
supernixAre the packages in the ubuntu list the same for kubuntu ?12:02
seth_kyes, kubuntu is derived from ubuntu and they share repositories12:02
seth_kthe naming difference is only marketing, nothing more12:02
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Computer__Gurukubuntu is PART of ubuntu - you can't have kubuntu without ubuntu12:04
seth_klike I said, it's just marketing12:04
seth_kbut sure, you can install a Kubuntu CD and have no Gnome12:04
Computer__Gurubut you still have ubuntu12:04
seth_kwhat is "ubuntu"?12:04
Computer__Gurugnome is just a desktop :D12:04
seth_keverything is Linux when you come down to it12:04
Computer__Gurubut walk a step up from that, and you're running debian :D12:05
nikkiaseth, thats not really true12:05
nikkiaseth, imagine for a second FreeVMS12:05
nikkiaits a linux kernel, but is the OS linux? no12:05
Computer__Guruor FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD12:06
Computer__Gurunone of which are linux...12:06
nikkiaComputer__Guru: not good examples, as they're not the linux kernel12:06
supernixI was browsing the url catcher and saw packages.ubuntu.com and wondered if that list was the same as the list for packages for Kubuntu12:06
nikkiamy point is, freevms IS a linux kernel, however, you'd never call it 'linux' from using it12:06
Computer__Gurunikkia, tell me why my gaim crashes12:06
crimsunsupernix: yes.12:06
Computer__Guruit started happening after i installed gtk2-engines-qt12:06
nikkiaComputer__Guru: the qt theme you're using probably isn't very gtk friendly12:07
supernixbut like you said they are the same and it makes perfect sense as it would be stupid to change anything on the distro other than the default WM12:07
Computer__Guruand told gtk to use my kde theme12:07
Computer__Gurublah screw that, im not getting rid of this theme12:07
nikkiaComputer__Guru: may i suggest kopete ? :)12:07
Computer__Gurudoes it do everything gaim does and allow for bangexec commands?12:07
nikkiait does what i need, that is all i've really bothered to care about12:08
Computer__Gurucan you !command and have it display in the channel?12:08
Computer__Gurucat /proc/version:12:08
Computer__GuruLinux version 2.6.10-5-386 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2)) #1 Tue Apr 5 12:12:40 UTC 200512:08
nikkiaComputer__Guru: erm, you're using gaim for irc??12:08
nikkiathat is just, well, wrong12:08
Computer__Guruit works12:08
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nikkiaComputer__Guru: a proper irc client would work better, and every irc client i know of supports some form of /exec12:09
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nikkiakvirc's is a bit convoluted, but it is also probably the most flexible once you get past how it does things differently to everyone else12:09
nikkia(you pass a script function to the exec function that tells it what to do with the output of exec12:10
Computer__Guruxchat is nice12:11
Computer__Gurui think ill just stick with gaim, tho :)12:11
Computer__GuruI'm used to it12:11
Computer__Guruim gonna run out for a bit, bbl12:12
nikkiafor example, in kvirc, to do uname -a ... you'd do /exec ("uname -a") { say $1; }12:12
nikkiaLinux nikki 2.6.10-5-686 #1 Fri Jun 24 17:33:34 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux12:12
nikkialike that :)12:12
Computer__Guruthat looks like a pain, but im sure you could write an alias called sayexec12:12
nikkiaas i said, it looks long winded, but the advantage is you can do just about anything with it, without having to write a long script12:12
nikkiayeah, you could alias it easy enough12:13
Computer__Gurucat /proc/version;cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i name;cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i memtotal;df -Th:12:13
Computer__GuruLinux version 2.6.10-5-386 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2)) #1 Tue Apr 5 12:12:40 UTC 200512:13
Computer__Gurumodel name: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.70GHz12:13
Computer__GuruMemTotal:       386360 kB12:13
Computer__GuruFilesystem    Type    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on12:13
Computer__Guru/dev/hda3     ext3     19G  2.5G   15G  14% /12:13
Computer__Gurutmpfs        tmpfs    189M     0  189M   0% /dev/shm12:13
Computer__Guru/dev       unknown     19G  2.5G   15G  14% /.dev12:13
Computer__Gurunone         tmpfs    5.0M  2.9M  2.2M  57% /dev12:13
Computer__Guru/dev/hda1     ntfs     40G   35G  4.3G  90% /mnt/hda112:13
Computer__Guru/dev/hda4     vfat     54G   13G   41G  24% /mnt/hda412:13
Computer__Guruwith bangexec, you !! to echo only to you, ! to echo to the room, and !!! to echo the actual !command12:15
nikkiaComputer__Guru: its still limited12:15
Computer__Guruyeah but it does what i need.. most i usually do is echo a fortune, what you just saw, or apt-get moo ;)12:15
nikkiaComputer__Guru: you can't do the equivalent of /exec ( "fortune" ) { amsg is away - $1 ; away $1; }    for example12:16
Computer__Gurunikkia, you should go rate my desktop screenshot on kde-look.org12:16
nikkiaComputer__Guru: you'd probably rather i didn't12:16
Computer__Guruit's pretty :D12:17
nikkiai have no tolerance for 'flashy, tones of transparent windows, flash instead of substance' desktops12:17
Computer__Guruit's flashy, but it's VERY functional12:17
nikkiaand IME, anyone that puts their desktop on such a site, usually has just such a desktop :P12:17
Computer__Gurulike i said, it's flashy but it's very functional.. everything i need is on the docker12:18
Computer__Guruone click away12:18
nikkiayeah, you really don't want me to rate that :P12:19
nikkiathe transparent konqueror window would get an instant 0/1012:19
Computer__Guruyeah i only turned it on for the screenshot..t his video card sucks ass12:19
nikkiathe invisible taskbar? that'd be negative numbers12:19
Computer__Guruyou can see what you need to12:19
Computer__Guruwell at least tell me you're an alexis bledel fan :p12:20
nikkiano idea who that is, so no12:20
Computer__Gururory from gilmore girls/becky from sin city12:20
nikkiadon't watch them12:21
monchyyou haven't heard of sin city?12:21
Computer__Guruso what do you run? xfce?12:21
nikkiamonchy: heard of, yes, watch? no, better things to do12:21
nikkiaComputer__Guru: i run KDE, but with sane settings12:21
Computer__Gurukde runs quite a bit faster setup like this than it did out of the box.... sanity is a matter of symantecs12:22
nikkiaComputer__Guru: its not about 'minimalism' its about being able to get work done without the flashy theme getting in the way12:22
Computer__Guruit doesnt, ever12:22
Computer__Guruexcept when gaim crashes ;)12:22
nikkiaComputer__Guru: making a konqueror window transparent, is just pointless, it doesn't help you browse your files in any way12:22
Computer__GuruI know, and I don't have it turned on12:22
Computer__Guruit also doesnt get int he way though12:22
nikkiaall it does, is expose a little bit of your background, and that doesn't improve productivity in any way, shape or form12:22
Computer__Guruwhats wrong with eye candy so long as its functional?12:23
monchyjust give up computer, you can't win this lol12:23
Computer__Gurubut im having fun :D12:23
nikkiacomputer, and your clock, lets not go there, i've never seen such ugly text outside of xosd12:23
Computer__Guruim just gonna beat you12:24
Computer__Guruhows that sound12:24
Computer__Guruit's the kde digital clock12:24
insanekaneyeah, whats with wackos who use transparent windows ???12:24
Computer__Guruwell, i added seconds and blinking dots12:24
insanekaneComputer__Guru: btw, nice icon set .. which one ?12:24
nikkiaComputer__Guru: a clock that is designed to be displayed on a solid background, and thus is optimised for that in terms of colour choice and font, a clock that just looks plain ugly put against a transparent window in front of a image background12:25
Computer__Guruif it's designed to be on a solid background, whyc an you set it to transparent? ... sounds to me like it was designed to run either way.. PROBABLY why it has a shadow 12:25
Computer__Guruinsanekane: Aqua Fusion 0.5.012:26
insanekanenaah ... it can be set to transparent because they didn't want to restrict anyone, not because it should be done12:26
nikkiacomputer, you can set it to white text on a white background, does that imply that's a great choice?12:27
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Computer__Gurui can read it against any background with black text and a grey shadow... thats all i care about12:27
Computer__Guruyaknow, nikkia, you're the one who helped me get all this setup ;)12:27
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bobbyd_how do I use this as a source for synaptic? http://3demi.net/debian/debs/ ?12:27
nikkiaComputer__Guru: yes, and i feel guilt :/12:28
seth_kbobbyd_: the short answer is don't12:28
nikkiaComputer__Guru: IMO, the 'pimp my desktop' crowd does more to harm linux's image than anything12:28
seth_kbobbyd_: debian sources mixed with ubuntu are not safe12:28
Computer__Gurubobbyd_: add deb http://3demi.net/debian/debs/ ./ to your /etc/apt/sources.list12:28
bobbyd_seth_k, so should I just comple the things I want?12:29
seth_kbobbyd_: or talk to MOTU and ask for them to enter the Ubuntu universe12:30
nikkiaseth, in fairness, obscure apps like that are unlikely ever to have enough mass appeal to put them in the main repositories :)12:30
Computer__Gurunikkia: I disagree wholeheartedly. The pimp my desktop crowd draws attention to the flexibility of the linux desktop environment, thus attracting more people and enticing them to give linux a try. out of every ten who try, say two stick with it and actually start using it... how is that harmful to the community? we want to grow, right? If we don't, we should really tell the ubuntu ppl to stop shipping all those free cds...12:30
nikkiaComputer__Guru: because the mishmash of looks and feels puts off the majority of 'plain ordinary people'12:30
Computer__Guruthat made zero sense12:31
Computer__Gurui have no problem with a simple desktop.. hell, IMO, I *have* a simple desktop...12:31
seth_knikkia: there are plenty of obscure apps in universe, all it needs is someone to sponsor and upload12:31
Computer__Gurutook less than an hour to setup12:31
nikkiaseth, astro-imaging is really really obscure tho :)12:32
Computer__Guruokay, i really am gonna go play with my kids now12:32
nikkiaseth, there are probably less than 100 people worldwide using debian that would use it, finding someone to maintain it would be hard enough12:32
seth_khehe, this is true12:32
nikkia(and for the record, i preferred gccd :)12:33
seth_kbobbyd_: which one are you interested in on that server?12:33
Computer__GuruI should put up a site and dedicate it to k/ubuntu ppl who feel the need to 'pimp their desktops'12:33
Computer__Guruyou'd really hate my bootsplash :D12:33
nikkiaComputer__Guru: bootsplashs don't annoy me much, i'm not trying to *use* the machine at that point12:33
Computer__Gurutrust me if you sat down at this box, you would find it VERY usable12:34
bobbyd_seth_k, hugin, the panoramic photo stitcher12:34
seth_knikkia: that doesn't sound too obscure12:34
nikkiaseth, it probably depends on those libs, tho12:34
nikkiawhich are 'astro-imaging' dedicated libs from what i can see12:35
Computer__Guruso apt-get build-dep hugin && apt-get install hugin 12:35
bobbyd_can anyone suggest a panaromic stiching app which I will be able to get :)12:35
seth_knope, no build-deps12:35
seth_konly debhelper12:35
seth_kbobbyd_: I would suggest compiling and using checkinstall right now. I'll look at it and see about getting it into universe for you12:35
seth_kbut no promises :P12:35
Computer__Guruyou could always download the sources and build a .deb yourelf12:36
bobbyd_seth_k, so I just compile from source in the normal way (download and run ./configure and make) ?12:36
Computer__Guruim out, im gonna go play with my childrens12:37
bobbyd_seth_k, I just mean, when you say compile it, you don't mean through some apt-based thing...12:37
seth_kbobbyd_: it has no scary build deps, just download the deb straight off that site and install it using sudo dpkg -i name.of.deb12:37
seth_kand see if that works12:38
seth_kbefore trying to compile12:38
Computer__Guruim a bastard12:39
Computer__GurubyDaede on:07/11/2005, 0:38  I'd just like to thank nikkia@irc.freenode.net/#Kubuntu for helping me get all of this setup :D12:39
seth_kbobbyd_: http://hugin.sourceforge.net/download/ talks about a few libs, but they appear to all be present in Ubuntu's apt repositories12:39
bobbyd_o cool12:40
Computer__Guruthe whole pimp my desktop crwod will be coming to her for help now :D12:40
nikkiaComputer__Guru: my irc client has a working /ignore, so i don't care :P12:40
Computer__Guruhey we'll argue more later, it was fun12:41
bobbyd_seth_k, libpano is in the ubuntu repos? synaptic doesn't show it for me12:41
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seth_kbobbyd_: uh oh, only in breezy12:42
seth_kthat's why it showed up for me12:43
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seth_kbobbyd_: so, you can start building libs... you can pull them from breezy and hope they work... or you can wait for breezy. Backporting libs sucks12:46
bobbyd_I'll just build it all :)12:47
seth_kgood luck with that12:47
seth_kthis looks pretty well debianized, so I'll bet it will build in Breezy12:47
seth_kI'll see about pulling it into universe for Breezy12:48
seth_kjust remember to use "checkinstall" when building your stuff12:48
seth_kso it's easy to uninstall it12:48
bobbyd_ok cool12:48
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spermie_how do i set up my nvidia video card in kubuntu?01:06
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jeroen_the same as ubuntu... www.ubuntuguide.org01:06
crimsunspermie_: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:06
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spermie_thanks guys for the websites =)01:10
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spermie_ermie@Spermie:~$ sudo apt-get install frozen-bubble01:34
spermie_Reading package lists... Done01:34
spermie_Building dependency tree... Done01:34
spermie_E: Couldn't find package frozen-bubble01:34
spermie_need to get that game and i know ubuntu has that pacage01:35
nikkiaits in universe01:38
spermie_whats universe01:41
spermie_n00b sorr01:41
spermie_thankl ya01:43
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spermie_how do i run synaptic on kubuntu as a root user?01:49
spermie_sorry for alll the questions01:49
insanekanesudo synaptic01:49
spermie_sudo is going to take some geting use too =(01:50
nikkiaits a far better solution once you're used to it, in some ways01:53
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nikkiasudo -e for example01:54
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nikkiaif you use emacs, and use emacsclient to start new sessions, you cannot do that with su, because emacsclient uses your EUID to form the location of the unix socket that talks to emacs, sudo -e uses your EDITOR variable to determine what to edit with, BUT, it runs the editor process as you, not as root, wrapping the editor call with a cp to /tmp and a cp back from /tmp01:56
nikkia(because of this, sudo -e is also a little safer, since it mimics the safety from deadlocks that makes things like vipw and so on required01:56
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closureword to your mother01:58
closureanybody know where i can find bitchx scripts?01:58
