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mdke--> bed01:16
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jsgotangcofroud: shalom07:39
froudjsgotangco: bokker tov07:39
froudAfrican Greetings07:40
jsgotangcoisn't that single S07:40
jsgotangcoi mean K07:40
jsgotangcomah nismah?07:41
sivangshalom jsgotangco 07:44
sivangfroud: ma kore?07:44
froudsivang: oved kashe07:46
sivangfroud: aye aye aye, misken :-)07:46
sivangfroud: al ma?07:46
froudsivang: ani katav techni as ani oved kashe bishvil ha likahot07:47
froudma la sot07:47
=== jsgotangco gets lost with all the hebrew being spoken :)
sivangjsgotangco: stopped it :-)07:49
sivangfroud: well, if you have lots of work, it's good - where there a work there's a living.07:49
froudyeah customers are demanding though07:50
froudeverything comes at the last minute07:50
froudwe need it yesterday07:50
jeffschhey froud: from the scrollback -- <froud> something in the CSS I think I dont get the same problem here07:50
jeffschany hints as to what I should look for in the gnome css?07:51
froudno I did not lok at it07:51
jeffschok. i will look into it on fri or sat07:52
jsgotangcohey jeffsch im almost done with my styleguide section (international.xml) i'll commit the full draft later08:09
=== froud [~froud@ndn-165-134-250.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkejsgotangco, did you look at the equivalent section on the gnome styleguide for international.xml? its good!09:24
mdke(morning all)09:24
jsgotangcomdke: of course09:26
mdkei'm a big fan of copying stuff that's already been done well...09:29
mdkeon the userguide I've been copying stuff from all over the place ;)09:29
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jsgotangcosee you guys later12:51
jsgotangcooh we have a meeting later btw12:51
jsgotangcosee you then12:51
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mdkehi apokryphos, rob^, enrico 05:50
apokryphoshi :)05:51
rob^meeting in about 6 hrs?05:51
apokryphosmdke: any idea who the anti-ubuguide wiki fanatic is? ;-)05:52
rob^apokryphos, what are you refering to?05:52
apokryphosrob^: someone who keeps putting in that "All information on Ubuntuguide.org is present on the wiki in clearer and expanded form."05:53
rob^well I guess they should be using the wiki before using ubuguide05:54
apokryphosAgreed. I'll be one of the first to echo the distress that people feel toward Ubuntuguide, but we shouldn't have to lie to get people to use the Wiki 8)05:55
=== rob^ pats the faq guide
=== apokryphos sees kudos as the potential alternative; very helpful/understanding author
rob^is there a link?05:57
apokryphosHeh, where's ubotu when you need him ;-). 05:57
rob^well seeing as the faq guide is profiled for both ubuntu and kubuntu, there is no reason why we couldnt add the info from KUDOS05:58
rob^as it is we dont have much kde stuff in they yet anyway05:59
apokryphosrob^: froud still the only dedicated kubuntu doccer?05:59
rob^I think so05:59
apokryphosNot doing any real KDE documentation at the moment, so I could probably help :)06:00
rob^I used to be a KDE doccer, but I haven't used KDE in a long time..06:00
apokryphosDid some Kubuntu documentation for Kynaptic, but had other complications in life then, so didn't do too much..06:00
apokryphosrob^: always time to come back to the light ;-)06:01
rob^I like gnome too much..06:01
rob^well its 2 am here, meetings at 8am.. 06:02
rob^I hope I get up :)06:02
apokryphosrob^: set KAlarm :P06:03
=== apokryphos looks and finds that it exists
rob^I have BABYalarm :)06:03
rob^works a treat06:04
rob^I didnt think there was a noise more annoying then an alarm clock, until I had kids06:04
rob^just having a squiz at kudos, there is some good general stuff in there we could use06:05
apokryphosrob^: yeah, definitely. The guy has very ambitious plans for it06:05
rob^what like?06:05
apokryphosrob^: unfortunately he's not doing anything for a few weeks because of very serious events in his life :(06:06
apokryphosrob^: full explanations on all the answers, buildscripts for many things etc. etc.06:06
rob^why does he not just contribute to the docteam with it?06:06
apokryphosrob^: bigger plans, I guess :)06:06
rob^its GFDL anyway06:07
apokryphos> The thing is, my ultimate focus is on helping with the propagation of Linux among the grand masses. Kubuntu is not an end itself, but a means I've chosen as the platform for this goal. As such, I want to provide an answer for the skill and interest scope of the grand masses (i.e. for people who needs almost every desktop functionality with next to no under-the-hood knowledge). IIRC there are more than 700 million desktop users (accordin06:08
apokryphosprepare a solution that, together with Kubuntu, would appeal to at least 100M of them so much so that they would possibly consider switching from Windows to Linux. Even if I can't succeed, may be I can serve as a "proof of concept" so that more capable ones develop really good solutions for the grand masses.06:08
apokryphosHeh, pretty long it looks there... that's a quote06:08
rob^but like I said, why not get it included in some form or other in the official documentation?06:11
rob^hes not making money off it.06:11
apokryphosrob^: I don't think that's an issue for him06:12
rob^yeah thats right06:13
rob^ah it doesnt matter06:13
rob^I had better get some sleep.06:15
froudapokryphos: if you would like to contribute to Kubuntu-docs start here http://lnix/~froud06:18
apokryphosfroud: unknown host 06:19
froudkubuntu-docs-5.10-0.X_all is uploaded to nightly build system once a week06:20
