
vendame, myself and my shadow?12:07
Mez<-- Martin Meredith12:07
Mezso what meeting is this?12:07
rob^<-- robert stoffers12:07
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Mezoh, Doc team :D12:07
mdkethis is the documentation meeting12:07
mdkeok all, agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamMeetingAgenda12:07
mdkeby Member Introductions I presume he means new members?12:08
mdkeintroduce yourself rob^!!12:08
=== rob^ =
rob^Ok, I'm an Australian, 23 and made the switch to Ubuntu about 2 months ago12:09
mdkewelcome :)12:09
mdkea related matter is how on earth are we going to get rob^ and mgalvin commit access?12:09
rob^I'm an ex-Debian user, but like Ubuntu for its regular release schedule and up-to-date packages12:09
rob^and the fact it has apt-get :)12:10
judaxwelcome, rob!12:10
mdkerob^, what do you envisage working on in the docteam? (we know the answer, but just in case you have more plans...)12:10
rob^The faq guide takes my fancy at the moment, but time will tell I guess12:11
rob^I'm cycling onto shiftwork soon, so I'll actually be getting *paid* to write :)12:11
judaxgetting paid, what is that?12:12
mdkeanyone have any ideas re: commit access?12:12
mdkei have spoken to henrik12:12
mdkewe have bugged elmo12:12
rob^nothing better to do, I have already worn out one xbox controler12:12
mdkewhat more can we do?12:12
=== venda pinged mdz
=== mdke nods
mdkei guess we just have to wait for debconf to end :-(12:13
vendaguess so12:13
mdkenot good, considering the 48 hour undertaking we were given previously12:13
mdkesorry rob^ :(12:13
mdkewe're trying our best!12:13
rob^yeah I know12:13
judaxit has been more than 48hrs that is for sure12:14
rob^oh did I mention I did a little work for the KDE docteam? I even won a prize which never turned up12:14
Riddellrob^: what was the prize?12:14
mdkelol @ Riddell's highlights12:14
rob^umm I think it was a t-shirt12:14
Riddellmdke: hay, I was watching this anyway :)12:15
Riddellrob^: want me to hassle someone?12:15
mdkedon't disillusion me!12:15
ogramdke, you wont belive how many ppl watch ;)12:15
rob^Riddell, go for it, it was a long time ago12:15
mdkeogra, :)12:15
jbaileymdke: It's true. =)12:15
mdkethat's really cool12:16
mdkewe want to promote awareness of our activities in the community12:16
mdkenext agenda item?12:16
mdkeany more for the first one?12:16
rob^I'm good12:16
mdkemgalvin isn't here so he can introduce himself another time12:16
judaxnope, AIs next12:17
mdkeAGENDA ITEM:  Follow-up on ARs (Action Required) from previous meeting (see DocumentationTeamMeetingSummary6)12:17
mdkewhich documents have/have not got specs?12:18
mdkethe ubuntu userguide doesn't have one to my knowledge12:18
judaxI did kquickguide spec12:18
rob^does the faq? I dont remember seeing one12:19
vendano time:-(12:19
vendajust plodding on kubuntu-docs12:19
mdkeits only a paragraph that's required really12:19
mdkeI will do one for the Ubuntu userguide12:20
judaxfollowing jeffsch example on style guide makes it go quick, really12:20
mdke(although in parenthesis I should say that the two guys who are taking charge of the userguide have not done anything yet)12:20
=== venda nods
mdkewe can come onto that later12:21
mdkewhat else is action required?12:21
mdkere: shipping in HTML12:21
judaxthink that was decided12:21
mdkei spoke to mdz about that at the edubuntu summit12:21
mdkehe said that there was probably no need to go through the TB for that12:22
mdkeso that box can be ticked12:22
mdkejudax, yeah12:22
=== venda smiles
rob^mdke, I know the qandaset the faq uses doesnt display at all using yelp12:22
rob^html may be the only option for it12:22
=== jsgotangco [~jgotangco@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdkerob^, yeah the decision to ship html was taken, it was just a question of informing -devel12:23
vendarob^: correct12:23
rob^ah good12:23
jsgotangcosorry i arrived so late12:23
mdkeok we can move on12:23
mdkemorning jsgotangco 12:23
mdkewhat else is Action Required?12:23
mdkeapparently the servers are being sorted this week12:23
=== venda sighs
mdkehenrik said we should have it by next week12:23