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penguinboyHey geeks, nerds, and Linux gurus02:21
crimsunhi tennessee person02:21
penguinboyKentucky....I know the ip says tenn but I believe Tennessee and Kentucky are combined in the charter world02:22
=== Computer__Guru pokes nikkia
crimsunhi IP-Tennessee person :p02:22
spermie_anyone around>02:25
spermie_coast is clear02:26
Computer__Guruhey spermie whats up02:27
Computer__Gurusomebody mail me a half-height 8x agp geforce4 video card :)02:29
Computer__Guruthats all this dell will take02:29
Computer__Guruis half height02:29
Computer__Guruand it currently has a 4xAGP 16MB ATI Rage Pro Ultra 12802:30
Computer__Guruwhich sucks ass02:30
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newbieguy's can kopete join chan when i chose the ym protokol ??02:41
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newbieany live ?02:42
Computer__Gurui think it should be able to02:43
Computer__Gurui dunno anything about kopete tho, i use gaim02:43
newbiehow ?02:43
newbieso i must to get gaim ?02:44
Computer__Guruyou could just get a yahoo chat client like zinc02:44
Computer__Guruor curphoo02:44
Computer__Guruor gyach02:44
newbiewhat the ui like yahoo 02:44
Computer__Gurunone of the ui's are like yahoo02:45
Computer__Guruyou could also02:45
Computer__Gurujust point your browser to http://chat.yahoo.com02:45
newbiezinc curphoo or gyach and it on apt-get ??02:45
Computer__Guruand use java02:45
Computer__Gurui dunno if they're in universe or not02:45
newbieit's for my user who they are very newbie on linux02:45
Computer__GuruI would use Gaim then02:46
newbiethey familiar with win9802:46
Computer__Guruit's a pretty simple interface02:46
Computer__Guruthere's just no room list02:46
Computer__Guruif you want to join a room, you have to know what its called02:46
newbieic i have it02:46
newbiegaim can't view web cam ?02:46
Computer__Gurujava can, though02:47
Computer__Guruas far as i know02:47
Computer__Guruand i think gyach-enhanced can too02:47
Computer__Gurubut im not sure02:47
Computer__Gurugaim-vv can view webcams and do voice02:47
Computer__Gurubut is still very experimental, and i dont know if it does them in yahoo, but it does them in msn02:48
newbiewhy they not develop like ym ui02:50
newbieand the command like ym too02:50
supernixwhat is the difference between the universe packages and the regular packages ?02:56
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SudoPusI have a problem in KDE with the network configuration module not letting me edit the settings on my network card..can someone advise syntax to take card down with ifconfig and then bring it back up specifying the ip/subnet/gateway?03:46
SudoPusI know sudo ifconfig eth0 down03:46
kalenedraelthen sudo ifconfig eth0 <ip address> netmask <subnet>03:57
kalenedraelthen sudo route add default gw <gateway>03:57
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SudoPuskalendrael: Thank you very much03:58
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supernixHi everyone04:08
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Sudo_Puskalenedrael: I said thanks very much..then noticed you had just popped back in...I am now Konversation chatting! kewl04:11
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Sudo_PusOk now can someone help me get sound up and working in KDE? I have a Mac...I checked the volume and settings in mixer..still don't hear anything04:13
Sudo_Puskalenedrael: What file does ifconfig write out to? To hold the nic config?04:14
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kalenedraeli don't think it writes to any file04:15
kalenedraelbut the settings for ifup are stored in /etc/network/interfaces04:16
kalenedraelwhen it says "Configuring network interfaces...." on boot, it's executing a script that reads /etc/network/interfaces04:17
Sudo_Puskalendrael: Ahhh..thanks..I couldn't remember....I now have sound after running alsamixer from the command line :-P04:17
Sudo_PusNow to tackle why the time is off...I set it to US Central..hmmmm04:18
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spermie_411how do I install a program other then apt-get ?04:20
kubuntu-livedo you mean "using another program besides apt-get"?04:21
kubuntu-liveyou can use Kynaptic, aptitude, or dselect04:21
kubuntu-liveor Synaptic if you want to install ubuntu-desktop04:21
Sudo_PusWill synaptic run under Kubuntu?04:21
Sudo_PusSorry...you just answered :-)04:22
kubuntu-liveyes, it will run under KDE04:22
kubuntu-livegranted, when you install it, it will drag in all the dependencies04:22
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Computer__Guruwell, i fixed my problem with gaim crashing04:33
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Computer__Gurui told gtk to stop using my kde themes, and installed an osx theme in gnome..04:34
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Computer__Guruit's not quite as pretty, but it'll do04:35
spermie_411well just like if i downloaded something off a website and it wasnt in the ubuntu packages04:35
spermie_411Sudo_Pus yes04:35
Computer__Guruheya dev whats up04:36
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baron_ivhey guys does ANYONE have a FULL, WORKING copy of the PPC DVD version of Kubuntu?  My torrents have all stopped at 72.1% (this is my THIRD time trying it).04:41
Computer__Guruyeah someone needs to reseed04:42
Computer__Gurui sure don, bro, sorry04:42
Computer__Gurudont, even04:42
Computer__Guruhas anybody requested a reseed on the wiki?04:42
baron_ivI've googled for it, found a couple dozen torrents, and tried EVERY ONE.  nobody has it.04:42
Computer__Guruand remember once you get it all after someone reseeds it, SEED IT FOR A WHILE04:43
baron_ivyeah, there have been reseed requests in the forums too.04:43
Computer__Guruthat's why torrents die.. 300 ppl int he swarm and nobody stays afterwards to seed04:43
baron_ivI always seed, I know that's the only way the network can stay alive.04:43
baron_ivit kinda sucks that not even ONE person could keep it up.04:43
baron_ivit's been sitting there for over 2 days at 72.1%.04:44
Computer__Gurulike right now im downloading hitchhikers guide to the galaxy04:44
Computer__Guruthere's half as many seeds as there are peers :)04:44
baron_ivhehe, pirate.04:44
Computer__Guruthat's a good bunch04:44
Computer__Guruhell yeah04:44
Computer__Guruwhen it comes to movies, im all about it04:44
baron_ivnormally the newer movies go really fast for the first day or two.04:44
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Computer__Gurubut when it comes to software, well04:44
baron_ivyeah, same here.  I watch a lot of movies.04:44
Computer__Gurucat /proc/version:04:44
Computer__GuruLinux version 2.6.10-5-386 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2)) #1 Tue Apr 5 12:12:40 UTC 200504:44
Computer__Gurupretty sure all those g's stand for gnu :D04:45
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baron_ivI am a mac guy, but I love kubuntu (and pclinuxos...but that's another story...and a story that doesn't work on ppc).04:46
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nate__hey, how do you unzip all the files in a directory?04:47
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kalenedraelnate__, still there?04:48
kalenedraelfor n in *.zip; do unzip $n; done04:49
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aseigoas long as non of $n has spaces in it =)04:57
aseigofor n in *zip; do unzip "$n"; done;04:57
aseigoyou can also, of course, use find =)04:57
=== SudoPus [~zugwrack@cpe-24-27-123-164.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
SudoPuswho here is running PPC?05:01
kubuntu-livenalioth in #ubuntu is05:01
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SudoPuskubuntu-live: Well he is ZzZ...there are two choices for the smp kernel... one is "linux-image-2.6.10-5<blah>" the other is just linux-image-powerpc-smp any suggestions?05:06
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robhertneed help05:19
robherthow can i install firefox in kubuntu?05:19
kalenedraelapt-get install firefox05:20
kalenedraelapt-get install mozilla-firefox05:20
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kalenedraelsudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox05:20
robhertmm.. sorry im newbe.. where should i put this "apt-get install firefox"05:20
kalenedraelin the command line05:21
kalenedraelopen up a terminal, and type "sudo apt-get install firefox"05:21
kalenedraelit should ask you for your password05:21
kalenedraelgah, sorry05:21
kalenedrael"sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox"05:21
kalenedraelyes, konsole05:21
kalenedraelwhatever terminal you have05:21
robhertwhere is it downloading from?05:22
kalenedraelarchive.ubuntu.com, or whatever mirror is in your country05:23
kalenedraellike us.archive.ubuntu.com, or gb.archive.ubuntu.com05:23
robhertthank u very much!05:23
robhertkalenedrael: one more question..05:24
robherthow can i see partitions from windows?05:25
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kalenedraelthey should be /dev/hda*05:26
kalenedraellike /dev/hda1 or /dev/hda2...05:26
robhertemm. where this go :)05:27
kalenedraelok, hard disks and partitions in linux show up as files in the /dev folder05:29
kalenedrael/dev/hda is the master hard drive of the first IDE bus, which is where windows usually is05:29
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kalenedrael/dev/hda1 is the first partition on that drive, /dev/hda2 the second, /dev/hda3 the third, etc05:29
kalenedraelyou got your computer with windows on it, right?05:30
kalenedraelit should be on /dev/hda105:30
=== SudoPus [~SudoPus@cpe-24-27-123-164.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
robhertok... but i should be in root user right?05:31
kalenedraelwell, to access a partition you have to mount it first05:31
SudoPusI am getting a warning from K3B stating cdrdao is not installed...install it...but Kynaptic doesn't find it?05:31
kalenedraelmake a folder called /media/windows or something05:31
kalenedraelSudoPus, apt-cache search cdrdao05:32
kalenedraelit may be called "cdrdao3" or "libcdrdao" or such05:32
SudoPusrobhert: First off Ubuntu uses sudo....unless you have set it up to use a "root" user it won't have one.05:32
SudoPuskalenedrael: Again to my rescue...many thanks...05:32
SudoPuskalenedrael:Hmmm..all it comes up with is K3b and K3blibs?05:33
kalenedraelthen install k3blibs, i guess05:34
kalenedraeledit your /etc/apt/sources.list05:34
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robhertok. how can i mount ;)05:34
kalenedraelrobhert, do you know what filesystem the windows partition is, and what partition it's on?05:35
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kalenedraelsudo mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /media/windows05:35
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SudoPuskalenedrael: Well it isn't letting me do the k3blibs using apt-get...kinda confusing..what about a current tracker list for the apt sources list?05:36
robhertC <-win98, D<- winXP05:36
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kalenedraelhmm, well05:36
kalenedraelrobhert, try that command i just typed05:36
kalenedraelSudoPus, edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment 'those two lines'05:36
robhertsudo mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /media/windows05:36
SudoPusAhh..sorry...getting late here...05:36
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SudoPusgotta love vi!05:38
robhertmount: doesn't exist /media/windows doesn't exist05:39
kalenedraelmkdir /media/windows05:39
kalenedraelthen try it again05:39
robhertdenied permision05:40
rabbitIs there a package list some where on the net?05:40
rabbitfor kubuntu/ubuntu?05:40
kalenedraelsudo mkdir /media/windows05:40
kalenedraelif you get denied permission, sudo should solve it :P05:40
SudoPuskalenedrael: Does rythmbox have special requirements to work like with Warty?05:41
crimsunSudoPus: not really. You might find the mp3 support package useful.05:41
Computer__Guruwtf is rythmbox?05:41
Computer__Guruwhatis rythmbox:05:41
Computer__Gururythmbox: nothing appropriate.05:41
Computer__Guruapparently it's not installed, whatever it is05:41
crimsunit's a GNOME package05:42
crimsunpart of ubuntu-desktop05:42
robhertyes yes05:42
robhertit works!05:42
kalenedraelSudoPus, dunno05:42
Computer__Gurui have ubuntu-desktop, why do i not have rythmbox?05:42
kalenedraelrobhert, cool05:42
robherty sudo make that it works?05:42
kalenedraelsudo = superuser do05:42
Computer__Gururobhert: sudo allows you to execute individual commands as the superuser05:42
kalenedraelsudo basically lets you do things as the administrator05:43
Computer__Gururobhert: try this: sudo su -i05:43
SudoPusNight all..thanks for the help...oh yeah...anyone know about flash browser support for PPC Kubuntu?05:43
crimsunComputer__Guru: apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop|grep rhythmbox05:43
SudoPuskalenedrael: Huh? dunno what?05:43
Computer__Guruapt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop|grep rhythmbox:05:43
Computer__Guru  Depends: rhythmbox05:43
Computer__Guruoh i spelled it wrong05:44
Computer__GurudUrp dUrp05:44
Computer__Guruwhatis rhythmbox:05:44
Computer__Gururhythmbox (1)        - music player and organizer for GNOME05:44
Computer__Gurugot it05:44
kalenedraelsudopus, i don't know about rhythmbox05:44
SudoPusL8R everyone05:44
Computer__Guruhow does it stack up to xmms?05:45
crimsunI like XMMS more, but that's my taste. YMMV.05:46
kalenedraeli don't use many media players05:46
kalenedraeli use mplayer05:46
crimsunright now I'm using Amarok in Xfce on Kubuntu live05:46
kalenedraelit's serviceable05:46
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robhertkalenedrael: (help!)05:53
robherthow can i install firefox from tar.gz05:53
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robhertkalenedrael: r u there?06:00
robherthow can i install firefox-1.0.4.installer.tar.gz?06:04
kalenedraelwhy do you need it?06:06
kalenedraelapt should have it06:06
kalenedraelsudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox06:06
robhertmm.. i have installed from this script06:06
robhertbut it download firefox 1.0.206:07
kalenedraelif you want the tar.gz then go to the mozilla website06:07
robherti have it ;)06:07
robhertbut i dont know how to install it ;)06:07
kalenedraeltar -xvzf <tar.gz file>06:08
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robhertno matter where the file is right?06:08
kalenedraelno, you need to change to the directory where the file is06:09
robhertkalenedrael:  are you there?06:16
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TheDingoi'm having a problem installing firefox here06:20
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robherthi TheDingo 06:21
robherti've just installed firefox ;)06:21
TheDingoFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libb/libbonoboui/libbonoboui2-0_2.8.1-1ubuntu1_powerpc.deb  MD5Sum mismatch06:21
seth_kTheDingo: run: sudoedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:22
robherti' have download it from firefox.com06:22
seth_kTheDingo: then remove all "us." leaving "http://archive.ubuntu.com..."06:22
seth_kTheDingo: US archive is having issues, this will switch you to the main archive and no more problems :)06:23
baron_ivit's really a pain in the arse doing a kubuntu install from ubuntu on ppc.06:23
robhertwhere is FIREFOX launch?06:23
