronymus, it told me I must enter a component (or guess a component) by pressing "back". There is no such thing to choose and my whole bugreport got deleted!05:48
jamey3nalioth: thanks in advance :P05:48
butterflycolleccan i install ubuntu from hard drive ?05:48
=== Groverman strangles gugzilla
jamey3Hieronymus: yeah, it's very nice. I used KDE the other day... ugh.05:48
butterflycollecis there way to create startup diskette05:48
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butterflycollecor work around05:48
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jamey3ok brb changing to XFCE05:49
HieronymusGroverman: awww.. you do need to enter a component, though, and you can05:49
GrovermanHieronymus, and now i clicked on the "package" url and it totally hang Firefox (my first firefox crash EVER)05:49
dnakatadoes anybody else here buy dinner at 7/11?05:49
GrovermanHieronymus, component = package?05:50
dnakataor, go shopping there? :/05:50
HieronymusGroverman: have you had the 'can't-scroll magic line' yet?05:50
Hieronymus'nother bugzilla bug05:50
Hieronymusor Fx+bugzilla como05:50
Hieronymus*combo bug05:50
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GrovermanHieronymus, the what magic thingy?05:50
jamey3Well, XFCE is certainly different! :-)05:50
=== Groverman sighs
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HieronymusGroverman: when you can't scroll anymore in bugzilla05:51
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GrovermanHieronymus, this was my first bugzilla attempt. i am not impressed.05:52
elekisstupid question but if I use he tarbal can I take later off (when where will have a package  ubuntu)05:52
xfSxwhen i try to gksudo something i get the following error:  Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file. But Why?05:52
ralchehe can anyone recommend a mp3 player and a videoplayer?05:52
ralcnot xmms05:52
naliothelekis: if you compile from source, i recommend you use "checkinstall" in place of "make install" in the compilation steps05:52
aukrythmbox, totem05:52
dnakataralc: amarok / kaffeine05:52
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dnakatampg321 / mplayer05:52
xfSxrhythmbox is buggy for streams, xmms is good for streams05:53
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xfSxvlc is good for video, lots of codecs supported05:53
elekischeck install ?? what exaly is it??05:53
dnakataartsplay / xine05:53
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ubotucheckinstall is probably a program used in place of "make install". It makes a simple deb for installation05:53
aukxfSx: you mean gstreamer is buggy for streams05:53
nalioth!info checkinstall05:53
xfSxauk, yep05:53
ubotucheckinstall: (installation tracker), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 1.5.3-3 (hoary), Packaged size: 34 kB, Installed size: 132 kB05:53
jamey3XMMS is *so* ugly though!05:53
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elekisso  I make ./congure makje checkinstall05:53
rekajamey3: which is why you use beep-media-player :)05:53
dnakatajamey3: well, it's old.05:53
elekiswhitout error05:53
naliothelekis: yes05:53
McScruffcan someone help me install vmware please?05:53
dnakatawhich is the same program, anyway.05:54
xfSxxmms looks pretty slick to me05:54
elekisI ill try05:54
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dnakatacat /dev/urandom > ~/.xmms/Skins/default.png05:54
naliothelekis: checkinstall is in the repos, you can get it with apt-get05:54
xfSxmy ubu is kkkkrazy05:54
dnakatait's so ... staticy.05:54
BiSK-8can any1 tell me why the command gcc wont work?05:54
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dnakataBiSK-8: let me ask the magic 8-ball05:54
dnakatamagic 8-ball says: your ethernet cables are backwards05:55
dnakatamagic 8-ball says: the computer is off05:55
naliothBiSK-8: have you isntalled "build-essential" using apt-get?05:55
jamey3Oh my goodness. I am in XFCE and I just ran the XSreensaver config tool. It's just mucked up my desktop. It's very dark, the colours are all gone... help!05:55
BiSK-8how do i?05:55
naliothBiSK-8: that is why gcc doesnt work. it isnt there05:56
DiscipulusBiSK-8, apt-get install build-essential05:56
naliothBiSK-8: use synaptic. the package name is "build-essential"05:56
adwaitBiSK-8: sudo apt-get install build-essential05:56
Grovermandnakata, you should have a look at http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ballard/bofh/bofhserver.pl . just refresh the page for a new excuse05:56
elekisthat's compil05:56
dnakataGroverman: yeah, it's bookmarked05:56
ralchmm amarok is a kde app and i use gnome.. is that a prob?05:56
Grovermandnakata, haha05:56
dnakatabut my monitor is off, so i can't see it05:56
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naliothralc: kde apps will work in gnome05:56
Hieronymusralc: nah05:56
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dnakatai am biting the ethernet cable and 'feeling' the conversation, like binary braile.05:57
ralcthanks :)05:57
naliothdnakata: why don't you have your eye to the fiber? it's more sanitary05:57
KyralAnyone know how to convert the xmms-flac plugin to work with Beep?05:57
dnakataso, can we fire the kvirc maintainer05:57
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xfSxwhy might i not have permissions to delete stuff in my home folder? "/home/mrhodes...crashban.etm" cannot be deleted because you do not have permissions to modify its parent folder.05:59
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rekaKyral: check out http://www.sosdg.org/~larne/w/Plugin_list (scroll down to the FLAC input plugin) as a starter05:59
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elekisfor checkisntall must I use taht with some parameter or it's used alone06:00
rekaxfSx: what's the file's parent folder?06:00
xfSxJul  8 17:00:01 localhost gconfd (mrhodes-9129): Failed to log addition of listener unknown (Failed: Failed to log addition of listener to gconfd logfile; won't be able to re-add the listener if gconfd exits or shuts down (No space left on device));will not be able to restore this listener on gconfd restart, resulting in unreliable notification of configuration changes.06:00
xfSxi have a feeling no space on device is causing all these anomalies ;P06:00
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xfSxreka and yes that folder was owned by root, s'all good sorry for the spam06:01
siorfini had a file i couldnt delete the other day06:02
siorfinit was in my home folder but i used sudo to install it thus it ws owned by root and i coudlnt touch it06:02
siorfinif you have files you need to delete just type sudo nautilus --browser in commandline to bring up filebrowser with root privileges06:03
siorfinchange permisions or owner if you like also06:03
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six2onebreezy runs like a champ in qemu06:03
siorfinhad to do that to empty trash other day06:03
naliothxfSx: others, be very careful starting nautilus as root, it has no manners about some things06:04
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siorfini assume you know not to delete something that is needed :)06:04
catfoxis beagle in breezy?06:04
naliothcatfox: yes06:04
catfoxnalioth, ooh. now i want to run breezy06:05
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naliothcatfox: go buy (or borrow) and extra beige box, join the dev mailing list and rock on06:06
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GrovermanHi Rockett1706:06
antraxx_kann mri wer helfen .bin dateien zu installieren ?06:06
naliothantraxx_: en #ubuntu-de, bitte06:07
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naliothantraxx_: odor englisch hier06:07
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jamey3What other desktop environments, apart from Gnome and XFCE work well with Ubuntu?06:07
naliothjamey3: any of them06:07
siorfinkde works06:07
adwaitjamey3: any06:07
jamey3I don't like KDE, sorry.06:07
adwaitjamey3: kde/xpdf/....06:08
Grovermanjamey3, I use Window-Maker and Openbox306:08
siorfinis xfce better than gnome? never used it06:08
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six2oneits mac like06:08
jamey3siorfin: if you get used to it, I think it would be great.06:08
jamey3yeah it is.06:08
adwaitsiorfin: it is a lot easier on sys resources06:08
SDFH_Linuxhows xpde?06:08
jamey3It's quite sexy with the right themes.06:08
siorfinyeah it looked simpler06:08
jamey3OMG not XPde06:08
adwaitxpde = like windows xp06:08
jamey3which means06:08
=== John_M [~johnm@cpe-24-167-93-101.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jamey3lol seriously06:08
adwaitwith child like colours straight of a nursery06:08
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jamey3despite the GUI, I am always reverting to the shell lmao06:09
six2oneis anyone here running breezy colony 2...or has ran it?06:09
adwaitjamey3: for everyday tasks GUI06:10
siorfinhere is a question what is with all the animal names06:10
adwaitis easier/faster06:10
siorfinhoary, breezy badger, etc06:10
Hieronymussiorfin: ask the sabdfl06:10
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adwaitsiorfin: hmm......some wierd fascination with the powers tht be06:10
elekisX11/extensions/xf86vmode.h that say soething to somebody??06:10
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jamey3adwait: no no I mean I am always using the shell where a GUI would probably be more productive (i.e. launching a shell window, not changing TTY)06:10
elekisI have a comil error06:10
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arandomhi all06:11
Rockett17yeah really.. I can see why it may be useful for Linux n00bs, but they are never going to really learn Linux if it looks and works like a winbox. I coudln't stand having my Linux box not feeling and looking like Linux.06:11
adwaitjamey3: ahh........06:11
catfoxnalioth, i've got a spare box i dont use much. guess i could try it out. i tried suse 9.3 out, loved half of it, but hated the other half :) beagle was cool06:11
siorfinthink ill try installing xfce tonight i saw ss's of it and liked it06:11
naliothsiorfin: you are not waiting for the ubuntu release of "stinky skunk"?06:11
siorfindsl uses it i think or atleast it looks like it06:11
Rockett17xfce 4.2 is sweet06:11
arandomanybody know how to install Ubuntu on a machine without a bootable CD drive?06:11
naliothcatfox: sure thing, sounds good06:11
adwaitarandom: with boot floppes06:11
Hieronymusarandom: network06:12
siorfinboot floppies?06:12
adwaitu can't?06:12
catfoxanyone here up to speed on the usplash developments? i've never much cared for it, but since trying out suse and seeing their boot process, i need one too :)06:12
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arandomokay how do I create a ubuntu boot floppy06:12
aukarandom: bootable floppy06:12
aukoh i see how it is.!06:12
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Hieronymuscatfox: Is the suse 9.3 boot process different/better than the .2 one?06:13
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jamey3What's a good virtual machine emulator for Linux? I want to run a mini Linux within Ubuntu. :)06:13
AlbarahaIs there any app like Babylon (in windows) to right-click a word and translate it?06:13
siorfini didnt care for suse\06:13
six2onegangly giraffe or lanky lama06:13
jasoncohenone of the backport servers is down ( I added " ubuntu-backports.mirromax.net" to /etc/hosts to fix this issue but it only seems to resolve the problem for apt-get and not the Update Manager. why is this?06:13
Hieronymussix2one: ?06:13
siorfindid you do apt-get update after adding new server?06:14
=== Ilomoga [~matthias@N814P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
six2oneHieronymus: just some ubuntu names i was thinking of06:14
jasoncohensiorfin, i didn't add a new server. i just added an alias in /etc/hosts so it uses the correct IP06:14
catfoxHieronymus, never saw the .2 one. but .3 is really nice looking. i like how their grub -> boot -> login looks consistent.06:14
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adwaitalbraha: i believe there is an extension for firefox06:15
Hieronymussix2one: Treenaks had a nice one: Sinkin' Seahorse06:15
six2onehaha, thats the best06:15
jamey3Anyone know a good virtual machine for Linux?06:15
Hieronymuscatfox: Do you have a screenshot lyin' somewhere?06:16
jamey3thanks six2one06:16
catfoxHieronymus, afraid not.06:16
IlomogaDoes someone know OpenTTD?06:16
jasoncohenthat's the correct syntax- right " ubuntu-backports.mirromax.net06:17
jasoncohenwithout the quotations of course06:17
HieronymusIlomoga: heard of it06:17
catfoxsorry for all the questions...but is there a way of testing a kernel before you boot it? i've read about xen, but doesn't look easy to set up06:17
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AlbarahaIs there any app running in GNOME?06:17
HieronymusIlomoga: why?06:17
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Ilomogai've got a little problem when i try to play online, i think it's the firewall06:17
six2onejamey3: the 0.6.0 or whatever in the repos doesnt work too well with NT based windows, but can run linux ok. the one im using with 2000, 2003, xp, 98, knoppix 3.8.1, breezy colony 2 is 0.7.006:18
Ilomogai can load a server list but can't load a game06:18
adwaitIlomoga: try turning the firewall off?06:18
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siorfinwhat game?06:18
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jamey3six2one: cool thanks. I'm going to be running LFS hopefully. :P06:18
=== Medrakil [~Medrakil@ti211310a080-12731.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
Ilomogahow? (sorry for the stupid question ;) )06:18
HieronymusIlomoga: how have you installed it? It's not in the repos06:19
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adwaitIlomoga: if u didnt expressly turn it on, its off by  defauly06:19
siorfinthere isnt a firewall installed by default for ubuntu is there?06:19
Ilomogai don't know06:19
six2onejamey3: i see no reason why that wouldnt work. the only think better than running linux is running linux thats running linux! :)06:19
adwaitu didnt add any rules to iptables did u?06:19
Ilomogaso it's not the firewall06:19
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Ilomogai hardly changed or installed anything06:20
=== robotgeek [~venkat@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
adwaitIlomoga: is it a windows game? if so, u running it with wine?06:20
Ilomogaonly some software and samba and such things06:20
Medrakili'm having some trouble here.. rhythmbox won't import my mp3's, and xmms won't play them (crashes).. i have installed tons of mp3-related libs and codecs and stuff, none did it.. and btw system sounds play just fine, it's not that..06:20
Ilomogait's an open source game06:20
=== chodapp [~chodapp@cpe-24-164-94-87.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
adwaitMedrakil: did u apt-get gstreamer?06:20
Ilomogafor any os06:20
jasoncohenyeah- this is weird. apt-get seems to use my /etc/hosts setting but not synaptic or update manager06:20
six2oneMedraki: try turning off the sound server06:20
robotgeekMedrakil: can u try playing it with vlc06:20
chodappI just tried to install Gentoo.06:21
adwaitIlomoga: hmm06:21
chodappThere are now CD shards sitting on my floor.06:21
rekaMedrakil: xmms problem: change the output plugin to esound06:21
Medrakiladwait, that's not a package06:21
chodappUbuntu seems good so far...06:21
Ilomogaadwait: it's not the router because it works with windows or fedora and it works, too06:21
aukchodap: i did that just last week06:21
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ubotuadwait: Are you smoking crack?06:21
Ilomogai mean i tried with win....06:21
chodappauk, tried to install it, or shattered the CDs?06:21
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auktried to install it06:21
adwaitug......Medrakil, tr apt-cache search gstreamer06:21
aukdid n't quite go that far06:21
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six2oneMedraki: System---> Prefs-----> Sound possibly?06:22
adwaitIlomoga: hmm...beats me :), pretty much a newbie too :)06:22
chodappauk, I needed uudecode to compile Madwifi drivers so I could get on the network. All the help in the channel revolved around 'emerge' this and that, and I didn't have net access, and the rest was just a giant mess.06:22
six2oneMedraki: my thinkpad did the same thing until i turned off the sound server and now works good06:22
Ilomogaadwait: no prob, thanks for trying to help :)06:22
robotgeekchodapp: :)06:22
chodappI've been on Slackware, but Slamd64 didn't work, and Slackware has no official 32-bit port06:22
Medrakiladwait, i think i have it06:23
Ilomogaanother question - what do i have to do to get sound working without switching the gnome sound server off when i want to play a game?06:23
chodappUbuntu is Debian-based then?06:23
adwaitMedrakil: i think libstreamer is the one06:23
chodappWill it accomodate my needs to compile from source like crazy?06:23
Ilomogachodapp: yes :)06:23
Ilomogaits debian-based06:23
robotgeeksix2one: i had to modprobe the oss module06:23
chodappIs it trivial to make most kernels work with it?06:23
aukchodapp: lol, i lost steam when i couldn' tget a package i needed (absolutely mandatory one) off the web (i was using an oldish cd i got from a book)06:23
adwaitMedrakil: try gstreamer-properties and ask it to use ALSA/ESD06:24
chodappauk, I had new CDs, and the handbook basically lost me when it didn't say anything about how to do networkless installation.06:24
adwaitis xmms working now tht u chagned the output plugin to ESD (thru xmms itself)06:24
=== ramblingturtle23 [~ob@c-67-185-63-205.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jasoncohenhey look at this- apparently not all backports devs are morons. Another backports developer saw my forum post about how konversation broke kubuntu-desktop by depending on kdelibs4 3.4.1 and he immediately rebuilt it to depend on 3.4.0. the update is now in backports.06:24
Medrakiladwait, it's set for ESD06:24
chodappauk, I'm a Slackware veteran, I'm used to having a full system from a CD that requires no configuration06:24
adwaitMedrakil: xmms? or gstreamer?06:24
chodappauk,well, that requires a lot of configuration, but not a lot of extra crap to be installed06:25
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adwaitis xmms working?06:25
robotgeekMedrakil: I guess i'll let you try the rest till I bombard u with a things to do list :)06:25
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six2onerobotgeek: i had to do that on a desktop with an older board in it. It also kept looping the drum roll when ubuntu comes to login over and over and over. even with the sounds disabled. so i moved all the system .wav files to another directory and all is well :)06:25
chodappbut I have a feeling I'll be coming back here a lot to ask questions, at least initially.06:25
ramblingturtle23any suggestions on a good alternative to k3b?06:25
auki just started with linux and all the world of nerds and geeks ~six months ago06:25
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chodappramblingturtle23, xcdroast, gtoaster06:25
Ilomoganero linux maybe?06:26
HieronymusIlomoga: no06:26
Medrakilyayy xmms works now :D06:26
ramblingturtle23thanks ill look into those06:26
Grovermanramblingturtle23, graveman !!!!06:26
aukubuntu is my first and only distro. been meaning to try others, though06:26
IlomogaHieronymus: what no?06:26
Medrakiladwait: thanks a lot, but what about rhythmbox?06:26
rekajasoncohen: well done :)06:26
HieronymusIlomoga: no nero for gnu/linux06:26
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adwaitMedrakil: good...hmm......wht error does it give whn it refuses to import mp3s?06:26
IlomogaHieronymus: why?06:26
Medrakiladwait, no plugin to handle it, i think06:27
adwaitMedrakil: thts odd.....u hv gstreamer06:27
Grovermanauk, you should. I am torn between slack and ubuntu. i could not choose so i have a dual installation :-)06:27
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dougskwow! enterprise Ubuntu!06:27
robotgeekadwait,Medrakil : i had the same problem...now lemme try to recollect what I did!06:27
Rockett17I tried Xandros, Mandrake, RedHat, SuSE, Fedora, Knoppix, Yoper and finally landed on Ubuntu.. and was like "perfect!" :)06:27
Medrakilrobotgeek, adwait,  wait, maybe it's working now...06:27
=== adwait waits
luzbelitowich program is good to rip and burn dvd ?06:27
six2onei just use ubuntu now cause fedora is an OK server...but its a pain in the arse to get how you want it06:28
=== adwait waits again
=== robotgeek thinks
Rockett17yeah six06:28
Rockett17it is06:28
six2oneas a desktop its crap06:28
six2onei think06:28
Rockett17Ubuntu just works and the documentation rocks06:28
robotgeekRockett17: esp the wiki!06:28
luzbelitowich program is good to rip and burn dvd ?06:28
Grovermantried MDK up to version 10.1. dependency hell kicked me off that train :-)06:28
adwaitMedrakil: well?06:29
Medrakilrobotgeek, adwait, it hasn't complained yet, and it's done heaps of songs.. :D thanks for the telepathic-magic-over-IP (tm) help xD06:29
Rockett17ditto Groverman.. and I always had problems with network cards being supported06:29
six2oneyou have to do so much to get it to work with the intel ipw2XXX drivers and what not....ubuntu is install and go06:29
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robotgeekMedrakil: may the force be with you!06:29
adwaitMedrakil: take a look at this as wellhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063&highlight=multiple+sounds06:29
siorfini had to do a ton of work to get my centrino wokring in ubuntu06:29
six2onewhat laptop?06:29
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adwaitMedrakil: thts for multiple sounds to work.....not really wht important, but related, and most ppl starting off want it :)06:29
siorfinpresario x120006:30
robotgeekadwait: i came to the decision that multiple sounds suck, most of the time :)06:30
siorfinafter a week of futzing with it it all of a sudden started working06:30
six2oneahhh..im on a T40p, do you have the intel wifi or broadcom?06:30
siorfinafter that i havent touched it lol06:30
D1but after all that work, isn't it all worth it?06:30
adwaitrobotgeek: why?06:30
D1I had to do a few things to get my lappie working, but now its perfect.06:31
adwaitrobotgeek: come to think of it the only multiple sounds i hear are if i play two players / music + ubuntu sounds06:31
siorfinits worth it not going back to winblows but honestly that is a major turn off for anyone who isnt a geek and just wants it to work06:31
GrovermanRockett17, Slack is such a breeze on old hardware it is amazing. Ubuntu rocks on new hardware. I sort of must use both of them and is very happy with my installations. i can't imagine having anything else06:31
siorfinthat is the downfall of linux unfortunately, the avg user cant use it yet so we are stuck with windows06:31
robotgeekadwait: i don't have any ubuntu sounds, so only music...06:31
siorfinwell im not but the avg user is :)06:31
D1but I thought it was sort of fun, it kept me busy and learning.06:31
IlomogaAnother stupid question: I have to press ^ four times to get a simple ^^. How can I change that?06:31
=== Mestapheles [~Captain@d142-179-138-139.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
six2onethe only thing i had was xmms or any other prog to play sound without crashing and then i turned off the sound server and now everything works06:31
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robotgeekadwait: my laptop is kinda old, so it doesn't really handle mutliple stuff well :)06:32
adwaitrobotgeek: hmm......the tutorial said to turn sound server off, but i turned it on anyway....and somehow i get ubuntu sounds now :)06:32
adwaitrobotgeek : k :)06:32
virtualdIlomoga: turn off dead keys in keyboard properties06:32
six2onethe system sounds use the soundserver06:32
robotgeekadwait: particularly good feature when u play video with sound!06:32
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six2onebut somehow it can conflict with xmms and what not06:32
six2onenot all the time06:32
adwaitrobotgeek: hmm06:32
siorfini followed a couple of howtos on the ubuntu forums and everything works flawlessly06:33
siorfinfor sound06:33
robotgeekit's a pain to get the gtkpbbuttons to work properly...06:33
anacronwhat difference there is if i start using 64bit version of ubuntu, when i buy new computer?06:33
ralchow do i make a shortcut to a folder?06:33
siorfinbasically switching from oss to alsa06:33
anacronralc: i think it was nautilus /folder06:33
six2onei will never get any other notebook than a thinkpad06:34
robotgeeki need to document what I do...it works, then goes back to not working again!06:34
adwaitralc: short cut? like a link? or like windows short cut, double click and the folder opens?06:34
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six2oneput it in a wiki!06:34
robotgeeksix2one: how abt a powerbook :)06:34
ralcadwait, double click and the folder opens06:34
anacronralc: did you try what i said?06:34
=== Mez [~mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
six2onerobotgeek: ok......you have a point....but the same company makes them both now dont they? they both have the activeprotection and what not. lol06:35
adwaitralc: for panel rich click>add to panel>custom launcher....then wht anacron said, nautilus /folder06:35
leiden_ikwho developed ubuntu06:35
leiden_ikim' sory' im new?06:35
ralcanacron, ahh now i see what you mean :)06:35
six2onerobotgeek: for basic linux support and nothing special i will take a thinkpad, if i had a powerbook i would leave OSX on it!06:35
adwaitralc: for desktop....right click on desktop and create and launcher and then the same06:35
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ralcadwait/anacron if i want the shortcut in a folder?06:36
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robotgeeksix2one: i started hating fink :)06:36
adwaitralc: why would u want that?06:36
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anacronralc: then make a shortcut to a desktop, and same thing?06:36
siorfini wouldnt buy a mac of any kind06:36
siorfini hate macs06:36
=== adwait doesnt use nautilus anyway
anacronwhat's wrong with macs?06:36
robotgeeksiorfin: why?06:36
=== reka [~Unknown@wnpp-p-144-134-175-121.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
siorfingimme a pc that i can get working with linux and im happy06:36
six2onethey have some good hardware06:36
anacronadwait: what do you use then?06:36
nerullLo can anyone help me out here i got a huge apt problem :S06:36
=== robotgeek uses aterm
siorfinim racist against mac, no particular reason06:37
six2onei have fedora on a dual 450 G4 right now06:37
adwaitanacron: for folders and stuff i just stick to the terminal....faster/easier/more effecient06:37
=== robotgeek shakes his head
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anacronadwait: well that's true06:37
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adwaitnerull: somebody might.....if u actually told us wht the problem is06:37
nerullLook it's like this i cannot find some packages that i can find with the debian version of apt.06:37
robotgeeksiorfin: macs just work06:37
ralcadwait, i want to make windows like a folder.. hmm my windows is mounted in /media/windows and my private stuff's in /ralc.. and i want a shortcut in /ralc that points to the windows mount06:38
six2onei will say that sometimes i get bored with them, but its like having a sailboat or something you use some of the time...lol06:38
anacroni usually do that too, but if im watching something like tv series, it's nice to see those thumbnails so you know which one of them you have already seen, if you don't remember the number...06:38
