
=== tux [~tux@cp69851-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu
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alejandrohyola a todos12:11
alejandrome pregunto12:11
alejandrokubuntu enviara CD como lo hace ubuntu?12:11
seth_khi alejandro 12:15
seth_kespanol = #ubuntu-es12:15
alejandrothank you12:15
seth_k& #kubuntu-es12:16
seth_kde nada12:16
=== alejandro [~alejandro@213-63-112.adsl.terra.cl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
=== _peter [~peter@host81-159-200-205.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
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=== P3L|C4N0 o/
Master-Yodasi need HELP12:37
Master-Yodasi need to get the source of my kernal12:38
gigaclonis there a way to install kubuntu from the ubuntu installation cd12:38
Master-Yodasi dont have internet on my laptop12:38
Master-Yodashow do i get it?12:38
Master-Yodasno gigaclon use a kubuntu install cd12:38
TMSevery time I log in, kmix starts up. any ideas?12:39
seth_kshut it down before you log out, must be being saved in the session12:40
TMSI even killall -9 kmix to make sure12:40
seth_kdownload, burn to cd12:41
=== wizard [~wizard@c-67-177-148-13.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== wizard is now known as lwizardl
gigaclonhow to find out how fast my CDRW drive supports writing?12:42
Master-Yodascan u link me please12:42
Master-Yodasdid u buy a cdrw gigaclon?12:42
lwizardli'm having display problems on my installed kubuntu system12:43
gigaclonit came with the laptop12:43
gigaclonk3b says its 4x but it burns faster than that12:43
lwizardli can only can set either 640x480 or 320x240 res12:43
Master-Yodasif it burns at all its writting?12:44
Master-Yodasi misread12:44
Master-Yodasgoogle.com: how fast is cd writable drive kubuntu12:44
Master-Yodasor debian12:44
lwizardlcan someone help me with getting more screen resolutions?12:46
Master-Yodasupgrade ure graphics drivers12:46
lwizardlhow do i do that? i just got the install done12:47
Master-Yodasum i wouldnt knoqw12:47
Master-Yodas1 sec12:47
fromozehi, I'm looking for a kubuntu-amd64 user with kde 3.4.0. 12:49
=== GameCat [~Jude@cpc4-nthc1-4-0-cust149.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
lwizardlthat didn't help12:55
GameCatanyone here who can help me with an apt-get issue?12:55
johnfluxGameCat: ask, don't ask to ask12:56
GameCatokay - how do I fix this error: Err http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security/restricted Packages12:57
GameCat  This HTTP server has broken range support [IP: 80] 12:57
GameCatgetting that when doing sudo apt-get update12:57
johnfluxyeah I think the site is down12:57
GameCatI can browse to it fine12:57
GameCatFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-security/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz  This HTTP server has broken range support [IP: 80] 12:58
johnfluxyeah i've seen people reporting that all day12:58
GameCatthats the next error, and i can browse the site/dir fine12:58
johnfluxGameCat: maybe just give it a couple of days12:58
GameCatjohnflux: it's been like that for 2 weeks :/12:59
johnfluxGameCat: ah12:59
GameCatthis isn't the first time I've asked for help about it12:59
johnfluxGameCat: try earlier in the day - everyone is asleep12:59
johnfluxme too in a moment12:59
GameCataye, maybe I will thanks12:59
=== devari [~devari@S01060080c828b59f.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
devariQuiet bunch here.01:01
johnfluxyou've only been on for 1 minute01:02
johnfluxbut yeah, everyone is asleep01:02
devariI've been on using otherusernames. ;)01:02
hippiemira voy en la parte de Una vez comprobado todo introducimos el siguiente comando01:02
=== TestMAD [TestMAD@pool-141-153-120-8.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
TestMADanyone here got experience with cedega CVS on kubuntu?01:05
devariI've been having strange problems with Kaffeine not closing properly and leaving large process instances lying around. Any ideas why?01:06
=== Zugwrack [~Zugwrack@cpe-24-27-123-164.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
ZugwrackGreetings everyeon01:06
devariHey there01:06
ZugwrackHey seth_k...how goes it? Greets devari01:07
ZugwrackYou know that is the downside of a really good linux distro like Ubuntu/Kubuntu....not much need for technical help...heh01:07
TestMADi need help.01:08
TestMADextreme noob here and all i want is to get some of my windows stuff to run01:08
TestMADwine is a hassle01:08
seth_khi Zugwrack 01:09
=== monchy [Monchy@S010600e04c400007.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
TestMADso i was thinking of using the cedega CVS.01:09
TestMADbut ive also seen that is a hassle too01:09
Fraeon<Zugwrack> You know that is the downside of a really good linux distro like Ubuntu/Kubuntu....not much need for technical help...heh <-- What, there isn't? :P01:09
ZugwrackTestMAD: Err...well depends on what you are trying to do..and yes being a n00b is a pain in the beginning...heck we are all n00bs to some degree!01:09
ZugwrackIf you want to run games and such...you just need to face the fact that the easiest thing to do is buy commercial software that runs under linux to play games ;-)01:10
seth_kor just give it up and come play America's Army with me01:10
Zugwrackseth_k: So you are Army huh?01:11
TestMADdont call me a n00b..theres a difference01:11
=== Zugwrack says forgive me for the syntactic error
TestMADn00bs are psoer skript kiddies..that dont want to learn anything.01:11
TestMADnoobs actually try to learn stuff01:12
devariPerhaps newbie would be a better term?01:12
TestMADand im trying to understand this linux stuff.01:12
TMSI made a script for enabling WPA and Ive tried to not have it output various dhclient and other various messages. any ideas of what I could do? http://tms.is-a-geek.net/pub/scripts/shell/wifi01:12
TestMADim too old for this crap01:12
seth_kNo Zugwrack, I'm not. But that doesn't make the game any less fun :D01:12
devariWhat's the problem with the CVS?01:13
devari*Cedega CVS01:13
devariAnd what Windows apps are you trying to install?01:13
TestMADwell..id like to play my halo and doom3 and COD..stuff like that01:14
TestMADbut also cedega might have better luck at running CS2.01:14
TestMADi know theres a linux version of doom3..but i dont have that. nor am i going to buy another version01:16
TestMADPhotoshop CS201:16
devariHalo won't work, I can tell you that01:16
devarioh, ok01:16
FraeonThere are native binaries for Doom 3.01:16
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TestMADhalo wont werk?01:16
ZugwrackWhich require use the windows game version to work...01:17
devariIt would be my guess: http://digital-conquest.ath.cx/wiki/index.php/Halo01:17
zaudragonhow big is the Kubuntu distro01:17
Fraeon|---| <-- that big01:17
zaudragonFraeon: numbers?01:17
zaudragonI couldn't find it on the site anywhere...01:17
TMSTestMAD: the linux specific files for Doom3 are free to download. you need the files from the CD to play it anyway01:17
tvozaudragon: it's 1 cd iirc01:18
Fraeon650-700mb, can't say outright. It fits on one CD, that's most important01:18
zaudragontvo: I know01:18
zaudragontvo: so is it 650MB or 700MB?01:18
tvowait a minute01:18
TestMADthat sux..no halo01:20
Riddell kubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso            07-Apr-2005 08:18  572M01:20
zaudragonmaybe I'll download it once I have a CD at hand01:20
johnfluxdpkg: error processing openofficeorg-base-1.9.117-linux-2.6-intel.deb (--install):01:21
johnflux package architecture (intel) does not match system (i386)01:21
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TestMADhow good is win for lin??01:21
johnfluxI downloaded the openoffice debs from linux.cz01:21
johnfluxI get that error01:21
johnfluxshall I just force it?01:21
zaudragonbecause your architecture is not the same...?01:21
TestMADi just dont want to have to dual boot..01:21
johnfluxwhat's "intel" ?01:21
johnfluxzaudragon: yeah01:21
zaudragonjohnflux: aren't there other debs01:22
johnfluxzaudragon: not that I saw01:22
zaudragonjohnflux: you can look on openoffice.org01:22
johnfluxthat's the url in #openoffice.org01:23
johnflux(the topic)01:23
johnfluxI got the OOo_SRC680_m117_en-US_native_LinuxIntel_install_deb.tar.gz    one01:23
johnfluxwhich seemed the only sensible choice01:23
johnfluxwhat's the "intel" architecture?01:23
Master-Yodasi found instructions that say i neef hte disk in01:25
Master-Yodasand then to type apt-get install bla01:25
Master-Yodasbut i dont have internet01:25
Master-Yodasis this supose to work?01:25
seth_kjohnflux: that's the correct one01:25
johnfluxseth_k: what do you think is going wrong?01:25
seth_koh, I didn't see you were getting an error01:26
seth_klemme peek01:26
johnfluxseth_k: using --force-all --no-act   seems okay01:26
seth_kjohnflux: maybe a packaging discrepancy. no such arch as intel ime01:28
seth_ksounds like you did fine01:28
=== johnflux takes out the --no-act
johnfluxit installed, it runs, it works :)01:29
zaudragonis KOffice betgter than OpenOffice01:30
zaudragonor the other way around?01:30
TestMADsmall poll here..win4lin or vmware to run a guest install of xp?01:30
johnfluxzaudragon: other way round01:30
zaudragonjohnflux: gotcha01:30
zaudragonjohnflux: I tried OOO but never KO01:30
johnfluxzaudragon: koffice has like 3 people working on it, openoffice has like 10001:30
zaudragonheh tight01:30
zaudragonit's because I'm on OS X01:30
johnfluxwhich is a shame because koffice is mucher nicer01:30
zaudragonlooks nicer, eh?01:31
johnfluxwell just architectually01:31
zaudragonI see01:31
johnfluxuses kde components etc01:31
aseigowell, not just arch wise01:31
johnfluxwheras openoffice reinvents its own01:31
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
aseigokword is frame based01:31
aseigokexi is a rather nice access-like app01:31
zaudragondoes Kubuntu come with KOffice or OOO?01:31
aseigokrita is really coming along as a grahpics app01:31
johnfluxzaudragon: by default?01:32
zaudragonjohnflux: yeah01:32
johnfluxzaudragon: openoffice 101:32
aseigoso, there's greater scope in koffice as well01:32
MezKpresent = uber :D01:32
zaudragonjohnflux: gotcha01:32
aseigoyeah, i like kpresenter... =)01:32
Mezbut, in breezy, it'll be KOffice methinks01:32
zaudragonwow I use too much space01:32
johnfluxzaudragon: office is 1/10th the size of openoffice01:32
zaudragonjohnflux: koffice?01:33
zaudragonjohnflux: wow01:33
johnfluxzaudragon: not hard - openoffice is over 100MB without the docs etc01:33
zaudragonand KO is 10MB?01:33
johnfluxI'm not sure01:33
johnfluxbut much smaller01:34
zaudragonah ok01:34
seth_ksurvey says KOffice is appx 19MB01:34
johnfluxaround 15MB 01:34
Master-Yodashow do i make apt-get install check the cd01:34
Master-Yodasnot the internet01:34
johnfluxseth_k: i make it a bit less01:34
Master-Yodasbecuase i dont have the internet01:35
johnfluxseth_k: but depends how you package etc probably01:35
johnfluxah that was without help docs and i18n01:35
seth_kMaster-Yodas: either add the CD to sources.list, or use apt-zip01:36
zaudragonI'm using 25.57GB out of 27.82 GB01:36
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=== _mark [~mark@h84.36.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu
zaudragonwhat's the default shell in Kubuntu?01:41
seth_knight uniq 01:42
zaudragonthen I gotta install zsh :D01:42
_markHaving real trouble with Kubuntu. seems that kynaptic hangs up when trying to install things. I get a message that somethings weren't able  to download. anybody else had this problem?01:42
seth_k_mark: probably the US sources issue01:43
frankthe us archive is having problems01:43
seth_k_mark: open a terminal and kdesu kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list01:43
_markok. 01:43
seth_k_mark: remove all "us.", making each line "http://archive.ubuntu..."01:43
seth_k_mark: then in the terminal, "sudo apt-get update"01:43
seth_kthen you're back in business01:43
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_markthanks everyone. I'm doing it now. I'll let you know when it works!01:46
zaudragonwould Kubuntu run on a HD with the Mac OS Extended (Journaled) Format?01:47
_markThanks! it appears to be working now! Wow... I was about ready to give up on it...01:49
frankHey I just found out about guarddog (firewall) It looks way better than firestarter01:50
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frank_mark: first thing to get is synaptic. much better than kynaptic01:51
_markThanks! it appears to be working now! Wow... I was about ready to give up on it...?01:52
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=== The_Vox thinks both synaptic and kynaptic suck...better learn to use aptitude :)
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frankThe_Vox: maybe I should01:52
_markWas my problem addressed on the ubuntu/kubuntu website?01:52
frank_mark: It must be  a tenmporary problem with the us archive01:53
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_markwell, thanks for all the help. They should really put up a notice... I figured I broke my system somehow. I had another distro disk in my drive!01:54
The_Vox_mark: the us.archive site has been broken for a couple of days....the people in #ubuntu have had it on the topic for about a week now01:54
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The_Voxactually, it's in the topic here too01:54
_markwell, I guess I'man idiot! Thanks... I'm headed bck to play with my system! Firstthough, can anyone reccommend a good Linux database frontend?01:55
