
=== vexer_ [~vexer@blk-222-183-150.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
raven3x7nedens youre welcome12:00
=== bloodymale [~blood@CPE00052d00410a-CM0012253ec666.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
vexer_I can't play MP3's on Hoary ??12:00
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Belutztopyli: do i have to restart after changing the time zone? because i always get 'WIT' when i'm changing the time zone, even to US12:00
=== Mestapheles [~Captain@d142-179-138-139.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
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topylivexer_: install gstreamer0.8-mad12:01
=== keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== drspin [~cole@ip24-251-33-5.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
drspinhey all -- I just bought a 5.1 speaker system for my SB Live! card -- how do I get the center/subwoofer channel to work??12:01
topyliBelutz: i'm not sure but it's hard to believe you need to reboot12:02
cikilintopyli look my cursor(mouse)is runing by itself and opening windows12:02
nedenspackage not found (firestarter)?12:02
Belutztopyli: yup, that's why... is that a bug also?12:02
nedenswhere to look12:02
=== niran [~niran@cpe-67-10-213-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nedensfor it12:02
vexer_topyli, there is no gstreamer0.8-mad under apt-get but there are a bunch of other ones :)12:02
cikilinand is moving panels up down12:02
cikilincan u help me?12:03
topyliBelutz: i guess you need to logout and login. don't know really12:04
topylicikilin: that doesn't sound like a panel problem12:04
cikilini thought that is12:04
cikilinwhat kind of pb is that?12:05
topylicikilin: well, sounds like a mouse problem to me :)12:05
cikilinis moving by him self12:05
raven3x7nedens you probably need additional repositories. http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories12:05
cikilinand opening closing aplications12:05
=== tanki [~tankiii@] has joined #ubuntu
Belutztopyli: ok, i'll try that after i finish updating ubuntu, need to check the time for all indonesian city before reporting12:06
Burgundaviaraven3x7, please don't recommend ubuntguide12:06
topyliBelutz: ok, it'll help12:06
Burgundaviaraven3x7, there is a wiki page for that12:06
nedensthanks raven12:06
raven3x7Burgundavia, why?12:06
drspinanyone know how to get the center channel to work on my sound blaster live?12:06
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Burgundaviaraven3x7, factaually incorrect info, with no explanations12:06
tankigood question spin, i have the same problem12:06
topylicikilin: i don't know. it's either mouse settings or the mouse itself12:07
raven3x7Burgundavia well its not perfect but its easy to use. searching ubuntu wiki is difficult even if it is more accurate.12:08
cikilinhow can i seee in the panel yhw windows?12:08
=== aeho [~aeho@qn-vlk-30a.cable.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
raven3x7i will not recommend it if that is a problem though12:08
Burgundaviaraven3x7, there are good wiki pages out there and ubotu will point you to them12:08
topyliah, new gnome journal is here12:09
ubotuBurgundavia: I give up, what is it?12:09
=== marsh [~marsh@82-32-120-29.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI don't know, Burgundavia12:09
ubotusomebody said restrictedformats was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs'12:09
=== BobaFett [~felipe@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotunvidia is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto12:09
marshI'm a bit pissed...12:09
=== msch [~msch@cm102-210.liwest.at] has joined #ubuntu
marshand tell me if I'm being an arrogant bastard but...12:10
BobaFettHey guys ... I'm having a bit of an annoying problem, I'm sure it's really easy to solve, but I haven't found it anywhere... How do I get Ubuntu's Terminal to show the MoTD? I can't find the option anywhere! :(12:10
cikilini can see a window witch is opened only with alt+tab and i want to see it down how?12:10
anto9usmarsh: many people will read that as being annoyed12:10
marshwhat do youz guys see as the goal of linux/unix/debian/freesource stuff?12:11
=== ed1t [~ubuntu@ool-4355c7cd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
Burgundaviamarsh, provide high-quality free software for all12:11
marshanto9us, yeah, true anto, true...12:11
=== MegaManII [MegaManII@CPE-65-30-208-109.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuWish i knew, raven3x712:11
uboturaven3x7: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about12:12
=== Javier [~Piramide2@] has joined #ubuntu
anto9usmarsh: freedom of ideas, knowledge and technological tools, a level playing field irrespective of wealth12:12
marshBurgundavia, I reckon theres a thing for getting new people to understand the ease of freedom on their machine...?12:12
vexer_I was just told to install gstreamer0.8-mad to be able to play MP3's.. but I can't find that in apt-get.. what can  I do?12:13
ubotuI heard restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs'12:13
Burgundaviavexer ^^12:13
=== mrd` [~matthew@c-24-1-63-132.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mattyJhow do you install a .deb file?12:13
marshI'm seeing it as a education of the many to the freedom of the machine sort of angle...12:13
nightswimdpkg -i fsfsdf.deb12:13
mrd`dpkg -i foo.deb12:13
Burgundaviasudo dpkg -i, but what are you installing?12:13
BobaFettmatty3: dpkg .i package_name12:13
BobaFettHey guys ... I'm having a bit of an annoying problem, I'm sure it's really easy to solve, but I haven't found it anywhere... How do I get Ubuntu's Terminal to show the MoTD? I can't find the option anywhere! :(12:14
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
cikilini can see a window witch is opened only with alt+tab and i want to see it down12:14
mrd`BobaFett: MoTD?12:14
cikilinhow do that?12:14
ed1tMOTD = message of the day12:14
=== mactiny [~opera@nps-ip-nas-1-p48.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
mattyJi need to install dpkg first then?12:14
ed1the prolly means like a greeting when he opens a terminal window12:14
marshbecause lets face it, the trrue fredom must be keyboard shortcuts  and knowledge of basic customisation in little scripts & stuff...12:14
to|mhas anyone GMAILFS with ubuntu running? and when how? ;)12:14
wolkicikilin: waht do you mean, you want to see it down? what window is it?12:15
marshand people knowing how to do it..?12:15
marshlike a sort of...12:15
BobaFettmrd: message of the day ... you know ... /etc/motd :)12:15
raven3x7mattyj you should already have that12:15
to|mI asked oncle google, but he didn't say it 2 me:(12:15
=== Suepahfly [~kvirc@co455933-a.almel1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
mrd`BobaFett: Add 'cat /etc/motd' to your ~/.bashrc?12:15
cikilinwolki i wanna see it in the panel when i minimize it12:16
anto9usmarsh: I think true freedom lies in running software that has no nasty little spy stuff in there12:16
BobaFett~/.bashrc ... that's: sudo gedit /.bashrc , then inserting cat /etc/motd ?12:16
marshdrawing them out of their microsoft shells into the power of actually using their machine as a machine not as a channelsurfing machine12:17
_DuDe_is making his EggDrop bot (compiling as we speak)12:17
to|mdoes the gmailfs package run ?12:17
BobaFettI'm sorry, I got kinda lost there :)12:17
wolkicikilin: this should be true for most windows in ubuntu. which one doesnt?12:17
mrd`BobaFett: No, just gedit ~/.bashrc12:17
Burgundaviaanto9us, like the new acrobat reader 7?12:17
=== Rogers [~rogers@p508EA1D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
cikilinthey are hiding12:17
marshauto, but what about the people getting involved,12:17
=== MeltedDuron [~MeltedDur@81-178-157-113.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
marshorthe getting people involved rather...12:17
anto9usBurgundavia: exactly that, yes, typical of many binary applications, you simply have no idea what they're designed to do besides what features they list12:18
wolkicikilin: just an idea... right click on the panel, add to panel, and add a window list12:18
BobaFettcat /etc/motd ... just like that, inside .bashrc ... that worked like a charm12:18
BobaFettThanks, mrd! :)12:18
MeltedDuroni just got my ubuntu discs, man this kicks ass...12:18
mrd`BobaFett: Do me a favor real quickly though... in a terminal run 'sh echo hi'.12:18
mrd`Does it print out just 'hi' or does it print the motd too?12:19
BobaFettLOL ... umm ... that's suppoosed to .. display 'hi' in the terminal?12:19
BobaFettlike a script and stuff? O.o ooooo!12:19
BobaFettLet's see :)12:19
mrd`Er, sh -e 'echo hi'12:19
anto9usmarsh: subject to a code of conduct, everyone is welcome to get involved12:19
mrd`sh -ce 'echo hi'12:19
=== mrd` sucks.
marshto cut a long story short, how hard would it be to put little notes on the baseline in the foot of config windows (the menu driven ones) the name of the files in which the switches are set?12:19
=== Absenth [~nospam@host-64-179-40-194.ind.choiceone.net] has joined #ubuntu
Absenthevening all.12:19
=== boga [~judith@CPE0011095f2041-CM00e06f240dd8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
MeltedDuronyou think i could install ubuntu on a P1 lappy with 16mb of ram?12:19
BobaFettEvening :)12:20
AbsenthThis is a long shot, but I don't suppose anyone here knows much about IPSO?12:20
kbrooksMeltedDuron, i wouldnt.12:20
MeltedDuronokies thx...12:20
_DuDe_./racbot: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.4.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:20
_DuDe_make: *** [modegg]  Error 12712:20
BobaFettmrd: /bin/echo cant execute binary file12:20
_DuDe_ahhhhhh, hel[p12:20
BobaFettit seems to be looking for simething inside /bin/echo :D12:20
kbrooksMeltedDuron, swap counts12:20
=== amortal [~amortal@CPE-65-31-182-13.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
AbsenthMeltedDuron, it's painfully slow on a P2 233 w256mb ram12:20
kbrooksswap is slow12:20
wolkicikilin: did it work?12:20
MeltedDuronyou think DSL is good for it?12:20
kbrooksMeltedDuron, yes12:20
amortalFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xfce4-panel/xfce4-panel_4.2.1.1-1ubuntu1_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch12:21
marshthis seems to be my problem with trying to get anywhere (struggling for 3&half years now & still shit... and never enough time to get on it & not get distracted &..12:21
mrd`BobaFett: Did you try running: sh -ce 'echo hi'12:21
MeltedDuronokies thnx *downloads and burns cd*12:21
marshoh fuck...12:21
marshI'm rabling..12:21
BobaFettYes, mrd :)12:21
anto9usmarsh: you mean in nautilus?12:21
BobaFettdisplays 'hi' in the old Atari800XL way :)12:21
=== raven3x7 is now known as raven3x7|away
mrd`BobaFett: Ah, good.12:21
amortaland when i download xfce4-panel from us.archive it gives me12:21
=== mrd` thought you said it printed an error.
Absenthit's borderline painfully cold inside this room.12:22
amortaldpkg: error processing xfce4-panel_4.2.1.1-1ubuntu1_i386.deb (--install):12:22
amortal corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive: Success12:22
=== Arbre [~arbre@modemcable181.213-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
BobaFettmrd: now, thanks to you, my bash'll have a new welcome joke every day :)12:22
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BobaFettthanks a bunch, guys! :) take care!12:22
=== Absenth [~nospam@host-64-179-40-194.ind.choiceone.net] has left #ubuntu []
mrd`BobaFett: You can also run fortune instead to get a random quote each time.12:23
_DuDe_./racbot: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.4.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:23
_DuDe_make: *** [modegg]  Error 12712:23
marshanto - no.. I'm thinking more of config programs... ie: theres a menu driven config gui to make new terminal styles/profiles in term...12:23
_DuDe_HELP ME@!!@!!@!!@!!@!!12:23
highvoltagethat sounds like a cry for help.12:23
marshis it possible to have the nameof the edited file in there, get people switchiing from mouse to keyboard?12:24
amortalare there problems with the repos' today?12:24
=== marsh thinks that the mouse is restrictive and slow...
