
Raskallagh.. I get so slow downloads from apt.. only 400 kB/sec. Sometimes only 410.12:00
LuckyStrikekbrooks, im confused :(12:00
=== nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth
MrI have ralink 2500 wireless card.  It is listed in device manager but when I open the net tools it isnt listed.12:00
WeirdAl<3 tiglionabbit12:00
zerMr: It works :-) But, you have to do some things on your own12:01
Mrsuch as....?12:01
RaskallMr: the fact that it shows up in device manager doesn't mean you have a driver loaded for it..12:01
Mrim listening12:01
liz4rdmy ISP gave me 2 ips. how would i be able to use the other ip instead of dhcping to this one (there both static) any ideas?12:01
zerMr: Ok...you don't speak german, do you? :o)12:01
MrI have the drivers for linux and windows on my windows partition12:02
zerMr: Ok, wait...i try to12:02
husherliz4rd, set your ip address to the other ip12:02
kbrooksLuckyStrike, what are you trying to accomplosh?12:02
MrI have translation programs12:02
=== SunTzuTech [~bent@cltea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu
MrI you post in german I should be able to translate12:03
liz4rdhusher, WOW thats was good help man WHY DO YOU THIN K I CAME IN HERE!!! i dont know how12:03
=== dmk [~dmk@host81-156-25-252.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
zerMr: Ok, watch this: It works perfectly! http://www.ubuntu-de.org/wiki/treiber:netzwerk:ralink_rt2500_installieren12:03
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=== keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
LuckyStrikejust to install that program in ubuntu (only just installed ubuntu)12:04
zerMr: If you have questions, ask12:04
MrThank you.12:04
tiglionabbitcafuego: bring back the bot12:04
husherliz4ard, ok, here's an idea:  try re-phrasing your question before you piss people off who are trying to help you.12:04
=== Big_O [~marque@213-202-175-245.bas504.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
LuckyStrikeits just it said it was kde and i dont have kubuntu so thought it might not be possible12:04
MrAny ideas on how to mount my windows partition without geting access denied message?12:04
husherliz4rd, if someone tells you your question is unclear, why not try to clarify?12:04
liz4rdwhat do you not understand?12:05
liz4rdmy ISP gave me 2 ips. how would i be able to use the other ip instead of dhcping to this one (there both static) <-- makes sence12:05
zerMr: edit your fstab correctly :-)12:05
nalioths_dogMr: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partitions mount automatically12:05
lcddi though it was quite clear. he wants to set up his network interface12:05
kbrooksLuckyStrike, it's possible.12:05
husherliz4rd, stop it.  i understand now.  there's no reason to be a dick about it.12:05
tiglionabbitLuckyStrike: you should be able to install most anything.  APT will handle the dependencies.  I have the full ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop installed at the same time, and all of their programs can be used from either desktop12:05
TokenBadok question...I went to dsl reports and did their tweak test..and it told me a couple things..but not sure how to do it...12:05
Big_Obut you can mount them from fdtab anyway12:05
naliothLuckyStrike: your apt will d/l the necessary kde components to enable any kde program you wish to install12:05
kbrooksLuckyStrike, name of package please12:05
TokenBadlike turn on selective acks12:05
liz4rdi..want..to..change...my..ip..to..a..diff..on..my..isp..gives..me..2....how...do..i ..make..it..bind..to..the..other..one husher?12:05
husherliz4rd, are you running gnome?12:05
MrThank You.12:06
TokenBadchanging the mtu12:06
liz4rdhusher, fuck now i hate it :P12:06
TokenBadand to change the rwin12:06
husherliz4rd, forget it.  find someone else.12:06
glickthe nicest desktop is of course XFCE412:06
kbrooksliz4rd, dont act like a noob12:06
TokenBadbut how do that on linux?12:06
kbrookscase you arent12:06
kbrooksliz4rd, pm me12:06
kbrooksliz4rd, nm12:06
liz4rdkbrooks, fuck you :P12:06
husherkbrooks, you take him12:06
Big_Oi want to creat a partition i can use for storage in both windows and linux12:07
=== Markrian [~Markrian@82-68-11-182.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
LuckyStrikei dont know name of package but website for program is at http://six.retes.hu/12:07
liz4rdi know him :P12:07
husheri'll be more than happy to help people who aren't beligerent12:07
Big_Oi was thinking ntfs12:07
=== monchichi [~digwater@adsl-69-110-56-124.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
liz4rdwell you asked me to clerify a question that was perfectrly ok...12:07
tiglionabbitliz4rd: do this: sudo ifconfig eth0 your.new.ip.address   , where eth0 is the device you want to use that IP12:07
liz4rdso i got fustrated12:07
dylan_liz4ard is a faggot12:07
dylan_and uses Mac OS 412:07
kbrooksdylan_, BE NICE12:07
liz4rdOH YEAH GO YOU12:07
naliothBig_O: use fat32, ntfs is not safely writable from linux12:07
tiglionabbitthis is not good ubuntu behavior.  Please stop that, dylan_12:08
husherliz4rd, what you think is a perfectly worded quesition may not be to someone else12:08
Big_Oyeah thats what ive had problems with12:08
tiglionabbitnalioth: hey, what about advising they use ext2 and add the ext2fsd driver to windows explorer?12:08
naliothBig_O: what windows OS do you use?12:08
liz4rdhusher, instead of telling me my question doesnt make sence to you tell me what parts :)12:08
Big_Ostill wasny sure about fat 3212:08
tiglionabbitnalioth: does that work very well?12:08
Big_Oso thanks12:08
kbrookstiglionabbit, dylan is whining12:08
AndyRRdylan_, please stop shouting12:08
naliothtiglionabbit: am getting there, thanks12:08
dylan_sorry, im bipolar12:08
husherliz4rd, so, if you like, tell me if you're running gnome or not in response to my previous question12:08
=== Wermut [~Wermut@host140-107.pool8173.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
eno__has anyone ever had it where xmms wont play sounds but other things will?12:09
=== kutucape [~zayn@] has joined #ubuntu
kutucapehi all12:09
kbrooksnalioth, someone is fingering me12:09
naliothBig_O: you can use ext2 for your shared storage as they make an ext2 driver for xp/2k, which will allow you to access that partition12:09
skoraeno__, yes12:09
kutucapei'm upgrading hoary to breezy right now12:09
tiglionabbiteno__: yes, ESD has mixing problems, you can usually only play one media player at once12:09
eno__did you figure out a way to fix it?12:09
liz4rdtiglionabbit, do i have to restart for it to take effect?12:09
kutucapei dont know if will break my system or not12:09
tiglionabbiteno__: yes, there's a forum post...   but damnit ubotu is gon12:09
naliothBig_O: the difference is: in fat32 you can only have 4gb single files, in ext2 you can have one file (bigger than 4gb)12:10
=== Efwis [~Efwis@colo-02-172.dsl.netins.net] has joined #ubuntu
Markriankutucape: good luck!12:10
Slipaway172im waiting for breezy to become avaiable so i can upgrade. its buggy for me12:10
Big_Oyeah but ill be iseing to store games and movies12:10
tiglionabbitcafuego: !!!  FIX THE BOT12:10
naliothkbrooks: fingering is common internet behavior, i hope you have an interesting .plan file12:10
eno__oh well12:10
skorathat's what helped me.12:10
eno__if I need mp3s I can boot in knoppix12:10
husherliz4rd, is your interface eth0?12:10
kbrooksnalioth, CTCP finger12:10
kutucapeMarkrian, maybe it just xorg problem, i hope so12:10
Slipaway172nalioth,  what is a finger?12:10
liz4rdi dont know how can i tell husher12:10
hushertype ifconfig12:10
kutucapei like playing with bleeding edge ;)12:11
tiglionabbiteno__: no, you can get it all to work fine12:11
Big_Osand im not really gotng to have files over 4 gigs12:11
husherliz4rd, look for the interface with an ip address12:11
liz4rdbash: ipconfig: command not found12:11
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
eno__should I go into /dev and delete my sound card?12:11
kutucapewell, I was a linuxfromscratch...12:11
kutucapelfs user12:11
Big_Oeno__,  err no12:11
eno__fine :|12:11
kbrookswtf. Someone is fingering me thru CTCP12:11
naliothfinger is a common way of 'checking' up on someone on a network. when fingered on a network, the users status (logged in, last login, etc and /or their .plan file is displayed)12:11
naliothkbrooks: /ignore ?12:12
Big_Ohave you checked the xmms properties12:12
kutucapewhereis ubotu?12:12
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eno__kind of12:12
Big_Owhat driver is it trying to use12:12
naliothBig_O: if you rip DVDs to iso images, you will have files over 4gb in size12:12
=== Garrison [~Garrison@68-64-153-94.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
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glickhow do you do a minimal ubuntu install for server config?12:12
liz4rdhusher, oops i thought you said ipconfig12:12
kbrooksSlipaway172, who are you?12:12
eno__I tried all of the outputs, they all just rip through my playlist wihtout playing any songs12:12
=== cletus [router@c-67-183-78-158.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Markrianglick: when the install CD boots up, type 'server' then enter12:13
Big_Onalioth,  i dont have a dvd writer12:13
kbrooksSlipaway172, i demand you stop the finger/version on me12:13
Slipaway172i just like looking around , but i dont touch or i buy12:13
Big_Oor drive :(12:13
glickMarkrian, what does it install when server is selected?12:13
naliothBig_O: that doesnt keep you from ripping for backup on a large HD array12:13
cletuscan I compile c++ source code from a file without having a makefile?12:13
glickcletus, yes12:13
tiglionabbitcletus: yup12:13
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kbrookscletus, g++12:13
Markrianglick: the base system needed for linux to work12:13
supernixanyone good with OpenOffice 2.0 that could help me ?12:14
husherliz4rd, did you not install gnome and any of the other tools, or are you just running xfce4 aside from it?12:14
MarkrianNo X, no servers12:14
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tiglionabbitg++ file.cpp -o executablename12:14
cletuswhat would the syntax be?  I12:14
liz4rdtiglionabbit, (myip): error fetching interface information: Device not found12:14
liz4rdhusher, no gnome is installed12:14
Big_Oeno__,  what out put plugin are you useing now?12:14
cletusawesome, thankyou :)12:14
_Arturoo_how i can install a driver for one device?12:14
Big_Ohit configure12:14
glickxfce4 is the shiznit12:15
liz4rdfuck yerah12:15
husherliz4rd, try typing 'sudo network-admin'12:15
eno__and now?12:15
kbrooksi use xfce4 on debian12:15
Big_Oeno__,  what audio device is it looking for?12:15
glickliz4rd, how did you not install gnome12:15
TPCok, I installed breezy on my test machine, (I know that you're not supposed to use it yet, but hey, its a test machine, so it doesn't matter if it breaks some, I just want to try some of the new features), and when I start X it complains that it can't find the font 'fixed'. Is there anything I can do, or should I just go test some other unstable thing ;)12:15
eno__I tired all 3 though12:15
=== Markrian [~Markrian@82-68-11-182.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["---"]
MrI wanted to use CollegeLinux, but the bootloader tries to install to hda which happens to be my CD drive and I don't know how to change where the bootloader goes so I tried Ubuntu, it installed fine but I am a |\|00b and I don't know howt to get my wireless or LAN card to work and I cant mount my windows partition.12:15
liz4rdglick, sudo apt-get install gnome?12:15
glicki use xfce on debian too12:15
Big_Owhat other options are there?12:15
husherliz4rd, sorry, i misread that as gnome being installed12:15
=== ice_1963 [~gary@pcp08931591pcs.brghtn01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
glickliz4rd, how do you 'not' install gnome12:15
=== ReNo_ [~reno@d213-103-58-130.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
liz4rdglick, i'm on kubuntu12:16
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=== Big_O is on fluxbox =P
goldfishif you start with the minimal install, you also dont have to install gnome.12:16
goldfishfluxbox r00lz.12:16
=== XRayNuke [~satan@DHCP-155-80.caltech.edu] has joined #ubuntu
liz4rdhusher, so configureing this wonk work then? should i exit network-admin?12:16
ice_1963i'm useing icewm lol12:16
husherliz4rd, no12:17
glickim still debating weather or not to do the install12:17
eno__oh hell, I give up12:17
husherliz4rd, if it came up, it'll work12:17
glickof ubuntu12:17
liz4rdwell now what12:17
husherliz4rd, as in no, don't exit12:17
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liz4rdtype my stuff in?12:17
Big_Ooh well i was about to tell him to try hw 0,012:17
naliothMr: my dog will send you some directions. follow them to mount your windows drive easily and safely12:17
nalioths_dogMr: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partitions mount automatically12:17
=== Big_O shrugs
=== qt2 [~qt2@pool-68-238-56-148.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
LuckyStrikepulled my network cable out by mistake :(12:17
husherselect your interface, go to properties, type in your address12:17
husherliz4rd, did your isp give you a gateway address?12:18
glicki gotta go to shitty bio class12:18
glicklater all12:18
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Slipaway172why do i have ppl on my ban list? i have never banned anybody?12:19
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Big_Opity i cant get software mixing working on this install <_<12:19
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goldfishdont do that12:19
goldfishopen a terminal and use ifconfig !12:19
goldfishSlipaway172: maybe the client auto bans ppl who flood.12:20
dwstilhello all12:20
Slipaway172? i havent flooded12:20
kutucapedi dwstil12:21
dylan_where does k3b show up in the GNOME Applications menu after install?12:21
=== ubuntu [~ubuntu@121.Red-83-45-233.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Slipaway172it dosent12:21
Slipaway172go to terminal12:21
Slipaway172type k3b12:22
naliothdylan_: it doesnt, use "run application"12:22
husherwhy is that, anyway?12:22
=== _simple [~jircii@adsl-146-57-144.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
dwstilunder the networking help at the wiki i don't see how to set up an internet conncection via dial-up, can anyone point me in the right direction?12:22
UrbanFox|sleephow do I modify my keyring?12:23
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mwh_anyone know where I can find the HP-laptops, which will be certified for breezy?12:24
r0dwhat does ubuntu have for wireless AP scanning in the repository?12:24
=== Strife[lab] [~mdepalati@gyruss.gpcc.itd.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu
husherdwstill, there's something about a modem connection in the network-admin program, provided it sees your modem12:24
supernixcan linux use windows fonts ?12:24
UrbanFox|sleepsupernix> yes12:25
UrbanFox|sleepvery well12:25
UrbanFox|sleepI'm using MS Tahoma as my application font right now :P12:25
=== Strife[lab] is now known as Strife
supernixI installed OOo and after that I for some reason was missing some fonts12:25
naliothsupernix: yes, any truetype font12:25
tiglionabbitsupernix: get "msttcorefonts"12:25
naliothsupernix: they go in ~/.fonts12:25
supernixwell they show up fine in 1.1.3 but not 2.0 for some reason12:25
Big_Oactually has anyone else had trouble getting software mixxing working?12:25
=== ep [~ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Wermuturbanfox, btw, is there an easy way to import the fonts from the windows partition12:26
Big_Oi had it working before12:26
=== beyond [~beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
dylan_ok thanks nalioth12:26
husherBig_O, as in sound mixing, playing 2 things at once?12:26
supernixty nalioth and tiglionabbit12:26
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supernixis there anyway I can make them available without actually moving them to the same directory as the other fonts used by OOo ?12:27
mebaran151I dlled a src pkg for lighttpd12:27
Slipaway172so is nethack a text game?12:27
Big_Oyeah husher12:27
=== tenshiKur0 [~tenshiKur@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
mebaran151but I want to use it12:28
mebaran151I got a orig.tar.gz12:28
mebaran151a diff.gz12:28
husherBig_O, have you tried setting your sinks to Esd?12:28
mebaran151and a .dsc12:28
=== eventual1uddha [~brian@ip8061f519.host.ucla.edu] has joined #ubuntu
UrbanFox|sleephow do I wipe my GNOME keyring?12:28
Big_Oi was trying alsa12:28
mebaran151how what dpkg command slaps them all together12:28
husherBig_O, i've heard of people who knew people who got Alsa to work, but i've never seen it12:29
=== CaptainMorgan [~CaptainMo@nh-londndry-c41-bg2a-01-221.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Big_Ohusher,  i had it working iun my last install12:29
husherBig_O, then you're the first i've met:) everyone else just told me to use esd, and that has worked splendidly12:30
eventual1uddhai've had 5 install discs fail on me (1 warty, 4 hoary - 4 from a PC, 1 from a Mac). they all stall between 6%-9%. any suggestions?12:30
pepsi] 12:30
lcddeventual1uddha: your optical drive is broken12:30
zereventual1uddha: your drive is broken12:30
hushereventual1uddha, try a differnet drivf?12:30
Big_Oill give it a shot12:30
eventual1uddha*sigh* k, i'll do that while freebsd downloads12:30
=== swarm [~swarm@host18-44.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
LuckyStrikehmm open office doesn't have verdana fon't is that normal?12:31
naliothLuckyStrike: install msttcorefonts12:31
aehoLuckyStrike, maybe you should install ms fonts?12:31
=== pbtraveller [~tobias@e178215182.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
swarmwhere I should look for /usr/bin/esd startup? I see with pstree that is child of init but I don't find which script to modify. I would like to modify its parameters adding -as 5 but itsn't read from /etc/esound/esd.conf.12:32
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LuckyStrikewould that be a sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts ?12:33
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cccLuckyStrike: yes12:33
LuckyStrikeok thanks12:34
naliothLuckyStrike: something like that12:34
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=== LuckyStrike has decided to blog his windows to linux conversion process!
paxmay the blog force be with you12:36
=== P3L|C4N0 o/
Troy_McClurethat will be an exciting read12:36
Troy_McClure"Today i use the grep command a lot"12:37
=== bjron [proxyuser@pia140-72.pioneernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== LuckyStrike wonders whether that is a sarcasm :{
husherubuntu's installer needs a progress meter12:37
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Troy_McClurehehe its a joke, best of luck to you, i would recomend making it a "Noobs guide to switching to linux"12:38
LuckyStriketo be honest a blog from a newbie who is setting up his system and to read some things that he stumbled on would be very useful to me right now12:38
mwh_anyone know where I can find the HP-laptops, which will be certified for breezy?12:38
LuckyStrikeyet i cant seem to find that information12:38
=== RuffianSoldier [user@cpe-24-209-106-36.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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LuckyStrikei can find evaluations of distros and basic programs but not a real diary with common mistakes that are made12:39
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mumbles-ccna-outback and drunk12:40
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Di42lowhat codec should i install for gxine so he will work good ? except win32codecs ?12:40
Di42lothat it ?12:41
=== pgidz [~redhat@i-195-137-48-98.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
mumbleswas hopeing the bot would respond12:41
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mumbleswhen you use synoptic12:42
mumblesjust serch for win32codecs12:42
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blmartin777kinda quite in here12:48
AndyRRit is quiet12:49
AndyRRmore than normal12:49
mumblesyeh i was thinking that12:49
=== Stealth-X [ss@CPE000b6a02eae1-CM001255730722.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
blmartin777Everybody's sytem must be working perfectly12:49
Troy_McClurei fixed them all12:50
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mpmcHow do I fix this???12:53
mpmc Depends: firefox but it is not going to be installed12:54
mpmc Depends: mozilla-firefox-gnome-support but it is not going to be installed12:54
mumblesTroy_McClure i fixed them all -- u where sayin g12:54
=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mpmc Depends: libcairo1 (>=0.3.0) but it is not installable12:55
mpmc Depends: libpixman1 (>=0.1.3) but it is not installable12:55
mpmc Depends: mozilla-firefox but it is not going to be installed12:55
=== zer [~hor@p5480A41E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu []
eventual1uddhai couldn't remove the cd drive from the computer to replace it, so i ran the wires to another drive in another computer. it's a frankensteinien creation  :)12:55
mpmclooks like I'm gonna have to install ubuntu again :/12:55
jasoncohenmpmc, wait12:55
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jasoncohenmpmc, did you use or are you using marillat?12:56
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mpmchuh.. I'm new..12:56
jasoncohenor any other unofficial repository other than hoary-backports and hoary-extras12:56
mpmcplease explain.12:56
lcddi think "firefox" was in the backports12:56
toastahey all, i gotta gnome question12:56
=== bloodymale [~blood@CPE00052d00410a-CM0012253ec666.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
jasoncohenmarillat is an unofficial debian repository that a lot of new users use because they see it on the forums and it's not meant to work with ubuntu. it'll break dependencies so packages don't install.12:56
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jasoncohenmpmc, paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file to pastebin or #flood12:57
mpmcwell.. I was told on the firefox site that I need to update it. so. I removed it and tried using thier installer but it failed.12:57
mebaran151could anyone help me setup a pgsql database12:57
lcddubuntu needs proper documentation and less clueless users "helping" each other :)12:57
bloodymalei just put unbuntu in my lap top and it shut down my computer12:57
sizzamim running an amd xp 3000+ with a gig of ram and an nvidia gforce 440 mx 128mb card.   im running the k7 kernel and little else right now.   should i see glxgears speeds higher than 1000?12:57
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LuckyStrikeanyone know how to use a custom screensaver?12:58
toastai get 1600 or more on a much weeker system using radeon9000 sizzam12:58
sizzami could have sworn last time i installed i was getting 3000+ rates, i dont know if im missing a package or what12:58
bloodymalei just put unbuntu in my lap top and it shut down my computer12:59
TSWoodVsizzam: Have you loaded the nvidia drivers?12:59
jasoncohenmpmc, a) ubuntu backports security bugfixes for firefox so you don't need backports12:59
sizzamTSWoodV:  yes, so far ive loaded the drivers, enabled glx, and installed linux-k712:59
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mebaran151anybody here familiar with pgsql12:59
sizzamthis is a fresh install12:59
TSWoodVsizzam: check your xorg.conf file to make sure it's using "nvidia", not "nv".12:59
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toastawhere would one change the splash screen at12:59
eventual1uddhawell, the frankenstein monster is reading hoary okay01:00
sizzamTSWoodV:  just confirmed that its "nvidia" in xorg.conf01:00
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swarmhow to modify parameters for esd in ubuntu?01:00
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bloodymalei just put unbuntu in my lap top and it shut down my computer01:01
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sizzamtoasta:  how much vram does your radeon have?01:01
bloodymalecan someone help me01:01
TSWoodVsizzam: That 440MX is a bit old.  You sure you've seen higher?01:01
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sizzamTSWoodV:  yes, last install i was running the 386 kernel, upgraded to k7, and couldn't get the nvidia drivers to load.   someone in here had me install linux-k7 (i think thats what it was) and all of a sudden my performance improved drastically01:02
sizzami think it was linux-k7, but he may have suggested something else01:02
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mumblesbored and tired01:03
mumblesgoing to go to bed01:03
mumbleswell thinking off01:03
=== crawl [~crawl@aji156.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
crawlhello , i need libvga.so.1 , what can i do with this?01:04
crawlim trying to run a game under ubuntu, it says i need this lib01:04
crawlso my questions is how can i add it to my system01:05
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toastaso anyone know where the splash is located01:06
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bionicWhen installing a new kernel and booting it, the ATI drivers has to be reinstalled?01:07
toastaor how to change it01:07
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r2d4Hi! I mucked around a bit to turn off some services with ksysv and now gnome and other related WMs don't start.01:07
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r2d4KDE is OK though.01:07
bionicmake it easy, reboot :p01:07
bionicor did you shut them down manually?01:08
r2d4I don't see any error messages. It just drops me back to login screen.01:08
jasoncohenheh, well i fixed mpmc's problem. he just had to add sources for main & restricted which he must have accidentally removed01:08
crawlanyone can help me please01:08
crawli need libvga.so.1 in ubuntu01:08
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mantikorgood evening folks01:09
crimsuncrawl: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=libvga.so.1&searchmode=searchword&case=insensitive&version=hoary&arch=i38601:09
r2d4I am getting a pango warning for all GTK apps.01:09
crawlhi mantikor01:09
sizzamhey crimsun, you helped me get my nvidia kernel working with the k7 kernel the other day01:10
crawlcrimsun : thanks :)01:10
shane__I need assistance from one of you experts out there on how to get my wusb11 linksys working.01:10
mantikordoes anybody has y clue why i am geting a "connect (111 Connection refused)"  when i am "apt-get updating" ?01:10
mantikorserver down?01:10
crimsunsizzam: yes, how are things?01:10
shane__I have tried to follow wiki instruction, but no avail.01:10
sizzamcrimsun:  i ended up fubaring my system and had to start from scratch01:10
crimsunjust use a live cd, problem resolved ;)01:11
sizzamcrimsun:  do you recall if it was the linux-k7 package you recommended to fix my issues or if it was something else, im trying to apply the same fixes01:11
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crimsunsizzam: yes, linux-k701:11
sizzamcrimsun:  k, i grabbed that, my glxgears rates are at 1000-ish,   last time i was getting around 3000ish01:11
sizzamwasnt sure if i was missing something else maybe01:12
abarbacciahey all - i'm trying to export a line to a file like this:   sudo echo "blah blah blah" | sudo tee -a <filename>    --- but i want it to add it to the line before the last line - how do i do that?01:12
crimsundid you follow the instructions on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto ?01:12
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shane__has anyone set up linksys usb adapter yet??01:12
|C_V|Has anyone installed the JDK 1.5?01:12
crimsunabarbaccia: you wouldn't use ,,sudo echo'', for starters01:12
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abarbacciacrimsun, just echo?01:13
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r2d4|C_V|: I have01:13
TokenBad2528.000 FPS I get that in glxgears01:13
crimsunyes, that's why the sudo is in front of tee01:13
sizzamcrimsun:  yea, i used those instructions, from ubuntuguide.org01:13
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ny3rangerquestion about digital output for lcd monitors ..... I cant see it ... is there anything I can do. I can see on analog mode.01:14
sizzamTokenBad:  thats what i was used to seeing, which makes me think i have something incorrect01:14
r2d4|C_V|: Just don't use the rpm on the Sun's web site. alien conversion does not work.01:14
mantikormaby you can change the input signal on your flat screen01:14
ny3rangerno i got that01:14
ny3rangerbut i dont see anything01:14
r2d4|C_V|: use the other installer.01:15
toastaso how do you change the splash image01:15
mantikorright from the startup of you system or when you start gdm01:15
shane__Does anyone have procedures to install and configure Linksys usb wusb11 adapter?  I have tried the WIKI wireless instructions but it doesn't work.01:15
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toastais it safe to assume nobody knows?01:15
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mantikortoasta: go on gnome.org01:15
abarbacciacrimsun, no dice on that line?01:16
|C_V|i have the installer. What next?01:16
crimsunabarbaccia: -a appends01:16
sizzamtoasta:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4170901:16
abarbacciacrimsun, but the bottom line as of now is an exit 0 - it needs to go before that01:16
toastasizzam,mantikor, thanks01:17
mantikorbut what shall i do with the message connect (111 Connection refused) when i use apt-get ?01:17
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crimsunabarbaccia: so think what tools you can use, namely cat, head, and shell magic01:17
zirpuanyone know if there is a compatible mainboard list for ubuntu 5.04 for amd opteron?01:18
zirputhe only one i've found is for debian, and i'm not certain that necessarily applies to the ubuntu distro.01:19
Tomcat_zirpu: Just search for <product name> on Ubuntu websites, and see if anyone has had problems.01:19
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Tomcat_zirpu: And stuff that's written for Debian applies to Ubuntu... just not in the details.01:19
zirpuah. ok. thanks.01:20
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abarbacciacrimsun, i give up - i'm gonna just be like - edit it yourself01:20
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Tomcat_zirpu: Buy something from a good (bigger) company, and you won't have problems... except if people already complain about it on forums. :)01:20
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Tomcat_zirpu: I bought an ASUS A8N-E for example - no problems at all, there are even Linux drivers on the official CD.01:21
chrisnybody here no how to get n64 2 work01:21
zirpuheh. ok. i'm considering buying a box from racklogic.com.  i know fedora core 3 worked on their boxes.01:21
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crimsunabarbaccia: it's pretty simple. cat somefile |grep -v "exit 0" |sudo tee somefile.tmp && echo "yay" | sudo tee -a somefile.tmp && echo "exit 0" | sudo tee -a somefile.tmp01:22
crimsunabarbaccia: securing the temporary file is left as an exercise to the reader.01:22
Tomcat_zirpu: That's a good indication then. :)01:22
chrisinatornybody here know how 2 get sound in the internet01:22
=== teferi_ hands crimsum a UUOC award
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Tomcat_chrisinator: Try to be more specific... what is "sound in the internet"01:23
MarkrianDoes anyone speak good spanish and english here? I received an email in spanish and I'm not entirely sure what it says01:24
chrisinatorin flash stuff like homestarrunner01:24
teferiI had five years of spanish in high school...01:24
desrtMarkrian; strange place to come :)01:24
cafuegoMarkrian: http://babelfish.altavista.com/01:24
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teferibut some of it is all muddled with the Latin I had in college.01:24
Di42lowhat cool desktop tools ubuntu have ?01:24
Markriandesrt: I know, but this is like the only IRC channel I frequent :p01:24
chrisinatormarkrian use google transfer01:24
teferiso, um, I can probably still read it01:24
Markriancafuego: that doesn't help me much with it :p01:24
cafuegoMarkrian: "The tree when in there stands" ?01:25
=== ubuntuclient [~ubuntucli@adsl-69-105-50-153.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Markriancafuego: ...what?01:25
Markrianteferi: thanks, lemme just paste the email at paste.ubuntulinux.nl01:25
chrisinatordoes nyoe know how to get sound in flash in the internet01:26
ubuntuclient<--newbie question regarding wine...i am trying to execute a program suing wine but cannot cd to the program files directory within /.wine/c_drive, any ideas?01:26
mumblesright bed01:26
Markrianteferi: ok, it's up01:26
desrtanyone install the new xlibs on breezy today?01:26
teferidesrt: yeah01:26
abarbacciaubuntuclient, slash out the spaces01:26
teferidesrt: you have to clean out /etc/X11/xkb01:27
desrtteferi; how did you fix them? :)01:27
cafuegothey are downloading right now01:27
desrtteferi; i just did01:27
ablyssubuntuclient: "cd .wine/c_drive"01:27
abarbacciaubuntuclient, just type Progra then hit tab01:27
teferidesrt: did you delete the directory itself?01:27
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ubuntuclientslash out? you mean replace the space with a forward slash?01:27
Tomcat_chrisinator: You can see the video but hear no sound?01:27
desrtteferi; i just mkdir'd it.  worked.  thanks :)01:27
ablyss /.wine << no good01:27
ubuntuclientcopolio, thanks much01:27
teferidesrt: yeah, the directory has to be there for it to remove :)01:27
desrtsilly ubuntu01:28
chrisinatori think it might be my speaker, but im not sure01:28
teferiMarkrian: this seems to be garbage01:28
Tomcat_chrisinator: Do you have sound in other applications?01:28
desrttrix are for hedgehogs01:28
chrisinatorand mplayer01:28
kbrookstrix is ew01:28
teferiMarkrian: probably spam crap?01:28
ubuntuclient'abaraccia, i tried that but it doesn't auto fill in the rest of the directory01:28
DarkSpyMarkrian: it's about last name: FREYTTER -FLORIAN something like that01:28
teferieither that, or they're asking something about your name.01:28
ubuntuclienti can view it in file manager but cannot in cmi01:28
teferii think the second is more likely, upon second thought01:28
ubuntuclientcli that is01:28
DarkSpyprobably about your family tree01:29
mebaran151could some one help me setup pgsql01:29
teferiresponding "lo siento, no hablo espaol" will probably be a decent idea01:29
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Markrianweird... y'see, he first emailed me in English, but it was largely gibberish, so I assumed that he was just not very good with English and suggested he use spanish (he used a few spanish words), and since I did Spanish back at school I thought I'd have a better chance.. but what the hell.01:30
Tomcat_chrisinator: If you have sound in mplayer it should be working in Flash... did you install flash by using a package?01:30
teferiMarkrian: it's not particularly good spanish either, i think...01:30
teferithough it's been some time since spanish01:30
Markrianteferi: maybe he used babelfish on the English he sent me? :p01:30
chrisinatori used apt-get01:31
teferino, it's better than that01:31
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LuckyStrikeis there a simple mspaint like program I can use in ubuntu?01:31
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DarkSpyMarkrian: do you have spanish family?01:31
MarkrianNot as far as I know!01:31
kbrooksLuckyStrike, so not gimp?01:31
LuckyStrikegimp = adobe photoshop equivelant, I want a mspaint equivelant01:32
ubuntuclientneed help using wine, cannot change directory to the program files directory within .wine/c_drive, any other ideas?01:32
chrisinatormaybe it is my soundcard?01:32
cafuegoLuckyStrike: tuxpaint01:32
cafuegoLuckyStrike: Although I expect even that is nowhere neara s shit as mspaint ;-)01:32
LuckyStrikesounds like the thing for me01:33
Tomcat_chrisinator: It's really weird. If you got sound in mplayer and didn't install your flash plugin in a weird way, you should definitely have sound.01:33
chrisinatori think my computer is just crappy01:33
cafuegoLuckyStrike: If that's, not it, try 'xpaint'.01:33
DarkSpyMarkrian: the man who sent you the mail just wanted to know the origin of his last name01:33
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chrisinatorand also i am trying 2 do something01:33
cafuegoor gpaint01:33
cafuegoYes, gpaint is exactly as crap as mspaint.01:34
chrisinatorits kinda silly but i want the butons on top of my viewmate keyboard 2 work01:34
MarkrianDarkSpy: I see. Of course I'd know the answer to that! What a weirdo :/01:34
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LuckyStrikehmm a fair amount of updates to download for ubuntu01:34
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Tomcat_chrisinator: You can search the program "hotkeys" for a keyboard like yours... or create your own profile.01:35
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mpmcWhats everyone doing>01:36
chrisinatorcan nyone get tuxracer working01:36
cafuegoi'm breathing.01:37
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chrisinatorit wont work 4 me01:37
cafuegoit's my favourite hobby.01:37
Mezthe comp next to em jsu turned itself on01:37
ubuntuclientneed help using wine, cannot change directory to the program files directory within .wine/c_drive, any other ideas?01:37
Phiniteworking, sigh.01:37
PhiniteI'd love to be configuring my laptop wireless to work though01:37
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cafuegoubuntuclient: run .wine/c_drive/Program\\ Files/foo/bar.exe01:38
cafuegoubuntuclient: Note the DOUBLE \\ before the space01:38
=== Lacoste is now known as AmericanEagle
Wimpiedoes anybody know a good package that autodetects on which network my laptop connects so that the interfaces file sets up the proper network ?01:38
ubuntuclientthankx cafuego...i'll try that01:38
desrtcafuego; pretty sure you want triple there :)01:38
cafuegoubuntuclient: If that doesn't work, just cd into the application directory, then run ./foo.exe01:38
chrisinatorcan someone help me01:39
cafuegoEh, wine ./foo.exe01:39
Markriancafuego: I'm not sure the double \ is necessary to escape a space?01:39
cafuegoMarkrian: wine is a wrapper, so you need to escape the \ as well as the space.01:39
cafuegoI've needed to anyway01:39
HrdwrBoBcafuego: I generally wrap the whole thing in "01:39
MarkrianAh, I see, I've never noticed01:39
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HrdwrBoBrather than escaping01:39
chrisinatori am trying 2 get tuxracer working01:39
desrtcafuego; command foo\\ bar is 2 arguments01:39
lenoxmo /server irc.cl01:39
desrt"foo\" and "bar"01:39
=== LeeColleton [~lc@dsl254-021-168.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
HrdwrBoBgenerally better practise01:39
desrtcommand foo\\\ bar gives you "foo\ bar"01:40
=== cafuego removes it, since it no longer likes running on amd64.
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ubuntuclientcafuego: I don't knwo what else I could be dpoing wrong, it says no such file or location, I've double checked the spelling, but can't seem to cd to Program// Files01:41
cafuegoubuntuclient: \\ is not //01:41
cafuegoubuntuclient: if you weant to cd to it, use a single \.01:41
cafuegoubuntuclient: or quote it, like HrdwrBoB suggests.01:41
cafuegoubuntuclient: cd "~/.wine/c_drive/Program Files"01:42
PhiniteWimpie: ssidselect does that I believe01:42
Phinitegoogle that and see what you come up with01:42
ubuntuclienti see, leme give it another shot01:42
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ubuntuclientcafuego: Awesome, it worked, thanks for your help and patients!01:43
chrisinatorwill someone help me01:43
mike998does anyone know if there is a problem with the gdesklets server?01:43
pc16h hdfnc hyf ch ch h cdhskd  hw jus01:43
chrisinatori need help setting up pci cad01:43
pc16soy chileno conchetumadreeeee01:43
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LuckyStrikeI really like the gimp it is way more intuitive than photoshop01:44
chrisinatordoes anyone know how 2 set up a pci card on hoary01:44
cafuegochrisinator: Open box, insert card, boot, load driver if needed.01:44
kamstrumentalI JUST installed ubuntu... this is awesome.01:44
lauraI'm trying to ./configure --enable-gui, but it tells me that I need PNG support. When I try to download the newest version via Synaptic Package Manager, it gives me an error01:44
kamstrumentalI switched from Suse... I am novice with linux overall01:44
chrisinatorcafuego: this makes it so it goes black right before deskto01:44
cafuegolaura: ./configure what exactly?01:44
laura./configure --enable-gui01:45
cafuegochrisinator: Hmm. What card did you plug in?01:45
cafuegolaura: What software?01:45
chrisinatorcafuego: Voodoo 301:45
lauratrying to install Mplayer, following this guide: http://www.oldskoolphreak.com/tfiles/hack/ubuntu.txt01:45
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cafuegolaura: Ah ok. Does the precompiled one not have the gui?01:46
chrisinatorlaura: just search google mplayer deb file then do sudo apt-get mplayer01:46
lauraI didn't try it01:46
=== AlohaWulf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-121-123.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ce33nakamstrumental: congrats01:46
chrisinatorcafuego: Voodoo 3 PC1 Card01:46
cafuegolaura: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats has (I think) info on it.01:46
=== struggler [icechat5@h121.165.40.162.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegochrisinator: Ah ok. You need to reconfigure X for the new video card. Hit alt-F1 to switch to the console, log in, then run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86' and tell it you have a Voodoo3 now.01:47
cafuegochrisinator: no, I lied. Run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'01:48
strugglergrep: The -P option is not supported01:48
strugglergrep --version01:48
strugglergrep (GNU grep) 2.5.101:48
strugglergrep: The -P option is not supported01:48
strugglerthe man page says  -P, --perl-regexp  Interpret PATTERN as a Perl regular expression.01:48
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cafuegostruggler: try rgrep instead01:49
cafuegoHmm, also not.01:49
Phinitenetwork tools doesn't seem to be even seeing my wireless adapter, what can I do to find out why?01:49
strugglercafuego, well if that works the man page is still broken01:49
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cafuegoPhinite: is the adapter supported by Linux?01:49
lauraso can I just install a precompiled version of Mplayer?01:49
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cafuegolaura: yep01:50
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Phiniteyes, it has worked for non secure, but playing with secure I managed to make it go away ;)01:50
Phiniteit worked right out of the box on non secure01:50
strugglerrgrep: The -P option is not supported01:50
ce33naPhinite: look into ndiswrapper...can't help you though....My laptop is waiting for me to do the same01:50
cafuegoPhinite: d'oh!01:50
nameless1can someone help me out im tryin to load ut2004 and im getting the following error   Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual01:50
laurafrom where? i'm on the site, and it just isn't there01:50
cafuegolaura: let me see...01:50
Velcananyone familiar with making icon sets or know a good channel for that?01:50
kamstrumentalSince I am still novice, I have my HD partitioned off into 2 partitions.. 1 for Windows, and 1 for ubuntu.... I used partition magic in windows to create the partitions. When I decided to switch from suse to ubuntu, I deleted the partition with suse and left that partition as free space.. I restarted out of windows and booted off of ubuntu disk and installed. My problem is that I do not have a option to boot into windows.. I boot st01:50
kamstrumentalraight into ubuntu...?01:50
cafuegoubotu is dead!!!01:51
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ce33nakamstrumental: give me a minute to remember how to edit it back in01:51
cafuego!tell laura -about mplayer01:51
cafuegolaura: You just got a message from ubotu.01:52
teferihuh, that shouldn't have happened01:52
laurawill try, thanks much01:53
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PhiniteI'm getting an unknown interface wlan0... where do I go and configure that now?  it looks like it tried putting it as eth001:56
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HrdwrBoBPhinite: just use it as eth001:57
Phinitewhich is also not showing up anywhere.  how can I force the system to re aquire the information it had by default before?01:58
ce33nakamstrumental: still here?01:58
kbrooksI want to create a template01:58
kbrooksa file template01:58
kbrookshow do i do that01:58
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kamstrumentalyes i am01:59
ce33nakamstrumental: do you know how to edit a file in linux?01:59
kamstrumentali'd need a refresher02:01
kamstrumentalI know I must log in as admin to edit02:01
kamstrumentalthrough terminal02:01
ce33naopen a terminal windows on another desktop02:01
ce33natype "sudo gedit /boot/grub" and come back here02:01
ce33nait will ask for a password02:01
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kamstrumentalit opened brub file02:02
ce33naoops...sorry..wrong file02:02
kamstrumentallol ok02:03
ce33natype "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" and come back here02:03
kamstrumentalopened menu.lst02:03
Phinitemy wireless card isn't being picked up at all now under anyname.  how can I see what was loaded for it during boot and then how do I get it to comeup from there?02:03
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ce33nalook for a line that says something to the effect of "end debian automagic kernels list"02:04
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kamstrumentalit is blank02:04
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abrave2how do i run a session as the root user?02:04
Phiniteopen a session and sudo su -02:05
ce33nakamstrumental: what partition is your windows drive? the first one on the first hard drive?02:05
nameless1can someone tell me how to get rid of the following error that i get when trying to play ut200402:05
nameless1Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual02:05
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abrave2in a terminal or as the username?02:06
ce33nakamstrumental: if you are not sure..it probably is02:06
cafuegoPhinite: First off, check 'lspci'02:06
kamstrumentalyes, it is the largest...02:07
Phinitecafuego: will do.02:07
Phiniteabrave2: two ways, open a normal terminal and do the sudo su -02:07
kamstrumentalthe HD is 80Gigs and I partioned off about 8 for linux02:07
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Phiniteabrave2: other way is you can select root session through one of the gui dropdowns Applications | System Tools | Root Terminal02:07
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ce33nadirectly below "end debian blah blah.." enter each of these on a new line02:07
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Phiniteyou of course need the root pwd02:07
ce33nakamtstrumental: title windows02:08
cafuegoPhinite: There isn't a root password.02:08
ce33nakamtstrumental: root (hd0,0)02:08
ce33nakamtstrumental: savedefault02:08
ce33nakamtstrumental: makeactive02:08
ce33nakamtstrumental: chainloader +102:08
ce33nakamtstrumental: that is five new lines02:08
Phiniteoh, sorry, your own password and be in the sudoers list02:09
Phinitewasn't paying attention to what I was writing02:09
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Hoxzerhow can I setup samba to not to ask password when I try to browse the linux PC from windows02:09
Phinitecafuego: Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation: Unknown device 167d (rev 11)02:09
Phinitebut I swear it worked on first install with non-secure networks02:09
Phiniteit's an ipw220002:10
kamstrumentalce33na: the menu.lst has nothing in it...02:11
ce33nakamtstrumental: what file is it showing at the top02:11
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cafuegoPhinite: You'll be needing the non-free drivers for that, then.02:11
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cafuego!find ipw220002:12
bonkwhat's the port for apt-get?02:12
bonkis it?02:12
bonk'cause 80 isn't blocked here, but I can'02:12
cafuegobonk: 80 if it uses http and 21/20 or 1024+ if it's ftp.02:12
bonkcan't update02:12
Phinitecafuego: yahh.  I love that :)02:12
cafuegoPhinite: is ipw2200 loaded? (check lsmod)02:13
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bonkdoes anyone have any ideas why I can't apt-get update02:13
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bonkit simply can't connect02:14
cafuegobonk: Using a broken mirror perhaps?02:14
bonkI don't think it is, I'll try changing to ubuntu.com02:15
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bonkit says it's connecting, but just sits at 0%02:16
cafuegobonk: Do you have a http_proxy variable set/ Does that proxy exist? Can you telnet to port 80 on the archive server?02:16
bonkno idea02:16
bonkwhere do I start?02:16
Phinitecafuego: the version that comes out of the box is an old one that does support non secure, but not secure.  I've found a site and am reading how to deal with it.  I'll let you know if it works as I'm sure others will ask about this02:16
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Deterministhow do i mount a ntfs partition?02:16
ce33nakamtstrumental: that is a problem02:16
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cafuegobonk: telnet <server> 8002:16
ubotuI heard ntfs is the filesystem used under Windows XP. The Ubuntu installer can safely resize an NTFS partition to create a new partition for you to install Ubuntu. http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab02:17
cafuegoDeterminist: Fetch http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab02:17
ce33nakamtstrumental: gotta run02:17
Burgundaviacafuego, who runs ubotu?02:17
cafuegoBurgundavia: I do.02:17
Burgundaviacafuego, can you join me in #ubuntu-doc ?02:18
cafuegoBurgundavia: Sure02:18
bonkcafuego, nothing happens when I do thaty02:18
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BuckwheatAre there problems with the ubuntu repositories?  I've been getting MD5SUM mismatches on some files and I see a couple of other people have the same problem in the forums.02:18
ColonelKernelthats crazy you guys made parted part of the install02:18
ColonelKernelnice feature02:18
ColonelKernelvery very nice feature02:18
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ubotuXRayNuke: I haven't a clue02:18
ubotufrom memory, usrepos is if you get MD5Sum mismatches when doing apt-get installs don't use the us mirror.  Change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list02:19
XRayNukethanks hondje02:19
hondjeno prob :)02:19
Deterministcafuego, it says no useable windows partitions ...02:19
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XRayNukebuckwheat: yes, and you can fix it by looking at ubotu's instruction02:20
mike998hey guys, is there something along the lines of kuake for gnome?  It's an app that is basically a terminal similar to the quake terminal from the game of the same name02:20
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ivan__hi all a question ive installed xmms i know it can read the tracks because it shows them but i cant hear them, although i can hear them in the default cd player02:21
Deterministmike998, erm , you mean it looks the same or what?02:21
mike998Determinist: yah, I'd like to have the same behaviour02:21
mike998mmm eyecandy02:21
Deterministmike998, that could be nice :D02:22
mike998*sigh* ohh yeah02:22
mike998ctrl+alt+tildhe = instant terminal02:22
Phinitecafuego: so far so good :)02:22
mike998ivan__ do you have the correct output selected ?02:22
ivan__?? anyone a way to fix this ive tried somethings in the plugins section  but noo i cant hear02:22
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mike998Determinist: yeahconsole02:23
nameless1I NEED HELP can someone tell me how to fix this error Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual02:23
=== Determinist nods
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mike998ivan__: have you selected the correct output for xmms?02:24
ivan__yep mike ive tried with alsa, oss, esound and disk writer02:24
mike998ivan__: is the mute off?02:24
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Deterministivan__, check to see if the cd input plugin is configured correctly02:24
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ivan__i think it is mike because i can hear the cd from the default cd player02:25
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Eli2005Is there anyway on the Ubuntu LiveCD that I can access my Windows partiton?02:25
Deterministivan__, i dont think xmms uses any standard system thing to read the CDs , it has it's own plugin like winamp does02:25
Eli2005I'm sort of new to Linux02:25
kamstrumentaljust installed ubuntu.. on 2 partition computer... any way to get a boot menu up so I can go back to windows when needed?02:25
DeterministEli2005, mount the windows partitions02:26
mike998ivan__: are you getting any kind of display on xmms: is the song title scrolling ?02:26
Eli2005What would I type in the terminal (I'm new to Linux :( )02:26
ivan__its playing it02:26
ivan__but i cant hear it02:27
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ivan__it says stereo in right corner02:27
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ivan__14H kbps  44hz freq02:27
flodineis there a way to change the icons in gaim02:27
Deterministany idea about how to mount NTFS partitions?02:27
ivan__so i think it receives audio02:27
ivan__but cant output it or something02:27
XRayNukekamstrumental: so you can switch OSes at system startup, right?02:27
Eli2005Like I said, I'm brand new to Linux02:28
kamstrumentalXRayNuke: yes02:28
Eli2005Got my CD's in the mail this morning :)02:28
kamstrumentalI thought ubuntu would automatically set that up02:28
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ivan__any idea ___mike02:29
ColonelKernelcentos router w ubuntu workstation02:29
ColonelKernellife is good02:29
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mike998I'm afraid not02:29
flodinehey im new to linux'02:29
XRayNukekamstrumental: usually it does... anyway, you need to install GRUB on the disk your system boots from02:29
nameless1I NEED HELP can someone tell me how to fix this error Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual02:29
rob^!stupid bot02:29
ivan__mmm thnx02:29
ubotustupid rob^02:29
ivan__i think02:29
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ivan__ill search something02:29
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mike998sorry man02:29
flodineis there a way to change the icons in gaim help the newbie02:29
XRayNukeflodine: you mean the :) :( :P icons?02:30
RedDevilDeterminist: you must have the kernel compiled with NTFS support, or if you do not want to compile the kernel you can install a package that allows you to do that...02:30
jtaylorhmm... I bought a cheap little ata controller but when I add it, ubuntu doesnt start.  It loads grub, but then says it cant map the hd or something.  I left all the cables etc as is, just added the card.  Any ideas?02:30
lcddoh yeah, why doesn't d-i handle ntfs partitions so that you could set a mount point during the installation?02:30
kamstrumentalKRayNuke: stupid question... how do I tell which disk it boots from?02:30
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somelusercan anyone fix a broken nvidia driver and tell me why GL games freeze my system?02:30
cptanalatristehi there...!02:31
ubotuI heard sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto02:31
mike998Where is my xdefaults under xorg?02:31
XRayNukekamstrumental: check your BIOS settings. It's probably configured to start from the first hard drive it sees, which is usually the master drive on the first ATA bus in your machine.02:31
mike998ohhh baby02:32
mike998don't worry - I found it02:32
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mike998Determinist: you still here?02:32
XRayNukekamstrumental: since you can't get into windows, it's probably booting from whatever disk you installed ubuntu on02:32
dwstilwhere can i find a printable document on connecting to the internet via modem on the wiki?02:32
kamstrumentalKRayNuke: so the partition with linux on it is recognized as the master drive?02:32
dwstili've searched everywhere and can't find anythign02:32
MrI need to know ow to log in to the gui as root or give give a regular user admin privledges02:33
nameless1I NEED HELP can someone tell me how to fix this error Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual02:33
Deterministmike998, aye02:33
XRayNukekamstrumental: on your system it must be02:33
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mike998Determinist: yeahconsole is really cool02:33
XRayNukekamstrumental: you're in Ubuntu now, right?02:33
XRayNukekamstrumental: do you have a /boot/grub folder?02:33
Deterministmike998, too much eyecandy for me i think mate :)02:33
mike998ctrl+alt+y = instant console02:34
mike998it's hidden the rest of the time02:34
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someluserCan anyone help me fix my broken nvidia driver and tell me why GL games freeze my system?02:34
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kamstrumentalXRayNuke: no grub folder in the boot folder02:34
Deterministhmmm , fdisk -l shows i have 2 windows partitions namely hda1 and hda2 but /dev/hda1 or /dev/hda2 do not exist , why would this happen?02:36
XRayNukekamstrumental: sounds like your install procedure skipped over GRUB somehow. GRUB is the default Ubuntu bootloader, and can be configured to boot Windows or whatever. Usually the Ubuntu installer installs GRUB. On my system it found WinXP automatically and added it to the boot menu02:36
Ahabhow can I remove a shortcut (I know I'm probably using the wrong terminology here) from the applications list in gnome?  I got rid of realplayer but it's still listed in applications -> sound & video?  I right clicked on it ala windows but the context menu didn't give me a delete option.02:36
ubotumethinks grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto02:36
nameless1I NEED HELP can someone tell me how to fix this error Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual02:36
Deterministany idea why ubuntu isnt using grub 2?02:37
Howitzerdoes anybody know where to get the NV-CONTROL extenstion?02:37
bonkcould someone please help? I can't sudo apt-get update, it "could not connect". I can ping the server fine, but apt-get can't establish contact02:37
kamstrumentalXRayNuke: I must have went through installation and missed the option or someting.. can i boot from cd and load that option?02:37
mike998Ahab: check out the forums for SMEG it's a menu editing piece of software02:37
XRayNukeokay, that's not very helpful.02:38
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XRayNukekamstrumental: I'm not sure.02:38
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bonkanyone know why?02:38
somelusernameless1: what videocard do you have and what is your xorg.conf file set to load as your driver?02:38
Ahabmike998, thanks02:38
tdmghey there guys :D02:38
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kamstrumentalXRayNuke: brb, i'm going to try that... would'nt hurt to try i guess...02:38
XRayNukekamstrumental: try booting from the ubuntu install CD, typing "expert"02:38
haroldHello family02:38
tdmgI'm having problems (as you might have expected)02:38
lcddHowitzer: the nvidia binary driver provides it02:39
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dwstilis a package is already in debain it's already under ubuntu as well, right?02:39
dwstil*if a02:39
XRayNukekamstrumental: at the boot prompt, and then scrolling down to the Install GRUB menu entry02:39
tdmgis there a line here, or should I just say what my problem is?02:39
nameless1someluser, i have a ati radeon x800pro  my xorg.conf is setup with the default stuff i got gl to work i think as i did some gl test with cogs but i cant get fgl or whatever its called to work and i need that for unreal200402:39
=== Mats [~mats@ADijon-151-1-20-140.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzernvidia-kernel-common - NVIDIA binary kernel module common files02:39
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tdmg*waits for answer*02:40
somelusernameless1: tell me what the driver is set to in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file02:40
HaroldHo Seveas02:40
nameless1someluser, glxgears works but the fglxgears does not work02:40
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nameless1someluser, what part of the xorg will it be in02:40
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somelusernameless1: it will be labeled as your graphics card, usually towards the middle of the file02:41
nameless1Section "Device"02:41
nameless1Identifier"ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon X800 Pro (R420 JI)"02:41
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Haroldnalioth, As soon as I show up, you decide to stop working, huh?02:41
nameless1someluser,  is that what you meant?02:41
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jtaylorI add an ATA card to my system.  When it boots grub, the linux kernel sees my onboard ide card AFTER the new ATA card causing my HD to show up as hde instead of hda which of course causes init to hang as it cannot find the root partition on hda.  Any ideas how to fix this?02:42
somelusernameless1: don't paste02:42
Howitzeri have a weird problem02:42
somelusernameless1:  but yes02:42
Haroldnalioth, Did I seem pissy the other day?02:42
Howitzeri cannot use openGL02:42
Howitzerit says i don't have openGL02:42
nameless1someluser,  do you know how to fix it?02:42
Howitzerbut that's bull****02:42
somelusernameless1: hold on02:42
dwstili can install from source files if i don't have the internet in a terminal right?02:42
naliothHarold: pissy?02:43
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Haroldnalioth, Seveas I finally got my wireless card working, and it looks like I'm sticking with Ubuntu.02:43
tdmgguys, everything freezes up when I start X.  I'll log in, and within the first 5 minutes it will freeze.  It doesn't seem to be related to any program or anything. I might just go to the bathroom and I'll come back and it's frozes02:43
Haroldnalioth, I was frustrated, trying to get this wireless card going.02:43
=== brian_ [~brian@cpe-204-210-89-9.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerif you have a connection in a winow manager you MUST have a connection in your terminal02:43
franktdmg: are you using a athlon64?02:43
Haroldnalioth, Looks like madwifi worked on this old Mac.02:43
Howitzerproblem found? :D02:43
somelusernameless1: read this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2455702:43
XRayNukejtaylor: take out the ATA card, change your grub settings to account for the ordering change, shut down, put the card back in, reboot.02:44
tdmgI have the AMD64 version though02:44
naliothHarold: i saw no problems02:44
franktdmg: maybe you have the same powernowd fuck as I have02:44
Howitzeradrian@ubuntu:~$ nvidia-settings02:44
HowitzerERROR: NV-CONTROL extension not found on this Display.02:44
Howitzeri installed everything02:44
tdmgfrank, what does that mean for me?02:44
Haroldnalioth, Pissy/pissed off/frustrated/impatient02:44
franktdmg: this problem can happen in both amd64 and i386 versions02:44
XRayNukejtaylor: there's an argument to the grub statement that starts the Linux kernel that tells it what disk and partition to use for root02:44
Haroldnalioth, Now: Happy/happy/joy/joy02:44
jtaylorXRayNuke, that sux though since I have a lot of software raid settings that depends on hda, etc02:44
somelusernameless1: g2g02:44
nameless1someluser, k ill try that... i doubt it will fix it tho i already tried alot of this stuff brb02:44
HaroldXRayNuke, When's that game of Quake?02:45
nameless1someluser, k thanx for your help, bye02:45
somelusernameless1: later02:45
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HaroldXRayNuke, Or Marathon?02:45
tdmgummmm....what's a powernowd anyway?02:45
franktdmg: try   sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/powernowd  to disable powernowd and reboot02:45
tdmgokay, thanks! :D02:45
XRayNukeHarold: not today sorry, i'm leaving for San Diego and Comiccon in a few hours :-/02:45
naliothHarold: great to hear02:45
tdmgI'll see how it goes02:45
=== Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
tdmgwhat is a powernowd though? will I be limiting myself?02:45
HaroldXRayNuke, Not today; I'm not prepared either.  Have fun at Comicon.  Say hello to Starbuck for me.  (Or Apollo; whoever it is who's always there.)02:46
=== RuffianSoldier [user@cpe-24-209-106-36.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Haroldnalioth, You've been an outstanding help.02:46
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HaroldSeveas, Thank you for your help with getting my Ubuntu installation up and running, too.02:46
franktdmg: It slows down the cpu when you are not using it so disableing only runs it at full speed all the time02:46
Madpilothi all.02:46
tdmgFrank, thanks again, I'll update you in a bit :)02:47
Haroldnalioth, So I'm using dillo - I believe you mentioned it to me - and I've also got Kazehakase installed, though I believe it takes took much of my 64MB RAM.02:47
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XRayNukejtaylor: sorry, if there's a deeper solution, i haven't been using GRUB long enough to know it. I can tell you that reordering drives in your BIOS won't do anything because once Linux boots it ignores all the BIOS settings.02:48
spermMD5Sum mismatch02:48
spermanyone know how to fix that shit02:48
naliothsperm: yes i do02:48
nalioth!good bot02:48
ubotuthanks nalioth :)02:48
ubotuI heard usrepos is if you get MD5Sum mismatches when doing apt-get installs don't use the us mirror.  Change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list02:48
naliothsperm: ^^^^^02:48
Madpilotso what happened this morning, anyway? I left IRC running, and got back from work just now to find some huge flood had happened & then I'd been cut off...02:48
DarkSpycan't install kdelibs4-dev because it asks for kde 3.4.0 and I've got 3.4.1 version.. shouldn't there be a package for 3.4.1?02:48
ubotuHarold: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?02:49
Haroldubotu, Some of the ladies believe so.02:49
ubotuHarold: Wish i knew02:49
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Haroldubotu, Would you really?02:49
ubotuHarold: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?02:49
frankwhat ??? lol02:49
MadpilotHarold: stop teasing the poor bot...02:49
HaroldMadpilot, That's a bot?02:49
HaroldMadpilot, A clownbot02:50
MadpilotHarold: u-BOT-u.02:50
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hondjeno, it's a real person02:50
hondjehe was injured in a tragic snowboarding accident02:50
HaroldMadpilot, J/K, I know.  Didn't know that's how the name was formed, though.02:50
Madpilotis there some list of all of ubotu's ! commands somewhere?02:50
hondjenow he sits on IRC and slams speed, staying awake 24/7 to answer questions02:50
ubotuhmm... ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:50
HaroldMadpilot, Good question.02:50
ubotuHarold: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about02:50
MadpilotHarold: apparently entering names or nicks is one of the verboten things...02:51
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HaroldMadpilot, What is "verboten"?02:51
naliothyes, verboten02:51
=== gm78 [~gm78@S01060004e28f5eac.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothHarold: german for "not allowed"02:51
ubotuHarold: No idea02:51
hondjeforbidden :)02:51
MadpilotHarold: probably mis-spelled german...02:51
=== bgstratt [~bgstratt@68-64-172-28.clspco.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
frankwhere can we see the ubotu commands?02:52
hondjeall german is misspelled02:52
gm78Hey all. I just uninstalled proftpd but it says it is started from inetd, and the server is still running, how do i shut off the server, and if i leave it installed, how do i prevent it from loading at boot time02:52
tankiwhat's the german word for http://www.math.vt.edu/people/jbwillia/computer.gif02:52
hondjethat's why I can't read it02:52
Haroldnalioth, Ah, I had a feeling it was "forbidden" or something.  (That's what it *sounds* like.)02:52
Haroldhondje, LOL02:52
=== Zaphod_ is now known as Agrajag
Haroldhondje, And English is a Germanic language, did you know that?02:52
hondjeYes, I know the germans stole our fine language02:52
zoofieldsit's all proto-IndoEuropean02:53
flughgm78: try 'update-rc.d -f proftpd remove' at the command line to remove all startup links for proftpd02:53
Haroldhondje, Actually, we derived it from the Germanic languages...*or some the Germans would have us believe*...:)02:54
flughgm78: 'man update-rc.d' to see info on the command02:54
hondjeI know better than to believe an obvious troll like that02:54
Haroldhondje, Huh?02:54
hondjewe made it, then the english took it, then the dutch, and then the germans02:54
tankiso what, everyone ripped off the greeks02:54
hondjeyeah, poor greeks02:55
hondjethey got a bum deal02:55
Madpilotfine language? English, to misquote someone else, doesn't borrow words from other languages. It chases them down alleyways and mugs them for words...02:55
Haroldhondje, Who do you mean "we"?02:55
naliothHarold: may i point you toward a software that will introduce you to software compiling02:55
flughi knew a chic who was into that greek stuff02:55
hondjethe royal we to mean americans02:55
HaroldMadpilot, I understand English is one of the most difficult languages to learn.02:55
Haroldnalioth, Trying to get rid of me, huh nalioth?02:55
gm78flugh, alright, thx...ill try that in a minute02:55
hondjelike, the italians wouldn't even HAVE pasta if napoleon didn't take it from the greeks and give the secret recipe to them02:55
Haroldnalioth, Absolutely02:55
naliothHarold: not at all, just some simple lessons02:56
ChurcH_of_FoamYnalioth ,hi ^_^02:56
PhiniteI'm configuring my wifi with wpa and everything looks great... but I'm not getting an ip.  what can I look at to see why... ie, is my key wrong, etc...02:56
naliothHarold: and a BIG benefit to you02:56
frankhondje: ???  of course!02:56
Phinitejust seeing that nothing is returning is useless02:56
naliothChurcH_of_FoamY: howdy02:56
HaroldAnyone: Know how to properly configure dillo?  So I don't have to login as root in order to run it?02:56
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HaroldChurcH_of_FoamY, Hello again02:56
ChurcH_of_FoamYhi ^_^02:56
=== TonyB [~TonyB@c-24-91-238-10.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Haroldnalioth, I'd *love* to learn some more.02:57
ny3rangerok how do i log onto root in graphical mode02:57
ChurcH_of_FoamYkinda took a nap on the keyboard >.<02:57
tankiChurcH_of_FoamY, i did that once my screen filled up with zz's02:57
ny3rangerand i dont think i set up a password for it02:57
Quest-MasterI could never possibly do that02:57
ny3rangeris there a default?02:57
ChurcH_of_FoamYlol ^_^02:57
mbirkisny3ranger: you don't wanna do that...02:57
Quest-MasterI can't sleep unless I'm in a sleeping/sitting position not doing anything lol02:57
hondjeny3ranger: that's not a good idea02:57
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ny3rangerno i just installed it02:57
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tankiQuest-Master, can you type with your eye's closed02:57
mbirkisny3ranger: in ubuntu the root account is disabled by default02:57
tankiif you can, it's easy to fall asleep at the keyboard02:58
Quest-Mastertanki: Sadly, yes02:58
ny3rangerhow do i enable it02:58
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ny3rangercause i want to install software02:58
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ny3rangerhow do i install it if root is disablede02:58
DekaPinkIs it okay to install Firefox 1.05 from the file at their site? :302:58
tankiQuest-Master, :)02:58
naliothny3ranger: logging in as root to your graphical environment can cause some serious account access problems on your user accounts02:58
Phiniteny3ranger: juse use sudo02:58
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flughny3ranger: use sudo02:58
socommHello, I typing this with my eyes closed.02:58
shrayI demand remuneration02:58
flughny3ranger, when prompted for a password, type your password02:58
shrayMy ubuntu didn't make me happy02:58
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ny3rangerwhat sudo?02:58
flughny3ranger, or, do a 'sudo -s' to get a root shell02:58
tankisocomm, http://www.math.vt.edu/people/jbwillia/computer.gif02:58
=== Roturgo [~shadowman@siouxfallsDHCP-14.216-254-234.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
ny3rangerwhats sudo?02:58
ubotufrom memory, sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo02:58
Phinitesocomm: we are typing back that way... I'm still not asleep though, mind you it's getting comfotable this way02:58
hondjeread that, ny3ranger02:58
tankisocomm, it best expresses my feeling today battling with iptables02:59
shray!rm -rf /02:59
ubotushray: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about02:59
kamstrumentalis nuke still here?02:59
socommtanki: Haha.02:59
tankisocomm, do you happen to play socom for ps2?02:59
socommtanki: No.03:00
flughi have socom on my ps2. i suck at it03:00
tankiI prefer xbox live03:00
tankimy head is too big for the ps2 headset lol03:00
shrayif you really want to run X as root.. do sudo startx03:00
shrayhey how come they dont make ubuntu come with fluxbox03:01
shrayI want fubuntu damnit!!03:01
hondjebecause no one likes fluxbox03:01
shrayfubuntu <303:01
=== shray opens up sourceforge page
hondjedistrowatch confirms it, *box is dying03:01
tankiDoes anyone know when breezy goes stable if they will keep the name?03:01
flughi'm gonna make a howard stern theme and call it 'boobuntu'03:01
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socommI got an xbox last week just to mod it, and turn it into media thingamajig.03:01
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shrayIM DYING03:01
shraythe last of the aryan race03:02
=== rainingzigzags [~zigzags@h91.227.40.162.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
shraysave me I'm extinct03:02
hondjePoor shray :(03:02
shrayisnt that what ubuntu's all about ?? :(03:02
rainingzigzagswhats a good irc server to run under linux?03:02
tankiquick, someone give shray 10 mg of caffeine, stat!03:02
tankiand a porno03:02
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=== shray faps
tankiwe have a geek in need03:02
=== hondje injects shray with bawlz
tankii repeat a geek in need03:02
socommtanki: An upper and a downer.03:02
tankisocomm, haha03:02
XRayNukerainingzigzags: unrealircd03:02
shray    * Send this page to somebody03:02
shray"Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". Ubuntu also means "I am what I am because of who we all are". The Ubuntu Linux distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world.03:02
shraywtf GIMME!!03:02
shrayI want that!03:02
rainingzigzagsxraynuke, ty03:03
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tankishray, come to #ubuntu-offtopic, i'll give you a link to a girl's butt03:03
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Burgundavialet keep it on topic here, ok?03:03
tbitehi. can anyone help me? i accidentally did something to the "system tray" in the top right corner of the screen, and now i cant see icons such as gaim on there any more, even though its still running if i close the contact list window cause i can hear noises coming from it.03:03
tbiteno other icons show in the system tray any more either03:04
tbiteall ive got now in the top right is just the date/time and the volume control03:04
shrayhey wtf03:04
shraymy penis is hard03:04
wolkitbite, right-click on the panel and add a notification area03:04
socommHmmm, anyone working on getting porn-get to work under Ubuntu?03:05
tbiteyay, thanks wolki03:05
hondjesocomm: I gave it a shot03:05
wolkisocomm, isn't porn-get broken anyway?03:05
hondjeits so dated it wasn't worth the work03:05
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Burgundaviasocomm, please take it elsewhere03:05
=== ChurcH_of_FoamY continues to desighn clock parts for his wooden clock
socommBurgundavia: It was joke, get over yourself.03:06
hondjeChurcH_of_FoamY: what did you end up using for cad stuff?03:06
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shrayMY PENIS IS HARD!!03:06
Burgundaviasocomm, that didn't come through in irc, and some might not understand03:06
rainingzigzagsi just downloaded unrealircd and it is a tar.gz file... how do i install those kind of files??? i am new to linux03:06
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ChurcH_of_FoamYnow i need to edit some adobie documents03:07
socommBurgundavia: I dont care.03:07
Burgundaviasocomm, please read the ubuntu code of conduct again03:07
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wolkirainingzigzags, installing from a tar.gz can be a bit complicated03:07
=== harris|u [~harris@pool-141-154-83-209.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
tankiChurcH_of_FoamY, are you really building a clock?03:07
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harris|uCan someone point me to some reading on installing different GNOME themes?03:08
ChurcH_of_FoamYyes it will be made completely outta wood when i'm done03:08
wolkirainingzigzags, usually these packages are the pure source code. where did you get the package?03:08
ChurcH_of_FoamYit will be an all wood grandfather clock03:08
tankinice, i suck at woodwork03:08
Burgundaviaharris|u, just drag the theme to the theme installer03:08
Burgundaviaharris|u, can be downloaded at art.gnome.org or gnome-looks.org03:08
tankiyou have to have too much patience03:08
rainingzigzagswolki, from undrealircd.com03:08
ChurcH_of_FoamYeven the movement, which will be wight driven will be of wood03:08
socommBurgundavia: I get lost.03:08
harris|uBurgundavia: thanks03:08
tankii usually get fustrated and set it on fire at some point03:08
=== keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Burgundaviasocomm, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct03:09
wolkirainingzigzags, a moment please, i'll take a look at it03:09
XRayNukehmm, there's a dancer-ircd in the package system03:09
=== ChurcH_of_FoamY wonders if theres a program it test the motions of gears
rainingzigzagswolki, ok03:09
XRayNukei only recommended unrealircd because we use it here03:09
hondjeChurcH_of_FoamY: they're not very easy :)03:10
socommBurgundavia: Again, I dont care about this stuff. If someone lacks a sense of homour, thats their problem not mine.03:10
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje what the the program?03:10
Burgundaviasocomm, if you cannot follow the ubuntu code of conduct, do not be in #ubuntu. It is that clear03:10
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hondjeChurcH_of_FoamY: if you know fortran I can dig it up :)03:11
malakhisocomm: this is the official Ubuntu room. If you don't like the rules, leave.03:11
socommBan me if you like.03:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYsocomm is it really nessisary for you to be such a bumbling idiot cause if so please go away03:11
cafuegosocomm: Seems like that's what _you_ like.03:11
hondjeisn't this 'with us or against us' attitude go against the humanity thing?03:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje no i never had used it before03:11
cafuegohondje: maybe after the revolution comes03:12
socommChurcH_of_FoamY: Nice spelling.03:12
tankiChurcH_of_FoamY, those grandfather ones always freaked me out a little especially the ones where a wooden bird comes flying out at 1203:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYsocomm and your point03:12
wolkirainingzigzags, ok, you'll have to compile it yourself. this is usually not difficult, but takes a little work since you'll have to install some developer packages03:12
Madpilothondje: there's an exception for idiots, isn't there?03:12
tankiChurcH_of_FoamY, i think because my grandma told me it was a real bird once, and i felt sorry that it had to live inside a clock03:12
harris|uBurgundavia: The Theme Manger says the .theme file I have downloaded is the wrong format. .theme is the extension, correct?03:12
cafuegosocomm: if you want to be banned, just ask for it, don't troll for half an hour first.03:12
hondjeI woudln't think so03:12
=== comadreja [~comadreja@comadreja.active.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu
rainingzigzagswolki, can u pm me and walk me through it? i've never compiled anything before03:12
comadrejahow do I change my keyboard's language ?03:12
wolkirainingzigzags, first open synaptic (you'll need it)03:13
qt2anyone know much about samba?03:13
ChurcH_of_FoamYtanki yea i know this one won't have the little bird thats proprietary to black forest cuckoo clocks03:13
socommcafuego: I am not trolling, all I did was make a joke.03:13
hondje"I am what I am because of who we all are"03:13
tankiChurcH_of_FoamY, what does that mean, if you build one with a bird, you get sued?03:13
socommIf you cant take a simple joke its not my fault.03:13
ChurcH_of_FoamYtanki i just read ip lol thats awsome03:13
hondjeSo we should all take full blame for all this unkubaya feeling03:13
=== cafuego points up and declines to repeat others
qt2i'm trying to set up a windows file and printer sharing style network with two ubuntu boxes.03:14
tankihaha make a star wars clock and sell it, then george lukeas will have some lawyers at your door the next day03:14
ChurcH_of_FoamYtanki no just taht if you make one it's a copy cat thing don't think theres legal isshues though03:14
=== Mr [~chatzilla@c-67-176-103-122.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hondjeand then you'd get slashdotted03:14
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HrdwrBoBChurcH_of_FoamY: ,... no that's legal issues03:14
Mrwill someone please help me03:14
cafuegoMr: with what?03:14
socommMr: Just ask.03:14
=== hondje thinks the embrace philosophy should extend to trolls, too
Mri need to copy a file from my windows partition but it tells me i dont have permission03:15
ChurcH_of_FoamYHrdwrBoB well just in case i'm not putting a birdie in the clock anyways lol03:15
naliothmr  are you watching me?03:15
Mri tried to log in as rott ut i cant03:15
naliothmr i can help you03:15
tdmghey guys, I'm having problems getting use to using Linux/Ubuntu, is there anyone out there willing to work with a newbie? :D03:16
cafuegoMr: You can copy it using sudo, or you can mount the windows partition with the 'umask=000' option.03:16
naliothmr watch nalioths_dog03:16
ChurcH_of_FoamYit will be kinda spookie though i'm tinkering with an 18th century gothic theme that i saw once03:16
nalioths_dogMr: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partitions mount automatically03:16
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cafuegoMr: ie: sudo cp /mnt/windows/foo/bar/file.txt ~user/Desktop03:16
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naliothmr nalioths_dog has sent you some instructions above03:16
Mrcp is the terminal copy command?03:16
naliothcafuego: let him use the script03:17
cafuegoMr: yes03:17
Roturgoto log in as root, set a password first by running sudo passwd...then you can su to root with your new password03:17
Mrthere is no way that i can log in as root?03:17
ubotumethinks root is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo03:17
ubuntuguidetdmg: what sort of problems?03:17
Mrin the gui03:17
cafuegoRoturgo: No, it is far better to realise you don't need to log in as root at all.03:17
Roturgoindeed, I never do, but he wanted to know how so I told him03:17
ChurcH_of_FoamYit's my first project though so i have no idea how it will actually turn out....it's for my grandparents 80th annivirsary03:17
naliothmr if you use the script nalioths_dog sent you, you won't need root03:17
BurgundaviaMr, read the wiki page, it explains a lot03:17
Mrthanl you all03:17
=== bimberi [~bimberi@DC-244-83.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuXRayNuke: I give up, what is it?03:18
uboturumour has it, msttcorefonts is apt-get install msttcorefonts - you'll need universe enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list first.03:18
XRayNukethanks guys :)03:18
=== hybrid_goth [~root@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
naliothhybrid_goth: welcome back03:18
hybrid_gothnalioth: thanx03:18
tdmgubuntuguide, I PMed you...........03:18
Madpilotubotu msfonts is apt-get install msttcorefonts - you'll need universe enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list first.03:18
ubotuokay, Madpilot03:18
hybrid_gothnalioth: long time man.03:18
naliothhybrid_goth: how was your vacation?03:18
Madpilotthere, now both versions work. msfonts is easier to remember!03:19
MrI have a non ubuntu problem then:  I want to run CollegeLinux but the bootloder installs to hda which is my cdrom drive for some reason does anyone know a way t ochange this?03:19
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hybrid_gothnalioth: i msged you03:19
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naliothhybrid_goth: are you registered?03:20
cafuegonalioth: he is not.03:21
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naliothhybrid_goth: i am wearing a shield, check your server window03:21
naliothcafuego: thx03:21
zenlunaticthere is this little verticle bar in the top panel of gnome. does anyone know what it is or how to get rid of it?03:21
hybrid_gothnalioth: i need to register03:22
hondjezenlunatic: right click on it?03:22
Burgundaviazenlunatic, by the sound?03:22
cafuegonalioth: freenode + irssi can make regietered/unregister users hilight different.03:22
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flodineanyone running E1703:22
naliothcafuego: hows that?03:22
zenlunaticoh nm i removed it. i think it was a seperator.03:22
hybrid_gothnalioth: ill brb03:22
XRayNukezenlunatic: I think that marks the edge of the GNOME system tray03:22
qt2ugh, could someone point me to a good ubuntu file and printer sharing guide?03:22
comadrejahow do I change my keyboard's language in gnome ?03:22
ubotuwell, samba is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba03:23
Burgundaviazenlunatic, there is the notification area (sys tray to others)03:23
rob^gt2 what ubotu said03:23
naliothcafuego: can you point me to a URL on how to enable "registerd vs feral"?03:23
rob^qt2 what ubotu said03:23
cafuegonalioth: freenode can send an extra char with registered users, which an irssi script can reinterpret as colour. I see registered users as green, unregistered as red.03:23
Burgundaviazenlunatic, it is marked by a vertical bar made up of horizontal lines03:23
cafuegonalioth: Sure, just a moment.03:23
zenlunaticBurgundavia: yes03:23
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qt2ubotu, rob^, thanks... :)03:23
ubotuqt2: No idea03:23
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Madpilotnalioth: msg NickServ03:24
Ensiferumhello. doesn anyone know why emacs is not obeying .emacs settings. as if something was overriding those settings?03:24
Ensiferumdriving me insane03:24
Madpilotnalioth: then ask for help03:24
cafuegonalioth: /QUOTE capab identify-msg03:24
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cafuegonalioth: I use a script called 'format_identify.pl' to handle the colouring.03:25
hybrid_gothnalioth: did you get my msg now?03:25
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cafuegonalioth: http://web.archive.org/web/20040604065734/http://svn.ben.reser.org/format_identify/releases/current/format_identify.pl03:26
cafuegoCan Xorg use OTF fonts?03:27
=== bpuccio [~brian@ool-457a9d77.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
qt2how strange.... apparently there's supposed to be more settings than there are... >.>03:28
naliothcafuego: thx03:28
=== Roturgo is now known as Roturgo_
zenlunatichow do i get more package selection without using ubuntu guide?03:29
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naliothcafuego: is that extra character a "+" before each sentence?03:29
cafuegonalioth: Yep.03:29
cafuegonalioth: Via the script (url I pasted) you can reformat that with colour codes.03:30
=== IIIEars [~billharps@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kUsertheres any way to change in ubuntu the aspect of qt aplications as Konversation, to select a littler font for example?03:30
cafuegoI have /set format_identified_nick "%G$0" and /set format_unidentified_nick "%R$0"03:31
IIIEarsHello "Ubuntu"ans03:31
=== zenlunatic [~zenlunati@pcp0011110799pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilothi IIIEars03:32
IIIEarsHi Madpilot! :)03:32
=== Sheng [~soup@cpe-24-92-61-26.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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Shengi'm going to install ubuntu on my 15gb free partition03:34
=== Jet2k5 [~zero@fl-71-3-165-183.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shengdoes anyone konw how ot set the boot installer so that windows automatically loads XP, unless you choose linux?03:34
Jet2k5hey guys would installing 32-bit on 64-bit processor a good thing?03:34
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IIIEarsfound a nice app in GNU Backgammon. - worth a try if you play.03:34
ubotuwell, sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto03:34
=== Jet2k5 doesn't want to deal with chroot
Madpilotzenlunatic: check what ubotu just said03:34
Shengis this made in africa?03:34
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ubotuit has been said that ubuntu is an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com. It means 'Humanity to others'.03:36
cafuegoSheng: nah03:36
ubotumethinks ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.03:36
naliothcafuego: was that script meant for any version of irssi?03:36
