
=== poningru [~poningru@pool-71-101-70-231.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mgalvinhi all, i'm back01:14
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=== Mez [~mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Mezlo all :D01:45
mgalvinhi Mez01:47
Mezanyone here fancy working with the New User network to help write our New User Guide (prefereably with lots of links to current documenttaion or this being incorporated into the new documentation)01:49
Mezobviously not01:52
Mezmgalvin, ?01:52
mgalvinMex, hey, sorry01:58
mgalvinwasn't looking at this screen01:58
mgalvinMez, ping01:58
Meznor was i01:58
mgalvinwhat is the New User Guide, is there more info about it?01:58
Mezwell, it's still being started up :D02:00
Mezbut basically02:00
Mezit's going to be a spseudo-official (maybe fully official) replacement for ubuntuguide02:01
Mezand it's going to basically offer all the info a New Ubuntu User could want in one easy to find place02:01
mgalvinhave you taken a look at the faqguide?02:01
mgalvinit has sort of the same goal, to replace ubuntuguide02:02
Mezyeah, I have, it's sort of the same, but more linked to New users (plus we'll mainly just be linking to other stuff anyways)02:03
Mezis the start of it,02:04
=== mgalvin reading...
Mezbut, we'll be using https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuide as a Table of contents (whats in there is not finished atm)02:04
Mezwhile your faqguide deals with more... technical stuff,02:06
Mezwe;'re trying to point at people who jsut like, wnat to use MSN and browse the web :D02:06
Mezdesktop apps :D02:06
mgalvinso its really a wiki page (as opposed to a full fledged shipped doc)02:07
mgalvinthat will act as a central refernece for the noobs02:08
Mezbasically yeah (though we will be making PDF versions etc etc and are more than willing to shove it over to doc team for inclusion in main docs)02:09
mgalvincool, well i think froud or jeffsch could say if it would be included as a doc team project02:11
mgalvini don't see why not, anything to help the real noobs is always useful02:12
mgalvini am sure myself and other can contrib to it02:13
Mezmatt, you a part of NUN yet ?02:13
Mezyou going to be ?02:14
MezIt'd be nice to have you on board :D02:14
mgalvinsure, i'll join up, are there any special requirements that need to be meet02:17
Mezsignificant contribution to helping new users02:17
Mezif you're working on the NUG - that count's02:17
mgalvincool, i just added myself as a proposed member02:18
Mezapproved :D02:19
Mez#ubuntu-nun 02:19
mgalvini'll take a look at adding some content to the wiki02:19
Mezgo for it02:21
=== rob^ is reading
rob^the problem I see with it is that it covers a lot of whats already in the faq in step-by-step form02:28
rob^have you pulled the faq out of svn and had a look?02:29
Mezrob^, breifly :D but ... as I said - the FAQ is a broader base, and this is based at new users... we'll be linking to external sources etc etc, which will probably include the faw :D02:30
Mezfaw *02:30
Mezfaq *02:30
rob^we are already linking parts of the wiki with the faq02:30
rob^and the faq will be already included with Ubuntu..02:31
Mezyeah, this is just making it more new user specific02:31
rob^I dont see how its more "new user specific"02:32
rob^between the User guide and the FAQ pretty much everything (will) be covered02:34
jeffschhmmm... perhaps the people working on User Guide and the NUN can collaborate02:38
jeffschno need to work separately towards similar goals02:38
Mezthats what I was saying :D02:39
Mezlol - but the User Guide will be geared towards everyone - we wnat a sorta user guide cut down to the stuff that is FAQd... bit weord02:40
rob^I dont see why we need to different projects02:40
rob^covering the same thing 02:42
rob^as it is we have several books profiled in the faq already02:42
rob^and also as it is the New User Guide covers several things already found in the wiki02:45
rob^I think the best way to help a new user is make a better table of contents for the wiki02:45
rob^keen, but misguided.02:56
jeffschhmmm... i wonder why #ubuntu-nun when there is already #ubuntu03:02
rob^good point also03:02
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rob^what file contains the section entities for the faq guide?04:41
=== robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mgalvinrob^ i don't think there is an entity file for that, although i'm not looking at it right now so i could be wrong06:23
mgalvinrob^, grumpy groundhog is not the next release, that will be a rolling unstable branch for ongoing development06:24
mgalvin^ iirc06:24
mgalvinif i recall correctly06:25
rob^I take it you were in #ubuntu-devel 06:25
mgalvinyea, just read it06:25
rob^ok np06:25
mgalvini'm usually just lurking there06:25