The_Voxfrank: aptitude rocks the world, IMNSHO01:56
wattoCan the live cd image be loaded into ram to speed processing?01:58
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seth_k_mark: what kind of database? MySQL?02:07
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_markI am not particular. I just want one with a gui interface. less coding = good :)02:09
=== bonk [~bonk@60-234-137-56.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
_markseth_k: I am not particular. I just want one with a gui interface. less coding = good :)02:15
seth_kokay, I use mysql-query-browser02:16
_markseth_k: what is query-browser? I don't know anything about it...02:18
wattoidiot newbie question. is this visible to anyone but me?02:20
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seth_k_mark: you wanted a database frontend... that's a frontend to MySQL02:21
_markseth_k: Ok. I'll google search it. I have gotten spoiledon ms Access. Know of anything similarto that?02:23
=== RedDevil [~couceiro@bl5-222-52.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #Kubuntu
seth_koh my life02:24
seth_ki'm going to go curl up and cry until the bad thoughts go away02:24
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ToniEisner_mark: the closest not web related thin ist rekall02:28
=== calc [~ccheney@ip70-185-4-246.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
_markOk. Thanks. I also saw a thing called "kexi" I'll check them all out.02:29
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frankdid anyone get the hddtemp mon karamba applet to work?02:32
The_Voxnot me02:37
=== NamShubX [~wasted@toronto-HSE-ppp4025242.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
_markI amtrying to configure an app in which I have to tell it where the kde headers are. The systemis not finding them. Where are they in kubuntu ??02:39
bonkhas anyone else had problems with apt-get not connecting to any server?02:40
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frankbonk: look at the topic02:40
bonkI'm not using us servers02:40
bonkI tried nz, and just archive.ubuntu.com02:40
bonkneither can connect02:40
seth_kapt-get install kdelibs-dev, or something like that, _mark02:41
frankbonk: I don;t have any problems with apt02:41
bonkit's strange02:41
The_Voxbonk: try uk. or ca.02:41
The_Voxor even mx. (which is what I'm using)02:41
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bonkhang on...02:46
bonkthat didn't work02:46
bonkthe security server works02:46
bonkuk doesn't, ca doesn't, nz doesn't02:48
bonk(for archive)02:48
=== sdb [~sdb@213-140-6-110.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu
bonkand when I try to connect to archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu in konqueror, it shows a few folders, but you can't go into them02:51
sdbhi all!02:52
sdbwonder if anyone can suggest me a good webmail interface, not imp nor squirrelmail02:53
ToniEisnersdb: openwebmail.org ?02:54
sdbToniEisner: seem not well maintained :(02:54
ToniEisnersdb:it is and stable and 5min in setup02:55
sdbwhat i'm lookin for is a nice webmail without calendar, and other stuff02:55
sdbToniEisner: why it's not supported by debian/ubuntu?02:55
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bonkis the whole archive system down or something?02:57
bonkI can ping it, but I can't access it tho02:57
lwizardlcan someone help me with this OS. I got the nvidia drivers working (most of the old resolutions that windows gave me are working now)02:57
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lwizardlwhat is the differnce between GTK & motif versions of programs?02:58
prgoonHi I am a new in (K)ubuntu. I've one wired ethernet card and a wireless card. Currently wired connection is not there. I want to get the wreless interface up and running as soon as the machine boots up. What and where I need to put the entry?02:59
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=== El-aLEX [~debian@200-126-91-65.bk6-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #Kubuntu
bonkprgoon, I think it would be put in /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh to start on bootup.03:01
bonknot sure03:01
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sdbprgoon: i think you need to edit /etc/network/interfaces03:02
sdbhere is mine:03:02
sdb# The loopback network interface03:03
sdbauto lo03:03
sdbiface lo inet loopback03:03
sdb# This is a list of hotpluggable network interfaces.03:03
sdb# They will be activated automatically by the hotplug subsystem.03:03
sdbmapping hotplug03:03
sdb        script grep03:03
sdb        map eth103:03
sdbiface eth0 inet static03:03
=== bgstratt [~bgstratt@68-64-172-28.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
sdb        address
sdb        netmask
=== bgstratt [~bgstratt@68-64-172-28.clspco.adelphia.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
sdb        network
sdb        broadcast
sdb        gateway
sdb        dns-nameservers
sdb# The primary network interface03:04
sdbiface eth1 inet static03:04
prgoonsdb, I want to put as a dhcp client03:04
sdb        address
sdb        netmask
seth_ksdb, please don't paste so much03:04
sdb        network
seth_ksdb, please paste in pastebin03:04
sdb        broadcast
sdb        gateway
sdb        # wireless-* options are implemented by the wireless-tools package03:04
sdb        wireless-nick Toki03:04
sdb        wireless-mode Managed03:05
sdb        wireless-essid Hokuto03:05
sdb        wireless-key restricted s:"XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" [1] 03:05
sdb        #wireless-keymode restricted03:05
sdb        # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed03:05
=== mode/#Kubuntu [+o seth_k] by ChanServ
sdb        dns-nameservers
sdb(sorry, long post :()03:05
sdbmi wl interface is eth103:05
sdbseth_k: sorry, you right03:05
=== geronimo89 [~geronimo@0x535ebb3f.aaanxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu
seth_ksdb, in the future always use pastebin. http://pastebin.com or http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl03:05
sdbprgoon: simpli throw away "static" and use "dhcp".  03:06
sdbseth_k: ok, thank you :)03:06
=== mode/#Kubuntu [-o seth_k] by seth_k
prgoonsdb thanks for your input 03:06
prgoonsdb, I'll try this03:06
sdbremove also address, netmask, network, broadcast, and gateway lines03:07
sdbprgoon: hope this help :)03:07
prgoonThx a lot, sdb :-)03:08
=== geronimo89 [~geronimo@0x535ebb3f.aaanxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has left #kubuntu ["Verlassend"]
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=== PenguinBoy [~thepengui@24-159-145-55.dhcp.smrt.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
PenguinBoyevening Geeks, Nerds, and Linux Gurus!!!03:21
ChurcH_of_FoamYPenguinBoy welcome back ^_^03:21
PenguinBoyhey hey hey Foam Man03:21
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhere ya been? internet die or someting?03:21
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PenguinBoyno....I am in grad school...sometimes me workload gets the best of me03:22
FoamY_is_PagaNoh ok lol03:23
PenguinBoywho is else online tonight03:24
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PenguinBoyhey heyhey claydoh03:26
=== claydoh lurks as usual
=== PenguinBoy sees claydoh lurking
=== xaman [~xaman@203.Red-81-35-147.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
PenguinBoyhey hey hey xaman03:27
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=== zaudragon is downloading kubuntu
zaudragonthe live  version for now...03:30
PenguinBoyyou will LOVE it03:30
zaudragonvia bittorrent though03:30
zaudragonyay, I shall love it103:31
zaudragonwow, this'll take awhile03:31
PenguinBoyit is one kewl distro03:31
PenguinBoywhat is it 650 MB????03:32
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=== PenguinBoy sees a lurkerer
PenguinBoyclaydoh lurks03:36
zaudragonmy download speed is slow03:37
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=== ermac` [~xxx@dD5773890.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu
ermac`wath's the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu?03:42
frankkde in kubuntu03:42
=== jeanluc [~jeanluc@c-24-1-91-167.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ermac`much better then gnome then (h)03:43
franki like kde better03:43
jeanlucme <3 kde03:43
jeanlucn0w release you anger03:43
ermac`i downloaded ubuntu yesterday i wrote the cd, today cd is broken :S03:44
ermac`so now i'm downloading kubuntu03:44
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
ermac`is it true that with kde you have a lot more options etc? than gnome?03:45
jeanlucpretty much03:45
jeanlucand kde is more customizable03:45
ermac`lol you want to know what i'm doing now?03:45
ermac`i formated my pc, i installed windows03:45
jeanlucjacking off?03:45
ermac`now i'm writing the iso03:45
jeanlucohy, ok03:46
ermac`then i'm formating again03:46
ermac`and installing kubuntu03:46
jeanluconly scratched the surface; there are hundreds of organizations and agencies around the globe03:46
ermac`the #ubuntuchan looks more active how come?03:46
ermac`more problems with gnome? :P03:46
frankmore people use ubuntu and problems not specific with kde are usually discussed there03:47
claydohnaw, much much bigger user base03:47
ermac`yeah idd03:47
ermac`how come there are no @ in here? and there?03:48
ermac`no only here03:48
ermac`kubuntu downloads fine: 900k/sec03:49
=== jeanluc slaps ermac and say don't talk to much
ermac`jeanluc i'm talksick :p03:51
ermac`are you trying to sleep or something,03:51
=== jeanluc snores
=== jeanluc "ZzzZZZzzZZ"
=== jeanluc says "WTF"
=== jeanluc "BOOBS"
=== jeanluc says "yes
=== jeanluc ( * Y * )
=== ermac` says i'm burning the kubuntu iso, let's rock on kubuntu here i come ;)
jeanlucwhen you install03:53
jeanluccome to this channel03:53
jeanluctehres an irc client03:53
frankermac`: do you have a athlon 64?03:53
ermac`no frank03:53
frankermac`: ok03:53
ermac`i have a pentium303:53
jeanlucwell if it makes you happy03:53
jeanlucin a gay sorta way03:53
ermac`my next pc is athlon64 or intell celeron don't know yet, i get it within 5 weeks03:54
ermac`or maybe dual xeon03:54
ermac`if i have enough cash ;)03:54
jeanlucthats like crap03:54
jeanluccelerons suck03:54
ermac`dual xeon is cool...03:55
jeanlucworse then pentiums03:55
jeanlucamd x203:55
ermac`omg :s03:55
ermac`download blocked at 99 %03:55
ermac`i have to download it again03:55
frankcan you resume?03:56
ermac`no frank03:56
ermac`i cant...03:56
ermac`i started downloading again03:56
ermac`it's not good for my trafficlimit :| but it will work fine ;) everything for kubuntu ;)03:57
ermac`jeanluc where is that link for in the topic?03:57
ermac`that GT4 stuf03:57
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=== PenguinBoy [~thepengui@24-159-145-55.dhcp.smrt.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
PenguinBoyany bittorent aficianados in here04:13
zaudragonI like BT04:13
zaudragonand I'm using it right now...04:14
zaudragon23 minutes remaining in downloading the Live iso04:14
PenguinBoyi need a tutorial on how to download things04:14
PenguinBoyI have downloaded BT04:14
PenguinBoybut i do not know how to download software04:15
zaudragonfind a .torrent file04:15
zaudragondouble click it04:15
zaudragonand it should open in BT and download it04:15
zaudragonat least in Mac OS X04:15
frankPenguinBoy: you can check out http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kf.html04:15
zaudragonwow my downloading of Kubuntu is slow...04:16
PenguinBoydo I open it or save it04:16
zaudragontook about 3 hours04:16
zaudragonheh, MSIE?04:17
PenguinBoydo I open it or save it04:17
zaudragonI had to download it in Safari04:17
zaudragonPenguinBoy: either04:17
=== barnett [~barnett@pool-70-21-26-118.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
PenguinBoyi saved it.... nothing is happening04:18
PenguinBoyi click on the saved icon on the desktop and then I get a warning about04:19
PenguinBoycannot find04:19
zaudragonthen open the BT client04:20
zaudragonand open it from there04:20
=== _dad [~dad@68-64-172-28.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== _dad is now known as brad
=== monchy [Monchy@S010600e04c400007.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
zaudragonwow the Mac version of BT is so weird04:21
zaudragonthere is a drawer but it's uncentred04:21
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=== bgstratt [~dad@68-64-172-28.clspco.adelphia.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
=== ToniEisner [~tonieisne@83-64-120-130.lehen.xdsl-line.inode.at] has left #Kubuntu ["Konversation]
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=== nmorse [~nmorse@adsl-64-217-110-209.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
nmorseDadgummit, how do I do this to myself?04:55
nmorseAnyone know how to fix GRUB after installing Windows?04:56
nmorseWith lilo this would be a cinch but I don't know GRUB04:56
=== jeanluc says hello
=== jeanluc says, don't screw with winblows
nmorseI have to sometimes04:57
nmorseLike making Neverwinter Nights modules04:57
=== jeanluc says use wine
nmorseNot for the Aurora Toolset04:57
=== jeanluc says it runs .exe in linux
nmorseYou need a dadgum custom version of WINE for that04:58
=== jeanluc says then customize it yourself
=== sproingie says jeanluc is spazzing out on the /me command
=== nmorse agrees
=== sproingie says, "This kind of reminds me of MOO now"
nmorseapt-get moo, eh?04:58
=== jeanluc says I like third person
=== sproingie says, "I miss MOO."
=== Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Kubuntu
=== nmorse wonders in anyone has useful advice regarding GRUB
nmorseBTW, the GRUB manpage sucks04:59
nmorseAnd the info page appears to be identical04:59
=== sproingie says, "I guess I could just program IRC to translate PRIVMSG's into $nick says, "$*"
Computer__Gurui have very useful advice concerning grub05:00
Computer__Guruuse lilo :D05:00
sproingiestill wouldn't have any descriptions or custom objects tho05:00
nmorsesproingie: good idea05:00
nmorseComputer__Guru: I'd love to05:00
jeanluc$nmores hi05:00
nmorseBut it's too late now05:00
Computer__Gurunaw its not05:00
nmorseIf I can't boot it it is05:00
Computer__Gurupico /etc/lilo.conf && /sbin/lilo05:00
sproingiemoo is typically full of fun social features too.  and descriptions05:00
Computer__Guruuse a live cd05:00
nmorseI'm using a Morphix CD right now to work on it05:01
Computer__Guruim going to the store, bbiaf05:01
nmorseBut it won't let me use apt-get because it won't fetch names05:01
=== tia_ [~tia@c-24-20-253-153.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
nmorseWhich leaves me wondering who's idea it was to use GRUB as the bootloader?05:01
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franknmorse: grub is fine05:01
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paxwhat's wrong with grub?05:02
nmorseGRUB is not fine if it doesn't work05:02
=== michael [~michael@sfDIAL-127.216-16-55.iw.net] has joined #kubuntu
nmorseWhat's the command to restore an MBR with GRUB?05:02
nmorseThat's the dadgum problem with GRUB05:02
franksudo grub-install05:02
michaelhow can I reupgrade kopete?/05:03
frankbut you would need to do it chrooted in your ubuntu installation probably05:03
jeanlucsudo apt-get isntall kopete05:03
nmorseWhich appears to be impossible at the moment05:03
nmorseI can't seem to convince Morphix I need to chroot to /mnt/hda205:04
nmorseAnd why isn't grub-install mentioned in the GRUB manpage?05:04
franknmorse: You have to mount the partition first05:04
nmorseIt's mounted05:04
nmorseI assure you05:04
nmorses idea was it to leave grub-install out of the manpage?05:04
frankthen  chroot /mnt/ubuntu /bin/bash   or whatever05:05
michaelwhen i try to do the 'apt-get install kopete' it won't let me because i have the newest version, but i want to reinstall it05:05
paxtype grub, then run: grub> root (hd0,0) grub> setup (hd0) grub> quit :)05:06
nmorseWhere are the info or man pages for all of these commands?05:06
paxinfo grub05:06
nmorseThat returns the man page05:07
nmorseSomething's not right here05:07
paxdidnt you ask for man pages?05:07
nmorseThe man page has none of that in it05:07
nmorseA lovely undocumented bootloader05:08
sproingiegrub is a gnu thing.  man pages are for dirty plebian scum.  you shall use info, and bask in its resplendence05:09
paxnmorse: tried: apropos grub ?05:09
nmorsesproingie: the info page is identical to the man page except for the FSF at the top05:10
paxapropos is keyword finder05:10
sproingienmorse: that's rich05:10
nmorseI just learned something05:10
nmorseThank you pax05:10
sproingiepax: man -k works as well05:10
sproingiegrub has some separate documentation in /usr/share/doc i think05:10
paxsame thing, apropos is one word05:10
sproingieyou might need to install grub-doc or something05:11
michaelwhere is the sources.list?05:11
sproingieshouldn't need it, it should be in main05:12
=== bgstratt [~brad@68-64-172-28.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
frank /etc/apt/source.list05:12
=== bgstratt [~brad@68-64-172-28.clspco.adelphia.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
sproingieoh, where the file itself is05:12
nmorseSo what happens when GRUB says disk does not exist?05:13
nmorseroot (hd0,0) Error 21: Selected disk does not exist05:13
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nmorseThis is chrooted in to the install from Morphix05:14
nmorsegrub-install fails with a bunch of /dev/null: Permission denied errors05:14
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jeanluc_v_22 of me05:15
jeanluc2 of me05:15
=== jeanluc_v_2 [~jeanluc@c-24-1-91-167.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"]
paxgrub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/hda (exemple)05:16
nmorseIt's amazing how none of this works05:18
nmorseGod, the second I get this running I'm switching back to lilo05:19
nmorseDoes anyone know why the installer doesn't offer the option to use one or the other anyway?05:20
calcnmorse: the reason it doesn't work is that you mounted the drive with nodev05:21
calcmorphix mounts drives by default with the dev files disabled05:21
nmorseHmm, but how to make morphix change its /etc/fstab05:21
calcjust like with knoppix05:21
frankI thought pretty much everyone used grub now. 05:21
nmorseWhy would you use grub?05:21
calcnmorse: edit it with vi or something05:21
calcgrub is much better than lilo05:21
nmorseFor what?05:21
calcfor boot loader05:21
nmorseIt's more of a pain for sure, though the editing boot options thing is nice05:21
calcfor one thing you don't have to install it every time you install a new kernel05:22
nmorseIt's a generic bootloader, not a linux loader05:22
calcyou can't change options of the fly05:22
nmorseI don't need Partition Magic, I need to boot my linux system05:22
calclilo is just old crap that is near useless05:22
=== tia_ [~tia@c-24-20-253-153.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
jeanlucdelete windows partiions05:22
nmorseNear useless?05:22
jeanlucthen linux should start just fine05:22
paxgrub is better because: you can discover boot images, kernels, root filesystems from the grub shell. It stores boot info in filesystem rather than in the MBR. It reads filesystems and kernel rather than inflexibly restrict the user to disk geo and most important, it is OS independant05:23
calcwith grub you can hit e on the thing you want to boot and actually edit the command line options right there or even select another kernel that isn't in the list off your fs05:23
nmorselilo works, all the time, and is easy to fix after what I've just done05:23
calci guess the feature i use the most of grub is that you can edit the kernel command line options while you are in the boot loader itself05:23
calcyou can also network boot from grub if you need to05:24
calcbut i don't use that much05:24
nmorseI've used the feature once05:24
nmorseTo turn on inotify to try it05:24
nmorseIn lilo I would have made another entry05:24
paxcalc <e> yes, I like that05:24
frankThe best thing I know about grub is that it's "Grand" lol05:24
nmorseNow I'm paying for that by having to mess with everything05:24
paxin worst case senario you can use Knoppix CD to restore it :)05:26
nmorseHopefully now this will work05:26
nmorseMorphix and Knoppix are pretty close in rescue capabilities05:26
nmorseNowhere near the Woody CD05:26
nmorseWoody Disk 1 is the ultimate rescue CD05:26
calcknoppix works good for me i just have to always fix the fstab05:27
calcsince it wants to help you out by making all partitions nodev05:27
nmorseThere we go, the commands fixed it finally05:27
nmorseThough it reinserted GRUB entries that don't boot05:27
nmorseBecause they don't exist05:27
nmorseWhy it does that is beyond me05:27
nmorseAnyway, enough GRUB bashing for today05:28
calcnmorse: which entries?05:28
nmorseCustome kernels I made05:29
nmorseand then apt-get removed05:29
=== nmorse_ [~nmorse@adsl-64-217-110-209.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
calcthey aren't in /boot ?05:29
nmorseAnd the kernel packages are purged actually05:30
calchmm i've never seen update-grub create dead entries before05:30
calcthe file it references isn't on the disk either?05:30
nmorseIt boggles the mind05:32
calcvery strange05:32
nmorseBut no more!05:32
nmorseLilo shall be on the disk immediately05:32
calcyou could strace the update-grub command to see where it is looking05:33
nmorseI could05:33
nmorseBut first I have to go rescue my brother from "I locked the keys in the car" hell05:35
nmorseBuys a new car, and the first thing he does: Lock the keys in it05:35
zaudragonnmorse: wow that's... unthoughtful05:36
=== troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #kubuntu
nmorseYeah, and now I must rescue him05:39
=== _joris [~joris@dD5773890.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu
=== _joris is now known as ermac
paxtell your bro about find, man find :D05:40
=== kalenedrael [~kalene@c-24-218-137-85.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
zaudragonor locate05:40
zaudragonman locate :D05:40
=== michael [~michael@sfDIAL-127.216-16-55.iw.net] has joined #kubuntu
ermachow do i install BMP?05:49
ermacbeep media player05:49
calcapt-get install beep-media-player05:49
zaudragonaww you beat me05:49
zaudragondon't you need the sudo?05:49
ermacthx calc 05:50
calcer yea that too05:50
zaudragonsudo apt-get install beep-media-player05:50
zaudragon^ full command ^05:50
zaudragondoes Kubuntu come with Kopete?05:50
calcsudo su -05:50
calcthen run whatever :)05:50
zaudragonwhy sudo su?05:51
calcwell if you want full root you can do that instead of enabling root password05:51
paxsudo -s -H (if you are tired of using sudo)05:51
pax..and have no root account05:51
paxwell, I mean you didnt create one.05:52
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calcpax: that doesn't setup the entire root env though (i think?)05:52
ermaccalc: apt-get install beep-media-player          >> it says i have to be root05:52
ermachow do i login as root on KDE05:53
paxcalc: no clue.05:53
calcermac: run the sudo in front like zaudragon said05:53
calcsu - makes your su a login shell like if you had logged in directly05:53
zaudragoncalc: ermac is gone :D05:54
calci was referring to pax wrt su -05:54
calcermac seemed to have left immediately after telling him to use sudo, though it could have been timing issue05:54
paxermac wanted to run x as root it seems, bad bad boy05:55
zaudragonOS X?05:56
zaudragonhow do you run KDE as root anyways05:56
paxwhy would you do such thing?05:56
zaudragonI dunno05:57
zaudragonbut how would you in the beginning?05:57
zaudragonoh I know05:57
zaudragonI think05:57
zaudragonconsole mode: sudo kde05:57
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zaudragonor something to that effect05:57
=== _joris is now known as ermac`
ermac`how do i setup the root account? because i cant access it?05:57
paxzaudragon: no body in their right mind run x as root05:57
ermac`its my first run on kubuntu05:58
mr_robotoit already starts as root if you boot to a graphical login05:58
paxermac`: you dont need root, use sudo or sudo -s -H05:58
zaudragonermac`: I guess you're an OS X user05:58
mr_robotothe init process (pid 1) is the one that kicks it off05:58
mr_robotoinit is always owned by root05:58
mr_robotohas to be05:58
zaudragonermac`: not like the superuser account on OS X at all05:58
ermac`i try to apt-get install beep-media-player05:59
paxby x I mean desktop environment asin Gnome or KDE05:59
ermac`but it says the packet could not be found05:59
mr_robotojust do a ps -ef |grep kdm05:59
ermac`i try to sudo apt-get install beep-media-player06:00
ermac`but it says the packet could not be found06:00
zaudragontry bmp instead of beep-media-player06:00
paxermac`: check your sources.list06:00
paxzaudragon:  it is deep-media-player06:00
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zaudragonpax: that's what I said06:00
zaudragonpax: oh you mean not bmp06:01
zaudragonpax: gotcha06:01
ermac`pax i updated the sources list06:01
ermac`but it doesnt work06:01
ermac`first i did:06:01
ermac`sudo apt-get update06:01
paxermac`: I mean uncomment universal06:01
ermac`sudo apt-get install beep-media-player06:02
ermac`wath should i do then?06:02
paxermac`: http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories06:02
paxuniverse not universal, gosh I'm lost :(06:03
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_joriscan someone give me the manualpage of the screenresolution...06:11
rhysticlighI am installing kubuntu for the first time and I just had a quick question06:11
_jorisi want to setup my monitor etc06:11
_joriscan someone give me the manualpage of the screenresolution...06:12
rhysticlighjust want to make sure that if I tell it to install to a balank partition, it won't touch the other data on the physical drive that is in other partitions06:12
_joriscan someone give me the manualpage of the screenresolution...06:14
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sproingiewhere's libarts1-1.4.1?06:51
sproingiearts won't upgrade without it, and it's not showing up06:51
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bonkhow can I find my CARDLIST file in my kernel documentation?06:53
=== FractuS [~FractuS@cable200-58-219-184.epm.net.co] has joined #kubuntu
=== FractuS 100% Colombian talents -> http://www.immersionsoftware.com/ <-- very well
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da_bon_bonhi akk07:08
da_bon_bonanyone from india here ?07:08
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supernixis it just me or is Thunderbird not filtering spam at all07:21
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chx hi. is there any way I can turn off checking crypto signatures in kmail? it's slow and I do not care...07:25
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FractuSwats up here?08:36
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arcanistheroguesay, i need a bit of help installing dosbox08:36
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FractuSthis do not move :S08:57
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evilyodawhat's with the md5sum mismatches installing kubuntu-desktop from hoary?09:19
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buzdont use us.archive09:19
evilyodaok, thanks09:21
evilyodathe mirror works fine. Thanks for the quick help!09:23
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dejavuhi all09:46
dejavuztonzy: r u there?09:46
ztonzydejavu, yes09:46
dejavumonin ha?09:46
dejavuits 3pm here ;)09:47
dejavuwell, im having another problem :(09:47
dejavupls take a look at http://pastebin.com/31378409:49
dejavuerror when compiling the cam driver09:49
dejavubut fyi, this one im using my mandrake10.0 box09:49
dejavuneither kubuntu09:50
ztonzydoesnt look like errors to me, just warnings09:51
ztonzytried to install it ?09:52
dejavuyup, just warning but it resulting just a black-screen :(09:52
dejavu<ztonzy> tried to install it ? <-- yup09:52
ztonzyblack screen for webcam?09:53
ztonzydejavu, I haven't read all info on drivers page...did you ?09:53
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dejavusorry, just a minute09:54
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dejavuim back10:04
dejavu<ztonzy> dejavu, I haven't read all info on drivers page...did you ? <-- i did10:05
dejavubut is said thats everythings will gonna be okay with kernel2.6.310:06
dejavubtw im going to change my nick10:06
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ztonzykavakava, okej...hmmm10:07
kavakavaso...what can 'we' do? :-/10:08
_P_hi 10:08
ztonzyhave no clue :-\10:08
_P_i can't use accent on kde o konsole but i can on shell 10:08
_P_any tips?10:09
kavakavabtw, hi _P_10:09
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ztonzykavakava, you didnt read README :) ??10:14
ztonzy"KERNEL 2.6.3 is UNSUPPORTED !!"10:14
kavakavai did it bro10:14
ztonzykavakava, change kernel10:14
kavakavalet me take a look10:14
ztonzyin drivers package, the README10:14
ztonzyline 19710:15
kavakavaSpecifically, it has been tested against:10:15
kavakava 2.6.3           Compiles ok, with no warnings.10:15
kavakavaspca5xx-20041121 <-- this version10:15
ztonzythat what is said for me...just downloaded latest driverspackage10:16
kavakavacoz the newer version is incompatible10:16
kavakavapls take a look at this http://lists.zerezo.com/spca50x-devs/msg00135.html10:17
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kavakavathen why i try the older version of driver10:17
kavakavaand then it works, but still experience errors10:17
ztonzywell, I Dont know10:17
bogawhere can I grab azureus?10:17
kavakavaztonzy: tnx anyway bro, well i have something other to do10:18
ztonzykavakava, okej, later10:19
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hoschi_mobilhi.. could anyone plz tell me the name of the system-notification-modul, I want to start it without kcontrol10:57
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Computer__Guruwhen you install the kubuntu desktop, you have other menus on the kicker besides the K menu.. how do I make such a menu and add it to the panel?11:36
Computer__Gurui dont see it anywhere on the add menu11:37
liz4rdi'm not sure you can11:37
liz4rdwell you probly can11:37
Computer__Gurusure you can11:37
liz4rdjust never seen how11:37
Computer__Gurukubuntu does it11:37
Computer__Guruill ask in kde11:37
liz4rdi'm in xfce4 right now XD11:37
hussamliz4rd: are using ubuntu's xfce or did you compile yourself?11:39
Computer__Guruffr, you can just drag a folder from konqueror to the panel and it adds it ;)11:40
