
robitailleI think https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpPage  needs much love.  It's all based on the old wiki software...12:09
robitaillerwabel:  according to someone in #moin, you cannot put any markup codes in a heading; thus no icons :(01:25
rwabelrobitaille: thanks for the info, that's sad :-(02:29
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vendaAfrican greetings07:18
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bassembghi room12:44
bassembghow can i adjust my screen resolution12:44
jsgotangco#ubuntu pls12:45
jsgotangcofroud: hello12:46
bassembgits too silent here12:53
jsgotangco understandable since its a weekend12:53
jsgotangcoand the docteam is quite small12:53
bassembgi'm still new to linux12:55
bassembgand teps12:55
jsgotangcoim going to get dinner first brb12:56
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Mezrob^ you here?03:52
Mezoh, wait03:53
Mezwhos' CoreyBurger03:53
MezBurgundavia - you here?03:53
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JanCit seems like bang_meta is disabled on the wiki ?05:39
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