mdkei wouldn't count on it, but that is good news anyhow12:24
vendanext year more like12:24
vendajust tell it as it is :-)12:24
mdkeoptimism = good12:24
mdkeanyhow, as everyone knows, we have found some decent temporary solutions, thanks for the kubuntu team and tseng12:25
vendabetter order help.ubuntu.com early12:25
jsgotangcoask elmo?12:25
=== rob^ nods
mdkeok  is "jdub's suggestion on existing documentation already in the distro" an ActionRequired?12:25
jsgotangcowell i've started on it actually12:26
jsgotangcobut im stumped on some things like sk12:26
jsgotangcoi won't be able to do it on my own12:26
mdkei think we need guidance from jdub on it12:26
jsgotangcoits way bit too complicated on my current skill set12:26
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Burgundaviagood timing12:27
jsgotangcowell not just jdub imo, anyone who is involved in creating the catalog as well12:27
mdkesorry should have highlighted you when you first came in12:27
vendajsgotangco: what is sk?12:27
Burgundaviajust joined, breezy and X currently are having issues12:27
mdkeBurgundavia, ;)12:28
mdkeok so what do you propose we do jsgotangco ?12:28
vendahmm, what existing docs are we speaking about12:28
jsgotangcothat and im in the middle of an Oracle contract, so it kinda got stuck for a while12:28
judaxgnome docs12:28
vendakde docs12:28
vendadebian docs12:28
jsgotangcoetc. etc.12:29
vendapersonally, not want I want to be doing12:29
vendaor I would be upstream12:29
vendadont mind using upstream12:29
jsgotangcoindeed IMO its an upstream issue really12:29
vendaand if can push up12:29
mdkeits just a question of making upstream docs appear in ubuntu12:29
vendabut to tackle upstream docs is not want I want to be doing12:30
mdkenot necessarily changing them or improving them12:30
mdkejust harnassing them12:30
vendamdke: they do already12:30
mdkevenda, all?12:30
vendawell in kubuntu they do12:30
vendanice kde docs12:30
mdkethat's cool12:30
jsgotangcothere's still stuff not included from /usr/share/docs that doesn't appear in sk at all12:30
judaxaye, but there was a component of using upstream content in our docs 12:30
=== venda hugs konqi
mdkejsgotangco, yep12:30
jsgotangcoand there's a mix of xml and html12:30
jsgotangcoso its not consistent either12:31
mdkei suggest we stress jdub for an action plan on this12:31
mdkeit was his idea after all ;)12:31
jsgotangcoi guess i would have to shorten my goal on just making a catalog on it for now12:31
vendajsgotangco: sk is a borked system12:31
jsgotangcovenda: very12:31
vendajsgotangco: I don't thing one really needs such a dependancy in the docs12:32
jsgotangcoadds another layer agreed, but that's what we have for now12:32
=== venda shuts up before he upsets somebody
mdkeok how are we gonna leave this?12:33
jsgotangcoits still open12:33
jsgotangcoit won't really go further without a developer's help12:33
mdkewell the only remaining idea I have is what I've already said: stress jdub for an action plan12:33
vendamdke: why are we forking upstream docs12:33
mdkevenda, we are not12:33
judaxvenda: not forking12:33
vendaif we dont then we may aswell all move upstream12:34
jsgotangcothey're not 'forked'12:34
mdkevenda, the suggestion is simply that we make things in /usr/share/doc appear in yelp. Not changing or forking them, or even moving them12:34
judaxstart looking upstream to see if we can integrate better (by shipping docbook, translating source documentation formats, etc)12:34
vendaHmm we do that already12:34
jsgotangcojudax: right, incidentally not all docs in that folder are in source12:34
=== rob^ tries to remember where he saw something like this before
mdkewell i have no more ideas on this subject12:35
judaxjsgotangco: ok12:35
jsgotangcobasically the bulk of work is diving in and looking what is there12:35
vendachaps its not our task to make everyone elses docs appear in sk12:35
vendathe mainters should do that12:35
mdkevenda, the proposal was whether we are going to make it our task, discussed at the previous meeting12:35
=== venda gets the feeling that we are trying to fix all the worlds problems
jsgotangcoright its a GNOME thing at the moment12:36
vendathe problem is upstream12:36