TheDingoi had a hard tme with the bootloader06:23
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baron_ivif anybody has a copy of the kubuntu ppc dvd, PLEASE contact me.06:23
baron_ivI'll be willing to share once I finish it.  I'll continue the torrent (that someone has so nicely never bothered to finish)06:24
TheDingothe boot partition was only 1mb (automatic partition) i changed it to 32mb and it finally installed06:24
baron_ivyou x86 and x86_64 guys don't realize how easy you have it.  Try installing ubuntu on a ppc machine!  If you think grub or lilo is tough...try YABOOT!  hehe06:25
baron_ivI can get ubuntu up and running on my x86 in under 30 minutes (with everything I need to get it to work as a full web/ftp/squid/etc server).  On the PPC, that's an additional 1-1.5 hours.  hehe06:25
robherthelp pls. i just have installed firefox, i closed it and now i dont know how to launch it :(06:29
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seth_krobhert: you shouldn't have downloaded it from firefox.com06:30
seth_krobhert: 1) it is installed by default 2) you can update and install it through apt06:30
robhertmm. i've installed it from apt and it have installed firefox 1.0.206:31
seth_kthat's correct06:31
seth_kit is Firefox 1.0.2 plus backported security fixes06:31
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seth_k?? firefox06:31
kinfo[firefox]  If you cannot install themes or extensions, go to about:config in Firefox and search for "vendorsub". Change the number to "1.0.4" and restart Firefox06:31
robhertbut there's new version  1.0.406:31
seth_klisten to kinfo06:31
seth_k1.0.4 only contains security fixes06:32
seth_kand they have been backported to Ubuntu's 1.0.206:32
seth_kin Debian and its children, the version numbers of applications do not change after a release06:32
seth_kfor stability purposes06:32
seth_kinstead, security fixes are backported into programs06:32
paxwhat's with KDE startup, .kde/Autostart doesnt seem to work06:32
seth_kso firefox's version number is actually like 1.0.2-5ubuntu4 or something06:32
robhert:( but my firefox installation was 1.0.4 and in spanish 06:33
robhertand which i've download from apt is 1.0.2 but in english06:33
seth_krobhert: I'm trying to explain, the version number difference means nothing. You have all the fixes of 1.0.406:33
seth_kas for the spanish,06:33
=== TheDingo waits for tropical storm dennis to pass through
robhertok. thats right. but how can i put firefox from english into spanish?06:34
seth_kyou should install mozilla-firefox-locale-es-es from apt06:34
robherti'll try it06:35
paxanyone knows where startup apps should be, ~.kde/Autostart doesn't seem to work06:35
seth_kpax: that's what I use06:36
seth_kso in the end, robhert, you will have a fully up-to-date firefox, in spanish, all through apt :)06:36
robhertseth_k:  can't find locale package06:36
seth_kpax: what are you putting in there? a link, or a shell script06:36
Computer__Guruthat's where they go06:36
paxseth_k: command06:36
Computer__Guruwhat do you mean command?06:37
paxseth_k: sudo firestart 06:37
paxseth_k: sudo firestarter*06:37
seth_kno robhert 06:37
robhertsorry. my bad06:38
pax'#'\!'/bin/sh\nsudo firestarter --start-hidden'  then chmod a+x the file, that's what I do06:39
Computer__Gurusudo firestarter --start-hidden06:39
Computer__Guruyeah that should do it06:39
seth_kyeah, Computer__Guru has it right. or did your irc client just escape it funny06:39
robhertlast one (ok? ;) )-... what about my firefox1.0.4 that i've installed?.. how can i delete it...?06:40
paxthat's what I have 06:40
Computer__Guruthen it should work06:41
Computer__Gurudo this06:41
Computer__Gurustart firestarter06:41
Computer__Guruhide it06:41
seth_krobhert: first answer is, just don't worry about it. it's only a few MB and won't harm your system06:41
Computer__Gurusave session06:41
seth_krobhert: second answer is, it probably installed to your home folder somewhere, look in there for it and delete the folder06:42
Computer__Guruif ya cant beat em...06:42
paxComputer__Guru: wanna fix it the right way. no need for me to be asked by kdesu to enter pass every time I login06:42
paxthat's retarted 06:42
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robhertoki ;)06:43
seth_koh duh06:45
seth_kof course it isn't working06:45
seth_kyou can't make KDE run a script with sudo in it06:45
Computer__Guruwell that';s fucked06:45
seth_ksomewhere in the nether, a little terminal is unhappily blinking, asking, asking, asking for your password06:45
Computer__Gurui guess you're gonna have to setuid firestarter06:45
paxseth_k: I have auth for firestarter in sudoers06:46
Computer__Guruthere's a way to change sudo's behavior so it never asks for a password06:46
Computer__Gurustill have to enter your pasword06:46
seth_koy, that sounds smart :D06:46
paxusername ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/firestarter06:46
Computer__Guruchmod a+S /usr/sbin/firestarter06:47
Computer__Guruthen just run firestarter as a user06:48
paxhuh? why chmod it?06:48
Computer__Guruwill allow anyone to run it06:49
paxthere's no such thing as a+S06:49
Computer__Guruwhen they run it, they setuid root for that process06:49
Computer__Guruyes, there is06:49
paxtry it06:49
paxchmod: invalid mode string: `a+S'06:49
Computer__Guruit's s06:50
Computer__Gurumy bad06:50
robhertok, gtg thanx seth_k ;)06:51
Computer__Guruchmod a+s /usr/sbin/firestarter06:51
seth_kbye robhert 06:51
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paxComputer__Guru: hmm if you have it is sudoers list, why in god's name you would want to chmod it and why would you give everyone on the system access to a firewall?06:52
Computer__Guruokay, then06:52
Computer__Guruchgrp pax /usr/sbin/firestarter06:52
paxmakes sense06:52
Computer__Guruchmod g+s /usr/sbin/firestarter06:52
Computer__Gurudont be difficult, boy :>06:53
Computer__Guruu know ur way around06:53
pax(firestarter:15929): Gtk-WARNING **: This process is currently running setuid or setgid.06:56
paxThis is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper06:56
paxprogram instead. For further details, see:06:56
paxI just fucked things up with your suggestion LOL06:57
Computer__Guruso chmod g-s /usr/sbin/firestarter06:58
Computer__Guruit's not the end of the world06:58
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Computer__Gurukdesu should give you the option to save the password..06:59
paxwhat about the group? how to undo that06:59
Computer__Guruthen change sudo /usr/sbin/firestarter to kdesu /usr/sbin/firestarter07:00
Computer__Guruchgrp root /usr/sbin/firestarter07:00
paxI tried that Computer__Guru 07:00
paxtried to run with kdesu07:00
Computer__Gurui dunno what to tell you then.. wish i could be more help07:01
Computer__Guruwhy the fuck cant gtk start an app setuid?!?07:01
Computer__Guruthat's gay07:01
Computer__Gurui mean thats really stupid07:02
Computer__Guruif you setuid an app, its for a reason07:03
Computer__Gurugtk shouldnt have shit to say about it07:03
Computer__Guruis there a kde interface to firestarter?07:04
Computer__Guruor a cli interface?07:04
Computer__Guruor does it REQUIRE gtk?07:04
crimsunthere was a big stink about gtk actually allowing suid07:04
Computer__Guruthat's retarded07:04
crimsunit's a PITA, I agree, but it's the right thing to do07:04
Computer__Guruit's a firewall, right?07:04
Computer__Guruhere's my suggestion07:05
paxyes frontend for iptables07:05
Computer__Gurudump firestarter and use a firewall that you can run from init.d07:05
Computer__Guruwell then07:05
Computer__Guruthere are kde frontends to iptables07:05
paxyou do start/stop it from init.d07:05
paxi use for ipmask..07:06
Computer__Gurucrimsun: why is it the right thing to do? that makes about no sense07:06
Computer__Gurugtk should have no say whatsoever in how you run your apps, all gtk should do is draw windows07:07
crimsunwhich is precisely the reason it should have no permission to execute suid07:07
Computer__Guruwhen i sux, and run an app, gtk sure as hell draws it07:08
Computer__Guruwhats the difference?07:08
crimsunI have no idea what sux is07:08
Computer__Gurusux is su with Xauthority07:08
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Computer__Guruwhatis sux:07:08
Computer__Gurusux (1)              - wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials07:08
crimsunsux doesn't use gtk07:09
Computer__Guruif i sux07:09
Computer__Gurui become root with Xauthority07:09
Computer__Guruthen I run a gtk app07:09
Computer__Gurugtk draws it07:09
Computer__Guruwhat's the difference?07:10
crimsunthat's the right way to do it07:10
Computer__Guruif i set an app setuid, i did it for a reason07:10
crimsunseparate the authentication from the rest of the application logic07:10
Computer__Guruthat's ridiculous07:10
crimsunit may be a PITA, which I agree it is, but it's the smart thing to do from an abstraction perspective07:11
Computer__Guruso what's the workaround for pax?07:11
Computer__Guruhow can he load firestarter when he starts kde07:11
Computer__Guruwithout having to enter his password every time?07:11
crimsunI haven't been following his thread07:11
Computer__Gurui just gave it to you in a nutshell07:12
Computer__Guruhe wants firestarter to load every time he starts kde without having to enter his password07:12
Computer__Gurube nice if kdesu had a --password= option07:13
paxALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/firestarter  in sudoers07:13
paxecho -e '#'\!'/bin/sh\nsudo firestarter --start-hidden' > ~/.kde/Autostart/firestarter07:13
paxchmod a+x ~/.kde/Autostart/firestarter07:13
crimsunwell, he has all that gnome infrastructure already, so he could rig up gksudo07:13
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paxshould work, no?07:13
crimsunsomething along those lines, yes07:13
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Computer__Guruisnt that what you already have done, pax?07:14
paxthen this is KDE bug?07:14
paxyes Computer__Guru 07:14
douglasDoes kwifi work yet?07:14
crimsunI'd limit the scope of those allowed to execute firestarter, though07:14
Computer__Gurutry using gksudo07:14
crimsunALL= is too inclusive07:14
Computer__Guruyeah i'd change that to pax=NOPASSWORD: /usr/sbin/firestarter07:14
paxalrigh pax ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/firestarter07:15
Computer__Guruget rid of all07:15
=== othernoob [~othernoob@p54A2C17E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
paxthat was wrong07:18
Computer__Guruyeah sudoers is a bitch07:18
paxI locked my self again, that's not the right syntax07:19
paxshould be pax ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/firestarter07:19
paxlike I said07:19
paxgod damn it I gotta reboot now07:19
paxand then edit sudoers again07:19
Computer__Guruyou dont have to reboot, just su - and fix it07:20
paxyou can't07:20
Computer__Guruoh thats right07:20
Computer__Gurusome brain surgeon at ubuntu thought it would be a good idea to disable the root account07:20
paxif you mess up sudoers you mess the box, you are fucked until you regain access to the system without root pass07:21
paxGotta start the kernel with rw initi=/bin/bash07:22
paxwhatta mess07:23
Computer__Gurublah its not that bad07:23
Computer__Gurubet ya wish ya had that root account right about now, huh07:23
paxeven if you have root account, you cant do shit, dont you get it?07:24
Computer__Guruyes you can07:24
Computer__Guruif you have root account07:24
Computer__Guruyou can07:24
paxwhere you live, gimme your address I'm coming lol07:24
Computer__Gurusu -07:24
Computer__Guruand enter the root password07:24
Computer__Guruand drop to the root shell07:24
paxdo me a favor, try it07:24
Computer__Guru2542 W. Broad Street, COlumbus, Oh, 4322307:24
Computer__GuruDate: Mon Jul 11 Time: 01:25:0307:25
Computer__Guru{jay@psilocybin (~)}$: su -07:25
Computer__GuruDate: Mon Jul 11 Time: 01:25:0807:25
Computer__Guru{root@psilocybin (~)#:07:25
Computer__Guruany questions?07:25
paxnah try messing up some sudoers line and then su -07:25
Computer__Gurutrust me, if your root account is enabled, it works07:25
paxno it wont07:25
Computer__Gurusu is 100% unaware of the existance of /etc/sudoers07:25
Computer__Guruwanna put some money on that? :D07:26
paxsudoers HAS root07:26
Computer__Guruanybody wanna witness this bet?07:26
bbaileyYeah sure.07:26
=== Computer__Guru is ready to make some bud money $-)
paxdoes your sudoers list have root or not?07:26
Computer__Gururestart your computer with init=/bin/bash and type "passwd" and set a root password, then reboot - WITHOUT touching your sudoers file07:27
Computer__Guruthen login and type su -\07:27
Computer__Guruerr su -07:27
Computer__Gurufifty bux says it works07:27
Computer__Guruor a hundred07:27
paxwhy would I do all that?07:27
Computer__Guruor whatever you have to spare07:27
paxdid someone told you I'm a retard?07:27
paxI dont want root account on this box07:28
Computer__Guruim just proving it to you07:28
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Computer__Guruyou can always lock it07:28
Computer__Gurutell ya what07:28
Computer__GuruI'll REMOVE my sudoers file07:28
paxwhy dont you insert the line you suggest to me into your sudoers list?07:28
Computer__GuruDate: Mon Jul 11 Time: 01:25:0807:28
Computer__Guru{root@psilocybin (~)#: mv /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers.old07:28
Computer__GuruDate: Mon Jul 11 Time: 01:28:4207:28
Computer__Guru{root@psilocybin (~)#:07:28
Computer__GuruDate: Mon Jul 11 Time: 01:28:4207:29
Computer__Guru{root@psilocybin (~)#: exit07:29
Computer__GuruDate: Mon Jul 11 Time: 01:28:5207:29
Computer__Guru{jay@psilocybin (~)}$: su -07:29
Computer__GuruDate: Mon Jul 11 Time: 01:28:5707:29
Computer__Guru{root@psilocybin (~)#:07:29
Computer__Gurupay me07:29
Computer__Gurui rooted boxen for four or five years, dont challenge me on matters of su bwahaha07:29
paxyou F'ed up my box and want me to pay you? lol07:29
Computer__Gurugo fix your sudoers file :)07:30
Computer__Guruand never doubt the powers of actually HAVING a root account07:30
paxand *you* do me favor, never suggest something you are not sure about07:30
paxespecialy to someone new07:30
Computer__Guruheheh, deal07:31
paxthanks :p07:31
Computer__Guruthere is an option with kdesu to remember your password07:31
paxyes I'm aware07:31
Computer__Guruso just use that07:31
Computer__Guruand instead of putting a script in Autostart07:32
paxI dont want anyone/thing to remember my passwords07:32
Computer__Gurutry putting a link there07:32
Computer__Guruwell then enter it every time you start firestarter07:32
Computer__Guruor recompile gtk to allow setuid root07:32
Computer__Guruif it was so controversial, i'm certaint here will be a compile option07:33
Computer__Guruin order to make the people happy who were advocating the ability07:33
paxfrom now on, I will not listen to anyone on irc, use any gtk apps, or use this firestarter. I will use ol' good iptables07:33
Computer__Guruhey i was only wrong about the syntax of sudoers07:34
paxAnd go buy me some linux books lol07:34
Computer__Guruiw as right about everything else :D07:34
Computer__GuruJay is good, Jay is wise07:34
paxno you were not/07:34
Computer__Guruoh yeah07:35
Computer__Gurusetuid is +s not +S07:35
Computer__Gurui had the fuckin letter right :D07:35
paxcroll back, you gave a wrong sudoers syntax?07:35
Computer__Guruyeah i told you pax=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/firestarter07:35
paxyou fucked my sudoers list and now I have to reboot to fix it07:35
