
SeveasIcemanV9, ah12:00
IcemanV9HaroldJohnson: maybe that's why .. no signal for you to test it12:00
naliotheliUbuntu: i'm not familiar with all the fancy multiplexed commands12:00
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IcemanV9Seveas: i am using madwifi as well12:00
SeveasHaroldJohnson, are you using the GUI tools for networking or the command line?12:00
Troy_McClureSeveas, i did both those commands12:00
HaroldJohnsonIcemanV9, I did all this earlier at an Internet cafe, and could not get it going.12:00
eliUbuntuhda 3 though is the hard linux drive =\12:00
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SeveaseliUbuntu, that's ok12:00
HaroldJohnsonSeveas, I prefer the command line.12:00
spermie_411hey i forgot how to copy files over with ssh, is it something like: cp /home/josh/Desktop/cedegawhatever spermie@ip: /home/spermie/Desktop12:00
SeveaseliUbuntu, it should be errors=remount-ro :)12:01
IcemanV9HaroldJohnson: right now, i am at the library using their wireless service12:01
cmathesonspermie_411: scp12:01
HaroldJohnsonIcemanV9, Great, that's fantastic.12:01
knoppixso know one uses vmware ?12:01
SeveasHaroldJohnson, good, I like that attitude, makes it easier to debug :)12:01
eliUbuntuthanks seveas12:01
HaroldJohnsonIcemanV9, Wish I could do the same.12:01
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knoppixwith ubuntu ?12:01
eliUbuntunalioth: i will update you how the program works in a minute. getting ready to umount12:01
IcemanV9Seveas: any suggestion?12:01
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eliUbuntucorrect command? -> umount hda# ?12:02
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HaroldJohnsonEveryone: I'm just so frustrated at this process.  Ubuntu has the most awesome support channel I've ever been in, but I'm very frustrated with getting this last stage going: my Internet access.12:02
SeveasHaroldJohnson, if you: iwconfig ath0 essid any && iwconfig ath0 enc open     then it should pick up any open network12:02
HaroldJohnsonSeveas, Okay, I'll try that again.12:02
naliotheliUbuntu: sudo umount /dev/hd*12:02
SeveasHaroldJohnson, you can see whether it has picked ot by typing iwconfig ath012:02
tiglionabbithey guys, what do I put in my fstab options to mount a device so that it belongs to nick(1000) ?12:02
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SeveasHaroldJohnson, one more thing: some notebooks have a wifi button, this sometimes has to be enabled to be used12:03
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zutiivoks :)12:03
SeveasHaroldJohnson, if iwlist ath0 scan shows networks it is enabled12:03
ubotuwell, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:03
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spermie_411cmatheson, Wow scp =) that one letter was my headache12:03
knoppixso should i forget about using vmware and ubuntu12:03
knoppixand just install it ?12:03
Seveastiglionabbit, uid=1000,gid=10012:03
eliUbuntunalioth: and then remount yes?12:03
HaroldJohnsonSeveas, This is a PowerBook (Mac), so it doesn't have a wifi button.12:03
Seveastiglionabbit, works only on ntfs/fat12:03
cmathesonspermie_411: ;)12:03
SeveasHaroldJohnson, ok, that's one pain in the a** less12:04
tiglionabbitSeveas: why gid=100 ?12:04
naliotheliUbuntu: yes, sudo mount /dev/hd*12:04
Seveastiglionabbit, because i missed a 0 there12:04
XRayNukeHaroldJohnson: you're using a CardBus WiFi card, right?12:04
knoppixyes ?12:04
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HaroldJohnsonSeveas, I'm not certain iwlist ath0 scan is displaying networks.12:04
knoppixhey yawner12:04
dh0i want /dev/lirc to be linked to the real file /dev/lirc0 how do i do that in a lasting way?12:04
Seveastiglionabbit, it should be gid=100012:04
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HaroldJohnsonXRayNuke, Yes, a D-Link12:04
tiglionabbitSeveas: o, thank you12:04
knoppixdo you use vmware by any chance ?12:04
SeveasHaroldJohnson, does it give any output?12:04
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HaroldJohnsonSeveas, Yes - what should I be looking for?12:05
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Seveaswell, if it doesn't say 'no networks found' or something like that it's working :)12:05
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eliUbuntunalioth: didnt work, there is some text on the error? how do i use the #flood command?12:05
Seveasit should give about 10-20 lines of information per network12:05
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tiglionabbitSeveas: yay thanks12:06
HaroldJohnsonSeveas, Yes, but when I test it by running the command "ping google.com", it returns "ping: unknown host google.com"12:06
SeveasHaroldJohnson, you need to associate to a network first12:06
naliotheliUbuntu: you open a new channel window for #flood or use a pastebin (see the /topic)12:06
SeveasHaroldJohnson, that is done with iwconfig12:06
HaroldJohnsonSeveas, What is that process?12:06
tiglionabbiteliUbuntu: #flood is a channel, not a command.  You join it, tell people you're going there, and then paste things there.  Use a pastebin though, it's better12:06
SeveasHaroldJohnson, if you: iwconfig ath0 essid any && iwconfig ath0 enc open     then it should pick up any open network12:07
HaroldJohnsonSeveas, I've read the man, by the way, and it's not very newbie-friendly.12:07
hd420bloody ubuntu12:07
=== hd420 sighs
uboturumour has it, pastebin is at http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/ http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ or #flood12:07
SeveasHaroldJohnson, indeed12:07
HaroldJohnsonSeveas, Yet it's not.12:07
Seveas!forget pastebin12:07
ubotuSeveas: i forgot pastebin12:07
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knoppixso is ubuntu worth trying out ?12:07
knoppixam i wasting my time12:07
Seveasubotu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ or #flood12:07
ubotuSeveas: okay12:07
tiglionabbitknoppix: yes12:07
tiglionabbitknoppix: especially if you just use a knoppix live cd12:07
hd420knoppix: depends on what sort of person you are12:08
knoppixi'm trying to get in on my vmware12:08
bungopolisknoppix -- what kind of answer do you expect with that question in this room?12:08
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SeveasHaroldJohnson, is it ok if I talk to you in private, it's a bit busy in here12:08
HaroldJohnsonSeveas, So that's that.12:08
HaroldJohnsonSeveas, Yes, absolutely.12:08
aptlovergho do i know the package version of gaim I can get over apt?12:08
nxv_which ident server is preferred with postgresql in ubuntu?12:08
knoppixbut for some reason i'm getting an error12:08
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knoppixi went on the wiki and followed the instructions12:08
aptlovergapt-cache gaim -?12:08
tiglionabbitwell ubuntu has been the top pagerank on distrowatch for the last 6 months, I think it must be pretty popular12:08
eliUbuntunalioth: here is what is the error states: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/31217112:08
aptloverganyone quick comand line quote?12:09
knoppixbut when i try to sudo ./runme.pl12:09
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hd420apt is still less than forgiving when you make changes yourself12:09
tiglionabbiteliUbuntu: read what it says, your device is mounted and it tells you where12:09
knoppixi get this :12:09
aptlovergapt-cache gaim -what--version bla?12:09
knoppixUnable to open the installer database /etc/vmware/locations in read-mode.12:09
knoppixExecution aborted.12:09
hd420which is the problem i'm having at present12:09
eliUbuntui did read it. i tried to umount it and remount12:09
aptlovergcan anyone hear? me?12:09
XRayNukeQuestion: I'm trying to boot from a USB external hard drive on a ThinkPad right now. It Ubuntu set GRUB up to boot with "quiet splash",12:09
naliotheliUbuntu: is hda5 mounted at /dev/hda5?12:09
tiglionabbitaptloverg: yes, we can hear you.  I have no idea what you're talking about though.  Generally I'd say "apt-cache search"12:10
XRayNukeand i've turned that off. how do I slow down the boot info so I can see why it's failing?12:10
dmkapt-cache showpkg gaim12:10
aptlovergyaay cool im not blocked or somthing :D12:10
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dmkshow sorry12:10
bungopolisaptloverg: try apt-cache show gaim | grep Version12:10
dmkapt-cache show12:10
eliUbuntuno hda5 is mounted as /media/winlin12:10
hd420any apt gurus up for a challenge?12:10
johi i have problem with X,how can i change from console resolution ?12:11
aptlovergbungopolis: :D ok12:11
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tiglionabbithd420: challenging?12:11
naliotheliUbuntu: so you are in business?12:11
jeanlucI need a lot of help12:11
benjaminwris there anything in the bios that might be preventing me from writting the MBR of my hard disks?12:11
eliUbuntulol, nope in astronomy12:11
spermie_411i got this cedega tgz file on my desktop, but not sure how to install it? Noob<~~ sorry for these dumb questin12:11
jeanlucI have tried mp3's in every media player and installed gstreamer mad but no mp3s is working but .wav works so can some one help me play mp312:11
spermie_411i think its sudo cp /home/spermie/Desktop/cedega_4.3-1.i386.tgz12:11
tiglionabbitspermie_411: if it's .tgz, it's probably meant for slackware12:11
hd420tiglion: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/53012:11
sam_are there any stats for which of ubuntu and kubuntu is the more downloaded/popular one?12:11
XRayNukebenjaminwr: Yes. Turn off boot sector virus protection if you can find it.12:12
hd420see if u can make heads from tails out of that one12:12
mumblesnother questio from me.. whats the linux flight sim game ending in x11 ?12:12
bungopolisI'm currently using Totem as my media player, but I would like an in-browser media player. The only ones I can see are mozilla-mplayer and mozilla-plugin-vlc -- which one is reccomended? I've used mozilla-mplayer on another machine and it's a bit buggy.12:12
benjaminwri cant see it in the bios menu12:12
dmkno, cedega just name their tar.gz files tgz12:12
benjaminwris that ever implemented as a jumper?12:12
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XRayNukebenjaminwr: not that I've ever heard of...12:12
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tiglionabbithd420: wow, that's fun12:12
XRayNukebenjaminwr: what options do you have?12:12
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benjaminwri can't find boot sector virus protection12:13
aptlovergbungopolis: show is the thing i wasn't aware off :D12:13
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dmkthats me off now, take it easy everyone12:13
bungopolisaptloverg: you could also use the synaptic package manager to see it12:13
benjaminwrand there doesn't seem to be anything else to secure MBR in my bios settings12:13
jeanlucI have tried mp3's in every media player and installed gstreamer mad but no mp3s is working but .wav works so can some one help me play mp312:13
naliotheliUbuntu: your drives are mounted successfully?12:13
benjaminwrbut I can't install grub12:13
spermie_411tiglionabbit woulnt alian change it to a deb.?12:13
hd420tiglion: you up for trying to solve it?12:14
tiglionabbitbungopolis: it is possible to use totem or xine using a special firefox addon.  There's something in the forums about that, I'll find it for you12:14
benjaminwrafter installing it reboots to nothing12:14
aptlovergbungopolis: just wanted the skill12:14
bungopolisjeanluc: have you installed the gstreamer0.8-mad plugin?12:14
XRayNukebenjaminwr: Most recent BIOSes don't have boot sector protection. If you can't find it, it'12:14
bungopolissorry, package not plugin12:14
XRayNuke's probably not there.12:14
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eliUbuntunalioth: im gonna reboot. the /media/winlin mount on hda5 was done through fstab on boot. maybe rebooting will help. plus now mount umout says hda5 is mounted multiple times12:14
aptlovergbungopolis: um you couldn't help me trouble shot a sound card?12:14
benjaminwrXrayNuke its a new computer has asus a8n-sli deluxe mobo12:15
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eliUbuntuwill be back in few minutes12:15
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bungopolistiglionabbit: thanks12:15
bungopolisaptloverg: what's the problem?12:15
tiglionabbitbungopolis: well, I would, if i could connect to ubuntuforums at the moment...  it's...  slow12:15
XRayNukebenjaminwr: yeah, that doesn't have it, it's waaaay too new. My girlfriend has one of those. It's a pretty sweet mobo.12:15
ablysshey guys.. do i have to reboot after updating my kernel image?12:15
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naliotheliUbuntu: will be here when you return12:15
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bungopolistiglionabbit: yeah it's not loading at all for me right now either12:15
acid2Does anyone know how to connect to a :sserver: with cvs?12:15
XRayNukebenjaminwr: You sure the hard drive is good?12:15
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acid2im getting "unknown method"12:15
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sizzamubuntuforums.org  borked?12:16
benjaminwrtried with three different ones12:16
tiglionabbitbungopolis: I personally just installed mplayer-586 and mozilla-mplayer, and w32codecs.  That took care of my browsing needs12:16
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XRayNukebenjaminwr: Curious. Do you have another machine you could use to install Grub?12:16
dylan_still having problems getting java to work12:16
bungopolisok, that's what I have on my old system, but i wasnt totally happy with mozilla-mplayer (sometimes the video would be masked off, and the UI sucks)12:16
ablysswhys that dylan_12:16
naliothdylan_: r u on an x86 version of ubuntu?12:16
benjaminwrcan I install grub to a USB drive12:16
osityive got ubuntu installed...how do i raid my other 2 matching drives?12:17
dylan_yes im on the pressed CD x86 version...i dont know why. ive followed EVERYONE's directions.  it just doesn't work12:17
benjaminwrhow would I go about doing that12:17
tiglionabbitdylan_: how did you install it?  The easiest way is by adding hoary-extras to your sources.list and then getting sun-j2sdk1.512:17
hd420tig: any ideas?12:17
dylan_i tried doing that12:17
XRayNukein fact, i'm trying to un%&^*$ an Ubuntu install on a USB drive right now, so I don't recommend that12:17
bungopolistiglionabbit: only really need the jre, not the sdk12:17
dylan_wait, how do i enable hoary-extras12:17
tiglionabbitbungopolis: okay, sun-j2re1.512:17
tiglionabbitbungopolis: same repo12:17
ablyssdylan_: where is your java installed at?12:17
ubotufrom memory, sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories12:17
dylan_i don't know12:18
Troy_McClurehow hard is it to install a better file browser into ubuntu? i used to use natiullus and i liked that12:18
aptlovergbungopolis: I don't know just know sound, where do i find what has been probed and what sound drivers a beeing used?12:18
tiglionabbitbungopolis: that wiki will show you how to add the hoary-extras repository, and the rest is just using apt or synaptic12:18
naliothTroy_McClure: try konqueror or mc12:18
ablyssdylan_: well, not knowing is a sure way of never getting it to work12:18
naliothTroy_McClure: or xffm412:18
ablyssupdatedb then type locate *java12:18
Troy_McClurekonqueror is for KDE though right?12:18
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Troy_McClurei am getting used to gnome, do not want to swithc12:18
bungopolisdylan_: sudo echo "deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse  restricted" >> /etc/apt/sources.list12:18
tiglionabbitTroy_McClure: ubuntu uses nautilus by default12:18
dylan_is there a way to do it easily, and when i mean easily i mean not with all the terribly long strings ot text to write12:18
dylan_thanks bung...12:19
tiglionabbitbungopolis: er..12:19
tiglionabbitbungopolis: sure..12:19
bungopolisyeah? what's wrong12:19
tiglionabbitbungopolis: generally, I use a real editor12:19
bungopolisbash is a real editor, tiglionabbit :)12:19
tiglionabbitbungopolis: I prefer vim12:19
dylan_ok i did  sudo echo "deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse  restricted" >> /etc/apt/sources.list  and i didnt get a message.  is that good?12:19
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Seveasdylan_, yes12:19
bungopolisdylan_ yes12:19
dylan_now what do i do?12:19
Troy_McClurewhy does it not look like the old nautillus then?12:19
dylan_apt-get update?12:19
eliUbuntunalioth: worked like a charm12:19
naliotheliUbuntu: great!12:20
mumblesim off to bed12:20
bungopolisdylan_ the >> just appended that line to the end of your apt sources list (you could also have used vim or gedit or any text editor to add it yourself)12:20
eliUbuntunalioth: great program. did you write it?12:20
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mumblesnn all12:20
tiglionabbitTroy_McClure: dunno, try changing your theme, and the settings in applications -> system tools -> configuration editor12:20
naliothnope, just advised on a bit of it12:20
naliotheliUbuntu: Seveas wrote the thing12:20
bungopolisdylan_ now sudo apt-get update, and then sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.512:20
dylan_i just noticed that i already have sun-j2sdk1.512:20
eliUbuntunalioth: cheers then to your team who wrote it12:20
=== ablyss installed the java off java.sun.com works fine
jeanlucI have tried mp3's in every media player and installed gstreamer mad but no mp3s is working but .wav works so can some one help me play mp312:21
jeanlucI have tried mp3's in every media player and installed gstreamer mad but no mp3s is working but .wav works so can some one help me play mp312:21
jeanlucI have tried mp3's in every media player and installed gstreamer mad but no mp3s is working but .wav works so can some one help me play mp312:21
tiglionabbitdylan_: then you don't need to install it12:21
bungopolisjeanluc: please dont spam12:21
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jeanlucI need help with this though12:21
ablyssget in line jeanluc12:21
tiglionabbitjeanluc: does it appear to play but make no sound?  Have you tried beep-media-player?12:21
Seveasjeanluc, read the page I gave you the link to...12:21
aptlovergbye for now everyone12:21
dylan_i have j2sdk1.5 but not  the jre what is the difference12:21
jeanlucI did that12:21
jeanlucstill don't work12:21
eliUbuntuSeveas: good program you wrote - thanks12:22
XRayNukej2sdk includes the JRE12:22
tiglionabbitjeanluc: describe how it didn't work12:22
aptlovergbungopolis: thanks for the apt  show help :D12:22
ablyssjeanluc: sudo apt-get install beep-media-player12:22
jeanlucI go into beep or xmms and the other media players12:22
dylan_ok so if i already have java why doesnt it work within firefox or epiphany?12:22
jeanlucopen the mp312:22
jeanlucit shows its playing12:22
Seveasjeanluc, beep & xmms don't work by default12:22
ablyssxmms is poo poo on Gnome12:22
jeanlucbut there is no sound12:22
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bungopolisdylan_ SDK is the Software Development Kit which includes the Java Runtime Environment, but you only need the JRE unless you plan to do Java development12:22
eliUbuntudylan: it may not be linked12:22
Seveasjeanluc: To make xmms or beep-media-player actually play things, change the audio output plugin to eSound12:22
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XRayNukedylan_: did you install a java plugin?12:22
bungopolisaptloverg: give me a sec for your sound problem12:22
jeanlucwhen I use e sound12:22
jeanlucit gives error12:22
dylan_im trying to get java to work within my browser.  firefox wont install the JRE12:23
ablyssdont use xmms12:23
acid2cvs [login aborted] : Could not open SSL certificate file '/home/acid2/.cvsSSLkeys': No such file or directory12:23
acid2What can I do about that?12:23
jeanlucCouldn't open audio.12:23
jeanlucPlease check that:12:23
jeanluc1. You have the correct output plugin selected.12:23
jeanluc2. No other programs is blocking the soundcard.12:23
jeanluc3. Your soundcard is configured properly.12:23
misfit_toycan anyone else get to ubuntuforums? it appears down to me.12:23
Seveasjeanluc: To make xmms or beep-media-player actually play things, change the audio output plugin to eSound12:23
jeanlucis the error I get12:23
tiglionabbitjeanluc: that's what I was asking.  Okay, then it is not an mp3 issue.  If I were you, I would right-click on the volume icon and go through every device listed and turn it up, except master sound which you can turn down a bit to not break your speakers.12:23
eliUbuntudylan: firefox cannot install JRE. you have to do it through the synaptic12:23
socommdylan_: You may need a link to the plugin from firefox's plugin directory.12:23
tiglionabbitjeanluc: also, this forum post helped me get sound working a little better, if the forums are up12:23
dylan_ok thats what im doing, eliUbuntu. will that then work?12:23
ubotusound is, like, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206312:23
Troy_McClurewhats the best linux media player?12:23
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jeanlucthere down12:23
eliUbuntudylan: it should12:24
SeveasTroy_McClure, depends on what you call best12:24
XRayNukeTroy: I favor VLC.12:24
socommTroy_McClure: mplayer12:24
naliothTroy_McClure: that is subjective12:24
dylan_will it work in Firefox, eliUbuntu?12:24
SeveasTroy_McClure, I prefer beep :)12:24
eliUbuntumake sure you shutdown firefox and open it again12:24
ubotu[multimedia]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia12:24
eliUbuntuonce installed12:24
ablysslinux isn't a media OS.. so they pretty much all suck12:24
tiglionabbitthat wiki has screenshots and descriptions of many major media players12:24
Seveasablyss, nonsense...12:24
tiglionabbitablyss: ay, stfu12:24
jeanlucI used red hat12:24
ablysstruth hurts12:24
bungopolisTroy_McClure I quite like Totem, which comes with Ubuntu -- it can use either the xine or the gstreamer multimedia framework and has a nice, simple UI (I also use mplayer however)12:24
jeanlucand it played mp3 just fine12:24
dylan_i say mplayer is the best media player12:24
sizzamcan anyone get to www.ubuntuforums.org12:24
Seveasjeanluc, did you even read what I said..?12:24
socommablyss: Haha.12:25
bungopolisforums rae down sizzam12:25
Seveassizzam, no12:25
Seveasjeanluc: To make xmms or beep-media-player actually play things, change the audio output plugin to eSound12:25
eliUbuntuxine is the best - never had a problem with it12:25
sizzamthanks guys12:25
Troy_McClurewell on windows i use winamp so something that will make that transistion smooth12:25
naliothtiglionabbit: he's right, linux is not a 'media OS'12:25
jeanlucI changed to e sound12:25
eliUbuntufor music, movies, and so on12:25
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jeanlucbut I get this error when I play mp3's using esound output12:25
martiganwho can help me with cpu scaling for a mobile p4?12:25
jeanlucCouldn't open audio.12:25
jeanlucPlease check that:12:25
jeanluc1. You have the correct output plugin selected.12:25
jeanluc2. No other programs is blocking the soundcard.12:25
jeanluc3. Your soundcard is configured properly.12:25
dylan_ok apt just finished installing the java jre....now what should i do?  restart, log out, or just restart the browser?12:25
socommTroy_McClure: Try beep-media-player, it's a winamp clone.12:25
tiglionabbitnalioth: well, distro watch has 'top media distros' listed12:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q jeanluc!*@*] by Seveas
bungopolisdylan_ just restart the browser12:25
dylan_k cool12:25
XRayNukerestarting the browser should do it12:25
tiglionabbitdylan_: just the browser12:25
maggotbrainacid2: you might have better luck on #cvs12:25
Seveasjeanluc, READ what people say. do NOT repeat and do NOT paste12:25
eliUbuntubungopolis: you beat me to it :)12:26
naliothtiglionabbit: hmm i wonder where the media stuff is, then12:26
decafnalioth: it's a multipourpose os and should play videos if I use it as a desktop12:26
bungopolismplayer does not support DVD menus (yet, if ever) Neither can gstreamer, which is why I like Totem with totem-xine installed instead of totem-gstreamer12:26
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ablyssi enjoyed Amaroth (spelling) for media12:26
=== martigan reboot
ablyssit was the best I tried so far12:26
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naliothdecaf: if you use an x86 arch of ubuntu, it will play most everything except current MS video trash12:26
socommbungopolis: The cvs version does not.12:26
XRayNukeVLC supports DVD menues.12:26
eliUbuntudylan: does it work now?12:27
bungopolissocomm the cvs version of what does not what?12:27
ablyssi'm currently using beep media player12:27
tiglionabbitTop 5 multimedia distros: GeeXboX, MoviX, dyne:bolic, AGNULA, Mediainlinux12:27
acid2maggotbrain, all seem dead there12:27
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socommbungopolis: Mplayer, earlier versions might.12:27
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dylan_what do i do?12:28
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bungopolisdecaf: you can also play win32 codecs, realplayer, quicktime ... there is really no limitation to ubuntu's multimedia capability with the right packages installed12:28
ablyssi guess I should visit OS watch more than once a year12:28
maggotbrainacid2: ah, i've only worked with pserver and ext with cvs, so I can't be of much help...12:28
decafbungopolis: I have right packages installed :)12:28
uboturumour has it, multimedia is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia12:28
acid2im gonna idle there12:28
tiglionabbitablyss: if you visit it now, you'll see Ubuntu has been the top distro for a while12:29
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Troy_McClurei still can not figure out my GLX problem12:29
decafbungopolis, nalioth: ffmpeg team has a solution for ms-mpeg4.12:29
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dylan_tiglionabbit:  still doesnt work12:29
ablysstiglionabbit: :)12:29
shawarmabungopolis: DRM protected wma.. That's still a no-can-do on Ubuntu.12:29
tiglionabbitdylan_: what doesn't work?12:29
XRayNukeI hear ffmpeg also has something going for H.264.12:30
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socommdylan_: You'll need a link to your jre plugin from firefoxes plugin dir.12:30
tiglionabbit!doesn't work12:30
ubotutiglionabbit: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about12:30
dylan_after installing the jre firefox does not accept java stuff12:30
shidouse video lan on that meda12:30
shidoshould play fine12:30
dylan_note: i did not change the ffx dir12:30
tiglionabbitubotu doesn't work is something you should never say.  Be more specific.12:30
ubotutiglionabbit: okay12:30
Hikaru79Is anyone else having some problems with marillat? When I try to get the newest acroread from it, it tells me: acroread:12:30
Hikaru79  Depends: libc6 (>=2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 is to be installed12:30
tiglionabbit!doesn't work12:30
bungopolisright, shawarma12:30
BurgundaviaHikaru79, don't use marilliat12:30
BurgundaviaHikaru79, use hoary-extras from the backports project12:30
ablyssbrb diinner12:30
Hikaru79Okay, Burgundavia.12:31
misfit_toycan anyone else get to ubuntuforums? it appears down to me???12:31
tiglionabbitdylan_: what do you mean?  When you go to a page with a java applet, what do you see?  Have you tried other pages?12:31
Hikaru79Do you have a URL, Burgundavia ?12:31
hd420ubuntu doesn't work12:31
hd420it's shite12:31
Troy_McClureanyone help me getting my mousewheel working?12:31
socommmisfit_toy: The forums are down.12:31
tiglionabbithd420: works for me12:31
ubotuTroy_McClure: I haven't a clue12:31
Burgundaviathe actual reason is taht sarge broke compatibility with hoary just before the it released, due to some bug fixes12:31
tiglionabbit!doesn't work12:31
ubotuI heard doesn't work is something you should never say.  Be more specific.12:31
misfit_toysocomm, ok thx12:31
bungopolisaptloverg: lspci | grep audio to see if the device is being detected by the kernel12:31
eliUbuntudylan: check out this link -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java?highlight=%28java%2912:31
shawarmahd420: Huh?12:31
eliUbuntudylan: it help out12:31
hd420tig: well, care to take a crack at the issue i'm having?12:31
dylan_i get the message additional plugins required12:31
tiglionabbithd420: what, the crazy apt message?12:31
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eliUbuntumay help out <- i mean12:31
hd420tig: yea12:31
dylan_no, the ffx message12:32
tiglionabbithd420: paste your sources.list please.12:32
dylan_where is that?12:32
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tiglionabbithd420: and be sure to have sudo apt-get update 'd with it12:32
dylan_ooops nvmind12:32
Troy_McCluredoes amarock only work in KDE then?12:33
tiglionabbitTroy_McClure: no, you can run anything in either desktop environment12:33
deathpsykodid someone installed nvidia driver ( script from nvidia website, the latest one, not the packet ) on ubuntu amd64 ?12:33
pgidzdylan try clicking on the plug-in FAQ in ff and follow what they say to get java working12:33
hd420ok... deb ftp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted universe multiverse12:33
hd420deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted universe multiverse12:33
hd420deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted universe multiverse12:33
hd420## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch major bug fix updates produced12:33
hd420## after the final release of the distribution.12:33
hd420deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-updates main restricted12:33
hd420deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-updates main restricted12:33
hd420deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted universe multiverse12:33
knoppixso no one can help me with my ubuntu vmware proablem ???12:33
tiglionabbitTroy_McClure: people just avoid to sometimes because then they must install the supporting libraries for12:33
hd420deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted universe multiverse12:33
socommWhat the heck.12:33
tiglionabbithd420: IN A PASTEBIN12:33
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q hd420!*@*] by Seveas
knoppixso no one can help me with my ubuntu vmware proablem ???12:33
dylan_pgidz:  i did, and they just say to use the Sun.com binary, which did not work either12:33
Seveasthey always do that when i'm away12:33
Xappehd420: stop that please, you're disturbing my idling12:34
pgidzdylan have you set up the symlink12:34
bungopolisaptloverg: lsmod | grep snd to see what sound modules have been loaded by your kernel12:34
eliUbuntuWhat creates .ICEauthority?12:34
dylan_pgidz:  dont know how12:34
deathpsykoso, did someone installed nvidia driver ( script from nvidia website, the latest one, not the packet ) on ubuntu amd64 ?12:34
tiglionabbiteliUbuntu: probably ICEwm12:34
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naliotheliUbuntu: idk, but its a pita, aint it?12:34
pgidzdylan follow what it says on the plugin site12:34
ubotuit has been said that java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java12:34
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socommTroy_McClure: Under the InputDevice Section in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file add the following: Option ZAxisMapping "4 5".12:34
stanley1hello everyonw12:34
pgidzdylan if you have any probs ask somebody in here to help12:35
tiglionabbithd420: got that pastebin ready?12:35
dylan_i followed the wiki page but i still get the message "Additional plugins are required to view this page."12:35
stanley1is anybody willin to assist a brand new brain?12:35
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tiglionabbitstanley1: sure12:35
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eliUbuntu.ICEauthority though blocks me from loading gnome from GDM correct?12:36
socommTroy_McClure: That will enable your scroll wheel.12:36
ositycan i use the ubuntu raid tools to prepare my secondary and 3rd drive for raid 1?12:36
SeveaseliUbuntu, if it does that, log in at a console and delete that file12:36
naliotheliUbuntu: .ICEauthority can be safely deleted while at the login screen12:36
Seveasstanley1, just say what you need help with :)12:36
eliUbuntuSeveas: I have done that a few times now12:36
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SeveaseliUbuntu, but it keeps on b0rking?12:37
osityhas anyone setup raid 1 on ubuntu?12:37
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Xappehmm, i'm looking for a good calendar app that isn't evolution, any suggestions?12:37
eliUbuntuborking... eli finds himself at a loss of works... never heard of it12:37
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stanley1is anyone willing to help a braindead newbie?12:37
XRayNukeXappe: Have you tried Sunbird? It's a bit new, but it's at least up to around Palm Desktop functionality12:37
SeveaseliUbuntu, b0rking/failing/not working12:37
Seveasstanley1, just say what you need help with :)12:37
socommSeveas: Are you paid for operating #ubuntu?12:37
eliUbuntuah, sometimes.12:38
stanley1ah.. what??12:38
naliotheliUbuntu: its a known problem, i hear that nautilus changes it from rw to ro for some strange reason12:38
XappeXRayNuke: nope, thanks for the tip12:38
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SeveaseliUbuntu, maybe you run GUI programs as root?12:38
eliUbuntu... i dont know12:38
eliUbuntuthinking about it12:38
SeveaseliUbuntu, you should not do that unless the programs are designed to be able to run as root12:38
naliotheliUbuntu: which is the "root" of all evil12:38
eliUbuntui dont run as root on the terminal to initiate programs12:38
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Troy_McClureis there any way to fix that silly esd conflict with the sound driver?12:39
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osityseveas: know anyone that know how to setup raid?12:39
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stanley1well actually im tryng to install my nvidia drivers12:39
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naliotheliUbuntu: not at all, just dont run nautilus/other gui apps as root (some of them will rampage throughout your userland)12:39
eliUbuntuhmm, i did move a kernel program to usr/local/path/kernel via root12:39
Seveasosity, have you tried the wiki?12:39
SeveaseliUbuntu, with nautilus?12:40
stanley1u all must new im brand new at this and i need someone with patience12:40
LokeDKI don't know why.. but when I switch theme in gnome, the colors does not longer change? I mean the theme in the window12:40
ositySeveas: I've tried everything...12:40
nomis_Traxer|off, did you try http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly ?12:40
ositywhat is wiki?>12:40
XappeXRayNuke: is that the mozilla calendar?12:40
eliUbuntunalioth: how do you run nautilus as root? i dont think i did that...12:40
naliotheliUbuntu: sudo in a terminal is ok12:40
Seveasosity, http://wiki.ubuntu.com12:40
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eliUbuntuoh... i only do root in terminal12:40
SeveaseliUbuntu, ah that's ok12:40
eliUbuntui dont know any other way to run root12:40
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ubotuI heard sound is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206312:41
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XRayNukeXappe: Very nearly. http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/sunbird.html12:41
eliUbuntuSeveas and nalioth: thanks for the help im off to work on the computer with fingers crossed to no troubles12:41
blmartin771Thanks for all the help so far guys :)12:41
blmartin771I love ubuntu so far12:41
=== action09 n8
XRayNukeXappe: supposedly it has less Netscape Bloat(TM).12:41
db2ok, so I'm installing Ubuntu, and after it tells me to remove the CD so it can reboot, it comes back, and the screen is now nothing but these weird red vertical lines, and there's no text or anything...  um. is this normal?12:41
eliUbuntuof zal ik doeg zegen ;)12:41
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naliotheliUbuntu: huh?12:42
XappeXRayNuke: ah, thanks. I was a bit worried I'd have to install the mozilla suite12:42
geocator_I just installed yesterday, one head of my vid card is garbage.  No problem will solve later, boot today, both moitors show garbage.  Nvidia 660012:42
geocator_I tried installing nvidia drivers, but the install locks up12:42
naliothXappe: you probably will have to12:42
naliothXappe: just for the gecko engine12:42
geocator_I am linux noob, please help12:42
nomis_Troy_McClure, did you try http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly ?12:43
othernoobnalioth are you familiar with printing problems?12:43
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naliothothernoob: sorry, i am not. i dont own printers nor encourage others to own them either12:43
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ubotu[ubuntuguide]  a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.12:43
naliothothernoob: however i know cups will drive most printers12:44
Seveasnomis_, that ubuntuguide item is total crap12:44
Xappenalioth: nah? as far as I can understand it's a standalone one12:44
naliothothernoob: and "man cups" will lead you to the magical URL that will allow you to configure cups12:44
Seveasit should be called configuresoundinabadandnonstandardway12:44
naliothXappe: like galeon or mozilla-firefox?12:44
othernoobnalioth: my prob is that i have a pdf with a tiny little bit of colour in it and a b/w laser printer. and it won't print it.12:44
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Xappenalioth: or thunderbird12:45
naliothothernoob: get a hammer, wave it at the printer12:45
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naliothXappe: they all require mozilla, iirc12:45
robert__someone knows how to fix the speed problem i have when i'm ripping cd's using grip? it rips at 1.2x now, i belive its not possible to enable scsi emulation support in kernel 2.6x?12:45
Xappeno, I don't think so12:46
nomis_Seveas, it worked for me12:46
Seveasrobert__, try enabling dma12:46
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robert__Seveas: Okey, thx12:46
Seveasnomis_, that does not mean it's the correct way..12:46
decafrobert__: use cdda2wav with grip. look at it's options. if CD's are new. -P0 would be useful12:46
robert__decaf: allright, thx mate!12:47
Xappenalioth: no, I don't think so...afaik standalone means standalone12:47
nomis_Seveas, so if you know it better, .. you can help Troy_McClure out ;)12:47
naliothXappe: i wonder why when i install galeon, epiphany, etc, it always installs mozilla.. .. ..12:47
maggotbrainsunbird is a standalone calender app12:47
maggotbrainyou can use a plug-in for TBor FF with it12:48
Xappenalioth: I have both epiphany and firefox, bot not the mozilla suite12:48
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naliothXappe: not the suite, but you do have mozilla (i just did a apt-cache showpkg on epiphany and galeon)12:49
XRayNukeIs there something i'm missing about installing Ubuntu on an external USB hard drive? my install is failing with a "pivot_root: no such file or directory" and this is making me very sad.12:49
naliothXappe: kazehakase depends on mozilla12:49
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stimpiesomeone knows a good howto on how to install the nvidia drivers on ubuntu?12:51
naliothXRayNuke: it doesnt know how to look at the USB drive for continuing the installation12:51
uboturumour has it, nvidia is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto12:51
XRayNukenalioth: I'm sorry, I should have been more clear, I've already installed it, it just won't boot.12:52
pagefaulthah ubotu12:52
pagefaultnice name12:52
naliothXRayNuke: so instruct your grub to look for it12:52
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HaroldJohnsonI love you all and I'm going to miss you.12:55
naliothHaroldJohnson: goin on vacation?12:55
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aruI've been searching around but cant really find a difinitive answer, does anyone know if a Netgear GA511 PC Card will work in linux?12:56
HaroldJohnsonnaliothNah, I'm just feeling crabby and frustrated.12:57
HaroldJohnsonnaliothI'm tired of all the difficulties with getting Ubuntu to do the basics.12:57
ElllisDcan someone here please tell me either how i got banned from the channel i ought to direct the next question, which is how can I get a live cd in ramdisk to bring hda4's /home up into ram, too12:57
HaroldJohnsonnaliothThough it's probably because I'm on a PowerPC.12:57
ubotufrom memory, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:58
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XRayNukenalioth: GRUB is loading and starting the kernel. It looks like it's dying partway through the init process.12:58
naliothXRayNuke: well sounds like hte kernel isnt usb aware12:58
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naliothXRayNuke: or something12:59
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eliUbuntunalioth: how do i access the vfat drive from the terminal?01:00
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XRayNukenalioth: it's the default kernel from the 5.04 x86 install CD. a few lines before it dies, it shows "Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...", "usb-core: registered new driver usb-storage", "USB Mass Storage support registered"01:01
XappeXRayNuke: hmm, can't find any source for compiling Sunbird, i'm on ppc01:01
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, aru01:01
naliotheliUbuntu: "cd /media/whatever_you_named_dev/hda5"01:01
eliUbuntuk, thanks01:02
XappeXRayNuke: nm, think I found it01:02
nxv_i cant get posgresql to work with ident identification01:03
XRayNukeXappe: Sunbird's a bit new. You have to manually pull it out of CVS, I think. Instructions here: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/sunbird_build.html01:03
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XRayNukexappe: i can verify (at least on Windows and FreeBSD) that once you get it going it does work nicely01:03
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nxv_i tried several ident servers but cant get any to work with postgres01:03
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wdsldo anyone know kanotix and the radeon-installer.sh? is there a simialar thing in ubuntu?01:04
Hikaru79Are the Ubuntu Forum servers down for anyoneelse?01:04
dizzieWhats the filesize limit on vfat(fat32) ?01:04
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Hikaru79dizzie, 2 GB01:04
Hikaru79I'm pretty certain01:04
naliothdizzie: 4gb01:04
wdslme too01:04
lcharly_TheOnehow can i configure a DHCP conection in the console01:04
naliothHikaru79: i remember because you can almost fit a dvd image on it <almost>01:05
twisted_steelHikaru79: can't get to the forums either :(01:05
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Hikaru79Ah, I see.01:05
dizzie4gb >_< how on earth can i transfer 4.3 GB iso images to a extern hdd then, dont say ext3 he doesnt have Linux :)01:05
XappeXRayNuke: at least I have something to do getting it up and running :)01:05
XRayNukethere are ext2/3 drivers for Windows.01:06
naliothdizzie: NTFS01:06
naliothdizzie: thats right, there is ext2/3 drivers for win2k and xp01:06
Hikaru79There's a very good one that has full read/write access and complete windows explorer integration01:06
dizzientfs and samba then :)01:07
tigliona1bitXRayNuke: really?  how?01:07
dizziecba trying to tell him why his disk got ext3 fs :)01:07
othernoobdoes anyone know a prog to manipulate pdf files?01:07
maggotbrainlcharly_TheOne: try dhclient01:07
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lsuactiafnerothernoob : pdf2html01:08
lsuactiafnerand html2pdf..01:08
naliothothernoob: i know how to do it, i just cant say it right now01:08
lsuactiafneri suppose.01:08
naliothothernoob: search synaptic for 'pdf'01:08
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lsuactiafnerpee dee eff01:09
othernoobnalioth, i searched. didn't find anything01:09
lsuactiafneranyone here play ut2004 on nix?01:09
naliothothernoob: search "pkg names and contents"01:09
lsuactiafneri get crashes often, updating to latest patches but it takes ages to download 90mb01:09
othernooblsuactiafner: I've seen pdf2html..but i don't want to convert it to manipulate it01:09
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lsuactiafnerothernoob : pdf is like a zip, not too easy to just manipulate it and expect it to work afterwards...01:10
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othernooblsuactiafner: all i need to do is to make everything black, instead of a few lines in colour, so i can print it.01:11
naliothlsuactiafner: there are pdf tools for linux01:11
lsuactiafnermy eyes hurt from ut200401:11
naliothlsuactiafner: pdf IS and open source format01:11
lsuactiafnerothernoob : just print it with the setting 'black+white only'01:11
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lsuactiafnernalioth : yeh but aint it encoded funnyly so its diffcult to change things?01:12
naliothlsuactiafner: not if it isnt "locked'01:12
othernooblsuactiafner: if i had found that option,i wouldn't be here ;)01:12
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lsuactiafnerothernoob : just drain the colour ink...01:13
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ed1tthe forums are dead?01:13
lsuactiafnerexcept for green and prink on yellow paper01:13
eyequeueare there any currently-wprking backports mirrors?01:13
pgidzothernoob try pdftk01:13
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eyequeueed1t:  here as well :(01:13
othernooblsuactiafner: and where?01:13
alxwindguys, how can i install a program from tar.gz?01:14
eyequeueis the mirrormax site up?01:14
mpmcIs there anyway,  I can Mix. all audio into one output instead of lots?01:14
othernoobpgidz: i did, didn't really work01:14
pgidzothernoob ok01:14
alxwindi extraxted the archive and tried to run install.pl but nothing is happening01:14
lsuactiafneri'm not really in the mood to help as much as i am in the mood to comment on things i dont know anything about01:14
alxwindwhat should i do?01:14
decafalxwind: of course you can. make sure there is no package available for that app. if not, learn to use 'checkinstall'01:15
eyequeueor are there any other currently-working backports mirrors?01:15
medgnoalxwind, you check to see if it's on the ubuntu servers. It's tricky installing a .tar.gz file01:15
lsuactiafneralxwind : perl install.pl01:15
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naliothothernoob: open a terminal and type "apt-cache search pdf" and see all the pdf tools available01:16
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lsuactiafnermedgno : it not tricky01:16
naliothalxwind: in most archives is a README or INSTALL text file to read01:16
lsuactiafnertar -zxf file.tar.gz ; cd file- ; ./configure ; make ; make install01:17
naliothlsuactiafner: be nice01:17
medgnolsuactiafner, if you want to install it globally, and make sure it won't interfere with upgrades, a .deb is much nicer01:17
alxwindthanks, perl install.pl helped me ;)01:17
lsuactiafneryeh and the ReADMe and INSTALL shoufl guide you01:17
misfit_toyman, why do the ubuntuforums go down so often?01:17
naliothlsuactiafner: 'easy' for you, may seem be unknown to hte next user01:17
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lsuactiafnerso how you doin nalioth?01:19
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othernoobnalioth: i already did, doctools might sound like the only prog.01:19
naliothlsuactiafner: keepin busy01:19
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mbirkisi have a web server standing behind a router... and i need ddclient to get the dynamic internet ip from the router to use instead of the local ip it gets from use=if, if=wlan0? can anyone help me with this?01:20
dylan_i find the program elinks pretty useless.  is there any use to it at all?01:21
alxwindWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match my running kernel?01:22
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alxwindor how to install it?01:22
medgnodylan_, I've more than a few times had use for a text-mode webbrowser01:22
alxwindhoary 5.0401:22
lsuactiafneralxwind : /usr/src/linux/  and apt-get install kernel-headers or something01:22
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ubuntuI've just started using Ubuntu from the Live CD, and I was wondering how I would save my personal files from my Mandrake installation if I install Ubuntu as my Linux version. I know to backup the files, like my e-mail and the rest but will I be able to insert the e-mail back into the Ubuntu mail program afterwards?01:23
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eyequeuedylan_:  it is useful for reading web pages01:23
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lsuactiafnerlynx is also very usefull...01:24
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lsuactiafner1/4 of my browsin is with lynx01:24
dylan_yeah...hey is it true that linux has no viruses or spyware, as is claimed on the back of the pressed CD case?01:24
cafuegodylan_: Yeah, it's got worms, though ;-)01:25
eyequeueubuntu:  don't overwrite the /home partition, and considering backing up /var/mail/$USER or /var/spool/mail/$USER for later reuse01:25
lsuactiafnerdylan_ : yeh01:25
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lsuactiafnerdylan_ : even running a virus on purpose with wine doesnt work..01:25
dylan_thats funny01:25
dylan_cafuego says there are worms that are for linux...what is the probability of me getting one of those01:26
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cafuegodylan_: You need to do pretty stupid stuff to get your nameserver infected though. (Like deliverately run an old version).01:26
cafuegodylan_: You're not at risk if you just use your machine as a user.01:26
dylan_so even a linux noob like me won't get hit with a virus or spyware, or even a worm?01:26
dylan_im only running on linux as my name, not root01:27
HrdwrBoBno, you won't01:27
cafuegodylan_: viruses, worms and trojans are not an issue, then.01:27
HrdwrBoBjust keep up to date with your security patches to be sure01:27
dylan_is the same true for a Mac?  im almost done funding for a new one01:27
ubuntuNewbie question:  I'm running the Live CD, but if I do a full install, can I use my existing Linux partitions?01:27
Velcancan anyone tell me how to enable ssl for mail-notification? it doesnt say in the man ...01:27
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Ziggityhi. what options are available for c/c++ development on Ubuntu - looking for stuff with RAD tools for a beginer,,--01:27
lsuactiafnerdylan_ : if you want to live on the edge browse as root.. dont tho.01:28
tigliona1bitZiggity: there's gcc and vim01:28
cafuegodylan_: Essentially the same is true for Macs yes. Although they _are_ vulnerable to MS Office Macro viruses01:28
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KyralZiggity, Anjuta01:28
dylan_thanks guysx01:28
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Ziggitytigliona1bit,  : does this have a GUI designer01:28
cafuego(if you run msoffice on them, anyway)01:28
eyequeueubuntu:  one, the livecd soedn't install, you'll need an install cd for that.  two, if you select an "expert" install, you can partition any way you like01:28
tigliona1bitZiggity: perhaps, but you don't need much more than a text editor and a compiler to program C01:29
strugglerany gotchas when installing debian libc6 on hoary?01:29
ubuntuI have the install CD01:29
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ZiggityKyral,  I have heard of Anjuta, but cannot find how to use version 2 . I tried version 1.5 but it failed to 'make ' the project from the wizard01:29
eyequeueubuntu:  at the prompt, type expert and press enter01:29
tigliona1biteyequeue: you don't need to do that01:29
alxwind 2lsuactiafner apt-get install kernel-headers doesn't work01:29
tigliona1biteyequeue: it lets you partition your own way anyway01:29
tigliona1biteyequeue: I don't recommend him doing an expert install.  He might mess up sudo01:30
eyequeuetigliona1bit:  the default allows partioning and reuse, i've never touched it, too little control for my tastes01:30
alxwind2lsuactiafner it says thatit has no installation candidate01:30
lsuactiafneralxwind : thats why i said something like that01:30
Ziggitytigliona1bit,  : I'm not that good yet.. and a little lazy :-) I've done some stuff in VB + c# on MS and was wondering if there are similar tools01:30
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mbirkisis there any program i can install to check if a remote webpage is up or not, perhaps with statistics?01:30
lsuactiafneralxwind : linux-kernel-headers01:30
tigliona1biteyequeue: what?  The default allows you to do all partitioning tasks, including resizing of other partitions01:30
eyequeuetigliona1bit:  the default allows partioning and reuse, ... s/,/?/ rather01:30
eyequeuetigliona1bit:  the default allows partioning and reuse*?* i've never touched it, too little control for my tastes01:30
Will_mbirkis: wget --spider ?01:30
rainingzigzagsanyone know where i can download addons for gdesklets?01:30
Will_rainingzigzags: google gdesklets.01:31
dylan_will Wine run the Sims?01:31
rainingzigzagsi tryed that01:31
mbirkisWill_: what will that do?01:31
lsuactiafnermbirkis : use your browser, or ping hostname, or nmap -sS -P0 -p 8001:31
alxwind2lsuactiafner now it says it's already installed01:31
rainingzigzagscame up empty handed01:31
lsuactiafnerbut dont nmap a host unless you have permission01:31
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Will_mbirkis: Spider the page. do a 'man wget' then read through01:31
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alxwind2lsuactiafner but where are it's files?01:31
Will_You could script it easily01:31
alxwind2lsuactiafner in what directory?01:31
strugglerdoes anyone know of any problems using a debian libc6 on hoary?01:32
lsuactiafneralxwind : then it is already installed.. /usr/src/linux i believe, i make my own kernels so i wont know01:32
Ziggityrainingzigzags, :  http://ubuntuguide.org/#gdesklets01:32
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lsuactiafnerbut inside /usr/src/ somewhere..01:32
mbirkislsuactiafner: can i use nmap for a week without hogging bandwith or resources?01:32
eyequeuealxwind:  dpkg -L linux-kernel-headers | less01:32
alxwindwow, thanks a lot01:32
ksmurfCan anyone point me in the direction of a good how to for nessus install other than the starterguide?  The plugin update does not seem to be working right and the english forums are down01:33
rainingzigzagsty ziggity01:33
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lsuactiafnermbirkis : what do you want to do really? nmap would only tell you if port 80 is up, ping would tell if you if the host is up, but using a browser is better01:33
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Ziggityrainingzigzags,   : u welcome01:33
karljpanyone know how to get a screencap of the whole screen?01:33
karljpalt-printscreen gives me the window,01:33
lsuactiafnerlike refresh a stupid image all the time and if it doesnt load you know the site is offline, but there should be better admin tools01:33
Ziggityis it possible to run Ubuntu (Hoary) as a webserver?01:33
lsuactiafneralxwind : really?01:33
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karljpbut pressing alt also cancles the right click menu I'm trying to capture in a screenshot01:34
lsuactiafneralxwind : that doesnt make sense.01:34
ksmurfZig yes01:34
alxwindwell it says so01:34
eyequeuekarljp:  system > takescreenshot seems approrpriate01:34
lsuactiafnerwget rocks01:34
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alxwindafter running command dpkg -L linux-kernel-headers | less01:34
truz24How do i install ubuntu on a board that has a raid controller?01:34
Ziggityksmurf,  : thanx01:34
ksmurfCan anyone point me in the direction of a good how to for nessus install other than the starterguide?  The plugin update does not seem to be working right and the english forums are down?  Anyone have any exper with the plug-in issue?01:34
mbirkisWill_: can i get the spider to run every hour with output to a text file?01:34
truz24Do i need the drivers from the manufacture.01:34
karljpeyequeue, not really, pressing on the system menu makes the right click menu in my app go away as well.01:34
alxwindit showed me very long list of files at that directory01:35
eyequeuealxwind:  q to quit less, if that;s the question01:35
karljplike on windows, just plain printscreen01:35
Will_mbirkis: cron job, and wget --spider >> filename01:35
karljppressing the alt in ubuntu kills my context menu01:35
Hikaru79A friend of mine just updated his firefox install from the backports repo, and now Firefox won't start. Anyone else had this issue? (We can't ask on the forums either, because ... they're down =/)01:35
eyequeuekarljp:  "like on windows" doesn't mean anything to me01:35
mbirkisWill_: hmm... cron job... how do i set that up? sorry for my newbieness01:35
lsuactiafnermbirkis : or write a script that loops and put the line sleep 60m ; in it01:35
karljpeyequeue, just like alt-prrintsrcreen on hoary, only with also one on just printscreen by itself that does the whole screen01:35
HaroldJohnsonAnyone here using a Mac?01:35
mbirkislsuactiafner: either will work for me... except i don't know how to set it up01:35
lsuactiafnercd /etc/cron.hourly/01:36
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karljpand there for wouldn't require me to press any buttons or any keys that make the context menu Im trying to include in a screenshot go away01:36
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: In a way, yes.01:36
tigliona1bitkarljp: you should be able to press print screen.  There is a gui with more options for taking screenshots included in the gimp01:36
Hikaru79Anyone? Please?01:36
lsuactiafnercron is not too nice imho for doing things like wgetting01:36
karljppressing printscreen byitself isn't doing anything unfortunately.01:36
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, In a way?  How so?01:36
lsuactiafnermbirkis : give me a sec than i paste you something01:36
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Ziggityare there any Flash ( like flash mx ) tools ( open source ) for linux??01:36
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: I got shells open on my wife's Macs ;-)01:36
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Ah, I see.01:36
mbirkislsuactiafner: why isn't cron god for wgetting?01:36
tigliona1bitkarljp: what you want to do is use the Gimp's screenshot thing, and tell it to set a delay for the screenshot so you can make that context menu pop up01:37
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Any experience using wireless on that Mac/01:37
Razor-Xmmmm. manga is nice....01:37
Will_mbirkis: I'm googling for a guide, but my http is screwed here. Google for "cron howto", /etc/crontab  is also a good palce to start01:37
karljphmm, printscreen works if my context menu isn't showing, but not when the menu is01:37
karljptigliona1bit, thanks, I'll give gimp a go,01:37
karljpa timer delay should do the trick01:37
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: Not under Linux; Airport Express is not supported (at all).01:37
Razor-Xnalioth: have you had any success with wget'ing the wiki?01:37
cmathesonlsuactiafner: why wouldn't cron be good for running wget?01:37
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HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Oh yes, I think I've heard that.01:37
tigliona1bitkarljp: alternatively, if you're fast, you could press print-screen and then make the context menu pop up before it takes the screenshot =P01:38
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HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Allow me to pick your brain: Do you know of any wireless cards that work on Ubuntu PPC?01:38
lsuactiafnercmatheson : it creates logs if things go wrong that can fill the h/d01:38
wdslwhere can i get my kernel sources?01:38
tigliona1bitwdsl: apt?01:38
HrdwrBoBHaroldJohnson: cisco01:38
cmathesonlsuactiafner: just rotate the logs out hourly01:38
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: What sort of mac? A powerbook?01:38
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zukalkhey i was testing my apache2 server with php4, and whenever i try to open a .php page, the browser (both firefox and opera) open a download dialog box thingie01:39
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Yes, a PowerBook G3.01:39
Razor-Xnalioth_wrkn: I think I figured it out ;)01:39
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: My orinoco pcmcia cards all work fine.01:39
karljptigliona1bit, I'm probably not that fast :)01:39
lsuactiafnerwell then you tell him how to setup log rotation.01:39
HaroldJohnsonHrdwrBoB, For certain?  Any particular model/01:39
alxwindoh, shit it wasn't usr/include/linux http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/54401:39
benjaminwryou have to register php as a mime type01:39
HrdwrBoBHaroldJohnson: the drivers are fully open sourve01:39
alxwindanybody, plz help01:39
karljpalso, gimp screencaps are tearing up my screen.  Looks like the qt context menus aren't displaying in a way that gimp likes01:39
wdsljup thx i get the answer on kubuntuchannel01:39
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Are you in the U.S.?01:39
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cmathesonalxwind: just ask (read the /topic)01:39
lsuactiafnerbut doing automated mass leeching should be controlled in the foreground on a terminal (tho that IS more hassle)01:39
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HaroldJohnsonHrdwrBoB, You mean madwifi, right?01:39
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: My orinoco pcmcia cards work fine in my G3 Wallstreet.01:40
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: Nope01:40
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Do they sell Orinoco at CompUSA?01:40
benjaminwrzukalk you have to register the php module in the apache configuration01:40
alxwindcan't install vmware, it asks me for directory with C header files that match my kernel01:40
comarsomeone has installed mol recently ?01:40
karljphah, got it.  a full screenshot works, but just tha twindow doesn't01:40
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Someone else mentioned success with those cards.01:40
zukalkbenjaminwr, oh, right01:40
alxwindi thought it's usr/include/linux01:40
alxwindbut was wrong01:40
CookieNinjaafaik madwifi isn't 100% oss01:40
VelcanAnyone here familiar with mail-notification?01:40
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: Not anymore I don't think; they're getting pretty old; they're 802.11b cards _only_01:40
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, I looked for Orinoco at Fry's Electronics here in the U.S. but they didn't have any.01:40
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cafuegoHaroldJohnson: Can you buy online or off ebay?01:41
zukalkbenjaminwr, and how do i do that01:41
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Well, I don't want to buy online, as I may have to return them.  I've purchased two cards already and neither of them work with Ubuntu.01:41
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: Or... is there a wireless user group nearby?01:41
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Ziggityare there any Flash ( like flash mx ) tools ( open source ) for linux??01:42
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cafuegoHaroldJohnson: If it's a proper orinoco and not broken, it will work. 100% guaranteed.01:42
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Don't know...is there a website that brings that up.01:42
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, But only for 802.11b?01:42
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: Yep.01:42
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Are you using linux-wlan-ng/01:42
blmartin771just wondering what makes ubuntu better than debian?01:42
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: No, just the in-kernel orinoco driver.01:42
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: There are even MacOS 8.5+ for these things 9they're essentially identicla to actual airport cards)01:43
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Try linux-wlan-ng.  Someone told me that you should get 802.11g with Orinoco cards.01:43
cmathesonblmartin771: it's not necessarily *better*, it's more suitable for people  that want quicker updates/simpler use01:43
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: No, that's bullshit. The cardware can't do it.01:43
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Or it may be wlan-linux-ng, I forget.01:43
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blmartin771but essentually they are the same01:44
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Perhaps there are new cards?01:44
ZiggityAny Java development tools recomended for Ubunut?01:44
cafuegoBesides, linux-wlan-bg doesn't work (at all) with my cards.01:44
zukalkbenjaminwr, how do i register the php module?01:44
bimberiblmartin771: the fixed release cycle is one difference that some may feel is better01:44
tigliona1bitZiggity: need more than javac?01:44
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: prism54 ones perhaps, yes.01:44
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HaroldJohnsonHrdwrBoB, Cisco, huh?01:44
CookieNinjaregulare release cycle is one thing better than debian, blmartin771, lol. that and the emphasis on being friendly & easy to use. tho in many ways ubuntu is debian.01:44
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HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Which brands are prism54/01:45
Will_Ziggity: jikes is pretty interesting. So damned fast, and the error outputs are _good_01:45
Ziggitytiglionabbit, : yes pref. an IDE01:45
Will_Not that I ever code errors!01:45
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: www.prism54.org01:45
tiglionabbitZiggity: I dunno, I've heard good things about Eclipse01:45
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HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Thank you.01:45
umanyou know what the problem with apt-get is?01:45
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: Note that cards which use 3rd party drivers, MAY not work on PPC.01:45
lsuactiafneri would rather use the java made by sun01:45
umanone can't use 2 instances of it at once01:45
tiglionabbituman: that there is no problem?01:45
Ziggitytiglionabbit, :  I heard there are 'issues' with running Eclipse on Ubuntu01:45
tiglionabbituman: how is that a problem?01:45
lsuactiafnerj2sdk ect01:45
alxwindcan't install vmware, it asks me for directory with C header files that match my kernel, i thought it's usr/include/linux but was wrong (http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/544), can anyone help me to find out what is the directory?01:45
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Okay.01:45
mbirkisWill_: i got the cron working... but the wget --spider >> filename won't work01:45
cmathesonZiggity: i haven't had any "issues"01:45
b0urn3i just installed ubuntu and was doing apt-get update and got some md5 mismatch errors....is this a problem...if so how do i fix?01:45
umantiglionabbit: what if I wanct to install two apps at once?01:45
benjaminwrzukalk, you have to edit the httpd.conf file locater in usr/local/apache/conf01:45
ubotucmatheson: I don't know, could you explain it?01:46
CookieNinjaalxwind, have u got the source headers installed ?01:46
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ubotuNo idea, cmatheson01:46
tiglionabbituman: then say apt-get install thing1 thing201:46
cafuego!listkeys md501:46
ZiggityWill_, : is jikes an IDE01:46
ubotuFactoid search of 'md5' by key returned no results.01:46
umantiglionabbit: shit01:46
umantiglionabbit: didn't know about that01:46
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Ziggitycmatheson,  : did you install from apt-get?01:46
cmathesonb0urn3: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and remove everything that says 'us'01:46
blmartin771so why would you want to use debian if ubuntu is easier, and has quicker fixes?01:46
cmathesonZiggity: no01:46
benjaminwrand add or uncomment the AddType application/x-httpd-php -php01:46
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, So do you prefer OS X?01:46
Ziggitycmatheson,  : and what version01:46
benjaminwrzukalk ,and add or uncomment the AddType application/x-httpd-php -php01:46
Will_Ziggity: No. A complier01:46
cmathesonZiggity: i don't know... it's not on this box, i got it about a month ago01:46
alxwindafter running a command sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-headers it said that i already have a ewest version01:46
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: Linux runs faster on all macs we have here01:47
b0urn3cmatheson:  i'll try...brb01:47
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: OSX is sexier though :-)01:47
ZiggityWill_, thx01:47
alxwindso, i guess i have them installed01:47
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Yes, quite sexy.  Are you running Debian/01:47
rainingzigzagswow i thought i would never do that01:47
rainingzigzagsi locked up linux01:47
Ziggitycmatheson, : did u download or off a CD01:47
benjaminwrzukalk ,AddType application/x-httpd-php .php        (dot instead of - on .php)01:47
cafuegoblmartin771: Can;'t speak for others, but Ubuntu is far too new to risk my servers on.01:47
alxwindbut can't find out what is it's directory01:47
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cmathesonZiggity: i downloaded it off of suns website01:47
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cmathesonZiggity: it was bundled w/ the jdk01:47
zukalkbenjaminwr, you mean /etc/apache2. oh, i remember doing this for winblows a long time ago01:47
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alxwind2CookieNinja after running a command sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-headers it said that i already have a ewest version but can't find out what is it's directory01:48
b0urn3cmatheson:  so i need to delete the first two entries for the ubuntu universe?01:48
zukalkbenjaminwr, thanks ;)01:48
ubotuwell, usrepos is if you get MD5Sum mismatches when doing apt-get installs don't use the us mirror.  Change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list01:48
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cmathesonb0urn3: no no, don't delete, just remove the 'us.' part of the line01:48
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cmathesonb0urn3: so that it just says 'archive.ubuntu.com' instead of 'us.archive.ubuntu.com'01:48
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Will_mbirkis: Not sure, and I've gotta run for now. Getting late and I need to sort some things01:48
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Are you in Mexico?01:48
Will_It should be able to be piped into a file01:49
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: The Mac Mini runs Ubuntu Hoary, as does the iMac. The wallstreet has been lent to a friend and runs Mac OS 9.2. The G3 server runs Debian sarge, the iBook runs Tiger. The 8600s runs Sarge, the 7200s and Quaras run OS 8.1, the classics, LC and SE30's run various old MacOSes. The 170 runs 7.0.2 I think. The newton runs NewtOS 1.01:49
Ziggitycmatheson, : you can do c/c++ and c# as well in there? (  so i've heard - with the plug ins )01:49
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mbirkiscan someone help me pipe a wget output into a text file?01:49
benjaminwrzukalk, do a locate httpd.conf01:49
benjaminwrafter updating the slocate database01:50
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cmathesonZiggity: i think so... i actually just use vim for my c/c++, but afaik you can do pretty much anything w/ it01:50
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Why not run the new Xandros Newton distro on Newton?01:50
CookieNinjacafuego, afaik they are in /usr/src/linux-headers-<kernel-version>01:50
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: Coz it's an original newton. (Revision 1)01:50
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, LOL, I'm just kidding about that Xandros distro, by the way.  :)01:50
lcharly_TheOneI have a laptop compaq presario V2000 with amd Turion 64 mobile technology i need use the amd64 ubuntu instalation CD???01:50
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cafuegolcharly_TheOne: The 32bit one should work fine, if you're worried. If you want to use flash/java, go wih 32bit (i386)01:51
gyaresulcharly_TheOne, not uness you want too.01:51
HaroldJohnsonSo I guess I'll have to find a good Cisco card in order to access an 802.11g network on my Wallstreet?01:52
gyaresulcharly_TheOne, cafuego and the w32codecs are only for 32 bit processor as well.01:52
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, That was for you...01:52
tiglionabbityup, hence the 32 part01:52
cafuegogyaresu: They nevertheless install and work OK on AMD64.01:52
Ziggitycmatheson,  : I'm struggling with c/c++ do you know where I can get a  free complete tutrial / online course ..01:52
lcharly_TheOneso ican install the ubunti i386 cd in mi laptop and i don't gonna have problems?01:52
ablyssi love gnome's font dialogue.. makes real easy to preview your fonts before change them01:52
gyaresucafuego, they do?01:52
cafuegolcharly_TheOne: Yesp01:52
cafuegogyaresu: Yep01:52
ablyssshould I reboot after updating my kernel image?01:53
cmathesonZiggity: hmm, i'm afraid i don't know... i just bought a book (c++ primer plus was excellent).  i think google would be your friend though01:53
CookieNinjambirkis, which output ? the files u are retrieving or the information that wget is outputting about it's retrieval attempts to the shell ?01:53
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: Prolly check the kernel source, find the cisco driver in net/wireless/ and see which cards are explicitly supported; then get one of those.01:53
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gyaresuablyss, check the boot order in /boot/grub/menu.lst (remember to count from 0 for the order of bootable kernels)01:53
ablyssi assume no01:53
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Ziggitycmatheson,  : do  you use it professionally .. can you suggest other tools I might find helpful?01:53
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Good tip; I thank you!  That's /net/wireless?01:53
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: linux-2.6.x/net/wireless/01:54
FlannelKingZiggity, try C++ in action, from relisoft.com01:54
cafuegoin /usr/src01:54
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Thanks01:54
ablyssgyaresu: sorry what does that have to do with my question?01:54
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cmathesonZiggity: i don't know by what you mean "professionally"... i use it at work, but i'm a linux admin so that's not my primary responsibility (and i don't use it much), so vim/g++ are more than enough for me01:54
gyaresuablyss, you just install a new kernel, yes?01:54
ablyssupdated a kernel image from the synaptic update01:54
ZiggityFlannelKing,  : whats that01:55
cmathesonZiggity: emacs is excellent too, if you're looking for more of an IDE, Kdevelop is supposed to be amazing, and then there is also gnome's anjuta (although it never rates as well as the kde stufF)01:55
FlannelKingZiggity, its a book, online01:55
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Is the kernel located in /boot usually?01:55
Ziggitycmatheson,  : thx.01:55
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cmathesonFlannelKing: that's pretty rad, i've never heard of that one.  how is it?01:55
ZiggityFlannelKing,  : thx01:55
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: yes, but you want the source, not the binary.01:55
gyaresuablyss, that sounds like a new kernel to me. no?01:55
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CookieNinjambirkis,  the output wget sends to the shell u get to a file in your home dir by typing wget <options and url you're retrieving here> > ~/output.txt01:56
LasseLZiggity, I heard that eclipse is a good C++ ide too, with the right plugin01:56
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Where is the source typically located?01:56
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gyaresuablyss, kernel-image-2.6.10 or somesuch, yes?01:56
ablyssgyaresu: is it? i dont know.... i dont normally do these things01:56
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: in /usr/src, after you install it (you can just get a tarball from kernel.org and extract it, too)01:56
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ZiggityI've tried the Anjuta that 's found in synaptic but after going through the project wizard it failed to make01:56
benkong2hey folks how long should it take this command to run? " egrep '(reject|warning|error|fatal|panic):' >> testpostfix.check"01:56
ablyssgyaresu: yes that looks right01:56
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Already did (a few days ago, when installing madwifi).  Just wasn't sure if that was what I was looking for...01:57
gyaresuablyss, then try rebooting and you can always hit ESC while grub is loading to choose a different kernel.01:57
FlannelKingcmatheson, its good, starts out nice, explains everything well, and then goes into design, its a nice short book that covers a lot, I suggest it even if you already know C++, covers a lot of good design/bad design type things as well01:57
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ablyssgyaresu: great man thanks01:57
ZiggityLasseL,  : your' the 2nd person to suggest it - I might get it down. any one know if I can get Eclipse via apt-get?01:57
gyaresuablyss, if it's the basic 2.6.10 then you should be alright.01:57
cmathesonFlannelKing: cool, thanks01:57
CookieNinjambirkis, to output all the stuff you're actually retrieving to a file u use the wget option --output-document=~/stuff-retrieved.txt01:57
crimsunZiggity: not for Hoary01:58
ablyssoh that means I should reboot01:58
FlannelKingZiggity, you cannot, at least not with ubuntu repos (Im sure someone has packaged it though)01:58
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LasseLZiggity, eclipse is not on apt-get. But it is download and unzip, run.01:58
ablysswish me luck01:58
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crimsunZiggity: for Breezy, hopefully :)01:58
gyaresuablyss, if it hangs at boot or the desktop doesn't load then try a different kernel or just go into 'recovery mode'01:58
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Hmmm..there's no wireless directory there.01:58
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rainingzigzagsis there a synaptic repository to download and setup seti@home>?01:58
jphow can I burn an iso with k3b?01:58
LasseLZiggity, get sun2jsdk1.5 first, the go to eclipse.org01:58
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cafuegoHaroldJohnson: drivers/net/wireless01:59
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, ah01:59
ubotuI guess sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories01:59
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jphow can I burn an iso with k3b?01:59
tiglionabbityou can get it from hoary extras01:59
FlannelKingZiggity, Eclipse is a java app, so you dont need to compile/etc, just download and run01:59
cmathesonjp: it's a menu option... not sure where, but it's three01:59
^thehatsrule^jp: burn image01:59
^thehatsrule^under tools01:59
Frank_dotrainingzigzags: no you have to get it from the project01:59
XRayNukeActually, you do need to compile Eclipse, because it's not pure Java.01:59
XRayNukeIt uses the SWT graphics toolkit.02:00
jp^thehatsrule^ thanks!02:00
mbirkisCookieNinja: i get nothing in the output file when doing that :(02:00
holycowi wish someone would write an eclipse plugin for tcl02:00
ZiggityLasseL,   : how do I get the sunJ2sdk1.502:00
LasseLXRayNuke, wrong02:00
rainingzigzagsfrank_dot, is it hard to setup.. i am a noob to linux02:00
^thehatsrule^jp: np lol02:00
HaroldJohnsoncafuego, Odd, airport.c is listed there.02:00
cmathesonholycow: haha, it's been a long time since i've heard someone still rockin' the tcl02:00
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: Yes. airport == orinoco 802.11b02:00
LasseLZiggity, check ubuntu guide02:00
CookieNinjawhat's the full line you're typing, mbirkis ?02:00
cafuegoHaroldJohnson: That does _not_ do airport express02:00
ubotuwell, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.02:01
holycowcmatheson, openacs framework uses it, and its quite effedtive02:01
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HaroldJohnsoncafuego, So that one is supported for 802.11b though?  (Not that I'm going to use it).02:01
XRayNukeLasseL: it definitely uses SWT. You might be able to install that from a package, but Eclipse is not pure Java.02:01
Frank_dotrainingzigzags: there should instructions where you get it but it's pretty much download and run02:01
asdxI can't boot ubuntu...02:01
asdxI don't have a kernel... I compiled mine02:01
asdxBecause I had to patch02:01
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rainingzigzagsits a .sh file.... how do u use them?02:01
cmathesonholycow: i don't know what that is, but i remember 10 yrs ago when i started looking into linux i thought tcl/tk was the hottest thing ever (of course back then kde/gnome were still pretty lame...)02:01
bimberiLasseL: You can get sun-j2sdk1.5 by enabling the backports repositories02:01
ubotubackports is, like, at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/02:01
LasseLXRayNuke, wrong as in you dont have to compile it to run it02:01
Frank_dotrainingzigzags: run   sh boinc_filename.sh  in a consol02:02
mbirkisCookieNinja: wget --spider webaddress > output.txt02:02
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mbirkisCookieNinja: i get the output.txt file but it is empty02:02
holycowcmatheson, :) if one could could use wx with tcl i would still say it would rock :)02:02
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drewhey, does anyone know how to configure keyboard shortcuts to use the windows key like it uses control, alt, etc?02:03
ZiggityI've got Eclipse on one of those free Magazine CD's will that work ??02:03
CookieNinjawhat information are you looking to have in the output file mbirkis ?02:04
LasseLZiggity, http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/02:04
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CookieNinjawould the switch --output-file=logfile  provide the info you need mbirkis ? instead of trying to redirect it to a file02:04
mbirkisCookieNinja: just info that the website was found... i am planning on doing a cron job checking that a friends webpage is online with wget --spider, and outputting it to a file02:04
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cmathesondrew: i've never done it, but i believe xmodmap would be the tool for that02:05
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ZiggityLasseL,  : thx02:05
mbirkisCookieNinja: --output-file=logfile what file will that be?02:05
drewcmatheson, xmodmap is an application I could find using synaptic?02:05
tiglionabbitdrew: you should already have it02:06
CookieNinjawhatever filename you want in whatever location u choose, mbirkis02:06
cmathesondrew: you probably already have it.. it's just part of X windows02:06
drewcmatheson, then how do I open or configure it?02:06
mbirkisCookieNinja: thnx... i will try it :)02:06
alxwindcan't install vmware, it asks me for directory with C header files that match my kernel, i thought it's usr/include/linux but was wrong (http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/544), can anyone help me to find out what is the directory?02:06
CookieNinjamake it ~/log.txt to have a file called log,txt in the home dir, mbirkis02:06
cmathesondrew: haha, i've never done it... i believe the best way to find out would be man xmodmap02:06
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CookieNinjaall my ideas are coming from typing man wget and reading, btw, mbirkis ;)02:06
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Frank_dotalxwind: did you install them with synaptic?02:07
drewis anyone here experienced with xmodmap that could help me?02:07
LasseLdrew, did you try the Keyboard Shortcuts menu in gnome first?02:08
tiglionabbitdrew: I've used it02:08
CookieNinjaalxwind, did you look in /usr/src for then ?02:08
alxwindi don't know what ecactly to search in synaptic02:08
mbirkisCookieNinja: i read the man... but it is not easy for us "new" guys... :) but it didn't exactly do what i wanted... it overwrites the file everytime... so i can't see if the server is up or down :(02:08
drewLasseL,  yes, but it wouldn't let me use windows key as a modifier02:08
Frank_dotalxwind: search linux-headers02:08
drewtiglionabbit, could you help me set it up to recognize winkey as a modifier?02:08
LasseLdrew, oh, but it will. I just did that yesterday02:08
tiglionabbitdrew: nope, no idea02:08
CookieNinjatry --append-output=logfile instead of the other one then, mbirkis02:08
tiglionabbitdrew: there is a keyboard setting for it though02:08
drewLasseL, could you walk me through it? maybe I'm just an idiot02:08
tiglionabbitdrew: system -> prefs -> keyboard -> layout options02:09
mbirkisCookieNinja: oh... you are my favourite ninja! :)02:09
Frank_dotalxwind: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-k7/include/   once they are installed02:09
LasseLdrew, find the "Keyboard" menu02:09
tiglionabbitdrew: click on "alt/win key behavior"02:09
Frank_dotalxwind: well it depends on you kernel02:09
drewtiglionabbit, should I select Super is mapped to the win-keys?02:09
LasseLdrew, "hyper is mapped to win-keys"02:09
alxwindi'm using Hoary 5.0402:09
drewLasseL, oh, hyper. k, thanks.02:10
tiglionabbitdrew: try out different things..02:10
alxwindwith default settings02:10
CookieNinjai aint exactly that old on linux myself, mbirkis. 2 years on mac os x at work, and about 18months of that same period on various linux flavours02:10
alxwindwhat kernel is it?02:10
LasseLdrew, stupid that it isn't that way by default02:10
drewLasseL, yeah, it is.02:10
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ksmurfCan anyone point me in the direction of a good how to for nessus install other than the starterguide?  The plugin update does not seem to be working right and the english forums are down?  Anyone have any exper with the plug-in issue?02:11
CookieNinjaanyways, i'm off to bed cos it's 1am, and i'm up @ 8am02:11
aruis there a Ubuntu hardware database?02:11
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LasseLdrew, I just mapped about every item in the shortcuts menu to win-<somekey> and it just works really really well :)02:11
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sybeI have a little problem with my monitor. I cant choose my resolution but why?02:11
drewLasseL, yes it certainly does. But I don't see a setting to make a shortcut to "always on top".  Am I just missing it?02:12
Frank_dotalxwind: did you install in synaptic?   If you never changed your kernel, you're using the 386 one02:12
gyaresusybe, you will need to know the hsync and vsync parametres02:12
ubotufrom memory, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:13
ksmurfCan anyone point me in the direction of a good how to for nessus install other than the starterguide?  The plugin update does not seem to be working right.  Anyone have any exper with the plug-in issue?02:13
alxwindi just installed x686 version it with synaptic but i have only unpacked tar.gz archives in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5 directory02:14
alxwindand vmware can't found needed information for installation02:14
bimberiaru: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport02:14
Frank_dotalxwind: what tar.gz archive are you talking about?02:14
zukalkbenjaminwr, it finally worked. had to stop /etc/init.d/apache2 manually before installing libapache2-mod-php402:15
alxwindsorry ;( my bad didn't wait till the end of installation in synaptic02:15
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alxwindthaks for your time02:15
gyaresuRazor-X, where do i get a list of those keywords ! resolution ect...02:16
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o daniels] by ChanServ
=== flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xgyaresu: there aren't02:16
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:daniels] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Have a question? Just ask! | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | us.archive currently broken; use another mirror ({ca,uk,se}.archive) | PLEASE DON'T USE BREEZY YET -- REALLY | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com | Ubuntu #1 on all distrowatch boards! | using breezy? don't be surprised if your keyboard configuration breaks
Razor-Xyou have to know them through watching, or program the yourself02:16
Razor-XI have a few i've made for people02:16
gyaresuRazor-X, ahh.02:16
cafuegodaniels: What did you break now?02:16
Razor-Xmmmm, wget is downloading a nice stack of manga02:17
aruthanks (delayed reaction)02:17
jpcafuego more respect for daniel02:17
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cafuegojp: Feel free to ignore me as I do you.02:18
bimberiaru: (a delayed) yw :)02:18
=== ScislaC [~scislac@ip68-2-249-199.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
danielscafuego: i'm about to transition to xkeyboard-config for all the xkb stuff02:19
danielswhich is going to hurt02:20
cafuegodaniels: I'll be sure to not update for a while then :-)02:20
ZiggityLasseL,   :  I can't find howto  get the sunJ2sdk1.502:20
=== phzi [~phzi@S010600110960f57d.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
[koji] Ziggity: search wiki for java02:21
ubotuwell, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java02:21
LasseLZiggity, basically it is, add extra sources, apt-get update, apt-get install sun-j2sdk1.502:22
decafsomeone should add java-package to bot02:22
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=== gverig is confused...