vendafile a bug12:36
vendaif you want12:36
jsgotangcoits someting that the whole team should not get involved with imo12:36
jsgotangcobut people are freeto do it anyway12:36
jsgotangcothats why im doing it12:36
vendacan stop them12:36
mdkeok let's move on then12:37
rob^there is a fair few man pages appering in yelp already12:37
mdkeyeah some do12:37
=== rob^ had a look
jsgotangcoeven fedora and rhel don't even fix this12:37
jsgotangcothats why their pages are in html12:37
mdkeany more items that are Action Required from previous meeting, or can we move onto the next agenda item?12:37
jsgotangcoanyway, its a totally different story so let's move on12:37
vendajah man pages and info are best at the prompt12:37
mdkevenda, i tend to agree. let's move on12:38
mdkeok AGENDA ITEM: "Author updates on DocteamProjects"12:38
rob^me me! 12:38
mdkeshall we go through em one by one?12:38
jsgotangcowell ok basically let's just have people talk about the status of their work12:38
=== rob^ jumps
=== judax points to rob
mdkerob^, sup12:39
vendaGO ROB!!!12:39
rob^Well, I need to be added to that page :)12:39
mdkerob^, you need to add yourself as lead on the projects btw12:39
vendarob^: are you only doing gnome12:40
rob^I think the Ubuntu version is comming along and may even be ready for Breezy, but there is very little content for Kubuntu 12:40
vendaor do you give some kde love12:40
rob^venda, yes at this stage12:40
mdkeis there a kde version of the original ubuntuguide that could be harnassed?12:40
mdkethat will help right?12:41
judaxrob^: kubuntu faq?12:41
rob^ubuntuguide, but for kubuntu12:41
vendawe have permission to port it12:41
judaxyes, read that last night12:41
mdkerob^, any plans for that?12:41
mdkevenda, rock12:41
vendajust needs a person to do it12:41
vendaI started12:41
rob^well, I was thinking we could add a lot of stuff from there for the kde profile in the faq12:41
vendabut too much going on12:42
jsgotangcorob^: its can be ported we talked to the original author already and gave permission12:42
mdkerob^, well if you and mgalvin feel you can take it on, that would be supercool12:42
rob^I also noticed the licence was compatible too12:42
vendarob^: that was the idea12:42
rob^I will speak to mgalvin, but I cant see why not12:42
vendarob^: the author released it to us under terms of the docteam licenses12:42
=== judax thinks rob has the job
mdkenice one12:42
rob^it might not be ready for breezy though12:42
mdkerob^, just do what you can :)12:43
vendaif kfaq is good can package12:43
rob^yeah :)12:43
mdkeok next project12:43
mdkejeffsch ain't here12:43
vendajury duty12:43
mdkeubuntu quickguide? jsgotangco 12:43
jsgotangcowell i started on international.xml already12:43
mdkevenda, really? ;)12:43
vendapoor bugger12:43
mdkei hope he doesn't get like a 6 month case12:44
jsgotangcoColony 2 won't run well on my side so i haven'12:44
jsgotangcot even started it12:44
vendanah back friday12:44
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Seveas] : Calendar -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Calendar || Logs -- http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs || Thu 14 July 22:00 UTC Documentation Team -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamMeetingAgenda || Tue 19 July 14:00 UTC Community Council -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda || Tue 12 July 22:00 UTC: Tech Board -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda || This is NOT #ubuntu, or #ubuntu-devel
mdkejsgotangco, do you envisage that a lot of work will be needed to update it?12:44
jsgotangcomdke: not much really12:44
jsgotangcomdke: unless the artwork gets changed12:45
mdkelet's face it... it will12:45
jsgotangcoits basically review/add/delete work12:45
vendaRiddell: why do we not have Colonies for Kubuntu12:45
mdkeAbout Ubuntu, squinn12:45
vendahave not seen him lately12:46
mdkei am slightly concerned about that doc being looked after by him12:46
mdkebut no doubt we will improvise later on12:46
Riddellvenda: because Kamion hasn't made any12:46
Riddellvenda: and I guess now isn't a good time to start, X and all that12:46
vendaRiddell: is the nightly build working now12:47