jasoncohenlol, i don't get backports. they put acroread, acroread-plugins, and mozilla-acroread in hoary-extras even though acroread 7 is in breezy06:38
adwaitralc: umm....why not make a shortcut on the desktop itself06:38
adwaitralc: i am not sure u can create a laumcher (as it is called in linux) in a folder06:39
=== aigarius [~aigarius@a130-233-4-199.debconf5.hut.fi] has joined #ubuntu
nerullLook it's like this i cannot find some packages that i can find with the debian version of apt. The packages i am looking for are mc and klibido06:39
rekanerull: debian version of apt?06:39
robotgeekklibido?? lol!06:39
jasoncohennerull, you need a universe source06:39
nerullreka: The apt-software running in debian :)06:39
adwaitnerull: like wht? ur sources are fine?06:39
jasoncohennerull, i can't believe mc isn't in main though...how nuts06:39
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rekamc in is universe06:40
reka*is in06:40
ralcadwait, okay but i used your method and it works just perfect, thanks :)06:40
jasoncohenit should be in main06:40
nerullSo what sources should i use ?06:40
robotgeekis mc midnight commander?06:40
adwaitnerull: hb u enabled universe/multiverse in etc/apt/sources.list06:40
adwaitralc: np :)06:40
nerullIndeed robotgeek06:40
jasoncohennerull, go into /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment all lines with universe/multiverse06:40
nerulladwait i dont think so :)06:40
nerullI did that :)06:40
jasoncohennerull, uncomment all deb lines and run apt-get update06:40
nerullDid so...06:40
rekanerull: ready-to-use sources.list: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3806:41
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adwaitnerull: could u paste ur sources.list to paste bin06:41
nerullSure hold on06:41
=== adwait likes newbie problems which he can answer........makes him feel like he actually knows something :)
jasoncohenreka, any idea why mc is in universe. i love mcedit06:41
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rekajasoncohen: can't say.  never used it meself.06:42
steve_someone use his TV out ?06:42
adwaitsteve_: lemme guess.......on a powerpc with dual head?06:42
nerullI cant paste it with xchat :S06:42
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SDFH_Linuxno but i noticed on debian they came out with a tool for the nvidia cards06:43
six2onehey, whats the command to run the X config?06:43
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steve_on a simply pc06:43
nerulladwait is it okay if i dcc it to u ?06:43
jasoncohensteve_, i do06:43
six2onei cant remember06:43
adwaitnerull: no u paste it at pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl06:43
jasoncohennerull, middle click06:43
robotgeekadwait: if someone documents this properly, i will get mine working06:43
adwaitnerull: yeah u cann dcc it06:43
jasoncohennerull, paste in pastebin and gives us the link06:43
nimda-some tips now before I install ubuntu? linux is new to me...06:43
steve_what kind of graphics card, better nvidia or ati06:43
rekasix2one: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:44
nimda-with partitions and so on06:44
SDFH_Linuxnvtv is the debian package for the tv out thing for nvidia cards06:44
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jasoncohensteve_, i've done tv-out with both06:44
adwaitrobotgeek: ?? document wht?06:44
SDFH_Linuxtool to control TV chips on NVidia cards under Linux06:44
SDFH_LinuxThis is a program to control the TV encoder chips on NVidia cards under06:44
SDFH_LinuxLinux, in order to get tv-out with a wide range of resolutions and06:44
SDFH_Linuxsizes, including "overscan" modes. It does even work with the free nv drivers.06:44
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dougsksix2one, the one your prolly looking for is sudo dpkg-reconfigure -p low xserver-xorg06:44
robotgeekadwait: dual head from power pc06:44
dougskreka oh oops I'm slow06:45
adwaitrobotgeek: dunno the soln, just tht seen someone else ask it as well.....tried searching/solving but not much06:45
robotgeekadwait: i need to patch/recompile xorg..i don't want to get into it right now06:45
adwaitoh hey.....i think i found a patch06:45
rekanimda-: do you have windows currently on it?06:45
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rekadougsk: your command seems more complete though :)06:45
adwaitrobotgeek: right .....tht day i found an xorg patch06:45
robotgeekadwait: that was me before :)06:45
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nerulladwait : http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/45106:45
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adwaitnerull: hmm, maybe u should remove the nl. b4 the url in line 3,4 and try06:47
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adwaitremove the nl, save then apt-get update and try then06:47
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jasoncohencan you install anything nerull?06:47
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golddoes anyone know how to install blender 3d?06:48
nerullyeah seasoncohen06:48
goldits not in synaptic06:48
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nerullI installed apache mysql and some other stuff.06:48
rekaadwait: those are just dutch mirrors.06:48
jasoncohenso you ran an apt-get update after changing sources.list and it was successful?06:48
fiai have problems with setting up mysqlserver in ubuntu. whats the simplest way to do it?06:48
adwaitreka: i know.......but i figured maybe somethings wrong with the mirrors06:48
nerullOkay MC is found now :)_06:48
adwaitanyway....ppl i gotta go for dinner...ill bbl06:48
nerullI think the dutch mirrors are incomplete ?06:49
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jasoncohennerull, just stick with the official mirror then06:49
adwaitnerull: thts why i asked u to remove the nl and try :) just trying though.......no idea if thts right06:49
nerullOkay thanks all06:49
mostrodibiscottiwhat if my board has onboard raid, and I do raid 0, will ubuntu work with it?06:50
nerullJasoncohen i think so to :P06:50
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ubunutnewbI'm having a  problem with my sound card. It doesn't appear to be working/configured properly. Alsa worked fine with it for toher distros. I'm not sure where to go on ubuntu to configure it manually either because alsaconf isn't locatable. Anyone offer some assistance?06:51
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ramblingturtle23maybe we cant change the world but at least we can try to make a dent in it06:52
nerullOkay but what if i want to run a development or testing release how can i do that ?06:52
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athlonanyone here have any success in watching tv-stream over internet ?06:53
keyshawnramblingturtle23, do you mean that you want to beta-test a package in staging ?06:53
Echelon-Hcan anyone help me out here with some php code?06:53
athlonI just cant seem to make realplayer / helix / gxine to display c-span06:53
nerullEcholon-H shoot06:53
robotgeekathlon: the mozilla-mplayer plugin seems to work, it freezes a lot06:54
=== Gourami [~Dreco@196-46-171-233.gprs.vodacom.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
ramblingturtle23keyshawn- sure i dont know what that means but i am not afraid to reinstall06:54
keyshawnramblingturtle23, what do you exactly need help with ?06:54
robotgeekubunutnewb:gimme a sec :)06:54
Gouramievening all, I am about to install Hoary and 2003 server on the same machine, anything I should know before I begin ??06:54
athlonrobotgeek, okay thanks, I'm gonna give it a try06:54
nerullGourami dont06:54
Echelon-HI am trying to use an upload form but it says permission denied.06:54
nerullKeep your system clean ;)06:54
Gouramino really06:54
Echelon-HI don't know how to give it a permission06:55
GouramiI need both06:55
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rekaGourami: 2003 as in windows?06:55
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robotgeekubunutnewb: can u run alsamixer ?06:55
Gouramisimply because its IMPOSSIBLE to set up a GPRS internet connection with ubuntu06:55
Gouramiyes reka, 2003 server06:55
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nerullSo does anyone knows a binaire(News group) downloader for gnome that i can find with apt ?06:55
rekaGourami: hav eyou set up partitions already?06:56
reka*have you06:56
Gouramino havent done anything yet06:56
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Gouramiat the windows partition screen now06:56
rekaGourami: install windows first06:57
Echelon-Hnerull, got any clue?06:57
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Gouramiok, I have a 30gb which I am going to split 50/5006:57
nerullEcholon-H no i dont06:57
Gouramireka can I make ntfs or stick to fat3206:57
rekaGourami: ah, then leave some space for ubuntu.06:57
skoranerull, i recommend using pan06:57
rekaGourami: if you want r/w access then use FAT32.06:57
skorait's available in the repository.06:57
Gouramiok thanks...formatting...06:58
nerullRopository ?06:58
rekaNTFS is read only06:58
nerull*Repository ?06:58
ubotusomebody said repositories was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto06:58
rekanerull: go there06:58
rabiesubotu, who owns you?06:58
uboturabies: I give up, what is it?06:58
goldis there a way i can open an executable in a window06:59
=== Keknehv [~Keknehv@c-24-9-84-191.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
goldinstead of fullscreen06:59
rabiesgold, depends on the program06:59
goldi have the executable06:59
KeknehvHello everyone... does anyone know how to parse through a file and extract a string from every line? I think sed or awk might do it, but I'm not sure how to use them.06:59
goldi cant figure out how to install06:59
rabiesgold, this a windows executable or a linux one?07:00
Keknehvapt-get install blender07:00
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Keknehvgold: try this command: "sudo apt-get install blender"07:00
rabiesoh right, blender the 3d editing app07:00
robotgeekdamn these stupid wireless connections!07:00
KeknehvSo... Say I want to extract the string from character 10 to 20 on every line, how would I do that?07:01
rabiesKeknehv, #bash07:01
goldKeknehv, Couldn't find package07:01
rabiesgold, i guess it hasnt been imported from the debian repositories..07:01
goldmaybe called something else07:02
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rekait's in universe07:02
KeknehvYes, it probably is07:02
Medrakilis there a way to get eclipse thru apt?07:02
KeknehvOpen up synaptic for a bit07:02
KeknehvSearch for something with the name containing "blender"07:02
rekaMedrakil: apt-cache search <program>07:02
nieta quick q - is there a bittorent tracker for ubuntu cdimages?07:02
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rabiesgold, or apt-file search bin/blender07:03
KeknehvOk, did it find stuff?07:03
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Medrakilreka: eclipse-nls-sdk - localized message catalog for eclipse  - that's it07:03
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goldseraching blender comes up with nothing07:03
Medrakilno eclipse07:03
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KeknehvYou need to add the universe to the repositories07:03
goldhow do i do that?07:04
rekathen it's probably not in there (excluding backports)07:04
KeknehvIn one of the menus07:04
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KeknehvNo, blender is there07:04
KeknehvI installed it07:04
KeknehvGo through the menus... you should find one thing labeled "repositories"07:04
malakhi_Medrakil: you need to download it from the eclipse website.07:04
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Medrakilmalakhi_, kk07:04
goldKeknehv, k found it07:04
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goldKeknehv, now what07:05
KeknehvNow, there should be a window with a list07:05
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goldKeknehv, yah07:05
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KeknehvOkay, hold on, I need to check this07:05
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mcdenyerhey all im back :)07:06
=== reka throws a party
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goldKeknehv, I think i found it07:06
mcdenyerdbernar1: hey do i need to have a virux protector setup for ubuntu???07:07
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KeknehvOkay, add universe to it07:07
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KeknehvAnd multiverse, for good measure07:07
goldKeknehv, yah, its updating07:07
rekamcdenyer: afaik there are no viruses for linux distros.07:07
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goldKeknehv, ill see if its working in a sec07:07
rekano spyware either!07:07
Keknehvgold: Excellent. Now it should be working.07:07
goldKeknehv, Thanks for the help07:08
mcdenyerreka: really??? not even one?07:08
jeff__take assistance, I need help07:08
glDaherhi, I've just installed cvsweb, I already have a working apache2 and a cvs server too... but I don't know where the files were installed... man cvsweb say I should find it on http://localhost/cgi-bin/cvsweb ... but does not exist07:08
rekamcdenyer: afaik, not yet. :)07:08
HappyFoolglDaher: try 'dpkg -L cvsweb' to find where the files are -- not sure about a URL07:08
js_mcdenyer: there are "viruses", but they dont work the same way as windows viruses, and often require a breakin and manual installation by an attacker (or misuse of the root account with hacked software)07:08
Keknehvmcdenyer: They patch it up really quickly, anyways.07:08
mcdenyerreka: i knew that like all viruses are for windows and that people didnt make viruses for linux distros but i thought thered be a few07:08
goldKeknehv, yah, is 2.36 the only one thats available?07:09
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rekamcdenyer: ah, well js_ seems to know a bit more than me on that :)07:09
mcdenyerwow yay for ubuntu07:09
KeknehvIt probably is, if that's all you're seeing07:09
goldKeknehv, cause i dont see 2.3707:09
goldKeknehv, k07:09
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KeknehvYes, sometimes the package list is a bit outdated07:09
goldKeknehv, Thanks again07:09
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js_mcdenyer: if its a concern, run chrootkit regularly and install a free antivirus checker such as clamav or f-prot07:09
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glDaherHappyFool: thx, they're installed to /usr/share/cvsweb07:10
glDaher .. should I now point apache there?07:10
mcdenyerhey how much does cedega cost????07:10
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HappyFoolglDaher: sorry, don't know ;). look maybe in /usr/share/doc/cvsweb07:10
rekamcdenyer: iirc, it's a subscription service: $5/mth07:10
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glDaherHappyFool: yeah, thx anyway07:10
mcdenyerdamn i thought it was a onetime thing07:11
mcdenyerthat sucks07:11
robotgeekubunutnewb: sorry, my wireless network seems messef up07:11
hyapadiis there any program like netstumbler but for linux?07:11
robotgeekhyapadi: netstumbler :)07:12
hyapadiis there?07:12
goldKeknehv, how do you edit gnomes menus? if you know by chance07:12
mcdenyerhey ever since i installed ubuntu my computer boots to the bios config for some reson????07:12
hyapadias far as i know it's only for win07:12
rekagold: google for smeg menu editor07:12
robotgeekhyapadi: it's there in the repository, i am not sure if it's the same thing07:13
hyapadiok2 i'll try07:13
goldreka, i thought there was a built in program07:13
hyapadiis there any valuable tools for wireless? any?07:13
goldreka, or at least a text file you can edit07:13
robotgeekor try http://denu.sf.net07:13
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robotgeekreka,gold :or try http://denu.sf.net07:13
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robotgeekhyapadi: i am looking for some wireless management tools myself07:14
ubunutnewbAnyone know what package alsaconf is in since after isntalling alsa-utils it isn't in there?07:15
HappyFool6.04 will be supported for 3 years on desktop? wow.07:15
robotgeekhyapadi: they are all in breezy...all the good progs are always in the testing section!07:15
robotgeekubunutnewb: /Debian/Apps/System/Admin/alsaconf.desktop07:15
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HappyFoolubunutnewb: a search on for alsaconf packages.ubuntu.com gives no hits07:16
rekagold: gnome has no built-in program.  and as far as editing a text file, seems kind of fiddly to me.07:16
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HappyFoolubunutnewb: a search on packages.ubuntu.com for alsaconf gives no hits07:16
jeff__I looking for wine for ubuntu PPC07:16
KeknehvWine is only x8607:16
mcdenyerreka: dang i was gonna use ubuntu and game but now i dont think im going to if i have to pay 5 a month07:16
goldreka, thats just how im used to doing it, from fluxbox07:17
KeknehvIt stands for "WINE Is Not an Emulator"... so... it won't emulate it07:17
robotgeekHappyFool: it's supposed to be in the alsa-utils package07:17
Hieronymusubunutnewb: jeroen@breezy:~$ apt-cache search alsaconf07:17
Hieronymusalsa-utils - ALSA utilities07:17
jeff__many thanks I'm not sure but now it's ok in my brain :)07:17
HappyFoolrobotgeek: hrm. not according to pacakages.ubuntu.com07:18
ubunutnewbI'll try reinstalling alsa-utils07:18
HappyFoolubunutnewb: does 'dpkg -L alsa-utils|grep alsaconf' give any hits?07:18
jeff__what is the solution for playing Starcraft on my ppc with only ubuntu ?? :)07:18
robotgeekHappyFool: there's even a menu location for it, but the command is not present anywhere!07:19
glDaherI just made a sym link for /usr/lib/cgi-bin... but shows a script begining with  ...  #!/usr/bin/perl -T07:19
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=== adwait is back......."hey ppl"
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robotgeekHappyFool: Try from menu Debian->Apps->System->Admin-> alsaconf07:20
glDahermeans I should install perl... but perl is installed, then I guess I should configure apache to eecute it right?07:20
HappyFoolrobotgeek: hrm. and 'Provides: audio-mixer, alsautils, alsaconf'07:20
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HappyFooloh, i have alsa-utils07:20
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robotgeekHappyFool: weird...maybe devs did not want us messing with alsaconf :)07:20
thechitowncubswohoo, ubuntu foundation, money, money, money!07:20
HappyFoolrobotgeek: i'm not following that 'Debian->Apps' thing07:21
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robotgeekHappyFool: from the gnome menu07:21
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anacronwhat things i need to make my wlan work07:21
jasoncohenin order to start kde in vnc i added startkde & to /home/jason/.vnc/xstartup. how would i do the same for gnome?07:21
anacroni have done it once07:21
robotgeekHappyFool: the shortcut to alsaconf exists, but alsaconf itself doesn't exist07:21
jmjonesanacron: what problem are you having?07:22
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robotgeekanacron: what wireless card?07:22
anacronrobotgeek: i think it was d-link 51007:22
HappyFoolrobotgeek: your menu must be different to mine07:22
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anacronjmjones: i don't member the commands07:22
acid2_is anyone good at solving build problems?07:22
robotgeekHappyFool: it's an autogenerated one, maybe it messed up :)07:22
jeff__anyone have ubuntu on imac ??07:22
siorfinwhats the best theme for xfce07:22
acid2_heres my problem: http://rafb.net/paste/results/Dq2pmx20.html07:22
anacronit was something i had to convert those windows drivers07:23
robotgeekjeff__: powerbook good?07:23
jeff__I have more question :)07:23
robotgeekanacron: ndiswrapper?07:23
jeff__imac palourde07:23
anacronrobotgeek: yeah!07:23
anacronrobotgeek: what was the another one?07:23
robotgeekjeff__: sorry, never heard of it...old world mac?07:23
anacronrobotgeek: to make it work07:23
jeff__I haven't a good template for my keyboard07:23
jeff__imace G307:23
HappyFoolacid2_: target ` ' ? looks a bit weird07:24
robotgeekanacron: usually u only need ndiswrapper07:24
jeff__palourde is her french name07:24
acid2_HappyFool, ya07:24
robotgeekjeff__: :) ... template for keybard, don't quite follow you there...07:24
acid2_thats after 'make'07:24
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anacronrobotgeek: but there was some command to activate it07:25
HappyFoolacid2_: looks like a screwy makefile. I've never seen a target ` ' -- I don't even know how one would specify such a target in a makefile07:25
anacrondamn that my another computer won't work07:25
robotgeekanacron: okie, lemme look it up07:25
anacronrobotgeek: hey you don't have to anymore07:26
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anacroni found it, it's modprobe07:26
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robotgeekanacron: ah okie...07:26
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=== KarlosII thinks soourforge search function sucks
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jeff__where I can configure my keyboard touch ?07:28
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Hieronymusjeff__: special keys? system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts07:32
acid2_HappyFool, so, no ideas then?07:32
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HappyFoolacid2_: nope. Have you looked inside the Makefile ?07:33
acid2_yea, but I cant understand them07:33
heinrichWhen i try to install the .rpm's with alien with the command alien -i filename.rpm nothing appears to happen07:33
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rekaheinrich: cos it only converts it.07:33
heinrichhow do i install them then?07:33
rekaheinrich: you then use dpkg -i <deb file> to install it07:33
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bddebianheinrich: It turns it into a .deb, it doesn't insall it07:33
heinrichoh ok07:34
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bddebianDamn reka, do you live here? :-)07:34
rekabddebian: no, i only show up when you're here so i can get in with answers first.07:35
bddebianreka: :-)07:35
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iceman2kI need advice on running ubuntu on a mac ...07:36
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bddebianiceman2k: What kind of advice?07:37
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iceman2kwould this system run it ... iMac G3 266 MHz 32 MB 6GB07:37
heinrichwhen i try alien -d filename.rpm it says cannot create directory file exists, does this mean its already on my system somewheres?07:37
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bddebianiceman2k: SHould.  The 32Mb is a little low but it should run07:38
{Seb}i'm running Ubuntu on my iBook G407:38
caldwellif i have module source (for example, in my case, lirc) how do I compile it against the source tree for the stock kernel image?07:38
SionideI neglected to blog about sudoedit, which is a technique I learned about from Flavio. When needing to edit a file, I've been using sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list (for example).07:38
Sionidesudoedit is cool because it launches whatever the default editor is on the system (the $EDITOR variable), on Ubuntu by default this launches nano, while people like me set the default editor to be vim.07:38
SionideSo now when someone needs help and asks you which file to edit, you can just tell them sudoedit /etc/apt/sources.list and it will launch their editor of choice. Leaving the text editor out of the conversation is of course a bonus, lest an emacs user hurl something heavy at me from across the room.07:38
{Seb}which is weird in its self but how can i access my second button07:38
{Seb}is there a key cobination07:38
rekaiceman2k: probably very slowly. :)07:38
Sionide( http://www.whiprush.org/ )07:38
Sionidethat is so useful...07:38
HappyFoolSionide: nice07:39
caldwelli installed the linux-source-2.6.10 package, but i don't think that's what i need07:39
Sionideand... :o http://photos18.flickr.com/24137973_41d007961b.jpg wow! gui for running services... cool07:39
HappyFoolcaldwell: you probably want linux-headers-386 (or -686, -k7, etc)07:40
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caldwellokay, i'll try07:40
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Aragorn_Guardianhow can i share my local printer in samba? is not working07:41
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Aragorn_Guardiani am using printing = cups07:42
HappyFoolAragorn_Guardian: maybe look on the wiki, e.g., here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP07:43
Aragorn_Guardian/etc/cups/printers.conf seems ok07:43
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dawkirst__I seem to have trouble printing as well, from OpenOffice - the printing comes out all scrambled.07:44
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mark__can someone tell me the default root password? for ubuntu?07:45
goldfishmark__: what's wrong?07:45
goldfishmark__: there is none07:45
goldfishubuntu uses sudo07:45
redtech_im trying to install wpasupplicant via apt-get install wpasupplicant and I recieve and error MD5Sum mismatch. What is the root cause of this problem?07:45
Grovermanmark__, there is no root password because root does not exist if you do not create it yourself07:45
goldfishand the password for that is the password of the account activated during install.07:45
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rabiesgoldfish, ubunutu has no root user?07:45
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Grovermanrabies, that is correct07:45
mark__I typed in root with no password. and it said incorect password.07:46
HappyFoolredtech: probably dud repository. try changing your repo to 'archive.ubuntu.com' instead of 'xx.archive.ubuntu.com' in /etc/apt/sources.list07:46
Grovermanmark__, it is because there is no user named root07:46
eruinanyone else think the terminal menu item should be in accessories instead of system tools ?07:46
rabiesGroverman, how'd you modify System V to eliminate the root user?07:46
HappyFoolGroverman: eh ?07:46
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mark__can you tell me how I create one.. I'm new to this..07:46
HappyFoolrabies: root is just disabled07:46
HappyFoolerr, sorry, can't tell who's asking what07:47
Grovermanmark__, yes. type in sudo su07:47
mark__oh.. Ok07:47
eruinrabies, ubuntu has root, but it's disabled. you can set a password for root to enable it though07:47
Grovermanmark__, enter your password07:47
rabiesin other words a randomly generated password is placed over the root account...at least i'd hope its random...07:47
Moppin!info root07:47
Grovermanmark__, then type passwd07:47
ubotu[root]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo07:47
Grovermanmark__, when you have typed in a password you can use the root account07:48
redtech_HappyFool, excellent, ty!07:48
redtech_HappyFool, I change us.archive to just archive.07:48
HappyFoolrabies: no, the account is disabled: this is what 'sudo grep root /etc/shadow' says: 'root:*:12884:0:99999:7:::'07:49
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rabiesheh, no shell07:49
rabiesk, disabled then07:49
HappyFoolno, i think '*' means disabled. see 'man shadow'07:49
jasoncohendoes anyone know where the remote desktop tool saves its settings?07:50
mark__wow this is different to fedora core07:50
bddebianmark__: And thank goodness for that :-)07:50
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mark__Ahh I love this little os :)07:51
mark__nice and neat07:51
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HappyFoolredtech: good stuff. us.archive has been broken before, iirc07:51