gverigWhy do I get X when I at runlevel 3? Isn't it supposed to be text only?02:24
=== gdub [~gdub@S010600121716f3cb.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Aegirsudo killall gdm02:25
AegirI noticed that aswell02:25
truz24I've got an asus P5LD2 board, and during the ubuntu install it fails to load the cdrom drivers, when i installed XP i had to load the raid drivers before I could continue... How do i do this in ubuntu?02:25
gverigAegir: Is that the only one that needs to be killed?02:25
gverig(font server, other crap...)02:25
AegirWell, killing gdm usually cacks the X server for me02:25
LasseLZiggity, here, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/54502:25
AegirWhich allows driver installation, etc..02:25
AegirYou could always do a sudo killall Xorg, or X or whatever it is.02:26
AegirBut killing gdm should suffice02:26
mbirkisso if i create a small file in /etc/cron.hourly/ it will execute it every hour... without me doing anything more?02:26
gverigAegir: Thanks.02:26
AegirNo worries :)02:26
AegirHappy to help02:26
alxwind2Frank_dot http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/54602:26
phzifor me, when I CTRL-ALT-Backspace, GDM doesn't relaunch Xorg after the 2nd time02:26
alxwind2Frank_dot please take a look02:26
gverigI will to stop it from starting02:26
LasseLThe ubuntu installer should have a "Are you an RMS disciple" question, and if you answer no it should just do all the stuff at the ubuntuguide02:26
alxwind2Frank_dot i'm really stuck with it02:27
Aegirphzi, xinit, startx and such should bring it back, but it will start a new session as that username.02:27
phziya, I know how to do it02:27
phzijust confused as to why gdm gives up02:27
AegirOkay :)02:27
phzionly way to get gdm login again, is to sudo killall gdm02:27
phziand then relaunch it02:27
AegirYeah, I have a bit of experiane with launching/killing X. I break Xorg often 8)02:28
danielscafuego: normal layouts should be fine02:28
phziI did a lot over the last couples days02:28
=== flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
phziI had an ATI Radeon 9500 Pro02:28
danielscafuego: it's just stuff like combining multiple strange layouts that will hurt02:28
ZiggityOH! I just a wnc- ??? something crash .. anyone know whats that?02:28
AegirUsually with drivers, or meddling with composite goodness *g*02:28
phziset up for dual header02:28
phziand then I pulled it02:28
phziand installed an NVidia card02:28
AegirDual head is brilliant02:28
phzitook quite the effort to get it going under X without killing myself02:29
=== Will_ makes xinerama use 6 different types of video cards
phziATI -> NV drivers02:29
Will_DIE X DIE02:29
AegirConverting from an ATI to an NVidia card can be amusing under Linux02:29
Will_And onwards02:29
Razor-Xwget needs to finish fast... :(02:29
phzibut I love my dual header02:29
AegirAtleast it was for me...02:29
=== Dekkard [~right@adsl-68-21-35-31.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Razor-X needs to know what happens next in the manga
phziya, kept me busy for a day Aegir02:30
Razor-Xw00t, finishd!02:30
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Di42loi have a problem booting my ubuntu02:30
tiglionabbitDi42lo: grub error 17?02:30
tiglionabbitaw, was worth a try02:30
ZiggityLasseL,  : thx02:30
Di42lohe doesnt get into grub02:30
LasseLZiggity, my /etc/apt/sources.list02:31
Di42lothe bios on the first option is the hard disk02:31
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Di42loand its a new computer02:31
LasseL<----------- zzz02:31
Di42loany idea someone ?02:31
phziAegir: you have any experience with suround sound setups?02:32
ZiggityLasseL,  : thank you. Is it the same from the UbuntuGuide02:32
Aegirphzi, Nope02:32
phziI've been trying to find someone to help me write a .asoundrc file02:32
AegirNot having one and all ;)02:32
alxwindanybody plz help (take a look here -> http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/546)02:32
phziso the sound plays out hw0,0 hw0,1 hw0,2 hw0,3 at the same time02:32
alxwindi'm really stuck02:32
=== sweetheart [~rayleen@d150-29-176.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
phzialxwind: are you actually running 2.5.10-5?02:33
phziand are you sure that the folder has stuff in it?02:33
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alxwindi don't exactly02:34
alxwindand i don't know how to find this out02:34
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tankiwhat's breezy?02:34
phzitanki: next version02:34
phzialxwind: well, start with ls /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-502:34
tankicute name02:35
phziand see if there are contents02:35
AegirFantasticly fun and unstable02:35
phziBreezy Badger02:35
mrpicklescan someone please tell me where the wiki is to get ubuntu to support mp3 codecs ?02:35
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AegirHoary sounds so... Dirty to me >:D02:35
phzitry that mrpickles02:35
alxwindeee, and then?02:35
=== seth_k [~seth@24-117-104-21.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
phzialxwind: are there any files in the linux-headers folder?02:36
phziif not, you should probably apt-get them lol02:36
NameeaterI'm trying to "root@subspace:/ # find -name bittornado" but it lists a couple of finds then spits out  find: ./proc/7999/task: No such file or directory  and dies, any clues?02:36
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aruI thought we werent supposed to suggest the guide02:36
concept10!tell mrpickes about restrictedformats02:36
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barkleyso what's the proper way to hide gcj's java so i can use sun's?02:36
ubotuhmm... multimedia is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia02:36
ubotuI guess java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java02:36
tankiI'm here because this is the first time I've heard of ubuntu - i read a review of it in linux journal magazine and it looks cool02:37
tankiI like the idea of the version being the mouth.year02:37
phzialxwind: you still here?02:37
=== rainingzigzags [~zigzags@h91.227.40.162.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
tankiis there a version 7.05?02:38
[koji] barkley: is sun java is installed you should be able to use it right away02:38
phzitanki: it's y.mm02:38
phziisn't it?02:38
aruI should hope so02:38
tankiphzi, not according to the article iirc02:38
phziit must be02:38
barkley[koji] , open office installs gcj's java in /usr/bin02:38
phziotherwise version numbers would be totally screwed up02:38
[koji] yeah but the binary is gcj right?02:39
phziofcourse it is, the prior version was 4.1002:39
rainingzigzagsif someone here runs boinc plz pm me i need help with it02:39
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[koji] you can type java -version on the cmd line02:39
tiglionabbitIs there any support for writing to ext3 from windows?  All I see is ext202:39
barkley[koji] , let me check if its a symbolic link.  but when i type 'java' i get the gcj version02:39
tankithe last version was 5.04 in the article02:40
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mastergoonhi, how can i change the key bindings for metacity so the alt key doesnt move windows?02:40
tankiubuntu names it's versions by month.year02:40
rainingzigzagsis there a reason why boinc comes up with connection failed02:40
barkley[koji] , ahh. looks like i have to do that /etc/alternatives business02:41
tankimaybe if you're european you reverse them for some reason but europeans always do weird things so i wouldn't be suprised02:41
mastergoongnome-window-properties says "Window manager '<unknown>' has not registered a configuration tool"02:41
phzitanki: current version is 5.0402:41
phzibecause it came out his year02:41
tankidid it come out in april?02:42
phziit did02:42
phzi Ubuntu 5.04 Released!  2005-04-0802:42
h3r3sYubuntu !02:42
tankiok i'm wrong, the issue is in my bathroom right now and i dont want to get up so i'll just conceed defeat02:42
truz24I've got an asus P5LD2 board, and during the ubuntu install it fails to load the cdrom drivers, when i installed XP i had to load the raid drivers before I could continue... How do i do this in ubuntu?02:42
tankianyway it's still a good version scheme02:42
=== Zotnix [martin@ool-457891b5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
phzitruz24: do you have SATA?02:42
truz24yeah, but the cdrom is ide02:43
phzidisable sata before booting into the install02:43
phziinstaller does not work if SATA is enabled02:43
truz24but the harddrive is sata02:43
phziit's a known bug02:43
phzihm, well then I dunno02:43
mrpicklessomebody please help me =( IM getting a weird messge when trying to do apt-get and i can't figure out how to fix it. apt-get install w32codecs02:43
mrpicklesE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)02:43
mrpicklesE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?02:43
[koji] !restricted02:43
ubotumethinks restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats02:43
phzithat's all I know about it02:43
Nameeatermrpickles: do you have synaptic open?02:43
truz24thats not right because I installed ubuntu on another board with sata drives02:43
bimberimrpickles: close down synaptic and try again02:43
phzimrpickles: is synaptic open?02:43
benjaminwrmrpickles close synaptic02:43
mrpickleshold on02:43
=== b0urn3 [~b0urn3@CPE-69-76-231-91.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
phzitruz24: I had to on my board02:44
truz24What error were u getting?02:44
phziand I read a bug report about it02:44
phzino driver available02:44
mrpicklesalright its closed02:44
phzior something along those lines02:44
mrpickleslet me try again02:44
truz24for your cdrom?02:44
truz24and it was an ide cdrom?02:44
tankiyou know why i like linux so much, when you buy a new pet, all you have to do for ideas to name is look up the names of the beta versions of distros02:44
tankibreezy would rock for a cat02:45
b0urn3is it a problem if some of the packages are held back when i try to do apt-upgrade?02:45
ColonelKernelrawhide for a dog02:45
mrpicklesNow, I know the next thing I need to do is I need to update some sort of list or something that has to do with apt-get.  Because i don't think apt-getting w32codecs works right away.  can someone please tell me about that ?02:45
danielstanki: what, because it always lands on its feet?02:45
=== IceDC571 [~chris@c-24-4-87-132.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
benjaminwrmrpickles close synaptic02:45
mrpicklesit is closed >.>02:45
benjaminwrmrpickles apt-get update02:45
=== aserpe [~aserpe@cpe-66-65-152-2.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mrpicklesbenjaminwr, now what ?02:46
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tankibut i'm not planning on throwing the cat out the window02:46
benjaminwrmrpickles you ahve to add repositories02:46
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tankii might throw my computer but not a cat02:46
=== artist303 [~artist@catv-5063e5b8.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu
mrpicklesbenjaminwr, yes I have done this ebfore on my previous install.  I just don't remember how.02:46
aserpewhere do I find a gui listing of the services (sshd, httpd, etc) that are running?02:46
tiglionabbitdoes anyone know much about writing to ext3 from windows?02:46
benjaminwredit /ect/apt/sources.list02:46
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benjaminwryou have some already there02:46
benjaminwryou just have to uncomment them02:47
artist303hi all02:47
ubotuhmm... sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories02:47
b0urn3why won't firefox upgrade?  and how can i fix it?02:47
ubotufrom memory, firefox is version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"02:47
benjaminwrmrpickles, once you have edited sources.list02:47
benjaminwrmrpickles you have to apt-get update again02:47
tankimrpickles is another very cool name for a turtle02:48
[koji] !media02:48
ubotu[koji] : Are you smoking crack?02:48
b0urn3how about gstreamer and ubuntu-desktop?02:48
tankii might just buy a turtle so i can call it mrpickles02:48
tiglionabbitb0urn3: what about them?02:48
tankiwhat an ice breaker at parties02:48
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mrpicklestanki, justfor that im going to copy right the name "mrpickles"02:48
phziaserpe: System Monitor02:48
b0urn3tiglionabbit:  they are held back when i try and do apt-get upgrade02:48
aserpephzi: thanks!02:48
=== anto9us [~antoninus@cpc2-ptal1-5-1-cust109.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
phzinp aserpe02:49
tankimrpickles, too late, everything you say here is GPL'd02:49
tiglionabbitb0urn3: try apt-get dist-upgrade02:49
phzitruz24: do you have 2 CDrom drives?02:49
[koji] !help02:49
mrpicklestanki, what the fuck is GPL'D ?02:49
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benjaminwrgeneral public licensed02:50
tiglionabbitmrpickles: GNU Public Licence02:50
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tiglionabbitoh, it is general02:50
artist303I my nVidia gf 4 Mx440 card with a gf 4 Ti 4200 and X makes strange thing when starting. It starts in 640x480 and when I restart it with ctrl+alt+backspace, it comes up in 1024x768, the desired resolution02:50
artist303I replaced..02:50
mrpicklestiglionabbit, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAH >.^02:50
b0urn3tiglionabbit:  thanks...that seems to be working...  for future reference when should i do dist-upgrade instead of upgrade?02:50
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[koji] !codecs02:51
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, codecs is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats02:51
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tiglionabbitb0urn3: dist-upgrade allows it to upgrade when dependencies have changed.  upgrade only allows it to upgrade individual packages, without installing new dependencies02:51
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aruI swear the green light on that damn netgear ga511 lit up the other day in my laptop, but I must have been drunk02:51
krash3xdoes anyone know how to make 3d desktop work?02:51
tankihaha aru02:52
b0urn3tiglionabbit:  how do i know when dependencies change?02:52
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tiglionabbitb0urn3: well, warty used xserver-xfree86 and hoary uses xserver-xorg02:52
tiglionabbitb0urn3: just a general change in the libraries used.  regular upgrade doesn't allow it to uninstall anything, or install anything new02:53
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Nameeaterdoes ubuntu by default set a firewall?02:53
b0urn3tiglionabbit:  i'm getting an error now02:53
sharkedi need help from someone that knows a hell of a lot about linux and wants a challenge02:53
b0urn3tiglionabbit:  Errors were encountered while processing:02:53
b0urn3 /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox-gnome-support_1.0.4-1ubuntu3~5.04ubp5_i386.deb02:53
b0urn3E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:53
phziIgn http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net hoary-backports Release02:53
[koji] Nameater: needs firestarter02:53
tankiaru, http://www.g4tv.com/attackoftheshow/blog/AOTB/post/435246/Beer_Floats_Dairy_Curdling_Good.html02:54
phziwhat is that repository for?02:54
Nameeaterso it shouldn't be blocking any ports then?02:54
=== OdiiN [~jarl1@89.Red-81-32-113.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitb0urn3: that's pretty odd02:54
krash3xdoes anyone know how to change to 3d desktop I cant find it on my session menu02:54
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phzikrash3x: 3ddesk02:54
imaekWhen I first installed ubuntu on this computer, it gave me a list of resolutions and asked me to check the ones that my monitor supports, and it had a few default ones checked, so I left it.  Now, I want a larger resolution (I swear, even though it says 1204x768, it's like GIANT) and I need to edit that list.  How can I do this?02:54
sharkedi need help from someone that knows a hell of a lot about linux and wants a challenge02:55
Frank_dotkrash3x: I think you just run 3ddesk in a console02:55
tiglionabbitb0urn3: what does your sources.list look like?  (don't paste it here, use a pastebin)02:55
krash3xok thanks02:55
phzixbindkeys will probably come in handy02:55
phziand the xbindkeys-gui is nice too02:55
b0urn3i think it might have gotten it02:55
tiglionabbitsharked: don't repeat yourself.  And uh, if you want people who know a lot about linux, try #linux.  Or just ask the question02:55
=== zho40 [~zho40@user-24-214-168-103.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nameeaterimaek: /etc/X11/xorg.conf may help, there might be a better way tho02:55
aruI love tabbed browsing but sometimes I get so many tabs I cry02:56
Nameeaterbe brutal and kill then :>02:56
tankiaru, yeah but that beer tab was worth it02:56
b0urn3tiglionabbit:  i got it...i had to manually install gnome-firefox support02:56
imaekNameeater: do you happen to know the next step above 1024 x 768?02:56
tiglionabbitb0urn3: ok02:56
tanki1200x1024 i think02:56
phzi1280x1024 probably02:56
phzi1280x1024 is a higher res setting02:57
phziunless you want 11?? or w/e that one is02:57
tankidoes anyone here use linux screen savers or do you just have your monitor power down02:57
imaekokay, so I'm guessign I need to restart X-Server now (ctrl+alt+backspace), right?02:57
Ziggityhow do you refresh the database on Ubuntu?02:58
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=== dean_ is now known as Nameeater_
=== ixcatlan [~Default@c-24-245-15-22.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
tiglionabbitimaek: sure.  You can log out of gnome first though02:58
ksmurfyehaw.... I fix my nessus.... now for nmap.... On another note I am going to be moving my wife over to linux in the next week and I have a friend that I'm sick of fixing his 'doze box for.  Any suggestions on migrating them?  I've only been using for 8wks or so02:58
phzitanki: I use the default SSs02:58
Nameeater_imaek: lost connection, I use 1152x864, but the one after that is 1280x102402:59
sharkedIm installing ubuntu x64 on my new comp, it has a asus a8n-sli deluxe mb. i go through the installation process and everything goes ok, but when I get to reboot grub doesn't load at all. I get a system disk boot faliure message... I have tried cahnging hard disk order on the bios, and changing the hard disk. whatever I do, I get no grub at the end02:59
tankiksmurf, it's harder to sell linux to a loved one, especially a non-technical one02:59
sharkedcan ayone help02:59
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[koji] Ziggity: what database?02:59
OdiiNanyone have problem with the cpu use of video playback ( mplayer, vlc or totem )?02:59
=== MrJangles [dfghdfgdf@CPE0050bacbe689-CM000f212fb20c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ziggitythe repositories... file thing..03:00
tankiksmurf, what you should do is just set it up for her in such a way that it allows her to do whatever she does on the intraweb with very little interaction on her part03:00
[koji] Ziggity: sudo apt-get update03:00
MrJanglesi've changed the background of the terminal to a pic of mine, and now it wont open.. any ideas?03:00
=== kkathman [~kkathman@h-66-167-142-222.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
phzisharked: boot with a live CD or something, and try doing grub-install hd003:00
=== CerBerO_ [~CerBerO@pc-138-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ziggity[koji] ,  That gets me an update .. I'm sure theres a Refresh command??03:01
sharkedphzi i dont have a live cd03:01
Nameeater_MrJangles: remove the pic from the background, copy the pic, and reset it?03:01
phzithen I got nothing for you, I don't know if the installer CD can help you03:01
MrJanglesthe terminal wont open for me to get to the config03:01
phzidid you install grub to the MBR?03:01
tankiksmurf, true all good points but some people want their computer so they can do stuff, instead of just pushing a philosophy.. heh03:02
MrJanglesso i cant change the settings03:02
phzisharked: did you install grub to the MBR?03:02
sharkedphzi yes I did03:02
OdiiNis normal with a athlon64 3200+ have a 70% os cpu use when playing a xvid ?03:02
tankiand with your help you could ease the transition for her by, for example, picking a window manager for X that resembles microsoft windows03:02
sharkedphzi can I use grub on a floppy to load up and then install grub from ubuntu03:02
Ziggitycan I add an item ( shortcut) to a menu on Ubuntu? How?03:03
tankiand then fetching all the net apps she's used to like real player, aim, and so forth03:03
phzisharked: yes, you can03:03
MrJanglesis there any way to get to the terminal settings without going through the terminal?03:03
phziyou'll just have to write yourself a menu.lst file03:03
phzibut that's pretty easy03:03
tankisetting it up, icons, all that stuff..03:03
sharkedphzi woops...03:03
AmaranthMez: You called?03:04
sharkedphzi i just installed grub to a floppy and I get GRUB Read Error03:04
phziwell, that's kinda odd03:04
Mezamaranth, that was a while back :D bout a problem user03:04
Mezam of fbed now03:04
phzisharked: you've got me puzzled03:04
Amaranthnight Mez03:04
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sharkedphzi everybody I ask seems to have the same reaction...03:04
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ksmurf np03:05
lcharly_TheOnei have some problems with the instalation in a laptop AMD03:05
lcharly_TheOneConfigurando ttf-opensymbol (1.1.3-8ubuntu2) ...03:05
lcharly_TheOneupdating fontconfig cache...03:05
lcharly_TheOneFontconfig error cnat no load03:05
phziinstalling grub to a floppy shouldn't be able to fail03:05
sharkedphzi I think im gonna go crazy soon with this one03:05
phziyou don't have virus protection on in your bios do you?03:05
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thechitowncubshey everyone, im trying to repair my sis's computer, it freezes at the gdm, the activity cursor never stops spinning03:05
sharkedphzi no03:05
lcharly_TheOneand when ubuntu and ask me the password03:05
thechitowncubsi'm in the recovery mode root console, any advice on what to check?03:05
sharkedphzi new mobos don't have it03:05
lcharly_TheOnedon't charge ubuntu03:06
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thechitowncubsanyone have an clue :/03:06
MrJanglesmy terminal wont open, it think its the bg image i set, anyway to take that off without going through the terminal?03:06
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alxwindplz help! take a look here (http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/546)03:07
tiglionabbitthechitowncubs: can you switch to a virtual terminal while it's spinning?03:07
primoshow do I boot network in terminal?03:07
vidzMrJangles: What terminal do you use? gnome-terminal? try xterm and see what happens03:07
thechitowncubsi can't even get into the terminal by using CTRL+F103:07
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MrJanglesyea thats fine, and root terminal runs fine03:08
phzisharked: you gotta do d option03:08
ZiggityBye. and thanx to every1 that helped..03:08
phziwhen installing grub03:08
=== digitalfox [~urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
vidzprimos: "/etc/init.d/networking restart" I believe03:08
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scspongercould someone help me mount a newly installed cd writer?03:08
phziit's a buggy bios thing apparently, I'm reading about it03:08
primosvidz, thanks03:08
tankii can't wait for LinuxBIOS to mature03:08
MrJanglesi want to fix the gnome terminal tho03:09
vidztanki: LinuxBIOS is perfectly mature... for what it was designed for03:09
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tankividz, it has some ways to go so it can support a wider range of motherboards03:09
alxwindANYONE! PLZ HELP03:09
alxwindtake look here plz, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/54603:09
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vidztanki: It was designed for large clusters and fast booting servers, not desktops unfortunately03:10
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thechitowncubstiglionabbit: any ideas?03:10
scspongercould someone help me mount a newly installed cd writer?03:10
teferi_i'll ask my semi-daily question...anyone know when linux-restricted-modules for 2.6.12 will be in breezy?03:10
vidztanki: It works great for High Performance Computing and will probably never hit the desktop03:10
sharkedphzi what is d option?03:10
tankividz, you never know, some geeks have very powerful desktops these days03:10
bimberialxwind: Try "/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5/include" (ie. add /include to what you tried before)03:10
MrJanglesvidz: can i change the settings of the gnome terminal without opening it?03:10
=== FlannelKing [~flannel@crlsbd-cuda5-68-67-177-17.crlsca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
sharkedphzi what is d option?03:11
Kyralscsponger, find out what its /dev entry is and then make a /media mountpoint, then edit the fstab to link'em03:11
vidzMrJangles: Try another terminal and see if it opens. Like xterm03:11
MrJanglesyes those are fine03:11
alxwindit doesn't work03:11
MrJanglesbut id like to fix gnome03:11
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mpmcconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH03:11
mpmcSee `config.log' for more details.03:11
=== Kyral goes to customize his mountpoint
mpmcwere do I get the C complier03:12
Kyralmpmc: sudo apt-get install build-essentials03:12
tankividz, maybe it's fleeting but i see it being used for desktops too, maybe not your common run of the mill ones but the high performance ones03:12
hd420well, the solution i've reached is to just manually install apache, as everything else seems to be ok03:12
tankiafterall, it's hard to lump linux user's desktops in any catagory heh03:12
scspongerKyral.... I know its hdd... but thats about it... there is no entry in my /etc/fstab.... forgive me I'm new a linux03:13
tankisome are so powerful03:13
Kyralmpmc, look at what I just said03:13
vidztanki: What you see it for an what the developers and companies paying for it to be developed for see a little differently XD03:13
MrJanglesany idea vidz?03:13
Kyralscsponger, do a sudo mkdir /media/<whatever>03:13
sharkedphzi what is d option?03:13
Kyralthen sudo gedit /etc/fstab03:13
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scspongerKyral.... will do gimme a sec03:13
mpmcthanks you03:13
tankividz, do you think that IP will rear its ugly head in all of this?03:14
Kyralcopy your current CDROM line, replacing its /dev and /media entries with the ones for the new one03:14
VortacistQuestion about logfiles: On startup/shutdown, when all of the scripts in /etc/rc?.d are run - is all of that logged anywhere?  I'd like to go back and see what is happening on startup/shutdown.03:14
tankisee it's just the idea of being able to make a bios with no assembly, just C that gives me a woody hehe03:14
supernixHi does anyone know how to get midi files to play in Kubuntu ?03:15
Kyraltanki, you are officially a geek03:15
=== tanki sheds a tear of joy
^thehatsrule^supernix: play it in a media/audio player...03:15
tankii'm 28 and a virgin, i think i'm complete now03:15
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supernix^thehatsrule^: that is not a solution03:16
tankibeing called a geek by his peers.. completes me03:16
scspongerkyral... after making the dir should I see an entry in the fstab?03:16
Kyralscsponger, no03:16
struggleranybody know if upgrading the hoary libc6 with a debian one will get me in trouble?03:16
thechitowncubshey everyone, im trying to repair my sis's computer, it freezes at the gdm, the activity cursor never stops spinning03:16
thechitowncubsi'm in the recovery mode root console, any advice on what to check?03:16
^thehatsrule^supernix: what do you mean then? midi files are audio...03:16
thechitowncubsi can't even get into the terminal by using CTRL+F103:16
Kyralscsponger, you have to manually edit /etc/fstab03:16
thechitowncubsif im booting normally03:16
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supernixYes but you have to have something that will work to play them03:16
MrJanglesis there anyway to change gnome terminal settings without going through the terminal?>03:17
supernixJust saying play them in a compatible program does not provide any useful answer03:17
scspongergotcha Kyral03:17
Vortacistsupernix: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#add-onapplications has info about installing media players.03:17
Kyralscsponger, sudo gedit /etc/fstab, then copy your current CDROM line, replacing its /dev and /media entries with the ones for the new drive03:17
=== Sherei [~Sherei@053M02.oasis.mediatti.net] has joined #ubuntu
sharkedcan anyone tell me what the d option to install grub is?03:18
sharkedand how to use it from ubuntu install03:18
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scspongerGotcha Kyral.... I'll do this and get back to you in a sec03:19
struggleranybody know of the existence of a backport of postgresql 8 for hoary?03:19
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rainingzigzagswhy is my web browsing on linux dirt slow but when i jump on my windows partion it flys03:19
sharkedcan anyone tell me what the d option to install grub is?03:19
sharkedand how to use it from ubuntu install03:19
=== Druke [~druke@71-11-166-58.dhcp.sprn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
alxwind10x everyone i got vmware installed finally03:20
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b0urn3i just added a new screen resolution to the xorg.config file, how do i refresh X?03:20
VortacistDoes anything log the messages that display on startup/shutdown...you know, "Some-servie-or-other....[ok] "?  (Or do you just have to read really quickly? :p )03:21
misfit_toyrainingzigzags, name resolution03:21
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dylan_what is the best linux media player?  im currently using xmms03:21
seth_kb0urn3: CTRL ALT BACKSPACE will kill X.03:21
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vidzdylan_: Do you like xmms?03:22
b0urn3seth_k:  thanks03:22
Kyraldylan_, asking that will start a flame war :P03:22
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dylan_not too much03:22
lcharly_TheOnei need drivers for an ATi video card on a laptop??03:22
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vidzdylan_: I use beep-media-player and it's pretty good. It is just a gtk2 version of xmms03:22
dylan_does beep-media-player support quicktime?  is there an alternative to quicktime?03:22
vidzdylan_: rhythmbox is also really good featurewise. It is alot more like apple's itunes03:22
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jodeWhat is a good anti-virus for ubuntu besides clamav?03:22
dylan_rhytmhbox would not support mp3s03:22
siimohi can someone help me recover my grub install? i get a stage 1.5 error or something03:23
KyralLinux not need AV :P03:23
vidzjode: LINUX doesn't need antivirus03:23
Vortacistdylan_: If you want something for video, I recommend VLC. Plays just about anything with no fuss.03:23
vidzdylan_: Open up synaptic...03:23
jodeok, thanks03:23
rainingzigzagsmisfit_toy, i use the same resolution in both windows and linux 1024x76803:23
KyralYanno, I keep forgetting about Synaptic03:23
rc51woodyquestion: is there anyone in here that uses gay.com? if so would you message me plz03:23
Kyralrainingzigzags, he meant the Domain Name Resolution03:23
rainingzigzagshow do i find that out?03:24
Kyralrc51woody, why does that seem like a porn site?03:24
zukalkrc51woody, huh?03:24
[koji] lol03:24
rc51woodywell there is a chat area03:24
tankilinux doesn't have many true binary viruses because in general, no two linux systems are alike so it's hard for a virus writer to make something that works on all linux users03:24
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rc51woodythat the java i have doesnt allow me to chat03:24
=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rc51woodynot a porn site, unless you use it for that ;)03:24
zukalkrc51woody, why would you wanna chat at that site?03:25
tankithere are linux viruses out there but very few03:25
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mebaran151I need Mono on Debian03:25
mebaran151Ubuntu that is03:25
KyralI'm thinking because he's gay perhaps?03:25
rc51woodyok ok ok, im gay :(03:25
siimoThe file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly. is what i get when i do grub-install /dev/hda  can someone help please?03:25
mrpicklescould someone tell me why flashplayer plays with no sound after it installed? I just installed flash player using apt get and everything works except the sound.03:25
Kyralrc51woody, no shame, I'm bisexual03:25
mebaran151where can get the Mono pkgs03:25
zukalkah, so it's not porn03:25
tankimost people who use a virus scanner for linux, use it to scan files/emails that are intended for windows boxes (ala. mail server)03:25
=== Arkainium^3 [~mark@pool-70-107-113-126.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Will_My best friend is gay! And his boyfriend too.. *grin* We're going to a movie tomorrow03:26
rc51woodyim thinkin that you and i are not the only ones here03:26
tankioh he left03:26
tankii feel stupid now03:26
mebaran151I need everything I would need to write an executable that could be run as a cgi03:26
mebaran151I am using lighttpd03:26
mebaran151anyboyd know03:26
mebaran151google is inconclusive03:26
KyralGay, Bi, or Hetero, we are all humans03:26
rc51woodyhell ya03:26
mrpicklescould someone tell me why flashplayer plays with no sound after it installed? I just installed flash player using apt get and everything works except the sound03:26
mebaran151and synaptic doesnt do anything I need it too03:26
Will_Kyral: Not true. I, for one, am a meat popsicle03:26
zukalkKyral, rc51woody, that's the ubuntu spirit, ain't it?03:26
Kyralhomophobes sickin me03:26
mebaran151as it wont install the base libraries03:26
rc51woodyso Kyral, do you know java for linux well?03:26
rc51woodyyour right on zu03:26
mebaran151setting up Java on AMD64 can kill small children03:27
Kyralrc51woody, aside from getting Azureus to work?03:27
Kyralnope :P03:27
[koji] !java03:27
ubotufrom memory, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java03:27
primosgnome is shitty, must turn get to xfce :) ->03:27
mrpicklescould someone tell me why flashplayer plays with no sound after it installed? I just installed flash player using apt get and everything works except the sound03:27
=== Nameeater [~subspace@210-246-6-208.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
KyralUbuntu: Linux for Human Beings!03:27
Kyralnow we need a country :D03:27
mpmcGnome is much better than Kubuntu :)03:28
rc51woodyKyral: can i private msg you?03:28
=== b0urn3 [~b0urn3@CPE-69-76-231-91.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mebaran151ANYONE know about Mono here03:28
aruI had mono once03:28
KyralUbuntu! The Country for human beings03:28
Kyralyah sure03:28
Amaranthmebaran151: Sort of.03:28
mebaran151Amaranth, I want to set up a base system03:28
mebaran151that can serve a mono cgi03:28
Kyraloh, no one has to ask to PM me btw03:28
rainingzigzagsso how do i make my browsing on linux faster?03:28
mebaran151I need the mono packages03:28
mebaran151my only problem is03:28
b0urn3ok....first off, you guys have been amazing this evening with the help....i've got an odd question...03:28
mrpicklesis there anyone willing to spend some of their time to help me ?03:28
mebaran151that I think they are only available for 32 bits at the moment03:28
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Amaranthmebaran151: Yeah, if they work in hoary on AMD64 it's a miracle.03:29
Kyral64bit, sorry can't help you03:29
mebaran151and my favorite thing is to run Linux 64 bit edition .... (someone will die one day because of that choice)03:29
Amaranthmebaran151: The 1.1.x versions that breezy has are _a lot_ better.03:29
mebaran151IO dont wnat to write a JIT compiler my self03:29
mebaran151but do they run 64 bits03:29
mebaran151if I write a program in mono though03:29
mebaran151I would need to cross compile it03:29
aruhow do you tell which kernel version you have?03:30
mebaran151to run it on 32 bits right?03:30
b0urn3i had upgraded to a new video card when i was still using windows...but when i tried to use windows the video card pulled too much power and the monitor wouldn't work (running on an old dell dimension)...if i use the driver from nvidia will i start drawing too much power again?03:30
mebaran151or is the intermediate language it uses abstract enough that architecture differences disappear03:30
mebaran151guess who is moving to breezy :)03:30
zukalkb0urn3, why don't you get new power surge unit?03:30
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Nameeateris breezy still in testing?03:31
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b0urn3zukalk:  because i am an impoverished law student :)03:31
mebaran151looks like I am going to be compiling from source03:31
Amaranthmebaran151: it'll work on amd64, x86, ppc, alpha, and i think sparc03:31
KyralVery Unstable!03:31
AmaranthKyral: To be fair it does work today.03:31
Nameeaterok :)03:31
=== MrJangles [dfghdfgdf@CPE0050bacbe689-CM000f212fb20c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
KyralAs in no X screwups?03:32
AmaranthKyral: It'll probably break again tomorrow, but the stuff in main at least is almost past the 'die every other day' point.03:32
Amaranthyeah, for me03:32
MrJanglesmy gnome terminal wont open, is there anyway to change the settings without opening it?03:32
aioMrJangles what happens when you try to open it?03:32
rc51woodycan you install windows xp as a 2nd OS if you already have Ubuntu installed?03:32
MrJanglescloses right away03:32
mebaran151Amaranth, yep it does03:32
mebaran151but when I run the compiler03:33
MrJanglesi think its got to do with the bg image i chose03:33
mebaran151it isnt like compiling C right03:33
pepsixMrJangles, gconf-editor?03:33
mebaran151I read it uses an intermediate language03:33
zukalkb0urn3, can't you plug your monitor directly to the current, without using the PC?03:33
Amaranthit's compiled down to CIL03:33
mebaran151that is kind of like Java bytecode03:33
aioMrJangles what if you run an xterm, then try to run a gnome terminal03:33
tiglionabbitrc51woody: yes you can, but you'll have to restore grub after you do it03:33
Amaranthso that .exe will run anywhere mono runs03:33
mebaran151I could never get bytecode to port correctly03:33
mebaran151is it fast though03:33
MrJanglesthanks :D03:33
MrJanglesi'll try that too03:33
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Amaranthmebaran151: startup is slower than pure C, of course03:34
mebaran151I know that03:34
mebaran151but the main thing03:34
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mebaran151is will it be faster than Python/Ruby03:34
aiojava sucks03:34
Amaranthmebaran151: it's funny, GTK# actually uses less RAM than PyGTK03:34
ubotutiglionabbit: Are you smoking crack?03:34
aioc# sucks03:34
mebaran151I would think so03:34
tiglionabbitubotu recover is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:34
ubotuokay, tiglionabbit03:34
mebaran151aio, why does it suck03:34
aiomebaran151 which one?03:34
Adrosshow do i mount an ext3 drive?03:34
Amaranthaio: Have you used it?03:34
mebaran151it looks like a pretty powerful language03:34
tiglionabbitguys, don't just say something sucks, tell us why03:34
Amaranthaio: Either one.03:34
mebaran151Java I dont like03:35
tiglionabbitAdross: know the device name?03:35
mebaran151but I know it can be used03:35
Amaranthaio: I've used both and they both have their place.03:35
mebaran151I am thinking of developing in C#03:35
tiglionabbitAdross: mount /dev/sda4 /somewhere03:35
MrJangleshmm, i can launch it from xterm03:35
mebaran151and hooking it all up with ruby03:35
aioAmaranth java sucks because 1) you've got sun behind it and no single strong open source alternative.03:35
MrJanglesbut it goes to root terminal03:35
tiglionabbitAdross: make the /somewhere any directory you want, but it must exist and be empty03:35
mebaran151aio, that is all cool03:35
=== pmazer [~pmazer@c-67-191-170-172.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotufrom memory, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java03:35
mebaran151but C# is open souurce03:35
mebaran151I think03:35
rc51woodytiglionabbit: how do i restore grub after i install xp03:36
mebaran151the Mon project lets me check out code!03:36
Adrossyeh, cheers03:36
uboturecover is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:36
pgavinmebaran151, uhh, not really, there is an open source implementation, tho03:36
pepsixMrJangles, you can change the background image in gconf-editor03:36
Amaranthaio: 1) sun isn't that bad and 2) the gcj and classpath guys would like you saying that03:36
Adrossi was putting -ext3 in there03:36
aioAmaranth 2) trying to actually *do* anything is a pain in the butt.  do you actually remember how to open a file and read lines from it from memory?03:36
aioAmaranth 1) sun's future isn't that bright03:36
=== arentie [~marndt@CPE-69-23-109-1.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Adrossanyway, now thats done, how do i change my home directory to a different partition?03:36
MrJanglesi'm looking, i dont think i can03:36
mebaran151pgavin, that is like saying UNIX is not open source right now, but FreeBSD is an open source implementation03:36
aioAmaranth 3) java is virtually unusable without an IDE with lots of bells and whistles03:36
[koji] aio: sun's may not be but the platform is thriving03:36
mebaran151to me, if it has a free implementation, it is free enough03:36
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tiglionabbitAdross: it's not necessary, but if you must specify the type, say "-t ext3" instead03:36
mebaran151aio, but why does C# suck03:36
MrJanglesah yes i can03:36
mebaran151looks interesting03:37
Adrosstiglionabbit, i did03:37
pgavinmebaran151, well, the only C# reference implementation is closed source03:37
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aioAmaranth 4) it is *way* too strongly typed despite what they are tying to accomplish in version 503:37
pgavinmebaran151, but there are multiple open source implementations of unix that can be used as a reference03:37
Will_It's easy to code java without an ide03:37
tiglionabbitAdross: um, if you mount a partition as /home it should replace it, but you wont be able to access the things in there anymore.  You should set it in your fstab03:37
mebaran151why cant we use Mono.net as a reference03:37
Will_Unless you count vim as an ide03:37
goatseubuntu doesnt like my laptop =(03:37
mebaran151once the project matures a little more03:37
mebaran151it seems it will be reference enoguh03:37
tiglionabbitgoatse: and I don't like your website03:37
aiomebaran151 c# sucks because 1) its primary patron is Microsoft.  this is a good thing but the negative, i think, outweigh it.03:37
arentieLimeWire states that my "Quality" is Disconnected, but I can search for files; however, I cannot download anything03:37
pgavinmebaran151, well, sure, after its mature, but its not right now03:37
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goatsetiglionabbit: dont go there?03:38
Amaranthit's mature right now03:38
aiomebaran151 2) same thing goes for c# as java on the whole IDE thing03:38
Adrosstiglionabbit, won't be able to access the things in which? MY old partition which i just mounted in /home, or the home folder it replaced?03:38
MrJanglesi can change the default one, but not the one for my profile03:38
aiomebaran151 3) same thing goes for c# as java on static typing03:38
Amaranthunless you need security zones or System.Windows.Forms03:38
tiglionabbitAdross: folder it replaced03:38
aiomebaran151 4) same thing goes for c# as java on actually getting stuff done03:38
Adrossah k, fine with me03:38
Adrossjust reinstalled u see03:38
Amaranthaio: Have you ever worked on a major project in Java or C#?03:39
pgavinmebaran151, plus, C# has lots of windows specific details which would have to be emulated in mono03:39
Adrossdo i have to do it outside of x?03:39
Amaranthpgavin: Not really true at all.03:39
arentiedoes anyone know anything about LimeWire?03:39
aioAmaranth yes.  i did a small part of the dev and a huge part of the QA on a 100,000 LOC project in java03:39
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mebaran151pgavin, eh that is true03:39
Amaranthah, you got stuck with the shit job, of course you hate java03:40
mebaran151i just dont want to write in bare C03:40
mebaran151and C# looks sort of neet03:40
aioAmaranth deployed to BEA03:40
MrJangleshmm, it might not have to do with the bg image.. it opens, it displays everything for a split second, and closes03:40
MrJanglesany ideas?03:40
aioAmaranth ummm....no - java just sucks.  i could've had a bigger part of the dev work, but i didn't want to work with java.03:40
mebaran151so what do you guys think I should use03:41
aioMrJangles did you try the xterm thing?03:41
mebaran151I want to build a pretty complex web application03:41
rainingzigzagscan ubuntu be installed on a modded xbox?03:41
MrJanglesyes, and it opens the terminal, but as root03:41
mebaran151I prototyped in Ruby which is uber neat03:41
AmaranthThe most I've ever done with Java is bugfixes on a project, so I can't argue there.03:41
pgavinthe OSS implementation of C# isn't any better than any OSS implementation of Java, and all of them are incomplete and of limited utility atm03:41
mebaran151all of you should try it; one of the more sensibly designed language03:41
aioMrJangles any errors?03:41
AmaranthBut I've done some work with C# and it's not bad at all.03:41
aiomebaran151 i'd take a peek at python03:41
mebaran151I know python03:41
AmaranthI prefer Python and always will but C# has a place.03:41
mebaran151I hate python03:41
mebaran151because Ruby can do eveyrthing python can do03:41
MrJanglesbut i cant run a terminal unless i'm root03:41
mebaran151except it feels better thought out03:42
crimsunthere is no single high level language that does everything well03:42
tiglionabbitMrJangles: what?03:42
pgavinmebaran151, well, both are turing complete :)03:42
Amaranthpgavin: Stop speaking about things you know nothing about.03:42
pgavinAmaranth, lol03:42
MrJanglesi can open the root terminal fine03:42
mebaran151pgavin, yep both are turing complete03:42
aioMrJangles yeah - what?03:42
Amaranthpgavin: Mono is more than complete enough to be usable.03:42
MrJanglesbut the regular terminal will not open03:42
mebaran151I woudl hope03:42
MrJanglesit closes right away03:42
tiglionabbitMrJangles: right-click your desktop and click on "launch terminal"03:42
aioMrJangles can you open xterm as non-root?03:42
mebaran151crimsun, but I think Ruby has a better design03:42
tiglionabbitMrJangles: oh, okay, you must have done something to your .bashrc03:42
Amaranthmebaran151: You think _Ruby_ is better thought out?03:42
MrJanglesyup, closes right away03:42
mebaran151not than C#03:43
mebaran151but the syntax is SO nice03:43
Amaranthmebaran151: Hey, where can I get that crack?03:43
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mebaran151alot of the implementation is crappy03:43
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crimsunmebaran151: than some languages? sure. It's by no means the end-all be-all, though.03:43
xuniluserGood Day!03:43
pgavinAmaranth, the same could be said of gcj; and besides, where is the deluge of C# apps based on mono?03:43
mebaran151crimsun, never said that03:43
crimsunmebaran151: didn't say you did03:43
mebaran151that is why I am looking into Mono03:43
aiomebaran151 ruby just looks like perl on OO sterhoids...03:43
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mebaran151aio, I liked perl too until I found ruby03:43
mebaran151so I guess that might be why03:43
crimsunwell, perl did strongly influence ruby's early development03:43
aiomebaran151 i liked perl too, until i tried to do OO03:44
Will_perl is always there, and always easy03:44
xuniluserWhat password would I enter when asked after i clicked on the "add/remove programs"? I tried the root password and it doesn't work. Thanks03:44
mebaran151aio, yep03:44
crimsunanyhow, this is all great, but let's help with some Ubuntu issues, eh?03:44
aiomebaran151 then i found Python and haven't looked back since.03:44
mebaran151I tried python03:44
scspongerKyral... it worked I can see I have a blank disc in my drive... but I still can't seem to burn a cd03:44
mebaran151the problem for me was whitespacing03:44
mebaran151I love to put in random indents03:44
mebaran151and that drove the python compiler nutty03:44
Amaranthpgavin: Well, there are a bunch of major ones you might have heard of. Beagle, Dashboard, Tomboy, Blam, F-Spot, and some more I can't remember the names of.03:44
tiglionabbitmebaran151: yes, python cares about whitespace..03:44
Amaranthmebaran151: Remind me to never work on any code you've touched. :P03:45
MrJangleshow can i fix the .bashrc?03:45
pgavinAmaranth, no, none of them :)03:45
aioscsponger what all symptoms are you having?03:45
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mebaran151Amaranth, it isnt so bad03:45
mebaran151it is just not pythony03:45
alxwindcan anyone advise a good cd brning program?03:45
aioscsponger does it pop up nautilus in burn:/// and not let you burn?03:45
tiglionabbitMrJangles: well, looj at it and see what bash isn't liking you for03:45
Amaranthpgavin: Major search tool, cracktastic thing in development, note taker with wiki links, feed reader, and major photo manager.03:46
=== tiglionabbit tries to type with a popsicle in hand
MrJanglessorry, i'm new, i dont know how to look at it03:46
mebaran151Amaranth, it still looks like a cool language, c#03:46
scspongeraio yes that is correct03:46
mebaran151worth learning03:46
mebaran151it also looks enterprise friendly03:46
Amaranthmebaran151: It is, but I always end up turning back to Python.03:46
scspongerthe cd/dvd creator will not let me burn03:46
aioscsponger i had the same problem the past couple days.03:46
Amaranthmebaran151: But it's nice to put on a resume that I know C#. :)03:46
tiglionabbitMrJangles: I'd suggest you try and login as a normal user from the virtual terminal.  Does it give any odd messages other than the MOTD?03:46
mebaran151I think Ruby and Python are comparable03:46
mebaran151I tried to do this in Ruby but now I have two key problems03:46
Vortacistalxwind: I like xcdroast myself.03:46
rainingzigzagshow do i check dns settings in this distro?03:47
scspongerit asks me to insert a 108MB?  disc03:47
mebaran151one,the guy who needs the code needs it to be closed src03:47
Amaranthmebaran151: Except Python looks nice and Ruby looks like a bunch of hacks to Perl. :D03:47
MrJanglesi can run a terminal from another account03:47
alxwindis it available through synaptic?03:47
aioscsponger that's a little comforting that it may not be my hardware :-)03:47
MrJanglesits only the account i'm in03:47
mebaran151Amaranth, the ruby guys say the same thing about python03:47
scspongeraio... haha03:47
aioscsponger doesn't do that for me.03:47
tiglionabbitMrJangles: definately your .bashrc03:47
MrJangleswhen i changed the settings around to customize it, it wont open03:47
mebaran151a hacked on Object oriented extension03:47
scspongeraio... oh? not anymore?03:47
Amaranthmebaran151: btw, you actually liked perl?03:47
MrJangleshow can i fix it?03:47
mebaran151it was usable03:47
Amaranthmebaran151: I liked it until I got up to about 500 lines of code.03:47
Vortacistalxwind: Probably, although I haven't used it on Ubuntu (just other Linuxes). You'd have to check.03:47
scspongeraio.. did you change anything?03:47
mebaran151you need to write over 1000 lines03:48
mebaran151and then you go03:48
mebaran151hey, I can get this03:48
alxwindok, ty03:48
tiglionabbitsay MrJangles, can you Applications -> run application -> "xterm" ?03:48
Vortacistalxwind: You're welcome.03:48
mebaran151at 500 lines I was angry too03:48
aioscsponger yeah - i rebooted couple times and it started behaving a little better, but i'm still concerned it may happen smoe more...03:48
Amaranthyou write over 1000 lines and then you go "wtf does this do?" and then you stab yourself03:48
mebaran151but if you get in the mind set03:48
MrJanglesxterm is fine, root termianl is fine03:48
xuniluseri can't i play mp3 files in my new ubuntu 5.0.403:48
mebaran151it is just like any other language03:48
mebaran151and it can be run anywhere03:48
tiglionabbitMrJangles: but gnome-terminal messes up?03:48
mebaran151Amaranth, I have two key problems03:48
mebaran151for this current project03:48
MrJanglesit opens and closes right away03:48
tiglionabbitMrJangles: open xterm as you, and run gnome-terminal from it.  Any messages?03:48
Amaranthgood python code practically reads like psuedo-code03:48
scspongeraio... hmm... could you look at my fstab... and see if it makes sense... i'm still new to this03:48
thechitowncubshow can i remove an unempty directory with the CLI FTP client?03:48
MrJanglesthats fine, but it runs as root03:49
mebaran151I need to be able to03:49
MrJanglesit doesnt run as my profile03:49
aioscsponger sure03:49
tiglionabbitMrJangles: don't run it as root03:49
aioscsponger paste to pastebin03:49
xuniluserwhat should i do? I can't play mp3 with the new ubuntu03:49
MrJanglesit wont give me an option\03:49
mebaran151obfuscate my code03:49
MrJangleslet me log in and out again and try it03:49
mebaran151so that it can be part of this closed source deal03:49
tiglionabbitMrJangles: when you just do applications -> run, and type in xterm, that shouldn't end up as root...03:49
mebaran151and it has to be pretty fast03:49
scsponger# /etc/fstab: static file system information.03:49
scsponger# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>03:49
scspongerproc            /procproc    defaults        0       003:49
scsponger/dev/hda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       103:49
scsponger/dev/hda5       none            swap    sw              0       003:49
scsponger/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       003:49
mebaran151and easy to web interface03:49
scsponger/dev/hdd/media/cdrecorderudf,iso9660ro,user,noauto0       003:49
scsponger/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       003:49
rainingzigzagsin my dns settings why would it say under the search domains....  domain.invalid??03:49
tiglionabbitsproingie: no pasting here, use a pastebin please03:49
Amaranthmebaran151: Then you want C# or C.03:49
scspongeraio.... sorry thats a mess03:49
Amaranthmebaran151: C# can be decompiled though03:50
tiglionabbitI mean scsponger no pasting here03:50
aioscsponger yeah - that's why i said to pastebin :-)03:50
mebaran151how easy can C# be compiled03:50
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Amaranthone command03:50
scspongersorry all03:50
mebaran151I mean decompiled03:50
Amaranthone command :P03:50
MrJanglesah yes03:50
MrJanglesit opens and closes03:50
MrJanglessame thing03:50
Amaranthyou lose all the comments and such03:50
tiglionabbitMrJangles: no messages in your xterm?03:50
Amaranthand i think the decompiler costs lots of money03:50
aioscsponger  what is udf filesystem?03:50
xuniluserMrJangles: Can you help me? what should i do? I can't play mp3 with the new ubuntu03:50
mebaran151decompiling wont be too big a deal03:50
aioanyone - what is udf filesystem?03:51
mebaran151I couldnt find anyway to obfuscate python or ruby03:51
AmaranthI probably shouldn't mention all the C decompilers. :P03:51
mebaran151I know03:51
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mebaran151but those are sort of crappy03:51
ubotupastebin is, like, at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ or #flood03:51
mebaran151much of the time03:51
MrJanglesxuniluser: apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad03:51
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scspongeraio... not really sure.... the other drives were installed at installations03:51
scspongeraio installation03:51
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Amaranthmebaran151: reverse engineering something is almost always harder than writing someone from scratch that does the same thing.03:51
xuniluserMrJangles: thanks a lot...03:51
Amarantherr, something03:51
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MrJanglesso whats wrong with my .bashrc?03:52
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MrJanglesand how can i go about fixing it :)03:52
scspongeraio... i just copied the same options... I had for my other cdrom.... I realize its probably wrong03:52
scspongeraio for my writer03:52
aioscsponger was the other a writer?03:52
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mebaran151Amaranth, it just doesnt have to be as easy as03:52
mebaran151vim mycode.rb03:52
aruapparently my pc card nic will work with a realtek 8169 driver, is the only way I get that to work is recompile the kernel?03:52
Amaranthmebaran151: There are 'compilers' for Python that fix that somewhat.03:53
tiglionabbitMrJangles: here, I'll give you my .bashrc and you can try it.  Back yours up.  pridelands.org/~spinifex/.bashrc03:53
aioaru you could use ndis.03:53
aioaru never done it, but it's supposed to be easy.03:53
scspongeraio... yes it is .... and strange enough in sees it in gnomebaker and cd/dvd creator03:53
MrJangleswhere do i find it to back it up?03:53
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ubotualternative is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant03:53
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tiglionabbitMrJangles: it should be in your home directory.  ls -a to see it03:53
Amaranthmebaran151: They basically inject the code directly into the interpreter and present it as a 4MB program that runs on it's own (still needs GTK libraries and such if you use them).03:53
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crimsunaru: you could compile the module externally using linux-headers-$(uname -r) and build-essential03:54
aioscsponger hmmm...ok - you got me stumped.  i dunno.  have you googled around?03:54
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sizzamim looking for recommendations for an ftp server.  i want to have no anonymous access and just use the existing user accounts on the system as logins03:54
aruI'll check it out, thanks03:54
aruI dont follow you crimsun :)03:54
mebaran151Amaranth, I know about those03:54
mebaran151the perl ones suck03:54
aruI've never actually compiled a kernel03:54
blmartin771Can I make gnome terminal transparent?03:54
mebaran151I might try diveintopython03:55
crimsunaru: install those two packages, then compile the rtl8169 driver externoally03:55
scspongeraio... I have... but I can't seem to find a how-to with ubuntu and cd writers03:55
tiglionabbitblmartin771: you can set the background to mimic your desktop background03:55
Amaranthdiveintopython is a book03:55
mebaran151Is the python community nicer than the ruby community?03:55
rainingzigzagscan ubuntu be installed on a modded xbox?03:55
tiglionabbitblmartin771: edit -> current profile -> effects03:55
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Amaranthmebaran151: Well, I've never seen the ruby community.03:55
aiomebaran151 the python community is great.03:55
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Amaranthmebaran151: They are great until you try to do stupid things.03:55
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aruok, brb03:56
aiomebaran151 not sure if i'd say they are better than the ubuntu community, but they're great.03:56
mebaran151Amaranth, like what sort of stupid thing03:56
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mebaran151like I asked on the channel to volunteer for the Ruby community03:56
scspongeraio ... any ideas?03:56
mebaran151to gian experience and such03:56
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hanasakiis there an nvidia package for kernel
blmartin771tiglionabbit: Thanks that is exactly what I wanted03:56
mebaran151and they all scoffed meanly03:56
tiglionabbitblmartin771: gewd03:56
mebaran151I'd like a commnity that isnt too bad about newbs03:56
crimsunhanasaki: no03:57
tiglionabbitmebaran151: this one's not so bad =)03:57
aruok, wheres the reference for compiling a kernel03:57
aioscsponger none...you could try rebooting.  that probably won't help you.  you could try removing the hardware configuration from wherever you can and reboot and see if ubuntu reconfgirues it...03:57
hanasakicrimsun:  bummer.. so is there someway to get it going? or i have to wait?03:57
Amaranthmebaran151: Like using exec or other potentially insecure things.03:57
Amaranthmebaran151: or using lambda's03:57
crimsunaru: why compile a kernel? Just compile the kernel module.03:57
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Amaranthor map() or filter()03:57
mebaran151oh using exec would be a very silly thing to do03:57
arucrimsun, again I have no idea what the means03:58
mebaran151what does map() or filter do in python?03:58
aiomebaran151 exec() has its places....03:58
mebaran151just the places are few are far between03:58
aiomebaran151 they're quasi functional programming functions03:58
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mebaran151not iterators03:58
AmaranthIf exec is the answer you're asking the wrong question.03:58
Amaranth(stolen from the PHP saying)03:58
aiomebaran151 map() calls the specified function on a specified list.03:59
tiglionabbitmebaran151: I'd guess it does the same thing as in perl, but I'm not quite sure.  In perl it let you write a section of code, and have it run for multiple variables it would substitute in03:59
sproingieguido wants to get rid of map in favor of list comprehensions.  bugger all...03:59
mebaran151well not really cool03:59
aioAmaranth not necessarily.  it can get you into trouble, but if you manage it well it can serve you well.03:59
AmaranthIf eval() is the answer, you're almost certainly asking the wrong question. -- Rasmus Lerdorf, BDFL of PHP03:59
mebaran151Amaranth, in C#03:59
mebaran151how is the SQL binding03:59
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mebaran151I need to bind to a PostgreSQL database03:59
tiglionabbitsort of like a loop, you could say map{ print $_ } "1", "pie", "cheese"; and it would print 1 pie cheese04:00
mebaran151for it do anything for me04:00
Amaranththe same as every other language?04:00
mebaran151oh good04:00
mebaran151it exists04:00
Amaranthtiglionabbit: That's ugly as hell.04:00
mebaran151had to compile the ruby one04:00
scspongeraio... see thats the thing... when I recently put in the new burner... I was under the impression that Ubuntu would have some kindof new hardware wizard. Something of that sort... But nothing ever happened. I installed gnomebaker... believing that maybe the writer was already installed. Gnomebaker acuatlly saw the drive... but I was unable to write to it, same holds true for CD/DVD recoreder. I've mounted the drive manually... Which I can now see, but am s04:00
scspongertill unable to write to it04:00
tiglionabbitAmaranth: lol, was just a stupid example04:00
Amaranthtiglionabbit: This is map Python 3 won't have map, filter, or lambda.04:00
tiglionabbitAmaranth: there are much better uses04:00
Amarantherr, this is why python 304:00
sproingienaw, perl map is pretty ugly no matter how you slice it04:00
sproingiei use perl every day04:00
qbasicAnyone know whats going on here? I try to install Ubuntu on my HP Omnibook 4150 (laptop). The install goes well until it asks me to remove the installation CD and reboot. I reboot and it starts to uncompress and install packages, and then it hangs, with the terminal text flying across my monitor, flickering sort of.. =\04:00
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rainingzigzagswhat other browser alternatives are there to firefox in linux?04:01
Amaranthtiglionabbit: There is no use for that that isn't easier to read expanded into a function or loop.04:01
sproingierainingzigzags: i'm partial to konqueror04:01
mebaran151Amaranth, I had to help finish the one in Ruby04:01
mebaran151stupid MySQL junkies04:01
crimsunaru: actually, it's even simpler than that.04:01
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crimsunaru: sudo modprobe r816904:01
zukalkrainingzigzags, opera04:01
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tiglionabbitAmaranth: what about map{ handle( $_ ) } @list; ?04:01
mebaran151eclipse looks rather neet04:01
Amaranthtiglionabbit: I don't even fscking know what that does.04:02
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sproingieAmaranth: there's no program that can't be exploded into S, K, and apply.  doesn't mean you want to write programs in them04:02
tiglionabbitAmaranth: would execute Handle on every element of the array "list"04:02
tiglionabbitwhatever handle() happens to be04:02
ex-parrotanyone know how to make MP3 previews from nautilus work in Hoary? I had it working at some point.... istr it may've been under warty...04:02
Amaranthtiglionabbit: read that04:02
arucrimsun, I'm off to try it, if my clone comes in then its working :)04:02
tiglionabbit=P I could be saying that wrong though, and you're right in most cases04:02
ex-parrotignore me, installed mpg123 and it works now04:03
MrJanglestiglionabbit: do i need to restart?04:03
MrJanglesor just replace the file04:03
mebaran151Goddman GTK# look snice04:03
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Amaranthmebaran151: Anything that isn't GTK's C API is nice.04:03
mebaran151too true04:03
mebaran151one of the reason's I dont liek using C04:04
tiglionabbitMrJangles: no..04:04
scspongeraio ... you still there?04:04
bob2pygtk 4 life.04:04
mebaran151I actually have moved to making most of my apps served by html04:04
MrJanglesthen it did not work :(04:04
AmaranthBut the APIs are all pretty much the same for GTK no matter what language you're using.04:04
mebaran151kind of why I took up Ruby, because Ruby on Rails looked promising04:04
AmaranthIt's just that some languages have real objects and some fake them.04:04
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mebaran151is breezy ready for the monodeveloper04:05
mebaran151that means I am willing to fix minor problems04:05
mebaran151and maybe even patcha  thing or too04:05
mebaran151but I dont want to watch X never start up again04:05
mebaran151or be forced to shoot my computer with a rifle04:05
blmartin771How come when I put the backports in my /etc/apt/sources.list it says I have updates and wants to downgrade packages?04:05
=== theblue [~theblue@pcp04402877pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubunturoxcan anyone help me out with nfs?  its working but its pretty sllllooooow.04:05
theblueHi all.04:05
osuchwjoin #twisted04:05
mebaran151what is the channel for c sharp04:06
mebaran151ubunturox, uh nfs, why not just use Samba04:06
theblueI have a sound problem.04:06
tiglionabbittheblue: don't we all?04:06
crimsuntheblue: what sort?04:06
theblueWell, I'm running Hoary on an old HP system, with an onboard sonud card.04:06
theblueI know ubuntu detects it, since little alert sounds come through fine.04:07
sproingiemebaran151: ##csharp04:07
ubunturoxhehehe, i would but i got a dir with about 1800 folders.  it lists all the dirs and when i open a file about half or all of them disappear04:07
theblueIn fact, the sound works perfectly.04:07
sproingiemebaran151: mind the doubled #04:07
theblueExcept, for the fact that I can't listen to mp3s on it.04:07
crimsuntheblue: what application are you trying to use?04:07
aioscsponger i'm peeking in from time to time.04:07
tiglionabbittheblue: that's not a sound problem.  You just need to install gstreamer0.8-mad04:07
theblueXMMS refuses to play, and none of the other media players can play mp3s.04:07
tiglionabbit!info gstreamer0.8-mad04:07
ubotugstreamer0.8-mad: (MAD MPEG audio decoder plugin for GStreamer), section universe/libs, is optional. Version: 0.8.8-1ubuntu4 (hoary), Packaged size: 49 kB, Installed size: 136 kB04:07
ubunturoxi think its an ubuntu thing, it mounts fine and works fine in mandrake04:07
crimsuntheblue: the xmms issue is related to choosing the esound output plugin.04:08
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theblueIs the default the wrong choice, usually?04:08
scspongeraio ... well i appreciate you're help... i'll find the answer somehow04:08
crimsuntheblue: the default (oss) doesn't cope well with esound having already grabbed /dev/dsp04:08
theblueSo what do I do to change it, or is it straightforward?04:08
crimsunchange the output plugin to esound in Preferences04:09
poningruok so continueing the discussion in ubuntu-dev04:09
theblueThanks for your help, everyone.04:09
poningruwhy cant we double click .deb and have it intsall the software package?04:09
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poningruwell prompt for sudo or something similar04:09
poningrulike when we try to open synaptic04:09
bob2poningru: you can if you like04:10
tiglionabbitponingru: dunno, guess they didn't add that feature.  You can use a terminal though, or make it do it04:10
bob2poningru: it's not the default because encouraging people to install random .debs fro mthe internet is bad04:10
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poningruit is?04:10
tiglionabbitponingru: right-click it and under the "opens with" tab, make an entry for "dpkg --install" that runs in the terminal04:10
tiglionabbitponingru: yes, ubuntu is special.  It likes its own debs, plz.  Other people's debs can be bad04:10
bob2"gksudo dpkg --install" or so04:10
holycowalso, all newsb should really really really pay attention to what bob said04:11
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holycowbob2 poningru: it's not the default because encouraging people to install random .debs fro mthe internet is bad  <-- !!!!04:11
holycowvery very very important04:11
holycowthis is how shit gits on microsoft most of the time04:12
=== spermie_411 [~spermie_4@69-172-40-18.frdrmd.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsun(language, please)04:12
holycowif you don't know where its from, don't install it04:12
spermie_411Can someone tell me what ime doing wrong04:12
bob2especially after everyone went to the effort of making apt cryptographically secure04:12
spermie_411spermie@Spermie:~$ sudo cp /home/spermie/Desktop/cedega_4.3.2-1_i386.deb04:12
spermie_411cp: missing destination file04:12
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teferi_spermie_411: where do you want to copy it to?04:12
bob2scsponger: you need to tell it where to put it04:12
holycowagain bob2 speaks the truth, absolutely04:12
bob2scsponger: if you want to put it in the directory you're in, add a "." at the end04:13
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spermie_411teferi home folder04:13
tiglionabbitspermie_411: then put a ~/ after that as the second parameter04:13
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scspongerbob2.... I've got the drive reading properly... i just don't have it burning04:13
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mebaran151Amaranth, argh04:14
mebaran151I am going to have to use Breezy04:14
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mebaran151does anyone know how production ready Breezy is04:14
ashoki am unable to play movie files04:14
teferi_mebaran151: not.04:14
ashokcan anyone help me04:14
mebaran151I am using AMD64 (red flag up)04:14
mebaran151teferi_, I am a developer04:14
mebaran151as a developer04:14
Amaranthmebaran151: I doubt anything you're working on now will ship before october.04:14
mebaran151I can deal with bugs04:14
spermie_411tiglionabbit like this sudo cp ~/spermie/Desktop/cedega_4.3.2-1_i386.deb04:14
=== Velcan [~matthew@12-216-142-98.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
mebaran151Amaranth, I need to get this out in 2 weeks04:15
teferi_spermie_411: you need to specify a second parameter04:15
mebaran151my boss is a mad insane suit man04:15
Amaranthmebaran151: You're doomed.04:15
ubotuvirgule: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about04:15
virgule!info autopackage04:15
mebaran151who doesnt understand things take time04:15
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Amaranthmebaran151: It'll take two weeks to get a firm grasp of the C# language.04:15
bob2scsponger: no, like ' cp ~/spermie/Desktop/cedega_4.3.2-1_i386.deb ~/'04:15
mebaran151I know04:15
Amaranthvirgule: ubuntu doesn't package autopackage, they don't like it04:15
mebaran151but he is a crazy man04:15
mebaran151luckily he also very old and extremely forgetful04:16
virguleAmaranth: funny you mention it I here just to get some feedback on this thing ;)04:16
bob2please don't spread fud04:16
Amaranthvirgule: but autopackage installs itself when you run a package04:16
teferi_autopkg is pretty awful, iirc04:16
Amaranthbob2: They don't like it.04:16
crimsunI think it's more that no one has stepped up to the plate to do the revu legwork04:16
Amaranthbob2: Want me to find the ubuntu-devel thread?04:16
mebaran151Amaranth, have you ever tried Ruby though?04:16
bob2Amaranth: by "they", you mean you got an official reply from jesus?04:16
virgulebesides peoples opinions, what is so wrong with it?04:16
LincTeKhey what is a good digital photo editor for Ubuntu ??04:16
mebaran151for a really long time04:16
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teferi_mebaran151: are you having trouble with ruby?04:16
Amaranthmebaran151: nope, took one look at the syntax and ran04:16
bob2Amaranth: or do you mean "many ubuntu developers think it's a bad idea"?04:16
mebaran151eh, no04:16
Amaranthbob2: that second one04:17
mebaran151I am having trouble with its bastardly community04:17
bob2LincTeK: gimp is quite good04:17
teferi_I like the language a lot04:17
mebaran151that refuses to document anything04:17
teferi_yes, that is a problem04:17
mebaran151teferi_, yep04:17
mebaran151it is very cool04:17
teferi_i agree wholeheartedly04:17
scspongerbob2... I'm sorry ... I don't quite understand... what do you want me to edit the /etc/fstab?04:17
mebaran151I think it si a very natural languages04:17
mebaran151the only one I could ever grasp metaprogramming in04:17
spermie_411permie@Spermie:~$ cp ~/spermie/Desktop/cedega_4.3.2-1_i386.deb ~/04:17
spermie_411cp: cannot stat `/home/spermie/spermie/Desktop/cedega_4.3.2-1_i386.deb': No such     file or directory04:17
bob2scsponger: nevermind04:17
spermie_411i wanna Cry04:17
mebaran151my entire database app I just wrote04:17
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mebaran151is written in ruby and could be said to write itself04:17
bob2spermie_411: that just means you got the filename wrong04:17
LincTeKI heard of one it began with an f but cant remember the name04:17
bob2LincTeK: f-spot is not really an editor04:18
Frank_dotspermie_411: case sensitive04:18
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crimsunmebaran151: have you read this? http://www.rubycentral.com/book/04:18
mebaran151teferi_, but the community is G-d awful dont you think?04:18
qbasicAnyone know whats going on here? I try to install Ubuntu on my HP Omnibook 4150 (laptop). The install goes well until it asks me to remove the installation CD and reboot. I reboot and it starts to uncompress and install packages, and then it hangs, with the terminal text flying across my monitor, flickering sort of.. =\04:18
teferi_mebaran151: it can be a bit trying04:18
mebaran151I think I ahve04:18
sizzamanyone familiar with deborphan?04:18
crimsunmebaran151: I _highly_ recommend the 2nd edition04:18
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LincTeKah yes f-spot ...thats it thanks bob204:18
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mebaran151crimsun, yeah I have04:18
bob2sizzam: best to just ask your question about it04:18
mebaran151it is just like the postgresql library04:18
mebaran151had 0 documentation04:19
seth_kbleh, I cannot win. a Warty LiveCD can't see this network card, and a Hoary LiveCD isn't mounting the Windows partition so I can copy files off of it04:19
mebaran151and getting anyone in community to tell me anything04:19
mebaran151illicited only snide remarks04:19
teferi_mebaran151: eh, the ruby DB layer is pretty much the same as Perl's04:19
mebaran151not if you want to use the postgres lib directly04:19
mebaran151it does some weird stuff04:19
crimsunmebaran151: are you serious? That book is a walking reference.04:19
mebaran151crimsun, the book is great04:19
sizzamafter i do 'deborphan --find-config',  whats the best way to kill the resulting configs04:19
mebaran151I have read it04:19
mebaran151I bought it04:19
mebaran151it is in the drawer next to me04:19
TokenBadok folks..in ubuntu how can I see or access my cable modem?04:19
teferi_the pickaxe2 is lovely04:19
TokenBadtried the defualt addresses04:19
teferi_i will definitely admit that04:20
mebaran151but for esoteric libraries04:20
TokenBadand can't connect04:20
mebaran151no one documents anything04:20
teferi_rails is finally getting some decent docs, thank god04:20
mebaran151and ruby on rails looks very cool04:20
mebaran151I hope it does04:20
teferi_but i really've been itching to play with Borges, and it's completely undocumented04:20
hanasakiwhere can i find the codecs for playing dvd and mpeg1,2,3,4?04:20
teferi_way to fucking go04:20
bob2TokenBad: presumably it either runs it's own dhcp server, or just proxies your providers04:20
mebaran151teferi_, yeah they write so much cool stuff04:20
teferi_continuation-based web frameworks are the FUTURE.04:20
=== Coil101 [VampireLor@adsl-65-67-205-246.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
teferi_and yet there's no damn DOCS04:20
bob2hanasaki: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:20
mebaran151that no one can use because if you ask a question, they hurt you04:20
Coil101I've got the noobest problem in the world.04:21
qbasicI guess there is something wrong with my question?04:21
TokenBadbob2 in windows I used to be able to go to default ip and get to the admin page04:21
TokenBadbut now can't04:21
mebaran151teferi_, it woudl be better if I could go on IRC04:21
mebaran151and just ask04:21
TokenBadand when  i ping a site it says 100% loss on the packets04:21
hanasakibob.. how do you get those links so fast?04:21
=== absinthe_ [Matt@cpe-065-190-136-036.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
teferi_mebaran151: it would help if more of the community spoke english :P04:21
bob2TokenBad: presumably it's just because you haven't setup networking at all04:21
mebaran151that is true04:21
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bob2hanasaki: they're linked from the faq04:21
TokenBadwell am on inet04:21
mebaran151I bet the japanese channel is nicer04:21
blmartin771what is as good as k3b for gnome04:21
TokenBadthought it set it up itself since was online04:21
Coil101I can't see all of a window, and I can't scroll up or down. Help please?04:21
hanasakioh sorry04:21
bob2qbasic: or you could apply occam's razor and assume it's just that no one knows the answer04:22
mebaran151the whole channel prides itself on the fact they are silly and full of themselves04:22
teferi_mebaran151: if you want hilarity, take a look at the ruby-gnome2-devel-en list04:22
teferi_it's mostly bad english04:22
MrJanglesha, i changed the root terminal to use a bg image, and now that wont open either04:22
teferi_because people didn't notice the japanese list04:22
MrJanglesinteresting glitch04:22
mebaran151that is funny almost04:22
teferi_very confusing04:22
mebaran151I remember when I started out04:22
mebaran151I asked a simple question04:22
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bob2qbasic: I'd just use hoary and manually mount the partitions, personally04:22
teferi_i don't know why i'm still on it04:22
mebaran151awhile back04:22
mebaran151it was04:22
mebaran151I have an array04:22
bimberiblmartin771: gnomebaker is ok - prolly not as good as k3b tho04:22
mebaran151I want to make a hash of it04:22
mebaran151based on the similarity of the third element04:22
teferi_so you have an array of arrays?04:23
mebaran151well yeah04:23
blmartin771is k3b the best04:23
mebaran151I do04:23
mebaran151finally one guy showed me the trick04:23
poningrublmartin771: yeah04:23
mebaran151but it was one of the most terrible experiences04:23
sizzamnm, found my answer --- dpkg --purge <package>  to remove configs found deborphan --find -config04:23
mebaran151blmartin771, eh, I wouldnt say that04:23
mebaran151nautilus is ok now04:24
teferi_h={};arr.each do |a| h[a[2] ]  = a end04:24
mebaran151for data04:24
mebaran151and grave man04:24
teferi_that'd do it, wouldn't it?04:24
qbasicbob2: how can I do anything if the system hangs and I cant get a shell?04:24
mebaran151but the problem is04:24
TokenBadbob2 how setup the network stuff04:24
mebaran151I want all the ones that share the same key04:24
mebaran151to be under the same hash04:24
bob2qbasic: bah, sorry, wrong person04:24
teferi_that'll happen automatically04:24
=== toran [~me@d3-176.rb3.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
teferi_that's how a hash works04:24
blmartin771how do I switch gtk1 themes?04:24
mebaran151here is the code that came out04:24
qbasicbob2: heh, no problem. =)04:24
bob2TokenBad: it should have done it during the install, unless you did it while it was unplugged04:24
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mebaran151@division.result.each{|i| (@league_hash[i[9] ]  ||= [] ) << i}04:25
MrJanglesare there other terminals that you can get using apt-get?04:25
mebaran151sort by ninith array04:25
mebaran151I am going to try it your way04:25
mebaran151do I have to reindex the hash?04:25
mebaran151because the code they gave me04:25
teferi_don't you know how a hash table works, man?04:25
bob2MrJangles: there's lots, but there's little reason to use any outside gnome-terminal (for gnome-ness), xterm (For compatibility) or pterm (kickass-ness)04:26
LincTeKTokenBad :is your cable modem plugged into your NIC or usb port on your computer ?04:26
mebaran151but I thought Ruby wouldnt let you over do itself04:26
bob2this seems a bit non-ubuntu-support, folks, how about #ubuntu-offtopic?04:26
mebaran151liek I though internally it tried to keep you away from it04:26
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teferi_mebaran151: ...I think we may be talking at cross purposes here04:26
mebaran151eh sorry Bob204:26
TokenBadand am online04:26
TokenBadbut can't get to the cable modems admin page04:27
MrJanglespterm eh04:27
teferi_Okay. You want h[key]  to be an array of arrays, with each element of that being an element of the original array that had the key as the third element?04:27
LincTeKah i see my bad04:27
bob2TokenBad: it sounds very much like you are not04:27
TokenBadI am talking to you right04:27
TokenBadand its on this computer04:27
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TokenBadso know am online..04:30
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aruok, no luck with the ndis wrapper or modprobe r8169 but I do get this error message, pnp: PnPACPI: METHOD_NAME_CRS failure for PNP0c04, does that have anything to do with it?04:30
LincTeKTokenBad : have you visited the cable modems website and looked at the faq's there or the knowledge base04:30
thechitowncubshey everyone, im trying to repair my sis's computer, it freezes at the gdm, the activity cursor never stops spinning04:31
thechitowncubsi'm in the recovery mode root console, any advice on what to check?04:31
LincTeKck ownership of /home directory04:31
qbasicwill ndis work for my Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter, WMP54GS ?04:31
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cafuegoqbasic: That's a definite "maybe".04:32
theblueqbasic: You have one of the best names I've seen.04:32
cafuegoqbasic: It loads (but doesn't work) on my WPC54G (the pcmcia one)04:32
aruor actually tell me what a PnPACPI error is04:33
LincTeKTokenBad: are you using firefox to access the cable modems admin page?04:35
aruit has to mean something04:36
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thechitowncubsdoes anyone know how i can hide my hidden files/folders in gftp?04:38
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Razor-Xwow, no-one's talking04:40
Razor-Xprobably netsplits *shrugs*04:40
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thechitowncubsi got it :)04:41
mebaran151crimsun,  you code alot in Ruby?04:41
poningruis there an offtopic ubuntu channel?04:41
poningruwhere the community talk random crap04:42
arudoes this window that pops up when I put a cdr in actually burn isos?04:42
poningruwow tiny04:42
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rg58smasome can helpme??04:43
Razor-Xhah, I just figured out the uselessness of KSnapshot ;)04:43
rg58smai need help with a file avi04:43
Razor-Xwell, useful in a pinch, but meh04:43
Razor-Xrg58sma: you can't play it?04:43
jasoncohenaru, to burn an iso right click and a file and select "burn to disc"04:43
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rg58smayes but the sound run over the image04:44
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Razor-Xrg58sma: are you sure it isn't a problem with the AVI itself?04:45
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rg58smayes the problem is with the avi04:45
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rg58smahave a program to edit sound and image04:45
Razor-Xrg58sma: well, then you have to reencode the AVI specifying a new audio offset04:45
aruif someone could mention what PnPACPI is I would be greatful :)04:45
Razor-XI hear transcode is nice04:45
Razor-Xaru: Plug n Play ACPI? (i'm guessing)04:46
aruI dont know what the ACPI part means04:46
ubunturoxits for power management04:46
Razor-Xit's a laptop power management thing, IIRC04:46
blmartin771Where are the gnome login screens stuff stored at04:46
rg58smayes with what program??04:46
aruso that could be why my pcmcia card isnt working?04:46
bob2it;s not just for power management04:47
bob2acpi is used to route irq and such, too04:47
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ubunturoxblmartin771:  check www.gnome-look.org you can change em thru system->prefs->login screen setup04:47
aruit tells me PCI cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:00:0a.004:48
arudoes that have to do with my pcmcia slot?04:48
blmartin771I know but I want to edit one of the pictures04:48
blmartin771just don't know where to find it04:48
Razor-Xrg58sma: transcode04:48
airmikeyi need to knwo how much memory is on this system04:48
blmartin771ubunturox: do you know where I could look04:49
Razor-Xairmikey: harddrive?04:49
rg58smahave a grafical file04:49
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LincTeKcd /proc04:49
aruso I must have a hardware issue04:49
rg58smaa yes gtranscode04:49
blmartin771Aru: what kind of wireless card04:50
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mebaran151does X work in Breezy yet?04:50
LincTeKchange directory to /proc then type " cat meminfo"04:50
aruits not wireless, its a netgear ga511, apparently it works as realtek8169, but when I do modprobe r8169, nothing04:50
blmartin771are you using ndiswrapper04:51
aruI'm just trying to figure out if that PnPACPI thing is the reason, and trying to configure the card is a waste of time04:51
LincTeKto see how much system memory you have04:51
aruI installed it04:51
robitaillemebaran151:  yes.  I'm typing this from Breezy04:52
aruis there more to it than that?04:52
aatimhow can i create an innodb table in mysql?04:52
teferi_aru: it's a pcmcia card?04:52
aatimi try creating one then i set the type to innodb04:52
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teferi_mebaran151: X works in breezy04:52
teferi_mebaran151: Why do you need to run breezy?04:52
aatimbut it still shows that its a myisam04:53
LincTeKhow different is breezy from Hoary ??04:53
teferi_aru: last time i used a pcmcia nic, the only way to get it to work was to let cardmgr handle module loading...04:53
airmikeyhow much ram is ..906660 kb04:53
teferi_mebaran151: there's no backport?04:53
aruteferi_, how do I do that?04:53
mebaran151not for AMD6404:53
teferi_aru: fucked if i remember, it was ages ago04:53
mebaran151I love 64 bits for encoding04:53
teferi_sorry :/04:53
GigaClonhow do i list all files in a folder and subfolders there of04:53
mebaran151also for compiling too04:53
mebaran151unfortunately nothing backports to it04:53
teferi_well, whatever it is, ubuntu does it by default :P04:53
mebaran151I have compiled many many things from source04:54
teferi_I just stuck a random card lying around in04:54
teferi_and it detected it as eth104:54
teferi_(admittedly, it's a tulip card. well-supported)04:54
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aedwards__i just installed ubuntu and it never asked me for a root password so i can't seem to use apt-get04:54
teferi_aedwards__: you use sudo04:54
LincTeKarimikey : 885 mb04:54
airmikey1 gig of ram  is = to how many kb04:54
teferi_airmikey: 1024*102404:54
aedwards__how do i use sudo04:55
teferi_aedwards__: sudo <command>04:55
teferi_to get a root shell, sudo -i04:55
aedwards__oh ok04:55
teferi_type your password04:55
vidzor sudo -s04:55
aruI guess I'll shoot the damn thing04:55
mebaran151I would switch in a minute04:55
mebaran151if I could get some AMD64'er to come out of the closest and go04:55
robitailleaedwards__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo04:55
teferi_aru: if it's any consolation, the 8139 is a pretty piss-poor chip :P04:55
mebaran151yeah Ubuntu neato04:55
aruI'm not sure what that is04:56
airmikey906660 kb = how many gigs of ram04:56
teferi_airmikey: divide by 1024 twice04:56
LincTeK885 mb of ram04:56
teferi_1 GB = 1024 MB = 1024*1024 KB = 1024*1024*1024 B04:56
teferi_see a pattern? :)04:56
aruwise mule04:57
airmikeynot mb04:57
mebaran151by the way teferi_ your idea didnt quite work as it should04:58
mebaran151hashes in Ruby arent so imple04:58
mebaran151I gather04:58
teferi_mebaran151: yes they are, i just misunderstand the problem04:58
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teferi_a hash is a really simple data structure#!%04:58
mebaran151even your correct version04:58
blmartin771how do I change the splash screen in gnome04:58
teferi_mebaran151: if that didn't work, arr.each do |a| h[a[2] ]  = Array.new end before the other code04:59
teferi_that'll do some things twice, but it's okay, GC will pick up the slack04:59
mebaran151trying it now05:00
teferi_assuming the error you got was something along the lines of can't push things onto nil05:00
mebaran151I think so05:00
hondjeblmartin771: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-11478.html05:00
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mebaran151that is why it has to return an empty array if the key didnt exist before05:00
mebaran151||= allows me to skip that step05:00
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teferi_I don't know what ||= does in this context05:00
mebaran151set a to be unless a exists05:01
teferi_well, then05:01
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mebaran151set a to b unless a exists I mean05:01
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GigaClonhow to I search my computer for a file?05:01
hondjeGigaClon: Places -> Search for Files in gnome05:02
LincTeKlocate command05:02
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teferi_mebaran151: but we were still able to cobble together a not awful way of doing it with just a little thought05:02
teferi_because ruby is nice :)05:02
mebaran151tha tis true05:02
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mebaran151I still pine for a nicer community05:02
LincTeKlocate "filename" without quotations05:02
teferi_these things come with time and acceptance05:02
teferi_and in the meantime, ri and read the code, i guess05:02
LincTeKfirst run "updatedb" command05:02
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mebaran151LincTeK, but what if you just want to find a file that could be your search term05:03
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mebaran151teferi_, now it does make sense05:03
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mebaran151it opens an empty array to which to push if there was only nil in its place05:04
teferi_mebaran151: the most important thing you can do to learn ruby better is to pla with it in ri05:04
mebaran151heheh, I do05:04
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mebaran151I had it similar to your way05:04
ChurcH_of_FoamYanyone here into astronomy?05:04
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mebaran151I still might take up Python though05:05
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mebaran151it looks ok05:05
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hondjeChurcH_of_FoamY: I am05:05
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ChurcH_of_FoamYi know it seems like a dumb question but i need a program to control my telescope like i could in windows05:05
mebaran151not quite as nice as ruby, and I dont like my style forced upon me  (I am insidious for my love of one liners)05:05
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ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje there's an ocultation of jupiter with the moon either tonight or tomorrow night05:06
teferi_mebaran151: yeah, one of the things that annoys me about python is that because of the whole whitespace thing, it's very hard to experiment with in the interactive interpreter05:06
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hondjeI was just outside looking at it05:06
ChurcH_of_FoamYand i was looking for an app like i had with windows that can track and aim the telescope05:06
mebaran151teferi_, yep05:06
hondjeonly things you can see yet are jupiter, venus and the moon :)05:06
teferi_ChurcH_of_FoamY: you may find yourself disappointed :/05:06
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hondjeNo way05:07
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hondjekstars supports GOTO scopes05:07
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artic_foxwhoa cool new nick05:07
ChurcH_of_FoamYtheblue hey whats up ^_^05:07
artic_foxnever knew I could do that without Nickserv complaining05:07
hondjeChurcH_of_FoamY: what brand is your scope?05:07
artic_foxnice ...05:07
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artic_foxteferi_, where can I get the New Rail's docs05:08
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje bushnell 700mm reflector05:08
teferi_artic_fox: they're all on the rails website05:08
teferi_which seems rather fancier than i remember it05:08
teferi_ruby-on-rails.org, iirc?05:08
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje you can see jupiter and 5 of it's moons with an sr4 lens05:08
LincTeKmebaran151 :  use the man pages for "grep" command  print lines matching a pattern05:09
hondjeReally? I'll have to do that05:09
hondjeI'm spoiled though, our school has an observatory and only 7 of us are physics majors :)05:09
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ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje i orderd a camera mount for it but i have to get an equatoral mount too to use it....need the counter wheight05:09
hondjeChurcH_of_FoamY: I don't know that brand though, But I'd try kstars, it has a good chance fo working05:10
artic_foxteferi_, this is NICE05:10
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje nice i am gonna join the asronomy club05:10
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artic_foxgood L-rd, I never seen so much proper conjuagation!05:10
teferi_artic_fox: glad to help :) happy hacking05:10
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje you don't know bushnell ??? O_O05:10
hondjeNot enough to know if it'd work05:10
GigaClonhow do I delete things from the trash using sudo?05:10
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje there like one of the best telescopes on the market05:10
hondjeyeah, which is why I don't have one :) I have a meade05:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje meade is nice too that will be my next purchace for a scope05:11
hondjeI know the brand, but I've never used one05:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYtheres a 900mm reflecter at wallmart that i've been eyeing05:11
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hondje900mm at walmart? How much?05:11
hondjeI tend to only buy toys that I know will work with linux, so I've been leary of getting a brand other than meade05:12
LincTeKGigaClon : sudo rm -fr $HOME/.Trash/05:12
ridejibGigaClon: sudo rm -rf .Trash-username05:12
airmikeyok lets try this  ok guys i got 3 gigs of ram in this system i only see 885.4 mb   in system monitor05:12
ridejibor what Linc said05:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYoh i see05:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYi might get a dobson too05:12