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rob^did we get my last patch?09:28
rob^everyone sleeping..09:32
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-142-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudAfrican Greetings09:33
froudhey rob^ 09:34
rob^did you get my last patch?09:35
froudnot yet, just woke up :-)09:35
froudshikes can vnc into my box09:36
rob^I noticed the mailing list doesnt return a copy of my emails I send to it09:36
froudbrb, gone to check09:36
rob^good stuff09:41
froudany news on your commit account09:47
=== jsgotangco [~jgotangco@info1-248.info.com.ph] has joined #ubuntu-doc
jsgotangcofroud: around?10:10
jsgotangcoi have a question you might be able to answer10:11
jsgotangcoi was looking at the hoary installer10:11
froudi'll try10:11
jsgotangcoand it had an install guide10:11
jsgotangcoin html10:11
jsgotangcowho wrote that?10:11
froudwhat does it look like I have not seen it10:12
froudis it the install guide in svn10:12
jsgotangcono it doesn't look like it10:12
jsgotangcoill run the cd again10:12
froudis it a simple one or long one10:12
froudthere is a long one from debian10:13
jsgotangcoa very long one10:13
froudfrom debian10:13
jsgotangcobut "ubuntufied"?10:13
jsgotangcoits in doc/install/manual/en10:14
jsgotangcooh right its Debian10:14
froudyes some people in devel were maintaining it10:15
jsgotangcowhy not just adopt parts of it?10:15
froudbut that is one hectic document for our desktop user audience10:15
jsgotangcoits quite a complicated in some parts indeed10:16
froudno reason why not, the install guide files for a simple install guide are in svn10:16
froudjsgotangco: you have an itch, feel free to work on it10:17
jsgotangcoyeah well i was actually reinstalling my laptop when i stumbled upon it10:17
froudjust remember that we need two install guides ubuntu and kubuntu10:18
froudso use the profile methods10:18
jsgotangcoyeah i thought about it10:18
jsgotangcoim actually getting the trunk now10:18
froudThere is a temptation to make install guides complex10:18
jsgotangcotook almost 2 hours to rebuild10:18
froud2 hours10:19
froudhmm mgalvin said he also had problems doing checkout from svn10:19
froudsaid it was slow10:19
jsgotangcomgalvin's output is superb10:20
froudjsgotangco: it would be nice if you can give some love to it :-)10:20
froudyes he is good10:20
froudboth him and rob doing good work10:21
jsgotangcowell i always had some love to share it just happened my tools won't play well heh10:21
froudI have asked mdz to hurry their commit accounts along10:21
jsgotangcowhy mdz?10:21
froudwell its more than a week and elmo has been moving house10:22
jsgotangcoahh right10:22
froudso I am looking to expidite th eprocess10:22
froudmgalvin co authored the ppc version of ubuntuguide.org10:23
froudand rob^ was also involved with ubuntuguide.org10:23
froudI wish Chau would join in :-)10:24
jsgotangcoour svn has become huge10:28
rob^hey again10:31
froudjsgotangco: yes10:31
froudrob^: hey10:31
rob^I should probably mention with my new email account comes a new pgp key10:32
froudno you should always keep the same one10:33
froudunless you feel that the old one was compromised10:33
rob^froud, I actually wasn't involved with the ubuntuguide.org, just have a lot of prior experience with Debian10:33
froudrob^: ah10:33
froudrob^: did you send anyone your new keys10:34
frouddo you have the old keys10:34
rob^not yet10:34
froudif you have your old keys then just add them to your key bundle10:34
froudsvn will still be able to use them10:35
rob^yeah its still in there10:35
rob^both are10:35
jsgotangcoyou can add more emails on a key though10:35
rob^never really looked to check if you could..10:36
froudit's important that you let people know if you need to make changes like that, otherwise you won't be able to commit and that could be very frustrating10:36
froudand giving elmo the wrong key and then asking him to replace it just adds to his workload10:36
jsgotangcook im going back and play with my daughter10:39
jsgotangcoits a nice sunday afternoon10:39
rob^just added my new email to the original key10:40
rob^pretty simple to do actually10:40
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mgalvinhi all07:25
mgalvinhi froud07:26
jeffschhowdy folks08:31
mgalvinhi jeffsch08:37
mgalvini finally found out why my connection to the uk is so slow... i found a report saying that apparently there are some dns issues that make seeing sites in the uk from the us very slow or impossible09:16
mgalvinat least its not just me and someone found the problem09:16
froudhe he09:17
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mgalvinso since we know have a bunch of proper gnome menus I added the ent file to the faqguide... small issue...10:06
froudgreat yu want to patch it10:07
