
lu|awayATM it has a big-ass old MS natural keyboard12:04
lu|awaywith a wire12:04
tsengi have a similar setup in my parents basement for mythtv12:04
tsengi find that the normal "cordless" rf keyboards dont have a really great range12:05
tsengsitting on the couch its hard to get a signal across12:05
tsengif i had an unlimited budget id try ir, bluetooth etc12:05
=== lu|away didn't like having a browser anyway
seb128lu|away: gtk 2.7.2 announce12:09
chrissturmwasabi, what would be the correct way to package eclipse plugins?12:10
chrissturmtseng, bluetooth has a really wiiiideee range12:10
tsengchrissturm: well, it can12:10
lu|awayseb128: yeah, couple of hours ago, I told you :)12:11
tsengsome stuff cuts out at 10m12:11
tseng(by design)12:11
seb128lu|away: is the ftp list b0rked or something?12:11
lu|awayoh, maybe12:11
seb128I use it to know what to package12:11
lu|awaycommits-list is borked12:11
seb128and I don't get mails12:11
lu|awayI was looking at dtk-devel12:11
lu|awaywhich had it 2 1/2 hours ago ;)12:11
seb128anyway time to sleep12:11
seb128I'll package it tomorrow12:11
lu|awayhopefully i'll just use it from CVS soon12:12
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chrissturmdoes eclipse run with gcj or does it need a sun jdk?12:46
Speedy2chrissturm: I think they make both versions12:47
Speedy2chrissturm:  Some has compiled with Eclipse with gcj, but it may not be the latest version12:47
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chrissturmok, but the version in breezy needs a sun jdk?12:48
Speedy2chrissturm:  I think that is correct12:48
chrissturmi would really like to package some eclipse plugins as debs12:49
whiprushtseng: welcome to the hhk2 club!12:49
tsengwhiprush: woo12:49
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siretartchrissturm: the eclipse package in breezy is running with gcj12:53
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chrissturmsiretart, how do i configure it to use gcj?12:58
siretartchrissturm: just apt-get install it12:58
chrissturmi have it installed, and running12:59
chrissturmand in about / config i see that it used the sun jdk12:59
siretarthm then you should ask wasabi about this. I don't know how to switch12:59
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chrissturmah /etc/jvm.d/eclipse01:04
sabdflhey lamont - just got back from beers with bdale :-)01:04
Mezsabdfl, any news on backports?01:05
sabdflMez: incoming01:05
dmkjust asked this question in ubuntu-motu and no one answer - I think everyone is asleep. maybe you guys can help01:06
dmkI have been trying to build a few deb packages but I am not sure if I have done them right01:06
sabdflthought we would have it this week, i guess it just needs a little love from infinity and lamont01:06
dmkthey install fine, but just wanted to be sure01:06
dmkwhen I was doing packages for Slackware we used to have a script that verified everything01:06
Mezah fair enough... I'm just wondering how we're going to get the thing to build the packages thats all01:06
dmksorry if this is the wrong place to ask01:06
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lamontevening sabdfl01:07
MezI'm just not sure how the process would go if we're not making the source uploads (plus apparently the sbuild doesnt like ~'s in the version)01:07
Mezlamont, hows backports going on your bit of it?01:07
lamontbackports is there, btw01:07
lamontsee archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/dpkg01:07
MezI noticed the repository was there...01:08
lamonthaving said that.  wanna-build needs a little bit more love, and then i think all should just be happy01:08
lamont(I can't give things back, because wanna-build gets confused about that ~)01:08
sabdflhi lamont01:09
lamontsabdfl: I'll hammer on wanna-build some more this evening, and then we should be good to go.  (all the buildd's are currently trying to build it, etc.)01:10
sabdfllamont: cool. how's the bandwidth holding up at home these days?01:10
lamontI've taken to freshening a USB drive at work from time to time, from the local mirror here in fort collins01:11
lamontsabdfl: and otherwise, I'm running right around my quota for high-bw usage01:12
sabdfllamont: wimax?01:13
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lamontsabdfl: I get all I want if the average is < 56kbps.  for >= 56kbps, I get ~100MB/day01:13
lamontmax is around 400-500kbps01:14
lamontwhich isn't terribly bad, given everything01:14