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LincTeKarimikey  : does your MB support 3 gig of ram ??05:13
spermie_411have any of you seen polly shore is dead?05:13
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ridejibairmikey: i got the same problem, but i only have 1 GB of RAM05:14
ridejibasus k8v se deluxe?05:14
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REdsurm uz need05:15
REdsa kernel option BIG_MEM05:15
airmikeyi was lookin in google someone mentioned installing   linux-68605:15
REdsits in the first few menu's for 2.6.x05:15
REdsthats it and it enabled upto 4gb i think05:15
REdsand for 1gb and over05:15
hondjeChurcH_of_FoamY: for when you're bored, try celestia05:15
hondjethat's a fun program :)05:15
REdsu need that option or ull only see 896megs or somethn05:15
airmikeylinux 386 kernel only supports 900 mb05:15
bob2REds: the ubuntu -686 kernels include that option already05:15
edamronI'm trying to setup a SSH server.  I can connect from within my home network but no one can connect from the outside.  I have port 22 forwarded to my server so that's not the problem.05:16
REdsahh ok05:16
monkeyywhen starting up my ubuntu 5.04 always synchronises the time with ntp.ubuntulinux.org since the laptop is a stand alone computer it delays the boot process as finally i get the error that there is an error in name resolution and the boot process continues after that how can i stop this ????05:16
ridejibso REds: how do we obtain this 2.6.x?05:16
REdslinux kernel 2.6.x05:16
REdsu have that with ubuntu05:16
REdsbut kernel.org05:16
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cafuegoMem:       311696805:16
bob2edamron: if you can't connect from outside, but can inside, then the problem is with your firewall05:16
Quidamhi anybody knows about borland kilix?05:17
bob2monkeyy: sudo rm /etc/rc2.d/S*ntpd*05:17
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje http://www.tscopes.com/Type3/T3-16Specs.html <---= i want ^_^05:17
cafuegoQuidam: kylix, google does (and borland do)05:17
bob2ridejib: just install linux-68605:17
monkeyythanks bob let me try that out05:17
edamronbob2, but it's not.  I was running Mandrake and it worked. It stopped when I switched.05:17
bob2edamron: this is on the ip you'r irc'ing from?05:17
Quidambut i need to know is kilix open source05:17
_0killshey guys, i want to install Windows 2000 but i cant partition my hdd, so im gonna get an extra hdd for Windows 2000.  anyone know how i can switch between the two hdd when i boot?05:17
hondjewow, that's cheap05:17
bob2Quidam: no05:17
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hondjea 16" meade runs in the $15k range05:18
Quidamok thanks bob205:18
ridejibbob2: thanks05:18
bob2edamron: and it indeed works05:18
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edamronbob2, no My server has a fixed IP and I forward port 22 from my router switch.05:18
monkeyybob2 how is a newbie like me supposed to know that command is there any where where the commands are listed ?05:18
bob2monkeyy: no05:18
hondjeI wonder if ubuntu would detect my scope if I plugged it in...automagical mounting has worked scary-well so far05:18
REdsanyone know how to make custom keyboard shortcuts, to open and app or exec somethn05:18
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bob2edamron: is not your external ip05:18
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bob2edamron: if you're irc'ing from behind the same firewall as you're trying to configure, ssh is working fine; I can connect to your ssh daemon quite happily05:19
cafuego_0kills: Install Widnows first, then Linux. if you do it in that order, linux will detect windows and add it to the boot menu.05:19
REds_0kills, if u install windows then ubuntu, grub it makes u a boot menu, were u can select ur OS too boot05:19
airmikeyREds ;  i didnt relize u were talkin about my prob with the ram05:19
edamronbob2, no, my linksys router is connected to my cable modem.  I can find my IP if you want it.05:19
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cafuego_0kills: if you add windows to an exisitjn g Linux box, you'll need to do it by hand... and windows WILL destroy the Linux boot record.05:19
bob2edamron: ok...05:19
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ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje automajical?05:19
TokenBadLincTeK, yes..using firefox/mozilla05:19
cafuego_0kills: So you'll need a linux boot disk handy.05:19
REdsits simple just a kernel option, bob2 says its enabled for  "the ubuntu -686 kernels include that option already" though05:19
hondjeChurcH_of_FoamY: yeah, I've been plugging in everything I have w/ a USB port, and it detects them all05:20
REdsif u have that one airmikey05:20
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje damn your lucky05:20
ChurcH_of_FoamYdid you see that scope me wants me wants ^_^05:20
airmikeyok so  do i need to type somethin in the terminal05:20
pinkpinkUm... a question.05:20
_0killscafuego, REds, i have a lot of files i cant backup because they range up to 800mb, so i have to keep my existing Linux install.05:20
hondjeChurcH_of_FoamY: I've kicked out windows like 5 years ago, so they're all compatable already...but until ubuntu I had to jump through hoops to get tem working05:20
edamronbob2, I gave you some bad info.  I do have it forwarded to this computer right now.  My IP is
pinkpinkI just wonder how could one change his GTK1 theme?05:21
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje wow nice05:21
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hondjeyeah, I did it before I got many gizmos05:21
cafuego_0kills: *nod* Windows will want to be on the primary master and you'll need a rescue CD to fix your linux boot record and fstab after installing windows.05:21
ridejib_0kills: why can't you back them up?05:21
hondjeSo no real cost other than what I was going to spend05:21
bob2pinkpink: install the gtk-theme-switch package, run the "switch" command05:21
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bob2edamron: which also works fine05:21
aceidiacan anyone help me update the drivers i have for my video card?05:21
pinkpinkThanks, bob2.05:21
bob2edamron: you're running openssh version 3.9p105:21
bob2aceidia: pest to lay out your whole problem05:22
bob2er, best05:22
REdsairmikey, nah u could either insmod (insert module) into ur running kernel, or recompile it with the bigmem option , or use -686 kernel like bob said05:22
edamronbob2, Am I?  I don't know.  Whatever installed with Ubuntu 5.0405:22
bob2highmem is not a module05:22
bob2edamron: anyway, ssh is working fine for you, I can ssh to your (presumably) internal machine05:22
LincTeKairimkey :sudo apt-get install linux-686 ??05:22
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bob2LincTeK: if you have a 686 cpu, yes05:23
ridejibREds: are there any downsides to using the 686 kernel?05:23
_0killscafuego, so if i set my Linux hdd for primary slave and the Windows 2000 hdd as primary master, will that work? if so, do i use BIOS setup to choose which hdd to boot from first?05:23
cafuegoridejib: Yes, a P5 (586) doens't like it much.05:23
edamronbob2 really?  A friend of mind can't... Maybe it's on his end.05:23
bob2edamron: I'd say so05:23
hondjeChurcH_of_FoamY: freenode has a space channel, and an astronomy one (but the guy who runs that is a troll)05:23
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje ouch >.<05:23
_0killsridejib, i dont have any thing i can use to temporarily hold files of that size05:24
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hondjethe space channel is pretty good though05:24
cafuego_0kills: That will work. After you install widnows, you'll need to tweak the linux install and bootloader, so you can choose windows/linux in the LILO or GRUB menu.05:24
edamronbob2, I just discovered Ubuntu a few days ago.  It's REALLY stable.05:24
ridejibcafuego: what about an amd 3000?05:24
spermie_411is 86 dollars bad for 2 sticks of 4200 ddr ram?05:24
bob2it is quite nice05:24
cafuegoridejib: -k7 kernel05:24
bob2spermie_411: froogle.google.com05:24
REdsridejib, nah its probably better than the 386 for newer hardware post like 199705:24
_0killscafuego, cool thanks man.. is there a wiki on how to do that?05:24
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje i just typed in #astronomy and there was one where you typeing a diffrent channel?05:24
cafuego_0kills: No idea :-)05:24
edamronbob2, Thanks Bob.  I'll get ahold of my friend and have him try again.05:25
hondjeChurcH_of_FoamY: What do you mean?05:25
ridejibcafeugo/REds: thanks05:25
ChurcH_of_FoamYgo to #astronomy05:25
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cafuegoridejib: Unless it's an amd64, in which case you'll and a -k8 kernel.05:25
aceidiacan any one help me with my vid card?05:25
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_0killsaceidia, what kind of vid card?05:25
ridejibcafuego: ah, yes it is. thanks again05:25
aceidia matrox geforce 440 it picking it up as a pci card but it's agp...05:26
cafuegoridejib: That should see you with a nice speed increase too.05:26
cafuegoaceidia: nvidia, you mean?05:26
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cafuegomatrox don't make geforce cards05:27
ridejibcafuego: also, while i have your attention.. will this have the same effect as installing with the 64-bit disc? I hear it has issues running things like flash and a few others05:27
aceidiait's an old card.. lmao05:27
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cafuegoridejib: No, it will be a 32bit kernel optimised for Athlon64 (in 32 bit mode)05:27
bob2if you care about binary junk, you'll be happier with i38605:27
cafuegoridejib: it will *not* be a 64bit kernel.05:27
aceidiathats who i remember making it..05:27
ridejibcafuego: excellent. thanks a bunch. I'm going to load that on my desktop now05:28
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slsI am running ubuntu (latest stable) and lost the crossover menus when I upgraded from the previous version05:29
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slshow do I get them back in gnome 2.1005:29
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Marble2Okay, I don't know what I did wrong, but I had totem playing almost all types of video files, now I changed something and it will only play .mpg/.mpeg files, every other type of file gives me a handling error. Does anyone know how to fix this?05:29
pinkpinkgtk-theme-switch does not seem to apply the changes I made.05:29
cafuegoridejib: Actually, there is no -k8 kernel, go with -k7.05:29
=== artic_fox [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
slsanyone use crossover?05:30
calcif you have k8 install amd64 port its much faster05:30
REdsridejib, nps05:30
pinkpinkIs there ways to change GTK theme by, let's say, editing GTK's rc files?05:30
calcflash not working is a feature not a problem05:30
bob2pinkpink: sure05:30
pinkpink*are ther05:30
calcit helps get rid of all that bullshit spams on webpages05:30
ridejibcalc: LOL thanks microsoft... i mean calc05:30
bob2pinkpink: how sure are you that the program uses gtk1.2?05:30
REdsridejib, what amd64 system do u have05:30
EnRockCan anyone give me a hand getting a USRobotics Modem (not winmodem) working on Hoary-PPC?05:31
cafuegocalc: Stop talking nonsense. it is not.05:31
=== slicslak [~slicslak@S0106000f66e13f97.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
calci don't think i have ever seen a useful flash site period05:31
pinkpinkbob2: xmms, yes.05:31
cafuegocalc: The AMD64 port isn't magically way faster then the i386 one on an AMD64.05:31
calci have seen people abuse flash for sites sometimes, but 99% of the time i see flash it is spams (ads)05:31
bob2pinkpink: you know this will only affect it's menu, right?05:31
calccafuego: it is05:31
ridejibREds: i built it myself. amd 64 3000+ on a asus k8v se deluxe board, with 1 gig ddr and a geforce 5700 le 256mb card05:31
cafuegocalc: No, it is not.05:31
=== drgnmyst [~drgnmyst@000f66ec83e8.click-network.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2EnRock: you have a serial port on your ppc?05:31
calccafuego: amd64 arch has 4x the useful registers05:31
pinkpinkbob2: Yes I know... the menu is what I want to change.05:32
drgnmysthi room05:32
calccafuego: and you have benchmarked apps to prove your theory (i have on mine)05:32
cafuegocalc: Nevertheless it's not magically faster for the end user.05:32
=== Joe_ [~Joe@adsl-69-209-199-116.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
bob2pinkpink: and you used switch, not switch2, and restarted it after?05:32
calcits roughly 30% faster than i386 arch on same box05:32
aceidiaca any one tell me how i can change the way ubuntu detects my vid card cause it has the wrong one...05:32
cafuegocalc: Yes, I have on mine too, 10% tops on compiling. X/web/office/email makes no difference05:32
calcsome things aren't faster but a lot of things are05:32
bob2aceidia: you have more than one vide ocard?05:32
EnRockbob2: the pmac-zilog module is being loaded so I guess there is. I think its the internal modem.05:32
calceg i get 50% increase on encoding music05:32
aceidiajust the one05:33
calc30-40% on gzip/bzip05:33
pinkpinkbob2: Restart, as in, restart the computer?05:33
bob2aceidia: so in what sense is it being detected wrong?05:33
bob2pinkpink: as in xmms05:33
cafuegocalc: .. on account of all the useful user apps only waiting for user input fatser than on i386.05:33
pinkpinkI thought one needs to launch the program again.05:33
REdsridejib, nice sounds good, checkout the ck kernel patches also, theres alot of improvements and updates comming out for amd64 lately05:33
calcits been a while since i benched other apps so i can't remember how much faster everything is05:33
bob2EnRock: does google confirm that the modem in your mac works?05:33
calccafuego: using less cpu even when waiting on io makes the system more responsive05:33
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cafuegocalc: it nevertheless makes *no* difference in user experience.05:33
aceidiait says i have  the geforce2 mx 400 (pci) in there but i have the geforce2 mx440(agp)05:34
EnRockbob2: don't really care about the modem in my MAC. I can unload its module.05:34
kvidellsomeone bored wanna give me a hand?05:34
EnRockbob2: I'm gtrying to get a PCI USRobotics modem working (for the voice features)05:34
ridejibREds: thanks. where might i be able to go to stay on top of these updates?05:34
bob2EnRock: ok, I guess I'm confused05:34
cafuegoaceidia: AGP is just a fast version of PCI. Doesn't metter.05:34
EnRockbob2: has worked before (YDL)05:34
LincTeKaceidia : try  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:34
bob2aceidia: that doesn't matter05:34
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calccafuego: i get bound for cpu quite often and i don't do much non "user" stuff currently05:35
calcso it does make a difference05:35
REdsridejib,  http://members.optusnet.com.au/ckolivas/kernel/ but not sure if its for the amd64 port yet05:35
ridejibis there a trick to inserting a username before you type? I have just been typing it in everytime...05:35
calcif all they do is email then probably it won't help them05:35
=== airmikey [~airmikeyy@c-67-160-238-101.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ridejibREds: thanks05:35
pinkpinkbob2: Well, switch always switches back to Clearlooks whenever I restart the config program.05:35
cafuegocalc: You must have a special amd64 that's unlike all others, then.05:35
v[] L7r[] nWhy is Ubuntu better then debian ?05:35
bob2I'd like it if things compiled 30% faster05:35
calcbut doing much of anything else probably will (eg scanning those 1000s of viruses you get a day)05:35
aceidiaok then why isn;t it allowing my computer to use direct draw then?05:35
REdsridejib, u realy want too learn howto recompile a kernel, custom for ur mainboard chipset etc, thatl help alot, and its not that hard also05:35
bob2v[] L7r[] n: it's not, it's different.  try both and see which you prefer.05:35
pinkpinkSo that didn't make any changes at all...05:36
bob2aceidia: you know that direct draw has nothing to do with X, right?  unless you're using wine.05:36
calccafuego: well i do get several thousand viruses a day that clamav has to scan for among other things05:36
bob2pinkpink: I didn't even know there was a gtk1.2 clearlooks.  weird.05:36
cafuegocalc: I do that on the server, elsewhere05:36
ridejibREds: I have thought about that, however I am approacing my last semester of college this fall and don't want to have too large of a distraction05:36
bob2REds: compiling a custom kernel is highly unlikely to be faster in any measurable way05:36
ridejibperhaps in January or so, I can start looking into that05:36
aceidiai am using wine and it is asking for it..05:36
=== dbernar1 [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-179-109.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2aceidia: perhaps you need the binary drivers then05:37
pinkpinkbob2: No there isn't... The program looks for the ./gtk directory, which does not exist.05:37
calcmy email provider doesn't do it and a user probably doesn't have a separate server to do those sort of things (i don't either) :)05:37
aceidiawhere can i get the binary drivers?05:37
Marble2Okay, I don't know what I did wrong, but I had totem playing almost all types of video files, now I changed something and it will only play .mpg/.mpeg files, every other type of file gives me a handling error. Does anyone know how to fix this?05:37
pinkpinkI want switch to change my theme to, let's say, Industrial.05:37
REdsnah i just mean getting rid of unwanted drivers and instead of using standard chipset and generic modules05:37
bob2aceidia: you didn't mention wine at all in your original question, tho, which means we've all taken a 10 minute detour05:37
pinkpinkBut it doesn't change anything.05:37
calcif all someone is doing is email though they really don't need any more than an original pentium or so05:37
bob2aceidia: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:37
calci could do email fine on my linux box in 1995 with p90 and 16mb ram05:37
airmikeyi see 3 gigs of ram05:37
airmikeythx guys05:38
bob2REds: what's the point of doing that?05:38
airmikeyright on05:38
aceidiasorry. i'm new to this OS and i wasn;t sure if it mattered.. :S05:38
cafuegocalc: Well, I *am* an email provider.05:38
=== calc bbia 10min switching to laptop
calccafuego: ah05:38
REdsbob2, it speaks for itself05:38
dbernar1Can I get a @ubuntulinux.org email address05:38
=== cafuego scans and handles mail for ~ 120 domains
bob2dbernar1: no05:38
REdsi dont realy need too mention that05:38
dbernar1now that you are talking about email.05:38
SDFH_Linuxwhoa pentium 9005:38
SDFH_Linuxi remember that05:38
LincTeKbob2 : how long u been useing linux ??05:38
dbernar1Can I get a @ubuntu.com email address?05:38
bob2REds: how does it help at all?  all the extra modules do is consume a small amount of didsk space.05:39
bob2dbernar1: no05:39
jsgotangcodbernar1: you need to be a member to have one05:39
bob2members have ubuntu.com email now?05:39
dbernar1damn, I was all eager and all.05:39
jsgotangcobob2: not yet though :(05:39
v[] L7r[] nSo you use .deb as well ?05:39
cafuegodbernar1: You could typosquat and buy ubunto.com05:39
bob2you don't want one, anyway, half my spam comes through ubuntu.com05:39
jsgotangcobob2: but launchpad is supposed to automate that right05:39
v[] L7r[] ndpkg05:39
dbernar1jsgotangco: so I can, eh? Cool, how?(how does one become a member)05:39
bob2jsgotangco: I didn't know that05:39
REdsthe rest speak for itself, but no it dosnt just use diskspace, it uses memory also05:40
bob2dbernar1: you can't have one at the moment, regardless of what you do05:40
dbernar1ok. Cause I read on the site.05:40
bob2REds: how does it use more memory?  only loaded modules consume ram.05:40
jsgotangcodbernar1: even exiting members still don't have it05:40
cafuegowell, except someone else is doing that already05:40
dbernar1how about entering;)05:40
bob2note that there is one way in which it uses more ram05:40
jsgotangcoi meant existing05:40
bob2but I don't think you're refering to that05:40
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dbernar1dr. obvious...:)05:40
ubotuit has been said that components is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components/document_view05:41
airmikeyany here running 64 bit ubuntu05:41
REdsbob2, how does the kernel use memory ? why is the sky blue ? ; simple cause thats how they are05:41
cafuegoairmikey: yep05:41
bob2REds: no, plese stop misleading people05:41
=== calc back
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dbernar1bob2: how come? Whats up with the spam?05:41
dbernar1or dont answer its not that important.05:42
bob2dbernar1: oh, it just does't have my superfascist rules on it05:42
airmikeycafuego: able to load things like mplayer05:42
REdsu mislead ppl buy saying kernel only uses diskspace, thats very inaccurate u realise05:42
calcSDFH_Linux: yea linux used to run well on a p90 with 16mb, now it needs quite a bit more :)05:42
calcairmikey: yea05:42
calcairmikey: on desktop and laptop05:42
cafuegoairmikey: mplayer won't play DVDs for me05:42
dbernar1can I get an Ubuntu tatoo?05:42
bob2REds: no, I'm sorry, you're wrong on this count.  unless you can actually explain how unloaded modules use ram, please stop telling people that is the case.05:43
FlannelKinggo ahead?05:43
calcairmikey: mplayer works but on breezy its out of sync with the marillat repo so you have to get elsewhere05:43
calcyou also need libdvdcss05:43
=== Druke [~druke@71-11-166-58.dhcp.sprn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
calccafuego: did you have libdvdcss installed?05:43
airmikeyi went back to 32 bit cause  alot of pakages wouldnt load05:43
cafuegocalc: Yes.05:43
calccafuego: hmm strange05:43
bob2REds: I'm not trying to pick on you, I just don't want you misleading people who don't know better05:43
REdsno im not modules use memory when there loaded, its not rocket science05:43
=== Efwis g'nite see ya tomorrow
REdsi dont need too explain every detail, yet i thought u knew so much05:43
bob2REds: yes, of course05:43
calci haven't used mplayer recently i typically just use totem-xine but i think mplayer worked with dvds for me last time i tried it05:43
bob2REds: how would compiling them in save memory?05:44
pinkpinkbob2: Actually, my ~/.gtkrc has changed by switch...05:44
pinkpinkBut it doesn't seem to do anything.05:44
bob2REds: and how would reducing the number of modules on disk save memory?05:44
dbernar1disk is permanent memory...05:44
=== cafuego doesn't much care, as DVDs play fine in the DVD in the living room
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2
REdsthis is a lost cause u know how it works, i know how also05:44
firebird619I was in this room last night with the problem of not being able to install my modem. I did not get the problem solved although a few people did try to help me. I put a different modem into my PC today and I think it is installed but when I run wvdial in Terminal it says Modem Not Responding. What causes this message and how can I solve it. Can anyone help me? I am running Ubuntu 5.04.05:44
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REdsim not going too debate over it05:44
airmikeyhmm if i wanta put 64 bit back on will it jus update05:44
pinkpinkI believe they are reading the .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2 file.05:44
pinkpinkWhich is somewhat weird.05:45
cafuegoairmikey: No, you'll need to do a fresh install.05:45
calcbob2: 99% of the viruses i get come from my debian.org account :)05:45
airmikeyor do i haved to redo the sysytem05:45
airmikeyahh man05:45
bob2REds: just please stop claiming their are advantages to people going to the huge effort of compiling their own kernel, unless you can actually explain those advantages. thanks.05:45
calcbob2: i used to get about 1.8GB of them per month05:45
dbernar1airmikey: use partitions for data and OS. Do you?05:45
bob2calc: hah, the other half of mine comes from a forward keybuk put on his debian.org account05:45
FlannelKingbob2, since apparently he's not gettinginto it, you have a site on how it all works that I could look at?05:45
calcer not used to get, i am currently get 1.8GB of viruses a month over 99% of which are from debian.org mailserver05:46
REdshuge effort, haha u make me laugh, ok mr kernel modules just uses diskspace only, if u know so much why do i need too explain too u05:46
raven3x7firebird619 internal or exterrnal?05:46
calcso far over 700mb this month alone05:46
pinkpinkHmm... any help?05:46
Marble2grrr. any file I play in totem-xine I get the error "Could not open resource for writing". Does anyone know how to fix this?05:46
=== Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
dbernar1haha, mr kernel modules.05:46
calcairmikey: you can't upgrade from 32bit to 64bit05:46
firebird619raven3x7: internal. The modem I have in there now is Intel 537EP05:46
airmikeywell is jus that i got flux loaded and running sweet05:46
REdsits free help, u dont need too feed people with a spoon, u need too show them which direction too take, and how to go about it, not explain every facet of life05:46
crimsunyou're misinformed, REds.05:46
bob2FlannelKing: I don't know of one.  the basic deal is that modules only consume ram when they're loaded, so compiling a custom kernel with less modules will not save any ram at all (since you're just removing things that wouldn't have been in ram anyway)05:46
Razor-XI haven't played nethack in ages....05:46
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calcairmikey: at least for the arch overall for individual packages you can do it in a roundabout way05:47
bob2REds: I'm asking you to explain it to me so I can point out where you're confused05:47
airmikeyi wish i knew how to ghost05:47
dbernar1Razor-X: good for you, how do you feel?05:47
REdscrimsun, well i must be then since u and bob2 said so05:47
Razor-Xdbernar1: not too bad05:47
=== Razor-X is going to download nethack-el
calcairmikey: using norton ghost or linux dd?05:47
airmikeywell for linux05:47
calcairmikey: on linux you can do something like dd if=/dev/hdX# of=backup.file05:47
REdsbob2, your assuming im consufused, assumptions are dangerous u know ?05:47
raven3x7firebird619 you found the correct drivers installed them?05:47
calcbut just make sure you keep record of how big the partition is05:48
firebird619yes, I got drivers off the intel Web site05:48
Razor-Xcalc ;)05:48
airmikeythats it05:48
FlannelKingbob2, no, I got that much, but the kernel is modular, is what youre saying? and they get enabled as needed (only comparison I know is like apache2 does it in ubuntu?)05:48
Razor-Xdd is awesome05:48
=== astro76 [~james@pcp05911023pcs.elztwn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2REds: then why don't you explain how you think drivers on disk can consume ram?05:48
bob2FlannelKing: ah, right, yes05:48
crimsunREds: join #ubuntu-offtopic and tell me, then, please05:48
firebird619raven3x7: Yes, I got them off the Intel Web site, as far as I can tell they are installed.05:48
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thechitowncubshey everyone, im trying to repair my sis's computer, it freezes at the gdm, the activity cursor never stops spinning05:48
thechitowncubsi'm in the recovery mode root console, any advice on what to check?05:48
=== normal1 [~normal1@roy-tal-oaks-136-89.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
REdsbob2, i never said drivers on disk, u said that part05:49
REdscrimsun, tell u what05:49
calcbob2: maybe he meant compiling them in versus loading them for always used modules may save ram?05:49
raven3x7firebird619 have you run scanmodem from the linmodems website before you did that?05:49
normal1how do you edit whats on the gnome start menu05:49
bob2I dunno05:49
calcbob2: which it probably would due to minimum allocation size on page boundaries, etc05:49
normal1i know theres away to do it by right clicking it on kde05:49
calcbut probably not save all that much ram except on very limited systems05:49
bob2compiling them in can save ram because each module otherwise requires a whole page05:49
ridejibnormal1: install smeg05:49
bob2yeah, exactly05:49
monkeyycan someone help me ?05:49
normal1i'll take alook05:49
normal1thanks man05:50
REdsbob2, and just so u know, just because i dont explain things in full, doesnt make them any more wrong or right than you05:50
firebird619raven3x7: no I haven't. Is that something I can download and have it scan or is it run off the Web site. I have no Internet access on Ubuntu.05:50
bob2REds: ok, I'm sorry, I misread you.  what is the advantage of compiling a custom kernel?05:50
monkeyyhey bob2 when i type in sudo rm /etc/rc2.d/S*ntpd*   it says no such file05:50
monkeyyi should be doing this from the root terminal right ?05:50
monkeyylemme try again05:50
thechitowncubshey everyone, im trying to repair my sis's computer, it freezes at the gdm, the activity cursor never stops spinning05:51
thechitowncubsi'm in the recovery mode root console, any advice on what to check?05:51
thechitowncubsits pretty important05:51
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ridejibwell... kernel k7 does seem a bit faster on my machine, and all of my ram is now being seen :) thanks for all the input there05:51
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thechitowncubsand i have no idea what to look for05:51
=== v[] L7r[] n is now known as v[-] L7r[-] n
=== rattboi [~rattboi@c-24-22-178-137.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pinkpinkIt seems that gtk-theme-switch changes only the ~/.gtkrc file... but how about the ~/.gtkrc-1.2-gnome2 file?05:52
bob2monkeyy: sorry, sudo rm /etc/rcS.d/S*ntpdate05:52
raven3x7yes you download it. it is a script tht finds out the exact type of your modem. i remember that some manufacturers erroneously claim 537 modems as 537EP. which need different drivers05:52
=== fader06 [~Lindsay@loudsl01-253-101-31.iglou.com] has joined #Ubuntu
airmikeyu guys get muine to work in 64 bit05:52
firebird619raven3x7: OK I will download it on my Windows machine and run it on Linux. I will let you know what it comes back as.05:53
bob2if you mean "amd64", please don't say "64 bit"05:53
=== IceDC571 [~chris@c-24-4-87-132.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
calcbtw the kolivas patches are kind of a wash right now, but look promising in the future esp with his new benchmark tester05:53
bob2just as a general thing05:53
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firebird619raven3x7: What is the web site for it. www.linmodems.org or what?05:53
raven3x7firebird619 http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/05:53
=== aceidia [~Aceidia@] has joined #ubuntu
REdsbob2, thats ok, a bit faster, security reasons, and so u dont have all these modules ur not using, plus custom patches for things like amd64 which ud want too keep fairly update since its still relatively newl this was in regard too amd64 with ridejib u realise05:53
=== Sangiorgi_- [~bruno@201009073088.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
aarcaneso i googled about compiling kernels in ubuntu, and it seems the best way to do it is from source..  sound about right ?05:53
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calche even noted that himself since the mainline is faster at some things and his is faster at others05:53
firebird619raven3x7: OK I will download it and run it05:53
aarcaneerm..  I mean using kernel.org instead of using anything else05:53
bob2REds: how is it faster?05:53
REdsbob2, theres other reasons, but thats enuf, u know the reasons urself,05:53
monkeyybob2 under the normal terminal it still says the same no such file or directory05:53
airmikeyu know i will never tell anyone here what they can or cannot say05:54
=== Bugsbang [~bonny@ALamentin-103-1-12-192.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
airmikeyso dont to me05:54
airmikeythank u05:54
aceidiacan anyone tell me how i would go about finding where wine has installed itself on my  computer.?05:54
LincTeKthechitowncubs:  how many accounts are on the computer ?05:54
bob2I didn't tell you not to say anything, I was explaining how you can be more correct and clearer05:54
bob2"64 bit" means something else05:54
bob2aceidia: it'll be /usr/bin/wine05:54
calci'm not sure how compiled in drivers can be faster after initial load time05:54
ridejibacedia: in terminal "whereis wine"05:54
raven3x7firebird619 also join the mailing list. and send them the results. they will give you better advice than i can05:54
airmikeywell anyone with a liitle knowledge understood me05:55
calcperhaps the jump doesn't take as many cycles? ;) hah05:55
thechitowncubsLincTek: 105:55
firebird619raven3x7: OK05:55
fader06I have been a dedicated ubuntu user for a while, but can't load it on my old AMD k6-2 (x server can't load). Does anoyone know of a distro that comes with nothing more than the server setup with a Graphical Desktop Environement?05:55
thechitowncubsfader06: DSL05:56
REdsbob2, i didnt say id explain too u how its faster, thats obvious, i just answered ur question with the advantages. thats it05:56
=== ecliptik [~micheal@cpe-66-91-252-102.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
thechitowncubsor you can set up ubuntu to do it05:56
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monkeyycan anyone help me during boot ubuntu synchronises with ntp.ubuntulinux.org how do i remove that05:56
bob2REds: no, it's not obvious.  how is it faster?  it's the exacte same kernel code, compiled with the same compiler, and the same gcc flags.05:56
ecliptikwhat are the xorg.conf optons to disable the touchscroll on a synaptics touchpad?05:56
calcfrom what i can tell on my system the modular way should not waste more than ~ 400KB vs compiled in, which is trivial amount of memory05:56
LincTeKthechitowncubs:  do you get a login screen ?05:56
=== pagefault_ [Eric@HSE-Montreal-ppp135269.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
calcthough for some reason the kernel seems to be using ~ 18MB ram on my box05:56
bob2monkeyy: what does 'ls /etc/rcS.d/S*ntp*' print?05:57
ridejibfader06: why not install server version of ubuntu and then a window manager like fluxbox05:57
monkeyylet me check05:57
bob2calc: ram for page tables adds up if you have a lot of ram, maybe?05:57
calchmm actually 27MB of ram i must be thinking of another box using 18mb05:57
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calcbob2: 1gb ram 27MB is missing from free total amount05:57
=== Arkainium^2 [~mark@pool-70-107-87-187.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
REdsbob2, im not going too debate this with u, ur just a shit stirer. end of story, if u know so much you wouldnt have too ask me why.05:58
calcbob2: not sure if that is normal or not05:58
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bob2REds: ok, just please stop telling people that if you don't have any actual explanation for it, thanks05:58
aceidiabob2 would my cedega folder be in there to.?05:58
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monkeyybob2 no such file05:58
bob2aceidia: hm, I don't know05:58
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bob2monkeyy: then I suspect if you reboot, it won't try to sync it05:58
monkeyyit still is :-(05:59
karma_are there some good terminus-like fonts but smaller(for terminals) in Ubuntu ?05:59
bob2monkeyy: how about 'find /etc/rc* -name "*ntp*"'?05:59
REdsbob2, i have explanations, i just dont have too be lecturer by u, if u know so much why dont u explain the detailed differences and the advantages and disadvantages05:59
calcREds: so i'll ask.. what is it?05:59
REdsbob2, so i assume if i dont explain ur self from now on u wont give advice ?05:59
ridejibacedia: cedega folder should be in your home directory.. something like ".Transgaming_drive"05:59
calccode that is modular is different than compiled in just that it has to setup the function pointers at load time06:00
REdscalc, mushoom06:00
ridejibit will be a hidden directory06:00
=== flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
monkeyyit gave some results shall i post them here06:00
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calcREds: eh?06:00
bob2REds: the differences are minimal.  reducing the list of compiled modules will save some disk space, but reduce functionality if you get new hardware.  it won't make it faster in any way.  compiling things into the kernel can save some boot time, and will use slightly less ram, but also reduces flexibility, especially for laptops (not being able to reload wireless drivers will break suspend).06:00
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bob2REds: in conclusion, it's not worth it for most people, but can be handy to know if you work on obscure architectures, or small systems you need to squeeze every last bit of ram and performance out of.06:01
=== Arkainium^3 [~mark@pool-70-107-87-187.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
REdsbob2, why did u tell ppl too use the source driver, of a binary one ?06:01
bob2REds: I generally don't give advice on topics I'm not willing to explain myself.  if I'm guessing, I will tell people that.06:01
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REdsbob2, but there still is a difference06:01
bob2REds: I don't know what you mean?06:01
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monkeyyit gave /etc/rc2.d/K77ntp.server .... /etc/rc3.d/K77ntp.server.... /etc/rcS.S51ntpdate06:02
REdsbob2, u said it before, not me06:02
bob2REds: yes, it can use slightly less ram06:02
calcREds: not speed difference06:02
bob2REds: show me what line you're refering to, I don't recall saying that06:02
ridejibbob2: what kernel do you recommend for an amd64?06:02
bob2ridejib: whatever the default in hoary is06:02
REdsits like saying amd32 and amd64 kernel theres no difference, or no kernel code diff for the cpu06:02
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calcridejib: i use linux-image-2.6.12-3-amd64-k806:02
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bob2REds: of course there is a difference between them, that's not at all what I'm saying06:02
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REdsbob2, i saw u say it, its above06:02
calcridejib: but that isn't in hoary06:02
calcridejib: default hoary one should be fine06:02
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ridejibcalc: yeah, i was going to say that i couldnt find that06:03
REdsyes i know, im not a programmer also i cant tell u every detail06:03
REdsbut why compile kernels,06:03
bob2REds: I have no idea what this sentence means: "why did u tell ppl too use the source driver, of a binary one", can you explain it?06:03
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REdswhy not load all modules if its only disk space and not much else06:03
REdswhy use patches, why recompile, why tweak the kernel, why update the kernel06:03
HaroldJohnsonHello everyone; sorry for my crabbiness earlier today.06:03
calcREds: because the boot device needs built in module unless you use an initrd/initramfs06:03
calcREds: most if not all dists use modules06:03
bob2REds: you're confused again.  loading modules uses ram, but even with ubuntu kernels, but you only load modules for hardware you have.06:03
Dr_Willisnot all modules are loaded at boot up.06:04
calcREds: but they also setup up initrds06:04
=== noony [~alexpm@joker.u.pereslavl.ru] has joined #ubuntu
REdsim getting the gist u said theres little too no difference bob206:04
REdsyes im aware06:04
Marble2Okay, I don't know what I did wrong, but I had totem playing almost all types of video files, now I changed something and it will only play .mpg/.mpeg files, every other type of file gives me a handling error. Does anyone know how to fix this?06:04
bob2there's little to no speed difference, yes06:04
monkeyybob 2 shall i post the results of the find that we made ?06:04
REdsbut sometimes modules are loaded that arent needed and used06:04
bob2monkeyy: sudo rm /etc/rcS.S/51ntpdate06:04
AlbanianLordhey folks I was wondering if someone could help me with my sound issues06:04
=== Tomcat_ [~Tomcat@p54A1ADB9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
REdsi know about initrds06:04
bob2monkeyy: one of the commands I gave you earlier should have deleted that, so make sure you type EXACTLY what I said06:04
REdscalc, i never said dont use modules, just meant slim it down06:05
bob2REds: can you give me an example of a module that shouldn't be loaded?06:05
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ridejibcalc: mind if i private you?06:05
REdsits like why do we use ck patches, ur aware of them right06:05
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REdsits just an example realy06:05
calcREds: sliming down which modules a dist compiles in is hard to pick since the dist doesn't want to waste ram for other people that don't want those features06:05
calcridejib: sure go ahead06:05
REdsfloppy ppl might not use it06:05
REdsparrallel port06:05
GigaClonI was browsing synaptic and came across a plugin that allow you to view your filesystem as planets anyone know what it is called?06:05
bob2REds: you're argiuing by analogy, which is pointless06:05
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calcREds: ck patches help some but hurt in other areas as he mentioned today06:05
dbernar1AlbanianLord: are your speakers broken?06:06
REdsbob2, not realy06:06
bob2REds: yes, using ck can be useful, but that has nothing to do with randomly recompiling things06:06
dbernar1then there is hope, tell us more.06:06
calcof course once he figures out how to make it all good it will go into the kernel06:06
AlbanianLorddbernar i believe it is an alsa issue06:06
REdscalc, ofcourse but point is they help, like all patches, its the point06:06
=== LincTeK goodnight all
AlbanianLordso dbernar can you assist me?06:06
calcREds: also note that if you compile your own kernel you won't get all the other fixes the dist provider has in their kernel06:06
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calcREds: 2.6 kernels are considered unstable by the upstream authors themselves06:07
monkeyybob 2 thanks i think this is gonna work06:07
dbernar1I dont know, likely not, I have no clue about it, but tell nmore about the issue, you have more chance of getting help.06:07
calcREds: they recommend you use dist kernels instead06:07
REdsbob2, ur missing the point ck has adavantages just lie applying patches too the standard kernel tree or recompiling, just as they have advantages like being less stable, thats all obvious06:07
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calcso at minimum you would want to patch the dist kernel source with the other fixes, not build a kernel.org one06:07
AlbanianLordok i'm told and i've ascertained that I need the ac97 codec06:07
bob2REds: yes, that's an analogy.  anyway, I didn't want a stupidly long discussion, I'm just trying to shut down this cargo-cult floklore thing06:07
AlbanianLordbut for whatever reason I get NO sound whatsoever06:08
REdsbob2, well not according too vendors and kernel.org its in the stable stream, has been for ages, its a bit late arguing now that 2.6 isnt stable though06:08
youthhow do i remove my previous version of wine?06:08
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youthi went to winehq.com and couldn't see how to06:08
dbernar1sound card?06:08
REdsbob2, cargo-cult floklore thing ? what do u mean06:08
bob2REds: I don't even know what you're arguing now06:08
monkeyybob 2 thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!06:08
bob2REds: I never said 2.6 is unstable06:08
bob2monkeyy: np06:08
REdsbob2, i didnt want a long discussion either, but u keept asking me why06:08
bob2lunchtime, y'all06:08
REdscalc REds: 2.6 kernels are considered unstable by the upstream authors themselves ; sorry that was meant for calc06:09
HrdwrBoBREds: compiling your own kernel is not worth the waste of time and effort06:09
bob2REds: because I wanted to see if you had a strong reason, or if you were repeating what someone else had told you06:09
AlbanianLorddbernar;: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)06:09
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dbernar1bob2: w00t, whats cooking?>06:09
calcREds: actually they aren't what you been reading/smoking? :)06:09
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bob2dbernar1: pumpkin soup, it seems06:09
dbernar1im totally starving.06:09
REdswaste of time, its no real effort and takes hardly anytime, these days thatsa  pointless argument HrdwrBoB realy06:09
dbernar1sweet, tell me when its done.06:09
calcREds: iirc upstream kernel.org people recommend using redhat kernels06:09
AlbanianLordmay I suggest albanian food?06:09
REdsits like why upgrade ubuntu, its not worth the time, downloads and effort06:10
AlbanianLordi hear it's excellent06:10
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dbernar1ok, go ahead, AlbanianLord .06:10
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HrdwrBoBREds: exactly, if it works and it's good enough. don't upgrade.06:10
crimsun!tell AlbanianLord about alsa-source06:10
REdscalc, its all based from the same kernel tree, wether its mandrake or redhat u realise06:10
HrdwrBoBunless you want something specific06:10
HrdwrBoBREds: there are *large* amounts of patches.06:10
AlbanianLordgoahead crimsun06:10
REdsHrdwrBoB, but alot dont and they upgrade, and thats how it is06:10
crimsunAlbanianLord: the name of the driver you want to select is called azx.06:10
danielsthere are absolutely ungodly amounts of patches06:10
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calcREds: thats like saying debian's xfree86 was just like upstreams ;)06:11
AlbanianLordhelp me through it then!06:11
REdsi believe uz want me too justify myself or somethn, i didnt say i know all06:11
danielsunless you have an absolutely crushing problem which your vendor cannot solve, it's suicidal to move away from a vendor kernel06:11
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daniels(noting that it also loses you security support)06:11
crimsunAlbanianLord: I just had a link sent to you via query.06:11
REdscalc, almost, ;o06:11
calcREds: nope not even close06:11
calcREds: redhat's kernel patch is huge aiui, and so was debian's xfree86 patch (10MB gzip'd)06:11
REdsnot realy, heaps of vendor kernels still need security patches too be applied06:11
REdsye i know06:11
=== sjjubb1989 [~steven@ip68-4-135-154.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
AlbanianLordso azx is it?06:12
ridejibcan't we all just get along?06:12
crimsunAlbanianLord: yep06:12
AlbanianLordhow do I work that beast!06:12
REdsim aware that vendor kernels are better sorted for there hardware, but theres no reason u can use standard kernel tree, updates, and ck for example, and apply say vendor patches06:13
crimsunAlbanianLord: just follow the instructions in the query that I had sent to you.06:13
REdseither ither each too there own realy06:13
aruwanna hear something funny, my nic I've been fighting works just fine, if anyone remembers, I said the green light was on once before... that was with a direct cable from the router to the laptop, the cable in my garage I was testing it with, I wired opposite on each end06:13
crimsunaru: so r8169 works fine?06:14
AlbanianLordwhy kernel source 2.4.2706:14
crimsunAlbanianLord: erm, you didn't follow my instructions...06:14
arucrimsun, I dont want to talk about it :)06:14
crimsunaru: fair 'nuff06:14
calci have a 8169 at home that works fine :)06:14
AlbanianLordi thought i did06:15
crimsunAlbanianLord: linux-headers-$(uname -r)06:15
IceDC571!info msttcorefonts06:15
AlbanianLordgot it06:15
ubotumsttcorefonts: (Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts), section multiverse/x11, is optional. Version: 1.2ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 21 kB, Installed size: 160 kB06:15
sjjubb1989does anyone know that program that you can play songs off of your ipod in linux?06:15
Dr_WillisHmm.. you mount your ipod as a normal usb drive I thought. so about anything can play files off it.06:16
FlannelKingdoes anyone else not see msttcorefonts in their repos?06:16
crimsunFlannelKing: it's in multiverse.06:16
FlannelKingI have multiverse06:16
Dr_WillisUnless i totally missunderstand how the ipod works. ;)06:16
crimsunsjjubb1989: what Dr_Willis said.06:16
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sjjubb1989Is ther a better way to sort my music? Music Player crashes for some reason06:16
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FlannelKinghmm, I dont have multiverse... thats odd, nevrmind then06:16
sjjubb1989Crimsun, Dr_Willis: I got the ipod mounted, its just the sorting music like thing06:16
=== calc is surprised no one has ever called him with his contact info in the kernel ;)
aceidiadoes anyone know anything about cedega?06:17
crimsunaceidia: #cedega does06:17
calci get plenty of spam though so perhaps thats the most i will get, heh06:17
HrdwrBoBaceidia: yes06:17
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AlbanianLordcrimsun how do I select that module06:18
crimsuncalc: I can funnel some of the spam that hits me to you if you'd like ;)06:18
ridejibWell, good night everyone, and enjoy your speed arguments06:18
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HrdwrBoBaceidia: do you have a question?06:18
calccrimsun: no thats ok, i finally managed to get it down to only ~ 15/day that hit my inbox06:18
pfaulttime to get keyboard out of dishwasher06:19
calccrimsun: i had to run spamassassin on my local box since my webhost disabled all the useful features, heh06:19
calci get somewhere around 400-500 spam a day and another 1000+ viruses06:19
calcclamav is teh r0x06:19
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jasoncoheni see an ip from russia in last -d. it appears this person logged into my machine but the only port i have open that would allow remote access is ssh and that isn't accessible from the internet - plus it's public key only06:19
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jasoncohendoes last -d mean a successful login attempt was made?06:19
AlbanianLordcrimsun how do I select azx06:20
seth_kjasoncohen: there's a bug report on that06:20
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dbernar1AlbanianLord: I am sure taht link tells you06:20
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dbernar1Do you have the link?06:20
crimsunAlbanianLord: you select it in the third screen when you sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-source06:20
elmagozizouI need some help06:20
PlutoPrimehow do you "Name" a burning session with gnome-baker!??!06:20
seth_kjasoncohen: it's apparently a memory leak in gdm, not a russian anything06:20
elmagozizouI just install ubuntu06:20
calcjasoncohen: that sounds bad06:20
dbernar1help you shall get06:20
PlutoPrimeI can't find such an option anywhere... is it even possible?06:20
calcjasoncohen: oh nm see what seth_k said06:20
jasoncohenseth_k, why would a memory leak in gdm show some russian ip?06:21
=== seth_k looks for the bug
AlbanianLordi got an error crimsun06:21
jasoncohenseth_k, thanks, i feel better now06:21
seth_khttps://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12568 && https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=892506:21
dbernar1AlbanianLord: say what it said.06:21
thechitowncubshey everyone, im trying to repair my sis's computer, it freezes at the gdm, the activity cursor never stops spinning06:21
thechitowncubsi'm in the recovery mode root console, any advice on what to check?06:22
jasoncohen...heh, so can i get rid of the firewall rule blocking that ip?06:22
seth_kyep, gdm memory leak06:22
seth_kyeah :D06:22
seth_kbecause it's a random IP06:22
seth_kyours just happened to show up from russia06:22
calcseth_k: yea i see lots of random ips in my last log06:22
AlbanianLordchecking for directory with kernel source... /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386checking for directory with kernel build... /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-38606:22
AlbanianLordchecking for kernel version... The file /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386/include/linux/version.h does not exist.06:22
AlbanianLordPlease, install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution06:22
AlbanianLordor use --with-kernel=dir option to specify another directory with kernel06:22
AlbanianLordsources (default is /usr/src/linux).06:22
AlbanianLordmake: *** [configure-stamp]  Error 106:22
AlbanianLordsorry about that06:22
dbernar1nothing just ahppens to show up from russia, is a plan.06:22
jasoncohenseth_k, you sure. needsomehelp saw the same thing in his last -d06:22
elmagozizouCan any one help my....I have  litle problem...I just install ubuntu06:22
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ubotuhmm... pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ or #flood06:23
dbernar1AlbanianLord: please use pastebin.com, or #flood for pasteing more than a few lines 1-2-3 of text06:23
calcthey all seem to end in .0 though which is fishy, probably that same bug :)06:23
seth_kjasoncohen: depending on your configuration, you get one of several IPs. A lot of people in #kubuntu got the same one, too.06:23
calcdbernar1: did the ip end in .0 for you too?06:23
AlbanianLord#flood checking for directory with kernel source... /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386checking for directory with kernel build... /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-38606:23
AlbanianLordchecking for kernel version... The file /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386/include/linux/version.h does not exist.06:23
AlbanianLordPlease, install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution06:23
AlbanianLordor use --with-kernel=dir option to specify another directory with kernel06:23
AlbanianLordsources (default is /usr/src/linux).06:23
AlbanianLordmake: *** [configure-stamp]  Error 106:23
dbernar1calc: its a takeover,06:23
AlbanianLordi pasted it06:23
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dbernar1 /join #flood, but we sdaw it already06:24
jasoncohenseth_k, again, thanks for the info06:24
jasoncohenis the bug report on ubuntu's bugzilla?06:24
seth_kyes, those are both Ubuntu bugreports06:24
Marble2Okay, I don't know what I did wrong, but I had totem playing almost all types of video files, now I changed something and it will only play .mpg/.mpeg files, every other type of file gives me a handling error. Does anyone know how to fix this?06:24
seth_kglad I could help you06:24
AlbanianLordso what went wrong06:24
seth_kRussian IPs would worry me too :P06:24
seth_kif you look it up, it's actually the IP of a Russian bank06:24
seth_krussian bank h4x0r pwns joo06:24
jasoncohenseth_k, https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1256806:25
jasoncohenseth_k, that's the ip i saw06:25
dbernar1im blinking and Im thinking, hm, yeah...06:25
holycowmarble, right click on file, do properties, go to open with and add/check what apps you want to open that file type06:25
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tiglionabbitMarble2: is it totem-xine or totem-gstreamer?06:25
seth_kjasoncohen: seems to be fixed in breezy, I don't get it anymore on my breezy installs06:25
Marble2tiglionabbit: totem-xine06:26
Marble2i have w32codecs installed06:26
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tiglionabbithmm, that's odd06:26
dbernar1evrything is odd.06:26
tiglionabbitwhat is the error?06:26
Marble2what the hell... it just started playing .wmv files06:27
Marble2still no .avi though06:27
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Marble2the error is06:27
Marble2video codec 'XviD format' is not handled. You might need to install additional plugins to be able to play some types of movies06:27
Marble2XviD format changes, depending on what the video is encoded in though06:27
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Marble2hm, now it won't play a different wmv file06:28
Marble2this is weird06:28
dbernar1so anyhow, what  do people do with their computers that they need winblows, that is the question of the day, I swear.06:28
tiglionabbitMarble2: can you play it in gxine or xine-ui?06:28
calcseth_k: its still doing it for me on breezy, but i haven't restarted gdm in 5 days06:28
=== FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010487351pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sjjubb1989Marble2: This guide might help06:29
Marble2yea, it plays in gxine06:29
Marble2I won't have xine-ui06:29
tiglionabbitdbernar1: the only thing I need windows for is TabletPC Edition Ink.06:29
Marble2and they all play fine in mplayer06:29
eno__what does middle click do?  I read that it is used in linux but mine doesn't seem to do anything06:29
seth_kcalc: maybe I am lucky I guess06:29
sjjubb1989Marble2: are you using ubuntu. then use  Alex Leanders <Hollygirlgreen@aol.com>06:29
sjjubb1989i mean06:29
tiglionabbiteno__: pastes the last thing you hilighted06:29
sjjubb1989erase that email06:29
dbernar1I mean sometimes, I need to use windows,...06:29
dbernar1for like, something...06:29
sjjubb1989that is not it. i ment to past a link06:29
eno__oh thanks06:29
calcseth_k: heh06:29
Marble2sjjubb1989: huh? email him?06:29
Marble2tiglionabbit: any ideas?06:29
seth_ksjjubb1989: LOL, nice paste ;)06:30
tiglionabbiteno__: it also does different things when you click on unpastable places, like the title bar on a window, or a hyperlink06:30
FlannelKingIn synaptec, in the category view, Installed, Not installed, Upgradable, that sort of thing, what does "Installed (local or obsolete)" mean?06:30
sjjubb1989Don't email her06:30
dbernar1but, I mean, ubuntu is sooo much more advanced, and everything works in linux, and there are sooo many more programs, reall.06:30
Tomcat_dbernar1: Gaming? :o06:30
Marble2sjjubb1989: what will adding more repos give me?06:30
seth_kmore goodies06:30
sjjubb1989more choices for software06:30
Marble2what packages do I need to install06:30
dbernar1now that, is just stupid, anyhow, I dont wanna diss anyhow, flame, troll whatever.06:30
eno__I will try it out06:30
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tiglionabbitdbernar1: yeah, and inkscape comes very close to the things I want from ink, but it is not there yet.  I should develop it =)06:30
Marble2btw, I'm already using universe and multiverse06:31
sjjubb1989Marble2: The guide has certain ones you might want. i did all the media ones06:31
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ubotufrom memory, multimedia is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia06:31
dbernar1nah, anyhow, ya, I guess ppl use computers for non command line things...06:31
geocatorwhy oh why can I not install the newest firefox 1.0.5?06:31
GigaClonis there a linux equvilant to RazorLame (ie GUI front end)06:32
tiglionabbit1.0.5 is the newest?06:32
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calcsound juicer is a gui for ripping, whether its equal to that i dunno06:32
poningruit came out toninght06:32
hylixHey, got a problem with the sk98bin module06:32
tiglionabbitgeocator: well, most of the changes (at least from 1.0.4) have been backported to 1.0.206:32
ubotuI heard firefox is version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"06:32
hylixI compiled it from source, but if I put it in /etc/modules it won't generate a eth0 device06:32
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GigaClonI want to transcode some mp3 files06:32
calci personally like acbde encoder for linux, but its command line, you just run the app and it does everything automatically though06:32
hylixIf I reboot so it loads, then rmmod it and reload it, it works06:33
hylixBut then I have to run ifconfig eth0 up and dhclient06:33
Marble2sjjubb1989 and tiglionabbit, I belive I have all the codec packages I need, I just can't get totem to recognize them06:33
Marble2or something06:33
tiglionabbithylix: can't you just "ifup eth0" ?06:33
Marble2because the videos will play fine in other players, and they were playing fine in totem06:33
Marble2I just must have changed something06:33
sjjubb1989Marble2: Ah....06:33
sjjubb1989Marble2: Ok well i'm lost now06:33
hylixtiglionabbit: nope, it should do that on boot, but the driver doesn't recognize the hardware unless i rmmod it and reinstall it06:33
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hylixi tried making an /etc/rcS.d startup script but same problem06:34
shidowysiwug editor for ubuntu is called?06:34
calcshido: webpages? nvu06:34
tiglionabbitshido: sure, openoffice you mean?06:34
shidothank you, 50 pts06:34
shidoand why do I need to reboot 3 times to get gnome-panel?06:34
shidoand HAL errors06:34
tiglionabbitshido: what are you talking about?06:34
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shidounable to initialize HAL06:35
crimsunshido: you're not using linux-image-2.6.11-1-foo, are you?06:35
GigaClonlame front end for ubuntu?06:35
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shido 2.6.10-5-686-smp #1 SMP06:35
calcGigaClon: sound juicer will do that06:35
shidohow come synaptic didnt notify me06:35
calcGigaClon: and its installed by default on ubuntu06:35
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rainingzigzagswhats a good video player to install that plays more video formats?06:36
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GigaCloncalc, does it transcode too?06:36
calcrainingzigzags: totem-xine06:36
calcGigaClon: i don't think it will do that06:36
GigaClonI have mp3 files encoded at 320 and I want them at 12806:36
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tiglionabbitrainingzigzags: vlc claims to, but isn't compiled for realmedia.  Mplayer should06:36
calcGigaClon: you can do that fairly simplely with a script06:37
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calcmpg123 output to stdout and have lame read from stdin and encode to 12806:37
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GigaClonwindows had razorlame that did that quite nicely06:38
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shidocrimsun, using synaptic how do I upgrade my kernel to 2.6.x06:38
shidooh nevermind06:38
shidoI see it06:38
shidothank you06:38
calcgrr libmad is broken on the archive for amd64 arch, bad package md5sum06:38
rainingzigzagswhich one will play divx files?06:38
daakui'm new to the ppc linux combination, and i cant seem to get my powerbook to boot using either an install or a live cd.. i'm holding down the c key, burned different cd's to make sure it wasnt a bad burn..06:39
thechitowncubsor you can set up ubuntu to do it06:39
thechitowncubshey everyone, im trying to repair my sis's computer, it freezes at the gdm, the activity cursor never stops spinning06:39
calcGigaClon: to do the same under linux takes a one line script maybe about 80 chars06:39
shido10 seconds remaining06:39
thechitowncubsi'm in the recovery mode root console, any advice on what to check?06:39
crimsuncalc: topic06:39
calcGigaClon: so there might not be any transcode app to do it since it is so simple06:39
calccrimsun: ah, hehe06:39
elmagozizouwho offer help here?06:40
calcGigaClon: once i install the package i can tell you what that one line is06:40
elmagozizouI need help..I just install ubuntu06:40
flodinehow do i update my kernel using synaptic06:40
calcoh actually lame can transcode itself06:41
flodinedont sleep now guys06:41
FlannelKingIs there a problem with the repository listing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories ?  Im getting errors, are they just the repo being down?06:41
flodinehow do i update my kernel using synaptic06:42
calcjust do lame --mp3input in.mp3 out.mp3 and tell it what bitrate/quality to use06:42
calcif you have a lot to convert just use a for loop06:42
FlannelKingelmagozizou, it's best to just ask your question06:43
calcfor i in (list of files); do lame --mp3input $i `basename $i .mp3`.new.mp3; done06:43
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spermie_411how do tell cedega to install a game from cdrom?06:44
thechitowncubshey everyone, im trying to repair my sis's computer, it freezes at the gdm, the activity cursor never stops spinning06:44
thechitowncubsi'm in the recovery mode root console, any advice on what to check?06:44
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gyaresuthechitowncubs, are you using 2.6.11 ?06:44
tessierspermie_411: Did you just message me?06:44
tessierspermie_411: I think you are infected.06:45
thechitowncubsI don't think so... but possibly06:45
tessierheh...infected spermie...hehehehe06:45
calcGigaClon: did you see the line above?06:45
calcok :)06:45
tessierspermie_411: You should go down to the clinic and get checked out06:45
thechitowncubsgyaresu: what would that effect?06:45
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calcGigaClon: lame has quality settings besides just constant bitrate settings that are better to use if you don't need exactly 128kbps06:45
spermie_411wrong tessier06:45
spermie_411and dont get an attiude with me either06:46
gpledanyone using bittorrent?06:46
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gyaresu2.6.11 hung for me while loading gdm.06:46
aruattitudes are... nevermind06:46
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gpledaru: that yeah for me?06:46
gyaresuthechitowncubs, 2.6.11 hung for me.06:46
thechitowncubson the gdm load?06:46
gyaresuthechitowncubs, i'd try a different kernel.06:47
arugyaresu, it wasn't but I do use bittorrent06:47
Marble2Okay, I don't know what I did wrong, but I had totem playing almost all types of video files, now I changed something and it will only play .mpg/.mpeg files, every other type of file gives me a handling error. Does anyone know how to fix this?06:47
thechitowncubsdid it freeze on the gdm load>?06:47
elmagozizouok...here is my problem...I intalls ubuntu twice because GRUB doesnt wnat to boot just after the instalation....then I decide to install it using lilo...but know lilo doesnt offer me the option yo boot my windows partition...whow do i do that?06:47
ticktocapplications just drop into nowhere..  finally discovered this msg in xsession-errors -> "appliation <whatever> lost its connection to the display :0.0 most likely the x server etc.. etc.. Any Ideas?06:47
tessierspermie_411: So you did message me? What do you want?06:47
gpledaru: how can i tell if others are getting files from me?06:47
aruit should say, let me grab something06:48
tessierspermie_411 hey06:48
gyaresuthechitowncubs, (preface your messages with a name...)06:48
gyaresuthechitowncubs, froze after loging in.06:48
thechitowncubsgyaresu: i don't think thats the problem then06:48
tessierRunning xchat and somehow infected? That doesn't make sense. But it doesn't make sense why he would randomly message me "hey" either06:49
arugpled, click the upload tab06:49
ticktocoh...  btw...  this occurs 98% of the time in gnome...  luckily i use windowmaker 98% of the time.. <g>06:49
gpledaru:  k06:50
calcMarble2: tried installing totem-xine?06:50
aruthat comma seperator is pissing me off06:50
elmagozizouok...here is my problem...I intalls ubuntu twice because GRUB doesnt wnat to boot just after the instalation....then I decide to install it using lilo...but know lilo doesnt offer me the option yo boot my windows partition...whow do i do that?06:50
gyaresuthechitowncubs, can you CTL+ALT+F2 while gdm is freezing?06:50
thechitowncubsto get into a console?06:50
thechitowncubsif thats what that does then no06:50
arugpled: apparently its supposed to say next to Status06:50
arugpled: mine says zero06:50
calcelmagozizou: what error did grub give?06:50
gyaresuelmagozizou, sounds like drive order and partition numbers...06:50
dbernar1he is using ext3.06:50
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calcelmagozizou: is your boot drive on a hpt ide controller?06:51
gyaresuthechitowncubs, yes. to get a look at the messages...06:51
gpledaru:  mine says 11.1 MB at 0.00 KB/s06:51
GigaCloncalc can you link me to a bash scripting tutorial?06:51
arugpled: once you click the Cap boxes and set it, then it starts sharing06:51
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thechitowncubsgyaresu: ya, i can't even do that06:52
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arumine did anyway06:52
thechitowncubsonce i try to do that the cursor goes away and it does nothing06:52
Marble2calc: uh, yea06:52
gpledaru: lol, i thought i was being a nice guy, by not putting a cap on :)06:52
gyaresuthechitowncubs, is this a new install? have you tried different kernels?06:53
calcMarble2: oh :(06:53
elmagozizou WHen i boot after the installation06:53
elmagozizougrub says "grub loading....please wait"06:53
hylixtiglionabbit: if you're still capable of helping me, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=252550#post25255006:53
elmagozizoubut stays there06:53
elmagozizouthere is not the problem know06:54
elmagozizousee now i cnat boot..just that only linux06:54
calcGigaClon: http://steve-parker.org/sh/sh.shtml06:54
calcGigaClon: that one looks decent06:54
elmagozizouI dont know how to bot windows...06:54
calcGigaClon: also aiui there are good bash docs as well outside of the manpage itself06:54
arugpled: is it working?06:54
tiglionabbithehe hylix, I'm sorry, I'm not much help with complicated things.  I'm just here to knock some sense into people when the problem is obvious, and try to be as helpful as possible06:54
hylixtiglionabbit: roger, thanks for your help anyway. it's driving me insane06:54
dbernar1elmagozizou: I cant boot windows even if I have only that on there.06:55
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calcGigaClon: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html06:55
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calcelmagozizou: oh ok06:55
gpledaru: yes, thanks for the help!06:56
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aruno problem!06:56
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gyaresuelmagozizou, dual boot system? you want windows back? one ide harddrive?06:56
shido2.6 crashes on my box06:57
blmartin777is there a gnome processor temp applet?06:57
dbernar1just reinstall winblows06:57
aruI helped someone today!06:57
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dbernar1and then grub.06:57
aruI now rock06:57
dbernar1like the ubuntu logo.06:58
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dbernar1an ascii bootsplash06:58
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tiglionabbitwhat exactly is $CDPATH for?07:00
tiglionabbitI see07:01
FlannelKingelmagozizou, you still have windows installed? you just need to get to the grub menu to choose?07:02
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jc_cBugsbang: compatriote :)07:03
ubotufrom memory, recover is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:03
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da_bon_bonhi all -- do you guys keep your pc top notch up to date ? (not sync to devel..)  or just as it was when released ?07:04
aruI updated once07:05
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da_bon_bonaru: and then never ?07:05
da_bon_boncoz software isnt really updated, its just given fixes.07:06
Mestapheleshi all07:06
aruI just installed the system, ran the update and called it good07:06
da_bon_bondidnt like it ?07:07
gyaresuda_bon_bon, if it's a desktop machine and everything you use works then its irrelevant. on the otherhand, if it's a server....07:07
CentaurI just installed ubuntu 2 hours ago and already love it! When did the installation set the root password though cause I don't know what it is, I only recall creating a user?07:07
FlannelKingyou should keep it updated, if nothing but security patches07:07
ubotusudo is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo07:07
Tomcat_Centaur: Please read that. :)07:07
FlannelKingCentaur, ubuntu doesnt use root, read that ;)07:07
da_bon_bongyaresu: no, a desktop machine.07:07
da_bon_bonwhats the easiest and simplest way to have mp3 support on a clean ubuntu install ?07:08
CentaurFlannelKing: really, so is my user I setup root?07:08
firebird619Is there anything else I have to set up anywhere after installing a modem to get it to work. I installed the modem with drivers for Linux that I downloaded from the manufacturers Web site and when I run wvdial it returns Modem Not Responding. Can anyone help me solve this problem?07:08
MestaphelesI'm getting messages like Filesystem "hda4":I/O Error Detected.  Shutting down filesystems:hda4.  Please umount ...07:08
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aruI'm not supposed to be using root? :)07:09
ubotusomebody said sudo was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo07:09
Mestaphelessudo reboot, and sudo shutdown -h now, don't work.  They giive an imput/output error.07:09
tiglionabbitaru: does it suffice to use sudo -s ?07:09
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FlannelKingCentaur, no, your user is set as an administrator, not root, you enter your OWN password for things like sudo, halfway in between, really, read that page07:09
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aruI've been opening a root terminal when I need to do something07:09
tiglionabbitaru: same thing07:10
CentaurFlannelKing: Okay, I'll go read it if I can get it to load07:10
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dbernar1tiglionabbit: how do you turn that off completely?07:10
HostingGeekRead that!07:10
tiglionabbitdbernar1: turn what off?07:10
FlannelKingturn what off?07:10
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HostingGeekanyone who uses GPL software07:10
HostingGeekmust read http://savannah.gnu.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=376607:11
Tomcat_aru: It's your own decision... of course you can use the root account. :o07:11
Madpilotcrap... Screem just froze up hard on me. I thought only Windoze programs did that? :)07:11
tiglionabbitMadpilot: nope, stuff happens07:11
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Madpilot... actually, a windows prog would have taken the whole computer down with it...07:11
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tiglionabbitYou know, I've found that I can edit 40+ images in the gimp and run 4 different media players at the same time in linux.  On windows, that would have caused some sluggish behavior and lots of crashing07:13
MestaphelesMadpilot:go to console07:13
dr_willisHmm... odd.. all my menu items in the gnome applications menu are doubled07:13
tiglionabbitdr_willis: using xfce?07:13
tiglionabbitoh wait, that would imply no07:14
spermie_411anyone in here use cedega?07:14
dr_willistiglionabbit,  :P07:14
dr_willishmm - where does gnome get all the menu items from anyway? ive never looked into that.07:14
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dr_willisdebian has some sort of directory stucture for the default menus dont it?07:14
MestaphelesXFS has just umounted two of my partitions and I get I/O errors when passing commands.  Any thoughts?07:14
MadpilotMestapheles: nah, nothing else happened aside from Screem falling over...07:14
tiglionabbitdr_willis: well, I had the same problem in xfce.  It's because xfce read both /usr/share/applications and that/kde, while gnome or kde only read their own07:14
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tiglionabbitdr_willis: I don't know how gnome could have started doing that, unless it got the kde directory included somehow07:15
MadpilotMestapheles: unless there's a way of checking logs somewhere to see why Screem froze?07:15
dr_willistiglionabbit,  ah.. testing out matchbox window manager also.. Hmm running vnc also. lets see07:15
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tiglionabbitMadpilot: did it screem as it died?07:15
dr_willisah - si thats what /usr/share is for.. I saw that dir earlier...07:15
Mestaphelesyes there should be a xorg_error log or something like that in /var07:15
NameeaterI've mounted my NTFS partition, but I can't access it, what should I do to get access?07:15
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tiglionabbitdr_willis: /usr/share is for any settings that apply to all user accounts, like themes, applications lists, and a crapload of other stuff07:16
dr_willistiglionabbit,  yea - looking at it now.07:16
Madpilottiglionabbit: :) nope - but that might have been an esd-related error, like every other sound bug I've heard about...07:16
Mestaphelesanyone ever get a cannot execute "sbin/getty" ?07:16
tiglionabbitMestapheles: that's bad, does that mean you can't login?07:17
tiglionabbitMestapheles: you might want to check that it exists, and is r-x07:17
Mestaphelescan't do anything.  XFS went rannk on me.  I guess sshing in from another computer wouldn't work either.07:18
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Mestapheleswell, I'm sure it exists.  I thinnk it is because XFS umounted two partitions for me for some problem it had.07:18
Mestaphelestiglionabbit:  am I correct to assume I can only hard reboot?07:19
tiglionabbitMestapheles: uh, what, why?  oh, is it because reboot can't login or something?07:19
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Mestaphelesyeah, sudo reboot, sudo shutdown -h now all give me a "I/O error"07:20
HrdwrBoBsounds like something is very. very. broken07:20
Mestaphelesall consoles give me the "unable to execute '/sbin/getty'"07:20
tiglionabbitMestapheles: you should be able to tap the power button gently to get a safe shutdown07:21
Mestaphelesyeah reiser gave me simmilar errors after the first reboot07:21
tiglionabbitbut I wouldn't shut down in that situation, unless planning to put in a boot cd07:21
Mestapheleswill do.  Well back to ext2 and ext307:21
Mestapheleswell here comes a reintall.  XFS and reiser suck on ppc.07:22
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Madpilotdamn, Screem just fell over again... it's too bad, I like it better that Bluefish... but Bluefish doesn't crash...07:23
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dijungalhi folks07:25
dijungalhave any of u use Mepis... how does it compare to Ubuntu...?07:25
Codestormubuntu is better07:25
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dijungalin what way..?07:26
tiglionabbitlol, what sort of answer do you expect from us?07:26
dijungali know.. hehehe07:26
Codestormwell, i've tried almost every distro i could find at some stage07:26
dijungalbut i was looking for something mroe objective... like tell me why it is beter yuh know07:26
Codestormand ubuntu is best07:26
Codestormbecause it works07:26
Madpilotdijungal: you're on #ubuntu, of course Ubuntu is better... :)07:26
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dijungalayte folks.. i get the point07:26
dijungali'll have to try it myself.. :)07:26
dijungaln-e-ways.. i been up like 48hrs here... i need to sleep... i'll try Ubuntu later today07:27
Madpilotdijungal: the LiveCDs make trying it fairly painless, anyway07:27
gyaresudijungal, cause ubuntu fixes most of the annoying things about debian.07:27
dijungali tried Mepis and it works out great for me... but i'm open minded07:27
Mestaphelesmepis is only pc07:27
gyaresudijungal, the 'just works' factor.07:27
Mestaphelesubuntu supports ppc07:27
WildBillany mplayer gurus here?  I am having trouble playing an AVI... encoded with xvid for video, and a52 for audio07:27
dijungalwhat is ppc..?07:27
WildBillevery other video works great...07:28
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Mestaphelesyes, ubuntu is really good at auto-configuring07:28
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Mestaphelesan IBM chip.07:28
dijungalwell folks it's been great... but i gots to run... :)07:28
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Mestaphelestheir top end servers are ppc,  infact many are07:28
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Mestaphelesyour game consoles are ppc too.  I think all of them are now.  xbox360, Cell, etc07:29
gyaresuWildBill, do you have the package w32codec installed?07:29
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WildBillgyaresu, yep.  Like I said, I can play other vids just fine.07:29
WildBillThis one blows up with a signal 11 in decode_audio when I go to play it07:30
WildBillbut VLC and Totem-Xine play it fine07:30
Centaur5My wireless connection keeps timing out so I have to reboot to get it to work again, is there another way to do it?07:30
MestaphelesI'm still waiting for linux on the xbox360 with that G3.2 Ghz processor07:30
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gyaresuWildBill, ah. a little specific for a quck help :)07:30
gyaresuWildBill, *quick07:31
WildBilljust didn't know if anyone here knows much about it07:31
Mestaphelessorry I meant G5 #5 3.2Ghz xbox36007:31
MestaphelesG5 3.2Ghz xbox36007:31
firebird619Could anyone please help me with my modem problem. I have the drivers installed which I got from the manufacturer and wvdial keeps saying Modem Not Responding. Can anyone help me?07:31
daybreakerhey everyone. I just installed Ubuntu, and as my first trip into Linux Land, I think I'm doing ok.  One final problem:  I cant access shared folders on my Linux machine from a windows machine.  I can see it on the windows machine on the network explorer, but it asks for a login to get in to the linux box.  Any ideas? Thanks07:31
gyaresuWildBill, On the up side, at least something plays it.07:31
jasmuzfirebird619: what modem is that?07:32
firebird619Intel 537EP07:32
gyaresufirebird619, love to help but gotta go soon. sorry.07:32
WildBillyeah, but I need all the speed I can get - I'm on an 867Mhz Crusoe07:32
jasmuzfirebird619: what com port is it at?07:32
WildBilltotem and vlc are just a touch choppy, while mplayer usually hums right along07:32
firebird619jasmuz: how do I tell?07:32
jasmuzdaybreaker: did you try your login & pass?07:33
tiglionabbitI don't find totem to be choppy, but I do find gmplayer to crash07:33
gyaresudaybreaker, you are supposed to go to wiki.ubuntu.com but you can also try ubuntuguide.org07:33
jasmuzfirebird619: did you use to have that modem under Win?...if so, do you remember where it was Com1, 2 or 3?07:33
firebird619gyaresu: thanks, you were helping me last night but I couldn't do what you suggested because I have no Internet access on Ubuntu.  I put in a different modem today hoping to solve the problem.07:34
tiglionabbitvlc is indeed a little bit choppy, but it doesn't use many system resources...07:34
gyaresufirebird619, externals are the troublefree way... if you have one.07:34
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firebird619jasmuz: Yes, had it in windows but I have Ubuntu on a different PC.07:34
gyaresufirebird619, they are 'real' modems.07:34
firebird619gyaresu: yes, I know, I will have to eventually invest in one.07:35
xkusemedoes anybody know what the package ubuntu-calendar does?07:35
daybreakeryeah, I tried all sorts of login/pass combos but none worked. Oh well. I'll check out the wiki07:35
jasmuzfirebird619: did you try setting the device port ttyS0 to test firs?07:35
jasmuzxkuseme: its a calendar Ubuntu used to roll out with diferent images for your screen07:36
gyaresudaybreaker, preface your message with the name you are talking to. it help pop-up the window for that person.07:36
xkusemejasmuz: used to? so i just got it. how do i start it?07:36
gyaresudaybreaker, (you can TAB complete the name also)07:36
daybreakergyaresu: yeah, I just noticed that. Too used to MIRC, I guess. Thanks07:36
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jasmuzxkuseme: just do a left click, and you should have some other wallpapers07:36
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abhayksneed some help on gdesklests07:37
firebird619jasmuz: you mean before I installed the drivers or after?  I left it at /dev/modem before driver install. After I installed the drivers, it said it would either be /dev/modem or /dev/537 and I tried both and it didn't work07:37
jasmuzabarbaccia: what is your issue?07:37
trinidadhow do i find out the (hdX,Y) number for my partitions07:37
abhayksthe frame along the launch icons is too big -- I have tried to configure it and make it small. No go07:38
jasmuzfirebird619:  try wit /dev/ttyS0 up to ttyS2(wicha are the diferent comm ports)07:38
gyaresudaybreaker, past your smb.conf if you feel safe doing so... http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/07:38
abhayksis there some specific way to do it07:38
frankI'm trying to shrink a ntfs partition using gparted. It is not doing it yet I don't get an error message either. any ideas?07:39
gyaresutrinidad, fdisk -l /dev/hda (or /dev/sda for serial drive)07:39
trinidadHELP ! How do i find out the (hdX,Y) number for my partitions07:39
gyaresutrinidad, fdisk -l /dev/hda (or /dev/sda for serial drive)07:39
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firebird619jasmuz: Do I try that with wvdial or what, When I tried with /dev/modem and /dev/537 I was using Networking under System ==> Administration. If I use wvdial, how do I specify the different ports?07:39
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tiglionabbittrinidad: X is the number of the hard disk, and Y is the number of the partition, both 0 based and starting from the first in their order07:39
tiglionabbittrinidad: hda1 is hd0,0 for example07:40
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jasmuzfirebird619: you can configure the wvdial , with the wvdial.conf07:40
abhaykswas my question regarding gdesklets tooo noob. If yes then please tell me where to get more info07:40
trinidadtiglionabbit, THANX MUCH!!07:40
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firebird619jasmuz: Yes, I remember seeing that now. I will try those different ports and get back to you07:41
trinidadgyaresu, THANX MUCH!07:41
gyaresutrinidad, s'aight.07:41
jasmuzabhayks: gdesklets has a page. ...i recomend you go read it07:42
CaptainMorgananyone know how to get an Antheros card working in a thinkpad ?07:42
abhayksthanks jasmuz07:42
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CaptainMorganI recall a known issue with Atheros.. I forget where to look tho07:42
XRayNukeIIRC there was something about WPA not working in madwifi07:43
xkusemehi does anybody know what the values of x and y in this comman do?07:43
xkuseme[#ubuntu]  hi does anybody know what the values of x and y in this comman do?07:43
xkuseme[#ubuntu]  hi does anybody know what the values of x and y in this comman do?07:43
CaptainMorganstop that07:44
xkusemesplashimage (hdx,y)/boot/grub/images/ubuntu_foo.xpm.gz07:44
gyaresuxkuseme, (hd0,1) would be the first partition on the primary hdd07:45
firebird619jasmuz: I tried that, ttyS0 returned Device or resource busy, ttyS1 & ttyS2 returned Input/Output error07:45
xkusemegyaresu: hmm ok where do you think should i place this as the splash image for grub07:45
gyaresuxkuseme, then presuming the /boot/ is on that partition it will find the file ubuntu_foo.xpm.gz07:45
jasmuzfirebird619: then i have no clue as where your modem is allocated...07:45
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jasmuzfirebird619: run HAL device manager and see where its at07:46
SDFH_Linuxdoes ubuntu pick up winmodems automatically?07:46
SDFH_Linuxon laptops?07:46
gyaresuxkuseme, i don't think you should unless you are having grub wait for your decision.07:46
gyaresuxkuseme, cause if you set grub to auto boot then it's only on the screen for a second.07:46
CaptainMorganSDFH>> Intel's worked right out of the box for me07:46
jasmuzSDFH_Linux: winmodems....NO07:46
tiglionabbitxkuseme: you put splash images in /boot/grub/images07:47
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xkusemegyaresu: oh ok, so only good for dual boot or different kernels07:47
SDFH_Linuxarent most laptop 56k modems winmodems07:47
jasmuzCaptainMorgan: it all depends on the modem07:47
jasmuzSDFH_Linux: no07:47
firebird619jasmuz: I do not see it in the Device Manager07:47
CaptainMorganwhat are you referring to jas?07:47
gyaresuxkuseme,  you can get grub to wait and not auto boot and then it would be worth it.07:47
CaptainMorganyou lost me.07:47
jasmuzfirebird619: you have serious issues with that modem07:47
xkusemegyaresu: how do you do that?07:47
firebird619jasmuz: The other modem I had installed before this one I could see in the Device Manager but that returned errors which I pasted last night in the Pastebin07:48
gyaresuxkuseme, what? stop the auto boot? 'man grub'07:48
jasmuzCaptainMorgan: not all modems for laptops are recognized07:48
CaptainMorgani don't think I said that..07:48
gyaresuxkuseme, you'll see a default boot option in /boot/grub/menu.lst07:48
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jasmuzfirebird619: :(07:49
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firebird619jasmuz: Would I have had more luck with the other modem if HAL was seeing it07:49
cafuegoor try the 'Boot' applet in Breezy ;-)07:50
jasmuzfirebird619: what was the previous modem?07:50
xkusemegyaresu: oh can i just set the wait time there?07:50
gyaresuxkuseme, aye. i'm just looking up to see if you set 0 that it waits... can't remember off the top of my head.07:50
xkusemegyaresu: right now it's set to timeout 307:51
firebird619jasmuz: I would have to put it in the PC to get the exact name but it was something to the effect of Conexant HSF 56k07:51
dougmchello all... anyone know how to turn on gnome icon themes in firefox with ubuntu, they are on in fc4, but not ubuntu hoary or breezy afaik (i'm not talking about the gnomefx themes, but real icon theme support)07:51
cafuegodougmc: Do you have firefox-gnome installed?07:51
co_ren_16i can't speak english07:51
firebird619jasmuz: It was Conexant HSF 56k HSFi Modem. I found it written down on a piece of paper07:51
hondjeco_ren_16: what do you speak?07:51
dougmccafuego: yes, i'm on hoary running breezy backports version of fireforx07:52
jasmuzConexant! :P07:52
cafuegodougmc: Hmm. Breezy might be broken, as well.07:52
cafuego(IS even)07:52
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jasmuzfirebird619: dude get yourself a decent modem07:52
kafeinefirebird619, conexants are shitty little things07:52
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dougmccafuego: the icon theme support was in prereleases of hoary, but then disappeared, haven't seen it come back in breezy just curious if theres a build option or something07:52
firebird619jasmuz: I just found the Intel Modem in HAL, it says Unknown but I know it is the modem07:52
daybreakergyaresu: I just checked the wiki, and it told me to go into the general tab of my network settings, except half of the things they tell me to do arent there.  ie: They say to check the box that says "Enable windows sharing" but that box does not exist.07:53
cafuegodougmc: possible, does the changelog in /usr/share/doc/firefox(-gnome) mention it?07:53
jasmuzfirebird619: did you check out the forums to see if anybody has made that one work07:53
gyaresudoes anyone have a copy of sharethenet07:53
hondjefirebird619: http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/07:53
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firebird619hondje: I tried that link already, this drivers didn't work either07:54
gyaresudoes anyone remember sharethenet? the website is down and firebird619 needs a copy.07:54
hondjeis it a HCF modem?07:54
firebird619jasmuz: No I hadn't yet.07:54
firebird619hondje: HSF07:54
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hondjehrm, 'should' work, but if their free drivers dont, then their pay ones wont either07:55
adonimnew to it all... am I right here for a question about firefox flash plugin...?07:55
jasmuzadonim: what is the question at hand?07:56
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firebird619jasmuz: Does this mean anything. In Networking under System ==> Administration. When it is set to /dev/modem and I click Modem Connection and then Activate, it does activate.07:56
dougmccafuego: nothing specific, just new upstream release around the time it broke07:56
adonimcan't make it run.... tried everything from the ubuntu help and forum07:56
xkusemegyaresu: what is your timeout set to?07:56
jasmuzfirebird619: nah, dosent mean much07:57
firebird619jasmuz: :(07:57
naliothhondje: are you still here?07:58
jasmuzfirebird619: ;(07:58
hondjeadonim: if you have multiverse repositories set up, just open a terminal and type 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'07:58
hondjenalioth: Naturally :)07:58
adonimhave installed both files in pluin folder but still it doesn't recognize the flash plugin07:58
adonimuhm... new what is respri....?07:58
naliothhondje: am in training for my new(est) job07:58
hondjeadonim: okay, I jumped too far ahead :)07:58
FlannelKingfirebird619, suggest googling for a copy of ShareTheNet07:58
hondjenalioth: oh yeah? Good one?07:58
adonimI open a terminal07:58
naliothhondje: yes and no. taxi dispatcher07:59
hondjenalioth: hope that works out :) I haven't heard back on my supposed-to-happen next job07:59
hondjeadonim: type 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'  If it gives you an error, no problem08:00
CaptainMorganAtheros & Ubuntu - Where do you suggest I look?08:00
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naliothtaxi dispatching and s&m clubs are synonymous08:00
adonimok did the command line error back : cant find package...08:00
jasmuzCaptainMorgan: in the forums08:00
artic_foxI need to set an environmental variable08:00
artic_foxfor everybody08:00
hondjeadonim: Easy to fix. Type 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'08:00
CaptainMorganUbuntu forums?08:00
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto08:00
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jasmuzCaptainMorgan: yes08:01
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firebird619Is one 56k external modem better than the other?08:01
hondjehey, everything is there :)08:01
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adonimerror None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.08:01
CaptainMorganthank's jaz08:01
hondjehrm, that's not normal08:01
adonimbut a window opened08:01
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hondjedoes it have text in it?08:01
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naliothhondje: dont forget the answere to the md5 question !usrepos08:02
jasmuzfirebird619: i recommend you get a US Robotics 56k08:02
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gyaresufirebird619, any external modem will do fine (usually). because they do the DAC digital to analogue conversion in hardware not software.08:02
hondjenalioth: nice :)08:02
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artic_foxdo I put it in environment?08:02
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artic_foxanyone know?08:03
naliothok now, where are the @ops?08:03
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Jesse1any1 know where i can get wm 10 codecs w32codecs doesnt have them08:04
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IceDC571i dont think you can.. unless you use wine08:04
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naliothJesse1: you can get them from the source www.mplayerhq.hu08:04
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naliothcrimsun: is this just bad client settings?08:05
cafuegoGee, no wonde rit's slow, this box is using 1.5GB swap08:05
=== cafuego LARTs beagle
aedwards__i just installed ubuntu and my sound isnt working what can i do to correct this?,08:06
hondjeadonim: still there?08:06
crimsunnalioth: no, looks like a deliberate attempt from the varied idents08:06
aedwards__i have a cmedia sound card....with 5.1 surround on it08:06
adonimoops was waiting ... guess I figured irc out now - the window openene was sources.list08:06
hondjeadonim: No problem.  Do you see a line like    #deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe ?08:07
naliothcrimsun: (un)fortunately, i'm not savvy on this subject, but i do see something is wrong08:07
crimsunaedwards__: paste the output of amixer onto the pastebin in the topic08:07
adonimthis one? deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe08:08
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aedwards__well my kaffeine player wont use sound but my system sound works fine08:08
hondjeadonim: No, but I thought of an easier way to get you going :)08:08
adonimoh this one, huh  deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe08:08
aedwards__my audio on kaff is set to auto08:08
hondjeyep, that one :)08:08
karstenIs Ubuntu supported on a PM7200/120 (Mac)?08:08
jasmuztake care yall08:08
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crimsunaedwards__: are you using Ubuntu or Kubuntu?08:09
hondjeadonim: just add multiverse after universe, and then save the file08:09
adonimdo I go there and say good bye and thnak your??08:09
=== karsten waits for cafuego to look at him cross-eyed.