mrd`_DuDe_: What's 'dpkg -l tcl8.4' say?12:25
anto9usmarsh: hmm.. I think the idea of many of the developers of guis is to protect the user from those things12:25
_DuDe_I'll bbl12:25
=== chi [~chi@CPE-70-94-231-237.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
marsh(or more to the point, makeing ot easier for me to investigate the conf files without having to search for them...12:26
raven3x7|awayamoral remove the us. simply use the archive.ubuntu.org. us. has been broken for several days12:26
marshanto - how do you mean, protect?12:26
chihow can i mount partitions over a network without samba?12:26
anto9usmarsh: protect their brains from exploding :)12:26
=== holycow [~a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
amortalthanks raven12:26
marshI see it as coming out to a people that are very led and are too slow & lazy to get involved...12:27
chicant i just mount them from fstab?12:27
marshwhat they need is motivating.12:27
=== naliothatwork [~nony@adsl-70-240-112-46.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== axis [~axis@d36-44-61.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
marshthey need to have a bit of power to interest them12:28
axisI'm not sure of Happy is a regular around here, but he really saved my hide.12:28
=== Geoffrian [~Geoffrian@tnt03-690.phlpa.fast.net] has joined #ubuntu
axisif anybody here see's him, tell him MOFAT says THANKYOU very VERY much12:28
marshand with the mouse/gui world they're not getting anything more than windows12:28
axisand thankyou to everybody else in this ubuntu community12:28
axisi think this is a great project12:28
=== zorba64 [~michael31@dsl-210-211-91-151.qld.veridas.net] has joined #ubuntu
marshif they are constantly reminded of where the conf files are, then they'll start to investigate.12:29
anto9usmarsh: I don't think computers should be restricted to only the literate or tech savvy, I disagree with you12:29
marshauto.... no...12:30
marshI'm not dissing the gui thing.12:30
=== Atlas95 [~cyril@] has joined #ubuntu
marshI think it is an amazing environtment12:30
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marshbut do you aggree that is it often quicker, faster and less rsi if you can talk to your system rather than just select menu options?12:31
to|mno1 with gmailfs here?12:32
anto9usmarsh: depends how tired I am, sometimes I have jamais vu and can't even remember my own name, never mind the paramaters for a samba mount12:33
=== lakin [~lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu
marshthere appears to me to be (and the ubuntu environment is the one I choose to be in because they are further above it than others I have tried)12:33
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=== Spec [~spec@pcp09301667pcs.arlngt01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
marshyeah, anto9us my ramble is that i think that there is a class division between newbee & experienced user12:34
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marsh( that was the 'not so much ubuntu' thing12:35
holycowwell well well12:35
holycowchanging the admin password on linux is easier than on winders12:35
anto9usmarsh: yeah, things will level out though, time will take care of that :)12:35
SpecIs there a linux game where you're a ship at the bottom of the screen and lots of ships come from the top down, and you can shoot unlimited shots, and get upgrades, and acquire bombs...12:35
holycow'recovering' i mean12:35
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marshtheres a massive class division and coder do seem to hold a contempt-ish kindda attitude towards n00bs & force them out into the big void of google for endless reading to find the answers to questioned...12:36
LinuxJonesSpec, chromium12:37
marshbut if the config file names are 'advertised' in menu's & things...12:37
holycowmarsh, not really, there actually happens to be a 'right way' and a 'wrong way' to do things12:37
SpecLinuxJones: ah, that's it, thanks12:37
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LinuxJonesSpec, lots of fun :)12:37
holycowcoders expect the user to come ready with being prepared to 'do it the right way'12:37
anto9usmarsh: I don't find most coders like that, maybe you've just been unlucky12:37
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marshholycow - explain..?12:37
=== Geoffrian [~Geoffrian@tnt03-690.phlpa.fast.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowmarsh, well first, noobs are a very arrogant presumptous bunch overall12:38
holycowespecially the windows users12:38
holycowalmost all of them come with a whole pile of baggage12:38
Burgundaviathat isn't true12:38
SpecCan Ubuntu support multiple-user-logins in X, like XP, where you can switch user?12:38
KyralThey speak of "drivers" and "reboots"12:38
Burgundaviait is reasonable for someone to expect a computer to act logically12:38
holycowwhich is usually labeled 'the customer is right, therefore even if i am completelly wrong i will stillinsist that i am right"12:39
Kyralit scares me12:39
BurgundaviaSpec, better than xp12:39
MegaManIIlinux was the first to do that Spec12:39
BurgundaviaSpec, xp only supports one user logged in at the same time, ubuntu can have as many as your have hardware12:39
marshholycow - but do you have a sympathy for them?12:39
holycowthe second problem is the willingness of the user to actually learn12:39
holycowyes of course12:39
kbrooksXP is not "multiuser"12:39
KyralI help newbies to the point where I think they know enough12:39
holycowi take copious amounts of time to help them overcome their baggage12:39
Kyralor until they piss me off.12:39
Kyralthen I need to play UT2k4 before I kill them12:40
holycowmarsh, perhaps you are talking about arrogance?>12:40
SpecBurgundavia: So I can press two buttons, and have my processes running in the background, and have someone else log in, spawn their apps, switch user, and go back to my X?12:40
marshdo you think they would be happier, more comfortable12:40
marshholycow, from the coders..?12:40
marshyeah... possibly.12:40
BurgundaviaSpec, yes and breezy has a fast user switching applet12:40
SpecBurgundavia: Is there a way to get to GDM without logging out/ending all your apps?12:40
marshbut I'm finding that the searches for answers are gonna be mostly in the config files..12:41
BurgundaviaSpec, applications-->sys tools-->new logi8n12:41
holycowgotta go again12:41
anto9usSpec: Applications | System Tools | New Login12:41
=== moogman [~moogman@cpc3-cwma4-6-0-cust24.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
jasontechWhat username do I used to access CUPS at localhost:63112:42
Specah hah12:42
=== sizzam [~sizzam@ip65.220.23.209.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpecSo I have to use F7/F8 to switch between the Xs?12:42
Specor is there a different way?12:42
=== naliothatwork [~nony@adsl-70-240-112-46.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
sizzami want to see what xfce looks like, i installed it via apt-get,  how do i switch to that environment?12:42
=== marsh is still ont he thing for adverts for config files & possibly even "links to the relevent parts" of the config files to give n00bs th ability to learn 'on tap'
naliothatworksizzam at the login screen12:43
=== jeanjean [~jeanjean@83-134-58-27.Antwerpen.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu
^thehatsrule^sizzam: choose xfce at login screen, if its not there use startxfce412:43
sizzamnaliothatwork:  i clicked session, but theres no choice there12:43
=== misfit_toy [~guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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=== Quest-Master [~Quest-Mas@c-24-99-26-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothatworksizzam you can chooose your session type12:43
jeanjeanhoe kan ik xfce toevoegen bij gdm ?12:43
sizzamdo i have to reboot the entire machine after i install xfce?12:43
marsh*answers to searches12:43
SpecI know how to spawn multiple Xs like that, but is there an easier way to switch between users, or is it just two Xs running and you have to use ctrl+alt+f[7-8]  to change user?12:43
=== Tyche [~Tyche@mhfw1.crbard.com] has joined #ubuntu
sizzamso that it becomes a choice in sessions12:43
jeanjeanhow can i add xfce to gdm12:43
marshsizzam possibly something along the lines of switchdesk?12:44
naliothatworksizzam open one of the .desktop files READONLY in /usr/share/xsessions and use it for a template to make one for your xfce412:44
naliothatworksizzam SAVE AS xfce4.desktop12:44
TycheA little off base here, but I'm looking for a secure email system that isn't sendmail12:44
TycheQmail is way to difficult for me to get working12:44
Tycheany other ideas?12:44
=== snikker [~snikker@host70-24.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
BurgundaviaTyche, postfix12:45
decafTyche: postfix12:45
=== darkmark [~mark_a_l@modem-3674.leopard.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kbrookswhy postfix?12:45
=== kbrooks rolls his eyes
Burgundaviadesigned to be secure by default?12:45
marshthey're all a nightmare to me...12:45
anto9usSpec: that's correct, it's a new X, you can nest a session in the current X session if you install xnest12:46
=== benkong2 [~benkong2@cpe-024-088-250-205.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
marshI spent two months trying to get mutt to pick up & send on my pop3 email...12:46
BurgundaviaSpec, really cool things you can do with X --> http://userful.com/?12:46
marshended up with no hair and no idea how to get it to work :(12:47
=== dave123 [~dave123@d36-104-145.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
marshmakes me sad :...12:47
=== liquidten [~anthony@adsl-159-68-172.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Luakagon [~Luakagon@69-170-149-110.ironoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
dave123hi folks, everytime i ran the update manager i get a message saying : the following packages could not be installed : mozilla-firefox and mozilla-firefox-gnome-support12:47
benkong2hey guys i can't get into webmin with root or user id now I have a server lock too many authentication failures. How can I fix this?12:47
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=== boga [~judith@CPE0011095f2041-CM00e06f240dd8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Luakagonhey I want to copy CD music to my hard drive as a .wav file but its not working, but it works for .ogg file format, using Sound Juicer12:48
mrd`Burgundavia: Does that actually have anything to do with X's network transparency?12:48
Burgundaviamrd`, no12:48
Burgundaviamerely multiheaded stuff, impossible in windows12:48
=== ignacio_ [~ignacio@81-172-25-127.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #ubuntu
anto9usmarsh: the goal of ubuntu is to be for human beings and there's a lot of bounties for good guis for that kind of stuff, it's going to get easier12:48
=== glick [~dbunch@cpe-24-193-254-95.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
naliothatworkLuakagon use grip12:49
boga is there some kind of script that will install LAMP automatically?12:49
dave123is there a reason why i cant updare firefox through update manager? i get an error everytime12:49
Phiniteanto9us: a nice to have would be a port of dvdshrink for ubuntu... that and my wireless are the only reasons I have to keep a winxp partition :)12:49
naliothatworkboga there is a wiki on LAMP12:50
mrd`What's dvdshrink?12:50
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naliothatworkmrd a dvd > xvid proggy12:50
zorba64boga: you could alsa try xampp for something easy12:50
Phiniteit allows you to take your dvd movies and compress them and burn them on a regular dvd, I back up everything we own with it so the kids don't scratch the good ones12:50
=== Bennoh [~1043B6280@ip503c89f5.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
MegaManIIPhinite i imagine you have a broadcom chipset for your wireless?12:50
glickhey after i installed ubuntu from the cdrom how do i correctly set up my repository sources?12:51
Phiniteipw2200 actually :)12:51
PhiniteMegaManII: it's driving me nuts.12:51
MegaManIInever used them12:51
PhiniteI've managed to screw it up fairly well, heh.  actually, it all seems to be working, but it doesn't connect to wep12:51
dave123glick: everything you need to know about starting up ubuntu can be found in the unofficial guide here: http://ubuntuguide.org/12:51
MegaManIIyou know what an ndiswrapper is right?12:51
naliothatworkdave123 you are killin me12:52
naliothatworkglick, use the wiki.ubuntu.com12:52
dave123naliothatwork: what did i do? :(12:52
MegaManIIPhinite try using ndiswrapper. it lets you run windows drivers on linux12:52
Phiniteyes.  others have connected it with normal connections, I've followed the instructions, just have to wait for some answers to a posting, others have had the same error I am12:52
naliothatworkdave123 the ubuntuguide is not good on some of its topics12:52
zorba64yes glick, rather the wiki than "unofficial"12:52
anto9usPhinite: I think it's doable on linux, dvdrip and k3b12:52
PhiniteMegaManII: if I can't get it running this way, I will be doing that this weekend12:52
dave123shoot, i used that guide for everything12:52
naliothatworkdave123 new users may not be able to tell the good info from the bad12:53
PhiniteI really don't want to bother booting into windows just to use the wireless in the office12:53
dave123dave123: but i dont get it, its so ncely put together and it all works12:53
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Phinitedvdrip and k3b?  I'll look at those now12:53
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MegaManIIPhinite ndiswrapper worked from my broadcom. its alitle slower then native, but works12:54
dave123dave123: im really a noob, so :P, can you explain why its bad? maybe i should reinstall then if it gives wrong advice12:54
naliothatworkdave123 there have been some users who have had their systems rendered unusable following the 'guide12:54
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Razor-Xnaliothatwork: what parts?12:54
wolkidave123: if everything works, no need to reinstall12:54
dave123dave123: wow, i did not know that, good thing you told me, im gonna stop telling people to read it then :P12:54
naliothatworkRazor-X i'm surprised you of all peeps ask that12:54
PhiniteMegaManII: slow I'm not so worried about, I just need to connect to terminal services in the office12:55
dave123dave123: i got so many people in my schol to install ubuntu and theyre all more nooby than i am, so i got them all reading that guide12:55
zorba64dave123: just use it carefully...it doesnt give thorough explainations as to what u r doung and why12:55
snikkerhi, i'got a problem with the screen saver... it don't remember xscreensaver preferences...12:55
zorba64read the wiki in conjunction with it12:55
dave123zorba64: i will, thank you, img onna start reading it now to see what i screwed up12:55
marshanto9us, yeah - thinks what I'm saying is that my money is on the one that does the adviertising of the config files (or areas of them via links), more advertising of keyboard shortcut settings (next to all options in the gui menu's - along with a shortcutto the line in the config file to change it - possibly with a small help/list-of-options for entries note when the mouse hovers), and shortcuts to the 'change keys' bits of t12:56
marshhe config files etc.12:56
anto9usPhinite: does 'sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning' show your AP?12:56
marshbridging the gap.12:56
ubotumarsh: Bugger all, i dunno12:56
glicki get errors about not being able to connect to certain servers when i do apt-get update12:56
zorba64you may not have "screwed up" anything...read for why and if there is no explaination, then take it with a grain of salt12:57
naliothatworkdave123 repositorys12:57
glickare some of the servers down or something?12:57
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anto9usmarsh: yeah, I think it will take time, it's like building a bridge from 2 sides of the river and getting them to meet in the middle12:58
dave123naliothatwork: so i go to the documentartion and check their version of how the repositories should be set up?12:58
zorba64i have used the guide...it is very useful, but it is not the be all and end all...12:58
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Atlas95hello, anyone have a logitech cordless keyboard?12:58
=== surly [~surly@user-0ce2ksl.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
glickare some of the default repostry servers down?12:59
dave123how do i send a message to someone in irc, without having to copy and paste their name and putting colon n front of it? :|12:59
Atlas95i have do a mistake and my keycode keyboard are wrong12:59
timsI'm using logitech cordless12:59
Atlas95i want to do how to reset them12:59
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highvoltagedave123: you type the first few letters ant tab?12:59
anto9usdave123: pressing tab will autocomplete a nick for you12:59
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surlyhey all, why is my volume so low in ubuntu?01:00
glickErr http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release.gpg01:00
glick  Could not connect to security.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)01:00
surlyand how do i fix it?01:00
Atlas95tims, have you all your touch running?(sorry for my bad englsih)01:00
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lsuactiafnersurly : put the volume up.. alsamixer01:00
dave123anto9us: thank you01:00
anto9usdave123: you can tab multiple times to cycle through matches too01:01
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dave123anto9us: this tab thing is pretty useful, thank you01:02
lsuactiafnersurly : then alsactl store01:03
lsuactiafnerto keep the settings..01:03