ricsI need help configuring GRUB03:36
ubotu[newusers]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUbuntuUsers03:36
Discipuluscan someone add that to the topic?03:36
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ricsHow can I change the default system to boot in GRUB?03:36
=== nasky [~nasky@APuteaux-152-1-3-21.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegonalioth: I'm running 0.8.6+cvs.20031114-1 (irssi-snapshot on sarge)03:37
IIIEarscafuego - Your bot is an info gold mine. - grin03:37
tiglionabbitrics: yes you can.  Find the line that tarts with "Default" in /boot/grub/menu.lst03:37
naliothcafuego: hmmm when i loaded it, it threw an error at line 49 (which is commented out)03:37
tiglionabbitdoh, I always read the questions as "can I" instead of "how can I"03:37
naliothcafuego: and it didnt load03:37
cafuegonalioth: Peculiar, let me download it03:38
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=== someluser [~someluser@70-32-157-34.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
someluserCan anyone help me troubleshoot my nvidia card?03:39
=== stan-am [~nico@OL52-237.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegonalioth: That version is identical to mine, which loads OK. What irssi version are you running?03:40
stan-amhello everyone03:41
Shengi'm going to dual boot ubuntu and xp on my system03:41
=== adme [~admin@24-113-101-102.wavecable.com] has joined #ubuntu
Shengis there anything i need to know about this prior to installation?03:41
HrdwrBoBinstall XP first03:41
Shengit is03:41
abarbacciahey guys - i'm having a lot of trouble installing transcode and a few other libraries - anybody know what to do (libc6 depency problems)03:41
stan-amcan anyone give me a hand installing Suns bin installer ????03:41
jsgotangcoand backup your data03:41
Shengand i want a simple boot chooser03:41
cafuegoSheng: Nope, it's pretty much automagical provided you install XP first.03:41
Shengtext only03:41
HrdwrBoBSheng: ubuntu will provide boot menu automatially03:41
Shengand i want it to go into xp automatically03:42
ricstiglionabbit, after I made the changes I need to run anything?03:42
Shengbecause my mom gets confused using it03:42
=== FoamY_is_PagaN wonders why the invisible theme for gkrellm takes up so much cpu >.<
cafuegoSheng: And changing the default on the boot menu is trivial.03:42
=== Rotund [~joe@d17-163.rb.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
abarbacciaSheng, editing one line of one file will do it03:42
Shengalso, is there a way to get my wifi card to work automatically03:42
cafuegoSheng: You can either move the windows ebtry to the top or set it to boot entry 3 by default.03:42
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tiglionabbitrics: you could run "update-grub" to check the file for problems03:42
XRayNukeSheng: depends on your WiFi card obviously03:42
stan-am can anyone give me a hand installing Suns bin installer ????03:42
Shengit says to compile it03:42
Shengi have the driver03:42
admei hosed my system a bit and accidentally removed xbase-clients - now thru apt-get it says it has unmet depends...03:42
IIIEarsSheng - know a little about vi text editor if your grub  menu.lst shuld need adjustment03:42
Shengbut it gives you instructions to compile it and that's hard03:43
admeyet those depends are not found03:43
stan-am can anyone give me a hand installing Suns bin installer ????03:43
=== blmartin777 [~brandon@c-67-185-23-199.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuego!info rt250003:43
Naskyhi i'm french and i'm using Ubuntu for 2 days. But i have a little "problem" with Fluxbox. Should I use this channel ?03:43
admexhost, xrandr, xsetpointer, etc03:43
hondjeNasky: as long as you speak english, this is the place03:43
cafuego!find rt250003:43
Naskythx :)03:43
frankNasky: If you help in french there is #ubuntu-fr03:43
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Naskyfrank, ye i know but i wanna improve my english :p03:44
Shengthis is the file i have03:44
=== Fughidabowit [~d@c-24-23-228-18.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoSheng: I'm looking for a prepackaged one.03:44
Shengok, thank you03:44
ubotuUbuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'rt2500' returned no results.03:44
tankidoes cafuego mean coffee on fire03:45
=== Howitzer [~adrian@35.7-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
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HowitzerIs there a way to completely shutdown X?03:45
Fughidabowithello everyone - i have a quick install question03:45
zenlunaticMadpilot, why are those sources enabled by default?03:45
Howitzertfort, no03:45
rainingzigzagshas anyone had experense running unrealircd?03:46
johnnybezakif i view my site from the local machine (where the webserver is) then it shows up fine, but if I view my site from any other machine the css doesnt work. Can you guys think why this would be? Because a page of unformatted text isnt that nice :P03:46
Howitzerctrl-alt-bckspace shuts down and restarts03:46
tfortHowitzer, you just want everything in terminal mode?03:46
=== Sheng [~soup@cpe-24-92-61-26.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Fughidabowitive got the 5.04 distro - burned it to a cd and popped it in on restart..the Ubuntu window pops up (allowing me to start the installer) but when i hit Enter the screen just goes black and stay like that03:46
tfortHowitzer, really? that's lame, i just installed ubuntu from gentoo yesterday03:46
ricsthanks tiglionabbit!03:46
Howitzerthere must be a way though03:46
zenlunaticIs there an option to not use non-free software on ubuntu like there is on Debian?03:46
Howitzeri need as much resources i need03:46
abarbacciaFughidabowit, hit F2 and run it with a fb mode03:46
Howitzer128MB RAM sucks :(03:47
Shengif you find the package, please pm it to me03:47
abarbacciaFughidabowit, i think its like fb(resolution number)03:47
tfortHowitzer, switch to openbox, you will lose less than 1% to the WM03:47
Naskyactually, it's not really a problem. I installed Eterm and Aterm. They have automatically been added to fluxbox menu. But when I edit .fluxbox/menu, I can't see Eterm and Aterm. It's weird, ain't it ?03:47
Howitzerlike fluxbox, etc?03:47
admeor fluxbox03:47
=== RedDevil [~couceiro@bl5-222-52.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
tfortfluxox is horribly  buggy03:47
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tfortand very unstable, at least with everything i used it for03:47
Howitzeri lways get NULL menu' :(03:47
tfortopenbox is very minimum03:47
tfortyou could also use.. um.. i forgot what it was called but i think its GVM?03:48
=== ibo [~ibo@user-5301.lns3-c8.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
tfortor something to that nature, but setting it up is a headache in itself03:48
tforthowever, openbox is rather nice03:48
tfortyea, that'ws that iw as thinking of03:48
IIIEarsHow much less resource hungry s xfce4?03:48
tiglionabbitHowitzer: it should just kill X and start it again, withouch doing a hardware restart03:48
=== tiglionabbit has odd typos sometimes
Fughidabowitanyone have any ideas whats going on?03:48
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tfortIIIEars, xfce4 is more than openbox, but far less than gnome or kde03:48
Howitzertiglionabbit, that's what i ment03:48
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HowitzerNeed to get 197kB of archives.03:49
HowitzerAfter unpacking 938kB of additional disk space will be used.03:49
tfortright now i'm on gnome just becaus ei installed last night03:49
admeanyone know how I could reinstall xbase-clients... ?03:49
Howitzeropenbox is less then 1 meg :')03:49
tfortand i'm trying to figure out ubuntu right now03:49
tfortit's weird going from gentoo to ubuntu03:49
Howitzeradme, sudo apt-get --reinstall install .........03:49
stan-amim trying to install Suns bin installer, can anyone give me a hand with this?03:49
Howitzeris gentoo nice?03:49
IIIEarstfort - gnome is nice. reasonably light on ram and nearly infinitly customisable.03:50
Howitzeri'd like to try it03:50
admebut it is meeting with unmet dependencies...03:50
teferiadme: if you're asking about breezy, the dependencies aren't in yet03:50
stan-amim trying to install Suns bin installer, can anyone give me a hand with this?03:50
teferidon't worry about it03:50
teferijust wait03:50
ermac`Howitzer gentoo is for freaks really hard ;)03:50
tfortHowitzer, i liked it, but if you screw up something, like i did the other day, i found it really hard to fix everything03:50
tfortermac`, it was my first linux system03:50
admeteferi: hmm, that must be it - how could I go back to the old?03:50
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tforti'm still running my server on gentoo03:50
Fughidabowitabra: not exactly sure what to do - when i hit f2 it starts the insatller03:50
teferiadme: poke around in pool/ on the server, hope it's still there?03:50
tforti like the "custom compiling" idea of it, where it will compile every source03:50
malakhiHowitzer, if you want to learn how the deep-down guts of linux work, then Gentoo is a great way to do it.03:50
Howitzeri screwed up my ubuntu/debian pure/slackware installs 9 times this WEEK03:50
teferimalakhi: bullshit03:51
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Fughidabowitwell brings me to a different screen - but doesnt really give me any further options03:51
malakhiBut if you want to actually USE your computer, then go with something else.03:51
teferimalakhi: just because you type "emerge foo" instead of "apt-get install foo" does not mean you learn more about how shit works03:51
tfortmalakhi, that's not true03:51
HowitzerLinux From Scratch? :D03:51
IIIEarsermac - yep, install it tweak it for hours then click on a single malicious URL and PFFFT!. it's all gone if you haven't made a disk image.03:51
tfortmalakhi, gentoo isn't very hard, unless you're building the kernel yourself03:51
tforta stage 1 i eblieve install03:51
tfortyou cand o a stage 3 install and it be relatively easy03:51
Howitzerbut what is that?03:51
admeeven then they give a very detailed handbook03:51
teferieven a stage1 isn't hard03:51
malakhiteferi, I'm not talking about just compiling from source. I'm talking about the manual configuration and stuff.03:51
Howitzer'building the kernel'03:51
teferiit's just emerge this, emerge that03:52
IIIEarsgentoo is heartbreaking03:52
Howitzeri mean03:52
tfortteferi, i know, i thought it was easy, but for people staying its hard, stage 3 is really simple03:52
Howitzerif you mess with the kernel03:52
minxorI want gedit to open my .rb files with the correct syntax highlighting. Unfortunately nautilus sees them as text/plain rather than text/x-ruby, so gedit doesn't apply highlighting - how can I fix this?03:52
tfortkernel is really easy to play with03:52
Razor-Xwe're all still at it so many hours later ;)03:52
malakhitfort, I know I'm exagerating, and I use and love Gentoo, but it's not for the faint of heart.03:52
=== ed1t [~ubuntu@ool-4355c7cd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xi'm back from a 9 hour day at school ;)03:52
tfortmalakhi, yea, i agree, that's why i want my desktop to be ubuntu and just my server be gentoo03:52
ed1tnalioth, hey03:52
malakhitfort, that's what i do03:53
Razor-Xmalakhi: but it's still fscking awesome ;)03:53
tfortanyway, anyone have the issue of the bongos continually playing on your system?03:53
Razor-XHowitzer: I like school (at least the math part)03:53
malakhiRazor-X, oh, definitely03:53
Howitzeri might try it03:53
tforti just installed, and i can't get them to stop playing these frigin bongos03:53
Howitzeri like school aswell03:53
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Razor-Xwhen the teachers understand I actually understand that I know more than "OMG, logs of negative numbers aren't real!!!"03:53
Howitzerbut just standing up in the morning is soooooooo sucky :(03:53
teferiof course they're not real03:53
Howitzeri hate it03:54
teferiand anyway, which branch of log do you mean?03:54
Razor-Xs/<\I actually understand>\//03:54
mouse_has anyone tried cups-pdf and got it to work?03:54
Madpilottfort: ubuntu/gnome use a 'bongo' noise for some notifications, if that's what you mean03:54
frankprincipal barch!03:54
Razor-Xteferi: Euler's Identity03:54
Howitzerwhen you can conversate with the teachers you're a suckup -_-03:54
Razor-XEuler's joke03:54
Howitzeri hte that03:54
IIIEarstfort - most marathon without reboot servers are BSD. - FreeBSD isn't as easy as ubuntu but it isn't that difficult. dragonflybsd was okay03:54
Howitzeri mean03:54
tfortMadpilot, no it's continual, like it won't stop playing, im thinking it's alsa hanging up03:54
HrdwrBoBHowitzer: when you conversate with the teachers they ask why you didn't say converse :)03:54
Razor-XHowitzer: I converse with teachers a lot03:54
Razor-XHrdwrBoB: XD03:54
Howitzerwtf? Oo03:54
Madpilottfort: fun. sound is odd.03:55
Razor-Xerrr, not Euler's joke, wtf03:55
Howitzer(i'm 15 and not native English)03:55
Razor-XHowitzer: i'm 1503:55
Razor-Xdon't bleat your age when you're at a loss03:55
tfortIIIEars, slackware is the ultimate nerd tool03:55
Howitzeri get 1 hour english at school -_-03:55
HrdwrBoBHowitzer: now you know that conversate isn't a real word, we're all learning :)03:55
Razor-Xslackware is also awesome03:55
=== weo1 [~weo@p5499F87C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
HrdwrBoBHowitzer: though your english is otherwise quite good03:55
IIIEarsslackware it is linux ;)03:55
Razor-Xi'm not native English, but I learn English as my primary language, so on that I can't say anything03:56
HowitzerNNScript :'(03:56
tfortRazor-X, that's too much work for me, i can customize freebsd and gnetoo to do wahtever i want, i dont need slackware enough03:56
Razor-Xnot sure what NNScript is *shrugs(03:56
Razor-Xtfort: hehe03:56
Howitzercould someone explain me what the hell ****bsd is?03:56
tfortwhy won't my sound work at all03:56
Razor-XHowitzer: Berkely Standard Distribution03:56
Howitzerbut is it like linux?03:57
Razor-Xit's an alternate deviation of UNIX that as different file syntax, and has a different overall kernel than Linux03:57
tfortits unix03:57
Razor-Xtfort: it aint linux03:57
tforti know, it's just like unix though03:57
Howitzerbut you can use gnome on it?03:57
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Howitzeroh man03:57
tfortHowitzer, um... i never used a WM on bsd03:57
Razor-XHowitzer: trust me, if you use X primarily still, BSD is not for you ;003:57
tfortonly terminal03:57
Howitzermy throat hurts :(03:57
Fughidabowitso can someone give me some pointers on how to start this installer - im having major issues getting it started03:58
Razor-Xstill, I hate how BSD defaults to tcsh03:58
Howitzersorry but, what are you going to do these days with an all-term pc?03:58
Razor-XHowitzer: a lot a lot03:58
admeteferi: would I be able to possibly use the xbase-clients package from hoary?03:58
Howitzer(except as a server)03:58
Razor-XI'm using X, but the majority of everything I do is in a terminal emulator03:58
Fughidabowitive setup ubuntu before...just cant recall the exact setup parms to use03:58
IIIEarsas far as home based servers go the more unlikely the OS the better. - hackers will just move along to an easier target they have the tools for.03:58
=== hybrid_goth [~hybrid@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
malakhiHowitzer, yes you can use gnome on it.03:58
hybrid_gothhey everyone03:58
Howitzeroh crap03:59
epI've been trying to upgrade to libcurl3 (>=7.13).  Debian stable has 7.14  Ubuntu is 7.12 for some reason.03:59
Howitzerit's 4AM03:59
hybrid_gothi just got back from a month and a half without internet03:59
Razor-Xlisten to MP3s, occasionally browse the web, write text files, word process, everything03:59
teferiadme: don't know how well that would work, dependency wise03:59
Razor-Xep: well, try backports if not just wait... or compile your own03:59
=== keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerhybrid_goth, i feel sorry for you :(03:59
Madpilotat work we're starting to use BSD with KDE on top - cheaper than WinXP...03:59
hybrid_gothand did they change the breezy repos03:59
hybrid_gothHowitzer: me too :P03:59
Razor-Xhybrid_goth: ewwwwwwww!!!!03:59
hybrid_gothRazor-X: hey man!!! long time03:59
Razor-Xhybrid_goth: yeah, I know ;)03:59
admerazor-x: what is the entry for the backports?03:59
IIIEars<< playing with CD based servers - hacked? just reboot.03:59
Howitzeryou know what sucks about internet in Belgium?03:59
Razor-XI came back from 9 hours of no internet, heh03:59
frankMadpilot: why not linux + kde?03:59
hybrid_gothRazor-X: heh. my dad is ghetto04:00
Razor-Xadme: lemme check, hold on04:00
admerazor-x: thanks04:00
FoamY_is_PagaNwhy does intell and microsoft hold all the search links for an email station service provider?04:00
Razor-Xdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted04:00
Razor-Xdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted04:00
Razor-Xthere you are04:00
epRazor-X, how about dpkg -i libcurl3.deb   Is that a bad idea?04:00
Howitzerwe pay ?40(+- $55) a month for 10gb/month bandwith with crappy dsl lines that get  max oif 80kb/s04:01
Razor-Xep: it may depend on Debian-only packages04:01
tankisup raz, howit04:01
Razor-Xnot much harm possible, though04:01
hybrid_gothRazor-X: my i msg you?04:01
Razor-XHowitzer: ewww!04:01
Razor-Xhybrid_goth: go ahead04:01
Razor-Xhey tanki04:01
Howitzerhiya tanki04:01
Howitzerhey ehh04:01
tankiyou comming to the offtopic chan?04:01
Razor-Xahh, yeah ;)04:01
tankiyeah be there or be square04:02
=== oz___ [~oz@c211-30-61-51.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xyou vi buffs should try Conkeror04:02
ed1tnalioth, u there?04:02
Madpilotfrank: I know we use BSD on many servers, and our comp guys know BSD backwards04:02
epfrom the command line, how can double check backports in in my sources?04:02
Razor-Xit's emacs controls based, but you can use vi keys too04:02
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=== kbrooks [~kbrooks@d235-175-26.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shenganyone find the rt2500 package?04:03
Shengdoes ubuntu update automatically?04:03
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=== FoamY_is_PagaN news of the future: 10/22/2340: microsoft was convicted of charges of slave driving,brainwashing and meglomania today and was orderd to disband imidiately or suffur military action....the disemboded heads of billgates and steve ballimer where discoverd in a pawn shop in east L.A and arrested
HowitzerSheng, no04:03
ed1tSheng, type sudo apt-get upgrade04:03
Shengi thought it did04:03
Howitzerjust do apt-get upgrade04:03
Shengfrom a menu04:03
ed1tto upgrad all ur packages04:03
=== madmavric [~user2@host-142-204-9-69.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shengfrom console, type apt-get upgrade?04:04
Shengbut i mean the core linux04:04
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Howitzerthat i don't know about04:04
Howitzeri guess not04:04
=== entelecheia [~enteleche@adsl-69-208-216-163.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerbut i"ll think you know when a new kernel comes out04:04
FoamY_is_PagaNwow either my story telling skills bite a$$ or none has a sence of humor >.<04:05
HrdwrBoBfrank: the former04:05
Howitzertell the story to me04:05
Howitzeri'm bored :(04:05
HrdwrBoBHowitzer: he said it earlier04:05
HrdwrBoBI imagine04:05
HrdwrBoBin that made up story04:05
=== uc50ic4more [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzeri wonder how lang it would take if i did sudo rm /04:06
FoamY_is_PagaNHrdwrBoB dude you have to check out this wooden clock i'm gonna build i'll be done with the plans in a few days to a week ^_^04:06
HrdwrBoBwtf does a wooden clock have to do with ubuntu04:06
Howitzerthey both rule04:06
=== Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-66.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
FoamY_is_PagaNum besides look like the logo? nothing04:07
Howitzeryou're mking a wooden clock that resembles the Ubuntu logo?04:07
FoamY_is_PagaNit's m y second project i'm desighning04:07
=== CerBerO_ [~CerBerO@pc-138-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerand my parents call me  a freak :x04:07
=== uc50ic4more [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu []
FoamY_is_PagaNno it's for a "attention" getter for an ubuntu gettoghether that i'm hosting to spread the word of ubuntu04:08
FoamY_is_PagaNand to teach people some fundementals of the os04:08
Howitzermake me one too04:08
Howitzerwould hang lovely in my room04:08
FoamY_is_PagaNhang? no not quite04:09
Howitzeroh god04:09
FoamY_is_PagaNimagen the case of a grandfather clock made outta wood....the gears pinions everything04:09
Howitzerdon't tell me it's one of those huge 2meter tall clock04:09
FoamY_is_PagaN6ft tall 3 foot wide04:09
epyou did say "attention getter"04:10
FoamY_is_PagaNyou know a hand made from scratch all wood grandfather clock although it will have lead weights to make it run04:10
zenlunaticdo ubuntu repositories contain non-free software?04:10
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FoamY_is_PagaNyea i said that but i diden't mean desperate attention getter......lol04:10
Howitzeri don't know if Ubuntu is on hda or hdb :/04:11
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FoamY_is_PagaNshould be on hdb i would think04:11
abarbacciaHowitzer, open up fstab and see where / is mounted04:11
Howitzerhow would you know?:x04:11
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abarbacciacat /etc/fstab04:11
FoamY_is_PagaNand has for building a all wood clock um they go for about 12,ooo dollars us04:11
FoamY_is_PagaNwhich is why i'm building my own lol04:12
flughHowitzer, do a 'mount', look for /04:12
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=== chibifs [~chibifs@68-78-181-184.ded.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerwhat was that search command agin?04:12
FoamY_is_PagaNi ant got that kinda cash....but i can work with wood lol04:12
epI asked this earlier but forgot to save the answer.  Is there a way to check what packages are availabe on the extra repositories without actually adding em.04:12
Howitzeris there a tool made for formatting drives?04:12
goldfishfdisk, cfdisk04:13
Howitzernot making a partition or anything04:13
goldfishoh right.04:13
MadpilotHowitzer: gparted, if you want a GUI04:13
goldfishmkfs.vfat :)04:13
FoamY_is_PagaNok on my system hdb1 is on the secondary ide ribbon as the slave to the cdrom is that wrong?04:13
aarcanemkfs.ntfs >,.,<04:13
=== fiberoptix [~fiber@adsl-69-210-53-99.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzeri am and always will be a gui junkie :x04:14
aarcaneFoamY_is_PagaN, tat is wrong04:14
=== robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
fiberoptixHey everyone.. I just donwloaded the DVD iso and when I try to burn the image k3b returns error ubuntru.*.*.* is not a valid iso 9660 file...04:14
aarcaneFoamY_is_PagaN, hdb is the primary slave04:14
Shengso, how do you install apps on ubuntu?04:14
fiberoptixBad download? or did I Miss something04:14
FoamY_is_PagaNaarcane so thats why my stupid computer was goofin up and still is04:14
wolkiep: you can use a browser04:14
Howitzerfiberoptix, did you match the MD5 sum?04:15
=== signbarn [~signbarn@adsl-211-172-87.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
FoamY_is_PagaNcuase hdb1 on my computer is my strage drive >.<04:15
Shengdoes fireforx come with ubuntu?04:15
fiberoptixHowitzer: the md5 did pass04:15
aarcaneFoamY_is_PagaN, probably, yeah..  it can be a bit much to get useded to :)04:15
kbrooksSheng, yes04:15
fiberoptixHowitzer: according to k3b anyway04:15
aarcaneSheng, Yes, I installed ubuntu, and had forx of fire already working :)04:15
Shengcan youdl the pacakge and double click to install newer ones?04:15
wolkiep, just go to that location in firefox/other browser and you can browse it manually04:15
FoamY_is_PagaNyea but you know what i have been using ubuntu for almost 4 monthes now04:15
epI'll give it a shot, thanks04:16
=== keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
FoamY_is_PagaNand haven't even thought to use windows once04:16
harris||Can someone tell me how or point me to information on installing ATI video drivers?04:16
Howitzeri want to re-install windows to be honest04:16
FoamY_is_PagaNand to me if a program can do that then it awsome ^_^04:16
wolkiharris||, i think there's a howto on the forums04:16
Howitzerbut as a dualboot04:16
HrdwrBoB^ there04:16
=== ubuntuguide [~boone@CPE0004e2946e45-CM000e5cd9ca02.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotSheng: don't do that. someone borked their system badly last night w/ the FF installer04:16
aarcaneFoamY_is_PagaN, drives in Linux are a bit much to get used to..  I spend all my time on my girlfriend's lappy in linux in Ubuntu...  when she gets me my own, I'ma put Gentoo on it though..  Ubuntu is good for my girlfriend, but it's not really my fortee04:16
Shengit should work04:17
aarcaneSheng, it's for lfs04:17
FoamY_is_PagaNaarcane have you tryed kubuntu?04:17
MadpilotSheng: not sure, but they couldn't get to the internet at all. except for IRC...04:17
FoamY_is_PagaNit's more complex in menu's and stuff04:17
signbarnMy CD R/W and DVD R/W drives haven't been mounting correctly on startup recently -- and i'm not sure why. They don't detect the CDs/DVDs i put into them, and they give me error messages when i try to browse them by double-clicking them in my Computer folder. The strange thing is that I can still play CDs from the CD player, etc.04:17
aarcaneFoamY_is_PagaN, if that's just installing KDE from the ubuntu database, then that's what I am using right now04:17
Shengthey're probalby stupid04:17
FoamY_is_PagaNaarcane >.< ouch04:17
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aarcaneFoamY_is_PagaN, well..  it's not bad at all, I'm not hating it..  but I did have to install 50% extra ram to make it work at a reasonable speed04:18
wolkiaarcane, no kubuntu is ubuntu with installing kubuntu-desktop. but it's quite similar :)04:18
Shengi tried to get slax on my usb drive, but it didn't work04:18
signbarn-- and they only show up as drive icons, not disc icons.04:18
=== Amaranth [~travis@ip68-96-128-67.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
frankwolki: or just installing the kubuntu cd04:19
HowitzerIf i want to make a partition for backup-use of Ubuntu, how big should it be?04:19
Shengwho makes ubuntu?04:19
FoamY_is_PagaNi have a celeron 1.0ghz and 256mb pc133 it works peachy for me O_o04:19
aarcanewolki, as long as kubuntu isn't a completely different install medium, then yeah, I guess I have kubuntu04:19
FoamY_is_PagaNi do use kubuntu but i ripped all the weard kde crap out04:19
aarcaneFoamY_is_PagaN, I feel for you my brother04:19
=== coolkev [~coolkev@CPE0006255ab096-CM400049887786.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
wolkiaarcane, there is a different install medium (then you dont get the gnome stuff). but in the end they're the same04:20
Howitzeri installed kubuntu_desktop once, but i thought it was all too messy04:20
coolkevhow do i mount hda2 (ext3) to folder /mnt/d/ >04:20
FoamY_is_PagaNkate is a little to complex for me and kynaptic dosen't give me the app definitions i like04:20
=== tfort [~tfort@a44.organicweb.net] has joined #ubuntu
FoamY_is_PagaNnaw it works awsome04:20
Shengi'll be running it on a 1.5 ghz Sempron with 512mb RAM04:20
Howitzercoolkev, edit fstab04:20
danielsFoamY_is_PagaN: if kate is too complex, try ktextedit04:20
Howitzersudo gedit /etc/fstab/04:20
wolkicoolkev: manually or permanently?04:20
FoamY_is_PagaNthe apps are still all there i just ripped out the gui menu's04:21
aarcanewolki, alright..  I have gnome stuff installed too on this biatch, I may take alot of it out..  problem is that with apt-get, dependancies are impossible..  because dependancies are just installed as regular packages....  >,.,<04:21
coolkevor permenantly04:21
=== FoamY_is_PagaN loves gedit ^_^
tfortok, now i got wav files to stop playing all the damn time04:21
tfortbut now cd's won't play04:21
Howitzercan't you put 'm in an auto-mount folder or something?04:21
coolkevperm is better04:21
signbarnhow is ntfs better than fat32 -- fat32 can be read and written to from ubuntu, right? so i guess what i'm asking is why xp prefers ntfs.04:21
FoamY_is_PagaNthats the easest editor for a newb in linux i think04:21
Howitzeri thought ntfs was faster04:21
wolkicoolkev, for permanently you'll have to edit /etc/fstab04:21
coolkevntfs is faster and supports larger HD's better04:21
HowitzerFoamY_is_PagaN, don't underestimate beaver04:21
ubuntuguidentfs allows security -sort of :-)04:21
Shengntfs is much faster, allows for user group control, and it has far fewer corruptability issues04:22
FoamY_is_PagaNbeaver? never tryed it04:22
aarcaneI'm running kubuntu on a celeron 1.4 with 768 MB PC72000 RAM, and it sucks ass, it's slow, but bearable04:22
ubuntuguideuser permissions and so forth04:22
tfortHowitzer, who cares, reiser is faster than all anyway04:22
coolkevwolki do you know the command i would have to type?04:22
Howitzerit is?04:22
Shengaarcane, that's because of yoru celeron04:22
Shengintel sucks04:22
Howitzeri'm always using ext3 :/04:22
FoamY_is_PagaNi thought there where linux partitions that where better than ntfs?04:22
HowitzerIntel doesn't suck04:22
tfortHowitzer, yea they erally do04:22
coolkevResier4 i think is better04:22
coolkevand XFS04:22
=== spidounay [~spidounay@ANantes-106-1-10-236.w80-14.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
bob2resier4 isn't even in the mainline kernel yet04:22
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tfortcoolkev, that's what i was stalking about04:23
aarcaneHowitzer, on my home pc, I use ext204:23
wolkiadd something like "/dev/hda2       /mount/d               ext3    defaults 0       2"04:23
FoamY_is_PagaNamd is better than intel i think but i can't afford one >.<04:23
bob2and xfs likes to replace files with strings of 0's04:23
signbarncan you read/write on fat32 from ubuntu?04:23
tfortbob2, it can be considered pretty stable though04:23
tankiaarcane, why not ext3?04:23
tankishorter fsck times04:23
wolkito the /etc/fstab file04:23
bob2tfort: by who?04:23
Sheng$146 for Athlon64 939 300+ retail04:23
bob2signbarn: sure04:23
Howitzersignbarn, ye04:23
Howitzeronly not on ntfs(i thought)04:23
tfortbob2, i've used it for my servers, and they all run fine, no problems yet04:23
=== ICXCNIKA [ICXCNIKA@dialup-207-218-233-23.ev1.net] has joined #ubuntu
FoamY_is_PagaNamd motherboards are custom made to run sweet with nvidia04:23
aarcanetanki, never need to fsck unless I do something stupid, and if that happens, I deserve it04:23
wolkiand don't forget to create the /mount/d file04:23
tfortFoamY_is_PagaN, i wouldn't say that, but they are nice04:23
signbarni'm currently dual booting xp/ubuntu, so i think i'm going to reformat my xp partition and make it fat32.04:23
ICXCNIKAI just ordered off for ubuntu04:23
=== Bugsbang [~bonny@ALamentin-103-1-6-94.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
tfortsignbarn, just make it reiserfs04:24
tankiaarcane, i guess you never had an AGP lockup or power going out04:24
wolkito edit the fstab, enter gksudo gedit /etc/fstab04:24
aarcanesignbarn, you should use some shared space04:24
chibifsICXCNIKA - good luck getting it this year. :P04:24
aarcanetanki, I use PCI video cards, and I have UPS04:24
signbarnshared space?04:24
tfortk, off to fix my damn sound04:24
chibifsI still haven't gotten mine, and I ordered before release :P04:24
Howitzerhey guys04:24
ICXCNIKAWell signbarn, I am on a dialup connection. 37 hours of torture and anticipation04:24
tankieven if you maintain long uptimes you should fsck once every few hundred days04:25
aarcanesignbarn, make a shared fat32 partition..  D drive on windows, and /media/d on ubuntu04:25
tankiinfact it's even set in hdparm to run fsck on a disk every 160 days since the last reboot04:25
signbarnaarcane: that makes sense, but when i was configuring wine, it said it prefers to have read/write access to the system files of windows04:25
aarcanetanki, I'd like to see you fsck a mounted partition04:25
tankiobviously i'm referring to onboot04:25
chibifsAll this talk about fscking and mounting04:26
Howitzerif i want to create a partition to use for backing up Ubuntu, (no booting whatsoever), how lrge does the partition have to be (average-wise) + what type? --(i'm using gparted)04:26
aarcanesignbarn, you generally don't want or need windows for wine04:26
tankithere is no reason not to upgrade ext2 to ext3, there's no overhead and ext3 offers some things better04:26
coolkevresier4 is full working and intergrated into the minislack distro04:26
signbarnya don't say... that sounds promising04:26
tankiinfact u can even upgrade ext2 to ext3 without rebooting i think04:26
tankibut anyway, to each his own04:26
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chibifscoolkev - Serious? I've been hearing a lot of good about minislack.04:27
aarcaneHowitzer, it depends, are you backing up all of / including home, /tmp, etc04:27
Howitzereverything except the basic installation04:27
coolkevcan you convert a ext3 drive to resierFS without loosing the data already there?04:27
coolkevin ubuntu04:27
aarcaneHowitzer, :-S04:27
chibifsI came here from slackware, I kinda miss it :P04:27
Razor-Xcoolkev: i'm pretty sure it's possible, because other utilities do it for you independant from the OS04:27
aarcaneDistro Warz!!!04:28
Razor-Xchibifs: ahhh, you have some obvious "h4ck3r r1ghts" ;)04:28
=== aarcane picks up a distro and throws it at chibifs
coolkevchibifs ubuntu is better then minislack in my opinoin, but minislack is on more of a bleeding edge then ubuntu, but is less reliable04:28
Howitzerwhen something goes wrong, i just install Ubuntu again and copy all the files04:28
wolkicoolkev, i don't think so04:28
Howitzerchibifs ubuntu?.04:28
Razor-Xminislack was nice, definitely04:28
frankcoolkev: very unlikely04:28
Razor-Xcoolkev: that's kinda what bleeding-edge is, no?04:28
=== rob_lt [~rob_lt@wnpgmb02dc1-56-58.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerexplain the term bleeding-edge please :(04:29
coolkevlatest in software04:29
Razor-XHowitzer: basically, people cooperate on CVS to put in patches everyday04:29
Razor-Xbut, sometimes the patches have ill-effects that haven't been thoroughly tested04:29
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Razor-Xwhen something has been thoroughly tested, it's released as a "release"04:29
chibifsHowitzer - Knoppix-Slackware-Debian-Slackware-Ubuntu-Mandriva(1 day)-Ubuntu Is my distro history.04:29
Howitzerlike in 'a bleeding edge from the knife that has been used to chop off limbs''04:30
chibifsProbably used slackware the longest. Still run it on my laptop.04:30
Amaranthbleeding-edge is the very latest software04:30
=== sproingie has gone through more distros than he cares to count
Razor-XHowitzer: hmmm, that's not something i've heard... ;)04:30
Amaranthit's called bleeding edge because you get hurt04:30
=== benkong2 [~benkong2@cpe-024-088-250-205.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzeri did:04:30
goldfishbleeding-edge is 0-day04:30
Howitzerbuggy and all04:30
Howitzernow i get it04:30
Howitzer\ o /.04:30
coolkevminislack is for intermidiate users and ubuntu is for everyone... and minislack is very light weight as u can see it features XFCE as it's desktop04:30
chibifsI've tried a few others, but they were completely insignificant. :P04:30
aarcanewhat exists in the way of Security in Ubuntu, I want to deny root access, and prevent booting whenever a specific USB key identified by a single file is Inserted04:31
chibifsXFCE is my favorite :D04:31
sproingieubuntu doesnt really wow me with features, but it does "just work" more than most04:31
chibifsI release tweaks to xfce now and then.04:31
goldfishi liked xfce until i tried fluxbox.04:31
sproingieaarcane: define "deny root access"04:31
Razor-Xyou vi/emacs users should _really_ try Conkeror04:31
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Razor-Xfor those of you fed up with using your mouse (which is why I switched to a trackball)04:31
Howitzerwhat is vi/emac?04:31
aarcanesproingie, no su, no sudo, no way that anything can authenticate as root, likely at the pam level04:31
Razor-XHowitzer: vi is a text editor04:31
Razor-Xemacs is another04:31
=== FoamY_is_PagaN looks ebay for a better caliper >.<
Razor-XI won't get into the particulars here04:32
=== AndyRR [~andrew@rogers666.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerwhy hasn't anybody heard of beaver04:32
Razor-Xbut, they're both hotly rallied for, it's even bigger than distro wars04:32
Howitzerit's the best text editor there is!04:32
Razor-XHowitzer: I have04:32
wolkiaarcane: don#t make a root account and remove yourself from the sudoers file04:32
epcause we're geeks04:32
^thehatsrule^Howitzer: i have, and most of the dsl crew04:32
coolkevany linux smart people can pm me and tell me how to convert an ext3 parition to resierfs without loosing the data?04:32
Howitzerlight, functional and uber-good04:32
giantlol... ep reading my mind04:32
Razor-XI am writing a guide, where text editors is a focus04:32
^thehatsrule^oh hey Razor-X :P04:32
Razor-Xand so, I researched up on quite a few04:32
Razor-X^thehatsrule^: hey04:32
aarcanewolki, I want such access to be available when the USB key is inserted04:32
^thehatsrule^Razor-X: i see youve moved all to ubuntu? ;p04:32
Razor-Xincluding Beaver, cream, joe, etc.04:32
Howitzer^thehatsrule^, rofl, aren't you from #damnsmalllinux? :D04:33
=== imaek [~imaekphp[@adsl-69-235-156-173.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-X^thehatsrule^: yes, I have!04:33
^thehatsrule^Howitzer: yes i am, and so is Razor-X ;p04:33
Howitzeri used DSL04:33
Razor-Xbut, DSL is still running faithfully in the other machine04:33
Razor-X^thehatsrule^: yeah, was a DSL fan before I was an Ubuntu one04:33
sproingieaarcane: hmm ... i don't think you'll ever get something bulletproof, not without SELinux or RSBAC04:33
Razor-Xstill think DSL is awesome for what it does04:33
Razor-Xhighly reccomend it, even over minislack04:33
^thehatsrule^i used both, but i still havent found a machine for hoary permaenently04:33
HowitzerMinislackl looks nice04:33
sproingieaarcane: anything you do with a stock ubuntu policy-wise will be a scripted hack, easy to get around04:33
Howitzershould i try minislack?04:34
Razor-XHowitzer: your choice04:34
^thehatsrule^its alright...04:34
=== aarcane blows up vi(m) and emacs in favor of "cedega notepad" and nano
wolkinano rocks04:34
^thehatsrule^cedega notepad04:34
Razor-Xaarcane: why waste cedega on notepad?04:34
coolkevHowitzer try it if you been using linux for a while and are comfortable with it04:34
sproingiecedega command.com04:34
aarcanesproingie, I think a pam module and a strong as sodomy root password would work04:34
Razor-XWINE works way better for that stuff04:34
Howitzeris it hard?04:34
sproingiecedega EDLIN04:34
^thehatsrule^you may as well use dosbox04:34
Razor-X^thehatsrule^: mmmm, that's some awesome stuff04:34
coolkevminislack is not user friendly, speciallly it's setup04:35
Howitzeri emulated the XP install screen yesterday04:35
Howitzerwith wine04:35
aarcaneRazor-X, because I happen to have cedega lying around for games, and don't want TWO C drives ?04:35
Howitzerreally funny04:35
calcsproingie: cedega copy con04:35
Howitzeri'll make a screen :D04:35
Razor-Xaarcane: well, it's still a waste of proc power, IMO04:35
sproingieaarcane: well sure, if you just don't grant sudo and still keep a root passwd, any unix will fit the bill04:35
calcedlin is too user friendly ;)04:35
Razor-XI have to get tetris-net :(04:35
hybrid_gothanyone here have a psp they connect to their linux box?04:35
Razor-Xnethack is so addictive though... gah04:35
sproingiecopy con\con04:35
Razor-XHowitzer: OMG04:35
^thehatsrule^Razor-X: you play tetrinet? ;p04:35
Howitzerisn't that something Anime-alike?04:36
Razor-Xthe ub3r awesome RPG04:36
Razor-X^thehatsrule^: I must get04:36
hybrid_gothcrawl pwns nethack04:36
Razor-Xis there an emacs interface? XD04:36
wolkiit's ascii-like :)04:36
^thehatsrule^its old style hacckkkk04:36
Howitzerisn't that that ascii game?04:36
DekaPinkI've tried to burn a CD with k3b and gnomebaker and both times it's said it couldn't fixate the disk. o.O04:36
Howitzeroh i hated that :(04:36
^thehatsrule^Howitzer: it can be ANYTHING now ;p04:36
Razor-Xhybrid_goth: I was thinking of thinking of a nice non-real-time MMORPG system04:36
aarcanesproingie, problem is, I want sudo and su - to fail completely without either the root password or the USB key in the port.  in the case of the USB key being present, they should both allow full root access, No questions asked04:36
sproingieevery time i think windows might really be approaching a real usable OS, i think of the time i had a file named "nul"04:36
Howitzeri want Guild Wars back :'(04:36
Razor-XHowitzer: you're a disgrace ;)04:36
hybrid_gothRazor-X: game orgasms there04:37
sproingiewindows goes to some amazing lengths to stay broken in the name of compatibility04:37
Razor-Xhybrid_goth: hahaha, true that04:37
Razor-Xbut, I have an HL2 story to think up04:37
=== sproingie wonders if there's a registry key he can use to disable "magic filenames"
^thehatsrule^Razor-X: ##tetrinet if you like ;p04:37
DekaPinkBut since it finished burning and then couldn't fixate it... Can I still use the disk? :304:37
aarcanesproingie, a file named "nul" ?  what happen ?04:37
Razor-Xwhich, though I refused the money for, the payoff is a few-hundred04:37
Razor-XRazor-X: heh, ok04:37
hybrid_gothRazor-X: WoW ASCII04:37
Howitzeri'll pray for the day every single program for windows will be able to work on linux04:37
epI'm new an ubuntu has been my best experience out of about 3 tries.  I may have to go back to Debian  cause I can't figure out how to install bzflag 2.0 under ubuntu.  (I'm a bzflag junkie).  Anybody done this?04:37
Razor-Xhybrid_goth: there is?!04:37
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Howitzerthen microsoft will go bankrupt04:38
sproingieaarcane: ohhh, you want a file on the USB key to be a token.  yeah, that's doable with pam, i just don't know how offhand04:38
Razor-Xand no, I don't play HL2 either04:38
hybrid_gothRazor-X: Yea untill I woke up04:38
Razor-Xhybrid_goth: XDDD04:38
Razor-Xbrb, i'll be back in a sec04:38
aarcanesproingie, yeah, i already have the file, and I think it's a good choice..  noone would guess it, lol04:38
sproingieaarcane: you might actually need to write a custom PAM module, though it'd be like 10 lines of C at most04:38
Howitzerweird problem here04:38
Madpilotep: bzflag is in the Ubuntu repos.04:38
aarcanesproingie, I figgured that04:38
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wolkiep: there are some options. ask for a backport in the forum or comppile it yourself04:38
wolkiep: or wait for breezy :)04:39
sproingieaarcane: actually, you might even be able to write pam modules in bash.  i seem to recall solaris where i used to work had some pam modules in bourne shell04:39
=== someluser [~someluser@70-32-157-34.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotoff to the gym, back later. if I'm going to turn into a linux geek, I may as well stay a *fit* linux geek...04:40
sproingieaarcane: i think it's as simple as the return status... you'd have to read the pam docs tho04:40
aarcanesproingie, I'm pretty sure it would be04:40
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epyes, i'm almost there on compiling it.   But I need libcurl3 version 7.13 or greater and it needs other dependencies probably....  I'll ask in the forum.04:41
Razor-Xyou know what I want to see04:41
Razor-Xa TECO vs. ed match ;)04:41
someluserI seriously broke my nvidia driver, can anyone help?04:41
Razor-Xthat would be awesome, seriously04:41
sproingieteco owns ed04:41
Howitzeri wined the XP install program and everything freezed04:41
Razor-Xsproingie: amen tothat04:41
LaLupastis forever !04:41
Howitzernot normal04:41
Razor-Xs/tothat/to that/04:41
HowitzerLinux never freezed untill i tried an XP program04:42
Razor-XHowitzer: hah!04:42
Howitzeroff to reboot04:42
=== abarbaccia is now known as abarbaccia_away
sproingieyeah it'll do that04:42
Howitzeri'll see you guys in a minute04:42
=== RuffianSoldier [user@cpe-24-209-106-36.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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someluseryou guys are really unhelpful04:43
=== bwlang [~bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu
sproingiegotta love install programs that run in directx full screen04:43
sproingieprobably trying to install a game04:43
epwolki, what forum is that i should ask in?04:43
epi can i see the channel topic?04:43
=== ThreeDayMonk [~paul@120.174-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
sproingiesomeluser: that's okay, you don't have to tip us then04:43
bwlangep: slash topic04:44
=== Howitzer [~adrian@35.7-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
somelusersproingie, i asked five times and nobody wants to even acknowledge me04:44
=== bungopolis [~bungopoli@h-66-166-146-19.snvacaid.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerrestarting X was good enough04:44
somelusersproingie, you're the first one04:44
Razor-Xsomeluser: are we getting paid?04:44
=== bddebian [~bddebian@pcp08717033pcs.phnixv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xcriticize our support _after_ you hand us a sum of money04:45
bddebianHowdy folks04:45
Razor-Xbddebian: hey04:45
sproingiesomeluser: all i saw was that "you broke your driver".  not a lot to start from, really04:45
bddebianHeya Razor-X04:45
someluserRazor-X, no but you do hang out here to help people out04:45
sproingieto get good answers, you must ask good questions, grasshoppa04:45
Razor-Xsomeluser: yeah, but we're not required to answer everything, like I said04:45
Howitzercan i help someone actually04:45
bungopolishas anyone here gotten skype working properly? It hangs when I try to make a call, doesnt respond to incoming calls, and has to be force-quit after exiting. It is working fine on windows on the same computer, and on another linux box inside the same network with no configuration changes.04:45
Howitzeri'm bored to death04:45
Razor-Xand yeah, "I broke my driver" isn't very descriptive04:45
Razor-Xbungopolis: did you use the deb package?04:46
someluserRazor-X, true04:46
someluserRazor-X yes04:46
bungopolisRazor-X yes from the official skype repository04:46
bungopolislatest version04:46
=== argiros [~argiros@cpe-69-202-47-215.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sproingiepersonally i hang out here to chat with ubuntu users.  answering questions is something i do to be nice, since i ask my share as well04:46
Razor-Xbungopolis: ......04:46
sproingiei certainly don't see it as my JOB04:46
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bungopolisrazor-X: thanks for the dots04:46
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Razor-XI have a hunch about something04:46
argiroshi, new to linux, need help?  Anyone?04:46
sproingieargiros: ask04:46
Razor-Xlemme Conkeror up something in a new buffer04:47
bddebianargiros: Ask away04:47
argirostrying install from cd04:47
Howitzerwhy do distro's NEVER add the size of their distro?04:47
bddebianargiros: And?04:47
argirosbut boot spins cd and stops w/ blank screen04:47
=== hybrid_goth [~hybrid@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
coolkevof all the linuxes i've seen out there.. vidalinux looks the best by default in my opinion04:47
bddebianargiros: Did you burn an ISO or is it an Ubuntu CD?04:48
argirosburned it in windows w/ Nero04:48
someluserRazor-X, i installed the nvidia driver from the ubuntu repo, then the one from nvidia's website because the ubuntu provided one sucked. now both are broken.04:48
Howitzeri'm having a problem with "downloader for X"04:48
someluserRazor-X, and sorry for too high expectations04:48
Razor-Xsomeluser: ouch...04:48
Howitzeradrian@ubuntu:~$ nt04:48
HowitzerSegmentation fault04:48
paxbungopolis: using alsa with skype?04:48
wolkisomeluser: try reinstalling the ubuntu one04:48
Razor-XI don't think the nVidia one sucks _that_ much04:48
Howitzernt=downloader for X04:49
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bddebianargiros: Did you burn "track-at-once"?04:49
someluserRazor-X, i didn't either, but it does now04:49
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argirosno, what's that?04:49
=== JzE [jze@a84-231-49-203.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
mm23hello, I have an odd problem I can't seem to figure out through google nor the ubuntu forums04:49
eventualbuddhaback, after my several-hour excursion into freebsd. i hope ftp works on ubuntu...04:49
Razor-Xsomeluser: were they both deb packages?04:49
bungopolispax I don't know -- there is no information or configuration about sound systems in skype04:49
frankHowitzer: about your downloader for X.. I had that problem and I think I wound up compiling it it from source but I forget04:49
someluserRazor-X, no04:49
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Razor-Xbungopolis: I have to suggest something deprecated04:49
epwhat is the difference between the driver provided by nvidia and the one from the ubuntu repo?  Aren't they both Nvidia propriertary drivers?04:49
someluserRazor-X, one was a binary04:50
bungopolisi simply have calls: /dev/dsp and ringing grayed out, which is odd04:50
bob2ep: the one in ubuntu is packaged to simply work with ubuntu04:50
Razor-Xsomeluser: how did you install it?04:50
bob2ep: the driver itself is identical04:50
Howitzerhow do you compile actually?, is that with the ./configure, make, make install?04:50
someluserRazor-X, sh nvidia.bin04:50
frankep: Maybe the version # is different but that's it04:50
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bungopolisrazor-x what do you have to suggest?04:50
mm23firefox won't display text in certain tables-- it's rare, and only about 1 in 20 pages are effected, but it's definately only the ubuntu version of firefox effected by this04:50
bddebianargiros: I don't know Nero that well but in Easy-cd-creator you have the option of "disk at once" or "track at once" and I know a lot of times in burning ISOs, that if I use "disk at once" they usually fail04:50
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epok, makes sense04:50
mm23I apologize for linking off site, but here is what I mean: http://www.meltingwax.net/mm23/images/snapshot2.png04:50
wolkiHowitzer: yes04:50
Razor-Xi'll have to suggest somtehing deprecated but...04:50
Razor-Xcheck teh Ubuntu guide04:50
argirosI'll check it out, thanks bddemian04:51
someluserRazor-X,  i did04:51
=== samurai is now known as samiam
frankHowitzer: yeah, find the webpage of the program and for how to do it. I THINK that's what I did but I'm sure04:51
Razor-Xsomeluser: hmmmm....04:51
wolkiHowitzer: but i suggest using checkinstall instead of make install04:51
sproingiemm23: ubuntu's version of firefox is slightly old04:51
bob2Howitzer: it depends on the software, but that often works, yes04:51
Razor-Xtry a locate nvidia04:51
mm23the only way I can see the text is by copy and pasting it into a text editor04:51
sproingiemm23: tho afaik, they haven't made any rendering changes between the patchlevel ubuntu has and current04:51
bungopolisrazor-x what is the deprecated thing you want to suggest?04:51
wolkiHowitzer: you need to install the checkinstall package, but then it will create debs so you cen remove the programs easily04:51
=== weirdcreep [re@c-24-99-1-80.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xbungopolis: I said above "Try the Ubuntu guide"04:52
weirdcreepis there any mirc equivalent04:52
weirdcreepon ubuntu04:52
someluserRazor-X, that gives me lots of files04:52
weirdcreepbut that use the mirc scripting language04:52
=== DukGalNamu [~andrew@adsl-69-225-136-246.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xweirdcreep: Xchat or KvIrc04:52
bungopolisrazor-x the ubuntu guide has nothing useful apart from how to install the client04:52
Razor-Xand, mIRC is horrible ;)04:52
ubotuhmm... ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.04:52
Razor-Xbungopolis: and their own package04:52
bddebianXCHAT r0x j0004:52
paxbungopolis: you need to find out if esd is the cause of your problem. try this http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly (the guide is not recommanded here but it will fix your problem)04:52
goldfishweirdcreep: use irssi ! a real irc client !04:52
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
weirdcreepbut i need the mirc scripting language04:52
DukGalNamuhey, anybody know how to make mplayer resize when switched to fullscreen mode?04:52
Razor-Xbddebian: erc is way better than that ;) but BitchX for something solid04:52
goldfishirssi is cool, perlscripts.04:53
Razor-Xweirdcreep: so you can have bright flashing annoying colors? ;)04:53
frankDukGalNamu: change the video output thing (forget the name)04:53
bddebianOh, you mean that Emacs everything including the kitchen sink crap? ;-)04:53
someluserRazor-X, i killed it04:53
wolkiDukGalNamu: start it with --zoom04:53
Razor-Xbddebian: still lighter than the same things being run in a screen session independantly ;)04:53
sproingiebddebian: the icon for emacs on win32 is a kitchen sink04:53
Razor-Xin this day and age, we have more than enough RAM to run a nice, comfortable emacs session04:53
someluserlocate gave me a bunch of useless files that belong to nvidia04:53
Howitzeradrian@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/hda04:54
Howitzermount: mount point /media/hda does not exist04:54
Razor-Xsomeluser: how long ago did you install nVidia's drivers?04:54
sproingiebddebian: actually i think it's a friendly looking gnu now tho04:54
someluserRazor-X, an hour ago04:54
Howitzer/dev/hda/media/hdaautodefaults,errors=remount-ro 0       104:54
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Razor-XHowitzer: when you mount, it's suggested you add a mount-point04:54
Razor-Xwell, yeah, /media/hda doesen't exist04:54
DukGalNamuwolki: doesn'04:54
Razor-Xsudo mkdir /media/hda04:54
bungopolisrazor-x: performing a killall esd before running skype solved the problem -- what do you think the issue might be?04:54
andrewskii'm not on my ubuntu box ATM.  could someone find me a homepage for the Industrial (default) mouse cursors?04:55
Razor-Xsomeluser: run 'sudo updatedb'04:55
Razor-Xbungopolis: it's a sound problem04:55
aarcanelol, I love going into #bash and asking about bash.org stuff :P04:55
DukGalNamuwolki: doesn't work still, fullscreen only extends a black screen around the video04:55
bungopolisrazor-x no kidding04:55
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Razor-Xsomeluser: then again run locate nvidia and paste the output in pastebin04:55
Razor-Xbungopolis: well...04:55
Razor-Xmost likely, something else is using sound04:55
Razor-Xyou're taking away their focus when killing the sound daemon04:56
Howitzerah finally04:56
Razor-Xunless you have dmix support in, then it's a mystery ;)04:56
someluserRazor-X, ok, now what?04:56
Razor-X(of course, I do, heh)04:56
wolkiDukGalNamu: i can remember that this worked for me back then... don't have mplayer installed curently04:56
Razor-Xsomeluser: did you paste it on pastebin?04:56
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someluserRazor-X,  paste it on what?04:56
DukGalNamufrank: can't remember at all?04:56
bddebiansomeluser: http://paste.ubuntu.nl04:56
someluserRazor-X, firefox says no04:57
DukGalNamuwolki: hmm... do i need an argument after --zoom? or is it a toggle?04:57
wolkiDukGalNamu: i'm installing it right now04:57
DukGalNamuwolki: heh04:57
Razor-Xsomeluser: paste it in pastebin04:57
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someluserRazor-X, i'm stupid, what's pastebin (the link you just gave is dead)04:58
Razor-Xsomeluser: www.pastebin.com04:59
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Razor-Xor, read the topic ;)04:59
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frankDukGalNamu: I think I compiled but I really don't remember , sorry04:59
DukGalNamufrank: hmm, thats alright...05:00
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someluserRazor-X, what do I post there again?05:00
=== StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitWho's waiting for Ubuntu 7.4, the Ornery Ocelot?05:00
Razor-Xsomeluser: anywhere05:01
Razor-Xjust start a new post05:01
Razor-Xtiglionabbit: ;(05:01
HowitzerOrnery Ocelot?05:01
=== Javie1 [~javier@host-200-58-76-175.supernet.com.bo] has joined #ubuntu
wolkiDukGalNamu: try changing the video driver to xv05:01
DekaPinkOrnery Ocelot... That's great. xD05:01
coolkevi think edubuntu is an amazing idea and thing ubuntu people are doing to help out educators05:01
wolkiDukGalNamu: that works here05:01
tiglionabbitlol, I just made it up really05:01
DukGalNamuwolki: video driver?05:01
Javie1yeap !05:01
Razor-Xcoolkev: totally05:01
=== sproingie is waiting for 8.0, Wascally Wabbit
wolkiin the preferences tab05:02
DukGalNamuwolki: how do  i change video drivers?05:02
tankisproingie, haha05:02
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Howitzeri have a splinter stuck in my finger05:02
wolkiDukGalNamu: richt click, preferences, video05:02
Howitzerit won't come out damnit05:02
sproingieHowitzer: cut off your finger05:02
Howitzeri'll try a knife05:02
DukGalNamuwolki: i have no GUI05:02
=== bddebian hands Howitzer a large, sharp blade
someluserRazor-X, is that what you meant?05:02
sproingiethat'll work05:02
sproingiecleaver will work better05:03
wolkiDukGalNamu: ok, then with -vo xv05:03
Howitzeryou all want me to suffer  :(05:03
=== jarnhaan [~jarn@rhhe32-9.2wcm.comporium.net] has joined #ubuntu
wolkiDukGalNamu: or --vo xv05:03
sproingiethe splinter won't bother you anymore05:03
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=== aarcane [~aarcane@67-51-140-13.dsl1.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzeri just pushed it deeper in05:03
wolkiDukGalNamu: i'm not used to the command line version anymore since i got a faster cpu :)05:03
sproingieblood can really gum up a keyboard tho05:03
DukGalNamuwolki: gave a pretty bad error05:03
aarcaneHowitzer, you suck fuck05:04
Howitzer*sick fuck05:04
DekaPinkI wish I could get my video card to work properly with its actual drivers. :305:04
DukGalNamuwolki: something about not recognizing the graphics card...05:04
aarcaneHowitzer, blame the keyboard..  it's too narrow05:04
sproingieHowitzer: duct tape.  stick it on your finger, over the splinter.  rip it off.05:04
Howitzerit won't help05:04
Howitzerit's about 2mm deep in my finger05:05
HrdwrBoBHowitzer: my grandfather always uses a chisel05:05
sproingieif it's all the way under the skin, too late for you.05:05
wolkiDukGalNamu: what graphics card do you have?05:05
sproingieit's just going to hurt05:05
sproingiecut your finger off05:05
Howitzeri'll hve to cut the surrounding flesh loose and wriggle it out05:05
=== outoflaw [~outoflaw@dhcp-57-175.dsl.telerama.com] has joined #ubuntu
DukGalNamuwolki: ATI radeon 9800 pro05:05
=== sproingie .oO( irc does wonders for my social skills )
wolkiofficial drivers?05:05
Howitzeri'm such a sick fuck05:05
HrdwrBoBif you're good with a hypodermic needle05:05
HrdwrBoByou can suck it out05:06
HrdwrBoBI've done that too05:06
aarcanesproingie, I'm glad05:06
Howitzeri hve a sore throt05:06
DukGalNamuwolki: the ones that came in apt-get05:06
sproingieif you have anbesol or something like that, stick the needle in that05:06
Howitzeri cn't speak/swallow05:06
sproingieit'll hurt a whole lot less05:06
aarcaneHowitzer, erm..  usually if you just thrust back with your pelvis, it will slide out..  unless you're a kanine or something, then you're kinda fucked until it goes down..05:06
tankimy roommate is pre-med, he practices stitching on like steaks lol05:06
coolkevi don't now why a bunch of free distros come together along with those of different desktops.. to create the ultimate distro with alot of new apps and technology to make the upcomming windows look like an expensive peice of crap05:07
Howitzertanki,  ROFL05:07
DukGalNamutanki: i am sure he makes a good roast :P05:07
tankii stopped sitting with him at lunch, it's too freaky05:07
wolkiDukGalNamu: does it work in the gui version?05:07
Howitzeri got half of the splinter out05:07
DukGalNamuwolki: the GUI doesn't work cause i don't have gnome05:07
wolkiDukGalNamu: the gui works without gnome05:08
wolkiit's gtk1 iirc05:08
DukGalNamuwolki: well it gives me an error everytime05:08
wolkiwhat kind of error?05:08
DukGalNamuerror opening gui05:08
coolkevis it just me or does kde have better apps then gnome?05:08
HowitzerWho else is only wearing boxers?05:08
someluserRazor-X; did you want me to post the locate output?05:09
bddebiancoolkev: So use kubuntu05:09
calccoolkev: depends on what you use to define better05:09
wolkicoolkev: depends. i find them confuding oftentimes05:09
DukGalNamuwolki: i have to eat dinner now, i will be back in like an hour or so05:09
Howitzercoolkev, KDE has eyecandy05:09
calccoolkev: gnome apps tend to be more polished imho, but some kde apps have more features05:09
coolkevthe default apps that come with kbuntu and those that come with ubuntu05:09
wolkiDukGalNamu: i'll probably sleep by then, im in europe05:09
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gpdwow... kompose works with gnome!05:10
Howitzerwolki, where?05:10
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wolkibu i'm sure you'll find someone who cna help you, the gui version shoould work on normal x1105:10
wolkiHowitzer: germany05:10
HowitzerKDE pps can be used in Gnome and Gnome apps can be used in KDE05:10
calccoolkev: the default apps that come with ubuntu does about everything that kde does as well05:10
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wolkigpd: it does, but starts to take lots of cpu after some time05:10
calccoolkev: perhaps with the exception of a nice cd burner app05:10
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Howitzerit's 5:10 AM for you too?05:10
Howitzerit's turning light05:10
wolkii really should sleep05:11
goldfishnearly light in ireland too05:11
Howitzeri haven't slept the whole night without ,knowing it ffs05:11
wolkiHowitzer:  where are you?05:11
coolkevye k3b is awesome05:11
gpdwolki: I don't care... I love expose ;)05:11
AndyFitzBAM!* join the ubuntu-art mailing list for some good 'ol rock 'n roll !05:11
=== phaedrus__ [~phaedrus@cpe-24-198-29-175.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
wolkik3b is the first kde app i install. everytime :)05:11
calck3b is useful but i wouldn't say its awesome05:11
calcits ui is a bit fugly05:11
Howitzerk3b owns05:11
wolkigpd: yes it's cool, but i hope it'll work better soon :)05:11
Howitzerit does what it needs to do05:12
pepsione of the archive.ubuntu.com servers is broken.. its annoying.. i had to change my repositories to instead of just archive.ubuntu.com05:12
wolkicalc: yes, but it does everything i need it to. an im used to it after using it for years :)05:12
wolkimuch better than xcdroast *g*05:12
sproingiek3b's ui ugly?05:12
Howitzerwhat is the difference between Aterm, Eterm, Gnome Terminal and Konsole?05:12
tankiHowitzer, all are terms just have different features, mostly cosmetic05:13
sproingiei think k3b's one of the prettiest apps out there05:13
tankii like eterm the most05:13
sproingiebeats crap out of nero anyway05:13
wolkiaterm and eterm are lighter. gnome terminal and konsole are integrated better05:13
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tankiHowitzer, did you see my animated gif05:13
wolkisproingie: yes, but it could be easier :)05:13
Howitzerbut don't you have these see-trough terms?05:13
calcwolki: anything is better than xcdroast :)05:13
calcwolki: even sun cde ;)05:13
tankiHowitzer, yeah eterm does transparency and tint05:14
sproingiewolki: could use some wizards i guess05:14
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wolkihey, it burns cds, and it works. it's just a pain to use :)05:14
Howitzertanki, nope05:14
sproingieeterm does hack transparency05:14
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tankiHowitzer, http://www.math.vt.edu/people/jbwillia/computer.gif05:14
pepsiso does gnome-terminal... is there a way to get a _real_ transparent terminal?05:14
calcit would be nice if there was a cloned version of nero with its extra utils like speed test program etc :)05:14
wolkiafter real translucency fake transparency doesn't do it for me anymore05:14
sproingiereal transparency requires composite.  and composite is waaaaay slow05:14
tankipepsi, i dont think x supports true transpancy.. i know osx does05:15
goldfishpepsi: tehre is. what graphics card u got?05:15
calcer open source, not that binary only thing nero put out05:15
goldfishtanki: xorg does.05:15
wolkisproingie: not with nvidia cards05:15
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pepsigoldfish, apparently not one that wokrs05:15
Howitzeri love the .gif05:15
goldfishpepsi: oh right :/05:15
gpdwolki: I ran from a terminal and it has lots of messages about Pixmap not available... it seems to be constantly taking shots... this seems a bit excessive... but must improve load time05:15
eventualbuddhai'm getting an MD5Sum mismatch when i try to do # apt-get insatll libsdbm-ruby1.805:15
sproingiek3b is pretty close to nero i think05:15
weirdcreepdo all sources have the auto compile thing05:15
calcsproingie: that will be resolved probably in the next 6-12mo05:15
Howitzeri'm like tht sometimes05:15
sproingiei use alcohol 120 on windows, but that's not free05:15
calcsproingie: it didn't seem to be the last time i used it, but that was probably 4-6mo ago05:15
wolkisproingie: with the faster redraw thanks to the compositing it'll even feel faster05:15
=== waianae1 [~waianae1@cpe-204-210-127-33.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
weirdcreepdo all sources have the auto compile thing??05:16
sproingiecalc: not for ati cards05:16
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waianae1wasup peoplez05:16
calcsproingie: eh you think that won't be resolved for ati cards in the next 6-12mo? :)05:16
sproingieati is strange.  they insist on writing to an open standard, dri, but then they don't actually support anything else05:16
waianae1how is everyone05:16
calcsproingie: there is an open source accelerated r300 drive being made currently05:16
wolkigpd: yes exactly. and after a day or so it'll take 100% cpu for a few seconds everytime you switch workplaces05:16
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sproingiecalc: looking at the screenshots of the r300 driver, it looks like they have a long way to go05:17
HowitzerAT LAST05:17
Howitzeri got the splinter out05:17
sproingiecalc: wasn't one without massive screen corruption05:17
calcsproingie: where are the shots?05:17
quidamhow i can see internet tv on ubuntu???05:17
andrewskiwhich package installs the default mouse cursors?05:17
coolkevi like the kde control center.. does gnome have one?05:17
calcsproingie: aiui now it runs games fully accel with no corruption05:17
sproingiecalc: !05:17
sproingievery cool05:17
calcsproingie: but to be used in Xegl it still needs work05:17
bungopolisrazor-x -- I fixed my skype problem by simply changing auto_spawn = 0 to 1 in /etc/esound/esd.conf05:18
Howitzercoolkev, Gnome doesn't have that :(05:18
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Howitzeri'm downloading Minislack now05:18
calccoolkev: it has something similiar under system preferences and administration05:18
Howitzersee how that goes05:18
textimI feel like a big ole pimp using XP, Ubuntu makes me feel small and helpless.05:19
calccoolkev: but it doesn't look like kde05:19
coolkevohh it's not intergrated into one window05:19
erichi, an audio conversor , from WMA to ogg/mp3 or anything "open"05:20
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wolkitextim: you'll get used to it. and then you can pimp double :)05:20
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coolkeveric you can run dB poweramp music convertor under wine05:21
coolkevthats the only method i know of converting wmas05:21
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wolkieric: mp3 is not really open05:21
Howitzercrap my finger hurts :(05:21
ericwolki: you re right sure05:21
aarcaneHowitzer, did you at least get pictures of the days fiasco05:22
glickhey is ubuntu really the most popular linux distro in the world right now?05:22
Howitzeris there a way you convert .wav's into .mp3's?05:22
wolkieric: but you can use mplayer to extract them to wavs then encode them to ogg/mp305:22
Burgundaviaglick, getting there05:22
textimI hope so, I can't even install java jdk, I've tried several walkthroughs but they all fall short.05:22
Howitzeraarcane, of the what?05:22
aarcaneglick, no, gentoo is..  but ubuntu is the most popular complete newbie distro05:22
wolkieric: there's a script on the forums that does that, iirc05:22
miguellinuxHi, I need some help with Ubuntu as firewall05:22
coolkevubuntu is most popular on distrowatch05:22
ericHowitzer: lame ?05:22
aarcaneHowitzer, of the whole sex thing..  it was kinky05:22
Howitzerwhat sex thing?05:22
CHaiNSanybody using prelink?05:22
Howitzerabout the booty?05:22
ericmiguellinux: there are firestarter for ubuntu05:22
miguellinuxeric, thanks but is installed as "server"05:23
Howitzerthat lovely booty *drewl*05:23
aarcaneHowitzer, you said you couldn't get it out and such..  I was like WTF at first..  but if you got pictures of her..  I'll forgive ya ^,.,^05:23
ericah, ok05:23
wolkitextim: have you tried the wiki versions? you can just add a repo in synaptic to install it05:23
Howitzeryou mixed things up a bit05:23
miguellinuxI run a script that works en Fedora crap.. but not in Ubuntu05:23
Howitzeri couldn't get my SPLINTER out :D05:23
Burgundaviaaarcane, I seriously doubt if gentoo has more installed users than ubuntu right now05:23
Howitzeri had a splinter in my finger05:23
blmartin777What is the best peer to peer software to use05:24
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Howitzerkazaa under wine05:24
erici use azareus with bittorrent protocol05:24
goldfisheh kazaa sucks.05:24
ericwine are working decentlyP?05:25
miguellinuxThere are problems to forward port 25???05:25
calcglick: yes, look at distrowatch05:25
goldfishazureus + torrents !!05:25
calcglick: its most popular by 50-100% last i checked05:25
HrdwrBoBHowitzer: not here05:25
goldfishaarcane: are u taking the piss in #bash ? :)05:25
ericgiFT /(openFT, gnutella, FrasTrack05:25
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Howitzeri downloaded over 162mb today05:25
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goldfishthats nothing :)05:25
aarcanegoldfish, I've been banned because my girlfriend went in there earlier talking it05:25
tfortdamnit, why does it always ask for the Ubuntu Release i386 cd05:25
goldfishaarcane: haha05:25
goldfishaarcane: sure!05:26
calchits for past month on distrowatch:  2324 ubuntu 1281 fedora 1129 mandriva05:26
aarcanegoldfish, we share usernames on IRC, lol05:26
tfortis there anyway to completely take the cd out ?05:26
franktfort: take it out of your sources.list05:26
calcso nearly 2x the second distro05:26
tfortfrank, thanks05:26
Howitzergoldfish, it is when you have a 10gb/mo bandwith cap :(05:26
ericswinger nicknames rlz05:26
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Howitzeri think that throat-medicine is keeping me up05:27
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Howitzerit's light outside :/05:27
aarcaneanyway, I'm off to windows and webcam..  be back tomorrow nightish05:27
eventualbuddhaif i can't get stuff to install using apt-get, should i dl and compile by hand?05:27
miguellinuxAny help about how to correct a X config that shows the screen 2 inchs moved to the rigth?05:27
pepsiHowitzer: get the stuff with dextromethorphan in it and drink the whole bottle.. make sure theres no tylenol though05:27
Howitzeraarcane, don't leave us :(05:27
miguellinuxxvidtune not works05:27
Howitzerpepsi, , will that malke pepsi? *g*05:27
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textimwolki: wow, thx, just the help I needed. It seems that the small things keep hanging me up.05:27
aarcaneHowitzer, lol, I have a chance to get a fine chick naked on webcam..  and what's more, she wants to move here when she's got the money ;)05:28
pepsiHowitzer: not quite05:28
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aarcaneHowitzer, lol05:28
Nest0Ralguno que hable castellano?05:28
Howitzeraarcane, , do you know the pornsite mikesappartemene?05:28
aarcaneHowitzer, I'ma /notice you some place..  you should go chill there05:28
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Howitzeri need a social life05:29
Burgundaviaaarcane, Howitzer please find another venue for this discussion05:29
aarcaneBurgundavia, that's why I sent him the /notice and /invite :)05:29
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Belutzhai guys... i'm installing ubuntu now, can someone provide help?05:29
andrewskiwhere do i install mouse cursors system-wide?05:29
dylan_any linux distros better than ubuntu>05:29
mkrenzWhen I tried to install ssmtp from Synaptic, it told me that Ubuntu-base was to be removed.  Is that right?05:29
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pepsidylan_: this is a bad place to ask05:29
crimsundylan_: pretty odd question. Why not try others? :)05:29
blmartin777eric: I can't seem to get gift to work05:30
andrewskidylan_: compare for yourself on distrowatch.05:30
andrewskihey crimsun.05:30
Burgundaviadylan_, depends on what you want05:30
crimsun'lo, andrewski05:30
Howitzeri'm going to visit this channel more05:30
Howitzerit's got the wickedest nice people i've ever encountered05:30
TheWangHowitzer: isn't it scary?05:30
Howitzeri'm wicked tbh05:31
Howitzerstupid autism :<05:31
TheWangi've become jaded by the internets and find the ubuntu community almost disgustingly nice05:31
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ericblmartin777: why?05:31
dylan_thanks everybody!  this is the best channel ever!05:31
weirdcreepi lve u05:32
HowitzerTheWang, Linux communities have the point of being very nice05:32
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ColonelKernelTheWang, I like the ubuntu community - the other ones tend to be dominated by bipolar bullying types.05:32
blmartin777I don't know05:32
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ColonelKernel#debian is really bad05:32
blmartin777How do I set hosts05:32
TheWangof all the linux communities ubuntu is definately the most down to earth05:32
ColonelKernel#fedora is a little bit better, depending on who is in channel05:33
ColonelKernelbut ubuntu is nice and pleasant05:33
TheWangmy friend seth and i both tried ubuntu out around the same time and the community both caught our eye strait off05:33
blmartin777eric: I guess I am not sure how to set it up05:33
Nest0Ralguno que hable espaol y que me pueda ayudar con un tema de iptables?05:33
blmartin777what is etno-tecno05:34
ColonelKernelmaybe #ubuntu-es?05:34
Belutzwhat is the ideal space for /swap ??05:34
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calcColonelKernel: nobody should use the #debian channel its always been bad05:34
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CHaiNS#fedora sux that anvil guy is an asshole05:34
crimsunthat calc dude is super-evil05:34
calcColonelKernel: debian doesn't control it either (last i knew)05:34
ericblmartin777: in .giFT/giftd.conf you must setup the options05:34
ColonelKernelcalc, its an abuse channel masquerading as a support channel - freenode could care less too.05:34
CHaiNShow he ever got ops in a help channel boggles my mind05:35
Nest0Ralguno que hable espaol y que me pueda ayudar con un tema de iptables? porifs05:35
calcColonelKernel: heh05:35
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blmartin777is there a guide for that05:35
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ericNest0R: anda a #ubuntu-es o pregunta en ingles. go to #ubuntu-es or ask in english05:35
emisthey, anyone awake?05:35
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glickquieras a ir a #ubuntu-es05:36
Belutzanyone can read my question?05:36
weirdcreepi know spanish05:36
Nest0Rsi, pero alli no saben aydarme, no saben lo que necesito :(05:36
weirdcreepi can help05:36
ericBelutz: say it05:36
weirdcreepi know spanish05:36
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Razor-Xweirdcreep: you're not allowed to speak Spanish in this channel05:36
ericNest0R: pregunta05:36
rekaweirdcreep: then /msg him05:36
drcodeI install mixxx software in my ubuntu05:36
weirdcreepNest0R dime que pasa05:36
emisti got some odd 3d acceleration problem guys05:36
Belutzeric: what is the ideal space for /swap ??05:36
BurgundaviaRazor-X, that is little strong. We prefer if you don't05:36
Nest0Rsucede que tengo un firewall y no redirecciona los paquetes :s05:36
BurgundaviaBelutz, depneds on your ram05:36
drcodethay say that I can use alsa05:36
BurgundaviaNest0R, please take it to #ubuntu-es05:37
drcodebut alsa is installed05:37
ericin the past were the double amount of ram05:37
drcodeany one play with mixxx?05:37
BelutzBurgundavia: my RAM is 512mb05:37
ericnow is suggested a minor ammount05:37
Razor-XBurgundavia: well, I thought it was, no non-English languages allowed in the channel05:37
BurgundaviaBelutz, I have half my ram, but I have 1 gig05:37
BurgundaviaRazor-X, strongly discouraged05:37
erici have 1 giga of ram and i have 700 to swp05:37
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Howitzeri have a problem05:37
Razor-Xholy jeebus....05:37
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Razor-XI have 256 MB of RAM, and a .5 GB swap ;)05:38
Belutzok thx...05:38
Howitzermy dad is going to wake up any second but i'm in the middle of downloading Minislack05:38
calcHowitzer: tell him its porn05:38
Razor-XHowitzer: ouch?05:38
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DonLeric,  I've heard that the 1.5 rule only holds up to a certain point, then it's not necessary05:38
goldfishDonL: That's true.05:38
glickhey if saturday i tell a chick to come to my bbq the next saturday, and she says yeah sure call me! is it ok if i call her friday afternoon the day before the bbq05:38
Howitzermy dad converted me to Linux in the first place :D05:38
ericDonL: i think idem05:38
calcDonL: for suspend you need a certain percentage (i don't recall how much though)05:38
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emistI got direct rendering enabled and the proper driver installed, everything seems to be in order but i still get 400 fps and games run very slow, does anyone have any idea whats wrong?05:38
goldfishAlot of ppl suggest there is no need for swap at all these days.05:39
DonLcalc, I heard that too05:39
crimsunemist: glxinfo|grep direct05:39
Razor-Xgoldfish: you must be joking?05:39
Razor-XHowitzer: my dad, on the other hand, hates Linux05:39
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emistcrimsun: direct rendering: Yes05:39
ericemist: you are luckier, i do not have dri enabled, (S3 Unichrome) and my fps is around 12005:39
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HowitzerRazor-X, aren't you on the devteam? Oo05:39
goldfishRazor-X: Nah, I know someone who wrote an article about it.05:39
Howitzer(of DSL)05:39
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rekaemist: what card?05:39
Razor-XHowitzer: hoping to join soon05:39
goldfishRazor-X: he believes it anyway :)05:39
Razor-Xgoldfish: haha, yeah05:40
HowitzerRazor-X, what do you actually do?05:40
emistreka, the intel one 82852/855GM05:40
Howitzeri mean05:40
emisteric, at least you know where the problem is05:40
Howitzerhow do you code a distro? Oo05:40
rekaemist: onboard graphics?05:40
Razor-XHowitzer: help on this channel, learn Calculus, make game/book stories, read05:40
rekaemist: that's why05:40
eventualbuddhai just installed hoary with the server option. how do i add dev tools so that i can compile ruby?05:41
Razor-Xeventualbuddha: sudo apt-get install build-essentials05:41
pepsieventualbuddha: install build-essential05:41
Howitzercalcul?us? Oo05:41
bddebianeventualbuddha: apt-get install build-essentials05:41
rekaemist: what games are you trying to run?05:41
bddebianDamnit, beat again05:41
eventualbuddhathanks guys05:41
emistreka, any game, not only that even some screen savers slow to a crawl05:41
eventualbuddhacouldn't find package build-essentials05:42
crimsuneventualbuddha: sudo aptitude install build-essential && sudo apt-get build-dep ruby1.805:42
Razor-XHowitzer: yeah, Calculus ;)05:42
emistits like 3d accel is not enabled even though it is05:42
IIIEars"build-essential" i think it is...05:42
Howitzeris it a coding-language?05:42
rekaemist: it's onboard graphics...what to you expect?05:42
DonLemist, try glx-gears and see what you get05:42
reka*what do you05:42
eventualbuddhacrimsun: thanks. i tried installing ruby and related libraries via apt-get but it kept giving md5sum mismatch errors05:42
emistreka, i can run the same game very nicely in other os, im pretty sure its not the hardware05:43
Burgundaviaeventualbuddha, change from the us repos05:43
crimsuneventualbuddha: use a non-US mirror05:43
emistDonL, i get approx 400 fps while not running anything except desktop05:43
rekaemist: what game?05:43
IIIEarsemist - wine or cedega?05:43
emistreka, nwn, its around 3 years old05:43
pepsicrimsun: can you confirm that one of the archive.ubuntu.com servers is down?05:43
emistIIIEars, neither, they ported it to linux05:43
DonLemist, that seems slow05:43
rekaemist: how are you running it?05:43
IIIEarsemist - ah okay.05:44
=== DonL checks glx-gears
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eventualbuddhak, changed us.archive to archive05:44
IIIEars<< - UT - UT2k4  fan05:44
emistthe thing is i had the same symptoms on another box which of course went away when i got 3d accel working05:44
DonLmine topped out at 3413 fps05:44
emistwhich is just weird05:45
Razor-XIIIEars: pwnz all ;)05:45
pepsicrimsun: archive.ubuntu.com resolves to and, but .151 is borked.. and at least for me, synaptic only wants to use .15105:45
emisthehehe nice DonL :)05:45
Howitzeradrian@ubuntu:~$ glxgears05:45
HowitzerXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:45
Howitzerglxgears: Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual.05:45
Razor-XUT is just incomparable, teh speed which you need to play UT is much faster than any other FPS out there05:45
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crimsunpepsi: you can hard-code in /etc/hosts05:45
Razor-Xit takes much more skill than other FPS games, IMO05:45
pepsicrimsun: i just used the working IP for my repositories05:45
hybrid_gothanyone here use a psp with linux05:45
IIIEarsRazor-X - pwnz? - the man in the middle syn flood for UT - UT2k4? - grin05:45
pepsiscary though that us.archive is dead and now half of archive is too05:46
HowitzerUT is the most fast-paced shooter there is05:46
glickhehe my household is ms free05:46
drcodewhat is oss or jack audio , how I config them?05:46
Howitzeryou need SERIOUS reflexes for it :x05:46
eventualbuddharuby -v!!!05:46
DonLglick, only a third of my household is05:46
crimsundrcode: oss is another api/backend, like alsa.05:46
HrdwrBoBUT2k4 is very fast yeah05:46
crimsundrcode: esound runs on top of oss or alsa.05:46
drcodehow I load oss05:46
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glickDonL, yeah all the other people i live with use linux too05:47
crimsundrcode: jack, similar to esound in this layer hierarchy, runs on top of oss or alsa.05:47
glickall the servers in my house run linux05:47
IIIEarsMust be the last on the planet to just finish Farcry - the game is a must have.05:47
drcodeI have esound card05:47
DonLglick, did you talk them into it, or did they do it on their own?05:47
crimsundrcode: you shouldn't need to change to oss from alsa unless it's an extreme case.05:47
glickDonL, they used linux when i met them05:47
drcodeI want to run mixxx software05:47
drcodeit uses jack or oss05:47
DonLI don't have any humans around here to talk Linux to. I'm by myself05:48
glicktheir CEs and EEs05:48
drcodethay say it work with alsa but no lac05:48
crimsundrcode: so install jackd from universe, run it (read the documentation!), and run mixxx on top of jack05:48
crimsundrcode: afaik it does work with alsa directly, too05:48
drcodeI willl try05:48
drcodethe playback device "hw:0" is already in use. Please stop the application using it and run JACK again05:50
drcodecannot load driver module alsa05:50
crimsundrcode: esd is still running, probably05:50
drcodeesd is like jack?05:50
crimsunesd is esound05:50
bddebianOK I'm slacking05:50
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drcodeI kill it05:50
=== nomasteryoda [~nmyoda@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
glickdoes ubuntu have th w32codecs package?05:51
crimsunglick: no, but debian-marillat does.05:51
bddebianOnly in backports I think glick05:51
drcodeit now seems to work05:51
drcodewhere can I find esd module?05:51
Burgundaviaglick, hoary-extras, part of the backports project05:51
crimsundrcode: err, for what?05:51
Razor-Xdrcode: why do you need esd?05:52
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drcodeI dont know from where it load05:52
drcodeI think by default05:53
Howitzerglick: sudo apt-get install w32codecs05:53
qt2https://wiki.ubuntu.com//SettingUpSamba <- anyone have an idea why i dont have the 'windows networking' stuff under the general tab? samba IS installed...05:53
crimsundrcode: yes, gnome loads it by default.05:53
elmagozizouHy, does any one use synaptic package manager here?05:53
Howitzeri'm getting fat05:53
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Rideelmagozizou, many people do05:54
DonLelmagozizou, I certainly do05:54
glickim still kina hesitant about installing ubuntu05:54
bddebianqt2: General Tab?05:54
elmagozizouDoes any one use synaptic here..I have a question05:54
nomasteryodaglick, Y?05:54
bwlangelmagozizou: just ask... if people know they might answer05:54
qt2bddebian, "System -> Administration -> Networking" "You will need the General tab, in the middle."05:54
IIIEarselmag, - synaptic question?05:54
glicknomasteryoda, last time i tried it i had some issues with it with my firewire drive, althought in the live cd those issues seem to have been resolved05:55
qt2bddebian, i'm refrencing that wiki article.05:55
nomasteryodaglick, you mean warty?05:56
DonLmaybe elmagozizou lost his connection05:56
glickalso i have this debian system set up i dont want to have to reinstall if it doesnt work out05:56
bddebianqt2: Hmm, I don't have them either.  Let me look at that wiki05:56
glicknomasteryoda, yeah05:56
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glicknomasteryoda, no hoary05:56
IIIEarselmago - went pfft. - shrug05:56
nomasteryodahoary is much improved05:56
nomasteryodaglick, what are you using now?05:56
glickim sure it was hoary05:56
glicknomasteryoda, debian etch05:56
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nomasteryodawell, you can tweak hoary with some breezy... i did it for the i855resolution app05:57
DonLglick, so you want to upgrade it to hoary?05:57
nomasteryodaon my laptop05:57
glickDonL, no i was gonna install it on my laptop05:57
DonLfresh install???05:58
drcodemy only problem is midi failed05:58
glickDonL, yeah05:58
bddebianqt2: I don't have that either.  However, you shouldn't need it to configure Samba05:58
crimsundrcode: you need to: sudo modprobe snd_seq05:58
IIIEarsglick - grub install to the same hd as a current windows install works nicely. - it seems everything else needs a tweak. the  display is easy to configure with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and lspci05:58
DonLShould be no problem. It's the most no problem distro I've ever seen05:58
drcodeI Will try05:58
Ridedoes anyone know how to go about setting up an IRC server? more specifically for an intranet?05:58
glickyaeah i been running the live CD and once i boot the live CD even though its slow as hell i keep it running all day05:59
qt2bddebian, heh, i see... i'm trying to figure out how exactly to set up windows-esqe file and printer sharing between two ubuntu boxes. :P05:59
drcodestill midi failed05:59
JimbobRide: You may be better off setting up a private Jabber server05:59
=== Zerboxx [~zerboxx@d57-203-244.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsundrcode: lsmod|grep ^snd_seq_oss05:59
glickbut i dont kow if the liveCD is gonna be different from the installed version or what05:59
drcodeMidiObjectOSS: Open of MIDI device /dev/midi failed.05:59
DonLI couldn't fix someone's windows box, and gave them the live cd to get them by. They still haven't turned it off after a month06:00
IIIEarsglick - they are very much the same06:00
RideJimbob: is Jabber similar to this? and can be used from Winderrrs?06:00
drcodesnd_seq_oss            30080  006:00
JimbobRide: Jabber is like a cross between IRC and AIM.06:00
drcodeI dont use oss06:00
drcodeI Use alsa and jack06:00
crimsundrcode: doesn't matter06:00
glickhey would it be weird if i email a chick and invite her to my bbq even though she said to call her? but i lost my phone06:00
bddebianqt2: You can always edit /etc/samba/smb.conf manually or install the web based admin tool06:00
RideJimbob: hmm. thanks. I will go take a peek at it06:00
JimbobRide: People get their own accounts, e.g. "JamesCape@jabber.org", and you can send IMs to people, or start multi-user-chats06:00
Howitzer26minutes untill Minislack06:01
IIIEarsglick - if you use a wireless card for internet check out the wiki your card may be one that needs an ndis wrapper06:01
DonLglick,  depends on if she likes you, but I digress06:01
RideJimbob: thanks.06:01
glickIIIEars, i had no wireless problems06:01
glickDonL, i think she does06:01
DonLgo for it06:01
IIIEarsglick - installing it is simple but you will need a 'net connection06:01
nomasteryodaglick, consider yourself lucky on the wifi then06:02
ZerboxxIIIEars: Where can I see this list of which need the ndis wrapper?06:02
glickIIIEars, yeah my internet worked fine06:02
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nomasteryodaZerboxx, it's on the ndiswrapper.sf.net site ...06:02
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IIIEarsZeroboxx - not too sure - let's interogate ubotu06:02