tiglionabbitcrimsun: I'm using both.  apt-get install ubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop08:09
cafuegokarsten: if you can get BootX to work, it should work OK.08:09
crimsunaedwards__: ok, then you need to configure Kaffeine to use esound (if you can)08:09
karstencafuego: Danke.08:09
hondjeadonim: then all you have to do is run in a terminal 'sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'08:09
cafuegokarsten: I can't be arsed to boot up one of mine to check, though.08:09
adonimok added and saved08:09
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=== tiglionabbit keeps misreading things and needs more sleep, or to look at one channel at a time
benkong2hey anybody got a good set of repos? getthis error:W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cyrus21-imapd/cyrus21-pop3d_2.1.17-3ubuntu2_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch08:10
cafuego7200s were LEMONS08:10
ubotuI guess sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories08:10
XRayNukekarsten: if it is, it's gonna be SLOW. I've run various versions of Linux on a Power Mac 6500, which is twice as fast and uses a more recent processor, and it was only semi-usable.08:10
ubotuusrepos is, like, if you get MD5Sum mismatches when doing apt-get installs don't use the us mirror.  Change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list08:10
crimsunbenkong2: see the topic08:10
aedwards__how do i do that crim?08:10
firebird619gyaresu: Do you have cable Internet or dial-up. If dial-up, what modem do you have that works with Ubuntu08:10
naliothbenkong2: read what ubotu said about usrepos08:10
karstencafuego: Got a reference on that?08:10
benkong2crimsun, sorry for the paste08:10
XRayNukecafuego: they were the first PCI Power Macs, first rev of anything is gonna be flakier than a good baklava08:10
crimsunaedwards__: it may be in Kaffeine's preferences08:10
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karstenXRayNuke: Thanks, that was my next question.  What're specs on that box?08:10
karstenXRayNuke: ...and what desktop(s) did you try?  I've found XFCE4 is a *lot* faster than GNOME>08:11
cafuegokarsten: the bootx thing? /msg me your email address08:11
XRayNukekarsten: uh, PowerPC 601, 120 MHz, 3 PCI slots, ADB, SCSI, forget what else.08:11
cafuegokarsten: just posted to ubuntu-users on monday08:11
XRayNukeI was using GNOME, so your mileage may vary.08:11
adonimwow... something was downloading...08:11
benkong2crimsun, nalioth thanks08:11
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XRayNukelemme get you some stats.08:11
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cafuegokarsten: How much ram does it have anbd do you have an OS7.x CD?08:11
aedwards__ive looked and i cant see them08:11
hondjeadonim: that'll update the list of available software, then install flash and configure it08:11
XRayNukefun 7200 fact: if you flip the board over, there's a face on the underside.08:12
hondjeadonim: it's all quite magical :)08:12
adonimtheres one error: Reading package lists... Done08:12
adonimbash: sude: command not found08:12
karstencafuego: NFC.  This is an Earthlink luser running NS 4.8 / IE 3.5 on a Mac OS 8.6.08:12
cafuegokarsten: Ok,08:12
cafuegokarsten: Ok, prolly at least 64mb then08:12
karstenXRayNuke: How much memory standard / max.08:12
hondjeadonim: oh, sude should be sudo :)08:12
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crimsun!tell AlbanianLord about alsa-source08:12
gyaresufirebird619, i have had every external modem work with linux.08:12
aedwards__its okay ill mess with it tomorrow...thanks for you help08:12
aedwards__night all08:12
XRayNukekarsten: it is to your direct benefit to cram that thing with as much RAM as you can get. They shipped with like 8 MB.08:12
karstenhondje: No, no, no, I want my blue sude shoes....08:13
cafuegokarsten: google 'GURU ram'08:13
hondje[ba-dum] 08:13
XRayNukekarsten: http://lowendmac.com/ppc/7200.shtml08:13
karstenXRayNuke: Heh.08:13
adonimso I scroll back and do again without typo..?08:13
hondjeadonim: yep :)08:13
gyaresufirebird619, it just gets recognised.08:13
firebird619gyaresu: Yes, I am sure all externals work, I was just wondering if you or anyone has an internal modem that they've got to work with Ubuntu08:13
karstenXRayNuke: When did that unit ship?  I'm thinking mid-1990s.08:13
adonimok... this will take I am slow because tired ... 1st day with ubuntu my poor head... THANK YOU !!!!08:13
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hondjeadonim: no problem08:14
gyaresufirebird619, sorry. been some years since i've needed too.08:14
XRayNukekarsten: you're thinking right. 199508:14
hondjefirebird619: I have, but it's a PITA08:14
hondjeI have an external modem, I use that when I need it08:14
adonimnow i typed: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:14
adonimand got this:08:14
karstenXRayNuke: Danke.08:14
adonimCouldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree08:15
XRayNukeyou can get old apple specs here. http://www.info.apple.com/support/applespec.legacy/index.html08:15
gyaresuadonim, 'apt-cache search flashpluging'08:15
XRayNukeIt's not a bad machine but honestly you probably should be running System 7 on it.08:16
FlannelKingadonim, minus the last g08:16
naliothadonim: just search for the word "flash"08:16
XRayNukeunless you're using it as a router or something.08:16
gyaresuadonim, you need to add the backports entry into your /etc/apt/sources.list file i would guess.08:16
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adonimdid the first line... is searching something08:16
adonimdid search on flash08:17
hondjeadonim: open a terminal and cut and paste this in: wget http://www.hondje.net/~hondje/sources.list ; sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup ; sudo cp sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:17
hondjegyaresu: it's in multiverse :)08:17
adonimwow its moving...08:18
firebird619gyaresu: What external modem is best to get: serial or USB08:19
adonimarg...: Reading package lists... Done08:19
adonimW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_restricted_binary-powerpc_Packages)08:19
adonimW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems08:19
adonimReading package lists... Done08:19
adonimBuilding dependency tree... Done08:19
adonimE: Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree08:19
firebird619gyaresu: I would guess USB but thought I would ask.08:19
gyaresuhondje, thanks. sorry adonim.08:19
gyaresufirebird619, SERIAL!!!!!!!08:19
hondjeadonim: okay, sudo apt-get update ; apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:19
gyaresufirebird619, :)08:19
firebird619gyaresu: OK, Thanks :)08:20
gyaresufirebird619, serial's been working A1 for a million years and you arn't worried about bandwidth.08:20
adonimthank you! done, but: E: Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree08:20
hondjethat's odd08:20
gyaresuadonim, where are you in the world?08:20
adonimyap... since 6 hours for me...  THANKs08:21
adonimIm in Denver08:21
gyaresuadonim, someone might share their sources.list file.08:21
crimsunadonim: it's in multiverse.08:21
hondjeadonim: hehe, I'm in Pueblo08:21
crimsunadonim: and see the topic to fix your md5sum errors.08:21
=== Bloodmyst [~Bloodmyst@adsl-69-151-215-72.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
hondjegyaresu: I just gave him one in that little cut 'n paste08:21
adonimok... not sure waht i should do....!?08:21
gyaresuhondje, too damn helpfull arn't you ;)08:21
hondjeUbuntu spirit, baby ;-)08:22
crimsunadonim: System> Preferences> Synaptic> Settings> Repositories> Add> check both that are unchecked08:22
adonimI feel rather helpless..:-)08:22
hondjeI just removed and reinstalled it08:22
hondjeso this is strange, maybe I borked the sources.list08:22
BloodmystHmm.. does anyone have any patience to help someone with a dri kernel modification?08:22
hondjenope, they have multiverse08:22
gyaresucrimsun, I'm glad someone here knows how to drive a GUI (cause i don't)    :)08:23
crimsun!tell AlbanianLord about alsa-source08:23
adonimcheck marked the respiratiries...08:23
adonimit updated something08:24
gyaresuBloodmyst, sorry, no.08:24
crimsunadonim: now search for and install flashplugin-nonfree08:24
naliothgyaresu: guis are overrated08:25
Burgundavianalioth, no they are not08:25
BloodmystOkay then, next question.  Anyone know anything about savage driver support in Hoary?08:25
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adonimlike this line?... apt-cache search flashplugin08:26
firebird619gyaresu: Just to let you know, in the Ubuntu Forums I found this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36762&highlight=Modems which is a person with the same Intel 537EP modem as me and he has downloads and steps to install.08:26
gyaresunalioth, especially when they tell you stuff-all "no modem detected" etc.08:26
naliothBurgundavia: to each their own, i guess i can rest comfortably knowing how to navigate using both interfaces08:26
hondjeadonim: yep :)08:26
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crimsunadonim: no, after you enable those two unchecked repositories, you can just sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree08:26
gyaresufirebird619, nice one man. now you are the internal modem guru :008:26
Burgundavianalioth, my step-mother likes guis08:26
adonimit's unpacking...08:27
adonimarrrrg:  Initializing package states... Done08:27
adonimE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:27
adonimE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:27
firebird619I will let you know if it works.08:27
firebird619gyaresu: I will let you know if it works08:27
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gyaresufirebird619, do. that's interesting.08:27
naliothBurgundavia: my mother was a hardcore terminal user until i showed her a gui (an ancient KDE)08:28
gyaresuadonim, you are apt-get'ing in another terminal?08:28
hondjeadonim: is synaptic still open?08:28
adonimi close them all open new terminal08:28
hondjeok, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ?08:28
gyaresuhondje, adonim see, there's that darn GUI getting in the way again.08:29
crimsunhe can search for and install flashplugin-nonfree from within Synaptic08:29
hondjeI think synaptic is a good idea for newbies...the whole concept of package management is really hard to grok for someone coming from windows08:29
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adonimso sorry... what' GUI...?08:29
gyaresuadonim, ignore me.08:30
hondjehe means synaptic :)08:30
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adonimok run the line again and got:  Initializing package states... Done08:30
adonimCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "flashplugin-nonfree"08:30
adonimNo packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.08:30
adonim0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.08:30
adonimNeed to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.08:30
adonimWriting extended state information... Done08:30
adonimReading package lists... Done08:30
adonimBuilding dependency tree08:30
adonimReading extended state information08:30
adonimInitializing package states... Done08:30
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gyaresuadonim, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/08:31
hondjewhoops, don't cut and paste in this channel :) ~400 people and it gets to be too much :)08:31
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adonimin the tbrowser now?08:31
adonimoops browser...?08:32
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hondjeadonim: for long error messages, use that link or use #flood08:32
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hondjeI just don't get it, though...you ran my little thing, which gave you multiverse, you ran apt-get update twice, it SHOULD be installing fine08:33
ubotuI haven't a clue, thomas08:33
ubotuthomas: I don't know, could you explain it?08:33
adonimI thank you all sooo much... i give up for today... I am dead as dead can be...again, thank you!08:33
ubotuthomas: Are you smoking crack?08:33
=== darmou [~darmou@CPE-61-9-146-174.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
hondjeno problem. If you get bored, drive down here and bring me a beer ;-)08:33
thomasam i right ?08:33
thomaswhere to get rpositori list ?08:33
ubotumethinks repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto08:34
ubotumethinks sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories08:34
AlbanianLordPROBLEM SOLVED YES!!!!!08:34
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darmouDoes anyone know if there is a zope2.8 pakage for ubuntu?08:34
hondje!show zope08:35
ubotuhondje: I don't know, could you explain it?08:35
naliothtiglionabbit: don't you ever sleep?08:35
hondje!info zope08:35
ubotuzope: (Open Source Web Application Server), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 2.6.4-1.6ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 2554 kB, Installed size: 13848 kB08:36
tiglionabbitnalioth: sometimes08:36
naliothtiglionabbit: i wonder sometimes08:36
tiglionabbitnalioth: I spend way too much time in here though08:36
darmouok just had a look the breezy list 2.7 is the lastest ver sigh08:36
hondjeubuntu tweekin08:36
ubotugyaresu: I don't know, could you explain it?08:36
naliothtiglionabbit: i doubt that08:36
gyaresujust checking08:36
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naliothgyaresu: try !info alsa08:36
tiglionabbitnalioth: why?08:36
gyaresu!info alsa08:36
naliothtiglionabbit: just wondering08:36
naliothdid we kill the bot?08:37
crimsungyaresu: what do you need w/ alsa?08:37
crimsun(there's no 'alsa' package)08:37
tiglionabbit!info pornview08:37
ubotupornview: (Image and movie viewer/manager), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 0.2pre1-4 (hoary), Packaged size: 224 kB, Installed size: 676 kB08:37
tiglionabbitno, ubotu's still there08:37
nalioth!good bot08:37
ubotuthanks nalioth :)08:37
tiglionabbit!bad bot08:37
ubotutiglionabbit: I don't know, could you explain it?08:37
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gyaresucrimsun, multiple threads ( i can't get xmms and xine/mplayer etc. to play together)08:37
crimsungyaresu: are you using esound?08:38
tiglionabbitsay, how come it says your name when you say that?08:38
tiglionabbitubotu forget good bot08:38
ubotuthanks tiglionabbit :)08:38
gyaresucrimsun, plus i'm interested in what 'bang'things there are.08:38
tiglionabbitpreprogrammed command i guess08:38
tiglionabbitubotu good bot is something nalioth just said.08:38
ubotuthanks tiglionabbit :)08:38
tiglionabbitcan't write over it08:39
gyaresucrimsun, yes (don't worry i havn't looked into it yet)08:39
gyaresucrimsun, is there a gumby help page for sound?08:39
crimsungyaresu: then just configure xmms to use the esound output plugin in its preferences08:39
crimsungyaresu: do the same for mplayer and xine08:39
gyaresucrimsun, ooh. right. fun stuff.08:40
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tiglionabbitsay guys, wanna see an interesting windows dialog I encountered recently?  http://pridelands.org/~spinifex/zomgprotected.jpg08:40
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scanwinderdoes anyone know what the default port for Ares is?08:42
Madpilottiglionabbit: thanks for reminding us what we're (not) missing!08:42
hondjeI forgot how ugly windows is :)08:42
tiglionabbitthe best part is that the folder I was moving was actually called "shared music"08:43
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BloodmystAny Savage video card users enter while I was gone?08:43
cafuegoubotu: forget good bot08:44
ubotuthanks cafuego :)08:44
cafuegoubotu: stupid bot08:44
ubotustupid cafuego08:44
tiglionabbitya can't do it08:44
cafuegotiglionabbit: yes I can, I can perform an 'rm -rf' lobotomy ;-)08:44
Madpilottiglionabbit: always disliked all that "My Documents" default junk. it just got worse in XP...08:44
tiglionabbitcafuego: that's not very nice..08:44
BurgundaviaMy prefix is being dropped for Longhorn08:45
cafuegotiglionabbit: Nevertheless08:45
cafuegoBurgundavia: Yes, now it will be "Microsoft's Documents"08:45
tiglionabbitMadpilot: I heard M$ has announced in their next windows version they're going to stop saying "my" in front of everything08:45
cafuegoBurgundavia: And "MPAA's Movies"08:45
gyaresucrimsun, just change to esd under sys >> pref >> multi and within xmms xine etc? and that should work? (not getting any sound, maybe a reboot)08:45
cafuegoBurgundavia: There might be a "My Licenses"08:45
Burgundaviacafuego, and Our Programs08:46
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crimsungyaresu: pretty much08:46
Madpilot... but you'll find yourself short of Your Money when buying Longhonk...08:46
tiglionabbitand of course hacked versions of windows would include "Bob Dole's Warez"08:47
gyaresucrimsun, thanks.08:47
crimsungyaresu: can you hear anything at all? System sounds?08:47
gyaresucrimsun, nope.08:47
cafuegoBurgundavia: And handwriting support, so you can SIGN agreements before using stuff.08:47
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crimsungyaresu: cat /proc/asound/cards08:48
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gyaresucrimsun, they were working under alsa as default source.08:49
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gyaresucrimsun, i gotta go out for an hour so i'll drop back in here later.08:50
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gyaresucrimsun, cheers.08:50
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poningruum I had a question08:51
poningruare those ubuntu logos public domain?08:51
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crimsungyaresu: you'll have to catch me later.08:51
poningruI thought those were owned by the foundation?08:51
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salapoliisihi, last night i installed ubuntu on my mini-itx pc, it seemed to work fine, then i shut it down, today i took it with me in the work and now when i try to boot it stops loading and says something like kernel panic, is there anything to do, or do i have to reinstall it?08:51
gyaresucrimsun, just letting you know i appreciate the help :)08:51
poningrusalapoliisi: any new hardware?08:53
poningruanything new you did?08:53
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poningruany wierd hardware? like a sata drive or something?08:53
salapoliisiponingru: i did take ide cd-drive off08:53
poningrudont know why that would cause a prob08:53
poningruthat shouldnt in a normal setting08:53
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poningruI am not familiar with mini itx or its effects on ubuntu08:54
salapoliisineither am i :D08:54
salapoliisiso changin' stuff will cause kernel panic?08:54
salapoliisiis there some way to reconfigure that08:55
vinuxsalapoliisi, if you eat cookies infront of ubuntu without sharing often it will shutdown and sometimes not come up for like 10min. Now I have to eat my cookies in the other room08:55
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poningrusalapoliisi: it shouldnt cause problem08:55
salapoliisiwell i don't eat cookies, so there shouldn't be problem08:55
poningruhaha I hope you know he was kidding08:56
SDFH_Linuxi want cookie08:56
vinux:) yes yes that was a joke08:56
salapoliisioh i really did think that computers can eat cookies!08:56
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xkusemehi one maybe stupid question, to install screensavers in gnome is there a way in the menu or do i need t compile them08:57
Madpilotput the cookies in the CDROM tray. close it. those grinding sounds are the computer chewing...08:57
poningruif only I could tell that to people08:57
Madpilotthat's why salapoliisi's computer isn't working. it can't eat cookies w/o a CDROM drive08:58
Madpilotso it's sulking...08:58
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salapoliisiif i add usb-cdrom and give him some cookies will he work again?08:58
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=== poningru feeds salapoliisi's computer a cookie
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salapoliisioh my god, how did you do that? it said *GRMMMRR* for a sec08:59
Madpilot... chewing ...09:00
salapoliisiso you can feed cookies trough internet huh? thats cool09:00
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salapoliisibut hey really, is there anything to do, or do i have to reinstall ubuntu?09:01
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Madpilotxkuseme: there are dozens of screensavers included in Ubuntu. System --> Pref --> Screensaver09:04
vinuxHey guys I got a real problem I just install ubuntu on my computer and well Now I can't find my windows media player and I can't find my Internet explorer eaither! And I think i really messed up as in I think I mistakenly hacked into some guys computer. I keep seeing his name "Gnome" everywhere09:04
Madpilotsalapoliisi: sorry, dumb jokes is about my technical limit...09:04
xkusemeMadpilot: yeah but i found a cool one online, so wonder how i install it09:04
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=== acid2 [~acid2@host86-128-144-149.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
acid2How do I log in to a svn server?09:05
acid2like doing "cvs ... login"09:05
Madpilotxkuseme: sorry, no idea...09:05
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FlannelKingacid2, you need a svn client09:06
acid2Cant I use svn from the command prompt?09:06
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firebird619Can someone help me? I am trying to install my modem but first I must apply a patch to the modem driver. I enter the directory the patch is in by it keeps telling me No Such File Or Directory. I know the directory exists, why does it keep telling me this09:06
FlannelKingthat would count as a client, yes09:06
acid2thats what I mean09:06
acid2but there doesnt seem to be a login command09:06
firebird619I am doing this through the root terminal because I cannot login as root. It says Invalid Password.09:07
HrdwrBoBthat's right09:07
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FlannelKingacid2, you specify name/pass with the commands (type svn checkout help, for instance)09:08
acid2ah, ok09:08
FlannelKingacid2, actually, I think if you just try to checkout, it will prompt you (and then after that, your login will be cached for a bit), try reading the redbean book09:09
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FlannelKingacid2, yeah, acutally, it will prompt you if you dont include one, and then cache it for [who knows how long] 09:09
acid2FlannelKing, ah, well - I got it now :)09:09
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=== The_Vox sighs...xcompmgr doesn't like me
alex__how can i find my root password?09:10
FlannelKingalex__, have you set it yet?09:10
alex__im pretty sure i didn't09:10
alex__how can i?09:10
The_Voxalex__: there's no such thing by default09:10
FlannelKingThen you dont have one yet09:10
ubotu[root]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo09:10
alex__no wonder09:10
The_Voxalex__: you use sudo09:10
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FlannelKingalex__, read that09:11
alex__to install vsftpd it wont let me09:11
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strHi all...09:12
strI have a quiestion about the repositories...09:12
Computer__GuruYou're gonna get coal in your stocking cause you're yuppie scum09:12
Computer__Gurujust means more gifts for me09:13
Computer__Gurukeep pissin santa off :)09:13
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stris the same to have one line with:09:13
strdeb http://gt.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe09:13
karstenstr: They're different from suppositories...09:13
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salapoliisihey, any idea what the error means? "sbin/init: 428 cannot open dev/console: no such file - kernel panic blaa blaa"09:13
riescoalgum brasileiro ?09:13
strthan 2 lines  one with hoary, and one with univers?09:14
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karstensalapoliisi: When did that happen?  On boot?09:14
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Computer__Guruthere are 4 universe sources in total09:14
salapoliisikarsten: yeah, it stops there and won't start09:14
karstenstr: hoary and universe are  *different8 reepositories.09:14
Computer__Gurumsg me and illc at you a good list09:14
karstensalapoliisi: What comes before that?09:14
strkarsten: but... can I have them both in the same line?09:14
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Computer__Gurui dont think so09:15
karstensalapoliisi: Sounds as if you may not have a /dev, whiich may suggest you don't have a filesystem, possibly.09:15
karstenstr: No.09:15
Computer__Guruwhy would you anyways? would just be confusing09:15
=== spermie_ [~spermie_4@69-172-40-18.frdrmd.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruhi dev09:15
salapoliisikarsten: so that means i have to reinstall09:15
spermie_how do i change konsol settings on kubuntu as root??09:15
salapoliisikarsten: pivot_root: no such thing09:15
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spermie_Hey Computer__Guru09:15
karstensalapoliisi: Well, how about quoting the error instead of paraphrasing it.09:15
karstensalapoliisi: Sounds like a bad initrd.  Boot your install disk we should be able to fix this.09:16
karstensalapoliisi: What's your hardware?  PC or Mac?09:16
Computer__Gurumount -t coitusfs /dev/man /dev/woman && cat /dev/spermie >>/dev/egg && /sbin/fertilize09:16
salapoliisikarsten: pc mini-itx09:16
FlannelKingstr, you need hoary and universe on the same line, one indicates version (hoary, as opposed to breezy or warty) and then the repos (universe)09:16
karstensalapoliisi: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-8050.html09:16
Computer__Guruit's /dev/man on /mnt/woman09:17
salapoliisikarsten: it it worked just fine last night when i installed it, but now when i took it to work, it won't boot anymore, only thing i did change was removing ide cd-rom09:17
karstensalapoliisi: Scroll down to "WOO! WE HAVE A SOLUTION!"09:17
strFlannelKing: but do I need to have "hoary universe" and  "hoary multiverse" and "main restricted" in diferent lines?   or can I join them in one line?09:17
Computer__Gurustr: msg me and I will provide you with a good sources.list09:18
karstensalapoliisi: Boot the install disk as your first step.  Let me know when you're ready or if you're going to blow me off, in which case I'll catch up on sleep.09:18
ubotufrom memory, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java09:18
spermie_ount: mount point /dev/woman does not exist09:18
salapoliisikarsten: so i need cd-rom at this point :D09:18
ubotufrom memory, grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto09:18
karstenstr: man sources.list.  That tells you the format of the sources.list file.09:19
karstensalapoliisi: This would make progress eminantly more likely.09:19
karstenspermie_: dd if=/dev/rib of=/dev/woman09:19
salapoliisii have to hunt one from somewhere...09:19
Computer__Guruspermie_: i guess mount -t masturbation /dev/man /mnt/porno && cat /dev/spermie >>/dev/napkin09:19
FlannelKingstr, you can have them on the same line, well, itd be "hoary universe multiverse restricted", but you might as well have them on different lines (so you can comment them out easier)09:19
Computer__Guru&& /sbin/imagine09:20
karstenComputer__Guru: I like my answer better.09:20
FlannelKingsalapoliisi, you can boot from the network... theres instructions around here somewhere09:20
salapoliisikarsten: wouldn't it be easyer if i just reinstall after finding that cd-rom?09:20
hondjehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingCompilers <--- did I miss anything obvious?09:20
karstensalapoliisi: No.09:20
salapoliisiFlannelKing: but i need machine to boot from :D09:20
strFlannelKing: so... it is ok to have  one line like this:     deb http://gt.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe multiverse09:20
karstensalapoliisi: You need to create a fixed initrd.  That's a minimal initial filesystem used to load modules.  Yours got hosed.09:21
strFlannelKing: and there i should have everything, exept the backports... right?09:21
karstensalapoliisi: In general, there's little need to reinstall Ubuntu.09:21
karstensalapoliisi: ...and you'll need to find that disk either way.09:21
=== karsten realizes he can port a system over....
FlannelKingstr for hoary, not security or updates, but yes09:21
karstenbbiam...  installing an HD...09:21
firebird619Am I suppose to have these on my PC:     /boot/vmlinuz.autoconf.h and /boot/vmlinuz.version.h09:22
strFlannelKing: for securitys i nedd only this...deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted      <<--- Right?09:22
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spermie_why was u all messing with me09:22
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Computer__Gurustr: you got all that, right?09:22
FlannelKingstr I believe thats the syntax, you might also want universe09:23
strFlannelKing:  for hoary, not security or updates, but yes   <-- what do you mean with "updates" ?09:23
FlannelKingstr as in, hoary-updates09:24
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strFlannelKing: so.. this should be THE  line, right?    deb http://gt.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary hoary-updates main restricted universe multiverse09:24
FlannelKingstr no, give the updates their own line, and it'll ONLY be main and restricted09:25
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FlannelKingstr, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories09:26
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eliUbuntuanyone know much about dma?09:27
hondjeI love dma09:27
Whistlerwhat do i need to program cpp un ubuntu?09:28
eliUbuntucould it cause .ICEauthority to become problematic?09:28
hondjeWhistler: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingCompilers09:28
firebird619Am I suppose to have these on my PC:     /boot/vmlinuz.autoconf.h and /boot/vmlinuz.version.h09:28
hondjeWhistler: I just made that, if it's missing something you need, let me know09:29
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Panzerboymorning all09:29
Amaranthanyone wanna play 'desktop screenshots' again?09:29
Hackmohey can anyone help me get my webcam working?  it's a phillips toucam pro2 and accroding to the ubuntu site should work out of the box, but it doesn't.  I've posted on the fourms but had no reply09:29
hondjeAmaranth: I love that game09:30
Amaranthi'll open with http://www.realistanew.com/desktop.png09:30
Amaranthi win!09:30
hondje2 out of 3?09:30
=== BeatYou-z [ne00@ip70-179-141-68.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthshow me yours09:30
Whistlerhondje k09:30
BeatYou-zhow do you change the port for vsftpd09:30
eliUbuntufirebird619: i do not have those files on my computer. what version of ubuntu are you using?09:30
hondjeAmaranth: damn, you DO win09:30
FlannelKingHackmo, does it get recognized at all? (you see messages when you unplug/replug in a console)09:31
Amaranthhondje: cristina scabbia from lacuna coil09:31
firebird619I am trying to install my modem and for those two things it says No Such File Or Directory but beings it says that I am guessing I need them to install my modem09:31
eliUbuntuhmm... did you install anything recently that made this catch your attention?09:31
Amaranthhondje: plus the ubuntu logo, beagle, the icon theme, etc :D09:31
hondjeI noticed the beagle09:31
Whistlerhondje so installed compiler so how should i create programs?09:31
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FlannelKingHackmo, a real console, not one inside of gnome09:31
hondjeLacuna Coil...my brother was mentioning them09:31
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eliUbuntui bet my screen beats yours :P09:31
Amaranthshow me09:32
FlannelKingWhistler, gedit? vim? emacs?  any text editor09:32
firebird619eliUbuntu: I am trying to install my modem and for those two things it says No Such File Or Directory but beings it says that I am guessing I need them to install my modem. Thats is how I noticed they weren't there, I tried to install my modem.09:32
eliUbuntuwhere do i upload it?09:32
WhistlerFlannelKing i know this but how i make source code a program?09:32
HackmoFlannerlKing: yeah it gets recognized if it is plugged in during bootup, when I run lsusb it shows me the name of the cam, but if I un-plug it and then plug it back in it wont pick it up and when I run lusb again it just hangs09:32
eliUbuntufirebird619: that is beyond me. my wlan automatically installed without a problem09:32
HackmoFlannelKing* ^09:32
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MadpiloteliUbuntu: http://www.imageshack.us/09:33
eliUbuntufirebird619: did you look in the wiki pages on ubuntu?09:33
Amaranthhondje: she sings better than she looks, you should listen :)09:33
HackmoFlannelKing: check out my post for the message I get http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3800409:33
eliUbuntuthanks Madpilot09:33
firebird619eliUbuntu: I have dial-up Internet. I know this modem can be installed on 5.04 because I found a post in the forums of a guy that has this same modem and installed successfully09:33
hondjeWhistler: simple version is g++ foo.cc -o foo09:33
FlannelKingWhistler, with gcc or g++, from that page he gave you09:33
glicki wonder, i really like ubuntu but couldnt use it because my firewire external harddisk wasnt supported correctly by any of the available kernels09:33
hondjeWhistler: long version is reading the docs on autotools or gcc09:34
feugan3333Hi all. Does anyone know what packages is required to recompile the kernel with make "make menuconfig". I't says that I need the ncurses-devel. What is the name of the ubuntu equivalent>09:34
hondjeFlannelKing: that one just explains how to install the compilers09:34
glickwhen i tried to compile the kernel that did support it, gnome would take 4ever to load up, even though that kernel works perfectly in debian09:34
karstensalapoliisi: Que pasta?09:34
hondjeAmaranth: I did a bit, but I can't recall if I liked it or not09:34
firebird619eliUbuntu: His post and success is why I think that I am unsuccessful because of those files it says aren't there09:34
BeatYou-zanyone know how to change the listen port for vsftpd? i change it in the vsftpd.conf and restart through init.d / now it wont accept connections09:34
glickwonder if that was a known issue09:34
glickif its been fixed09:34
Whistlerany tutorials  for compiling cpp programs?09:35
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Madpilotmy screenshot, for the heck of it: http://img350.imageshack.us/img350/5688/warbard0pt.png09:35
hondjefeugan3333: probably libncurses509:35
karstenBeatYou-z: WAG:  are you launching it from inetd.conf?09:35
eliUbuntufirebird619: did you search for these files in the repository?09:36
BeatYou-zthrough /etc/init.d/vsftpd restartr09:36
WhistlerMadpilot opera rullz09:36
eliUbuntufirebird619: also you should check to make sure your repository is not on the links of us.*09:36
eliUbuntufirebird619: get rid of all us. repos09:37
FlannelKingSorry Hackmo, I cant help you09:37
Computer__Guruwhat id like to do is install some flavor of nix on my jornada 690 handheld09:37
Computer__Gurui'd be all kinds of happy09:37
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firebird619eliUbuntu: yes I searched in Synaptic for these files. The only repository I have there is the Install CD09:37
glickit would support my firewire drive, but during transfers of large amounts of information to or from the drive, the transfer would freeze09:37
HackmoFlannelKing: ok thanks anyway09:37
Hackmodoes anyone else have any ideas?09:37
MadpilotWhistler: yah, it's more of an Opera screenshot rather than a desktop screenie, but close enough.... :09:37
=== vladuz976 [~vladuz976@pool-71-106-211-189.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruglick: sounds like a bursting problem09:38
vladuz976join #ubuntu-de09:38
glickComputer__Guru, yeah09:38
Computer__Guruprobably to do with a buffer09:38
hondjehere's mine09:38
FlannelKingfirebird619, that's your problem, get more repos09:38
feugan3333hondje: thanks I'll give it a try09:38
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Computer__Guruwouldnt imagine it being a cachefile problem09:38
glickComputer__Guru, yeah but it works on the same box running debian09:38
firebird619how do I do that. I don't have Internet access on Ubuntu.09:38
glickwith my custom kernel09:38
karstenBeatYou-z: What's netstat -l tell you?  Should show up listening on the designated port.09:38
firebird619FlannelKing: How do I do that. I have no Internet on Ubuntu09:38
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Computer__Guruhondje: nice09:39
hondjeI was using Amaranth's namesake for a theme, but I did a overhaul and haven't put it back09:39
Computer__Guruglick: look for the difference between the firewire packages then09:39
BeatYou-zkarsten ill try it09:39
glickbut it sucks cause i really wanted to use ubuntu09:39
glicki really like it09:39
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Madpilothondje: where'd you get the wallpaper? i like it09:39
Computer__Guruhondje: http://www.daede.com/MyDesktop.jpg09:39
eliUbuntuscreen shot is here -> http://img350.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot9vv.jpg09:39
FlannelKingfirebird619, you'll have to download them on another machine, and then sneakernet them over09:39
hondjeMadpilot: deviantart.com09:39
glickComputer__Guru, what do you mean?09:39
hondjein the political section09:39
Amaranthhey, address these to me too09:39
firebird619FlannelKing: Do you have those files that it says that I am missing.09:39
Amaranthi'm missing desktops!09:39
BeatYou-zkarsten: dont see anything on 66609:40
firebird619FlannelKing: Where do I download them from?09:40
BeatYou-zill put it back to default real quick09:40
Computer__Guruglick: it's either your firewire drivers, or your ata drivers.. find out what the difference is between the debian system with those packages and the system in querstion09:40
hondjeMadpilot: I can upload it if you want09:40
salapoliisikarsten: now i got cd-rom, what next?09:40
glickComputer__Guru, i looked at the change logs from the kernel ubuntu uses to the one that my drive worked i didnt see any change regarding that09:40
eliUbuntufirebird619: did you try to search for those files on google? its best to google the exact error messages you get09:40
eliUbuntuthat brings up a lot09:40
Computer__Guruya got me then09:40
firebird619eliUbuntu: That's what I am doing right now09:41
Amaranthok cool, i still win :P09:41
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eliUbuntuAmaranth: your desktop pic please :)09:41
hondjeComputer__Guru: is that the xorg compositing?09:41
hondjeAmaranth: did you get my humble desktop?09:41
karstensalapoliisi: Boot it.09:41
Amaranthhondje: yeah :)09:41
AmarantheliUbuntu: Err, let me find it again09:42
ColonelKernelim using centos on my router box right now but im considering switching that to ubuntu too09:42
FlannelKingfirebird619, what are you doing that you need the header files for?09:42
AmarantheliUbuntu: http://reverend.warp1.net/wallpapers/files/christina_scabbia_01.jpg09:42
firebird619FlannelKing: installing my modem09:42
AmarantheliUbuntu: You should listen to her music too.09:42
Madpilothondje: got a filename so I can search deviantart?09:42
karstensalapoliisi: I think it may offer you a rescue option, if not, start the installer, but we're going to keep it from going anywhere.09:42
hondjeMadpilot: iEmpireWP.png09:42
Amaranthopera has an IRC client?09:42
Amaranththat's just sad09:42
hondjeMadpilot: I'll just scp it up09:42
salapoliisikarsten: okay09:42
eliUbuntui would imagine your a happy man behind the computer09:43
firebird619FlannelKing: I found a post on the forums on how to install my modem and except for those 2 files, installation went fine.09:43
hondjeMadpilot: http://www.hondje.net/hondje/~hondje/iEmpireWP.png09:43
FlannelKingfirebird619, which post?09:43
hondjeMadpilot: http://www.hondje.net/~hondje/iEmpireWP.png09:43
Madpilothondje: thnx. search is down at deviantart... :(09:43
spermie_what are some good web sites where i can learn ubuntu/kubuntu commands so i can stop living in IIRC>?09:43
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FlannelKingspermie_, what nature of commands?09:44
firebird619FlannelKing: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36762&highlight=Modems09:44
eliUbuntudid you guys ever see the automatic script to add all drives on your computer to ubuntu?09:44
hondjeAmaranth: what kind of music does she sing?09:44
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spermie_just coomands that will help me use linux easier09:44
FlannelKingfirebird619, you need the kernel headers, I'll bet that will include those files09:44
Amaranthhondje: 'italian goth rock'09:45
FlannelKingfirebird619, the "make sure you have gcc and linux-headers for the version youre running" line at the beginning, did you do that?09:45
vladuz976does anybody know where to configure the icons that show on the splash screen of gnome?09:45
firebird619FlannelKing: I have the headers installed from Synaptic, I would think they would be there already.09:45
firebird619FlannelKing: I also have gcc installed09:45
hondjeAmaranth: heh, no wonder I never heard of them.  I'm a punk and reggae sorta guy09:45
salapoliisikarsten: sry09:45
FlannelKingfirebird619, headers installed from synaptec? and it says youre missing which files?09:46
eliUbuntufirebird619: you're not using the us repositories right?09:46
karstensalapoliisi: OK.  at bootup is there a rescue option?09:46
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firebird619FlannelKing: The only repository I have is the Install CD09:46
salapoliisikarsten: at cd-boot, yes09:46
eliUbuntuunderground hip hop here09:46
karstensalapoliisi: Try that and see where it gets us.09:46
salapoliisikarsten: okey09:46
hondjeGreat, the news says wood smoke causes lung cancer....09:47
=== hondje looks out at forest fire
karstenhondje: Where you at?09:47
eliUbuntuand so does charred bread09:47
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firebird619FlannelKing: it says I am missing the files:   /boot/vmlinuz.autoconf.h and /boot/vmlinuz.version.h09:47
karstenhondje: CO?09:47
FlannelKingfirebird619, what package in synaptec did you install (the header one)09:47
hondjekarsten: Yeah, Pueblo CO09:47
hondjeI can see the fire d'jour from here :)09:47
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eliUbuntuhondje.... little dog?09:48
eliUbuntuthats your name?09:48
hondjeYes, but I'm not dutch :)09:48
karstenhondje: Dig.  I was through there a couple years back.09:48
firebird619FlannelKing: for headers I have linux-headers-2.6.10-5,   linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386,    and linux-headers-386 installed09:48
eliUbuntuthe dutch language caught i guess09:48
karstenhondje: The intermountain / rocky area is one big burn risk.09:48
hondjeyep, and down here it's higher, since the foothills are trees bordered by desert09:49
hondjeodd to live in a desert and see a forest fire out your window :)09:49
karstenhondje: 20 mile burn scars through Idaho & Wyoming.  Yellowstone fire (from the 1980s) was still highly evident.09:49
eliUbuntuat first i thought your name was honda + the je... then realized little dog09:49
=== Kamping_Kaiser [~kaiser@ppp221-98.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowanyone who has ogl enabled drivers installed, go and install a packge called 3ddesktop09:50
hondjehehe, minihonda09:50
n1k0I just talked to some who claims that ubuntu or any distro is not good for a desktop. He said that every gui in linux is buggy.09:50
karstenhondje: odder to live in a forest fire and see a window in your desert.09:50
firebird619FlannelKing: I also have linux-kernel-headers installed09:50
karstenn1k0: Troll elsewhere.09:50
hondjekarsten: hehe09:50
hondjeholycow: 3ddesktop is cool :D09:50
n1k0karsten: No I'm not trolling. That's not my opinion.09:50
holycowhondje, i've never seen this before!09:51
eliUbuntuhondje, that program hogs memory though09:51
karstenn1k0: If you haven't used Linux, then try it and form your own opinion.09:51
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n1k0karsten: I used Linux in desktop and servers.09:51
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n1k0karsten: I have used linux six years. =)09:52
hondjeeliUbuntu: I have tons of memory09:52
karstenn1k0: ... OK, and your point in asking that question was... ?09:52
eliUbuntuhondje: so do i09:52
hondjen1k0: Then what's with the low quality trolling? :)  I raised the bar in here, man09:52
salapoliisikarsten: now i have to select root disk, but it gives only mounting points at cd, and says i have to mount other drives manually, is this ok?09:52
hondjeI once got a newbie to set up X font server09:52
hondjeNow that, sir, is quality09:52
eliUbuntu1 gig.... and still that prog hogs memory09:52
eliUbuntubut now im running dma09:52
eliUbuntumaybe faster09:52
karstensalapoliisi: Um.  Have you booted anything yet?09:52
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karstenn1k0: Or if your point was that there are bigoted idiots in the world, then I apologise, but that's not exactly news either.09:53
Da_SWAThi All. I'm in search of a good/free CAD program (a la AutoCAD for 2D editing of autocad files) AND a business proces modeling program ( http://www.bizzdesign.nl/jpg/bizzdesigner-model.jpg  )... Can anyone give me a hint or something?09:53
=== kjon [~kjon@pc-183-143-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
n1k0karsten: I just tell it here no point of anykind :D But not ment to troll.09:53
duckforcehow do I enable dma on my usb push cart?09:53
karstensalapoliisi: ...or is this a "what would you like to boot" sort of question WRT the root disk.09:53
karstenn1k0: OK, I misread you.09:53
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Kamping_KaiserDa_SWAT: give me a minute. I'll look somthing up re cad09:53
salapoliisikarsten: can you specify that "booting" the install is running, isn't that booting too? or do i have to get my ubuntu deskop so i can say it's no booted up?09:53
n1k0karstern: yes that was my point. I was shocked :D09:54
eliUbuntuduckforce: type09:54
hondjeDa_SWAT: Ever look at varkon?09:54
eliUbuntuand follow it09:54
n1k0salapoliisi? Oot suomesta? =)09:54
karstenn1k0: As a counterpoint, I've been advising a friend who's now got a SuSE/XP dual boot system, his first Linux desktop.  SuSE installed perfectly.  XP is giving him 120+ hours of billed-support hell.09:54
duckforcewhat did that do09:54
salapoliisin1k0: joop09:54
Madpilotduckforce: leave the " quotes off that09:54
karstensalapoliisi: The install disk will start up and give you a startup, pre-boot option.  IIRC one of these is to boot off your existing HD, which will simplify a few things.09:55
eliUbuntuyou see the the little obotu in red?09:55
eliUbuntuclick on it09:55
eliUbuntuand follow the link it gives09:55
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kjonI need help. I opened a MSWord doc with some math stuff on it with openoffice. The text is fine, but all the equations looks horrible. What is the problem?09:55
hondjeI don't know if varkon does autocad files, but it's a nice app09:55
karstensalapoliisi: root=/dev/hda1 may likely work.09:55
Da_SWAThondje, varkon seems nice.... do you have experience with it?09:55
hondjeDa_SWAT: Very, very little09:55
Razor-Xkjon: Oo's math support is bad09:55
hondjeAnother guy at work was tooling with it09:55
salapoliisikarsten: okey i try to mount it now09:55
Kamping_KaiserDa_SWAT: http://linuxshop.ru/linuxbegin/win-lin-soft-en/table.shtml#909:55
Razor-Xthat's why I love LaTeX09:55
Razor-Xso universal ;)09:55
hondjeLaTeX is great09:55
n1k0karsten: I have this one new machice also. In windows it probably needs many 3party drivers. But in ubuntu everything works almost out of the box =)09:56
Razor-XI'm probably gonna buy Lamport's book09:56
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sleptDoes anyone know an other way to get the memory adress of my graphiccard than looking in Xfree86.log. I need this for the mtrr support entry in proc. Or how can I test if the adress I gave is right ?09:56
Da_SWAThondje, but it seems like something usefull, thanks :D (http://www.tech.oru.se/cad/varkon/scrdmp4.htm)09:56
n1k0karsten: I just hate installing 3 party drivers, and in windows you need reboot between drivers...argh! :D09:56
=== petitohaime| [MTP@dyn-83-152-26-205.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
hondjeRazor-X: while you're book shopping, ever read knuth's books? Computers AND math, double the fun09:56
eliUbuntuthanks for the link Kamping_Kaiser09:56
kjonRazor-X: And what can I do to convert the ms-equ. objects to latex or whatever format usable on linux?09:56
karstensalapoliisi: There's more than one way to do this, I'm steering for reasonably simple.09:56
Razor-Xn1k0: a reboot in Linux is very very rare09:56
hondjeDa_SWAT: glad to help :)09:56
karstenn1k0: That and everything else....09:57
Razor-Xkjon: know LaTeX ;)09:57
n1k0Razor-X: I know. =)09:57
karstenRazor-X: Yeah, I just rebooted a box here ... to swap out HDs.09:57
n1k0karsten: yes...pure pain..09:57
hondjeThat's not true, I reboot all the time09:57
Razor-Xn1k0: that there was the second piece of text I ever read in a Linux OS09:57
hondjeAt least once a month :(09:57
Razor-Xback when I was 11 ;)09:57
eliUbuntui have a duel booting laptop... gotta reboot all the time09:57
kjonRazor-x: Is Latex able to open mathtype's stuff?09:57
MilitantDKhow do I get a newer firefox than 1.0.2, without breaking ubuntu? tried debian 1.0.4-2, but all shokwave, etc. cannot be installed, since it wants ubuntu stuff that has been replaced in order for 1.0.4 to work09:57
Razor-Xyeah, I double-boot, that's the bad thing09:57
Madpilotthis computer has been up since Thursday last week. couldn't have done that in XP...09:58
salapoliisikarsten: oh great now it booted my computer, i think im going to install ubuntu again, least i know how to do it, this takes a month09:58
Razor-Xkjon: LaTeX is a language on its own09:58
Razor-Xit's not a symbolic/visual thing09:58
hondjeMilitantDK: it has all the security stuff already. In the location bar type about:config, search for vendorSub, and change 1.0 to 1.0.4 and you should have no problems with extensions09:58
eliUbuntuMilitantDK: add the the backport repositories09:58
ColonelKernelMilitantDK, im using the 1.0.4 from the mozilla site09:58
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eliUbuntumake sure its not us repositories though09:58
Razor-XI can probably LaTeX it meself, if you give it to me, but it'll never hurt to do it09:58
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karstensalapoliisi: Slow down.09:58
poningruMilitantDK: dont worry about it09:58
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poningruit will be taken care of09:59
Razor-XMS Equation Editor is hopelessly slow, and much worse than LaTeX09:59
poningruwithin the next few days09:59
Razor-Xhondje: am I right?09:59
kjonRazor-x: In simple words, I need to install VMWare Workstation in order to avoid losing all my work?? T-T hell...09:59
hanasakiwhere can i get firefox 1.04 or 05?09:59
hondjeI've never used MS Equation Editor09:59
mlaI try to install php5 packages on hoary09:59
eliUbuntuusing firefox 1.0.4 from the repository here09:59
poningruhanasaki: wait for it09:59
Razor-Xkjon: well, you can learn LaTeX09:59
hanasakieliUbuntu: which rep?09:59
karstensalapoliisi: Read that link I gave you and follow the instructions on it.09:59
hondjeOO.org Math is slow, though09:59
=== siimo [~siimo@siimo.user] has joined #ubuntu
poningruit will show up within couple of days/weeks09:59
ColonelKernelIm using 1.0.4 from http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/central.html09:59
eliUbuntuhanasaki: let me get the repos links09:59
Razor-Xalmost all of #math's big people know LaTeX09:59
Da_SWATKamping_Kaiser, thanks for the list. Doens't help me with my 2nd problem though.. ( http://www.bizzdesign.nl/jpg/bizzdesigner-model.jpg )09:59
hanasakithanks eliUbuntu10:00
Razor-Xi'm not sure which mathematician in this day and age doesen't use it ;)10:00
karstensalapoliisi: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-8050.html10:00
hanasakiColonelKernel:  hmm your not usnig  a.deb?10:00
MilitantDKthx for swift replies10:00
=== Guybrush|Numb [~franz@host35-185.pool62211.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelKingDa_SWAT, so, visio type things? or MS Project type things?10:00
salapoliisikarsten: okay, ill try to get my patience back10:00
kjonThx. Razor.10:00
karstencafuego: Were you they person who had that "rescan the partition table after fdisk" command for me the other day?10:00
Razor-Xor, better yet, kjon, convert to PDF10:01
karstensalapoliisi: Apparently this is a warty bug, so you'd be stuck with the same problem regardless.10:01
ColonelKernelhanasaki, no10:01
mirakI want to use gcc3.4.4 instead of gcc3.4.3 to build a cross compiler with toolchain-source. Is it possible ?10:01
Razor-Xthat way Ubuntu can read it, albeit, can't edit it10:01
kjonThat's good idea, I'd not though about it.10:01
karstensalapoliisi: ...so do the steps in that link.10:01
Razor-Xlot of free tools for that10:01
salapoliisikarsten: i have to do it again if i just install it, im going to use this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=42546&postcount=1410:01
=== padraig [~padraig@mckenna1996.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xavailable on Windows, I mean10:01
Da_SWATFlannelKing, it's business process modeling. Bizzdesigner is the program I used, but it's prop, and it doesn't work on linux. Now I need another tool :S10:02
kjonYeah, sure, I got the point.10:02
FlannelKingRazor-X, or you can do the math thing as a picture (which is what EqnEdit used to do) embedded in a word doc10:02
hondjeThere's some latex2png thing10:02
Razor-XFlannelKing: I have... regardless, it's a pain-in-the-arse10:02
FlannelKingDa_SWAT, yes, but is it more of a visio thing (as in, state machine?) or project (as in, 3 weeks for this, 4 weeks for this, 1 week for this, planning, etc)10:02
Da_SWATSo kVisio could do the trick, but it wouldn't be a 'real' solution (there's only so much you can do with visio)10:02
Razor-Xhondje: really? ;)10:02
hondjewikipedia uses it10:02
=== Valandil [~chrys@dsl-084-056-117-036.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Madpilotcool. next version of Opera will have BitTorrent support built in... http://www.opera.com/pressreleases/en/2005/07/07/10:03
Razor-XMadpilot: really?10:03
Da_SWATFlannelKing, than more like state machine (in this case process flow)10:03
karstensalapoliisi: Sec...10:03
glickhey buy using the live distro can i copy and write to any of the drives?10:03
MadpilotRazor-X: check that URL...10:03
=== Tomcat__ [~Tomcat@vpn2-dynip71.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-XMadpilot: I must ;)10:03
karstenglick: Yes.  If you mount them writable.10:03
hondjeRazor-X: there's even an emacs plugin for latex2png10:03
eliUbuntuanyone else want the backport repos for the new firefox?10:03
Razor-Xhondje: oh, really!10:03
=== Razor-X needs it
Madpilotapparently Opera's servers crashed when 8.0 was released. Suddenly they "got" BitTorrents... :)10:03
=== artic_fox [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
MadpilotRazor-X: there's always the tech demo (beta software) if you're feeling brave...10:04
=== Madpilot doesn't beta test. Not even for Opera.
=== Valandil [~chrys@dsl-084-056-117-036.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu
FlannelKingDa_SWAT, you might try Umbrello, its not designed for business models, but it does the same thing10:04
=== poningru betas for almost everyone
poningrufrom dp to OOo10:05
poningruso blah10:05
Razor-XMadpilot: I do ;)10:05
=== poningru is now known as poningru_sleep
Razor-XI remember the crash, meself10:05
n1k0backports...I don't even use them.10:05
Da_SWATFlannelKing, thnx. It10:06
FlannelKingDa_SWAT, or even things like dia, should work (and is included in ubuntu)10:06
=== AlohaWul1 [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-121-123.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotyea, I couldn't get 8 for XP for a couple of days. was irritating...10:06
mirakqqun a deja fait un cross compiler avec toolchain-source ?10:06
eliUbuntun1k0: why not use the backports?10:06
Da_SWATFlannelKing, might you have a url for diag (just curious)10:06
mirak I want to use gcc3.4.4 instead of gcc3.4.3 to build a cross compiler with toolchain-source. Is it possible ?10:06
Razor-XMadpilot: I got it off some obscure server10:06
FlannelKingdia is in the repos, its a gnome thing I believe10:06
karstenMadpilot: Heh...10:06
Da_SWATFlannelKing, thnx for all10:07
eliUbuntuis there a drop shadow option to add to ubuntu?10:07
=== TiffOn [user@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
karstenDa_SWAT: 'apt-cache seach <description or name>'10:07
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n1k0eliUbuntu: I don't see any point to use them. I do not need the latest software.10:07
karstenDa_SWAT: ...will search for packages matching description or name.10:07
n1k0and backports may broke system...10:07
hondjetime for bed, night Razor-X10:08
FlannelKingDa_SWAT, actually, try searching for anything with UML in the description, theres a couple of promising things (which will vary in ways, and from them you should be able to find something adequate)10:08
glickdamn i cant find anything about it on google10:08
Madpilotkarsten: hey, I needed my fix... :) ... and O8 really is a large improvement over the last versions of O7...10:08
glicki need access to my external drive :(10:08
glickand i want to use ubuntu10:08
glickbut i guess the gods of the universe dont want me to have my cake and eat it too10:08
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Da_SWATFlannelKing, karsten. Thnx 4 all. I'm off now (work work)10:09
karstenMadpilot: I'm waiting for Galeon to regain its sanity...10:09
salapoliisikarsten: so did you have something to say?10:09
karstenglick: What's your external drive?10:09
karstensalapoliisi: Possibly.  I'm in 3 channels and mirroring a drive ATM....10:09
=== dade` [~dade@host103-162.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
dade`hi all10:09
dade`i need help10:09
glickkarsten, its a maxtor10:09
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dade`what packages take care of automounting partitions ?10:10
salapoliisidade`: almost every one here needs help10:10
dade`i see warty does that and hoary don't10:10
Madpilotkarsten: haven't used galeon. what's insane about it?10:10
eliUbuntuah, dade - ask Seveas for it10:10
=== n3C [~n3C@klik27.klik.bydgoszcz.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasdade`, partitions aren't automounted10:10
Seveasdade`, only removable drives are10:10
karstenglick: USB?  Firewire?  Tin-can-and-string?  Smoke signals?10:10
eliUbuntuactually i still have the the link10:10
Seveasand that's done by pmount/hal10:10
dade`Seveas: what i need to do to automount partitions ? (warty live does)10:10
Seveasdade`, you mean your windows/mac partitions?10:11
glickkarsten, firewire10:11
dade`yea, but also ext*10:11
karstenMadpilot: It's a Gtk/Gnome browser.  Was IMO the ideal power-user browser in v. 1.2.  Currently getting GNOMEified in 1.3, lost a bunch of features, the dev's mentality is IMO way off track.10:11
Seveasdade`: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically10:11
dade`just all other partition it can mount10:11
Seveasfor ext* there is no automount10:11
karstenglick: OK. You'll need ieee1394 support loaded.10:11
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karstenglick: IIRC it should appear as a SCSI device.10:12
mlaHi, where I can find a repository with php5 packages on hoary ?10:12
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karstenglick: 'modprobe ieee1394; dmesg | tail -40'10:12
karstenglick: ...should show something vaguely interesting.10:12
Seveasmla, afaik nowhere yet10:12
Madpilotkarsten: interesting... i'll have to take a look at some point.10:12
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dade`mmhh, strange anyway, partitions should be mounted automatically i think, moreover in a live distro10:12
eliUbuntuSeveas: that winmac fstab is a great script. it has helped a lot for me. thanks10:12
Seveaskarsten, tail -n 4010:12
glickkarsten, it works but then when i tansfer like a gig of stuff from or too it it copies like half the stuff then it gets like transfer errors i/o errors etc10:12
Seveastail -40 is deprecated syntax10:12
SeveaseliUbuntu, yw10:12
Madpilotkarsten: but i've been an Opera user since Opera 4.something, so I'm unlikely to change...10:13
FlannelKingmla, I dont believe Hoary has php510:13
spermie_ is there any movie editing / fake adobe premiere rip off for linux? i need something that can add special affects and all that kind of stuff10:13
mlaI use http://people.debian.org/~dexter php5 on my debian sid, but it doesn't works with hoary wrong libc6 and apache version10:13
Seveas...neither has breezy10:13
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Seveasmla, are the sources available>10:13
karstenSeveas: tail -<n> is going to work long after you and I are dead, trust me on this.10:14
ColonelKernelspermie_, cinelerra is the shizzy10:14
Seveaskarsten, yeah, but it'll generate that annoying warning :)10:14
ColonelKernelspermie_, you ought to change your name to MrBukkake, its more dignified.10:14
Razor-Xplus, if something's deprecated, then it has ill circumstances when scripting10:14
karstenSeveas: Not here ;-)10:15
FlannelKingdeprecated doesnt mean it has ill circumstances10:15
Razor-XFlannelKing: something is deprecated for a reason, generally10:15
Razor-Xwhen scripting, that may mean memory hogging10:15
mlaSeveas, the source of the php5 package ?10:15
karstenSeveas: tail version 5.2.110:15
Seveasmla, yes10:15
FlannelKingyes, but not necessarily that it's bad, just something better has come along, or people have moved on to a 'different way of doing it'10:15
Razor-Xsame reason you don't add cat file > newfilename instead of cp file newfilename10:15
glickif i boot into the live distro how can i make all my harddrives writtable?10:16
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Razor-Xwhen scripting, rather10:16
=== Tarcastil [~Tarcastil@adsl-68-95-141-196.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
spermie_ColonelKernel you dont like the spermster?10:16
karstenFlannelKing: It's usually an effort to try to push people to a different syntax.  There's scripts which have been running w/ 'tail -<n>' for decades now, and you'll break 'em all.10:16
ColonelKernelI dunno MrBukkake sounds like a Japanese businessman10:16
ColonelKernelSpermie or its variants are just kinda blunt10:16
Razor-XColonelKernel: there are no Japanese sounds in it10:16
mlaSeveas, I find a way to solve it10:16
Razor-Xspermie_: some may consider it offending10:17
Tarcastilhey, what commands are called when someone uses sound? I'm tightening restrcitions on a user in visudo, but because of it, sound doesn't work10:17
mlaI used it sid package, I'll try with woody or sarge pacakge10:17
SeveasTarcastil, none10:17
SeveasTarcastil, only /dev/dsp is opened10:17
teleyinexsomeone is having problems with hal10:17
TarcastilSeveas: ack, maybe it's something else, but sound works fine under root10:17
TarcastilSeveas: but not as a user10:18
SeveasTarcastil, root can do anything :)10:18
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SeveasTarcastil, the user has to be in the audio group10:18
teleyinexsometimes my hoary has 46 process with this name 20-hal.hotplug10:18
teleyinexis this normal?10:18
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teleyinexwhere could be the problem?10:18
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TarcastilSeveas: thanks10:18
karstenteleyinex: Dave Bowman was...10:18
dade`Seveas: that script is almose the same that uses warty live ?10:18
spermie_Razor-X do you find my nick offending?10:18
Seveasmla, http://people.debian.org/~dexter/dists/php5/php5-5.0.4-0.6.hoary.1/10:19
=== Valandil [~chrys@dsl-084-056-117-036.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Seveaslooks like there are hoary packages10:19
ColonelKernel im looking for whory packages myself10:19
ColonelKernelI havent gotten any in a while10:19
=== Aegir [~Richard@d220-238-95-164.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasuse php5 hoary in sources.list10:19
Razor-Xspermie_: maybe10:19
TarcastilSeveas: ah, I didn't realize usermod -G took the user out of groups I didn't specify. Thanks :)10:20
SeveasColonelKernel, please watch your language...10:20
ColonelKernelwould Whoary be better?10:20
eliUbuntuquestion, what is breezy?10:20
eliUbuntuis that the new ubuntu10:20
Seveaswill be released in ovtober10:20
Seveasoctober even10:20
eliUbuntuhow does it look?10:21
mlaSeveas, thanks a lot10:21
Seveasunstable atm10:21
=== Valandil [~chrys@dsl-084-056-117-036.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ColonelKernelhas anyone used ubuntu as a router?10:21
karsten*Real* software is never released.10:21
karstenIt escapes.10:21
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
ColonelKernelcentos is making a hell of a router so far10:21
Amaranthkarsten: haha, i remember that saying10:21
=== Raskall [~rolfas@topof.ronningveien.net] has joined #ubuntu
karstenColonelKernel: Yeah.  I kept finding the CD edges would chip when I was channeling dovetails though.10:21
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Have a question? Just ask! | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | us.archive currently broken; use another mirror ({ca,uk,se}.archive) | PLEASE DON'T USE BREEZY YET -- REALLY | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com | Ubuntu #1 on all distrowatch boards!
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salapoliisikarsten: so would you be able to tell me now what you had to say me 15min ago?10:22
ColonelKernelkarsten, im not talking the livecd, but the installed version10:22
eliUbuntuhave you tried to use it Seveas? the breezy version?10:22
TarcastilSeveas: hmm, sound still isn't working as user10:22
=== karsten introduces ColonelKernel to woodworking. Plumbing's up next....
SeveaseliUbuntu, not yet10:22
karstensalapoliisi: Where are you at?10:22
=== SloMoSnail [~slomo@vpn-imt20.uni-paderborn.de] has joined #ubuntu
AmaranthSeveas: What changed?10:23
ntollhow long does it take for Debzilla to do the debian bug importing (see bug #12613 in ubuntu bugzilla for an example)?10:23
SeveasTarcastil, what does lsof | grep /dev/dsp say?10:23
karstensalapoliisi: IIRC I'd asked you for clarification / status, never got a response.10:23
ColonelKernelkarsten, crack rocks?10:23
TarcastilSeveas: no output10:23
salapoliisikarsten: you said "sec..."10:23
SeveasTarcastil, ah, probably your program needs esd, which is not started10:23
AmaranthSeveas: `lsof /dev/dsp` works too10:23
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b zapada!*@*] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by Seveas
TarcastilSeveas: I took out esd because it was messing stuff up10:24
salapoliisikarsten: i'll try to do this first without help and then ask you if it won't work, or if i get stuck10:24
karstenColonelKernel: ubuntu ~= debian, particularly w/ Universe.  Yes, you can run it as a router.  It's not "designed" for that, specifically, but there's nothing hideous about setting it up for the task.10:24
TarcastilSeveas: sound just stopped working for some reason10:24
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b trollingstone!*@*] by Seveas
karstensalapoliisi: Ah.  It was a long second....10:24
TarcastilSeveas: it was working before without esd10:24
ColonelKernelkarsten, right on10:24
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-3-79.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
teleyinexso noone knows about hal problems?10:24
spermie_ColonelKernel  cinelerra isnt a ubuntu package is it?10:24
SeveasTarcastil, check the programs settings10:24
ColonelKernelI want a nice desktop system that is used as a router10:24
karstensalapoliisi: Ah.  I was going to look at that link.10:24
AmaranthColonelKernel: Being a router just requires iptables10:24
Seveasit should use alsa as audio output10:24
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-3-79.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
salapoliisikarsten: :D10:24
ColonelKernelspermie_, I have no idea - but ill tell you this - cinelerra works on clusters10:25
ColonelKernelso you can use it in place of someting like AVID10:25
=== DagaZ [~rolle@h34n1fls35o858.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
TarcastilSeveas: the program was working before as a user without esd. I don't know why it's not working now10:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@cc667024-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] by Seveas
karstensalapoliisi: Yeah, that looks like what you want to do.10:25
salapoliisiinteresting that the install couldn't find dhcp, but other machine where i plugged that cable did work just fine10:25
=== Amaranth needs to do something with his blog
SeveasAmaranth, /me too10:25
karstensalapoliisi: It's a different page from the one I'd pulled up first, wanted to confirm it.  Sorry for the delay.10:25
Seveaslast post is april 17 :)10:25
Amaranthjune 23rd here10:26
karstenColonelKernel: Meantime, I'm pretty sure you could set it up to do woodwork, and clear clogged drains, if you really thought about it....10:26
AmaranthSeveas: http://www.realistanew.com/desktop.png <--showing this off to everyone :)10:26
ColonelKernelkarsten, thats what my father is for.10:26
=== ColonelKernel is the son of a Jewish carpenter. Worship me.
=== djp [~david@dynamic-62-56-55-165.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
glickthis is all i could find relating to my problem10:27
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AmaranthI'm an op. Worship me. :)10:27
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abhayksAmarnath: Nice desktop10:27
karstenColonelKernel: ;-)10:27
=== ColonelKernel bows before the glory and might of Amaranth
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=== action09 back :p
=== karsten nails Amaranth to a cross.
Amaranthabhayks: thanks10:29
spermie_sudo dpkg -i cinelerra-1.2.2-1.i386.rpm10:29
spermie_dpkg: error processing cinelerra-1.2.2-1.i386.rpm (--install):10:29
spermie_ cannot access archive: No such file or directory10:29
spermie_Errors were encountered while processing:10:29
spermie_ cinelerra-1.2.2-1.i386.rpm10:29
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spermie_whoops sorry10:29
Seveasspamalope, .....10:29
salapoliisiSeveas: so tell me about that routing now, what did you say yesterday10:29
spermie_didnt know it was that long =(10:29
Seveasspermie_, alien -i ....rpm10:29
=== concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasdpkg is for debs10:29
Seveassalapoliisi, I said nothing about routing yesterday :)10:30
spermie_all alright10:30
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salapoliisiSeveas: yes you did, im anacron, and i asked if im able to make my ubuntu as a router10:31
siimowhat ever happen to grumpy groundhog what was going to start after hoary came out ? anyone know? the always rolling version ?10:31
Seveassalapoliisi, ah ok, must have slipped my mind then10:31
Seveassalapoliisi, if you mean a simple internet connection sharing, install firestarter10:32
Seveasit's a one-click solution10:32
=== porksword [~mcsteels@user-3959.l4.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasotherwise: learn the details of iptables and do it manually :)10:32
=== Caray [~ubuntu@20.Red-213-98-10.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Caraymuy buenas10:33
Seveasola Caray10:33
porkswordgot a quick question..... how do i change the background colour of my gnome menu(apps/places/system)??10:33
salapoliisiseveas, yeah you did tell about firestarter, but did you say there were some softwares so i could configure it by browser?10:33
porkswordalso the font colour?? thanx10:33
Seveasporksword, by changing the theme10:33
Seveasyou might have to poke in the theme to change single colors10:33
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spermie_Seveas so i would do this: sudo alien -i ~/Desktop/ cinelerra-1.2.2-1.i386.rpm10:34
FlannelKingporksword, system > preference > theme10:34
djphi. trying to read a formatted floppy disk under hoary. i believe the disk has been formatted and had documents saved on it from an xp machine. however when i try and mount the disk i receive the following message, Mount Error, Unable to mount the selected volume, mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified. Can anyone advice what I need to do in order to access the disk?10:34
Seveassalapoliisi, well, i said i *thought* there were10:34
Carayhla Seveas hablas castellano??10:34
salapoliisiSeveas: okay :)10:34
SeveasCaray, yo no hablo espanol/castellano10:34
SeveasCaray, va en #ubuntu-es10:34
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=== jie is now known as Sshine
FlannelKingdjp, specify a filesystem mount type, probably fat3210:34
salapoliisiwhat's the difference between warty and hoary10:34
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Seveassalapoliisi, a lot :)10:35
Carayok I try ....10:35
salapoliisiis it okay to add warty sources?10:35
enoso if I use qtparted and make an empty partition, could I load another distro onto that and still load ubuntu through grub?10:35
porkswordhow bout the font colours??10:35
Seveassalapoliisi, it's useless :)10:35
=== robtaylor_ [~robtaylor@a130-233-4-225.debconf5.hut.fi] has joined #ubuntu
salapoliisiSeveas: okay10:35
Seveassalapoliisi, all packages in warty are in hoary, but with newer versions10:35
Seveaseno, yes10:35
hanasakiis there a web interface to search the package lists of ubuntu?10:36
djpFlannelKing: thanks. so i should use the command line then? i only tried to mount the disk by right clicking under Places/Computer and going to mount volume by right clicking...10:36
Seveashanasaki, pacages.ubuntu.com10:36
hanasakihmm no link form http://www.ubuntulinux.org/10:36
enohow easy would it be to screw up?  (I don't want to lose ubuntu)10:36
salapoliisiseveas, so warty has newer software, but it might be unstable?10:36
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FlannelKingdjp, I would try that yes.  It probably can't autodetermine the drive type (which is unusual, do you know what format the floppy is currently in?)10:37
Seveassalapoliisi, no, hoary has newer software10:37
Seveasand both warty and hoary are stable10:37
ColonelKernelwhat are warty and hoary10:37
SeveasColonelKernel, versions of ubuntu10:37
FlannelKingwarty is the older version of ubuntu (4.10)10:37
djpFlannelKing: no. it is my partners disk that she wants me to use to help her with a report she is doing for her work place10:37
karstenColonelKernel: Ubuntu releases.10:37
Seveaswarty was the first, hoary is the latest versio10:37
CaraySeveas I'm running Ubuntu-live and I need to know partition table of my hd10:37
ColonelKernelFlannelKing, thanks10:37
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasCaray, sudo fdisk -l10:38
Caraythanks a lot10:38
ColonelKernelthats what I meant - what releases they were referring to10:38
=== Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
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FlannelKingdjp, yeah, try at the command line, that way it doesnt have to auto determine (although all disks should be labeled, which is why its odd)10:38
Seveassalapoliisi, there is webmin-shorewall and webmin-firewall, these are web-based firewall administration things10:38
Computer__Guruanybody have any idea why transcode isnt available?10:39
ColonelKernelfirestarter rules10:39
SeveasComputer__Guru, it's in hoary-extras (from the backports repository)10:39
salapoliisiSeveas: but do they work in ubuntu, or are they other distros?10:39
Seveassalapoliisi, they are Ubuntu packages :)10:40
Computer__Guruyou got the sources.list lines for hoary-extras? or is it simply http://archives.ubuntu.com/ hoary-extras?10:40
SeveasComputer__Guru: To find out the location of backports, go to backports.ubuntuforums.org/url.php10:40
hanasakipackages.ubuntu.com says gaim is on 1.1.4   i have 1.1.3 and apt-get upgrade says 1.1.3 is the newest10:40
julzhi, im thinking of  getting ubuntu because mandrake/mandrive has stuffed up twioce. is ubuntu still good for development purposes? i mainly want to just learn and experimtnt with C for iPodLinux.10:40
salapoliisiSeveas: but isn't there distro from shorewall or something like that?10:40
hanasakipackages.ubuntu.com says gaim is on 1.1.4   i have 1.1.3 and apt-get upgrade says 1.1.3 is the newest how do i ge tto 1.1.410:40
Seveashanasaki, for hoary 1.1.3 is the lates10:40
enoI think I will go for it and to HELL with the consequences ;)10:40
bob2julz: sure, but any distro will be fine for that sort of thing10:40
ColonelKernelsalapoliisi, you might want to give firestarter a try too10:41
Seveassalapoliisi, might be, but the software is available for Ubuntu10:41
hanasakiSeveas:  that says 1.1.410:41
julznice, thanks a lot10:41
Seveassalapoliisi, nevetr tried shorewall myself though10:41
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salapoliisiSeveas: okay, i try those if im not satisfied with firestarter10:41
salapoliisiColonelKernel: yeah sure i'll try that10:41
Seveashanasaki, can you paste your sources.list on a pastebin please10:42
FlannelKingComputer__Guru, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories has info on backports and extras10:42
hanasakiSeveas:  sure.. what / where is a pastebin10:42
uboturumour has it, pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ or #flood10:42
CarayI try to retore Grub .... :(10:42
=== Valandil [~chrys@dsl-084-056-117-036.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu
hanasakiSeveas:  i am in #flood pls join me10:42
SeveasCaray, wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringGrubAfterInstallingWindows has info you might like10:43
Caraythks again !!!10:43
salapoliisihmm okay now i got problems "mount -o loop /boot/initrd.img- /mnt/initrd" i can't remember what is my version10:43
salapoliisiit's x386 but what are those numbers10:44
lerojwhat do i do with a .run file?10:44
leroji'm trying to install AA10:44
Computer__GuruSeveas: so deb http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu-backports/dists/hoary-extras main multiverse universe10:44
Computer__Guruthat right?10:44
SeveasComputer__Guru, no10:45
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Seveashttp://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu-backports/ hoary-extras main etc...10:45
Shereihi everyone...10:46
salapoliisithank you autocompile10:46
ShereiI am very new to ubuntu and well linux alltoger...  I was using Mandrake and someone told me to uce Ubuntu..  But i have some questions.....10:47
djpFlannelKing: what do i need to type at the bash prompt? i typed file -s /dev/fd0 and it returned the following, /dev/fd0: x86 boot sector, code offset 0x34, OEM-ID "IBM  3.3", root entries 224, sectors 2880 (volumes <=32 MB) , sectors/FAT 9, dos < 4.0 BootSector (0x0)10:47
SeveasSherei, welcome aboard! Ask all you want10:47
Computer__Gurudo i want bleeding as well?10:47
=== nxv__ [~nxv_@dsl-084-056-100-120.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShereiI need to have libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) installed but only have 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 installed   How can I upgrade?10:48
lerojwhat do i do with a .run file?10:48
=== se7enone [~g_boswort@wbs-146-152-187.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasComputer__Guru, no :)10:49
SeveasSherei, you should NOT upgrade that10:49
Computer__GuruThe following packages have unmet dependencies:10:49
Computer__Guru  transcode: Depends: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.0.0-7) but 1:4.0-0pre6ubuntu7 is to be installed10:49
Computer__Guruthat sucks10:49
Computer__Guruwhy me10:49
Seveasinstead: don't use debian packages on hoary, use ubuntu packages10:49
=== spanglesontoast [~edd@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasComputer__Guru, you need hoary-backports too10:49
Seveasthe newer libgcc1 is in there10:49
se7enoneI am extremely new to ubuntu! can someone help me with a couple of questions?10:49
=== paines [~al@p508A725C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
AmaranthAnyone here using breezy, _DO NOT_ get xorg -35.10:50
action09se7enone ask it :)10:50
abhayksI am on Breezy10:50
salapoliisikarsten: now i got stuck, while doing "mount -o loop /boot/initrd.img- /mnt/initrd" (not really powerpc, i changed that) it says that there aren't any free loop devices10:50
pepsixAmaranth, ? im completely updated10:50
ShereiOk Seveas...thanx..  but the program I am installing requires it.. any thoughts?10:50
painesisn't there a bugs page for ubuntu ?10:50
painescan't find it10:50
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Have a question? Just ask! | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | us.archive currently broken; use another mirror ({ca,uk,se}.archive) | PLEASE DON'T USE BREEZY YET -- REALLY | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com | Ubuntu #1 on all distrowatch boards! | If you use breezy, do NOT!!! upgrade xorg today!