dave123how can ubuntu update my firefox if its running :|01:04
dave123i just did that, and i dunno how01:04
mrd`Until you restart, you're still using the old version.01:04
lsuactiafnerdave123 : becuase it just overwrites the binary and the binary aint locked01:04
mrd`*restart firefox01:04
surlylsauctiafner: "sudo alsactl" ???01:04
lsuactiafnersurly : yeh01:04
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dave123lsuactiafner: how can it not be locked when its running?01:04
mrd`Linux isn't b0rked like Windows.  You can overwrite running executable without the operating system bitching at you.01:04
lsuactiafnerdave123 : your pc has ram..01:05
mrd`dave123: It gets loaded into memory when it starts, and then the file isn't needed anymore.01:05
lsuactiafnerand it aint windows..01:05
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lsuactiafneri have ut2004 loaded into ram on boot.. starts in seconds lol01:05
lsuactiafnerbut thats crazy..01:05
dave123mrd`: thats pretty awsome01:06
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lsuactiafnerif i keep apt-get upgrade current would i need to update much for breezy?01:06
dave123is it generally a bad idea to compile form the source? i heard most people say just use the apt-get, but what if you cant find the thing you need in the repositories?01:06
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highvoltagelsuactiafner: yes, apt will only use the hoary-security stuff.01:07
mrd`lsuactiafner: You mean you're keeping up to date with hoary or breezy?01:07
highvoltageyou will need to change to the breezy source when it's released.01:07
lsuactiafnerdave123 : then compile form source, i think its a good idea, but ubuntu ppl discourages it01:07
ChurcH_of_FoamYjust some humor for you guys and gals ^_^ =----> http://pastebin.com/31422001:07
highvoltageor- you could switch to breezy when it becomes stablish.01:07
mrd`dave123: If you're not experienced compiling stuff, stick with apt.  But if you're interested in experimenting (and possibly breaking stuff), go for it.01:07
zorba64lsuactiafner, breezy will bite your butt right now01:08
lsuactiafnerhoary, but when breezy comes out i want to upgrade.. but would it be like 300mb to upgrade or 600mb all over?01:08
dave123mrd`: yea i liek breaking stuff and then spending hours trying to fix it,01:08
mrd`lsuactiafner: Yeah.  Pretty much everything will have updaed.01:08
dave123byt he way is there like a known problem with firefox in ubuntu? i updated it and its still 1.0.201:08
surlylsauctiafner: that's not working. volume is waaaaay too low. anything else?01:08
lsuactiafnerheh, since i downloaded the iso on a 4k/s dialup.. and a futher 800mb of libs/development packages..01:08
mrd`dave123: No, but they only update stuff in security if it's really important.01:09
anto9usdave123: have you enabled the universe and multiverse repositories? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto01:09
ChurcH_of_FoamYhow much of breezy is busted?01:09
lsuactiafnersurly : nope, just put every alsa meter way up, press right till you are @ the end of all the meters01:09
lsuactiafneraumix -v 100 might also help01:09
tankihow's the clock comming along, church01:09
zorba64lsuactiafner, it will be 100's of mb01:09
lsuactiafnerif aumix is installed.. doubt it is..01:09
mrd`ChurcH_of_FoamY: X is pretty messed up... so is the latest kernel (at least for me and a few other people).01:09
surlylsauctiafner: done. can i apt-get aumix?01:10
dave123anto9us: i just added everything to my repositories, :| was i not supposed to?01:10
BurgundaviaChurcH_of_FoamY, X is somewhat working. No restricted modules of .1201:10
ChurcH_of_FoamYtanki it's comin along01:10
zorba64ChurcH_of_FoamY, xorg is screwed...u really dont want to unless u enjoy pain01:10
lsuactiafnersurly : yeh.. but aumix put pcm up.. wouldnt make much of a differance but seems you dont have a choice..01:10
lsuactiafnerput volume of speakers up?01:10
anto9usdave123: yes, it's better to find what you want in there than to compile from source01:10
lsuactiafnerand what are you using to play files?01:10
=== ChurcH_of_FoamY wonders if he should test it on another computer to save his box
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BurgundaviaChurcH_of_FoamY, yes01:10
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zorba64ChurcH_of_FoamY, good idea, dont screw your good setup01:11
surlylsauctiafner: it installed 2.8.1201:11
lsuactiafneri have a script to download+compile latest mplayer cvs everyday.. source has uses..01:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYonly problem is no cd rom is it possible to set up ubuntu on a computer that has network boot?01:11
lsuactiafnersurly : run aumix -v 10001:11
dave123lsuactiafner: everyday?  is that really necessary?01:11
tankidave123, if it's automated why not?01:12
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lsuactiafnerdave123 : no. but its automated.. so its no bother..01:12
zorba64ChurcH_of_FoamY, sure, it is poss, but you will have to read up on it01:12
mrd`tanki: Because sometimes the code in CVS breaks.01:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYand where would i do that?01:12
dave123lsuactiafner: you must be one die hard fan of mplayer01:12
lsuactiafnermplayer -rootwin (:01:12
zorba64ChurcH_of_FoamY, the wiki...where else01:12
lsuactiafnerits my background..01:12
benkong2could someone tell me how to change webmin password for root? I have not changed ubuntu since installation so I can only sudo and webmin won't go01:13
tankimrd`, i'm sure dave probably took that into account and added the appropriate code to his script to not keep going on with the install01:13
tankii mean lsuactiafner01:13
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mrd`tanki: I don't necessarily mean the code doesn't compile.01:13
anto9usbenkong2: sudo passwd then completely remove and reinstall webmin01:14
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dave123tanki: how can you prevent your script from installing broken code? unless you write some kind of super inteligent script or something01:14
mrd`dave123: 'make install' won't do anything if 'make' failed.01:14
zorba64ChurcH_of_FoamY, go to wiki.ubuntu.com and search for netboot01:14
mrd`It's trivial.01:14
benkong2anto9us, ok thanks01:14
ChurcH_of_FoamYfound it ^_^01:14
dave123mrd`: what if thhey have code that compiles, but works incorrectly?01:14
surlylsauctiafner: seems to have helped. thanks.01:14
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benkong2antix,  sudo passwd enables root user?01:14
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mrd`dave123: That was my point.01:14
jasontechAnyone know how to make Evolution automatically turn on the signature?01:14
lsuactiafnerbenkong2 :type in your user passwd01:15
anto9usbenkong2: yes01:15
mrd`dave123: Sorry, I guess I misunderstood you the same way tanki did me.01:15
tankimrd`, well you would have to ask lsu that.. i'm sure it doesn't phase him either way01:15
ChurcH_of_FoamYwow thats um complicated >.<01:15
dave123mrd`: its like recursive misunderstanding something01:15
benkong2lsuactiafner, anto9us ; thanks01:15
ChurcH_of_FoamYinvoles screwing with stuf that i don't want to01:15
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lsuactiafnerdave123 : if error 1 occurs make install fails.. easy as that01:15
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zorba64ChurcH_of_FoamY, looks a little dont it?...have fun with it01:15
lsuactiafnerand using a cvs has the risk of broken support, but its been a month and mplayer works everyday when i wake up01:16
mrd`CVS archives getting broken into isn't an unheard of scenario.  I'd rather not rely on code compiled from it in an automatic script.01:16
tankimrd`, i didn't misunderstand you, sorry..01:16
lsuactiafnerthe developers are pretty good01:16
jg123hi  -- have a question about audio -- getting desktop sounds -- but no sound in flash or jave -- and cant play mp301:16
dave123lsuactiafner: maybe then just havnt changed the cvs then in a month01:16
lsuactiafnercvs also has more options than releases.01:16
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zorba64ChurcH_of_FoamY, well, you can follow it through, or wait until xorg probs are sorted out01:17
lsuactiafnermrd` : if cvs fails i just run make install from my pre7..01:17
tankimrd`, he's using cvs, i think he knows that means it might be unstable at times, that's sort of an assumption01:17
ChurcH_of_FoamYi think i'll waite lo01:17
dave123lsuactiafner: i always rather wait until they througly test something, than download the source that might break something01:17
lsuactiafnerthey dont break things..01:17
zorba64ChurcH_of_FoamY, check the breezy forum and follow what is happening, thats what I am doing...not going there until it settles down a bit01:17
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lsuactiafnerfor most packages thats a sound and very reasonable attitude..01:18
lsuactiafnerbut mplayer is differnt01:18
IIIEarsHello! :)   - created mount points in /media/hdb1  and added the ntfs drive ro to fstab. installed libntfs5 and ntfs progs. (need a windows file for these?) It says i don't have permission to view the drive.  Do i need to add something to users and groups?01:18
dave123yea mplayer is definitely my facourite thing in linux, everytime i cant play somewthing in windows i run it in mplayer in ubuntu01:19
dave123shoot i said the w* word01:19
IIIEarsmplayer is great01:19
lsuactiafnermplayer is the most downloaded program on freshmeat.net01:19
jg123hi  -- have a question about audio -- getting desktop sounds -- but no sound in flash or jave -- and cant play mp3 -- installed xmms  no luck -- just have onboard sound 'card;01:20
IIIEarsthe Bill "G" word is also censored here too ;)01:20
tankimrd`, you might like openbsd then01:20
dave123yea thats why i get so nervous everytime i see news about european patent laws and stuff, they said on their site they might go down01:20
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mrd`tanki: Just because I don't want to automatically compile stuff from source nightly?01:20
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lsuactiafnerif mplayer closed down i wont be able to run linux when codecs go old01:21
tankii think you're misunderstanding me again01:21
IIIEarsHow do i add an ntfs drive?01:21
dave123yea , why is there so mcuh confiusion here01:21
ubotu[ntfs]  the filesystem used under Windows XP. The Ubuntu installer can safely resize an NTFS partition to create a new partition for you to install Ubuntu. http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab01:21
tankiweekend is upon us dave01:21
mrd`tanki: Sorry, why do you think I'd like OpenBSD?01:21
lsuactiafner<iive> then you should know that an developer that commits code that breaks compilation is punished.01:21
tankipent up sexual tension01:21
lsuactiafner<iive> usually by drinking 10l coca-cola, or other drink he mostly dislikes.01:21
dave123yea everyone is very tired, hahaa,01:21
lsuactiafneris mplayer code he is refering to01:21
dave123pent up anger toward supervisor too01:21
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lsuactiafnerfreebsd aint too bad, but i dont like the console, cant use alt left right to switch consoles01:23
lsuactiafnerand linux nvidia support is much better01:23
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tankimrd`, i figured you were a stickler for security.. because i've never heard someone address the idea of mplayer's cvs being compromised as a reason to not automate a weekly or daily patch process01:24
dave123if anyone tells me what im supposed to do to get firefox 1.04 i will pray for his soul for 2 consecutive days01:24
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lsuactiafnerdave123 : 1.0.5 is out01:24
lsuactiafnerdave123 : and the binary package from mozilla doenst install cleanly on ubuntu..01:24
dave123well, i have 1.0201:25
mrd`tanki: Well, I just don't see the benefits of having mplayer up to date daily as great enough for any possible problems as unlikely as they are.01:25
tankimrd, it could also be lsu's attempt at getting deeper into shell scripting and trying to automate out the boredom bits from his daily routine too.. that's a good way to apply stuff you've read in some dusty doc01:25
lsuactiafnerso you need to create a chroot of another system with a more recent glibc version01:25
dj28dave123: i think the 1.02 version in ubuntu's repositories are really patched to the level of 1.04 but they forgot to change the version #01:25
dj28i think i saw that on the forums01:25
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dj28dave123: if you check the forums, it shows a way to get around that by changing the version #01:25
dj28it's a pain when going to firefox's site for extensions01:26
lsuactiafnerdave123 : about:config change the version number to log onto mozilla to get plugins01:26
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dj28it won't let you if you're not up to date01:26
jg123<--new to linux       hi  -- have a question about audio -- getting desktop sounds -- but no sound in flash or java -- and cant play mp3 -- installed xmms  no luck -- just have onboard sound 'card;01:26
=== GMachine_24 [~GMachine@pool-71-99-101-174.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
dave123dj28: yea i saw something too, but do we have to do anythign as users? like change some config file or something, or just let it be 1.02. i dont feel safe at night sleeping knowong i have unpatched software01:26
lsuactiafnerdave123 : type about:config in url bar01:26
lsuactiafnerjg123 : alsamixer01:26
dave123ok i did01:26
GMachine_24it's better than having a wireless camera in the bathroom at starbucks . . . .01:26
GMachine_24sorry. wrong window.01:27
lsuactiafnerwth GMachine_24?01:27
dave123lsuactiafner: what do i do now :|01:27
GMachine_24i don' t multitask well01:27
lsuactiafnerdave123 : type version or 1.0.2 and change it to 1.0.501:27
jg123pretend like your are talking to a fairly inteligent bowl of porridge --- i need alsamixer to get sound squared away?01:27
lsuactiafnernever done it myself since i run ff in another linux distribution chroot01:27
dave123lsuactiafner: ok , thanks you01:28
lsuactiafnerjg123 : yeh type alsamixer and up the volume01:28
jg123type it where    lol01:28
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lsuactiafnerjust type01:28
lsuactiafnerin a terminal01:29
Rubinhowcome the beep-music-player's svg icon fails to load in some parts of gnome but not others?01:29
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dave123tanki: im out, have a great weekend01:29
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lsuactiafnerRubin : hidden gnome AI trying to establish contact..01:29
dj28Rubin: heh i just noticed that myself01:29
Rubinlsuactiafner: should i kill it or introduce myself?01:29
lsuactiafnertry sweet talkin it into displayin your icon..01:30
Rubindj28: i went so far as to use image magick to convert it to a png and it STILL wont work.01:30
Rubinalso changed the name thingking bmp.svg was confusing gnome01:30
dj28yea i just installed it today and noticed that it doesn't show up in the menu01:30
dj28the icon, that is01:30
Rubindj28: drag it to the top bar, and then hit properties on it01:30
Rubinit shows up in there, but also gives an error..01:31
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IIIEarsWhy image magice and not GIMP?01:31
RubinIIIEars: cmdline seemed faster (and was)01:31
dj28yea i see. it says failed to load image01:31
Rubindj28: but its there.. right?01:31
AlbanianLordok pals01:31
IIIEarsThanks :001:31
lsuactiafnerIIIEars : convert is commandline.. easier..01:31
AlbanianLordquick question01:31
dj28it shows up01:31
Rubindj28: im going with lsuactiafner on this one.01:31
AlbanianLordrecently installed kde, and the sound doesnt work01:32
AlbanianLordbut it works fine on  gnome01:32
IIIEars<< - still rrecovering from a decade long Windows handicap. - lol01:32
jg123lsuactiafner,   got the alsamixer up   -- upped volume --- still no sound in xmms playing mp3 --- actually jams and i have to force shut it down01:32
RubinAlbanianLord: you need to learn about sound daemons01:32
AlbanianLordteach me then01:32
AlbanianLordI am here to learn01:32
lsuactiafnerjg123 : click on xmms, find preferances, find output device, change from alsa or oss or something to something else..01:33
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AlbanianLordyou up to it Rubin?01:33
lsuactiafnerAlbanianLord : #kubuntu or something01:33
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jg123lsuactiafner,    hot damn -- got MP3 playing --- now i can keep linux   (LOL)01:35
lsuactiafnernice -n -10 make -j 3 just kicked in01:35
lsuactiafnerkeyboard input laggin01:35
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lsuactiafner 01:37:55 up 2 days, 11:17, 19 users,  load average: 7.45, 3.62, 2.3001:36
omerniazHello All..01:36
omerniazneed a lil help with the X01:36
Rubinspill it01:37
lsuactiafnerlol Rubin01:37
zorba64omerniaz,  speak my son01:37
omerniazI have a HP Pavilion DV4049EA01:37
Rubinlsuactiafner: heh ?01:37
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omerniazAnyways the Dispay card in it is01:37
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omerniazMobile Intel 915GM01:37
Rubinauto detection failed?01:38
omerniazthat is what windows tells me01:38
omerniazmy display size of the lcd is 1280 x 80001:38
omerniazwith ubuntu starts01:38
omerniazall init completes..01:39
omerniazits a big black screen infront of me01:39
omerniazget the picture?01:39
lsuactiafneromerniaz : might be your refresh rates..01:39
Rubinctrl-alt-f1 will get you a text terminal01:39
lsuactiafnerlcd screen and all..01:39
lsuactiafnerMPlayer dev-CVS-050715-06:00-3.3.5 (C) 2000-2005 MPlayer Team01:39