ubotuI heard ndiswrapper is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper06:02
Zerboxxheh I'm already there :D06:02
jorgp2anyone ever heard of a dynex e201 pcmcia wireless card?06:03
nickrudIIIEars, that's an interesting word :)06:03
IIIEarswow hit it first time. - lol06:03
ZerboxxI'm setting up ubuntu on a friends computer, and they have a usb wireless, which needs ndiswrapper, not sure how to go about setting it up, but I'll go through the wiki's06:03
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phello everyone... i need some help with installing Ubuntu on usb drive. someone willing to help?06:03
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IIIEarsubotu wifi06:04
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto06:04
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bddebianp: Yes, don't install on a USB drive :-)06:04
nickrudas an aside, I now understand why everyone says to get an external modem06:04
pbddebian: it is the only possibility rightnow... :-(((06:04
DonLnickrud, what one were you trying to use?06:05
qt2bddebian, do i need that?06:05
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nickrudDonL, I got it working, it's a lucent version. It's just a pain, and the install docs I got where not 'quite' right06:05
DonLnickrud, so what seems to be the problem?06:06
nomasteryodanickrud, well what model?06:06
nickrudDonL, well, linmodems/techion/packages/ltmodem/kernel-2.6/ubuntu-install.html was close, but not quite. But, I am using the darn thing now.06:07
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Computer__GuruFEAR NOT, for I have returned06:07
nomasteryodawell, that's good you got it working06:07
DekaPinkSo far I haven't been able to get any of my friends on Ubuntu. :(06:07
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paxDekaPink: tell them it comes with pr0n06:07
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nomasteryodaDekaPink, people are funny about switching06:07
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nickrudnomasteryoda, I had to actually compile something, thereby violating a promise to myself ;)06:08
Computer__Guruit's hard to get people to want to learn something new06:08
ZerboxxIt does?! :P06:08
DekaPinkI got my friend on Fedora once... lol06:08
DonLnickrud, it's been a few years since I used a modem, but I remember there being problems then. I ended up buying new ones just to get it working.06:08
Computer__Gurui'd bet about 60% of us or better are here and on ubuntu out of years of frustration and limitations with windows06:08
DekaPinkBack before I knew Ubuntu existed... Except neither of us really knew anything.06:08
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nickrudDonL, I'll be buying an external tomorrow.06:08
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nomasteryodaComputer__Guru, nice long name06:08
DekaPinkI've just had lots of growing antiwindows feelings for a while. o.O06:09
calcwinxp isn't all that bad, i'm surprised people still swtich due to hating windows now06:09
Computer__Guruit's my yahoo id06:09
pso, once again. can somebody help me to install ubuntu on usb drive? please!06:09
DekaPinkThere are only two programs right now I really wish were on linux~06:09
ZerboxxThe only thing keeping me with some windows is my printer, but that'll be taken care of once I swap it with a friends06:09
calcback during win3.1-me time windows really did suck06:09
DonLnickrud, I found that US Robotics made an internal one that worked for me back then.06:09
Computer__Guruya i gotta say xp pro is nice06:09
vladanian     /msg nickserv set hide email on06:10
paxwindoz will always suck as long as you'll have to pay for it.06:10
=== Computer__Guru has never paid for a copy off windows
calci like linux better than windows, but winxp except for the whole virus/spyware issue isn't really bad enough to create the kind of hate that win3.1-me with its constant crashes did ;)06:10
DekaPinkYeah, god knows how much they'll charge for longhorn.06:10
nickrudDonL, I have a zoom isa in the other machine. I didn't realize just how good I had it.06:10
paxComputer__Guru: what was your address again? (jk)06:10
pepsi? windows3.1 was great!06:11
jimrits free on the torrents06:11
calci still recall win98 crashing on me multiple times a day at work06:11
DonLMy better half runs XP and I have to say that except for picking up Trojans, Worms and Viruses, it seems to be fairly trouble free. Cough cough. Hard for me to say that06:11
DekaPinkIf only I could get TMPGenc to work in wine... I'd be a happy button.06:11
Computer__Gurulonghorn will be almost entirely xml based.. that'll actually be kinda nice06:11
nickrudlol, I just booted xp for the first time today06:11
DekaPink... and maybe VCDeasy.06:11
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calcpepsi: win3.1 sucked so much i just stuck to using dos ;)06:11
DonLnickrud, don't know about zoom06:11
phello! some Ubuntu realated help needed. anyone?06:11
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pepsip: dont ask to ask, first ask to ask to ask, or else06:12
DonLMy son runs '98 and I've never seen such a magnet for junk06:12
nickrudDonL, probably the same as your us robotics, just address it as a serial port.06:12
eno__would someone please tell me the switch for mounting an ntfs drive as read only06:12
eno__is it -t ntfs -ro?06:12
pepsiisnt ntfs readonly anyhow?06:12
calceno__: probably -o ro06:12
qt2bddebian, all i want is for the other computer to be able to access the printer really, and perhaps browse the other computer in06:12
Computer__Gurui have a packard bell 486sx25 that still runs win3.11 for workgroups06:12
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DonLnickrud, my modem was internal on an ISA slot06:12
phey. I need to install Ubuntu on a bootable USB drive.06:12
Computer__Gurubeen running since 1993 or so (not constantly, but its on every day)06:13
hondjeComputer__Guru: :o Your packard bell lasted longer than 6 months?! :o06:13
hondjeYou really ARE a guru06:13
nickrudDonL, the same06:13
DonLAhh. Ok06:13
Computer__Gurui had to replace the original 40mb hdd06:13
Computer__Guruit died06:13
epOn apt-get install I'm getting Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu... MD5Sum mismatch unable to fetch...  How can I correct this?06:13
Computer__Gurubut i had a 60mb to put in it06:13
ubotu[usrepos]  if you get MD5Sum mismatches when doing apt-get installs don't use the us mirror.  Change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list06:13
vladanianep, you take out the us from the repo address06:13
Computer__Guruep: change all your us.archive and us.security entries to drop the us.06:14
jimrwhen i try to look at the repository list in synaptic is just reloads the package list. anyone ever had that happen06:14
vladanianWhat's up with that, anyway?06:14
nickrudheh, us has become such a problem that ubotu knows about it :)06:14
hondjeI dunno06:14
hondjeit's been like that for a long time,06:14
Computer__Gurulazy packagers?06:14
bddebianqt2: There might be a better way but I'm probably not the one to ask unfortunately06:14
vladanianThat's lame06:14
hondjelike, going on a month06:14
=== Computer__Guru ducks
blmartin777can somebody here help me with the giftui I am getting this when trying to start .. No host to connect /apps/giftui/daemon/host06:14
vladanianI'd like to see torrent-based repos06:15
hondjewhy on earth?06:15
vladanianI know there's a package for it, but I think the project's dead06:15
vladanianGeneral sweetness, mainly06:15
DonLp, just so you don't feel ignored, I don't know about installing on USB06:15
hondjeI don't want to upload06:15
vladanianBut load balancing06:15
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vladanianThat everyone shares in06:15
nickrudwhat sucks, is I put hoary on a measly 5gb partition while on dsl, and told aptitude to not save the debs; now, I'm on a dialup, I have a new computer, and don't have the debs I downloaded ;(06:16
hondjethat's just asking for a mitm to screw things up06:16
Computer__Gurutorrent based package management linux.. it'll finish installing in 3 - 5 days, depending on your outbound connection06:16
p:-) it's ok... it seems like the channel should change the name to "my Windows experience"06:16
hondjebittorrent has its uses....like, two of them06:16
nickrudgetting hoary, and ?06:16
hondjegiving hoary :)06:16
vladanianWell, I'd like to see it -- sometimes mirrors go down06:16
nomasteryodaah, yea that too06:17
hondjenomasteryoda: usenet man06:17
vladanianAnd there's the backports project06:17
nomasteryodahondje, true06:17
vladanianTheir mirrors are often jacked06:17
hondjeYou're no spring chicken :)06:17
nickrudah, when I had dsl, I uploaded the equiv of 2 hoarys06:17
DekaPinkMy totem won't even open a DVD now... It's just like "Unexpected error status 8192 while mounting /media/cdrom1"06:17
hondjeI tried bittorrent like once06:17
Computer__Gurupr0nix - comes with a web browser, a box of tissues, a bottle of jergins lotion, and free membership to www.webyoung.com06:17
hondjeI realized it was pointless06:17
hondjealmost as bad as those other p2ps06:17
vladanianNice, be sure to send me the subscription login06:17
vladanianIt works for me06:18
vladanianI download lots of isos06:18
calcbt is good for downloading linux dists06:18
vladanianYeah, it's best for that06:18
vladanianRight now06:18
Computer__Guruso is archives.sunsite.edu :D06:18
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hybrid_gothanyone here use a psp with linux?06:18
vladanianI don't like having to choose a mirror06:18
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nickrudhybrid_goth, I used to, until the supremes told me not to06:18
hondjeI don't download distros with bittorrent06:19
hondjeI'd rather just get a good ftp server to download from06:19
vladanianWhat would be cool, is if the mirror sites were hosting torrents, as an option06:19
vladanianYeah, but it's not always clear what's best06:19
=== carambol [~Carambol@h90238.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
calci can download faster via bt than off most ftp sites06:19
nomasteryodacalc, true06:20
nickrudI didn't mind leaving the torrent available to others, It seemed a good use of my money06:20
nomasteryodaif you open the ports06:20
vladanianWhen something's in high demand on a torrent, yeah, I max out my conneciton06:20
hondjethe only thing bittorrent is good for is pirates, because who wants to download a movie from someone with a 56k line?06:20
crimsunI pull from the umn.edu mirror ;)06:20
DonLUnfortunately I have to use my wife's XP for downloading distros because she's got the burner06:20
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Computer__Gurui get 350+ k/s from archive.ubuntu.com pretty much all the time06:20
Troy_McClurehey... i am trying to share folders under ubuntu for media, but whenever i try to connect it requires a username and password06:20
=== hondje has a list of good mirrors
vladanianYou pay the same if you're using your pipe a lot or a little06:20
vladanianWith DSL06:20
vladanianMight as well contribute to the goodness with bandwidth06:20
calchondje: if there are a lot of people with 56k lines you can download that movie fast06:20
Computer__Guruand thats in the uk06:20
Computer__Guruand im in ohio06:20
hondjeyeah, I know calc...and that's about all its good for :)06:20
Computer__Guruso *shrug*06:20
hondjeEverything legit is on an ftp server :)06:21
Computer__Guruthe us mirrors were lightning fast, too bad they're broke06:21
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calchondje: or downloading knoppix isos at 500KB/s+06:21
NerdGirlwow...  lots of folks in here...06:21
hondjewell, I hear its good for isos06:21
Computer__Guruknoppix 3.9 sucks06:21
hondjebut the mirrors I use always max out my connection06:21
vladanianWhat's cool about BT is it makes it possible for someone with just a slow connection to distribute a large file06:21
vladanianand not go broke06:21
Computer__Gurugood for cracking the admin pwd on xp boxen tho :D06:21
DonLComputer__Guru, is that right? Thanks for letting me know06:21
vladanianIf it's popular, then it'll scale out06:21
hondjeyes, and that's a cool thing, but like I said that's also pretty useless for the majority of people06:22
Troy_McClureno one can help configuring my samba share to work with windows?06:22
Computer__Gurusamba is evil06:22
paxTroy_McClure: have you tried swat?06:22
paxsudo apt-get install swat06:22
Computer__Gurui dont even like browsing other peoples samba shares, let along setting them up06:23
calcsamba is cool you can make your linux box use windows auth for logins :)06:23
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DonLAfter years of effort, I've still not figured out samba06:23
Computer__Guruyeah i want to use a less secure auth system06:23
carambolwhere i get shred?06:23
calcComputer__Guru: kerberos isn't too shabby06:23
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paxTroy_McClure: swat is web-based frontend for smb.conf, makes your life easier06:23
vladaniansamba can be rough06:24
vladaniannfs is easier06:24
nomasteryodaubotu, where's shred06:24
ubotuNo idea, nomasteryoda06:24
cyril_i'm new06:24
Computer__Gurucalc: granted, but ssh w/nfs pwnz06:24
bddebiannfs?? Ugh :-)06:24
vladanianJust not windows-friendly06:24
NerdGirlQuestion: trying to setup my display with 5.04.  I have a Samsung syncmaster LCD monitor and and INtel i845GL chipset (shared memory).  Can't get the resolution to change from 640x480 at 59 Hz, and my attempts to edit xorgconfig have simply disabled X entirely.06:24
nomasteryodaubotu, shred06:24
ubotunomasteryoda: I give up, what is it?06:24
cyril_i'm searching for installe inotify on the last kernel release od ubuntu06:24
calcComputer__Guru: ssh isn't centralized auth06:24
cyril_if anyone can help me.. :)06:24
vladanianyeah, dude, ssh is sweet06:24
calcComputer__Guru: and nis sucks more than kerberos from what i can tell06:24
vladanianHey, about the inotify06:24
pepsiNerdGirl: have you tried doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?06:24
vladanianand beagle, right?06:24
Computer__Guruso, u never said anything about centralized06:24
vladanianI never found it06:24
cyril_i have beagled runnin g06:25
vladanianIt's nice06:25
Computer__Gurublah, it's all symantecs and personal preference when it boils down to it\06:25
calcComputer__Guru: thats the whole point of having linux auth off windows server :)06:25
cyril_but i'm listen to inotify06:25
DonLI can see and share files from the windows boxes on my network, but they can't see me. I think that is a windows problem No?06:25
NerdGirlno.  I'm pretty new to all this, just been googling around for anyone with similar problems...06:25
vladanianBut I needed to kill it every gso often or else it used all my ram06:25
hondjeNerdGirl: that chipset works fine06:25
Computer__GuruNerdGirl: whats the problem?06:25
hondjeNerdGirl: you're setting up xorg.conf wrong, probably06:25
cyril_beagled is extra ^^06:25
pepsiNerdGirl: doing that will ask you a bunch of questions and setup your xorg.conf06:25
vladanianYou don't need inotify06:25
=== calc bbl
vladanianBut it's supposed to work better06:25
cyril_it is better ... :/06:25
vladanianThat's where fedora is best06:26
vladanianBut with mono06:26
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vladanianI guess that's not always the case06:26
Computer__Gurui should sponsor avidemux into universe06:26
NerdGirlxorgconfig gave me a bunch of questions too.  I know my sync rates for my monitor.  I think it's having trouble figuring out the chipset, and it isn't listed as such.  using the generic Intel i810 hasn't worked.06:26
blmartin777is there any gift users in here06:26
AlbanianLordgreat idea06:26
Computer__Guruor talk someone else into doing it06:27
hondjeNerdGirl: i845 uses i810 driver, and works fine06:27
Computer__Gurui just know id end up neglecting it06:27
cyril_so i must leave06:27
cyril_see you later06:27
cyril_by :)06:27
vladaniangood luck06:27
hondjeNerdGirl: you sure the rates match what ddcprobe | grep monitorrange give you?06:27
Computer__Guruby cyril_06:27
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NerdGirlhasn't worked for me hondje.06:27
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vladanianHey, peeps, I registered this name but I don't recall what my password was06:27
vladanianCan the server send me an e-mail or something?06:27
nomasteryodacarambol, like in wipe?06:27
Computer__Guruvladanian: talk to an ircop with services admin status06:28
NerdGirlno, but they match the published specs given for the monitor.06:28
pepsivladanian: you have to ask freenode staff to help you :)06:28
vladanianok, thanks06:28
blmartin777no gift users06:28
nomasteryodaubotu, wipe06:28
ubotunomasteryoda: I give up, what is it?06:28
Howitzermy minislack download is done \ o /06:28
AlbanianLordgenerally, do most of you use gnome or kde?06:28
Computer__Guruvladanian: /who +o should do the trick if i remember06:28
vladanianLike, I doubt someone else has this name06:28
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vladanianI made it up for star wars galaxies :)06:28
hondjeNerdGirl: I'm inclined to believe ddcprobe. How different are they?06:28
nomasteryodakde on suse, gnome or xfce4 on ubuntu06:28
goldfishnomasteryoda: gnome by default.06:28
AlbanianLordis xfce worth it?06:28
goldfishit is.06:29
nomasteryodait's cool06:29
Computer__Gurukde on ubuntu is nice06:29
goldfishflux is better though06:29
nomasteryodato the point xfce is06:29
nomasteryodagoldfish, flux is sweet06:29
NerdGirlhaven't checked.  As I said, I'm rather new to the linux thing.  DOn't know what to check yet.06:29
DekaPinkI'm comfortable in gnome. :306:29
Howitzeri use Gnome06:29
AlbanianLordim using dlux06:29
Howitzeri just love it06:29
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Howitzer+ i have a lovely theme :D06:29
AlbanianLordgnome is cool too06:29
nomasteryodaand I use flux on damnsmall06:29
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DekaPinkIt's taken me a long time to not feel like a fish out of water when in gnome.06:29
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AlbanianLorddamnsmall is cool06:29
paxwhy limit your self to one desktop if you can use both :D06:30
NerdGirlI'll look into the ddcprobe values, see what it gives me.06:30
nickrudGnome, but xfce is nice, if you really want to tweak06:30
DonLNerdGirl, I know I saw a graphical setup, just have to find it06:30
Computer__Gurui dont care for gnome06:30
bonkdoes anyone else use a tv tuner card under ubuntu?06:30
Computer__Gurukde is much more feautre rich06:30
DonLbonk, I do06:30
NerdGirltried the graphical xorgcfg, didn't work.06:30
Computer__Guruat the expense of a couple more megs and cpu cycles06:30
Howitzerthis is unbearable06:30
vladanianKDE is, that's true06:30
NerdGirlwouldn't accept the values.06:30
vladanianI think gnome is prettier06:30
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goldfishno way!06:30
bonkDonL, what did you do to get it working?06:30
Howitzermy throat hurts like hell, but i'm sooooooooo hungry :(06:30
Computer__Guruvladanian: you havent seen my kde :D06:30
bonkand what program do you use?06:30
AlbanianLordi have a clean theme06:30
Computer__Guruvladanian: http://www.daede.com/MyDesktop.jpg06:31
goldfishgo to the fluxbox site and look at the screenshots, they are awesome :)06:31
vladanianOh yeah, pretty fly?06:31
DonLbonk, nothing. It set itself up. I just ran tvtime and it was there06:31
vladanianYou know what bugs the hell out of me on KDE?06:31
vladanianWhen you hover over a file on your desktop or something06:31
nomasteryodaNerdGirl, did you try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?06:31
NerdGirlnot yet.06:31
vladanianAnd there's that big yellow square06:31
Computer__Guruonly thing different now is i have brushed metal osx instead of glossy :D06:31
AlbanianLordi know exactly what u r talking about06:31
vladanianLike, I like the info they're giving me in there06:31
nickrudI've been using gnome so long, I can get lost using anything else these days06:32
vladanianBut it looks ugly to me06:32
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Computer__Guruvladanian: you can turn that off06:32
bonkDonL, where did you get tvtime?06:32
Computer__Guruor chnge the color06:32
Computer__Guruvladanian: u check out my desktop?06:32
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vladanianI'll look into that06:32
DonLNerdGirl, did you go to Preferences, Screen Resolution?06:32
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NerdGirlDonL: yeah.  All I was offered was 640x48006:32
DonLbonk, just apt-get install tvtime06:32
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bonkDonL, I can't find it there06:33
vladanianWhere can I see your desktop, Guru?06:33
DonLNerdGirl, you didn't get a choice. Oh no06:33
nickrudNerdGirl, /var/log/Xorg.0.log may have some hints06:33
bonkDonL, which repos is it in?06:33
ripgutsup guys :)06:33
vladanianoh, I see06:33
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DonLbonk, have you installed the universe and multiverse repos?06:33
AlbanianLordi defininitely would like to show you mine06:33
ripguthate to bother yall, but i need some help with m audio06:33
bddebianHello ripgut06:33
_EdmGuy_anyone know of a more kde-centric program like grip?06:34
bonkDonL, I'm pretty sure I have, it's a bit unreliable at the moment though06:34
vladanianyeah, that's nice looking06:34
nomasteryodaNerdGirl, if you do use dpkg-reconfigure, you will find you can choose more... but it needs to be something close to what the monitor can handle06:34
newbieany one experiencing problems with lyx fonts especially the capital f letter?06:34
AlbanianLordwell crip works06:34
vladanianI'm not crazy about the icons, I guess06:34
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Computer__Guruvladanian: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2628306:34
ripgutim on a compaq presario x1000 and now all of a sudden the audio has went out06:34
DonLbonk, I'll see if I can tell where I got it from...06:34
Computer__Guruthats my desktop06:34
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vladanianThat's something in gnome that I like better06:34
crimsunripgut: which m-audio?06:34
vladanianI go back and forth06:34
ripgutit worked efore and now it dont06:34
crimsunripgut: oh, you meant "my audio"?06:34
vladanianUsually when new versions come out06:34
bonkDonL, please06:34
cafuego_EdmGuy_: There's some K-somethingorother app that does rip/encode/id3/cddb - let me check06:35
DonLbonk, it says Ubuntu all over it. It's got to be there06:35
vladanianMy desktop, right now, is standard ubuntu with hella crap on it06:35
ripgutmy audio hardware is Intel 82801DB-ICH (alsa mixer)06:35
crimsunripgut: cat /proc/asound/modules06:35
crimsunright, you should be using snd_intel8x006:35
Computer__Guruvladanian: that's kde :)06:35
cafuego_EdmGuy_: try 'kaudiocreator'06:35
Computer__Guruhighly customized06:35
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glickis it me or is angelina jolie an ugly bitch?06:35
ubotufrom memory, sound is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206306:36
vladanianI think she's hot06:36
goldfishglick: just you!06:36
goldfishshe is hot06:36
crimsunglick: ->#ubuntu-offtopic06:36
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Computer__Guruyeah she is06:36
gyaresu_ripgut, have you followed the sound link?06:36
Computer__Guruu see her in sin city yet?06:36
goldfishglick: -> #losers06:36
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ripgutangelina jolie is overrated06:36
AlbanianLordis she06:36
AlbanianLorddid you see mr and mrs smith06:36
Burgundaviathere are other venues for this discussion, please find them06:36
NerdGirlthnx noyodamaster, hondje, DonL.  I'll boot back into it, see if I can't sort this out yet.06:36
glickc'mon goldfish im mean im not saying that i wouldnt accept some dome from her or even derail her sideways till sunday...but shes not THAT hot!06:36
vladanianmaybe, there's a lot of overratedness out there06:36
Computer__Guruoh are we talking about angelina jolie?06:36
DonLnp NerdGirl06:36
nomasteryodaubotu, angelina jolie is off-topic06:37
ubotuokay, nomasteryoda06:37
gyaresu_glick, please take it elsewhere...06:37
_EdmGuy_cafuego, thanks I will try that out06:37
Computer__Gurui thought we were talking about alexis bledel06:37
vladanianthat's true06:37
crimsunguys, jolie discussion belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.06:37
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nomasteryodacrimsun, tks06:37
bonkDonL, how do I use tvtime?06:37
nomasteryodai like ubotu's response06:37
DonLdid you install it?06:37
glickcrimsun, who cares, let people talk about whatever they want to, when someone has a question about ubuntu, then the topic will switch back to ubuntu for cryin out loud, relax! we'll still help you!06:38
crimsunripgut: so, getting back to my prompt...06:38
glickfor godsakes06:38
goldfishglick: dont talk to ops like that :)06:38
DonLJust run it and follow the instructions. If you're in Europe you probably will opt for Pal, but in North America it will be NTSC06:38
crimsunglick: #ubuntu-offtopic was created for a reason. Please use it and allow us to troubleshoot.06:38
gyaresu_glick, that's not the point of this channel.06:38
bonkDonL, went through that06:38
Computer__Guruglick: ur not gonna win this one06:38
crimsunripgut: I asked you about the contents of /proc/asound/modules06:38
Computer__Gurui tried a couple nights ago06:38
bonkbut when I actually run it, it comes up black screen with a little menu06:39
ripgutyes crimsun06:39
AlbanianLordcrimsun gets to business06:39
bonkthe little menu is all for the settings, no actual setting for channels or anything06:39
DonLbonk, what does the menu say?06:39
nickrudyou mean, gets business done ;)06:39
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DonLbonk,  there might be one that allows you to automatically scan for channels. Look for that06:40
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vladanianis that what they mean by chilling effect?06:40
bonkDonL: will do, thank06:40
vladanianbut we can't have chaos06:40
AlbanianLordvladanian... where are you from?06:40
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crimsunripgut: what is the output from that command?06:40
Computer__Gurupeople keep rebooting my computer when im not home06:40
Computer__Guruim never gonna get an uberleet uptime06:41
vladaniansan francisco06:41
Razor-Xanyone in here use Conkeror?06:41
Computer__Guru 00:41:12 up  2:00,  2 users,  load average: 1.47, 1.29, 1.1906:41
bonkDonL, I can't find it06:41
bonkany help?06:41
AlbanianLordethnically speaking06:41
Computer__GuruRazor-X: konqueror?06:41
guerrerovladanian, what part of SF? ..im in the mission06:41
Razor-XComputer__Guru: no, Conkeror06:41
DonLbonk,  sorry, but without being there, it's kind of hard to help. For me it was a cakewalk06:41
vladanianI'm in the fab outer richmond06:41
Computer__Gurunever heard of it06:41
DonLI've got Konqueror06:41
Razor-Xit's awesome if you use vi or emacs06:41
Computer__Guruvi is EVIL06:42
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ripgut0 snd_intel8x006:42
Razor-XComputer__Guru: good ;)06:42
bonkDonL: thanks anyway. I'll just do some hunting on the net06:42
hondjevi sucks06:42
hondjevim rocks06:42
Computer__Guruyaknow, ive been using linux since circa 95 and i never learned vi06:42
Razor-Xthen you'll like emacs more06:42
hondjenothing is better tan vim06:42
Razor-Xgood job!06:42
vladanianmy vi is vim06:42
guerrerovim rocks06:42
guerreroalias vi="vim"06:42
vladanianRedhat's vi is actually vim06:42
crimsunripgut: good, now paste the output from amixer onto the topic's pastebin06:42
Computer__Guruscrew all that.. pico is your friend06:42
AlbanianLordi concur06:42
glicki like emacs for development06:42
Computer__Guruwhat can vi do that pico cant?06:42
Razor-XComputer__Guru: non-free?06:43
glickintergrated with gdb and gcc06:43
glickand make06:43
Razor-XComputer__Guru: regular expressions?06:43
hondjeComputer__Guru: make me happy06:43
glickand email06:43
glickand news06:43
Computer__GuruRazor-X: okay, nano, now hush06:43
glickand the shell06:43
AlbanianLordcheck this out http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=1187306:43
hondjeand split06:43
guerreroemacs is nice too..but too heavy weight..sometimes you want to edit a file without loading 300Megs of binary06:43
vladanianvi(m) just happened to be what I started on06:43
trog|odytpico isn't free, and ubuntu links it to nano06:43
decafComputer__Guru: have you ever used a really old unix like xenix?06:43
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Razor-Xguerrero: that's a total myth06:43
nickrudthis is the third night running for the editor wars :)06:43
Razor-Xit's not much at all06:43
glickguerrero, you load emacs once and do all your work in it06:43
crimsunripgut: amixer spits out a lot of text. Paste it all to the topic's pastebin06:43
hondjeyeah, can't be more than 290MB06:43
Razor-Xmuch less than current machines can handle06:43
ripguti dont see any text06:43
guerreroRazor-X, im exagerating...but the footprint of emacs is way more than vim06:44
hondjeI'm just waiting for Razor-X to start quoting ESR06:44
goldfishnickrud: 5th time today aswell :)06:44
goldfishwe also had irc client wars earlier.06:44
DonLIf X goes down and takes gedit with it, I'm screwed06:44
Computer__Gurudecaf: i had to learn a little vi when i ran my dal servers.. at least enough to edit the files necessary to do a make world, but then i went to ports and installed ee or pico :D06:44
goldfishand grammar war06:44
ripgutdo i do an "alsamixer"?06:44
Razor-Xguerrero: but if you were to do the same tasks emacs does in a screen session, the footprint would be more06:44
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Razor-XDonL: then learn something else ;)06:44
Razor-ESRIt's not hackers, they're crackers06:44
nickrudubotu editor is all editors are ok, just pick one and shut up :)06:44
ubotunickrud: okay06:44
Razor-Xi'm no cracker06:44
Razor-ESRWear the game of life logo06:44
ubotuI heard editor is all editors are ok, just pick one and shut up :)06:45
Razor-ESRGuns are good, and the bazaar is fun06:45
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bddebiannickrud: :-)06:45
DonLRazor-ESR, learning starts from necessity and is driven in by frequent use. That hasn't happened yet06:45
crimsunripgut: no, amixer06:45
vladanianThat's so esr06:45
vladanianHe loves the firearms06:45
eno__hey I figured out my xmms problem.  it was trying to use the webcam audio mixer for some reason06:45
Razor-XDonL: you mean, you use GUI that much?06:45
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Computer__Guruubotu vi is EVIL!06:45
ubotuokay, Computer__Guru06:45
ubotuI guess vi is EVIL!06:45
Computer__GuruVim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal06:45
Computer__GuruVim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal06:45
Computer__Guru[m[m[H[2J[2;1H~                                                                               [3;1H~                                                                               [4;1H~                                                                               [5;1H~                                                                               [6;1H~                                                                     06:45
guerreroRazor-X, yes..emacs is slowly becoming an entire operating system...soon it will integrate its own web browser06:45
crimsuneno__: snd_usb_audio?06:45
Razor-Xubotu nano is useless06:45
ubotuokay, Razor-X06:45
Computer__Guruoh crap06:45
hondjeguerrero: already done06:46
DonLRazor-X, pretty much. I started with a gui back in the Atari days06:46
Razor-Xguerrero: it alread has one06:46
bddebianNANO R0X J0006:46
Razor-Xubotu forget nano06:46
ubotui forgot nano, Razor-X06:46
goldfishLooks like it should be s/#ubuntu/#ubuntu-offtopic/ time06:46
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crimsuneno__: you can work around that by telling Ubuntu that you want the other non-usb sound driver to be preferred06:46
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Computer__Guruforgot bangexec, have to !!! to show !whatever in room06:46
Razor-XDonL: I can't acheieve much in a GUI environment06:46
DonLI have learned a lot about command line though and am learning more all the time06:46
Razor-Xtoo much of the human race learns visually *shrugs*06:46
guerrerovisual learning is good...it leverages a highly optimized portion of the cortex06:47
glicki lost my dam cell phone today, i feel so damn isolated and alone :(06:47
Razor-XI don't learn visually06:47
Computer__Gurusomeone sponsor avidemux into universe :D06:47
glickcut off from the world06:47
Razor-Xreading and numbers are the way I can learn06:47
glickhelp me jeebus!06:47
Computer__Gurui would do it, but i just know ill neglect it06:47
Razor-Xglick: wow, you have a very false sense of security06:47
guerreroi learn with cartoons06:47
ripguthow the hell do i paste that into there06:47
hondjeComputer__Guru: doesn't it have legal concerns?06:47
guerreroespecially physics06:47
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eppico isnt free?06:47
DonLRazor-X, it's what you get used to.06:47
Computer__Guruhondje: like what?06:47
ripgutand why did my audio all of a sudden stop working?06:47
Razor-Xep: of course not06:47
Computer__Guruep: but nano is06:47
Belutzhooray my ubuntu instalation is finish!!!!06:47
hondjeI dunno, but if transcode has them, why not avidemux06:47
Razor-XDonL: no, not everyone learns visually06:47
Computer__Guruep: nano is an exact pico clone06:47
nickrudep, no, the university of washington won't let it go06:47
nomasteryodaBelutz, congrats06:48
Razor-XI don't, especially mnemonics06:48
glickRazor-X, i live in philly a cell phone so that when i get mugged so that i can call the po-po is hardly a false sense of security06:48
Razor-Xmnemonics annoy me, they never work06:48
Computer__Guruhondje: I have transcode too :D06:48
Razor-Xespecially visual ones06:48
nickrudRazor-X, tell that to socrates and co.06:48
Belutznomasteryoda, thx :D i will be in this channel more often hehehe06:48
crimsunripgut: you copy and paste with the mouse06:48
Razor-Xglick: hah ;)06:48
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calcglick: what if they steal your phone06:48
hondjeComputer__Guru: yeah, apt-get source -b transcode worked fine :)06:48
hondjewell, I had to fix ffmpeg06:48
liquidtenglick: yeah cause no one would _ever_ think to steal the cellphone too06:48
ripgutuhm, i know that but.... i can't i dont know how to explain it06:48
Computer__Guruhondje: i just added the backports repos and installed it :D06:48
ElbramJust tried to install 5.04, kept getting grub error18.  I googled, and saw that I should try to change stuff in my bios, It didn't help.06:48
glickwhat the hell can you do with a stolen cell?06:48
hondjemostly because the people who make transcode, ffmpeg and mplayer are very messy coders06:49
HrdwrBoBcall people06:49
HrdwrBoBsell it06:49
liquidtenglick: who cares it's free stuff06:49
guerrerocall yer parole officer06:49
crimsunripgut: copy with the primary mouse button and paste with the middle06:49
Computer__Guruglick: LOTS... ask my friend Kevin what kind of troubles he got into with a stolen cell :D:D06:49
Razor-XElbram: what's your drive configuration like?06:49
hondjeComputer__Guru: lol06:49
Elbramcrazy, 2 big hds, a cdrom and a dvdrom.06:49
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Computer__Guruhe did 6 years federal06:49
glickComputer__Guru, then god bless their lives cause i bet they are soo fulfilled06:49
Razor-XElbram: crazy sarcastic? ;)06:49
Computer__Gurulast i heard tho, he works for cisco now06:49
Razor-Xany RAID going on, or LVM, or something?06:50
hondjedoes he?06:50
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ripgutok it says "o commmand not found06:50
hondjeI thought he was busy writting shitty books06:50
ElbramI think I have an older machine and new big drives.06:50
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Elbramno raids.06:50
Computer__Guruglick: he was an international celebrity in the computer circles :D06:50
glickif you get your kicks from phreaking with a stolan cell phone you got bigger problems than me06:50
=== tfort [~tfort@a44.organicweb.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunripgut: "o"?06:50
ElbramI dind't see anything in my bios abour LVM.06:50
Razor-Xthen, paste your menu.lst to pastebin06:50
tfortanyone here know a good way to setup a soundblaster on ubuntu?06:50
Computer__Guruglick: he did a little more than that06:50
hondjejust a tad more06:50
Razor-XElbram: it's not your BIOS06:50
crimsuntfort: what model sb?06:50
ripguthere : "bash: 0: command not found"06:50
tfortit keeps using the damn motherboard soundcard06:50
goldfishMr. Mitnick Computer__Guru ?06:50
ripgutthats what it says06:50
tfortjust a general soundblaster 24bit06:50
hondjeI never saw a "Free Glick!" bumpersticker06:50
glickComputer__Guru, i dont really want to be a international celerberty to computer nerds with transparent skin cause they have never seen the light of day06:50
Razor-Xdid you install GRUB to MBR?06:50
tforti use to use emu101k in gentoo06:50
Razor-Xand do you double-boot?06:50
Computer__Guruhondje: you know kev? what was your nick back then?06:50
crimsuntfort: the 24-bit sb live?06:50
tfortbut dont know what's up with this06:51
tfortcrimsun yea06:51
Computer__Guruhondje: I was GaretJaX06:51
Elbramno double boot.06:51
guerreroso what's the best C++ IDE for linux?  dev-cpp kdevelop?06:51
hondjeI don't know him, I mock him :)06:51
crimsuntfort: you need to compile snd_ca010606:51
glickhondje, cause i was never a dumbass enough to go cracking into computer systems06:51
tfortalready did06:51
crimsun!tell tfort about alsa-source06:51
glickso of course you wouldnt see such a sticker06:51
Razor-Xguerrero: emacs? ;)06:51
ElbramI don't know where I installed grub, I did all defaults.06:51
hondjebut my non-IRC nick has always been smiter06:51
Computer__Gurugoldfish: ayup06:51
nickrudubotu, forget editor06:51
ubotui forgot editor, nickrud06:51
ubotuhmm... vi is EVIL!06:51
goldfishComputer__Guru: cool06:51
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Razor-Xubotu forget vi06:51
ubotui forgot vi, Razor-X06:51
Computer__Gurulet him remember that one06:52
Computer__Guruu suck06:52
Razor-XI would like it too06:52
Razor-Xbut, no, that _is_ useless06:52
nickrudComputer__Guru, please no, I like vim, but I can forgive others for their apostacy :)06:52
hondjeNot me06:52
hondjeI'm about to wage jihad06:52
guerreroRazor-X, i'lll bite...integrated debugger, source control, symbol completion06:52
=== hondje sets /mode +jihad
guerreroRazor-X, with emacs?06:52
ripgutman this is BS06:53
=== nickrud knew he picked the wrong word
goldfishripgut: what is?06:53
crimsunripgut: sheesh, paste it to me in privg mesg then06:53
Computer__Guruhondje: kev doesnt talk to me anymore cause i told himt hat personally i think he deserved what happened to him, he WAS breaking the law06:53
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nickrudripgut, it's not always like this06:53
guerreroas much as one can hate Microslop...the VC++ ide is pretty nice06:54
Computer__Guruand six years is a damned light sentence considering everything he did06:54
=== bonk [~bonk@60-234-137-56.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ripgutit wont let me pm you. WTF!!!!!!06:54
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hondjeI think he can't write very well06:54
bonkwhere can I find my CARDLIST file in my kernel documentation?06:54
goldfishComputer__Guru: murderers dont even get that.06:54
HrdwrBoBgoldfish: er, yes they do06:54
hondje6 wasn't too bad at all06:54
Computer__Gurugoldfish: murderers get 25, min06:54
hondjelook at what datastream cowboy got06:54
goldfishHrdwrBoB: not in ireland :)06:54
hondjethen again, that german kid got probabation for sasser06:54
HrdwrBoBgoldfish: mitnick wasn't in ireland06:55
calcgoldfish: hmm then fix that by murdering the murders ;)06:55
nomasteryodaubotu, murderers are off-topic06:55
ubotunomasteryoda: okay06:55
guerreroi think its not wise to generalize about sentences...they should and are highly case specific06:55
calcgoldfish: aka lynch them06:55
tfortcrimsun, should i use the ca0106 drivers, or the emu10k1?06:55
goldfishHrdwrBoB: i know thAT.06:55
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NerdGirlwell, I'm back, still having issues with my display.06:55
crimsuntfort: you -must- use snd_ca010606:55
bonkwhere can I find my CARDLIST file in my kernel documentation?06:55
goldfishcalc: :)06:55
Computer__Guruin ireland their idea of a good time is blowing up a church, and killing ppl int he parking lot at the local football game... ireland does not count :D06:55
crimsunbonk: ok, we read you the first dozen times. What card?06:55
tfortcrimsun, why's it so limited to that?06:55
Razor-Xjihad! jihad!06:55
crimsuntfort: because the hardware -requires- that driver06:55
goldfishComputer__Guru: Where did u hear that from? :)06:55
Computer__Guruhey man, i watch tv06:56
Computer__Gurucivil wars are messy06:56
nickrudwhat a fish :)06:56
bonkit's a tv tuner card, the main chip is a philips 713X06:56
calcComputer__Guru: i think that is more in england from the IRA ;)06:56
goldfishWell I've never heard of that happening here Computer__Guru !06:56
Computer__Guru*shrug* I wont pretend to know your politics06:56
NerdGirlddcprobe replied with the exact same sync settings I've been using, and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg enabled X again, but I'm still stuck at 640x48006:56
goldfishback to the topic!06:56
Razor-XI heard someone say "such and such" game is better than nethack06:56
Razor-Xwhich is it?06:56
DonLbonk, did the tuner card live in another computer successfully before?06:56
hondjeNerdGirl: do you have the mode set?06:56
nickrudRazor-X, moria06:56
Computer__GuruI do love st. patricks day tho.. its an excuse to get drunk two days in a row... (it directly follows my birthday)06:56
goldfishmud !06:56
bonkDonL, it's new06:57
guerreroyou can't beat the english for stoicism..."meanwhile london police have reported that traces of explosives where found at the blast sites"06:57
ripgutman i give up.....06:57
bonkand I don't have windows to try it out on06:57
Razor-XI don't want anything MMO06:57
goldfishguerrero: lol06:57
hondjelike Modes           "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"06:57
NerdGirlhondje: what do you mean by "mode"?06:57
crimsunNerdGirl: please paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log onto the topic's pastebin if you haven't already. If you have pasted it, please pass me the url.06:57
bonkthis particular computer only has kubuntu on it06:57
Razor-Xnickrud: what about ToME?06:57
Razor-XI played that for a while06:57
nickrudRazor-X, too new06:57
crimsunripgut: patience, man. Some of us are actually doing several things simultaneously.06:57
ripguti dont see why all of a sudden my audio jsut dont work anymore.06:57
hondjeyeah, post your xorg.conf06:57
bonkit's a saa713306:57
Razor-XI heard ToME can get real nice and indepth, but, I never got into it too much06:57
tfortcrimsun, should i try and disable the on board device?06:57
calcguerrero: it could have been spontaneous combustion06:57
=== hondje puts daughter to bed
tfortcrimsun, i want to use alsa and not oss and definately not esd06:58
bluefoxicyhttp://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y10/bluefoxicy/autopackage_advice.png there should also be an "Explaination" button to explain why SUID is dangerous and why discretion should be used.06:58
DonLbonk, have you run a google on the card and Linux to see if anyone is having problems?06:58
bluefoxicyNice enough mock-up?06:58
Razor-Xand for those of you criticisizng the size of emacs, check out QEmacs06:58
Computer__Gurumy kids have been in bed for hours06:58
tfortcrimsun, i've setup alsa in gentoo, but kind of hitting stumps in debian/ubuntu06:58
Razor-XComputer__Guru: you have... kids?06:58
bonkDonL, I'm not having any problems so far, I just don't know what I'm meant to do to set it up06:58
=== Razor-X shudders
crimsuntfort: just follow the directions I passed you via ubotu06:58
Razor-Xhow old is your oldest kid?06:58
tfortcrimsun cp and paste the commands06:59
=== nickrud will come back in 15 years, and ask Razor-X about his life :)
tfortdone now06:59
Razor-Xnickrud: meh ;)06:59
Computer__Guruyes.. Orion is 9 in nov, Casey Mae is 7 next month, and Sydney LeAnn is 5 as of last month06:59
tfortdpkg-deb: package name has characters that aren't lowercase alphanums or `-+.'06:59
tfortdh_builddeb: command returned error code 51206:59
Razor-XComputer__Guru: i'm 6 years older than your oldest ;)06:59
tfortthat's what i got in return06:59
Computer__GuruRazor-X: do you remember orion.dal.net?06:59
HrdwrBoBpeople who want to talk about kevin mitnick, murders, and other stuff... #ubuntu-offtopic please :)06:59
Computer__Guruoh i guess you wouldnt06:59
NerdGirlsorry crimsun, how do I do that?  not sure how to copy from vi.06:59
Razor-Xhehe, nopes06:59
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DonLbonk, it's been so long since I did that, but I remember I had to do it at least three times after changing distros. I can't say I remember anything difficult with mine. It's different though. It's an ATI card07:00
Computer__Guruwell, twas mine07:00
Computer__Guruso was centurion.dal.net and rush.dal.net07:00
Razor-XNerdGirl: Gnome Terminal and Konsole have their own copy and paste commands07:00
Razor-Xcheck them out in the menus (save you use a nice, nonstandard one)07:00
=== Computer__Guru was BlackDragon/PurpleMotion on DALnet
Razor-XBlackDragon.... name rings a bell from years ago07:00
Razor-Xlike when I first joined IRC07:01
Razor-Xand experienced the pain of mIRC07:01
Computer__Guruthat name was late 96,e arly 97, i doubt you know it07:01
vladaniangnome-term uses ctrl-shift c07:01
Razor-Xahhh, ok then, memory isn't working right then ;)07:01
Razor-XI was on the internet then07:01
Razor-Xbut... not IRC, most definitely07:01
NerdGirlhow much of it do you want?07:01
Computer__Gurubut I was the oper who akilled *!*@*.aol.com from DALnet - which resulted int he addition of an aol dalnet server07:01
tfortcrimsun, ran lsmod and it shows snd_ca0106, but also shows snd_emu10k1 and via82xx07:01
crimsuntfort: didn't you follow the commands exactly?07:01
Razor-XComputer__Guru: good job ;)07:01
tfortcrimsun, yea07:02
Computer__Guruand about 30,000 emails in less than ten hours, which were all redirected to my personal email07:02
=== Computer__Guru still hates webmaster for that one
nickrudNerdGirl, he'll want all of the Xorg.0.log07:02
crimsuntfort: you need to rmmod snd_emu10k1 and -shvia82xx*07:02
Razor-Xdid they sound like "OMG WTF?!?!" XD07:02
crimsuntfort: snd_via82xx, rather07:02
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HrdwrBoBComputer__Guru: #ubuntu-offtpic07:02
Razor-XAOL/netspeak is so half-assed07:02
HrdwrBoBRazor-X: #ubuntu-offtpic07:02
Razor-Xyeah, I better go htere07:03
Computer__GuruRazor-X: there was a guy ripping our network apart, and he was coming on under stolen aol accounts07:03
Computer__Guruokay okay07:03
Razor-XComputer__Guru: come on in07:03
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weirdcreepi have a problem07:04
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askinifi need help with setting firefox 1.0.5 correctly07:04
nickrudweirdcreep, ask away07:05
crimsuntfort: after you rmmod snd_emu10k1 and snd_via82xx, you need to rmmod snd_ca0106, too, and then reload it07:05
tfortcrimsun hwo do i kill the modules?07:05
tfortthey're currently in use07:05
weirdcreepmy ubuntu works pretty fine so now im bored07:05
weirdcreepwhat do i do07:05
tforttried to just stop alsa, but it fails to stop07:05
nickrudweirdcreep, reinstall :)07:05
crimsuntfort: don't "stop" alsa. Just kill esd and the mixer-applet07:05
weirdcreepwell it work perfect again07:06
weirdcreepso waht to do now07:06
tfort crimsun esd isn't on07:06
=== ripgut [~ripgut@c66-235-61-253.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu
DonLweirdcreep, I'm the same. Have to be playing or breaking something. I have another small hard drive for that stuff07:06
nickrudweirdcreep, just use it, that's ubuntu's purpose.07:06
tfortcrimsun i uninstalled it07:06
ripgutfixed it crimsu07:06
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weirdcreepbut im bored07:06
weirdcreepuse it for whay07:06
crimsunripgut: a simple increase of Master and/or PCM did it, no?07:07
ripguti needed to right click on the sound icon in taskbar>open volume control> turn up PCM audio07:07
ripgutyea you were right07:07
crimsuntfort: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*07:07
ripgutsorry, man07:07
ripgutbut thank you sir07:07
crimsunripgut: see? no need to freak out. :)07:07
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tfortyek mixer_app and gstreamer07:07
da_bon_bonhi alll07:07
nickrudaskinif, you're using a non-ubuntu firefox, I'd guess07:07
ripgutsee the thing is this laptop has been at a friends house so i guess someone messed with it 0_o *shrugs shoulders*07:08
crimsuntfort: ok, so kill those07:08
SoSamSaidsay I need to install a package like php or something.  I can get it fine with dselect or dpkg but I need it to be compiled with certain flags.  is there an easy way to do that or do I have to just get the source and compile myself?07:08
crimsunripgut: welp, it works now. That's good.07:08
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tfortcrimsun it isn't showing up in ps ax07:08
ripgutyea, and thanks once again =)07:08
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crimsunripgut: yw07:08
h3r3sY-search crimson skies07:08
h3r3sY-gamesearch crimson skies07:09
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crimsunuh huh07:09
crimsunNerdGirl: sorry 'bout the lag; did you paste the log onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl?07:09
bonkwhere can I find the kernel documentation?07:10
tfortnvm foundthe pid07:10
tforti'm an idiot07:10
dr_williskernel.org ? ;P07:10
bonkrather, where can I find my CARDLIST file in my kernel documentation?07:10
Nicwhats the terminal command to get my ip?07:10
nickrudbonk, apt-get install linux-doc-2.6.10, then look under /usr/src07:11
paxnic ifconfig?07:11
tfortcrimsun in the ubuntu config should i uncheck the all box and JUST do ca0106?07:12
Nicwhy is it ifconfig instead of ipconfig?07:12
crimsuntfort: correct, unless you want your onboard, too07:12
tfortits' off07:12
tfortlets see if it hangs again07:12
tfortsame error07:12
paxipconfig in windoz07:12
nickrudNic, thats a debianism, I think07:12
tfortdh_builddeb --destdir=/usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/..07:12
tfortdpkg-deb: package name has characters that aren't lowercase alphanums or `-+.'07:12
tfortdh_builddeb: command returned error code 51207:12
paxlinuxism in general07:12
crimsuntfort: paste me what command you used07:13
nickrudheh, I add I think for a reason, thinking can be dangerous :)07:13
tforthold up07:13
tforthold up07:13
tfortgonna break it up07:13
tfortthats the same thing that you're telling me to do right?07:13
SoSamSaidif is more general.  it stands for interface07:14
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ARennes-251-1-24-169.w81-250.abo.wanadoo.fr *!*@ARennes-251-1-52-168.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr *!*teldee_M@*.abo.wanadoo.fr aysennnnn!*@*] by Seveas
DonLdir means directory same as DOS. What is the Unix original name? Keep forgetting07:14
nickrudDonL, ?07:14
Doomgazels = list07:14
SoSamSaidso you get all kinds of info about the interface instead of just ip info07:14
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@Arennes-251-1-*.w81-*.abo.wanadoo.fr] by Seveas
tfortcrimsun, its  sudo apt-get install build-essential fakeroot linux-headers-$(uname -r) alsa-source kernel-package07:15
tfortthis command that's failing out07:15
internatnic: its ifconfig cause it stands for internface07:15
=== hondje is waiting for Seveas to ban him
internatinstead of ip*07:15
DonLhondje,  internat , Doomgaze , right on. That's it07:15
Seveaslol hondje :)07:15
crimsuntfort: on which package is it failing?07:15
Seveasthat one was a stupid french idiot on dynamic IP07:16
hondjeshall I find a bug tonight, or write a wiki page07:16
DonLI just noticed that the command ls is much more colourful07:16
SeveasI hope I didn't ban any innocent people07:16
paxDonL: you still can use 'dir' in linux :)07:16
tfortcan i msg it to you so i dont get kciked?07:16
dr_willisDonL,  and useable. :P07:16
DonLpax, that's what I usually use07:16
internatlol u can fix courier for me if u really want something to do07:16
NerdGirlcrimsun: working on it.  Don't know how to do this except a page at a time.07:16
DonLdr_willis, in what way?07:16
gpdHi internat ;)07:16
hondjepax: it's not a different command, it's an alias to ls07:16
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paxhondje: it's not in my alias list :)07:17
DonLhondje, you mean it kind of links to ls?07:17
internatgpd! lol07:17
dr_willisDonL,  use linux and its command line for a few weeks.. then go back to dos.. and you will realize why dos is so hated. :P07:17
internatfancy seeing u were07:17
hondjeoh, hrm07:17
internatim assuming ur the same gpd from linode?07:17
hondjeI didn't notice ubuntu used a link07:17
gpdanyone bothering to use the nvidia nforce drivers over forcedeth?07:17
hondjeother distros use an alias07:17
gpdinternat: 'course :)07:17
DonLdr_willis, I will07:17
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internatnice :)07:17
hondjewell nope07:17
paxhondje: alias -p for a list of your aliases07:18
tfortdh_builddeb --destdir=/usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/.. << this is the one07:18
internatalways funny running into ppl on a differenet network07:18
hondje /bin/dir isn't a link07:18
hondjepax: thanks, I know that :) I just assumed it was an alias like in other distros07:18
=== monkeyy [~monkeyy@dialpool-210-214-88-206.maa.sify.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunNerdGirl: ok07:18
=== askinif [~rob@pool-151-205-231-66.cap.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
monkeyyhello everyone07:18
crimsuntfort: yes?07:18
=== monkeyy is still loving hin
=== moj0rising [~whatever@ip68-108-92-247.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Goose [~Goose@ool-4577a8b8.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
hondjeoh no, they got you too, Goose ?07:19
moj0risingI am trapped in DVD video hell!07:19
=== monkeyy is still loving his ubuntu install on his iBook
Goosei was just wondering why you became razor-esr07:19
moj0risingCan someone help me get DVD video playback working?07:19
hondjeoh, because Razor-X is morphing into ESR07:20
tfortcrimsun sent the messages to you07:20
Gooseohhhh yea makes sense07:20
hondjeso I saw a good chance to troll07:20
=== pax hearts ubuntu
moj0risingmonkeyy, I bet.07:20
askinifhelp with java plugin for firefox1.0.507:20
Gooseemerge ubuntu07:20
moj0risingmacs are cool.07:20
guerreroi have ubuntu on my powerbook07:20
hondjedamn it07:20
guerrerohaven't booted os X in months07:21
hondjea certain runt just turned on her bedroom light X-(07:21
guerreroeverything works fine07:21
=== hondje orders up the baby valium
=== Goose sends hondje vodka
moj0risingDOes anyone here know how to get DVD video working in ubuntu?07:21
moj0risingI've tried the scripts, apt-get, etc etc.07:21
moj0risingto no avail.07:21
nickrudNerdGirl, if I can make a suggestion, move /etc/X11/xorg.conf to xorg.conf.borked, then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ; that should get you back to a working config (59 hz and all) Then you can use gedit and copy and paste the log file easily07:21
Gooseget mplayer07:21
Gooseor xine07:21
Gooseor something07:21
monkeyyhey guerrero  r u getting the sound alright07:21
DonLguerrero, I was wondering... You prefer linux to OSX?07:22
moj0risingGoose, got toem and kaffeine..07:22
monkeyyi will prefer linux to Tiger when i get all my things working here07:22
moj0rising.. but I think the problem is with codecs or something of that sort.07:22
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=== da_bon_bon [da_bon_bon@] has joined #ubuntu
da_bon_bonhi all07:23
moj0risingwhenI try to open a dvd, I get this message: libdvdread: Can't open file VIDEO_TS.IFO.07:23
da_bon_bonwhats the easiest way of adding mp3 support to ubuntu ?07:23
askiniffirefox help07:23
crimsunda_bon_bon: probably installing gstreamer0.8-mad07:23
da_bon_boncrimsun: only that ? nothing else ?07:24
supernixis it just me or is Thunderbird not filtering junk mail at all07:24
moj0risingMine works. You do have to click on an enable checkbox or something like that.07:24
moj0risingIt got me for a minute.07:24
moj0risingThen It will filter.07:25
moj0risingIf that's the problem, of course. :)07:25
=== Arthemys [~Arthemys@dsl39.barrvtel.sover.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunda_bon_bon: well, then a (re)start of Rhythmbox is necessary07:25
=== Goose [~Goose@ool-4577a8b8.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu []
crimsunda_bon_bon: alternately, one could install xmms or beep-media-player or ..., but then one would have to switch the default audio output plugin07:26
DonLsupernix, I find that it misses some stuff, but it gets about 90 percent of it07:26
da_bon_boncrimsun: hey, i meant, only the gstreamer mad package is required ?07:26
crimsunda_bon_bon: yes, only.07:26
paxsudo apt-get gstreamer0.8-plugins gstreamer0.8-lame gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg w32codecs lame sox ffmpeg vorbis-tools07:26
paxda_bon_bon: ^07:26
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drcodehi all07:27
paxoh .. and libdvdcss2 :)07:27
drcodeto run jackd , what modprobe do I need?07:27
coreyoCould someone help me out?  libcairo1 has an md5 checksum mismatch, and my browser is currently in limbo.  Could someone paste me the address of a place to get a valid libcairo1 0.3.0-1 or higher?07:27
da_bon_bonhey, thanks, palli07:27
Computer__Guruhey is anyone working to fix the last -d bug?07:27
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guerreroDonL, yes...I prefer linux to OSX07:27
drcodeit worked and now stop working , its mybe bcz some modules that I Loas07:27
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Computer__Guruguerrero: yeah, open source is always > closed source07:28
tfortcrimsun, yea so... any idea?07:28
tfortactually hold up, i'm going to go back to openbox07:28
paxComputer__Guru: that's what you answered in your Linux+ exam?07:28
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Computer__Gurunever took a linux exam07:29
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Computer__Guruhave never been asked to07:29
DonLguerrero, I have a friend who just spent a whole lot of money on a mac setup, and he goes on about the programs that came with it (that he bought). Do you miss some of those, or are there linux substitutes that work as well? Just interested07:29
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da_bon_bonman! my shipit cds are still not shipped..07:29
tfortcrimsun, k now i dont have to deal with gnome07:29
nickrudheh, this channel is as good a linux exam as you can ask for ;P07:29
Computer__Gurui hear macromedia is developing their studio suite for linux.. that will mark a GREAT day in linux history07:30
tfortcrimsun, sorry to be bothering you so much, but im frustrated with how difficult it's been to setup alsa for my soundcard07:30
AlbanianLordnickrud does it again07:30
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Computer__Guruwhen fireworks comes out for linux, i will delete windows07:30
Computer__Guruas well as vmware07:30
GrayRoCkStOnEI ordered some CD's and they sent me about 20.  I've been giving them out to all my friends. LOL07:30
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crimsunsec, lemme get a drink.07:30
guerreroDonL, wut apps?07:30
Computer__GuruGrayRoCkStOnE: how long did it take to get them?07:30
AlbanianLordtfort: crimsun is a sound  master07:30
tfortGrayRoCkStOnE, i ordered 30, 10 powerPC, 10 64, 10 i38607:31
mebaran151any body have any hints about Mono.net on Ubuntu Hoary AMD64?07:31
mebaran151I'm at a loss as to how to begin07:31
Computer__Gurugoldfish: about the best vector-based graphics program money can buy07:31
mebaran151they made a Suse rpm07:31
GrayRoCkStOnEComputer__Guru:  It took about 3 weeks.07:31
DonLguerrero, he uses music, video, sound, you know, that stuff07:31
mebaran151but I dont know if it will work07:31
goldfishComputer__Guru: ah right.07:31
Computer__GuruGrayRoCkStOnE: thanks, im waiting on my ppc install discs :)07:31
AlbanianLordhey i have a question07:31
AlbanianLordmy videocard supports a 1600x1200 res07:31
GrayRoCkStOnEThis is the first time I've really used linux.  So far I like it.07:31
DonLguerrero, sorry, I'm not too familiar with the names of the mac programmes07:32
AlbanianLordand i only get 1024x76807:32
Computer__Gurugoldfish: and i own a license to flash mx, fireworks mx, and dreamweaver mx, so when the linux suite comes out, ill be able to snag all three for $9907:32
guerreroDonL ..there are commercial apps that are easier to use in osx ...like final cut pro and what not..but nothing that has no alternative a linux...its just harder07:32
guerreroto use07:32
nickrudAlbanianLord, either, your monitor is not capable of it, or, you have not defined it correctly in xorg.conf07:32
DonLguerrero, you mean, the linux versions are harder?07:32
GrayRoCkStOnEI'm attempting to install Doom 3 in Ubuntu right now. LOL07:32
ethicsComputer__Guru, grayrockstone id say adobe has a monopoly on most of the graphics stuff now they own macromedia...07:32
guerreroits more a philosophical position...the os is kind of monopoly territory...common to all machine and thus ubiquitous..should not be closed or under the control of one company07:33
Computer__Guruethics: you're shittin me07:33
AlbanianLordmy monitor can at least pull 1280x102407:33
guerreroyes...linux versions are harder07:33
Computer__Guruwhen in gods name did this happen?!?!?07:33
paxAlbanianLord: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg tweak it it the way your want.07:33
NerdGirlcrimsun: Finally...  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/57407:33
ethicsComputer__Guru, months back07:33
holycowComputer__Guru, there will NEVER be a linux macromedia suite07:33
Computer__Guruethics: you got a link to more info on this?07:33
holycowmacromedia never had any linux interest, and adobe has even less07:33
GrayRoCkStOnEI though Mico$oft bought Macromedia???07:33
DonLGrayRoCkStOnE, if you get it happening, let me know. I bought a linux version a few years back and haven't been able to make it work in Ubuntu07:33
Computer__Guruholycow: it was in development as of 8 or so months ago07:33
coreyowould someone be so kind as to go onto one of the apt repository sites and paste me a link to download libcairo1 ?  There's an md5 sum mismatch and I currently have no way of getting my browser to work without it.07:34
holycowadobe is also populated by mba's, that only care about bean counting07:34
holycowComputer__Guru, i seriously doubt it07:34
guerrerocoreyo...don't use "us.*" repositories07:34
bonkI just set up my tv tuner card... but when I go into tvtime, it says "no signal input"07:34
bonksorry, it just says "no signal"07:34
coreyoguerrero: what do you suggest?07:34
ethicsComputer__Guru, google adobe buys macromedia  hits 1-407:34
holycowComputer__Guru, any linkage? i remember someone dropping hints, but i've had enough dealings with macromedia to seriously doubt it07:34
NerdGirlcrimsun: I have a Samsung SyncMaster 175v LCD monitor, capable of 1280x1024 native.  Intel i845GL chipset.07:34
nickrudAlbanianLord, you either need to add the correct HorizRefresh and VertSync under Monitor, or add the correct Mode under Screen07:35
GrayRoCkStOnEWell, seems my video isn't installed right. :(07:35
GrayRoCkStOnEATI Radeon 9800 pro.07:35
Computer__Guruholycow: I seriously answered a mm questionaire that wanted to know about interest in a linux/freebsd version of the suite, then about 4 months later got a newsletter int he mail telling me they're beginning the porting process07:35
guerrerocoreyo...the us.* repositories are generating md5 errors07:35
DonLbonk, what do you have the card hooked up to ?07:35
coreyoguerrero: so what should I use instead?07:35
bonkcould anyone help me? my aerial is plugged in...07:35
ethicsComputer__Guru, its expected that fireworks will merge with photoshop in some way....like imageready they guess asa  first stage....freehad dies illustrator picks up missing bits....framemaker is unknown07:35
Computer__Guruholycow: the questionairre was online, but the newsletter cam snail mail07:35
ubotuI heard ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:35
holycowComputer__Guru, wow, that would be quite the shock to me07:35
NerdGirlcrimsun: HorizRefresh: 30-81 kHz, VertSync: 56-75 Hz, both by ddcprobe and manufacturer specs.07:35
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guerreroin your sources.list, just delete the "us." poriton07:35
bonkI dunno how to spell it07:35
Computer__Guruethics: well that just sucks ass07:36
MadpilotGrayRoCkStOnE: follow the URL that ubotu just posted.07:36
Computer__Gurui *despise* photoshop07:36
guerrerocoreyo, like this:07:36
holycowComputer__Guru, pdf it :)07:36
Computer__Guruno scanner07:36
DonLbonk, do you have cable?07:36
bonkI have an antenna thing on the roof07:36
tfortcrimsun, think i figured the problem07:36
bonkand it's hooked up to that07:36
crimsunNerdGirl: that seems awfully low07:36
tforti went in and rm'd all of the module files that alsa created when i did this the first time07:36
Computer__Guruill check if my wife still has it though, can get to a scanner this weekend07:36
bonkbut it's completely blue in tvtime, and says "no signal"07:37
=== Computer__Guru cries
ethicsComputer__Guru, not really,  both programmed for mac and pc....they competed in the same space.......theres competition etc but nothing big....jasc and a few others in key areas...quark,  corel07:37
holycowneato, i would love to see that07:37
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Computer__Gurui *hate* photoshop07:37
guerrerocoreyo, deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe07:37
DekaPinkMmmm... Ubuntu is tasty.07:37
DonLbonk, I think it has to be an amplified signal like cable or satellite. There may be a way, but I couldn't do it that way.07:37
Computer__Guruholycow: if adumpy bought them, youc an bet your ass they scrapped the project07:37
guerrerodeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe07:37
crimsuntfort: ok, sorry about not getting back to you immediately.07:37
holycowComputer__Guru, absolutely07:37
Computer__Guruman that pisses me off07:38
tfortcrimsun, its kool07:38
holycowwell at least i have gimp07:38
holycowi love gimp07:38
bonkDonL, I plugged in the cord that fits from the antenna on the roof07:38
tfortk, i went through and finally did the sudo modprobe snd-ca010607:38
Computer__Gurufireworks was the absolute best app ever available for web graphics07:38
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ethicsComputer__Guru, keep your versions how they are will work for a while macromedia had corporate support agreements so theres going to be patches etc for a while yet....and they need to rebuild stuff together so i think its probably 2 -3 years away as a real product.......nvidia did similar with 3dfx07:38
ethicsati with firegl.........bought them but nothing was available for years07:38
NerdGirlthe sync ranges?07:38
nickrud!tell nickrud about sources07:38
coreyoguerrero: thanks, that did the trick.  Is that server notoriously bad or something?07:38
DonLbonk, it said it doesn't see a signal. That's your problem.07:38
Computer__Guruethics: but it also means with 100% certainty that they've scrapped the linux ports for the mm suite07:39
crimsunNerdGirl: yep07:39
bonkbut when I plug the tv in teh same way, it worked fine07:39
GrayRoCkStOnEThanks for the link. I'm trying it now. :)07:39
guerrerocoreyo..not sure...just passing along the info...something is hosed in the us repositories...I expect eventually  it'll be fixed...07:39
bonkgood reception & all07:39
NerdGirlcrimsun: can't help it, that's what I"ve got.07:39
La_PaRCaI think its time I update to hoary07:39
Computer__Guruwhich, IMHO, _sucks_07:39
ethicsComputer__Guru: doubtful...both program for mac....bsd/linux should be easy enough07:39
coreyoguerrero: fair enough.  Thank you.07:40
DonLbonk, yes I know. There is a problem with an unamplified signal. You'll have to get help for that. Maybe there's a workaround, but I don't know what it is07:40
Computer__Guruethics: fireworks will not run under wine, cedega, or cxoffice07:40
guerreroyer welcome..pass on the info07:40
Computer__Guruyou have to use vmware and windows07:40
NsaneiceAnyone with FIrefox 1.0.4 or Mozilla 1.7.8 have problems going to http://www.spencergifts.com ?07:40
NerdGirlcrimsun: remember, it's an LCD.07:40
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Computer__Guruflash and dreamweaver both work07:40
Computer__Gurubut not fireworks07:40
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Computer__Gurueven with a full win98 install for your wine base07:41
Computer__Gurufireworks just harfs and dies07:41
Forty|crimsun, k, its kool with not getting back, i know im buggin you07:41
La_PaRCaIs there a way to update from warty to hoary without install cds?07:41
bonkto make sure the card works...07:41
bonkDoes anyone know of an FM tuner program under linux?07:41
Forty|crimsun, regardless, i did the steps now and now when i go to Multimedia Systems Selector to test it, nothing works07:41
Forty|i test the sink and it says that the alsa pipeline failes07:42
Computer__GuruLa_PaRCa: yes. change warty to hoary in your /etc/apt/sources.list then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:42
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Forty|same for the default source07:42
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Computer__Gurumake sure you change all instances of warty to hoary07:42
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DonLNsaneice, no probs here07:42
Computer__Guruthen do sudo spt-get update07:42
Computer__Guruthen do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:42
nickrudLa_PaRCa, as Computer__Guru guru says, but do apt-get update first :)07:42
NsaneiceDonL: Maybe I need to reinstall?07:42
^rob^what's ubuntu default root password? - after installing07:42
holycowComputer__Guru, i've tried to switch to open source tools as much as i can07:43
GrayRoCkStOnEOk. Gotta restart.  BBL. Thanks.07:43
Computer__Gurusame way you upgrade a debian system between branches07:43
DonLNsaneice, don't know, sorry07:43
nickrud^rob^, there is none07:43
holycowi've recently found out inkscape isn't bad, you can do some nifty things in it07:43
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NerdGirl^rob^: no root.  everything's done by sudo and your own pass.07:43
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nickrud!tell ^rob^ about rootsudo07:43
ethicsComputer__Guru, that may be more a directx issue,,,,adobe has current develpment running apps on linux and osx.....not sure if released etc but they were working on one07:43
holycowi wish i could help quanta get some financing so they could finish that thing07:43
rob^lol.. dam xchat07:43
Computer__Guruholycow: when you work int he commercial sector, you can't really afford to reinvent the wheel, or settle for a tricycle when you NEED a harley07:43
NsaneiceDonL: I have the Java plugin, but not anything else..07:43
La_PaRCaComputer__Guru, um, already did that. But I am still running XFree07:43
crimsunForty|: cat /proc/asound/cards07:43
crimsunNerdGirl: have you tried hard-coding a modeline?07:44
^rob^NerdGirl: nice - but gnome asked me for pass - on installing new packages - i usually make sudo to recognize me - without pass07:44
holycowComputer__Guru, graphic design, *nod* you would definately need the suite07:44
ethics Computer__Guru in othernew linux now runs 4 of the major rendering houses....including pixar07:44
crimsunNerdGirl: for instance, do you want to use 1280x1024 @ 75 Hz?07:44
Forty|no sound cards07:44
glicki wrote a little nifty hello world program, its at 2.02 and its stable, how can i get it incorporated into ubuntu main?07:44
ethicsComputer__Guru, if they want adobe and macromedia apps on linux it will become reality07:44
NerdGirlcrimsun: yeah.  How do I hardcode that?07:44
Computer__GuruLa_PaRCa: you should probably exit to cli before attempting a dist-upgrade07:44
paxdon't forget apt-get -u dist-upgrade07:44
nickrudglick, can I get your autograph ;)07:44
shadowjacki'm having a USB device problem. my wacom tablet keeps bouncing between event3 and event 4. so changing my xorg.conf only works until i reboot my computer then it switches to another event. it's very frustrating. anyone that can help?07:44
=== flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
La_PaRCaComputer__Guru, how to kill X?07:45
ethicsshadowjack  sounds like hotplug needs a script...07:45
crimsunNerdGirl: place the following line in your Screen section: Modeline "1280x1024_75.00"  138.54  1280 1368 1504 1728  1024 1025 1028 1069  -HSync +Vsync07:45
Computer__Guruethics: i know that mm was enthusiastic about it... considering the entire suite is very largely xml based, porting between platforms is pretty simple... hell they could have redone fireworks with libsdl in about two weeks flat :D07:45
^rob^this is crap - su can't get to root07:45
paxLa_PaRCa: kill gdm07:45
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IceDC571La_PaRCa, ctrl+alt+backspace to kill x07:45
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Computer__GuruLa_PaRCa: CTRL-ALT-F1 -then- login as root -then- killall -9 X && killall -9 gdm07:46
NsaneiceWell COmcast lost sync...07:46
Computer__Guruthats how i do it :)07:46
crimsunNerdGirl: sorry, section Monitor07:46
La_PaRCaI have a question. I do the dist-upgrade... why does it keep getting its packages from the warty repos?07:46
shadowjackethics: it started doing it after i get a UPS. it has a usb connector. i don't know anyting about scripting07:46
nickrud^rob^, you can do sudo passwd root to get a root password; alternatively, visudo to edit sudo for not needing to enter your password07:46
ethicsComputer__Guru, macs are still in use at alot of copy houses etc....osx = bsd....seems like they have a reason to code for it...07:46
bonkhow can I make a certain module load on startup?07:46
crimsunbonk: append it to /etc/modules07:46
Computer__GuruLa_PaRCa: send me a msg, illw alk you through it step by step, you missed a step07:46
crimsunit->the name of the module07:46
bonkthanks, crimsun07:46
rob^ubotu tell ^rob^ about sudo07:46
Forty|wow crimsun is a maniac for help07:46
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ethicsshadowjack does it do the same thing if its plugged in before boot or not plugged until after?07:47
crimsunForty|: lsmod|grep ^snd_|wc -l07:47
crimsunForty|: paste them to me in priv07:47
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Forty|9 is all i got07:47
shadowjackethics, i'm not sure what you mean, it's always plugged in07:47
crimsunForty|: sorry, remove |wc -l07:47
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Computer__Gurugot la_parca all straightened out07:48
crimsunForty|: cat /proc/asound/version07:48
Computer__Guruethics: you know they ported maya to linux :D07:48
Computer__Gurumakes me wanna find it and play with it07:48
Howitzeri have a reiserfs partition which i want to add in fstab, how do i need to note it down?07:48
Howitzerreiserfs nor reiser re accepted07:49
crimsunComputer__Guru: there's a free stripped-down version of Maya for Linux07:49
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Computer__Guruyou talkin about blender?07:49
ethicsshadowjack....try booting without it and plugging it in after....07:49
Forty|crimsun, there's also a full version of maya for linux07:49
Computer__Guruyeah there's real, honest to god maya for linux07:49
crimsunForty|: yes, but that full version is very non-free07:49
Forty|hehe i know07:49
Howitzeri have a reiserfs partition which i want to add in fstab, how do i need to note it down?? :(07:49
NsaneiceHowitzer: It's  reiserfs07:50
Forty|i build RH stations for people at a studio with maya07:50
DonLcrimsun, I borrowed a book with cd at the library of Maya. The disk was supposed to have a linux version of the program on it, but didn't .07:50
anacron_can someone maybe help me with routing today?07:50
ethicsComputer__Guru, nah renderman, softimage, maya, and pixars own proggys are all linux now i believe07:50
NsaneiceHowitzer: Like so..    /dev/hdc2       /               reiserfs         notail,noatime         0      007:50
shadowjackethics, i'm not going to climb under my desk every time i turn my computer on, that's crazy07:50
DonLcrimsun, Maya, that is07:50
Computer__Gurui should hit torrentreactor and find maya07:50
Howitzer/dev/hda1/media/hda1reiserdefaults,errors=remount-ro 0       107:50
Forty|ethics, renderman always was linux07:50
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Computer__Guruis it svgalib or does it run under x?07:50
Forty|and renderman is pixar07:50
Howitzerwht is the notail thing07:50
^rob^rob^: roger - ty07:50
ethicsshadowjack, just try it and work out what is making the event change...07:50
crimsunForty|: paste the output from lsmod onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl07:51
Nsaneicenotail keeps it from logging when I opened files and ect07:51
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Nsaneiceor is thatr noatime07:51
ethicsshadowjack, you may aslo try it on seperate hubs if you have multiples...07:51
crimsunNerdGirl: have you placed that modeline into the Monitor section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf?07:51
Howitzermount: wrong fs type,07:51
Forty|crimsun done07:51
Nsaneicedid you setup a file system on it yet?07:51
shadowjackethics, i have exactly four usb ports and no hubs07:51
Howitzeryes i did07:52
Computer__GuruNerdGirl is having some serious Xorg problems for a chipset that HSOULD not be giving her any grief07:52
Nsaneicemkfsreiser to that effect07:52
HowitzerMinislack is on it07:52
Nsaneicethen I am no help07:52
ethicsshadowjack, the pc has an inbuilt hub for each controller... 4 usb may be on 1 hub or on two hubs....07:52
crimsunForty|: no, I needed the full output from lsmod (no filters)07:52
Forty|oh ok07:52
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Forty|here ya go07:52
Howitzerbut i forgot to install the bootloader so i need to create one but i have no idea where the boot-image is07:52
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Nsaneiceshould be under /boot/07:52
Forty|up now07:53
^rob^anyone has aiptek 12000U tablet here?07:53
ethicsshadowjack, lspci and count the usb lines...i have 4 but i have 8 usbports onboard07:53
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DonLgetting late... Night all07:53
shadowjackethics, i'll have to take your word for it, i don't know anything about it07:53
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Howitzeri haven't slept all night damnit07:54
shadowjackethics, it appears i have two usb controllers07:54
ethicsshadowjack, if you can work out if the table doesnt switch if its on seperate hubs...or if it works great if you plug it in after boot you have a process you want to mimic in module loading orders07:54
shadowjackethics, i didn't understand a word of that07:54
ethicsshadowjack, the 4 ports ar in pairs on the computer.....try on alternate pairs07:54
HowitzerI DID IT \ o /07:55
Howitzeri'm so proud07:55
ethics!prize Howitzer07:55
ubotuethics: I don't know07:55
chibifsHowitzer - Did what? :o07:55
NerdGirlHaven't changed the line yet...  afraid that if I do, won't get any graphical environment back.07:55
ethicsbah ubotu needs a personality overhaul\07:55
HowitzerNerdGirl, you can always change that line in terminal style :D07:56
anacron_NerdGirl: there's no need for graphics, all you need is unix :D07:56
crimsunForty|: lspci -v|grep audio07:56
rob^ethics, its because people fill him full of crap07:56
NerdGirlman pages are still a bit mysterious to me.07:56
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chibifsnano is a self-explanitory editor.07:56
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ethicsshadowjack, if you can nail out what does work you can bugreport it so they can try make it do it automatically etc..07:56
Computer__Guruonly maya i found is v6 for fedora blah07:56
Forty|anyway to stop apt-get from doing MD5Sum checks?07:57
Computer__Guruthere's supposed to be an iso floating around07:57
chibifsIt's easier to use than EDIT in MSDOS.07:57
crimsunForty|: use a different mirror to work around the US archive mirrors' fubar07:57
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goldfishchibifs: yes.07:57
goldfishi agree.07:57
GNULinuxerNerdGirl: what is your problem?07:57
shadowjackethics, i guess except i don't know anything about how usb works or even what it is i would be reporting07:57
=== i`Gamers^Sugar`e [sugargirl_@cpe-204-210-89-20.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Forty|is there a command that will automatically add mirrors to the source list like portages' system?07:58
GNULinuxerForty|: no07:58
crimsunForty|: I see your issue. When you said "24-bit", I immediately thought of the actual 24-bit sblive, which uses snd_ca010607:58
shadowjackethics, all i know is that the event keeps changing on my wacom tablet07:58
NerdGirlGNULinuxer: problems with Intel i84GL chipset and Samsung LCD monitor.07:58
i`Gamers^Sugar`eHello, I would like some assistance installing ubuntu amd6407:58
Forty|yea.. i'm needing the emu arent i?07:58
Computer__Guruthis is funny, the keygen for vmware is a .exe07:58
crimsunForty|: it turns out you actually _do_ need to use snd_emu10k107:58
GNULinuxerNerdGirl: not getting hi res?07:58
Forty|its kool07:58
=== greatzky [~greatzky@pcp169885pcs.plsntv01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Forty|time to redo the whole process07:58
goldfishComputer__Guru: :)07:58
Howitzergrubconf freezed :x07:58
crimsunForty|: next time, please don't say "24-bit" :)07:58
goldfishComputer__Guru: run it in wine :)07:58
Forty|it's kool07:58
greatzkyi'm new to ubuntu07:58
greatzkyjust installed it07:58
Computer__Gurugoldfish: good idea :D07:59
crimsunForty|: since there actually is a distinct driver for the 24-bit ones07:59
NerdGirlGNULinuxer: 640x480 only.   no other options available...  kept trying messing with xconfig, but no avail.07:59
Forty|so emu10k1 instead07:59
nickrudwelcome, greatzky  :)07:59
Forty|going to work on that now07:59
chibifsOooh, that reminds me, I need to get 1920x1440x60hz working :/07:59
greatzkythank you07:59
Computer__Gurugoldfish find me the maya iso on a torrent site :D07:59
GNULinuxerNerdGirl: just edit the xorg.conf file07:59
ethicsshadowjack: sending them a descriptive story of what goes wrong...ie if i boot with wacom usb tablet model XXXX plugged in on the same controller as my XXXX i get events changing from 3-4.  when i do it on a different controller XXXX happens...  and so forth07:59
i`Gamers^Sugar`eMay I have some assistance with installing the 64 bit version of ubuntu?07:59
greatzkyanyone know how to get more than 3 resolutions??07:59
GNULinuxerNerdGirl: it's a snap07:59
greatzkyi remember in the install i set my resolution higher07:59
chibifsxfree86 will do it, xorg won't. :/07:59
=== dr_willis wonders if the new creative card will have linux support soon (ie: when it comes out)
NerdGirlif you've been on linux for a long time, yeah07:59
GNULinuxerNerdGirl: it's just that your monitor wasn't detected07:59
greatzkybut when i go into resolutions in Ubuntu it only gives me 3 to choose from. all of which are less than what i want.07:59
crimsunNerdGirl: which editor are you comfortable with?07:59
Howitzersudo  grubconf08:00
Howitzeroh crap08:00
shadowjackethics, but is that even a bug? honestly, i wouldn't know. for all i know it's supposed to do that08:00
crimsunNerdGirl: hmm, how about nano instead?08:00
ethicsshadowjack, devs normally can read english and will understand that kind of report from the less technical....they expect you to include some logs etc but reporter should tell you what they need.08:00
=== lord [~lord@cje139.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
NerdGirlgoodnight everybody.  can't handle this right now anyway.08:00
GNULinuxerNerdGirl: use gedit08:00
Howitzermy X-Chat looks way too much like my Gnome Term :x08:00
shadowjackethics, logs?08:00
DekaPinkMy computer is playing music for no reason from no program. :308:00
GNULinuxerNerdGirl: do you have the monitor manual?08:00
Madpilotgood music?08:00
shadowjackethics, i know nothing of logs08:01
DekaPinkSome incomplete file from my friend... I clicked it to delete it and ubuntu started playing it. :308:01
GNULinuxerMadpilot: he's talking about the event sounds imo08:01
crimsunGNULinuxer: actually her monitor was correctly detected, but something caused the init process to overshoot the clock08:01
hondjemanuals suck08:01
GNULinuxercrimsun: whoops08:01
crimsunGNULinuxer: we were going to try a hard-coded modeline for 1280x1024 @ 75 Hz08:01
chibifsI think it's because xorg identifies it as the HP-P1100, and Xfree86 identifies it as the Compaq-P1100-- o_o;;.. It's a compaq refurbished with hp parts, but still supports 1920x1440, and monitor autodetection really peeves me.08:01
MadpilotGNULinuxer: that was a feeble joke, actually... ;P08:01
ethicsshadowjack, if you report it they look and tell you...if you dont report it then never know it happens...08:01
GNULinuxercrimsun: yeah ... even i would have said that08:01
goldfishComputer__Guru: Alias Maya?08:01
GNULinuxerMadpilot: lol08:02
HrdwrBoBchibifs: 1920 is only really supported in the 111008:02
DekaPinkOh good, it stopped. :308:02
Howitzerwhat is the initrd in grub?, because Minislack doesn't seem to have one :/08:02
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GNULinuxerHowitzer: it's the initial RAMdisk image08:02
chibifschibifs - It works fine in windows and with xfree86 :P08:02
chibifsEr, Bob xD08:02
Howitzercan you do without initrd?08:02
Computer__Gurugoldfish: yeah.. i found the hacked rpm dist, but there's an honest to god all-versions-of-linux iso out there somewhere :)08:02
GNULinuxerHowitzer: it's not necessary if the FS drivers are built-in08:03
chibifsDamn I'm out of it. :D08:03
ethicsshadowjack, normally they tell you what to do on the bug tracking site or in an app....i just came from debian to ubunto on one of my boxes so i dont know ubuntu bug methods etc but debians just has a bug reporting program and instructions are in that08:03
nickrudHowitzer, if you compile your kernel yourself yes08:03
Howitzeras in reiserfs?08:03
levanderAnybody know if autofs4 is enabled in the ubuntu kernels? autofs4 so that I can use autofs.08:03
se7enoneAfter installing xmms and dependencies, I run the thing but it freezes as soon as I press play. Any ideas?08:03
ethicsshadowjack, it may already be reported as a bug and not fixed yet....08:03
GNULinuxerHowitzer: depends if ReiserFS, ext2 drivers are built-in or not08:03
shadowjackethics, but i don't know what "it" is08:03
GNULinuxerse7enone: tell XMMS to use esd08:04
nickrudHowitzer, exactly, the ubuntu kernel is very modularized, and the modules you need to boot are put in the initrd if my memory serves08:04
=== flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
nickrudpfoe? don't know that one08:04
=== czambran [~czambran@63-162-81-38.lisco.net] has joined #ubuntu
Forty|crimsun, ok now i repeated the steps with emu10k1 isntead08:04
chibifsHrdwrBoB - http://www.monitorworld.com/Monitors/compaq/p1100.html It's this model.08:04
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=== qt2 [~qt2@pool-68-238-56-148.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
goldfishComputer__Guru: there's a couple of torrents08:05
ethicsshadowjack, bugs are tracked by package.....wacom and hardware detection id guess without knowing the bts08:05
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crimsunForty|: ok, now sudo modprobe -r snd_ca0106 && sudo modprobe snd_emu10k108:05
ethicsshadowjack, bts: bug tracking system08:05
Forty|already rmmod ca010608:05
Computer__Gurugoldfish: only torrent site im really aware of since the death of suprnova is torrentreactor08:05
qt2holy crap..08:05
qt2the fints on this, look tiny... o.o;08:05
chibifsBut xorg is picking it up as http://www.monitorworld.com/Monitors/hp/hpp1110d2847w.html this model.08:05
crimsunForty|: so /proc/asound/cards should list your sblive08:05
HowitzerIs this a valid GRUB Menu item?08:05
Howitzertitle Mini-Slack(ware)08:05
Howitzer#:0 <-- type: 0 => linux, 1 => windows, 2 => other08:05
Howitzerroot (hd0,0)08:05
Howitzerkernel  /dev/hda1/boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda108:05
Howitzerdidn't knew it was that big :(08:06
weirdcreepKen Charles Barger, 47, accidentally shot himself to death in December in Newton, NC. Awakening to the sound of a ringing telephone beside his bed, he reached for the phone but grabbed instead a Smith & Wesson 38 Special, which discharged when he drew it to his ear.08:06
qt2Computer__Guru, torrentspy is woot kthx... :o08:06
Forty|lists it08:06
Forty|now... to test it if it works08:06
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i`Gamers^Sugar`eI would like some help finding instructions for installing the new version of ubuntu 64 bit08:06
Howitzeri'm going to boot now \ o /08:06
ethicsshadowjack, if it does work consistantly when plugged in on an different hub to now or when plugged in after boot  you could get easy solution .....you can get a hub for like 30 buck leave it on your desk and plug in the table when you wanted too08:06
Computer__Guruj0o 4r3 31337308:06
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ethicsshadowjack, not the perfect solution but better than now 8)08:07
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Seveasi`Gamers^Sugar`e, just pop in the disk and answer the simple questions it asks :)08:07
qt2Computer__Guru, ;)08:08
shadowjackethics, thanks. i guess i mess around with plugging and unpluggin my usb devices and see what happens08:08
=== chibifs sighs.