baggetFUNKIhey there,07:52
bddebianHello baggetFUNKI07:52
baggetFUNKIcould anybody point me in the direction of using multiple monitors07:52
baggetFUNKIone of which being rotated07:52
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mark__thanks for your help guys... this is quite a nice chat/OS :)07:52
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baggetFUNKIbasically. got one dvi monitor in portrait07:53
baggetFUNKIat 1280x102407:53
baggetFUNKIand a crt monitor in landscape at 1024x76807:53
HappyFoolbaggetFUNKI: the wiki has these: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XineramaHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XineramaMultipleMonitors07:53
mark__a few more questions, I'm using this admin account. can I install stuff and does ubuntu support mp3 playback?07:54
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HappyFooli wonder if we could connect ubotu to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TitleIndex07:54
HappyFoolmark__: you can install *lots* of apps using the apt system. For mp3 playback, take a look at wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:55
HappyFoolmark__: a GUI interface to apt is Synaptic, available at System -> Adminsitration -> Synaptic07:55
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mark__I must install the KDE desktop :)07:56
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HappyFoolmark__: the kubuntu-desktop package is what you want07:57
ubotuhmm... repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto07:57
kbrooksmark__, kubuntu-desktop07:57
yonilanyone here had luck using mencoder or transcode or something to encode into divx/xvid or other formats?07:57
HappyFoolmark__: take a look at that url to add apt repositories07:57
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FranklinuxI cant run ubuntu 5.? ver 64bit in my computer07:59
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HappyFoolFranklinux: what error do you get?07:59
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FranklinuxThe monitor is dead I have a ASUS A8V-E DELUX with a pci express grapic card08:01
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anacronhey, is there a messenger like program(like gaim) for ubuntu which has support for webcamera?08:01
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varjaghi, i need help configuring my notebook's touchpad08:02
jmjonesanacron: i think gnomeeting08:02
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D1varjag, is Synaptics installed?08:02
Hieronymusanacron: the next amsn version will have support for that, and so will gaim-vv08:02
D1most laptops use it.08:02
ubotuHieronymus: Bugger all, i dunno08:03
ed1tvarjag wat laptop is it/08:03
varjagD1: xroot-driver-synaptis apt says, but it doesn't work08:03
D1what kind of laptop?08:03
varjagmaxselect e910, a minor russian brand i think08:03
Hieronymusubotu: webcam is Support for webcams with messenger-like programs will be available in the next version of amsn (already in the CVS version) and with gaim-vv08:03
ubotuHieronymus: okay08:03
D1oh hmmm08:03
ubotuI guess webcam is Support for webcams with messenger-like programs will be available in the next version of amsn (already in the CVS version) and with gaim-vv08:03
Hieronymuscool, ubotu :)08:04
icedutahWhat's a good html editor like :( Dreamweaver for Ubuntu? Does it come with anything like that other than Openoffice?08:04
D1did you google to see if anyone had it running under linux?08:04
Hieronymusicedutah: bluefish, nvu, quanta08:04
D1somet hing08:04
D1I just downloaded that.08:04
mark__can you tell me the command to install the kde desktop?08:04
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mark__sorry, I'm very new to linux :P08:04
OculusAquilaesudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:04
mindspinsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:04
bddebianmark__: Either use synaptic, or "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"08:04
icedutahthanks...I'll check them out. I'm installing Ubuntu now.08:05
mark__I cant find that program in the envo08:05
jmjonesor you could "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"08:05
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varjagD1: google has nothing on it it seems08:05
OculusAquilaethan #kubuntu would be a good channel for you mark_08:05
bddebianjmjones: :)08:05
ed1tvarjag wat laptop do u have?08:05
FranklinuxI can't istall ubuntu 5.x in my computer I have a ASUS A8V-E Deluxe08:05
jmjonesmark__: which program can't you find?08:05
bddebianmark__: Do you have Universe and Multivers enabled in your sources.list?08:05
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SDFH_Linuxdoes ubuntu have xpde gui on there reps08:05
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HieronymusSDFH_Linux: nope08:06
bddebianSDFH_Linux: Not yet, it is on the list to be done08:06
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SDFH_Linuxwhoa really they are going to port it over08:06
rabiesFranklinux, got anything else?08:06
mark__I wanna thank you all for helping me out.. I'm really new to linux.08:06
bddebianSDFH_Linux: Depends on if an MOTU picks it up.  I thought about trying it just for fun..08:06
SDFH_Linuxsame here08:06
bddebianSDFH_Linux: I meant to package it for Ubuntu08:06
rabiesFranklinux, well then you are missing a few critical things, such as a cdrom drive08:06
FranklinuxIt's a 64bit\08:06
Hieronymusbddebian: SDFH_Linux it's on the wishlist, not the same as 'will be done'08:06
mark__I think I've been using windows to long :P08:07
varjaged1t: maxselect e91008:07
rabiesFranklinux, i would go and get a processor, case, maybe a few fans, powersupply, etc08:07
mark__I miss yum :'(08:07
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HappyFoolmark__: i think you may learn to love apt ;)08:07
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varjagis there any configurator for Xorg, like xconfigure for XFree86?08:08
bddebianmpmc: You won't missed it soon08:08
OculusAquilaemark__ or aptitude08:08
mpmcwell I don't like Gnome08:08
bddebianvarjag: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg Is that what you mean?08:08
jmjonesmpmc: i used to hate gnome08:08
Franklinuxjajaja I have the compleat system but the main componet that is guiving me problems is the motherboard and the video card08:08
fdrhello... I perfectly know that I can do it from the terminal with the passwd command; but what is the gnome way to change one's password? thank you!08:08
ed1tvarjag Xorg configure08:08
rabiesFranklinux, ohh, ok08:08
mpmcSorry, I've got so used to KDE and fedora :P08:08
jmjonesmpmc: but after i drank the kool-aid, i really like it :-)08:08
ed1tor Xorg -config08:08
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ed1ti forgot08:08
rabiesFranklinux, that makes more sense then08:08
bddebianfdr: System -> Administration -> Users and Groups08:09
rabiesFranklinux, more detail = better08:09
Stan2My computer does not have a standard ethernet port... It does have a similar port with something that looks like a piramid. What is this port called?08:09
rabiesFranklinux, hard to fix a problem with what you are telling us08:09
ed1tvarjag lemme see your mouse configuration08:09
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rabiesStan2, get a ethernet card...08:09
bddebianStan2: Is is a Smash-n-toss?08:09
varjaged1t: 1 sec08:09
rabiesStan2, 20 bucks USD or probably something similar in euros08:09
Franklinuxwhen i try to install I guet a black screen08:09
ed1tpaste it on http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl08:09
Stan2rabies, and that will work properly?08:09
fdrbddebian: but this works only if the user is a sudoer, doesn't it?08:10
mpmclol.. I'm an idiot.. I didn't see system in the bar LOL08:10
rabiesStan2, sure, the vast majority of cards are supported08:10
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rabiesStan2, i dont know what your pyrmaid port is08:10
Stan2rabies, ok thats what i planned on doing just wanted to check if it was a good idea.  thanks08:10
Franklinuxthe video card is not being reco08:10
rabiesStan2, maybe its firewire...08:10
bddebianfdr: You mean change your own password if you are not a sudoer?08:10
Stan2rabies, no08:10
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fdrbddebian: yes08:10
rabiesStan2, weird, ok08:10
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HappyFoolrabies: it's to power the stargate!08:10
PizentiosQuick Question: How large is a ubuntu install? Or can i choose how large/how small to make it?08:10
Stan2rabies, this computer was before firewire... its next to the modem input08:10
ed1tFranklinux you will have to configure it manually?08:10
bddebianfdr: Hmm, dunno.  YOu might be able to change your own password that way.08:11
FranklinuxI don't have any problem with SUSE 9.308:11
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rabiesHappyFool, becareful, dont dump us on an alien planet with freaky egyptians08:11
Dr_WillisPizentios,  options are server, or desktop install.  its fairly small install.08:11
rabiesStan2, nope, not a clue08:11
PizentiosSweet thanks, just got a old laptop for free and i figured i'd try out something new :-)08:11
FranklinuxHOW ??????08:11
rabiesFranklinux: give us your COMPLETE system specifications08:12
ed1tFranklinux you still have suse 9.3 installed?08:12
rabiesFranklinux: i want to know the material of the case08:12
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rabiesFranklinux: with what you are telling us we couldnt figure out if its the videocard or the fact that the computer isnt plugged in08:12
Franklinuxwell no08:12
rabiesits quite frusterating08:12
ed1tFranklinux k copy the xorg.conf or XF86Config to ubuntu....and make some changes08:12
ed1tit might work08:13
Franklinuxthe video card is a ATI x700pro08:13
ed1tthats how i did mine08:13
rabiesFranklinux: thats a step in the right direction08:13
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mpmcOhh.. I'm really impressed...08:13
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rabiesFranklinux: now the CPU temp while running?08:13
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jasoncohendoes anyone know how to start gnome from vnc. gnome-session & doesn't work08:13
rabiesjasoncohen: you gotta stick /usr/bin/gnome-session in the vnc config file08:14
FranklinuxI can't run the live ver or ubuntu08:14
rabiesjasoncohen: i forget what its called...some . file in your home dir08:14
jasoncohenrabies, already done08:14
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jasoncohenrabies, /home/username/.vnc/xstartup you mean08:14
rabiesjasoncohen: is gnome workin w/o vnc?08:14
bddebianed1t: Virtual Network Computing. Lick pcAnywhere kinda08:14
eruinanyone got fglrx working in breezy?08:14
jasoncohenrabies, and i can start kde with startkde &08:14
Franklinuxthe xserver is not working08:14
rabiesjasoncohen: so startkde works under vnc?08:14
bddebians/Lick/Like :-)08:14
jasoncohenrabies, i can use vino - but i want to have a virtual session08:14
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FranklinuxI can't start x08:15
jasoncohenrabies, yes08:15
serengetiwhat can be a reason that every couple of restarts my thikpad hangs instead of showing a gdm screen?08:15
rabiesFranklinux: you seem to know a lot for someone who doesnt give any info..08:15
jasoncohenvino runs on 5900. i want a vnc session on 590108:15
HappyFoolFranklinux: look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log for error messages08:15
rabiesjasoncohen: try using tightvnc or one of the other ones08:15
rabiesjasoncohen: might be a realvnc specific issue08:15
FranklinuxI have a Black screen how do you spect me to copy some thing thatr i cant seeeee08:15
rabiesjasoncohen: or visa-versa08:15
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HappyFoolFranklinux: can you not even log in on a text console ?08:16
rabiesFranklinux: look, you have hardware you arent talking about, you have steps leading up to that black screen08:16
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jasoncohenrabies, ok08:16
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HappyFoolFranklinux: what do you see on bootup ? any text messages ?08:16
ed1tFranklinux get the conf file from suse and try that file....08:16
ed1tit might work or you will have make some minor changes08:16
rabiesFranklinux: its like me saying "I HAVE A COMPUTER" and expecting everyone to know how to take it apart and put it back together again without knowing what components are there and what they are08:17
Franklinuxok i'lldo that and  see what  happ08:17
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rabiesFranklinux: what happens before the blank screen, and right after?08:17
rabiesFranklinux: any noises? tell tale signs of an issue?08:17
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rabiesFranklinux: is it black or some other color?08:17
toastaHas anyone tried the new installer for ati cards? Works great on Suse and Redhat but most others it don't work.08:17
ed1tvarjag yo did u find it?08:17
rabiestoasta: i use the deb packages...08:17
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jmjonesanyone here running breezy?  if so, how stable is it?08:18
Franklinuxok  let me try it ok and ill guet back with all the inf08:18
Franklinuxthank you08:18
varjaged1t: i did find, it but trying to recall what it was originally08:18
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varjagbefore i tweaked it :)08:18
kbrooksjmjones, test08:18
kbrooksjmjones, oh08:18
jasoncohenrabies, both realvnc & tightvnc work with kde but neither will start gnome with gnome-session &08:18
kbrooksjmjones, breezy is unstable08:18
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jmjoneskbrooks: how unstable?08:18
ed1tvarjag wat versoin u using? hoary or warty/08:18
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mpmcHi again yall08:19
toastawhere did you get those? if you dont mind my ignorince08:19
varjaged1t: how do i know? :)_08:19
rabiesjasoncohen: are you just putting in gnome-session, or the absolute path?08:19
ed1tvarjag well u insatalled the ubutun08:19
kbrooksjmjones, i dont know?08:19
ed1tu using ubuntu 5.04?08:19
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jasoncoheni did /usr/bin/gnome-session & and exec /usr/bin/gnome-session &08:19
ed1tor 4.1008:19
jasoncohenbut it shouldn't matter - startkde & works08:19
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varjaged1t: yes, 5.0408:20
jmjoneskbrooks: does it kill crap?08:20
rabiesjasoncohen: yeah, but relying on $PATH isnt recomended08:20
kimohi, I noticed apt-get connects multiple times simulataneously to the server. Any idea where is that configured08:20
rabiesjasoncohen: how are you starting vnc?08:20
kbrooksjmjones, i heard X is broken08:20
ed1tvarjag open a terminal window, type in sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:20
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jasoncohenrabies, with vncserver as a user08:21
rabiesjasoncohen: it really sounds like a gnome specific issue, irc.gimp.org has most of the gnome devs in there, they might know something08:21
acid2_Does anyone know of something in Linux I can use to stream audio from a web radio?08:21
jmjoneskbrooks: ooh.....can't deal with that.  i need my x08:21
rabiesacid2_: VLS08:21
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ed1tpaste that configuration to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl08:21
acid2_rabies, thanks I'll look into that08:21
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ed1tdo that while i reboot into linux08:21
rabiesacid2_: that'll relay it...VLC can play it or relay it08:21
HappyFoolkimo: try maybe 'man apt.conf' or 'man apt_preferences'08:21
varjaged1t: yeah, done that, changed the protocol to imps2, added coredevice option to it - still no luck08:21
kbrooksjmjones, one breezy user reported that everything was the same .....08:21
punkrockguy318Which is better for a hard drive:  a USB2.0 hdd, or an IDE?08:21
varjaged1t: that book has no network atm08:21
acid2_rabies, I need to burn it to a cd08:21
kbrooksnothing went bad or anything08:22
rabiespunkrockguy318: firewire or IDE or SCSI08:22
ed1twelll brb08:22
bddebianpunkrockguy318: IDE08:22
rabiespunkrockguy318: avoid USB at all costs08:22
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punkrockguy318rabies, why?08:22
rabiesacid2_: k08:22
kbrooksjmjones, everything the same as hoary08:22
toastayes avoid usb08:22
rabiespunkrockguy318: USB works using burst transmission...meaning you cant get a good steady data stream off it, which is fine for backups, but not so good for using it as a real hd08:22
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punkrockguy318rabies, alright08:23
punkrockguy318rabies, yeah, i bought the drive for a backup drive, but i was just wondering if i should use it for my main08:23
rabiespunkrockguy318: not such a good idea...08:23
punkrockguy318rabies, yeah, i'll stick with it for a backup drive08:23
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kbrooksscsi > ide > *08:25
toastarabies: do you mind telling me where you got that driver? and does it have the control panel?08:25
mpmcOMG NOOO.. I cannot mount my windows for reading :|08:25
rabiestoasta: driver? for what?08:25
HappyFoolmpmc: what error do you get?08:25
rabiesoh, right08:25
toastadeb ati08:25
mpmcit says I need to me root08:25
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mpmcAny ideas?08:26
HappyFoolmpmc: you can probably tweak /etc/fstab to make it user mountable, if that's really what you want08:26
bddebianmpmc: Are you using mount ?08:26
HappyFoolmpmc: else just use 'sudo'08:26
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toastamany thanks!08:26
HappyFoolmpmc: as in 'sudo mount <stuff>'08:26
bddebian <stuff> :-)08:26
uboturumour has it, mountwindows is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions08:26
rabiestoasta: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-6865.html08:26
mpmcno.. In KDE.. trying to access the drive and it says I need to be root to mount it08:26
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rabiestoasta: theres some ubuntu specific info on it08:27
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skewHi, my office mate and I are getting an MD5Sum error trying to apt-get emacs21. Can anybody help/check?08:27
husheranyone here tried upgrading to breezy?08:27
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rabiespeople seem to be obsessed w/ installing unstable versions of software...08:28
HappyFoolskew: probably dud repository. change us.archive in /etc/apt/sources.list to archive08:28
rabiesit'll be stable when its stable08:28
steven_WHAT UP GUYS!08:28
husheryes, i am :)08:28
mpmcOk this is the error mount: only root can mount /dev/hda1 on /media/windows08:28
Discipulussteven_, nada08:28
mpmcdamm it :P08:28
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husherskew: the proper command is 'sudo apt-get install vim' ;)08:28
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skewoh, I've already done that08:29
Discipulusmpmc, then use 'sudo'08:29
rabieshusher: if you are really wanting to use it, install it in a chroot sandbox08:29
rabieshusher: theres docs on how to do it on the web08:29
HappyFoolskew: did you 'apt-get update' ?08:29
husherrabies: that's a good idea08:29
skewyeah, right before08:29
skewus.archive is busted?08:29
HappyFoolskew: someone else reported problems a few minutes ago08:29
husherrabies: thanks08:29
rabieshusher: np08:29
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HappyFoolmpmc: are you at the command line?08:29
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zero___Who here can help me?08:30
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toastawith what?08:30
mpmcwoo I did it :)08:30
husherzero___: some of us will try, if you ask a question08:30
zero___I've installed everything on the CD and it can't load GRUB it says Error 1808:31
rabieszero___: depends on how you ask ;)08:31
skewHappyFool: thanks, it installed fine from archive08:31
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HappyFoolskew: cool. happy emacsing ;) and ignore those vi heretics!08:31
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husherzero___: this is during the install?08:31
jasoncoheni asked in #gnome in irc.gimp.com. someone had the same problem with vnc and fixed it but he doesn't remember how.08:31
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hushervi is the only True Way ;)08:32
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HappyFoolfrom 'info grub:' 18 : Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS08:32
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zero___This happened after it rebooted and tried to boot from the Hard disk08:32
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rabiesjasoncohen: =\08:33
rabieshusher: i hate vi...08:33
HappyFoolzero___: how is the disk partitioned?08:33
husherHappyFool: he needs a smaller boot partition, maybe?08:33
zero___I used the auto partition08:33
toastazero: are you using pci controller for drives08:33
meshuggahello, any ibm db2 users that can help me with a backup prob. here? :x08:33
zero___Not sure08:33
HappyFoolhusher: i think it may be that the '/boot' partition is too far from the disk start, but i'm not sure08:33
HappyFoolzero___: you have windows on the computer?08:33
shad0w1equestion: I'm running hoary and my computer is running very slow. Unreal Tournament chops up all the time (and the same computer, even a worse machine, running windows, plays the game just fine) The 3d acceleration is set up fine so I think it's something to do with the hard drive speed.... any ideas? Thanks!08:33
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zero___Not on that one08:33
steven_does anyone know a way i can play starcraft on linux08:33
zero___Won't touch the hard drive with it08:33
mpmcYou guys rock!08:33
toastalike a scsi or promise ide controller08:34
HappyFoolzero___: ok, can you describe what is on the computer then? only ubuntu?08:34
husherHappyFool: that'd be my guess, or it is all one partition, past the 1024 cylinder08:34
rabiessteven_: www.transgaming.com or www.winehq.com08:34
zero___I erased everything and tried to install Ubuntu08:34
zero___I had RedHat 9 on it08:34
toastaive had that problem in suse 9.3 and pci controllers08:34
HappyFoolyou *sure* it was error 18?08:34
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zero___It's on the screen right now08:34
hushershad0wle: i'd say you have a driver issue08:34
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HappyFooltoasta: oh?08:34
rabieszero___: for application specific issues i would try the #programname, eg #grub08:35
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shad0w1ehusher, any way of checking to make sure my hard drive is running in DMA mode?08:35
rabiesshad0w1e: hdparm08:35
toastayep, other than ignoring it i had to go back to onboard ide controller08:35
hushershad0wle: hdparm should tell you08:35
zero___Should I try to install everything again and manually configure the partition scheme?08:35
mik__hdparm -tT /dev/hda08:35
husherthough i'm not sure exactly how08:35
rootshad0w1e, hdparm -i08:35
rabiesmik__: testing it wont tell you a thing08:35
HappyFoolzero___: well... if there's only ubuntu, i wouldn't have thought much could go wrong.08:36
rabiesmik__: cept maybe show you some pretty numbers :)08:36
mik__well.. hmm you right08:36
husherzero___: i would, and make sure you make the /boot partition about 100M and starts at the front of the drive08:36
rabiesits hdaparm -iI08:36
HappyFoolzero___: how big is your hard drive?08:36
mik__rabies: thats correct :)08:36
zero___80 GB08:36
rabiesmik__: what do i win?!?! =D08:36
shad0w1eit tells me about all the modes my drive can run on08:36
mik__hmm.. well.. no way :P08:36
shad0w1ebut i dont know which one its running08:36
rabieszero___: probably a lousy bios...or defective drive08:36
rabiesshad0w1e: should be a star next to the run its using08:37
shad0w1ethen its fine08:37
toastabios update may help08:37
shad0w1eit says udma208:37
rabiesshad0w1e: wow, that slow08:37
zero___No, the drive's fairly new... probably bios the system is an older gateway08:37
steven_what is cedaga?08:37
rabiesshad0w1e: thats REALLY slow08:37
toastai doubt it though, didnt help me any08:37
shad0w1erabies, its an old machine08:37
phaedrus_ne1 know of an ftp server with good gui?08:37
rabiessteven_: read the website08:37
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HappyFoolzero___: maybe try what rabies suggested08:37
mpmcOMG.. I cannot believe this..08:37
steven_i did read it08:37
steven_but should i install it08:37
shad0w1e8GB drive... can I expect better?08:37
rabieszero___: use a PCI controller card08:37
Kyralsteven_, it works, hands down08:37
rabiesshad0w1e: yeesh08:37
steven_can i get it through synaptic?08:38
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shad0w1erabies, can I expect better out of this drive?08:38
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rabieszero___: the promise ones are well supported08:38
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rabiesshad0w1e: unfortuately no08:38
optendoIs there a package for gcc to be installed??08:38
mpmcThis OS is much better than Fedora Core 4.08:38
Kyralsteven_, no, you need to pay for it, but worthit08:38
rabiesoptendo: gcc08:38
shad0w1erabies, I have a 4GB drive in a P2 266 and it plays unreal tournament a LOT better08:38
shad0w1eits on windows, though08:38
husherrabies: promise cards gave me nothing but trouble08:38
steven_i haveto pay for it08:38
shad0w1ethis is a pIII 50008:38
rabiesshad0w1e: better than your 486? ;)08:38
rabieshusher: i've never had an aissue08:38
Kyralsteven_, only $1508:38
=== zero___ goes to find his PCI Controller card
shad0w1ethis is a PIII 500, 8GB HD08:39
optendoI didn't see the gcc package in the add/remove programs...08:39
rabieshusher: and i have 308:39
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steven_whats my other option08:39
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mpmcbut.. I seem to get popping sounds when playing MP3 files. like as if I was playing on an LP..08:39
steven_if i dont use cedaga08:39
rabiessteven_: use wine08:39
Kyralto play XP Games?08:39
rabiesoptendo: apt-cache search gcc08:39
husherrabies: huh.  I had 2 go out on me within a month of each other08:39
KyralWine != Installshield08:39
HappyFooloptendo: try 'sudo aptitude install build-essential' on the command line08:39
derekcan anyone help me out with a sound problem here??08:39
rabieshusher: i used mine for 3 years, no issues08:39
steven_i downloaded wine but its running a windows 95 so it seems08:39
optendook thanks trying now08:40
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rabieshusher: and all the drivers are GPLed from the company08:40
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husherrabies: guess I'm just unlucky :(08:40
rabieshusher: probably08:40
HaroldJohnsonHello, kiddies.  Coming up: more installing madness!08:40
rabiesderek: #alsa08:40
Go_pLastichey can anyone point me in the direction on what i need to have java?08:40
shad0w1ehusher, on my athlonXP 1800+ I noticed a huge performance increase when going from ubuntu to MEPIS08:40
husherrabies: i do like the GPL'd drivers, though08:40
rootI was informed last night that my atheros wireless card would work alright, however, I tried the livecd, and while it seemed to know about my wifi atheros card, It couldn't connect, no matter how many times I tried to run ifconfig or /etc/init.d/network restart08:40
rabieshusher: ya, the fact that you dont have to do a chroot install is nice :)08:40
derekno matter what i try i cannot get my sound to work! if i go into volume monitor it says it cannot connect tot the sound daemon!!!08:40