Rubinyou may need to tweak your x config .. 1280x800 is an unusual size01:39
omerniazyes i got my self there too..01:39
zorba64omerniaz, do you know your monitor refresh rates?01:39
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omerniazI have this 15.4 WXGA with my laptop..01:39
Rubincheck out /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:40
franklcd is [pretty much 60Hz all the time I think01:40
omerniazand windows tweaks it to 1280x80001:40
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Rubinits a lot to take in.. but the answer is in there somewhere01:40
omerniazokay i checked it in windows01:40
omerniazit is working on 60 hz01:41
jg123lsuactiafner,  -- ok mp3 works (yeah!) -- now how do i get sound from flash and java in mozill-firefox01:41
omerniaz1280 X 800 , True Colour , 60 Hz01:41
omerniazbut why is not ubuntu picking it up :'(01:41
omerniazmy 1st time with ubuntu :(01:41
Rubinjg123: ubuntuguide.org had a tip for that i think. has to do with editing some config file in firefox01:41
Rubinomerniaz: auto-detecting video properly is one of the hardest things01:42
jg123Rubin, k--going to look  :)01:42
Rubinnormally 'old school' linux doesnt do it at all, you have to tell it everything01:42
Rubinnow, ubuntu and some others try to guess using tools.. which are getting better01:42
Rubinbut when they fail, you must learn the old way unfortunately.01:42
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Rubinoften googling for linux and your video card finds someone who did the work for you01:43
omerniazhe he he01:43
JRlinuxIf I installed Ubuntu, could I use apt-get or something to install various programs I like?  Even install KDE?  I really like the look of the Live Ubuntu...01:43
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RubinJRlinux: yes.01:43
kbrooksJRlinux, yes. kde is a X application.01:43
zorba64omerniaz, what is in your "monitor" section in xorg.conf01:43
RubinJRlinux: if you prefer kde, try kubuntu01:43
omerniazYeh Also.. i tried it with the ubuntu live cd01:43
omerniazsame thing.. Black screen01:44
JRlinuxRubin kbrooks  Thanks.  I may just do that; I like the choice of either KDE or Gnome...01:44
zorba64omerniaz, do you have a VertRefresh and HorizSync value range?01:44
omerniazNo i dont father <zorba64>01:44
kbrooksand so X applications operate insdependly of each other01:44
kbrooksother people say you cant01:45
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lsuactiafnerJRlinux : kubuntu and yes you could..01:45
kbrooksbecause of the look01:45
JRlinuxThanks lsuactiafner01:45
lsuactiafnerjg123 : no idea.. i dont like my browser making sounds.. or runnin flash.. or java01:45
omerniazHey is there a howto01:46
omerniazto see how to set this thing01:46
lsuactiafneri'm actually chatting from the console now runnin mp3blaster..01:46
Rubinjg123: another way is to make gnome's esound give up the sound card when its not using it01:46
Rubinbut thats a hack imo01:46
omerniazplus does ubuntu support my graphic card how do i get to know that :o01:46
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tankilsuactiafner, it's awful dark down there01:46
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Rubinomerniaz: ubuntu is just linux, and xorg01:46
lsuactiafnerconsole rocks01:46
Rubinomerniaz: so if any linux does, ubuntu can.. just a matter of how easily01:46
lsuactiafnerall 11 terminals are running something01:46
golfeni've got some trouble with my harddisk. i'm now able to mount it, but only root has access to it01:46
omerniazI am a linux virgin :'(01:46
golfenhow to fix that?01:47
tankilsuactiafner, did you know you can run multiple X sessions in each of your TTYs?01:47
lsuactiafneri dont like X but that sounds cool01:47
tankistartx -- :1 in tty2, startx -- :2 in tty3, etc01:47
lsuactiafneryou got a link to set it up?01:48
tiglionabbithey guys, has anyone here tried to print from firefox?01:48
tankigoing from memory though01:48
jg123rubin -- would the section on getting sound to work properly in GNOME be what i am looking for (flash and java in firefox make no sound)01:48
tiglionabbitit's really not working out for me at all01:48
Rubinomerniaz: what was the video card again?01:48
tankiand then after they load up, you press something like alt ctr Fn to switch between them01:48
Rubinjg123: somewhere on ubuntuguide or ubuntuforum i read the answer.. search for it there01:48
Rubinjava sound01:48
Rubinor the like01:48
omerniazRubin : Mobile Intel 915GM/GMS , 910 GML Graphics Adapter <--- Got it from windows.. system tab..01:49
zorba64omerniaz, do you know the ranges for your monitor?01:49
Rubinwonder if the i810 drivers work with that01:49
Rubinzorba64: does anyone? honestly?01:49
lsuactiafner810 is evill....01:49
omerniazIts not a monitor its a lcd panel u know the one which comes in a laptop01:49
jg123rubin - not in guide -- trying forum     thanks01:50
AzmodanI just bought an all-in-one printer / scanner (Epson Stylus CX4600).  The printer works but I Xsane won't find the scanner on start.  Any pointer ?01:50
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lsuactiafnerAzmodan : hate to say this.. but... /me points you to google.com01:50
chodenodecan somebody recommend to me a good app to build web pages?01:50
zorba64yeah i do, when i installed Ubuntu, it did not write the VertRefresh and HorizSync values01:50
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zorba64i ended up with a "out of range" shit on my screen01:51
GMachine_24nvu is ok as a simplistic html app01:51
tankichodenode, i never liked composers so i can't point you to one but i can tell you what worked for me, because i had the time i would find someone else's website that i liked and copy it to local disk and then pick it apart by modifying the source until i got an idea of what i was doing01:51
lsuactiafner /etc/X11/xorg.conf has options for sync rates..01:51
tankiground up approach, slow but works01:51
omerniazbut what are my vertrefresh and horizsync rates01:51
lsuactiafnertanki : i do the same..01:52
GMachine_24me, too01:52
lsuactiafneromerniaz : look @ your laptop manual or something01:52
GMachine_24we're all thieves........or borrowers....01:52
tiglionabbithey, somebody on hoary, please go to a website and print it out.  Is it working for anybody else?  Because this printing is ridiculously bad for me...01:52
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zorba64who else has laptop here...havent had to mess with one of thoses yet...01:52
GMachine_24i'm still trying to connect my network printer01:52
tiglionabbitit totally mangles the page, and misses some of the text on it01:52
tiglionabbita lot of the text on it01:52
GMachine_24maybe you should buy a windows machine.01:53
Rubinomerniaz: what kind of laptop again?01:53
omerniazDisplay Tech WXGA TFT Active Matrix01:53
tankiok so who wants to tie GMachine_24 up? i have the rope ready :)01:53
omerniazHP Pavilion DV4049EA01:53
omerniazIt is the HP Pavilion DV4000 Series01:53
omerniazDisplay Size 15.4 in.01:54
GMachine_24i was at the dentist today.... the drugs are probably still roaming around my body01:54
zorba64tanki, just make sure you wet the rope01:54
omerniazDisplay Max. Resolution 1280 x 80001:54
omerniazGraphic Processor Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 90001:54
tiglionabbitdamnit this is ridiculous!01:54
tiglionabbitit doesn't print out most of the text on the page!01:54
anto9ustiglionabbit: is it a laser?01:54
tiglionabbitno, it's a deskjet01:55
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Rubinomerniaz: open xorg.conf and look at HorizSync and VertRefresh values currently set01:55
tiglionabbithp deskjet 920C01:55
tiglionabbitit prints fine from any program other than firefox01:55
Rubinomerniaz: tell us what they are right now01:55
Rubinomerniaz: it'll be in something called Section "Monitor"01:56
omerniazi plated with it with the xorgconfig utility01:56
anto9ustiglionabbit: have you set it to shrink to fit?01:56
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tiglionabbitanto9us: I believe so, yes01:56
tiglionabbitanto9us: actually, I've tried it both ways01:57
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jayparadiseanyone want to trade nfs shares?01:57
Rubinomerniaz: just use a text editor to look at it. nano or the like01:57
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jayparadisei have 120 gb nfs hd ready to export for a share in treturn01:57
jayparadisecus ive never used it remotley01:57
Thorrn4hello!! my sound seems to have left me...how can I get it back?01:58
omerniazokay brb in 5 mins go to reboot and go in that01:58
stan-amhey guys01:58
jayparadisego to /etc/init.d01:58
tiglionabbitThorrn4: right-click your speaker icon, and go through every single section you can find and turn it up, for all devices it lists01:58
jayparadiseand see if somehting there pretains to sound01:58
tiglionabbitThorrn4: especially PCM01:58
stan-amim having a problem with evolution email when sending a message :" Error while performing operation.01:58
stan-amMAIL FROM command failed: Must issue a STARTTLS command first 63sm2659864rna."01:58
GMachine_24you might want to check this page re: firefox printing problems http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-23845.html01:58
RubinThorrn4: try killall esd01:58
Thorrn4Rubin, what will that do?01:59
Rubinstan-am: your ISP requires encription01:59
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tiglionabbitThorrn4: also, if you just rebooted and it's not working, it could be that ESD is not configured properly.  To see if ESD is getting in the way, you could "killall esd" and then try to make sound.  But you should eventually find a way to configure it.  I hear Breezy will work better01:59
RubinThorrn4: kill the sound server01:59
stan-amRubin: anyway i can fix that? or any setting?01:59
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Rubinstan-am: theres settings in evolution to use tls encription01:59
Rubinask your ISP for detalis how to configure it02:00
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Rubinevery mailserver is different02:00
stan-amim using gmail02:00
glickwtf why cant my shit connect to security.ubuntu.com02:00
concept10anyone seen war of the worlds yet?02:01
lsuactiafnerglick : shit aint engineered to connect to the internet..02:01
stan-amRubin: do u remember where is that setting?02:01
lsuactiafnerneh but it doesnt look too good?02:01
glickwhen i do apt-get update02:01
glickand then apt-get upgrade i get errors when it tries to connect and download the packages02:02
glickFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/w/wget/wget_1.9.1-10ubuntu2.1_i386.deb  Could not connect to security.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)02:02
Rubinstan-am: its in there where you configure outgoing mail02:02
Rubinstan-am: in evolution. no i dont remember details02:02
Rubinglick: the rest of your internet work ok?02:03
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glickRubin, yeah im talkin on irc with you on the same machine02:03
stan-amRubin: thats fine dude, ill check it out, thnx02:03
lsuactiafnerglick : might be becuase you are stuck behind a proxy02:03
tiglionabbitwhat is up with my printing problems?02:03
glickim not behind a proxy02:04
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Rubinglick: the server works for me02:04
Rubinglick: maybe your dns is broken?02:04
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glickRubin, my web works find too02:04
devnullany particular reason php is calling mysql_pconnect undefined ?02:05
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cut0ffhi there02:05
Rubinglick: can you go to http://security.ubuntu.com with your browser?02:05
glickRubin, no i can not02:06
Rubinglick: i can02:06
Rubinglick: somethin up with the network.. either yours or theirs02:06
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glicklol it connects me to microsoft.com02:07
robotgeek_finally, i got gnome to work with openbox and at 96 dpi :)02:07
lsuactiafnerglick : i think the server you are behind is messing with your connection02:07
glicklsuactiafner, no02:08
glicksomething is screwy with ubunty02:08
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tiglionabbithey guys, what's the print command for a postscript file?02:08
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robotgeek_tiglionabbit, i still havent gotten mplayer working...i am gonna compile from source!02:09
tiglionabbitok, good luck02:10
TokenBadok guys..question...i had a old sb4220 modem..and just replaced it with a ambit u10c018 modem...02:10
lsuactiafnerrobotgeek_ : apt-get build-dep mplayer02:10
lsuactiafnerthen compile.02:10
robotgeek_tiglionabbit, what do u mean...printing for a postscript...print to a postscript!02:10
TokenBadwhen had the sb4220 modem my speed was registering about 3 to 4 mbit02:10
robotgeek_lsuactiafner, thanks for that...02:10
TokenBadnow with this modem it has dropped to 1mbit02:10
tiglionabbitI want to send this postscript file to my printer02:10
TokenBadI have rebooted both computer and modem02:10
devnullwow mysql_connect .. undefined ... that is fudged02:10
TokenBadand nothing02:10
TokenBadany ideas?02:11
cut0ffcan anyone tell me if 'apt-build' works fine on Ubuntu?02:11
tiglionabbitguys what's the print command?02:11
robotgeek_tiglionabbit, i think lpr02:11
robotgeek_lsuactiafner, do i need to change my sources.list file?02:12
action09tiglionabbit  lpq to see the queue and  lprm # to remove # from queue.. afair02:12
frankcut0ff: I think it does (to biuld from a source dep?)02:12
lsuactiafnerrobotgeek_ : nope02:12
tiglionabbitrobotgeek_: thanks.  Lets see if it worked02:12
lsuactiafnerand there is a script on my site that automates the build..02:12
frankcut0ff: I think it does (to biuld from a source deb?)02:12
lsuactiafnertho i havent really tested it..02:12
lsuactiafnerhttp://www.rootshell.be/~edc look under linux, its not endorsed by ubuntu or anyone..02:13
lsuactiafnerapt-get build-dep only gets the libs to build mplayer02:13
tiglionabbitgrr, my postscript file prints all wrong!02:13
lsuactiafnerand you might want latest source02:13
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cut0ffThanks frank02:14
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robotgeek_lsuactiafner, it cribs about not having the source package for mplayer! (i tried mplayer-powerpc mplayer-g4 mplayer-custom )02:16
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tiglionabbitcan anyone help me?02:16
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robotgeek_tiglionabbit, what are you trying to print to ps?02:17
tiglionabbitI'm trying to print the postscript to my printer02:17
tiglionabbitand it doesn't come out right02:17
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yaaarhow do i start a service on boot? like '/etc/init.d/whatever start' works just fine, but where do I go to make that permenant?02:18
mweyaaar, man update-rc.d02:18
yaaarslick thanks02:18
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robotgeek_tiglionabbit, well...i am sorry, dunno much abt that..02:19
robotgeek_tiglionabbit, it works fine for me, out of the box!02:19
BROKEN_LADDERanyone know a site to test my internet speed?02:19
tiglionabbitit's never worked for me02:19
yaaarBROKEN_LADDER, how fast is it supposed to be?02:20
robotgeek_tiglionabbit, does the printer print correctly under windows/os x, do pdf's print out right?02:20
lsuactiafnerBROKEN_LADDER : make your nick lowercase, also, just download some huge 700mb file from a very fast ftp server and check the speed, kernel.org has a 30mb file you can get.. should give a reasonable benchmark tho02:21
BROKEN_LADDERi dunno exactly.  it's the cheap sbc dsl in sf02:21
BROKEN_LADDERmy nick is da bomb02:22
BROKEN_LADDERdon't hate02:22
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tiglionabbitrobotgeek_: yes, and yes02:22
tiglionabbitor, I should try a pdf02:22
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yaaarBROKEN_LADDER, it's a PITA to hold shift while we type stuff to you. If you want to head to http://download.tranquility.net there are some random compressed files there you can test with. Should be at least 5mbps or so available02:23
robotgeek_tiglionabbit, convert ps to pdf, and print the pdf02:23
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tiglionabbithow do I do that, robotgeek_ ?02:23
yaaarBROKEN_LADDER, if you want more of a 'test app' kind of thing, you can go to dslreports.com ...but i've found they aren't always that accurate02:23
robotgeek_tiglionabbit, i don't think you have ps2pdf installed, so lemme pull up the name of the package to install02:24
robotgeek_tiglionabbit, how do u do that?02:24
lsuactiafnerwget link02:24
lsuactiafnershows current and average rate @ end02:25
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tiglionabbitno, it doesn't print pdfs properly02:25
yaaarhey guys, i'm a bit confused by this output:02:25
yaaarroot@todd:/home/todd # update-rc.d asterisk remove02:25
yaaarupdate-rc.d: /etc/init.d/asterisk exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force)02:25
tiglionabbitfound one, and it just printed a line down the center of the page instead of any text02:25
BROKEN_LADDER384.0 Kbps      DSL/Cable 384k    02:25
BROKEN_LADDER  768.0 Kbps    DSL/Cable 768k   02:25
BROKEN_LADDER  1211.8 Kbps - You     1211.8 kbps 02:25
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BROKEN_LADDER  1500.0 Kbps    Cable/DSL 1.5Mbps   Find ISP02:25
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lsuactiafnerdude dont paste.02:26
yaaarBROKEN_LADDER, what you tryin to say?02:26
BROKEN_LADDERi pay 5.86 plus 6$ tax for my measured rate phone line, then my dsl is 15 per month plus some tax.02:26
flarfui'm trying to get kismet to run on my ipw2200 wireless card02:26