Computer__Guruyou wouldn't have to if you had root :D07:35
paxthen it's my fault?07:36
Computer__Guruim just saying the comment to never trust anyone was a little uncalled for :)07:36
paxnow I understand how americans think. no wonder Bush is still deffending his position on the war07:36
Computer__Guruall my advice was good save for the syntax error07:36
Computer__Gurubush is a fucking moron, do not group me with him07:36
paxyeah, like it's no big deal07:36
paxhe's your president, he represent you wether you like it or not. pax ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/firestarter07:37
Computer__Gurureally, it isnt a big deal. you're looking at 5 minutes tops to fix the problem07:37
paxyeah i will bust your balls about it too07:38
Computer__Gurubut if you had a root account, you'd be looking at like 20 seconds07:38
Computer__Guruin the time you've been here bitching at me for breaking it, you could have fixed it AND enabled root07:38
paxlike rebooting a box is nothing, this is Linux or windoz ohioboy07:39
Computer__Guruyou seem a little bent out of shape07:39
paxI will not enable root :p07:39
Computer__Guruwhat mission critical apps do you have running that will end the world if you reboot your computer?07:39
bbaileyHopefully none if he does blind cut-n-pastes from irc :-D07:39
Computer__Guruif you were running a dalnet server with 3000 users on it (which I have had three of), i could see rebooting being an issue, but you're an end user learning linux.. stfu and reboot :D07:40
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paxyou assume too much.07:40
Computer__Guruso what mission critical apps are you running?07:41
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paxAtleast I'm learning and not suggesting wrong solutions to newbies on irc :D07:41
Computer__Gurui fucked up the syntax of a file whose syntax sucks07:41
paxnothing much, just busting your balls and enjoying it07:41
Computer__Guruand it's free support, so sue me07:41
othernoobwhat's wrong with enabling root?07:41
Computer__Gurui know07:41
Computer__Guruim having fun too07:41
Computer__Guruothernoob: not a damned thing07:42
=== aseigo snickers at the dalnet irc server comments
paxI dont know ohio state laws to sue you07:42
othernoobor better yet, why is it disabled in the first place07:42
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Computer__Guruespecially if you have checkroot running in cron.daily07:42
Computer__Guruothernoob: i dont know, but i enabled it07:42
Computer__Guruafaiac, a box is broken if it doesnt have a root acct07:42
paxdisabled to protect newbies from themselves07:43
aseigoothernoob: one less question to ask during install, one less password to remember, safer and easier to share root across multiple account (esp when you wish to revoke said priveleges from a given account) and with sudo it's not particularly necessary07:43
Computer__Guruand ubuntu HAS a root acct, it just doesnt have a password so its not accessible07:43
supernixactually it is hard to login to an account that does not exist07:43
othernoobpax oh yea really? so how's giving them the advice to use sudo to do everything going to protect them from doing the same things?07:43
bbaileyThey're so protected from themselves they have to muck with /etc/sudoers and risk fscking it up. :-D07:43
t2sudo su = root doesn't it?07:43
aseigot2: yes07:43
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paxsudo has 5 minutes life time / each use07:44
Computer__Guruthat was funny07:44
Computer__Gurunot if you sudo su -07:44
Computer__Guruthen you're in a root shell for as long as you need to be :D07:44
paxbbailey: funny.07:44
Computer__GuruDAMNED funny07:44
aseigoComputer__Guru: have you ever been on a box where admin priveleges were shared?07:44
t2i was sudo su for most of the day yesterday07:44
aseigoComputer__Guru: in a REAL environment, not script kiddy irc networks?07:45
Computer__Guruaseigo: sure have. even run a few of them07:45
aseigoComputer__Guru: mhm. and so when one of the admins moves on to another job, what do you do?07:45
t2btw ... this is my 1st time ever on IRC07:45
Computer__GuruDALnet is hardly a script kiddie network, but yes. I have maintained several servers in my day, and a few of them had shared admin privs.07:45
paxComputer__Guru: shows07:45
aseigothe other major reason for this is so that you don't have to educate users to have two different passwords .. just put in YOUR password to change things (*buntu is supposed to be an end users OS)07:46
paxalright boys, let me go fix Computer__Guru's mess. brb07:46
aseigopax: enjoy07:46
Computer__Gurulike you paid for your support07:46
othernoobaseigo so is Fedora Core, suse.....07:46
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aseigoComputer__Guru: jesus, if you wish to be a dick, why bother?07:46
Computer__Gurui wasnt really being a dick07:47
aseigoothernoob: how close they get to that mark is another question =)07:47
Computer__Gurujust busting his balls back07:47
aseigoComputer__Guru: no, you were being a dick. 07:47
othernoobaseigo, well they're fairly easy as well.07:47
Computer__Gurui gave him shit back, is all07:47
aseigoComputer__Guru: hell, i'm a dick sometimes to, but i try not to be to people who are looking for help and are new to all this07:47
aseigoComputer__Guru: i'm also the first to admit i'm a dick in those circumstances. and again, it's usually to my friends who know i'm busting their balls07:48
aseigoothernoob: esp suse. that's what i'm running on this laptop at the moment =)07:48
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Computer__Gurui just dont understand how i was being a dick.. if ic ame across that way, i do apologize07:48
aseigoComputer__Guru: anyways.. the multi admin thing07:48
Computer__Gurui was being something of a smartass, but that just comes with the territory of being me07:48
aseigoComputer__Guru: in a corp env it's far, far easier to just say "this account no longer has admin privs" rather than change the root passwords everywhere07:48
t2i found suse to be much slower than kubuntu07:48
aseigot2: hrm.. yast is slowish, yes... the rest is as fast or faster IME07:49
othernoobt2 try gentoo then :p07:49
Computer__Gurui deleted the account, changed the root passwd (which they never had int he first place), and deleted or gained ownership of anything owned by them07:49
Computer__Guruand removed them from /etc/sudoers07:49
Computer__Gurubut NOBODY **EVER** had full privs07:49
Computer__Guruthats a big nono07:49
t2othernoob: I tried installing gentoo once ... gave up after a week ...07:50
Computer__Guruper-app or per-group-ownership permissions07:50
aseigoright. that's sort of the point of sudoers07:50
Computer__Gurunever full access07:50
othernoobt2: why? was compiling KDE not done by that time?07:50
aseigoso there's little need for a root password at all07:50
aseigoothernoob: lol07:50
Computer__Guruyeah thats the point of sudoers, but from time to time you need to be able to access root - as pax just found out07:50
t2it would never do the 1st boot07:50
Computer__Gurui just thought it was funny when he tried to tell me that his sudoers file being fucked up would affect his ability to su - had he a root account07:51
Computer__Gurusudo is a wrapper for su, su isnt even aware of sudo's existance.. how could it possibly depend on /etc/sudoers07:52
supernixOk guys what is all this business about universe in the packages ?07:52
t2othernoob: actually, I have been considering trying the latest gentoo ... since I have time to kill07:53
othernoobt2 it'd be a good choice indeed07:53
Computer__Guruuniverse is everything that isnt officially supported by ubuntu, as i understand it, and multiverse seems to be all the non-free shit, or packages of questionable license07:53
Computer__Gurui could be wrong though, but that's the conclusion ive drawn07:54
t2othernoob: I'm pretty happy with ubuntu, though07:54
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supernixOIC so the universe is just unsupported programs but does that also mean they have not been fairly tested to prove they will work ?07:54
othernoobI'm okay with kubuntu. seen worse.07:54
Computer__Guruyeah ive been in ubuntu 2 days, and i gotta say i love it. i've been with apt for more than 5 years tho07:54
aseigouniverse => debian07:54
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othernoobhow much time would making an LFS take, i wonder.07:55
jpowersis universe just a snapshot of debian?07:55
t2I've toyed with several distros ... a few just will not install on my system (Mdk and Xandros)07:55
Computer__Gurui dont think it is07:55
crimsunjpowers: in some sense, yes07:55
jpowersor does universe actually change with debian unstable and testing?07:55
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Computer__Gurugood question07:56
supernixso aseigo your saying that the universe programs are from the debian releasers but not the Ubuntu team ?07:56
crimsununiverse is synced with Debian pool at the beginning and pre-RC periods07:56
paxyou are using debian, check /etc/debian_number07:56
Computer__Gurusupernix: the packages have to be sponsored into the universe, and maintained though07:56
paxI wonder what debian version is still doing on ubuntu07:56
supernixok ty Computer__Guru 07:56
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Computer__Gurucat /etc/debian_number:07:57
Computer__Gurucat: /etc/debian_number: No such file or directory07:57
crimsunat any time, we (the MOTUs) can ask for a sync from Debian or another repository with a Sources.{gz,bz2}07:57
paxpax@debuntu:~$sudo cat /etc/debian_version07:57
Computer__Gurusudo cat /etc/debian_version:07:57
Computer__Guruthat broke07:58
jpowerscrimsun: is that so if there are serious bugfixes you can resync and pull them in?07:58
crimsunjpowers: no, it's completely up to our discretion07:58
paxchange your nick to guru_wannabe :p07:58
=== spermie_411 [~spermie_4@69-172-40-18.frdrmd.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
Computer__Guruthe debian number is present because ubuntu IS debian-powered, regardless of who maintains it07:58
paxthat's why my box's name is debuntu07:59
Computer__Gurucat /proc/version:07:59
spermie_411how's it going computer guru?07:59
Computer__GuruLinux version 2.6.10-5-386 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2)) #1 Tue Apr 5 12:12:40 UTC 200507:59
crimsunlsb_release -a is the Ubuntu way07:59
Computer__Guru(Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2)07:59
crimsuncat /etc/debian_version is the Debian way07:59
Computer__Gurulsb_release -a:07:59
Computer__GuruLSB Version:n/a07:59
Computer__GuruDistributor ID:Ubuntu07:59
Computer__GuruDescription:Ubuntu (The Hoary Hedgehog Release)07:59
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=== ce_maniez is now known as syahira2
spermie_411how do I get a E: Couldn't find package Zsnes it can't find installed?08:00
Computer__Gurutry apt-get install zsnes08:00
_shawnhey I'm having a problem installing mplayer from source (on kubuntu) anyone willing to help?08:01
Computer__Guruor do a dpkg -l '*zsnes*'08:01
crimsunit's in multiverse08:01
Computer__Guruand find the appropriate package name that way08:01
t2Guru ... why do you run the 386 kernel?08:01
crimsunaptitude search zsnes, or apt-cache search zsnes08:01
Computer__Gurushawn: why would you install from source?08:01
crimsunthen apt-cache policy zsnes08:01
aseigo_shawn: compile error?08:01
_shawnsuz it seems the mplayer package doesn't support win32 codecs08:02
_shawnmake error ya08:02
Computer__Guruenable universe/multiverse in your sources.list, build-dep mplayer-686 then install mplayer-686 mplayer-fonts08:02
Computer__Gurui think it does actually08:02
Computer__Guruyou just need to installt he codecs08:02
spermie_411No packages found matching *zsnes*.08:02
Computer__Gurupackage name is w32codecs08:02
crimsunspermie_411: you need the multiverse repo08:02
spermie_411i know they got it08:02
aseigo_shawn: pastebin the errors somewhere08:02
_shawnI have that08:02
Computer__Gurushould work then...08:03
spermie_411crimsun whats that?08:03
Computer__Gurumine does08:03
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Computer__Guruand i installed the package08:03
crimsunspermie_411: it's a package pool where you get Ubuntu packages08:03
t2is there a good channel to go to for wifi install help?08:03
Computer__Gurudpkg -l '*snes*':08:04
Computer__GuruNo packages found matching *snes*.08:04
_shawnthanks arron08:04
Computer__Guruand i definately have multiverse08:04
Computer__Guruand universe08:04
Shuddertrixzsnes is there for me08:04
_shawnI allready asked in the mplayer channel by the way08:04
Shuddertrixinstalled, too08:04
jpowersComputer__Guru: I don't think dpkg is aware of what's in the repositories08:05
jpowersComputer__Guru: I think that's what apt is for08:05
Computer__Guruyes it is08:06
jpowerss/repositories/package pools/08:06
spermie_411Computer__Guru you said i needed w32codecs this right?08:06
crimsunhere or #ubuntu is fine08:06
_shawnany idea arron?08:06
Computer__Gurufor mplayer? it wouldnt hurt08:07
crimsunComputer__Guru: you definitely typoed08:07
Computer__Guruwhat did i typo?08:07
crimsunthe 'z'08:07
Computer__Guruthe * before it takes care of that08:07
_shawnaseigo: any idea?08:07
crimsunerr, I read that incorrectly08:08
Computer__Guruits there08:08
Computer__Gurudpkg didnt see it08:08
=== Computer__Guru scratches his head
Computer__Guruwhatis zsnes:08:08
Computer__Guruzsnes: nothing appropriate.08:08
Computer__Gurufunny its installed08:08
spermie_411permie@Spermie:~$  dpkg -l *w32codecs*08:09
spermie_411No packages found matching *w32codecs*.08:09
aseigo_shawn: looks like it isn't linking in libvorbis08:09
Computer__Guruit's in a different repository i heard mentioned earlier08:09
aseigo_shawn: that's not the whole output though, is it? can you paste ALL the output?08:09
bbaileyw32codecs is in backports08:10
_shawnthat's the whole error do you want all of the make?08:10
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jpowersComputer__Guru: where is zsnes installed?08:11
Computer__Guruwhere's the x interface to znses08:11
spermie_411bbailey noob whats backports?08:11
Computer__Guruwhereis zsnes:08:11
Computer__Guruzsnes: /usr/bin/zsnes /usr/share/man/man1/zsnes.1.gz08:11
Computer__Guruscrew this, im installing synaptic08:11
Computer__Guruor running it rather08:12
bbaileywell, sorry, was in extras, not backports08:12
jpowersComputer__Guru: zsnes doesn't need an x interface08:12
crimsunlooks like there's a db desync08:12
crimsunvery odd08:12
jpowersComputer__Guru: just type zsnes08:12
bbaileyspermie_411: deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted08:12
Computer__Guruexcept it opens fullscreen08:12
jpowersit doesn't do that on my box08:12
Computer__Gurugot it08:13
Computer__Gurui ran it from a root shell,t hats why08:13
spermie_411would synaptic show Zsnes?08:13
jpowerswow, that seems fairly dangerous.08:13
jpowersspermie_411: it ought to, if you have multiverse enabled08:14
othernoobwould anyone know an N64 emu and/or a NeoGeo+CPS1+CPS2 emu (like winkawaks) ?08:14
_shawnaseigo: any idea how to fix it?08:15
Computer__Guruwow, zsnes runs really shitty in 32bpp color08:15
aseigo_shawn: did you paste the entire error from the last build command?08:15
Computer__Gurukawaks for ng-cps1/2, and ultrahle or surreal for n6408:16
Computer__Gurubrb, nature calls08:16
t2no ideas on the wifi ?08:16
spermie_411jpowers hmm.. never really used synaptic that much do i go into Reposltories to enable multiverse?08:17