GNULinuxerSeveas: hola!08:08
chibifsWhy in the world did I throw out my floppy? :/ I need to reinstall SmartBootManager on this laptop :/08:08
chibifsCan't CD boot without it ;_;08:08
ethicsshadowjack, once you understand what is happening inside the system through those tests you may find a solution easier to identify.08:09
nickrudchibifs, so, you're a bridge burner ;\08:09
Forty|damnit i forgot the line08:09
Forty|whats the command to unmute alsa?08:09
ethicswhats a floppy drive...looks at his boxes08:09
ethicsforty alsamixer08:09
ethicsforty m unmutes in that08:09
Seveasamixer --toggle "Main"08:09
Computer__Guruor just use kmix :D08:10
Seveasamixer --toggle "Master"08:10
=== nickrud looks at his 8" floppies, and wishes he could still read them
Computer__Guruoh thats right, you're all gnome people ;)08:10
chibifsnickrud - I'm rebuilding my computer into a monitor shell and replacing the display with an LCD, no room for floppies anymore :P08:10
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Seveasgnome-volume-control :)08:10
crimsunForty|: you also should push via82xx to something other than primary: echo "options snd-via82xx index=-2" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base08:10
ethicsnickrud, i have a drive for 8" at work....its not able to be plugged into anythin since 198608:10
Seveasbut he asked for a command :)08:10
chibifsI want all of my computers to be portable :D08:10
againstme24what is a good app for packet sniffing?08:10
GNULinuxeragainstme24: snort08:11
ethicsagainstme24, ethereal08:11
againstme24is that for wired or wireless or both?08:11
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Seveasagainstme24, airsnort :)08:11
Computer__Guruchibifs: lowes has universably mountable handles starting at $4.99 each08:11
chibifsagainstme24 - You know that packet sniffing is illegal in the US, right? :O08:11
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ethicsether ape if you just want a pretty idea of whos moving traffic08:11
nickrudethics, yeah, I think that's about the last time I read those things08:11
againstme24im doing it on my network08:11
Computer__Guruerr universally08:11
chibifsComputer__Guru - I'm not lugging around a full ATX tower wherever I go.08:12
crimsunchibifs: please don't spread FUD. It's not illegal.08:12
againstme24which one is good for a wired netowrk?08:12
hondjesince when is packet sniffing illegal?08:12
ethicsnickrud, good for evening up shelves and desks i find....08:12
chibifscrimsun - That was a drug joke :P08:12
Computer__Guruchibifs: go get an old compaq suitcase computer, gut it, install a 9" lcd, and put your pc int here :D get creative with a dremel and you could mount a nice trackball ont he side :D:D08:12
nickrudethics, maybe we should ask pournelle if he still has something that reads them :)08:12
againstme24is snort for a wired network?08:12
ethicsactually packet sniffing other peoples traffic is technically illegal in some places...08:12
Forty|ok, so now alsamixer shows the soundcard08:13
Forty|but no sound08:13
uboturumour has it, lamp is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LAMPForHoary08:13
ethicsnickrud, but half my office leans without them....i cant put them to their real use hehee08:13
Computer__Guruit's illegal in the US, unless the sniffer and sniffee are both ont he same lan08:13
chibifsComputer__Guru - A suitcase was my first idea, but I want to keep the powersupply /inside/ of the device.08:13
nickrudethics, paperbacks from goodwill are good for that08:13
ethicsnickrud, thats like the watchtower or some bible bashing book?08:14
ethicsnickrud im aussie i dont think we have them hehe08:14
crimsunForty|: paste the output from amixer onto the pastebin08:14
nickrudethics, heh08:14
Computer__Guruchibifs: hrmmm.. go with nano-itx motherboards and Via C7M processors.. they consume less than 7watts @ 2Ghz, could easily run a system off a battery that way08:14
chibifsComputer__Guru - New hardware isn't an option.08:15
nickrudoooh, compaq luggables, I still see them in the surplus places08:15
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Computer__Guruyeah iom gonna get one and do exactly what i just told chibifs to do :D08:15
Madpilotsomebody locally built a luggable in one of those metal briefcases.08:15
Madpilotcan't remember which distro he runs on it. not ubuntu, anyway08:15
Computer__GuruMadpilot: that was basically my idea for the nano-itx system08:16
=== nickrud lugged them up and down construction sites, and still walks funny
Computer__Gurualuminum briefcase08:16
=== x55 [~x55@ip68-12-31-242.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruwould be badass08:16
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RaskallI am published. The used my letter in the latest Linux Format (LXF69)08:16
ethicsi made an xbox portable out of a rack case for audo racks....stage music equipment08:16
MadpilotI think his is m-atx. maybe even regular atx08:16
RaskallAnd I am referring to ubuntu in the letter too.08:16
Madpilotreally luggable, not portable!08:16
umar_hey any Linux Database Programmer here?08:17
Computer__Guruethics: I have a 7-xbox farm all running cromwell/gentooX performing a distributed networking experiment :D08:17
ethicswell it has a ups in it that runs the xbox for 4 hours 8)08:17
x55has anyone had any troubles getting vlc  via apt-get?08:17
Computer__Guruxboxen make AWESOME PC's if you know how to unsolder a ram chip and install a bigger one08:17
nickrudgamers ;P08:17
ethicsComputer__Guru, hehe i have xboxen for my mythtv frontends at home 8)08:17
umar_i have developed a database in SQL server in windows with from designed in Visual Basic08:17
ethicsbest idea i had last year08:17
Computer__Gururight on08:17
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umar_can i migrate to linux08:18
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rob^ethics, what can you do with mythtv on an xbox?08:18
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ethicsComputer__Guru, waiting for the new one so i can emulate on linux08:18
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artic_foxMono.net on AMD64?08:18
artic_foxAny way to get started08:18
umar_how can i host that database in linux08:18
ethicsrob^ all the frontend stuff....watch tv recorded proggys my mp3s  @)k of them and stuff...08:18
Computer__Guruethics: I used the DreamX as a guideline, got a 1.5ghz tulatin working, ripped out the two 32mb memory chips, and soldered in 4 128mb chips08:18
rob^ethics, cool might check it out08:18
Computer__Guruthat's my main xbox, the one i play games with :D08:19
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Computer__Gurubut you should see gentooX run on it WHEEEEEEEEEEE08:19
ethicsComputer__Guru, i just left mine as celes hehe they dont do much else hehe08:19
ethicsdreamx for my gaming one tho 8)08:19
Computer__Gurudude gentoo SCREAMS on that box08:19
Computer__Gurui didnt do dreamx, i just fabricated the board they use from radio shack parts :D08:19
ethicsxebian on mine...i hate compiling08:20
=== JaneW [~JaneW@wbs-146-166-219.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Gurucompiling is no problem when you actually have some ram08:20
ethicshehe i just cant stand watching a box for hours then having run at the same speed as my mate with apt files hehe08:20
Computer__Gurudude nevermind the proc upgrade, yank those two 32mb chips out, and install 4x64 or 4x12808:21
Computer__Guruits not hard08:21
nickrudethics, a man after my one heart :)  This evening was the first time I was forced to compile something in over a year08:21
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ethicsaatim....try to use those squiggly thing to form words08:21
Computer__Gurujust make sure its the same parity08:21
ethicsaatim its like apattern of them makes sense to everyone else if its the right pattern08:21
Computer__Guruxebian will rock and roll on it08:21
Forty|k back08:21
=== LimeFire [~Miranda@ppp25-254.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu
ethicsComputer__Guru, ill look into it...08:22
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nickrudComputer__Guru, xebian?08:22
Computer__Guruvmware workstation 5 is coming in at 40k/s.. cant bitch about that08:22
ethicsComputer__Guru, im thinking the new 360 wil be a bad thing for microsoft.....they are dagerously close to losing control08:22
Computer__Guruethics: or at the very least take an old or broken xbox pull the 2x32 out of it and put them iny our production box08:22
Forty|ethics, you kidding? power on that sucker is awesome08:22
Forty|crimsun, you there still?08:23
Computer__Gurunickrud: xebian == debian for the xbox08:23
crimsunForty|: ?08:23
Forty|ps3, although it has the cel processor08:23
Computer__Guruthe only thing that chokes the xbox is the lack of ram08:23
Computer__Gurubut, imo, 128 is still too little.. ymmv08:23
Forty|crimsun, hey sorry, so i got everythign setup and it's actually running music in rhythmbox, however, no sound is coming08:23
nickrudComputer__Guru, yeah, I'm slowly waiting for the site to load :)08:23
ethicsforty yeah but its going to be cracked and we get both games for linux and xbox emulation for any other boxes if we get enough time..08:23
crimsunForty|: paste the output from amixer onto the pastebin08:23
Computer__Guruethics: i hear xebian w/fluxbox rocks and rolls on a stock xbox08:24
ethicsForty|, they are emulating to get backward comaptability which means we have a working emulator to copy08:24
ethicsComputer__Guru, yeah i stopped looking after i set up myth...ill find a new hobby on xbox 360 i think08:24
nickrudoh, my god, you modders are intense :)08:25
Forty|crimsun, i think it shows master at 0, so i dont think it's setting right when i edit with alsamixer08:25
Computer__Guruethics: the xbox community isnt very enthusiastic about the 360... it looks like its gonna be a nightmare08:25
Forty|Computer__Guru, ps3 doesn't look much better08:25
ethicshehe well its the geek in us....although i play sports too hehe and musician hehe08:25
Computer__Gurusure doesnt08:25
anacron_xbox 360 looks terrible ;D08:25
Forty|Computer__Guru, the boomerang controllers are dumb08:25
=== dataw0lf- [~dataw0lf@c-24-10-173-249.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
qt2err... where exactly do i change font colors in ubuntu?08:25
Forty|i like the xbo360's online layout08:25
=== spasmodo [~reid@c-24-22-45-119.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ethicsComputer__Guru, yeah but the mack guys on xbox scene are excited 8)08:25
Forty|crimsun, its up btw08:26
anacron_only goodlooking new console is that nintendo's one08:26
Computer__Gurutheyre supposed to be the most comfortable controller ever08:26
Madpilotnickrud: modders are all insane!08:26
crimsunForty|: no, you need to turn up Master, unmute PCM, and turn up PCM08:26
goldfishanacron_: yeah it looks nice.08:26
Computer__Guruethics: excited to see it, but wary of what its gonna take to crack it08:26
Madpilotnickrud: and I should know, my windowed PC tower is full of red LEDs, just because I could...08:26
ethicsComputer__Guru, if we can get emulation working we can get xbox games on linux.....better than a console for alot of them....notice all the mod uploaders are linux...08:26
anacron_Madpilot: i am? i don't think so *giggles*08:26
Computer__Guruethics: I was one of the first xbox crackers.. i started hacking boxen before there was even a completed bios :D 11/0108:26
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Computer__Guruyeah i know08:26
nickrudI laid my soldering iron down years ago.  Maybe I'll take it up again. Not.08:27
=== Computer__Guru hs a matrix :D
ethicsComputer__Guru, i started at 1.2 boxes helping out mates etc  never bothered about cashing in hehe08:27
anacron_if i'll get one of those consoles someday, i probably just install snes emulator there and play those old good games :DDDD08:27
Computer__Gurui don't do tsop mods, and i rarely use a chip that requires a drop of solder08:27
Computer__Guruethics: my first box was/is (still have it) a 1.0 w/matrix08:28
ethicsnickrud its amazing what you can do with a paperclip a soldering iron and a good idea....  ive fixed 42 inch monitors with that hehehe   i have one still hehe08:28
=== concept10 misses soldering :(
Computer__Gurui want a fuckin 42" monitor08:28
=== ValheruLord [~ValheruLo@valherulord.user] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Gurusell me one08:28
Madpilotmodding can be a useful art. my box runs cooler and has front ports for audio & USB, none of which it came with...08:28
Forty|k thanks so much08:28
Forty|do i need to do something to save everything so this will dot his everytime?08:28
ethicsComputer__Guru, 1.2 dies a powersupply death  im on 1.3 with x2 and something else evox maybee i flashed around08:29
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Forty|i of course noticed that i can't do rc-update add alsa default08:29
ethicsComputer__Guru, others are all tsops08:29
anacron_Madpilot: usually modding is about making product better, not because of the looks :D08:29
=== nickrud will never return to the bench :)
=== troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruyeah my monster box has 4xUSB, 1xAC3-Audio, a 2 1/2" x 1" LCD, and purple LED's :D08:30
ethicsanacron_, more colours , spraypaiters than ever before tho08:30
=== Victoria [~Victoria@167-43-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruit also has a tulatin 1.5ghz celeron, and 512mb ram08:30
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-121-123.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruand a xenium ice08:30
Computer__Guruand a 250gb hdd08:30
=== Superkaramba [~Superkara@167-43-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
goldfishany pics?08:30
=== reka [~Unknown@wnpp-p-144-134-167-151.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
anacron_well getting stuff windowed and putting light's there is hot right now, but i think that's someway stupid, most of those stuff looks ugly08:31
Computer__Gurunot anymore.. not since my last windoze crash :(08:31
Forty|are you two talking about xbox modding?08:31
nickrudbeige is good :P08:31
Computer__Gurumy son kidnapped it.. i cant even get on the damned thing these days08:31
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crimsunForty|: no, it's fine now.08:31
anacron_Forty|: not just xbox, other stuff as well08:31
Computer__GuruForty|: yar08:31
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Forty|ah ok08:31
ethicsyou can have  a search for xbox case mod sites theres lots....some are step by step galleries some are just awesome results..08:31
Forty|yea, mine is modded, but all i did was put a new switch on the back08:31
Tiagoim n00b08:31
nickrudhey, Tiago08:31
rekaComputer__Guru: you get your emulator sound back?08:32
IceDC571doesnt tcl look lovely?08:32
Computer__Guruwww.casemods.com has an xbox section08:32
Computer__Gurureka: yeah08:32
Forty|was going to put a spinning set of blue leds behind the top xbox sign08:32
Tiagodownloading kubuntu08:32
Forty|but im very lazy08:32
Computer__Gurureka: problem was with keventd08:32
rekaComputer__Guru: righto08:32
ethicsComputer__Guru, hmm im looking at my xebian box thinking ubuntu would crossgrade on that 8)08:32
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Computer__Guruethics: it most certainly would.... change your sources.list and apt-get dist-upgrade :D08:32
anacron_Forty|: it's not about lazyness when we nerd's are modding, it's for your country!08:33
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Tiagoi have mepis currently installed on my pc and im going to install kubuntu over it is that safe?08:33
Tiagoi hav only been using linux for 2 days now08:33
ethicsComputer__Guru, may be my next crossgrade...i just came from etch/unstable08:33
=== GrAyRoCkStOnE [~GrAy@209-132-163-135.ccrtc.com] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruand its definately an upgrade from xebian08:33
nickrudTiago, yes, that will work fine08:33
GrAyRoCkStOnEHI to everyone.08:33
GrAyRoCkStOnEI need some help here. Please.08:33
nickrudTiago, and, a good choice :)08:33
Tiagoi installed kde 3.4.1 and xorg on mepis and alot of apps became unstable08:33
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Tiagobut kubuntu comes with xorg stock yeah?08:34
Computer__Guruim gonna make some tea, take a piss, and grab my ice cream.. ill bbiaf08:34
nickrudTiago, yes08:34
GrAyRoCkStOnEI need to update from GLIBC 2.1 to 2.2 or 2.3... what is the best way of doin that?08:34
GrAyRoCkStOnEUbuntu linux that is.08:34
GrAyRoCkStOnEI'm new to linux.08:34
crimsunGrAyRoCkStOnE: Ubuntu already has Glibc2.308:34
GrAyRoCkStOnEIt says My version is 2.108:34
crimsunit's lying08:34
Tiagonickrud, what should i do when installing kubuntu?08:34
crimsunand what is "it"?08:34
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ethicsok well im off  footy tonight08:34
Tiagoshoudl i just install over my existing root and home partitions?08:35
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rekaTiago: yep, just delete the mepis partitions and then use the free space for kubuntu08:35
nickrudTiago, I'd save anything from the home partition (personal stuff) and install over08:35
crimsunGrAyRoCkStOnE: for instance, ls /lib/libc*so08:36
Forty|where does ubuntu leave its rc?08:36
GrAyRoCkStOnEI'm trying to install ATI Radeon 9800 drivers.  When I go to raun the installer, it says I'm running Glibc 2.108:36
nickrudhi, reka08:36
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Forty|i want to have torsmo and fspanel load when openbox loads08:36
=== reka waves
crimsunGrAyRoCkStOnE: no. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:36
Forty|and i can't use xinitrc with gdm08:36
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rekahehe...daniels scared biharym off :)08:37
Tiagowhen instalingl kubuntu will i have an option to partition or a tool to partition or formar?08:38
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nickrudTiago, yes, and it's pretty simple to do.08:38
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spasmodoanyone running nmap?08:39
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nickrudTiago, I just did an install today, so my memory is fresh :)08:39
Tiagowill it be hard for some one like me? rmemeber i have only 2 days of linux experiance lol08:40
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Tiagolol im in windows now... and i feel so frustrated... i dont know why i just want linux08:40
spasmodoCan someone offer advice on linking libraries (ln -s)?08:40
F-StalkrI have a stupid question...what's the root password by default?08:40
Forty|Tiago, GO!08:40
Dr_WillisTiago,  hang in there! Youy can do it!08:41
Belutztiago: same thing with me... i just finished installing ubuntu :D08:41
nickrudTiago, as a general rule, hit the enter key just about everywhere in the install, it's pretty smart08:41
Dr_WillisWe belive in you!08:41
ubotuI heard sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo08:41
Forty|F-Stalkr, there isn't a root by default08:41
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Forty|you use sudo08:41
MadpilotF-Stalkr: see ubotu's link for info08:41
F-Stalkrhow do I add a root?08:41
Forty|because ubuntu, much like mac, thinks their users are too stupid to use root08:41
Dr_WillisF-Stalkr,  best way is to learn to use the 'sudo08:41
Dr_WillisF-Stalkr,  best way is to learn to use the 'sudo' habbit.08:41
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nickrud!tell F-Stalkr about rootsudo08:41
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VIPER^|^hello there08:41
spasmodoCan someone offer advice on linking libraries (ln -s)?08:42
Computer__Guruive returned08:42
Dr_Willisspamalope,  care to go into a little more details?08:42
Computer__Guruyou may resume now08:42
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nickrudComputer__Guru, thanks for the warning :)08:42
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Tiagoman i cant wait08:42
Forty|sorry there ya go08:42
=== Computer__Guru is eating peanut butter cup ice cream with a fork
spasmodoDr_Willis - are you talking too me?08:43
ubotuubuntuguide is probably a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.08:43
Computer__Gurubasically, type: sudp passwd08:43
Tiagosome people over on mepis are saying ubuntu is slow... lol im wondering if they are running p2's or some thign?08:43
Dr_Willisi forget.. :P08:43
rekaForty|: :p08:43
=== Dr_Willis scrolls up.. heh heh...
Tiagosnce alot of linyx users have slow comps08:43
Dr_WillisTiago,  ask them how they are benchmarking it.08:43
Tiagoi think it should ru wel on my pc08:43
Computer__Guruubuntu DOES come with a root account, it's just not initialized.. giving it a password does that08:43
The_Voxdamn, DMA makes a hell of a difference with CD/DVD burners08:43
rekaTiago: what's the default desktop environment on mepis?08:44
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Tiagokde 3.3.108:44
Tiagobut i was running kde 3.4.1 and xorg on there today and it ran very fast with full visuals08:44
Tiagobut superkaramba wasent working right08:44
spasmodoDr_Willis - I want to install nmap 3,81 - but it needs a different library  libc6  2.3.2.ds1-2108:44
nickrudbogomips is the only true measure of a machine08:45
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-137-108.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
spasmodoubuntu has -2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu1308:45
Tiagowell considering there are 30 people in the mepis channel and 300 people in here lol it kinda says some thing08:45
spasmodoI think they are pretty similar ?08:45
spasmodoso I want to just make a link08:45
Computer__Guruyeah bogomips is a good universal meter08:45
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Dr_Willisspasmodo,  - How are you trying to install nmap?08:45
Computer__Gurusince everyone has a different interpretation of MHz08:46
Tiagowoops there are 400 people in here08:46
nickrudTiago, and, that's the lowest number I've ever seen here08:46
spasmodoDr_Willis - from source - I CAN get 3.75 from apt, but I hear 3.81 is much faster08:46
Computer__Guruthere really 400 ppl here??08:46
Dr_Willisspasmodo,  just useing ln like that.. is not a great idea.. however from source it may want the developer files as well..08:47
Computer__Guruand it's always the same old us talking08:47
Tiagodistro watch says it all... lol ubuntu is at the top08:47
Tiagobut kbuntu is some wher elike 14th08:47
spasmodoDr_Willis - 3.81 can install fine from source08:47
nickrudgnome rules ;P08:47
Computer__Guruwell, thats only fair08:47
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spasmodoDr_Willis but then when I want to install other stuff08:47
Tiagohow come people rather use gnome with ubuntu then kde?08:47
Computer__Guruas far as *I* am concerned, kubuntu isnt a distro, it's a part of ubuntu08:48
rekaTiago: er, you really shouldn't measure something simply by numbers08:48
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spasmodoDr_Willis it says that it needs the libc6 with 'ubuntu' in the name08:48
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Tiagoim not... just using it as an example08:48
nickrudTiago, mainly, because canonical provides ubuntu (the gnome version) and a lot of quality volunteers provide kubuntu.08:48
Tiagoit seems that gnome is more popular amungst ubuntu users08:48
Computer__Guru./msg lilo stop spamming me08:48
Tiagowhat does gnome have over kde?08:49
Dr_Willisspasmodo,  Hmm.. not sure. Ive always had things install what they need. :P the joy of apt-get.08:49
Computer__Guruabsolutely nothing08:49
nickrudTiago, not much, just preference08:49
spasmodoDr_Willis heh heh08:49
coreyowhat is the correct way to have setserial automatically run a command on bootup?08:49
spasmodoDr_Willis thanks08:49
kjonI can't burn cd's over 22x. I read something about cdrecord priority. How do I change it without being root?08:49
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Computer__Gurukde is more feature rich - by far - than gnome at the expense of a few more megs of ram and a few more cpu cycles08:49
=== Nsaneice [~nsaneice@c-24-0-133-247.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tiagoi have seen some very beautiful gnome desktops...08:49
Dr_Williswife was able to understand kde with no help.. :P gnome is cleaner but just different enough in some ways that has her mad. :P08:49
The_Voxkjon: first do this and tell me what it answers: sudo hdparm /dev/cdrom08:49
nickrudExcept, maybe for hp, tigert, and a few others whose nicks I don't know08:50
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The_Voxkjon: I had that problem...until I turned on DMA08:50
Tiagoi just like eyecandy08:50
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rekaDr_Willis: understandable if she's used to windows08:50
kjonThe_Vox: I've managed myself to get udma 66 and multisect working on my optical drives.08:50
kjon IO_support   =  1 (32-bit)08:51
kjon unmaskirq    =  0 (off)08:51
kjon using_dma    =  1 (on)08:51
kjon keepsettings =  0 (off)08:51
kjon readonly     =  0 (off)08:51
kjon readahead    = 256 (on)08:51
rekanow that i've used gnome for so long, i keep looking at the upper right for the clock whenever i have to use windows :)08:51
NsaneiceI am used to Windows, been using Ubuntu for four days or so...08:51
rekakjon: pastebin please08:51
NsaneiceI like Gnome better and KDE, the package manager in KDE is odd08:51
kjonsorry reka T-T I won't do it again T-T08:51
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hondjeNsaneice: aren't you on dslr?08:52
Computer__GuruNsaneice: synaptic runs just fine in kde08:52
NsaneiceYes I am on DSLr08:52
Computer__GuruNsaneice: K->Run Command->kdesu synaptic08:52
rekakjon: no probs, just in future... more than 3 lines: pastebin08:52
=== hondje is smitedogg there
NsaneiceAhh haa!08:52
The_Voxkjon: ok, then just use sudo -s -H to become root to do whatever it is you want to do with cdrecord08:53
NsaneiceI knew someone on DSLr was working on Backports08:53
hondje:) No, that's jdong08:53
Nsaneiceor something to that effect08:53
hondjeFeel free to join #atu sometime08:53
kjonbut, Is there another way without being root? - I mean, by creating some sort of special group... I don't know.08:53
NsaneiceCan you split the windows in X-chat?08:54
hondjeI don't think you can do anything but tabs, but I'm not sure on that08:54
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BurgundaviaNsaneice, new channel window08:54
r2d4My gnome is not starting. How can I see the error messages? Now it just tries to start and then dumps me back at the login screen.08:54
Computer__Gurukjon: yes. there is.. setup k3b as root, and tell it to use the group cdrom08:54
Burgundaviayou can also split a specific channel by hitting ctrl-i08:54
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greatzkyso yeah08:55
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greatzkyi have no idea how to mount my NTFS drives :(08:55
hondjeNsaneice: you won't miss much, everyones asleep at this time08:55
AmorakhelpIs Amorak safe to use?08:55
greatzkyor even whre to make the directory08:55
rekar2d4: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:55
Amorakhelpit adds cookies to fetch lyrics08:55
Nsaneicehondje: Ok..08:55
kjonComputer__Guru: And afterward I have to add myself to that group and that might solve this problem... right?08:55
r2d4reka: thanks.08:55
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Nsaneicehondje: I need to be sleeping, but someone woke me up at 10 CST..08:55
rekagreatzky: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab (credit goes to Seveas)08:55
Computer__Guruhey there.. vmware is done :)08:56
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Computer__Gurunow to go get maya08:56
Tiagolol i dont have to worry about the problem of looking in the top right for my clock both my windows and kde have the taskbar/kicker at the top with the click on the right08:56
hondjeI should be too, but I get two weeks vacation coming up, so I'm slacking :)08:56
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thesametis there any Webshots user here?08:56
greatzkywould anyone be able to help me with stupid basic linux questions?08:56
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thesametgreatzky, yes08:56
nickrudgreatzky, probably :)08:57
Tiagowant to know the best reason for having the taskbar at the top? becouse at the bottem you wont see a drop shadow XD08:57
kjonIt might sound stupid, but... how the hell do I configure k3b? I know that some utility exists, but what was it name?08:58
Computer__Guruthe BEST reason for your taskbar at the top is my docker is at the bottom :D08:58
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NsaneiceFor me Taskbar and Docker are in the same bar..08:58
Tiagoyes thats is also a great reason08:58
NsaneiceFrees up a tittle screen08:58
Tiagoas i have a dock in both windows and kde at the bottem08:58
Tiagothat makes sence08:59
Tiagobut eyecandy my friend08:59
Computer__GuruNsaneice: my desktop --> http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2628309:00
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holycowTiago, thats the stupidest reason i' ve everheard09:01
Computer__Guruim an eyecandy enthusiast as well09:01
Computer__Guruand i take vast pride in my desktop09:02
geronimoHello French ??09:02
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holycowi'm a designer, i've seen it all and know how to make it, as a result i think i'm jaded09:02
hyphenatedgeronimo: #ubuntu-fr09:02
rekathe transparency is nice09:02
NsaneiceLooks nice. :)09:02
kjonI couldn't manage myself to configure k3b. Any hints? (please)09:02
holycowkjon, what do you mean 'configure'?09:03
TiagoComputer__Guru, im still waiting for the site to load09:03
nickrudI look at my bland desktop, and wonder why I ever had anything anything between me and my work09:03
geronimospeak french ??09:03
NsaneiceNeed to find a place to put my screen shot and I can show you my desktop..09:03
holycowk3b actually will tell you what you need to install additionally ... so thats basically all you need to add?09:03
Computer__Gurukjon: the name of the app escapes me... just type k3 int he command line and hit tab twice for a list09:04
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NsaneiceNon, parla vous Francais.09:04
geronimoje suis franais09:04
kjonholycow: Can't burn cds at 52x, dma stuff is fine. Seems an issue with priority. I need to be root to burn faster....09:04
holycowoh, i've never heard of that09:04
Computer__Guruwhy do you need to burn at 52x anyways09:04
Computer__Guru48x or even 32x isnt fast enough for you?09:05
hondjecrank it to 1109:05
Computer__Gurui mean comeon09:05
Dr_Willisto save 30 sec!09:05
kjonBecause I can't stand burning at 20~18x.09:05
reka52x drives don't even get that high iirc09:05
TiagoComputer__Guru, your desktop is the s3x0r!11109:05
NsaneiceOui, Francais est porcaw --->  #ubuntu-fr09:05
rekaat least mine doesn't09:05
geronimobonjour Goldfish09:05
Computer__GuruTiago: I know, rate it :) thx09:05
kjonand my dvd burning sucks... I need more speed man.... T-T09:05
Tiagoi dont like the icons though09:05
goldfishgeronimo: bonjour09:05
nickrudover 30 disks, that's a few minutes ;)09:05
Computer__Gurui love em09:05
rekaComputer__Guru: why not just buy a mac? ;)09:06
geronimoenfin un french09:06
Tiagowait till u see my desktop09:06
Computer__Gurureka: two words: closed source09:06
kjonAny hints? (before my head blows....)09:06
Nsaneicele franais que l'aide est ici, # ubuntu-franc, dsol je suis trs rouill  mes deux annes de Franais dans le lyce.09:06
Computer__Gurusomeone should tell artic fox how to spell arctic09:06
Computer__GuruNsaneice: i think it's #ubuntu-fr09:07
geronimoje voi que tu parle bien quand meme09:07
Tiagothis is my windows desktop http://img346.imageshack.us/img346/686/windowsdesktop1mj.jpg09:07
Computer__Gurukjon: i suppose you could setuid cdrecord, but i dont think thats gonna solve your problem09:07
Computer__Gurubeing root shouldnt have anything to do with how fast cdrecord works09:07
hondjeWhy isn't this #ubuntu-en?09:07
rekakjon: isn't there a speed setting in the preferences? (haven't used it myself)09:07
Computer__Gurubecause english is the main language for ubuntu09:08
Tiagoi think my windows desktop is the s3x0r!1111109:08
NsaneiceDsol il n'est pas, # ubuntu-franc, il est #ubuntu-fr09:08
Tiagobut my ubuntu wll be bettewr09:08
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NsaneiceSoo soo rusty at French09:08
Computer__GuruTiago: that's windows? rock on09:08
hyphenatedhondje: because the world is full of bias toward english-speakers, I guess09:09
Tiagolol yeah who would have know xp could look that good?09:09
rekaTiago: hello fellow aussie :)09:09
Tiagobut im bored of windows so im giving linux a try09:09
Computer__GuruI'm FAMOUS09:09
Computer__GuruI've been immortalized in a screenshot09:09
geronimodesole suis oblige de partir je comprend rien a l'englais09:09
rok47what did u use to make your desktop like that tiago?09:10
Tiagoare u in melb bro?09:10
Computer__GuruTiago: that object desktop?09:10
rekaTiago: heh, i must say....that's pretty good for xp09:10
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hondjeIs this the guy that got banned for refusing to listen about going to #ubuntu-fr?09:10
rekaTiago: yep...bit cold, ey?09:10
Tiagotell me about it09:10
tiglionabbitTiago: wow dude, I am impressed.  How'd you get the gkrellm style calendar, mac OS dock, and the clock widget?09:10
Tiagoim going clubbing tonight too09:10
kjonreka: Yep. And I chose "full throttle"... (52x). Cdrecord kicks back automatically if the cd can't handle higher speeds; however, even if I chose 24x (or whatever higher) I can't burn over 18x...09:10
Nsaneicehondje: You got me..09:10
Computer__Gurui think it's object desktop09:10
hondjeNsaneice: Not you :)09:11
Nsaneicehondje: But his broken french hurts my head09:11
kjonwhy??? T-T09:11
Computer__GuruTiago: answer me q, fewl :D09:11
Tiagoi use KONFABULATOR for the widgets, RKlauncher for the dock, Yz Shadow for the shadows09:11
=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruoh wow09:11
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Computer__Guruhow does it affect performance?09:11
tiglionabbitTiago: where'd you learn about these thingies?09:12
rekaTiago: as if windwos wasn't bloated already. ;)09:12
Tiagoruns very well09:12
=== anna [~anna@cmbe-212-89-16-88.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruon what hardware?09:12
Tiagoim a windows freak09:12
Computer__Gurui gotta say09:12
Tiagoi have allways loved windows and customizing windows lol09:12
hondjeThat's not something you see on freenode everyday09:12
Tiagobut im over it now09:12
Computer__Guruthats a nice fuckin desktop, regardless of the os09:12
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tiglionabbitTiago: well you'll probably like linux once you get into it.  You can change...  Everything09:13
=== robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
NsaneiceHere is my desktop. :/   http://img330.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot0df.png09:13
Tiagoim running a 2500+ @ 3410+ 512 ddr3200 cl2 dual chan, 5600 ultra 256mb... the comps about a year old09:13
NsaneiceIts just kinda there. :|09:13
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hondjeNsaneice: nice alien dude09:14
Tiagoyeah love linux09:14
Computer__Guruhow do you think allt hat would run on my p4-1.7 w/384 and a crappy 16mb ati rage pro 128 ultra video card?09:14
Nsaneicehondje: Its Spawn09:14
Computer__Guruhondje: that's spawn09:14
Computer__GuruNsaneice: very minimalistic.. i like it09:14
=== hondje isn't fancy
Tiagoi have longhorn build 5048 on here as well09:14
kjonwell, seems I'm gonna to give up....09:15
Computer__Guruhondje's desktop is very clean09:15
kjonseems to much for me... '09:15
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TiagoComputer__Guru, should run fine on ur system09:15
NsaneiceI need a trash can on the desktop..09:15
AmaranthI win. :D09:16
Computer__Gurusin city is over halfway done transcoding09:16
Computer__Gurubut ill tell ya09:16
=== anna [~anna@cmbe-212-89-16-88.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu
TiagoAmaranth, dont make me rip out my longhorn desktop screenshot lol09:16
Computer__Gurukmediafactory SUCKS BALLS for creating DVD's09:16
AmaranthMine isn't vaporware, just breezy.09:16
NsaneiceI have a longhorn build some where in this mess..09:16
Tiagothe next installment of windows will be an eyecandy feast09:16
Amaranthwell, the icon theme will be in breezy eventually09:17
AmaranthTiago: Doesn't mean it will look nice.09:17
Computer__GuruAmaranth: my desktop is sexier than that :D and alexis bledel is sexier than that broad :D09:17
NsaneiceHeck ya, longhorn is all round now09:17
Tiagoyou will need to take ur eyes to the dentist after using longhorn09:17
AmaranthComputer__Guru: Show me.09:17
Tiagoi think m$ has the resources to hire some one t make a realy nice theme this time09:17
Computer__GuruAmaranth: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2628309:17
hondjeI doubt one can top Amaranth09:17
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hondjeAmaranth wins09:18
AmaranthComputer__Guru: Ugly as sin.09:18
AmaranthComputer__Guru: No offense. :)09:18
AmaranthThat theme is just so...forced.09:18
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nickrudI never seem to get work done with backgrounds like that :)09:19
Computer__GuruTiago: longhorn depends far too heavily on xml, and slower pc's are gonna take a year to load it.. xp runs fine on a 266 w/256+ ram.. longhorn will need at LEAST a 1.3GHz regardless of ram to make you not want to kill yourself waiting for it to load09:19
Tiagoi cant wait to be running longhorn final, linux and os x tiger all on my pc :D09:19
Computer__GuruAmaranth: there's nothing at all forced about it :) it flows perfectly09:19
Tiagonot to far away ether09:19
AmaranthComputer__Guru: Then you're screenshot is very grainy.09:19
Computer__Guruthe MS xml parser is a very slow and bulky beast09:19
Tiagowell its 2005 people shouldent be using slow pc's any more...09:19
Amaranthand, like, not at all what your desktop looks like09:20
hondjewhy not?09:20
Computer__GuruAmaranth: it shouldn't be...09:20
AmaranthComputer__Guru: Things don't flow at all, it's all cramped in.09:20
Tiagoif people stop buying new pc's the economy will go broke09:20
tiglionabbitwoo cool, apache works.  K here's my desktop then http://nickr.kicks-ass.net/~nick/desktop.png09:20
hondjeIf it runs, why buy a new one09:20
Computer__Gurunot to me its not09:20
tiglionabbitnot too much class, but I had fun with the launchers09:20
=== gyaresu_ [~gyaresu@ppp111-83.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
NsaneiceI have a 233mhz 128Sdram Dell laptop with 4gb HDD it runs XP nicely09:20
AmaranthComputer__Guru: And leaning on transparency to try to get an 'awe' factor.09:20
Nsaneiceperfect for my brother and Gaim09:20
Tiagoi found the s3xyest gnome desktop online... ill upload it for you all to look at09:21
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Tiagoit almost made me wana install gnome09:21
Computer__GuruAmaranth: :D I only turned it on for the screenshot.. this vid card cant handle it.. btw ive dumped the glossy osx for the brushed one and i think it looks a lot betetr09:21
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Computer__Gurubtw, all, tiglionabbit wins. his desktop is really suave09:21
=== Amaranth *hates* brushed metal
=== holycow too
=== Howitzer [~adrian@35.7-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
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uboturob^: I give up, what is it?09:22
Computer__Gurui like it a lot09:22
=== Amaranth doesn't understand how people can think these themes look nice
AmaranthThe important parts are the little things09:22
Computer__Gurui need to convince dave to enable port 80 passthrough for me09:22
hondjeI like the Amaranth theme09:22
hondjewith gartoon icons09:22
hondjeit doesn't glare out at my eyes09:22
Tiagoi dont like the theme of osx... looks like a gay man cummed all over it... but i like the ideas they come up with... such as docks and widgets09:23
Computer__Gurumy theme does look nice :) almost everyone i show it to loves it.. and it stops people who come over dead in their tracks09:23
rob^ubotu factoid is a list of commonly used factoids, found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuFactoids09:23
uboturob^: okay09:23
tiglionabbitComputer__Guru: hey thanks man09:23
hondjethe human theme is too brown09:23
tiglionabbitI found the background image on 4chan09:23
hondjeclearlooks is nice though09:23
paxany snoopy guru around, I purged and removed snoopy, but the sucker is still showing on my logs, just wont go away?09:23
Computer__Guruat some point i'll get bored enough to design a theme fromt he ground up09:23
Amaranthhttp://www.realistanew.com/shiny.png and http://www.realistanew.com/shiny3.png09:23
HowitzergX aaaall the way09:24
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Howitzera niiiiiice dark theme09:24
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Computer__Gurui gotta say i like your icon set, Amaranth09:25
Computer__Gurua lot09:25
AmaranthComputer__Guru: It'll be in breezy. :)09:25
holycowthe other thing about themes, is that they are essentially pointless09:25
AmaranthIt's from AndyFitz09:25
holycowa: i never ever see my desktop09:25
Tiagowhat happened to the aussie guy?09:25
Computer__GuruAmaranth: port it over to kde :D09:25
holycowand i have a dual monitor at 1600x1200 each09:25
Amaranth(the guy who did the Human icons)09:25
MadpilotGnome makes it pretty easy to mix'n'match your own themes. I like that09:25
=== Nsaneice Looks for Breezy..
holycowsecond i don't care what the window border looks like because frankly its just 3 icons in the top right09:25
AmaranthIt's not in breezy right now.09:25
=== jcoxon [~jcoxon@81-178-242-198.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerhow do you theme you're mouse-pointer.??09:25
Tiagoevery one bow down http://img317.imageshack.us/img317/4859/screenshot16qw0rs.png09:25
Tiagotell me this isent sexy09:26
AndyFitzTiago,  I'm the aussie guy09:26
Tiagomakes me want to use gnome09:26
tiglionabbitisn't Amaranth's the default XFCE icon set?09:26
Madpilotwhat's that purple thing, taigo?09:26
Amaranthtiglionabbit: no09:26
Amaranthtiglionabbit: It's humility09:26
Tiagoi duno its not my desktop09:26
HowitzerTiago, is tht yours?09:26
Computer__GuruTiago: my daughter would love it... wife probably would too... there something you need to tell us? :D09:26
AmaranthTiago: Nice try.09:26
Tiagoany way i gota run09:26
hondjeThat's not very sexy, I don't like milk09:26
=== OculusAquilae [~bastian@p548D2C44.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
AmaranthI like Milk more than brushed metal09:27
=== lionel [~lionel@ip-128.net-82-216-65.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
hondjemilk gives me a headache, too much brightness09:27
Computer__Gurui like brushed metal as long as everything gets brushed the same09:27
hondjeclearlooks and amaranth are the only ones I like09:27
txskyhelp me09:27
Howitzeri want that theme09:27
Tiago  lol09:27
tiglionabbitI love that.  What is the thing on the left, gaim buddy list?  I want mine to look like that09:27
hondjeI like those icons though09:27
Tiagoi like longhorns aero09:27
AmaranthI like the panel there, kinda.09:27
Computer__Guruwhich between panther-gtk2-brushed and baghira 0.6a, they actually match09:27
anacron_what where now?09:27
AmaranthIt's a bit overloaded.09:27
tiglionabbitheh, you can define any icons, I love that.  On my desktop, I didn't use any default icons.  I just searched the net for a suitible image to stick there09:28
AmaranthTiago: Why?09:28
tiglionabbitshoved in some gifs and pngs and such09:28
AmaranthTiago: Do you have a screenshot of something I haven't seen? (something that doesn't look like ass)09:28
Computer__Guruicons look a lot better as a set09:28
AndyFitzAmaranth,  the icons have changed  ( well the arrows and a few little things )09:28
anacron_Tiago: oh my god thats cool :D09:28
AmaranthAndyFitz: Damn you, I felt special. :P09:28
Madpilot<evil grin> my desktop currently has pussy showing. it beats Amaranth's lady. here ya go: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/1319/warbard4ul.png :)09:28
hondjemuwahah, now we have his power09:29
Computer__Guruhey andy, those gnome icons, kde icons, or just a bunch of png's?09:29
AmaranthMadpilot: Please don't post adult content.09:29
AmaranthComputer__Guru: GNOME09:29
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hondjeMadpilot: very nice sir09:29
hondjethat's a whole lot of weather09:29
MadpilotAmaranth: it's not. honest. check the url09:29
Computer__GuruMadpilot: that's the prettiest pussy ive seen in ages09:29
AmaranthComputer__Guru: Those are the icons I'm using in my screenshots.09:29
ubotuit has been said that joke is Joke, v. i. L. jocari.   To do something for sport, or as a joke; to be merry in words   or actions; to jest. (1913 Webster)09:29
Computer__GuruAndyFitz: port that icon theme to kde :D09:29
AndyFitzcomputer__guru, they are svg09:29
Amaranthit's beatrix09:30
tiglionabbitMadpilot: wow, do you think you have enough launchers and temperature monitors?  I bet you're so busy, you can't click twice to open an application09:30
holycowMadpilot, you need one of the jumping cats pics instead i think09:30
AndyFitzcomputer__guru,  join the ubuntu-art mailing list09:30
AmaranthMadpilot: Looks like GTK 1.x with Human icons.09:30
Computer__Guruthat's a really nice desktop, Madpilot09:30
Madpilotlots of weather, yup. I'm a pilot, we're all weather-addicts09:30
tiglionabbitMadpilot: personally, I just stuck a mini-launcher on mine, so if it's not on my quick buttons I type it09:30
AndyFitzthat may be done once the set is at a reasonable density.09:30
AmaranthAndyFitz: Would ubuntu-art be a good place to request an icon for Smeg?09:30
Computer__Guruthe background does it all09:30
MadpilotAmaranth: let me check, it's a hand-rolled theme09:30
AndyFitzAmaranth,  yeah  or just PM me .  what did you have in mind ?09:31
anacron_Tiago: what theme is that?09:31
AmaranthAndyFitz: Something that makes it obvious it's a menu editor, I guess.09:31
Computer__GuruI'd like a kubuntu icon to use for my k-menu :D09:31
AmaranthAndyFitz: And fits in with your kickass new theme.09:31
hondjeAndyFitz: I like these icons09:31
Computer__Guruin assorted colors09:31
MadpilotHuman icons, ThinIce controls, Clearlooks borders09:31
tiglionabbitwill breezy have an in-depth theme editor?09:32
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tiglionabbitlike one that allows you to assign and swap out individual icons, and parts of themes?09:32
tiglionabbitthat would be funner than editing a tar.gz and throwing it in09:32
AmaranthOnly one bad thing about my background image. She's so distracting I lose things on my desktop. ;)09:33
hondjeput the icons in the center right09:33
NsaneiceThis is going to sound stupid; but is Breezy going to be a new rls of Ubuntu?09:33
hondjethen you'll naturally look for them there09:33
hondjeNsaneice: yep, the next one09:33
holycowoddly i find the ubuntu brown desktop easy on the eyes09:33
Computer__Gurui rotate between 6 images of alexis bledel, 6 images of jessica alba, 6 images of denise richards, and six images of sarah michelle gellar09:34
hondjeit's easy on the eyes, I agree09:34
holycowits perfectly unobtrusive without being completely boring single colour09:34
hondjeit's just hard to find a background that works with ti09:34
Amaranthhondje: haha, that might work09:34
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Amaranthholycow: me too09:34
Amaranthholycow: i just like the clearlooks brown a little better09:35
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holycowhondje, i mean wallpaper too09:35
holycowAmaranth, *nod*09:35
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hondjeI think its too dark09:35
AmaranthAndyFitz: Which icon gets used for the show desktop button on the panel?09:35
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=== reka [~Unknown@wnpp-p-144-134-167-151.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
holycowadjust your gamma -_-09:35
rob^can anyone offer me some feedback on this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuFactoids09:36
Amaranthcan't be09:36
rob^what you would like to see etc09:36
AndyFitzbut the applet seems to screw it up09:36
Amaranthlooks nothing like it09:36
Forty|for debian, setting a static IP address, i can do this in /etc/network/interfaces?09:36
tiglionabbitwhat is smeg?09:36
Amaranthoh, i see09:36
hondjeholycow: I like my gamma :-(09:36
holycowForty|, yes09:36
Amaranthit's using 24x24?09:36
AndyFitzgnome-fs-desktop  .  but I'm not sure what size its using09:36
holycowForty|, but why, you have a gui for that09:36
Amaranthno, but it should be...09:36
AndyFitzwhatever size its using its not using the one I made for it09:36
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Forty|holycow, bah to gui, i like nano :-)09:36
Amaranthtiglionabbit: menu editor09:37
holycowhondje, i kid! :)09:37
AmaranthAndyFitz: I think it's zooming either the 22 or 24 one.09:37
tiglionabbitAmaranth: how'd you get it?09:37
Amaranthtiglionabbit: I wrote it.09:37
ubotuwell, smeg is a Gnome menu editor. Get it at at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/09:37
=== kwa [~kwa@adsl-64-172-148-129.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
NsaneiceI like nano too, I think it is from installing Gentoo09:37
AndyFitzAmaranth, if you figure out a fix please post it to the list09:37
AmaranthYes. :)09:37
AmaranthAndyFitz: Ok.09:38
rob^I'll take that as a no09:38
Forty|Nsaneice, same here, i got use to it from Gentoo09:38
NsaneiceI think I might remove gedit, and only use nano09:38
jsgotangcoits a very small app to remove09:39
Amaranthnote to self: don't delete the icon theme that's in use09:39
NsaneiceEvery bit helps..09:39
=== Superkaramba [~Superkara@167-43-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
holycowAmaranth, hahah!09:39
tiglionabbitsheesh, if i were using gentoo, I'd use vim09:40
holycowi dub that theme 'borked'09:40
AndyFitzamaranth, smeg isnt using the proper icon sizes09:40
concept10Problem: My server box says "CMOS Error" after the initial boot test and it always crashes, anyone have a clue on what this means?  Does this mean the BIOS battery is dead?  (it doesnt remember settings)09:40
tiglionabbitI got used to nano and emacs long ago, switching to vim recently after becoming obsessed with nethack which uses similar keys09:40
AmaranthAndyFitz: lmao, if you remove the 22x22 and 24x24 gnome-fs-desktop icons it seems to work perfectly09:40
AndyFitzhttp://www.realistanew.com/shiny.png  looks like a resized icon09:40
Amaranthoh, it's probably using the gnome theme one09:40
hondjeoh no, tiglionabbit is hooked09:40
=== Ski||z [~brooke@pcp0010305578pcs.norris01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hondjenethack should be illegal09:41
=== rem [~rem@adsl-139-240-bs1.datacomm.ch] has joined #ubuntu
r2d4how can I search available deb packages in repositories without using synaptic and from the command line?09:41
AmaranthAndyFitz: You mean the foot on the window border?09:41
r2d4like rpm -q xyz09:41
holycowhondje, speaking of games, i gotta get someone to write a networking component to gltron09:41
holycowthe game is decent with a good theme actually09:42
hondjegltron is fun09:42
tiglionabbitI haven't played it in a few days though, I think I've had enough of it.  My high score was in the 5 digit numbers, got to level 9 and died by accidentally punching a cockatrice in the face09:42
hondjeI always go back to bzflag though09:42
Madpilotin breezy is the gnome foot in the top left corner replaced with a Ubuntu circle?09:42
holycowoh i had to permanently remove bzflag09:42
holycowi got addicted to that for about a week09:42
holycowi couldn't stop playing that for some reason09:42
BurgundaviaMadeye, no09:42
Madpilotscorched3d is my nemesis.09:42
AndyFitzamaranth,  no the icons in the tree09:43
BurgundaviaMadpilot, no09:43
Madpilotor gnome-mine...09:43
holycowit's not like its an incredible game, something about the fast pace of it tho and the competitiveness09:43
AmaranthAndyFitz: Getting rid of the 22x22 and 24x24 icons seems to have fixed the show desktop button.09:43
AmaranthAndyFitz: it's using the scalable one, i guess09:43
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AmaranthAndyFitz: those are whatever the default cellrenderer height is09:43
AndyFitzyeah thats kinda dodgy  ,  it should use the 22x22 one09:43
hondjeholycow: ah HAH, that's where I recognize your nick, from hepcat09:43
AmaranthAndyFitz: I mean it's using the scalable one now, it's it sizing it right. It looks perfect.09:43
holycoweh >_>09:43
AndyFitzwish it was the sharper09:44
hondjewhy does everyone hate the gnome foot next to applications?09:45
AmaranthAndyFitz: hmm, putting in the 22x22 one again seems to either use that one correctly or do nothing09:45
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cathey if i have debian and i want to update debian sarge to ubuntu can i do it with the source list? of ubuntu?09:45
niranAndyFitz, src/AppInstall.py:132: GtkWarning: Theme directory mimetypes48x48/apps of theme humility-icons has no size field09:46
niranAndyFitz, that's weird.09:46
hondjecat: yeah, if you use pinning, but it can get ugly] 09:46
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catit can? how?09:46
Burgundaviacat, yes09:46
hondjeusing /etc/apt/preferences09:46
Burgundaviacat, what are you running09:46
catdebian sarge09:46
Burgundaviacat, ouch09:47
AmaranthAndyFitz: I can't make it break anymore. I put the 22x22 and 24x24 ones back in.09:47
Burgundaviacat, sarge is newer than our stable09:47
AmaranthAndyFitz: Try removing the applet and adding it back in.09:47
catbut i want to try out ubuntu i already sign up for the cds, but i've waited it for 2 months and still nothing09:47
=== ptlo [~senko@83-131-17-244.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Burgundaviacat, sarge --> hoary is not easy and breezy is not very stable right now09:48
NsaneiceIt took a while to get mine, prolly 4 months..09:48
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NsaneiceI asked for 5 x86 and they sent 2009:48
Nsaneicebig goofs09:48
rekacat: took ~10 weeks for me here in aus09:48
rekacat: depends where you are i guess09:48
ChurcH_of_FoamYdid ya pay for them?09:48
hondjecat: http://www.argon.org/~roderick/apt-pinning.html  <--- you can use that, and be careful09:48
hondjedoing it that way assumes you're not a newbie09:48
catso what should i do then?09:49
catjust keep on waiting?09:49
Burgundaviacat, wait for a while09:49
catwell my question is what's the differents between debian and ubuntu?09:49
Madpilotthere are Hoary CDs for *sale* on EBay. that's just wrong...09:49
rekacat: i got sick of it and burned the ISO....cd arrived the next week. :)09:50
hondjeMadpilot: that's gross :(09:50
tiglionabbitcat: uh...  ubuntu people are nicer?09:50
catwell can someone answer my question09:50
catoh they are?09:50
tiglionabbityes, we are09:50
catoh nice09:50
NsaneiceI think they are. :)09:51
MadeyeBurgundavia,  yes?09:51
Madpilothondje: I was surprised, but I guess it's not illegal. it just stinks, and it's abuse of the free mailout system...09:51
rekacat: well, there's the more frequent releases09:51
tiglionabbitubuntu is a very friendly community.  We try to make things simple and nice.09:51
hondjeyeah, that's sad...I can see charging for shipping, but making a profit is gross09:51
cati wish i can code for you people,09:51
hondjekinda like how linspire wants you to PAY for gcc09:51
holycowi like how they sell antivirus software09:52
NsaneiceLindows && Linspire are dirty09:52
Burgundavialets not hack down linspire09:52
Burgundaviathis is #ubuntu09:52
ztonzyhmm, I need PDF viewer in Firefox, any tip ?09:52
Burgundaviaand every desktop linspire takes away from windows is still a good thing09:52
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VIPER^|^is there a way to install 2.4 now09:53
holycowztonzy, you DON'T want a pdf viewere in fox09:53
VIPER^|^on ubuntu09:53
Madpilot$40 (Cdn) OEM for Linspire. huh...09:53
holycowyou want A SEPARATE viewere for pdf09:53
Burgundaviaztonzy, install evince09:53
tiglionabbitholycow: I'm sure there is one though..09:53
ztonzyholycow, hehe :) okej...09:53
ztonzyBurgundavia, what's that ?09:53
holycowztonzy, try evince09:53
Burgundaviaztonzy, pdf/document viewer09:53
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tiglionabbithm, I like evince's webpage.  So many screenshots09:54
tiglionabbitit's like, you can talk about it, but can you PROVE it?09:54
Computer__Guru*** YOU'RE USING automake (GNU automake)
Computer__Guru*** KDE requires automake 1.6.1 or newer09:54
Computer__Gurumake[1] : *** [cvs]  Error 109:54
Computer__Gurumake: *** [all]  Error 209:54
ztonzyholycow & Burgundavia , thanks09:54
Computer__Guruthat's RETARDED09:54
BurgundaviaComputer__Guru, automake is fun09:54
tiglionabbitComputer__Guru: rofl09:55
eliUbuntuanyone tried out breezy yet?09:55
BurgundaviaeliUbuntu, yes, broken09:55
Madpilotautomake can't count...09:55
Computer__Guruim using newer than 1.6.109:55
Computer__Guruhow do i fix this?09:55
BurgundaviaComputer__Guru, install another automake09:55
Burgundaviathey are parallel installable09:55
Computer__Guruisnt it bad to install two versions of a package?09:55
ztonzyBurgundavia, how do I setup it for FF ?09:55
NsaneiceThat is like when I was working on XFCE4 and it said I needed GLib 2.3.4 or >= but it found 2.6.809:56
tiglionabbitsay guys, exactly how safe is gparted?  I'm about to resize a fat32 partition.  I haven't defragmented it lately....09:56
eliUbuntuBurgundavia: broken as in... lot of bugs?09:56
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hondjeComputer__Guru: apt-get install automaken, it'll show you what versions they have...automake1.6 probably would work09:56
BurgundaviaeliUbuntu, somewhat09:56
hondjenot that it isn't retarded09:56
tiglionabbitI'm nearly cutting it in half, but coming 2 gigs away from the data that's already on it..09:56
Computer__Gurugot it09:56
Computer__Guru1.6.3 hopefully this stupid cvs script will work now09:57
Computer__Guruabsolutely retarded09:57
Computer__Guruyaknow gyach-e does the same thing09:57
eliUbuntuBurgundavia, so you would not recommend trying it out at the moment, correct?09:57
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Computer__Guruyou have to make symlinks for VERY old library files09:57
BurgundaviaeliUbuntu, yes, wait a few weeks09:57
hondjeComputer__Guru: it'd probably be easier to futz with configure.in09:58
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eliUbuntuok... Burgundavia, do you by any chance use AMD64 option for ubuntu?09:58
Computer__Gurui fixed it, Burgundavia's idea worked. i installed automake 1.6.3 and its fine09:58
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rekatiglionabbit: there's always a risk involved when you mess around with partitions.   IMO, you should defrag first.09:58
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rekatiglionabbit: and backup...09:58
tiglionabbit=[ but that would involve booting into windows09:58
Computer__Gurukwin-styles should come in some sort of package format09:58
BurgundaviaeliUbuntu, no09:59
eliUbuntutiglionabbit, reka says wise words when stating backup09:59
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gyaresuanyone had any luck with a CD cataloguing programme like 'whereisit' in windows?09:59
rekaeliUbuntu: though i'm sure tiglionabbit knows that...he's helped a lot of people in here.  just wanted to say it anyway :)10:00
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mgcrosshello all10:00
=== reka waves
hondjewhat's cd cataloguing?10:01
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mgcrosscan you tell me if I can burn an .mds/.mdf file in linux?10:01
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hondjeto keep track of what's on which disk?10:01
eliUbuntureka, thanks for the message :) tiglionabbit i didnt mean to be annoying on my part. i just have seen too many people crumple over losing their partitions on resizing10:01
holycowits keeping track of your warez collection hondje10:01
holycowyou remember those, dontcha?10:01
hondjeNo, I don't :-(10:01
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holycow] 10:01
hondjeToo many years gettin' my linux on10:01
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gyaresuhondje, sorry, i need my name for the beep :)10:02
hondjeAt work we use mysql to keep track of what's on which disk10:02
gyaresuhondje, yeah to know what's on the 1000 or so CD's i've got...10:02
niranmgcross, never heard of those. what are they?10:03
hondjeI _think_ OpenOffice2 has some MS Access like thing10:03
holycowhondje, heh i think open source is the solution to the warez problem really, i haven't donwloaded a single thing since moving to linux10:03
=== araw1 is away (BRB a sec...)
hondjeI don't think I've warezed anything since 94 or 9510:03
=== hondje isn't very cool :-(
NsaneiceNor have I holycow, other than Crossover Office Pro, which was a waste so it got the rm -f10:03
Computer__Guruhey how do you build a binary .deb from a plain old source tarball?10:03
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holycowNsaneice, i boughht crossover infact and vmware, but i needed it for work10:04
hondjethe only commercial software I have is matlab and cedega, and I paid for both10:04
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mgcrossniran: I *think it the alcohol version of an iso or a bin/cue...10:05
NsaneiceLike an .iso10:05
gyaresuComputer__Guru, debian-builder10:05
NsaneiceKinda like nero's .nrg10:06
gyaresumgcross, there is a prog mdf2iso10:06
mgcrossanyone know if k3b (or its underlying bits) will handle it...don't wanna download if not...10:06
holycowNsaneice, you reminded me of something ...10:07
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holycowhttp://www.nrg.be/ <-- i can't believe this stupid site is still up10:07
=== Nsaneice twiches
sinfernodoes anyone have ultima online running with cedega?10:07
mgcrossgyaresu: thanks...is it in the Ubuntu repos?10:07
gyaresumgcross, no. it's here >>> http://mdf2iso.berlios.de/10:07
gyaresumgcross, dunno why.10:07
mgcrossgyaresu: thanks...cool, thanks!10:08
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gyaresumgcross, direct link is >>> http://download.berlios.de/mdf2iso/mdf2iso-0.3.0-src.tar.bz210:08
Madpilotholycow: wow, that's a lot of flash. is there a point to it?10:08
=== Flying-Penguin [~flyingpen@pool-71-103-171-206.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
hondjeComputer__Guru: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToBuildDebianPackagesFromScratch10:09
eliUbuntumatlab is a program like mathematica correct?10:09
Flying-Penguinhey guys!10:09
holycowMadeye, it's the ultimate example of the kind of crap all of us designed in the mid 90's10:09
holycowjesus f christ10:09
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Madpilotholycow: you do/did web design?10:09
mgcrossgyaresu: bows deeply10:09
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holycowex graphic designer, yep10:10
gyaresumgcross, is welcome.10:10
NsaneiceAnd Mozilla crashes at that site..10:10
Computer__Guruyeah, i just installed a badass window deco10:10
NsaneiceLets try FF10:10
Madeyeholycow, ?10:11
MadpilotNsaneice: try Opera. it handles it just fine. there's nothing to see, but it works...10:11
NsaneiceYup FF crashed also10:11
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NsaneiceEek, no package for it. :/10:11
hondjeeliUbuntu: yeah, matlab is for linear algebra mostly10:12
concept10I wish I could change the god-awful Java font10:12
hondjesignal processing, matrices, that sorta thing10:12
hondje'lazy mans fortran'10:12
MadpilotNsaneice: Opera? nope. but they do a Ubuntu deb that's painless10:12
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Flying-Penguinhey, I use a microsoft mouse :( and it has 5 buttons but the 2 side buttons don't work, is there a good downloadable mouse driver for linux?10:13
eliUbuntuoh, thanks hondje.10:13
anacron_is there a opera for linux?10:13
NsaneiceMadpilot: I have the .deb now..10:13
gyaresuanacron_, yes.10:13
holycowFlying-Penguin, not from microsoft -_-10:13
Madpilotanacron_: I'm on it right now.10:13
anacron_that's cool10:13
hondjeyou don't need a driver for your mouse buttons10:14
Flying-Penguinholycow, well I kinda knew that, but there are alot of 5 button mouses out there and I was just wondering if someone took the time to make drivers for them10:14
hondjeyou just need to twiddle with /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:14
anacron_firefox is too heavy for my other computer, and dillo isn't quite finished product yet10:14
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holycowFlying-Penguin, i was kidden, what hondje said, you will need to google 5 button mice10:14
Flying-Penguinhondje, I don't know much abought editing xorg.conf (I suck with linux)10:14
Flying-Penguinok I will google it10:14
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hondjeShould be some good walkthroughs, if not I'm sure someone here can help10:14
hondjeit's a common enough question though10:15
Deterministguys , i'm having a problem here. i cant seem to be able to mount my ntfs partitions (this is a dual boot system). fdisk -l gives me this:10:15
Determinist   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System10:15
Determinist/dev/hda1   *           1        1275    10241406   42  SFS10:15
Determinist/dev/hda2            1276        7296    48363682+  42  SFS10:15
gyaresu!tell Flying-Penguin about IntellimouseMousemanBackForwardButtons10:15
Deterministbut hda1 or hda2 do not appear in /dev/10:15
gyaresuFlying-Penguin, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntellimouseMousemanBackForwardButtons10:15
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Deterministwhat can i do about this?10:15
gyaresuFlying-Penguin, let me know if that helps.10:15
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Flying-Penguinthank you gyaresu10:16
gyaresuFlying-Penguin, anytime.10:16
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eliUbuntuthere is an sh script that mounts all drives automatically10:16
Flying-PenguinI will look at it, I am playing wow on my comp wile we speek10:16
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eliUbuntuand mounts the ntfs as only read10:16
Flying-Penguintakes me longer to do stuff than it otherwise would10:16
gyaresuubotu mouse is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntellimouseMousemanBackForwardButtons10:16
SlatibartQ: i want to install ubuntu on a computer which only has a modem access. Therefore i would like to prepare a bit and find out which packages has been updated and download them before and add them to a local repository. how can i find this packages10:16
ubotuokay, gyaresu10:17
eliUbuntuwant thel link to it?10:17
anacron_eliUbuntu: omg how can i get that?10:17
ubotumouse is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntellimouseMousemanBackForwardButtons10:17
eliUbuntubrb, getting the link10:17
DeterministeliUbuntu, i know , it says it cant find any ntfs partitions10:17
concept10gyaresu, why dont you change that to intellimouse10:17
Madpilotanacron_: I'm not sure how 'lightweight' you'll find Opera, if FF is too heavy for your comp. try it, though...10:17
DeterministeliUbuntu, my problem isnt with mounting them , it's with finding them lol10:17
eliUbuntureally? the winmac one?10:17
DeterministeliUbuntu, bingo10:17
gyaresuconcept10, cause there is no other !mouse10:18
mgcrossgyaresu: dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of mdf2iso:10:18
mgcross mdf2iso depends on libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21); however:  Version of libc6 on system is 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13.10:18
eliUbuntuwow... thats strange10:18
SlatibartAnyone an idea ? wiki wan't helpful yet10:18
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gyaresumgcross, did you './configure'10:18
eliUbuntuanacron here is the link nonetheless -> http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab10:18
anacron_Madpilot: it's not "too heavy", but could be lighter, in windows firefox seems much lighter than in linux10:18
DeterministeliUbuntu, yeah :/10:18
Computer__Guruubotu Computer__Guru is the mack-daddy!10:18
ubotuokay, Computer__Guru10:18
gyaresumgcross, and see what that returns?10:18
anacron_eliUbuntu: thanks, i'll check it out10:18
eliUbuntui also have dual boot and no problems10:18
eliUbuntuanacron: np :)10:18
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=== Determinist shrugs
Deterministit's driving me mad10:18
mgcrossgyaresu: nope...didn't wanna cause probs...10:18
Deterministperhaps i dont have ntfs support or something?10:19
ubotu[computer__guru]  the mack-daddy!10:19
Flying-Penguingyaresu, to tell you the truth this is my server and it doesn't have my mouse, and I am playing wow in windows right now on my mian comp, so I will have to get back to you on if that helps :( but it looks like it will10:19
MadpilotComputer__Guru: that's one of the things we're not supposed to do to ubotu, I think...10:19
Deterministwhat packages do i need to have installed ?10:19
hondjeDeterminist: you do. what command did you use to mount it?10:19
Computer__Guruoh okay10:19
mgcrossgyaresu: newbie, me, lol10:19
Computer__Guruubotu forget Computer__Guru10:19
ubotui forgot computer__guru, Computer__Guru10:19
gyaresumgcross, s'aight.10:19
mgcrossgyaresu: how would one do that...10:19
Computer__Guruubotu, thank you.10:19
ubotuComputer__Guru: pas de quoi10:19
Deterministhondje, mate , you cant mount something that isnt in /dev/ and hda1 or hda2 are simply not there10:19
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eliUbuntui just used the winmac sh and kabaam it all worked10:20
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Madpilotanacron_: haven't used FF for actually surfing in Ubuntu, but give Opera a shot. www.opera.com/download -- then select the Ubuntu .deb10:20
=== Flying-Penguin is now known as Server-Penguing
hondjeDeterminist: didn't fdisk -l just show them?10:20
gyaresumgcross, so you know when you 'tar jxvf mdf2iso-.tar.bz'10:20
Server-Penguingthats better10:20
AmaranthYeah, putting something about yourself in ubotu is as bad as putting something about yourself in wikipedia.10:20
eliUbuntui manually loaded my vfat partition before10:20
gyaresumgcross, then 'cd mdf2iso'10:20
Deterministhondje, it did, which puzzles me.10:20
Slatibarti want to find out which packages have changed since the last release and want to download them. i'm not running ubuntu at the moment.10:20
AmaranthIf someone thinks you're important enough to have an entry in the bot, they'll put you in there with good info.10:20
SlatibartWhere can i find help ?10:20
=== spektr [~spektr@M908P030.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
gyaresumgcross, then always look for a 'README.debian' or somesuch.10:20
hondjeDeterminist: maybe it's a udev thing10:20
Computer__GuruSlatibart: is that supposed to be Slartibartfast?10:20
anacron_Madpilot: do i have to get always deb files?10:21
Deterministhondje, "ls /dev/ | grep hda" gives me only /dev/hda10:21
gyaresumgcross, then './configure'10:21
mgcrossgyaresu: hehehe...yes, I know, lazy me...10:21
hondjesudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt doesn't work?10:21
Deterministhondje, ok , so suppose it is , what am i to do about this? paint my puter blue and toss it into the ocean? lol10:21
Server-Penguinganacron_, you can use rpms... but you have to convert them using alien10:21
Madpilotanacron_: unless something's in the Ubuntu repos, yes.10:21
gyaresumgcross, './configure' is looking for all the necessary bits and will complain if you don't have them.10:21
Deterministhondje, no lol10:21
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hondjeokay, you didn't say you tried to mount it, just that it's not in /dev10:21
Ghetekwhat port is ssh?10:21
hondjeso, let's see...fdisk sees it, /dev dont10:21
anacron_Madpilot: okay10:22
gyaresumgcross, have you compiled anything on this machine yet. do you have 'build-essential'?10:22
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mgcrossgyaresu: oic...installed from deb, you see10:22
mgcrossgyaresu: i'll try from source10:22
gyaresumgcross, there's a deb?10:22
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anacron_Server-Penguing: thanks for the info10:22
NsaneiceMadpilot: Opera 8 craps out on me also on that site " http://www.nrg.be/ "10:22
hondjeDeterminist: that just doesn't make sense10:22
mgcrossgyaresu: yep...dpkg -i returned the above error10:22
Deterministhondje, i agree10:23
eliUbuntuanacron: also dont install some sh programs like realplayer 10... cause sometimes when you install they and they dont work, then have fun removing each installed object yourself10:23
gyaresumgcross, right. yeah. it's a simple matter of compiling the source into a binary and the just using it on the mdf file you want to convert...10:23
NsaneiceHe must have left. :)10:23
hondjewell, at least you know you're not crazy :)10:23
Server-Penguinganacron_, np10:23
=== rainingzigzags [~zigzags@h91.227.40.162.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
eliUbuntui did that myself with realplayer10:23
Deterministhondje, notice tho that fdisk -l shows hda1 and hda2 as SFS system10:23
eliUbuntuwas not happy10:23
MadpilotNsaneice: do you have Flash installed? that site is pure 100% Flash...10:23
hondjeoh, is that what 42 is?10:23
rainingzigzagswhat media player will play wma files?10:23
NsaneiceYes I have flash10:23
gyaresumgcross, no need to install just use it like a spanner :)10:23
hondjethat's really wierd10:23
hondjewhat the hell is SFS?10:23
Computer__Guruim really liking some of the kwin decos im downloading10:24
MadpilotNsaneice: open a new tab in Opera. type "opera:plugins" w/o quotes10:24
Deterministhondje, that ... i do not know10:24
mgcrossgyaresu: hmmm, seems to want a newer/diff ver of libc610:24
rainingzigzagsanyone know?10:24
NsaneiceHeh, an now when I open Opera it goes to that site10:24
Nsaneiceand crashes10:24
Determinist   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System10:24
Determinist/dev/hda1   *           1        1275    10241406   42  SFS10:24
Determinist/dev/hda2            1276        7296    48363682+  42  SFS10:24
MadpilotNsaneice: huh?10:24
hondjeoh wait10:24
hondjeSFS is secure file system10:24
eliUbuntuSelf-certifying File System10:25
mgcrossgyaresu: crap10:25
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mgcrossgyaresu: lol10:25
gyaresumgcross, are you right to upgrade and have a go at compiling? (i'll go get some needles if so). or maybe not...10:25
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gyaresumgcross, *noodles.10:25
rainingzigzagsanyone know what media player will play wma files?10:25
=== hondje throws his book away
NsaneiceFlash checks out10:25
mgcrossgyaresu: s'what I get for trying to fix a winblows box for someone who has lost their win98 cd10:25
gyaresumgcross, is this a new system? have you enabled the extra repositories in sources.list?10:25
SlatibartLast try for help: I want to find out which packages have changed since the last release and download them without using Ubuntu. It's needed for trying out ubuntu on a computer with only modem access10:26
=== Jimbob [~jcape@c-24-14-115-101.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eliUbuntuwow, Determinist that is strange stuff you having going on your computer10:26
mgcrossgyaresu: it's a p2 333 or I'd just put linux/gnome on it....10:26
DeterministeliUbuntu, dude , it's a standard winxp+hoary dual boot on a p4 2.4 , i have no idea what's going on lol10:26
Slatibartupdating ubuntu would take hours with the small bandwidth10:26
MadpilotNsaneice: that's from "opera:plugins"?10:26
mgcrossgyaresu: yes, I have...10:26
hondje42 Linux swap (sharing disk with DRDOS)10:26
hondje42 SFS (Secure Filesystem)10:26
hondje42 Windows 2000 marker10:26
aatimjust installed apache2 in Ubuntu, how would i know if mod_ssl is installed?10:27
MadpilotNsaneice: odd. do other Flash sites work?10:27
mgcrossgyaresu: lemme to an update...10:27
eliUbuntuDeterminist: I have the same setup... my winxp is on hda1 and hoary on hda310:27
hondjeNo clue10:27
NsaneiceMadpilot: Not that I know of..10:27
Deterministhoary is on hdb here , winxp on hda10:27
gyaresumgcross, /msg me if it goes pear shaped...10:27
eliUbuntustill trying to imagine how hoary decided that ntfs is sfs10:27
NsaneiceMadpilot: Alot of sites crash like http://www.spencergifts.com10:27
mgcrossgyaresu: ty10:27
rainingzigzagsdoes anyone know what media player in linux will play wma files?10:27
MadpilotNsaneice: i can't recall the specifics of enabling Flash in Opera in Ubuntu.10:28
eliUbunturainingzigzags, get the w32codecs and it should work10:28
MadpilotNsaneice: I do remember that Opera's own help pages were shamefully out of date...10:28
NsaneiceMadpilot:  Screenshot of Opera and it's plugins http://img306.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot7ve.png10:28
rainingzigzagswhere would i get them at?10:28
eliUbunturainingzigzags, let me get you the page on that... brb10:29
ubotucodecs is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats10:29
hondjeDeterminist: having dug out the giant book o' fdisk I have determined that I have no clue :)10:29
gyaresu!tell rainingzigzags about codecs10:29
Deterministhondje, lol , thanks anyways mate10:30
eliUbunturainingzigzags, here is the link -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia?highlight=%28w32codecs%2910:30
gyaresueliUbuntu, you can 'bang'codecs10:30
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sinfernohow can i find out info on a symbolic link10:30
hondjeDeterminist: only thing I can think of is to reboot and see if you find anything interesting in dmesg about hda or hal10:30
SlatibartI assume nobody knows the answer to my question ? Or am i overseeing rules and or procedures for this channel ? First time here10:31
hondjesinferno: what sorta info?10:31
gyaresusinferno, 'la -l'10:31
sinfernogyaresu, thnaks10:31
eliUbuntugyaresu, bang codecs... ponders on the meaning of that10:31
=== hondje prefers file <link>
MadpilotNsaneice: OK, Opera thinks it has all the right plugins. But mine doesn't crash when it runs into Flash...10:31
hondjePointless difference10:31
gyaresueliUbuntu, ! == bang10:31
eliUbuntu! == bang10:31
ubotueliUbuntu: I don't know10:31
hondjetime for sleep10:32
gyaresueliUbuntu, no. the exclamation mark is coloquially know as 'bang'.10:32
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gyaresuSlatibart, let me read your previous question...10:32
NsaneiceMadpilot: Did you use the package manager or manually install Flash?10:32
Slatibartthx gyaresu10:32
ubotueliUbuntu: Are you smoking crack?10:32
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, codecs is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats10:33
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eliUbuntuinteresting response ubotu gave10:33
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MadpilotNsaneice: I'm trying to remember. I had a page of notes about Flash install, but junked it last week! doh!10:33
ubotusomebody said factoids was at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:34
gyaresueliUbuntu, you are doing it too soon after...10:34
Madpilotif you give ubotu the same command too quickly, it won't respond10:34
Madpilotand it'll tell you off in private...10:34
gyaresueliUbuntu, '/msg ubotu' and the type in the ones there to play.10:35
bob2you're welcome to talk to it in /msg, too10:35
ChurcH_of_FoamYlol is it mean when it tells you off?10:35
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gyaresueliUbuntu, sorry 'play' came out the wrong way.10:35
MadpilotNsaneice: I must have installed manually. none of the packages in Syn are installed...10:35
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Nsaneicethen that is what I must do10:35
Nsaneicedone it before in Slack10:35
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eliUbuntugyaresu, its ok thanks for the info though :)10:35
tiglionabbithmm, I've got two ntfs hard drives in this old machine and I can't seem to boot windows XP.  What the carp can I do...10:35
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MadpilotNsaneice: start here: http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash10:36
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ChurcH_of_FoamYtiglionabbit thats when you need to get your self a copy of the knoppix cd10:36
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MadpilotNsaneice: and here: http://www.opera.com/linux/docs/plugins/install/index.dml#flash10:36
tiglionabbitwell I've got a small debian install on it, but it's such an old debian I want to gut it and tear it apart =P10:37
MadpilotNsaneice: but parts of Opera's own instructions are no longer working...10:37
NsaneiceMadpilot: NOTE: Macromedia Flash Player requires two font packages10:37
Nsaneice      to be installed, gsfonts and gsfonts-x11.10:37
gyaresuSlatibart, so what's your situation? you have a warty install disk and want to upgrade?10:37
MadpilotNsaneice: those are in repos10:37
Nsaneiceyup yup10:37
Slatibarti have a cd from april10:37
tiglionabbitoh cool, I have those already10:37
ChurcH_of_FoamYtiglionabbit well the knoppix cd would help you to save the files that you want to keep then you can just dump everything and do it the way ya want to10:37
Slatibartwant to install and i know i have donwload a lot of updates10:37
NsaneiceI will work on it thanks.   :)10:38
Slatibartthis will take hours on a modem10:38
gyaresuSlatibart, TAB complete after typing the first couple of letters of someones name....10:38
tiglionabbitChurcH_of_FoamY: yeah, I should probably ask my brother if I can back this stuff up on his machine for the moment...10:38
eliUbuntuin the 64 bit ubuntu can you compile 32 bit kernels? thinking about going for again... but hesitant10:38
gyaresuSlatibart, that way i get 'notification'. please.10:38
mgcrossgyaresu: ty very much...went fine...geuess the deb had different deps??10:38
ChurcH_of_FoamYtiglionabbit can't hert what kinda box is it that your redoin?10:38
MadpilotNsaneice: no problem. Opera/Flash/Linux do work, I wish now I hadn't trashed my notes!10:38
Slatibartgyaresu: ok, and i'm now sitting on a big pupe without ubuntu and just want download the changed packages10:38
gyaresumgcross, great news. let me know if you convert a 700MB mdf without segfaulting :)10:38
gyaresuSlatibart, "big pup"?10:39
gyaresuSlatibart, "big pupe"?10:39
Slatibart gyaresu: pipe10:39
mgcrossgyaresu: hehe...win98 is only 458 (bleah) megs of garbage10:39
Slatibart gyaresu: big bandwidht :)10:39
mgcrossgyaresu: lol10:39
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tiglionabbitsay guys, I've got both machines hooked up to the same switch, is there a way I can mount a hard drive from that one so I can look at it on ubuntu?10:39
NsaneiceWow that was easy..10:39
NsaneiceNow for the test.   >:)10:39
gyaresuSlatibart, sorry Slatibart I still don't quite get where you are at...10:39
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sinfernook is uninstalling stuff with cedega as simple as deleting it from the virtual c drive/10:40
gyaresuSlatibart, "please explain" (ref: pauline hanson :: australian joke)10:40
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tiglionabbitIt was the Nerd, with the Sed Pipe, in the Unix Lab10:40
sinfernoor is htat bad10:40
tiglionabbitI win at Clue!10:40
sinfernowhats the best way to uninstall games that have been installed with cedega10:41
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NsaneiceWell hot dog Madpilot, it works..10:41
Slatibartgyaresu: no problem. installing ubuntu needs updating because there are a lot of security fixes so on. The computer has only a slow modem. updating will take hours.10:41
drcodehi all10:41
NsaneiceIn both Op and FF..10:41
MadpilotNsaneice: cool, now write down how you did it so we'll all know! :)10:41
gyaresuSlatibart, so where's the fat_pipe come in? windows machine that you're on now or something?10:41
drcodeany one here?10:41
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Slatibartgyaresu: i have now have a fast acces to the internet and want to download the updates... i'm sitting now on a debian machine10:42
drcodeI want to use 3d direct in vmware10:42
drcodeany idea?10:42
gyaresuSlatibart, and you can't use that connection for the ubuntu box?10:42
anacron_id like to get my videos running with my epia mini-itx :D10:42
gyaresuSlatibart, (sorry to ask the obvious)10:42
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gyaresuSlatibart, the obvious tends to get overlooked.10:42
Slatibartgyaresu: no, it's my girlfriend computer and she lives 200km away from me :)10:42
gyaresuSlatibart, ha! right.10:43
NsaneiceMadpilot: I just used the .sh, hit enter to install, a for all web browser dirs, and n to not install it again10:43
sinfernowhats the best way to uninstall games that have been installed with cedega10:43
MadpilotNsaneice: that's the package off Macromedia's website?10:43
tiglionabbitdunno sinferno, do they have uninstallers?  You could just delete them I bet10:43
gyaresuSlatibart, does the ubuntu box (that's 200KM away) work?10:43
MadpilotNsaneice: cool, I didn't remember it being that complex, glad it works!10:43
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sinfernotiglionabbit, thats what i have been doing, i was just wondering10:44
sinfernotiglionabbit, thanks for the input i feel better about doing it now10:44
tiglionabbitwell, I haven't used it.  I was just trying to make a suggestion =P10:44
Slatibartgyaresu: i will go this weekend to her. with a fresh cd i got from ubuntu. and i don't expect any difficulties with installing10:44
sinfernotiglionabbit, lol, i mean theres no registry entries or anything so i guess they are just there10:44
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gyaresudrcode, what are you trying to accomplish?10:44
mgcrossgyaresu: wow...quick and fast...10:44
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tiglionabbitsinferno: do you have that "3rd party software" thingy in your applications menu?10:45
mgcrossgyaresu: thanks again....CAnuck in Korea OUT!10:45
gyaresuSlatibart, and you want a list of packages you'll need...10:45
tiglionabbitsinferno: apps -> system tools -> manage 3rd party software10:45
Slatibartgyaresu: i just want to bypass the hours of downloading and spending money for the internet connection... i renmeber that open office needs updating and that is a big packages10:45
gyaresumgcross, nice one.10:45
sinfernotiglionabbit, no i dont10:45
rainingzigzagswhere would i get opera at? is it in one of the repositories?10:46
Slatibartgyaresu: a list of dpkg which have been updatedet since then and a way to download them directly10:46
gyaresuSlatibart, you could zip up the package cache of an already installed ubuntu machine. or get the list of packages from someone and wget them...10:46
sinfernotiglionabbit, is that bad?10:46
Madpilotrainingzigzags: not in repos. www.opera.com/downloads  then select Ubuntu10:46
tiglionabbitsinferno: no, I was just wondering if cedega does that.  I guess it's just autopackage10:46
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sinfernotiglionabbit, i dont have point 2 play, i guess that installs it, i dont like p2p10:47
sinfernotiglionabbit, i dont think its neccesarry10:47
anacronhurray i got bitlbee running on my own machine10:47
gyaresuSlatibart, there is bound to be a sensible way of doing that.10:47
anacronnow i need to configure it :D10:47
Slatibartgyaresu:  that would be probably the option with access to a ubuntu machine. i'm still debian at home and only had a short test installation which is gone for the moment. if i would have more time this would be an option to do so10:48
sinfernotiglionabbit, i was actually wondering if i delete them from the symbolic link, does it affect the real files10:48
tiglionabbitsinferno: no, only hard links do10:48
rainingzigzagsmadpilot, how do i install it once i download it?10:48
Slatibartgyaresu: so probably you can provide me a list of changes ?? Or any one else10:48
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sinfernotiglionabbit, oh, how do i trace a symbolic link10:49
NatF-UQIerr.. i was told that symlinks can delete the hardfiles it just depends how u call delete10:49
gyaresuSlatibart, i should be able to. give me a second.10:49
tiglionabbitsinferno: ls -l it10:49
sinfernotiglionabbit, thanks10:49
Slatibartgyaresu: sure :)10:49
NatF-UQIif a direotry is linked ie /home/nf/link to /var/links/ and u do rm /home/nf/link/ that will delete whats in the direcotry etc10:49
gyaresuSlatibart, 'apt-cache pkgnames >> ubunto_packages.txt'10:50
Madpilotrainingzigzags: "dpkg -i [name of file.deb] " - but PLEASE ask someone more experienced that me to confirm that!10:50
=== Madpilot owns only one Linux book right now. And it has no Debian/dpkg info at ALL...