vendaRiddell: we need that x stuff fixed aspa12:47
Riddellvenda: there are nightly builds (didn't work very well last I tried)12:47
vendayes I know12:47
vendaRiddell: venda = froud12:47
Riddellaah :)12:47
vendaRiddell: it really stands inmy way 12:48
vendaplease resolve that issue12:48
mdkedaniels is working as fast as he can12:48
mdkeon topic?12:48
mdkeubuntu userguide?12:48
Riddellyes, it's daniels12:48
jsgotangcoarent you the one doing it12:48
vendakubuntu quick guide?12:48
judaxawaiting review, but some things will need to change/added based on breezy decisions, venda has some insight on this12:48
vendaoh later12:48
mdkeas I said earlier, the two guys who took charge of the ubuntu userguide haven't yet edited it at all12:48
mdkei am slightly concerned about that12:49
=== venda does not think docs should have owners
jsgotangcowell once i get breezy running smoothly i will look into it12:49
mdkevenda, then you should have spoke up when we decided that two meetings ago :/12:49
vendadude, I am already in the dwang for saying what I think12:49
judaxowners is not a bad thing12:49
vendayou think me wants more12:50
judaxbut you need people to commit12:50
mdkecalm voicing of opinion is good12:50
mdkei have been working on the ubuntu userguide quite a bit recently, and it needs a lot of work still12:50
mdkei was thinking maybe I would undertake to give it some love12:50
=== rob^ is entertaining baby for 5 minutes
vendamdke: I see you and xpointer are making friends12:51
mdkevenda, shall we say we are still sniffing each other's bottoms12:51
=== venda passes rob^ a rattle
vendamdke: poh12:52
mdkeso what do people think?12:52
=== venda is waiting to get to kubuntu
mdkewould it be reasonable for me to put myself down for ubuntu userguide?12:52
=== rob^ is singing "You Just Said Happy Birthday, In Cat"
judaxwhy wouldn't it be reasonable?12:52
vendamdke: its all you 12:52
jsgotangcosure if you can still put time for it12:53
mdkekubuntu docs?12:53
mdkethey are rocking afaics12:53
=== venda looks up
vendakubuntu docs12:54
judaxkquickguide is reviewable, but some stuff will need to be changed/added depending on breezy decisions12:54
mdkesounds good12:54
vendawe have all the infrustructure set and working12:54
jsgotangcoyeah kquickguide is a sure deliver12:54
judaxfroud started some of those things12:54
vendawe just need people to write12:54
vendaand we need kubuntu-devel to get  the install working12:55
=== venda nudges Riddle
judaxAbout Kubuntu is no issue12:55
vendaits a major blocker for us12:55
judaxKynaptic User would have been ready, but it may be worthless now12:55
mdkejudax, how come?12:56
mdkeoh i c12:56
mdkesorry kynaptic yeah12:56
judaxmdke: Kynaptic may go away12:56
vendawe have many not decided issues in devel12:56
vendathese and the x issues are major problems for us12:56
mdkewhat are we going to do with Release Notes (both K and G)?12:57
vendato scared to write to much for fear it will not be like that12:57
vendak release notes started12:57
rob^venda, I can relate12:57
mdkei guess its hard to do much on release notes until a later stage?12:57
vendaRiddell: pls those issues, pls solve them fast12:58
mdkevenda, you've made your point12:58
vendaobviously not12:58
=== jbailey [~jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdkevenda, i'm sure they do their best12:58
vendawe need answers12:58
vendanot wil do best12:58
vendadates 12:58
mdkevenda, docs are not their only consideration12:58
mdkeok we have dates12:58
vendadocs are my only consideration12:58
vendamy task to bat for them12:59
vendamdke: you have dates12:59
mdkewe have feature freeze on aug 1112:59
vendabut we have no working system12:59
judaxk docs will rock 5.10, worries not12:59
vendalonger no working system, closer date comes, less can do12:59
mdkejudax, agreed12:59
jsgotangcowhip 'em on #ubuntu-devel why dont you01:00
mdkevenda, ok well you can continue that discussion outside this forum01:00
jsgotangcoinstead of doing it our meeting01:00
mdkejsgotangco, ++01:00
mdkenext agenda item?01:00
vendajsgotangco: its a doc problem no?01:00
jsgotangcothere's no point on feeling helpless at the moment and we're not the only one affected01:01