se7enonehow do i install applications such as xmms if i don't have a net connection?10:50
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SeveasSherei, which program?10:51
Amaranthpepsix: It hasn't hit the mirrors yet.10:51
pepsixoh fun ;D10:51
Amaranthpepsix: Don't upgrade when it does though.10:51
=== buz [~buz@80-218-107-8.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasse7enone, you can download them via http://packages.ubuntu.com and put them on a usb-stick oslt10:51
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karstense7enone: Install it from disk or CD.10:51
Shereiummm.. it is called showeq10:51
Seveaspaines, bugzilla.ubuntu.com10:51
Computer__GuruWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!10:51
Computer__Guru  libgcc1 libpostproc0 libavcodeccvs transcode transcode-doc10:51
Computer__GuruInstall these packages without verification [y/N] ?10:51
painesSeveas: thanks10:51
Seveaspaines, and launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone10:51
SeveasComputer__Guru, yes10:51
karstense7enone: There's tools such as apt-zip which allow you to install via transfer media (Zip drive, USB drive, CD, etc) if necessary10:52
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se7enonefrom then is is fairly simple to install on the pc at home? do i use synaptic or is there another way?10:52
Computer__Guruwtf are backports, anyways?10:52
Prof_Frinkse7enone: dpkg10:52
AmaranthComputer__Guru: Things from breezy built for hoary.10:52
spanglesontoastanyone know if the gparted problem is going to be fixed?10:52
Computer__Gurubreezy is the next big thing, right?10:52
se7enonecan i get apt-zip from the same place or will that already be included in the hoary release?10:52
SeveasComputer__Guru, yes10:52
abhayksComputer_Guru Breezy is the next ubuntu release10:53
Computer__Guruokay, so backports is like tomorrows packages for todays system10:53
Computer__Gurui like10:53
salapoliisikarsten: can you give me the directory, i can't find anything at cdrom or media/cdrom etc10:53
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Computer__Gurunow EVERY program k3b wants is there :D10:53
djpFlannelKing: sudo mount-t vfat /dev/fd0, command not found10:53
karstensalapoliisi: Sorry, directory for what?10:54
djpFlannelKing: sudo mount-t msdos /dev/fd0, command not found10:54
Computer__Guruk3b will by default burn mp3's as an audio cd, right?10:54
petrosim trying to get my cardreader on my samsung notebook running...10:54
Seveasdjp, mount -t10:54
petroshas anyone experience with that?10:54
salapoliisikarsten: how can i do that from cd?10:54
abhayksdjp:  sudo mount -y10:54
Seveaswatch the space10:54
se7enonecan i get apt-zip from the same place or will that already be included in the hoary release?10:54
abhayksmount -t i mean10:54
painesanyone doing lisp and emacs ? I just installed common-lisp-compiler and clisp on ubuntu and ever since then emacs is crashing10:54
abhayksthere is a gap between mount and " -t"10:54
karstensalapoliisi: do *what*?10:54
Seveasse7enone, apt-zip can be downloaded from the repositories10:55
salapoliisikarsten: you said "install from the cd"10:55
=== Tarcastil [~Tarcastil@adsl-68-95-141-196.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
se7enonethanks guys10:55
salapoliisikarsten: when i told you about the error10:55
TarcastilSeveas: just wanted to let you know I got it working now. Thanks again10:55
karstensalapoliisi: Ah... Missed a comment.  And I think that was a mangling, I meant se7enone10:55
karstensalapoliisi: ls /dev/loop*10:56
karstensalapoliisi: ...how many of 'em are there?10:56
karstensalapoliisi: IIRC there's 4 or 8 by default, install disk may differ.10:56
ShereiSeveas you must have missed it....  program is called showeq  several other files need upgrading also,  Libgcc1 and libqt3c102-mt10:56
salapoliisikarsten: it says 010:56
=== heyko [heyko@p5484341A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
lerojwhat will come after breezy?10:56
djpSeveas: how do i view the files on the disk. i typed sudo mount -t /dev/hdo and it returned me to the bash prompt10:56
salapoliisileroj: i think we'd have to ged breezy working before we can think about that, or it would be same that microsoft does10:57
SeveasSherei, hmm, try to get the sources for the package and use dpkg-buildpackage10:57
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ShereiOk thanx....10:58
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Seveasdjp, you should specify the dir to mount it in (unless it's in /etc/fstab)10:58
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Computer__Guruis there a program that authors dvd's from mpegs and avis and divx and such? something like nerovision express?10:58
Seveasleroj, ask sabdfl, he invents the names :)10:58
calamariis there a way to rescan for disk devices, such as /dev/hda1, without rebooting?10:58
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Seveascalamari, re-scan?10:59
calamariseveas: discover.. find.. I dunno the right word for it:)10:59
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karstensalapoliisi: 'makedev /dev/loop0 c 7 010:59
salapoliisii got headache from this install, why doesn't it work like last time >:(10:59
londonboi2k3hi guys, i have a md5 mismatch while trying to install libsqlite0-dev_2.8.15-3_i386.deb is there anyway to force apt to download it regardless?10:59
karstensalapoliisi: ...I think.  Should create a loop0 device.  1-8 are same with last number as 1-8 respectively.10:59
pepsixwhy was grumpy changed to breezy?10:59
karstenlondonboi2k3: Delete the locally cached copy.11:00
bob2leroj: it hasn't been decided yet11:00
=== davix [~lama@85-65-144-37.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveascalamari, what are you trying to accomplish?11:00
karstenlondonboi2k3: It's in /var/cache/apt/archives/11:00
bob2pepsix: grumpy is now something else11:00
londonboi2k3ahh ok thanks11:00
salapoliisikarsten: makedev command not found11:00
lerojbob2, ok11:00
Seveaslondonboi2k3, look at the topic too11:00
bob2leroj: forcing it won't help at all.  if you're using us.archive.ubuntu.com, it's broken; use archive.ubuntu.com instead.11:00
calamariseveas: trying to get /dev/hda1 to work (bad hard drive).. right now I get "cat: /dev/hda1: No such device or address"11:01
pepsixbob2 meant londonboi2k311:01
djpSeveas: it is in etc/fstab11:01
Computer__Guruis there a program that authors dvd's from mpegs and avis and divx and such? something like nerovision express?11:01
Seveascalamari, sudo fdisk -l11:01
karstensalapoliisi: My bad,  Uppercase:  MAKEDEV11:01
bob2er, right11:01
enohi I feel like installing a new OS.  if I install another version of linux, can it use the same swap space?11:01
bob2sorry, leroj11:01
djpif i change to that directory /media/floppy0, nothing is listed when i use the ls command11:01
bob2eno: yes11:01
calamariseveas: running11:01
Seveaseno, yes, unless you are hibernating one and then booting the other11:01
calamariseems to be trying to do something with the drive, although it may be a while :)11:02
enono, that is too complicated for me I think11:02
londonboi2k3ok, I still can't download libsqlite0-dev its still saying md5 mismatch11:02
londonboi2k3i cleaned the cache aswell11:02
Seveaslondonboi2k3, look at the topic...11:02
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lerojwhat do i do with a .run?11:02
Seveasleroj, run it :)11:02
hanasakianyone know the target date for postgres8 in unbuntu?11:02
Computer__Guruit's a simple question11:02
lerojSeveas, how?11:03
abhayksregarding hibernating-- on hoary My thinkpad used to hibernate perfectly well. Now It hangs somewhere in between11:03
Seveashanasaki, it's there already11:03
londonboi2k3i have looked at the topic, nothing there sayiong anything about libsqlite11:03
karstenleroj: 'file foo.run'.  What kind of file is it?11:03
Seveaslondonboi2k3, no the us.archive bit11:03
pepsixbob2, so whats grumpy now?11:03
djpif i change to that directory /media/floppy0, nothing is listed when i use the ls command Seveas11:03
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karstenleroj: 'man file' for more info.11:03
bob2pepsix: wait and see :)11:03
hanasakiSeveas:  dam.. where?11:03
salapoliisikarsten: heh, okay now it says that "/sbin/MAKEDEV can't read proc/devices and don't know how to make device loop011:03
Seveashanasaki, breezy :)11:03
hanasakiSeveas:  you see my paste in flood?11:03
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karstendjp: Mount your floppy11:03
Seveasit will never hit hoary11:03
pepsixbreezy threw off the whole qualities-of-a-bad-date naming convention11:03
lerojit's the america's army installer-thingy11:03
londonboi2k3oh, well can i change us. to uk.?11:03
hanasakiSeveas: i need to pass then till breezy goes stable? which is when?11:03
karstensalapoliisi: mount /proc11:04
abhaykson shutdown -- it stops after "Stopping LWN Volume manager"11:04
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karstensalapoliisi: I'm about to crash hard.  Bug bob2 or ask channel for further support, OK?11:04
bob2karsten: 'night11:04
Computer__Gurudoes ANYONE know of a program similar to NEROVision eXpress for linux? A program that will let me add mpegs or avis or divx files, and will transcode them to dvd and build menus n such?11:04
pepsixlondonboi2k3, just remove the us.11:04
bob2londonboi2k3: just archive.ubuntu.com11:04
Seveashanasaki, it's due out in october and starting to freeze already so it will gradually stabilize11:04
salapoliisikarsten: i'll try11:04
leroji have to go :&11:04
karstenbob2: 'night.11:04
pepsixoh.. hes asking cause he resides in .uk :)11:04
salapoliisikarsten: thank's for help at this point11:04
karstensalapoliisi: NP11:04
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bob2yes, but uk.archive = archive11:05
djpkarsten: mount /dev/fd0 returns, mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified11:05
hanasakiSeveas:  good.. i may look at the bugs and just goto it then.  any list of major updates between the hjoary/breezy?11:05
=== seb128_ [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-28-136.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
targetlinux sucks and will never replace windows or osx11:05
=== Plnt_ [~someone@goodspeed.vscht.cz] has joined #ubuntu
Seveashanasaki, a lot11:05
salapoliisibob2: hello there :) karsten told to ask you11:05
Seveashanasaki, and currently it's unusable11:05
ColonelKerneltarget, then why are you here?11:05
abhaykstarget:: thanks for the information. B/w what are u doing on a linux irc11:05
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Computer__Gurutarget == ignore11:05
karstendjp: Supply a filesystem type....11:06
bob2salapoliisi: are you using a default kernel?11:06
se7enonepackages.ubuntu.com says xmms is dependant on a whole bunch of libraries. How will I know if they are already on my system and how do I set them up if not. Also, without an internet connection, how do install from the repositories. or should i go read a book...11:06
salapoliisibob2: i think so11:06
=== ColonelKernel builds his own kernels
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ
=== karsten sleeps
bob2salapoliisi: what does "uname -r" print?11:06
Seveasse7enone, dkpg -l can tell you11:06
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abhayksany idea about clean Shutdown in Breezy11:06
Computer__Guruseveas, did you see my question?11:06
Seveasbob2, too much honour for a simple troll :)11:06
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FlannelKingse7enone, do you have your ubuntu hoary cd?11:07
ColonelKerneli wanted to hear his answer11:07
djpkarsten: how?11:07
salapoliisibob2: 2.6.10-5-38611:07
SeveasComputer__Guru, yes but I have no answer11:07
pepsixabhayks, why cant you shutdown?11:07
se7enonesorry, i'm very new to the linux system. haven't got a clue what you mean. do i run that command from the terminal11:07
bob2abhayks: I assume you check the bts, and that you're using a default kernel, etc?11:07
ColonelKernelwhy he was here using ubuntu if he hated it so much11:07
se7enoneyes got the cd11:07
bob2salapoliisi: then "sudo modprobe loop" should be plenty11:07
Computer__Guruthen i take it there is no such creature :( that's both surprising and a shame11:07
salapoliisibob2: but i think i should tell you about my situation before you can help me :D11:07
SeveasComputer__Guru, that's not what I said11:07
FlannelKingse7enone, you can use the CD to get some stuff, when youre offline, however its obviously limited to what will fit on a CD11:07
SeveasComputer__Guru, I just never used such a program so I cannot tell :)11:08
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abhayksbob2: uname -a11:08
Computer__GuruI know, but if you don't know of it, I doubt it exists11:08
abhayksLinux abhayks 2.6.12-2-686 #1 Wed Jun 22 16:29:50 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux11:08
se7enoneyou reckon apt-zip sould be on the cd i downloaded?11:08
SeveasComputer__Guru, hehe, there exists zillions of programs I don't know :)11:08
Computer__Guruuname -a:11:08
Computer__GuruLinux psilocybin 2.6.10-5-386 #1 Tue Apr 5 12:12:40 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux11:08
FlannelKingse7enone, do you have internet on it at all?11:08
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bob2can we not all paste that please?11:08
se7enonei can connect if i have to11:08
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FlannelKingno, apt-zip will not be on that CD, its in universe11:09
rasputnikin gnome-term, I can right-click->open a url to open in firefox. Can I set it to do that on a simple click?11:09
salapoliisibob2: the problem was that when i took my mini-itx computer at work, it didn't start, and said something about kernel panic, it didn't find the disk's or something like that, and now im doing this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=42546&postcount=1411:09
Madpilotodd... isn't "Lock Screen" supposed to kick in right away?11:09
SeveasMadpilot, it is...11:09
MadpilotOK, mine isn't.11:09
FlannelKingse7enone, however, you can just download it and sneakernet to the machine, and then install it11:09
djpkarsten: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 horray! sorry guys. i finally got my brain in to gear11:09
djpthanks all11:10
abhayksone more thing -- How do I install pystatgrab on breezy ?11:10
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pepsixabhayks, by breaking other stuff :D thats how it always goes11:10
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rasputnikany sign of a new firefox? 1.0.5 out this morning, fixes loads of nasty bugs11:11
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Madpilotnope, still no Lock Screen. WTH?11:11
bob2salapoliisi: so why are you messing with loop devices?11:11
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calamariseveas: fdisk -l has finally completed, but generated no output11:11
abhaykspepsix: there has to be a clean way11:11
Seveascalamari, :|11:11
gyaresuMadpilot, I had that. reboot fixed it. hasn't happened again.11:12
Seveasfdisk -l should take just a few seconds11:12
Seveasif it takes longer, your drives are seriously b0rken11:12
salapoliisibob2: the guide says so :/11:12
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Madpilotgyaresu: drat, i was doing so well. this machine has been up since Thursday last week... :)11:12
bob2yay forums11:12
bob2it's your birthday11:12
gyaresuMadpilot,  :)11:12
calamariseveas: yeah it is.. I've been doing data recovery on it.. maybe i've done as much as I could :)11:12
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salapoliisibob2: so im just stupid machine witch tryes to follow commands that are given11:12
Seveassounds like it calamari11:13
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Madpilotah well. time to sleep, anyway. good night/morning/whatever, everyone11:13
bob2salapoliisi: what led you to think you need to play with your initrd?11:13
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hanasakitrying to install flashplugin-nonfree  and i got /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/uri/common.rb:432:in `split': bad URI(is not URI?): http://proxy_http:8080 (URI::InvalidURIError)11:13
hanasaki        from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/uri/common.rb:481:in `parse'11:13
hanasakii am behind a squid proxy11:14
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salapoliisibob2: karsten gave me a link how to fix that kernel panic problem, and now im following it, but it won't work11:14
bob2hanasaki: try adding a final slash11:14
hanasakihmm ok11:14
hanasakiwont break other stuff?11:14
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Sonderbladewhen i use synaptic to install some packages it asks me to insert the ubuntu cd-rom but i want to download them from the internet11:15
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gyaresuSonderblade, if you've apt-get update'd then they will be the latest ones.11:15
deFryskSonderblade, put a commnent in the cd line of your sources.list11:15
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bob2Sonderblade: so, configure apt to not use the cd.  if you're using synaptic, use the repository manager thing to not use the cd11:15
bob2Sonderblade: otherwise, comment it out in /etc/apt/sources.list11:16
FlannelKingSonderblade, you have to enable the repositories11:16
gyaresuSonderblade, you can co.... do what deFrysk said :)11:16
bob2salapoliisi: I'm not really sure how that forum post is supposed to help11:16
deFryskgyaresu, bleh ;p11:16
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deFryskSonderblade, 5 answers in 3 secs, what more do you want ?11:17
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salapoliisibob2: so do you have any advice then what to do?11:17
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bob2banning the nick would be plenty11:17
Seveasbob2, it's a dynamic ip11:17
bob2I'm just lazy and hoping they stop11:17
Seveasand he changes ident constantly11:17
bob2salapoliisi: did you find out what happened to the disk yet?11:18
hanasakibob2:  where does that proxy get picked up from? i tried settng the evn var   http_proxy=  but the old value is still used11:18
bob2no idea11:19
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b aysennnnn!*@*] by Seveas
Sonderbladevery good :) but isn't there a way to do it by point and clicking?11:19
salapoliisibob2: since i have installed ubuntu at this machine once, and it worked just fine, but now i got all weird problems11:19
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bob2setting it will only help if apt is run under that, tho11:19
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bob2salapoliisi: it just sounds like your disk is screwed11:20
bob2Sonderblade: 19:15:54 @         bob2 | Sonderblade: so, configure apt to not use the cd.  if you're using synaptic, use the repository manager thing to not use the cd11:20
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se7enoneonce .deb files are downloaded onto memory stick and taken home to my ubuntu machine, where do i copy the files to and what is the syntax for apt-get?11:21
bob2it's not that simple11:21
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se7enonei wish it was11:22
gyaresuse7enone, put them anywhere and then 'dpkg -i thing.deb'11:22
bob2well, it's pretty simple11:22
bob2but not that simple11:22
se7enonei got too much microsoft in my brain for this stuff11:22
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bob2drop them on your disk somewhere11:22
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salapoliisibob2: i don't think that's the problem, debian worked just fine yesterday(and the other 29days before that :D) and then i installed ubuntu, it booted up nice i could see deskop and all, then i shut it down, and at the morning i took ide-cdrom off, and took the machine here, and then it didn't start11:22
bob2and run "dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null > Packages", then add a line to /etc/apt/sources.list (at the top) like this: "deb file:///path/to/the/dir/ ./"11:23
bob2salapoliisi: ok11:23
bob2nevermind then11:23
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salapoliisibob2: so you don't have any ideas?11:24
gyaresusalapoliisi, can you get into 'recovery mode'11:24
salapoliisigyaresu: boot from cd and then type rescue?11:24
Sonderbladebob2, oh there i didn't see it first11:25
bob2salapoliisi: I don't think you've said what the first problem was yet11:25
mattb__where would I go to ask about python enviroment variable problems with ubuntu11:25
gyaresusalapoliisi, nah. can you boot the machine to grub(?)11:25
Seveasmattb__, here11:25
Seveasor #python11:25
Seveasbut if it's ubuntu related, try here first :)11:25
mattb__its actuall to do with smeg...11:25
bob2no, here, since I doubt very very much you've found a python problem11:25
bob2then ask Amaranth11:25
mattb__but I have noticed python problems with all py programs11:26
salapoliisigyaresu: i don't know anymore at this point, let's see what happens if i reboot11:26
bob2mattb__: for example?11:26
Computer__GuruSeveas: kmediafactory does the job, except it doesn't transcode the files to MPEG2 for you.. but there are plenty of apps with nice frontends that will do that for you...11:26
salapoliisigyaresu: but it did boot to grub then, yes11:26
gyaresusalapoliisi, kernel panic is usually cause the partition isn't mounted. IMO.11:26
SeveasComputer__Guru, thnx for the info11:26
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mattb__simply I get ImportError: No module named os11:26
Seveasmattb__, :|11:27
ubotuI don't know, khurtiz211:27
Seveasthat's... odd11:27
bob2mattb__: sudo apt-get --reinstall install python2.411:27
gyaresusalapoliisi, choose your kernel versions 'recovery mode'11:27
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mattb__actually the whole message is....11:27
mattb__'import site' failed; use -v for traceback11:27
mattb__Traceback (most recent call last):11:27
mattb__  File "/usr/bin/smeg", line 23, in ?11:27
mattb__    import os, sys, pickle, cgi11:27
mattb__ImportError: No module named os11:27
mattb__sorry for all the room11:28
ubotuit has been said that packages is http://packages.ubuntu.com/11:28
Seveasmattb__, please don't paste in her...11:28
Amaranthhow did you break python so bad?11:28
gyaresumattb__, don't paste here.11:28
bob2khurtiz2: you can talk to the bot in /msg11:28
Seveasmattb__, have you manually deleted python files/folders?11:28
salapoliisigyaresu: let's not hurry, i just installed ubuntu again while ago, now it seems to start, but if i reboot after that, will it start again?11:28
gyaresumattb__, s'aight :)11:28
mattb__no manual deleting11:28
gyaresusalapoliisi, 0_o ???11:29
gyaresusalapoliisi, more verbosity please :)11:29
Seveasmattb__, can you put the output of dpkg -l '*python*' on the pastebin11:29
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salapoliisigyaresu: well just wait, let's see what it says now11:30
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salapoliisigyaresu: my original problem might be gone11:30
mokohi folks11:30
mattb__paste bin??11:30
bob2just paste it to #flood11:30
gyaresumattb__, paste.ubuntulinux.nl/11:31
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lesshasteis it possible to configure to use other search engines than google?11:31
lesshasteconfigure firefox!11:31
bob2lesshaste: sure, click on the google logo next to the search box11:32
Alfred1881hey all i need a prog to cut a soundtrack from a movie (VCD) , please help me11:32
mattb__I have pasted to #flood11:32
gyaresuAlfred1881, Demultiplexing eh? sorry. nope.11:33
mokocould someone help me with a little audio prob? xmms starts but can't hear anything11:33
bob2mattb__: sudo aptitude install python11:33
mokoand other players do work perfectly11:33
bob2for a stater11:33
bob2moko: configure it to use the esound output plugin11:33
gyaresumoko, have you changed the output in xmms prefs?11:33
mokoyes tried oss and alsa11:33
mokohave nvidia nforce11:33
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bob2moko: no, tell it to use esound11:33
lesshastebob2, !!! So simple :)11:34
mokocould you explain me please?11:34
lesshastebob2, now I just want to make it choose one at random11:34
bob2moko: go to the list of output plugins.  select the esound one.11:34
bob2or explain which part of the answer was unclear...11:34
se7enonebob2: so i don't need to use apt-get to install the app?11:34
mokoah oki just trying...11:34
bob2se7enone: I don't know what you're refering to11:34
mattb__bob2 I have ran the command what does it do?11:34
mokoit works11:34
Alfred1881hey all i need a prog to cut a audiosample from a movie (VCD) , please help me11:34
se7enone.deb downloads on memory stick... sorry11:34
mokothank you very much!!!!11:35
bob2Alfred1881: kino, presumably11:35
gyaresumoko, 'cat /proc/asound/cards11:35
Seveasmattb__, if that is all, you have a serious python problem11:35
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Seveasyou should not have removed all these packages11:35
bob2se7enone: no, you should have dpkg-scanpackages already11:35
gyaresumoko, ignore me. congrats.11:35
mattb__Seveas, are you refering to the output in #flood?11:36
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mokoyeah I thought I was supposed to use output source nvidia11:36
mokoas soundcard is that11:36
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mokoehm,other question,'bout xchat, there's a server I reach using chatzilla, but not with xchat11:37
mokoit says it don't exist11:37
mattb__whereis python prints.......in #flood11:38
mokowhen tryin to connect11:38
hussammoko: what is the server?11:38
bob2mattb__: when did you remove a bunch of python packages?11:38
mokoserver is chat.adunanza.net11:38
mokoI just write /server command11:39
enocan I resize my primary linux partition?11:39
salapoliisibob2: nothing to worry, it seems to work now, when i installed it in server mode, but is it ubuntu-deskop, what i have to download now to get X and other stuff?11:39
bob2salapoliisi: ubuntu-desktop11:39
Seveasmattb__, yes i was refering to that11:39
salapoliisibob2: okay thanks11:40
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gyaresueno, yes with qtparted is the easiest, but you run the risk of killing the whole partition structure.11:41
hussammoko: could it be irc.chat.adunanza.net or irc.adunanza.net ?11:41
mattb__bob2 I was not aware that I had. Synaptic says I have pythoon2.4 installed11:41
mokouhm, if I use chatzilla I just write irc://chat.adunanza.net on the browser11:41
mokoand it works11:41
mokoso I thinjk it's chat.adunana.net11:42
hussammoko: doesn't work here as well, i'll try in konversation11:43
hussammoko: it won't work in xchat here as well11:43
mokomaybe I 'll try to ask to adunanza admin11:44
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siimohussam, i think its irc.chat.adunanza.net  cos you can ping it but not without the irc11:45
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hussamin konversation, I get connecting....11:45
hussamthen I get a connection refused error.11:46
siimohussam, same here11:46
siimoboth wont work11:46
sexcopter8000mhi, every time i boot ubuntu, at some point soon after logging in something accesses both my hard drives solidly for a few seconds. is this normal? Is it some kind of indexing for searching?11:47
bob2updatedb will run from anacron if you reboot your computer often11:47
hussamthe person who asked "moko" is gone anyway,11:47
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ubotusexcopter8000m: Are you smoking crack?11:47
ubotuWish i knew, sexcopter8000m11:47
mokook here I'm back11:47
bob2man updatedb.11:48
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mokofalling down...11:48
hussammoko: it won't work in konversation as well11:48
hussamwhat's updatedb ?11:48
bob2"man updatedb" will tell you11:49
mokook hussan, I will ask adunanza admins for infos, tnx :)11:49
Will_Nothing like that first cup of coffee of a morning11:49
sexcopter8000mok, so it basically is some index for searching11:49
sexcopter8000mhmm, just ran it and it only accessed the drive with ubuntu on it11:50
hussamis updatedb on by default?11:50
sexcopter8000mi can tell, the sound is very different11:50
sexcopter8000mso i wonder what's accessing the other drive - the one with windows on11:51
salapoliisigreat, how can i configure network in unix?11:51
sexcopter8000mif i were leet i could probably look at some clever logs or something, but well, iono :P11:51
bob2there's no general unix way11:51
bob2in debian-based linux systems, /etc/network/interfaces11:51
salapoliisibob2: is there "easy way"11:51
gyaresusexcopter8000m, is your windows partition mounted at startup?11:52
bob2editing that file is pretty easy11:52
salapoliisibob2: okay, i'll try that11:52
bob2so would be using whatever is in system -> administration -> networking11:52
gyaresuthen updatedb would be scanning that partition if you manually ran the command now.11:52
mokohave to go, thanks everyone for help :)11:52
mokosee ya11:52
rob^pfft wheres that g0rden fella when you need him from yesterday? its bug squashing time11:52
mattb__Seveas: What am I meant to have installed?11:52
sexcopter8000mso why didn't it scan windows just now (when i manually ran it)?11:53
mattb__I have been having python problems with blenders python scripting system as well11:53
gyaresusexcopter8000m, did you run it as root?11:53
sexcopter8000myes, sudo11:53
sexcopter8000m'tis only way to work it (as i found out :P)11:54
gyaresusexcopter8000m, doesn't matter. it would have. 0_o11:54
mattb__says that it also cannot import modules....11:54
qt2err... strange...11:54
gyaresusexcopter8000m, unless that partition isn't mounted at the moment.11:54
hussamthis updatedb thing, do I run it manually, schedule or what?11:54
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qt2when i do a  glxinfo | grep "direct rendering" i get "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"." a lot.... <.<;11:54
sexcopter8000mif i just type updatedb, i get "fatal error: updatedb: You are not authorized to create a default slocate database!"11:54
gyaresusexcopter8000m, yeah. not as root. right?11:55
qt2sexcopter8000m, err, try 'sudo updatedb'11:55
qt2and enter your root password.11:55
gyaresusexcopter8000m, so it IS indexing the mounted windows dir.11:55
bob2hussam: anacron runs it11:56
siimoroot password?11:56
siimouser password.11:56
sexcopter8000mgyaresu, wtf? when i run it with sudo, it accesses my new harddrive, which is quieter, but not my windows one, which is noticably clunkier sounding11:56
hussambob2: where does it store the index databases?11:56
gyaresusexcopter8000m, reboot | drop to another terminal (CTL+ALT+F2) |run 'top'11:57
qt2slomo, err... *blinks* to use sudo to run commands that need root?11:57
gyaresusexcopter8000m, see whats going on.11:57
bob2hussam: /var/lib/slocate/11:57
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Computer__GuruSeveas: The corresponding program to convert between about 30 different video formats, including vcd, divx, dvd, etc is avidemux. which can be built into a .deb from sources, then installed :D requires an outside apt-source though11:58
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hussambob2: so it is scheduled by anacron? how do I know if it has ran on my system before?11:58
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enoso how do I do it in qtparrted?  I don't think it wants to repartition while the drive is mounted or something11:59
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sanitariodoes anyone know of an easy way of configuring a mail server for several domains and virtual users?11:59
gyaresueno, are you asking me?11:59
sanitarioeasy as in like web or gui interface...11:59
hussambob2: is it scheduled by default or do I have to schedule it myself?12:00
enowhoever I guess12:00
enoif you dont mind :S12:00
gyaresusanitario, webmin12:00
craz3dHow can I enable my Optical S/PDIF audio out?12:00
qt2err, how do i get a version of the x server with GL support?12:00
bob2hussam: it will run by default12:00
sanitariogyaresu: any other ideas?12:00
gyaresusanitario, you need more?12:01
bob2sanitario: http://kirb.insanegenius.net/postfix.html12:01
bob2sanitario: tho that is of course massive overkill12:01
bob2qt2: it has nothing to do with your version of the X server12:01
sanitariogyaresu: I'm not sure, just that I didn't really like webmin last time I used it12:01
sanitariobob2: thx, will check it out12:01
qt2bob2, it does if my x server doesnt have GLX support.12:02
bob2qt2: tell us what video card you have12:02
gyaresusanitario, no easier interface that i know of. not unless you buy it.12:02
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bob2qt2: no, that also has nothing to do with the X server12:02
qt2bob2, geforce 4 mx440.12:02
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bob2(in the sense that you mean)12:02
bob2qt2: so, wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:02
qt2bob2, hm, i see.12:03
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craz3dAnyone know how to enable Optical Audio?12:03
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sexcopter8000mhehe, can you say "oops"?12:03
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enook I have to go to work, I will ask agian this aft12:03
hussambob2: should the folder /var/lib/slocate/ be only accessible by root?12:03
gyaresusanitario, problem is not setting that stuff up. it's maintaining it. things break.12:03
sanitariogyaresu: well, yeah, but for now, it's just setting it up ;D12:04
sexcopter8000mi just pressed ctrl alt f2 to see what would happen, and it logs out and closes gnome.... and i don't know the command to start it back up!12:04
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sanitariocan't wait till hula is production ready12:04
bob2craz3d: highly card-specific12:04
gyaresusexcopter8000m, CTL+ALT+F712:05
bob2hussam: the default permisssions are fine12:05
feugan3333I've changed some options in my kernel and recompiled, I've placed my kernel image in /boot. But I don't understand what to do with the initrd option in grub. Can I use exactly the same initrd option?12:05
sexcopter8000mwhat, that starts it up again?12:05
craz3dIt's onboard (NF2 Ultra 400 chipset)12:05
gyaresusexcopter8000m, each F Key from 1 to 7 usually is a terminal.12:05
bob2craz3d: then go google and find out if it works at all12:05
gyaresusexcopter8000m, F7 being the one X runs on.12:05
hussambob2: currently it is only accessible by root.12:05
sexcopter8000mah ok, what about 1?12:05
craz3dbob2; I've been googling it for a few hours.12:05
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gyaresusexcopter8000m, Has all the boot up info. hard to type commands on.12:06
gyaresusexcopter8000m, ++ my habit.12:06
bob2hussam: yes, you use locate to access it12:07
sexcopter8000mwell, it hasn't accessed yet, so i'm thinking it might be a daily scan or sommat. why it didn't seem to scan the windows partitions is a mystery but i'm not that bothered in the end12:07
sexcopter8000mthanks for the help =)12:07
hussambob2: ok thanks.12:07
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gyaresusexcopter8000m, wellcome.12:07
craz3dbob2: Figures, as soon as I drop into a help channel, I'm told to get the 'unified nForce2 driver'.12:07
=== craz3d tries it out
mattb__I have reinstalled python 2.4 via synaptic and I believe it failed...12:08
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pasvI'm having troubles getting alsa working. Or sound rather for mplayer and xmms12:09
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sexcopter8000mbuuuut, i can bring up a new question: when rebooting ('cos i didn't know how to bring X back up), it said / has been mounted 30 times without being checked, and forced a check. a) should i check it periodically myself, and how? b) will there be a log somewhere to see if it all was ok?12:09
pasvgnome's sound seems to work flawlessly though12:09
hanasakianyone have the flash firefox 1.0.4 plugn woring?12:09
hanasakii just get grey boxes12:09
Computer__GuruEncoding in Progress, music to mine eyes12:09
phanterhello, how can I find a filesystem connected via smb in nautilus (if, for example, i want to save something on it). I cannot find it in /media12:09
Computer__Guruwe're makin DVD's baby12:09
deFryskhanasaki, 1.04 ?12:09
bob2phanter: nautilus doesn't mount it12:10
gyaresuphanter, you need to mount them.12:10
deFryskfrom ?12:10
hanasakiMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050608 Firefox/1.0.4 (Ubuntu package 1.0.4)12:10
hanasakihmm 1.0.412:10
phanterhow can i do this?12:10
hanasakiman mount12:10
phanterbob2, gyaresu, how can i do this?12:10
gyaresuphanter, you are currently only browsing to them. you should go to wiki.ubuntu.com or for the quick "how to" ubuntuguide.com12:11
salapoliisiduring the ubuntu installation, is there a way to see if my network card is really found or not?12:11
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deFryskhanasaki, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree12:11
gyaresuphanter, ubuntuguide.org sorry12:11
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hanasakidid that12:11
pasvErr everytime mplayer or another app tries to access the sound it just freezes12:12
gyaresusexcopter8000m, you must have a fat or ext2 partition (both are non-journaling)12:12
bob2pasv: so, tell them to use esd12:12
bob2pasv: e.g. mplayer -vo xv -ao esd foo.avi12:12
salapoliisii know there's a such a thing as alsa and esd, but what is osd?12:13
bob2phanter: sudo mount -t smbfs -o ro //ipofserver//sharename /mnt/12:13
bob2salapoliisi: "esd"12:13
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hanasakiheh,,.. unstilled and reinstaleld and it works go figure.. thanks DeFi12:13
pasvoooo ty12:13
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salapoliisibob2: so it's alternative esd?12:13
lesshaste how do you unblock someone in gaim?12:13
siimolesshaste, tools > privacy12:14
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Arsenio_Lupini've a problem with kmail and address book (kubuntu) someone can help me?12:14
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deFryskhanasaki, where did you get 1.4 from ?12:14
pasvbob2: it just tells me end of file12:14
gyaresubob2, the sudo command is a bit messy eh?12:14
pasvdoesnt play the audio12:14
BurgundaviaArsenio_Lupin, you might want to try in #kubuntu12:14
pasvsays no sound12:14
bob2salapoliisi: I don't understand you.  if you're asking about "esd", not "osd", then it's a sound server, and is more or less obsoleted by dmix12:14
deFryskafaIk hoary is 1.0212:14
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gyaresubob2, with the mount n such.12:14
bob2pasv: pkill esd ; mplayer -ao oss foo.avi12:14
feugan3333Anybody know anything about initrd?12:14
Arsenio_LupinBurgundavia: i've tried, but no answer12:14
deFrysk1.0.4 i mean12:14
bob2gyaresu: no, not messy at all12:14
bob2feugan3333: best to just ask your question12:14
gyaresubob2, mapping the server to /mnt i mean12:15
bob2gyaresu: ? you're mounting a share.12:15
deFryskhanasaki, try flashplayer-mozilla12:15
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Arsenio_Lupinthere is none12:15
feugan3333bob2: I did :-) I'll paste it again.12:15
hanasakiits working now12:15
salapoliisibob2: could it be oss then?12:15
hanasakiheh,,.. unstilled and reinstaleld and it works go figure.. thanks DeFi12:15
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bob2salapoliisi: could what be oss?12:15
gyaresubob2, i just meant like /mnt/foo not just /mnt12:15
bob2gyaresu: I don't understand what you're saying, but you can mount it anywhere that you want12:16
salapoliisibob2: there's something like that in the multimedia panel where i select if i use either alsa or esd12:16
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gyaresubob2, the n00bs will mount it straight onto /mnt (duzzenmatter)12:16
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bob2salapoliisi: I don't know what the "multimedia panel" is12:16
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feugan3333bob2: I basically uderstand why an initrd image is created, but not sure if I should create another initrd image for my newly compiled kernel or can I reuse the old image?12:17
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gyaresusalapoliisi, bob2 sys >> prefs >> multimedia12:17
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bob2feugan3333: if you're compiling your own kernel, you should just compile it so you don't need an initrd at all12:17
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bob2feugan3333: ie compile in your ide/scsi controller driver, and your root filesystem module, instead of as mouldes12:17
salapoliisigyaresu: yeah something like that12:17
bob2feugan3333: and, no, in general, you can't use the same initrd between different kernels12:17
pasvWhere does esd start from?12:17
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bob2pasv: gnome starts it12:18
bob2(ie gnome-session)12:18
pasvHmm thanks bob212:18
pasvAh right.12:18
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pasvHmm I think i got rid of it ^^12:18
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feugan3333bob2: Thanks, I don't thinks I have the knowledge to compiler scsi drivers into the kernel, but I'll take a look. What is the easiest option for a kernel newbie, using mkinitrd or compiling scsi drivers into the kernel?12:19
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bob2feugan3333: simplest is not compiling it at all12:20
pasvNow I have but one more problem that I need to solve.12:20
pasvI have integrated wireless in this laptop I've recently bought and I'm wondering how I could turn it on.12:20
bob2feugan3333: why are you building a new one?  in general, if an ubuntu kernel is missing something you need, it's a bug.12:20
bob2depends entirely on the wireless chipset12:20
bob1wifi good12:21
pasvCeleron M. Um it's broad range12:21
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bob2that's not useful12:21
pasvon a different system I used ipw220012:21
bob2is it a Centrino laptop?12:21
hyphenatedpasv: so on ubuntu, use ipw220012:21
feugan3333bob2: got 2GB of ram and need to change kernel option to see this ram, It only sees 986MB12:21
pasvIt's a package?12:21
bob2feugan3333: no you don't12:21
bob2pasv: no, it's not12:21
feugan3333bob2: ???12:21
bob2pasv: if it's indeed a mini-pci ipw2200 card, the driver will have been loaded during the install12:22
feugan3333bob2: what should it do then?12:22
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bob2pasv: paste the output of "lspci | grep Network" to #flood12:22
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bob2feugan3333: what cpu do you have?12:22
hyphenatedpasv: in a shell, type in dmesg | grep ipw12:22
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hyphenatedif that gives you a few lines, then it probably loaded it12:22
feugan3333bob2: amd6412:22
bob2feugan3333: er...you're running the i386 port of ubuntu on that?12:23
pasvhyphenated: No lines.12:23
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feugan3333bob2: yeah, having toooo many problems with amd64 version12:24
pasvbob2: I pasted the output of lspci12:24
hilkiahi'm a nw ubuntu convert (from fedora)12:24
bob2feugan3333: problems with Free software?12:24
hilkiahand have jut installed 5.0412:24
bob2feugan3333: anyway, sudo aptitude install linux-k712:24
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hilkiahbut the system gets VERY slow (xorg utitlizing a high cpu %)12:24
hilkiahanyone ever experienced this????12:24
bob2pasv: is it too late/hard to exchange the laptop?12:25
bob2pasv: if so, you'll need to use ndiswrapper.12:25
hilkiahi found a temp solution (Option NoAccel yes) for my ati driver12:25
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pasvI believe I'll use the ndiswrapper this laptop has worked flawlessly except for the wifi.12:26
feugan3333bob2: thanks for your help, I gota go. I'm not sure I understand, but if your still online later I'd like to talk more about it.12:26
yonilim trying to run a game and i get this error: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0" --- ive googled and found installing 3d-graphic card driver should resolve the problem, but im on a laptop, which i guess means no 3d card.. what can i do?12:27
pasvI could always buy a pcmia card and use it for wireless right?12:27
bob2feugan3333: installing that kernel will give you highmem support, without recompiling12:28
bob2pasv: sure12:28
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bob2yonil: don't assume, find out what vide ocard you have12:28
pasvErr I tried loading the ipw2200 module and insmod gave me the error Unknown symbol in module12:29
hyphenatedpasv: you should use modprobe to load modules, not insmod12:29
pasvNow how do I create a wireless device? like wlan0?12:30
pasvor should it have appeared already12:30
hyphenatedpasv: if it loaded correctly, then you should be able to see it in iwconfig12:31
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pasvlo eth0 and sit0 (whats that?) all give the result: no wireless extention12:31
ColonelKernelI made the ubuntu wallpaper blue so I could use a blue theme, looks so nice12:32
pasvI believe this is a rather new notebook as I cant find any documentation on it pertaining to linux.12:32
pasvColonelKernel: dcc ?12:32
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pasvor post?12:32
ColonelKernelIll post it somewhere  - where can I post it?12:32
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pasvunderwall papers.12:33
JowiColonelKernel, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl12:33
martigananyone can help me xdmcp? I got a black screen with a mouse pointer when logging in, nothing more :(12:33
ColonelKernelJowi, no12:33
yonilbob2, its called Intel 855GM, i think it supports 3d, but i cant install the nvidia drivers or the same which usually solves that problem ... any ideas?12:33
fruitybumloverhey guys, is there anyway i can write 2 my windows partion in ubuntu???12:33
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pasvmartigan: what window manager are you trying to run?12:35
fruitybumloverforgto 2 add that its ntfs12:35
martiganpasv, gnome12:35
pasvDid is show any signs of gdm (the login manager)?12:35
ColonelKernelpasv, im not finding it on there12:35
pasvColonelKernel: wha?12:35
martiganpasv: no just a black screen with a cursor (cross). firewall has to be proberly configured12:36
ColonelKernelwallpapers on that site12:36
pasvPress alt+ctrl+f112:36
pasvthen login as your user.12:36
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fruitybumloverAny1  is there anyway i can write 2 my windows ntfs partion in ubuntu???12:36
pasvfruitybumlover: I'd like to know that as well12:36
pasvI believe there is an option in the kernel12:36
pasvI've heard that when you write to the ntfs it'll corrupt files12:37
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pasvYou can do this through samba or something I dont remember12:37
pasv<-- 4am12:37
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fruitybumloveror is there a way for me 2 change the permissions??12:37
Upayavirafruitybumlover: you should have a FAT32 partition that both OSes use to share data. Treat NTFS as read only from Linux12:38
pasvColonelKernel: Try 4chan?12:38
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ColonelKernelpasv, no wallpapers section there12:38
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pasvYes there is in the first iframe click proceed12:38
pasvthen click on wall papers/general.12:38
pasvIs it really safe to resize a ntfs partition12:39
ColonelKernelyou are smoking rocks12:39
pasv4chan.org ?12:39
salapoliisi_4chan <312:39
pasvColonelKernel: yeah12:39
pasvscroll down12:39
pasvthen hit proceed12:39
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pasvsalapoliisi_: nekkid pics of j00r mum ftw12:40
pasv^^;; jk12:40
fruitybumloverok then the other alternativie is bein able 2 read linux partitions in windows, i know that Explore2fs can do that but im usin riserfs and not ext2 or 3.... So is there a way 2 change my files system 2 ext 3 without re-installin ubuntu??12:40
salapoliisi_pasv: well you have to admit that she's hot if you are wankig for her12:40
Nermalfruitybumlover, no12:41
BlaamannHow do I restart services in Ubuntu ? e.g sshd or apache212:41
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Nermal /etc/init.d/apache2 restart12:41
fruitybumloveris there another app like Explore2fs that will read riserfs in windows??12:41
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pasvBlaamann: same goes with sshd12:41
Nermalfruitybumlover, google12:41
salapoliisi_Blaamann: you can also kill them and then open again12:41
JowiBlaamann, /etc/init.d/ssh restart12:41
Nermalthough that isn't nice12:41
fruitybumloveri have tried and only came up with risertools but that dowsn work 4 x64 windows:S12:41
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Nermalsalapoliisi_, stop with the shite advice12:42
Nermalfruitybumlover, then no ?12:42
BlaamannThanks, I was looking for "/sbin/services".12:42
pasvoh nvm12:42
salapoliisi_Nermal: why is that shit advice?12:42
pasvusually sshd12:42
fruitybumloverokie dokie then.... cheers Nermal12:42
Nermalsalapoliisi_, because killing services isn't as clean as using the service scripts12:42
salapoliisi_Nermal: what's the cause of that?12:43
Nermalcan leave lock files open, not shut down databases cleanly etc12:43
Nermalsalapoliisi_, ok then, kill -9 a postgresql server12:43
Nermalany enjoy12:43
salapoliisi_it's kinda hard while im installing ubuntu right now12:43
Nermal*waves hands in rage*12:43
pasvHow is it that you do net mounts?12:43
Nermaln00bs everywhere.. stuck to my shoes, in my hair, in my eyes12:43
Nermalpasv, nfs ?12:44
Nermalor smb ?12:44
pasvah I dont want to bother with smb so nfs12:44
salapoliisi_Nermal: if you don't like them why are you helping them?12:44
Nermalpasv, then mount <ip>/<server>:/path/to/exported/mountpoint /local/mountpoint12:44
Nermalie: mount server1:/home/foo /mnt/homefoo12:45
ColonelKernelok I got the blue ubuntu wallpaper up12:45
salapoliisi_is it possible to make ubuntu work as a wlan server12:45
Nermalyou can also add -o nolock if you don't want locking12:45
Nermalsalapoliisi_, I imagine so12:45
ColonelKernelim looking for the animated gif of that cat pouncing on the baby12:45
ColonelKernelI want that real bad and I cant find it anywhere12:46
pasvNermal: How do you set that up on the server side?12:46
NermalColonelKernel, nice12:46
Nermalpasv, install the nfs server stuff, edit /etc/exports and start the nfs server12:46
ColonelKernelI found one that they replaced the cat with patrick duffies head12:46
pasvor k12:46
hilkiahcan anyone tell me how i can update my ati driver/??12:46
Nermalhilkiah, may be something in the wiki re ati drivers12:47
ColonelKernelyou guys like the blue ubuntu wallpaper?12:47
ubotufrom memory, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:47
qt2er... is there a way to install alsaconf in hoary? o.O;12:47
ColonelKernelIt looks good on my system with a blue theme12:47
NermalColonelKernel, yah :)12:47
hilkiahwil check there12:47
Nermalthough I currently have a picture of saturn on my desktop12:47
ColonelKernelnice, tis good to contribute12:47
qt2i could really make use of it, because the last thing not working on the other system is the sound.12:47
Nermalhttp://nermal.org/gallery/albums/5/55.jpg :)12:47
pasvNermal: isn't nfs insecure though?12:48
Nermalpasv, erm.. depends what you mean by secure12:48
pasvI mean cant anyone on my network just mount that export?12:48
Nermaldata isn't encrypted iirc12:48
salapoliisi_Nermal: what's that icon theme?12:48
Nermalyou could use sftp if you want it encryped - nautilus supports browsing it12:48
Nermalsalapoliisi_, erm.. just some gant icons12:48
Nermalsalapoliisi_, http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=721412:49
Nermalported they are called "umicons"12:49
BlaamannI would also love to get gaim 1.40  (it supports ICQ file transfers!), any Ubuntu/debian packages around ?12:50
Nermalpasv, permissions wise it's reasonable.. as long as you have root_squash enabled12:50
MyComputerBlaamann it's rather trivial to compile it yourself12:50
Nermalit's also stateless and uses udp under linux normally not tcp12:50
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-82-59.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
pasvBecause I'd like to mount it for my anime dir12:51
BlaamannMyComputer: No tricky dependencies ?12:51
pasvthink it'd be ok to just run vids off a nfs mount?12:51
=== martigan [~erik@j126187.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
pasvprobably increase the -cache for mplayer or something12:52
MyComputerBlaamann Gaim is easy to compile12:52
Nermalpasv, nfs will maintain permissions via file owner UID12:52
Nermalwhich in turn is mapped to the username12:52
Nermalman nfs should give you some more info12:52
BlaamannOk, I will try and put a prefix so it is easy to remove.12:52
pasvIm reading that atm12:52
mumblesi have sound problems as well12:53
NermalBlaamann, you can uninstall with sudo make uninstall :)12:53
=== ex-parrot [~ex----par@203-167-184-75.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Nermallemme look for ubuntu packages though12:53
mumblesbut mines becouse my internal sound on my motherbord isent supported yet12:53
mumblesintel desktop D915PGN12:53
=== MrMo_ [~moritz@p548DB335.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ex-parrotseeing as gnomedesktop is down, does anyone have the latest starterbar version (0.31.3 or higher) handy?12:54
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=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-82-59.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
ex-parrotthe currently available release doesn't run due to python-xdg incompatability12:55
ex-parrotI'm talking about gdesklets here12:56
Nermalex-parrot, tried #gdesklets on irc.gnome.org ? :)12:56
=== mikl [~mikkel@mikl.active.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalauthor sits in there as well as some other people12:56
ex-parrotjust for the record, everybody, Nermal is awesome.12:56
ex-parrotthanks :P12:57
NermalI have my moments12:57
Nermalwhen I'm not spinning plates or pulling my hair out12:57
=== omnis1985 [~omni@d211-29-169-211.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbithey guys...  I just found the weirdest file in my home directory.  It's bright red.  How the heck did this get here?  lrwxrwxrwx   1 nick nick       43 2005-05-31 23:49 .#crap -> nick@localhost.localdomain.10779:111759867212:57
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salapoliisi_Nermal: what is that weather and cpu called in your desktop?12:58
qt2is there a way to install alsaconf in hoary?12:58
tiglionabbitqt2: I don't know12:59
tiglionabbitwhy not google it?12:59
=== reka [~Unknown@WNPP-p-203-54-44-184.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitdoes that help?01:00
tiglionabbithehe, now, any theories on how that red file got there?01:00
Nermalsalapoliisi_, erm.. that's a gdesklet.. but the site is dead atm due to gnomedesktop.org exploding01:00
Nermaltiglionabbit, a red file means an invalid symlink01:00
=== bRadArmPitt [~bradarmpi@762fbd9993d72336.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu
qt2i have googled it, and nope, it doesnt help.01:01
salapoliisi_Nermal: okay, i might like to use that myself :)01:01
=== Demitar [~demitar@21221425049-WEBTECH-OREBRO-NET.host.songnetworks.se] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalmeans it's a symlink pointing to a file that doesn't exist01:01
tiglionabbitNermal: thanks.  I don't think I even know the command to create such a file though, so how could it have gotten there?01:01
NermalI imagine you ran something from irc or something involving the channel #crap01:01
tiglionabbitfrom irc?01:01
tiglionabbitI use irssi01:02
Nermalwell yeah.. using /exec01:02
bRadArmPittI look for Nvu 1.0 for Ubuntu Hoary but cannot find, do I install "Tarball built on Linspire 5.0 (Debian k2.6.10), gcc/g++ 3.3.5" on Nvud ownloadpage?01:02
tiglionabbitI have another red file that appears to be a normal zip though01:03
=== merhojt [~merhojt@h248n1c1o885.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
mirakdoes anyone uses toolchain here ?01:03
=== InitMass [~InitMass@c83-248-181-166.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
ColonelKerneldoes anyone know where I can get a copy of that animated gif of that cat pouncing on that baby that was all ove the net a few years ago?01:04
tiglionabbitlol, ColonelKernel, that is such a linux question, I'm sure we'll know the answer to that01:05
rekaColonelKernel: it sounds rather sadistic :-/01:05
salapoliisi_sounds fishy01:05
=== athlon [~athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu
salapoliisi_and i don't like fish01:05
bRadArmPittI look for Nvu 1.0 for Ubuntu Hoary but cannot find, do I install "Tarball built on Linspire 5.0 (Debian k2.6.10), gcc/g++ 3.3.5" on Nvud ownloadpage?01:06
NermalColonelKernel, images.google.com ?01:06
ubotuNo idea, Nermal01:06
ubotuhmm... nvu is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HowToInstallNVUHTMLEditor/ http://www.nvu.com/ Linux/Mac/Windows Web authoring.""01:06
bRadArmPitthow to install thank you i read that01:06
NermalbRadArmPitt, see the ubuntulinux.org link01:06
=== tenshiKur0 [~tenshiKur@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ColonelKernelNermal, thats what I thought but im having no luck01:07
catfoxanyone know a command to just return the time?01:07
catfox"date" gives me date + time etc01:08
=== Hoxzer [Hoxzer@dsl-hkigw2ga0.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalcatfox, man date01:08
bRadArmPittcan that tarball work on nvu site01:08
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
NermalbRadArmPitt, yeah01:09
bRadArmPitti use that and it will work really on ubuntu linux?01:09
martiganbRadArmPitt,  nvu is in my synaptic01:09
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Nermal!show nvu01:09
ubotuI don't know, Nermal01:09
=== Elch|VS|Network [~Elch@p54A09086.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
bRadArmPittmartigan version 1.0 is in there?01:09
Nermal!info nvu01:10
Nermal<ubotu> Package 'nvu' does not exist.01:10
Nermalhmm :|01:10
=== badnews [~badnews@83-65-212-243.wienerberg.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
martigannope 0.99 sorry01:10
badnewshi there....01:10
bRadArmPittmartigan that is the problem01:10
rasputnikcatfox: date takes loads of arguments, read the manpage01:10
bRadArmPittmartigan i trying the 1.0 download from nvu site because it is not on ubuntu downloads01:10
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badnewshave an issue with firefox plugins.... can smn help me?01:11
Nermalbadnews, maybe.. or #mozilla01:11
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bRadArmPitt!info nvu01:12
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=== malakhi [~malakhi@wsip-66-210-101-62.rn.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
badnewsno, its ubuntu related. what is the *recommended* way to install ff plugins? a regular user cannot install plugins at all, since he has no write permissions outside his home. sudo firefox installs the plugins for root. Of course I can do a console install of flash etc - but what is the *official* way to do it?01:13
martiganbadnews, hold on i got a solution i think01:13
qt2i dont get this damn thing...01:13
twilighthello there, i'm on breezy. i've this error after a Xorg upgrade: Failed to load module "nv" (module does not exists, 0) and the same for module "mouse" and for module "keyboard". Any idea?01:14
bRadArmPittthere is an Xorg upgrade?01:14
=== Juhaz [voas0113@koopa.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
bRadArmPittwhat are the new features01:14
Nermalprobably not much01:15
Jowitwilight, please see the topic01:15
twilightJowi: ok...01:15
bRadArmPitt!info gramps01:15
ubotugramps: (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Program), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 1.0.8-2 (hoary), Packaged size: 6161 kB, Installed size: 14128 kB01:15
martiganbadnews, type about:config in firefox url box, change the general.useragent.vendorSub to 1.0.4 you can now install pugins and themes01:15
=== bimberi [~bimberi@ppp-37-140.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Nermaltwilight, I'm on breezy and haven't seen that error01:16
Nermaltried running xorgconf again ?01:16
martiganfirefox is 1.0.4 they just seem to forget to update that setting or something01:16
twilightyes Nermal01:16
bRadArmPittfirefox is 1.0.501:16
yonilbob2, its called Intel 855GM, i think it supports 3d, but i cant install the nvidia drivers or the same which usually solves that problem ... any ideas?01:16
badnewsabout: says its 1.0.4.... trying....01:16
Nermalbadnews, I can install plugins as user01:17
twilightNermal: i've done an upgrade 1 hour ago01:17
martiganatleats my plugins work perfectly  trough this setting ;)01:17
Nermaltwilight, I won't be upgrading then :)01:17
twilightNermal: :)01:17
=== OculusAquilae [~oculusaqu@p548D26AD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Nermaltwilight, hmm.. maybe some paths have changed01:17
Nermalnv should be there :|01:17
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twilightNermal: he sets the pathModule to /usr/X11R6/lib/modules, i believe is ok01:18
=== mwe [~mwe@port462.ds1-ynoe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Nermaland are the modules in there ?01:18
hussamanybody here's tried xfce 4.2.2?01:19
mumblesright brake from tideyin gup room01:19
mumblesany ideas on how to get my sound working ?01:19
twilightNermal: one second, i prepare a page and put in that some info01:19
mumblesintel desktop D915PGN01:19
mumblesapparetnley some people have managed to get it working01:19
=== Djrom [~Admin@dau94-4-82-229-166-160.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
twilightNermal: first, my Xorg.0.log: slorenzo.ath.cx/Xorg.0.log01:21
badnewsff plugins: changed subVendor to 1.0.4. install fails with "completing plugin finder service - java runtime environment - not available" so I have to do a manual install...01:22
miraknobody uses toolchain ?01:22
=== Tomcat__ [~Tomcat@vpn2-dynip75.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu
Shorty`where does one get fspot from?01:23
Nermal!info f-spot01:23
ubotuf-spot: (personal photo management application), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 0.0.12-0ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 519 kB, Installed size: 1940 kB01:23
=== phanter [~phanter@wolga.aegee.tue.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalsudo apt-get install f-spot :)01:23
Shorty`E: Couldn't find package f-spot01:24
Shorty`*checks repositories*01:24
bRadArmPitt!info xmame01:24
Nermalit's in universe apparently01:24
Shorty`could be a 64bit thing?01:24
twilightNermal: ls /usr/X11R6/lib/modules : slorenzo.ath.cx/ls_modules01:24
Nermalerm.. might might be01:24
Nermaldepends if mono is available for 64 bit I guess01:24
Shorty`I'm thinking so01:24
bRadArmPitt!info squid01:24
ubotusquid: (Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache)), section web, is optional. Version: 2.5.8-3ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 722 kB, Installed size: 2072 kB01:24
hussamI have a question. I compiled/installed xfce 4.2.2 using gui installer. I enabled composite. but I got no shadows. I know xorg.conf is configured correctly because I get shadows in kde 3.4.1. any ideas?01:25
Shorty`seems to be.. weird01:25
Nermaltwilight, hmmm.. is nv in any of the subdirs ?01:25
twilightNermal: you can tell me in exact name?01:25
=== dylan_ [~dylan@ppp-68-251-58-97.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shorty`does ubuntu have a beast similar to packages.debian.org ?01:26
twilightNermal: so i'll looking for it in the system01:26
Nermalis where it is on my hoary box01:26
Shorty`I was about to try that01:26
twilightNermal: thanks01:26
Nermalthats the "nv" bit :)01:26
=== Hoxzer [Hoxzer@dsl-hkigw2ga0.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Shorty`nothing for 64bit01:27
twilighti haven't the directory "drivers" o_O01:27
=== oz___ [~oz@c211-30-61-51.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
rekamumbles: i suggest you ask crimsun when he's active.  he's the resident sound guru01:27
=== spanglesontoast [~sfesfsfe@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
bRadArmPittwhy do you say nothing for 64 bit why do people say that cannot you run the 32 bit version?01:27
mumblesok will do01:27
spanglesontoastdoes anyone know what wireless belkin cards work?01:27
=== ThE_CeltiC [~bada@a83-132-176-200.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
mumblesmy processer is a 64bit one01:28
twilighti've found many packages of driver for Xorg, i'm going to install it01:28
bRadArmPittyour 64 bit cpu can run 32 bit programs though correct?01:28
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dylan_yes it can 64bit is backwards compat.01:29
Shorty`bRadArmPitt, my point is that was the reason I couldn't download it01:29
=== ficoc [~ficoc@p5087206B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
bRadArmPittso by saying there is nothing for 64 bit, when there is 32 bit, is that not incorrect?01:30
=== pluffsy [~emil@h126n2fls34o1118.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
dylan_does anybody know if Breezy is any good?01:30
=== Dorward [~david@1-1-3-5a.asp.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
pluffsydo you have any guesses on when  the next stable ubuntu will be released?01:30
bRadArmPittdylan_ says it is backwards compat01:30
=== DeFi [~DeFi@ip68-6-40-245.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
spanglesontoastdoes anyone know what wireless belkin cards work?01:31
Dorwardpluffsy: From the very first page of the Wiki: #01:31
DorwardBreezyBadger - Version 5.10. Next release, scheduled for October 2005.01:31
bRadArmPittwhy is badger breezy?01:33
=== qt2 stabs es-18xx
pluffsyah thanks01:34
=== Robinho_Peixoto [~preview@] has joined #ubuntu
yonilim trying to compile a driver and it says im missing the kernel modules.. what should i do ?01:35
qt2bRadArmPitt, because it was jealous that he hedgehox was hoary?01:35
=== gustavo [~gustavo@201008203029.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
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gustavohey, i just installed ubuntu01:36
gustavowhat should i do now?01:36
gustavocoz nothing is working01:36
rekagustavo: such as?01:37
gustavomusic player for example01:37
gustavoand, whats my root password?01:37
reka!tell gustavo about restricted01:37
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reka!tell gustavo about rootsudo01:37
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ThE_CeltiC!tell ThE_CeltiC about rootsudo01:38
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ThE_CeltiCi have the same problem :)01:39
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=== bigfoot1 [~hideseek@FLH1Aax021.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu
rekaThE_CeltiC: you can /msg ubotu <term> if you want to try other ones out :)01:39
=== Garrison [~Garrison@68-64-153-94.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
gustavoand what about the repositories?01:39
ThE_CeltiCreka: tks ;)01:40
reka!tell gustavo about repositories01:40
GarrisonAnyone know how to solve this: WARNING!!! The mixer channels for the ALSA driver are muted by default!!! (when make-installing alsa)01:40
=== emanuelez [~emanuelez@adsl-ull-115-225.42-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1Hello everyone. Today, I was so happy to discover the program that will allow us to make free PC to phone calls. Voipbuster.com has it. But it only has a windows version. IS there  an equivalent program for ubuntu? Thanks so much! I'm so excited if this is possible for us at Ubuntu!01:40
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
DorwardGarrison: Run a mixer and unmute them.01:40
ficocdoes anyone use "X-Lite" ? i have a problem with the audio wizard01:40
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bRadArmPittI like ubuntuguide01:41
GarrisonI ran 'nvmixer' and unmuted everything, but its not working..01:41
=== aio [~aio@adsl-34-5-162.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
gustavowhen i do the sudo apt-setup it crashes01:41
yonilim trying to install a driver, and it cant seem to find my kernel source ... although i have linux-source installed ... any ideas?01:42
=== chase [~Chase@stuartma.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
rekaGarrison: alsamixer01:42
rekagustavo: apt-setup?01:42
ColonelKernelyonil, install kernel-headers01:42
Garrisonreka: doesn't run01:43
bigfoot1how do we do a terminal search for stuff in the repo's?01:43
Garrisonreka: no such device01:43
chasedoes anyone know where i can get a copy of genmenu? its not in the apt repositorys and i cant connect to gtk.no to download it?01:43
yonilColonelKernel, i'll try01:43
JowiI'm getting: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status. Anyone knows why that would happen? (gcc 3.3)01:43
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=== ColonelKernel is really impressed with ubuntu
gustavoreka, apt-setup, coz my apt has ubuntu cd as repositories source01:44
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gustavoreka, i wanna change to ftp01:44
Garrisonhow would i remove a module from loading at boot time? (ie. dont load the nvaudio stuff when booting)01:44
monteiroGarrison : chmod -x /etc/init.d/module_you_don't_want01:44
rekagustavo: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:44
=== Whistler [tu10@82-135-244-53.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu
yonilColonelKernel, as i thought, i already have them ... and linux-image, and everything ..01:45
ColonelKernelyonil, thats very odd01:45
yonilColonelKernel, i know, this is what it says: make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/build:  No such file or directory01:46
yonili have that folder, but not the build folder in it ..01:46
tuxmetell me how to make my ubuntu boot up have a graphic but not text like it does now01:46
rekagustavo: then you can either comment out the CD source by inserting a # character at the start of it's line, or change the whole file to the sample one found here: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3801:46
bigfoot1Does anybody have "kiax" installed? I downloaded Kiax.deb from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=131960. How do i install it?01:46
martigananyone know how to get Mercury to work in hoary?01:46
ColonelKernelwhat happens if you just make one01:46
gustavoreka, i must find brazilian repositories for ubuntu T_T01:46
yonilColonelKernel, i'll try ..01:46
rekagustavo: after you've saved the edited file, close it and run sudo apt-get update01:46
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rekagustavo: what's the brazilian domain name? e.g. australian one is au01:47
gustavoreka, br i gues01:47
bigfoot1anybody here heard of the program called voipbuster (voipbuster.com)? it allows windows users to make free pc to phone calls01:47
yonilColonelKernel, nope, its looking for files over there ..01:47
rekathen change the lines inserting br at the start01:47
gustavoreka, btw, my fstab doesnt display my windows partition01:48
=== Rockett17 [~srockett@CPE0011097dafa9-CM001225449b02.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
rekagustavo: example: change "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe multiverse" to "deb http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe multiverse"01:48
gustavohmmm thx a lot01:49
rekagustavo: to auto-mount your windows partition: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab01:49
gustavoreka, and what about the fstab, do u have a sample line of how to recognize windows partition?01:49
gustavothank u^^01:49
gustavoreka, whats this gst-register thing?01:50
tuxmegustavo gstreamer?01:50
=== khurtiz2 [~khurt@84-51-144-247.curtis337.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
=== ateves [~ateves@p54906039.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
gustavowell my audio programs arent working01:51
gustavoit tells me to use gst-register01:51
rekagustavo: what program?01:51
Jowigustavo, gst-register tells gstreamer what decoders are available01:51
ThE_CeltiChow can i configure a usb mouse?01:51
atevesis there a way to increase the width of the gnome panel icons? so that i could use icons that are twice as wide as high01:52
=== bigfoot1 [~hideseek@FLH1Aax021.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu
Jowigustavo, totem and rhythmbox use gstreamer01:52
gustavothose two programs arent working01:52
=== Robinho_Peixoto [~preview@] has joined #ubuntu
Jowigustavo, so you are missing codecs probably. what media files are you trying to play?01:52
gustavonone, i just tried to open the program01:53
khurtiz2is there a faq somewhere for installing apache/php/mysql under ubuntu? i'm guessing they're already installed, just haven't figured out where yet ...01:53
Jowigustavo, and what exact error do you get?01:53
=== Garrison [~Garrison@68-64-153-94.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThE_CeltiChow can i configure a usb mouse?01:54
gustavo"did u ran gst-register?"01:54
gustavothat error01:54
Jowigustavo, so open a terminal and type: gst-register-0.801:55
Garrisonhow can i forcefully unmute anything alsa?01:55
rekakhurtiz2: ubotu comes up with this: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/PHPDevelopmentHowTo/01:55
bigfoot1anyone: can you tell me how to install a .deb file?01:55
Dorwardbigfoot1:man dpkg01:56
gustavoJowi,  still get the error01:56
rekaGarrison: try: apps > sound/video > vol control01:56
Garrisonalien -d whatever_.deb01:56
bigfoot1Garrison, you talking to me?01:56
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adwaithello ppl01:56
rekaGarrison: then file > change device , then select the alsa one and check if the levels are muted for it01:56
Jowigustavo, are you trying to play mp3 or ogg or what?01:56
Garrisonbigfoot1, yes, sorry, i messed it up, it's actually dpkg -i package_name.deb01:57
=== tombs [~tombs@h141156.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
khurtiz2thanks reka01:57
=== derJunior [~derJunior@p549FEBB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
gustavoim just trying to open the program T_T01:57
bigfoot1Garrison, thanks!01:57
gustavoi better download xmms01:57
rekagustavo: you didn't read the restricted formats page did you?01:57
Garrisonreka: there's only one device, and it's my nVidia OSS Mixer01:57
GarrisonI installed that damned nvidia unified driver cr*p, and I want to get it off my system.01:58
rekagustavo: you need to install seperate codecs if you want to use totem or rythmbox.  xmms or bmp come with their own.  just make sure to change the ouput plugn to esound in preferences01:58
GarrisonI'm trying to install alsa, and get it working.01:58
gustavoreka, ok, doing that now01:58
ThE_CeltiChow can i configure a usb mouse? anyone!??01:58
bigfoot1does anybody here use dselect to install .debs?01:58
rekaGarrison: : this works for me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206301:59
Garrisonbigfoot1, why? whats the problem with dpkg?01:59
rekaGarrison: but use at your own risk i guess01:59
=== ed1t [~Sound@shunat236-253.shu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1Garrison, i just went to [man dpkg]  and it mentioned that dselect is a frontend for dpkg. And I just prefer front end stuff. That's all. I'm a newbie so i have no idea what this is all about, and i prefer gui over terminal. But to answer your question, there's no problem with dpkg.02:00
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tuxme!info splashy02:01
tuxmewhat is splashy02:02
tuxmethey say in kubuntu channel to use splashy for graphical boot but what is it02:02
virguletuxme: google know it all ;)02:02
bigfoot1garrison, Dorward: i ran the the dpkg command. I got this error: dpkg: error processing jeff/kiax.deb (--install):02:03
bigfoot1 cannot access archive: Not a directory02:03
bigfoot1Errors were encountered while processing:02:03
bigfoot1oh never mind.02:03
bigfoot1i fixed it.02:03
=== ColonelKernel [ishai@66-214-126-238.bb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1I got this "dependency error". What must i do: dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of kiax:02:04
bigfoot1 kiax depends on libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.3.4); however:02:04
bigfoot1  Version of libqt3c102-mt on system is 3:3.3.3-7ubuntu3.02:04
=== LinuxNewbie [LinuxNewbi@] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxNewbiehello there02:04
LinuxNewbie i just need some information about network02:04
ColonelKernellooks like part of freenode ust went down02:04
adwaitLinuxNewbie: like...........?02:04
LinuxNewbieok here it is02:05
ThE_CeltiCmy usb mouse don`t work! what can i do ?02:05
bigfoot1how can i get a newer version of n libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.3.4)? I need it for kiax.02:05
=== feugan3333 reads the initrd man page and then tries to kill himself
adwaitbigfoot1: u can apt-get it....02:05
bigfoot1correction: how can i get a newer version of  libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.3.4)? I need it for kiax.02:05
=== Prof_Frink [Alan@tnt-13-119.easynet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
=== bpuccio [~brian@ool-457a9d77.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1adwait, how?02:05
Garrisonsudo apt-get install libqt[TAB, and choose one] 02:05
martigananyone know how to get Mercury to work in hoary?02:05
adwaitsudo apt-get install <whatever>02:05
LinuxNewbiethe thing is i got this on my mind, is it possible for a person to stay on a network eventhough he is far awy, like 50 miles02:06
bigfoot1Garrison, adwait, will apt-get have this version? I thought ubuntu automatically updates our systems. Please clarify.02:06
adwaitLinuxNewbie: tht really depends on wht ur using to logon to the network.......u can be on the network from another planet provided u have the right methods/means02:06
LinuxNewbielike you have a pc, and you can connect to another PC02:06
Garrisonbigfoot1, it might, or rather, I'd think it would.  have to apt-get upgrade'd yet?02:07
adwaitbigfoot1: it updates ur system if u run sudo apt-get upgrade.......otherwise it doesnt02:07
Garrisonbigfoot1; have you**02:07
=== Strife [~mdepalati@donkeykong.gpcc.itd.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxNewbieis that like intranet02:07
adwaitbigfoot1: try running the command.......if apt-get doesnt hv a new version, it will tell u so02:07
bigfoot1so i should run sudo apt-get upgrade regularly to make sure all my files are current?02:07
feugan3333LinuxNewbie: you mean use the remote pc as if it was in front of you?02:07
Garrisonbigfoot1; bingo02:07
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bigfoot1Garrison, why doesn't ubuntu do it automatically?02:08
LinuxNewbielike they are in the same netowrk by very far away02:08
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LinuxNewbielike in a lan02:08
LinuxNewbiebut very far02:08
LinuxNewbieis that possible?02:08
Garrisonbigfoot1; Too much like windoze I guess.02:08
adwaitLinuxNewbie: wht do u think the internet is?02:08
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bigfoot1Garrison, i ran sudo apt-get upgrade, but kiax still has that same unmet dependency.02:08
gustavoxmms working ! ^02:08
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Garrisonbigfoot1; what is kiax?02:09
feugan3333LinuxNewbie: there are problems with security, that why VPN's were invented. And yes it's possible02:09
Whistlergustavo congrats02:09
=== dylan_ [~dylan@ppp-68-251-58-97.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxNewbiebut you have to have a ISP for the internet to join the network02:09
adwaitbigfoot1: tht means a newer version not available with apt-get...i can install from deb, if u can find it02:09
JowiLinuxNewbie, I think you are looking for a VPN solution02:09
LinuxNewbiecan they stay connected without the use of internet02:09
=== Garrison reboots for alsa config
LinuxNewbieVPN can do that?02:10
JowiLinuxNewbie, the internet is of course needed02:10
=== Bugsbang [~bonny@ALamentin-103-1-12-192.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1Garrison, kiax is a  voip program that, connected to the voipbuster.com network, will allow us linux users to make free PC to phone calls!02:10
=== ex-parrot [~ex----par@203-167-184-75.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
adwaitLinuxNewbie: right.....well for tht long a distance, u could either connect the two comps over the internet.......or, u could install a dial in server on one pc, and then dial in from the other pc02:10
rekagustavo: fyi, the beep-media-player interface is prettier... if that matters to you.02:10
feugan3333LinuxNewbie: your not making any sense02:10
bigfoot1adwait, thanks. but what do you mean yuo can install from deb, if i can find it? What is "it"? kiax.deb?02:10
feugan3333LinuxNewbie: you said you wanted to use the internet02:10
=== SloMoSnail [~slomo@] has joined #ubuntu
ex-parrotit would seem that installing compositing and xcompmgr has actually _improved_ window rendering on my system02:11
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LinuxNewbienope i dont want to use the internet02:11
LinuxNewbiejust stay connected without the use of internet02:11
adwaitbigfoot1: umm...google it, u might find the deb file for it..02:11
gustavoreka, thank u, i will take a look02:11
feugan3333LinuxNewbie: If you don't want to use the internet, you connect the computers with a private network02:11
adwaitbigfoot1: google the name of the dependencies.....chances are u can find the dependencie frm the same place u downloaded the app02:11
LinuxNewbieyes kinda like that02:11
gustavoreka, prettieness is fundamental :P02:12
JowiLinuxNewbie, if you do not want to use internet you will have to make your own network for example with 2 dial-up modems. but that is a use of good money for a crap service02:12
=== ex-parrot will be selling Cat-5s in the foyer after the seminar
LinuxNewbieso VPN is the next best thing?02:12
adwaitLinuxNewbie: like i said, run a dial in server on one machine.......and then dial in to tht machine frm the othr.......tht could work out to be expensive though02:12
JowiLinuxNewbie, yes. VPN is what you want.02:12
bigfoot1adwait, i have already found this deb file (http://kiax.sourceforge.net/), but this kiax program needs the  libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.3.4).02:12
LinuxNewbieis VPN very secured?02:13
JowiLinuxNewbie, VPN connects two local networks to eachother as if they were in the same network. VPN is very secure.02:13
feugan3333LinuxNewbie: Yes very secure02:13
LinuxNewbieeven though they are very far away from each other?02:13
adwaitbigfoot1: http://packages.debian.org/stable/libs/libqt3c102-mt02:13
feugan3333LinuxNewbie: err, if setup correctly02:13
JowiLinuxNewbie, have a look at cisco's homepage for more info or wikipedia02:13
bigfoot1adwait, thanks, but what do i do with that url?02:14
JowiLinuxNewbie, VPN acts like if your computer in the USA was beside the computer in Europe02:14
adwaitgo there......select ur architecture, download the *.deb file02:14
LinuxNewbiethnx alot men02:14
JowiCheck wikipedia or cisco's homepage02:14
LinuxNewbieatleast i have some idea02:14
adwaitbigfoot1: thn install the deb file, and then try installing the app tht u were originally trying to install02:14
LinuxNewbieill try to research on VPN on google02:15
LinuxNewbiethnx alot guys02:15
bigfoot1adwait, if i understand correctly, the app IS the deb file.02:15
salapoliisi_can i change my 386 kernel to 686 with just apt-get?02:16
adwaitbigfoot1: uuh no u dont understand...........whn it says it needs something (the dependencie), that means it needs a library, or another application installed........so u download tht other application or library (which again is a deb file) and then u install tht app u were installing.........got it?02:16
=== ficoc [~ficoc@p5087206B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1adwait, i understand.02:17
martigansalapoliisi_, yes02:17
=== gcole [~gcole@] has joined #ubuntu
gustavoso far i like ubuntu.... but eaht a weird name.....02:17
adwaitgustavo: ubuntu = humanity in some african language02:17
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, ubuntu is an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com. It means 'Humanity to others'.02:18
bigfoot1adwait, just wondering why doesn't ubuntu repo have the latest version of libqt3c102-mt ?02:18
=== yonil [~me@bzq-114-104.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
gustavobut still thats weird02:18
yonilhow can i quit X ?02:18
adwaitbigfoot1: umm...no idea.......maybe u should run sudo apt-get update, tht downloads the fresh list of available apps on apt-get02:18
martigansalapoliisi_, afte rthe install of 686 you can select in from grub, boot it and remove 386 with apt-get remove02:18
ThE_CeltiC /dev/mouse No such file?  wtf !!??02:18
=== cyphase [~cyphase@adsl-69-224-19-50.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1adwait, i don't know my computer's "architecture". my pc is a normal one.02:19
=== cavediver [~jonas@] has joined #ubuntu
ex-parrotgustavo, how is it weirder than gentoo or yopper ?02:19
adwaityonil: sudo init 1 ........or press ctrl+shift+F102:19
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cavediverHi. I have no luck finding a quicktime plugin for Firefox? Is there one availible ?02:19
adwaitbigfoot1: i38602:19
twilightNermal: all is changed. Now there are packages as xserver-xorg-driver and xserver-xorg-input, and you must choose the right packages..cool :)02:19
rekagustavo: this your 1st linux distro?02:19
bigfoot1adwait, thanks.02:19
twilightNermal: but i've problems again..... ;|02:19
adwaitbigfoot1: : np :)02:19
gustavoreka, i used knoppix before02:19
=== KarlosII is now known as Rabbid
=== Rabbid is now known as RabidDog
gustavoreka, acctually kurumim, a brazilian knoppix02:20
gustavoreka, but i had problems with japanese environment there02:20
rekacavediver: mozilla-mplayer02:20
cyphasehey everyone02:20
rekagustavo: you needed a jap environ?02:21
ColonelKernelJewish AMerican Princess?02:21
=== ricardo_ [~ricardo@ALamentin-101-1-10-113.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
gustavoreka, yeah.... right now im trying to figure out which input method use on ubuntu02:21
cavediverreka: which repos do I need to add for that ?02:22
adwaitcavediver: u can download from plugin.mozilla.org02:22
reka!info mozilla-mplayer02:22
ubotumozilla-mplayer: (MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla, Konqueror and OpenOffice.org), section multiverse/misc, is optional. Version: 2.70-1ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 93 kB, Installed size: 300 kB02:22
=== Garrison [~Garrison@68-64-153-94.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
adwaituh addins.mozilla.org02:22
bigfoot1adwait, i tried installing this lib...deb file, I got this error: dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libqt3c102-mt:02:22
bigfoot1 libqt3c102-mt depends on libfontconfig1 (>= 2.3.0); however:02:22
bigfoot1  Version of libfontconfig1 on system is 2.2.3-4ubuntu7.02:22
rekacavediver: multiverse.  alternatively, use adwait's suggestion02:22
=== Ninwater is now known as Ninwa
cavediveradwait: it's not availible it sais02:23
adwaitbigfoot1: uuuuh........02:23
bigfoot1adwait, i guess this means i must get libfontconfig1, right?02:23
=== Gerrath [Gerrath@shanev.lifecor.com] has joined #ubuntu
adwaitbigfoot1: if it syas tht it needs, download it......02:23
cavediveradwait: https://pfs.mozilla.org/plugins/    quicktima , not avail.02:24
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu []
GarrisonI installed nforce audio drivers from nvidia.com, they worked, then broke, now i'm trying to revert back to original drivers, but I can't get my system to see any soundcards. If it does, it's just the OSS device that the nvidia installer .. installed.02:24
bigfoot1adwait, gotcha. but i wonder if there's an easier way. Something like the smart Synaptic...02:24
adwaitcavediver: no quicktime............mediaconnector02:24
=== lok [~lala@dyn-83-155-6-52.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Garrison**nothing works as far as sound anyway.02:24
adwaitbigfoot1: apt-get is the smart way........but it seems the version u want isnt available02:24
bigfoot1adwait, so we must do it "manually".02:25
adwaitbigfoot1: right....02:25
adwaitbigfoot1: makes u realise the value of apt-get ;)02:25
bigfoot1adwait, now i see! 8-)02:25
tuxmewhich is more better aptitude or synaptic?02:25
cavediveradwait: hmm ok02:26
adwaittuxme: dunno abt better........but synaptic is more integrated with ubuntu02:26
ed1tthey both same...ones a console bases and ones GUI02:26
Nermaltwilight, ?02:26
cavediveradwait: mediaconnector, cant find that02:26
=== leif [~leif@host81-153-18-255.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
rekatuxme: imho, there is no "better". use whatever you find is best02:26
Garrisonanyone know how to fix my audio problem, because i'm feeling like I might be forced to reinstall02:26
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salapoliisi_is there any good reason why to upgrade kernel 386 to 686, will my computer actually get faster or something like that?02:27
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NermalGarrison, uninstall the nvidia stuff ?02:27
rekaGarrison: before you do, i'd ask crimsun when he's active.  he's the resident sound guru.02:27
gustavowhats the command line for the file manager on ubuntu?02:27
adwaitcavediver: https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?id=44602:27
rekagustavo: nautilus02:27
adwaitcavediver: sorry i messed up the name :)02:27
Nermalsalapoliisi_, if you have more than 896 mb of ram to get support for memory over that02:27
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cavediveradwait: thanks02:27
Nermalsalapoliisi_, may be a little quicker as well02:27
adwaitcavediver: np02:27
Garrisonreka; when does he come on?02:27
Nermalhe's on now02:28
GarrisonNermal; yes, remove anything even half-related to nvidia-audio from my system (short of pulling the chip off the mobo)02:28
=== Nermal sighs
Nermaln00bs.. everywhere02:28
gustavohow do i see how much space left i have on my ubuntu partition?02:28
Nermalsticking to my shoes again02:28
Tobahow well will ubuntu handle it if I plug in my fat16 128 MB flashdrive?02:28
Tobawill it be able to read my files?02:28
Nermalgustavo, df -h02:28
gustavoi promisse tomorrow i will not ask about those things XD02:28
NermalToba, sure02:28
Nermaljust plug it in02:28
adwaitgustavo: try df02:28
martiganNermal, you know how to enable ndiswrapper under 686 by a change? thats stops me from using that kernel :(02:28
cavediveradwait: what, it can't be installed ! I have 1.0.4 and it sais I need to have 1.0 -> 1.0+02:29
Nermalmartigan, erm.,. ndiswrapper working fine for me under a 686 kernel02:29
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ
rekaGarrison: looks like he's working02:29
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Amaranth] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Have a question? Just ask! | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | us.archive currently broken; use another mirror ({ca,uk,se}.archive) | PLEASE DON'T USE BREEZY YET -- REALLY | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com | Ubuntu #1 on all distrowatch boards!
adwaitcavediver: thts odd.....it installed fine on my end......wht error does it give?02:29
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martigani have to recompile it somehow, 386 version doesnt work here02:29
Nermalmartigan, what's wrong with apt-get install linux-image-686 ndiswrapper ?02:30
=== jouka [~jouka@CBL217-132-70-40.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
joukahey all02:30
Garrisonreka, any idea how to simply 'revert' ?02:30
joukacan someone help me to install ident?02:30
cavediveradwait: could not be installed because it's not compatible with this version of firefox, will only work with 1.0 > 1.0+02:30
=== CarinArr [[U2FsdGVkX@opal.spod.org] has joined #ubuntu
adwaitcavediver: 1.0.4 = 1.0+02:30
Nermalcavediver, installed through apt ?02:31
cavediveryes that's what i find weird :=902:31
rekaGarrison: not really, i'm afraid.  did you try the HOWTO i linked to?02:31
cavediverNermal: no through the xpi02:31
adwaitNermal: no he is doing it thru addons.mozilla.org02:31
Nermalcavediver, I mean firefox02:31
martigannermal hmm cant find that package does it say, wat source is it coming from then :S ?02:31
CarinArri'm using kdevelop3 for my development stuff.. which seems to work okay, just i would like to customise the fonts and stuff.. do i need to install kubuntu to do with in ubuntu or what do i need to do?02:31
Garrisonreka; did everything it said, word for word, and the volume control still lists the OSS device that the nforce drivers created02:31
Nermal!info ndiswrapper02:31
Nermal!info linux-image-68602:32
ubotulinux-image-686: (Linux kernel image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV.), section base, is optional. Version: 2.6.10-7 (hoary), Packaged size: 21 kB, Installed size: 48 kB02:32
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Nermalwhere is ndiswrapper ?02:32
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rekaGarrison: again, if you're patient enough, i'd wait for crimsun to drop in02:32
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bimberijouka: there's a package called "ident2"02:32
Nermal!info ndiswrapper-utils02:32
ubotundiswrapper-utils: (Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper), section misc, is optional. Version: 0.12+1.0rc2-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 20 kB, Installed size: 108 kB02:32
rekaGarrison: i can't really help any further.  sorry02:32
Nermalmartigan, ^^02:32
Garrisonreka; the lack of my mp3s is driving me to tears.02:33
Nermalmartigan, sudo apt-get install linux-image-686 ndiswrapper-utils02:33
feugan3333Anyone had some experience with custimizing their kernel and using initrd. I can't find any good documentation on initrd.02:33
Nermalshould sort you out02:33
rekaGarrison: i can imagine.02:33
Nermaljust get rid of the old version of ndiswrapper first if you have one installed02:33
rekaGarrison: maybe search the wiki for some sound topics02:33
cavediveradwait: now it works02:33
Nermalfeugan3333, man initrd ?02:33
bimberijouka: in fact, a search in synaptic finds a number of different ident daemons02:33
martiganNermal, i am going to give it a shot bbl02:33
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Garrisonreka: i will, any idea when he becomes active? (home from work)02:34
=== egg [~easnk@218-160-78-159.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
joukabimberi, what to choose then?02:34
NinwaDoes anybody know if the gnome "trashcan" is a directory I can access without using the interface?02:34
bimberijouka: sorry - i can't help there02:34
NermalNinwa, ~/.Trash02:34
feugan3333Nermal: yes i've seen that, but what do they expect as version. I specify the path to my kernel image but that does not work.02:34
NinwaNermal, Ah hah, Thank you.02:34
=== djp [~david@dynamic-62-56-55-165.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
joukaok, thanks02:35
bigfoot1adwait, got 2 lib...debs and the kiax deb installed.02:35
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bimberijouka: yw :)02:35
bigfoot1adwait, but now i get this error when i run kiax:Error message:cannot initialize iaxclient! Exitting application. Possible reason: Device initialization failed.02:35
ed1tis there any player like itunes for like ubuntu, have like organized music library and stuff02:35
Nermaled1t, rhythmbox02:36
=== seby [~seby@p54A24BB2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalor muine02:36
rekaGarrison: hard for me to say..i'm in aus so i can't really match up the times i log on.02:36
rekawith his02:36
ed1tthx Nakkel02:36
feugan3333Nermal: sorry I'm taking about mkinitrd , which is what I need to use. Right?02:36
Garrisonreka: k, thanks02:37
ed1tNermal is it under ubuntu repositories?02:37
=== martigan reboot
Nermalfeugan3333, version is kernel version surely02:37
Nermaled1t, yah02:37
=== ptlo [~senko@83-131-17-198.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Nermal!info rhythmbox02:37
uboturhythmbox: (music player and organizer for GNOME), section gnome, is optional. Version: 0.8.8-7ubuntu5 (hoary), Packaged size: 1517 kB, Installed size: 4268 kB02:37
Nermal!info muine02:37
ubotumuine: (Simple playlist based music player), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 0.8.2-5ubuntu2 (hoary), Packaged size: 246 kB, Installed size: 1228 kB02:37
=== kennef [~kenneth@125.a.003.ade.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalrhythmbox might be better for you02:37
=== CzarAlex [~czar@pcp01476734pcs.nholnd01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalshould be installed by default I thought02:38
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ed1tNermal do i need any kind of codec/packages or anything to play mp3?02:38
bimberied1t: RhythmBox usually installed by default - Applications -> Sound & Video -> Music Player02:38
Nermalyou might need to install libmad to get mp3 support02:38
bigfoot1adwait, i figured it out. I need to install this iaxclient too.02:38
=== digitus [~timo@dsl-084-056-240-245.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ed1tbrb switching to ubuntu02:38
Nermaled1t, one sec02:38
=== Nermal waits
Nermalnm.. I'm charging him by the minute02:39
rekaNermal, ed1t: gstreamer0.8-mad iirc02:39
Nermalreka, aye02:39
Nermalreka, waiting for him to return02:39
bimberireka: yes - that's the one02:39
Nermalor gstreamer0.8-all02:39
=== kennef hands Nermal a ball to play with
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CzarAlexI have ubuntu installed on a 4 gig hd (set as master on IDE 1) I have a 15 gig hd formatted with NTFS with some old windows files (set as slave on IDE 1) How do I encorporate that HD in to my file system?02:39
=== Nermal plays with the ball
kennef(while you wait for him to return ;) )02:40
NermalCzarAlex, mkfs.reiserfs /dev/hdb1 ?02:40
Nermalto format it02:40
Nermalor mkfs.ext302:40
Nermalthen mount it02:40
Nermaland plonk it in your /etc/fstab02:40
bigfoot1i went to http://iaxclient.sourceforge.net/, but i don't know how to get the iaxclient file(s). Can anyone help?02:40
=== Druke [~druke@71-11-166-58.dhcp.sprn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
CzarAlexNermal, lemme check that out. Those commands are all new to me.02:41
Nermalbigfoot1, http://sourceforge.net/projects/iaxclient/02:41
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Nermalbigfoot1, oops.. no files :|02:41
Nermalcvs ?02:41
bigfoot1Nermal, no files. what can we do?02:42
Nermalbigfoot1, check it out from cvs I guess02:42
bigfoot1what does that mean?02:42
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martiganNermal, your the man. uname -r -> 2.6.10-5-686 nad wireless is still working :D thanks02:42
Nermalwell.. get the files from the cvs server02:42
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Nermalmartigan, :D02:42
ed1tit says i need a plugin02:42
Nermaled1t, install gstreamer0.8-mad02:43
Nermalfor mp3s02:43
=== ben_underscore [~ben@ppp201-89.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalor gstreamer0.8-all for all of the plugins02:43
CzarAlexNermal, how do i know if i should use mkfs.reiserfs or mkfs.ext3?02:43
Nermalor mkfs.xfs :)02:44
Nermalor ext202:44
Nermalumm.. depends on what filesystem you want :)02:44
CzarAlexthe same as the other drive is fine with me.02:44
Nermalreiserfs is good for lots of smallish files and is generally quicker than ext3.. ext3 tends to be a tad more stable02:44
=== apokryphos [~kdedev@host-84-9-34-80.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
NermalCzarAlex, do df -T02:44
bigfoot1nermai, i'm on the CVS page of the iaxclient website. but the programming lingo is beyond me. Could you help?02:45
Nermalto see what formats your other partitions are02:45
Nermalbigfoot1, install cvs first02:45
Nermalthen do02:45
bigfoot1how do i install cvs?02:45
Nermalcvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/iaxclient login02:45
Nermalcvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/iaxclient co -P iaxclient02:45
=== Nermal sighs
Nermal!info cvs02:45
ubotucvs: (Concurrent Versions System), section devel, is optional. Version: 1:1.12.9-9 (hoary), Packaged size: 1400 kB, Installed size: 3024 kB02:45
Nermalso sudo apt-get install cvs02:46
=== jouka [~jouka@CBL217-132-70-40.bb.netvision.net.il] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Tobahmmm this is odd02:46
CzarAlexNermal,  so I want to: mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb102:46
TobaI plugged in my flashdrive and it won't let me delete things in the root of it02:46
NermalCzarAlex, yes.. that will format it.. you will need to put a sudo before that to do it as root02:46
Toba /media/FLASH/ is accessible... but I can't delete /media/FLASH/my_documents.zip02:46
Nermalyou will lose all data! yadda yadda02:46
Tobabut I *can* edit the file /media/FLASH/owner.txt02:47
NermalToba, flash drive write protected ?02:47
Tobawhat is up with that?02:47
Nermalpermissions are ballsed02:47
bigfoot1nermal, which of the 2 cvs commands you wrote above should I use?02:47
TobaNermal: it seems so02:47
Tobawhat I wonder is why and how to fix it02:47
=== Eko [~E_k_o@macleodsofworcs.plus.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Nermalbigfoot1, both..just hit enter after the first to log in with no password02:47
NermalToba, sudo chown yourusername /media/FLASH/* ?02:47
=== Toba tries that
NermalEko, from worcestershire ?02:48
Nermalcool :) I'm from Malvern :)02:48
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ed1tNermal, i installed the gstreamer plugins but it still gives me the same error02:48
CzarAlexNermal, what do I refer to this new drive as when using the mount command?02:48
InHell^19mhey ppl  how can i get to know the kernel version from console?02:48
Nermaled1t, hmm.. restarted rhythmbox ?02:48
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jcoxonInHell^19m, uname -r02:49
NermalCzarAlex, mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/mountpoint02:49
bigfoot1Nermal, ok. i did the first command, and hit enter when it asks for password. Now, nothing is happening. SHoud i just wait?02:49
Tobano luck02:49
ed1tahh it needed a restart02:49
Tobastil doesn't work02:49
Ekoive installed Ubuntu but when i boot it says i have some name resolution error, it continues fine until i get to the logon screen i think and all i can see is flashing squares?? any idea what this is?02:49
Nermalwhere mountpoint is a dir you created in /mnt with mkdir02:49
ed1tthx again Nermal02:49
NermalToba, sudo chmod 644 /media/FLASH/* ?02:49
CzarAlexNermal, hmm. I didnt create any dir's yet.02:49
NermalCzarAlex, create one now :)02:49
CzarAlexheh  ok02:49
Nermalcall it what you want02:49
Nermalconvention is to plonk it in /mnt02:50
bigfoot1Nermal, oh it finished now. I got this error: cvs login: warning: failed to open /home/me/.cvspass for reading: No such file or directory02:50
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Tobait says it's a read-only filesystem02:50
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Nermalbigfoot1, that's fine.. notice how you said "I get this error" and cvs is saying "warning"02:50
rasputnikToba: what's it mounted as?02:50
NermalToba, mount -o remount,rw /media/FLASH ?02:50
bigfoot1Nermal, sorry. you're right. It wasn't called an error.02:50
Tobait's in /media/02:50
Nermalbigfoot1, :)02:50
rasputnikToba: sorry, I meant what fstype02:51
Tobait's fat1602:51
Tobathat'd be a problem right?02:51
Tobasince it doesn't do permissions02:51
Nermalwell.. it should be ok02:51
Tobabut it isn't02:51
Nermalwhat does mount say it's mounted as?02:51
rasputnikToba: not a problem really, but it won't do permissions as you say. there's an option to mount somewhere to set 'virtual' perms02:51
Nermalfat16 uses msdos module not vfat iirc02:52
Nermalvfat = fat3202:52
Tobado I have to mount it for that to work?02:52
CzarAlexNermal, strange. it only used 4gigs of the 15 possible.02:52
NermalCzarAlex, ermm...02:52
bigfoot1Nermal, ok, i finished the second cvs command. is there another step?02:52
Nermalyou sure that's not your main drive ?02:52
rasputnikToba: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/archive/31/2004/06/4/18973402:52
Nermalbigfoot1, it should have downloaded some files02:52
Nermaland plonked them in a new dir02:52
bigfoot1Nermal, yes it downloaded many files.02:53
Nermalbigfoot1, there are going to be a lot of steps.. you're going to have to build it and install it :|02:53
zukalk!rule 102:53
ubotuRule number one: Don't fix it if it isn't broken!02:53
Nermalcd into the dir and try ./configure02:53
rasputnikbigfoot1: you cd into the directory and then read the 'install' file02:53
bigfoot1Nermal, okay, how do i build?02:53
CzarAlexi make a dir in /mnt called torrents and then ran the mount command02:53
NermalCzarAlex, and does /dev/hdb1 appear in df -h ?02:53
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CzarAlexNermal,  yes02:53
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CzarAlexyes it does.02:54
CzarAlexas 4gigs02:54
Nermalonly one partition on the drive ?02:54
CzarAlexoooh... wait. come to think of it. there were two. windows partitions though. didnt think that would make a difference.02:54
twilightNermal: i've solved :)02:54
anucan any one help on spalsh02:54
NermalCzarAlex, second partition would be /dev/hdb202:55
CzarAlexcan I merge the two?02:55
Nermalyou can combine them by nuking the partitions and creating a new big one with fdisk02:55
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Nermalor cfdisk02:55
NermalCzarAlex, tell you what02:55
Nermalsudo apt-get install gparted02:55
ubotuNermal: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about02:55
Nermal!info gparted02:55
ubotugparted: (partition editor for GNOME), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 0.0.8+cvs2005022001-0ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 303 kB, Installed size: 1152 kB02:55
CzarAlexoo nice! thank you.02:55
Nermalpartition magic like graphical tool for you :)02:56
NermalI think you should be able to toodle around easily, maybe even merge them :)02:56
bigfoot1i found the readme file in the iaxclient directory (from CVS). it says: BUILDING THE LIBRARY: From the "lib" directory:Linux: type "make" using standard gnu make/gcc. "   My question is, Am I okay with this "standard" make?02:56
rekaanu: spalsh?02:56
CzarAlexyeah doofy me needs graphical :\02:56
NermalCzarAlex, nah.. I've nuked wrong partitions by accident with fdisk.. much better to see what you are doing :)02:57
NermalI even wrote the changes to disk :|02:57
Nermaland that was before I started drinking02:57
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Nermalbigfoot1, sure.. if it's installed02:57
anureka: splash is like a graphical appearance instead of comands that u see02:57
Nermalanu, ask a specific question02:58
rasputnikanu: you want a grub splash screen02:58
rekaanu: were you tuxme?02:58
bigfoot1Nermal, what do you mean? do you mean it will be installed by this "make" command. Or that i should use "make" only if it has already been installed?02:58
wrtpeepshi, i am having problems logging into the root account so i can get software. I'm new to linux/ubuntu.02:58
anureka: yes02:58
rekaanu: i've forgotten what your original question was, but i think the good folk at #kubuntu were talking about setting a splash image for GRUB.02:58
wrtpeepsi type su - , but i don't know the password02:58
rasputnikwrtpeeps: don't. use sudo02:58
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anureka: all how to install it02:58
rekaanu: rasputnik seems to know bout that.02:58
wrtpeepsrasputnik, sorry?02:58
rekaanu: i have no clue02:58
rasputnikwrtpeeps: use 'sudo some command you run as root'02:58
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rasputnikwrtpeeps: and give it your password when it asks02:59
reka!tell wrtpeeps about rootsudo02:59
anureka : thnkz02:59
wrtpeepsso, for example, 'sudo apt-get update'02:59
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rasputnikwrtpeeps: yup. like osx02:59
rekawrtpeeps: yep.  read the wiki page for more info02:59
Nermalbigfoot1, "make" is a program that needs to be installed before you can build software with it02:59
wrtpeepsrasputnik, thank you very much :D03:00
=== ben__ [~ben@ppp229-200.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
anurasputnik : can you help in installin splash image for GRUB03:00
rasputnikanu: what have you tried? search google  or the forums, it's straightforward03:00
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wrtpeepsok, 1 more question, how do i modify my GRUB to include my windows installation03:00
CzarAlexNermal, that new partition i formatted and mounted doesnt show up in the device list in gparted03:00
rasputnikwrtpeeps: did it not to that for you?03:00
rekawrtpeeps: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:01
NermalCzarAlex, does the actual disk ?03:01
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wrtpeepsrasputnik, hmm, maybe it did, i haven't checked.03:01
Garrisonreka: do you think a reinstall would fix the problem? (overwrite, not format)03:01
wrtpeepsAnyway, thank you everybody03:01
rekaGarrison: did you have sound before you installed the nvidia stuff?03:01
CzarAlexno. the only disc that shows up is the boot one03:01
anui hv tried ubuntu form03:01
=== Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-hem12-6-0-cust227.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
NermalCzarAlex, erm,... you selected the right disk in the drop down list at the top right ?03:02
Garrisonreka: Yes, that's the annoying part, I installed the nforce drivers in attempt to get my fibre-optic s/pdif to work. It did, then it broke, gave me millions of errors upon boot, now I can't get rid of the damn thing.03:02
=== CzarAlex facepalms.