HaroldJohnsonroot: Which Atheros card are you using?08:40
toastai agree husher on the promise cards08:41
rabiesderek: alsamixer08:41
HaroldJohnsonroot: I08:41
shad0w1elol I'm using a microsoft PCI card on my linux box08:41
shad0w1ewith ndis08:41
rabiestoasta: well break out the beer and kareoke machine! =D08:41
rabiesshad0w1e: heh, nice08:41
HaroldJohnsonroot: I'm using the D-Link DWL-G63008:41
{Seb}how do i get a second button immitation on my ibook?08:41
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shad0w1eputting microsoft products to good use on non-microsoft operating systems08:41
toastaway ahead of ya rabies08:41
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Victushas anyone successfuly been able to stream quicktime movies?08:41
HaroldJohnsonAnyone: Now that I'm installed, how do I test my D-Link wireless card/08:41
rootHaroldJohnson, Atheros AR5005GS, I believe08:42
shad0w1eHaroldJohnson, iwconfig08:42
derekeven when i try alsamixer it does nothing08:42
HappyFoolGo_pLastic: have you looked on the wiki?08:42
HaroldJohnsonroot: Have you got it to work in Ubuntu?08:42
rabiesderek: you do that again and ill asked to get you klined08:42
husherHaroldJohnson: try running iwconfig08:42
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HaroldJohnsonshodWw1e and husher: Thank you.  What should I be looking for in the printout?08:42
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rootHaroldJohnson, only tried the livecd so far..  but it should work, if I knew jack shit about wireless networking in Linux >,.,<08:42
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rabiesroot: achem...GET OFF THE ROOT ACCOUNT AND COME BACK AS A USER! ;)08:42
HappyFoolGo_pLastic: look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java   -- i used method 308:43
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sorush20hy guys..08:43
husherHaroldJohnson: some line about the essid08:43
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rabiesroot: its like waving a read flag asking to be cracked08:43
shad0w1eHaroldJohnson, sudo iwlist scan08:43
shad0w1ethen sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid ROUTERNAME08:43
HaroldJohnsonHappyFool: Are you a Squarepusher fan?08:43
derekis there any other way to open alsamixer?? alsamixer command doesnt work08:43
HappyFoolHaroldJohnson: um. say what?08:43
stisevcan anyone tell me how to edit a file xorf.conf that is (apparently) used by the system?08:43
HaroldJohnsonshad0w1fe: Thank you08:43
HaroldJohnsonHappyFool: Sorry, nevermind.08:43
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rabiesstisev: xorg.conf08:44
siorfinsudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf in terminal08:44
toastahow do you keep cp from omitting directories08:44
stisevsiorfin: it wont let me edit it like that08:44
rootrabies, I'm not on the root account :)08:44
stisevsiorfin: it's read only :(08:44
rootrabies, /ctcp version :)08:44
siorfinor sudo pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:44
siorfinsudo removes read only08:44
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siorfinuse sudo08:44
stisevI did08:44
stisevstand by08:44
rabiesroot: yes you are :)08:44
husherHaroldJohnson: the wireless gui in Ubuntu is actually pretty good08:44
HappyFoolstisev: -r for directories08:44
HappyFoolstisev: read 'man cp' or 'cp --help'08:45
HaroldJohnsonhusher: Wireless GUI?  In Gnome?08:45
husherHaroldJohnson: you really shouldn't have to use any command line utils08:45
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sorush20I have a question... I'm running Windows now.. but when I tried to run Ubuntu on the same system.. after installation everything was just much slower.. like browsing the hda drive the mouse was jummpy.. can anyone help08:45
toastai should have known08:45
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Go_pLasticHappyFool, thanks08:45
derekafter installing ubuntu lastnight, everything works great except for the fact that i have no sound. i've tried the solution on ubuntus website but still no luck. anyone have any ideas08:45
rabiesHaroldJohnson: it floats above the monitor08:45
husherHaroldJohnson: yes08:45
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hellraiser_robhi guys. how is everyone!08:45
HaroldJohnsonhusher: I need to use command-line utils right now08:45
siorfinstisev, well i dunno why it didnt work unless you messed with something, in default hoary install xorg.conf is write for root, change permissions :)08:45
husherHaroldJohnson: System -> admin  -> Networking08:46
rabieshellraiser_rob: i feel like a human08:46
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hellraiser_robrabies: thats a good sign08:46
rabiesroot: have a good trip?08:46
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HaroldJohnsonhusher: I'm on a *very* old Mac, and I have got a good GUI going yet.  Gnome's *much* to slow.08:46
mpmcOMG I love this Operating System :D08:46
derek after installing ubuntu lastnight, everything works great except for the fact that i have no sound. i've tried the solution on ubuntus website but still no luck. anyone have any ideas08:46
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luzbelitoanyone knows how to specify in command line launch an application to workspace n 3 by default ????08:46
HaroldJohnsonhusher: Oops, I meant I *have not* got a GUI yet.08:46
root________hehe, much better08:46
husherHaroldJohnson: what's the model?  I'm thinking of loading linux on my gf's PowerMac 5400 / 20008:47
rabiesderek: log off, go home, scream into a pillow, and come back when you feel better08:47
hellraiser_robanybody know how to make beagle search all files instead of just chat logs?08:47
sorush20derek, do you have onborad sound of sound card..08:47
dereksorush20: no its a Soundblaster Live!!08:47
HaroldJohnsonhusher: That's nearly equivalent.  I'm on a 233MHz PowerBook G3 (WallStreet II).08:47
mpmcwell.. It detected my realtek one right away.08:47
root________derek, turn up your volume08:47
Dr_Willisderek,  useing the digital out?08:47
HaroldJohnsonhusher: It's referred to as an Old World Mac in the Ubuntu wiki.08:47
sorush20derek well you need to download the driver... then run the ndiswrapper command..08:47
husherHaroldJohnson: dag.  I was really hoping to turn that thing into a reasonable machine.08:48
derekDr_willis: i am not sure08:48
HaroldJohnsonhusher: You may be able to!08:48
luzbelitoanyone knows how to specify in command line launch an application to workspace n 3 by default ????08:48
hellraiser_robbeagle help anyone?08:48
rabiessorush20: that "advice" causes me pain, mainly cause the emu10k1 driver is GPLed and native to linux...08:48
=== jasoncohen [~jason@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mpmcanyone know a good MSN only client?08:48
jasoncohendoes the human gdm theme not support XDMCP login?08:48
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husherhellraiser_rob: yea, wait untill they get it stable :)08:48
rabiesmpmc: amsn08:48
stisev[11:44]  <siorfin> or sudo pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:48
rabiesmpmc: or gaim08:48
HaroldJohnsonhusher: Okay, I'm going to try to set up my wireless and GUI now.  Until next time!08:48
stisevthanks that worked, I think08:49
hellraiser_robhusher: your rubbish!08:49
mpmcI hate gaim08:49
stisevme too08:49
stisevTrillian baby!08:49
rabiesmpmc: kopete08:49
jasoncoheni enabled xdmcp in login screen setup but it's not showing an option in gdm. when i changed themes it workee08:49
sorush20rabies: maybe you could help derek08:49
rabiesstisev: go away =P08:49
mpmcnot keen on that ether..08:49
dereksorush20: what does the ndiswrapper command do08:49
mpmcamsn is good :)08:49
hellraiser_robbeagle help....anyone.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh08:49
rabiesderek: emulates a windows driver interface08:49
husherhellraiser_rob: i've given up on it.  great concept, but it's just too darn much work.08:49
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{Seb}i can help with beagle08:49
{Seb}i've got it running with ease08:49
husherhellraiser_rob: what's your problem?08:49
rabiessorush20: probably not...08:50
{Seb}what is the problem?08:50
derekrabies: alright so what drivers do i need08:50
rabiesderek: should already be installed08:50
derekrabies: SB Live!08:50
HaroldJohnsonAnyone: I've just installed xfce4.  Anyone know how to get it started?08:50
hellraiser_robhusher: its really peeing me off, i mean it seaches chat logs fine, but nothing else, then when i install the sql-lite dev package everything stops working08:50
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derekrabies: so just use that command?08:50
{Seb}hellraiser_rob: what is the problem?08:50
{Seb}hellraiser_rob: breezy or hoary?08:50
{Seb}with backported stuff?08:50
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stisevwhy is it EVERYTHING in linux is 100x more complicated and stubborn than it should be?08:51
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holycowstisev, compared to what?08:51
hellraiser_robstisev: worth it to be m$ free08:51
husherstisev: because that's what makes it fun ;)08:51
stisevI'm trying to get VMware (linux version) to run in a display other than the virtual 640x48008:51
HappyFoolderek: hve you looked here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards08:51
Dr_Willisfor all my soundblaster live/auduigy/extigy cards - i just  have to twiddle with the volume mixer. i also tend to install the OTHER mixers that are out there and use them08:51
stisevi've been working for 3 days on this08:51
stisevSTILL can't get it08:51
root________okay, I want to run the install process largely over wireless, but the livecd had no clue how to cinfigure my wireless atheros (though the kernel detected it okay) what can I do to perform the install overwireless, and what's more, how can I get wireless working on the livecd ?08:51
rabiesderek: i dont know enough about ubunutu to tell you08:51
Dr_Willisstisev,  considering the amount of time ive worked on windows problems in the past. Linux is trivial. :P08:51
hellraiser_rob{Seb} any ideas?08:52
derekalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory08:52
Dr_Willisderek,  that sounds like either the modules are not loaded. or missconfgured08:52
supernixI was curious I never saw any information about setting up a root password during the install08:52
{Seb}hellraiser_rob: the mono packages on hoary have many problems08:52
HappyFoolsupernix: root account is disabled by default. see wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for more.08:52
Dr_Willissupernix,  the FAQ mentions this. :P the first USER password is the root users password.. an dyou can NOT login directly as root.08:52
rabiestime to play gunbound!08:53
{Seb}hellraiser_rob: i'd recommend you upgrade to breezy or install Mono from source08:53
husherhellraiser_rog: the only way I ever got it to work was from CVS08:53
hellraiser_robwhat are the risks upgrading to breezy?08:53
stisevhow do I "access" vmware tools in kubuntu08:53
highvoltage{Seb}: upgrade to breezy? i thought it was badly broken!08:53
husherhellraiser_rob: crashing your entire system08:53
Dr_Willisstisev,  you installed linux under vmware in windows?08:53
supernixThanks HappyFool  and Dr_Willis  for your reply I do appreciate your responses and helpfulness08:53
HappyFooloops. just plugged a usb dongle into my ethernet port08:54
{Seb}highvoltage: i find it is running fine on three machines (one of those is PowerPC)08:54
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stisevDr_Willis yes08:54
stisevDr_Willis my main system is win08:54
{Seb}highvoltage: you have to be careful though08:54
HappyFoolsupernix: no problem ;)08:54
stisevDr_Willis linux inside vmware08:54
hellraiser_robwell that doesn't sound like a worthwhile risk just for beagle08:54
Dr_Willisstisev,  install the vmware tools then. and use the shell/docs :P  I gave up on vmware ages ago.08:54
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highvoltage{Seb}: ok. kewl. perhaps I should do a test install. where do I get the pre-release iso's?08:54
stisevDr_Willis: ?? I installed vmware tools already08:54
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hellraiser_robwhen is breezy due for release?08:55
{Seb}hellraiser_rob: october08:55
stisevDr_Willis: I'm trying to get it to run a res other than 640x48008:55
SpecWhat does vmware tools do?08:55
Dr_Willisstisev,  then use the shell and use them. dont expect an icon to be there for them.08:55
stisevDr_Willis: what the hell are you talking about?08:55
highvoltagehellraiser_rob: 2005-10 (hence 5.10 version number)08:55
{Seb}hellraiser_rob: the feature freeze is August 11th though08:55
husherhellraiser_rob: read this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3509408:55
therockervmware??  hmmm....08:55
stisevDr_Willis: Did you even read my questions?08:55
hellraiser_robi can wait til octovber for beagle!!!!!!!!!!08:55
stisevDr_Willis: I *HAVE* linux installed. everything is fine, but I can't get vmware tools to run vmware in any res other than 640x48008:55
{Seb}hellraiser_rob: by late august, it will be very usable08:56
stisevDr_Willis: I've read the manuals/instructions, but I can't seem to figure out what the devil is up :(08:56
{Seb}hoary was released in april and i used it from february08:56
toastacan a compressed image be made from prompt08:56
{Seb}highvoltage: ftp://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/cdimage/releases/breezy/colony-2/breezy-install-i386.iso08:56
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hellraiser_robok cool, i'm travelling for a month in a few weeks so will see what the situation is when i get back :;)08:56
Dr_Willisstisev,  may wan tto check the ubuntu wiki's - thats proberly the best place to  find others doing the same thing.08:56
toastaof a drive of course08:56
HappyFooltoasta: you could probably pipe dd through gzip, if that's what you mean08:57
zero___Is it possible to set up a seperate boot partition?08:57
husherhellraiser_rob: if you really need bleeding edge, run gentoo *ducks*08:57
therockerhelloooo freaks! can anybody help me out here??08:57
hellraiser_robno i'm ubuntu forever08:57
=== pipatron dd through gzip :(
husherzero___: possible and reccommended08:57
toastathat would be a little large wouldnt it?08:57
therocker:( wht the heck08:57
zero___Okay, what percentage of space do I want to put on that?08:57
toastaif you have lots of data that is08:57
HappyFooltoasta: it's a disk image. what were you expecting ? ;)08:57
husherzero___: i ususally use about 100M08:58
toastaokay then can you split the files it creates through gzip08:58
husherzero___: it only needs to hold your kernel and a few config files08:58
zero___Primary or logical?08:58
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supernixOk I am curious I am looking at the packages but there is no description as to what they are I am using Kynaptic08:58
Dr_Williswhen in doubt use Primaries :P08:58
husherzero___: primary08:59
therockerstop spamming ppl, u all look GEEKS!08:59
zero___Thank you08:59
HappyFooltoasta: i have never made a disk image. However, you can either read ony specific parts of the source with dd, or you can use 'split' when done (that will be disk heavy, though)08:59
abbe80which program burn .nrg files?08:59
husherzero___: avoid locgical in all situations if you can08:59
zero___Should I use it on the Swap then?08:59
mpmchow would I go about installing amsn?08:59
therockeruse the game messenger09:00
{Seb}Gaim you mean?09:00
HappyFoolmpmc: use synaptic09:00
mpmcI don't like that09:00
HappyFoolmpmc: amsn is in universe09:00
ubotusources is probably http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3809:00
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therockerneither do i, but it actually WORKS09:00
husherzero___: i'd do this: 100M boot, 1G swap, everything else /09:00
mpmcI tried search but nothin was found.09:00
HappyFoolmpmc: that link (ubotu's) has a complete /etc/apt/sources.list -- amsn is in universe09:00
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HappyFoolmpmc: or you can enable universe via synaptic (or maybe kynaptic -- i don't know kynaptic)09:01
therockerenable universe?09:01
supernixI must say I think that Konversation is much better than Xchat09:01
therockeri mean09:01
=== stinkzor [~stinky@213-193-176-101.adsl.easynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
stinkzorI have 3 scsi drives. I partitioned them with the following configuration: 1 HD with *Reiserfs attached to / and *SWAP (made bootable and primary) | 2 HD's (logical physical volumes) combined to one lvm Reiserfs partition.  When Ubuntu restarts the first time to complete the installation , I get an "Missing operation system" , Bios Boot parameters are all set proberly. Does anybody know what the problem could be?09:02
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therockernever used Konversation09:02
therockerhows that?09:02
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supernixJust seems to be layed out better09:02
therockerahh ok09:03
supernixNone of them will let you copy content from the screen though09:03
therockerseems good to me09:03
naliothsupernix: you can copy/paste in xchat09:03
supernixHmmm how do I do that ?09:03
toastaHappyFool: the man pages for dd are kinda weak, do you know where i can find more info on it for going drive to drive?09:04
husherstinkzor: make sure only your / or /boot partitions are set to bootable, and not the swap09:04
therockernix u from where?09:04
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HappyFooltoasta: drive to drive? what do you mean?09:04
hushertoasta: just copying one drive to another?09:04
supernixSouth Carolina09:04
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stinkzorhusher, i'll check thx09:04
mpmcI'm gonna scream.... can someone please tell me how I install amsn :).. Please09:04
toastai need unallocated space as well09:04
husherstinkzor: np09:05
jasoncohenanyone know why the human theme for gdm doesn't support XDCMP login?09:05
blahwhats amsn09:05
=== tiglionabbit [~nick@c-67-171-159-205.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hushermpmc: sudo apt-get install amsn09:05
ubotufrom memory, apt is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/09:05
mpmcthanks you very much :)09:05
blahis that ms messenger?09:05
therockerits MSN09:05
therockerMSN messenger09:06
blahstay away from the evil of m$09:06
=== Victus [~dave@c-24-128-123-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
therockeryeah just as ur nick09:06
tiglionabbitblah: msn instant messenger is MicroSoft Network messenger.  It has some neat handling for undelivered messages09:06
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tiglionabbitwhere aim would just throw them away and not tell you anything09:06
hushertoasta: it's not free, and has to run on windows, but partitionmagic is a really great product09:06
blahso does yahoo09:06
mpmchow do I install all packages needed for it09:06
therockerwhats partitionmagic?09:07
blahmpmc apt should install all needed packages09:07
tiglionabbitmpmc: when you select something on apt, it should grab the packages it requires itself09:07
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hushertherocker: it's a disk partitioning and resizing and cloning program09:07
HappyFooltoasta: to copy an entire drive, copy /dev/hda -- that will include the mbr and all, may not be what you want09:07
tiglionabbithey what?  Why use partition magic when you could use gparted?09:07
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blahrocker must be crockerd09:08
therockeri mean i have kept my hdd dual booted, can anyone help me how to access my windows data via linux?09:08
mpmchaha.. no wonder.. I already had it installed..09:08
tiglionabbittherocker: I'll help09:08
hushertiglionabbit: i knew that was coming eventually :)09:08
toastathanks but i got alot of imaging products for windows and they all suck09:08
tiglionabbittherocker: okay, first list your devices by saying "sudo fdisk -l"09:08
hushertherocker: what's your windows filesystem? fat or ntfs?09:08
toastanoones written a good imaging software for bad sectors and such09:08
mpmcto access windows http://ubuntuguide.org/index.html#automountntfs09:08
tiglionabbitfind the one you want to mount, and pay attention to the line that starts with /dev/hd09:08
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toastado you mean it gets every sectors09:09
therockeri tried monting but it wont work,09:09
nalioths_dogtherocker: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partitions mount automatically09:09
HappyFooltoasta: dd is pretty primitive. it's just a data shunter, not really a 'disk imager'09:09
tiglionabbittherocker: it didn't?  What did mount say to you?09:09
hushertiglionabbit: does gparted work yet?  last time i tried it it couldn't do much09:09
nalioths_dogmpmc: Please do not advise ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead.  Item 3 here explains why https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines09:09
Victusis anyone able to get mplayer working correctly?09:09
therockerit made a folder named windows1 and windows 2 for me09:09
stinkzorhusher, swap wasn't set as bootable, do you have another suggestion ?09:09
therockerand its EMPTY09:09
toastaso theres nothing in linux really for doing this?09:09
tiglionabbithusher: well you can't do anything to a partition while it's mounted.  Unmount them first09:09
Kyralwe ARE geeks...09:09
blahi use xine09:10
toastageek over here!09:10
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tiglionabbittoasta: for doing what now?09:10
HappyFooltoasta: have you looked at gparted? I don't know it myself.09:10
hushertiglionabbit: no, i mean it couldn't resize a ntfs partition, or ext3 for that matter09:10
Razor-XI just scrolled 8000 lines09:10
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toastamaking full images09:10
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Razor-Xthat's how many lines accumulate in about 11 hours, it seems ;)09:10
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Joey_CHi all i need some serious help can anyone help me?????09:10
husherstinkzor: what's your disk setup again?09:10
toastano i havent HappyFool, never heard of it09:10
Razor-Xpsssshhh, we need to do better 1000 lines per-hour ;)09:10
tiglionabbithusher: really?  I could resize an ntfs partition using the version of parted on the CD.  In fact, qtparted let me resize it too09:10
freddyi have a question..does xchat comes with default sounds? or not?09:10
stinkzorI have 3 scsi drives. I partitioned them with the following configuration: 1 HD with *Reiserfs attached to / and *SWAP (made bootable and primary) | 2 HD's (logical physical volumes) combined to one lvm Reiserfs partition.  When Ubuntu restarts the first time to complete the installation , I get an "Missing operation system" , Bios Boot parameters are all set proberly. Does anybody know what the problem could be?09:10
blahin fact i think ill uninstall mplayer09:10
stinkzorjust copied soz :)09:10
HappyFooltoasta: 'sudo aptitude install gparted'09:11
Victuswill xine play quicktime?09:11
freddyi have a question..does xchat comes with default sounds? or not?09:11
Razor-Xis there a reason you have such a convoluted partitioning scheme, Stinkzor?09:11
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therockeri know its gonna be difficult since my windows is in ntfs format09:11
ompaulJoey_C, they might be able to if you actually asked the question so that they could figure what it is you could do next to assist yourself09:11
therockerbut is it possible?09:11
naliothVictus: with libquicktime installed, yes09:11
toastathanks HappyFool ill take a look09:11
husherstinkzor: i always make a small /boot partition and set it to ext3, for compatibility09:11
nalioths_dogtherocker: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partitions mount automatically09:12
hushertherocker: it should be easy, i do it all the time09:12
therockerthats nice09:12
therockerthanks a lot09:12
therockeri will do it right away09:12
hushertherocker: unless it's compressed, or encrypted or something09:12
therockerno it isnt09:12
steven_Does any one know a good linux chat room?09:12
Victusok do I simply type apt-get install xine-ui09:12
steven_with support09:12
toastathanks all09:12
Joey_COkie dokies, hope someone can help..... i just installed smart launcher on my 3650, how do i get more skins??? i mean i have some but im using a MMC card reader and i dont know how to get them working.. can someone help?09:12
freddyhrmm anyone?09:12
Razor-XOMG, why have ext3???????!!!!! my siystem is JFS, XFS, and ReiserFS only!!!!!!!1!!!!11!!!!09:12
hushertherocker: do you know what partition it is?09:13
blahdoesnt look like it freddy09:13
steven_Does any one know a good linux chat room?09:13
stinkzorhusher: and the / can be attached to a reiserfs partition ?09:13
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Razor-Xa word of advice -- the more crazy you partition your drives, the harder it is to mak an OS use it09:13
Razor-Xsteven_: this one09:13
naliothdeaths-hell you are being paged09:13
steven_no one of my co workers wants a chatroom for just linux.. not only ubuntu09:13
husherstinkzor: what Razor-X said09:13
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steven_but linux in general09:13
Razor-Xnalioth: fine fine, and I read above aout your 15 remark ;)09:13
linuksoHi! I want to connect a Nokia 6610i to my dell inspiron 8100 using irda. Has anyone done this?09:13
supernixOk I see now Xchat copies whatever you highlight then you paste with middle mouse button09:13
husherstinkzor: it can, but i personally wouldn't09:13
blahtheres all kinds of chatrooms for linux in freenode already09:14
HappyFoolsteven_: #linux, at a guess09:14
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ompaulJoey_C, your on your own there09:14
tiglionabbitsteven_: #linux, #linuxhelp, #linux-pub09:14
steven_i went to that it wasnt very talkative09:14
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tiglionabbitsteven_: stimulate some activity then09:14
Joey_Cyer i noticed, thanks anyway mate09:14
blah#debian is very talkative09:14
husherstinkzor: Razor-X is right.  the crazier you get with your partitions and filesystems, the harder you make things on yourself09:14
ompaulsteven_, #linuxhelp09:14
Victusis there a xine plugin for mozilla?09:14
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HappyFoolstefan_dk: use the 'list' function in your irc client. you are sure to find something09:14
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tiglionabbitVictus: yes I believe so.  Someone talks about it on the forums09:15
therockerhusher: its ntfs format09:15
Razor-Xa general partition scheme on a double-booting box with Windows XP would be:09:15
stinkzorhusher: So just try and ext3 for /, and the other 2 drives for lvm09:15
Razor-XNTFS - Windows XP Partition09:15
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therockeryup, thats mine09:15
zero___Windows XP sucks -_-09:15
Razor-Xext3 partition for / (or distributed ext3 partitions)09:15
tiglionabbitRazor-X: I gots my windows on fat32 so I can see it09:15
husherstinkzor: i'd make a 100M ext3 /boot, and the rest / ext309:15
blahxp sucks, hmmmm09:15
Razor-Xa small ReiserFS partition for MP3s and stuff which you want quick write times09:15
hushertherocker: do you know the partition number?09:16
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Razor-Xand a medium-sized FAT32 partition as an intermediary09:16
therockerhda3 and hda509:16
blahi like xp, it does everything well, just has some security issues, because its so popular09:16
therockerthe two drives of mine in windows09:16
Razor-Xnote that none of my partitions span multiple drives, or drives-and haves, and such09:16