judaxWiki Team update?01:01
vendajsgotangco: how do you write docs with no gui01:01
mdkevenda, enough now man01:01
jsgotangcovenda: whine to daniels like what everybody else does01:02
mdkeits a good point, this is not the place01:02
mdkewiki team update: thanks to robitaille we have fixed the broken icons on the wiki. current main initiative is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation which we are trying to give a structure to allow wiki docs to become more accessible01:03
vendanight all wiki is not for me01:03
mdkeIMHO it is already starting to rock01:03
mdkevenda, there are more items after this one01:03
judaxvenda: night01:04
vendamdke: wiki, back ports and gnome not for me01:04
mdkethat's about all i can think of on wikiteam01:05
mdkevenda, ok night then01:05
jsgotangcolet him be obviously he's only interested in specific things that only interest him instead of the whole team01:05
mdkeok let's carry on01:05
=== mgalvin [~mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdkegnome user guide... this is an awesome problem01:05
rob^just in time mgalvin 01:05
mdkehey mgalvin 01:05
jsgotangcoyou mean the 2.6 doc in yelp?01:06
mgalvin:) did i miss all of it01:06
mdkei can introduce the gnome user guide problem quickly01:06
jsgotangcomdke: break a leg01:06
jsgotangcoas you were saying?01:07
mdkebasically, there is a gnome user guide. It is nice, but WELL out of date. We have three ideas that have been suggested: 1. make a vendor drop and use bits of it in our ubuntu userguide by xincluding (froud's idea). 2. copy and paste interesting bits (preferred by me). 3. take it and update it and rewrite it as the Ubuntu user guide (suggested by jeffsch)01:07
=== mdke puffs
jsgotangcowhy complicate something with #1 when its easier for you to do #2 and #301:08
mdkethe second solution is the most selfish, because it precludes sending improvements upstream01:08
mdkebut it is the easiest in terms of effort01:09
judax1 is cool and all, but it seems 1 works best if the content you want to bring in is current01:09
mdkebtw you can see it here: http://www.gnome.org/learn/01:09
judaxI like 3, followed by 1 when needed if upstream updates01:09
mdkejudax, with 1 we could still update the vendor drop and send it back to gnome cvs01:09
judaxmdke: but doesn't that fly in the face of the leave upstream alone discussion we just had?01:10
jsgotangcoquestion: is #1 doable to people here at the moment01:10
mdkejudax, i don't think so. It would just be a helpful thing to do01:10
mdkemy personal view is that we don't have the time for 1 or 301:11
mdkebut jeffsch may commit some time, in which case they might become doable01:11
jsgotangcoyou can make it a long term goal though01:11
mdkealso mpt was looking at it...01:11
judax3 could be a good base01:11
judaxto start from01:11
mdkejsgotangco, the problem is if we go for 3 and don't have it ready for breezy, there will be no userguide for breezy01:11
judaxisn't 3 actually a merge of current Ugug and gug?01:12
jsgotangcothen go to the easiest route to be able to ship for breezy and make a long term goal for post breezy breezy+101:12
mdkejudax, yes01:12
mdkejsgotangco, that is what I would also say01:12
mdke3 isn't a lot different from 1 really...01:13
mdkeexcept you end up helping upstream more with 101:13
mdkebut helping upstream can also be done by joining the gnome documentation team01:13
jsgotangcoafter breezy everyone will have enough time to harness it considering we have a longer schedule ahead 01:13
judaxthere is about 1 msg a week on that list01:14
mdkejudax, quite01:14
mdkeok i would be tempted to plump for solution 2, better solution to be found for breezy +101:14
mdkeunless we get a mass of activity on it from new people01:15
judaxmdke: I agree with mdke and jsgotangco, need to concentrate on what can be shipped and plan to help upstream when our house is in order01:15
mdkeany other views?01:16
mgalvini think i like 3, and hope to have more time to help attain that goal01:16
mdkewith 3, is there a chance to poke it back upstream without Ubuntu specific changes?01:16