fisch_Hello! i (someone from Austria) have a litle problem with cal: cal 2 2005 prints out a month named Feber but it sould be Februar...02:26
BROKEN_LADDERi meant to paste one line02:26
mweyaaar, it means the program is still installed02:26
flarfubut i'm getting 'Unknown capture source type 'ipw2200''02:26
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BROKEN_LADDERisn't that a pretty good bandwidth rate?02:26
robotgeek_tiglionabbit, well...i think it might have a problem with postscript fonts not being configured properly. But, I am way outta my league here!02:26
lsuactiafnerBROKEN_LADDER : i pay $75 for a phone line and a 4k/s modem dialup02:26
mweyaaar, use update-rc.d -f to remove the links anyway02:27
yaaarBROKEN_LADDER, so, you only pay $27 *total* for a phone line and 1.5mbps ADSL? That's incredible02:27
tiglionabbitrobotgeek_: what can I do?02:27
lsuactiafneradsl aint even available here..02:27
yaaarmwe, so it complains and requires a force argument to have a service installed but not starting on boot?02:27
yaaarthat's really dumb02:27
lsuactiafnerand if it was it would have a 3G cap @ 192k/s02:27
yaaarthanks for the explanation though mwe02:27
mweyaaar, yes02:27
cut0ffman update-rc.d02:27
yaaarthanks cut0ff already have that page open02:28
tankilsuactiafner, you might want to consider wardriving :)02:28
=== knowledge_ [~knowledge@c-67-163-42-179.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lsuactiafnertanki : wireless hasnt really caught on here02:28
flarfuhas anyone had success with ipw2200 and kismet?02:28
robotgeek_tiglionabbit, is the printer configured correctly? cups test page prints correctly?02:28
knowledge_when ever someone get's a chance and is willing, I need help with something02:29
tiglionabbitrobotgeek_: yes02:29
tankilsuactiafner, you might be suprised how many open wifi spots there are even in the most unlikely places02:29
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robotgeek_tiglionabbit, weird...sorry, but i have no idea of what to do.02:30
=== alberto__ [~barrahome@host217.200-82-110.telecom.net.ar] has joined #Ubuntu
lsuactiafnertanki : there aint wirelss here..02:30
alberto__what is the name of xorg-x11-devel on Ubuntu aptitude ?02:30
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robotgeek_tiglionabbit, half knowledge is dangerous!02:30
yaaarlsuactiafner, where's "here"? wifi is all over02:30
mwealberto__, xlibs-dev02:30
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robotgeek_knowledge_, at your service!02:30
=== lin_ [~lin@68-114-62-43.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
tankioh you live in africa? sorry02:31
lsuactiafnersouth-africa, north-west province, potch02:31
alberto__thans mwe02:31
knowledge_I have a dell Inspiron 8200, and I'm trying to install the utils and it keeps telling me that it can't find /proc/i8k02:31
tankilsuactiafner, put some antennas on a wild elephant hehe02:31
lin_Hi. I was just wondering why my drives show up in the base account on my pc but not in the others?02:32
tankiwardriving oldschool02:32
lsuactiafneri hate this country, racism is just as bad as ever, the government is currupt like any other african government and everything is getting wrose.02:32
yaaarknowledge_, have you installed i8kutils?02:32
alberto__da muziK02:32
knowledge_I think it's missing i8k.o02:32
=== alberto__ compiling shits under ubuntu
robotgeek_knowledge_, i dunno anything abt that... yaaar seems to know!02:32
tankilsuactiafner, do you atleast have air conditioning?02:32
lsuactiafneralberto__ : just apt-get build-dep package before you compile source..02:32
yaaarwell...i sold my 8100 about 2.5 years ago....but once upon a time i dealt with those drivers02:33
lsuactiafnertanki : no02:33
lsuactiafnerbut there is runnin water and electricity fscks off once a week02:33
lsuactiafnerbut soon enough they will ration power like they do in other african counries02:33
ChurcH_of_FoamYThis file will self-destruct in five minutes.02:33
lsuactiafnerin the end rsa will become like kenya or any other country under bad leadership02:34
yaaarknowledge_, do 'lsmod | grep -i i8k'02:34
lsuactiafnermany of the ministers dont even have high school02:34
tankilsuactiafner, californians know about that, before ah-nold took over they were providing electricity to people at mini-bar prices heh02:34
knowledge_as su?02:34
yaaarknowledge_, yeah02:34
=== A[D] minS Playing : /home/hazem/amr diab-elly beny w benak.mp3
lsuactiafnertanki : he a good leader or not?02:34
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tankihe's pretty decent02:34
=== yaaar forgets the ubuntu 'sudo everything' stuff frequently
tankithe guy before him was a joke02:34
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alberto__lsuactiafner, what?02:34
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lsuactiafneri think if you have the dedication + dicipline to build a body like he had you must have some good in you02:35
lsuactiafneralberto__ : what?02:35
cut0ffalberto__  run 'man apt-get'02:35
tankihis wife scares me though02:36
alberto__i dont ask nothing about "APT"02:36
yaaarknowledge_, did you get any output from that?02:36
lsuactiafneralberto__ : i also had problems with compiles.. apt-get build-dep package ; then get source + compile package yourself02:36
lsuactiafnerapt-get install package also works02:36
knowledge_yaaar, nothing02:36
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cut0ffalberto__ sorry for that02:36
lsuactiafneras i see rsa, we will end up like zimbabwe02:37
alberto__hum, what is the name of qt3 package under ubuntu02:37
lsuactiafnerwhite farmers here aint forced of the land, but the government inports cheap crops so all white farmers are going bankcrumpt02:38
=== Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChurcH_of_FoamYHis eyes were cold.  As cold as the bitter winter snow that was falling02:38
ChurcH_of_FoamYoutside.  Yes, cold and therefore difficult to chew...02:38
mwealberto__, apt-cache search libqt302:38
cut0ffalberto__  libqt3??02:38
tankiever thought about getting american citizenship?02:38
alberto__libqt3 dont exist02:38
robotgeek_gnome + openbox -> rocks!02:38
lsuactiafnertanki : not as easy to get it02:38
mbirkisrobotgeek_: what is openbox?02:39
cut0ffalberto__ what repositories do you have?02:39
lsuactiafnerand i'd rather get into europe02:39
tankigetting a visa in uk is harder than any other country in the world02:39
Madpilotevening all...02:39
lsuactiafnerthats where my ancestors came from 400yrs ago..02:39
mwealberto__, what apt-cache search libqt3 gives you nothing?02:39
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=== Cooner750 [cooner750@cpe-65-27-211-193.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
lsuactiafnereasy enough to get visa in uk and getting an opportunity to live there than america..02:39
alberto__clean install02:40
alberto__with full KDE and Full Gnome apps02:40
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alberto__and libs02:40
mwethen libqt must already be installed02:40
yaaarknowledge_, k, try 'modprobe i8k'02:40
=== Kris|Sick [~kris_wood@c-67-170-169-26.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cooner750how dependable is GParted? I'm backing up data to DVDs right now just in case02:40
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tankii thought they had the strictest requirements02:40
yaaarknowledge_, although from the looks of things i think you may have to compile a new kernel02:40
robotgeek_mbirkis, openbox is a window manager like fluxbox,blackbox02:40
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alberto__libqt3c102 no?02:40
mbirkisrobotgeek_: ok02:41
lsuactiafneryay my newest mplayer install script works02:41
lsuactiafnerMPlayer dev-CVS-050716-02:32-3.3.5 (C) 2000-2005 MPlayer Team02:41
Krishello, my son deleted the gnome start menu thingy from my desktop, does anyone know how to get it back?02:41
knowledge_nothing with that either yaaar02:41
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tankican mplayer rip dvds02:41
lsuactiafnertanki : yeh02:41
gverigWhere are boot-time configurations for Alsa stored?02:41
lsuactiafnertanki : mencoder part of mplayer02:41
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gverigI get all/most of the channels muted on startup :(02:41
lsuactiafnertanki : has 3pass encodin, takes forever but the results are amazing02:41
mwealberto__, libqt3c102-mt it is here02:41
anto9usKris: you could create a new user and copy the config files from that user's folder02:41
mbirkiswhat commands do i use to enable disable services in the boot?02:41
tankirips them to .vob files right?02:41
mwealberto__, it must be installed already if KDE is02:42
tankior does it encode too02:42
lsuactiafnergverig : alsamixer up the volume, then alsactl store to store it for reboots02:42
Madpilothey, if I'm trying to get periodic NTP checks done, should I let ntp.conf be overwritten?02:42
cut0ffKris try to delete (or rename) your .gome directory02:42
Krisanto9us I have no idea what that means02:42
lsuactiafnertanki : rips em to anything you want02:42
gveriglsuactiafner: Thanks!02:42
dBOFHhey, which is the plugin needed for playing mp3 in rhythmbox ?02:42
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tankiso it rips and encodes, nice02:42
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Krisok I'll try that just a sec02:42
lsuactiafnertanki : even wmv if inclined...02:42
alberto__libqt3c102-mt is already the newest version.02:42
yaaarknowledge_, oh cool, if you didn't get any output from the modprobe command it should have loaded. try the previous command again (the 'lsmod' one...hit the up arrow a few times to get it back)02:42
alberto__checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.1 (20021021)) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation!02:42
alberto__ <-- ERROR02:42
Cooner750anybody??????? "how dependable is GParted? I'm backing up data to DVDs right now just in case"?02:42
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mwealberto__, are you trying to compile something or what?02:43
lsuactiafneralberto__ : run ldconfig02:43
alberto__a style for KDE02:43
Krisso I just rm -rf .gnome02:43
alberto__lsuactiafner, i do it02:43
knowledge_i8k 6160 002:43
ChurcH_of_FoamYParanoid schizophrenics outnumber their enemies at least two to one02:43
mwealberto__, you need libqt3-headers and libqt3-dev then02:43
alberto__mwe, i have too02:43
lsuactiafnerKris : could work.. but backup the directory 1st just in case02:43
cut0ffKris  better to rename it02:43
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lsuactiafneryeh do as cut0ff said02:44
noob-leechHi, a question...02:44
lsuactiafnermv .gnome gnome_backup02:44
noob-leechAfter I installed my ATI drivers... my Totem Movie Player does not seem to be working.02:44
Krisok I did cp and then rm but now what, restart the computer? or just refresh the desktop?02:44
lsuactiafnernoob-leech : yeh i do also, why do you feel the need to warn us you are about to ask something?02:44
mwealberto__, ldconfig doesn't help?02:45
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lsuactiafnernoob-leech : ask totem ppl.. but i think its something to do with -vo xv02:45
noob-leechOkay... thanks.02:45
zqmgood moring02:45
lsuactiafnersomething along those lines, totem is using the wtong video out device02:45
Krisok killall nautilus did ot work02:45
mwealberto__, ./configure --help|grep qt02:45
lsuactiafnerKris : killall -902:45
mwealberto__, then give it the path to the at headers02:46
Cooner750can I get a answer here?02:46
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lsuactiafnerand Kris : if you want to see something very funny killall -9 -1 and dont panic too much.. and dont do it02:46
lsuactiafneractually just kill but heh (:02:46
lsuactiafnerCooner750 : what?02:47
Krisok nothing happened02:47
Cooner750how dependable is GParted?02:47
Krisit just refreshed the desktop02:47
Kristhe panel is still missing02:47
lsuactiafnerno idea.. but if someone does know they will tell you Cooner750 : ask the gparted ppl02:47
Cooner750i'm backing up stuff right now just in case. I'm resizing a FAT32 Partition and adding a EXT3 Partition in the empty space02:47
alberto__ ./configure --help|grep qt dont help :p02:47
lsuactiafnerCooner750 : if you got backusp dont worry...02:47
Cooner750Will Ubuntu install on a EXT3 partition?02:48
dBOFHhello all, what do i need to do in order to play mp3s in rhythymbox ?02:48
alberto__./configure --with-qt-includes=/usr/include/qt3 still with errors02:48
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anto9usCooner750: I've done that very thing, after backing up, had no problems02:48
lsuactiafneralberto__ : grep -i qt02:48
Krisugh I can't even log out of X without the gnome panel thingy02:48
lsuactiafnerKris : press control alt backspace and dont panic02:48
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Cooner750Glad I have a DVD Burner. I can fit 4.7GB on one DVD :)02:48
dabardBOFH: well, wiki.ubuntu.com/restrictedformats02:48
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anto9usCooner750: yes, Ubuntu likes ext302:49
jsimmonswhat program should I use to create mp3's off a cd?02:49
Krisok I'm at a login prompt02:49
cut0ffKris run 'sudo gnome-panel &'02:49
=== IIIEars [~billharps@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dabardid you guys get the notice about the testing for freenode?02:49
Cooner750Ok. This DVD is almost done02:49
dBOFHdabar, thxns02:49
Cooner750this is the 2nd one. My Music collection is 4.2 GB :p02:49
Hoxzerhow do I kill processes in gnome?02:49
Krisok gnome is back up, still no start menu thingy02:49
lsuactiafnerjsimmons : cdparanoia but there are programs that automatically adds the correct name02:49
dabarHoxzer: in a terminal, or how, there is even a GUI I think.02:50
lsuactiafnerCooner750 : i got 27000 (;02:50
jsimmonsthe name of the song you mean?02:50
jsimmonsi've never made a mp3 before02:50
cut0ffKris try to reinstall 'sudo apt-get install -reinstall gnome-panel'02:50
Hoxzerdabar: how to I check the ID of the process?02:50
lsuactiafnerjsimmons : yeh02:50
Cooner750Ah. Pretty red light on DVD burner. lol :P02:50
Krissudo gnome-panel & gave me the following02:50
Kris[1] +  Stopped                 sudo gnome-panel02:50
dBOFHdabar, the link is OK, only that I have to create the entry :)02:50
dabarHoxzer: ok, the GUI is at Applications>Sys Tools>System Monitor, I think that should be enough for you to kill it.02:50
Cooner750i'm doing the work on a external HD, so I plan on backing up the rest of the stuff to the internal NTFS partition.02:51
lsuactiafnerKris : control alt backspace.. should restart X and reload things02:51
dabar /RestrictedFormats may work then.02:51
cut0ffKris  oops i'm wrong02:51
Cooner750Since the NTFS Partition doesnt even mount I think I'm safe, no?02:51
HoxzerDabar: I can't acces there I need to kill this azureus first02:51
Krislsuactiafner it did but the stat menu is still gone02:51
lsuactiafneranyone know of a nice util to rip a cd that auto-names the cds?02:51
IIIEars"Cat"-tastrophe - cat urinated on the external USB drive 10 mins after a bath. - lol02:51
dabarkillall azureus02:51
cut0ffKris trt to reinstall by 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-panel'02:52
Hoxzerit has no effect02:52
IIIEarssalvaged the drive. (while holding nose) and linux reformatted it.02:52
lsuactiafnerlol IIIEars02:52
dabarhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats ya it is that.02:52
yaaarCooner750, you're not planning on writing to that NTFS volume from Linux, are you?02:52
Kriscut0ff: ok trying that02:52
dabarhoxzer. hm.02:53
Cooner750My setup is a Internal NTFS with XP on it. That doesnt even mount so I'm backing the huge stuff up to it. I believe it's safe, since after runing Ubuntu; nothing changes on it02:53
Cooner750And a external FAT32 that is going to be resized and a EXT3 added02:53
Cooner750for Ubuntu02:53
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Cooner750Does Ubuntu need more than 1 partiton? Or can it work with only 1?02:54
dabarworks with one...02:54
HoxzerDabar: I just tells me "azureus: no process killed"02:54
yaaarCooner750, so, you're going to boot off that external drive?02:54
Krisstill no start menu thingy02:54
dabarthen none is running.02:54
mweI'd make a swap partition too02:54
Kriswhat is the start menu thingy called anyway02:54
anto9usCooner750: with an external / you might need to make a /boot on the internal drive02:54
yaaarCooner750, and you can use just one partition if you like02:54
Cooner750yaaar: yea02:55
dabardo: top, in a terminal02:55
Kristhe one that's at the top of the screen by default02:55
dabarsee if you see the process there.02:55
cut0ffKris odd thing02:55
Cooner750For one thin, the BIOS can boot from USB, and 2; I'm going to add it to the Windows XP Boot.ini02:55
Krisgnome-panel seems to be the one at the bottom of the screen02:55
dabarkris, both are gnome panels.02:55
dabarBottom, and top panel.02:55
yaaarCooner750, i think i agree with anto9us....I'd prolly put /boot on the internal and write grub to that drive too02:55
HoxzerDabar: but it is :D02:55
dabarright click on the top one, and select add to panel.02:55
Krisdabar, ok02:55
Cooner750yaaar: that what i'02:56
Kristhe top one is gone02:56
Cooner750'll do02:56
Kriscan't right click it02:56
Cooner750brb. botting LiveCD02:56
dabarri\ght click on the bottom one, and New Panel, then02:56
Krismy son right clicked it then clicked delete panel02:56
yaaarCooner750, well, if you know the bios doesn't have a problem with the usb drive, then sure, just throw it all in one partition02:56
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dabaras many times until you get the top one, kris.02:56
dabarthen delete ones you dont want.02:56
tiglionabbithey guys, does the default test print page have any text on it?02:56