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Speedy2<ivoks> #ubuntu01:19
Speedy2<Speedy2> (I didn't knowingly make any changes to network-admin)01:19
Speedy2<ivoks> this is development chan01:19
Speedy2err, sorry01:19
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chrissturmwasabi, are there instructions how to package eclipse plugins as debs for ubuntu?01:23
=== lamont scratches his head, noting that w-b is actually happy
Mezlol @ lamont01:25
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wasabi_chrissturm, no, but there needs to be01:25
wasabi_I am trying to figure it out for CDT currently.01:25
chrissturmwasabi, i would like to try webtools01:25
wasabi_Please give it a go.01:25
chrissturmwebtools rock big time01:25
wasabi_I really want to see it take off.01:26
wasabi_I am making some big changes to Eclipse right now, which will probably effect you in the long term.01:26
chrissturmdoes it work well with gcj? i am running eclipse with gcj for the first time today01:26
wasabi_Does web tools? Don't know.01:26
wasabi_Eclipse works for the most part. Debugging doesn't.01:26
wasabi_But Eclipse launches an external VM to run.01:27
chrissturmhow does the performance compare?01:27
wasabi_It's slower than Sun's, but better than interpreted.01:27
chrissturmthats very good news for non intel platforms01:27
wasabi_chrissturm, I am preparing to move Eclipse to /usr/lib/eclipse from /usr/sahre/eclipse.01:27
lamontfabbione: somehow I expect you're not around?01:27
wasabi_Most stuff will be in /usr/share, with symlinks in /usr/lib pointing to it.01:27
wasabi_Basically it's the only way I can get FHS compatibility out of it.01:28
chrissturmwasabi_, is there also a per-user plugin directory?01:28
wasabi_chrissturm, there will be.01:28
wasabi_chrissturm, RedHat has a nice patch for that I will be applying.01:28
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chrissturmeclipse had always supported that01:28
wasabi_RedHat has some mods.01:28
wasabi_bbl =)01:28
wasabi_please help 01:29
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Speedy2Is there any benefit to putting eth0 in the "hotplug" interface on /etc/network/interfaces ?01:30
Speedy2(why does Ubuntu do it that way?)01:31
lamontSpeedy2: lets you auto-up interfaces without always trying to bring them up (and failing when the PC card isn't plugged in)01:32
Speedy2lamont: Ok .  For some odd reason, with my own kernel hotplug fails to bring eth0 up.  Does hotplug use hal ?01:33
=== lamont shrugs
Speedy2lamont: I'm using a PCI NIC.  The only thing I can think of is that PCI hotplug wasn't compiled in01:33
=== lamont hasn't played with that part of things much.. hal and dbus are both certainly involved in hardware detection/config
chrissturmhow does that compare to network manager?01:34
=== lamont gets back to the paying job
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jasoncohenwhere are breezy's packages stored after they are built by the automated build system but before they enter the pool directory? is their an incoming server like incoming.debian.org?02:30
jasoncohen*is there02:30
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jsgotangcoj #ubuntu-motu02:43
tsenghi jsgotangco 02:44
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danielsKamion: yeah03:43
=== davyd wanders in
davyddaniels: does X work yet?03:56
danielsdavyd: of course it does03:57
davydmine stopped working with -3403:57
danielswill be fixed in -3503:57
davyddaniels: what broke?03:58
davydalso, how long till -35?03:58
tsengdavyd: when daniels blesses you with it03:58
davydtseng: well, this biatch left me without a working X server03:59
davydI also couldn't see how one would obviously downgrade X, I know it's meant to be modular, but there are things like xserver-common and x-common and such04:00
davydand I just don't know the dependancy tree04:00
lamont"Ubuntu is calling it a 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device" - any clues daniels?04:02
lamont(actually, iz driver on intel's site)04:02
danielslamont: i845, which uses the i810 driver04:02
danielsdavyd: code which made it start segfaulting in breezy04:02
danielsdavyd: downgrading xserver-xorg alone from -34 to -33 should be safe04:02
lamontdaniels: ah, ok.  should hoary correctly detect that, or does one have to force i810, and if so, how?04:02
davyddaniels: ok... it seems that gdm doesn't correctly relay that there was a segv04:03