stinkzorhusher: so I better drop the lvm thingy :p09:16
Razor-Xblah: it does everything.... "well"?09:16
naliothRazor-X: don't forget hfs+ for macintosh compatibility09:16
hushertherocker: where do you want to mount the drives?09:16
blahlinux, is something to play around with for me09:16
Razor-Xstinkzor: no, just go to #lvm and have fun there ;)09:16
Razor-Xnalioth: hmmm... I should add that....09:16
therockeri just want  to access my windows STUFF via linux09:16
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blahits getting close to xp, but not quite there yet09:17
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husherstinkzor: not nessicarrily, but i'd just get the system up and running on one drive first09:17
Echelon-HHow can I add all the files in a dir to a zip?09:17
stinkzorhusher: k thx will try that09:17
nalioththerocker: that file the dog sent you should do the trick09:17
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therockerhe sent me a file?09:17
hushertherocker: so, you want it mounted on /mnt/windows ?09:17
tiglionabbittherocker: sorry, I lost track of you a little bit.  So anyway, the next step I was going to say was create a folder where you want to mount it, and uh, mount it.  What does mount tell you?09:17
HappyFoolEchelon-H: 'zip -r file.zip directory/' ?09:17
therockeryeah its created09:17
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hushertherocker: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda3 /mnt/windows09:18
Echelon-HHappyFool, thanks09:18
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nalioths_dogtherocker: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partitions mount automatically09:18
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sunrexi wonder if anyone remembers me..09:19
therockersure they do09:19
tiglionabbitnot I09:19
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mpmcIs Ubuntu secure on default?09:19
HaroldJohnsonAnyone: Know the difference between wdm and gdm?09:19
tiglionabbitHaroldJohnson: look?09:20
hushersunrex: i don't, but i'm sure you're a nice person :)09:20
HappyFoolmpmc: pretty much. no services listening on non-loopback interfaces by default09:20
naliothmpmc: yes, it is. there are no daemons listening to external ports by default09:20
sunrexnothing is secure, NOTHING.09:20
sunrexeven thou i like Ubuntu lol09:20
HaroldJohnsontilgionabbit: I'm not going to use gnome, so does it matter which display manager I use (wdm or gdm)?09:20
mpmcI mean in general09:20
naliothHaroldJohnson: not kdm?09:20
mpmclike... from hackers.. etc..09:20
tiglionabbitHaroldJohnson: probably not09:20
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HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Hello, dude!09:21
naliothmpmc: read what was written to you09:21
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Or lady09:21
mpmcyes.. ok09:21
husherHaroldJohnson: you could probably use xdm in that case09:21
sunrex*sigh* just came back after a loonnngg time on windows...windows kept lagging...i got sick of it09:21
naliothmpmc: if nobody is listening at the door, nobody will hear when the door is knocked upon09:21
mpmclol.. thats cool09:21
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sunrextrying to install the updates....if i dont get any sound after this ill go kill somone..09:21
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: I didn't like gnome on this old Mac, so I apt-get install fluxbox and then apt-get install wdm09:22
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: How are you today?09:22
naliothHaroldJohnson: sounds good09:22
mpmchow do I change my password09:22
naliothHaroldJohnson: i'm fine, and you?09:22
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hushermpmc: 'passwd'09:22
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Good.  Which display manager do you use?09:22
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kbrooksmpmc, easy. passwd09:22
eruinanyone here running gaim2 ?09:23
sunrexwhat PHP do i need for this...09:23
naliothHaroldJohnson: the default gdm runs underneath my gnome09:23
sunrexcant figure that out lol09:23
husherHaroldJohnson: fluxbox is pretty sweet09:23
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hushereruin: yes09:23
tiglionabbitmpmc: for a gui way, system -> admin -> users and groups, select your name and hit properties09:23
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: I finally got my first view of gnome yesterday.09:23
naliothHaroldJohnson: and already tired of it? lol09:23
eruinhusher, care to feed me with some screenies/whatsnew? :)09:23
mpmcI'm using KDE :)09:23
HaroldJohnsonhusher: What's best to use with fluxbox (in terms of display managers)?09:23
mpmcdon't you just love 3mb connections?09:24
tiglionabbitmpmc: isn't users and groups still listed in your menus?09:24
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: It was dog slow on this old Mac.09:24
hushereruin: um, it seems better?09:24
naliothHaroldJohnson: thought flux was a display mangler?09:24
mpmcit is somewhere09:24
eruinhusher, anything radical in the gui department?09:24
dinnalioth, it is09:24
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Is it?  Sheesh, I've got alot to learn.09:24
sunrexo             k             how do i get sound...or better yet music09:24
eruinhusher, better msn support?09:24
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: A mangler?09:24
dinxfce is my favorite09:24
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: LOL09:24
dini've tried just about every dm there is09:24
hushereruin: oops. no, i'm on 1.  I guess i left 2 behind me in gentoo; i just switched09:24
eruinbah ;)09:25
naliothHaroldJohnson: HaroldJohnson sorry, i meant desktop manager (like kde or gnome)09:25
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hushereruin: but i don'd remember anything earth-shattering09:25
eruinhusher, I'll take that as a no then, since you didnt even notice :-)09:25
dinerr i meant window manager09:25
HaroldJohnsondin: I couldn't get xfce going.09:25
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dinHaroldJohnson, why not?09:25
Echelon-Hhow can i unzip tar.gz file?09:25
naliothHaroldJohnson: i'm not much into GUIs, so 'file manglers, desktop manglers, window manglers, etc"09:25
HaroldJohnsondin: Not sure yet.09:25
Razor-XHaroldJohnson: so, have you installed much?09:25
hushereruin: or i'm not particularly observant, one of the two :)09:25
dinEchelon-H, tar zxvf blah.tar.gz09:25
tiglionabbitEchelon-H: use file-roller, or the command tar xvzf09:25
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Aragorn_Guardiansamba dont works ...09:25
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mpmctime to start installing apache...09:26
acid2_What do I need for command line ogg encoding?09:26
Aragorn_Guardianauthenticating users...dont works09:26
SuperLagany !seen bots in here?09:26
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SuperLagjust wondering where tseng is/has been09:26
tiglionabbitSuperLag: yes09:26
HappyFoolacid2_: oggenc (i think)09:26
SuperLag!seen tseng09:26
ubotui haven't seen 'tseng', SuperLag09:26
naliothacid2_: oggenc09:26
acid2_I searched synaptic for that, but could find it09:26
Aragorn_Guardianwhen i create a user in system, what i need todo for it be a samba user?09:26
HaroldJohnsonRazor-X: No, not yet.  I booted up and saw gnome, tried to login, got an error, dropped to a failsafe terminal, install xfce4, didn't know how to start that, installed fluxbox, install wdm, now I'm trying to get fluxbox going.09:26
acid2_searched with synaptic*09:26
Echelon-Hthanks din and tilionabbit09:27
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Razor-XHaroldJohnson: to cope in a terminal in the meantime09:27
sunrexhow do i get sound...09:27
Razor-Xsudo apt-get install twin09:27
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Razor-Xtrust me, you'll thank me later09:27
acid2_sunrex, lose the ... man09:27
naliothHaroldJohnson: do you get a graphical login screen?09:27
HaroldJohnsonRazor-X: I don't mind the terminal, but I want a GUI too, you know?09:27
sunrexXine says its playing but theres no sound09:27
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: I finally did today.09:27
acid2_sunrex, which audio output?09:28
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naliothHaroldJohnson: ok then, at that screen, click 'sessions' and choose xfce409:28
hushersunrex: did you check your mixer settings?09:28
tiglionabbitEchelon-H: if you're using the command, you can remember it like this: X for eXtract, V for Verbose (prints out what it's exctarcting), Z for gZip, and F for do it to this File09:28
trebucheti've mounted my winxp ntfs drive to /mnt/win and am trying to chmod 707 it so i can access it as a normal user but its not working09:28
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: I logged in but received an error saying the session lasted only 10 seconds because of blah blah blah.09:28
hushersunrex: sometimes they default to muted09:28
Echelon-Htiglionabbit, thanks09:28
naliothHaroldJohnson: that has nothing to do wiht xfce409:28
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Okay, thanks, I'll try that.09:28
mpmcis there an audio mixer.. like windows.. so it plays each sound at once. and not after each other?09:28
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HaroldJohnsonnalioth: I'm going now to try.09:28
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tiglionabbitlol, s/exctarcting/extracting/09:29
trebucheteverytime i chmod 707 /mnt/win it seems to work then i try to cd to it and i get permission denied09:29
root________heLLo again09:29
naliothHaroldJohnson: you might like to read this http://linuz.sns.it/~max/twin/09:29
acid2_mpmc, of course09:29
acid2_alsa, esd etc do that09:29
acid2_if thats what you mean09:29
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bla1any ideas on how to stop my ip from showing when i log into a chatroom?09:29
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acid2_bla1, use a proxy?09:29
root________I'm on the ubuntu livecd now, but I don't know how to make the wireless work, so I'm using the local wired LAN.  how can I make the wireless LAN work ?09:29
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adhamcould someone help me with one small thing09:29
bla1my isp's proxy?09:29
mpmcno i mean so.. it mixes them together not one at a time.09:29
Razor-Xremember to run twin ;)09:29
flankk"Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/automake/automake1.4_1.4-p6-8_all.deb  MD5Sum mismatch"09:30
Razor-XI told him to get twin, nalioth09:30
acid2_mpmc, oooo, im not sure09:30
hushermpmc: use the esound sink09:30
siorfini need help! im trying to download xfce4 metapackage and the dumbass us.archive.ubuntu.com server keeps giving some crap about md5sum mismatch how can i fix this09:30
acid2_adham, not with that attitude09:30
bla1flannk you need to edit your apt sources, from us.sources to ca.sources09:30
HappyFooladham: tell us what the problem is09:30
acid2_just ask the question and be patient09:30
naliothRazor-X: best to show people things, rather than tell them things09:30
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Looks like I got that error again.09:30
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Razor-Xnalioth: how can he look at it when not in a GUI?09:30
trebuchetbla1: most people hide their ip by using a shell on another system to irc on... usually ones with quirky dns's like yo.momma.loves.my.shorts.com09:31
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Echelon-Hdoes anyonem know of a Ventrilo for linux?09:31
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tiglionabbitI must say, I have trebuchet's question too.  How exactly do I make a mounted partition accessible to all users?09:31
root________trebuchet, most just use bnc for that09:31
naliothHaroldJohnson: at a failsafe terminal in your homedir, type "rm .ICEauthority"09:31
naliothHaroldJohnson: and then try to log back in to xfce09:31
acid2_I personally would get shell access to a machine, and run irssi proxy on it09:31
naliothtiglionabbit: with ther permissions you pass in the fstab09:31
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: What is that removing, and why?09:31
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husherEchelon-H: you mean just a voip softphone?09:32
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mpmchow do I install apache1 not 209:32
naliothHaroldJohnson: the .ICEauthority file is supposed to be read/write, but sometines it gets 'locked' by unknowing processes09:32
ChurcH_of_FoamYanyone know anything about samba?09:32
Echelon-Hhusher, huh? I mean Ventrilo.. You know.. Ventrilo :P09:32
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Okay, I'll try that09:32
bddebianChurcH_of_FoamY: Not as much as I used to but shoot09:33
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ChurcH_of_FoamYwindows xp asking for a password09:33
HappyFoolmpmc: i see an 'apache' package which has version 1.3.33 (vs. apache2, which has version 2.0.53)09:33
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Echelon-Hhusher, yes, it's some sort of VoIP thingy09:33
husherEchelon-H: the only Ventrilo i know of is some voice communications software, are you talking of something else?09:33
ChurcH_of_FoamYand as far as i know there isen't one09:33
Echelon-Hhusher, that's what im talking about./09:33
anatolehaving a strange problem here09:33
anatolegnome does not load, just in failsafe mode09:33
anatoleitherwise it stops at "session manager proxy"09:34
root________heeeeeelp, how can I get the wireless LAN working on this desktop..  my girlfriend says that's the only way i can install Linux on her Lappy is if the wireless works perfectly >,.,<09:34
husherEchelon-H: i know of a few software phones for linux09:34
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dinEchelon-H, there is no client for linux, there is however a ventrilo server.09:34
dinEchelon-H, try teamspeak as an alternative.09:34
husherroot__: what's the problem?09:34
bddebianChurcH_of_FoamY: Same user as what you login to Ubuntu with?09:34
anatoleanyone could suggest something?09:34
Razor-Xmy emacs feels so nice...09:34
Razor-XI think I may switch to erc09:35
dinroot________, easy09:35
ChurcH_of_FoamYthats what i thought09:35
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut it dosen't work right09:35
dinroot________, what's the essid of the wireless connectioin?09:35
freddyfist of all root________, IRC'ING as root....bad practice09:35
ChurcH_of_FoamYi try with my pass/logon and nothin09:35
root________husher, module loads, but the hardware won't actually connect to the wlan09:35
root________din, I have no clue09:35
Echelon-Hdin, All my buddies are using Ventrilo. Using teamspeak would bve as useful as talking to myself09:35
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Echelon-HAnd I know there's a Server-Side Ventrilo for linux09:35
bddebianChurcH_of_FoamY: Did you look in /var/log/smb.conf ?09:35
baggetFUNKIhow can i set up a twinview setup with one monitor on dvi?09:35
freddyirc'ing as root = bad :(09:35
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dinroot________, well is it a linksys wireless router?09:36
root________freddy, and it just looks like I'm IRCng as root09:36
ChurcH_of_FoamYnope i'll check and let you know09:36
freddyyes. it looks.09:36
root________din, it is a local linksys wireless router, yes09:36
husherroot_______: what is the essid listed in 'iwconfig' ?09:36
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trebuchetpretending to be irc'ing as root often gets you kicked09:36
Razor-Xanyone here use emacs terminal?09:36
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baggetFUNKIanybody got any experience with xinerama?09:36
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siorfinwhy do i keep getting md5sum errors on us.archive.ubuntu.com?09:36
bddebianChurcH_of_FoamY: Sorry, I meant smb.log or something similar09:36
root________sit0      no wireless extensions.09:36
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freddywhat chipset root________ ?09:37
HappyFoolChurcH_of_FoamY: have you tried setting the password with 'sudo smbpasswd -a <user>' ? (not sure if this is necessary)09:37
kennyhi guys09:37
root________freddy, atheros09:37
jasoncoheni tried both human gdm themes and i can only reboot, shutdown, change language or change session. there's no option to use the XDMCP screen09:37
jasoncohenwhy not?09:37
ChurcH_of_FoamYno i haven't09:37
kennyI need help with DVD authoring09:37
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ChurcH_of_FoamYbut i don't want there to be any password or login09:37
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dinroot________, iwconfig eth1 essid linksys09:37
dinroot________, dhclient eth109:37
naliothkenny: use k3b09:37
dinbbl, work to do09:37
HappyFoolsiorfin: change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com09:37
ChurcH_of_FoamYevery computer on my network has to have access to this box09:37
kennyI dont have KDe installed09:38
ChurcH_of_FoamYor a drive on it i mean09:38
ChurcH_of_FoamYi want to remove the password09:38
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HappyFoolChurcH_of_FoamY: then you need 'guest ok = yes' lines in /etc/samba/smb.conf09:38
naliothkenny: that doesnt matter, k3b will install and run09:38
ChurcH_of_FoamYkk] 09:38
HappyFoolChurcH_of_FoamY: i think they're per share09:38
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root________Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) :09:38
root________    SET failed on device eth1 ; No such device.09:38
bddebianChurcH_of_FoamY: Set the share as guest09:38
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kennyk3b + KDElibs = more bloat than i want lol09:39
ChurcH_of_FoamYin that config?09:39
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bddebianOh, nm..  HappyFool was right09:39
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mik__hi, why there is xcdroast in gtk-1 (and also amule in gtk-1) ??09:39
kennyI have DVDstyleer 1.3.1 and it needs jpegtompeg, were can i find this09:39
mik__is there any place when can I download them in gtk-209:39
marcIs there anyway to get application menu bars to act like OSX in Gnome?09:39
naliothmik__: because nobody wants to enable them to use gtk209:39
Razor-Xnalioth: ya know, BASHBurner doesen't work thanks to a lib we don't have09:40
naliothmarc: use superkaramba09:40
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husherroot_______: does iwconfig list any interface with wireless extensions?09:40
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: You're a star.  But there's a problem; when I log into xfce, there's a little silouette of a mouse in the middle of the screen.09:40
naliothRazor-X: really? what lib is that?09:40
mik__nalioth: but why? Looks better09:40
root________husher, nein09:40
mik__nalioth: for me09:40
marcand that will make the menu bars appear at the top when the app has focus?09:40
naliothHaroldJohnson: thats the mascot, don't worry, it doesnt eat much09:40
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: LOL09:40
kennyDoes anyone know were i can find jpegtompeg ubuntu package09:40
husherroot______: and the modules are loaded?09:40
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: I'm going to try using it, now.09:41
Razor-Xnalioth: libvorbis some version09:41
root________husher, ath_pci and all it's sub-modules are loaded, yes09:41
naliothmik__: i just answered your question to the best of my knowledge, i personally don't care what an app looks like as long as it works09:41
Echelon-Hlol anyone tried weather plugin for xfce?09:41
freddywhat you guys prefer gtkpod or rythmbox?09:41
naliothRazor-X: you got to be <censord> me09:41
mik__nalioth: ok09:41
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naliothRazor-X: libvorbis is f/oss09:41
siorfinhappyfool, that did it thanks09:41
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Razor-Xnalioth: hmmm?09:41
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ChurcH_of_FoamYbdebbian can i pastebin to you the config file and you can tell me what i need to do09:41
freddyroot________, why irc'ing as root? that is bad bad :(09:41
Razor-Xthe version-number isn't correct09:41
ChurcH_of_FoamYi am having trouble unsderstanding it09:42
naliothRazor-X: libvorbis is freely available09:42
Razor-Xnalioth: but not the version in the repos09:42
bddebianChurcH_of_FoamY: Sure09:42
hushernalioth: rythmbox09:42
Razor-Xwhich means I have to compile it on my own ;)09:42
Razor-XI mean...09:42
ChurcH_of_FoamYbdebbian thanx09:42
bddebianChurcH_of_FoamY: Or just /query me09:42
naliothRazor-X: ah, version mismatch09:42
Razor-Xthe version bashBurn needs is higher than the one in the repos09:42
freddyhusher, you talking to me? :D09:42
freddynalioth, heya!!09:42
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husherfreddy: heh, yea, oops09:43
naliothRazor-X: not a problem since most users want futureports enabled anyway09:43
naliothhowdy, freddy09:43
Razor-Xfutureports? ;)09:43
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Echelon-Hdo i need tyo reset the xfce in order for the weather plugin to work?09:43
freddyhusher, why rythmbox? well...the two of them look like itunes in some way hehehe09:43
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naliothRazor-X: you know what i mean, most folks want bling over stability09:43
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: It's a *really* satisfying feeling to finally see a desktop on this old bird...09:43
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root________caaan..  anyone help me still ?  wireless is the one thing I need working to convert my girlfriend to Linux :)09:43
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HaroldJohnsonnalioth: xfce may be too much for 64MB to handle; I may have to switch to fluxbox.09:44
husherfreddy: yea, that's pretty much it.  it could do with an eq, however.09:44
naliothHaroldJohnson: congratulations (and what a wiki i can see coming out of your experience)09:44
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adhamhello fellow linux users09:44
naliothHaroldJohnson: you could also try matchbox09:44
kennyhi asham09:44
root________just for the record, lspci spits out: 0000:02:02.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)09:44
kennysrry adham09:44
Echelon-Hfluxbox = empty screen :\09:44
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: I'll take you up on that (the wiki).09:44
Razor-Xnalioth: that's true09:44
Echelon-HI hate that :P09:44
husherroot______: have you looked in System -> Administration -> Networking ?09:45
Victuswhere can I find a xine plugin for firefox?09:45
ompaulroot________, system - administration - networking might be a good first step09:45
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kennyvic u can mozplugin09:45
freddyi wonder if there is a way to change the color of the window border in a theme.....does anyone know?09:45
naliothmarc: the link you showed me is an image of a macintosh desktop09:45
adhamwho has mplayer09:45
Razor-Xhmmm..... I need to learn emacs regular expressions09:45
HaroldJohnsonEchelon-H: What do you do once the fluxbox screen comes up?  Like how to you access the terminal, or the apps, etc.?09:45
root________thanx :D09:45
naliothmarc: superkaramba has a 'dock' widget (superkaramba is similar to gdesklets)09:45
HappyFoolroot________: looked here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards ?09:45
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husherHaroldJohnson: right-click on the desktop09:46
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: I dig Ubuntu's color scheme.09:46
HaroldJohnsonhusher: Thanks09:46
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HappyFoolroot________: i see a ar5212 entry on that page09:46
marcI see09:46
freddyi wanna change the color of the window border of this theme....where should i look? anyone have an idea?09:46
marcnalioth,  isnt the dock at the bottom though?09:46
husherHaroldJohnson: the menu file is in .fluxbox/menu i think, you can edit it there09:46
root________looking now HappyFool, and everyone else, the Network Settings page doesn't have my wireless card listed09:46
HaroldJohnsonEveryone: I noticed, from the Breezy list, that x-chat is now being accessed (whatever that means).09:47
ompaulfreddy, system preferences theme09:47
naliothmarc: if you browse around, further at gnome-look, you'll see the superkaramba 'dock' in action09:47
HaroldJohnsonhusher: Thank you.  You use fluxbox/09:47
naliothmarc: you can have a dock on any edge09:47
husherHaroldJohnson: i did, for years, but I switched to Gnome a wile back09:47
freddyompaul, yeah but that will change the theme...or the border...or the icons..i want to change the colors of the border of an specific theme border...09:48
HaroldJohnsonhusher: Were you happy with fluxbox while you used it?09:48
husherHaroldJohnson: when Gnome finally stopped sucking09:48
kennyhuser Gnome dosnt suck09:48
naliothHaroldJohnson: you might want to give matchbox a try, it is lighter than fluxbox09:48
husherHaroldJohnson: extremely.  It's terribly basic, and hard to screw up, and lightweight09:48
naliothkenny: no, but it used suck hard09:48
husherkenny: i know, that's why i switched to it09:48
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: What's lighter, fluxbox or xfce?09:48
tiglionabbitHaroldJohnson: oh, the menu thing?  Go to the fluxbox website and download their menu generator09:48
root________so everything that uses the AR5212 should work out of the box, but mine doesn't....  how do I make it work ?  u,.,u09:48
naliothHaroldJohnson: flux09:49
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marcOk i will take a look, and super karamba works flawlessly with Gnome? I thought it was designed for kde09:49
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ompaulfreddy, so customise it, or am I not understanding something here09:49
naliothmarc: you can use kde stuff under gnome, and vice-versa09:49
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Okay, I'm going to play with xfce for awhile now.09:49
hushermarc: i'm using Kompose under Gnome, and that was written for kde09:50
Stan2I seem to have lost my09:50
kennyyea it used to, i remember using it with Debian09:50
Stan2programs menu, etc09:50
Stan2how do i get it back?09:50
Echelon-Hhow can i use the mail checker on xfce to check my gmail?09:50
tiglionabbityou mean the top panel in gnome?09:50
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tiglionabbitEchelon-H: I believe you just type into it "mail.google.com"09:51
marchusher, i see thanks09:51
kennycan u share files in IRC chat09:51
tiglionabbitEchelon-H: but I haven't tried it09:51
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tiglionabbitkenny: using dcc, yes09:51
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freddygnome = DA BOMB09:51
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tiglionabbitkenny: your client probably has information on it, which it may display if you say /help dcc09:51
root________the website for the card says to use "madwifi" how do I make the livecd use that ?09:52
KyralWhats up for the next GNOME anyway?09:52
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kennyi use the one that comes with ubuntu09:52
freddyroot________, show the card a bush picture....and you got a madwifi :P09:52
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husherEchelon-H: i'll bet you have to enable pop access in Gmail to get it to work09:52
tiglionabbitkenny: there are several that come with ubuntu.  You mean xchat?09:52
vagamentehi all... is there ne1 using audiogalaxy2?09:52
Echelon-Hit asks for mail box09:53
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Echelon-Hand I allowed pop access09:53