dabarthen, right click, add to panel which things(I think called applets) you want.02:57
anto9ustiglionabbit: yes02:57
Krisugh that means I have to recreate it from scratch?02:57
dabartiglionabbit: has a lot of colors, some text, and the ubuntu logo.02:57
dabarit is very easy.02:57
tiglionabbitwhat does the text say?02:57
dabarIll tell you what is on it.02:57
alberto__i cant compile this shitti theme http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2387102:57
dabardo I keep a copy of the test printer page?02:57
tiglionabbitbecause my test page doesn't have any text except the %s02:58
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dabarI had it around.02:58
tiglionabbitdarnit I need help with my printer02:59
jamalwhere the hell am i?02:59
Krisok I found how to add a new panel but that's not what I want02:59
KrisI want the old panel back....02:59
aebudzhello, anyone got a link to help me with installing java on ubuntu im having major problems :( lol02:59
dabarit is a panel, I will tell you what to add to it.02:59
dabargo right click add to panel.02:59
Hoxzerhmm... is there anyway how I kill all processes in Gnome?03:00
dabarThen select volume control.03:00
dabarlog out.03:00
Krisisn't there a way to just reestore gnome to the default settings? :-/03:00
tiglionabbitanto9us: are you on an x86?  Just add the hoary-extras repository and install sun-j2sdk1.503:00
cut0ffHoxzer 'sudo killall gnome'03:00
dabaraebudz: wiki.ubuntu.com/Java03:01
aebudzthanks dabar03:01
Hoxzer:D it just tells me "gnome: no process killed"03:01
dabarlog out, dude.03:01
anto9ustiglionabbit: do I really have to? I hate java03:01
dabarwhats the deal, restart, what is the big deal?03:01
HoxzerDabar: I cant03:01
HoxzerAzureus is too heavy and I can't move my mouse03:01
dabarHoxzer: do you see this app?03:01
Hoxzerwhat app03:01
tiglionabbitanto9us: oh, I thought you wanted it03:01
dabaris it called Azureus, or azureus?03:02
Hoxzerthis is diffrend comp03:02
HoxzerAzureus but I tryed both03:02
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dabarok. good idea.03:02
anto9ustiglionabbit: wasn't me :)03:02
tiglionabbitoops, aebudz03:02
apokryphosAzureus -- but packages in the repositories are alwas lower-case03:02
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tiglionabbitmixed up your names03:02
poningruI had a question is it possible to play any other format other than a normal cd in a normal cd player?03:02
dabarKris: I dont know, bvut, I mean, there are 4 things on the panel by default, if you are that lazy, then what?03:02
poningrulike lets say I burn a cd in something like ogg03:02
dabaryou mean like a sound system CD player, like in your car?03:03
poningruwould it play in my normal cd03:03
Krisok ok I thought there were dozens of things03:03
poningrudabar: yeah03:03
Krisall I really need is to be able to get to the control panel thingy03:03
Krisand maybe applications heh03:03
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anto9usKris: sudo adduser <user name> and then log in with that name03:04
aebudzdabar i tried method one i dont have ppc and i get an error03:04
alberto__how i force a .deb pkg to install?03:04
dabaraebudz: do you know how to edit sources?03:04
alberto__dpkg -i --force?03:04
aebudzyes i did03:04
Hoxzerwell I guess I have to boot then03:04
aebudzgedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:05
dabarthey changed that FAQ too.03:05
dabarwell, stupid.03:05
aebudzthen add that link03:05
apokryphosalberto__: yes03:05
dabarya, then save, exit, sudo aptitude update...03:05
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dabardid that?03:06
aebudzok did that, then apt-get install sun-j2?03:06
dabarnah, sudo aptitude search sun-j2# I think its a #03:07
dabartry that.03:07
=== Cooner750 [~Cooner750@cpe-65-27-209-99.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
aebudzuhh nothing happened03:07
Cooner750ok back. On Ubuntu now. Trying to get gparted03:07
alberto__apokryphos, not install03:08
apokryphosalberto__: what is it you're trying to install?03:08
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apokryphosalberto__: it of course likely still won't work; if it's not letting you install it normally there's a reason for it03:08
Krisok i'm just reinstalling gnome altogether now03:09
Kriswe'll see if that fixes it03:09
tiglionabbitdabar: you don't put a # on..03:09
anto9usCooner750: I do believe the Ubuntu install cd promises it can resize windows partitions03:09
tiglionabbitit can03:09
tiglionabbitI've done it03:09
ubotu[windows]  Everything runs in linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office, or find an !alternative03:09
ubotuhmm... ntfs is the filesystem used under Windows XP. The Ubuntu installer can safely resize an NTFS partition to create a new partition for you to install Ubuntu. http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab03:09
aebudzyeah that did it03:09
anto9usCooner750: and you can definitely create your new partitions with it03:09
aebudzwhat do i do after that tiglionabbit03:10
=== Crashtest [~boone@CPE0004e2946e45-CM000e5cd9ca02.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
aebudzor dabar or anyone ;)03:10
tiglionabbitaebudz: after what?03:10
dabarsee what package it told you.03:10
dabarthen sudo aptitude install packageShownThere.03:10
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aebudzjust making sure :)03:10
dabarand then again edit your sources, remove the line from them, and sudo aptitude update03:10
Cooner750anto9us: ok03:10
tiglionabbitaebudz: you've got a graphical interface, right?  Just run synaptic and hit search, it's uh, simple..03:10
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aebudzi got it03:11
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tiglionabbitk good03:11
aebudzthanks dabar, tiglionabbit03:11
Cooner750I just feel more comfortable using GParted for some reason. Can you just install using the CD? Do you have to resize from the CD?03:11
Krisok here's a question for you all, if I completely remove gnome, then reinstall it, how do I get back into it without rebooting?03:11
anto9usCooner750: the choice is yours03:11
Cooner750I believe I'll just use Gparted and then install right to that position03:12
Cooner750wow. I'm having a hard time typing tonight03:12
tiglionabbitKris: you should be able to "startx" or "gdm" into it03:12
Cooner750Does the installer identify partitions with numbers? like disk0part1?03:12
anto9usCooner750: that was your brain at fault, not your fingers ;)03:12
Cooner750anto9us: true :P03:13
Kristiglionabbit: thanks, startx worked03:13
=== bungopolis [~bungopoli@h-66-166-146-19.snvacaid.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
dabarKris: serious, isnt it easy to add a panel on the top?03:13
tiglionabbitCooner750: it identifies them by hda1 hda2 hda3 hdb1 hdb2, like that03:13
apokryphosCooner750: kind of. Hdb, hdb1, hdb2 etc.03:13
Kriswoot I have my defaults back :D03:13
bungopolisdoes anyone know the URL of the official skype deb repository -- i had it but lost it03:13
tiglionabbitCooner750: A for hard disk 1, B for hard disk 2, etc, and the numbers are the partitions on them03:13
Cooner750I know it identfies my external as SDA03:13
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Krisdabar yes it's easy enough to add A panel to the top, but i wanted the default panel03:13
Cooner750so if it had 2 partitons; would it be sda2?03:14
kbrooks!dict bleargh03:14
ubotucould not find definition for bleargh03:14
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Krisso when I go through the ubuntu guide and it tells me to click things I know what to click :-p03:14
dabar it can be made the same, can it not, Kris?03:14
Krisplease excuse me for being a noob :-p03:14
dabaryou can make it the same as the first one.03:14
apokryphosKris: ubuntuguide is bad :P03:14
Krisit was honestly easier for me to just reinstall gnome03:14
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anto9usCooner750: yes, the letter indicates the device and the number the partition on that device03:14
dabarNo, it was not, but, I mean, sure, I did stuff like that,...03:14
Krisapokryphos: ubuntuguide has been immensely helpful to me03:14
ubotuubuntuguide is, like, a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.03:14
=== punkrockguy318 [~lukas@pcp02403054pcs.brdgtn01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
aebudzok its installed dabar but when i test it in firefox it doesnt think i have it03:15
punkrockguy318Is it safe to apt-get upgrade my system from another OS on another partition using chroot?03:15
Krisbefore ubuntu i'd never used X at all before so I find the guide rather useful for that sort of thing03:15
dabaraebudz: well, you just installed the JVM.03:15
Krisfor the command line stuff I'm not such a noob and don't need it heh03:16
aebudzwhat do i do now then?03:16
dabaraebudz: have to add symbolic links for FX/ff03:16
apokryphosKris: it's alright, but it won't teach you much. Wants you to blindly follow instructions03:16
Krisanyway it works now, thanks for all the help everyone03:16
=== zone17 [~naim@0x52b42109.static.bcbnet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Crashtestif ubuntuguide has errors, why not contact the author?03:16
zone17Hi, where is the grub.conf file on ubuntu? "Find" can't find it.03:16
Krisapokryphos yes but if I just want to copy paste it's perfect hehe03:16
dabarCrashtest: not errors, plus they are more and more stupid on the # about the guide.03:16
Crashtestseems political to me03:17
Frank_dotwhat is the port of a ssh server?03:17
=== apokryphos guesses at 8080
zone17Or let me refrase the question, since I can't find grub.conf, how do I mess with grub setup?03:18
cafuegoFrank_dot: 2203:18
anto9usCrashtest: I think it's more like frustration after helpers here have sorted out the mess people have gotten into when using ubuntuguide03:18
Frank_dotzone17: /boot/grab03:18
Frank_dotzone17: /boot/grub03:18
gverigzone17: Whatever Frank_dot said. file menu.lst03:18
zone17Frank_dot, yes but which file. Grub normally has a grub.conf03:18
gverigzone17: (or menu.list)03:18
zone17ok thanks!03:19
Crashtestmaybe the guide could just be expanded?  A little explanation after each instruction?  Newbies seem to love the guide03:19
Frank_dotcafuego: so opening port 22 should open my ssh server03:19
gverigzone17: One thing: ubuntu overwrites first portion (in the file it is marked as "generated" or something). You can add your entries toward the end03:19
dabarCrashtest: it is a fine guide, I used it extensively in the beginning, and still sometimes.03:19
cafuegoFrank_dot: Normally simple installing the ssh server suffices. 'sudo apt-get install openbssh-server03:20
dabarCrashtest: everything can be done better.03:20
cafuego'openssh-server' even03:20
anto9usCrashtest: maybe, yes03:20
dabarlook at the stupid Java wiki page. Never tells you how to install the firefox-java thing.03:20
Frank_dotcafuego: yeah but my firewall (guarddog) is blocking it03:20
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cafuegoFrank_dot: Then yes, you'll need to open port 22.03:21
cafuegoFrank_dot: tcp03:21
moogmanHey, what is the suggest GPG GUI to use?03:21
dabaraltho, it seems that it works on install.03:22
dabarjsut restart ff.03:22
moogmankgpg seems to be the only supported item I can find03:22
cafuegomoogman: seahorse on Gnome.03:22
cafuegomoogman: That may or may not be highly unstable, though.03:22
zone17gverig, thanks03:23
=== Cooner750 [~Cooner750@cpe-65-27-209-99.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoCrud, how do I convert ac3 audio to WAV?03:23
Cooner750allllllright. Ubuntu froze while installing GParted. Let's try again :P03:23
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Frank_dotcafuego: do you know guarddog. Whatever I do, it doesn't want to let me open port 22 for incomming connections. I'm sure I'm being stupid here somewhere03:24
=== Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
cafuegoFrank_dot: No, I don't know guarddog.03:25
dabarw00t, finally a Computer__Guru...03:25
Computer__Gurudon't hold your breath :D03:25
punkrockguy318hmm.. I'm getting this error when I dist-upgrade on my breezy: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libs/libsndfile/libsndfile1_1.0.10-2_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch03:25
Computer__Gurunah, whatchya need?03:25
cafuegoComputer__Guru is 12, he knows NOTHING03:25
Computer__GuruI shall do my best03:25
Computer__Gurucafuego: try 30, and I knwo a little :)03:25
=== cafuego doesn't believe you
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LinuxJonescafuego, that's kind of rude :(03:26
dabarwhats the problem tho./..03:26
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cafuegoLinuxJones: That depends on how new you are03:26
dabarpunkrockguy318: go ermove us. from the sources.list file.03:26
Computer__Guruborn 3/16/75, saw megaforce and alien back to back at the drive in when i was 4, went to the movies with a friend by ourselves for the first time when we were seven to see ET03:26
Computer__Guruof course the theatre was a block away :D03:27
dabarComputer__Guru: anyhow, you got my joke:)03:27
LinuxJonescafuego, this isn't #debian that's how old I am03:27
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Computer__Guruand my mom followed us03:27
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moogmancafuego: Thank you :)03:27
Computer__GuruMy son is growing up in a brave GNU world03:27
liableboohoo dont work.03:28
Computer__Guruhe asked his teacher at the end of the year why none of the school computers ran linux03:28
tiglionabbitComputer__Guru: I hope my family gets like that03:28
Computer__GuruI was so proud03:28
cafuegomoogman: eh?03:28
punkrockguy318dabar, thanks03:28
Computer__Guruthe teacher asked him what linux was03:28
dabarpunkrockguy318: ya, happens.03:28
moogmancafuego: (RE:GPG GUI suggestion) Thank you :)03:28
Frank_dotanyone know where rejected connections attempts are logged?03:28
dabarhaha, nice thing that the teacher asked him that.03:29
Computer__Guruhe said: It's free and doesnt break03:29
=== TokenBad [~tokenbad@c-24-22-50-84.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Gurui bought him a psp03:29
tiglionabbitthat is awesome03:29
dabarFrank_dot: what are you using to block them?03:29
=== Jet2k5 [~zero@fl-71-3-148-103.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
TokenBadwell changed out modems again...to a sb512003:29
Frank_dotguarddog but I think that just edits iptables03:29
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Jet2k5Hell guys03:29
Jet2k5I just installed a new monitor03:29
TokenBadstill not like it should be though..but then again going into peak time so03:29
tiglionabbitsay guys, here is a visual demonstration of my problem right now: http://nickr.kicks-ass.net/~nick/badprint.jpg03:30
Jet2k5but the monitor wont stop shacking03:30
Computer__Guruhe's got this old compaq p-iii 600e w/20gb hdd.. he runs kde 3.3.1 and linux 2.4.2703:30
Jet2k5shaking **03:30
tiglionabbitlook at that pdf03:30
cafuegomoogman: aah :-)03:30
Jet2k5is there a way to re-configure the screen?03:30
Computer__Guruslick box03:30
Computer__Guruoh its based on knopix 3.703:30
dabarok, but enough about me, lets talk about me.03:30
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Computer__GuruJet2k5: wha?03:31
=== bur[n] er_ [~norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jet2k5Computer__Guru: I just got a new CRT for my laptop03:31
tiglionabbitdamnit, does anyone know how to help me with this?  This sucks, and I don't have a clue what to do about it03:31
dabarJet2k5: you can reconfigure the xserver, how would one reconfigure the monitor...03:31
Jet2k5yes that03:31
Computer__Gururoses are red, violets are blue, i suffer from multiple personality disorder, and so do i03:31
dabarcrt for a laptop? that must be a big lap...03:31
bur[n] eranyone have a .deb for the latest gnomebaker 0.4??03:31
Jet2k5The images wont stop shaking03:31
bur[n] erit's out today and has an impressive changelog03:31
Computer__Gurujet: change your vertical refresh rate03:31
Jet2k5and it has a resolution of 1280x102403:31
dabartiglionabbit: so, no letters?03:32
Computer__Gurujet are you using kde or gnome?03:32
tiglionabbitdabar: exactly03:32
dabartiglionabbit: weird eh:)03:32
tiglionabbitdabar: it prints some letters, but most of them it doesn't03:32
Jet2k5and I checked, it doesn't let me go higher than 1024x76803:32
Computer__Guruwas gonna say use krandr to change your refresh rate03:32
tiglionabbitlike on that page for instance03:32
Cooner750is it ok to update Ubuntu while running from LiveCD?03:32
Cooner750Last time I tried it froze and I had to reboot03:32
Jet2k5I know how to change it in gnome Computer__Guru03:32
tiglionabbitCooner750: yup, it's fine, as long as you have some ram03:32
Jet2k5that tames the screen moving03:33
Computer__Guruso change it,t hat fixed the problem for me03:33
tiglionabbitCooner750: lots of ram03:33
Jet2k5but how about getting it biger?03:33
Computer__Guruoh i dunno03:33
Cooner750I have 448MB. actually 512 but 64 goes to crappy VIA/S3G Intergrated Card03:33
Computer__Guruwhat kind of card do you have and what driver is X using?03:33
Cooner750ok installing GParted (again)03:33
Jet2k5hold on let me check with windows03:33
tiglionabbitdabar: do you know anything I could read to understand why it does this?03:34
Cooner750I ran sudo apt-get update and then ran sudo apt-get install gparted and it's working03:34
dabarcopyright laws:P03:34
Cooner750(Reading database...) is where it's at now03:34
Cooner750"Unpacking GParted"03:34
dabarwhat have you tried? the usual stuff, like removing readding printer, and so on?03:34
Computer__GuruJet2k5: also, in /etc/X11/Xorg.conf under display you might want to put "1280x1024" BEFORE "1024x768" on each of your Modes lines under the Screen section03:34