danielsdavyd: sounds about right04:03
davydthat's why I was feeling confused04:03
danielslamont: um, hoary will detect and use it fine.  but is this a desktop where the resolution is capped at 640x480?04:04
davydalso, startx didn't seem to work04:04
danielslamont: if so, XORG_SYNC_RANGES=yes sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg04:04
danielswill be fixed in a hoary-update04:04
lamontdaniels: thanks - that'll get my brother off my back... and then there's my _other_ question.....  but you know what that is.04:05
danielslamont: yeah, the answer to that is in your other IRC client04:05
danielsi'm still trying to work out a way to plug in and meaningfully use my desktop04:05
=== lamont reads his other desktop, feels sympathy for daniels
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squinnwelcome back, mgalvin 04:21
mgalvinhad to restart gnome a few time after install new apps to refresh menus04:24
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mgalvinworking on the gnome docs04:24
squinnwhat gnome doc in particular?04:26
=== squinn moves conversation to #ubuntu-doc
mgalvinwell, mostly the gnome faq guide, but i am modify the menu entities to reflect the breezy menus04:29
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Mitariohello everyone05:15
bddebianHello Mitario 05:16
Mitariolittle question here.. i'm finishing update manager for a new release and since i'm not a native english speaker.. is it 'There are x  packages available for updating.'?05:17
bddebianSounds correct to me05:18
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|QuaD-anyone around?06:11
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lamontemacs21: error while loading shared libraries: libXaw3d.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:32
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mgalvinare direct upgrades from wary to breezy supported or at least possible?07:07
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jasoncohenmgalvin, it's recommended that you upgrade incrementally07:21
jasoncohenmgalvin, each release has changes in dependencies (pacakges with new names, new dependencies, removal of old dependencies etc.). to resolve this, there are virtual dummy packages to aid in the upgrade process.07:22
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jasoncohenhowever, this is meant to work between releases - from warty to hoary- not from warty to breezy07:23
jasoncohenanyways, breezy is in no shape to be used as a stable distribution. if you didn't want to upgrade to hoary, your surely not going to want to use breezy at this time. why not upgrade to hoary now and wait until breezy is released in october?07:23
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mgalvinjasoncohen, i ask b/c i am working on the ubuntu documentation, i was just wondered if it was possible and worth putting in the docs07:31
mgalvinits not a good idea, i figured as much, but wanted other opinions07:32
jasoncohenit'll probably lead to upgrade problems07:32
mgalvinit's just that people asks those kinds of questions :)07:33
rob^been buisy mgalvin?07:34
mgalvinrob^, yea :)07:34
rob^I've been trying to figure out lufs ftpfs all day..07:34
rob^it wont mount my xbox07:35
mgalvini never tried that, no xbox07:35
rob^I have about 45gig of mp3s on it I want to access from my pc07:36
bob2why not just use a real network filesystem?07:36
rob^without copying them across07:36
rob^on the xbox?07:36
rob^what like?07:36
bob2smb, nfs, afs, coda ...07:37
rob^the xbox has a smb server without running one of the various Linux distros for it?07:37
rob^whats it called?07:38
=== seth_k is away: sleep
rob^pfft.. kernel module?07:40
bob2you want to continue running windows on it? ah07:41
rob^I want to be able to still play games on it07:44
rob^it IS an xbox after all07:45
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whiprushmdz: far from home?08:41
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danielsso, while there are arguments over how to behave on, say, 5 minutes of idle time:08:51
danielsa) do nothing08:51
danielsb) throw up a screen saver08:51
danielsc) blank the screen08:51
danielsd) go into S308:51
danielsi think we can all agree that D is completely wrong08:51
davyddaniels: yes, I think so too08:52
davyddaniels: you could always do what the mac does08:52
danielsscreen saver after 5, S3 after 50?08:52
danielser, 6008:52