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anuform that i got splashy1.303:02
NermalGarrison, re-install the kernel modules ?03:02
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CzarAlexNermal, I should just wear a diaper. Im such a baby :) Found it. (the drive...not the diaper)03:03
NermalCzarAlex, :)03:03
bigfoot1Nermal, i ran make, and it worked. so i think i already have make installed.03:03
GarrisonNermal, reka: Maybe rebuilding/reinstalling the nvidia drivers (to un-break them), then doing a --uninstall ?03:03
rekanalioth: feel rested? :)03:03
Nermalbigfoot1, cool03:03
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bigfoot1Nermal, rasputnik , after running this make command, what's the next step.03:03
ColonelKernelif I have a pentium 4 2.6 HT is it wrth 200 bucks to upgrade to a amd64 3000 setup?03:03
naliothreka: not really, i was training for my new job up until 6 hours ago03:04
anurasputnik : can tell me how to configure splash from starting03:04
rasputnikColonelKernel: is it maxxing out the CPU?03:04
rasputnikanu: http://ruslug.rutgers.edu/~mcgrof/grub-images/03:04
Nermalright.. bbl.. got to head into bosses office03:04
rasputnikfirst link on google for 'splash grub'03:04
=== ficoc [~ficoc@p5087206B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
rasputnikbigfoot1: sudo make install03:05
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ColonelKernelrasputnik, games I guess03:05
rasputnikbigfoot1: should put stuff into /usr/local/03:05
naliothreka: so really havent had much sleep03:05
GarrisonNermal: the nforce installer gave me: ERROR: Unable to remove kernel module 'nvsound'03:05
bigfoot1rasputnik, how do i know the name of the file to install?03:05
ColonelKernelright now Ill be keeping my agp video card but later on ill get a new mobo and u/g to a pci-e card03:05
ColonelKerneland mobo03:05
=== qt2 [~qt2@pool-64-223-240-182.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
rasputnikColonelKernel: in my experience disk is always the bottleneck, not the cpu03:06
krishna2what is this ubuntu03:06
ubotuwell, ubuntu is an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com. It means 'Humanity to others'.03:06
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rekanalioth: well, at least you're keepng busy. :)03:06
rasputnikbigfoot1: you don't need to, it's in the makefile. just type 'sudo make install'03:06
ColonelKernelrasputnik, i was thinking more like the 1600mhz fsb and wide open pipelines to things03:06
wzahow make ubuntu boot with commandline only? changing runtimelevel doesn't seem to work03:06
bigfoot1rasputnik, gotcha.03:06
naliothreka: a little too busy, atm03:06
rasputnikColonelKernel: oooooh that's nice :)03:06
ColonelKernelyeah look at this deal on tigerdirect, I really want it03:07
ColonelKernelIve had very good experiences w chaintech mobo's03:07
ColonelKernelcheap but fast03:07
bigfoot1rasputnik, i get this error: make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop." Should i be in a particular directory?03:08
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rasputnikColonelKernel: cpu and mobo for 170 bucks? thats' what, 80 quid in real money? wow03:08
calcwza: easiest way is to uninstall gdm03:08
krishna2any body wants to help me with my web server03:08
ColonelKernelrasputnik, thats a pretty good deal methinks03:08
tahorgwho is packaging X in breezy ?03:08
rasputnikbigfoot1: yeah, you should be in the source tree you got from cvs03:08
calctahorg: look in the changelog03:09
bigfoot1rasputnik, "source tree"?03:09
wzacalc: no further configuration needed?03:09
rasputnikkrishna2: what's the problem03:09
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calcwza: not after you do that, that is the package that starts X server03:09
rekawza: or you could alternatively install rcconf and then just disable gdm apparently03:09
krishna2just a little help03:09
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rasputnikbigfoot1: directory of source code? the stuff you checked out with  cvs03:09
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tahorgxserver-xorg-input-kbd xserver-xorg-input-mouse03:09
krishna2it is best to use windows with cygwin all packages03:09
tahorgthat IS SO UGLY03:09
=== ^tReScOoL^ [~oja@adsl-ull-191-174.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
CzarAlexNermal, create this new drive as primary or extended partition (Does primary mean itll replace my main drive that ubuntu is located on?)03:10
krishna2iot is the best03:10
calcor just disable gdm using update-rc.d03:10
krishna26:39:30 PM: <krishna2> it is best to use windows with cygwin all packages03:10
=== calc bbl
bigfoot1rasputnik, okay, in the "/iaxclient" folder, we have 3 folders: CVS, lib, and simpleclient.03:10
rasputnikbigfoot1: is this where you ran 'make' from earlier03:11
rasputnikkrishna2: what are you on about?03:11
bigfoot1rasputnik, i ran make from iaxclient/lib03:11
=== desplesda [~desplesda@CPE-143-238-232-205.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1rasputnik, but from from iaxclient/lib, i also get that error03:12
=== Velcan [~matthew@12-216-142-98.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
rasputnikbigfoot1: ok. is there a Makefile in the top folder? ( the iavclient one)?03:12
bigfoot1in top folder, there are 2 files: copying.lib and readme.03:12
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krishna2rasputnik windows with cygwin03:13
krishna2do you know cygwin?03:13
wzacalc: making the command look like 'update-rc.d -n ...' ?03:13
Garrisonreka: What's the make *config for the curses config? (building kernel)03:13
=== Howitzer [~adrian@135.208-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1rasputnik, i found the makefile. it's in /lib. But the letter M of Makefile is capitalized. Shoudl i make it a small "m"?03:13
rasputnikkrishna2: no. try asking on a cygwin channel?03:14
=== reka defers Garrison's question to someone more knowledgeable about kernel building
krishna2i just gave a comment03:14
linuksoGarrison: make menuconfig03:14
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naliothreka needs to refer Garrison to the many good howtos out on the www, cuz kernel building is a little over the top for in here03:14
rasputnikbigfoot1: no, that's fine. there isn't a Makefile in the top level then? maybe cos it's cvs03:14
krishna2have you installed make?03:14
=== apokryphos [~kdedev@host-84-9-34-80.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
bigfoot1krishna2, yes i believe i have "make" installed.03:15
rekanalioth: well that makes me feel a little less incompetent. :)03:15
=== reka adds kernel buildng research to his TODO list
bigfoot1rasputnik, no, there isn't a makefile in top level folder. what should we do now?03:15
naliothreka: don't worry, i'm always incompetent03:15
krishna2why no eggdrops here?03:15
naliothjust not incontinent03:15
naliothkrishna2: what kind of eggdrop?03:16
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rasputnikbigfoot1: what's in the simpleclient folder ? any binaries?03:16
krishna2nalioth any eggdrop03:16
krishna2eggdrop bot03:16
Dorwardkrishna2: why should there be?03:16
=== yonil [~me@bzq-114-104.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
yonilhow can i run xfree86 instead of x.org ?03:17
nalioth!info eggdrop03:17
Seveaskrishna2, bots are not allowed in here03:17
ubotueggdrop: (Advanced IRC Robot), section universe/net, is extra. Version: 1.6.17-3 (hoary), Packaged size: 459 kB, Installed size: 1144 kB03:17
=== ben_underscore [~ben@ppp193-180.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothkrishna2: except for that one03:17
Seveasonly ubotu is03:17
tankiuboto is more than a bot i think, he has personality03:17
bigfoot1rasputnik, no binaries in the /simpleclient folder. there are only more subfolders: CVS, iax2slin, iaxcomm, iaxphone, testcall, tkphone  (etc etc).03:17
rekayonil: why would you want to?03:17
=== mklinux [~mklinux@adsl-174-22-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu
rasputnikbigfoot1: shit :/03:17
yonilreka, some issues i have with a driver which xfree might solve ..03:18
=== terry [~terry@c-24-10-109-222.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1rasputnik, can't we do something with the makefile in /lib?03:18
deviosanyone know how to set up a PDF printer in ubuntu?03:18
tankidevios, is that a printer that only prints PDF files?03:19
deviostanki: yes03:19
rasputnikbigfoot1: a makefile has a list of 'targets' to do things like build, install the source code. If theres' no 'install' target you have to manually put the libraries into the system yourself. that's a pain03:19
tankiare they cheaper than regular printers?03:19
rasputnikbigfoot1: check those folders in simpleclient. I'd imagine there is a binary in each of them03:19
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bigfoot1rasputnik, but there is a makefile! it's in iaxclient/lib folder. can't we work with that?03:19
deviostanki: I am trying to print to a pdf file instead of paper03:19
deviostanki: an electronic pdf file03:20
naliothtanki: what he wants is the option to "print to PDF" instead of to a HP DeskJet03:20
rasputnikbigfoot1: not if it has no install target, no. and if it did, then 'make install' in that folder would have worked03:20
Fadlywhat you say!!!!!03:20
tankioh i see03:20
krishna2what do i do with a dns?03:20
rekatanki: no in the literal sense. :)  you use one to output any document to a pdf file. iirc03:20
bigfoot1rasputnik, so what should we do now? I only need iaxclient because another program (kiax) needs it.03:20
reka*not in the literal sense03:20
tankireka, like converting * -> pdf?03:21
krishna2what do i do with a dns?03:21
deviosI was able to set up a pdf printer, but it doesn't print correctly.  It turns most of the text on the web page I am trying to print into garbage, but some of the images are working correctly.03:21
rekatanki: think so03:21
tankikrishna2, you resolve things03:21
krishna2what does that mean?03:21
Dorwardkrishna2: You put in hostnames and get ip addresses out. (And vice versa)03:22
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tankikrishna2, it means resolving numeric ip addresses to hostnames and vice versa03:22
krishna2 brb03:22
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naliothdelire the spanish dancer has arrived03:23
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tankii think we should get rid of dns and just all have one huge /etc/hosts file with every host on the internet hehe03:23
tankiit's so much easier03:23
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rasputnikbigfoot1: you'd have to copy the library files somewhere by hand, then tell kiav where to load them from. it's non-trivial03:23
tankiof course the file in question would probably be a gig or two large but hey.. the price of evolution03:23
delirenalioth: it's all cucarachachacha here..03:23
bigfoot1rasputnik, "non-trivial" means difficult?03:23
rasputnikbigfoot1: if you feel adventurous you could 1) make an /opt/lib folder 2) copy the .sos into that 3) add it to /etc/ld.so.conf, 4) run ldconfig03:24
oga7876hey all... i'm just intalling ubuntu on my laptop atm and i have 2 partitions set up at 10G each 1 for linux, 1 for winxp i'm not sure which one i should erase from looking at partitioning screen in ubuntu installer. fat32 has a lighting arrow ntfs has nothing... which needs to go?03:24
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rasputnikbigfoot1: that will set up the system so it can find libraries in /opt/lib. then try install kiav.03:24
mumblesoga7876 you might need a swap03:24
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deviosbecause I do not have a working PDF printer, I have to save webpages as webpages, download them to a Winblows machine, and PDF them there03:25
bigfoot1rasputnik, so maybe the official website of iaxclient doesn't have the deb. But do you think we can find it elsewhere? maybe in unofficial repos? or somewhere in the internet? what do you think?03:25
rasputnikdevios: kword can print pdfs. not sure if that helps you though03:25
oga7876 mumbles.... i have no problems letting it autoformat the remaing space when i clear either the fat32 or the ntfs but i need to know which one to get rid of03:25
oga7876i'd think it was the fat3203:25
oga7876(cos xp uses ntfs to the best of my knowledge)03:25
rasputnikbigfoot1: worth a shot. is kiav a deb then?03:25
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dbtsaiIs anyone knowing that how to sleep on ibook?03:26
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tankioga, just make sure before you do anything you backup anything you want saved in windows03:26
bigfoot1rasputnik, what's kiav?do you mean xiav?03:26
oga7876but.... fat32 has lightning arrow thing on it which suggests it has a bootable partition on it03:26
delirehttp://elastico.net/copyfight is a festival we are setting up with many public Ubuntu machines. there is a running question as to whether anyone has had any issues with the odd USB storage device (including cameras) not automatically mounting (due to "bad device descriptor" or odd device mapping etc or whatever)??? these machines are public terminals to be used as workbenches.03:26
nbx909dbtsai, why did you put linux on a mac?03:26
rasputnikoga7876: are they the same size?03:26
bigfoot1rasputnik, sorry, not xiav either.03:26
rasputnikbigfoot1: sorry yeah03:26
oga7876both same size03:26
rasputnikbigfoot1: whatever you're client is called03:26
dbtsaidue to mac osx's chinese fonts is not clear03:26
nbx909how do you stream music in linux?03:26
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dbtsaiso I decide to use linux and use MOL~~03:27
tankinbx909, open xmms and then turn up your volume really loud and piss off your neighbor03:27
rasputnikoga7876: maybe bot into windows and right-click->properties on the drive to be sure. think that tells you the fstype03:27
delirenbx909: ffmpeg03:27
bigfoot1rasputnik, here's the thing. I have this voip program called kiax. And i've already gotten the deb for this. But it needs iaxclient. It's this iaxclient that doesnt' have a deb. It's this iaxclient where we were messing around with CVS and sudo make install, etc.03:27
nbx909delire, that doesn't have a gui does it?03:27
delirenbx909: there are many clients for this, even icecast/darkice et al03:27
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GarrisonAnyone: I'm using kernel 2.6.10-5-k7, where (and what) source do I need to build from?03:28
rasputnikbigfoot1: yeah gotcha. I was just giving general 'how to build from source' advice. i have'nt used any of the stuff above.03:28
dbtsaiI use kernel 2.6.11-1-powerpc with hoary03:28
delirenbx909: check out monopod03:28
tankiheck even some linux sound daemons have remote capability yet i've never heard of someone using it03:28
nbx909delire, ok03:28
rasputnikbigfoot1: seems odd that there would be a package for a program but not for the libraries it needs?03:28
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delirenbx909: though that's podcasting really.03:28
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nbx909delire, i want something like winamo03:29
sinfernowill i have problems if i install winex and i have cedega installed?03:29
dbtsainbx909: Do you know kow to slave this problem??03:29
tankii have to admit, linux has too many daemonified programs.. i mean like take the font server in x for example.. who here is has ever had the need to setup a font server to share fonts?03:29
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bigfoot1rasputnik, yeah, odd, isn't it? but do you think we can get the iaxclient deb somewhere else?03:29
Dorwardtanki: X doesn't have to use a font server, it is quite happy to read them off the filesystem.03:29
tankihey brad, i have this cool font i got last night, connect to my font server!03:29
highvoltagenbx909: apt-get install xmms03:29
dylan_when is breezy supposed to be available?03:29
Dorwardtanki: But when you have lots of workstations, its nice to have a central location on the network to store the fonts.03:30
delirenbx909: can't xmms stream? i'm sure there are plugins03:30
dbtsaislove this sleep problem03:30
nbx909highvoltage, i have it and i use it to listen to my mp3s... is there a way to stream using it?03:30
oga7876who would have thought winxp installed fat3203:30
ubotuI haven't a clue, mumbles03:30
tankiDorward, oh i know it doesn't have to use one, but it has one nevertheless.. it just seems like something only a very few people would use, which makes me wonder why they include it03:30
nbx909delire, how do you install plug-ins?03:30
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ptloivoks! :)03:31
tankii mean i vaguly remember identifying it once as running when i was auditing my system and closing unnecessary ports and it was runner03:31
tankilike, why would they enable that by default hehe03:31
ivoksptlo: hi!03:31
delirenbx909: you copy them to your xmms plugins folder or install them via apt.03:31
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nbx909let me find it03:31
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nbx909is xmms in /var/xmms or /home/name/.xmms ?03:32
nbx909er not var03:32
bigfoot1rasputnik, i think i have good news! i searched "iaxclient deb" and found http://lists.debian.org/debian-wnpp/2004/09/msg00233.html. someone debianized the iaxclient files. What do you think? is it safe, appropriate for me?03:32
kennefI pose this question: With ubuntu definately becoming quite the flavour of the moment, where do users envision the distro to be in a number of years?03:32
Garrisonnbx909: locate xmms03:32
tankiDorward, yeah i know what you mean but most of us are home users03:32
=== EnsignRedshirt [~wweckesse@cpe-24-59-199-217.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
EnsignRedshirtHello, world.03:33
nbx909xmms: /usr/bin/xmms /usr/lib/xmms /usr/share/xmms /usr/share/man/man1/xmms.1.gz03:33
nbx909i perfer whereis03:33
naliothkennef: i envision ubuntu to be a synonymous with OSX for out-of-the-box usability03:33
zukalkEnsignRedshirt, howdy03:33
delirenbx909: i would use vlc for your streaming needs03:33
nbx909it can stream?03:33
EnsignRedshirtAnyone out there using the "Simple" theme in gnome?03:33
tankiDorward, if we have a computer lab in our living room, it's only by chance03:33
=== nbx909 slaps himself
delirenbx909: that's half it's job, yes.03:33
nbx909i is stupid03:34
delirenbx909: apt-cache show vlc03:34
nbx909i know i installed ot03:34
tankinbx909, i r not i is03:34
nbx909i use it to recieve streams03:34
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tankii r stupid but i 3> the intraweb03:34
EnsignRedshirtWhen using "Simple" in firefox, the highlighted menu items are displayed with white text on a white background.  That's not a useful combination!03:34
Ekoi get a tempory failure in name resolution every time i boot up Ubuntu whats causing this and how can i solve it03:34
nbx909i even used to it stream video in windows before03:34
nbx909ok thanks03:35
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tankieko, what's it trying to resolve?03:35
delirenbx909: np03:35
naliothEko: what is the name of your box?03:35
rekaEnsignRedshirt: hehe.  no it isn't :)03:35
delirehas anyone here had an issue with a USB storage device not automounting on Hoary?03:35
kaktoscould someone give a source.list with brazilian repositories?03:35
Ekodont know what its trying to resolve?03:35
naliothEko: what is the name of your box?03:36
tankiyou can just link your name to localhost (which is also one of the ways we used to block/break web ads)03:36
delirenalioth: seen this? http://usefulinc.com/edd/blog/contents/2005/06/17-monopod/read03:36
deviosrasputnik: can't openoffice print to pdf too?03:36
oga7876hehe... i've been playing with ubuntu for 6 months on and off on my pc and now its installing the base system on my laptop... all these programs/packages that i've had to fuck around with over the past 6 months flashing past really quickly03:36
delirenalioth: a great little app. very tidy.03:36
kaktosi need a repositories list plz03:37
tankioga, you'll go nuts if you try to keep track of them all :)03:37
deliredevios: yes it does export pdf03:37
tankioga, what you should do is just install everything and remove what you dont like afterwards03:37
oga7876nah... just the ones i've recognised03:37
oga7876fair enough03:37
rekaEnsignRedshirt: you could change the controls in theme details....but then it isn't really "pure" simple is it?03:37
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ed1tsuse sucks03:37
naliothdelire so i see, but i guess i'm boring and not "with it"03:37
oga7876but every time i'm afraid i'll break it... i know its' easy to fix but it's a hassle03:37
tankioga, yeah i know what you mean, sometimes i stroll /bin and /usr/bin and i get a tear in my eye.. so many memories03:37
kaktosi need a repositories list plz!!!!!!!!!!03:38
zAo^how can I play DVDs?03:38
zAo^kaktos, tried www.ubuntuguide.org??03:38
oga7876i don't mind breaking it again and again the first time i try to get something working03:38
oga7876but i don't want to break it afterwards again03:38
delirenalioth: you mean 'podcasting'? i didn't really 'get it' until i tried. it's not a bad medium, if you could call it that.03:38
GarrisonOh thats just charming, I've spent 2 hours trying to remove the nforce audio OSS thing, yet, it still works. It's still putting out.. SOB03:38
rekakaktos: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3803:38
naliothdelire: i dont seem to have the time to listen to stuff03:38
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rekakaktos: jsut prepend the urls with br03:39
ed1tnalioth, i got xp, ubuntu and suse installed, but since suse is the last distro i installed, the grub loader is from suse, if i format suse's partition, will i be able to get the grub loader for ubuntu?03:39
EnsignRedshirtreka: I'll do some experimenting with that.  Strange that the problem only appears in firefox.03:39
tankioga, it's better to break something right after a fresh install than it is 6 months later when you have everything customized03:39
rekakaktos: e.g. br.archive.ubuntu.com03:39
zAo^ed1t, did you share the /boot?03:39
oga7876true that03:39
ed1ti dont remember now03:39
naliothed1t: just edit your grubs menu.lst in suse and add the info for the ubuntu partition03:39
ositydoes anyone have raid1 knowledge in ubuntu ....??03:39
zAo^sorry osity03:40
tankithe first time i ran linux, at around 4am the hard drive started to cycle i thought i was being hacked into so i re-installed03:40
kaktosreka, ill try03:40
oga7876btw.. has anybody every had a problem with the screen flashing on and off during install on an asus laptop......03:40
naliothtanki: those are just the midnight elves, hard at work03:40
Garrisonreka, and idea how to set the terminal font?03:40
oga7876i've got it hooked to a monitor instead atm03:40
rekatanki: it was probably updating the slocate database :)03:40
oga7876but the colours are all wack03:40
delirezAo^: install libdvdcss2 and libdvdread3 et al03:40
zAo^oga7876, I had that on my laptop (not Asus though)03:40
rekaGarrison: edit > current profile03:40
tankioh now you tell me, where were you 6 years ago!03:40
tankiwhen i needed this little bit of info03:40
rekaGarrison: that's if you're using gnome-terminal03:41
Garrison.. I meant the boot-terminal03:41
zAo^delire, libdvdrss2 is not in the Breezy repo. I installed the hoary one, still cant play DVDs03:41
bigfoot1rasputnik, if this debianized version of iaxclient works for me, how do all the things i did with the CVS files?03:41
ed1tnalioth, yea but i am gonna format suse's paritition, so wats the point of editing menu.lst from suse?03:41
delirezAo^: 'mplayer dvd://' to be sure.03:41
ed1ti can access ubuntu from suse's grub loader03:41
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rekaGarrison: boot-terminal?  do you mean console? like where you're not in X?03:41
zAo^delire, no codec..03:41
dylan_how do i use fakeroot -i to install LimeWire?03:41
tankidoes ubuntu use grub as the bootloader or lilo?03:41
Garrisonreka; yes03:42
Garrisonreka: ie. CTRL+ALT+F103:42
rekaGarrison: you need set vga in grub's menu.lst03:42
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reka*need to set03:42
naliothed1t: after you are done wiping suse, go here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows   and get your grub/ubuntu back03:42
Seveastanki, grub by default03:42
rekaGarrison: Seveas can help you out with that03:42
oga7876hey zao^ with the flashing... did it go away after?03:42
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tankiSeveas, yeah it seems grub is the default for everyone these days.. is lilo still included?03:42
Seveastanki, yes03:43
zAo^lo zeenix03:43
dylan_how do i install the limewire rpm to the correct folders?03:43
zAo^oga7876, yes. After the install and reboot it was gone.03:43
zeenixhow do i scp to a ubuntu system as root?03:43
bigfoot1how do i search the repos in terminal? what command?03:43
zeenixthere is no 'root' user in ubuntu, right?03:43
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tahorggrub is so better than lilo. I wonder why so many people still use lilo03:43
naliothdylan_: rpms are not hte best solution, but it should install where it is supposed to03:43
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Seveaszeenix, you will have to enable root ssh logins03:43
rg58smagood morning03:43
Seveasbigfoot1, apt-cache search03:44
rekabigfoot1: apt-cache search <keywords>03:44
kaktoshow should i edit my sources.list03:44
tankiSeveas, i still fancy lilo but i'm an old dog hehe03:44
Seveaskaktos, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:44
Ekowhen i boot into Ubuntu i cant see anything and the screen is just amde up of flashing squares cant access the console through ctrl-alt-f1 either, any ideas?03:44
kaktosi mean, what should i pu there?03:44
rg58smai need a program to sinchronizing audio and video03:44
kaktosim on brazil, which repositories should i include?03:45
zAo^Eko, tried failsafe bootup?03:45
Seveaskaktos: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3803:45
rekakaktos: i already told you03:45
naliothreka: help Eko with VESA, please03:45
bigfoot1according to http://lists.debian.org/debian-wnpp/2004/09/msg00233.html, iaxclient is available for apt-get from mentors.debian.com. I've already added mentors.debian.com to my sources. list, but it doesn't seem to be in the repository. Can anyone help?03:45
tankiSeveas, i remember once a hacker friend of mine had his video card die overnight and he had to retrieve a phone number from a contact list on his computer (the computer wasn't networked) and he used lilo and blindy beeped out the phone number with just shell script heh03:45
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Seveastanki, lol :)03:46
tankii still even remember the code because i've told this story so many times03:46
kaktosreka, should i insert that link on the sources.list?03:46
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rekakaktos: yes, just prepend the urls with br. to use the brazilian mirrors.03:46
delireSeveas: sorry to pester, how would you say the USB storage device automounting is in Hoary? we are setting up many public terminals with Hoary here for a festival, in barcelona. we need to know whether we can expect the odd issue.03:47
kaktoshmmm so i have a greater problem03:47
rekakaktos: e.g. http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/*03:47
kaktoscoz the amsn isnt in those repositories03:47
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Seveasdelire, very good03:47
SeveasI personall never encounterd problems with it03:48
delireSeveas: great news.03:48
zAo^delire, my external USB hdd does automount03:48
rekaEko: you could try editing the grub boot line by pressing 'e' at the grub menu and then add vga=ask to the end of the line03:48
tankidelire, what kind of festival?03:48
Seveasdelire, problems do arise sometimes when using non-standard kernels03:48
delireSeveas: i have three USB storage devices here and all have worked fine.03:48
Ekook i will try that03:48
rekaEko: you can then try the different framebuffers to hopefully get something that works03:48
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Ekohmm ok03:48
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naliothdelire: i think it depends on brand of usb stick and/or "operator headspace"03:49
GarrisonSeveas: do you know of a list of terminal font sizes? (ie. 0x31b, etc)03:49
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Ekobrb :) hopefully something will work03:49
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delireSeveas: a few months ago there were people here with problems in this area, that may have been warty albeit.03:49
SeveasGarrison, sorry I don't understand waht you mean03:49
ositycan someone that has software raid setup please message me03:50
deliretanki: a copyleft licensing and copyleft music/software festival03:50
EnsignRedshirtreka: I switched the theme controls, and firefox now looks fine.  Thanks for the suggestion!03:50
kaktosi need a wider list of repositories03:50
GarrisonSeveas: a while back I found a page with a table, showing rows and columns. and what the hex-code was for it.03:50
SeveasGarrison, ah03:50
tankisounds exciting delire, will there be alcohol served?03:50
rekaGarrison: that's what i'm googling for :)03:50
kaktosthose in the souce.list in my ubuntu dun have almost anything i need =/03:50
SeveasI don't know of such a thing, but am interested :)03:50
tankifree music, free beer :P03:50
deliretanki: why of course, GPL beer ;)03:50
Garrisonreka: I found it a while ago, set it to the highest, then pulled my 6800GT-OC out, put in a Ti4600, and now it errors on boot.03:51
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kaktoswould someone send me the source.list?03:51
SeveasGarrison, reka google gave me this: http://www.antlinux.com/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=HowTos.VgaModes03:51
rekaGarrison: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Framebuffer_Support03:51
Seveaskaktos: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3803:51
kaktosis there any problem if i dun use the one from my country?03:51
tankidelire, now all we need are GPL'd girls and I would be there :)03:52
osityis anyone running raid 1 in here?03:52
kaktosSeveas, that page couldnt be found03:52
rekaSeveas: eek you're fast :)03:52
tankii'll be the one dancing the salsa with a fine looking blonde in one hand and a stuffed penguin in the other03:52
osityit's raid 1 in heeere ...so take of all your clothes!03:52
deliretanki: hmm.. i don't know if i want anyone else freely distributing my girlfriend, making changes and distributing those modifications again.03:52
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chroot_Wie bekomme ich grub von der hdd und ausm MBR?03:52
IFRFLYRAnyone know of a good WINDOWS based WEP cracker?03:52
rekaGarrison: in my experience, the 1024x768 is the best03:52
GarrisonSeveas, reka: That's the exact page I had found before.03:53
Garrisonreka: thanks!03:53
=== Garrison bookmarks
zeenixSeveas, thanks, but any idea how do it do it?03:53
rekaGarrison: but, i couldn't work out how to get around the 60Hz refresh rate03:53
chroot_how to get rid of grub in MBR and on hdd03:53
chroot_sry .. german :D03:53
rekaGarrison: which i can't stand03:53
osityIFRFLYR: i know a good whole wheat cracker.....03:53
Nermalplease flood me with your ambigous questions03:53
tankidelire, good point :)03:53
tankiNermal, the meaning of life?? go!03:53
[koji] IFRFLYR: Make sure you're not in Florida :P03:53
Garrisonreka: I run a Dell 1800FP, I really dont notice it either way. :-D03:53
delireIFRFLYR: what do you think?03:53
naliothchroot_: try #ubuntu-de03:53
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rekaGarrison: hehe.  ignorance is bliss03:54
tankii am in the company of a pro03:54
naliothy'all be good03:54
rekaGarrison: i get dizzy with 60Hz03:54
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tankireka, everytime someone says that i feel the need to eat steak for some reason03:54
Garrisonreka: Get an LCD, then 50hz looks as good as 100Hz03:54
rekaGarrison: nope, i've used LCDS...still get dizzy03:54
zAo^reka, why dont you change it?03:54
=== Hoxzer [~Hoxze@dsl-hkigw2ga0.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
tankinow LCD televisions are the bomb03:55
Garrisonreka: really? (A good LCD I hope)03:55
tankibut they're really bright03:55
rekazAo^: well if you know how to change the console refresh rate, by all means share. :)03:55
osityare there any other channels that have ubuntu help?03:55
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
rekaGarrison: well, it was a hp desktop.  don't know what that tells you :)03:55
NoHopeosity, I know in spanish #ubuntu-es03:55
rekaosity: there are ubuntu mirrors for other countries03:55
rekaosity: and there's #kubuntu03:55
=== beyond [~beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
tankiwould a monitor have that option in it's own internal menu settings?03:56
osityreka: whats kubuntu03:56
=== daniels [~daniels@amnesiac.heapspace.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o daniels] by ChanServ
tankiosity, ubuntu molested by kde?03:56
danielshi guys.  breezy's X is MAD BROKEN right now.  if you value your sanity, do not upgrade.  at all.03:56
Garrisonreka: store-bought shit blows anyway.  (With the exception of a few Dell laptops, Gateways, and AlienWare)03:56
SeveasGarrison, reka https://www.redhat.com/archives/shrike-list/2003-December/msg00080.html03:56
rekahehe. mad broken03:56
tankidaniels, if breezy is so bad why did they make such a cute name for it!03:57
oga7876does anybody know if it is possible/ how hard it is to install freebsd on the same partition as ubuntu?03:57
qt2tanki, to make up for the whore-y name of the hedgehog? ;)03:57
danielsbreezy isn't bad, it's just that its X packages are ... fun right now.03:57
=== martigan [~erik@j126187.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
qt2bad pun... ;)03:57
zeenixanyone know how do i enable the root ssh login?03:57
mumblesGarrison what laptop would you recomend for a 700 pound price ?03:57
delireqt2: very poor, very very poor..03:58
Seveasdaniels, what caused it?03:58
tankidaniels, i suppose some people think it's fun trying to eat soup with a knife too :)03:58
qt2delire, indeed indeed.03:58
Garrisonreka: any idea how to make the penguin appear in the terminal? (at the top)03:58
tankiqt2, lol03:58
martigananyone knows in what file you can edit the steps for cpu scaling ? :S03:58
rekaSeveas: nice, thanks03:58
=== chroot_ [~chroot@p549387D5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
qt2delire, better than not acknowleging it at all.03:58
Garrisonmumbles: whats that in $$?03:58
Garrisonmumbles: estimate is fine03:58
chroot_how to uninstall grub from hdd?03:58
mumbleserm dunno03:58
danielsSeveas: me being stupid03:58
Seveaschroot_, what do you want in the boot sector?03:58
danielsSeveas: as usual03:58
delireqt2: perhaps ;)03:58
Seveasdaniels, hehe03:58
mumbles 1,231.49 USD03:59
tankii have to admit, linux has hurt my self-esteem03:59
chroot_Seveas: i want to uninstall grub from the hard disk03:59
mumblesfrom xe.com03:59
rekaGarrison: i don't know if ths is what you're looking for, but maybe search around for "splash image"03:59
chroot_howtodo that?03:59
Seveaschroot_, ok, but then you have to put something else in the boot sector03:59
=== peterretief [~peterreti@] has joined #ubuntu
Garrisonmumbles: gb-pounds?03:59
Seveaslike lilo or the windows boot loader03:59
=== qt2 watches KotOR 1 install on Hoary Hedgehog...
chroot_Seveas: using grub unto gentoo03:59
zeenixSeveas, ?03:59
=== sleeper_ [~sleeper@DWM-241-116.go.retevision.es] has joined #ubuntu
ositykubuntu is a dead channel04:00
Garrisonmumbles: 1,231.67 US-$04:00
chroot_i only wany to get rid of grub from this hdd .. on gentoo there is grub already installed04:00
tankiif windows goes bad it gets angry and abuses you.. but if linux goes bad it stays happy and just makes you feel bad about yourself... it's like worse than a mother-in-law at times04:00
=== hondje [~hondje@c-67-174-186-96.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zeenix<zeenix> anyone know how do i enable the root ssh login?04:00
Garrisonmumbles: you could get something REALLY nice for that price.04:00
Seveaschroot_, then remove the grub package04:00
mumblesyeh pitry i havent got it yet :P04:00
action09zeenix  in /etc/sshd_config  PermitRootLogin yes04:00
zeenixSeveas, that would be something in pam configs?04:00
qt2mumbles, er, go get the cheapest laptop option at alienware.com ;)04:00
chroot_Seveas:  how to remove that?04:00
mumbleswant to start saving up for one04:00
action09zeenix  and /etc/init.d/sshd reload04:00
Seveaszeenix, look at what action09 said. You need to enable the root password too04:00
=== Zotnix [martin@ool-457891b5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaschroot_, aptitude purge grub04:00
=== mirak [~c0553202@ip-42.net-81-220-108.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
tankizeenix, nah pam i think is intended to control local auth04:01
mumblesalso want one that will allow me to use ubuntu on it04:01
osityqt2: fujitsu notebooks at www.silicondirect.com  cheap canadian site04:01
pepsixsomeone said xorg -35 was bad.. but i never even saw it in the repository04:01
qt2Garrison, you want to have a background image for your console?04:01
chroot_bash: aptitude: command not found04:01
chroot_Seveas: ??04:01
pepsixim guessing -36 fixed the problem04:01
Seveaspepsix, it's only for breezy04:01
qt2osity, eh?04:01
kaktoswhen i ran apt-get update it gives me errors....04:01
chroot_oh mom04:01
osityqt2: ya04:01
pepsixSeveas, i know ;)04:01
Seveaschroot_, sudo apt-get remove --purge grub04:01
qt2osity, what about it?04:01
osityqt2: do you know raid 1?04:01
Garrisonqt2, not background, but rather on the top-left (or sometimes right) there's a little penguin.04:01
tankizeenix, like for example say you wanted to increase the amount of characters used to login to your linux box, you would hack pam04:01
mirakthere is a problem with toolchain, to compile a cross gcc, I have this problem, either on powerpc or i386 !04:02
mumblesalso need a site that ships to uk04:02
qt2Garrison, err, its in the foreground?04:02
qt2osity, why do you ask04:02
Seveasmirak, try #ubuntu-toolchain04:02
Garrisonqt2, yeah, kinda... Um.. Let me see if I can find a good screen-shot somewhere04:02
osityqt2: cuz i need help setting it up04:02
Seveasthat channel is quite quiet so you might have to wait a while for an answer04:02
delireSeveas: wasn't aware this channel existed04:02
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=== bcroq [~bertrand@bruz.freeskop.net] has joined #ubuntu
tankibe careful around the quiet ones04:03
tankithey're the most likely to snap at any moment04:03
mumblesthis one is nice and active..04:03
=== mAIJK [~m@h54n2c1o1039.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== reka snaps at tanki
mumblesand good help from evyeone04:03
=== ashok [~ashok@] has joined #ubuntu
tankia penguin is nice but imagine it charging at you at 50mph04:03
=== netlander [~alex@gate.montebanato.ro] has joined #ubuntu
Garrisonqt2: here: http://www.a-yu.com/pub/boot.jpg04:03
ashokcan somebody help me04:03
Garrisonashok: if we can.04:04
=== Praetorian1986 [~sander@ip51ccf0d1.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ashoki am unable to open movie files04:04
Seveasashok: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support04:04
Garrisonashok: what type of movie?04:04
delireashok: you need the w32codecs04:04
=== Raskall-gprs [~rolfas@gprs-ggsn5-nat.mobil.telenor.no] has joined #ubuntu
zeenixSeveas, just `sudo passwd` did the trick04:04
tankiashok, what are you using to open them04:04
Garrisonashok: sudo apt-get install xine04:04
ashoki am using totem04:04
Garrisonashok: or gxine04:05
ashokits .dat files04:05
mumblesjust found out why my room smelt so bad04:05
Garrisonashok: ... an imcompleted Kazaa (or of that type) download?04:05
qt2you were in it? :o04:05
Seveasmumbles, you have to take a shower..?04:05
tankimumbles, my cat sneezed when it sniffed my computer chair once04:05
tankii took that as a sign04:05
=== Jason_Dean [RND@ppp1-45.her.forthnet.gr] has left #ubuntu []
=== londonboi2k3 [~Londonboi@82-69-165-102.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ashokthanks for the tips guys, i will try xine04:06
mumblesno had a 1/4 full can of fullers london pride wedged between 2 folders04:06
tankiby the way, 3 hours until the space launch!04:06
=== haven_ [~Haven@68-114-62-43.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ashoki have installed the w32codecs04:06
Garrisonashok: that wont be all you need, it's just a good player. Loads... Shit-loads better then totem04:06
londonboi2k3Afternoon guys04:06
tankiwhat's a fuller04:06
mumblesbeer maker04:07
ashokoki, so xine should do the trick ?04:07
mumblesforog tohow to spell it04:07
rekathere's a few brits in here today04:07
=== aigarius [~aigarius@a130-233-4-123.debconf5.hut.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Garrisonashok: do you have multi-verse in your rep. list?04:07
=== gluon [~gluon@hki1-1-1-e6.hoasnet.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
mumblesyeh but onley one with realy badd typos and spelling04:07
tankiashok, if you have the w32codecs installed, then xine or mplayer or any capable linux video player should play them04:07
haven_Was wondering if anybody can offer help with interuser mail04:08
=== blmartin777 [~brandon@c-67-185-23-199.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
ashokgarrison, sorry , wats multi-verse ?04:08
mumblesunless your sound isent reconlised buy ubuntu yet04:08
londonboi2k3Apt is just upgrading to Breezy, doing this by ssh from work, hope nothing breaks too much :)04:08
delireashok: they are not innately included as they are proprietary, non-free software04:08
tankiashok, just make sure what you're trying to play is a video fil eheh04:08
ashokand wats rep list ?04:08
Seveaslondonboi2k3, X will break04:08
osityraid 1 setup help please04:08
Seveaslondonboi2k3, X is massively broken right now04:08
mumblesopss :p04:08
el_katois there a program like "netlimiter" for linux?04:08
ashokyes, its video file.. i am able to play it in windows04:08
londonboi2k3hmm, really, any way round that?04:08
delirelondonboi2k3: usually an upgrade to openssh-server will restart sshd, but this barely leaves you without a connection. x may break though.04:09
Seveaslondonboi2k3, yes :)04:09
tankiwould i be beat up if i say ubuntu is cooler than debian?04:09
pepsixX always breaks when you install breezy04:09
Seveasdon't use breezy :)04:09
qt2Garrison, only happens on bootup?04:09
pepsixits fun04:09
=== Garrison -- someone help ashok get w32codecs, i dont remember where i got them.
rekatanki: not in here.04:09
rekatanki: #debian on the other hand :)04:09
=== Eko [~E_k_o@macleodsofworcs.plus.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Garrisonqt2: it's always in the actual console04:09
acid2Garrison, its all there04:09
londonboi2k3lol, well it will be fun, i need to reinstall that pc anyway, so just want to see what happens :)04:09
tankireka, i was hunting for linux related posters to decorate my computer room and i found some funny ones04:09
ashokgarrison, i did install w32codecs04:09
acid2ashok, put them in the right place?04:10
qt2Garrison, i was thinking it might be linuxlogo but...04:10
=== sexcopter8000m [~james@82-34-47-19.cable.ubr01.chel.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
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=== Garrison moves car for the wife
tankireka, http://www.arouse.net/despair-linux/debian.jpg04:10
=== kronz [~pete@218-101-15-72.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Ekonone of the vga options change anything, how do i change the buffers?04:10
=== seby [~seby@p54A253C8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
blmartin777how do I change the theme for root?04:11
blmartin777in gnome04:11
=== philwil [~phwil@atlwebproxy2.core.hp.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasEko, the vga options only change the conxoles...04:11
gluonany suggestions for a movie player, other than totem and/or vlc?04:11
=== pitti [~pitti@a130-233-5-91.debconf5.hut.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasand only when rebooting04:11
zeenixthanks guys04:11
tankigluon, mplayer and xine come to mine04:11
qt2Garrison, are you using a framebuffer console?04:11
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haven_anybody help with interuser mail?04:11
gluontanki, mplayer is great but i'd like to have a gtk2 frontend04:11
=== alchemist0405 [~cameron@209-184-24-2.ded.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
tankihmm i dont know about gtk2 but i think xine has gxine04:12
qt2gluon, i thought there was a gtk frontend written for mplayer...04:12
tankimight be a gtk+ frontend tho04:12
=== hac [~user@host19-52.pool8257.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
gluonkoke, i'll check those out... thank you both04:13
=== blmartin777 [~brandon@c-67-185-23-199.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
tankihttp://www.arouse.net/despair-linux/slackware.jpg haha04:13
=== ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #ubuntu
tankiso funny, so true04:13
deliregluon: gmplayer04:13
deliregluon: if compiling: './configure --enable-gui'04:14
mirakSeveas lol thanks, what a surprise04:14
tankireka, well in general if you measure a distro based on the people in the channel, i think ubuntu beats out debian04:14
Garrisonqt2: brb, I'm going to see if it did anything.04:15
=== luzbelito [~marx@80-102-190-156.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu
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rekatanki: hehe.  you shouldn't always trust majority numbers04:15
deliretanki: you can't measure a distro's popularity based on users in an IRC channel, or distrowatch.org.04:15
hmrochaI'd like to ssh to a machine without being asked for a password04:15
rekatanki: look how many people are using windows. :)04:15
=== cemil [~cemil@osten.wh.Uni-Dortmund.DE] has joined #ubuntu
luzbelitohi i cant burn dvd with k3b cd kreator. pls help. it says unknow error 255, looking in web and no solution yet.,04:16
Seveashmrocha, use ssh keys, ssh-agent and ssh-add04:16
deliretanki: have you looked at #windows? ;)04:16
hmrochaI executed the ssh-keygen -t rsa on this computer04:16
tankidelire, yeah but i'm more likely to try ubuntu than debian because i feel like i'm being embraced here, on a technical and spiritual level04:16
Seveasor (shiver) passwordless ssh keys04:16
deliretanki: you're not wrong there. ubuntu has a better community of users, yes.04:16
tankiit needs more blondes tho04:16
tankiyou can never have enough blondes.. i suggest we try to recruit airline stewartesses04:17
qt2tanki, err... theres over 250 more people in #debian than here...04:17
hmrochaSeveas, i've connected to the machine i want and inserted my public key into authorized_keys04:17
tankiwe'll get them hooked on linux's wifi support04:17
luzbelitoanyone can helo me to burn dvd?04:17
qt2tanki, and either way... #gentoo beats them both. ;)04:17
=== xbalanque [~jan@c8d56abc.cps.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
tankii haven't been in their channel04:18
=== ashok [~ashok@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
qt2luzbelito, get k3b from synaptic.04:18
=== Garrison [~Garrison@68-64-153-94.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
cemilanyone, who has AMD64bit Ubuntu?04:18
qt2Garrison, see if what did anything...? <.<;04:18
Poromiescemil: yes o/04:18
Ekocan anyone help me, all i see is coloured squares on the login screen and even when i try to access the console its just shows grey squares??04:18
tankiPoromies, do you have the fx-51 amd chip04:18
Garrisonqt2: that was a no go: passed an undefined mode number, press <enter> for a list, or press space to continue04:18
Poromiesno, i have Turion04:19
GarrisonI tried the vga= line, but it didn't do anything.04:19
rekadelire: #windows: population 804:19
Poromiesits that new mobile model04:19
qt2Garrison, ...err... who told you to try that? :P04:19
tankiPoromies, oh no it's one of the first amd 64bit chips to come out.. desktop04:19
=== smite [~andrew@ome.bioimaging.wi.mit.edu] has joined #ubuntu
rekadelire: thought there would be more people with problems in there...04:19
Garrisonqt2: I did: vga=0x16404:19
xbalanquehi all, I wanted to have gnome load an .Xmodmap file during initialization of the session, do you know of a way to do this ? I remembered it opened a dialog window asking that once, but I was not able to access that window again :(04:19
smitehi - what's a quick way to tell if a linux box has usb 1.1 or 2.0?04:19
rekaqt2: i did04:20
qt2reka, ahhh.. :P04:20
rekaqt2: he wanted to "change the font"04:20
rekaqt2: i thought that was what he wanted.04:20
tankismite, i dont know but you can check the logs, in /var/log/04:20
tankimaybe it's there04:20
=== ReX_ [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu
qt2reka, err... he wants to remove an image from the console.... :o04:20
qt2Garrison, are you using a framebuffer console?04:21
Garrisonqt2, reka: That is what I want. But it's being all bitchy about it. I'll suffer without my little penguin for now, I just hate that 300x200 font04:21
smitetanki: ok... hm or maybe dmesg04:21
Garrisonqt2: how do I tell?04:21
=== sproingie [foobar@64-121-15-14.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
rekaqt2: err..looks like he wants to fix his font first04:21
tankidmesg is nice but it's only a small buffer, so your usb stuff might have already been scrolled out04:21
qt2reka, ah... XD04:21
tankiso it's better to check the written ones, i think dmesg even has its own log04:21
smitetanki: what log file should i check?04:21
qt2reka, sorry, all i saw him mention was the penguin... :P04:22
rekaqt2: he's using ctrl+alt+f1 to get into console iirc04:22
ositysoftware raid help needed!@04:22
smitenone of them look particularly relevant04:22
tankismite, offhand i'd say whichever log syslogd sends kernel.* priority messages too04:22
rekaqt2: is that a framebuffer console?04:22
Garrisonreka: it's the console used when booting.04:22
rekaGarrison: oh, so you disabled gdm?04:22
tankismite, basically what gets sent to /var/log is whatever is listed in /etc/syslog.conf04:22
=== ColonelKernel [ishai@66-214-126-238.bb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Garrisonreka: before gdm is loaded, when its mounting, when it's initializing modules, etc.04:22
Garrisonreka: there's a way you can set that font by appending vga=0x*** to the kernel line in boot.lst04:23
=== haven_ [~Haven@68-114-62-43.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
tankii'm just guessing about kernel though, i'm not sure what usb would be catagorized under, maybe daemon too04:23
rekaGarrison: yeah...changing the vga mode should affect the text you see at that time04:23
rekaGarathor: so that didn't work?04:23
delirereka: hehe windows has no community. 100's of 1000's of people right now with problems, none of which will be heard.04:23
=== rafael [~rafael@129.red-62-57-137.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
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=== foudezic63 is now known as Fumoffu
rekadelire: i'm guesing most of them don't know what IRC is anyway.04:24
Fumoffubonjour :)04:24
=== Fumoffu [~foudezic6@AClermont-Ferrand-251-1-50-82.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
=== reka shouldn't be bagging windows though, he still dualboots
delirereka: similarly when various surveys are done on the relative security of linux vs windows, the number of known bugs are counted. m$ does not publish their bugs/vulnerabilities unless absolutely necessary. hence linux appears to be less secure at a cursory count. we all know that's not true albeit.04:24
=== ccc [~ccc@c-ac0f70d5.015-28-6c6b7010.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
tankiyeah but i wouldn't be critical of those people either04:24
=== Garrison jumps around like a buck-toothed-fairy
haven_Can anyone help with telling GDM to drop to the console?04:25
tankiafterall, does your mom know how to re-build her automobile's engine?04:25
tankidoes that make her stupid04:25
rekaGarrison: sound fixed?  i thought you were doing fonts now. :)04:25
Garrisonreka: that's just it, I was screwing with fonts, rebooted, then that nvidia shit dissapeared.04:25
=== dylan_ [~dylan@ppp-68-251-58-97.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
rekaGarrison: heh04:25
dylan_is there any type of software that will enlarge the size of a file?04:25
tankibelieve it or not there are people out there that just want their computer to perform task A and task B and aren't concerned about the technical side of it04:25
sJaMenlarge the size of a file ?04:26
DiscipulusWhat up PEOPLE?04:26
tankiuntil something goes wrong.. in which case they offer a caffeinated beverage to their company's computer guy or geeky friend to fix it04:26
deliredylan_: hehe just write a whole bunch of 0's in there.04:26
rekaGarrison: i'd still be wondering wtf happened though :)04:26
haven_Can anyone help with telling GDM to drop to the console?04:26
mumbles(tanki) believe it or not there are people out there that just want their computer to perform task A and task B and aren't concerned about the technical side of it --- wtf thats what makes it fun04:26
=== osity [~os@d57-50-77.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
sJaMfor what purpose you want to have it enlarged ?04:27
Garrisonreka: Ubuntu has taught me not to dwell on details.04:27
=== neuneu [~human2760@] has joined #ubuntu
sJaMdylan_,  for what purpose you want to have it enlarged ?04:27
=== cbruggeman [~cbruggema@] has joined #ubuntu
Garrisonreka: "dont ask, dont tell, just accept and be happy"04:27
luzbelitoqt2: i get k3b, installed it but it can't burn dvd: returns error 225 and stops04:28
rekaGarrison: so you're a "bash the tv on the side" type of person? :D04:28
=== weiers [~weiers@] has joined #ubuntu
Garrisonreka: I've kicked a $2000 machine out the 2nd floor window because Windows wouldn't enable directdraw.04:28
DiscipulusGarrison, heh04:29
rekaGarrison: i'm a "f*** it, reinstall time" person unfortunately. :)04:29
DiscipulusGarrison, you paid for it?04:29
londonboi2k3guys, just a question, I have created a dyndns script to update my ip address, how where do i need to put it to load on reboot, say as the last thing before X to start?04:29
GarrisonAll: Yeah, but I made a better system.04:29
hondjeI love expensing04:29
=== Alfa|WERK [~AlfaWolph@] has joined #ubuntu
GarrisonThen went LuBix04:29
tankimumbles, all i know is i had a humble experience when i ran into an automechanic friend of mine and he started talking shop with me.. i was so lost04:29
tankibut he was just as lost when i talk computers04:29
delirelondonboi2k3: use /etc/init.d and then update-rc.d (read manpages about the latter)04:29
londonboi2k3dellire: Thanks :)04:30
weiersHi... I know I should have done it the other way around, but I was perhaps overzealous and used the occasion of replacing a broken harddrive to clear my computer of any semblance of Windows and to only install Ubuntu. Now my wife dearest is beginning to rebel. She does not have the energy to learn new ways of doing things and I realise I need to reinstall windows. How do I now create an open partition that I can use to install windows?04:30
delirelondonboi2k3: np04:30
hmrochaSeveas, each time I open a terminal window and ssh to the remote machine, it asks me for a passphrase04:30
hmrochaSeveas, can I set it forever?04:30
mumblestanki yeh... then you relises that people know more about there subject thatn you do04:30
tankithen it occured to me, maybe how i felt around him with cars is how a lot of people feel around us when it comes to computers04:30
delirehmrocha: yes, use ssh keys04:30
sJaMa new hard drive weiers04:30
=== randykay [~randykay@] has joined #ubuntu
Seveashmrocha, probably the passphrase for your ssh key04:30
Garrisonreka: 1) bash  2) kick  3) turn upside down  4) buy propane + nozzle + lighter04:30
randykayMorning all.04:30
sJaMsaving mbr04:30
sJaMcreate a grub floppy04:30
Seveashmrocha, you can use ssh-agent, then you will have to typw it once per boot04:30
sJaMthat will do04:30
tankiand it doesn't mean they're more or less intelligent than us, it's just a matter of application..04:30
hmrochaI have used ssh-agent04:31
ositydoes anyone in here know saftware raid?04:31
rekaGarrison: are you a parent? :)04:31
mumblestanki yeh04:31
tankii'm sure if i put my mind to it, i can read up and learn about automobiles and stuff, but i'm just happy with having one take me from point a to point b..04:31
randykayIs there a way to set the printer fonts in Evolution.  Mine are way too big.04:31
delirehmrocha: 'ssh-agent bash; ssh-add' is the way to go04:31
mumblesmy pushbike works04:31
qt2http://sa-store.com/shop.php?category_id=4 <- ...someone explain that to me?04:31
mumblesthats all i care about...04:31
=== phyrster [[U2FsdGVkX@c9217a91f7ba16fd.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu
Garrisonreka: nope, I'm 21, married, have 2 cats, a dog, and a nice ass street-racer04:31
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mumblessometimes i oil the chain but thats about it04:31
weierssJaM, do I understand you right that I need to buy a second harddrive? Can I not resize my /home partition04:32
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tankithe downside is that if something goes wrong, we have to take it in to a shop to get them to fix it04:32
rekaGarrison: was gonna say...wouldn't want to get in trouble if i was your kid with that method :)04:32
HostingGeekfrom our friend a GNOME developer04:32
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HostingGeek<davyd> mjg59: I think they should sell advertising on the Ubuntu installer04:32
sJaMwell you could do that also weiers04:32
phyrstergkrellm has a mail check function, and I use mutt to read my mail, but how can I launch mutt without lauching a console first??04:32
sJaMbut you have to have a rescue floppy04:32
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tankiand another downside is we can't modify or custimize our cars like the pro's do04:32
HostingGeekMore money for ubuntu == better stuff in debian04:32
sJaMsince windows replaces the mbr04:32
hmrochaSeveas, "identity added..."04:32
delireHostingGeek: that is clearly a joke.04:32
rekaweiers: you can probably resize the ubuntu partition to make some free space04:32
tankiit's just a balancing scale04:32
glyphphyrster: xterm -e mutt04:32
tankibut that doesn't make us stupid04:32
HostingGeekdelire: no its not04:32
Garrisonreka: nah, as Denis Leary says "I dont have to beat them, I find waving the gun around pretty much gets the same job done"04:32
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weiersSjam (REKA) how do I resize the partition?04:33
rg58smasomeone give a hang with samba and windows me04:33
hmrochaSeveas, i'm logged in without a password, now I'll try closing the gnome-terminal and opening it again04:33
glyphwhen is breezy going to be ready for user testing? :)04:33
rekaweiers: after installing windows, you'll need to restore grub to be able to boot back into ubuntu.04:33
tankii'll be honest, everytime i take my car to a mechanic i bring a candle and pray in the waiting room hoping they dont rip me off04:33
ubuntu-server irc.foreverchat.net04:33
HostingGeekdelire: ubuntu could make about $1m... and I prooved it to #gnome just before04:33
delireHostingGeek: the installer is a once read ad then. why not a bootsplash ad? anyway, he's joking.04:33
ubuntu-server irc.foreverchat.net04:33
sJaMthe eaiset way is I think04:33
sJaMtar everything to a other hdd04:33
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sJaMon network04:33
sJaMrepartition with fdisk,cfdisk04:33
sJaMand put it back04:33
=== Scroopy [~dscroop@dsl-203-113-236-145.SA.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
hmrochaSeveas, it still asks me for the passphrase04:34
rekasJaM: what about gparted?04:34
rg58smahelp with samba04:34
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cccanyone good with hardware? i have some questions on connecting both ata/s-ata devices in ubuntu...04:34
=== aethyr [~aethyr@dyn006651-twr2-student.cpmc.columbia.edu] has joined #ubuntu
phyrsterglyph: thanks04:34
Seveashmrocha, you need to start ssh-agent from the gnome startup04:34
rasputniktanki: but you don't call the car stupid because you were too lazy too learn how the engine works04:34
adwaithey pplcan someone tell me, what's a "reputation" on ubuntuforums?04:34
pepsiwee.. i upgraded my breezy install cause i didnt believe all this talk of X being "broken"04:34
Seveashmrocha, and run ssh-add once in a terminal04:34
phyrsteranyone uses fetchmail as a demon in /etc/init.d?04:34
Garrisonreka: I'm having a small problem; No volume control on my box, is in control of my fiber-optic S/PDIF out.. :-/04:34
delireSeveas: i wasn't aware gnome provided this feature. very nice.04:34
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Scroopycan anyone here help me out with a wireless issue/04:34
Seveasadwait, some crap implemeted by them04:34
pepsiits broken alright :D04:34
weiersreka: I tried qparted, but It is not as user friendly as partition magic and I don't really know how to work it. Perhaps it is just best to back-up the data and then install windows, and re-install ubuntu afterwards.04:34
hmrochaSeveas, run ssh-add in .bashrc?04:35
adwaitseveas: hmm.......04:35
phyrsterhow the hell does fetchmail know where to put retrieved mail?04:35
tankirasputnik, oh hell yes i do :)04:35
nightswimit sends them to user@localhost04:35
nightswimat least04:35
tankii verbally abuse my automobile04:35
nightswimthat's what it does here04:35
Seveashmrocha, no04:35
rekaweiers: that's what i've always done. :)04:35
Nermalrg58sma, #samba ?04:35
Seveashmrocha, run it manually04:35
sJaMI don't know gparted reka04:35
rg58smaok thnks04:35
delirehmrocha: FYI i 'ssh-agent bash; ssh-add', that enables a single terminal session.04:35
Garrisontanki: i sexually abuse my automobile... >:)04:35
Scroopycan anyone help the noobalishis Scroopy, if so please PM me, its about a wireless network card04:35
rekaweiers: if you're happy to do that....04:35
phyrsterI put fetchmailrc to /etc/ and uses a demon to get mail for user 'me', but I can't get anymail deliverd to my mailbox.04:36
Nermalpepsi, modules are now in a different package04:36
phyrstermikl: what?04:36
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weiersI'm not entirely happy, but I am not sure if I have the network resources to tar my files onto another drive.04:36
tankii swear, if my car was a teenager i'd mock it so bad that it would develope an eating disorder04:36
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hmrochadelire, but if I always have to enter the passphrase, what's the difference if I have to enter the remote password or not?04:36
phyrsternightswim: what..04:36
Seveastanki, Garrison keep it on topic please...04:36
phyrstermikl: sorry typo04:36
rekaweiers: yeah, i haven't used another method really, so i can't really recommend anything.04:36
Nermalweiers, just use gparted as suggested04:36
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delirehmrocha: the point is to enter it once per session, not every time you need to connect to the host.04:36
Garrisontanki: lmao... i'll kick it when it does bad, and rub the dash slowly with a somewhat disturbing manner when it wins a race. :-D04:36
GarrisonSeveas; sorry, that will be the last (from me anyway)04:37
phyrsternightswim: but when I put fetchmail in ~ it sends to my mutt box.04:37
pepsiNermal: ok :)04:37
hmrochadelire, i should always leave a terminal open right?04:37
phyrsternightswim: without configuration of whereabout of mailbox>..04:37
delirehmrocha: eg if your computer had 2 years of uptime, and you didn't kill the terminal (the designated ssh-agent) then you would never need to type the passphrase for that time.04:37
rekaGarrison: fibre-optic....that's network related right?  i've got no clue bout networking i'm afraid04:37
Garrisonreka: fibre-optic is also used for audio... (has been for a few years)04:37
Seveashmrocha, of you run ssh-agent from the gnome starup stuff the agent will be session-wide04:37
Nermalpepsi, forgotten the package name though :|04:37
delirehmrocha: well not if anyone else has physical access to the machine, no. that would be a risk04:37
Seveashmrocha, that means you should use ssh-add only once04:38
Nermalpepsi, aptitude search xorg |grep modules04:38
NermalI guess04:38
Seveasand for that session no more04:38
sJaMweiers, you don't have to reinstall ubuntu04:38
rekaGarrison: forgive me...i'm still using dialup....:)04:38
hmrochaSeveas, ok, i'll try using ssh-agent in gnome startup04:38
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Garrisonreka: Ouch...04:38
delirehmrocha: Seveas's suggestion sounds more enticing than my per terminal client system here. i would look into this.04:38
sJaMjust reinstall grub04:38
Seveasdelire, I use it this exact way :)04:38
rasputnikhmrocha: you reuse the RSA key on multiple machines, but only have to enter the passphrase once04:38
Seveasdelire, enter password once and go :)04:38
hmrochaStartup programs - Add - ssh-agent ?04:38
Scroopycan anyone help?????04:38
=== aethyr [~aethyr@dyn006651-twr2-student.cpmc.columbia.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Seveashmrocha, yes04:39
Garrisonreka: 9Mbit down, 1.5Mbit up (or whatever 1MB/s down, and 100KB/s up is)04:39
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phyrstereven I configured in fetchmailrc 'user x there is user y here' it still does not deliver mail......04:39
sJaMssh-agent is already started with x04:39
Scroopykinda wanna fix b4 i pass out cos i so tired04:39
hondjessh-agent is nice04:39
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SeveassJaM, is that so..?04:39
weiersSJaM (By the way... how do you get your responses to me to be a different colour?) how do I not reinstall ubuntu? I am sorry for asking the ignorant questions. I am learning quickly, but not too quick.04:39
=== Goshawk [~Goshawk@host195-96.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
mumblesgo tto finish tideying my room or i will probally be kicked out04:39
Seveasweiers, boo04:39
hmrochaI'll try logging out and in again, brb04:39
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delireSeveas: very nice..04:39
Seveasweiers, this has a different color too :)04:39
adwaitweiers: anytime anyone mentions ur name in a sentence, it appears to u in a different colour :)04:39
Scroopyis ther eno brave soul to tackle the problems of a 19 yo linux noob?04:39
=== LaLu [~LaLu@AMontsouris-151-1-13-211.w82-123.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
weiersThanks Seveas and adwait now I know.04:40
adwaitScroopy: problems like.......04:40
rasputnikScroopy: say what they are firstn04:40
rekaweiers: colour settings are local to your IRC client.  when people put your name in their message, it'll be higlighted for you.04:40
SeveasScroopy, just state the problems...04:40
sJaMyep Seveas04:40
=== reka realises he was slow as usual
Scroopyok, put simply, i have a Belkin PCI Wireless car dinstalle din my PC04:40
sJaMjust do a ps aux | grep ssh-agent04:40
=== AstralJava [~jaska@cm-062-241-217-117.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Scroopyhow do i get it to work on Ubuntu04:40
adwaitreka: :D04:40
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SeveassJaM, hmm04:41
=== reka shakes fist at adwait
rekaadwait: i've shaken my fist at you before haven't i? :)04:41
adwaitScroopy: hv u installed drivers for it?04:41
drummer87hi all, i need help.. i have a panel that's stuck04:41
Scroopyno, i am unaware as to where to get them04:41
weiers:-) sorry for the distraction reka adwait Seveas04:41
cmathesondrummer87: what do you mean "stuck"?04:41
adwaitreka: yup.......hence the :D at "reka is slow again, as usual :D"04:41
adwaitweiers:  :)04:41
SeveasScroopy, what does lspci say?04:41
SeveasScroopy, paste the output of it on a pastebin04:42
drummer87i changed the orientation in panel properties and it's now stuck in the middle of my desktop and i can't drag it anywhere04:42
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deliredrummer87: 'killall gnome-panel && gnome-panel' for a temporary fix (perhaps - no gnome here)04:42
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rekaweiers: no need to apologise04:42
=== delire forgets if it is 'gnome-panel'
pepsiNermal: grepping for drivers and input is more interesting :)04:42
drummer87killall gnome-panel didn't help when i tried it04:42
deliredrummer87: 'ps ax | grep panel' and then kill -9 <processnumber>04:43
drummer87ooh.. now it did04:43
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deliredrummer87: ok04:43
hmrochaSeveas, didn't work04:43
drummer87didn't work the first time i did killall04:43
drummer87thanks anyway04:43
hmrochaI tried adding the command "ssh-agent"04:43
hmrochaand "ssh-agent bash"04:43
weiersOK -- new question (I'll go and play with qparted again) ... Printing problems with CUPS over network. My computer is connected to the same network as my wife's computer. I have a Laserjet set up on my computer. We both run Ubuntu and I think CUPS is enabled. My wife's computer is set up to see my printer on my IP address, but when I print, the file spools, but my printer is never activated? What am I doing wrong.04:44
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hmrochaSeveas, do i have to add the command "ssh-agent bash; ssh-add" ?04:44
Seveashmrocha, my mistake04:44
Seveasyou don't need to add ssh-agent to the gnome startup04:44
Seveasyou just need to run ssh-add from a terminal (not in .bashrc)04:44
Nermalpepsi, oops04:44
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deliredrummer87: 'for i in $(ps -C programname -o pid=); do kill -9 $i; done' can often be good for processes with several dependent process threads. be careful though ;)04:45
=== DelPede [~Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
hmrochaSeveas, but if I run ssh-add from a terminal, if i close the terminal and open another one, i have to run ssh-add again.04:45
ashokguys, pls suggest a gud download manager04:45
hmrochaThe simple solution is always have a terminal open.04:45
Nermalxdownload ?04:45
sJaMwget ashok04:45
Seveashmrocha, try ssh-add, close terminal, open terminal ssh-add -l04:45
Nermalashok, please type properly04:45
Seveaswhat does that ssh-add -l say?04:45
delirehmrocha: this is why Seveas suggests using the gnome feature which makes the whole gnome session an 'ssh-agent'04:45
Nermalwget rocks :)04:46
sJaMhmrocha, don't you get a default ssh-agent if you log in04:46
Seveasdelire, that was a mistake from me04:46
Seveasdelire, the X startup scripts already do that04:46
delireSeveas: ahah, ok.04:46
ashokcan i resume downloads in wget ?04:46
hmrochaSeveas, 1024..... /home/.... (RSA)04:46
Seveashmrocha, if you did not restart X yet you might have a lot of agents lingering around, try killall ssh-agent and logout+login04:47
Nermalashok, yah.. with -C04:47
sJaMashok, just do wget -c04:47
delireashok: use 'wget -c http://site.com/file' first04:47
Nermalah.. lowercase c04:47
Seveasgwget is nice too04:47
hmrochaSeveas, ok, i'll try that04:47
ashokthanks guys, i will try wget now04:47
Nermalis a plugin to enhance the firefox download manager04:48
=== SDFH_Linux [~moo@adsl-065-006-180-151.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
adwaitashok: if u want, u can download downloader for x, which is a nice GUI download manager04:48
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Nermalargh.. textspeak!04:48
=== Tsuroerusu [~troels@0x535c2fa4.slnxx1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ccci have some trouble connecting a s-ata device in ubuntu... anyone available to help out? i have some more or less odd questions. =)04:49
phyrsterwhen I select some texts with mouse, I can ues middle click to paste them, but04:49
adwaitNermal: who me?04:49
Seveasccc, just ask :)04:49
phyrstercan is there a a shortcut for keyboard? that equals to middle click?04:49
Nermalshift-insert ?04:49
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sJaMboth at ones Seveas, left and right click04:49
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phyrsterNermal: shift-insert pastes the previous selection sometimes04:50
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phyrsterNermal: I am using kde04:50
hmrochaSeveas, i have killed all the ssh-agents (3 of them)04:50
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hmrochalogged out and in again04:50
Seveashmrocha, good04:50
Seveasnow try ssh-add -l04:50
=== sJaM finds in xorg.conf: Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
hmrochaI'll now open a terminal and run ssh-add04:50
=== Leo_V2 [~Crazy_jyr@cm185.sigma204.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
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ashokwhere can i find softwares and updates for linux04:50
hmrochaThe agent has no identities.04:50
Seveashmrocha, good!04:50
Leo_V2hi guys!04:51
Seveasnow try ssh-add once04:51
Nermalashok, apt04:51
Nermalthe web04:51
Nermallook around04:51
hmrochaSeveas, identity added...04:51
Nermalfreshmeat.net / gnomefiles.org04:51
Seveashmrocha, now close terminal and in a new one type ssh-add -l04:51
Leo_V2how can i update the firefox in the live cd?04:51
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NermalLeo_V2, erm.. you can't ?04:51
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adwaitashok: apt-get, u can get any software with that (almost) and u can update ur syten with apt-get upgrade04:51
SeveasLeo_V2, updates on the liveCD are lost when you reboot04:51
Nermaladwait, yes you04:51
Nermaland others04:52
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hmrochaSeveas, 1024.../home...(RSA) :)04:52
ashokthanks adwait04:52
=== Kaelen [Kaelen@abo-56-6-68.ech.modulonet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasadwait, please try to spell properly...04:52
Leo_V2possible for hack or anything?04:52
cccSeveas: my motherboard has both ata- and s-ata-connectors, and i have 5 ata devices (4 hds and 1 dvdburner), and i just got me a ata->s-ata converter. however, my bios only lists 4 devices... and um, in ubuntu the device manager has an entry called "via vt6420 sata raid controller", with a "scsi host interface" as a sub-category. any ideas? maybe this is more of a hardware issue than an ubuntu issue...04:52
Seveashmrocha, and now try ssh to the host04:52
NermalLeo_V2, well.. yes.. but all changes are lost anyway04:52
cccthe dvdburner is now on the s-ata controller with the converter...04:52
adwaitSeveas: well........its just shorted that way, be thankful I haven't dropped any vowels ;)04:52
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hmrochaSeveas, you're the king, thanks very very much04:52
HrdwrBoBccc: don't do that04:52
HrdwrBoBccc: use a drive04:53
HrdwrBoBccc: the burner won't work04:53
rdamatoHey folks!04:53
adwaitSeveas: just think.......u would just be svs04:53
Leo_V2oh ya04:53
HrdwrBoBsimple as that :)04:53
=== tombs [~tombs@h141156.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasadwait, shortened, obnoxious and sometimes hard to understand....04:53
Leo_V2why is the whole interface off the screen slightly?04:53
Seveasccc, hmm, sata/pata converters.... never had any experience with those...04:53
cccHrdwrBoB: ok... but it should still find it, shouldn't it?04:53
HrdwrBoBccc: no04:53
Leo_V2mine is a bit off the screen..04:53
Nermaladwait, you have over 100 keys in front of you.. use them :P04:53
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-121-123.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
HrdwrBoBccc: SATA1 only supports hard drives04:53
Leo_V2could it be a driver error?04:53
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cccHrdwrBoB: ah allright... thanks a lot.04:53
SeveasHrdwrBoB, ah04:53
khurtiz2i have a problem turning off ipv6 for firefox. Page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3713 suggests I do so by editing  /etc/modutils/aliases ... however that file does not exist!! am I missing something?04:53
rdamatoJust a simple ??  If I have Ubuntu on my master IDE drive and bootable '98 on my slave, is there a way to make the boot loader hit the slave to load Windoze?04:53
=== jackobill [~jackobill@modemcable094.69-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
cccthanks guys.04:54
NermalLeo_V2, well.. use the monitor controls :|04:54
adwaitNermal: hmm......maybe i should04:54
Seveaskhurtiz2: Open firefox and go to about:config. Now search for network.dns.disableIPV6 and set that value to true. Restart Firefox to see the effect.04:54
HrdwrBoBccc: no problems :)04:54
hmrochaSeveas, working fine :)04:54
hmrochaSeveas, thanks for help, really.04:54
Seveashmrocha, good :)04:54
adwaitNermal: lemme guess........you're an english prof/purist aren't you?04:54
=== stefan_dk [~stefan@0x535d66ea.boanxx16.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalno.. just a polite geek who spends a little time typing legible answers04:54
Leo_V2monitor controls only allow me to chainge resloustion04:54
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khurtiz2thanks seveas :)04:54
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cyrille_Hello !04:55
NermalLeo_V2, oh.. erm... change the refresh rate then04:55
=== mirak [~c0553202@ip-42.net-81-220-108.rev.numericable.fr] has left #ubuntu []
Leo_V2the whole screen is off..04:55
Nermalsystem -> preferences04:55
cyrille_I'm looking for a dvdauthor front-end, any suggestions ?04:55
Nermalfor the love of god04:55
adwaitNermal: hey....textspeak IS legible....everyone has a cell phone right? anyway.....I am spelling properly see.....? (sheesh....even using the captilisation for the "I")04:56
Nermaladwait, hush04:56
=== hack_benjamin [~hope@host81-159-64-188.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== adwait hushes up
Leo_V2possible to pop the live cd when ubantu is running?04:56
hack_benjaminanyone recommend any good file managers (like nautilus and rox but neither of these), and not gentoo either ;)04:56
=== Aragorn_Guardian [~Aragorn_G@14271229.rjo.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
cmathesonhack_benjamin: mc, if you really have to use one of those things04:56
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devioshack_benjamin: what are you looking for that the others don't have04:57
Leo_V2possible to pop out the live cd after ubantu started?04:57
Nermalhack_benjamin, define "good"04:57
delirehack_benjamin: vifm is excellent04:57
Leo_V2i need to use my drive..04:57
devioshack_benjamin: midnight commander?04:57
NermalLeo_V2, try it :)04:57
Leo_V2and the darn live cd in drive![04:57
Leo_V2any one tired?04:58
rekaLeo_V2: it's locked iirc04:58
NermalLeo_V2, aye.. some people can be04:58
hack_benjamincheers guys, im just trying some out (still prefer CLI atm)04:58
=== mxpxpod is now known as mx|gone
Nermal"allows you to run from the cd!" "I want to use a different cd!"04:58
SeveasLeo_V2, afaik you can't eject the livecd on a running system...04:58
ivoksis it only me, or ubuntu-lists have no posts?04:58
Nermalwhat do you people want, blood? the moon on a stick?04:58
adwaitLeo_V2: i believe thr is a way to load the CD to RAM (provided u hv enuff......uuhh.....enough RAM)04:58
=== rdamato Is trying to figure out this damn bootloader...
=== martigan_nl [~erik@j126187.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasivoks, now that you mention it...04:58
Nermalyou're running the os off the cd.. the cd is needed to load the programs off that won't fit in memory..04:59
Nermaland you want to take the fscking cd out?04:59
Nermalyou could always install ubuntu!04:59
Leo_V2i need to load some data in the system..04:59
NermalLeo_V2, tough04:59
Leo_V2i am hopeless hooked to winxp04:59
Nermaluse other means04:59
Nermalusb stick or something04:59
Leo_V2i am really new to linux04:59
Leo_V2chose ubuntu for starting..05:00
Nermalits very simple05:00
Nermalvery very simple05:00
Nermalyou are running the os from the cd.. therefor the cd needs to be in the computer05:00
rdamatoIt is in BSD at least....05:00
Leo_V2i can do that if i have 2 drive rite>05:00
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=== Nermal sets up a cron job to remind Leo_V2 to breathe :|
NermalLeo_V2, you could yes05:01
rdamatoSo when I have ubuntu installed I can simply choose to boot the MS IDE drive somehow?05:01
khurtiz2doze sux, i've been a micro$oft addict since dos 3.30, through fsking win 3.11, 98, 2k, xp ... i've seen the light now. I've gone cold turkey on Doze and am now running ubuntu. Anyone got any experience here with Kylix? I'm a long-time Delphi dev, so kylix kinda makes sense ... or does it???05:01
=== jackobill [~jackobill@modemcable094.69-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalrdamato, sure :)05:01
Nermalyou get a menu05:01
Nermallets you chose ubuntu or windows05:01
rdamatoIn BSD I'm used to just typing "Windows" at the "boot:" prompt...05:01
jackobillhow do I apply a patch to file? what is the command to do that?05:02
rdamatoThank you Nermal!!!05:02
Leo_V2btw why did the live cd never ask me for a password for a root?05:02
cmathesonkhurtiz2: imho it's not the best choice... not many people are using it.  you may be better checking out another rad scripting language like ruby or python05:02
pepsiNermal: got it :D    i had to replace `Driver "keyboard"` with `Driver "kbd"` in xorg.conf as well05:02
Nermalrdamato, you get a nice grub splash screen :)05:02
Nermalpepsi, rightho.. see .. this is why we need a seperate breezy channel05:02
Nermalthat isn't a development channel :|05:02
rdamatoI wanted to ask B4 I write over my 160GB with Ubuntu now that windoze has been offloaded to a slave!05:02
khurtiz2cmatheson but those are interpreted ... guess gcc++ is best for realtime dev? I'm doing streaming media ....05:03
Nermalpepsi, looking at some of the people here, I think that channel is aliased to #ubuntu05:04
cmathesonkhurtiz2: oh, i didn't realize that delphi wasn't interpreted (i always thought it was similar to vb...), i guess it really boils down to if you're trying to distribute this to many people or not... if this is an in-house thing kylix might be great.  if you're trying to gain steam as an oss project though, g++ may be the better choice05:04
delirekhurtiz2 yes c++ is best, or look into using python and compiling c modules.05:04
Leo_V2kubantu got any screen?05:04
Leo_V2i can't find it on any webby..05:04
=== rdamato is bowing in thanks to all.