jpowersspermie_411: me either...I always just edit my /etc/apt/sources.list08:17
jpowersspermie_411: that's what I'd recommend for you too.  08:18
jpowersspermie_411: I believe it works off of the same DB08:18
jpowerst2: no ideas here08:18
_shawnis all of it, I tried make a few times before this one so it's picking up at the error08:18
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supernixHey do they have something like Emule for Kubuntu ?08:22
aseigo_shawn: not sure what the solution there is, but /usr/lib/libavcodec.a seems to want another lib to link against ... in fact, looking on my system i have a shared lib version of libavcodec, not a static lib (.a) .. how did you install libavcodec?08:22
Computer__Guruokay now i have to go to the store, bbiaf08:22
_shawnummm I tink I just did08:22
_shawn./configure      make    make install08:22
_shawnand I tryed  ./configure --enable-shared08:24
jpowerssupernix: mldonkey might be what you need.08:24
jpowerssupernix: or kmldonkey08:24
_shawnshould I try redownloading mplayer, and trying ./configure --enable-shared again?08:25
jpowersaseigo: your positive attitude got me into trying to help out a bit with kopete and kubuntu.  thanks.08:26
crimsunthere's always room to help :)08:26
paxguys, can i have an email addy like pax@gmail.com in aliases, where root can send mail to? 08:27
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jpowerscrimsun: so I realized.  Even nonprogrammers can help, which is pretty cool until I get comfortable with qt and c++08:27
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crimsunjpowers: indeed. Glad you feel comfortable helping in any capacity. :)08:28
_shawnwhat's happening?08:29
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vulcanooi dont know08:29
vulcanoosalut pax08:29
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paxca va?08:30
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vulcanoooui jai un problme d'affichage sous kubuntu08:30
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vulcanoojai uniquement le choix 640X48008:30
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vulcanoocomment puis je faire pour avoir 800X600?08:31
paxvulcanoo: checked /etc/X11/xorg ?08:31
vulcanoook jai regarde le fichier xorg08:31
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paxso guys can aliases take an email addy or no?08:31
vulcanoopax are you french?08:32
paxvulcanoo: nop08:32
paxj'aime la langue francaise c'est tous08:32
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vulcanoook tres bien pax..donc jai regarde xorg mais quel config dois je trouver?08:33
paxattend voir let check08:33
vulcanoook i wait08:33
paxvulcanoo: voila https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:34
paxtu changes simplement SubSection "Display" c'est tous08:42
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hussamRiddell: any plans to include apt-indicator ( http://apt-indicator.sourceforge.net ) or something similar in the next version of Kubuntu?09:10
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IceDC571nikkia: hmm?09:57
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torzis there any significant difference between the amd64 version of kubuntu and the x86 version?10:18
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hussamtorz: probably the difference is only 3rd party applications such as macromedia flash and Adobe acrobat reader.10:27
torzhussam: do you have javac on your 64bit system?10:29
hussamtorz: sorry I have 32bit10:29
torzI see. I'm a little troubled atm. Not sure if I should go 64 or 32.10:30
torzI have a 64bit processor now you see.10:30
hussamthere is no java for 64bit?10:31
torznot 100% sure, researching that now.10:32
hussamaccording to here, https://sdlcweb2b.sun.com/ECom/EComActionServlet;jsessionid=C3357D4413617AD377D0E1EA6415BA5410:33
hussamthere is for amd6410:33
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torzI was about to visit #java10:33
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torzgood, atleast jdk(j2se) is available for amd6410:35
torzI'm relieved.10:35
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torzheh :p10:36
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hussambut you still need flash, right?10:36
torzwell it would be nice to have. I dont like big fat sites.10:36
torzi.e. sites that uses flash10:36
torzbut saying that heaps of famous commercial websites depend on flash...10:37
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painesare there any issues with amarok on 64bit machines10:38
hussamthe problem is that the last version of macromedia flash was released in 2003 when 64bit was less popular, I guess10:39
painesi found it sometimes hanging10:39
torzha, we were just discussing Flash with 64bit linux.10:39
painesalso one issue i don't understand10:39
torzyou have to be patient... wait another a year or so :p10:39
painesdoesn't 32 bit flash run on 64bit machines10:39
painesand if, why not. there is a bunch of other komplex apps which do10:40
painesand if not10:40
torzI recently purchased a 64bit box and whats troubling me atm is what I should install. 32 or 64.10:40
torzI havent received the box yet so I have to make my mind up soon!10:40
paineswell, I am pretty happy with 64 bit kubunut, just that amrok is hanging sometimes10:41
torzwith 64bit trouble is inevitable.10:41
hussamtorz: http://www.macromedia.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=184&threadid=1014164&enterthread=y10:41
torzif you want to be *cool* and explore the 64bit system and get dirty with the system then 64bit is the way :~)10:42
torzbut atm I'm thinking I should just stick to 32bit Kubuntu for now.10:42
torz32bit Linux on AMD64 is still super fast.10:42
torzwith minimum problems.10:42
torzhussam: uhhh how kind of you :~)10:43
painesthat's right10:43
hussamtorz: I was only kidding :)10:43
torzlol at that link10:44
torz"help us!!! please help us!!!"10:44
torzpaines: I think the problem is that 64bit isnt mainstream *yet*.10:44
torzgive it another 10 months or so and things should change.10:45
paines10 months ?!?!10:45
painesthats a life time in computer science10:45
=== torz is a computer science major :p
torzpaines: but computer geeks dont influence the industry at ALL.10:46
torzI mean computer geeks are only a niche market.10:46
torzpaines: besides you should be saying informatik :p10:46
painestorz. thats right10:46
paineswell informatik is a german word10:47
painescomputer science is the english meaning10:47
torzonly geeks cream their pants over pointless 64bit atm. Another 10mths and normies should catch on.10:47
paineswell I am a geek10:47
torzthen hopefully flash will be available :~)10:47
torzpaines: yeah I'm one of those ppl that purchased pointless 64bit system :p10:48
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hussamit depends on the time of released product. the current version of flash is 7. I doubt we will see 64 bit flash on windows/linux untill flash 8, but I could be mistaken.10:48
painesf**k flash. the opensource flash will be powerfull in a few months10:48
painesI want a stable 64bit system10:48
hussamopensource flash?10:48
torzpaines: yep thats what I'm counting on.10:49
torzonly if commercial sites didnt use flash! grrr10:49
torzI hate big fat designer websites.10:49
hussamis there opensource flash?10:49
torzhussam: at this rate I'm sure there will be for amd64.10:49
torzso much demand.10:49
=== torz googles it now.
othernoobwhat does one need to watch .rmvb files?10:49
torzreal player is the authentic one10:50
painesothernoob, do file yourfile.rmvb10:50
painesnever heard of that extension10:50
torzkaffeine can play it on my machine.10:50
torz.rmvb formats are surprisingly excellent quality for its size. My friend has a 70MB file of a movie I have that is 170MB.10:51
torzalmost identical quality (if not his is better).10:51
torzothernoob: something along the line of: apt-get install realplayer10:51
othernoobokay, i just tried vlc. will have to test kaffeine then.10:52
hussamany kde 3.4.1 users here experiencing this crash? https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1209610:55
torznup never10:58
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hussamBy next month, will breezy be fit enough for testing?11:39
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Kamping_Kaiserhussam: wouldent count on it... 11:42
Kamping_Kaiserbut may be11:42
Firetechhussam: that crash thingie, I get it about one time in 5-10...11:43
hussamFiretech: then it's not just me11:45
Firetechhussam: no: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10692211:45
hussamis there a CD containing the rest of the packages not contained in the original hoary CD?11:45
hussamFiretech: it is still marked "unconfirmed"11:47
Firetechcheck the comments11:47
hussamFiretech: I've read them.11:47
Firetechunconfirmed just means that no Dev has  had the problem.11:48
wincidehi.. do someone knows which of the flash player packages is the best for konqueror  ???11:49
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wincidehi.. do someone knows which of the flash player packages is the best for konqueror  ???12:07
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hussamby the time Breezy is out, will Hoary be fully upgradable to Breezy, or will I have to do a clean install?12:08
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hussamwhy isn't there a CD2/3 for hoary with the rest of packages? will there be ones for breezy?12:15
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thoreauputichussam: the quick answer is no - and the rest of the packages wouldn't fit on a CD anyway: i believe there's a dvd with all the packages in "Main" on it12:20
thoreauputicremember Ubuntu has about 16 000 packages in 3 repositories12:20
hussamis this dvd available for download?12:21
thoreauputicI think so, yes12:21
hussamwhere can I find a link?12:22
thoreauputichttp://ubuntu.hands.com/releases/hoary/  <-- DVD is torrent only12:23
thoreauputicBTW I just found that in less than a minute using google...12:23
hussamdamn, I can't use p2p, I'm behind proxy12:24
thoreauputicwhy bother? All packages are available with synaptic/ apt /aptitude anyway12:25
hussamI have 64kbit connection at home. so if everything is available on cd or dvd, I can download it in no time at my university instead of at home.12:27
jpatrickthe download page12:27
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jpatrickif you want Kubuntu click my link12:29
hussamI have that. but I'm thinking ahead for when I have to upgrade to breezy. because my home connection is slow.12:29
thoreauputicjpatrick: he wants extras on CD12:29
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jpatrickI know12:31
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othernoobhow can i play vobsub subtitles with kaffeine?12:55
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fromozeHi, I've been browsing on the net looking if there's some people having the same problem I've on Kubuntu Amd64 with Qt. I wanted to summit a bug, but I d'ont know how to say it in english. The problem is I can't write accents? tildes? over the vowels.01:13
fromozeI found this bug on Debian with Qt 2.2.4 ... 01:13
fromozeI found, on the net I mean XD01:13
fromozeI'm using breezy, I forgot.01:16
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mpmcwhere can I get themes for kbuntu?03:06
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jpatrickgreat place :)03:08
Bubbling_Zombieit sure is03:10
jpatrickAll I need is one thing03:10
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jpatrickI'm buying a burner (if possible)03:11
jpatrickThose Cds Shipit sent haven't arrived for months03:12
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Bubbling_Zombiek returned :)-03:17
Bubbling_Zombiethought you were using ubuntu atm :')03:18
Bubbling_Zombiesorry for pokin' thatway ;)03:18
jpatrickI'm using Windows :(03:19
jpatrickit crashes every 5 minutes03:19
jpatrickI'm buying a burner in the next hour or so03:19
jpatrickI got the ISO file here03:19
jpatrickdo I just click the file then burn?03:20
Bubbling_Zombieyou using nero?03:20
kalenedraeluse some cd burning program03:20
Bubbling_Zombiebut burn it as an iso. Don't unpack the files first03:20
jpatrickshould do it03:20
jpatrickok burn as ISO03:21
Bubbling_Zombienero has an option for that iirc03:22
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sebasHi. Trying to upgrade to breezy I can't start xorg anymore.03:22
Bubbling_Zombieit's unstable for a reason you know :p03:23
Bubbling_Zombie'nyway, what seems to be the problem?03:23
thoreauputicsebas: if breezy breaks you get to keep both pieces...03:23
sebasSure. 03:24
sebasBut JR said it'd be installable as long as I fix the font path to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ which doesn't seem to suffice here.03:24
sebas(Running it in vmware)03:24
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sebasXorg.0.log complains: "could not open default font 'fixed'03:25
sebasI reinstalled a couple of font packages, but to no avail. Otherwise, I tried to keep this install as pristine as possible.03:25
sebasThe font server's not used according to Xorg.0.log.03:25
sebasAnyone's got a pointer?03:26
jpatrickBubbling_Zombie: I don't see the option03:26
Bubbling_Zombietry reinstalling xfonts-base03:26
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Bubbling_Zombiejpatrick, what version are you using?03:26
Riddellsebas: what does your xorg.conf say in the Files section?03:26
jpatrickNero Burning ROM 603:26
jpatrickI see "Burn Image"03:27
sebasBubbling_Zombie: Doesn't help.03:27
sebasRiddell: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/* 03:27
Bubbling_Zombiewell, that's the option jpatrick :')03:27
sebasThe pathes match the ones where my fonts are located though.03:28
sebasThat's exactly the thing I don't understand though03:28
sebasRiddell: ldetect btw is a hardware database, we're using it to detect PCI devices.03:30
sebasIs there a devel channel, btw (Might reduce my noise on user's issues)03:30
Riddellsebas: yes #kubuntu-devel03:31
sebasAh, going on there, then.03:31
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alladynasynjest tu jakis polak?03:45
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fromozewith 'sudo  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' the problem with the fonts get fixed  for me04:06
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_patricki have installed kubuntu but kynaptic doesnt start...04:25
_patricki cant update anything without it04:25
_patrickand i still havent figured out how to modify the packet sources in apitude04:26
robhertwhere can i find gedit to edit /etc/fstab?04:26
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_patricksorry :/04:26
KaiL_patrick: use apt-get04:26
_patrickwhich command?04:27
KaiLor try 'kdesu kynaptic' from a console and show us the message04:27
_patricki dont get a message :/04:27
robhertsudo: gedit: command not found04:28
robhertsudo: gedit: command not found04:28
robhertKaiL: i need to add a phew line into /etc/fstab but 04:28
robhertsudo: gedit: command not found04:28
Riddellrobhert: use kdesu kate04:28
robhertkdesu kate. kubuntu have it by default?04:28
_patrickthere still dont get a message04:29
robhertsh: /etc/fstab: Permiso denegado04:29
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fromozerobhert: ls -la /etc/fstab ?04:31
_patricki cant even modify my timezone04:32
