
HappyFoolAerebus: you can always try that md5 update command12:00
youthYay! It works. Thank you all so much~12:00
HappyFoolAerebus: something has changed your xorg.conf12:01
Aerebusok brb12:01
flankkHappyFool, isn't there at least a sound HOWTO somewhere?12:02
youthnalioth, you said there are some in the applications menu.. where?12:02
naliothyouth: look under "internet"12:02
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HappyFoolflankk: you can search for 'sound' here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TitleIndex12:02
youthnalioth; is that the "terminal server client"?12:02
naliothyouth: no it is not12:03
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zaki_what does it mean "backup/restore downloaded repositories cache"12:03
naliothyouth: do you have universe and multiverse repositorys enabled?12:03
youtho.o i don't know?12:03
=== misfit_toy [~guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nalioths_dogzaki_: please stop repeating the same question. If someone knows, (s)he will answer. You can try posting on the mailing list too.12:03
nalioths_dogyouth: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3812:03
youthi seriously just got ubuntu like. yesterday and my friend showed me some stuff but not all this12:03
nalioths_dogyouth: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:03
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naliothyouth: read what the dog sent ya, when you have that done and enabled, come back here and we'll tell ya where to look in the big toy box12:04
flankkHappyFool, already done.. these are useless because lspci doesn't even show a sound card.  I'm not sure what the card is.. and why wouldn't it be enabled in the kernel? what would you suggest doing?12:04
HappyFoolflankk: i'd suggest trying to find out what the card is, and using google12:05
vladuz976hey does anybody know how to bind a certain command to a key?12:05
youthnalioth; ohjoy :3 thanks lol12:05
LinuxJonesflankk, is it disabled in your system's bios ?12:05
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HappyFoolvladuz976: maybe System -> Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts12:06
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HappyFoolflankk: i would've thought lspci would see it, even if no modules were loaded12:06
Danaris the debian repository compatible with ubuntu?12:06
vladuz976HappyFool: that only binds keys to certain funktions in there. not to what i want. only does stuff like play vol up and down and i can select keys for that12:06
LinuxJonesDanar, not recommended12:07
HappyFoolvladuz976: sorry, i don't know more than that12:07
DanarLinuxJones: why not?12:07
vladuz976HappyFool: ok, thanks anyways12:07
aeolistDanar, chances are the world will keep spinning even if you install some debs12:07
LinuxJonesDanar, most stuff from Debian is available in the Ubuntu repos12:07
MidNightRaVeNanyone know why when i start ubuntu my mouse won't work... but when i unplug it and plug it back in, it works?12:07
DanarLinuxJones: is nvu in there yet?12:07
naliothDanar: nvu is availabe from the nvu homepage12:08
youthnailoth; it says "Use the checkboxes in the first column enable or disable a repository. Universe is now enabled." - but which one am I supposed to do? they're all checked.12:08
Danarnalioth: easier to apt-get stuff. i'd rather have it in the repository12:08
flankkHappyFool, well it is integrated, and nothing 'Multimedia' is showing.. nor audio.  Since it is integrated, the bridge is, " Intel Corp. 440LX/EX - 82443LX/EX AGP bridge."12:08
MidNightRaVeNlol anyone?12:08
LinuxJonesDanar, nope but you could install the .deb from the Linspire website I would assume12:08
naliothyouth: universe and multiverse?12:09
derekalright, i've been trying to fix my sound (sound blaster live) all day. i've read every forum and it still does not work, any ideas?12:09
youthMidNightRaVen; my mouse wouldn't work either :/12:09
naliothDanar: at this time, nvu isnt available via repo, it will be in breezy, i believe12:09
MidNightRaVeNyouth: figure out how to fix it?12:09
youthMidNightRaVen; my mouse with a ball, anyway. i plugged in a ball-less one and it worked lol12:09
naliothDanar: the deb from nvu homepage installs just fine12:09
MidNightRaVeNlol really?12:09
youthYeah XD12:09
youthGo get one without a ball, it might work hahah12:09
MidNightRaVeNyouth: i have a ball mouse right now... so maybe that's the pro12:09
Danari'm on debian now. if i switched my sources.list to the ubuntu repository, would i be able to 'upgrade' from debian to ubuntu?12:10
HappyFoolflankk: sorry, no idea. can you maybe lookup your mainboard via google to find out the sound chipset?12:10
MidNightRaVeNthx =D!!12:10
youthMidNightRaVen; Maybe. Maybe not though. It just worked for me, that's all I know lol12:10
naliothDanar: only if you are running woody12:10
Danarnalioth: er, testing12:10
MidNightRaVeNyouth: lol i imagine it probably will... it's worth a try eh?12:10
naliothDanar: is that sid or etch?12:10
youthnalioth; universe and multiverse..? i feel so dumb i have no idea what you mean ><12:10
MidNightRaVeNyouth: thx =) I hope it works!12:10
=== Aerebus [~nexus@cpe-66-25-33-72.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
naliothyouth: watch the dog12:10
HappyFoolflankk: has your sound worked previously? if so, in what OS?12:10
nalioths_dogyouth: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:10
AerebusHappyfool, ok i got it i saw the nvidia loo12:10
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nalioths_dogyouth: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3812:11
Danarnalioth: whichever testing is :p12:11
youthMidNightRaVen; worth a shot, yah. if it doesn't work, you have a nifty mouse.12:11
HappyFoolAerebus: yay ;)12:11
naliothDanar: probably easier to clean install ubuntu12:11
Aerebushowever i dont think that helped lol12:11
HappyFoolAerebus: then it's probably working12:11
MidNightRaVeNyouth: i was planning on getting a usb mouse anywho... so maybe i'll just get one early instead ;-)12:11
Danarnalioth: i'd prefer to be able to keep most of my settings and stuff the way they are without having to go through configurations all over again...12:12
Aerebusit helped  alittle but see when i hold a mouse button and drag the window around i see jagged edges and it looks nasty, any way to correct that?12:12
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youthI'll try! dog o-o person.. lol12:12
Danarmy major gripe with ubuntu though is not enough packages in the repository12:12
HappyFoolAerebus: yeah, don't drag windows around.12:12
naliothDanar: well, from woody is the only easy option12:12
HappyFoolAerebus: sorry, no idea12:12
Aerebus?!?! lol12:12
flankkHappyFool, it has worked it windows previously.12:12
Danarnalioth: :/ woody isn't up-to-date enough12:12
HappyFoolflankk: if you still have windows installed, boot that and find out what the sound card/chipset is12:13
LinuxJonesDanar, you should enable the universe & multiverse repos for like 11,000 more packages12:13
DanarLinuxJones: i did.12:13
MidNightRaVeNdo you guys know where i can get lvc from?? i look for it in synaptic but for whatever reason it's not there12:13
naliothDanar: understand, but the fact that it is OLD, makes the ubuntu upgrade the easiest12:13
flankkHappyFool, that's useless. you can find more information in linux.12:13
DanarLinuxJones: some stuff, like nvu still wasn't there12:13
HappyFoolflankk: eh? it works in windows, right?12:14
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HappyFoolflankk: and in Linux it isn't even showing up in lspci12:14
HappyFoolflankk: i guess you could google for each of the pci identifiers12:14
MidNightRaVeNlol you guys know where I can get lvc?? it doesn't show up on synaptic12:15
The_VoxDanar: nvu is in one of the repositories12:15
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Danarbut if i switched my sources.list to ubuntu and simply upgraded as the versions passed my currently installed ones, would that work?12:15
LinuxJonesDanar, >> https://wiki.ubuntu.com//HowToInstallNVUHTMLEditor12:15
stan3When i use music player, rythm box "has quit unexpectedly"12:15
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flankkHappyFool, I don't fucking have windows. sheesh.. it can be done in linux. I'll just use kudzu.12:15
DanarThe_Vox: it is? when did that happen? must have been recently12:15
The_VoxDanar: no clue when it happened, but:12:16
The_Voxvox@nimashet:~$ apt-cache search nvu12:16
The_Voxnvu - Complete Web Authoring System12:16
The_Voxnvu-dev - developers files for nvu12:16
MidNightRaVeN<---- no one hears....12:16
QMarioI cannot see my Ubuntu Samba server in my network. Can anyone help me. Please. :-[12:16
The_VoxMidNightRaVeN: what is lvc supposed to be?12:16
HappyFoolflankk: *shrug* feel free to take out your frustration on people not paid to help you12:16
youthI've to go!12:16
MidNightRaVeNThe_Vox: it's a media player that someone suggested to me...12:16
DanarThe_Vox: :) thx12:16
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youthnailoth; thank you so much! and the.. nailoth dog O_o thanks!12:16
naliothyouth: we'll be here12:16
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youthk :D12:16
LinuxJonesHappyFool, lol good one :)12:16
The_VoxMidNightRaVeN: uhm...no, what you were suggested is vlc not lvc12:16
youthgood. 'cause. I'm going to need you rofl12:16
DanarMidNightRaVeN: VLC12:17
LufusolOdd... I simply redid the installation exactly as I had the first time and this time grub loaded Ubuntu properly on reboot12:17
MidNightRaVeNThe_Vox: o...12:17
MidNightRaVeNThe_Vox: lol12:17
naliothLufusol: well great!12:17
DanarMidNightRaVeN: stands for vido lan client, i think12:17
flankkHappyFool, you don't get paid for favors.  and i don't need guilt because i didn't bow to your answer.12:17
FreedomzenOk I have a question I just tried to upgrade and got a MD5SUM Mismatch is there any way around this12:17
MidNightRaVeNDanar: work well?12:17
DanarMidNightRaVeN: yep. one of the best12:17
derekHave any of you been able to run Hoary with a Sound Blaster Live! sound card???12:18
DanarMidNightRaVeN: personally i don't like the interface, but it plays pretty much anything12:18
=== The_Vox has never actually liked vlc...
QMarioI cannot see my Ubuntu Samba server in my network. Can anyone help me? Please? :-[12:18
MidNightRaVeNhmmm =/ can i get it over synaptic?12:18
schasikudzu == hardware probing library?12:18
The_VoxMidNightRaVeN: yes12:18
LufusolI also run Debian and XP so let's see if I can make those available options in Grub now that i have atleast one OS to work from12:18
MidNightRaVeNThe_Vox: sweet12:18
DanarMidNightRaVeN: i use xine when i can. then vlc or mplayer when it doesn't play something12:18
DanarMidNightRaVeN: yes12:18
=== QMario says me neither.
MidNightRaVeNDanar: it would be under Multimedia right12:19
LinuxJonesQMario, have you looked at >> www.ubuntuguide.org there is a whole section on getting Samba up and running and there are resources on the wiki12:19
DanarMidNightRaVeN: i find xine easy to use, and it plays pretty much everything once you've installed the codecs from the repo12:19
MidNightRaVeNDanar: repo?12:19
HappyFoolgood night *yawn*12:19
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The_VoxDanar: steal the "all codecs" package from the mplayer site and install it in /usr/lib/win32 and you'll stop using vlc and mplayer...except when trying to view corrupted files, mplayer deals better with those12:19
DanarMidNightRaVeN: yeah. i don't use the categories though. it's easier to just search for what you're looking for, or apt-get it12:19
DanarMidNightRaVeN: repo = short for repository12:19
DanarThe_Vox: hrm. thx12:20
naliothThe_Vox: i thought those codecs went into /usr/local/lib/codecs12:20
MidNightRaVeNyea, it wasnt under the category but a search brought up xine12:20
The_Voxnalioth: I stuck them in /usr/lib/win32 and xine found them12:20
naliothThe_Vox: hmmm12:20
kbrooksnalioth, /usr/local is reserved12:20
The_Voxnalioth: and mplayer found them too12:20
naliothkbrooks: yes i know, its for things YOU install12:21
MidNightRaVeNDanar: do you know if it would be gxine?12:21
The_Voxnalioth: I think the /usr/local/lib/codecs is for when you compile mplayer by hand12:21
DanarMidNightRaVeN: that's the gnome xine interface12:21
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DanarMidNightRaVeN: i prefer the regular xine12:21
naliothThe_Vox: u/l/l/c is recommended on mplayerhq12:21
goldfishget vlc12:21
goldfishthat rocks12:21
kbrooksread: by hand12:21
MidNightRaVeNDanar: xine-ui then?12:21
The_Voxnalioth: right...as I said, it's for when you compile by hand12:21
QMarioVlc, doesn't play sound though on my system.12:21
naliothkbrooks: yes, things you compile12:22
Danarcollect them all :p12:22
DanarMidNightRaVeN: yeah12:22
=== nalioth head spins
DanarMidNightRaVeN: that would be xine User Interface12:22
naliothtime for a beer12:22
vladuz976what beer, where?12:22
stan3how do I change the location for the weather toolbar?12:22
MidNightRaVeNDanar: k, thx =) i tried Totem for some Dvds... and I dunno if it was my computer or totem, but they just wouldn't play so I'm gonna try xine first before going any further12:22
DanarMidNightRaVeN: i find xine is great with DVDs & CDs. it has buttons for that. just click & it plays12:23
sexcopter8000mhi, another ubuntu prob, when i try to play sound, i get this error message, "Could not open resource for writing." Any ideas?12:23
DanarMidNightRaVeN: does the menus too, IIRC12:23
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MidNightRaVeNDanar: do you know how to like rip straight to your drive?12:23
LinuxJonesStan2, right click it and hit move12:23
MidNightRaVeNDanar: so you can watch anytime ...12:24
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DanarMidNightRaVeN: yeh, there's a bunch of apps for that. try searching12:24
stan3linuxjones, lol i mean like the city, zip...12:24
MidNightRaVeNDanar: kk =)12:24
p8ntballer100822hey i was wondering how i could make my apache server a .com adress, could anybody help me12:24
LinuxJonesStan2, haha12:24
QMarioMidNightRaVen, have you tried installing libdvdcss2?12:24
naliothp8ntballer100822: call a web host12:24
DanarMidNightRaVeN: handy sites: google.com/linux & www.sf.net12:24
MidNightRaVeNQMario: dunno what that is...12:24
stan3linuxjones so do you know?12:24
DanarQMario: that's for reading them, not ripping them...12:24
p8ntballer100822you cant do it yourself12:24
p8ntballer100822from your own computer12:25
naliothp8ntballer100822: no12:25
LinuxJonesStan2, right click >> Preferences >> Location tab12:25
p8ntballer100822cause i already have apache set up12:25
DanarMidNightRaVeN: it's a library that lets your apps decode encrytped dvds12:25
stan3linuxjones got it thanks12:25
MidNightRaVeNDanar: o... i'm guessing that xine should do that as well?12:25
DanarMidNightRaVeN: yeah12:26
LinuxJonesStan2, :)12:26
DanarMidNightRaVeN: actually, i dunno if it uses that, cause i have it too12:26
DanarMidNightRaVeN: might do it on it's own though12:26
MidNightRaVeNDanar: i just got xine installed... so going to try it but how do you do repository stuff?12:26
DanarMidNightRaVeN: uh, what 'repository stuff'?12:27
MidNightRaVeNDanar: well.... you said you can download codecs from the repository?12:27
nalioths_dogMidNightRaVeN: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3812:27
Aerebuswhats the gui in ubuntu called? X? or Gnome?12:27
nalioths_dogMidNightRaVeN: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:27
naliothAerebus: both12:27
DanarMidNightRaVeN: yeh, do a search in description & name for codec12:27
DanarMidNightRaVeN: :p12:27
MidNightRaVeNDanar: lol thx =) i think I'm done bothering you for a bit ;-)12:28
DanarMidNightRaVeN: and see the link nalioths_dog posted for adding repositories12:28
MidNightRaVeNDanar: atleast for now ;-)12:28
Danark. np12:28
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Razor-Xi've decided to start teaching my sister eacs at 612:29
Razor-Xthat'll be her birthday present, a fresh linux install with GNU Emacs12:30
naliothRazor-X: teaching your sisters WHAT?12:30
Razor-Xnalioth: emacs12:30
FikrannHey guys, stupid question: how can one get configured kernel source tree for stock ubuntu kernel?12:30
bjronanyoe here use wxpython?  I have installed it and looks (when I run eg pycrust) like it is linked against gtk and not gtk2, which doesn't look nice.12:30
DanarRazor-X: lol. i was gonna say "what's eacs? google comes up with german..." :p12:30
naliothRazor-X: they're so young! don't ruin em12:30
Razor-Xthat way, at age 8, she'll surpass just about half the channel ;)12:30
FikrannRazor-X, And die at the age of 30.12:31
Razor-XFikrann: doubt that12:31
naliothbjron: if you use synaptic, you should find lots of python stuff for gtk212:31
Razor-Xshe'll be a kickass sysadmin12:31
Razor-XFikraan: there should be a wiki entry on that12:32
bjronFikrann, mb copy /boot/config-2.6.10-5-386 (or whatever) to your kernel source tree12:32
MidNightRaVeNDanar: real quick question, how do i turn it so that Totem doens't start my DVDs up automatically?12:32
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DanarMidNightRaVeN: hrm. that's probably a gnome setting. poke around in the menus12:33
Fikrannbjron, wxpython is linked against gtk2, but it >sometimes< show up with built-in widgets that look similar to old unthemed gtk.12:33
DanarMidNightRaVeN: can't help much as i'm not on either gnome or ubuntu ATM12:33
Razor-Xshe'll start Dvoraking at 4, though12:33
bjronnalioth, as far as I can tell, that's not gonna help wxpython stuff look better;12:33
MidNightRaVeNDanar: o, =) kk12:33
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bjronFikrann, do you know how to fix that?12:33
Fikrannbjron, I run into this problem once while playing with Breezy ..12:33
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Fikrannbjron, I removed all of wxPython from python site-packages dir and reinstalled it fresh.12:34
bjronFikrann, cause yea, I was reading everywhere that it was linked with gtk2, but then it was definately not following my gtk theme12:34
p8ntballer100822what is the correct spelling for nautalis...?12:34
bjronFikrann, hrm, but I just installed it fresh today!12:34
bjronactually, a brand new hoary install on this machine too :\12:35
sexcopter8000manyone any ideas with my sound problem??12:35
MidNightRaVeNwhat kind of sound card do you have?12:35
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sexcopter8000mwell it's terratec, but it shows as C-Media12:36
sexcopter8000mbut i think that's just the chipset or something like that12:36
MidNightRaVeN=/ dunno then....12:36
Danarcan anyone predict any specific problems i might avoid in switching from debian to ubuntu via switching repositories?12:36
Danardoes this mean there's a good chance it might go smoothly?12:37
redtechok, I have been very happy with so far with my switch to Ubuntu.  I was spoiled with my email and antispam under windows however.  Is there a good combination in ubuntu, like thunderbird or evolution and spamassassin?12:37
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Danarredtech: what's wrong with those?12:38
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bjronredtech, install thunderbird. . .12:38
redtechi cant imagine that people are relying on the built in "filtering"12:38
naliothDanar: you will have lots of version discrepancies12:38
Danarnalioth: what do you mean?12:38
Fikrannc-media works very well in Linux.12:38
naliothredtech: yes, certainly12:38
redtechDanar: nothing wrong.. whats the "proper" combination? How do I configure the two to sleep together?12:39
naliothDanar: sarge, sid and etch are too similar to ubuntu for a smooth transition via sources.list swap12:39
=== Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
sexcopter8000mFikrann, do you know much about c-media and linux?12:39
Xyc0Cool and admin is here12:39
Speedy2sexcopter8000m: It's supported12:40
Danarnalioth: what? i would think similarity would ease the switch, not hinder it12:40
Speedy2sexcopter8000m: You might have to compile a new version of the kernel12:40
naliothredtech: you can use caching proxys, virus-sniffing proxys, whatever you want to do12:40
naliothDanar: ubuntu has its own pkgs12:40
Fikrannsexcopter8000m, I've been using c-media 878 based card for quite some time.12:40
Xyc0What is the name of the project that uses graphics on boot up?12:40
naliothDanar: ubuntu and debian pkgs don't mix very well12:40
sexcopter8000merk.... i'm not sure if my experience permits me to compile new kernels :s12:40
Danarnalioth: what's the ubuntu equivalent of testing called?12:41
Xyc0sexcopter8000m: its not as scary as it sounds12:41
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ElsidoxDanar, Breezy12:41
Xyc0Danar: Breezy12:41
Xyc0I win12:41
FikrannXyc0, you might be interested in fbsplash12:41
Danarhere's a cookie :p12:41
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MidNightRaVeNdo you guys know how i can turn Totem in Gnome off so that it doesn't autoplay?12:42
Xyc0Fikrann: is that the one FC4 uses?12:42
sexcopter8000mwhat's the underlying point in it? I'm guessing that when one compiles a kernal on a local machine, it makes one that is compiled around the exact hardware setup, rather than a generic one for all machines... is that a reasonable guess?12:42
DanarMidNightRaVeN: might poke around in totem's settings actually...12:42
=== transgress [~transgres@68-191-96-214.dhcp.dctr.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
FikrannXyc0, no. That's the one Gentoo is using.12:42
TPCI just installed gpdf, but the default pdf viewer in gnome is still xpdf. I can't find where to change it, so how do I find the menu where I change it?12:42
MidNightRaVeNDanar: yea... still looking and I'm not finding anything just yet...12:42
naliothDanar: i dont think there is one12:43
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Danarnalioth: one what?12:43
naliothsexcopter8000m: when you compile your own kernel, it only has drivers for your box12:43
naliothsexcopter8000m: reducing the size (and load time) considerably12:43
MidNightRaVeNlol i fixed it... but it's kinda cheating... guess it'll work for now till i figure out more12:43
naliothDanar: 'testing'12:43
FikrannTPC, right click on a pdf, select properties, switch to Open with tab, select gpdf on the list.12:44
Danarnalioth: couple birdies told me it was Breezy...12:44
TPCFikrann, ok, thanks12:44
sexcopter8000mso it's a good thing to do even if you don't have a problem to fix?12:44
serengetiTPC try looking into Properties of some pdf file, .... oh well Fikrann's been faster :D12:44
Speedy2sexcopter8000m: In addition, when you compile your own kernel, you don't have to load support for you devices via modules, saves space and time12:44
sexcopter8000mand i take it there's a plethora of walkthroughs if i look on google?12:44
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Speedy2sexcopter8000m: I do, but it can lead to problems if you mess it up12:44
Danarhoary is like stable, right?12:44
naliothDanar: then that must be it, note the /topic12:45
naliothsexcopter8000m: if you desire12:45
Danarnalioth: hrm. what's that about?12:45
naliothDanar: yes it's stable12:45
Danarwhat's the other one?12:45
naliothDanar: as in "dont use breezy"?12:45
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Danarhoary, breezy... ?12:45
sexcopter8000mwell that being the case, i'll do some reading and ask any questions before i embark12:45
sexcopter8000mbut not tonight, i is too sleepy :)12:45
Danarnalioth: yeh, i see that. i'm asking why12:45
sexcopter8000msorry, totally unrelated noob question, what's nautilus?12:46
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ubotuDanar: I don't know12:46
naliothDanar: because breezy is in active development now and is pretty ugly for normal use12:46
Danar... no bot?12:46
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naliothDanar: its !info nautilus12:46
sexcopter8000m!info nautilus12:46
serengetisexcopter8000m, it's the capt. Nemo's famous submarine :)12:46
Danarnalioth: ah. thx12:46
ubotunautilus: (file manager and graphical shell for GNOME), section gnome, is optional. Version: 2.10.0-0ubuntu9 (hoary), Packaged size: 799 kB, Installed size: 2588 kB12:46
sexcopter8000m... oO12:47
bjronFikrann, oh, wow, reinstalling wxpython fixed it;  I think installing boa-constructor first was my problem maybe12:47
=== bjron shrugs
bjronFikrann, thanks for the tip12:47
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serengetisexcopter8000m, http://www.cshobbies.com/images/nautilus-30%20in.jpg :)12:48
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Danarsexcopter8000m: yer basic file manager12:48
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Aerebusin Ubuntu 5.04, when i goto System > Theme what kind of themes are those? i'm looking at gnome-look.org what section should i be looking at?12:48
Fikrannbjron, You're welcome .. you might want to try wxGlade, btw, if you're serious about using wxPython.12:48
QMarioHow do I see another Ubuntu computer on my network?12:48
bjronFikrann, *nod* I might, thank :)12:48
FreedomzenW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libt/libtool/libltdl3_1.5.6-6_amd64.deb MD5Sum mismatch12:48
Freedomzenany way around that12:48
Speedy2Freedomzen: Yes, remove the "us." in your /etc/sources.list12:49
Speedy2Apparently the US servers have some issues with MD5 susms12:49
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naliothFreedomzen: the repos are wonky today12:49
Freedomzenthank you12:49
GenericBobHi, i was wondering how to install stuff on ubuntu, like XMMS, the RPM doesnt seem to be the way, and when i try ./configure it say i dont have a valid compiler in the path, so i was wondering if it has a nice little plug & play installer like gentoo EMERGE12:49
Freedomzenthanks all12:49
bjronGenericBob, apt-get12:49
Danar md5sum libltdl3_1.5.6-6_amd64.deb12:49
Danara6caae961c40c760fe782c091c7bfc39  libltdl3_1.5.6-6_amd64.deb12:49
holycowGenericBob, wtf?12:49
naliothFreedomzen: you may edit off the us. prefacing the archive.ubuntu.blah, and be fixed up12:49
Danaryou know what it's supposed to be?12:49
Speedy2GenericBob:  Try to apt-get install gcc (that should get you the core utils, including binutils)12:49
naliothGenericBob: use synaptic12:49
jasoncohenGenericBob, you use apt-get or synaptic12:49
serengetiGenericBob system -> administration => synaptic package manager :D12:49
nalioths_dogGenericBob: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:50
nalioths_dogGenericBob: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3812:50
naliothSpeedy2: its 'build-essential'12:50
GenericBobok thx all thats the tip i needed :)12:50
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naliothSpeedy2: not 'gcc'12:50
Speedy2nalioth:  Thanks.  GenericBob:  I guess you need to apt-get install build-essential :)12:50
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Speedy2nalioth:  I ended up doing it via aptittude, and I selected gcc, apologies.12:51
Danarnalioth: breezy is in active development? isn't there an equivalent to unstable for that?12:51
naliothSpeedy2: build-essential gets you the whole compilation set12:51
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jasoncohennalioth, i never received a registration email. what should i do?12:51
Danarand how come the first version i heard of was 4 or 5? what about 1, 2... ?12:51
naliothDanar: i dont think ubuntu follows debians levels of preparedness12:51
naliothjasoncohen: did you see any error msgs?12:52
GenericBobyeah, i think its the minimum :) By the way each time i try to install stuff or install upgrade it prompt for password, ive tried the user password and the root password but both of them exit application with status 112:52
jasoncohennalioth, no- and i know the mail server is working because i signed up for a bugzilla account and received one immediately12:52
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Danarnalioth: that seems to imply it's just starting and hasn't developed that many levels yet, but apparently ubuntu is at version 5 now...12:52
naliothDanar: version numbers are year and month warty 4.10 (2004 october), hoary 5.04 (2005, april), etc12:52
serengetidanar ubuntu's version numbers come from the date when a version is released. year and month12:52
jasoncohennalioth, oh, and a backports developer fixed konversation to work with KDE 3.4.012:53
naliothjasoncohen: i can only suggest trying again12:53
Danari see12:53
GenericBobThats what it say: Child terminated with 1 status12:53
naliothjasoncohen: thats good, since some of us are using 3.4.112:53
GenericBobEchec lors du lancement de /usr/sbin/synaptic:12:53
GenericBobChild terminated with 1 status12:53
Danarso next will be 5.1?12:53
naliothGenericBob: that msg is meaningless12:53
Razor-Xsomeone terminated me?12:53
serengeti5.04 = 2005, april12:53
jasoncohennalioth, well, it'll work with 3.4.0 or higher12:53
naliothDanar: next will be breezy badger 5.1012:54
serengetidanar, add 6 months12:54
Razor-Xok i'm sorry ;)12:54
Danarso i was right12:54
GenericBobnalioth, indeed ill try to reboot to see if its still doing it12:54
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naliothGenericBob: no rebooting12:54
Danarwell, missing a zero. habit12:54
naliothGenericBob: this is not windows, where when you sneeze, you reboot12:54
GenericBobnalioth: then what do you suggest?12:54
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naliothGenericBob: did your program run?12:55
Danarspeaking of which... i have to reboot :p12:55
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GenericBobnalioth: nope, all application that seem to need password seem to crash after password prompt12:55
MidNightRaVeNdude... i can't figure out where i should get codecs....12:55
naliothGenericBob: open a terminal and type "sudo synaptic"12:55
naliothMidNightRaVeN: www.mplayerhq.hu12:56
Razor-Xwhy doesen't (global-set-key "\C-x\C-kl" 'lax-compile) work if M-x lax-compile does :(12:56
jacky^I get a repeted msg in dmesg: ACPI: Error reading LCD status, where can I disable acpi ?12:56
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: but will it go through synaptic... or will i have to do it manually?12:56
ubuntu_how do i ssh into my other ubuntu box on the network?12:57
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GenericBobnalioth: great it seem that my root password has changed since the installation12:57
naliothMidNightRaVeN: there is some way to use synaptic to get the codecs, but i dont recommend it12:57
Speedy2ubuntu_:  Is an ssh server installed on your other machine?12:57
Razor-XGenericBob: there is no root password12:57
ubotuI guess sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo12:57
nalioths_dogGenericBob: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo12:57
Speedy2ubuntu_: "ssh -2 user@server.IP"12:57
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: kk =/12:57
ubuntu_kk thank you12:57
Speedy2ubuntu_:  Type that at a command prompt12:57
GenericBobflegare@you-are-here:~$ sudo synaptic12:57
GenericBobflegare is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.12:57
Speedy2Rather, consule12:58
sexcopter8000mok, trying to get latest version of Gaim, but the autopackage version on this page seems to be a dead link, anyone got it locally they can send, or know of any mirrors?12:58
ubuntu_and how do i use live cd to get what i want on my hard drive?12:58
serengetiit's 1 am here in Poland and I've just started wondering, why am I not asleep? :)12:58
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Razor-Xsexcopter8000m: sudo apt-get install gaim12:58
naliothserengeti: friday night?12:58
Freedomzenok I have installed the headers for my kernel and the source... but the nvidia installer still complains about target kernel version is there a workaround?12:58
serengetinalioth, yep, but it's already saturday, sadly12:58
Razor-XFreedomzen: what's the complaint?12:59
Freedomzen Unable to determine the target kernel version12:59
sexcopter8000mwell that says i have the latest version.... hmmm12:59
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sexcopter8000mthe latest is 1.4.0, but i've got 1.1.412:59
GenericBobnalioth: so i gess there is a sudoers file where i need to add my user12:59
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Razor-Xhey, you vi bubs out there, make me a powerful vi macro XD01:00
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The_VoxGenericBob: you need to add the user to the wheel group01:00
sexcopter8000mi think 1.1.4 is the latest that comes as a debian package01:00
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GenericBobnevermind i just read the place where it talk about it :)01:00
Razor-XFreedomzen: can't you manually feed nvidia the version?01:00
ubuntu_bdebbian you there?01:00
hoslerWhere can I get some good eye candy for gnome?01:00
Razor-Xhosler: first, go shower in syrup01:01
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FreedomzenRazor-X, not that I know of I thought installing the header files for my kernel would fix that01:01
serengetihosler, www.gnomelook.org01:01
Razor-Xthat's my reccomendation to all of you that obsessed with eye-candy ;)01:01
hoslerI tried using superkaramba, but the transparency doesnt work.01:01
Freedomzenhosler, go to www.guistyles.com01:01
Razor-XFreedomzen: not always01:01
GenericBobnalioth: well it say to add my user using User & Group but this application have the same problem, it ask for password then fail...01:01
battlecatwhats the diff between a i586 and an i686 aside from 10001:02
serengetihosler if you want shadows and this kind of stuff, grab xcompmgr from synaptic and add some magic lines to your xorg.conf... and here you go01:02
Razor-Xthat's because superkaramba is a KDE application, and so I doubt it can support Gnome transparency01:02
Razor-Xbattlecat: ....01:02
Razor-Xthe 100 doesen't mean much01:02
Razor-Xthis is a good lesson for all you people ;)01:03
hoslerserengeti, I was thinking more like osxbars, system info apps, and other stuff like that on my desktop.01:03
Razor-Xthe first, highly marketable IBM PC out there was called the 808601:03
Razor-Xit has something to do with the number of registers and such, i'm not going to get into it01:03
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serengetihosler, it's gdesklets then01:03
battlecatSo what is the diff with the ones I asked about01:03
Freedomzenhosler, adesklets or gdesklets01:04
GenericBobThe_Vox: Ok but i dont see any group wheel in the /etc/group file :(01:04
jasoncohennalioth, ok, i signed up01:04
Razor-Xcorresponding itterations of the processors included more stuff with registrs01:04
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Razor-Xthe 8086 was superceded by the 8028601:04
hoslerok thanks01:04
Razor-Xthen the 8038601:04
FreedomzenGenericBob, I just use a root passwd and bypass sudo completly01:04
Razor-Xthen the 8048601:04
Freedomzenit works for me01:04
Razor-Xthe 80486 was the first to host extended registers01:04
serengetihosler, http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/01:05
Razor-Xand thus, was given the prefix "i486"01:05
The_VoxGenericBob: uhm...never mind, not wheel here either...seems to be either adm or admin you need the user in01:05
Danarjust ordered some more CDs :)01:05
dbernar1dude who does not know this, it was like 10 years ago01:05
battlecatwill a distro that is made for i586 work better than a distro made for i386 on a P3?01:05
Razor-Xthat's why 1286 and i386 are a bit misleading, but, ok......01:05
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: there isn't a codec folder in my /usr/local/lib... should i create one? and how do i create one since it's locked?01:05
Razor-Xbattlecat: if you think a little after reading my description... yes....01:05
battlecatwell you know about assumptions01:06
FreedomzenMidNightRaVeN, install the gstreamer metapkg and watch stuff in totem01:06
battlecatand typos01:06
GenericBobIts a bit sad that so far what i need to fix the problem is affected by the same problem that, kinda make me stuck...01:06
MidNightRaVeNFreedomzen: lol everyone tells me something different ;-) does that work well?01:06
DanarMidNightRaVeN: if a folder or file is 'locked' then you don't have permissions because you either aren't the owner, or aren't root01:06
dbernar1or both01:06
serengetihave a good night... or day... have a good whatever :) I'm falling asleeeeeee01:06
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The_VoxGenericBob: what's the problem?01:07
FreedomzenMidNightRaVeN, for me it did when I had Ubuntu installed b4 but now I need to get nvidia working01:07
dbernar1see ya serengeti ...you in africa?01:07
DanarMidNightRaVeN: just a note in case you don't know... never log in as root, except in a terminal, and only if necessary. use sudo instead01:07
serengetidbernar1 no, eastern europe :)01:07
dbernar1cool. good night01:07
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MidNightRaVeNDanar: yea! see... how do you use sudo to open up the folder and create a codec folder inside?01:07
Freedomzensudo mkdir foldername?01:08
hoslerserengeti, thanks01:08
GenericBobThe_Vox: every admin application on ubuntu need a password, when i provide the password it say:  Fail: Child terminated with 1 status01:08
DanarMidNightRaVeN: if you want to create a sub folder, then in a terminal, put 'sudo mkdir foldername'01:08
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The_VoxGenericBob: uhm...even in console?01:08
EddieHi guys, im having a problem with DNS01:08
DanarMidNightRaVeN: use the full path if you can't cd into that dir first01:08
Eddieresolv.conf keeps reverting to "search" and my routers ip as its contents01:09
Eddiedespite my having edited it to match my real dns settings01:09
Eddieit continues to revert01:09
DanarMidNightRaVeN: another handy tip if you don't know: use tab completion01:09
GenericBobThe_Vox: in the console i get the user  is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.01:09
lamentconfigureaEddie did you edit the document with "sudo" ?01:09
MidNightRaVeNused the full path and it worked =D thx! Do you know anyone if Xine will import codecs from /usr/local/lib/codecs like mplayer?01:09
FreedomzenEddie, is there a script in /etc/init.d that deals with DNS?01:09
Eddielamentconfigurea: yeah, it works for a while01:09
MidNightRaVeNor do all players look in that directory?01:09
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The_VoxGenericBob: uhm...my guess is that you are going to have to get in in single-user mode and work from there to fix it...but I'm not sure if you actually can.01:10
DanarMidNightRaVeN: sudo = Super User DO. ie, do as super user (root)01:10
DanarMidNightRaVeN: you can use it to run just about any command as root01:10
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GenericBobIf the reboot dont work ill try to patch this problem using gentoo ;)01:10
hosleranyone here get counter-strike to play on linux? Just want to know if its worth trying.01:10
MidNightRaVeNDanar: i just haven't learned all the mkdir, and such commands yet...01:11
DanarMidNightRaVeN: yeh.. they're handy to know. use 'man' frequently01:11
MidNightRaVeNDanar: will do =) how do you extract files into the folder once you are ready though? with like the sudo command?01:11
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GMachine_24I have been unable to install the "help" files for The Gimp. I get a checksum error message for one of the files that is supposed to b01:12
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GMachine_24be downloaded. sorry.01:12
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dabaRthank goodness that the nick became available...01:12
DanarMidNightRaVeN: you can either change the permissions on the folder, or do it as root. as i said, you can run most commands as root with sudo: 'sudo command arguments'01:12
dabaRIve been waiting for days...01:13
DanarMidNightRaVeN: see 'man sudo'01:13
dabaRI should register it01:13
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ubotuNo idea, dabaR01:13
uboturumour has it, rootsudo is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo01:13
dabaRya, read that.01:13
dabaRabout the root.01:13
GMachine_24anyone else try to download the "help" files for the gimp?01:13
dabaRtried again, GMachine_24 , I mean, a checksum error means bad download...01:14
DanarDanar: since you're doing stuff in /usr/lib or whatever, best to run the command with sudo, rather than changing permissions01:14
dabaR*tried again?01:14
dabaRnice, teh guy is talking to himself on IRC.01:14
GMachine_24I have tried for a couple days. But am willing to keep at it.01:14
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dabaRyou use a router?01:14
MidNightRaVeNDanar: i just gotta find out what the sudo command is to extra files though01:15
DanardabaR: your client have replacements? ;)01:15
GMachine_24do I use a router? yes.01:15
dabaRit says <danar> danar: blah...01:15
DanarMidNightRaVeN: er, no. you need the command to extract files or whatever it is you're trying to do. then just put sudo in front of it to do it as root01:15
dabaRGMachine_24: try withou the router, higher chance of correct download.01:15
GMachine_24ok. thanks.01:15
ChurcH_of_FoamYanyone have any idea of my ftp question?01:15
EddieCan anyone suggest a good peer to peer client for ubuntu01:15
owlmanattHowdy, having some monitor troubles. I rebooted today and my dual-head setup has gone whack. The 21" monitor won't work at 1024x768 anymore, but 1600x1200 is fine for it...anyone know what would cause this? TwinView with an nVidia GeForce FX 5200, nvidia modules, kernel 2.6.10-386.01:15
Eddieand a good bittorrent client01:15
Eddieby peer to peer I meant gnutella201:16
MidNightRaVeNDanar: oooo lol01:16
The_VoxEddie: azureus for BT01:16
GMachine_24azureus agreed01:16
The_VoxEddie: for p2p amule01:16
DanardabaR: huh? i said that cause you said 'teh'. you should be able to have it automatically replace it with 'the' (or anything else for that matter)01:16
MidNightRaVeNDanar: k then.. i need to know the extract command for terminal =D01:16
EddieThe_Vox, the java one?01:16
Eddieok thanks01:16
DanarMidNightRaVeN: could be tar, unzip, unrar, etc01:16
The_VoxEddie: yup, the java one...I have java, but azureus rocks. Just "sudo aptitude install azureus" and it'll deal with the java installation01:16
dabaRDanar: no, irssi, maybe  it does it, dunno01:16
DanarMidNightRaVeN: prolly tar. 'man tar'01:17
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dabaRextract waht?01:17
MidNightRaVeNDanar: yea, it just says .tar.bz201:17
Danargood question...01:17
MidNightRaVeNsome codecs i'm trying to use for playing a DVD01:17
DanarMidNightRaVeN: is this your idea of ripping...?01:17
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ChurcH_of_FoamYanyone know anything about pureftpd?01:18
ChurcH_of_FoamYlike should i get it?01:18
DanarMidNightRaVeN: you ought to be able to extract it in nautilus or something01:18
GMachine_24I tried again and got same nonsense - that I should file a bug report and E: broken packages01:18
DanarMidNightRaVeN: you don't have to do everything in the terminal01:18
GMachine_24I tried apt-get install gimp-help01:18
DanarMidNightRaVeN: oh yeah... no permissions01:18
naliothChurcH_of_FoamY: you can install and try ALL ftp servers01:18
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liz4rd:P anyone elses ubuntu cd's come in today?01:19
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naliothChurcH_of_FoamY: as long as they aren't running at the same time, they wont cause any trouble01:19
dabaRMidNightRaVeN: tar xzjf file.tar.bz201:19
ChurcH_of_FoamYliz4rd !! hey whats up01:19
dabaRI think, I will check.01:19
MidNightRaVeNyea... but when i try to extract it in whatever progam Ubuntu uses... it says I don't have permission and I don't know how to get past it01:19
DanarChurcH_of_FoamY: pureftpd is good, so is vsftpd01:19
liz4rdhey man nm01:19
MidNightRaVeNDanar: yea... but when i try to extract it in whatever progam Ubuntu uses... it says I don't have permission and I don't know how to get past it01:19
flegareThe first time i launch a "Admin" application in ubuntu it prompt for password, i type it, then the prompt disapear, then nothing.... When i try to relaunch a "admin" application i get the Child terminated with 1 status. I guess its not a normal beavior anyone know what is the problem????01:19
ChurcH_of_FoamYok i just want something easy01:19
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liz4rddabaR: tar jxvf file.tar.bz101:19
liz4rddabaR: tar jxvf file.tar.bz201:19
naliothMidNightRaVeN: untar it into your home dir first01:19
dabaRso then I said it right, oh no i didnt.01:20
MidNightRaVeNkk *goes to untaring*01:20
GMachine_24fleg: no. did you try application>sytem tools>root terminal?01:20
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liz4rdChurcH_of_FoamY: hows penguin?01:20
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: done01:20
owlmanatt...Or it could randomly work for no reason at all...01:20
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ChurcH_of_FoamYdon't know01:20
liz4rdwhere has he been latly?01:21
ChurcH_of_FoamYhaven't gone in there in a while cause theres some jerks in ther01:21
flegareGMachine_24: same deal01:21
ChurcH_of_FoamYdon't know01:21
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naliothMidNightRaVeN: we are working with the w32 codecs, right?01:21
GMachine_24hmm. fleg i don't know what to say.01:21
ChurcH_of_FoamYgodsmoke and his cownes01:21
ghostdogI am having problems with cups, I want to add windows client drivers but no luck01:21
flegareGMachine_24: prompt then crash, they are all under the same "Security" system01:21
liz4rdChurcH_of_FoamY: i'll come in one day and tell them all off :P01:21
ChurcH_of_FoamYthat would be awsome01:22
liz4rdthen uniq will whip out chanserv cuz he's a bitch :P01:22
flegareis there a log where i can find interesting clue about what is going on?01:22
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: dunno... it's the codecs from mplayerhq.hu01:22
Protequedoes anyone by any chance have serverguide 6.0.9 or some other version supporting Netfinity 5100? I have lost my cd and IBM only have newer versions availible for downloads :(01:22
GMachine_24fleg: good question01:22
root________I just installed ubuntu on my girlfriend's PC, and the wireless isn't yet working..  the website for the card that's built in says to use madwifi, but I don't know how to make the ubuntu install use madwifi01:22
DanarMidNightRaVeN: did you check what's _in_ the file first?01:22
dabaRwe can tell.01:22
dabaRyou are root01:22
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DanarMidNightRaVeN: are you sure it has the codecs, and only the codecs in them? might also have source, etc. IOW, things you don't need in /usr/lib01:23
MidNightRaVeNDanar: yea... and it has a readme that says to put all the files into /usr/local/lib/codecs01:23
root________dabaR, actually, I'm booted into windows so I can get tech support without running to the back room :)01:23
DanarMidNightRaVeN: k01:23
GMachine_24well that was weird. i almost crashed my computer.01:23
naliothMidNightRaVeN: ok open a terminal01:23
liz4rdaterm to be exact01:23
Danarroot________: shouldn't IRC as root01:23
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: kk, opened01:23
dabaRhes in windows.01:23
Danarapparently not01:24
=== liz4rd hacks root________
root________Danar, it's kinda hard not to in windows..  EVERY user ir root >,.,<01:24
naliothMidNightRaVeN: now type "ls /usr/local/libs/codecs01:24
ChurcH_of_FoamYyea he just won't leave me alone every time i go in there he makes mean jokes about me01:24
ChurcH_of_FoamYlike calling me a retard >.<01:24
ChurcH_of_FoamYyea pisses me off01:24
liz4rdawe poor you01:24
Danaruser: ~root@67-51-134-62.dsl1.elk.ca.frontiernet.net01:24
=== liz4rd hacks root@67-51-134-62.dsl1.elk.ca.frontiernet.net
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naliothChurcH_of_FoamY: stay out01:25
Danaryou put that on purpose?01:25
GMachine_24I wish someone would bring me ice cream.01:25
dabaRbuy slaves.01:25
naliothChurcH_of_FoamY: no need to hang out with assholes, when you can hang out with us01:25
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: wierd... it says there isn't such a directory...01:26
ChurcH_of_FoamYgood point01:26
naliothMidNightRaVeN: thats good01:26
ChurcH_of_FoamYubuntu users seem to be nicer ^_^01:26
Danarroot________: and technically, there is no root on windows01:26
The_VoxdabaR: why buy slaves when you can find them on many places for free? :)01:26
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: o lol01:26
naliothMidNightRaVeN: now type "sudo mkdir /usr/local/libs/codecs01:26
root________Danar, xchat lets me fake all those responses :)01:26
=== dabaR laughs at the comment
liz4rdwtf #kubuntu is WAY more fun then this shit hole01:26
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gbicAnyone know of a good ftp client that supports implicit ssl?01:26
liz4rdyou guys are to OMG STAY ON TOPIC01:26
dabaRyour point being?01:26
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Danarroot________: you're not faking your ip. anyone can change their username. it's not 'faking' it. i'm asking if you did it on purpose01:27
dabaRliz4rd: there is a reason to that.01:27
root________Danar, anyway...  all users are so called super users...  therefore every user is root :)01:27
GMachine_24what's the topic01:27
liz4rdsee you guys are doing it right now01:27
ChurcH_of_FoamYliz4rd man chill it's all cool here man01:27
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root________Danar, yes, I made all of the xchat responses come up as "root"01:27
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: ravencorp@reavencorp:~$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/libs/codecs01:27
MidNightRaVeNmkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/libs/codecs': No such file or directory01:27
ChurcH_of_FoamYhands liz4rd a shot of bacardi 15101:27
Danarroot________: no... early versions of windows have no root or admin user. later versions have admin accounts, which is similar to root, but not the same01:27
liz4rdok i'm good now01:27
dabaRadd -r after mkdir01:27
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: when i browse for it... it does show up...01:28
Danarroot________: k. just checking01:28
=== liz4rd passes join to dabaR
dabaRwow, weird...01:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYok installed pure ftpd how to run?01:28
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naliothMidNightRaVeN: probably better to use the address in the readme /usr/local/lib/codecs01:28
dabaRhow about I pass a ban to liz4rd :))01:28
liz4rdi think01:28
AerebusCan anyone tell me how to install a mouse theme?01:28
liz4rddabaR: do it01:28
root________liz4rd, when you can't spell it, it's time to stop smoking it01:28
liz4rdif it makes you feel big01:28
dabaRChurcH_of_FoamY: it is runing already likely.01:28
liz4rdroot________: lol word01:28
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ChurcH_of_FoamYshit then how to configure01:28
dabaRfind its config file, maybe in /etc01:29
ChurcH_of_FoamYit looked like it had a graphical user interface01:29
ZiggityHI. I used synaptic to install wideStudio .. Buts its not in Applications->Programming and I cannot launch it using the Run menu ( using wideStudio ) anyone can Help????01:29
dabaRshit, why shit if it is running?01:29
ChurcH_of_FoamYthats why i installed it01:29
DanarMidNightRaVeN: that's a confusing error, lol01:29
naliothZiggity: have you been to the apps homepage/faqs?01:29
liz4rdi had the best error01:29
MidNightRaVeNyea lol look...01:29
ChurcH_of_FoamYi need the pics lol01:29
liz4rdtotem crashed01:29
liz4rdno reqason01:29
MidNightRaVeNravencorp@reavencorp:~$ ls /usr/local/libs/codecs01:29
MidNightRaVeNls: /usr/local/libs/codecs: No such file or directory01:29
MidNightRaVeNravencorp@reavencorp:~$ ls /usr/local/libs/codecs01:29
MidNightRaVeNls: /usr/local/libs/codecs: No such file or directory01:29
MidNightRaVeNravencorp@reavencorp:~$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/libs/codecs01:29
GMachine_24you rock liz01:29
MidNightRaVeNmkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/libs/codecs': No such file or directory01:29
Ziggitynalioth, No!01:29
liz4rdthat was the error :P01:29
MidNightRaVeNravencorp@reavencorp:~$ ls /usr/local/libs/codecs/01:29
MidNightRaVeNls: /usr/local/libs/codecs/: No such file or directory01:30
MidNightRaVeNravencorp@reavencorp:~$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/libs/codecs/01:30
MidNightRaVeNmkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/libs/codecs/': No such file or directory01:30
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DanarMidNightRaVeN: ahem. shouldn't paste in here01:30
naliothMidNightRaVeN: quit pasting01:30
dabaRMidNightRaVeN: we saw it.01:30
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MidNightRaVeNsorry =X01:30
dabaRMidNightRaVeN: I told you add a -r after the mkdir01:30
naliothMidNightRaVeN: use /usr/local/lib/codecs01:30
DanarMidNightRaVeN: there's rafb.net/paste and stuff liek that for pasting01:30
js_dabaR: the flag is -p, not -r01:30
naliothdabaR: i gave him the wrong dir name01:30
dabaRor do what nalioth said, taht is better.01:30
ChurcH_of_FoamYlooks through documentation to see how to turn on the gui01:30
Ziggitynalioth: is there something There?01:30
=== liz4rd watches the channel fill with smoke from the pipe
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naliothZiggity: yes, how to use it for one01:30
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Danarturn on the gui? heh...01:31
Ziggitynalioth:  I cannot launch it .. Don't know where or how to from Hoary?01:31
bhearsumanyone here using an orinoco_cs card in hoary?01:31
trebuchethow can i mount my ntfs drive so that any user can access it?01:31
ChurcH_of_FoamYliz4ed pass that shit here man ^_^01:31
bhearsumuse -o uid01:31
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bhearsum-o uid=youruid (usually 1000)01:31
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DanarMidNightRaVeN: did you use tab completion?01:32
=== liz4rd passes pipe to ChurcH_of_FoamY
ChurcH_of_FoamYhit's it and passes it back01:32
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dabaRliz4rd licks my toe.01:32
naliothZiggity: does wide<whatever> have a homepage?01:32
ChurcH_of_FoamYblows some into room O_o01:32
liz4rdlol i just love licking toes01:32
DanarMidNightRaVeN: type the first few chars, and hit tab, and it completes it for you01:32
nalioths_dogtrebuchet: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partitions mount automatically01:32
dabaRZiggity: have you tried typing in widestudio in a terminal?01:32
tmahoneyt11Can someone help me with installing Ubuntu onto my PC01:32
ChurcH_of_FoamYok some one can help me with this pure ftpd?01:32
naliothMidNightRaVeN: how we doing?01:32
MidNightRaVeNDanar: yea... but now it says - r is an invalid option... is that right?? sudo mkir -r?01:32
root________can someone help me set up my wireless card ?  I can go boot onto the wired lan in ubuntu..  get my ass back in here fast..  but It doesn't seem to work right now01:32
ChurcH_of_FoamYit show a picture of a gui on it's site01:32
ZiggitydabaR, Yes.. http://www.widestudio.org/EE/index.html01:33
naliothtmahoneyt11: boot the install cd, and follow the instructions01:33
ChurcH_of_FoamYand i want to know how to get to that gui01:33
=== liz4rd licks dabaR big toe
GMachine_24tmahoney: what have you tried?01:33
tmahoneyt11It doesn't work01:33
DanarMidNightRaVeN: man mkdir :p01:33
dabaRZiggity: that was not my question, I asked something else.01:33
naliothZiggity: have you been there, and read the FAQ/documentation?01:33
trebuchetand just put that crap in /etc ?01:33
naliothMidNightRaVeN: are you here?01:33
dabaRi bet widestudio in a terminal works.01:33
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: yea lol i think i figured something out...01:33
dabaR$2(Im a high roller.)01:34
ZiggitydabaR, not in the terminal but in the 'Run Application' menu01:34
GMachine_24tmahoney have you just tried booting from the ubuntu cd?01:34
naliothMidNightRaVeN: you do not need any -x stuff01:34
DanarMidNightRaVeN: as you can see in 'man mkdir' there's no -r option01:34
naliothMidNightRaVeN: its "sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib/codecs"01:34
eruingnome 2.12 will be based on gtk 2.8!01:34
MidNightRaVeNcan i paste a two liner?01:34
naliothtmahoneyt11: you should check your iso images against the md5 checksum on the d/l site01:34
liz4rdMidNightRaVeN: yes01:34
Danar<MidNightRaVeN> ravencorp@reavencorp:~$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/libs/codecs/01:34
Danar<MidNightRaVeN> mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/libs/codecs/': No such file or directory01:34
naliothMidNightRaVeN: YOU ARE NOT LISTENING01:35
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MidNightRaVeNlol i'm trying!!!01:35
liz4rdsudo apt-get install w32codecs01:35
MidNightRaVeNthere are so many people talking!!!01:35
trebuchetwhat do i do with http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab ?01:35
naliothMidNightRaVeN: READ THIS NEXT01:35
MidNightRaVeNall the voices in my head!!!!01:35
naliothMidNightRaVeN: its "sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib/codecs"01:35
=== jason is now known as gnub33
liz4rdsudo apt-get install w32codecs01:35
liz4rdsudo apt-get install w32codecs01:35
GMachine_24i'm back. hooray.01:35
naliothtrebuchet: execute it01:35
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: kk01:35
trebuchetlooks like its a bash script so i guess i'd want to run it at startup01:35
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Danarnalioth: if you bothered to check the paste, he already did01:35
MidNightRaVeNkk... tried it and it says the file exists now01:36
naliothtmahoneyt11: go to where you d/l the iso image and get the md5 checksum for the image you d/l01:36
naliothDanar: he has "libs" not "lib"01:36
ChurcH_of_FoamYso anyone know how to get to the gui of pure-ftpd?01:36
SpecialBuddyIs there a way to make gaim act like msn to the point where it blinks if someone sends you a message01:36
MidNightRaVeNravencorp@reavencorp:~$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib/codecs/01:36
MidNightRaVeNmkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/lib/codecs/': File exists01:36
gnub33I messed around with BUM and I disabled mountvirtfs by accident how do I revert my init scripts back to default?????01:36
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Danarnalioth: oops. my bad. didn't see that01:36
root________hey..  if ubuntu can make a ubuntu livecd, why can't ubuntu make an X based ubuntu installer CD ?01:36
naliothMidNightRaVeN: GREAT!01:36
ZiggityHow can I find Where an application has installed tO01:36
othernoobis it possible to play 10 year old games with wine in decent speed? last time i tried on xp it was way too fast01:36
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: lol kk01:36
naliothMidNightRaVeN: now navigate in the terminal to the directory with your codecs in it01:36
DanarMidNightRaVeN: that's why tab completion helps. use it. frequently01:37
eruintrebuchet, that script looks harmless01:37
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MidNightRaVeNnalioth: the extracted ones?01:37
naliotheruin: that script was written by seveas to automates fstab entry01:37
trebuchetyup, i figured it would be, coming from ubunutulinux.org01:37
naliothMidNightRaVeN: yes, that directory01:37
MidNightRaVeNDanar: did the second time around and that's the only reason i figured it out ;-)01:37
SpecialBuddyanyone know if you can do that with gaim01:37
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: kk01:37
eruinallit does.nl, not .org01:37
naliotheruin: seveas is from .nl01:38
gbicAnyone know of a good ftp client that supports implicit ssl?01:38
erikpHi all.  I just installed Ubuntu for the first time, but when I try to log in, nothing happens.  I just get a dark brown screen and a cursor.  The Failsafe Terminal login works, but Failsafe Gnome doesn't.  Can anyone help?01:38
root________I'ma boot into ubuntu and I'll be back shortly...01:38
dabaRwsbuilder for widestudio01:38
SpecialBuddyanyone know anything about gaim01:38
naliotherikp: any error msgs of any kind?01:38
erikpnalioth: nothing pops up.  It just sits there01:38
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: kk, i'm in the folder01:39
Razor-Xback to emacsing01:39
trebuchethow am i supposed to run it?01:39
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gnub33I messed around with BUM and I disabled mountvirtfs by accident how do I revert my init scripts back to default??? I have to currently start udev manually!!01:39
trebuchetnormal users don't have permission and sudo ./blah doesn't work either01:39
naliothMidNightRaVeN: now type "sudo cp ./* /usr/local/lib/codecs"01:39
dabaRwhy someone would use such an ugly looking application escapes me.01:39
SpecialBuddyanyone know anything about gaim01:39
gnub33somebody please help01:40
naliothtrebuchet: use "sudo -s" and then "sh ./win_mac>whatever"01:40
dabaRit is a multiprotocol messaging client for Windows and Unix.01:40
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: with the asterick after /?01:40
dabaRit is not to be spelled gAIM.01:40
naliothMidNightRaVeN: you are copying all files in the dir into the codecs dir. that is what the * means (all files)01:40
DanarMidNightRaVeN: yeh. copy & paste that01:40
DanarMidNightRaVeN: * is a wildcard01:40
dabaRctrl+p is the keybnoard shortcut for the properties window from the buddy list.01:41
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: kk, i hit enter and it just pops back to the folder again.. guessing it finished01:41
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dabaRthe default icon is a yellow human like figure, resembling the AIM icon.01:41
naliothMidNightRaVeN: now type "ls /usr/local/lib/codecs/"01:41
dabaRthe website is gaim.sourceforge.net. DO I win anything for knowing all this about gaim?01:41
DanarMidNightRaVeN: usually that means success. otherwise it gives an error/info message01:42
SpecialBuddyit's called gaim01:42
MidNightRaVeNDanar: kk01:42
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MidNightRaVeNDanar: =)01:42
ZiggityWhen you use synaptic does it Install the selected packages? How can I find out where01:42
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: it listed all the codecs =D01:42
AerebusCan anyone tell me how to install a mouse theme? i downloaded this theme from http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=19506 and dont know what to do next01:42
naliothMidNightRaVeN: now you may remove the folder you expanded into your home directory01:42
DanarZiggity: if you tell it to01:42
naliothMidNightRaVeN: with the codecs in it01:43
gnub33somebody please help01:43
gnub33I messed around with BUM and I disabled mountvirtfs by accident how do I revert my init scripts back to default??? I have to currently start udev manually!!01:43
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: and is that it?01:43
SpecialBuddydabar, how do you make it flash if you get a message01:43
naliothMidNightRaVeN: you are in business01:43
SpecialBuddyI don't know if I have one unless the sound is on01:43
MidNightRaVeNw00t w00t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:43
MidNightRaVeNthx =D =D01:43
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AerebusNalioth, remember my mouse problem last night?01:44
erikpAerebus: you might try http://wiki.tryphon.org/How_to_install_X11_cursors01:44
erikpAerebus: I've never tried it though01:44
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naliothAerebus: i remember seeing you talking about it01:44
dcolemwhat is the difference between ubuntu and debian01:44
ShadowRagejava isnt working01:44
naliothdcolem: US01:44
AerebusI fixed it appearently01:44
nalioths_dogShadowRage: for java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , fakeroot make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] 01:44
ShadowRagethe java plugin fails to load for mozilla01:45
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ZiggityDanar,  I Did tell it to .. BUT cannot find the package and its not on the Menu?01:45
naliothZiggity: do you have universe and multiverse repos enabled?01:45
ShadowRageI just downloaded the RPM version and alien'd it01:45
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: can xine use those codecs?01:45
naliothShadowRage: bad idea01:46
naliothShadowRage: use the dogs suggestion01:46
naliothMidNightRaVeN: any a/v app on your system will use those codecs now01:46
GMachine_24using the java bin file was fairly easy....01:46
GMachine_24for install i mean01:46
Ziggitynalioth, : Yes.01:46
DanarZiggity: select the package, right click on it, choose install (or upgrade), and then click apply01:46
gnub33I messed around with BUM and I disabled mountvirtfs by accident how do I revert my init scripts back to default??? I have to currently start udev manually!!01:47
=== gnub33 feels ignored
DanarZiggity: make sure you clicked apply. if you can't find it after you know it's been installed, try running it from a terminal01:47
nalioths_doggnub33: please stop repeating the same question. If someone knows, (s)he will answer. You can try posting on the mailing list too.01:47
ZiggityDanar,  : I've done that and it did its download thing. but NOW I cannot find the package to launch it..01:47
GMachine_24I have no idea what you're talking about gnub otherwise I would try to help.01:47
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: =( xine still isn't working then...01:47
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naliothDanar: he doesnt know the command to start it01:47
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: looks like some kind of audio problem...01:48
naliothDanar: i've directed Ziggity to the homepage of that app to read the faq/docs01:48
GMachine_24zig you d/l the bin file?01:48
ZiggityDanar, : I don't know how?? I'm new to this Linux stuff..01:48
erikpgnub33: if we knew, we could help you.  I expect most people in here are newbies.01:48
DanarZiggity: you can either try tab completion, or check the installed files in synaptic01:48
naliothMidNightRaVeN: out of my league, i'm a afraid01:48
trebuchethmm.. when i'm playing back video that works fine on my other systems the a/v sync is off on this system01:48
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: says... audio_decoder: error, unknown buffer type...01:48
DanarZiggity: ok. what did you install?01:48
|QuaD-how come when i update/upgrade breezy, gaim isn't upgrading01:48
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: crap then...01:48
ZiggityDanar,  : wideStudio01:48
Razor-XI think i'm a gonna try something ohter than BitchX01:48
DanarZiggity: and be sure to check the links nalioth pointed you to01:48
Razor-Xand no, it's not irssi ;)01:48
naliothMidNightRaVeN: someone else may know01:48
Razor-Xor Epic01:48
naliothRazor-X: so what is it?01:49
Razor-XGMachine_24: you're going to get lynched if I told a certain group of people about that01:49
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ZiggityDanar, : I went back and selected the build-essentials + wideStudio ( marked it for reinstallation)01:49
MidNightRaVeNanyone have a clue as to why xine is giving this error message? audio_decoder: error, unknown buffer type: 01060000, etc.01:49
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maeis there any way to enable the cups web administration interface?01:49
Razor-Xtrust me, emacs users are voracious enough that, if you're not burned alive then healed several times, something worse will happen to you ;)01:49
GMachine_24i'll behave01:49
DanarZiggity: it's likely already installed...01:49
root________alright, better ?  now I'm indeed in Linux, and NOT running as root :)P01:50
ZiggityDanar, : Those links point to building from source.. I though synaptic took care of all that for you01:50
naliothZiggity: go to the widestudio homepage and READ THE FAQ & DOCS01:50
trebuchetthe video seems like its being cleaned up by the video player01:50
GMachine_24yay for root01:50
ChurcH_of_FoamYliz4rd you there?01:50
DanarZiggity: try wsbuilder01:50
liz4rdyes whast up01:50
GMachine_24when all else fails.... read the instructions01:50
ChurcH_of_FoamYneed some help can i pm you?01:50
liz4rdno read the man01:50
liz4rdChurcH_of_FoamY: for sure01:50
=== nalioth needs more beer
DanarZiggity: if you select the package in synaptic, and click Properties, you can check the Installed Files tab to see what to run. you look for files in /usr/bin usually.01:51
root________I need to make my wireless card work, and I've found instructions that say "madwifi" is the way...  how do I do this ?01:51
DanarZiggity: wsbuilder is the most likely one you want that i see...01:51
ZiggityDanar,  : : Now how did you know that01:51
ZiggityYou learn something every day :-_)))01:51
DanarZiggity: heh. you _should_ learn something every day ;)01:52
MidNightRaVeNanyone here know why xine says: audio_decoder: error, unknown buffer type?01:52
DanarZiggity: you should also be familiar with the 'man' command01:52
GMachine_24oh 'man'01:52
ZiggityDanar,  : Is there anyway to Add it to the Menu under programming so I dont have to type it in?01:53
trebuchetdamn it01:53
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DanarZiggity: try 'man man' 'man sudo' 'man woman' ;p01:53
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, what kind of file are you trying to listen to watch ?01:53
trebuchetthe a/v synce is a few seconds off in any video i play with this system, only01:53
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, err watch :)01:53
naliothZiggity: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnomeMenuEditingHowTo01:53
DanarZiggity: haven't edited menus in gnome before. someone else might be more help there. or you can search for it yourself01:53
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: it's just a regular DVD... I've tried Gladiator, Matrix... and Master and Commander...01:53
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erikpmae: did you try going to  http://localhost:631/admin in a web browser?01:54
DanarZiggity: prolly faster to ask someone else, but you'll learn more looking it up on your own01:54
ZiggityDanar,  : I'm really new to Ubuntu and Linux ,, so sorry ..01:54
Danararg @ nalioth :p01:54
maeerikp, yes, but i cannot login and change any settings01:54
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DanarZiggity: np. everyone's new at some point01:54
Ziggitynalioth,  : thanx01:54
GMachine_24<---is perenially new01:54
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, install gstreamer0.8-plugins01:54
[MW] ShadowGnome Desktop Manager is failing everytime i bootup into Ubuntu01:55
Ziggitywhats the most widly accepted programming language for the linux platform?01:55
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: synaptic will have?01:55
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, that should fix your sound problems with basically everything :)01:55
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: lol i hope so...01:55
DanarZiggity: same as for others: C++01:55
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, you might need to add the universe and multiverse repos but see if it is there (it outta be)01:55
DanarZiggity: it's an industry standard01:56
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DanarZiggity: for multiple industries even01:56
[MW] ShadowDoes anyone have an idea why gdm keeps failing everytime i try and boot into ubuntu?01:56
DanarZiggity: what got you into ubuntu/linux?01:56
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root________How do I make my wireless network card work, it's not working yet, and I know it's supported my the "madwifi" driver, however, the ath_pci driver is getting loaded instead01:56
erikpmae: You probably have done a google search already, but this might be relevant: http://faq.jdshelp.org/faq/cache/166.html  I'm not an expert on cups, so I can't really offer any more help than that.  Maybe someone else who knows more about cups can.01:56
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ChurcH_of_FoamYanyone here use pure-ftpd?01:57
DanarZiggity: actually, it depends on what you want to make01:57
Razor-XChurcH_of_FoamY: ewwwww01:57
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hoslerI cant add a launcher with the gdesklet StarterBar? Did anyone have the same problem? I try to add one but it never appears.01:57
ChurcH_of_FoamYRazor-X huh?01:58
DanarZiggity: if you want to make programs in general, go with C++ or python or something. but there are others more oriented towards specific things01:58
ChurcH_of_FoamYRazor-X is there something better thats gui based?01:58
ZiggityDanar,  :  can you please enlighten me on the Others..01:58
DanarZiggity: you can use whatever language you like though01:58
chrissturmrecommending c++ to newbies is not recommended ;)01:58
DanarZiggity: heh. enlighten yourself. head over to google.com/linux and search 'programming'. you'll find plenty01:59
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: .... still nothing =( it01:59
ZiggityDanar,   :  even for Ubuntu .. I was led to believe 'they' prefered python01:59
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MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: has many error messages now...01:59
chrissturmruby is a nice language01:59
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othernoobchrissturm: what's wrong with c++01:59
[MW] Shadowi have a problem with gdm failing everytime i try to boot into ubuntu01:59
=== fujiko [~fujiko@cpe-68-206-254-130.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DanarZiggity: the platform you develop on shouldn't matter much. you can write code on windows that will compile on linux if you make it ansi compliant (cross-platform code)01:59
chrissturmc++ apps just crash if you do something wron02:00
trebucheti'm having some problems with video playback... the video is jerky and the a/v sync is off02:00
chrissturmothernoob, its hard to learn how to do it right if you dont get error messages02:00
fujikohello, can i ask questions here regarding ubuntu?02:00
DanarZiggity: the langauge(s) you learn should depend on the direction you want to go. what you want to do02:00
othernoobchrissturm: don't most apps just crash if you fuck up when coding?02:00
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, I will post my /etc/apt/sources.list file for you to copy give me a sec02:00
aukfujiko: yes02:00
hoslerDoes anyone know how to add a launcher to the gdesklet StartBar?02:01
Danarothernoob: unless you make a miracly typo that _fixes_ your problem ;p02:01
golgoranyone know what possibly could be wrong if VLC dont play any sound (no problem with the volume)02:01
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: any clue why it would say that it can't find MRL?02:01
Danar*miracle. heh02:01
chrissturmothernoob, with ruby or python or java you get a nice stack trace with linenumbers02:01
fujikoauk, how come whenever i do update i get an md5sum mismatch error02:01
fujikoalso when i try to install some software i get that same error02:01
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chrissturmand having a interpreter is especially useful when learning a language02:01
=== chrissturm recommends ruby
Danargoldfish: you check both VLC's volume, and your system volume?02:01
aukfujiko: haha02:01
trebucheti'm having some problems with video playback... the video is jerky and the a/v sync is off... anybody know how to fix this? i'm on a athlon 2500 and radeon 920002:01
Danarer, golgor, sorry02:02
othernoobchrissturm: true true. but you could also recommend haskell if that's the main reason for choosing a language ;)02:02
golgorDanar, yes i have02:02
golgorDanar,  :)02:02
auki just got htat with the latest piece of software i nstalled (or tried to)02:02
daniel776anyone on want to guide me through installing java? i've tried reading guides but i keep getting erros =/02:02
Danargolgor: got gstreamer?02:02
GMachine_24treb: what video program?02:02
[MW] Shadowi have a problem with gdm failing everytime i try to boot into ubuntu02:02
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Danargolgor: get audio playing it in something else?02:02
golgorDanar, yea02:02
Danargolgor: to which?02:03
golgorDanar, audio in rhythmbox02:03
ZiggityDanar,  : ultimatly 'application development'02:03
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, >> http://pastebin.ca/1727002:03
Z0lanyone using gnome-bluetooth under breezy/hoary? i'm missing the "Send via bluetooth" menu from nautilus and i don't know how to make it shown02:03
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DanarZiggity: well, what kind of apps? in general i can recommend C++ & python. and maybe a bit of ASM (assembly)02:03
ZiggityDanar, I want to make an app that downloads a file from the web. but want to get the GUI bits in as well02:03
golgorDanar, to which?02:04
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MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: *doing*02:04
Danargolgor: i meant 'yea to which question' i had asked two. the other was whether you have gstreamer02:04
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, some stuff doesn't need to be there but it will be ok :)02:04
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ChurcH_of_FoamYRazor-X what ftp program would you reccomend thats really easy for linux nubs?02:04
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: kk =) do I have to paste it over my current? or just add it in?02:05
golgorDanar, i have gstreamer... what im known of02:05
DanarChurcH_of_FoamY: for them to use as clients?02:05
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, just overwrite it02:05
Danargolgor: you using alsa? oss?02:05
GMachine_24I've never had luck getting totem to run.02:05
GMachine_24I've used videolan02:06
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GMachine_24with totem i get one of like a zillion messages why the dvd won't play02:06
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[MW] Shadowi have a problem with gdm failing everytime i try to boot into ubuntu02:06
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TPCI'm having some problems with beep-media-player. If I play a file (or a stream or whatever, doesn't matter what I'm playing so its not a specific codec) sometimes the song becomes all blurred and weird. It returns to normal if I change to the next song, or pauses and resumes the song, or something similar.02:06
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TPCwhat could be wrong?02:07
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Danargolgor: alsa? oss? esd? what?02:07
GMachine_24...are you smoking pot tpc?02:07
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GMachine_24just curious....02:07
TPCGMachine_24, nope02:07
mpmcgod.. It's late02:07
golgorDanar, alsa oss?02:07
GMachine_24define "late"02:07
trebucheti'm getting no audio in vlc02:07
golgorDanar, im pretty new to linux :P02:07
blackoutwhere's a good ndis tutorial for ubuntu?  Is there an easy way to get the ndis module for ubuntu?02:07
Danargolgor: what sound system?02:07
blackouti see the userpace utils are included02:07
golgortrebuchet, welcome to the club02:07
golgorDanar, nforce2?02:08
Danarwhat's the default sound system for ubuntu? alsa? esd?02:08
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mpmchaha.. I'm listening to bueaty and the beast :P02:08
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GMachine_24treb you d/l all the css files to the same folder, etc?02:08
golgorDanar, how to check?02:08
Danargolgor: that would be your chipset. i'm looking for the software you're using02:08
ChurcH_of_FoamYRazor-X yes the other computers on my network would be the clients yes02:08
[MW] Shadowi have a problem with gdm failing everytime i try to boot into ubuntu02:08
trebucheti just installed from the repos02:08
jebigais it true that people of ubuntu realy send ubuntu linux to everyone who wants02:08
NinwaDoes anybody know when I can expect PHP5 to be showing up in the Ubuntu repositories?02:08
Danaranyone? what's ubuntu use by default? alsa or what?02:08
GMachine_24jeb what?02:09
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MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: kk, it reloaded02:09
LinuxJonesgolgor, you can run gstreamer-properties to see what your running02:09
Danarjebiga: yes. shipit.ubuntulinux.org02:09
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, ok can you load synaptic package manager ?02:09
jebigathanks , I will check that site02:09
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, sorry too many beer :)02:09
GMachine_24treb: i've used vlc on redhat 9 with success.02:09
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nalioth_wrknjebiga: order enough cds to convert your neighborhood02:09
Danarjebiga: free shipping too :) just ordered me some02:09
[MW] Shadowi have a problem with gdm failing everytime i try to boot into ubuntu02:09
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GMachine_24... not that that does us any good here02:09
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, enter gstreamer0.8-plugins in the search box02:10
golgorDanar, standard output ESD, standard source OSS02:10
GMachine_24welcome to paradise, enk02:10
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, it should come up with it as a package02:10
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones:  lol np ;-) it's loaded and running?02:10
Ziggitywhat tools - IDE and RAD - are there available for Ubuntu02:10
mpmclol, I'm listening to something funny02:10
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: it did =/ and that's the one i installed before =(02:10
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: all the plugins are installed... =(02:11
Danargolgor: hrm. ok. 'sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-esd gstreamer0.8-oss vlc-plugin-esd'02:11
Danargolgor: without quotes02:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYRazor-X yes the other computers on my network would be the clients yes02:11
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, I thought you didn't have it installed ?02:11
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enkidudoes anyone here use gnome mud?02:11
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enkiducan anyone tell me of a better mud client i can use on ubuntu?02:12
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: lol no, i got it installed... it's that Xine keeps giving me that error... it says audio_decoder: error, unkown buffer type...02:12
SpecialBuddyhow come when I drag a window around it kinda lags and you can see multiple windows02:12
SpecialBuddyis that something I need to shut off02:12
trebuchethey! audio02:12
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, argh have you installed the w32codecs package from the mplayer website ?02:12
trebuchetthanks, danar :)02:12
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GMachine_24ok... how can i change my initial settings on xchat02:13
aukanyone here getting md5sum mismatch errors on trying to install packages02:13
DanarLinuxJones: yeh, he did02:13
trebuchetthe video is still jerky and the a/v sync is still off though02:13
mpmcLOL.. Sister Act LOL02:13
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: i installed the package that's on the mplayer site that says Codecs... dunno if it was w3202:13
Danartrebuchet: uh, for?02:13
trebuchetsudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-esd gstreamer0.8-oss vlc-plugin-esd02:13
trebuchetthat got the audio working in vlc02:13
fujikoi'm haivng md5sum error while installing pan and firefox updates02:13
Danartrebuchet: you are golgor ?02:14
mpmcPlease ignore me02:14
golgorDanar, :D02:14
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: gonna try Matrix again...02:14
trebuchetnope, same problem though02:14
Danartrebuchet: right. ok then :)02:14
golgorDanar, works great02:14
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, and you extracted the files to /usr/lib/w32/ directory ?02:14
enkiducan anyone tell me of a better mud client i can use on ubuntu?02:14
golgorDanar, no im not trebuchet  :P02:14
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, and you extracted the files to /usr/lib/win32/ gahhhh02:14
Danari got that02:14
fujikoi manually downloaded the *.deb files with md5sum error and couldn't open them02:14
trebuchetyup, so my a/v sync is still off and the video is jerky02:14
fujikoother *.deb files open okay like an archive though02:15
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MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: =X i thought it said to extra those files to /usr/local/lib/codecs?02:15
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SpecialBuddyis there an option for the windows to act like mouse tais02:15
golgorDanar, you seems to know alot of stuff so i have to ask you one more thing02:15
Danartrebuchet: crappy vid card? low ram?02:15
fujikocould this be a problem with the servers?02:15
[MW] Shadowi have a problem with gdm failing everytime i try to boot into ubuntu02:15
Danartrebuchet: wrong driver?02:15
trebuchetradeon 9200, 512MB ddr02:15
Danargolgor: i know nothing ;p02:15
golgorDanar, i have this annoying sound all the time, higher when i move my mouse.. you know whats causing it?02:15
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: what's "There is no mrl." mean?02:15
trebuchetoriginal driver on the video card, its accelerated02:15
enkidu512ddr? wow02:16
golgorDanar, you knowed more than me ;P02:16
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enkiduhow much u get that for?02:16
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, to be sure open xine and look to advanced properties, there is a tab called codecs and it will tell you the path where the xtra codecs outta go.02:16
mpmcIs there any women here? or is it all men?? looks like it.02:16
Ziggitywhat tools - IDE and RAD - are there available for Ubuntu02:16
mebaran151If I post a form, will CGI deal with it the same way?02:16
trebuchetuh... i think about $60 about a year ago02:16
Danartrebuchet: yeh, old card. getting the fglrx driver should help though. it's on the ATI site02:16
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mpmcI'll take that as a yes02:16
trebuchetyeah, i know, but it still ought to work02:16
enkiduthat fglrx driver is crap02:16
mpmcI'm goin to bed02:16
Danartrebuchet: er, woops. you have it?02:17
LinuxJonestrebuchet, is dma turned on your hard drive ?02:17
enkiduati still hasn't come up with better lnx drivers02:17
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jussiProblem: Add or Remove Application freezes when I run it, could someone please tell me how to fix it02:17
=== dausech Anyone can tell me why the environment variables on ubuntu doesn't change ?
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trebuchethow do i check if linux is using dma?02:17
enkidubios maybe?02:17
LinuxJonestrebuchet, do sudo hdparm /dev/hda02:17
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GMachine_24sometimes dma settings are in the bios02:18
abarbacciasudo hdparm -d /dev/hda02:18
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LinuxJonestrebuchet, it will say >> using_dma    =  1 (on) ....if it's turned on02:18
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trebuchetyup, dma on02:18
Danarenkidu: it has hardware acceleration though02:18
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enkiduis there a channel where i someone can recommend a mud client for ubuntu?02:18
Danarenkidu: er, enables it anyway02:18
ChurcH_of_FoamYRazor-X you there?02:18
Danarjussi: use synaptic instead anyway02:18
LinuxJonestrebuchet, can you post the output of the command to pastebin.ca ?02:18
dausechI've tried to change the /etc/environment file adding JAVA_HOME but doing this, gnome crashes after typing my pass02:19
blackoutdoes ubuntu include any sort of ndis kernel module?02:19
LinuxJonestrebuchet, how mnay hard drives do you have ?02:19
trebuchetyeah, i polled both of my drives, both dma enabled02:19
Danardausech: dunno about your specific problem, but after you type  your pass would be when it executes the command, so it would be the command that's causing the crash02:20
jussiDanar: Thanks02:20
LinuxJonestrebuchet, that's usually the problem with jerky video, what kind of system do you have like ram/processor ?02:20
Danarfujiko: try with / in front02:20
trebuchet512mb ddr, athlon 250002:20
enkiduchat hmm02:21
enkiduhey are u using an LCD?02:21
LinuxJonestrebuchet, that's a good system02:21
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enkiduthis pc i'm on uses an LCD and it always seems to leave a sort of trail02:21
trebuchetyup, good enough to be sure its not a problem02:22
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trebuchetstill not good enough for battlefield 2 :-p02:22
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: wow... the computer just totally blew up...02:22
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[MW] Shadowi have a problem with gdm failing everytime i try to boot into ubuntu02:23
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: i was checking in the preferences of Xine in the Audio tab.. and the whole Ubuntu system slowed to a halt in processing02:23
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: only thing that worked really was the mouse =X02:23
LinuxJonestrebuchet, hdparm -c1 /dev/hdx02:23
enkidui once had an old micron pc and a small roach went in somehow, it found its way to the cpu fan and that was pretty much the end of that02:24
LinuxJonestrebuchet, you don't have 32 bit I/O02:24
trebuchetso, only using half my pipe02:24
LinuxJonestrebuchet, it's not your fault :)02:24
enkiduthat sounds so wrong in so many ways02:25
SpecialBuddydoes it seem like when you move windows around fast that it shows multiple ones02:25
SpecialBuddyis that a video card problem02:25
trebuchetits okay, a lot of girls have said the same already :-P02:25
LinuxJonestrebuchet, heh02:25
enkidusometimes that is a video card prob02:25
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: =/ any clue?02:25
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enkiduif its an ati card that's gonna be a tough one02:26
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: i can't find were it says it's getting the codecs from in the Xine prefences...02:26
jasoncohenwhere do breey's packages go when they're built by the automated build system before they go into pool?02:26
=== Markrian [~markrian@82-68-11-182.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
enkidui have an ati at home and it doesn't play nice02:26
jasoncoheni.e- ubuntu's version of incoming.debian.org02:26
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, sounds like you have some problems :D02:26
enkiducan someone recommend a better mud client than gnome mud?02:27
trebucheti want to get a new nvidia card... i'm thinking maybe a 6600 or 680002:27
erikpcan anyone tell me what the command is for the Users and Groups tool?02:27
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: lol thx...02:27
jasoncohenerikp, sudo users-admin02:27
erikpjasoncohen: thanks!02:27
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: i just don't understand why the audio_decoder wouldn't work...02:27
jasoncohenerikp, it's in system > administration02:27
jasoncohenerikp, all the gnome tools have the same naming convention- for example the network tool is network-admin02:28
trebuchetLinuxJones: will the 32bit pipe take affect only after reboot?02:28
=== dausech I just wanna set a new environment variable. (set JAVA_HOME="/java/jdk150" for example). editing /etc/profile doesn't work
GMachine_24treb... I must have missed what you said about your comp... is the I/O support @ 32-bit?02:28
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, if your sound is working ok and you have the dvd decoding software installed and the associated codecs you whould be ok. You have the decss decoding software properly installed ?02:28
enkidulist #channel02:28
dausechI've tried to change the /etc/environment file adding JAVA_HOME but doing this, gnome crashes after typing my pass at login02:28
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: decss??02:29
erikpjasoncohen: I don't have a panel... I just installed ubuntu, but I can't log in to a normal gnome session, only the failsafe terminal.  And I can't run any gnome apps.  Something with gnome is hosed.02:29
=== Aerebus [~nexus@cpe-66-25-33-72.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
trebuchetit wasn't, but it is now02:29
jasoncohenerikp, damn, is it with all users? maybe your user account is screwed up02:29
jasoncohenhave you tried creating a new user?02:29
=== dausech I never had this issue in debian...
ChurcH_of_FoamYanyone know where i can find sim city for linux?02:29
erikpjasoncohen: I haven't tried... one sec.02:29
trebucheti think it had an effect on the video playback but i'm not so sure02:29
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erikpjasoncohen: (this was after a fresh install though, so I doubt it will matter.. but I'll try)02:30
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GMachine_24well, i'm going to reboot and mess with my bios settings and see if i can get totem to work.02:30
=== NoHope [silas@201-1-147-14.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
NoHopehi all02:30
Razor-Xthis'll take some getting used to, compared to BitchX02:30
NoHopeI installed Ubuntu, but I'm having problems...02:30
Razor-Xbut everything's in one, happy, convenienient environment ;)02:30
=== Vinh [~Vinh@ppp214-110.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxJonestrebuchet, you can add it to a script02:30
Razor-XNoHope: shoot02:31
jasoncohenRazor-X, what irc client are you using now?02:31
NoHopeI modified the xorg.conf and hadn't made a backup.02:31
Razor-Xjasoncohen: erc02:31
Mobiuswhat program do you guys reccomend for DVD playback02:31
NoHopejasoncohen, XChat, by Windows.02:31
daniel776when i try to open music player it tells me i can't02:31
Razor-XNoHope: I think he was addressing me ;)02:31
NoHopejasoncohen, sorry, message wrong.02:31
jasoncohenah, the windows xchat client has aspell support. i wonder when the linux client will get that02:31
=== trinidad [~trinidad@cpe-66-27-201-23.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
NoHopeRazor-X, no problem.02:31
daniel776it says something about gst-register02:31
trebuchetadd what to a script? setting the drives to 32bit?02:31
Razor-Xjasoncohen: I'll bet you could compile that in02:31
Razor-XNoHope: what's the problem with Ubuntu?02:31
jasoncohenRazor-X, how?02:32
NoHopeRazor-X, I modified the xorg.conf and I don't know how to return to the default.02:32
Razor-Xjasoncohen: compilation, that's how02:32
erikpjasoncohen: nope, I just added a new user and tried to log in, but I just get a dark ground screen with a cursor.  The panel, nautilus, etc fail to start.  No error messages; nothing.02:32
NoHopeRazor-X, and I see there is no adsl-setup...02:32
jasoncohenerikp, do you have permission problems?02:32
NoHopeRazor-X, how to connect to the internet?02:32
Razor-XNoHope: is there an xorg.bak, or xorg.conf~ or something?02:32
jasoncohenerikp, are you out of space on your HD? df -h02:32
trinidadUbuntu is great IMHO!  I have completely switched over, however, I am still looking for add-ons to xchat which do similar things that xdccklipper does for mIRC in Windows.  Can anyone recommend anything?02:32
Razor-Xtry calling adsl-setup from a terminal02:33
Razor-XmIRC.... *shudders*02:33
=== Kentoo [~kentoo@host18-97.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Ninwatrinidad, Check xchat.org 's plugin list.02:33
NoHopeRazor-X, uhm... I didn't realize that... I will see when I return to Linux... well... and about internet? How to connect?02:33
erikpjasoncohen: no, it's a new 80gig drive with just Ubuntu on it.02:33
=== efaistos_ [~efaistos@m239.net81-64-31.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu
erikpjasoncohen: what kind of permission problems?02:33
SDFH_Linuxtrindad what os did you use before?02:33
Razor-XI couldn't stand mIRC the first time I saw it, HydraIRC is my favorite GUI client on all platforms, if I was stuck on GUI, i'ld use WINE to run HydraIRC02:33
trinidadwindows, then SuSE02:33
jasoncohenerikp, like, something you need to read or write to is owned by root02:33
jasoncohenthat should have been fixed by creating a new user though02:34
jasoncohenyou said this is from a fresh install?02:34
daniel776when i open music player or CD player i get an error saying that their is no registery and i should run gst-register02:34
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, you need libdvdcss2 it's an decryption library that enables you to watch copy-protected dvd's02:34
Razor-XNoHope: like I said, you can call adsl-setup from the terminal02:34
SDFH_Linuxyou like ubuntu better than suse02:34
erikpjasoncohen: yeah, I just installed in on an empty hdd02:34
NoHopeRazor-X, but there is no adsl-setup...02:34
trinidadSDFH_Linux: yes I do02:34
Razor-XNoHope: you mean, in the menus?02:34
jasoncohenerikp, make sure you have space on your HD. if / is full, you can get weird problems like this02:34
=== tiglionabbit [~nick@c-67-171-159-205.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jasoncohenerikp, what does df -h show for /02:34
Razor-Xthe menus don't dictate everything on the machine, by far ;)02:34
trinidadSDFH_Linux, too many issues with SuSE and my sound card02:34
SDFH_Linuxjust curious what made you get off windows?02:34
NoHopeRazor-X, menus? I didn't see that...02:34
Razor-Xhey tiglionabbit ;)02:34
NoHopeWell, I will try and them I return here... thx102:34
Razor-XNoHope: wait, there's no X?02:34
Razor-Xas in, no GUI?02:35
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: I've switched from BitchX02:35
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tiglionabbitRazor-X: really?02:35
NoHopeRazor-X, there was, but I modified xorg.conf and couldn't enter no more.02:35
trinidadSDFH_Linux, Because I got bored and then scared from all the pirate software I had.02:35
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Razor-Xtiglionabbit: not to irssi, mind you02:35
NoHopesee ya! thx!02:35
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: [:-(02:35
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SDFH_Linuxwhat were you scared of?02:35
trebucheti've got a pinnacle mirovideo dc50 a/v capture card i'd like to get working... its detected as Zoran Corporation ZR36057PQC in lspci02:35
erikpjasoncohen: dd -h says I have 67 gigs free on /02:35
tiglionabbitRazor-X: aw, why not?  What did you switch to?02:35
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: *sigh* Xine blew ubuntu up again...02:35
Razor-Xtrinidad: I used to be scared of illegal software too... when I was 8 ;)02:35
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: erc02:36
jasoncohenerikp, heh, i gues it's not that02:36
erikp(df, rather)02:36
MidNightRaVeNLinuxJones: is there anyway to "Uninstall" it per se?02:36
LinuxJonesMidNightRaVeN, goto www.ubuntuguide.org and have a peek.02:36
jasoncohenerikp, what errors do you get?02:36
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: sudo apt-get remove xine02:36
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: apt-get remove02:36
Razor-Xand good riddance to it ;)02:36
erikpjasoncohen: none... it's really wierd.02:36
ubotufrom memory, vlc is a media player that plays some formats natively.02:36
MidNightRaVeNthx =)02:36
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jasoncohenerikp, you could try starting gnome directly from a console (after killing gdm) with gnome-session02:36
erikpjasoncohen: I just get a blank brown screen.  And when I try to start GNOME apps nothing happens.02:36
Razor-Xthat's what I reccomend, meself, and I rarely reccomend GUI apps02:36
trinidadSDFH_Linux, "scared" may be to harsh.  Rather, I felt guilty.  When I learned that every and anything ever produced for Windows could be found and cracked, I got addicted to doing it.02:36
tiglionabbit!info vlc02:37
trinidadSDFH_Linux, too easy02:37
ubotuvlc: (multimedia player for all audio and video formats), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 4867 kB, Installed size: 11816 kB02:37
erikpjasoncohen:  do I just do killall gdm?02:37
Razor-Xtrinidad: I don't quite understand your logic02:37
=== Lufusol [Lufusol@c-24-63-108-196.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: hmmm, never saw that02:37
jasoncohenerikp, ctrl -alt - f1 , sudo killall gdm02:37
tiglionabbitwell I gotta go, brb02:37
jasoncohenerikp, then gnome-session02:37
trinidadI feel guilty because I don't pay02:37
Razor-Xwow, BitchX has given me a muscle memory for tab-complete, backspace, type colon02:37
=== wayne_ [~wayne@adsl-223-42-113.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xand it's hard to break out of that in erc, which auto does that for you02:37
LufusolInteresting... grub keeps .. forgetting what it's supposed to load02:37
trinidadI don't contribute to the coder who earns his money through coding02:37
Razor-Xtrinidad: you've fallen to the light side02:37
trinidadso I moved to free software02:37
Lufusolis anyone else having problems with grub after a clean install?02:38
trinidadI have a family Razor-X, I understand the need to earn money.02:38
trebucheti've got a pinnacle mirovideo dc50 a/v capture card i'd like to get working... its detected as Zoran Corporation ZR36057PQC in lspci02:38
Razor-Xand? ;)02:38
trinidadI think you know what I mean02:38
SDFH_Linuxwell you will notice trinidad that its much more stable02:38
Razor-Xeven if I don't have the former, and I don't need the latter, it's not going to stop me for working for my math Ph.D.... or the software02:38
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erikpjasoncohen: I do have a ton of gdmplay and aplay processes... like 10 of each, and ps -Al says the gdmplay processes are on WAIT... not sure if that means anything.02:39
trinidadI must say that pirating software has gotten me to where I am today as far as familiarity with software I use at work02:39
MidNightRaVeNafter you "uninstall" it... should it say "Package xine is not installed, so not removed"? Or should it say it's removing the package?02:39
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trinidadIn that respect, I appreciate the underground "scene"02:39
=== daniel776 [~daniel@pc-62-30-44-12-bl.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Razor-Xya know that?02:40
SDFH_Linuxwhat i like a lot in linux is that there isnt so much advertising and such02:40
trinidadWithout them providing the software, I could have ended up dead.  I'm from L.A., ex gang-banger, turned engineer02:40
Razor-XI think i'm going to maximize me Eterm to the whole desktop02:40
SDFH_Linuxon the programs02:40
SDFH_Linuxgaim has none02:40
Razor-XSDFH_Linux: that's because of the open mentaility02:40
=== xoz [~xoz@p6009-ipad37souka.saitama.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xahhh, that feels nice02:40
=== Zodiac [~nicholas@69-161-72-233.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xa nice, open, wide terminal02:40
erikpjasoncohen: when I start gnome-session I get Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:02:40
Razor-Xalbeit, my background picture a tad bit stretched02:40
naliothRazor-X: why not maximize it to cover your head?02:40
Razor-Xi'll just get a different one, a larger one02:40
Razor-Xnalioth: nope02:41
Razor-Xwith emacs, like, everything I do is now in terminal02:41
Razor-Xand my screen is shared with two channel02:41
trinidadNice talking with you all...02:41
trinidadI'll be back from time to time for support if I need it02:41
MidNightRaVeNwhy won't it uninstall xine =( ?02:41
trinidadThank you all02:41
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: what's the error?02:41
MidNightRaVeNnothing... it just says it isn't installed so it can't uninstall it... and i can still run xine through Run Application02:42
Razor-Xthen delete xine ;)02:42
Razor-Xlocate xine02:42
MidNightRaVeNlol but where would it be?02:42
=== Quentusrex [~chatzilla@c-67-160-91-242.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChurcH_of_FoamYgoes to build a windows 98 machene just for his old games >.<02:43
Razor-Xno no no, type that in a terminal02:43
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QuentusrexThe default session manager won't let me select KDE02:43
Quentusrexhow to I change this?02:43
Razor-Xand it'll find the directory that xine is located in02:43
Quentusrexwhen I log in and try to choose something other than Gnome, there are no other choices.02:43
chrissturmQuentusrex, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:43
ChurcH_of_FoamYRazor-X what kinda ftp would you recommend for nubs?02:43
ChurcH_of_FoamYand yes it's for a lan02:43
=== edgardo [~edgardo@OL103-152.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
QuentusrexWhat if I wanted to use something other than KDE? or Gnome? like xfce?02:44
Razor-Xftp client?02:44
chrissturmQuentusrex, sudo apt-get install xfce402:44
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: =/ I found it... how do i get rid of it?02:44
ChurcH_of_FoamYwell i want a server on here02:44
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: rm /path/to/xine02:44
ChurcH_of_FoamYsomething easy to use and simple to set up02:45
=== schasi_ [~schasi@p54A27AF6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
toresbehey guys02:45
ChurcH_of_FoamYhi ^_^02:45
=== p8ntballer100822 [~p8ntballe@dpc674588192.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
toresbeI'm at debconf5 right now :)02:45
Razor-XChurcH_of_FoamY: lemme see mine, hold on02:45
toresbeMark Shuttleworth is here :)02:45
=== tmahoneyt11 [~chatzilla@cpe-66-67-178-236.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ChurcH_of_FoamYis in here?02:45
nalioths_dogAerebus: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo02:45
toresbeno, as in, Debconf, the debian conference02:46
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: lol but when i located it, it came up with other stuff that isn't xine as well... so will it delete all of that?02:46
trebucheti just built this driver for my a/v card... no build error, then when i do make install i get some problems: unknown symbol videobuf_dvb_unregister02:46
LinuxJonestoresbe, where ?02:46
toresbeLinuxJones: Finland02:46
toresbeI'm going to be filming a talk he's giving02:46
LinuxJonestoresbe, no fool who is he :D02:46
Quentusrexwhat is the best way to install a DNS server on ubuntu?02:46
ChurcH_of_FoamYdamn i wanted to meet him and thank him for sponsering such an awsome os ^_^02:46
p8ntballer100822hey im trying to install mysql onto my apache server but when i try to do sudo apt-get install php4-mysql it says pakage not found is there somewhere else i could get the pakage02:46
tmahoneyt11Can anyone devote some time to helping me get Ubuntu Installed onto my desktop?02:46
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toresbeLinuxJones: ...the owner of Canonical software..02:46
Razor-XChurcH_of_FoamY: vsftpd02:46
toresbeLinuxJones: he started, and owns, Ubuntu02:47
Razor-XLinux used to live in my neighborhood ;)02:47
edgardoHay lguien que hable epal?02:47
LinuxJonestoresbe, lol what is his irc name :)02:47
ChurcH_of_FoamYtoresbe let him no i said thanx for the great os02:47
naliothChurcH_of_FoamY: if you want to talk to mr shuttlesworth read the community part of the wiki02:47
naliothedgardo: en el #ubuntu-es por favor02:47
socommCan one really own FOSS?02:47
MidNightRaVeN=( =( =(02:47
Quentusrexindirectly, sure02:47
socommedgardo: /join #ubuntu-es02:47
toresbeLinuxJones: He is not on IRC, presumably02:47
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p8ntballer100822hey i cant install mysql into apache!! it says the pakage isnt there02:48
tmahoneyt11Can anyone devote some time to helping me get Ubuntu Installed onto my desktop?02:48
p8ntballer100822could anybody help02:48
LinuxJonestoresbe, damn I thought you meant he was in irc not debconf :D02:48
naliothtmahoneyt11: help with what?02:48
trunghow turn off autoupdate?02:48
edgardoGracias a todos Hasta pronto!02:48
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tmahoneyt11naloith: I can't seemto make a proper Install Disk02:48
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toresbeAnyway, I'm preparing the laptop that the speakers will be using.02:48
socommLinuxJones: By 'here' I think he meant that the man was in his home town.02:48
=== blackout [~blackout@adsl-69-214-233-56.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothtmahoneyt11: have you checked the md5 sums?02:49
MidNightRaVeN*blegh* i can't get xine to uninstall and I'm afraid that if I do rm /path/to/xine, that it's going to destroy the other stuff that has the word xine in it....02:49
toresbeAnd to get an output on the video projector I need to get TV out on the intel chip02:49
socommIn toresbe hometown.02:49
blackoutis there an eta on when some of the MD5 sum issues will be fixed?  I've had issues downloading libgcrypt-dev and ldap-utils02:49
socommGeez now I'm confused.02:49
p8ntballer100822can anybody help... is it just me but when i try to install mysql into apache is says pakage not found.02:49
LufusolWell I finally found some decent documentation for GRUB and now that i "get it" i don't like it at all.  Time to go back to lilo :P02:49
blackoutor this is a pretty standard ubuntu problem?02:49
ChurcH_of_FoamYRazor-X and how do i run it?02:49
The_VoxLufusol: lol!02:49
LinuxJonessocomm, I missed the line before >> toresbe Mark Shuttleworth is here :)02:49
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: it won't02:49
=== NoHope [silas@200-207-67-212.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-XChurcH_of_FoamY: /path/to/vsftp start ;002:49
NoHopehi all02:49
trung128MB is not enough for ubuntu?02:50
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MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: kk =D as long as it doesn't lol I'm happy02:50
Razor-Xtrung: ..................02:50
socommtrung: It should be enough.02:50
Razor-Xtrung: your average OS uses 10 GB02:50
NoHopeRazor-X, I fixed X, but It still without internet.02:50
Razor-Xsocomm: uh..... wha?02:50
Razor-XNoHope: tried to run adsl from the terminal?02:50
naliothblackout: the repos are wonky today02:50
p8ntballer100822i need help with installing mysql into apache could anybody help... it says package not found.02:50
NoHopeRazor-X, but there is no adsl.02:50
socomm128 MB should be enough memory to run Ubuntu.02:50
p8ntballer100822its says could not find package02:51
NoHopeRazor-X, strange...02:51
blackoutnalioth, glad to hear it's not a standard thing - this is my first day with ubuntu?02:51
naliothblackout: edit the us. off of the front of your us.archive.ubuntu lines in your sources.list and youll be fine02:51
NoHopeRazor-X, no adsl-setup02:51
Razor-XNoHope: there's a commandline method too... i'm forgetting02:51
trungRazor-X, my computer is abit slowly (as FF needs 30mins not starting)02:51
Razor-Xsocomm: ahhh, I was assuming HDD space02:51
nalioths_dogblackout, or use this one02:51
nalioths_dogblackout: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3802:51
p8ntballer100822can anybody help dammit?02:51
p8ntballer100822it says package not found02:51
NoHopePeople, I have no adsl-setup on my Ubuntu. How to connect to the internet?02:51
socommWell most modern distros require 3GB or more for a full installation.02:51
naliothp8ntballer100822: patience02:51
naliothp8ntballer100822: you left b4 i could answer you b402:52
naliothp8ntballer100822: what is it now?02:52
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Razor-XNoHope: you use PPPoE?02:52
NoHopeRazor-X, yap.02:52
p8ntballer100822when im trying to install mysql into apache is says package not found02:52
p8ntballer100822im wondering if i can get it somewhere sle02:52
naliothcan someone show p8ntballer100822 the backports URLs with LAMP in them?02:52
Razor-XNoHope: you should use a router (much easier for any OS, trust me), but google for some help with that02:53
naliothp8ntballer100822: only use these URLs for mysql, then comment them out until you need something else02:53
QuentusrexHelp... a MD5Sum was mismatched02:53
NoHopeRazor-X, But I'm not connected to a LAN...02:53
naliothQuentusrex: the repos are down02:53
p8ntballer100822?? im using the ubuntu guide02:53
=== nalioth gives up
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Razor-XNoHope: does it matter? ;)02:53
socommQuentusrex: Redownload the ISO.02:53
ubotuI heard ubguide is Please do not follow Ubuntuguide; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines (number 3)02:53
blackoutnalioth, wonderous - thanks.  that worked just fine02:53
QuentusrexI want to install xfce402:53
naliothp8ntballer100822: your first mistake02:53
ChurcH_of_FoamYdamnit i can't find the path to it02:54
NoHopeRazor-X, I thought router only existed on a LAN...02:54
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: it says that /path/to/xine doesn't exist02:54
ZodiacWhat is the best player for DVD playback?02:54
ZodiacTotem Xine?02:54
naliothpeople, i need the URLs to the backports that have LAMPs02:54
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: but Xine still works fine...02:54
DiscipulusZodiac, GXine02:54
trebuchetwhat do i need to fix this build error?: unknown symbol videobuf_dvb_unregister02:54
QuentusrexIf the repo's are down. How do I install xfce4?02:54
ZodiacHow do I get it?02:54
naliothy'all know mysql, and those other 3 things that make up LAMPs02:54
ZodiacIs it in the guide?02:54
p8ntballer100822what... am i not supposed to use the user guide..?02:55
DiscipulusZodiac, sudo apt-get install gxine02:55
Razor-XQuentusrex: they aren't down02:55
DiscipulusZodiac, the guide is terrible, don't use it02:55
nalioths_dogQuentusrex: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3802:55
Razor-Xremove the "us." from all your repos02:55
naliothQuentusrex: use those repos02:55
=== Kentoo is away: I'm currently away, please leave a message
naliothKentoo: can you turn that off please?02:55
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p8ntballer100822anywhere else to dl mysql for apache02:55
Razor-Xhaha, erc doesen't auto-away02:55
The_Voxhttp://www.arouse.net/despair-linux/  <--- very cool stuff :)02:56
Razor-Xwhich means, I won't be away forever anymore! muahahahahaha!02:56
golgoranyone familiar with apache?02:56
The_VoxRazor-X: you using erc?02:56
Razor-XThe_Vox: yeah02:56
naliothp8ntballer100822: i'm tryin to find out for you02:56
Razor-Xthe scrolling input line takes a little getting used to, though02:56
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: any clue why I can't get rid of that file?? rm /path/to/xine didn't do anything...02:56
naliothp8ntballer100822: be patient02:56
The_VoxRazor-X: that's the one thing I don't do in emacs....erc drives me crazy02:56
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: did you literally type in /path/to/xine ?02:56
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Razor-XThe_Vox: hah02:56
Zodiacok I did the apt-get gxine02:57
ZodiacNow what?02:57
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Razor-XZodiac: why do you want xine?02:57
The_VoxRazor-X: and the other emacs irc clients all suck planets through capillary straws...so I use xchat :)02:57
MidNightRaVeNyea... i'll try again =/02:57
uboturumour has it, vlc is a media player that plays some formats natively.02:57
Razor-X!info vlc02:57
ubotuvlc: (multimedia player for all audio and video formats), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 4867 kB, Installed size: 11816 kB02:57
NoHopeRazor-X, well... a router is a computer which share internet with other computers, isn't it?02:57
Razor-XThe_Vox: I used BitchX previously02:57
Razor-XNoHope: not just02:57
The_VoxRazor-X: BX is sooo 80's lol! I stoped using BX long ago :)02:57
trebucheti've got a pinnacle mirovideo dc50 a/v capture card i'd like to get working... its detected as Zoran Corporation ZR36057PQC in lspci02:57
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: ............02:57
Razor-XThe_Vox: I do almost everything in command-line02:57
BeefTubeis ther4e a 64bit kernel for SMP systems? I have 2 processors and 2 gigs ram.... TIA :)02:58
Razor-Xmy emacs is terminal-only, no xemacs crap02:58
The_VoxRazor-X: moved to epic, then tried erc for a while, then to xchat02:58
ZodiacWhat packages do I need for mp3 playback>02:58
nalioths_dogp8ntballer100822: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto02:58
aukhas anyone here gotten md5sum mismatch errors on trying to install packages?02:58
NoHopeRazor-X, I can't find information at google...02:58
golgordepends on what player you use Zodiac02:58
The_VoxRazor-X: I use emacs on X....nothing beats X for keeping 50 terminals open :)02:58
Razor-XBeefTube: yes there is, apt-cache search linux and look through the kernels02:58
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MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: ravencorp@reavencorp:/$ sudo rm /path/to/xine/02:58
MidNightRaVeNrm: cannot remove `/path/to/xine/': No such file or directory02:58
BeefTubeok cool 8)02:58
Razor-XThe_Vox: X is overrated ;)02:58
ZodiacWhat is the best player?02:58
Razor-XI use X.... but not X specifically02:58
Razor-XZodiac: VLC02:59
BeefTubewinamp under WINE LOL02:59
Razor-XBeefTube: no way02:59
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The_VoxRazor-X: I said that for many years...but I like to have a pretty bound woman as my wallpaper, which is a PITA to do on console :)02:59
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Razor-Xi'm assuming you don't mean bound as in 'in bondage'02:59
Razor-Xbecause if you do.... *cough*02:59
Razor-Xand I have a nice terminal background meself02:59
trungMidNightRaVeN, so it deleted before02:59
golgoranyone familiar with apache?02:59
matt_i'm having problems enabling DRI in X02:59
ZodiacOkay how do I go about getting it?02:59
golgori need help02:59
Razor-Xwhich did hamper my productiity for a while02:59
matt_anybody know anything about that02:59
=== BeefTube binds his heys and mounts hus hard disk
The_VoxRazor-X: uhm...do a /whois on me, it should answer your q :)03:00
SDFH_Linuxwhat is the best program to log into another linux machine?03:00
socommvnc, maybe?03:00
trungMidNightRaVeN,  ah change 'path/to' to a real path :)03:00
Zodiachow do I install VLC03:00
Razor-Xsudo apt-get install vlc03:00
The_VoxZodiac: sudo aptitude install vlc03:00
socomm`apt-get install vlc'03:00
aukmd5sum errors w/ apt-get, anyone??03:00
golgorZodiac, use your packagemanager03:00
Razor-XThe_Vox: I tend not to tell others about aptitude03:00
golgoror as socomm says03:00
naliothSDFH_Linux: sswh03:00
naliothSDFH_Linux: ssh03:00
Razor-Xonly because people get confused on occasion03:00
MidNightRaVeNtrung: lol o03:01
golgorapache anyone?03:01
SDFH_Linuxdo you have to setup something on the other linux box for it to let you in?03:01
socommGranted that you got all repos enabled on your /etc/apt/sources.lst03:01
socommSDFH_Linux: You'll need a ssh client.03:01
Razor-XSDFH_Linux: do you have SSH setup?03:01
aukgolgor: i've installe dapache03:01
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The_VoxRazor-X: I'm instilling on myself the habit of using aptitude, so I try to forget apt exists lol!03:01
Zodiacwith VLC, what package will allow mp3 playback?03:01
Razor-Xit's not gonna be like OMG, there's a computer next to me... I love you!03:01
SDFH_Linuxi dont think i do03:01
trungMidNightRaVeN, why o?03:02
Razor-XThe_Vox: I've already done that03:02
SDFH_Linuxhave ssh setup03:02
MidNightRaVeNtrung: cuz lol i thought i was just suppose to literally put /path/to/xine in there03:02
uboturestricted is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats03:02
socommZodiac: Follow the link above.03:02
Razor-Xsocomm: why are you insisting he use xine?03:02
The_VoxRazor-X: I've been using ubuntu for 5 days...spent 5 years doing "urpmi this" :)03:02
golgorauk, query03:02
naliothSDFH_Linux: every ubuntu install has ssh03:02
Razor-XVLC is far superior03:02
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aukgolgor: huh?03:03
Razor-XSDFH_Linux: do you have sshd setup on the other machine?03:03
SDFH_Linuxdont think so03:03
SDFH_Linuxlet me check03:03
socommI'm more of a mplayer man.03:03
Razor-Xcplay meself03:03
=== The_Vox prefers xine....
