
\shmdz: hehe...my crystall ball :) i like it :)12:04
\shmdz: anyways..I will get him into the team...12:05
ograif he answers :)12:05
\shhe will :)12:05
mdzplease CC me on the correspondence12:06
\shmdz: k12:06
mdzdoes that resolve everything regarding wine for the purposes of this meeting?12:06
\shmdz: thx12:06
sabdflwe should definitely have Master MOTU primarily responsible for UVF decisions12:07
mdzare there any maintainer candidates to be processed?12:07
ajmitchsabdfl: which is dholbach  & ogra at the moment, iirc12:07
ograyay, more work :)12:07
\shogra: thx for taking it :)12:07
ogramdz, nope... 12:08
dholbachunfortunately, i'm not that often on IRC, people would have to mail me12:08
ajmitchogra: you like it though12:08
ograajmitch, sure.... keeps me on track ;)12:08
ajmitchdholbach: just hand out your phone number for us12:08
\shajmitch: what about u?12:08
mdzany other business?12:08
dholbachthat's an excellent idea, ajmitch :)12:08
\shmdz: w8 pls12:08
ajmitch\sh: what about me?12:08
mdz\sh: yes?12:08
sabdfldholbach, ogra: am happy for you to delegate more UVF decisions to the community, as long as you are careful with infrastructure stuff that has lots of dependencies12:09
\shajmitch: to be UVF spokesman?12:09
\shI like the idea12:09
dholbachsabdfl: ok12:09
ajmitch\sh: you'll have to ask the others12:09
\shajmitch: who?12:09
ograsabdfl, thanks :)12:09
ajmitch\sh: ogra & dholbach, for one12:09
\shif ogra and dholbach have the time ++++ for me..12:10
ajmitch\sh: I can do it, but it's not my decision of course :)12:10
ogra\sh, i trust your judgement if it comes to packages... be one of our delegates then as well as i trust ajmitch 12:11
ograsiretart, what about you ? 12:11
dholbachi'm sure we'll manage12:11
\shthen it's settled12:11
siretartogra: sure!12:11
ograoki.. we can manage the deatils elsewhere, thanks mdz12:12
\shI'm breaking my harddrive again :)12:12
dholbachwhat about yet-another-wiki-page?12:12
\shdholbach: not like the last one, pls12:12
siretartdholbach: you know my love for wiki pages ;)12:12
=== ogra starts to prefer mails he can filter
dholbachthat's settled then :)12:12
\shdone..thx mdz12:12
\shthx sabdfl 12:12
mdzis there any other business which is not on the agenda?12:13
\shdoesn't look like...beer now? gf is w8ing as well12:13
mdzok, meeting adjourned12:14
mdzthanks, everyone12:14
\shthx to u 12:14
sabdflnight all12:14
ogra\sh, you already call her gf ... aha12:14
ogranight sabdfl 12:14
dholbachbye sabdfl :)12:14
\shogra: sorry..;)12:14
ajmitchbye sabdfl 12:14
dholbachi'm off to bed too12:14
dholbachgood night12:15
siretartgood night, mark!12:15
ogranight dholbach 12:15
ajmitchnight dholbach 12:15
siretartgood night, daniel!12:15
\shcu dholbach 12:15
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\shdid i say gf?12:15
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ograprobably i just read it :-P12:15
\shyeah me too12:15
\shand I don't like the reading12:16
siretartO damn12:16
ajmitch\sh: you did, sorry12:16
siretartI forgot another point I wanted to be discussed12:16
ajmitch\sh: met her last week? :)12:16
siretarthow do we want to proceed with the libaa transition12:16
siretartdo we want to go with it or leave it?12:16
\shajmitch: something like that...u read my blog entry *g*12:16
\shshe's makeing be crazy..just like the g++ stuff..12:17
ogra\sh, weia12:17
siretartogra: how do you think about libaa?12:17
\shogra: ja12:17
ograsiretart, changing it from aalib ?12:18
\shogra: "mich hats voll erwischt"12:18
siretartogra: unstable is making a transition from aalib to libaa right now12:18
ajmitchsiretart: it's moderatly useless?12:18
siretartand there has been this upload in revu: http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/details.py?upid=11812:19
siretartajmitch: so you are for sticking with aalib, right?12:19
ajmitchsiretart: there aren't too many packages that depends on aalib112:19
ograsiretart, it has only 29 rdeps...12:19
siretartthat's right, too.12:19
\sh1. what is aa*? 2. unstable is etch right now...so they're lacking 12:19
sistpotyascii art12:19
ajmitchsiretart: I think unstable compatibility can be good12:20
\shoh important12:20
ajmitcha few of those rdepends are in main, I think12:20
ogra\sh, yes, for some functions in gimp for example12:20
siretart\sh: try installing "bb" on hoary - and you'll see what aa is about ;)12:20
ajmitchsiretart: aaquake is more fun12:20
\shI mean, can we deal with it ourselfs or do we need someone from main? ogra? ,-)12:21
siretartajmitch: hehe12:21
ogra\sh, gimp is in main...12:21
ogra\sh, but feel free to bug me for main rebuilds12:21
\shso..it's also far more important12:21
ajmitchogra: and libxine12:21
\shogra: any time :)12:21
ograajmitch, more, i guess a bunch of the libs too... i'm to lazy to look it up right now :)12:22
ajmitchogra: yep :)12:22
\shok..for me it's ok to go with d-upstream12:22
\shi have ace on my list..12:23
ogralets move it over12:25
ogra(to -motu)12:25
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