Mithrandirdaniels: on battery or in general?08:53
davydit also dulls the screen after 5 or so minutes08:53
danielsMithrandir: in general08:53
danielsdavyd: right, dimming the backlight is a top plan08:54
Mithrandirdaniels: I would be majorly pissed off if a machine I left off suddenly went to sleep for no apparent reason.08:54
danielsMithrandir: you too, hey?08:54
danielsnever mind the SSH session you had running, or the huge downloads you had going08:54
davyddaniels: some of the power management stuff in ubuntu is crack08:54
Mithrandirso S3 after 60 minutes is just crackful.08:54
davydI rewrote a lot of mine today08:54
danielsdavyd: acpi-support?08:55
danielsMithrandir: it does that on desktops, dude08:55
davyddaniels: yeah08:55
davydit might be worth considering acpi-support-ibm and acpi-support-toshiba08:55
davydand lots of that stuff08:55
danielsdavyd: file a bug :)08:55
danielsmmm, we used to have acpi-support-x4008:55
danielsthen we realised everything in the x40 is fine08:55
davydbecause I have non-shit ACPI08:55
Mithrandirdaniels: uh.  So it crashes any desktop with SATA and other niceties like that?08:55
danielswhat we really need to do is have portable interfaces for 'dim the backlight', 'enable bluetooth', 'disable the wireless radio', et al08:55
davydall the workarounds break my machine08:55
danielsand then have system-specific binaries, where we autodetect which one to use08:56
danielsMithrandir: dunno, this was in the 10.1 days08:56
danielshaven't used OS X since08:56
davyddaniels: sounds like a similar solution08:56
Mithrandirdaniels: oh, OS X.  I thought this was about what we were doing/going to do.08:56
davyddaniels: I think you still can configure it to sleep08:56
danielsMithrandir: shit no08:56
davydfrom memory it doesn't with mounted external disks08:56
davydit's an interesting feature08:56
davydalso, I only have one Squire left09:00
davydand I haven't managed to read chapters 2, 3 or 5 of the story09:01
davydI knew I should have bought a case09:01
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ogami1972HEY DEVELOPERS! thank you!09:35
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danielssladen: any word on usplash?10:09
siretartwasabi: ping10:11
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sivangbah, source only packages, anyone has any idea how I increment patch such package?10:36
danielswhat do you want to do?10:38
danielsif you need a rebuild, just bump the version number and add 'no changes' or such to the changelog10:38
sivangdaniels: I need to patch it bits, and then test build10:40
sivangdaniels: where do I drop the diffs? :-)10:41
danielsoh, you mean DBS?10:41
sivangdaniels: (I'm used to working with dpatch enabled packags)10:41
danielswhere you dpkg-source -x something, and it has a tarball in the root directory?10:41
danielsfakeroot debian/rules setup is the generally-accepted way to unpack it, although source.make might be used intsead10:42
sivangdaniels: I think so...not sure :-)10:42
danielsthen put your patches in debian/patches10:42
sivangdaniels: it's gedit package, let me look again, I may be wrong wrt the source pkg thingy10:42
sivangdaniels: I have a /debian folder under the root, however it contains no "patches" dir10:43
danielssivang: might vary10:43
sivangdaniels: so that's not a source based pakcage? (the one with only the source tarball and a path tarball )10:44
sivangdaniels: it's using cdbs, and simple-patchsys , but I can't see the pathces dir10:46
danielssivang: then it probably doesn't have any patches being applied10:50
sivangdaniels: oh, so it's a new upstream release maybe?10:50
=== sivang ponders the changlog
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sivangweird, it has a -2 modifier, so it can't be new upstream10:52
danielsmaybe it just has no source patches?10:53
vedranwho is packager for icewm?10:54
sivangdaniels: right, only chnages to the debian portions. silly me10:54
vedrani'd like to ask them something :)10:55
vedranah sorry - there's name in deb - ignore :o10:57
Duck_Happyogra: coin ?10:58
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dokoubuntu on www.spiegel.de: http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/technologie/0,1518,364354,00.html11:48
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vedranq: is it possible to do a network install of ubuntu?12:01
vedrani have a computer with no cd...12:01
tsengyou can do it with netboot12:02
