
dokojbailey: gotom does use 2.6.12, we use 2.6.1112:06
jbaileyHe uses an entirely different code base than we do.12:08
jbaileyOur kernel headers are based off the linux libc headers that are cleaned out, and shared with a couple of Linux distros.12:09
jbaileygotom produces his own and really strongly would rather use those.12:09
jbaileydrow agreed with the idea of using linux-libc-headers, as did pb_.12:10
jbaileyBut I don't want to push it, since I don't want it to come across as "In Ubuntu we do this, so you have to follow", and he's willing to do the work anyway.12:10
dokoehh, then he should fix it ...12:18
dokoinfinity: I hope, _after_ my 4.0.1 upload12:18
jbaileydoko: Yes.  I'm' hoping that I can show that the kernel headers I have will be more regularily up to date than his, and overcome his objections until he accepts them.12:20
lamontjbailey: you saw the ucontext bug?02:21
=== lamont wanders off - alsadriver if you haven't seen it..
lamontthere are several packages ftbfs because of it02:22
jbaileylamont: I haven't do you have a bug number handy?02:35
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dokofabbione: well, yes, I'm tired of gnat-4.0 now ...04:46
fabbionedoko: ehehhe04:46
fabbioneanyway thanks for looking at it my friend04:46
fabbionesince you are a good boy you will get mISDN back... this week04:46
dokoheh ... :)04:46
fabbionei am off for a shower...04:48
fabbionelater fellas04:48
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