Razor-Xalthough, I may switch to emms03:03
Razor-Xcplay+vlc, may switch to emms, rather03:03
BeefTubeis it legal for me to advertize Free ubuntu Linux ..... and have client just pay me for the time to install it? I will let them know it is free and that they can do it by themselves if they want to... TIA03:03
Razor-Xif I do, I won't need screen any longer03:03
Razor-Xit'll feel weird03:03
trungMidNightRaVeN, ok :)03:04
Razor-XBeefTube: yes, it is03:04
DanarZodiac: xmms is good for mp3s. it has mp3 capability built in03:04
naliothBeefTube: you may be paid for your professional support services regarding linux03:04
delltonyanyone happen to know of a good howto including a possible script that will work with ubuntu for converting dvds to xvids dvd::rip doesn't work cause ubuntu hates transcode so i'm trying mencoder with no luck help would be great03:04
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socommBeefTube: Yes, as long as you don't charge for the software.03:04
BeefTubeCool... I will be sure to show them how to donate too if they like it 8)03:04
Razor-Xi've used screen for so long... it's become reflex03:04
Danarvlc & xine are more for videos03:04
aukmd5sum errors w/ apt-get, anyone??03:04
socommYou could always charge for support and the media, also labor.03:04
socommEtc, etc ...03:04
The_VoxBeefTube: that's what I live of...installing/configuring/admin'ing linux for SMEs03:04
BeefTubeCool :)03:05
naliothsocomm: what is the media charge? .05$? lol03:05
naliothauk: repos are wonky03:05
DanarZodiac: xmms is like winamp03:05
naliothauk: use the dogs03:05
BeefTubeI am going to save the world, 1 linux install at a time 8)03:05
nalioths_dogauk: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3803:05
Razor-Xsocomm: it's like Vanderbilt03:05
MidNightRaVeNtrung: any clue what the path for xine might look like? cuz I'm not sure...03:05
Razor-Xfree boat ride... but you have to pay for lunch03:05
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DanarBeefTube: heh. good luck. :)03:05
naliothMidNightRaVeN: open a terminal03:05
naliothMidNightRaVeN: type "which xine"03:05
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: opened03:06
Razor-Xfree Linux... i'm changing youfor air breathed, time taken, anxiety caused, eye-fluid usage, etc.03:06
DanarBeefTube: might want to go with mass deployment though ;p03:06
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auknalioths_dog: that sources.list is mine03:06
naliothRazor-X: thats windows charges03:06
BeefTubeheh... I will clone myself 8)03:06
aukand fujiko's03:06
fossai'm having a problem with a sed command. can someone help?03:06
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: ahhhh03:06
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naliothauk: you are not using us.archive.blah?03:06
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: how does it know that....03:06
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naliothMidNightRaVeN: it's smart03:06
golgorcan i in some way check if there is anything using certain ports from my comp?03:06
fossasetenv CNS_ARCH `echo ${CNS_ARCH} | sed -e 's/_g77//g'`03:06
fossaand it returns with an error, sed: -e expression #1, char 11: Invalid range end03:07
toresbeAnyone here know how to set up the i810 driver for tv out?03:07
bigfoot1how do i know how much memory a program takes when I run it?03:07
jtgameoverwhy doesn't xmms seem to remember its skin and settings every time i log in?03:07
naliothbigfoot1: use top03:07
SDFH_Linuxso how i setup sshd03:07
auknaliopth; yes, i am!03:07
naliothbigfoot1: from a terminal03:07
rob^whats the easiest way to change file associations?03:07
BeefTubeadvertizement will say something like " free Ubuntu linux with every geek rental.... "03:07
DanarBeefTube: step 1 - pwn lots of boxes & turn them into zombies. step 2 - install linux on them. step 3 - use them to pwn every other win-box and put linux on it. step 4 - ? step 5 - profit?03:07
Razor-XJimbob: cuz it sucks ;)03:07
naliothauk: then take a closer look at the link the dog sent you03:07
socommjtgameover: Perhaps you got the wrong persmissions set on your .xmms03:07
Razor-XBeep-Media-Player is better for Winamp-ness03:07
=== Thorrn4 [~Thorrn4@pool-141-150-49-236.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Thorrn4hello all!!03:08
bigfoot1nalioth, will top compare the difference between XMMS and Rythymbox? I'd like to know which takes up less memory.03:08
socommThis usually happens when you run .xmms as a different user for the first time, I'm guessing your ran it as sudo and thus the super user owns .xmms not you.03:08
DiscipulusI LOVE UBUNTU!03:08
=== BeefTube huggs his ubuntu
Razor-XDiscipulus: hahaha, so do we all03:08
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: is /usr/bin/xine the right file to remove to get rid of xine totally?03:08
jtgameoveriwill check it out, thank you03:08
Razor-XI love my emacs too03:08
Danarxmms ownz beep-whatever :p03:09
=== Razor-X hugs his emacs
naliothMidNightRaVeN: why do you want to get rid of it?03:09
Razor-XDanar: the latter is based off the former03:09
jtgameoveruh oh03:09
naliothDanar: bmp is a gtk2 port of xmms03:09
Razor-Xnalioth: because he feels it useless03:09
jtgameoverit says "sudo: unable to lookup tanpc via gethostbyname()"03:09
Danaractually, i haven't used it :p03:09
jtgameoverearlier i did "sudo hostname tanpc"03:09
Razor-Xnalioth: it's more than that03:09
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: *sigh*.... it keeps stalling the system and won't play the DVDS... i was thinking of trying to uninstall it and try a different media player03:09
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Danarbut i like xmms...03:09
jtgameoverbecause my hostname was something obscure03:09
Razor-XDanar: many people use non-standard things in Linux03:10
Razor-Xespecialy power users03:10
naliothMidNightRaVeN: so install totem-gstreamer, and leave the poor xine binary alone03:10
bigfoot1nalioth, if bmp is a gtk2 port of xmms, what is xmms itself?03:10
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: you know... in Linux you don't have to uninstall it03:10
naliothbigfoot1: gtk1 era, i expect03:10
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: why though?03:10
fossacpu graph?03:10
Danarxmms is like free winamp.. for linux03:10
fossano wait, that's processing not ram03:11
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: because, you don't ;)03:11
bigfoot1and ubuntu hoary is gtk2?03:11
Razor-Xnalioth: it's much more than just gtk2 xmms03:11
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: lol03:11
naliothbigfoot1: the current gnome uses gtk2, yes03:11
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naliothRazor-X: i heard you the first time03:11
bigfoot1Danar, if xmms is like free winamp, then what is beep media player like?03:11
naliothRazor-X: i use laymans terms quite a bit in here03:11
Razor-Xnalioth: heh03:11
Razor-Xok ok03:11
naliothRazor-X: simplified explanations03:11
naliothRazor-X: we are not all as smart as you03:12
Razor-XI generally try and do the bloddy exposition03:12
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jasoncohendamn, in order to restore hoary's version of libgcc1 after using backports, a user would have to uninstall most of gnome as well as evolution, openoffice.org2, mozilla, mozilla-firefox, abiword etc. (379 MB in all).03:12
Razor-Xyou understand what you will03:12
jasoncohenso much for not backporting libraries - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=246867#post24686703:12
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Razor-Xhmmm, it's getting hard to manage two conversation panes03:12
jasoncohenbackports mozilla-firefox & mozilla-browser depend on libgcc1 4.0.0-7 which isn't in hoary. that's the cause of the issue03:12
naliothRazor-X: so open a couple more03:13
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Razor-XI generally manage quite a few, but not split in one screen03:13
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naliothp8ntballer100822: are you here?03:13
naliothp8ntballer100822: read what jasoncohen said above re backports03:13
bigfoot1if you had the choice between an .mp3 stream and a .ogg stream, which would you take?03:13
naliothRazor-X: sounds like you need a 42" plasma with dvi input, then03:13
Razor-Xnalioth: yes, I do03:14
naliothbigfoot1: oggs are f/oss03:14
MidNightRaVeNkk.... so totem-gstream is already installed... do i use just regular totem then to play dvds03:14
Razor-Xit plays .dvi files natively? ;)03:14
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auknalioth: those reps worked to install "pan", while my previous ones did not--what are the "official" reps?03:14
BeefTubedoes Ubuntu have cedega in the apt repository?03:14
naliothMidNightRaVeN: you only have 'regular totem'03:14
DiscipulusBeefTube, apt-cache search cedega03:14
BeefTubeok I will try, thanks03:14
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bigfoot1for firefox users here, do you find that after some hours, fx runs slowly, and you'd have to restart it to get it back running smoothly?03:14
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: it says in Synaptic that it is already installed though...03:15
naliothauk: when you use archive.ubuntu.com, it hands you off to the next random official server such as gb.archvie.blah03:15
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Razor-Xit's called "OMG I LOVE YOUR RAM" syndrome03:15
socommBeefTube: Nope.03:15
Razor-Xone of the reasons I switched from Firefox ;)03:15
malakhiBeefTube, no. Cedega is proprietary software, based on WineX.03:15
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: is there a certain way to run it?03:15
socommCedega charges a subscription charge to download it's sofware.03:15
naliothbigfoot1: firefox has major memory holes, use galeon or epiphany or kazehakase instead03:15
BeefTubeI thought we could compile it for personel use03:15
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aukbut why would the default reps form install not be correct?03:15
BeefTubei will just buy it03:15
naliothMidNightRaVeN: when you call totem, it will run totem-gstreamer03:15
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bigfoot1for streaming ogg audio, which program do you guys use/recommend? I have rythymbox, gmplayer (which i feel sucks!), and xmms, etc.03:16
jtan325what is the correct way to change my hostname?03:16
auknalioth: *03:16
ZodiacGod I love Ubuntu03:16
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bigfoot1nalioth, what do you mean memory holes?03:16
naliothauk: they are correct, but the US repos are whangered today03:16
Razor-XZodiac: hah03:16
trebuchetdamn it03:16
Razor-Xbigfoot1: VLC03:16
aukah ha!03:16
Razor-XVLC streaming is incredibly03:16
Zodiacuh oh03:16
bigfoot1nalioth, and will these holes be fixed in the next version of ubuntu?03:16
Razor-Xactually, that was the original reason for VLCs inception, streaming03:16
naliothbigfoot1: it 'leaks' memory03:16
ZodiacI think I messed my DVD playback up03:16
Razor-XVideoLan Client03:16
socommBeefTube: One could compile winex, however cedega is not too hot on people redistributing it's software.03:16
naliothbigfoot1: they're not that kind of hole03:16
bigfoot1nalioth, leak?03:16
socommHence the reason why you'll never fine winex on any repos.03:16
Razor-Xbigfoot1: holes in code where memory stays allocated even if not used03:16
bigfoot1how can so many people quite at the same time+03:17
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MidNightRaVeNwhat is that?03:17
socommHah, netsplit.03:17
Razor-Xyeah, it's a netsplit03:17
BeefTubeyea ok :)03:17
bigfoot1what's a netspliT?03:17
MidNightRaVeNyea =/03:17
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aukbigfoot1: wikipedia03:17
mrzeroMidNightRaVeN: two different irc-servers looses link with each other03:17
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Razor-Xit's when the router connecting two servers or a server chain and a server dies03:17
naliothbigfoot1: i'm not so technical to expain it, just use an alternative gecko based browser such as the ones i listed above03:17
Discipuluswhere can I get the source to winex?03:17
[koji] *boom*03:17
Razor-Xtherefore, the network and the server are isolated from each other03:17
MidNightRaVeNmrzero: oooo03:18
bigfoot1Razor-X, will Fx memory holes be fixed in ubuntu 5.10?03:18
Razor-Xbut, it's also used as a general term showing that a box is going down03:18
naliothbigfoot1: its a firefox problem, not an ubuntu one03:18
Razor-Xbigfoot1: it's not an Ubuntu problem, it's a Firefox one03:18
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jtan325anyone know of the correct way to change a hostname? not simply typing "hostname ..."03:18
ZodiacGuys, what do I want for DVD playback??03:18
aukwht's a FF problem?03:18
bigfoot1maybe if we tell firefox/mozilla about this problem, they will fix it.03:18
naliothauk: firefox03:18
aukwhat is the problem?03:18
langolierdoes anybody have some helpful hints on getting my sudo modprobe zoran zr36067 chipset based a/v capture card working on lubuntu?03:18
naliothbigfoot1: and maybe you'll buy everyone in the channel a beer03:18
Razor-Xbigfoot1: it's known03:19
Ninwajtan325, changing the hostname file?03:19
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naliothauk: firefox has many03:19
Razor-XI'm tired of all the bleating Firefox fanboys anywho03:19
ColonelKernel whats the current kernel used by ubuntu?03:19
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: when i use Totem with the gstream it just freezes...03:19
aukwhat is the problem?03:19
Razor-Xand fangirls03:19
fujikonetsplit o.O03:19
Quest-MasterHehe, back again03:19
bigfoot1nalioth, firefox has many what?03:19
naliothMidNightRaVeN: is your file format valid?03:19
naliothMidNightRaVeN: what you are trying to watch?03:19
naliothbigfoot1: PROBLEMS03:19
jtan325Ninwa, is that all i have to do?03:19
socommHipsters with their starbucks and firefox browsers.03:19
bigfoot1nalioth, ok.03:19
auki love firefox03:19
jtan325change what's in the hostname file?03:19
Danarjeeze, i leave and this happens?03:19
naliothbigfoot1: try a linux native browser03:20
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naliothDanar: every1 left with you03:20
bigfoot1okay, nalioth. but i will miss the extensions in firefox. sniff sniff03:20
vgui    gdrmyukgj,gj,t03:20
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: just regular dvd's.... Matrix, Master and Commander, and Gladiator03:20
auknalioth; such as?03:20
langolieri want to get my zoran zr36067 chipset based a/v capture card working on ubuntu. can anybody help?03:20
Danari never left :p03:20
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naliothMidNightRaVeN: have you installed libdvdcss2?03:20
vguikisss my ass03:20
fujikoi love firefox+adblock too ^^03:20
Danarer, i 'left' physically03:20
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: you mean, no BR2?03:20
Quest-MasterKick please :)03:20
naliothauk: ask your question plainly, and you will get answers03:20
Razor-Xfujiko: Opera doesen't need extensions, it does everything by itself03:20
MidNightRaVeNnalioth what is libdbddcss2?03:21
naliothfujiko: bigfoot1 adblocking doesnt require an extension03:21
fujikoi love pain and suffering03:21
Razor-Xwith an executable size 1/3 less than UPX'd Firefox, it gets 8x the job done03:21
DanarRazor-X: yes it does03:21
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: what's BR2?03:21
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aukopera is bloated03:21
socommAdblock+flashblock == <303:21
naliothMidNightRaVeN: to decode your dvd, you need libdvdcss203:21
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: Battle Royale 2 ;)03:21
Quest-MasterOpera is commercial eww03:21
DanarRazor-X: there's plenty of things opera is lacking03:21
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: lol no03:21
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MidNightRaVeNnalioth: think that'll fix it??03:21
Danaropera is very good, but firefox is better for most people03:21
Razor-XDanar: such as?03:21
auki tried opera, and couldn't stand it03:21
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: one of the best movies of all time, short to only EoE03:22
naliothMidNightRaVeN: fix what? YOU can install libdvdcss203:22
DanarRazor-X: well, there's like a thousand extensions03:22
misfit_toymmm mm good by doggies Jed I've done it again, pork ribs hot texas style with baked potatoes and beans.03:22
socommOpera is a QT app if I'm not mistaken.03:22
DanarRazor-X: want a list? go to extensionsmirror.nl03:22
Razor-XDanar: which take up CPU usage03:22
Razor-Xand RAM03:22
DanarRazor-X: hardly03:22
Quest-MasterOpera costs money, Firefox doesn't. Who wants to pay for a freaking browser nowadays, come on?03:22
Razor-Xwhich I only have 256 MB and 1.6 ghz of03:22
aukdnaar: lol03:22
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: i feel ashamed to say that i have never seen it then...03:22
DanarRazor-X: many extensions are only a few K03:22
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Razor-XQuest-Master: OMG OMG i'm too cheap to buy stuff!!11!! ;)03:22
aukman that is annoying!03:22
Quest-MasterNetsplit <303:23
bigfoot1nalioth,  but other extensions, such as gmail notifier or webmailcompose (mailto: links are directed to web version of gmail, rather than to evolution) will be missed. Can i get these  feauters in the browsers you've cited?03:23
naliothi personally use galeon and kazehakase, both gecko based gtk2 browsers03:23
socommJesus, this netsplits are getting annoying.03:23
Quest-MasterRazor-X.. ha-ha.03:23
Razor-Xauk: that's called netsplits buddy ;)03:23
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: i just mean fix the problem of Totem and Xine both stalling and not reading DVDs03:23
BeefTubewhy is there a DVD and a CD install for AMD64? which one is optimum ?03:23
naliothi personally find firefox bloated and slow03:23
Razor-Xsame here03:23
aukRazor-X: i know03:23
naliothextensions are nice, but.. .. ..03:23
Quest-MasterFirefox IS pretty terrible in general03:23
Razor-XFirefox cannot manage anything more than 8 tabs well03:23
=== BeefTube uses dillo
vguiFGSCZX VU8746U503:23
DanarRazor-X: man, it's a browser. people don't have to pay for browsers, so it's unreasonable to expect them to03:23
Quest-MasterI still haven't found anything better03:23
Razor-XBeefTube: the pwnage browser03:23
aukopera is the bloated one, in m yopinion03:23
Razor-Xvgui: right, whatever03:23
Quest-MasterKick vgui please03:23
vguiGHFC ] 03:23
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vguiDGFJ"] 03:23
DanarRazor-X: just about the only thing opera offers over other browsers is security03:23
BeefTubeyea, lol03:23
ColonelKernelis there a net install of Ubuntu?03:23
Razor-Xauk: obviously, you don't know about filesize03:23
Quest-Mastervgui.. >:03:23
DanarQuentusrex: terrible how?03:24
NoHopeRazor-X, I'm sorry... Ubuntu must have adsl-setup... what is happening?03:24
aukgecko does font rendering all by itself03:24
Razor-XDanar: and a smaller filesize, overhead, and better standards conformation03:24
BeefTubevgui has a stuttering problem03:24
DanarRazor-X: not by much03:24
BeefTubegive him a minuet he will spit it out03:24
aukthat takes up space.03:24
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Razor-XI don't have a GB of RAM man03:24
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Razor-Xor 120 GB of HDD space03:24
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: =/ i can't find libdvdcss2 on synaptic... is there any other place?03:24
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Discipulusgod damn03:24
Razor-XI have 256 MB of RAM, and 40 GB of HDD space03:24
NoHopeDo you know why my Ubuntu has not adsl-setup? How could I connect to the internet?03:24
DanarRazor-X: opera isn't fully standards compliant either03:24
Razor-XDanar: much more so than Firefox03:25
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othernoobNoHope: open a konsole and type pppoeconf. and set up your adsl connection03:25
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DanarRazor-X: hardly03:25
Razor-Xothernoob: you're forgetting, he may be using Gnome03:25
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NoHopeothernoob, I will try. thx. pppoeconf03:25
Quest-MasterKornbluth is really terrible right now :x03:25
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Razor-XDanar: not sure what you're smoking03:25
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aukDAnar: opera is hardly as well-off as FF03:25
bddebianChurcH_of_FoamY: You here??03:25
Razor-Xthe Opera team consists of W3C members03:25
BeefTubeyou guys get java virtual machieen for AMD64 ubuntu? I need that for my Lip sync-ing software.03:25
bddebianHeya nalioth03:25
Quest-MasterOpera really doesn't beat Firefox standards-wise now03:26
_0killshey, i just installed RealPlayer10 for Linux. anyone know the command to launch it?03:26
Razor-Xit does03:26
Razor-Xmost definitely03:26
Quest-MasterMaybe a few months ago, but not now.03:26
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AnObfuscatorUm, this is odd -- I'm trying to use apt to install xfce4, and ubuntu keeps asking me to insert the hoary PPC install CD.03:26
Quest-MasterIt doesn't, Razor-X.03:26
Razor-XFirefox renders things using nonstandard support03:26
othernoobRazor-X: and the Gnome version of Ubuntu doesn't have pppoeconf?03:26
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: =/ i can't find libdvdcss2 on synaptic... is there any other place?03:26
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AnObfuscatoronly, I have no idea where my install cd is...03:26
hondjeAnObfuscator: Probably need to comment out the first line in /etc/apt/sources.list03:26
Razor-Xothernoob: it doesen't have Konsole03:26
bddebianAnObfuscator: Do you have CD sources in your sources.list?03:26
AnObfuscatoranyone know what's up with this?03:26
othernoobRazor-X: lol well okay, terminal, shell, anything..03:26
bigfoot1Razor-X, what makes you say that Fx can't do more that 8 tabs well?03:26
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bigfoot1BeefTube, what's dillo?03:27
Razor-Xbigfoot1: because of the RAM it takes03:27
bddebianbigfoot1: A browser03:27
Quest-MasterOpera takes just as much.03:27
Razor-Xbigfoot1: the best browser in the world ;) for small browsing03:27
Razor-XQuest-Master: not at all03:27
Quest-MasterIn my tests on this machine with both Opera and Firefox, they both consume the same RAM and run at the same speeds.03:27
langolierdamn, this sucks.. i need a new video card for battlefield 2 and it'd help for linux... and i need a new a/v capture card for support for any recent os... and i need a new lcd tv for adequate viewing surface03:27
Quest-MasterOn both Windows XP and Ubuntu as well. ;)03:27
langolierlife's rough...03:27
BeefTubebigfoot1 it is a fast little browser... http://www.dillo.org/03:27
JimbobDid someone ask for me earlier?03:27
socommDillo is a lightweight browser.03:27
Razor-XQuest-Master: you must be smoking something real foreign, numerous test results agree, Opera is second-least among full-featured Linux browsers, preceded only by Konquerer on a KDE box03:27
othernoobQuest-Master: with Firefox being capable of just as much? ;)03:28
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bddebianAnObfuscator: Did you "hear" me? :-)03:28
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bigfoot1Razor-X, what do you mean by "small browsing"?03:28
Razor-Xplus, Firefox renders slowly03:28
Quest-MasterRazor-X, link me to these recent test results then?03:28
Razor-Xbigfoot1: less features, my mistake03:28
aukRazor-X: why don't you start learning lynx, then?03:28
BeefTubebigfoot... to get it just do a ---- sudo apt-get install dillo03:28
Razor-Xauk: I know lynx, thank you03:28
Quest-MasterRazor-X: There are fixes for slow rendering with a few quick changes of the options.03:28
BeefTubethen dillo from any command line03:28
bigfoot1Quest-Master, how did you find out how much ram a program takes? did you use top?03:28
Razor-Xand I know emacs, and I know a shitload of console stuff03:28
Razor-Xi'm not afraid to be called a terminal user03:28
nalioths_dogwow my master is on another split server03:28
Razor-Xbecause I _am_ one03:28
Quest-Mastertop, System Monitor, and Ctrl-Alt-Delete on Windows03:28
aukRAzor-X: i tested loading times, and opera was slower03:29
bigfoot1Razor-X, why would you want to use a browser with less features?03:29
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Razor-Xauk: on my box, it's the contrary03:29
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Quest-MasterPlus, some people don't like to pay for browsing the web.03:29
Razor-Xbigfoot1: because all features aren't always used03:29
Quest-MasterAnd some people might not want warez either.03:29
othernoobQuest-Master: you don't have to pay for Opera03:29
nalioths_dogbigfoot1, you can add features to all gecko browsers03:29
aukyeah, if you want ads!03:29
bigfoot1when i asked about netslpit, one person said wikipedia. Don't you think answers.com is better?03:29
Quest-Masterothernoob: Sorry, but personally, I don't want ANYTHING obstrusive in my viewing experience of the internet.03:29
Razor-XQuest-Master: some people also would like to pay for a Lambourghini than get a fre car from '7803:29
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pmaii have RAM128 and swap's size 8MB, it causes slowly?03:29
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AnObfuscatorOh, duh, I figured it out.03:30
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Razor-Xmuch slowing03:30
Aerebuswhats the command to rename ?03:30
Quest-MasterRazor-X: sorry, but you're comparing apples and oranges now. That argument about cars is void. ;)03:30
pmaii have RAM128 and swap's size 8MB, it causes slowly?03:30
Razor-Xyou need a swap of 1 GB03:30
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bigfoot1Quest-Master, what do you mean by warez? and what warez are you referring to?03:30
Razor-XQuest-Master: doubt it ;)03:30
Quest-MasterAerebus: mv oldfile newfile03:30
naliothAerebus: do a 'man mv'03:30
bddebianHello pmai03:30
BeefTubeso you dont get hijacked, and spyware when looking up porn...03:30
BeefTubeplus its fast03:30
Razor-Xbigfoot1: software paid for illegally03:30
langolierthat looks like it ought to be pretty easy to crack03:30
vguiIHJIIIHIUY7UY79T6BVG6O7VF5OC KLOJJIIDSFIOG IDOGYU9ET8YUG9WU80TMW79NV  8ryg[sr89tyqwty=Q424868R7WTW4I'STAkihj[dghitshkmkjhjhbbhvvyufr5t7edttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt03:30
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Quest-Masterbigfoot1: Razor-X has implied that he warez'ed his Opera.03:30
nalioths_dogthis is surreal03:30
Razor-XBeefTube: Opera does that and more03:31
pmaihi bddebian?03:31
jasoncohenrob^, right click on the file in nautilus, choose properties and then choose an application in open with03:31
pmaii have RAM128 and swap's size 8MB, it causes slowly?03:31
Razor-XQuest-Master: did I say that?03:31
Danarbigfoot1: answers.com takes from wikipedia, IIRC03:31
langolierif its encrypted data instead of just blather03:31
Aerebusmv is move03:31
Quest-MasterRazor-X: You sure did imply it. Want me to copy and paste the line where you did?03:31
Aerebuswhats rename? :)03:31
Razor-XI bought it, along with Total Commander, two of the best apps ever03:31
BeefTubeBRB, my chatzilla is broken...03:31
nalioths_dogAerebus, yes, and also 'rename'03:31
chrissturmAerebus, man builtins03:31
Razor-XQuest-Master: yes please, go ahead03:31
vguiksjgishgirtusryt8rytii5riosaoigs ygsvnhzxhvbbysedgf::;sud;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;03:31
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bigfoot1Danar, yes, answers.com has the wikipedia entry plus more. that's why i thought answers.com was better.03:31
nalioths_dogAerebus, you use "mv" to rename stuff03:31
bddebianAerebus: mv is synonymous with rename.  There is no rename in GNU/Linux03:31
Razor-Xsince implications are almost always correct, after-all ;)03:31
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Quest-Master<Razor-X> Quest-Master: OMG OMG i'm too cheap to buy stuff!!11!! ;) <-- hmm, I wonder what the wink here implies?03:31
Quest-Mastervgui, get out. Please.03:32
naliothgod i wish i had ops03:32
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Razor-XQuest-Master: my ";)" is the equivalent of the :) smilie03:32
Danarbigfoot1: not if they're copying from wikipedia. wikipedia will always be updated more frequently03:32
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BeefTubeheh, so that is that that button does!03:32
Razor-Xnalioth: /ignore ;)03:32
naliothchanne residents, you can /ignore vgui03:32
BeefTubejust /ignore him03:32
squinnhe left.03:32
naliothRazor-X: no, i'd rather +b vgui03:32
ubotuBeefTube: I haven't a clue03:32
LokeDKIf I run an application from a konsole I get.. f.eks with gedit .. (gedit:32584): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:03:32
pmaii have RAM128 and swap's size 8MB, it causes slowly?03:32
Razor-Xnalioth: same here03:32
Quest-MasterRazor-X: Should've used the :) smiley then I suppose to avoid disambiguation, right? :)03:32
naliothRazor-X: and then put a foot in his posterior03:32
Razor-Xpmai: much slowdown03:32
Razor-Xyou need a 1 GB swap03:33
Danarwhat's with all the attacks on open source project irc channels?03:33
HillTopWhat is the command to hide a poster?03:33
othernoobRazor-X: that's not really true.03:33
bigfoot1nalioth, why do you use two browsers?03:33
Danar#debian, #firefox, #ubuntu, and who knows what else03:33
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pmaiRazor-X okie03:33
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Razor-Xothernoob: what isn't?03:33
othernoobRazor-X: that he'd need 1GB swap03:33
bigfoot1danar, doesn't answers.com use the same current info that's on the wiki?03:33
naliothbigfoot1: because i run ubuntu on a PPC, and things work a little differntly on PPC ubuntu03:33
ColonelKernelis there a net install of Ubuntu?03:34
Razor-Xothernoob: he does for something like Open-Office, or software compilation03:34
pmaiRazor-X how resize exist parttion FAT32?03:34
bigfoot1nalioth, so on your non-ppc comp, what do you use?03:34
langolierwell, the answer should be obvious, danar... freely available stuff anyone can edit is inherantly evil03:34
Razor-XColonelKernel: yeah, there is03:34
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Quest-MasterDanar: Mainly because I'm trying to protect open-source software's reputation here while being compared to a closed, proprietary, commercial application.03:34
ColonelKernelso I dont have to download 4 cds?03:34
ColonelKernelRazor-X, nice03:34
Quest-MasterColonelKernel: Nope03:34
Danarbigfoot1: no, i think they download the database once in a while...03:34
Razor-XQuest-Master: I don't follow the OSS Flag like a blind idiot03:34
naliothbigfoot1: i don't own anything BUT apple hardware03:34
bigfoot1Danar, ok, now i see what you're saying.03:34
Razor-XColonelKernel: it's only 1 CD ;)03:34
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Danarlangolier: heh03:34
ColonelKerneldoes ubuntu Razor-X the whole thing?03:34
Danarpmai: gparted03:34
Quest-MasterRazor-X: Neither do I. I use Photoshop all the time because it was designed from a designer's perspective and Gimp not.03:35
ColonelKernelsorry you cought me unawares in the middle of a sentence03:35
Razor-Xyes, all in one cd03:35
svuanyone having sound on G5 systems?03:35
Danarpmai: i think you might need to defrag it first though03:35
Razor-XQuest-Master: good then03:35
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Razor-Xbecause I know quite a few who'ld lynch you for that03:35
Razor-Xor me for using Opera03:35
misfit_toyany suggestions for a good gui DVD burner that will do cue/bin? k3b won't do it, nor graveman, nor gnomebaker...03:35
Danarpmai: boot to the ubuntu livecd if you have it, and 'apt-get install gparted' and resize it with that03:35
Razor-XOpera, though, is the only piece of moneyed software I use, and two nonfree applications that are free-as-in-beer03:36
ColonelKernelpmai, you WILL need to defrag, and I'd use diskkeeper pro in windoze to do it - its 1000x better than the system defrag utility03:36
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aukrazor: we won't lynch you for usign opera, jsut for bashing firefox ;-)03:36
Quest-MasterRazor-X: Except, I'm simply trying to point out that Firefox isn't as terrible as you make it out to be. :) Don't want to lynch you or anything, we're buds! Everyone is in #ubuntu besides people like vgui..03:36
Razor-XColonelKernel: I had a bad experience with that and NTFS03:36
othernoobmisfit_toy: i had no problems with cue/bin and k3b. only did it once though.03:36
bigfoot1BeefTube, do you use dillo yourself? if so, only dillo? or do you use other browsers-?03:36
naliothsvu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary03:36
pmaiDanar yes i got these cds from free order03:36
BeefTubeI use lynx also03:36
ColonelKernelRazor-X, with gparted or with diskeeper pro?03:36
Razor-Xauk: well, I'm forgetting the amount of firefox fanboys-and-girls there are in here ;)03:36
misfit_toyothernoob, but to DVD?03:36
Razor-XBeefTube: right on! ;)03:36
othernoobmisfit_toy: yes03:36
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BeefTubeheh :)03:36
Razor-XColonelKernel: the latter03:37
aukrazor-x: that was low03:37
Danarpmai: good. boot from the livecd, open a root terminal, and run 'apt-get install gparted' and use that03:37
svunalioth, thanks03:37
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misfit_toyothernoob, then I must be missing something...hmmm03:37
naliothyou guys need to compile your own links with graphics and javascript support03:37
Razor-XColonelKernel: and my NTFS wouldn't resize in qtparted03:37
nalioththen you'll be manly men03:37
ColonelKernelRazor-X, thats odd, I use it on my windows partition and it rocked03:37
Quest-Masterrofl nalioth.03:37
Razor-Xnalioth: yeah, it's awesome too03:37
DanarBeefTube: elinks is better  :)03:37
misfit_toyothernoob, was it a movie?03:37
Razor-XI know TwiBright links and lynx03:37
BeefTubeok I will try it when i install this afternoon, thanks for the tip :)03:37
Danargparted is better than qtparted, in my experience03:37
ColonelKernelRazor-X, thats REALLY odd - of course I did my rezise with knoppix - but that shouldnt make any difference03:37
Razor-Xi've gotten used to erc now, thanks to the odd debate03:37
iceravenI am trying to play with apache... once it is installed I used nautilus to browse to the directory on the HDD, however I don't have any rights to that directory as a user and can't add any content, what should I do?  Log in as root somehow or give myself rights to that directory somehow?03:37
Razor-XColonelKernel: mine went whacky on me03:37
othernoobmisfit_toy: yes it was a dvd image in cue/bin03:38
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naliothDanar: gtk vs qt?03:38
ColonelKernelRazor-X, its only gone wacky on me if I tried to resize it too much03:38
svunalioth, there is no /dev/dsp on my system. and even /proc/asound/devices shows just timer03:38
Razor-Xand I had to manually disable 5 symantec services from XP with cryptic names, thanks to Symantec's crappy software03:38
golgorwhats the command to create dirs from terminal? :$03:38
pmaiDanar thanks you, i am going to boot03:38
Danarnalioth: i believe so03:38
auknalioth: let me guess oyu use kde?03:38
concept10Anyone know how to increase brightness on laptop screen?03:38
Razor-XI had a hard time resizing, after that it was a breeze03:38
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naliothsvu: i'm sorry, i only run ubuntu on a G3 and G4 iBook03:38
ColonelKernelyeah symantec software is the pits03:38
Danarpmai: gl03:38
Razor-Xauk: anything wrong with using KDE, and I hear he uses E ;)03:38
ColonelKernelI use AVG in windoze03:38
ColonelKernelI think avg even has a linux release03:39
naliothDanar: gparted is gtk, and qtparted is qt03:39
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Razor-Xmy dad installed Symantec03:39
Quest-MasterAVG is excellent03:39
DanarColonelKernel: symantec (norton) had some good dos tools03:39
svunalioth, I see. It seems G5 is not supported yet:(03:39
golgorcan anyone tell me how to create dirs from terminal? :P03:39
Danarnalioth: yeh03:39
Razor-Xqtparted is better than gparted, tohugh03:39
BeefTubeOMG i forgot.. Ubuntu uses gnome by default!!! EeeeeeeeeW!!!03:39
=== BeefTube faints
bddebiansvu: So fix it :-)03:39
ColonelKernelDanar, yeah but dos is dead03:39
Quest-Mastergolgor: mkdir dir03:39
Razor-XBeefTube: heh03:39
naliothsvu: check https://wiki.ubuntu.com03:39
golgorQuest-Master, thx03:39
Quest-Mastergolgor: dir being the name of the directory in the above context03:39
naliothauk: i use the terminal mostly03:39
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DanarQuest-Master: actually, avg sucks03:39
DanarColonelKernel: not really...03:39
naliothauk: with gnome in tha background03:39
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langolierwhere would i put a driver so modprobe could install it for me?03:40
aukrazor-x: no, but kde currently has a monopoly and is growing.03:40
Quest-Masterauk: Subjective ;)03:40
bddebianBeefTube: I used to think that but I'm really getting used to gnome03:40
bigfoot1nalioth, you wrote "you guys need to compile your own links with graphics and javascript support." What are you talking about?03:40
DanarQuest-Master: check virusbtn.com03:40
ColonelKernelwell thats true, my mom still uses dos 6.22 or something like that on her server at her work for her outdated bookeeping program03:40
Razor-Xauk: monopoly?03:40
naliothbigfoot1: the 'manly men' part was a joke03:40
auka monopoly stifles creativity and quality03:40
ColonelKernelof course she has to pay someone 90 bucks an hour to maintain her server03:40
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naliothbigfoot1: you can google "twibright links" and you'll be directed to twibright labs03:40
BeefTubeyea, gnome is cool... I will just pop in XFCE afteter the install 8)03:40
Razor-Xauk: what do you mean by monopoly? I know Government theory well enough03:40
bddebianUhm since when was DOS 6.22 an NOS?03:40
bigfoot1nalioth, so you were talking about twibright links?03:40
qt2is there a simple way to switch from gentoo to ubuntu?03:41
Razor-Xand contrary to most OSS users, i'm a slight totalitarion-pro person03:41
svubddebian, thanks for the idea :)03:41
ColonelKernelnice , so ubuntu uses apt-get?03:41
naliothbigfoot1: their source code for links has the ability for you to choose to enable graphics and javascript (and lots more)03:41
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ColonelKernelthat rocks03:41
aukrazor-x: "government theory"?03:41
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cyphasehey everyone03:41
DanarColonelKernel: it's based on debian03:41
bddebianHello cybersystem03:41
Razor-Xauk: yes, government theory03:41
bddebianErr cyphase even03:41
aukmost linux users use kde03:41
svunalioth, yeah, I browsed around - and found only negative info :(03:41
ColonelKernelDanar, right on, im downloading it now03:41
bigfoot1nalioth, so this is a browser you're takling about?03:41
bddebianDamn tab completion03:41
aukthe great majority, at least03:41
Razor-Xauk: and most linux users use xine03:41
ZodiacHey guys, how do I set the DMA for the DVD playback03:41
naliothsvu: then ask uncle google (groups)03:41
Razor-X*ubuntu users03:41
DanarColonelKernel: :) you can also have CDs sent to you for free03:41
ColonelKernelI use mplayer03:41
naliothbigfoot1: yes, and a damned fast one03:41
Razor-Xand most ubuntu users use many default ones03:41
DanarColonelKernel: free shipping too03:41
Razor-Xlook at me, do I? no03:41
=== BeefTube uses XFCE, and wears tight leather trousers.
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu
ColonelKernelDanar, thats cool, I saw that03:42
Razor-XEterm, emacs, trackball, Dvorak03:42
naliothbigfoot1: have you used links, or lynx or elinks?03:42
langolierwhere would i put a driver so modprobe could install it for me?03:42
ColonelKernelI didnt know it was free shipping too though03:42
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bigfoot1nalioth, so many browsers: twilight, dillo, hakikaze, galeon, epiphany. which is good, i wonder?03:42
=== Danar still uses elinks sometimes
ZodiacHey guys, how do I set the DMA for DVD playback?03:42
bigfoot1nalioth, i used to use lynx 6 years ago.03:42
=== watermellonz [ladpuddy@as5800-1.216-194-3-113.nyc.ny.metconnect.net] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1but now i use firefox.03:42
=== mattis_ [tias@ua-83-227-173-72.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
svunalioth, as I see, "not quite there yet" in 2.6.12 - so 2.6.10 is hardly any better...03:42
naliothbigfoot1: well, the twibright flavored links, is a text mode browser (all *links are) that has graphics capability (if compiled in)03:43
Razor-Xthere's a keyboard driven Gecko based browser by the Mozilla team, I hear03:43
naliothbigfoot1: so it works in the terminal or xserver03:43
naliothsvu: yes, the price you pay for early adoption (of linux)03:43
Razor-Xnalioth: I compiled mine with X with graphics03:43
naliothsvu: what G5 do you have?03:43
Razor-XI may need to remedy that03:43
bigfoot1nalioth, but i run the gui, should this be something that interests GUI/Desktop users?03:43
naliothRazor-X: yes i know03:43
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bddebianlangolier: /etc/modules?03:44
naliothbigfoot1: you can go get the source, learn a little about compiling, and have a blazing fast minimalist graphical browser03:44
ZodiacHey guys, how do I set the DMA for DVD playback?03:44
svunalioth, dual power G5 (you know, the linuxonpower contest prize)03:44
bddebianZodiac != male? :-)03:44
ZodiacDag sorry03:44
naliothsvu: i shouldnt have asked... <drool>03:44
BeefTubeanother cool thiong about dillo... is is easyer to type from the commandline... you can do things like.. dillo www.google.com or dillo slashdot.com.... you can do it from commandline with firefox too but it is long to type... mozilla-firefox www.google.com.... phew My fingers are tired now 8)03:44
langolierdamn it... doesn't look like the zoran codec supports my zoran card :(03:44
Razor-XBeefTube: you can do that with lynx too ;)03:45
poningruyeah dillo is awesome03:45
naliothsvu: why arent you running OSX + fink + darwinports?03:45
ZodiacDoes anyone know?03:45
Razor-Xbut yeah, dillo pwnz03:45
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naliothBeefTube: you can do that with ANY browser03:45
aukbeeftube: symlink mozilla-firefox to soemthing else03:45
Razor-Xnalioth: not all (most probably)03:45
naliothBeefTube: nobody has told you about aliases yet?03:45
Razor-XI haven't encountered one that doesen't, though03:45
BeefTubeCool 8)03:45
BeefTubeDam Small linux has a script to make Dillo have tabs and java i think03:45
bigfoot1nalioth, okay maybe in the future, i'll try terminal-based browsers. but for now, i'd like to find something to replace this memory-leaking Fx. what's the best alternative among the 3 mentioned: galeon or epiphany or kazehakase?03:45
=== NoHope [~silas@201-13-45-189.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
NoHopehi all!03:45
naliothRazor-X: 99% of the programs on this box are command-line-driveable03:46
Razor-XBeefTube: yeah, it's a dillo patch that's commonly available03:46
NoHopeI'm finnaly on Ubuntu!!!03:46
svunalioth, :) because I need x10 stuff, some kernel modules. and I want to be able to do gnome development as well03:46
naliothbigfoot1: try galeon03:46
Razor-Xbigfoot1: do you use Gnome, or KDE?03:46
ColonelKernellol BeefTube your nick is a riot03:46
BeefTubeI am gonna get it 8)03:46
Razor-Xor another Window Manager?03:46
bigfoot1Razor-X, i use gnome03:46
naliothsvu: x10?03:46
djm62bigfoot1: I think epiphany is the official gnome browser03:46
qt2is there a simple way to install ubuntu paralell to gentoo?03:46
BeefTubethanks 8)03:46
svunalioth, yeah03:46
Razor-Xthen Galeon would be good03:46
Razor-Xqt2: of course03:46
naliothsvu: i'm ignorant, what is it?03:46
DanarBeefTube: symlink mf to firefox, and use tab completion. and you don't need 'www'03:46
svunalioth, namely, "wish". It is about home automation03:46
bigfoot1djm62, what's the importance of something being the official Gnome browser?03:46
naliothsvu: oh those X10 things03:47
BeefTubeSweet, thanks for the tip 8)03:47
bigfoot1djm62, in other words, does something being "official" mean much?03:47
svunalioth, exactly :)03:47
naliothsvu: it doesnt run on osx?03:47
ZodiacMy DVD playback is skipping03:47
djm62bigfoot1: integration might be a little nicer, and more components might be shared with gnome (decreasing memory footprint)03:47
langolier /join #zoran03:47
BeefTubeclean your disk03:47
bigfoot1i see.03:47
naliothbigfoot1: they are all free to try, try them all and keep what you like03:47
poningruZodiac: hold on let me get the link03:47
=== dapimp53 [~michael@c-24-23-233-194.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
djm62bigfoot1: these are "mights"...the right one is the one you like best03:47
bigfoot1djm62, do you use epiphany?03:47
svunalioth, it builds some linux kernel modules. I am not particularly interested in porting them to osx :)03:47
naliothdjm62: that is galeon and epiphany and kazehakase03:47
naliothsvu: ah03:48
DanarNoHope: congrats :)03:48
naliothsvu: <evil grin> how bout qemu?03:48
djm62bigfoot1: I'm quite happy on firefox, but I have plenty of memory03:48
Razor-XI may switch Opera if someone presents something better (not Firefox)03:48
qt2Razor-X, i was thinking installing it on another drive and adding an entry to grub.conf.. :o03:48
bigfoot1how much memory, djm62 ?03:48
Razor-Xqt2: works03:48
=== vladuz976 [~vladuz976@pool-71-106-211-189.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
BeefTubeI have 2 dvd rom drives...am i going to have to disconnect one to get grub to install properly? TIA03:48
dapimp53I have a Toshiba Satellite laptop and the mouse touchpad is not working. I had to plug in a USB mouse. How do I get my touchpad to start working?03:48
djm62bigfoot1: 512M minus video03:48
poningruZodiac: there was a thing that you had to enable for your drive03:48
svunalioth, well, I did not think of it really - but why wasting so much efforts to build linux on macos - instead of just using linux?:)03:48
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Razor-XBeefTube: not really03:48
naliothqt2: sounds good03:48
poningruit was called dma or udm or something03:49
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BeefTubeCool :)03:49
poningrubut dont remember or find the link03:49
Razor-Xponingru: dma ;)03:49
vladuz976hey is anybody in here using gmailfs? i get thie error when trying to mount: fusermount: old style mounting not supported03:49
naliothsvu: go google qemu and check it out03:49
bigfoot1Razor-X, galeon or epiphany or kazehakase a good alternative to firefox? why pay for opera?03:49
poningruRazor-X: do you have the link to enabling that in a drive03:49
djm62svu: hardware support on modern PPC platforms is a factor03:49
vladuz976anybody know what to do here03:49
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naliothsvu: its deliciously evil03:49
poningruthere was a howto for that03:49
ZodiacWhat do you mean ponigru?03:49
NoHopehey, why [apt-get install beep]  doesn't work?03:49
Razor-Xponingru: don't remember offhand, no03:49
poningrulet me go search03:49
svunalioth, well, I'll give it a thought...03:49
svudjm62, other than 3D and sound - it is ok so far03:50
bigfoot1okay, i've just downloaded dillo.03:50
poningrufound it03:50
poningruZodiac: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA?highlight=%28dma%2903:50
uniqliz4rd: yes?03:50
BeefTube73%!!! a few more minuets and  i will be enjoying Ubuntu doing a 1 hour apt-get dist upgrade 8)03:50
naliothsvu: max out your ram, and run OSX and ubuntu simultaneously03:50
djm62svu: yeah...some of us like music and quake ;)03:50
poningruif your drive is new it should help with the skipping03:50
Razor-XBeefTube: to breezy?03:50
aukbigfoot1: tell me if you find anything better than firefox03:50
Razor-Xauk: Opera03:50
golgoranyone got apache and php working?03:50
bigfoot1auk, galeon or epiphany or kazehakase?03:50
naliothauk: you can use the others yourself, they are free!03:50
auki wasn' talking to you razor-x03:51
Razor-Xauk: does it matter?03:51
svunalioth, the point is that I do not _particularly_ need macosx... If only I'll get sound at some point...03:51
DanarRazor-X: you want something better than opera other than firefox? why?03:51
auki've tried galeon and epiphany03:51
bigfoot1auk, i'm going to download the 3, and see which is nice.03:51
djm62this is FREE stuff we're discussing03:51
Razor-XDanar: I said, i'm open to something better03:51
svudjm62, quake is too old for me:)03:51
naliothsvu: ok then (was hopin for a guinea pig)03:51
DanarNoHope: 'doesn't work' doesn't tell us anything03:51
Razor-Xdjm62: it matters not for me03:51
Zodiachmmm my DMA apears to be on... yet it still skips03:51
DanarRazor-X: you also said 'other than firefox'03:51
naliothRazor-X: try galeon03:51
dapimp53Can anyone help me with my mouse problems?03:51
djm62Razor-X: music?03:51
Razor-XDanar: exactly, because i've already tried Firefox03:51
bddebianTry Internet Exploder in Wine then.. ;-P03:52
svunalioth, :) anyway, thanks for the idea. I am going to try mac-on-linux also03:52
Razor-Xnalioth: it's Gnome based03:52
NoHopeDanar, see the error:03:52
aukdapimp53: i sure can't03:52
DanarRazor-X: so you think it's not better. why?03:52
bddebianMOL?? Ewww :-)03:52
NoHoperoot@codeone:/ # apt-get install beep03:52
NoHopeReading package lists... Done03:52
NoHopeBuilding dependency tree... Done03:52
NoHopeE: Couldn't find package beep03:52
naliothsvu: good luck with MOL03:52
aukbddebian: don't you mean internet exploiter ;)03:52
NoHopeDanar, what could it be?03:52
naliothNoHope: dont paste, please03:52
bddebianauk: Or that :-)03:52
naliothNoHope: its called bmp i believe03:52
DanarNoHope: how about _you_ see the error ;p03:52
Razor-XDanar: because anything more than 8 tabs is not memory-managed correctly, the number of extensions you need for basic functioning is enormous, and the interface of Firefox feels clunkier than Opera to me03:52
naliothRazor-X: so what do you want?03:52
naliothRazor-X: firefox isnt native to any platform03:53
svunalioth, is it bad?03:53
Razor-Xnalioth: as I said, me no want Firefox ;)03:53
NoHopenalioth, Danar, the same error for bmp.03:53
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=== BeefTube thinks firefox is sleek and sexy
naliothRazor-X: galeon, kaze~ and epiphany are all gtk2 based gecko browsers03:53
DanarRazor-X: you might be right about the tabs, but you're wrong about the extensions03:53
poningruRazor-X: please try the latest firefox03:53
naliothRazor-X: then you need to be specific and say "NO GECKO"03:53
Razor-XDanar: it takes a toll on a 256 MB RAM box03:53
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Razor-Xnalioth: NO GECKO03:53
poningrudp dev is availble03:53
djm62opera is OK...I find it "feels better" to use free software03:53
Quest-MasterCan't wait till Mozilla Deer Park is stabilized and then turned to the new Firefox release03:53
DanarNoHope: obviously it's not working because you're not using the right package name. try apt-cache search beep03:53
NoHopenalioth, Danar, I tried with a lot of packages... firefox, gnome, etc... the same error.03:53
naliothRazor-X: stick with opera, then03:53
Razor-Xnalioth: mmmkay, heh03:54
naliothNoHope: use synaptic03:54
poningruyeah to each his own03:54
DanarNoHope: run synaptic and hit refresh03:54
=== darksatanic [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu
aukhey, whrer did you come form!03:54
BeefTubewow, is geko in apt? that is neat... i have been playing in PC linux... verry limmited apt repository... looking forward to ubuntu and shopping for neat new applications03:54
Danaror reload, or whatever it is03:54
aukdamn you, poningru!03:54
aukyou say one line on every channel i'm on, even on diff servers!03:55
BeatYou-zZzhas anyone ever installed koalamud ?03:55
BeatYou-zZz!info koalamud03:55
ubotukoalamud: (a distributed MUD server), section universe/games, is optional. Version: 0.3.2a-3 (hoary), Packaged size: 74 kB, Installed size: 328 kB03:55
golgorphp and apache anyone?03:55
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BeatYou-zZzgolgor what about them ?03:55
BeatYou-zZznick BeatYou03:55
BeatYou-zZz!info gnome-mud03:56
ubotugnome-mud: (multi user dungeon client for GNOME), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 0.10.5-2ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 342 kB, Installed size: 1064 kB03:56
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golgorBeatYou-zZz, i need help getting php to work03:56
Razor-XBeatYou-zZz: Pokemon Diamond? ;)03:56
NoHopenalioth, there is no beep. There is no bmp.03:56
dapimp53grrrrr Why cant I get my touchpad to work nor my wireless internet03:57
naliothNoHope: search in synaptic for beep (in package name and content)03:57
BeefTubegoing to attempt compileing cinelerra... I need a good video editor for my animations03:57
DanarNoHope: beep-media-player03:57
Jigokuyeah, same here with the touch pad.03:57
nalioths_dogNoHope: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3803:57
BeatYou-zZzgolgor you have libapache2-mod-php4 installed ?03:57
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Razor-Xis there anything good for encoding/transcoding in Linux?03:57
nalioths_dogNoHope: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto03:57
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naliothRazor-X: transcode03:57
qt2now then, how do i figure out what grub sees /dev/hdc5 as?03:57
DanarNoHope: anything in your sources list?03:57
Razor-Xnalioth: is that a program? ;)03:57
golgorim with php 5.0.403:57
Razor-Xand what are its features?03:57
naliothRazor-X: yes and a good one03:58
Zodiacdamn my volume is maxed out and it is still weak as hell03:58
golgorjust libapache2-mod-php5?03:58
djm62qt2: it uses its own system, if you do "info grub" you can find it03:58
naliothRazor-X: go to its homepage and see what ARENT its features03:58
golgorBeatYou-zZz, just libapache2-mod-php5?03:58
BeatYou-zZzgolgor: ubuntu doens't have packages for php5 on the repos03:58
djm62qt2: I think that would be (hd3,6) but check the page03:58
=== BeatYou-zZz is now known as BeatYou
golgoreasier to set up php4?03:58
golgori guess03:58
BeatYouphp5 is unstable anyway ;] 03:58
djm62qt2: a,b,c are counted from zero, and I think the partitions are as well03:59
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golgorBeatYou, how to remove php5 then? :P03:59
BeatYougolgor did you just download source for php5 or something ?03:59
=== GMachine_24 [~GMachine@pool-71-99-101-174.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
BeatYouhow did you install it in the first place03:59
NoHopenalioths_dog, yap. It worked. thx!03:59
golgorBeatYou, i downloaded the source and compiled, installed03:59
golgorBeatYou, wont work :(04:00
GMachine_24Anyone know how to solve the virtual link to .ttf file needed for mplayer?04:00
BeatYouwell, there is more to it, you have to link apache2 with php504:00
BeatYouin httpd.conf04:00
JigokuAnyone that can help a noob get his touchpad working on dell4100 w/ ubuntu?04:00
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aukdell yuck04:00
=== pink-hippo is now known as pink-noob
JigokuIt's used, and all I could afford... laptop.04:01
siorfinanyone here know anything about running world of warcraft on cadega04:01
ZodiacIs Xine-ui different from Totem-XINE04:01
BeatYounot everyone lives computers auk...04:01
=== fr500 [~andres@143.228.uio.satnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
djm62Jigoku: have you had a look at the hardware wiki (more likely to be on there than for someone in here to have one)04:01
aukbetyou: what do you mena?04:01
BeefTubehttp://mklivecd.sourceforge.net/    Is this for ubuntu also? I want to master some live cd for my students/clients04:01
aukBeatYou: what do you mean?04:01
bigfoot1kazehakase says i need to download PSM (Personal Security manager) when I went to gmail.com. So how do i get PSM?04:01
naliothBeefTube: there is a wiki article on remastering ubuntu04:02
BeefTubecool :)04:02
BeatYougolgor: LoadModule php5_module in httpd.conf maybe ?04:02
GMachine_24you need a download site for ubuntu beef?04:02
naliothbigfoot1: install mozilla-psm04:02
Jigokuoh, ok, thanks.04:02
p8ntballer100822man... theres alot of flippin sweet programs in the universe04:02
=== DonL [~don@d206-116-131-181.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1nalioth, thanks.04:02
golgorBeatYou, ill try04:02
BeatYouLoadModule php5_module /path/to04:02
=== Kikinator [~Kiki@d205-206-117-242.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
BeatYouyou have to make apache recognize .php also04:02
naliothp8ntballer100822: wait til you get to the multiverse04:02
dabaRthe universe is without limits.04:03
poningrup8ntballer100822: try the multiverse04:03
dabaRnalioth: multiverse is shit.04:03
BeatYougolgor: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php04:03
p8ntballer100822i feal like its christmas04:03
Kikinatorcan anyone help with a java installation problem?04:03
p8ntballer100822getting all these cool apps04:03
dabaRKikinator: many04:03
ubotuhmm... java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java04:03
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dabaRKikinator: whats up?04:03
p8ntballer100822how do i get into my the multi universe04:03
djm62Kikinator: are you following that page?04:03
pink-noobI'm trying to install the FLAC plugin for BMP, but all the archive file contains, is a .la file and a .so file... Does anyone know where I should start?04:03
KikinatorI download the plugin, but it doesn't install04:04
nalioths_dogKikinator: for java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , fakeroot make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] 04:04
bddebianp8ntballer100822: Modify your /etc/apt/sources.list04:04
dabaRp8ntballer100822: in your sources.list, add multiverse where universe is04:04
naliothKikinator: follow the dog04:04
p8ntballer100822i marked so much shit its gunna take forever to dl04:04
p8ntballer100822o i did do that already04:04
bigfoot1i installed ephiphany, but when i do "epiphany" it says it's not found. what is the command name?04:04
djm62wow, computing dogs for the uncomputery04:04
p8ntballer100822i am in the multiuniverse04:04
naliothbddebian: he should have official list + backports (p804:04
aukbigfoot1: epiphany-browser04:04
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bddebiannalioth: :-)04:05
bigfoot1auk, how do i get epiphany-browser into my main menu?04:05
naliothbigfoot1: should be applications > internet > epiphany04:05
BeefTubeheh, I want to make a Xbox ubuntu!! with AdvancedMAME and Xmame, and Xmess, and bring all the joy and delight back to my gameing time... I want to make a arcade cabinate with the Xbox inside as the brains... have all my Xbox games on hard drive somehow so I can choose them from a menu...04:05
aukbigfoot1: gnome or what?04:05
bigfoot1auk, gnome.04:05
dabaRbigfoot1: install it. sudo aptitude install epiphany-browser04:05
auktehn what nalioth said04:05
bigfoot1i installed epiphany. is epiphany different from epiphany-browser?04:05
BeefTubemake a Xbox cluster system 8)04:05
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dabaRits a game04:05
p8ntballer100822all these programs are gunna take so long to dl i must of marked like 300 of them04:05
dabaRauk: ...04:06
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naliothbigfoot1: you need to install epiphany-browser04:06
aukbigfoot1: epiphany is a browser epiphany -browser is the command to invoke it04:06
Kikinatoranother thing, my root filesystem partition is my largest partition, but it won't let me write anything on it...and for some reason, I can't login as root04:06
bigfoot1nalioth, so you're saying i downloaded the wrong thing?04:06
aukoh! you mean you installe dteh package "epiphany"04:06
djm62Kikinator: that is deliberate04:06
dabaRauk: epiphany is a game, to install browser, epiphany-browser, after that, from command line epiphany calls it.04:06
NYRangerhey all.  I just ran Unbuntu from the CD.  Its pretty awesome.  One odd thing though.  its only letting me use a resolution of 640x480.  I have an Intel Extreme Graphics Adapter.  is there a quick fix or should I research it on Google?04:06
dabaRin fact, I know, I use it.04:06
Kikinatorso how do I login as root?04:07
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nalioths_dogKikinator: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo04:07
DonLBeefTube, just read this morning about someone in England getting charged by Microsoft for selling modded Xboxes04:07
djm62Kikinator: being root as a habit is a bad idea, ubuntu has no root user by default04:07
aukdabaR: yes, i forgot, it's not a bad game actually "a baldrdash clone"04:07
BeefTubeI would not sell them04:07
Kikinatorbut I need root in order to use my main partition04:07
naliothNYRanger: it can be fixed when you install it04:07
dabaRboulder dash04:07
ch_604can anyone help me with my resolution?04:07
Kikinatorit says my account lacks permissions04:07
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p8ntballer100822mmmmmmm mutil universe programs04:07
NYRangernalioth: It did not give me a choice though.04:07
dabaRbald rash is a medical condition ;)04:07
pink-noobKikinator: sudo?04:07
bigfoot1i just did an istall of mozilla-psm, but kazehakase still tells me to get psm.04:07
ubotufrom memory, resolution is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:07
naliothNYRanger: at the boot prompt is asks you to press f1 for help or enter to boot04:08
golgorBeatYou, query04:08
BeefTubeI want to cluster 100 Xboxes together, install linux... and figure out the meaning of life, while I surf for good porn.04:08
dabaRwtf is kazehakase?04:08
Kikinatorlike, I tried mkdir /file    but it said I lacked permissions04:08
naliothNYRanger: press f1 or whatever it is and look for video options04:08
jack_Woher kann man Informationen bekommen, wie man die Zugriffsrechte fr DVD-Ram ndert?04:08
dabaRsudo mkdir /file04:08
naliothdabaR: a japanese made gecko browser04:08
dabaR<input your password>04:08
aukdabaR: form context, abrowser04:08
nalioth!info kazehakase04:08
ubotukazehakase: (gecko based web browser using GTK), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 0.2.6-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 554 kB, Installed size: 1472 kB04:08
Razor-Xafter this, I have to try using emms04:09
NYRangernalioth: interesting thing.  when i booted of the cd in vmware (weird setup I know) it did give me a choice of resolutions.04:09
BeefTubeok burning my ISO... be back in  a while while it updates 8)04:09
dabaR!info kazehakase-psm04:09
naliothdabaR: !resolution doesnt work on the liveCD04:09
naliothNYRanger: thats because vmware simulated a known video card04:09
dabaRnalioth: my resolution is fine/:) wouldnt know, + i install ubuntu04:09
bigfoot1when i installed epiphany, it needed the gecko browser. What is this geko/mozilla browser anyway?04:10
naliothdabaR: yes, but his ? concerned the livecd04:10
bddebianChurcH_of_FoamY: Wake up man.. :-)04:10
DonLnalioth, I'm sure I changed res using the live cd.04:10
naliothbigfoot1: the gecko rendering engine is the heart of mozilla, firefox, thunderbird, galeon, epiphany, blah blah04:10
Triffid_Hunterbigfoot1: same engine as firefox, different toolbars afaik04:10
dabaRdpkg-reconfigure xserver-whateverserverlivecduses does not work?04:10
BeatYou!info acm404:10
BeatYou!info acm04:10
NYRangerthe ubuntu is very sweet though.  Performs much faster then Fedora does.04:10
ubotuacm4: (A multi-player aerial combat simulation), section universe/games, is optional. Version: 4.7-14 (hoary), Packaged size: 859 kB, Installed size: 3736 kB04:10
ubotuacm: (A multi-player aerial combat simulation), section universe/games, is optional. Version: 5.0-19 (hoary), Packaged size: 527 kB, Installed size: 1180 kB04:10
dabaRnalioth: camino...04:10
naliothDonL: i'm sure you have a recognized video card, also04:10
DonLAhh. That may be the case04:11
naliothdabaR: camino is for OSX, this is #ubuntu04:11
bigfoot1so gecko browser is the foundation from which the other browsers build on?04:11
Razor-Xthe Gecko Engine04:11
dabaR#ubuntu, oh sorry,04:11
naliothbigfoot1: the engine they run on04:11
Razor-Xnot all other browsers, only some04:11
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djm62bigfoot1: gecko is a thing for converting html to the image on your screen04:11
Razor-Xhey dabaR04:11
Razor-Xagain ;)04:11
bddebianwb dabaR :-0)04:11
dabaRhehe, a reaction.04:12
naliothp8ntballer100822: remember what i said about comments04:12
djm62bigfoot1: the concept behind mozilla and firefox is that the browser UI is also written in an xml variant, and rendered by gecko04:12
Razor-XKHTML also pwnz04:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYbdebbian i'm just getting ready for bed though04:12
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ChurcH_of_FoamYforgot i had a dr appt in the morning04:12
bddebianChurcH_of_FoamY: Did you have any luck?04:12
djm62bigfoot1: whereas in epiphany the UI is in gtk, and only the inside of the browser window is rendered with gecko04:12
bddebianChurcH_of_FoamY: I just set it up right now and it worked immediately.. ?? :-(04:13
ChurcH_of_FoamYbdebbian no i have been tinkering with it for a bit04:13
bigfoot1oh, sorry, i used the wrong word. I meant mozilla browser. When i installed epiphany, it had to install mozilla browser, as well. my question is: what is this mozilla browser, and why would anyone want to use it ?04:13
ChurcH_of_FoamYwell then i did something wrong04:13
ChurcH_of_FoamYand i don't yet know what it is04:13
naliothbigfoot1: which makes gtk based browsers faster under gnome04:13
dabaRbigfoot1: you really never heard of mozilla?04:13
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bigfoot1for dillo users: do you have https enabled? how did you do that?04:13
ChurcH_of_FoamYi may have broken ubuntu somehow04:13
linuxpoetanybody here use modpython?04:13
bddebianChurcH_of_FoamY: That is so strange04:13
bigfoot1dabaR, i have. it's the folks that made firefox.04:13
djm62bigfoot1: it's the gecko renderer and enough extra bits to make it a stand-alone browser04:13
naliothbigfoot1: epiphany and galeon and kaze, all need mozilla for its gecko engine04:13
ChurcH_of_FoamYyea i know04:14
ChurcH_of_FoamYi thought it was install and go but somehow it's not and i don't know why04:14
qt2woot, foamy \o/04:14
dabaRbigfoot1: then why the two questions?04:14
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Kikinatorah, another thing.  Let's say I download a file, how do I write it to my root filesystem?04:14
bddebianChurcH_of_FoamY: How are you trying to hit the samba machine, just with Windows Explorer?04:14
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut i'm gonna go to bed now i will see you laterz04:14
naliothKikinator: use sudo04:14
bigfoot1dabaR, i just didid'nt understand why another browser was necessary when i asked for epiphany.04:14
Razor-XKikinator: root filesystem?04:14
naliothChurcH_of_FoamY: sleep well04:14
Razor-Xyou mean, as a root user?04:14
bddebianChurcH_of_FoamY: OK, sorry I took so long getting back on, I got called back in to work half way home!! :-(04:15
Kikinatorso I would copy the file from it's original location then?04:15
dabaRok, you asked differently, but yeah, like they said,.04:15
djm62Kikinator: you might want to resize your /home partition if you find it cramped04:15
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aukfirefox is one with the web04:15
DonLChurcH_of_FoamY, I think what it does is use the Mozilla engine and put it's own front end on it04:15
dabaRyes, it sure is.04:15
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aukit uses web languages and code for basic things04:15
auklike UI04:15
Kikinatoryeah, only 2 GB04:16
Kikinatordo I use fdisk or cfdisk?04:16
bigfoot1I want dillo to work with https webpages. it said: " *** Dillo's prototype plugin for https support is disabled now ***  If you want to test this alpha support code, just remove line 56 from https.c, recompile and reinstall.(beware that this https support is very limited now)."  How exactly do i do this? please help, fellow dillo users.04:16
naliothKikinator: your choice04:16
Kikinatoror can I switch to windows and use partition magic?04:16
dabaRcfdisk is a graphical front end to fdisck04:16
dabaRno c04:16
naliothbigfoot1: dillo suX0rs, imho04:16
djm62Kikinator: yeah04:16
bigfoot1nalioth, did you say "sucks"?04:16
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naliothdabaR: what? cfdisk is a curses based fdisk04:17
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dabaRbigfoot1: well, I mean, it tells you right there.04:17
naliothbigfoot1: yes i did, dillo imho SUX04:17
Kikinatoroh ok, thanks! ^^04:17
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dabaRnalioth: is it not?04:17
adwaithey ppl04:17
naliothKikinator: partition magic is always the best04:17
dabaRyo adwait.04:17
bigfoot1i am trying kazehakase with gmail. and gmail says "For a better Gmail experience, use a fully supported browser." What's up?04:17
Razor-Xit can work Partition Magic04:17
naliothdabaR: cfdisk is a terminal curses fdisk client04:17
aarcanewell, between three trips to the forums, using google of course, two bits of hacked together information, and compiles from source..  well..  wlan works :D04:18
Razor-Xbigfoot1: gmail doesen't specifically support that browser04:18
dabaRbigfoot1: use a supported browser,.,.04:18
naliothdabaR: the only graphical fdisk i know is gparted or qtparted04:18
Razor-Xit supports Firefox and IE and Mozilla because so many people use it04:18
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dabaRcurses graphical, same  thing.04:18
dabaRits a gui04:18
naliothbigfoot1: any gecko based browser is gmail compatible04:18
dabaRjust a terminal gui04:18
qt2is it possible to install ubuntu on another drive from within another distro?04:18
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Razor-Xdaba: there's no such thing as a terminal GUI04:18
naliothdabaR: <sigh> no its not an X gui04:18
aarcanebigfoot1, dillo is an emergency hack and crack browser..  it just does html and nothing else.  no css, no sessions, no cookies.  it does jack shit.  :)04:19
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bigfoot1dabaR, Razor-X, nalioth: you mean kazehakase is not a gecko-based browser?04:19
poningrujust use qtparted04:19
Razor-Xcures is a CLI04:19
poningruits pretty good04:19
dabaRwell, so arent any osx or windows apps an X GUUI04:19
ColonelKernelthat sounds like links04:19
jtgameoverdoes anyone know how to use vnc? when i vnc to another box, all i get is an ugly black-white pixels screen with an "X" cursor and i can't do anything04:19
naliothdabaR: by your definition, ANY app that runs in a terminal or Xserver is 'graphical'04:19
bigfoot1aarcane, somebody in this chatroom recommended dillo to me, that's why i downloaded it.04:19
dabaRsame thing.04:19
Razor-Xbigfoot1: that has nothing to do with it, Kazehakase is not specifically supported04:19
Kikinatoris it possible to access an NTFS partition and the files on it?04:19
naliothbigfoot1: kaze is gecko based04:19
aarcanebigfoot1, it's main purpose is as an emergency tool to go google or forum searching when you can't get things working right04:19
nalioths_dogKikinator: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partitions mount automatically04:19
djm62Kikinator: read-only at the moment04:19
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dabaRany app that is object oriented rather than procedural, and makes pictures, yes04:19
bigfoot1nalioth, if kaze is geckobased, then why can't gmail give me the "full-viewing experience"?04:20
Razor-XdabaR: a GUI is something different from a CLI, and there are programs that don't use CLI either04:20
Kikinatorbut can I copy the files from the NTFS partition to the ext2 partition?04:20
Razor-Xbigfoot1: because it's not specifically supported!!!04:20
bigfoot1aarcane, i see. i guess i'll be deleting dillo.04:20
dabaRI mean, I dont know the exact definition, or if it would fit, but, it sure is a gui to me.04:20
naliothbigfoot1: because kaze is made by the inscrutable japanese04:20
MidNightRaVeNhey peeps. What was the program or decoder used to DVDs again?04:20
djm62bigfoot1: it's a choice on their part, not an intrinsic thing04:20
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dabaRKikinator: yes04:20
aarcaneKikinator, you can easily copy files from ntfs --> ext204:20
naliothdabaR: text is graphical04:20
Razor-XdabaR: in an exact definition, curses is a CLI, X is a GUI, and stuff like cat are just terminal apps04:20
adwaitbigfoot1: it may support all the features but Gmail doesnt know it right? the programmers must have hardcoded the specific HTTP_USER_AGENT responses tht gmail likes04:20
bigfoot1Razor-X, but nalioth says all gmail is looking for is a gecokobased browser. i'm confused.04:20
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Razor-Xmarco_: no04:21
bigfoot1adwait, gotcha.04:21
malakhibigfoot1: kaze doesn't report itself as a supported browser in its HTTP header. Therefore, Gmail does not detect it as a supported browser, even though it uses the same engine as a supported browser.04:21
adwaitnow eeven though ur gecko based..they dunno04:21
dabaRwhatever you wanna ccall it.04:21
Kikinatorbecause there is some files on an NTFS parition that I need but I don't know how to copy them to my /home directory04:21
MidNightRaVeNwhat's the decoder used to decode DVDs?04:21
naliothdabaR: when one says 'graphical' re computers, one means with a Xserver or other point-and-click-with-mouse interface04:21
bigfoot1why then was kazehakase a browser that was recommended to me? hmmm.04:21
MidNightRaVeNsomething something css?04:21
dabaRRazor-X: how come you are so exact, where did you get this exact definition?04:21
Razor-XdabaR: just don't call 'emacs' 'vi', or vice versa04:21
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naliothbigfoot1: sue me, i've never used it with gmail04:21
naliothbigfoot1: i use galeon predominantly04:21
bigfoot1nalioth, peace, my friend.04:21
bigfoot1nalioth, okay i'll install that.04:22
dabaRMidNightRaVeN: libdvdcss in backports for one,.04:22
dabaRRazor-X: just dont get too big of a head.04:22
Razor-XdabaR: read works on usability and accessibility04:22
Kikinatoroh, maybe a dumb question but...does ubuntu allow you to emerge kde instead of GNOME?04:22
MidNightRaVeNdabaR: =/ where can i find it? cuz I didn't see it in synaptic?04:22
bigfoot1what's the command line to uninstall dillo?04:22
aarcaneI erm..  get an error from VFS when I try to boot about no ext3 filesystem..  I have a reiserfs /, and don't know how to....  well, I think you know what I'm saying04:22
malakhibigfoot1: you're better off with galeon anyway. kaze has some strange package incompatabilities.04:22
dabaRbackports I said.04:22
djm62bigfoot1: apt-get remove04:22
ubotuI heard backports is http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/04:22
Razor-Xbigfoot1: sudo apt-get remove dillo04:22
p8ntballer100822i must have like 500 apps selected for download04:23
bigfoot1malakhi, okay, i'll remove dillo and kaze. I'm in Japan actually. I wonder if three ar eany bnefeits for using a browser made by japanese people.04:23
dabaRRazor-X: that was not a sentence I can understand. read works on usability...04:23
DonLnalioth, galeon also uses mozilla, doesn't it?04:23
BeatYou!info dillo04:23
ubotudillo: (GTK-based web browser), section universe/web, is extra. Version: 0.8.3-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 267 kB, Installed size: 688 kB04:23
|QuaD-bigfoot1: use epiphany over galeon04:23
naliothDonL: correct04:23
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bigfoot1epiphany is more feature-packed than galeon?04:23
naliothbigfoot1: no04:23
|QuaD-bigfoot1: quite the opposite04:23
Razor-Xbigfoot1: not really, most bilingual speakers have added language packs to popular browsers04:23
|QuaD-bigfoot1: epiphany is faster and more HIG compliant04:23
ColonelKernelwhy not just use firefox?04:23
=== adwait wonders why nobody recomends firefox? its the most widely used one, has the maximum plugins, extnetions, plugins, support
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chrissturmepiphany is just much nicer than galeon04:24
bddebianKonqeuror rulZ j00 a1104:24
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naliothColonelKernel: because it is bloated and ponderous04:24
bigfoot1adwait, because as nalioth told me today, fx has memory leaks.04:24
dabaRadwait: I dont like apps that run in windows myself...04:24
djm62adwait: he already said he doesn't want to use firefox04:24
malakhibigfoot1: epiphany is actually pretty weak compared to a gecko based browser at the moment. it won't work with gmail either.04:24
MidNightRaVeNso do i find libdvdcss in the backports??04:24
pink-noobUm... is there anyway to change my GTK1 theme?04:24
dabaRMidNightRaVeN: yes/.04:24
bigfoot1epiphany isn't a geckobased browser?04:24
bigfoot1i thought it was.04:24
MidNightRaVeNdabaR: k, thx04:24
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dabaRqt2: um, net install?04:24
adwaitbigfoot1: i think the memoryleak thing was fixed.......with ver 1.0.2 itself04:24
Razor-Xadwait: also has the most memory leaks, its bloated, and other flaws04:24
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chrissturmbigfoot1, it is04:25
dabaRbigfoot1: you we4re right04:25
naliothMidNightRaVeN: after you update your apt (after adding the BP lines in your sources.list)04:25
ch_604!info resolution04:25
qt2dabaR, to install something on the same comp?04:25
naliothMidNightRaVeN: you open a term and type "apt-cache search libdvd"04:25
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: does it matter how many sources i have in my source list?04:25
chrissturmgnome needs a good webkit based browser04:25
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naliothMidNightRaVeN: yes and no04:25
dabaRqt2: I havfe debian, windows, and ubuntu on this one04:25
djm62adwait: on the other hand, if it works for you, don't sweat it ;)04:25
bigfoot1malakhi, are you sure epiphany won't work well with gmail?04:25
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adwaitdjm62:  :).....04:26
ThazzaGot a question to ask everyone04:26
naliothch_604: what are you after? its !resolution04:26
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: =/ so basically keep it pretty empty to keep from conflicts from happening?04:26
bddebianThazza: shoot04:26
dabaRThazza: one for each, or one for all?04:26
hoslerVMWARE asks for the kernel headers for my kernel, but I cant download the kernel source from ubuntus file manager. Should I just go to kernel.com and get it there?04:26
malakhibigfoot1: well, that was my fault. i'm on gmail now, and it seems to work ok.04:26
naliothMidNightRaVeN: after you are done getting libdvdcss2, you should comment out the lines with 'backports' in them (with a # at the beginning of the line)04:26
uboturumour has it, resolution is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:26
bigfoot1malakhi, okay, so just a false alarm. Whew! 8-)04:26
ThazzaI have a couple fo usb external HDD's that are NTFS, was wondering how reliable it would be using Ubuntu on my main machine, when i transfer a lot of data back and forth from the externals!04:26
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: kk04:27
dabaRhosler: i DOnt think so.04:27
ch_604thx naolith04:27
naliothhosler: you need the ubuntu kernel source04:27
djm62hosler: linux-headers is the package you want04:27
qt2blah, screw it, reboot time.04:27
dabaRThazza: no writing to ntfs, no safe at least.04:27
bddebianThazza: reliable meaning what?04:27
naliothThazza: writing to NTFS causes NTFS data loss04:27
dabaRqt2: reboot time>?04:27
djm62Thazza: can you use FAT32?04:27
BeatYouanyone know how to make ssh user accounts for people - with *extremely* limited access04:27
ThazzadabaR, & nalioth  THis is what i thought04:27
qt2dabaR, to install ubuntu.04:27
idunnohi , where can i find packages for gnustep for ubuntu ?04:27
djm62Thazza: it's the lowest common denominator04:27
adwaitBeatYou: doesnt ssh accounts use the system user accounts?04:28
dabaRqt2: then yes.:)04:28
BeatYouadwait: probably, how do i make users then ? via ssh04:28
dabaRBeatYou: just remove the groups from the user, the ones you dont want them to be part of.04:28
djm62BeatYou: how limited? you could create a group with very few privileges04:28
hoslerdjm63: i look and the package manager says they are installed in /usr/include/linux, but vmware doesnt like that location saying its for glibc stuff and not the real headers.04:28
bddebianBeatYou: adduser <username>04:28
qt2dabaR, heh, i dont want to install a boot manager though, that's the problem, since i've already got grub set up via gentoo.04:28
naliothBeatYou: system > admin > users and groups  (and watch the tabs for 'access")04:28
adwaitBeatYou: via ssh........ssh as root and then adduser04:28
dabaRBeatYou: you make user either through the system>admin menu or adduser username in a terminal04:28
p8ntballer100822im about to download 470 apps haha04:28
Thazzadjm62,  Issue with that 4 gig limit on Fat 32. The drivers are 2 * 200 gig and a 160 gb, only one of the 200Gb drives has 2 partitions. They are used to store different data. Sometimes being a 4.7 Gig iso04:29
hoslernalioth: the ubuntu package manager only gives me an option to download 2.4 source, but i need the 2.6 source.04:29
bigfoot1i did: "sudo aptitude install epiphany-browser" but still no epiphany in my menu. What's up?04:29
dabaRp8ntballer100822: and then use them all at the same time>04:29
naliothThazza: you have files over 4gb?04:29
adwaitbigfoot1: try the commandline...04:29
p8ntballer100822yea haha04:29
Thazzanalioth,  DVD images. ;-)04:29
dabaRbigfoot1: it has to be there, gnome? apps>internet.04:29
naliothhosler: ah04:29
p8ntballer100822me and my 100 arms04:29
=== Jormundgand [~jormundga@cpc1-oxfd4-4-0-cust11.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
djm62Thazza: wow, I didn't realise FAT32 was so limited.04:29
naliothThazza: try qemu04:29
bigfoot1dabar, no it's not in apps>internet, unfortunately.04:29
dabaRweird, mine is:P04:30
dabaRadd it.04:30
qt2dabaR, doesnt ubuntu automatically install a boot manager?04:30
naliothThazza: qemu + samba04:30
naliothqt2: yes04:30
dabaRthere is a add/remove programs..04:30
p8ntballer100822woot !! sweet apps here i come04:30
aukqt2: yes, grub04:30
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idunnoim sorry i have to rephrase my question.. i know where they are , but how do  i make synaptic or the applicaiton manager find them automatically?04:30
malakhibigfoot1: sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser doesn't get it?04:30
mephistoHey group! Totem won't fire up for me when trying to view some streaming media. Where should I look to fix this problem?04:30
dabaRbigfoot1: you can add apps to the menus.04:30
qt2well, is there a way to disable the installing of grub? :P04:30
adwaitbigfoot1: in terminal, try typing ephiphany (or whtever the command is) and if it starts up, u can add it to the app menu04:30
dabaRmephisto: what did it do?04:30
djm62idunno: have you downloaded them manually?04:31
=== Jormundgand [~jormundga@cpc1-oxfd4-4-0-cust11.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRepiphany is the command.04:31
=== eno [~eno@HSE-Toronto-ppp316062.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
p8ntballer100822i wish i had a laptop :(04:31
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: for the backports, how should the line look? like this:04:31
MidNightRaVeNdeb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ubp?04:31
naliothbigfoot1: it should be in teh app menu already04:31
dabaRqt2: you dont want that, it will make entries to allow other OSs to be loaded.04:31
naliothMidNightRaVeN: don't paste in here04:31
naliothMidNightRaVeN: use #flood or a pastebin04:31
Thazzanalioth, Hmm interesting.. looks like more than i have the time to learn. atm.. I think i will just continue to run, a windows box, and a ubuntu box04:31
enohi, um.... how do I change the settings in gnome so that the active window is the one the mouse is over?  (like the olds days)04:31
dabaRMidNightRaVeN: backports.ubuntuforums.org will tell you exactly.04:31
MidNightRaVeNjust type #flood and what i want to paste?04:31
naliothThazza: both at the same time? different boxes?04:32
djm62eno: that's window manager behaviour04:32
mephistodabaR: "Totem could not start up. Resource busy of not available"04:32
dabaReno there is an option somewhere, Ill get it.04:32
naliothMidNightRaVeN: no, you join the channel #flood04:32
ThazzaAll: I would reformat the drives as ext3 yet then the windows boxs (friends and others) i use them on would not see the data04:32
enothank you.04:32
p8ntballer100822thazza, why dont you dual boot? so you can run windoze and linux04:32
naliothMidNightRaVeN: and then paste in that channel04:32
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: o, kk04:32
djm62are there any other filesystems common to linux and windows?04:32
naliothp8ntballer100822: Thazza needs both OS' at the same time04:32
Thazzanalioth,  Different boxes.. One in office, one in bedroom, for late night research. :-)04:32
naliothdjm62: fat32 is all i know04:32
naliothThazza: then you should be able to use sambe04:33
dabaRmephisto: likely a sound thing.04:33
ubotuhmm... ssh is "http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SSHHowto/"04:33
Razor-Xthe saddest part is, FAT is the skinniest filesystem ;)04:33
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mephistodabaR: like no sound card, no work?04:33
p8ntballer100822yea i havent really been paying attention to these convos04:33
=== Go_pLastic [~lumberjac@65-194-31-213.block4.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu
Thazzanalioth,  Thats what i have been doing.. Yet i would really like to get rid of the windows box.. Totally. :D04:33
Go_pLasticanyone here use cedega?04:33
p8ntballer100822downloading file 18 of 470.....04:33
dabaRtry killall esd and then try the app again, that will kill your sound in other apps for that session, though, unless you type in esd in a terminal and keep it open.04:33
DonLThazza, when I got a separate computer for Linux I was a happy camper.04:33
bddebianThazza: So two Ubuntu boxes and you're there :-)04:34
naliothThazza: 'borrow' a copy of partition magic and convert your drives to ext2/304:34
=== DonL is now known as DonLbrb
enocan I go into the source code?04:34
Thazzabddebian,  Thats what i would like.. I have one current box, and then the windows box in office.. that the USB hdd's are connected to.04:34
bddebianeno: For what?04:34
enoI promise I won't edit it, I just want to see it04:34
p8ntballer100822i have a windows box... but i rarely use it. i dont really need it for anything04:34
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bigfoot1malakhi, it does get the browser, but it does'nt put it into my menu.04:35
dabaReno: System>Prefs>Windows.04:35
bddebianeno: You can edit it, that is what Free Software is al about04:35
bigfoot1oh, wait, sorry. it is in the menu.04:35
enothank you dabaR04:35
Thazzanalioth,  Can't do this to other peoples Drives.. (windows) so then their machines can't see my USB drives04:35
malakhibigfoot1: my misunderstanding.04:35
bigfoot1i just was looking alphabetically.04:35
naliothbigfoot1: if it isnt there nwo, it should show up when you restart your xserver04:35
bigfoot1it is on the top of the list.04:35
BeatYouerrr, anyone know where the advanced config files for ssh users are ? like to lock them in home dir04:35
enoyeah, editing dsomething like that isn't for someone with my programming skil04:35
p8ntballer100822you guys wanna see my sweet ass paint job on my computer thay isnt really that sweet cause i painted it?04:35
hoslerI need the 2.6.10 kernel source but synaptic doesnt have it in its database, where can i get the ubunti 2.6.10 kernel source.04:35
naliothThazza: you are stuck with the windows ball-and-chain04:35
Thazzap8ntballer100822, Well the only reason i have the windows box now, is cause of the NTFS usb drives04:35
Danardjm62: there are no file systems 'common' to linux and windows, but linux can read windows file systems04:35
bddebianhosler: Hoary?04:35
Thazzanalioth, Saddly Yes. :-(04:36
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naliothThazza: UNLESS you convert your whole office to ubuntu!04:36
hoslerbddebian: i have all the repositories in allready.04:36
bigfoot1fellow Gmail users: what program do you use to be notified of new email?04:36
enoso do I have to download the sourcecode or is it already on my system?04:36
=== Thazza starts work at designing a common file system.. ;-D
dabaRBeatYou: you would prolly change the permissions for folders to sudo chmod -r or -R / o-rwx04:36
dabaRdont do that yet tho.04:36
p8ntballer100822why do you have usb drives?? why not buy internal drives04:36
adwaitBeatYou: read man ssh.......it has all u want i think04:36
Danarbigfoot1: firefox04:36
BeatYoubigfoot1: http://toolbar.google.com/gmail-helper/index?promo=gdl-en04:36
mephistobigootl: gmail notifier or Thunderbird04:36
Thazzanalioth, And my friends. :-) and my works computers.04:36
dabaReno: the source code for waht?04:36
Danarbigfoot1: or thunderbird04:36
naliothp8ntballer100822: for data portability in the office04:36
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enothe whole OS04:37
BeatYouthanks adwait04:37
bddebianhosler: OK but I was asking what you are running.  You aren't on Warty are you?04:37
Thazzap8ntballer100822,  Portable.. Take to work, Friends.04:37
adwaitnp BeatYou04:37
enoI want to take a look around in it04:37
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naliothThazza: shipit.ubuntu.com will send you as many disks as you like04:37
djm62Danar: FAT32 is common insofar as both windows and linux can create, read, and write it04:37
naliothThazza: and they are fancy pressed ones, with fancy graphical pacakges04:37
bigfoot1Danar, yes firefox makes an extension, but i just switched from Firefox today.04:37
p8ntballer100822heres the pic of my computer with its crappy custom paint job04:37
hoslerbddebian: I dont know waht warty is, so I dont think so.04:37
Razor-Xnatively, rather04:37
bigfoot1BeatYou, that toolbar is only for windows.04:37
Razor-Xbigfoot1: good job04:37
Danardjm62: no, you can't run linux on fat32, so it's not common. linux can also do ntfs though04:37
=== Mr_Smiley [~smiley@CPE-144-136-186-183.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bddebianeno: "the whole OS" is a little misleading. Do you want to look at kernel source or for a particular package?04:37
dabaRBeatYou: well, I would do what I said, and then add a user, see if he can leave his directory, and thats it04:37
delltonyanyone happen to know of a good howto including a possible script that will work with ubuntu for converting dvds to xvids dvd::rip doesn't work cause ubuntu hates transcode so i'm trying mencoder with no luck help would be great04:37
Thazzanalioth,  Not my work computrs.. No permission to wipe., and the old windows users would freak. lol04:37
BeatYoubigfoot1... errr sorry04:37
bigfoot1BeatYou, and i don't want to take away more real estate from the browser.04:37
naliothdjm62: but there is a 4gb filesize limit with fat3204:37
Danarbigfoot1: uh, _from_ firefox?04:38
bigfoot1Razor-X, thank you very much!04:38
BeatYoubigfoot1, it is not a toolbar04:38
Danarbigfoot1: to what?04:38
BeatYouit runs in sysmte tray04:38
Go_pLasticanyone here use cedega?04:38
naliothThazza: www.xpde.org04:38
BeatYoubut i forgot this is #ubuntu04:38
Danarbigfoot1: and why?04:38
bigfoot1Danar, well, to epiphany and to galeon04:38
Thazzanalioth, Also i am waiting for the 30 cd's i ordered about 1 month ago.04:38
Razor-XGo_pLastic: not many do04:38
=== Mephy [~Roel@d51A42AE6.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
p8ntballer100822i know you guys are jelous of my sweet computer with awsome paintjob "sarcasm"04:38
enobddebian: sorry... I am not entirely sure... I just thought it would be cool to take a look04:38
bigfoot1danar, i switched from fx because nalioth told me of the memory leaks.04:38
Go_pLasticRazor-X, do you?04:38
naliothThazza: ah, well, when they arrive, have fun converting folks04:38
djm62Danar: I have ran linux on fat32304:38
Razor-XGo_pLastic: nopes04:38
Danarbigfoot1: i have never had a problem with it04:38
bigfoot1fx makes my pc run slow after a while. I would have to restart it every so many hours.04:38
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Razor-Xdjm62: UMSDOS, IIRC04:39
Danarbigfoot1: i leave firefox running for days at a time, sometimes. no probs04:39
Go_pLasticRazor-X, cool thanks04:39
naliothDanar: how much  ram is on your system?04:39
Danarnalioth: 51204:39
djm62Razor-X: dat de one, useful for usb-stick boots04:39
adwaitsame here04:39
bigfoot1i have 256 ram on mine.04:39
Razor-Xsame here04:39
bddebianhosler: From a terminal try this: "apt-cache dump |grep kernel-tree-2.6"04:39
enowhat is the point of the camou computer by the way?  why do people do that?  I would paint mine to be a monkey04:39
naliothDanar: bigfoot1: if your puters are much differnt, they will act differently04:39
adwaitbigfoot1: which version of ff did u havee?04:39
Razor-Xeno: dunno, whatever floats someone's boat04:39
bigfoot1so let me ask again: Gmail users, what do you use for new mail notification?04:39
Thazzanalioth, LOL.. also that link is dead.. well in german. lol04:39
dabaReno: some people play those war ganmes, and think war is cool, dunno.04:39
bigfoot1adwait, um, how do i check version of fx?04:40
naliothThazza: crap, i cant remember if its com or org04:40
Danardjm62: fat32 doesn't support permissions and things necessary for linux. i call bs. you used a VM or something?04:40
dabaRbigfoot1: a browser. personally.04:40
enoyeah I guess04:40
adwaitbigfoot1: in ff, Help>About04:40
hoslerbddebian: I did that and didnt get any output response.04:40
naliothThazza: it's a dead-ringer copy of XP linux desktop mangler04:40
bddebianhosler: Sorry, that should be "kernel-source-2.6"04:40
naliothThazza: xpde04:40
djm62Danar: it's kind of rude to "call bs".  google umsdos04:40
Thazzanalioth, .com works better04:40
djm62Danar: and this is #ubuntu, keep the attitude calm :)04:40
BeatYoubigfoot1: you can setup gmail in a pop3 client, thunderbird for example04:40
p8ntballer100822anybody need a gmail invite... lol04:40
adwait!info mozilla-firefox hoary04:40
ubotumozilla-firefox: (lightweight web browser based on Mozilla), section web, is optional. Version: 1.0.2-0ubuntu5 (hoary), Packaged size: 8581 kB, Installed size: 24100 kB04:40
naliothThazza: i am somwhat frazzled atm04:40
BeatYoup8ntballer100822, no thanks, i think 50 is enough for me04:40
Danardjm62: not rude at all. didn't sound 'coshure' to me, so i called you on it.04:41
bigfoot1adwait, i use version 1.0.204:41
hoslerbddebian: Package: kernel-source-2.6.104:41
hoslerPackage: kernel-source-2.6.904:41
hosler  Depends: kernel-source-2.6.9 (null)04:41
hosler  Depends: kernel-source-2.6 (null)04:41
hosler  Depends: kernel-source-2.6 (null)04:41
hosler  Depends: kernel-source-2.6.1 (null)04:41
Danardjm62: no attitude04:41
p8ntballer100822oh ok04:41
dabaRhow is it optional?04:41
hoslerPackage: kernel-source-2.604:41
Razor-Xsupport in this channel takes a lot out of you04:41
hosler  Depends: kernel-source-2.6 (null)04:41
Thazzanalioth,  Needing sleep?04:41
bddebianhosler: Please don't post in here :-)04:41
naliothhosler: please dont flood04:41
bigfoot1BeatYou, but i'd rather use the web version of gmail.04:41
Razor-Xhosler: please do not paste more than 3 lines of output in this channel04:41
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Thazzanalioth,  Or just a trip away.04:41
adwaitbigfoot1: hmm....well i though the mem leak was fixed by that time......<frowns>04:41
hoslerdidnt mean to04:41
bddebians/post/flood :-)04:41
naliothThazza: i've been in #ubuntu for many hours this week04:41
Razor-Xbddebian: perl or vi? or both? ;)04:41
bigfoot1BeatYou, are there any benefits of downloading one's gmail onto one's pc, rather than reading/writing on gmail.com+04:41
djm62Danar: well, I'm sure you've googled it now.  for any purpose I can think of FAT32 is common to both, but sadly crippled :-/04:41
BeatYoubigfoot1, not to me, i use the browser version as well04:42
bddebianRazor-X: Neither :-)04:42
Razor-Xdjm62: it's a tad bit worse than ext204:42
Danardjm62: yep. clever hack.04:42
bigfoot1BeatYou, so what do you use to be notified of new email?04:42
Razor-Xbddebian: then why the stereotypical usage of vi/perl regular expressions?04:42
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Thazzanalioth,  That XP clone looks good.. now if i could just work out how to run MYOB on linux.. and i could convert someone else i know.04:42
djm62Razor-X: that's why I don't use it ;)04:42
naliothbigfoot1: are you on broadband?04:42
bigfoot1what does any gmail user in this chatroom use to be notified of new email in their gmail acconut?04:42
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MidNightRaVeNdude... i can't get the backports to work... i can't get it to reload cuz i keep getting an error that it couldn't download the repository...04:42
bigfoot1nalioth, yes, i a m.04:42
p8ntballer100822Download file 63 of 470......04:42
naliothThazza: wine, or cedega04:42
BeatYoubigfoot1, i only run ubuntu for server, i run everything else (including gmail notifier) in windows04:42
bddebianRazor-X: Oh, that.. That's hangovers from the antiquated vi days.. :-)04:42
naliothMidNightRaVeN: join ##apple04:42
bigfoot1BeatYou, windows OS?04:42
Razor-Xbddebian: as I thought ;)04:43
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: what's there?04:43
Razor-Xi'm an emacs user, no s/'s for me ;)04:43
BeatYoubigfoot1: XP ?04:43
naliothbigfoot1: then it matters only to you whether you d/l your gmail or use the browser04:43
Thazzanalioth,  Good idea.. except the cost.. lol.. Commerial Business. will research and try at home.04:43
naliothMidNightRaVeN: YOU will be04:43
djm62wow, I thought it was an ed-ism04:43
bddebianHello shuziokae04:43
bigfoot1nalioth,  i don't understand.04:43
naliothThazza: site license04:43
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: i know... but why would i want to be there?04:43
dabaRcause he called you./04:44
naliothbigfoot1: if you're on dialup, you might wish to d/l your gmail to a local mail client, so u didnt have to dial up each time to check04:44
p8ntballer100822i just use the gmail website to view my mail, i setup evolution and i dont like the interface04:44
DanarThazza: cost of what?04:44
naliothMidNightRaVeN: for HELP, maybe?04:44
=== paul_ [~paul@host-142-204-9-69.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
bddebianhosler: Are you sure you aren't running Warty?04:44
hoslerwhat is a sure way to check?04:44
paul_does ubuntu support pci-express graphics cards? ati04:44
dabaRtell him how to check.04:44
ThazzaDanar,  Wine to run MYIOB premier on a 6 machine network.04:44
p8ntballer100822who here watches aots on g4tv????04:44
bigfoot1here's my problem: i want to be notified of new gmail, and i do know that there's an applet for the panel. I think it's called new-mail-notification, but after google changed the url, it doesn't work anymore, that's why I'm asking any gmail user here what they use to be notified of new gmail. is there another applet made by ubuntu, gnome, or gtk, or some linux person that does this job?04:45
bddebiandabaR: I don't know in Ubuntu :-)  I used to just cat /etc/debian_version :-)04:45
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DanarThazza: then i take it you don't mean cost as in money04:45
dabaRhosler: same, anyhow, in gnome, System>About ubuntu04:45
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dabaRbddebian: same, hosler: in gnome...04:45
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Danarbigfoot1: the url isn't configurable?04:45
bddebiandabaR: Breezy is 3.1?04:45
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hoslerbddebian: im running the Hoary Hedgehog release04:46
ThazzaDanar,  Well accually i was talking about the cost of money... They are very tight people when it comes to cost. lol.  Should have been how hard it was to convice them to purchase legal copies.04:46
whyameyeI'm trying to use Kino with my firewire videocamera. I can't seem to capture the video. I get from Kino: "WARNING: raw1394 kernel module not loaded or failure to read/write /dev/raw1...04:46
DanarThazza: uh, wine is free04:46
bigfoot1danar, well, new-mail-notification applet has a special section just for gmail users. danar, could you try it on your system?04:46
bddebianhosler: That is strange, you should at least have 2.6.1004:46
Danarbigfoot1: not on gnome04:46
dabaRor even, alt+ctrl+f5 will tell you which version you have04:46
bddebianhosler: If you do "uname -i" what kernel version are you running currently?04:46
enoDoes anyone dare me to delete vmlinuz?04:47
ThazzaDanar,  Really?? Where? Last i heard it was a charge,.. Bugger you mean i have been looking at wrong place.04:47
bigfoot1i'm on gnome, danar, are you saying new-mail-notification (NMN) won't work in gnome?04:47
DanarThazza: uh, try apt-get install wine04:47
bddebianeno: Sure, go ahead :-)04:47
dabaReno: I dont.04:47
p8ntballer100822what is this "new mail notification applet" is this for windows  of linux????04:47
Danarbigfoot1: _i'm_ not on gnome04:47
bddebianeno: Or better yet "rm -rf /"04:47
Danarbigfoot1: i'm not even on ubuntu04:47
enowhat does rm -rf do?04:47
=== Aerebus [~nexus@cpe-66-25-33-72.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1p8ntballer100822, for linux04:47
naliothThazza: cedega-cvs is free04:47
hoslerbddebian: 2.6.10-5-38604:47
enodo I need the "/"?04:47
naliothThazza: i'd pay for it, tho for the support04:48
Danareno: heh. i hope you're joking04:48
p8ntballer100822bigfoot1: where can i download it04:48
bigfoot1p8ntballer100822, what do you mean "windows _of_ linux"? did you mean "or"04:48
=== DonLbrb is now known as DonL
enoyes... you called my bluff04:48
AerebusWhats the mp3 player of choice around here?04:48
bddebianhosler: Then you have to be able to get the source.04:48
ThazzaDanar,  www.winehq.com ? Oh bugger i have been as well.04:48
p8ntballer100822bigfoot1: i meant or04:48
Danareno: :)04:48
=== Moppin [~Moppin@d14-69-103-39.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
hoslerbddebian: I looked all over synaptic. Can i get it off of the ubuntu website?04:48
ThazzaDanar,  Will take a look later.. about to go out for pool, and drinks with a mate04:48
bddebianeno: rm is remove -r means recursive, -f means force. / means from the root directory :-)04:48
seth_kAerebus: for Gnome, muine or rhythmbox. for KDE, Amarok. Those are all iTunes-like. For either, beep-media-player (Winamp clone)04:48
whyameyeanybody out there using a videocamera with firewire on ubuntu?04:48
Razor-Xhosler: what're you looking for?04:48
bddebianhosler: Have you done an update?04:49