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rainingzigzagslol i jsut started using linux a couple days ago10:51
gyaresuSlatibart, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/57910:51
gyaresuSlatibart, that's what i've got installed and i'm in australia10:51
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Madpilotcan someone with clue double check my dpkg info to rainingzigzags please?10:53
eliUbunturainingzigzags, you can enter the following in the terminal to find out more about dpkg -> man dpkg10:53
eliUbuntuit will mention all the info about it10:53
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gyaresuSlatibart, i don't know but if you 'apt-get  -c=? -o=?' you should be able to do it from your debian box.10:53
gyaresuMadpilot, need help? (i havn't been following)10:54
sinfernoanyone know a good link to get windows fonts? i keep finding them in .exe for some reason10:54
Slatibartgyaresu: that's more less everything installed including the security updates i guess ? would be nice to only find out the updates10:54
ubotufonts is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto10:54
Madpilotgyaresu: just don't want to give rainingzigzags bad info re: installing Opera's deb via dpkg...10:55
sinfernoi dont want to install them10:55
sinfernoi just want tff10:55
sinfernofor my virtual windows drive10:55
Server-Penguingsorry to ask but I am a nub, does anyone think there will be a problem with this if I use it in xorg not xfree? http://blog.blackdown.de/2005/03/01/tilt-wheel-mouse/10:55
rainingzigzagsthat command worked but it didnt install anything it just unpacked it10:55
Slatibartgyaresu: i know apt-get for the standard stuff -c -o never tried before10:55
anacronhow can i configure my bitlbee?10:55
eliUbuntuwhat command did you do rainingzigzags?10:55
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rainingzigzagsdpkg -i opera-static_8.01-20050615.1-qt_en_i386.deb10:56
gyaresuMadpilot, rainingzigzags opera may break things.... that's the only problem. if it installs.10:56
Madpilotrainingzigzags: that should have worked. open a terminal and type "opera" w/o quotes10:56
tiglionabbitsay, if I'm ssh-ing and run a graphical program, and it says "cannot connect to X server", is that a problem with the machine I'm ssh-ing, or one I can fix on my side and see the graphical program?10:56
gyaresuSlatibart, I only suggest looking into it. i have never done it.10:56
Madpilotgyaresu: it hasn't broken anything on my machine...10:56
rainingzigzagscool it did work10:57
gyaresuMadpilot, gets a lollie.10:57
eliUbuntugyaresu, you answered a question indirectly... but i have finally figured out something else10:57
gyaresueliUbuntu, ?10:57
Slatibartgyaresu: thanks for your help and patient so far. Looks like the problem is a complex one :)10:57
eliUbuntui installed an ati rpm package via alien10:57
Server-Penguingcan anyone help me with my qustion?10:57
eliUbuntumy fglrx drivers never worked since... now i know why10:57
Madpilotrainingzigzags, gyaresu: cool. glad it worked.10:58
rainingzigzagshow would i make that a desktop shortcut now?10:58
gyaresuSlatibart, it's linux so it MUST be possible. ( the UP side of such a complex system)10:58
mindspinServer-Penguing: could you repeat your question please10:58
Burgundaviarainingzigzags, right click and choose create launcher10:58
Server-Penguingsorry to ask but I am a nub, does anyone think there will be a problem with this if I use it in xorg not xfree? http://blog.blackdown.de/2005/03/01/tilt-wheel-mouse/10:58
gyaresuServer-Penguing, i'll look at your link.10:58
Slatibartgyaresu: it's only the question how is the proper trick .....10:58
Server-Penguingmindspin, ^^10:58
Server-Penguingverry much10:58
Madpilotwell, g'night/morning/whatever, everyone. I need sleep. 0205 here...10:59
gyaresuServer-Penguing, you are just checking before you start hacking things up?10:59
Server-PenguingI break linux to much :/10:59
gyaresuServer-Penguing, as long as you 'cp /etc/thing/stuff /etc/thing/stuff.bak' for EVERYTHING then you can always just put the originals back.11:00
Server-Penguingthank you11:00
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tiglionabbitcp -r11:01
Server-Penguingits probly easyer to fix a problem someone already has anywho11:01
monteiroif i install prelink the applications could run faster ?11:01
tiglionabbiter, cp -ra11:01
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tiglionabbitmonteiro: dunno, why would that be?11:01
gyaresuServer-Penguing, (remember to TAB complete names so I get notified)11:01
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monteirotiglionabbit : i read it somewhere that could accelerate the system in case of programs that uses shared libs like gnome apps11:02
=== taw looking for a new distro ... :-)
tawso a few questions about ubuntu ...11:02
eliUbuntuanyone ever used dma for the hard drive? if so, did it speed up your system?11:03
gyaresutaw, shoot. you'll get some answers.11:03
Server-Penguinggyaresu, sorry11:03
gyaresuServer-Penguing, for what?11:03
tawdoes it come with nvidia drivers, precompiled mplayer, x.org's x ?11:03
gyaresuServer-Penguing, oh. no.11:03
monteiroeliUbuntu : you need dma! :)11:03
gyaresutaw, yes.11:03
eliUbuntumonteiro , so it really does work though?11:03
gyaresutaw, next question :)11:03
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gyaresutaw, there's even an nvidia 'control panel'.11:04
monteirotaw : xorg yes the rest you download with a program called synaptic, that will install and configure automatically11:04
eliUbuntui initiated dma and didnt see any serious improvement11:04
gyaresutaw, i'm a debian boy. it's debian with bits that 'just work'.11:04
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tawis it utf8ed ?11:04
monteiroeliUbuntu : i think, but the changes are minimal11:04
gyaresutaw, yes.11:04
Server-Penguingahh!! darn allience!11:05
eliUbuntumonteiro , i thought the same... good to know im not missing out on anything11:05
monteiroeliUbuntu : you see dma working when you are copying files, and making things in your pc, your mouse breaks if dma is not activated11:05
tawcan i get everything run without editing any conffiles ? (everything includes in particular X, mail daemon and network setup)11:05
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monteiroeliUbuntu : the disavantage is that goes to cron.daily, all days he makes an update like slocate11:06
gyaresutaw, no. it's linux.11:06
gyaresutaw, :)11:06
eliUbuntuoh.. i just initiated dma one day and put it in the system to keep booting dma everytime i turned on the computer...11:06
monteirotaw : you see dma working when you are copying files, and making things in your pc, your mouse breaks if dma is not activated11:06
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monteiroeliUbuntu : i've little ram, thats why i need something more to improve the speed of my system11:07
tawmonteiro: t<tab> ;-) ?11:07
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mindspintaw do you know an OS which does not need configuring?11:07
monteirotaw : i've done a mistake :)11:08
eliUbuntubut if you have one gig of ram... then it would not really do much... other than having dma for the dvd films right?11:08
tawmindspin: knoppix and windoze let me run gui without configuration11:08
mindspineven networking?11:08
tawotoh, debian and gentoo do not11:08
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mindspinknoppix is debian11:08
gyaresutaw, knoppix doesn't let you get your 1280x1024@7511:08
monteiroeliUbuntu : running dvd's you need a dvd and a fast processor, and 128 ram :)11:09
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mindspinand windows does definately not come with configured networking11:09
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GarrisonAnyone know of a table of available video modes for console framebuffer?11:09
gyaresutaw, 'lspci -vv' http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl11:09
eliUbuntuwindows comes with spyware and viruses... yours truly11:09
=== Seveas [~seveas@ksl403-uva-136.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu
tawconfiguring networking isn't that bad, but X ...11:10
GarrisonAll I can find is 0x*** and I need the actual decimal values11:10
HylasCan someone help me out here? Is it possible to run an installed copy of Ubuntu without the /boot partition? Like a boot disk?11:10
eliUbuntumoneiro , thanks for all the info11:10
monteiroif we are going to see windows offers us a lot of things like virus and spyware ehhehe extra windows for free!11:10
mindspinthere never was trouble with x on my machines, same as with knoppix (for me)11:10
eliUbuntuHylas, yes you can use grub11:10
SeveasGarrison, use gcalctool to convert them11:11
gyaresutaw, nvidia-glx && nvidia-settings make it pretty easy. you still need to know your monitor type.11:11
monteiroHylas : yes, but you need to change the location of the kernel_image and change the grub configuration11:11
gyaresutaw, the best bit is the wiki and this channel.11:11
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HylasI dont want grub though, just a floppy or cd that I can insert to boot ubuntu and if it's not inserted then boot windows11:12
tawgyaresu:  this http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/580 ?11:12
mindspintaw: ubuntu is much more confortable when updating comes in play, much better as under knoppix hd-install11:12
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monteirotaw : there exists an ubuntuguide.org that has many good things like installing video players, dvd rips and a lot of things.. see it11:12
GarrisonSeveas; how?11:12
MilitantDKHi again, google has some suggestions to get 3D to work on Ubuntu, f.ex. downgrading the kernel. my kernel is 2.6.10-5-686. how do I install an older one that will work with my ATI FireGL T2 (IBM T42P)?11:12
=== mumbles [~mumbles@cpc1-bror1-6-0-cust90.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
gyaresutaw, some geForce2 don't use the nvidia driver.11:13
SeveasHylas, use grub-floppy to install grub on a floppy11:13
monteiroMilitantDK : does the ati drivers actually support your 3d card ?11:13
HylasWhere can i get a copy of that?11:13
gyaresutaw, that might have been some of the problem.11:13
tawlast question for today, which iso is the most recent livecd ?11:13
SeveasGarrison, set it to octal, enter your number, hit enter, set it to decimal and read the decimal value11:13
SeveasGarrison, you need the scientific view (menu view -> scientific)11:14
monteirotaw : stable: hoary 5.0411:14
Garrison0x317 would be 317 or 0317?11:14
tawgyaresu: the problem is where ? i have nvidia drivers set, but with some pain11:14
=== Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Seveas317 when in octal view11:14
tawmonteiro: debian derivate and i'm supposed to use stable ;-) ?11:14
Seveasit's 207 decimal11:14
Computer__Guruim back11:14
Computer__Guruhad to apply a new style11:15
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Computer__Gurunow i need a more plastic looking icon set, heh11:15
GarrisonSeveas; thanks, got it.11:15
gyaresutaw, all i can say is that unless you are a source_only person (gentoo) then this is the distro of the moment.11:15
eliUbuntuSeveas, I have question for you. someone was in here earlier with a problem about mounting his ntfs partition11:15
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eliUbuntuwhen he did an fdisk it said it and sfs partition and not ntfs11:16
monteirotaw : in ubuntu is called stable, in debian is called unstable :)11:16
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GarrisoneliUbuntu: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hd*# /mnt/mount.point11:16
ubotu[ntfs]  the filesystem used under Windows XP. The Ubuntu installer can safely resize an NTFS partition to create a new partition for you to install Ubuntu. http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab11:16
tawso, i'll be back tomorrow, after the iso downloads :-)11:16
tawsee you later11:16
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eliUbuntubut he could not mount it, because ubuntu thought it was sfs... not ntfs11:17
GarrisoneliUbuntu xfs? or sfs?11:17
eliUbuntustrange is it not?11:17
Garrisonmeh, dont know. try booting it in a windows box to see what's up with the drive11:18
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Garrisonis it normal for the making of a kernel to spit out warnings?11:18
GarrisonI would figure it is, but better safe.. heh11:19
monteiroGarrison : yes11:19
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pippijnhi all11:19
guillemHi! which is the best way to install a free X-server in a windows machine so one can control an Ubuntu remote machine?11:19
pippijnare there linux kernel headers for the 2.6 kernel?11:19
action09Garrison  hi, are u Mr Garrison from South Park ? :)11:19
guillempippijn, sure11:19
pippijnfor ubuntu that is11:19
pippijnI want to install vmware11:20
gyaresuguillem, vnc11:20
guillempippijn, just check synaptic11:20
monteiroguillem : vnc11:20
Garrisonaction09; some days, otherwise i'm just Craz3d11:20
guillemgyaresu, vnc is easy but slow11:20
guillemgyaresu, I'm talking about a local network.11:20
pippijnguillem: I find only 2.4 headers11:20
eliUbuntuadios people, off to sleep11:20
gyaresuguillem, you're running it from a windows box so your 'free' options are small.11:20
pippijnguillem: are they those in /usr/include/linux?11:21
guillempippijn, apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.10-511:21
Garrisonguillem; add other repos. you should find 2.6.10 headers11:21
pippijnI will try that11:21
tiglionabbitwow, this is interesting, on an entire 50 gigabyte partition for windows, I only found 593 Megabytes of stuff I want to keep...11:21
pippijnone moment11:21
pippijnguillem: thanks11:21
tiglionabbitI hope I'm not missing something...11:21
pippijnit was linux-headers11:22
pippijnnot kernel-headers11:22
Tomcat_tiglionabbit: Was the same with me... I only needed some documents and videos... :P11:22
=== cann [~cann@ppp-69-148-19-52.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
gyaresu!tell pippijn about sources11:22
guillemgyaresu, well it is not me, it is another guy :-). Btw, once he installed Cygwin but the installation of that seems not to be straightfordward...11:22
tiglionabbitheh, it's mainly because I dropped all that stuff onto the second hard disk11:22
rob^gyaresu, is that working?11:22
guillempippijn, ;-P nice.11:22
=== msch_ [~msch@cm102-210.liwest.at] has joined #ubuntu
gyaresurob^, is what working? the 'bang' thang?11:23
rob^it should be ubotu tell <nick> about <factroid>11:23
guillemThere is also the option of nxserver/client. That seems pretty compact. Anyone has good experiences with that? Anyone using freenx, besides?11:23
Seveasguillem, freenx rocks11:23
tiglionabbit!tell tiglionabbit about stuff11:23
rob^!tell rob^ about crack11:24
tiglionabbit!tell rob^ about things11:24
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gyaresurob^, ubotu seems to think he's told pippijn about sources.11:24
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guillemSeveas, really? I will give it a try. On the client side, are you using nxclient or freenx client?11:24
rob^!tell rob^ about msttcorefonts11:24
tiglionabbitubotu doesn't like to repeat itself, even if you msg it11:24
ubotutiglionabbit: Are you smoking crack?11:24
Seveasguillem, nomachine NX client and freenx server11:24
rob^yeah, you can do it either way11:24
Garrison!tell Garrison about nonfree11:25
Seveasguillem, client on both windows and Ubuntu machines11:25
tiglionabbitlike if one person /msg's ubotu, it wont let someone else /msg him about the same thing11:25
guillemSeveas, sweet- I've downloaded freenx_0.4.1-0alpha5_all.deb, it is safe to install that?11:25
=== rob^ adds it to wiki
=== rainingzigzags [~zigzags@h91.227.40.162.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
TraceHello, can anyone tell me how can i set microphone with amixer? i want set it to largest. sorry for my poor english11:25
Seveasguillem, I installed it from backports, works fine11:25
GarrisonTrace; press m on it to unmute it.11:26
SeveasTrace, you can use alsamixer, it's simpler11:26
rainingzigzagsis there a way to view someones cam on yahoo with linux?11:26
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GarrisonTrace: and use the arrow keys to change the volume (up and down)11:26
guillemSeveas, wow I have not yet included backpors repositories.. And I would like not to do if I can avoid it... so can I access the deb file directly somehow?11:26
Traceno, i must to use amixer, no X11:26
Seveasguillem, you can simply surf to the backports archive or enable backports, install freenx and disable backports11:26
GarrisonTrace: Alsamixer doesn't use X11:27
Traceoh, sorry, i mean, i want to set it when i boot.11:27
GarrisonTrace: it's a terminal progyg11:27
SeveasTrace, ah ok11:27
GarrisonTrace; Oh.. I've been trying to figure that one out for a little while11:27
guillemSeveas, I really appreciate your help. Thank you very much!11:27
ubotuI heard factoid is a list of commonly used factoids, found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuFactoids11:27
ubotugyaresu: I don't know, could you explain it?11:28
rainingzigzagsis there a way to view someones cam on yahoo with linux?11:28
TraceOh~~~, Garrison, when i use alsamixer, which item i should use? "Mic"?11:28
SeveasTrace, probably amixer set Mic 100%11:28
gyaresudamn bot.11:28
Tracethx!! Let me have a try11:28
gyaresu!tell gyaresu about clue11:28
rob^there, added it to the wiki page :)11:28
=== jorgp3 [~jorgp@bnet-dial-240.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasrainingzigzags, gaim-vv perhaps11:28
rob^!tell gyaresu about factoid11:28
GarrisonTrace; yes11:29
Seveasrob^, gyaresu please don't play with the bot...11:29
ubotugyaresu: I don't know11:29
gyaresu(you can set your own factoids?)11:29
rob^Seveas, was just wiking the bot11:29
Traceso, Mic item means to set microphone, am i right?11:29
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Seveasrainingzigzags, google is your friend :) (it's not included in ubuntu yet)11:30
SeveasTrace, yes11:30
gyaresuSeveas, It's all in the name of helping.11:30
^rob^!search glade--11:30
ubotu^rob^: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?11:30
SeveasTrace, amixer set Mic 100%11:30
GarrisonSeveas; how do I reset the console fonts? there's an init.d script I think.11:30
Seveasgyaresu, just ask someone anout the bot if you don't know how it works11:30
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^rob^does anybody know where to find glade-- package? - i am trying to compile gaiptek11:30
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rob^Seveas, theres now a wiki page for it11:30
SeveasGarrison, probably a boot parameter :)11:30
gyaresuSeveas, I have and that's why i'm trying to programme some of the wiki entries in.11:31
SeveasGarrison, you need a boot parameter to set screen dimensions for the console11:31
GarrisonSeveas; when you set the font/framebuffer, there's a command you can run to have it apply the changes11:31
gyaresuSeveas, do you know of ubotu's 'how to'?11:31
Seveasgyaresu, there are a lot of them in there already11:31
Seveasgyaresu, go to ubuntu.cc.com.au for a list of available factoids11:31
rob^ubotu tell Seveas about factoid11:32
gyaresuSeveas, yes. and the one i made wasn't in the list.11:32
=== oz__ [~oz@c211-30-253-67.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasGarrison, dunno about that, I never played with that beyond adding a boot parameter to get a 1024x768 screen11:32
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+q rob^!*@*] by Seveas
gyaresuSeveas, the one that actually make the wiki usefull. IMO.11:32
^rob^glade-- ??11:32
=== Aegir [~Richard@d220-238-95-164.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__GuruHow do you put a button on a kde panel that you can put links to applications in?11:32
tobi_heya :)11:32
gyaresuSeveas, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WordIndex11:32
tobi_any idea where /etc/X11/xkb is gone in breezy ;) ?11:32
GarrisonSeveas; yeah, I'm setting 1024x768 16bit. I want to get that little penguin back. :-D11:32
mindspinComputer__Guru: right click on panel,11:32
tobi_i know, the topic, i know... :)11:32
Computer__Gurumindspin: and then? add to panel, then what, cause ive been through them all and i dont see it11:33
Computer__Gurubasically, i want a menu11:33
Computer__Gurubesides the k menu11:33
Computer__Guruwith links to apps in it11:33
Computer__Guruso i can order my apps by type11:33
Computer__Gurulike Folders, Net, Graphics, Etc11:34
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tobi_daniels: are you there :) ?11:34
danielstobi_: 'course not11:34
mindspintheres an optio "spezialmenues " (in german) maybe "specials" or so in english11:34
danielstobi_: oh, right, that.  sudo apt-get install xkeyboard-config.  if it's not in yet, just chill a couple of hours and wait for it to come in.11:35
rainingzigzagshow do u install a tar.gz file?11:35
Seveasrainingzigzags, depends on the contents :)11:35
GarrisonBuilding a kernel on a 900mhz laptop with 256mb ram is not advisable.11:35
Seveasrofl :)11:35
^rob^rainingzigzags: tar jfz file.tar.gz - to unzip it11:35
^rob^rainingzigzags: gaim is in unbuntu package11:36
GarrisonBeen going for over an hour.11:36
Seveas^johns^, j and z are mutual exclusive...11:36
tobi_daniels: thanks a lot :) gonna chill with copy and paste till then ;)11:36
Seveasand in this case it's zxf11:36
GarrisonMy 3200 box did it in 15 mins. :'(11:36
Seveas^rob^, j and z are mutual exclusive...11:36
rainingzigzags^rob^, not the gaim-vv for veiwing webcams in yahoo11:36
^rob^Seveas: nope z is for gz.11:36
=== Garrison jumps for joy (its done!)
=== azeem [~mbanck@proxy-out.lrz-muenchen.de] has joined #ubuntu
Seveas^rob^, and j for bzip2...11:36
Seveaszo you can't use them both11:36
^rob^he may note and use them ... ;)11:36
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Seveaswhich you did :)11:37
^rob^oh - sorry11:37
Seveas<^rob^> rainingzigzags: tar jfz file.tar.gz - to unzip it11:37
GarrisonSeveas; I always bunzip2 whatever.tar.bz2 and then tar -xvf it11:37
SeveasGarrison, that's just more work :)11:37
rainingzigzagstar: Conflicting compression options11:37
GarrisonSeveas; exactly, the point of linux. You have to build your own kernel if you want anything that's even remotly special11:37
^rob^i can't find glade-- in unbuntu - any unofficial packages?11:38
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SeveasGarrison, or ask for the thing you want to be available as a module...11:38
Seveas^rob^, it's in ubuntu...11:39
GarrisonSeveas; more like, I'm building a 120k kernel11:39
^rob^Seveas: where? - apt-cache yelled nothing11:39
GarrisonSeveas; I've gotten it down to about 85kb before. ;)11:39
Seveas^rob^, apt-cache search glade11:39
SeveasGarrison, that's not 'remotely special'11:40
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GarrisonSeveas; I'm aiming for certain things that aren't modularized to be so, and a few others to be included in the kernel11:40
^rob^Error running glade-- to generate the C++ source code.11:40
^rob^Check that you have glade-- installed and that it is in your PATH.11:40
^rob^Then try running 'glade-- <project_file.glade>' in a terminal.11:40
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^rob^that's what glade gives if i try to compile gaiptek11:41
^rob^does anyone has succeded to compile gaiptek?11:41
=== jcdubacq [~jcdubacq@lipn.univ-paris13.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Seveashmm glade--11:42
Seveasi misread that11:42
=== tiglionabbit is about to format over windows on his desktop. Wish me luck guys
jcdubacqis there a forum specific to ubuntu-x11:42
gyaresugoodluck tiglionabbit11:42
Garrison^rob^; sudo apt-get install glade ?11:42
Seveasjcdubacq, ubuntuforums.org11:42
^rob^i have glade installed11:42
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^rob^Garrison: i started that from glade11:43
jcdubacqI meant IRC forum11:43
Seveas^rob^, try glade-211:43
catfoxany database guru's here? i've got a db design related question11:43
Seveasjcdubacq, that's called channel :)11:43
Seveasand no, there is no special X channel11:43
IceDC571special X channel?11:43
tiglionabbithm, if all I want to do is reformat something as ext3, which utility should I use?  (nothing graphical, the mouse on that machine duzn't work =P)11:43
jcdubacqok, but when I say channel these days nobody understands any more. Thanks for the answer.11:43
Seveastiglionabbit, mkfs.ext311:44
Garrisontiglionabbit; sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hd*#11:44
mindspintiglionabbit: cfdisk?11:44
Seveasyou'll lose all data on that drive though11:44
^rob^Seveas: glade-gnome-2 is already the newest version.11:44
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^rob^there is no glade-2 package11:44
Garrison^rob^ try glade-common11:44
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tiglionabbithmm, mkfs.ext3 seems to be linked to mke2fs on that machine11:44
Seveas^rob^, pool/universe/g/glade-2/glade-2_2.10.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb11:45
IceDC571its glade211:45
Seveasthere is...11:45
SeveasIceDC571, not according to apt-cache :)11:45
^rob^glade-common-2 is already the newest version.11:45
tiglionabbitoh no, that's just the manual, never mind11:45
Garrisonhow about just 'glade-common' or glade-2 ?11:45
tiglionabbitanyway, thank you11:45
IceDC571theres glade-2, glade-common, and glade-common-211:45
Seveas ^rob^ do you have universe enabled?11:45
^rob^Seveas: i'll ck11:46
tiglionabbitmm, cfdisk, tasty11:46
Seveaswell, enable it :)11:46
Seveas^rob^: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3811:46
tiglionabbitor go to...11:46
ubotufrom memory, sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto11:46
=== gyaresu laughs at tiglionabbit
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== IceDC571 laughs at tiglionabbit
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Have a question? Just ask! | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | X still broken in Breezy - DO NOT USE BREEZY YET | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com | Ubuntu #1 on all distrowatch boards!
^rob^Seveas: i know how to add rep. i camed from debian11:47
tiglionabbitit should be http://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersAddingRepositories11:47
Seveas!fprget sources11:48
ubotuSeveas: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about11:48
Seveas!forget sources11:48
ubotuSeveas: i forgot sources11:48
gyaresutiglionabbit, catches on quick.11:48
Seveasubotu sources is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersAddingRepositories11:48
ubotuokay, Seveas11:48
Tsar_vonHumbugAnyone tried one of the usb to serial adapters? any pointers?11:48
IceDC571Tsar_vonHumbug: what are you trying to run that neads serial?11:48
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Tsar_vonHumbugCisco router consoles dude11:48
gyaresuTsar_vonHumbug, autodetected fine for me. (GPS)11:49
Tsar_vonHumbugsweet!! should be no problems then11:49
IceDC571lol, im glad that worked out i guess..11:49
=== Tchaka [~thibaut@ALille-251-1-92-177.w83-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
^rob^ok i have universe enabled and apt-get cached - (almost 70%)11:50
Tsar_vonHumbugI'm wondering which device they show up as?11:50
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IceDC571  11:52
flughi have 2 pcs i want to network. can i just use a normal blue network cable and go NIC to NIC, or do I need to get a crossover cable?11:52
action09between 2 pcs11:52
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b rob^!*@*] by Seveas
tiglionabbitI'm not sure if mine is a crossover or not, but i was able to to it11:53
flughthanks. guess i need to stop by best buy on the way home11:53
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to|mhi, does someonoe installed MAYA with umbutu11:54
gyaresuIceDC571, family channel here...11:54
IceDC571Seveas: sorry.. i think im having too much fun tweaking xchat11:54
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^rob^i've installed glade211:54
^rob^same error apppear - no glade--11:54
Garrisonrebooting; have to test out the new kernel11:54
IceDC571^rob^: what are you trying to run?11:55
^rob^IceDC571: i am trying to compile gaiptek - the aiptek 12000U tool - my buttons are messed11:56
^rob^started glade-2, opened gaiptek.glade project11:56
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^rob^compile give error that there's no glade-- in my system11:56
=== sawjew [~stephen@175.003.dsl.sa.iprimus.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
tiglionabbithow can you tell if something is a crossover or not?  It has a lot of things written on it.  "Type CM 24AWG 4PR 75(degrees)C (UL) E151955 CSA LL79189 CMG      ETL Verified TIA/ETA 568-B.2-1 CAT.6 UTP 500MHZ Cable Master B-4G7012"11:56
IceDC571^rob^: i think you would need not only glade, but the dev package too11:57
nightswimlook at the wires in the connectors11:57
gyaresutiglionabbit, the wires are in a different order in the plugs.11:57
tiglionabbitI can't see them11:57
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gyaresutiglionabbit, then it probly isn't one.11:57
tiglionabbitbut it worked as one11:57
gyaresutiglionabbit, if you've tried pluging it in and there is no light on the network port.11:58
tiglionabbitI just plugged it directly between a debian machine and an ubuntu machine, and ssh'd11:58
IceDC571^rob^: have you tried libglade2-dev?11:58
gyaresutiglionabbit, then it is.11:58
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tiglionabbitbut it also works as a cable to just plug directly into my modem11:58
^rob^let me dpkg 1 sec11:58
gyaresutiglionabbit, yes. crossover do both.11:58
tiglionabbitsomeone told me they didn't.11:58
gyaresutiglionabbit, swith is auto-sensing.11:58
tiglionabbit=P k11:58
^rob^ii  libglade2-dev  2.5.1-0ubuntu1 Development files for libglade11:59
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gyaresutiglionabbit, old 'hubs' wont'.11:59
tiglionabbitthank you.  Guess I didn't have to read off all that crap on the cable then11:59
IceDC571yeah ^rob^ try that11:59
flughthanks all11:59
mumblestiglionabbit, the cable wont tell you11:59
^rob^it is installed11:59
IceDC571actually  libglade2-dev11:59
tiglionabbitmumbles: why wouldn't it?11:59
^rob^[ii]  << means installed11:59
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^rob^still no glade--12:00
mumblesit should onley tell you the type of cable12:00
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IceDC571^rob^: maybe it needs glade and not glade212:00
^rob^i've tryed that before12:00
IceDC571theres a libglade0-dev have you tried that?12:00
mumblesim off to have a shower12:01
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^rob^IceDC571: do you have glade-- installed? - ck!12:01
IceDC571i have libglade- installed but no glade-12:02
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IceDC571^rob^: what are you trying to build? maybe i can try to build it too12:03
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^rob^IceDC571: ok i'll give you a link - 1 sec12:04
^rob^IceDC571: can i dcc?12:04
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geoAntHello?  Does this work?12:07
gyaresugeoAnt, yes. your mike is on.12:07
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=== OculusAquilae [~bastian@p548D2C6C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
geoAntOK!  I'd like to get the lastest version of VLC (0.8.2) working on Hoary - backports doesnt have it, but the debian repos are availble here http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-debian.html12:08
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gyaresugeoAnt, can i ask why?12:09
geoAntHave tried these additions to sources.list but synaptic and apt-get don't want to play.  I can't handle having to install VLC by hand12:09
=== tiglionabbit [~nick@c-67-171-159-205.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gyaresugeoAnt, define: "don't want to play"12:10
geoAntVLC 082 has some specific things I want, DVB-S subtitling and compatibility with my Mac and windows versions, H.264...12:10
to|mok, nice MAYA runs .)12:11
gyaresugeoAnt, 0.8.1 doesn't have those?12:11
geoAntDon't want to play.... don't install.  apt-get doesn't pick up the archive.  I don't know much about how this works.12:11
geoAntNo, 081 is good, but I'm working on a satellite relay system and need 08212:11
gyaresugeoAnt, well aside from vlc is your sources.list configured properly.12:12
=== CloudNine [CloudNine@cpc5-hem14-6-0-cust185.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitman, I can just imagine a malicious linux user advising someone, who wants to mount their windows partition, to 'sudo mk2fs /dev/hda1'12:13
geoAntsources.list - I've enabled universe and multiverse.  Nothing else.12:13
gyaresugeoAnt, up to you. backports has some fun stuff in it but...12:14
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gyaresugeoAnt, so do you want to get the vlc source and then build a package?12:14
hussamhow do you add a ubuntu cd as apt source from command line?12:15
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hussamnot with synaptic12:15
geoAntThe problem is building VLC requires you build all the deps, and life is too short for that.  Ubuntu and Synaptic is the first linux that solved that for me.12:15
=== one_love_1980 [~one@cpe-66-87-4-181.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu
gyaresuhussam, there's a command... i'll look.12:15
snikkerhi, someone know what is the pourpose of  the directory "/.dev"  (not "/dev") ?12:16
gyaresuhussam, apt-cdrom12:16
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tiglionabbitoh dude, wait a second here, is "lost+found" what ext3 calls journaling?12:17
gyaresusnikker, udev12:17
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gyaresutiglionabbit, ext2 does.12:17
tiglionabbitbut I mkfs.ext3 'd it12:17
snikkergyaresu: udev?12:18
gyaresusnikker, instead of devfs... it involves hotplug12:18
gyaresusnikker, aye.12:18
hussamgyaresu: all I have to do is "sudo apt-cdrom add" ?12:18
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gyaresuhussam, or 'ident' it first...12:18
geoAntIs building VLC and all the deps the only way to do this?  Can't I trick apt-get that the VLC repo can be used?12:18
=== PowerJ [~powerj@81-233-225-143-no38.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitand when I mount it says:12:18
tiglionabbitmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,12:18
tiglionabbit       or too many mounted file systems12:18
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tiglionabbitunless I tell it a type with -t12:18
tiglionabbit(this is on an old debian system..)12:19
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hussamgyaresu: what do you mean ident ?12:19
gyaresugeoAnt, i honestly don't know but if it needs certain versions then you will probably need those versions.12:19
gyaresuhussam, 'man apt-cdrom'12:19
tiglionabbithave I done something wrong here?12:19
to|mwhy doesn't save xvidtune my config I saved?12:19
tiglionabbitis this partition safe to use?12:20
gyaresutiglionabbit, no.12:20
snikkergyaresu: it's normal tha the content of the directory "/.dev" is (more or less) like "/dev" ?12:20
tiglionabbitwhat do you suggest I do then?12:20
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gyaresutiglionabbit, bad superblock means the boot record is shazbot from memory.12:20
tiglionabbitwhat should I do?12:20
hussamgyaresu: thanks12:21
wmealingjust wondering, in the ubuntu install, can it resize ntfs ?12:21
geoAntOK, thanks for the chat gyaresu. I'll track down all the debs and go from there.12:21
gyaresusnikker, /dev/ is what's really loaded and /.dev/  are block devices that CAN be loaded (don't quote me)12:21
gyaresugeoAnt, good luck.12:21
gyaresuhussam, welcome.12:22
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tiglionabbitwmealing: yes12:22
gyaresusnikker, http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/udev.html12:22
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snikkergyaresu: ok, thank for all infos.. :-)12:23
gyaresuwmealing, yes but remember... if it's importand then don't rely that it will go right.12:23
gyaresusnikker, welcome12:23
gyaresusnikker, i found out after upgrading my debian server.... not funny.12:24
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snikkergyaresu: it's the same for me... i've got it after some updates, but i don't know what...12:25
gyaresu snikker try googling '.dev', it doesn't work.12:26
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gyaresusnikker, drove me nuts... devfs to udev made a big mess.12:26
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tiglionabbitargh this is scaring me12:28
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tiglionabbitI reformatted the thing to ext3, or so I thought, but it always prints out "NTFS: Invalid $Mft record 0" when I mount it12:29
Mitarioam I correct that ubuntu has some new cool wallpapers shipped with breezy?12:29
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snikkergyaresu: yes, "devfs to udev" on google make a mess...12:31
tiglionabbitcan someone console me about this?  I think I'll go to #debian12:31
Seveastiglionabbit, probably you want to change the partition type too with cfdisk12:31
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tiglionabbitit says it's "Linux" now.  cfdisk doesn't list ext2 or ext3 in it though!  wtf12:32
Seveaspartition type and filesystem can be set separately12:32
snikkergyaresu: now i go to lunch,,, thanx again,,, bye.12:32
gyaresusnikker, night. good luck.12:33
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gyaresutiglionabbit, you've bj0rked you Master File Table.12:33
gyaresutiglionabbit, Did you want to nuke the whole drive or keep some partition on it/12:34
gyaresutiglionabbit, ?12:34
tiglionabbitkeep some partitions..12:35
tiglionabbitlike for instance the partition I was using debian from...12:35
tiglionabbitbleh forget it, I'll just nuke debian too, I'm not using it12:35
Seveastiglionabbit, just use cfdisk to change the partition type12:35
Seveasthat will not format your disk12:35
tiglionabbitit's such a screwed up netinstall anyway12:35
tiglionabbitSeveas: what do I change it to?  I don't see ext3 among the options12:35
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gyaresutiglionabbit, you can get it back you just need to fix the first 512KB of the drive...12:35
Seveastiglionabbit, 'Linux'12:36
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tiglionabbitit is "Linux"12:36
tiglionabbitlol, man if I could just boot my ubuntu live dvd on this thing...12:37
tiglionabbitfor some reason it has a problem with that12:37
gyaresutiglionabbit, got a knoppix lying around?12:37
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Nameeaterwhats the name of the package for apt-get if I want QT?12:37
tiglionabbitsay, will a gentoo CD do it?  I've been meaning to try that distro out, but parted might not be fully compiled on it =P12:37
gyaresutiglionabbit, can you put that drive in any linux box at all?12:38
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tiglionabbitgyaresu: nope..12:38
gyaresutiglionabbit, single drive machine?12:38
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mumblestiglionabbit, download knoppix and use qparted12:38
gyaresutiglionabbit, /dev/hda only?12:38
tiglionabbitI only have one linux machine around, and it's a laptop.  And that machine has two hard disks, but the other one is NTFS12:38
editedi think i have a knoppix live cd somewhere12:38
gyaresuedited, go over to tiglionabbit's place then... :)12:39
tiglionabbitI was actually reformatting this drive mainly so that I could pull the stuff off the other drive, to back it up, because that drive is noisy and defective12:39
editedtiglionabbit, where do u live?12:39
gyaresutiglionabbit, i'm pretty sure you've stuffed the 'boot sector'12:39
tiglionabbitit was /dev/hda1, and there's no /boot12:40
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tiglionabbitused to be Windows C:/12:40
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gyaresutiglionabbit, without a linux boot disk you'll have trouble.12:41
tiglionabbiter C:\12:41
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tiglionabbitmeh, I can write one12:41
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editedget LFS!12:41
IceDC571wow, ^rob^ was trying to paste his code in my DCC chat, people get kicked for private flooding?12:41
tiglionabbitwas trying to think how cheap I can possibly be, by perhaps installing things over a network rather than using a CD12:41
editedIceDC571, yea excess flood12:41
^rob^IceDC571: i'll use bastebin12:41
editedor his connection just couldnt handle it12:42
editedtiglionabbit, wat distro u thinking of installing?12:43
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tiglionabbitedited: probably a couple of em, but after I back up my files..12:43
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tiglionabbitand send this other HD in for RMA12:43
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tiglionabbitcuz it's too noisy12:43
IceDC571what is the difference between a PM and DCC chat, im guessing a dcc chat is more secure and its 'direct' to the person12:44
editedi have a 10GB space free on my hard drive for testing out distros, i might install gentoo12:44
tiglionabbitedited: I was surprised to see that, in the official guides for gentoo, the example install is like "I think I'll make the partition 2 gigs, but 1 is plenty for most users"12:45
IceDC571edited: so you're installing gentoo, eh? that would mean manually?12:45
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IceDC571lol tiglionabbit12:45
editedtiglionabbit, lol12:45
editedIceDC571, yea manually over the network12:46
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editedi think they have an installer you could download12:46
IceDC571edited: thats gotta be really, really painful12:46
IceDC571edited: they have vidalinux12:46
editedyea, less painfull then installing LFS12:46
concept10I cant believe xchat costs money on windows12:46
=== keikoz slu
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housetiergood the CDs have arrived :)12:47
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tiglionabbitit's fun ssh-ing a machine that's 3 feet away from me...   pointless, but fun12:47
editedhousetier, ubuntu CDs?12:47
tiglionabbitgod damn, I sure wasted a lot of hard disk space12:47
editedgtg to work, cya all in couple of hours12:48
tiglionabbitthe percentage of stuff that's actually created to me versus downloaded crap is like..  1%12:48
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tiglionabbit--  du -sh Downloads --   19G12:49
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tiglionabbitdf -h /dev/hdb1 -- used: 39G12:49
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ClassTeacPLEASE HELP: Just installed Ubuntu and now all i get is a crazy screen that's green black and red dithering....12:50
tiglionabbitsounds like X couldn't find a suitible resolution for your monitor, so it spazzed out12:51
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tiglionabbitdid you select the right resolutions at that stage of the installation?12:51
ClassTeacit never asked me for resolution :(12:52
tiglionabbitClassTeac: well12:52
tiglionabbityou have two options12:52
ompaulanyone know if this error is exclusively caused by icmp being switched off http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/58312:52
tiglionabbityou can drop to a terminal and "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf", or "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"12:53
ClassTeacill try that while I've got you here :)12:53
tiglionabbitI'd actually suggest the second of those if things are working badly12:53
tiglionabbit(the first is to manually edit your configs)12:53
tiglionabbitso, that'll just start up a configurator in some beautiful whiptail dialog boxes, and ask you a bunch of questions.  Hopefully, you know the correct answers to these questions12:54
nikkiatiglionabbit: you know, it never asked me for a resolution either, that i remember, just defaulted to the highest it discovered via EDID iirc12:54
tiglionabbityou know how to drop to terminal, right?  Control-Alt and an F key below F712:55
tiglionabbitF7 to get back12:55
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nikkiawhich, assuming your EDID result is correct, *should* be the right behaviour, IMO12:55
tiglionabbitto crazy messed up X12:55
ClassTeacwon't let me CTRL ATL F+ANYTHING12:55
tiglionabbiter, like F1, the F keys12:55
ClassTeac:( I'm trying to add the '3' thingy to the kernal at bootup if that makes any sense12:55
ClassTeacBut that didn't work either12:56
tiglionabbit3 thingy?  no idea12:56
nikkiaClassTeac: ubuntu only has two (normal) runlevels really single user and 'full blown X'12:56
ClassTeacKernel blah blah blah blah 312:56
nikkiaClassTeac: there is no 'GUI' and 'text' runlevels like many other distros use12:56
ClassTeacohhh. so I have to type in single12:57
keikozyes that's quite strange in fact12:57
nikkiaClassTeac: single user should be 0 i think12:57
gyaresutiglionabbit, remember to remind of the 'cp /etc/thing/stuff.conf /etc/thing/stuff.conf.bak' ;)12:57
nikkiakeikoz: its annoying, a text-only runlevel is very useful for problem resolution12:57
keikozinit 2 should be no X12:57
keikozthat's sure12:57
keikozisnt it the same as debian ?12:57
tiglionabbitgyaresu: I think we're going with the dpkg-reconfigure thing instead12:57
nikkiakeikoz: well, i don't care if its 2 or 5, no matter, it'd be a nice option to have, without having to manually rip apart a rc?.d12:58
tiglionabbitto quote inittab:12:58
tiglionabbit# Runlevel 0 is halt.12:58
tiglionabbit# Runlevel 1 is single-user.12:58
tiglionabbit# Runlevels 2-5 are multi-user.12:58
tiglionabbit# Runlevel 6 is reboot.12:58
keikozwhat about sensors detection on asus p5gdc ? i cant detect them12:58
keikozi'm on hoary ...12:58
nikkiatiglionabbit: the unix world really needs symbolic runlevels, and it needs them badly :)12:59
nikkiatiglionabbit: having to remember 0=single on one system and 0=halt on others, isn't good12:59
ClassTeactiglionabbit: I did the sudo dpkg-reconfigure... it's asking me to enter the video cards bus identifier... ahhh what the?01:00
tiglionabbitClassTeac: I don't know.  Does it allow you to do it "automatically" or write something in there by itself?01:00
tiglionabbitgenerally the defaults are what you want for things you don't know01:00
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keikozok, i will ask differently; the command for seing the temperature is acpi -t no ?01:02
ClassTeacSorry to keep hounding... 128MB graphics card in kilobytes.. do they want 128000 or 131072?01:03
keikozi guess01:03
nikkiamemory is always specified in 1024 units :)01:03
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nikkiawell, i shouldn't say 'always' there's bound to be some idiot company out there selling 131MB flash cards or something01:04
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Jowihi everyone01:04
Tomcat_Where idiot company = all harddisk makers? :)01:04
Tomcat_ide memory is 1000 units ;)01:05
tiglionabbitsay, how do I command it to echo the system bell character?01:05
VincentMXhow come the ubuntu calendar is only a blue version of the standard ubuntu desktop? somebody told me it is supposed to have hot linux babes like when you search linux+babe on google.01:05
nikkiatomcat, i personally don't like calling HDDs 'memory', yes, i know they're technically secondary memory, and you can use them as swap, but still01:06
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nikkiatiglionabbit: command what?01:06
Tomcat_nikkia: Okay :)01:06
tiglionabbitnikkia: bash01:06
tiglionabbitwho else would I command?01:06
nikkiatiglionabbit: if you mean bash,   echo <ctrl-v><ctrl-g>01:06
tiglionabbitthank you01:07
nikkiatiglionabbit: you could probably also escape it with \07 or something01:07
nikkiabut its easy enough to remember that ctrl-v takes the next character as a literal01:07
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tiglionabbitnope, it doesn't escape it like that...01:08
tiglionabbitjust prints 9701:08
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craz3dSeveas; that was a no go. VFS caused a kernel panic01:09
nikkiatiglionabbit: printf takes it ok tho01:09
mumblesi slpet till 10:0001:09
mumblesstill feal tired01:09
nikkiatiglionabbit: so 'printf \\07' does what is expected01:09
keikozwhat do it means when VFS causes a kernel panic ?01:10
mumbles.j #ubuntu-offtopic01:10
craz3dmumbles; i went to bed at 3pm, and woke up at 1. haha01:10
keikozi had that yesterday01:10
craz3d1am that is01:10
mumblesyeh... i cant fuck up my sleap cycles to much01:10
=== DekaPink watches some old tv special about Enterprise.
craz3dmumbles; i do perl scripting for my money, so it's really no biggy. :-D I just do whatever whenever i can.01:11
mumblesin 2 weeks time i will be getting up at 7:00am and going to bed at like 12:00am01:11
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mumblesi have to hav had breacfast and stuff and be ready to go by 8:1501:12
mumbleshavent done that since school01:12
kuttibaranikuttibarani@yahoo.com is my chat id01:12
tuzakeyanyone running ubuntu on amd64? I've got kernel-image problems :-(01:12
craz3dmumbles, i didn't do that IN school. haha01:12
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craz3dmumbles; my school schedual was; wake up at 1am, screw around.. go to school at 9:30 or so, come home, sleep and do it all again01:13
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craz3dmumbles; i graduated honor roll, so no one really cared about my schedual.01:14
mumblesim going to go and bug the comtpuer guy about my peratns comtpuer01:14
mumblesotherwise im goin to have to lend em mine for the weekend01:15
craz3dit was close though... 3.571 or something01:15
mumblesluckey im away01:15
craz3dmeh, later01:15
nikkiacraz3d: mine was 'sleep all day, when brought in to complain about my attendance, point out incriminating evidence against the dean of CS, repeat' :)01:15
ClassTeacOK SO.... after I sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg      DO i need to: cp /etc/thing/stuff.conf /etc/thing/stuff.conf.bak   ?01:15
craz3dnikkia; shit, i should have thought of that01:15
mumblesi know the tuseraere spends most days in the pub now01:15
mumbleswish i knew that one when i was in school01:16
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nikkiacraz3d: in my 2nd year, i attended classes on *6* days out of the year :P01:16
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mumbles-outgot to remember to shave at osme point today01:17
craz3dnikkia; lmfao. Dr. Gary was kewl though, as they got new computers, he'd let me have my way with the equipment, keep whatever i wanted, and then auction off the rest.01:17
craz3dnikkia; i would'nt want to ruin that.. well, back then anyway01:17
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umaranyone here helping FC4?01:17
craz3dnikkia, my mother also worked with him in the past, along with the truancy officer, so i was just enjoying life.01:18
tiglionabbitClassTeac: uh, no, you should probably do that before.  But I think dpkg-reconfigure backs it up for you01:18
nikkiacraz3d: the reality is, i didn't get into trouble because i had a good relationship with the lecturers that mattered01:18
Jowii need to re-install some dev-tools. is there a dummy-package, similar to ubuntu-desktop, but for the dev-tools?01:18
nikkiacraz3d: one even gave me a revision sheet 2 days before the exam...01:18
AmaranthJowi: build-essential01:18
ClassTeacTiglionabbit: TY01:18
nikkiathe revision sheet just happened to ask all of the same questions as the exam :P01:18
JowiAmaranth, thank you!!!01:18
AmaranthJowi: there is also gnome-devel if you're doing gnome things01:18
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JowiAmaranth, nope, just the basics. thanks again01:18
tuzakeycan anyone tell me what this means: http://sonic.tuzakey.com/error.log01:19
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craz3danyone know what i need to apt-get to get 'make xconfig' work? It's some QT stuff or whatever.01:20
tiglionabbitwow, fun error01:20
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mindspincraz3d: make menu works?01:20
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craz3dmindspin; yeah, i've got make menuconfig, and make gconfig working. I just wanted the xconfig up and running01:21
tuzakeytiglionabbit: this system is......experimental..... athlon-64 3200+ booted off software raid (may be my problem)01:21
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craz3dtuzakey; try aptitude install kernel.whatever--01:21
tiglionabbitokay, so say I'm about to RMA a hard drive.  What format do you think I should send it to them in?01:22
craz3dtiglionabbit; NTFS01:23
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craz3dtiglionabbit; easier file recovery, and they wont think anything of it, besides, then you can 0-write it so they can't see what you had on there.01:23
craz3dtiglionabbit; it's what i do, i have a lot of warez and whatnot, so i really dont want them seeing what i have/had01:24
tiglionabbiteasier file recovery?01:24
tiglionabbitwait, so how do I do this?01:24
craz3dtiglionabbit; boot windows, and find a utility by 'Runtime software' called 'GetDataBack for NTFS'01:24
Jowiwhat would you make of this error for a ./configure: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables01:24
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tiglionabbitcraz3d: problem with the first step there is, windows wouldn't boot, so I already reformatted the master01:25
tiglionabbitthis is the slave01:25
scaroohi ppl ! as said inyhe topic, my Xunder breezy is broken (it cannot find keyboard modul), is there any fix i can do ?01:25
craz3dtiglionabbit; i would disconnect the slave, drop a windows cd in it, install windows on it... and then attempt the recovery01:25
tuzakeycraz3d: aptitude gives the same error, something is clearly confused, because /dev/sdc3 is a linux raid autodetect partition01:25
mindspinJowi started./configure with sudo?01:25
tiglionabbitJowi: I would say that means you don't have enough hard disk space left...01:25
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tiglionabbitJowi: either that or make doesn't have rights to write to where it wants to01:26
Jowimindspin, of course not01:26
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Garrisontuzakey /dev/sdc3 ? serial-ata on a raid controller?01:26
Jowi4.1 Gb should be enough space ;-)01:26
tiglionabbitGarrison: Dude, installing windows is way too much work for this kind of thing01:26
Jowitiglionabbit, i will check permissions01:26
Garrisontiglionabbit; you might also try VMWare. Make a virtual machine, and give it full access to the master hdd. you should be able to do any sort of recovery.01:27
mindspinthats why i asked for sudo01:27
tiglionabbitI half want to format it to fat12 or Minix just to make them wonder what I was doing with it01:27
Garrisontiglionabbit; if you're just trying to RMA it, then format it, and erase the partition. then send it back01:28
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tuzakeygarrison: its an nforce4 board, it has 4 SATA channels, onboard fake-raid is off, I've got 3 160GB SATA-II drives on those 4 channels, linux is doing software raid by way of md, /boot is RAID1 / is RAID5 and /home is RAID5, swap is RAID5, GRUB is written to the MBR on each drive01:28
=== jonatan [~jonatan@w103-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu
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Jowimindspin, i have ./configure'd this app before without that error. always ./configure && make as user and make install as root.01:28
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Garrisontuzakey; i have my primary box booting off of a SATA onboard raid controller. It just detected, and installed right off the bat, it didn't have any problems with it. Still hastn't to be hones.t01:29
jonatanok. i upgraded to breezy before i knew there was any X-problems. now a bunch of packages depends on xdpyinfo etc. any workaround?01:29
Garrisontuzakey; are you trying to disable RAID?01:29
Garrisontuzakey, or just make it boot and quit posing problems?01:29
tuzakeyno, the onboard raid doesn't do raid 5, only 1 and 0, it installed, it boots, I'm typing from that machine right now, but it gives me problems installing that new kernel image01:30
Garrisontuzakey; are you attempting to go a whole new kernel version? .. I would just make it myself, if i were in you're position.01:31
Garrisontuzakey; www.kernel.org01:31
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tiglionabbitok, so is deleting it and putting another NTFS partition in its exact same place enough?  Or should I mangle it up by making it another format?01:31
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tuzakeyGarrison: thats what I'm about to do....things compile so fast on this box :-D (brand new)01:32
Garrisontiglionabbit, you're in linux, if it was ext3, formatting it to NTFS should be enough.01:32
=== AlohaWulf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-121-123.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitit was NTFS before01:32
Garrisonmeh, mkfs.ext3 /dev/whatever#01:32
djphi all. where can i find ubuntu specific splash themes etc?01:32
Garrisontiglionabiit; i would just put a different filesystem on it. (after formatting the other ofcourse)01:33
tiglionabbitlol whoops, I forgot to umount it.  And guess what, it pretended to write to it but didn't change anything01:33
Garrisontuzakey; if you need any help with the kernel just let me know, i'll do whatever i can01:33
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=== Garrison is out of smokes.. DAMNIT
=== ep [~ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Garrisontuzakey; before you go building the kernel, try installing just the -k8 rather then the -k8-smp01:35
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tuzakeygarrison: yeah that was one of the first things I tried01:40
tuzakeyits something with one of the post install scripts01:40
tuzakeyi think01:40
=== Weiss [~weiss@modem-3102.lion.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Garrisontuzakey; when you build it, install any sort of raid/scsi support it offers that could in anyway be relivant to your setup01:41
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tuzakeythanks for the pointers01:42
GarrisonDuke Nukem Forever is taking too god-damn long.01:42
tiglionabbitoh my, these hard disks are extremely hot01:44
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tiglionabbitis this normal?  I've never felt them so scorching01:44
tiglionabbitcan't touch it...01:44
mindspinnow you know why they say hot swap01:44
keikozi fear my cpu is to hot too01:45
ed1tpeople burning their CPU!!! :P01:45
tiglionabbitI have an odd jewish vegan linux friend who calls every piece of new hardware "hot"01:45
keikozi'd like seing the temperature, but i dont find the right way01:46
keikozisnt it acpi -t ?01:46
tiglionabbitI once had a power surge that literally melted the chips off my hard disk01:46
Tomcat_       -k | --kelvin01:47
Tomcat_                 use kelvin as the temperature unit01:47
tiglionabbitso I RMA'd it, and they sent me this noisy defective one in its place!  =P bastards01:47
Tomcat_lol... kelvin, the temperature unit for REAL MEN!01:47
ed1tmine is 42 C01:47
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crazyhorsehi, anyone can help me with s-ata?01:48
ed1tdamn 315 K01:48
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konradHi, woh to add device file in /dev if I use udev? I other words, installing lircd it makes devices files, but after reboot this file is repleced/deleted by udev. Secondly, I want to make symbolic link /dev/radio to /dev/radio0, but udev is removing this :/01:49
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Tomcat_konrad: I'd suggest a boot script that re-creates the files after each boot, but I don't know if this is the best way.01:50
konradTomcat_: I thought about it, but this is very uncomfortable01:50
konradmaybe /dev/.udevdb/  ??01:51
Tomcat_I think /dev gets overwritten on each reboot, so it won't help.01:51
crazyhorsei'm using sata_sil but i have no /dev/sda, any help?01:52
konradand making lirc device is difficult, I have very specific hardware (I can study DEB postinstall script, but...)01:52
konradcrazyhorse: so use hda :)01:52
crazyhorsekonrad: hda is IDE01:52
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mindspinisn't sda scsi?01:53
nightswimsata is als sd*01:53
konradcrazyhorse: sda is ISCIS probably..01:53
mindspinand what is sata?01:53
keikozsata is read as scsi01:53
konradoh :001:53
crazyhorsebut i haven't any sd* device01:53
keikozand he should find it on /dev/sd...01:53
crazyhorsemodules are loaded and in proc i see the two s-ata partitions01:54
keikozmaybee some strange chip01:54
konrador udev bug01:54
keikozhumm possible01:54
keikozthat wuold explain my own pbl xD01:54
konradI have such problem with lirc01:54
crazyhorse/proc/scsi/sata_sil/0 and /proc/scsi/sata_sil/1 are there01:54
keikozi have great problems with a ide-raid controller01:54
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Garrisonanyone play urbanempires?01:55
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keikozudev is used on each startup for detecting hardware and remaking /dev in ubuntu ?01:56
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WimpieHi all, Got some problems with a SMC (prism based) pcmcia card and prism54.org seems down01:56
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lucaslirahow can i put sound in my ubuntu??01:56
mophatHi ..01:56
keikozwait until the come back :o)01:56
lucasliraI try all thing on the site.. and nothing01:56
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, sound is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206301:57
mophatok.. what's the dealio with 32 bit i/o on ide/sata devices. i have an intel and an amd64 here and i can't get it to go on the HD's01:57
mophatamd is SATA, amd is EIDE01:57
gyaresulucaslira, try 'cat /proc/asound/cards'01:57
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mophatstuck at 16, i put in the \right modules both times01:57
mophatand it enabled 32 bit for the cd drives01:58
mophatwhich still only run at half speed01:58
mophatis this just hardware conflicts01:58
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Garrisonanyone know what 'vaporware' is?01:58
mindspinperl 601:58
mophatyah, ubuntu01:58
gyaresumindspin, :) ha!01:59
macintoshrshould redirect to microsoft01:59
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gyaresumophat, i don't understand your sata eide question.01:59
Garrisonnightswim; thanks01:59
mophatgyra:  HD's are only running in 16 bit i/o mode02:00
mophatgyraresu: SATA and or EIDE02:00
mophatAnd i have the proper modules loaded, i'm pretty sure02:00
Garrisonmophat; hdparm -qd1u1c3 /dev/whatever.drive#02:00
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gyaresumophat, how do you tell. (i do know some stuff but that ones kooky)02:00
Garrisongyaresu; hdparm -i02:01
mophatwell i hdparm /dev/02:01
Garrisongyaresu: sudo hdparm -i /dev/hda1 or whatever your drive is02:01
Garrisonmophat; hdparm /dev/?02:01
gyaresuGarathor, yeah. reading up on that now. never needed it before.02:02
gyaresuGarrison, thanks.02:02
mophatGarrison: will that work for SATA too hopefullY?  .. And do I need to put that in a startup script?02:03
mophatGarrison: It seems to be working so far, much thanks02:03
Garrisonmophat; it's what i use on my serial-ata drive02:03
Garrisonmophat; i added it startup, yes.02:03
mophatgarrison: wow. I was ready to go out and get an ide drive for my own computer, just for an OS drive.  but now i know that, you've saved me 120 bucks02:03
mophatthankyou very much02:03
Garrisonmophat; no problem.02:04
mophatquick ignorant question if i could, which started script02:04
mophati am so happy now02:04
Garrisonmophat; that part, i dont remember. haha02:04
mophathaha i was so down with my gear02:04
mophati was boo'ing sata02:04
Garrisonmophat; here's the exact command; sudo hdparm -qd1u1c3 -d1 /dev/hda or /dev/sda .. etc02:04
mophatsaying billy invented  it02:04
gyaresuGarrison, mophat : another happy customer :)02:04
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mophat*sigh of relief ..02:05
mophatoh i'm definatly going to support ubuntu now :D02:05
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=== Garrison is such a n00b too... haha i feel like i've accomplised something
mophatthanks again Garrison, gya02:05
IT_Girlguys after doing distupgrade  my debian doesnt boot anymore  but i can still boot from the floppy i made in the setup process02:05
=== mdk-tux24 [~frodo@181.Red-81-47-68.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
IT_Girlhow can i put my system to boot again from the hdd02:05
Garrisonmophat, gyaresu; set you're options in /etc/hdparm.conf02:06
mindspinedit /boot/grub/options.list02:06
mdk-tux24a linux mandrake newbie needs info and help02:06
Garrisonmindspin; menu.lst  /boot/grub/menu.lst02:06
gyaresuGarrison, 'sudo hdparm -qd1u1c3 -d1 /dev/sda' it needs all those 'options'?02:06
kbrooksmdk-tux24, ask02:06
kbrooksgyaresu, man hdparm02:06
mophati'm burning up, i'm really stoked*02:07
gyaresukbrooks, touche02:07
Garrisongyaresu; without all that I get 14mb/s with it ~50mb/s02:07
mophatgreatest feeling ever, booting windows, in a window on linux02:07
IT_Girlisnt there a way so i can copy a .conf file from the bootable floppy and to the system ?02:07
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kbrooksgyaresu, use the manual pages ;)02:07
mdk-tux24i have direct rendering in no, how do i enable it ? i don't want to have to compile stuff02:07
gyaresukbrooks, shoosh now ;)02:07
mophatone day I hope to run freebsd as my host, and have a ubuntu workstation (through vmware)02:07
mophatoh wow so happy02:07
mophathaha ok thx [=02:07
kbrooksgyaresu, dude. i'm just trying to be nice02:08
mindspinIT_Girl: what are the contents of your floppy?02:08
mdk-tux24i have an ati raqdeon 9600 xt02:08
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mophati've rtfm02:08
gyaresukbrooks, i'm just teasing.02:08
ubotuit has been said that grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto02:08
kbrooksgyaresu, man hparm ;)02:08
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gyaresukbrooks, i don't get told to read the man much anymore. shows how late it is here :)02:09
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mdk-tux24can someone help me?02:09
kbrooksgyaresu, just a idea02:09
Garrisonmdk-tux24; yes?02:09
ubotugyaresu: Bugger all, i dunno02:09
ubotufrom memory, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:09
kbrooksmdk-tux24, do you have the video card drivers?02:09
mdk-tux24how do i enable direct rendering i want to use my 3d card for 3d games02:10
gyaresu!tell mdk-tux24 about ati02:10
mdk-tux24yes i intalled them02:10
ubotumindspin: Bugger all, i dunno02:10
IT_Girlroot@deb:/home/goliat# ls /mnt/floppy/02:10
IT_Girlldlinux.sys  linux.bin  message.txt  syslinux.cfg02:10
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mindspinso I don't think copying will help02:11
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prox2farhello peeps02:11
hussamhow can query the version of a library package from command line?02:11
mindspinread that1grub02:11
uboturumour has it, grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto02:11
mdk-tux24how do i enable 3d acceleration , rendering?02:11
mindspinor try to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:11
=== apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-109-231.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
IT_Girlmindspin, i got lilo02:12
mindspinso edit /etc/lilo.conf02:12
mdk-tux24is this ubuntu linux good for games?02:12
mindspinand run lilo after editing02:12
=== BNET [~chatzilla@70-57-164-211.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
mindspinbut so you are not on ubuntu are you?02:12
aiomdk-tux24 depends on your hardware and the games you want to play....02:13
mdk-tux24i'm using mdk02:13
Deterministmdk-tux24 certain games have been ported to linux , ubuntu is a linux distro , so yes , it's good for games as long as you have the drivers set up propler02:13
mdk-tux24if i install it is it by defaut enable 3d renedering?02:13
Deterministproperly , even02:13
kbrooksmdk-tux24, yes it is good for games02:13
IT_Girlmindspin,  i installed i debian base and put the ubuntu sources in /etc/apt/sources.list02:13
aiomdk-tux24 i've got unreal tournament running, albeit in a limited resolution...02:13
kbrooksmdk-tux24, nope02:13
IT_Girlthen done distupgrade :|02:14
=== hack_benjamin [~hope@host81-159-67-71.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
mindspinthis is not agood idea02:14
kbrooksIT_Girl, #debian wont support that.02:14
kbrookswe wont.02:14
hack_benjaminhow do i add something to my default runlevel?02:14
mindspineither stay on debian or switch to ubuntu02:14
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mdk-tux24how do u enable it then?02:14
Garrisongyarseu; you still around?02:14
kbrooksIT_Girl, mixing is a BAD idea02:14
mindspinwhat is the purpose of the machine? desktop or server?02:14
IT_Girlok I want the facilities that are on debian but i want kernel 2.402:14
mindspinwhat is the purpose of the machine? desktop or server?02:15
aiomdk-tux24 you need to either install the new ati drivers from ati (preferable solution since they are much better than the alternative) or use the fglrx drivers included in hoary02:15
topyliIT_Girl: just install a 2.4 kernel on debian02:15
gyaresuGarrison, yeah.02:15
IT_Girlalmost server02:15
mindspinso stuck to debian02:15
mdk-tux24does anyone know how to enable the damn 3d acceleration?02:15
mindspinand install woody ;-)02:15
gyaresuGarrison, you gotta use my name. i'm on 3 computers here...02:15
IT_Girlisnt there a way to install kernel 2.4 on ubuntu02:15
kbrooksmindspin, DUDE02:15
gyaresuGarrison, I need the beeps.02:15
aiomdk-tux24 ummm...trying to tell you here02:15
kbrooksIT_Girl, um02:15
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ed1tIT_Girl, why u wanna do that/02:16
kbrooksIT_Girl, not woody, sarge02:16
aiomdk-tux24 patience, paduan02:16
topyliIT_Girl: from vanilla sources, there are no ubuntu packages02:16
Garrisongyaresu; sudo gedit /etc/hdparm.conf    locate  command_line { put you're options in there, it'll give you an example, uncomment it too02:16
kbrooksed1t, universe02:16
mindspinIT_Girl: install sarge, ists running cool02:16
kbrookstopyli, uni...oh02:16
IT_Girlwell I got some hardware that are not supported on other kernels then 2.402:16
Garrisongyaresu; it's on the far bottom02:16
gyaresuGarrison, thanks man i was just in the hdparm man.02:16
kbrooksmindspin, sarge > woody02:16
=== jinty [~jinty@a130-233-5-251.debconf5.hut.fi] has joined #ubuntu
mindspinand install 2.4 kernel02:16
topylikbrooks: yeah well, i'm at work02:16
IT_Girlhow can i know if its sarge i installed ?02:16
mindspinkbrooks: i know02:16
ed1tsarge comes with 2.402:17
gyaresuGarrison, (only problem is that it's late and i might leave it till tomorrow.)02:17
=== leo [~leo@office.antwerp.kangaroot.net] has joined #ubuntu
mindspinedit yor aptsources.list02:17
ntechHello, i'm a french user. trying to setup a 5700L EPSON printer. Does anybody knows about this printer working under ubuntu ? Some sites say that it is, but I failed02:17
gyaresuGarrison, too many years of late night enseey weensey little changes that stuff everything up.02:17
mdk-tux24installing drivers does it necesarily means to compile kernel?02:17
aiomdk-tux24 no02:17
=== julz [~julz@dsl-220-235-105-78.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
gyaresuntech, linuxprinting.org ?02:18
aiomdk-tux24 you *can* just use synaptic to install the ones from ubuntu.  don't do that.  find the drivers you need from ati02:18
IT_Girlmindspin, edit yor aptsources.list is that message for me ?02:18
mindspinIT_Girl: should ;-)02:18
aioand once you get them installed, here is my xorg.conf file: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/58602:18
mdk-tux24what u think is easy ubuntu or mdk?02:18
hack_benjaminanyone know to edit whats int eh default runlevel?02:18
mindspinbut was atypo02:18
ubotumethinks sources is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersAddingRepositories02:18
kbrooksmdk-tux24, ubuntu02:18
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IT_Girlok what link  should i add  so i can be able to install 2.4 kernel02:19
aiomdk-tux24 you'll want to backup your xorg.conf file first and adjust it to reflect the "fglrx" changes.  you probably won't be able to use mine unmodified02:19
mindspinIT_Girl: give aus a line from your /etc/apt/sources.list02:19
julzcan ubuntu install to an external usb hdd?02:19
Garrisongyaresu; my hdparm command_line thing looks like this; www.xironet.org/pub/hdparm.conf.txt02:19
aiojulz yes02:19
leowhere is the list of the packages kept that ubuntu will install extra  during it's post-install ( base-config -> Select and install packages)? Is it in the base-config package?02:19
aiojulz actually, just plug ig in02:19
julzthanks. can most distros do this02:19
gyaresuGarrison, thanks.02:19
aiojulz i've had a problem with writing to one formatted in ntfs, though.02:19
kbrooksleo, No.02:19
mdk-tux24wait brb i'm going to go to gaim02:20
aiojulz dunno.  never tried with other distros.02:20
kbrooksleo: why do you want this?02:20
julzwell mine wouldbe brand new02:20
IT_Girlu mean a line from the fully ubuntu machines apt ?"mindspin IT_Girl: give aus a line from your /etc/apt/sources.list"02:20
aiojulz then it probably won't pick it up right away.02:20
leokbrooks: we are modifying this install cd for a project02:20
leoand i want to strip it down02:20
julzim gunna put 3 distros on it. that would be ok, right?02:20
aiojulz doh!02:21
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kbrooksleo: Well, there is no 'list'.02:21
mindspindeb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ sarge main02:21
mindspindeb-src http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ sarge main02:21
aiojulz just realized what you're asking...*install* to usb hdd.02:21
aiojulz you should be able to do this.....02:21
mdk-frodook what u where saying02:21
leokbrooks because when i follow the default steps it starts installing python24-* and stuff02:21
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aiojulz i haven't tried *that*, but you should be able to....dunno if the installer supports it, but i'm sure there's some tricks....02:22
aiomdk-frodo what are you asking?02:22
kbrooksleo: use expert from the install cd. boot: expert <enter>02:22
kbrooksleo, and start over02:22
mindspinits too frecking hot here :-(02:22
gyaresuGarrison, nice one. exactly what i didn't even know i needed :)02:22
julzoh :/ . i may have to get someone who knows what they're doing to install for me. (im not too game cos i just wiped my families hdd, they dont know yet 8D02:23
IT_Girli got 2 ac's in my server room :)02:23
Garrisongyaresu; just glad i could help.  Building karma points.. haha02:23
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GarrisonIT_Girl; i have 1x 32000BTU AC with 5 machines in it.  2 machines in my bedroom, and 1 more in the living room.02:23
leokbrooks: okay , and to do this permanent i just have to adjust the isolinux.cfg ?02:23
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aiojulz ok - check out this forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-5151.html02:23
mdk-frodook i want to enable 3d rendering on x1102:24
Garrisonone room with the AC and 5 machines** sorry02:24
julzthanks aio, im reading now... :)02:24
kbrooksleo: um. dont use expert.02:24
IT_GirlW: GPG error: http://ftp.de.debian.org sarge Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F1D53D8C4F368D5D02:24
kbrooksleo: dont put it in the isolinux.cfg02:24
aiomdk-frodo ok - go and find the ati drivers from ati.com02:24
aiomdk-frodo and install them.02:24
mdk-frodohow u enable it without compiling?02:25
kbrooksleo: YOU use expert at the isolinux.cfg02:25
gyaresuIT_Girl, what are you doing marrilat repositories?02:25
apokryphosmdk-frodo: did the repository ATI drivers not work for you?02:25
kbrooksmdk-frodo, you dont have to compile anything02:25
mdk-frodoi downloaded them last night i'm on k56 5 hours took me02:25
kbrooksgyaresu, marrilat == different url02:25
IT_Girlwell just added this link so i can add kernel 2.4 on ubuntu02:25
aiomdk-frodo actually, check out this forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3249502:25
ubotuhmm... ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:25
mindspinIT_Girl: I would suggest a new debian sarge installation from the start02:25
mindspinthat would be the easyest way02:26
kbrooksIT_Girl, unfortuntely, we do not support hybrids02:26
leoit's just the DEBCONF_PRIORITY that is different?02:26
IT_Girlmindspin, its just the ubuntu addiction02:26
Garrisonmdk-frodo; also, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf   comment out the last part about Section "DRI" (all of it) and above under Section "Module" comment out load "dri" and make sure you have load "glx" in there.02:26
kbrooksIT_Girl, so?02:26
aiokbrooks i'm a halfling, so do i not get support?02:26
IT_Girlkbrooks, thnx02:26
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kbrooksaio: uh02:26
kbrooksaio: you know what hybrids are?02:26
mdk-frodook wait i go and try02:27
kbrooksaio: X mixed into Y02:27
IT_Girlmindspin I think ill just install it on a debian then thnx anyway :)02:27
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cccanyone have experience with logitech cordless keyboards? can you configure ubuntu to use the scrollwheel to the left? ( http://www.cadmandata.fi/logitech/logitech_cordless_desktop_optical.jpg )02:27
mindspinthat will give you aclean system02:27
kbrooksif X is debian and Y is Ubuntu....02:27
aiokbrooks i wasn't totally following the convo, but yeah, it was a joke.  i'm assuming you're talking about starting with sarge, the upgrading the sources.list to hoary (or breezy)02:27
Garrisonccc; google it. put 'ubuntu + keyboard.model.number'02:27
mindspinmixing debian and ubuntu and vice versa is not agood idea at all02:27
kbrooksaio: right02:27
IT_Girland ill keep it as a pure server environment02:28
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kbrooksmindspin, doing so makes a hybrid02:28
mindspinI know02:28
kbrooksa hybrid that's neither Y or X02:28
mumblesto tired02:28
cccGarrison: mm i did, couldn't get any clear answers so i thought i'd go for live experience advice here :)02:28
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mumblesto tired? to hot02:28
mindspinso i suggested installing sarge and staying away from ubuntu for server purposes02:29
IT_Girlso should i install debian sarg then02:29
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julzaio: thanks, it seems possible but i reckon ill get someone else to do it for me .:)02:29
kbrooksIT_Girl, yes02:29
IT_Girlit come with a 2.4 kernel02:29
gyaresuccc, have you got any of the multimedia buttons to work?02:29
kbrooksjulz, um02:29
IT_Girlthnx alot guys02:29
aiojulz why not do it yourself...you might learn something fun.02:29
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kbrooksjulz, reboot completely02:29
kbrooksjulz, reboot completely02:29
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IT_Girlkbrooks,  mindspin , any idea about penta support on kernel 2.6 Ubuntu02:29
julzkbrooks: waah?02:29
kbrooksjulz, you did not wipe any hard drives yet02:30
cccgyaresu: no, not yet02:30
mindspinwhat is penta?02:30
aiojulz and if you totally bork your system, you can just wipe the external drive....02:30
mdk-frodohow u comment like this ; or this // ?02:30
gyaresumindspin, got an isp admin who disagrees but anyhow...02:30
IT_Girlpent@net DVB Carf02:30
julzyes i did. my other computer, the families one02:30
aiomdk-frodo comment what?02:30
kbrooksjulz, you sure?02:30
mindspingyaresu: ???02:30
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mdk-frodoxorg.conf dri02:30
cccgyaresu: using another logitech keyboard now though, but i was thinking of buying one which has that scrollwheel02:30
gyaresuccc, there is a keybind prog. just can't remember...02:30
julzright now im on the crappy old one and the good one is at the shop02:31
aiomdk-frodo #02:31
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kbrooksno screens found02:31
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gyaresuccc, i have the comfort cordless deluxe and used to have the buttons mapped under debian. (KDE prog i think)02:31
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sleptccc, hotkeys is nice02:32
mdk-frodocu i have to restart x1102:32
cccgyaresu: ah ok... i'll look into that. thanks. let me know if you remember the name.02:32
gyaresumindspin, the ubuntu as server opinion...02:32
gyaresuccc, looking :)02:32
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kbrooksgyaresu, ubuntu (without GUI) can be used as a server02:33
kbrooksgyaresu, just: boot: custom-expert <enter>02:33
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gyaresukbrooks, yes i'm actually quite adept. thanks.02:33
kbrooksgyaresu, check the CD help.02:33
sleptccc, with xev you can get the keycodes and modify one of the existing keyboard configs / choose what the keys should do , but hotkeys only works with x02:34
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gyaresukbrooks, i was saying that a friend is running their ISP on ubuntu servers.02:35
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kbrooksnow I have to restart x11.02:35
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gyaresukbrooks, ha! actually i have one under the desk. (file server, gets ignored)02:35
mdk-frodo[frodo@MATRIX ~] $ glxinfo | grep rendering02:35
IT_Girlguys im on a ubuntu i installed samba i made a folder with the following stanza in smb.conf [omega]  path = /home/web/omega available = yes browseable = yes public = yes writable = yes02:35
mdk-frodoLoading required GL library /usr/lib/libGL.so.102:35
mdk-frodoXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".02:35
mdk-frododirect rendering: No02:35
mdk-frodo[frodo@MATRIX ~] $02:35
mindspingyaresu: i prefer stability for servers, so I stay on sarge for that purpose02:35
IT_Girlbut i still cant access it from a windows machine thats on another domain02:35
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sleptIT_Girl, did you add a user and is the workgroup= right?02:36
mindspinIT_Girl: what do you mean? http, ssh, ftp smb?02:36
gyaresumindspin, yeah. intas.net.au are running 6 ubuntu's now. from sarge.02:36
aiomdk-frodo what do you get if you run this: find /lib/modules/<current kernel version>/ -name "*fglrx*" -print02:36
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, samba is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba02:36
aiomdk-frodo of cource change it to your kernel version....02:37
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IT_GirlI done add user omega |chown omega /home/web/omega02:37
mindspingood for them, I got my own reasons for staying with sarge02:37
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wrtpeepswhere can i download themes for ubuntu02:37
aiowrtpeeps gnome themes?02:37
sleptIT_Girl, smbpasswd -a omega02:37
mdk-frodo[frodo@MATRIX ~] $ find /lib/modules/<current kernel version>/ -name "*fglrx*" -print02:37
wrtpeepsaio:  xfce02:37
mdk-frodobash: current: No such file or directory02:37
mdk-frodo[frodo@MATRIX ~] $02:37
wrtpeepsi get them from the xfce site?02:37
kbrooksmdk-frodo, $(uname -r)02:37
gyaresuwrtpeeps, gnome-themes02:38
cccslept: hey, yeah, this looks good02:38
kbrooksmdk-frodo, find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -name "*fglrx*" -print02:38
kbrooksmdk-frodo, find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -name "*fglrx*" -print02:38
aiokbrooks thx - i was just about to paste that for h(im|er)02:39
mdk-frodo[frodo@MATRIX ~] $  find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -name "*fglrx*" -print02:39
mdk-frodo[frodo@MATRIX ~] $02:39
mdk-frodowhat it does?02:39
aiomdk-frodo if that doesn't show anything, then the ati drivers didn't get installed right.  you may need to reboot02:39
Nermalwell. its not there is it02:39
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Nermaldon't need to reboot02:39
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aiomdk - oh - that command formats your hard drive02:39
asad2005how to tell grub boot loader to search for all OS in all partition and set them up02:39
kbrooksaio: HEY02:40
kbrooksaio: HEY02:40
kbrooksaio: be nice02:40
aiokbrooks :-)02:40
Nermalwhen n00bs help n00bs it's like cousins reproducing02:40
kbrooksmdk-frodo, no it doesnt02:40
Nermalreduces the useful gene pool02:40
askinifhelp with upgrading firefox in ubuntu.02:40
ubotuI heard grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto02:40
aiomdk-frodo - :-) actually it just checks your kernel modules directory for the installed fglrx driver02:40
Nermalaskinif, use the backports02:40
ubotuNermal: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?02:40
ubotumethinks backports is at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/02:40
mdk-frodowhat can i do?02:41
aioNermal (s)he may not have to reboot, but it wouldn't hurt....02:41
Nermalmdk-frodo, gee.. install them ?02:41
Nermalaio, it's pointless02:41
Nermaldon't keep them in the windows "might help if I reboot" mindset02:41
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aiomdk-frodo i don't remember how the installer goes..02:41
mdk-frodothis is just 1 reson to go to windows and i promised mysefl no going back to it02:41
ubotuati is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:41
leokbrooks is there another way to make the changes/choices in the installer permanent as rebuilding the packages?02:41
Nermalmdk-frodo, there you go02:41
kbrooksmdk-frodo, no02:41
kbrooksmdk-frodo, no02:41
kbrooksmdk-frodo, no02:41
Nermalkbrooks, stfu02:41
kbrooksmdk-frodo, listen02:41
gyaresuNermal, too much coffee?02:41
Nermal https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:42
aioNermal ok - i told him to reboot because *I* have had a comflict between the xorg ati driver and the ati fglrx driver and had to reboot.02:42
kbrooksNermal, grrr02:42
Deterministis there a way to make a boot CD that'll boot into linux that's on hdb even if hda's mbr doesnt have a linux loader?02:42
Nermalgyaresu, none today02:42
AmaranthWhat's the problem?02:42
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kbrooksNermal, BE NICE to the newbie helper.02:42
gyaresuNermal, might wanna have some. bit edgy there.02:42
Nermaln00bs need to learn to ask questions properly02:42
kbrooksNermal, have some tea02:42
AmaranthDeterminist: Boot the CD in rescue mode and install grub on hda's mbr02:42
Nermalmm.. tea02:42
IT_Girlthnx alot slept02:42
bigfoot1Hiruky, is there a way to change how check-boxes in dialog windows are displayed? In my case, it's got the "pushed" look if selected. I'd rather see a check mark on the box, because it's hard to see the difference between a selected pushed-in box (dark gray box) and an unselected box (light gray box). Thank you!02:42
IT_Girlit worked :)02:42
=== aio thinks nermal needs a lood
kbrooksNermal, drink it and get on with your life02:42
bigfoot1sorry. Hello.---> not hiruky.02:43
Amaranthbigfoot1: That's a theme issue.02:43
kbrooksNermal, please.02:43
Nermalbigfoot1, sure.. change your gtk theme to something decent02:43
Nermallike clearlooks02:43
Nermalor industrial02:43
Amaranththat reminds me, clearlooks is now the default GNOME theme02:43
Amaranthfor 2.1202:43
Nermalhurrah :)02:43
DeterministAmaranth that's not what i asked mate. i have winxp on hda and hoary on hdb. i dont want grub on hda's mbr , i just want to create a CD that'll boot into hdb ignoring hda02:43
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Jowigetting errors while make'ing. Checking for g++... no (same for c++) but both are installed. any ideas?02:43
bigfoot1will try clearlooks. I used to have the default ubuntu theme, but i heard it makes the pc run slower. is this true?02:43
Amaranthoh, and smeg may or may not ship with breezy (on the CD)02:43
cccslept: thanks, it did the job for me. great stuff. and gyaresu, hotkeys may be the program you meant.02:43
kbrookswhats smeg?02:43
Nermalbigfoot1, not by much if any02:44
AmaranthDeterminist: Why don't you want grub installed? It can boot to windows and linux.02:44
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Amaranthkbrooks: my menu editor02:44
ubotuit has been said that smeg is a Gnome menu editor. Get it at at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/02:44
gyaresuccc nice. hope it works for you :)02:44
bigfoot1Amaranth, isn't the default gnome theme in ubuntu called "ubuntu theme"?02:44
kbrooksYOUR menu editor?02:44
AmaranthDeterminist: I don't know how to do what you want.02:44
Amaranthkbrooks: Yes, I wrote it.02:44
DeterministAmaranth winxp keeps corrupting grub turning the system unbootable. tried every possible way to do this but no go , winxp keeps fucking grub up so i figured i'll just boot into linux from a CD and get it over with02:44
kbrooksAmaranth, whoa. didnt know02:44
aioAmaranth you got a link to smeg?02:45
NermalDeterminist, remove windows xp ?02:45
ubotusmeg is probably a Gnome menu editor. Get it at at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/02:45
aioAmaranth url i mean?02:45
gyaresuDeterminist, language.02:45
Nermalaio, learn to scroll02:45
kbrooksaio: ^^^02:45
DeterministNermal i cant.02:45
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Amaranthaio: It's also in breezy and in backports.02:45
aioNermal ummm....you're a jerk02:45
Nermalwonder why it's not a standard gnome thing02:45
Gerrathsmeg is also on the backports repository.02:45
kbrooksaio: be nice02:45
kbrooksNermal, pm?02:46
Nermalaio, bless02:46
aiokbrooks I am being nice.02:46
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Nermalkbrooks, hmm ?02:46
bigfoot1okay, i've switched to Clearlooks theme from Simple. Why would anyone want to use simple, since the difference between selected and unselected checkboxes is hard to see?02:46
kbrooksaio: 'jerk' doesnt exactly amount to being nice.02:46
gyaresuAmaranth, sick em'02:46
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AmaranthI'm doing nothing.02:46
Nermalbigfoot1, dunno02:47
bigfoot1has anybody got iax running on their ubuntu?02:47
Nermalmore lightweight ?02:47
AmaranthJust making people realize they don't have free reign to not follow the CoC. :)02:47
bigfoot1iax-- as in voip stuff.02:47
gyaresuthat'll do fine.02:47
ubotucoc is probably the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/02:47
Nermaldoes the code of conduct have "ask questions properly with useful information contained within the problem description" in it ?02:47
Nermalor is it just a big bunch of red tape designed to piss off people02:48
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gyaresuNermal, #troll might be what you're after.02:48
Nermalgyaresu, now now02:48
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gyaresuNermal, the idea.02:48
AmaranthNermal: If you follow "be nice" you pretty much cover it all.02:48
bigfoot1anybody here have japanese input capability on their ubuntu?02:48
wezzerthis is urgent02:48
wezzerI'm configuring a new printer02:48
leokbrooks looks like seeds are the solution to my problem02:48
wezzeri went to http://localhost:631 with firefox02:49
NermalAmaranth, even if someone blatently doesn't know their arse from their elbow and can't be bothered to form a question let alone wait for an answer ?02:49
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wezzernow the cups wants my root accoun and password - but there are no such things in ubuntu, right?02:49
AmaranthNermal: You explain or prod them for more info.02:49
wezzerhow can I add a new printer?02:49
kbrooksNermal, OK then.02:49
kbrooksNermal, You should respect newbies.02:49
NermalAmaranth, so I have to spend all my energy and patience getting the question out of them before I even think about spoon feeding them an answer?02:49
NermalI respect intelligent people02:50
AmaranthNermal: Then ignore them.02:50
Nermalpeople who can read manuals, scroll, etc02:50
tankiNermal, weren't you here yesterday saying the same thing, how your time is too valuable to try to "lead the blind" ?02:50
tankiwhy are you back?02:50
Nermaltanki, :)02:50
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gyaresuwezzer, i'm looking for a link for you...02:50
Nermalbecause I know the answers to most of the questions asked in this n00b infested channel02:50
ubotufrom memory, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:50
Nermalif people would only have a little intuition02:50
kbrooksmdk-frodo, ^^^^^02:50
Nermalkbrooks, said that twice already.. see what I mean ?02:51
gyaresuNermal, please stop trolling.02:51
gyaresuNermal, your ridiculous.02:51
Nermalgyaresu, :)02:51
kbrooksmdk-frodo, please use the howto.02:51
wezzergyaresu: ok02:51
NermalI simply would rather dedicate my energies to answering questions rather than bleeding the question out of people02:51
tankiNermal, I think the channel will survive if you choose not to contribute. If you do want to contribute, then check your ego at the door.02:51
mdk-frodoi c02:52
Nermaltanki, well.. I dunno.02:52
Nermalon a good day I can help lots of people :)02:52
luishi...i need some help....i'd like to install sagcad but when i do ./configure apears "configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH02:52
luis"....how can i solve this plz?02:52
Nermallets have a go shall we02:52
Jowihey guys trying to compile things. get error: "collect2: ld returned 1 exit status". I heard that collect2 is a standard command in gcc. anyone heard about it?02:52
gyaresuwezzer, are you trying to share the printer on the network or just locally.02:52
Nermalignoring the textspeak for a minute02:52
AmaranthNermal: "I am what I am because of who we all are."02:52
Nermalluis, sudo apt-get install gcc02:52
wezzergyaresu: just locally02:53
slepthow can I export (soft-)links via nfs ?02:53
Garrisonanyone know how to get QT installed? I need make xconfig for kernel-building02:53
luisthanks Nermal02:53
Amaranthluis: Install the build-essential package.02:53
kbrooksmdk-frodo, Also.02:53
rekaluis: install build-essential02:53
gyaresuluis, Nermal build-essential02:53
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Nermalgyaresu, hush02:53
gyaresureka, snap02:53
kbrooksNermal, dude02:53
gyaresuNermal, I thought you were going to help?02:53
NermalI did02:54
kbrooksgyaresu, ignore Nermal02:54
NermalI told him how to install a c compiler02:54
gyaresukick Nermal.02:54
Nermalwhich was his question :)02:54
Garrisonanyone know how to get QT installed? I need make xconfig for kernel-building02:54
kbrooksNermal, you did not help in an accurate way02:54
Nermalhe didn't say "how do I set up a build environment"02:54
kbrooksNermal, so?02:54
egg|coffeebreakQt is a pan02:54
AmaranthGarrison: You probably need libqt3c102-mt-dev02:54
leoGarrison: use make menuconfig02:54
Nermalonly been here 7 years02:54
AmaranthDrop it please.02:54
kbrooksNermal, the COC doesnt say that you have to ask questions CLEARLY.02:54
AmaranthOr discuss it in a private message.02:54
Nermalkbrooks, then it should :)02:55
luisAmaranth how can i isntal the build.essential package?02:55
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Jowianyone know about "collect2" missing from build-essentials?02:55
kbrooksNermal, No, and it should not.02:55
Amaranthluis: Search for it in synaptic and install it or run 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' from a terminal.02:55
Jowiluis: apt-get install build-essentials02:55
rekaJowi: my guess is that something is up with the make file/the way you're compiling.  what *are* you trying to compile?02:55
kbrooks"conduct" is not asking questions clearly.02:55
Jowireka, e1702:55
gyaresuwezzer, is your printer one of these? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters02:55
luisok..thanks all02:55
kbrooksNermal, asking questions clearly is out of the scope of the COC.02:55
Jowithe e17 guys say that collect2 is a standard command in gcc. it is not appearing in ubuntu02:56
kbrooksNermal, now please.....02:56
Nermalkbrooks, hush02:56
rekaJowi: er, have you installed build-essential?02:56
Jowireka, yes.02:56
gyaresuubotu printers is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters02:56
ubotuokay, gyaresu02:56
kbrooksI tried to PM you but you said no. Why, Nermal?02:56
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Nermalbecause it's rude..02:56
Jowireka, but all sources that need collect2 fails of course02:56
Nermalis that in the CoC too ?02:56
mdk-frodokbrooks: but is for ubuntu02:57
mdk-frodoi c is not same as mdk02:57
Nermaland you remind me of "kelly brooks" who annoys the living fuck out of me02:57
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AmaranthOk, it's over now.02:57
kbrooksi'm SO HAPPY he left02:57
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kbrooksAmaranth, honestly, i dont want to talk to trolls in this channel.02:57
Amaranth24 hours for repeated CoC violation02:58
kbrooksi would rather do it in a PM02:58
kbrooksbut since he said no.....02:58
=== Amaranth hates doing that
egg|coffeebreakCoC ?02:58
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by ChanServ
AmaranthCode of Conduct02:58
kbrookscode of conduct02:58
ubotuwell, coc is the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/02:58
tankiCan adware/spyware infect linux web browsers?02:58
=== Amaranth goes to doing happy things
kbrookstanki, no02:58
nightswimwhy not02:58
gyaresutanki, not yet.02:58
aiowhoa!  don't say *no*02:58
snowblinkhallo - ruby package on hoary. Is it likely to get updated?02:58
kbrooksnightswim, executable formats02:59
rekaJowi: could you post the entire error to a pastebin please.02:59
Jowireka, sure can. hang on02:59
egg|coffeebreakaio, OO02:59
kbrookssnowblink, no 1.8.302:59
kbrookssnowblink, ask #ruby-lang why02:59
aioit's very unlikely and i don't think i've heard of it yet, but i have heard that spyware/malware people are working on taking advantage of firefox's market share.02:59
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kbrooksaio: dude02:59
wezzergyaresu: nope02:59
nikkiaaio, there are already a couple out there02:59
wezzerhp laserjet 102202:59
snowblinkkbrooks, the newer version of rails requires 2004-12-25 ruby03:00
nikkiaaio, i've seen websites try to install ff extensions...03:00
gyaresuwezzer, what model is it03:00
kbrooksaio: *on linux* is impossible03:00
snowblinkkbrooks, 1.8.203:00
nikkiakbrooks, no its not03:00
aiokbrooks impossible?03:00
kbrookssnowblink, ubuntu has it03:00
aiokbrooks how is it impossible?03:00
gyaresuwezzer, TAB complete peoples names when addressing them.03:00
kbrooksbecause of different executable formats03:00
gyaresuwezzer, just notifies them of a message.03:00
Jowireka, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/58703:00
kbrooksand because linux is multiuser03:00
nikkiakbrooks: spyware ff extensions are written in javascript03:01
aiokbrooks nikki says (s)he has seen some03:01
wezzergyaresu: it is hp laserjet 102203:01
rekaJowi: cheers03:01
aioor was that just for firefox?03:01
=== dylan__ [~dylan@ppp-68-251-58-97.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
egg|coffeebreaknikkia, so?03:01
kbrooksnikkia, THEN there is a extension03:01
gyaresuwezzer, have you looked at linuxprinting.org?03:01
mumblesrememembered my password for my xp install03:01
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nikkiaegg|coffeebreak: so they'll work just as equally on linux03:01
snowblinkkbrooks, ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-23) [i386-linux] 03:01
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aiokbrooks so, someone couldn't create a linux specific one?03:01
gyaresuwezzer, that's the place to check also.03:01
kbrooksaio: No.03:01
nikkiaegg|coffeebreak: the 'linux uses a different executable format' doesn't apply if the spyware is written in javascript03:01
egg|coffeebreaknikkia, yeah03:01
kbrooksnikkia, javascript isnt even universal03:02
rekaJowi: guessing: you're missing some libraries...."engrave" or something03:02
aiokbrooks ok - i'm not sure i agree, but i'll continue to take precautions03:02
kbrooksnikkia, ECMA js doesnt count03:02
action09anybody uysing acroread please on Hoary ?03:02
action09nothing happen :(03:02
nikkiakbrooks: large chunks of firefox are written in javascript....03:02
egg|coffeebreakECMA lol03:02
nikkiakbrooks: it is the backbone of XUL03:02
action09when i open a pdf with Firefox03:02
aiokbrooks but if they write it specifically for firefox on linux....03:02
snowblinkaction09, try evince03:02
kbrooksnikkia, i do not believe you.03:02
Jowireka, engrave is what i am compiling. it is line 324 that is annoying. Collect2 missing03:03
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nikkiakbrooks: your loss, its the truth03:03
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kbrooksnikkia, prove the truth is a fact, then.03:03
gyaresuaction09, i use adobe reader 703:03
slepthow can I make correct syntax if teach ubotu something , is there an otherway than ... is, have a look at webmin to see what I mean03:03
egg|coffeebreakso php,perl,java... dead?03:03
rekaJowi: and i think yylex is something to do with bison03:03
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action09snowblink  as weird as it is evince and xpdf open w blank document but this document is ok if i open it with acroread on another PC.. :(03:03
action09gyaresu  installed from the adobe website ?03:03
apokryphosslept: what? /msg ubotu and type "help"03:04
Jowireka, the enlighenment guys say that Collect2 is needed as it is a basic gcc command.... yeah, i will check if bison is needed or is an option. thanks03:04
gyaresuaction09, nah. backports.03:04
=== Hoxzer [Hoxzer@dsl-hkigw2ga0.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksJowi, build-essential solves that03:04
kbrooksJowi, ubuntu doesnt include GCC03:04
egg|coffeebreakJowi, Is this a problem?03:04
=== Ubunoob [~geeko@www.stock-it.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Jowikbrooks, no, build-essential does not solve it03:05
Ubunooblo all.. hlp plz03:05
kbrooksJowi, uh. why?03:05
gyaresuUbunoob, tell.03:05
kbrooksUbunoob, ask.03:05
Jowikbrooks, good question!03:05
=== Jowi smiles
sleptapokryphos, /msg ubotu webmin to see what I mean , I made that entry but would like it to be more like to use webmin ... and not webmin is ....03:05
ubotuwebmin is probably To use webmin with ubuntu you have to add a webmin-root account with : /usr/share/webmin/changepass.pl /etc/webmin root "passwort"03:06
wezzergyaresu: yes, I have checked linuxprinting.org03:06
Jowikbrooks, gcc is included in hoary03:06
wezzergyaresu: wait, I might have solved the problem03:06
Ubunoobmouse not working03:06
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kbrooksubotu, webmin is <reply>To use webmin with ubuntu you have to add a webmin-root account with : /usr/share/webmin/changepass.pl /etc/webmin root "password"03:06
ubotu...but webmin is already something else...03:06
kbrooksubotu, forget webmin03:06
ubotui forgot webmin, kbrooks03:06
kbrooksubotu, webmin is <reply>To use webmin with ubuntu you have to add a webmin-root account with : /usr/share/webmin/changepass.pl /etc/webmin root "password"03:06
action09gyaresu ok thanks03:07
=== okeanos [~okeanos@rulerbude.wh-hauff.uni-ulm.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubotumouse is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntellimouseMousemanBackForwardButtons03:07
apokryphosslept: hm, I see. I'm not sure how that's done, nope.03:07
kbrooksubotu, webmin is <reply>To use webmin with ubuntu you have to add a webmin-root account with : /usr/share/webmin/changepass.pl /etc/webmin root "password"03:07
ubotukbrooks: okay03:07
ubotuTo use webmin with ubuntu you have to add a webmin-root account with : /usr/share/webmin/changepass.pl /etc/webmin root "password"03:07
gyaresuwezzer, let me know what it was...03:07
Ubunoobnot moving03:07
sleptthats nice03:07
Ubunoobdo I have to push it around ?03:07
kbrooksslept, <reply>03:07
nikkiakbrooks: you want proof, how's this, the source code to the sidebar part of mozilla/firefox:  http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/browser/components/sidebar/src/nsSidebar.js03:07
=== bernd [~bernd@xdsl-81-173-154-188.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
mdk-frodohehe i forgot this is not bash03:08
gyaresukbrooks, you need to make a wiki entry rather than a brief one liner IMO03:08
nikkiakbrooks: feel free to poke around the rest of the lxr, and note how much of the code is .js files03:08
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gyaresuUbunoob, what type of mouse.03:08
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Ubunoobwhite, two button, little wheel03:09
kbrooksgyaresu, me?03:09
gyaresuUbunoob, preface your comments with the name of the person you're talking to (TAB complete after the first couple of letters)03:09
kbrooksgyaresu, uh no i didnt even make the entry03:09
m9dhatterUbunoob: usb? ps2?03:09
gyaresukbrooks, oh. sorry.03:09
Hoxzerniko@lappari:~$ screen -r03:10
HoxzerThere is a screen on:03:10
Hoxzer        15234.pts-0.lappari     (Attached)03:10
HoxzerThere is no screen to be resumed.03:10
Hoxzerhow can I return to that screen_03:10
UbunoobI have another pblm too03:10
gyaresuUbunoob, just started? fresh install?03:10
gyaresumirak, hello03:11
mirakis linux supposed to be reliable on DVD burning ? I have burn an iso but, this iso md5sum is different than the DVD one03:11
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apokryphosAre the us. archives no longer down?03:11
gyaresumirak, explain better please.03:11
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mirakgyaresu: I burned a dvd video, the first time it failed since I didn't you there was an option for dvd video. So next time I used k3b to create one, but it failed badly after few seconds03:12
mirakI retried again with k3b and it worked03:12
UbunoobI'm trying to suspend my laptio using acpi on kernel 2.6.10, by echoing sleep states to the relevent /sys entries.  acpi sleep state 4 works ok (suspend to disk) though I did have to manually edit the menu.list and add the pmdisk= parameter to the kernel line.  Suspend state 3 however suspends the machine to ram but upon reactivation the backlight on the s3 savage chipset doesn't come back on.  Apparently this can be caused by not resetting the video bus03:12
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gyaresumirak, are you using ubuntu or #kubuntu03:12
mirakbut when I do a md5sum /dev/dvd I don't have the same value than md5sum image.iso03:13
mirakgyaresu: ubuntu03:13
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Ubunoobobviously the os has no control over the video bios and therefore cannot set the video bus bits correctly when resuming from an acpi s3 sleep state03:13
Ubunoobany ideas?03:13
mirakgyaresu: it failed with nautilus in fact03:13
gyaresumirak, and you installed k3b?03:13
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nikkiaHoxzer: you can attach a second attachment with 'screen -x'03:13
mirakyes gyaresu03:13
rekaJowi: i asked about it in #c03:13
m9dhatterUbunoob is not a noob03:13
mirakthis are verbatim dvd03:14
UbunoobI'm also wondering why ubuntu doesn't come with pmdisk set up by default to enable acpi sleep state 4 support in this day in age03:14
mirakit should be fine03:14
reka"collect2: ld returned 1 exit status" indicates that your not linking to the correct libraries probably03:14
gyaresuUbunoob, sleep is crummy in linux laptops (unless ubuntu has fixed that as well) but in debian it's pretty broken IMO03:14
kbrooksm9dhatter, he is a noob to ubuntu, not a noob to linux03:14
rekadammit, he left...03:14
UbunoobIt wasn;t set up in warty, hoary and breezy appears similar03:14
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m9dhatterkbrooks, i got that part figured out. :p03:14
mirakgyaresu: so in theorie the md5sum of "md5sum /dev/dvd" should be the same of the .iso isn't it ?03:14
Ubunoobthough breezy seems to have the 2.6.12 kernel at the moment, people seem more concerned with splitting up x packages instead of acutally working on things users want03:15
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LaLubrezy got 2.6.12 ?03:15
Ubunoobah mouse working03:16
UbunoobI had to move it manually03:16
gyaresumirak, do you have your sources.list set up and do you have the codecs installed03:16
gyaresumirak, md5sum the /dev/dvd i don't know.03:17
m9dhatterUbunoob: what do you mean "manually"? thats how i move the mouse all the time..03:17
m9dhatterUbunoob: unless you are telekinetic. :p03:17
Ubunoobnormally use keyboard03:17
Ubunoobmuch faster03:17
Ubunoobcan move 101 buttons at once not just 203:17
Hoxzerhow do I logout from screen without closing it?03:18
mirakgyaresu: yes, but I don't need a codec ...03:18
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gyaresumirak, just testing the md5sum on my disk now...03:19
mirakyou test on what ?03:19
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lerojmy iPod works on ubuntu, i am satisfied03:20
mirakyour iPoo ?03:20
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Ubunoobbored now03:20
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mirakI have a problem with dvd mounting with pmount03:21
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gyaresumirak, (have you used gnomebaker?)03:21
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mirakpmount mounts it drwxr-x---  8 root root03:21
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mirakgyaresu: it's installed03:21
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leroji nees some announce script for rythmbox and xchat03:22
wezzergyaresu: yea, problem solved03:22
tobias_hi, I am trying to do masquerade on ppp0 via iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE but doesn t work iptables -L doesnt show anything03:22
wezzergyaresu: I installed HP drivers and then the new printer model appeared in ubuntu's printer listing03:22
gyaresuwezzer, ooh!03:23
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mirakgyaresu: someone told me there is a bug with the sector size and you can't have a similar md5sum03:25
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Zindartobias: try iptables -L -t nat03:26
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snowblinkhi - can someone point me to docs that will let me build a deb package for ubuntu?03:27
Zindarsnowblink: a new package.. or build a existing source package?03:27
snowblinkZindar, I want to build a new ruby package03:28
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linuksoHmm. is backports.ubuntuforums.org down?03:29
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dannyjajajajaja de eerste keer met ubuntu en het werkt geweldig !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:29
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dannyvmware rulezzzz!!!!! :P:P:P:P03:29
sJaMnice for you danny although it is nicer to everyone if you speak english03:29
dannyI have windows xp with vmware and it works great !!!!03:29
dannybetter ? :P03:29
lerojhello dutch guy03:30
dannyholland :P03:30
lerojsame thing03:30
=== reka away
dannyam i the only 1?03:30
mdeboerdanny: no03:30
leroji'm swedish03:30
dannyleroj holland?03:30
dannyhello boer :P03:30
dannyi leave you all again bye!!!!!! nice tot talk to you with ubuntu lol03:31
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mdeboerdanny: ubuntu will work much better if you run it natively than in vmware03:31
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mirakso pmount mounts the dvd as root, any idea where the problem can come from ?03:31
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=== Garrison disables everything in kernel-config.