mdkei.e. what are the advantages of 3 over 1?01:17
judaxthey are all a means to the same end I think01:17
mgalvinwell, i would still like to push things upstream if we can01:17
mdkei actually tend to prefer 101:17
mgalvinwhile not making it more complicated than it needs to be01:17
mgalvinbut i am not agaist 101:17
judaxUgug has to get done and we should push upstream when we are able and have the time and plan to do so01:18
mdkebasically, xinclude the whole (updated) guide, then write customisations for Ubuntu01:18
mdkeyeah I am kinda already just thinking about this on a breezy+1 level01:18
=== judax will now shut the hell up
mdkeupdating the gnome guide is already a huge job01:18
mdkeok let's move on01:19
jsgotangcowell its upstream work again01:19
mdke[backports for breezy] 01:19
rob^What I wanted to say was, as I mentioned on the mailing list, I've been told that backports are to become official, but unsupported. I doubt some packages such as w32codecs/libdvdcss2 will make it either.01:19
rob^what is the best way of telling people they need to install packages such as libdvdcss2 and w32codecs? People want to view movies and dvds using Ubuntu, not mentioning this at all will cause things like ubuntuguide.org to spring up all over again. But then theres the problem of leaving us open to legal problems by telling people how to do this, not to mention Canonical probably wont want us to do this either. How do we proceed?01:19
Burgundaviathe patent only stuff may make it01:19
Burgundaviaw32codecs will not01:19
mdkemy view on this issue is that we wait and see01:20
=== judax listens to MP3 as we speak
mdkeit will almost certainly be discussed at the CC meeting next week01:20
=== jsgotangco grabs a pirated copy of Fantastic 4
=== mgalvin is watching dvd
Burgundaviawhat is clear is libdvdcss2 and w32codecs are 2 seperate kettles of fish01:21
judaxjsgotangco: gimmie01:21
mdkelegally speaking yeah01:21
Burgundaviathe patent-infringing only stuff we can probably talk about01:21
Burgundaviaw32codecs is theft01:21
rob^well I will hold of writing anything until a firm decision is made01:21
jsgotangcomdke: you're the barrister, what is your opinion01:21
judaxI never advocated telling people how to break laws, just that we shouldn't put our fingers in our ears either01:21
mdkejsgotangco, my hunch is that we shouldn't refer people to packages that might be legally dodgy. However we can refer em to RestrictedFormats and we DEFINITELY should tell them about the various repositories that exist01:22
mdkeincluding official backports01:22
mdkebut IMHO it is too early to tell01:22
rob^mdke, yeah, thats my problem01:22
mdkei am fairly sure that Canonical will not agree to put w32codecs and other dodgy stuff in any official hoary-extras repo on the Canonical servers01:23
jsgotangcowhy not just make a generic doc and have it point to a wiki entry that constantly changes to reflect what is the consesus on those formats01:23
judaxit is also responsible to say: hey, we know this doesn't work and there is a reason it doesn't work, it is not that we just forgot about it01:23
mdkeso we have to wait and see IMO01:23
jsgotangcowhat way you can still ship that doucment01:23
jsgotangcoinstead of aiming to include it in shipped book01:23
mdkein terms of stuff which is supported by multiverse, I am in favour of telling people about the stuff (gstreamer plugins etc) but ensuring that they know their legal responsibility01:23
mdkethe passage about multiverse in the kde userguide is quite good on that iMO01:24
rob^mdke, I will take a look01:24
jsgotangcoi can ask sibs on it anytime we exchange emails lately on other issues01:24
mdkeother issues eh01:24
jsgotangconon-docteam issues heh01:25
rob^I point them to restrictedformats (as I have already done) at this stage then01:25
jsgotangcorob^: safest path at the moment imo01:26
mdkerob^, in the userguide I've told people how to install mp3 support from multiverse, but avoided dvds and w32codecs so far01:26
mdkein fact I've avoided backports entirely, but will write in support when it is clear what is going on with them01:27
jsgotangcoim going to compare again01:27
jsgotangcoFedora doesn't even delve on this01:27