dabaRrm is delete, -r means recursive, so delete any subfolders and everything, -f forces deletion of read only and protected files, / is your root. So, in translation, you would force recursive delete of anything under root.04:49
Razor-Xbddebian: also known as the 'noob virus'04:49
DanarThazza: try "apt-get install wine" for wine. there's also cedega, which is not free, but the source is available for you to compile yourself. google cvscedega for that04:49
adwaithey, is there a way to remove an app, w/o removing all its dependencies?04:49
bddebianRazor-X: Hehe04:49
Thazzanalioth,  Will look at that one later.04:49
hoslerRazor-x: the 2.6 kernel source04:49
p8ntballer100822bigfoot1: so its for linux... can you give me the link to download04:49
hoslerbddebian: yeah04:49
dabaRfyou bddebian :)04:49
ThazzaDanar, & nalioth04:49
AerebusSeth_K, i heard about xmms from a guy at work is that one no good?04:49
Razor-Xhosler: it should be there04:49
dabaRI wrote the whole thing for nothing.04:49
bigfoot1p8ntballer100822, hold on, please. i'm searching. i forgot.04:49
adwaithey, is there a way to remove an app, w/o removing all its dependencies?04:49
ThazzaDanar, & nalioth : Grr.. Sorry.. Was going to say.. Thanks guys.. :D04:49
seth_kAerebus: beep-media-player is an updated xmms, and is better04:49
djm62Aerebus: xmms is getting outdated04:49
dabaRI mean, not f you in a bad way, just I wish you a good night, with girls...04:49
=== sunrex [~sunrex@c-67-183-46-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bddebiandabaR: ??04:49
p8ntballer100822bigfoot1: ok04:49
sunrexhow do i get my CD to play...04:49
enobddebian: would that actually remove my root directory?  that doesn't sound like it should be possible04:50
bddebiandabaR: :-)04:50
p8ntballer100822xmms looks and feals alot like winamp if you are familiar04:50
naliothAerebus: they are all FREE, try them all, and keep what you like04:50
DanarThazza: np :)04:50
enowhat if some bastard hacker did it to me :S04:50
dabaRit would delete everything on your system04:50
bddebianeno: That would pretty much remove everything on your diesk04:50
bddebiandisk even04:50
dabaRha, this time I beat you.04:50
DanarThazza: just remember cvscedega. cedega is better for games04:50
naliotheno: make sure you know what you are putting "sudo" in front of04:50
p8ntballer100822Downloading file 105 of 47004:50
enoso would the system still boot or just go to grub?04:50
sunrexno sound....no cd working...how do i fix this04:50
naliotheno: cuz one press of the <enter> can wipe your system04:50
DanarThazza: wine is better for general apps04:51
enonalioth: :P04:51
=== ubuntu_ [~ubuntu@ool-44c48add.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRit would not boot.04:51
bigfoot1one thing i liked about fx was the quick search in url bar. For example, if i typed "g ubuntu", it does a search in google.com for ubuntu. i wonder if we can get this feauture onto epihpany or galeon04:51
ThazzaDanar, tar.. not that the office running myob will need to play games. so wine is probaly better04:51
ubuntu_hello people!04:51
djm62being in this room makes me think that a shop offering free everything would last a long time before running out04:51
DanarThazza: doesn't hurt to get both04:51
dabaRwell, if you had another partition, that was not mounted when you rm, and has an os there, I think it would even boot.04:51
dabaRubuntu_: yo!04:51
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dabaRdjm62: your logic is flawwed:)04:52
DanarThazza: there's a script out there to download, compile & install cvscedega for you. look for that if you get it. wine should be in the repository04:52
naliothbigfoot1: galeon has that04:52
dabaRDanar: he is gone04:52
bigfoot1nalioth, thanks.04:52
ubuntu_I am new to ubuntu, don't ignore me please!04:52
bigfoot1ubuntu_ hello.04:52
dabaRubuntu_: I said yo!04:52
naliothubuntu_: how may we help you?04:52
mephistoI'm super green with linux/ubuntu. how do install software that I download?04:53
Danarubuntu_: you haven't said much :p04:53
dabaRhow may we assist you on this fine day.04:53
ubuntu_don't really need help, just excited :)04:53
djm62dabaR: I was joking...but I bet people's natural suspicion would really come into play04:53
=== Arrogance [~aks@ottawa-hs-209-217-83-109.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRmephisto: you should install using apt-get not download...04:53
djm62ubuntu_: welcome :)04:53
Danarmephisto: easiest way to install software is via synaptic04:53
dabaRdjm62: ah, yes, tru.04:53
Danarmephisto: or in the terminal with apt-get04:53
naliothmephisto: you should use synaptic for installing04:53
dabaRor synaptic, yes, better for new users.04:53
ubuntu_i have being using mandrake, it works great for me. I am runing live ubuntu right now.04:53
rahmat] p;04:54
mephistoso I could do sudo apt-get, for example?04:54
dabaRhey rahmat .04:54
bddebianapt-get ROCKS04:54
=== wasabi [~wasabi@c-67-174-81-195.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mephistowhy synaptic over apt-get?04:54
Danarmephisto: yes04:54
bddebianHello rahmat04:54
nalioths_dogmephisto: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3804:54
djm62mephisto: nicer interface04:54
nalioths_dogmephisto: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto04:54
=== hajiki [~matt@cpe-66-27-221-26.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
IceDC571i like aptitude myself04:54
dabaRmephisto: synaptic is a GUI program,04:54
naliothmephisto: synaptic is a frontend for apt-get04:54
Danarmephisto: it provides a graphical interface and automation for apt-get04:54
ArroganceI'm getting MD5sum mistaches in 11 files when dist-upgrade Hoary.  Is this a general issue or just me?04:54
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bddebianrahmat: Just saying hello04:54
enohow can I switch to /proc/cpuinfo?04:54
djm62mephisto: if somebody tells you an apt-get command, you can mentally convert it into synaptic clicks04:54
Razor-Xok, i'm off to try and install emms04:54
enoI want to see it!04:55
bddebianeno: Switch to?04:55
whyameyeno one out there knows anything about 1394 with ubuntu, huh?04:55
enowith cd!04:55
hajikimy laptop keeps turning off the screen every few minutes (im on battery) how can i turn that feature off? (i've already disabled it from the screensaver applet)04:55
bddebianeno: "cat /proc/cpuinfo"04:55
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adwaithow do i search for a song in beep-media-player?04:55
ubuntu_with dvd04:55
dabaRArrogance: I think you have us. in front of packages.ubuntu.com or whatever it is in sources.list04:55
hoslerAnyone here use winetools?04:55
ArrogancedabaR, yes04:55
dabaRremove, try again.04:55
Arrogancethat's bad?04:55
AerebusSeth_K, do i need to make a directory for rhythmbox? or will it make its own? i've never installed software in linuxbefore04:55
=== Go_pLastic [~lumberjac@65-194-31-213.block4.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1p8ntballer100822, found it. it's called mail-notification. it's in the repository.04:55
dabaRAerebus: it will do its thing.04:55
enothanks again bddebian04:55
seth_kAerebus: just go to Synaptic and search for it04:55
djm62Aerebus: rhythmbox will take care of itself04:55
adwaitsomebody?anybody? how do i search a song in beep-media-player?04:56
seth_kAerebus: it'll do everything by itself04:56
Go_pLasticmy oss and asla sound fails in p2p but it works in beep mp, im not too good with alsa so im not sure what i can do04:56
dabaRall software goes in the same folder in linux, some part of it in one o\folder, other parts in other folders,04:56
Go_pLastici have a creative live! ls04:56
mephistogonna try this stuff out.......will keep ya'll posted: djm62, Danar, nalioth, dabaR, nalioths_dog04:56
enobddebian: that's rules!04:56
bddebianeno: NP04:56
Go_pLasticadwait, j04:56
bddebianadwait: Dunno sorry04:56
dabaRadwait: how do you search for it...04:56
Go_pLasticadwait, j is the hotkey j=jimp04:56
Danarmephisto: poke around the ubuntu sites. lots of useful info there04:56
Go_pLasticadwait, jump lol04:56
AerebusSeth, its not in Synaptic04:56
hoslerWhen I use esddsp for programs who dont have esound capabilities the sound is delayed about 3 seconds. Is there anyway to fix this?04:56
ArrogancedabaR, that fixed it.  Thanks04:57
bigfoot1eno, what are you talking about "just rules"?04:57
bddebianhosler: Did you find the source?04:57
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bddebiannalioth: Not here man04:57
enothe cpu info thing is great04:57
enoIt is exciting04:57
hoslerbddebian: nope :(04:57
dabaRyes, very exciting04:57
p8ntballer100822bigfoot1: thanks :)04:57
DonLThanks for the heads up on beep. Downloading it now.04:57
DonLNight for now04:57
hajikihow do i disable m screen from turning off every few minutes04:57
naliothbddebian: was tryin to catch mephisto to warn against the 'guide04:57
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mephisto6Danar: working on it....................04:57
bigfoot1p8ntballer100822, then after installing, it's at menu-->system-->preferences-->mail notification.04:58
dabaRhajiki: why, like a screen saver thing?04:58
AerebusSeth_K, ok i clicked on search and found the file, what button do i press next?04:58
naliothmephisto6: you still here?04:58
bddebiannalioth: Ahh04:58
hajikidabaR, my screen keeps going blank, i turned off apm from the screen saver applet but it still keeps turning off04:58
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seth_kAerebus: check its box, then hit apply04:58
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p8ntballer100822bigfoot1: where is it... you mean synaptic pakage manager.... right?04:58
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bigfoot1p8ntballer100822, yes04:59
dabaRapm=power management?04:59
bddebianHeya seth_k04:59
bigfoot1p8ntballer100822,do a search for "mail-notification"04:59
seth_khiya bddebian04:59
p8ntballer100822bigfoot1: ok ill install it later im downloading a bunch of stuff there now04:59
djm62dabaR: acpi is more common these days04:59
seth_kbddebian: whatcha doing to get ready for next cc meeting?04:59
hajikimy laptop does not have apm, it's acpi04:59
dabaRhajiki: are you using gnome?04:59
bddebianseth_k: I took a shower.. ;-P04:59
djm62dabaR: but apm is power management too04:59
hajikiyes i'm using gnome05:00
dabaRhe said apm/05:00
dougskhajiki, take a look at zxcreensaver-demo and see if your setting the screen to blank System->preferences->Screensaver05:00
dabaRthen, you tried in the System>prefs>Screen saver window?05:00
Go_pLasticwhere is the alsa config file?05:00
hoslerWhen I use esddsp for programs who dont have esound capabilities the sound is delayed about 3 seconds. Is there anyway to fix this?05:00
seth_kthat is an important step bddebian05:00
AerebusSeth_K, i dont think were on the same page sorry, i downloaded the sources from the website http://www.gnome.org/projects/rhythmbox/download.html now i opened synaptic and clicked on search and it found rhythmbox-0.8.8.tar.gz what do i need to do?05:00
bddebianseth_k: Well I've been trying to help in here, though I'm not sure I am helping any. :-)  I also packaged python-pyrtf but I am getting some weird lintian error05:01
bigfoot1galeon users: how can we put two toolbars onto the same horizontal area?05:01
naliothseth_k: yes, to keep the other cc members from falling off their stools05:01
seth_knalioth: indeed05:01
Go_pLasticwhere is the alsa config file?05:01
seth_kAerebus: you don't need to download anything manually05:01
seth_kAerebus: synaptic will do it all for you, just check the box for rhythmbox and hit apply05:01
bddebianYou two wouldn't think that was funny if you could smell my feet right now.. ;-P05:01
regeyagah.  okay, no lectures about mp3s, please; in rhythmbox, I'm having artists and albums show up, but tracks never show up in the playlist, and rhythmbox is unable to play the mp3s.  gstreamer-mad is installed, and totem is able to play mp3s...hm...wait...05:01
AerebusWhere is it at?05:01
naliothbddebian: please be civil05:01
seth_kregeya: libmad005:02
regeyaam I thinking right that totem should be able to read tags, even on evil ol' mp3s...05:02
bddebiandabaR: Did you get that /msg?05:02
adwaitGo_pLastic: i dunno.......but maybe try /etc/alsa/05:02
dabaRbddebian: irssi, dont know how to see.05:02
dabaRIll try. brb05:02
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bigfoot1p8ntballer100822, by the way it's in universe repository.05:02
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djm62Aerebus: it should appear in your menu05:02
p8ntballer100822bah..... downloading file 173 of 470 cant wait until everything is installed and downloading05:02
hajikidougsk, i had not seen that option before (guess i'm blind). thank you05:02
p8ntballer100822bigfoot1: ok05:02
dabaRbddebian: what are you talking about?05:02
kaputwhat's the best way to contact backport maintainers?05:02
naliothdabaR: on your blue bar at the bottom you should see some numbers on the right side05:02
dougskhajiki, no worries, at least it's simple enough I can help05:03
bigfoot1p8ntballer100822, done?05:03
dabaRkaput: ubuntuforums05:03
bddebiandabaR: I sent you a private /msg05:03
dabaRbddebian: yes, I read it.05:03
bigfoot1p8ntballer100822, all right!05:03
dabaRplease repeat it here in the channel.05:03
bddebiandabaR: Oh05:03
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regeyaseth_k: right, that would be /usr/lib/libmad.so.0.2.105:03
adwaitregeya: try gstreamer-properties05:03
bddebiandabaR: It is not for all eyes :-)05:03
kaputdabaR: i figured so...i tried reporting a bug there, but can't seem to get a response...05:03
linuxpoetIs there any Vampire packages out there in the Ubuntu-verse?05:03
dabaRbddebian: then it is a lie.:)05:03
adwaitregeya: set it to use ALSA/ESD05:03
p8ntballer100822bigfoot1: done...? with what?05:03
bddebiandabaR: Bah05:03
bigfoot1p8ntballer100822, you said "downloaded"05:03
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regeyaset for alsa05:04
naliothbddebian: wow are you lying?05:04
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dabaRkaput: a contact us link on backports.ubuntuforums.org?05:04
adwaitregeya: any luck now?05:04
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kaputdabaR: looked for one, but maybe i overlooked it...i'll try again...just a sec05:04
p8ntballer100822bigfoot1: i said cant wait until<< it is downloaded05:04
AerebusSeth_K ok i found it ;p it has a green square next to it, when i click on that square the only options it pops up are mark for reinstallation, mark for removal, mark for complete removal05:04
naliothbddebian: what are you lying about?05:04
seth_kAerebus: then it's already installed05:04
dabaRnalioth: his /msg was: you seem to be helping a lot in the channel, are you interested in joining the ubuntu helper community...:-/05:04
seth_kAerebus: it's in your applications menu > multimedia > music player05:04
Aerebusits not under applications?05:05
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naliothdabaR: so are you?05:05
p8ntballer100822bigfoot1: im talking about all the files that i got from the universe though, not the mail notifer05:05
adwaitseth_k same thing05:05
dabaRAerebus: it is isntalled with ubuntu05:05
dabaRrhytmbox is.05:05
regeyaadwait...let me try again...gstreamer seems to be able to play mp3s.  the artists and albums show up in rhythmbox.  I can play the mp3s in totem.  but they never show up in the playlist in rhythmbox when I import 'em and rhythmbox bravely refuses to play them.  but it seems to be the only app so affected.05:05
adwaitAerebus: : same thing05:05
p8ntballer100822bigfoot1: i am going to download that later05:05
bddebianBah, I need a smoke05:05
dabaRnalioth: what, so he is not just talking nonsense?05:05
hoslerhas anyone gotten visual studio 6.0 to work with wine yet?05:05
=== tsunammis is away: Occup
p8ntballer100822hey everybody im leaving.....05:05
seth_kadwait: sorry :/05:05
dabaRsee ya05:05
bddebianDo I seem unreliable or something? :-)05:06
bddebianGnight dabaR05:06
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kaputdabaR: k...found a mailto: ... thanks. :)05:06
=== dabaR goes to do laundry
adwaitregeya: i believe totem doesnt use gstreamer.......so the prob should be in gstreamer, try setting gstreamer to use ESD/ALSA/OSS with gstreamer-properties and one of them should work05:06
regeyasee ya05:06
AerebusSeth_K "no plugin installed to handle a mp305:06
squinnFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/powermanagement-interface/powermanagement-interface_0.3.2_i386.deb  Connection failed05:06
squinnhere we go again05:06
hajikior something05:06
seth_kAerebus: gstreamer0.8-mad i think05:06
uboturegeya: I don't know, could you explain it?05:06
mephisto6nalioth: still here. did the apt-get from ubuntu wiki. went well. have to check on installed repositories05:06
dabaRsquinn: remove us.05:07
Lordi have only used linux for a short time but am thinking of going to Ubuntu... is it easy for a new user?05:07
BeatYouerr how do i view a README.gz - comes up scrambled in nano05:07
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=== jocco is now known as BeefTube
seth_kLord: Ubuntu is quite easy05:07
NefarousIs there a preferred way to tune which services get started at boot? (i.e. I see messages for LVM and Raid that I assume I don't need)05:07
adwaitLord: yes05:07
dabaRAerebus: sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.8-*05:07
dabaRand enable universe first05:07
naliothmephisto6: yes, stay away from ubuntuguide (not all ubuntu sites are friendly)05:07
seth_kBeatYou: zcat Readme.gz | less05:07
ubotu[repositories]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto05:07
squinndabaR, I know what to do. It's just an "uhhhh..."05:07
dabaRthat page will tell you how.05:07
BeatYouseth_k thanks05:07
BeefTubeSuccess!! ubuntu works on my big fat 64bit system now 8)05:07
BeefTubeis there ati drivers automaticaly installed with AMD64 hoary?05:08
dabaRsquinn: ah.05:08
squinndabaR, I'm just copying and pasting.05:08
djm62Lord: this isn't a very neutral room to ask ;) but ubuntu is great05:08
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AerebusSeth, do i need to relogin to X?05:08
regeyadid hoary switch to totem-xine by default, or is adwait wrong?05:08
pink-noobHi! :D Is there any way to change the GTK1 theme?05:09
ubotusomebody said wireless was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards05:09
mephisto6nalioth: noted......05:09
LordThank you... tried Xandros and like it... but have heard about Ubuntu and want to try it.05:09
adwaitregeya: hmm....no answer, but in all likelyhood i might be wrong :)05:09
bigfoot1hey guys, ubuntu repository has only version 1.01 of mail-notification, but there is a more recent version at http://packages.qa.debian.org/m/mail-notification.html. How do i download this updated version. THank you for helping a newbie!05:10
NefarousJust got my wireless card working, WG511 ... using ndiswrapper ... didn't have to compile any source either, used the drivers off the CD that came with the card <nifty>05:10
adwait!info totem hoary05:10
djm62Lord: will cost you pennies, and the community is generally good05:10
ubotutotem: (A simple media player for the Gnome desktop (dummy package)), section gnome, is optional. Version: 1.0.1-0ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 7 kB, Installed size: 36 kB05:10
cccLord: i've tried a bunch too... ubuntu is the best i've seen so far.05:10
Lordi see it is certainly very active :-)05:10
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djm62bigfoot1: while you can get the latest version, there are significant advantages to sticking to standard packages05:10
dabaRbigfoot1: I would go with the older version, why do you need the new one? try the older one first.05:10
x55i hate to simply throw a question in here, but could someone direct me to a good thread on enablind dual monitor on a radeon series card?05:10
ubotuit has been said that nvidia is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto05:11
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regeyaadwait: I remember in warty ubuntu-desktop depended on totem-gstreamer.  looks like they have a proper dummy package now.  good.05:11
bigfoot1dabaR, i'm hoping the newer versions will allow me to check my gmail account.05:11
dabaRx55: try that url05:11
x55it saddens me so to see a blank monitor staring at me on my desk05:11
dabaRbigfoot1: the old one does not?05:11
x55thank you05:11
bigfoot1dabaR, well it crashes on me  when i set up gmail on it.05:11
mephisto6nalioth: here's how I ended after apt-get: Fetched 3226kB in 27s (119kB/s)Reading package lists... Done. How do I find this stuff?05:12
bigfoot1dabaR, are you a gmailer yourself?05:12
dabaRbigfoot1: did you notice how nice gnmail is to tell you in the tab, and title bar if new messages are there?05:12
naliothmephisto6: use synaptic05:12
dabaRmephisto6: what did you install?05:12
bigfoot1dabaR, yes, but i want an audible thing, if possible, or something that will pop up05:12
adwaitregeya: so any luck with rhythmbox?05:12
regeyanot really, no. :-}05:13
x55so how long has the ubuntu project been running now?05:13
dabaRbigfoot1: ya, I know what you mean, dunno, sorry.05:13
naliothdabaR: have you seen your PM(s)?05:13
dabaRsince 4/10, I mean, that was the first releast.05:13
bigfoot1dabaR, are you a gmail user?05:13
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bigfoot1nalioth, are you a gmail user?05:13
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dabaRplease speak with me in the channel05:13
adwaithey IceDC57105:13
regeyaI wonder if rhythmbox is barfing on a bad id3 tag or something05:13
dabaRyes, I am.05:13
bddebianHoly crap, it's 11:15pm already.. :-(05:13
IceDC571_adwait: hey05:13
dabaRto you.05:13
IceDC571_wiat a minute05:13
naliothx55: there is lots of info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com05:13
=== overture [overture@c-67-162-35-153.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
IceDC571so there i am05:14
IceDC571i found the window :)05:14
overturecan anyone help me setup an rsync server?05:14
dabaRwhat is it nalioth, there is really a helper community?05:14
=== Aerebus [~nexus@cpe-66-25-33-72.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
AerebusSeth_K, i'm still getting there is no codec installed to handle a mp3 file05:14
redxhas anyone else had problems getting the password function in /boot/grub/menu.lst05:14
dabaRAerebus: one more time.05:14
naliothdabaR: visit the page, please05:14
x55so i'm fresh out of windows, still wiping off the linux amniotic fluid, hehehe05:15
redxto work?05:15
mephisto6nalioth: dabaR: hold on, just found synaptic and am reloading......05:15
dabaRAerebus: enable universe.05:15
uboturepositories is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto05:15
Lordx55 me too05:15
naliothx55 welcome to freedom05:15
dabaRthat url will etll you.05:15
=== adwait 's gonna go........bbl
adwaitcya ppl05:15
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Aerebusdabar, i'm sorry i dont know what you mean05:15
bddebianLater adwait05:15
x55i must say, i'm very impressed with the ubuntu community05:15
naliothLord: you have escaped to freedom, also05:15
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x55very exoteric05:15
bddebianx55: Nice of you to say05:15
dabaRthen, after that, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-*05:15
dabaRAerebus: follow the instructions.05:16
djm62x55: not to mention attractive :D05:16
Lordyes....less crashing about...:-)05:16
x55hehehe, agreed05:16
dabaRenable universe using the URL ubotu gave you, then use that apt-get command to install codecs05:16
bigfoot1does galeon do mouse gestures?05:16
dabaRAerebus: as well.05:16
ubotuit has been said that restrictedformats is ""https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RestrictedFormats"", or codecs05:16
redxhas anyone gotten the password function to work in /boot/grub/menu.lst?05:16
dabaRread that page.05:16
x55think it would be beneficial to pick up a Linux for Dummies book?05:16
zenroxx55,  any linux book05:17
dabaRtldp.org too05:17
Razor-Xanyone here use erc?05:17
IceDC571hmm... you should read about linux online05:17
bddebianRazor-X: Not if we can help it :-)05:17
dabaRdoes anyone in here use IRC? hehe05:17
naliothx55: you can start with www.tldp.org as dabaR mentioned05:17
IceDC571haha windows for dummies05:17
Razor-Xbddebian: fine, stupid vi man ;)05:18
bigfoot1can i have galeon remember the usernames and passwords i enter in websites?05:18
mephisto6x55: I got Linux 8in1 desk reference  For Dummies...05:18
IceDC571bigfoot1: you use galeon? how do you like it?05:18
x55*sigh*  quitting windows AND smoking in the same week, what a trip, hahaha05:18
bigfoot1IceDC571, i'm on my first hour.05:18
dabaRok, nalioth, top secret, making me /part again...05:18
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djm62x55: if there are magazines in your area, they can be informative and entertaining05:18
Razor-Xx55: the latter should be harder than the former05:18
IceDC571bigfoot1: can it play embedded media in webpages?05:18
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sunrexhow do i get my sound to work !?!05:19
bddebianx55: You are a bigger person than I.. :-)05:19
naliothsunrex: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary05:19
TraceHello, My sound card seems be driven successfully because teamspeak showes it is ok, but i can not hear any sound!!05:19
bddebianDarn you..05:19
bigfoot1IceDC571, give me an example webpage that hase embedded media so that i could find out, please.05:19
Tracei am sure it is not muted.05:19
redxI've tried just "Password something" at the start of /boot/grub/menu.lst which is what the websites all told me to do, as well as the examples actually in it... what am I doing wrong?05:19
bigfoot1IceDC571, what browser do you use?05:19
Tracehow can i check it?05:19
x55hehehe, well, i haven't entirely quit the smoking, i'm weening myself off05:19
dabaRsure, Ill join that.05:19
x55down to one a day, two evil addictions05:20
bigfoot1how can i have galeon block ads?05:20
Aerebusdabar, can you plz join #flood?05:20
Danarx55: might i ask why you're impressed? anything in particular?05:20
naliothbigfoot1: google "adblock hosts"05:20
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x55with the community?05:20
IceDC571bigfoot1: firefox.. i dont have an example to remember, hmm..05:20
Traceor, can anybody tell me how to check whether sound card work well?05:20
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bigfoot1anybody here use "mail-notification"05:20
bigfoot1it's an applet.05:20
Razor-Xno, not yet -_-05:21
x55i've been surfing the forums for the past 4 days, its almost got me to where i was on windows, thats why i am impressed, very informative you all are05:21
bigfoot1x55, thank you.05:21
bigfoot1x55, please stop flattering me 8-)05:21
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Danarx55: any weak points?05:22
=== rob^ shakes his fist at lufs
redxI've tried to add a password to grub, but it just skips it at start up... does anyone know why it does that?05:22
IceDC571im tempted to install kde, someone help me05:22
x55hahaha, i'll stop, after all, i still gotta get some 3d support and dual monitor going, we shall see05:22
IceDC571i'm too bored with gnome and xfce05:22
sunrexnope...no sound.....i think its my sound card...Sound Blaster LIVE! 24bit05:22
bddebianIceDC571: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" :-)05:22
naliothIceDC571: easy, install "kubuntu-desktop"05:22
djm62IceDC571: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:22
IceDC571sunrex: yep, you have to install the LATEST alsa drivers05:22
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IceDC571no i mean help me get away from thinking of installing kde05:23
x55the ati driver howto's look a bit intimidating, i should dig into them when i'm a little more alert05:23
sunrexIceDC571: really were?05:23
dabaRwhy the stupid time obligation, though, nalioth ?05:23
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dabaRI dont like obligations.05:23
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dabaRwhy is it not like, just whatever you can do...05:23
naliothdabaR: i didnt set that, and it is a suggestion05:23
malakhiIceDC571: don't do that. nothing works right in KDE. And you can never find the damn options to fix it so that it does work right.05:23
punkrockguy318What backup programs does ubuntu have available? Or what scripts can I use to backup my system to a disk?05:23
linuxpoetI am having a problem installing python apps from source (python setup.py install)05:23
naliothdabaR: yes, just what you can do, in irc, the wiki, forums, etc05:23
linuxpoetIt says I am missing config/Makefile05:24
linuxpoetIn the redhat world05:24
bddebiandabaR: If you aren't interested, you aren't interested.  You don't HAVE to :-)05:24
linuxpoetthat would mean I am missing python-dev05:24
=== turkey [~turkey@pcp08778566pcs.mtlrel01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
linuxpoetWhat does it mean with Ubuntu05:24
sunrexwere do i get the drivers05:24
bddebianlinuxpoet: So install python-dev05:24
turkeyok i'm having a problem connecting to the internet with ubuntu05:24
Aerebusdabar, should i follow the part about 'Adding outside repositories'?05:24
dabaRno, thats fine, you aer good now.05:24
x55Danar:  i haven't found anything worth complaining about05:25
turkeycan someone PLEASE help me05:25
bddebianturkey: What is the problem?05:25
dabaRgo into a terminal, and type in sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-*05:25
linuxpoetthanks for the obvious ;) that worked05:25
dabaRturkey: tell more about the devices, and ISP.05:25
bddebianlinuxpoet: NP :-)05:25
golgorcan anyone tell me how to get root in gnome?05:25
linuxpoetthen sudo05:25
dabaRsunrex: did you say which drivers?05:25
ubotuI guess root is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo05:25
golgori want to get root in the graphical interface05:26
golgornot in the terminal05:26
Danari've been poking around in beep media player, and i don't see any advantages over xmms. i prefer xmms, and i see no reason to switch...05:26
dabaRgolgor, I think still the site tells you.05:26
sunrexyea Sound Blaster LIBR! 24 bit..do i go to the website...or do i need special drivers from ubuntu?05:26
djm62golgor: I don't think gnome supports that05:26
dabaRit does.05:26
Danaryet apparently it's better somehow?05:26
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dabaRI know exactly where in fact.05:26
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dabaRgolgor: why be root?05:27
dabaRin gui?05:27
Danargolgor: no you don't05:27
x55you know i hated winamp 3 on windows, and it seems thats the only release for linux, does anyone use winamp over xmms?  honestly, i just miss my shoutcast TV05:27
golgordabaR, have to move some files and im to lazy to use the terminal05:27
dabaRok, well disable it after, tho.05:27
Aerebusdabar, i redid apt-get install and there are three linesyou might want to see, notice or msg them to you?05:27
Danargolgor: never log in as root if you can help it. use sudo in the terminal05:27
sunrex..were do i get the drivers......05:28
dabaRgolgor: System>Admin>Login screen setup.05:28
Danargolgor: it's not a good idea to run gui apps as root05:28
golgorDanar, i have to move 2 files05:28
dabaRjust disable after, tho, promise./05:28
Danargolgor: so 'mv source destination'05:28
naliothgolgor: using gui apps as root is bad, cuz some gui apps will ravage your system05:28
dabaRAerebus: did it install?05:28
Danargolgor: er, 'sudo mv source dest'05:28
djm62golgor: you realise you've spent longer in here talking about those two files than you would have moving them?05:28
Aerebus0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:28
AerebusNeed to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.05:28
Danardjm62: hah! :D05:28
golgordjm62, no i haven't, because i dont even know the command to move :P05:29
dabaRfor sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-*?05:29
Aerebus0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:29
AerebusNeed to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.05:29
sunrexhow do i get back the trash can...deleted it from the desktop...05:29
Danargolgor: well, it's "mv"05:29
golgorDanar, thanks :P05:29
dabaRright click on a panel, add to panel, trash.05:29
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djm62golgor: the command is mv.   used "mv start destination"05:29
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sunrexbut were do i get trash at...05:30
Danargolgor: you should look up a list of basic commands. you should at least know ls, mv, rm, mkdir, rmdir, sudo, man, grep, and so on05:30
dabaRoh from desktop?05:30
dabaRor from panel?05:30
dabaRat least grep, hey?05:30
sunrexi deleted it from desktop05:30
sunrexso were do i find it05:30
golgorDanar, haven't found any list of basic commands, haven't searched either05:30
dabaRok, well, that is a little different.05:30
dabaRjust a sec05:30
DanardabaR: of course. it's very useful05:31
Danargolgor: well how do you expect to find one without looking?05:31
dabaRgo apps>System tools>configuration editor, sunrex05:31
bigfoot1razor-x, please try mail-notification. I am able to get the applet to check my non-Gmail account, but it can't check my gmail account.05:31
Tracehello, when i used alsamixer, master and pcm is always 0, i can't up it, can anybody help me?05:31
Danargolgor: google.com/linux?q=~guide05:31
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gm78Hey all05:32
bddebianHello gm7805:32
djm62golgor: it's a linux thing...knowing the underlying base is occasionally useful.  if you're in the UK I can stick a reference card in an envelope05:32
Danarso no one knows any advantages of beep over xmms?05:32
djm62Danar: gtk versions are different, I think05:32
dabaRsunrex: then, go Apps>nautilus>desktop, its there.05:32
IceDC571Danar: beep is gtk205:32
naliothDanar: gtk2 over gtk1 (and some minor fixes)05:32
djm62Danar: and xmms is less maintained05:32
Danardjm62: does xmms _need_ to be maintained more? it plays all the audio i've put into it05:33
bigfoot1http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=228724&postcount=3 talks about a gDesklets gmail checker. WHere can i get this gDesklet?05:33
dabaRya, I like xmms better, dunno, just more reliable.05:33
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cccxmms looks like 199105:33
IceDC571Danar: they're working on xmms2 which is based on gtk205:33
dabaRwho is sending me messages all the time?05:33
Danari like the look of xmms better. yes i got some skins for beep, but none quite like what i want05:33
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dabaRccc: true:)05:33
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DanarIceDC571: sounds good :)05:33
dashxHi guys, I have a question.05:33
sunrexthanks i got it now05:33
pink-noobDoes anyone know if there is an ape and flac plugin for beep?05:34
djm62Danar: if it gets bit-rot, it won't be cleaned...it's likely to get worse, even if it's ok now05:34
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dabaRpink-noob: synaptic might know that.05:34
x55so i realize it would be worthwhile and educational to establish an ftp server through the terminal, but is there a good gui ftp program one could use to establish an ftp server?05:34
IceDC571pink-noob: i've found that the only flac plugin working is the one for xmms105:34
Danardjm62: sorry?05:34
dashxI recently decided to use Ubuntu for a server box. I installed Ubuntu using "server" instead of regular install. How come it never asks me to assign a root password?05:34
dabaRestablishing an ftp server is as easy as installing it05:34
bddebiandashx: Fire away, we'll answer if we can05:34
pink-noobThanks, IceDC571.05:34
bddebiandashx: Ubuntu doesn't have root05:34
ubotuit has been said that root is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo05:34
dabaRdashx that url will tell you .05:35
djm62Danar: for instance, if it stops playing nicely with a gcc update05:35
dabaRalso the insatll told you.05:35
dashxthe install never told me.05:35
Danarx55: check out vsftpd & pureftpd05:35
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dabaRx55: yes, then, after that, you can connect to it using a GUI client, such as gftp05:35
x55i have them both, but the prompt still frightens my gui-lovin-ass05:35
dashxThanks for the help guys.05:35
Danardjm62: that would only affect it if  you recompiled it05:35
dabaRyou can not have two ft servers installed, so you dont.05:35
Aerebusdabar, ok i reran apt-get install and i see what it put out and there are 3 lines that might mean soemthing i dont know personally but here they are: No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed. 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used. ... what do i do now?05:35
x55hehehe, pardon the language05:35
djm62Danar: if it works, great...you are free to use whatever you like.  but there are reasons not to05:36
naliothx55 the prompt is your friend, it'll be with you after your gui says goodbye05:36
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dabaRwhat was the apt-get install command Aerebus ?05:36
sunrexok...now were do i get a driver update for Sound Blaster LIVE! 24 bit05:36
djm62Danar: binary incompatibility happens too, if you give it long enough05:36
sunrexi need to update it05:36
dabaRexadctly as you wrote it.05:36
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x55i know, but as i said, i'm an addict to the intuitive little boxes05:36
sunrexcouse it has NO sound05:36
Aerebussudo aptitude install gstreamer0.8-*05:36
dabaRsudo apt-get install that05:36
Danardjm62: well if xmms2 is in the works i shouldn't have to worry05:36
dabaRaptitude is stupid like that(I dont know how to use it, anyhow)05:36
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x55microsoft deeply implanted its vile seed within me, hahaha05:37
Aerebussorry i said apt-get didnt i? lol well i'm new to all of this hehe05:37
youthsomeone said to me before that it is possible to get Photoshop 7.0 on here, but I need ..WINE, is this right?05:37
DanarAerebus: that's slight overkill, don't you think?05:37
dabaRsunrex: it is not the driver, some other things are worng with it.05:37
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sunrexall i want to know is HOW TO GET MY SOUND TO WORK lol05:37
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mephisto6Any predictions on how ubuntu would work on an "antique" toshiba laptop? 810 MB HD, PII Processor 16 MB RAM, bum CD ROM05:37
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djm62Danar: nobody told you to worry: you did ask what was wrong with just using xmms.  there's a lot right with it, but you didn't ask that ;)05:37
naliothmephisto6: slowly and with a lightweight or no gui05:37
sunrexdabaR: well what can i do to fix it?05:37
djm62mephisto6: you would need to strip it down quite a lot05:38
dabaRyou wrote the command different, so, did you do sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-*, or aptitude?05:38
Danaryouth: probably. wine is used to run windows apps on linux. there's also cedega which is oriented towards games. it's free if you compile it yourself. search cvscedega. wine should be in the repository05:38
newbiemephisto6 try damn small linux better05:38
dabaRsunrex: you can ask crimsun for help when he is here.05:38
Aerebussudo aptitude install gstreamer0.8-*05:38
ultrahexhas anyone got Ventrilo to output on Linux?05:38
Aerebusthats what i used05:38
youthOoh. I already started wine lol05:38
Danardjm62: i know. ;)05:38
dabaRok, please do the apt-get instead, that will work.05:38
djm62mephisto6: it would take some skill to get ubuntu to be nice on that hardware05:38
naliothmephisto6: i recommend the server install of ubuntu on the lappy05:38
youthI just wanted to know if that would help me05:38
sunrexwell i got vidio to run...so at least i know that works =/05:38
Aerebussudo apt-get  install gstreamer0.8-*  ?05:38
naliothmephisto6: at that poing you can learn what kind of gui to put on it05:38
mephisto6nalioth: djm62: newbie: I was thinkin' dmsl. Will probably fix the cdrom to make it somewhat easier...05:39
dabaRyes, Aerebus ,05:39
Danaryouth: no reason not to have both. sometimes one will run something the other doesn't05:39
sunrexbrb all05:39
Aerebusok its doing its thing05:39
youthDanar; OKay. Thank you :D05:39
dabaRaptitude does not work with the asterisks that way, I did not read the manual to learn how to do that.05:39
naliothmephisto6: dsl is very screwed, as far as upgradeablity goes05:39
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Danaryouth: wine is more for general apps, cedega for games05:39
mephisto6nalioth: *laughs* server. maybe wifi backpack to go with?05:39
naliothmephisto6: dsl is put together for compact size, not user upgradeability05:39
mephisto6nalioth: knoppix to test the waters, perhaps?05:39
youthDanar; Oooh. I don't play games so I won't worry about cedega.05:40
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djm62mephisto6: liveCDs like memory05:40
naliothmephisto6: how bout ubuntu live cd?05:40
Moppinnalioth, I agree, DSL HDD is a pain to upgrade05:40
dabaRx55: really, I am telling you, for an ftp server, just run sudo aptitude install proftpd(or whatever else you want05:40
youthDanar; but my mom does get on here to play games on line.. games.com or whatever, and they won't play, do you know what I need to do to get them to?05:40
mephisto6nalioth: 810 mb hd sounds compact. think?05:40
Danaryouth: nonetheless, some general windows apps are more graphical, and will only work in cedega05:40
dabaRand then after that, dont touch the server, just sonnect to it using gui clients.05:40
Danaryouth: the ones that play in the browser?05:40
ultrahexVentrilo.... any able to make it output or do i need to install anything ?05:40
youthdanar; yes05:40
djm62mephisto6: there are floppy distros (even with graphics)05:40
Danaryouth: get the flash & java plugins05:40
dabaRyouth: java likely.05:40
mephisto6nalioth: djm62: will have to replace internal cdrom first05:40
Danaryouth: you use firefox right?05:40
Aerebusdabar, it says E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?05:40
DanardabaR: both, likely05:41
youthdanar; yeah.05:41
naliothmephisto6: here you go: www.linuxfromscratch.org05:41
Danaryouth: yeh, there's a plugins faq on mozdev.org05:41
djm62mephisto6: the last time I saw a laptop that light running linux it was being used as a graphic equaliser with blackbox at a gig05:41
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youthdanar; thank you! i'll go check that out. and i'll probably be backl ol05:41
Danaryouth: google firefox plugins, and you should find it05:41
youthk :D!05:41
dabaRwow, Aerebus do sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list, and replace everything there with what is here: http://www.mts.net/~danb/sources.list05:41
mephisto6nalioth: I looked at that sight. Will take many moons at my skill level. but worth the experience methinks05:41
=== qt2 blinks.
Danaryouth: java can be a bit of a pain though, so pay attention :p05:41
qt2woot \o/05:41
dabaRThen, sudo aptitude update, and then the apt-get again.05:42
=== qt2 now tries to figure out how to mount his gentoo partition
youthdanar; euw :// kkz!05:42
Danaryouth: uh... huh? lol05:42
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youthdanar; nothing O_o05:42
djm62mephisto6: actually, you could get debian, and install blackbox or fluxbox, links, and emacs05:42
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dabaRqt2: do mount, find the /dev/hd** of your gentoo partition, then tell me the fs type, and the /dev/hd**05:43
dabaRmount in a terminal and enter.05:43
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mephisto6djm62:  take it easy on the noob here. baby steps for me. I'm still in process on fiddling w/ 10 old boxes I scored from work, gratis. Gonna put linux variants on 'em all that still work and see what happens.05:43
naliothmephisto6: actually it is well written05:43
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dabaRsudo fdisk -l05:43
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Aerebusdabar, itsdone05:43
Imsdle@#$@##$@ arrrggg damn evolution.. it has crashed and now won't start.. it just trys to open and my hard disk goes bizerk.. any ideas?05:43
dabaRAerebus: now mp3s have to play.05:43
rincewyndarghhh why cant Totem Movie player play mmmoooooviieess?! *cry*05:44
mephisto6nalioth: djm62: copying and pasting recommendations as quickly as possible........Many thanks!!!!05:44
djm62nalioth: would he be as well doing a really basic debian install?05:44
naliothdjm62: on the small laptop? probably05:44
dabaRrincewynd: what does it do, that is needed to know why it does not do what you would like it to, tell us the error message.05:44
=== carl [~carl@c-67-169-107-195.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
djm62debian is frugal by default :-/05:44
naliothmephisto6: you must be more specific, c/p where to what?05:45
mephisto6*taking notes* nalioth: djm62:05:45
Aerebusdabar, oh after sudo aptitude update i run sudo apt-get update (again)?05:45
naliothdjm62: he can use a netinst floppy debian and start from there05:45
dabaRsudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-*05:45
Danarrincewynd: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins totem-gstreamer05:45
mephisto6suggestions given from here to a plain text file to pour over later05:45
=== MrBiscuit [~chatzilla@1Cust7298.an4.dca16.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
punkrockguy318how can I get the differences between two $file commands?05:45
Danarrincewynd: do that ^ and it will work05:45
naliothdjm62: of course he'd have a system with a kernel and apt-get only, lol05:45
=== omniscient [~omni@d220-237-235-207.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
djm62nalioth: worked for me, many moons ago, although it looks like he has CD not floppy05:45
naliothmephisto6: enable logging in your irc client05:45
mephisto6nalioth: bustin' my balls for synaptic after your very own suggestion........*laughs*05:46
naliothdjm62: the netinst comes in cd and floppy images05:46
naliothmephisto6: no big thing, bubba05:46
djm62nalioth: the equation being 14 windows CDs >> 3 'Potato' floppies05:46
naliothwe are always here05:46
MrBiscuitHow do you connect using dialup with the terminal?05:46
Imsdleany ideas for evolution crashing05:46
naliothdjm62: or one mini-cd05:46
DanarImsdle: switch to thunderbird? :p05:46
DanarImsdle: reinstall?05:47
mephisto6nalioth: logging, yes. done. damn, this lernin' stuff is fun!05:47
DanarImsdle: give the error in an irc chat room?05:47
Imsdlei tried to reinstall05:47
naliothDanar: you should recommend wiping the .evolution dir first (or moving it somehwere other than your homedir, or renaming it)05:47
djm62nalioth: potato was before I had a CD drive, and that limitation was why I didn't reinstall windows (_from_floppies_)05:47
Imsdlewhat is the prefered program?05:47
Aerebusdabar, i ran sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-* --fix-missing05:47
qt2well wtf, when i try to do the 'su -' command, it asks for the password, i enter the one i gave during install, and it says it failed...05:48
Aerebusrelog into X?05:48
Danarnalioth: reinstalling shouldn't affecting anything... should it?05:48
Danarnalioth: just the binaries and stuff05:48
dabaRqt2: it is disabled.05:48
=== qt2 blinks
qt2why? o.O;05:48
DanarImsdle: for email?05:48
naliothDanar: Imsdle try renaming your .evolution folder in your home directory05:48
dabaRqt2: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/rootsudo will tell you.05:48
qt2how do i use the mount command then... :o05:48
carlI have a ide/ext2 fs drive in a usb case - I turn it on, and dmesg says:  scsi: Device offlined - not ready after error recovery:05:48
Danarnalioth: oh, you mean before reinstalling. heh. haven't used evolution in a long time05:49
dabaRsudo fdisk -l please, and tell me what partition is the gentoo one. I mean, what it tells you about it, anyhow...05:49
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carlI would like to try to fsck it, but I can't figure out what /dev it is... how do I tell?05:49
naliothDanar: yes, its easier to rename the .evolution, and if that is it, he can start over with a new one05:49
=== DekaPink [~Hurricane@brndmb02dc1-222-25.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
Aerebusdabar, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-* --fix-missing did the trick thankyou its working now :)05:49
DekaPinkI'm on Ubuntu... Woohoo. :D05:49
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dabaRAerebus: good stuff, glad to hear that.05:50
mephisto6nalioth: djm62: got this error during upgrading with synaptic: W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/curl/curl_7.12.3-2ubuntu3_i386.deb05:50
mephisto6  MD5Sum mismatch05:50
mephisto6W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libg/libgii/libgii0_0.8.5-2_i386.deb05:50
mephisto6  MD5Sum mismatch05:50
mephisto6W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libg/libggi/libggi2_2.0.5-1ubuntu1_i386.deb05:50
Imsdlethere is no error.. it just sits there with the evolution window not loaded proberly trying to open somehting and my hard disk goes flat out05:50
mephisto6  MD5Sum mismatch05:50
enowhat is xwindows in relation to kde and gnome?05:50
dabaRmephisto6: remove the us. from the /etc/apt/sources.list file05:50
djm62eno: it lies underneath both05:50
enoright ;) thanks.05:50
nalioths_dogmephisto6: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto05:50
enoI am a noobie by the way05:50
nalioths_dogmephisto6: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3805:50
djm62eno: it is the blackboard, they are the diagrams05:50
mephisto6dabaR: thanks. am trying..............05:51
naliothmephisto6: follow the dogs leads05:51
Danareno: xwindows provides graphical type stuff. kde & gnome do window management05:51
dabaRwhats with the dog, nalioth?:)05:51
Danareno: that's why they're called window managers :p05:51
bigfoot1i'm downloading a deb file. how do i install it?05:51
=== Phreakazoid [~david@c211-30-14-32.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
naliothdabaR: i'm tired of explaining the wonky repos05:51
bddebianbigfoot1: dpkg -i05:51
djm62eno: eventually you will understand why it's called a "server"...then your soul will be lost ;)05:51
enoDanar: oh thanks :P05:51
Owl^run the exe file?05:51
dabaRbigfoot1: dpkg -i package.deb, but, it may not work.05:51
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bigfoot1dabaR, why not?05:51
=== bigredjoe1310 [~root@cpe-66-25-53-41.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRcause its not a ubuntu package.05:51
=== sunrex [~sunrex@c-67-183-46-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Danareno: if in doubt, check the man pages (aka, RTFM)05:52
enodmj62: you're scaring me05:52
enoso I can't ask conceptual type questions on this channel?05:52
djm62eno: it's an old, old system with some odd nooks about it, but it has lasted well05:52
IceDC571i remember the first time i used mandrake.. my mouse cursor was an X the whole time, they didnt want to change it05:52
naliotheno: ask away05:52
dabaReno: ask anything, maybe you wont get an answer, tho.05:52
Owl^and search the package for viruses05:52
bigredjoe1310i can't change my screen resolution thru the regular means, is there any way to do it in terminal05:52
bigfoot1so not all deb stuff work in ubuntu? i thought they were related?05:52
=== JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
enoI thought so.  I have found this to be the friendliest linux channel on irc05:52
=== DekaPink pets Ubuntu for being so pretty.
sunrexGREAT i dont got sound...OK I CAN LIVE WITH THAT FOR AWHILE...i put in a dvd...nothing runs accept Xine.....then when it does run it has all these weird colors....its like a fuzzy TV accept with gaps showing some of the picture..05:52
quantuxX draws the windows, kde and gnome decorate and manage them05:52
ubotufrom memory, resolution is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:53
naliothquantux: wonderful description05:53
sunrex*slaps head*05:53
djm62eno: the X server is the only application which touches the screen.  All other programs tell X what to draw05:53
enoso could I save memory if I didn't run gnome, or do I need it?05:53
IceDC571to tell you the truth.. X does nothing.. it just crashes gnome for fun05:53
Owl^big, you can chance resolution via regedit05:53
DanarOwl^: viruses? heh05:53
naliotheno: a definite savings of memory05:53
MrBiscuitUmmm im having trouble connecting via dialup. It just sits at the logging onto network window and won't do anything else05:53
naliothOwl^: regedit?05:53
dabaROwl^: what are you speaking of?05:54
=== redir [~reed@216-15-53-11.c3-0.grg-ubr2.lnh-grg.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
enoso how can I change my window manager?05:54
djm62eno: if you /just/ ran X. (and you can do this) you'd get a mouse pointer and a blank screen with grey hatching05:54
sunrexpersonaly....im just wondering if this Lunix is worth it or if i sould just go and buy one...would it be A.better for awhile or B.better in the long run..05:54
Danarsunrex: might need libdvdcss205:54
dabaRfir run the exe, then viruses, now regedit...05:54
=== stanford [~stanford@ip68-14-106-246.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
enoI have seen that before, it is infiuriating05:54
IceDC571eno: i think its a little too early for that.. whatever you do, dont change it to kde05:54
sunrexDanar: libdvdcss2?05:54
stanfordHow do I install a downloaded theme?05:54
Danareno: edit your .xinitrc file05:54
dabaR!info libdvdcss205:55
djm62eno: otherwise, when you login you can change the "session" before you put in your name and password05:55
enowhy can't I change to kde?05:55
IceDC571stanford: go to the themes dialog and just drag the package into the window05:55
Danarsunrex: it may be because the dvd is encrypted...05:55
djm62eno: and you can change to anything you like05:55
sunrexDanar oohh LOL05:55
stanfordidedc571 ok thanks05:55
Owl^well...we were speaking of the screen resolution...you can change it easili vie regedit...(just run search for screen resolution)05:55
dabaRstanford: for gnome? go check out the faqs at art.gnome.org05:55
=== johntramp [~john@222-153-249-149.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
MrBiscuitKDE is pretty :-D05:55
djm62eno: I have a soft spot for blackbox and fluxbox as window managers05:55
sunrexDanar: so were i get that05:55
enoso if I go into re-whatever mode from grub, could I intialize an X server from the root prompt?05:55
qt2dabaR, /deb/hda3       /mnt/gentoo     reiserfs        noatime                           0   105:55
naliothMrBiscuit: KDE is pretty resource hungry05:56
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dabaRqt2: :)05:56
Danarsunrex: sudo apt-get install libdvdcss205:56
MrBiscuitIt's not that bad05:56
IceDC571kde is like an ugly Qt gone for a face lift and a lot of surgery05:56
naliothMrBiscuit: not on a modern system05:56
sunrexDanar: thanks, ill tell you if it works or not05:56
enomy system is far from modern05:56
djm62eno: just log out of gnome without shutting down, but make sure you have installed some of the other window managers05:56
dabaRsunrex: he already knows it works:)05:56
Danarsunrex: if not, try the codecs05:56
MrBiscuitI bought my system... 6 months ago.. maybe thats why05:56
johntramphey I installed ubuntu on a pc with a 21" monitor and it set the resolution to something like 1280x1024 and now I have it running on a smaller monitor which cant handle that resolution.  Is there a way to have ubuntu reconfigure itself for this new monitor or do I have to edit config files by hand?05:57
djm62then you can log back in with other ones, and decide what you like about them05:57
enothen what do I do?05:57
sunrexDanar: root@Darkworks:/home/tyler #  sudo apt-get install libdvdcss205:57
sunrexReading package lists... Done05:57
sunrexBuilding dependency tree... Done05:57
sunrexlibdvdcss2 is already the newest version.05:57
sunrex0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.05:57
sunrex ..05:57
dabaRDanar: oh, that wont work without backports.05:57
dabaRjohntramp: yes, hoary?05:57
Owl^just use windows and be happy...(and curse all the errors)05:57
johntrampdabaR: yes05:57
MrBiscuitnalioth? Do you know anything about PPP connections05:57
IceDC571johntramp: you'll have to edit xorg.conf and type in your LCD frequencies05:57
johntrampIceDC571: its not lcd05:57
naliothMrBiscuit: sorry, i use broadband, and havent used a modem in years05:57
IceDC571oh.. i mean monitor05:58
MrBiscuitOh ok05:58
=== WhiteRabbit [~3am@whiterabbit.user] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRjohntramp: well, I used this, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg it is a little funny, cause it asks you all these things, but I enter through it except for the resolution part, youll see.05:58
Owl^heh, modem...what's that?05:58
MrBiscuitLives 1800 feet from DSL *curses phone company!05:58
sunrexOwl^: no thanks, it cost me almost 200$ on just things to fix viriuses spyware and firewall05:58
naliothjohntramp: if taht doesnt work, come back and talk to me05:58
djm62eno: and try to get a shot of ssh X-forwarding...05:58
IceDC571MrBiscuit: get a cable modem05:58
johntrampok thanks dabaR05:58
djm62eno: you might not need it, but it surely is cool05:58
dabaRMrBiscuit: I know it stands for point to point protocol05:58
MrBiscuitLives 30.2 miles from nearest cable line05:59
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sunrexDanar: no it didint work05:59
dabaRsunrex: go read the following page.05:59
enoso if I have ssh can I log into my linux box at home from my crippled windows terminal pizza box at work?05:59
IceDC571MrBiscuit: lol, where the hell do you live?05:59
Owl^sunrex, there are plenty of free @virus softwares, (too bad they are almost useless)05:59
ubotuI guess restrictedformats is ""https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RestrictedFormats"", or codecs05:59
Danarsunrex: http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/all-20050412.tar.bz205:59
naliotheno: yes05:59
bddebianeno: Yes, use Putty05:59
enoawesome (H)05:59
djm62eno: yeah, but windows doesn't run X-window-system05:59
mephisto6ok, next "technical" question. best way to get my ubuntu box recognized by my two Win xp boxen?05:59
bddebiandjm62: Well it "can"06:00
enoI could get to a command prompt though?06:00
MrBiscuitDoes anyone here remember what "Dialup" means?06:00
Danarsunrex: download that, extract it to /usr/local/lib/codecs/06:00
djm62bddebian: yeah, his work one definitely doesn't though06:00
MrBiscuitOr still uses it06:00
djm62eno: yep06:00
bddebianeno: Yes06:00
bddebiandjm62: Good point :-)06:00
Danarsunrex: there's a readme file in there too though06:00
sunrexWindows sucks...im going to do this...wait till longhorn comes out...or just buy one of the best lunix system06:00
MrBiscuitLonghorn... heh06:00
Owl^dialup...was it something from the 80s?06:00
MrBiscuitJust another resource hog06:01
Danarsunrex: longhorn will just be even more evil :p06:01
naliotheno: yes ssh is kewl06:01
dabaRsunrex: this is a good enough one, you just want to be spoon fed.06:01
IceDC571MrBiscuit: i think dialup is when your hardware screams orgasms thru the phone line to connect to the internet06:01
djm62eno: you can have good fun getting it to talk to your SO if he/she's at home06:01
sunrexDanar: i know....but im sick of having to code lunix to =/06:01
Danarsunrex: IMO, ubuntu is "one of the best" linux distros06:01
sunrexi know i want to be spoon fed =)06:01
MrBiscuitI could use dialup fine without KDE06:01
MrBiscuitBut when i got it im not sure where to go06:01
Danarsunrex: have you heard of ansi? cross-platform code06:01
dabaRwho had a question above, I was gonna answer it06:01
enodjm62: yeah I could install one of those talker programs and make it say things :P06:01
sunrexDanar: um...no06:02
IceDC571html is cross platform06:02
IceDC571what if it wasnt :)06:02
djm62eno: I went with "why won't you stop playing solitaire?" ;)06:02
Danarsunrex: uh, by 'code' you mean, programming, no?06:02
dabaRthere would be a fhml06:02
djm62and I guessed right06:02
enothat is funny06:02
IceDC571omg i curse all the people who use ASP06:02
sunrexDanar: um...yea....lol i dont mind programing some things...but not the entire system =/06:02
IceDC571they have to maintain their site like every 1 hour06:02
MrBiscuitPHP RULZ!06:02
trungDanar, hi06:02
Danarsunrex: what are you talking about?06:03
trungDanar,  faster now06:03
dabaRretards use m$06:03
|QuaD-when i apt-get update; apt-get upgrade for breezy, how come a bunch of programs aren't upgrading06:03
dabaRhehe, I am so not pc.06:03
|QuaD-they are instead "held back"06:03
IceDC571seriously look at anyone running ASP, their websites need maintaining all the time06:03
sunrexDanar: ok ok fine...im going to have to code all my games to lol06:03
Danartrung: ...?06:03
mephisto6dabaR: ok, so I'm a retard in transition...06:03
MrBiscuitForced to be on MS until can figure out why dialup on linux won't work...06:03
Danarsunrex: ok, either i'm misunderstanding you, or you have misunderstood something else...06:03
trungDanar, gparted you told with me06:03
dabaR|QuaD-: you forgot to rename some of your sources, maybe, or the programs have not been upgradfed in breezy, or something else.06:04
IceDC571lol.. MrBiscuit use kde for cygwin while you're at it ;)06:04
sunrexDanar: no nothing like that...i just got about 50 games that dont support Lunix =/06:04
naliothMrBiscuit: how powerful a system do you have?06:04
Danartrung: ah. that work out?06:04
dabaRThat was a stupid sentence - mine above about m$06:04
Danarsunrex: that's what cedega is for06:04
ColonelKernelalrighty gonna give ubuntu a shot, wish me luck06:04
Danarsunrex: google cvscedega06:04
|QuaD-dabaR: they have though06:04
MrBiscuitnalioth: P4 @ 3.00 ghz w/ ht 512 DDR ram 200 GB HD06:04
sunrexDanar: i dont got a credit card thou.06:04
Danarsunrex: don't need one. google cvscedega06:04
dabaR|QuaD-: checked the sources.list to see if you changed the names right?06:05
regeyaI found the solution to my rhythmbox problem.  it was stupid.  in the toplevel dir of my music dir, there was a file named .directory.  deleting that fixed everything.  no kidding.06:05
IceDC571i think ive seen ColonelKernel before, think he was a fedora user06:05
dabaRI mean, /topic06:05
=== regeya grumbles and mutters
=== bigfoot1 [~hideseek@FLH1Abb048.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu
|QuaD-dabaR: i have been using this since before the transition06:05
dabaR|QuaD-: you are about to break your system you know this, right?06:05
enodmj62: do I use an output redirector to use festival, or how do I do that?06:05
IceDC571oh god, is someone upgrading to breezy again?06:05
|QuaD-dabaR: why?06:05
|QuaD-dabaR: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/45206:06
naliothMrBiscuit: you can use qemu06:06
bigfoot1does galeon work with Mozilla Extensions?06:06
dabaR|QuaD-: its not released...06:06
djm62eno: I can't remember the exact incantation, I think /usr/share/doc/festival/ has a quick-start guide inside it06:06
MrBiscuitqemu? What for?06:06
|QuaD-dabaR: i have been fine, it is fine06:06
IceDC571ack.. dont use qemu on a low end system06:06
|QuaD-just can't figure out this06:06
MrBiscuit*Wonders if he could emulate a broadband connection...06:06
IceDC571i had to learn the hard way06:06
enothank you again06:06
djm62eno: in general, there are some goodies to be found in /usr/share/doc/<packagename>06:06
dabaRok, good then, what is your question then?06:06
|QuaD-dabaR: why are soo many packages held back06:06
IceDC571MrBiscuit: tried Netzero 3G? lol06:06
naliothMrBiscuit: run winduhs and linux simultaneously06:06
|QuaD-that shouldn't be happeneing06:06
sunrexDanar: there is no folder called Codecs on lib06:06
dabaRso. you have breezy already?06:07
|QuaD-dabaR: yeah06:07
MrBiscuitLol, Netzero 3G... That's like a really stupid piece of crap06:07
qt2does ubuntu use gdm?06:07
enothanks I didn't know about that06:07
Danarsunrex: then make it: mkdir06:07
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trungDanar, yes swap's size causes problem06:07
Kamping_Kaiserqt2: yes06:07
djm62eno: for X stuff, you're best to learn by playing...I'm off to bed now, have fun06:07
MrBiscuitSo is AOL, MSN(gofigure) and all that other junk06:07
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IceDC571MrBiscuit: really? you might be fooled into thinking... its broadband... la la la06:07
sunrexdanar: you mean make a folder called mkdir in lib?06:07
MrBiscuitIts just another image compresser that looks pretty06:07
Danarsunrex: no, i mean use mkdir to make a folder called codecs06:07
dabaR ubuntu.pastebin.nl?06:07
qt2Kamping_Kaiser, so i can get kde from synaptic, and select it for use in gdm?06:08
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qt2Kamping_Kaiser, or xfce?06:08
dabaRqt2: yes06:08
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Kamping_Kaiserqt2 yes, click on sesions06:08
sunrexDanaR: lol...what is mkdir...im in the lib folder now06:08
IceDC571MrBiscuit: try netzero for 30 days and receive free AOL trial for 5000 hours, plus a bonus enter to win fantastic 4 sweepstakes06:08
dabaR|QuaD-: was it ubuntu.pastebin.nl?06:08
MrBiscuitLol, i have Juno thank you very much..06:08
Danarsunrex: that much should be obvious after my last comment. mkdir is the command to make a dir(ectory) :p06:09
flask-hey I'm getting a bunch of md5 checksum errors while using apt on ubuntu... there's a couple threads about it on the forums but it seems like a lot of them are going reported and unfixed for days... anyone else running into these?06:09
|QuaD-dabaR: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/45206:09
qt2heh, except that there's no xfce in the default ubuntu repositories...06:09
naliothflask-: the repos are wonky atm06:09
MrBiscuitPlus AOL is a resource hog, and Netzero partnered with Juno and stole all of their technologies06:09
Danarsunrex: in lib, run mkdir codecs06:09
nalioths_dogflask-: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3806:09
=== ep [~ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
flask-nalioth: that's a shame... what's the sitch?06:09
sunrexDanaR: *slaps head* been away from ubuntu for awhile lol06:09
naliothflask-: match your sources.list to the one the dog sent06:09
MrBiscuitJuno was like the first 1 gig of mail space, first dialup accelerator... etc etc06:09
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IceDC571www.os-works.com has the latest xfce packages06:09
mephisto6flask: follow the dog......06:09
dabaR|QuaD-: dist-upgrade.06:10
dabaRbut, I hope your system survives it:)06:10
=== ```bulldogg [~agoofyguy@ip68-13-59-67.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
|QuaD-dabaR: dist-upgrade removes too much06:10
IceDC571MrBiscuit: i havent heard of juno for years06:10
sunrexDanaR: ok one how do i run MKdir 2.i tried to do it manualy....it wont let me06:10
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Danarsunrex: here's a tip: use tab completion, both in irc and in the terminal06:10
=== NoHope [~silas@201-13-45-189.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
NoHopehi all.06:10
IceDC571MrBiscuit: where do you live?06:10
Danarsunrex: i didn't say MKdir. i said mkdir06:10
dabaR|QuaD-: well, then, man apt-get or something, I reallydont know, maybe there is a way to force everything,06:10
MrBiscuitMountainous area of Virginia06:10
Danarsunrex: linux is case sensitive06:10
flask-mephisto6: and then just an apt-get update ?06:10
NoHopeHey, what is the ubuntu initialization script?06:10
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IceDC571NoHope: hi, i'm hi, i'm hi.. i'm hi.. i'm hi.. hi..06:11
sunrexDanar: but how do i make it lol06:11
=== Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
```bulldoggI would like to install this distro.... however it does not like my sata drive and I don't have the ability to disable the SATA on my Dell Dimension 4700 can anyone help?06:11
mephisto6yes or can use synaptic; also recommended by nalioth to me06:11
Danarsunrex:  you are in lib, right?06:11
Danarsunrex: run this: sudo mkdir codecs06:11
NoHopeDo you know what is the ubuntu initialization script?06:11
sunrexDanar: im new to lunix..so im not sure...yes im in it06:11
IceDC571excuse me but why is hurricane daniels the main operator in this channel?06:11
flask-bulldogg: i have a dell 4700 at work, to get it to work under Gentoo I had to set the SATA controller to some kind of legacy mode in the BIOS06:11
dabaRIceDC571: what?06:12
sunrexDanar: wait u mean from terminal?06:12
bddebian```bulldogg: Why doesn't it like the SATA drive?06:12
dabaRsunrex: yes06:12
Danarsunrex: yes... lol06:12
```bulldoggI don't have that option in my bios.....06:12
flask-bulldogg: it's in there, you just gotta look for it06:12
```bulldoggit says it can't find a partitional media06:12
Danarsunrex: how else are you gonna run commands? :p06:12
dabaRopen terminal, type in cd /usr/lib was it?06:12
IceDC571partitional media? lol06:12
Danar /usr/local/lib06:12
IceDC571freddy: welcome back06:12
IceDC571freddy: i want your cat06:12
```bulldoggI have auto or disable and disable says it won't see the drive06:12
nalioth```bulldogg: is your drive mounted right now?06:12
freddywhat is up man?06:12
IceDC571not much06:12
dabaRfreddy: hi/06:12
freddyIceDC571, my cat? lol wtf?06:13
IceDC571we have new newbs06:13
Danarsunrex: so, 'cd /usr/local/lib' then 'sudo mkdir codecs'06:13
sunrexDanar: *SIGH* great...how do i open it up to that now =/ i mean what do i type to get there..06:13
Xyc0What is the graphical boot up project for gentoo called?06:13
Danarsunrex: you don't know how to get to a terminal?06:13
sunrexDanar: no i know lol06:13
dabaRXyc0: /join #gentoo06:13
sunrexDanar: u just anserd my question06:13
Danarsunrex: what do you propose to type to get to a terminal, which is where  you type commands in the first place? :p should be right on the menu06:13
IceDC571lol.. for all your gentoo needs, ask us06:14
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freddyIceDC571, what cat man? lol06:14
Xyc0dabaR: Its an ubuntu project too06:14
dabaRhe is high, he said.06:14
MrBiscuit*Here kitty kitty kitty....06:14
dabaRXyc0: dunno.06:14
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IceDC571Xyc0: you mean splashy?06:14
sunrexDanar: we are all newbs at some point ok :P06:14
=== MidNightRaVeN [~ravencorp@63-225-247-67.dnvr.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
freddyi couldnt get splashy werking :(06:14
sunrexDanar: ok so now just copy and paist the folder right06:15
Danarsunrex: yeh. i've said that before. :)06:15
naliothfreddy: open a terminal and see a man about a cat06:15
Danarsunrex: er, no.06:15
bddebianMrBiscuit: My guess would be the answer is no, unfortunately06:15
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sunrexDanar: ..06:15
Danarsunrex: you shouldn't have permissions to the folder. still got that terminal window?06:15
Xyc0FBSplash, thanks IceDC57106:15
=== IceDC571 eats MrBiscuit
freddynalioth, IceDC571 said "i want your cat"06:15
sunrexDanar: yes :P06:15
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: sorry... i tried using Xine again and it blew up...06:15
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dabaRwow, blew up.06:16
trunghow update xchat to 2.4.3 ? i run software update but has no entry for it?06:16
Danarsunrex: k, go to ~ or wherever you put the file you downloaded06:16
naliothMidNightRaVeN: amd64 users have lots of trouble with some things06:16
MidNightRaVeNyea.... kaboom...06:16
Imsdlemy evoluiton has crashed.. can anyone tell me where the emails are stored?06:16
sunrexi put it on desktop..06:16
MrBiscuitBoom Boom06:16
naliothMidNightRaVeN: you may wish to reinstall with an x86 arch06:16
IceDC571i dont think xine is good for just sound..06:16
Imsdlei need to back then up then reintall evolution06:16
bddebianOK gang, I have to get to bed, gotta catch a flight in the morning.  Take care and enjoy!06:16
naliothImsdle: ~/.evolution06:16
MidNightRaVeNhow do i install with a x86 arch?06:16
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sunrexDanar: so... CD /home/desktop/thename?06:17
IceDC571bddebian: Scooby dooby doo!!06:17
dabaRbddebian: see ya.06:17
Danarsunrex: ok, 'cd ~/.desktop/'06:17
naliothMidNightRaVeN: d/l a x86 install cd06:17
MrBiscuitNalioth, qemu, where do i find that at06:17
MidNightRaVeNdamnit lol06:17
dabaRwhy the .?06:17
Imsdlewhat does ~/. mean?06:17
Danarsunrex: er, ~/Desktop06:17
IceDC571because its hidden, just like my face06:17
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: that means I'm gonna have to switch over to XP...06:17
DanarImsdle: ~ = home dir06:17
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trunghow update xchat to 2.4.3 ? i run software update but has no entry for it?06:17
dabaRwho is hidden, desktop?06:17
MrBiscuitXp... two evil letters....06:18
sunrexDanar: cd ~/Desktop/all-29950412.bz2_FILES ?06:18
IceDC571MrBiscuit: Athlon XP :)06:18
enothanks for your help people, I will be back for more later :P06:18
dabaRtrung: check backports if they have the version.06:18
MrBiscuitOk sorta kinda evil letters06:18
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: think that'll make everything pretty much go away compared to now?06:18
dabaReXtreme Programming.06:18
Danarsunrex: you can't cd into a file. cd = change directory06:18
naliothMidNightRaVeN: ask for opinons in here, i'm by far not the smartest fella06:18
sunrexDanar: oh....LOL06:18
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Imsdlethere is nothing in my home directory other then the user folder06:18
Danarsunrex: cd ~/Desktop06:19
trungdabaR, what is backports?06:19
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dabaRask ubotu06:19
egiimsdle: try show hidden files06:19
naliothMidNightRaVeN: the x86 arches are far more developed than amd6406:19
MidNightRaVeNhas anyone messed with amd64 a lot and found that x86_64 is worse or better than just x86 on it???06:19
IceDC571MidNightRaVeN: what are you trying to accomplish?06:19
trungubotu, what is backports?06:19
ubotutrung: what are you talking about?06:19
sunrexDanar: root@Darkworks:/usr/local/lib # cd ~/Desktop06:19
sunrexbash: cd: /root/Desktop: No such file or directory06:19
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ubotuwell, backports is http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/06:19
sunrexDanar: your talking to a almost 100% newb here remember lol06:19
Danarsunrex: then, sudo tar -jxvf filname /usr/local/codecs/06:19
MidNightRaVeNIceDC571: a solid OS that I can watch DVDs, browse, download, etc etc06:19
Danarsunrex: oh, you're root already. forget sudo then06:20
Imsdlefound it06:20
IceDC571MidNightRaVeN: so whats your problem?06:20
nalioth!info backports06:20
Danarsunrex: you shouldn't be operating as root06:20
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sunrexDanar: o...06:20
ubotumethinks backports is http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/06:20
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Danarsunrex: never log in as root, and don't run graphical apps as root.06:20
Danarsunrex: use sudo to run commands as root06:20
sunrexoh ITS RUNNING YAY lol.06:21
misfit_toyjok nerolinux looks great so far, testing a dvd / bin image06:21
dabaRwho the dvd?06:21
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misfit_toydabaR, eh?06:21
MrBiscuitHmmm.... Maybe i should move the phone company 1800 feet closer to my house and get dsl...06:21
IceDC571i can only see the top half of the women unless i sudo06:21
MidNightRaVeNIceDC571: as of right now whenever i use xine to play dvds it says there is an error that audio_decoder: error, unknown buffer type. When nalioth tried to compile a library for me.... wouldn't work06:21
dabaRmisfit_toy: q was for sunrex .06:21
Danarsunrex: if you make a mistake as root you can kill your system. root is the highest authority, and it will do whatever you tell it to do, even if you tell it to delete everything (rm -rf /) cause it assumes you know what you're doing.06:21
sunrexDanar:tyler@Darkworks:~/Desktop$ sudo tar -jxvf filname /usr/local/codecs/06:22
sunrextar: filname: Cannot open: No such file or directory06:22
sunrextar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now06:22
sunrextar: Child returned status 206:22
sunrextar: /usr/local/codecs: Not found in archive06:22
sunrextar: Error exit delayed from previous errors06:22
IceDC571MidNightRaVeN: thats a strange error, have you tried installing your graphic drivers?06:22
=== misfit_toy whaps sunrex for flooding
=== caskey [~caskey@adsl-66-159-247-125.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
naliothsunrex:  you missed a folder06:22
Danarsunrex: heh. you were supposed to substitute 'filename' for the name of the file, which i've forgotten06:22
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dabaRsunrex: replace the filname for the name of the file you are untaring06:22
Danarsunrex: you can use tab completion too06:22
MidNightRaVeNIceDC571: well... yesterday i was helped by another Linux guru and I believe in the process of getting my sound card to work, we installed the video drivers... is there a way to double check cuz maybe not06:23
naliothsunrex: missed "lib"06:23
caskeyI've been trying to install libusb-dev and I keep getting an error: "MD5Sum mismatch", when wgetting the file http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libu/libusb/libusb-dev_0.1.8-17ubuntu2_i386.deb, and manually checking, it doesn't match06:23
naliothsunrex: /usr/local/lib/codecs06:23
caskeyHowever, when using the packages.ubuntu.com interface, I get the right md506:23
Danarsunrex: yeh, missed 'lib' too06:23
sunrexDanar: ..*sweat drops*06:23
nalioths_dogcaskey: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3806:23
caskey(from mirror.clarkson.edu anyway)06:23
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naliothcaskey: match your sources.list to the one the dog sent06:23
Danarsunrex: heh. take it easy06:23
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naliothcaskey: repos are wonky today06:23
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Danarsunrex: one step at a time06:23
IceDC571MidNightRaVeN: sorry, i dont know much.. maybe someone else could help you, what type of video card do you have?06:24
MidNightRaVeNNvidia 6800 gt06:24
ZeXr0I'm trying to install ubuntu via NetBoot, and I have some difficulties with TFTPD on Windows Xp. Someone can help me ?06:24
caskeynalioth, This has been the case for several days, I'll remove the 'us' from my archive set though and try again06:24
Danarsunrex: so, sudo tar -jxvf FILENAME /usr/local/lib/codecs/06:24
dabaRcaskey: that will work.06:24
dabaRnalioth: who started the group thing?06:25
naliothcaskey: you can leave them that way, it'll just round-robin you to the next available server06:25
sunrexDanar: sould i rename that file..06:25
naliothdabaR: me and Mez06:25
MidNightRaVeNIceDC571: a nvidia 6800 gt06:25
Danarsunrex: why?06:25
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Danarsunrex: just use tab completion. type the first few chars and hit TAB06:25
sunrexDanar: all-29950412.bz2_FILES06:25
IceDC571MidNightRaVeN: i think it might be a video driver problem.. but i dont use nvidia so i cant help you there sorry06:25
Danarsunrex: uh, is that the actual filename?06:25
caskeynalioth, Well, whichever one I've been getting has consistently had the wrong checksum on that .deb.  Changing to just archive.ubuntu.com fixes allows me to apt-get the libusb-dev package though06:25
dabaRmez who?06:26
sunrexDanar: yes..06:26
Danarsunrex: should be all-blah.bz206:26
misfit_toyMidNightRaVeN, what are you trying to do?06:26
MidNightRaVeNIceDC571: np =) thx for trying though06:26
MidNightRaVeNwell... ok06:26
sunrexDanar: nvm...theres another folder in it..06:26
naliothdabaR: a user in here with nickname of Mez06:26
MidNightRaVeNmisfit_toy:  as of right now whenever i use xine to play dvds it says there is an error that audio_decoder: error, unknown buffer type. When nalioth tried to compile a library for me.... wouldn't work06:26
naliothdabaR: its on the page06:26
dabaRnalioth: so whats so special about the group?06:26
MrBiscuitAnyone in here use dialup?06:26
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dabaRwhat is the difference when I am part, from right now?06:27
MidNightRaVeNmisfit_toy: can't figure out basically how to get DVDs to play cuz Totem just stalls and Xine has errors06:27
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ukatoanyone here use fluxbox?06:27
gp_aaronis there a package for limewire in apt?06:27
IceDC571MrBiscuit: i use my cell phone.. does that count?06:27
ColonelKernelis there a rescue mode for ubuntu? I seem to have put my root password in wrong06:27
naliothdabaR: official recognition06:27
MrBiscuitOr have a basic understanding of PPP in linux06:27
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dabaRok, now all people with a sound problem in unison...06:27
IceDC571MrBiscuit: isnt PPP only for dsl?06:27
dabaRhi, crimsun.06:27
egicolonelkernel: see ubuntuguide.com06:27
MidNightRaVeNsound problem...06:27
ColonelKernelegi - thanks06:28
sunrexDanar: crap06:28
MrBiscuitIceDC571: Not really unless you have a modemattached to it06:28
The_VoxIceDC571: no, ppp is for dialup...pppoe is for dsl06:28
gp_aaroncan someone check?06:28
IceDC571ohh i see06:28
MidNightRaVeNmisfit_toy: any ideas?06:28
sunrexDanar: tyler@Darkworks:~/Desktop$ sudo tar -jxvf all-20050412 /usr/local/lib/codecs/06:28
sunrextar: all-20050412: Cannot read: Is a directory06:28
sunrextar: At beginning of tape, quitting now06:28
sunrextar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now06:28
sunrexbzip2: Compressed file ends unexpectedly;06:28
sunrex        perhaps it is corrupted?  *Possible* reason follows.06:28
sunrexbzip2: Invalid argument06:28
sunrex        Input file = (stdin), output file = (stdout)06:28
sunrexIt is possible that the compressed file(s) have become corrupted.06:28
sunrexYou can use the -tvv option to test integrity of such files.06:28
IceDC571wow.. um..06:28
sunrexYou can use the `bzip2recover' program to attempt to recover06:28
sunrexdata from undamaged sections of corrupted files.06:28
sunrextar: Child returned status 206:28
sunrextar: /usr/local/lib/codecs: Not found in archive06:28
naliothColonelKernel: watch ubotu06:28
sunrextar: Error exit delayed from FLOOD lol06:28
ubotu[ubguide]  Please do not follow Ubuntuguide; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines (number 3)06:28
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MrBiscuitI ran pppconfig correctly with KDE,exactly like i ran it without it06:28
IceDC571its like im in an actual terminal of errors right now06:28
nalioths_dogegi: Please do not advise ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead.  Item 3 here explains why https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines06:28
MrBiscuitAnd now i don't how to connect because it changed around alot of stuff06:29
Danarsunrex: yeh, sounds like it wasn't finished downloading06:29
gp_aaronanyone got a freesecond?06:29
eginalioths_dog: thx06:29
crimsungp_aaron: shoot06:29
naliothsunrex: please do not flood in here06:29
IceDC571nalioth: do you have a cat?06:29
mephisto6follow the dog......lol06:29
stanfordI don't understand how to install firefox update 1.04.  What do I do?06:29
Danarsunrex: delete it from the desktop, and in the terminal, run 'cd ~' then 'wget http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/all-20050412.tar.bz2'06:29
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ColonelKernelubuntuguide.com not found06:29
sunrexDanar:..great...it SAID finished...06:29
sunrexNalioth: sorry06:29
naliothIceDC571: every linux user has a cat06:30
gp_aaronthanks crimsun, can you check if limewire is in the apt repo for ubuntu?06:30
ColonelKernelahhh sorry about that06:30
dabaRhe can tell you without checking.06:30
ColonelKernelI had to google - my isp's dns servers are hurting right now06:30
MidNightRaVeNanyone have an nvidia system and 64 and no anything about the two together???06:30
dabaRfunny, you asked the right [person.06:30
IceDC571so.. who wants to show me pics of their cats?06:30
gp_aaronnalioth, I don't have a cat06:30
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naliothgp_aaron: sure you do, open a terminal and call one06:31
dabaRgp_aaron: try cat in a terminal06:31
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dabaRgp_aaron: limewire can be downloaded from their site, and then it runs, cause its Java.06:31
gp_aaronoh i thought you ment pet cat:P06:31
MidNightRaVeNblegh.... so tired... dieing.... wishes ubuntu would just work....06:31
sunrexDanar: am i supposed to do this in ROOT terminal06:31
Danarsunrex: also, i goofed the command. you should actually cd into /usr/local/lib/codecs, and run sudo tar -jxvf ~/all-20050412.tar.bz2.tar06:31
Danarsunrex: no06:31
dabaRMidNightRaVeN: ask crimsun.06:31
Danarsunrex: avoid root and use sudo06:31
gp_aarondabaR, I know that, I just wondering if it is in the repo06:31
dabaRit is not.06:32
MidNightRaVeNcrimsun: are you busy?06:32
gp_aaronI don't use ubuntu anymore so I don't know these things06:32
crimsunMidNightRaVeN: hi06:32
Danarsunrex: so, did it download?06:32
Yukidoes anyone know what the command is for emerging things like KDE?06:32
MidNightRaVeNcrimsun: i don't mean to bother you... but you think you might be able to help me?06:32
sunrexDanar: yes06:32
crimsungp_aaron: you can check via http://package.ubuntu.com06:32
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dabaRYuki: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop06:32
naliothYuki: emerging? you mean d/l and installing?06:33
crimsunMidNightRaVeN: with?06:33
Danarsunrex: and ?06:33
IceDC571oh god.. emerging in ubuntu06:33
sunrexDanar: and?06:33
crimsungp_aaron: that's packages.ubuntu.com, sorry06:33
dabaRMidNightRaVeN: stop beating around the bush, ask the question,.06:33
YukiI kinda don't want to use GNOME, I'd rather have KDE06:33
IceDC571pretty soon gentoo people will use the command evolve and think they're kool with KDE06:33
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mephisto6Gotta crash. Many thanks dabaR, nalioth, naloths_dog!!06:33
dabaRsee ya06:33
sunrexDanar: was i supposed to exstract it..06:33
Danarsunrex: did you cd to the codecs dir, and extract the files?06:33
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gp_aaroncrimsun, I got it thanks though, Yuki kubuntu-desktop06:33
sunrexDanar: oops...gotta redownload lol06:33
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packman_ehello all06:34
gp_aaronthanks crimsun, dabaR06:34
gp_aaronbye now06:34
dabaRYuki: see my command above06:34
Danarsunrex: what? again?06:34
MidNightRaVeNcrimsun: i can't read DVDs cuz I get an error in Xine saying audio_decoder: error, unknown buffer type and I dunno what to do about it... Totem just freezes if i try it and Xine as well keeps crashing Ubuntu06:34
IceDC571its like.. im a newb gentoo user how do i upgrade firefox?.... easy, use evolve firefox06:34
sunrexDanar: yup lol06:34
Danarsunrex: don't tell me you downloaded it just to delete it??06:34
qt2I have a geforce 4 mx440, should i get nvidia-glx?06:34
Yukibut is it possible to emerge KDE in ubuntu?06:34
Danarsunrex: then what was the point of downloading it? o.O06:34
crimsunMidNightRaVeN: does sound work in other contexts?06:34
naliothcrimsun: MidNightRaVeN is using amd64 arch06:34
IceDC571Evolving firefox... omg im freakin out!!06:34
=== TheMuso [~luke@dsl-202-173-132-131.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
The_Voxqt2: sure06:34
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qt2Yuki, yet, cia synaptic.06:34
ZeXr0(Anyone ever install Ubuntu via NetBoot06:34
Danarsunrex: you were supposed to delete the old one :p06:34
trungqt2, why not?06:34
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MidNightRaVeNcrimsun: yea, it works fine with cds and such06:35
dabaRYuki: like, compile it?06:35
naliothZeXr0: you can do it that way06:35
crimsunMidNightRaVeN: do you have libdvdcss2 installed?06:35
naliothZeXr0: takes a bit of work06:35
sunrexDanar: doesnt work06:35
Danarsunrex: cd to ~, and press up until you see the wget command again, and run it06:35
dabaRcause emerge means nothing in ubuntu06:35
Danarsunrex: what doesn't?06:35
IceDC571i just realized06:35
MidNightRaVeNcrimsun: nalioth tried helping with that and compiling it from source... but couldn't get it to work cuz of my 6406:35
ZeXr0nalioth: else if there is any floppy that I can install ubuntu from, because I don't have cddrive06:35
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IceDC571people say two point O instead of two point zero06:35
IceDC571thats neat!06:35
sunrexDanar: if i posed it here i would be banned for flooding06:35
IceDC571like 2.006:36
MidNightRaVeNcrimsun: so no it's not installed06:36
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Danarsunrex: that's what pastebins are for06:36
Yukiyeah, I want to use KDE instead of GNOME06:36
Yukiis that possible?06:36
BeefTubejust installed the ATI drivers and the control pannel... anyone know how I can open the control pannel? TIA :)06:36
crimsunMidNightRaVeN: it's available from deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ sarge main06:36
Danarsunrex: /join #flood06:36
naliothZeXr0: got your pencil?06:36
Danarsunrex: you can paste in there06:36
mighi, am using ubuntu live-cd, how do i make changes permanent?06:36
dabaRYuki: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop, again.06:36
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IceDC571ack marillat?!?06:36
Yukiah ok06:36
MidNightRaVeNcrimsun: but how do i install it?06:36
naliothYuki: yes, use synaptic to install "kubuntu-desktop"06:36
Danarmig: you'd have to install it to the hard drive. it's not a rewriteable cd06:37
Ninwamig, I believe the idea of a live-cd is that it's not permanent.06:37
Yukihow long will it take?06:37
ZeXr0nalioth :.. got a floppy drive and a NetWork card that's all06:37
naliothMidNightRaVeN: sorry man, i'm very tired, i forgot marillat06:37
DanarNinwa: no, that's an often useful sideaffect :p06:37
dabaRdownload times depend on download speed.06:37
naliothZeXr0: ok you ready to write (or log)06:37
mighmm, ninwa/danar...not possible to save some settings to HD?06:37
crimsunMidNightRaVeN: you should add that line to /etc/apt/sources.list, then sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install libdvdcss206:37
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: not your fault. What is it?06:37
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Yukiwill it take 3 days like gentoo does?  XD06:37
naliothMidNightRaVeN: follow crimsuns advice06:38
Danarmig: well, you could for certain apps, like firefox, but you'd have to configure it each time to use those settings06:38
dabaRcrimsun: what is the aptitude equivalent of apt-get install gstreamer0.8-*?06:38
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: kk06:38
NinwaDanar, Assuming the disc was rewritable, I suppose... disk-writing would be unbearably slow though.06:38
MidNightRaVeNcrimsun: im bad at the whole source list thing... so let me try06:38
sunrexDanar:tyler@Darkworks:/usr/local/lib/codecs$ sudo tar -jxvf ~/all-20050412.tar.bz2.tartar: /home/tyler/all-20050412.tar.bz2.tar: Cannot open: No such file or directory06:38
sunrextar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now06:38
sunrextar: Child returned status 206:38
sunrextar: Error exit delayed from previous errors06:38
dabaRYuki: less, there is no compilation involved.06:38
IceDC571Kopete ate my dog06:38
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naliothZeXr0: go to debian.org and download the woody netinst floppy images06:38
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Yukihow long do you think?06:38
NinwaI didn't know people still used Kopete.06:38
BeefTubefglrx does nothing from commandline... how can I tweak my ATI settings? I installed a control pannel... TIA :)06:38
dabaRsunrex, please use http://pastebin.com06:38
migrunnig live-cd, i cannot see my 3 HDs installed on the box..???06:38
Danarsunrex: yeh, you ran the old command i told you. i had it backwards though06:39
The_VoxNinwa: I use kopete...what's wrong with it?06:39
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IceDC571Ninwa: what do people use for chatting in KDE then?06:39
dabaRyuki, again, I told you, download time depends on download speed.06:39
stanfordHow do I update firefox in ubuntu?06:39
migi was hoping to save live-cd settings in a partition/..06:39
crimsundabaR: the metapackage? gstreamer0.8-plugins? (or do you mean the syntax, which is identical to apt-get's in that context)06:39
dabaRyou are downloading there.06:39
Danarsunrex: do it exactly like this...06:39
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NinwaThe_Vox, Nothing I suppose. IceDC571, XChat and Gaim of course!06:39
dabaRyes, for a *06:39
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eskaypeyhey if i excidently deleted gnome system panel is there a way how to restore it?06:39
Yukihm, so how big is the file then?  That'll answer my question better XD06:39
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rekastanford: the ubuntu version already has 1.0.4's security updates06:39
Danarsunrex: after downloading the file in ~ cd to /usr/local/lib/codecs06:39
naliothZeXr0: make sure you get all the images (you'll be installing a very minimal debian)06:39
dabaRcrimsun: if you dont get that, cause it was a little weird, aptitude does not recognize *06:39
stanfordreka, so its a bug?06:40
CaptainMorganubuntu rocks06:40
Danarsunrex: then run sudo tar -jxvf ~/all-20050412.tar.bz2.tar06:40
dabaRyuki it gets a lot of files, please try, I have no clue06:40
CaptainMorganworked out of the box for me06:40
The_VoxNinwa: gaim looks ugly on kde and there's nothing practical that it has that kopete doesn't have, at least in what I use/need06:40
Yukilol ok06:40
dabaRwhy do you think I would know the size of some file?06:40
naliothZeXr0: when you get this minimal debian (woody) installed, put this sources.list in place of the one that came with teh debian06:40
Yukithanks though ^^06:40
rekastanford: what is?06:40
stanfordreka, mozilla.org says i don't have .0406:40
hondjestanford: it's a feature06:40
nalioths_dogZeXr0: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3806:40
sunrexDanar: how do i put the files in there thou06:40
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stanfordreka, and in "about firefox" it says 1.0406:40
mighmm...so i guess it is much better to actually install ubuntu, than use live-cd??06:40
naliothZeXr0: the link the dog sent you06:40
Danarsunrex: oops. filename might be different. use tab completion06:40
dabaRcrimsun: so, there is the metapackage for all gstreamers, then?06:40
Danarsunrex: what do you mean?06:40
CaptainMorgananyone have trouble with an Atheros card ?06:41
rekastanford: type about:config in the address bar06:41
ZeXr0okay :P06:41
Danarsunrex: it's an archive. that's what you're doing06:41
dabaRwe need a !anyone06:41
MidNightRaVeNcrimsun: like i said... i stink at the whole source list thing... how should it look in the source list file?? like ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ and something before and after it?06:41
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rekastanford: then filter for "vendorsub"06:41
naliothZeXr0: at that poing, you can "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" and have ubuntu06:41
The_Voxstanford: read what the whole page they pop at you says....it's an ubuntu/kubuntu package problem, and the solution is right on an URL in that page06:41
rekastanford: then change the value to 1.0.406:41
Danarsunrex: i'm telling you how to extract the files into that dir06:41
crimsundabaR: there's gstreamer0.8-plugins06:41
dabaRexactly as he said above, MidNightRaVeN .06:41
sunrexDanar: so all i type is this sudo tar -jxvf ~/all-20050412.tar.bz2.tar06:41
ZeXr0nalioth I can't do that now if I already have debian installed ?06:41
crimsunMidNightRaVeN: enter the entire deb line that I gave you06:41
dabaRok, cool, so how about the asterisk thing, does aptitude do that?06:41
naliothZeXr0: if its woody, certainly06:42
stanfordreka, ok i wasn't quite sure what it was saying.  I thought that would be called a bug06:42
Danarsunrex: er, type ~/all<tab> instead06:42
sunrexDanar: BINGO FOUND PROBLEM theres no TAR on end06:42
egiColonelKernel, what was your question? :D06:42
naliothZeXr0: this method is not pretty at all from sarge/sid/etch06:42
dabaRcause you have the folder.06:42
Danarsunrex: that is, hit tab, not typing '<tab>'06:42
Danarsunrex: well if you had listened to me, that wouldn't be a problem. i said before to use tab completion06:42
eskaypeyis there a way how to restore original gnome panel?06:42
rekastanford: yes...but one with a solution :)06:43
MidNightRaVeNcrimsun: does it matter that it says "The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available" ?06:43
crimsundabaR: use ~06:43
jasmuzeskaypey: none that i know of...but you remember where things went, right?06:43
naliothMidNightRaVeN: that doesnt matter06:43
Danarsunrex: for some reason there is on mine. it's firefox's fault06:43
dabaReskaypey: you removed stuff from it? try right clicking, and add to panel what you want on it.06:43
ZeXr0nalioth okay :P thanks for the info, I will try this tomorow :P thank you :)06:43
dabaRcrimsun: ah.06:43
crimsunMidNightRaVeN: see wiki/AptAuthenticationInstructionsForHoary06:43
MidNightRaVeNnalioth: kk06:43
sunrexDanar: the tab worked before...now it wont completion...and it still doent for for downloading06:43
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naliothZeXr0: np06:43
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eskaypeydabaR: no removed the actual panel06:43
```bulldoggokay what is the default root password for ubuntu06:44
Danarsunrex: how would tab completion "work" for downloading???06:44
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Danarsunrex: what're you trying to do now?06:44
Xyc0Anyone know how to autosignin with GAIM on freenode?  It works on anything else...06:44
sunrexDanar: i mean  it wont pick up the file06:44
dabaRright click on a panel, new panel06:44
dabaRthen add to the panel what you want on it.06:44
egi```bulldogg, no root password is initially set06:44
sunrexDanar: sould i extract it on the desktop then use the thing?06:44
dabaRnot sure if you can get the old one, tho.06:44
```bulldoggokay so how do I set it?06:44
reka```bulldogg: more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RootSudo06:44
nalioths_dog```bulldogg: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo06:44
egi```bulldogg, use sudo all the time06:44
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turkeyanyone know anything about belkin pcmcia wired nic and an old laptop?06:44
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ZeXr0nalioth i'll give you a feedback of that :P06:44
Danarsunrex: simply type sudo tar -jxvf ~/all<tab>06:44
naliothZeXr0: please do06:45
MidNightRaVeNcrimsun: after install of libdvdcss it still gives same audio_decoder error...06:45
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sunrexDanar: i am and nothings happening06:45
Danarsunrex: it should at least say not found06:45
sunrexDanar: do you mean ALL or do i put in somthing else...06:45
crimsunMidNightRaVeN: libdvdcss2, not libdvdcss06:45
jasmuzMidNightRaVeN: did you check what sound output its using?06:45
sunrexDanar: it doesnt06:45
jasmuzMidNightRaVeN: what are you trying to play?06:46
MidNightRaVeNjasmuz: you mean xine or something else?06:46
MidNightRaVeNjasmuz: a dvd06:46
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Danarsunrex: i mean, type the first 3 chars of the filename, which are a, l, l. then hit tab06:46
sunrexDanar:i mean tab isint working like it was =/ wont pick up on anything06:46
sunrexDanar: i am...nothings happening06:46
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```bulldoggfigured it out thanks06:46
jasmuzMidNightRaVeN: xine dosent play my dvd's correctly...i do it via Mplayer06:46
MidNightRaVeNcrimsun: it was libdvdcss2... just forgot the 2 part06:46
Danarsunrex: clear everything on the command line, and type cd /et<tab>06:47
HumbleBeefTubeanyone know how to launch the ATI control pannel from commandline?06:47
MidNightRaVeNjasmuz: hmmm, what happened when you tried to play it in xine?06:47
crimsunMidNightRaVeN: what application?06:47
JormundgandBeagle is indescribably awesome.06:47
Danarsunrex: substitute <tab> with the tab key, of course06:47
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jasmuzMidNightRaVeN: gave me the same error you have06:47
sunrexthat worked..06:47
dabaRok, later, Im out, Ubuntu to all of you:)06:47
sunrexDanar: that worked..06:47
Danarsunrex: then you probably had a space at the beginning or something06:47
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GigaClonhi all06:48
Danarsunrex: try again06:48
MidNightRaVeNjasmuz: if this works... o man will i be happy!06:48
sunrexsudo tar -jxvf ~/all<tab>06:48
jasmuzMidNightRaVeN: try using mplayer, it did play my dvd06:48
sunrexdanar:sudo tar -jxvf ~/all<tab>06:48
Danarsunrex: yeh.. subbing <tab> with the tab key06:48
MidNightRaVeNjasmuz: just installed... going to try... pray for me!06:49
sunrexdanar: you sure thats the correct command?06:49
cleit0nhi, how i mount cdrom or hd in user mode?06:49
jasmuzMidNightRaVeN: use the menu, and select the chapter you want06:49
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Danarsunrex: i'm telling you to use tab completion to complete the filename, so you don't make a mistake06:49
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Danarsunrex: and also for ease, and efficiency06:49
sunrexDanar: and im telling u its not filling anything in....06:49
jasmuzcleit0n: sudo mount /dev/xxx /mountpointx06:50
Danarsunrex: then the file is not there, or you're not in the right directory06:50
sunrexDanar: right..06:50
MidNightRaVeNjasmuz: how do i select the chapter?06:50
Danarsunrex: either you forgot to redownload it, or you deleted it again, or you didn't save it there, or...06:50
sunrexDanar: the file is on desktop..06:50
Danarsunrex: yeh06:50
Danarsunrex: arg, you didn't listen06:51
sunrexDanar: ..sorry...just having truble following along lol06:51
Danarsunrex: this would have been done an hour ago if you had followed my directions :/06:51
jasmuzMidNightRaVeN: left click on the screen, dvd->open dvd06:51
Danarsunrex: k, you never ran wget then06:51
dabaRDanar: he has a folder with teh extracted file in it.06:51
sunrexDanar: =/ i noticed *sigh*06:51
dabaRjust mv it to the new location.06:51
sunrexDanar: wget...wget...huh..06:51
buffbikedudedoes anyone know of a self-contained script or x86 binary I can download that would convert a file from mp3 to flac?06:51
Danarsunrex: so the path you were specifying is wrong cause you didn't put it where i said. that's why tab completion failed06:52
Danarsunrex: yeh, at one point i said to wget <the url here>06:52
jasmuzbuffbikedude: dont do that06:52
Danarsunrex: from ~06:52
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buffbikedudejasmuz: for what reason? space or legality?06:52
Danarsunrex: that would have put it where i expected it to be. when you said you had finished downloading it again, i thought you did it with wget06:52
sunrexDanar:ok....so what i do...just give me a list LOL06:52
=== qt2 blinks.