liz4rddont like kde much11:40
nikkiaComputer__Guru: i think if you create a new menu in the menu editor, you can just add that menu as a button11:40
hussamliz4rd: did you enable compositor?11:40
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Computer__Gurunikkia just drag n drop a folder from konqueror to the panel :)11:41
liz4rdyes, but i dont know how to get drop shadows11:41
nikkiaComputer__Guru: i've done it before on my work machine, but it was ages ago, and I can't remember how I did it11:41
nikkiaComputer__Guru: that's not how i did it before11:41
Computer__Guruim giving myself a new look.. getting tired of osx11:41
Computer__Guruit works though :)11:41
hussamliz4rd: same problem here. I enabled compositor but I'm getting not drop shadows.11:41
liz4rdyeah, kinda shitty11:42
hussamliz4rd: it should give drop shadows automatically11:42
hussamliz4rd: any idea what could be wrong? I configured xorg.conf but still get no drop shadows.11:43
nikkiadid you *really* enable composite ?11:43
hussamyes I compiled xfce with enable composite flag11:44
nikkiabear in mind, by default, composite and GLX cannot co-exist, you have to force them to co-exist (and its very buggy if they're both enabled)11:44
hussamnikkia: how do you force them?11:44
nikkiaso you might enable composite in Xorg, but if GLX is enabled (it will be, most likely) composite gets turned off again :)11:44
hussamso I should disable glx?11:45
nikkiahussam, Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"11:45
nikkiaif you're using ATI, you need Option "backingstore" "true"    too, apparently11:46
liz4rdlmfao @ ATI11:46
nikkializ4rd: some people still buy their cards *shrug*11:47
liz4rdlol what a shame11:47
hussamnikkia: I already have "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true" under Section "Device" using Nvidia Geforce fx 520011:47
nikkiahussam, do you have   Option "RenderAccel" "true" ?11:48
nikkiayou might need that too11:48
hussamI still get drop shadows in kde 3.4.1 but not in xfce11:48
hussamthis however used to work in my previous distro before I switched over to Kubuntu.11:49
nikkiaoh, dunno, don't use xfce11:49
liz4rdxfce4 is the shiznet11:49
hussamliz4rd: lol11:50
nikkiaoh, ffs, MMS spam from one of my cell providers11:50
nikkiaand to think i thought SMS spam was annoying11:50
hussamnikkia: I get spam messges on my cell phone too.11:51
nikkiahussam: MMS ?11:51
nikkiaSMS spam is common11:51
nikkiaMMS spam, this is the first i've seen11:51
liz4rdWTF, how is that?11:51
hussamno just sms spam11:51
hussami just got one sms about a Pizza Hut ad.11:51
=== nikkia shudders and realises sooner-or-later i'm going to get 3G spam on my 3G account
=== liz4rd goes into hibernation until gmail reaches a terabyte
nikkializ4rd: its been very flakey recently :/11:53
liz4rdhow so?11:53
nikkializ4rd: its been down a lot, and the IG->gmail gateway has been down a lot as well11:54
nikkiaso much so that i'm almost tempted to take gmail off IG11:54
nikkia(i have IG set as my homepage)11:54
nikkializ4rd: 'MyGoogle'11:54
liz4rdoh cool11:55
nikkiaits basically a portal to google, that's customised, shows you your gmail message count, any replies to your posts on google groups, etc11:55
nikkiabut recently, all its shown for the gmail section is 'There is currently a problem receiving your gmail account'11:55
nikkiai think its related to change from gmail->google mail11:56
nikkiato the change, that is11:56
liz4rdlol when i google weather for my postalcode (i live in canada) a link to phrack comess up :P12:01
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snikkerhi, someone know how need the directory "/.dev"  (not "/dev") ?12:15
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hussamhow can query the version of a library package from command line?02:13
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uniqhussam: dpkg --status packagename. example: dpkg --status zlib1g02:23
uniqhi paines.02:23
hussamuniq: ok thanks02:23
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epRunning konsole, I prefer ls to use color.  Somebody told me how to set an alais for this yesterday but it wasnt permanent.  How can I make this permanent.02:33
epAlso 'alias -p' lists nothing on my kubuntu system.   Doesn't a normal install set up some aliases by default?  02:34
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bogaHow can I install KOffice 1.4?02:40
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kalenedraelboga, apt-get install it02:40
apokryphosboga: you'll need to add the new repositories first; see /topic02:41
apokryphoshi kinslayer :)02:41
kalenedraelnot necessarily02:41
=== ..[topic/#Kubuntu:kalenedrael] : http://dev.kubuntu.org.uk/~jr/kubuntu/qt4/ | Kubuntu help channel | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | KOffice 1.4 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-koffice-14.php | KDE 3.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-341.php | us.archive currently broken; use another mirror ({ca,ohuk,se}.archive)
kalenedraelwhat the heck?02:41
kalenedraeli did no such thing02:41
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=== ..[topic/#Kubuntu:kalenedrael] : http://dev.kubuntu.org.uk/~jr/kubuntu/qt4/ | Kubuntu help channel | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | KOffice 1.4 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-koffice-14.php | KDE 3.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-341.php | us.archive currently broken; use another mirror ({ca,uk,se}.archive)
kinslayeranyone else having loads of trouble with kubuntu?02:41
kalenedraelwhat the...02:42
kalenedraelhow am i able to change the topic?02:42
apokryphoskalenedrael: necessarily... unless you're running breezy, you need the 1.4 repo02:42
apokryphoskalenedrael: it's open02:42
kalenedraeli use archive.ubuntu.com02:42
epI'm trying to learn about the alias so I use Konqueror and do man:alias and get "No man page matching to alias found".  What am I doing wrong?02:43
apokryphosep: you can't learn about it from a man page if it doesn't exist02:44
ephow can I learn about it then?02:44
apokryphosep: install libalias-perl and you'll be able to view it02:45
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epother optiions?02:45
apokryphosInternet, maybe?02:45
epshouldn't kubuntu of set up some aliases by default?  When I do 'alias -p' it lists nothing.  02:46
bogakalenedrael: Thanks for the help. I am now installing the beast! Where do I get the other commands like `/topic'?02:47
epI want to get color when I do a ls command in konsole for instance. I did an alias to do this but it wasn't permanent.  Forgot what i did, too:)02:48
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epand why wouldn't the alias command be in the man page?  Shouldn't bash commands be there?02:49
nikkiaep, there are hundreds of bash commands, most of them are in the bash man page02:50
nikkiait would clutter the man page system too much for them all to be listed in seperate pages02:50
nikkiathere are a handful of commands that link a man page to bash's, but they are the important ones, alias isn't really 'important'02:51
epok thanks for clearing that up02:52
nikkiai'm a little puzzled why ls isn't already aliased to 'ls --color=auto' on your system tho, that is the default setting on kubuntu as far as i can tell02:52
nikkiaaltho i'll be honest and admit i can't find wtf it is aliased...02:52
qbitman dir_colors02:53
nikkiaapparently, /etc/skel/.bashrc02:53
nikkiawhich should get copied to ~/.bashrc when an account is created02:53
epI'm puzzled by it too.  I orginally did a ubuntu install and then #kubuntu-desktop02:54
nikkiaep, did you delete .bashrc from your home directory ?02:54
nikkiaor perhaps its a difference between ubuntu and kubuntu02:54
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epnot on purpose:)02:55
eplet me see whats there now02:55
kalenedraelif that doesn't work i think you will have to use dircolors02:56
nikkiaep, that's the section of my ~/.bashrc that is relevant02:56
epThat file doesn't exist nikkia can I just create it ie. touch ~/.bashrc   and then paste in your text (havent looked at it yet)02:57
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nikkiaep, no, do 'cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~/.bashrc'02:58
nikkiaits easier, and should already have the alias in anyway02:58
epi'll do that and then compare it to yours for kicks:)02:58
epDo I need to end session to see all this in action?03:03
apokryphosep: yeah03:04
apokryphosKonsole will read .bashrc on startup03:04
apokryphosnoo, I didn't mean logout :P03:04
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apokryphosep: didn't logout of KDE did you?03:08
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epI did an end session, yes03:08
apokryphosYou only needed to open a new Konsole..03:09
epwell it works anyway... life is good.  Thanks!03:09
apokryphosCool! Thank nikkia ;-)03:10
epThany you nikkia 03:10
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=== ..[topic/#Kubuntu:apokryphos] : http://dev.kubuntu.org.uk/~jr/kubuntu/qt4/ | Kubuntu help channel | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | KOffice 1.4 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-koffice-14.php | KDE 3.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-341.php
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apokryphosBBC greatest Philosopher vote just went to Karl Marx with 27.93% of the votes. :|03:18
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McScruffis there an app like osx's spotlight?03:22
martinjh99Whats the name of the application that asks for the password?  I want to add a button to my panel thats the equivalent of 'sudo kcontrol'03:22
apokryphosmartinjh99: kdesu03:22
martinjh99McScruff> Is that Beagle your after?  Thats desktop search...03:22
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martinjh99Cheers Apok... ;)03:22
martinjh99McScruff theres instructions on installing on Ubuntu on the Beagle Wiki Page...  Not sure where that is though.03:23
nikkiabe careful with beagle if you use things like bittorrent :)03:23
ubotuapokryphos: I haven't a clue03:23
nikkiabeagle attempts to load *all* of a file into ram to index it, and if you have anything like, oh say, a 4GB .rar file kicking around, that can be rather painful03:23
qbitmartinjh99: you can add this to anything by editing the properties and drilling down to advanced and check the section "run as" and making it root03:23
apokryphosIs Beagle any good? Never used it03:24
nikkiaapokryphos: its ok, a long way off being 'great'03:24
qbitmartinjh99: then it will pop up the box and ask you for root's passwd03:24
RiddellI've never got beagle to work03:24
apokryphosubotu: beagle is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryBeagleInstallHowto03:24
ubotuapokryphos: okay03:25
nikkiaapokryphos: a major flaw is that it only works on your home dir03:25
martinjh99qbit Just added it infront of the command...03:25
apokryphosnikkia: what exactly is it?03:25
nikkiaapokryphos: 'desktop searching'03:25
apokryphosOhh, I remember now. Used it once on gnome03:26
=== apokryphos uses locate
nikkiabut being unable to search for where things are configured system wide, reduces its usability, IMO03:26
Riddellthere is also Kat for KDE03:26
apokryphosWhy can't it? Isn't pretty silly?03:26
Riddellstilsl very up-and-coming03:26
kalenedraeli like 'locate' for searching03:26
nikkiayou still find yourself doing fgrep -ir blah /etc and so on03:26
nikkiakalenedrael: beagle et al do far more than filename matching03:27
nikkiawhich is all locate can do03:27
kalenedraelbut locate is fast03:27
=== hon [~hon@khordad.ee.queensu.ca] has joined #kubuntu
apokryphosYeah, from that page: "The latest releases of Beagle (0.0.8 and 0.0.9) can not be run in Hoary"03:28
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=== apokryphos downlaods Kat .deb to try it out
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apokryphosLooks pretty nice/organised03:32
martinjh99Apok> Looks nice too.  Going to dump in my repo... ;)03:33
apokryphos.deb looked a little dodgy; extracting it gave some errors (though it installed). Gonna compile03:34
martinjh99Let me know what extra libs you need and I'll have a go at it too!  Sounds interesting...03:34
nikkiaone nice thing (if you're not paranoid) about beagle, is the firefox plugin...03:35
apokryphosnikkia: paranoid? On what grounding?03:36
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nikkiaapokryphos: every page you access in firefox, gets indexed by beagle03:36
nikkiaapokryphos: if you visit stuff you don't want a trace of, on your PC, then you need to flush the beagle indexes as well as your firefox caches03:37
nikkiapersonally, it doesn't bother me, but i can see how it would 'worry' some paranoid folk :)03:37
apokryphosThat doesn't seem much worse than browser history03:37
nikkiaapokryphos: its not, but its two places to clear, rather than one, if you're of a paranoid disposition03:38
nikkiaapokryphos: some people get really worked up by that kind of stuff *shrug*03:38
nikkiapersonally, i found it useful to have a searchable form of pages i'd visited03:39
apokryphosSince I use three browsers, I'd have to in theory clear all those anyhow :|03:39
apokryphosyeah, definitely03:39
apokryphosmartinjh99: has some higher dependencies http://pastebin.com/31387603:40
nikkiathe big problem with all the desktop search systems tho, is that none of the x86 OS's on the market are really orientated towards applying desktop searches to them03:40
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martinjh99Apok - Doesn't look like you can do it then...03:41
apokryphosI'd still say my searching on Linux is more effective with locate and grep03:41
nikkiayou really need OS level support for 'file modified' callbacks, and while linux has support for file notifications, the modules involved tend to have limits that make them unuseful for desktop searching03:41
martinjh99I have been able to find binaries just by locate file |grep bin03:42
apokryphosnikkia: Interesting. Do you think the current system is likely to change?03:42
nikkiaapokryphos: eventually, yes03:42
nikkiaapokryphos: this kind of thing is the whole point to stuff like winfs03:42
nikkiai imagine linux will end up morphing in that direction eventually too03:43
apokryphosnikkia: how good do you think LH will turn out to be? Lot of hype, lot of [questionable]  bad reviews.03:43
nikkiaapokryphos: as it stands now, a complete failure03:44
nikkiaits not enough of an upgrade03:44
nikkiaof course, as it was originally envisioned: a complete failure :)03:44
apokryphosReally? And it's been one of the biggest gaps between a release03:44
nikkiaremember, originally, longhorn was going to be 'no native executables'03:44
nikkiaeverything was .NET or bust03:44
apokryphosHeh, I didn't know that, no.03:45
nikkiaapokryphos: MS was banking on the xbox to alieviate any 'OMG games are too slow' concern, i think03:45
jpatrick5 year project and what a waste of time03:45
nikkiaapokryphos: what have they done to justify that 'biggest gaps between a release' tho ?03:45
apokryphosnikkia: sounds like a stretch ;-).03:45
nikkiaall it is, atm, is a theme update03:45
nikkiathat's it, a new theme, whooooopeee03:45
apokryphosThe release kept getting delayed, didn't it?03:46
apokryphosQuite a few times I think03:46
apokryphosnikkia: I find the new theme ugly. It's just like XP but blue-er :|03:46
nikkiaapokryphos: but with each delay, they removed a few features from the 'new' list03:46
=== apokryphos prefers kdelook themes
nikkiaapokryphos: itym 'blacker'03:46
nikkiathe latest LH bets have black backgrounds on widgets03:46
Fraeonnikkia: Ironic since a lot of xbox games seem to have framerate issues.03:46
FraeonAt least KotOR, Jade Empire, Fable and Halo do.03:47
nikkiaFraeon: the other consoles are just as bad with frame rate issues though03:47
apokryphosbut IE 7 is going to have support for trans PNGs! Wow!03:47
jpowersapokryphos: did you try the ubuntu deb?03:47
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apokryphosjpowers: yup, it works/installs, but gives errors on the install.03:48
jpowersapokryphos: I don't have any issues with the ubuntu deb for kat03:48
martinjh99Apok> Never used IE for years...  Firefox and Thunderbird for me...03:48
apokryphosjpowers: installing it gave no dependency errors?03:48
jpowersapokryphos: correct.03:48
_novaHow do I install gkrellm?03:49
jpowersapokryphos: you sure you got the ubuntu one and not the debian one?03:49
apokryphosHeh, no. Didn't notice one03:49
jpowers_nova: sudo apt-get install gkrellm03:49
=== apokryphos goes to see his make just finished, too :|
nikkiaapok, if you follow the link to the sourceforge page...03:49
jpowers_nova: also, apt-cache search gkrellm will give you a list of modules you can install.03:49
apokryphosYeah, got it thanks.03:50
_novajpowers: Didn't find package gkrellm03:50
ubotuask me about !repositories03:50
ubotuhmm... repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto03:50