froudI update the web site whenever there are changes in the src06:21
froudgen 1 a day06:21
apokryphosfroud: wow, a lot of great stuff there06:23
apokryphosfroud: why isn't that stuff on kubuntu.org?06:24
apokryphosSeems like a shame actually that we have two people both writing such similar stuff and not working together; lot of stuff mentioned in both docs06:31
mdkehi all06:32
mdkeapokryphos, i made a /talk page for discussions of that page on the wiki06:32
apokryphosmdke: yeah, dropped a comment instead of going round in circles06:33
froudIt will be in time06:33
mdkeapokryphos, cool06:34
apokryphosfroud: any part you'd recommend me look at/take-a-wack-at-writing-for specifically? :)06:34
froudno there is so much anyone can do, see the K User Guide status report06:35
froudAttention should go on the Kuserguide06:35
apokryphosfroud: what's the methodology with i.e. documentation on kicker or other apps etc? Written to supplement the KDE Docs?06:36
froudapokryphos: good question. http://lnix.net/~froud/kuserguide/C/pr01s05.html06:38
apokryphosor a briefer overview?06:38
=== apokryphos looks
mdkeapokryphos, by the way you may be able to talk to Seveas about the NewUsersNetworkGuidelines page, I believe he is involved in the project06:38
apokryphosmdke: heh, yeah, I know he's a strong aficionado of anti-ubuntuguidism06:39
mdkei don't know about that06:40
apokryphosI just recall him being among the first telling people not to use it. I think he contacted the author himself; not entirely sure.06:40
apokryphosfroud: so the aim is to be Kubuntu based, right?06:41
mdkeapokryphos, i don't want to get into that discussion (OT) but I was just pointing you to him because he is involved with the NewUsersNetwork project06:41
apokryphosfroud: kubuntu-default-settings doesn't alter KDE that much, so there wouldn't be too much to write on just that..06:41
apokryphosmdke: sure, thanks.06:41
froudkde-settings changes much06:42
apokryphosfroud: breezy? 06:43
apokryphosI actually think it would be a bad idea to deviate too much from KDE itself...06:43
froudyes see http://lnix.net/~froud/kquickguide/C/ch03s07.html06:43
apokryphospeople come to Kubuntu because it attempts to be *the* KDe distro06:43
=== froud just writes it :-)
=== venda [~sean@ndn-165-134-250.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
apokryphosfroud: that would change kcontrol a lot clearly, but not so much kate/kicker etc. 06:45
apokryphosfroud: sorry, I don't mean to press, just wandering here06:45
vendano good questions06:45
vendavery good06:45
jjesselooking at the screen shots i like the system settings a lot better then kcontrol settings06:45
apokryphoslooks a lot like a few suggestions that have been put forward on kdelook06:46
vendaapokryphos: see http://www.lnix.net/~froud/#devnotes06:46
vendaapokryphos: can't say they are definitive, but I have tried to gather from Riddell what will be changing06:47
vendakicker etc remains much the same06:47
vendaperhaps a system menu06:47
apokryphosvenda: cool, thanks -- a little there, that's good :)06:47
vendaapokryphos: venda = froud06:48
apokryphosIs there no estimated time for release for Kapture? Are we gonna have time to go that way? :P06:48
vendaapokryphos: no idea06:48
apokryphosvenda: oh; thought there were two kubuntu doccers for a sec ;-)06:48
vendaI have not heard any news06:48
vendaI comment in the status reports06:48
vendathings not sure of or know will change etc06:49
vendamuch in kubuntu is in flux06:49
apokryphosvenda: I think I'll read a bit more to pick up the style then maybe go for some stuff on the ug06:49
apokryphosvenda: it's worth noting that my docbook skills are a little primitive, so you may have to bear with me a little at first =)06:49
vendasure, ideas etc all welcome06:49
vendano worries06:50
apokryphosI'll likely start later on today, thanks! :) 06:50
=== apokryphos is off for food now
vendaif you can checkout from svn, hack, patch it will be good06:50
=== venda feels hunger pains too
apokryphosvenda: have some generla knowledge with svn, yup. I'll read up if I can't do any, no problem.06:51
mdkeapokryphos, there is a cool step by step guide on the wiki in the Docteam area06:51
mdkewhere the hell is it06:52
vendaapokryphos: while writing, take into consideration that we have a drop of upstream in the repos06:52
vendathis means we can make selective use of docs from KDE06:52
mdkeah there it is06:53
=== apokryphos bookmarks
vendapls bring back for the hasty to the home page of the docteam06:53
jjessequick question, i'm reloading kubuntu on my laptop this weekend, do i stay with hoary release or go to breezy?06:54
jjessei know that was off topic06:54
vendajjesse: stay hoary and update to kde 3.4.106:55
jjessevenda thanks will do06:55
vendadeb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde341 hoary-updates main06:55
vendabreezy is wonky right now06:56
vendabetter use it under qemu06:56
vendaone minute stuff works and next is does not06:56
=== venda goes in search of food
=== mgalvin is eating while reading review ;)
mgalvinhas there been any word on commit access for rob^, myself, and the others who have been submitting patches lately07:29
vendaI did ping mdz07:30
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mdkeciao abelli 08:35
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rob^the meeting is at 2200z right?12:03
judaxI was just going to ask that, I have 2203UTC12:03
judaxmdke: ping12:04
mdkegood point12:04

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