Danarsunrex: i did give a list. you skipped a few steps :p06:53
sunrexDanar:OH sorry06:53
dabaRdanar write out a pastebin06:53
jasmuzbuffbikedude: you already lost the quality when it was recorded from the original to the mp3 (mp3 is Lossy, looses bits and pieces everywhere)06:53
qt2what's this 'aptitude' everyone is talking about, i have 'synaptic'... o.O;06:53
dabaRor a script even:)06:53
jasmuzbuffbikedude: you should try from mp3 to ogg06:53
Danarlol, not a bad idea06:53
DekaPinkI keep getting an error when I'm trying to apt-get stuff.... its in the pastebin. :306:53
sunrexDanar:so...what do i do lol06:53
dabaRqt2: aptitude is just kinda like a command line synaptic06:53
buffbikedudejasmuz: well transcoding to ogg causes a further loss in quality, does it not?06:53
jasmuzbuffbikedude: ogg is lossy too but has a better compression scheme06:53
dabaRDekaPink: a md5sum error?06:54
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sunrexDanar:cant you just remote accsess my computer? lol06:54
DekaPinkdabaR: Yeah.06:54
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buffbikedudejazmuz: but isn't it different enough that you cannot transcode from mp3 to ogg without a sharp drop in quality?06:54
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cleit0njasmuz: only ?06:54
dabaRDekaPink: remove us. from the /etc/apt/sources.list file06:54
qt2hm, does ubuntu run on xorg?06:54
jasmuzbuffbikedude: not really...depends on how compressed you want it know...still the diference isnt easy to note06:54
MidNightRaVeNjasmuz: i can't find where it says DVD...06:54
dabaRqt2: hoary does.06:54
MrBiscuitAnyone here now use dialup or understand PPP on Linux?06:54
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qt2dabaR, does that mean i can just drop in the xorg config file from my gentoo install?06:55
jasmuzMidNightRaVeN: left click says clearly DVD06:55
DekaPinkdabaR: Thank you. :)06:55
jasmuzMrBiscuit: i do!06:55
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sunrexDanar:so what do i do *crys*06:55
buffbikedudeok then, I'll repose the question. does anyone know where I can get a self-contained mp3 to ogg executable?06:55
MrBiscuitjasmuz: Do you use KDE?06:55
dabaRqt2: hopefully:) make a backup of the one that is there now.06:55
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MidNightRaVeNjasmuz: not on mine.... should i get the regular mplayer and not the one that says 64 ?06:55
qt2dabaR, oki ;)06:55
jasmuzMrBiscuit: no i use Gnome, but have used KDE06:56
hoslerWhen i use esddsp for programs who dont use esound i get a 3 second sound delay with that program. Any way to fix this?06:56
dabaRthen if you screw up, go to the console alt+ctrl+f4 and rename the file again.06:56
dabaRbackup-rename the current file06:56
dabaRthen rename it back if it gets borged.06:56
jasmuzMidNightRaVeN: what do you get when you run Mplayer?06:56
AdrossI was at a lan the other day, and, as such, using Windows. Some kid brought a virus and, due to it really screwing me over, I had to format. Since the format however, GRUb won't allow me to boot into windows at all, instead presenting me an 'unknown partition type' error. Out of desperation, I formatted Ubuntu thinking that Grub would detect it as normal. This wasn't the case, as nothing was detected. So please, can somebody shed some light on t06:56
Adrosshe situation? As I have another lan to go to.06:56
MrBiscuitjasmuz: How did you set upand connect using KDE06:56
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rekabuffbikedude: mp32ogg06:56
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MidNightRaVeNjasmuz: just a little screen that looks like an audio file player06:56
dabaRlocal area network?06:57
MidNightRaVeNjasmuz: doesn't have any open screen or anything06:57
jasmuzMrBiscuit: come again06:57
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MrBiscuitHow did you set up a PPP connection and connect to the internet using it on KDE?06:57
jasmuzMidNightRaVeN: odd :/06:57
TraceHello, when i use alsamixer to show my sound config, Pcm and Master are just 0, i can't up or down the sound , can anybody help me ?06:57
dabaRAdross: lan?06:57
jasmuzMrBiscuit: use kppp06:57
egiMrBiscuit, have u tried kppp?06:57
buffbikedudereka: I'm looking there. they're saying that it loses data, in red. I'm thinking maybe mp32flac would be a better solution for me.06:57
MrBiscuitIt connects me06:58
MrBiscuitBut stays at the screen Logging on to Network06:58
LufusolAdross: use lilo :P06:58
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crimsunTrace: cat /proc/asound/modules06:58
MidNightRaVeNas well... when i look at the Sounds and Audio tab and look at mplayer... it just has a little icon of a browser looking thing... no like icon06:58
CaptainMorganimageshack is amazing.. I don't know how they remain free..06:58
jasmuzTrace: what is your pc?06:58
MidNightRaVeNjasmuz: as well... when i look at the Sounds and Audio tab and look at mplayer... it just has a little icon of a browser looking thing... no like icon06:58
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adwaithey ppl06:58
=== adwait is back
AdrossLufusol, i don't think that would work, as it seems to be a partition error06:58
jasmuzMrBiscuit: did you check the protocol you are using to identify, it must be PAP06:59
Adrossi have tried reformating windows to no avail06:59
dabaRoh, hes back, cause i thought the join notice was false.06:59
MrBiscuitIt is06:59
MrBiscuitBut how would i use a connection i made in pppconfig06:59
Traceand my sound card is integrated.06:59
adwaitdabaR: :p06:59
jasmuzMidNightRaVeN: your mplayer is strange06:59
dabaRAdross: what is a lan?06:59
Adrosslocal area network06:59
MrBiscuitLocal Area Net06:59
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TraceSilicon Integrated System, 1039:701206:59
dabaRok, why does one have to use windows on a lan?06:59
Adrosscomputer party, we go over to each others house with our comps and play games06:59
adwaitMrBiscuit: LAN connection in pppconfig? maybe u should use pppoe?06:59
jasmuzMrBiscuit: go to the run area, and type pon06:59
Adrossfor games, as i don't yet have cedega07:00
MrBiscuitadwait; No i have dialup07:00
MidNightRaVeNjasmuz: when i get it from synaptic, it says amd64 - mplayer so maybe i dunno... is that the one you have?07:00
Adrossanyone get any ideas?07:00
adwaitooh ok...07:00
dabaRso, what are you saying, you have one HD, Adross ?07:00
crimsunTrace: give me the lspci -v audio line07:00
Adrossyes, partitioned07:00
crimsunTrace: paste the output to the pastebin in the topic07:00
MrBiscuitpon? How will i know if it's connected or not07:00
dabaRok, and you have windows, and ubuntu installed?07:00
buffbikedudethe mp32ogg page is funny, because it links directly to a page that says what mp32ogg allows them to do is generally a bad idea07:00
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hoslerWhen i use esddsp for programs who dont use esound i get a 3 second sound delay with that program. Any way to fix this?07:00
dabaRand you had ubuntu, and reinstalled windows?07:00
AdrossdabaR, yess07:00
jasmuzMidNightRaVeN: no, but i dont have an AMD64 either07:00
umarhello all07:01
dabaRand ubuntu still works? you did not install windows right.07:01
AdrossdabaR, yes, and just now, reinstalled ubuntu07:01
jasmuzMrBiscuit: you will know when you have internet connectivity07:01
umarany linux database programmer here?07:01
Trace0000:00:02.7 Mulitimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated System[sis] 5513[IDE] 07:01
MrBiscuitOk, thanks07:01
dabaRafter installing windows on top of ubuntu, ubuntu should not load.07:01
MrBiscuitI'll try it out07:01
buffbikedudewhat do you mean database programmer?07:01
MidNightRaVeNjasmuz: yea... so maybe it's different cuz it's the 64 bit version...=/07:01
dabaRdid it load, Adross ?07:01
TraceSubsystem: Unknown device 1849:701207:01
LufusolAdross: why did you reinstall ubuntu again?07:01
Adrossubuntu is working right now, after reinstalled windows, i came into no problems with ubuntu. I know, odd07:01
jasmuzMidNightRaVeN: probably, i wouldnt know for sure07:02
Adrossxp loaded right after install, then the grub would not load07:02
dabaRAdross: ya, did windows ever boot after the install?07:02
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dabaRyeah, that should be like that.07:02
umari mean to ask how can we have a database in linux and a prgramming language which provides us interface for that database07:02
adwaitAdross: expected07:02
MidNightRaVeNjasmuz: thx for the advice though cuz i'll try working a bit more on it07:02
vaultspawnLinux Newbie here..........downloaded realplayer install package........how do you install this on my computer appropriately???07:02
dabaRok, so then you reinstalled ubuntu, and now grub comes up?07:02
Adrossi reinstalled ubuntu just now because grub recahces all the os's installed. It was my last ditch efford07:02
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umarlike Visual Basic and SQL Server in windows07:02
jasmuzMidNightRaVeN: you are wlcomed07:02
Adrossno, thats it, ubuntu is the only detected os07:02
dabaRAdross: you could have just reinstalled grub.07:02
Adrossi would of came to the same result07:03
dabaRbut grub comes up, right?07:03
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jasmuzvaultspawn: that plainly sucks.07:03
MidNightRaVeNdoes anyone have the canadian source list?07:03
Lufusolgrub lives in the MBR - installing XP wipes it out - reinstalling Ubuntu puts it back...07:03
MidNightRaVeNor know where i can find it?07:03
vaultspawnyes it does07:03
dabaRMidNightRaVeN: just add ca. in front of all uurls.07:03
Adrossno, it doesn't. at least it didn't when i first booted my new ubuntu install07:03
jasmuzvaultspawn: you should install it from the repositories07:03
dabaRya, mayube you need to ress a button.07:04
nalioth_zZzLufusol: no need to reinstall07:04
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sunrexanyone know how to make a DVD normal looking and not fuzzy...07:04
dabaRor something during load to show grub.07:04
dabaRwhats fuzzy?07:04
MidNightRaVeNdabaR: do you have just a simple source list then cuz mine has been altered so many times i just want a fresh one i guess you could say07:04
Adrosshmm, in that case, it seems probable that xp, at least the disk i used, did not correctly write to the boot section07:04
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Lufusolwhat i'm saying is WHEN he reinstalled, it put grub back07:04
vaultspawndumb question......what is a repository??07:04
Danar_sunrex: sorry, guess i had connection trouble07:04
Danar_sunrex: did you carry out those commands?07:04
Lufusolhow else would grub be loading after he reinstalled XP, unless he followed it with some other installation of linux that puts GRUB in the mbr?07:04
nalioth_zZzLufusol: for whomever needs it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:04
qt2err, are there any more... well rounded... apt repositories...?07:04
jasmuzvaultspawn: is a server that hosts the sofware for the OS07:04
dabaRwww.mts.net/~danb/sources.list add ca. in front of all urls, and try updating, the security.ubuntu.com may not work, so remove the ca. from it after.07:05
vaultspawngot it07:05
sunrexDanar:i need to know what i missed07:05
nalioth_zZzfor whomever needs it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:05
trung"libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"07:05
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Lufusolnalioth that section of the wiki is good, here is the GRUB manual also: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html07:05
FikrannHello everyone07:05
nalioth_zZzqt2 you should stick with official repos, or your system may suffer07:05
Adrossi assure you i did not put it back, my guess is xp didn't take it away for some reason, perhaps it had trouble writing to the mbr07:05
Danar_sunrex: did you see the commands in #flood/07:05
dabaRinstall the .so thing.07:05
Adrossthis would explain a lot07:05
adwaittrung: apt-get it maybe07:05
Razor-Xthe Grub docs are awesome07:05
dabaRhi, Fikrann .07:05
vaultspawnjasmuz: thanks07:05
jasmuz!ubotu repositories07:05
ubotumethinks repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto07:05
Razor-XOMG, It seems I don't need to think to do emacs binds any longer ;)07:06
sunrexDanar: u mean from the list i posed07:06
jasmuzvaultspawn: use that link that ubotu posted07:06
sunrexDanar:i saw u join..dont see any commands07:06
trungadwait, what is name of it?07:06
Razor-Xsunrex: please do not use caps to corret spelling errors07:06
hoslerWhen i use esddsp for programs who dont use esound i get a 3 second sound delay with that program. Any way to fix this?07:06
Danar_sunrex: no, i told you to look in #flood07:06
Danar_sunrex: then i posted a list of commands07:06
vaultspawni will.....thanks for the help07:06
dabaRRazor-X: please dont be a nazi.07:06
Danar_sunrex: guess i was out longer than i thought07:06
sunrexDanar:no i didint see em07:06
Razor-XdabaR: it's common nettiquette, caps==shouting07:07
Danar_sunrex: k, look in flood again07:07
adwaitjung: umm.....libgtk i guess?07:07
dabaRI am just getting on your case...07:07
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trungjasmuz, i use synaptic and have many name match with libgtk07:07
LufusolAdross: well getting back to your problem.. just to confirm the situation.. grub loads, into what, command line mode or the menu?07:07
IceDC571why do people use slackware?07:07
adwaittrung: uuh....no thts not it07:07
dabaRis there one that completely matches the one the program asked for, trung ?07:07
Razor-XIceDC571: because it's highly-configurable07:07
Razor-Xand powerful07:08
Adrossgrub loaded into the normal menu. Ubuntu, memtest, and xp07:08
Adrossloading xp would fail07:08
Lufusolok.  And ubuntu works fine07:08
Danar_IceDC571: some people like it. why do you not?07:08
Lufusolwhat error does it give when you choose xp?07:08
jasmuztrung: what are you looking to install?07:08
Adrosswith it saying there was an ntldr error and partition was unreadbale07:08
Adrossyes, ubuntu works fine07:08
Danar_IceDC571: it's the oldest distro..07:08
Razor-XAdross: cat /boot/grub/menu.lst and put it on pastebin07:08
IceDC571i dont know, i mean.. do you have to build everything from source in slack?07:08
jasmuzIceDC571: because they like geezers07:08
Adrossfor 99% of the time, this is fine. But i'm going to a lan07:08
Razor-Xor #flood, if you don't want to leave IRC07:08
Danar_sunrex: you can delete the file on your desktop07:09
Adrosskk, #flood it is07:09
trungjasmuz, i don't know just error07:09
sunrexdanar: k...so do i do each one at one time07:09
Adrosshmm, no windows07:09
jasmuztrung: what is your issue?...multiple entries of the same file in synaptic?07:09
dabaRha, I learned how to switch "windows" in irssi:P07:10
LufusolAdross: "NTLDR is missing, press any key to restart"  ?07:10
dabaRjasmuz: his issue is that some program does not load, cause the program wants libgtk1.02.so or something like that.07:11
Razor-X#flood is a definite use for emacs07:11
Danar_sunrex: yeh, just one line at a time07:11
trungjasmuz,  yes07:11
Razor-Xhmmm, i'm seeing why pastebin is more desired ;)07:11
trungjasmuz, what name of package that included libgtk-1.2.so.007:11
jasmuztrung: what program is asking you for libgtk?07:12
sunrexDanar: k what after sudo tar -jxvf ~/all-20050412.tar.bz207:12
LufusolADROSS: http://www.tinyempire.com/shortnotes/files/ntldr_missing.htm07:12
nalioth_zZzdabaR: you'll really like irssi if you use it with "gnu screen"07:12
Adrossthat was the error, back when grub had windows07:12
Adrossnow it didn't detect it at all07:12
Adrosscan u still help me?07:12
dabaRwhat is gnu screen?07:12
Razor-Xnalioth_zZz: anything is better with GNU screen07:12
ubotuops is probably bob2 daniels07:12
Adrossi know what ntldr is07:12
Yukiis there an email client I can install?07:12
nalioth_zZzdabaR: then, you can access your irssi from any where (library computer, etc) that has ssh07:12
Adrossboot error07:12
Razor-XdabaR: it's a form of multiple-terminal management using the CLI07:12
Danar_can one of you kill my ghost nick? Danar07:13
Razor-XAdross: done?07:13
LufusolAdross: that link isn't just telling you what it is07:13
dabaRwhy couldnt I now? its cli...07:13
trungjasmuz, purebasic.com07:13
LufusolAdross: it tells you how to fix it07:13
Adrossbut now grub doesn't even detect it07:13
qt2nalioth_zZz, so... should i compile everything not in the official repositories...07:13
LufusolAdross: or atleast how to diagnose the situation07:13
nalioth_zZzdabaR: you have to initiate screen, then start irssi inside it07:13
Danar_sunrex: after that, the files should be there, and hopefully xine will see them when you run it07:13
Danar_sunrex: try again07:13
sunrexDanar: k07:14
dabaRwhy could I not just do it with ssh?07:14
Razor-XAdross: got it saved to a file07:14
Danar_sunrex: xine or totem or whatever you're using07:14
dabaRits cli.07:14
dabaRyou mean so I can have another terminal open?07:14
sunrexDanar: didint work07:14
nalioth_zZzqt2, first try for official binarys, 2nd use apt to build from official sources 3d, build by hand (use checkinstall in place of "make install")07:14
Razor-XdabaR: exactly07:14
Adrossi think i may be able to fix it by getting another xp disk, installing, then reinstalling ubuntu07:14
Adrossworse comes to worse, i have pata hdd spare07:15
dabaRya, that makes sense, maybe I will do that when I have a use for that...Im fine now, tho,.07:15
Razor-Xbut, the best part about screen is, if you use screen remotely, it's de/attachable07:15
nalioth_zZzdabaR: with screen, you can have 100s of terminals runnning inside one gnome-term window07:15
Adrossthanks guys07:15
dabaRI can have that now.07:15
nalioth_zZzdabaR: Razor-X can explain it better07:15
Razor-Xwithout tabs07:15
Adrossits people like you that got me to change over to linux in the first place. You're really doing yourselves proud07:15
dabaRBut, I cant start gnome-term without -X07:15
Razor-Xtabs take up GUI usage, and more memory usage than screen does07:15
Danar_sunrex: what're you trying to play, and what exactly happens?07:15
Danar_sunrex: and what're you playing with07:15
Razor-XdabaR: yeah, you can use screen without X07:15
nalioth_zZzdabaR: screen runs in the text logins also07:15
dabaRok, so gnome screen? cant be two words...07:16
Razor-Xbut, if you're X-less, I also suggest using twin07:16
Razor-XdabaR: screen07:16
Razor-Xone word07:16
sunrexDanar:i see half the movie the other have is like a tv with no respetion....it was like this b/f to07:16
Danar_sunrex: what players have you tried? xine, vlc, mplayer?07:16
dabaRjust screen, then,07:16
dabaRlets see.07:16
Razor-Xyour computing life will never be the same07:16
LufusolAdross: http://www.tinyempire.com/shortnotes/files/fixntldr.iso try burning and booting from this07:16
Razor-Xtrust me07:16
sunrexDanar:Xine TOTEM totem just freezes thou07:16
Danar_sunrex: strange07:16
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Lufusolfollow instructions on that link i gave you07:16
dabaRnot in repos...07:16
jasmuzGood night people07:16
nalioth_zZzRazor-X: anyone who listens to you will never be the same07:16
=== Danar_ is now known as Danar
jasmuzTroll tonight07:17
cyphaseUbuntu Foundation..07:17
nalioth_zZzRazor-X: emacs can run your car, plug it in07:17
Razor-Xnalioth_zZz: ;)07:17
sunrexDanar:i got no sound either07:17
Razor-XI only wish it could07:17
Razor-XI'm such a screen dedicated fan, I use emacs in screen07:17
nalioth_zZz!info screen07:17
ubotuscreen: (a terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation), section misc, is optional. Version: 4.0.2-4.1ubuntu2 (hoary), Packaged size: 563 kB, Installed size: 972 kB07:17
Razor-Xi'm even more dedicated about screen than I am about emacs, I just don't spread the love as much07:17
dabaRI dont have that enabled, I dont think..07:17
Fikrannnalioth_zZz, Provided you can sacrifice 65% of your engine's power solely to keep emacs running.07:17
nalioth_zZzdabaR: it might be default ( i dont remember)07:18
LufusolI hope it helps... Other than that I am out of ideas.07:18
Lufusolgood luck07:18
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Danarsunrex:  sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-esd totem-gstreamer07:18
GigaCloncan anyone suggest a Linux tutorial?07:18
nalioth_zZzFikrann: now i was just joshin with Razor-X. He's the one who wants to implant his sisters with emacs07:18
Razor-XI will!07:18
nalioth_zZzGigaClon: www.tldp.org07:18
DanarGigaClon: go to google.com/linux and search ~guide07:18
Razor-Xfrom age 6, she'll learn C-x C-c07:18
Danaryou'll find tldp.org and more07:18
sunrexDanar:0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.07:19
nalioth_zZzGigaClon: but stay away from ubuntuguide07:19
Danarsunrex: you already have them?07:19
sunrexDanar:i guess =/07:19
Razor-Xnalioth_zZz: ubuntuguide has become deprecated?07:19
Danarsunrex: tried playing something else?07:19
ubotuwell, ubguide is Please do not follow Ubuntuguide; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines (number 3)07:19
sunrexDanar:no...ill try that now..07:19
sunrexDanar: wait i cant07:19
Danarsunrex: ...07:19
GigaClonim really new to Linux, just install ubuntu today07:20
sunrexDanar:my 2 CD/DVD roms just froze and wont eject07:20
sunrexDanar:im going to restart BRB07:20
nalioth_zZznight, got early clients tomorrow07:20
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Danarsunrex: wait07:20
othernoobsunrex unmount them07:20
IceDC571blah.. i feel like an ass using mandrake when i was 1307:20
sunrexDanar: ?07:20
Danarsunrex: you want to restart the computer?07:20
IceDC571i should of used something like.. freebsd07:20
Danarsunrex: just open the tray07:20
Danarsunrex: got a pin?07:20
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GNULinuxernalioth_zZz, what is UTFS?07:21
Razor-XIceDC571: you used Mandrake at 13?07:21
sunrexDanar:...wtf...it just ejected..07:21
Danarsunrex: actually.. oh. nvm07:21
Razor-XI plunged headfirst into Debian no-X (on mistake, of course)07:21
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joccoI cant get blender to run,,, is there a way to install Blender 3.27a in 64bit hoary with apt-get or synaptic? TIA :)07:21
sunrexDanar:great my music disk wont eject..07:21
Razor-Xnow I reccomend it to all seriously wanting to learn Linux ;)07:21
IceDC571Razor-X: mm hmm.. i remember i couldnt make my mouse cursor something else instead of that stupid X07:21
Razor-XIceDC571: XD07:21
Razor-Xi'm 15, ya know07:22
Danarsunrex: heh. run lsof|grep -i mnt07:22
IceDC571Razor-X: congrats, do you have a girl?07:22
Razor-Xspend a week in the command-line, even the most experienced in terminals (bust still use X) would have a hard time07:22
Razor-XIceDC571: hell no ;)07:22
LufusolI used mandrake 10 last, now this mandriva 10.2, i got the 1-cd ISO that downloads the rest on demand but I haven't tried it yet.. that feature wasn't very reliable on previous distros07:22
IceDC571Razor-X: so linux is better than sex, eh?07:22
joccoanyone here use blender 3d?07:22
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Razor-XIceDC571: I don't do sex (long story there)07:22
Lufusoljocco: somewhat07:22
Razor-XWikipedia "human asexual"07:23
Danarjocco: used it a couple times. not exactly a guru though :p07:23
Razor-Xbut yeah, better than being with a girl XD07:23
Danarjocco: there's good guides out there though07:23
sunrexDanar: what u want me to do07:23
IceDC571Razor-X: thats cool, what distro did you start out with?07:23
bluefoxicyDoes anyone here understand the memory layout of Linux processes very well07:23
Danarsunrex: i told you: run lsof|grep -i mnt07:23
joccook, I will try to find the source and compile it...07:23
sunrexDanar: WTF OK NOW I got the DVD TO WORK...BUT IT KEEPS FREEZING07:23
Razor-XIceDC571: Debian07:23
bluefoxicysunrex:  install xine07:23
MidNightRaVeNanyone have 64 here?07:24
bluefoxicysunrex:  don't use totem.07:24
Razor-XDebian Unstable, IIRC07:24
Danarsunrex: sounds like you're doing stuff in the mean-time...07:24
sunrexim running Xine07:24
joccoI do07:24
Razor-Xand my gfx card was being a bitch07:24
joccoI have AMD6407:24
bluefoxicysunrex:  oh, well do you have glx acceleration07:24
MidNightRaVeNjocco: how long have you been using it?07:24
Razor-Xthrough much hard experience, i've learned that the only thing that works well with that gfx card is xvesa07:24
jocco20 minuets07:24
Danarsunrex: first you ought to fix this. tell me the output from that command07:24
Razor-Xthe only xserver, rather07:24
MidNightRaVeNjocco: lol kk07:24
bluefoxicysunrex:  don't make the window terribly large07:24
joccoyea, I cant get any 32 bit apps to work07:24
bluefoxicysunrex:  witohut glx accel, it takes video players a lot to draw on the screen.07:24
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sunrexDanar:it says command not found07:25
Lufusoljocco: blender is really, really complex and can do a lot more than it appears but i haven't found any REALLY good documentation for it yet07:25
IceDC571yeah i used mandrake first, then tried redhat.. didnt like it at all, switched back to mandrake.. tried fedora, stuck to fedora for a while, tried debian unstable.. didnt like my gfx card.. went back to fedora, tried ubuntu and now im never going back07:25
sunrexbluefoxicy: were do i get it07:25
MidNightRaVeNjocco: yea... i think i'm just goin to switch to x86 architecture right now....07:25
bluefoxicysunrex:  from your video card drivers?  :P07:25
Danarsunrex: you ran exactly this: lsof | grep -i mnt07:25
IceDC571but i still want to try freebsd again07:25
Lufusoljust the official stuff... used it for a few months at one job where the boss wanted me to make 3D looking webpage layouts07:25
sunrexDanar:tyler@Darkworks:~$ lsof | grep -i mnt07:25
dabaRok, wow, I found a new repo, misc07:26
joccoLufusol yea, I have been useing it science version 1.7507:26
sunrexDanar: didint do anything =/07:26
Danarsunrex: arg. you mislead me07:26
sunrexbluefoxicy:so were do i get the thing..07:26
MidNightRaVeNoh geez... that's not good07:26
joccoMidNightRaVeN there is some way we install ubuntu for the 32bit under the 64bit somehow07:26
Danarsunrex: no, it did what it was supposed to do. it did not say command not found, it had no output, which usually means success07:26
Razor-Xah hah, live the power of emacs macros ;)07:26
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MidNightRaVeNjocco: what do you mean??07:26
MidNightRaVeNi think i just destroyed something...07:27
youthDoes anyone know how I run wine?07:27
Razor-Xi'm sorting through Adross's menu.lst removing all the IRC commands07:27
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joccosomehow we have a 32bit system that we chroot to07:27
MidNightRaVeNreally? =/07:27
othernoobis there a n64 emulator for linux?07:27
joccowe install 32bit apps there07:27
othernoobas well as a neogeo emu07:27
Danarsunrex: what it does is pipe the output from lsof (list open files) to grep, which you told to search for 'mnt'. to see if something was using a mounted drive/partition07:27
MidNightRaVeNwell crap... how do we do that...07:27
joccoothernoob I think xmame will do n6407:27
sunrexDanar:....well is somthing?07:27
Danarsunrex: at the moment you ran it, nothing was using the drives, right?07:27
joccoothernoob Xmess I mean07:28
Danarsunrex: apparently not, as there was no output07:28
LufusolIce and whoever... hmm.. i think redhat 5 or 6 was my first successful linux distro.. then mandrake, then gave up on it when i couldn't get past debian install >_< then years later.. last year.. tried mandrake 10, and fedora core 2, and settled on suse 907:28
Razor-Xthere we are, all the IRC is out of it07:28
sunrexDanar:nope...unless a CD that wont eject is called running =P07:28
othernoobjocco it does have a promissing name ;) thanks07:28
Lufusolnow running overclockix and ubuntu07:28
MidNightRaVeNwelll peeps... i just totally broke ubuntu lol07:28
Danarsunrex: what's mount say?07:28
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: goo job!07:28
othernoobMidNightRaVeN:  congrats07:28
Lufusolboth debian based.. finally i graduated to debian.. still a total noob though :)07:28
youth..anyone? :/07:28
MidNightRaVeNlol you guys should help me fix it ;-)07:28
sunrexDanar: Audio Disk07:28
Razor-XLufusol: why waste your CPU on stuff like Folding@Home, when you can use Progress Quest? ;)07:29
Danaryouth: run 'wine program.exe' in a terminal07:29
sunrexDanar: dont know why i even put it in i got no sound..07:29
MidNightRaVeNit's not too bad...07:29
Razor-Xwho cares about helping discover the protein folding configurations and aiding humans07:29
Razor-XI want my character to be BADASS XD07:29
LufusolRazor-X: haha07:29
othernoobyouth you have to be in the directory of the app to do it07:29
sunrexDanar:Unable To Eject Media...and when i click eject my HD starts to load with that sound07:29
Danarsunrex: paste the output of 'mount' in flood07:29
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youthwhere is it? 'cause i dont even know where it went07:29
sunrexDanar:what you mean07:29
Razor-Xoddly enough, the shift of stuff is moving from pastebin to flood07:30
othernoobyouth probably .wine/fake_windows/....07:30
Danarsunrex: i mean, run mount in a terminal, and paste the output in #flood07:30
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Razor-Xstill, I deprecate using #flood only because it's cleaner in pastebin07:30
MidNightRaVeNcan you use the history in Synaptic to reinstall stuff easily?07:30
sunrexDanar:whats the command to do that lol07:30
Danaryouth: you cd to the dir of the program, and run 'wine program.exe'07:30
Razor-Xsurly: 'mount'07:30
youthdanar; cd to it.?07:30
Danarsunrex: ?! mount. for the fifth time: mount07:30
LufusolRazor-X: overclockix is actually a rather nice distro aside from F@H... especially since it automatically discovers and mounts NTFS volumes and I run XP on both my machines here at home07:30
Razor-Xsunrex: 'mount'07:31
othernoobyouth: cd =change directory07:31
=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Danaryouth: cd = the change directory command. you need to run it from the same directory the program is in07:31
Razor-XLufusol: i'm just jokin with ya07:31
sunrexOH LOL07:31
LufusolRazor-X: i know ;)07:31
Razor-XI know the guy who makes Overclockix07:31
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Razor-Xand have met the guy who makes Kanotix07:31
rob^_too much X07:31
MidNightRaVeNughh... well looks like i'm going to be reinstalling ubuntu...07:31
Razor-Xhelped the former add some packages to Overclockix ;)07:31
LufusolKanotix - another Knoppix variant?07:31
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Razor-XLufusol: it's one with a blazing-fast kernel07:32
othernoobLufusol sort of07:32
Danarsunrex: woops. again, i wasn't in #flood07:32
rob^_I personally like xxx07:32
MidNightRaVeNdoes anyone have a suggestion if i should use x86 or x86_64????07:32
=== rob^_ likes mindless chatter
Razor-Xrob^_: keep your wet dreams to yourself07:32
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DanarMidNightRaVeN: 64 if you can07:32
othernoobMidNightRaVeN: that depends on your cpu07:32
MidNightRaVeNDanar: kk...07:32
budish76anyone install antivirus on ubuntu?07:32
=== rob^_ is now known as rob^
othernoobbudish76: what for?07:33
Danarbudish76: not much point unless you're running a mail server or something, but if you want one: clamav07:33
MidNightRaVeNothernoob: i have 64 but was thinking of just using x86 for ease of use07:33
budish76clam av confused07:33
LufusolMidNightRaVen: nah go for x86_6407:33
budish76need zlibc-devel07:33
Lufusolif you got it, flaunt it ;)07:33
sunrexDanar:anything wrong with it?07:33
Danar64-bit = goodness07:33
othernoobbudish76: clamav is a opensource antivirus prog. in fact, it's the best antivirus prog07:33
Danarsunrex: nope, but it tells me that your dvd & cd drives aren't mounted07:34
budish76already download the .gz file07:34
budish76confused to install07:34
Danarsunrex: which confirms that they're not being used, and you should have no problem ejecting them07:34
budish76find rpm package07:34
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rekabudish76: you're doing it the hard way07:34
grphxI'm trying to print something, but all my printer does is blink it's power light..07:34
othernoobbudish76: you could install it via apt07:34
budish76any address07:34
budish76for synaptic?07:34
Danarsunrex: if you can't eject them with the eject command, then stick a pin in the hole07:34
rekabudish76: sys > admin > synaptic07:35
budish76for clamav07:35
Lufusoluh oh level one tech support time.. sir, is your printer plugged in to your computer?  sir, is the light on your monitor green or amber?07:35
Danarbudish76: there's little point in having an antivirus for linux, but if you insist, run "sudo apt-get install clamav" or  search for clamav in synaptic07:35
grphxI don't thinkl linux reconizes my printer, it don't list it in the printer setup list07:35
othernoobsunrex: unmount the cddrive07:35
Danarothernoob: it's not mounted07:35
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othernoobDanar: weird07:36
Danarsunrex: push the eject button on the drives07:36
pinkoquestion: anyone know how to (successfully) open an ssh server for remote access?07:36
sunrexDanar:did...doesnt work..07:36
MidNightRaVeNgoodbye peeps for a short bit... going to reinstall ubuntu!! w00t w00t!!07:36
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sunrexDanar:im going to restart brb07:36
bob2pinko: you don't have to do anything aside from install the openssh-server package07:36
=== Danar sighs
hyphenatedDanar: there's little point having antivirus to protect linux boxes. but sometimes, you want your linux box protecting windows ones (eg: mail server that filters bad attachments)07:36
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bob2pinko: if you have a "firewall" between you and the world, you'd of course need to configure that, too07:36
othernoobgrphx: www.linuxprinting.org for your printing needs :)07:36
Danarhyphenated: that's what i said...07:36
Danarhyphenated: almost exactly, only with less words07:37
pinkobob2: firewall is not the problem, though I'm trying to make it work with a forwarded port07:37
bob2pinko: then it is the problem07:37
hyphenatedDanar: I guess I misread. I thought you were implying clamav was a waste of time installing :-)07:37
Danarhyphenated: i was. but i also said <Danar> budish76: not much point unless you're running a mail server or something, but if you want one: clamav07:38
budish76the problem is i already install by converting rpm using alien07:38
budish76but clamav cannot run07:38
=== seth_k is away: sleep
budish76and i uninstall it07:38
pinkobob2: I think you're right.  any advice?07:38
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Danarbudish76: so uninstall it, then install it from synaptic07:38
hyphenatedwhoops, missed that bit, Danar07:38
=== Lufusol yawns.
LufusolBedways is rightways, now07:38
Danarhyphenated: np07:38
budish76how to find the installation on internet using synaptic07:38
bob2pinko: assuming it's a consumer "router" thing, none other than reading the manual to find out how to forward connections07:38
Lufusollater folks07:38
bob2budish76: you install clamav using alien?07:38
budish76find rpm package and install using alien07:39
=== sunrex [~sunrex@c-67-183-46-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
budish76but not work07:39
rekabudish76: click the search button in synaptic.07:39
bob2budish76: that's sick, just install clamav from ubuntu.  wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto.07:39
bob2fridge me!07:39
Danarbudish76: in synaptic, click the clamav package, right-click on it, and choose complete removal. click apply07:39
sunrexDanar: well///that went well...and i got my cd out07:39
rekathen type in clamav07:39
Danarbudish76: then reinstall it with synaptic07:39
whiprushbob2: hmm, I need to nail down Mr. Dub and discuss.07:40
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whiprushTime is catching up to us.07:40
budish76the installation source should be anywhere in internet07:40
sunrexDanar:what do i use so i can make my DVD a big screen>07:40
=== hondje nominates bob2 to be the patron saint of patience
budish76anyone has clear address07:40
bob2whiprush: the elusive Mr Dub.  a nailgun might help.07:40
budish76i'm little confused using synaptic07:40
hoslerWhen i use esddsp for programs who dont use esound i get a 3 second sound delay with that program. Any way to fix this?07:40
bob2budish76: dude, use synaptic.  you're only digging your hole here deeper.07:40
pinkobob2: I have the port opened by my gateway, verified that it's open through scan.sygate.com07:40
rob^anyone know where I can get the kernel module for lufsmount to mount ftp servers?07:41
bob2pinko: that site sounds useless07:41
sunrexDanar: ?07:41
whiprushbob2: I was thinking more along the lines of an iron maiden, but yeah ....07:41
bob2pinko: can you ssh to your external ip from elsewere on the internet or not?07:41
pinkobob2: nope.  so far, I can only do it from within the network07:41
bob2pinko: then the router is still misconfigured07:42
bob2pinko: I assume this is the ip you're on irc from?07:42
pinkobob2: yes07:42
bob2pinko: it works fine07:42
budish76bob2: do you think that i can install rpm that i already download for other distro via synaptic?07:42
bob2budish76: no, that's a terrible idea07:42
IceDC571budish76: use alien07:42
IceDC571budish76: what type of package?07:42
bob2budish76: use the ubuntu paclages07:42
ColonelKernelwhere can I find the pic used on my desktop in my install?07:42
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sunrexDanar: U HERE07:44
Danarsunrex: and was unnecessary, but glad it worked07:44
Danarsunrex: i suggest you ask someone else for help, and/or search google, check the forums, etc. i should have been asleep hours ago. good luck, and good night07:44
Danarnite all07:44
bob2sunrex: please stop using all capitals, it makes you look obnoxious07:44
Danarsunrex: 'f' should make it fullscreen07:44
Danarsunrex: what freezes? xine?07:44
sunrexDanar: Xine laggs the movie like crazy07:44
pinkobob2: thank you.  I think I can guess what the trouble is, then.07:45
budish76or need to download from clamav web07:45
budish76also via synaptic?07:45
Danarsunrex: yet nothing else plays it, correct?07:45
bob2budish76: using synaptic07:45
IceDC571pshh.. xine never worked for me.. i never use it07:45
bob2xine works fine07:45
IceDC571oh wait i use totem, stupid me07:45
bob2and does menus, unlike mplayer07:45
sunrexDanar: the DVDS wont play on anything else07:45
Danardoes it play properly, albeit slowly?07:45
sunrexDanar: somtimes...and somtimes it freezes then starts going...its a 5 sec thing for the normal playback07:45
drummer87hey, how can i make my comp login automatically from the login shell?07:45
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Danarsunrex: you may have a video card driver problem07:46
Danarbut as i said, i should have gone to sleep hours ago...07:46
budish76IceDC571: rpm for mdk07:46
rekadrummer87: sys > admin > login screen07:46
sunrexDanar: no...couse if i download a MP3 from the internet realplayer plays just fine07:46
IceDC571blah... especially any rpm for mandrake, dont use it07:47
Danarsunrex: how much ram do you have? might also have a small swap file07:47
Danarrunning anything else at the same time?07:47
sunrexDanar: about 35007:47
Danarsunrex: ~350MB RAM? I doubt that :p07:47
drummer87reka, i'm not using gdm though.. just the shell (i want to set up a 2nd box as testing server but have it login and start linuxvnc by just pressing the on button)07:47
sunrexDanar? what i am07:48
Danarmore likely 256 or 512...07:48
sunrexDanar: 350 about...i know07:48
Danarwhat size memory modules do you have in there?07:48
rekadrummer87: i see...not really sure bout that one07:48
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sunrexDanar: not sure lol =/07:48
Danarsunrex: is it 384?07:49
YukiI forgot the command for installing kubuntu07:49
sunrexDanar: i think07:49
Yukiwhat is it again?07:49
Danarsunrex: that would be a 256 + a 12807:49
=== DekaPink [~nanami@brndmb02dc1-222-25.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
Danarshould be plenty07:49
drummer87reka, thanks anyway, i think i've found something on the forums though :)07:49
whyameyesound stutters on many of my audio/video apps. I didn't really care until tonight because now I discover it stutters in Kino. I have tried OSS and ALSA.07:49
=== stanford [~stanford@ip68-14-106-246.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
DekaPinkThere, my Ubuntu is all nice and set up, and it recognizes my camera... :D07:49
Danarwhyameye: ubuntu uses esd07:49
rekadrummer87: righto07:49
sunrexDanar:so then whats wrong07:49
stanfordRyhtmbox doesn't work... unexpectedly closes.  Help?07:50
Danarsunrex: not sure. possibly your video card driver. i don't have time to help now. must sleep07:50
visorhey folks do we have to umount first a usb drive before disconnecting it gnome 2.10? (usb 1.x) or simly removing it will do it?07:50
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drummer87typing the q here just jogged my memory to something i'd read months ago.. all good now07:50
Danarg'nite people07:50
adwaitgnite Danar07:50
stanfordRyhtmbox (music player) doesn't work... unexpectedly closes.  Help?07:51
adwaitvisor: i guess u better umount it....07:51
IceDC571stanford: type rhythmbox in the terminal, what does it say?07:51
adwaitstanford: closes when? when u try to play/import/start?07:51
stanfordadwait, when i open it lol07:52
Yukimy speakers don't even work...help?07:52
visoradwait: i've heard before that if is usb 2.0 and if you dont have anything like a mouse connected than you just unplugg it but yet im not quite sure if it harms the drive if you dont umount it07:52
stanfordicedc571, Ryhtmbox doesn't work... unexpectedly closes.  Help?07:52
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stanfordicedc571 wrong copy07:52
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qt2irk... synaptic like... froze installing nvidia-glx...07:52
stanfordicedc571, bash: rythmbox: command not found07:52
adwaitvisor: it cuoldnt harm the drive.....but whts the harm in letting linux know its not there anymore07:53
adwaitstanford: rhythmbox is the spelling07:53
stanfordadwait ok07:53
Yukimy speakers won't play sound...help?07:53
IceDC571stanford: its rhythmbox with two h's07:53
adwaitvisor: u can add the mounter to the the panel for easily mounting and umounting07:54
stanfordicedc571 GLib-ERROR **: gmem.c:141: failed to allocate 1680813884 bytes07:54
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adwaitYuki: no sounds  at all? hv u enabled sound server?07:54
IceDC571stanford: wow, sounds like a nasty memory error07:54
IceDC571adwait: what do you think?07:54
Yukium, how?  XD07:54
Yukime=linux n00b07:54
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visoradwait: yeah, indeed there is an option on the menu when you right click on the drive, but i thought it was only needed to unplugg it (as long as you are not using it, say copying files or something)07:54
balistic22does anyone know how to connect ipod to ubuntu07:54
Yukiit plays sounds, but not music and stuff07:55
stanfordicecd571, adwait, I didn't do anything to it, just installed ubuntu07:55
Yukilike, my music files don't work07:55
IceDC571balistic22: it should be plug and play.. ive listening to my ipod on ubuntu right now07:55
Yukieven though the player opens tem07:55
stanfordlol two player issues07:55
balistic22IceDC571, well when i had red hat it worked fine.. but for some reason its not recognizing the ipod is there a plug and play option i have to enable07:55
=== whyameye [~whyameye@209-6-158-100.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
IceDC571balistic22: so when you plug in your ipod does it see anything?07:56
stanfordicecd571, adwait, is there anything i can do to fix  this memory problem?07:56
rekaYuki: what prog are you using for music?07:56
whyameyeMachine just crashed, so I got disconnected and don't know if anybody answered me. I am having troubles with stuttering sound in some audio/video apps. Specifically Kino is a problem which I would like to solve. Tried OSS and ALSO.07:56
balistic22Iced571, nope nothing .. not even the " Do not disconnect" all i see is my ipod playing music07:56
whyameyeALSA that is...07:56
Yukium, whatever it opens by default?07:56
stanfordbalisticc22, my ipod works fine, plugandplay07:57
rekaYuki: are they mp3s?07:57
balistic22well what do i do...07:57
[Chameleon] Does anybody in here happen to be in Windows and have Adobe Illustrator? I need an .ai file verified.07:57
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stanfordi just can't open a rhythm box07:57
[Chameleon] Anybody?07:57
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rekaYuki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:57
=== sunrex [~sunrex@c-67-183-46-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
stanfordNo suggestions on memory error with Rhythm box?  I'll check back in the morning07:58
sunrexwhat can be used to play games?07:58
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whyameyeis there an audio buffer setting somewhere that I can change for OSS and ALSA software?07:58
sunrexwindows games07:58
[Chameleon] sunrex: WineX07:58
[Chameleon] it's spotty though07:59
[Chameleon] and not free07:59
ColonelKernelwhat package do I need to install for a C compiler?07:59
[Chameleon] sunrex: you could try the generic WINE07:59
balistic22would reformatting my ipod work ?07:59
IceDC571i doubt it but you can try07:59
stanfordIs there an alternative to Rhythmbox?07:59
IceDC571stanford: try Muine08:00
IceDC571its very nice08:00
DekaPinkDamn, Ubuntu is sexy.08:00
IceDC571*almost* gapless playback too08:00
GigaClondamn straight08:00
stanfordubuntu is sexy08:00
[Chameleon] yep08:00
IceDC571the default human theme creeps me out tho08:00
[Chameleon] Ubuntu == Sexy08:00
IceDC571its like im part of ubuntu08:00
DekaPinkIf it were physically possible to make love to an operating system, I'm tellin' ya.08:00
rekaColonelKernel: gcc08:00
GigaClonwhat is Rhythmbox?08:00
balistic22 ughh i want to work with my ipod08:00
hoslerWhen i use esddsp for programs who dont use esound i get a 3 second sound delay with that program. Any way to fix this?08:00
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ColonelKerneldo I have to log out or anything after I install gcc?08:01
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hoslerbalistic22: When I plugged in my ipod it worked instantly.08:02
joccois there a backport for AMD64 hoary? I need blender version 2.37 or 2.37a TIA08:02
rekaColonelKernel: don't think so08:02
crimsunColonelKernel, build-essential is the package08:02
=== DekaPink is now known as littlered
ColonelKernelcrimsun, thanks08:02
littleredI just posted my desktop in the Ubuntu Forum's gallery. :D08:02
whyameyehosler: what it esddsp and where can I get it? Will this help with stuttering audio in software that uses OSS or ALSA?08:02
kkathmanevenin crimson..howzit goin :)08:02
rekawhyameye, hosler :  crimsun's the resident sound guru. :)08:03
kkathmanyep he is08:03
whyameyecrimsun: can you help? I have sound stuttering issues in many audio/video programs. I am especially concerned about Kino right now...08:04
hoslerwhyameye: ubuntu uses esound to allow multiple programs use the sound device. But not all programs are compatible with esound, so esddsp allows those programs to use esound even if they are not programed to do so.08:04
whyameyehosler: esound == esd?08:04
hoslerwhyameye: you can download it with synaptic. I believe the package is called esound-clients or something like that.08:04
crimsunit's best to avoid esound if at all possible.08:04
hoslerwhyameye: esd = esound deamon08:04
=== MrBiscuit [~chatzilla@1Cust7975.an4.dca16.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
hoslercrimsun: what would you recommend as an alternative?08:05
whyameyeokay. Yes when I use Kino for example I have to type killall esd in a terminal window first.08:05
ColonelKernelconfigure: error: zlib needed <-- what do I install to fix this error08:05
IceDC571just wait in a few years when M$ charages $700 for an operating system08:05
crimsunhosler, alsa directly08:05
MrBiscuitAnyone have dialup or have any knowledge on PPP?08:05
IceDC571welcome back MrBiscuit08:06
hoslercrimsun: so if just disable esound alsa will kick in?08:06
MrBiscuitOh yes Hi08:06
MrBiscuitStill no luck :-(08:06
crimsunhosler, esound currently is configured on ubuntu to run on top of alsa's oss emulation08:06
MrBiscuitMaybe i should go back to GNOME08:06
IceDC571MrBiscuit: what modem do you have?08:06
crimsunhosler, if you disable esound, you have to configure the gnome applications to use alsa directly for their audio sink08:06
MrBiscuitConexant HSF Modem08:06
jasoncohenColonelKernel, apt-get install zlib1g zlib1g-dev most likely08:06
IceDC571MrBiscuit: yes, indeed.. go back to gnome08:06
MrBiscuitBut KDE is so pretty08:07
hoslercrimsun: why do they use esound at all?08:07
MrBiscuitBut it doesn't have Gnometris08:07
IceDC571kde is Qt with a huge facelift and major surgeries08:07
MrBiscuitHmmm.. Decisions Decisions08:07
IceDC571go back to gnome..08:07
=== Yuki [~Yukiko@d205-206-117-242.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
jasoncohenColonelKernel, i'm almost positive you have zlib1g installed but you probably are missing the development files from zlib1g-dev08:07
=== Aerebus [~nexus@cpe-66-25-33-72.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunhosler, it was the simplest way to support multiple sounds across the variety of sound hardware08:07
MrBiscuitHmmm.. Linuxant is not free.. what a rip off..Good thing i have a beta driver :-D08:08
ColonelKerneljasoncohen, that would be it - thank you08:08
hoslercrimsun: wait, doesnt alsa do the same thing?08:08
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littleredOi... What's that thing you can get for gaim that like, highlights the message windows when you're getting new messages? :308:08
crimsunhosler, at the library layer, yes, called dmix.08:08
MrBiscuitOkIce, i mite be back later, to reinstall Ubuntu!08:08
whyameyeokay so now I installed esddsp and run it and hear nothing using Kino.08:08
Yukiwhat's the command to install kubuntu?08:09
hoslercrimsun: so if I dissable esound, will I be able to play a game which uses sound and listen to music at the same time?08:09
jasoncohenColonelKernel, zlib1g is an essential library. if you tried to remove it ubuntu would warn you of grave danger ahead :)08:09
jasoncohenso, zlib1g-dev was a good bet08:09
crimsunhosler, more than likely, yes08:09
rekaYuki: kubuntu is a seperate distro :)08:09
rekaYuki: i take it you mean KDE?08:09
crimsunhosler, certain games are still hard-wired to use oss, however.08:09
rob^when I try to build or modprobe the lufs modules in my 2.6.10-5-k7 kernel I get "lufs: Unknown symbol kill_proc_info08:09
whyameyecrimsun: any ideas about stuttering sound with ALSA and OSS?08:09
crimsunwhyameye, are you using alsa directly?08:09
rekaYuki: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:09
rob^any ideas how to fix this?08:10
=== sunrex [~sunrex@c-67-183-46-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hoslercrimsun: so how do I prevent esound from starting up? Also, what are some suggestion for programs which only use oss?08:10
crimsunhosler, System> Preferences> Sound> uncheck Enable sound server startup08:10
whyameyeCrimsun: I think I am. I kill esd. Then I choose ALSA in the multimedia systems director. Then I run Kino which has /dev/dsp set as the sound device.08:10
crimsunhosler, make sure that you change System> Preferences> Multimedia Systems Selector> Default audio sink to ALSA08:11
jasoncohenhmm...why do so many people have problems with sound?08:11
jasoncohensunrex, so, you get no sound at all?08:11
[Chameleon] because ALSA assumed everybody had hardware mixers08:11
crimsunwhyameye, ok, that would use ALSA's oss emulation08:11
=== cajun [~cajun@c-24-99-75-74.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sunrexJasoncohen:nope...not one sound08:11
Yukiso...I can do stuff while it emerges right?08:11
[Chameleon] and the AC'97 and similar sound hardware is a software mixer.08:12
crimsun[Chameleon] , no, that's an inaccurate statement.08:12
hoslercrimsun: well that was easy. when i think linux i think command line. thanks.08:12
cajunis hoary still the current testing version?08:12
whyameyecrumsun: do I have other options for piping the sound? What I am doing is clearly not working.08:12
[Chameleon] crimsun: what's inaccurate about it?08:12
jasoncohencajun, hoary is the current stable release. breezy is the development release08:12
whyameyesorry...that's crimsun08:12
=== adwait is back
crimsun[Chameleon] , there's absolutely no assumption whatsoever regarding the underlying hardware having multiopen capability.08:12
=== tiglionabbit [~nick@c-67-171-159-205.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sunrexwhats Hoary..08:12
sunrexi just got plain old Ubuntu08:12
tiglionabbitzomg what happened I can't hear sound anymore!08:12
adwaitsunrex: name of the current version of uvuntu08:12
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sunrexAdwait:how i find out....lol.08:13
[Chameleon] crimsun: so what's the source of the sound difficulties?08:13
Yukireka: how long will it take do you think?08:13
jasoncohensunrex, did you try changing your default sink to ALSA or OSS?08:13
bigfoot1anybody use Plugger instead of gmplayer as their plugin media player in their web browser?08:13
sunrexthere is no 'difficulties' i have 0 sound08:13
crimsun[Chameleon] , it's a combination of esound and the sound hardware08:13
whyameyecrimsun: is there a place I can change some sort of audio buffer to try to smooth other stuttering?08:13
sunrexJasoncohen no...i dont think so08:13
tiglionabbitguys guys, I don't know what's changed, but suddenly the only thing I can get sound from is xmame.  I can't get sound from beep-media-player, flash, or even games.  What could I have done?08:14
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jasoncohensunrex, system > preferences > multimedia systems selector - default sink for audio is esd. try alsa and test to see if you hear sound08:14
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hoslerwhyameye: what do you mean by shuttering?08:14
crimsun[Chameleon] , esound was used as an attempt to overcome the multiopen problem because, at the time, ALSA's lib-level dmix solution wasn't quite mature enough08:14
bigfoot1what do you guys recommend/use for midi files?08:14
jasoncohencrimsun, what will be used in breezy?08:14
tiglionabbitcan someone help me out here?08:14
crimsunjasoncohen, Breezy already uses dmix for up to 9 devices.08:14
rekaYuki: well what's the estimated time left?08:14
sunrexJasoncohen: i cant it says Failed To Construct Test Pipline08:14
whyameyehosler: sorry stuttering. Instead of a smooth stream of sound, the sound is coming out in blips interrupted by silence probably 10x/second.08:15
drummer87is it possible to downgrade to hoary?08:15
hoslerwhyameye: sorry :( never had that problem. It either worked or didnt work at all for me.08:15
Yukioh, I see now XD08:15
crimsunwhyameye, does that application have an ALSA output?08:15
adwaitdrummer87: from breezy?08:15
_0killshey guys, im having a brain fart, whats the command to extract from .tgz?08:15
sunrex*sigh* its screwed up =/08:15
jasoncohencrimsun, so, a lot of these issues should dissapear in breezy? it just seems like a LOT of users are having sound issues08:15
drummer87yep, from breezy08:15
crimsun_0kills, tar xfz foo.tar.gz08:15
whyameyecrimsun: how would I check?08:15
jasoncohentiglionabbit, what have you changed recently?08:15
_0killscrimsun, thanks08:16
Yukireka: will I have to logout anf login again for the changes to take effect?08:16
jasoncohendrummer87, apt-get doesn't really support downgrades. it's meant to do upgrades08:16
hoslerWhere can I specify programs to start up on boot? I want gdesklets deamon to startup on boot.08:16
whyameyecrimsun: it just has an area to type in the sound device name08:16
crimsunwhyameye, you need to check the application.08:16
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: nothing...   the last thing I did that had anything to do with sound was...   I did a modprobe command to make rosegarden work08:16
adwaithosler: u can save current config while logging out, or use rcconf08:16
jasoncohenand it worked before that?08:16
drummer87so reinstalling is the only/easiest option?08:16
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: yep08:16
hosleradwait: ok thanks08:16
rekaYuki: yes.  iirc, when it's done, log out, click on the sessions button and select KDE.08:16
jasoncohendrummer87, probably- you shouldn't have upgraded to breezy. it's a development release and is currently in a very unstable state08:16
crimsunjasoncohen, a lot of these issues will be moot, yes, but the fact that a lot of ac97 solutions are pure crap can't be masked08:16
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: I followed this guide, and it was working pretty well.  I could hear sound mixed between several programs at the same time08:17
ubotuwell, sound is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206308:17
tiglionabbitthat one08:17
jasoncohentiglionabbit, well, try to rmmod that module and then try, and if that doesn't work restart08:17
jasoncohendid you add the module to /etc/moduels or anything?08:17
tiglionabbitI can't remember the module...08:17
[Chameleon] crimsun: OK, next time I answer that question, I'll omit the part about ALSA making an assumption.08:17
drummer87jasoncohen, it's only on a testing box, np reinstalling08:17
bigfoot1how can i make galeon wrap the tabs onto more than one line, so that I don't have to hit the arrow buttons on the side?08:17
jasoncohendrummer87, then re-install. it's the easiest solution08:17
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crimsun[Chameleon] , thanks08:17
tiglionabbitoh there we go, modprobe snd_seq08:17
Yukioh btw08:17
Yukireka: my screen is off centered, how do I fix that?08:17
tiglionabbitYuki: use the adjustments on your monitor08:18
Whistlerin your monitor menu08:18
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: how do I reverse that modprobe?08:18
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jasoncohensunrex, change the default sink - not default source08:18
jasoncohentiglionabbit, rmmod08:18
umari m trying to make work my tv remote control08:18
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Yukithere we go ^^08:19
[Chameleon] g'night all08:19
adwaitumar: with the pc?? explain plz......08:19
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: oh...  does modprobe only stay until you restart?  Seems it "does not exist" so it must not be a permanent change08:19
tiglionabbithmm, what else...  uh, I installed some game things08:19
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jasoncohentiglionabbit, it should only stay until you restart08:20
jasoncohenor rmmod08:20
crimsunwhyameye, you could alsa use plughw:0 with aoss08:20
crimsunerr, also^ use ...08:20
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tiglionabbitdoes anyone know how to really troubleshoot sound?08:20
crimsunwhat's up, tiglionabbit?08:20
Heimdallis there someone to help me ? I 've made a little mistake with GRUB, I have renamed the file menu.lst, and so now I can't boot ..../08:21
tiglionabbitcrimsun: all of a sudden, I can't hear sound from anything except for xmame08:21
TinyIRChello there. anyone knows how to install modem in the Ubuntu?08:21
littleredWhere can I tell guification's configure script where gaim is? :308:21
tiglionabbitcrimsun: this is even after a full restart.  And it didn't happen until just today08:21
crimsuntiglionabbit, not familiar with xmame. Does it use oss natively?08:21
tiglionabbitcrimsun: no, it's using alsa08:21
whyameyecrimsun: sorry I don't follow. What is plughw:0? I was just Googling and some other people had the problem I had and the suggestion was to shut off power management. Do you know how I do this. This is a laptop...08:21
tiglionabbitbut oss for a mixer08:21
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TinyIRChello people08:22
crimsunwhyameye, I'm not familiar with your laptop.08:22
TinyIRCanyone can help me with the modem problem?08:22
jasoncohenwhy does that sound howto recommend ALSA over ESD? ESD works fine08:22
tiglionabbitI set beep-media-player to alsa, and selected my media things as alsa too, and everything was fine for quite a while08:22
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tiglionabbitjasoncohen: not really..08:22
crimsunwhyameye, plughw:0 is a virtual ALSA device that you can tell your program to use _only_ if the program natively supports ALSA.08:22
TinyIRCyuhoooo!! anyone here knows how to install modem in the UBUNTU?08:22
crimsunjasoncohen, esound has horrible latency issues. Applications like mplayer exacerbate it.08:23
rekaTinyIRC: if someone knows, they'll reply08:23
Heimdallnobody knows grub ?08:23
whyameyecrimsun, so where do I get it or how do I invoke it?08:23
Dr_Willislots of documention out on grub and its grubby ussage :P08:23
jasoncoheni followed the instructions on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 except i kept default sink and source08:23
adwaitTinyIRC: i gues u could just plug it in and thn install drivers for it08:23
mebaran151Heimdall, I know grub a little08:23
mebaran151what is the problem08:23
rekaHeimdall: maybe use the install CD in rescue mode, mount the linux partition, and rename it back?08:23
crimsunwhyameye, it's built-in.08:23
hazmatHeimdall, you'll need to use a livecd to get o a shell, moutn the partition and rename08:23
jasoncohenso basically what the ubuntuguide says08:23
crimsunwhyameye, your application has to be alsa-native.08:23
HeimdallI have renamed menu.lst :/08:24
HeimdallI have no live cd !08:24
mebaran151you got problems08:24
mebaran151big uns08:24
bigfoot1a general question: is it true that compiling a program from source is better?08:24
TinyIRChello adwait. i check the Modem in the Drivers list and it is there08:24
jasoncohentiglionabbit, can you use beep-media-player with the esound plugin? what's your default sink & source in the multimedia selector?08:24
crimsuntiglionabbit, cat /proc/asound/modules08:24
mebaran151bigfoot1, yeah08:24
bigfoot1How do we compile from sourec anyway?08:24
mebaran151you can be more aggressive aobut option08:24
mebaran151well first you need some source to compile08:24
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adwaitTinyIRC: well i guess then its installed........u can configure ur dial up connection with pppconf08:24
mebaran151and then it is usually just08:24
TinyIRCthe thing is that when i go to the network connection and want to add a dial-up it cannot detects the modem08:24
tiglionabbitbigfoot1: it depends.  First off, it's harder, requires you to have dev libs, and often doesn't have an uninstall ability.  It also may not be as tailored to your OS as a .deb package08:25
mebaran151make && make install08:25
Yukireka: I installed KDE, but it looks the same...:\08:25
mebaran151you can also use checkinstall08:25
Heimdallreka : is there a mean to type the boot command manually ? I don't know what to write but maybe some of you do08:25
mebaran151which makes a pkg for you08:25
jasoncohentiglionabbit, also, did you do the obvious and check to make sure the volume is up on PCM, master and speaker08:25
rekaYuki: you logged into it?08:25
mebaran151oh Heimdall do you get a grub prompt?08:25
YukiI logged out, and logged back in as myself08:25
Heimdallmebaran151 yes08:25
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: it's at max for master.  How do I check the others?08:25
mebaran151you arent in such bad luck08:25
_0killsYuki, did you switch which window manager to use by clicking the Session option at start up?08:25
jasoncohentiglionabbit, also, check to see if you have multiple devices. in volume control08:26
rekamebaran151: i forgot.  do you omit make when using checkinstall?08:26
mebaran151doesnt matter08:26
jasoncohentiglionabbit, double click on the volume control icon near your clock08:26
mebaran151checkinstall will figure it out08:26
mebaran151I've done it either way08:26
mebaran151it runs make && make install08:26
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: ok, I've turned them all up.  Most didn't allow me to turn them down08:26
mebaran151what is your root drive08:26
jasoncohentiglionabbit, that'll show you master, PCM and pc speaker. you can also check file > change device to see if you have more than one device08:26
mebaran151drive one or two08:26
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: but still no sound when i try to test08:26
mebaran151root (hd0,0)08:27
mebaran151let me copy mine here08:27
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mebaran151like two lines08:27
crimsuntiglionabbit, paste the output from amixer onto the pastebin in the topic08:27
jasoncohentiglionabbit, do you have more than one mixer in file > change device?08:27
tiglionabbitzomg sound08:27
=== keith_ [~keith@pcp04369349pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitI switched the device in the volume thing, and turned up PCM1 and PCM2 and I can hear it now08:27
rekaTinyIRC: how so?  did you try the autodetect?08:28
tiglionabbitI didn't realize there were so many volume levels hidden in here08:28
jasoncohenheh, turning up the volume is usually good08:28
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mebaran151Heimdall, root (hd0,0)08:28
jasoncohentiglionabbit, which device did you have to change- ALSA or OSS?08:28
keith_hey all08:28
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Heimdallmebaran151 to do what ?08:28
hoslercrimsun: im getting problems with only one programs being able to use the sound card with alsa.08:28
mebaran151at the prompt type08:28
jasoncohenone should show as an OSS mixer and the other as an ALSA mixer08:28
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: I turned up the OSS device and suddenly I can hear sound from ALSA.  Why does that make no sense to me?08:28
mebaran151root (hd0,0) assuming your first drive is your linux drive08:28
crimsunhosler, tell the alsa programs to use plug:dmix08:28
mebaran151then kernel /vmlinuz08:29
Heimdallmebaran151 : linux is /dev/hda308:29
hoslercrimsun: where do i do that?08:29
crimsunhosler, (instead of hw:0 or plughw:0, etc.)08:29
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crimsunhosler, wherever you configure the alsa settings per-application08:29
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jasoncohentiglionabbit, both devices control the sound. i need both set or i get no sound as well08:29
mebaran151root (hd0,2)08:29
keith_anyone got packetnews to work properly yet?08:29
_0killsanyone know if KDE uses esd, if not what does it use?08:29
jasoncohencrimsun, why are there multiple mixer devices which need to be set to control the same soundcard?08:30
mebaran151kernel /vimlinuz root=/dev/hda308:30
mebaran151initrd /initrd.img08:30
ColonelKernelI seem to be having programs downloading kernel-source08:30
mebaran151just type those four lines08:30
jasoncohentiglionabbit, well, is sound working again everywhere?08:30
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: lol, this is hilariously weird.  xmame reports that it is using the OSS mixer.  However, the volumes on my OSS mixer were way down and inaudible, but I could hear sound from xmame.  When I turned up those volumes, I can suddenly hear sound when I hit the test button for ALSA in my multimedia selector08:30
mebaran151and you are good to go08:30
ColonelKernelcan anyone point me in the right direction?08:30
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hoslercrimsun: i have no plug:dmix08:30
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: yes, everywhere08:30
Yukiit worked!08:30
tiglionabbitthank you so much08:30
mebaran151kernl /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda308:30
rekaColonelKernel: programs or problems?08:30
jasoncohentiglionabbit, i have the same issue. both mixers control volume08:31
=== FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010487351pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jasoncohentiglionabbit, you probably have two mixers for the same device like i do08:31
hoslercrimsun: only hw:0,0 and hw:0,408:31
grphxHow come I can print a test page on my printer, but can't print stuff from Gimp?08:31
ColonelKernelreka, its just me being a ubuntu noob - I dont know what manual to read to get the source code for my currently running kernel08:31
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: my volume control has Intel (alsa mixer) and Cirrus Logic (OSS mixer)08:32
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FLeiXiuSColonelKernel: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`08:32
tiglionabbitwhen I select preferences08:32
crimsunjasoncohen, they're not two mixers. They're two views (oss via alsa's oss emulation and alsa natively) of the same mixer.08:32
jasoncohenColonelKernel, apt-get install linux-image-`uname -r`08:32
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jasoncohenColonelKernel, ignore that, heh08:32
ColonelKernelsource plz08:32
FLeiXiuSjasoncohen: linux-image isn't the source :-P08:32
FLeiXiuSColonelKernel: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`08:32
ColonelKernelheaders isnt source either, is it?08:33
jasoncohenFLeiXiuS, i know- that's why i told him to ignore it08:33
crimsunhosler, do you have an audigy-based sound card?08:33
FLeiXiuSColonelKernel: yes, headers would be your source.08:33
jasoncohenapt-get install linux-source-2.6.1008:33
rekais there a difference b/n linux-headers/linux-source?08:33
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Heimdalldamn the mebaran solution does not work08:33
ColonelKerneljasoncohen, thanks08:33
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hoslercrimsun: i have the intel ich08:33
bassgoonwhere do you put a command in ubuntu to run on startup08:33
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: thank you so much for explaining that to me.  I had no idea the meters for the device I hadn't selected mattered too08:33
crimsunreka, yes. The headers are the headers; the source is the source. You use the former to compile kernel modules.08:33
rekaand the latter?08:34
bigfoot1how can i make links in other programs point to galeon, rather than firefox?08:34
FLeiXiuSjasoncohen: linux-headers are more updated and more precise.  Just letting you know.08:34
ColonelKernelFLeiXiuS, I dont think youre right about that08:34
jasoncohentiglionabbit, it doesn't really make much sense to me either. Just think of it like having two mixers to control the same device and you need both to be set correctly08:34
jasoncohenFLeiXiuS, he said he needed source- not headers\08:34
jasoncohenthey're not the same08:34
crimsuntiglionabbit, the meters really don't matter. Like I said, they're two views of the same mixer. You may be less confused if you use amixer directly.08:34
adwaitbigfoot1: system>preferences>preffered apps08:34
rekabigfoot1: sys > prefs > preferred apps08:34
=== reka shakes fist at adwait
bassgoonwhere do I put a command that I want to run on startup08:35
FLeiXiuSjasoncohen: Ah, thought he was compiling to the kernel :-p...I just walked in excuse my ignorance.08:35
jasoncohencrimsun, not really- one can be set to 0 and the other to 10008:35
crimsunhosler, paste me (via pastebin in the topic) the output of cat /proc/asound/devices08:35
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tiglionabbitcrimsun: what do you mean?08:35
adwaitreka: ??08:35
jasoncohencrimsun, changing one doesn't change the other. you need to set both08:35
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crimsunjasoncohen, that's an application issue that needs a bug filed with gnome-media.08:35
jasoncohenbassgoon, startup of the system or of gnome?08:35
rekaadwait: on the contrary...you were too fast. :D08:36
crimsunjasoncohen, it really has -nothing- to do with alsa or esound.08:36
jasoncoheni didn't say it did08:36
adwaitreka: hehe08:36
tiglionabbitwhy is it that xmame reports that the only available mixer is OSS?08:36
bassgoonI'm a bit of a nub08:36
tiglionabbit(yet makes sound anyway even when OSS is turned down)08:36
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crimsuntiglionabbit, if xmame is a pure oss app, then it will only support the oss opi.08:36
bigfoot1any skype users here? I have a hard time closing it from my panel. anybody else have this problem?08:36
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jasoncohenbassgoon, you can go to system > settings > preferences > sessions and add applications to startup programs08:37
jasoncohenthat'll start with gnome08:37
crimsuntiglionabbit, s/opi/api/08:37
bassgooneer, but for the system?08:37
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tiglionabbitcrimsun: it reports that there are several dsp-plugins available, including alsa, but for sound-mixer-plugins it only sees OSS-mixer08:37
hoslercrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/1729808:37
jasoncohenbassgoon, create an init script and update-r.cd scriptname defaults08:37
jasoncohenalso chmod +x script08:37
bassgoonI'm asking in proxy for my friend...he needs to run a command at boot for networking08:38
crimsuntiglionabbit, if it has the alsa dsp plugin available, did you enable it? Is it even installed if so?08:38
jasoncohenbassgoon, the script can be very simple. i have one that just does su -c jason /usr/bin/vnc4server for example08:38
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tiglionabbitcrimsun: huh?08:38
tiglionabbitcrimsun: how do I do that?08:38
crimsuntiglionabbit, if xmame reports that it can use alsa, did you select alsa?08:38
jasoncohenbassgoon, but the first line needs "#! /bin/bash"08:38
crimsuntiglionabbit, I've never used xmame. You'll need to read the documentation on how to do that.08:38
tiglionabbitcrimsun: yes, it reports that it is using alsa for its dsp-plugin when it starts08:38
bigfoot1i have already changed the preferred apps-->Web Browser from Firefox to Galeon, but skype still opens up the chat history in Firefox. What's up?08:39
crimsunhosler, which apps are you using?08:39
jasoncohenbassgoon, update-rc.d script defaults will add the script as an init script which can be selected in rcconf or boot up manager08:40
crimsunhosler, essentially what you need to do is configure ubuntu to use dmix08:40
hoslercrimsun: im testing with xmms08:40
tiglionabbitcrimsun: how do I get alsa-mixer?08:40
bassgoonjasoncohen, maybe I'm all wrong, but couldn't I just add the command to  /etc/conf.d/local.start08:40
crimsuntiglionabbit, alsamixer comes with ubuntu08:40
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jasoncohencrimsun, should i bother reporting the issue of multiple mixers? i thought it was a common issue08:40
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tiglionabbitcrimsun: then why don't the programs I run detect it?08:40
bassgooncause its a pretty simple little thingy08:40
hoslercrimsun: Ok, where do I configure ubuntu to use dmix. I allready looked in the two places you mentioned before.08:41
adwaitm out ppl......bbye08:41
crimsunjasoncohen, that's not an issue, really, because of the presence of snd_mixer_oss08:41
jasoncohenbassgoon, i don't even have that file08:41
jasoncohenbassgoon, init scripts are the recommended method08:41
crimsunhosler, jasoncohen pasted a link above you may find helpful08:41
jasoncohenwhat exactly do you want to start?08:41
bassgoonperhaps its silly me carrying over from like the 20 differfent distros I've played with08:41
grphxHow hard is it to add "shortcuts" to your desktop?08:41
jasoncohenhosler, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206308:41
tiglionabbitgrphx: easy.  Right-click and make a launcher08:41
ivanis there a way to fix an ext3 partition which gives me this error when i try to fsck: Couldn't find ext2 superblock, trying backup blocks...08:42
bassgoonjasoncohen, I believe its ok as long as the command returns control to the shell08:42
tiglionabbitgrphx: you need to know the terminal command to start the program though08:42
jasoncoheni have a new bookmarks section in firefox for ubuntu related stuff :)08:42
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hoslerjasoncohen: ok thanks ill look at it08:42
grphxI just want to add shortcuts to folders..08:42
ColonelKernelhow do I read gzipped files?08:42
jasoncohenbassgoon, i prefer this method as you can control whether you want to start the script through rcconf easily08:42
jasoncohenand then it's just /etc/init.d/service start08:43
tiglionabbitgrphx: oh, in that case, right-click on the folder and select "Make a link"08:43
jasoncohenif it's not started on boot08:43
Aerebusis anyone here familiar with customizing splash screens? in ubuntu there is a orangish brown background behind the ubuntu-splash.png, is it possible to change that background color?08:43
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tiglionabbitAerebus: I believe that is your background color, from system -> preferences -> desktop background08:43
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ColonelKernelim trying to read /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz08:43
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mebaran151ColonelKernel, you might try unzipping them08:44
mebaran151file roller is the easiest way08:44
Aerebustiglionabbit, i dont think it is i have that option set to black and its still orangish brown =/08:44
vaultspawn.......How can I install software from the repository????08:44
jasoncohentiglionabbit, you sure? for me it's just black there and my background starting up is brown08:45
grphxSo right click on the folder I want to put on my desktop and then click on what?08:45
mebaran151vaultspawn, gksudo synaptic08:45
humbrarorelated to bassgoon's question: does ubuntu have anything equivilant to rc.local, or do you have to roll your own?08:45
mebaran151we have run levels ....08:45
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mebaran151and you can write your own init scripts08:45
mebaran151if you really want to08:45
mebaran151I dont think there is as much one stop shopping for files08:45
tiglionabbitgrphx: make a link08:45
jasoncohenhumbraro, i don't think there's anything like rc.local - you want a generic- drop the crap you want to start on boot but don't feel like making a sys v init file for, right?08:45
mebaran151you also have a directory08:45
dllhBrand spanking new to ubuntu here and have some quick questions.08:45
littleredDamn it. >_>08:46
grphx"Make a link" is greyed out08:46
littleredGuifications has screwed up my gaim and now I can't see the tray icon.08:46
humbrarojasoncohen exactly08:46
vaultspawnmebaran151: Thanks08:46
jasoncohenhumbraro, i asked that on #debian a few months ago and they just told me to use the method i suggested to bassgoon08:46
dllhI'm accustomed from FCx to /etc/rc.d/init.d/<service> start|stop|restart|etc. What's comparable?08:46
humbraroi can make one, but it seems like a  kludge08:46
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jasoncohenhumbraro, it's really easy to do and gives you more control as it's a real service08:46
tiglionabbitgrphx: then you don't have write access to that directory..  Kinda sucks nautilus behaves that way...   uh08:46
linlinis ubuntu good for a server, honestly, or would it be better to jsut load debian or centos even08:47
grphxThe folder I'm trying to link is NTSF08:47
tiglionabbitgrphx: you can still make a launcher on the desktop with the command "nautilus /the/directory/you/want"08:47
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Heimdallno mean to get back my menu.lst file from the grub command ?????08:47
jasoncohenhumbraro, just gedit /etc/init.d/service - start with "#! /bin/sh" and then on the next line or the line after put the command you want to run - most likely with a & so it runs without output08:47
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jasoncohenhumbraro, then update-rc.d service defaults08:47
jasoncohenchmod +x service08:47
humbrarohmm, sysV init scripts are unfamiliar to me, i'm used to bsd style, where they're just executable in /etc/rc.d08:48
jasoncohensorry, chmod +x /etc/init.d/service08:48
hoslerjasoncohen: following this tutorial, do I allow the sound server to start at startup, or do i dissable this option?08:48
Razor-Xuggghhh,. i'm tired of watching my parents watch London08:48
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humbrarojasoncohen: thanks!08:48
jasoncohenhosler, i have it startup - i like the gnome sounds. the ubuntuguide says not to but it works fine for me and i get multiplexing08:48
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transgresslibpango1.0-0_1.8.1-0ubuntu2_i386.deb <-- has there been any problems with this package?08:49
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hoslerjasoncohen: ok08:49
Heimdallwell is there someone here who can give me a basci grub command to boot ubuntu ??08:49
Razor-Xjasoncohen: you're video and audio is mixing?08:49
jasoncohenhosler, i get gnome sounds while playing rhythbox, amarok, xine, mplayer etc.08:49
Razor-XHeimdall: the GRB docs are invaluable08:49
hoslerjasoncohen: cool. im gonna reboot now and test08:49
jasoncohenRazor-X, video and audio mixing?08:49
jasoncohenwhat do you mean?08:49
HeimdallRazor-X : I don't manage to do something with it08:49
jasoncohenwiat...why did he reboot?08:50
Razor-Xjasoncohen: that's what muxing (multiplexing) is08:50
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Razor-Xmixing audo-and-video streams08:50
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jasoncoheni thought it could be used to refer to having sound from multiple applications simultaneously on a hardware device that doesn't necessarily support it08:50
jasoncohenthe mixing is down on software. that's what ESD does- right?08:50
Razor-Xthat's duplexing ;)08:51
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jasoncohenno to what?08:51
Razor-Xor, am I wrong?08:51
crimsunduplex is the in-out view08:51
IceDC571is sourceforge not working?08:51
crimsunjasoncohen is correct to think of multiplexing in the esound context08:51
jasoncohenoh, ok - good08:51
crimsunRazor-X is also correct to view it as a/v08:51
jasoncoheni guess i was right that i read that somewhere08:52
crimsunduplex, in the context of sound, is recording and playback08:52
crimsunhalf-duplex, full-duplex, etc.08:52
jasoncohenyeah, a full-duplex soundcard can play & record simultaneously08:52
ColonelKernelhow do I prevent the gui from loading when I boot up? it doesnt seem to be a runlevel thing08:52
jasoncohenand that's needed for using audio/video conferencing tools08:52
Razor-XColonelKernel: it generally is, Runlevel 2 is Terminal08:53
ColonelKernelwell im in runlevel 2 and gnome is up08:53
jasoncohencan't you just stop gdm from running in rcconf08:53
Razor-Xthen quit gnome manually08:53
ColonelKernelRazor-X, no, im trying to get it not to start when the box boots.08:53
Razor-XIceDC571: I said above that I don't care about girls08:54
jasoncohenif gdm doesn't startup you'll be left at the console08:54
ColonelKerneljasoncohen, that is what I want - to start in console mode and start gnome manually08:54
Razor-XColonelKernel: disable gdm (or your equivalent desktop manager)08:54
Razor-XColonelKernel: are you up to a challenge?08:54
jasoncohenColonelKernel, rcconf controls what services are started on boot08:54
ColonelKernelhow do I go about doing that?08:54
Razor-Xlive one week in only console mode08:54
jasoncohenColonelKernel, just disable gdm08:54
jasoncohenColonelKernel, sudo apt-get install rcconf08:55
HeimdallRazor-X : kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5.38308:55
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jasoncohenColonelKernel, sudo rcconf (uncheck gdm) , OK08:55
HeimdallRazor-X : but root ?08:55
Razor-XHeimdall: hmmmm?08:55
HeimdallRazor-X : my linux is on /dev/hda308:55
ColonelKerneljasoncohen, NICE - thanks08:55
Razor-XI wasn't helping you before.... :(08:55
Heimdalla type root=/dev/hda308:55
Heimdalloh sorry08:55
Razor-XI can help though08:56
Heimdallare you aware of my pb ?08:56
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jasoncohenRazor-X, why are you telling him not to use the console? perhaps he wants to learn or maybe he's running a server in which case X is useless08:56
Razor-Xjust reiterate it for me, and i'll try to help08:56
Razor-Xjasoncohen: I said, use the console for a week only08:56
Heimdallrenamed the menu.lst file, need to type the grub command to boot and rename it again08:56
Razor-Xas a challenge ;)08:56
jasoncohenColonelKernel, you know you can install a very light ubuntu by typing server at the install prompt08:56
babyfirei think im in trouble08:57
jasoncohenColonelKernel, it'll only install ubuntu-base and not ubuntu-desktop. basically you'll have the basics- no X, gnome etc.08:57
babyfirewhat does rm -rf/ do08:57
_0killshey, anyone know how to kill the sound in KDE.. (i.e.. in gnome you type pkill esd)08:57
Razor-Xbabyfire: DONT DO THAT08:57
Razor-Xnow, here's what it does08:57
babyfiresome one told me08:57
babyfireand i did08:57
ColonelKerneljasoncohen, ill give that a shot on my server box08:57
HeimdallRazor-X : so I 'm trying to boot with my commands....... but i don't grub very much08:57
jasoncohenbabyfire, rm -rf / will wipe out your entire system08:57
FikrannSomeone removed his files, eh?08:57
Razor-Xit's called the noob virus for a reason08:57
jasoncohenif you run it as an admin08:57
jasoncohenbabyfire, not a good idea08:58
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Razor-Xsomeone needs to add taht to the topic08:58
jasoncohenbabyfire, hopefully he didn't tell you how to use sudo :)08:58
babyfirei souldnt trust people08:58
DekaPinkNot my gaim keeps freezing at 'sending cookie' when trying to connect to MSN.08:58
babyfiream i going to be ok08:58
Razor-Xbabyfire: no, that's one of the things you should never do08:58
thenuke_babyfire: depends.08:58
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Razor-Xdid you run it as sudo?08:58
jasoncohenbabyfire, well, when you ran it- what happened?08:58
Razor-Xif yes then the answer is "..............."08:58
babyfirewill sudo -k fix it08:58
thenuke_babyfire: if you do that as a root, it will delete all files on your harddrive08:59
Razor-Xbabyfire: if it's running, do it now08:59
jasoncohenif he did it as root he wouldn't be here now08:59
crimsunno, sudo -k only invalidates the timestamp. It won't undo a sudo rm -rf /08:59
jasoncohenassuming he's on the same box08:59
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thenuke_babyfire: if you do that as a user and not as a admin, it will delete only your users files08:59
FikrannRazor-X, add 'rm -fr /' to the topic? I would advise against that .. too big probability that someone will run it just because it was 'in the topic'.08:59
DekaPinkAnyone know what the problem might be? :308:59
jasoncohenlol, nothing will fix a sudo rm -rf / other than a full restore from a backup of  /08:59
```bulldoggokay........... I need to find some software to burn dvds.  Can anyone help me?08:59
```bulldoggpeferably something thats gui interfaced08:59
jasoncohenbabyfire, well...does the system still work?08:59
crimsunDekaPink, the version of Gaim in Hoary?09:00
jasoncohendon't type in random commands because "someone" said to09:00
Razor-XFikrann: what about *DON'T DO THIS* rm -rf / *DON'T DO THIS*09:00
babyfireok iit is running09:00
DekaPinkcrimsun: 1.3.1, it says.09:00
crimsunRazor-X, nah. See the thing about Breezy?09:00
linlincapital -R isnt it?09:00
Razor-Xbabyfire: kill it now09:00
Fikrann```bulldogg, install k3b09:00
jasoncohenDekaPink, you're using backports09:00
babyfirewhen i put it in it just gave my  command prompt09:00
Razor-Xcrimsun: oh, heh, that's true09:00
jasoncohenDekaPink, oh, and 1.4.0 is in backports now btw09:00
hulehello.  i have a hopefully quick question.  i just installed Hoary, and I'm trying to get my DLink DWL 520 RevE1 PCI card to work.  I can load the hostap driver, but i can't get it to load firmware.  the hostap stuff makes it hang, and the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com//DLinkDWL520E1 don't work.  has anyone here gotten it to work?09:00
DekaPinkjasoncohen: Er... How do I fix it? :D09:00
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FikrannRazor-X, Perhaps that would be enough .. but I still there'd be users dumb enough to run it anyway.09:01
jasoncohenDekaPink, a) apt-get upgrade to upgrade to 1.4.009:01
jasoncohenDekaPink, if that doesn't work (probably won't), go to #gaim09:01
Razor-XFikrann: well, it's their problem09:01
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sunrexis there a code to delete EVERYTHING on the HD09:01
jasoncohenthey're pretty knowledgeable..mostly gaim devs09:01
Razor-Xor, someone should program tehir bot to intercept that09:01
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babyfirei guess i didnt crash09:01
```bulldoggyeah I can do that for the actual burn....and I will use k3b but I need a ripper/decrypter and a compressor09:01
jasoncohensunrex, code -... sudo rm -rf / will do that for you09:01
babyfireso im ok09:01
Razor-Xbecause that command is much too dangerous for the average user09:01
Fikrannhule, check if your firmware is in /lib/hotplug/firmware09:02
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jasoncohenbabyfire, you might have lost your user files09:02
sunrexill be back in 3 hours or so09:02
Razor-Xsunrex: you said that?09:02
jasoncohensunrex, don't do that09:02
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babyfirei just started ive had ubuntu for 27 hours09:02
grphxWhat's some good linux video editing software?09:02
jasoncohenif you want to delete everything on the HD09:02
Razor-Xnever say that.... EVER09:02
jasoncohenjust reformat the drive09:02
sunrexJasoncohen: why?09:02
sunrexwhy not just delete it?09:02
amonkeygrphx, mac os x09:02
babyfirebtw where is my KDE control center09:02
jasoncohenbecause it'll be faster and it's stupid to rm -rf / for no reason09:02
Razor-Xbecause the FS structure stays on the HDD09:02
amonkeywell, it's unix but still09:03
sunrexno reason..im destroying all files on it and reinstalling09:03
jasoncohensunrex, just reformat09:03
huleFikrann, I just copied it in.  cross my fingers and reboot?09:03
sunrexlol how..09:03
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jasoncohensunrex, in the installer, there's a choice to keep the data or to reformat09:03
pinkoyou guys probably shouldn't be saying that in the channel...09:03
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jasoncohenchoose to reformat09:03
HappyFoolgrphx: maybe you could try cinepaint09:03
Fikrannhule, pop the card out and plug it in?09:04
Razor-Xreformat wipes the FS of much more cleanly, rm leaves more traces09:04
jasoncohensunrex, and you probably just need to reformat / but you can keep /home's data09:04
jasoncohenwhy are you reinstalling anyways?09:04
humbrarosunrex: just do a mk2fs -j /dev/device_to_format - its faster09:04
babyfirei am going to go drown my self in cable09:04
babyfirepeace guys09:04
jasoncohenhumbraro, he's re-installing. the installer will reformat for him09:04
huleFikrann, it's a PCI card. not so convenient to access.  i'll just reboot and hope it works09:04
GNULinuxerRazor-X: is it ok to use Debian repos in Ubuntu?09:04
jasoncohenGNULinuxer, no09:04
GNULinuxerjasoncohen: hmm09:05
Razor-XGNULinuxer: no09:05
jasoncohenGNULinuxer, first of all, 99% of what's in debian is in hoary09:05
jasoncohensecondly, it won't work because dependencies are different and naming of packages is different09:05
jasoncohenwhy would you want to?09:05
GNULinuxerjasoncohen: i though the debian repos *might* have more packages09:05
jasoncohenif you need something from sid you can use backports or hoary-extras. if you don't, just use ubuntu's repositories09:05
jasoncohenGNULinuxer, hoary has over 16,000 packages09:06
GNULinuxerjasoncohen: fine ...09:06
Razor-XGNULinuxer: you're better off compiling09:06
jasoncohenif you enable universe you'll have most anything you would want09:06
huledo fw_primary and fw_secondary actually work as advertised in /etc/network/interfaces?09:06
DekaPinkDamn me and my screwing things up.09:06
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jasoncohenGNULinuxer, read this - http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components09:06
Razor-Xjasoncohen: anything you'ld want in the "universe" ;)09:07
jasoncohenGNULinuxer, if you use main, restricted, universe, and multiverse you'll have nearly everything in debian and more09:07
jasoncohenRazor-X, heh09:07
GNULinuxerjasoncohen: fine, thanks09:07
Fikrannhule, ah, sorry, I thought you meant PCIMCIA card.09:08
jasoncohenwith main, restricted, universe, multiverse, backports & hoary-extras you basically get everything in sid + marillat minus a few packages09:08
jasoncohenheh, i tried recompiling the ubuntu update manager for sid...it didn't work too well09:08
jasoncohenthere were too many missing python 2.4 dependencies09:08
jasoncohenGNULinuxer, is there something in particular you need that you think ubuntu is missing. you can search all ubuntu packages with ubuntu.packages.com09:10
jasoncohensorry - packages.ubuntu.com09:10
Fikrannhule, you might want to try rmmodding the driver and modprobing it back instead of reboot.09:10
jasoncohenFikrann, heh, it's so hard getting windows users to restart services/ reload modules. they always think they have to reboot09:11
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eskaypeyhey i cant play music in beep09:11
Razor-Xeskaypey: does music itself work?09:12
eskaypeyit just doesnt play, no error no nothing09:12
Razor-Xerrr, sound itself09:12
jasoncohenand it's no wonder why. i was installing updates on my sister's XP box and it wanted me to reboot to complete the install of a tool which assists in upgrades and of course when you install the updates you have to reboot once again and if you don't it pops up with incessant messages telling you to do so09:12
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IceDC571ack.. fedora has packages i want for xmms... why isnt ubuntu as active in the package department?09:12
huleFikrann, do i need to tell hotplug to load the firmware, or does it magically figure this stuff out?09:12
=== IceDC571 cries
eskaypeyyes i can play it in totem09:12
Razor-XIceDC571: it _is_09:12
Razor-Xwhat package do you need?09:12
Fikrannhule, it will figure it out.09:12
rekaeskaypey: try changing the output plugin in preferences09:13
IceDC571Razor-X: xmms-aac09:13
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jasoncoheneskaypey, right click , choose preferences, plugins > and choose the esound output plugin09:13
jasoncohenthen try again09:13
Razor-XIceDC571: just use something like VLC or aac playback09:13
Razor-Xor compile it in yourself09:13
jasoncoheneskaypey, the OSS output plugin doesn't work for some people09:13
rekajasoncohen: hehe.  when i reinstall windows, almost every single app wants you to reboot09:13
eskaypeyok i'll try that09:13
IceDC571Razor-X: its a nightmare to compile yourself.. you need to set a bunch of config files before you do ./configure09:14
jasoncohenin 98, if you wanted to change your screen resolution you had to reboot09:14
Razor-XIceDC571: I do it quite often09:14
TinyIRCAnyone knows how to configure Dial-up in the UBUNTU?09:14
jasoncoheninstall a screensaver...reboot!09:14
HappyFoolIceDC571: apt-cache search shows 'xmms-mp4' which apparently plays aac files -- is that what you want?09:14
HappyFoolTinyIRC: i do09:14
Razor-XIceDC571: the terminal i'm in is compiled that way09:14
IceDC571HappyFool: there actually is a package in the repository?09:14
HappyFoolTinyIRC: the only hard bit might be getting your modem working09:14
Razor-Xplus I compiled in native twin support09:14
jasoncohenthe last time i restarted my sarge box is when i hooked in the wrong S-video cable and couldn't figure out why tv-out wasn't working and the time before that the power went out09:14
action09TinyIRC  on another distrib, a long time ago.. i used to use  'pppconfig'09:14
IceDC571!info xmms-mp409:14
HappyFoolIceDC571: there's a package called 'xmms-mp4' not 'xmms-aac'09:15
ubotuxmms-mp4: (a mp4/aac audio player for xmms), section universe/sound, is optional. Version: 2.0.0-0.3 (hoary), Packaged size: 9 kB, Installed size: 64 kB09:15
IceDC571HappyFool: you saved me hours and my life!09:15
HappyFoolIceDC571: ok09:15
IceDC571thank you09:15
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HappyFoolneat. does ubotu know all packages?09:15
Razor-Xhey Sammi_!09:15
TinyIRCyes, the problem.  the modem is in the device manager but when i used autodect it cannot find09:15
Razor-XHappyFool: I don't think so09:15
TinyIRCi use the PPPconfig then add an entry there.09:15
bob2HappyFool: all the ones in ubuntu, yes09:15
HappyFoolTinyIRC: what modem do you have09:15
HappyFoolbob2: cool :)09:15
Razor-Xbob2: really? everything?09:15
TinyIRCafter that i issue a command pon <connection>09:16
Razor-Xwow, that must take a few gigs09:16
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IceDC571what the crap its not in my repository09:16
IceDC571lets see whats wrong with my sources file :)09:16
Razor-XIceDC571: there's a generic sources.list from somewhere09:16
TinyIRCi think the problem is how i will update the modem.09:16
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bob2Razor-X: eh? look in /var/lib/apt/lists/ on your machine, that has all the info ubotu needs09:16
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ubotumethinks sources is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3809:16
Razor-XSammi_: so, ah, hey? ^_^09:16
bob2(and it's on the order of megs)09:16
TinyIRCanyone can help me make my modem working?09:16
IceDC571universe-sound eh? is that enabled on default?09:16
Razor-Xbob2: woah, really....09:16
HappyFoolIceDC571: look at that link for a /etc/apt/sources.list09:16
IceDC571thanks HappyFool09:17
HeimdallHappyFool ! :-p09:17
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HappyFoolTinyIRC: what modem do you have?09:17
HappyFoolhey Heimdall :)09:17
HappyFoolHeimdall: got ADSL yet?09:17
HeimdallHappyFool : yep, 4Mb now....09:17
TinyIRChappyFool, i have the internal modem. HS56K09:17
MadpilotHi all09:17
HeimdallHappyFool : little pb should be 8 :)09:17
HappyFoolHeimdall: nice ;)09:17
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HappyFoolTinyIRC: it's a winmodem?09:18
HeimdallHappyFool : not so nice I can't use it09:18
jcoxonmorning all09:18
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eskaypeyone more thing guys09:18
HappyFoolHeimdall: i meant the 4Mb :P09:18
HeimdallHappyFool : yes but 4Mb too I can't use it09:18
eskaypeywhen you minimize windows the border shows when it goes down the tray09:18
jasoncohenso if the itunes m4p files are encrypted, what is used to decrypt them?09:18
Heimdallbecause I can't boot my OS :-'(09:18
Razor-X"Damn you Linus Torvald, why do your children have to be so damn09:18
eskaypeyhow do i turn that border off09:18
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rekaafternoon jcoxon09:18
Sammi_Hello, Razor.09:19
Madpilotdid my part to spread the virus tonight... had my grandfather run a Hoary LiveCD on his Win98 box... :)09:19
grphxI downloaded a binary for a program I want to use, how can I install it now?09:19
Sammi_Razor, stop stealing my lines. :P09:19
HeimdallHappyFool : i've made a mistake, are you familiar with grub ?09:19
TinyIRCi guess so, it is a Winmodem.09:19
jasoncohenreka, heh, it's 3 am here :)09:19
Madpilotsad part was, the LiveCD was about as fast at starting programs & surfing as the installed Win98..09:19
Razor-Xwell... I quoted you... -_-09:19
rekaMadpilot: and he used it?09:19
Razor-Xsorry Sammi_09:19
Razor-XI quoted, rather09:20
=== bungopolis [~bungopoli@h-66-166-146-19.snvacaid.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotreka: yup. showed him FF & OpenOffice09:20
TinyIRCi check the CD and the drivers is only for Windows09:20
rekagrphx: what prog?09:20
bungopolisWhat is the base install size for an ubuntu install?09:20
Razor-XMadpilot: that's moreso true with Windows ME09:20
=== Sammi_ smiles.
jasoncohenreka, where do you live?09:20
eskaypeyis there a way to take the border outline off when the window goes to tray?09:20
bungopolisI'm deciding on a partition scheme... is 10GB enough?09:20
IceDC571thats why its not in my repository its already installed.. i am so confused09:20
HappyFoolTinyIRC: i'm going to assume ubuntu does not come with a driver for it (I may be wrong) -- go to http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/, download scanModem and run it to find out what driver you need09:20
Razor-XSammi_: it gets real chaotic here, as you can tell09:20
rekajasoncohen: do a whois. :)09:20
=== Sammi_ nods.
rekaMadpilot: nice.09:20
HappyFoolHeimdall: err, not very, but I know a little bit09:20
Sammi_I can handle chaos.09:20
MadpilotRazor-X: Ouch. this is a pretty messed up install of 98, too09:20
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Razor-XSammi_: heh, well just sit back and watch ^_^09:21
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jasoncohenreka, ah, australia09:21
HeimdallHappyFool : probably more than me anyway.... I've renamed the menu.lst file :-D09:21
Razor-XMadpilot: yeah, it's uber-fscked09:21
TinyIRChello happyfool, i can see the modem in the device manager but cannot detect in the ppp connection.09:21
Razor-XWindows ME, I mean09:21
grphxreka: It's Cinelerra09:21
HeimdallHappyFool : so now I can't boot anymore09:21
Razor-XTinyIRC: what's the path to the device?09:21
huleFikrann, ok, so hotplug isn't figuring it out (dmesg doesn't it is figuring stuff out), and when i try to grab an IP, it complains about there not being firmware on the card09:21
rekagrphx: ah.  what format is the file in?09:21
HappyFoolTinyIRC: i think you may nonetheless need a specific kernel module (aka driver) for your modem09:21
grphxUm it opened up with file bender09:22
MadpilotRazor-X: I'd heard that ME was borked, but that's crazy...09:22
grphxer file roller09:22
=== Sammi_ wants to never use ME.
Razor-XMadpilot: I never thought ME was bad... till a friend begged me to do something about his ME box09:22
Razor-XI had to install a new OS in 10 minutes, lest ME hang09:22
Razor-Xwith no other computer in the house -_-09:22
HappyFoolTinyIRC: google only returns 1 hit (!) for HS56K, so I can't tell what that means09:23
grphxreka: I opened it up with file roller09:23
rekagrphx: which one did you choose here: http://heroinewarrior.com/download.php3 ?09:23
MadpilotRazor-X: moved him to Ubuntu?09:23
HappyFoolHeimdall: do you have the live cd?09:23
Razor-XHappyFool: if that was a real word, you woulda google-whacked09:23
HappyFoolHeimdall: or even the install cd?09:23
HeimdallHappyFool : no09:23
TinyIRCwhat path.. i see in the path in the device manager for the ubantu..09:23
Razor-XMadpilot: Knoppix Live CD, actually09:23
HeimdallHappyFool : install cd yes09:23
grphxCinelerra for i38609:23
Razor-Xwasn't acquainted with Ubuntu at the time, i'm not sure it existed, actually09:23
HappyFoolHeimdall: um. ok, i *think* you can get to a terminal with the install cd09:23
rekagrphx: that's an RPM file09:24
HeimdallHappyFool : oh ?09:24
rekagrphx: convert it to deb using alien: alien <rpmfile>09:24
MadpilotRazor-X: ah. I'm pretty sure I can get my grandfather over to U. He's been having stupid probs w/ 9809:24
IceDC571i found out the real problem09:24
jasoncohenthe ubuntu live CD is very nice. i never had a live CD other than knoppix work so well09:24
IceDC571xmms doesnt think my m4a files are aac files09:24
rekagrphx: then: dpkg -i <debfile> to install it09:24
Razor-XMadpilot: heh09:24
jasoncohengranted...things are slooow running of a CD09:24
IceDC571i have to rename them to like mp4 or aac09:24
```bulldoggokay how do you get the whole ubuntu installation........ I am trying to compile a package and it tells me I don't have a C compilier09:24
=== IceDC571 is angry
Razor-Xi've never played an MP4, and have some AAC encoded video09:25
Razor-XI keep most of my CD rips in FLAC09:25
MadpilotRazor-X: he's spent a lot of $$$ with various housecall computer ppl. when I hit my Win-knowlege limit...09:25
rekaMadpilot: how old is he?09:25
HappyFoolHeimdall: boot the install cd, start the boot (don't actually install !) and press Alt-F2 to get to a different terminal09:25
Razor-Xmmmm, I love FLAC09:25
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: get build-essential09:25
jasoncohen```bulldogg, sudo apt-get install build-essential09:25
IceDC571Razor-X: me too, but i buy from the iTunes music store09:25
Madpilotreka: 80 this year09:25
jasoncohendamn...you beat me to it tiglionabbit!09:25
IceDC571Razor-X: FLAC is awesome09:25
jasoncohenbut i typed in the full command so hah :)09:25
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: sorry =P09:25
Razor-XIceDC571: yeah09:25
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IceDC571pshh... all that compiling and configuring for nothing09:25
HeimdallHappyFool : what do you mean by 'start the boot' without installing something ?09:25
IceDC571but that's the beauty of linux09:25
Razor-XIceDC571: the more configuring you do, the more customized everything becomes09:26
jasoncohen```bulldogg, build-essential has a C compiler and other assorted tools you'll need to build from source and build deb packages09:26
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HappyFoolHeimdall: well, you need to boot linux, so you'll need to choose a 'boot option'09:26
Razor-Xmy system is custom-tailored to me09:26
HappyFoolHeimdall: on the cd09:26
Razor-Xi'll only make accomodations for a few09:26
Razor-X(like you Sammi_ ^_^)09:26
Razor-Xor other good friends ;009:26
HappyFoolHeimdall: it won't actually install immediately09:26
Razor-Xother than that, i'll leave you to flounder in Eterm/emacs09:26
IceDC571Razor-X: i learned that building from the source is a lot better than installing packages09:26
rekaMadpilot: wow...just that i don't know any old people who use computers09:26
=== MidNightRaVeN [~ravencorp@63-225-247-67.dnvr.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
IceDC571Razor-X: i get to customize about everything that way09:26
=== Sammi_ blinks.