dannyyeah I know but i didn't know how ubuntu works this is just the testing phase :)03:32
dannyvmware is a great proggie for testing different os systems03:32
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dannywindows is getting slowly on my nerves03:33
snowblinkZindar, any ideas?03:33
mirakweird this works with another dvd03:34
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mirakit's weird, pmount mounts a commercial dvd as root03:35
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bigfoot1Hello, I currently have openoffice version 1 on my ubuntu. is it safe to use version 2? If so, how do i upgrade? How do i remove all traces of version 1 from my computer?03:38
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one_love_1980was your current openoffice install with the package manager?03:42
ed1tbigfoot1, go to synaptic package manager, and search for openoffice03:42
amichaihey guys i'm trying to connect to another ubuntu machine. with TSC i keep getting connection refused and with xdmcp i get server busy. i didnt install firestarter or anything on that other box, any ideas?03:43
bigfoot1ed1t, yes, i found openoffice 2 in synaptic. I was just wondering: if it's safe and better than version 1, why was it version 1 that came pre-installed with hoary installation?03:43
ed1tyea its safe03:44
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rekabigfoot1: i've read it's buggy though.03:44
bigfoot1so many ubuntu users stick with openoffice 1?03:44
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langenbergHi there,  I've got some problems booting ubuntu after changing the mobo and CPU.03:45
rekabigfoot1: i don't use office progs that much...but i'd assume so.03:45
langenbergCan I get some support.03:45
rekabigfoot1: iirc, it's a seperate package anyway03:45
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rekabigfoot1: i.e. it can run parallel to oo103:46
bigfoot1ALso, If i install a program from synaptic, what's the best way to remove that program plus all the other dedencies that this program needed? Do we have to remove the depencies one by one? is there not a faster way?03:46
amichailangenberg: doesnt look like it :) whats ur prob?03:46
=== FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010487351pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
calcon amd64 port only the translations for oo.o 1.9.114 are there, no binaries03:46
langenbergamichai: The pc get's stuck after the "Unpacking linux ... OK, booting the kernel" message.03:46
bigfoot1How do you guys remove/uninstall some progarm/package you've installed?03:47
GarrisonAnyone underclock their processors?03:47
langenbergamichai: I changed from Pentium3 to Athlon XP, quite a change.03:47
amichailangenberg: its ur kernel03:47
amichailangenberg: u get kernel panick?03:47
smooawkishwhere can i get realplayer?03:47
bigfoot1Is it a good idea to have the hoary backports added to our repository list, to better our chances of getting upgrades ?03:47
langenbergamichai: No, no panics, the pc just gets stuck.03:48
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smooawkishit seems like that there is no realplay in the official mirrors03:48
calcGarrison: newer processors adjust freq by usage so underclocking isn't need as much for power savings anymore03:48
langenbergamichai: Does ubuntu save some information about the architecture or something like it?03:48
calceg my desktop runs at 800mhz most of the time03:48
rekabigfoot1: iirc, people use dpkg with the purge option or something to remove everything completely (i don't remember too much about it).....i myself am satisifed with just selecting complete removal.in synaptic03:48
Garrisoncalc: I took a 3200+ down to 1.7 due to thermal issues.03:49
rekabigfoot1: use of backports should be limited to what you need.03:49
rekabigfoot1: imo, it's a bad idea to do an upgrade with BP in sources.list03:49
rekabut that's just me03:49
amichailangenberg: like when u log in it stick, or during boot up?03:49
calcGarrison: http://www.thermalright.com/a_page/main_product_xp120.htm <- that might help with thermal issues ;)03:49
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langenbergamichai: during bootup.03:50
rekafrom what i've seen the recommmended method is to keep it disabled, using it sparingly only when you need a certain package03:50
rekaand then disabling it again03:50
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langenbergamichai: PC booted fine, I upgraded the mobo and CPU, PC doesn't boot anymore. :)03:50
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calcGarrison: though it doesn't work on socket a if that is what you have03:50
amichailangenberg: try sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.10-5-k703:50
hybrid_gothhello all03:51
GarrisonShit, I just spilled Mr. Pib all over my IBM Clicky..03:51
=== calc bbl
langenbergamichai: Will I need an inet connection for that?03:51
bigfoot1reka, for me, it seems "complete removal" in synaptic doesn't do a complete removal. For example, I just installed evince, a pdf viewer via synaptic. It said it had to get a depdency named something like  libxyz . But now that I selected complete reomval of evince, it doesn't automatically choose to remove that libxyz file.03:51
=== sh0k [~sh0k@p54818F11.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
hybrid_gothI have been gone for a month and a half and now my breezy repos do not work right why is that?03:52
amichailangenberg: where r u chatting form now?03:52
sh0ki cant get my Nforce sound card workin03:52
sh0k Official Ubuntu Help channel | Have a question? Just ask! | Please don't paste03:52
sh0khere is the debug log, when im installing the sound drivers03:52
langenbergamichai: Euhm, my pc, why?03:52
rekabigfoot1: no...iirc, complete means removal of the cached package contents downloaded before install.  so if you choose normal removal, there's no need to download the package again.03:53
langenbergamichai: I'll need a livecd, and chroot the ubuntu install.03:53
Garrisonsh0k, i have nforce2 audio working, what's you're problem.03:53
sh0khere nothing works03:53
rekabigfoot1: afaik, complete doesn't take care of dependencies,03:53
langenbergamichai: am searching at my place for a livecd with pretty good inet support, but my gentoo disc seems lost.03:53
Garrisonsh0k, where are you having the problem?  Did you do the nforce2 platform drivers from nvidia?03:53
sh0konly Line Out.. and there i put my Front boxes in03:53
rekabigfoot1: which i guess is what you're wanting03:53
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sh0kthe installtion of the drivers doesnt workj03:53
sh0khttp://cpp.enisoc.com/pastebin/?5985 << heres the log03:54
sh0kand i dont know whats wrong03:54
hybrid_gothRazor-X: you online?03:54
langenbergamichai: I already tried 'dpkg-reconfigure kernel-image-2.6.41-5' (or something similar)03:55
Garrisonsh0k; in a terminal do: uname -r03:55
mirakdoes it happens to you that mounting of fat32 gives weird permissions ?03:55
Garrisonsh0k tell me what it says03:55
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Garrisonsh0k, what processor do you have?03:56
amichailangenberg: nevertheless u'll want k703:56
sh0kamd barton 2500+03:56
bigfoot1i see, but i'm still left with the problem: after uninstalling one program, what do we do with the now-unused depencies? What do you guys do? Do you guys take notes of the dependcies each instaled  program needs? I think there is a problem here. Many of us advice newbies. Experts say to newbies "You are free to try many programs, since they are all free/safe/etc. They are in the repository. and if you don't like it, you can just remove it."03:56
bigfoot1But this doesn't take care of the unnecessary dependencies. Over time, our hard drive will be wasting space, holding unnecessary dependencies. What do you guys do about this?03:56
luzbelitohi to all. i had seen my ubuntu turns slowest at 1.30 hour of connection. should i reinstall it ?03:56
langenbergamichai: Ok, thank you.03:56
philwilhow do you run setup again, like when you are installing?  I saw it somewhere but can't remember how.03:56
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Garrisonsh0k; sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.10-5-k703:56
hybrid_gothI have been gone for a month and a half and now my breezy repos do not work right why is that?03:56
azolhi all. what is the difference between hoary-security and hoary-updates ?03:57
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luzbelitohi to all. i had seen my ubuntu turns slowest at 1.30 hour of connection. should i reinstall it ?03:57
bigfoot1Is there a way to have synaptic search through all files to see un-needed files/dependencies?03:57
wmealing__how badly broken is X in breezy ?03:57
Garrisonsh0k; after that; sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.10-5-k703:57
hybrid_gothazol: updates in stable are normally security03:57
wmealing__hackable to fix ?03:57
Garrisonis it going?03:58
sh0kok, done with both03:58
Garrisonreboot and come back03:58
hybrid_gothazol: but in developement updates can be anything in stable it is almost always security (besides backports)03:58
GarrisonMeh, still compiling.03:59
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hybrid_gothazol: make sense?03:59
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chrissturmwmealing__, right now its badly broken04:00
azolhybrid_goth: no04:00
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chrissturmwmealing__, revision -36 works, the later revs dont04:00
hybrid_gothazol: ok the updates are not normally new software.04:00
hybrid_gothazol: in stable branch04:00
asad2005can some one tell me what to put in sourses.list for amd64 breezy 5.1004:00
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sh0kGarrison: im back :)04:00
asad2005I only have the cdrom deb04:01
luzbelitohi to all. i had seen my ubuntu turns slowest at 1.30 hour of connection to internet. should i reinstall it or is a user problem?04:01
Amaranthchrissturm: They work, you just need to know what to install.04:01
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rekabigfoot1: i could be horribly mistaken...but afaik, no.04:01
hybrid_gothazol: so unless it is develomental branch the only updates you really get is security patches i.e. firefox parches04:01
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Amaranthchrissturm: Oh, and you need one hack, but only until -42 is in.04:01
Garrisonsh0k; no problems?04:01
bigfoot1reka, thanks.04:01
keikozhal.hotplug[5351] : timout(10000 ms) waiting for /block/dm-0 <<== what mean that message in the message log pls ?04:01
sh0ki rebooted04:02
hybrid_gothazol: you can get newer software on the stable branch through backports though04:02
sh0kim here now, should i try to install drivers again?04:02
keikozdoing dmesg i have no messages04:02
Garrisonsh0k; now, retry the installer04:02
chrissturmAmaranth, i have -41 installed and xlibs-base from -3904:02
hybrid_gothazol: but backports are prone to cause issues04:02
sh0kNo precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel; this means04:02
sh0k  that the installer will need to compile a new kernel interface.04:02
chrissturmAmaranth, how can i fix my regional keyboard settings?04:02
Garrisonsh0k; do _NOT_ install the network card driver04:02
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Amaranthchrissturm: You need xkeyboard-config04:02
sh0ki didnt install em ;)04:02
Garrisonsh0k; good04:02
Garrisonthats fine, just let it do its thing04:03
sh0kit build a kernel or so04:03
sh0kand now it says04:03
sh0k  Installation of the NVIDIA audio driver for Linux-x86 (version: 1.0-2) is04:03
sh0k  now complete.  Please update your audio configuration as appropriate; see04:03
sh0k  the file /usr/share/doc/nforce/ReleaseNotes.html for details.04:03
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Garrisonsh0k; good now; sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:03
azolhybrid_goth: so, hoary-security=hoary-updates? sorry I don't understand04:04
joseruizhello I can't listen mp3 with noatun,  help me04:04
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joseruizin ubuntu04:04
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hybrid_gothazol: pretty much. it is ok.04:04
Garrisonsh0k; find   Section "Device"  and change Driver "nv" to Driver "nvidia"04:04
chrissturmAmaranth, cool, thx. i was searching that package yesterday and didnt find it04:05
Amaranthchrissturm: It was stuck in NEW.04:05
Garrisonsh0k; at the bottom of the file, you'll see   Section "DRI" mode 0666 endSection.  put a # infront of each line04:05
rekajoseruiz: never used noatun...but try installing gstreamer0.8-mad04:05
reka!tell joseruiz about restrictedformats04:05
hybrid_gothazol: when hoary went stable it gets no new software. just patches. the updates *were* for developement but now is just there. so hoary-updates~=hoary-security04:05
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sh0kSection "Device"04:06
sh0kIdentifier"NVIDIA Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] "04:06
Garrisonsh0k private message04:06
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Amaranthhoary-updates is for crashers and major bugs04:06
joseruizI speak little english04:07
rekajoseruiz: let us know if it works04:07
hybrid_gothanyone here using breezy04:07
joseruizlet me see04:07
terrexhybrid_goth: me04:07
azolhybrid_goth: ok. thank's!04:08
leroji think the next one should be call lame llama04:08
hybrid_gothterrex: could you be so kind as to msg me your breezy repos?04:08
hybrid_gothazol: no problem04:08
hybrid_gothazol: hope i helped more then i confused :P04:08
azolhybrid_goth: :-)04:08
rekaleroj: reminds me too much of winamp04:08
hybrid_gothterrex: thank you04:08
lerojsneaky snake04:09
hybrid_gothreka: you dont like winamp?04:09
mumblesllama is a better name04:09
mumblesjumping llama04:09
rekahybrid_goth: i've got nothing against it...wasn't llama their mascot?04:09
rekahybrid_goth: why i said it reminds me of it04:10
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wmealing__breezey is really broken atm ? ie.. should I even try to install ?04:10
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sJaMno wmealing__04:10
sJaMdon't do that04:10
wmealing__sJaM: dont install ?04:10
sJaMit does only add unstabilty and brokeness to your system04:11
wmealing__i usually run rawhide, so I'm pretty used to that04:11
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wmealing__but, i might just run hoarey, and jhbuild gnome04:12
wmealing__i assume that jhbuild works on ubuntu ?04:12
sJaMrawhide ?04:12
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hybrid_gothreka: ah04:12
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wmealing__rawhide is 0 day fedora04:12
hybrid_gothreka: i apollagize04:13
mirakpmount mounts the dvd as root04:13
sJaMI see, well in the topic is stated that X is broken in breezy04:13
=== wmealing__ nods
sJaMbut if you like irssi, lynx, bitlbee, mpg32104:13
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=== wmealing__ chuckles
wmealing__sJaM, do you know how bad it is broken  ?04:14
mumblesi need more webbocmis to read04:14
sJaMI never tried out04:14
sJaMI thought it runs gcc 4.004:15
sJaMand versions like that04:15
sJaMI don't need such new versions04:15
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pablobhi all! what if I upgraded to breezy, found X really broken, and want to go back to hoary?04:17
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pablobcan i do that?04:17
rekapablob: apparently, it's easier to reinstall hoary04:17
snowblinkpablob, see topic04:17
pablobfron the CD?04:18
rekapablob: if you want to play around...install it on seperate partitions04:18
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pablobok, my coworker is going to kill me now ... :P04:18
Will_Why are people using breezy! *confusion*04:19
snowblinkWill_, because they don't read the topic. ;)04:19
mirakno idea why pmount can mount dvd as root ?04:19
pittimirak: hm?04:20
snowblinkcan anyone point me to docs about creating packages from tarballs (not using checkinstall)?04:20
pablobI thought it was stable04:20
pittimirak: what do you mean exactly? it should be mounted as the user you call it04:20
seb128hey pitti04:20
wmealing__i've read the topic, and am not using breezy... because of the topic04:20
mirakpitti: yep but when I insert the dvd, it mounts it as root04:20
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pablobin debian is easy: unstable = not stable, testing = almost stable, stable = very stable :)04:21
pittiseb128: hi Gnominator04:21
=== snowblink gives wmealing__ a gold star
sJaMI don't know Will_ , think because they like to have an unstable system04:21
sJaMused to windows04:21
pittimirak: oh, nope04:21
pittimirak: the file system of the DVD says so04:21
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rekasnowblink: OOI, why not checkinstall?04:21
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pittimirak: there is little that can be done about that, it doesn't react to uid= options :-(04:21
snowblinkreka, I want to roll it out to several servers04:21
mirakpitti: :-/04:22
snowblinkreka, also good to learn how to do it04:22
=== reka nods
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mirakok I can still read it with xine04:22
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mirakbut it seems to be random04:22
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rekasnowblink: google time for you methinks......most of the helpers seem to be idle atm.04:23
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snowblinkreka, yeah, I've found a few, but I would quite like a straight forward howto04:24
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cschaetzleich habe ne frage04:24
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cschaetzleber ubuntu04:25
sJaMenglish please04:25
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sJaMubuntu has a german channel I though04:25
cschaetzlei have a problem04:25
cschaetzlewith ubuntu04:25
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ed1tcschaetzle, wats the problem?04:25
deviosthanks for specifying.  what would the problem be?04:25
cschaetzlei cant install the realplyer04:26
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ed1tcschaetzle, did you try installing it from apt-get/synaptic or manually?04:27
cschaetzlewith the terminal04:27
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cschaetzlesudo apt-get install realplayer04:27
ed1tcschaetzle, you can type sudo apt-get install realplayer in terminal04:27
=== reka nods
ed1tdoes it give any error/04:27
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cschaetzlecan you say me wie i realplayer04:29
ed1tcschaetzle, did u get any error while install realplayer?04:29
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tukuWhere is should put eviroment variable oracle_home so that would be there for user oracle when command is run like su oracle -c someprogram04:30
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cschaetzlelibc6 (<= 2.3.2.dsl-21) but 2.3.2.dsl-20ubuntu1304:31
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hybrid_gothanyone here have a psp? got it working with ubuntu?04:31
cschaetzleyes I04:32
cschaetzlea PSP04:32
cschaetzlewith the game need for speed underground rivals04:32
hybrid_gothcschaetzle: anything special you had to do?04:32
ed1tcschaetzle, can you paste the error on http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl04:32
tukuIf i put it in /etc/bash.bashrc it dosent use it when i use su04:32
hybrid_gothcschaetzle: so i can just hookit up and i can put movies and such on the duo?04:33
hybrid_gothcschaetzle: sweet!!!04:33
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cschaetzlebut i must in the music probe04:33
ed1thmmm i havent tried hookin up my ipod, i should try that04:33
rekatuku: try ~/.bashrc04:33
cschaetzlei com in 1 hour04:33
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rekatuku: what's oracle, btw04:33
ed1tdatabase management system04:34
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rekasweet.  i decoded that acronym myself :)04:34
tukureka: some unknow database04:34
sJaMacronym ?04:34
h08817anyone here familiar with the smartbootmanger04:34
ed1tits like MS SQL server04:34
sJaMcan you speak it out then04:34
sJaMas a word04:35
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langenbergamichai: I know where the problem is from now. The pc got stuck at the same error "Unpacking linux ... OK, booting the kernel"04:35
rekaed1t: that's jibberish to me too. :)04:35
mophathoy hoy .. back again [=04:35
mophati have sound. but i can't play music04:35
mophatsystem sounds a okay04:35
mophatmplayer, xmms configured nicely04:35
ed1theh its really cool, i love doing database stuff, i forgot all that stuff, i used to know like 3 yrs ago04:35
rekasJaM: apps > dictionary ;)04:35
mophatit detects the intel 5 channel too04:35
ed1tmaybe i should start again04:36
langenbergamichai: After using the 'noacpi' kernel option I could boot the gentoo livecd, do you know if there is a similar thing for the ubuntu kernel?04:36
VirtuallN2hi again. I've just installed ubuntu on my friend's machine and i'm having a little problem: it always freezes for couple of minutes on "Starting Ubuntu". what to do? :(04:36
Jowilangenberg, acpi=noacpi in grub04:36
tankiVirtuall, did your friend punch you in the nose hehe04:36
langenbergJowi: going to try that, thanks.04:36
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Jowilangenberg, i mean pci=noacpi04:37
ed1tVirtuallN2, at what part does it freezes? while loading gnome/04:37
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luzbelitoanyone knows how to reset bios of a Zyxel router please ???04:37
h08817my computer kept trying to install extra components04:37
h08817and then it would just repeat04:37
VirtuallN2tanki, no, but he promises to if i don't fix it ;)04:37
h08817get 1% and repear04:37
tukureka: thank's. It's worked04:37
rekamophat: change the output plugin in xmms to esound04:37
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VirtuallN2ed1t, on the message "Starting Ubuntu" after loading kernel04:37
sJaMreka with an acronym is ment that you can speak the abbrevation as one word, I only wondered if you could do that with dbms04:37
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rekamophat: btw, beep-media-player is prettier04:38
erchacheincredible...its the first time i install ubuntu and root pass doesnt asked....now i dont know what pass has!04:38
rekasJaM: "deebems" :D04:38
tankiVirtuall, http://www.math.vt.edu/people/jbwillia/computer.gif04:38
bedwardsjust got my ubuntu CD's in the mail.  They are awesome!04:38
sJaMno that is just pronoucing the letters04:38
sJaMan acronym is something like grub04:38
VirtuallN2erchache, it was in the faq04:38
bedwardsI have passed them out to friends/coworkers04:38
topylierchache: root logins are disabled, there's no password04:39
VirtuallN2do sudo passwd root and write a new password04:39
sJaMor unix04:39
h08817how long does it take to get the cd's?04:39
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bedwardsit took me about 4 weeks.04:39
VirtuallN2imo disabling root login is wrong :)04:39
lesshaste any ideas how to make a .3gp file?04:39
mophatreka: thx .. haha.. what about this beep04:39
h08817o ok04:39
ed1tVirtuallN2, why?04:39
sJaMwell Virtuall you can enable it back04:39
rekatuku: yep....iirc, there's an ordering/priority as to which config file will be looked at...always best to use the ones in your home directory04:39
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topyliVirtuall: if that's how you feel, you can "fix" it04:39
h08817anyone  know why my computer won't finish installing components?04:39
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sJaMlinux is all about choices04:39
VirtuallN2because :)\04:39
rekamophat: it's an xmms clone04:39
rekamophat: you get sound now?04:40
sJaMwhich uses gtk204:40
sJaMand is xmms compliant04:40
erchachei forget it :$04:40
bedwardsAny mesed with varsha for dvd authoring?04:40
sJaMif you do in your terminal04:40
mophatreka: yes, thanku04:40
sJaMxmms --stop04:40
mophatreka: can't get mplayer to go tho04:40
sJaMyour beep-media-player stops playing04:40
tankiis it true mplayer can rip dvd's?04:40
mophaterp, the sound, it only has OSS04:40
VirtuallN2so, can anyone help me. staring at that "Starting Ubuntu" is quite annoying.04:40
mophatmaybe i need beep04:40
sJaMso lots of tools made for xmms work for beep-media-player too04:40
topylimophat: nah, you need muine :)04:40
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bedwardswhat does everyone use for DVD playing? xine?04:41
blmartin777why wont file-roller open a .rar package?04:41
mophattopyli,  what do you recommend04:41
sJaM.rar isn't free software04:41
rekabedwards: bedwards vlc has been mentioned a lot04:41
sJaMyou have to install it yourself04:41
mophati used xine origionally.. i  prefer mplayer to wine04:41
topylimophat: actually i don't recommend anything. i use muine myself04:41
sJaMand there is a bug with rar and file-roller04:41
sJaMas I remember right04:41
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erchacheon my system ht are enable04:41
erchachei need to install smp kernel no?04:41
topylimophat: too subjective to decide for other people04:42
erchacheon /proc/cpuinfo ht flag are enable04:42
=== athlon [~athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu
h08817is it possible to get bios updates b/c my comp gives me an error when trying to boot to cd?04:42
erchachebut only appears one cpu04:42
mophati hear that04:42
VirtuallN2argh. right. nobody knows :)04:42
nerdgirlhaving trouble configuring screen resolution.  Have a Samsung SyncMaster 175v LCD monitor and Intel i845GL chipset (shared memory).  My /var/log/Xorg.0.log is <a href="http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/590">here</a>04:42
h08817have a great day virtuallN204:42
=== liable_ is now known as liable
rekablmartin777: install unrar.....or unrar-nonfree if unrar can't handle it04:42
VirtuallN2u 2 :)04:43
rekasJaM: iirc, file-roller can't open .rar files by default.04:43
h08817if i could install linux it would be great04:43
sJaMwell unrar is on the system04:43
sJaMit has to use rar -E04:43
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sJaMand therefore you have to install the non-free rar package04:43
sJaMsudo apt-get install rar04:43
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nerdgirlI've gone through xorgcfg and xorgconfig, I have the horizontal and vertical sync ranges imput precisely according to ddcprobe and the monitor's specs.04:44
sJaMso it is a bug that though you have unrar on your system, file-roller cannot extract rar files04:44
dylan_how do i change color depth?04:45
mophatnerdgirl, 715v ?04:45
nerdgirland my lovely monitor is stuck at 640x48004:45
rekaor unrar-nonfree04:45
sJaMand rar is in multiverse04:45
reka!tell nerdgirl about fixres04:45
sJaMdon't know about unrar-nonfree04:45
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mophatesound plugin mplayer, beep link04:45
lerojwhat do i need to make beep play mp3's?04:45
snowblinkDoes anyone know when shipit will ship the CDs?04:45
bedwardsI got mine in about 4 weeks04:46
rekaleroj: change the ouput plugin in prefs to esound04:46
rekasnowblink: ~10 weeks for me here in aus04:46
dylan_does anybody know how i can change color depth so my laptop screen doesnt look so bright?04:46
nerdgirlfixres?  you'll have to go through this step by step with me.  It's been a while since I messed with linux because this system has given me a hard time with display consistantly.04:46
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snowblinkreka, bedwards you already received?04:46
blmartin777can I change the gtk1 theme in gnome?04:46
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mophatxmms2 eh hrm04:47
rekadylan_: er, how would changing colour depth fix that?   wouldn't that just give you more/less colours?04:47
bedwardsyes got mine a few days ago04:47
anacronwhat is xmms2?04:47
mophatbeep mplayer204:47
rekasnowblink: i gave up and burned the ISO ;P04:47
bedwardsI just order 10, they are quite nice.  Big thanks to the Ubuntu folks for doing that.04:47
mophatxmms2 that never came out04:47
anacroni mean, what difference is there between xmms2 and xmms04:47
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tankiin the old days laptops used to have contrast/brightness dials on the exterior04:47
bedwardsI burned a copy as well, but that are nice to had out to friends, I kept one for me:)04:47
anacrontanki: you forgot the GOOD old days04:48
rekanerdgirl: ok, post your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to the pastebin in the topic04:48
anto9usdylan_: on my laptop I can change brightness by pressing fn and up or down arrow04:48
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eruinanyone having issues with nautilus in breezy ?04:48
bedwardsanyone doing dvd work on ubuntu?04:48
snowblinkoh - I just wanted some to give out, but they still have not shipped them. Warty shipped much more promptly04:49
emanuelezi can't install gnuplot-x11... it says it has wrong md5 value. any hint?04:49
tankibedwards, they also make good weapons, i always carry ubuntu cd's in my backpack incase i run into an MSCE on the street, i throw them ninja style04:49
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tankianacron, :)04:49
bedwardsthat's cool tanki04:49
Jowianacron, biggest difference is that xmms2's got a server version allowing multiple guis :-) see http://wiki.xmms2.xmms.se/index.php/Main_Page04:50
bedwardsYesterday I was in a conf meeting and folks were discussing ad-ware, anti-virus, etc.  I just said you know you could just install Ubuntu and be done.04:50
teferiit's more complicated than that and you know it...04:50
rekabedwards: lol.  what did they say?04:50
anacronJowi: okay04:50
h08817ok i got a question04:51
bedwardsya your right.  It's all political, the functionality is there.04:51
emanuelezwhat can i do about an md5 problem with apt-get?04:51
emanuelezi just did apt-get update04:51
=== Toby [~tobytwirl@spc1-bror4-6-0-cust79.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
h08817if u take out a harddrive from a computer and put another one in and install linux on it  and then put the other hd back in does the hardrive u just put back in work properly if it is not linux?04:51
nerdgirlxorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/59204:51
rekaemanuelez: sounds like somethings up with your repo list04:51
mophatesound in mplayer.. plz last question i swear04:52
tankibedwards, it's a double edged sword there because if linux had the clientbase that windows has, you can bet your bottom dollar there would be more nastyware(trojans, varients, etc) made for it04:52
luzbelitohow can i burn .MDS file into ubuntu ??? k3b doesnt recognizes it04:52
emanuelezreka: it's the standard one in ubuntuguide04:52
rekanerdgirl: run this please: sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange04:52
rekaemanuelez: no wonder04:52
ubotumethinks ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.04:52
TobyHi all - newbie here (today!)  Can anyone talk me through installing a prog I have on a second hd?04:52
emanuelezreka: any hint?04:52
rekaemanuelez: probably BP04:52
mophatmy neck hurts04:52
emanuelezmmm;; let me comment those04:52
rekaemanuelez: good idea. :)04:53
bedwardswhat's the prog toby?04:53
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luzbelitohow can i burn .MDS file into ubuntu ??? k3b doesnt recognizes it04:53
Tobyskype and it has a deb extension04:53
blmartin777How do I change gtk1 themes04:53
anto9ustanki: but the software distribution model is much safer distributions like ubuntu, all my software comes from the repositories, it's unlikely for viruses/spyware to infultrate those isn't it?04:53
eruinhow do you make nautilus spit out debug info?04:53
bedwardswhat prog is it toby?04:53
nerdgirl30-81, 56-7504:53
topyliToby: sudo dpkg -i skype-XXXXXXX.deb04:54
emanuelezreka: nope... did apt-get update but i still have the same error04:54
rekanerdgirl: and what res do you want?04:54
nerdgirlSame as the manufacturer specs that I've been punching in manually04:54
tankianto9us, ubuntu like debian uses a centralized distribution method i believe04:54
Tobyok - but how do I switch to the second hd to get at it?04:54
h08817how do i get a bios flash update?04:54
rekanerdgirl: k, hang on04:54
nerdgirlthanks reka04:54
anto9ustanki: and is therefore much safer, regardless of user base?04:54
tankia while back wasn't there an apt repo compromised, net-tools package or something was compromised04:55
topyliToby: is it mounted? can you see it in the file manager?04:55
Will_Toby: To get at it? Explain what you mean04:55
bedwardsYou want to install it on the other HD?04:55
anacronh08817: from your motherboard manufactor04:55
h08817o my04:55
TobyNot mounted and I just want to install it on the main one04:55
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TobyIt was "stored" on the other hd04:55
h08817anacron: can it be downloaded or do i need a new motherboard?04:55
topyliToby: how is the disk formatted?04:55
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anacronh08817: amm, that's what i ment, it can be downloaded04:56
TobyIt's an ex-XP disk and is formatted in NTFS04:56
h08817anacron: good but i have looked all over my motherboard and I downloaded cpu-z and i still don't know 100% sure who my manufacturer is04:56
rekanerdgirl: do you know how to overwrite a file?04:56
nerdgirlnot sure I do.04:56
h08817anacron: that computer is kinda old04:56
mophatdo i have to re compile MPlayer after installing libasound2-dev for ALSA support, and is alsa support what i need04:57
anacronh08817: i should read in your motherboard somewhere :)04:57
rekanerdgirl: nevermind.....sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:57
topyliToby: is it the second disk? D or E or what in Windows terms?04:57
anto9ustanki: even if things do get compromised it's open to peer review and will be detected and corrected04:57
anacronh08817: not i, what am i talking about04:57
nerdgirlalready have it open.04:57
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anacronh08817: IT should read somewhere*04:57
Tobyd:  (Ubuntu would therefore be on the equivalent of C:)04:57
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bedwardstoby - just go to: http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-deb04:58
h08817anacron: ok04:58
langenbergmm now X won't start (new kernel) "Fatal: module nvidia missing", I tried `apt-get remove nvidia* && apt-get install nividia-glx && nvidia-glx-config enable04:58
TobyOK thanks for that suggestion!  :-))04:58
rekanerdgirl: ok, delete everything04:58
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bedwardstoby - we can get you to the ntfs, but I'm not sure that makes sense04:58
topyliToby: that would the easy way, yes :)04:58
nerdgirlreka: you sure?04:58
rekayep :)04:58
h08817anacron: one more thing if i take a hardrive out of a computer that has windows on it and i take it out and put a hd in and install linux on it and then take out the linux hd and put the windows one back in will the computer work?04:58
rekanerdgirl: then replace it with this: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/59404:58
rekanerdgirl: i just entered your monitor rates which were missing04:59
tankianto9us, true04:59
TobyI think it would be simpler to get it again.  Not sure what to do with it when I have though04:59
rekanerdgirl: in the "Monitor" section04:59
topyliToby: anyway, you can mount the disk with something like "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt" to get root-only read-only access04:59
anacronh08817: it should work, yes04:59
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h08817anacron: wasn't sure b/c of linux reading all drives and stuff like that and setting things up04:59
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h08817anacron: maybe i'll just do that if i can't find a bios upgrade05:00
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topyliToby: once you have the package, you do "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb"05:00
anacronh08817: why you need an update?05:00
mophatuhg.. totem05:00
rekanerdgirl: after you've replaced it.  save the file, close, then restart X with a ctrl+alt+backspace05:00
TobyOK thanks for that info - will give it a try05:00
h08817anacron: b/c when i put in my ubuntu cd to install it i get a weird error05:00
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anacronh08817: install from internet?05:01
bedwardsare you cool toby?05:01
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h08817anacron: how can i do that?05:01
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anacronh08817: well that's not my area :D, ask someone else05:01
h08817anacron: i burned the iso image of ubuntu onto cd05:01
Panzerboy!info mono05:01
ubotumono: (The Mono .NET development environment), section universe/interpreters, is optional. Version: 1.0.5-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 1 kB, Installed size: 36 kB05:01
h08817anacron: then tried to boot to it and got isolinux: extremely broken bios05:01
deviosanyone know if/when gaim will ever get transparencey support?05:02
nerdgirlalright.  This'll probably bump me off, but I'll be back in a moment.05:02
anacronh08817: could it be that your cd is broken05:02
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h08817anacron: no it can't because i can get it to boot on this computer right here05:02
Garrisonnforce2 audio on my box was a bitch. nforce2 audio on sh0k's box isn't much better. :'(05:02
h08817anacron: so that is kinda why i was wondering if i could swap hd's for the moment05:02
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mophatplease hlp05:02
NerdGirlreka: Thanks.  that did it.05:03
anacronh08817: well if i was you, i would definetly try that too05:03
topylih08817: i seem to remember you should have a DOS boot disk and put the bios update on it. then run the update program05:03
langenbergHow can I reinstall the nvidia drivers when I've installed a new (stock) kernel?05:03
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Garrisonlangenberg; modprobe nvidia05:03
rekaNerdGirl: cool.  save the xorg.conf file somewhere05:03
NerdGirlwill do.05:03
topylih08817: different mobo makers probably have different methods05:03
rekaNerdGirl: in case you resintall, you can just copy it over05:03
langenbergGarrison: that'll compile the drivers again?05:03
Panzerboyhey all05:03
Garrisonlangenberg; no that'll tell us if it's available05:03
anacrontopyli: that's kinda hard if you don't have the bios image05:04
Garrisonor loaded05:04
rekaNerdGirl: instead of coming back here ;)05:04
langenbergroot@tails:~ # modprobe nvidia05:04
langenbergFATAL: Module nvidia not found.05:04
langenbergIt's not ;)05:04
Panzerboyany idea if there is a package containing the perl module XML::Parser?05:04
weiersHi. Our IT guy got me a new pentium 4 computer. I installed windows on one harddrive and then I installed a second harddrive for ubuntu. The ubuntu installation went fine. I asked it to install GRUB on the master boot record. But when I restart, it boots directly into windows xp without an option. How can I set up GRUB to see ubuntu on the other hard drive?\05:04
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rekaNerdGirl: but the gist of it wast that your monitor wasn't configured properly at install05:04
h08817anacron: ur sure that it won't hurt my windows to take it out and put another hd in to install linux and then remove it05:04
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benjaminwrdoes anyone know why gdesklets page has been down for so long?05:04
topylianacron: i'm probably confused, but that would be placed on the dos floppy i guess...05:04
Garrisonlangenberg; do you still have the installer?05:04
NerdGirlreka: I'll have to look over what you changed, because I spent a couple hours messing with xorgconfig last night, and the thing registered that I was capable of the different video modes, but wouldn't actually allow me to change my resolution05:05
deviosweiers: I did exactly what you are tlaking about and it worked fine.  hda = windowsxp, hdb=ubuntu.  grub installed to mbr on hda.05:05
langenbergI wanted to do it the 'debian-way', but if that won't work I'll use the one from nvidia.com05:05
anacrontopyli: but he don't know what is his motherboard, so he can't possibly get one05:05
topyliah well :)05:05
anacrontopyli: so your going to copy your windows to other drive or what?05:05
langenbergGarrison: Isn't it apt-get'able ?05:05
anacrontopyli: not you05:05
GarrisonI believe so05:05
weiersdevios, what can I do to troubleshoot it? I've now installed ubuntu twice?05:05
anacroni meant h0881705:05
rekaNerdGirl: it wouldn't..05:05
rekaNerdGirl: you did the right thing by puttin 1280 in there05:05
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deviosweiers: i dunno... is the grub boot menu not coming up?05:06
h08817anacron: no i have windows on this hd nad i want to take out the hd b/c i know this comptuer will boot to the linux cd05:06
rekaNerdGirl: but without the rates (HorizSync  and  VertRefresh)05:06
weiersdevios it does not come up at all.05:06
rekaNerdGirl: it won't change05:06
h08817anacron: and i have a different hd i want linux on05:06
Garrisonlangenberg; i believe os05:06
rekaNerdGirl: cos it chooses the safest res....640x48005:06
deviosweiers: then it's not being installed to the mbr of hda05:06
NerdGirlreka: thing is, I kept giving it the rates.  but it never wrote them to the file, even though I kept telling it to .05:06
h08817anacron: i just wanted to know for sure that when i remove that linux hd and put the windows on back in if windows will still work05:06
weiersIs it possible that I somehow installed the harddrives wrong05:07
anacronh08817: of course it will05:07
h08817ok just checking05:07
langenbergGarrison: I don't remember if I used apt-get or the nvidia-installer when I setup that box. Now I just changed the kernel, and the module can't be found (like duh :P).05:07
anacronh08817: or it should, you can't be ever sure with pc's (like with mac you can)05:07
Garrisonyou could manually place the files where they belong.05:07
weiersdevios, is there a way for me to just install GRUB without installing the whole ubuntu?05:07
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h08817anacron: but then will my linux will it work in another computer or will it just not work b/c settings will be different from its installation computer?05:08
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Garrisonlangenberg; do a  'locate nvidia' and copy everything from the old kernel dir, into the new one, and edit the config files it made05:08
deviosweiers: yeah... it's likely that you are installing grub to hdb or hdb1 instead of hda (Where windows ntfs partition is hda1)  it's also possible that you forgot to make hdb1 bootable (your ubuntu /boot partition)05:08
anacronh08817: youll have to check out what it will say05:08
jonoanyone know how to take a screenshot that includes the mouse cursor, or, anyone know where the hand mouse cursor in firefox is stored05:08
rekaNerdGirl: imo, xorgconfig is dodgy anyway05:08
Garrisonlangenberg; but I'm really sorry, I dont have time right now, I've got a kernel I have to test and bug-fix. :-D05:08
Garrisonlater all05:08
langenbergGarrison: .. nah, I'll try the installer from nivida.com first.  :)05:08
benjaminwrdoes anyone know why I can't add any launchers to the GDESKLETS launchbar??05:08
h08817anacron: ok thanks for ur help i think i am going to try the "swap"05:08
weiersI'm quite sure I made my ubuntu / partion booteable05:09
rekaNerdGirl: you're right though...if you input rates, it should have written them in05:09
anacronh08817: good luck05:09
langenbergGarrison: OK, well thank you for your time :)05:09
NerdGirlreka: now all I'll have to do is configure the side buttons on my mouse for back and forward on the browser.  Don't worry, I know I managed to do it with my old, dead trackball in Slackware once.05:09
Garrisonlangenberg; sorry i couldn't give more, if i did the kernel right, i'll be right back. :-D05:09
rekaNerdGirl: righto then...good luck with that05:09
deviosweiers: you could probably boot up into recovery mode from the cd, chroot into your ubuntu environment, then install grub manually, but I think you should probably just reinstall until you get it right to avoid nuking your winblows installation05:09
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SkrotHi. I05:10
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Will_HARRY POTTER!!05:10
deviosHAIRY POOPER!05:10
rekaNerdGirl: maybe you didn't run xorgconfig as sudo.....so you didn't have permission to overwrite the old one05:10
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NerdGirlI ran it as sudo.05:11
benjaminwrdoes anyone know why I can't add any launchers to the GDESKLETS launchbar??05:11
chaps0063hello all.05:11
weiersdevios the only option I get when installing ubutu is to install grub with a reference to Windows and Ubuntu. So the only thing that I could possibly try to change is the partitioning. Do you think it is likely that that will help... then I will do it05:11
SkrotI've got some problems with sound: I've got two soundcards (one built-in, one Creative card using emu10k1). I've defined the emu10k1 card as default in alsa (/etc/asound.conf), and it's the one that's found in alsamixer. But I don't get any sound from it.. where do I start to debug? Playing files with aplay don't give any errors..05:11
rekaNerdGirl: ah.  i'd avoid using it anyway.  in my experience in adds a lot of extra stuff.   best to just tweak the default one ubuntu gives you05:11
SkrotPCM and Master is not muted btw.05:12
rekacrimsun: ping05:12
deviosweiers: I am not the person to rely on for that decision - I have /dev/hda MBR = grub, /dev/hda1 = ntfs, /dev/hdb1=/boot (bootable), /dev/hdb2=swap, and /dev/hdb3=/05:12
weiersdevios, just a question, I now have one of these new motherboards that uses a very thin red connector to link up to the harddrive (ATA?) on which windows is. But my Ubuntu harddrive is still on one of the thick IDE cables, shared with the DVD-rom. (Jumper set to cable select)... those settings won't have anything effect on the booting and instalilgn of grub.05:12
rekaSkrot: you can ask crimsun when he's active.....he's #ubuntu's sound guru05:13
TobyIt says there is no such file or folder ...05:13
bedwardsserial ata05:13
deviosweiers: that means your windows disk is SATA and it's probably /dev/sda and your ubuntu is probably /dev/hda or /dev/hdb...05:13
weiersdevios, it think you are right05:14
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NerdGirlreka: anyway, thanks a lot!05:15
deviosweiers: SATA = small red = Serial-ATA = SCSI = sdx...    PATA = wide ide ribbon cable = Parallel-ATA/EIDE = IDE = hdx05:15
deviosweiers: so you need to install grub to MBR of /dev/sda05:15
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rekaNerdGirl: no probs05:16
rekaNerdGirl: liking ubuntu so far?05:16
NerdGirlas long as I'm here, anyone have any luck getting a Tungsten E to work in ubuntu?  Haven't had much luck trying to work palms in linux in the past, but if I can get it to work, I might be able to ditch XP almost entirely.05:16
NerdGirlreka: now that I can see more of it, yeah.05:16
weiersdevios, I just never soo a MBR partition for /dev/sda... It has a a NTFS partition on which I have windows system installed and a FAT32 partition for data and some undefined space, which I have nto been able to get rid of.05:16
midg3tI seem to have killed the trusted keys in apt, every time i run apt-get update I get the following...05:16
midg3tbzip2: Data integrity error when decompressing.05:16
midg3tThat's for the hoary/universe packages05:17
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midg3tgrabbed from au.archive or archive, turned off my transparent squid cache and get the same result05:17
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weiersdevios soo = saw05:17
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rekaNerdGirl: search ubuntuforums.org for topics while you wait05:18
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NerdGirlreka: One of the best things is that it picked up all my sound settings out of the box.  Never did quite work out sound with Slack.05:18
weiersAnyway, I wall try to reinstall, and hopefully I don't have to come ask again. Greetings05:18
deviosweiers: /dev/sda = MBR, /dev/sda1 = NTFS, /dev/sda2 = fat32 ?05:19
rekaNerdGirl: that's good....a few people have had probs with sound05:19
deviosweiers: /dev/sda is actually the whole physical disk, but the first sector of /dev/sda = MBR05:19
langenbergERROR: Unable to find the kernel source tree for the currently running kernel.  Please make sure you have installed the kernel source05:20
langenberg         files for your kernel;05:20
NerdGirlreka: I know I've seen a lot of sound problems with other distros.05:20
deviosweiers:  /dev/sda1 starts about 63 sectors into sda05:20
langenberg... apt-get install linux-source-2.6.10 isn't suffient?05:20
deviosweiers: actually, the partition table starts there (63)05:20
weiersdevios I will try again and then see what happens. I do not remember seeing a /sda and a /sda1, But I will go and check. If there is a /dev/sda - must I do something to its partitioning to be able to run Grub - or must I just try to point GRUB to it?05:20
PhiniteI'm having a problem with my wireless and WPA.  how can I get a list of other SSID's in range and attempt to connect to one of them, just to test everything else?05:20
deviosweiers: i think you need to install grub to /dev/sda05:21
midg3teven after completely removing /var/lib/apt/lists i still get the error. presumably there's a key i need to remove from /etc/apt/*.gpg, but i don't know how05:21
midg3tErr http://au.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main Packages05:22
midg3t  Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)05:22
weiersthanks devios, I am going to try - all that I know is that ubuntu never asked me where grub should be installed to = it just said do you want to install grub to the master boot record. I wonder what will happen if I say no.05:22
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Tobybedwards : I tried to run the command mentioned but it says there is no such file or folder (the file is on the desktop)05:22
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rekaweiers: er, it won't install it to the mbr ;)05:23
weiers:-) reka.... will it then boot into Windows or into Ubuntu next time?05:23
Garrisonkernel panic : VFS : unable to mount root filesystem  (yes, I appended root=/dev/sda1)05:23
Garrisonany ideas05:23
SkrotGarrison: compiled new kernel?05:23
weiersreka - or will it ask me to install it somewhere else?05:23
SkrotForgot support for your filesystem?05:23
GarrisonSkrot; I think I forgot cramfs and VFS and whatnot05:24
GarrisonSkrot; sucks too, because i was down to 100k :'(05:24
midg3tand scsi support too... though i guess that probably comes by default05:24
SkrotThen thats probably it :p05:24
deviosweiers: what's probably happening is that ubuntu considers /dev/hda as disk1 and windows and your system's bios considers /dev/sda as disk1, so ubuntu is installing grub to /dev/hda MBR, so your bios isn't finding it.  instead, your bios is finding the windows bootloader code on /dev/sda MBR05:24
rekaweiers: honestly...dunno, probably would ask you05:24
SkrotBoot from a rescue-disc and recompile the kernel again with built-in support for the filesystem your rootpartition uses05:24
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weiersdevious... I won't be surprised if that is the case... Now I wonder how I could change it.05:25
GarrisonSkrot; it's Ext3, which was built into the kernel05:25
spikeI'm havin issues with ubuntu and latex05:25
spikeI was working on this tex on debian sid, and everything was working fine. here the tex compiles but then dvipdf/ps whatever doesnt work05:26
spikeand even watching the dvi with xdvi boombs05:26
deviosanyone know if you can change the disk to which ubuntu installs grub via some advanced grub configuration or something?  weiers may have identified a 'problem' with the ubuntu install process...05:26
hybrid_gothhow do you open and change tabs in w3m05:26
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deviosweiers: you may HAVE to manually install grub...05:26
rekaspike: using the executables in tetex-bin05:27
rekaor a different latex package?05:27
spikereka: tetex-bin, yes05:27
deviosweiers: I bet if you disconnect /dev/sda, you'll be able to boot into ubuntu...05:27
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Garrison"Bush talking about business is kinda like having a leper give you a facial, it doesn't really work.." -- Robin Williams05:27
spikereka: I've just installed ^latex*, so I got everything I think05:28
rekaspike: any error messages?  or it just crashes?05:28
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spikereka: read above, "here the tex compiles but then dvipdf/ps whatever doesnt work"05:29
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spikereka: I got no errors compiling the take, but non of the apps will open the dvi/pdf/ps05:29
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spikereka: I can't convert it to anything, and xdvi crashes too05:29
rekaso something like pdflatex produces an "unreadable" file05:30
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langenbergCan anyone help me installing the nvidia drivers, I seem to have some problems.05:31
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langenbergI need to re-install them, but there isn't any module made.05:32
spikereka: actually pdflatex works, but dvipdf and dvips don't05:32
loftusweiers: Can't you boot linux via cd or change bios boot order, then in linux run grub-install /dev/sda (or something similar)05:32
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Di42lowhy doesnt ubuntu update the kernel between the versions ?05:33
frodo24is me or mdk-frodo05:33
frodo24i just installed ubuntu but i can't log as root05:34
frodo24what is the default code?05:34
rekaDi42lo: not sure what you mean, but hoary has been frozen...security updates only05:34
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reka!tell frodo24 about rootsudo05:34
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frodo24password is rootsudo?05:34
frodo24for root05:34
frodo24what is it?05:35
rekaspike: dunno..is pdf satisfactory?05:35
midg3tfrodo24: there is no root password by default05:35
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rekafrank: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RootSudo05:35
midg3tuse the account you set up05:35
NerdGirlreal quick question (shows what a n00b I am): want to update firefox to 1.0.5.  How to I sudo the installer so I can install to /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox ?05:35
Di42loreka: i mean that hoary 5.02 untill 5.02 still have 2.6.10-5-386 ...05:35
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rekafrodo24: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RootSudo05:35
rekasorry frank :)05:35
midg3tNerdGirl: sudo apt-get upgrade05:35
Di42loreka: 5.04*05:35
frodo24why does it install a lot of packages ? and what program do u use as dialer?05:36
spikereka: sort of, I tend to prefer dvipdf output.05:36
Di42loreka: 5.02 untill 5.0405:37
rekamidg3t: 1.0.5 isn't in main/uni/multi05:37
snuffywhy do i get a couple of consoles, help, and music player starting each time i logon? and also i have to manually start nautilus, otherwise i can't right click the desktop, or have a desktop background or icons?05:37
snuffyi'm a noobie05:37
rekaDi42lo: dunno...never knew there was a 5.02 release :-/05:37
midg3ti thought all the important bits of 1.0.5 were backported to 1.0.405:38
rekaspike: dunno really05:38
Di42loreka: anyways...why dont they update the kernel ?05:38
NerdGirlmidg3t: doesn't think I need an upgrade for anything.05:38
spikereka: np.05:38
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Di42loreka: if i would try to update the kernel i would have kernel panic05:38
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rekaspike: maybe try a different latex system from tetex05:38
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msieradzkiintersting topic05:39
frodo24is my 1st user a root?05:39
msieradzkiX is broken in breezy, why i am writing this in X in breezy? :D05:39
rekafrodo24: read the page i sent you05:39
midg3there's my problem. http://rafb.net/paste/results/BWs6Lw40.html05:39
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zenlunaticdoes ubunntu repositories  have non-free software?05:39
kbrooksThe Java page is now completely revamped.05:39
msieradzkiwhen transition in x.org will be finished?05:40
rekamsieradzki: you can ask Seveas when he drops by ;)05:40
midg3tzenlunatic: universe does05:40
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midg3t(i think)05:40
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ubotu[java]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java05:40
tankii hope when breezy goes stable they keep the name05:40
kbrooksNow, there are only 2 methods.05:40
kbrooksCan you guess who did it?05:41
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ed1t!tell ed1t about java05:41
=== reka guesses kbrooks did it
kbrooksreka: Right.05:42
rekainteresting...options are backports or warty05:42
kbrooksDid I satisfy the newbies and power users?05:42
rekanot being a java user....i'll admit i still like seveas' simple instructions: for java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] 05:44
kbrooksyou sure?05:44
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NerdGirlhow do I run the firefox installer with root privledges?05:44
NerdGirlcan't spell05:44
rekanot really...i'm not a java user...so my opinions are moot05:44
kbrooksNerdGirl, sudo05:45
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kbrooksuse sudo.05:45
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NerdGirlspecifically how?05:45
Garrisonsudo command05:45
NerdGirlgo to the directory and sudo then the file name?05:45
rekaNerdGirl: what format does the installer come in?05:45
frodo24ok so i sudo xyz program but still i don't know what password i made or if i didn't made what's the default one05:45
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rekafrodo24: it's *your* user password05:46
Garrisonfrodo24; it's you're users password05:46
ed1tfrodo24, the passwords the same as your user password05:46
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zerI installed breezy on /dev/sda, when i boot it, it doesn't seem to recognize my other harddrive /dev/hda, although it showed /dev/hda on installation. Any ideas?!05:46
frodo24i c05:46
rekaNerdGirl: sudo ./<filename>05:46
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frodo24and is my 1st user a user or a super user?05:46
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frodo24i c this distro is not like all others05:47
NerdGirldoesn't want to run it....  in the directory it's in, did sudo firefox-installer...  command not found05:47
kbrooksubotu, sudopasswd is <reply>Don't know what the sudo password is? It's your password. Also, see RootSudo on the Ubuntu wiki.05:47
ubotuokay, kbrooks05:47
ubotusomebody said sudo was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo05:47
ubotuDon't know what the sudo password is? It's your password. Also, see RootSudo on the Ubuntu wiki.05:47
Bubbling_Zombiesudo ./firefox-installer NerdGirl05:47
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NerdGirltried that already.  just get "command not found.05:47
kbrooksubotu, sudopasswd is <reply>Don't know what the sudo password is? It's your first user's password. http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo05:48
ubotu...but sudopasswd is already something else...05:48
ce33nazer: is it listed in /etc/fstab05:48
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zerce33na: sure, but in /dev there is nothing about hda*05:48
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frodo24and what program i use as dialer?05:48
rekaNerdGirl: need to use ./ to run an executable in the current directory05:48
kbrooksubotu, forget sudopasswd05:48
ubotukbrooks: i forgot sudopasswd05:48
kbrooksubotu, sudopasswd is <reply>Don't know what the sudo password is? It's your first user's password. http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo05:48
ubotuokay, kbrooks05:48
rekaNerdGirl: not sure you should be running it using sudo anyway05:48
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Bubbling_Zombiereka, you should if you wanted to make a system-wide install05:48
iontehi. i just upgraded to breezy. a lot of packages depends on xdpyinfo etc, but there is no such package...?05:48
kbrooksreka: firefox05:48
langenbergHow do I install the nvidia module? apt-get install nvidia-glx does not work.05:48
kbrooksionte, /topic05:49
NerdGirlIt won't install in the usual directory if I don't use sudo.05:49
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kbrookslangenberg, rafb.net/paste05:49
iontekbrooks, i guessed so. still, no workarounds?05:49
rekaBubbling_Zombie: ah, ok05:49
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langenbergkbrooks: ?05:49
rekakbrooks: ?05:49
anto9uskbrooks: that's not true, I think it's the current users password provided they have administrator privelages05:49
langenbergkbrooks: paste whot?05:49
Bubbling_Zombielangenberg, module for x or module for the kernel05:49
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kbrookslangenberg, the apt output.05:50
langenbergBubbling_Zombie: I think I'll need both. X doesn't start (nvidia module missing).05:50
langenbergkbrooks: nvidia-glx is already the newest version. :)05:51
Bubbling_Zombiedid the apt-get install nvidia-glx install something? or is the package not there05:51
Bubbling_Zombiesudo nvidia-glx-config enable ?05:51
CountDownSo, someone told me yesterday that /dev/lp0 was a parallel port, but I'm starting to think it's something higher level than that related to printing.  Does anyone know how to create a parallel port device or install the proper module to do so?05:51
langenbergBubbling_Zombie: I've done that all the time, but still the module can't be found.05:52
Bubbling_Zombiewhich module - the kernel module or the X module -__05:52
zerce33na: So you don't have any idea about my problem?05:52
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langenbergBubbling_Zombie: X prints the error "FATAL: module nvidia cannot be found"05:54
teferianyone using evolution and evolution-exchange in breezy and finding that evolution-exchange doesn't seem to work anymore?05:55
Bubbling_Zombiedid you try modprobin' the nvidia module?05:56
ce33nazer: sorry..no05:56
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Bubbling_Zombiethe module is in the "restricted modules" package of your kernel.05:57
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langenbergBubbling_Zombie: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-k7 - Non-free Linux 2.6.10 modules on AMD K7, these? (yes I have the K7 kernel)06:00
Bubbling_Zombieif you have the 2.6.10 kernel yes06:00
Bubbling_Zombie(you can find out that with uname -a )06:01
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langenbergBubbling_Zombie: and after that, a reboot will be suffient?06:01
Bubbling_Zombieyou don't even have to do that06:02
Bubbling_Zombiejust do (on a terminal) "modprobe nvidia"06:02
Bubbling_Zombieand try starting X06:02
langenbergSeems the nvidia module can be found :D06:02
Bubbling_Zombietry starting x :F06:02
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tankiyeah you should never be in x when you're messing with graphic drivers06:03
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Bubbling_Zombiewhy not tanki?06:03
Bubbling_Zombieit's not like they're gona modprobe themselves -_-06:03
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tankiBubbling_Zombie, you should have them loaded before you start x06:03
Bubbling_Zombieyeah, ok, but upgrading them shouldn't be an issue. Just remove them and prob 'em again06:04
tankifor the same reason you shouldn't force an unmount when you're doing stuff in the directory that's mounted06:04
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CountDownanyone know how to get direct programmatic control of the parallel port pins?06:05
langenbergBubbling_Zombie: Ah thanks man!06:05
langenbergBubbling_Zombie: X started properly.06:05
Bubbling_Zombietanki, of course it's safer. But it isn't absolutely nec. if you know what you're doing06:05
Bubbling_Zombiebe sure to add the module to your startup modules06:05
rekaCountDown: OOI, what exactly are you trying to do?06:06
langenbergIt's going fine, damn, I find myself typing 'emerge' all the time on that box :P06:06
Bubbling_Zombielol, know the problem langenberg - i switched to debian and found out the sude program isn't installed standard06:06
tankiBubbling_Zombie, when dealing with nvidia drivers, you never know06:06
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Bubbling_Zombiei was sudo'ing away merrily all the time ^-^06:06
rekawill__: don't know the words?06:07
tankican throw a seasoned user through a loop sometimes06:07
CountDownreka: I'm trying to use a Macraigor 20-pin Wiggler (a device used to program and debug JTAG enabled microcontrollers) using Rowley's CrossStudio for ARM.06:07
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Bubbling_Zombietanki, sure.06:07
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tankii dont use it anymore so i'm happy06:07
CountDownreka: However, it seems that the parallel port is either tied up or doesn't exist.  Is /dev/lp0 the parallel port?06:07
will__reka: something like that!06:08
Bubbling_Zombieheh. I'm quite happy about my nvidia drivers/card. It beats radeon -_-06:08
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tankisomething unsettling about pluggin in a binary only closed source driver into the depths of a sleek open source enviornment that kept me up at night, sweating perfusely in the fetal position06:08
tankihehe :)06:08
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rekaCountDown: dunno really....i just asked cos the questions you were asking seemed rather technical to my feeble mind :)06:09
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jasontechI believe lp0 is the parallel port... maybe you don't have access to it?06:09
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rekatanki: i guess i'm the only one who doesn't really mind using nonfree stuff. :-/06:10
CountDownreka: Basically, I'm having device driver issues.  I'd like to be able to use cat on a parallel port in the same way it can be used with a serial port (e.g. /dev/ttyS0).06:10
tankireka, dont get me wrong, i'm not a purist or anything06:10
jasontechCountDown: I don't think you can do that with a parallel port... I think they use a different language or something like that06:11
rekatanki: no....i just think it's my windows upbringing...i can't really see anything that wrong with not releasing the accompanying code06:11
CountDownjasontech: That's what I thought, too.  I "sudo chmod 666 /dev/lp0" 'ed it, but then all I got was a port busy error from the program I was using and an input/output error from cat.06:11
tankireka, truth be told, the windows versions of vid drivers, especially for higher end cards are more developed than the linux versions so thats why i gave up messing with it in linux and just got a separate box that runs windows on it strictly for high performance gaming ownage :)06:11
benkong2what does it mean when I get a mandb: warning /usr/share/man/man1/oofice2.1.gz is a dangling symlink from a daily cron job?06:11
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CountDownjasontech: Yeah, you might be right.  I guess that's why they call it a parallel port.  :)06:11
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CountDownjasontech: However, I noticed that /dev/lp0 appears and disappears with the loading and unloading of the lp module.06:12
Bubbling_Zombietanki, but what about transparent toolbars :sop: :')06:12
langenbergBubbling_Zombie: I still don't know the equivalent of rc-update (gentoo) and chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.* (slack) for debian.06:12
jasontechThats why you don't see many parallel port devices, and they always need strange drivers06:12
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jasontechif you are having cabling trouble, I know they have 9 pin to 25 pin adapters06:12
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CountDownjasontech: lsmod reveals that I have lp, parport, and parport_pc modules loaded.06:13
tankiBubbling_Zombie, it's always been a struggle because linux is so perfect for the desktop compared to windows, and some might say even osx.. so it's only natural that we would want to game on it with the same advantage but sadly that wont happen, not with intellectual property rights and big lawyers06:14
langenbergBubbling_Zombie: ah, thanks again.06:14
Bubbling_Zombieyeah, but i'm not talking about games.06:14
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rekaBubbling_Zombie: actually...i saw an xp dekstop that wasn't bad today: http://img346.imageshack.us/img346/686/windowsdesktop1mj.jpg (courtesy of Tiago)06:14
Bubbling_Zombiehell, i use windows myself for gaming. but i still like to use all of the available power of my computer when i'm using another operating system06:14
Bubbling_Zombiepretty ^-^06:15
jasontechCountDown: I am not saying you don't have a parallel port, I am just saying that I think the way they communicate is different06:15
topylibenkong2: i get those sometimes too. i just remove them :)06:15
Heimdall_linuxis there a gnuplot master in the room ? or is there a gnuplot channel on irc ?06:15
jasontechLike the special parallel port drivers for sane06:15
tankiwhat games do you like to play06:15
Bubbling_ZombieGTA, NWN (use linux for that), Morrowind,06:16
Bubbling_Zombieused to be a COD player until the community went kaboom over here -_-06:16
tankidid you hear about that mini-game in GTA san adreas06:16
rekaHeimdall_linux: why not just put the question out there...someone might pipe up.06:16
Bubbling_Zombiewhat mini game. There are so much mini games in that game :)06:16
Heimdall_linuxreka, because it is a little difficult to explain ... :-/06:16
tankihillary clinton is going to sue rockstar games if it turns out rockstar included the code for it06:16
teferithe one that you have to hack the game to see06:17
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teferishe's not going to sue, she's not even going to put a bill on the floor about it06:17
Bubbling_Zombieow _that_ mini game :)06:17
teferiit's all just posturing06:17
teferii'll lay money on it06:17
tankiBubbling_Zombie, there's a sex-game in there, u know when he meets his girlfriend06:17
Aragorn_Guardianhi all!06:17
Bubbling_Zombieyeah, i know06:17
rekaHeimdall_linux: oh :)06:17
Bubbling_Zombiedidn't know it was a game tho :D thought you were talking about the pool and things like that06:17
jasontechAnyone know of a good IRC server where I can talk about cars06:17
jasontechAnd what channel06:18
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Heimdall_linuxreka, yeah... :-/ this is why I asked for a master :)06:18
crimsunreka: pong06:18
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rekacrimsun: hehe06:18
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rekaSkrot: ping06:19
rekacrimsun: Skrot had sound probs06:19
tankiBubbling_Zombie: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4682533.stm lol06:19
crimsunreka: k06:19
rekacrimsun: so i deferred him to you mighty sound guru. :)06:19
crimsunpssht ;)06:20
Mad-boyAnybody knows is there anx wap sites on linux?06:20
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Mad-boyNobody knows?06:21
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delirenice and quiet in here, obviously everyone's stopped trying to upgrade to breezy prematurely ;)06:21
topyliMad-boy: i'd like all sites to have a wap version. web is too painful on my phone :)06:21
rekadelire: no such luck..few people with breezy troubles dropped by06:22
reka*a few06:22
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delirereka: hehe06:22
Mad-boyIs breezy out yet?06:22
=== delire coughs
tankitopyli, i ran into a cool site if you want the link, it's a good portal for surfing the web through your cell06:22
jadugarMad-boy: breezy is currently in development06:23
CountDownreka, jasontech: Seems like I need to remove the lp module and add the ppdev module.  This creates the /dev/parport0 device.  In case you were wondering.  :)06:23
topylitanki: web? ok, let's have a look06:23
Mad-boyI  want06:23
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rekaCountDown: well done06:24
tankitopyli, http://www.iyhy.com/06:24
jasontechInteresting... I'm not all familiar with parallel ports in Linux, never used them06:24
benkong2is there a apt-get search command or something similiar? I can't find anywhere in the docs that says so?06:25
delirejasontech: i'm pleased to have forgotten all about parports06:25
tankitopyli, strips out everything but text and links for better surfing on your cell phone plus it's free06:25
rekabenkong2: apt-cache search06:25
delirebenkong2: yes, apt-cache search <keyword>06:25
topylitanki: nice layout06:25
benkong2reka; delire ; super thanks06:25
jasontechI stick to network printing06:25
rekabenkong2: then apt-cache show <package>06:25
delirebenkong2: then, once you have found a package, apt-cache show <packagename>06:25
delirereka: ;)06:25
rekadelire: now that's teamwork06:26
topylitanki: i have a large display (a nokia commie) though, but this may be fast too :)06:26
jasontechThe only place I have used a tethered printer is in my truck, but that is USB06:26
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sh0kcrimsun: ur here?06:26
crimsunsh0k: ?06:26
delirereka: hehe, however you do realise the only reason you got in there first is due to network latency ;)06:26
rekadelire: or plagiarism06:26
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sh0kGarrison said me u know much about audio & linux06:26
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tankii find even on my large screen it takes forever to load a page06:27
delirereka: muarharhar..06:27
rekadelire: not bloody likely....i'm on a dialup modem06:27
crimsunsh0k: I know a little06:27
sh0ku maybe can help me to get my nForce soundcard get workin?06:27
will__faster typing06:27
delirereka: ;) wifi in a bar here. ok you win.06:27
jasontechAnyone get a Dell Photo Printer 720 working in Linux?06:27
jasontechUbuntu I mean06:27
MilitantDKHi, Is there a mailinglist for ubuntu-users? I've found the sounder list, but don't know if that's the one to use?06:27
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delirejasontech: i think that is supported by gimp-print. then http://localhost:631, add printer and see if you can find it in the list.06:28
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topylitanki: it works! thanks06:28
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delirejasontech: http://localhost:631 might as well be aliased "Printer services". it's a good one-stop-shop for setting up and configuring printers, checking print jobs etc.06:28
jasontechWell, it is basically a Lexmark Z615... I could never make it work in Warty, but I have tried Hoary06:29
jasontechhaven't tried I mean06:29
jasontechI've yet to put hoary on my lapto06:29
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pulkhas anyone idea why setting sensor limits fail on boot with reason "no sensors found"? it works well if I do it manually after boot.06:30
delirejasontech: things are pretty good for linux and printing these days. give it a try and let us know. see http://cups.org and check if it's in the list first however.06:30
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delirepulk: perhaps it06:30
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delirepulk: perhaps it's apm getting in the way or are you using acpi?06:31
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khimura27is there a french on the channel?06:31
delirepulk: does seem odd..06:31
pulki am using acpi06:31
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Will_The French? Here?06:31
Will_*looks under a rock*06:31
Bubbling_Zombieno khimura27 , only english please :)06:31
khimura27it will be harder ...06:31
Bubbling_Zombieheh :)06:31
Will_I'm far too excited over harry potter today06:32
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Bubbling_Zombiei'm sure there is a french ubuntu channel somewhere. But don't ask me where06:32
delirepulk: hmm perhaps it might be a good idea to put it in a /etc/init.d script (a bit annoying though). otherwise is there any interesting output in dmesg?06:32
khimura27do tou know where i could have some help about x window?06:32
pulkit is in an init script06:32
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khimura27thnaks reka06:33
khimura27it works06:33
delirekhimura27: reka's suggestion seems like a good idea. the channel is quite busy.06:33
pulki edited the script so that it writes everything into a log but all I got was "no sensors found"06:33
=== Efwis bbl, gotta run to town and get a new monitor cable
delirepulk: try moving the script to another runlevel?06:33
sJaM#ubuntu-fr is the french channel06:33
tankiis today bastille day06:33
pulkthat could do it06:34
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khimura27i just a noob ...06:34
khimura27sorry all06:34
khimura27i'm moving06:34
delirekhimura27: don't be sorry!06:34
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0677.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Bubbling_Zombieyou can even stay here !06:34
Bubbling_Zombie_AND_ go to the french channel :F06:34
khimura27why not06:35
Will_Why do people assume calling themselves new, newbs or noobs makes them more endearing? 06:35
khimura27can't understand ...06:35
=== jcoxon [~jcoxon@81-178-242-198.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
sJaMbecause it is a good excuse06:35
sJaMto mess up06:35
khimura27my english is poor06:35
sJaMand do stupid things06:35
khimura27mess up?06:35
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khimura27where is my dictionnary ^^06:35
sJaMwhat is a dictionnary ?06:35
jasontechWell, must go work on my gear box in my truck, adios06:36
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delirekhimura27: "mess up" == make mistakes (in english slang)06:36
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rekajasontech: oy06:36
Will_Being new isn't an excuse. Asking for help is fine, and admitting a lack of understanding. But people seem to wear it as a badge, allowing them to be ignorant, and expecting hand holding06:36
sJaMor it wasn't ironically ment ?06:36
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sJaMthat what I ment Will_06:36
tankiif anybody grabs my hand i'm going to scream06:36
khimura27thanks delire06:36
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delirekhimura27: anytime06:37
sJaMbut it is the lack of understanding I think of linux06:37
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tankii have intimacy issues06:37
delirewhat an intimate thing to say06:37
khimura27Will_>i'm new with linuk and ubuntu06:37
sJaMyou don't know what to do06:37
sh0khi, anyone can help me with setting my soundcard properly up? i got a nforce 2 sound card06:37
khimura27so i'm a noob06:37
sJaMand how to do things06:37
benkong2when i issue a route command I don't see localhost or I do see my internal machine address of I am trying to configure mail what did I do wrong?06:37
sh0kmy ALSA isnt working properly06:37
kbrooksreka: command for java again please.06:38
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rekakbrooks: the one Seveas did?06:38
Will_Gah. Nevermind. I'll write a wikipage06:38
rekafor java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] 06:39
tankii can't say wiki with a straight face06:39
=== Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-hem12-6-0-cust227.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
rekakbrooks: changing it?06:39
kbrookschanging what?06:39
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tankiBradly do you have the annual earnings report completed yet? Yes sir, I just updated it on the wiki06:40
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=== tanki giggles
rekai assumed the wiki...06:40
SpecAbout how much space does a standard ubuntu-server install use?06:40
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mumblesi devolged into the wiki ?06:40
midg3tspec, 130 MB ballpark06:40
kbrooksreka: I will.06:41
dataw0lfstop touching my wiki!06:41
midg3ti could be wrong06:41
herzithe ubuntu installation freezes when craeting the ext3 partition on a sata drive with a sempron machine06:41
Specmidg3t: thanks06:41
will__oh dear06:41
rekatanki: we used a wiki for our project...useful tool06:41
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tankireka, what's the difference between a wiki and digg?06:42
rekafour letters?06:42
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Specubuntu failed to autodetect/load BusLogic.o :-/06:43
Spec(on installation cd)06:43
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lesshaste am I right in thinking that ffmpeg can't play/decode real videos?06:44
Heimdall_linuxis there a gnuplot master in the room ? or is there a gnuplot channel on irc ?06:44
mumblesim off for the weekend06:44
tankicu mum06:44
SpecSo ubuntu can easily install on a half gig disk?06:44
rekatanki: so sort of a super-wiki?06:44
tankireka, yeah that's what i'm thinking because wiki came first but it seems digg's are very popular06:45
rekaSpec: 350 minimal, 1.8GB typical06:45
rekaSpec: off the packaging06:45
Spec512 it is ^.~06:45
=== reka needs to read more
rekatanki: first i heard of them :-/06:46
tankireka, i'm getting more into podcasts both audio and video.. less reading than blogs :)06:46
rekaSpec: minimal probably means sever install06:46
Specreka: yeap06:46
=== Gourami [~nick@196-46-162-1.gprs.vodacom.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
tankireka, diggnation.com, systm.org, fromtheshadows.tv, twit.tv, all are sites i visit frequently, check them out you might like them too06:46
tankii'm going to lunch, bbl06:47
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rekaheh....here i am only frequenting slashdot06:47
=== reka definitely needs to read more
GouramiHi all, is it possible to swith one of the workspaces to an external screen and one of the workspaces to the monitor of a laptop ?06:48
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GouramiHi all, is it possible to switch one of the workspaces to an external screen and one of the workspaces to the monitor of a laptop ?06:51
topyliSpec: not much room for data though on that disk06:51
rekaGourami: we heard the first time...if someone knows they'll answer. :)06:52
Spectopyli: I'm only gonna be running stress tests06:52
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Gouramireka: I know someone knows, just waiting for them to speak up06:52
delireGourami: xinerama06:53
delireGourami: kind of ;)06:53
Gouramihmm ind of ?06:53
Gouramihmm kind of ?06:53
delireGourami: xinerama is a slightly different approach, and really extends one workspace across two screens06:54
=== vontrapp is having a most troubling problem with size mismatches
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delireGourami: but the 'workspace' is an extended desktop06:54
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vontrappit seems to be getting more frequent, too06:54
rekavontrapp: trouser-wise? :)06:54
=== delire realises he is hopeless at explaining this.