tsengnext time you want to ask #ubuntu, see topic.12:02
vedranok tnx... sorry12:03
JanCyou can do it from an existing linux install too12:03
JanCread the ubuntu/debian installer manual12:03
JanCapt-get install debian-installer-manual12:05
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vedrantnx to all12:08
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zygais there any ubuntu-translators # ?01:10
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mdkezyga, there is a mailing list if that helps01:12
mdkezyga, if your problem is launchpad related, you can try #launchpad01:12
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mdkeor rosetta-users@lists01:12
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zygaI'm trying to import my gpg key01:25
zygabut rosetta crashes01:25
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mdkezyga, that is not rosetta, its launchpad, you can file a bug or ask in #launchpad01:56
mdkezyga, btw is your key on the keyservers?01:56
zygamdke: no ;)02:10
zygamdke: but It shouldn't have borked on me02:10
mdkezyga, yeah i know, i think that is a known issue02:10
siretartjbailey: ping02:10
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Gandalfarhello, can anyone hint me how to build ubuntu cdimage?02:22
zygaGandalfar: search the wiki AFAIR there is some info on this topic there02:34
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=== HWolf grins. "ubuntu-driven conspiracies to kill debian" phrase found on planet debian
TreenaksHWolf: Oh noes!02:38
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HWolfnice, isn't it.02:40
Treenaksja :)02:40
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Treenaksuh.. wrong channel.. "yeah" :)02:40
mxpxpoddaniels: ping02:42
KamionGandalfar: the scripts we use are in arch; http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/archives/colin.watson@canonical.com--2005, colin.watson@canonical.com--2005/cdimage--mainline--0; baz build-config configs/devel02:43
Gandalfarthank you :)02:44
KamionGandalfar: that's probably too brief for you to actually build images from, but I'm about to go out to a wedding02:44
Gandalfarit's a start, creating a derivate will be a long term task anyway02:44
mxpxpodKamion: heh, I have a wedding this morning too :)02:44
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mxpxpodjdub: ping02:55
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Mezlamont: ping03:04
lamontMez: sup?03:05
Mez /query :P03:06
Mezwondering why http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/s/sdlperl/1.20.3-1ubuntu5/ is bombing out even though all dependencies are there03:06
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siretartthere is something weird going on with gl and glu in xorg03:09
siretartI dont get it either03:09
TreenaksLet's all poke daniels to ask!03:09
siretartis it possible/allowed to build depend on a virtual package?03:13
infinitysiretart : Yes, but if you want to be sure you get a specific version on the buildds, use "real | virtual"03:13
lamontsiretart: it's real simple... anything that build-depends xlibmesa-glu-dev is b0rked03:13
siretartlamont: its about sdlperl, yes03:14
lamontsiretart: also note that if you build-dep on a virtual package, and it's not in the archive, then it requires a manual whack by infinity or I to clear the depwait...03:14
siretartok, will upload then a package build depending on libgl-dev-xorg and libglu-dev-xorg, then. ok?03:14
jdubmxpxpod: pong03:15
lamontwell, given that libgl-dev-xorg doesn't seem to exist yet.....03:15
lamontI'd probably just use libglu-dev-xorg. :-)03:15
siretartok. testing that in pbuilder now03:16
lamontdaniels: updating the binaries line or such to make xlibmesa-glu-dev go away would be a good thing...03:16
mxpxpodjdub: did gnome-gpg change? it used to be that I could call gnome-gpg and it would pop up a dialog asking me for a password... now it tells me it can't determine the key id to use03:17
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jdubno changes to gnome-gpg; perhaps you've added a key and aren't defining it? i don't know the answer.03:18
mxpxpodjdub: not defining it?03:19
Treenaksmxpxpod: usually it means that either you have no secret keys, or you have more than one03:19
siretartok. libglu-dev-xorg seems to work. uploading package now03:20
mxpxpodTreenaks: aw man, something is messed up in my keyring03:21
mxpxpodTreenaks: I get invalid packets03:22