apokryphosAre people likely to even turn to Linux because of Longhorn's failure?03:51
apokryphosI think more would actually go to Mac. User-friendly-wise, I think it probably beats it hands down.03:51
jpowersnot unless they have some outside stimulus to switch, apokryphos 03:51
jpowerser, re: linux, not mac03:52
jpowersI definitely advocate linux more and more, the more user-friendly it gets.03:52
jpowersI end up having to tech-support my friends anyway, regardless of OS03:52
apokryphosI'm still weary of recommending it to some of my friends. Of the last three one never used it, and the other two asked me for the same command about 10 times =)03:53
jpowersat least with linux I don't feel dumber after each time I remote into their box to fix something.03:53
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apokryphosyou need to want to get into it, really.03:53
_novaAs a new-new user (Having tried linux about 2 years ago) I'd say it's definitly moving in the right direction, user-friendly wise03:53
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FraeonI think people would rather just whine about problems in their OS than bother to see whether there are any alternatives03:53
apokryphosYeah, GNOME and KDE are dedicating more time now, I think, to improving usability etc.03:54
jpowers_nova: sudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list03:54
nikkiaapokryphos: if longhorn fails, it'll just mean people stick with XP03:54
apokryphosprobably more gnome I'd say than KDE at the moment. Spoke to someone not too long ago who gave me a full psychological analysis of why they do x, y and z03:54
jpowers_nova: and then remove the # sign from the repo's containing "universe"03:55
apokryphosnikkia: I dunno. I think It could really be a time for Mac to rise up. Tried one the other day; affects/wobbly windows etc. are unrivalled. And of course people love stuff like that03:55
apokryphosthough, people would first go for the "easier to use" option03:55
nikkiaapokryphos: the problem is, i think apple have shot themselves in the foot03:55
apokryphoshow so?03:55
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nikkiaapokryphos: once people see a apple P4 on the shelf next to a dell P4, at $3000 vs $300, i don't think apple'll survive in h/w very long03:56
nikkiaapokryphos: remember, cost is NOT the reason they're switching to x86, they pay less for a G5 than the lowest P4 anyway03:56
jpowersI don't think P4 is the reason to switch to intel03:57
jpowersPM is.03:57
apokryphosnikkia: what is the reason?03:57
nikkiajpowers: either way, their machines won't be any cheaper than they are now03:57
nikkiaapokryphos: production capacity, apparently03:57
_novaI need to kill synaptic, it hanged. How?03:58
nikkiaIBM have been falling over on yield, apparently, which makes me worry about how the next-gen consoles will do supply-wise :)03:58
jpowersapokryphos: also failure to deliver a mobile G5.03:58
jpowers_nova: pkill synaptic03:58
jpowers_nova: or just click the x in the upper right hand corner of the window03:58
nikkiastill, i was a level 1 xbox-360 pre-order, so i should be ok03:58
apokryphosPrice of PS3 has shot up, hasn't it? I doubt that'll affect the sales too much03:58
_novathe x does nothing03:58
nikkiapeople in level 2 or 3 might have trouble :)03:59
jpowers_nova: it usually does after a few seconds if the program is actually hung.03:59
apokryphos_nova: Ctrl + Alt + Esc then click on synaptic, or "sudo killall synaptic"03:59
_novaI clicked it about a minute ago it still hangs03:59
_novaapokryphos: thanks, that worked03:59
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=== apokryphos also just wondering how well Google have established themselves as "the good guys"
_novaI did the apt-cache search and it said it couldn't find the source list and then a link04:01
apokryphosat lest in open source04:01
nikkiaapokryphos: personally, i don't see google as 'the good guys', i see them as 'scarily convincing people they'll do no evil'04:01
apokryphosnikkia: Summer of Code, donating servers to Wikipedia, all these new projects.. seem like very nice fellows ;-)04:01
_novaI love the google guys04:02
nikkiaapokryphos: its that generous-ness that makes me weary of them04:02
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nikkiaapokryphos: i remember a similar buzz about yahoo, once upon a time04:02
apokryphosnikkia: why? It could be their game-plan, and it evidently seems to work for them...04:03
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apokryphosSort of a "we like you! you like us! Keep doing what you're doing ;-) "04:03
nikkiaapokryphos: as i said, there was a similar buzz about yahoo in the mid 90s04:03
apokryphosnikkia: and what happened with them?04:04
nikkiaapokryphos: they turned evil04:04
supernixanyone got any clue on how to install and setup something that will update the Dydns site with a dynamic IP I have cable but it is dhcp04:04
=== apokryphos hears the Imperial march music playing
nikkiawith yahoo, it was pretty soon after their IPO04:04
nikkiaso google have gotten further without turning to the dark side, but still, i'm weary04:04
apokryphosnikkia: what exactly did they do?04:05
apokryphosIt still has the highest alexa rating04:05
apokryphosJust because they run so many different things04:05
networxi've installed firefox... but i click over firefox and firefox.sh and nothing happens :(04:05
nikkiaapokryphos: everything became about profit, bigger corporations getting priority on updates to the directory, etc04:05
jpowerssupernix: apt-cache search dyndns yields like 6 options, 4 of which look appropriate.04:06
nikkiaapokryphos: joe user's directory updates went from '3 months for everyone' to 'you're not a big business, 48 months'04:06
apokryphosnetworx: you can get it from the repositories, you don't need to download it from the site.04:06
jpowerssupernix: that's on my system, anyway04:06
apokryphosnikkia: woah04:06
supernixjpowers: which works best though ?04:06
nikkiaapokryphos: and yes, 48 months IS about how long it took to get a dir. update at one point, if you weren't a big corp04:06
supernixI would prefer one with a GUI config04:07
nikkiaapokryphos: which is why yahoo's directory really isn't updated anymore04:07
apokryphosPower and great responsibility, eh. I guess we can hope for the best with gewgle04:07
jpowerssupernix: no idea.  I have an almost totally static IP04:07
supernixLucky you jpowers 04:07
supernixI have cable but they change the IP from time to time to make sure your not using it for servers04:08
apokryphosIt's Google's simplicity that everyone likes, too. Compare Yahoo/Google/Lycos homepage04:08
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=== jpatrick goes to try to get sound working
FraeonIt could be a lot more simpler too04:08
FraeonNo logos, no nothing04:09
nikkiaapokryphos: for now, yes, but look at the new google homepage :)04:09
nikkiaapokryphos: www.google.com/ig04:09
apokryphosFraeon: I think that would be detrimental04:09
apokryphosnikkia: I don't think that one is going to take over -- just an option04:09
nikkiaapokryphos: THAT is how google envision their homepage in the near future, and its scarily similar to yahoo in some ways :)04:09
apokryphosquestoinable :P04:10
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nikkiaapokryphos: apparently, it is intended to be the default, eventually04:10
jpowersnikkia: default for what, though?04:10
nikkiaapokryphos: another sign of impending evilness... is google groups04:10
supernixUptime: 1 days, 18 hours and 19 minutes04:10
apokryphosnikkia: I think you'll still be able to select to have nothing extra. I doubt those extras will be compulsory04:10
jpowersnikkia: I can't imagine it being the default search page.04:10
apokryphosjpowers: the homepage04:10
nikkiaapokryphos: look at how groups now gives priority to google's groups (the yahoo groups knock off) over any of the usenet groups04:10
apokryphosGoogle is of course getting a lot of power though. Also with the rumour of gwallet etc.04:11
apokryphosthe whole "Gmail account" has a sneaking resemblance to what Microsoft hoped for the .NET passport04:11
nikkiaapokryphos: there are some situations where if you search for something you KNOW exists on usenet, it just does not appear to be there unless you manually edit a usenet URL to use the specific group name04:11
jpowersI do worry about the amount of power google has.04:11
apokryphosnikkia: hah! 04:12
=== jpatrick will brb: restart
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nikkiaapokryphos: why are they masking usenet groups with their own? could it be because they can track useage for commercial means better on their own groups ?04:13
nikkiaapokryphos: the fact that google is so enamoured with the 'social web' concept is a touch scary too04:13
nikkiathe 'social web' concept is a wet dream for advertisers :/04:14
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apokryphosThey made the vast majority of their money last year just from ads though, didn't they?04:15
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nikkiaas they know friends tend to like similar things, and if they know user A bought item X, then there is a fair chance that A's friends B, C and D might be interested in X too04:15
nikkiabut the price is in privacy, now marketting people know who your friends are, etc04:15
apokryphosBecause of their established reputation though, they're still seen as fine you'll see. I think a slashdot reply sums it up:04:16
apokryphos"Now Google can store my e-mail, remember my searches, know who all my friends are, know where I'm driving, and know all my finances :-D Good job!"04:16
apokryphosGoogle for world domination ;-)04:16
apokryphosnikkia: could be possible, but do you really think they'll degenerate into that?04:18
nikkiaapokryphos: i don't know, and that's what scares me :)04:18
apokryphos"Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction"04:18
apokryphoswho knows :P. I think I'll judge them by their fruits for now -- so far so good.04:19
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nikkiaapokryphos: even if they don't ostensibly, its still a bit scary having one company have so much power over the way people interact with the web04:19
nikkiaapokryphos: at very least, it gives the facist government thugs one place to send a affidavit to when they want to check you haven't committed a thought crime :)04:19
nikkiaapokryphos: also, bear in mind that while the management today of google may 'do no evil', they will not be the management of google forever04:20
apokryphosTrue, but that's a potential problem in any company. You'd hope that the managers of today will employ managers of tomorrow who share similar outlooks04:21
apokryphosit's just more dangerous in this one since they'd have so much poer04:21
nikkiaapokryphos: yes, it is, and thats why any company having so much power is scary04:21
nikkiaits a lesson we SHOULD have learnt from MS, Disney, etc :)04:21
apokryphosThing is, outside won't intervene like they did with Lloyds trying to get Abbey04:22
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apokryphoswe could be seeing a whole different internet if the .NET passport had really taken off04:23
nikkiawell, thankfully, MS doesn't really know what they're doing half the time :)04:23
apokryphosfound the "log out after two hours feature" on MS to be pretty funny. They want it so that parents can monitor how long their children go on for :D04:24
nikkiaapokryphos: likewise, if MS hadn't dropped the ball on internet support in the early days, it could be a whole different internet04:24
FraeonIf ARPANET hadn't existed, it could be a whole different internet04:25
nikkiaFraeon: as someone that adminned a uucp connection at one point, all i can say is 'urgh' :)04:25
apokryphosDon't know anything about them :|. Things to be better or worse?04:26
FraeonAnd if stupidity didn't exist, it could be a whole different internet all together04:26
nikkiai always found it amusing that i was working for one of the creators of TCP/IP, and we were using a UUCP connection to the outside world04:27
apokryphosnikkia: working with it for long? 04:28
FraeonAt least we'd have the vast majority capable of spelling things coherently ;)04:28
apokryphosinvolved with the big fish 8)04:28
nikkiaapokryphos: no, part of my hiring was to migrate to a proper net connection04:28
apokryphosOk, I gotta go out for now.04:29
nikkiayou'd be surprised at how much work was involved with such a migration, really04:29
=== apokryphos has his driving test tomorrow -- must practice. bbl :)
nikkiait wasn't a case of 'just call up an ISP and arrange a net connection'04:29
supernixuh oh I done it now04:30
apokryphosquite a strain, I'ms ure ;-)04:30
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FraeonBut regarding this google thing: I switched to google when I found out that typing "Quake II" into altavista turned out a porn site on the first page04:30
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supernixSynaptic has been running the installer for at least 5 minutes now to install one of those DynDNS clients04:30
supernixthat is unusual for sure for it to take that long04:30
apokaway(oh, and thanks for the chat guys :))04:30
apokaway*and gal. Ok, now I'm really out..04:31
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jpowerssupernix: you could try just using apt-get04:38
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ubuntuhi guys!05:35
ubuntuthis is Leo!05:35
ubuntui am using Kubantu..05:36
ubuntuquite cool05:36
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eoloqualcuno me l'ha gi detto, ma... a che run level devo andare in kubuntu per disattivare xorg e installare nvidia-glx?05:39
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eoloe qual' il comando05:39
fromozesudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop05:40
fromozeeolo: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop05:40
eolograzie ( meravigliosa questa irc!!!)05:41
eolosto imparando di pi qui che in mesi di tentativi05:41
fromozeah ya no llego...05:42
fromozefrench? english? Italiano como que no... latin clsico?05:42
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Riddellfromoze: what language was he speaking?05:48
fromozeItalian Riddell05:48
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Riddellfromoze: and you speak italian as well as spanish?05:49
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kavakavahi all05:49
Riddelljust a lucky guesser? :)05:49
fromozeRiddell I understand a little, I talk just french, english, spanish, portuguese, brazilian xD05:49
kavakavahi Riddell, fromoze..05:50
Riddellhello kavakava 05:50
kavakavafromoze: u can talk 5 langs, great ;)05:51
Riddellfromoze: that'll be you on our translation team then :)05:51
fromozewell, not really xD05:51
kavakavarite Riddell:D05:52
fromozeRiddell: I can only translate to spanish an gallician... the other languages; I don't have the enough skill on computer-vocabulary05:52
=== kavakava feel so sleepy :(
kavakavabtw, r u guys using squid-cache?05:53
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arpanhi, i have just installed kubuntu. I want to install firefox but it dont seem to be there in kynaptic05:55
arpanwhat should I do?05:55
arpanhello, anyone around?05:57
fromozearpan: what about your sources.list?05:58
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Bubbling_Zombiearpan, try enabling your universe repesotories (woohoo for spelling \o/ )06:00
rreyhi all :)06:01
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gigaclonquestion about Konversation, how do i get the tabs to change color on new text in a channel06:04
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_arpanBubbling_Zombie: you said that I should enable the universal repo, right? But how dp i do that?06:08
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Bubbling_Zombiesudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list06:09
ubotuI heard repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto06:09
Bubbling_Zombieand read the comments06:09
Bubbling_Zombie(and read that page -_- )06:09
Bubbling_Zombieyou might want to use nano instead of vi tho :)06:09
_arpanno Bubbling_Zombie , i am a VI addict06:10
eolohi guys, i've installed mplayer, but images come out small and i don't know how to enlarge it06:10
Bubbling_Zombielol, same here. But you never know _arpan06:11
_arpani was on FC4 until 2 hours ago06:11
_arpanyou never know what Bubbling_Zombie 06:11
Bubbling_Zombieimagine that they send a former-windows user who just installed (k)ubuntu/linux into the vi environment06:11
Bubbling_Zombie"there, edit stuff !)06:11
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gigaclonquestion about Konversation, how do i get the tabs to change color on new text in a channel06:13
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gigaclonlike x-chat06:16
_arpanBubbling_Zombie: yeah, that would be a BIG shock to him06:16
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tiagoi need help06:22