Razor-XIceDC571: good, that's a neccessary lesson09:27
jasoncohenanyonw know if backports is going to stop making mozilla & mozilla-firefox depend on a backported libgcc1?09:27
Razor-XSammi_: mmmmm?09:27
IceDC571Razor-X: then there09:27
jasoncohenthey shouldn't be backporting important libraries09:27
IceDC571Razor-X: oops forget that09:27
Sammi_That seemed random.09:27
MidNightRaVeN*sigh* so lol has anyone figured out how i can get my DVD's to play in ubuntu =D =D ??09:27
Razor-XSammi_: didn't want to loose you in the channel ;)09:27
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: why are you using backports for firefox?  The one in hoary is current09:27
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: did you try vlc?09:27
Madpilotreka: he's always been a gadget freak. PCs are just another gadget!09:27
uboturumour has it, vlc is a media player that plays some formats natively.09:27
Razor-X!info vlc09:27
IceDC571oh i love whorey09:27
ubotuvlc: (multimedia player for all audio and video formats), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 4867 kB, Installed size: 11816 kB09:27
Sammi_Razor: I was reading the Ubuntu page.09:27
Razor-Xthere you go09:27
grphxHow do I tell when alien is done?09:27
Razor-XSammi_: ahhh, I see09:27
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tiglionabbitgrphx: when you see your command prompt again09:28
Razor-Xif you choose to install, I can walk you through the steps09:28
MadpilotIceDC571: it's spelled "Hoary", actually... :)09:28
Razor-Xand help getting it all customized09:28
freddy_is messenger down?09:28
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: i think that's the last one i have to try.... where can i get the repository address so i can get it?09:28
qt2easiest way to install azureus on ubuntu...?09:28
Razor-XMadpilot: I think that was an _intentional_ misprint09:28
ubotusources is probably http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3809:28
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Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: if you have universe and multiverse added, then it sohuld be fine09:28
MidNightRaVeN=/ i searched it and couldn't find anything in synaptic09:28
MadpilotRazor-X: heh. not really deserved, unless I'm missing something...09:28
Razor-Xno, not deserved at all09:29
IceDC571hmm.. its not even playing my renamed aac files09:29
IceDC571something is fishy09:29
tiglionabbitRazor-X: Hoary just means gray, and has nothing to do with animal prostitution.  No matter how hot that may sound09:29
freddy_is messenger down ppl?09:29
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: XD09:29
IceDC571freddy_: what messenger?09:29
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HeimdallHappyFool : there is no way to boot something without starting an installation process09:29
Razor-Xfreddy_: which messenger?09:29
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: =/ i searched it and couldn't find anything in synaptic09:29
```bulldoggokay to make sure......... you do a ./configure then a make then a make install and then you are done correct?09:29
freddy_the network of microsoft messenger09:29
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tiglionabbitmsn messenger09:29
IceDC571freddy_: not to me09:29
Razor-XJabber, yahoo, MSN, ICQ, AIM, which one?09:29
Razor-X(and yes, I use 'em all ;)09:30
IceDC571Razor-X: too late ;)09:30
tiglionabbithmm, it's down for me though09:30
DekaPinkDamn it damn it damn it.09:30
DekaPinkI can't get on MSN at all >.<09:30
tiglionabbityes, messenger is down09:30
```bulldoggjust want to make sure I have all the steps09:30
reka```bulldogg: yes, but you might want to use checkinstall instead09:30
=== Sammi_ loves multi-protocol clients.
Razor-Xwhat's the generic sources.list file again?09:30
freddy_thanks :D09:30
jasoncohen```bulldogg, yes- that's generally what you have to do09:30
IceDC571Razor-X: whats your msn messenger email? i could use another friend since i only have like 2 people who use it09:30
ubotuit has been said that sources is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3809:30
HappyFoolHeimdall: it'll first ask for partitioning etc info09:30
Razor-XSammi_: then you'll love gAIM (if you don't use it already) or if you want to go CLI, nAIM is nice09:30
HappyFoolHeimdall: it won't install right away09:30
HeimdallHappyFool : maybe I can type the correct command on the gub prompt09:30
Razor-Xthere you are09:30
grphxI guess it starts to set it up then gives me the command prompt again09:30
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: use that link09:30
jasoncohen```bulldogg, there's also a package called checkinstall which will allow you to make deb packages. this way you can keep track of the source packages you install09:30
HappyFoolHeimdall: no, you can't do filename manipulation from grub09:31
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: it'll have the right sources there =D ?09:31
HeimdallHappyFool : yes but I can boot no ?09:31
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Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: yeah09:31
HeimdallHappyFool : kernel /boot/vmlinuz etc....09:31
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: kk!09:31
HappyFoolHeimdall: ah09:31
jasoncohen```bulldogg, instead of doing make install you would do checkinstall -D and give the package a name & description. it can then be removed using apt-get remove package and upgraded later by upping the version09:31
HappyFoolHeimdall: yeah, i guess09:31
tiglionabbitRazor-X: what about centericq?09:31
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: never used it meself09:31
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jasoncohensudo apt-get install checkinstall09:31
MidNightRaVeNi love ubuntu and linux... but sometimes it is a true pain to get going.... it's worth it though lo09:31
Razor-XI know of nAIM and pork (CLI clients, I mean{09:32
HeimdallHappyFool could you past me your command to see what it looks like ?09:32
tiglionabbitRazor-X: it's a textmode, yet pretty graphical multiprotocol messenger09:32
HappyFoolHeimdall: ok, stand by09:32
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: gets easier over time09:32
jasoncohen```bulldogg, for most purposes ./configure && make && make install is sufficient09:32
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: curses?09:32
grphxHm apparently it's installed but I can't find it09:32
tiglionabbit!info centericq09:32
ubotucentericq: (A text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 4.13.0-2 (hoary), Packaged size: 1261 kB, Installed size: 3276 kB09:32
Razor-Xgrphx: sudo updatedb09:32
Razor-Xthen locate the file09:32
tiglionabbitRazor-X: uh, probably09:32
Razor-Xsimple azzat09:32
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: i know... but i think having a 64 might be making it a little more difficult lol09:32
HappyFoolHeimdall: ok, there are three commands09:32
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: ahhh, I see09:33
Heimdallthe longer one09:33
Heimdallkernel ....09:33
rekagrphx: try typing cinerella :)09:33
HappyFoolHeimdall: ok. you know what your root partition etc is?09:33
HappyFoolkernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-386 root=/dev/hda3 ro quiet splash09:33
Heimdallit is /dev/hda3 on (hd0,2)09:33
HappyFooland alsothis:      initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.10-5-38609:33
Razor-X(hd0,2) == /dev/hda309:33
grphxThat worked09:34
grphxBut it wasn't in my Applications dropdown09:34
Heimdallok I have to add vga=777 pci=noacpi remember ?09:34
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```bulldoggokay can I message someone in private about copying dvds?09:34
Razor-Xgrphx: doesen't matter09:34
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Razor-Xthings don't always get added to the menus09:34
HappyFoolHeimdall: i remember you had acpi stuff, yeah09:34
=== Sunrex [~tyler@c-67-183-46-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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tiglionabbit```bulldogg: why private?  Read restricted, and use k3b09:34
Sunrexok i have a clean install09:34
HappyFoolHeimdall: i think you can just tack that on the end09:34
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats09:34
Sunrexwhat do i install now to get sound and video up09:34
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Sunrexalong with music09:35
Razor-Xsound should already be up09:35
Razor-XSammi_: you still here?09:35
HeimdallHappyFool well for two days now, the acpi stuff does not work, thats the reason I changed the menu.lst file09:35
Sammi_How easy is it to alter the layout of the GUI of Ubuntu?09:35
tiglionabbitSunrex: you should be able to run totem right now and play something in it09:35
Razor-XSammi_: that depends on the GUI of choice, really09:35
=== Sammi_ is looking at Ubuntu stuff.
tiglionabbitSunrex: you can do anything09:35
tiglionabbitoops, meant that for sammi09:35
Razor-XKDE looks nice, and is configureable without much text editing09:35
Razor-XGnome doesen't look as nice, and is also configureable without much text editing09:36
jasoncohenSunrex, if you have backports & extras, it's as easy as sudo apt-get install mplayer-386 totem totem-xine gstreamer-plugins w32codecs libdvdcss209:36
SunrexKDE were do i get it09:36
Razor-Xyou have miscellaneous window managers there that server different purposes09:36
jasoncohenthat should about cover it. you'll need multiverse & universe as well09:36
Razor-XSunrex: it's Kubuntu09:36
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: wait, tell him to get the right build of mplayer09:36
Sunrexis that better the gnome09:36
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: and he'll have totem already09:36
HappyFoolHeimdall: hmm09:36
HappyFoolHeimdall: what changes?09:36
Razor-XSunrex: it's a choice of personal preference09:36
jasoncohenah, yeah- use the version for your system09:36
HappyFoolchanged, even09:36
xinelthink i will try enlightenment09:36
rekaRazor-X: er, kubuntu is a distro09:37
Razor-Xxinel: nice ;)09:37
Sunrexi want somthing easy to use09:37
jasoncohentiglionabbit, but he'll want totem-xine- it's better than totem-gstreamer09:37
xinelnew install on ma other machine09:37
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: yes09:37
Razor-Xreka: try, I'm relating it to him using something static09:37
xinelsandboxen :P09:37
jasoncohenalso add xine-ui to that list09:37
HeimdallHappyFool : I don't know it seems pci=noacpi was removed09:37
jasoncohenxine-ui is great for DVDs i think09:37
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: why not gxine?09:37
HappyFoolHeimdall: oh09:37
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HeimdallHappyFool : since I had the same mistake I had before09:37
grphxI guess you have to install something for firewire to work with linux?09:37
HappyFoolHeimdall: yes, you need to add it higher up in menu.lst, so that it is included every time there's a kernel update09:37
tiglionabbitvlc is a nice addition too, and beep-media-player09:37
Sunrexwhats the easyist lunix OS anyway..09:37
Razor-Xgrphx: not sure there, this machine only has USB 1.1 ;)09:37
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tiglionabbitSunrex: this one09:37
FikrannHey guys.. what may cause this: when I run shell script stored in a user mounted disk, I get following error: bash: ./configure: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Access denied. The disk has its fstab entry, and its xfs..09:38
Sunrexbtw totem wont play DVD09:38
Razor-XSunrex: Ubuntu ;)09:38
Tsar_vonHumbugUbuntu is great for newbs :D09:38
tiglionabbitSunrex: read restricted09:38
HeimdallHappyFool what .?09:38
Razor-XTsar_vonHumbug: and non-n00bs too09:38
ubotusomebody said restricted was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats09:38
Razor-Xbecause it's non-bloated09:38
HappyFoolHeimdall: let me know when you've booted and I'll tell you where (kopt= line near the top)09:38
jasoncohenSunrex, i prefer the interface on xine-ui- it also has more features09:38
xineljust installed gentoo and used it for a few weeks and its just a pain09:38
tiglionabbitjasoncohen: you mean more buttons that do nothing09:38
Sunrexhow do i install it09:38
jasoncohenSunrex, yes it will if you have libdvdcss2 installed09:38
xinelback to ubuntu09:38
Tsar_vonHumbugRazor-X, ;)09:38
Heimdalli'll type what you told me09:38
Sunrexwell were do i get that?09:38
=== Razor-X needs to change the Eterm background to Asuka
jasoncohentiglionabbit, no, i mean i find it more attractive and it's easier to control menus, subtitles, and advanced settings + i like the keyboard mappings and they're configurable09:39
Razor-Xerrr *cough* I didn't say that.....09:39
HappyFoolHeimdall: you may need a      'root         (hd0,2)'   line as well, i'm not sure09:39
Razor-Xwrong channel >_<09:39
tiglionabbit!info libdvdcss209:39
Razor-X(needs to remember C-x o)09:39
Sunrex..firefox wont start09:39
tiglionabbitokay, it's in backports09:39
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, backports is http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/09:39
tiglionabbitSunrex: really?  why not?  (run it from a terminal)09:39
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: which vlc should i use??09:39
jasoncohenSunrex, you need to add hoary-extras to get libdvdcss2 and w32codecs- the latter has support for divx/xvid, windows media video, quicktime, realplayer09:39
IceDC571someone didnt package xmms-mp4 correctly, i've tested it thoroughly09:39
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: what are the choices?09:39
Razor-Xvlc does it for most09:40
Sunrex*sigh* whats the easyist one...hoary or gnome..09:40
Razor-Xplain vlc09:40
Sunrexand were do i get Hoarty09:40
Tsar_vonHumbugSunrex, dl an install iso from http://www.ubuntulinux.org/download/mirror/document_view09:40
jasoncohenSunrex, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and add this line - "deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted". then "sudo apt-get update"09:40
Razor-XSunrex: gnome is a window manager, hoary is a version09:40
HeimdallHappyFool : wow good it seems to work ... it is booting09:40
MadpilotSunrex: if you're running the current version of Ubuntu, that's Hoary.09:40
jasoncohenSunrex, also make sure all the lines that start with deb have have the # removed09:40
MidNightRaVeNgnome-vlc, gvlc, kvlc, libvlc0-dev, qvlc, etc. etc.09:40
tiglionabbitSunrex: you are using hoary and gnome at the same time right now09:40
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: just normal vlc09:41
Sunrexthe one with Ubuntu for the background?09:41
MidNightRaVeNkk lol i'm guessing that means the one that says just "vlc"09:41
jasoncohenSunrex, see http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories for an example of what it will look like - minus backports09:41
tiglionabbitSunrex: Hoary is the name of the version of ubuntu, and Gnome is the name of the desktop environment you're using09:41
MidNightRaVeNi really hope vlc works...09:41
HeimdallHappyFool : good news I'm under gnome !09:41
=== Belutz [~Belutz@] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolHeimdall: good stuff09:42
HappyFoolHeimdall: ok, rename menu.lst first ;)09:42
MidNightRaVeNwhat is Hoary anyway?? like literally?09:42
jasoncohenSunrex, you can also do all this graphically with synaptic by going to preferences > repositories and adding a custom source with the line i gave you09:42
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: it means gray09:42
HappyFoolHeimdall: and near the top, you should see a line like this '#kopt=root=/dev/hda3 ro09:42
jasoncohenyou then could select the "show disabled repositories" and enable all the disabled ones09:42
MidNightRaVeNtiglionabbit: o, in what language?09:42
jasoncohenand then reload09:42
Madpilot"Gray Hedgehog"...09:42
=== Heimdall_linux [~nico@lns-vlq-46-rou-82-252-194-94.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolHeimdall: add your vga=777 pci=noapci line to that09:42
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: english09:42
Heimdall_linuxHappyFool, I'm here :)09:43
poningruI had a question09:43
=== MrScotty [1040@ente.hawo.stw.uni-erlangen.de] has joined #ubuntu
poningruwhy arent dpkg double click installable?09:43
MidNightRaVeNtiglionabbit: lol huh... never heard of it in any of my English classes...09:43
HappyFoolHeimdall_linux: ah-ha09:43
HappyFoolHeimdall_linux: you see what i said about kopt?09:43
=== tiglionabbit can just imagine Dr Robotnik with a screwed up Ubuntu install. "I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG!" lol sorry
Heimdallyes on this computer09:43
=== BasL [~bas@tuxmachine.xs4all.nl] has joined #Ubuntu
Heimdallbut it is not in the same room lol09:43
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: ever read Romeo and Juliet?  They make a joke about it09:44
tiglionabbit(Romeo's friends do I mean)09:44
MidNightRaVeNtiglionabbit: i'll have to reread it cuz i don't remember that in depth09:44
tiglionabbitwell you'll notice the hoary part then09:44
MidNightRaVeNi just read it like two weeks ago too09:45
MidNightRaVeNis there anyway to turn totem off so it doesn't try and autoplay my dvds?09:45
grphxSo is there no good video editing software for linux?09:45
Madpilot"That even from the hoary head unto the witless child" <-- Shakespeare...09:45
IceDC571hmm... i dont think apt-file is working for me, how do i use it?09:45
Razor-X'Juliet your love hath made me effemiate. And in my temper softened valor' steel"09:45
Madpilotgoogle rocks, so does inline find09:45
Sammi_Google is god.09:46
Razor-Xthat's the only non-cliched line of Romeo and Juliet I remember by heart ;)09:46
Razor-XSammi_: amen to that09:46
MidNightRaVeNfunny how you put god in undercase ;-)09:46
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xineldude caps09:46
Sammi_Okay, Google is God.09:46
eskaypeyhow do i make cd rom icon to not display on desktop when mounted??09:46
Madpilotthere's more than one god. there's only one Google...09:46
Razor-XSunrex: no caps, please09:46
SunrexRazor-X: sorry09:46
IceDC571i do apt-file search blahblah.file and it returns nothing09:46
Razor-XMadpilot: XD09:46
Madpiloteskaypey: I think you're stuck with it09:46
Heimdall_linuxHappyFool, kopt line is after a '#' it is a comment no ?09:46
=== reka [~Unknown@wnpp-p-144-134-167-7.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-XIceDC571: apt-cache search09:47
Razor-Xor, start using aptitude ;)09:47
eskaypeyahhh thats not good09:47
eskaypeyany other thoughts??09:47
IceDC571yes, i always use aptitude over apt-get09:47
MidNightRaVeNso lol anyone know how to turn autoplay off in totem? i couldn't find it in preferences...09:47
Razor-Xthen aptitude search09:47
deFryskeskaypey, gnome-control-center09:47
xinelSunrex, do a ctrl alt backspace it will restart gnome and try to use firefox again09:47
The_Voxeskaypey: Control Panel/Desktop/Behaviour/Device Icons09:47
deFryskeskaypey, removable drives and media09:47
The_Voxeskaypey: disable Show device icons:09:47
deFryskeskaypey, check the settings09:48
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: you really don't like VLC do you? ;)09:48
The_Voxeskaypey: or whichever individual ones you don't want09:48
HappyFoolHeimdall_linux: yeah09:48
rekaanyone know of a file splitter/joiner for linux?09:48
HappyFoolHeimdall_linux: i think update-grub uses it, not grub09:48
Heimdall_linuxso it won't change anything if I put pci=noacpi09:48
The_VoxMidNightRaVeN: it's somewhere in Control Panel too, but I can't remember where09:48
Heimdall_linuxah oki09:48
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X: lol i haven't got to try it yet cuz i wanna disable Totem first =D i just don't know how to...09:48
deFryskeskaypey, or dont put a cd in your drive09:48
Razor-Xreka: HJSplit, IIRC09:48
The_VoxRazor-X: are you a vlc developer? :)09:48
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: you don't have to09:48
xinelgawd i love my kvm switch09:49
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: disable totem?  What?09:49
MidNightRaVeNRazor-X, =/ i dont?09:49
Razor-XThe_Vox: no, a friend of the developer's friend XD09:49
Heimdall_linuxHappyFool, do you meant that because of a kernel update I had my grub file modified ?09:49
HappyFoolHeimdall_linux: yip09:49
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: of course not09:49
The_VoxRazor-X: lol! figures :)09:49
HappyFoolHeimdall_linux: it needed to point at the new kernel image09:49
Heimdall_linuxand it didn't write pci=noacpi09:49
rekaRazor-X: yeah, i think it's w32 only09:49
MidNightRaVeNtiglionabbit: cuz when i put a DVD in... it stalls Totem09:49
=== tyler [~tyler@c-67-183-46-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolHeimdall_linux: exactly09:49
MidNightRaVeNmakes me very angry inside09:49
eskaypeyThe_Vox: where the hell is Control Panel09:49
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: wait...  you men when you put a dvd in, it launches totem?09:49
tyleris there a good install program that gives me a good ubuntu..09:49
The_Voxeskaypey: uhm...wait...you on kde or gnome?09:50
MidNightRaVeNtiglionabbit: yea...09:50
Heimdall_linuxand grub-update was used during this update, and should be able to write pci=noaci if I write it juste in the #kopt line09:50
xineltyler: its called ubuntu09:50
tylercouse no matter what i do whenever i try to install this one its always glitchs09:50
The_Voxeskaypey: oops :) What I gave you was for KDE :) I have no clue how to disable that stuff in gnome :)09:50
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: funky...   Anyway, you should be able to get the codecs to make totem play your dvds right09:50
xineltyler: glitches how?09:50
rekaMidNightRaVeN: sys > admin > removable09:50
eskaypeyThe_Vox: its k thanks09:50
deFryskeskaypey, what I said earlyer09:50
Madpilottyler: check md5sum on your downloaded ISO?09:50
tylerfirst...firefox wont open...second i dont got ANY sound...third a few other things09:51
deFryskeskaypey, gnome-control-center09:51
eskaypeydeFrysk: ok hang on a sec09:51
Razor-Xcodecs... *ewwww>09:51
tiglionabbitRazor-X: what?09:51
Razor-XI remember codecs from my Windows days ;)09:51
Razor-Xbad bad stuff09:51
MidNightRaVeNtiglionabbit: i know... i tried and it would still stall.... =/ and xine always said audio_decoder error09:51
tiglionabbitRazor-X: okay, packages, off apt09:51
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rekaRazor-X: ah! found out hjsplit is linux compatible too.  thanks09:51
MidNightRaVeNreka: what does that do? remove totem?09:51
xineltyler, have u done an apt-get update => apt-get dist-upgrade ?09:51
Razor-XVLC totally avoids codec hell, that's why I like it too09:51
tyleryea,,,but the good thing with windows is everything ran fine right when u installed it09:51
Razor-Xreka: see!09:51
tyleryes i think09:51
tyleri did the get update09:52
tiglionabbitRazor-X: yeah but..  how do I make vlc play proprietary stuff?09:52
tylernot dist09:52
Razor-Xmy VLC plays it fine09:52
eskaypeydeFrysk: what settings do i need to check?09:52
Razor-Xnot sure why yours doesen't09:52
Razor-Xat least, most stuff09:52
rekaMidNightRaVeN: you can disable it from starting autmatically when a dvd is inserted09:52
Razor-Xif not, you can find more plugins for VLC, or compile in the support09:52
deFryskremovable drives and media09:52
tiglionabbitRazor-X: is that so?  Mine crashes09:52
eskaypeydeFrysk: i want it to mount just not on desktop09:52
xineltyler, is there a red icon on the top right hand side of your gnome desktop?09:52
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Heimdall_linuxwell, again thx a lot HappyFool  :)09:53
xineltyler, means u can do some more updates09:53
xinelmight solve ur problems09:53
Heimdall_linuxHappyFool, you're my linux master !09:53
xinelmight not09:53
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MidNightRaVeNreka: hmmm =/ where is Removable?? I can't find it in Sys > Admin...09:53
tylerit wont09:53
tyleri just reinstalled Ubuntu09:53
deFryskeskaypey, might be tricky09:53
tylercouse i had 0 sound09:53
xinelah i c09:53
tylerand the DVD playback went fuzzy...like a TV09:54
xinelwell then have u installed the 686 kernel?09:54
eskaypeydeFrysk: k09:54
rekaMidNightRaVeN: whoops...sys > prefs09:54
MadpilotMidNightRaVeN: System --> Pref09:54
HappyFoolHeimdall_linux: heh ;) glad to help09:54
Razor-Xxinel: the 686 kernel is only a speed-boost for i686 machines09:54
tyleris that any good Xinel?09:54
Heimdall_linuxHappyFool, well now I gotta buy some ram !!!!09:54
xinelRazor-X, whats the bet he's got a 686 machine09:54
tiglionabbitRazor-X: When I try to play some quicktime stuff, VLC crashes and says "Floating point exception"09:54
Heimdall_linuxHappyFool, my linux takes a LOT of memory, it remains only 5Mo .......09:55
MidNightRaVeNreka madpilot: thx!09:55
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: have you googled the errors?09:55
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FikrannHeimdall, don't worry, it's mostly disk cache.09:55
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BelutzFikrann: hai again09:56
Fikranner, I meant Heimdall_linux09:56
umari m using postgresql as my database server in ubuntu can someone tell me some interface design language matching Visual Basic09:56
FikrannBelutz, Hello09:56
MidNightRaVeNdo i have to have libdvdcss2 to be able to play dvds?09:56
xineltyler, have a read of this mate http://ubuntuguide.org/09:56
BelutzFikrann: can i install ubuntu from the livecd ?09:56
Razor-Xumar: tcl/tk09:56
Heimdall_linuxFikrann, ?09:56
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xinelit should answer/help u with most of ur probs09:56
Razor-Xerr.. it's not visual09:56
Razor-Xbut creates widgets09:56
Fikrannumar, Learn Python }:>09:56
tyleri cant09:56
tiglionabbitRazor-X: I don't see anything useful...09:56
Razor-Xthere really are no visual languages in Linux, visual languages suck09:57
tylerXinel: i cant Firefox doesnt start up09:57
MidNightRaVeNdo i have to have libdvdcss2 to be able to play dvds?09:57
tiglionabbitwhat are visual languages?09:57
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: it helps, go get it09:57
ubotuit has been said that backports is http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/09:57
tiglionabbitadd a mirror from backports09:57
MidNightRaVeNawww.... back ports...09:57
tylerah repaired..09:57
Madpilotis there a "Search for Files" function built into Nautilus? If there is, where's it hiding?09:57
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN: be sure to comment it out when you're done09:57
umarhow can i start tcl/tk or python to design interface in ubuntu09:57
MidNightRaVeNkk =)09:58
FikrannHeimdall_linux, most of the memory used by linux are disk caches, to speed up the system. Unless you have very little memory (as in 64MB) you don't have to worry about having virtually zero ram free.09:58
umarr they already installed or i need to install them/.09:58
Razor-Xumar: they aren't visual languages09:58
MidNightRaVeNahhhhh.... linux.... so comfortable09:58
xineltyler, open up a terminal window and type "sudo" then ur password09:58
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Razor-Xyou can't use the mouse to make boxes, or anything like that09:58
Razor-XMidNightRaVeN: hah09:58
Razor-XVisual Basic is a crap language anywho09:58
tylerXinel:its fixed now i had to do updates09:58
xineltyler, nice09:58
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tiglionabbitRazor-X: what exactly defines a "visual language"09:59
xineltake a look at that webby i posted its very good09:59
FikrannHeimdall_linux, even if you had 10GB of ram, after some time it'd be all used up anyway; linux policy is that unused ram is wasted ram.09:59
tylerXinel:were are the screen shots for Hoary?09:59
tiglionabbitRazor-X: I thought it was just the IDE09:59
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: i'm using his own term, one where you can use the mouse to create programs09:59
FikrannMost visual * languages are crap.09:59
tiglionabbitwhat, like rpgmaker?09:59
Razor-Xnopes, Visual Basic is actually layed out visually, using the mouse09:59
Razor-Xeven less coding required09:59
tiglionabbitRazor-X: REALLY?  zomg09:59
unomehow to forward root mail to a regular user?09:59
xineltyler, there are sometimes screenshots at www.ubuntuforums.org09:59
MidNightRaVeNyou know what linux is as good as? some old school jazz lol09:59
Heimdall_linuxFikrann, yes maybe but you know, I have 2*128Mo on my laptop, and I see that it is very slow....10:00
xineltyler, u can also do a google search for some10:00
HappyFoolRazor-X: ever used LabView?10:00
Razor-XHappyFool: nopes10:00
HappyFoolRazor-X: in that you 'draw' for loops10:00
Razor-XHappyFool: odd....10:00
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Razor-Xis the language useful?10:00
Heimdall_linuxFikrann, so maybe if I had just a little more i should be much better10:00
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HappyFoolRazor-X: well, it's mostly for connecting systems/signals10:00
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HappyFoolRazor-X: in which case the drawing paradigm is less strained10:00
Razor-Xahhh, I see10:00
stisevok guys10:01
HappyFoolthis was a few years ago, they may have improved that aspect10:01
stisevsomeone help me with a non-ubuntu issue10:01
FikrannHeimdall_linux, on 256MB you should have no problems running GNOME .. it might be tad little for KDE, though.10:01
tiglionabbitstisev: what makes you think it's in our contract to do that?10:01
Razor-Xmy programming skills have definitely atrophied, I may pickup Python again...10:01
stisevtiglionabbit: hear me out =p10:01
stisevI bought that plug outlet (8) but my plugs aren't fitting. WTF?10:01
stisevThere's these grey barriers inside of the plugs.10:02
stisevthey prevent the plugs from going in10:02
FikrannVive le Python!10:02
xinelstisev: pull them out10:02
stisevI can't/10:02
HappyFoolmaybe you're supposed to take the grey bits out ;)10:02
Razor-XI learned Python late though, my second-to-last language10:02
tiglionabbitstisev: try turning the plugs around so the other prong goes in each slot10:02
stisevxinel: how?10:02
stisevtiglionabbit: tried that several times.10:02
HappyFoolor maybe you're supposed to use special plugs, like in a ups setup10:02
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Razor-Xover time, most of my languages have left, save QBASIC, because of the sheer programming experience I had wiht it10:02
stisevHappyFool: o_O10:02
Razor-Xand all the engines I crafted10:02
tiglionabbitstisev: lol, I thought so10:02
Heimdall_linuxFikrann, indeed I have gnome, but it is slow for runnig applications, firefox with x-chat and azureus and mercury10:02
Heimdall_linuxand a term10:02
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Heimdall_linuxand so it is VERY slow then10:03
stisevthere's the apc site10:03
stisevAPCs new SurgeArrest was designed in response to customer requests for additional safety and convenience features. APC introduced plug-activated safety shutter and cord management to deliver increased security and ease of use, while superior power line and data line surge protection prevents damaging surge and spikes from ever reaching your equipment.10:03
HappyFoolstisev: i don't have a clue really, sorry10:03
Razor-X*RPG engines10:03
MidNightRaVeN*sigh* should the backport source look like this? "deb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ubp"10:03
xineljust mess with them untill u can pull them out10:03
tiglionabbitHeimdall_linux: how fast is it without azureus?10:03
stisev"APC introduced plug-activated safety shutter "10:03
MidNightRaVeNcuz it's not working and i dunno what i'm missing =(10:03
jeroen_MidNightRaVeN: no, read their site for mirrors10:03
BelutzHeimdall_linux: what's software is mercury?10:03
ubotufrom memory, backports is http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/10:03
FikrannHeimdall_linux, blame azureus, then.10:03
Heimdall_linuxtiglionabbit, no no it is not my connexion :)10:03
gm78MidNightRaVeN, did u get ur nvidia card up and running?10:03
HappyFoolstisev: can't you go to the place you bought them? Or phone APC?10:03
IceDC571/bin/sh: ../libtool: No such file or directory10:03
IceDC571grr.. i hate compiling10:03
newbieany one know about a good file sharing /transfer program with graphical interface10:03
Heimdall_linuxmaybe it is mercury10:03
Razor-XIceDC571: XD10:04
Heimdall_linuxit is a java software10:04
tiglionabbitHeimdall_linux: no, what I mean is, azureus is java crap and it always slugs my computer up10:04
stisevstisev: Dell - lol @ phoning.10:04
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IceDC571yeah and libtool is installed of course10:04
gm78newbie, limewire is good, u need to have java installed to use it tho10:04
Heimdall_linuxah azureus too10:04
xinelnewbie: azureus10:04
stisever HappyFool: lol. I feel really dumb. ;)10:04
MidNightRaVeNgm78: hey! not really lol cuz i've been doing all sorts of crazy stuff.... you think you can help me get it up or is it pretty simple?10:04
IceDC571Razor-X: omg.. stupid mistake, why didnt i think of that?10:04
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: but it's the only thing that gets nice speed with torrents, for me10:04
stisevHappyFool: Duhhhhhhhhh..my plugs won't fit! :p10:04
=== IceDC571 tries it
tiglionabbitnewbie: gtk-gnutella10:04
HappyFoolIceDC571: you'd installed build-essential, at least? Not sure about libtool10:04
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HappyFoolstisev: heh. well, you asked us :P10:04
tiglionabbitRazor-X: tried bittornado?10:04
Heimdall_linuxwell it won't be bad to had memory no ??? :-D10:04
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: yeah10:04
gm78MidNightRaVeN, i should be able to...what happened yesterday, all of the sudden the connection was all weird, i think the problem may have been on my end but im not sure10:04
MidNightRaVeNgm78: and sorry i just disappeared last night but my DSL went capoot10:04
tylercan you give me the link to all the extra downloads10:04
Razor-XI get 2 k/s for reasons I can't comprehend10:05
IceDC571Razor-X: lol there isnt a libtool-dev10:05
Razor-Xwhile Azureus gives me a steady 10010:05
gm78MidNightRaVeN, oh, never mind then lol10:05
newbiegm78 xubek tuguibabbut thanx i need to transfer files between to specific pcs though not to search and download10:05
tiglionabbitRazor-X: really?  Okay, maybe it's just something about java on my computer then, because i seriously can't run azureus.  It always screws up10:05
Razor-XIceDC571: time to compile a lib XD10:05
MidNightRaVeNgm78: yea lol it was my crap DSL... sorry10:05
gm78newbie, what OS' are the systems running10:05
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: same here10:05
tiglionabbitRazor-X: especially in windows10:05
Razor-XI heard the newer version fixed it, there is a fix10:05
gm78MidNightRaVeN, oh, no prob, my cable connection is pretty bad somedays10:05
newbiegm78 one linux the other window10:05
Razor-Xit's RAM, actually, that's why10:05
gregi can't boot into my fresh installed upuntu ppc, got a kernel panic; pivo_root: no such file...10:05
tylerhow do i get real player 10?10:05
stisev^^^^^ ???10:05
stisevWhy would you WANT real player?10:05
xineltyler, that site i posted answers that :P10:06
gm78newbie, ull want to set up samba, it lets u share the files like u would between two windows pcs10:06
tiglionabbityou don't need realplayer, get totem-xine instead10:06
jeroen_stisev: you don't, it's non-free binary-only :/10:06
Razor-Xlast 2 milestones were very ineffecient10:06
MidNightRaVeNgm78: do you think i don't have the nvidia card updated that could be why dvds won't play?10:06
HappyFoolIceDC571: try installing 'libtool'10:06
tyler,,*sigh* great that was before i had to restart10:06
Razor-XHappyFool: for compilation, you need the dev package as well10:06
MidNightRaVeNgm78: think since i dont*10:06
IceDC571yeah its trying to find /bin/libtool but it isnt there, so im thinking of searching an doing a little ln -s hopefully10:06
gm78MidNightRaVeN, lol, could be lots of things...open a private chat with me again so u can post ur xorg.conf file10:06
newbiegm78 and i can use it over the internet i used to use ssh but my friend on the windows os do not like it10:07
tylerTiglionabbit:were do i get the totem-xine10:07
tiglionabbittyler: run synaptic, and get it10:07
ubotutiglionabbit: I haven't a clue10:07
tiglionabbit!info totem-xine10:07
ubotutotem-xine: (A simple media player for the Gnome desktop based on xine), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 1.0.1-0ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 633 kB, Installed size: 3788 kB10:07
gm78newbie, windows pcs, when u set up a network, use the smb network protocol, samba is that implemented on linux10:07
GNULinuxeris there any handy utility to monitor traffic on my eth0 ?10:07
tyler,,but were do i get it,,10:07
tiglionabbitah, it's universe.  You'll need to read the repositories thing10:07
HappyFoolRazor-X: i think libtool is different10:07
ubotuit has been said that repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:08
IceDC571ahah.. ln -s /bin/libtool /usr/bin/libtool :)10:08
gregGNULinuxer: iptraf, iftop, ntop ...10:08
tylermmm how do you install PHP?10:08
tiglionabbittyler: does that explain it to you?  When you add the proper repositories, synaptic will be able to find the package if you search it10:08
GNULinuxergreg: i just need it to monitor how much data is downloaded over eth010:08
newbiegm78 so i can set one folder on my linux machine to share through samba and my friend can log on to it right10:08
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Madpilottyler: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LAMPForHoary10:08
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tiglionabbit!info php410:09
ubotuphp4: (server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package)), section web, is optional. Version: 4:4.3.10-10ubuntu4 (hoary), Packaged size: 1 kB, Installed size: 24 kB10:09
gregGNULinuxer: ifconfig, but the counters tend to overflow quite often10:09
freddyif i insert a cdrom...i should see it on the desktop automatically...right?10:09
Madpilottyler: that'll get you Apache, MySQL & PHP10:09
jeroen_freddy: yep, if there's anything on it10:09
freddywell, its not working10:09
GNULinuxergreg: it should save history ...10:09
freddyits not doing anything10:09
tyleris Apache 2 easy to install10:10
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Madpilottyler: it is thru Synaptic. (or apt-get...) check that URL I just posted10:11
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tyleri mean to install lol10:11
gregGNULinuxer: you could combine rrdtool and a little bit of shell scripting10:11
ubotu[synaptic]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto10:11
=== Whistler [tu10@82-135-244-53.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu
gm78newbie yep, thatll work10:12
tiglionabbittyler: synaptic is a wonderful program that gets software and installs it for you10:12
GNULinuxergreg: I am looking at cacti ... but even after installing it, i don't see any graphs10:12
ubotuI don't know, tyler10:12
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IceDC571how do i know which makefile i'm making from10:12
Whistlercan anybody explain netcat syntax to me?10:12
tiglionabbitIceDC571: specify it to make, there's an option for that10:12
gregGNULinux: have you RTFM ?10:13
tiglionabbitIceDC571: make -f themakefile10:13
egi!info netcat10:13
ubotunetcat: (TCP/IP swiss army knife), section net, is optional. Version: 1.10-27 (hoary), Packaged size: 64 kB, Installed size: 228 kB10:13
=== rage [~rage@ppp111-71.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI guess samba is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba10:14
Madpilottyler: spelling counts... ;)10:14
ragePlease forgive my ignorance but does Ubuntu use x.org or XFree86?10:14
GNULinuxerrage: xorg10:14
rageThanks :-)10:14
xinelrage: nothing to be sorry about dude10:14
amonkeywhat linux software can i use to take the audio out of a video and mp3 it?10:15
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IceDC571omg i got it to make i got it to make i got it to make!!!!!!!!! :)10:15
=== IceDC571 loves linux again
HappyFoolamonkey: i would guess mplayer (or mencoder?)10:15
```bulldoggman this thing is pissing me off........... everything I try to install it says it has unresolved deps.. and I try to resolve those and I get more unresolved deps10:15
bigfoot1to fellow Galeon Users: how can i make a smart bookmark for Ubuntu Forums Search?10:15
rageWell, time to give Ubuntu a try then. :-) Wish me luck10:16
bigfoot1In other words, what should I have in the "Smart URL" text box?10:16
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: are you using ubuntu, or Red Hat?  Set the repositories right, and you wont have problems10:16
ubotuhmm... sources is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3810:16
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tiglionabbit```bulldogg: use this sources.list and you shouldn't have any problems10:16
```bulldoggokay can you help me do that real quick tiglionabbit ?10:16
ubotutyler: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?10:17
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: sure.  Go to applications -> run application and type in "gksudo gedit" to get the editor to run as admin.  Then open the file /etc/apt/sources.list and replace it with that stuff10:17
ubotutyler: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?10:17
tiglionabbittyler: try !info10:18
tiglionabbit!info abyss10:18
tiglionabbitoh, never mind10:18
tiglionabbittyler: ubotu only knows things we put into it10:18
tylerhow do you install Abyss Web Server?10:18
tiglionabbittyler: like when I say something like10:18
tiglionabbitubotu pizza is delicious10:18
ubotutiglionabbit: okay10:18
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, pizza is delicious10:18
tiglionabbitubotu forget pizza10:18
ubotutiglionabbit: i forgot pizza10:18
Madpilotfun with bots... :)10:19
HappyFoolpoor bugger has forgotten the taste of pizza *sniffle*10:19
ubotuI guess moo is apt-get with Super Cow Powers!10:19
Madpilotjust be careful what you tell ubotu...10:19
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, unome10:19
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Madpilotis there someone in charge of ubotu? weeding out bad ! entries?10:20
tiglionabbitwow, no questions have been asked for quite a bit.  It feels quiet10:20
tiglionabbitMadpilot: well, the admins will clean it every once in a whil10:20
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ubotutiglionabbit: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?10:21
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uboturumour has it, sources is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3810:21
tiglionabbityeah, use those sources and you should be peachy10:21
HappyFooltiglionabbit: do you use backports hoary-extras?10:21
tiglionabbitHappyFool: I comment it out most of the time, I think10:22
tylerso anyone here use Abyss Web Server?10:22
```bulldoggI put it in there says it can't find it10:22
HappyFooltiglionabbit: right. thanks. guess i'll just live with old marillat w32codecs ;)10:22
tiglionabbitHappyFool: I got w32codecs from backports, yes, as well as libdvdcss210:22
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-121-123.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFool```bulldogg: too many "it"'s there -- could you be a little more specific ? ;)10:23
tiglionabbitand java and gstreamer0.8-lame10:23
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tylerdoes apache have a control panel?10:23
=== lambert [~lambert@d80-170-39-228.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: okay, so you've completely replaced your sources.list with the thing on that pasteboard, and now which program are you using to download with?10:24
```bulldoggI put that addy in the source list file and it says it can't find it... and errors10:24
```bulldoggohh okay wait a minute lol10:24
tiglionabbitcan't find what?10:24
HappyFooltyler: try maybe webmin-apache ?10:24
bigfoot1to galeon users: how can i make mailto links use the web version of gmail?10:25
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: are you using apt-get, aptitude, or synaptic?10:25
unomeubotu biff is a little program that notifies you with a message that you have mail, but only in virtual terminal. You can turn it off or on any time using biff y or biff n10:25
ubotuunome: okay10:25
tylerHappyfool: whats webmin-apache?10:25
tiglionabbitunome: I thought biff was just a really bad website designer that turned out to be a usenet joke.  Or was that B1FF ?10:26
HappyFooltyler: "This module allows webmin (a web-based interface for system administration for Unix) to configure almost all Apache directives."10:26
ubotuwell, biff is a little program that notifies you with a message that you have mail, but only in virtual terminal. You can turn it off or on any time using biff y or biff n10:26
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unometiglionabbit: biff used to be stantard loaded with Debian10:26
HappyFooland sys v, probably :P10:27
tiglionabbitubotu magicaltrevor is a wizard that everyone loves because his tricks are so clever10:27
ubotuokay, tiglionabbit10:27
tylerHappyfool:were do i get that10:27
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Whistlercan anybody explain netcat syntax to me?10:27
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Madpilottiglionabbit: ??? :)10:27
HappyFooltyler: from the standard ubuntu repositories10:27
```bulldoggtried synaptic10:27
tiglionabbitubotu forget magicaltrevor10:28
ubotui forgot magicaltrevor, tiglionabbit10:28
tiglionabbitMadpilot: what, you've never seen http://weebls-stuff.com ?10:28
HappyFooltyler: you'll need to add the 'universe' repository10:28
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: hit the refresh button on synaptic after you save the file10:28
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:28
ubotumethinks sources is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3810:28
bigfoot1I'm trying to run zynaddsubfx, but i get this message: ERROR: Cannot make a jack client.10:28
bigfoot1what should i do?10:28
HappyFooltyler: go and read those two urls -- they'll tell you how to enable the standard repo's10:29
Madpilottiglionabbit: is that the badger badger badger guy?10:29
```bulldoggokay do I replace that file that I downloaded with the one thats there now?10:29
=== ColonelKernel [~ishai@24-182-1-194.bb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitMadpilot: yes10:29
tiglionabbitMadpilot: also known for Kenya, Magical Trevor, and the everyday happenings of Weebl and sometimes Weebl's friend Bob10:30
ColonelKernelW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libp/libpng3/libpng12-dev_1.2.8rel-1_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch <-- is there anything I can do about this or do I have to wait for the server to fix this file?10:30
tiglionabbitColonelKernel: delet the "us" in that repository url10:30
=== gubrats [~gubrats@cpc3-nthc5-3-0-cust214.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolColonelKernel: change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list10:30
ColonelKernelthank you both10:31
HappyFool```bulldogg: which file did you download?10:31
Madpilottiglionabbit: heh. my education continues... must not get that d*mned song stuck in my head again...10:31
tylerhow do i add pages to apache..10:31
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```bulldoggthe post_38.txt10:31
admin0tyler, you add pages in the directory.10:31
Whistlercan anybody explain netcat syntax to me?10:31
tyleradmin0: but were IS the directory =/10:32
tyleradmin0: apache2?10:32
HappyFoolWhistler: what do you want to know? And what are you trying to do?10:32
admin0/var/www/html ?10:32
admin0look for document root in the conf10:32
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```bulldoggthe post_38.txt HappyFool10:32
WhistlerHappyFool i wanna learn how to use netcat i type nc but it gives me an erros10:32
WhistlerHappyFool i wanna learn how to use netcat i type nc but it gives me an error10:33
Whistlerso how should i write?10:33
RaskallWhistler: man netcat10:33
HappyFoolWhistler: try 'nc port'  where port is a number10:33
HappyFoolWhistler: reading the man page would be a good idea10:33
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=== jeroen_ is now known as Hieronymus
ubotufrom memory, sources is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3810:34
tiglionabbithe means that10:34
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HappyFool```bulldogg: you can just cut-and-paste the stuff from the pastebin into /etc/apt/sources.list10:34
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HappyFool```bulldogg: you are editing that file with gedit, i believe10:34
mik__hello.. I have a little question about mozilla nightly builds - I had download build:20050708 (Deer Park)- it runs much faster than firefox from Ubuntu. Can somehow install plugins from ubuntu into that browser?10:34
tiglionabbit!sources blah blah testing ?10:34
ubotuNo idea, tiglionabbit10:34
```bulldoggokay are you talking the stuff up in the colored window10:34
HappyFool```bulldogg: um. the coloured window in your browser?10:35
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: get the stuff from the textarea.  You don't want the line numbers included10:35
=== Hieronymus [~Hieronymu@cp413115-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
```bulldoggokay......... so up in that area but don't take the line numbers with?10:35
mik__anyone using Deer Park?10:35
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: just copy from the textarea below10:35
```bulldoggand then erase all those links that are in the file and add these10:35
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: links?  The links are important10:36
=== r2d4 [~chatzilla@c-67-164-104-154.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: they are urls where apt can find packages for you.  You better read about apt10:36
ubotuI guess apt is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/10:36
ubotufrom memory, synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto10:36
ubotuwell, repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:36
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: that's your homework for today10:36
ubotusomebody said sources was http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3810:36
```bulldoggokay.................so I want to just paste the ones I find on that webpage into that file10:36
HappyFool```bulldogg: that should work10:37
ubotuaction09: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?10:37
tiglionabbit!info woman10:37
=== Pixel83 [~pixel@p54AAECC9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitapt-get install chicks10:37
=== tiglionabbit be's a moron
deFrysktiglionabbit, use sudo ;p10:37
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, tiglionabbit10:38
ubotutiglionabbit: Wish i knew10:38
tiglionabbithey, where'd my porn entries go10:38
Hieronymustiglionabbit: install proview and stfu10:38
HappyFool```bulldogg: are you getting anywhere?10:38
tiglionabbitubotu porn-get is http://www.lesbian.mine.nu/10:38
ubotutiglionabbit: okay10:38
```bulldoggI will be right back... on the machine I am working on......................... this is really irritating me......... no it errored out again10:38
=== Yann2 [~Yann2@p54A5F752.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: it's not "erroring".  It's telling you useful information which you should learn to understand, by reading the wiki10:39
HappyFooltiglionabbit: maybe one should recommend using synaptic to enable repositories ;)10:39
tiglionabbitHappyFool: yeah...10:39
ubotumethinks repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:39
Yann2i got a problem with the backports; i used the two linux given by http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ and I get the following error :10:39
Yann2W: Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net hoary-backports/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net_dists_hoary-backports_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)10:39
tiglionabbitI've !s everything I can.  Bulldog should start reading crap.  Why'd he leave..10:39
HieronymusYann2: try sudo apt-get update10:40
Hieronymussee if that fixes it10:40
=== ```bulldogg [~agoofyguy@ip68-13-59-67.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitYann2: you must use a backports mirror, not backports itself10:40
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, backports is http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/10:40
tiglionabbitoh wait, that is a mirror, sorry10:40
```bulldoggokay I am back here is what happened when I did what I thought you said.... here is the errors10:40
HappyFoolmaybe the mirror is broken10:40
HappyFooldon't paste here, please10:40
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: it's not "erroring".  It's telling you useful information which you should learn to understand, by reading the wiki10:41
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: and to paste stuff, use a pastebin10:41
=== Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
```bulldoggThe following problems were found on your system.....................deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe multiverse10:41
```bulldoggdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe multiverse10:41
```bulldoggdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted universe multiverse10:41
```bulldoggdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted universe multiverse10:41
```bulldoggdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted universe multiverse10:41
ubotu[pastebin]  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ http://pastebin.com or #flood10:41
```bulldoggdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted universe multiverse10:41
Yann2i get no error with apt-get update10:41
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: WE SAID DON'T PASTE HERE10:41
Yann2but no package to be updated10:41
=== gm78 [~gm78@S01060004e28f5eac.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Yann2so i think doesn't working either10:41
HappyFool```bulldogg: can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list on a paste-bin?10:42
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: if you must paste, use a pastebin10:42
Xyc0I am compiling gaim-irchelper and getting craploads of errors, anyone know where i can find the packages?10:42
```bulldoggokay I am not sure what you mean by paste bin10:42
ubotusomebody said pastebin was http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ http://pastebin.com or #flood10:42
Whistleris pascal aviable via apt-get?10:42
tiglionabbitXyc0: if it says you do not have something, look on synaptic for what it asks for with the -dev suffix on it.  You need -dev libraries to compile things10:43
HieronymusWhistler: try10:43
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gm78Whistler, u can search for programs using synaptic or apt-cache search10:43
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HieronymusWhistler: apt-cache search pascal or http://packages.ubuntu.com10:43
tiglionabbithmm, I get nothing from searhcing for pascal, Hieronymus10:43
Xyc0tiglionabbit: Wow that totaly slipped my mind, thx10:44
Hieronymustiglionabbit: maybe you need to enable universe10:44
HappyFooltiglionabbit: i get many hits. 'gpc', for one10:44
ubotusources is probably http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3810:44
ubotusomebody said repositories was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:44
tiglionabbitHieronymus: oh whoops, forgot to make it search by description10:44
=== lutz [~lutz@dsl-082-082-249-123.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
tylerhow do i put some new pages for my website in the Directory...it wont let me move it there10:45
Hieronymustiglionabbit: so.. problem solved?10:45
```bulldoggokay I did it10:45
```bulldoggthe paste thing10:45
tiglionabbitHieronymus: what problem?  It wasn't my question =P10:45
HappyFool```bulldogg: where? ;)10:45
=== tapo [~tapo@sig9-d9baf33f.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: paste the url here10:45
HappyFool```bulldogg: please give us an url10:45
Hieronymustiglionabbit: sorry, too sleepy still10:45
Yann2mmmh I don't get error messages any more, but there still is no package to upgrade.... it must still not be working :/10:45
tapohi, I am searching for pnet debs (dotGNU) in version 0.7.0. is there a good apt source somewhere?10:46
```bulldoggI clicked on a url above and then put a message in10:46
```bulldoggI hope thats what you want10:46
tiglionabbitgood dog10:46
```bulldoggman I am really starting to get fustrated10:46
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: could you paste the full error there?  I doubt apt-get gives errors in that format10:47
tylerhow do i move files to my WWW folder?10:47
tylerit wont let me =/10:47
HappyFool```bulldogg: can you please also paste the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list to the pastebin?10:47
Hieronymustyler: maybe you don't have write access for it10:47
=== Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: and if you want to learn linux, it's going to be a little bit of new stuff.  You're going to have to be patient and read a little to get this10:47
tyleri dont..10:47
tylerbut how do i set it?10:47
Hieronymustyler: you could try with (gk)sudo10:47
tiglionabbittyler: it's a shell command.  It's a shame ubuntu doesn't provide a super user file browser option10:48
tylerlol yes, it is =/10:49
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tylerso how do i get my files in there10:49
tiglionabbittyler: the admins will kill me for saying this, because if you do this too much "bad things will happen", but you could go to applications -> run application and type in "gksudo nautilus".  That would give you the permissions10:49
Xyc0or you can create a root pwd10:49
Xyc0and login as root10:50
tiglionabbitXyc0: that is far worse10:50
tiglionabbitXyc0: quite unadvisable10:50
```bulldoggwell tiglionabbit I am no expert and will never claim to be... but I have run Redhat, Fedora... pretty much the same thing, Suse, Mandrake and never had this kind of trouble10:50
adwaitppll help me out here.......my net is suddenly very slow....10:50
HappyFool```bulldogg: ok, this should be easyish to fix10:50
Xyc0well if we are tempting the linux goda10:50
Whistlercan anybody reccomend file manager same as total cmd for windows?10:50
adwaitsome sites are opening up fine, others are very very slow, ipv6 is disabled10:50
HappyFool```bulldogg: can you please close synaptic, if you are running it ?10:50
HappyFool```bulldogg: and do you still have the gedit session editing sources.list open?10:50
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: once you learn to use synaptic, you will probably find that it is much better than any of those RPM-based distros you've used before10:50
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: so, did you read all the wikis I wanted you to yet?10:51
HappyFool```bulldogg: ok, we're going to remove some of the repository lines you have there10:51
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```bulldoggno tiglionabbit haven't had the chance yet10:51
ColonelKernelwow - nice distro - everything works from the getgo10:51
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ColonelKernelthats new10:52
HappyFool```bulldogg: lines 6,7 11,12, 24 and 25  - put '#' at the beginning of those lines10:52
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: well, bookmark them.  They should explain all of this stuff to you, and then you wont need our help10:52
Xyc0anyone get FBSplash working on ubuntu?10:52
tylerdoes this mean PHP is running? <?php phpinfo(); ?>10:52
```bulldoggwhere I have lines of text?10:52
tiglionabbittyler: that command will print out all information about your php install in html format10:52
ColonelKernelis there any way to add the pleasant colors to the bootup process?10:52
HappyFool```bulldogg: um10:52
=== factorx [~factorx@dsl-084-060-003-082.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitpleasant colors?10:53
tylerright...but SOULD it show that on the webiste?10:53
HappyFool```bulldogg: i don't understand your question. I want you to put a '#' character in at the start of those lines10:53
HappyFool```bulldogg: i'm using the line numbers shown here: http://pastebin.com/30990410:53
adwaittiglioabbit: u mean like the function phpinfo()10:53
=== Dalkus [~dalkus@81-86-159-34.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
```bulldoggokay so you want a # in front of the sixth line of acutal text and so on10:53
tiglionabbitadwait: yes, when used in a .php file, in the syntax tyler said10:54
HappyFool```bulldogg: yeah. only the line numbers will be different -- you have added a 'here is the contents of my file' to the pastebin10:54
adwaitif tht function shows up a whole lot of info, php is running10:54
HappyFool```bulldogg: look here: http://pastebin.com/30990710:55
tiglionabbitwhen you view it in firefox, if it's just a blank page you don't have php10:55
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: you understand the concept of commenting, right?  Done any shell scripting?10:56
tiglionabbitHappyFool: I'd suggest he comment out his cdrom too10:56
```bulldoggokay now I did that... not very much shell at all... would like to learn how10:56
tiglionabbitthe first line10:56
HappyFooltiglionabbit: you reckon?10:56
```bulldoggI do understand the commenting thing10:56
HappyFool```bulldogg: ok, save the file, and restart synaptic10:56
tiglionabbitHappyFool: it's what I do10:56
HappyFooltiglionabbit: i'm on dial-up. i don't ;)10:56
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tiglionabbitHappyFool: ah, I'm on broadband =P10:56
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HappyFool```bulldogg: you can comment out the cd-rom line too, if you wish. it probably doesn't matter right now10:57
```bulldoggno that did not work... more of the same10:57
HappyFool```bulldogg: ok, close synaptic10:57
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```bulldoggI did10:57
HappyFool```bulldogg: can you start terminal (Applications -> System tools -> terminal)10:57
jacquesmerdehey, what happening with a fix for umount/eject? is one still being considered? has one been done?10:57
```bulldoggsure terminal is open10:57
HappyFool```bulldogg: now type 'sudo apt-get update' and please paste the output of that command to the paste-bin10:57
=== brenner [~Unknown@WNPP-p-203-54-24-175.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolone of my keys is squeaky *annoyance*10:58
tiglionabbitHappyFool: I think it would be best for him to just read the wikis.  He's used linux before.  He should know that it takes a little rtfm-ing.  And the wikis are very friendly anyway10:58
=== james [~james@dsl-220-235-175-67.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuwell, rtfm is Read The "Fine" Manual10:58
```bulldoggits updating10:58
tiglionabbithello james10:58
```bulldoggyeah no errors just updated10:59
tiglionabbitadwait: that's what my CS professor says =P10:59
HappyFool```bulldogg: ok. maybe synaptic just got confused. after the apt-get update is finished, try synaptic again10:59
jameswot the...........10:59
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: good10:59
HappyFooltiglionabbit: i guess. imo editing text config files can be confusing10:59
```bulldoggyep it appears to be alright now........ thanks10:59
tylerwere do i get PHPMYADMIN?10:59
adwaiti wonder wht he says FOOBAR means10:59
tiglionabbitHappyFool: to newbies, yes.  But the wiki covers using synaptic too11:00
ubotuHieronymus: Are you smoking crack?11:00
HieronymusNo I am not, ubotu11:00
Hieronymus!info foobar11:00
tiglionabbitadwait: foo bar baz qux are what you call "metasyntactical variable names"11:00
jacquesmerdesorry to repeal, but what is happening with a fix for umount/eject? is one still being considered? has one been done? if someone can't tell me, can someone tell me how to find out with a project like ubuntu? is there a dev wiki or something? the forums weren't helpful...11:00
ubotuMadpilot: Bugger all, i dunno11:00
IceDC571who uses foobar2000?11:00
tiglionabbitjacquesmerde: a fix?  It works for me11:00
```bulldogggeez all  I wanted tonight was to install a debian distro and pull down some programs to copy my dvds lol11:00
adwaituuh....i mean to ask fubar11:00
adwaitnormally known as fucked up beyond an repair11:01
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: it's actually very easy11:01
bob2jacquesmerde: "fix"?11:01
ubotuadwait: Are you smoking crack?11:01
claintor beyond all recognition11:01
Madpilotadwait: "fouled"...11:01
IceDC571!info pornview11:01
ubotupornview: (Image and movie viewer/manager), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 0.2pre1-4 (hoary), Packaged size: 224 kB, Installed size: 676 kB11:01
```bulldoggwell I got the distro installed... and thats as far as I have gotten11:01
ubotuhmm... porn-get is http://www.lesbian.mine.nu/11:01
Hieronymusubotu: foobar is variables are often used in computer programming examples.11:01
ubotuHieronymus: okay11:01
ubotusomebody said foobar was variables are often used in computer programming examples.11:01
tiglionabbitHieronymus: variables ^THAT^ are11:02
tiglionabbitor which11:02
Hieronymustiglionabbit: yes, I saw it. How do I fix it?11:02
tiglionabbitubotu forget foobar11:02
ubotui forgot foobar, tiglionabbit11:02
jacquesmerdetiglionabbit, bob2: while it works for a vast majority of people, there are still a LOT of people for whom it doesnt. someone mentioned nicking supermount/submount from mandriva/suse11:02
```bulldoggcan anyone tell me what programs I might use.... I already have k3b installed11:02
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: there are a bazillion programs you might use11:03
bob2jacquesmerde: by "not work", you mean "some people don't umount things before trying to eject them"?11:03
jacquesmerdea lot of people have to do a sudo eject to open their cdrom drives11:03
Madpilot```bulldogg: gnomebaker?11:03
bob2jacquesmerde: and supermount is a terrible hack11:03
```bulldoggI want easy... perferably gui11:03
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: use the search feature, and sections, and the net, to look around through things you might be interested in11:03
bob2jacquesmerde: have they filed bugs about that?11:03
Hieronymusubotu: foobar is variables which are often used in computer programming examples (like: sudo apt-get install foobar)11:03
ubotuHieronymus: okay11:03
ubotuwell, foobar is variables which are often used in computer programming examples (like: sudo apt-get install foobar)11:03
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: oh, and be sure to install chromium and neverball for your amusement11:03
adwaitjacquesmerde: is there a reason ur nick means jack's shit?11:03
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claintHieronymus : is a variable.11:03
Hieronymusgood bot, ubotu !!11:03
```bulldoggchromium is a anti-virus software isn't it?11:04
Hieronymusclaint: according to Wikipedia they are 2 variables11:04
Hieronymusfoo and bar11:04
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: no, it's a space shooter11:04
jacquesmerdebob2: well, different people have had different problems. the simplest problems have been solved by a simple manual umount. others not so much11:04
claintthen say foo and bar are variables11:04
```bulldoggI will go get those right now with synaptic11:04
bob2jacquesmerde: if they want it fixed, they have to file bugs11:04
Fikrann```bulldogg, You might want to install Vega Strike as well }:>11:04
HappyFool```bulldogg: synaptic has a 'search' feature11:04
Hieronymusclaint: okay :)11:04
jacquesmerdebob2: looking at people's replies to people asking for help on ubuntuforums, it sounds like devs are aware of the problem. just wondering what is being done about it...11:04
bob2yes, "foo" and "bar" are two different but common variables11:04
tiglionabbitbaz qux11:05
bob2jacquesmerde: bah, posting on forums != filing a bug11:05
jacquesmerdebob2: i'll search ubuntu's bug thing now11:05
bob2jacquesmerde: afaik no developers spend time looking for complaints on the forums11:05
Hieronymusubotu: forget foobar11:05
ubotuHieronymus: i forgot foobar11:05
jacquesmerdei'll search the bugzilla11:05
tiglionabbitwhen I started programming my bullshit variables were tup and yut11:05
bob2chromium is a game, which has one of the best bugs, ever11:06
```bulldoggwell those are on there way11:06
tiglionabbitbob2: bugs?  What bugs?11:06
Madpilota "best bug"?11:06
Madpilotoxymoron, surely?11:06
brennerit's unbeatable :)11:06
IceDC571like a bug mobile11:06
IceDC571a car...11:06
tiglionabbityou mean the bug aliens that you shoot at?11:06
jacquesmerdebob2: there seems to be a fair few bugs listed on bugzilla related to ejecting cds...11:06
bob2Madpilot: tiglionabbit http://bugs.debian.org/17724411:06
Fikrannnomasteryoda, that you can't finish it.11:07
```bulldoggI have not had a good day........ just went out and bought a 220 dollar graphics card for my computer........... it sucks to much power have to get another power supply11:07
Fikranner, I meant tiglionabbit11:07
bob2jacquesmerde: cool11:07
tiglionabbitlol what the11:07
Hieronymusubotu: foobar is a combination of foo and bar, and is often used in programming examples (like 'sudo apt-get install foobar')11:07
ubotuHieronymus: okay11:07
ubotu[foobar]  a combination of foo and bar, and is often used in programming examples (like 'sudo apt-get install foobar')11:07
bob2Hieronymus: just fyi, you can talk to the bot in /msg to teach it things and test the results11:08
HappyFoolHieronymus: is it really worth it ? ;)11:08
jacquesmerdebob2: ok, i've found a few of the bugs i'm interested in... how do i find out what's being done about them? are the bugs discussed on bugzilla?11:08
bob2jacquesmerde: yes, or on the ubuntu-devel mailing list11:08
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bob2jacquesmerde: there may have been discussion at the last conference, whichwould be recorded on http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com11:08
brenner```bulldogg: what card?11:09
tiglionabbitI once made a silly little program in perl that let you teach a thing words like ubotu does.  Only, I allowed you to teach it the word "is" as well, so you could come up with some interesting sentences11:09
jacquesmerdebob2: thanks.11:09
kjonI have a question. I burned all my apt cache, but I wanna to apply all the updates without being connected to internet. Is possible to do this with some automated way?11:09
```bulldoggI bought a ATI Radeon X 700Pro it wants a 350 watt power supply I only have a 23011:09
HappyFoolhmm. killing watchmen in nethack is bad?11:10
claintHappyFool : not if you are tough enough.11:10
HappyFoolclaint: well, i'm not ;) but i mean it called me a murderer11:10
Hieronymusstupid ubotu11:10
tiglionabbitHappyFool: dunno, but eating them sure is.  Unless you're a caveman11:10
jacquesmerdebob2, nothing at udu :(. i'm waiting for this to get fixed so i can come back to ubuntu from arch11:10
```bulldoggdoes that gnomebaker.......... compress and burn to dvds?11:10
whiprushjacquesmerde: search for "eject" on bugzilla.ubuntu.com11:11
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: I don't know, but it sure does make some tasty toasted gnomes11:11
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whiprush10 bugs filed.11:11
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jacquesmerdewhiprush: i did. a few bugs reported. not much activity though11:11
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sam_adom is much more interesting than nethack11:11
IceDC571why would gnomebaker compress dvds?11:11
HappyFoolyeah, killing watchmen gives me 'transgressed' status. i'm dead11:11
whiprushjacquesmerde: limited resources dude, things suck like that sometimes.11:11
kjonI need help with apt!!! Pleeeeeaseeeee :'(11:12
tiglionabbitHappyFool: generally when it says something like "murderer" or "cannibal" or "The studio audience applauds" that means you did something that made your god very angry11:12
IceDC571kjon: whats wrong?11:12
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HappyFooltiglionabbit: never got that last one11:12
tiglionabbitHappyFool: Eat some yellow fungus and kill your dog11:12
ubotufoobar is probably a metasyntactic variable consisting of foo and bar, often used in programming examples (like 'sudo apt-get install foobar')11:12
HappyFooltiglionabbit: oh, right11:12
Hieronymusgood bot, ubotu :)11:12
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tiglionabbitHappyFool: then sacrifice it.  It has a neat message for that too11:12
claintHieronymus : that's more like it ;-p11:13
kjonI burned all my /var/cache/apt/archive to cd. Now I want to update another computer with these files; but this computer isn't connected to internet. How do I do that?11:13
Hieronymusclaint: yep :)11:13
linuxboyhas anybody done irda in linux?11:13
visorwhat does foo bar stands for? i mean where did it come from?11:13
tiglionabbitvisor: read the jargon file11:13
visortiglionabbit: ok then11:13
ubotutiglionabbit: No idea11:13
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tiglionabbitubotu jargon is http://www.catb.org/~esr/jargon/11:14
ubotuokay, tiglionabbit11:14
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```bulldoggman my computer boggs when I try and start those games11:14
kjonany hint? :?(11:14
adwaithey wht does tht little brown bar below  the list of ppl in the room, in x chat stand for?11:14
tiglionabbitdid I get the right jargon file there?  Usually it's like a dictionary11:14
linuxboyhas anybody done irda in ubuntu?11:14
HappyFooladwait: i think it's a ping meter of some sort11:14
tiglionabbitubotu forget jargon11:15
ubotutiglionabbit: i forgot jargon11:15
thegrokhi everyone11:15
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: whats your specs?11:15
tiglionabbit```bulldogg: chromium and neverball shouldn't be too hard on it11:15
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HappyFoolkjon: try 'man dpkg-scanpackages' maybe11:15
adwaitHappyFool: k11:15
```bulldoggWell I have a P4 3.0, 1M L2 cache 1G of Ram and an 80G SATA but have onboard video11:15
HappyFoolkjon: i think that lets you setup your own repository11:15
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Hieronymustiglionabbit: that was esr's jargon file11:16
kjonHappyFool: How do I do that? Just specifying the packages' location?11:16
=== ColonelKernel [~ishai@24-182-1-194.bb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolkjon: i'm not sure -- try reading the manul page ('man dpkg-scanpackages')11:17
ColonelKernelnice I mean11:17
HappyFoolmanual, even11:17
ColonelKernelgj on the distro11:17
ColonelKernelfinally. gnome 2.10 works the way i want it to11:17
kjonokay, thx. happyfool.11:17
kjonthanx for the advice.11:18
tiglionabbithmm, this one seems ok11:18
tiglionabbitubotu jargon is http://jargon.watson-net.com/11:18
ubotuokay, tiglionabbit11:18
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ubotu[dpkg]  Debian Package Manager: sudo dpkg --install package.deb11:18
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newbiecan i share folder with samba over the internet?11:18
tiglionabbitnewbie: I don't think you can.  I thought SMB was only for local networks.  But if someone knows how, I'd like to know as well11:19
=== ColonelKernel making kernel 2.6.13-rc2 .deb's right now
IceDC571wow i'm bored, i'm looking up wiki in the wikipedia11:19
HappyFoolnewbie: try it -- i think it ought to work11:19
tiglionabbitIceDC571: lol, well you've got to eventually11:20
HappyFoolnewbie: you might consider using apache or ftp or something instead11:20
adwaitIceDC571: i am playing with ubotu.....beat tht :11:20
tiglionabbitadwait: I beat you there weeks ago11:20
tiglionabbitadwait: don't delete too many entries.  Chances are they're mine11:20
ubotuIceDC571: I haven't a clue11:20
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adwaittiglionabbit: hehe..no not deleting anything11:21
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tiglionabbitubotu ubotu is uh...  Thaaats me!11:21
ubotuokay, tiglionabbit11:21
tylerOK...how do i get mysql runningt11:21
ubotuI guess ubotu is uh...  Thaaats me!11:21
newbiei am on the samba site now all i found so far is for lan11:21
ubotufrom memory, adwait is "Adwait, the cool one"11:21
newbiethanx guys11:21
=== mactiny [opera@nps-ip-nas-1-p65.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
ubotu[samba]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba11:21
tylerim on apatche11:22
tylerwhy is sambar better? lol11:22
ubotutapo: Bugger all, i dunno11:22
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tiglionabbitadwait: the admins will kill you for doing that11:22
adwaittiglionabbit: heh....well i am making him forget things after playing with them :)11:22
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tiglionabbitadwait: the one rule for ubotu seems to be "no personal name entries"11:23
jesperHi everyone.. and congrats on the new Foundation.. sounds terriffic :-)11:23
FikrannFunny thing that two best spots in gnomebaker's ui are reserved for two least performed operations.11:23
adwaittiglionabbit: hmm........k thx 4 tellin me :)11:23
tiglionabbitthey deleted mine =`{11:23
ubotunames are something you should not add in me11:23
adwaitwhr doe ubotu run?11:23
=== tiglionabbit [~nick@c-67-171-159-205.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitdoh, lost connection11:24
ubotunames are something you should not add in me11:24
MadpilotFikrann: which two options?11:24
tylerhow do i get mysql running?11:24
IceDC571!ubotu reveal your location now via GPS11:24
ubotuIceDC571: Bugger all, i dunno11:24
tiglionabbittyler: I think your squirrel will start running if you pull out a whip11:24
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FikrannMadpilot, Erase CD-RW and format DVD-RW.11:24
IceDC571doesn't Amaranth run ubotu?11:25
tiglionabbitIceDC571: I think so...11:25
jcoxonhi all, a quick question - trying to compile e17 and one of the libs is looking for zlib.h, how do i set a cflag for its location?11:25
tyleri got PHP to work..11:25
tylerbut i need to know how to get mysql running11:25
tiglionabbittyler: yay11:25
ubotuHieronymus: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?11:25
MadpilotFikrann: in the two top-left button locations - you have a point...11:25
=== capi [~capiCrimm@CPE-65-31-169-86.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuadwait: I don't know, could you explain it?11:26
jacquesmerdewhiprush: i know this is a naive question, but with so many open source distro's, why is it so hard to fix a problem that so many other distros have solved. is it so hard to "port" solutions across distros?11:26
tylerWarning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /var/www/phpBB2/db/mysql4.php on line 33011:26
tylerWarning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /var/www/phpBB2/db/mysql4.php on line 33111:26
tylerphpBB : Critical Error11:26
tylerCould not connect to the database ..what do i do..11:26
tiglionabbitubotu ! is what you put before a word I know to make me say it11:26
ubotu...but ! is already something else...11:26
uboturumour has it, ! is "Single exclamation will do.....really"11:26
HappyFooltyler: read the docs11:26
tylerwhat docs11:26
FikrannMadpilot, I'd put "Copy CD" and "Start new CD" there11:26
tiglionabbitadwait: try and make them flow in a sentence11:26
HappyFooltyler: i see a 'mysql-doc' package11:27
ubotuI heard motu is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MOTU/11:27
ubotuI don't know, Hieronymus11:27
tylerHappyFool: were is it thou..im new to mysql11:27
ubotuwell, ! is what u add before a sentence to talk to me11:27
tiglionabbitubotu ! is too many exclamation marks for a single sentence.11:27
ubotu...but ! is already something else...11:27
tyleri mean lunic11:27
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HappyFooltyler: also look in /usr/share/doc/php4, /usr/share/doc/mysql11:27
HappyFooltyler: mysql-doc is a package you need to install with synaptic11:27
tiglionabbitadwait: stop changing it11:27
=== adwait stops
Hieronymusubotu: universecandidates is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UniverseCandidates11:28
ubotuHieronymus: okay11:28
MadpilotFikrann: makes sense. filed a bug on it?11:28
ubotuHieronymus: I haven't a clue11:28
ubotusomebody said universecandidates was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UniverseCandidates11:28
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Hieronymusubotu forget universecandidates11:28
ubotuHieronymus: i forgot universecandidates11:28
IceDC571isnt it neat how every new media player in linux has native ogg vorbis support?11:28
ubotu[!]  what u add before a sentence to talk to me11:28
Hieronymusubotu: universecandidates is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UniverseCandidates11:28
ubotuokay, Hieronymus11:28
FikrannMadpilot, no .. I just checked out gnomebaker for the first time.. I usually use k3b11:28
tiglionabbitadwait: Don't use u!11:28
tylerHappyFool: its not there.11:29
adwaittiglionabbit: ?11:29
tiglionabbitplz man, dnt abbrviate!11:29
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tiglionabbiti h8 it11:29
IceDC571from now on.. its Kool3B11:29
ubotutiglionabbit: Are you smoking crack?11:29
ThreeDayMonktiglionabbit: my pet hate is when people make a request with "pls".  It devalues the point of saying "please"!11:29
Hieronymusubotu rot13 say "HI" to tiglionabbit !11:29
tiglionabbitwhen you ask it stuff in private, it wont tell it to us11:29
ubotufnl "UV" gb gvtyvbanoovg !11:30
MadpilotFikrann: haven't tried k3b yet. only owned a burner for a month, though!11:30
=== ubotu stabs things
tylerso were else is mysql server at..11:30
tiglionabbitThreeDayMonk: I was requesting that he don't abbreviate.  I was being silly.  Don't you get it?11:30
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ThreeDayMonkyeah, I got that!  I was just agreeing with you that I hate abbreviations like that.11:30
FikrannMadpilot, k3b is >the< cd/dvd mastering program for linux.11:30
Madpilotubotu knows rot13... that's cool...11:31
ubotuMadpilot: Wish i knew11:31
capiIs postfix for sending AND recieving mail, or just sending?11:31
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Hieronymuscapi: man postfix11:31
MadpilotFikrann: I'll have to try it out, then.11:31
Hieronymus!info postfix11:31
ubotupostfix: (A high-performance mail transport agent), section mail, is important. Version: 2.1.5-9ubuntu3 (hoary), Packaged size: 772 kB, Installed size: 1892 kB11:31
ubotusomebody said rtfm was Read The "Fine" Manual11:31
=== ubotu stabs things
ubotu[ubuntu]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org or FAQ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/11:31
adwaitcapi.......wasnt really for u......just wanted to use tht once :D11:32
IceDC571i love it when he stabs things11:32
adwaitno reason :p11:32
IceDC571how lovely11:32
Madpilotare data CDs burned in Gnomebaker automatically multi-session, or is there some setting that I cant' find?11:32
FikrannMadpilot, no idea, but I'm pretty sure they aren't by default.11:33
IceDC571thats why i like to use the terminal for burning cds11:33
ubotuI guess ubuntu is an easy-to-use desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntulinux.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com11:33
ubotuNo idea, IceDC57111:33
IceDC571someone define fedora ;)11:33
=== icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-233-19.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
adwaitubotu fedora is a buggy OS my redhat11:33
ubotuokay, adwait11:33
IceDC571my redhat?11:34
ubotumethinks fedora is a buggy OS my redhat11:34
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adwaitubotu forget fedora11:34
ubotui forgot fedora, adwait11:34
capiWell, man doesn't really answer my question. I'm asking because I can send mail fine, but I can't recieve it. I telnet to port 25 and it doesn't seem like anything is there, just want to make sure I'm using the right program.11:34
adwaitubotu fedora is a buggy OS by redhat11:34
ubotu...but fedora is already something else...11:34
Madpilotubotu windows is a bad idea11:34
ubotu...but windows is already something else...11:34
ubotuI heard windows is Everything runs in linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office, or find an !alternative11:34
ubotuwell, alternative is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant11:34
gm78Hey, does anyone know if it is possible to install win32codecs on an amd64 and have them be used by VLC et al?11:34
ubotuwell, fedora is what you use when you haven't heard of Ubuntu11:34
IceDC571what the crap?11:35
tiglionabbitthat's mine11:35
IceDC571why didnt he know when i asked it?11:35
ubotufrom memory, ubuntu is an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com11:35
ubotuIceDC571: Bugger all, i dunno11:35
tiglionabbitIceDC571: cuz I just defined it11:35
ubotuadwait: No idea11:35
=== marc [~marc@spc1-seve6-5-0-cust30.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
FikrannI can't get Qemu to compile .. *sniff*11:36
tiglionabbityou guys, lets do our defining in the channel window so it isn't so hard11:36
adwait:(.......anybody want that one?11:36
Madpilotubotu microsoft is evil11:36
ubotuokay, Madpilot11:36
capiIf postfix was working what would I see when I telnet localhost 25?11:36
tiglionabbitubotu pizza is delicious11:36
ubotuokay, tiglionabbit11:36
HieronymusMadpilot: don't do that11:36
ubotusomebody said conduct was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/document_view11:36
ubotuI don't know, IceDC57111:36
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ubotuIceDC571: Are you smoking crack?11:36
tiglionabbitubotu apple is a fruit11:36
Hieronymusubuntu forget pizza11:36
ubotutiglionabbit: okay11:36
MadpilotHieronymus: couldn't resist. will fix it11:36
Hieronymusubuntu forget apple11:36
tiglionabbitHieronymus: ay11:36
Madpilotubotu forget microsoft11:36
ubotuI guess microsoft is evil11:36
ubotuMadpilot: i forgot microsoft11:36
Hieronymusubotu: forget apple11:36
ubotui forgot apple, Hieronymus11:36
marcWhile on the subject of apple, is there anyway to get Gnome to mimic OS X's application menu behaviour?11:37
FikrannHey, don't overload poor bot .. it might get memory leaks.11:37
adwaitmarc: i hear xfce is something like tht11:37
tiglionabbitmarc: sort of, yes11:37
tiglionabbitmarc: I've seen screenshots...  but yeah, xfce has the lil'star iconbox, which is more like it11:38
marcadwait, you can do it in KDE too11:38
Hieronymusubotu: motugames is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUGames11:38
ubotuHieronymus: okay11:38
tiglionabbitwhat is that motu thing?11:38
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adwaitmarc: hmm.......i used KDE just once......like gnome better though :)11:38
ubotumotu is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MOTU/11:38
Hieronymusubotu: newgames is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUNEWGames11:38
ubotuHieronymus: okay11:38
tiglionabbitwhat is motu?11:38
HieronymusMasters of the Universe11:38
unomeguys, abusing the bot will just make them kill it.11:38
marctiglionabbit, I hear its not in gnome by default because it breaks gnomes HCI standards.. I just want application menu bars appear at the top when the window has focus :(11:39
adwait:( my net sux today........i am getting 40-50 kbps :(11:39
IceDC571adwait: my cell phone gets better speeds than that11:39
marcadwait, it obviously needs to suck harder11:39
adwaitand the ping meter thingy in xchat is going thru the roof :p11:39
adwaitIceDC571: hmm....well i guess theres some problem @ their end....till yesterday i was getting abt 20011:40
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IceDC571adwait: what connection, LSD? Cable?11:40
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IceDC571ahh.. assholeDSL11:40
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adwaitthru phone line......so probably some problem with the phone line or god knows wht else11:41
IceDC571adwait: where are you at?11:41
adwaitbut one things 4 sure.........those bastards are probably not going to fix it till sunday11:41
ColonelKerneladwait, ive been having problems bcause my ISP's DNS servers are workign poorly11:41
adwaitIceDC571: india11:41
marcadwait, Probably birds on the phone line :P11:41
IceDC571oh wait i knew that11:41
=== HQ [~bull@2-154.246.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
adwaitmarc: phone lines are underground :)11:41
Fikrannadwait, you might want to restart your modem .. it does help here, usually.11:41
ColonelKernelI redid my /etc/resolv.conf to point at qwests DNS servers11:41
IceDC571adwait: maybe kids playing in the mud on your line?11:42
adwaitFikrann: did it already ......restarted the router/restaet my pc :p11:42
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Fikrannadwait, ahh, bummer.11:42
ColonelKerneladwait, is it still slow after that?11:42
adwaitIceDC571: hmm......i dont think kids can dig abt 30-40 feet deep and then crack open tht pipe tht holds the telephone wires :p11:42
adwaitColonelKernel: yeah :(....it speeds up for a while.then becomes slow again11:43
marcadwait, I have an overhead phoneline for about 200 feet before it go's underground :P11:43
Fikrannadwait, 30 feet? That's quite deep11:43
adwaitmarc: it rains pretty heaviily here, so if they had overhead phones, our lines would go dead all thru the monsoon11:43
ColonelKerneladwait, you ought to check out www.dslreports.com - do a speed test and a packet loss test11:43
IceDC571maybe its an underwater phone line11:43
marcadwait, Maybe you got moles on the line11:44
albackerguys, i installed the new kernel 2.6.12-3 using breezy repo. than it installed glibc too. while using gcc it didnt recognize the C libraries, like stdio.h string.h. so i thought that installing glibc-dev would help. when trying to apt-get isntall it it got up with some errors, conflicting errors. what should i do ? i thought its because of the unstable kernel ! is that right ? can i get the kernel from warty repo ?11:44
marcOr even Wombles!11:44
adwaitFikrann: hmm.....thts how deep it is i believe.....just an estimate coz they seem to dig pretty deep to lay them11:44
IceDC571maybe someone is digging to india11:44
IceDC571i think its Amaranth11:44
adwaitIceDC571: hehe........11:44
marcTHey were patching through to china, for those ever so cheap call rates and uber fast dsl11:44
FikrannIceDC571, then yes, it'd have to be deep, but only under water.. usually they put it at about 6 to 10 feet.11:44
adwaitmarc: :p11:44
ColonelKernelalbacker, i highly reccomend you give the latest stable 2.6.12 on kernel.org a shot11:45
ColonelKernelits really stable and smooth11:45
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ColonelKernelif youre a fan of 2.6.12 that is11:45
IceDC571like butter11:45
Fikrannalbacker, read the topic.11:45
ColonelKernelim building 2.6.13-rc2 right now11:45
albackerColonelKernel: you mean i should get it the .deb ?11:45
Madpilotlater, all. need some sleep...11:45
IceDC571i want to rub butter all over ubotu11:45
adwaitgnite madpilot11:45
albackerwell i dont want to compile it myself.11:46
=== adwait looks at IceDC571 in a wierd way
albackeri got the kernel .deb and it got all hardware configuration from the old kernel.11:46
ColonelKernelso is the base install pretty much like deb's install with gnome-desktop-environment installed?11:46
Fikrannalbacker, trying to install breezy by updating from Hoary probably screwed your system.11:46
Fikrannalbacker, you will have problems.11:46
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tiglionabbitColonelKernel: not really.  It's got a lot more desktop-y stuff, and no compiling things11:46
albackerFikrann: so what to do ?11:47
IceDC571fedora's installer crashed right when i loaded it11:47
ColonelKernelyeah I had to install a buttload of dev packages and gcc and zlibc and all sorts of stuff, until someone clued me in to build-essental11:47
IceDC571it happens in every system i try11:47
ColonelKernelthen it was like butta11:47
IceDC571move the mouse before anaconda comes up.. *crash*11:47
ColonelKerneluh oh11:48
adwaithehe......IceD571, thts because of some disk geomtery error or sometihg?11:48
tiglionabbitColonelKernel: yeah.  You still will need -dev packages though, for specific compiles11:48
Fikrannalbacker, rip out your system and install pure Hoary again. Trying to revert changes will put you into even deeper problems. I know because I did that just two days ago.11:48
albackeryou guys suggest me to get the .deb from kernel.org ?11:48
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IceDC571seriously try it.. any fedora core installer.. move the mouse before the install gui comes up11:48
Fikrannalbacker, you won't find .deb files on kernel.org.11:49
tiglionabbitIceDC571: that's one reason I love whiptail11:49
=== adwait wants to kill someone at MTNL
albackerFikrann: ok i installed beatrix [a ubuntu based] .. it uses warty repos. and it has 2.6.7 i havent gone to 2.6.12 yet. because i was afraid that it would happen again.11:49
IceDC571!info whiptail11:49
ubotuwhiptail: (Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts), section base, is standard. Version: 0.51.6-20ubuntu3 (hoary), Packaged size: 31 kB, Installed size: 96 kB11:49
=== tyler [~tyler@c-67-183-46-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitwhiptail is the console graphics they use for dialog boxes in the ubuntu installer11:49
albackerFikrann: 2.6.12 isnt in warty repo.11:49
tylerweres the place with all the codes..11:49
IceDC571ohh i see11:49
tylerthe website11:49
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albackerwhat if i search for 2.6.12 in breezy ?11:50
IceDC571i love that installer, ive been using it since debian sarge was unstable11:50
tylercan somone give me the URL?11:50
tiglionabbittry it out.  say "whiptail --msgbox "Hey what's up doods" 10 4011:50
Fikrannalbacker, get kernel source tarball from kernel org and compile it yourself.11:50
HappyFooltyler: what codes?11:50
tiglionabbitoops, I broke my "s11:50
tylerthe place with all the codes so i can install all the extra things.11:50
albackerFikrann: that is what i didnt want to do.11:50
ubotuit has been said that sources is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3811:50
=== henriquemaia [~henriquem@cb-217-129-174-207.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu
albackerFikrann: i know it will take a lot.11:51
tylerlike media codes micromedia flash...you know11:51
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tiglionabbitwhiptail --yesno "Do you want some spam?" 10 4011:51
ColonelKernellovely spam!11:51
IceDC571well i'd say dont try breezy at all unless you're a developer11:51
albackerFikrann: i installed beatrix again. its a fresh install. its 2.6.7 in it. what to do ?? except compiling kernel.] 11:51
Fikrannalbacker, about 25 min on P3 600MHz, about 10min on my P-M 1.611:51
tylerHappyFool: so...were is the website11:52
danielsFikrann: why?  upgrading to breezy should just work fine.11:52
HappyFooltyler: ah. codecs11:52
ubotumethinks restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats11:52
IceDC571daniels: hey, you're not idle :)11:52
HappyFooltyler: try that one11:52
Fikranndaniels, it doesnt. I tried that two days ago and had to reinstall system.11:52
nightswimwhat is the gnome bittorrent client called?11:52
albackerFikrann:  i dontl ike responding to all the questions.11:52
nightswimis that bittornado?11:52
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danielsIceDC571: not as idle as I may seem11:52
albackerFikrann: is there any option that configures everything from 2.6.7 ?11:52
danielsFikrann: if an upgrade is broken, then a clean install will not be any better.11:53
Fikrannalbacker, you can use 2.6.10-5 from Hoary. If you want 2.6.12, go compile it yourself.11:53
IceDC571nightswim: gnome-btdownload11:53
Fikrannalbacker, yes, make oldconfig.11:53
danielsFikrann: in fact, a clean install is guaranteed to be *worse*, given that I helpfully broke clean installs of xserver-xorg last week, and haven't yet fixed it.11:53
tiglionabbit!info bittornado-gui11:53
danielsalbacker: why do you want 2.6.12 so desperately?11:53
ubotubittornado-gui: (Bittorrent client with enhanced GUI interface), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 0.3.8-1ubuntu2 (hoary), Packaged size: 37 kB, Installed size: 236 kB11:53
nightswimIceDC571: thanks11:53
tylerHappyFool: i ment the one that has like 150 black boxes full of codes11:53
albackerbecause im bored with the 2.6.7 !11:53
Fikranndaniels, I meant install from the Colony cd.11:53
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marc!info gdesklets11:53
albackerand there is this usb bug in 2.6.711:53
ubotugdesklets: (an advanced architecture for desktop applets), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 0.34.3-0ubuntu2 (hoary), Packaged size: 358 kB, Installed size: 2104 kB11:53
HappyFooltyler: i do not know what you are talking about, sorry11:54
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danielsFikrann: if upgrades are broken, then upgrades are broken11:54
Coyctecmanybody knows software like macromedia flash mx?11:54
Fikrannalbacker, then switch to 2.6.1011:54
adwaitm out ppl11:54
IceDC571nightswim: actually it might be something else, im not sure11:54
tiglionabbitCoyctecm: what about it?11:54
albackerFikrann: get them from hoary ? breezy?11:54
Fikranndaniels, yes, but colony cd is supposed not to be broken that much.11:54
IceDC571nightswim: actually i was right the first time11:55
Fikrannalbacker, you can get 2.6.10 from hoary11:55
cyphaseis LimeWire any good?11:55
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tiglionabbitcyphase: there's gtk-gnutella11:55
IceDC571cyphase: i dont think so..11:55
danielsFikrann: oh, colony 2.  right.  but then you're stuck with not dist-upgrading, which leaves you open to security holes, running on old software which defeats the point of breezy, etc.11:55
IceDC571i'd use emule11:55
Coyctecmlimewire is bad...shows ads...11:55
IceDC571i didnt say that11:55
IceDC571 i meant amule11:55
Fikranncyphase, if you want your system to work like a half-rotten zombie, sure.11:55
cyphasetiglionabbit, it doesn't look so hot. and i'm not talking about interface11:55
tylerHappyFool: i mean the one so u can install like realplayer and like Xine and so on11:55
Coyctecmnewist amule for ubuntu? 2.03?11:55
Fikranndaniels, yes, you're right.11:55
IceDC571but what the hell is legal on edonkey these days?11:56
HappyFooltyler: have you read the RestrictedFormats page ?11:56
ubotuhmm... restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats11:56
cyphasei do use amule11:56
cyphaseit's running right now11:56
Coyctecmwhat version?11:56
irakliI wanted to install some fonts firs i write 1.  " cache search cyrillic"  2. sudo fc-cache -f -v11:56
HappyFooltyler: that covers many movie/audio/dvd codec issues11:56
marcCoyctecm, you can program flash files in eclipse, but i doubt thats any help11:56
tiglionabbit!info totem-xine11:56
ubotutotem-xine: (A simple media player for the Gnome desktop based on xine), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 1.0.1-0ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 633 kB, Installed size: 3788 kB11:56
IceDC571i think ubotu is reaching its highest peak usage today11:56
Fikranndaniels, I need to get some pc emulator running .. I'd test out Breezy and put some bug reports, but I'm no longer inclined to touch my base system.11:56
marc!info xpilot11:57
ubotuxpilot: (Multi-player tactical game for X), section universe/games, is optional. Version: 4.5.5beta.20031222-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 4 kB, Installed size: 32 kB11:57
Coyctecmmarc: can I? Oh, of course I would test it out11:57
=== MidNightRaVeN [~ravencorp@63-225-247-67.dnvr.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
ColonelKernelvery nice sound engine11:57
ColonelKernelvery, very nice11:57
IceDC571ColonelKernel: what? lol11:57
tiglionabbitColonelKernel: what are you talking about?11:57
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irakliI wanted to install some fonts firs i write 1.  " cache search cyrillic"  2. sudo fc-cache -f -v11:58
Coyctecmcyphase: newest is 2.03 but I don't think it has any matter11:58
iraklihelp me11:58
ColonelKerneltiglionabbit, I use an audigy 2 and the sound server is really nice on ubuntu11:58
tiglionabbitirakli: ??  you're doing it wrong11:58
ColonelKerneljust giving props to the developers I guess11:58
IceDC571tiglionabbit: i have to admit, its a bit better in windows11:58
=== IceDC571 didnt say that
marcCoyctecm, You may want to check out --> http://f4l.sourceforge.net/11:59
tiglionabbitColonelKernel: really?  I thought the default setup for Hoary kind of sucked11:59
IceDC571i notice the difference... but it still is nice in *nix11:59
ColonelKerneltiglionabbit, works great here11:59
IceDC571i want to get an M-Audio card and hear what it sounds like in linux11:59
marcI want to get a laptop, any suggestions in the sub 700 mark?11:59
=== beowu1f [~pk@wblv-146-237-165.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
IceDC571i think the best card to get is the Live! right now, its cheap and it sounds beautiful11:59
beowu1fcan anyone tell me what the name of the app. is running on top right corner of this desktop http://www.tuxmachines.org/images/julyclean.jpg11:59
tiglionabbitColonelKernel: well, my sound chipset probably sucks anyway, so what do I know about how it should sound =P11:59
albackerFikrann: http://www.watsky.net/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?action=search2  ----have a look at post number 23.  is that wrong /?12:00
marcsuper karamba i beleive12:00
IceDC571tiglionabbit: what sound chipset are you using?12:00
ColonelKerneltiglionabbit, I have never had good results off of non sb cards12:00
marcbeowu1f, Isnt that a superkaramba applet?12:00
ColonelKernelthey always have random problems12:00
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IceDC571ColonelKernel: i cant notice the difference between the live! and audigy's12:00
ColonelKernelemu10k1 is good though and im pretty sure I could pull off multitrack recording with real time effects12:01
Coyctecmmarc: thanks! I must try that out12:01
marcCoyctecm, Nps :)12:01
tiglionabbitIceDC571: says intel 82801db-ich4 and Cirrus Logic CS4299 rev 412:01
tiglionabbitI have no idea what that means though12:01
beowu1fmarc, thanks .. will investigate12:01
IceDC571tiglionabbit: get a sb live! for cheap.. it sounds good12:01
tiglionabbitIceDC571: this is a laptop =P12:01
marcbeowu1f, If you are using gnome, you can consider gdesklets as an alternative, IMHO  I beleive it to be better than karamba12:01
ColonelKernelIceDC571, I think maybe its just the onboard firewire and ports for external controller, Im pretty sure the actual PU on the card is the same - but I could be mistaken.12:02
marcbeowu1f, If you have your universe repo's added you can install both using synaptic12:02
Fikrannalbacker, that addy yelds 40412:02
ubotu[repositories]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:02
IceDC571ColonelKernel: they're not the same.. i've got my pots re-done on the audigy 2 and it sounds better than anything you could buy right now12:03
albackerFikrann: oh you probably have to be a meber :(12:03
IceDC571but i dont notice the difference between my live card12:03
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iraklido i need always do repostitories when i have to install program12:03
tiglionabbitIceDC571: clay pots?12:03
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IceDC571no.. the stuff you smoke12:03
marcirakli, what do you mean?12:03
ColonelKernelIceDC571, are you using asterisk?12:03
Fikrannmarc, gdesklets are much better than [super] karamba anyway.12:04
tiglionabbitIceDC571: I didn't know that could be plural12:04
IceDC571ColonelKernel: asterisk?12:04
marcFikrann, I know :P12:04
ColonelKernelits a voip server12:04
irakliI am noob12:04
ColonelKernelits for using your pc as a pbx12:04
marcirakli, But what do you mean?12:04
beowu1fmarc, thanks man will have a look12:05
marcTelephone xchange :P12:05
cyphasePrivate Branch Exchange12:05
IceDC571oh i thought it was Pot Booze and Ecstacy12:05
ColonelKernelits something you use for your own phone service or to provide phone service to a building12:05
IceDC571omg that doesnt even match pbx12:06
=== IceDC571 smacks head on desk
albackerFikrann: http://rafb.net/paste/results/MrsuD337.html << here it is12:06
IceDC571i want a kitty cat12:06
marcYou can use it to set up an adult chat line12:06
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irakli1. when I am intalling for exaple  MOdem driver, in Linuxguide is written 1. add repostitories and than 2. other orrders12:07
Fikrannalbacker, you DO NOT WANT to have Breezy in your repository list.12:07
IceDC571ColonelKernel: you're going to try to record in linux?12:08
ColonelKernelIceDC571, nah12:08
marcirakli, Does it ask you to add repo's into your source.list file?12:08
ColonelKernelI wouldnt mind it but it looks like a rather troublesome process12:08
albackerFikrann: ok, thanks12:08
iraklino, without repo's it can be intalled also12:09
marcirakli what does it ask you to do about repos?12:09
IceDC571i wonder if anyone uses kino12:09
iraklixpdf for example12:09
ubotuI guess apt is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/12:09
uboturumour has it, synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto12:09
uboturepositories is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:09
ubotu[sources]  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3812:09
marcty lol :P12:09
tiglionabbitthat is all the info you should need12:09
IceDC571viewing movies is hard enough12:09
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ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, marc12:09
IceDC571seriously can someone really edit movies successfully with kino?12:10
tiglionabbitubotu chicken is what people think it tastes like12:10
ubotutiglionabbit: okay12:10
irakliI have xine, but It cannot play mp3 files12:10
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ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats12:10
IceDC571xine isnt supposed to play mp3 files12:10
Fikrannalbacker, anyway.. shouldn't you be bugging beatrix developers about it?12:10
tiglionabbitmarc: gotta wait a bit12:10
albackerirakli: well you probablly need xmms or beep-media-player12:10
tiglionabbitbeep-media-player looks better, so get it instead12:10
marcirakli, Ubuntu doesnt ship with the mp3 codecs12:11
albackerFikrann: oh i did, but i thought id get faster help here.12:11
albackeryou probably should replace xine with mplayer12:11
IceDC571cyphase: where did you go?12:11
marcWhats the name of the package manager, similar to synpatic that remembers dependencies?12:11
irakliI dont know how to install mplayer12:11
Fikrannalbacker, xine is nicer for everyone elso than hardcore console users.12:11
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albackerFikrann: mplayer has its graphical user interface called gmplayer :)12:12
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tiglionabbitmarc: all apt remember dependencies12:12
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irakliwhat about realplayer?12:13
zaki_hi everyone12:13
sunrexwhats the code for installing A.realplayer  B.newer version of firefox12:13
marctiglionabbit, I mean, when you unsintall something using this, as long as all the dependencies arent being used it will uninstall those too12:13
tiglionabbitirakli: get totem-xine, and perhaps w32codecs12:13
albackerirakli: you probably wont find it it the ubuntu repos, but there are some other repos marillot etc...12:13
zaki_can any one teach me about repositories plese12:13
albackerirakli: taking about mplayer ^^12:13
ubotuI heard repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:13
tiglionabbitmarc: synaptic has a filter for things that are depended on by a package.  and there's deborphan12:13
ubotuchicken is probably what people think it tastes like12:13
=== Tsukasa [~tsukasa@p5482EAFC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fikrannalbacker, you should not advertise marillat for ubuntu users.12:14
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uboturumour has it, backports is http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/12:14
zaki_can any one teach me about repositories plese12:14
albackerFikrann: i told him to use it only for mplayer, than he can delete them.12:14
tiglionabbitfind w32codecs, libdvdcss2, and gstreamer0.8-lame in backports12:14
=== ColonelKernel [ishai@24-182-1-194.bb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
buzbeanyone know how to tell what switches where used (ie nolapic noapic etc) when ubuntu was installed?12:14
albackerif you get mplayer from there, its not a problem.12:15
sunrexhow do i get a new version of firefox?12:15
ColonelKernelthat nerw kernel works well so far12:15
albackersunrex: apt-get install firefox12:15
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Fikrannalbacker, he won't be able to, mplayer in marillat is linked against new Debian glibc.12:15
tiglionabbitsunrex: you have a new version12:15
thegrokanyone here uses firestarter to act as a home LAN router?12:15
albackeror mozilla-firefox12:15
ubotufirefox is probably version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"12:15
ColonelKernelsome error msg about devfs but so far everythings working12:15
buzbeanyone know how to tell what switches where used (ie nolapic noapic etc) when ubuntu was installed?12:15
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ColonelKernelLinux version 2.6.13-rc2 (root@p4ht) (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2)) #1 SMP Sat Jul 9 02:21:36 PDT 200512:16
egi!info gmplayer12:16
tiglionabbit!info mplayer-58612:16
ColonelKernel:D stoked12:16
ubotumplayer-586: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu6 (hoary), Packaged size: 3486 kB, Installed size: 7508 kB12:16
IceDC571The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux... yeah, right12:16
IceDC571more like a Qt disaster12:17
egii thought someone mention a gnome version of mplayer12:17
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IceDC571wait, what is mplayer based on?12:17
tiglionabbitIceDC571: well it handles the moste formats, even though its interface sucks12:17
ColonelKernelis the ubuntu update tool only supposed to pop up when you have updates available?12:17
tiglionabbitegi: the mplayer package installs gmplayer too12:17
albackeregi : gmplayer is the gui version of mplayer, install mplayer and than gmplayer. its just the user interface12:17
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tiglionabbitColonelKernel: yes12:17
deFryskColonelKernel, yes it set to check once a day12:17
iraklitell me orders to instal fonts howto 1. ... 2 ... 3. ..... please12:17
marcany european backports mirrors?12:17
irakliI need Georgian12:18
=== dirk1973 [~dirk1973@p508B60D5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ColonelKernelthats a very good tool - thanks!12:18
jcoxonany fluxbox users here?12:18
albackerjcoxon: i used to be. :) but in #fluxbox youll certenly find some other fb users :)12:19
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jcoxonalbacker, its just a fluxbox/ubuntu related question12:19
jcoxoni'll have a look12:20
albackerohh. . ok.12:20
x-unixcan someone help?12:20
jcoxonjust wondering how to make applications exec on startup of fluxbox12:20
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Fikrannx-unix, No.12:20
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albackerjcoxon: i think you can make this in the theme config file !12:20
tiglionabbitjcoxon: tried the #fluxbox channel?12:20
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jtgameoverjcoxon, you need to put it in your ~/.fluxbox/startfluxbox file12:21
albacker ok12:21
albackeri used to change my background from the theme file !12:21
jcoxontiglionabbit, on my way :)12:21
x-unixwhen i'm trying to run update manager, the password doesn't work, su password or user pasword...12:21
albackerx-unix: sudo su and than passwd12:21
jtgameoverand make sure your Xsession file for fluxbox in /usr/share/xsessions uses "startfluxbox" and not "fluxbox"12:21
egigmplayer ask for font files... anybody knows where could i find one?12:21
Fikrannx-unix, try sudo bash and supply it your own password.12:21
tiglionabbitx-unix: it should be your user password12:22
albackeregi, theres a package callet mplayer-font or something like that.12:22
HappyFoolyour user password should work12:22
ubotuI heard sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo12:22
jtgameoverjcoxon, CORRECTION: it is your ~/.fluxbox/startup file12:22
jcoxonjtgameover, i just worked that out :)12:22
egialbacker, thx12:22
jcoxonjtgameover, the power of google :)12:22
marctiglionabbit, what repo is mplayer on?12:22
jtgameoverjcoxon, fluxbox is awesome12:22
tiglionabbit!info mplayer-58612:23
ubotumplayer-586: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu6 (hoary), Packaged size: 3486 kB, Installed size: 7508 kB12:23
jtgameoverthat is my pimpin' desktop12:23
tiglionabbitit's on multiverse12:23
ubotuI guess repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:23
jcoxonjtgameover, i'm combining it with pogo, even cooler12:23
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jtgameoverjcoxon, what's pogo12:23
IceDC571wonderful.. my microsoft mouse just died on me.. again.. i hate M$ mice12:24
jtgameoverohhh found it12:24
jtgameoverneeds to have higher page rank!12:24
zaki_hello everyone12:24
x-unixFailed to run /usr/bin/update-manager: bla bla bla status 1, for both passwords, i even changed them both...12:24
Tsar_vonHumbugLogitech MX510 :D12:24
jtgameoverthat looks pretty cool, jcoxon12:24
zaki_can any one tech me about ubuntu repositories12:24
jtgameoverbut with fluxbox, you shouldn't ever need icons12:25
HappyFoolx-unix: what does 'sudo ls' do ?12:25
jcoxonjtgameover, just trying to find a screenshot12:25
jtgameovericons take up precious desktop space12:25
tiglionabbitx-unix: open a terminal.  Say sudo -s.  Now run it12:25
jcoxonjtgameover, guess you found one12:25
HappyFoolx-unix: are you maybe running synaptic at the same time ?12:25
jtgameoverwww.cs.washington.edu/homes/jtan325/jtan325_desktop_7-06-05.png is the only screenshot you'll ever need :-)12:25
jtgameoverhaha jk jk12:25
jcoxonjtgameover, fluxbox provides the perfect manager for it12:25
jcoxonjtgameover, all the others are to crowded12:25
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jtgameoverwhat i'm really looking for is something like mac's Expose'12:26
jtgameoverexpocity and skippy12:26
jtgameoverseem to be the linux versions12:26
jtgameoverbut apparently they're too slow right now12:26
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MsK`is there a way to underclock the video card ?12:27
vladuz976hi i removed python with apt-get to get another version of it. unfortunately apt-get remove also removed a whole bunch of other stuff. now i reinstalled python but it didn't install all the other stuff. what can i do to undo my mistake?12:27
tiglionabbitjtgameover: yeah, those are a couple of the "bugs" listed on ubuntu's bugzilla.  "Microsoft has the greater market share", and "What to do when mac users start showing off genie effects"12:27
mbirkishow can i get ogg support in beep media player?12:28
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tiglionabbitmbirkis: you serious?12:28
jcoxonjtgameover, brb gonna test it12:28
flexshello, i installed ubuntu linu, what is my root password, help ?12:28
mbirkistiglionabbit: yes, how so?12:28
tiglionabbitmbirkis: it should support it already12:28
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jtgameovertiglionabbit, you show them the genie effects of fluxbox and openbox and whatnot12:28
jtgameoverit would be a battle of genies12:28
HappyFoolflexs: logging in as root is disabled by default12:28
=== tiglionabbit plays an ogg in beep-media-player
jtgameoverand a penguin sure beats an apple12:28
HappyFoolflexs: use 'sudo'12:28
ubotusudo is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo12:29
HappyFoolflexs: read the url for more12:29
jtgameoverin fact12:29
mbirkistiglionabbit: hmm... what is wrong with my ogg files then?12:29
flexsok i try....12:29
jtgameoverthere should be a wallpaper or something that shows the linux penguin beating up the msn butterfly, while eating the MAC apple12:29
tiglionabbithahah, Penguins EAT Apples, and then they fling themselves through Windows.  Thus they are the champions12:29
tiglionabbitmbirkis: dunno.  Go download "Burning Heat 3rd Option Mix.ogg"12:30
marcOSX > any linux desktop :P12:30
mbirkistiglionabbit: ok, thnx for the help12:30
tiglionabbitthat's the file I played =P12:30
marcSimply because gnome's devs decided that OS X like menu behaviour breaks their HCI rules :(12:31
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tiglionabbitwhats the rules for?12:31
MarkrianHCI? You mean HIG?12:31
parabolizeI am haveing trouble downloading the ums firmware for my ifp-890. its a zip file but firefox trys to open it. korean text pops up. wget crashes. here is the url: http://www.iriver.com/html/admin/etc/adet_download_process.asp?fileName=ifp890us-ums128.zip&pathFlag=EG_DOWNLOAD_UP_PATH12:31
