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rob^a few changes to the faq guide I take it..01:43
mgalvinyup, and i've got a few more comming soon01:55
rob^how many new entities are you making?02:03
mgalvina bunch, not sure exactly, one for each of the default gnome menu entries, at least the System menu for now02:12
mgalvinand i am using them in the faqguide and other docs too02:13
rob^yeah, I just saw an example on the mailing list, much nicer02:15
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mgalvini just emailed another faqguide patch to the list02:20
mgalvinonce someone (jeffsch, froud, mdke) commits it, feel free to work on it02:20
mgalvini am done with the faqguide for tonight02:20
rob^yeah.. I'm about to go out, so np02:22
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mgalvingood night all04:35
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froudAfrican Greetings08:03
Burgundaviamy machine boots again!08:10
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jsgotangcodoes anyone remember our toolchain listing?10:54
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mgalvinhi all03:16
mdkehi mgalvin, all03:21
mgalvinhi mdke03:23
mdkehow's it going?03:23
mgalvinpretty good, working03:23
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mdkemgalvin, how are we looking on that commit account?03:50
mdkehi gtaylor 03:50
gtaylorhey mdke03:51
gtaylorJust got rained on bigtime by the Dennis remnants03:51
mgalvinmdke, still waiting... :-/03:51
mgalvini haven't heard anything03:52
mdkehenrik said he added it to the enormous list of things he needs elmo to do03:52
mgalvinok, well i guess i'll just keep mail bombing the list for now ;)03:54
mdkemgalvin, its great work you're doing :)03:54
mgalvinat least they know about it, patience is a virtue03:55
mdkeyeah i agree03:55
mgalvini'll probably roll my changes into fewer emails, for example i'm gonna add some more menus soon, but i'll send them all in one email03:56
mgalvinwhere it makes sense anyway03:57
mdkeperhaps even do em in one patch03:58
mdkei don't think that is necessarily bad, if you prefer it that way03:58
mgalvini can do that too, where it makes sense to do so, jeffsch or froud had mentioned that its prefered having seperate patches in case something needs to be rolled back, its easier to track that way04:00
mdkeyes that is true04:01
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rob^hey froud 06:00
rob^maybe you can help me..06:01
froudi'll try06:01
rob^I'm getting this when trying to find and import my gpg key in Lauchpad: Key was claimed, sending email to :.At least one UID should be validated to get the key imported as yours.06:01
rob^any ideas?06:01
froudhmmm, no06:01
rob^apparently I may need to be part of the "web trust"06:02
froudI know nothing about LP06:02
rob^ah ok thanks anyway ")06:02
mdkerob^, who has signed your key?06:13
rob^as is keyservers?06:13
mdkerob^, erm...06:13
mdkeok here is how it works06:13
mdkelaunchpad imports your key from keyservers06:13
mdkeyou need to upload it to a keyserver for others to get it from the web06:14
mdkegpg --send-keys your_key_id06:14
mdkerob^, key signing is something different06:14
rob^yes, I have already uploaded it to keyserver.ubuntu.com06:14
mdkerob^, when someone meets you and you confirm your identity and your key, they can sign it, showing that they trust it06:15
rob^ah ok, so I need it signed by someone in ubuntu's web of trust?06:15
mdkerob^, i don't know if you need to be in the web of trust to upload the key to launchpad06:16
mdkei don't think so, because I'm not, and I uploaded mine06:16
rob^the guys in #launchpad suggested I file a bug report06:16
mdkethey would know :)06:17
rob^yeah. figures I guess :)06:17
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mgalvinrob^, ping06:40
mdkefroud, ello?06:47
mgalvinrob^, did you file that launchpad bug, i could not find it, i also have had this same problem and would like to see it fixed, i can file it if you can't right now06:47
mdkehey judax 06:56
mgalvinhi judax06:56
judaxhey guys06:56
froudmdke: hey07:17
froudanyone know what installation methods will be supported for 5.1007:18
mdkefroud, just calling to find out what the xpointer situation is07:18
froudfixed dude07:18
froudtry make ug07:18
froudanyone know what installation methods will be supported for 5.10?07:19
mgalvini think all the current plus the quick install07:19
=== mgalvin umm.... checking actuall name
froudwhat about TFTP07:19
mgalvini think those are all covered as a general Network Installtion type07:20
froudBut are they supported?07:20
mgalvinwe can double check the devs07:21
mgalvini just asked on -devel07:23
mgalvinwe'll see what they say07:23
mgalvini am pretty sure kickstart will also be supported07:26
mgalvinthe officially supported installation methods for breezy are the same as hoary07:31
mdkewhat is the difference between those docs and ours?07:43
froudthat manual is debian install guide ubuntusized07:43
froudone of the devs does it07:44
mdkeby Kamion i guess?07:44
mdkeso what is the difference between that and our docs?07:44
mdkegenerally speaking07:45
froudthat doc is totally comprehensive07:45
froudsomething a new user will be confused with07:45
mdkeok i see07:46
mdkebut good reference i guess07:46
froudwe mostly aim a bridging07:46
froudyes, many such resources07:46
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Seveasanyone around?08:42
Seveaswasn't manning the evil publisher that wouldn't play nice..?08:42
froudyes, why08:42
Seveascheck that one 08:43
Seveasyour opinions on what to do..?08:43
froudgo for it08:44
froudthey want you to be a reviewer08:44
Seveasso no objections from the docteam are expected?08:45
froudyou can do what you like08:45
Seveasdon't want to step on the feets of the docteam :008:45
froudno a few of us had a beef with the way they were pitching people08:46
froudbut that was resolved08:46
mgalvinhmm, i missed that, it just says [Removed] 08:59
mdkeme too08:59
froudSeveas has been asked to be a reviewer on a book08:59
Seveasyeah, I removed it again09:00
Seveasno point in having someones e-mail on a public site09:00
=== froud nods
Seveasbut that was the quickest way of showing it without flooding :)09:01
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Seveasan ubuntu booc written in Word10:08
Seveasodd :)10:08
mdkeworse than odd...10:09
mgalvinwhich is the offending doc?10:21
Seveasthe TOC manning sent me to review10:24
Seveasbut I guess it's just a quick mockup of the plans10:25
Seveasand that's about what word is good for :)10:25
froudSeveas: you will probably find that the doc was written in OOo Writer and saved to MS Word so that the publisher, who does not use Linux, can open it.10:28
froudI often have to do the same thing with my clients10:29
Seveasthat explains10:29
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mdkepdf anyday10:33
froudDoesn't help if you want people to edit and make comments10:34
froudmdke: xpointers working for you?10:34
froudchaps kubuntu-docs-5.10-0.2_all.deb was uploaded today ... yay!!10:36
mdkefroud, yeah its working afaics, i was just opening it now to see if I could tidy things up10:36
mgalvinis anyone doing the ubuntu-docs packaging?10:44
froudyou're welcome10:44
mdkenot yet10:44
mdkemgalvin, you would be a good candidate :)10:44
mgalvini'll do it10:44
froudbtw I heard that elmo is at DebConf10:44
froudin fi10:44
mdkeyes he is10:44
mgalvinso he ran away from real work ;)10:45
mdkebut that doesn't mean he doesn't get any work done :) he probably has more time than he did in the UK10:45
mgalvini know, just kidding10:45
mgalvinso i'll take a peak at the package stuff for ubuntu-doc, maybe we can get that stuff in soon too10:48
mdkeno biggie10:49
mdkebut cool if you wanna do it :)10:49
mgalvingotta run11:01
mgalvinl8r all11:01
froudlater dudes11:07
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