_patrickshouldn i get a popup that request a pass regarding rootrights?04:32
robherthi fromoze sorry... that was a question or "robhert put this:"?04:33
fromozeI get it :/04:33
fromozerobhert put this to see the permission you have for etc/fstab :)04:34
_patricksorry... nobody has a hint for me?04:34
fromozeI'll read your problem..04:34
robhertls -la /etc/fstab04:34
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robhertor just:  -la /etc/fstab04:34
kalenedraells -l /etc/fstab04:34
robhert-rw-r--r--  1 root root 468 2005-07-10 16:17 /etc/fstab04:35
fromozels -l /etc/fstb sorr XD04:35
kalenedraelkdesu kate /etc/fstab04:35
robhert-rw-r--r--  1 root root 468 2005-07-10 16:17 /etc/fstab04:36
fromoze_patrick: sudo apt-get update?04:36
robhert$ ls -l /etc/fstb04:36
robhert$ ls -l /etc/fstb04:37
robherti try: 04:37
robhert$ ls -l /etc/fstb04:37
robhertand this this is what i get: 04:37
robhertsorry was: 04:37
robhert$ ls -l /etc/fstab04:37
_patrickroot@Agamemnon:~# postdrop: warning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such fi                         le or directory04:37
robhert-rw-r--r--  1 root root 468 2005-07-10 16:17 /etc/fstab04:38
robhertand i get 04:38
kalenedraelrobhert, kdesu kate /etc/fstab04:39
kalenedraelwhat are you trying to do, anyway?04:40
robhertyeah it's right! ;)04:40
robhertadd this lines: 04:40
robhert>>> /dev/hda1       /media/windows    vfat    gid=100,umask=0007,fmask=0117,utf8 0       004:40
kalenedraeldunno, let me check04:41
robhertto mount windwos partition :)04:41
kalenedrael/dev/hda1         /media/windows    vfat     auto,rw,user  0   004:42
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robhertm... could u explain to me what's the difference?04:42
_patricksorry guys fo rbugging... but i cant modify anything...04:42
_patrickany idea what may be wrong here?04:43
_patrickin order to update i have to modify my paket sources...04:43
_patrickbut i cant modify them :/04:43
_patrickbecause i dont even get root rights04:43
fromozesudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list doesn't work for you?04:43
kalenedraelrobhert, auto tells it to auto-mount on startup, rw mounts it read-write, and user lets any user mount it04:44
_patricksudo: unable to lookup Agamemnon via gethostbyname()04:44
_patrickPassword:postdrop: warning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such file or dir04:44
kalenedraelthe gid, umask, and fmask shouldn't matter04:44
_patrickthats everything i get04:44
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_patrickneither i can install anything nor updated any files04:45
fromoze_patrick: how  did you install kubuntu?04:45
_patrick20minutes ago with cd04:45
_patrickinstall cd04:45
_patrickthe one i dl via bittorent this morning04:45
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fromozekubuntu hoary or breezy?04:46
_patrickwahts breezy?04:46
_patrickthe stable one04:46
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_patrickwell this doesnt help...04:47
fromozemay something goes wrong on installation? ...04:47
_patricki cant modify anything04:47
fromozeI don't understand a thing04:47
fromozeyou're logged as root?04:47
_patricki cant log in as root04:48
_patricki always get:04:48
_patricksudo: unable to lookup Agamemnon via gethostbyname()04:48
_patrickPassword:postdrop: warning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such file or dir04:48
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_patrickthats the console complaint...04:48
_patrickin the gui i got with ubunutu always a popupbox that asked for my pass04:49
_patrickif i tried to modify systemsettings04:49
fromozebut:  "root@Agamemnon:~# postdrop: warning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such file or directory" here you're root...04:49
Kamping_Kaiser_patrick: cant you sudo to root?04:49
_patricki get that complaint04:49
robhertfromoze: how can i see the effects whitout reboot?04:49
_patricki make sudo -s to get root04:50
_patrickbut the only reaction to this ist that complaint istead of a pass request04:50
fromozehave you create a user on the installation?04:50
buztry sudo bash to get a root shell04:50
_patrickpatrick is user04:50
_patricki am patrick *g*04:50
Kamping_Kaiserthat's what sudo -s does04:51
buzuse your pw with sudo04:51
buzif that doesnt work something is thoroughly wrong04:51
_patrickwell... i know that04:51
_patrickbut it doesnt ask my pass... it only outputs that message above04:51
Kamping_Kaiser_patrick: do you have a live cd?04:51
_patrickinstall cd...04:51
_patricklivecd torrents were to slow :/04:52
Kamping_Kaiserif you had a live cd you could have used to to correct things04:52
buzyou can use any linux livecd i guess04:52
buzpersonally find the kubuntu live cd a bit painful to use04:52
_patrickwelll... i am a linux noob04:52
_patrickand i cant find any hints in the forums what may be wrong with my installation :(04:53
Kamping_Kaiseri havent used kubuntus live04:53
_patrickthe last time i tried ubuntu and installed via synaptic kde...04:53
Kamping_Kaiser_patrick: have you changed any files as root, such as the hostname/hosts file/interfaces file?04:53
_patrickafter that the system freezed after 10 minutes04:53
_patricki didnt...04:53
thoreauputic_patrick: if you type ` hostname ` , does the output say 'Agamemnon ' ?04:54
_patrickthis is the first session after install04:54
_patrickja, it says04:54
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thoreauputic_patrick: if you type ' cat /etc/network/interfaces `  do you see a line with the hostname and ?04:55
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spermie_411How do i get cedega on kubuntu? is it in the packages?04:56
_patrick# Used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8). See the interfaces(5) manpage or04:56
_patrick# /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples for more information.04:56
thoreauputic_patrick: is that ht e only output?04:56
Kamping_Kaiserspermie_411: you have to download it04:56
_patrickyep...  :/04:57
_patricklooks weired04:57
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Kamping_Kaiserspermie_411: then dpkg -i cedega.deb04:57
thoreauputic_patrick: you have no loopback interface then04:57
_patrickwell... how do i fix that?04:57
thoreauputic_patrick: which means the machine can't even talk to itself ;)04:57
_patrickcan i fix that without deleting the os?04:58
_patrickan reinstalling04:58
thoreauputic_patrick: what does the first line of ` cat /etc/hosts ` say?04:58
_patrickip in front...04:59
Kamping_Kaiser_patrick: get a live cd and rewrite interfaces04:59
Kamping_Kaiserand localhost.localdomain?04:59
_patrickwell... torrent is that i need 1 week to get a live dics04:59
_patrickthat slow*04:59
Kamping_Kaisergot no live cds at all?05:00
thoreauputic_patrick: OK edit /etc/hosts and add after a space localhost.localdomain Agamemnon  or whatever your hostname is05:00
thoreauputicto the first line05:00
Kamping_Kaiseri thought he couldent get root?05:01
thoreauputicah... rats you are right 05:01
Kamping_Kaiserlive cd :S05:01
_patrickfile opens but i can save...05:01
Kamping_Kaiseror recue mode05:01
Kamping_KaiserSINGLE USER05:01
thoreauputiche could use rescue mode but it's a hassle05:01
_patricki wonder what got wrong... 05:01
Kamping_Kaiserthoreauputic: less then dling live ;)05:02
Kamping_Kaiseror comileing a kernel exploit to escalate privilages05:02
thoreauputic_patrick: somehow your networking config didn't work05:02
_patrickok... back to the scratch...05:03
_patrickformat hda:205:03
Kamping_Kaiser:S nah05:03
thoreauputic_patrick: if you type ` id `  are you in the 'admon' group ?05:03
_patricklocalhost.localdomain Agamemnon05:03
_patrickuid=1000(patrick) gid=1000(patrick) Gruppen=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),107(lpadmin),108(scanner),109(admin),1000(patrick)05:03
thoreauputic_patrick: OK well sudo *should* work05:04
thoreauputicin theory...05:04
_patrickja... but it doesnt05:04
Kamping_Kaiserwhat's the deal with his interfaces file?05:04
Kamping_Kaiserhe can use a generic if that's what's stopping him05:05
thoreauputicKamping_Kaiser: I was trying to see why he got "can't find foo using gethostbyname "05:05
thoreauputic/etc/hosts is wrong too05:05
Kamping_Kaiserok, but wasnt he missing loopback?05:06
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Kamping_Kaiserwonder if single user works still with no loop back05:06
_patrickwell... u said network config got wrecked...05:06
_patrickwhy not simply install it again05:06
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Kamping_Kaiser_patrick: it's probably easer not to simply reinstall05:06
thoreauputic_patrick: are you sure the CD is OK? md5sum matches ?05:06
Kamping_Kaiser(depends on your idea of easy of course)05:07
_patrickbefore and after burning i checked05:07
_patrickbefore i checkd the iso05:07
Kamping_Kaiserhi NI7R005:08
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Kamping_Kaiserthoreauputic: do you think it's easy enough to just copy a new file over interfaces+hosts+hostname as singleuser?05:08
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Kamping_Kaiserimo yes, but i only use apt- so I'm not your average noob as it were :S05:09
thoreauputic_patrick: if you feel like trying , you could reboot and choose the recovery/rescue mode, and try to add some entries to the files as Kamping_Kaiser suggests05:09
_patrickrescue mode isnt gui based i guess ;)05:10
thoreauputic_patrick: are you comfortable with nano and command line?05:10
_patricki started using linux 4days ago05:10
thoreauputic_patrick: hmm05:10
NI7R0hello all, im getting a new graphic-card, now my question is how to handle this as im new on linux and don't know what will happen if i just switch the card05:10
Kamping_Kaiser_patrick: fire up a konsole and open nano05:10
Kamping_Kaiserand have a look while we are here05:10
NI7R0both cards are nvidia05:10
Kamping_KaiserNI7R0: x might fail to start05:11
_patrickgnu nano 1.2.405:11
NI7R0aha and how to prevent X to fail ?05:11
NI7R0reinstall the whole kubuntu ?05:11
Kamping_KaiserNI7R0: choose a powerfull $deighty05:11
Kamping_Kaiseryou can switch to vesa while you change card (if it's not already) but the nVIDIA driver should let you change05:12
NI7R0erm im a linux newb, what u mean with $deighty ?05:12
thoreauputicNI7R0: you can run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:12
Kamping_KaiserNI7R0: i think I'm funny05:12
thoreauputicNI7R0: he's referring jokingly to God ;)05:12
NI7R0but do I also reinstall the nvidia driver, or uninstall it before switching the cards?05:13
thoreauputicshould be $DEITY actually *grin*05:13
Kamping_KaiserI'm tired05:13
_patrickwhats next..05:14
spermie_411udo apt-get install limewire05:14
spermie_411Reading package lists... Done05:14
spermie_411Building dependency tree... Done05:14
spermie_411E: Couldn't find package limewire05:14
Kamping_Kaiser_patrick: do you think you could use nano?05:14
_patrickwhat is nano?05:14
spermie_411i thought i could apt get limewire???05:14
thoreauputic_patrick: you have 2 choices 1) struggle and learn something 2) reinstall05:14
Kamping_Kaiserspermie_411: i don't have it in my repos05:14
spermie_411would synaptics have it underthere?05:15
fromozebetter reinstall, if you start 4 days ago.. isn't a normal thing your problem, may be you don't need to start too hard :)05:15
Kamping_Kaiserspermie_411: synaptic has what apt has05:16
_patrickok... then i do so...05:16
thoreauputic_patrick: if you boot into rescue/recovery mode, you can try running ` base-config` and see if that repairs the problem05:16
Kamping_Kaiserfromoze: such a doze mentality ;)05:16
_patrickwhat will base config do05:16
fromozeat all XD05:17
spermie_411Kamping_Kaiser then how can i get limewire?05:17
thoreauputicfromoze: he will learn more if he tries, and the reinstall option is still there05:17
spermie_411download it and install it that way =(05:17
Kamping_Kaiserspermie_411: you can try and find a deb, or compile05:17
thoreauputic_patrick: it reruns the base configuration: might help05:17
_patricki give it a try...05:18
fromozeKamping_Kaiser: I don't use losedoze for more than 3 years... :P05:18
_patrickone question before i go...05:18
_patrickwhat is nano?05:18
thoreauputic_patrick: good man :)05:18
Kamping_Kaisergood luck _patrick05:18
thoreauputic_patrick: an editor05:18
Kamping_Kaiserfromoze: half your luck. i only got rid of it this year ;)05:18
_patrick<--- and off05:18
Kamping_Kaiserhm. whos good with x errors?05:19
=== Kamping_Kaiser grumbles
fromozeAnd I must say: when I starts using linux you must start fighting with the whole system configuration for a week. Now I can install linux in 15 minuts. Isn't a hard thing to reinstall now XD05:20
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fromozeand once you see it's a working thing, is easy to fall in love with :)05:21
=== Kamping_Kaiser hugs 2.6 series kernels
Kamping_Kaisernever realy delt with 2.4s05:21
fromozeKamping_Kaiser: The  funny thing with linux is that I can reinstall and get all working like 20 minuts ago very easy. Just need to have parted your hd at least in 4: swap, /, /home and /yourdatadisk .05:24
Kamping_Kaiseri want a setup like that, but I'm just not compatible with logic05:25
fromozeKamping_Kaiser: Like this you can try diferents things just for play a little :D05:25
Kamping_Kaiseri have 3 os's on this box, and 4 more going on in the next few days05:25
Kamping_Kaiserbecause i want to play with them :D05:25
fromozeI see ;)05:25
fromozeI really funny to use things you can do what you want with :D05:26
Kamping_Kaiseri have Debian Linux, Debian HURD, Ubuntu, and about to put on suse, slackware, mandirva, and fc405:26
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Kamping_Kaiserlol yeh05:26
fromozewhat a bout hurd?05:27
fromozedo you like it?05:27
Kamping_Kaiserit's freeking .....05:27
Kamping_Kaiseryou have to make your own nodes and devs and stuff05:27
Kamping_Kaiserand i don't know how :S05:27
fromozeDon't worry, it only about read a little :)05:28
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Kamping_Kaiser:) I'm going to get a few geeks onto the box to make my devs+nodes and get the box back :)05:29
fromozeWell, I'm thinking about going to reinstall myself XD05:30
fromozeI was trying breezy, but the problems I get are too big :/05:31
=== Kamping_Kaiser hugs breezy
Kamping_KaiserI'm running a genereic 10-5 kernel and it works05:31
Kamping_Kaisermost of the time ;)05:32
fromozeon breezy you mean?05:32
Kamping_KaiserI've been running Breezy since a week after Hoary went stable05:33
Kamping_Kaiserstable was just workng. i couldent stand it05:34
fromozeI don't have problems with the system... just with qt and I miss kile :)05:34
Kamping_Kaiser:) 05:35
Kamping_Kaisertbh I'm using Ubuntu... KDE doesnt do it for me. so qt problems? what are those?05:35
fromozeI can't write in spanish on qt and I can't compile kile... and finally I'm not in vacances, I must start writting this week...05:35
fromozeyou don't use kde?05:36
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Kamping_Kaiseronly if i have to help some one learn it ;)05:37
fromozeXD And why are you in #kubuntu? I hope isn't a misspell XD05:37
robherthi again!.. i can't write mi email in linux :(05:37
robherthow can i put rj_3008_at_hotmail.com?05:38
Kamping_Kaiserfromoze: I'm in Kubuntu because they don't need any more help in Ubuntu05:38
robhertwas a example05:38
Kamping_Kaiserrobhert: I'm not exactly sure of your problem05:39
apowexample of what?05:39