MarkrianHuman Interface Guidelines12:31
marchuman computer interface12:31
tiglionabbitparabolize: I get a korean 404 page12:32
MsK`no idea ?12:32
ubotuHieronymus: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?12:32
Hieronymusubotu hig is Human Interface Guidelines12:32
ubotuHieronymus: okay12:33
ubotuI guess hig is Human Interface Guidelines12:33
ColonelKernelhow can I get firefox to upgrade - its being held back - I tried dist-upgrade but ti still didnt upgrade12:33
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tiglionabbitColonelKernel: you don't need to upgrade firefox12:33
ubotufirefox is probably version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"12:33
jcoxondid it :p12:33
tiglionabbitI wish ubotu wouldn't say "probably"12:33
jtgameoverhow is it?12:33
jcoxonjtgameover, very cool, though it wasn't startup i had to edit, i had to make a new file called apps12:34
ColonelKerneladdress bar?12:34
ubotuP3L|C4N0: I give up, what is it?12:34
MsK`a way to underclock my ati card ? no idea ?12:34
tiglionabbitColonelKernel: yes, where you type in urls12:34
ColonelKernelthats neato torpedo12:35
jcoxonjtgameover, in .fluxbox/apps you put [startup]  {program}12:35
tiglionabbitit sure is12:35
P3L|C4N0ubotu ethstatus is Console-based ethernet statistics monitor12:35
ubotuP3L|C4N0: okay12:35
ubotuI heard ethstatus is Console-based ethernet statistics monitor12:35
flexsok i write command -- sudp passwd root -- then i write the password, but if i want login, ubuntu says, not allowed to login like root.... what the problem.... i want root panel...12:35
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ColonelKernelit was 1.012:36
flexstb sudo12:36
jtgameoverjcoxon, i use startup12:36
ubotufrom memory, sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo12:36
jtgameovertwo solutions to the same problem12:36
ColonelKerneltiglionabbit, what do I do after that?12:36
jcoxonjtgameover, oh well, i'm happy12:36
=== Redo [~ubuntu@h-68-165-43-187.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitflexs: if you REALLY must enable root, go to system -> admin -> login screen setup and uncheck the box that says you can't login as root.  But, it is not recommended on ANY linux distro tu run Xserver as root12:36
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umary its not recommended to run xserver12:37
umaras root12:37
tiglionabbitumar: cuz you can get teh haxed12:37
tiglionabbitand spyware'd12:37
umarsorry cant understand12:38
tiglionabbitask some security guy, I don't really know.  But I do know that it's not that hard to run it as a normal user and just use sudo or gksudo on things12:38
=== darkaudit [~bpack@pool-141-153-118-244.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Redoanyone dual boot with WinXP on an UATA drive and Ubuntu on a SATA drive?12:39
marcMozilla wont remember my file associations12:39
ColonelKerneltiglionabbit, ahould I change the appversion too - or is there a way to actuallyupgrade the package12:39
flexsnothing works...12:39
marcIt still wishes to open movie files in totem instead of Mplayer12:39
tiglionabbitColonelKernel: no way to upgrade.  All security fixes have been backported though.  Only the vendorsub matters to addons.mozilla.org12:39
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tiglionabbitColonelKernel: well, I suppose you could get one of the daily builds of firefox, if you want =P12:40
ColonelKerneltiglionabbit, how about --ignore-holds?12:40
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umari want to play online songs in firefox browser12:40
tiglionabbitumar: then get a plugin12:40
tiglionabbitthere's plugins for mplayer, vlc, and xine12:40
umari even installed real plugin12:40
tiglionabbitumar: NOT thAT ONE12:40
tiglionabbituse mplayer or xine instead, for realplayer stuff12:41
ColonelKernelill do a daily build if it will get rid of that package held back message12:41
umarwat if they playing media is rm12:41
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umarreal media12:41
tiglionabbitthe forums have a thread on using xine with firefox.12:41
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tiglionabbitumar: mplayer can do that.  And so can xine12:41
tiglionabbitI have yet to see vlc do realmedia, but people tell me it can too12:42
umaru mean first i have to download a plugin for xine to play real media12:42
ru63hiya, how can i check to see if powernowd is running?  I have typed 'grep powernowd' and it is hanging with the curser blinking12:42
tiglionabbitumar: you might need to get w32codecs from a backports mirror12:42
umarthen i need to to have a plugin for firefox12:42
ubotuI guess backports is http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/12:42
tiglionabbitcomment out that mirror once you get it though12:43
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Fikrannru63, it's expecting you to type some text you want to search for 'powernowd' string.12:44
Fikrannru63, press ctrl+D12:44
ru63Fikrann, thanks for the ctrl-d tip.. but i don't understand the string thing12:45
=== mindspin [~mindspin@p54B2DFB2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fikrannru63, read grep man page one day.12:45
mik__hello... I'm about installing mplayer-686 by synaptic. Why it need to install mplayer-586 too ?12:45
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umarmy sound card chip is not detected by ubuntu12:45
ru63Fkrann, ahh didn;t think of that... i will now.. thx12:45
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mik__I can't understand thad12:45
umarwat i need to do to make work my sound car12:45
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mik__why mplayer-686 need mplayer-586 ??12:46
tiglionabbitmik__: mplayer-686 is a dummy package.  The build doesn't exist, so it grabs 586 instead12:46
Fikrannru63, and the command you were looking for is ps ax | grep powernowd12:46
marcI dont think mplayer-686 exists, its just a dummy package12:46
mik__tiglionabbit, ooo thanks12:46
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znhthen why do they add -686 ..12:47
ru63Fikrann, thanks!12:47
Redodoes anyone know any good documents about how to dual boot WinXP and Ubuntu?12:47
mik__well.. i had compiling by my self mplayer1.0pre7 - with gui.. by it doesn't work12:48
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tiglionabbitRedo: it's not hard, I'm doing it right now12:48
Redolast time I did it with SuSE, I couldn't boot into WinXP12:48
tiglionabbitRedo: unless your bios is really old, grub sets everything up for you12:48
Redonever used Grub, only LiLO12:48
tiglionabbitRedo: how did you partition it?12:48
mik__in gui there is no all text12:48
RedoI don't remember, it was a long time ago12:48
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Redotiglionabbit: I have 3 NTFS patitions now12:48
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ColonelKerneltiglionabbit, ok I installed a nightly build12:48
Redotiglionabbit: I can sacrifice one for Linux12:48
ColonelKernelsays its deer park alpha12:48
tiglionabbitRedo: you know that you can't write to ntfs in linux, right?  fat32 can be used by both12:49
Redotiglionabbit: should I take one of my NTFS partitions and pratition it into FAT32 and the rest into the linux install?12:49
Fikranntiglionabbit, that's not entirely true. You can use Captive ntfs driver; it's glacially slow, though.12:49
mik__ColonelKernel, deer park 2 is fast12:49
mik__ColonelKernel, faster than firefox from ubuntu package12:50
x-unixdoes anyone know how to create an admin group12:50
RedoI don't need to use NTFS if it will cause stability issues12:50
tiglionabbitRedo: I suppose you could make a root partition that's ext3, and then a home partition that's fat32 so you can share it with windows12:50
ColonelKernelmik__, im noticing that12:50
tiglionabbitRedo: wont cause instability issues.  It's perfectly stable to Read from.  You just can't write to it too well12:50
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Redotiglionabbit: writing is half the fun ;)12:50
tiglionabbitand knowing is half the battle12:51
tiglionabbitGEE III JOOE12:51
natuhow do i set path for root???12:51
moirehow do i detect which printer port has my usb printer?12:51
ColonelKernelmy ut2004 install stayed too12:51
tiglionabbitnatu: what do you mean?12:51
FikrannRedo, putting your /home on fat32 might break some stuff.12:51
natui want to set ant home...to root path...12:51
ColonelKernelI didnt have to reinstall it12:51
tiglionabbitmoire: lsusb12:51
FikrannMmmm... UT2k412:51
RedoFikrann: I was thinking of breaking a NTFS partition into a fat32 and the rest into exp312:51
tiglionabbitwait, printer port?  uh12:52
ColonelKernelruns nice on linux even w/o shadows12:52
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ColonelKernelseems worth it not to deal with windows bugs12:52
Redohow does UT2004 run on linux?12:52
natui want to set a directory in the root path...12:52
ColonelKernelRedo, very nicely12:52
action09natu  don't ask to ask just ask12:52
RedoI can't wait until I get it going12:52
x-unixuser@HOST:~$ grep admin /etc/group12:53
x-unixi can't sudo, passwords dont work, and i never created one for sudo, just su and a user12:53
tiglionabbitnatu: you mean /?  cd /12:53
moiretiglionabbit: Bus 003 Device 005: ID 04e8:3252 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd12:53
ColonelKernelRedo, you can even play it on a gf4mx440 and itll look pretty good12:53
moirewhat does it mean?12:53
RedoColonelKernel, I have a 6600gt12:53
ColonelKernelRedo, I have a 6600 non gt and it runs like a champ12:53
FikrannRedo, yes, if you need direct interoperability with windows, then you need fat32 partition. For linux, I'd suggest reiserfs or xfs, both are much more reliable than ext312:53
RedoFikrann, would you suggest reiserfs over xfs?12:53
tiglionabbitx-unix: that doesn't sound good.  You may need to trick grub into booting you as root, and then add yourself to the admin group12:54
tiglionabbitwhat's good about reiserfs and xfs?12:54
RedoColonelKernel, It runs great on my end too, but I'm sick of Windows12:54
FikrannI would suggest xfs over reiser, unless you're running on laptop12:54
RedoColonelKernel, Ubuntu runs 100x smoother on a LiveDVD then WinXP does on my hard drive12:54
schasiwhy reiser for the laptop?12:54
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ColonelKernelRedo, lol12:54
RedoFikrann, I'll use xfs then ;)12:55
Fikranntiglionabbit, xfs is faster and very reliable. reiserfs is almost as fast as xfs and only a bit less reliable.12:55
moiretiglionabbit: it does not work :(12:55
ColonelKernelRedo, you might want to just clean up your xp system, turn off unnneccesary services, use a low cpu resource virus scan tool, and defrag your drive with diskeeper pro12:55
Fikrannschasi, reiser works better with laptop-mode12:55
mindspinI would recommend ext2 for your home directory, cause if reiser is damaged you risk the lost of your data12:55
ThreeDayMonksince rebooting, my apache virtual hosts are broken :-(  I get pcfg_openfile errors on .htaccess files that are outside the DocumentRoot.  Any ideas?12:55
RedoColonelKernel, I do all that stuff, but Ubuntu still runs smoother12:55
ColonelKernelthat usually takes care of windows problems12:55
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ColonelKernelyeah , im pretty impressed12:56
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flexshow can i chage screen resolution, in resolution panel i have only 640x480 supported, but i want 1024x768, help ?12:56
gorehey all12:56
RedoI'm very impressed, especailly coming from SuSE, Fedora, and Mandrake12:56
RedoAnd naturally Windows :/12:56
FikrannRedo, I have once overwritten first 100MB of my xfs partition .. and all I lost was 12MB of small files that were in /tmp.12:57
tiglionabbitflexs: you may need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:57
goreflexs get newdrivers12:57
ubotuI heard resolution is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:57
RedoFikrann, !!, does that mean you were lucky that nothing important was written in the first 100mb?12:58
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FikrannRedo, yes .. but the catch is, most file systems would be completely destroyed after such operation.12:58
taomasteris it safe to install the kde desktop in ubuntu thur the synaptic?12:58
Fikranntaomaster, yes.12:58
tiglionabbittaomaster: no no, get kubuntu-desktop12:59
tiglionabbit!info kubuntu-desktop12:59
ubotukubuntu-desktop: (Kubuntu desktop system), section misc, is optional. Version: 0.40 (hoary), Packaged size: 3 kB, Installed size: 32 kB12:59
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RedoFikrann, I will definatly use xfs. Even though I'm not running any critical apps, I still love stability12:59
CarinArrhey, i have a bit of a problem. I've just installed ubuntu on my machine, and it seems to work fine, just i have a wireless belkin f5d7050 adapter, and no other network card available. i downloaded the ndiswrapper source and compiled it, and it seems to work okay, it accepts the drivers for the adapter, but when i do dmesg i get themessage that loadndiswrapper failed.. does anyone know where i can go from there12:59
ColonelKernelhmph - daily build doesnt work :P12:59
=== jcoxon [~jcoxon@81-178-239-57.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
ColonelKernelyou type in a url and you cant go to it lol12:59
=== Aruviel [~aru@lpr2-0ca.cable.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
taomasterfikrann  - thanx01:00
taomasteri'll give it a try01:00
CarinArrit makes it a bit annoying that i have to download everything using windows, then boot into linux to install things as i don't have network access from linux;)01:00
=== uchinan [~uchinan@61-26-195-207.rev.home.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
mindspinCariArr why that?01:00
mindspinok got it01:01
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=== Mez [~mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
CarinArrwhy what?01:01
mindspinno network access , but you explained it above...01:01
FikrannCarinArr, you need to give some more details for anyone to be able to suggest any solution.01:01
Feycan anyone here help me with perl testing?01:01
mindspini overread it01:02
RedoFikrann, thanks for your help. I'm off to start backing up my data before I split this partition to Fat32 and xfs ;)01:02
FikrannRedo, good luck }:01:02
CarinArrfikrann, what sort of details are needed?01:02
CarinArrit says to check system logs for what goes wrong, but i don't know where to find em;)01:03
=== djp [~david@dynamic-62-56-55-165.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitwell, I'm going to bed.  Wish you all luck with your linuxy thingamabob times01:03
Feyanyone here do perl?01:03
flexshow can i set /etc/X11/xorg.conf the default screen resolution....01:03
mindspinlook in /var/log/syslog01:04
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tiglionabbitFey: A little01:04
FikrannCarinArr, try dmesg01:04
mindspinFey whats your problem?01:04
tiglionabbitFey: what's da question?01:04
no0ticI'm looking for gdkmm dev libs, where can I find them?01:04
tiglionabbitmindspin: it's rude to ask people "what their problem" is01:04
action09flexs i'm not sure but i think it's the first resolution..   Modes           "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1280x854" "1280x800"  ....01:04
mindspinwhy that? I#m not a native english speaker?01:05
ColonelKerneltiglionabbit, you mean theres actually a channel on this network that CARES about rudeness?01:05
FeyI want the testsuite to report that a sub dies01:05
=== ColonelKernel is shocked
tiglionabbitColonelKernel: this is ubuntu.  We're about humanity to others, dude01:05
ColonelKerneltiglionabbit, right on. I just found me a new distro01:05
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Hieronymusmindspin: 'what's your problem' is like 'hey, what do you want? fuck off!'01:06
thegroktiglionabbit: you are one of the developers?01:06
=== Adross [~drew@203-217-68-136.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
FeyI'm currently trying TDO: { ok(@list = &read_file("/whatever that doesn't exist"), 'succesfully crsahed"); }01:06
ColonelKerneltiglionabbit, perhaps you are unaware of what a nightmare some of the other channels are.01:06
tiglionabbitthegrok: nope, I'm just a guy with too much time on his hands01:06
CarinArrfikrann, i did, that's when i was told that loadndiswrapper fails01:06
ubotu[conduct]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/document_view01:06
mindspinthat's different in german ;-)01:06
Adrossafter install, how do i change the resolutions enabled by x?01:06
tiglionabbitColonelKernel: it's alright if you know a little bit01:06
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Hieronymusmindspin: It also is in Dutch ;-) I can understand01:06
admin0heh ?01:06
thegroktiglionabbit: what makes ubuntu better than debian?01:06
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tiglionabbitColonelKernel: many people on freenode don't have patience for inexperienced linuxers01:06
Hieronymusmindspin: maybe something like 'what seems to be the problem'?01:07
Feywhat I want is for the TODO part to say success and then continue01:07
admin0thegrok, just try it once.. you will notice the difference01:07
ColonelKerneltiglionabbit, yeah and some of them are just kinda disturbed.01:07
tiglionabbitthegrok: newer packages, simpler interfaces, guis, it's made for the casual desktop user, and uh, nice people!01:07
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=== Naxalite [~Naxalite@lap34-1-82-224-141-250.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Adrossanyone, x resolutions?01:07
thegrokadmin0: actually debian gave me a better experince when i tried to install on a dell server01:07
mindspinsounds more ploite but I never thought about 'what's your problem?' is rude01:07
tiglionabbitmindspin: say "what's your question" instead then01:07
bigfoot1hello, i'm trying out Galeon since today. I would like to make it more life firefox. What's galeon's equivalent to Fx's extensions?01:08
Feytiglionabbit : I'm currently trying TDO: { ok(@list = &read_file("/whatever that doesn't exist"), 'succesfully crsahed"); }01:08
mindspinwhat about where is the problem?01:08
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thegroktiglionabbit: i'm currently "coming" to you via my ubuntu gateway on my home LAN, every few days my connection slows....and i need to reboot01:08
Adrossanyone, please?01:08
mindspinbut this is rude if translated in german01:08
thegroktiglionabbit: can't tell if it's gnome or firestarter or the kernel01:08
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thegrokhence i'm wondering if i should use debian instead =P01:09
tiglionabbitthegrok: hmm.  I don't know what the problem is, but it could be with your router or ISP too.  Have you tried resetting your router and modem recently?01:09
thegroknope, cause the problem went away after a reboot01:10
bigfoot1in Galeon, how can we make the "throbber" foot on the upper right corner point to our desired URL, rather than the galeon website?01:10
thegrokit could also be bt-gnome or amule since i did run those on and off01:10
tiglionabbitthegrok: that doesn't necessarily mean it's not the modem's fault.  Breaking a connection can have that effect01:10
mindspinIf a program is mot in the repositories, what would you recommend, compiling it from source or trying to get/build deb files?01:10
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tiglionabbitthegrok: I would suggest that you look at your ports, and run 'top' to see what processes are running too01:11
neural_what about backports for amd64? where can i find them?01:11
=== Ruslan [rni@dialup-83-174-215-233.ufamts.ru] has joined #Ubuntu
admin0Adross, you are not getting your x to work ?01:11
mindspinthegrok desktop or laptop?01:11
bigfoot1no galeon users here?01:11
thegroktiglionabbit: will do, takes a few days to replicate...01:11
thegrokmindspin: come again?01:11
admin0system > preferences > screen resolution01:11
mindspinthegrok desktop or laptop?01:11
tiglionabbitthegrok: oh, a few days...  I thought this was more of an immediate problem than that =P01:11
thegroktiglionabbit: nope few days...hence i suspect something's leaking memory01:12
mindspinI had some networking issues while enabling acpi on my thinkpad01:12
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thegrokmindspin: oh it's a desktop01:12
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tiglionabbitthegrok: well, if you suspect that, be sure to run system monitoring programs and look at what eats things up01:12
DarhHi! Please write link is Ubuntu cd covers(sorry bad english)01:13
xunixneed help with 5.04!!01:13
Feymindspin: also, would you know how to read a directory in binarymode? I'm trying to open it like a file (open instead of opendir) and then set the reader to binarymode. Do you have any ideas on how to make it work?01:13
=== bojangles [~george@adsl-68-90-61-54.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ruslan>Darh :)01:14
mindspinnope sorry01:14
bojanglesman i heard people ordering and getting 30 CDs for ubuntu....where did they get all that stuff01:14
tiglionabbitxunix: what be the prob?01:14
xunixsame problem01:14
Darhthx Ruslan01:14
tiglionabbitbojangles: doesn't ubuntu.com list places that sell the CDs?01:14
tiglionabbitxunix: have you made yourself an admin yet?01:15
bojanglestiglionabbit, i don't know...i only heard about the 30 CDs...i have no idea what is even on them01:15
xunixyes i did01:15
xunixi created a new user with admin privl01:15
tiglionabbitxunix: okay, can you sudo and such now?  So what's the problem then?01:15
tiglionabbitreally...  hmm, well you could edit the sudoers file manually with "visudo"01:16
=== Fikrann [~fikrann@zmt.zinc.eu.org] has joined #ubuntu
bojanglesboy that 2.6.12 kernel with IBM's DRM shit really sucks in Breezy01:16
xunixi can launch from terminal with SU only, update-manager or user-admin01:16
xunixbut can't from gui interface01:16
xunixor from SUDO01:16
ThreeDayMonkthis is weird.  My php4 module has disappeared since I deleted and reinstalled apache2 and libapache2-mod-php4.  The php files in mods-available are nowhere to be found.  How can I get them back?01:16
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tiglionabbitxunix: that's weird.  Try and add yourself to the sudoers file.  man sudoers for more info01:17
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RuslanSorry http://shipit.ubuntulinux.org/01:17
tiglionabbitxunix: I really don't know what could have caused it to mess up your default accounts like this though..01:18
MsK`bon app01:18
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mindspinFey I never used binmode cause its really tricky acording to programming perl01:18
xunixcould it be the password strenght or additional language?01:18
Darhruslan, im print covers searching...01:18
xunixi dunno01:18
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qt2well wtf.01:19
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xunixcause everything i did during install was standart01:19
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Feymindspin: oki. Thanks01:20
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qt2is there something up with apt/synaptic...?01:20
qt2Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libc/libcairo/libcairo1_0.3.0-1_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch01:20
qt2E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?01:20
qt2been getting lots of those lately... <.<;01:20
tiglionabbitxunix: well after you add yourself to sudoers, everything you've mentioned should work properly.  Very sorry it took you this much trouble to set up.  Ubuntu should do these things properly, usually01:20
tiglionabbitqt2: remove the "us" from those urls01:20
tiglionabbitin your /etc/apt/sources.list01:20
mindspinqt yesterday some people mentioned that the us mirrors are not working properly01:20
tiglionabbiter, "us." to be more concise01:21
Darhubuntu cd front image, who is?01:21
xunixtiglionabbit:what is the location of sudoers file?01:21
xunixcan i g edit it?01:21
bojanglesnow i did see one ubuntu dvd....but i don't know where or what is on 30 CDs01:21
tiglionabbitI mean not concise, uh..01:21
qt2i wonder what's up with the us mirrors...01:22
bojanglesman that is 15 gigs01:22
tiglionabbitxunix: no, you must use visudo.  It actually runs nano01:22
bojanglesand 15 gigs of free software is quite a lot01:22
xunixvisudo: /etc/sudoers: Permission denied01:22
tiglionabbitbojangles: do you really want all those CDs?  Don't you have an internet connection?01:22
tiglionabbitxunix: get in su first01:23
bojanglestiglionabbit, i don't need any of them...i have more basic issues than to worry about ubuntu01:23
=== sunrex [~tyler@c-67-183-46-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mindspinxunix what do you get when you type whoami01:23
bojanglestiglionabbit, they can worry about themselves.01:23
sunrexhow do you install sound....and by sound i mean sound period...even if its just a little beep01:23
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tiglionabbitsunrex: sound, well, first right-click on your volume thingy01:24
tiglionabbithit properties, and for all devices listed (switch between them and do this for each) turn up the volume for master, PCM, and PC Speaker, and anything else that seems obvious01:24
Whistlerwhy cant i copy or paste in terminal with ctrl+c ?01:25
=== aleksander [~aleksande@ti231210a080-3919.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
mindspintake the middle button of your mouse01:25
albackerWhistler: shift+ctrl+c01:25
tiglionabbitWhistler: because control-C is the command for close01:25
albackertry that.01:25
aleksanderHi, how to install apache1 ?01:25
bojanglesWhistler, just use the X clipboard....highlight something and push both mouse buttons at same time....and then go to editor and push both again and all your terminal text will be in editor for printing01:26
albackerin gnome-terminal shift+ctrl+c works, in xterm, aterm, use the middle button01:26
tiglionabbitapache1?  Why not 2?01:26
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aleksanderbecause the script i have just work in 101:26
mindspinmaybe because of modperl?01:26
aleksandermindspin, talking to me?01:27
tiglionabbit=p guys, is there a backwardsports repository then?01:27
mindspinkinda, it was a guess why people like to install apache 1 instead of 201:27
=== hack_benjamin [~hope@host81-159-64-9.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
mindspinthat was areason for me01:27
bojanglestiglionabbit, no...everyone is screwed because IBM is putting that DRM shit in kernel 2.6.12 and then they are already putting it in Breezy to screw everyone01:28
hack_benjaminanyone know what happened to transcode?01:28
hack_benjaminits not in the repositories any more01:28
bojanglestiglionabbit, and they have already subtley planted the TPM modules in many peoples computers today01:28
aleksanderany one here who can hack msn adresses?01:29
bojanglestiglionabbit, especially laptops01:29
aleksandermindspin, is perlmod not installed at apache2?01:29
tiglionabbitbojangles: what are you talking about?01:29
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mindspinmodperl2 is not working properly for the applications i use01:29
bojanglestiglionabbit, that is why you can't trust the trusted computer group and free-hardware designs with free-hardware products as a result will  become ever important01:30
hack_benjaminanyone know where i can get transcode?01:30
hack_benjaminwithout tarballs01:30
hack_benjaminfor amd6401:30
aleksanderit is?01:30
=== dr88dr88 [~gerrit@h174040.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
hack_benjaminits not in the repositories any more..01:30
neural_yes is missing01:31
aleksanderWhere do I find Apache (1) ???01:31
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jtgameoveroh man this sucks, i can't install frozen bubble because some package can't be retrieved from the repository01:32
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tiglionabbitjtgameover: really?  oh noes.  It installed for me though.  What's the exact error you get?01:32
FikrannAhhh.. joys of secure wireless connection.01:32
jtgameover"MD5Sum mismatch"01:33
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jtgameover"failed to fetch archive.ubuntu.com/..../libsdl-consol_1.3-3_i386.deb"01:33
tiglionabbitjtgameover: are you using the us. repositories?  Edit your sources.list and delete the "us." part01:33
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tiglionabbitI guess not01:33
jtgameoveroh i am01:33
jtgameoveri will try that01:33
sunrexis there a guide somwere to install MYSQL to APACHE SERVER01:33
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jtgameoverwhat's the difference?01:33
Hoxzeris it possibel to install Linux ubuntu to S-ata HDD without diskette driver?01:34
bojanglesthey are really going to fuck all the people over and to the max with breezy if it keeps that kernel with that DRM shit in it01:34
=== keikoz|away [keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
thegroktiglionabbit: back, what system monitoring utilities are those?01:34
bojanglessince they have already been putting TPM modules in their computers secretly and behind everyone's back01:34
tiglionabbitthegrok: I just suggested using top, or apps->system tools-> system monitor01:35
sunrexis there a guide to install my sql on apatche servers?01:36
Whistleruse google.com01:36
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tiglionabbitk, now I sleep.  At 4:36am.  wow.01:36
tiglionabbitgnite everyone01:36
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FikrannSleep well tiglionabbit01:37
thegroktiglionabbit: ooh much nicer than top....thanks01:37
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tiglionabbitthegrok: =p whatchoo talkin about, top is fun too.  lol01:37
tiglionabbitanyway, see you all later, probably tomorrow.  bye01:37
bojanglesubuntu will have to think of a new name...instead of for humanity...it will stand for "We are here to fuck you over with our new DRM'd kernels in Breezy to activate your TPM modules"01:38
=== schasi_ is now known as schasi
Fikrannbojangles, you might want to petition kernel drivers to remove TPM, DRM, crypto support....01:38
bojanglesFikrann, hey it ain't none of my business.....what they decide to do, they do!...I work on my own stuff01:39
FikrannSo stop bitching here, as well. If you don't like drm, compile your own kernel without it. Or better, switch distro.01:40
jtgameoverso what kind of cool packages do people have running?01:40
jtgameoverbesides xmms, xine, aterm...01:40
ColonelKernelcan anyone help me make the sun java environment my systems java enviornment? I cant seem to find the "alternatives" package01:40
bojanglesFikrann, that is exactly what i am doing now...i just finally got a compile on mig to get some glue01:40
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xunixwhat is the url for additional software like codecs for ubuntu?01:41
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Fikrannxunix, use hoary-extras repo01:43
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ubotubackports is, like, http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/01:43
ubotupackages is probably http://packages.ubuntu.com/01:43
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ubotuGNULinuxer: No idea01:46
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GNULinuxerHeimdall_linux: hi01:47
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ColonelKernelhow do I make a symlink that acts as if it is in the dir it is symlinked from?01:48
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joehiya I installed kubuntu, and my mum wants to use XPDE, I donwloaded it and extracted to /usr/share/xpde, how do I go making it the default window manager for her account rather than KDE?01:49
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dackmillikenhello, I need some help01:50
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dackmillikenI keep getting MD5sum mismatch errors when trying to download stuff via apt-get from us.archive.ubuntu01:51
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schasigoogle will kindly help you01:52
schasiIf you throw the error messages at it01:52
dackmillikenI have searched google01:52
schasiI fixed the same Problem yesterday01:52
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dackmillikenwhat other repositories do you use?01:52
bigfoot1galeon users: how can we open up Could not open the file "/usr/share/doc/galeon-common/README.ExtraPrefs.gz"?01:52
schasii use the standard debian sid and ftp.nerim.net01:52
dackmillikenhow did you fix the problem?01:52
Fikranndackmilliken, don't use us archives. Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and remove 'us.' from your lines.01:52
dackmillikenI did that fikrann01:53
dackmillikendidn't work :(01:53
schasii search google with the error message01:53
joeAny ideas on how to change the default window manager to XPDE on an account01:53
bigfoot1sorry, how can we open up the file "/usr/share/doc/galeon-common/README.ExtraPrefs.gz? I've tried both UTF and Western character encoding, but neither work.01:53
=== Chetic [~Cheticolo@gate13.lidnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fikranndackmilliken, did you reload your package listings?01:53
schasiof course i excluded things that change like the url before searching01:53
dackmillikenhow do you do that fikrann?01:53
dackmillikensorry I am a n00b at linux :(01:53
=== Goshawk [~Goshawk@host244-98.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Fikrannafter you edit your sources.list you need to either click reload in synaptic or run apt-get update01:54
dackmillikenyes I did that01:54
schasiwhich doesnt fix the problem01:54
=== Ixion83 [~ixion83@lns-th2-12-nic-82-249-119-165.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
schasigimme the error message01:54
Ixion83Hi :) The ubuntu foundation will be use by Kubuntu or not ?01:54
admin0btw, what do backports do ?01:55
GNULinuxerdackmilliken: i have the solution01:55
admin0i mean additional packages ?01:55
ubotuit has been said that backports is http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/01:55
=== bimberi [~bimberi@ppp-40-59.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
GNULinuxerdackmilliken: just change all us.archive.ubuntu.com to just arcchive.ubuntu.com01:56
dackmillikenI have tried that01:56
Ixion83Hi :) The ubuntu foundation will be use by Kubuntu or not ?01:56
GNULinuxerdackmilliken: well, after that you need to apt-get update01:56
dackmillikenFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/  MD5Sum mismatch  << error message with address removed01:56
GNULinuxerIxion83: what do you mean?01:56
dackmillikenI will try again GNULinuxer01:57
Ixion83GNULinuxer : Kubuntu will use Ubuntu Foundation for develop ?01:57
joeIxion83, kubuntu is ubuntu but with kde01:57
GNULinuxerIxion83: Kubuntu is a *different* project01:57
=== joh_ [~joh@grn-dhcp049.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu
joeyou can always download ubuntu and install kde manually01:57
GNULinuxerIxion83: it's as different as Ubuntu and Debian is01:57
Ixion83GNULinuxer different but it will use Ubuntu Foundation money or not ?01:57
=== Shinaku [~shinaku@81-178-248-1.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
GNULinuxerIxion83: it will not get any money ... using the money is a different issue01:58
joeor wait for the kubuntu to bring out the next release (im guessing that'll follow a few days after the official ubuntu release)01:58
ShinakuI am wanting to install some things from a Debian x86 repository onto an Ubuntu AMD64 machine01:58
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Ixion83GNULinuxer ubuntu use money :)01:58
ShinakuW: Couldn't stat source package list http://soulmachine.net debian/unstable Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/soulmachine.net_dists_debian_unstable_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)01:58
mjrShinaku, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457501:59
ShinakuThat's the error I get, can I force it somehow to use the x86's source list?01:59
bigfoot1any galeon users here?01:59
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ubotuHieronymus: I give up, what is it?02:00
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Hieronymusubotu: chroot is at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457502:00
ubotuHieronymus: okay02:00
marcAnyone know where I can get good deals on Laptops in the UK?  Or even futher suggest the best laptop i can get for around the 700 mark?02:00
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dackmillikenhey thanks guys, that fixed my problem..sorry for being a n00b02:00
Hieronymusubotu: good bot!02:00
ubotuthanks hieronymus :)02:00
NefarousTrying to speed up boottime on my laptop, can't find ifplugd in the apt-cache, am I missing something obvious (using hoary)02:00
HieronymusNefarous: try to find it on http://packages.ubuntu.com02:01
HieronymusNefarous: maybe it's in universe02:01
ubotufrom memory, packages is http://packages.ubuntu.com/02:01
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Nefarousthanks, it' in universe (ifplugd)02:02
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HieronymusNefarous: well, add universe then02:02
ubotuit has been said that sources is http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3802:02
ubotufrom memory, repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto02:02
marcI want this laptop, but its out of stock argh :(  http://www.pcworld.co.uk/martprd/store/pcw_page.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@0718902634.1120910113@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccdhaddfdijlkmkcflgceggdhhmdgmi.0&page=Product&sku=73853402:03
ShinakuI work there02:04
ShinakuWell, I have an interview arranged02:04
ubotumethinks apt-get is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/02:04
ShinakuI wouldn't buy anything from them though02:04
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mpmcI cannot access the proftpd webadmin because i don't know the root password :|02:04
Fikrannmpmc, that's because there is none, most probably, and root account on your machine is disabled.02:05
HieronymusFikrann: not disabled, just no password02:06
=== Success [~Success@41.Red-213-96-45.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
marcfrom who?02:06
Fikrannthen do sudo passwd and set your root password.02:06
marcShinaku, from who?02:06
no0tic/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lSM what flag is SM ?? what library refers to?02:07
HieronymusFikrann: better to do sudo passwd root, just in case02:07
FikrannHieronymus, true.02:07
Hieronymussudo is kind of... stupid/weird02:07
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FikrannI like it.02:07
ubotuHieronymus: I don't know, could you explain it?02:07
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adwaithey ppl02:08
ubotusudo is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo02:08
mjrno0tic, I think it was the session management lib02:08
marcAnyone using HL2 under cedega?02:08
Fikrannsudo bash is your friend02:08
=== adwait 's net fiexed :)
no0ticmjr: thanks!02:08
mjrno0tic, not sure tho02:08
HappyFoolsudo -i or sudo -s -H might be better02:08
Hieronymusubotu: rootpasswd is to set up a root password, use sudo passwd root02:08
ubotuokay, Hieronymus02:08
Fikrannmarc, I wish I had machine powerful enough ...02:08
ubotuhmm... rootpasswd is to set up a root password, use sudo passwd root02:08
Hieronymusgood bot02:09
mjrno0tic, well, I was right02:09
Hieronymus!good bot02:09
marcFikrann, :(  I was wondering the speed differences between cedega and native windows02:09
mpmcE: gforge-ldap-openldap:  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 102:09
mpmcwhat the hell02:09
Fikrannmarc, I guess there's 20~50% speed decrease.02:10
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no0ticmjr: thanks, it was; compiled succesfully02:10
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marcI need a new wallpaper02:11
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Hieronymusmarc: ubuntu-calendar, but I think it's dead02:11
ubotuHieronymus: I give up, what is it?02:11
ubotuHieronymus: Wish i knew02:11
ubotuHieronymus: I haven't a clue02:11
ubotuHieronymus: Bugger all, i dunno02:11
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marcHieronymus, yes its dead :(02:13
Hieronymusmarc: any 'official' announcement for that?02:13
dtygelhi friends: I cannot record: I cannot make the microphone work... some idea? I Alsa it says it cannot open "default", and in "esd" nothing happens... I'm using soundblaster16 (old sound card)02:14
=== Panzerboy [~NoName@panzerboy.user] has joined #ubuntu
Panzerboyhey all02:14
marcAnyone happen to have the OS X panther wallpaper?02:14
adwaithey Panzerboy02:14
=== ralph [~ralph@cc830440-b.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
marcI remember liking that02:14
Panzerboyi'm following the ubuntu guide02:14
Panzerboyand i see there the backports repo02:14
Fikrannmarc, Like that? http://www.rikanise.net/gallery/screenshots/screendump.l.005.jpg/zphoto_view }:>02:14
Panzerboyi've added it02:14
=== qt2_ [~qt2@pool-70-16-107-169.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuit has been said that backports is at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/02:14
Panzerboyand now it wants me to do an dist-upgrade02:15
ubotuubguide is probably Please do not follow Ubuntuguide; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines (number 3)02:15
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HieronymusPanzerboy: Read what ubotu said02:15
marcFikrann, wtf is that :P02:15
Panzerboyi am now, thanks02:15
ubotusomebody said love was life02:16
Fikrannmarc, a well done fantasy pic. }:>02:16
dtygeldoes someone here know how to make a microphone work? I need to use skype... :(02:16
adwaitphilosopihical bot!02:16
Hieronymusdtygel: have you tried volume settings etc?02:16
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dtygelhieronymus: yes... mic is on...02:16
Fikranndtygel, you need to unmute few things in the mixer02:17
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dtygelfikrann: I guess I unmuted everything...02:17
marcFikrann, Its probably the mic capture level02:17
Hieronymusalright, what if you launch a record program and blow in the mic real hard? Does this raise the amplitude?02:17
marcdtygel, run alsamixer02:17
adwaitdtygel: right click volume button on panel and in the capture tab...tryied tht02:17
Fikranndtygel, you might need to use the mixer preferences to get it to show all channels02:17
marcdtygel, Tab to the capture pane, and increase Mic, and lower PCM to zero02:17
dtygelI can hear the mic in alsamixer, when I push the volume high02:18
marcdtygel, What do you mean you can hear the mic?02:18
dtygelbut then nothing happens in skype...02:18
taomasteris the java install in the synaptic package manager?02:18
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Fikranndtygel, have you killed esd?02:18
dtygelmarc: I run alsamixer...02:18
dtygelmarc: and then I turn high the "mic" volume,02:19
dtygelmarc: and then I can hear the sound when I talk in the mic.02:19
marcdtygel, Thats just the mic output02:19
Fikranndtygel, you might want to look for "+20 dB mic boost"02:19
dtygelbut wehen I run the sound recorder, it fials...02:19
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marcdtygel, You need to tab to the CAPTURE pane and increase the mic there02:19
PanzerboyHieronymus: however i don't get it, where exactly in the ubuntuguide is this wrong information?02:19
dtygelmarc: I did it.02:19
dtygelto no avail :(02:19
Panzerboybasically all that's said there is: don't go to that site, come to the wiki02:19
Panzerboyi am not criticising, i am just trying to understand what's wrong in the guide02:20
HieronymusPanzerboy: not all information in the ubuntu guide is wrong, but it doesn't explain you what you're doing, and the wiki explains stuff better02:20
=== liz4rd [~liz4rd@static24-72-77-57.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
dtygelsoundrecorder simply crashes... do you understand? it's some misconfiguration for the input...02:20
liz4rdwhats the name of the package for the windows movie codecs?02:21
PanzerboyHieronymus: i see02:21
Fikranndtygel, have you stopped esd?02:21
marcliz4rd, w32codecs I think02:21
Panzerboywell, i am not a newbie, so i guess i can use the guide :)02:21
Panzerboycause i understand what's there :)02:21
dtygelfikram: no, it's working ok02:21
Fikrannskype won't work if esd is running.02:21
dtygelfikrann: but without esd how can I use the mic?02:21
Panzerboyi just wanted to know if the backports are safe to use, but I can see it written in those guidelines02:22
dtygelfikrann: alsa doesn't work for me when I set it in "multimedia selector" in preferences menu...02:22
Fikrannsimply use. Skype won't get to the mic with esd running02:22
marcSkype likes my mic :)02:22
marcI cant stop calling echo123 all day02:23
marcThat women doesnt mind chatting to me all day02:23
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CarinArri'm trying to install a belkin wireless adapter (f5d7050), using ndiswrapper and the windows drivers.. but i get an 'oops' from the kernel and dmesg says: Windows driver is not 64-bit; bad magic: 010B02:23
CarinArrndiswrapper (load_sys_files:523): unable to prepare driver 'rt2500usb'02:23
CarinArrUnable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 000000000000001002:23
dtygelmarc and fikrann: ok, how do I kill esd? by "kill" or using a command?02:23
CarinArrer sorry didn't mean to splitthat over several lines02:23
ptloFikrann: on skype web pages i've found info that skype works with esd if you're running it with esddsp (http://www.skype.com/help/guides/soundsetup_linux.html). i haven't tried it yet because i'm just now in the process of getting the mic :)02:23
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CarinArris it basically saying that the problem's cause by me trying to use a 32 bit driver on a 64 bit system? cause afaik there aren't any 64 bit drivers for my adapter02:24
HieronymusCarinArr: I think that's what it's saying02:24
marcdtygel, Gconf /desktop/gnome/sound/enable_esd and set it to false02:24
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CarinArrdoes anyone know if there's a way to use the 32 bit driver without actually reverting to 32 bit ubuntu?02:25
ubotuwell, chroot is at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457502:25
Hieronymusmaybe that02:25
Hieronymus(not sure)02:25
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, chicken is what people think it tastes like02:25
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dtygelmarc, thanks: I'll check it...02:25
Fikrannptlo, thank you!02:26
Hieronymusubotu forget chicken02:26
ubotui forgot chicken, Hieronymus02:26
dtygelptlo: I will try the esddsp... must install it first, right?02:26
marcArgh, I thought wohoo, desktop images from the russian womens network02:26
marcBut no, they are images contributed by russian women who use computers02:27
marcARGH :(02:27
CarinArrthanks Hieronymus02:27
ptlodtygel: it's in the esound-clients package02:27
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ptloalso, re skype: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-21186.html (someone reported it had trouble running esddsp on hoary...)02:27
Fikrannmarc, poor you }:>02:27
=== sunrex [~tyler@c-67-183-46-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sunrexgood..finnaly got my website up02:28
dtygelptlo: thanks again...02:28
marcFikrann, Tell me about it, first the laptop i want is out of stock and now i cant find a wallpaper.  And to top it all off Gnome still will not let me use OS X application menu behaviours :(02:29
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sunrexok i have 0 sound is there anything i can do about this, i have Sound Blaster LIVE! 24 bit02:29
Fikrannmarc, awww.02:30
marcsunrex, Try this02:30
bojangles ptlo why post that old stuff about artsdsp or esddsp...that was yesterday's solution.....everybody today is moving to a polyaudio approach02:30
marcsunrex, actually ignore me02:30
sunrexmarc: why..02:30
ptlobojangles, well then i'm a yesterdays guy...i haven't heard about polyaudio .. any pointers?02:30
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marcsunrex, ok lets try02:32
adwaitfriends, romans and country bumpkins.............if i edit the resolv.conf, does the computer immidietly start using the new DNS servers?02:32
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marcsunrex, you in Gnome?02:32
sunrexmarc: im in what came with the disk lol...not sure really....i downloaded it i didint change anything02:32
dtygelptlo, marc: well: when I kill esd, skype works (it doesn't hang), but the mic doesn't work :( I'm testing echo123 to no avail)02:32
ptlobojangles, oh, found it... although it seems to me on the first glance (on the ubuntuforums) that it's far from complete02:32
adwaitfriends, romans and country bumpkins.............if i edit the resolv.conf, does the computer immidietly start using the new DNS servers?.....somebody?anybody?02:32
dtygelptlo: and I read that esddsp doesn't work in hoary...02:33
marcsunrex, look in the top right corner, should be a small speaker symbol, does it look muted?02:33
=== adwait looks around for someone who can help him......
sunrexmarc: theres no speaker symbol02:33
marcdtygel, My skype worked on a default hoary install.. mhmm other than checking the mic capture levels in alsamixers, which you said you already did Im not sure02:33
marcsunrex, not one next to the date?02:34
marcsunrex, di you install ubuntu or Kubuntu?02:34
bimberiadwait: yes02:34
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sunrexmarc: im not sure my desktop looks like the ones in the photos02:34
WhiteRabbitsunrex, in a console use alsamixer & hit m on the audigy jack02:34
Fikrannadwait, yes, it does02:34
dtygelmarc: and worse of all: sounds only work with esd enabled. But then will skype hang. And if I turn esd off, skype works but not the mic...02:34
marcWhiteRabbit, Hes not using an audigy tho?02:35
adwaitthx Fikrann billytwowilly02:35
bimberiadwait: btw you can use "nslookup" to see which nameserver is geing used02:35
WhiteRabbitmarc, sunrex ok i have 0 sound is there anything i can do about this, i have Sound Blaster LIVE! 24 bit... ;)~ ....02:35
Fikranndtygel, try running skype with esddsp02:35
BiSK-8i started to extract and compile a tar.gz file but didn't finish. Now on my desktop there is a folder that i cant delete. How could i delete it?02:35
sunrexmarc: http://www.ubuntu.com/include/ubuntu3.png02:35
bimberiadwait: np :)02:35
adwaitbimberi: :)02:35
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Hieronymussunrex: gnome02:36
BiSK-8any1 know?02:36
marcsunrex, Ok in a console, type alsamixer,  Goto audigy analogue/digital output jack and press m on it02:36
bojanglesand anyway why all this talk about skype...that was yesterday's stuff they have a new free software project where the code will be release02:36
HieronymusBiSK-8: who 'owns' the folder?02:36
dtygelfikrann: in hoary esddsp doesn't work... I think it's some misconfiguration of my old soundcard: it's a soundblaster16... oh god... that's complicated :(02:36
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marcSkype is from the same people that brought you kazaa :P02:37
sunrexmarc: u mean terminal?02:37
BiSK-8hieronymous: 66702:37
Hieronymusbojangles: what new free software project?02:37
bojanglesi hear the new project will use a sip approach and release the software as GPL02:37
marcsunrex, yes i do :)02:37
Hieronymusmarc: yes, remember the spyware?02:37
Hieronymusmarc: and it's non-free binary-only02:37
Hieronymusbojangles: sip is nice02:37
marcHieronymus, Yep :) and the adware, and the endless amounts of mps and pr0n i downloaded :)02:37
marcmp3's :P02:38
Hieronymusbojangles: are you perhaps talking about gizmo? That's not free02:38
sunrexmarc: so just plain old alsamixer? couse it says file not found02:38
marcsunrex, just type  alsamixer02:38
BiSK-8hieronymus: 66702:38
sunrexmarc: tyler@Darkworks:~$ alsamixer02:38
sunrexalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory02:38
HieronymusBiSK-8: man chmod and figure what that means02:38
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marcmight need alsaconf :/ but you will need to download that02:40
sunrexmarc: ..lol02:40
marcI dunno :P02:40
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marcwhos got skype?02:40
marcI wanna call someone02:40
sunrexmarc: i dont need to do that in root terminal do i02:40
HappyFoolsunrex: do you know what sounds card you have?02:40
HappyFoolsound card, even02:40
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sunrexHappyFool: SoundBlaster LIVE! 24-bit02:40
HappyFoolsunrex: take a look here if you do: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards02:40
marcGive me you skype id Fikrann  :P02:41
HappyFoolsunrex: according to that page you need the latest alsa02:41
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ChurcH_of_FoamYis it possible to transmit with beep media player?02:41
dtygelmarc and ptlo: I'm testing the input source in the "multimedia systems selector"02:41
sunrexwhat drive02:41
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dtygelmarc and ptlo and fikrann: with alsa, I get the following error: "Failed to construct test pipeline for 'ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture'"02:42
sunrexHappyFool: which one02:42
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HappyFoolsunrex: i don't know. you can read this page for installing alsa (but for a different card)02:42
sunrexhappyfool:  ca0106 ?02:42
HappyFoolsunrex: on the wiki page? stand by...02:43
dtygelmarc, ptlo and fikrann: and in esd it crashes after recording. But it works...02:43
HappyFoolsunrex: that's the entry i was referring to, yes02:43
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HieronymusHappyFool: you can use !wiki to let ubotu help you with wiki pages02:43
marcdtygel, ew, sounds nasty02:43
sunrexHappyFool: thks ill try this then02:43
dtygelmarc: :(02:44
HappyFool!wiki BinaryDriverHowto02:44
HieronymusHappyFool: yes, you should "help" in a private chat with it once02:44
Hieronymuswhat the hell, he's not functioning02:44
Fikrannmarc, you don't want to chat with me .. I'm currently quite sick and having someone cough in your ear is probably not what you want.02:44
Hieronymus!bad bot102:44
ubotuHieronymus: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about02:44
Hieronymus!bad bot!02:44
ubotuHieronymus: Are you smoking crack?02:44
sunrexHappyFool: sould i just go with the wiki page u gave me and see if that works?02:45
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marcyou have esd-alsa installed?02:45
HappyFoolsunrex: you will need to change the instructions slightly -- that second page is for a different sort of card02:45
HappyFoolsunrex: try the 'configure' option without specifying a card type02:46
marcoh dtygel left :(02:46
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HappyFoolsunrex: additionally, the procedure described will overwrite files installed by the linux-image-* package; i don't know what will happen if/when this package is upgraded02:46
marcAnyone suggest a real nice multiplayer game?02:47
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marcAnything a little faster paced?02:47
bojanglesHieronymus, yes it is called ProjGizmo...and they will release the code for absolutely free in August for Linux....so everyone can steal it for themselves....i saw a news article on it....they want to drive skype out of business02:48
ColonelKerneldoom3 runs far better w ubuntu than windows02:48
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Hieronymusbojangles: free as in speech, I hope?02:48
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bojanglesHieronymus, plus gaim has made plans for this summer to have their own VOIP stuff with sip that can also pierce the NAT firewalls02:48
Hieronymusdie, Skype!02:49
marcSkypes probably already achieved what it was intended for, so i doubt they will mind02:49
HappyFoolmarc: scorched3d (not terribly fast, admittedly)02:49
uboturumour has it, motugames is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUGames02:49
marcHappyFool, Anything like soldat?02:49
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HappyFoolmarc: no02:49
HappyFoolmarc: turn-based02:49
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BiSK-8can any1 help me with the installation of a tar.gz program?02:49
marcHappyFool, Nono, i know scorched3d is like scorched earth, but is there any game like soldat available?02:49
Fikrannmarc, besides, I just realised that I've no fsck'ing idea what my skype handle was.02:49
HappyFooloh, i see02:50
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HappyFoolmarc: sorry, i don't know02:50
marcHappyFool, kk02:50
marcFikrann, Bah :P02:50
HappyFoolthere are lots of games in universe/multiverse02:50
sunrexHappyFool: were is the soundcore module?02:50
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marcAnyone let me skype em?02:50
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HappyFoolsunrex: in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/* somewhere02:51
sunrexHappyFool: thks02:51
HappyFoolsunrex: try 'locate soundcore.ko'  -- i get /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound/soundcore.ko02:51
marcNo linux version of gizmo until next month argh :(02:51
CheticIs there a decent free flight simulator?02:52
bojanglesHieronymus, it is all very good news...that all the source code will be released for free as GPL...so that the free-hardware manufacturers will not suffer the high cost of paying programmers....and can distribute their free hardware designs less expensively...perhaps some in the form of mobile devices even02:52
HappyFoolflightgear is pretty good02:52
FikrannChetic, if you don't mind flying old airplanes, check out Sabre02:52
sunrexHappyFool:i found it but how do i turn it on..02:52
marcAnd, project gizmo is from the same guy that brought us lindows/linspire ARGH think id rather stay with the kazaa/skype boys :P02:52
HappyFoolChetic: but no combat support. not sure what you want02:52
HappyFoolsunrex: 'modprobe soundcore'02:53
Cheticyeah I'm not looking for combat, just want to fly a plane02:53
Cheticthanks HappyFool & Fikrann02:53
HappyFoolsunrex: what is your question?02:53
marcChetic, Check out gl-11702:53
FikrannChetic, then flightgear's better .. the graphics is somewhat on the simple side.02:53
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sunrexHappyFool:it says i have to turn it on..but i cant open it so how do i turn it on02:53
Chetick marc02:53
marcmore of an action game than a simulator tho02:53
sunrexHappyFool:2) You must turn on sound support (soundcore module).02:54
bojanglesHieronymus, and neither will they have to pay programmers nor patent royalties....or copyright fees or anything else.02:54
HappyFoolsunrex: turn what on? Where are you reading these instructions?02:54
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Fikranngl-117 is highly action game.02:54
js_sunrex: run alsaconf02:54
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HappyFooljs_: alsaconf is not included in ubuntu, afaik02:54
BiSK-8can u ppl tell me all the applications i need to install a .tar.gz program. (apps that i can get by sudo apt-get)02:54
bojanglesHieronymus, this is exactly why RMS personally wrote GNUscape Navigator to put the expensive Netscape Navigator programmers out of business02:55
HieronymusBiSK-8: build-essential02:55
HappyFoolBiSK-8: if you wish to install from source, you will need an appropriate compiler, and libraries02:55
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sunrexHappyFool:on here..ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/ well i got the driver off it and it came with file02:55
BiSK-8how di i get em?02:55
HappyFoolBiSK-8: try installing build-essential, and see how far you get02:56
marcBiSK-8,  apt-get install build-essential02:56
BiSK-8i already did02:56
HappyFool'sudo aptitude install build-essential'02:56
FikrannBiSK-8, you will probably need linux-headers for your kernel.02:56
HappyFoolsunrex: the alsa page has instructions per card, afaik02:56
CheticWhat about driving simulators(/games)? Are there any good ones?02:56
BiSK-8how do i get em?02:57
FikrannHappyFool, they aren't very useful for a noob.02:57
HieronymusChetic: torcs02:57
Chetichm k02:57
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FikrannChetic, torcs works but it crashes after one race for me.02:57
BiSK-8can i pm any1?02:58
BiSK-8(any1 willing 2 help me)02:58
marcI dont like Torcs, its about as fun as a steam ship simulator02:58
Hieronymusmarc: true :)02:58
marcBiSK-8, type in the console uname -r02:58
Cheticwhat? lol02:58
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HappyFoolsunrex: see here: http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?company=Creative+Labs&card=Sound+Blaster+LS.&chip=SB0310%2C+P17&module=ca010602:59
BiSK-8why should i?02:59
HappyFoolsunrex: what does 'lsmod|grep ^soundcore' say?03:00
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sunrexHappyFool:i had it a few secs before..03:00
sunrexHappyFool:what u mean03:00
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HappyFoolsunrex: type that command in the terminal03:00
CheticAny other simulators? I really feel like simulating right now :p03:00
HappyFoolsunrex: and tell me what the output is03:00
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marcBiSK-8, so you can tell me what kernel your using :P03:00
sunrexnothing happend03:00
sunrexu mean in root terminal?03:00
HappyFoolno, any terminal03:01
sunrexnothing happend then03:01
HappyFoolsunrex: how about 'modprobe soundcore' ?03:01
sunrexHappyFool:tyler@Darkworks:~$ modprobe soundcore03:01
sunrexFATAL: Error inserting soundcore (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound/soundcore.ko): Operation not permitted03:01
HappyFoolsunrex: sorry, 'sudo modprobe soundcore'03:01
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Hieronymus!info torcs03:02
ubotutorcs: (3D racing cars simulator game using OpenGL), section universe/games, is optional. Version: 1.2.2-5ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 2325 kB, Installed size: 29824 kB03:02
=== capi_ [~capiCrimm@CPE-65-31-169-86.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
BiSK-8i'm using the cernel that comes with the last ubuntu03:02
CheticHieronymus, you know any other simulators? :p03:02
sunrexHappyFool:tyler@Darkworks:~$ sudo modprobe soundcore03:02
sunrextyler@Darkworks:~$ sudo modprobe soundcore03:02
sunrextyler@Darkworks:~$ sudo modprobe soundcore03:02
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HappyFoolonly once03:02
HappyFooland please don't paste more than two lines here03:03
marcBiSK-8, Your system x86?03:03
sunrexHappyFool: i did nothing happend03:03
anatole_anyone could help, if this ubuntu box is the server, how to avoid windows clients from getting internet? i'd like to use networking though03:03
BiSK-8i386, yep03:03
Fikrannsunrex, modprobe will not display anything if it succeeded.03:03
sunrexso...all i need is the driver then lol03:03
HappyFoolsunrex: soundcore appears to be working as desired03:03
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capi_how do you accept input in a bash cmd? like `./script input' ?03:03
BiSK-8marc: i386, yep03:04
sven-tek_gaimanatole_ many ways to do it, most simple would be a passworded proxy server03:04
HieronymusChetic: no03:04
HieronymusChetic: but gl-117 is a cool flight game03:04
HappyFoolsunrex: try to follow the instructions on the alsa page03:04
anatole_sven-tek_gaim: and how to do that? is there a howto for it?03:04
GouramiHi, does anyone know how I can stop my external monitor from blanking when I close the laptops lid ?03:04
capi_*bash scripting file, not bash cmd03:04
Fikrannanatole, install shorewall, then follow howtos on http://shorewall.net/03:04
marcBiSK-8, apt-get install linux-headers-38603:04
sunrexHappyFool: i will...what driver do i need =/03:04
HieronymusChetic: it can also be used in 'simulator mode' but I don't know if it's really a sim03:04
HappyFoolcapi_: use $1 for the first parameter -- is that what you mean?03:04
CheticI don't like the graphics..03:04
HappyFoolsunrex: ca0106, afaict03:04
capi_yes,  thats what I was lokign for. :)03:05
sunrexHappyFool:but were do i get it..i got the page...but theres no downloads03:05
HappyFoolsunrex: there's a download link at the top of the page03:05
BiSK-8marc, i'm done03:05
HappyFoolsunrex: you don't just download one driver; you download the whole of alsa, i believe03:05
sven-tek_gaimanatole_: you can use apache or what ever proxy server03:06
BiSK-8it still gives me error03:06
BiSK-8marc: may i pm03:06
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marcChetic, cedega X-plane.exe03:06
HappyFoolsunrex: this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HdaIntelSoundHowto will give you an idea of what you must do -- but note that it's for a different card03:06
marcChetic, :P03:06
marcBiSK-8, sure03:06
Cheticmarc, wtf is X-plane? :p03:06
marcChetic, http://www.x-plane.com/03:07
sunrexHappyFool:i wish u could just do it for me..like remote acsess lol03:07
Hieronymus!info xplane03:07
Hieronymus!info x-plane03:07
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Hieronymusubotu Package 'x-plane' does not exist.03:07
ubotuWish i knew, Hieronymus03:07
marcChetic, Wait There is a linux version of x-plane too03:08
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JonaxQuick question - What would the command line be to extract a .tar.bz2 file?03:08
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HieronymusJonax: tar -xvjf03:08
Tsukasatar --bzip2 -xvf03:08
Cheticmarc, I'm not going to PAY for it :p03:08
Hoxzerthis is such a pitty03:08
HieronymusJonax: or figure out yourself: man tar03:08
Hoxzerwe should give a love to each other03:08
bojanglesand all these programmers recently complaining that they can't make any money off of free or even open source software.....well that is strange because IBM, Intel, SGI, HP, Dell, AMD, Sony, Sun, Epson....have no problem making billions of dollars off of free software03:08
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BiSK-8marc: <----pm03:09
Cheticmarc, DCC me some $ and I might actually try it :p03:10
znh-[bleep] -03:10
bojanglesand what do all those have in common...that distinguishes them from the starving programmers.03:10
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TsukasaI think at least IBM, SGI, HP, Dell and Sun make some big bucks from their server market where they utilize open source03:10
marcbojangles, They get paid supporting free software, not programming it03:10
Tsukasaso they don't make a living purely out of open source03:11
bojanglesmarc, well i am just saying that the free software programmers should stop complaining and start writing the right type of code that will make them billions.03:11
eruinanyone here using gaim2?03:11
marchow can they make money off of free software?03:12
bojanglesmarc, it would seem that if they implement their code in hardware they won't have a problem making any money..03:12
Tsukasathe age where you can make a fortune by hacking around your spectrum computer in a garage are over03:12
marcbojangles, so they are making money off hardware, and not software?03:13
JonaxWhoops - Sos, bash flashback :)03:13
marcbojangles, In a highly competitive market where the big boys control everything?03:13
bojanglesmarc, after all SGI got the MIPS code for free from Stanford University since it was paid for by the taxpayers.....and they made billions of dollars from the MIPS processors..03:13
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bojanglesmarc, and IBM got the RISC code from Berkeley for free where it was paid for by the taxpayers.....and they made billions of dollars off of it03:14
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marcbojangles, I understand that, but the free software developer is always left out of the loop of making money03:15
othernoobmaybe that's why they are "free software developer"...just a thought..03:15
Hoxzersometimes my best wasn't good enought for youuu03:15
Hoxzersometimes I lett youu go03:15
bojanglesmarc, not if they design their own processors, microcode, firmware, bios, etc., bus strategies,03:15
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Hoxzersometimes I heart you so03:15
HoxzerI know that I can be the meanest person in the world03:16
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bigredjoe1310anyone know of a list of repositories for ubuntu besides the default and guide?03:17
bojanglesmarc, hell some of them plan on making lots and lots of money off of their TPM module and DRM code03:17
ColonelKernelmplayer wont install03:17
ColonelKernelit lists a bunch of depends but says theyre not installable03:17
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itzHow do i change sudo password.. i cant find root or sudo in users/group03:18
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TsukasaColonelKernel, did you run apt-get with sudo? :)03:19
jcoxonitz, sudo passwd03:19
marcwhy is my system going down for reboot in 10 secs03:19
HieronymusColonelKernel: breezy?03:19
Hieronymusmarc: someone did sudo shutdown 1003:19
ColonelKernelit did it as root03:19
ColonelKernelHieronymus, warty03:19
marcIm the only user lol03:19
sexcopter8000mdoes anyone have bitlbee here?03:19
HieronymusColonelKernel: what is your sources.list?03:20
itzjcoxon, thx worked like charm ;)03:20
ColonelKernelHieronymus, ill paste it on pastebin03:20
Hieronymusthat's good03:20
jcoxonitz, no probs03:21
ColonelKernelHieronymus, http://pastebin.com/30999303:21
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ColonelKernelit cut off the backports section a little w my bad cut /paste03:22
HieronymusColonelKernel: you don't have main enabled, that'll give you problems03:22
ubotuI heard sources is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3803:23
Hieronymusmake a new one based upon what ubotu said03:23
Hieronymus!good bot03:23
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ColonelKernelHieronymus, thanks03:23
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HieronymusColonelKernel: okay, post again on pastebin if you did that03:26
HieronymusI'll review it03:26
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sunrexgot a question..why dont they just make it so everything comes pre-installed?03:28
sunrexis there any lunix like that?03:28
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apokryphossunrex: because that we be very many gigabytes, and useless ones, for most.03:29
Hieronymussunrex: 'lunix' what's that? Are you talking about the Linux kernel?03:29
ubotuhmm... linux is the "kernel", or core of the Ubuntu operating system. Ubuntu is only one version of Linux. For more information on Linux in general, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux03:29
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djtanseydoes anyone know if the next version of ubuntu/gnome will have easier open-with "other" dialogs? i just downloaded an mpg and firefox asked me, "would you like to open this is -xine-" with xine in the drop-down box. i wanted to use totem, so i said "other" and put in /usr/bin/totem -- but you can't expect newbies to do that. shouldn't it show programs form the applicatoins menu?03:31
sunrexwhat games are there right now with lunix support anyway03:31
BiSK-8all games work on linux03:32
BiSK-8use wine03:32
sunrexwere do i get wine again. the free one03:32
BiSK-8sudo apt-get install wine03:32
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jcoxonsunrex, some games have linux binaries03:32
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jcoxonsunrex, which you use with the original cd03:33
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jcoxonsunrex, i think castle wolfenstein (as in the new one)03:33
jcoxonsunrex, and i think quake 303:33
sunrexok i got wine..now were is it =/03:33
JamesI cannot view any of the Real or WM video streams on the BBC News site. Nor does Firefox find a relevant plugin. How can I get them to work?03:33
sunrexonce i sudo wine how do i use it lol03:34
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BiSK-8any1 of u ppl like star wars?03:35
itzJames, got same problem03:35
Jamesitz: no solution?03:35
itzhavent tried03:36
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itzJames,  just wanna say it so u didnt think it was something wrong at ur install ;)03:36
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Jamesitz: oh okay, thanks! :)03:37
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sunrexis wine always this slow lol03:37
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Panzerboycan anybody pls tell me what this means?03:37
PanzerboyFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/i/imlib2/libimlib2_1.1.2-2.1_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch03:37
BiSK-8can any1 help me delete a file from the desktop?03:37
sunrexoh um whats the website that tells u how to install the games with wine?03:38
deFryskklik it once and hit hte del button03:38
JamesBiSK-8: drag it to the wastebasket.03:38
BiSK-8wint work03:38
JamesBiSK-8: ask the right question, get the right answer03:38
BiSK-8access denied03:38
JamesWhat's the file?03:38
BiSK-8a folder03:39
djtanseyPanzerboy. That is an unusual problem. It means that it downloaded the file but then the signature of the file (to confirm that it got what it was expecting) didn't match. this can happen when the whole file didn't download or for other reasons. are you using the command line apt-get or synaptic?03:39
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BiSK-8called hydra-2.203:39
Panzerboydjtansey: apt-get03:39
BiSK-8a half compiled tarball03:39
itzkgsudo nautilus /home/usr  then try03:39
Panzerboycommand line03:39
JamesBiSK-8: it's probably not owned by you, but by "root".03:39
itzBiSK-8, kgsudo nautilus /home/usr  then try03:40
deFrysksudo rm blah03:40
deFrysksudo rm -rf blah03:40
Panzerboydjtansey: should i try again ?03:40
djtanseyPanzerboy: try sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install (or whever you were doing) again. it might just be because there is an update to the file that wasn't there last time you did apt-get update03:40
Panzerboydjtansey: ok, thanks03:40
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BiSK-8i tried 2 delete it through root03:40
BiSK-8but wont work03:40
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markusHow do I enable dma for my cdrom?03:41
Panzerboydjtansey: the problem is at the download, apparently it doesn't download the whole file03:41
Panzerboyi wonder why though03:41
djtanseyPanzerboy: i don't know how proficient you are. you can find the .deb file that failed in /var/cache/apt/archives and delete it and try again. or you can do an apt-get clean (which removes all downloaded deb files. something you should do from time to time anyway to save some space)03:41
JamesBiSK-8: try using the terminal. Type "cd Desktop", and then "sudo rm hydra-2.2".03:41
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djtanseyPanzerboy: you tried an apt-get update? it might be something wrong with the server -- it might have a corrupt copy of the file or have some other issue03:42
Panzerboydjtansey: i think will manage to find the deb, thanks a lot03:42
BiSK-8wont work03:42
Panzerboydjtansey: i tried apt-get update03:42
Panzerboythen install again03:42
djtanseyPanzerboy: it should /var/cache/apt/archives/imlib2/libimlib2_1.1.2-2.1_i386.deb03:42
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JamesBiSK-8: why, same error?03:43
Panzerboydjtansey: nope, not there03:43
Panzerboynot even the directory is there03:43
BiSK-8root@bisk8:/home/bisk8/Desktop # sudo rm hydra-2.203:43
BiSK-8rm: impossibile rimuovere `hydra-2.2': Is a directory03:43
BiSK-8root@bisk8:/home/bisk8/Desktop #03:43
djtanseyPanzer: sorry -- get rid of the imlib2 part --03:43
Panzerboyit is in partial03:43
JamesBiSK-8: sorry, type: "sudo rm -rf hydra-2.2"03:43
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Panzerboydjtansey: i've deleted it from partial03:44
BiSK-8it worked03:44
Panzerboydjtansey: i'll try again03:44
sunrex*sigh* how do you get starcraft to run with wine03:44
markusHow do I disable services in ubuntu?03:44
djtanseyPanzer: that's interesting. so yeah -- probably a download error. but your connection is okay?03:44
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sunrexi mean by every time i try to play it it says 'no cd' or somthing like that03:44
BiSK-8cya all 2morrow03:44
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Gouramisunrex, buy the original :)03:44
Panzerboydjtansey: well, i am experiencing some times some strange problems with apt-get03:44
sunrexi have the original03:45
Panzerboydjtansey: no matter what mirror i try, sometimes, it's very slow03:45
sunrexim using normal free wine03:45
djtanseyPanzer: where are you (geographically)03:45
Panzerboydjtansey: but the browsing and other downloads (for example from firefox) are ok03:45
Panzerboydjtansey: romania03:45
sunrexit installed fine..but it just wont play it does not detect the cd..03:45
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Panzerboydjtansey: same thing with imlib03:45
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djtanseyPanzerboy: yeah. i get some slow speeds from  time to time. you're using the US mirror. there are closer ones.03:45
eskaypeyhow to take the outline of the window off when it goes to tray when minimizing it03:45
Panzerboydjtansey: it downloads around 175K03:46
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Panzerboyfrom the file03:46
Gouramisunrex then get a cracked copy03:46
Panzerboyfrom 185K03:46
Panzerboyso strange03:46
Panzerboyother apt-get installs were ok03:46
sunrexGourami: u mean its not just wine screwing up? it works FINE on windows..03:46
Panzerboyeven the whole update03:46
Panzerboywent ok03:46
djtanseyPanzerboy: the us.archive.ubuntu.com file is corrupt, i think. i just downloaded it and dpkg --info borked.03:46
Panzerboyok, i will switch the mirror then03:46
djtanseyPanzer: k03:47
Panzerboybut i guess on all the mirrors it will be the same03:47
Panzerboyor ?03:47
Gouramiwinehq reports that starcraft is one of the proven apps to work on wine, I havent tried it myself though03:47
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sunrexit installs fine..i guess the CDROM just wont be detected couse of the windows programs on it03:47
HieronymusGourami: please do not suggest cracking03:48
djtanseyPanzerboy: just tried http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/i/imlib2/libimlib2_1.1.2-2.1_i386.deb03:48
djtansey -- it worked.03:48
sunrexis there somthing i have to do to make it work? im a newb at lunix..03:48
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Panzerboydjtansey: cool, so i will just remove the us from the deb source03:48
djtanseyPanzer: so yo ucan just copy that file into your apt/archives dir and redo whatever installtion you were doing03:48
djtanseyPanzer: and do apt-get update03:48
Panzerboythanks a lot!03:48
djtanseyPanzer: np. let me know if it works. i'll be on for a bit03:48
GouramiHieronymus, why not, then he can see if its wine or starcraft thats the problem03:49
sunrexi dont get this...starcraft installs fine..i try to play..bam it wont let me play.03:49
djtanseyPanzer: and if you're new to linux, welcome. it seems you know your way around decently though.03:49
Gouramisunrex have you checked to see if theres anything on winehq ?03:49
djtanseyPanzer: i've been using it exclusively since 1997. am very happy with ubuntu. used debian since 1999.03:49
sunrexsudo wine?03:49
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Gouramiwinehq.com or .org or google for winehq its their web site03:50
Panzerboydjtansey: thanks, i'm not quite new to linux, i've been using it since 2000 or so :)03:50
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Panzerboydjtansey: but with interruptions :)03:50
Panzerboydjtansey: and not debian, only once and for a couple of weeks or so :)03:51
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djtanseyPanzer: well, i thope those interruptions will become more and more infrequent.03:51
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SDFH_Linuxguys is there a way to make windows media player streams work03:51
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silashi all.03:51
JamesSDFH_Linux: I'd like to know too!03:51
=== mactiny [opera@nps-ip-nas-1-p65.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Panzerboydjtansey: they will, thanks to ubuntu :)03:51
djtanseyPanzer: well, i fell in love with debian for the philosophy and the package managment and the community. fortunatelly, ubuntu has all of them. though i still try to help debian when i can (and use it on my server)03:51
silashey, what is the ubuntu iinitialization script?03:51
adwaitppl.....any idea why play.games.com doesnt work on ubuntu?03:51
zeppehi you all03:51
Panzerboydjtansey: it worked from the ro.archive03:52
zeppei'm not able to burn cds with any gui03:52
djtanseyPanzerboy: yay for romania03:52
Panzerboydjtansey: but, strangely, it was slower than us.archive :P03:52
SDFH_Linuxyes windows media players streams would be nice to work anyone know how03:52
silashey, what is the ubuntu iinitialization script?03:52
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djtanseyPanzer: hah.03:52
Panzerboydjtansey: :)03:52
Kamping_KaiserSDFH_Linux: try mplayer03:52
zeppenautilus reports any cd not to be empty -- I tried with many ones03:52
Panzerboydjtansey: where are you from ?03:52
sunrexok i said wine control...03:52
zeppegnomebaker too03:53
djtanseyPanzer: i travel around the world a lot so i'm always changing my mirrors. though, if i'm going to be traveling a lot and don't want to think about it, i just use regular archive.ubuntu.com03:53
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pmaizeppe reboot?03:53
sunrexexited with failure status of 1..03:53
djtanseyPanzerboy: born in america, though i've only lived there for 7 years03:53
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Panzerboydjtansey: ok :)03:53
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Panzerboydjtansey: and now you're in europe?03:53
djtanseyPanzerboy: you're romanian? you have good english.03:53
djtanseyPanzer: in israel presently. at least for another month.03:54
onkarshindeis there any chance that SeaMonkey will be added to some repository of Ubuntu?03:54
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Panzerboydjtansey: yeah, well, i've studied english since i was 8 :)03:54
Panzerboydjtansey: cool. i've been in israel03:54
djtanseyPanzer: good. what else do you speak?03:54
zeppein eroaster as i press "burn" absolutly NOTHING happens...03:54
SDFH_Linuxwhat is seamonkey03:54
djtanseyPanzer: it's an interesting place03:54
zeppewhat could be the cause?03:54
Panzerboydjtansey: been there for 3 months03:54
Panzerboydjtansey: yeah, quite dangerous though03:54
djtanseyPanzerboy: about the same as me. i've been here a couple times for a few weeks each03:55
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djtanseyPanzer: fortunately, this summer has been calm.03:55
Panzerboydjtansey: i speak romanian (of course :P) and bit of french and german03:55
Panzerboydjtansey: yeah03:55
zeppeanybody as an idea?03:55
djtanseyPanzer: no chinese or russian? those are my other languages. and a tiny bit of turkmen.03:55
Panzerboydjtansey: my wife is german so i'll try to learn the language03:55
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onkarshindeSDFH_Linux: It is the new rebranded Mozilla Suite, now being developed by community03:55
Panzerboydjtansey: nope03:55
blackoutanyone know how to stop a laptop from hibernating?03:55
djtanseyPanzer: cool. what is your profession?03:55
Panzerboydjtansey: i've tried to learn japanese at one point :)03:55
blackoutubuntu doesn't allow it to be woken up (at least, not in any way i can determine)03:56
Panzerboydjtansey: programmer :)03:56
Panzerboydjtansey: yours?03:56
zeppeanyone can help me to have burner find empty cds?!?03:56
djtanseyblackout: do you have any command line experience? you can look at /etc/default/acpi-support and turn off hibernate.03:56
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djtanseyPanzer: international development03:56
zeppeno ideas?!?!03:57
Panzerboydjtansey: what does that mean ? :)03:57
blackoutdjtansey, yes, extensive.  I'll turn it off from there.03:57
sunrexWine does not detect my CD drive or CD03:57
sunrexis there a way to fix this?03:57
Panzerboyzeppe: what do you mean by that?03:57
djtanseyPanzerboy: small business development in developing areas. educational development. things like htat.03:57
sunrexi mean i cant play any games...it doesnt detect it03:57
djtanseyblackout: and remember do sudo /etc/init.d/acpid restart03:58
Panzerboydjtansey: cool, you should come to romania :-)03:58
sunrexwine "c:\program files\starcraft\starcraft.exe"03:58
sunrex does not detect CD ROM03:58
Panzerboydjtansey: there are lots of things like that to be done here03:58
zeppePanzer, both cd burner and cd reader are correctly found and mounted03:58
zeppebut if I insert an empty cd03:58
zeppeany empty cd03:58
zeppeboth gnomebaker and nautilus tell me the cd is not empty03:59
Scroopyquick query, whats the Winamp equivalent for Ubuntu?03:59
sunrexi seriously dont get this..why doesnt it detect a CD..03:59
djtanseyPanzerboy: maybe i will sometime. i don't have a lot of background in europe. my experience is mostly in central and east asia. i'd like to get to south asia and africa. though a lot of europe needs (and gets) int'l devel work03:59
sunrexit doesnt detect it when i want to play the game...just when im installing03:59
Panzerboydjtansey: i see03:59
zeppewhile eroaster do nothing as i press 'burn'03:59
djtanseyPanzer: you could become a micro-financer if you wanted to help03:59
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Panzerboydjtansey: it's interesting, i'd like to find out more03:59
mojoexcuse me every103:59
zeppeScroopy, it is XMMS03:59
djtanseyPanzer: have any background in business management or know anyone who does?03:59
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BurgerMannHow do I kill a process that just one die?04:00
mojocan some1 give me where to find instruction how to install ATI driver?04:00
Scroopythanks zeppe04:00
Panzerboydjtansey: well, i have a degree in economics :-), but no real experience04:00
adwaitBurgerMann: kill <PID>04:00
Panzerboydjtansey: so yes, i've studied all that, management, marketing, etc, but, as i said, i have no real experience in this area04:00
mojoBurgerMann: ps -aux to see the process ID, then use kill <PID>04:00
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BurgerMannadwait, it doesn't seem to wanna be kiled04:00
mojocan some1 give me where to find instruction how to install ATI driver?04:00
BurgerMannmojo, that doesn't kill it04:01
adwaitBurgerMann: wht happens whn u use kill?04:01
onkarshindemojo: google ubuntu ati. You will surely find reference to ubuntu forum04:01
BurgerMannadwait, nothing actually.. it just stays on my list04:01
[koji] BurgerMann: Ctrl+Alt-Del :P04:01
caplink811_logBurgerMann,  kill -9 oid04:01
Panzerboyzeppe: sorry, don't know what's the problem ... just installed ubuntu, didn't get to the cd burning phase04:01
onkarshindeBurgerMann: What do you want to kill?04:01
=== Panzerboy is installing mplayer right now
djtanseyPanzer: i have a good friend who went to nigeria with 50,000 that he had saved up over the years and started a micro-financing institute. has helped 800 people start business with his microloans. has had a 0% default rate. he provides 3 weeks of basic business training, has them submit load applications, reviews which ones seem reasonable, and then grants the loans. has quintupled the business's worth in something like 3 years.04:01
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zeppeno matter, panzerboy04:02
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Panzerboydjtansey: interesting04:02
zeppebut i wonder if really nobody reading the chat has any idea...04:02
kbrookszeppe, uh04:02
onkarshindeHow good is mplayer as compared to vlc?04:02
Panzerboydjtansey: the problem is that i'm married and i doubt my wife would like the idea :)04:02
BurgerMannonkarshinde, it's a game I quit :S04:02
mojoBurgerMann: ahh, hey man, go to Applications > System Tools > System Monitor04:02
kbrookszeppe, whats ur problem04:02
djtanseyPanzer: so it really is something anyone reasonably intelligent person can do. look up micro financing institute on google and you cand learn plenty. and there are some great books on it.04:02
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BurgerMannonkarshinde, now I can't reopen it04:03
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BurgerMannmojo, did that :s04:03
Panzerboyonkarshinde: i've never used anything but mplayer, so all i can tell you is that mplayer rocks :)04:03
onkarshindeBurgerMann: Try killing it from System Monitor04:03
djtanseyPanzer: yeah, that's always a problem. understanding that i'm going to be pushing the frontiers was part of my prenuptual agreement :)04:03
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kbrookskonserve? cool04:03
BurgerMannnothing seems to work, not even sending it abort or kill signals04:03
Panzerboydjtansey: lol04:03
naliothkbrooks: what is up?04:03
kbrooksnalioth, just discovered an app04:03
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zeppeboth nautilus and gnomebaker tell me empty cds are not empty when trying starting burning process04:03
=== adwait quit........hungry.....gotta find food...........
vagamenteany AUDIGY2 user????04:04
onkarshindeBurgerMann: If you are not doing much work. Why don't you save everything and kill your X session?04:04
naliothkbrooks: a good discovery?04:04
zergvagamente, no04:04
kbrooksnalioth, a backup app ;)04:04
zergkbdcb, tar?04:04
Panzerboywell, mplayer doesn't work for me04:04
BurgerMannonkarshinde, that's kinda a panic solution I think, I thought root could kill any process :S04:04
kbrookskonserve :P04:04
Panzerboyit starts04:04
znh_hmm.. why can't I update libc6 to the newest version?04:04
Panzerboybut no image appears04:05
djtanseyPanzer: but i gtg. it was nice meeting you.04:05
BurgerMannIts seems to be a GHOST process.. dear heaven04:05
Panzerboydjtansey: yeah, nice meeting you too :)04:05
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kbrooksznh_, why do you want to do that04:05
Panzerboydjtansey: have a nice weekend04:05
znh_kbrooks: I'd like to install a xfce4 plugin that requires libc6 >= 2.3.5-104:05
naliothznh_: because you already have the newest version?04:05
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Panzerboyis anybody else experiencing problems with mplayer?04:05
znh_nalioth: false04:05
znh_Panzerboy: use vlc instead04:06
zeppekbrooks, that's the matter: both nautilus and gnomebaker tell me empty cds are not empty when trying starting burning process -- eroaster instead do absolutly NOTHING as i press burn04:06
naliothznh_: are you using hoary?04:06
znh_nalioth: yes I do04:06
naliothzeppe: use k3b04:06
sunrexhow do i get starcraft to play b/c it keeps saying no CD even thou theres a CD in the drive04:06
kbrookssunrex, wine?04:06
drummer87is there a way to control another computer without vnc? say web based?04:06
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znh_drummer87: vnc can be used webbased with java04:07
naliothznh_: if you install in some fashion a newer libc6 you'll kill your hoary04:07
zeppenalioth, do you think it can only be a front-end question? not something more serious?04:07
naliothdrummer87: ssh04:07
znh_nalioth: aw :(04:07
Panzerboyznh_: thanks for the suggestion, but i'd really like to use mplayer :)04:07
naliothzeppe: you can try all options04:07
blackoutdjtansey, hmmm, i edited out the acpi-support line, and restarted acpid, but when i close and open the screen, i still get a black screen with a blinking cursor.04:07
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znh_Panzerboy: you might want to try compiling at your self.. the debian packages didn't work for met oo04:07
drummer87ssh? i thought that was just a security protocol, how do i do it with that?04:07
kbrooksznh_, dont recommend that04:07
sunrexkbrooks:is there any other free programs like wine?04:08
zeppenalioth-- you're right... but as long as i can't burn i does not have enough space to install kde libraries!!04:08
blackoutperhaps the blacking out of screen after shutting/opening isn't hibernate, but something else?04:08
onkarshindePanzerboy: I will say, use VLC once and you will never touch anything else.04:08
znh_kbrooks: I know that other programs won't find mplayer (via apt-get)04:08
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Panzerboyznh_: oh, i see04:09
onkarshindeHow good Hibernate works in Ubuntu?04:09
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kbrooksznh_, thats why i said that....dpkg can be useeeeed, but theres risk of breaking04:09
Panzerboyonkarshinde: i will try to use vlc04:09
Panzerboylet's see :P04:09
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sunrexkbrooks: hello...04:09
naliothzeppe: you don't have another puter on the network you can xfer some files to?04:09
pmaiPanzerboy vlc?04:09
kbrookssunrex, cant help u sorry04:09
bojanglesdjtansey, why do you bring up that shit about microfinancing....that is just another name for LOAN SHARKS that inevitably destroy people's lives who can't repay the debts.......someone said "Seldom lend and never borrow"04:09
sunrexkbrooks: why not?04:10
Jhair(breezy)jtocancipa@mandala:~ $ apt-cache show xfce404:10
JhairW: Unable to locate package xfce404:10
onkarshindePanzerboy: Also make sure that you choose the best video output option before making your opinion.04:10
Jhairno xfce4 with breezy then?04:10
kbrooksJhair, apt-get update04:10
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zeppenalioth-- ... well, with some work maybe i could make space and so on... but it seems strange to me if after having tried with three or four different gui frontends i solve my problems with the 5th! shouldn't it be something related to some configuration?04:11
sunrexok...how do i fix this problem...wine wont detect the CD when i click play...it starts loading then it says no-cd...cd not detected...but the CD is right in the drive..04:11
Panzerboyonkarshinde: vlc has a gui? or it's like mplayer by default, without gui04:11
mojoexcuse me04:11
naliothzeppe: do you dual boot?04:11
naliothPanzerboy: vlc is gui04:11
kbrooksPanzerboy, it has a GUI04:11
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mojocan every1 show me how to change the content of source.list of apt so i can retrieve all latest beta Colony packages?04:11
Panzerboyok, sorry :)04:11
ubotuhmm... vlc is a media player that plays some formats natively.04:11
zeppeyes... ubuntu + freedos + win98 on one disk, another win98 on the other04:11
sunrexis anyone going to anser me..04:12
=== Panzerboy is apt-getting it right now :)
kbrooksmojo: 'latest' is dangerous04:12
ubotuI guess mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto04:12
naliothzeppe: does the burner hardware burn under the other OS'?04:12
ubotupmai: I don't know04:12
kbrookswhy do you want the latest packages04:12
sunrexoh...do i need to change a setting on Wine like change what WINDOWS OS it fakes?04:12
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znh_Hmm.. does there exist some graphical samba client? (Like i saw in gnome)04:12
ubotuonkarshinde: Are you smoking crack?04:13
naliothzeppe: did you have room on the linux partition during insall of linux (and just fill it with pR0n since?)04:13
zeppenalioth, sorry-- i'm not understanding04:13
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znh_how to make cp skip files that are already on the destination04:14
znh_ path04:14
zeppenalioth, wath did you mean with "have room on the linux partition"?04:14
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kbrooksfree space04:14
mojokbrooks: i want to test it, that's all, latest packages are good for me, i am developer and tester04:14
kbrooksmojo: is 'Colony' a 3rd party repo?04:15
naliothzeppe: is your linux partition full up with data?04:15
blackoutdoes ubuntu have any tools for editing whether the init.d scripts run or not?  like debian's rcconf, or RH's runlevel editor?04:15
mojokbrooks: no, i think its latest beta  from Ubuntu04:15
Panzerboywell, mplayer works04:15
naliothkbrooks: colony is the code for breezy development, i believe04:15
zeppeonly 66 mb free at the moment04:16
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Panzerboyi just had to select esd as the audio output04:16
kbrooksnalioth, sure?04:16
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naliothkbrooks: i believe it is (ie colony2, colony3, etc)04:16
zeppenalioth, about 1,5 GB of data on a 4GB partition -- now only 66mb free04:16
kbrooksnalioth, if so, is the code in colony 'latest', as mojo claims it isnt?04:16
naliothzeppe: do you have room on other partitions for data?04:17
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zeppenalioth, what does it mean "room"?!? free space?04:17
c0alHi, i'm a long time debian user and thinking of switching to ubuntu because the packages seem more up to date. I was wondering if it uses the same programs for package installation? apt-get, apt-build, dpkg etc ?04:17
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naliothzeppe: yes, free space04:17
naliothc0al: yes04:17
naliothc0al: ubuntu is debian underneath04:18
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sunrexhow do i get starcraft to PLAY on wine?04:18
zeppeno, i had to fill up linux partition because my housemates needed space on the windows one...04:18
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c0aland one other question - will using debs from debian repositorys break anything on the ubuntu system?04:18
naliothc0al: yes, debian debs tend to break ubuntu04:18
c0alHrmm. i have a .deb of cedega that i use to play all my games04:18
naliothzeppe: you need some empty space on your linux partition for some burners to work04:19
zeppebut, nalioth, do you really think k3b could work if all the other frontends failed? if so i could find a way to free space04:19
c0aland my subscription to transgaming has ran out04:19
sunrexhello...can anyone help me?04:19
naliothc0al: commercial cedega?04:19
JhairI wonder why xfce4 is only in the 'universe' repository (i.e. officially unsupported) whereas xfce4 is part of the main Debian distribution.04:19
naliothsunrex: if you ask a question04:19
zeppenalioth: ah! how much?04:19
c0alnalioth, yes04:19
sunrexnalioth:how do i get starcraft to PLAY in wine>04:19
naliothzeppe: at least as much as you're trying to burn, i'd think04:19
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djtanseyblackout: there is a difference between suspend and hibernate. one is to RAM, one is to the hard drive. you can disable sleep as well. what laptop do you have?04:20
djtanseyblackout: suspend = sleep04:20
zeppenalioth: but i'm trying to burn on the fly, not with the ISO!04:20
naliothsunrex: have you tried #wine /path/to/starcraft.exe ?04:20
blackoutdjtansey, compaq 90004:20
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BurgerMannNoone wouldn't accidently know how to kill a process in D-state?04:20
naliothzeppe: i dont use graveman or gnomebaker and am not sure if those programs use cache space04:20
zeppenalioth: k3b does not?04:21
blackoutdjtansey, i've got acpi_sleep=false, acpi_hibernate=false04:21
sunrexnalioth: yes...i can do everything ACCEPT PLAY IT04:21
naliothzeppe: but 66mb is not a good amount of free space to have04:21
blackoutdjtansey, could it be anything else i need to disable?04:21
djtanseyblackout: interesting.04:21
fyunobarhow do i get midi to work? i've STFW'd tried everything i read, none of it gave results.04:21
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sunrexnalioth: i can even see the preivew and install =/04:21
djtanseyblackout: well, basically everything is in /etc/acpi04:21
sunrexnalioth: but when i say PLAY it says no cd =/04:21
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naliothsunrex: have you been to #wine ?04:21
djtanseyblackout: except /usr/share/acpi-support/power-funcs04:22
djtanseyblackout: and /etc/default/acpi-support04:22
sunrexnalioth: u mean in terminal04:22
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zeppenalioth: i said i can find a why to increase my free space. but if it is a cache problem, should'nt the apps tell me "not enough free space to cache data" or something and not that my f**king cds would not be empty?!?04:22
blackoutdjtansey, but all i have to disable are those 2 lines in acpi-support?04:22
naliothsunrex: when i install wine for my clients (i have no x86) i always use the terminal to start stuff up04:22
sunrexnalioth:i did that to...it still said no cd =/04:23
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blackoutdjtansey, that's a no, by the way - it still blacks out on me.04:23
naliothzeppe: i think gnomebaker and graveman are very 'unfinished' next to k3b04:23
sunrexnalioth:wine "c:\program files\starcraft\starcraft.exe"04:23
drummer87w00t.. ssh is so much better than vnc for the shell04:23
djtanseyblackout: so i thought. i had to enable sleep that way. but worse comes to worse just comment out everything in /etc/acpi/lid.sh04:23
djtanseyblackout: or if you feel comfortable, edit it04:24
blackoutdjtansey, ooooh, right.  thanks.  That does suck though.04:24
fyunobaris midi even *possible* with linux?04:24
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blackoutdjtansey, i hate messing with package config files, other than what is meant to be edited04:24
naliothsunrex: have you been to #wine here on freenode?04:24
zeppenalioth: also the burning system into nautilus? however, i'm trying gnomebaker and eroaster, not graveman (which seems me good but can not burn on the fly)04:24
sunrexnalioth:starcaft is unable to read a required file..04:24
blackoutsunrex, you'll have much better luck on google04:24
sunrexnalioth: i just joined channal04:24
blackoutsunrex, or #wine04:24
naliothzeppe: the burning system built into nautilus is very simple (like the one built into XP)04:24
djtanseyblackout: have you tried doing ctrl-alt-f7 to get back to X? does it ever actually suspend?04:25
sunrexNalioth:just tell me one thing..do i need Direct X installed? lol04:25
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apollo2011How do I find what process is using a mounted partition so I can unmount it?04:25
blackoutsunrex, this doesnt' really relate to ubuntu very much at all... the quickest way to get it running is to google "debian (or ubuntu" wine, starcraft04:25
naliothsunrex: if you have no luck, you might wish to install cedega-cvs (there is a wiki article on howto)04:25
kbrookssunrex, *need*?04:25
naliothsunrex: are you running wine using your windows HD?04:25
blackoutdjtansey, no - i didn't know that key combo.  I'm unfamiliar with laptop hardware, frankly.04:25
djtanseyblackout: though i don't think that lid.sh even is supposed to suspend you. it just turns off your screen and turns on the screensaver.04:25
sunrexi dont have Windows on my system04:25
kbrooksjust wine?04:25
blackoutdjtansey, no, ctrl-alt-f7 gets me back.04:26
sunrexNalioth: cedega-cvs is that free?04:26
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blackoutdjtansey, now to keep it from doing that - thanks for tracking that one down.04:26
djtanseyblackout: the ctrl-alt-f7 moves you into the virtual terminal that X windows runs on. ctrl-alt-f# gets you to any of them.04:26
naliothsunrex: you are blessed in one regard, then, but i find wine works better using the native windows folder on a installed win system04:26
naliothsunrex: cedega-cvs is free04:26
blackoutdjtansey, i know what it does - i'm not used to not seeing a prompt though04:26
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zeppenalioth: bah, i think i will manage to retransfer all the data to burn on the win98 partition.. as soon as my housemates let me.. and then to install k3b.. hoping it does not report me that stupid error anymore. however, thanks04:26
sunrexnalioth:is it better then wine =/04:26
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kbrookssunrex, yes its free, however the binary cedega is better04:27
kbrookssunrex, yes04:27
blackoutdjtansey, i love the virt terms, i just use the ones with an actual prompt ;)04:27
sunrexis there a code to install that?04:27
djtanseyblackout: you can look at /etc/acpi/lid.sh -- it says chvt (change virtual terminal) 12 -- you can uncomment that possibly. or add a chvt 7 somewhere in there to bring it back.04:27
naliothzeppe: you really need to keep more than 66mb free04:27
nalioth!info cedega-cvs04:27
nalioth!info cedega04:28
kbrooksnalioth, i think cedega-cvs is nonfree, by definition04:28
nalioth!info cedegacvs04:28
djtanseyblackout: it works for me -- meaning it comes back to the X screensaver. so i don't know what's wrong. you installed hoary fresh, or upgraded from warty?04:28
naliothkbrooks: of course it is04:28
naliothkbrooks: but you can get it04:28
naliothstupid bot04:28
kbrooksgoogle it04:28
blackoutdjtansey, hoary fresh - this is my second day in ubuntu, from freebsd and debian04:29
blackoutdjtansey, and openbsd04:29
zeppenalioth, no matter: burning that couple of cds i will have 1,3 gb free.. it's not my use to have 66 mb free04:29
kbrooksdebian was my first distro04:29
naliothblackout: welcome04:29
djtanseyblackout: ah. my background is in debian so ubuntu is very comfortable for me. been using debian since ~1997 (exclusively. i'm something of a zealot, though i've calmed down  abit)04:29
kbrooksdjtansey, heh, same here04:29
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naliothdjtansey: i'm just a zealot about f/osss04:30
kbrookssince 2004 here04:30
djtanseynalioth: which is why i used debian. they gave props to FOSS where others didn't.04:30
kbrooksfree open source software?04:30
blackoutdjtansey, i do apprecate the niceties of ubuntu - i'm surprised by how stable it is.  A little chagrined by lack of packages though, and since universe doesn't have security updates, i can't really use that.  Not sure if that kills ubuntu for me or not04:30
blackoutdjtansey, oh, and by the way, if you delete the chvt 12 line from lid.sh, you get the nice behavior of just putting your screensaver on.04:31
djtanseyblackout: so everything is in /etc/acpi/ -- or is referenced by scripts in there. since you have a good background, you can probably navigate it. i just filed a bug report saying we need more powerful power management config tools04:31
grphxWhat is the common p2p software for linux?04:31
kbrooksblackout, you know, ubuntu is stable. hoary is frozen -- walled off -- to security updatess04:31
blackoutdjtansey, thanks - we do.04:31
djtanseyblackout: are you that worried about security? i use universe and multiverse04:31
kbrooksgrphx, there is none04:31
kbrooksgrphx, i prefer amule04:32
grphxJust torrents?04:32
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kbrooksgrphx, bit torrent too04:32
blackoutdjtansey, i don't know how worried i have to be.  Since no updates occurr, and i use a lot of security tools, i do worry a little bit.04:32
Hieronymusgrphx: there are the .mules, torrent and some others04:32
djtanseyblackout: deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted universe multiverse04:32
fyunobarcat /dev/sndstat says "Midi devices: NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG", how can i enable them?04:32
djtanseyblackout: well -- that's only relavent if you use security tools from universe/multiverse.04:32
grphxThank you..04:32
DekaPinkHello, my lovelies.04:33
kbrooksblackout, you know, ubuntu does not install *any* daemons04:33
djtanseyblackout: but since i have those links and they don't bork i me -- i don't know what that means.04:33
grphxI swear this whole Synaptic Package thing is awsome(linux newbie)04:33
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Hieronymusgrphx: agreed04:33
kbrooksgrphx, there is no general consenus as to what software is "common" or not04:33
Hieronymusbut it has some downfalls04:33
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blackoutkbrooks, but the security tools are vulnerable from time to time04:33
kbrookswhat p2p software*04:33
p8ntballer100822how do u add a program to the aplication drop down menu???04:34
blackoutdjtansey, so there are some security updates for universe?04:34
djtanseyblackout: presumably some amount.04:34
grphxkbrooks: Huh?04:34
mojoah, i know there is lots of question about what command used in Ubuntu to convert JDK bin to DEB file, can some1 tell me what program ppl use for now?04:34
djtanseydjtansey: are you CIA, mossad, what? :)04:34
kbrooksgrphx, there is no general consenus as to what p2p software is "common" or not04:34
=== zeppe leaving: bye you all
CoopaHowdy all04:34
grphxSo there is no popular program?04:35
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kbrooksmojo, many programs are used sequentially04:35
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djtanseymojo: there are no easy tools for converting things to deb files, sorry. it's a fairly complicated process.04:35
blackoutkbrooks, what do you mean "walled off"?  That doesn't apply to security, does it?04:35
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djtanseygrphx: pop program for what?04:35
kbrooksblackout, re read04:35
mojokbrooks: atleast, u just tell me the command?04:35
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Xr|pIs it possible to route network with a live cd ubuntu ?04:35
kbrooksblackout, you know, ubuntu is stable. hoary is frozen -- walled off -- to programs, only *security updates*"04:35
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QaDeSdoes anyone know how to install jdk1.5 on ubuntu?04:36
[koji] mojo: why don't you use a native ubuntu deb?04:36
kbrooksQaDeS, use the wiki04:36
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blackoutkbrooks, i did, couldnt' parse your statement.04:36
kbrooksmojo: UTW04:36
blackoutkbrooks, ah, right.  That's what i assumed.04:36
QaDeSwhere is the wiki?04:36
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grphxSo is there any good video editing software for linux?>04:36
blackoutkbrooks, similar to debian stable.  Just with packages created in the last 10 years.04:37
QaDeSi mean, i read something that jdk was in Hoary Extras / Restricted [STAGING] .04:37
QaDeSbut wtf does that mean? ^^04:37
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mojokoji: that's what i am seeking, but i can't, so I rather build it myself04:37
Xr|pIs it possible to route network with a live cd ubuntu ?04:37
[koji] search the wiki04:37
kbrooksmojo: you can04:37
kbrookssearch the wiki04:37
kbrooksQaDeS, where did you read this04:37
Hieronymusmojo: alien maybe04:38
Hieronymusdon't know if it works with jdk04:38
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kbrooksHieronymus, do not recommend alien to any ubuntu user04:38
Hieronymuskbrooks: and why not?04:38
kbrooksespecially newbies04:38
ubotumethinks alien is http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/04:38
kbrooksbecause rpms are incompatible with debian/ubuntu04:38
WhiteRabbitI like the way you work it *No diggity*  (Has Doubt)04:38
nalioths_dogQaDeS: for java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , fakeroot make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] 04:38
kbrooksand so may break the linux box04:39
=== DekaPink feels stupid. --;
mojoHieronymus: not alien, alien is used for RPM not BIN04:39
grphxAnybody use aMule?04:39
CoopaI'm trying to install ubuntu on my desktop pc, but i'm using a wireless keyboard/mouse. When i get to the first prompt screen (where you can just hit Enter to start installtion of ubuntu) the keyboard isn't being recognised. Is this because it's wireless or because it's USB?04:39
Hieronymus!wiki alien04:39
naliothHieronymus: use ubuntu binarys, first, then use apt to build from source an ubuntu binary, 3d, build it yourself04:39
kbrooksmojo, wrong04:39
Hieronymususb should work04:39
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naliothCoopa: could be both04:40
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kbrooksmojo: alien converts from RPM to <insert this format> and back04:40
othernoobanyone ever played uplink?04:40
CoopaGah, i've just moved house and don't have an ordinary kaeyboard or mouse!04:40
Xr|pWhere can I add iptables to a Ubuntu Live CD ?04:40
Deterministsomeone ping detersub.homedns.org please and tell me if you can get a reply04:40
kbrooksXr|p, You don't.04:40
kbrooksXr|p, well04:41
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Xr|pkbrooks, so I can't route my homenetwork with a live cd ?04:41
kbrooksXr|p, juyst cp the cd to /04:41
Hieronymus--- detersub.homedns.org ping statistics ---04:41
Hieronymus11 packets transmitted, 10 received, 9% packet loss, time 10010ms04:41
Hieronymusrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 141.814/191.885/256.913/33.614 ms04:41
naliothXr|p: same place you add them in a regular distro04:41
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naliothkbrooks: it can be done, in memory04:41
=== SpaceminD [~knoppix@po-217-129-154-190.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu
SpaceminDhey folks04:41
kbrooksnalioth, i dont think it could be done04:41
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SpaceminDi need some urgent help04:41
HieronymusSpaceminD: just ask is the /topic04:42
kbrooksnalioth, i heard that /usr is readonly04:42
naliothSpaceminD: tell us tell us04:42
=== H4wgD0ly [~rock@bzq-218-203-240.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpaceminDi have do something wrong because i cannot use the sudo commando04:42
SpaceminDi dont have perms to use04:42
naliothkbrooks: it can be done, you just lose your settings on reboot04:42
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo04:42
naliothSpaceminD: the specifics, please?04:42
QaDeS-.- the guide in the wiki doesn't work04:43
SpaceminDi have been around my sound drivers and i think i have changes the sudo perm to my user rdo04:43
HieronymusQaDeS: which guide?04:43
kbrooksnalioth, should alien be recommendeeeeed to ANY ubuntu user?04:43
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QaDeShow do i include the extra thingy in apt anyway?04:43
Deterministerm , what's wrong with this thing :/04:43
SpaceminDnow i dont have any permitions to use sudo04:43
QaDeSfor JDK1.504:43
SpaceminDi did boot with another live distro and dis mount my hda1 and chrooted it04:43
HieronymusSpaceminD: you could use sudo before?04:43
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naliothkbrooks: tools are tools, they can be recommened with pros and cons and allow the user to make up their mind04:43
SpaceminDyes, i have use sudo before04:44
naliothkbrooks: there are some things only available in RPM (unfortunately)04:44
fortran01what excellent planner tool can you recommend for Linux?04:44
[koji] QaDes: I believe what you need is the backports repo04:44
kbrooksnalioth, you're right, but rpm is incompatible with debian/ubuntu04:44
naliothkbrooks: and that is what alien is for (if necessary)04:45
QaDeS[koji] , what's the line i need to add into sources.lst? ^^04:45
naliothfortran01: like a PIM?04:45
kbrooksnalioth, *I* have used alien once before...to convert a xawtv rpm to a xawtv debian format04:45
ubotubackports is, like, at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/04:45
ubotu[sources]  at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3804:45
naliothtyrchyus: #ubuntu-it04:45
ubotu[repos]  at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto04:45
Coopanalioths: Sorry, my mistake04:45
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[koji] deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted04:45
[koji] deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted04:45
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QaDeScool, ty04:45
naliothCoopa: no mistake, i'd just have hundreds of pm windows open if i used them04:46
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fortran01nalioth: yeah but I think PIM contains more, I just want stuff related to time scheduling04:46
SpaceminDHieronymus: i have removed my normal user from sudoers by trying to add my user -G audio and now i cannot use the sudo, can you give me some help04:46
tarliohello, could someone help me mounting my partitions?04:46
=== wonton88 [~0xfffx00@pcp09275706pcs.midltn01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
H4wgD0lyCan anyone here play midis on Ubuntu?04:46
naliothQaDeS: use the sequence the dog sent you for java04:46
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naliothfortran01: so you're not interested in evolution?04:46
HieronymusSpaceminD: well, if you can't sudo, how would you change it? :?04:46
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kbrooksare backports OK to use atm04:47
kbrooksHieronymus, easy:04:47
fortran01nalioth: evolution has email. i want something without the email04:47
=== dirty i got apache`s with 100 ip`s msg me for good trade !