tiagoi just install kubuntu06:22
tiagoif some one could help me please say so06:23
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fromozetiago 06:23
tiagohi fromoze 06:23
tiagoi cant access my ntfs partitions06:23
fromozewhere are you from? Brazil?06:23
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tiagothe mounted ones06:23
=== othernoob [~othernoob@p54A2D404.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
fromozeI don't use windows... but may be, wait06:24
tiagoCould not mount device.06:24
tiagoThe reported error was:06:24
tiagomount: can't find /dev/hda8 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:24
tiagothats the error i got06:24
fromozeare you usin ide or sata?06:25
tiagothey were working fine when i isntalled mepis today06:25
tiagoim also having amarok crashing06:25
tiagoi think its to do with xorg becouse i had the same problem when i installed xorg under mepis06:26
fromozekubuntu didn't give mp3 by default, you need akode-mpeg or amarok-xine06:26
tiagoit crashes when i run it06:26
tiagooh its running fine now06:27
tiagoit crashed when i launched it from konqueror06:27
tiagofor some reason it wont let me use transperancy/shadows06:28
tiagolol sorry one thing at a time06:28
tiagothe partition thing is the most important06:28
tiagoi apologyse im realy new to linux this is only my second day and also my second distro :P06:28
othernooband hda8 exists for sure?06:29
tiagoits my downloads drive under windows06:29
tiago70gb nfts partition06:29
tiagoi was accessing it under mepis fine, watching movies and playing music from it06:29
tiagoi can see them under media:/ but when i click on the paritions i get this problem06:30
tiagounless they are ext3 partitions06:30
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othernoobwhat problem06:31
tiagoCould not mount device.06:31
tiagoThe reported error was:06:31
tiagomount: can't find /dev/hda8 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:31
Bubbling_Zombieis it in fstab06:31
tiagowhats fstab?06:32
Bubbling_Zombiethe /dev/hda8 with it's mount point06:32
tiagoim not sure06:32
gigaclonhey I question about Konversation06:32
tiagolike i said this is my second day using linux06:32
Bubbling_Zombieit's a file. Look at it.06:32
Bubbling_Zombietiago, try this06:32
Bubbling_Zombiemake a directory06:33
tiagoin home?06:33
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Bubbling_Zombiesudo mount /dev/hda8 /home/your_directory_you_just_created06:33
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tiagodo i type that in konsole?06:34
othernoobyes but i doubt that will work ;)06:34
tiagomount: mount point /home/computer does not exist06:35
othernoobwhy not make the dir in media instead.. besides that, the mount command is missing the filesystem information..06:36
tiagosame thing06:36
tiagowhats the matter with kubuntu?06:36
tiagothis is a fresh install... why is it having this lame problem?06:37
tiagoi only installed ubuntu for blood xorg and it wont even let me use shadows... what a jib...06:37
Bubbling_Zombieok, we'll be completely correct then. What is the filesystem type on the disc06:38
Bubbling_Zombiedo you want to read/write or do both on the partition?06:38
othernoobwell then only read ;)06:38
Bubbling_Zombieaaaaaah -_-06:38
Bubbling_Zombiesudo mkdir /media/windows06:38
Bubbling_Zombiesudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=022206:38
Bubbling_Zombie(better that way othernoob -_- ;-) )06:39
othernoobyea, that sounds correct i'd say06:39
othernoobbut now he should make sudo mkdri /media/windows first ;)06:39
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tiagothat worked06:40
Bubbling_Zombiehey hey hey. I typed that >_< :D06:40
othernoobeh..did you just copy that line?06:40
othernoobmeh lol..only looked at the mount command ;)06:40
Bubbling_Zombiethat was my mount command for my windows partition 06:40
othernoobtiago: did you just copy Bubbling_Zombie line?06:40
Bubbling_Zombiesudo mount /dev/hda8 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=022206:40
tiagoyeah lol06:41
tiagooh wait can u make the hda8 one create a folder called downloads?06:41
=== Bubbling_Zombie kicks himself silly
othernoobtiago: first of all, it's a directory ;) not a folder..and sure you can make a dir called downloads and mount it there.06:42
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Bubbling_Zombiemy humble apologies. This is what you get for going to sleep late and waking up too early06:42
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tiagoi apologies for my windowsness06:42
jeanlucwhats up06:43
Bubbling_Zombiethe sky06:43
Bubbling_Zombie[/old] 06:43
tiagowas about to say old lol06:43
=== CeReaL [~jeanluc@c-24-1-91-167.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
jeanlucdo yall know how to update your sources.list file06:45
jeanlucwith out editing it?06:45
othernoobBubbling_Zombie: i just noticed..he'll have to do that mount command every time..it'd be better to alter the /etc/fstab so it's mounted on boot06:45
CeReaLhow do I updte my sources.list?06:46
Bubbling_ZombieCeReaL, edit it with your favorite text-editor in sudo mode06:46
Bubbling_Zombieothernoob, true06:46
jeanlucim cereal06:46
gigaclonquestion, GNOME recognized and showed my Ipod immediatly, KDE didn't. help?06:47
CeReaLjeanlucs me06:47
Bubbling_Zombiei plan on searching a howto as soon as i finished upgrading my damn box >_<06:47
jeanlucwhat im going to do is06:47
jeanlucfor all the noobs who need to update there sources list06:47
jeanlucim going to code a program for it06:47
Bubbling_Zombie... why?06:47
jeanlucbut I know some one has an edited sources.list on the net06:47
jeanlucand I need the locationof that file06:47
Bubbling_Zombieit's on the wiki06:47
jeanlucI know but theres an edited one already06:48
jeanlucapok knows where it is06:48
othernoobwhat's the point of a script for that if people prefer the mirrors closest to them?06:48
tiagoBubbling_Zombie: so it wont mount every time i run linux?06:48
Bubbling_Zombienope. I'll search you a fstab howto in a minute.06:48
tiagowhy is this so lame?06:48
Bubbling_Zombieit isn't. It offers you more control. In time you'll learn to appreciate it06:49
tiagoubuntu is based on debian isent it? and its running kde... mepis dident have this problem06:49
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othernoobtiago: do sudo fdisk -l   post it on pastebin.com  then do sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_backup   then do sudo nano /etc/fstab06:49
gigaclontiago https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions06:49
othernoobthen give me the pastebin link ;)06:49
Bubbling_Zombiei'm done. Searching doesn't seem to be necessary -_-06:49
gigaclon!mountw32 is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions06:50
ubotuokay, gigaclon06:50
othernoobmeh, i already said most of what he's going to read now anyway..06:50
Bubbling_Zombietiago - when you installed you had to repartition your disk. There you had the option to choose mountpoints. you probably missed that. I did too -_-06:51
tiagomepis must do it by defult06:52
tiagobtw thanx gigaclon 06:52
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gigaclonyou are welcome06:52
tiagoas long as i get them mounted and alphablending working ill be happy06:52
gigaclonI had the same experence too06:53
tiagofor some reason shados arnt working06:53
=== gigaclon is a refugee from windows too
othernoobnow i feel ignored :/06:53
tiagoim just taking a vacation06:53
tiagoim hoping to have linux as my holiday house06:53
tiagowindows is my office becouse i do multimedia and they dont have the apps i need for linux06:54
othernoobi have windows as my little horror house :)06:54
tiagootherwise i would use all 200gb of my hard drive and build a huge linux mansion06:54
Bubbling_Zombiei use windows for one thing06:55
Bubbling_Zombiegta :p06:55
gigaclontiago, that prolly only partially true06:55
tiagoyeah san andreas rocks06:55
tiagowhat do you meen gigaclon ?06:55
gigaclonlinux has lots of apps06:55
othernoobwindows isn't even capable of using my printer. what an OS.06:55
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tiagoif you find a way t run 3d studio max, photoshop, illistrator, director, flash, fireworks, dreamweaver and the other apps i use for school in linux then i would have no use for windows... other then gta lol06:56
gigaclonfor illistrator, you can use inkscape06:57
gigaclonphotoshop, gimp06:57
gigaclon3d studio, blender06:57
tiagoid rather not06:57
Bubbling_Zombieand what is a cheap ass low memory footrpint good for resizing PAINT replacement?06:58
Bubbling_Zombieow crap06:58
Bubbling_Zombiewrong channel :p06:58
tiagoi use gimpo for screenshots06:58
Bubbling_Zombiefor gnome that is -_-06:58
apokryphosKSnapshot is great for screenshots06:58
Bubbling_Zombiei just realized i'm not on my kde box -_-06:58
gigacloni'm sure there is a WYSIWYG HTML editor06:58
tiagoill download it once i figues all of this out06:59
Bubbling_Zombiequanta gigaclon ?06:59
apokryphosgigaclon: see bluefish06:59
tiagosudo gedit /etc/fstab06:59
tiagoisent working06:59
tiagosudo: gedit: command not found06:59
gigaclonyou prolly don't have gedit06:59
Bubbling_Zombiesudo kate /etc/fstab07:00
gigaclonits gnome thing07:00
apokryphosTo alter /etc/fstab you'll need to be root, and kate generally has problems sudoing as root, so go for kwrite07:00
tiagooh right... the tutrial is for ubuntu not kunbunto07:00
Bubbling_Zombieor take it like a man and use vi -_- 07:00
tiagohmmm hang on... before i dont any of that07:01
tiagocan some one help me fix the problem with the shadows?07:01
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tiagoif i cant have a pritty os im going back to mepis07:01
tiagoi cant live with out shadows07:01
gigaclonBubbling_Zombie: can you help get my ipod recognized?07:01
apokryphostiago: composite extensions?07:01
tiagowhats that?07:02
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Bubbling_Zombiegigaclon, i'll try. Diner's gonna be ready any minute tho.07:02
Bubbling_Zombieyou on firewire or usb?07:02
apokryphostiago: what was it that produced the shadow effects you're talking about?07:02
Bubbling_Zombieplug it in07:02
gigaclonGNOME got it automatically07:02
Bubbling_Zombieand check lsusb07:02
apokryphostiago: yes, so composite effects; they work quite perfectly on Ubuntu with nvidia07:02
tiagoyou see mepis comes with xfree86 and i upgraded to xorg... but becouse mepis wasent realy made for xorg apps crashed alot07:03
tiagoso now i have installed kubuntu becouse i dont want apps crashing07:03
Bubbling_Zombiegigaclon, did you try http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-26422.html07:03
tiagomaybe ubuntu hasent recognized my video card?07:03
nikkiatiago, i've got some bad news for you...07:04
Bubbling_Zombietiago, most restricted modules (including the nvidia drivers) are in the universe rep. try searching for "restricted modules" xD07:05
apokryphostiago: you should be fine with them on Kubuntu; it uses Xorg by default, as said.07:05
nikkiait was likely the shadows that caused the crashing, composite is buggy :P07:05
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gigaclontiago: I have some good news07:05
gigaclonI just save a bunch of money by switching to geico07:05
apokryphosnikkia: not using the actual Mepis packages couldn't have helped ;-)07:05
tiagoim confused07:06
tiagoi want my mommy07:06
nikkiaapokryphos: likely not, but enabling composite often does hurt reliability, in my experience07:06
Bubbling_Zombielol tiago 07:06
DrXHi, Im having some problems with my laptop. Sometimes the cpu goes up to 100% and it freezes i can't move the mouse, I ran top once and saw that artsd suddenly got up to 100% I quickly typed "killall artsd" it helped for about 10 sec then it crashed. Does anyone know what might cause this ? would it help if i switched to gnome (i thought if it artsd that causes it maybe gnome uses something else)07:06
apokryphosnikkia: Yup, definitely. It still doesn't run as fast too; especially for moving windows etc.07:06
nikkiaapokryphos: doubly so if you enable composite AND glx07:06
tiagowell moving windows was fine07:06
tiagospeed wasent an issue07:07
tiagoit was amarok crashing07:07
apokryphostiago: it's worth trying out07:07
tiagoand firefox crashing that pissed me off07:07
tiagobut i cant get the shadows to work under ubuntu07:07
tiagoi enabled them... and it gave me some errer when i loged in07:07
apokryphoswhat error/07:07
tiagolol i dont realy remember what it said07:08
tiagobut it was about the shadows07:08
apokryphosI'll be back in less than five mins -- will try to help then.07:08
tiagoi dont understand why i need xorg to have shadows... its not like i NEED hardware alphablending to produce them... png software alphablending works just fine and dosent require hardware support07:09
tiagook thanx bro07:09
tiagook this is realy hurting my feelings... i try and sign in under root... and it asks for a password... and i never made one... is there a defult one im expected to know?07:11
Bubbling_Zombieuse sudo for all your root needs07:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYis there like an address book for kubuntu?07:12
RiddellChurcH_of_FoamY: kontact07:13
tiagodo you know what i dont understand? why i need to edit fstab from konsole..07:14
tiagoif it was just file i could find in a directory and open and edit and save it would make life so much easyer07:15
gigacloncause you need to be root07:15
Bubbling_Zombieopen a console and use "sudo nanon /etc/fstab"07:15
tiagobut no... linux insists i must constantly do every thing the hardest posible way07:15
othernoobBubbling_Zombie: it's nano :p07:15
uniqtiago: alt+f2 'kdesu kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list'07:15
othernoobtiago: it's a lot easier after a few days :p07:15
Bubbling_Zombieoh CRAPS >_<07:16
Bubbling_Zombieneed sleep, badly -_-07:16
tiagouniq:  whats that for?07:16
uniqtiago: edit the file as root, in a graphical way.07:16
DrXIf i have installed kubuntu from a cd is there a way to "make" it ubuntu ? (is it only KDE instead of Gnome that is the difference betwen ubuntu and kubuntu ?)07:16
tiagooh thanx :D07:16
Bubbling_Zombieyeah, DrX try installing the gnome packages07:17
uniq'kdesu' is like 'sudo' but graphical.07:17
DrXok, thanks07:17
uniqdrx: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:17
uniqdrx: or search for ubuntu-desktop in kynaptic.07:17
tiagoits asking for a password07:17
gigaclontype yours07:17
tiagoi never set a password07:17
tiagothe one for my user acount?07:18
ChurcH_of_FoamYcan you take vcards from your palm pilot and stik them in contackt?07:18
tiagowhy am i edeting the sources.list though?07:18
tiagoisent it fstab im ment to fix?07:18
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uniqtiago: you're using my example :)07:19
tiagoofcorce i am im a n00b07:19
gigaclonBubbling_Zombie: that forum post didn't help07:19
uniqtiago: replace /etc/apt/sources.list with /whereever/file/to/edit07:19
uniqnot very clear from my side.07:19
Bubbling_Zombiegooglin' merrily away.07:20
tiagowow thats much better thanx uniq 07:20
gigaclonfdisk -l give my ipod as /dev/sda207:20
Bubbling_Zombietry mounting it in a folder, and pointing gtkpod to it07:20
tiagoif i can do it this why... why the hell would any one want to do it the non graphical way? does it give them some sick satisfaction of leetness?07:21
DrXIs there a howto on setting up a network with linux (i only find howtos on how to use linux as a server i want to use it as a desktop computer), I know where to enter my IP and netmask but what about gateway and DNS ?07:21
gigaclontiago, i too have asked this07:21
Bubbling_Zombieno tiago. its just that my one of myother pc doesn't have a screen. i ssh to it. it doesn't have X07:21
tiagolol at least im not the only one07:21
gigaclonjust remember that NTFS are not writiable from Ubunut07:22
Bubbling_Zombieoh oh07:22
tiagomaybe its becouse i come from a windows background?07:22
Bubbling_Zombiefood is ready o/07:22
Bubbling_Zombiebe back in a bit07:22
Bubbling_Zombietiago, you'll learn to appreciate it07:22
Bubbling_Zombiein time xD07:22
tiagoyeah i just wana access music and p0rn07:22
Bubbling_Zombieanyway, bbiab07:22
tiagoi meen cartoons07:22
othernoobgigaclon: that's not completely true..07:22
gigaclonits not safe07:23
tiagoi know... not safe at all07:23
tiagooh you ment ntfs07:23
othernoobit's not stable yet ;)07:23
othernoobporn is safe :p07:23
tiagoill just be reading for now07:23
uniqif you use captive-ntfs it's somehow safe i've heard. don't have ntfs around to test though.07:24
tiagonot if your the one in the p0rno07:24
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othernoobtiago: you ever been in one?07:24
tiagoyou can loose an eye in one of those cumshots...07:24
tiagonot a profesional one xD07:24
eolohi guys i've few time, my system halt becouse of overheating.07:24
othernoobeh..i'd be quite annoyed if i was receiving one tiago..07:25
eoloI've an AMD 64 cpu and kubuntu 5.04 on an acer aspire laptop07:25