jsgotangcomxpxpod: probably your secret key03:22
mxpxpodjsgotangco: what do you mean?03:23
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mxpxpodTreenaks: is there a way to rebuild my keyring?03:26
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Treenaksmxpxpod: I have those too. I _think_ it's Alexander Schmehl and/or Andreas Mueller03:28
Treenaksgpg: buffer shorter than subpacket03:28
Treenaksgpg: signature packet without timestamp03:28
Treenaksthat stuff right?03:28
Treenaksmxpxpod: then there's gpg --rebuild03:29
mxpxpodgpg: checking the trustdb03:29
mxpxpodgpg: [don't know] : invalid packet (ctb=00)03:29
mxpxpodgpg: keyring_search failed: invalid packet03:29
mxpxpodgpg: failed to rebuild keyring cache: invalid packet03:29
Treenaksmxpxpod: but that's for rebuilding the signature caches03:29
Treenaksmxpxpod: try #gnupg03:29
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mxpxpodTreenaks: ok, so why can't gnome-gpg determine the key to use?03:40
Treenaksmxpxpod: can gnupg?03:40
mxpxpodI think so03:40
mxpxpodI don't get that message when using gpg03:40
Treenaksthen I don't know, as I don't use gnome-gpg03:41
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mxpxpodTreenaks: yeah gpg finds my key just fine03:41
Treenaksyou fixed your ring?03:42
mxpxpodyeah, there was a pubring.gpg~ that I copied into pubring.gpg03:42
Treenaksah ok03:42
mxpxpodpubring.gpg was full of junk03:42
mxpxpodoh, you know what...03:43
Treenakshow did it get that way?03:43
mxpxpodno clue03:43
mxpxpodTreenaks: this is strange03:49
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mxpxpodjdub: it's strange... I have to specify --local-user now with gnome-gpg03:56
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=== lamont considers filing a bug against oo.o2 saying it should be broken up into pieces that are only big enough to choke elephants
Mithrandirlamont: since elephants are easier to choke than lamonts?04:18
lamontthey have much bigger mouths04:18
lamont195812895 bytes of orig.tar.gz is a bit excessive04:18
lamontand the 14741694 byte diff.gz doesn't really help matters....04:19
Mithrandiroh, I'll need to put more stuff into ia32-libs, then?04:19
lamontyeah - you're not even in the same ballpark there... :)04:19
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lamont3 hours into the download, only 172e6 bytes to go. :-(04:22
lamontbut I have over 12% of the file04:23
=== lamont drops oo.o2 from his mirror
davydwho mirrors?04:25
davydisn't caching the cool new thing?04:25
lamontnot when you have to shape your bandwidth04:25
lamontcaching at 30kbps sucks.  mirroring a partial mirror doesn't suck quite so much04:26
lamontthat's kbits/sec04:26
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wasabi=( X move broke eclipse05:00
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wasabiActually that was pretty damned weird. I was missing /usr/include/X11/X.h05:06
wasabiBut I *reinstalled* x11proto-core-dev and now I have it05:06
Jhairrunning apt-get --purge remove python2.3 leaves two symbolic links which triggers:05:06
Jhairdpkg - warning: while removing python2.3, directory `/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages' not empty so not removed.05:06
Jhairsystem: breezy05:06
Jhairis this a bug?05:06
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=== lamont goes off for the day
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Mithrandirevo crashes when trying to add a new (http) calendar.05:17
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NafalloMithrandir: evo crashes on LOTS of things ;-).05:21
NafalloMithrandir: like trying to add another account ;-).05:21
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Lathiatmutt++ :)05:28
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MithrandirLathiat: mutt doesn't do ical feeds.05:34
Lathiatical sucsk05:35
MithrandirLathiat: got any better alternative?05:35
Mithrandirwhy do people assume that I want to use evo as a mail client?  I have a way better mail client already.05:35
Lathiatread it with vim05:35
MithrandirI don't use vim, 'cept once in a while to edit my .emacs. ;-P05:36
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Mithrandirand vim is really shitty about giving notfications of events and stuff. :-P05:36
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Lathiatyour just not trying nhard enough05:42