anto9usthere's a man called computer_guru, who liked to visit #ubuntu, I remember one time, he wrote out a rhyme, because he thought it was fun to03:35
Computer__Guruthen restart X03:35
Computer__Guruerr xorg.conf03:35
Computer__Gurucafuego: pretty fuckin smart for a twelve year old ;)03:35
ce33nahe's gone03:35
Cooner750yes! GParted is installed and running03:35
dabarCooner750: excellent.03:35
Computer__Gurudont i look like a dumbass :D03:35
Cooner750resizing partition now03:35
dabarIm glad he left, rather than having an argument.03:36
Computer__Gurunah cafuego's cool03:36
ce33naI don't think he understands the difference between refresh rate and resolution03:36
Computer__Guruhe just has basic linux syndrome03:36
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dabarI never liked him;)03:36
Frank_dotcafuego: I figured out how to open the ssh port. I just didn't understand how guarddog worked03:36
ce33naok, thats a new one on me. What is basic linux syndrome?03:36
dabarI am funny, but, I am leaving too.03:36
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Computer__Guruhe's here03:37
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Computer__Guruce33na: ever tried to go to one of the old school linux channels and get help for something? you'd be hard pressed to get anything more than rtfm out of anybody03:37
Computer__Guruthat's basic linux syndrome03:37
Cooner750ok. My FAT32 partiton is recognized as "sda1"03:37
Cooner750Is that correct?03:37
Computer__Guruthe elitist attitude that some people adopt once they've become adept at *nix03:37
Cooner750I would imagine that the EXT3 partiton will be "sda2"?03:38
Cooner750lets see. I have to unmount it.03:38
anto9usCooner750: if that's the first partition you've created on your external usb driver, yes.03:38
LinuxJonesComputer__Guru, we don't like that attitude here :)03:38
Computer__GuruLinuxJones: thank god03:38
Cooner750I'm unmounting it now to resize the FAT32. How much room should I leave for EXT3?03:38
anto9usCooner750: I'm still betting you'll need a /boot on your internal drive03:38
anto9usCooner750: that's big enough, yes03:39
Computer__Guruanto9us: if his bios supports boot from usb, he wont03:39
Cooner750It does support USB.03:39
Cooner750That's how I booted Slax for a long time. From a USB pendrive03:39
Hoxzercan I somehow setup a timer for command?03:39
ce33nathe debian channel was full of that garbage the other day. Debian is beginning to go through the x.org transition and one of my machines X server broke. After a riveting flamewar, I switched the machine to ubuntu.03:39
Cooner750how many GB is 14,652MB?03:40
Cooner750oops. nevermind03:40
flgrshort question about shipit: I'll get a mail confirmation when my order is processed?03:40
Computer__Guruce33na: so you feel my pain.. the slack clan has it the worst, but old school debian enthusiasts can be pretty bad03:40
Cooner750wrong #03:40
Cooner750is 5037MB enough?03:41
flgrcoobra: 14 GB03:41
Computer__GuruCooner750: yes03:41
Cooner750ok. closing my eyes and hitting "Resize"03:41
=== Cooner750 closes eyes
Frank_dotCooner750: you also need a swap partition03:41
ce33naComputer__Guru: I see that I am not the only ex-Slack/ex-Debian user here.03:41
Cooner750frank_dot: ?03:41
Computer__GuruFrank_dot: only if he has less than 512mb ram03:41
=== oz__ [~oz@c211-30-253-67.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
anto9usI tried debian for a few weeks before discovering ubuntu03:42
Cooner750I have 512MB RAM and the vid. card takes 64. So, um.... to do or not to do?03:42
anto9usand I agree, they're not the friendliest of people in there03:42
Computer__Guruce33na: I went from win98 to slack 1.2 in 95, then to redhat in 97, then to debian in 2000, then knoppix in early 2004, then to ubuntu (with the kubuntu-desktop) about a week ago03:42
Frank_dotCooner750: well I would think a swap partition is always good, especially if you have plenty of disk space03:42
Cooner750I have 93GB that I can resize03:42
Cooner750How big and what format should the swap partition be?03:42
Computer__GuruCooner750: how much ram do you have?03:43
Cooner750Will I be able to specify it during install?03:43
=== Jet2k5 [~zero@fl-71-3-132-36.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cooner750I have 512MB but vid. card takes 64 so 448MB03:43
Jet2k5well the resolution works perfect under windows03:43
Computer__Gurumight as well make a swap partition03:43
Cooner750how big and what formar?03:43
Computer__Gurujust leave an extra gig free for swap03:43
=== desplesda [~desplesda@CPE-143-238-232-242.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
anto9usCooner750: about 1 and half times your memory and just select the swap mount point, the format should be automatic03:43
Cooner750k. In EXT3?03:43
Computer__Guruand you'll see when you get to the partition part of the install03:43
Frank_dotCooner750: I would suggest 1 gig. The format will be swap .. you can set in install03:43
=== antisocialboris [~nick@host86-129-215-246.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cooner750resizing the main 4GB now03:43
Computer__Guruactually it's type 82 - Linux Swap03:44
ce33navery similar path to mine. I also started with Slack in 95. Been on Debian for over a year. When I, as an experiment, put ubuntu on my wife's laptop; my jaw hit the floor. Ubuntu is the cleanest distro that I have ever seen. I've been swaping machines to it for the last few weeks.03:44
Cooner750resizing now03:44
Computer__Guruyou'll set your ext3 partition as type 83 - Linux, then mke2fs -j /dev/sda203:44
Computer__Guruerr probably gonna be /dev/sda3 since your swap will be /dev/sda203:44
Frank_dotCooner750: you can do all that in the installer as well03:44
lsuactiafnerce33na : i run a slackware/ubuntu hybrid system03:44
Computer__Guruand the comand to activate swap is: mkswap /dev/sda203:44
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Cooner750I see a bar going back and forth, back and forth. lol :P03:45
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Computer__GuruCooner750: yeah go watch a movie03:45
Frank_dotCooner750: while resizing? yeah03:45
Computer__Gurupartition resizing takes a while03:45
Cooner750How long does it take to resize 114,471MB to 109,434MB ?03:45
=== antisocialboris [~nick@host86-129-215-246.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
lsuactiafnervarious reasons for it but ubuntu doesnt have the power slackware has, but slackware aint as easy to use as ubuntu..03:45
Frank_dotCooner750: not too long, I would think03:45
lsuactiafnerubuntu has differant goals but take the best from both worlds03:45
Cooner750It's only 5034MB and it's a USB 2.0 conn.03:46
Cooner750Oh no. Error03:46
Computer__Gurulsuactiafner: last time i checked you could untar and compile a source tarball just as well on ubuntu as you can on slack.. how is it not as powerful?03:46
Frank_dotCooner750: how so?03:46
moogmanDoes anyone know if there will be any issues if I download and install the latest stable dbus from source?03:46
Cooner750Error while resizing/moving /dev/sda1 it says03:46
ce33nalsuactiafner: I really like slack, but I got tired of the stressful upgrades03:46
lsuactiafnerComputer__Guru : slackware is more predictable/consistant03:46
Computer__Guruit is?03:46
Cooner750wait. Now I see 5034MB Unallocated in GParted!?03:47
lsuactiafnerce33na : i got scripts to compile sources for me03:47
Cooner750what happened there?03:47
Frank_dotCooner750: is there alot of room on that partition?03:47
Cooner750Yes. plenty03:47
Cooner750oops. nevermind03:47
lsuactiafnerapt-get build-dep is pretty nice03:47
Computer__Gurui thought the whole idea of package maintenance structures was to maintain a level of consistency that wasnt present in distributions like slack :D03:47
=== DonL [~don@d206-116-131-181.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruima shut up now, one dist is as good as the next,t hey're all linux03:47
=== jonesstarr [~jonesstar@ip68-229-97-86.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruexcept rpm systems, rpm sucks monkey balls03:47
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lsuactiafnerall slack packages are made on one standard system.. ubuntu system tend to differ slightly so packages aint always 100% compatible..03:48
=== fred_ [~fred@bub62-1-82-238-0-153.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Frank_dotCooner750: I have had bad experiences with rpm as well but maybe it has improved since then03:48
lsuactiafnerbut ubuntu is really nice, hybrid is perfect..03:48
Computer__Gurusystems tend to differ slightly???03:48
Computer__Guruyeah i bet it is pretty03:48
IIIEarsRH has been PIA since 5.003:48
Frank_dotHow is slack more standard?03:49
lsuactiafnerComputer__Guru : you wouldnt recognise my system as ubuntu or slackware.03:49
IIIEarspain in the A$$03:49
Computer__Gurulsuactiafner: i'm just spoiled by apt.. slack was a nightmare for me03:49
lsuactiafnerslackware is more standard but its more for a server, like the gui doesnt start automatically ect03:49
Cooner750I cant figure out what the error was all about.03:49
Cooner750Everything seems fine stil03:49
Computer__Gurulsuactiafner: but i gotta say my experience with slack allowed me to build an lfs system for someone that made me ten grand :D03:49
lsuactiafnerbut i run ubuntu in console.. dont like gui03:49
Cooner750Is the Installer resizer graphical?03:50
=== axis [~axis@d36-44-61.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
IIIEarsComputer_Guru - for a glimpse at what it was like try BSD from scratch03:50
Frank_dotCooner750: no but its pretty simple03:50
axisso i've got everything dma mode, 32 bit . but now i can read blank discs to burn03:50
lsuactiafneryeh, slack is like unix standard.. ubuntu is user-friendly, differant goals, not sayin ubuntu aint standards compatible..03:50
axisnot detecting media, i'm getting a DRIVE-SEEK-READY_ERROR03:50
Computer__Gurulsuactiafner: compile and install kdm and put S20kdm in /etc/rc5.d/ and watch how fast the gui automatically starts :D03:50
lsuactiafnerComputer__Guru : i run blackbox.. starts in seconds..03:51
lsuactiafnerlike 2 seconds..03:51
Computer__Gurublackbox is purdy03:51
Computer__Guruand very simplistic03:51
Razor-XComputer__Guru: purdy?03:51
=== Mats [~mats@ADijon-151-1-86-211.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xewww ;)03:51
lsuactiafneri like it, mplayer -rootwin runs as a background03:51
=== Mats [~mats@ADijon-151-1-86-211.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
IIIEarsswappiness is a nice tweak also03:51
lsuactiafnerIIIEars : what you put your swappiness as?03:51
lsuactiafneri played with it and made ff crash..03:52
Computer__Gurui was merely illustrating that slack can be setup as a workstation just as easily as it can be a server03:52
Razor-XE is way better ;)03:52
Computer__Guruinstall x, your favorite window manager, and xdm03:52
Computer__Guruoh yeah make sure youput xdm int he appropriate rc dir03:52
axisAnyone have an idea?  - My BENQ 52x cd burner is detecting, mounts written discs.. but when i put a blank in  nothing happens03:52
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lsuactiafnerComputer__Guru : yeh, slack aint for the average user, but for a geek ubuntu can be annoyin if it runs like 100 apps in init.d that i dont want to run on bootup03:52
axisi can't find anything on unofficial ubuntu or google03:52
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lsuactiafnerbut for 95% of ppl it aint a problem but a benifit03:53
Razor-Xaxis: have you tried to burn on it?03:53
Razor-Xlsuactiafner: slack is awesome03:53
concept10axis, what do you want it to do when you put a blank in>03:53
Computer__Gurulsuactiafner: am I the only person leftint he world who actually audits his rcX.d dirs with any regularity?03:53
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axisYes, I've even tried to force, but it says  " No media found"03:53
axisi've tried 3 discs of 3 different kinds of media03:54
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lsuactiafnerComputer__Guru : i redid init.d and did some minor changes in rc03:54
axisusing k3b03:54
Computer__Guruyouc ant mount a blank disc03:54
Razor-Xyeah, you can't mount a blank disc03:54
Razor-Xyou have to burn to the device directly03:54
axiswell, on this computer, when i put a blank it, it auto plays and asks me what i want to do with it03:54
=== leon [~leon@sl392.st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruaxis: un cdrdao witht he blank disc in it should detect the medium and write to it03:54
axisit won't on my other machine03:54
lsuactiafnerComputer__Guru : like if it wasnt for slackware i wouldbe be able to help ppl with ubuntu.03:54
Razor-Xaxis: doesen't do that to me03:54
ralobaohow do i add a folder to the PATH ?03:54
kbrooksComputer__Guru, NO03:55
kbrooksComputer__Guru, NO03:55
Computer__Guruyeah ive never had a *nix system do that for me03:55
=== mxreader [~mxreader@CPE-138-217-181-246.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-XI've burned discs with K3b just fine03:55
axisRazor-X: do you use a gui burn program?03:55
kbrooksComputer__Guru, cli == evil for grandma03:55
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Razor-Xkbrooks: the channel isn't full of grandparents ;)03:55
Computer__Gurukbrooks: i was speaking in general terms03:55
Razor-Xand, what's so hard about CLI?03:55
mxreadermorning all03:55
lsuactiafnercli is easy03:55
Computer__Gurunothing if you remember DOS :)03:55
kbrooksRazor-X, uh, the average user03:55
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ce33naRazor-X: it wont be long for some of us.03:56
lsuactiafnereasier than click click omg where click click omg bash keyboard03:56
axisRazor-X, : this other computer is for my buddy. i have vmware on here with his winxp pro,03:56
blmartin777does anybody use mldonkey?03:56
=== stan-am [~nico@OL52-237.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
axismplayers great, xmms' great, vmware's great03:56
Computer__Guruthe average user these days was trained into windowsxp and doesnt even know how to navigate a filesystem03:56
axiscopying cds onto the hd is great03:56
axisi'm getting like a HD-io error03:56
Razor-Xaxis: have you tried burning without mounting?03:56
Razor-XComputer__Guru: true that03:56
ce33naComputer__Guru: tell me about it03:56
Crashtestcli is way faster than gui, that's for sure03:56
Razor-Xaxis: hmmm.....03:56
poningrulso true03:56
lsuactiafnerin windows i get annoyed that i can use the cli03:57
Razor-Xtry unmounting it, if you had it mounted before03:57
Computer__Gurui get around in cli just as well as i do on kde03:57
mxreadercan anyone point me to understanding about security with a LAMP setup?  I needed to run dotproject in Ubuntu locally on a machine that connects to the internet03:57
Computer__Gurubut by way of gui's if youre gonna do it do it right - kde is your friend03:57
axisi'm alot more comfortable with gui at first too.. i'm actually putting freebsd on here as a server, and will have ubuntu as my workstation .. maybe run ESX server03:57
moogmanHey, does anyone know if there will be any issues if I download and install the latest stable dbus from source?03:57
Razor-XComputer__Guru: heh, true that03:57
Razor-Xmost everything I do is done in an Eterm03:57
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kbrooksComputer__Guru, gnome > kde03:57
CrashtestI run a bunch of servers at work, and they run headless, and do not run X, so you just do everything at the command line03:57
Razor-Xkbrooks: Gnome went downhill after v103:57
axisi bet it's just the crappy benq.. although i can't find anyone else with this problem.. i'd really hate to have to re install03:57
axishd io error03:58
Frank_dotmoogman: If I knew what dbus is, maybe I could help...03:58
Computer__Gurukbrooks: someone lied to you. kde is a lot more feature rich than gnome... although, gnome is prettier03:58
axisread seek complete error03:58
Razor-Xmoogman: if it's on the repos, there should be almost no problem03:58
Computer__Gurugnome is a workspace, kde is a desktop03:58
DonLRazor-X, gnome started to get good at 2.803:58
poningruComputer__Guru: but its slower03:58
lsuactiafnerwe just have to keep in mind ubuntu has differant goals for a differant audience, in the end slack+freebsd has its place and uses..03:58
Razor-XDonL: ewwww03:58
Frank_dotI like KDE much better essentially because I can't stand nautilus03:58
moogmanFrank_dot: LoL thanks... "D-BUS is a message bus system, a simple way for applications to talk to one another." (from the website)03:58
Razor-Xyou musta been a FVWM95 user ;)03:58
Computer__Guruyeah im not too worried about speed as long as it works im happy03:58
poningrualso xfce is better than them all03:59
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Razor-Xponingru: E trumps XFce03:59
lsuactiafnernight ppl.03:59
DonLNo, I used KDE for years03:59
poningrummm to each his own03:59
Computer__Guruxfce is fugly, but very very fast03:59
=== D1 [~damian@pool-71-104-101-157.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
moogmanRazor-X: Um. The repos have version 0.21 (IIRC), but I need >=0.3403:59
axisanybody know how to control a cdrw with hdparm03:59
Razor-XBlackbox is thousands times uglier03:59
=== Computer__Guru agrees with poningru
Razor-Xmoogman: try compiling hten03:59
Computer__Gurusame way you control everything else with hdparm03:59
frequencyaxis: man hdparm03:59
axisyeah i just use hdparm -? or enter04:00
moogmanRazor-X: Sure, but I just wanna make sure that it won't break anything critical if I do.04:00
Razor-Xmoogman: doubt it will04:00
axisi've got everything enabled, it says it's good. just not ready blanks.. never heard of that eh04:00
Frank_dotaxis: I just turned on DMA for the cdroms and that's it04:00