fromozeKamping_Kaiser: XD05:39
robhertmm. sorry ... look.. i need to write my email but i cant write the AT05:39
fromozewich layour do you use?05:39
fromozelayour/layour sorry...05:40
fromozesorry: i mean layout05:40
robhertlayout.. mm.. (what is this) (im newb :)05:40
fromozeyour keywoard language...05:41
fromozesabes que hay un  canal #kubuntu-es? -a little spam, sorry-05:41
robhertno.. but ill go ;)05:42
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Kamping_Kaiserok. good talking all05:59
Kamping_Kaisernight people05:59
fromozewhere is night now?06:00
Kamping_Kaiseryeh, 1.30 am06:00
Kamping_Kaiseraustralian centra06:00
fromozehere 18:0006:00
Kamping_Kaiser*australian central time06:00
fromozegood night06:00
Kamping_Kaiserlol :)06:00
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Kamping_Kaiserno wonder we havent met before06:00
fromozesee you06:01
Kamping_Kaiserhave fun ;)06:01
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=== _patrick [~patrick@dyndsl-085-016-028-156.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #kubuntu
_patrickwhy doesnt kynaptic not request root access?06:36
Riddell_patrick: if you start it up without root it will complain06:39
_patrickthe cursor is bumping and then it closes06:39
_patrickif i start it out of my console with root (which worx fine now)06:39
_patrickit opens as expected06:40
_patrickbtw. which file contains the control of the debsources for kynaptic?06:41
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spiral_patrick: /etc/apt/sources.list I guess ?06:43
_patrickwell.. i removed #%space% of all universe sources06:44
_patrickbut there is no change 06:44
thoreauputic_patrick: sudo apt-get update  06:45
_patrickE: Konnte Lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock nicht bekommen - open (11 Die Ressource ist zur Zeit nicht verfgbar)06:45
_patrickE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:45
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thoreauputic_patrick: close synaptic/kynaptic06:46
_patrickkynaptic was opened... 06:46
thoreauputic:) no worries, we've all done it -that's how we know ;)06:47
_patrickya... i feel like i am bugging u06:47
thoreauputic_patrick: no, this is a help channel after all06:47
_patrickshould i update the kernel?06:48
thoreauputicat least your install works now, right?06:48
_patrickur workarround with that secure startup didnt worked06:49
_patrickit didn't recognised the install dvd06:49
thoreauputic_patrick: ah well, worth a try06:49
_patrickya...nevermind ;)06:49
_patrickbtw. karamba or superkaramba06:49
_patrickwhats better?06:49
=== thoreauputic knows nothing about karamba or superkaramba
thoreauputicI use fluxbox mostly here...06:50
_patrickfluxbox is nice too... 06:50
_patrickatm i prefer kde06:50
thoreauputicKDE is pretty nice these days, yeah06:50
_patrickdo u know a deb server that contains opera updates?06:51
_patrickor in general propietary binaries06:52
thoreauputicopera is non-free, commercial - you might be better to install a static version from the website06:52
_patricki know that... 06:52
thoreauputicif you *must* have opera - I think firefox+ extensions does most of what opera does06:52
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_patricklol... firefox suxx...06:53
thoreauputicI only use ubuntu repos now: they have everything I need06:53
_patrickalthough i use it for testing my websites, its gui is too simple IE like06:54
_patricki prefer opera's handling ;)06:54
thoreauputic_patrick: um... you might think firefox sucks but most would disagree06:54
_patrickwell it doesnt "suck"... 06:54
_patrickits not my taste... 06:54
thoreauputic_patrick: right :)06:54
_patricki dont like its userinterface06:55
_patrickthats it06:55
thoreauputicOpera is a nice browser - I used it until firefox 0.8 quite often06:55
_patrickhave u tried opera 8 yet?06:55
thoreauputicYou can change the interface if you wish, it is configurable06:56
thoreauputicI don't use Opera any more - I don't need it06:56
_patrickits not only the interface... its tools fit together...06:56
_patrickhowever... use what u like to use ;)06:56
_patrickeverything is ebtter than ie crap06:56
thoreauputicOK - you prefer Opera - that's fine :)06:56
_patrickhowever... since firefox copies opera featuere set 06:57
_patrickwe might see soon more svg and torrents 06:57
_buzwtf does a browser need a torrent client anyway06:57
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_patrickwell... its a protocol... a useful protocol06:58
_patricklike ftp06:58
_patrickwhy has a browser to understand ftp06:58
=== thoreauputic watched the browser wars and isn't interested in renewing the experience
_buzftp is much simpler to implement06:58
_buz(crap protocol still)06:58
_buzwhy does anyone use ftp, anyway06:58
_patrickwell... the more people have access to torrent, the more hosts will start tracker06:59
supernixPersonaly IMHO I think Opera sucks bad06:59
thoreauputicvi or vim? or emacs? *ducks and runs*06:59
supernixjust my opiniong06:59
_patrickflameware... battle round #106:59
supernixI heard someone say they liked Konqueror but honestly it does not do well with supporting CSS and HTML07:00
supernixThe backend for CPG-Nuke comes to mind07:00
_patrickis konquerer already at safari's level?07:00
supernixBut you can view flash pages with Konqueror while Mozilla crashes horribly07:01
_patricksafar level = that smiley face test07:01
_patrickhow was it called...07:01
_patricki dunno :/07:01
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_patrickexactly ;)07:02
_buzflash doesnt seem to work in either browser for me currently07:02
_buzboth just crash07:03
_buzuppon install of haory it did work for a while07:03
supernixLOL I did not say there was no bugs in Konqueror it shows the flash but the links don't actually work so functional but NOT07:03
=== Chavalot_ [~chavalot_@246.red-213-37-241.user.auna.net] has joined #kubuntu
_patrickurhm... one question... woody or sarge as deb-file?07:04
_patrickor stactic... .deb?07:05
_buzstatic deb07:05
_patrickwhat will the others do?07:06
Chavalot_i have wxp and ubuntu in the same disc (in different partitions). the problem is that i need reinstall wxp07:06
_buznot work probaby07:06
Chavalot_how can i make it without crash ubuntu?07:06
_patrickmake a silent install disc...07:06
_patrickits almost as silent as ubunut ;)07:06
Chavalot_sorry for my english07:07
=== fromoze is back
supernixanyone here using Ksig ?07:08
supernixI tried looking at the help file but it said that it is missing07:09
_patricki need a recommendation regarding the new linux kernel07:16
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Geist|Patrickah... opera worx now :O07:18
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Bubbling_Zombiewhat kind of recommendation?07:20
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Geist|Patrickwhich kernel shall i use on a k8 system07:22
Geist|Patrick686 optimized or k7 optimized?07:22
Speedy2Geist|Patrick: You might want to consider compiling your own, from scratch07:23
Geist|Patrickurm... no time for that ;)07:23
Speedy2You get what you pay for.07:23
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Geist|Patrick2-6-11-1-k7 or 2-6-11-1-686?07:25
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steffenhello, can anybody explain me how to make kdm as the default logon?07:58
Speedy2steffen: Are you currently using gdm ?07:59
steffendpkg-reconfigure.... doesnt work07:59
steffen * Reloading K Display Manager configuration...                            [fail] 07:59
steffeninvoke-rc.d: initscript kdm, action "reload" failed.07:59
steffenthats the message07:59
Speedy2steffen: I don't know the elegant way, but the quick way is to use something like "boot up-manager" ("bum") and manually disallow gdm to run and set kdm to run on start-up07:59
steffenhave you a url for me?08:00
Speedy2steffen: Give me a second08:00
steffenthx ;-)08:00
=== tenshiKur0 [~tenshiKur@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
Speedy2steffen: http://www.marzocca.net/linux/bum.html08:01
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Geist|Patrickcan i reset the displaymanager... or restart whatever without rebboting?08:02
steffeni think ctrl-alt-backspace08:03
Speedy2Yeah, that'll kill X quickly08:03
Geist|Patrickwell.. no serious solution?08:04
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thoreauputicGeist|Patrick: echo "/usr/bin/kdm" | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager08:06
thoreauputicassuming you want kdm08:07
thoreauputicthen sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop , then from a vt, run sudo invoke-rc.d kdm start08:08
=== Geist|Patrick [~opera@dyndsl-085-016-028-156.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #kubuntu
thoreauputicyou would need to login in the vt, probably08:08
nikkiathis is very annoying08:09
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=== nikkia is having to purge emacs from her system in an attempt to fix broken xemacs scripts somewhere
nikkiait doesn't help that trying to remove emacs results in apt trying to remove dpkg08:09
Speedy2nikkia: Maybe you can re-install emacs with synaptic ?08:09
nikkiaspeedy, i'm purging then reinstalling, hoping it'll fix08:10
nikkiamarking it as 'reinstall' in aptitude didn't help tho08:10
thoreauputicSpeedy2: I suspect nikkia knows how to use apt ;-)08:10
thoreauputicnikkia: seems odd that apt would try to remove dpkg when uninstalling emacs - weird in fact08:11
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nikkiathoreauputic: there is a dpkg-el that provides some help for editing package manifests....08:12
Speedy2Later all08:12
nikkiaby removing that, because emacs is gone, it seems to think dpkg is no longer used *shrug*08:12
nikkiawe're deep into territory that i always hate about apt tho, sometimes it just makes crazy decisions08:12
thoreauputicnikkia: sounds like a bug in the removal scripts somewhere?08:13
nikkiaoh, i'm past that anyway, just told it to stfu and keep the file08:13
nikkiait just irritates me when i have to do that08:13
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=== nikkia rolls her eyes at emacsen-common
nikkia'handling install of emacs flavour: emacs'08:14
nikkiano, i removed that, stupid script08:14
nikkiastill broke tho08:15
nikkiabut not AS broke08:15
nikkiahow strange08:16
nikkia'xset fp rehash' fixed its complaining about missing fontsets08:16
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=== nikkia plays the 'get my faces set the right way again' game
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Mezdoes anyone know a quick way to change what soundcard arts is outputting to (so I can listen on my USB headfones)08:31
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nikkiamez, i suspect changing the setting  in kcontrol and hitting apply is about as fast as it gets08:32
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nikkiai don't see anything in dcop that would suggest artsd was scriptable :/08:33
Mezoh there's an option in kcontrol?08:33
nikkiayeah, sound system08:33
Mezi thought I'd have to go edit loads of config files and stuff08:33
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Mezah, I have to override device and change that to the right dsp?08:34
nikkiayeah, i think so08:34
nikkiai think its just the name of the card in alsa08:34
nikkiaassuming you're using alsa, which you probably are08:34
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=== Mez has no idea
Mezit says no such file or directory08:37
nikkiawhat did you put in the field ?08:38
nikkiano, thats not right08:40
nikkiatry pcm108:40
nikkiano /dev/ either08:40
nikkiajust 'pcm1'08:40
Mezno such file or directory08:41
nikkiait might be easier to create aliases in asound.conf that point a symbolic name you can remember at the right device08:41
nikkiaah, try 'card1'08:41
Geist|Patricki installed openoffice beta 2.0 and opera now08:41
Geist|Patrickbut they have not been added to the menus?08:42
Geist|Patrickwhere did i make a mistake08:42
nikkiaGeist|Patrick: no idea, OOo2 shows up in my menu08:42
nikkiabelow all the OOo1 stuff, there's 'OpenOffice.org 2 Writer' ...08:43
Meznikkia, nopers08:43
nikkiamez, hmm, card0 works here, and refers, obviously, to the one card i have08:43
nikkiasince i don't have 2 sound cards, i can't really test what a second card needs to be called there08:43
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nikkiahave you checked that you actually have both cards setup in alsa?08:44
Meznikkia- I've been using both of them08:44
nikkiamez, do 'aplay -l' and see what it lists08:44
Mezthe headset for skype thenormal for output08:44
Meznikkia, #floo08:45
Mez#flood *08:45
nikkiai'm not on #flood08:45
Mezjoin it, caus eI aint flooding here :D08:45
nikkiago on, altho a pastebin would have worked better :P08:46
nikkiathere you go...08:46
nikkiayou want card208:46
nikkiawhy on earth its skipped 'card1' is anyone's guess, but that's alsa for you08:46
MezI tried card2 :D08:46
Meztheres nothing there.08:46
Mezcard1 = input only08:47
nikkiayou probably have to unmute it08:47
Mezno it says08:47
Mezthat it's not found08:47
nikkiaok, this is going to be a LONG flood, and a pastebin really would work better...08:47
nikkiabut do aplay -L08:47
Mezdevice: card2 cannot be opend for playback (No such file)08:47
Geist|Patrickwhere might the opera-logo be...08:48
Geist|Patricki cant find it :/08:48
nikkiamez, i have to go, my dinner smells ready...08:48
Mezwhat am i looking for nikkia?08:48
nikkiayou're not, i wanted to see the output08:50
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MezI cant get it to output to a file08:52
Mezso I'm gonna #flood08:52
nikkiause 2>08:52
nikkiaaplay -L outputs on stderr, thus you need to redirect stderr08:53
nikkiaurgh, you're going to be locked out of typing anything for about 2 minutes now :P08:53
nikkiaflood protection's a pain when its 200 lines or so :)08:53
nikkiai'd have gotten sick of it long before then :)08:55
=== Mez [~mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
Meznikkia, http://pastebin.com/31140608:56
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MezI got it working09:00
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worzelPatrick, have a look at (opera?).desktop file09:04
worzelmight be in /usr/share/applications09:04
supernixAnyone here have much experience with OpenOffice and HP printers?09:05
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Geist|Patrickhow do i get synaptic workin with kde?09:05
klGeist|Patrick: install gksu09:06
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worzelwhat's it not?09:06
worzelwhat's it not doing?09:06
robhertbye bye... gtg09:07
worzelor change command in .desktop file to kdesu09:07
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Geist|Patricki cant find gksu with kynoptic09:08
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Belutzhai all09:09
Geist|Patrickkdesu doesnt work...09:12
Geist|Patrickusr/bin/synaptic not found :/09:12
_buzthats because there needs to be /usr/bin/synaptic09:12
_buzkdesu synaptic works for me09:12
Belutzwhy i can't activate my eth1 ?09:13
Geist|Patrickcan i simply copy it from sbin to usr/bin?09:14
worzelsynaptic is superuser only09:15
Geist|Patricknow i get "Command '/usr/sbin/synaptic' not found."09:15
Geist|Patrickbut i have installed it09:15
Geist|Patrick4 sure09:15
worzelum? what happens if you Alt+F2 - kdesu synaptic <cr>09:21
Geist|Patrickcommand synaptic not found09:21