pepsiNermal: aw05:04
delirekhurtiz2: *.pyc, this gives some optomisation.05:04
NermalLeo_V2, well.. it's kde05:04
Leo_V2i am totally new..05:05
=== Nermal screams
Nermallook there05:05
delireNermal: be patient.05:05
Nermalthen look at apple.com/store05:05
Nermaldelire, hush05:05
Leo_V2anyone use a mac OS?05:05
=== Chillout [~chillout@p54BFA9BF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
delireNermal: with new users patience is often required.05:06
khurtiz2umm isn't this #ubuntu? not #os10 ? :)05:06
Nermaldelire, I don't want users like that! I want them to stay on windows and macs!05:06
poningruI had a question what is the backported thing that shown on the ubuntuguide.org05:06
poningruin the repositories?05:06
delireLeo_V2: yes i have, i dislike OSX personally.05:06
Nermalgedditoff! gedditoff!05:06
delireNermal: then you shouldn't be here05:06
jackobillhow do I apply a patch to a file? what is the command to do that?05:06
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cmathesonNermal: you should really probably just /ignore rather than harass people to much though (but i know how you feel)05:06
Chillouthi folks, how does one register its nick?05:06
Dorwardjackobill: "patch" :)05:06
delireNermal: you're getting closer.05:06
NermalI help people who aren't stupid :)05:07
DorwardChillout: msg nickserv help05:07
Nermalcmatheson, I guess05:07
Leo_V2at least mac os is like 10X betetr than winxp05:07
pepsixChillout, /ns register <password>05:07
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pepsixChillout, and /ns help05:07
delireNermal: i have been helping people with Linux for close to 6 years in IRC, and this is advise i often need to take myself. it is not intended as an insult. Ubuntu seeks to be inclusive. your expressed attitude currently opposes that commitment.05:08
rdamatoLeo_V2: I think MacOS rocks.  If I had a G5 I'd probably not be here!05:08
Nermalhere we have someone who is "very new" and is holding down the j key while pasting illegible sideways japanese smilies to the channel05:08
Nermalrather than asking a specific question05:08
Nermaldelire, I've been running #suse for 7. deal.05:08
Chilloutty ill try05:08
delireNermal: no need to feel competitive. just relax or don't answer those that you cannot answer with patience.05:09
rdamatoLeo_V2: At least a MacOS based on BSD does!05:09
khurtiz2i thought osx was debian based?05:09
delirehehe no it's not05:09
delirefar from it.05:09
Leo_V2it is unix based05:09
khurtiz2kk :)05:09
delireLeo_V2: albeit a little broken in that sense.05:09
squinnHi, my firefox isn't opening,.05:10
=== gm78 [~gm78@S01060004e28f5eac.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalsquinn, more info05:10
squinnNermal, I was typing it.05:10
khurtiz2first turn on pc05:10
Nermalsquinn, and?05:10
Nermallets bleed the problem out shall we?05:10
squinnThe only real error I get is from gnome-vfs: (Gecko:6757): libgnomevfs-WARNING **: Cannot create pipe for GnomeVFSProcess initialization: Too many open files05:10
squinnNermal, sorry, I type slow.05:10
Nermalthat doesn't look good05:10
squinnEpiphany doesn't seem to work either.05:11
deliretime to go. hasta luego all.05:11
squinnI don't even use epiphany, just installed it to test.05:11
Nermalsounds like gnome-vfs has gone a bit icky05:11
Nermalis ps ax looking ok ?05:11
supernixI can't get none of the midi files I have to work05:11
Scroopyok people, trying to install Belkin Drivers for my wireless PCI card05:11
NermalScroopy, ndiswrapper ?05:11
Scroopyany advise as WINE wont install the windows drivers05:11
Scroopyand i have ndiswrapper installed05:11
dylan_does anybody know a place that i can get good linux wallpaper?05:12
squinnps ax?05:12
Nermalany runaway processes ?05:12
cmathesondylan_: art.gnome.org?05:12
Scroopyim a noob to linux so i wouldnt know05:12
Scroopylspci detects the card is there05:12
khurtiz2anyone got any exp developing mp4 streaming apps? please join new chan #mp4stream, I don't wanna load down #ubuntu with my stooopid questions ... ty :)05:12
=== Quest-Master [~Quest-Mas@c-24-99-26-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nermaldylan_, linuxart.com ?05:12
squinnOh right.05:12
squinnLooks pretty normal, Nermal.05:13
gm78Scroopy, post the output of lspci that is relevant to the card05:13
=== Hackmo [~sean13@82-41-83-57.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
dylan_thanks for the art sites, guys05:13
Scroopy0000:03:02.0 Network controller: RaLink Ralink RT2500 802.11 Cardbus Reference Card (rev 01)05:13
gm78Scroopy, if u google for that chipset, it will tell u whether linux has native support for the device. if it doesnt, go to the ndiswrapper home page and it gives instructions for installing it05:14
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gm78Scroopy, keep in mind that ndiswrapper, well working good, doesnt support 100% of all devices05:15
Scroopythanks gm7505:15
Juhazit has native support05:15
Scroopyit supports this05:15
gm78Scroopy, 78 :-P05:15
Juhazpretty buggy drivers, though, but they work well enough on hoary05:15
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=== pacino [~nils@p549A7FBF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
gm78Scroopy, is ubuntu detecting the device?05:15
pacinoi use windows and ubuntu05:16
Scroopyyes it is detecting it05:16
gm78pacino, hi05:16
olais it possible to change all filepermissions in a catalogue (and subcatalogues) to 0644 and all catalogues (and subcatalogues) to 0755 ?05:16
=== redtech [~reddog@redtech.user] has joined #ubuntu
Scroopyi have gone to ndiswrpaper instruction site05:16
=== martink [~martin@p54B381A1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
pacinocan anybody say me how i can do it that windows will boot first with grub and not ubuntu first05:16
=== lakin [~lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Scroopymake distclean05:16
Scroopyit gives me that command05:16
Scroopywhere do i enter that?05:16
gm78Scroopy, its seeing it, but is it actually detecting it as a network card? according to Juhaz it is supported natively05:16
olapicasso, check in /boot/grub/menu.lst05:17
Scroopyhow do i chek that?05:17
Nermalpacino, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:17
squinnNermal: I found something of interest..but I need to show you in #flood05:17
pacinonano -w/boot/grub/menu.lst05:17
pacinolike this05:17
Nermalwith a sudo :)05:17
=== holycow [~a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
gm78Scroopy, open System >> Administration >> Network05:17
olapicasso, sorry.. ill check.. i might have tied05:18
pacinoso how nermal05:18
gm78Scroopy, how many network cards do u have in the computer?05:18
khurtiz2ok can somebody explain to me what the sudo command is?05:18
Scroopyit onyl has my ethernet controller05:18
=== Dorward [~david@1-1-3-5a.asp.sth.bostream.se] has left #ubuntu []
spamalopekhurtiz2: man sudo05:18
Amaranthkhurtiz2: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo05:18
Scroopyand a modem conection05:18
Scroopybut i have no modem installed05:18
khurtiz2okies :) ty05:18
Nermalpacino, told you05:18
Nermaledit the order05:18
pacinosudo nano -w/boot/grub/menu.lst05:18
Nermalself explanitory file05:18
Nermalso fucking rude05:18
olapicasso, first.. you use grub?05:18
=== Nermal [~pprior@pc2.packadsl.ftech.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Juhazgm78, Scroopy I mean there are native drivers, but they're not included in vanilla kernel, can't remember if there are ubuntu package05:18
Scroopydo u have them?05:19
gm78Scroopy, brb05:19
pacinohey where can i do it that windows will boot first with grub and not ubuntu05:19
Chillouthi folks, heres the prob: i want to install "bibus" for oOo vias synaptic (reps added are deb http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/bibus-biblio & deb-src http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/bibus-biblio ./). when i try it tells me it cant because it requires python <2.4 but ubuntu would install/has installed 4.0.1. I have installed python 2.2. and 2.3 as well tho. any idea how i could make bibus be installed anyway?05:19
olapicasso, in /boot/grub/menu.lst there should be something like default or such. this one is set to 0 (wich means the first opton in the menu is default)05:19
=== inemo_ [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
cmathesonhey guys, i wanna do a chinese translation for openbox, but i've never done this before... anyone have any idea of what kind of software is required?05:21
olapacino, what's not working?05:21
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mirakhow can I know my glibc version ?05:23
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ashokcan i install rpm's in ubuntu ?05:24
ashokonly deb is supported ?05:24
Chillouthi folks, heres the prob: i want to install "bibus" for oOo vias synaptic (reps added are deb http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/bibus-biblio & deb-src http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/bibus-biblio ./). when i try it tells me it cant because it requires python <2.4 but ubuntu would install/has installed 4.0.1. I have installed python 2.2. and 2.3 as well tho. any idea how i could make bibus be installed anyway?05:24
cmathesonashok: basically, yes (don't install rpms if you can avoid it)05:25
Gerrathashok, is there a specific program you wish to install that is in RPM only?05:27
=== DevGet [~gustav@h187n2fls31o1096.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
zukalkwoohoo, i think i finally got rid of all the KDE stuff i had installed!05:28
=== mpa [~mpa@awj11.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
zukalkmy advice: never apt-get install 'kubuntu-desktop' if you just want to ''try kde''05:28
=== yonil [~me@bzq-114-104.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
poningrujust find the kubuntu live cd05:28
=== JDahl [~qwerty@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2v1-119.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
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poningruashok: you can use alien05:29
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ubotuI guess alien is a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Can give problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/05:29
poningruman alien05:29
deviosis there an ubuntu build of gftp that supports ftps?05:29
poningruno clue05:29
deviosor is there a decent ftp client for ubuntu besides gftp?05:30
=== mpa [~mpa@awj11.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
deviosgftp sucks05:30
ashokyes, i could find mplayer in rpm05:30
poningrubut I would just use ssh205:30
zukalkdevios, i use gftp-gtk05:30
devioszukalk: supports ftps?05:30
poningruashok: just sudo apt-get mplayer05:30
=== JohnFlux [~John@JohnFlux.developer.konversation] has joined #ubuntu
zukalkdevios, not sure what you're asking05:30
=== Big_O [~marque@] has joined #ubuntu
zukalkit's an FTP client05:31
deviosftp over ssl05:31
=== mpa [~mpa@awj11.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
zukalknot sure05:31
zukalk"  * support for SSH and SSH2 file transfers,"05:31
zukalkread apt-cache show gftp-gtk05:31
deviosis there an ubuntu build of gftp that supports ftps?05:31
=== keske_ [~keske@vir91-2-82-230-158-70.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ashokwhat if i just want to get the deb files and place it in a directory and install later. how do i do that ?05:31
deviosmy gentoo box had ftps protocol support for gftp05:32
=== Lord_Rapon [~porrito@FW-168-231.go.retevision.es] has joined #ubuntu
Big_Ohmm something seems to be conflicting with my javaplugin in firefox05:32
=== pacino [~nils@p549A7FBF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
deviosi think the fedora gftp supports ftps too05:32
pacinohey i need some help05:32
pacinosudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst05:32
zukalkashok, using apt?05:33
pacinoi want to change default here but i cannot write or type anything in the data file05:33
Big_Ois there anyway to trace the problem outside of removeing very thing i put in since i had it working05:33
ashokanything zukalk.05:33
ashokall i want is, i want to download and keep it, so that i can install it later05:33
Gerrathpacino, you know how to use vim right?05:34
=== JaneW [~JaneW@wbs-146-133-140.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
deviosI'll have to use lftp from the cli, I guess05:34
ashoksorry for such basic questions, i am a newbie05:34
zukalkashok, using apt you add "-d" or "--download-only" to the command, and it'll just retrieve the .deb file: apt-get install -d [pkg] 05:34
pacinosudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst05:34
=== poningru [~poningru@pool-71-101-70-231.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
pacinogerrathh like this05:34
=== inemo [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
pacinobut i cannot change or type anything into the data05:34
martiganwho knows how to customize the terminal in some cool way (other then a trans background)?05:35
=== Chillout [~chillout@p54BFA9BF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu []
Gerrathpacino, yes type i to insert or edit.05:35
nalioth_wrknashok: if you open a terminal and type "man apt-get" it will show you all the options that you can use with apt (including --download-only)05:35
zukalkashok, not sure where the .deb goes to though. i'm guessing it's /var/cache/apt/archives or something05:35
nalioth_wrknzukalk: that is where it goes05:35
Gerrathpacino, type :w to save the data and :q to exit out.05:35
wolkipacino: i'd use nano instead of vim, it's much easier05:35
pacinoyes gerrath i know but i cannot changes anything in the data i opende05:35
dylan_man i hate windows fanatics05:35
=== icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-25-20.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
dylan_i actually know a few05:36
ashokoh thanks for the help05:36
pacinowolki can u say me the command wiht nano05:36
=== JaneW [~JaneW@wbs-146-133-140.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
nalioth_wrkndylan_: is your limewire working?05:36
Gerrathpacino, hehe, sorry didn't mean to insult you.05:36
Big_Oi really dont feel like doing a clean install just for this bloody thing05:36
wolkipacino: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst05:36
Gerrathpacino, thats strange you can't edit the file with sudo, you should have root priv. if your in the sudo list.05:36
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Big_Odid you hit insert?05:38
Big_Ooh  nevermind05:39
dylan_my limewire is working05:39
=== snowblink [~snowblink@wind.snowblink.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Big_Ogha why does java have to such a pain05:39
=== Naxalite [~Naxalite@lap34-1-82-224-141-250.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
nalioth_wrkndylan_: good to hear05:41
=== Madeye [~Jad@] has joined #Ubuntu
zAo^how can I burn MP3 > WAV CDs on the fly?05:41
nalioth_wrknzAo^: use k3b05:42
dylan_is it safe to chmod a+x a .py file?05:42
zAo^nalioth_wrkn, isnt there a GTK app?05:42
=== Ninwa [~joey@d14-69-38-157.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #Ubuntu
deFryskzAo^, k3b is the easyers way05:43
nalioth_wrknzAo^: you could try gnomebaker or graveman, but k3b runs under gnome and it works05:43
=== Heart_ [~jzdgc@p549C34B9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
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deFryskzAo^,  but also gnome-baker and graveman work fine05:43
zAo^they cant burn on-the-fly05:43
deFryskzAo^,  no ?05:44
Big_Ohmm when a link is green that means theres a bug right?05:44
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zAo^why doesnt KDE use GTK? pff05:44
deFryskzAo^, cos KDE likes ugly ;p05:44
=== inemo [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
zAo^this is what I hate about linux: 100s of standards05:45
Big_Owell gnome is ugly too05:45
=== Toto [~salim@AFontenayssB-152-1-24-134.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
JohnFluxzAo^: KDE coders prefers c++05:45
TotoBonjour tout le monde05:45
deFryskBig_O, /j #whateverwar05:45
Amaranthwhen KDE chose Qt it was all there was05:45
pepsixBig_O, in gnome-terminal?05:45
zAo^and what does gnome like? :P05:45
Big_Oi use fluxbox05:45
cmathesonzAo^: gtk05:46
deFryskBig_O, also ugly ;p05:46
Big_Oin eterm05:46
ashokfolks, iam getting an error when i try sudo apt-get mplayer05:46
=== [1] Quest-Master [~Quest-Mas@c-24-99-26-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gerrathashok, what is the error?05:46
zAo^k3b doesnt support the MP3 format..05:46
deFryskashok, try sudo apt-get update first05:46
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deFryskzAo^, yes it does05:46
devioswhy does ubuntu want to remove the ubuntu-base package when I install ftp-ssl?  what is the ubuntu-base package?05:46
ashokE: Invalid operation mplayer05:46
Gerrathtry sudo apt-get install mplayer05:46
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Gerrathashok, you need the install option so apt-get knows what to do.05:47
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zAo^well I get "mp3 format is not supported"05:47
ashokgerrath i dont want to install now, i just want to download it and install later05:47
scoperesanyone know how to get vnc to autoload?05:47
deFryskzAo^, do you have your repos set up properly ?05:47
Big_Othats cos most peope look at the defaults and _ARGH WTF_ =P05:47
warrior_zAo^, get the lame codec05:47
zAo^deFrysk, yes05:47
zAo^thnx warrior_05:47
SeveaszAo^: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support05:48
warrior_no prob05:48
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deFryskhmz I thought k3b took it in by default05:48
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Gerrathashok, I think you just do apt-get install -d mplayer then.05:48
zAo^with lame installed: still no mp3 support :(05:48
deFryskzAo^, then also gnome-baker and graveman might work after that :)05:48
Gerrathashok, do a info apt-get to confirm this.05:49
dylan_how do i get a .PY file to run correctly?05:49
zAo^deFrysk, I works now, but not on the fly05:49
warrior_wait I got this on lockdown, mine was being stupid with mp3s too hang on05:49
deFryskzAo^, try apt-get install k3b-mp305:49
catfoxanyone know the homepage for the hoola project? hoola-project.org goes to a beagle page05:49
warrior_zAo^,  sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-lame05:49
scoperesis audigy 2's still not fully supported yet?05:49
linuksocatfox: www.hula-project.org05:49
zAo^warrior_, does not exist :)05:49
warrior_scoperes, mine works perfectly05:49
warrior_zAo^, ouch, sounds like a bad source list05:50
zAo^thanks deFrysk thats it :)05:50
scopereswarrior_ i have to do all this extra stuff like get emu10k1 and compile it in to the sources in order to get mine working05:50
deFryskzAo^, you have universe AND multiverse right ?05:50
zAo^warrior_, Breezy here..05:50
warrior_zAo^, you using standard source list?05:50
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warrior_zAo^, you just left my league with breezy ;-)05:50
zAo^yes, standard breezy + universe + multiuniverse05:50
deFryskzAo^, breezy , tricky05:50
Gerrathashok, I just checked, all you need to do is sudo apt-get install -d "program name" and this will download only.05:51
dylan_is there a way to get a python file to run05:51
ed1tdoes ubuntu live cd has a format tool?05:51
zAo^no probs so far :)05:51
Seveased1t, yes05:51
warrior_scoperes, just to get sound?05:51
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linuksodylan_: python your_file.py05:51
Seveasdylan_, python filename.py05:51
warrior_zAo^, :D til you needed mp3 on the fly05:51
Gerrathashok, make sure to do the sudo apt-get update first so you get the lastest repository lists.05:51
scopereswarrior_ yeah, i thought it was because i have onboard sound and I am not using it but everytime a new version of the kernel comes out i have to recompile emu10k105:51
zAo^yeah :)05:51
zAo^on my hoary I also couldnt... :)05:52
zAo^thanks all :D05:52
catfoxlinukso, haha, no wonder i couldn't find it05:52
warrior_scoperes, did you try turning on Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack under alsamixer?05:52
scoperesyeah and i get nothing till i compile05:53
martiganwho knows an mail notification applet that works with ubuntu? kan get the gmailnotification and mail notification to work somehow05:53
devioswhy does ubuntu want to remove the ubuntu-base package when I install ftp-ssl?  what is the ubuntu-base package?  also, why was the lftp package for ubuntu built without ssl support?  also, why was the gtpd package for ubuntu built without ssl support?  (I really just need to know if ubuntu-base is critical)05:53
warrior_scoperes, and its an onboard audigy 2?05:53
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scoperesno its not onboard05:53
scoperesi have ac97 onboard05:53
Seveasdevios, ubuntu-bas is not critical except when you are upgrading to a new version of Ubuntu05:53
Seveasand installing ftp-ssl is a bad thing...05:54
ashokoki gerrath05:54
warrior_scoperes, does it recoginize both by chance and gives onboard priority?05:54
Seveasgftp for ubuntu has ssl support05:54
scoperesit doesnt rec the audigy 2 at all05:54
deFryskscoperes, set onboard sound to off in bios05:54
JohnFluxi can't get my synaptics mousepad to work.  It's a kernel problem I think because I don't have a usb entry for it in /dev  and dmesg says nothing05:54
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scoperesI'll try that05:54
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Gerrathashok, did that work for you?05:54
scoperestoo bad I can't do it for a hours since I am far away from my computer but I'll try that05:55
warrior_thats crazy it recognizes my audigy 2 every single time05:55
deFryskscoperes, always does the trick for me :)05:55
ashokgerrath which one to choose from - mplayer-nogui 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu605:55
ashok  mplayer-k6 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu605:55
ashok  mplayer-custom 1:1.0-pre5-0.6ubuntu105:55
ashok  mplayer-586 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu605:55
ashok  mplayer-386 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu605:55
scopereswhat version of the audigy 2 do you have? i have the value because I didnt want all the extras05:55
deFryskashok, no flooding ;p05:55
warrior_I'm using audigy 2 ZS05:56
Gerrathashok, what cpu do you have?05:56
ashokmobile centrino05:56
deFrysk386 is always fine05:56
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hack_benjaminanyone managed to get darwinia working on amd64?05:56
deFrysksafe bet for anything05:56
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warrior_I started helping people and forgot I needed help :-D05:57
Gerrathashok, unless you have an old computer I would think mplayer-586 would be the best choice.05:57
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ashokoki gerrath05:57
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warrior_anyone here using 2.6.10-5-smp?05:58
deviosSeveas: why is installing ftp-ssl a bad thing?05:58
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hilkiahhi all05:58
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hilkiahcan any one offer guidance on getting ubuntu + xorg + ati to play nicely05:58
GerrathdeFrysk, 586 should be more optimized for the modern intels correct?05:58
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warrior_correction, anyone using 2.6.10-5-686-smp?05:59
deFryskGerrath, noobs usually have the 386 kernel rinning so the 386 is always correct for mplayer05:59
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just_inhello - I just installed the latest Ubuntu -hoary- and I checked the output of 'last -aix' and it had a strange IP address in there- Is this normal?05:59
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GerrathdeFrysk, thanks.05:59
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warrior_hilkiah, whats your 3d prob?05:59
hondjejust_in: no05:59
Gerrathashok, deFrysk recommends the 386 and think thats probably the safest bet for you as well.06:00
Big_Oi http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b293/chimeraoverlord/snapshot1.jpg06:00
ashokgerrath it worked..06:00
Zerboxxhi - can anyone help me with a slight printer problem?06:00
just_init resolved to .ru06:00
Gerrathashok, good.06:00
hondjejust_in: do a whois or a host and see whose IP it is06:00
deFryskashok, cool :)06:00
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ashokhow do i install this package later ?06:00
JohnFluxjust_in: I have ""06:00
ashokdpkg ?06:00
JohnFluxjust_in: i just intalled ubuntu too06:00
linuksodevios: if you want secure file transfer, why don't you just use scp/sftp?06:00
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linuksodevios: it comes with openssh06:00
warrior_hilkiah, whats going on with your ATI?06:01
just_inJohnflux - same here06:01
devioslinukso: i know.  however, the ftp server is a winblows system, so I have no alternative06:01
just_inI've been told that this probably is a compromise06:01
JohnFluxjust_in: tis strange.06:01
just_init resolves to Samara City bank06:02
devioslinukso: also, someone else is responsible for the server.  I ened a client to work with them.06:02
linuksodevios: then gftp should do it. (ftp-ssl is a server)06:02
hondjethat's strange06:02
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linuksodevios: or lftp06:02
devioslinukso: the gftp client for ubuntu doesn't have ftps support.06:02
hondjenormally I'd say bad things, but two guys with fresh installs...06:02
devioslinukso: the lftp client for ubuntu also does not have ssl support06:02
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hilkiahi can't get my fglrx working06:02
hilkiahmy card is a :06:02
hilkiah0000:01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 340M06:03
Gerrathashok, dpkg -i  the downside to using dpkg to install a program over apt-get is it doesn't handle depenancies.  The good news is if there are dependencys you just need to run apt-get afterwords and it will install them for you.06:03
hilkiahxorg detects and selects the 'ati' driver06:03
hilkiahbut once i fireup X, anytime i open an application, Xorg hogs the cpu06:03
hilkiah> 95% utilization06:03
hilkiahonly way around is to NoAccel = yes in xorg.conf06:03
ZerboxxCan anyone help me with a printer problem & ubuntu live?06:03
hilkiahi've tried installing the fglrx package06:03
just_inso - where do we go from here?06:03
Gerrathashok, there maybe a better way than that but its what has worked for me.06:03
ubotuI guess lamp is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LAMPForHoary06:03
cmathesonZerboxx: just ask the question06:03
hilkiahbut X does not run with that device driver06:03
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just_incan anyone suggest a security forum that might have some tips on how to handle this?06:04
linuksodevios: then it is a problem with ubuntus build, cause lftp on my gentoo server handles ftps.06:04
Zerboxxcmatheson: I want to test out my Lexmark z55 (found some instructions on linuxprinting) but I don't want to install Ubuntu, just to find out that they dont work, and I was wondering if they'd work with the live cd06:04
hilkiahright now, i don't care about 3d acceleration06:04
warrior_hilkiah, when you default install ubuntu do you have the cpu usage problem?  I mean a brand new install?06:04
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cmathesonZerboxx: yeah it should06:04
hilkiahi just want to be able to use X without the slow redrawing of windows06:04
hondjejust_in: there's on at ubuntuforums.org06:04
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redtechwhat does linux have for windows's net send ?06:05
Zerboxxcmatheson: Even if it requires me to d/l something?  it'll work with live?06:05
just_inhondje: thanks06:05
hilkiahany ideas?06:05
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cmathesonZerboxx: i'm not positive, but you shouldn't have to download anything just to print06:05
warrior_ hilkiah when you default install ubuntu do you have the cpu usage problem?  I mean a brand new install?06:05
Zerboxxcmatheson: http://www.linuxprinting.org/lexmark-faq.html#s_1506:05
fruitybumstufferhey guys, im tryin 2 mount my 2nd windows hdd on my ubuntu boot but its not havin it... my primary windows hdd is mounted at boot fine but my 2nd hdd no... I have altho it mounts when i put "mount /dev/sda5 /media/windows2/ -t ntfs -o umask=0222" any suggestions for fstab??? Its a sata hdd btw cheers06:05
devioslinukso: that's what I said earlier.06:06
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linuksodevios: then someone should be spanked :)06:06
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JohnFluxI have a synaptics touch pad, and found how to get it working on google06:07
ashokgerrath, apt-get install is trying to download the file again06:07
JohnFluxhow would I get someone to apply this fix to ubuntu itself06:07
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JohnFluxso it just works  for everyone06:07
RiddellJohnFlux: what needed fixed?06:07
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Gerrathashok, why are you running apt-get install again?06:08
JohnFluxRiddell: in /etc/modules  you need to add "evdev" and move "psmouse" to the last line06:08
Gerrathashok,  I thought you wanted to install it later and with dpkg06:08
hondjeThe installer should do that, I'd think. I'd file a bug06:08
JohnFluxhondje: me?06:08
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ashoksorry gerrath. i got it06:08
hondjeJohnFlux: yes, sorry06:08
JohnFluxhondje: thanks.06:08
RiddellJohnFlux: yes, bugzilla.ubuntu.com is the place06:09
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JohnFluxRiddell: thanks!06:09
randykayIs it fairly safe to go into the Breezy waters yet?  Are the Daily CD images fairly stable?06:09
ashokthanks gerrath, dpkg -i worked fine06:09
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Gerrathashok, apt-get always uses repositories to install files from.  It does that so it can get the dependancies as well.  You can set up a local repository if you are going to be doing a lot of files locally but your best bet is probably to use dpkg -i06:10
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Gerrathashok, I would always recommend using apt-get install when ever possible and just let it download then install everything so you never have to deal with dependencies.06:11
ed1tFF 1.0.5 released!@06:11
Gerrathashok, I'm glad it worked.06:12
martiganwho knows a good working norton commander clone for ubuntu?06:12
fruitybumloverhey guys... Im tryin 2 mount my sata hdd on boot usin fstab but its not workin it mounts fine when i put "mount /dev/sda5 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o umask=0222" in the terminal but from what i have got in fstab it doesnt like... any suggestions??06:12
Will_randykay: What does the topic say?06:12
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ashokgerrath, can u guide me to set a local repository ?06:12
ubotuhmm... repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto06:13
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ashokalso, how do i know wat are the packages available for install.06:13
ashokthanks ubotu06:13
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crimsunashok: you can use http://packages.ubuntu.com/06:14
JohnFluxcrimsun: isn't there a gui for it ? synapse or something06:14
hondjefruitybumlover: you should probably show what line you have in fstab, so that one can see your error06:14
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crimsunJohnFlux: sure, aptitude, Synaptic, Kynaptic, apt-cache06:14
ashokthanks crimsun06:14
JohnFluxashok: ^^ there you go06:14
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TokenBadhow good is ubuntu at doing cablem modems?06:15
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hondjeIt does them like Jenna Jameson06:15
JohnFluxTokenBad: i think it depends what you haev06:15
linuksomartigan: midnight commander06:15
TokenBadsurfboard modem06:15
TokenBadcause got some stuff in logs from it that can't be good06:15
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hondjelike what?06:16
martigangoing to look into it thanks linukso06:16
Gerrathashok, here is another good link:http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/repository-howto/repository-howto.html#setting-up06:16
TokenBadwant me to post in flood or whatever?06:16
hondjecomcast uses DHCP for everything, it's the easiest inet connection to set up06:16
Gerrathashok, lets try that again: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/repository-howto/repository-howto.html#setting-up06:16
hondjeTokenBad: fire away06:16
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ashokthanks gerrath06:17
randykayWill_: Ahhh.  I scrolled through the whole topic.  I see now.  Ooops.06:17
hondjeTokenBad: you're losing signal levels to your modem,06:17
wimsdoes anybody know of a good howto / walkthrough for multiplay monitors with ubuntu?06:17
hondjesee any powerlevel spikes or anything?06:18
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Gerrathashok, no prob.06:18
mumbleswhy is eveything dead today ?06:18
hondjeTokenBad: if you get a lot of those regularly, you'll have to call comcast and yell at them for being idiots06:18
mumblesapart from in here06:19
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TokenBadthats what I thought but everytime I call them they say nothing is wrong06:19
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Will_mumbles: Because you touch yourself at night06:19
hondjeThey lie06:19
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blmartin777Comcast always lies06:19
randykayAnyone here use Beagle in Hoary?  I have a folder named "Suitcase" off my home folder and if I search for 'Suitcase' it finds it.  If I search for 'Suit' it doesn't.  Is this proper behaviour?06:20
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hondjeTokenBad: I'd post in the Comcast HSI forum at broadbandreports.com06:20
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H3POanyone knows if gnome-2.12 will be based on gtk-2.8?06:21
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ashokfolks, i installed GXine, but i dont find it added in the applications menu.06:22
ashokbut if i type gxine in the "run application", it works06:22
Gerrathashok, do "killall gnome-panel" to refresh your gnome menu.06:22
linuksohmmm, something is wrong with my man-path. man lftp i.ex. doesn't work, but looking in /usr/share/man/man1 shows it is there...06:23
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ashokgerrath, it says no process to kill06:23
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blmartin777How can I have a cpu-processor temp in my gnome panel like an applet or something?06:24
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wrtpeepsduring installation, can i make it so ubuntu doesn't download any software for me.. i just get the shell and the GUI ?06:24
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goku360my linux computer is connected directly to the internet via a cable modem and dhcp.06:25
goku360i want to give a winxp computer internet using my linuix computer.06:25
goku360i used firestarter.06:25
goku360my linux machine's ip is
goku360my winxp machine ip is
goku360i have correctly setup the network cuz i pinged both computer from each other.06:25
goku360i have enabled internet connection sharing in firestarter.06:25
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goku360and i set the default gateway to on my winxp box.06:25
goku360why can't i access the internet on the winxp comp. i am sorry for the long message but its best to give all info06:25
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Jowigoku360, in firestarter: Policy. Add your winxp ip for "Allow connections from host"06:26
lesshastecan any play any of the vids on http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Mathematics/18-06Linear-AlgebraFall2002/VideoLectures/index.htm ?06:26
Gerrathashok, are you in gnome or kde?06:26
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fruitybumstufferhey guys im tryin 2 mount my 2nd windoze hdd on boot but its not likin what i have put in  fstab... it mounts my 1st hdd but not the 2nd i have used /dev/hda1       /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,umask=0222 0       0 for my fist and the 2nd changin hda1 to sda5 and the windows has a 2 at the end... Any help with this??06:27
linuksodoes "man lftp" work for anyone else, so its just me that has a problem?06:27
goku360thanks jowi i'll try that06:27
Efwisblmartin777, try this http://sourceforge.net/projects/cputemp/06:27
Jowigoku360, for example
sJaMfruitybumstuffer, you can see the info in: sudo fdisk -l06:28
Gerrathashok, type "ps -All |grep gnome-panel"06:28
blmartin777Efwis: Thanks06:28
Jowigoku360, that will allow all pcs on your network access without restriction06:28
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Efwiswarning its still alpha but it should do what you want06:28
blmartin777Efwis: Is that the only one available?06:28
ashok0 S  1000  7897     1  0  76   0 -  7318 -      ?        00:00:18 gnome-panel06:29
Efwisi'll look around a bit one moment06:29
Gerrathashok, so you do have gnome panel working.. by the way the command is actually "ps -Al |grep gnome-panel"  The extra l was a typo.06:30
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eruinwhy not just ps x ?06:30
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Gerrathashok, killall gnome-panel should work.06:31
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sJaMashok still here ?06:31
sJaM2 hours ago06:31
sJaMyou were trying todo the same thing06:31
ashoki dont understand gerrath06:31
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fruitybumstuffersJaM: Thats where i found out that its sda5 that i want 2 mount but i have go my primary win hdd mountin on boot fine just that this sata 1 doesnt want 206:32
Efwisblmartin777, that is the only one I can find that meets what your looking for06:32
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zerboxxHow do I go about making a script?06:33
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blmartin777Efwis: How about this I am using a 'egitemp' or something of that nature and it is an applet that I can apply to the panel but everytime I restart it says something about the cpu throttler program is not started.06:34
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Efwisnever heard of that one06:34
blmartin777alright, thanks06:34
Efwishttp://gnodde.org/wmtemp/ here is another one that might work06:34
jimmy_Anyone has ATI IGP 340M in Ubuntu?06:34
sJaMzerboxx, what kind of script ?06:34
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zerboxxsJaM: No idea, I'm just trying to follow instructions to get my printer working06:35
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sJaMzerboxx, what kind of printer to what06:36
zerboxxsJaM: http://linuxprinting.org/lexmark-faq.html#s_1506:36
jasper1hello can anyone send me a copy of /etc/hosts since i deleted its content and now GNOME does not work well. i have gethostbyname() error while executing sudo command too because of this06:36
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KobyI am trying to install ubuntu and have a problem with grub06:37
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razor23jasper1: I think the only thing you may need is " localhost"06:38
Dr_Willishmm... hosts file only needs like 1 real line i think for grub and thats like  what razor23  said.06:38
jasper1razor23: ok i06:38
Dr_Willisgor gnome i mean. :P06:38
jasper1razor23: ok, i'll try this. thank you06:38
Dr_Willistheres some other lines in there for the ipv6 stuff I think.06:38
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TokenBadwell seems comcast is going to send out a tech06:39
goku360jowi: i tried what you said it did not help. what setting should be on the winxp comp??06:40
Kobyhi, can anyone help me with grub?06:41
Jowigoku360, that i have no idea of. i haven't used windows in years. did you add ?06:41
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Jowigoku360, can you ping from the win box?06:41
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mumbles-outopss pallled my power lead out of my comptuer06:41
goku360i'll try06:42
blmartin777What is going on tokenbad06:42
TokenBadalot of errors in my cable modem log06:42
blmartin777is the connection screwed up too?06:42
goku360jowi: no it says requet timed out06:43
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hondjeTokenBad: post them in broadbandreports.com 's Comcast forum, they have comcast techs who get paid to go there and do thinking06:43
concept10TokenBad, what log is that?06:43
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hondjeat least give you some ammo next time comcast tier1 monkeys tell you its fine :)06:43
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Jowigoku360, then you are not getting through somehow... hmmm. sorry i can not help more than that atm. got a date :-)06:43
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kutucapehi all06:44
kutucapeit is safe to use ubuntu backports?06:44
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concept10TokenBad, most comcast techs dont know anything about the modems, they will just replace it or run through a troubleshooting script06:44
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kutucapesorry for my bad english06:44
goku360jowi: good luck and thanks anyway06:44
deFryskkutucape, afaIk yes06:44
kutucapedeFrysk, but i'm downloading them now :D06:45
kutucapesome gaim and etc packages06:45
queuetueHi.  Occasionally, cedega crashes and leaves my screen at the wrong resolution - is there a quick commandline way to switch it back, without going through the control panel?06:45
kutucapefrom ubuntu forum folks said no problem at all06:45
Dr_Willisqueuetue,  not that ive found.06:45
hondjecomcast: if they can ping it, they tell you it's fine06:46
Dr_Willisqueuetue,  i tend to use the gnomes 'change resolution' feature to change it somthing else and back again.06:46
kutucapequeuetue, press Alt+Ctrl+Backspace06:46
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queuetuekutucape, That only works if you have multiple resolutions set up in X.  Not with xrandr...06:46
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queuetueAh, backspace - what a cruel thing to tell someone to do...06:47
kutucapequeuetue, so, maybe you have to alt+F1 for a while then kill X? CMIIW06:47
Dr_Willisof course if cedega crashes - i find that often theres a lot of  rogue processes it leaves behind that need to be killed off also.06:47
queuetueDr_Willis, type xrandr to get a list of "sizes" and then just type xrandr <number>06:49
Dr_Willisqueuetue,  cool. :P06:49
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reibaxsoy nuevo en Ubuntu06:50
reibaxalguien puede hecharme una mano?06:50
reibaxvengo de gentoo y no me entero06:50
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randykayBack to work I go.  Later all.06:50
reibaxis it an English channel?06:51
Dr_WillisNo Hoblo.06:51
reibaxthen hi06:51
reibaxI'm new to ubuntu, and I'm a bit lost06:51
reibaxI need help06:51
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Dr_Willisand it seems when i say "No Hoblo" - people then assume i CAN speak spanish... then start talking to me in it.. :P06:51
Dr_Willisreibax,  go on.06:52
reibaxI don't understand06:52
reibaxit seems quite simple06:52
reibaxbut for example06:52
reibaxI can't find amsn on it06:52
reibaxis it that ubuntu doesnt support it?06:53
ubotusomebody said repositories was at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto06:53
hondjereibax: follow that link :)06:53
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hondjeOnce you have the other repositories in, you can install amsn06:53
linuksohmmm, if man isn't working, maybe zsh is to blame :)06:53
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reibaxI'l look for that06:53
reibaxi just needed a clue06:53
reibaxthanks a lot!06:53
hondjeNo problem :) Also, there's an #ubuntu-es if you're so inclined06:53
bastiI still have problems with onboard sound06:53
bastiNVidia NForce 206:54
bastiis someone able to help me?06:54
searcher`kinda hard without you telling what the problem is :-)06:54
bastiI need to uninstall nvidia drivers and OSS and set up ALSA again06:55
bastibut how?06:55
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ed1tis there any media converter anybody know where i can convert avi file to mpeg?06:55
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KobyI was trying to install ubuntu on IBM thinkpad t41 with winXPpro06:56
mumblesnow ive got my room tidey and hovered06:56
mumblestime to do my cisco corse stuff06:56
KobyI created a new partition06:56
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Kobyand installed the grub on the main boot (or something like that)06:57
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Kobynow I get error 17 for grub06:57
Kobycan anyone help me please?06:57
alia_With what?06:57
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h08817hello everyone06:58
h08817i am completely new to ubuntu06:58
h08817i just got it last week06:58
alia_I am too.06:58
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alia_I got it last night.06:58
h08817i have no idea how to use it i am back on windows now though06:59
JDahlKoby, did you have WinXP working on a separate partition before you installed Ubuntu?06:59
ashokgerrath, are u there ?06:59
alia_I don't have windows anymore.06:59
goku360can any one tell me how to share my internet with a win xp comp.06:59
Gerrathashok, yes, are you getting the messages I'm typing on the private channel?06:59
alia_But we are gonna have it on the side.06:59
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h08817for some reason any other computer i have (they must be too old) won't let me install it07:00
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JDahlgoku360, the easiest solution would be to buy a $20-$30 router that does it for you07:00
Will_goku360: Shorewall did it for me07:00
h08817it gives me a retarted reason like extremely bad bios07:00
alia_the only reason i have linux, is because we kept on getting viruses07:00
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KobyJDah1: yes07:01
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alia_and the computer kept on screwing up.07:01
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alia_so now i have this thing.07:01
alia_And i am so lost.07:01
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alia_ok then.07:02
tritiumalia_, is there anything in particular you have a question about?07:02
h08817me too07:02
kutucapealia_, what's up07:02
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h08817me a noob need help07:02
alia_Like when i go to the sites that i used to go to.07:02
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h08817i don't think u guys can help me though07:02
alia_i need all these damn plug ins.07:02
alia_and when i DL the plug ins.07:02
JDahlKoby, no need to PM me - if I know anything helpful, I'll let you know here07:02
tritiumh08817, please ask a specific question, and we'll try07:02
alia_they don't work07:03
Big_Ough bastard java plugin07:03
bastican noone help me?07:03
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h08817netgear usb07:03
h08817how i get my internet07:03
lsuactiafnerwow i got a sync in 25s07:03
h08817on my network07:03
peterretiefhello all, whats a good way to play a dvd07:03
alia_I have no idea.07:03
h08817linux won't recognize it except in the manager it does but it isn't installed07:03
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alia_the installing on linux confuses me.07:04
tritiumpeterretief, gxine or xine are nice players07:04
alia_When i dl things they never work!07:04
tritiumalia_, such as?07:04
bastiseems that I needs to reinstall ubuntu07:04
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alia_like the flash player07:04
h08817hey there tritium07:04
alia_and macromedia player thing.07:04
tritiumalia_, downloaded with synaptic or apt-get?07:04
kutucapealia_, you may search on ubuntuforums.org07:04
tritiumhi h0881707:04
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mouse_hi all07:05
kutucapehi mouse_07:05
h08817can u help me with netgear07:05
mouse_does anyone by any chance know of a good linux replacement for fineprint?07:05
kutucapehow to install mozilla plugins07:05
peterretieftritium, thansk07:05
tritiumpeterretief, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:05
uboturumour has it, synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto07:05
KobyJDahl: OK. I searched the net know and so an articale recommended *not*07:05
kutucapemouse_, turboprint?07:05
tritiumh08817, was that last question for me?  Sorry, I'm not familiar with USB netgear hardwaer.07:05
ubotuI heard ubuntu is an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com. It means 'Humanity to others'.07:05
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mouse_alrite... i'll check it out07:06
Big_Oif you want java youll have to either add repositories or install it yourself07:06
KobyJDahl: to intall the grub in the Master Boot Record (MBR)07:06
razor23h08817: which one? WG111 v2?07:06
KobyJDahl: which I did07:06
ubotukutucape: I haven't a clue07:06
KobyJDahl : http://www.columbia.edu/~em36/ubuntuhoarythinkpadt42.html07:06
h08817i have the cd for windows07:06
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h08817but it won't install of course on linux07:06
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KobyJdahl: Is there is a way to recover it?07:06
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tahorgmouse_: what you want to do exactly ?07:07
razor23h08817: My bro has the same one, it didn't work for me07:07
tahorgmouse_: create pdf ?07:07
tritiumBig_O, the best way to install java is to use java-package to build your own .deb from Sun's installer.07:07
mouse_tahorg, actually something that can print multiple pages on 1 page... if u get what i mean07:07
JDahlKoby, I have a TP40 with WinXP/Ubuntu, and I think I just followed the recommendations from the installer (/dev/hda, I think)... You could try booting from a live CD, but reinstalling might be just as fast07:07
ubotutritium: Are you smoking crack?07:07
ubotudevios: I haven't a clue07:08
tritiumheh, help thoreauputic ;)07:08
deviosno kidding07:08
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ubotuI heard java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java07:08
tahorgmouse_: yes there is, but it's mainly command lines07:08
thoreauputictritium: although that link isn't the best ( a bit confusing)07:09
ubotukutucape: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about07:09
tritiumthoreauputic, agreed.07:09
ubotukutucape: Wish i knew07:09
KobyJDahl:I tried to re-install and still get Error 1707:09
mouse_tahorg, oh? what program is that?07:09
KobyJDahl: I was able to boot the live cd07:09
JDahlKoby, also with a different choice for installing the grub?07:09
h08817tritium can u help me with why another computer i have won't just install it?07:09
tahorgmouse_: let me remember :)07:09
KobyJDahl: yes07:09
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mouse_tahorg, haha... ok07:10
bddebianHeya tritium :-)07:10
tritiumh08817, what's the issue?  Go ahead and ask the channel, and we'll try07:10
tritiumHello bddebian :)07:10
KobyJDahl: I tried the other partition. You want the exact configuration?07:10
thoreauputich08817: it helps if you can tell us what error messages you got07:10
h08817i got07:10
h08817extremely bad bios07:10
h08817isolinux found on drive=FF07:10
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h08817and i know i have a good copy07:10
h08817b/c it worked on one of my other comps07:11
KobyJDahl: I also tried to you the IBMaccessKey just after rebooting and the configuration is not recognazable07:11
JDahlKoby, you just have one disk, /dev/hda? Then I think you should choose /dev/hda for grub - if that doesnt work, I cant help you further... it worked like that for me without problems07:11
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ed1tis there any media converter anybody know where i can convert avi file to mpeg?07:11
thoreauputich08817: umm... sounds like you have a bad BIOS, doesn't it?07:11
tritiumed1t, perhaps transcode07:11
KobyJDanhl: and you still have your windows XP?07:12
mumblessigh cant remember my login for the cisco site :p07:12
tritiumh08817, when does this error occur?  Trying to boot from the install CD?07:12
mouse_tahorg, hey actually i need to go off... will ask u the next time i see u... any thanks for offering ur help07:12
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JDahlKoby, the accesskey wont work after you change partitions etc... it's essentially a secret 512MB partition that you boot from07:12
mouse_tahorg, later~07:12
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JDahlKoby, yes, I have XP and Ubuntu07:12
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h08817when trying to boot from the cd yes07:12
tritiumbddebian, any luck with pyrtf or anything else?07:13
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thoreauputich08817: will that machine boot from other Cds ?07:13
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KobyJDanhl: So what should I do?07:13
bddebiantritium: Well I got a weird lintian error on pyrtf that no one wants to help me with :-)07:13
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h08817like what other cds?07:13
h08817i don't think i have other cds that are bootable07:13
JDahlKoby, maybe not true what I said about the accesskey.. one key just activates a fancy BIOS setup program, and another key is the "rescue key" that reinstalls everything, and that's the one that wont work07:13
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tritiumbddebian, oh, really?  If you haven't resolved it in a few weeks, I'll work with you.07:14
nahumHello there07:14
h08817but i could try my win98 cd07:14
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bddebianHello nahum07:14
nahumwe are form SAN JOSE CA07:14
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nahumnice to chat to you all07:14
bddebiantritium: Actually I think it seems to be a dpkg problem07:14
thoreauputich08817: well, the question I'm getting at is whether your BIOS is set to boot from CD, or if it *CAN* boot from CD at all07:14
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JDahlKoby, you would have to ask for help from someone who knows about rescuing linux using the live CD... boot from that and start looking at partiontables and grub07:15
bastidoes noone can help me with a sound problem?07:15
KobyJdanhl: I have only one accesskey07:15
h08817well it is set to be able to boot to cd i set it as the first thing to boot to07:15
othernoobthoreauputic: how old would it have to be to be not able to boot from cd?07:15
bddebianbasti: What's the issue?07:15
JDahlKoby, boot from the live CD, I mean07:15
nahumyou do know any software that will allow you to make phone calls using you TCP/IP protocol07:15
Big_Ohmm can i get a link to the past bin pleas07:15
thoreauputicothernoob: at a guess, about 1998 or earlier07:15
kutucapenahum, voip?07:15
Bubbling_Zombienahum, try skype07:15
bastibddebian, sound quality is worst, and only 2 speakers are used of 607:16
bddebianBig_O: See /topic07:16
bastiand there is manything curious07:16
nahumNot quite!!! you have to pay for it07:16
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Big_Oah forgot about that one07:16
bastidont know what do do encore07:16
bddebianbasti: Ah, can't help you there, sorry07:16
KobyJDanhl: You suggest to reboot the livecd and then use the accesskey?07:16
bastiI'll reinstall Ubuntu07:16
bddebianbasti: You shouldh't have to do that07:17
bastiwhat then07:17
JDahlkoby, what is this accesskey you're talking about? the BIOS setup, or the system rescue button?07:17
bddebianbasti: It's an option, I just don't remember where07:17
bastiwill set the sound system completely back07:17
JDahlkoby, I am not working from my laptop right now07:17
JDahlKoby, either way, I dont think you should use the accesskey... just boot from the live cd and fix the problem07:18
othernoobbasti: linux isn't windows where you have to reinstall the OS to fix a problem :p07:18
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bastiothernoob,  yes but I dont know anymore what to do07:18
bastiI tried to fix that since 2 months07:18
othernoobthen ask someone who knows ;)07:18
bastiit seems that noone knows here07:19
othernoobthere are more places than just this channel.07:19
zerboxxwhat? there are?!07:19
othernoobyea..it's a secret though, so don't tell anyone zerboxx07:20
Dr_Willisseems lately - that most of the sound problems are Unalsa-supported (newer sound card/chipsets/variations) or the mixer being Muted.07:20
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tritiumbasti, yes, in some cases people have built newer alsa drivers.  The first check is the mixer mutes, as Dr_Willis points out.07:21
bddebianbasti: I think it might be a dmixer setting?07:21
=== haich [~haich@99.Red-83-52-53.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
bastichecked the mixer already07:21
bddebianThe hw:0,0 setting?07:22
crimsunwhat are you trying to do?07:22
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bddebiancrimsun: He is only getting sound outta two of 6 speakers07:22
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tritiumcrimsun, :)07:22
bastiand the sound is inn very bad quality07:22
crimsunright, but what are you trying to do, basti07:23
crimsuntritium: :)07:23
Dr_Willissounds like some updated/semi supported chipset07:23
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bastiits NForce 207:23
bddebianbasti: Is it a SB Live 24 or so?07:23
KobyJDahl: The "Access IBM" is probably the rescue key07:23
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bastiASUS A7N8X-E deluxe07:24
KobyJDahl: F1 for bios (works for me)07:24
Lufusolhello heloo07:24
basticrimsun,  I'll fix the sound problems07:24
hex_ffffDoes anyone know how to make gnome-terminal show the currently running programs in the tabs in ubuntu?07:24
KobyJDahl: How do I fix the problem after rebooting using the live cd?07:24
crimsunyou should be using plug:surroundxx07:24
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crimsunlike plug:surround5107:24
basticrimsun dont understand07:24
luzbelitohi i cant access to my dvd player. it says error on open dvd:/ pls help. i had installed all packets for play dvd on ubuntu07:24
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bastifirst, I think, the quality should become better07:24
crimsunstop esd and use alsa directly07:25
bastiand how?07:25
bastidont know how07:25
KyralI boned my iPod mini, any idea how to restore it?07:25
tritiumluzbelito, you checked this URL I gave you?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:25
crimsunSystem> Preferences> Sound> uncheck Enable sound server startup07:25
JDahlkoby, ok.. you definitely dont need that the rescue button. In fact, it dont touch it all... it repartions your disk and copies winXP to it from the hidden 512MB partition07:25
peterretiefsorry to be pesky, whats a quick way to check bandwidth07:25
tritiumKyral, you did so using ubuntu software?07:25
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crimsunthen System> Preferences> Multimedia Systems Selector> Default audio sink> ALSA07:25
Kyraltritium, I used FDisk on it, and now I'm getting a folder with an ! on it07:26
crimsunthen use aplay -Dplug:surround51 foo.wav07:26
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crimsunremember to adjust the relevant mixer elements07:26
JDahlKoby, boot with live CD, and use fdisk to figure out what partitions you have on /dev/hda07:26
HappyFoolif i have a fasttrack tx 2000 IDE raid controller, is software raid the recommended way to use it? /usr/share/doc/mdadm/ seems to have a reasonably in-depth howto for setting up software raid.07:26
tritiumKyral, ouch.  May I ask why you did that?07:26
Kyraltritium, 'cause I couldn't update it b/c everything was read only :P07:27
KobyJDahl: I am new to linux so please tell me what to do07:27
ed1twat was the name of the package for all essential stuff? essential-build?07:27
basti"crimsun then use aplay -Dplug:surround51 foo.wav" How?07:28
KobyJDahl: I am using the live now. And opened a treminal07:28
HappyFooled1t: build-essential   -- that's for gcc etc07:28
LufusolKyral: trying to install ipodlinux for PP5020?07:28
Panzerboyhey all07:28
jcoxonoh without th s sorry07:28
Panzerboyare there any problems with the backports atm ?07:28
crimsunbasti: did you change Multimedia Systems Selector> Default audio sink ?07:28
bastiits alsa now07:28
timis there any way in ubuntu to make it so that the "autohide" feature of the bottom bar completely hides the bar...right now it hides but still peaks out like 5 pixels and looks dumb07:28
crimsunbasti: so type that aplay command in a Terminal07:28
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Panzerboyi am using the  http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net link07:29
KyralI'm gonna run the iPod Updater with WINE07:29
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Panzerboyand i get the astonishing speed of 1 KB07:29
LufusolKyral: that's not recommended07:29
KyralAnyway, anyone know how to fix it?07:29
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luzbelitotritium i am checking now07:30
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thoreauputicPanzerboy: try one of the mirrors >> http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/url.php07:30
JDahlkoby, you're better off asking someone who knows more about rescuing... I've never had to. But you can open an terminal and type "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda"07:30
tritiumluzbelito, good luck :)07:30
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bastithat plugin doesnt seem to work07:30
Kyralits device has no partitions on it07:30
bastiwith MP3s noz07:30
bastiand Wavs are still only on 2 speakers07:31
tritiumbasti, your mp3 and wavs are stereo, not 5.1, yes?07:31
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KyralAnyone know how to fix it?07:31
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crimsunyou need to use a multichannel wav or ac3, etc.07:32
luzbelitotritium: i read it, but doesnt solves my problem. i think is a permission or direction problem because xine looks for dvd:/ but i didn't has defined any mount with that alias...07:32
bastibut I wanna use subwoofer and the 3 other speakers, too07:32
tritiumbasti, I think only 5.1 encoded streams would play on 5 speakers.07:32
LufusolKyral: I would have a suggestion for you if the damn ipodlinux wiki didn't keep getting defaced07:32
XRayNukebasti: you'd need some sort of upmixer software if you want to spread the love on all the other channels.07:32
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bastiwhere can I find it?07:32
ashokfolks, i have a fat32 partition. how can i access that in linux07:32
crimsunbasti: and did you adjust the surround and LFE mixer elements?07:32
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othernoobashok: by mounting it ;)07:32
=== qt2 looks at his gentoo xorg.conf and his ubuntu xorg.conf...
KobyJDahl: I get to partitions. /dev/hda1/ my windows ntfs and /dev/hda2/ the linux07:32
qt2great... completly different...07:32
bastiwhat mixer should I use?07:32
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KobyJDahl: I get a message that both partitions does not end on cylinder boundry07:33
JohnFluxhey all07:33
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MarcC-awaydarn, the nasa launch was scrubbed.07:33
Lufusolhere's a question.. what's the default root password in ubuntu?  i don't recall it asking me to provide one on this last installation07:33
Gouramiwhat do I need to open a .rar file ?07:33
ubotumethinks rootsudo is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo07:33
bastiin "alsamixer" surround s on07:33
JohnFluxmy AC97 sound card doesn't seem to be detected.  how do I set it up?  What does ubuntu use for sound?  Alsa?07:33
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HappyFoolGourami: unrar, or maybe unrar-nonfree (both available via synaptic)07:34
crimsunJohnFlux: lspci -v|grep audio07:34
JDahlKoby, paste the output here (if it's less than 5 lines); maybe someone else spots something fishy - you might want to get a swap partition also07:34
KyralLufusol, so this would work completely?07:34
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Gouramithanks HappyFool , how are you today ?07:34
KyralLufusol, ie, I could use my music again?07:34
tritiumcrimsun, at work now?07:34
Panzerboythoreauputic: thanks, it works better now07:34
HappyFoolGourami: fine thanks, yourself?07:34
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luzbelitoanyone who has dvd configured can help me please ???07:34
GouramiHappyFool: I'm good :)07:34
Tomcat_luzbelito: Just ask your question here.07:34
thoreauputicPanzerboy: you're welcome :)07:34
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LufusolKyral: probably not, but you will be lucky to get your ipod working again at all07:35
JohnFluxcrimsun: Multimedia audio controller: ATI Technologies Inc, IXP150 AC'97 Audio Controller07:35
swarmis ubuntu hoary using esd by default?07:35
lsuactiafnerluzbelito : what do you mean dvd configured?07:35
crimsuntritium: yep, taking a lunch break?07:35
crimsunswarm: yes07:35
luzbelitotomcat and everyone: i can't play dvd. i installed plugins, everyone. but when i put a dvd, xine and totem can't open it07:35
LufusolKyral: actually it depends how you botched it as to whether your music partition will be fine or not07:35
crimsun!tell JohnFlux about alsa-source07:35
crimsunJohnFlux: the driver you want to choose is snd_atiixp07:35
KobyJDahl: What it is a swap partition?07:35
swarmcrimsun: and why most multimedia apps doesn't work with it on default conf?07:35
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bastiis it sensefull to try the nvidia drivers again07:35
luzbelitosometimes says is not dvd:/ address and others is not plugin (?)07:35
crimsunswarm: "most?"07:35
Tomcat_luzbelito: Is it a commercial DVD or a free/open DVD?07:36
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crimsunbasti: no, that would be madness07:36
KyralLufusol, I have all the music on my HD :P07:36
tritiumcrimsun, yep.07:36
LufusolKoby: swap partition is like the pagefile in windows, it's where the OS puts stuff that doesn't fit into physical memory when it's not immediately needed07:36
swarmcrimsun: isn't totem an app defined as a default helper for video and audio in ubuntu hoary?07:36
othernoobTomcat_: would that really matter?07:36
bastibut how do use XMMS with Subwoofer and rear speakers07:36
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Tomcat_othernoob: Maybe that error comes up when libdvdcss is missing? I don't know, might be a reason. :)07:36
tritiumluzbelito, have you tried gxine?  Also, you can set the device that xine/gxine use in the preferences.07:36
JohnFluxcrimsun: thanks.  Is there a reason the driver isn't installed by default?07:37
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bastiin windows, its possible in nVidia driver to clone the 2 front channels to the rear's and mix them to center07:37
othernoobTomcat_: could be, but i think it's simply his configuration of the player07:37
swarmcrimsun: anyway apps like totem, gxine, xfmedia crashes gdm while other apps (like xmms) look for different audio driver like alsa or oss. And I'm using default conf got through apt-get.07:37
crimsunswarm: it works fine here.07:37
Kobyubuntu@dhcp38-036:~$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda07:37
KobyDisk /dev/hda: 40.0 GB, 40007761920 bytes07:37
Koby16 heads, 63 sectors/track, 77520 cylinders07:37
KobyUnits = cylinders of 1008 * 512 = 516096 bytes07:37
luzbelitois a movie dvd. i can play it before install windows and my dvd player07:37
Koby   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System07:37
Tomcat_othernoob: Probably... :)07:37
Koby/dev/hda1               1       70695    35630248+   7  HPFS/NTFS07:37
JohnFluxcrimsun: also does that mean the atixp  isn't a standard AC97  - i thought the AC97's meant one-driver-for-all, no ?07:37
KobyPartition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.07:37
Koby/dev/hda2           73425       77520     2064352+  83  Linux07:37
bastiand I can enable subwoofer07:37
KobyPartition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary.07:37
swarmcrimsun: I'm on amd64 using ubuntu hoary for amd64.07:37
luzbelitotritium: what is gxine? i will install it now07:37
Tomcat_luzbelito: And you do have libdvdcss?07:37
bastihow to do so in ubuntu?07:37
othernoobKoby:  what do you think is the purpose of pastebin.com?07:37
crimsunJohnFlux: The reason it doesn't come by default is because the kernel that Hoary ships with doesn't even have that driver.07:38
KobyI dont know07:38
LufusolKyral: did you follow these instructions? http://www.ipodlinux.org/Installation_from_Linux07:38
tritiumluzbelito, it's a gtk+ interface to xine.  You might like it.07:38
othernoobKoby: i can see that ;)07:38
thoreauputicKoby: please read the channel topic07:38
crimsunJohnFlux: the driver is shipped externally in the alsa-source package, which is many months newer.07:38
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gangaleehow do I find out my disk geometry?07:38
luzbelitoi had installed gxine07:38
JohnFluxcrimsun: thanks07:38
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luzbelitoi dont remember it was, looking with apt-get says its installed07:38
h08817hey is it possible to get an update for my bios?07:38
dyllanhey guys.. .07:38
othernoobluzbelito: have you tried vlc as your player?07:38
swarmcrimsun: I guess the problem is that and if I'm not the only amd64/ubuntu user it could be a good idea to consider such problems that make ubuntu unusable for fun. Ubuntu anyway is ok for most of work usage patterns I need.07:38
bddebianHello dyllan07:38
Kobyit is ubuntu?07:38
gangaleeI created a new partition and I'm trying to find it and format it07:38
luzbelitowhat is vlc?07:38
luzbelitoa new player?07:39
othernoobh08817: probably, look at your manufacturers site07:39
deviosluzbelito: video player07:39
luzbelitoi will download now07:39
tritiumluzbelito, give it a try.  And if you're trying to play a commercial dvd, you'll want libdvdcss207:39
Lufusolh08817: if there is an update for your BIOS it has nothing to do with linux07:39
gangaleevlc is nice!07:39
JohnFluxluzbelito: not that new..07:39
bastivlc is videolanclient07:39
h08817thats ok07:39
JohnFluxnot that many use it as a lan client07:39
h08817i just need a update so maybe my ocmputer will boot ot the cd07:39
JDahlI asked Koby to paste his fdisk output... sorry about that07:39
luzbelitobut i dont wan  a lan client07:39
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timanyone know how I can set the the next/prev keys on my my multimedia keyboard to control rhythmbox07:39
luzbelitoi just wanna to play on my pc07:39
tritiumHow are you, JDahl?07:40
tritiumluzbelito, you can...07:40
crimsunswarm: no, what you describe is a simple packaging issue. It will go away in Breezy simply due to esd being backburnered.07:40
JDahlKoby, what program did you use to partition the disks?07:40
thoreauputicluzbelito: vlc does that too :)07:40
luzbelitosorry my english too, but this problem is driving crazy me... i will try vlc07:40
lsuactiafnerluzbelito : install mplayer, screw those other players.. also, after you have installed mplayer, join #mplayer for video help07:40
bastino further help for me?07:40
luzbelitowill come back in a few minutes07:40
crimsunbasti: please be patient07:40
luzbelitothanks to all07:40
luzbelitovlc is installed07:40
othernooblsuactiafner: why do you think that mplayer is the greatest?07:40
JDahltritium, hey! pretty good actually... taking a few days off and enjoying the good weather... how about you? finished your thesis?07:40
tritiumluzbelito, if you like xine, we can get it working.  No need to give up on it.07:40
luzbelitook tritium lets keep trying07:41
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tritiumJDahl, heh, not quite.  I was supposed to have it turned in Monday, but my committee gave me until Friday.  :)07:41
luzbelitoVLC HAS OPENED THE DVD !!!!07:41
KobyJDanhl: I used ubuntu installation program07:41
luzbelitobut xine :-(07:41
lsuactiafnerothernoob : look @ freshmeat.net .. mplayer is the most downloaded multimedia package, i'm 1 of the 70% of ppl that prefer mplayer07:41
crimsunbasti: ok, so have you located a 5.1 wav file or mp3?07:41
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tritiumluzbelito, probably a simple change to xine's settings would also have worked.07:41
luzbelitowhy is it happening07:41
bastii have one07:42
dylan_is there an alternative to RoboForm for Linux?07:42
othernooblsuactiafner: and that means anything? so far windows is the most used OS my friend ;)07:42
luzbelitotritum what i must to watch in xine configuration ?07:42
bastifrom fraunhofer institute07:42
bastisurround seems to work07:42
bastivut I havent heard the subwoofer...07:42
thoreauputiclsuactiafner: mplayer is fine, but sometimes people have more luck with xine or vlc - it depends07:42
crimsunbasti: did you adjust LFE?07:42
lsuactiafnerothernoob : but its not the most downloaded os (:07:42
luzbelitoi am at settings right now07:42
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othernooblsuactiafner: it's the most pirated, i'm quite sure it's downloaded as much as linux :p07:42
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lsuactiafnerothernoob : you have a link for me? nehahah (;07:43
basticrimsun,  where ca I adjust it?07:43
crimsunbasti: alsamixer07:43
tritiumlsuactiafner, no, not here.07:43
othernooblsuactiafner: lol, you really want it? :p07:43
luzbelitoi can see al configuration in xine now07:43
luzbelitowhat i do07:43
lsuactiafnernah, i dont need windows07:43
tritiumothernoob, no, please don't.07:43
norwynwhat is the easiest way to digitalise books in ubuntu?07:43
JDahlKoby, I used a windows program "partition magic" to change my partitions... you've probably found the root of your problems, at least07:43
bastihot to toggle on/off in alsamixer?07:43
swarmcrimsun: yes it seems like there is a basic conflict that make all such apps crash and make gdm restart. Anyway it makes ubuntu hoary unusable for "fun" on amd64 and yes, I'm waiting for breezy but it's expected in october, not tomorrow. Anyway I've decided to remain in ubuntu and to not switch back to debian sarge on this amd64 machine.07:43
othernoobtritium: i wasn't offering.07:44
jasper1hello. i went to network settings and deleted the rows of hosts. now when GNOME loads it says: Could not look up internet address for ubuntu. It may be possible to correct the problem by adding ubuntu to the /etc/hosts file. Can anyone help me.07:44
tritiumothernoob, ok, thanks.07:44
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crimsunswarm: does the 32-bit install work any better?07:44
KobyJDanhl: So what next?07:44
othernoobtritium: besides that, everyone with the greater knowledge of how to use google could find it easily ;)07:44
bddebianjasper1: Look at your /etc/resolv.conf file07:44
swarmcrimsun: yes07:44
KobyJDanhl: I dont have a WinXP Pro cd/dvd? IBM puts them in the harddisk itself07:44
crimsunswarm: I would use that07:44
jasper1bddebian: will this file help?07:45
tritiumluzbelito, if your system doesn't have a /dev/dvd symlink, you can set xine to use /dev/hdb, or whichever your DVD drive is.07:45
bddebianjasper1: That is where you define where your DNS servers are07:45
jasper1bddebian: i see. but what should i edit there?07:45
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tritiumothernoob, right, and we don't want to have warez be a topic of discussion here, so I appreciate you not pasting a link :)07:45
swarmcrimsun: I'm using cpu intensively and the ratio is 1:5 between 32 and 64 for the apps I use (simulations). So I'm not sure I'll temporarily switch to ubuntu hoary 32 bit.07:46
bddebianjasper1: If is is empty, you need to add your DNS servers to that file07:46
jasper1bddebian: my ISP DNS servers?07:46
JDahlKoby, I dont know... I had the similar problems. In the end I ordered rescue CDs from IBM (they ship for free), redid partition and reinstalled... but it was tricky because the rescue CDs kept wiping my partitions - not a very linux friendly approach07:46
othernoobtritium: why do i get the feeling that you think i'm a pirate?07:46
LufusolOk I'm on one of the windows boxes here because XChat IRC fails ident when I try and log on to freenode07:46
luzbelitotritium: in wich option can i change it? i think iuts /dev/hdc/07:46
bddebianjasper1: Probably, unless you are hosting you're own07:46
tritiumothernoob, no, I don't.07:46
Lufusolcan someone tell me how to fix this?07:46
othernoobtritium: but you're implying ;)07:46
jasper1bddebian: ok. thanks. i'll try it :)07:46
tritiumothernoob, no, honest.07:47
luzbelitoin device used for audio, says /dev/cdrom07:47
=== SteveA_ [~steve@adsl-213-190-44-43.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu
KobyJDah1: How can I order the cds from IBM?07:47
flexsmy ubuntu is not so fast as my computer is.... i have 2Ghz, RAM 256.... he runs to slow, windows 2000 on my computer works fast, how can i speed up my ubutu, help ?07:47
crimsunswarm: simulations? You probably wouldn't want sound crufting in the background anyhow.07:47
JDahlKoby, so I had to shrink partitions with partition magic... it would be easier to just partitions your disk first with the live CD, then install winXP on one partition and finally install Ubuntu on the remaining partition07:47
norwynanyone that is good at scanning books in linux?07:47
thoreauputicLufusol: xchat should still connect without ident - it will just take a while longer07:47
tritiumluzbelito, you may have to change the experience level in order to see the setting.07:47
bastishould I enable down mixes?07:47
luzbelitoyes i changed it to master of the universe07:48
tritiumswarm, what kind of simulations?07:48
luzbelitoi see all options07:48
tritiumluzbelito, great.07:48
luzbelitobut i dont know wich one switch07:48
JDahlKoby, you'll have figure out how to order CDs yourself.. I am on holiday - not substituting for IBM tech support07:48
swarmtritium: p2p and grid07:48
flexsmy ubuntu is not so fast as my computer is.... i have 2Ghz, RAM 256.... he runs to slow, windows 2000 on my computer works fast, how can i speed up my ubutu, help ?07:48
tritiumluzbelito, I can tell you which it is on gxine...07:48
erbtheres something wrong with synaptic, when i try to install something it always tell me "Incorrect MD5Sum", help me pls.(im using ubuntuguide.org's repositories list)07:48
othernoobJDahl: why do you think it'd be easier to use the live cd to partition, then install xp, and then ubuntu?07:48
KobyJDahl: I asked because you told me you did so ;-)07:48
tritiumluzbelito, media->dvd->device07:48
flexserb: install with apt-get...07:49
KobyJDanhl: what is partition magic? I dont want to loose all the stuff I had there07:49
GigaClonwhat are super cow power?07:49
othernoobJDahl: why not simply make one partition with the WinCD and do the linux partitioning with the ubuntu cd?07:49
flexsmy ubuntu is not so fast as my computer is.... i have 2Ghz, RAM 256.... he runs to slow, windows 2000 on my computer works fast, how can i speed up my ubutu, help ?07:49
tritiumGigaClon, ?07:49
crimsunswarm: which grid engine are you using?07:49
thoreauputicflexs: please, no need to repeat07:49
luzbelitotritium: i am in media > i thanged dvd to /dev/hdc07:49
erbits equals, synatpic is like apt-get ...07:49
JDahlothernoob, It's definitely easier to install on separate partitions to begin with07:49
lsuactiafnerflexs : get more ram or change gnome window manager to fluxbox07:49
qt2any idea how i would do a windows style "file and printer sharing" between two ubuntu boxes?07:49
othernoobJDahl: not really.07:49
othernoobJDahl: it requires more cds and more time.07:50
swarmcrimsun: globus for production grid07:50
tritiumluzbelito, ok07:50
gangaleehow do I add blank disk space to Hoary?07:50
GigaClonthis from aptitude --help   This aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers.07:50
flexswhat is fluxbox ?07:50
luzbelitotritium: how i open it now?07:50
crimsunswarm: interesting, and what powers your backend?07:50
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JDahlKoby, shrinking partitions is what caused Koby his problems to begin with07:50
luzbelitotritium: i am trying to load from file, but can't open it07:50
JDahlothernoob, that was for you07:50
swarmcrimsun: what do you mean?07:50
crimsunswarm: what's harvesting the actual cpu cycles?07:51
tritiumluzbelito, not from file.  Use the dvd button07:51
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lsuactiafnerflexs : another window manager (gui) that is more simplistic and it uses less ram07:51
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tritiumluzbelito, :)07:51
flexswhere can i download it ?07:51
swarmcrimsun: I'm not using production grid, I'm working on algorithms simulation07:51
Ubuntianvmware installed on ubuntu would allow me to launch windows apps?07:51
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crimsunswarm: are you allowing globus to manage it transparently, or are you harnessing another backend?07:51
tritiumluzbelito, you're welcome.07:51
Tomcat_So the only problem was that the dvd:/ link was wrong?07:51
KobyJDahl: so what is partition magic?07:51
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othernoobJDahl: because he did something wrong.07:51
devioscould anyone explain at a really high level how to set up virtual enviroments such that someone using the virtual environment would have no idea it was virtual and such that software installed in the virtual environment would also be unaffected?  is there a name for this?  are there guides out there?07:51
swarmcrimsun: anyway it's mostly about montecarlo simulations afaik07:51
Tomcat_Damn, I would've known that problem as well. :)07:51
othernoobKoby: a commercial partitioning program07:51
flexsUbuntian : yes07:51
sJaMdoes flexs needs to use another fw if he have a 2GH 256 MB comp ?07:52
gangaleeno one can help me, it's like Koby's issue...07:52
luzbelitothanks a lot, that its the reason that i say linux community is the best of computers07:52
tritiumswarm, ugh, please don't say that07:52
sJaMI have a 533 MHz 320 MB and it works fine07:52
othernoobgangalee: what's your problem07:52
swarmtritium: why?07:52
Ubuntianflexs, do i need to install windows on top of vmware?07:52
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tritiumswarm, just kidding, I've been running simulations for months now07:52
gangaleehow do I add blank disk/partitions?07:52
flexssJaM : where is my problem ? canb you help ?07:52
lsuactiafnersJaM : 256mb ram is very small.. also he didnt indicate if he has a swap now that i think about it07:52
othernoobgangalee: by mounting the partitions07:52
crimsuntritium: defense coming up?07:52
gangaleeI think I have to format it 1st...07:52
tritiumswarm, so I'm a bit tired of them :)07:52
swarmtritium: working on grid computing?07:52
adwaitgangalee: use qparted07:52
tritiumcrimsun, yes, next Friday!07:52
flexsUbuntina : yes....07:52
crimsuntritium: rockin'07:53
Ubuntianthanks flexs07:53
swarmtritium: and, simulations of what?07:53
tritiumswarm, no, radar detection07:53
lsuactiafnertho my ubuntu runs on 128mb ram (uses 128 but i got 1G)07:53
sJaMI have with firefox, gaim and xchat 180 MB07:53
tritiumcrimsun, then I get my life back :)07:53
gangaleeadwait: what's the path for qparted (my system is messed up, otherwise I'd 'whrereis')?07:53
basticrimsun,  now, rear and front speakers work07:53
crimsuntritium: take a nice vacation, you need one! :)07:53
sJaMwith apache, mysql and postmaster07:53
bastibut center and subwoofer not07:53
sJaMso it should run07:53
JDahltritium, life after grad-school is overrated07:53
crimsunbasti: did you adjust Surround, Center, and LFE?07:53
tritiumcrimsun, thanks!07:54
crimsunJDahl: depends where you work :)07:54
basticrimsun,  yesm, but should I enable down mixes?07:54
crimsunor which postdoc grabs you07:54
HappyFoolJDahl: relief after finishing isn't ;)07:54
erbsomebody pls., give me a "sources.list"(for hoary), what is works correctly, i cant install anything07:54
tritiumJDahl, well I'm not doing a post-doc :)07:54
crimsunbasti: downmixes?07:54
othernoobgangalee: you'll have to install it first07:54
ubotusomebody said sources was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories07:54
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bastifor example "Surround Downmix"07:55
tritiumthoreauputic rocks07:55
luzbelitook. dvd is working now. but i cant copy dvd movie into blank dvd. how can i do it ???07:55
bastiro "Center/LFE DOwn mix"07:55
crimsunbasti: depends if you want it all to 2 speakers07:55
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GigaClonthis from aptitude --help   This aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers.07:55
GigaClonwhat is that07:55
erbthank u07:55
basticrimsun,  2 speakers?07:55
bastiI will use all speakers07:55
HappyFoolGigaClon: a joke, one imagines07:55
crimsunbasti: so you don't want to downmix07:56
tritiumGigaClon, try "apt-get moo" and see if you get any cow powers ;)07:56
bastiso off07:56
thoreauputicGigaClon: it's a little joke : try typing ` apt-get moo ` in a terminal :)07:56
gangaleeothernoob: there's another way, I've done it before. Can't remember right now. something like I format the partition then add it to /etc/fstab & mtab07:56
=== slomo removes the highlighting on basti ;)
WildTangent@Gigaclon, try doing sudo apt-get install moo ;)07:56
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othernoobgangalee: that would be mounting the partition...07:56
othernoobthe existing partition..07:56
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gangaleeothernoob: OK, how do I get a listing of all the partitions on my system, mounted or not?07:57
adwaitgangalee: fdisk -l07:58
KyralYah, I completely boned my IPod07:58
luzbelitook. dvd is working now. but i cant copy dvd movie into blank dvd. how can i do it ???07:58
gangaleeahh! Thx!07:58
KyralGotta find someone with a XP Machine to restore it07:58
flexshow to reconfigure xserver in kubuntu ?07:58
tritiumflexs, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"07:59
othernoobadwait, he'll need sudo for that ;)07:59
basticrimsun,  it doesnt work07:59
flexstritium : thanx07:59
crimsunbasti: amixer output to pastebin07:59
adwaitothernoob: i guessed he would get that, whn ubuntu tells to be root07:59
=== adwait thinks he can expect at least a little basic RTFM knowledge
HappyFooladwait: fdisk -l  doesn't ask; just lists nothing08:00
othernoobit doesn't always though08:00
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ed1tsources.list is in /etc/ right?08:00
Lufusolso about XChat, if someone can tell me how to ident please msg me, i'm having a hard time following this window and helping others08:00
adwaitHappyFool: ooh yeah........hmm.....well, it should ask08:00
HappyFooled1t: in /etc/apt08:00
othernoobed1t: /etc/apt/sources.list08:00
adwaited1t: /etc/apt08:00
bddebianed1t: /etc/apt08:00
luzbelitoanyone can tell me how to copy a dvd movie on the fly under ubuntu please ???08:00
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crimsunbasti: using a mouse08:00
thoreauputiced1t: /etc/apt/sources.list08:00
normal1hey how do you install .deb packages ?08:01
crimsunbasti: see the topic08:01
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HappyFoolluzbelito: maybe k3b will help -- otherwise, try maybe 'apt-cache search dvd' or use the search function in synaptic. Google might help too.08:01
bddebiannormal1: dpkg -i08:01
tritiumluzbelito, try this search, and then check out the results: "apt-cache search dvd | grep copy"08:01
adwaitnormal1: sudo dpkh -i <whtever.deb>08:01
othernoobnormal1: sudo dpkg -i xyz.deb08:01
normal1cool thanks man08:01
Chillouthi, i want to install a package with synaptic (via reps i added). the package is shown but when i try to install it, synaptiv says that it cant because the package requires python <2.4 but ubuntu has 2.4.1. anyone know how i could work around that?08:02
luzbelitoyeah, just 2 programs listed with grep. i had k3b installed, but it can't compress dvd to copy (if not says dvd file is too large) :-(08:02
othernoobluzbelito: use wine with dvdshrink if you must.08:02
flexshow can i set default windows ( like kde, gnome, fluxbox ) ?08:02
tritiumluzbelito, you might also try the same search, but replace "copy" with "rip"08:02
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lsuactiafnerflexs : gdm should give you the option on the login screen08:03
luzbelitoothernoob: i try to do that, but dvd shrink doesnt recognizes my dvd media. i try to configure under wine, but no success08:03
thoreauputicChillout: that happens when you add random 3rd party repos08:03
ed1tis there any way i can make my own repositories, so say firefox 1.0.5 comes out, i can just put it on my repositories and it will automatically update it08:03
ed1tit will be for my own use08:03
othernoobluzbelito: there are guides on howto configure wine+dvdshrink online. use google08:03
luzbelitodvdbackup ??08:03
othernoobive seen plenty for ubuntu08:03
adwaited1t: why not just download the installation file and install08:03
HappyFoolChillout: maybe you can install the python2.3 package, i don't know if there'll be any conflicts08:04
lsuactiafnered1t : thats what apt-get update and upgrade does08:04
ed1tadwait, id rather do the automatic one08:04
luzbelitoothernoob: i used that guides. but i get an error that is not writed on them08:04
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bastishortly afk08:04
tritiumadwait, it's nice to have packages under apt management08:04
ed1tlsuactiafner, yea but i wanna have my own08:04
HappyFoolChillout: also, python apps are typically fairly easy to install, if they have a 'setup.py' file in their source08:04
Chilloutthoreauputic: well, i didnt at just randomly08:04
othernoobluzbelito: ask in #winehq then maybe08:04
lsuactiafnered1t : what do you mean your own? a repository is a file server that mirros apt-get .deb packages08:04
adwaittritium, ed1t : hmm......i guess the automatic downloading of dependencies is a plus08:04
Chilloutits for http://sourceforge.net/projects/bibus-biblio/ which is a final release...08:04
luzbelitothank othernoob, i will08:05
othernoobno prob08:05
ed1tadwait, can i make it like that on my own?08:05
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normal1anyone have proablems installing smeg ?08:05
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adwaited1t: no idea...08:06
lsuactiafnered1t : yeh if you develop your own ubuntu/debian linux distribution...08:06
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seb__bonjour j'ai besoin d'aide08:06
seb__j'ai install le driver nvidia pour ma carte08:06
ed1tdid ubuntu got 1.0.5 updated on their repositories?08:07
ChilloutHappyFool: thats what i also tried, i started well, but then told sth, that it could write the config file and that i should do in manually, unfortunately i dont know which file the config file is. i am new to linux/ubuntu and also have no clue about python. but i worked my why thru all install stuff till this damn error.... i would be happy if you could try & gimme a hand....08:07
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seb__et maintenant la rsolution de l'cran est bizzare08:07
lsuactiafnered1t : firefox 1.0.5 aint out is it?08:07
HappyFoolChillout: sorry, what did you try? the first or second suggestion?08:07
thoreauputicseb__: tu auras plus de chance au canal #ubuntu-fr je crois08:07
othernoobseb__: #ubuntu-fr08:07
normal1how did you guys download smeg ?08:07
Amaranthnormal1: It's in backports08:07
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lsuactiafnernormal1 : tcp/ip packets..08:08
lsuactiafnerjks (;08:08
normal1so how do i get it08:08
normal1i tryed apt-get its not there08:08
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ashokwhere can download jre ?08:08
ChilloutHappyFool: oh sorry, well i have installed python 2.2. and 2.3 already. then i had already tried ur 2nd suggestions.... ending up with the erro mentioned ^^08:08
seth_kit's in hoary-extras methinks08:08
lsuactiafnermo idea.. get source maybe?08:08
normal1i downloaded the .deb but it says it is messing stuff08:08
geargolemis xfree86 worth it to change to?08:08
HappyFoolChillout: so installing python2.3 didn't help?08:08
luzbelitoi am trying with dvd::rip now , but it says permission denied at /usr/share/perl5/Video/DVDRip/project.pm line 261. any help ???08:09
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cmathesongeargolem: why would you ever change to xfree86?08:09
tritiumashok, you're best off grabbing Sun's installer, and building a .deb with make-jpkg (in the package called "java-package")08:09
normal1amaranth: what do you mean by backported08:09
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ChilloutHappyFool: unfortunately not. synaptic still gives me python <2.4 required but 2.4.1 installed....08:09
geargolemcmatheson, thats why i'm asking first08:09
Amaranthnormal1: http://backports.ubuntuforums.com08:09
HappyFoolChillout: huh. ok08:09
cmathesongeargolem: no, xorg is better than xfree8608:09
lsuactiafnerluzbelito : install mplayer, its got a nice ripper.. look into vobcopy -l also08:10
luzbelitolsuactiafner: i had mplayer installed. but i cant use it08:10
normal1hmmm i'll check it out thanks08:10
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lsuactiafnerluzbelito : why not? mencoder it the mplayer encoder08:10
othernoobtritium why is that the best option when it can be obtained by adding it to the sources.list?08:10
ashoki could find jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin08:10
luzbelitoit says an error when i open08:11
HappyFoolChillout: ok, can you paste the error you get here: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl08:11
ashokis this the one ?08:11
othernoobashok: yes that'd be the one08:11
tritiumothernoob, adding which repo to your sources.list?08:11
ChilloutHappyFool: ok, gimme a minute08:11
luzbelitolsuactiafner: i had mplayer opened now. no option to copy dvd on the fly08:11
othernoobtritium: a mirror from http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux/java-linux-d2.html08:11
tritiumashok, cool, now install java-package, and make a .deb :)08:11
ashokwhat shld i do after downloading that ?08:11
luzbelitomovie dvd, or decode it and copy08:11
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tritiumothernoob, I encourage you to check out java-package.  It's in the ubuntu (and debian) official repos, for one thing.08:12
basticrimsun, found the issue?08:12
sJaMtritium, that are old java packages though08:12
othernoobtritium: i hardly ever use apt ;)08:12
wza_anyone an idea how to mount a Lacie ethernet disk from linux?08:13
lsuactiafnerluzbelito : mencoder dvd://1 -o output_file.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg408:13
sJaMothernoob, that is the power of debian08:13
tritiumsJaM, which are old java packages?  blackdown?  I'm not recommending them.08:13
sJaMone of the powers08:13
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othernoobsJaM: precompiled packages is a power?08:13
lsuactiafnerluzbelito : man mplayer08:13
tritiumothernoob, sure08:13
sJaMothernoob, apt can also build from source08:13
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sJaMbut it sure is08:13
sJaMI have been using gentoo08:13
sJaMfor a few months08:13
lsuactiafnerluzbelito : thats the basic encoding line, but there is 3 pass encodin thats much better, i got a script to help you if need really be08:13
sJaMbut with debian it alwyas works08:14
aedwardshow do you configure alsa sound driver?08:14
luzbelitolsuactiafner: yes. please help me08:14
othernoobsJaM: i tend to compile myself :)08:14
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aedwardsfor some reason all im getting are system sounds and nothing else08:14
sJaMwell it is good for certain packages08:14
sJaMwhich really benefits from the extra registers08:14
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nomedhi all :)08:14
lsuactiafnerluzbelito : that line i pasted should encode it, just 3 pass encoding takes 6 times longer and is much better08:14
sJaMmmx and others08:14
aedwardshow do you configure alsa sound driver?08:14
tritiumothernoob, it's most certainly a power, especially for people who don't have time to be compiling all the time, and have other work to do.08:14
sJaMbut for most it doesn't matter08:14
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aedwardsfor some reason all im getting are system sounds and nothing else08:14
nomeddo you know where i can find a gimp format of ubuntu logo ?08:14
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othernoobtritium: sure. but so are .rpms ;) and most .deb people don't like .rpms08:15
martigansame here aedwards :S08:15
luzbelitolsuactiafner: but i wanna to copy it to another dvd, like dvd shrink in windows. you stand me ?08:15
lsuactiafnernomed : xcf? jpg should do just fine unless there was layers ect in the original copy of the logo08:15
nomedaedwards, i don't know why alsaconfig has been removed08:15
sJaMlike for mplayer it can be a real performance bettering if you compile it from sorce othernoob08:15
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luzbelitolsuactiafner: not rip dvd to divx08:15
othernoobsJaM: i know :)08:15
sJaMand if you can use apt to get the sources08:15
lsuactiafnerluzbelito : vobcopy then, also man man vobcopy08:15
nomedlsuactiafner, xcf .. it was perfect08:15
aedwardsis there another driver that can be used....08:15
sJaMalthough mplayer isn't in the apt repos08:16
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sJaMbut for things as bash08:16
tritiumSee you all later.08:16
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luzbelitolsuactiafner: no man for vobcopyu08:16
aedwardscuz i have a shit load of movies and mp3's i cant even use.08:16
othernoobsee ya tritium08:16
lsuactiafnerluzbelito : if you read the manual there should be options to copy only selected files to make the resulting .vob smaller08:16
sJaMand things like that, you really wouldn't notice the different08:16
tritiumothernoob, bye08:16
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aedwardsis there another driver that can be used....08:16
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thoreauputicsJaM: mplayer is in the multiverse repo08:16
aedwardscuz i have a shit load of movies and mp3's i cant even use.08:16
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sJaMdidn't know that08:16
lsuactiafnerthere has to be08:17
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othernoobsJaM: whether or not you always notice the performance difference isn't important ;)08:17
sJaMwhy compile from source then ?08:17
thoreauputicsJaM: apt-cache search mplayer shows a number of alternatives for differnet cpu s etc08:17
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lsuactiafnersJaM : compile from source to get latest mplayer cvs and latest software without waiting for apt08:18
othernoobsJaM: to learn? for fun? or because it'll be better suited for your pc?08:18
ChilloutHappyFool: never did this b4 so i hope i did it right: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/55408:18
othernoobor that lsuactiafner  ;)08:18
alvaroyo i need help, i have ubuntu warty and im trying to compile mplayer... it all works fine when i do the 'tar -xjf MPlayer-1.0pre5.tar.bz2, cd MPlayer-1.0pre5,' BUT when i do the next step ./configure --enable-gui it says that GUI requires GTK devel packages (which were not found) what do i do? :S08:18
JohnFluxwhat's the difference between "aptitude" and "apt-get" ?08:18
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sJaMyeah ok08:18
HappyFoolChillout: ok, stand by08:19
Bubbling_Zombieaptitude is a frontend for apt08:19
thoreauputicJohnFlux: aptitude is slightly smarter ;)08:19
JohnFluxalvaro: install the gtk devel packages :)08:19
lsuactiafneralso, self made packages might be more stable, since its not edited and only has a minimal ./configure options in08:19
sJaMI see08:19
othernoobBubbling_Zombie: so is apt-get08:19
lsuactiafneralvaro : apt-get build-dep mplayer08:19
sJaMwhat is the multiverse repos actually08:19
JohnFluxalvaro: do apt-cache search gtk | grep devel08:19
Bubbling_Zombiea graphical front end then -_-08:19
deviosanyone else notice that dns resolution in ubuntu slower than windows on same machine using same dns servers?  even after recommended firefox tweaks?  not trying to troll - just looking for a solution.08:19
luzbelitolsuactiafner: i dont stand vobcopy. man says will copy entire files like a mirror to hd, and i think never will can burn it !!!08:19
sJaMI thought universe was debian's unstable ?08:19
JohnFluxalvaro: do what lsuactiafner says08:19
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lsuactiafneralvaro : apt-get build-dep xmms should also be nice to install all teh developemtn tools you need08:19
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XRayNukeIs Atheros support included by default?08:19
HappyFoolJohnFlux: aptitude has a text 'ui' mode; it also keeps a log and apparently can handle 'orphaned' packages, though I don't know much about that08:20
lsuactiafnerdevios : install dnsmasq08:20
JohnFluxHappyFool: thanks08:20
=== Weiss [~weiss@modem-2567.lemur.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
alvaromeh it doesn't work08:21
alvaroit says: E Invalid operation build-deb08:21
HappyFoolChillout: hmm08:21
bddebianalvaro: build-dep , not build-deb08:21
Chilloutany idea?08:21
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HappyFoolChillout: have you tried python2.3 setup.py, given that python2.4 is not supposed to work?08:22
basticrimsun,  still here?08:22
lsuactiafnerdyslectic moment..08:22
luzbelitolsuactiafner: i dont stand vobcopy. man says will copy entire files like a mirror to hd, and i think never will can burn it !!!08:22
HappyFoolChillout: otherwise it looks like a bug in the program08:22
alvarostill doesn't work08:22
alvaroit says: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:22
alvaroE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:22
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bddebianalvaro: Use sudo08:23
zukalkalvaro, close Synaptic or whatever you're using08:23
othernoobalvaro, are you using apt and synaptic at the same time?08:23
alvarooh oops08:23
lsuactiafneralvaro : type w, another user is using apt-get at the current moment in time08:23
ChilloutHappyFool: yes i tried that. since the programm also needs wxPython(which i have installed via syptic mostllike for pyth. 2.4) it tells me wxPython not existent.08:23
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HappyFoolChillout: ah08:23
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HappyFoolChillout: yeah, it will be for 2.408:23
alvarook this is what i get:08:23
alvaroeading Package Lists... Done08:23
alvaroBuilding Dependency Tree... Done08:23
alvaroNote, selecting libdv4-dev instead of libdv-dev08:23
alvaroE: Build-dependencies for mplayer could not be satisfied.08:23
ChilloutHappyFool: well, is their a way to figure WHY exactly it cant write the config?08:24
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luzbelitoanyone knows how to burn .mds file to dvd ???08:24
lsuactiafneralvaro : just ignore it08:24
LufusolCatch you guys later..08:24
HappyFoolChillout: not with that error message08:24
ChilloutHappyFool: would u sugesst that i install wxPython for 2.3 (if such thing exists)08:24
HappyFoolChillout: try 'find -iname Config' in that directory to see if you can find a Config file08:24
jamiiehi, can someone give me a hand with a security problem08:24
othernoobluzbelito: try k3b08:25
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Chilloutok, ill try that08:25
luzbelitoothernoob: i had k3b opened08:25
HappyFoolChillout: you should be able to, in the worst case, in wxPython for 2.3 from source08:25
HappyFoolinstall, even08:25
luzbelitoothernoob: i had k3b opened, but i cant select mds file to burn it08:25
HappyFoolChillout: it might be a bit of effort though08:26
h08817I need some help on getting a bios upgrade so i can boot to cd08:26
jamiiemayb not then, bye08:26
luzbelitoothernoob: i had k3b opened, but i cant select mds file to burn it. it says is not a iso9660 image (mds file)08:26
othernoobh08817: what's so difficult about going to your manufacturers homepage and looking for your motherboard???08:26
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lsuactiafnerh08817 : as someone said previously, its not ubuntu that does bios upgrades, its the company that made your bios on your motherboard that supplies those upgrades08:27
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h08817i know that08:27
h08817other noob08:27
alvaroso what do i do now?08:27
alvaroit still says it requires GTK devel packages , how do i install that :S08:27
ashokfolks i have downloaded jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin. pls tell me how to proceed installing it08:27
h08817how can i find out my motherboard manufacturer08:28
lsuactiafnerthen pay a geek to get it + do it for you.08:28
HappyFoolh08817: try looking for names when you boot08:28
zukalkcan't he just open his PC?08:29
h08817yeah i did08:29
lsuactiafneralvaro : ubuntu aint a developers system, you need to install many libs+dependancies to compile things.. i just did apt-get build-dep xmms x11 vlc xine ect till every possible development package was installed so i could compile things08:29
h08817what to look for hmm08:29
h08817i found 2 intel chips08:29
h08817on them it says08:29
lsuactiafneralvaro : apt-get install mplayer might be easier08:29
h08817also i downloaded cpu-z to tell me about my system08:29
lsuactiafnerh08817 : lspci lshw and or look @ the mobo physically...08:29
ChilloutHappyFool: the closest is a file called BibConfig.py. since i dont know any python the content tells me 008:29
HappyFoolh08817: look for writing on the board itself, not on the chips08:29
lsuactiafnerh08817 : or pay a geek to do it for you...08:29
othernoobluzbelito: use this http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=5917208:30
h08817so i guess i should take most of the stuff out of it08:30
luzbelitoothernoob: thanks, i will take a look08:31
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HappyFoolh08817: be careful not to let the magic smoke out of the electronic bits and pieces ;)08:31
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ashokfolks i have downloaded jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin. pls tell me how to proceed installing it08:31
h08817i'm not that stupid08:31
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ubotuI heard java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java08:32
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lsuactiafnerashok : sudo sh jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin.08:32
lsuactiafnergoto that java link tho 1st08:32
HappyFoolashok: take a look at that wiki site, it will tell you more08:32
UbuntianI have a new hard drive, how do I mount it, is it: sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /home/tom/disc208:32
Ubuntiani mean another one, there are 2 now08:32
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HappyFoolChillout: i'll see if i can download it quick, but my link is super-slow08:32
lsuactiafnerUbuntian : looks correct enough, if you made a filesysmte on it already..08:33
HappyFoolChillout: erk -- does this need openoffice dev packages?08:33
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Ubuntianlsuactiafner, normally there is an ext2 filesystem on it08:33
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Ubuntianlsuactiafner, thanks08:33
Troy_McClureanyone here experienced in scripting with x-chat?08:33
ricosuave17does ubuntu use gnome as defualt??08:34
HappyFoolricosuave17: yip08:34
ChilloutHappyFool: mmh dev i dunno. it needs a lot of stuff tho. openoffice for sure, and the python-uno and python08:34
ricosuave17i hate gnome08:34
Ubuntianricosuave17, there is kubuntu if u prefer kde08:34
ricosuave17does it include any other WM08:34
normal1where are the icons located on gnome ???08:34
ricosuave17no i hate gnome and kde08:34
ricosuave17i like icewm08:34
normal1soi can us with smeg08:34
HappyFoolChillout: ok, i'm not going to download it then, sorry -- i have dialup and getting all the dev packages will take hours08:34
Ubuntianwell on gnome u can choose your window manager (right?)08:35
ricosuave17i dont think so08:35
HappyFoolricosuave17: you can install other wm's via apt08:35
ricosuave17u use xwmconfig for that08:35
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ChilloutHappyFool: sure, i understand. if it is the content of that BibConfig.py file u want to take a look at i could paste it...!?08:35
ricosuave17i dont like that08:35