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thierrywhen I start breezy that I installed, I get to the login and after gnome start, and all the panel are blank and I only see the wallpaper...06:37
thierryis it that way with ebery computer or is it just mine?06:38
wasabijust yours06:38
thierryoh ok...06:38
wasabiyou're not going to get much help06:38
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thierryand with the live-cd, it doesn't recognize any ethernet device06:38
wasabiwhat type of device do you have?06:39
thierrywasabi, is there a way to fix thoses thing for a newbie like me?06:39
wasabithierry, no. WHy are you using breezy again?06:39
thierrywell I have a nvidia (inside my mother board) and an other with a strange company name but that works with hoary06:39
thierrywasabi, I just was curious... I don't want support, I want to help06:40
wasabiWell, the best I can tell you is that you need to figure out hte model of your nic, make sure the module loads and that it works right.06:40
wasabiThen determine if the issue is with teh installer or the drivers. ;)06:40
wasabiI don' thave any familiarity with the nvidia nics, so I can't be of much assistance with that06:41
thierryok... how can I make sure the module loads ? wich modules are needed?06:41
wasabiMake sure that the module is listed in lsmod. I don't know what module06:42
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danielslamont: erm?06:45
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HieronymusWhy are the icons in Breezy for Firefox and Evolution different from those in Hoary?07:38
tsengHieronymus: because gnome-icon-theme includes new ones?07:47
Hieronymustseng: okay, but I thought there was an issue with the Firefox logo07:47
tsengthere is07:47
Hieronymusit can only be used for official Mozilla releases07:47
Hieronymusso, has Ubuntu gotten permission?07:48
tsenggo file a bug at bugzilla.gnome.org if you are concerned07:48
Hieronymustseng: I'm not concerned, but curious07:48
tsengi told you where the icon came from, it was an intentional change by ubuntu07:48
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hmhI am going to start some groundlaying work for dependency-based initscripts here at debconf5. Anyone from ubuntu also working in this?07:52
hmh(i.e. integrate stuff like serel/runit with the system)07:53
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bronsonWhy on earth is php4 compiled --without-pgsql?09:18
bronsonAnd since it is, why does Ubuntu include the apparently useless php4-pgsql package?09:19
bronsonVery, very strange.  This is on Hoary of course.09:19
KaiLmaybe there's php4-pgsql?09:20
Treenaksbronson: sounds like a bug?09:20
KaiLas there's php4-mysql afaik...09:20
bronsonKaiL: there is a php4-pgsql package.09:21
bronsonBut it's useless because the Ubuntu php4 package disables all postgres support.09:21
bronsonTreenaks: I sure think so.  Should I file one?09:21
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sivangbronson: we should probably have php5 packages already...09:31
sivangbronson: too bad it's delaying alot09:31
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bronsonsivang: i agree.  :)09:33
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infinitybronson : Did you try installing php4-pgsql before reporting a bug?09:52
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bronsoninfinity: of course.10:03
bronsoninfinity: I downloaded the php4 source package and verified that --without-pgsql is in debain/rules.10:04
infinitybronson : It DOES work, despite the configure line.10:04
bronsonReally?  Not for me.10:04
bronsonphppgadmin complains that php has no pg support.10:04
infinitybronson : Yes, it is in debian/rules.  All that means is that pgsql isn't built with the php4 source.10:04
infinitybronson : Is pgsql.so in your php.ini?10:04
infinitybronson : dpkg-reconfigure php4-pgsql10:05
bronsoninfinity: that was it.10:06
bronsonWeird!  I just installed it.10:06
bronsonDunno why it works after the reconfigure, but it does.10:07
=== bronson is off to mark his bug NOTABUG...
bronsoninfinity: thanks!10:07
infinityI already closed it NOTABUG half an hour ago.10:07
bronsonAh.  Thanks, Adam Conrad.  :)10:08
bronsonI added a quick note in case anyone else is stranded where i was.10:14
bronsoninfinity: thanks again.10:14
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=== infinity commits a patch to remove "Configure Command" from phpinfo to the packaging CVS for php4 and php5.