naliothfortran01: you on ubuntu now? with all the repos enabled?04:47
SpaceminDHieronymus: mounting the fs with another distro and editing the sudo file04:47
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kbrooksdirty, wtf?04:48
dirtykbrooks ?04:48
kbrooksdirty, what are you advertising here? is it revelant to ubuntu?04:48
HieronymusSpaceminD: that could work04:48
fortran01nalioth: you can also just give me the name please. thanks04:48
SpaceminDHieronymus: i dont know the file to add my user again neither the commando04:48
[koji] kbrooks: backports is fine with me04:48
HieronymusSpaceminD: the sudoers file04:48
HieronymusSpaceminD: maybe try man sudoers for info04:48
dirtykbrooks lol i wan`t some trade to do04:48
naliothfortran01: idk the name, i was gonna have you use synaptic to search04:48
H4wgD0lyshould I conclude from the lack of responses that it's impossible to play midi on ubuntu?04:48
kbrooksdirty, is the advertising revelant to ubuntu04:49
fortran01nalioth: idk? are you using it?04:49
HieronymusSpaceminD: yep, there's a man-page for sudoers04:49
tarliothanks @spacemin ;) but could you translate it? its my first linux and its running since yesterday04:49
kbrooksH4wgD0ly, no04:49
dirtywhat ?04:49
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naliothfortran01: i dont use planning software, but i know some exists04:49
naliothkbrooks: you are feeding04:49
fortran01nalioth: ok let me try that04:49
SpaceminDHieronymus: the sudoers file is readonly, how can i set it to could edit it.04:49
Hieronymuswith sudo :/04:50
naliothfortran01: in 'pkg name and contents' i'd look for 'plan'04:50
H4wgD0lykbrooks, so, did you play midis on ubuntu or know someone who did?04:50
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naliothSpaceminD: if you can gain root access to your box, you may use "visudo" to update the sudoers file04:50
kbrooksH4wgD0ly, no. i'm deaf. it should in thoery be possible to play midis in ubuntu04:51
kbrooksH4wgD0ly, i dont know how04:51
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SpaceminDvisudo: /etc/sudoers: Read-only file system04:51
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uboturesolution is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:51
naliothSpaceminD: you'll have to gain root access to your box04:51
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naliothSpaceminD: boot up in rescue mode04:52
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brennerH4wgD0ly: search for midi in synaptic or use apt-cache search.  there are a heap of results.04:52
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Hieronymusch_604: that's not a good keyword04:52
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Hieronymus!forget resolution04:52
ubotuHieronymus: i forgot resolution04:52
Hieronymus!fixvideo is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:52
ubotuokay, Hieronymus04:52
naliothreka: brenner?04:52
ubotufixvideo is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:52
Hieronymus!good bot04:52
naliothHieronymus: please put it back under resolution04:53
Hieronymusnalioth: why?04:53
Hieronymus!unremove resolution04:53
ubotuHieronymus: Bugger all, i dunno04:53
rekanalioth: oh come on.  don't you get bored of the same nick every day? :)04:53
naliothHieronymus: because lots of poeple know it under that trigger04:53
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ch_604!good bot04:53
ubotuthanks ch_604 :)04:53
Hieronymus!unforget resolution04:53
ubotuHieronymus: Successfully recovered 'resolution'.  Have fun now.04:53
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Hieronymusch_604: he's cute, huh?04:54
naliothHieronymus: adding "fixvideo" doesnt alter the other trigger "resolution"04:54
H4wgD0lyreka, how would reading a list of package names, some of them i installed in vain attempt to get midi to play, helps?04:54
Hieronymusnalioth: I know04:54
Hieronymusbtw, resolution should be 'at xx'04:54
Hieronymuswill do that in private chat with ubotu04:55
ubotusomebody said resolution was at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:55
H4wgD0lyreka, i don't mean to sound evil but i already spent quite a few hours trying to play midi :(04:56
=== budish76 [~ubuntu1@15.39-124-222.mma-astinet.telkom.net.id] has joined #ubuntu
budish76hello all04:57
budish76anyone know how to run init level 304:57
nightswim"init 3"04:57
Hieronymussudo init 304:57
rekaH4wgD0ly: well, i was trying to direct you to some possible dedicated mdi players.04:57
budish76nothing happen04:57
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rekaH4wgD0ly: but if you're happy with something like bmp/xmms, i'm sure there's a midi plugin04:58
budish76just try init 3 and sudo init 304:58
budish76nothing happen04:58
Hieronymusbudish76: man init might help04:58
H4wgD0lyreka, it's not that i don't have a midi player installed. it's just that the ones i tried (KMid and pmidi) don't work.04:59
HappyFoolbudish76: what do you expect to happen ? runlevels on ubuntu are different to fedora/suse04:59
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HieronymusHappyFool: except for 0,1,6 ofcourse04:59
budish76need to run on level 305:00
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HappyFoolbudish76: what needs to run on level 3?05:00
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budish76so i'm able to install nvidia driver05:00
rekaH4wgD0ly: checked this out yet? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo05:00
Hieronymusbudish76: why?05:00
H4wgD0lyreka, yes05:00
Hieronymuswon't killing X be enough?05:00
budish76because it only can be installed without x running05:00
HappyFoolbudish76: have you been to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto ?05:00
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rekaH4wgD0ly: and no result?05:00
Hieronymussudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:01
HappyFoolafaik the ubuntu provided deb can be run even when X is running05:01
budish76try to find info on that thks05:01
HappyFoolyou obviously need to restart X05:01
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budish76driver provided not in deb05:01
budish76but should be run by sh05:01
HappyFoolbudish76: the nvidia driver is05:01
H4wgD0lyreka, the "timidity -iA -B2,8 -Os1l -s 44100" line fails, saying: Can't open pcm device 'default'.Couldn't open ALSA pcm device (`s')05:01
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HappyFoolbudish76: please read the wiki page05:02
budish76ok i'll try05:02
H4wgD0lyreka, and /dev/sndstat says Midi devices: NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG05:02
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rekaH4wgD0ly: the first problem sounds like you don't have alsa configured/setup....05:04
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H4wgD0lyreka, sounds like we're getting somewhere. what should i do / check to get alsa configured?05:05
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exhuExcuse me, I'm new to ubuntu and linux, but have some month experience... In short: I have installed firestarter firewall utility for gnome, but after I log-in into gnome desktop, an error message is displayed that there's not enough privileges05:06
Belutz_newbie_onHappyFool: can i access my NTFS hdd from Ubuntu live CD?05:06
rekajust a sec05:06
=== reka [~Unknown@WNPP-p-203-54-24-123.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
exhuto run firestarter. i.e. root is needed. Which config file have I to modify?05:06
HappyFoolBelutz_newbie_on: you should be able to read your ntfs drive05:07
naliothBelutz_newbie_on: just don't write to it05:07
Deterministwhat would be a good firewall to use with unbuntu?05:07
naliothclients are calling05:07
=== nalioth is now known as nalioth_wrkn
nick__how do I tile my windows in X-chat ?05:07
nalioth_wrknDeterminist: you have a firewall built in05:08
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Belutz_newbie_onHappyFool, nalioth_wrkn: ok thx, be back on Ubuntu... just finished burning the Live CD (yayyy!!!)05:08
nalioth_wrknDeterminist: it's called iptables05:08
rekaH4wgD0ly: i suggest you wait for crimsun to pass by here.  he's the resident sound guru.05:08
nalioth_wrknDeterminist: http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=13005:08
HieronymusDeterminist: iptables with firestarter front-end05:08
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ubotuHieronymus: I don't know, could you explain it?05:08
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H4wgD0lyreka, at what times is he usually around?05:08
rekaH4wgD0ly: i could point you to some forum links.  but they could possibly be the wrong thing you need, which is why i'm trying to defer.05:09
=== Determinist nods
budish71Hieronymus: sorry need the command to stop x again pls05:09
rekaH4wgD0ly: he was on ~5 hrs ago05:09
Hieronymusbudish71: I'd say, try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:09
Hieronymusif Xorg still runs after that, kill it with ctrl-alt-backspace05:09
dabaRhey. Its about 8 where he is, or 9 am.05:09
rekaH4wgD0ly: this thread has been registered with ubotu so it probably has some merit: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206305:10
rekaH4wgD0ly: but again, might want to wait for crimsun.05:10
nick__Hi reka, my windows 2003 and ubuntu installation worked 100%, no glitches whatsoever05:10
rekanick__: ah, i remember you.  good to hear. :)05:11
budish71btw it works05:11
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rekanick__: no data loss? ;)05:11
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nick__reka no nothing, Ubuntu even picked up ALL the notebook devices, i'm impressed05:11
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kbrooksi'm a new user mentor now!05:12
Hieronymus!firewall is program to stop intruders. Ubuntu comes with iptables. Graphical front-end: Firestarter05:12
ubotuokay, Hieronymus05:12
=== reka ogles kbrooks' shiny new NUM badge
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kbrooksexhu, why?05:15
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kbrooksSevesas is not ere05:15
twidgettransgress: you available?05:15
dobwanubotu help05:15
kbrooksdobwan, what do you need?05:16
nick__anyone, how do I tile my windows in X-chat there seems to be no menu option05:16
stevenjWhats the best way to play video using hoary-I installed totem-xine, but I do not want to use backports for anything. thanks05:16
exhukbrooks, could you help me? have you read my question?05:16
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kbrooksexhu, repeat it, please.05:16
[koji] nick__: i don't think you can do that, you can detach it though05:17
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twidgettransgress: I'm told you run a webcam under Kubuntu? Is that true?05:17
nick__oh I see, can you tile tabs ?05:17
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exhuwhat are the startup files for x11+gnome? A message box is displayed just when I log-in GNOME destop. The message says it tries to launch firestarter. So in what file is it ordered to launch one?05:18
rekaubotu: totemcodecs is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingCodecsToTotemHowTo05:18
ubotureka: okay05:18
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DekaPink --; Where do I put xmms themes? Heh...05:18
rekastevenj: there you go.05:18
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stevenjreka, thanks alot05:18
dobwankbrooks, I was wondering about ubotu, help showed help in another window05:18
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dobwanubotu, seen whiprush05:18
ubotuwhiprush is currently on #ubuntu (13h 48m 46s)05:18
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Deterministcan one of you guys try accessing detersub.homedns.org with a browser , i wanna check if my firewall+apache works right05:18
rekaRuslan: yw.  for what? :)05:19
dabaRso you are trying to disable firestarter from launching?05:19
nick__oops I just lost my other chat windows...grrrr05:19
barkleyspeaking of apache...i can't get it on badger05:19
Hieronymus!seen Treenaks05:19
ubotui haven't seen 'treenaks', Hieronymus05:19
[koji] Determinist: its accessible05:19
Deterministcool , thanks05:19
nick__Determinist, yes05:19
exhudabaR, i have to disable because it can't launch, it says it must be root who launches firestarter. I.e. there's an error in some of the start-up files or so.05:20
GNULinuxerkbrooks: you know any admin of the unp ?05:20
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dabaRexhu: so you want to stop it from autolaunching when you log in. If you are using gnome, that is in System>Prefs>Sessions05:20
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stevenjreka, will i need essessial codec DL or just all codec DL from the mplayer site...the Wiki does not say. thanks!05:21
swarmUbuntu Hoary for AMD64 has still a lot of problems. You should create a channel or web section for such issues.05:22
dobwanfor the channel, I'm currently running something other than ubuntu and planning on changing to ubuntu. Defining the plan but I want nore knowledge. So I was hopping to chat up Whiprush, he seems to be not present so I'll be patient and catch up with him later.05:22
kbrooksGNULinuxer, no.'05:22
WhiteRabbitIntergalactic freedom cows are dancing around my room right now05:22
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stevenjreka, sorry it does say! it says "all"05:22
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GNULinuxerkbrooks: how do you get into the `elite' team of new user helpers?05:22
Hieronymus!seen Whiprush05:22
ubotuwhiprush is currently on #ubuntu (13h 52m 55s)05:22
rekastevenj: i think the all package isn't available anymore05:23
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zero_How do I use the root account?05:23
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ubotuI heard rootsudo is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo05:24
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dobwanHieronymus, yea that is what I found out.05:24
stevenjreka, 'all' is still avaiable http://www4.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/design7/codecs.html thanks05:24
apokryphoszero_: ubuntu uses sudo; check the link provided above.05:24
rekastevenj: get 'em while you can :)05:24
dabaRthey rejected the bil anyhow05:25
stevenjreka, def. backed up now05:25
rekadabaR: i haven't been keeping up with the issue...so we "win"?05:25
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dabaRno, its really postponed, cause they did not like the currently proposed bill05:26
dabaRthey wanna make it even worse:)05:26
dabaRwho knows, I really did not read too much about it, but they postponed it, the current bill was rejected, with a message that in the current form, it does not benefit anyone.05:26
kbrooksGNULinuxer, read05:27
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ramblingturtle23anybody know where a good place to start learning bash scripting is at online or a book05:27
HappyFoolramblingturtle23: there are a few bash tuts at tldp.org, i think05:28
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exhudabaR, there's nothing in the Sessions window -> Startup programs list05:28
GNULinuxerkbrooks: i have read it ... now it says i need permission to join the group05:28
dabaRthere is an online "Advanced Bash Scripting Guide" at tldp.org.05:28
=== crouton [~crouton@c-69-180-14-76.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
croutonhowdy folks05:28
kbrooksGNULinuxer, *refreshes*05:28
dabaRGNULinuxer: it will be done within few hours, also check your email.05:28
GNULinuxerdabaR: fine ... thanks05:29
croutonanybody familiar with Alltray?05:29
dabaRexhu: nothing there, and yet the firestarter program loads when you start up?05:29
RuslanHow can I set Dial-Up connection?05:29
neoliminalhello, I just installed ubuntu on my desktop machine and everything is/was going swimmingly but after I log in I only see the mouse and a brown background.  I did log in, but I don't know what to do next... no desktop icons or anything else.05:29
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Hieronymusneoliminal: no panel?05:29
croutondabaR, was exhu's question about firestarter and minimizing?05:29
swarmUbuntu Hoary for AMD64 is broken in most parts. Where I can report it and get answers to fix problems?05:29
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dabaRneoliminal: hit alt+ctrl+f4 and sign in.05:30
HappyFoolswarm: try bugzilla.ubuntu.com05:30
ramblingturtle23wow the tldp.org link will really help me out thanks05:30
Hieronymusswarm: answers here05:30
neoliminaldabaR: ok done05:30
dabaRcrouton: no, it wasabout firestarter starting up at sign in to gnome, and he wants it gone.05:30
BelutzHappyFool, i'm using Ubuntu live CD now :D05:30
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dabaRneoliminal: now, adduser newUserName05:31
dabaRgie him a password, and go back to alt+ctrl+f705:31
HappyFoolBelutz: good stuff ;)05:31
HappyFoolBelutz: everything working? sound/network etc?05:31
croutondabaR: Ah.  Do you know why minimizing Firestarter doesn't put it back in the tray, I'm having that issue.05:31
dabaRif still at the brown screen, hit alt+ctrl+backspace to restart the05:31
dabaRX server,05:31
Belutznetwork is fine... sound is fine... widescreen is fine...05:31
swarmHieronymus: so I should report to bugzilla.ubuntu.com with details and using bugzilla id talk about possible answers here?05:31
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Hieronymusubotu: bug is to file a bug, go to http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ or http://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/distros/ubuntu for Universe packages05:32
ubotuokay, Hieronymus05:32
ubotuit has been said that bug is to file a bug, go to http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ or http://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/distros/ubuntu for Universe packages05:32
=== bond_ [~bond@p213.54.94.204.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
BelutzHappyFool, how do i mount my notebook NTFS hdd?05:33
rekaHieronymus: you're doing a nifty job at adding defs. :)05:33
HappyFoolBelutz: start a terminal (Applications -> System tools -> Terminal)05:33
Hieronymusreka: thanks :)05:33
dbernar1now try signing in with the new user once you get the ubuntu sign in screen again05:33
neoliminaldavaR: it's started.... how do I log in as the other person now?05:33
dbernar1just type in his user name and password.05:33
HappyFoolBelutz: type 'sudo fdisk -l' to get a list of partitions linux can find -- one of them will be your ntfs partition05:33
Hieronymusswarm: if you experience bugs, report them there05:33
croutonnevermind, I'm a dumbass.  'Minimize to tray on window close'. Oy.05:34
Hieronymusif you want solutions, you might try here, swarm05:34
BelutzHappyFool, ok, trying it05:34
dbernar1I was gonna say that, crouton .05:34
croutonBeat ya. ;)05:34
dbernar1well, not the dumbass part...05:34
HappyFoolBelutz: then 'mkdir /mnt/windows' and 'mount -t ntfs -o umask=000 /dev/hda<something>' /mnt/windows'05:34
=== Hieronymus goes look up 'nifty' in dictionary
HappyFoolBelutz: you need to sudo both of those05:34
croutonI installed AllTray in my dumb search.. are there any apps that AllTray is useful for?05:34
=== LaserADSL [LaserADSL@dyndsl-085-016-004-186.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
swarmHieronymus: one of problems is about totem and gxine. they both crash both gnome and kde when I try to open a video file.05:35
neoliminaldbernar1: was that answer for me?05:35
Hieronymus"1. Very good; excellent; -- an informal term meaning about the same as groovy, sense 1. informal, 1960's" well thank you reka. Groovy! :)05:35
BelutzHappyFool, ok05:35
LaserADSLis there any German speaking channel?05:35
dbernar1neoliminal: yes, just sign in with the new user name and password.05:35
neoliminalI did.05:35
Hieronymusswarm: that's definitely a bug05:35
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dbernar1neoliminal: better?05:36
neoliminalwill I be able to log in as the first user now?05:36
dbernar1or still hangs?05:36
swarmHieronymus: strace log is enough?05:36
neoliminalno, it's working for the second user05:36
Hieronymusswarm: try to gather info on when it happens, how it happens, if there's any error message, and post it on bugzilla05:36
=== jbailey [~jbailey@modemcable134.23-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
dbernar1well, I am not sure, did you add any programs to the startup list, to start when you sign in?05:36
neoliminaljust installed05:36
swarmHieronymus: I can collect info with strace and report the log to bugzilla05:36
BelutzHappyFool, it works :D05:36
dbernar1weird. Hoary install?05:36
=== onno [~onno@d51A4BD2B.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolBelutz: good stuff05:37
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neoliminalupdates available...05:37
onnoI want to run a php page but I the question if I want to open phtml?05:37
neoliminalhold on05:37
Hieronymusswarm: sounds good enough05:37
=== jcoxon [~jcoxon@81-178-239-57.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
onnoWath should I do to help this?05:37
dbernar1neoliminal: add this new user to sudoers, then, remove the old user, and add a new one with the same name. Remember to back up files in the blocked users home folder.05:37
BelutzHappyFool, what movie extension that Totem can play?05:37
dbernar1the rootsudo page on the wiki may tell you about sudoers, I am not sure.05:38
HappyFoolBelutz: by default not many05:38
BelutzHappyFool, ic, ok05:38
dbernar1but do not remove the first user until the new user has sudo provileges.05:38
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ubotuhmm... rootsudo is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo05:38
twidgetAnyone help me get a LAME encoder properly configured in Grip?05:38
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neoliminalwhere do I add to sudoers?05:38
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RuslanSupport ubuntu modem?05:38
HappyFoolBelutz: try some avi's -- depends on the codec05:39
dbernar1yes it does say how to add new sudoers.05:39
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BelutzHappyFool, ok05:39
indigirl1how do i put a cap on cpu usage for a single process?05:39
dbernar1neoliminal: user administration(adding and removing) can also be done through the gnome GUI, in the SYstem>Admin menu.05:39
onnoWath should I do to help this?05:39
onnoI want to run a php page but I the question if I want to open phtml?05:39
Gouramiare codecs installed through synaptic ? mp3/mpg etc ?05:39
=== jadugarr84 [~chris@12-203-179-26.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
dbernar1onno: what browser?05:40
HappyFoolRuslan: do you know what modem you have?05:40
dieffelanyone who have tried the latest version of Ubuntu Breezy? Is it worth a try or what?05:40
WhiteRabbitdieffel, it's the foshizzle05:40
Gouramidieffel, read the topic05:40
neoliminalwhat is the password for user... it wont accept either of the ones I made, is that a standard root password?05:40
WhiteRabbitdieffel, but Breezy has been known to eat small children so be careful05:40
rekadieffel: it's still in development.  i advise against it if you don't know what you're doing05:40
Hieronymusdieffel: it's nice05:40
dbernar1dieffel: /topic, and also, it may break your system, and people here are unlikely to know or weant  to help you if it does.05:40
RuslanHappyFool: WinModem USR-Robotics05:40
Hieronymusdieffel: it has nifty new features05:41
rekaGourami: depends on the codec05:41
dbernar1neoliminal: ah, yeah, you cant use the SYstem menu, right?05:41
Gouramireka its a new installation so I need most, mp3/mpg/dvd05:41
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dbernar1neoliminal: go back to f4 where you are signed in as the first user.05:41
HappyFoolRuslan: you will probably need to get a kernel module ("driver") for your modem05:41
dieffelwhat is different in breezy compared to hoary???05:41
dieffelHieronymus: ?^05:42
rekaGourami: check out the RestrictedFormats page on the wiki05:42
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WhiteRabbitreka, theres no such thing I tell you05:42
Hieronymusdieffel: system -> administration :)05:42
dabaRneoliminal: then do adduser newusername admin05:42
Gouramiurl pls reka05:42
ubotuhmm... restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats05:42
HappyFoolRuslan: i suggest going here: http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/ and getting the scanModem utility -- that should tell you what module to install05:42
azolhi all. is there any way to create cd's (or dvd's) a full ubuntu (hoary) mirror? is it possible? debian-cd seems not to do the trick :(05:42
HappyFoolRuslan: unfortunately it's not too straightforward05:42
=== reka eyeballs WhiteRabbit
Hieronymusdieffel: it has grub/boot editor, system disks configurator, running services on/off config, :)05:43
Hieronymusdieffel: and ofcourse, new packages! Bleeding edge :)05:43
=== WhiteRabbit gives Evil <*> tword reka
dieffelHieronymus: nice!05:43
dbernar1neoliminal: did that say added newusername to admin group?05:43
=== reka gives WhiteRabbit two
=== WhiteRabbit gives reka 1 finger
dbernar1ok, try accessing the system menu now.05:43
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neoliminalit's working05:43
BelutzHappyFool, is there any cd burning software included in live cd ?05:44
HappyFoolBelutz: i don't know05:44
Hieronymusdieffel: I just noticed, preferences has an 'about me' to change user profile05:44
WhiteRabbitreka, care to guess how many fingers Im holding up now! its more than 1 ;)~05:44
neoliminalso now delete the first user?05:44
dbernar1now you are sudoer with that user.05:44
neoliminaland make him again.05:44
Hieronymusdieffel: password etc05:44
=== reka reckons WhiteRabbit has been in prison and backs off
dbernar1yes, I think you should do it through the System>?Admin menu.05:44
neoliminalI'm in users and groups05:44
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dieffelHieronymus: ok05:44
rekaBelutz: nautilus can burn05:44
dbernar1and then add him to the admin group, or follow the instructions from the rootsudo wiki, there is a link above, if you have not seen it yet.05:45
dieffelHieronymus: do u have links to some screenshots?05:45
Hieronymusdieffel: it looks pretty much the same05:45
dieffelHieronymus: ok05:45
Hieronymusdieffel: do you want me to make some of the new features?05:45
Belutzreka: how?05:45
Hieronymusdieffel: oh, and Synaptic searching is much faster05:45
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rekaBelutz: drag and drop i'd assume...can't recall the exact process05:46
zakihi everyone05:46
Gouramiwhat package comes with Ubuntu for playing mp3's05:46
dieffelHieronymus: what do u mean with 'make'?05:46
Belutzreka: ic... so i can't burn from an .iso file?05:46
zakican any one tell me what is backports05:46
=== ubunturox [~doubtitgo@pcp02482558pcs.spedwy01.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hieronymusdieffel: I'm sorry, I meant make screenshots05:47
ubotufrom memory, backports is at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/05:47
ubotuthegrok: Are you smoking crack?05:47
rekaBelutz: i *think* it's possible.05:47
zakithnaks ubotu05:47
Hieronymusthegrok: add it05:47
dieffelHieronymus: that would be nice.05:47
thegrokhow do i?05:47
Hieronymuszaki: you say "!good bot"05:47
dbernar1zaki: it is newer versions of software, ported to the older version of the distribution.05:47
dbernar1!good bot05:47
ubotuthanks dbernar1 :)05:47
Hieronymusthegrok: open a private chat with ubot and type "help"05:48
AlbarahaIs it safe to use sudo to copy some executable files to one of PATH's dirs while ubuntu doesn't change the owner to be the root?05:48
reka!bad bot05:48
ubotureka: I give up, what is it?05:48
Belutzreka: ok05:48
thegrokactually what's a good bt client for gnome?05:48
dbernar1welcome, neoliminal, sorry it did that:)05:48
rekaguess you can't scold him05:48
Hieronymusreka: I wish for that to be implemented as well05:48
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dbernar1Hieronymus: it is easy, you can add it...05:48
RuslanhappyFool: ok05:48
Hieronymusdbernar1: yes, with 'is', but I want it to be dynamical/random, like !good bot05:49
Hieronymus!good bot05:49
Hieronymus!good bot05:49
WhiteRabbitHieronymus, get a room u 2..05:49
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mpmcHello all..05:50
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Hieronymushello mpmc05:50
HappyFooli think i hate nethack05:50
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Albaraha!help slashdot05:50
jadugarr84thegrok, gnomebittorent is a simple torrent program for gnome05:50
mpmcI'm new to linux, so, Please bare with me.05:50
Belutzreka: can i remove the CD while i'm using ubuntu using livecd ???05:50
dbernar1Albaraha: well, is it safe...it does what it does, you think about it. You would have executable files in the path, and their owner would be someone other than root.05:51
WhiteRabbit!start a world war05:51
ubotuWhiteRabbit: I give up, what is it?05:51
HappyFooli had cleaver *and* ogresmasher *and* a resurrection amulet and i still died05:51
=== action09_ [~action09@rue92-2-82-228-120-222.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hieronymusmpmc: that's help from the ubuntu bot (ubotu)05:51
dbernar1You can still remove permissions from everyone other than that user.05:51
=== WhiteRabbit bits tounge since he is not programmed with the proper response ;D
thegrokjadugarr84: i'm using that right now....and it hangs after awhile05:51
mpmcok lol05:51
croutonIs there a #firestarter on a server somewhere? There isn't one on the freenode.net network.05:51
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thegrokdid you check the firestarter website?05:51
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action09_hi anyone has a link to make sound blaster live 24 bits (lspci --> 0000:02:01.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy LS) working please ?:)05:51
rekaBelutz: not sure about that.  i actually think the drive will be locked.  i assumed you had two drives :)05:51
mpmclol :)05:52
dbernar1crouton: what are you trying to do with firestarter05:52
jadugarr84thegrok: you could try azureus ... its java program but work well in gnome05:52
croutondbernar1: Just trying to set up policies, figure out how to stealth ports, the usual. :)05:52
Gouramireka, the wiki says nothing about music player ?05:52
Belutzreka: ow ic.... i'm running it on my laptop...05:52
mpmcnow after 10 reinstall of ubunto I think.. I got the hang of it.05:52
thegrokports are all stealthed by default05:52
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Belutzreka: i'm trying ubuntu live cd before i migrate from windows to ubuntu :p05:53
mpmcErm.. why doesn't ubunto come with MP3 support05:53
toranhey guys, how do I get my libtunepimp to support MP3's so I can look them up on musicbrainz?05:53
thegrokjadugarr84: is it on apt-get?05:53
croutonthegrok: I'd thought so, but running the Sygate scan shows port 113 (ident) as closed, not blocked.05:53
=== BeefTube [~I_like@hnllhi1-ar6-4-7-245-121.hnllhi1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
croutonmpac - licensing issues?05:53
jrobcetaction09_: What exactly are having trouble with?05:53
thegrokcrouton: that's strange....did you actually start that daemon on ubuntu?05:53
croutoner, mpmc..05:53
rekaGourami: mp3 support: install beep-media-player/xmms that come with their own codec or install gstreamer0.8-mad for mp3 support in totem05:53
croutonthegrok: Aye, it's running now.05:53
rekaGourami: for video codecs:05:53
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ubotu[totemcodecs]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingCodecsToTotemHowTo05:54
mpmcI install all off them ;)05:54
jadugarr84thegrok: i don't remember if its on apt-get, but there is a guide to install it in the hoary guide05:54
BeefTubeWoot they are shippinbg my computer today :) can I cut and paste the specs here? is 10 linnes concitered flooding? I want to share the specs to see if Ubuntu is compatible :)05:54
Gouramiok thanks05:54
toranhey guys, how do I get my libtunepimp to support MP3's so I can look them up on musicbrainz?05:54
croutonBeefTube: pastebin05:54
rekaGourami: or again, install something like xine-ui or vlc.  they come with their own codecs05:54
ubotuthegrok: Wish i knew05:54
dbernar1BeefTube: too many, yes, 10 is a bunch.05:54
BeefTubeOk thanks05:54
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BeefTubeI will cut and paste it all into 1 line :)05:54
mpmchow do I create a 'shortcut' to a folder on the desktop?05:54
croutondbernar1: Are you fairly accomplished with firestarter?05:54
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dbernar1no, I dont use firewalls.05:55
croutonBeefTube: Read the chan topic, it has a pastebin address.05:55
jadugarr84thegrok: yes its on apt-get, i just checked05:55
dbernar1to me, the fact that something is closed and not blocked, means that you never had it open.05:55
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BeefTubempmc, drag the folder onto your desktopand select link here from the dropdown list05:55
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thegrokjadugarr84: ok thanks....lemme go install it05:55
mpmcoh ok05:55
thegrokjadugarr84: how did you check btw?05:55
croutondbernar1: Indeed.  Blocked just means it's not responding at all.05:56
=== dazzed is now known as ident
BeefTubeyou can create a link also, then add teh address and icons to the propertys I think05:56
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jadugarr84thegrok: i have it install myself through apt-get05:56
dbernar1to me blocked means there is a firewall blocking it.05:56
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mpmcIt just copy's the files05:56
dbernar1create launcher.05:56
thegrokjadugarr84: ah that's one way...lol...thanks again =)05:56
dbernar1mpmc: where are the files, and where do you want the shortcut to be?05:57
jadugarr84thegrok: np05:57
=== ident is now known as dazzed
mpmcin media/windows/media files/ => desktop05:57
BeefTubejust rightclick on the desktop and select new>link and then add the address to the folder05:57
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dbernar1so you want a chortcut from media... to your desktop?05:57
BeefTubesorry I was thinking of KDE05:57
action09_jrobcet, just installed Ubuntu Hoary and i haven't sound. i'm asking myself what do i check .. especially what's the name of the Audigy module.. please ?:=)05:57
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dbernar1just a sec05:58
mpmcwhat do I put in the command part of create launcher05:58
BeefTubeaction09 if you can look at the soundcard, sometimes they print the name on the circut board...05:58
BeefTubempmc the folder's address05:59
mpmcI tried that05:59
jrobcetaction09_: Have you checked to make sure the Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack in alsamixer is enabled? It is usually the culprit with Audigy sound issues...05:59
action09_BeefTube, yes:) on my old live player 1024 it was emu10k1 but on this one only creative..05:59
mpmcbut when I run it nothin happens05:59
dbernar1mpmc: file:///media/windows/media\ files05:59
BeefTubeummm, did you try to drag and drop it with right mouse button?05:59
action09_jrobcet, i will :)05:59
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mpmcok thanks ;)05:59
dbernar1and select link from the drop down06:00
BelutzHappyFool, do you know any UML modeler for linux ?06:00
dbernar1the type drop down,.06:00
dbernar1then in the URL tyope that n.06:00
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rekaBelutz: KDE or gnome?06:01
toranhey guys, how do I get my libtunepimp to support MP3's so I can look them up on musicbrainz?06:01
Belutzreka: is it better to use Gnome or KDE?06:02
BeefTubeAMD Athlon(TM) 64 3800+ (2.4GHz/512KB L2 Cache)----15.4" WXGA BrightView Widescreen ---- 128MB ATI RADEON(R) XPRESS 200M w/Hypermemory(TM) ----40 GB 4200 RPM Hard Drive --- 8X DVD Drive ---10/100 Ethernet LAN--- 8 Cell Lithium Ion Battery..... is this a nice laptop for linux ubuntu AMD 64? TIA i got it for 850$ from compaq...06:02
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swarmtoran: liblame0?06:03
toranreka: it's the library that supplies the binary that nearly all music apps use to look up mp3's on musicbrainz06:03
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rekaBelutz: presonally i avoid running KDE apps in non-KDE managers06:03
=== Gourami hands BeefTube a noddy badge
golgori got torrentflux, but i cant upload since linux wont let it save files in certain folders, how to change that?06:03
dbernar1BeefTube: dunno, go to the wiki and check out the supported hardware laptops section06:03
rekaBelutz: i recommend Dia, which is excellent06:03
golgoranyone know?06:03
BeefTubeok thanks :)06:03
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rekaBelutz: or umbrello if you're a KDE person06:03
BeefTubewhat is a noddy?06:03
dbernar1golgor: change which folders are used in preferences.06:03
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Belutzreka: ok, i'll search it now06:03
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ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, crouton06:04
alex__sorry to bother evryone, but can anyone help a confused newbie install Wine?06:04
croutonEr. Anybody know a good tutorial site for CUPS/samba?06:04
golgordbernar1, you mean in torrentflux?06:04
jcoxonalex__, sudo apt-get install wine06:04
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HumanPrototypehi, firefox's prefs are mucked up and certain websites dont work06:05
alex__in the console?06:05
HumanPrototypeany solution06:05
rarnhi, is anyone able to get hplip_toolbox working?06:05
jcoxonalex__, yup06:05
HumanPrototypeits a problem with some of the xml files in chrome://06:05
alex__jcoxcon, hmm.  Alright then, thanks06:05
BeefTubeHumanPrototype sometimes when java is disables webpages dont look properly in firefox...06:05
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golgordbernar1, isnt is possible to give it access to dir /home/golgor/torrent?06:05
dbernar1golgor: yes, off course.06:05
action09_damn no alsaconf, no module for sound.. :(06:06
TraceCan anybody know sis7012 and snd_intel8x0?06:06
HumanPrototypelike www.ubuntuforums.com? the site doesnt even load, firefox justs pops an error and stops06:06
redxDoes anyone know what has to be done to get internet connections to work at startup without reseting the router?06:06
dbernar1maybe, go into a terminal, and type in ls -al and tell me what permissions are turned on for .06:06
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dbernar1I mean, go into that folder first.06:06
BeefTubeTrace that looks like a Soundmax integrated sound chip from intel.06:06
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HumanPrototypeBeefTube, Im pretty sure its not java as i have never had a problem before (its a new system - my hdd died yesterday)06:07
dbernar1redx: tell me more, what does it do?06:07
golgordbernar1, i got all the permissions, my user of course, but i still get error when try to upload torrent "no permission to create file /home/golgor/torrent06:07
dbernar1and how do you have it set up now, the router, and the computer.06:07
BeefTubeHumanPrototype, are you useing a proxy? might need to be tweaked06:07
redxIt doesn't connect... I can't connect to IRC, or any website...06:07
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redxBut if I reset the router, everything works.06:07
Traceyes, in a short word, i can not hear anysound with driver snd-intel8x0 to sis 7012 integrated sound card.06:08
BeefTubesome proxys block certain websites06:08
dbernar1golgor: no, I mean, what permissions are set for the /golgor/torrent directory.06:08
redxI currently have my settings on DHCP.06:08
HumanPrototypeBeefTube, nope, dont think so, i never have before and im just running through a d-link modem router06:08
dbernar1You know how apache has ts own user, and so on, maybe that torrent program does too,06:08
redxWhen I set the static IP address, It imediatly says that there is no connection if I try to do something...06:08
golgordbernar1, drwxr-xr-x06:08
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dbernar1redx: so both router, and the computer set for dhcp, hey?06:08
redxotherwise, it waits for five minutes to tell me that it can't connect.06:08
dbernar1golgor: go chmod o+w /home/golgor/torrent06:09
dbernar1that will add the w in the other section.06:09
dbernar1try then, to see if that works.06:09
HumanPrototypeill try and see if the mozilla package suffers the same problems06:10
redxIs there a .conf file I can edit to make things work like in Slackware?06:10
HumanPrototypehang about - it seems to now be working06:10
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redxin slack I can just edit /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf06:11
dbernar1redx: not a magical one for everything, you mean one for setting up the interfaces?06:11
golgordbernar1, thanks works great now06:12
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redxHmm, it looks... somwhat similar... but it doesn't have an option for using DHCP06:13
stanfordHow do you make it so that ubuntu executes a code in Terminal automaticly, every time you boot?06:13
dbernar1golgor: yeah, that program has its own user. Dunno if you want to allow write access to everyone06:13
redxIn slack, I had to set my IP address, netmask, DHCP hostname...06:13
Gouramiok gr8 mp3 works now dvd06:13
dbernar1stanford: like a script?06:14
redxBut in ubuntu it doesn't ask me if I want to do both, it gives me one or the other....06:14
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stanforddbernarl yeah06:14
dbernar1redx: tried System>admin>netowrking?06:14
redxThat was the first place I went.06:14
redxDefault gateway device is set to eth006:15
dbernar1stanford: well, not sure what would be the besst way, you want it to run this script only when booting, once, right?06:15
monkeyyi have installed ubuntu 5.04 (hoary hedgehog) on my Apple iBook how do i enable the right click in it ?06:15
jadugarr84stanford: you can make a script, set it to executable and add the script to your startup programs under System->Preferences->Sessions06:15
stanforddbernar1 yeah06:15
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jcoxonmonkeyy, try you're F12 button06:15
dbernar1monkeyy: fn + f12, or just f1206:15
stanfordjadugarr ok thanks06:15
dradulstanford, I don't know if I understand your question correctly, but you could look into executing a script with cron (see "man 5 crontab").06:16
monkeyyjadugarr84 kya haal06:16
=== SPORT is glad he's got 3Mb/s now
=== HaroldJohnson [~harold@pool-71-106-121-254.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gouramiwhich is better xine or vlc ?06:16
monkeyycan someone help me06:16
jcoxonmonkeyy, yes06:16
monkeyyi have installed ubuntu 5.04 (hoary hedgehog) on my Apple iBook how do i enable the right click in it ?06:17
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rekaGourami: try both. :)   but i've seen vlc recommended more06:17
jcoxonmonkeyy, right click is you're f12 button06:17
dbernar1jadugarr84: that is totally not what he wants, I think.06:17
golgordbernar1, you helped me give it permission to write files right?06:17
dbernar1That means it would start every time he signs into gnome.06:17
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dbernar1golgor: sure.06:17
monkeyylet me try that out be right back the laptop is in another room06:17
jadugarr84dbernar1: have a command executed in the terminal every time he boots is what he said06:18
dbernar1monkeyy: we told you.06:18
dbernar1yup, so how does that work with sessions?06:18
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mpmchow do I install php support for apache-ssl?06:18
dbernar1you mean, you boot every time before you sign in, and then shut down the comp after?06:18
jadugarr84dbernar1: i suppose i should have asked if he meant when he loads gnome though06:19
dbernar1ya, kinda.06:19
mpmcoh never mind06:19
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golgordbernar1, now it is drwxr-xrwx and i guess the last "-" is write directories?06:19
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon: Is F12 the only way to right-click using a Mac on Ubuntu?  That's quite a stretch, isn't it?06:19
dbernar1golgor: first is the d, or - telling you if it is a file or a dir.06:20
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, indeed it is - i reckon it could be changed06:20
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jcoxonHaroldJohnson, something to do with pbbuttond06:20
jcoxoni'll have a quick look, one sec06:20
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon: What is that?06:20
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dbernar1then rwx is for the owner, r-x is for the same group as owner is, say if there was a group of users...and the rwx is for everyone.06:20
catfoxhi all. is it possible to install bootsplash manually?06:20
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon: Okay06:20
dbernar1so owner, group, others06:20
golgordbernar1, ahh, think i got it :P06:21
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, its the daemon that runs which looks after the special bits of apple laptops with ubuntu06:21
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paul_what package would i need to get a logitech i touch keyboard working? the hot keys in particular06:21
golgordbernar1, but i got a similar problem then, if i got it right drwxr means permission to write/read/delete directories?06:22
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HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, (Quick IRC question: How do I complete names of people in IRC?)06:22
monkeyythanks jcoxon that worked06:22
dbernar1each file and folder has its set of permissions.06:22
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, you using Xchat?06:22
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Yes.06:22
dbernar1to this /home/golgor/torrents fodler everyone can write, enter the folder, and read anything in it06:22
monkeyydo we have any preference that can change it to some other key maybe like the ctrl key ?06:22
jcoxonmonkeyy, i'm looking in to making it something different06:22
HaroldJohnsonkbrook, That's not working, for some reason.06:23
jcoxonmonkeyy, give me a sec :)06:23
Blissexpaul_: you would need to find out about keycodes, events, and bindings... Depends whether in X or the console/06:23
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dbernar1Even if someone logs in to your computer through apache(if you run that...06:23
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jcoxonHaroldJohnson, in preferences you need to turn on autocomplete06:23
ftwigtrying to get get a belkin 802.11g card working but there are no .inf files on the install CD to try to use with ndiswrapper.  Any ideas?06:23
kbrooksHaroldJohnson, hoary?06:23
beenhello! :)06:23
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, and then its just a few letters and then tab06:23
HaroldJohnsonmonkeyy, Good questions.  I'm trying to learn the same for my PowerBook.06:23
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golgordbernar1, yea, but torrentflux dont have permission to create dirs in my /torrent06:24
monkeyycool HaroldJohnson i am running it on a 14" white iBook G406:24
dbernar1it does now.06:24
golgordbernar1, it seems06:24
Blissexmonkeyy: trying to use something like CTRL as a key and not a modifier would be very unwise, but it can be done. But it is not easy.06:24
dbernar1it can do anything to the folder, on fact anyone can.06:24
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Thank you.06:24
beenis there a simple way to install ubuntu to a machine that can not boot from cd? it can boot from floppy and has got a fast net connection. thank you for a hint!06:24
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monkeyyBlissex the reason being i am so used to press down ctrl and then click for a right click with Mac OS X06:25
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HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Excellent.  Now the auto-complete works.  Thank you.06:25
golgordbernar1, Error(s):# Couldn't allocate dir - [Errno 13]  Permission denied:06:25
beenis there a boot/install floppy?06:25
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, no probs06:25
monkeyybut i think F12 is a good alternative06:25
dbernar1make the dir yourself.06:25
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Was it you that was saying you were migrating back from Tiger yesterday?06:25
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jcoxonHaroldJohnson, yup06:25
HaroldJohnsonmonkeyy, I'll try F12 once I turn on the PowerBook.06:26
Blissexmonkeyy: well, the X model of keyboard handling is really different from the MacOS X one, so it is better to go with the grain...06:26
quidamHI, how i can play a WMA file in ubuntu?06:26
Blissexto all ofd06:26
golgordbernar1, says the path has to be chmodded to 77706:26
monkeyyyup Blissex infact ubuntu works faster then Panther or Tiger on my ibook06:26
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Someone was helping me to install madwifi yesterday, to get my D-Link pcmcia card running.  Unfortunately, we got halfway through compiling and she had to go to sleep.  Do you know anything about this subject?06:26
Blissexto all of you that use GNU/Linux on Apple systems: really, really get a 3 button mouse.06:26
rekabeen: it's definitely possible.  search wiki.ubuntu.com06:27
dbernar1or 007 would work, they are being silly.06:27
jrobcetaction09_: Does lsmod show the snd_emu10k1 module?06:27
HaroldJohnsonmonkeyy, Really?  Are you in gnome?06:27
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, hehe i'm sure i can help you06:27
beenreka: thanks - ill be looking there! :)06:27
dbernar1I mean, you can, it is completely the same, 007, or 777, I am being silly.06:27
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, wireless is my favourite thing06:27
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, The question is, would you want to?06:27
Blissexquidam: probably you need something like MPlayer with the package with the WIN32 DLLs. Look at the Marillat repository...06:27
monkeyyi am in gnome06:27
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, of course06:27
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Really?06:27
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, hehe yes :)06:27
monkeyyi am downloading kubuntu as we chat06:27
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Awesome!  I'm going to fire up my PowerBook.06:27
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dbernar1im off06:27
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quidamBlissex: ok thanks06:28
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, got nothing else to do :) am ill in bed06:28
jadugarr84quidam, http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ ... tells you how to install the win32 codecs06:28
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, I'm sorry to hear that.  So why go back to Ubuntu after Tiger?06:28
monkeyyjcoxon i want to dual boot this with Tiger06:28
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, oh i have both still06:29
kbrooksDO NOT recommend the marillat repo06:29
monkeyyi miss dashboard06:29
ubotukbrooks: I don't know, could you explain it?06:29
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rekajadugarr84: please don't advise ubguide either06:29
ubotuubuntuguide is, like, a set of instructions with no explanation.  Please search the wiki instead, http://wiki.ubuntu.com. Reasons not to advise people to use the guide are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines06:29
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, its just you can't break tiger while ubuntu is much more fun to break06:29
jcoxonmonkeyy, i found that after a while i just ignored dashboard06:29
jcoxonmonkeyy, though i loved the speed upgrade06:29
Blissexkbrooks: well, if one wants to do obscure stuff, they should be able to handle the issues...06:29
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HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Here's the reason I'm trying Ubuntu (I think): I couldn06:30
kbrooksBlissex, how about newbies?06:30
monkeyyjcoxon ubuntu is blazing here06:30
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, I couldn't...06:30
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, ...get my wireless card to work in Panther.06:30
jcoxonmonkeyy, though in different ways - accelerated 3d graphics won't work06:30
Blissexkbrooks: thats precisely the issue: adding ''unofficial'' packages and stuff should not be done by newbies...06:30
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, what exactly is the card?06:30
beenreka: Thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction. I found the solution! :)06:30
monkeyyjcoxon i was not aware of that06:31
rekabeen: np.  see you soon :)06:31
jcoxonmonkeyy, yeah basically its running on free drivers06:31
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jcoxonmonkeyy, there aren't any accelerated binaries for ppc, on really for x8606:31
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, It's a D-Link DWL-G630.  That's an Atheros chipset, I believe.  Oh, and it's a revision C.06:31
PhrostbyteI have a question, if anyone's awake yet this morning?06:31
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jcoxonHaroldJohnson, usb?06:31
kbrooksBlissex, the ubuntu guide makes you add a repo06:31
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HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Just purchased it about two weeks ago.  USB?  No, it's a pcmcia card.06:32
Loixhow i can ubuntu support RPMS ?06:32
jcoxonoh okay06:32
Blissexkbrooks: but I didn't quite advise doing that, just to look into it.06:32
rekaPhrostbyte: ask away06:32
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BlissexLoix: 'man alien'06:32
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PhrostbyteI'm trying to get Gnome going in Xorg as default, but Xterm keeps booting when I do "startx".06:32
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Do you think there's a possibility we can get it to work?06:32
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, yup06:32
PhrostbyteI altered the last line of my xinitrc files, but Xterm still boots?06:32
monkeyyjcoxon i wanna dual boot this with Tiger if i am right i will install Tiger first then install ubuntu and then make the necessary changes in the Yaboot conf file ?06:32
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, very confident though it might be a bit of a dirty hack :)06:32
LoixBlissex, i want rpm command not alien06:33
BlissexPhrostbyte: BTW, some suggestions on how to ask questions... http://tinyurl.com/bz8v406:33
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, (I suppose there's *always* a possibility.  The question is, is it realistic to think so?)06:33
slicslakwhat app is recommended for scanning?  i've used xsane for years, but it's not the user-friendliest, and this is for my mom.06:33
arentieWhen I click-on LimeWire nothing happens...I followed the install instructions on www.ubuntuguide.org.  Can anyone help?06:33
BlissexLoix: perhaps I suggested to look at 'alien' for a very good reason :-)06:33
jcoxonmonkeyy, yeah ubuntu will automagically include it (well thats what i found)06:33
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Want to know my progress so far?06:33
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, yup06:33
slicslakarentie, run it from the command line and read the error msg06:33
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Blissexslicslak: well, 'xsane' is nice, but there are also 'gimp', 'Kooka' and a few others.06:33
monkeyythats cool jx06:34
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gram_hello all :)06:34
gram_i need some help please06:34
slicslakBlissex, thanks.06:34
monkeyyhey jcoxon when i install Tiger first what is the type of partition i set aside for ubuntu ?06:34
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jcoxonmonkeyy, i just left free space06:34
monkeyyi mean UFS / Mac OS/ Extended ?06:34
Blissexslicslak: there is even a (cheap) commercial scanner frontend, the name escapes me now.06:34
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monkeyygood idea06:35
rekagram_: ask away06:35
monkeyyand then have ubuntu install to free space06:35
gram_i have a ubuntu warty directly connected to the internet via DSL and set up a simple masquerading/nat iptables script06:35
grogoreoI am about to download VMware Workstation 5.0 for linux but there are two versions of the download, a tar and an RPM, which one would be best for ubuntu after using alien?06:35
gram_it works fine06:35
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gram_just microsoft.com is not reachable06:35
slicslakBlissex, that's fine, wasn't looking to pay anyway.  i'll try the gimp out06:35
gram_i have no idea why06:35
kbrooksgrogoreo, i would never ever try a rpm06:35
PhrostbyteWhat is alien?06:35
monkeyyrpm wont work on uduntu grogoreo06:36
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grogoreoI meant converting it to a deb06:36
grogoreoso i can use apt06:36
gram_but i need to get at microsoft.com for the updates at some windows clients06:36
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jadugarr84Phrostbyte, alien is how you can install rpms on non rpm systems06:36
kbrooksPhreakazoid, man alien06:36
rekagrogoreo: alien converts it to a deb06:36
rekagrogoreo: you then use dpkg -i to install the deb file06:36
Phreakazoidkbrooks: eh?06:36
arentieException during runtime initialization06:37
arentie   <<No stacktrace available>>06:37
arentieSomething went wrong with LimeWire.06:37
arentieMaybe you're using the wrong version of Java?06:37
arentie(LimeWire is tested against and works best with with Sun's JRE, Java 1.4+)06:37
arentieThe version of Java in your PATH is:06:37
monkeyyhey jcoxon shall i leave free space in the beginning or towards the end ?06:37
arentiejava version "1.4.2"06:37
arentiegcj-4.0 (GCC) 4.0.1 20050517 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.0-7ubuntu6~5.04ubp1)06:37
arentieCopyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.06:37
rekaarentie: PASTEBIN06:37
grogoreobut i wanted to know which one would be easier to convert. if one of them has something over the other06:37
arentieThis is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO06:37
arentiewarranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.06:37
Blissexslicslak: there is also 'quiteinsane' BTW06:37
gram_maybe someone could point me to some good NAT/masq- iptables script  ?06:37
arentieoops sorry06:37
rekaarentie: PASTEBIN!06:37
jcoxonmonkeyy, i would leave it at the end06:37
Blissexgram_: there are lots of firewall generators, both command line and GUI...06:37
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PhrostbyteSorry guys, I tried in #gnome - I want to know why I am booting by default into XTerm instead of Gnome?06:38
Blissexgram_: depends how sophisticated you want one.06:38
PhrostbyteWhen I have altered the end of xinitrc?06:38
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gram_hmm, the easier the beter :D06:38
BlissexPhrostbyte: probably.06:38
rekaarentie: Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl |06:38
BlissexPhrostbyte: oops, depends on how you start X.06:38
monkeyyok cool and jcoxon is there any need to leave a small partition in the beginning to install Yaboot or its gonna install itself ?06:38
kbrooksarentie, breezy?06:38
BlissexPhrostbyte: depends on whether you start X manually or via a Display Manager lik XDM/KDM/GDM.06:38
jcoxonmonkeyy, not sure - best perhaps to be safe06:38
streetbmxPhrostbyte: what do you mean you are booting into xterm? and are you using gdm?06:39
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monkeyyjcoxon did u leave one or not ?06:39
BlissexPhrostbyte: please read http://tinyurl.com/bz8v4 as to messaging people...06:39
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grogoreook one last thing, should I extract the files out of the tar and then make them into a deb or just convert the compressed tar file06:40
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copap|ikserlspci doesn't list my Realtek ALC260HD Audio Soundcard. lsmod shows: there are no sound-modules loaded. What's the command and the directory of the soundcore-module I need?06:40
gram_i don't need anything special, no forwardning, just NAT/masquerading06:40
jcoxonmonkeyy, can't remember i set the partions up a longtime ago06:40
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jcoxonmonkeyy, from my fdisk i don't think you do06:41
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monkeyyoh ok cool i think i will mess with this then06:41
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butterflycolleccan you tell me some ubuntu sources lists for development06:41
flankkI have no audio.  lspci gives me no audio device.  I have no idea what audio chipset this is other than it's integrated.  I have posted on the forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47495 Where should I go from here?06:41
monkeyyis there any way to run gnome and kde both on ubuntu or thats not supported as yet ?06:41
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rekamonkeyy: of course it's possible :)06:42
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spiralmonkeyy: you can install kubuntu-desktop & ubuntu-desktop at the same time with apt06:42
grogoreomonkeyy, i think you can, you just choose when you log in06:42
arentieslicslak, yes I get the command prompt again.  I do have java installed...06:42
monkeyyreka how ???06:42
gram_how can it be that all websites work behind my firewall but microsoft.com doesnt ?06:42
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butterflycolleci need basic packages like ncurses-devel for kernel build06:42
butterflycollecmy friend just installed ubuntu, and i'm tring to help him trough ssh06:42
butterflycollecmy first time under ubuntu06:42
rekamonkeyy: what spiral said06:42
gram_i have no special rules06:42
monkeyyi am downloading kubuntu right now shall i cancel that then ?06:43
arentieslicslak, it says on the error that I receive that I have java 1.4.2 installed06:43
rekamonkeyy: then just choose which WM you want by clicking on sessions at the logn screen06:43
monkeyywhats apt spiral reka ?06:43
spiralmonkeyy: have you allready got an ubuntu installed ?06:43
monkeyyahh let me look06:43
rekamonkeyy: dunno06:43
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spiralmonkeyy: apt : install package tool06:43
slicslakarentie, get sun's java and use it instead, gcj won't work06:43
mbirkisanyone tryed the skype i386 package on a 64bit ubuntu install?06:43
monkeyyits running on my laptop i06:43
kbrooksgcj worked06:43
monkeyylemme look06:43
rekaspiral: thought he was asking what "apt sprial" was :D06:44
PhrostbyteAre there any other configuration files besides xinitrc that would effect which desktop environment loads at "startx" ?06:44
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monkeyywhere is apt ?06:44
monkeyycant find it06:44
macomberPhrostbyte: .dmrc06:45
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slicslakmonkeyy, apt-get06:45
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arentieslicslak, where may i download sun's java...is there a special place for debian?06:46
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rekaarentie: for java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] 06:46
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streetbmxPhrostbyte: where is the xinitrc that your are editing? and what does it look like inside06:47
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xicoarnia hi06:47
slicslakarentie, i believe it's in a repository somewhere.  can't help you with this one, do a web search, it's a common question.06:48
^thehatsrule^should be in ~/.xinitrc ?06:48
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Arniaxico: hello06:48
streetbmx^thehatsrule^: yes06:48
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prattHello all :) , I have installed the ATI drivers for HoaryAMD64 and the control pannel... rebooted and the drivers work great... I need to get to the control pannel to twak my resolution a bit.. I installed the control pannel from synaptic without any problems... anyone know how to summon the ATI control pannel from a commandline? or perhaps the location of the Icon to launch it? TIA.. :)06:48
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rekapratt: ati's control panel sucks iirc06:49
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, fixres is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:49
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streetbmxPhrostbyte: whats does your xinitrc look like06:49
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rekapratt: take a look at the link ubotu spat out06:50
sinfernohey i have a rar with 34 pieces, i have done this in windows but i cant seem to get it to work with the rar program i have already06:50
rekasinferno: try the non-free one06:50
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PhrostbyteI Got it WORKING!06:50
streetbmxwhat was wrong06:50
prattreka thankyou , nice person :)06:50
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sinfernoreka, the non free what06:51
PhrostbyteFYI: I used the echo command, and needed to inupt the line "gnome-session" into ~/.xinitrc instead of /usr/X11R6/....xinitrc06:51
phanterhello, what package do I need to be abled to read georgian symbols06:51
Phrostbytesomething about that ~ made the difference06:51
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PhrostbyteIncedentally what IS the difference?06:52
_0killshey, if someone has a minute, can they walk me through installing this package, im having problems06:52
rekasinferno: apt-cache show unrar-nonfree06:52
streetbmxPhrostbyte: ~/.xinitrc is in your home directory06:52
PhrostbyteOh, I see06:52
PhrostbyteAnd it boots according to user right?06:52
redxDoes anyone know where ubuntu keeps the data for the network to know if it is configured?06:52
PhrostbyteThe lights are all coming on06:53
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reka_0kills: what package?06:53
sinfernoreka, thanks06:53
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streetbmxI figured that, thats why I asked which xinitrc06:53
_0killsAIM for Linux, aim_1.5.286-2_i386.deb06:53
ubotupratt: Are you smoking crack?06:54
streetbmx_0kills: why?06:54
=== skel_ [~skel@pcp08123387pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_0killshaving problems with GAIM06:54
ubotuI don't know, pratt06:54
=== seatmanu [~manu@c-24-16-43-50.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI heard ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto06:54
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=== pratt thinks ubotu in cunning and sexy!
seatmanuI have seen a new version of GAIM 1.4 on their site... how come there is only version 1.1.4 on ubuntu?06:55
kbrooksseatmanu, hoary or warty?06:55
ubotupratt: Are you smoking crack?06:55
seatmanuI installer the 5.0406:55
seatmanuso I think hoary right?06:55
kbrooksboth of them have been walled off to programs06:55
=== holycow [~a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksand both of them accept only security updates06:56
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seatmanuoh ok.06:56
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seatmanuso I suppose thisis the same for firefox right?06:56
seatmanumy version is 1.0206:56
arentieslicslak, how do I install sun's java?06:56
monkeyyfrom where do i download the kde package?06:56
seatmanufor Sun java , just download it from Sun site06:57
seatmanuuntar in /opt06:57
rekaarentie: i already gave you instructions06:57
slicslakmmmm, let me try this....06:57
ubotuit has been said that java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java06:57
rekamonkeyy: kubuntu-desktop06:57
ubotuslicslak: I give up, what is it?06:57
seatmanuand create environment variable JAVA_HOME that point ot it06:57
flankkslicslak, /msg ubotu > spamming #ubuntu06:57
ubotuI don't know, slicslak06:57
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monkeyyreka i have to download it from the kubuntu website or is it in the hoary CD ?06:58
arentiereka, yes I was given the instructions and I do have gcj java installed, but I the error I received running LimeWire stated that I should use Sun's Java06:58
rekamonkeyy: you can install stuff from ubuntu's repositories06:58
seatmanumonkeyy: just point to universe (which will get debian package)06:58
=== medgno [~medgno@CPE-69-23-244-58.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
slicslakarentie, did you see the java link ubotu gave?  try reading: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java06:59
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monkeyyi am sorry but i am not following you reka and seatmanu06:59
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rekaarentie: i supplied instructions for sun's install :)06:59
mbirkisis it possible to change the language in a installed ubuntu (gnome)?06:59
monkeyyis it alright if i can message you ?06:59
=== xxlbug [~xxlbug@p54BDC36E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
arentiereka, sorry...i guess i was confused06:59
rekamonkeyy: if you want KDE, install kubuntu-desktop via synaptic or using apt-get from the CL06:59
xxlbughi @ all07:00
seatmanuarentie: oit is very simple:  just download it from Sun site, untar in /opt and add in a term export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java_path07:00
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sinfernoreka, would i do unrar r /file/directory in order to make it recurse?07:00
medgnombirkis, on the GDM screen you can select the language for the session, and I think it can remember it07:00
prattreka will installing KDE break Gnome?07:00
rekasinferno: iirc, it will automatically do that07:00
mbirkismedgno: thank you07:00
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seatmanumonkeyy: open your /etc/apt/source.list and add a new repository to point to universe07:00
=== slicslak perishes from the newbiness of the chanel
rekapratt: no, it installs it seperately.  running KDE apps in gnome however...07:01
stanforddoes anyone know of a good resource for a newb to learn how to install packages?07:01
prattok thanks :)07:01
monkeyyok one very important think07:01
xxlbugi have a problem, i have installed the nvidia glx components and the system boots with the nvidia logo, but i cant adjust the refresh rate of the monitor07:01
remyforbes777   should you uncomment the security sources in the sources.list file07:01
monkeyywhen i installed ubuntu did it enable a root user or i have to enable that later on ?07:01
redxDoes anyone know what I have to do to avoid having to go to system>admin>network>eth0 and enter the IP addresses each time to get internet connections to work?07:02
pratthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com//FixVideoResolutionHowto  <===== xxlbug07:02
prattmight help07:02
xxlbugah thx ^07:02
=== mactiny [opera@nps-ip-nas-1-p65.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
rekamonkeyy: root account is disabled by default07:02
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mbirkisstanford: ubuntuguide.org07:02
stanfordmbirkis- thanks07:02
rekamonkeyy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RootSudo07:02
seatmanuyou have a root user enabled... go to system tools ->Root console07:02
redxI've already checked /etc/network/interfaces...07:02
seatmanureka: it was not disabled for me07:03
redxIt looks the same before and after I enter the IP addresses manually...07:03
seatmanureka I could open it from system tools->root console07:03
seatmanuand not password asked07:03
redxSo why doesn't it check that file for the information at startup?07:03
mbirkisstanford: ubuntuguid.org/#synaptic to be presise07:03
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=== catfox [~phendrick@host81-159-152-134.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
monkeyyok be right back ive a lot to learn07:04
catfoxanyone here using the beagle packages? i can't get searching to work :(07:04
seatmanumonkeyy :  their site is pretty good on ubunutu , a lot of wikkis07:04
rekaseatmanu: according to the wiki, root login account is disabled07:04
mbirkiscatfox: what is beagle?07:04
catfoxmbirkis, desktop search, like google desktop07:04
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mbirkiscatfox: ok07:04
Coyctecmbeagle is pretty unstable in my opinion...07:05
seatmanureka: I guess this is wrong cause I did not have root access but one I looged in with my user I could open a root terminal and then change the pass for root07:05
redxdoes anyone know if there are more network files other than in /etc/network?07:05
seatmanuredx : no07:05
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seatmanuredx: what is your problem exactly?07:05
Gouramiwho can help me with vlc, I have installed it and popped in a DVD, but it doesnt want to play07:06
redxI have to type in three ip addresses everytime I want to connect to the internet.07:06
redxI want it to stop that...07:06
redxAnd just have it work on startup07:06
kbrooksredx, Use DHCP07:06
seatmanuredx: how many net interface do you have?07:06
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xxlbughow can i shutdown the x server?07:06
medgnoGourami, have you installed libdvdcss?07:06
redx?I can only have one can't I?07:06
Gouramilemme check07:07
kbrooksredx, you can have MANY07:07
medgnoGourami, you'll need to get it from somewhere like marillat, IIRC07:07
redxkbrooks: DHCP doesn't let me connect to the internet either.07:07
seatmanuredx: you can have more than one interfaces07:07
redxOk... how do I know how many I have?07:07
xxlbugcan anybody tell me plz, how to shutdown the xserver?07:07
seatmanuredx: how many network card do you have (including wifi)07:08
redxOne... ethernet.07:08
[h] I'm trying to configure the internet, I'm using a DSL modem on PPPoE which requires a username/password to login - Can someone help me with this?07:08
medgnoxxlbug, CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE will kill it off, but it'll pop right back up. to stop it, go into a console and type  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop     (if you're using gdm)07:08
seatmanuwhat do you see when you do ifconfig?07:08
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xxlbugah thx07:08
monkeyyok here is what i did  i went to system tools and then went to root terminal with root teminal open i typed in apt-get install kubuntu-dektop  .... then i got couldnt find package kubuntu-desktop07:09
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PhrostbyteOK - now that gnome is the default, how do I  make it boot directly into gnome, instead of the terminal?07:10
seatmanumonkeyy: do you have the correct mirror set in your /etc/apt/source.list?07:10
monkeyyseatmanu i have no idea how i can tell07:10
streetbmxPhrostbyte: without gdm?07:11
blackoutanyone know what packages contain the libpthread development libraries?07:11
monkeyyshall i open up sources.list ?07:11
seatmanumonkeyy: yes07:11
monkeyyok hold on07:11
seatmanumonkeyy: this is the most important file as it allows you to add more repositories (therefore more packages)07:12
PhrostbyteWith GDM?07:12
monkeyyok sources.list is open with gedit07:12
monkeyyhow do i add a repositry07:12
Gouramiplease hold while             the system crashes.... *sigh*07:12
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PhrostbyteI can run GDM manually, but how do I get it to run on its own at boot?07:12
=== Herbie2 [~herbie@p5487A17E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
PhrostbyteI can run GDM manually, but how do I get it to run on its own at boot?07:13
Gouramimedgno, please explain, I see its not in synaptic07:13
monkeyyoh i see07:14
=== newbie [~chatzilla@S0106000c4180682d.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
seatmanujust copy one of the line07:14
Gouramihow do I get libdvdcss ?07:14
streetbmxPhrostbyte: I think that ubuntu  does that though /etc/inittab07:14
seatmanuand replace with universe07:14
seatmanudeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe07:15
seatmanudeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe07:15
medgnoGourami, just a sec, I'll get you a link to the package07:15
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croutonhowdy again07:15
FulgFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/v/vlc/wxvlc_0.8.1-1ubuntu7_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch07:15
FulgE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?07:15
Fulgany ideea ?07:15
rekaready-to-use sources.list: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3807:15
medgnoGourami, ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/pool/main/libd/libdvdcss/libdvdcss2_1.2.8-0.0_i386.deb07:15
streetbmxPhrostbyte: er or used to maybe, looks different. I havent used ubuntu for a while and forgot07:16
streetbmxPhrostbyte: did you botch up the default ubuntu install or something?07:16
Herbie2Does anybody know if there is a German version of ubuntu anywhere ?07:16
newbiehello. i tried installing Ubuntu into my laptop which has winxp pro, but i've run into problems. i followed the instructions in: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo07:16
medgnodownload it, then, in a terminal, do sudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.8-0.0_i386.deb07:16
rekaHerbie2: there is.  for proof: #ubuntu-de07:16
Gouramisjoe, medgno can you help me with that, I really only know through synaptic ?07:16
=== xxlbug [~xxlbug@p54BDC36E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
rekanewbie: what problems?07:17
seatmanumonkeyy: once you save, don t forget in synaptic to reload your repository first :)07:17
xxlbughi thx for the tip with the fix refresh rate site07:17
=== phanter [~phanter@cp305606-a.landg1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
xxlbugi have another problem too07:17
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Herbie2Thanks, I will try ........... !07:17
newbieeverything installed fine, then when it rebooted to complete ubuntu installation i just had a blank screen that read: missing operating system07:18
xxlbugi have a mainboard with nforce2 chip07:18
=== WarWolf is now known as HiddenWolf
Gouramisjoe, medgno can you help me with that, I really only know through synaptic ?07:18
Fulgcan anybody help me07:18
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ubotuFulg: I don't know, could you explain it?07:18
FulgFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/v/vlc/wxvlc_0.8.1-1ubuntu7_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch07:18
FulgE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?07:18
stanfordHow do I add a downloaded package to synaptic???07:18
Fulgi`ve tryied apt-get update --fix-missing07:19
medgnoGourami, if you just download that one file to, say, your desktop, then you can install it from there07:19
Fulgbut it isnt working07:19
seatmanuFulg : did your run apt-get update first?07:19
Namronhow do i configure the monitor frequency?07:19
xxlbugi downloaded the driver from the website and when i started it it says, that i must install the kernel libs for compiling, but i have installed all needed packages07:19
seatmanufuldg: then the package is maybe corrupted on the repository07:19
medgnoFulg, if you replace the us.archive.ubuntu.com with archive.ubuntu.com  and then reload, it should work07:19
Gouramiinstall how please07:19
stanfordHow do I add a downloaded package to synaptic???07:19
medgnoopen up a terminal07:19
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rekanewbie: sounds like you messed up your partitioning07:20
xxlbugcan anybody help me plz07:20
phanterhello I would like to get support for the georgian symbols. The russian symbols worked out of the box. How can I install the georgian ones?07:20
medgnoand then cd to the directory you downloaded it to07:20
NamronI have syncmaster 763mb07:20
newbiei thought it had to do with the partitioning07:20
medgnothen type in "sudo dpkg -i packagename" (without quotes, and replacing packagename with the name of the package)07:20
=== TroyLee [~TroyLee@220-135-92-70.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
newbiei was still able to undo everything, so it's not a disaster problem07:21
Namronhello anyone plz?07:21
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=== harris is now known as [harris]
newbiebut i'm trying to figure out how to do it right... i really want to install linux07:21
seatmanumonkeyy: is it working for you now?07:22
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monkeyyseatmanu nope07:22
rekanewbie: so you know what went wrong?07:22
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TsukasaNamron, System -> Settings -> Screen07:22
monkeyyseatmanu can i just message u for a while07:22
newbiei know it was the partitioning but i don't know how to correct it07:22
newbiei still haven't successfully installed ubuntu07:22
TsukasaNamron, if the desired frequency is not listed but you're sure that your monitor supports it try disabling dga07:23
Namronhow do i configure monitor frequency?07:23
Fulg10x guys07:23
=== misfit_toy [~guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Namronhow do i disable dga?07:23
newbiei had 4 partitions: 1 NTFS for winxp, 1 linux ext2 for ubuntu, 1 for the swap and another fat32 for data....07:23
rekanewbie: sounds OK07:24
TsukasaNamron, by editing the /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:24
Gouramimedgno, database area is locked by another process07:24
xxlbugknow anybody about a problem with nforce soundchip and a audigy 2zs ?07:24
=== karel [~karel@dsl-21-139.td.tiscali.no] has joined #ubuntu
xxlbugi have no sound on the audigy07:24
Namroni m new . can u tell me what to do?07:24
medgnoGourami, exit out of synaptic. then you should be able to do the dpkg thing07:24
newbieok... made the linux partition bootable, mounted it as "/"...07:25
sinfernook, i extracted all thse .r# files and theres an md5 should i run that or something?07:25
Gouramiok its run and done its thing so now dvd should work07:25
newbiewould my problem have to do with the "1024 cylinder" bios problem07:26
rekanewbie: i'd reinstall, deleting the ext2 and swap paritions, then auto partition the free space.  leave everything it sets as default from there (i.e. which to make bootable)  and say yes when it asks to install grub to the MBR.07:26
horWhat can i do if i don't remember my username?!07:26
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Gouramimedgno, thank you very much :) now I can watch a bugs life :)07:26
sinfernohow do i use a md5 file anyone?07:27
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medgnoGourami, glad to've helped07:27
[harris] I'm trying to configure my ethernet connection, I'm using a DSL modem on PPPoE which requires a username/password to login - Can someone help me with this? (I'm really new)07:27
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hor[harris] : try 'sudo pppoeconf'07:28
newbieso reka, what you're saying is have 3 partitions: 1 for xp, 1 empty, and 1 for data?07:28
Dr_Willissinferno,  it should just be a file that has the md5sum in it.. a large #. that you copmpare to the output from 'md5sum whateverfile'07:28
[harris] thanks hor07:28
medgnosinferno, I think it's by typing, in a terminal, md5sum -c file.md5  (where file.md5 is the filename)  I'm not sure, I'm just going off of the manpage for md5sum07:28
Dr_Willisheh - thats easier then me just looking at the file and the # the md5sum prints.. lol..07:29
sinfernoyeah im reading that now, what i have is a bunch of rars like .r01 .r02 then one regular .rar and an md5 file07:29
rekanewbie: you said you now have: [1] NTFS winxp [2]  linux ext2 [3]  swap [4]  fat3207:29
sinfernobut the regular rar wont open07:29
rekanewbie: delete [2]  and [3] 07:29
HappyFoolyou probably need unrar-nonfree07:29
rekanewbie: that will create some free space07:29
sinfernoi got that how do i use it07:29
Dr_WillisHmm odd that a bunch of rars come with a md5sum. :P07:29
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phanternobody who can help me installing the Georgian script/symbols in ubuntu?07:29
Dr_Willisunrar x foo.rar (i think)07:29
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rekanewbie: then highlight the free space and select auto-partition07:29
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rekanewbie: then leave every other setting as default07:30
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rekai.e don't change which partition is bootable and whatnot07:30
stanfordPlease Help: How do I add a downloaded package to the Synaptic package  Manager list ???07:30
medgnostanford, you can't, as far as I know. you can install them from the command line, though07:30
stanfordmedgno how do i do that?07:30
medgnoyou install file.deb by typing in   sudo dpkg -i file.deb07:31
QaDeSis there a quick possibility to remove all packages that are not contained in the default sources of apt?07:31
sinfernoHappyFool, thanks that worked07:31
stanforddoes it matter what what directory file.deb is in, medgno?07:31
TsukasaQaDeS, simply comment out the lines from sources.list and do a apt-get update07:31
medgnoyou need to be in the same folder as the .deb you're installing, or need to give it the path to it (as in dpkg -i /home/user/file.deb)07:32
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QaDeSTsukasa, i mean remove them from the installation07:32
flankkthe wine package from hoary repos is botched. you can't even run regedit.07:32
QaDeSperformed a dist-upgrade from sarge and seem to have some kinda mixed system mow :o/07:33
=== jeff_ [~apple@AAmiens-151-1-24-34.w83-192.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
medgnoQaDeS, apt-show-versions (you'll need to install it) can at least tell you what packages are from what distro (as in hoary, sarge, testing)07:33
QaDeSoh cool :)07:33
newbieok. well i undid everything i did... so right now i only have the one huge partition for my c: drive....07:34
newbieso i have to start over again, setting up the partitions07:34
newbiei think i know what you mean tho reka... i'll try it again07:34
rekanewbie: install windows first then07:34
stanfordmedgno, my file is not a *.deb, it is muine-0.8.3.tar.gz07:34
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medgnooi. you'll probably need to compile it, but I'm not sure. I've never used mono.07:35
rekanewbie: leave some free space, then just use that to install ubuntu to when you run the ubuntu install07:35
newbieok. i'll try it again, thanks reka07:35
rekasure, good luck07:35
HappyFoolmuine 8.2 seems to be in the hoary repositories07:35
HappyFool0.8.2, that is07:35
stanfordwhat does that mean?07:36
HappyFoolthat means if you're happy with version 0.8.2, you probably don't need to compile anything07:36
seatmanustandford: this mean you have to untar the file and use a compiler to generate the binary :)07:37
=== Scroopy [~dscroop@dsl-203-113-238-161.SA.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
stanfordso its already on my computer?07:37
Scroopyhey peeps07:37
Scroopyim just wondering how i would turn of flinux firewall07:37
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adwaitflinux firewall?07:37
HappyFoolstanford: no, you still need to install it, but it's very easy07:37
Scroopylinux firewall07:37
adwaitScroopy: ubuntu doesnt come preinstalled with any firewall07:37
stanfordhappyfool, ok, so *.3 is harder to install?07:37
adwaitScroopy: the nearest thing is, editing raw iptables........07:38
ScroopyAdwait: then y wouldnt a friend have access to my PHP server etc?07:38
Strifeyou mean HTTP server?07:38
seatmanustanford: iot requires you to baiscally make the package instead of downloading it07:38
ScroopyAdwait: i have opeened port 80 and the server is on port 80 and functioning as localhost07:38
seatmanuso yes it is harder if you don t have the correct dependencies07:38
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adwaitScroopy: yes, but they would have to login to change anything.......but yeah, they can visit ur pages07:38
Scroopyyeha HTTP server07:38
sinfernowhats a good cd burner?07:38
stanfordseatmanu iot?07:38
[harris] thanks again hor ;o07:38
HappyFoolstanford: you will probably find it easier to install the hoary provided package07:38
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StrifeScroopy: is he trying to connect via the IP versus some name address?07:39
adwaitScroopy: well...then it is visible to the whole net, un less u hv a router07:39
shawnhhey people07:39
_0killssinferno, k3b07:39
flankkScroopy, check your apache config, and make sure your isp doesn't block incoming port 80.07:39
Scroopytrying via IP07:39
shawnhtgood morinng07:39
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sinferno_0kills, thanks07:39
_0killssinferno, np07:39
Scroopythe config is on port 8007:39
NamronTsukasa i have made th change but its not working07:39
adwaitScroopy: maybe theres a router betwewn u and the net07:39
Strifeyeah, many ISPs block incoming port 8007:39
Scroopyand the ISP doesnt block it07:39
Phrostbytexterm won't allow me to login as root07:39
Scroopythere is and it has port 80 opened ont he shot PC's IP07:39
Namronmy desktop is gnome 2.1007:40
adwaitScoopy: how r u conecting to the net07:40
shawnhsomewhere over  the rainbow blue birds fly07:40
StrifeScroopy: how many computers do you have on the local network?07:40
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adwaitScoopy: X is configured tht way to not allow u to login as root07:40
Scroopyvia ADSL throuigh ethernet, which hits a router modem07:40
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Scroopyi have 307:40
flankkScroopy, how can you be sure your isp doesn't block it? clearly you are having troubles just setting it up.  we are saying INCOMING 80, not outgoing. don't be so sure.07:40
Striferouter, there's your problem07:40
adwaitScroopy: right.......well, the public IP tht u have probably belongs to the router07:40
adwaitScroopy: ull hv to setup port forwarding on the router07:40
Scroopyyeh it does, each PC gives me the same external IP07:41
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Scroopyi ahve set it up07:41
Scroopyport 80 is open07:41
stanfordhappyfool, I do not understand how I am supposed to install software in ubuntu... what is the hoary provided package?07:41
Strifeand it forwards to the correct computer, Scroopy?07:41
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Scroopyyes it does07:41
flankkScroopy, if you have ip masquerade, you also need to port forward or you won't recieve the packets.07:41
Namronhelp setting monitor frequency in gnome?07:41
adwaitScroopy: yes it is, but the port 80 of the router maybe taken up by the web admin pages or something07:41
HappyFoolstanford: give me a moment...07:42
adwaitScroopy: setup virtual server, and also set the incoming filters on ur router07:42
stanfordhappyfool sure07:42
Scroopyhow would i chek that port 80 is A-OK07:42
adwaitScroopy: whn u try visiting ur ip, wht do u get?07:42
Namronanyone plz?07:42
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HappyFoolstanford: sorry. busy making supper ;)07:42
Scroopywhen i try my EXTERNAL ip via one of my oter PC's i get my modem config07:42
Scroopywould this explain it?07:42
adwaitNamron: yeah...wht abt the frequency?07:42
HappyFoolstanford: ubuntu provides a system for installing software07:43
stanfordhappyfool symantic?07:43
StrifeScroopy: that means you haven't set up port forwarding correctly07:43
adwaitScroopy: like i said, the port 80 is mostly used by the router config, run apache on 8107:43
HappyFoolstanford: you can access this through 'synaptic' : System -> Administration -> Synaptic07:43
Strifeit means that your router is on port 8007:43
Scroopywill set it up07:43
Namronsee i have syncmaster 763 but get only 60hz07:43
Strifeso yes, adwait's suggestion is the best07:43
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flankkScroopy, you need to configure port forwarding via. your router.  still won't guarantee if you isp blocks incoming 80.  visit the private address and see if you even configured the server correctly.07:43
Namronhow to get 85hz which is supported ?07:43
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HappyFoolstanford: you will need to setup synaptic to download software from the internet07:44
flankkScroopy, on the box with apache, visit localhost:8007:44
stanfordhappyfool ok...07:44
HappyFoolstanford: do you have synaptic running?07:44
stanfordhappyfool . yes07:44
adwaitNamron, i am not sure dpkg-reconfigure xsever-xorg could do it, or u could hand edit the xorg.conf file07:44
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HappyFoolstanford: ok. click on 'settings' and then 'repositories'07:44
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Namronhave edited xorg.conf but still not getting it07:44
stanfordhappyfool: ok07:45
HappyFoolstanford: you should see a window listing 'CD Ubuntu 5.04'07:45
Scroopyflannk it gives me the apache server and my website07:45
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stanfordhappyfool: yeah07:45
flankkScroopy, then configure your router to port forward incoming port 80 to that private ip address.07:45
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HappyFoolstanford: is there anything else in that list?07:45
stanfordhappyfool: no07:45
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HappyFoolstanford: ok, click on 'Add'07:45
PhrostbyteOK - I booted into an xterm login prompt, but it won't let me login as ROOT! If I log in as a user, it won't llet me su or sudo or su root or anything!07:45
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HappyFoolstanford: a new window should appear.07:46
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adwaitScroopy: ur server is configured fine, just set it to run on 81, and setup port forwarding for ur router on port 8107:46
stanfordhappyfool: ok07:46
HappyFoolstanford: make sure the top 'list-button' is showing 'Ubuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog"'07:46
Namronadwait plz?07:46
HappyFoolstanford: and tick all four boxes below07:46
bradyis there a way to examine the contents of a package w/o installing it?07:46
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brady(specifically, i want to find out which zope package provides zodb)07:47
adwaitNamron: ok.........sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:47
stanfordhappyfool: I think i understand now07:47
seatmanucan download it and use dpkg07:47
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bradyis there a way to examine the contents of a package w/o installing it?07:47
brady(specifically, i want to find out which zope package provides zodb)07:47
prakcan anyone help be figure out why my battstat applet never shows the batt status.. i am using a cpq presario 1720US07:47
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bradysorry if i wrote that twice07:48
stanfordhappyfool: so ubuntu has an official list of software.07:48
HappyFoolstanford: cool. you may want to add the 'security updates' and 'updates' repositories too07:48
HappyFoolstanford: yeah, exactly07:48
bradyi didnt identify first07:48
chealerhi. a friend told me that he got a IPW2200 card automagically working installing ubuntu. he isn't aware of any firmware upgrade happening. ipw2200.sf.net tells that IPW2200 needs an updated non-free firmware. just wondering, is it possible that ubuntu installs such a firmware quietly?07:48
=== Scroopy [~dscroop@dsl-203-113-238-161.SA.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
stanfordhappyfool: ok sounds good.  thanks!07:48
Scroopyi am back07:48
Tsukasais there a way to change the screen an application is on while it's running?07:48
Scroopyjust gettin aqmate to test now07:48
adwaitNamron: uuh no......its not thr..no idea how to do this07:48
=== adwait feels stupid
Tsukasai.e. to put it from 0.0 to 0.107:49
HappyFoolstanford: when you click ok, and get back to synaptic, it should reload the package list07:49
HappyFoolstanford: and you should be able to find muine in the list07:49
stanfordhappyfool ok07:49
QaDeSummm how can i downgrade packages?07:49
stanfordhappyfool found it!07:49
prakacpi battstat help... anyone got it working or knows how to make it work?07:49
Namronanyway thanks adwait07:49
HappyFoolstanford: great07:49
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HappyFoolstanford: right click on it and choose 'Mark for installation'07:49
adwaitNamron: in absence of any other solutions, i would says installing the right monitor drivers could do it07:50
stanfordhappyfool i got it from here07:50
HappyFoolstanford: cool07:50
stanfordhappyfool its installing07:50
ChurcH_of_FoamYhow do i use this file? :  sc3u-demo-x86.run.gz07:50
TsukasaChurcH_of_FoamY, unpack it and ./run it07:50
sinfernohmm this bin file is too big for a cd is there like a daemon tools for linux kind of thing?07:50
ChurcH_of_FoamYk thank you07:50
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Tsukasasinferno, if it's an iso you can directly mount it07:50
linlinhow do i install gcc and make and all the nessecary build tools like that?07:51
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sinfernoTsukasa, how?07:51
HappyFoollinlin: install 'build-essential'07:51
sinfernoTsukasa, just like i would ount anything?07:51
TsukasaI think so07:51
HappyFoollinlin: use synaptic, or 'sudo aptitude install build-essential'07:51
linlinapt-get install build-essential?07:51
Tsukasaotherwise it should be pretty easy to find out07:51
rwabelI've a big problem. somehow my home partition is now a swap partition. Any chances to get to my home data?07:51
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Tsukasaunfortunately formats like nrg, mds etc. are not mountable, you've to convert them first ~.~07:51
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rwabelis it possible to convert the partition without loosing data?07:52
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serbinema nikoj07:53
linlini think us.archive.ubuntu.com is down07:53
HappyFoollinlin: yeah. use archive.ubuntu.com instead07:54
linlinokie dokie07:54
HappyFoolrwabel: i think you may be out of luck07:54
QaDeSi think i shot my setup :o(07:54
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serbia torbes07:54
Tsukasarwabel, it IS possible, but I don't know exactly how07:54
serbicfao goranci07:54
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QaDeSpostgresql should be in the ubuntu archive, no?07:55
wolfi try to install a wintv nova -s tv card on hoary, any good howtos avaible?07:55
HaroldJohnsonChecking if all requirements are met... ok.07:55
HaroldJohnsonmkdir -p ./symbols07:55
HaroldJohnsonfor i in ./ath_hal ath_rate/onoe ./net80211 ./ath; do \07:55
HaroldJohnson        (cd $i; make) || exit 1; \07:55
HappyFoolQaDeS: should be and is07:55
Tsukasaif I'm not totally wrong it had something to do with a tool called fips, but don't take this too serious07:55
HaroldJohnsonmake[1] : Entering directory `/usr/src/madwifi/ath_hal'07:55
HaroldJohnsoncp ./../hal/linux/ah_osdep.c ah_osdep.c07:55
HaroldJohnsonuudecode ./../hal/public/powerpc-be-eabi.hal.o.uu07:55
HaroldJohnsoncp ./../hal/public/powerpc-be-eabi.opt_ah.h opt_ah.h07:55
HaroldJohnsonmake -C /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.10 SUBDIRS=/usr/src/madwifi/ath_hal MODVERDIR=/usr/src/madwifi/ath_hal/../symbols modules07:55
HaroldJohnsonmake[2] : Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.10'07:55
HaroldJohnson  CC [M]   /usr/src/madwifi/ath_hal/ah_osdep.o07:55
QaDeSoook, so why does apt-get tell me it aint?07:55
HaroldJohnson/bin/sh: /usr/bingcc: No such file or directory07:55
HaroldJohnsonmake[3] : *** [/usr/src/madwifi/ath_hal/ah_osdep.o]  Error 107:55
HappyFoolHaroldJohnson: don't paste here, please07:55
HaroldJohnsonmake[2] : *** [_module_/usr/src/madwifi/ath_hal]  Error 207:55
HaroldJohnsonmake[2] : Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.10'07:55
HaroldJohnsonmake[1] : *** [all]  Error 207:55
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HaroldJohnsonmake[1] : Leaving directory `/usr/src/madwifi/ath_hal'07:55
davrono ooo07:56
HaroldJohnsonmake: *** [all]  Error 107:56
HaroldJohnsonOops, sorry07:56
HaroldJohnsonHappyFool, Sorry, I didn't intend to do that.07:56
flankkHaroldJohnson, /join #flood07:56
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QaDeS"reinstallation of postgresql not possible, it cannot be downloaded" o.O07:56
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erikpHi!  I just upgraded to hoary, and when I get to the log-in screen, I hear this drumroll... a continuous tapping sound.  If I try to log in normally, nothing happens.. just a brown screen and a cursor; no error message.  If I log in using failsafe terminal, I see that there are several aplay and gdmplay processes.  If I kill the aplay processes the tapping stops.  If I log out again, the tapping starts right back up.  Any suggestions?07:56
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HappyFoolerikp: this is a guess: in failsafe terminal, run 'sudo gdmsetup', go to the 'Accessibility tab' and turn sound off07:58
erikpyou mean "Make a sound when login window is ready"?07:59
HappyFoolas i said, that's a bit of a guess07:59
erikpHappyFool: OK, thanks! I'll try logging in normally...07:59
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[harris] I'm trying to setup firestarter, but it says "THe device eth0 is not ready."; however, I have it configured and I am connected to the internet -- Am I doing something wrong?08:01
ryuhi, arent there any sha1sums for the kubuntu images08:02
sinfernohmm is there a reason applications:/// doesnt work for me08:02
sinfernoi want to edit my menu08:02
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jadugarr84sinferno, you can't edit menus like that in gnome 2.10 right now08:04
xxlbughi know anybody here, how to install klibido in kunbuntu/unbuntu?08:04
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sinfernojadugarr84, how do i edit menus right now then08:04
HappyFoolryu: there are MD5sums here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/hoary/  -- i don't know about sha108:05
jadugarr84sinferno, you can install smeg, it will let your menus08:05
erikpHappyFool: that solved the tapping thing (thanks!) but I still can't log in normally.  I just get a blank screen.08:05
alex__Hello! Can anybody advice me a monitor for CPU's temperature, HD's one and fans' speed?08:05
HappyFoolerikp: hrm. sorry, i'm not sure08:05
erikpthat's OK, thanks for your help.08:06
ryukay thx08:06
linlinhow do i see all the pckages currently installed on my system?08:06
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sinfernojadugarr84, hmmm link? its not in apt08:06
AerebusCan someone tell me if there is some easy way to install software that is not included in the ubuntu distro? example, VMware-workstation-5.0.0-13124.tar.gz? I used the archive manager to place it into /home/nexus/downloads/vmware-distrib and now i have 6 folders (bin,doc,etc,man,lib,installer) and 2 files (FILES,vmware-install.pl), i checked inside of the installer folder and there is a file called services.sh lol i really dont know wha08:07
Aerebust i'm doing, anyone wanna educate me? :) o, i alsi checked wiki.ubuntu.com for this topic and only found info on updating an existing installation...08:07
DodGeR_Xuse the package manager linlin ? synaptic08:07
DodGeR_Xshould show u whats installed (the little green ones)08:07
jadugarr84sinferno, its in some of extras repos ... I'm not sure which one though08:07
HappyFoollinlin: yeah, you can use synaptic. a slightly more primitive way might be 'dpkg -l|grep ^ii'08:07
sinfernojadugarr84, is there a way to edit my menus without it?08:08
sinfernojadugarr84, like a file or a folder08:08
linlinok thanks08:08
linlinim apt-getting synaptic right now so ill jsut use that i guess08:08
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jadugarr84sinferno, you can edit them in a text file i think, but i don't know how to do that08:09
sinfernocause im reading a forum on ubuntu forums about some guys that lost thier app menu using smeg08:09
sinfernoand they had to go to ./config/menus and set back to default08:09
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jadugarr84sinferno, i use smeg and have had a problem08:10
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Gouramimy dvd playback with VLC is very jumpy, is there something I can check ?08:11
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shakelhello peaceyall08:11
shakelI have installed this OS08:11
shakelseems to be running very we08:12
jadugarr84sinferno, it creates problems when you have the gnome menu-editor and smeg both installed08:12
linlinim going to kill myself08:12
alex__Hello! Can anybody advice me a monitor for CPU's temperature, HD's one and fans' speed?08:12
shakellinlin why you going to kill your self?08:12
linlini just tripped over the ethernet cable on my machine and ripped the jack out of the mobo08:12
xxlbughi @ all08:12
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HappyFoolGourami: check that dma is enabled on the dvd drive08:12
Gouramioh gawd poor linlin08:12
shakelalex, check www.newegg.com you can buy anything you ned there08:12
HappyFoollinlin: doh!08:12
Belutz_newbie_onlinlin: wew08:12
GouramiHappyFool, where do I check that ?08:12
shakellinlin: WOW08:13
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linlinand the box is stil running!08:13
HappyFoolGourami: 'sudo hdparm -d /dev/hdc'   (/dev/hdc is a guess) will tell you08:13
BelutzHappyFool: i'm back on my winxp08:13
alex__shakel: well, i didn't think buying anything...08:13
djpsinferno: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-174.html08:13
HappyFoolBelutz: ah-ha. still preparing to install?08:13
shakelalex: what are you asking about then?08:13
peaceyallim gettign an error while trying to load ubuntu , after the kernel se;lection screen i get "Error 13 : Invalid or unsupported executable file" , i remember the last thing i did was , sudo apt-get upgrade. how can i fix this problem?08:13
linlinubuntu still runs if a device is physically torn out of a machine ;)08:13
AerebusShakel, i think he needs a program to monitor those hardware devices08:13
Aerebuslike a cpu temp display on your desktop etc08:14
BelutzHappyFool: hmmm maybe after i finish my final project for my bachelor degree08:14
HappyFoolBelutz: fair enough ;)08:14
Aerebusi dont think he was talking about buying those components08:14
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sinfernoanyone know where the menu config file is?08:14
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GouramiHappyFool, its off08:14
alex__shakel: NO! well.... :-) I'm not asking for a REAL MONITOR, but a PROGRAM that controls about temperatures, fans's sped, etc.08:14
BelutzHappyFool: i don't know why... when i'm back on winxp, i feel at home although i'm quite boring with windows08:14
sinfernodjp, thnx08:15
HappyFoolGourami: you can try 'hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc'08:15
peaceyallanyone know why im getting tis error?08:15
HappyFoolGourami: read 'man hdparm' -- there's an interesting looking -X option there, though I haven't used in myself08:15
Aerebusalex, i dont know a lot about linux in fact i'm new but trying google for "linux system monitor" might help08:15
BelutzHappyFool: i also tried FreeSBIE just now08:15
Gouramiok its on now, let me see08:15
HappyFoolBelutz: what's that? a live FreeBSD ?08:16
davrosinferno, what menu list are you after ? grub08:16
shakelalex: I'm not sur if there is a program that can controls he temp. only display what the temp is. and how fast your fans spin08:16
BelutzHappyFool: yup... a live FreeBSD08:16
GouramiHappyFool, problem fixed ure a genius08:16
HappyFoolGourami: heh. actually, that's on the wiki ;)08:16
alex__Aerebus: well, i use synaptic and there are a lot of programs, but the problems is that there are too many and i don't know what choose.08:16
HappyFoolBelutz: sounds interesting08:16
alex__shakel: well, it's the program i am looking for!08:17
shakelalex__: pick one that best fits what your looking for08:17
sinfernodavro, no gnome, my apps menu08:17
Gouramiand humble too08:17
sinfernodavro, i didnt want to install a menu editor really08:17
BelutzHappyFool: the FreeSBIE, come with a lot more applications in the live CD than Ubuntu... but Ubuntu is more easy to manage...08:17
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alex__28-Aerebus-: yes08:18
djppeaceyall: This error is returned if the kernel image being loaded is not recognized as Multiboot or one of the supported native formats08:18
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shakelthis OS is detected everything I have on my laptop, I really like it, ( haven tried o run a dvd thou.)08:18
alex__shakel: well, okey... but there are too many and i search an advice.08:18
peaceyalldjp well wat can i do to fix it08:18
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shakelalex : oh I understand what your after , sorry I havent gotten into that jut yet, if you know of any let me know It dont matter what I useI just want to seem my temps08:19
GouramiHappyFool, I presume that it will save that configuration ?08:19
alex__shakel: YES!08:19
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djppeaceyall: i gather you dual-boot, yes?08:20
peaceyallonly ubuntu08:20
shakelalex : do you have a website or anything, i can get the programs from?08:20
djppeaceyall: hmm08:20
shakelubuntu is number 1 so far08:20
HappyFoolGourami: no08:21
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=== alex___ [~alex@i-83-67-16-154.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolGourami: you can look at /etc/hdparm.conf to set the dma at boost08:21
Gouramiwhat do I have to edit ?08:21
HappyFoolboot, even08:21
Gouramihehe cool08:21
HappyFoolGourami: that file is a little bit fiddly: this is what i added:08:21
HappyFool/dev/hdc {08:21
alex__shakel...well, maybe i didn't explain it well... But i'm looking for a program that show the temperatures. I searched into synaptic and i got a lot of results and i can't choose08:21
HappyFool      dma = on08:21
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BelutzHappyFool: should i use both ubuntu and winxp? if so, which one should i install first?08:22
HappyFoolGourami: i think it's important for there to be a space on either side of the '='08:22
alexukmy god, all the nicks are taken08:22
HappyFoolBelutz: if you wish; it can be handy to have windows around -- i keep it for games08:22
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HappyFoolBelutz: install windows first. Look on the wiki for more on keeping windows and ubuntu in happy coexistence08:22
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BelutzHappyFool: ok, thx :)08:23
shakelalex : I see then I will search along wih you, if I find anything i feel works I will pass it on to you.08:23
JDahlBelutz, do you have partition magic? then it's quite easy08:23
alexhukor a mandrake install cd08:24
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alexhuk(don't quote me on that, I don't know if it'll allow you to resize a partition then quit the installer)08:24
shakelpeaceyall: have you tried to reinstall?08:24
GouramiHappyFool, ok let me reboot to see if it works08:24
HappyFoolGourami: cool08:24
alexhuk(but it's the only(?) linux installer to allow NTFS resizing)08:24
K4ZaDoRi have problem with the instalation  ubuntu on mi iMac, somebody can to help me?08:25
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alex__shakel: can i speak in PV?08:25
Dr_WillisK4ZaDoR,  what kind of imac? I got it on my imacDV08:25
ChurcH_of_FoamYdescovers the pipes screensaver08:25
moirehi, can somebody help to install an samsung usb printer in cups?08:25
shakelalex: sure hod on08:25
K4ZaDoRImac 400 mhz DV08:26
BelutzJDahl: i don't have partition magic08:26
Dr_WillisK4ZaDoR,  it works good on mine. :P what problem ya haveing08:26
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Dr_Williswell it "works" decently on mine Lol - i have a few little issues.08:26
=== action09 back
K4ZaDoRwhen the system try to install show the "error with the multiseat system" :S08:27
K4ZaDoRand return to the menu08:27
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moirei have downloaded a ppd from samsung for my usb printer, but cups seems to not detect it correctly08:27
Belutzbrb... reading the wiki :D08:27
Dr_WillisK4ZaDoR,  Hmm.. No idea there - I dont have any other OS's on my imac however. You dual booting?08:27
rob_ltAnyone here have experience making gnome icon sets?08:27
underlineim having some trouble with cinelerra... i finally installed it... but it isn't running... could anyone help me?? the error is: "cinelerra: relocation error: /usr/lib/libquicktimehv-1.6.0.so.1: undefined symbol: faacDecClose"08:27
=== neyz [~neyz@pha75-5-82-224-189-48.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
neyzhey all08:28
moirehi neyz08:28
moiredo you have knowledge in cups?08:29
neyzdoes someone know if theres a package for the bmp docking package ? do i need to add some depots ?08:29
ChurcH_of_FoamYhow to run this file again? sc3u-demo-x86.run08:29
underlineChurcH_of_FoamY, ./sc3u-demo-x86.run08:29
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sinfernoso does smeg work with this version of gnome?08:29
rob_ltChurcH_of_FoamY, chmod 755  sc3u-demo-x86.run && ./sc3u-demo-x86.run08:30
ChurcH_of_FoamYbash: ./sc3u-demo-x86.run: Permission denied08:30
ChurcH_of_FoamYi'll try that08:30
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underlineChurcH_of_FoamY, su08:30
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underlineChurcH_of_FoamY, and then try again08:30
svuwhat is the standard way in ubuntu to change the cpu frequency (on g5)?08:30
phyrsterhi there, sorry to ask here but when I try to join #debian, server told me I am banned.08:30
underlineChurcH_of_FoamY, try as root... if it still not working, try to chmod the file08:31
phyrsterI didn't do anything that causes a ban, what's wrong with #debian?08:31
phyrsteror do I need to authenticate with something?08:31
sinfernohow do i run a script??08:31
underlinecould anyone help with cinelerra??? "cinelerra: relocation error: /usr/lib/libquicktimehv-1.6.0.so.1: undefined symbol: faacDecClose"08:31
underlinesinferno, ./<script_name>08:31
sinfernothanks lol08:31
underlinesinferno, in the script folder08:31
ChurcH_of_FoamYwell it's doin something08:32
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sinfernocharles@slacker:~$ cd /home/charles/08:32
sinfernocharles@slacker:~$ ./installsmeg08:32
sinfernobash: ./installsmeg: Permission denied08:32
sinfernocharles@slacker:~$ sudo ./installsmeg08:32
sinfernosudo: ./installsmeg: command not found08:32
sinfernothat was big08:32
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Hieronymussinferno: please, next time, use a pastebin08:33
underlinesinferno, chmod 777 installsmeg08:33
ubotuI guess pastebin is http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ http://pastebin.com or #flood08:33
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underlinesinferno, try that08:33
Hieronymusubotu: forget pastebin08:33
ubotuHieronymus: i forgot pastebin08:33
sinfernounderline, that worked thanks08:33
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underlinesinferno, you're welcome lo08:34
sinfernowait uhhh08:34
sinfernoError! Cleaning up...08:34
sinfernodpkg: status database area is locked by another process08:34
K4ZaDoR_sorry my conexion crash08:34
sinfernois that bad08:34
Hieronymusubotu: pastebin is at http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/ http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ or #flood08:34
ubotuokay, Hieronymus08:34
underlinesinferno, kill the apt or dpkg08:34
ubotusomebody said pastebin was at http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/ http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ or #flood08:34
AerebusCan someone tell me how to install software that is not included in the ubuntu distro? example, VMware-workstation-5.0.0-13124.tar.gz? I used the archive manager to place it into /home/nexus/downloads/vmware-distrib and now i have 6 folders (bin,doc,etc,man,lib,installer) and 2 files (FILES,vmware-install.pl), i checked inside of the installer folder and there is a file called services.sh lol i really dont know what i'm doing, anyone wa08:34
Aerebusnna educate me? :) o, i alsi checked wiki.ubuntu.com for this topic and only found info on updating an existing installation...08:34
K4ZaDoR_dr. wills are u there?08:34
sinfernoHieronymus, sorry i am not gonna paste anymore08:34
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Hieronymussinferno: nah, it's alright, I was just 'fine-tuning' ubotu08:35
Hieronymus!good bot08:35
ubotuthanks hieronymus :)08:35
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CanadianMHi everyone08:35
HieronymusAerebus: try to cd to that directory in a terminal and run "sh ./services.sh"08:35
HieronymusCanadianM: good day08:35
K4ZaDoR_damn it! my imac not acept the Ubuntu :S08:35
underlinesinferno, did it work??08:35
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CanadianMHaving a problem with Firestarter and VPNc connecting back to my office.  If I turn off Firestarter then no problems but with it on I can't get anywhere.   Followed the directions http://www.fs-security.com/docs/vpn.php at the bottom of that page and still no dice08:36
CanadianMany suggestions?08:36
ChurcH_of_FoamYanyone know what the heck this means? : http://pastebin.com/31010108:37
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AerebusHieronymus, ok i'm in the directory but how t i run it? it has a lock icon on the main icon but when i type services.sh or run services.sh nothing happens08:37
Hieronymussh ./services.sh08:38
Hieronymusor ./services.sh08:38
QaDeSis there anyone with good experience with apt-get? having a really bad time here08:38
ArCHoNKoGhow would you install themes08:38
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HieronymusQaDeS: good experiences :)08:38
ChurcH_of_FoamYi have no problems with apt-get08:38
ubotuapt-get is, like, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/08:38
=== CanadianM [~kevinm@ottawa-hs-64-26-170-18.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu
QaDeSi know the standard stuff, but this is not a trivial task, yanno08:38
CanadianMAnyone here use vpnc?08:38
ChurcH_of_FoamYtry apt-get -l08:39
QaDeStried around with about every single option but it's still no go08:39
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ChurcH_of_FoamYfor to find dependancys for broken pacages08:39
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HieronymusQaDeS: what do you want?08:39
Hieronymus..to do08:39
AerebusHieronymus, it says ./services.sh: line 88: vmware_product_name: command not found Warning: Unable to find 's main database /etc/vmware/locations.08:40
ChurcH_of_FoamYanyone know of that error?08:40
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QaDeSgot some packages installed from some other distri and want to replace them by the ubuntu ones08:40
=== DekaPink tries to use Obsidian.