vontrappi'll apt-get a package and it will complain of a size mismatch and fail06:55
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rekadelire: i thought it was a good description :)06:55
vontrappi _can_ then dpkg -i the package from the partial dir, but that makes me leary06:55
Gouramioh I c, I would like to get a workspace onto another monitor06:56
vontrappi try updating and installing again and again, and still the size mismatch persists06:56
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Discipulusvontrapp, are you using us.archive ?06:56
ALexBOi've some problems with oracle. can anybody help me?06:56
rekavontrapp: might be something with your repo list06:56
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sh0kamixer: Mixer attach default error: No such device06:56
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delirereka: bah ;)06:56
sh0kwhat that means?06:56
apokryphosDiscipulus: I don't think that mirror is down anymore, is it/06:56
vontrappDiscipulus: no, not us.archive, just left the us off06:57
delireGourami: this would be nice, i have never looked into this.06:57
vontrappi was having problems with it a while back06:57
Discipulusapokryphos, as far as I know there are still problems with it, although I could be wrong06:57
vontrappmaybe i'll put it back on now06:57
Discipulusapokryphos, and better to be safe than sorry06:57
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apokryphosDiscipulus: no longer in /topic too...06:57
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DiscipulusI never saw it in /topic ...06:58
Discipulusthey need to add "never say ubuntuguide.com" in the topic...06:58
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=== Discipulus thinks UbuntuGuide should be auto-kickban
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ubotuhmm... ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.06:59
Gouramidelire have you used xinerama, I have tried to man both xinerama and libxinerama (which shows installed in synaptic) but no response06:59
rekaDiscipulus: :)06:59
sJaMand it uses backports standard06:59
rekasJaM: exactly06:59
Discipulusreka, yea, but it isn't kickban for saying it...06:59
delireGourami: yes i have, though years ago. i followed this howto. http://linuxreviews.org/howtos/xfree/Xinerama-HOWTO/en/index.html06:59
sJaMI fell for it also07:00
sJaMand well installed java07:00
dataw0lfDiscipulus: yeah, that's a great idea.  Way to uphold the Ubuntu ideology.07:00
rekaDiscipulus: heh...bit harsh for newbies who mistakenly directed themselves there07:00
Gouramithank you delire07:00
sJaMbut it also wanted to update a lot of other packages07:00
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Virtuall...why isn't there gcc in the default install?07:00
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Discipulusreka, so?07:01
vontrapp... any ideas when alsa 1.0.9 will be in hoary?07:01
Discipulusreka, it should at least be in topic07:01
dataw0lfVirtuall: apt-get install build-essential07:01
AndaresWhat's ubuntuguide.com?07:01
dataw0lfVirtuall: it's not there because of the projected user base.07:01
Gouramiand this time Discipulus started it07:01
dataw0lfi.e., users.  Not developers.07:01
sJaMdo not awake the sleeping dogs hehe07:01
DiscipulusGourami, WTF are you talking about?07:02
Virtuallimo everybody needs gcc07:02
sh0kGarrison: ur here?07:02
=== evilstoy [HydraIRC@83-131-71-2.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
dataw0lfDiscipulus: probably talking about how you're trolling for an argument involving ubuntuguide versus the wiki07:02
Gouramitalking about it just makes ppl ask about it and hence talk about it...shush about it !07:02
DiscipulusVirtuall, it's on the cd07:02
deviosVirtuall: apt-get install build-essential07:02
Discipulusdataw0lf, no, I'm not, I just think it should be in the topic07:02
Virtualldevios, thank you again07:03
=== ginvent [~joseph@adsl-68-125-225-164.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
deviosVirtuall: I've not yet used a compiler since using Ubuntu07:03
rekaDiscipulus: yes, imo it should be in the topic....but a kickban for directing someone there is over the top.....just ask kbrooks...he would've been kiickbanned before he saw the light.  now he's helping people out in here just fine.07:03
Gouramiwhy dont you think to someone who controls the topic07:03
dataw0lfDiscipulus: How about everyone decides what's a best fit for the user who needs help.07:03
Discipulusdataw0lf, minus ubuntuguide07:03
ginventI try to compile a program and get: checking for shared library run path origin... /bin/sh: ./config.rpath: No such file or directory   I have all the things it says it needs installed... any suggestions?07:03
Virtualldevios, well, styles differ07:04
dataw0lfDiscipulus: + whatever makes sense.07:04
devioslol everyone HATES the ubuntuguide in here...  I still think that the wiki lacks adequate explanation for *some* of the useful info in ubuntuguide...07:04
=== m411iq [~m411iq@200-127-22-64.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
dataw0lfdevios: there's irrationality on both sides, we just had to lock a topic on the forums because of it.07:04
m411iqhow do i mount a second har drive?07:05
m411iqhard drive07:05
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deviosdistro policy in general (not just ubuntu) attracts fanatics similar to those of religion07:05
=== Zerboxx [~zerboxx@d57-203-244.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
deviosit's midly amusing when you aren't in the crosshairs.07:06
delireginvent: are you sure you have all the *development* libraries (headers etc), and not just the libraries themselves listed in the README? these usually have '-dev' on the end, eg. libxvidcore4-dev vs libxvidcore407:06
kbrooksreka: kiCKBAN?07:06
dataw0lfdevios: Yes, but ultimatums such as these just turn people away.  And are an incredible clash with the Code of Conduct.  As well as Linux in general.07:06
ZerboxxIs there a place to easily see what hardware is supported by ubuntu?07:06
goldfishon the wiki07:06
ubotugoldfish: I give up, what is it?07:06
Razor-Xgoldfish: ubotu won't solve all yer problems ;)07:07
delireZerboxx: i believe this is on the wiki, yes07:07
deviosdataw0lf: agreed...  however, ever try to deal with the pure jerkoffs in #windows and #winxp channels?  they make the linux people look like saints...07:07
jadedstardevios: lol07:07
m411iqhow do i mount a second hard drive07:07
m411iqi have a problem with fstab07:07
Razor-Xbut, you never know what you can piece together to get working on a Linux machine07:07
Zerboxxthanks for your help delire & goldfish07:07
Razor-Xm411iq: what's the problem?07:07
dataw0lfdevios: I haven't used Windows in about 5 or 6 years, except for administration of a small amount of 2000/2003 machines here at work07:07
goldfishZerboxx: np07:07
=== gigaclon [~gigaclon@68-232-98-224.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xdataw0lf: lucky07:08
dataw0lfRazor-X: Very.07:08
m411iqwhen i mount a secon drive i get an error07:08
delirem411iq: usually i look for the new drive with fdisk -l, create a mount point  and modify /etc/fstab accordindly.07:08
m411iqthat the fs is wrong07:08
Razor-XI haven't used Linux in a few months, but half of our school runs on WinXP the other half on Mac OS 907:08
delirem411iq: what fs is the second hard drive?07:08
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Razor-Xm411iq: and what's the mount command you use?07:08
=== NicP [~NicP_@c211-28-154-116.brasd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
dataw0lfmount -t ntfs /dev/hd<whatever> /mount/point07:09
delirem411iq: have you tried doing it from the command line?07:09
delirem411iq: dataw0lf has the right suggestion.07:09
Razor-Xdon't forget the '-o umask=0222' so that the lay user can use it too07:09
gigaclonis there way to install ubuntu, with the ubuntu CD, and install KDE instead of GNOME?07:09
m411iqyes however i get an error07:09
jafnhow can i make an ubuntu machine to lesson a wins server?07:09
Razor-Xgigaclon: use the Kubuntu CD07:09
deliregigaclon: see 'kubuntu'07:09
rekaRazor-X: we only had 2 macs at our school 4 years ago...for graphics07:09
Razor-Xor get Kubuntu later07:09
jafni mean listen a wins server07:09
m411iqand when i switch it to fat it doesnt mount07:09
Razor-Xm411iq: of course not, it's an NTFS drive07:10
deliregigaclon: you can just go ahead and install ubuntu and then 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop'07:10
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Razor-Xnever heard that one before07:10
delirem411iq: try dataw0lf's suggestion and let us know.07:10
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Razor-Xnew netspeak's been surfacing.... like TMI..... *shrugs*07:10
delireRazor-X: I Seem To Recall07:10
Razor-Xahhh, I thought that was IIRC, If I Recall Correctly07:10
rekaRazor-X: heard of the program 'wtf'?07:11
delireRazor-X: that's about ten years old07:11
Razor-Xreka: nopes07:11
dataw0lfhow about LTJEO ?07:11
Razor-Xdelire: well, it's become deprecated then ;)07:11
=== Nard is now known as Nard|AZ
delireRazor-X: as is IMHO, and IMO07:11
dataw0lf'Let's Just Type Everything Out'07:11
rekaRazor-X: install bsdgames07:11
Razor-XI'm not versed in netspeak, and I won't kid myself I am07:11
Razor-Xdataw0lf: good advice ;)07:11
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Razor-Xreka: are they nice games?07:11
deliremy new favourite is WTFM == Write The F***ing Manual07:11
rekadelire: really?  i still use iirc07:11
delirepepsi: what?07:12
Razor-Xmy peers, on the other hand, talk like "OMG, R U THR?!?1"07:12
goldfishdelire: hah07:12
dataw0lfRazor-X: aolbonics.07:12
rekaRazor-X: you can use 'wtf' to work out wtf people are saying :)07:12
dataw0lfsee, that's what you should be attacking in here.07:12
Razor-Xyeah, sad07:12
dataw0lfnot ubuntuguide.07:12
Razor-Xreka: oh, awesome!07:12
m411iqthe same error07:12
goldfishOMFG LOIKE WTF CYBAR??!?!!?07:12
Razor-Xsee, i'm 15, at my age, we're all supposed to be idiots07:12
delirereka: yep, that's an oldie07:12
dataw0lfa/s/l a/s/l a/s/l?!?!11?07:12
goldfishdataw0lf: :)07:12
Razor-Xdataw0lf: hahahaha!07:12
delirem411iq: paste the error in a pastebin07:13
deliredataw0lf: ;)07:13
Razor-Xok, enough ranting in #ubuntu, offtopic channel's for this stuff07:13
dataw0lfuh oh, fire fightin' time.  bbiab07:13
rekaWHaT AbOuT WheN ThEY TYpe Like thiS?07:13
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Razor-Xreka: even worse07:13
Razor-Xor, the new 1337 dialect, ub3r 133707:13
delirereka: either a nervous disorder in the little finger in their left hand or they are consciously being annoying.07:14
Razor-Xlike, when they use all these unicode characters as 133707:14
Razor-Xfsucking pisses me off07:14
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delireRazor-X: good for passwords however07:14
pepsiRazor-X: j00 4r3 teh L4m3 1F u c4n7 7yp3 L1k3 7h15!@%$07:14
Razor-Xdelire: true that07:14
goldfishpepsi: :)07:14
Razor-Xpepsi: s0rry07:14
goldfishomfg, it's loike being on teh cybarweb.07:15
delireRazor-X: the important thing is to only use the substitution rules *some* of the time, especially in a passphrase.07:15
rekadelire: i've seen people get an irc client that does it for them. :-/07:15
Razor-X! 4|\/| |\|07 \/\/0r76y07:15
ubotuWish i knew, Razor-X07:15
delirereka: lol, true?07:15
m411iqok its in the paste bin07:15
m411iqthe erro and fdisk07:15
Razor-Xdelire: heh, true that07:15
delirem411iq: which one?07:15
Razor-Xm411iq: what's the URL?07:15
rekadelire: yep.  cheetahchat iirc07:15
delirereka: eewww07:16
delirereka: lu5er507:16
rekadelire: meanwhile i've been in here for three hours. :-/07:16
delirem411iq: what was the command you gave?07:16
delirereka: hehe, i hope the weather is shite outside.07:17
rekawell, it's 3am07:17
m411iq mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows07:17
delirereka: ahah. go to bed man07:17
Razor-Xanyone have a nice Dvorak keymap for nethack?07:17
=== vontrapp still gets size mismatch
delirem411iq: type 'fdisk -l | grep NTFS' and paste the output here.07:18
rekavontrapp: i still have a feeling it might have something to do with your repo list.  can you post it to a pstebin?07:18
delirem411iq: or perhaps 'fdisk -l | grep ntfs'07:18
Razor-Xyeah, that would be a nice idea07:18
vontrappwhere's pastebin?07:18
Razor-Xmy sources.list is awesome ;)07:18
Razor-Xvontrapp: read the topic ;)07:19
rekavontrapp: there's one in the topic07:19
Razor-X62 lines baby!07:19
delirem411iq: bah that won't work. you can't grep against fdisk07:19
=== nebo [~nebo@p5481EAB5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
delirem411iq: just 'fdisk -l07:19
goldfishjust do fdisk =l07:19
=== goldfish dies
Razor-Xdelire: you can grep against anything with stdout, can't you?07:19
=== reka shakes head at Razor-X
delirem411iq: and then give the appropriate line.07:19
othernoobm411iq: just do what i told you ;)07:19
=== Razor-X loves cruising with Conkeror
delireRazor-X: yes, it should work.07:20
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=== Razor-X needs his Claritin D -_-
=== poningru hands Razor-X some Claritin D
=== vontrapp suspects ubuntu's apt is checking the size against the wrong repo
vontrappi.e. downloads from ubuntu repo, but checks size against unstable repo07:22
Razor-Xponingru: if only it was real..... if only07:22
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rekavontrapp: i'd remove marillat07:23
Razor-Xvontrapp: URL?07:23
Razor-Xvontrapp: or, at least comment it out07:23
rekavontrapp: and what are those xmission ones?07:23
vontrappthe xmission ones are debian unstable07:24
vontrappi have those pinned at 20007:24
Razor-Xvontrapp: ............07:24
rekaRazor-X: there's a link at paste.ubuntulinux.nl's recent posts07:24
=== Nard|AZ is now known as Nard
Razor-Xaren't you _not_ supposed to have Debian repos?07:24
vontrappi added it to get the latest alsa, which R0x0rS!!07:24
Razor-Xreka: there were two pastebins, wasn't sure which he posted it to07:24
=== blackfrog [~blackfrog@171.Red-81-34-14.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
Razor-Xvontrapp: now, remove it ;)07:24
rekaRazor-X: yep, afaik, it's a no-no to mix debian with ubuntu07:25
rekaam i right people?07:25
=== wolki [~wolki@client418.sg.fr.studentenwohnheim-bw.de] has joined #ubuntu
delireyeeesss reka07:25
vontrappit shouldn't cause a size mismatch for a package downloaded from ubuntu07:25
Razor-Xreka: insofar of what I know, yeah07:25
=== keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
vontrappit's a bug07:25
delirevontrapp: yes it can07:25
Razor-Xvontrapp: yes it can07:25
Razor-Xand can break a lot of your system too07:25
Razor-XDebian != Ubuntu07:25
rekawolki: hello perky07:26
vontrappi KNOW, but it's not the debian package that size mismatches07:26
delirevontrapp: Thou must trust thy Friendly Ubuntu Overlords.07:26
vontrappit's the UBUNTU package that fails07:26
poningruI for one welcom my friendly Ubuntu Overlords07:26
=== quirion [~quirion@ANantes-252-1-23-251.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
rekagotta love kent brockman07:27
poningruhehe so true07:27
vontrappOh Ubuntu Overlords, I humbly request alsa1.0.9 to be available in ubuntu07:27
=== mcquaid [mcquaid@toronto-hs-216-138-233-79.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu
poningruthe ants will get into the equipment07:28
poningruall hail the rod07:28
Razor-Xvontrapp: ask crimsun that07:28
Razor-Xhe maintains the sound packages07:28
=== delire was sure he heard something like "Patience my Child" booming from the heavens
=== nalioth is now known as nalioth_wrkn
Razor-Xand is our Ubuntu sound guru07:28
jadedstaranyone else getting "ftp://ftp.nerim.net testing/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nerim.net_debian-marillat_dists_testing_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)"?07:28
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Razor-Xjadedstar: Marrilat is deprecated07:29
Razor-Xit's suggested to comment/remove it out of your sources.list07:29
delireit's a bloody hard word to type for some reason.07:30
jadedstarRazor-X: Thanks.07:30
=== tombs [~tombs@h141156.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xdelire: that too ;)07:30
=== Razor-X still wants to see a TECO vs ed fight
=== lakin [~lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu
deviosi wish that there was a way to put ubuntu in charge of managing everyone's /etc/apt/source.list file...  it's the most unfriendly aspect of ubuntu that I've dealt with.07:31
vontrappnaughty repo mixing aside, why would apt download one package from one source, and check it against another source, and if that's not what's happening, then what is going on?07:31
dataw0lfdevios: heh.07:31
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kbrooksdevios, synaptic?07:31
deliredevios: do you use synaptic?07:31
dataw0lfI always thought source.list was rather.. simple to use.07:31
dataw0lfvontrapp: shouldn't happen.07:31
vontrappbut it does...07:32
deliredevios: think of synaptic like an eMule for packages and it all makes sense ;)07:32
dataw0lfvontrapp: got a pastebin link for meh?07:32
vontrappfor my sources.list?07:32
dataw0lfof errors.07:32
GrammatonClericdevios: that sounds almost mickysoft-ish07:32
deviosI do, but that doesn't help me when the backports repository in my sources.list file goes belly-up07:32
dj28vontrapp: if you're getting md5sum errors, then there's nothing wrong on your end07:32
Razor-Xdevios: no!07:32
Razor-XI love my 62 line sources.list07:32
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dj28it's a problem with the US repository07:32
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delirevontrapp: i thought you were getting size mismatch errors?07:33
rekaRazor-X: we heard. *rolls eyes*07:33
deviosI think that most people in this irc channel would want to be capable of manual mgmt, but most other ubuntu users would like to be able to download a new sources file when things change...07:33
delireRazor-X: lol. you're insane07:33
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vontrappdelire: that's what it is07:33
Razor-Xdelire: so?07:33
=== _DuDe_ [~Linux@c-24-12-202-69.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
delirevontrapp: any marillat in there, or debian repo's?07:33
Razor-Xmy system hasn't "broked" once ;)07:34
delireRazor-X: good answer07:34
vontrappi've since removed marilat07:34
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delirevontrapp: did you apt-get update?07:34
vontrappbut debian is stillin  there07:34
Gouramiin which package can I find a cure for the common cold ?07:34
rekaRazor-X: not even a tiny bit?07:34
=== reka is disappointed
Razor-Xreka: nopes ;)07:34
_DuDe_Hello there all, I am kinda a Linux n00b, but I need help.07:34
aiohas anyone tried to run luminocity under ubuntu?07:34
teferihm, now the joke's on me07:34
Razor-X_DuDe_: ask away07:34
rekaGourami: chicken-soup07:34
ChurcH_of_FoamYanyone here use kpilot?07:34
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dataw0lfvontrapp: don't worry about the debian repos, delete the partial deb, then try to update again.07:35
teferilet's see how xlibs is broken today...07:35
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delirevontrapp: you shouldn't use debian repo's at all..07:35
Razor-XChurcH_of_FoamY: if my Palm still worked... I would ;)07:35
_DuDe_Ok, first off, does ubuntu have a Shell?07:35
dataw0lfvontrapp: (partial deb in /var/cache/apt/archive, I know you know your stuff)07:35
delire_DuDe_: yes, bash by default07:35
ChurcH_of_FoamYRazor-X why won't it synch with kontact? do you still know?07:35
Razor-XChurcH_of_FoamY: not 100%... no07:35
Razor-X_DuDe_: of course07:36
_DuDe_Where can I find it?07:36
Razor-Xwithout a shell, there would be _no_ GUI07:36
delire_DuDe_: but you can install <cough>zsh</cough> or-some-other-shell if you like.07:36
ChurcH_of_FoamYRazor-X it's weard it lets me backup the data but no synch with kontact >.<07:36
Razor-Xdelire: I was thinking of doing that07:36
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deliretis lovely07:36
_DuDe_Like a shell to use an EggDrop?07:36
Razor-XChurcH_of_FoamY: maybe that's not a feature yet07:36
vontrappsame thing07:36
Razor-XI never organize my stuff... so...07:36
Razor-X_DuDe_: EggDrop?07:36
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Razor-X"organization" is overrated07:36
_DuDe_It is a type of IRC bot07:36
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ChurcH_of_FoamYRazor-X maybe, but do i need to set up kontact first?07:37
Razor-XChurcH_of_FoamY: I'ld think so07:37
dataw0lfvontrapp: alright, try several --fix-missing's, it might eventually get the whole file.07:37
_DuDe_http://www.egghelp.org/shell.htm < The info I got all this from07:37
hybrid_gothRazor-X: whasss up07:37
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delire_DuDe_: yes that is useable by you in Ubuntu07:37
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dataw0lfvontrapp: personally, to me, it sounds like a problem with the repos updating themselves, and you catching them in the middle of that.  I could be wrong though.07:38
vontrappok, i give in, i comment the debian sources, and it happily installs, so basically, when one source has a package of same name as another source, but different size, you get a size mismatch07:38
delirevontrapp: i'd say get rid of all the *non-supported* repo's and then start debugging.07:39
=== delire coughs
=== Weiss [~weiss@modem-3568.lemur.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xhaha, I just met a Mac user in denial07:39
deviosdevios@ubuntu:~$ xcompmgr07:39
deviosNo composite extension07:39
=== dataw0lf slaps delire in the back of the head.
vontrappdevios: add this to xorg.conf07:39
Razor-X"OMG, NO, Mac won't be for x86! Intel will make PPC"07:39
Razor-Xi'm like, no, it's the other way 'round07:39
=== tim [~tim@cpe-66-67-139-238.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== delire dexterously avoids the attempted slap while eating a delicious sandwhich.
vontrappSection "Extensions"07:40
vontrapp  Option "Composite" "Enable"07:40
Razor-Xand then counterproof I gave07:40
hybrid_gothRazor-X: heh07:40
=== Mestapheles [~Captain@d142-179-138-139.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xand he's like "I don't care...."07:40
vontrappnote: for me, it kills x when i run xcompmgr, but you may be more lucky07:40
topyliRazor-X: i'm sure someone will make ppc chips still, and there will be ppc linux :)07:40
Razor-Xtopyli: probably will07:41
=== reka shows delire the bottle of poison of which he put in delire's sandwich
Razor-Xbut, hey, Mac users can stop boasting their ub3r processors, heh07:41
=== stan-am [~nico@OL52-237.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
=== reka dislikes spelling sandwhich
Razor-Xlive with 6 registers, like the rest of us ;)07:41
topyliRazor-X: your mac user can use gnome then =)07:41
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mcquaidnot really ubuntu related just curious if anyone has dealt with software mixing for games like q3/et and teamspeak07:41
Razor-Xtopyli: hah07:41
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deviosvontrapp: anyway to restart x after making those changes without rebooting?07:41
=== WckdKl0wn [~zigzags@h91.227.40.162.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
topylisoothe him with that :)07:42
Razor-Xactually... 8 registers07:42
WckdKl0wnanyone here have experience with unrealircd?07:42
rekadevios: ctrl+alt+backspace07:42
dataw0lfdevios: ctrl-alt-backspace07:42
mcquaidfrom what i've read mmap and fopen support is there now so it should work but can't seem to get it all working together07:42
=== delire 's own stomach dexterously rejects said poison, mixes it into a pagan recipe and produces a new sandwhich which reka finds strangely enjoyable.
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vontrappdevios, yes, just kill it (ctrl-alt-bksp)07:42
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deviosI'll lose all my work if I do that though, correct?07:42
stan-amhello averyone07:42
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Razor-Xdevios: it's suggested you quit all your work07:43
vontrappdevios: yes, save and close all apps first07:43
=== reka certainly finds the sandwhich enjoyable...as a projectile which he throws at delire
stan-amcan anyone tell me how to uninstall jdk??????07:43
Razor-Xquitting my work is as simple as C-x C-c ;)07:43
delirereka: hehe07:43
Razor-Xstan-am: if I tell you, will you tell me why you use more than one '?' ?07:43
Razor-Xdataw0lf: ewww!07:43
Razor-Xstop it, stop it! noooo!!!!!07:44
=== Razor-X shudders in pain
rekahere we go.... Razor-X's gonna start on emacs07:44
stan-amRazor-X: my keyboard is fucked07:44
Razor-Xhaha, no, i'm immune07:44
Razor-XI used to be a vi user meself07:44
dataw0lfZZ !07:44
dataw0lfRazor-X: I use vim.07:44
stan-amRazor-X: a very old one07:44
Razor-Xerrr.... *vim07:44
dataw0lfwell, unless I'm on Tru64, then I use vi07:44
Razor-Xstan-am: ahhh, I understand07:44
dataw0lfand cry quietly.07:44
Razor-Xwell, did you install jdk using apt-get07:44
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Razor-Xdataw0lf: can't you get at least nvi to work on that thing?07:44
stan-amacutally i did ./file after I sh it07:45
stan-ami just followed the instructions in it07:45
=== Slipaway172 [~slipaway1@adsl-211-189-155.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
dataw0lfRazor-X: got more important things to do then port nvi to Tru6407:45
dataw0lflike porting python to Tru64!07:45
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Razor-Xstan-am: then just remove it physically from the HDD07:45
dataw0lf:] 07:45
Razor-Xdataw0lf: hehehe07:45
deliredataw0lf: lol07:46
stan-amRazor-X: just remove the folder then?07:46
stan-amRazor-X: cool07:46
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=== spatel [~spatel@user-0cdvd15.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xwhat's all this hubub about Ruby?07:46
Slipaway172i think that new computers will be slim line. amd is thinking about releaseing a cpu that was designed for laptops also for desktops. then they will be Uber silent and will run cold07:46
Razor-Xbeen hearing it's coming up... Ruby is also the language of RPG Maker XP07:46
dataw0lfPerl users anxiously looking for a way to get something decent, but not wanting to admit to Python programmers that we're right, Razor-X.07:46
Razor-XSlipaway172: what's the fun of a laptop chip on a desktop?07:47
dataw0lfthey don't want to give up all their explicit, weird ass characters07:47
Razor-Xdataw0lf: ahhh, I understand07:47
deliretopyli: Lenovo plan to make a PPC line to the ends of selling Linux desktops. there was an article about this on slashdot recently.07:47
Razor-XI never learned Perl, but I have learned Python07:47
dataw0lfthat looks like Snoopy cursing.07:47
Slipaway172smaller computer quiter, runs colder and with no lost of power07:47
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Razor-XSlipaway172: less modding opportunities, less overclocking opportunities...07:47
topylidelire: oh yeah, the chinese guys. i think i read about that07:48
Slipaway172not so07:48
dataw0lfRazor-X: I made the switch from Perl to Python about 4 years ago, and my brain (and fingers) have thanked me numerous times.07:48
Razor-Xdataw0lf: heh07:48
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Razor-XLaTeX is uber, that I must say07:48
stan-amRazor-X: what was that commando u told me to install jdk???07:48
Razor-XI fell in love with it07:48
=== _DuDe_ is so confused
Slipaway172just buy a bigger case and come up with more creative modds and put a bigger fan/HS on the cpu to overclock.07:48
Razor-Xstan-am: rm -f /path/to/jdk07:48
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Razor-XSlipaway172: but, the smaller the chip, the less overclocking potential07:49
topyliRazor-X: i use lyx/latex and bibtex/pybliographer for everything more than 2 pages :)07:49
stan-amRazor-X: to the downloaded bin or after sh?07:49
Razor-Xbecause it'll use less jumpers and such07:49
Razor-Xstan-am: both07:49
Razor-XSlipaway172: hmmmmm?07:49
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vontrappthere's far too much action in here for my likes07:49
Slipaway172like i said just get a better fan/HS07:49
vontrappthx guys07:49
=== vontrapp [fuglv@falcon.fugal.net] has left #ubuntu []
Slipaway172and use ur bios07:49
stan-amRazor-X: isnt that to remove files??07:50
=== action09 [~action09@rue92-2-82-228-120-222.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-XSlipaway172: do you know the theory of overclocking?07:50
=== _DuDe_ is so lost, Linux is so confusing
Razor-Xby routing the CPU to different jumpers, you can change the clock speed of the CPU itself07:50
Razor-Xif a processor is smaller, it uses less jumpers07:50
Razor-Xa BIOS won't fix that07:50
Slipaway172but still MOST ppl dont OC07:50
stan-amRazor-X: isnt that to remove files??07:50
Razor-XSlipaway172: well, yeah, most people go on the internet and play games07:50
Razor-Xstan-am: you said "delete" did you not?07:51
=== jadugar84 [~jadugar84@12-203-179-26.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
Slipaway172not in my city07:51
Slipaway172browse internt and know NOTHING about computers07:51
stan-amRazor-X: i did delete now im asking that app-get to re-install ir07:51
Razor-Xwell, in most of the world, the average 15-17 year old goes on the internet and plays games07:51
dataw0lfoverclocking is a waste of time.07:51
reka_DuDe_: you'll get most of this stuff sooner or later.07:51
Razor-Xor plays CS07:51
Razor-Xstan-am: ahhhh07:51
deliretopyli: the performance of PPC should not be judged on OSX benchmarks. the Darwin kernel performs quite poorly under high load situations on the PPC.07:51
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Razor-Xstan-am: hold up then07:51
_DuDe_yea, i know07:51
lcddstop overclocking, get a job and buy better hardware07:51
stan-amRazor-X: sure07:51
Will_15-17 was my time of games, avoiding homework and porn.07:51
dataw0lflcdd: agreed.07:51
Slipaway172i did07:51
WckdKl0wnhow would i install a tar.gz file?07:51
_DuDe_I am just so new to Linux07:51
Will_Also irc07:52
Razor-XWill_: i'm 1507:52
dataw0lfWckdKl0wn: tar zxvf file.tar.gz07:52
WckdKl0wni am tryin to setup unrealircd07:52
dataw0lfcd file07:52
Razor-Xand i'm an avid emacs user ;)07:52
othernoobWill_ you avoided porn :o07:52
_DuDe_I got really good at Windows07:52
dataw0lfmake install07:52
Razor-X_DuDe_: Windows is the kiddie pool07:52
Will_Razor-X: I'm 1907:52
topylidelire: might be. i've always had x86 :)07:52
=== _DuDe_ is 16
Razor-XWill_: well, there you are07:52
Will_Razor-X: There I am what?07:52
Razor-XWill_: nevermind07:52
delirelooking at the kernel level optomisations lacking in Darwin on PPC, there are many reasons to believe that Apple consciously degrades performance to boost hardware sales.07:53
WckdKl0wnhow come the folder i untared the file to has a red x on it and a lock?07:53
Razor-Xdelire: there's also the thing that PPC has a shitload of registers07:53
Will_If you are using age as an excuse for ignorance, no dice. There's a 10 year old on /. with an advanced MS qualification... If she can do that, you can learn teh lunicks07:53
reka_DuDe_: start with this: www.tldp.org07:53
delire.. yet another reason to distrust centralised development models.07:53
Razor-Xand the x86 has embarrassingly few07:53
Razor-XWill_: am I using age as ignorance?07:53
_DuDe_I'll look there, thanks07:53
Razor-Xi'm trying to prove against that07:53
hybrid_gothi am 1407:53
Will_Razor-X: Possibly not. I'm using it as a reason to argue07:53
dataw0lfWill_: have you seen a MCP test?07:53
Razor-Xand, when I was 10, I could do a shitload with Windows ;)07:53
topylidelire: windows bloat does the same for intel ;)07:54
Will_dataw0lf: It is not an MCP. Read into the article07:54
Razor-XI switched to Linux at 1107:54
dataw0lfWill_: I could get my dog to pass one.07:54
dataw0lfWill_: Sure it is, it's just a specific type of MCP.07:54
dataw0lfRead up.07:54
Will_Razor-X: I assume by default that people are looking for reasons to be treated with kid gloves. No offense meant07:54
delireRazor-X: user-level thread management is really poor in Darwin however, Darwin pretends to be a microkernel yet is really a monolithic (arguably faster) kernel design.07:54
pepsiyou guys are kinda boring :P07:54
stan-amRazor-X: can you help me with the app-get?07:54
WckdKl0wnhow do i compile something?07:54
Razor-Xstan-am: try a apt-cache search jdk07:54
Razor-XWckdKl0wn: cd /path/to/compilationfiles07:54
Will_dataw0lf: Still. As difficult as say...compiling your own kernel, with instructions07:54
Razor-Xmake sure to install automake, autoconf, and all the dev libs needed for it07:55
stan-amsure ll07:55
Razor-Xthen ./configure07:55
dataw0lfWill_: easier.07:55
Razor-Xmake install07:55
Will_I've had enough coffee to put that 9 year old down. Do NOT try and argue with me07:55
WckdKl0wnrazor-x, this is what i get when i do that  root@zigzags:/home/admin/Desktop/Unreal3.2 # ./configure07:55
WckdKl0wnYou might want to run ./Config or provide some parameters to this script.07:55
WckdKl0wn./configure --help for information about this script07:55
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dataw0lfWill_: I'm not trying.07:55
dataw0lfWill_: I am.07:55
WckdKl0wnand i tryed to do ./config and nothing happens07:55
Razor-XWckdKl0wn: then try ./configure --help07:55
=== julo [~julien@AToulouse-151-1-23-21.w83-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xand, do you have autoconf?07:56
Razor-Xwait... did you get this of CVS/07:56
Will_dataw0lf: Where is your position on this, are you a MCSE holder/do you work in that area?07:56
WckdKl0wnyea there is a autoconf07:56
juloI'm using breezy with a french keyboard and SHIFT doesn't seem to work anymore... Is there a way to fix it ?07:56
dataw0lfWill_: My position is that feeding into MS propaganda probably isn't a good thing to do.07:56
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juloI already had this problem once, and it got fixed by an upgrade.07:56
Razor-Xjulo: Breezy's full of broken crap07:56
stan-amRazor-X: how can i tell if jdk got installed?07:56
Razor-Xstan-am: that doesen't install jdk07:57
dataw0lfAnd I'm MCSE, yes.07:57
juloRazor-X: yes, but that's not what I'm asking :)07:57
=== davidindarlo [~davidinda@ppp0AD0.dsl.pacific.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Will_dataw0lf: I've seen some of the stuff she has done. It's not easy, easy. For a 9 year old.07:57
Razor-XI wanted you to paste that output in pastebin07:57
Razor-Xthat's a list of packages that start with "jdk"07:57
dataw0lfWill_: propaganda.  Again.07:57
WckdKl0wndoes anyone here have experience install unrealircd in linux?07:57
topylioh please guys07:57
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stan-amRazor-X: and how do i? cause all i see is a license agreement and unpacking thing07:57
dataw0lfTaking your news from slashdot, which is being taken from MS PR whores, is the equivalent of eating from a dumpster at a chemical factory.07:58
Will_WckdKl0wn: Tell us your problem07:58
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Will_dataw0lf: I take it from lots of places. Do you think the 9 year old did not pass it? Are they lieing? What is your stance?07:58
Razor-Xstan-am: it should be in the repos07:58
Will_If we are both arguing for the hell of it, we may be here for hours07:58
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dataw0lfWill_: I'm just arguing for the hell of it.07:58
dataw0lfbecause it's what I do.07:58
pepsiWill_: why are you arguing in #ubuntu?07:58
WckdKl0wni cant seem to get it installed07:58
Razor-Xpaste in pastebin "apt-cache search jdk"07:58
Will_dataw0lf: Oh baby, we should take this show on the road07:59
WckdKl0wni guess it needs to be compiled07:59
dataw0lfWill_: can there be clowns?07:59
Will_dataw0lf: And a 1000 elephants!07:59
topyliWill_, dataw0lf: this is hardly an ubuntu discussion anymore07:59
=== HappyFool [~HappyFool@tedo-ip-nas-1-p486.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
dataw0lfand one 9 year old Pakistani girl!07:59
Will_topyli: Point07:59
=== Will_ stops
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Razor-Xgo to #ubuntu-offtopic07:59
teferihmm, I can't seem to figure this out07:59
Razor-Xteferi: figure what?08:00
teferithe new xlibs (-42) in breezy seems broken, and it's not the /etc/X11/xkb problem08:00
Will_Razor-X: Done, thank you08:00
Razor-Xteferi: ahhh... well... Breezy is broken08:00
WckdKl0wnmaybe someone can download it too and walk me through it?08:00
Razor-Xcan't really helpt here ;)08:00
stan-amRazor-X: i got :"libc6-i586 - GNU C- Library:shared libraries08:00
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Razor-Xstan-am: that's it?08:00
teferiRazor-X: i'm well aware of this. i can't seem to figure out what's causing postinst to fail in this case, though08:00
stan-amRazor-X: yup08:00
Will_WckdKl0wn: Why are you unable to do it yourself? It comes with instructions?08:00
dataw0lfthe forums are going to Hell in a hand basket.08:00
dataw0lfand I'm going to lunch.08:00
dataw0lfcya in a bit.08:00
teferii pulled postinst out of the package and poked around, can't seem to figure out where hte failure happens08:01
teferiand, of course, no error message :/08:01
Razor-Xteferi: well... is that the only error message?08:01
WckdKl0wnwill_ i am new to linux.. windows version i didnt have a problem with but when it comes to linux i am lsot08:01
Razor-Xahhh,]  -_-08:01
Razor-Xs/\] //08:01
teferi"postinst exited with status 1"08:01
teferiyeah, irritating08:01
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Razor-Xtry a gdb on it *shrugs*08:01
stan-amRazor-X: what can i do now?08:01
teferistrace gets a little confused by forks08:01
Razor-Xstan-am: do you have Universe and Multiverse in your sources.list?08:01
teferiand i don't want to *think* about using gdb to trace dpkg...08:02
Heimdall_linuxis there a gnuplot master in the room ? or is there a gnuplot channel on irc ?08:02
Razor-Xteferi: hahaha ;)08:02
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: i've used GNUPlot08:02
Razor-Xalbeit, i'm not a master08:02
teferihm. actually...08:02
stan-amRazor-X: i have no clue, how can i find out? ( yes, im the newbiest newbie)08:02
Razor-Xjust used it off-and-on with Maxima08:02
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Heimdall_linuxRazor-X, well are you familiar with 3D plots ?08:02
Razor-Xstan-am: paste the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" to pastebin08:02
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: somewhat08:03
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ
Razor-X(mmmm, real parts of Klein Bottles ;)08:03
Will_WckdKl0wn: There are .debs out there, which may work. I'm having a poke about08:03
crazyhorseanyone can help me with s-ata?08:03
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Amaranth] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Have a question? Just ask! | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | X still broken in Breezy - DO NOT USE BREEZY YET | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com | Ubuntu #1 on all distrowatch boards! | Don't upgrade X past 6.8.2-36!
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by Amaranth
treviis possible make a sist-upgrade from warty to hoary with a cd...?08:03
Heimdall_linuxRazor-X, can I ask you few question though ?08:03
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: go ahead08:03
Razor-Xtrevi: mmmm?08:03
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: again, i've only used GNUPlot through Maxima08:04
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Razor-X(emacs-maxima, to be exact)08:04
Heimdall_linuxRazor-X, what is Maxima ?08:04
stan-amRazor-X: i got some lines there, where does it say what i have08:04
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: a powerful free CAS08:04
Heimdall_linuxCAS ?08:04
Will_WckdKl0wn: You've downloaded the tar.gz?08:04
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0677.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xstan-am: paste all of the output into pastebin!08:04
HappyFooltrevi: you can upgrade from warty to hoary with the hoary install cd08:04
Razor-Xtry this08:04
Razor-Xerrr, paste it08:04
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: Computer Algebra System08:04
Will_WckdKl0wn: And untarred it?08:04
stan-amRazor-X: here?08:05
Razor-Xstan-am: pastebin08:05
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WckdKl0wnyea but i can open the folder unless i am in root terminal08:05
ubotuI guess pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ or #flood08:05
WckdKl0wnand i couldnt untar it in normal terminal08:05
Razor-Xor, read the topic -_-08:05
stan-amRazor-X: what is pastebin?08:05
Will_WckdKl0wn: Download the file as a normal user, to a home directory08:05
trevido I run the hoary installation?08:05
Razor-XWckdKl0wn: sudo chmod 771 /path/to/tar08:05
Razor-Xand then08:05
HappyFooltrevi: hang on, i think the wiki has some info on this08:05
Centaurmy wireless card that was detected in the installation works on my access point at home but at work I can't get connected. Anything I can try?08:06
Razor-XWckdKl0wn: sudo chown -R username:username /path/to/tar08:06
stan-amRazor-X: what is pastebin? or where?08:06
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Razor-Xwhere /path/to/tar is where you untarred08:06
Razor-Xstan-am: read above08:06
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ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ or #flood08:06
Razor-Xif you must08:06
stan-amRazor-X: rite... thnx08:06
ashokplease tell me how to play wmv files08:06
WckdKl0wnchown: invalid option -- r08:06
=== Razor-X wonders how many of you are using mice
Heimdall_linuxRazor-X, well I have a function f(t;xi;T) where t is the variable, xi and T two parameters, I can plot for fixed xi and T the 2D plot f(t), but I'd like to plot f(t;xi) at fixed T, i.e. changin both t AND xi... so I would have some curves on a 3D plot ans I'd like to make a surface with it08:07
ubotuhmm... restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats08:07
ashokgxine doesnt recognize wmv format08:07
=== ajf [~forgue@anthracite.aca.oakland.edu] has joined #Ubuntu
HappyFoolRazor-X: me! :P08:07
weiersok... got Ubuntu installed to dual boot with winblows. Now it does not pick up any sound devices, even though there is an onboard device on the celeron motherboard. How do I go about trying to install sound?08:07
othernoobashok: install the w32codecs08:07
ajfCan I install hoary and use network manager from breezy?08:07
HappyFoolashok: read the restricted url on the wiki (posted by ubotu above)08:07
ashoki have it already installed08:07
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: hmmm.. Maxima would be useful for that, but you'll have to learn a little bit of syntax08:07
Razor-XHappyFool: hah08:07
Heimdall_linuxRazor-X, my input file is formatted as following : t f(t) xi08:07
=== Will_ lags
=== kiwnix [~egarcia@219.red-82-158-154.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFooltrevi: try here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryUpgradeNotes08:08
othernoobashok: then point your player to /usr/lib/w32  (i think )08:08
Razor-Xi'm navigating this IRC channel through keyboard only08:08
Will_WckdKl0wn: Help me to help you. Tell me what's going on08:08
=== mefistofeles will be back
Heimdall_linuxRazor-X, I have no much time to learn and install a new software08:08
WckdKl0wnrazor-x, will_ ok i got it untared in the home/unreal3.208:08
Razor-Xand other IRC channels08:08
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: sudo apt-get install maxima08:08
Razor-Xthat installs Maxima08:08
Will_WckdKl0wn: CD into the directory and read the README file08:08
Razor-Xand, trust me, it's not that hard to learn08:08
rekaRazor-X: so are irssi users08:08
teferifoo, evolution-exchange is still broken...08:08
Heimdall_linuxRazor-X, I can't I'm not root on the machine08:08
Razor-Xreka: _and_ BitchX users08:08
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: ahhhh08:08
HappyFoolRazor-X: I think he just wants to draw some pictures, not learn to use a CAS ;)08:09
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: hmmm, then try #gnuplot, i'm guessing08:09
Heimdall_linuxRazor-X, I have o do this with gnuplot08:09
Razor-XHappyFool: well, what can I do, I use a CAS much more than I use GNUPlot08:09
Heimdall_linuxRazor-X, it seems there is no irc channel for gnuplot help08:09
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: ahhh... hmmmmm08:09
Razor-Xyou can try #maxima08:09
Razor-Xand ask about it there08:09
ashokthe restricted formats has no instructions for wmn08:09
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Heimdall_linuxHappyFool, you're right about pictures ;)08:09
Razor-Xor even #math08:09
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Razor-Xashok: there's no specific instruction on one format, follow all the instructions08:10
HappyFoolashok: if you follow those instructions, afaik mplayer will be able to play (some) wmv's08:10
Razor-XHappyFool: am I the only one who picks up syntax quickly?08:10
Razor-XI learned GNUPlot in like... 4 hours08:10
weiersCould somebody give me a pointer as to how to get Ubuntu to recognise a sound device?08:10
Heimdall_linuxRazor-X, you can see that I already have my 3D plots http://nico.aunai.free.fr/res/T/t.htm but the surface between them is missing08:10
HappyFoolRazor-X: depends how many languages you know08:10
Razor-XHappyFool: i'm guessing so *shrugs*08:11
HappyFoolah. i would say that depends if you've used a CAS before -- i found maple very confusing the first time i used it08:11
bojanhi! i wanted to install netscape, but there is an error message shown: "Couldn't find package libgtk-1.2.so.008:11
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: like I said, I do most of this through the plot2d() and plot3d() functions in Maxima08:11
Razor-XHappyFool: never did08:11
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Heimdall_linuxoh okay08:11
rekaweiers: ask crimsun when he's active08:11
HappyFoolbojan: is there something wrong with firefox?08:11
Razor-Xi'm 15, remember? my main use for a CAS is to observe functions that haven't been explicitly drilled into me08:11
crimsunweiers: ja?08:11
delirebojan: did you apt-get update first?08:11
Heimdall_linuxlooks like I won't find help in here :-/08:11
Razor-Xand to do some limits and stuff08:12
bojanHappyFool: no, firefox works fine08:12
bojandelire: how do you mean this?08:12
weierscrimsun ... I have ubuntu installed, now, but it does not recognise any sound devices. Where do I begin to look?08:12
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crimsunHeimdall_linux: you'll probably have better luck in a gnuplot-specific channel08:12
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Razor-Xin fact, Spivak's chapter on limits are crazy, because he uses functions like "x * sin x" to explain limits08:12
crimsunweiers: lspci -v|grep audio08:12
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Razor-Xand I don't have the trig functions embedded in my brain08:12
WckdKl0wnrazor-x, will_ hahaha i am a moron i forgot that linux fiels are case sensative in terminal08:12
delirebojan: it's best to update the list of known and available packages before installing new software. 'sudo apt-get update' achieves this.08:13
Heimdall_linuxcrimsun, yeah it was part of my first question, 'is there a channel for gnuplot ?' but it looks like there is no channel...08:13
ashokplease tell me where will all the downloaded deb files be when synaptics package manager downloads08:13
bojandelire: yes i did08:13
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Razor-XWckdKl0wn: haha, yeah, it is08:13
rekaweird....what was up with ubotu ?08:13
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La_PaRCaGood morning. I just upgraded from warty to hoary using the repos and now gnome wont start. I get a "warning" when gnome is starting that says "I". Any ideas?08:13
WckdKl0wnrazor-x, will_ lol like i said i am new to linux08:13
HappyFoolreka: maybe cos someone with username 'root' joined08:13
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: or, you can try the GNUPlot mailing list08:13
delirebojan: ok 'apt-cache search libgtk' and install the latest version you can find, and then 'sudo apt-get install netscape'08:13
=== beyond-out is now known as beyond
=== mefistofeles having lunch
weiershi reka ... devios ... I still don't know if I solved my dual booting problem properly, but I went into my bios setup and made the computer boot up from the ubuntu disk instead of the windows disk. Then it found grub. I could not get it to install grub onto the windows disk.08:14
Heimdall_linuxRazor-X, it is too complicated to explain by mail I think08:14
HappyFoolashok: in /var/lib/cache/apt, i think08:14
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Razor-XHappyFool: cos(pi); heh08:14
HappyFoolashok: but you shouldn't need to no08:14
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: not really, you'll be surprised08:14
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delirebojan: i don't know whether it's called netscape in ubuntu (i'm on debian right now)08:14
Razor-Xa lot of patching is fixed on mailing lists08:14
Heimdall_linuxRazor-X, (What I wann do, I mean)08:14
WckdKl0wnrazor-x, will_ what would this mean???...... Would you like to compile as a hub or as a leaf?08:14
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: like I said, try #maxima08:14
Heimdall_linuxah I didn't see that :)08:15
bojandelire: yes it is, i'm trying the search now08:15
deviosweiers: after booting into ubuntu, you might be able to manually install grub to the other disk...08:15
Razor-XWckdKl0wn: i'm assuming, you would want to compile as a leaf08:15
Razor-Xbut let me google that08:15
=== Howitzer [~adrian@102-56.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
loftusRazor-X, use octave with gnuplot. Useful if you do more maths later aswell.08:15
crimsunreka: the bot says that whenever a client with an ident of *root@ joins08:15
Heimdall_linuxRazor-X, it is not a channel :-D08:15
topyliashok: /var/cache/apt/archives08:15
Howitzeri'm sick of the fact that Firefox is such a memory hog08:15
WckdKl0wnhowitzer, install opera then08:15
rekacrimsun: ah. :)08:15
WckdKl0wnhowitzer, thats what i use and there is a big difference08:15
rekacrimsun: first time i've seen it.08:15
Razor-XHeimdall_linux: ok then, #math ;)08:15
Howitzerdoes anybody know a VERY similar browser, but less resource-needing?08:15
Razor-Xloftus: what's the difference between Octave and Maxima?08:16
La_PaRCaGood morning. I just upgraded from warty to hoary using the repos and now gnome wont start. I get a "warning" when gnome is starting that says "I". Any ideas?08:16
crimsunHowitzer: epiphany? galeon? dillo? opera?08:16
weierscrimsum: I typed that command lspci -v|grep audio. the command line just moved on without seeming to do anything.08:16
Razor-XWckdKl0wn: here we go08:16
crimsunweiers: ok. What computer?08:16
HappyFoolRazor-X: octave is for numerics; not a CAS, more like matlab08:16
Razor-Xare you going to be an individual server?08:16
bojandelire: thx a lot. it works now08:16
weiersPentium 4,08:16
Razor-XHappyFool: then, there's no point, really...08:16
weierscrimsun : P4, celeron08:16
Razor-XI deal much more with Algebra than I do with numbers themselves08:16
HappyFoolRazor-X: heh. i use matlab every day ;)08:16
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delirebojan: no problem, sometimes you just need to install the latest version first ;) (very rarely though)08:17
CentaurIs there a way to upgrade a driver that ubuntu installed?08:17
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weierscrimsun: onboard sounddevice08:17
crimsunweiers: onboard sound, or...?08:17
rekaLa_PaRCa: can you get to console?08:17
La_PaRCareka, yeah08:17
crimsunweiers: ok. Please paste the output of lspci -v onto the pastebin in the topic08:17
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WckdKl0wnrazor-x, individual server a leaf?08:17
bojandelire: ok :-)08:17
lenoxmoserver irc.cl08:17
Razor-XWckdKl0wn: then use leaf08:17
ashoknope is not available happyfool08:17
Razor-XWckdKl0wn: no! not yet, no!08:18
HappyFoolashok: i don't understand? what do you mean?08:18
Howitzerthe package opera doesn't exist and when i do apt-cache search, i get +500 files :/08:18
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Razor-Xuse hub, my bad!08:18
rekaLa_PaRCa: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:18
delire'apt-cache search nope' hmm same here.08:18
Razor-Xif you're not going to link to other servers, use hub08:18
rekaLa_PaRCa: and have a look for errors08:18
WckdKl0wnhowitzer, go to opera.com/downloads/08:18
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cikilinhello and help08:18
atevesis there a nice editor for linux supporting ruby syntax highlighting?08:18
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rekaLa_PaRCa: although it might be that you just need to reconfigure08:18
La_PaRCareka, doest exist08:18
topyliHowitzer: only opera.com provides opera AFAIK08:19
HappyFoolateves: emacs maybe? (i presume there's a ruby mode)08:19
atevesi'll give it a try08:19
La_PaRCareka, if you could point me in that general direction08:19
Will_cikilin: Tell us what is wrong, please?08:19
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cikilinmy ubuntu is crazy08:19
HappyFoolateves: otherwise vim is a standard hacker editor, and you could look at eclipse, if it has a ruby plugin08:19
rekaLa_PaRCa: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup08:19
HappyFoolthat would be the Crazy Camel release?08:19
rekaLa_PaRCa: to make a backup copy08:19
HowitzerBuy Opera08:19
La_PaRCareka, ok08:19
Howitzer    * you get more browser area by removing the ad-banner08:19
ateveseclipse is my personal enemy :D08:20
cikilini started up the system and the mouce start playing and opening windows08:20
Razor-Xyeah, Opera is awesome08:20
=== lenoxmo [~lenoxmo@as5300-s15-239.cnt.entelchile.net] has joined #ubuntu
rekaLa_PaRCa: then: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:20
Howitzeryou get ads IN your browser?08:20
lenoxmoserver irc.cl08:20
Bubbling_ZombieHowitzer ?08:20
topyliHowitzer: yep08:20
weierscrimsun ... my first experience in using the paste bin. I hope I did it right, quite a bit of data ... pasted it under my name, weiers08:20
La_PaRCareka, will do08:20
ed1tHowitzer, yea in opera08:20
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Bubbling_Zombie\o/ fellow games.telenetter \o/ /o\08:20
ed1tnot in firefox08:20
crimsunweiers: k08:20
cikilini havnt controil for a min08:20
Howitzerdoes anybody know how to theme your mouse?08:20
Razor-XHowitzer: don't tell me you're a "OMG I hate costly stuff!" person08:20
ashoki mean.. if i want to take a backup of all the downloaded deb files in a cd and later use it, where shld i find them ?08:20
Razor-Xremember, free is libre, not beer ;)08:20
Howitzeri'm not08:20
deanyou can use scite for ruby editing too08:20
cikilinwill any ideea?08:20
Howitzeri WOULD py for quality things if i COULD :(08:20
crimsunweiers: you need to compile the snd_azx driver from universe's alsa-source08:21
crimsun!tell weiers about alsa-source08:21
La_PaRCareka, this might be why. There is no Xorg.conf there. *wince*08:21
topyliHowitzer: by installing mouse themes :)08:21
Razor-XI have $100 USD saved up...08:21
Bubbling_ZombieHowitzer, you're using gnome i s'pose?08:21
Razor-Xwonder what i'll buy... hmmm...08:21
rekaLa_PaRCa: :)08:21
Howitzertopyli, and how do i do that?08:21
Howitzeryes i do08:21
HowitzerBubbling_Zombie, !!!!!!08:21
Razor-XI was thinking a Das Keyboard08:21
Bubbling_ZombieHowitzer !!!!!!!!!!!08:21
cikilinis doing again08:21
topyliHowitzer: go to art.gnome.org or someplace and get a theme. install and change08:21
Razor-Xbut.... the keyboard weighs the Ctrl key at 60 grams08:21
Razor-Xwhich may hurt my emacsing08:21
rekaLa_PaRCa: it's xorg.conf btw....case matters08:21
La_PaRCareka, weird... the package xserver-xorg is not installed08:22
Will_Gods, why am I lagging so. I'm getting stuff in bursts08:22
rekaLa_PaRCa: the big X is for the log08:22
rekaLa_PaRCa: ah08:22
jasontechAnyone know why I get assembly gnome-sharp could not be loaded when I try to run f-spot?08:22
La_PaRCareka, it wasnt supposed to do that tho08:22
rekaLa_PaRCa: sounds like you need to isntall that then.08:22
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La_PaRCareka, I dont get it... then how am I running XChat?08:23
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jasontechIf that was a "global" message, why didn't I get it in other channels?08:23
rekaLa_PaRCa: lol08:23
rekaLa_PaRCa: you must still have warty's xfree86 or something08:23
La_PaRCareka, I guess XFree is still there...08:23
HappyFooljasontech: was sent to you, not the #. I think x-chat shows 'global' messages in the current window08:24
topyliwhy does my gnome-terminal always crash when i ssh to a sunOS server?08:24
Bubbling_Zombiejasontech, it was a "notice" send to everyone. Not every channel08:24
weierscrimsun your !tell command has sent me a bunch of greek (at least... that is the one language I don't really understand) ... but I will go and try.  Is there any reason why I cannot use synaptic to find the snd-azx package and install it?08:24
La_PaRCareka, I am having trouble connecting to the hoary repos as it is.08:24
crimsunweiers: because you have to compile yourself08:24
crimsunweiers: the instructions are in that message08:24
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rekaLa_PaRCa: i'll have to leave you in the capable hands of the other people in #ubuntu.  i have to go08:24
jasontechWell, I haven't used IRC in 5 years, so its been a while08:24
rekagood luck08:24
crimsunweiers: just copy and paste that command (starting with sudo) into your terminal08:24
rekapeople! help out La_PaRCa08:25
La_PaRCareka, thanks a lot, have fun.08:25
rekaLa_PaRCa: yeah..going to sleep :)08:25
WckdKl0wnrazor-x, ty for ur help08:25
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HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: what's the problem?08:25
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jasontechSo no one can help me with gnome-sharp and f-spot?08:25
weierscrimsun: ok... I will try to shelve my fear for the unknown and do it, will hopefully get back to you if there is a problem. Thanks for the help08:26
La_PaRCaHappyFool, um, I upgraded from warty to hoary using the repositories, but XOrg didnt install, so I am on XFree, but now gnome wont start.08:26
La_PaRCaHappyFool, that, and I cant connect to the repositories because my connection sucks.08:26
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HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: you cannot connect or it's just really slow?08:26
Howitzeroh damn mn08:26
Howitzeri need more RAM08:26
hmrochai'm using postfix as an mta08:26
hmrochaWhat pop/imap server do you recomend me?08:27
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La_PaRCaHappyFool, no way to tell. Could be either.08:27
Razor-Xhmmm... how can you fit like... 2 pages on one page08:27
La_PaRCaHappyFool, its staying at 0% forever08:27
Razor-Xi'm forgetting... there was something for that....08:27
topylihmrocha: dovecot08:27
The_Voxhmrocha: I like courier.08:27
The_Voxtopyli: I haven't tried dovecot...is it worth it?08:28
HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: hmm08:28
=== wims [~wims@ti211310a080-13421.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: what sort of system do you have?08:28
HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: and how did you do the upgrade? CD or over the net?08:28
topyliThe_Vox: well, it's light, simple and secure08:28
topyliThe_Vox: my server has two users :)08:28
wimswhat's the apt-get line for installing gcc ?08:28
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La_PaRCaHappyFool, Athlon XP, on some generic mobo, and over the net.08:28
HappyFoolwims: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:28
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wimsHappyFool cheers08:29
Howitzeri'm off to take a dump08:29
Bubbling_Zombielol :')08:29
La_PaRCaHappyFool, oh wait, it just updated. :)08:29
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HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: ah?08:29
The_Voxtopyli: oh, 2 users :) my smallest mail server has 2,000 :)08:29
La_PaRCaHappyFool, so the repo thing is out of the way.08:29
La_PaRCaHappyFool, now, I just have to get gnome working.08:29
HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: so now the only problem is that you have old X?08:29
HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: ok, can you put your /etc/apt/sources.list up on the pastebin?08:30
atevesi recently installed vim-gnome via apt. but how can i start it?08:30
La_PaRCaI cant tell you whats there.08:30
Bubbling_Zombieateves, gvim08:30
topyliThe_Vox: heh. i don't know what dovecot can handle. check out dovecot.org, they're pretty honest :)08:30
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atevesBubbling_Zombie: thx. i tried "vim-gnome" all the time08:30
HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: sorry, i don't understand that08:30
=== mefistofeles im back
La_PaRCaeverything up to multiverse. had to comment uot security for now because that was the one giving me problems.08:30
HappyFoolateves: maybe 'gvim'08:30
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HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: and you're sure it's hoary, not warty?08:31
jasontechnevermind, I just needed to install gtk-sharp08:31
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hmrochaAnd Qpopper pop3 server?08:31
minhi, can somebody help me with esd?  the wiki describes what to do, except that it breaks off in the middle of a sentence08:31
La_PaRCaHappyFool, I told vim to replace all instances of warty to hoary, and I checked it by hand again, so yes.08:31
HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: ok, and maybe comment out the cd line as well (at the top)08:32
cmtheoryquestion: how do i change the permissions of all files and folders on a drive... is there a option 'chmod 777' that does all the content in the folder?08:32
La_PaRCaHappyFool, done as well.08:32
devioschmod -R 77708:32
HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: hmm. ok, so what happened when you did dist-upgrade?08:32
HappyFoolcmtheory: yes, but do be careful -- don't change permissions of /usr, for instance08:32
La_PaRCaHappyFool, went without a hitch, and then X got hose because of some shared library, so I did ldconfig, and now X starts but gnome is dead. Very dead. It just gives me a warning dialog without any text.08:33
Howitzerwhat does chmod do?08:33
hybrid_gothchange moderator08:33
deanchance the permissions on a file08:33
hybrid_gothchown changes ownership08:33
deane.g. so people can't read or write it08:33
HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: do you remember which library?08:33
hybrid_gothdean: whats the x arg on chmod do08:34
La_PaRCaHappyFool, um, nope-08:34
HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: you said you had XFree86 still, though, so the upgrade couldn't have been complete08:34
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La_PaRCaHappyFool, let me try and install xserver-xorg by hand08:34
deansets the file so you can execute it08:34
deanit lets you enter a folder, or run the file if its a script08:34
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DiscipulusI have supercharged dial-up08:35
HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: hmm. how about try 'apt-get dist-upgrade' again, see if it tries to update anything08:35
Bubbling_Zombiex for eXcecutable08:35
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La_PaRCaHappyFool, ok.08:35
deanjasontech: whats the problem with gtk# ?08:36
HowitzerGaleon is the one i like the most, but appearantly, it's a s much of a memory hog as Firefox :(08:36
Bubbling_Zombieweb browsing _is_ a memory hog08:36
hybrid_gothis there a lynx equalivant of w3m-img or links2 -g?08:36
La_PaRCaHappyFool, its bitching about gtksourceview-common08:36
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cmtheoryoh! another one: how do i change the name 'ubuntu' displayed when my pc starts up? (loading kernel phase)08:37
DiscipulusAnyone wanna see a screenshot of my supercharged dial-up?08:37
guillemHeh! I've just installed ubuntu in my new computer ;-))))08:37
Trackilizerhey ppl08:37
Trackilizeri need some help08:37
HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: hmm. my apt-cache doesn't find that08:37
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La_PaRCait says, and I quote08:37
CentaurHow can I find out the version of a driver that ubuntu installed?08:37
Trackilizerim using this theme atm08:37
guillemHowever I'm having trouble with my nvidia card: it displays some random noise with either opensource or nvidia drivers.08:37
hybrid_gothis there a lynx equalivant of w3m-img or links2 -g?08:37
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Howitzeri'm seriously liking Galeon08:37
La_PaRCaHappyFool, it needs 1.2.0 but 1.0.2 is gonna be installed.08:38
Trackilizeri want to use these icons the thing is i dont know how to intall them08:38
topylihybrid_goth: no08:38
Bubbling_Zombiehey Howitzer , decided on your secondary distro yet?08:38
deancmtheory: IIRC - you change the contents of /etc/hostname08:38
guillemLower resolutions seem to display lower noise...08:38
stan-amhey guys, can anyone give me a hand? im trying to install jdk, ive already unpacked that thing but i dont really know what to do next08:38
=== hybrid_goth cries
=== topyli pats hybrid_goth
stan-amhey guys, can anyone give me a hand? im trying to install jdk, ive already unpacked that thing but i dont really know what to do next08:38
Bubbling_ZombieTrackilizer, download the file08:38
Bubbling_Zombiedesktop - preferences08:38
HowitzerBubbling_Zombie, inope08:39
Trackilizeri have08:39
minstan-am, you can install JDK through Synaptic08:39
stan-amwhat is that min?08:39
Bubbling_Zombieinstall theme, select the downloaded file08:39
Howitzeri've tried Debianpure, Minislack, Redhat, Gentoo, Slackware,...08:39
Bubbling_Zombieselect it in "theme details"08:39
minSystem | Administration | Synaptic package Manager08:39
=== rob__ [~rob@62-3-247-185.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerevery single time, i crawl back to Ubuntu08:39
=== anto9us [~antoninus@cpc2-ptal1-5-1-cust109.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerit just rocks so damn hard08:39
ed1tcoz ubuntu is great!08:39
stan-amcan you give me the steps, im very VERY new at this min08:39
La_PaRCaHappyFool, I just apt-get -f install, see what happens there.08:39
ztonzyit rocks :)08:40
cmtheorydean: not the hostname, but the thing that pops up right after grub.08:40
stan-ammin: please08:40
hybrid_gothtopyli: do you know of any other browsers like w3m-img or links2 -g08:40
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ed1ti dont even try  trying out different distros...08:40
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wimsis it possible to install java sdk with apt-get08:40
minstan-am, yes I'm new too, but I succeeded in doing it the other day ;)08:40
Trackilizerthnaks alot dude08:40
Trackilizerit worked08:40
guillemWell looks like I'm getting used to it :-((08:40
topylihybrid_goth: not really. emacs? i think it uses w3m08:40
HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: 1.0.1 is warty, 1.2.0 is hoary -- not 1.0.208:40
Trackilizeragain thanks alot08:40
ed1t!tell wims about java08:40
Howitzerthe user that dares doing 'sudo rm /' will recieve candy!!08:40
Bubbling_ZombieHowitzer, sudo rm -rf /08:40
Bubbling_Zombiemore fun -_-08:40
Bubbling_Zombie(dont do this at home peepz !)08:41
The_VoxBubbling_Zombie: even more fun: sudo rm -rf / &08:41
HappyFoolLa_PaRCa: you don't have any non-ubuntu repositories by any chance?08:41
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Bubbling_Zombie-r = recursivly, -f = force08:41
La_PaRCaHappyFool, I had marillat, but commented those out as well08:41
Bubbling_ZombieThe_Vox, nah. At least now they're knowing something is going _TOTALLY_ wrong :')08:41
The_VoxBubbling_Zombie: the & makes it lots more fun...the look of surprise in the face when "ls: command not found" stares at them ;)08:42
Bubbling_Zombieok, that way ^-^08:42
cmtheorydean: 'booting ubuntu' or something08:42
Howitzerbastard :D08:42
Bubbling_ZombieHowitzer, did you just do that -_-08:42
Howitzersudo reboot'08:42
Howitzer'command not found"08:42
Howitzeri did it on my laptop08:42
The_VoxBubbling_Zombie: at my local LUG we used to do that to idiots that kept su'ed terminals open and left their computers unwatched...everybody learned security the hard way ;)08:43
=== topyli once rm -rf'd his /etc from a remote shell
=== Bubbling_Zombie [~zombie@dD577A0CC.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
HowitzerThe_Vox, you damn bastard OO08:43
=== devios is wondering what Howitzer did to piss Bubbling_Zombie off...