Echelon-HI got mail box area, new mail command and command09:53
Echelon-Hthats all09:53
husherroot______: have you installed ubuntu yet?  or is this all on the livecd?09:53
Stan2How do i restore default panels, please???09:53
husherEchelon-H: point it at pop.gmail.com09:53
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Echelon-Hhusher, how can it know my own email? i mean user/ pass09:54
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HaroldJohnsonnalioth: I just sent first email using Ubuntu.  It was a Gmail.  I'm so excited!09:54
root________husher, this is teh livecd..  girlfriend won't let me install ubuntu intil I can get the livecd working and everything, and wants me to install over wireless if possible, too09:54
naliothEchelon-H: the mail checkin thing has to support ssl logins (google is secure)09:54
husherEchelon-H: that's a good quesion.09:54
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HappyFoolStan2: have you got at least one panel?09:54
Echelon-Hhusher, :)09:54
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Once Firefox finally loaded up, it's running good on xfce so far.09:54
Stan2happyfool - yes09:54
Kyralroot________, you don't need Net Access to install Ubuntu09:54
HappyFoolStan2: which one?09:54
husherroot______: well, a lot of things that don't work on the livecd may work once it's installed09:55
Stan2happyfool bottom09:55
kennyHas anyone got DVDShrink/Decrypter working under wine and how stable/fast is it09:55
naliothHaroldJohnson: you might want to run kazehakaze (it uses the gecko engine, but is a bit lighter running)09:55
husherStan2: is the whole menu system gone, or are the menus empty?09:55
vagamenteneed some  help with my audiogalaxy2... anyone?09:55
HappyFoolStan2: ok, find some free space on it, then right-click on that space and choose 'New panel'09:55
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: I'll write that down for later.09:55
root________husher, she insists that I be able to attest that it WILL WITHOUT A DOUBT work...09:55
Stan2happyfool ok09:55
HappyFoolStan2: the top panel should be added -- but it'll be empty09:55
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Stan2happyfool yeah09:55
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HappyFoolStan2: then, right-click on the top-panel, and choose 'Add to panel'09:56
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Stan2happyfool how do i add programs menu?09:56
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: I actually have preferred the plain-jane Mozilla to Firefox, though Firefox is gorgeous.09:56
Stan2application laucher?09:56
HappyFoolStan2: scroll down and select 'Menu bar'09:56
Stan2ok thanks09:56
root________can y'all here in teh IRC channel assure me it will work ?  I can spend hours in here with y'all, if that's what it takes to be able to make it work...09:56
Stan2thanks a lot09:56
kennyHas anyone got DVDShrink/Decrypter working under wine and how stable/fast is it09:56
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: I feel like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory right now.09:56
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HappyFoolStan2: you can also add the clock on the right, and the 'Notification area' -- that should more-or-less restore the panel09:57
naliothHaroldJohnson: great!09:57
Stan2happyfool thanks09:57
root________kenny, don't know IF it works, but if it does, it should be as fast as in wndows, if not more so for the superior cryptographic API09:57
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blahi guess i need to contact my isp on what their proxy server address is09:57
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HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Okay, I'm going to go back to playing with it, then I've got to figure out how to set up my D-Link pcmcia card for wireless browsing.09:57
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zero___Thank you guys for all the help, I reconfigured the partition table and put the boot partition at front, and the problem was resolved09:58
husherroot_____: i can assure you that given enough time, effort, and money, just about anything will work, but I can't say how much of each will be required09:58
naliothHaroldJohnson: every day a new mountaintop, with a view to the next higher peak09:58
jasoncohenif anyone was wondering how to use gnome with VNC i found a great howto. It allows you to use XDMCP so when a user opens vnc they start at the gdm login screen09:58
husherzero___: glad to hear it09:58
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root________husher, alright, thank you :)09:58
jasoncohenalso, you can run it on port 5901 and use vino-server on 5900 to allow remote connections to your desktop09:58
jasoncohenvery cool stuff09:58
root________husher, I guess we're close to ready to try..  have a nice day, all of you :)09:59
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husherjasoncohen: thanks, i'll check it out09:59
jasoncohenso, now your windows friends can log into your ubuntu system and try it out without even needing a live-cd10:00
kennyhas anyone been able to pass grc.com port scan with firestarter. i keep failing.10:00
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jasoncohenand apps like firefox will startup very fast since they're probably already open on the local desktop10:00
jasoncohenkenny, why do you fail?10:00
HappyFoolkenny: what services do you have running?10:00
vagamenteany audiogalaxy2 user????????10:00
kennyPing Reply: RECEIVED (FAILED)  Your system REPLIED to our Ping (ICMP Echo) requests, making it visible on the Internet. Most personal firewalls can be configured to block, drop, and ignore such ping requests in order to better hide systems from hackers. This is highly recommended since "Ping" is among the oldest and most common methods used to locate systems prior to further exploitation.10:01
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Well, it's been fun.  I'm going back to OS X now.10:01
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kennyall ports are stealthed but i still fail10:01
naliothHaroldJohnson: what? on the pb?10:01
husherHaroldJohnson: cheater.10:01
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: I'm just kidding.10:01
HaroldJohnsonhusher: What?  Are we supposed to *want* to torture ourselves with installation?10:02
jasoncohenhusher, also, it's run from inetd on demand so vnc only starts up when someone connects and then it turns off when they disconnect10:02
naliothkenny: perhaps you should read this http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=13010:02
mpmcdoes ubuntu come with apache installed?10:02
naliothkenny: some of those testing websites fudge a bit, too10:02
husherHaroldJohnson: yes.  that's the only way we know we are true geeks.10:02
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jasoncohenmpmc, no but you can install it yourself. by default ubuntu has no open ports. it doesn't even install openssh-server10:02
naliothmpmc: not to my knowledge10:02
jasoncohenmpmc, if you want a comprehensive list of all the packages installed by ubuntu look at packages.ubuntu.com and search for ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-base10:03
mpmcI'm gonna have to reinstall :).. I've installed 2 versions of apache :P10:03
husherjosoncohen:  that is very cool.  I'm gonna set it up here10:03
HaroldJohnsonhusher: Actually, jesting aside (sort of), the GUI is currently looking better than OS X did on this PowerBook.  Or, more specifically, the screen hasn't darkened, as it did on OS X.  (An issue with using OS X on these Old World PowerBooks.)10:03
HaroldJohnsonhusher: LOL, by the way10:03
TimmyJQuick question: I installed ubuntu on my 160GB drive as my only partition but today I got a version of XP pro that I wanna put in for a small gaming partition (like 20 GB) and I was wondering if it was possible to resize the ubuntu partition and if so, how10:03
jasoncohenhusher, have it run on port 5901 if you want to also allow users to connect to your actual desktop with remote desktop connection (vino-server)10:03
supernixHiya gang10:03
naliothHaroldJohnson: i'm surprised you got osx goin on the old thing10:03
jasoncohenhusher, just change the "5900" to "5901" in /etc/inetd.conf10:03
naliothTimmyJ: qtparted10:03
TimmyJnalioth, thx I'll check that out :)10:04
supernixI just installed Kubuntu and it did a rather odd thing it created two unmounted partitions one of those being a 1.3mb and one a 1k partition both unmounted10:04
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: It had 128MB ram at the time.  I used XPostFacto, and version of BootX (I think).10:04
jasoncohenhusher, oh and remember, if you're doing this over the internet, you should tunnel over SSH10:04
husherwell, my breezy colony 2 cd just got done downloading, so i'm gonna have to try that out10:04
mpmclook.. http://mpmc.hn.org10:04
supernixWhy in the world did it do that ?10:04
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naliothTimmyJ: and when you isntall windows, you'll need to be prepared for it to eat your bootloader10:04
mpmctoo different versions :P10:04
husherjasoncohen: security is for people who have something to hide. ;)10:04
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naliothTimmyJ: there is a fix for that, tho (its a common problem)10:04
vagamenteany audigy2 user?10:04
mpmcAnyway.. I'll do a clean install...10:04
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: I'm diggin' Linux, though, and I want to have a least one system running it.10:04
jasoncohenhusher, lol...well, if you want someone sniffing your passwords and trashing your computer be my guest :)10:05
naliothTimmyJ: also, i recommend insatlling windows using the fat filesystem (not ntfs)10:05
jasoncohenvnc by default has no encryption of data so it's all sent in the clear10:05
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Besides, I kind of like using the terminal sometimes.10:05
mpmcI've messed it up a little10:05
naliothHaroldJohnson: it seems you have at least one system running on it10:05
naliothHaroldJohnson: the terminal is your friend10:05
jasoncohenhusher, and tunneling over ssh is simple- just run "ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901 serverip"10:05
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jasoncohenand then "vncviewer localhost:1"10:05
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: Okay, it's time to test/setup the wireless.10:05
HaroldJohnsonnalioth: I'm out.10:05
husherjasoncohen: i know, but i usually just use my cisco vpn to handle all that.10:06
zaki_hello everyone10:06
jasoncohenhusher, yeah- i use openvpn to handle it10:06
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jasoncohenit's more transparent than SSH10:06
jasoncoheni just recommended SSH because it doesn't require any setup and it's easy10:06
husheranybody here use mythtv?10:07
jasoncohenso...anyone know why the human theme doesn't allow XDMCP login?10:07
ompaulhello guest10:07
Stan2Following the suggestions of this chatroom, I just bought an Ethernet Card and put it in my Ubuntu computer.  Now what?10:08
husherjasoncohen: don't you just need to enable xdmcp in the gdm setup app?10:08
ompaulStan2, what do you want to do?10:09
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jasoncohenhusher, i have XDMCP working fine- just not with the human theme10:09
Varangercrimsun: are you here?10:09
Stan2ompaul connect to the internet10:09
naliothStan2: hopefully you purchased a linux compatible card10:09
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husherjasoncohen: really? that is weird.  use a different theme, i guess ;)10:09
jasoncohenhusher, there's no option for XDMCP i can see with either of the human themes. I used a gnome theme and i was able to do it fine10:09
husherjasoncohen: wait, where are you doing this?10:10
jasoncohenso i'm wondering why it's not working because when i use it with inetd- it shows a disconnect button leading me to believe that the theme should support remote login10:10
HappyFoolStan2: how is whatever computer you're chatting on connected to the internet?10:10
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Stan2happyfool its operating XP, wireless internet10:10
husherjasoncohen: check System -> Administration -> Login Screen Setup10:10
ompaulStan2, if you have done as nalioth has suggested and got such a card, starting ubuntu and clicking on system administration networking should get you up and going10:10
jasoncohenhusher, on my ubuntu desktop. i enabled XDMCP on the client and opened the port on the server to connect. i can connect fine using any other theme10:10
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jasoncohenhusher, XDMCP is enabled10:11
husherjasoncohen: you mean in the gdm login screen there's no xdmcp login option?10:11
HappyFoolStan2: how about turning on 'internet sharing' in XP and connecting the ubuntu PC to the XP pc via a crossover cable?10:11
Stan2ompaul ok thanks10:11
Stan2I got it10:11
vagamenteany audigy2 soundcard user????10:11
jasoncohenhusher, as is "allow running XDMCP chooser from the login screen"10:11
jasoncohenhusher, yes- exactly- but only for the two human themes10:11
TimmyJnalioth, with qtparted with /dev/sda1 (my 150GB ext3 part of my drive) all I can do is delete or format my drive, is this because its "active"?10:11
husherjasoncohen: huh.  I guess they're just broken?10:12
jasoncohenif that's the case, why do i see a disconnect button when i connect over VNC10:12
jasoncohenwith the human theme10:13
husherjasoncohen: sounds like a bug to me.  sorry i can't be of more help.10:13
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husherso long, everyone, i'm gonna boot into my shiny new breezy colony 2 cd :)10:13
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jasoncohenhusher, thanks, i'll see what i can find on ubuntu's bugzilla10:13
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marc__Nalioth about?10:14
jasoncoheni guess it's not just me- see https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=797810:14
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HaroldJohnsonOkay, switching to irssi for chat10:15
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steven_is tehre anything besides mplayer that can play wmvs on firefox?10:16
DPwondercan Ubuntu can't read NTFS drives to put into grub?10:16
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calamariI have a weird directory entry with 0 references to it.  I'm wondering, how did it get that way, and how do I remove it?10:17
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HaroldJohnsonI made it!  I am now IRC-ing from Ubuntu10:18
leonMe too10:18
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kennynalioth iv figured it out how to block ICMP and pass grc.com10:18
HaroldJohnsonleon: Thanks10:19
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leonWhat client do you use Harold?10:19
leonI'm using xchat10:19
steven_ is there another mplayer subsititute?10:19
HaroldJohnsonWhat is the keyboard command for switching apps?10:19
kennydriving me nuts thats, i now have 99% perfect linux box10:19
HaroldJohnsonleon: I'm using the default for xfce, x-chat10:19
calamaristeven: vlc, but I find its performance to be inferior10:19
HaroldJohnsonleon: I plan to use irssi soon.10:20
Stan2happyfool - "An error occured while Internet Connection Sharing was being enabled"10:20
HappyFoolStan2: alas, i am not familiar with XP connection sharing10:20
leonhow can you make the mssage with my name in from, Harold10:21
teferii asked this yesterday, but no one answered...when is linux-restricted-modules for 2.6.12 going to hit breezy?10:21
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leonI'm learning IRC10:21
whiprushthey posted on the list that they're working on it10:21
HaroldJohnsonleon: I have the same question.  I've been manually typing the name.10:21
leonHarold: I'm after you10:21
calamariHarold: You don't mean Alt-Tab?10:22
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K4ZaDoRHeeeeeeey i have an Imac and i cant to install Ubuntu :( anyone help me?10:22
leonHarold: What's good about irssi10:22
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K4ZaDoR-- error Configure a multiseat system - - -10:22
HaroldJohnsoncalamari: That's it exactly; thanks.10:23
Stan2ompaul - Ethernet connection is active in Network Settings, but I don't have internet10:23
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ChurcH_of_FoamYwonders if it's possible to run mac software in ubuntu10:23
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calamarihere is the dir. entry I'm trying to remove: drwxr-xr-x   0 root root    0 Jul  7 17:03 arizona_client2/10:23
K4ZaDoRanyone with ubuntu on iMac G3 help me with the installation10:24
calamarifoamy: PearPC?10:25
jcoxonChurcH_of_Foamy: search google for mac on linux10:25
ChurcH_of_FoamYwill that allow me to run sim city for mac10:25
jasoncohenhow made the human theme?10:25
calamarifoamy: tias10:26
ChurcH_of_FoamYjcoxon kk10:26
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kennydont know who made the human theme but i do know it sucks10:26
Speedy2ChurcH_of_FoamY: Are you asking if you can run Mac programs on x86 Ubuntu?10:26
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gachhey i need a good sources.list for ubuntu10:26
Speedy2Hey all. I just re-compiled my kernel (2.6.12-2), everything seems to work, but for some reason the network interface (eth0) is no longer brought up on boot. The ifupdown scripts are enabled and seem to run -- any ideas?10:26
ChurcH_of_FoamYspeedy2 yes10:26
ubotusources is, like, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3810:26
gachim lacking a lot of programs10:26
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kennygach horay backports10:27
calamarikenny: it'd be better in blue, but it seems fine to me10:27
HappyFoolgach: look at the url ubotu posted10:27
jcoxonChurcH_of_FoamY: oh that won't work if you are on x8610:27
Speedy2gach : The Ubuntu getting started guide gives guides you to uncomment two lines and gives you two lines to add -- that should help10:27
ompaulStan2, sorry, was otherwise occupied10:27
Speedy2ChurcH_of_FoamY:  You can with a program called "Basillisk II"10:27
jcoxonChurcH_of_FoamY: qemu?10:27
kennycalamari: its not really a big pain cause i can change it myself the problem comes when i have more than one account and i have to change each account10:27
gachalready have those..10:28
Speedy2ChurcH_of_FoamY:  That is a Mac Emulator.  But it won't handle PowerPC programs, just Mac Classic programs.10:28
Stan2ompail ok, I just found that my card is supported by linux, its DE-530  ... http://www.faqs.org/docs/ethernet/Ethernet-HOWTO-4.html#ss4.1410:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYoh you mean the fishtank macs10:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYthe game i have is for the power pc10:28
ompaulStan2, run the following command 'sudo dhclient' in a terminal10:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut the older onces10:28
Speedy2ChurcH_of_FoamY: Well, Basilisk II will do upto a Quadra or a Centris10:28
kennyI wish ubuntu devs would create a program like Nlite.  Ubuntu needs a program like that10:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYthat may work10:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhere can i find this prog synaptic?10:29
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ompaulStan2, I am making the assumption that you have cables plugged in and stuff :)10:29
freddyi wanna test my mom, to see if she realize she is using linux instead of windows.....do you guys know of a good theme that will dress it like windows xp?10:29
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Stan2ompaul yes10:29
Stan2and i put that code in10:29
ChurcH_of_FoamYtakes a shot of bacardi 15110:29
kennychurch: click system>administration10:29
Speedy2ChurcH_of_FoamY: I don't know if it's in the Ubunutu repositories.  Try googling around for it, you might have to install a .deb of it10:29
ompaulStan2, now try a web browser10:29
jcoxonChurcH_of_FoamY, use pearpc10:29
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kennyits installed by default10:29
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monteiroi compiled a new kernel, but after the restart my internet didnt work, i've to do ifup eth0 after a restart, how i make this task automatically ?10:30
Stan2ompaul your amazing thanks!10:30
jcoxonChurcH_of_FoamY, http://pearpc.sourceforge.net10:30
Stan2ompaul I never thought that it would work, thanks10:30
ChurcH_of_FoamYjcoxon kk10:30
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freddyi wanna test my mom, to see if she realize she is using linux instead of windows.....do you guys know of a good theme that will dress it like windows xp?10:30
ompaulStan2, no the guys who wrote the dhcp software are :) your connection will be there when you reboot - as long as the router is powered on first :) if not you can just do that command10:31
Belutzhai all10:31
marc__Ok does anyone know how to achieve this in gnome?  >> http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/7715/1354820md.jpg10:31
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kennyfreddy just say that its the newest version of windows10:31
HaroldJohnsonleon: Sorry I bailed10:31
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HaroldJohnsonleon: accidentally10:31
kennyWindows Lx10:31
Belutzdo you guys accept questions from a newbie?10:31
jcoxonBelutz, yup10:31
HaroldJohnsonleon: I was trying to close the window; apparently I closed the app.10:31
kennyyes we do Belutz10:32
ompaulBelutz, yes10:32
HappyFoolfreddy: maybe look here: http://art.gnome.org/10:32
ChurcH_of_FoamYjcoxon which one do i get ?10:32
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BelutzI'm downloading ubuntu live cd right now...10:32
ompaulBelutz, do you ask questions? ;-)10:32
marc__How do i get Gnome to do this? http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/7715/1354820md.jpg10:32
freddythanks kenny HappyFool10:32
jcoxonChurcH_of_FoamY, what exacytly is the program you want to run?10:32
monteirohow i put a command when the computer restarts ?10:32
HaroldJohnsonDo you all manually type eachother's names to address specifically?10:32
Belutzif i use livecd, will it destroy my hdd partition?10:32
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ompaulBelutz, no it will not10:32
FikrannHello all10:33
p8nthey i have a question... im running an apache server and im wondering how to get permission of my var/www folder10:33
whiprushHaroldJohnson: type the first few letters, then hit tab.10:33
marc__HaroldJohnson, I type first three letters then tab :10:33
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, Like this?10:33
ChurcH_of_FoamYsim city classic10:33
leonwhiprush, cool10:33
HaroldJohnsonmarc__, Okay, I'm seeing10:33
FikrannIs there any mirror list for backports? The one I'm using is glacially slow.10:33
Speedy2ChurcH_of_FoamY: Why not run a PC version of SimCity through something like WINE or VMWare?10:33
HaroldJohnsonmarc__, Thanks10:33
Belutzompaul: the livecd include the openoffice right? what if i want to save a document?10:33
ChurcH_of_FoamYthe original city simulator10:33
ChurcH_of_FoamYcause i don't have it10:33
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, Thank you; this will save alot.10:33
jcoxonChurcH_of_FoamY, http://simcity.ea.com/play/classic/index.html10:33
p8ntcan anybody help me get permissions of my var/www folder10:34
marc__Any gnome gurus here? :P10:34
Speedy2ChurcH_of_FoamY: Well, I bet you if you poke around you can download a copy from somewhere10:34
jcoxonChurcH_of_FoamY, much easier10:34
ompaulBelutz, usb key? floppy? a hard drive bought just for that job10:34
ChurcH_of_FoamYmight be10:34
HaroldJohnsonAny wireless gurus in the house?10:34
marc__Or... Get a gmail account and mount is as a harddrive :P10:34
Speedy2p8nt: chmod u+x <folder> ?10:34
freddywoah kenny i love you10:34
Belutzso, if i use livecd, i still can save to the hdd?10:34
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p8ntyea that will prob work10:34
ompaulHaroldJohnson, that is not really a good question, a better one is can you help me do  X with my wireless card where X is whatever it is you want to do10:35
marc__can ubuntu's ntfs module write to NTFS ?10:35
HaroldJohnsonompaul, Good call; thanks.10:35
HappyFoolmarc__: nope10:35
marc__never tried, im not that brave10:35
marc__ah as i figured10:35
ChurcH_of_FoamYyea as soon as i figure out how i wanna put something like kazza or another p2p prog on here10:35
ompaulBelutz, not a windows partition though10:35
marc__so, no ideas on how to get Gnome to do this?    --> http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/7715/1354820md.jpg10:35
Speedy2marc__: Write NTFS support is pretty much "unreliable" under Linux (Ubunutu or not)10:35
vagamentehi all... is there any audigy2 user?10:36
Belutzompaul: ok... ic... hmmm10:36
marc__Speedy2, Thats what i gathered :P  Hence the "not that brave" comment10:36
ompaulBelutz, but usb keys rock10:36
ChurcH_of_FoamYwonders if he can download sim city in a torrent file from someware10:36
hushermarc__: you mean display the menu bar at the top? like a mac?10:36
marc__yes :)10:36
HaroldJohnsonompaul, I'm trying to get my D-Link DWL-G630 wifi pcmcia card to work with Ubuntu.  I've run iwconfig and apparently it's not being recognized.  The chipset is Atheros.  Do you have any idea what I can do to test/get this card up and running?10:36
marc__I tried karamba, like Nalioth suggested10:36
marc__But that just managed the launcher at the bottom10:36
marc__thats not what i wanted10:37
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marc__I want the menu bar at the top10:37
Speedy2HaroldJohnson: Do you know if Ubuntu has a module for your NIC?10:37
FikrannHaroldJohnson, you need madwifi driver for that.10:37
hushermarc__, no way that i'm aware of; talk to the gnome boys10:37
Belutzoh... i forgot to ask the most important question... will ubuntu run on my NEC Versa M540 smoothly?10:37
ompaulHaroldJohnson, no, but I bet someone else may know what to do with it, after all there are 488 other opinions here :)10:37
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tiglionabbitprobably, Belutz10:37
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, do dmesg in the terminal and see if anything is mentioned10:37
Speedy2Belutz: What speed is your Versa?10:37
HaroldJohnsonFikrann, I had a feeling.  I tried compiling that a couple of days ago, but had trouble doing so.10:37
marc__husher, this is, that screenshot is from a gnome desktop, heavily customised.  If you see thats nautilus :P10:37
HaroldJohnsonompaul, LOL10:37
husherBelutz: download the livecd and try it10:37
p8ntyea i still cant write to my /var/www folder10:37
HaroldJohnsonompaul, 48910:37
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, sorry missed it what exactly is your card?10:37
marc__husher, where be those pesky gnome boys?10:38
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Will do.10:38
FikrannHaroldJohnson, do you have linux-kernel-headers installedL10:38
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hushermarc__: #gnome would be my guess10:38
Speedy2p8nt:  You may have to add +rw to /var/www10:38
Belutzspeedy: Centrino 1,7Ghz10:38
ompaulHaroldJohnson, no it was 490 and I subtracted yours and mine :) see what jcoxon said to you that may start to help10:38
Speedy2Belutz: It should run perfectly10:38
ivoksmarc__: KDE can have menu on top10:38
hushermarc__: are you sure that's not a mac with X on it or something?10:38
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, LOL, it's looks like everything in the world was mentioned.  (A lot of informaton scrolled by.)10:38