tiagoyeah me too... unless i was waring saftyglasses07:25
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tiagoeolo:  there are laptop coolers u can get07:25
tiagoits like a heatsink that you sit your laptop on07:25
othernoobtiago: eh..i so hope that you're not a guy...07:25
gigaclonthey changed the aspercreame commercial07:26
tiagosure with a name like Tiago?07:26
tiagodosent sound like a hot chick name07:26
tiagolol but im sure thats one of your fantasys lol... a hot chick asking you questions about linux over irc? lol07:26
gigaclonit used to be "you bet your sweet aspercream"07:26
othernoobtiago: not quite..07:27
eolothere are confs for acpi i have to change? my system hangs at 63 degrees07:27
tiagowow thats hot07:27
othernoobtiago: i was refering to your cumshot talk :p07:27
tiagoi know07:27
tiagoim not realy into bukkaki07:28
gigaclonall of the fonts in my GNOME/GTK programs are really small07:28
eoloil mio laptop (amd 64) si spegne per surriscaldamento, aiuto07:28
uniqgigaclon: get the package 'gtk2-engines-gtk-qt'07:29
ChurcH_of_FoamYweard it won't back up my palm piolet07:29
nikkia4 crashed X sessions later, and i did get Composite working, not very reliably tho :P07:30
ChurcH_of_FoamYok why won't my palm piolet not synch with my computer when it trys to download and synch the info it says faild >.<07:32
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut it knows it's there07:32
gigaclonwhat type should i put in fstab for my ipod07:32
gigaclonfdisk shows it as W95 FAT3207:32
ChurcH_of_FoamYanyone know anything about the kpilot app?07:33
nikkiagigaclon: vfat07:34
othernoobgigaclon... vfat07:34
gigaclonwhat about options?07:34
nikkiai have 'umask=0,user,noauto'07:35
tiagoi edited my fstab07:35
tiagohow do i check if it worked?07:35
gigaclonread on07:35
othernoobsudo mount -a tiago..to mount it07:35
othernoobwithout rebooting07:35
ubotuI guess mountw32 is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions07:36
tiagoothernoob: do i put my name at the end?07:36
tiagosudo mount -a tiago07:36
othernoobjust "sudo mount -a"07:36
othernoobwithout the "07:36
tiagojust checking07:37
tiagoi have to be specific.. im scared linux wont like me07:37
othernoobit doesn't :p07:37
tiagoim going to have nightmaires of pengines throwing ntfs partitions at me tonight07:37
ChurcH_of_FoamYanyone here know how to use kontact with a palm pilot?07:37
tiagotiago@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -a07:38
tiagomount: mount point /mnt/win2kwin2k does not exist07:38
tiagowhats with the win2k?07:38
othernoobdid you make that dir?07:39
othernoobwell...that might be the reason why it says that it doesn't exist ;)07:40
gigaclonis there a way to make the KDE not display military time?07:40
othernoobright click on the clock gigaclon07:40
tiagowhy is it looking for it in the first place?07:40
othernoobtiago because you entered it in your /etc/fstab as mountpoint07:40
tiagoi was just checking to see if it would spot it out :P07:41
tiagolinux is smarted then i thought07:41
gigaclonthen what?07:41
tiagoyay it worked :D07:42
tiagoi can now listen to house music in happyness :D07:42
othernoobgigaclon: i'd assume configure clock..07:42
tiagook thats problem 1 solved07:42
ChurcH_of_FoamYweard i can now backup and sync with kpilot but not with kontact is there something i need to do to make it work?07:42
tiagonow for she shadows ^^07:42
othernoobgigaclon: or time/date format..07:42
gigaclonwait 07:43
gigaclonnever mind07:43
gigaclonim a great fool07:43
tiagohow do i fix the shadows?07:44
gigaclonuniq: it didn't seem to help07:45
gigaclonwhat with you and the shadows?07:45
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tiagothey dont work07:46
tiagohow do i repaire that?07:46
tiagomy desktop is naked with out them...07:46
othernoobnaked is good07:46
nikkiatiago, how on earth can a pointless bit of eye candy mean so much ??07:47
jpatrickWhat does he want?07:47
nikkiaeye candy that cripples 3D and video playback07:47
nikkiajpatrick: composite based drop shadows07:47
othernoobnikkia, you're a girl, you don't understand the magic of eyecandy :p07:48
nikkiaunfortunately, composite affects OpenGL and Xv07:48
jpatrickI have no idea what that means lol07:48
nikkiajpatrick: which bit?07:48
tiagoi cant live with a flat desktop...07:48
tiagoits not a world i want to live in07:48
jpatrick'composite based drop shadows'07:48
tiagoi must atleast have the illusion that my windows are hovering07:48
jpatricksort of07:48
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nikkiajpatrick: it means your windows have shadows underneath them07:49
tiagoalso i want the fading07:49
tiagoi like the fading07:49
jpatrickThe only eye candy/sweet ;) that I have is fantastic and Mac OX Bar and Liquid Weather07:50
tiagothat reminds me... i need superkaramba07:50
tiagowhats a good dock for kde that has zooming?07:50
jpatrickMac OSX Bar07:50
=== nikkia shakes her head
jpatrickor KoolDock07:51
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tiagowill i find them on package manager?07:51
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jpatrickdon't shake it too hard :P07:51
jpatrickGo to KDE-Look.org07:51
tiagohow ill i install them then?07:51
jpatrickSee above ^07:52
tiago...sigh... i have a feeling more comand lines await me...07:52
jpatrickwhat's wrong with that?07:52
tiagoi hope linux shares my love/hate relationship07:52
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jpatrickyou have to have backports on07:53
tiagowhats the point of having a pritty gui... if i dont even get to use it... 90% of tasks in linux require that bloody konsole07:53
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jpatrickthe konsole rocks!07:53
StiloManq pasa tios?07:53
nikkiatiago, what's the point of having a PC if you're going to slow it to a crawl running pretty GUI stuff07:53
StiloMana ver07:53
StiloManalguien me explica como instalar azureus en kubuntu?07:53
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tiagolol my pc dosent slow down with pritty stuff07:53
gigaclonmost of the tasks can be done both ways07:54
StiloManpues vamos jpatrick 07:54
nikkiatiago, then you clearly haven't run superkaramba before :P07:54
gigaclonlike installing packages07:54
jpatricksudo apt-get install azureus07:54
tiagowhats the point of having a good pc if ur going to make it look like crap?07:54
StiloManahhh 07:54
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StiloMany si no me sale en el kynaptic?07:54
jpatrickpuede ser....07:54
tiagoi ran superkaramba under mepis... it ran swellingly ^^07:54
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jpatricksi buscas07:54
tiagountill i installed xorg with shadows :P07:54
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StiloManya lo busque07:55
tiagothen every thing went to hell in hand basket07:55
StiloMancon find07:55
StiloManpero nada07:55
StiloMany en consola me sale07:55
jpatricksudo apt-get install azureus07:55
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nikkiatiago, as i said, composite is very unreliable, it doesn't deal well with apps that do their own transparency, such as superkaramba, amarok, etc07:55
gigaclonor search for azureus in knaptic07:55
StiloMansera por los repositorios?07:55
StiloManya gigaclon 07:55
fromozeSPAM: Recoerdad que #kubuntu-es existe! :)07:56
StiloManE: No se pudo bloquear /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Recurso no disponible temporalmente)07:56
StiloManE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:56
StiloManesto me sale07:56
jpatrickStiloMan: http://ubuntuguide.org/#azureus07:56
eolowhich is the best hardware monitor for kubu07:56
jpatrickde nada07:56
gigaclonyou have it opened already07:56
StiloManpedazo distro la kubuntu07:56
StiloManme mola07:56
StiloMansi no fuera por los fallos del centro de control....07:56
tiagolol these latin people are funny07:56
fromozeStiloMan, jpatrick por qu no hablais en espaol en #kubuntu-es para no colapsar  esto?07:57
Riddellsi, #kubuntu-es07:57
othernoobeolo: there are software monitors for kubu?07:57
gigaclonhey tiago type apt-get moo in a terminal07:57
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tiagowhats moo do?07:57
gigaclontry it07:57
jpatrickI'm not Spanish...07:57
tiagoyour not?07:57
fromozeI know,07:57
tiagoyour spanish is better then mine07:57
jpatrickI just happen to speak 7 languages07:58
tiagoand my last 2 gf's were latinas07:58
fromozeI didn't say to leave the channel, just to have spanish conversation next door :/07:58
othernoobjpatrick: which?07:58
tiagoi met a striper today who spoke 7 languages lol07:58
fromozejpatrick: you can improve your spanish on #kubuntu-es ;)07:58
jpatrickEnglish, German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Catalan (6)07:58
jpatrickNot including C++07:59
tiagowow same as her except italian insted of catalan07:59
eoloi meant hardware monitor07:59
tiagorofl @ c++07:59
tiagodoes leet speak count?07:59
othernoobwhat's the big diff between catalan and spanish?08:00
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jpatrickCatalan has more French stuff08:00
tiagoabout the same as spanish and porutugese08:00
tiagoim portuguese btw08:00
jpatrick:) ok08:00
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tiagobut dont ask me to speak... im n00b08:00
fromozeI'm gallician :D08:00
jpatrickKopete has a leet speak plugin08:01
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jpatrick1'm 53r10u5 dud3 - K0p373 h45 |337 5p34k p|ug1n08:02
tiagojpatrick: j00 4r3 teh s3x0r!11108:02
tiagolol thats all i know08:02
jpatrickI'm translating UbuntuGuide to Spanish...08:03
tiagour bored arnt you?08:04
tiagoi only speak spanish in bed08:04
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tiagobecouse most of the words i know are bedtime words lol08:04
tiagoand it drove my ex wild08:05
tiagoshe loved it when i spoke portuguese even more08:05
tiagoi dont know why08:05
tiagoshe loved the accent08:05
tiagoshe was learning fast too08:05
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tiagoim downloading crystal clean icon package ^^08:05
jpatrickfor what?08:06
eoloi would like to know how to use the Cool'n'Quiet tech on kubuntu08:06
fromozeis automatic :)08:06
fromozejust see if powernowd is running 08:06
gigaclonthe fonts in the menus of FireFox are really small08:07
fromozeps -A | grep powernowd08:07
gigaclonthat package didn't seem to help08:07
tiagoim having problems with kopete...08:09
tiagoi cant sign into my msn acount08:09
tiagoit says incorrect password08:09
tiagomepis came with gaim and it worked fine08:09
tiagois this a common problem with kopete?08:09
othernoobare you sure the pw/sn is correct :p08:10
jpatrickMine work fine08:10
fromozeno, just wirh dislexic people xD08:10
tiagoi managed to sign in to webmessenger.msn.com08:10
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Bubbling_Zombiedo not fear, i is here, etc08:11
tiagohow was diner?08:11
Bubbling_Zombiequite good actually.08:12
Bubbling_Zombiethanks 08:12
tiagolol do you know what would be funny... using linux on extasy lol08:12
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tiagobut it would suck when your eyes go out of focus... you wouldent be able t use konsole lol08:13
ubotuNo idea, Phati08:13
Phatikennt sich jemand mit kubuntu und vmware aus?08:13
othernoobPhati #ubuntu-de08:13
jpatrickI was going to say that!08:14
othernoobwell, you're too slow for me jpatrick  :p08:14
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Phatithx othernoob08:14
othernoobkein problem ;)08:14
tiagohmmm i realy want the dropshadows to work08:14
tiagowhat should i do?08:14
tiagoshould i try it again and tell you what the error says?08:15
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kalenedraelanyone know a program that can compress an avi file?08:16
tiagoThe Composite Manager crashed twice within a minute and is therefore disabled for this session.08:16
tiagothats cant be good can it?08:16
jpatrickoh :-o08:16
jjessei'm reload my kubuntu box this weekend, anything i need to be ware of?08:16
kalenedraelxcomposite is new and messes thing up08:16
kalenedraeljjesse, not reall08:16
kalenedraelactually, yes08:17
kalenedraelit doesn't come with GCC, so if you need to compile drivers for a network interface, make sure you have either GCC or the drivers on a disk08:17
tiagoany one know why its crashing?08:17
kalenedraelit doesn't come with a lot of things that come with most other distros08:17
kalenedraelbut seeing as you're "reloading", i think you already know that08:17
other|studykalenedrael: gcc is on the cd08:18
kalenedraeltiago, it's new and has problems08:18
kalenedraelother|study, really?08:18
kalenedraeli recall it not being on the cd08:18
other|studykalenedrael: just not installed by default08:18
kalenedraeli had to sudo apt-get it08:18
other|studykalenedrael: it'd be embarrassing for a distro if it came w/o gcc ;)08:18
kalenedraelyeah, it would08:18
tiagoit comes native with ubuntu and yet it crashes... i ran it on mepis today that comes with xfree stock and it worked...08:18
kalenedraeltiago, are you using proprietary graphics drivers?08:19
kalenedrael(like nvidia or ati)08:19
tiagoi dont know08:19
tiagoi was under mepis08:19
kalenedraelprobably not, then08:19
tiagowould they be hard to install?08:19
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kalenedraelno, but the proprietary drivers tend to mess composite up even more08:19
kalenedraelin my experience08:20
kalenedraelbut then again, it's really slow with the open source drivers08:20
tiagobut its not working now... it can only get better form here right?08:20
kalenedraeli guess08:20
kalenedraeltry ti08:20
kalenedraelwhat graphics card do you have?08:20
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tiagogeforce fx 5600 256mb vivo08:20
kalenedraelyeah, get the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com08:21
kalenedraeland ask in #nvidia if you have problems08:21
tiagook thanx bro08:21
fromozetiago: I've 5200; just tipe sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx and sudo nvidia-glx-enable :)08:22
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fromozesudo nvidia-glx-config enable08:22
^jude^hi - anyone in here using kubuntu on a powerbook?08:23
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tiagosweet thanx fromoze 08:23
tiagodo i need to reboot or any thing?08:23
tiagotiago@ubuntu:~$ sudo nvidia-glx-enable08:24
tiagosudo: nvidia-glx-enable: command not found08:24
^jude^how can I type a backslash on this damn powerbook? any ideas?08:24
kalenedraeli like the nvidia installer better :/08:24
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fromozetiago: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx first08:25
tiagoi did08:25
tiagoit installed it08:25
fromozethen: sudo nvidia-glx-config enable sorru08:25
tiagoso i need to restart x now?08:26
fromozethen ctrl+alt+backspace and see you ;)08:26
^jude^how can I type a backslash on a powerbook? any ideas?08:26
Bubbling_Zombiepeople should stop c/p'ing commands. Really. I'd rather have many "what does that do" questions -_-08:27
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fromozeMay be tiago never return xD08:27
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Bubbling_Zombie*ding dong* xD08:28
Fraeon...speak of the devil08:28
Bubbling_Zombielol xD08:28
Bubbling_Zombiei think there is something _very_ wrong08:28
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The_Vox^jude^: isn't there an AltGr-like key on those?08:28
Bubbling_Zombieor his computer08:29
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kalenedraelwhat can i use to convert an avi file to a divx?08:29
kalenedraelor mpeg08:29
fromoze^jude^ I just remember: in kcontrol there's the option to make apple works as atl-gr08:29
tiagothe nvidia drivers worked ^^08:30
kalenedraelcool tiago08:30
fromozeHave you see the nvidia commercial?08:30
tiagobut unfortuantly composite dident...08:30
kalenedraeltiago, yes, composite is flaky08:30
tiagoThe Composite Manager crashed twice within a minute and is therefore disabled for this session.08:30
tiagoComposite extension not found08:30
tiagoYou must use XOrg  6.8 for translucency and shadows to work.08:30
tiagoAdditionally, you need to add a new section to your X config file:08:30
tiagoSection "Extensions"08:30
tiagoOption "Composite" "Enable"08:30
kalenedraelyeah, did you do that?08:30
tiagodo what exactly?08:30
kalenedraeladd the Section "Extensions"08:31
kalenedraelOption "Composite" "Enable"08:31
tiagohow do i do that?08:31
^jude^how do i run a command as another user?08:31
kalenedraelopen /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:31
kalenedraelin your favorite text editor08:31
kalenedraeland add that to the end of the file or something08:31
tiagowhat do i type infront of it again to open it in some thing?08:31
kalenedraelkdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:32
fromoze^jude^ wich user? root? sudo08:32
kalenedraelpersonally i use joe, which is a text-mode text editor08:32
kalenedraelbut it doesn't come with kubuntu08:32