rob^they dont01:27
=== jsgotangco starts watching an asf file
mdkewell then, their users don't get essential info01:28
mdkebut anyhow, IMO we need to wait and see on this question01:28
rob^its a pain in the butt quite frankly, but I agree we will need to wait and see01:28
jsgotangcobetter if i ask silbs now01:29
jsgotangcoso that we'll get a reply later01:29
mdkejsgotangco, the thing is, the status of backports has not yet been confirmed, it will be discussed at CC this week and we can discuss the legal issues01:29
jsgotangcooh ok01:29
mdkein the end, I believe Canonical will go and get an answer from their lawyers...01:29
jsgotangcoTurboLinux is the only distro I know that ships these stuff legally01:30
rob^jsgotangco, how?01:30
jsgotangcoother than that, all are dodgy implementations01:30
judaxLinspire does01:30
jsgotangcorob^: they licensed from MS and got PowerDVD01:30
mdkethey probably pay for them or something01:30
judaxmdke: yes they do01:30
rob^jsgotangco, I wonder if ubuntu has that sought of money?01:31
=== mdke shakes his head in disgust
rob^probably not..01:31
jsgotangcomdke: disgust on turbolinux?01:31
mdkerob^, they have it, but it would be against policy to do that stuff...01:31
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdkegeneral disgust01:31
Mezwhat? at me entering the channel?01:32
judaxit is disgusting, all of it is BS01:32
rob^mdke, yeah, your right but it would help a lot of people :)01:32
mdkeok topic closed?01:32
jsgotangcojust to close then01:32
mdkeany more business?01:32
jsgotangcoTurboLinux sells their distro for $70 with a legal codec 01:32
judaxI am going on 2-week holiday :)01:32
=== mdke sacks judax
rob^jsgotangco, ah01:33
=== judax giggles
jsgotangcook what did we accomplish so far01:33
judaxstarted slow, but a good meeting nonetheless, imho01:34
mdkeme too01:34
jsgotangcowell yeah although 22:00UTC meetings are murder for me01:34
judaxjsgotangco: 2200UTC in Canada is not bad :)01:35
rob^8am here01:35
jsgotangco6am on my place!!! w00t but not so bad i guess01:36
judax630pm here and into 3 frosty01:36
jsgotangcook so next meeting we go back to 14:00UTC01:36
jsgotangcoon the 28th01:36
jsgotangcowe revolve between 14:00 and 22:0001:36
jsgotangcothat cool with you all01:37
mgalvinwhat about 2300UTC01:37
mgalvinobviously 2200 is tuff for me01:37
judaxmgalvin: wru located?01:38
jsgotangcowhat time would that be on your side ?01:38
mdkei can do 14 and 2201:38
rob^1400z is 2am here01:38
mgalvinnew york, us01:38
judaxmgalvin: ah, commute time?01:38
mgalvin6pm, work commut time01:38
mgalvinyup, u got it!01:38
jsgotangcowell we can adjust accordingly, mdke is the only euro i know on this team atm01:38
judaxI work from home so usually not an issue for me01:39
mgalvinlucky you01:39
jsgotangcomgalvin: we'll adjust the agenda for you just in case01:39
jsgotangcobut generally, 14 and 22 is quite acceptable to most people here (except those in AU and NZ on 14UTC)01:40
rob^hehe yeah like me01:40
rob^22 is ok though, 8am01:40
jsgotangcoits only our 2nd regular meeting anyways so we'll adjust accordingly01:41
jsgotangcowhat's important is that we're beginning to have this regularly01:41
rob^I'm in kilo time01:41
jsgotangcoalright so anything else?01:41
mdkejsgotangco, ++01:41
jsgotangcoanyone wants to discuss aything else01:41
mgalvini can sometimes make it home in time, so if its just me don't worry to much about it, i will just try to let you guys know when i can't01:41
mgalvindo we know svn commit access status?01:42
Burgundavianeed to contact elmo, whom I haven't seen in irc for ages01:44
mdkeyeah he's at debconf01:44
mdkewe discussed at the beginning of the meeting01:45
mdkenot a lot mroe we can do01:45
=== judax wonders again why we wouldn't utilize linode for svn
rob^how come one of us doesnt have that access on svn anyway..01:46
Burgundaviathe plan if for us to switch to bazaar for breezy+101:46
mdkerob^, the svn server is in the Ubuntu server farm, only elmo has access01:46
rob^yeah I know, why is he the only one though?01:47
mdkebecause he is careful01:47
Burgundaviajsgotangco, where is pda testing going?01:47