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Belutzspeedy: so ubuntu will detect all the hardware?10:38
brianpI have a problem with Office Spreadsheet10:38
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, yup that was the point :)10:39
marc__husher, http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=1354810:39
Belutzhusher: yup, i'm downloading ubuntu and freesbie right now10:39
whiprushHaroldJohnson: you need to install linux-restricted-modules for it to recognize the wifi card.10:39
freddyi downloaded a windows border theme? .tar.gz where do i store it?10:39
brianpWhen I open it and attempt to sum a collumn, the "sum" button does not work and it displays "#REF!"10:39
whiprushHaroldJohnson: after that it should just work.10:39
marc__freddy, Using gnome freddy?10:39
HaroldJohnsonFikrann, I'll look into that.10:39
Belutzi'm sick of using windowsXP, wanna try something new.... hehehehe....10:39
hushermarc__: wowzers10:39
ivoksmarc__: that's osx10:39
freddymarc__, of course :)10:39
acid2_Hey, is there anyway I can reduce the size of the fonts in QT?10:39
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, I'll install that.10:39
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FikrannBelutz, you might want to use newer 'centrino wifi' driver (that is ipw2200) than the one in Ubuntu, apart that everything should be working well <-- written on Centrino laptop. }:>10:40
husherBelutz, if the livecd rocks, so will ubuntu (also written on a centrino laptop)10:40
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p8nti still cant log into root10:41
p8nti mean10:41
Belutzfikrann: would you please give me the url of the driver?10:41
p8nti still cant change permissions10:41
Belutzhusher: ic...10:41
p8ntthe owner is root10:41
dtygelhi all:10:41
HaroldJohnsonFikrann, apt-get is reporting that it couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules.  Any idea if I need to add a repository to the sources?10:41
dtygeli have problems detecting an old soundcard!10:41
FikrannNew ipw2200 driver has ton of nice features .. rfmon support being one of them. Vive le kismet!10:41
dtygelany help10:41
Belutzbtw, can linux open .chm files ?10:42
dtygelit's soundblaster, very old...10:42
leonBelutz, gnochm10:42
HappyFooldtygel: have you looked here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards10:42
FikrannBelutz, ipw2200.sourceforge.net10:42
HaroldJohnsonFikrann, Is madwifi installed with linux-restricted-modules?10:42
whiprushHaroldJohnson: search for it, it's not just "linux-restricted-modules" the name has your kernel version attached to the end10:42
marc__p8nt, cant you sudo chmod?10:42
whiprushso it's linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`10:42
whiprushshould do the trick10:42
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dtygelhappyfool, I'll take a look... thanks10:42
Belutzleon: thx!!10:42
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BelutzFikrann: thx :D10:43
FikrannHaroldJohnson, I don't know, I never used that package, I compiled madwifi from sources.10:43
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, How do I run that search?  Thanks for your help.  Should I simply google it?10:43
freddymarc__, ? :(10:43
=== redtech punches wpa in the lip
p8ntkenny that worked10:43
hushermarc__: now i have a problem; i'm not going to rest untill i get my pc looking like that10:43
HaroldJohnsonFikrann, Would you advise compiling from the sources rather than linux-restricted-modules?10:43
marc__Lol :P10:43
marc__husher, I got the bug too :(10:43
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whiprushHaroldJohnson: open up synaptic, system->administration10:43
whiprushand do a search10:43
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marc__husher, Ive even got that icon pack and desktop wallpaper10:43
whiprushin there10:43
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HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, Can I do this from apt-get?10:43
Belutzanother stupid question... is there any .NET compiler in linux? (i guess not) or what should i do to develop .NET application on linux?10:44
HieronymusBelutz: mono10:44
HaroldJohnsonBelutz, There are no stupid questions, remember?10:44
whiprushsudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`10:44
marc__husher, the last thing missing is that window behaviour, KDE can do it.. :(10:44
marc__freddy, using gnome?10:44
FikrannBelutz, you shoul look at Mono10:44
whiprushnote those are backticks not '10:44
freddymarc__, yes10:44
tiglionabbithey guys, something odd about my sound.  I've tweaked it a bit, so this could be my fault but...   I can play something in beep-media-player with its volume set to 0 and still hear it clearly, but when I play a game like vegastrike or scourge the music is really quiet and I can hardly hear it, even when I turn up my volume all the way10:44
HappyFoolHaroldJohnson: what, just stupid questioners? ;)10:44
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, Thanks for your help.10:44
BelutzHaroldJohnson: ow ok, i forgot :p10:44
marc__System > Preferences > Theme > Install New Theme10:44
HaroldJohnsonHappyFool, I want to laugh, but I'm not going to.10:44
GouramiHi, I am installing windows 2003 server and ubuntu on the same machine, I have partitioned the drive 50/50 and have installed windows, whats the next step ?10:44
marc__It will install whole themes, part themes, icons etc etc10:44
trebucheti've got a radeon 9200 with tv-out and it seems to be detected as a separate piece of hardware in lspci... how can i get control over it so i can use it as an extended desktop or clone desktop, etc..?10:45
acid2_how does one setup cron jobs10:45
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p8ntdoes anybody know where i could find an uploading script for my apache server?10:45
whiprushHaroldJohnson: after that, slap the card in10:45
HappyFoolacid2_: 'man crontab' and 'man 5 crontab'10:45
whiprushand see what happens10:45
acid2_HappyFool, thanks :)10:45
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HappyFoolacid2_: basically write a crontab file, and then run 'crontab <mycronfile>'10:45
Belutzwew, you guys really helpfull10:45
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, Well, I have the card in already.  In fact, I had it in during the entire install.  I was hoping that would help it get recognized.10:45
FikrannHey guys, is there any mirror list for Backports? the one I'm using is glacially slow.10:45
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, Any way I can run that search from apt-get?10:46
whiprushdo you have a cable plugged in?10:46
freddymarc__, if i downloaded the tar.gz in the desktop and installed the theme as you said...can i erase the package on the desktop?10:46
whiprushyeah, apt-cache search linux-restricted-modules10:46
whiprushsudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`10:46
marc__freddy, yes10:46
whiprushbut just do that10:46
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, Thanks10:46
whiprushit'll match it exactly10:46
freddymarc__, awesome thanks10:46
marc__freddy, nps10:46
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, Radical10:47
marc__husher, Those gnome boys are sure quiet10:47
Belutzif i want to have total migration from XP to ubuntu (after trying the livecd), should i download the cd or dvd version? what's the different?10:47
trebuchetanybody know how i can make the tv-out on my radeon 9200se card work as an extended desktop or clone?10:47
whiprushodd though, I have an atheros and it always detects it on install10:47
brianpCan anybody help with a bug in open office spreadsheet - 'sum' doesn't work?10:47
marc__trebuchet, Download the CD version10:47
FikrannBelutz, if you have good network connection use CD10:47
whiprushdid it give you an option of which interface to make the default one on install?10:47
marc__trebuchet, Assuming you have a broadband connection10:47
trebucheti have the cd version...10:47
brianpphew u guys really do get right down to sorting out our problems10:47
hushermarc__: yes, they are10:48
marc__trebuchet, If you have a broadband connection, use the CD, if not, use the DVD10:48
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, I got confused on why I need to add the "uname" part.10:48
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hushermarc__: i found a patch to make gnome 1.x do that, but nothing for 2 yet10:48
brianp*gee* am i on every1s ./ignore list ?10:48
marc__husher, Aww :(10:48
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whiprushHaroldJohnson: those restricted things have to be built for the exact kernel your running10:48
trebuchetthat's making no sense as an answer to my question. are you talking to the right person?10:48
whiprushuname -r reports what the current version you're running is10:48
Fikranntrebuchet, He's not.10:48
kennysrry briannp whats ur problem10:48
Luakagonhey I have a non winmodem but it wasnt detected :(10:48
HappyFoolbrianp: maybe not many openoffice users10:48
brianpCan anybody help with a bug in open office spreadsheet - 'sum' doesn't work?10:48
kennywhat version do you use10:49
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, Yes, but what doesn "uname" do?10:49
whiprushso it matches it to 2.6.12-2-686 or whatever version you're running10:49
Belutzthe dvd version only added with more packages right?10:49
FikrannBelutz, yes10:49
whiprushuname -r reports what the current version of the kernel you're running10:49
LuakagonI need to download whatever I need to fix this modem in like an hour10:49
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, Oh, I see10:49
Belutzwew... can't wait till the download finish...10:49
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whiprushif you don an apt-cache search linux-restricted-modules it'll return like, a page of results.10:50
leonwhich kernel to use for intel centrino pentium M 755, 686 or 686-smp?10:50
FikrannBelutz, you should also consider disks a bit outdated and update your system to what's available in the net.10:50
whiprushthe uname thing matches it exactly.10:50
jasoncohencrap...i started up a vnc session and completely lost my gnome panel...any way to get back my old configuration?10:50
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Fikrannleon, 68610:50
whiprushso you don't have to sit there and figure out exactly which one you need.10:50
jasoncoheni have a backup. what file is the configuration stored in?10:50
ferosshello.. should I even try running ubuntu on a PII 400mhz laptop? currently I'm running an i686 distro which runs ok but I'm hearing all the hupla of ubuntu so I thought I should give it a  shot..10:50
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brianpI love how the community is so determined to better their software.10:50
marc__trebuchet, Sorry was talking to Belutz10:50
trebuchetgrr... that'd be nice if ati cards weren't so crappily supported10:50
marc__well was meant to be10:50
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, So I literally type apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-powerpc `uname -r`10:50
BelutzFikrann: ok, thx10:50
marc__my eyes are not working10:50
brianpi'll go dl10:50
Hieronymusfeross: probably not with Gnome10:50
marc__husher, It doesnt look good :(10:50
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Fikrannfeross, yes, it should work, and you should be able to use basic Gnome apps, provided you tweak basic setup a bit.10:51
whiprushHaroldJohnson: oh, you're on a mac?10:51
trebucheti need a new video card for battlefield 2 anyways10:51
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, Yes10:51
ferossHieronymus: openbox? that's not too bad.10:51
marc__husher, found a reference to it in the gnome devel archives, says feature is not in :(10:51
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, Sorry I didn't mention that?10:51
Hieronymusfeross: haven't tried it10:51
Belutztrebuchet: we can play battlefield 2 on ubuntu????10:51
FikrannMmm... Openbox10:51
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trebuchetcan anybody recommend a card they've used that worked well on battlefield 2 and linux and is under $200?10:52
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whiprushno idea how that madwifi would work on ppc, but the command would be sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`10:52
brianpTa Kenny10:52
dmitrijwhops my bad10:52
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, i'm coming back to ubuntu after a brief spell on tiger, so if you are around once i'm installed i shall definitly help you10:52
marc__Belutz, Using cadega you can  www.transgaming.com10:52
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Radical, I could use it10:52
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, am downloading at this point - don't wait for me10:52
marc__jcoxon, how was the tiger?10:52
hushermarc__, i just read something about the gnome devs refusing to add this as it breaks their Human Interface Guidelines10:52
jcoxonmarc__, love it10:52
marc__husher, Those gnome boys :(10:52
Belutzmarc__: ic ic... i thought i could never play game if i install linux :p10:53
jcoxonmarc__, but really miss the community of ubuntu and also breaking things :)10:53
Belutzi mean, windows games...10:53
trebuchetthat really pissed me off that after chucking $50 at battlefield 2 i can't even play it since it crashes after i hear "welcome to battlefield" or somesuch10:53
Fikrannhusher, marc__ what feature?10:53
marc__jcoxon, I miss OS X menu behaviour, and our friends, the gnome devs, refuse to add this behaviour to gnome :(10:53
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, meanwhile - i wait for downloading i feel a bit of sim city classic online hehe see you soon i hope10:53
marc__Fikrann, http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/7715/1354820md.jpg10:53
jcoxonmarc__, oh i think i'll dual boot10:53
marc__trebuchet, Wanna sell it?10:54
trebuchetsell battlefield?10:54
jcoxonokay that was short lived damn need for windows...10:54
marc__trebuchet, why not :P10:54
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, So for example, I would enter "apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-powerpc 2.6.10-5-powerpc"?10:54
trebuchetbecause i wanna play it, just need a card that supports it10:54
=== flatulist [~blueflops@wsip-68-15-245-248.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
marc__trebuchet, what card you got?10:55
Fikrannmarc__, ahhh .. I never really tried it. Fitts laws say it's good, though..10:55
trebucheti'd like to get a new nvidia card anyways10:55
whiprushHaroldJohnson: no, don't substitute anything10:55
whiprushsudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`10:55
trebuchetatlantis radeon 9200se 128mb agp10:55
whiprushjust like that10:55
trebucheti heard switching to 4x agp would fix it... didn't10:55
marc__Nvidia, the way its meant to be played (in linux)10:55
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othernoobwhat's wrong with ati marc__10:55
trebuchetati's faster on the top of the line, but nvidia's better supported10:56
FikrannNvidia ... The way it burns!10:56
marc__Linux drivers have been pretty awful10:56
acid2_is there any type of framebuffer bootloader for ubuntu?10:56
kennyati arnt supporting linux as much as they should with there drivers10:56
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marc__husher, Lets lobby the gnome devs10:56
trebuchets/lobby/lob shit at10:57
FikrannHey, but ati drivers worked well for me.10:57
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, I received this message:  apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`10:57
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whiprushHaroldJohnson: right10:57
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whiprushthat's what you want to type in10:57
pd<3 ubuntu10:57
jcoxonOkay guys see you in a sec from Ubuntu - goodbye Tiger :)10:57
marc__Dont you just love it, when you get the taste of chicken in your mouth, when you havent eaten it for days?10:58
kennyFikrann im only going on what people have said and all the complaints i have seen.  Im a Nvidia owner10:58
p8nti accidently deleted my bottom tool bar, and i made another one, but now when i minimize something it doesnt show up there, how can i get it back? ... sorry for the noob question10:58
pdubuntu finally runs on my laptop straight out of the box10:58
BelutzFikrann: can i access windows shared folder on linux? have to use samba?10:58
marc__p8nt, using gnome right?10:58
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, I meant:   bash: linux-restricted-modules: command not found10:58
HaroldJohnsonroot@ubuntu:~ # linux-restricted-modules-powerpc10:58
Belutzpd: what laptop do u use?10:58
marc__right click on the panel, click "add to panel"10:58
pdBelutz, Dell Inspiron 850010:58
hushermarc__, good luck with all that10:58
othernoobhas anyone ever played dune2000?10:59
Fikrannmarc__, I would support you, but if it'd be useable with focus-follows-mouse.10:59
whiprushHaroldJohnson: don't type in powerpc10:59
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, Yikes, I keep messing that up, hold on10:59
hushermarc__, i really like the idea10:59
marc__p8nt, then choose Window Selector10:59
whiprushsudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`        <---- type that exactly10:59
FikrannBelutz, install smb4k10:59
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush,  linux-restricted-modules-powerpc is already the newest version.10:59
HaroldJohnsonE: Couldn't find package uname -r10:59
marc__Fikrann, It works ok in KDE, KDE supports it out of the box10:59
BelutzFikrann: it's already included in the cd right?10:59
marc__husher, Me too :(10:59
FikrannHaroldJohnson, just cut'n'paste10:59
marc__p8nt, nps10:59
FikrannBelutz, I'm not sure, probably not.11:00
BelutzFikrann: ok, i'll search for it11:00
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marc__Ok guys, who wants to help me with a game?11:00
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhats a good ftp server from synaptic to use with a network?11:00
marc__Its an old game, and i cant remember name11:00
ChurcH_of_FoamYand is easy11:00
mcdenyerhey can somone help me install giFT?11:00
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, E: Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules11:00
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p8ntmarc_ , its an icon though it doesnt show the windows like it used to.11:00
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marc__Who wants to help me work it out from description?11:00
FikrannHaroldJohnson, you are omitting backticks: ``11:01
Belutzi'm creating a list of needs before migrating to linux11:01
whiprushHaroldJohnson: I think you'll need to ask someone on a mac.11:01
whiprushI don't even know if l-r-m exists for ppc come to think of it.11:01
trebucheti haven't been keeping up with the latest tech in quite a while now... would it make sense to buy a new agp card or get a new system with pcie?11:01
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FikrannBelutz, also you might want to get k3b, the >best< cd burning program in linux.11:01
marcp8nt, sorry11:01
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Belutzanybody know any good PHP IDE for linux?11:02
marcp8nt its window list not selector11:02
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BelutzFikrann: does it also support DVD burning?11:02
husherBelutz: zend isn't bad11:02
FikrannBelutz, bluefish11:02
FikrannBelutz, yes, it does.11:02
freddyhehe now this looks like a windows box11:02
marcp8nt, That working ok?11:02
freddynow i need the little windows flag to put instead of the ubuntu logo11:02
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husherfreddy: why on earth would you want such a thing?11:02
freddyhusher, i will laugh so hard at my mom11:03
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freddyso hard11:03
freddyits gonna be awesome11:03
husherfreddy, point taken11:03
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freddyif youd know her you would understand why im doing this11:03
freddyshe is a windows lover11:03
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HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, I finally understand: so here's the message: Building dependency tree... Done11:03
Belutzis there anything you guys did not know about? :p11:03
HaroldJohnsonlinux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-powerpc is already the newest version.11:03
HaroldJohnson0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.11:03
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whiprushat least we got that figured out11:04
naliothi love aliases (especially when i forget what alias does what)11:04
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, Yes, I didn't realize the backticks.11:04
ompaulso far in the last 24 hours I have worked 14hours slept for 5 and been on irc for 2.5, so where was I the rest of the time?11:04
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HaroldJohnsonFikrann, Thanks for help on the backticks.11:04
whiprushoff to the bar, good luck HaroldJohnson11:04
mcdenyercan somone help me install gift the file sharing thing?11:04
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhats a good ftp server program for a network thats easy to use?11:04
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naliothBelutz: we are a hive-mind here, collectivel we know all11:04
HaroldJohnsonwhiprush, Thanks.11:04
Belutznalioth: :D11:04
marcfreddy, Are you using KDE?11:05
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naliothChurcH_of_FoamY: are you repeating often?11:05
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HaroldJohnsonFikrann, So now that I know that, what I can I do next?11:05
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kennysee you all later11:05
kennybye guys, thanks for the help11:05
ChurcH_of_FoamYnalioth depending on your screen resoulution maybe11:05
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Belutzoh yes... do i need to install anti-virus on linux?11:05
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FikrannHaroldJohnson, download madwifi cvs snapshot, I guess.11:05
marcfreddy, you there?11:05
HaroldJohnsonFikrann, I knew you were going to say that!11:05
ompaulBelutz, in theory yes, in practice no11:05
ChurcH_of_FoamYBelutz not unless you wanna catch microsoft viruses11:05
FikrannBelutz, No, you don't need antivirus to protect your system.11:05
marcHe could have used this kde theme,   BEWARE evil KDE THEME -->  http://www.kde-look.org/content/pre1/1499-1.jpg11:05
naliothChurcH_of_FoamY: well that's a little too often11:06
HaroldJohnsonFikrann, I followed some instructions for compiling madwifi, but it failed miserably.11:06
bubonikdoes someone know where I could download the necessary files to develop something with the SDL library on ubuntu ?11:06
naliothBelutz: there are no known viruses11:06
HaroldJohnsonFikrann, Guess I try it again.  Any pointers?11:06
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ompaulBelutz, no windows virus can run on Linux, not even under wine11:06
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naliothBelutz: however if you want to protect your windows-using-brethren, you may11:06
LuakagonI cannot get my hardware modem to work and I am lost.11:06
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eliUbuntuanyone too busy to answer a question?11:06
ChurcH_of_FoamYnalioth sorry i have a resolution of 1024x768 so shit scrolls outta site pritty fast for me11:06
Fikrannmarc, blargh, so sugary.11:06
naliothbubonik: use synaptic and look for sdl with -dev on the end11:06
vagamentehi all.... any gtk-gnutella user?11:07
Belutzso if i POP some email, and the email is infected, my system won't be infected?11:07
marcFikrann, :)11:07
naliothChurcH_of_FoamY: use your watch, not your resolution11:07
naliothBelutz: nope11:07
FikrannHaroldJohnson, yes .. pm me.11:07
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rob_lteliUbuntu, dont' ask to ask, just ask11:07
ChurcH_of_FoamYnalioth soory man don't get yer pantys up in a bunch ^_^11:07
ompaulBelutz, not your linux system11:07
Hoxzerhttp://koti.mbnet.fi/hoxzer/Network.jpg <-is it possible to setup every PC to find each other in network like this?11:07
Luakagonits for my great grandmother and I PROMISED her I'd get her fucking computer to work, but it had problems so I installed ubuntu11:07
eliUbuntuhas anyone had this problem with apt-get dist-upgrade? ->Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libc/libcairo/libcairo1_0.3.0-1_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch11:07
eliUbuntuE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?11:07
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marcOk anyone help me remember a game that I played a long time ago that came with redhat 5?11:08
naliothChurcH_of_FoamY: just tryin to keep the repeating to at least every 5 minutes or so11:08
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ompaulBelutz, however if you forward it to someone - you could end up with a bit of an arguement11:08
buboniknalioth> there is only one problem : I don't have Internet on the computer on which ubuntu is installed11:08
naliotheliUbuntu: the repos are wonky, use archive.ubuntu, instead of us.archive.ubuntu in your sources.list11:08
rob_ltHoxzer, take a look at an app called cheops, and another called AutoScan11:08
ChurcH_of_FoamYnalioth k man diden't mean to spam or repeat my self or annoy anyone11:08
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HappyFooleliUbuntu: change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list11:08
naliothompaul: that is why i mentioned windows-using-brethren11:08
eliUbuntuwill do. one moment. thanks11:08
Belutzompaul: ic... so is there any packages that can scan outgoing emails?11:08
naliothChurcH_of_FoamY: i know, but at least 5 minutes please11:09
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naliothBelutz: for linux we only have a on-demand antivirus11:09
naliothBelutz: its called clamav11:09
ChurcH_of_FoamYnalioth ok form now on i will waite 5 or more minutes before i post the same ?11:09
ChurcH_of_FoamYjust don't want to lose the help of all the great people in here11:09
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eliUbuntuchange all the us. in the repository file?11:09
Luakagonplease my great aunt has been very kind to me :(11:10
naliothChurcH_of_FoamY: yes, please11:10
ompaulnalioth, which is why I stood on your shoulders and pointed a little further :) [note I am 19 stone] 11:10
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marcBelutz, How about this?  http://www.centralcommand.com/linux_server.html11:10
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naliothompaul: sorry i don't know celtic metrics11:10
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ompaulLuakagon, what is the issue with the box?11:10
ompaulnalioth, ~very heavy11:11
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marcHe ways about as much as an average cow11:11
marcomg late :(11:11
Luakagonompaul, the modem is not working, its internal and I dont know what type it is11:11
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ompaulnalioth, 120kg11:11
mcdenyerdoes anyone use giftoxic?11:11
marcAnyone ever use red hat 5?11:12
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Hoxzerdamn good11:12
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Stan2ompaul, could you give me that code for the internet to work once more?11:12
naliothompaul: around the same as a young cow, then? :)11:12
HappyFoolLuakagon: try here: http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/11:12
mpmchow do I install rar?11:12
naliothmarc: ewww why would we do that?11:12