lsuactiafnergdm lests you choose08:35
HappyFoolChillout: sure08:35
ricosuave17does it include icewm08:35
lsuactiafnerblackbox > all08:35
ChilloutHappyFool: ok ill do that...08:35
Rockett17if you apt-get install icewm it will show up in the gdm automatically08:36
HappyFoolricosuave17: you can easily install icewm using the ubuntu package system08:36
alvarowhen i dot an apt-get install mplayer i get this:08:36
Troy_McClureno one here knows how to script x-chat?08:36
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HappyFoolTroy_McClure: try #xchat08:36
alvaroPackage mplayer is a virtual package provided by:08:36
alvaro  mplayer-nogui 1:1.0-pre7-0.008:36
alvaro  mplayer-k6 1:1.0-pre7-0.008:36
alvaro  mplayer-586 1:1.0-pre7-0.008:36
alvaro  mplayer-386 1:1.0-pre7-0.008:36
alvaro  mplayer-custom 1:1.0-pre5-0.6ubuntu108:36
alvaroYou should explicitly select one to install.08:36
alvaroE: Package mplayer has no installation candidate08:36
HappyFoolyay pasting08:36
ashokthanks lsuactiafner08:36
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thoreauputicalvaro: choose the one that matches best with your cpu08:37
ChilloutHappyFool: there it is >> http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/55608:37
lsuactiafnermplayer-586 should be safe..08:38
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lsuactiafnerbut its better to compile the cvs daily... not really but i do08:38
ricosuave17what is the ubuntu package system?08:38
eruinsame as debian08:38
lsuactiafnerricosuave17 : apt-get08:38
ricosuave17never have played with debian i dont know how that works i played with slackware08:39
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Rockett17ricosuave17: or you can use apt-get graphically through synaptic08:39
ashokeven after installing jre, my browser shows missing plugins08:39
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basticrimsun, where are you?08:39
eruinoh.. well, it's pretty much the one binary package system to rule them all08:39
ubotuapt-get is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/08:39
HappyFoolChillout: that is not a user-editable file08:39
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hondjehey look, it's ricosuave1708:40
ricosuave17so if i want ice should there be a package already made?08:40
ricosuave17and in that directory08:40
alvarowhen i choose a package to install mplayer it says that it couldn't find no package08:40
lsuactiafnerashok : use the browser to install the plugins..08:40
zukalkricosuave17, all you'll have to do is 'apt-get install icewm'08:40
eruinicewm 1.2.18 shows here08:40
lesshastewhat's the easiest way to make a .mp4 video from real format?08:40
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eruinlesshaste, probably vlc08:41
ChilloutHappyFool: i thought so too. mmh, is there a way to generate an output while it tries to configure itself so i can see, what it treis to do?08:41
HappyFoolChillout: is there not a 'setup.py' in the root directory source, i.e., the directory above Setup (~/Desktop/Bibus-pre-1.0.0a/)08:41
lesshasteeruin, interesting...08:41
HappyFoolChillout: otherwise, you can put setup.py up on the pastebin08:41
ricosuave17isnt it easier just to download a package08:41
ricosuave17isnt of using apt-get08:42
ashokwell, it says only manual install possible08:42
eruinlesshaste, not sure about its support for the two types in question, but in general vlc (especially cvs) supports everything on earth08:42
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ChilloutHappyFool: yes there is a Setup. i will but this in the pastebin. ok08:42
eruinit's got a quite simple transcode interface08:42
ricosuave17well cant u just download a package and install it08:42
zukalkthat's what apt does for you08:42
eruinricosuave17, yes, you probably could, provided you have all the dependencies08:42
HappyFoolChillout: if there's a 'setup.py' in ~/Desktop/Bibus-pre-1.0.0a that is the one to use to install the software08:42
HappyFoolChillout: the setup.py in Setup/ is probably for something else08:42
normal1hey where are system icons loaded ?08:43
eruinapt-get provides those dependencies for you automatically08:43
ricosuave17but what if it doesnt have a package of the sort i want08:43
HappyFoolnormal1: what do you mean by 'system icons' ?08:43
ricosuave17say opera08:43
eruinricosuave17, then you just "dpkg -i opera.deb"08:43
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thoreauputicricosuave17: for opera go to the opera downloads and choose the ubuntu deb08:43
ricosuave17but how do i know if it has that package or not08:44
normal1happyfool: i'm making new groups with smeg08:44
eruinmost opensource apps of any value to a desktop user should be in the ubuntu repositories though08:44
eruinricosuave17, you can search08:44
normal1and i want to use the icons already on ubuntu08:44
lesshasteeruin, what about transcode? or some front end?08:44
normal1not have to download tham08:44
thoreauputicricosuave17: I just told you: there's an Ubuntu deb at the Opera download site08:44
ChilloutHappyFool: i seem to come till Line 147 >> http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/55708:44
eruineither using a GUI like synaptic, of "apt-cache search package"08:44
ricosuave17i know but im talking about other possibities08:44
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lesshasteeruin, I can't tell who you are talking to08:44
kbrooks@ nalioth_wrkn08:45
kbrooksI'm on deian.08:45
thoreauputicricosuave17: apt-cache search <keywords>08:45
ricosuave17well isnt that an internet list08:45
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thoreauputicricosuave17: or use the search function in synaptic package manager08:45
ricosuave17well im on windows08:45
HappyFoolnormal1: look in /usr/share/icons/ ?08:46
HappyFoolChillout: ok, loading that now08:46
normal1i'll try that08:46
thoreauputicricosuave17: well, you won't learn Ubuntu on windows, that's for sure ;-)08:46
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ricosuave17i know i just ask b4 i take a decision08:47
ricosuave17cause im a slackware dude08:47
eruinricosuave17, http://appelsinjuice.org/scr.png08:47
alvaroaaahhhhh~~ ~~ ~~!!! someone help me install mplayer.. i can't enable the gui because it needs GTK devel packages, how do i install that :O08:47
eruintheres a shot featuring synaptic08:47
eruinwhere I've just searched for 'applet'08:48
Sioricosuave17, why you on windows then?08:48
eruinin packagenames only08:48
Sioif you ask me, ubuntu beats the hell outta slackware and i've used both08:48
uboturumour has it, faq is Frequently Asked Questions you can check it out from here ---> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrequentlyAskedQuestions08:48
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ricosuave17cause i got tired08:48
=== ErmaC` [~joris@dD5773890.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
eruinalvaro, gtk2?08:48
Siotired of slackware?08:48
Sioubuntu is much better08:48
Sioyou'll love it08:48
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thoreauputicricosuave17: i suggest starting at the bot's URL above08:48
ricosuave17i might08:48
alvaroit just says;...08:48
ricosuave17do u use gaim?08:48
alvaroChecking for GTK version ...08:48
alvaroError: The GUI requires GTK devel packages (which were not found).08:48
alvaroCheck "configure.log" if you do not understand why it failed.08:48
Sionidei do yeah08:48
ErmaC`hello i have a fucked up problem with ubuntu :s:s:s:s08:49
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eruinricosuave17, talking to me?08:49
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FlyingSquirrel32when I log in as myself I get sound fine, but when I log in as another user no sound. This is a fresh install of ubuntu 5.0408:49
eruinalvaro, well08:49
samuelkhow do i open port in firewall?08:49
eruinlast time I checked mplayer was a shitty old gtk1.2 app08:49
Sionidexine > mplayer08:49
eruinalvaro, so "apt-get install libgtk1.2-dev"08:49
Sionideapt-get install xine08:49
thoreauputicFlyingSquirrel32: add hte new user to the audio group08:49
eruinapt-get install totem-xine instead Sionide08:50
eruinthen dl w32codecs too08:50
Sionideor gxine ;)08:50
FlyingSquirrel32thanks thoreauputic08:50
eruinricosuave17, yeah, I use it ;)08:50
ErmaC`i'm running ubuntu 5.04 but the problem is, i can only choose 640*480 or 800*600 screen resolution and NOT +1024*768 screen resolution, how can i fix this???08:50
eruinlovely thing08:50
ricosuave17i dont like it08:50
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ErmaC`i'm running ubuntu 5.04 but the problem is, i can only choose 640*480 or 800*600 screen resolution and NOT +1024*768 screen resolution, how can i fix this???08:50
ricosuave17it doesnt work good08:50
alvarowtf is xine? :P08:50
ricosuave17thats why i dont run linux08:50
ahrtal123I need to change my default in GRUB.08:50
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alvaroand how is it xine > mplayer? :P08:51
Sionidericosuave17, ubuntu does run good08:51
eruinworks like a charm here08:51
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ahrtal123How can I do this08:51
HappyFoolChillout: line 168 indicates that the "Config" file is Setup.xcu, in a directory share/registry/data/org/openoffice/08:51
khermanscan someone help me fix a GPG error after adding the Ubuntuguide.org extra repos?08:51
SionideErmaC`, you need to edit your xorg.conf to add the other resolution08:51
kvidell /s 108:51
HappyFoolChillout: probably /usr/share/registry/  (...etc)08:51
khermansW: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems08:52
eruinalvaro, xine doesn't have ridicilously ***wad people behind it08:52
SionideErmaC`, sorry, can't do dcc chats mate.08:52
=== Heart_ [~jzdgc@p549C34B9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ahrtal123my father uses windows and gets angry when it starts up UBUNTU08:52
HappyFoolahrtal123: you can tell grub to boot windows by default08:52
ChilloutHappyFool: sorry, i dont understand08:52
eruinahrtal123, gksudo boot-admin08:53
ricosuave17i dont understand grub08:53
khermansahrtal123, just change the default boot then08:53
ricosuave17i use lilo08:53
HappyFoolChillout: the Config file it's looking for is that file, as far as i can tell (Setup.xcu)08:53
HappyFoolChillout: do you have that file?08:53
eruinlilo is overly complicated o.O08:54
ricosuave17do usb webcams work good08:54
ahrtal123OK. I just installed this 2 days ago. I am unfamiliar with Linux.08:54
HappyFoolChillout: you can find out with ls /usr/share/registry/data/org/openoffice/Setup.xcu08:54
alvarowhat is xine anyways? can it play .wmv files?08:54
ahrtal123I also have to use a serial port Keyboard in GRUB as well08:54
khermansAnyone know how to fix the BADSIG repository errors?08:54
ahrtal123Is there anyway to get it to recognize USB08:54
HappyFoolChillout: or try 'find /usr/share Setup.xcu'  (might take a little while to run)08:54
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eruinalvaro, if you have the w32codecs package (available using the hoary-extras repository at backports.ubuntuforums.org)08:55
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eruinalvaro, I reccommend you use gxine or totem-xine if youre in gnome though08:55
alvaroi c08:55
ChilloutHappyFool: i will check that08:55
khermansAnyone ssen this before --> W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems08:55
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othernoobricosuave17: what's the big difference between lilo and grub?08:55
devioslsuactiafner: i installed dnsmasq - how do I make my system check there first when resolving things?08:55
ricosuave17i dont know08:56
ricosuave17i have never used grub08:56
ricosuave17i like lilo08:56
ricosuave17lilo is old school and so am i08:56
ChilloutHappyFool: yes i have that in >> usr/lib/openoffice/share/registry/data/org/openoffice/Setup.xcu08:56
khermansothernoob, grub lets you change boot settings on the fly08:56
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ricosuave17never used grub i dont even know what it looks like08:56
ricosuave17go with lilo and ull be fine08:57
bob2khermans: gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-key 40976EAF437D05B5 ; gpg --export 40976EAF437D05B5 | sudo apt-key add -08:57
eruinyou should try it08:57
sJaMricosuave17, you can still use lilo08:57
eruingrub is what everyone else is using08:57
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sJaMricosuave17, apt-get install lilo08:57
ahrtal123I have seen it and tried to use it, but I was unsure about what I was doing08:57
ahrtal123I have a help file from WIKI08:57
ricosuave17wait does ubuntu come with grub?08:57
=== Sionide waits for Ermac` to get back
khermansbob2, but why does this always happen?  shouldn't it be added automatically because the key is on the CD-ROM install?08:57
ahrtal123yes it does08:57
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ricosuave17othernoob: lilo is easy08:57
ahrtal123At least the newest version does08:57
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ricosuave17if u get the choice go with lilo08:57
sJaMyou think lilo is easy ricosuave1708:57
bob2khermans: presumably08:58
sJaMbut grub is easier08:58
ricosuave17lilo == old school === good08:58
othernoobkhermans and lilo doesnt? or were you trying to educate me about grub?08:58
ahrtal123also, what IRC program do I use with Linux?08:58
sJaMgrub camed because lilo wasn't so gut08:58
othernoobricosuave17: lilo is indeed old...08:58
ricosuave17yes im old school08:58
ricosuave17and im 1708:58
ChilloutHappyFool: so why cant it write it?08:58
sJaMwith lilo you have to update your rescue floppy if your upgrade your kernel08:58
ahrtal123I don't think mIRC is compatible08:58
eruinahrtal123, xchat08:58
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othernoobahrtal123: xchat, konversation, bitchx......08:59
GigaClonis there a mass mp3 retagger in linux?08:59
ricosuave17i dont even have a floopy drive08:59
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sJaMand that calls himself oldschool ;)08:59
HappyFoolChillout: files in /usr/ aren't usually 'normal'-user writable08:59
bob2GigaClon: there are thousands08:59
ahrtal123I am not old school, but I am old08:59
othernoobsJaM: lol. should have a 5.25 one ;)08:59
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HappyFoolChillout: you can try running this program as root (i.e., super-user)09:00
ChilloutHappyFool: mmh, so what would you suggest me to do?09:00
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HappyFoolChillout: i don't know if this will screw up openoffice or not, though09:00
ChilloutHappyFool: tried that already09:00
bob2GigaClon: cantus is apparently nice09:00
eruinthe only type of oldschool people in existence are the ones doing LFS09:00
ricosuave17man i so want a 5.25 drive09:00
ahrtal123thanks, othernoob09:00
alvarowhen i try installing the fonts and skin for mplayer i get this:09:00
HappyFoolChillout: that *also* didn't work?09:00
eruin... it's frowned upon09:00
othernoobahrtal123: yw09:00
Charlie_Snoopyhi all09:00
ricosuave17will a 5.25 floppy work on a new comp?09:00
ChilloutHappyFool: nope, same error09:00
ahrtal123you too eruin09:00
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alvaroroot@dsl081-050-234:~ # tar -xjf font-arial-iso-8859-1.tar.bz209:00
alvarotar: font-arial-iso-8859-1.tar.bz2: Cannot open: No such file or directory09:00
alvarotar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now09:00
alvarotar: Child returned status 209:00
alvarotar: Error exit delayed from previous errors09:00
sJaMwell it is easy if something overwritten the mbr, just put your grub disk in the drive09:01
HappyFoolChillout: hmm09:01
bob2Chillout: why do you want to modify that file?09:01
sJaMand boot09:01
HappyFoolChillout: then it isn't finding the file09:01
bob2alvaro: that just means the file doesn't exist...09:01
sJaMI helped a friend with it once09:01
=== Sionide crosses fingers
HappyFoolalvaro: please don't paste more than 2 lines09:01
Charlie_Snoopyis there anyone who can help me09:01
GigaClonbob: is it in the repo?09:01
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HappyFoolbob2: he wants to install this: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bibus-biblio/09:01
othernoobricosuave17: i don't know. i haven't had one in years ;)09:01
bddebianCharlie_Snoopy: Ask your question and we'll try09:01
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bob2GigaClon: of course, in universe09:01
ChilloutHappyFool: mmh. is there a way to figure out what exactly its problem is?09:01
Charlie_Snoopywith an install issue with  my ubuntu distro09:01
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HappyFoolbob2: the debian package requires python version < 2.409:01
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flexs[prog] i have installed fluxbox gui, how can i add fluxbox to gdm ?09:02
Charlie_Snoopyit's easy09:02
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HappyFoolChillout: sorry, i can't do so easily. At this point I'd suggest e-mailing the author09:02
othernoobricosuave17: i'd assume that it's quite possible though09:02
sJaMisn't that automatically done flexs[prog] 09:02
flexs[prog] nop09:02
bddebianCharlie_Snoopy: So shoot09:02
tiglionabbitflexs[prog] : write a fluxbox.desktop for /etc/X11/xsessions09:02
flexs[prog] i installed him from source09:02
Charlie_Snoopyi put my cd in the cd\dvd player09:02
Charlie_Snoopyhe boots up09:02
Charlie_Snoopyi select normal install09:03
ChilloutHappyFool: ok, ty for helping so far. its much appreciated.09:03
Charlie_Snoopyhe reads and unzip the image09:03
HappyFoolChillout: if you *desparately* need to use this software, maybe you could install an appropriate version of debian, but that's fairly extreme09:03
tiglionabbityou CD has a gender?09:03
Charlie_Snoopythem boots up the kernel09:03
Rockett17why would anyone need a 5+1/4" drive in this day and age??09:03
Sionidetiglionabbit, mines a girl09:03
sJaMdon't know09:04
sJaMwhy would anyone need lilo ;)09:04
othernoobRockett17: for fun, nostalgia...many reasons09:04
thoreauputictiglionabbit: actually the file for gdm sessions is in /usr/share/xsessions09:04
Rockett17I can see the nostalgia bit..09:04
Charlie_Snoopybetter it never boots up freezes right over there09:04
Rockett17would be fun to give one to a n00b and watch em put it in the drive ;)09:04
tiglionabbitoh..  sorry.  Fix up my mistakes, thoreauputic09:04
bddebianCharlie_Snoopy: Just freezes?  No error, nothing?09:04
sJaMI was 10 when I was using those09:04
JohnFluxcrimsun: I know have sound working perfectly.  Thanks so much :)09:05
Charlie_Snoopyanyone got the same problem09:05
sJaMmy neighbour didn't had the new and improved floppy drive09:05
JohnFluxcrimsun: *now09:05
Rockett17me too sJaM09:05
sJaMand not the 386 but the 28609:05
JohnFluxcrimsun: (You helped me about an hour ago)09:05
bkinman5.25 drive? For retrieving files on old 5.25 disks of course!09:05
flexs[prog] tiglionabit : i don't have /etc/X11/xsessions file ?09:05
bddebianCharlie_Snoopy: Have you tried another CD or a live CD?09:06
sJaMI learned MS-DOS when I was 1009:06
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tiglionabbitMy dad still backs everything he does up to floppy disks.  He's written tons of books, but can't type09:06
tiglionabbitflexs[prog] : sorry, thoreauputic reminds me it's /usr/share/xsessions09:06
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sJaMliked the terminal but I thought DOS was a bit cumbersome09:06
othernoobtiglionabbit: how does he write the books? by hand?09:06
bddebianHello raven3x709:06
flexs[prog] ok i try09:06
jugarnathacan anyone help me to play .avi files or .wmv files using totem (or any other ap that I may or may not have?)09:06
Rockett17floppy has got the be the worst possible back-up media.. they get frigged up so easy09:06
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tiglionabbitothernoob: well, by typing, but it takes him forever.  He types with two fingers, slowly09:06
zukalktiglionabbit, that's an understable mistake if your mothertongue is portuguese ;)09:07
raven3x7jugarnatha whats the problem09:07
bkinmanRockett17, i would contest that zip is worse.09:07
othernoobtiglionabbit: tried to teach him yet?09:07
zukalktiglionabbit, i mean the gender thing09:07
sJaMpeople make resuce disks09:07
sJaMwith old floppies09:07
sJaMand then if their comps is broken09:07
tiglionabbitI've tried to teach him everything, but he doesn't want to learn anything09:07
othernoobbkinman: why's zip the worst?09:07
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sJaMtheir rescue disk won't boot surprise surprise09:07
tiglionabbitI even bought him a USB flash drive09:07
Rockett17jugarnatha> you will require totem-xine and the w32codecs09:07
jugarnatharaven3x7: well, I can play mpg's with totem just fine. .avi files play audio but no video, and .wav files give an error message09:07
hodgmancan a user account have an alias.  basiclly allow me to have user bobsmith but be able to log into that same account with just bob through ssh ?09:07
bkinmanothernoob, I have had far more zip disks get corrupted on me than floppies.09:07
tiglionabbitbut he still uses his stupid disks09:07
othernoobtiglionabbit: he should learn to leave his finger on letters he's going to need soon again09:07
jugarnathaI have the w32codecs in place, and I think they're pretty recent.09:08
bkinmanothernoob, And zip drives seem more prone to break than any floppy drives i have used.09:08
othernoobbkinman: a friend of mine luuuuvs his zipdrive09:08
jugarnathatotem-xine I don't know about.09:08
sJaMmy usbdisk never let me down on linux09:08
sJaMbut windows 98 is a hell (school :@)09:08
luzbelitohow i can install bin2iso ???09:08
sJaMfor usbdisks09:08
sJaMapt-get install bin2iso09:08
bkinmanUSB keys are the own!09:08
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jugarnathaRockett17 should I do apt-get install totem-xine?09:09
othernoobbkinman: usb keys suck :p get lost easily09:09
alvarois there any alternative to mplayer, im tired of this thing not installing09:09
sJaMisn't on apt though09:09
SionidesJaM, same, my usbdrive (120gig) is awesome on linux but it keeps randomly disconnecting under windows09:09
raven3x7jugarnatha what rocket said. also you could try mplayer instead of totem-xine though i think totem is easier to use09:09
othernooband they're way too expensive09:09
Rockett17yes jugar, it may require you to remove the other totem09:09
Rockett17but that's fine09:09
sJaMwell I never understand why school uses W98 for network09:09
SionideErmaC`, any luck?? :)09:09
sJaMbut they have it so poorly secured09:09
raven3x7juggarnatha check synaptic09:09
sJaMjust put an fresh image at every reboot09:09
sJaMand still won't allow you to install anything09:09
sJaMso I couldn't install the driver09:10
jugarnathaRockett17: okay I'll install it and let you know what happens.09:10
spasmodoAnyone - linux-source-2.6.11...._all.deb09:10
virgulehodgman: hold on, I have an idea that might just work.. dont be too much enthousiast tho ;)09:10
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Rockett17we have 98 here at the red cross.. but we only use it to get the machines into a ts session .. everything is done on 2k3servers09:10
spasmodois that a kernel install package?09:10
SionideErmaC`, ah sucks man :( im prob not the guy to help you then, i'm not THAT good at linux mysef :P09:10
tiglionabbitmy dad is a scientist, but he wastes so much time with his innefficient use of computers that it's ridiculous.  He could get his work done in 1/10th the time he spends.  He also lives in constant fear that windows will explode if he touches anything, but refuses to learn any new software09:10
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hodgmanvirgule: lol ok09:10
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raven3x7Jugarnatha Rocket117 yes apt will uninstall totem-gstreamer automatically09:10
othernoobtiglionabbit: i can and respect that fear ;)09:10
tiglionabbitit takes him longer to type up some handwritten notes he took than it did for him to write them down originally09:11
flexs[prog] tiglionabbit : but in that file fluxbox.desktop...... leave it empty ?09:11
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Rockett17that's what I figured raven.. I just couldnt remember if it was gstreamer or alsa09:11
tiglionabbitflexs[prog] : no, look at the other .desktop files09:11
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Rockett17consider me reminded09:11
othernoobtiglionabbit: but it's sorta ridiculous that a scientist is afraid of a computer :/09:11
raven3x7yeah i did it a couple of days ago so i remembered09:11
tiglionabbitwell, he's a paleontologist, which means he travels around the world bashing rocks and theorizing about different kinds of soil09:11
ErmaC`can anyone help me i got a resolution problem on ubuntu 5.04.... PM Me09:12
othernooblol nice way of describing his job09:12
ubotutiglionabbit: I give up, what is it?09:12
sJaMnow you get it09:12
ubotumethinks resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:12
ErmaC`oh thanks ubotu09:12
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ErmaC`didn't know /new to linux you know/09:12
othernoobtiglionabbit: wouldn't he be easier off with dvorak?09:12
tiglionabbitErmaC`: thank us, we put it in ubotu09:12
spasmodoAnyone - linux-source-2.6.11...._all.deb09:13
othernoobtiglionabbit:  it's not like he'd notice the difference i assume09:13
virgulehodgman: damn..--> su: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info <- my idea was to simply duplicate the line with my username in /etc/passwd and to change 'virgule' instances by 'vir' but no go :( I could have worked09:13
ErmaC`didn't know he's a bot :p09:13
tiglionabbitothernoob: don't you think I've told him that a bazillion times?09:13
othernoobtiglionabbit: probably ;) just change it :p09:13
spasmodowill that install the kernel?09:13
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tiglionabbithow should I ask him?  His immediate response to any sentence with the word "type", "computer", or "software" is "NO!" before I even finish talking09:14
othernoobtiglionabbit: why ask? when he's not around, change the keyboard ;)09:14
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tiglionabbithe thinks that because one of my computers suffered a power surge in my childhood, that I am a jinx to computers and will kill them if I touch them09:15
sJaMjust install ubuntu on it09:15
sJaMhe wouldn't know the difference09:15
thierryhow can I burn dvd iso on ubuntu?09:15
tiglionabbitothernoob: he would kill me09:15
raven3x7i've been having some trouble with the nvidia drivers. i was getting a black screen. so i removed all the nvidia stuff including -common and compiled the 6627 driver from nvidia which worked for me on warty and i got some weird errors about not having a usuable screen setup. i removed those as i figured they might not work on x.org and tried 7174 version but got the same errors. any ideas?09:15
ashokhow do i login as admin ?09:15
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tiglionabbitashok: you are already admin09:15
uboturumour has it, sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo09:15
tiglionabbitread about sudo09:15
sJaMsudo su -09:15
tiglionabbitsJaM: how about "sudo -s" ?09:15
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ashokbut to some folders it says that i dont have enough permission09:15
sJaMdoes that work too ?09:16
tiglionabbitashok: you must use sudo for operations like that09:16
tiglionabbitsJaM: yup09:16
sJaMwell I always do Applications -> System Tool -> Root terminal09:16
thierryhow can I burn dvd is?09:16
sJaMonly then on a shortcut09:16
thierryhow can I burn dvd iso?09:16
IcemanV9aww, shucks! NASA called off the launch .. i was hoping to watch it online .. oh well, safety comes first. tsk.09:16
othernoobtiglionabbit: i have had 2 overheated cpus, 3 dead power surges so far.09:16
sJaMand I have a pass for root09:16
spasmodowill a linux-source-2.6.11.....deb install tje kernel?09:16
sJaMso su -09:16
tiglionabbitthierry: use k3b09:16
sJaMalso works09:16
othernoobtiglionabbit: my dad still gets me every month to update norton for him ;)09:16
jcoxonIcemanV9, yeah its a shame09:16
tiglionabbiturk, norton, othernoob convert him to http://free.grisoft.com09:17
jcoxonIcemanV9, apparently if they don't launch in the next couple of days gonna have to wait till september09:17
HappyFoolspasmodo: i believe 2.6.11 is not recommended (or so Seveas usually says)09:17
tiglionabbitit'll save you a lot of money and bullshit09:17
othernoobtiglionabbit: i would, in fact, i'd use clamav..but its a company laptop :/09:17
IcemanV9faulty sensors? are they using win OS? :p09:17
tiglionabbitcompany laptop?09:17
spasmodoHappyFool - thanks09:17
tiglionabbitwell I gotta eat, I'll be right back09:17
chrissturmodd minor versions are unstable in the linux kernel since 2.6.1109:17
othernoobtiglionabbit: yea, provided by his company..can't do shit on it..slow as fuck..09:18
jcoxonIcemanV9, :)09:18
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sJaMhmm sudo remembers passwords09:18
IcemanV9jcoxon: thought it would be so cool to see it online .. will either wait 'til couple days or Sept09:18
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jcoxonIcemanV9, yeah - we need to go back to space :)09:18
othernoobchrissturm: the odd versions were always unstable..not just since 2.6.1109:18
sJaMthanks tiglionabbit for the 3rd option09:18
virgulesJaM: it will forget after some inactivity.09:19
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tiglionabbitjcoxon: what, is there some clause that he can't change anything on it?09:19
sJaMwell I always think it is handy to have a root terminal open09:19
spasmododuh - I knew that about odd versions09:19
jcoxontiglionabbit, think you got the wrong person :)09:19
jcoxontiglionabbit, i was talking about the NASA space launch09:19
raven3x7does anyone know if the vesa drivers support any 3d accel?09:20
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othernoobtiglionabbit: yea well, yes. they'd freak..all he's allowed to do is enter his data, send it to them. and print..yay what fun09:20
tiglionabbitI'm getting more and more lazy with my tab completion.  I'm starting to use just one letter on it, and sometimes I type the wrong one09:20
=== IcemanV9 gives up on Firefox .. using Epiphany for now
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sJaMepiphany doesn't have popup blocker09:21
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IcemanV9sJaM: check the preference .. it does sorta of won't allow popup windows09:21
othernoobtiglionabbit: his company is shit with computers..last time they didn't even provide printer drivers.09:21
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wrtpeepsi just have to say, ubuntu is excellent.09:22
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sJaMbut then you havent any popups09:22
ricosuave17what is the newest realeze of uvuntu09:22
IcemanV9correct, sJaM09:22
wrtpeepsfor a new person to linux, this is way better than what i expected09:22
chrissturmothernoob, 2.6.11 is unstable, 2.6.12 is stable , 2.6.13 is unstable  , 2.6,14 is stable, etc09:22
othernoob5.04 ricosuave1709:22
sJaMso it doesn't block unwanted popus09:22
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othernoobchrissturm: eh, i know09:22
sJaMI missed a word :D09:22
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Ubuntianhow do I know which kernel I use and how to download the kernel headers for that kernel?09:22
raven3x7noone? does anyone know if the vesa drivers support any 3d accel?09:22
seth_kUbuntian: what processor do you have?09:22
Discipuluswhat's Amd64 asm like?09:22
Ubuntianpentium 309:23
chrissturmothernoob, and thats the case since 2.6.1109:23
sJaMsame just some extensions I guess Discipulus09:23
othernoobUbuntian: type uname -a09:23
GigaClonhow do a do a for loop that loops thru the contents of a folder?09:23
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DiscipulussJaM, ah, alright09:23
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ricosuave17hoary??? is it tyhat one?09:23
ulaasi can mount memory stick on my sony k750 but cannot write. folders are 755. any ideas. I ve tried -rw09:23
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AndyRraven3x7, im pretty sure they dont09:23
HappyFoolGigaClon: 'for i in *; do echo $i; done'09:23
eruinchrissturm, eh... you're quite wrong09:23
GigaClonhoary = 5.0409:23
sJaMat least that what looks to me reasonable ?09:24
haven_Is there a way to drop to the console instead of loading gnome at computer startup?09:24
dohpazI've updated my us.archive to ca.archive and when trying to install Gnet I continually get the error "Package libgnet2.0-0 has no available version, but exists in the database." which will not let me install Pan. What else can I do?09:24
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eruin2.4 was stable, 2.5 was unstable, 2.6 is stable09:24
othernoobchrissturm: and that wasn't like that before with 2.4 and the others? no, couldnt be....09:24
ricosuave17ok im confused09:24
Ubuntiansomeone knows how to download the kernel headers for 2.6.10?09:24
ricosuave17with the new realaeze09:24
ricosuave17help me09:24
thoreauputicwrtpeeps: if no one else has said it: Welcome to Ubuntu!09:24
ErmaC`can someone send me a defauld xorg.conf file? so i can use it as a backupfile? cuz i don't know if i edited my file well now?09:24
eruinthe minor release numbers after that are only a sign of the maturity of the branch09:24
ErmaC`can someone send me a defauld xorg.conf file? so i can use it as a backupfile? cuz i don't know if i edited my file well now?09:24
othernoobricosuave17: the next release will be breezy. in 5.10 afaik09:24
Ubuntianothernoob, thanks it work09:24
wimsHow do i config my xorg.conf so i can make use of the back and forth buttons i have on my mouse?09:24
othernoobUbuntian: you're welcome09:24
ricosuave17ok so i get hoary or normal 5.0409:25
chrissturmothernoob, before it was like that: 2.5= unstable, 2.6 =stable, 2.3 = unstable09:25
ErmaC`sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:25
chrissturmeruin, that changed after 2.6.11 :)09:25
eruinhoary IS 5.04, ricosuave1709:25
ErmaC`can someone send me a defauld xorg.conf file? so i can use it as a backupfile? cuz i don't know if i edited my file well now?09:25
othernoobchrissturm: i know. don't take my name seriously.09:25
ricosuave17but it shows 2 different folders09:25
AndyRUbuntian, use synaptic and search for kernel09:25
eruinare they trying to fool me into believing 2.6.12 is stable?09:25
wrtpeepsthoreauputic: thanks! i love it, and don't expect to use anything else :D09:25
eruin2.6.12 is an UTTER piece of fkin crap09:25
ErmaC`can someone send me a defauld xorg.conf file? so i can use it as a backupfile? cuz i don't know if i edited my file well now?09:26
thoreauputicwrtpeeps: good to hear :)09:26
othernooberuin 2.6.12 is the latest stable kernle according to kernel.org ;)09:26
Seveaseruin, 2.6.12 is not available for hoary09:26
Seveasdo not use it on hoary09:26
eruinI use it on breezy09:26
chrissturmothernoob, hehe sorry then09:26
Seveaseruin, breezy is even more unstable09:26
Seveasdon't complain.09:26
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othernoobchrissturm:  no problem ;)09:26
eruinerr, or rather, I'd like to but can't09:26
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eruinSeveas, I'm not complaining09:27
limeranyone know of a good cli nntp client (binaries)?09:27
mumbleswow.. comptue room was far to hot09:27
wrtpeepsthoreauputic: i must congradulate you on a very simple installer09:27
Seveaseruin, sure...09:27
ErmaC`Sionide can i get your xorg.conf file? so i can use it as a backup?09:27
=== Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-hem12-6-0-cust227.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicwrtpeeps: heh - don't congratulate me - i'm just a user ;)09:27
raven3x7AndyR thanks. i suspectes as much. at least 2d works properly the nv driver sucks and nvidia wont work09:27
UbuntianAndyR, there are headers there but not for the 2.6.1009:27
Seveasfyi, the kernel itself is perfectly stable. some userland tools just need to be adapted and that's the job for othrs (and that's being done in breezy now)09:27
thoreauputicwrtpeeps: the installer is actually the Debian Sarge installer with a few tweaks09:28
ulaasErmaC. Go to pastebin09:28
wrtpeepsit is VERY easy09:28
wrtpeepsand fast09:28
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Ubuntianok i got it, thanks all09:29
=== kain [~kain@modemcable032.203-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
wrtpeepshmmm, where can i get 'mp3 decoders' to play mp3's09:29
Seveaswrtpeeps: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support09:29
AndyRpopey, howdy :)09:29
othernoobSeveas: would you happen to know who comes up with the ubuntu release names?09:29
raven3x7Ubuntian search for inux-headers not kernel09:29
wrtpeepswow, he types fast...09:29
ulaasErmaC' , and get rid of that  ' sign at the end of your nick.....09:29
Seveasothernoob, sabdfl (aka Mark Shuttleworth)09:29
thoreauputicwrtpeeps: some people complain about the lack of a GUI installer... as you say, the existing one is very simple and quick09:29
othernoobSeveas: thanks09:29
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gm78this is really off-topic, but u know what i wish someone would invent....a mouse that actually works :P09:30
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thoreauputicwrtpeeps: some people have their IRC clients set up with aliases for frequently asked questions ;)09:30
limeranyone know of a good cli nntp client (binaries)?09:30
Seveasthoreauputic, you got me :)09:31
mumblesget a optical one09:31
spasmodocan I say to not format /home when I reinstall?09:31
gm78spasmodo, is it on a seperate partition?09:31
spasmodoit is on a different HD09:31
Seveasspasmodo, you can09:31
othernoobspasmodo: yes, manual partitioning09:31
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thoreauputicSeveas: heh - ah well, one day I'll get around to doing the same here :)09:31
spasmodois that in expert, or normal?09:31
gangaleehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive?highlight=%28add%29%7C%28partition%29 is what I was asking for all along09:31
wrtpeepsthoreauputic: how do i install 'gstreamer0.8-mad'09:31
othernoobspasmodo: both afaik09:31
wrtpeepsit says i need that09:31
spasmodotime to get it done09:32
gm78wrtpeeps, search for it in synaptic09:32
spasmodothanks all09:32
Seveasthoreauputic, want my FAQ script?09:32
dj28is there any way i can remove postfix from my system without apt removing ubuntu-base and ubuntu-desktop? it seems stupid.09:32
hodgmanvirgule: thanks for trying though :)09:32
gm78wrtpeeps, u need to have universe and multiverse enabled09:32
thoreauputicwrtpeeps: from the commandline, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad09:32
wrtpeepsi tried that thoreauputic09:32
=== Sio [~sphinx@cpc4-hem12-6-0-cust227.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
gm78dj28, removing ubuntu-base and desktop wont hurt anything09:32
thoreauputicwrtpeeps: you willl need repositories09:32
wrtpeepsE: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-mad09:32
Seveasgm78, well.....09:32
ubotusomebody said repositories was at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto09:32
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dj28gm78: how will it not when i fucking use it?09:33
Seveasit might hurt on upgrades to not have them installed09:33
gm78dj28, they are empty packages that just rely on the base system09:33
thoreauputicwrtpeeps: read the bot's URL09:33
dj28that doesn't make sense09:33
gm78dj28, lol, waiting for my answer would have worked better than swearing at me09:33
dj28why would ubuntu-base be empty09:33
dohpazI cannot get Pan to install because it continually complains that gnet is no longer available to install. When I try to install gnet it tells me the package is no longer available. I'm not using the reported broken us mirror anymore, and I still get the same errors. I just installed Hoary last night. I need help, please. :)09:33
gm78dj28, it is incase u dont have gnome installed, u just install ubuntu-desktop and it will install everything for u09:33
dj28and why would it remove an empty package09:33
gm78dj28, trust me, the package is empty09:34
thoreauputicwrtpeeps: basically you add universe and multiverse for your repos09:34
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virgulehodgman: np.. I googled a bit but couldnt find clues. thats a good idea you could bring to the developer's hear09:34
HappyFoolhe doesn't have to trust you, he can run 'dpkg -L ubuntu-base'09:34
gm78dj28, it is called a dummy package, it is just there to rely on other packages09:34
gm78dj28, i dont have it on mine but i have gnome running right now09:35
dj28so if it's there for a reason, will it break anything by removing it? furthermore, why the hell does postfix depend on ubuntu-desktop?09:35
mumblesquestio n09:35
=== Hoxzer [Hoxzer@dsl-hkigw2ga0.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
wrtpeepsthoreauputic: once i have enabled universe, i just do the sudo apt-get thing?09:35
mumblesif i buy a creative live 5.1 sound card will ubuntu work ?09:35
gm78dj28, it shouldnt, i have postfix installed but not ubuntu-desktop....r u sure its not the other way around? that ubuntu-desktop depends on postfix?09:35
mumblessill work if i put it in09:35
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thoreauputicwrtpeeps: first you do sudo apt-get update09:36
dj28hold on and i'll paste the apt output (4 lines)09:36
thoreauputicto update the database of packages09:36
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dj28root@greaselap:/home/dj28 # apt-get remove postfix09:36
dj28Reading package lists... Done09:36
dj28Building dependency tree... Done09:36
dj28The following packages will be REMOVED:09:36
dj28  anacron at lsb mailx mutt postfix postfix-tls ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop09:36
raven3x7anyone else having mplayer conflict with nvidia drivers installation?09:36
dj28this is a desktop system.. i don't really need a mail server running09:36
wrtpeepsok, so once i have installed gstreamer0.8-mad i can play mp3 via rythmbox09:37
thoreauputicdj28: please read the channel topic and use a pastebin09:37
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HappyFooli'm not sure that removing anacron is a good idea. or att09:37
HappyFoolat, even09:37
thoreauputicwrtpeeps: you should be able to, yes09:37
HappyFooldj28: it doesn't really do any harm, and that is how messages sent to root will reach you09:37
gm78dj28, that is normal. basically, ubuntu-desktop and base are empty packages, say all u have is cli utilities installed. u just type apt-get install ubuntu-desktop instead of going through and installing all of gnome individually, it is just for conveniance....removing it wont affect ur system at all09:37
HappyFooldj28: well, at least i think that mail is handled by postfix; i may be wrong09:37
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dj28gm78: ok that's all i need to know. thanks ;)09:38
dj28so it won't remove gnome?09:38
gm78dj28, no prob09:38
thoreauputicHappyFool: yes, postfix does local delivery IIRC09:38
gm78dj28, nope...i am running gnome and dont have it installed09:38
black-whispdoes anyone know wheter there is a gnutella client for linux=09:38
wrtpeepsthoreauputic: 1 more thing, all my mp3's are netwroked on another computer, how do i browse across that network (i can get to it via places/network servers) so i know it is set up right09:38
dj28ok thanks09:38
gm78dj28, welcome09:38
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wrtpeepsthis is to add to the playlist09:38
gm78black-whisp, limewire, gtk-gnutella...and i believe a few more09:38
thoreauputicwrtpeeps: you should be able to use the file manager (nautilus)09:39
black-whispgm78: thx. :)09:39
gm78black-whisp, welcome09:39
wrtpeepsyea, but i need to get across via rhythmbox, to add songs to the playlist09:39
geargolemhaving trouble installing cbrpager09:39
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bastihey I get following errors:09:39
bastiWARNING: No appropriate sound libraries found.09:39
bastiYou can still compile Ultimate Stunts, but09:39
bastisound will not be available09:39
bastiWARNING: SDL library not found09:39
bastiYou may still be able to compile the non-graphical programs,09:39
bastibut that is not guaranteed09:39
ulaasi can mount memory stick on my sony k750 but cannot write. folders are 755. any ideas. I ve tried -rw09:39
bastiwhat to do?09:39
=== queuetue [~Scott@h69-21-252-54.69-21.unk.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
queuetueHow do I give ssh (or really, scp) a password on the command line?09:39
thoreauputicwrtpeeps: if it is a windows network, you may need samba support (I only have Linux on my network so I'm using NFS)09:39
subjectdeniedmy harddisk seems to turn on and off evey 10 seconds09:40
othernoobbasti: well, that's a tough one, maybe use pastebin next time? ;)09:40
subjectdeniedcould this be a linux problem?09:40
gm78basti, please use pastebin. anyways, install the -dev packages for those things using synaptic09:40
geargolemHelp installing a program, please.09:40
gm78subjectdenied, what do u mean off and on? does it literally shut off so u cant use it?09:40
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bastiwhat packages?09:40
=== Ninwa [~joey@d14-69-38-157.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #Ubuntu
medgnocan anyone help me setting up a tv tuner card?09:40
thoreauputicqueuetue: it should prompt you for a password09:41
subjectdeniedgm78: it sounds like it's parking09:41
gm78medgno, which kind of card? like which chipset09:41
medgnogm78, bttv09:41
subjectdeniedand yes the whole systems seems to freeze then09:41
gm78medgno, should already be working, u tried tvtime?09:41
queuetuethoreauputic, In a script. :)09:41
bastiwhjat sound libs do I need?09:41
gm78medgno, which model number for the card...like who made it?09:41
subjectdeniedi'm in breezy now, but i had this problem in hoary too09:41
othernoobsubjectdenied: and it doesn't do that in windows?09:41
limerwoot.  "tin" sounds good for cli nntp :D09:41
medgnoI can use the S-Video input, but trying to tune broadcast tv, not working09:41
subjectdeniedi'm not sure09:42
jugarnathaRockett17: thanks that worked09:42
gm78subjectdenied, hmmmm....i still dont get what u mean :P09:42
medgnoit's a "Leadtek Winfast tv 2000xp"09:42
subjectdeniedi don't use it that often since ubuntu was released ;-)09:42
othernoobsubjectdenied: well make sure then :P09:42
subjectdeniedcould this be due to harddisk errors?09:42
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dohpazI cannot get Pan to install because it continually complains that gnet is no longer available to install. When I try to install gnet it tells me the package is no longer available. I'm not using the reported broken us mirror anymore, and I still get the same errors. I just installed Hoary last night. I need help, please. :)09:42
othernoobsounds more like a hardware prob though.09:42
gm78medgno, what does it do when u open tvtime?09:42
othernoobold hdds?09:42
JohnFluxhow do I get the 'win' key to work?09:43
subjectdeniedyes, old hdds09:43
=== abbot45 [~abbot45@66-168-21-183.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bddebianInstall Windows?09:43
JohnFluxi assume i need to chose a different keyboard layout?09:43
JohnFluxbddebian: :P09:43
othernoobsubjectdenied: maybe they're about to die ;)09:43
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medgnoI get a blue screen, saying "no signal"09:43
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subjectdeniedis this the normal sign of harddisks going to hell?09:43
gm78JohnFlux, u can set it up in gnome-keybinding-properties09:43
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thoreauputicqueuetue: ah, then you may want to set up passwordless ssh - see http://www.securitydocs.com/library/3385 for example09:43
XRayNukeJohnFlux: you must ask yourself the question "What do I want it to work as?"09:43
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JohnFluxgm78: and in kde ;009:43
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othernoobsubjectdenied: well it's not a healthy sign09:44
JohnFluxXRayNuke: kde uses it for the K menu09:44
abbot45do you guys know what that one online tv show is about that kid that is running the dvd pirating group, where it shows his IRC conversations and stuff?  im trying to find it again.09:44
gm78medgno, can u post the output of lspci that is releevant to the card?09:44
SS2good evening, somebody here that uses inkscape?09:44
gm78JohnFlux, lol, no clue then09:44
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SS2having problems with the knot points09:44
medgno0000:04:02.0 Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture (rev 11)09:44
limerabbot45, google for "thescene"09:44
subjectdeniedis it possible to "mark" the errors by reformating the harddisk?09:44
queuetuethoreauputic, Why doesn't ssh support password on the commandline?  I don't especially *want* to put my site's security in the hands of a file that I need ot keep an eye on now...09:44
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carambolhi i have install realplayer with apt but it cant startup09:44
abbot45limer: thanks, i had just forgot the name.09:44
limerabbot45: yw :D09:45
hex_ffffDoes anyone know how to get the current running program to show up in the tabs in gnome-terminal?09:45
othernoobsubjectdenied: i have no idea what you mean by mark09:45
subjectdeniedso no data is written to the areas that are phyisically corrupt?09:45
thoreauputicqueuetue: umm... ssh *does* support passwords on the commandline09:45
=== dohpaz wonders if anyone can even see him...
gm78carambol, post the output of ps -A | grep esd09:45
eruinQuest-Master, since when didnt ssh support that?09:45
inglorionhi, i have some settings in .xmodmaprc that i would like loaded whenever i log in, but i accidentally disabled the dialog that lets me specify to load these automatically. how can i get that dialog back?09:45
queuetuethoreauputic, in a script?09:45
gm78medgno, can u post the output of lsmod | grep bttv09:45
truz24What ubuntu package will allow me to run php scripts on the command line ?09:46
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medgnogm78, should I /msg you?09:46
=== StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gm78medgno, start a pm with me using the /query command09:46
subjectdeniedby mark i mean, telling the os not to use the area which are corrupt09:46
thoreauputicqueuetue: surely you can write the script so that it will prompt for a password when needed?09:46
subjectdeniedlow-level format?09:46
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Quest-Mastereruin: Huh?09:47
othernoobi dont think so.09:47
carambolgm78,rudi@h90238:~$ ps -A |grep esd09:47
carambol 6979 ?        00:00:19 esd09:47
carambol 6981 ?        00:00:00 esd09:47
gm78carambol, killall esd and then try running realplayer09:47
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queuetuethoreauputic, and how do I give that password *to* scp?  There does not appear to be a commandline switch for it. :)09:48
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gm78If I put an executable shell script in /etc/init.d will it automatically be run on each boot?09:49
sJaMcan you specify a password on the commandline with ssh ?09:49
hondjequeuetue: You need to use keys for that, as far as I know09:49
sJaMdoesn't look very safe to me09:49
carambolthnx gm7809:49
chrissturmsJaM, better use public key authentication09:50
thoreauputicqueuetue: well, I guess someone else will have to answer that - I use public/private key pairs so passwords aren't an issue09:50
sJaMwhy not using ssh-agent && ssh-add09:50
sJaMI do chrissturm09:50
subjectdeniedis it possible to check a harddisk for physical errors even when linux is installed on it?09:50
gm78carambol, go to System >> Preferences >> Sound and shut off Enable sound server startup so u dont have to do that each time09:50
gm78carambol, no prob09:50
chrissturmsJaM, :D09:50
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spasmodoI am going to reinstall09:51
spasmodobut I am going to save my /etc to reuse09:51
spasmodowhat else?09:51
carambolits all ok ,gm7809:51
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caramboli am lissing to bbc with real now09:51
gm78carambol, alright09:51
carambolmany thanks09:52
gm78carambol, if u dont do that, u will need to run killall esd everytime u login tho09:52
subjectdeniedis lists.ubuntu.com down at the moment?09:52
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carambolthe server i had enabled before already09:52
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mumbleswhat was the last thing i said ?09:53
thoreauputicsubjectdenied: can't ping it from here09:53
subjectdeniedok thanks09:53
carambolserver was already enabled, gm7809:54
spasmodohello dohpaz09:54
gm78carambol, oh, ok09:54
dohpazoh good; i am being seen... just ignored.09:54
=== hondje nods
spasmodosorry dohpaz09:54
hondjeI was going to admit seeing you earlier when you asked, but it sounded too angsty for me to want to get into09:54
spasmodowhat;s up?09:54
othernoobdohpaz: that's life, isn't it wonderful ;)09:54
dohpazoh especially wonderful....09:55
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sJaMangsty, hondje are you dutch ?09:55
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Romzhvhello every109:55
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dohpazi need help installing pan, or more specifically gnet which pan requires but is not available for me to install.09:56
hondjeI'm snoodaard-ese09:56
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hondjedohpaz: sudo apt-get install pan doesn't work?09:57
=== hondje thought it was in main
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TokenBadhondje, comcast is going to send out a tech09:58
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hondjeTokenBad: nice :)09:58
TokenBadguess they couldn't tell what was wrong09:58
tony__hi all09:58
hondjeTokenBad: How'd you twist them into admiting it was broke?09:58
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dohpazhondje, why would the cli work and not synaptic?09:58
TokenBadtold them what the logs said09:58
SDFH_Linuxguys is it safe to move up to gcc 4.0?09:58
TokenBadand basicly said I know something is wrong09:58
hondjedohpaz: I dunno, I've not messed with synaptic much09:59
TokenBadbeen in computers for 15 years09:59
TokenBadso can't tell me something isn't wrong09:59
thoreauputicdohpaz: there doesn't seem to be a package called gnet - libgnet2.0-009:59
thoreauputic perhaps??09:59
tony__short q i couldnt find the answer to.. feel free to answer... I am lacking "checking for libz... configure: error: not found." what pack do i need to get ?09:59
hex_ffffDoes anyone know how to get the current running program to show up in the tabs in gnome-terminal?09:59
hex_ffffit works on debian09:59
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hondjegnet is a listed as the dep for the pan pkg, it should go automagically :-/09:59
hex_ffffbut no ubuntu09:59
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SDFH_Linuxguys is it safe to move up to gcc 4.0?10:00
gm78Does anyone know how to set up a shell script to run in /etc/init.d at every boot?10:00
hondjeSDFH_Linux: Depends on what you define safe as10:00
SDFH_Linuxwill it break anything?10:00
HappyFoolSDFH_Linux: have you asked in #gcc? there are probably a variety of considerations10:00
hondjeI would, but not for something in production10:00
gverigAnybody knows how bootlog is called in ubuntu? I am booting into runlevel 2 with no sound (with GDM). I want to check why I am in runlevel 2. and where is my sound :)10:00
hondjeSDFH_Linux: yeah, like gettext10:00
thoreauputichex_ffff: it's probably set up in .bashrc or /etc/bash.bashrc on debian - have you looked at those files at all ?10:01
HappyFoolgverig: runlevel 2 is the default10:01
dohpazhondje, thank you for helping me solve this problem.10:01
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thoreauputichex_ffff: Ubuntu seems to show the working directory instead10:01
hondjedohpaz: you're welcome10:01
HappyFoolgverig: have you looked in /var/log/syslog, /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/messages?10:01
gverigHappyFool: ? Isn't runlevel 5 usually default? BTW, why does Ubuntu have all runlevels with GDM and stuff?10:01
HappyFoolgverig: runlevel 5 = GUI is a redhat thing (maybe suse too, i don't know)10:02
gverigHappyFool: Yup, looking there too but I don't think boot sequence is there10:02
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thoreauputicgm78: have a look at the update-rc.d command10:02
hondjesuse does it too I think10:02
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gverigHappyFool: Really? I thought it is a standard...10:02
HappyFoolgverig: could be, i dunno ;)10:02
spasmodogm78 - you could install the Ubuntu Boot Up Manager10:02
spasmodoand do it with a GUI10:02
gverigHappyFool: OK, will look into messages and stuff...10:02
hondjeDebian follows all standards better than RH does :)10:02
nikkiaHappyFool: its a SysV thing10:03
HappyFoolgverig: anyway, you can switch off gdm if it bugs you. For sound, take a look on the wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TitleIndex10:03
hondjeI think only 0 and 6 are reserved10:03
nikkiaredhat just copied them :)10:03
HappyFoolnikkia: ok. who did debian copy?10:03
nikkiahappy, noone10:03
HappyFoolnikkia: *gasp*10:03
gm78spasmodo, which package is that? i searched for it in synaptic and couldnt find it10:03
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spasmodoI thinkit is in extras?10:04
spasmodonot sure shich repo10:04
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spasmodoit works well though10:04
gm78spasmodo, well i have all the repos enabled. i remember looking for it before and not being able to find it10:04
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gverigHappyFool: I had sound just this morning (until I got network problems and had to reboot...)10:04
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din /j fedora10:04
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spasmodogm78 I am not in ubuntu now sadly, so I can not look10:05
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TokenBadpower levels on my download is way low10:05
gverigHappyFool: I can't find any mention of ESD or ALSA in any of the logs you mentioned.10:05
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gveriganywho, bbl (30 min), sorry10:05
HappyFoolgverig: eek. i've had bad luck helping people with sound ;). Take a look at alsamixer -- maybe a channel has become muted10:05
hex_ffffDoes anyone know how to get the current running program to show up in the tabs in gnome-terminal? Are there xml configs that change the behavior?10:05
=== FlyingSquirrel32 [~FlyingSqu@exchange2.dglaw.com] has joined #ubuntu
DukGalNamuhey guys, how do i make a program non dependent on the terminal that is running it?10:05
=== ompaul wonders what the name of that desktop that looks so like xp it is scary
spasmodogm: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#bum10:05
carambolgm78,but i lost the events sounds10:05
gm78carambol, yeah, esd doesnt play nice with alsa10:06
HappyFoolgverig: also sometimes channels *need* to be muted (weird line-in channels was one example i encountered)10:06
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FlyingSquirrel32when I use connect to server, what's going on in the background? Is the remote filesystem being mounted somewhere?10:06
carambolis it not better to use alsa?10:06
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FlyingSquirrel32where can I get more info aout it?10:06
ompaulnightswim, thank you very mich10:06
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thoreauputicgm78: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=75  << boot up manager10:06
gijoshHey.  I'm about to install gcc.  Which package should I use?10:06
HappyFoolgijosh: build-essential10:06
ompaulnightswim, thank you very much (even :))10:06
cmathesongijosh: build-essential10:06
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hondjeFlyingSquirrel32: what kind of server?10:07
hondjenfs, yes, web no, etc10:07
Thorrn4hello!! I was wondering; how can I mount a Win NTFS harddrive so that I can take the data off of it?10:07
carambolgm78 if i use alsa and OSS will it not be better?10:07
DukGalNamuhey guys, how do i make a program non dependent on the terminal that is running it???10:07
FlyingSquirrel32hondje :well, I usually use it to connect to smb shares10:07
antoranzI'm having this problem with squid10:07
gijoshHappy Fool: cmatheson: Thanks10:07
hondjeThorrn4: mount -t ntfs /dev/hd?? /path/to/mount I think10:07
ce33naThorrn4: make an adition to /etc/fstab10:07
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antoranzif I use a mutltipath route, squid goes nuts10:07
deviosanyone see that Linspire news that they are gonna include transgaming's stuff out of the box?10:08
gm78carambol, yeah, but the event sounds rely on esd10:08
=== action09 yop
smitehi ppl... ubuntu owns so bad =D10:08
antoranzanybody has an idea of what could be wrong?10:08
ce33naThorrn4: or you could temporarily mount it also10:08
hondjeFlyingSquirrel32: easy way to check is to open a terminal and type 'mount'....that'll show you what is mounted where10:08
smiteanyone know a way to convert a file from little to big endian? specifically a tif and convert -endian doesn't do anything10:08
carambolok...no way the solve this?, gm7810:08
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Thorrn4ce33na, that would be betetr10:08
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hondjeFlyingSquirrel32: But SMB doesn't mount things afaik, unless you use smbmount10:08
DukGalNamudevios: no WAY thats kind of cool.... but linspire charges like crazy for things debian comes stock with....10:08
hondjesmite: though you steal my name, I will be nice and tell you to use imagemagick10:09
yourghetekhow do i know what the display # is on my system?10:09
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ErmaC`can someone help me?10:09
hondjeyourghetek: echo $DISPLAY ?10:09
cmathesonyourghetek: it's most likely :010:09
ErmaC`i edited my xorg.conf :s10:09
thoreauputicyourghetek: echo $DISPLAY10:09
subjectdeniedcould anyone tell me the console-application for configuring services that are executed at startup?10:09
=== youth [~youth@cpe-24-209-241-103.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ErmaC`but now my screen is fucked up10:09
smitehondje: that's what i just did. "convert -endian" is part of imagemagick10:10
DukGalNamuin either case i need someone to tell me how to make btdownloadheadless independent of the terminal its running in...10:10
hex_ffffDoes anyone know how to get the current running program to show up in the tabs in gnome-terminal? It works in debian, but not ubuntu.10:10
hondjesmite: oh, hrm10:10
gm78carambol, sorry zoned out. i havent found a way yet10:10
hondjethen you did what I would do :)10:10
smitehondje: i made an 8x8 pixel tif and od results the same thing for the lsb and msb versions......10:11
spasmodoErmaC - and you want to revert to the old one?10:11
ErmaC` I edited my xorg.conf file, but now my screen resolution totally fucked up, weird pixels everywhere10:11
FlyingSquirrel32hondje: shame, thanks.10:11
thoreauputichex_ffff: it is almost certainly in ~/.bashrc , /etc/profile or /etc/bash.bashrc, and it isn't xml - it's an option for xterminals10:11
youthI'm trying to use wine and I almost had it installed but it says that I need "Xlib/Xfree86 at the very least".10:11
youthWhere can I get those if they're not in synaptic?10:11
Heimdallis there someone here who knows why the mean speed of download is limited at 7ko/s in amule statistics ?10:11
youthOr since it says "at the very least", what's a step up from that?10:11
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thoreauputichex_ffff: you would need to edit the line with the comment # If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir in ~/.bashrc10:13
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hondjesmite: if there's an #imagemagick you might get a good answer10:13
DukGalNamuErmaC`: run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:13
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ErmaC`but i don't know exactly wath to do in that reconfigure-script cuz it's all the time fucked up when i reboot10:14
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Almindorhow do you start firebird in this thing?10:14
DukGalNamuErmaC`: even in command liine?10:14
hondjeFlyingSquirrel32: what's a shame?10:14
cmathesonAlmindor: have you installed it10:14
cmathesonAlmindor: type 'thunderbird' at the prompt10:14
Almindorcmatheson, I mean the DB not the mail client10:15
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cmathesonAlmindor: oh sorry10:15
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DukGalNamuErmaC`: press control alt F110:15
HappyFoolAlmindor: maybe /usr/share/doc/firebird will tell you10:15
ErmaC`dukgal i mean, the screen reso is now about 640*480 really big :s not normal, i just need to fix it to a smaller reso, but with the screenresolution wizard it doesnt work, can only choose 640*48010:15
DukGalNamuErmaC`: and go into command line, then type dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:15
hex_ffffthoreauputic: I'll try that thanks!10:15
yourghetekis there a graphical nx client in repos?10:16
thoreauputicErmaC`: you'll need to use sudo with that command10:16
DukGalNamuErmaC`: ohh, have you tried typing control alt + or -?10:16
alex__i've a question. I'd like to create a folder over my personal folder where collocate all wallpapers. I wanna ask you this questio: what folder can i put them in? Have you got an advice for me?10:16
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ErmaC`how DukGalNamu ?10:16
macewanhey all10:16
cmathesonalex__: wherever you want10:17
thoreauputicalex__: you can put them anywhere you like10:17
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ce33naalex__: /home/<your user name>/wallpaper10:17
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thoreauputicalex__: e.g. mkdir wallpapers10:17
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DukGalNamuErmaC`: ust press control+alt then hit either the plus (+) or minus (-) key10:17
mumblesermm... who was pming me ?10:17
alex__well, ce33na have a good idea10:17
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socommI was pwning you.10:17
alex__maybe it's the best. what do you think about?10:17
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ErmaC`DukGalNamu,  doesn't work10:18
ce33naalex__: thats where all mine are10:18
thoreauputicalex__: you can call it anything you wish - it won't really matter10:18
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wimsI messed up my xorg.conf and i forgot to make a backup copy, can someone send me a clean copy?10:18
alex__ce33na, well i think it's a good position. THANK YOU!10:18
DukGalNamuErmaC`: then you don't have the resolutions set, you need to reconfigure xorg the way i told you10:18
ErmaC`with the pkg-stuff?10:19
thoreauputicErmaC`: sudo apkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:19
thoreauputicsorry typo10:19
DukGalNamuErmaC`: press ctrl+alt+F1 then log in as normal user then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:19
mumbleshow would i go about doing what dorris says ? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=252708&postcount=410:20
thoreauputic*sudo dpkg-reconfigure10:20
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raven3x7anyone can suggest a alternative backports mirror to the mirramax one?10:21
DukGalNamuErmaC`: and to get back press ctrl+alt+F7 or F6 or F8....10:21
ce33naraven3x7:I'm having backport problems lately also. I'm just going to try to wait it out.10:22
Heimdallit seems that the default ubuntu Mplayer does not support XviD format, where can I find the codec ?10:22
thoreauputicraven3x7: here>> http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/url.php10:22
sJaMgtg cu10:22
ce33naI've tried all four listed on the backports page and they all seem hosed10:22
DukGalNamuthoreauputic: tell me how to run a terminal program independent of the terminal please!!!10:22
thoreauputicDukGalNamu: I don't really follow you10:23
DukGalNamuthoreauputic: so that when i close the terminal the program doesn't stop10:23
raven3x7thoreupeutic thanks10:24
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thoreauputicDukGalNamu: depending on the program, you can background it with & - but if you close the terminal that will also usually terminate the program, since it is a child process10:24
ce33naDukGalNamu: add "&" to the end of your command. It will run in the background.10:25
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airmikeywhats   ubuntu 6.0410:25
DukGalNamuthoreauputic: the program is btdownloadheadless, and its supposed to be able to come up on any terminal after the original is closed10:25
thoreauputicairmikey: the Ubuntu after Breezy - out next April10:26
DukGalNamuthoreauputic: still running10:26
airmikeytrying to find   ubuntu for amd6410:26
ce33naDukGalNamu: if what thoreauputic says is happening to you, then do it from a straight command line by typing <ctrl> <alt> <F1>. To return to the desktop, type <alt> <F7>.10:26
thoreauputicDukGalNamu: another way is to use the GNU screen program, which allows you to detach and reattach terminal sessions10:27
DukGalNamuthoreauputic: THATS IT!!! thats what i want to do10:27
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DukGalNamuthoreauputic: how do i do that? whats the name of the program so i can man it?10:27
thoreauputicDukGalNamu: the command is "screen" - and tha man pages are ... long ;)10:27
thoreauputicscreen is a great program10:28
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thoreauputicDukGalNamu: this might help >> http://jmcpherson.org/screen.html10:29
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litte_johnmy internet connection is very slow so can i buy an ubuntu cd somewher?10:29
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tiglionabbitlitte_john: free, shipped to anywhere in the world10:30
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litte_johnok..are it totaly free?..also the ship cost is free?10:31
litte_johnohh..damn what nice10:31
CredHello. Could someone try to help me to get Labtec USB microphone to work? dmesg reveals this usbcore: registered new driver snd-usb-audio10:31
TokenBadwhat should power levels be on a cable modem when check signal?10:32
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ulaaswhat is the latest version of firefox in hoary reposss ? 1.0.2 ???10:32
ubotuwell, firefox is version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"10:32
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ulaasjosgar, from backports right?10:33
Ubuntiandoes someone know how to create an image from a cd?10:33
ulaasUbuntian, mkisofs ?10:33
Panzerboyare there any problems with the mailing lists?10:33
Ubuntianulaas, did u do it?10:33
Panzerboyi've send a message to the users list quite a while ago10:33
mumblesanoune aroudn to help with my sound ?10:34
DukGalNamuthoreauputic: i have to have screen already running to detatch the program don't i....10:34
thoreauputicDukGalNamu: yes, but that isn't really a problem - just run screen first10:34
Ubuntianulaas, there is no GUI right?10:34
ulaasUbuntian, there is10:35
ulaasUbuntian, in fact there are10:35
spasmodoI am making a backup of an entire drive with dd10:35
spasmodohow to restore?10:35
ulaasUbuntian, the greatest one which i am sure you will hate the gui is "xcdroast"10:35
ulaasUbuntian, gnomebaker also can create iso i guess10:36
=== tiglionabbit mentions k3b and gnomebaker
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mumblesubuntu wont find xconfig or gconfig as my google serches say10:36
Ubuntianulaas, is there a misunderstanding? i'm trying to get an image of a CD, an copy it on my hard drive..10:36
DukGalNamuthoreauputic: in any case, problem solved !!!! thank you10:36
cmathesonspasmodo: w/ dd10:36
Ubuntianulaas, xcdroast does that?10:36
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thoreauputicDukGalNamu: no worries - screen is great for all kinds of stuff :)10:37
ulaasUbuntian, hmmmm10:37
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cmathesonUbuntian: you could probably just dd if=/dev/cdrom of=foobar.iso10:37
spasmodocmatheson - thanks10:37
ulaasUbuntian, i think it does10:37
cmathesonspasmodo: no problem, just switch the if= and the of= values when you want to restore10:37
spasmodocool, that makes sense!10:38
gihefLo everybody10:38
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Ubuntiancmatheson, and where does the iso goes?10:39
gihefI'm trying to get apache working on my amd64 hoary distro10:39
cmathesonUbuntian: whereever you tell it. if you don't specify it will just go in the current directory10:39
ubotufrom memory, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java10:39
Ubuntianwhat's dd ?10:39
Ubuntianwhat is do or dd ?10:40
cmathesonUbuntian: man dd10:40
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ubotunewusers is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUbuntuUsers10:40
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Ubuntiancmatheson, k i'll try10:40
thoreauputicUbuntian: probably short for "direct dump" or something like that10:40
ce33nadata dump10:40
thoreauputicce33na: yeah, that sounds right :)10:41
gihefok I guess i still can hang myself10:41
spasmodois dd a recommended way to do disk backups?10:41
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cmathesontiglionabbit: did you just make that new users page or has that been around for a while?10:42
thoreauputicspasmodo: sure, but be careful with your if= and of=  ;-)10:42
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ErmaC`finally works normal again10:42
spasmodogot X going?10:42
ErmaC`but, it's still 800*6010:42
ErmaC`but, it's still 800*60010:42
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spasmodoheh heh10:42
JohnFluxspasmodo: dd is dangerous if the second disk isn't exactly the same10:43
tiglionabbitcmatheson: I made it10:43
JohnFluxspasmodo: and two disks with the same model number aren't always the asme10:43
cmathesonJohnFlux: he's just making a backup, he's not copying to another disk10:43
cmathesontiglionabbit: pretty sweet10:43
JohnFluxcmatheson: .......10:43
JohnFluxcmatheson: think about that :P10:43
spasmodoheh heh10:43
cmathesonJohnFlux: think about what? you're statement was entirely irrelevant10:43
spasmodobut not duplicating the disk10:43
JohnFluxcmatheson: if the disk fails, and you have the backup file, what are you going to do with it ?10:44
tiglionabbitbut I made it last week, so if a week is a while, then yes it's been around10:44
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tiglionabbitwell I gotta go10:44
JohnFluxcmatheson: what's the point in a backup file you can't put on any new harddisk ? :)10:44
cmathesonJohnFlux: he's probably more worried about ruining data than a disk failing10:44
cmathesonJohnFlux: and even so he could partition the new drive accordingly10:44
thoreauputicJohnFlux: if the output file is specified properly, it should be fine - it's just a file with the data in it after all10:44
cmathesonJohnFlux: people have been using dd for backups for years it's no problem10:44
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ErmaC`who helped me a couple of minutes ago with the reconfigure command of xserver-xorg?10:45
thoreauputicErmaC`: several people I seem to recall10:45
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Ubuntianthanks all, tschuss10:46
thoreauputicsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  <----- that one ?10:46
GigaClonhey calc, thanks for the help yesterday10:47
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ErmaC`yes thoreauputic10:47
ErmaC`that one10:47
IcemanV9hrm .. 11G worth of data cannot backup to fd0? dang10:48
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IcemanV9j/k :p10:48
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thoreauputicIcemanV9: write a new compression algorithm *grin*10:48
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ubuntu_rolphhi how can I download a VNC server?10:49
ubuntu_rolph(totally new to Linux) I know how to use the CL though10:49
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khermansAnyone know good software for making Screen Capture Movies?10:50
thoreauputicubuntu: install the vncserver package10:50
ubuntu_rolphthoreauputic: how do I do that?10:51
thoreauputicubuntu_rolph: sorry that waas for you10:51
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thoreauputicubuntu_rolph: sudo apt-get install vncsever, or use the synaptic package manager10:51
ubuntu_rolphthoreauputic, is there a command to do so?10:51
IcemanV9thought vnc is part of ubuntu, isn't it?10:51
kruegerwhat's the name of the danish ubuntu chain ?10:51
thoreauputicsee above10:51
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thoreauputicIcemanV9: yes, but not the server10:52
IcemanV9ahh .. ok10:52
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thoreauputickrueger: would it be #ubuntu-dk  ?10:53
kruegeri try..10:53
thoreauputickrueger: hmm - no-one there10:53
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kruegerthank you10:53
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ubuntu_rolphE: Package vncserver has no installation candidate10:53
kruegerbut thanks anyway10:53
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thoreauputicubuntu_rolph: you need universe repo10:54
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ubuntu_rolphhow do I do that?10:54
thoreauputicubuntu_rolph: see the bot's URL below10:54
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ubotuI guess repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:54
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u19809I want to man a hostname (say XYZ) to a DNS entry, suggestions ?10:55
thoreauputicubuntu_rolph: it's basically a question of editing out some # marks in /etc/apt/sources.list10:55
bddebianu19809: Put it in /etc/hosts10:56
u19809doesn't host onlyl map names to IP addresses ?10:56
bddebianu19809: Yes, what are you trying to do?10:56
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thoreauputicu19809: hostnames and URLs10:56
u19809I use CVS and CVS stores the name of the host in a file10:57
u19809However when my laptop moves from behind firewall to outside10:57
u19809the IP address of the cvs server changes.10:57
u19809but the DNS name does not10:57
u19809so I want to have say cvsserver in the CVS file and then10:57
u19809have an alias from CVSserver to whatever the current IP address of the host is10:58
thoreauputicu19809: you can just map the alias to the IP in /etc/hosts10:58
u19809yes but the IP changes and then I would have to edit the host file every time10:58
Madeyehey, How to upgrade my kernel to  2.6.11? I'm using hoary ?10:58
ubuntu_rolphI'm on cd live though :P10:59
HappyFoolif the "dns name" (i presume this is a name you can lookup via DNS) is constant, use that instead of cvsserver10:59
thoreauputicubuntu_rolph: ah, well apt still works on the live CD AFAIK10:59
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u19809OK let me rephrase.10:59
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u19809cvs stores hostnames in the file11:00
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u19809however depending on the location the IP adres of that hostname11:00
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u19809changes (bind or before firewall)11:00
u19809So I am looking for a solution that would make that move abstract11:00
mumblesif i install a new sound card will i have to reinstall ubuntu ?11:02
HappyFoolu19809: ok, so I have in a 'Root' file in CVS/ this:      :pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/numpy11:02
thoreauputicmumbles: no11:02
HappyFoolu19809: surely cvs doesn't care what the IP address of cvs.sourceforge.net is?11:03
HappyFoolu19809: i.e., shouldn't it Just Work ?11:03
u19809yes but if I am behind my firewall the Ip adress would resolve to the public IP address11:03
u19809causing traffic over slow ISP line11:03
HappyFoolso what's the problem with that?11:03
HappyFoolwhat do you want to happen instead?11:03
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u19809and download limits11:04
HappyFoolmaybe you need to set up routing somehow, but that I don't know much about11:04
u19809yes I could set up a host route11:04
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HappyFoolu19809: gnome networking is probably not up to it, but i see it has a 'location' field (see System -> Administration -> Network settings)11:05
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HappyFoolu19809: last guess: put two entries for the host in /etc/hosts. Anyway, I'm off to bed.11:06
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thoreauputicu19809: maybe write a small x=script that allows you to choose between the two connection methods? (also a guess)11:08
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lsuactiafneru19809 : whats up?11:09
u19809I was thinking along the lines of using dnsmasq11:09
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u19809lsuactiafner : I use cvs and cvs stores hosts11:09
lsuactiafneru19809 : if you want to map a hostname to an ip /etc/hosts11:09
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u19809but that hostname resolves to an IP address that is public (i.e. on the internet)11:09
thoreauputiclsuactiafner: we've kind of covered that ground...11:10
XRayNukeI have a gtksudo question. I just set up Ubuntu, but I was installing to a USB drive so I had to go through the expert install and might have missed something because gtksudo doesn't work. Does it have something like the sudoers file and how do I add myself?11:10
lsuactiafnerjust add like this to a /etc/hosts11:10
u19809which causes the use of my download limited ISP connection when I am at home11:10
lsuactiafner192.168.0.2             ut2004master2.epicgames.com11:10
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thoreauputicXRayNuke: you need to run visudo and add yourself11:10
u19809hosts file is to fixed (my laptop moves)11:10
thoreauputicXRayNuke: the expert install skips sudo for some reason11:10
lsuactiafneru19809 : look into squid, iptables, bannerfilter, dnsmasq11:11
lsuactiafneri use a that setup to deny various ips ect to save bandwidth11:11
thoreauputicXRayNuke: BTW it's "gksudo"11:11
Madeyehey, How to upgrade my kernel to  2.6.11? I'm using hoary ?11:11
lsuactiafnerthat entry i just pasted is so my roommate can play ut2004.11:11
thoreauputicMadeye: don't11:11
thoreauputicMadeye: 2.6.11 has known issues11:11
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XRayNukethoreauputic: thanks. what is the most correct way to specify user privilege? i see the line for root; should I just copy that for myself, or is it a good idea to be more restrictive?11:12
u19809dnsmasq is the way to go if only my firewall (crap as it is) supports passing DNS server addresses11:12
thoreauputicXRayNuke: depends what you need11:12
ErmaC`i'm now on 800*600 resolution but i want to get on 1024*768 resolution, i don't have the option in the wizard screen-resolution how do i fix this? normally i can even run higher then 1024*76811:12
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XRayNukethoreauputic: sole user on a laptop used for development11:12
Madeyethoreauputic, known issues? where I can read more?11:13
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lsuactiafnerMadeye : learn to compile your own kernel and avoid issues and bugs and huge funny kernels.11:13
thoreauputicXRayNuke: %admin  ALL=(ALL) ALL    <--- admin group is added to sudoers by default11:13
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lsuactiafnerand ubuntu developers recommend users like you dont figure out how to compile your own kernel btw11:14
ErmaC`i'm now on 800*600 resolution but i want to get on 1024*768 resolution, i don't have the option in the wizard screen-resolution how do i fix this? normally i can even run higher then 1024*76811:14
thoreauputicMadeye: bugzilla I guess - I'm just passing on what I've seen and heard here from people like bob211:14
dini've always made my own kernels :)11:14
lsuactiafnerubotu tell ErmaC` about resolution11:14
lsuactiafneryeh same11:14
ErmaC`yeah tell me (h)11:14
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Madeyethoreauputic,  ah, Ok thanks11:14
lsuactiafnernew iptables out so i think i will need to upgrade+patch11:15
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thoreauputiclsuactiafner: and ubuntu developers recommend users like you dont figure out how to compile your own kernel btw <-- not true, as long as people read the debian howto on compiling kernels11:16
ErmaC`lsuactiafner i saw that internet page and i did wath is told on it, but nothing happens still 800*60011:16
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lsuactiafnerErmaC` : press control alt + or -11:16
lsuactiafnerthe plus and minus sign @ the far end of your keyboard11:16
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ErmaC`lsuactiafner, i did this, it changed nothing ...11:17
Burgundavialsuactiafner: thoreauputic is partially correct. If you need to compile your own kernel for things to work, that is a bug, and should be reported11:17
ErmaC`still 800*60011:17
thoreauputicBurgundavia: yes, but I've never seen anyone be discouraged from compiling a kernel to learn how11:17
lsuactiafnerwhen i came here tellin developers that the amd kernel for hoary release didnt boot my system up i was told to stfu11:18
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Burgundavialsuactiafner: did you file a bug about it?11:18
thoreauputiclsuactiafner: erm... that sounds... apocryphal shall we say11:18
lsuactiafnerbut i started makin kernels when 2.4.0 was released and i keep upto date so makin a kenrel aint a problem11:18
flodinecan someone tell me where do i put my systen wide colors11:18
mumbleshow do i get the 2.6.12 intell sound sorces ?11:18
lsuactiafnerBurgundavia : yeh i did and nothing came of it11:18
Burgundaviathoreauputic: if you want to compile a kernel, that is fine. Ubuntu developers do not encourage it11:18
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Vantage__anyone here familiar with using bootcd to create bootable cd iso's?  I'm having a problem with the ram filesystems being listed as read only11:19
Burgundaviathink of it this way: would your mother want to compile a kernel11:19
thoreauputicBurgundavia: right - but they don't discourage people from learning how to either, correct?11:19
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Burgundaviathoreauputic: no11:19
lsuactiafneryeh they do discourage ppl from learning11:19
something_elsehmm, is it wise to use videolans debian apt rep?11:19
Burgundavialsuactiafner: that is incorrect11:19
cmathesonyeah there's definitely nothing wrong w/ compiling your own kernel11:19
lsuactiafnereverytime i tell ppl look your sounds doesnt work since the kernel aint correct i get shot down11:20
Burgundaviamost people compile kernels because they think they need to11:20
Burgundaviawhich is incorrect11:20
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Burgundavialsuactiafner: sound is not a kernel issue11:20
lsuactiafnersound support is..11:20
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lsuactiafnerhard disk support is..11:20
Burgundavialsuactiafner: that is an alsa/esd issue, and has been resolved for breezy11:20
atevesi set up ubuntu again today, and apt does not provide the xchat tray icon anymore. where can i get it?11:20
thoreauputiclsuactiafner: if you watch crimsun at work on sound issues you'll see he can usually do wonders with kernel headers, and no recompile at all11:20
lsuactiafnermy nvidia4 chipset didnt go off well with ubuntu kernels i tried.11:21
Burgundavialsuactiafner: if a sound card doesn't work, don't tell peope to compile their own kernel, but to report a bug11:21
cmathesonBurgundavia: so they're supposed to go w/out sound til breezy comes out?11:21
lsuactiafneri screwed up 3 times when i made my 1st kernel. saved me many more headaches tho in the long-term11:21
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lsuactiafnerthe ubuntu kernels i tried didnt boot my sytem.11:22
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Burgundavialsuactiafner: remember that some people that come into this channel have no interest in compiling their own kernel and it oftern confirms their worst fear about linux11:22
lsuactiafnertho @ the beginin of the year i did have a high end non-default systme11:22
Burgundavialsuactiafner: you keep telling me that, but where is the bug report, with your hardware11:22
scoperesolutoinI am stupid today and I cant remember how to get something to run right when you log in11:22
something_elsefor some odd reason, I felt safer compiling a kernel in slackware than with ubuntu11:22
spasmod1 lsuactiafner - do you compile ubuntu kernels, or other?11:22
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Burgundaviascoperesolutoin: add it to your session11:23
=== Efwis bbl gotta boot to windows for a fax
scoperesolutoinburgundavia: yeah I dont remember how11:23
action09hi, i tried differents 'flavors' of Ubuntu with sources lists : Marillat, backports are unstable for me, can i safely add universe and/or multiverse for the stability of my Buntu please ?11:23
lsuactiafneri compile my own kernels for all my boxes, slackware, ubuntu.11:23
Burgundaviaaction09: universe/mulitverse are fine11:23
action09Marillat sources are for Debian i know..11:23
Burgundaviaaction09: backports is iffy11:23
thoreauputicaction09: universe and multiverse are fine11:23
Burgundaviathe backports project has hoary-extras, which is marilliat compiled for ubuntu11:23
something_elseso, has any used VLC's apt dir for debian with ubuntu?11:24
Burgundaviascoperesolutoin: system-->prefs-->session, 3rd tab11:24
sam_whats the package for firefox's flash plugin?11:24
mumblescmatheson, care to help with my sound problem ? befroe i go an dby a soundcard ?11:24
scoperesolutoinburgudavia: thanks I think i got it11:25
cmathesonmumbles: what kind of sound card do you have?11:25
mumblesonbord sound11:25
mumbleson a intel D915PGN11:25
cmathesonmumbles: have you found out what module you should be loading?11:25
flodineanyone know where the DIR_COLOR is in ubuntu11:25
khermansAnyone know how to make video Screen Captures?11:25
mumbleswhatever it is for the intel ALC860  chipset11:26
Burgundaviakhermans: xvidcap, in the universe repo11:26
action09Bugsbang, don't you think of security problems for universe/multiverse updates (" software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu11:26
action09## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to11:26
action09## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in11:26
action09## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security11:26
action09## team."11:26
blmartin777Does anyone know where the gdm login files are stored I want to edit a picrure?11:26
action09sorry for the flood11:26
flodineubuntu dont have dir_colors11:26
mumblesgot this is response to http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=99115#post9911511:26
mumbleswhen i serch in forums11:27
action09Burgundavia, ? if there's a sploit floating on the net for mpg321 e.g. i 'll have to patche it myself.. :)11:27
Burgundaviaaction09: yes, or convince the motus to port the fix from debian11:27
blmartin777dmk: thanks11:27
dmkalso setting in /etc/gdm11:27
hazmati'm getting md5 checksum errors on a number of packages, is there a way around this, or to force the install?11:27
cmathesonmumbles: what happens when you type 'modprobe snd-azx'?11:27
Burgundaviahazmat: change from the us.archive to just archive11:27
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hazmatBurgundavia, thanks!11:28
mumblesFATAL: Module snd_azx not found.11:28
mumblesFATAL: Error running install command for snd_azx11:28
cmathesonmumbles: ooh11:28
action09i think it's a thing Ubuntu is going to have.. not a fully Desktop workstation without firestarter/mp3/dvd..etc  multimedia... supported11:28
action09thanks Burgundavia  :)11:28
mumblessynept get snd_azx ?11:29
cmathesonmumbles: if you type 'locate snd-azx.o' what happens?11:29
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cmathesonmumbles: ok you haven't installed the module yet11:29
scoperesolutoinanyone know how to get a usb drive to auto mount?11:29
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Burgundaviascoperesolutoin: it should just automount11:29
scoperesolutoinit dont11:29
cmathesonmumbles: when you did that debian/rules thing it should have made a .deb file somewhere (probably in /usr/src/modules11:29
Burgundaviaif it doesn't, it is a bug11:29
cmathesonmumbles: or maybe in /usr/src, go check real quick11:29
dmkscoperesolutoin, have you recompiled your kernel?11:30
scoperesolutoinit did up to the point i removed it from the system and booted one without it11:30
scoperesolutoindmk yep11:30
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Burgundaviascoperesolutoin: try the default kernel11:30
mumblescmatheson,  ?11:30
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dmkhave you removed scsi modules? maybe hotplug support?11:30
cmathesonmumbles: type 'cd /usr/src' and then type 'ls' and tell me what it says11:30
scoperesolutoinburgudavia: i cant for some other apps or I would go back to it11:30
mumblescmatheson,  its there11:31
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cmathesonmumbles: it's alsa-driver.deb?11:31
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mumblesno a folder11:31
ErmaC`weird weird weird11:31
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ErmaC`should it help when i install the 27 updates who are available? :p11:31
mumbleswith files in there11:31
cmathesonmumbles: type 'find /usr/src -name *.deb'11:31
mumblesill i get is >11:32
ErmaC`spreekt er iemand nederlands? does anyone speak dutch?11:32
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ateveshi, i often find needful packages at packages.debian.org. can i add this server to my apt sources list?11:32
cmathesonmumbles: don't type the quotes, just type: find /usr/src -name *.deb11:32
cmathesonmumbles: ok type 'sudo dpkg -i /usr/src/alsa-modules-2.6.10-5-686_1.0.8-4ubuntu4+10.00.Custom_i386.deb'11:33
mumblesFATAL: Could not open '/boot/System.map-2.6.10-5-686': No such file or directory11:34
=== remyforbes777 [~remyforbe@cpe-24-209-235-191.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== virgule shrugs
scoperesolutoinwhat are you trying to get with alsa?11:35
remyforbes777is it possible that this irc can be doing port scans11:35
=== wims [~wims@ti211310a080-13421.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
cmathesonmumbles: ls -l /boot/System.map*11:35
mumbles* - Freenode runs an open proxy scanner. Your use of the network11:35
mumbles* - indicates your acceptance of this policy.11:35
mumblesfor remyforbes77711:36
remyforbes777got yuou11:36
mumbles-rw-r--r--  1 root root 845016 2005-06-24 21:22 /boot/System.map-2.6.10-5-38611:36
remyforbes777i was getting worried11:36
mumblestype /motd to read the full listing11:36
cmathesonmumbles: ok, you need to redo that part where you did the debian/rules command and substitute '386' where you did '686' before11:36
mumblesdebian rules command ?11:37
cmathesonmumbles: in the forum you talk about typing: "sudo fakeroot debian/rules binary_modules \11:37
cmathesonKSRC=/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-686/ KVERS=2.6.10-5-686'11:37
cmathesonmumbles: you need to change the KVER=2.6.10-5-686 to KVER=2.6.10-5-38611:38
=== n6mod [~n6mod@wca.widata.com] has joined #ubuntu
khermansIs xvidcap in anyone's repos?11:38
n6modAny experts out there on sulogin and recovery mode?11:38
davidateves you still there?11:38
mumbleslooks at fourm post couse hes confused?11:38
khermansnot in mine...11:38
chris24tnhey, whenever i try to emerge things, occasionally synaptic will balk at a package or two, citing an "md5sum" error, I know what this means (to an extent), but how can I fix this?  apt-get install from the command line doesn't give me the same error11:38
atevesdavid: yes11:38
khermanschris24tn, what is this gentoo?11:39
davidmaybe that can help11:39
chris24tnkhermans, omg, sorry, force of habit11:39
chris24tnno, it's ubuntu :p11:39
atevesdavid: i will check it, thx11:39
khermanschris24tn, hehe, i know dude -- i'm a recovering gentoo user myself11:39
khermansso many years wasted compiling...i feel your pain11:40
ubotucmatheson: I don't know, could you explain it?11:40
chris24tnhaha, it's hard, i know11:40
ubotucmatheson: Are you smoking crack?11:40
cmathesonubotu: you're killin' me man!11:40
ubotucmatheson: Are you smoking crack?11:40
ubotucmatheson: Are you smoking crack?11:40
cmathesoni give up11:40
=== Venson [~Venson@user-0cdf60m.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
mumbles/usr/bin/fakeroot: line 150: debian/rules: No such file or directory11:41
chris24tnwell, now apt-get won't work from the cl, either11:41
mumblesgoes to redo that whole thing from scrach11:41
=== NeoGeo64 [~neo@adsl-068-209-123-016.sip.aby.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputiccmatheson: maybe you should !crack  *grin*11:42
=== Druke [~druke@71-11-166-58.dhcp.sprn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
chris24tn"Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/u/unrar/unrar_0.0.1-1_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch"11:42
NeoGeo64I'm getting the same thing.11:42
virguleapt-get update?11:42
NeoGeo64I keep getting MD5Sum Mismatches.11:42
NeoGeo64thats why i came here to ask lol11:42
chris24tntried it11:42
thoreauputicchris24tn: change us.archive to just archive11:42
cmathesonNeoGeo64: take the 'us' in the 'us.archive.ubuntu.com' out of sources.list11:42
chris24tnthoreauputic, why will that work?11:42
Drukecmatheson, where is the sources list?11:42
khermansI am getting MD%sum errors too!11:43
thoreauputicchris24tn: us.archive has problems lately11:43
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thoreauputicNeoGeo64: /etc/apt/sources.list11:44
NeoGeo64my entire sources.list file is all us archives...11:44
cmathesonDruke: /etc/apt/sources.list11:44
cmathesonNeoGeo64: it's a quick fix11:44
=== tritium [~tritium@12-208-96-155.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
NeoGeo64## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch updated software from the network11:44
NeoGeo64deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted11:44
NeoGeo64deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted11:44
NeoGeo64## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch major bug fix updates produced11:44
NeoGeo64## after the final release of the distribution.11:44
NeoGeo64deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted11:44
NeoGeo64deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted11:44
thoreauputicNeoGeo64: search and replace11:44
NeoGeo64## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'11:44
khermansfor MD5SUM errors, someone told me here to delete some cached directories -- and taht worked last time11:44
NeoGeo64## repository.11:44
NeoGeo64## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu11:44
cmathesonNeoGeo64: don't freakin dump that in here11:44
NeoGeo64## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to11:44
andaresI'm wondering how to install NVidia drivers on Ubuntu11:44
NeoGeo64## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in11:44
NeoGeo64## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security11:44
NeoGeo64## team.11:44
NeoGeo64deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe11:44
NeoGeo64deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe11:44
NeoGeo64deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted11:44
tritiumNeoGeo64, dude...11:44
NeoGeo64deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted11:44
NeoGeo64deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe11:44
NeoGeo64deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe11:44
thoreauputicNeoGeo64: don't paste here: please read the /topic11:44
NeoGeo64deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse11:44
khermansit on auto,..11:44
NeoGeo64deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse11:45
=== Vinh [~Vinh@ppp214-110.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
NeoGeo64## Backports11:45
andaresIt wants the kernel source, and I %Ucan't find the kernel source with APT-GET%B.11:45
NeoGeo64deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted11:45
NeoGeo64deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted11:45
ubotumethinks ! is what u add before a sentence to talk to me11:45
PanzerboyNeoGeo64: why are you flooding?11:45
andaresHow do I finish it?11:45
ubotuflood is probably for pasting, please use http://pastebin.com , http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or #flood here on freenode.11:45
Tomcat_andares: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto?highlight=%28nvidia%2911:45
andaresubotu, Wow. Another methinks user. I got banned from a channel for doing that.11:45
ubotuI'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, andares11:45
virguleandares: start with kernel-headers11:45
andaresvirgule, k.11:45
andaresIt has a "nifty" install script.11:45
NeoGeo64I think it would be better to comment the lines rather than delete them...11:46
andaresSo I don't know if I can use that binarydriverhowto thing.11:46
khermansAnyone resolve the MD5SUM error?  or can I override?11:46
=== zukalk [~zukalk@a213-22-64-98.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumNeoGeo64, please use pastebin next time ;)11:46
The_Voxanybody seen any firefox 1.0.5 debs yet anywhere?11:46
=== synstar [~{synstar}@client-82-31-2-131.manc.adsl.tesco.net] has joined #ubuntu
cmathesonkhermans: just go change your sources.list11:46
thoreauputicNeoGeo64: you don't need to delete anything - just do a search and replace in an editor11:46
khermanscmatheson, to what?11:46
NeoGeo64what do i replace it with11:47
cmathesonkhermans: take all the 'us' that you see out of it11:47
thoreauputicreplace us.archive with archive?11:47
eternale1ok question, i got openssh running i can ssh using localhost, and 192.....etc lan address but it won't let me do it from my wan ip in that case from any other compter but this one11:47
mumblescmatheson,  almost finsihed with the correct one11:47
NeoGeo64i spent 5 minutes commenting lines11:47
Panzerboyis it possible to resize a lvm volume?11:48
Panzerboyi have 2 partitions on lvm11:48
synstari cant create a directory as root from the terminal - 'mkdir: cannot create directory `/var/www/': File exists11:48
synstar' but it dosnt exist, any ideas?11:48
Panzerboyroot and home11:48
=== Malmsdoom [~Malmsdoom@esocke.stusta.mhn.de] has joined #ubuntu
Panzerboyand i would like to make home a bit smaller11:48
andaresk, it's working...11:48
=== Timeje [~ubuntu@cpe-65-185-22-55.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Panzerboyis it possible? :)11:48
tritiumeternale1, you can ssh _to_  localhost, or just _from_ localhost?11:48
andaresIt's taking it's time, but that's okay... heh.11:48
cmathesonmumbles: cool11:48
andaresCya, testing.11:49
thoreauputicsynstar: if you have apache installed, /var/www should certainly exist...11:49
mumblesthink ive done it11:49
zukalksynstar, it has to exist. maybe it's chmod -r and you can't see it? i dunno11:49
eternale1i can ssh into localhost ssh user@localhost from the machine its running on11:49
mumbleshow do i find out?11:49
NeoGeo64thats fixed11:49
Timejehave the online portions of the 5.04 CD install been changed? I ve tried 3 different CDs to install Ubuntu and keep getting an error about unable to retrieve some needed files but I ve had Ubuntu on this system plenty of times before... any ideas?11:50
chris24tnahhh....very nice, it fixed my problem. thanks, thoreauputic!11:50
=== sizzam [~sizzam@ip65.220.23.209.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicchris24tn: no problem :)11:50
synstarim trying to create a folder in that folder /var/www - but it displays that it exists11:50
sizzamhow can you tell if you should be using one of the 'smp' kernels?11:50
Timejesizzam: /proc/cpuinfo11:50
mumblesah ... relsied where i went wrong11:50
cmathesonsizzam: if you have multiple processors11:50
sizzamthank you11:50
khermansWhere is xvidcap?11:50
eternale1but doing ssh user@67.XXX.XXX.XXX just hangs up when doing -v on the trying to connect debug1: connecting to .... port 2211:51
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tritiumkhermans, it's in the main repo11:51
eternale1i've tried ListenAddress as, 192.x.x.x., 67.x.x.x11:51
Vensoneternale1: running a firewall?11:51
mumblescmatheson,  i have an isshue with # make-kpkg --rootcmd=fakeroot --append-to-version=-5-686 modules-image11:51
eternale1just the one on the router11:51
eternale1but the ports are open11:51
tritiumeternale1, you've forwarded port 22 to the linux box?11:52
mumblesThe changelog says we are creating 2.6.10, but I thought the version is 2.6.10-5-38611:53
mumblesmake: *** [modules-image]  Error 111:53
NeoGeo64why cant i run two instances of synaptic11:54
scoperesolutoinbecause you cant11:54
tritiummumbles, it's kernel 2.6.10.  The -5 is an ubuntu number11:54
NeoGeo64i just reinstalled and im trying to get everything back the way it was.11:54
cmathesonmumbles: you don't want --append-to-version=-5-686 you want -5-38611:54
othernoobbecause the first synaptic would get jealous of the second.11:54
tritiumNeoGeo64, reinstalled?  Why?11:54
othernoobwe can't have jealousy in linux11:54
=== scoperesolution [~scopereso@adsl-68-255-102-14.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
NeoGeo64I wiped Windows XP11:54
SeveasNeoGeo64, because synaptic locks the APT admin dir and you can't lock that twic11:54
NeoGeo64and gave my entire hdd to linux\11:55
othernoobmeh, i liked my explanation better :/11:55
=== scoperesolutoin [~scopereso@adsl-68-255-102-14.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
tritiumcmatheson, he should append a unique version, not the same one as provided by ubuntu11:55
XRayNukei'm building a java package according to the instructions in !java, procedure #1. once i've got the Sun Java stuff, where do I put it?11:55
tritiumNeoGeo64, cool reason :)11:55
ubotujava is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java11:55
SeveasXRayNuke, anywhere you want :)11:56
othernoobtritium: yea but he didn't have to do it that way11:56
SeveasXRayNuke, you can remove the .bin file afterwards11:56
=== confrey [~dario@d83-176-111-39.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
cmathesontritium: for the modules?11:56
Tomcat_XRayNuke: It won't be changed or unpacked anyway, so as Seveas said.11:56
=== LinuxJones [~willy@blk-222-221-81.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumcmatheson, oh, is he building modules to match an ubuntu kernel?11:56
cmathesontritium: yeah11:57
tritiumcmatheson, my bad then11:57
=== jadugar84 [~jadugar84@12-203-179-26.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
cmathesontritium: i wasn't sure (i've never really done this before)11:57
scoperesolutionI wish I could get trillian working though wine11:57
=== frederic [~frederic@ACCFEAA8.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumcmatheson, my error.  I'm sorry.11:57
action09scoperesolution is it 'mandatory' ? cos gaim/jabber/xchat work great and are better :)11:57
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=== Amaranth [amaranth@ip68-225-172-54.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
othernoobwhat's so great about trillian..boggles the mind..11:58
scoperesolutionaction09: because I own a subscript to trillian11:58
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
action09nobody's perfect :)11:58
cmathesonscoperesolution: gaim11:58
virguleI know nobody11:58
confreyhelp me please, I can't browse network from a winXP machine, but I can mount a shared directory on my laptop from that machine, I don't know waht's missing11:58
scoperesolutionI like trillian when I'm in windows11:59
mumblescmatheson,  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/55911:59
scoperesolutiongaim is ok but it kinda sucks11:59
action09Viddy how's he ? :)11:59
mumblesthats the whole error iget when i do the make-kpkg11:59
scoperesolutiontrillan has secureIM11:59
mumblesscoperesolution,  i own a licens as well11:59
cmathesonthoreauputic: so does gaim11:59
cmathesonscoperesolution: get the right plugin11:59
LasseLif I am setting up a raid1 on two discs, how many should be active 1 or 2 ?11:59
thoreauputiccmatheson: ?11:59
scoperesolutioncmatheson: its not the same11:59
tritiumgaim-encryption, but I don't know if it's compatible with secureIM11:59
scoperesolutionI need secureIM11:59
thoreauputiccmatheson: OH - not for me i guess... ;)12:00

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