fromozehi, any irc experimented user can explain me the differences between ksirc an konversation? I've the impresion they're the same program :/09:22
worzelcan only suggest a re-install, works ok here09:22
Geist|Patrickcan i install it with kynoptic?09:22
Geist|Patrickin which section cna i find synoptic?09:22
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worzelor apt-get install synaptic (as superuser)09:23
fromozectrl+f and then write the name :)09:23
Geist|Patrickkynoptic has no search09:23
Geist|Patrickit has :O09:24
nikkiafromoze: all irc clients start to look very similar after a while09:24
Geist|Patrickbut it doesnt list synoptic :/09:24
nikkiafromoze: but ksirc and konversation are two different programs09:24
fromozenikkia: and is one better than other?09:24
nikkiadunno, i use neither09:25
nikkiai use kvirc09:25
nikkiairc programs tend to be personal taste, so i would suggest trying each for a day or so and seeing which you prefer09:25
Geist|Patrickdo u have idea why i cant find taht tool?09:25
nikkiaGeist|Patrick: i don't think synaptic is installed by default on kubuntu09:26
nikkiait wasn't on mine09:26
nikkiaGeist|Patrick: you'll have to do sudo apt-get install synaptic  if you want to use it :)09:26
fromozemay be you misspell it?09:26
Geist|Patricknikkia: i know09:26
thoreauputicGeist|Patrick: just do 'sudo apt-get install synaptic '09:26
thoreauputicnikkia: oops. too late ;)09:26
fromozekvirc look to 'big' for me... but I'll try it09:27
nikkiafromoze, its very customisable09:27
fromozeIsn't yet disponible on breezy amd64 :/09:28
Geist|Patrick  synaptic: Hngt ab: libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.7.2) ist aber nicht installierbar09:28
Geist|Patrick            Hngt ab: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) aber 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 soll installiert werden09:28
Geist|Patrick            Hngt ab: libfontconfig1 (>= 2.3.0) aber 2.2.3-4ubuntu7 soll installiert werden09:28
Geist|Patrick            Hngt ab: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.0.0-7) aber 1:4.0-0pre6ubuntu7 soll installiert werden09:28
Geist|Patrick            Hngt ab: libglade2-0 (>= 1:2.4.2-2) ist aber nicht installierbar09:28
Geist|Patrick            Hngt ab: libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.6.0) ist aber nicht installierbar09:28
Geist|Patrick            Hngt ab: libncurses5 (>= 5.4-5) aber 5.4-4 soll installiert werden09:28
Geist|Patrick            Hngt ab: libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.8.1) ist aber nicht installierbar09:28
Geist|Patrick            Hngt ab: libvte4 (>= 1:0.11.11) ist aber nicht installierbar09:28
nikkiageist, STOP PASTING THINGS HERE09:28
Geist|Patrickwhere do i find those libs?09:28
=== thoreauputic shoots Geist|Patrick
nikkiaerm, in the repository09:28
nikkiaevening uniq09:29
uniqhi nikkia.09:29
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hagenHi all09:30
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Geist|Patricki cant find most of those files 09:31
Geist|Patrickwithin kynaptic09:31
nikkiadon't use kynaptic09:31
nikkiatype, in a konsole window, 'sudo apt-get install synaptic'09:32
painesis there an faq regarding printer setup via kcontrolcenter->devices->printer09:32
nikkiapaines: its mostly just CUPS09:32
nikkiapaines, if you really want, you can configure a printer via cups without touching control center and it should appear in the list09:33
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nikkiahowever, its easy enough to just follow the wizard through the steps09:33
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paineswell i did all that09:37
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painesbut the printer test doesn't give me an output09:37
painesand localhostz:631 shows me that I cannot change anything there09:37
ubuntuHi, I'm using the kubuntu Live cd, how do I install it to my computer?09:38
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jesperI haven't got the "shutdown" option when I try to log out of Kubuntu, anyone know where to enable it? 09:38
_shawn_does it log in with kdm?09:38
jesperNo gdm09:38
jesperDoes that effect the "logout" from within KDE?09:39
_shawn_ah I think so09:39
thoreauputicjesper: shutdown from within a DE is a function of the display manager (KDM in this case)09:40
thoreauputicjesper: so if you need that you need KDM09:40
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steffenhi how can i install the java jdk on kubuntu?09:41
jesperOk.. 09:41
thoreauputicsteffen: go to #ubuntu and do /msg ubotu java  for instructions09:42
steffenah thx09:42
thoreauputicsteffen: ubotu is a bot and has that as a factoid09:42
_gdhsteffen: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Java1509:43
jesperThanks a lot, that worked. 09:44
steffenah thx09:44
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steffenthe server from the website is down, can you me give another?09:50
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steffenand how can i register me at this irc server?09:50
Geist|Patricknikkia: well if i use the console09:50
Geist|Patricki get that output i pasted above...09:50
thoreauputicsteffen: /msg nickserv help09:51
steffenah thx09:51
nikkiayay, finally!!09:51
nikkiafixed anti-aliasing09:52
Geist|Patrickbtw. where can i modify language settings...09:52
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Geist|Patrickactually its a stupid mix of german and english here :/09:52
wattoyet another newbie with a "how do I" question: How do I install/run kubuntu on/from a thumb drive?09:53
Geist|Patricki dont see a solution 09:54
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thoreauputicGeist|Patrick: have you tried 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales ' ?09:56
Geist|Patrickbut synaptic still complains..09:59
nikkiayou'll need to log out of kde and back in again, probably10:00
supernixanyone here compared Koffice to OpenOffice ?10:00
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jpatrickCan someone help me get Firefox?10:03
nikkiaisn't it already installed?10:04
nikkiajpatrick, not even as 'mozilla-firefox' ?10:05
jpatrickI can't see it anywhere10:05
jpatrickjust Konqueror10:06
nikkiawell, you want 'mozilla-firefox' in the package manager10:06
jpatrickapt-get mozilla-firefox ?10:07
nikkiasudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox10:07
Meznikkia,  did I tell you I got it working?10:10
nikkiamez, i saw10:10
Mezcool :D10:10
Mezwas a long shot but it worked :D10:10
nikkiai was suprised it took you that long to get sick of the flood protection tho :P10:10
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mackinaxhello, I am a kubuntu LiveCD newbie. (don't know much about Linux in general...)  I was able to get the liveCD running, but my maximum display rez was only 640x480. Can anyone link me to a page that explains how I can access higher display resolutions? Thank you!10:23
mackinax... will be AFK for a while10:23
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Geist|Patrickrestarting... 10:24
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mackinax(btw, i am using Geforce 2 MX pci video)10:24
epok guys, sorry to be such a noob... Wanting bzflag ver 2 (apt only has version 1) so  I did dpkg -i bzflag_2.0 and ran into a dependency problem libcurl3 (>= 7.13.0-1)  my version is only 7.12 and its up to date.   So what is my next step?10:24
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wattoi must return to my junk shop, and try to get back later10:24
eperrr I did dbpg -i bzflag*.deb10:25
eperr dpkg10:25
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_glenHow do I find my root password?10:58
seth_khi _glen, Ubuntu doesn't use root passwords10:59
seth_kinstead, everything is accomplished using "sudo"10:59
seth_k+ your user password10:59
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seth_kso instead of su'ing to root, simply preface commands with "sudo"10:59
Geist|Patrickwell... a restart of kde didnt helped :/10:59
Geist|Patrickand the ui is still mixed up with english and german :/11:00
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glyph_i use Ubuntu and i need klik11:10
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jpatrickCan someone help me with partitions?11:17
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_ubuntuHow do I install Kubuntu from a livecd?11:20
thoreauputic_ubuntu: you don't11:21
_ubuntuI get the install cd?11:21
_ubuntuHow's the install procedure?11:21
_ubuntuGUI? or text-based11:21
thoreauputicpretty straightforward11:21
thoreauputictext/ncurses based11:22
thoreauputicbut not difficult at all11:22
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ubuntu_GUI then?11:23
thoreauputicno, text11:23
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thoreauputicuse tab and spacebar and arrow keys to navigate11:23
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SudoPusGetting some strange problems in kontrol center...like when I try to use administrator mode..it accepts passwd then drops back to the network splash screen..doesn't matter which selection under network I choose..anyone help?11:33
seth_kSudoPus: a lot of that can be fixed by upgrading to KDE 3.4.111:33
SudoPusseth_k: Ok..so I edited /etc/apt.sources list and removed the pound sign...what is the easiest way to upgrade? I run PPC..although I presume this should not matter..11:34
SudoPusand thank you for the input11:34
seth_kSudoPus: see /topic for the KDE 3.4.1 deb sources (last URL there)11:34
SudoPusOk..thanks again :-O11:34
seth_kno worries11:34
seth_kgood luck wit hit11:34
SudoPusYou heard of any problems upgrading?11:35
seth_kit's a point upgrade11:35
seth_kjust bugfixes11:35
seth_kand fully supported11:35
seth_kso should be no issues11:35
SudoPusgreat then..11:35
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SudoPusseth_k: I am seeing red dots to the left in kynaptic now that I added the repository copied and pasted from the topic link?11:40
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seth_kSudoPus: you added deb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde341 hoary-updates main ?11:41
SudoPusNo not the http option the other...guess I need to add it..ok then11:41
seth_kyeah, don't add the link in the topic :P11:42
seth_kclick the link in the topic and add what it says there11:42
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SudoPusseth_k: Here is what I got after I edited and then refreshed in Kynaptic:11:45
SudoPusCouldn't stat source package list http://download.kde.org hoary-updates/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/download.kde.org_stable_3.4.1_kubuntu_dists_hoary-updates_main_binary-powerpc_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)11:45
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SudoPusSo I guess there are none for PPC at this time11:45
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seth_kno, there are11:45
seth_kuse the kubuntu.org one11:46
seth_koh, silly me11:46
seth_kyou must Reload in Kynaptic before the errors will go away11:46
SudoPusI did that let me change it back to the way I had it before..this is killing me..heh11:46
seth_ki see the powerpc debs right now, on the kubuntu.org server11:46
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SudoPusthis is the one I am adding back...  deb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde341 hoary-updates main11:47
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strHi there... anyone with a soundcard realtek AC97?11:49
seth_kGeist|Patrick: are you using non-ubuntu repositories?11:50
seth_kstr, mine is11:50
strseth_k: my kubuntu didn11:50
strdidn't condifure it...11:50
strseth_k: did you configure somethin?11:51
Geist|Patrickand i pasted in the wrong chan... actually a gui of #ubuntu tries helping me ;)11:51
seth_kGeist|Patrick: :)11:51
seth_kstr: nope, just worked out-of-box11:52
strseth_k: I do have a /dev/audio... but it does not work...11:52
seth_kstr, sounds like it's not a Kubuntu-specific problem; i'd ask in #ubuntu and they can point you to some general sound docs11:52
strseth_k: ok... thanks...11:53
uniq?? sources.list11:53
kinfo[sources.list]  example /etc/apt/sources.list with all official repositories plus KDE 3.4.1 and Koffice 1.4 from kubuntu.org can be found at: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/30380211:53
seth_kstr, let me find one link that may help you11:53
uniqgeist|patrick: you can look at the sourceslist at http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/303802 for a nice kde 3.4.1 and koffice 1.4 ready sources.list example.11:53
strseth_k: thanks again....11:54
seth_kstr: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4475311:54
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strseth_k: I do not have any /etc/asound.conf11:55
seth_kstr: you must create it11:55
jeanlucI just installed kubuntu11:55
jeanlucand I need some help11:56
jeanlucso someone who is knowledgable please pm me11:56
SudoPusjeanluc: Ask away11:56
Geist|Patrickwell.. i try to install Synaptic11:56
Geist|Patrickbut it still fails11:56
jeanlucWell this is my first linux distro11:56
jeanlucso I want to install firefox11:56
Geist|Patrickuniq... i will save ur link ;)11:56
seth_kjeanluc: it's already installed11:56
jeanlucI do not see it11:57
seth_kLook in K Menu > Internet ?11:57
SudoPusseth_k: Automatically in Kubuntu? I don't have it..or it didn't add a menu item to it...11:57
jeanlucI dloaded it for linux from there site11:57
jeanlucand extracted to homefolder11:57
jeanlucnow how do I install?11:58
SudoPusjeanluc: Don't do that...use kynaptic and do a find for firefox11:58
seth_kjeanluc, if it isn't already installed, you should use Synaptic to install it11:58
seth_ker, Kynaptic11:58
=== seth_k reminds self he is in #kubuntu ;)
seth_kjeanluc: put away your "install" mentality from Windows. Everything you need is in the apt repositories11:58
jeanlucwhere is this synaptic?11:58
jeanlucor kynaptic11:58
seth_kShould be in System11:59
seth_kI believe11:59
Geist|Patricksystem packet manager11:59
jeanluclol can you tell me how to get ehre?11:59
Geist|Patrick"paket manager"11:59
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jeanlucI have used windows all my life so Im a complete noob to this11:59
seth_kK Menu > System > Package Manager (Kynaptic)11:59
jeanlucfound it11:59
seth_kokay, search for firefox11:59
spermie_411hmmm where can i get Wolfenstein: Enemy Terrirory installer for linux?12:00
jeanlucI see no search option12:00
SudoPusseth_k: It isn't wanting to install firefox...does it need ubuntu desktop installed? It seems to detect and add the dependencies..12:00
SudoPusjeanluc: Use Ctrl+F12:00
seth_kSudoPus: it's erroring out on firefox?12:00
SudoPusjeanluc: And give it a second or two12:00
seth_k(no, ubuntu-desktop is for ubuntu, kubuntu-desktop is for kubuntu)12:01
seth_kSudoPus: are you using the US repos12:01
jeanluca lot of stuff12:01
jeanluccame up12:01
jeanlucmozzila firefox12:01
seth_ka lot of those will be language packs12:01
seth_kthings like that12:01
jeanlucso what do I click to launch it?12:01
SudoPushmmm..it installed some of it...just did updatedb...12:01
seth_kcheck the box12:01
seth_kthen hit okay, and then the Commit button12:01
jeanlucall boxes?12:01
seth_kit will install12:01
SudoPusI reran the find and then selected...now it has 3 more packages to install12:02
seth_kjust the one for the Firefox package12:02

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