^thehatsrule^mpmc: use apt-get install unrar ?11:12
ompaulnalioth, don't know but I'll take your word for it11:12
HappyFoolLuakagon: look for the 'scanModem' utility -- it should tell you what modem you have, and what driver you need11:12
naliothmpmc: use synaptic and look for unrar-nonfree11:12
marcThere was a game that came with RH5 that i want to get11:12
marcI cant remember the name11:12
slipaway172mpmc, go to www.ubuntuguide.org and look for a rar package11:12
eliUbuntuwhat happend to the us.archives?11:12
marcbut it was awesome11:12
naliothompaul: i'm just pokin fun at ya11:13
eliUbuntuserver down or something?11:13
HappyFoolmarc: describe it?11:13
ompaulStan2, write it down its a good one 'sudo dhclient'11:13
naliotheliUbuntu: its having problems the last couple days11:13
marcWas like a 2d game, on 2 levels, Multiplayer you would walk around and shoot people11:13
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marcCould be a ninja etc11:13
marcCould play it with bots11:13
marchad all different weapons11:13
ompaulnalioth, yeap, I got that, but I have a dry sense of humour (note the o) so dry that the saraha is wet11:13
Stan2ompaul thanks11:13
naliotheliUbuntu: just edit off the us. part of the URL, and you'll be in business11:13
marcYou viewed it side on, it had a top floor and bottom floor, with stairs between that spanned many screens width11:14
derfI'm getting this error on a system I recently installed ubuntu 5.04 on with two packages, zip and dpkg-dev:  Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/z/zip/zip_2.30-8_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch11:14
naliothompaul: if you're implying that you are uk-centric, i got that with the 19stone remark11:14
HappyFoolmarc: sorry, not ringing any bells11:14
naliothderf: the repos are wonky today11:14
mpmcmpmc@mpmc:~$ apt-get install unrar11:14
mpmcE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)11:14
mpmcE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?11:14
naliothmpmc: you need to be using sudo11:14
derfnalioth: ah, ok, so it's not just me11:14
bimberimpmc: close synaptic and try again11:14
mpmcoh yes11:14
ivoksmpmc: well, you aren't root, aren't you? :)11:14
nalioths_dogmpmc: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo11:14
HappyFoolmarc: if you're bored, you could try nethack. or supertux11:14
subjectdeniedi have a problem with login into gnome11:15
HappyFoolmarc: or beneath-a-steel-sky (old-style adventure game)11:15
eliUbuntuok new error with the corrected repository ->dpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/etc/mozilla-firefox/profile/extensions': Directory not empty11:15
eliUbuntudpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/etc/mozilla-firefox/profile/chrome': Directory not empty11:15
eliUbuntudpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/etc/mozilla-firefox/profile': Directory not empty11:15
eliUbuntudpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/etc/mozilla-firefox/pref': Directory not empty11:15
eliUbuntudpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/etc/mozilla-firefox': Directory not empty11:15
eliUbuntudpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/var/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions': Directory not empty11:15
eliUbuntuSelecting previously deselected package firefox.11:15
subjectdeniedthe gnome session doesn't start, but instead gives me a dialogbox showing "ihre" (german, should mean "your" in english) an only gives me a terminal11:15
naliothderf: you can edit off the us. part of the URL and that should fix you up11:15
eliUbuntuUnpacking firefox (from .../firefox_1.0.4-1ubuntu3~5.04ubp5_i386.deb) ...11:15
eliUbuntuErrors were encountered while processing:11:15
eliUbuntu /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox-gnome-support_1.0.4-1ubuntu3~5.04ubp5_i386.deb11:15
subjectdeniedfrom there i'm able to start gnome by typing "gnome-session" into the terminal11:15
eliUbuntuE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)11:15
LinuxJoneseliUbuntu, please don't paste here11:15
marcHappyFool, I want to play a mindless game, where i can shoot people :(11:15
naliotheliUbuntu: dont do that11:15
ompaulLuakagon, you need to find that out, so I suggest you poke around the www.linmodems.org11:15
naliotheliUbuntu: use #flood11:15
naliotheliUbuntu: or a pastebin11:15
HappyFoolmarc: supertux is moderately mindless ;)11:15
eliUbuntuoops sorry :(11:15
mpmcPackage rar is not available, but is referred to by another package.11:16
mpmcThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or11:16
mpmcis only available from another source11:16
mpmcE: Package rar has no installation candidate11:16
ivokssubjectdenied: choose gnome on session list11:16
naliothmarc: there are lots of mindless games available11:16
marcHappyFool, Anything like smashtv or the like?11:16
subjectdeniedi do11:16
HappyFoolmarc: browse the 'games and amusement' (also universe/multiverse versions) -- lots of games11:16
naliothmpmc: please dont paste in here11:16
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subjectdeniedbut it doesn't start11:16
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mpmcok, sorry11:16
=== phaedrus_ [~phaedrus@cpe-24-198-29-175.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulnalioth, perhaps my use of English is close to the use of that language by the English themselves, however as you know (I think) I am anything but11:16
HappyFoolmarc: browse in synaptic, i mean11:16
ivokssubjectdenied: and don't use breezy11:16
marcHappyFool, Ill go take a look11:16
naliothmpmc: the pkg you're looking for is called "unrar-nonfree"11:16
HappyFoolmarc: i don't know smashtv, sorry11:16
Belutzis there anyone in here who lives in indonesia?11:16
ompaulnalioth, that :)11:16
naliothompaul: yes i assumed something like that11:17
subjectdeniedbut it's not a problem by breezy i thank11:17
CzarAlexI just installed proftpd. I saw in the console that a new user (called ftp) was created. What is the password for that new user and how do I create other users?11:17
Luakagonthanks ompaul and HappyFool11:17
subjectdeniedi removed the X directories11:17
subjectdeniedand reinstalled the whole x-system11:17
subjectdeniedfor getting XKB working11:17
mcdenyerhey i just installed armagetron but i cant find it now11:17
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naliothmpmc: do you have universe and multiverse repos enabled?11:17
ivokssubjectdenied: breezy's X are broken and will be for some time11:17
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HappyFoolCzarAlex: System -> Administration -> Users and Groups11:17
subjectdeniedso this is a known problem?11:18
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CzarAlexHappyFool, thank you.11:18
ivokssubjectdenied: no11:18
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ivokssubjectdenied: you created that problem :)11:18
mpmcwell it's not there11:18
subjectdeniedany solutions?11:18
nalioths_dogmpmc: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3811:18
ompaulLuakagon, np11:18
_templar_i'm searching for the name of the devel package of X11, does somebody can help me plz ?11:18
nalioths_dogmpmc: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto11:18
marcHappyFool, I have found airstrike11:19
LinuxJonessubjectdenied, you shouldn't be running Breezy11:19
subjectdeniedXsession.error tells me that it couldn't start /usr/bin/gnomesession11:19
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subjectdeniedyes, whatever11:19
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subjectdeniedbut i think it's not a problem created by breezy11:19
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naliothmarc: there is a really cool mindless run jump and kill game that uses the sdl libs11:19
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marcnalioth, Know the name by chance?11:20
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subjectdeniedi don't think that it's very helpful telling me that i shouldn't run breezy 3 times a minute, because it's not a breezy problem11:20
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subjectdeniedit was generated by me11:21
_templar_i'm searching for the name of the devel package of X11, does somebody can help me plz ? nobody :( ?11:21
naliothmarc: you need 'abuse'11:21
naliothmarc: it is mindless and enthralling11:21
marcnalioth, cool, Is xpilot still popular?11:21
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HappyFool_templar_: stand by11:21
_templar_ok :)11:22
naliothsubjectdenied: but we're not knowledgable about breezy, so are less likely to be able to help you 'ungenerate' it11:22
stan3ompaul Im talking from my linux now :-)11:22
naliothmarc: do YOU like xpilot?11:22
HappyFool_templar_: i think it's x-window-system-dev11:22
marcyes :)11:22
naliothmarc: then popularity doesnt matter11:22
subjectdeniedit's not breezy, it's some kind of problem with authentication i think11:22
Belutzis there any software that can synchronize data from handphone in linux? for siemens handphone?11:22
ompaulstan3, welcome to 'free computing' where freedom matters11:23
marcwell, multiplayer games tend to be a little tedious when played alone :P11:23
_templar_i have it HappyFool thx :)11:23
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subjectdeniedi get a lot of errors when starting gnome-session in the terminal about ICE-authentification11:23
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naliothsubjectdenied: have you asked about the problem specifically?11:24
LinuxJonessubjectdenied, delete the file from a console using sudo and re-login11:24
subjectdeniedwhich file?11:24
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naliothsubjectdenied: log into the failsafe terminal and remove .ICEauthority11:24
naliothsubjectdenied: then you should be able to log in w/o a problem11:24
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subjectdeniedthanks i'll try this11:25
naliothsubjectdenied: you don't need to use sudo, the .ICEauthority belongs to you11:25
LinuxJonesnalioth, not if he can't log in it isn't11:25
subjectdeniedhow can this happen?11:25
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naliothLinuxJones: the file has just been switched to read-only, not had its ownership changed11:26
subjectdeniedwrong permissions?11:26
naliothsubjectdenied: nautilus has been said to occasionally change that file to read-only11:26
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naliothsubjectdenied: you can safely delete it11:26
LinuxJonesnalioth, well that shouldn't really happen11:26
naliothLinuxJones: correct, but it does (on x86 and PPC in my experience)11:27
subjectdeniedah thanks11:27
ompaulnalioth, LinuxJones I have found that file to owned by root:root in the not too distant past11:27
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LinuxJonesompaul, yeah the kde cdburner used to do that, change to root ownership11:27
Speedy2ivoks: Ok, back here11:28
LinuxJonesompaul, k3b or whatever it is11:28
subjectdeniedwhy is nautilus able to change the permissions to root?11:28
naliothompaul: in my experience (on my PPCs and a few local friends x86s) the file is owned by the user, just switched ro11:28
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ivoksSpeedy2: did you ever run netowrk-admin?11:28
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ivokssubjectdenied: cause you did sudo nautilus11:28
ompaulLinuxJones, so cdrecord -pad dev=/dev/hdd random.iso sorted it11:28
naliothompaul: nautilus should not be run as root, anyway11:28
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subjectdeniedah ok11:28
Speedy2ivoks: No, I don't recall running network-admin11:29
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naliothsubjectdenied: as spoken about, you shouldnt open x-things as root11:29
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ivoksSpeedy2: System -> Administration -> Networking11:29
Speedy2ivoks:  I did a fresh install, then re-compiled kernel11:29
Speedy2ivoks:  Theoretically I'm using Kubuntu11:29
LinuxJonesompaul, no just removing the ~/.ICEauthoriey file as root then re-logging back in seemed to work ok for everyone that I had the problem.11:29
ivoksSpeedy2: do you have more than one network interface?11:29
Speedy2ivoks: Err, not theoretically11:29
Speedy2ivoks: No11:29
ompaulnalioth, I tend not to run nautilus if I can help it, a terminal with sudo -i/s or wherever11:29
ompaulLinuxJones, that is what I did :)11:29
ivoksSpeedy2: firewire?11:29
naliothompaul: i do 90% of my production from a terminal11:30
Speedy2ivoks: No, nothing like that.11:30
LinuxJonesompaul, not pretty but it works :)11:30
ompaulLinuxJones, focus on results11:30
ivoksSpeedy2: check /etc/network/interfaces11:30
tiredbonesDoes anyone know if there is a seb package for lstp (linux terminal server prodject)?11:30
Speedy2ivoks:  The NIC is supported by the Intel EEPro/100 driver which I compiled into the kernel11:30
LinuxJonesompaul, a vastly overlooked ideal :D11:30
ivoksSpeedy2: and tell me all the auto lines11:30
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ompaulLinuxJones, no sales = no food11:30
ompaulLinuxJones, makes you think a little11:31
HappyFooltiredbones: i see a ltsp-utils package11:31
Speedy2ivoks:  I'm not in Linux at the moment, I had to reboot.  Can you give me a few minutes?11:31
HappyFooltiredbones: not sure if that's what you want11:31
ivoksSpeedy2: no11:31
ivoksSpeedy2: i'm off to bed11:31
Speedy2ivoks:  Ok, thanks for your help, I will talk to you later11:31
ivoksSpeedy2: anyway, this isn't a bug or something11:32
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ivoksSpeedy2: you changed /etc/network/interfaces somehow11:32
ivoksSpeedy2: just add auto eth0 to it11:32
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chrissturmhow do i manage printer queues?11:32
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Speedy2ivoks:  That's odd, because if I use the Ubuntu kernel (with it's modules), it works.  If I use my kernel it does not work.  I didn't compile in PCI Hotplug into the kernel.11:33
ivokschrissturm: lpq / lprm / etc...11:33
tiredbonesHappyFool, I'll check it out. thanks11:33
=== ompaul remembers the rain and the gig in 84/5 scorpions on stage - brilliant ahh memories
AerebusCan someone teach me how to install/update my nvidia driver? just started using linux the other night so i have no clue how things work in ubuntu, i already have downloaded NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7667-pkg1.run what do i do with it?11:33
ivoksSpeedy2: run lspci on ubuntu kernel11:33
ivoksSpeedy2: and on yours11:33
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chrissturmivoks, is there also a http frontend?11:33
QMarioHow do I add a user to webmin?11:33
HappyFoolAerebus: you shouldn't need that file11:33
ivoksSpeedy2: sorry... not lspci11:33
Speedy2ivoks: Both have support for the EEPro11:33
ivoksSpeedy2: ifconfig11:33
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naliothAerebus: do you need the nvidia driver for gaming or something?11:33
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HappyFoolAerebus: have you looked at this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto ?11:34
ivokschrissturm: localhost:63111:34
Aerebuswhats that red text for?11:34
ivoksgood night everybody11:34
HappyFoolAerebus: x-chat prints lines in red if they contain your nick11:34
mpmc:).. I cant believe how many features this OS has and only one CD :)11:34
HappyFoolto get your attention ;)11:34
Speedy2ivoks: Thanks for your help11:34
naliothAerebus: because someone is /notice Aerebus msg'ing you11:34
Aerebuso how do i do that to others?11:35
naliothAerebus: i just showed you11:35
ompaulAerebus, anyone typing your name will do that, it is function of the program you ar using - if they are using a simular prog then it happens for them11:35
HappyFoolmpmc: and all the stuff you've probably downloaded via apt ;)11:35
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QMarioDoes anyone know how I can add root to webmin?11:35
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mpmcyeah but fedora is like 4 cd's a time!..11:36
Aerebusi gott type out /notice nicname everytime? lol11:36
Excedrinis there a short history of ubuntu somewhere? who created it initially?11:36
naliothExcedrin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com11:36
Aerebusbah ok cool little trick thankyou for teaching me something new ;p11:36
=== Aerebus rocks on
HappyFoolmpmc: yeah, but fedora comes with kde and gnome (and lots of other stuff) all on the cd's11:36
mpmcI wasted 8 cds on 2 versions of fedora11:37
AerebusHappyfool nah i havent seen that page before11:37
Excedrinnalioth: I didn't see it there, I guess Mark Shuttleworth created it?11:37
mpmcI'm very happy with ubuntu :)11:37
HappyFoolAerebus: it will tell you how to install and enable the nvidia drivers11:37
mpmcanyone and here know dvdmandt?11:37
chrissturmwhat can be the reason when printing from firefox doesnt work? i can print some pages, and then suddenly it doenst work anymore. the jobst dont arrive in the queue it seems11:37
remyforbes777       do you work nalioth, i seen you on here this morning before I left for work LOL11:37
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ompaulmpmc, no you learnt some things from them, maybe not all positive stuff, but learnt anyway :)11:38
naliothExcedrin: there should be a section on the hx of ubuntu11:38
Excedrinok thanks11:38
Aerebusnalioth yes i need to update my drive cause it suxors right now my graphics are not refreshing fast enough and i'm seeing tracers etc trust me its nasty11:38
naliothExcedrin: but yes, mr shuttlesworth did11:38
Aragorn_Guardiancan i safely use swat for samba admin? is a good practice?11:38
naliothAerebus: you can use the VESA driver and probably get better performance11:38
Aragorn_Guardianor manual edit is saffer?11:38
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mpmclol :)11:38
Aerebusi wana use the nvidia driver if possible11:39
Aragorn_Guardianmpmc: ubuntu rules...11:39
Aerebusi downloaded it from nvidia.com for linux11:39
jcoxoni reckon that was a pretty quick turn around11:39
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HappyFoolAerebus: read the wiki page11:39
naliothAerebus: if it comes to pass, that the nvidia driver is not cooperating, VESA will work11:39
HappyFoolAerebus: it will tell you how to install the nvidia driver11:39
Aragorn_Guardiani recomended for a girl from my work, and she has a bluetoth keyboard and mouse...worked perfectly...11:39
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tiredbonesI did some checking on ltsp-util and find that its been orphaned. Does anyone know if Robert Millan is ging include in in ubuntu?11:39
Aragorn_Guardiannalioth: hi...swat is a safe way to configure samba?11:40
QMarioDoes anyone here know how to use webmin?11:40
naliothAragorn_Guardian: i have no windows boxen, so have no clue11:40
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naliothQMario: have you been to the wiki or asked uncle google?11:40
Aragorn_Guardiannalioth: thanks...11:40
Aragorn_Guardiannalioth: nice place there...no win32 at all. no viruses...eehehehe11:41
AerebusHappyfool that page isnt loading11:41
naliothAragorn_Guardian: just PPC-ubuntu goodness11:41
QMarioWho is uncle google?11:41
Aragorn_Guardianeheheh...ppc? very good11:41
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naliothQMario: www.google.com11:41
naliothAragorn_Guardian: one G4 and one G311:42
Aragorn_Guardiani worked in a g3 with suse...11:42
HappyFoolAerebus: stand by11:42
naliothAragorn_Guardian: gonna be addin a G5 in a couple of days11:42
QMarioNalioth, I was joking you know.11:42
Aragorn_Guardianeheheh...more power11:42
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, wondering if you are still there, any luck?11:42
ompaulAragorn_Guardian, for the last 10 years and then a little I have not had a windows box myself11:42
HappyFoolAerebus: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:42
Aragorn_Guardianompaul: real good life...11:42
HappyFoolAerebus: maybe i got it wrong earlier11:42
naliothQMario: sorry, but some folks in here i wonder how they booted the ubuntu livecd11:43
Aragorn_Guardiani am trying...but the friends around dont share this view...11:43
ompaulAragorn_Guardian, it can be done, and when something does not fit I do not worry about it, I find an alternative or move on, it is never that important11:43
Aragorn_Guardianworst for them...11:43
Aragorn_Guardiani will try, after make the samba works fine, use qemu11:44
Aragorn_Guardianworked with linux isos11:44
stan3is it necessary to get anit-virus/spyware/adware appz on ubuntu?11:44
Aragorn_Guardiani pretend install a windows box, put in a iso, and bye bye windows...11:44
naliothstan3: only if you want to scan b4 sending things to your windows using brethren11:44
ompaulAragorn_Guardian, I like qemu, but you need a lot of ram11:44
naliothstan3: no known viruses on linux11:44
Lufusoli hate to be a noob, but i just installed 5.04 from cd and after the cd part finished and it rebooted, grub loaded to a command line prompt.. and I have no idea what to do with this.11:44
Aragorn_Guardianqemu-fast dont worked in early tests11:44
stan3nalioth, k thanks... how bout firewall?11:44
Aragorn_Guardiangonna try...11:45
Fikrannstan3, unless you want to remove viruses/spyware/adware from windoze partitions, no.11:45
Aragorn_Guardianbut works11:45
naliothstan3: by default, no daemons listen at external ports11:45
ompaulAragorn_Guardian, well enjoy it anyway11:45
Aragorn_Guardiani booted a cluster iso...ehehehe11:45
stan3nalioth-- ok11:45
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Aragorn_Guardiani have 1 gb here and was not enough11:45
Fikrannstan3, firewall is usefull anyway.11:45
LufusolI'm scanning over the wiki here and don't see much info about dealing with a grub command prompt but i assumed it would just "work" as grub and lilo always have for me11:46
Aragorn_Guardianbut the system became too stable...11:46
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naliothLufusol: did you do a server install by chance?11:46
Aragorn_Guardianvery stable11:46
Lufusoli don't believe so.11:46
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naliothstan3: if you're interested http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=13011:46
Lufusoli remember that page of the install, and i said go ahead and do the normal install (not minimal/server)11:47
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naliothLufusol: then login at the prompt, and then type 'startx'11:47
Lufusolgrub hasn't loaded any OS yet11:47
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naliothLufusol: ok, then (i'm lost at this point)11:48
naliothLufusol: does it do it each time?11:48
Lufusoli have no login prompt... i see "grub>"11:48
Lufusoland i can tab for a list of commands but aren't familiar with them or their arguments11:48
ubuntu_ty ^_^11:48
naliothLufusol: i'm not familiar with grub (i use yaboot on my macs) but here is the only thing i can offer you11:49
Lufusolyes, it's giving me a grub command line each time, i was expecting a graphical menu or atleast a display of my 3 OS's11:49
Lufusoland a number to enter11:49
^thehatsrule^Lufusol: for a menu, you need a menu.lst or similar on /boot/grub usually11:49
naliothLufusol: someone in here may be able to offer more exact help11:49
naliothLufusol: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:49
Lufusolthanks for your attention, anyway11:49
^thehatsrule^its just a text file11:49
Lufusoli'll check that out.11:49
^thehatsrule^place it in there11:49
HappyFoolAerebus: probably best to not use /notice ;)11:50
HappyFoolAerebus: restart X; you should see the nvidia logo11:50
Aerebuslol sorry11:50
HappyFoolAerebus: to restart X, logout, and press Ctl-Alt-Backspace11:50
Aerebusctrl + alt +bkspc?11:50
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HappyFoolyou probably don't have to logout first, but whatever11:50
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naliothaerebus wastes no time11:51
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HappyFoolsee the logo?11:52
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AerebusHappyfool, i didnt see any logo and its still the same as before11:52
HappyFoolAerebus: ok, can you start a terminakl (Applications -> System tools -> Terminal)11:53
goldfishdo you have the nvidia drivers installed?11:53
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zaki_hi everyone11:53
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HappyFoolAerebus: and, in the terminal, type 'lsmod|grep ^nv'11:54
naliothhowdy, zaki_11:54
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HappyFoolAerebus: what is the output of that command?11:54
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zaki_what does it mean "backup/restore downloaded repositories cache"11:54
naliothHaroldJohnson the desktop man11:54
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HaroldJohnsonnalioth: the one with the plan11:54
flankkokay.. i've got this box here with no sound, no gnome, and "lspci -v|grep audio" lists nothing.  I've searched the forums with nothing useful.  Anyone have a better link?11:54
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naliothflankk: you have X?11:55
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zaki_what does it mean "backup/restore downloaded repositories cache"11:55
=== nalioth looks in his pockets and on his messy desk. "what plan?"
flankknalioth, irrelevant. and that wasn't my question.11:55
Aerebusnvidia               3923388  011:55
HappyFoolflankk: tried this?: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards11:55
=== ompaul heads off
david_anyone in here use yeahlaunch?11:56
HappyFoolAerebus: ok, and this: 'grep nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf' ?11:56
zaki_what does it mean "backup/restore downloaded repositories cache"11:56
naliothflankk: no question is irrevelant to the one who asks it11:56
AerebusHappyfool, nothing happens when i type grep nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:56
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flankknalioth, that's why i clued you in.11:56
HappyFoolAerebus: did you run 'sudo nvidia-glx-config enable' ?11:57
flankkHappyFool, thanks, I'll give that a shot.11:57
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Aerebusno lol11:57
CrimsonPhoenixhow do I set the PATH variable in /etc/environment? I set JAVA_HOME but when I try to set PATH gnome fails at start.11:57
Aerebusi dont think i did11:57
Aerebuscan you join #flood?11:57
HappyFoolAerebus: it's on the wiki page11:57
HappyFoolAerebus: run that command, then restart X again11:58
zaki_what does it mean "backup/restore downloaded repositories cache"11:58
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=== youth [~youth@cpe-24-209-241-103.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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naliothCrimsonPhoenix: in your ~/.bashrc11:58
HappyFoolAerebus: have you edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?11:58
Aerebusno i didnt see anything about editing that file11:58
youthdoes anyone know how I can get a FTP client for ubuntu?11:58
youthI can't get through it in firefox.11:59
HappyFoolAerebus: hrm11:59
CrimsonPhoenixnalioth: alright, I'll try it.11:59
AerebusHappyfool see #flood11:59
parabolizeyouth, sudo apt-get install gftp11:59
zaki_youth try this one "sudo apt-get install gftp"11:59
pablo928youth-try gftp11:59
naliothyouth: there are some in your applications menu11:59
The_Voxncftp rules11:59
HappyFoolAerebus: i'm there11:59
zaki_what does it mean "backup/restore downloaded repositories cache"11:59
youthwow. all at once thank you lol i'll try11:59

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