mgalvina few different methods are being used during profiling...10:07
froudyou clear on them?10:08
mgalvinsometime the actuall menuchoice is profiled, but sometime the surrounding para is profiled10:08
mgalvini am clear, but it causes a small issue b/c10:08
mgalvinnow if i use the gnome-menu-C ent file the menu entries in the files are not profiles10:08
mgalvini would have to wrap all the menuchoices in paras and profile the paras10:09
froudif not profiled items should be included in output10:09
mgalvinif i don't then the gnome menu also shows up in the kde version of the doc, all the gnome menu file don't have and os="gnome"10:11
froudA yes c what you mean10:12
froudcan you paste an example here10:12
frouduse case of the problem10:12
mgalvinadd this to faqguide.xml10:13
mgalvin<!ENTITY % gnome-menus-C SYSTEM "../../../gnome/libs/gnome-menus-C.ent">10:13
mgalvinreplace 10:13
mgalvin<menuchoice os="gnome">10:13
mgalvin                <guimenu>Applications</guimenu>10:13
mgalvin                <guimenuitem>System Tools</guimenuitem>10:13
mgalvin                <guimenuitem>Terminal</guimenuitem>10:13
mgalvin            </menuchoice>10:13
mgalvinwith &terminal;10:13
mgalvinthat make both the gnome term and konsole show up in kfaq10:14
mgalvinif we use...10:14
mgalvin<para os="gnome">10:15
mgalvin         &terminal;10:15
mgalvin        </para>10:15
mgalvin        <para os="kde">10:15
mgalvin            <menuchoice os="kde">10:15
mgalvin                <guimenu>Kmenu</guimenu>10:15
mgalvin                <guisubmenu>System</guisubmenu>10:15
mgalvin                <guimenuitem>Terminal Program (Konsole)</guimenuitem>10:15
mgalvin            </menuchoice>10:15
mgalvin     </para>10:15
mgalvinthat works fine10:15
mgalvineventually also use &konsole;10:15
mgalvinwhen we have those menus done10:15
froudyes option 2 is correct way10:15
froudbut now you can have10:16
mgalvinusing option 2 also then assures that the menu choice is nevre "inline" with the preceding para text10:16
froudno need for @os on menuchoice now10:17
froudgo for it, sounds good to me10:18
mgalvinwhich lets us use the menu files freely10:18
jeffschwhat if for some reason you want the menu choice to be "inline"?10:19
froudstill can10:19
jeffschi must be missing something :)10:20
mgalvini think we could use <application>&terminal</application>10:20
mgalvinwhich is inline10:20
mgalvinit gets bold though i think10:21
froudwhy do that10:21
froudwhy not just <para>.... &terminal; .....</para>10:21
froudwhy not just <para os="gnome">.... &terminal; .....</para>10:22
mgalvinum, sorry your right10:22
mgalvinthat would work fine10:22
froudwhy not just <para os="kde">.... &konsole; .....</para>10:22
froudbtw in some cases you can do 10:22
froud<para os="kde,gnome">.... </para>10:23
froudbut of course you cannot then have menuchoices in them10:23
jeffsch<menuchoice os="gnome">&terminal;</menuchoice> and <menuchoice os="kde">&konsole;</menuchoice> ?10:23
froudno then the external xml-instance is invalid10:24
mgalvinthat would put a menuchoice inside another menuchoice10:24
froudyes or you would have to create an invalid xml instance10:25
jeffschleave the menuchoice out of &terminal; and &konsole;10:25
froudmakes the xml invalid10:25
froudxml instance must have a root element10:25
froudtechnically in this context it will be well-formed10:26
froudbut the external instance is not 10:26
froudnot a good practice IMHO10:26
froudbetter to have <para os="gnome">.... &terminal; .....</para>10:27
froud&terminal; is a valid and well-formed xml-instance10:27
froudit does not have to have @os10:27
froudanother option10:28
froud<para>.... <phrase os="gome">&terminal;</phrase> .....</para>10:28
froudI think that is valid10:29
froud<para>.... <phrase os="gome">&terminal;</phrase><phrase os="kde">&konsole;</phrase> .....</para>10:30
froudis true10:30
froudmgalvin: there are many options10:30
froudjeffsch: what do you think?10:30
jeffschheh, it's almost more work than not using &terminal; :)10:31
jeffschbut <para>.... <phrase os="gome">&terminal;</phrase><phrase os="kde">&konsole;</phrase> .....</para> looks ok10:31
froudhe he yes but in context of the big benefit is good10:32
froudmgalvin: does that help10:32
froudwe have outlined two options10:32
jeffsch:) now we need an entity for <phrase os="gome">&terminal;</phrase> hehe10:32
froudooh multiple abstraction10:33
jeffschevaentually we can have &faqguide; :) a very short document10:33
mgalvinfroud, yes that helps, thnx guys10:36
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froudmgalvin: np10:44
mgalvini jusr emailed a small patch to the faq guide that uses the method we jusr discussed10:47
jeffschok. i'll apply it shortly10:48
mgalvinelmo... ELMO... hehe :)10:49
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