mdkeeven henrik doesn't have access to the wiki01:47
rob^yeah :P01:47
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jsgotangcoBurgundavia: i asked mdz about it yesterday but no reply yet01:52
jsgotangcoas for svn access, if the team opts to keep svn when everything is already in Baz, we may have to administer our own svn01:54
jsgotangcoanyways, ok till next meeting then, 14:00UTC July 2801:54
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Seveas] : Calendar -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Calendar || Logs -- http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs || Thu 14 July 22:00 UTC Documentation Team -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamMeetingAgenda || Tue 19 July 14:00 UTC Community Council -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda || Tue 16 July 20:00 UTC: Tech Board -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda || This is NOT #ubuntu, or #ubuntu-devel
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:robitaille] : Calendar -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Calendar || Logs -- http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs || Thu 14 July 22:00 UTC Documentation Team -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamMeetingAgenda || Tue 19 July 14:00 UTC Community Council -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda || Tue 26 July 20:00 UTC: Tech Board -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda || This is NOT #ubuntu, or #ubuntu-devel
robitaillebecause Tuesday 16 July didn't exist... 08:35
Treenaksrobitaille: maybe not this year... :)08:39
robitaillethe next Tuesday July 16 is in 2013.  Quite a long time between Tech Board meetings.08:43
Treenakswell, there's the 5-year support for 6.04 8)08:47
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:robitaille] : Calendar -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Calendar || Logs -- http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs || Tue 19 July 14:00 UTC Community Council -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda || Tue 26 July 20:00 UTC: Tech Board -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda || Thu July 28 14:00 UTC Documentation Team -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamMeetingAgenda || This is NOT #ubuntu, or #ubuntu-devel
robitailleadded date of next Doc Team meeting in 2 weeks.08:52
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Mez] : Calendar -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Calendar || Logs -- http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs || Tue 19 July 14:00 UTC Community Council -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda || Tue 26 July 20:00 UTC: Tech Board -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda || Thu July 28 14:00 UTC Documentation Team -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamMeetingAgenda || Fri July 22 20:00 UTC New User Network -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Mez] : Calendar -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Calendar || Logs -- http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs || Tue 19 July 14:00 UTC Community Council -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda || Tue 26 July 20:00 UTC: Tech Board -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda || Thu July 28 14:00 UTC Documentation Team -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamMeetingAgenda || Fri July 22 20:00 UTC New User Network -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Mez] : Calendar -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Calendar || Logs -- http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs || Tue 19 July 14:00 UTC Community Council -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda || Tue 26 July 20:00 UTC: Tech Board -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda || Thu July 28 14:00 UTC Documentation Team -- http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamMeetingAgenda || Fri July 22 20:00 UTC NUN -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NUNAgenda
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