HieronymusAerebus: sounds like you'll need to install it first08:40
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HieronymusAerebus: doesn't it come with an INSTALL file, or README ?08:40
hondjeChurcH_of_FoamY: yes, and it's ugly08:40
QaDeSupgrade, --reinstall install and dist-upgrade won't work tho08:40
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje why is it ugly?08:41
ChurcH_of_FoamYand whats it mean?08:41
AerebusHieronymus, in /home/nexus/downloads/vmware-distrib the dir i extracted it to has a file called vmware-install.pl08:41
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hondjebecause the program you're trying to run doesn't like ubuntu's libc608:41
medgnoQaDeS, did you try pinning hoary, hoary-updates, and hoary-security?08:41
HappyFoolGourami: working?08:41
HieronymusAerebus: try ./vmware-install.pl08:42
QaDeSmedgno, how do i do that?08:42
GouramiHappyFool, 100% :)08:42
Gouramithanks again08:42
hondjeChurcH_of_FoamY: I'm thinking you could get around it with some LD_ASSUME type magic, but I'm just shooting in the dark08:42
HappyFoolGourami: just noticed your hostname. you on vodacom 3g?08:42
GouramiNOW i can go watch a bugs life08:42
QaDeSonly found information on release pinning which won't help08:42
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Gouramiyes HappyFool08:42
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje i don't even know what that is yet08:42
medgnohttp://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html talks about it a little08:42
HappyFoolGourami: and it works with linux?08:42
GouramiHappyFool, but I have to connect from a windows machine :{08:43
QaDeSty :o) *reads*08:43
hondjeChurcH_of_FoamY: I barely do myself :-)08:43
HappyFoolGourami: ah08:43
GouramiHappyFool, I dont know how to get the device working in Ubuntu08:43
AerebusHieronymus, ok i think its working it says Creating a new installer database using the tar3 format. Installing the content of the package. In which directory do you want to install the binary files? [/usr/bin]  what do i do?08:43
medgnoto get it so that a distibution is favored so much it'll downgrade packages to get there, set the priority at 1001 or higher08:43
HappyFoolGourami: me either.08:43
Gouramithe dial-up connections are very basic, its just the device08:43
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HieronymusAerebus: you type in what you want, or go with the default and press enter08:43
medgnoI personally did hoary at 1001, hoary-updates at 1002 and hoary-security at 100308:44
Gouramiwill tackle it at some time or another08:44
HieronymusAerebus: you need to be root to install in /usr/bin though08:44
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Aerebuscan i install it to /home/nexus/ ?08:44
nybbleanyone have experience with a Cisco 2516 router?08:44
HieronymusAerebus: sudo ./vmware-installer.pl08:44
HappyFoolGourami: hrm yeah. i guess asking vodacom will not yield much ;)08:44
GouramiHappyFool, if you ever figure it out pls let me know08:44
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HieronymusAerebus: sure08:44
Aerebusit will work properly still?08:45
ArCHoNKoGwhat is the default path for backgrouds08:45
QaDeSlol i'm a dork :*] 08:45
Hieronymusbut it's nicer to install in /usr/bin08:45
HappyFoolGourami: you could maybe ask on www.myadsl.co.za -- i know one guy there go the sentech modems working with linux08:45
medgnomy /etc/apt/preferences is at http://medievalgnome.org/~medgno/preferences.txt. if you take that and dist-upgrade, it'll replace all sarge things it can08:45
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HieronymusAerebus: yeah it will08:45
DiscipulusAnyone wanna sign my GPG Key?08:45
QaDeSty medgno. shouldn't have done it with "stable" as a release name ;)08:45
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Aerebusit says, What is the directory that contains the init directories (rc0.d/ to rc6.d/)? [/etc] ?08:45
HieronymusAerebus: no idea, go with the default :p08:46
medgnoQaDeS, no worries, it took me too long to figure out08:46
GouramiHappyFool, but isnt ADSL and GPRS very different, I connect via a Motorola V3 (cellular GPRS)08:46
DiscipulusAerebus, /etc/init.d08:46
action09i'm asking myself why in Ubuntuguide (us/uk) there are Ubuntu backports, and why in French guide there are not but 'Debian' Marillat depository.. not fully supported..08:46
ubotumethinks ubguide is Please do not follow Ubuntuguide; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines (number 3)08:46
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HappyFoolGourami: indeed. i just suggested it as a possibly useful forum. several ZA tech-heads there08:46
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Hieronymusaction09: that's evil/bad of the french wiki, edit it immediately!08:47
Gouramiah ok will check it out, thanks HappyFool08:47
action09Hieronymus, hmm :)08:47
GigaClondoes Ubuntu come with gcc?08:47
HieronymusGigaClon: it can be installed08:47
HieronymusGigaClon: if you want to compile, install build-essential08:48
DekaPinkAnyone know anything about obsidian?08:48
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hondjeYes, it's a black rock formed by volcanic action08:48
K4ZaDoR_anyone have ubuntu in iMac?08:48
DekaPinkNo, I mean the fserve for xchat. :P08:48
=== hondje knows nothing about that :)
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DekaPinkI can't seem to work it. Hehe.08:50
GigaClonHieronymus: where do i run that08:51
GigaClonim getting "too few arguments"08:51
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HieronymusGigaClon: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:51
ubotuapt-get is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/08:51
Hieronymusor use a tool like synaptic (gui) or aptitude (cli)08:51
Aerebusit says, it was trying to find a suitable vmon module for my running kernel and it cannot find one, it can build one for my system but i need a C compiler installed, do i select yes?08:52
bccsi'm trying to listen some netradio with xmms, but it crashes. any help?08:52
HappyFoolAerebus: have you installed gcc (or build-essential) ?08:52
AerebusHappyfool, i dont think so...08:53
HappyFoolAerebus: maybe do that first08:53
AerebusHappyfool, what should i do?08:53
HappyFoolAerebus: it will probably just give an error message if you choose yes08:53
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HappyFoolAerebus: i'd choose 'no' and install build-essential, and linux-headers-<something> first08:53
linlinevery time i add a new directory to my ~/public_html directory, the permissions do not get proplerly set and the directory comes up forbidden. How do i fix this?08:54
AerebusHappyfool, i dont know what to do08:54
Iolopwhat does ubuntu mean08:54
HappyFoollinlin: you can look at the 'umask' bash command08:54
Dr_Willislinlin,  umask command - i do belive is your answer. :P08:54
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HappyFoollinlin: assuming you're working in bash08:54
AerebusWill synaptic install GCC?08:55
Iolopwhat does ubuntu mean08:55
HappyFoolIolop: humanity, more or less08:55
HappyFoolAerebus: yeah, install the 'build-essential' package08:55
HappyFoolAerebus: that will install gcc08:55
underlineIolop, humanity for the others - something like that08:55
linlinwhat exactly would i run to fix the permissions?08:55
ubotuI heard ubuntu is an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com08:55
AerebusHappyfool, what do i look for in synaptic? GCC?08:56
HappyFoolAerebus: 'build-essential'08:56
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, ubuntu is an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com. It means 'Humanity to others'.08:56
linlinsudo apt-get install build-essential in a console is easier08:56
HappyFoolHieronymus: you goal is to make ubotu the sum of all human knowledge? :)08:57
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HieronymusHappyFool: yes, let him be the tree of knowledge http://www.churchofreality.org/wisdom/introduction/home/we_honor_the_tree_of_knowledge.html08:58
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhy does the .aptitude folder have a lock icon and an xicon?08:58
=== Jet2k5 [~zero@fl-71-3-160-228.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jet2k5can anyone view videos from this website in firefox?08:59
Jet2k5or does it give you the " Click here to download plugin "08:59
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HieronymusChurcH_of_FoamY: ownership root I guess08:59
ChurcH_of_FoamYi was hopeing that the x meant that and not "i'm broken" lol09:00
bcc|graveJet2k5, yes, you need the mplayer plugin09:00
GigaClonis there a keyboard command for switching between workspaces?09:00
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Jet2k5bcc|grave: ok do you know the package name?09:00
bcc|graveJet2k5, I think: mozilla-mplayer09:00
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Keanuanyone know a bandwidth-limiter other than trickle?09:02
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salahalguien que hable ispaol..?09:03
HappyFoolsalah: try #ubuntu-es   (/join #ubuntu-es)09:03
Jet2k5bcc|grave: thank you very much for your help09:03
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AerebusHappyfool, my cdrom isnt work lol i cant install09:03
=== Aerebus cries
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QaDeShmmm what's the default kernel in hoary?09:03
Aerebusi'll be back in a bit lol09:04
HappyFoolAerebus: it is physically broken?09:04
Aerebusi dont know09:04
Aerebusi doubt it09:04
=== action09 [~action09@rue92-2-82-228-120-222.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hieronymus!info kernel09:04
HappyFoolQaDeS: 2.6.1009:04
Aerebusi think there is a loose ide cable or something09:04
Heimdall_linuxsalah, puedo hablar espanol pero no pienso que puedo decir algo buen hablando de linux :)09:04
Aerebusit happened before09:04
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Heimdall_linuxlol woooow I'm speaking spanish !!09:04
HappyFoolHeimdall_linux: you can tell him about #ubuntu-es, though I think it might not be busy09:05
Heimdall_linuxHappyFool, I think #channel_name is internationnal :)09:05
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QaDeSty HappyFool09:05
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HappyFoolHeimdall_linux: depends if he speaks irc or not ;)09:05
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, hey, got it to work yet?09:06
Heimdall_linuxsalah, entonces, HappyFool me dices que tu puedes ir en el chan #ubuntu-es para preguntar cosas :)09:06
=== housetier_ [~housetier@dsl-084-056-182-070.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Heimdall_linuxwell it is very bad spanish :)09:06
sinfernowhat happened to cdemu?09:07
Hieronymus!info cdemu09:07
Heimdall_linux5-6 years that I don't speak spanish... just forgot :)09:07
_breedHave any of you been getting MD5Sum mismatches when doing apt-get installs?09:07
Heimdall_linuxHappyFool, do you talk to us with x-chat ?09:07
Hieronymus_breed: us mirror?09:07
sinfernocause i cant mount this .bin file09:07
QaDeSamazing...i'm trying to install kernel-image-2.6.10-5-686 and apt wants to downgrade my whole system o.O09:07
HappyFoolHeimdall_linux: yip09:08
Hieronymus_breed: it's broken I think09:08
HappyFooli'm not clever enough to use emacs for irc too ;)09:08
ChurcH_of_FoamYThis is an unauthorized cybernetic announcement.09:08
ubotuHieronymus: I give up, what is it?09:08
Heimdall_linuxHappyFool, if I want to redirect ports ('cause I'm behind a router) for xdcc, which one is it ? 1080 or 6667 ?09:08
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HappyFoolHeimdall_linux: um09:09
cbreatheSynaptic is really confusing me.09:09
Heimdall_linuxI think ubuntu has no firewall so it should be correct09:09
HappyFoolHeimdall_linux: sorry, i don't actually know09:09
HappyFoolHeimdall_linux: dcc rarely works for me09:09
Heimdall_linuxah :)09:09
=== Nard [~i_am@h-68-165-40-15.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
cbreatheWhy is it that when I add a new repository to sources.list only half the packages (and none of the ones I want!) show up in Synaptic?09:10
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BelutzHappyFool: should i download the dvd or the cd for installing?09:10
HappyFoolBelutz: well, i used the cd09:10
HappyFoolBelutz: but i have dial-up ;)09:11
_breedThat was it. Thanx Hieronymus!09:11
HappyFoolBelutz: you might as well use the CD, and install what your want off the internet using synaptic09:11
Hieronymus_breed: np09:11
BelutzHappyFool: ok, thx for the advice :D09:11
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cbreatheAll I can think of is that it has something to do with my machine being amd64.09:12
Hieronymusubotu: usmirror is if you get MD5Sum mismatches when doing apt-get installs don't use the us mirror. Change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list09:12
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ubotuokay, Hieronymus09:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYlooks through synaptic "what the heck is 3d desktop"?09:13
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DarkSpycan I choose a specific kernel (amd k7) during installation?09:13
HieronymusChurcH_of_FoamY: sounds like eyeglass09:13
ChurcH_of_FoamYhi ubotu09:13
HieronymusDarkSpy: you can install it afterwards09:13
Hieronymushi ubotu09:13
Hieronymus!good bot09:13
ubotuthanks hieronymus :)09:13
DarkSpyHieronymus: that's my only option?09:13
ChurcH_of_FoamYHieronymus is it actually what it says09:14
HieronymusChurcH_of_FoamY: ?09:14
HieronymusDarkSpy: I don't think you can during install, but I don't know09:14
DarkSpythere's not a boot parameter?09:14
Hieronymuspress f2 or f3 for options09:14
HieronymusDarkSpy: there is, for example for server install09:14
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DarkSpyI've looked but haven't found anything09:14
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DarkSpyI wanted to install the k7 specific kernel instead of the default09:15
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=== ben [~djjdj@p83.129.40.49.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
benHi there, again!09:15
cbreatheHi, ben.09:15
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cbreatheSo, anyone have any ideas re:Synaptic?09:16
benA couple of hours ago i got some great help here concerning an ubuntu install. now im back in trouble... ;)09:16
Hieronymusben: shoot09:16
=== Shadowpillar [~Shadow@pool0044.cvx21-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shadowpillarhow do I get my gamepad working in ubuntu?09:17
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=== cbreathe sighs.
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Shadowpillarit's standard gameport09:17
Shadowpillarnot usb09:17
Shadowpillarand /dev/js* and /dev/input/js* dont exist09:17
Hieronymuscbreathe: post your sources.list in a pastebin09:17
sinfernook im installing cdemu, and it says i need the source of my current running kerne;09:17
GigaClonanyone installed libmad?09:17
ubotuI guess pastebin is at http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/ http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ or #flood09:17
sinfernocause i have to build the module09:17
=== bronson [~bronson@node-40240852.sjc.onnet.us.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShadowpillarI modprobe'd all the modules as well09:17
=== kiwnix [~egarcia@32.red-82-158-158.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
benim trying to install the latest ubuntu on a really old (97ish) laptop. everything during install works fine up until the setup tries to copy and extract nic-extra-modules-2.6.10-5-386-di . there, install goes into a loop. ive tried burning another copy of the cd - doesnt help. any idea?09:18
=== Exposure [~exposure@a80-126-234-67.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
benive tried noapci, nolapci, vga=771 (even though that really cant be it...)09:19
cbreatheHieronymus: Done, thanks.09:19
sinfernoit says i need my kernel source before i build this module, im not sure what that means im scared to mess with my kernel09:19
Hieronymuscbreathe: where?09:19
beni found ONE instance of this case via google but there was no answer to that fellow either.09:20
=== ficoc [~ficoc@p50871F53.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
cbreatheHieronymus: http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/46009:20
Hieronymus!info nic-extra-modules-2.6.10-5-386-di09:20
Hieronymus!info nic-extra-modules-2.6.10-5-386-di09:20
Hieronymusubotu can't find it, ben09:21
ubotuHieronymus: I don't know, could you explain it?09:21
=== ralfx [~ralf@adsl-69-224-119-40.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFooli can't find any debs with 'nic-extra' in the name09:21
ben:( thanks for looking, hieronymus09:21
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bencan i just tell the installer to skip packages it has problems with?09:21
Mafii need some help with updateing firefox09:21
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Hieronymuscbreathe: uhh, there's a # in front of them, so they're commented out09:22
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, sources is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3809:22
bitvector2Hi folks, I'm thinking of trying ubuntu on a IBM T42 laptop, but wondering if suspending is supported out of the box?09:22
=== ben is trying "expert" now, even though thats really not appropriate... ;)
cbreatheHieronymus: Except the last one.09:22
cbreatheHieronymus: I commented the rest out so I could try to isolate the problem with the last one.09:22
Mafiif someone could help please query me to past a error form synaptic09:23
Hieronymuscbreathe: okay09:23
cbreatheHieronymus: Is it only going to show packages that work on amd64?09:23
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Hieronymuscbreathe: possible, are you sure you don't need to add 'main' or something?09:23
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GigaClonabout synaptic, I can't find it.09:24
cbreatheHieronymus: How can I find out? I know that packages.gz is in http://ubuntu.nooms.de/hoary/.09:25
Hieronymuscbreathe: maybe remove the space between ubuntu.nooms.de and hoary?09:25
Hieronymusthere's a space in-between09:25
=== twidget [~charles@adsl-0-9-179.shv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
GigaClonthe wiki says its in Computer -> System Configuration09:25
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HappyFoolGigaClon: try System -> Administration -> Synaptic09:26
cbreatheHieronymus: That results in a syntax error. I'm pretty sure the line is right because I get some packages listed in synaptic after an apt-get update.09:26
HappyFoolGigaClon: the wiki is probably describing ubuntu 4.1009:26
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dtudosieanybody installed gnucash in breezy ?09:27
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beni really wonder whats going on here. cd-integrity is running fine and just passed nic-extra-modules-2.6.10-5-386-di...09:27
benis there an installation-method in which i first copy the cd to the hd and then install from there?09:28
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, Hieronymus09:28
ubotuHieronymus: I give up, what is it?09:28
ubotu[linux]  the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Ubuntu is only one version of the GNU/Linux operating system. For more information on Linux in general, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux09:28
ubotuHieronymus: I haven't a clue09:28
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MafiI've broken firefox by trying to update it with synaptic. please help. it's not starting09:30
=== blackout [~blackout@adsl-69-214-233-56.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
mirshafieim having a problem with installing new applications. with apt-get i get an error message that says dpkg fails to read `/var/lib/dpkg/available', because there is no such dir. what's gone wrong?09:30
redtechok, what is the most usuable dvd player?09:31
blackouti just installed/built the hostap-source packages, and now my hermes card is somehow now not detected - hermes modules are not loaded automatically for some reason.  I've uninstalled the hostap-source package even, and the behavior persists, making the card unusable09:31
MafiI've broken firefox by trying to update it with synaptic. please help. it's not starting. migth be caused of installing of libcairo?09:31
=== ntoll [~ntoll@81-178-231-151.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Blissexmirshafie: try 'du -m /var/lib/dpkg' what do you get? Paste to a paste site the result...09:32
blackoutthoughts?  could this be a discover issue?  any way to "reset" hardware detection - it worked great during the install09:32
ubotuhmm... alternative is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant09:32
dtudosiedoes anybody knows how to install gnucash in breezy ? it depends on some pachages that are not installable (libgtkhtml20 and libofx0c102)09:32
Blissexdtudosie: Breezy AFAIK is explicitly not guaranteed to work... As in ''you are on your own...''09:32
mirshafieBlissex: i get a list of dirs. should i paste them all?09:33
Blissexmirshafie: yes, with their sizes...09:33
HappyFoolblackout: i can only suggest looking in /var/log/dmesg and see if that suggests anything09:33
ntollguys, any suggestions for a dvd authoring package for Ubuntu? I want to create DVD menus and mpeg2 video content for hom video disks TIA09:33
Blissexdtudosie: please read the /topic of this channel...09:33
mirshafieBlissex: [21:29:13]  ~ $ du -m /var/lib/dpkg09:33
mirshafie22      /var/lib/dpkg/info09:33
mirshafie1       /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives09:33
mirshafie1       /var/lib/dpkg/parts09:33
mirshafie1       /var/lib/dpkg/updates09:33
mirshafie1       /var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt09:33
mirshafie1       /var/lib/dpkg/methods/disk09:33
mirshafie1       /var/lib/dpkg/methods/floppy09:33
mirshafie1       /var/lib/dpkg/methods09:33
Blissexmirshafie: I suggested to paste or a paste site...09:33
mirshafie24      /var/lib/dpkg09:33
Blissexmirshafie: I suggested to paste to a paste site...09:33
cbreatheThis is a very basic question, but:09:34
=== beezly [~andy@2001:618:400:1ad7:20c:6eff:fee1:a9da] has joined #ubuntu
blackoutHappyFool, issues with irq conflicts - suggests booting with irqpoll option, but i dont' know what that means/entails09:34
ChurcH_of_FoamYEWWWW! SPAM!09:34
dtudosieBlissex: ok...09:34
Blissexmirshafie: however the good news is that '/var/lib/dpkg/info' is 22 MB, so you have not lost that, and that's important.09:34
HappyFoolblackout: i *think* it's a kernel parameter09:34
Mafiwhy do I get this? E: /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox_1.0.4-1ubuntu3~5.04ubp5_i386.deb:  trying to overwrite `/var/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions.d/00classic', which is also in package mozilla-firefox09:34
blackoutirq 11: nobody cared09:34
=== bobubu3 [~bobubu3@ppp-157-132.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu
blackoutunfortunately, this bug has rendered my system unusable09:35
mirshafieBlissex: ok, so is there any way to correct the other problems?09:35
Blissexmirshafie: just 'mkdir' the missing directory as 'root' and try again, it _may_ just fix things. Hard to say what could have gone wrong.09:35
blackoutHappyFool, how then, would i use this kernel parameter?09:35
HappyFoolblackout: is this of any help? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingIRQProblems09:35
mirshafieblissex: ok. thanks09:35
HappyFoolblackout: you can edit grub boot parameters with 'e', i think, if you can get to the grub boot menu09:35
Blissexmirshafie: but wait a second, did you say '/var/lib/dpkg/available'?09:36
mirshafieblissex: yes09:36
dtudosieBlissex: gnucash: however, I hope it will be supported in the final release... otherwise I would have a major reason * not* to upgrade to breezy...09:37
Blissexmirshafie: uh, thats actually a file. if there is a file called '/var/lib/dpkg/available.old' rename it to '/var/lib/dpkg/available'.09:37
blackoutHappyFool, I can, and am trying it now09:37
HappyFoolblackout: you might want 'irqpoll=off' (or =on... ? i don't know what the default is)09:38
Blissexmirshafie: or look for the string "available" in 'man dpkg'. it will tell you two ways to rebuild a current version.09:38
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Mafiwhy do I get this? E: /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox_1.0.4-1ubuntu3~5.04ubp5_i386.deb:  trying to overwrite `/var/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions.d/00classic', which is also in package mozilla-firefox09:39
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exwindowsuserdoes anyone know how I can get a program to run everytime my ubuntu system starts? (in a manner similar to a 'startup' item in windows)09:41
itzexwindowsuser,  yes09:41
MafieXhumed, something like crond09:41
Blissexexwindowsuser: adding it to the '/etc/rc*' directory for the runlevel.09:41
itzlol u can do it much easier09:42
MafieXhumed, or like Blissex sayd09:42
{Seb}exwindowuser: or you could add it to the GNOME Session Preferences09:42
anacronitz: why would you do something easily when you can make it hard!09:42
=== LeeColleton [~lc@dsl254-021-168.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
blackoutHappyFool, darn, i just tried with irqpoll09:43
itzIN ur "startmenu" or near ctually/system / settings / sessions / startprogram09:43
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=== Helpless [~alex@cpe-24-209-92-236.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
itzanacron, hey give us exwindowsfreak some rest huh? :D09:44
blackoutwell this is killing my ubuntu experience09:44
napsyHi. Everytime a restart my mashina and log in to GNOME, it says HAL failed to initialise. Is there a way to fix this problem?09:44
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itzexwindowsuser, did u understand? ;)09:44
Mafican someone teach me how to repair firefox09:44
exwindowsusertrying it now :)09:44
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MafiI've broken it when I've tryed to update09:45
Mafinow it does not start anymore09:45
anacronitz: but it's more fun to make things hard way and learn really something, than make it like windowslike click and drag style :D09:45
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HelplessDoes anyonw know what it means when you try to install 64-bit ubuntu and you get the error message "Kernel Panic - Not syncing"09:45
anacronMafi: try to remove it and install again or something like that?09:45
exwindowsuserok, thanks i see how it goes that way09:45
itzanacron, i get ur point but sometimes its just gets to much09:46
Mafianacron, can you assist me?09:46
exwindowsuseris there away I can do it from the commandline?09:46
anacronitz: thats true also, sometimes you have to get job done fast :)09:46
HelplessDoes anyone know what it means when you try to install 64-bit ubuntu and you get the error message "Kernel Panic - Not syncing"09:46
itzYeah before i lose my manner and delete ubuntu :o09:47
anacronMafi: sure i can try09:47
Helplessdid I already ask that, I'm sorry09:47
=== Aerebus [~nexus@cpe-66-25-33-72.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mafianacron, now I've removed 1.0.2 and I have only 1.0.4 left in synaptic09:48
AerebusHappyfool, i'm back :)09:48
Mafianacron, and that's the version I can't install09:48
anacronHelpless: have you check out there isn't something like 64bit ubuntu wiki?09:48
Mafianacron, because I get this:  Depends: libcairo1 (>=0.3.0) but it is not installable09:48
=== n3C [~n3C@klik27.klik.bydgoszcz.pl] has joined #ubuntu
anacronMafi: is your sources allright?09:48
Helplessanacron: Ubuntu for AMD 64 processors, I'm sorry09:48
MafiI have the sources from ubuntuguide09:49
Mafianacron,  I have the sources from ubuntuguide09:49
uboturumour has it, ubguide is Please do not follow Ubuntuguide; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines (number 3)09:49
anacronMafi: what does it say when you try to install libcairo1 etc?09:50
{Seb}ubotu: why does it say that?09:50
ubotu{Seb}: No idea09:50
{Seb}ubotu: i think it is quite good actually09:50
ubotu{Seb}: what are you talking about?09:51
{Seb}ubotu: about advising people not to use ubuntuguide.org09:51
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, {Seb}09:51
Mafianacron, firefox:09:51
Mafi Depends: libcairo1 (>=0.3.0) but it is not installable09:51
Mafi Depends: mozilla-firefox but it is not going to be installed09:51
anacronthere were some bad sources in ubuntuguide for an exsample09:51
{Seb}fair enough09:51
mirshafieBlissex: I cant find anything about available in 'man dpkg', but there was however an available-old file in /var/lib/dpkg. i renamed it, and now i get a parse error about a field name (near line 2) that must be followed by colon. i guess this should be easy to fix, except i dont find any code in the file that i dare messing around with. most of it is text09:51
Mafican you give me a good source list?09:51
anacronMafi: try to force it with -f or something like that (check apt-get --help)09:52
Mafianacron, apt-get what?09:52
{Seb}what is number 8 about on that page?09:52
=== msieradzki [~marek@xdsl-1118.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
anacronMafi: well try just apt-get --help and then add upgrade or install if it won't work09:52
anacronMafi: maybe we should move to private chating, this is kinda annoying for the other people who try to get help09:53
=== Anjay [~moi@dyn-213-36-108-160.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
{Seb}i've been away from the ubuntu sceen09:53
{Seb}it is nice to be back09:54
Hieronymusgood sources.list09:54
HaroldJohnsonAnyone know of a wireless PC card for Mac that is virtually guaranteed to work on Ubuntu?09:54
ubotuI guess sources is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3809:54
AerebusHieronymus, befor ei left to fix my cdrom so i could install build-essentials from synaptic in order to finish up installing vmware, i believe you were helping me. anyhow i was at this point: it was trying to find a suitable vmon module for my running kernel and it couldnt find one, it can build one for my system but i need a C compiler installed, i fixed my cdrom and just installed build-essentials thru synaptic, is there something els09:54
Aerebuse i need to install in order to let it build a vmon module?09:54
{Seb}HaroldJohnson: yes09:54
=== eliUbuntu [~eli@ip64-75-179-26.hsia.aloha.net] has joined #ubuntu
{Seb}HaroldJohnson: The D-Link 11g USB Stick (DGL-122 IIRC)09:54
HieronymusAerebus: I don't think so, if it only mentioned gcc09:54
AerebusHieronymus, ok so retry to configure it?09:55
HieronymusAerebus: yep09:55
HaroldJohnson{Seb}, Are you certain of this?09:55
bccsAerebus, dont think so either09:55
eliUbuntuQuestion, how you do move "places" and "system" menu bars under the "applications" menu bar?09:55
{Seb}HaroldJohnson: pretty much09:55
=== nomasteryoda [~nmyoda@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
{Seb}HaroldJohnson: It uses the Prism2 chipest09:55
HaroldJohnson{Seb}, Oh, shoot - my old PowerBook G3 doesn't have USB.09:55
{Seb}HaroldJohnson: which has Linux drivers and doesn't need ndiswrapper09:55
{Seb}HaroldJohnson: most cards with a Prism2 chipest should owkr09:56
=== tiglionabbit [~nick@c-67-171-159-205.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
HaroldJohnson{Seb}, I'm having an impossible time getting my D-Link to work on this PowerBook G3.09:56
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Hieronymus{Seb}: free gnu/linux drivers?09:56
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, hey :)09:56
{Seb}HaroldJohnson: what D-Link?09:56
HaroldJohnsonHey there, jcoxon09:56
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, no success09:56
{Seb}Hieronymus: it is in the Kernel IIRC09:57
HaroldJohnson{Seb}, The D-Link DWL-G63009:57
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Not yet09:57
ameobaI read something the other day about Ubuntu as a server.  I'd always considered it more of a desktop distro - how well suited to a server is it compared to straight Debian?09:57
HaroldJohnson{Seb}, Yes, it should be.09:57
{Seb}ameoba: i use ubuntu on my server09:57
jcoxongot any further?09:57
{Seb}HaroldJohnson: i can also certainnly bet it will never work09:57
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HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Somewhat, but probably not really.09:57
{Seb}ameoba: i like having a gnome desktop on my server so i can use the BitTorrent client ;-)09:58
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jcoxonHaroldJohnson, have you tried restarting with the card inserted?09:58
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, I followed those instructions, but when I run iwcong I still get nothing.09:58
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eliUbuntuanyone one know how to move the menu's on the panel? such as moving "Places" under the menu of "Applications"?09:58
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, You mean rebooting?09:58
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, yeah09:58
medgnoeliUbuntu, I think that's very hard to do09:59
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, sometimes they have weird ways of initalising themselves09:59
ameoba{Seb}: thinking about a pretty minimal headless (post-install) setup - mostly just apache+python CGI stuff09:59
=== phenomeno [~phenomeno@79.98-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
HaroldJohnsonOkay, I'll try it.  Do I need to move the new kernel back to my Mac OS 9 partition for BootX?09:59
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=== IKnowNothingAbou [~alex@cpe-24-209-92-236.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, you don't have a new kenel :)10:00
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, we killed it before it was made10:00
ChurcH_of_FoamYgood bot10:00
=== karel_ [~karel@dsl-21-139.td.tiscali.no] has joined #ubuntu
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, the original one will work find10:00
phenomenoanyone can help me with installing the ati drivers?10:00
ChurcH_of_FoamYubotu how are you?10:00
ubotuChurcH_of_FoamY: just great10:00
eliUbuntumedgno: thanks for the tip. I was afraid that it would be difficult to do10:01
ChurcH_of_FoamYubotu what are you doing?10:01
ubotuChurcH_of_FoamY: what are you talking about?10:01
=== DJLarZ [~fehue@ti231210a080-6733.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu
noob-leechUm... I have a newbie question...10:01
tiglionabbitChurcH_of_FoamY: how did it suddenly be able to do that?10:01
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eliUbuntuphenomeno: what type of ati card do you have?10:01
tiglionabbitnoob-leech: go ahead10:01
ChurcH_of_FoamYi don't know10:01
ChurcH_of_FoamYit just did it10:01
djpshould i be using anything with regards security if i am running postfix under hoary? if so what is used by default in ubuntu?10:01
=== Pier [~Juan@93.Red-217-125-132.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
medgnoeliUbuntu, you can try adding the "Main Menu" applet to the panel, and see if that's more what you're looking for10:02
noob-leechIs there any way to play Monkey Audio 3.99 files under Rhythmbox (gstreamer)?10:02
DJLarZDude, what is SSL????????????????????10:02
eliUbuntudont use the ati card driver, its a mess. let me get you a link for installing a driver that is used for ati cards.10:02
ChurcH_of_FoamYubotu what's new?10:02
ubotuChurcH_of_FoamY: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about10:02
=== alp [~alp@host86-131-191-162.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
eliUbuntui use it myself and it works really good10:02
GigaClonsecure sockets layer DJLarZ10:02
ChurcH_of_FoamYtheres a new one10:02
phenomenooke :) thank you10:02
noob-leechtiglionabbit:  Monkey's audio... lossless format with extension .ape.10:02
ChurcH_of_FoamYubotu news10:02
GigaClonanyone use liblua?10:03
tiglionabbitnoob-leech: I've never heard of those.  wow10:03
phenomenocan you play games with that driver?10:03
DJLarZgigaclon: how do you download it? i need it for installing wine!10:03
Shadowpillarhow do I get my gamepad working in ubuntu?10:03
GigaClonit should be there10:03
Shadowpillarit's a standard gameport10:03
AerebusHieronymus, ok it says when i try to build te module "What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] " when i use that choice as default it says "The path "/usr/src/linux/include" is not an existing directory." what should i do?10:03
Shadowpillarnot USB10:03
Shadowpillaremu10k1 gameport module loaded10:04
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Shadowpillarmodprobe'd joydev.ko10:04
noob-leechThere is a gst-monkeysaudio plugin... but it's no longer maintained due to some license issues. ;(10:04
IKnowNothingAbouUmm... I have an AMD64 processor, but I can't install 64-bit Ubuntu... Says "Kernel Panic- Not Synching" when I try to install.... Anyone know how to fix this?10:04
eliUbuntuone more min phenomeno10:04
Aerebusbccs, do you have any ideas?10:05
=== blackMOORE [~blackMORE@tc2-37-147.citechco.net] has joined #Ubuntu
bccsAerebus, well10:05
bccsin synaptic10:05
bccscheck where the files of the build-essencial package are10:06
HieronymusAerebus: install linux-header files10:06
Hieronymusfigure out where these are installed10:06
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eliUbuntuphenomeno: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3249510:08
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admin0 gdesklets: Depends: python-gnome2-extras but it is not going to be installed10:08
admin0  ---10:08
admin0 gdesklets: Depends: python-gnome2-extras but it is not going to be installed10:08
admin0how to fix that please ?10:08
phenomenook thank you eliUbuntu10:08
phenomenoi also have problem with installing mplayer, I type sudo apt-get install mplayer-386(as said on www.ubuntuguide.org) but i get an error that some packges aroe not the same10:08
eliUbuntuphenomeno, also check out fglrx drivers10:08
AerebusHieronymus or bccs can one of you join #flood?10:08
eliUbuntuvery stable10:08
admin0i am trying to apt-get gdesklets, and the error is:  gdesklets: Depends: python-gnome2-extras but it is not going to be installed .. i am not sure what I am doing is wrong10:09
_johnSSH server doesn't appear to work with tcp-wrappers, should it?10:09
admin0 i am trying to apt-get gdesklets, and the error is:  gdesklets: Depends: python-gnome2-extras but it is not going to be installed .. i am not sure what I am doing is wrong10:09
eliUbuntuadmin0: how are you installing gdesklets?10:09
eliUbuntuah, you're missing a repository10:10
admin0sudo apt-get install gdesklets10:10
admin0am I ?10:10
noob-leechsudo apt-get install python-gnome2-extra ??10:10
eliUbuntui think so, some libs were missing when i tried to install it once before10:10
phenomenoeliUbuntu,  isn't that the regular driver?10:10
tiglionabbithey guys, how do I create a new wiki page?10:10
AerebusHieronymus, bccs, i think its /user/share/build-essentials but i'm not sure when i go into synaptic and right click properties and click on the installed files tab i see 13 directories10:11
comadrejaI'm looking for any of the members of the ubuntu/gnome team10:11
Hieronymustiglionabbit: you need to log in first10:11
admin0python-gnome2-extras: Depends: python2.4-gnome2-extras but it is not going to be installed10:11
admin0E: Broken packages10:11
Hieronymuscomadreja: #ubuntu-devel10:11
eliUbuntuphenomeno: that is a regular driver, but its 3d acceleration is very good and normally no problems occur using it10:11
admin0that is what i get noob-leech10:11
Hieronymusadmin0: backports, breezy?10:11
tiglionabbitHieronymus: I'm logged in.  Where's the add button?10:11
phenomenooke than :)10:11
Hieronymustiglionabbit: no idea10:11
eliUbuntugotta go, good luck10:11
admin0i followed the startup gudie10:11
admin0on the sources.list10:11
Hieronymus!wiki addpage10:11
bccsAerebus, let me see here...10:11
tiglionabbitameoba: which startup guide?10:11
tiglionabbitoops, I meant that for admin010:12
admin0ubuntuguide.org ?10:12
=== Geoffrian [~Geoffrian@tnt03-647.phlpa.fast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hieronymusjust go to wiki.ubuntu.com/mynewcoolpage10:12
eliUbuntuif you're using any us.* addresses in your repository, change get rid of us. and leave the rest in10:12
ubotuhmm... usmirror is if you get MD5Sum mismatches when doing apt-get installs don't use the us mirror. Change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list10:12
eliUbuntuthere has been a lot of problems with the us.* repositories10:12
tiglionabbitHieronymus: oh, I clicked on my name, and there was a cleate new empty page link10:13
bccssorry about that10:13
GeoffrianHas anyone here used Linux From Scratch??10:13
tiglionabbitadmin0: don't use ubuntuguide.  Read the wiki instead10:13
=== jola2513 [~john@rrcs-67-53-140-235.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuwell, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation.  Please search the wiki instead, http://wiki.ubuntu.com. Reasons not to advise people to use the guide are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines10:13
admin0i followed some forums and i don't have any us.10:13
ubotumethinks ubguide is Please do not follow Ubuntuguide; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines (number 3)10:13
ubotu[repositories]  at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:13
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, sources is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3810:13
admin0last time I used ubuntu, it was all fine.. i had no idea of the guide10:13
tiglionabbitadmin0: make sure your repositories are good10:13
admin0this time, i followed the guide and am having errors :D10:14
=== terry [~terry@c-24-10-109-222.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitadmin0: wow, good advertisement for it10:14
noob-leechHmm... which are the "good" repos?10:14
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ubotusources is, like, at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3810:14
Hieronymusnoob-leech: listen to ubotu10:14
tiglionabbitnoob-leech: they would be "good" if they go no further than the sources in that sources list there.  No non-ubuntu sources, and comment out backports when you don't need them10:14
admin0just those sources are OK ubotu ?10:15
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sjmurdochWhat has happened to ubuntu-calendar? There hasn't been any updates for a while10:15
tiglionabbitubotu is a bot, btw10:15
ubotuNo idea, tiglionabbit10:15
IKnowNothingAbouAnyone know what to do when you see this in the console: dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of ubuntu-desktop:10:15
IKnowNothingAbou ubuntu-desktop depends on ttf-freefont; however:10:15
IKnowNothingAbou  Package ttf-freefont is not configured yet.10:15
qt2_err, having to sudo to copy stuff is a bit annoying... :P10:15
=== hotte- [~hotte@p54B1E264.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
hotte-hi @ all10:15
jasoncohensjmurdoch, i heard the project is being restarted but the last available calendar was from april10:15
jtgameoverwhat's the easiest way to configure a wireless card in ubuntu?10:16
hotte-1 question how i can auto start torsmo?10:16
jtgameoverthis is a wireless card that i "disabled" in windows though10:16
jtgameoverand doesn't wireless show up as eth1?10:16
admin0iwconfig eth1 essid youressid ; iwconfig ess1 key  yourkey;10:16
admin0try iwconfig10:16
admin0does it show anything ?10:16
jasoncohensjmurdoch, read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Linux#Ubuntu-calendar10:17
hotte-my problem: torsmo starts automatic but then my desktopwallpaper overwrite it10:17
jtgameoverlo, eth0, sit010:17
jtgameover"no wireless extensions" for all of them10:17
hotte-i dont see torsmo then10:17
sjmurdochjtgameover: In GNOME, System | Administration | Networking should let you set it up10:17
IKnowNothingAbouOr.... You could just ignore me.... I might figure it out on my own...10:17
sinfernoim trying to install cdemu and i get make: *** No rule to make target `cdemu.ko', needed by `modules'.  Stop.10:17
admin0in that case, i have no idea :D10:17
jasoncohencafuego, hmm, i didn't know you used Ubuntu.10:17
admin0mine eth1 shows wireless extension10:17
admin0and its a prism card10:17
Hieronymusubotu: ubuntu-calendar is probably dead (no updates for a long time)10:18
ubotuokay, Hieronymus10:18
sjmurdochjtgameover: Try "iwconfig wlan0"10:18
jtgameoverno such device10:18
jtgameoverkeep in mind that i "disabled" this in windows10:18
jtgameoveri'm not sure if i have to go back into windows and "enable" it10:19
Protequeis there a ipphone for gtk supporting sip?10:19
tiglionabbitAh, I see.  The way to create a new entry in ubuntu wiki is, type in the url that you want it to be at into your address bar, and when it can't find any page for that, it will allow you to create one10:19
sjmurdochjtgameover: Disabling it in Windows shouldn't have any effect in Linux10:19
jtgameoverhmmm ok10:19
sjmurdochIs it PCMCIA?10:19
jtgameoverWLAN miniPCI10:20
jtgameovernot sure what that means...10:20
jasoncohenwill the upgrade to breezy require some manual tuning of sound settings? isn't the default going to change from ESD to alsa with dmixer support?10:20
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qt2_is there any way around having to sudo for pretty much... well... everything?10:21
sjmurdochjasoncohen: Have a look in /var/log/dmesg and see if it has loaded a driver for it10:21
qt2_i'd like to be able to copy files without having to be root o.O;10:21
sjmurdochjtgameover: ^10:21
jasoncohenqt2_, what do you mean? you can copy files in /home and copy files to /home as a user10:21
admin0make the destination folder permission 777 and the source files having your read permissions ;)10:22
jtgameoversjmurdoch, what?10:22
jasoncohensjmurdoch, sorry- i haven't upgraded to breezy. i was asking about the upgrade procedure when breezy becomes stable10:22
=== Coyctecm [~n1k0@a84-230-80-246.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
qt2_jasoncohen, and outside of home?10:22
sjmurdochjasoncohen: Sorry, that was for jtgameover10:22
jasoncohenqt2_, what folders are you working with?10:22
sjmurdochjtgameover: Look in s joined #ubuntu10:22
sjmurdoch21:21 -!- beyond [~beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br]  has quit [Remote closed the10:22
jasoncohenqt2_, yes /home/user is owned by your user. you can read/write there10:22
sjmurdoch          connection] 10:22
sjmurdoch21:21 < qt2_> is there any way around having to sudo for pretty much... well... everything?10:22
jasoncohenif you want to write to any other directory you must be the administrator10:23
sjmurdochjtgameover: Look in /var/log/dmesg and see if there is anything about your wireless card10:23
jasoncohenqt2_, what are you trying to do? if you need to be root for a while you can do sudo -s to get a root shell10:23
=== abbe80 [~abbe80@krs-dhcp432.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu
admin0thanks all.. my repos are all good now ..!10:24
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jtgameoversjmurdoch, i don't think so10:24
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sjmurdochjtgameover: Do you know the type of card? It is possible there isn't a driver for Linux10:26
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Yukihow do I install a plugin for konqueror/firefox that I download?10:27
ChurcH_of_FoamYwheres a good place to get a knoppix recovery cd/.iso?10:27
ilba7rwhich is better as ftp server proftpd or wu-ftpd10:27
jtgameoverumm it's a Dell TrueMobile 1300 WLAN miniPCI card, 802.11b/g10:27
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action09Yuki  i install them with firefox nut not d/l them10:27
hotte-kann ich desktop icons irgendwo ausstellen?10:28
Yukiaction09: can you giude me through how to do it?10:28
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action09Yuki  i just click on .xpi on the website and it install it by itself10:28
jtgameoversjmurdoch, t's a Dell TrueMobile 1300 WLAN miniPCI card, 802.11b/g10:29
action09Yuki  i never d/l one10:29
=== tlord [~chatzilla@24-151-251-248.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
action09Yuki  try maybe to open it with firefox..10:29
=== Hackmo [~sean13@82-41-83-57.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Yukiaction09: what's the unpackage command?10:30
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sjmurdochjtgameover: Could you run lspci10:30
action09hmm Yuki  to do what ? remove a package or a firefox plugin ?10:30
sjmurdochjtgameover: and look for "Network controller"10:30
=== seby [~seby@p54A27E5A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Yukino, I downloaded a flasg plugin for mozilla but it says I need to unpackage it and then run the installer10:31
hotte-where i can disable desktop icons?10:31
jtgameover0000:02:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)10:31
cappaberraare there any ops in here that can answer my question: how often should I rsync for the cd-images?10:31
HunchHello all10:31
=== jago [~jago@24-231-191-215.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
action09Yuki whats the name ? is it .tar.gz  or zipped ?10:31
sjmurdochjtgameover: OK - it's a BCM4306, which I don't think has native drivers for Linux10:31
jasoncohenYuki, sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree10:31
MafiI thanks anacron very much for having patience with me. thanks a lot!10:31
=== aeolist [~aeolist@ppp158.dialup.ntua.gr] has joined #ubuntu
Yukiaction09: it is a .tar.gz10:32
sjmurdochjtgameover: You will need to use ndiswrapper to get that working10:32
jasoncohenYuki, sorry, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree10:32
MafiI thank anacron very much for having patience with me. thanks a lot!10:32
jtgameoversjmurdoch, that sucks. any workarounds besides Linuxant, which you have to pay for10:32
jasoncohenYuki, it's in multiverse. it'll download the flash plugin and install it for you10:32
Yukiah ok10:32
sjmurdochjtgameover: ndiswrapper is like Linuxant10:32
Yukiwhat about java plugins?10:32
qt2_heh, i've got a directory outside home i'd like to make accessible to non root users... i'm considering ti an... 'overflow' directory, for everything.10:33
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tlordLooking for anyone running Ubuntu onApple hardware; is there a secret way to use the one-button mouse as a 3-button one? :) I *think* I've tried every combination (Apple key + mouse / cntrl key plus mouse / shift key + mouse ...)  I do have an optical mouse attached, so I can use center + right buttons, but it would be nice to be able to get the same functionality without it ...10:33
sjmurdochjtgameover: Have a look here http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Ubuntu10:33
sjmurdochjtgameover: You will need to get the Windows driver for that card10:33
action09Yuki tar zxvf file.tar.gz10:33
jtgameoverok sweet10:33
jtgameoverthanks sjmurdoch10:33
=== ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jasoncohentlord, how do you make a one button mouse into a 3 button? you can make a 2 button into a 3 button by clicking both but there simply is no way to combine buttons when there's one button10:34
ray_what video player would you guys recomend?10:34
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jcoxontlord, have a look at pbbuttonsd10:34
=== cbreathe [~cbreathe@dsl231-037-039.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
jasoncohenYuki, do you have hoary-extras enabled? if so you can just sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.510:34
cbreatheDoes anyone know how to create a deb package?10:35
action09i get an error while trying to d/l  gstreamer0.8-plugins10:35
ilba7rwhich is better as ftp server proftpd or wu-ftpd in term of security10:35
jasoncohenYuki, if not you'll need to sudo apt-get install java-package and then download sun-j2re.bin and make-kpkg sun-j2re.bin10:35
tlordjasoncohen: there could be multiple combo buttons to press, such as "shift+ mouse button = middle click, control + mouse button = right click.10:35
=== HaroldJohnson [~harold@pool-71-106-121-254.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nalioths_dogYuki: for java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , fakeroot make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] 10:35
=== nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth
action09Impossible de rcuprer http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libs/libsndfile/libsndfile1_1.0.10-2_i386.deb  Somme de contrle MD5 incohrente10:35
action09E: Impossible de rcuprer quelques archives, peut-tre devrez-vous lancer apt-get update ou essayer avec --fix-missing?10:35
HaroldJohnsonWow, that was fast, huh?10:35
sjmurdochjtgameover: See here for the driver http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki-1.4.6/index.php/List#D10:35
jasoncohentlord, true, but that would require use of the keyboard so it would still only be a one button mouse. why not just use a regular optical mouse?10:35
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, hehe10:36
Yukihow do I enable hoary-extras  then?10:36
tlordjasoncohen: on an iBook, would be nice to *not* need an external mouse.10:36
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action09sorry for the flood10:36
jcoxontlord, F12 is right click10:36
sjmurdochjtgameover: ndiswrapper is a but flakey, but it may work for you. It would be worthwhile (nicely) asking Dell for a Linux driver. The more people who do that, the more likely it is they will10:36
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, I'm on another Mac while waiting for Ubuntu to boot.10:36
naliothaction09: follow the instructions10:36
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, oh right10:36
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, :)10:36
jasoncohenYuki, ah, sorry- listen to nalioths_dog. it's make-jpkg - not make-kpkg (the latter is for compiling a kernel)10:36
naliothHaroldJohnson: howdy10:36
action09nalioth  i did with --fixmissing and it works..10:36
jtgameoversjmurdoch, yeah i've run into some posts on the dell forums already10:36
HaroldJohnsonnalioth Howdy, nalioth!10:37
jcoxonokay everyone got a question - how many people here are running on apple hardware? :)10:37
tlordSome distros have it set up so this is possible ... jcoxon Huh, thanks. My iBook is down at the moment, but i'll try that as soon as I replace the power supply I finally broke today.10:37
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, I'm on Apple10:37
=== gmaniac [~jens@dsl-082-082-184-006.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Yukiaction09: how do I enable hoary-extras?10:37
tlordjcoxon: I *am* though I am currently stuck on this Windows laptop instead ;)10:37
vladuz976hi, i wanna buy a new video card. i have a Nvidia right now but ubuntu had lots of trouble with the resolution after installtion. nalioth helped me fix it and it works now.  can anyone recommend one that is recognized by the installer?10:37
jcoxonme of course - iBook g4 800mhz10:37
naliothjcoxon: i have two ibooks10:37
jasoncohenYuki, add deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted to /etc/apt/sources.list\10:38
Yukinalioths_dog, which files are the right ones?10:38
D[a] veyvladuz976: my Radeon 9600 was detected and works just fine, however I had to bugger it into supporting fast 3D :)10:38
tlordMine: G3 500MHz old white iBook10:38
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Should I have rebooted with the card inserted or not?10:38
naliothYuki: watch ubotu10:38
jasoncohenYuki, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and add "deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted". Then "sudo apt-get update"10:38
ubotuI heard backports is at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/10:38
action09Yuki don't have any idea of what you're talking sorry.. personnaly i'm just reffering myself on the http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories and the whole guide is great10:38
D[a] veyvladuz976: but if you don't play games, its great straight out of the box :)10:38
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, up to you10:38
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Good deal.10:38
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, it might make a difference - its now a matter of trial or error10:38
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vladuz976D[a] vey: cool, but i think i do want 3d hardware support10:38
jasoncohenYuki, just follow my instructions if you want to just add hoary-extras10:38
jcoxonso everyone you reckon that ubuntu is really the os of choice on apple hardware :p10:39
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, I'm seriously considering returning this card and purchasing one that, at a minumun, has OS X support.10:39
cbreathevladuz976: I use a 6800GT, and getting genuine nVidia drivers for it was pretty easy.10:39
jasoncohenYuki, you should probably also enable universe and multiverse. just uncomment all the lines that start with deb (remove the #)10:39
naliothHaroldJohnson: you should always boot wiht the hardware you want to use installed10:39
D[a] veyvladuz976: Nvidia's binary drivers seemed just fine for me at work, I have a GeforceFX 5600, but I installed it after Ubuntu10:39
nalioths_dogaction09: Please do not advise ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead.  Item 3 here explains why https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines10:39
HaroldJohnsonnaliothThanks for the info10:39
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, hehe oh well10:39
jasoncohenYuki, it should look like http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories but without the hoary-backports line10:39
D[a] veyvladuz976: the nvidia drivers work flawlessly though10:39
D[a] veyeven have it running one monitor on each of the DVI and VGA ports :)10:40
vladuz976D[a] vey: i thought u have a radeon?10:40
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Only because I'm not certain I'll be sticking with Ubuntu or not.10:40
cbreatheD[a] vey: That's been my experience, too.10:40
naliothD[a] vey: not in all cases10:40
D[a] veyvladuz976: I have a Radeon at home, GeforceFX 5600 at work10:40
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, It depends on how I like using it.10:40
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, right - well just to say that it isn't usually this hard10:40
D[a] veyvladuz976: But I installed the GF *after* ubuntu, I don't know how its supported right out of the box10:40
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, considering your low specs there are a few things i recommend to improve speed10:40
naliothjasoncohen: y'all are killin me10:40
action09nalioths_dog ok sorry i dunno10:40
D[a] veyvladuz976: but getting the binary drivers installed is just an apt-get call :)10:40
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, such as using fluxbox instead of gnome10:40
jasoncohennalioth, can you send me a list of commands to get the automated responses from nalioths_dog10:40
naliothjasoncohen: you are better off using ubotu10:41
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, I'm using xfce410:41
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, oh okay good10:41
naliothjasoncohen: the dog only responds when i kick him10:41
=== Hieronymus [~Hieronymu@cp413115-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
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jasoncohendoes ubotu have answers for java/adding repos etc?10:41
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Are you using a wireless card?10:41
jcoxonnot right now10:41
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, though i use to10:41
jasoncohendpkg is great10:41
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naliothjasoncohen: i believe so10:42
jasoncohen#debian has a very large db for dpkg10:42
=== bimberi [~bimberi@ppp-36-75.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
uboturepositories is, like, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:42
vladuz976D[a] vey: so you installed Nvidia after installing ubuntu. hmm, which one do you like better?10:42
ubotunalioth: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?10:42
jtgameoversjmurdoch, i downloaded the driver off that page you linked me to, but it's a .exe....10:42
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, instead i have a custom built router out of an old computer running linux linking the wireless router to my hub10:42
jtgameoverhow do run that?10:42
ubotusomebody said sources was at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3810:42
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, So what command(s) should I use to test this now?10:42
cbreatheQuestion: So far I've been using synaptic to get all my software, but I've found something I'd like to install by compiling. Is it easy to create a package after I've compiled something, or is it even necessary?10:42
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, first dmesg to see if anything is detected10:42
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jcoxonHaroldJohnson, and then iwconfig10:42
naliothjasoncohen: ubotu has many triggers, unfortunately i dont know how to make him regurgitate them10:42
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jtgameoversjmurdoch, never mind. "unzip" worked fine :-)10:43
ubotuWish i knew, action0910:43
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, How do I know if it is detected?  I've got this plugged into DSL, too...10:43
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action09!hoary extras10:43
D[a] veyvladuz976: well, my Radeon is the better card, and now I have it working right, I love it. Of course, I'm playing games at home (and only one monitor), whereas at work I don't do any 3D stuff and I have dual monitors10:43
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, try iwconfig10:43
ubotuaction09: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?10:43
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, No wireless extensions"10:43
naliothaction09: they are at the backports page10:43
jasoncohennalioth, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//AddingRepositoriesHowto makes no sense. why add multiverse to the universe line? there's already a line for multiverse. all you have to do is uncomment all the deb lines10:44
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, try lsmod10:44
tlordjcoxon: I like Ubuntu on my iBook, that's all I know :)10:44
=== Aerebus [~nexus@cpe-66-25-33-72.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, What should be there?10:44
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, is wlan of ath mentioned anywhere?10:44
D[a] veyUbuntu is the first distro that actually made me want to move to LInux :)10:44
action09nalioth ok thanks10:44
cbreatheD[a] vey: Me too. ^^10:44
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tlordI miss a three-button (or 2-as-3 button) mouse, and I am very annoyed by not being able to put it to sleep ...10:44
HaroldJohnson1 ath pci10:44
bimberinalioth: You can browse ubotu's factoids at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:44
tlordmaybe that's been recently fixed, but not to my knowledge.10:44
D[a] veyI have tried SuSE 8.x, Redhat 7, Slackware, SuSE 9.x, Gentoo, Mandrake, all I hated10:44
naliothjasoncohen: it works fine either way10:44
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, 1 ath pic10:44
jcoxontlord, they have been known to sleep10:44
D[a] veybut Ubuntu... its lovely :)10:45
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Oops.  1 ath pci10:45
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, wlan?10:45
div_by_zeroI was able to install Warty Warthog from a snail-mail CD.  Upon first boot it stops with:  module ext3: Unknown rela relocation: 247 \n modprobe: FATAL: Error inserting ext3 (/lib/modules/ Invalid module format10:45
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, 2 ath_pci, ath_rate_once10:45
HunchCan anyone tell me were/how to check my modem's init string? (I think it my modem's speed is being forced).10:45
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, do modprobe wlan10:45
tlordjcoxon: mine doesn't, but I'm happy to believe that an upgrade will eventually give me that :)10:45
D[a] veydiv_by_zero: sounds like a bad CD :/10:45
vladuz976 /quit10:45
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AerebusDoes anyone know if there is a place in Ubuntu i can adjust my video card settings? i've trie dnot to let it bother me but when i drag a window i see a tracer trail behind it...very annoying how can i get rid of this?10:45
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Done10:46
jasoncohennalioth, yeah, but isn't it easier to just show them a before and after picture of the file with the deb lines uncommented? users don't have to do anything other than remove #10:46
naliothbimberi: are they updated in realtime?10:46
jcoxontlord, i haven't tried recently - not going to yet10:46
D[a] veymy Hoary CDs were dispatched some 2 weeks ago, just waiting on them now10:46
tlordAlso, I'm glad I have an old enough iBook that the airport is only "moderate" rather than "extreme" ;)10:46
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, check dmesg10:46
sjmurdochjtgameover: I am not sure, but I would guess you run it in Windows to extract the files10:46
jasoncohenand they can also do it in synaptic if they're really averse to the command line10:46
bimberinalioth: dunno sorry - have to ask cafuego10:46
Yukiah, me so confused x_x10:46
jtgameoversjmurdoch, no no all you have to do is "unzip"10:46
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Again, what do I look for here?10:46
jasoncohenYuki, what's the problem?10:46
naliothbimberi: cuz ubotu's been gettin an education lately10:46
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, anything to do with ath or wlan or anything really10:46
jasoncohenYuki, do this- start synaptic ( system > administration > synaptic package manager10:46
sjmurdochjtgameover: Ah cool10:46
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, It's a long list.10:47
jasoncohenYuki, then go to preferences > repositories10:47
div_by_zeroActually, the first CD as was bad, hung copying "remaining packages to hard disk"  This was the second snail-mail CD.  I only ordered two.10:47
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, It says...10:47
HunchGet good connection using Win2K, but slow connection using Ubuntu.10:47
jasoncohenYuki, choose settings and make sure "show disabled software sources is checked10:47
admin0what are the best apps for:   cdrw, dvd viewing,10:47
bimberinalioth: yes - Hieronymus was pretty active last night (my time (oz))10:47
jasoncohenYuki, then enable all the disabled sources and hit OK10:47
Yuki(btw, I am using KDE, not GNOME)10:47
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, EXPERIMENTAL after wlan and ath_pci10:47
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Also...10:47
jasoncohenYuki, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//AddingRepositoriesHowto10:47
jasoncohenYuki, synaptic is in the KDE menu too- in system i think- i can't remember at the moment10:48
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, ...ath%d; unable to attach hardware; HAL status 110:48
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, thats our error10:48
jasoncohenYuki, you can start a konsole window and type sudo synaptic10:48
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HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, That's the one we're having difficulty resolving?10:48
jasoncohenYuki, see the icon of a terminal at the bottom of your screen near the menu10:48
div_by_zeroWhat is odd, is that when first boots from the HD, it says: root (hd0,1) \n Filesystem type is extfs, partition type 0x83  When I formatted it as ext3 and thsi is what it shows as when I go back to reinstall.10:49
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jcoxonHaroldJohnson, just give me a sec i'll see what i can find10:49
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Is it time for me to exchange this card?10:49
Yukifound it10:49
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YukiI found synaptic10:49
jasoncohennalioth, is the picture in https://wiki.ubuntu.com//AddingRepositoriesHowto from warty or hoary? gnome 2.10 from hoary should have a system menu10:49
naliothYuki: you have a big toybox, now10:49
Yukiyay! ^^10:50
Hieronymusubotu: forget pizza10:50
ubotui forgot pizza, Hieronymus10:50
bimberinalioth: just tried it and yes - that ubotu page is updated in real time10:50
naliothbimberi: yes i saw that10:50
Hieronymus!forget porn-get10:50
ubotuHieronymus: i forgot porn-get10:50
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Hieronymus!forget vagina10:51
ubotuHieronymus: i forgot vagina10:51
div_by_zeroWhat is odd, is that when first boots from the HD, it says: root (hd0,1) \n Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83    When I formatted it as ext3 and this is what it shows as when I go back to reinstall. (corrected a typo)10:51
nalioth!info pornview10:51
ubotupornview: (Image and movie viewer/manager), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 0.2pre1-4 (hoary), Packaged size: 224 kB, Installed size: 676 kB10:51
Hieronymus!forget mirc10:51
ubotui forgot mirc, Hieronymus10:51
Corpar!info xchat10:51
Belutznalioth: do u use KDE or gnome?10:51
ubotuxchat: (IRC client for X similar to AmIRC), section net, is optional. Version: 2.4.1-0.1ubuntu5 (hoary), Packaged size: 248 kB, Installed size: 672 kB10:51
Yukijasoncohen, how do I tell which sources are disabled?10:51
Corpar!info mc10:52
Hieronymus!forget !!10:52
ubotui forgot !!, Hieronymus10:52
ubotumc: (Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 1:4.6.0-4.6.1-pre1-3ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 1912 kB, Installed size: 5340 kB10:52
jasoncohenYuki, the ones unchecked are disabled10:52
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jasoncohenYuki, just make sure all sources are checked off and hit OK10:52
Yukilike, in the main part of the package manager?10:52
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jasoncohenYuki, but you have to enable "show disabled software sources" in settings10:52
Hieronymus!forget razor-x10:52
ubotuHieronymus: i forgot razor-x10:52
Hieronymusubotu: your knowledge needs cleaning10:52
ubotuHieronymus: Bugger all, i dunno10:52
YukiI did10:52
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, whats the card again10:53
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, DWL-G63010:53
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HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, D-Link10:53
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Rev.C10:53
Yukijasoncohen, is this list of the cources in the first part of the package manager?10:53
riddleboxcan someone tell me the aptsource that would give me mythtv?10:53
Hieronymus!forget razor-x he10:53
ubotuHieronymus: i forgot razor-x he10:53
jcoxoni'm asking on madwifi channel10:53
eliUbuntuwith gcc you can use the command cc -lm "file" right?10:53
Yukijasoncohen, wait nvm10:53
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YukiI found it10:53
Hieronymus!forget initrd10:54
ubotui forgot initrd, Hieronymus10:54
div_by_zeroSo, is there a known problem with Warty and AMD64 where you format the partition as ext3 but it is incorrectly detected as ext2fs at boot-time?10:54
ubotuHieronymus: i forgot
Hieronymus!forget requency: they10:54
ubotui didn't have anything called 'requency: they', Hieronymus10:54
Hieronymus!forget frequency: they10:54
ubotuHieronymus: i forgot frequency: they10:54
Hieronymus!forget guide10:54
ubotuHieronymus: i forgot guide10:54
Hieronymus!forget vagueness10:55
ubotuHieronymus: i forgot vagueness10:55
jasoncohenYuki, once you enable all the repositories and hit OK, it'll update for you and you'll have about 16,000 available packages - up from 3,000 or so10:55
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QaDeSgrub doesn't find my initrd :o/10:55
Yukijasoncohen, all packages are installed now10:55
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, i've asked the question it 'll look a bit weird if you ask it again10:55
Hieronymus!forget rox10:55
ubotuHieronymus: i forgot rox10:55
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, :)10:55
=== bimberi thinks Hieronymous is doing a great job :)
Hieronymus!rox is at http://rox.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/10:55
ubotuokay, Hieronymus10:55
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, LOL, I won't10:55
riddleboxcan someone tell me what the multiverse source is?10:55
ubotuask me about !repositories10:56
ubotu[repositories]  at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:56
Yukijasoncohen, what's next?  or should I have everything?10:56
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jcoxonHaroldJohnson, you can stay to see the answer :)10:56
Hieronymus!remove synd10:56
ubotuHieronymus: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?10:56
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, I accidentally left10:56
jcoxonHaroldJohnson, :)10:56
QaDeSis there a way to create a proper vmlinuz and initrd in a chroot environment under another distri?10:56
jasoncohenYuki, now, you'll probably want to add hoary-extras like i said...did you do that before?10:56
Hieronymus!forget cmd: lol (.*?)10:56
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ubotui forgot cmd: lol (.*?), Hieronymus10:56
Hieronymus!forget ubuntu-es10:57
ubotuHieronymus: i forgot ubuntu-es10:57
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Yukijasonchoen, yes, I did that on gedit before10:57
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Is anyone in there?10:57
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jcoxonHaroldJohnson, there are 43 people10:57
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jcoxonHaroldJohnson, it just might take some time10:57
Yukijasoncohen, is there anything after adding hoary-extras?  I already did it10:57
jasoncohenYuki, you basically have everything now10:58
jasoncohenexcept a few packages backported from breezy10:58
jasoncohenYuki, now install stuff10:58
Yukijasoncohen, does that mean I have the plugins now?10:58
jasoncohenYuki, for multimedia you'll want libdvdcss2 (for DVDs), totem-xine, gstreamer-plugins, w32codecs (divx/xvid, quicktime, realplayer, windows media video)10:58
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jasoncohenYuki, no- that just updated the list so you can install from more sources10:59
=== Raskall has given away 5 ubuntu cds today.
Yukijasoncohen, so how do I install packages?10:59
jasoncohenYuki, well, search for a package in synaptic10:59
naliothjasoncohen: marillat has libdvdcss210:59
jasoncohenYuki, click the package and choose mark for installation10:59
jasoncohennalioth, as does hoary-extras11:00
jasoncohennalioth, and marillat is crap on ubuntu11:00
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riddleboxis anyone else running mythtv?11:00
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ed1ti installed java but it doesnt really work, i cant see java pages like its supposed to be11:00
ed1tits all messed up11:00
naliothjasoncohen: i know that, but one user was sent by crimsun to marillat, b/c it isnt on extras11:00
Yukijasoncohen, after it is marked, does it install automatically?11:00
recoverHow do I put mysqld on autostart?11:00
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ChurcH_of_FoamYwhats mythtv?11:01
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naliothYuki: you have to hit the 'apply changes' button11:01
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jasoncohennalioth, well, that user shouldn't have used marillat11:01
jasoncohenbecause it is in extras11:01
recovermythtv is a warez release group (often illegal stuff)11:01
jasoncohenYuki, no, you then hit apply when you're done11:01
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=== chillout [~chillout@p54BF9E70.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
jasoncohenYuki, you can choose many packages and then hit apply when you're done with all the packages you want to install11:01
Raskallhmm.. is there a way to find out what I have installed with the marillat-repo? hase some stuff that doesn't work that I think I have gotten from marillat11:01
naliothjasoncohen: libdvdcss2 doesnt exist to my knowledge on ubuntu repos of any type11:02
jasoncohenYuki, make sure to get w32codecs, totem-xine, libdvdcss2 and mplayer-386/586/686 (depending on your system)11:02
ed1tnalioth, java runtime does show the pages how it supposed to show on firefox....do u know why/11:02
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naliothed1t: i'm sorry, i don't understand11:02
poningruwhats the point of refferels in registration in ubuntu forums?11:02
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riddleboxmythtv is software like tivo11:03
jasoncohennalioth, it does- i just pasted the apt-cache show libdvdcss2 to you11:03
jasoncohenPackage: libdvdcss211:03
jasoncohenVersion: 1.2.8-1~5.04ubp111:03
chillouthi there, i am an absolutute ubuntu/linux noob (installed 2day) and could need some help on a)  mounting my ntfs windows partition b) getting my Wlan card running... anyone who could help me with that and make my first linux/ubuntu experience a bit less stressful?11:03
recoverHow do I put mysqld on autostart?11:03
jasoncohenmythtv is great11:03
jasoncohenif anyone has questions about mythtv go to mythtv.org or ask me11:03
medgnojasoncohen, what tv tuner card did you use?11:04
jasoncoheni have a whole system with a 1/2 TB of storage and two tuners dedicated to mythtv11:04
Nardok i was going to get a plug in for Firefox and it tells me that i don't have the latest version11:04
Nardi do11:04
Protequedoesnt kphone supports alsa?11:04
Nardhow can i fix this11:04
ed1tnalioth, like when i open java pages i see the websites missing some of the information11:04
jasoncohenmedgno, hauppauge pvr-250 MCE and a hauppauge wintv (bttv) with btaudio11:04
jasoncohenthe former is a hardware encoder- uses 0% cpu11:04
jasoncohento record11:04
Yukijasoncohen, it can't find any of the mplayer packages11:04
=== ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
medgnodid the pvr-250 need you to compile a kernel module for it?11:05
jasoncohenYuki, it's in multiverse11:05
jasoncohenYuki, search for mplayer in synaptic11:05
ray_where are the qt files on ubuntu?11:05
naliothed1t: i am not a big fan of java, and on my PPC, the browser plugin doesnt work anyway, so i'm kinda lost11:05
recoverHow do I use libcaca with mplayer? it's on the -vo help list but I can't use it11:05
jasoncohenmedgno, i needed to download chris kennedy's ivtv driver11:05
medgnobut it was easy to get it working?11:05
Yukijasoncohen, still can't find11:05
jasoncohenthere's a howto for ubuntu medgno11:05
jasoncohenYuki, then you didn't add multiverse11:05
jasoncohenYuki, go back to preferences > repositories and make sure you enabled every one (they all should be checked), then hit ok and then hit reload11:06
medgnojasoncohen, thanks much! I was hunting for a tuner today, actually.11:06
bimberichillout: For a) have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions11:06
ed1tnalioth, heres the screenshot, http://dipen.net/javaprob.png11:06
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Yukijasoncohen okay11:07
ed1tnalioth, see how those boxes are missing information11:07
bimberichillout: and a starting point for b) is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards11:07
jasoncohenmedgno, http://mythtv.info/moin.cgi/UbuntuInstallation11:07
chilloutbimberi: ok, ill check that right away (i have read tons of resource already, but could get it done..)11:07
jasoncohenmedgno, definitely get the pvr-250 MCE- amazing card11:07
nalioths_dogbimberi, who needs mounted windows partitions?11:07
jasoncoheni got it for $100 at a linux friendly store11:08
nalioths_dogchillout: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partitions mount automatically11:08
=== jonathoN [jonathan@4-16-ftth.onsnet.nu] has joined #ubuntu
medgnojasoncohen, thanks!11:08
jogarigai just try installing bootsplash on ubuntu but it gives me strange characters11:08
nalioths_dogbimberi, n/m11:08
=== dbernar1 [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-158-162.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
recoverHow do I put mysqld on autostart?11:08
Hieronymusubotu's knowledge has been cleaned :)11:08
dbernar1ok, this it the first time I am logged in here from work:)11:08
bimberinalioths_dog: noted - thanks11:08
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, Hello11:08
ubotuAww, thanks dad.11:08
chilloutnalioths_dog: ok, so no need to do anything else?11:08
=== Goshawk [~Goshawk@host244-98.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
HaroldJohnsonjcoxon, I was about to leave, and I noticed your message.11:08
naliothchillout: that script will find and mount your partitions11:08
jasoncohenmedgno, np11:09
naliothchillout: it will mount NTFS as read-only11:09
thierryedlt : I have this problem too with flash11:09
jasoncohenmedgno, checkout #mythtv-users11:09
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chilloutnalioth: i need r/w11:09
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Protequewhat device is the mic on normally?11:09
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poningruchillout: thats quite experimental and is not reccomended11:09
medgnojasoncohen, I wasn't so much interested in using it as a PVR, just as a way to get a sub-$100 TV (for my dorm room)11:09
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naliothchillout: writing to NTFS may cause total NTFS partition loss11:10
=== Coyctecm [~n1k0@a84-230-80-246.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
jasoncohenmedgno, oh, then sudo apt-get install tvtime11:10
jasoncohenand buy a cheapo bttv card11:10
jasoncohena guy on #mythtv-users gave me one for free...i now have 311:10
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medgnovery nice!11:10
medgnohow can you tell if a card is bttv?11:10
ed1tdoes anybody know the package name for opera browser?11:10
jasoncohentvtime is a very nice app for tv watching11:10
=== Phrostbyte [~kenosis@68-191-51-15.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
jasoncohenmedgno, if it's under $40 :)11:10
naliothchillout: what do you need?11:10
=== Mez [~mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
dbernar1editthere is none get opera from their website11:10
jasoncohenbttv are the cheap cards ...i purchased a leadtek wintv 2000 xp11:10
jasoncohenfor under $50 with remote & IR11:11
medgnoand bttv has a v4l driver, right?11:11
PhrostbyteDoes the current FLASH plugin for firefox not have AUDIO support?11:11
naliothed1t: are you giving the site time to load?11:11
jogarigahas anyone added a splash image to ubuntu?11:11
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jasoncohenPhrostbyte, it does11:12
PhrostbyteYou can change the splash image - can you not? in the GUI?11:12
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ed1tnalioth, its still open11:12
=== Ilomoga [~matthias@N855P025.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
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dbernar1he means a boot splash11:12
PhrostbyteI just went to homestarrunner.com and I have no AUDIO. (Flash site)11:12
naliothed1t: i'm sorry, idk what it's sposed to look like or be doing11:12
jogarigathat's right dbernarl11:12
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dbernar1Phrostbyte: something may need to be set up. did you look at the restricted formats wiki at wiki.ubuntu.com?11:13
ed1tnalioth, those boxes should have data in it11:13
PhrostbyteNope, I'll check the Wiki11:13
IlomogaWhich firewall do you recommend (for Ubuntu 5.04)?11:13
Razor-Xnalioth: I got emms up11:13
Razor-Xit's not the best thing in the world, but, I can go screen-less now ;)11:13
Razor-XIlomoga: for ease-of-use, Firestarter11:13
naliothed1t: have no clue, sorry11:13
Razor-Xthough, if you want to slave around docs, there's no beating learning iptables11:14
Yukijasoncohen,  still can't find11:14
naliothRazor-X: cmms is a CLI sound thing, presumably?11:14
jogarigadbernarl: do you know how to add the boot splash?11:14
IlomogaRazor-X: Good, I'm using it but didn't know if it's good or not, thx :)11:14
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dbernar1no, I would have told you:)11:14
naliothRazor-X: why slave, i have a link11:14
dbernar1k, gotta go for a bit.11:14
Razor-Xnalioth: cmms == emacs multimedia system11:14
naliothRazor-X: i shoulda known11:14
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Razor-Xheh, yeah11:14
Razor-Xi've gone emacs whacky11:14
Razor-XI was losing my screen muscle-memory anywho11:15
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Razor-XI changed my Eterm background too11:17
Razor-Xmade it darker11:17
Razor-Xit's of Vash11:17
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chilloutnalioth: how do i execute this script actually?11:19
Hieronymus!hoary changes11:19
ubotuHieronymus: Are you smoking crack?11:19
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Razor-XHieronymus: hah, not there yet11:19
Razor-Xchillout: is it a shell script?11:19
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HieronymusRazor-X: did you add !razor-x? I removed it11:20
naliothchillout: open a terminal where the script is and type "sudo -s" and then "sh <scriptname>"11:20
Razor-XHieronymus: why?11:20
Hieronymuswhy not?11:20
Razor-Xnalioth: do you know of m3u syntax, or where I can find out how to write custom ones?11:20
=== LinuxNewbie [~alex@cpe-24-209-92-236.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
naliothRazor-X: i can only say open one up and monkey-see monkey-do11:21
Razor-XHieronymus: was there a reason to, or did you just feel like it?11:21
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Razor-Xnalioth: I have11:21
HieronymusWhere can I view an official list of changes between Hoary and Breezy11:21
Hieronymus!unforget razor-x11:21
ubotuHieronymus: Successfully recovered 'razor-x'.  Have fun now.11:21
naliothRazor-X: he's cleaning out all the crap that's been fed to ubotu11:21
ubotumethinks razor-x is a nifty guy11:21
Razor-Xthey have #EXTINF:1464 sometimes, and othertimes 146511:21
Hieronymus!forget razor-x11:21
ubotui forgot razor-x, Hieronymus11:21
=== xoz [~xoz@p6009-ipad37souka.saitama.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xnalioth: and how much space does ubotu have?11:21
chris24tnhi, all. can anyone direct me to some instructions to get dvd playback working?11:22
chris24tnfresh install, here11:22
HieronymusRazor-X: if everybody adds these things, poor ubotu will have too much data11:22
naliothRazor-X: i have no clue11:22
Razor-Xhere's a little quiz for you "I wanna clean ubotu out" people, how much space does he have?11:22
=== FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010487351pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxNewbieAnyone looking to help a newbie in need?11:22
=== nnacht [~shaohui@shaohui.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE] has joined #ubuntu
nalioths_dogchris24tn: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support11:22
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=== Razor-X hears crickets chirping
nnachtHi, everyboy. I have a problem of soun card.11:22
naliothchris24tn: the wiki is full of valuable info11:23
Razor-Xubotu has about 80 GB dedicated to text11:23
ubotuRazor-X: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?11:23
LinuxNewbieIs is larger than a cat?11:23
nnachtI have two sound cards in my systems, one is a onboard ac97, one is cmedia pci-card.11:23
LinuxNewbieIs it a cat in a breadbox?11:23
HieronymusRazor-X: so we should sp am it?11:23
nnachtHow can I make the pci-card the default card?11:24
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=== Exposure [~exposure@a80-126-234-67.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
naliothnnacht: in the bios, turn off the onboard sound11:24
nnachtat the moment the onboard one is the default.11:24
Razor-Xand therefore crimsun said we could add our names in ;)11:24
Deterministummm , how do i change my sshd listening port?11:24
Razor-Xsimple azzat11:24
nnachtnalioth, yes, i turned off, but it was still recognised by ubuntu11:24
Razor-Xask tiglionabbit the same thing, we both talked to crimsun11:25
sjmurdochDeterminist: Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config11:25
Razor-Xthere's no need of community cleanup ;)11:25
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sjmurdochDeterminist: Change "Port 22" to what you want11:25
action09nnacht  try first to diable your onboard soundcard in the bios.. (integrated peripherals audio ac97 -->disable)11:26
Razor-Xif you don't believe me... ask crimsun yourselves11:26
Deterministsjmurdoch, every line in that file is commented out (has # infront of every line)11:26
nnachtaction09: it does not work11:26
naliothRazor-X: less spam in ubotu11:26
nnachtI am asking a software way to solve the problem.11:26
Razor-Xnalioth: crimsun said names aren't included as spam11:26
sjmurdochDeterminist: In which case, uncomment the "# Port 22" and change the port number11:27
Razor-Xso, a little recognition is in order for those helping11:27
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naliothRazor-X: imho, if its not helpful, it's spam11:27
naliothRazor-X: nobody cares if you are nifty or not, it wont fix their system11:27
Deterministsjmurdoch, k , thanks11:27
naliothyes, i am an a-hole11:27
Deterministsjmurdoch, now , how can i make sure sshd is on?11:28
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sjmurdochDeterminist: do "ssh localhost"11:28
nnachtI think there must be a way to do with alsa. anyone know it?11:28
sjmurdochor "ssh -p XX localhost" if you have changed the port number to something other than 2211:28
action09nnacht  is the module of your new sound card loaded ? (lsmod)11:29
naliothnnacht: you are asking at the wrong time, there are folks in here who know your answer (but not right now)11:29
=== ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbithey guys, what type of processor is k7 for?11:29
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nnachtaction09: yes, both cards (models) are loaded.11:29
ray_anybody know where i can get the w32codecs?11:29
sjmurdochnnacht: You could add the module for the soundcard you don't want to /etc/hotplug/blacklist IIRC11:29
tiglionabbitray_: from backports11:29
naliothtiglionabbit: amd athllon3211:29
ubotuwell, backports is at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/11:29
naliothtiglionabbit: amd sempron3211:29
=== dbernar1 [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-158-162.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
ray_tiglionabbit, how do i do that?11:30
nnachtsjmurdoch, ok, let me try.11:30
action09nnacht dunno, maybe there's a link to tell the system which soundcard to use.. maybe /dev/dsp  .. i dunno more sorry11:30
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nalioths_dogray_: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto11:30
sinfernodoes anyone here have sim city 3000 ?11:30
sinfernoi just got it working but when i change my resolution and restart it goes back to 600x80011:30
Razor-Xsinferno: wrong place11:30
naliothray_: follow the dogs instructions using info from the URL, ubotu mentioned11:31
Razor-Xno warez here11:31
sinfernoim not asking for warez fool11:31
Razor-Xohhh, nevermind ;)11:31
Razor-Xdon't say "have" ;)11:31
sinfernowas just looking for someone that knows how to config it11:31
tiglionabbitray_: read the backports website, add one of their mirrors to your sources.list, and then refresh synaptic and search for w32codecs11:31
uboturepositories is, like, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto11:31
tiglionabbitread that faq for info on adding the repository11:31
tiglionabbitoops, didn't notice nalioth's dog already said it11:32
nnachtaction09: as I say in skype-preference, there are /dev/dsp, and /dev/dsp111:32
naliothtiglionabbit: we know your box of ! is overflowing, lol11:32
tiglionabbitnalioth: hehe, I'm writing a wiki right now to cover all my !s so I can just do one in the future11:33
sinfernoim kind of noob when something is in ~/.some/folder where is it really?11:33
sinfernoor how do i get to it11:33
sinfernowhat would the path be11:33
tiglionabbitsinferno: that means it's in your home directory, in a hidden folder11:33
sinfernook thanks11:34
=== phenomeno [~phenomeno@79.98-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbit~ is for home, and when a file starts with . it is hidden11:34
nnachtaction09: /dev/dsp is in use, but I want that /dev/dsp1 be used.11:34
ray_nalioth, thanks alot!11:34
ray_nalioth, it worked11:34
tiglionabbitsinferno: if you start to type the name of it into nautilus, it will complete it for you and find the stuff in that hidden folder11:34
phenomenooke i'm back for more information about the ati drivers , anyone wants to listen to me?11:34
ray_ill listen11:35
Deterministsjmurdoch, ok , seems like i didnt have sshd installed , how can i make it active and listening once it's installed?11:35
action09nnacht  i dunno more sorry :( maybe in the chan :(11:35
Protequeanyone used kphone? I am using with a sip accound. Cant get my mic working. the mic worked in the system (tested with rec).11:35
phenomenooke thank you ray_11:35
naliothtiglionabbit: you mean like this page? http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:35
sinfernotiglionabbit, whenever i run nautilus it just opens my home folder11:35
sjmurdochDeterminist: Once if you have it installed, it should start on boot. If you want to start it now, run "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start"11:36
naliothphenomeno: we listen all day long11:36
phenomenoi want to know if there is a way to find out if your pc is ready te play games?11:36
TokenBadis there a way to free cached memory without rebooting?11:36
naliothDeterminist: once you install it, it goes active11:36
=== Determinist nods
ray_phenomeno, whats the deal?11:36
=== Praetorian [~sander@ip51ccf0d1.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
phenomenoi want to know if there is a way to find out if your pc is ready te play games?11:37
naliothphenomeno: install one?11:37
phenomenocause i'm not sure if the drivers are installed right11:37
naliothphenomeno: there are plenty of games available for ubuntu11:37
medgnotuxracer should be a small download, and should be in the repositories11:37
nnachtHow can I list all modules which are loaded?11:37
ray_phenomeno, run glxgears from the terminal11:37
ray_then maximize it11:38
Deterministroot@metalport:/ # ssh -p 443 localhost11:38
Deterministssh: connect to host localhost port 443: Connection refused11:38
=== arentie [~marndt@CPE-69-23-109-1.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Deterministwouldnt connect11:38
misfit_toyjeez, transcode isn't installable? what freaking repo do I need for it? I've hunted all over the place.11:38
Protequehave been trying gnomemeeting but looks like it needs gnome to work.11:38
naliothmisfit_toy: you need to learn a few tricks11:38
=== sexcopter8000m [~james@82-34-47-19.cable.ubr01.chel.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
sjmurdochDeterminist: Run "ps aux | grep -i sshd"11:39
misfit_toynalioth, coming from FC so yeah, I do11:39
phenomenoray_,  37.667 FPS<= thats not good i suppose?11:39
sjmurdochphenomeno: Try "glxinfo | grep -i vendor"11:39
Deterministroot     17461  0.0  0.2   3472  1508 ?        Ss   00:35   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd11:39
Deterministroot     17819  0.0  0.1   3040   732 pts/0    D+   00:39   0:00 grep -i sshd11:39
naliothmisfit_toy: join ##apple11:39
ray_phenomeno, how did you install the drivers?11:40
sjmurdochphenomeno: If you get Mesa, that probably means that you are not using acceleration11:40
phenomenoi have get the mesa11:40
sjmurdochDeterminist: So SSHd is running11:40
Deterministerm , gonna try regular port then11:40
phenomenosomeone here gave me a link to ubuntuforums11:40
phenomenoelibuntu are something like that11:40
Deterministsjmurdoch, still , connection refused11:41
ray_phenomeno, what did you try to install the drivers/11:41
=== Sir-Tez [~sum1sumw@adsl-68-20-211-177.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
sjmurdochDeterminist: Try sudo lsof -i  | grep -i sshd11:41
Sir-Tezcan anyone tell me how to setup NAT on a second eth?11:42
phenomenoi downloaded the ati drivers (the installer)11:42
Sir-Tezfor internet sharing11:42
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ray_phenomeno, i have you solution11:42
arentieSo...make-jpkg will convert virutually any bin file and convert it to a deb file?11:42
phenomenoi installed them and than i changed some things in xorg.conf11:42
Deterministsshd      17461     root    3u  IPv6  45406       TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)11:42
medgnoarentie, no, it'll only convert .bin files that are java installers (AFAIK)11:42
sjmurdochDeterminist: It is listening on port 2211:42
phenomenooke I listen11:43
Deterministsjmurdoch, umm , ok11:43
sjmurdochCheck that the config file hasn't been overwritten11:43
=== gena [~gena@cpc1-nthc7-5-0-cust154.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
arentiemedgno, what do you mean by "AFAIK"?11:43
sjmurdochAnd have you restarted sshd after you changed it11:43
phenomeno(i followed this link http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32495&highlight=ati+drivers)11:43
=== jcoxon [~jcoxon@81-178-219-32.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
medgnoAFAIK = As Far As I Know11:44
action09arentie as far a i know11:44
Deterministsjmurdoch, i've edited that file to say port 22 and restarted sshd , still no go mate11:44
ray_phenomeno, dont use those drivers..... apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx ....then the only thing you change in xorg.conf is switch the "ati" to "fglrx"11:44
=== gena is now known as sweet-tea
dbernar1arentie: your question has a yes answer, it will be a deb.11:44
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ray_phenomeno, it works great for me11:44
arentiemedgno, how do I know what bin files are java installers?11:44
phenomenowill i have acceleration then?11:44
ray_phenomeno, u shure will11:44
sjmurdochDeterminist: Are you runnign "ssh localhost"?11:44
phenomenohow do i remove the drivers that i have installed now?11:45
dbernar1arentie: there will be only one, the one you donwload from their site11:45
ray_phenomeno, i do11:45
medgnoarentie, my guess is they check MD5s or filenames or something like that11:45
phenomenoor wil that just overwrite them ?11:45
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-57-90.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
arentieok thanks11:45
Deterministsjmurdoch, that file you told me to edit was the client config :)11:45
naliotharentie: what is your question?11:45
sweet-teaplease help11:45
ray_u should be fine just to leave them11:45
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Deterministsjmurdoch, commented out the port line and it works , cept on port 22 , while i need it to work on port 44311:46
tiglionabbithey guys, tell me what you think of this wiki page I just made11:46
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, newbies is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/newbies11:46
sweet-teajust installed ubuntu on an XP laptop and hit the grub problem unbootable11:46
=== ficoc [~ficoc@p50871F53.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
phenomenoI just type sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx adb change ati to fglrx?11:46
arentienalioth, my question was can I convert virutally any bin file to a deb file by using make-jpkg?11:46
don-oim trying a dist-upgrade from hoary to breeze but the last 10 or so packages give "MD5Sum mismatch". Im using http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu as the source. is this a known problem?11:46
dbernar1sweet-tea: did you install grub to the MBR?11:46
ray_phenomeno, yup11:46
phenomenooke thank you very much11:46
dbernar1don-o: yes, remove the us.11:46
medgnodon-o, yes, get rid of the "us"11:46
ray_phenomeno, did you change anything else in xorg?11:46
naliotharentie: make-jpkg is for java, i believe11:47
sjmurdochDeterminist: /etc/ssh/sshd_config is the server configfile11:47
don-odbernar1: remove the us for all deb and deb-src lines in apt/sources?11:47
sweet-teayes mbr11:47
phenomenohow do you mean? ray_ ?11:47
dbernar1don-o: sure11:47
don-odbernar1: okay thanks11:47
dbernar1and now nothing is bootable?11:47
Deterministsjmurdoch, doesnt say that in the file itself mate , are you sure? it specifically says ssh client config file11:47
ray_phenomeno, u said you changed some things in xorg.conf11:47
sjmurdochD/etc/ssh/ssh_config is the client one11:48
phenomenoi changed every thing that they sais here  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32495&highlight=ati+drivers11:48
=== disasm [disirc@69-162-7-12.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
nalioths_dogdon-o, the repos are wonky, use these11:48
nalioths_dogdon-o: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3811:48
phenomenobut not everything somethings were already good11:48
nalioths_dogdon-o: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto11:48
arentieok thanks nalioth11:48
Determinist# This is the ssh client system-wide configuration file.  See11:48
Determinist# ssh_config(5) for more information.  This file provides defaults for11:48
Determinist# users, and the values can be changed in per-user configuration files11:48
Determinist# or on the command line.11:48
Deterministsorry for flooding :/11:48
dbernar1sweet-tea: well, try installing grub again.11:48
sjmurdochDeterminist: My Ubuntu box is down at the moment, but that is the case on my Debian box11:48
dbernar1You can <escape> from any point in the ubuntu installer, and skip to a step.11:49
ray_phenomeno, have u tried to apt that yet\11:49
dbernar1<escape being hitting the escape button.11:49
phenomenoI just did11:49
disasmheya all, I haven't bought hardware in a long time. Anyone have some recommendations on a good quality motherboard that plays well with linux? It looks like I'm selling a client my old computer11:49
sjmurdochDeterminist: So I can't be sure, but I would be surprised if that changed11:49
don-onalioths_dog: thx for the info11:49
naliothdisasm: the motherboard that has the imac G4 attached to it11:49
Deterministsjmurdoch, *shrug* i guess it's not then. thanks mate :D11:50
ray_phenomeno, u need to reboot for it to work11:50
phenomenobrb :)11:50
=== keikoz|away [keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
disasmnalioth: never gone ppc before, thats an idea, maybe I'll give it a shot this time around11:50
=== sexcopter8000m [~james@82-34-47-19.cable.ubr01.chel.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
disasmnalioth: not like i need x86 for windows, I haven't had windows on my current desktop in 2 years11:51
jaco^mmm totem don't' work11:51
jaco^it says: resource busy11:51
tiglionabbitjaco^: describe what that means11:51
tiglionabbitjaco^: that probably means something else has your sound focus11:51
jaco^mplayer works11:51
jaco^xine works11:51
tiglionabbitjaco^: try closing mplayer, then run totem11:51
jaco^sound is off11:51
sjmurdochDeterminist: Is there a "Port 22" line in "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"?11:52
jaco^mplayer and xine r closed11:52
Deterministsjmurdoch, there is11:52
ray_does anybody know how i can get xine to play in firefox11:52
=== phenomeno [~phenomeno@79.98-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
naliothdisasm: www.apple.com/store (red tag at bottom right) occasionally has G4 imac refurbs pretty cheap (with full factory warranty)11:52
ray_phenomeno, any luck11:52
sjmurdochDeterminist: What is the first line of the file?11:52
jaco^ray_ there is a mplayer plugin for firefox11:52
phenomenoa litle11:53
Determinist#$OpenBSD: ssh_config,v 1.19 2003/08/13 08:46:31 markus Exp $11:53
phenomenofirst i got 900 fps11:53
arentieI can safely say that I won't need Windows anymore!11:53
ray_jaco^, how do i do that?11:53
phenomenobut thatn it went down to 160 fps11:53
jaco^ray, use synaptyk11:54
jaco^ray, use synaptic11:54
jaco^look for mlayer11:54
=== Go_pLastic [~lumberjac@65-194-31-213.block4.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu
jaco^and there is an mplayer plugin for firefox11:54
=== Determinist thinks jaco^ is having a bad keyboard day
naliothdisasm: and if ya got a spare display, kb, and mouse around, the mac mini is a really sweet box11:54
sjmurdochDeterminist: That says ssh_config, so I would guess that for some reason it has been copied to sshd_config11:54
ray_phenomeno, i think you will be fine11:54
jaco^Determinist :) Lol11:54
Deterministsjmurdoch, i'll try there , brb11:54
phenomenooke thank you :)11:55
sjmurdochDeterminist: sshd_config should start with something like "# Package generated configuration file"11:55
sjmurdochor "#OpenBSD: sshd_config"11:55
Deterministsjmurdoch, bingo11:56
jaco^i think totem don't work 'cause the preview of the video11:56
phenomenowhere can i downlaod tux racer?11:56
Deterministsjmurdoch, it works , thanks alot mate :D11:56
sjmurdochDeterminist: What was it?11:56
ray_phenomeno, apt-get install tuxracer11:56
Deterministsjmurdoch, sshd_config ... i should have noticed that11:56
=== Epix [~eevench@Ottawa-HSE-ppp258336.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
sjmurdochAh right, glad its sorted11:56
phenomenooke thank you ( its all so easy when you think a litle)11:57
EpixHas anyone used Fruity Loops for windows? Im looking for something like it for linux (and for free :))11:57
Deterministsjmurdoch, again, thanks alot :)11:57
sjmurdochDeterminist: np11:57
ray_Epix, yeah me tooo11:57
Deterministsjmurdoch, mind checking if you can connect to detersub.homedns.org:443 via ssh?11:57
=== laas [~laas@217-159-196-200.tt.ee] has joined #ubuntu
jaco^what's fruit loops?11:58
medgnojaco^, a tracker/audio editing program, it looks like11:58
dbernar1guys, when you are looking for a program, add all possible repositories to your sources.list, and then synaptic has a search option.11:58
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sjmurdochDeterminist: Yes11:59
laashow can i access my windows hdds from ubuntu ?11:59
sjmurdochsjm217@maxwell:~$ ssh -p 443 detersub.homedns.org11:59
Deterministsjmurdoch, cool , thanks11:59
dbernar1laas :11:59
Epixjaco^, it is mainly for doing synths11:59
Deterministlaas, you mount them11:59
ubotumountwindows is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions11:59

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