comadrejaI'm looking for any of the members of the ubuntu/gnome team10:27
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lu|awaycomadreja: quite a few are around/in channel, if you have a specific question you should just ask and wait and see if anyone can answer10:33
comadrejaoh, thanks, I just thought there was a specific channel/mailling-list for them alone10:34
comadrejabug 627, what is the dbus transition ?10:35
lu|awayprobably refers to the transition from dbus 0.2x to dbus 0.3x10:36
lu|awayand I presume you mean some other bug #?10:36
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comadrejait doesn't say too much more...10:37
lu|awaypresumably screem depends on dbus 0.210:38
lu|awayand they want/need a patch to make screem build against dbus 0.310:38
lu|awaythough admittedly it is sort of hard to tell from the page that it is against screem10:38
comadrejaok, I'll work on that10:38
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thierryI'd like to fix ubuntu bug 9145 . How do I get the source of rsync?10:48
carstenh_apt-get source $package10:49
thierryok and to create a patch?10:49
carstenh_apt-get install diff?10:50
thierryk thanks10:51
ivoksdiff -ur10:51
comadrejacould it be that bug 627 talks about using dbus-glib instead of dbus ?10:55
comadrejaivoks : in malone11:01
thierryok I have the rsync folder where I made my changes on the rsync packages... now how can I get the patch?11:03
comadrejathierry : I'm not at all the person to tell you, but I think you have to do an dpkg-buildpackage -S *.dsc and send the source package to revu 11:04
comadrejathierry : what I mean is that I don't really know the procedure11:05
ivoksthierry: #ubuntu-motu for revu11:05
thierryok but all I want is a patch to send on the ubuntu bugzilla11:05
ivokscomadreja: 627 is screem11:05
ivoksthierry: diff -ur new-source old-source11:06
comadrejaivoks : yes, and screem uses libdbus-111:06
thierryk thanks11:06
thierryand the old source is the orig.tar.gz file?11:06
comadrejathierry : I think thats the upstream source11:07
ivokscomadreja: i don't understand this bug at all :))11:07
comadrejaivoks : neither do I :). I just know that screem uses dbus11:07
comadrejaand that problably should be using dbus_glib11:07
comadrejaI thought that could be the transition...11:08
infinitythierry : As rsync is in main, it'll need a main uploader to fix it anyway.11:09
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infinitythierry : And as the bug is a) very simple, and b) already assigned, you can assume it'll probably get fixed before breezy.11:10
infinitythierry : (By the guy it's assigned to, even, which is me)11:10
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cmathesonhey we got a bunch of friends here and we're wanting to work on the ubuntu-express stuff... what work has been done already?11:11
thierryinfinity : so I can forget it?11:12
thierryinfinity : or sending my patch would a good idea?11:13
infinitythierry : It's a one-line patch, and the bug already has the fix in it (though not in patch format)11:14
infinitythierry : Also, in the time it took you to ask me that, I fixed it and uploaded the fixed package.  And closed the bug.11:14
thierrythanks :) anyway I've learned something!11:15
infinitythierry : Learning is always good.11:15
infinitythierry : The cleanest way to get your aptch, btw, would be to "dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -S", then in .., you'll see you now have two source packages.  The old and new.11:16
infinitythierry : debdiff *.dsc will give you a nice diff of the pair.11:16
thierryinfinity : I'll try it on bug 11459, don't steal it this time ;)11:19
infinitythierry : I didn't steal it, it was assigned to me. :)11:20
infinitythierry : Try to pick bugs that are assigned to "debzilla@ubuntu.com"11:20
thierryinfinity : ho ok! yeah I'll try11:21
thierryinfinity : I don't have the debdiff command and sudo apt-get install debdiff doesn't work11:24
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infinitythierry : devscripts.11:28
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thierryinfinity : thierry@modemcable050:~/dev/ubun$ debdiff irssi-text_0.8.9-1ubuntu3.dsc > 11459.patch11:40
thierrydebdiff: fatal error at line 205:11:40
thierryNeed exactly two deb files or changes files to compare11:40
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seb128is jdthood@yahoo.co.uk on IRC?11:46
infinitythierry : debdiff old.dsc new.dsc11:47
infinitythierry : Though the error message seems pretty self-explanatory there.11:47
thierryinfinity : ho! I didn't know I needed a .dsc before and after the changes! thanks11:47
lamontdaniels: ??11:48
infinitythierry : Your new one would have overwritten the old if you didn't update the changelog before building.  You did update the changelog, right? :)11:48
infinitythierry : (hint: "dch -i" in the source directory.  hint2: read the debian new maintainer's guide)11:49
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seb128is there somebody around with the sync from Debian magic? :)11:49
=== lamont wanders off again
thierryinfinity : do I need to change the package version number? If so to what?11:51
seb128is there any bugzilla master than can stop somebody to make changes?11:51
carstenh_thierry: 23:49:10 < infinity> thierry : (hint: "dch -i" in the source directory.  hint2: 12:03
carstenh_          read the debian new maintainer's guide)12:03
carstenh_you should read hint 2 :)12:04

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