tiagofair enough08:32
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kalenedraelkdesu works like sudo, but for GUI programs08:33
kalenedrael(like kate)08:33
tiagowhere do i add it to the file?08:33
kalenedraelthe end08:33
kalenedrael(note: you will have to restart X)08:34
tiagodo i add end section after it?08:34
supernixHi what is a dangling symlink ?08:34
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tiagoSection "Extensions"08:34
tiagoOption "Composite" "Enable"08:34
tiagois that right?08:34
tiagolol im learning slowly08:35
^jude^fromoze: any user, not root08:35
^jude^fromoze: I need to run the postgres client as another user to connct08:35
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tiagook brb restarting x08:36
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fromoze^jude^ do a "su username" 08:36
fromozeand exec it from the shell08:37
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tiagoits working08:40
tiagobut its lagging very badly08:41
tiagoi dont understand... it ran as fast as any thing under mepis08:41
^jude^fromoze: that works once I did "su - " to pick up the bashrc - thanks08:41
tiagomaybe there is some thing im missing still08:41
tiagomaybe mepis uses different nvidia drivers?08:42
kalenedraelopen xorg.conf and see if the driver is "nv" or "nvidia" in the device section08:42
tiagowhere is xorg.conf kept?08:43
martinjh99tiago> /etc/X1108:43
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tiagoSection "Device"08:44
tiagoIdentifier"NVIDIA Corporation NV31 [GeForce FX 5600] "08:44
kalenedraelok, at least he has the right driver...08:45
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tiagox shat its self08:46
kalenedraelyeah, composite is flaky, like i said08:47
The_Voxtiago: composite is...not nice08:47
fromozetiago: you need more options there.08:47
tiagoso what now?08:47
tiagoi dissabled it...08:47
fromoze      Identifier      "NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] "08:47
fromoze        Driver          "nvidia"08:47
fromoze        Option          "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"08:47
fromoze        Option          "RenderAccel" "true"08:47
fromoze        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"08:47
tiagohoes come urs is pci 1:0:0?08:48
tiagomine says pc buy its agp...08:48
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fromozedon't mean about08:49
fromozeyou nit composite and render option08:49
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tiagoSection "Device"08:50
tiagoIdentifier"NVIDIA Corporation NV31 [GeForce FX 5600] "08:50
tiagoOption     "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"08:50
tiagoOption     "RenderAccel"08:50
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tiagois that right?08:51
tiagofromoze: are you running shadows?08:51
fromozebut composite is unstable, I'm waiting for xgl xD08:52
tiagodid u have to add those options your self?08:52
tiagowhats xgl?08:52
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tiagois it a different x alltogether?08:52
tiagoor an updated version of xorg?08:53
fromozeno, just the next step08:53
tiagoi still dont quite understand x... or the concept of it08:53
tiagosince i have only used linux for 2 days08:53
tiagobut i know it lets me have shadows :P08:53
tiagowhen it wants to :P08:53
gdhTo think in X, you have to go back in time 25 years...08:54
tiagoits still lagging im gona reboot x08:54
fromozeyes, I add them by my own hoof08:54
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The_Voxtiago: xgl and composite are extensions added on to X....composite is mostly a proof-of-concept thing...which means nobody really uses it for long :)08:55
supernixHi everyone I was curious as to how to uninstall OpenOffice I had downloaded the deb files from a server and now I wanted to try the version that is in the Multiverse area so that I can see if it will work better08:55
supernixHaving some issues with fonts for some reason08:55
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tiagoyes much faster ^^08:56
tiagothanx alot bro08:56
tiagoany other little tweaks to make it more stable?08:56
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The_Voxsupernix: "sudo aptitude" find the OO debs under "Obsolete and locally created packages" and hit shift-dash (_) then hit g twice...it'll kill it dead08:57
supernixok ty The_Vox 08:57
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The_Voxsupernix: I really recommend you to look around in aptitude...it's the best package manager in existance in the debian world08:59
tiagohow do i install the w32 codecs with apt-get?09:00
martinjh99tiago> apt-get install w32codecs09:01
tiagohow do i do the root thing agian?09:02
tiagosuso? or some thing09:02
The_Voxtiago: sudo apt-get install w32codecs09:02
supernixTy The_Vox I hate anything that is not gui but wow your right that is awsome09:02
The_Voxtiago: give it your user's password when it asks for one09:02
martinjh99sudo <command> and then enter your user password09:02
supernixI could not have done that in Synaptic or Kynaptic I don't think09:02
supernixIT removed that sucker pronto09:03
The_Voxsupernix: aptitude rules the world...and you can use it from the command line instead of apt also, like "sudo aptitude install somepackage"...exactly same switches/commands as apt09:03
tiagoE: Couldn't find package w32codecs09:03
supernixThe only errors I got were stuff about non empty directorys and such09:03
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The_Voxtiago: you need more repositories09:04
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tiagomepis uses a different programe for updating packages and installing them09:04
martinjh99tiago> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToAccessTheUniverseRepository09:04
The_Voxsupernix: if you use - to remove a package, it'll leave all its config files untouched...if you use _ it'll kill the package and all global config files (aptitude never touches a user's home)09:04
The_Voxsupernix: _ is a pretty good switch for when a package is being stubborn after you messed around with its config files :)09:05
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tiagoSynaptic Package Manager09:05
tiagothats what mepis had09:05
tiagois that in ubuntu?09:05
martinjh99Tiago> Yup - apt-get install synaptic09:06
tiagois that more a gnome application?09:07
The_Voxtiago: if you are on kde, it's kynaptic09:07
tiagoi dont like it though09:07
tiagoi liked synaptic better09:07
The_VoxI don't like synaptic nor kynaptic, I like aptitude :)09:07
tiagomaybe i should download that?09:08
tiagois it easy to search stuff on it?09:08
The_Voxtiago: it's already installed...but it's a console program, not an X program09:08
The_Voxtiago: yes, you just hit / and type whatever you want to find09:08
gigaclonbut The_Vox aptitude doesn't have super cow powers09:10
The_Voxgigaclon: of course it does! do "sudo aptitude install cowsay"09:11
martinjh99That is a brilliant program... :)09:11
=== The_Vox <heart> cowsay...
martinjh99 ________09:12
martinjh99< Ubuntu >09:12
martinjh99 --------09:12
martinjh99        \   ^__^09:12
martinjh99         \  (oo)\_______09:12
martinjh99            (__)\       )\/\09:12
martinjh99                ||----w |09:12
martinjh99                ||     ||09:12
martinjh99:) Sorry!!!09:12
tiagothanx for all the help guys09:13
tiagoits 5:13am over here... im gona hit the sack09:13
supernixis gcc 4.0 base ok to install ?09:13
martinjh99No worries tiago catch ya later!09:14
tiagotake care09:15
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martinjh99< Constipated cow >09:20
martinjh99 -----------------09:20
martinjh99        \   ^__^09:20
martinjh99         \  (#)\_______09:20
martinjh99            (__)\       )\/\09:20
martinjh99                ||----w |09:20
martinjh99                ||     ||09:20
dwstileverytime i try to move my resolv.conf file from my desktop to /etc/ i get an access is denied message...help?09:20
bogacheck yr permissions09:20
dwstilhow do i do that?09:20
boga when I load a .php file, the browser displays text! How do I make it display the page?09:20
martinjh99dwstil> do sudo mv resolv.conf /etc and then enter your user password09:21
=== _jpowers [~jpowers@pool-70-21-49-59.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
gigaclonwhat should I do to disconnect my ipod?09:21
bogaby doing ls -al and make sure you have `w' for yrself09:21
dwstilwhat does this file do?09:21
gigaclonjust unmount?09:21
martinjh99umount <ipod device>??09:21
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gigaclonso just unmount?09:22
martinjh99AFAIK yes - Don't have an ipod...09:22
dwstili still get permission denied...how do i check my permissions?09:24
gigaclonright click the file09:24
dwstili changed everything to read & write09:27
dwstilstill get the error09:27
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dwstilthere is no way to start a session as the root user?09:28
dwstilare there any other solutions?09:28
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doogliodwstil: sudo?09:29
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dwstili'm a tard09:30
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dwstilare there rules against idling here?09:31
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dooglioif so, then they would have kicked me a long time ago09:31
=== seth_k too
dwstilthanks man, i'm going to try this modem thing again..hopefully that helped09:32
dwstilthe modem isn't under /dev/modem09:32
dooglioyou have to figure out which serial port it's on09:32
doogliothen make a softlink09:32
dwstilit's a USB 09:32
dooglioex: ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem09:32
doogliothen prolly something like /dev/usb/modem09:33
dwstilis that a problem/09:33
dwstili'll be back...prbobably with questions09:33
dwstilthanks though09:33
doogliohope it works09:33
PhatiWo finde ich kubuntu designs - also zb. son macos design?09:40
dwstili can't get past initializing modem09:40
dwstilthe only port that works is tty009:41
=== nxv__ [~nxv_@dsl-084-056-096-043.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
boga when I load a .php file, the browser displays text! How do I make it display the page?09:44
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hikaru79Hello =)09:46
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dwstilare you trying to run it off your harddisk?09:46
dwstilthe file that is09:47
dwstilphp files are server executable files, you can only run them from a server09:48
dwstilso upload it to one and it should come up09:48
bogayes...I thought I did that by placing this file into my server's doc root09:49
dwstilahh you have your own server09:50
dwstilin that case...i don't know.  it may be your scripting...i think php files start with <?php09:51
bogayeah...my very box I am using mow09:51
paxapt-get install php4 php4-mysql | apache-modconf apache enable mod_php4 | apachectl restart09:54
dwstili would troubleshoot online but i'm trying to figure out this modem shit09:54
=== regeya [~shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #kubuntu
dwstili've never had to connect via modem09:54
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regeyaaren't you special dwstil09:56
dwstilspecial ed09:57
dwstili suck at this09:57
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=== wincide is away: Away at the moment
gigaclonk3b is weird when it comes to burning speeds10:33
gigaclonwhen a disc is in it only detects 4x10:33
gigaclonwhen the tray it out it detects to 24x, but when actually buring only does 10x10:34
=== Pro_Newbie [~anonymous@] has joined #kubuntu
Pro_NewbieCan some1 help me??10:35
gigaclonwhats your problem10:37
Pro_NewbieWell i just got a brand new Kubuntu Install10:37
Pro_Newbieon my pc 10:37
Pro_Newbieand have a little (maybe X?) problem 10:37
Pro_Newbie10x :)10:37
Pro_Newbieso 10:37
Pro_Newbieafter a certain period of  time 10:38
Pro_Newbiedesktop goes crazy10:38
Pro_Newbieand program (example firefox navigation buttons) turn out white or in a palette of colors10:38
Pro_Newbieand the desktop becomes unusable10:39
Pro_Newbieand i have to restart the X server with ctrl+alt+F9 and after that Alt+f7 so i could return to normal10:39
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Pro_Newbiebut after less than 5 mins it goes nuts again 10:40
Pro_Newbieand i have res again :(10:40
Pro_NewbieAny ideas what migh be the problem?10:40
gigacloni dunno10:40
gigaclondriver maybe?10:40
Pro_NewbieI downloaded the nvidia-glx 10:41
gigaclonim kinda a newbie too10:43
gigaclonmight want to ask in #ubuntu as well10:43
gigaclonif you think its a X problem10:44
Pro_NewbieWell i try but i there would be something like go and ask in #kubuntu :)10:45
gigaclontry this 10:47
gigacloninstalll the ubuntu-desktop package10:47
ChurcH_of_FoamYanyone here know if an esonic creative es1371 works with kubuntu?10:48
gigaclonrun gnome for a while and see if the same thing happens10:48
Pro_NewbieI choosed Kubuntu instad of Ubuntu :)10:50
=== trograin [~trograin@hki2-3-4-22.hoasnet.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu
Pro_NewbieIf i wanted Gnome i would have download the Ubuntu CD10:50
=== ..[topic/#Kubuntu:Riddell] : Kubuntu help channel | Espanol #kubuntu-es | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | KOffice 1.4 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-koffice-14.php | KDE 3.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-341.php
trograinI have linux..Kubuntu running on my own comp...I have a server too, a Linux server. I need to move easyly and FAST. like NOW files to teh server. HOW do I do that in Linux. what program is the best one?10:51
trograinfor large amounts of files10:51
gdhrsync? scp? konqueror?10:57
jpatrickExternal HD/iPOD10:57
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trograinhow do I do it in konqueror?10:57
trograinnever thought of using konqueror fo moving files between computers10:57
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jpatrickCopy and Paste10:58
arcanistheroguehey can someone help me with quake2?10:58
trograinthat easy....wow, I try it straight away, thanx man10:58
gdhfish is a pseudo ssh-based remote filesystem :)10:58
jpatrickKonqueror's the shell10:58
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kakaltodvorak keyboard11:07
kakaltoslow typing for the moment :)11:07
kakaltoi gotta get used to it11:08
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bogaI need somebody to help me get phpinfo() work as it should. At present the browser displays entire the entire text.11:33
lz1kwkHI ALL11:33
franklz1kwk: you use CAPS, you get ignored... surprise!11:35
lz1kwkmy bad11:35
lz1kwkand its sarah to u11:36
frankwhat is your question exactly?11:36
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
lz1kwkhow do u get instant messenger to work on a linux server?11:37
franklike gaim?11:37
frankapt-get install gaim11:37
frankfor ubuntu at least11:37
lz1kwkyeah, for ubuntu11:37
frankyou type    sudo apt-get install gaim in a console11:38
lz1kwkthats pretty clear11:38
lz1kwkbut one prob11:38
frankalso  Kopete is already installed in kubuntu11:38
lz1kwki know11:38
lz1kwkbut it dont work11:39
frankwhy not?11:39
lz1kwki dunno11:39
lz1kwkthats why im askin u11:39
pv_and we cannot tell, without you giving any details11:39
frankI never used kopete though11:39
lz1kwkwhen i try to log on11:39
lz1kwkit just says11:39
lz1kwklog onto aim and try again11:39
frankI guess you can try gaim instead...11:40
lz1kwkhow do i?11:41
=== apokryphos7 [~dw@host-84-9-32-178.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu
frankyou type    sudo apt-get install gaim in a console11:41
frankthen gaim should be in the internet menu11:41
lz1kwkhow do i get to a console11:41
gigaclonor you could use kynaptic11:42
frankthe menu11:42
gigaclonor K->System->Kynaptic11:42
lz1kwkhold on11:43
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apokryphoslz1kwk: to run a program you can also always use Alt+F2 -> {programname}11:48
lz1kwkhold on again11:50
lz1kwknope didn't work11:52
lz1kwkfrank it didn't work11:52
apokryphoslz1kwk: you either (i) typed it in wrong, or (ii) you don't have that program11:53
lz1kwki dont have the program11:53
lz1kwkim tryin to install the program11:53
jpowerslz1kwk: sudo apt-get install gaim will install the program.11:54
jpowersor ought to.11:55
jpowerslz1kwk: type alt+f212:00
jpowersas in hold down the alt key and hit the f2 button up at the top of the keyboard.12:00
jpowersthat'll bring up the run dialog12:00
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jpowersand in the run dialog type konsole12:00
lz1kwkpowers, i tried12:01
lz1kwkit didn't work12:01
lz1kwkthanx alot for all u guys help12:01
lz1kwki ll just ask my dad12:01
lz1kwkhes a computer geek12:01
=== jpowers shrugs
=== hippie [~hippie@pc-200-74-48-8.trinidad1.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #kubuntu
jpowersnickel bet you lz1kwk was actually using windows ;)12:04

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