HowitzerThe_Vox Bubbling_Zombie: at my local LUG we used to do that to idiots that kept su'ed terminals open and left their computers unwatched...everybody learned security the hard way ;)08:43
Bubbling_Zombieok o_O08:43
Bubbling_ZombieHowitze _never_ pisses me off :F08:43
Howitzerhey wait08:44
Howitzerdidn't you give me positive rating on tng? :D08:44
The_VoxHowitzer: let me tell you something....I've never seen anything as fast as rm -rf / on a Sun with all-around SCSI disks....that damn thing was empty almost before we hit enter lol!08:44
Bubbling_Zombieyeh :p08:44
Bubbling_Zombieoh, that theme tracker<thingy> gave me is one nice theme !08:45
=== pfox [~phendrick@host81-159-159-1.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzeri might try that somewhere08:45
Bubbling_Zombiethe splash scren of diasce2 scares me08:45
topyliif you ssh to a sun server, and from there to another linux box, gnome-terminal will crash08:45
Bubbling_Zombietopyli, have you tried another terminal?08:46
topyliit makes gnome-terminal rule a bit less :)08:46
The_Voxtopyli: if you look at it with your eyes twisted just right, gnome-terminal will crash08:46
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topyliBubbling_Zombie: xterm08:46
highvoltagetopyli: it doesn't take much to make gnome-terminal crash08:46
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Bubbling_Zombiedoes it crash?08:46
topyliso it seem s:)08:46
The_Voxtopyli: that's why every enlightened human being uses either konsole or Eterm :)08:46
topyliBubbling_Zombie: no08:46
Bubbling_Zombieaterm > *08:46
highvoltagetopyli: running things in screen helps08:46
HowitzerThe_Vox, i use gnome console :/08:46
The_VoxHowitzer: poor you :)08:47
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highvoltageoooh, konsole is terrible (sorry, don't want to start a terminal war)08:47
topylihighvoltage: but it's annoying. i love gnome-terminal every other way08:47
=== cyphase [~cyphase@ppp-69-233-166-35.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
r0dahh...most ppl in here use gnome08:47
highvoltagetopyli: have you tried Terminal before?08:47
ed1tyep coz gnome rocks08:47
Bubbling_Zombiei'm an aterm addict *sobs*08:47
Howitzerbut ehh08:47
Bubbling_Zombieit's from my fluxbox days !08:47
highvoltageit's from XFCE. it looks and works exactly the same, but it's lighter, and more stable.08:47
topylihighvoltage: i think it's a gnome 2.10 feature :)08:47
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Howitzercan you make aterm display a toolbar?08:48
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Bubbling_Zombieyou dont08:48
The_Voxhighvoltage: terrible in what aspect? it hasn't crashed on me yet (I've been only using kde for 6 weeks, so I don't have as much experience with it as I could)08:48
=== Derreck [~Derreck@69-162-63-128.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== mefistofeles is reading GLUP :P
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r0dyea i dont like kde fisher price emulation08:48
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highvoltageThe_Vox: well, to be honest, i just strongly disklike its keyboard shortcuts.08:48
Bubbling_Zombierofl r0d08:48
h08817hello everyone08:48
The_VoxBubbling_Zombie: I used Eterm for...7 or 8 years, I think :)08:48
Bubbling_Zombiehi h0881708:48
Howitzercan you run Konsole in Gnome?08:48
Bubbling_Zombiesure Howitzer08:49
highvoltageHowitzer: yes, you can.08:49
r0dwhy would you want too08:49
Howitzerbecause i want to use the most-light-weight programs now08:49
highvoltageHowitzer: it would be a better option to install XFCE, and use Terminal.08:49
Bubbling_ZombieHowitzer, aterm !!!08:49
Howitzermy system is on constant overload :x08:49
cyphasehey everyone08:49
r0dBubbling_Zombie,  is right08:49
The_Voxhighvoltage: nothing that can't be fixed with applying the proper hammer...I'm a dvorak user, so most kboard shortcuts on most everything suck for me...first thing I do when trying a new program is mess with the shortcuts :)08:49
Howitzerbut i want to keep Gnome :(08:49
Bubbling_ZombieHowitzer, ofcourse08:49
cyphasemodem fixed! woohoo! :D08:50
Bubbling_Zombiewhat keeps you? just don't de-install gnome and everything is ok08:50
Bubbling_Zombiethey don't interfere08:50
=== ep [~ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerbut serious, 256mb ram sucks :(08:50
topyliHowitzer: well, gnome-terminal is just about perfect08:50
highvoltageHowitzer: you keep gnome, you just use Terminal. it uses gtk, so no big overhead like konsole.08:50
The_VoxHowitzer: "gnome" and "want light programs" don't mix :)08:50
h08817well kinda funny earlier today i got ubuntu to install on a 386 U.S. logic08:50
deviosonly way to fix a modem is to run it over with a truck and get high-speed... F modems.08:50
HowitzerKDE and light-weight-programs don't mix aswell :D08:50
deanis ksh available onubuntu?08:50
highvoltageh08817: how much RAM did it have?08:50
The_VoxHowitzer: then again, "kde" and "light programs" don't mix either :)08:50
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Bubbling_ZombieHowitzer, just switch to xfce4 then08:51
topylihighvoltage: i can't debug now because my work box is down, but could this be because of the sunOS/linux switches?08:51
The_VoxHowitzer: if you want light, you use fluxbox or xfce08:51
r0dKDE itself isnt really the 'lightweight' sloution in general08:51
Bubbling_Zombieor fluxbox, ofcourse08:51
Howitzerwhat about openbox?08:51
mypapitkde and light programs dont mix? hmmm... interesting discovery today...08:51
r0dHowitzer, what version of kde are you running?08:51
highvoltagetopyli: anything is possible, my improbability drive isn't working now, but as soon as my new kernel has compiled I'll tell you.08:51
h08817highvoltage, not much at all08:51
Howitzeri'm thinking of installing W98 as second os08:52
The_Voxmypapit: meaning that kde is resource hungry, not that you can't run light-weight programs in it :)08:52
ed1twhy win98?!?!08:52
Howitzerr0d, i'm using Gnome08:52
deanwhoops, found it!08:52
HappyFooldean: there's something called pdksh -- public domain ksh08:52
h08817it kept crashing at installing components and finally went thru08:52
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h08817i used smartbootmanager08:52
mypapitThe_Vox, ok i c08:52
xliuhow to adjust the size of icons in gnome?08:52
Howitzered1t, i want to play my games again tbh08:52
=== crazyhorse [~ps@p508BC9C1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerxliu, right-click 'resize icon-size'08:52
=== Jimbob [~jcape@c-24-14-115-101.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
The_Voxmypapit: thing is, any desktop environment will be resource hungry...if you need light-weight, you gotta go to simple windowmanagers08:53
deanbash is driving me crazy after using ksh at work all day :)08:53
Bubbling_Zombiefluxbox all the way for light window systems08:53
=== Filbert [~Filbert@d51A479B5.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzeri installed some light-weight managers08:53
Howitzeri'm going to test 'm all08:53
The_VoxBubbling_Zombie: I tend to agree with that08:53
Howitzersee you guys in a few minutes08:53
=== zecke [~ich@83-169-171-16-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #ubuntu
zeckeXorg  Issues (version 6.8.2-42): Where do I get xdpyinfo from to fullfill the dependency08:54
topylihighvoltage: ok. i'll turn on the linux box when i have business at that part of town too08:54
zeckewho should install xkb rules in /etc/X11/xkb?08:54
The_Voxzecke: xbase-clients08:55
topylihighvoltage: my vacation starts today so i shut it down. what was i thinking! :)08:55
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xliuHowitzer, there is no "resize icon-size"08:56
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zeckeThe_Vox: okay I've an issue then: xbase-clients depends on xdpyinfo and my xkb rules are already deleted...08:56
=== Bubbling_Zombie [~zombie@dD577A0CC.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Bubbling_Zombieisn't this xfce4 thingy nice08:57
hybrid_gothBubbling_Zombie: yes08:57
topyliit is08:57
=== Bubbling_Zombie going to experiment around a bit
Bubbling_Zombieif you see a mushroom cloud , it wasn't me -_-08:57
topyliit's not gnome though08:58
antixwhat's the package called that gives a nice splash screen when booting? and when shutting down..08:58
The_Voxzecke: xbase-clients depends on xdpyinfo???08:58
topylithere are "nice" splash screens?08:59
xliuThanks Howitzer, but i still do not know how to adjust icon size in gnome?08:59
deanantix: usplash08:59
deanor rather it will be :)08:59
ALexBOi've a problem whit this... $> man woman; the result is: >$Segmentation faults (core dumped). In your opinion, if i do it with root privilegis, it can work?08:59
ALexBOi'm joking...08:59
zeckeThe_Vox: according to aptitude it does08:59
Bubbling_ZombieALexBO, try hitting it over the head with info08:59
Bubbling_Zombieand if that doesn't work,just set it on fire08:59
delireRazor-X: have you worked much with 'mouse gestures' in Opera?09:00
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ALexBOBubbling_Zombie: lol09:00
The_Voxzecke: are you using breezy?09:00
ALexBOBubbling_Zombie: maybe i've worked too much09:00
ubotuI don't know, ed1t09:01
ed1t!package realplayer09:01
ubotuI don't know, ed1t09:01
Bubbling_Zombie_maybe_ he says -_-09:01
zeckeThe_Vox: yes09:01
The_Voxzecke: because my hoardy xbase-clients doesn't depend on xdpyinfo according to aptitude09:01
The_Voxzecke: file a bug, broken package09:01
anto9usALexBO: if you're trying woman out then make sure you have plenty of cache09:01
delireanto9us: i really don't know how to respond to that.09:01
delirewell done.09:01
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xliuhi everyone, how to adjust the icon size in gnome?09:02
jdboltdoes anyone know if hoary supports SLI?09:02
=== Servo888 [~Servo888@pcp0011430227pcs.sothfd01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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teferihighly unlikely09:02
topylizecke: it _provides_ xdpyinfo09:03
Servo888Hey - one the first first ubuntu CD that you burn - does it include java?09:03
ed1tServo888, no09:03
teferiServo888: no09:03
ed1t!tell Servo888 about java09:03
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ed1tthank to kbrooks09:03
=== tenshiKur0 [~tenshiKur@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
antixdean, or splashy? neither is in my repositories09:04
hybrid_gothhey yall g2g for a while09:04
ed1tlater hybrid_goth09:04
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=== Howitzer [~adrian@102-56.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerxfce is nice09:05
=== Blissex [~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
deanantix: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4170909:05
Bubbling_ZombieHowitzer, trying it too atm09:05
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Howitzerbut fluxbox and xfce are kind of hard to fully learn09:05
deanI'd talk you through, but i have to go09:05
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Howitzerit all looks so complicated :D09:05
=== galactic [~galactic@x1-6-00-50-ba-c8-17-d4.k332.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Bubbling_ZombieHowitzer, nah. Just don' t be scared of the commandline09:05
Bubbling_Zombieit doesn't bite09:06
Howitzeri'm not09:06
Howitzerbut it's not fluxbox or xfce itself09:06
kbrooksed1t, heh, yw09:06
Howitzerit's the fact tht it's new and you don't know it 'automaticly' like with KDE or Gnome09:06
Bubbling_Zombieah well. if you need help with fluxbox drop me a line09:07
tmacdHello all, I'm having issues with installing glade using synaptic. I'm getting the following: W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libx/libxml-parser-perl/libxml-parser-perl_2.34-4_i386.deb09:07
teferiah, got a strace log of the postinst script...09:07
tmacd  MD5Sum mismatch09:07
Bubbling_Zombieyou know where to find me09:07
Bubbling_Zombie(besides here -_- )09:07
kbrookstmacd, dont use us.archive09:07
kbrooksits broken09:07
tmacdWhich server should I use?09:07
Servo888So can somebody send me the filename of the latest java (or the deb file name). I don't have my ubunutu box near by - it's away and on dialup so I'm going to have to download java on my current machine.09:07
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boowjust get it from java.com09:08
The_VoxServo888: sun-j2re1.5 sun-j2sdk1.509:08
antixdean: thanks!09:08
=== danirc_ [~danirc@133.Red-213-96-89.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
tmacdOK, I'll give that a try, thanks09:08
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=== lollercoaster [~Venson_~@user-11fa1te.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
lollercoasterColonelKernel: sup09:08
Bubbling_Zombiey hallo thar09:09
deanantix: np09:09
comunesomeone knows if there is an application that allows me to resize a lot of images?09:09
danirc_como estas jose09:09
deang'bye all09:09
=== Bubbling_Zombie needs to spend less time on 4chan
HappyFoolServo888: i used jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin  from sun.com (or java.sun.com, possibly)09:09
teferiGOT IT!09:09
The_Voxcomadreja: ImageMagik09:09
jose__tony que tal te va el chat09:09
teferithank god for strace09:09
=== danirc__ [~danirc@133.Red-213-96-89.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
danirc_de maravilla09:09
Bubbling_Zombieenglish, anybody -_-09:09
danircque tal os va el curso de Kinux?09:09
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kbrookstmacd, archive09:10
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teferiJust for the record, if anyone's having trouble with the latest breezy xlibs.09:10
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
teferiYou need to make sure that /etc/X11/xkb/{symbols,types,geometry,compat,keycodes}/ exist before trying to install it09:10
danirc_how to install adobe acrobat plug-in in firefox?09:10
teferiOtherwise it'll fail trying to get rid of them09:10
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danirc__how to install adobe plug-in in firefox09:11
lollercoasterforeign people09:11
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lollercoaster"how to make t3h lunix??"09:11
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HappyFooldanirc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AcrobatHowTo09:11
lollercoasterkan jy ek verstaan09:11
Bubbling_Zombielollercoaster, is that supposed to resemble dutch? :p09:12
HappyFoolit's afrikaans -- bad afrikaans09:12
=== neuneu [~human2760@ADSL-TPLUS-18-111.intnet.mu] has joined #ubuntu
Bubbling_Zombielol :p09:12
Bubbling_Zombiek ^-^09:12
The_Voxlollercoaster: foreign to where? :)09:12
lollercoasterto me09:12
lollercoasterand to the english language09:12
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The_Voxlollercoaster: I know plenty of 'merkans that speak/write worse english than many foreigners :)09:13
lollercoasterbut none say "HOW TO INSTALL TEH PLUGIN"09:14
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lollercoaster"how to install" is unique to only non-native english speakers09:14
alfAmerican is American...English is universal!!!09:14
lollercoasteralf: you eat cats09:14
sJaMdon't think the English liked that quote09:14
mypapityeah.. and i speak rebit-english09:14
tmacdBoom, worked like a charm, thanks!09:14
sJaMusing their language as a lingua franca09:15
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Bubbling_Zombiei try to speek english k thx gg09:15
lollercoastereveryone i just want to warn you. alf eats cats09:15
supernixis gcc 4.0 base ok to install ?09:15
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alfsure do...with fries...American for chips!!!!09:16
Bubbling_Zombiesupernix, ofcourse09:16
danircnadie conoce un chat de linux en espanol?09:16
lollercoasterfries are testicles09:16
supernixI did not know I heard something before about gcc being the core of all programs so I did not want to mess anything up09:16
Bubbling_Zombiegcc = _the_ compiler09:16
Bubbling_Zombieall hail the gcc !09:16
supernixRedhat once released a beta version of gcc which caused many problems for many people09:16
alfBig Mac devotee09:16
=== Fanskapet [~Fanskapet@h247n1fls303o1124.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
eruindanirc, try #ubuntu-es09:17
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sJaM2.96 thing09:17
The_Voxdaniels: solia haber un #linuxlatino en undernet, pero no se si todavia existe09:18
danircthanks ... in what server?09:18
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sJaMthis one I guess09:18
danircperfect. :-D09:18
eruindanirc, here09:18
danircyes! you are right! sorry ... i'm newbie09:19
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Servo888What kernel version does the latest ubuntu ship with?09:19
highvoltage1.5.4? that's an old kernel.09:20
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Servo888I don't think one ever existed like that09:20
jasoncohenwhen i do dpkg -l | grep mozilla-thunderbird nothing comes up but dpkg -l mozilla-thunderbird works fine. what's going on?09:20
jasoncohenServer-Penguing, 2.6.10 with ubuntu patches09:21
jasoncohenServo888,  2.6.10 with ubuntu patches. see ubuntu.packages.com or search through synaptic/apt-get09:21
KyralServo888, it uses the 2.6.10 kernel09:21
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Servo888Ok thanks09:21
Bubbling_Zombieaccording to my wireless applet, i have 102% connection to my local wifi hotspot09:21
lollercoasteryou pwned it09:21
topylidude, you're connected for sure09:22
eruinBubbling_Zombie, time to spank your applet09:22
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=== Bubbling_Zombie spanks his applet around
topylinot in public man!09:22
Bubbling_Zombielol :p09:22
weiershi crimsun ... I did the alsa install thing, but it encountered an error... I pasted the feedback in the pastebin. Could you perhaps have a look at it?09:23
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kirinsimple thing (should be simpler),,, searched the forums, running live cd, hda is a win98se fat32, how do I mount it?... I keep getting errors regarding not being root, and when I login as root, it STILL won't let me see my /dev/hda(1)09:24
dataw0lfc'mon guys, /join irc.freenode.net port 900109:24
sJaMyou are not supposed to be here09:24
sJaMjust run:09:24
sJaM /server irc.freenode.net 900109:24
HappyFoolkirin: can you paste the output of 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda' on a pastebin?09:24
sJaM /join #ubuntu09:24
=== Bols [~bols@57-219.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolkirin: e.g., pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl09:25
topyliServo888: i just had to look. you're right, there never was a 1.5 kernel :)09:25
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kirinhad to run "as root":09:26
kirinDisk /dev/hda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes09:26
kirin255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders09:26
kirinUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes09:26
kirin   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System09:26
kirin/dev/hda1   *           1       13451   108045126    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)09:26
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HappyFoolkirin: did you see i said to the pastebin?09:27
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HappyFoolkirin: we try *not* to paste into the channel09:27
kirinbeen running knoppix until lately when the graphix went to hell, switched over to ubuntu but can't see hd09:27
kirinsorry, I'm an idiot.09:27
h08817do u guys know some good guides to read about linux?09:28
h08817since i am a complete noob09:28
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HappyFoolkirin: try 'sudo mkdir /mnt/windows; sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows'09:28
HappyFoolkirin: if it asks for a password, just press enter09:28
weierserr... crimsun ... I am sorry to be a pain. If you are busy I can try you later. I think I am quite close to a solution, but just need a little bit of advice.09:28
HappyFoolh08817: start at the ubuntu wiki: wiki.ubuntu.com09:29
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HappyFoolh08817: there is a *lot* of information here, too: en.tldp.org09:29
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kirinthanks, it worked... but I'm going to have to do that every single time, aren't I?09:30
=== topyli has beer in the keyboard
HappyFoolkirin: yip09:30
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EfaistOsdid someone install an ubuntu on amd64 ?09:30
dataw0lfEfaistOs: Yes.09:31
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alfbeer in the keyboard....what a waste!09:31
kirinthen that is how it will work. thank you, sorry for being a pest.09:31
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HappyFoolkirin: np09:32
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mophati'm really in a bind here. I thought i had my   --09:33
h08817HappyFool, en.tldp.org wouldn't work for me is it still running or is it an old site?09:33
mophati thought i had my /etc/hdparm.conf setup nicely09:33
mophatthen all of a sudden, 32 bit stopped working on everything09:33
HappyFoolh08817: err, sorry. let me check -- maybe got it wrong09:33
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mophatcan someone link me to a 32 bit hdparm.conf09:33
HappyFoolh08817: http://www.tldp.org/09:33
mophati need to get this achine out in minutes09:34
HappyFoolh08817: sorry, i remember it being en.09:34
h08817HappyFool, i got on thanks09:34
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HappyFoolmophat: i can paste by hdparm.conf to the pastebin, if you like. not sure if it'll help you...09:35
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A[D] minSGuys how i can install rpm in ubuntu?09:35
mophatthat would be awesome..  how do i login to that09:35
=== frodo24 [~Miranda@31.Red-81-47-66.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
A[D] minS rpm -i /mnt/c/Linux/Dict-ar-en.rpm09:35
A[D] minSrpm: To install rpm packages on Debian systems, use alien. See README.Debian.09:35
A[D] minSerror: cannot open Packages index using db3 - No such file or directory (2)09:35
A[D] minSerror: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm09:35
HappyFoolmophat: stand by...09:35
highvoltageA[D] minS: alien.09:35
=== qt2 plays FreeCIV.
HappyFoolA[D] minS: please don't paste here; use a patebin09:35
A[D] minShighvoltage, alien.  not found09:35
highvoltageA[D] minS: apt-get install alien09:36
highvoltageqt2: freeciv2? it's great eh!09:36
A[D] minSthx highvoltage09:36
=== topyli cries
frodo24after 2nd install finally ubuntu works fine except i get cut after connecting with modem09:36
klaymwtf lilo09:36
highvoltagefrodo24: ouch!09:36
frodo24so why i get cut?09:36
frodo24i'm on windows now09:37
alfvirtual vesectomy09:37
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h08817i am online in here but my internet just died09:37
mophatHappyFool, : thx09:37
A[D] minShighvoltage, okay second qustion what is da command to install file.deb ?09:37
frodo24can i use my mdk rpms ?09:37
A[D] minSfrodo24,  yes u can09:37
highvoltageA[D] minS: dpkg -i file.deb09:38
mophatHappyFool, : anyway i can easily conf out those numbers without using VI09:38
frodo24even one made for mdk?09:38
The_Voxhighvoltage: I uninstalled freeciv from all my computers...that thing is damn addictive!09:38
A[D] minSfrodo24,  alien file.rpm then it will convert to file.deb09:38
HappyFoolmophat: http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/60309:38
A[D] minSfrodo24,  dpkg -i file.deb09:38
frodo24i c09:38
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A[D] minS;)09:38
highvoltageThe_Vox: yes it is! In 1997, I spent 6 weeks solid playing civ1!09:38
frodo24now the most important think why i get cut?09:39
mophatHappyFool, : I'm at the link, is there anyway i can remove all those numbers from it09:39
A[D] minScut?09:39
mophatit's cutting the 001 00209:39
frodo24in mdk i can't go online with kpppdieale09:39
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mophat109 l;ines manually09:39
HappyFoolmophat: just select more carefully09:39
HappyFoolmophat: the lines are in a separate table column09:39
mophatomg nm09:39
mophatthere's two sections09:39
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HappyFoolmophat: or press the 'download' button at the top09:39
topylifrodo24: but alien produces weird debs sometimes. depends on how perverted the rpm is to begin with09:40
frodo24i c09:40
frodo24anyone what can i do about the net connection?09:40
mophatmuch appreciated.. brb09:40
The_Voxhighvoltage: I spent too many days playing civ3 back when I was working in a cyber :)09:40
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A[D] minSnow i want to know something where i can find files which apt-get downloading ?09:41
topylii lost lots of time on civ1 too. then there was colonization and whatnot09:42
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frodo24how can i get the status and log during and after dialing?09:42
HappyFoolfrodo24: tail -f /var/log/messages   (maybe)09:42
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HappyFoolA[D] minS: /var/cache/apt/archives; but you should never really need to poke around in there09:43
mophatsigh.. it  just stopped working09:43
mophatwhat could i possibly have changed to have the /etc/hdparm.conf file not work properly09:43
frodo24c u09:43
mophat/dev/hdc not found09:43
mophatbut it's there09:43
A[D] minSHappyFool, i want to save them09:43
sJaMis it really09:43
A[D] minSthat what i want :)09:44
sJaMcheck your09:44
sJaMsudo fdisk -l09:44
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cut0ffmophat acn you post that file?09:44
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mophatcut0ff, : it's HappyFool 's last post09:44
thesamethow can I found which package I installed myself and which came with the base system?09:45
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HappyFoolmophat: that /dev/hdc entry may not be appropriate for your system -- it's a custom entry for my DVD-drive09:45
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mophatnah, mines /dev/hda HD , /dev/hdd /dev/hdc for my cd drives09:45
thesametHow can I check if I have package that are only to serve a dependency for a program that I already removed?09:45
mophatsigh.. it was working fine09:45
mophati rebooted09:45
mophatand it stopped seeing 32bit09:46
cut0ffmophat sorry I've just enter in the channel09:46
mophatno worries09:46
kalveHow can I get correct norwegian characters in ssh in ubuntu? (i use hoary hedgehog and aterm)09:46
mophati just completely finished setting up this computer, vmware, win the works09:46
HappyFoolthesamet: not sure. I think you might be able to use something called 'deborphan'09:46
mophatand now it's not forcing 32 bit at all09:46
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OdiiNi've problem with X09:48
OdiiNit takes a long time to start, about 5 minutes09:48
OdiiNsince i restart09:48
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OdiiNgkshell for example aswell09:48
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OdiiNanyone has a tip for this?09:49
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HappyFoolOdiiN: odd. have you looked in /var/log/Xorg.0.log for information?09:49
alfodiin....system specs!!!!09:49
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OdiiNno,  i will see09:49
OdiiNis since I restart09:49
mophatany idea why my startup wouldn't be loading /etc/hdparm.conf ?09:49
OdiiNive a64 3200, 512MB, kt800 motherboard09:50
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mophatand do all the applicable settings have to be uncommented09:50
alfshould not take that long!!!09:50
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cut0ffOdiiN why don't use another desktop?09:50
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HappyFoolmophat: comment out the /dev/hdc parts of the file i pasted09:50
cut0ffOdiiN like Xfce09:50
HappyFoolcut0ff: other than X ? ;)09:51
HappyFoolmophat: you've uncommented everything? why?09:51
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alfobvious...got the 64 bit version of ubuntu!!!???09:51
=== ThreeDayMonk [~paul@120.174-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
OdiiNi like gnome, why i need to change?09:51
firefly2442are there any bugs in the ubuntu software RAID partitioner because I can't seem to get it to work09:51
cut0ffHappyFool  wooo sorry09:51
sarmientohow i can edit the menu of gpanel?09:52
mophatHappyFool, : not everything , just between /dev and the end }09:52
=== rabies [~adam@209-204-181-196.dsl.static.sonic.net] has joined #ubuntu
rabiesim trying to change my resolution so that my modeline as it is (1920x540) is slightly smaller09:52
OdiiNthis is the X.org log http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/60509:52
mophatand for the drives i have.. whats the deal with /dev/cdrom/cdrom0 .. are those automounts?09:52
rabiesmy current resolution is a bit too big09:52
HappyFoolmophat: yes. don't try to apply hdparm to those09:52
rabiesand this is a HDTV so i cant change it manually09:52
anto9usfirefly2442: it works ok for me09:53
rabiesi need 1900x520 or something, but i dont know how to modify the modeline09:53
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rabiesany help would be much appreciated09:54
firefly2442are there any basic HowTo's because when I try to partition the software RAID it fails and gives me a red screen09:54
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HappyFoolOdiiN: hmm, nothing obvious there09:54
rabiesany at all..09:54
rabiesironically its uniformly spilling over09:54
HappyFoolrabies: you can look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, maybe09:54
rabieswhat am i looking for?09:54
rabiesim using a modeline from DDC currently09:54
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BloodmystHi all, I recently had to install a new kernel image to get DRI on my video card, and now a lot of my video players crash when I play video on them.  Any ideas?09:55
=== boga [~judith@CPE0011095f2041-CM00e06f240dd8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
bogawhen I load a .php file, the browser displays text! How do I make it display the page?09:55
HappyFoolOdiiN: look also in /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages -- maybe it's another service that's failing to start, e.g., if your network interface can't be brought up09:55
firefly2442boga: install php09:55
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firefly2442boga: apt-get install php409:55
bogait's installed09:55
Bloodmystboga: make sure it's running09:55
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firefly2442boga: do you have <?php  and   ?>09:56
qt2-2highvoltage, eh? freeciv2?09:56
qt2-2highvoltage, theres a sequel?09:56
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bogafirefly2442: I'll check09:56
OdiiNHappyFool: i change currently /etc/modules to load VIA ide drivers, could be this?09:56
bojani get an error by creating a new project in anjuta. i think its because glademm is not installed. but where can i get it from?09:56
HappyFoolOdiiN: um, could be, i don't know. Try taking it out and reboot?09:57
HappyFoolOdiiN: whatever you changed from when it was working is what you should test first09:57
tritiumbojan, "apt-cache search glademm" to see which packages are available.  For development, you also need the -dev ones.09:57
firefly2442does each hard drive have to be logical or primary for the RAID?09:57
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bogafirefly2442: Yes I do09:57
highvoltageqt2-2: yes, there is! http://www.freeciv.org09:58
bojantritium: thx09:58
firefly2442what browser are you using?09:58
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highvoltageif you want a deb, you can install from sarge.09:58
tritiumbojan, sure thing :)09:58
Bloodmystboga: Are you loading the php by going to "File -> Open"? or are you typing in the local url?09:58
firefly2442try firefox and see if it works09:58
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bogaBloodmyst: I try via the url09:58
bogafirefly2442: same with firefox09:59
mophathdc: lost interrupt09:59
RaskallI've bought a new mobile phone today. An EGDE-capable phone. got 200 kbit/sec transfer rate from a train going 130 km/h09:59
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Bloodmystboga: are you sure your local web server is running?09:59
bogaBloodmyst: Incidentally, php4 is only 24.6Kb!09:59
highvoltageRaskall: how fast would it download if the train would move at 250km/h?09:59
mophatide: failed opcode was 10009:59
Bloodmystboga: that DOES sound a bit small10:00
bogaBloodmyst: yes. default  Html files load properly10:00
Raskallhighvoltage: :) double the speed, of course. ;)10:00
bogaBloodmyst: I thought so10:00
=== Morti [~Mortuus47@raptor.ukc.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
hondjemophat: how many of those did you get?10:00
MortiIs there a specific Ubuntu PPC channel or just this one?10:00
Bloodmystboga: I've never install php on Linux before, but I know it was quite a few mb to install on my Mac10:00
bojantritium: hmm, all of them are already installed10:00
mophathondje,  a few10:01
BloodmystMorti: I think this is it10:01
firefly2442boga: can you paste the code maybe?10:01
Raskallhighvoltage: the point is that I think it's quite impressive of the gsm network to keep track of my phone and keep a stable link at those kind of speeds.10:01
firefly2442boga: it could be you are "echoing" out text10:01
MortiJust wondered.10:01
bogafirefly2442: Ok10:01
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hondjemophat: I get those too, 'usually' they arent' too bad, sometimes they indicate a dying drive10:01
BloodmystMorti: Did you have a PPC specific problem?10:01
highvoltageRaskall: yes, i admit, that is quite impressive.10:01
tritiumbojan, really?  What kind of problems are you encountering?10:01
=== konki [~konki___@pool-71-111-151-64.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MortiI'm just using Ubuntu PPC atm.10:01
BloodmystOn a Mac?10:01
MortiThought I'd pop in here pre-emptively. ;)10:01
MortiYeah. iBook G4.10:01
hondjemophat: easiest way to find out is to install the smartmontools package, use smartctl to see how the drive is doing :)10:02
mophathondje: something's just mad wrong tho.. because all three drives just stopped working10:02
BloodmystHeh, I'm typing on mine with OS X Morti.10:02
=== golfen [~golfen@xdsl-84-44-240-203.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
hondjemophat: ooooh, fascinating.  Using the 686 kernel?10:02
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BloodmystMorti: How old is yours?10:02
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MortiIt's a nice machine, except for the whole "one mouse button" thing.10:02
MortiDunno, borrowing it from work.10:02
konkianyone knows why VLC can't play my .wmv files, only audio output but there is no video output... any suggestion10:02
MortiNot very old.10:02
BloodmystMorti: Yeah, there are external mice though...10:02
golfendoes anyone installed an silicon image 3112A with ubuntu?10:02
rainingzigzagshow do i install java for firefox? says i have to do a manual install but then it wont let me10:02
BloodmystMorti: Are you a new Mac user?10:02
ubotuit has been said that java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java10:02
MortiBloodmyst: True, but that always feels like a bit of a copout with laptops.10:03
golfenmy new system found the controller and the disk, but there is no /dev/sda10:03
BloodmystMorti: True.10:03
MortiPlus I'll be on a coach tomorrow, can't use a mouse there really.10:03
lollercoasterhow often does google purge pages that dont exist from its listings?10:03
qt2-2highvoltage, too bad it's not in synaptic yet... :P10:03
MortiYeah, don't use a Mac normally.10:03
bogafirefly2442: seen my paste at #flood?10:03
disposable_mikekonki: try w32codecs10:03
firefly2442does the linux software RAID take care of slight variations in hard drive sizes?10:03
golfeneverything i tried fails, any ideas?10:03
BloodmystMorti: Yeah, if you have time, check out OS X also.  It'd be a good idea to dual-boot.  OS X is my favorite *Nix so far.10:03
MortiIt looks pretty, mI'll give it that.10:03
MortiThis laptop used to have OS X on it.10:03
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mophathondje: 2.6.10-5-386 ???  erp10:04
MortiThen we installed Ubuntu.10:04
MortiFor kicks, mostly.10:04
bojantritium: if i make a new project. i get the following warnings: "It is because either glade (for gtk/gnome projects) or glademm (for gtkmm/gnomemm projects) is not installed10:04
konkidisposable_mike, is there an apt-get for that codec??10:04
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BloodmystMorti: Heh, Yeah, I was thinking of dual-booting but I don't have the HD space10:04
disposable_mikekonki: should just be w32codecs10:04
A[D] minShow i can start service and stop it in Ubuntu?10:04
mophathondje, : do you think i just need a K update?10:04
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BloodmystA[D] minS: Start and Stop what service?10:04
firefly2442boga: how to I see it?10:04
MortiBloodmyst: This seems to have a 40GB hard drive and hardly any of it used up.10:04
hondjemophat: maybe, but I ran into a very similar problem10:04
tritiumbojan, I haven't used anjuta.  Did you verify that you have gtk and gnome -dev packages also?10:04
A[D] minSdictd server10:04
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A[D] minSBloodmyst,  for kdict dictionry10:05
BloodmystMorti: Yeah mine's only 30GB.  I was thinking of installing a 60 or 80GB sometime10:05
mophati wonder if one drives out, if it could throw them all off10:05
bojantritium: i'm going to do that10:05
hondjemophat: it was acting like my hdds died, both of them, but everything else told me they were fine10:05
BloodmystA[D] minS: Ahh, I have no clue on that one.10:05
mophati just spent 12 hours installing/tweaking this computer.. it was running fine.. i've just done something i can't traace.. fack10:05
hondjemophat: I dunno, I haven't tried testing that :)10:05
A[D] minSBloodmyst,  how i can start httpd  ?10:05
BloodmystMorti: I'm guessing you don't have wireless running eh?10:05
Will_My ubuntu box has 3x120GB drives and a 80GB. It overheats now high summer is here10:06
MortiDoes this thing have wireless support?10:06
hondjeI'm half convinced it's a kernel bug, hda is brandnew10:06
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mophathondje, : so are yuou saying your drives all died10:06
firefly2442boga: can you post it again?10:06
BloodmystMorti: I don't think Ubuntu supports it.10:06
mophathondje,  or just one10:06
MortiLinux does so presumably Ubuntu does.10:06
MortiWhether or not it'd take some hacking about is another matter.10:06
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BloodmystMorti: Want to see something cool though? Lift up the two tabs on the top of the keyboard, and that's the spot for the internal card and RAM10:06
mophathondje,  or you had a problem, where it seemed like they were dying10:06
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hondjemophat: they didn't die, per se, they just started throwing back crazy errors, and both needed a serious fscking10:06
Deep6guys how do  I do  this in firefox?10:06
mophatcause that's basically what's happenin here10:06
Deep6Setting general.useragent.vendorSub to 1.0.4 in about:config seems to let me10:06
Deep6access addons.mozilla.org10:06
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redtechwifi is all i use in mine.10:06
Deep6where is about:config?10:07
hondjemophat: and on boot sometimes it'll say hda or hdb isn't ready10:07
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MortiIn all fairness, that is fairly cool.10:07
Deep6there is no config in the about dialogue10:07
mophathondje, : i can't even enable 32/dma on my cd drives, let alone the hd10:07
BloodmystMorti: I think Ubuntu only works with Airport cards, not Airport Extreme cards.10:07
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mophathondje, : that sounds like it could be a power issue10:07
=== mactiny [opera@nps-ip-nas-1-p48.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
mophathondje, : crappy power cable/ not enough juice from the supply10:07
konkidisposable_mike, i tried finding it on my synaptic pkg mngr. but there is no w32codec there...10:07
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bojantritium: there are a lot gtk packages10:07
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BloodmystMorti: You could get a USB device, but it's just not as good.  The iBook has a built in antenna in the display, and the range is much better than any other solution.10:07
hondjemophat: I never thought power, I tend to assume OEMs know how much power to put in10:07
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MortiI don't think I put the keyboard back in properly.10:08
BloodmystMorti: It's a bit tricky to get back in, but just ease it in10:08
mophatapt-get install which kernel pack10:09
MortiIt's kind of half in and I can't get it out again.10:09
golfenhi, i need some support to install my maxtor harddisk (sata, silicon image 3112A) with ubuntu10:09
_DuDe_What does it mean when INSTALL.txt says [Type "make install DEST=<directory>"] , where do I type it?10:09
firefly2442morti: put the lower half in first and hold the tabs in10:09
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MortiThere it goes.10:10
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firefly2442boga: you still there?10:10
BloodmystMorti: Yup.  It's nifty.10:10
firefly2442boga: did you get it to work?10:11
boganot yet10:11
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bogadid you see my paste in #flood?10:11
HappyFoolaargh. died in nethack *again*10:11
firefly2442boga: nope, can you paste it again10:12
MortiOpen source project going for the AP Extreme.10:12
MortiBe nice when that works I guess.10:12
mophateverything was working fine10:12
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
OdiiNHappyFool:  is a script that i put un /etc/init.d/ to configure iptables10:12
BloodmystMorti: Yeah.  Until then OS X is the only way to go for Wifi.10:12
OdiiNis correct http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/606 ?10:12
mophati made a clone of my windows drve, rebooted10:12
mophatnow NOTHING10:12
mophat32 bit gone10:13
mophatno reason, hdparm not touched10:13
HappyFoolOdiiN: I'm not really clued up on iptables, but I'll take a look10:13
MortiAnyone tried mplayer on a PPC, btw?10:13
HappyFoolOdiiN: sorry, i don't know if that's right or not10:13
bogafirefly2442: got it?10:13
_DuDe_What does it mean when INSTALL.txt says [Type "make install DEST=<directory>"] , where do I type it?10:14
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OdiiNis in the good folder to execute at start ?10:14
firefly2442boga: yes, lemme check here....10:14
HappyFoolOdiiN: yip10:14
HappyFool_DuDe_: in the terminal; Applications -> System tools -> terminal10:14
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firefly2442boga: try taking out the phpinfo() section, that is giving you a lot of text which might be what you are seing10:15
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firefly2442boga: once you take that out does it display the date?10:15
bogafirefly2442: not at all! All it displays is that entire text10:16
firefly2442is it a .php file?10:16
firefly2442not .html10:16
firefly2442boga: take out the meta stuff10:17
firefly2442boga: that might confuse the browser10:17
firefly2442boga: just to see if it works10:17
_DuDe_Starting Configuration...10:17
_DuDe_checking for gcc... no10:17
_DuDe_checking for cc... no10:17
_DuDe_configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH10:17
_DuDe_what should I do????10:17
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HappyFool_DuDe_: what are you trying to install?10:17
HappyFool_DuDe_: you need to install build tools; start with 'build-essential'10:18
mophathow can i manually enable 32 bit IO mode for /dev/hda with hdparm10:18
_DuDe_Where would I do that???10:18
=== topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
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HappyFool_DuDe_: eggdrop is available via synaptic, you don't need to compile it10:18
mophathdparm - ???  /dev/hda10:18
stan-amhas anyone seen min?10:18
=== sagitta is aka min
ubotuwell, repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:18
_DuDe_HappyFool, Where can I get that?10:18
ubotumethinks synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto10:18
ubotufrom memory, apt is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/10:18
HappyFool_DuDe_: start by reading those three urls10:19
sagittalooks like you've changed servers, stan-am10:19
DaveyAmaranth: dude!10:19
ubotuI heard java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java10:19
disposable_mikekonki: i think you need to add merillat to your sources first10:19
frankI installed the nvidia drivers, doom3 runs ok, glxinfo tells me direct rendering works, but glxgears only gives me 260 fps. What's up with that?10:19
flodineanyone deen Rick james10:19
disposable_mikekonki: and then the package name should be w32codecs10:19
mophatpleeease hlllp10:19
flodineanyone seen Rick james10:19
=== topyli found a replacement keyboard
MortiBloodmyst: How are you supposed to type a # on an iBook keyboard anyway?10:19
MortiFortunately the keymap on this one isn't quite right so I can.10:19
firefly2442boga: any luck?10:20
ompaulwhat makes the basic system other than ubuntu-base and ubuntu-desktop or if Sir Bob Geldof will forgive me, is that it?10:20
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HappyFoolpatron saint of? ;)10:21
ompaulHappyFool, people who have no voice10:21
konkithanks alot disposable_mike, i am at the site getting the repository...caio..10:21
topyliompaul: like Sir Bob :)10:22
_DuDe_darn, i get a message that [Child terminated with 1 Status] 10:22
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HappyFool_DuDe_: when running synaptic?10:22
_DuDe_when I try and do anything that requires a pass10:22
ompaultopyli, I grew up listening to the boomtown rats - they were of a time and we needed them :)10:22
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firefly2442Would someone be willing to walk me through partitioning this software RAID in the Ubuntu installer?10:23
konkidisposable_mike, which version of marillat is better... stable or unstable... whats the diff???10:23
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HappyFoolkonki, disposable_mike: isn't marillat more-or-less not recommended anymore?10:25
_DuDe_HappyFool, when I try and do anything that requires a pass10:25
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HappyFool_DuDe_: enter your user password10:25
konkiHappyFool, what do you recommend then?10:25
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ompaulfirefly2442,  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-3136.html may hold the answer you need10:26
HappyFool_DuDe_: if that doesn't work, go to a terminal, type 'sudo ls' and enter your user password; if that gives an error, please tell me what it is10:26
_DuDe_ok, going10:26
HappyFoolkonki: i believe backports is the favoured 'extra' repository10:26
okhraHi. How do I use Synaptic to install sql-ledger ?10:26
uboturumour has it, backports is at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/10:26
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Bloodmystokhra: Have you updated your repository list?10:26
HappyFoolkonki: try reading that url10:26
tritiumHappyFool, backports in general is not "favored", but you're right10:26
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Bloodmystokhra: have you updated your cache?10:27
_DuDe_HappyFool, [smith is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.]  Thats the message10:27
HappyFool_DuDe_: ok, how did you install ubuntu?10:27
_DuDe_With a disk, normally I think,should I install it again???10:28
konkiHappyFool, which URL is that??10:28
raven3x7tritium "favoured" ?10:28
disposable_mikehappyfool, konki: technically i don't think it ever was recommended10:28
Bloodmystokhra: Okay.  Just do a search for sql-ledger in Synaptic.  Or if you'd like to install it from the console, just type "sudo apt-get install sql-ledger"10:28
tritiumraven3x7, they're not official repos10:28
HappyFoolkonki: backports.ubuntuforums.org10:28
ompaul_DuDe_, how many users are there on that box10:28
HappyFool_DuDe_: no10:28
_DuDe_1, just me10:28
disposable_mikehappyfool, konki: plus, that codec pack isn't technically recommended, either10:28
HappyFool_DuDe_: it was a 'normal' install?10:28
_DuDe_Everything was default10:29
okhrathanks, Bloodmyst - will do that.10:29
HappyFool_DuDe_: and is 'dave' the user you created during the install process?10:29
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Bloodmystokhra: let me know if it doesn't work, and we can figure out where to go from there10:29
frankI installed the nvidia drivers, doom3 runs ok, glxinfo tells me direct rendering works, but glxgears only gives me 260 fps. Anybody know what could be the problem?10:29
Oberis there a place to download all the packages for detached operations?10:29
_DuDe_no, i created smith, where do you see 'dave'10:29
ompaulokhra this is the line you are looking for :)  ->  deb 'U'r Url here' hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted10:29
HappyFool_DuDe_: um. i'm hallucinating, sorry10:30
konkidisposable_mike, you mean it can crash my PC or something like that??10:30
HappyFool_DuDe_: ok, smith was that user?10:30
=== Artimus [~Artimus@66-168-7-235.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #Ubuntu
_DuDe_HappyFool, lol10:30
disposable_mikekonki: no, i think it's more the legal issue than anything10:30
HappyFool_DuDe_: what does 'grep ^admin /etc/group' say?10:30
Strifedisposable_mike: you're making xchat tell me that someone said "mike." stop helping people!10:30
Bloodmystompaul: He said he updated his repositories.  I'm guessing he added that in.10:30
Bloodmystompaul: if not he'll be back. ;)10:31
HappyFool_DuDe_: type that command at the terminal10:31
ompaulBloodmyst, if by hand then that might be useful if not you are right :)10:31
HappyFool_DuDe_: it should print out a single line10:31
disposable_mikeStrife: what triggers do you have then? Michael? Mike? Strife?10:31
Bloodmystompaul: Indeed sir.10:31
ArtimusHow much space does the default Ubuntu install take up?  No offense, the wiki is not very easy to find information in.10:32
_DuDe_smith@ubuntu:~$ 'grep ^admin /etc/group'10:32
_DuDe_bash: grep ^admin /etc/group: No such file or directory10:32
Strifedisposable_mike: Mike, obviously10:32
konkidisposable_mike, i see, heard about the vlc lawsuit or something like that, but this is linux everything is almost all the time free...10:32
HappyFool_DuDe_: sorry, without quotes10:32
Strifewell and also Strife10:32
Strifesee, there it goes again!10:32
frankArtimus: I don't know, maybe a gig?10:32
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Artimusfrank: alright, cool.  I've got 2.210:33
_DuDe_smith@ubuntu:~$ grep ^admin /etc/group10:33
disposable_mikekonki: it's not so much the freedom factor, as the fact that the codecs had to be reverse-engineered to work with videos written for windows codecs10:33
HappyFool_DuDe_: hmm10:33
mophatOkay.. So it's my hdparm.conf that's loading too soon in my startup10:33
raven3x7Artimus i think 2 3 hundred megs above 1GB10:33
disposable_mikekonki: hence the moniker 'w32'10:33
frankArtimus: That's just a guess and you also need space for swap10:33
BloodmystArtimus: I have 2.0GB uses on my machine, I've installed a few packages since then, but it's almost new.10:33
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Artimusfrank: Oh, I mean I have 2.2G after formatting in reiserFS10:34
mophat Any of the blocks that use command line syntax must begin with10:34
mophat#the keyword \'command_line\',   ...10:34
Artimus(swap is also taken into account)10:34
ArtimusIs gnome included in that 2GB?10:34
=== robotgeek [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mophatdoes that mean  command_line hdparm -c1 /dev/hdc10:34
ArtimusI'll be removing gnome rather quickly, as my box won't run it decently10:34
mophator 'command_line'10:34
BloodmystArtimus: It should be.10:34
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konkiHappyFool, backports.ubuntuforums.org URL does not work10:34
HappyFool_DuDe_: i don't know why you do not have an admin group10:34
HappyFoolkonki: hmm10:35
mophathow can i have a simple script with 3 commands run at the startup10:35
mophathell i can make it 1 command10:35
frankkonki: you need a backports repository?10:35
_DuDe_Should I try logging in ubuntu as root?10:35
robotgeekanyone know when firefox 1.0.5 gets into ubuntu...me waiting for a few javascript fixes10:35
Bloodmystfrank: he does.10:35
mophathdparm -c1 /dev/hda;hdparm -c1/dev/hdc;hdparm -c1 /dev/hdd10:35
topylido keyboards recover from beer flood after they dry up?10:35
tritiumrobotgeek, the security fixes were backported into hoary already10:35
frankkonki: deb ftp://ftp2.caliu.info/backports/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted10:35
mophati want to put hdparm -c1 /dev/hda;hdparm -c1/dev/hdc;hdparm -c1 /dev/hdd   at the very END of my startup script.. how do i do that10:36
HappyFoolmophat: look in /etc/init.d/boostmisc.sh10:36
=== benkong2 [~benkong2@cpe-024-088-250-205.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
konkithanks frank...10:36
raven3x7topyli turn it upside down so all the fluid will get out. then maybe it will10:36
frankrobotgeek: Are you sure, I haven't seen that update yet10:36
HappyFool_DuDe_: you can fix it, but you'll need to boot in recovery mode10:36
robotgeektritium: guess i need to set the vendor sub gix10:36
raven3x7frank it was released 12 july10:36
topyliraven3x7: yeah, it's drying upside down on the floor right there10:36
HappyFool_DuDe_: stand by just a moment10:37
_DuDe_HappyFool, ok10:37
robotgeektritium: fix, firefox updated to 1.0.5, used it on windows10:37
tritiumrobotgeek, yeah, that should work10:37
mophatHappyFool,  if i add that line before the  ": exiit 0"10:37
tritiumrobotgeek, right, fixes are in the 1.0.3 version in hoary (backported)10:37
HappyFoolmophat: yip10:37
raven3x7topyli if you're lucky it will work. mine survived quite a few baths before it got wasted10:37
BloodmystSo anyone know about why my video players crash when I play a file (except mplayer) and none of them play dvd's after I installed a new kernel image to get direct rendering on my video card?10:38
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robotgeektritium: i don't quite understand10:38
=== topyli prays
BloodmystAnything else I need to do?10:38
topylii love that keyboard10:38
HappyFool_DuDe_: i'm not sure if this will work10:38
tritiumrobotgeek, the version in hoary has the fixes you're worried about10:38
ubotuI guess esd is Enlightened Sound Daemon. By using a sound server to access your sound device, multiple applications can connect to the server at once and all make noise simultaneously.10:39
HappyFool_DuDe_: did you enter a password for 'root' during install?10:39
_DuDe_I think so10:39
_DuDe_It said to10:39
robotgeektritium: i am not really worried :) ..i just wanted to use greasemonkey properly!10:39
HappyFool_DuDe_: ah10:39
franktritium: I don't think the 1.0.5 fixes are in hoary yet10:39
raven3x7topyli you could always remove the buttons and use some cloth to dry it10:39
HappyFool_DuDe_: do you remember what it is?10:39
firefly2442Ubuntu does not currently support using software RAID for the root filesystem or /boot partition. A system installed in this way will not boot.10:39
firefly2442Is this true?10:39
tritiumfrank, they are10:39
_DuDe_Yea, same as smith10:39
HappyFool_DuDe_: ok10:39
HappyFool_DuDe_: phew. no need to reboot then10:39
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konkifrank, thanks just what i wanted... the backport worked... you the man!10:40
topyliraven3x7: nah. if it doesn't work, i'll open it up and try to clean it10:40
HappyFool_DuDe_: type 'su -', and enter root's password when prompted10:40
frankkonki: ;-)10:40
topyliraven3x7: after all, it's the sugar i guess that might do most damage10:40
_DuDe_ok, i'm in10:40
=== auk [~scott@h-69-3-115-129.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFool_DuDe_: you should get a prompte ending with '#'10:40
_DuDe_I di10:40
raven3x7tritium i dont think i updated firefox the last few days...10:40
robotgeektritium,frank : thanks10:40
HappyFool_DuDe_: good. now, type 'grep %admin /etc/sudoers' and tell me what is says10:40
raven3x7topyli the sugar could make it sticky10:41
tritiumraven3x7, no, there were no recent updates10:41
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_DuDe_nothing again10:41
HappyFool_DuDe_: bother10:41
raven3x7tritium so how are the 1.05 fixes in hoary? 1.05 was released july 1210:41
ubuntuhey guys, does anyone know the default password of the Live_CD?10:42
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frankubuntu: I think its ubuntu10:42
tritiumraven3x7, you're correct.  Sorry, the 1.0.4 fixes went into hoary's version.10:42
topyliraven3x7: yes. we'll see tomorrow. if i can't get it working, i'll snatch one from work where there's about 32475 useless keyboards and mice :)10:42
Atlas95hello :), I want to do how to upgrade my firefox in my hoary10:42
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Atlas95if someone can help me please :)10:42
robotgeekAtlas95: I was abt to ask that  next!10:42
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HappyFool_DuDe_: ok, type 'visudo /etc/sudoers' -- you should go into an 'editor' (don't type anything yet, though)10:42
topyliraven3x7: unused, not useless :)10:42
raven3x7topyli lol10:42
frankubuntu: Either that or none at all10:42
HappyFool_DuDe_: sorry, that's wrong10:43
ubuntuI've tried ubuntu and it didn't worked for returning from the screensaver mode...10:43
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HappyFool_DuDe_: ah. type this:   'EDITOR=gedit visudo'10:43
raven3x7Atlas95 robotgeek there are instruction on the firefox website10:43
ArtimusI'm doing a floppy install of Ubuntu (Using the sarge disks).  I'm to the point of debootstrapping from a mirror.  It's said "Checking component main on http..." for about five minutes.  How long does this step take?10:43
HappyFool_DuDe_: that should start up gedit10:44
_DuDe_root@ubuntu:~ # EDITOR=gedit visudo10:44
_DuDe_(gedit:22569): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:10:44
_DuDe_visudo: sudoers file unchanged10:44
HappyFool_DuDe_: hrm10:44
HappyFool_DuDe_: ok, type 'EDITOR=nano visudo'10:44
frankAtlas95: If you wait a few days, the security patches will make their way into hoary-security10:44
ubuntuwhy doesn't the OpenOffice of the Live-CD show Hebrew?10:44
tritiumAtlas95, robotgeek if you use the installer from firefox, it won't be under package management.  Just keep that in mind.10:44
HappyFool_DuDe_: that worked?10:44
_DuDe_its alot of lines10:44
HappyFool_DuDe_: use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the bottom of the file10:45
HappyFool_DuDe_: and add this line:    %admin  ALL=(ALL) ALL10:45
robotgeektritium: i know,i tried to compile from cvs..gave up :)10:45
raven3x7Atlas95 robotgeek i dont think 1.05 is as serious an update as some othr recent ones were10:45
HappyFool_DuDe_: exactly like that. the % must be at the start of the line10:45
tritiumfrank, my apologies to you too. You were correct :)10:45
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rainingzigzagswhats the best script for xchat if ur a ircop on a server?10:46
franktritium: civility triumphs again ;)10:46
robotgeekraven3x7: i had some problems with the greasemonkey extension10:46
tritiumfrank, :)10:46
rainingzigzagsi tryed google but cant find any10:46
Pro_NewbieCan someone help me?10:46
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_DuDe_HappyFool, Then what do I do?10:46
_DuDe_It is ther10:46
HappyFool_DuDe_: then type Ctrl-X, press 'Y' (for yes) and then press enter (to accept the filename)10:46
BelutzHappyFool, hai!! I already installed ubuntu on my laptop :D10:46
robotgeekraven3x7: i heard abt some javascript fixes in 1.0.5..so desparate to upgrade!10:47
HappyFoolBelutz: good stuff :)10:47
=== La_PaRCa [~parca@cable200-116-215-17.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
raven3x7robotgeek the  firefox team doesnt ecourage compiling firefox for usage only for development. of course you can try if you like10:47
_DuDe_It did every thing you said10:47
HappyFool_DuDe_: not much more now10:47
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khermansAnyone know how to use xvidcap?10:47
BelutzHappyFool, how do I update the firefox into firefox 1.0.5 with apt-get ?10:47
HappyFool_DuDe_: now type 'addgroup --system admin'10:47
frankPro_Newbie: with what?10:47
La_PaRCaHappyFool, Firgured all my stuff out. Still cant install xorg because I cannot connect to the repository, even if I can fully browse it via firefox.10:47
tritiumBelutz, you can't at the moment.10:47
HappyFoolBelutz: you cannot, currently10:47
robotgeekraven3x7: it's a free country ain't it :))10:47
raven3x7robotgeek so they're sertious for you i guess10:47
rainingzigzagswhats the best script for xchat if ur a ircop on a server?10:48
HappyFoolBelutz: if you *really* need it, get it from mozilla.org10:48
HappyFool_DuDe_: cool10:48
Belutzyup... i already download it and install it, but i deleted again hehehe10:48
_DuDe_now should it work?10:48
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HappyFool_DuDe_: not yet10:48
frankBelutz: If you wait a few days, the security patches will make their way into hoary-security10:48
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HappyFool_DuDe_: now, type 'adduser smith admin'10:48
ArtimusHas anyone done a floppy install of Ubuntu before?  I'm to the part where you chroot in, but there's no libncurses.10:48
Belutzfrank:  ok, i rather wait for it :)10:48
HappyFool_DuDe_: then tell me what 'grep ^admin /etc/group' says10:49
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MortiHow do I suid root something?10:49
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robotgeekraven3x7: i think i'll just wait!10:49
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Belutzwhat's a good app for html editor that support PHP syntax highlighting in linux?10:49
Pro_NewbieIm having a kind of weird problem....Im on Kubuntu 5.04 brand new install, just powered it up and put the nvidia glx driver (my VGA is GeForce 6600GT). Before u eat me alive (:)) i alredy asked @ #kubuntu but no one helped me and suggested to come here.... so. When a new event happens (like new msg here or move the window) the whole desktop, or part of the windows turn in some kind of weird color palette like on a scrambled tv.... can anone help me to 10:49
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFool_DuDe_: ok, open another terminal window, type 'sudo ls', and, when prompted, enter your user password10:49
joefreBelutz: I use Bluefish or jEdit10:50
_DuDe_I'm in10:50
raven3x7robotgeek probably better that way. custom installations are a pain to manage10:50
HappyFool_DuDe_: yay10:50
HappyFool_DuDe_: try synaptic now, though I think you might need to logout and login10:50
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Belutzjoefre: ok, is it available in synaptic?10:50
_DuDe_logout of unbuntu10:50
joefrebluefish definately is10:50
HappyFool_DuDe_: yeah. first try though10:50
=== tritium agrees with raven3x7
HappyFool_DuDe_: i'm not sure if the group info gets magically updated somehow10:51
robotgeekraven3x7: true,10:51
frankPro_Newbie: did you install the driver with apt-get?10:51
joefreBelutz: searh and see :)10:51
=== benkong2 [~benkong2@cpe-024-088-250-205.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
robotgeekraven3x7: and i havent recompiled my kernel yet on ubuntu (yay!)10:51
_DuDe_HappyFool, I got in the program10:51
Belutzjoefre: i'm doing it hehehe :D10:51
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tritiumPro_Newbie, and did you also run "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"?10:51
Pro_Newbienope with K(Sy)naptic10:51
HappyFool_DuDe_: at last *phew*10:51
frankPro_Newbie: ok its the same thing10:51
Pro_Newbietritium: no10:51
HappyFool_DuDe_: your system now has a more-or-less standard 'admin' setup10:51
ubotutritium: Bugger all, i dunno10:52
HappyFool_DuDe_: anyway, you can use synaptic to install software10:52
raven3x7rven3x7 if it works dont fix it10:52
_DuDe_ok, thanks a bunch10:52
=== Artimus [~Artimus@66-168-7-235.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has left #Ubuntu ["Leaving"]
HappyFool_DuDe_: to get eggdrop, you'll need to add the 'universe' repository -- see these urls for more:10:52
ubotuwell, repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:52
ubotuhmm... apt is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/10:52
uboturumour has it, synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto10:52
tritiumPro_Newbie, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:52
_DuDe_You rock HappyFool10:52
=== mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-12-60.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
MortiHow do I suid root something? smbmnt wants it.10:53
HappyFool_DuDe_: :-)10:53
HappyFoolMorti: chmod u+s smbmnt, i think10:53
anotherhey guys, im havin grub problems. i have windows on /dev/hda1 and ubunutu on /dev/hdb1 through /dev/hdb4 (one install). i had windows installed, then installed ubuntu, then re-installed windows. now i tryed to reinstall grub by booting into knoppix (where i am now) and doing setup (hd0) (hd0,0) to put it on /dev/hda1, but it said it coudnt mount. so i did the same for /dev/hdb1 and it worked fine. so i opened fdisk and toggled the bootable10:53
another permission to be on for hdb1 and off for hda, but it wont boot and just says press a key to reset. how do i reinstall grub?10:53
Pro_Newbietritium: 10x a lot hope it wont bug again10:53
tritiumPro_Newbie, no problem.  You're always free to ask questions.  That's why we're here :)10:54
robotgeekbtw, firefox on windows can now play yahoo launch vidoes10:54
BelutzHappyFool: what is the 'universe' thingy?10:54
frankanother: Are you still in knoppix?10:54
raven3x7nvidia needs to fix their xorg drivers soon10:55
tritiumBelutz, see this: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components/document_view10:55
HappyFoolBelutz: it's a collection of software not officially supported by ubuntu10:55
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anothercant get into ubuntu at all10:55
frankdid you try  grub-install while chrooted into ubuntu?10:55
albinoIs there a way to install ubuntu over the net by booting off floppy disks?  If so, is there a document that details where to get the images or could someone point me where to get them from.10:55
tritiumfrank has the answer10:55
anotheri shall10:55
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robotgeekdevilspie is putting weird messages on my irssi screen...lemme se if i can turn that off :)10:57
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HappyFoolalbino: see here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LocalNetInstall     and especially the link at bottom (for boot floppies)10:57
HappyFoolalbino: caveat: i don't know if this works10:57
tawi have one more question [still waiting for the livecd to download, it's so slow]  :-)10:57
BelutzTritium: should i edit the sources.list to get more packages listed in synaptic?10:57
albinoHappyFool: Thank you, I was wondering if I was going to get an answer10:58
tawdoes ubuntu have osx gui theme ? :-D10:58
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tritiumBelutz, if you want to add the universe and multiverse repos, yes.  You can also add them in synaptic.10:58
ubotuhmm... repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:58
anotherhow am i supposed to use grub-install? i tryed grub-install /dev/hda and i get a bunch of "/sbin/grub-install: line 477: /dev/null: Permission denied" errors and then a "The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly."10:58
raven3x7dawm firefox keeps crashing10:58
robotgeekraven3x7: you need the sessionsaver plugin :)10:59
Pro_Newbietritium: nope it bugs again even after the nvidia-glx config enable10:59
frankanother: Yeah the problem is the way knoppix mounts the partition by default10:59
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tritiumPro_Newbie, can you paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf on pastebin please?  /var/log/Xorg.0.log may also be helpful11:00
raven3x7Pro_Newbie did it report that i succeeded?11:00
Belutztritium:  may i private message you?11:00
=== flipy [~flipy@62-15-245-77.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumBelutz, okay11:00
raven3x7robotgeek what does that do? restre the previous session?11:00
frankanother: open up fstab (in knoppix) and take out the nodev option for the ubuntu partion...   it's something like that but I haven't really ever done it though11:00
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robotgeekraven3x7: yeah, exactly as it was...11:01
robotgeekraven3x7: i don't remember if it remembers text boxes11:01
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frankanother: and then umount and mount again11:02
anotheri see no nodev option in there11:02
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sh0kcrimsun: ur here?11:02
flipyI'm having a dependency problem: i've installed drupal, but somehow mysql got removed, and now if I try to uninstall drupal it asks me for a mysql root user and password. How can I get ride of it?11:02
raven3x7its not firefox that crashes really its probably gecko. the rest of firefox seems to work right. i'm using the vesa drivers so that might be the problem11:02
anotherthe line in knoppixs fstab for my ubuntu part. is "/dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1 ext3 noauto,users,exec 0 0"11:03
frankanother: someone may know more than me about this. But I pretty sure there is some option that needs to be changed11:03
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sh0kanyone can help me with my alsa shit?11:03
frankanother: what about for hda11:03
sh0ki cant get it workin11:03
robotgeekraven3x7: i am on ppc linux, so java always keeps crashing11:04
ubuntuexcue me but how do I access my harddisk while using the Live CD ubuntu?11:04
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raven3x7i hate java on the web. it only creates problems11:05
sh0ksh0k@candy-shop:~$ amixer11:05
sh0kamixer: Mixer attach default error: No such device11:05
sh0ksh0k@candy-shop:~$ alsamixer11:06
sh0kalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device11:06
robotgeekraven3x7: it's got lots of money backing it up11:06
sh0kmy whole sound system is fucked11:06
frankubuntu: make a mount point in /mnt  then  sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/name11:06
sh0ki need someone who can fix it11:06
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anotherman this sucks, im probably going to have to install ubuntu all over again and loose all my files11:06
franksh0k: are you using amd64>11:06
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sh0ki got nforce211:07
lsuactiafneranother : why?11:07
anotherwindows overwrote grub and i cant seem to reinstall it through knoppix11:07
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lsuactiafnerno idea why ubuntu doesnt have alsaconf11:07
ubotusomebody said recover was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:07
sh0ki want to deinstall11:08
sh0kand reinstall alsa new11:08
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d-manis there a built in SSH app in ubuntu?11:08
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tiglionabbitanother: does that wiki help you?11:08
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robotgeek@all, is there anyway to make a feature request or a most asked question thread...esp, alsaconf and why it's not there in alsa-utils?11:09
franktiglionabbit where can you find the ubotu commands?11:09
cut0fflsuactiafner run this 'dpkg -l | grep alsa'11:09
tiglionabbitfrank: !help11:09
raven3x7sh0k hopefully better multimedia support is a goal for breezy11:09
anotherchecking it out right now11:09
Burgundaviaraven3x7, sound already works, via alsa dmix11:10
sh0khow u mean that raven3x7 ?11:10
franktiglionabbit: thanks11:10
raven3x7well mplayer gives me problems with alsa11:10
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jphow can I restart dbus session?11:11
lsuactiafnercut0ff : i rean that but all those packages are installed..11:11
lsuactiafnerbut no alsaconf11:11
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raven3x7also nvidia drivers wont work but thats not ubuntus fault11:11
ZerboxxAnyhelp here, I am trying to get a wireless card working using ndiswrapper, and when I type "ndiswrapper -l" I get "wusb54g invalid driver!" What is wrong??11:12
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raven3x7sh0k of course mplayer is not an oficial package so i cant really complain11:12
ubotuwell, nvidia is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto11:12
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jphow can I restart the dbus session?11:12
robotgeekdoes anyone know the location of the mplayer binary on ppc?11:12
cut0fflsuactiafner try to run alsamixer though11:13
robotgeeka locate, find doesn't bring it up..even after apt-getting it11:13
tiglionabbitrobotgeek: if you have it installed, you can say "which" and the name of the binary, if it's in your path11:13
raven3x7robotgeek try locate mplayer11:13
tritiumlsuactiafner, there are good reasons why alsaconf was not included.11:13
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anotheryeah i dont think that wiki is helping, the problem is grub actually IS installed on /dev/hdb1, but my system wont boot from that drive or something, but it must have before, i just dont know how the ubuntu set up managed it11:13
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tiglionabbitrobotgeek: also try "dpkg -L mplayer-??" where ?? is whatever was in the package name there11:13
lsuactiafnercut0ff : yeh but alsamixer is no use in configuring a sound device11:13
Burgundaviajp, "/etc/init.d/dbus restart"11:14
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robotgeektiglionabbit,raven3x7 : doesn't pull up the binary11:14
robotgeektiglionabbit: on it now11:14
sh0ksh0k@candy-shop:~$ nvmixer11:14
sh0knvmixer: error while loading shared libraries: libqt-mt.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:14
=== _DuDe_ will brb, he just did all the ubuntu updates
zone17Hi, what happends if one uses Debians original repos?11:14
anotheri have all my conf files and stuff there still, setup (hd1,0) (hd1,0) works fine, but when i start it just says press a key to reboot, i dont know what peice of software is saying that, could it be grub? or just the bios?11:15
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=== _DuDe_ will brb
cut0fflsuactiafner wait please11:15
tiglionabbitzone17: dunno, but I've heard they don't work so well as using our own11:15
raven3x7robotgeek try typing sudo updatedb first then locate mplayer or mplayer-x86 wichever version you got11:15
ubotumethinks sources is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersAddingRepositories11:15
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robotgeekraven3x7: i did that...doesn't work11:15
raven3x7robotgeek that meens mplayer386 0r mplayer-58611:16
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tiglionabbitrobotgeek: he said he's using a PPC11:16
tiglionabbitoops, meant that for raven3x711:16
=== tiglionabbit uses autocomplete too much
robotgeektiglionabbit,raven3x7 : i found a symlink in /usr/bin11:16
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raven3x7tiglionabbit locate doesnt ork on ppc. never used a macintosh11:17
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tiglionabbitraven3x7: it doesn't?  Why shouldn't it?11:17
robotgeekraven3x7,tiglionabbit : but, no use...lemme purge and reinstall the package!11:17
raven3x7tiglionabbit sorry. that was a question11:18
cut0fflsuactiafner paste the output of 'cat /dev/sndstat'11:18
robotgeekraven3x7,tiglionabbit : locate works, maybe a problem with the package!11:18
anotheris it even possible at all to boot from a slave drive?11:18
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sagittayes, I boot from a slave drive11:19
anacronslavery is wrong!11:19
anacronwhy can't all be masters like s-ata's are11:19
cafuegoanother: Coz then you'd waste half the ide bus.11:20
tiglionabbitah there it is, mplayer-powerpc .  robotgeek just "dpkg -L mplayer-powerpc | less" and look through the files it's got11:20
raven3x7eide is evil11:20
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tiglionabbitwhats wrong with EIDE?11:20
cafuegoYou newfangled kids just too damn spoilt.11:20
anotherwell i just found a version of grub for windows, seems od but i geuss that might be the answer11:20
cafuegoGo boot off a tape drive11:20
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robotgeektiglionabbit: one sec...11:20
raven3x7tiglionabbit read what anacron said11:21
ZerboxxI need help with ndiswrapper.  It doesn't seem to be working with my wireless usb device.  Any help??11:21
anacronand why don't why get any flashcard type hard-drives? that current technicue is something more than 10 years old11:21
anotherahwfukit, im just going to reinstall, probably faster11:21
cafuegoanacron: They don't last long enough for consumer hardware.11:21
anto9usZerboxx: what does ndiswrapper -l show you?11:21
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anacroncafuego: or what do you mean11:22
cafuegoanacron: They have a limited number of read/writes before they die.11:22
Zerboxxanto9us: wusb54g   Invalid driver!11:22
=== jortega is away: gone home for the weekend
anacroncafuego: well they have to invent something11:22
cafuegoanacron: Why they? Why can't _you_?11:23
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sh0ki just deinstalled alsa*11:23
sh0kguys thats fuckin bullshit with nforce11:24
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Discipuluswhat do I use to install the C man pages?11:24
_DuDe_Starting Configuration...11:25
_DuDe_checking for gcc... no11:25
_DuDe_checking for cc... no11:25
_DuDe_configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH11:25
anto9usZerboxx: is your system 32 bit or 64 bit?11:25
cafuego_DuDe_: install build-essential11:25
cafuego_DuDe_: What are you compiling?11:25
_DuDe_forgot, thanks11:25
Zerboxxanto9us: It's pretty old, so I assume 3211:25
cafuego!info eggdrop11:25
ubotueggdrop: (Advanced IRC Robot), section universe/net, is extra. Version: 1.6.17-3 (hoary), Packaged size: 459 kB, Installed size: 1144 kB11:25
cafuego_DuDe_: apt-get install eggdrop11:25
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robotgeekraven3x7,tiglionabbit : weird..i purged by doing apt-get remove --purge mplayer-g4 , then manually cleaned everything else11:26
_DuDe_Type that in terminal?11:26
cafuego_DuDe_: yep11:26
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aeolistoh god11:26
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cafuego_DuDe_: Well, add 'sudo ' as well.11:26
aeolistthis guy has totally killed soko11:26
robotgeekraven3x7,tiglionabbit : i still get a symlink in /usr/bin for gmplayer -> mplayer , nothing else11:26
angel_someone know how unistall program??11:26
=== robotgeek is off to file a bug-report!
hondjeapt-get remove <program>11:26
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chillywillywhat package is smartd in?11:27
angel_ok thank11:27
cafuegoangel_: 'sudo apt-get remove <program>'11:27
anto9usZerboxx: what does lsusb show you?11:27
_DuDe_smith@ubuntu:~$ apt-get install eggdrop11:27
_DuDe_E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)11:27
_DuDe_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?11:27
hondjechillywilly: smartmontools, IIRC11:27
chillywillyI do not see it in smartmontolls11:27
cafuegochillywilly: smartmontools11:27
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cafuego!find bin/smartd11:27
hondjeare you root? <---- I like helpful error messages11:27
ubotuUbuntu Search of 'bin/smartd' (1 shown): (/usr/sbin/smartd) in utils/smartmontools.11:27
hondjeuse sudo apt-get install stuff11:27
tankii dont know why but when i saw cafuego reply to chillywilly i couldn't stop laughing11:27
chillywillyah, I probably need to configure it then11:28
ubotu_DuDe_: Bugger all, i dunno11:28
Zerboxxanto9us: I assume it should be plugged in when I do that, right?11:28
tankiit was something to do with contrasting funny nicks involved in a serious subject11:28
anto9usZerboxx: yes11:28
angel_do you know a good program for PHP HTML and Java??11:28
Zerboxxanto9us: In that case, be back in a second (using 2 computers, and one usb wireless device)11:28
=== cafuego just hopes to god chillywilly doesn't have a new zealand accent
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ubotu_DuDe_: I don't know, could you explain it?11:29
tankidont sneeze chilly!!!11:29
tankisomeone give him a tissue11:29
tankior we're all toast11:29
trapezegood evening11:29
robotgeekdanger Will Robinson!11:29
cafuegotrapeze: good morning11:30
angel_evening for me...11:30
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cafuegotomorrow morning for me11:30
=== cafuego is from teh future! *tadah*
=== boga [~judith@CPE0011095f2041-CM00e06f240dd8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Zerboxxanto9us: Bus 001 Device 008: ID 1915:2234 and another line that was there when the networkthing wasn't plugged in11:31
trapezethe topic says : don't use breezy yet => when you install a fresh 5.04 version  hedgehog release and then you ask for auto update of the files & language stuff does it act as if it was installing that BREEZY?11:31
_DuDe_How do I11:31
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegotrapeze: No, it installs new hoary updates. Not breezy.11:31
trapezebecause for some reason, X isn't starting :p i get a black screen telling me that the resolution isn't supported by my monitor11:31
raven3x7trapeze no11:31
_DuDe_How do I install build-essential?11:31
tiglionabbitterrex: it will only update to the distro you have listed in /etc/apt/sources.list, which by default is hoary.  Don't change it11:32
angel_do you have test apt-get install??11:32
cafuegotrapeze: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg'. Answer the questions, and configure X.11:32
tiglionabbitangel_: you mean apt-get -s install ?11:32
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=== _DuDe_ is a linux n00b
topyli_DuDe_: apt-get install build-essential :)11:32
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cafuegotrapeze: When it asks about the screen, choose 'Simple' configuration.11:32
bogaI need somebody to help me get phpinfo() work as it should. At present the browser displays entire the entire text.11:32
Zerboxxanto9us: any ideas?11:33
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anto9usZerboxx: did you download the latest driver for the Linksys WUSB54G?11:33
trapezei didn't have that, only a page asking me to choose the resolutions i wanted to use & the ones i didn't want....i checked from 640x480 , 800x600 &  1024x76811:33
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_DuDe_Thanks topyli11:33
=== Servo888 [~Servo888@pcp0011430227pcs.sothfd01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Zerboxxanto9us: Yup!11:34
angel_tiglionabbit >> ??????11:34
topyli_DuDe_: well, it's just a package after all11:34
anto9usZerboxx: do you have a windows partition on that machine with drivers installed?11:34
=== _DuDe_ is still just a linux n00b, and dosn't know
Zerboxxanto9us: No, I have them installed on this computer though11:34
Servo888I have a question - it seems the user has to type in their password everytime they 'activate' their dialup connection - even though that user is the administrator, and apart of the dialup group.11:34
tiglionabbitangel_: it's a simulated install, it just prints out the information without installing anything11:35
Servo888Is there anyway around this?11:35
anto9usZerboxx: copy the driver from that one and try it11:35
Zerboxxanto9us: That's what I did11:35
Belutzhow do i report something to ubuntu?11:35
raven3x7trapeze thats a shell command. open a terminal and type it11:35
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tiglionabbitBelutz: use bugzilla?  (where is bugzilla btw)11:35
ubotuI don't know, tiglionabbit11:35
marcusFTP server config question11:35
topyliBelutz: report what, ubuntu who? :)11:36
angel_but i didn't ask anithink....11:36
anto9usZerboxx: copy the entire driver folder and make sure you ndiswrapper -i <the .inf file>11:36
angel_but thank11:36
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Zerboxxanto9us: With the device plugged in?11:36
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Belutztopyli: i'm in indonesia, and i set the time zone into Asia/Jakarta, and it says 'WIT' as the suffix, the right suffix for Asia/Jakarta is 'WIB'11:37
trapezeraven3x7 : can't have terminal cause i have nothing being displayed with gnome right now....i switched to tty1 with ctrl+alt+f1 so i can run things there, question is : which in order to make me able to launch gnome-panel11:37
marcuswhere is the ftp server config file?11:37
anto9usZerboxx: it's not necessary for loading the driver, should list driver present, hardware not present11:37
topyliBelutz: ah. that's a bug then. report it at bugzilla11:37
Zerboxxanto9us: Ok, thanks, I'll give it a try now11:37
sh0kroot@candy-shop:/home/sh0k/Desktop # cat /proc/asound/cards11:38
sh0k--- no soundcards ---11:38
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Belutztopyli: www.bugzilla.org ?11:38
topyliBelutz: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/11:38
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Belutztopyli: ok, thx :)11:38
A[D] minSGuys is there command for auto-update ?11:39
=== McQuaid [mcquaid@toronto-hs-216-138-233-79.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitA[D] minS: "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"11:39
McQuaidhello, i was reading that for a time, polypaudio was the default for ubuntu but switched back to esd11:39
tiglionabbitubotu bugzilla is https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/11:39
ubotutiglionabbit: okay11:39
McQuaidi don't normally use any sound daemon, but i'm looking at my options for gaming with teamspeak11:39
A[D] minStiglionabbit, what a bout installing KDE3.4 ?11:40
McQuaidthe only one i could get working with both was arts but the lag is awful11:40
A[D] minSjust apt-get install kde ?11:40
Belutzanyone use thunderbird?11:40
McQuaidanyone familar with polypaudio?11:40
tiglionabbitA[D] minS: kubuntu, not kde11:40
nightswimI use thinderbird11:40
tiglionabbitA[D] minS: I mean, kubuntu-desktop11:40
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khermansXvidcap is buggy, anyone know of other Desktop Video Captue software?11:40
Belutznightswim: can i share the mbox between the thunderbird in ubuntu and thunderbird in windows xp? i'm using dual boot11:41
A[D] minSthx tiglionabbit  what diffrence between kde and kubuntu-desktop ?11:41
sh0kOther distributions11:41
sh0kIf the distribution you are using provides a configuration mechanism for audio drivers, use it to select the nvsound driver module for use with the nForce audio device. Otherwise, manually edit the module configuration file.11:41
sh0kIf your configuration file already contains an entry for the i810_audio, snd-intel8x0, or nvaudio drivers (open-source audio drivers that supports the nForce audio controller), that entry needs to be commented out with a # or removed:11:41
nightswimperhaps with a symlink :)11:41
sh0kwhere is the module file?11:41
=== apokryphos7 [~dw@host-84-9-32-178.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
anto9usBelutz: you can configure both to leave your mail on the server11:41
RiddellA[D] minS: kde has all the KDE programs, kubuntu-desktop has a selection for a sensible desktop11:41
nightswimassuming the windows versions uses the same mbox stuff11:41
raven3x7trapeze tried booting into recovery mode? you could run that script there.  there might be an easier way but i cant think of anyting else right now11:42
nightswimBelutz: I'd install them both11:42
Belutzwhat about creating a shortcut folder on my desktop?11:42
nightswimthen mount the windows disk11:42
=== max__ [~max@ool-18bb4419.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Belutznightswim: how to create the symlink?11:42
nightswimand have the mbox on linux symlink to that one11:42
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nightswimln -s11:42
trapezeraven3x7 : ok thanks, i'm giving a look at the xorg.conf file right now, might be it'll help me. anyway, what's the command i should run in recovery mode???11:43
tiglionabbitBelutz: ls -s whereyourelinking linkname11:43
cafuegoBelutz: Windows could use the Linux disk if you used say ext2 or ext3 on Linux.11:43
=== FireEgl [Melody@2001:5c0:84dc:1:208:54ff:fe34:19c0] has joined #Ubuntu
cafuegoBelutz: Or vice versa, provided you use fat32 on Windows.11:43
tankicafuego, windows can talk to ext2/3?11:44
raven3x7trapeze sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg11:44
cafuegotanki: Yep, mine does.11:44
DiscipulusEveryone think they can do me a favor11:44
Belutzi already provide a fat32 partition for datashare, thx for all the answer about the thunderbird11:44
=== oz__ [~oz@c211-30-253-67.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
tankicafuego, while in windows you can access your ext2/ext3 partitions?11:44
Discipulusopen a new tab and connect to irc.freenode.com:9001 for testing, they need about 200 more users11:44
mk_I'm seeing an mk5sum checksum error with Hoary's libg2c0 package. Can someone check if they can install it without problems?11:44
cafuegotanki: Yes.11:44
tankicafuego, how?11:44
khermansAnyone here have a video screen capture software for Linux11:45
cafuegotanki: I mount my /home partition as L:11:45
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Belutztiglionabbit: how do i create a shorcut folder on my desktop?11:45
cafuegotanki: Let me just find the software page...11:45
Discipulusmk_, what mirror are you using?11:45
tiglionabbitBelutz: you mean a launcher?11:45
tankicafuego, how would you mount a linux partion if only windows is running?11:45
LinuxJoneskhermans, like output of xorg into a video format ?11:45
tankiyeah i'm guessing you're using something because i dont know of any native way in windows to do that11:45
cafuegotanki: With mount.exe for windows, of course :-)11:45
Discipulusubotu, what is us mirror?11:46
ubotuDiscipulus: what are you talking about?11:46
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, Discipulus11:46
raven3x7trapeze as suggested by cafuego. im not sure what -plow does though. always used this without options myself..11:46
khermansLinuxJones, I want to create a demo presentation of things I am doing via my desktop11:46
Belutztiglionabbit: yup, a launcher that opening folder11:46
ubotuhmm... usrepos is if you get MD5Sum mismatches when doing apt-get installs don't use the us mirror.  Change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list11:46
Discipulusthere ya go mk_11:46
Zerboxxanto9us: The .inf file used for the windows box is the one I've already tried with ndiswrapper11:46
tiglionabbitBelutz: well you could make the command "nautilus /the/folder", or you could just do an ln in terminal11:46
mk_tiglionabbit: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com11:46
tiglionabbitmk_: what?11:47
Belutztiglionabbit: ok... trying it11:47
Discipulusmk_, change it to http://archive.ubuntu.com11:47
anto9usZerboxx: were the rest of the files that the .inf file uses available to it?11:47
LinuxJoneskhermans, let me have a look there was a good one that enables you to hilight a section of the screen (like an application window) and allow you to record it in divx format...let me see11:47
Zerboxxanto9us: Ah, missed that part, let me try that...my mistake11:47
cafuegotanki: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsd/11:47
Belutztiglionabbit: i got this error: ln: `/media/datashare/': hard link not allowed for directory11:48
khermansLinuxJones, was it xvidcap?  That was has segfaulted on me everytime now11:48
mk_So us.archive.ubuntu.com is broken? Or is there something I'm missing?11:48
LinuxJoneskhermans, yeah that's it11:48
khermansLinuxJones, do you know how to use it?11:48
khermansLinuxJones, it is not in the repos11:48
Belutztiglionabbit: i forgot to use -s :p11:48
tiglionabbitBelutz: yep11:48
khermansLinuxJones, and keeps making *.xwd files11:48
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LinuxJoneskhermans, you probably just need the appropriate codecs for it...ie divx or mpg11:49
sh0kdoes ubutnu have modules.conf or modprobe.conf?11:49
khermansLinuxJones, i have all the codecs...lol11:49
khermansLinuxJones, have you used it frequently?11:49
cafuegosh0k: modprobe.conf for 2.6 kernels, but you add configuration options in /etc/modprobe.d/*11:49
Zerboxxanto9us: You may have just saved me a lot of frustration...11:49
LinuxJoneskhermans, you have to disable the limit of frames that it records set that to 0 ....give me a sec11:50
khermansthere seem to be no alternatives11:50
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LinuxJoneskhermans, I have used it before lemme  install it and test it out11:50
sh0kOther distributions11:50
sh0kIf the distribution you are using provides a configuration mechanism for audio drivers, use it to select the nvsound driver module for use with the nForce audio device. Otherwise, manually edit the module configuration file.11:50
sh0kIf your configuration file already contains an entry for the i810_audio, snd-intel8x0, or nvaudio drivers (open-source audio drivers that supports the nForce audio controller), that entry needs to be commented out with a # or removed:11:50
sh0kand i dont know which module file11:50
raven3x7do i need backports to get transcode? it does not seem to be in extras11:50
anto9usZerboxx: :)11:51
tankiyeah this ext2fsb looks interesting11:51
kalvei have some videos i can't view in totem. what should i do to get the codecs?11:51
tankii might give it a whirl on my laptop later this weekend if i can't get any action at the club11:51
kalveanything i could just apt-get ?11:51
sh0kroot@candy-shop:/etc/modprobe.d # locate modprobe.conf11:52
topylikalve: w32codecs11:52
khermansLinuxJones, i have to leave work11:52
LinuxJoneskhermans, is this for a presentation or just to help someone through the odd problem ?11:52
khermansLinuxJones, can you send me a msg if you get a chance, no biggie if you dont figure it out11:52
raven3x7ugh its there. dependencies seem problematic11:52
khermansLinuxJones, i want to make a presentation for work11:52
sh0kand i also dont have modules.conf11:52
khermansLinuxJones, I am giving a demo on advanced port knocking concepts11:53
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mk_Thanks, switching to archive.ubuntu.com worked!11:53
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LinuxJoneskhermans, check out xnee11:53
LinuxJoneskhermans, records actual xorg output and allows you to play it back >> http://www.gnu.org/software/xnee/11:54
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khermansLinuxJones, doesnt seem to allow video ouput11:54
topylish0k: modules.conf is in /etc on this box11:55
raven3x7does anyone know if transcode depends on a backports package?11:55
khermansLinuxJones, looks like has to be played back on Xorg11:55
sh0kok thanks11:55
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LinuxJoneskhermans, you can take the video output from your video card that's not an issue..or is it :)11:55
cikilinhave some pbs11:55
=== Strife [~mdepalati@gyruss.gpcc.itd.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu
khermansLinuxJones, hehe this is so dumb -- im going to have to output my Linux screen to my DVD recorder, rip the DVD, and make a video!!!!11:56
cikilinhow i fix gnome panel?11:56
khermansLinuxJones, msg me if you find any better solutions -- thanks!!!11:57
kalvewhen i rightclick the desktop i get 'open terminal' on the context menu. where can i chandeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main11:57
Belutztiglionabbit: in nautilus --> edit --> preferences --> display, you can see the date format, i always get 'WIT' as a suffix, like 'Sat 16 Jul 2005 04:55:38 AM WIT, what is the 'WIT' in there?11:57
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nedensdo someone knows how to se firewall on this ubuntu?11:57
kalveshit. i hate this touchpad..11:57
Almindorhello, is there a way to convert a filesystem?11:57
AlmindorI just found out ReiserFS has problems with certain programs ;(11:57
kalvewhen i rightclick the desktop i get 'open terminal' on the context menu. where can i change what command is run when i click it?11:57
topylicikilin: how is it broken?11:57
max__Yeah I think I remember reading that ReiserFS is stricly experimental with Ubuntu.11:58
max__Strictly, rather.11:58
LinuxJoneskhermans, vnc2swf records vnc output to flash format beyond that I am out of ideas :)11:58
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=== _DuDe_ [~Linux@c-24-12-202-69.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nedensdo someone knows how to set firewall on this ubuntu, please?11:58
Belutztopily: in nautilus --> edit --> preferences --> display, you can see the date format, i always get 'WIT' as a suffix, like 'Sat 16 Jul 2005 04:55:38 AM WIT, what is the 'WIT' in there? could you check yours to see what's the suffix in yours?11:58
Almindormax__, well I just figured that Neverwinter Nights take 30 seconds to load because of it ;(11:58
Almindoramong other things11:59
max__Yeah, thats definitely no fun...11:59
raven3x7nedens apt-get install firestarter11:59
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max__Unfortunately I don't know about filesystem conversion, if its possible to do so and preserve data.11:59
nedensthans raven3x7 :)11:59
topyliBelutz: EEST11:59
nedensthanks raven3x7 :)12:00

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