Computer__Gurudude it doesnt mount blanks.. load up k3b, make sure your cd drive is UNmounted, and try to burn something in k3b04:00
moogmanRazor-X: On what basis do you make that presumption (If you don't mind me asking)04:00
axisman, it's not mounted04:01
axisotherwise i wouldn't be able to eject the drive04:01
axisit's not locked04:01
Razor-Xmoogman: because compilation almost never breaks, especially if you don't make install04:01
lsuactiafnerNeed to get 13.1MB of archives. for xfce seems big?! liek blackbox is small04:01
mxreaderi want to run dotproject (need Apache, MySQL, and PHP) on my office machine (used only locally) but which is normally also used for internet04:01
axisFrank_dot: you didn't enable 32bit i-o? .. enabling DMA sufficed?04:01
Computer__Guruwhat is the specific message you get when you try to burn?04:01
Razor-Xlsuactiafner: and really really ugly04:01
moogmanRazor-X: Well, clearly I was going to compile and then install it :p04:01
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Razor-Xmoogman: you don't have to04:01
lsuactiafner424K for blackbox04:01
Razor-XI rarely do04:01
moogmanOr maybe not so clearly...04:01
Frank_dotaxis: I could even burn without DMA, just more slowly04:01
Razor-Xif you have to go to Blackbox level, use ratpoison04:02
lsuactiafneris xfce faster than bb?04:02
Computer__Guruor even fluxbox04:02
Razor-Xnot all sure there04:02
moogmanRazor-X: I need it to develop against, so it needs to be installed somewhere.04:02
Computer__Gurui like kde, tyvm04:02
Razor-Xmoogman: can't you point to the directory?04:03
Frank_dotwhat are all the *box anyway. simple window managers?04:03
Computer__Gurubb is a cool demo04:03
lsuactiafnerkde has too many confusing menus04:03
ce33naI once prefered KDE, now I prefer Gnome.04:03
Computer__GuruFrank_dot: yeah... i actually recommend checking out fluxbox04:03
lsuactiafneri have like xterm in my menu lol04:03
Razor-Xlsuactiafner: try ratpoison04:03
DonLkde's okay. I have some friends who prefer it04:03
poningrulsuactiafner: yeah xfce is faster04:03
Razor-XEterm here ;)04:03
moogmanRazor-X: No, because when I run the program I'll be creating, it'll try to connect to dbus and not find it :p04:03
Computer__Gurulsuactiafner: yeah it was designed for people with moderate IQ's :D04:03
lsuactiafnerRazor-X : getting it while i sleep04:03
lsuactiafnerSat Jul 16 04:04:41 SAST 200504:03
Razor-Xmoogman: you _have_ to point it to "dbus" and not /path/to/dbus ?04:03
lsuactiafneri just get annoyed quickly04:04
lsuactiafnerand i'm too lazy to use a mouse04:04
Computer__Guruyeah i hear ya04:04
Computer__Gurui personally prefer the robustness04:04
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Razor-Xthen ratpoison would be awesome for you lsuactiafner04:04
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Razor-XI don't have a mouse, hate 'em like the plague04:04
=== concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xmy trackball's a bar-none pointing device ;)04:04
Computer__Gurui have an optical wheel mouse :D04:04
=== FireEgl [Melody@2001:5c0:84dc:1:208:54ff:fe34:19c0] has joined #Ubuntu
lsuactiafneri use the mouse with ff tho04:04
A[D] minSwhere i can find more mirorrs to add it in source.list04:04
DonLRazor-X, how do you click on things? lol04:04
moogmanRazor-X: No sorry. What I was saying is that dbus has a daemon that needs to be running. I can't have two versions of dbus running simultaneously, so its either install-over, or not at all, kinda thing04:05
moogman(I think)04:05
=== Mark23 [~mark@81-179-12-61.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
DonLOh. too late04:05
Razor-XDonL: with the buttons?04:05
lsuactiafneroptical wheel?04:05
Razor-Xmoogman: then, try ;)04:05
ce33naA[D] minS: ubuntuguide.com04:05
Computer__Guruits an optical mouse with a wheel04:05
Razor-Xno harm in trying04:05
Computer__Gurudont be a smartass04:05
ce33naor org04:05
ce33naor whatever04:05
ubotuI don't know, Razor-X04:05
lsuactiafnerComputer__Guru : better with games?04:05
axisDriveReady-SeekComplete-Error is what's spit out in CLI,  in GUI it says, "no medium found"04:05
ubotusomebody said ubuntuguide was a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.04:05
lsuactiafnernever heard of it04:05
Razor-XComputer__Guru: hmmmm?04:05
lsuactiafnerbut thought of the concept before..04:05
Computer__Gurulsuactiafner: *shrug* dont play games04:05
Mark23How do I get OpenGL for WineHQ's Wine in the repositories its only available for the ubuntu version?04:05
concept10I dont understand what CTRL-ALT-BKSP actually does, I know it logs you out but does it kill all the apps in that section?04:05
Razor-Xthat's essentially what a mouse is, no?04:05
Razor-Xan optical mouse with a wheel?04:06
moogmanRazor-X: There may be, as things like HAL and udev may depend on it...04:06
lsuactiafnerthing is in games the optical doesnt move short enogh distances to snipe04:06
Crashtestjeez, let on on the guide, willya?  hndred times a night you say that04:06
Computer__Guruconcept10: it explicitly kills the x server.. if you're running a display manager it will start right back up04:06
Razor-Xa trackball is a pointing device that stays fixed in one place... you move the ball to move the mouse04:06
lsuactiafnerso a wheel would be nice under it to make movement easier04:06
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Razor-Xlsuactiafner: exactly, no more reaching up high to score the kill ;)04:06
concept10Computer__Guru, does it kill apps running in that session?04:06
lsuactiafneralso it can be used to make smaller movements more accurate..04:07
Razor-Xthat's true04:07
Computer__Guruconcept10: youre better off CTRL-ALT-F1 then killall -9 X && killall -9 your_display_manager04:07
ce33naubotu: I'll check it out.04:07
Computer__Guruconcept10: yes04:07
ubotuWish i knew, ce33na04:07
lsuactiafnercool didnt know they had those mouses..04:07
axisman this is such a pain04:07
lsuactiafnergoing to get one04:07
axiseverything works so well04:07
Razor-Xbut, in an FPS (not CS, people with 5 hours to play one match) very precise movements matter not so much04:07
axisexcept it won't burn on a drive it's detecting04:07
lsuactiafnerget annoyed with ut2004 becuase i like snipin04:07
lsuactiafnerand campin04:07
axisvm ware works wonderfully04:07
concept10Computer__Guru, I dont care about X, sometimes apps get stuck, and that gets rid of them04:07
axissound.. mplayer.. everything04:07
Razor-Xit's not _that_ imprecise04:07
Razor-Xit can't make minute pixel movements, true04:07
tankiaxis, it better work wonderfully, 200 bucks04:08
Computer__Guruconcept10: ctrl-alt-f1, login, and killall -9 stuck_app then hit ALT-F7 to get back to X04:08
Frank_dotBut optical doesn't get full of gunk04:08
Razor-XI do have a mouse hanging back there just in case04:08
Razor-XFrank_dot: and neither does an optical trackball? ;)04:08
lsuactiafnerwith my wheel/ball mouse i had 4/5 headshots..04:08
axistanki: it's the best thing i've ever seen hahaha04:08
Razor-Xwell, it does, but much much less frequently04:08
frequencydoes Ubuntu have a config tool for Grub or do i have to work that manually?04:09
axisit works great on this computer, but my buddies computer..  I can't get the benQ to burn! ..04:09
tankiaxis, i know a free alternative but if you've already bought it then i wont bore you with it04:09
Computer__Guruhad this mouse for three years never had to clean it once04:09
DonLProbably easier on the wrist too04:09
=== jimmychi [~jimmychi@69-162-9-74.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xfrequency: just read the docs, not too hard04:09
concept10Computer__Guru, for example, I quit Limewire a long time ago but somehow Gnutella was running in the background, I dont know what process it was running under04:09
lsuactiafnernight ppl.04:09
tankinite lsu04:09
Razor-Xtanki: you missed a "/" at the very end04:09
concept10Computer__Guru, what kind of mouse?04:09
Razor-Xif you're using sed notation, I mean04:09
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Computer__Guruconcept10: you can always: ps au | grep -i gnutella04:09
axistanki: i'm pretty comfortable with vmware already.. i saw a few freeware alternatives.. but really, i can't focus on anything except  getting this BENQ burning with Ubuntu for my buddy04:10
Computer__Guruthen kill that process04:10
concept10Computer__Guru, it wasnt there04:10
jimmychihey all04:10
Computer__Guruconcept10: little cheap miniature optical wheel mouse04:10
Razor-Xam I the only one that uses ps -e to grep? ;)04:10
DonLconcept10, I find you have to click on disconnect or else some part of it keeps running04:10
jimmychiI'm SSHing into a Linux box using putty with X11 forwarding enabled from a WinXP box running an X-server using cygwin, and can bring up X displays when DISPLAY is 'localhost:10.0', but not '<linux ip>:10.0' or <win ip>:10.0'....anyone please know why?04:10
ce33naubotu: well....that explains why merillat doesn't work any more04:10
ubotuce33na: I haven't a clue04:10
concept10I use ps aux | grep04:10
Computer__Guruconcept,t hen ctrl-alt-backspace kills the entire x server and anything spawned from it04:10
axisaux all the way04:10
Razor-Xce33na: ubotu's a bot04:10
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lsuactiafneraux dude (;04:10
Razor-Xaux is real useful04:10
tankiRazor-X, hmm?04:10
ce33naI just figured that one out04:10
Computer__Guruce33na: you are aware ubotu is a bot, right?04:10
Razor-Xbut I won't use it, very rarely at best04:10
Razor-Xit's friggin BSD notation, for gosh's sake04:11
anto9usI replaced all the mice in work with optical and threw all the mats away which was a mistake as a few have brought their own brightly coloured mats in and have rung me when there pointer jumps around the screen. I explain to them that it's because they have a brightly coloured mouse mat and they think I'm winding them up04:11
axisgrep grep grep04:11
Razor-XLinux impurists!04:11
devnullwhy in the hell would ubuntu's php package be set with --without-mysql ????04:11
axiswhat's wrong with BSD04:11
=== Razor-X shudders
Computer__Gurui use au cause it shows the full command line, aux tends to chop a lot off the end04:11
frequencyRazor-X: i understand i could do that, but i was just wondering if there was a GUI tool for it so i could just make a quick hack to it..04:11
Razor-Xfrequency: I can probably help there ;)04:11
axisFreeBSD is the goods, other then getting rid of gui off the install [=04:11
Razor-XBSD, I never liked it from the onset04:11
lsuactiafnerComputer__Guru : grep 0 or something that occurs often04:12
lsuactiafnerthen it doesnt cut it04:12
concept10anto9us, I understand that.  I just learned that optical mice jump on repeated patterns. Like the faux woodgrain on my desk04:12
Razor-XI tried it and I was like "son of a b***h"04:12
jimmychiComputer__Guru: auxww wont cut off anything04:12
Razor-XI mean, why use something so neanderthalic like tcsh, first of all?04:12
axistry installng solaris04:12
axisminimal install04:12
tankiconcept10, have you seen my mouse?04:12
Computer__Gurujimmychi: ill remember that, tyvm04:12
axisand upgrading04:12
=== MathManJeffy [~jeffy@ip70-181-57-175.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
axisthat boggles my mind04:12
jimmychiComputer__Guru: just learned it yesterday :)04:12
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lsuactiafnerheh cool jimmychi04:12
Computer__Guruthats what i like about linux..t en years of experience with it and i learn something new about it every single day04:13
Razor-Xand the filesystem layout is just about as intuitive as you can find ;)04:13
MathManJeffyhi all04:13
gabaughow stable is Breezy?04:13
axisjust like not being able to burn with a drive that perfectly detects fine, and the software is all there04:13
anto9usconcept10: one of the women in work still doesn't believe me, she thinks it was a setup, that I programmed her computer to make the mouse jump04:13
lsuactiafnerman man is interesting lol04:13
concept10I just bought another mouse and it jitters sometimes, at first I though it was a mouse driver problem, but its my desk, I dont use mousepad04:13
lsuactiafnerdid that today04:13
frequencyRazor-X: i'd tried to install another distro on another partition and it messed everything up..  it didn't even search for other OSes like Ubuntu did when I installed it..04:13
Razor-Xthe only thing I like about BSD is it's solidity04:13
tankiconcept10, I meant, would you like to see my mouse?04:13
concept10anto9us, tell her to have a drink and shutup04:13
Razor-Xfrequency: 'cat menu.list' and paste it in pastebin04:13
frequencynow i just need to get the Grub config back to how it was..04:13
frequencyroger that04:13
anto9usI don't blame her though, it's the sort of thing I'd be proud of04:13
axisRazor-X: come on, the daemon is cool.. charlie? yuh04:13
concept10tanki, what mouse?04:13
axis.. freebsd is a rock04:14
axisi'd use openBSD as my gateway/router04:14
tankiconcept10, my mouse04:14
axisfreebsd, server04:14
=== aarcane [~aarcane@70-97-197-191.dsl2.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
axisubuntu/winxp workstations04:14
gabaugAnybody using Breezy? Is it at least decently usable?04:14
axisesx server will be the goods, rack mount virtual comps04:14
concept10anto9us, Tell her you programmed her mouse to click into her bank account when she is not there04:14
Razor-Xgabaug: a _lot_ of things are broken04:14
gabaugRazor-X: thanks..that's what I wanted to know04:15
Computer__Guruwhats wrong with hoary that youre insuch a hurry to get breezy?04:15
anto9usconcept10: nah, that would be dangerous, she gets any problems with her bank account I guarantee she'd have the police knocking on my door04:15
Razor-XComputer__Guru: some people like bleeding edge because it sounds cool, i'm guessing ;)04:15
concept10anto9us, j/k :)04:15
Computer__Guruscrew that04:15
Computer__Gurui like a stable system04:15
axisi'm going to scream04:15
gabaugComputer__Guru: I'm trying to hack on gnome-panel, and I need libgnome-menu-dev 2.11.104:15
axisburn baby burn04:15
Razor-Xgabaug: you can't compile it in?04:16
Computer__Gurugabaug: so use backports :D04:16
Computer__Guruor compile it in04:16
ce33nabackports is working for me04:16
Razor-Xpshhh, you people'd rather move to Breeze than compile?04:16
Razor-Xcowards, that's what you people are, cowards *shakes head*04:16
gabaugyes :)04:16
BROKEN_LADDERhttp://www.screensavers-connection.com/images/kittens.gif <-- bwah hah hah04:16
Razor-Xi'm 15!!! look at me!04:16
Computer__Guruor apt-get source libgnome-menu-dev then untar it to the right place and you got the dev packjages :)04:16
gabaugI moved to Hoary months before it was released and had a good exprience with it...pretty stable, really04:17
ce33naRazor-X: been there, done that04:17
=== tanki gives Razor-X some jesus juice
misfit_toyHoary for desktops, FC4 for servers04:17
concept10anto9us, you work on *nix boxes at work or windows?04:17
=== Razor-X spits out Jesus juice
anto9usconcept10: both04:17
Razor-XI want some Raam juice04:17
Razor-Xmmm, that'ld hit the spot04:17
misfit_toywassup concept10 ?04:17
frequencyRazor-X: http://rafb.net/paste/results/aXLTYu50.html I had to re-install Ubuntu (on yet another partition) to get the original kernel to show back up in the list04:17
=== socomm [~socomm@adsl-69-104-76-44.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
misfit_toyconcept10, I replied to your email, did you get it???04:17
anto9usconcept10: I'm trying to irradicate our dependence on M$04:17
=== mindamp [~mindamp@host-216-119-180-65.vista-express.com] has joined #ubuntu
IIIEarsBSD on DVD iso for home based servers - hacked? just reboot04:17
mindamphow do i format my newly created fat32 partition?04:18
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Razor-Xmindamp: mkfs.vfat /dev/hdX04:18
concept10misfit_toy, nothing much, yes... my server went down though :(  idea on hold for now04:18
=== socomm [~socomm@adsl-69-104-76-44.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu [":wq"]
Razor-Xoh yeah, prepend a 'sudo' on taht04:18
concept10misfit_toy, sorry for the non response.04:18
absintheCould someone explain some common differences between Linux and BSD other than the development team?04:18
tankiconcept10: my mouse, i call him breezy http://jeffsweb.net/irc/tanki.mouse2.jpg04:19
Computer__GuruBROKEN_LADDER: the humor in a bunch of kitten pictures seems to escape me04:19
misfit_toyconcept10, it's ok, just wondered if you fell in a volcano04:19
ce33nasudo has proven very hard for me to get accustomed to. I've used a real root account for so long.04:19
IIIEarsbetter file/process controls?04:19
Razor-Xhow many people actually use regular expressions when they go "s/x/y/" ?04:19
Computer__Guruabsinthe: licensing? architecture?04:19
concept10misfit_toy, what did you think about that idea?04:19
=== rob_pectol [~rob_pecto@cust-ipadvanced-dynnat-232130.d-star-eutelsat.com] has joined #ubuntu
hondjeOne is *dying04:19
=== hondje ducks
absintheComputer__Guru, What are some advantages to using FreeBSD over Ubuntu?04:20
misfit_toyconcept10, I'd like to see your response to my email! the idea is good but I had detailed questions....04:20
anto9usRazor-X: I've found them useful, but I always use rtfm with them04:20
IIIEarsmost of the servers that run a year or more at a time without rebooting are BSD. (shrug)04:20
concept10misfit_toy, okay.04:20
Razor-Xfrequency: what's the path to your OS you want to add?04:20
Computer__Guruabsinthe: depends on the applications of your system.. FreeBSD handles higher levels of file descriptors a little better than linux, traditionally04:20
frequencyit's /boot/vmlinuz on /dev/hda2..04:21
absintheComputer__Guru, Well, I mean for a desktop scenario04:21
hondjethey're the same04:21
Computer__Guruabsinthe: stability, stability, stability04:21
hondjeKDE is KDE, Gnome is Gnome04:21
Razor-Xfrequency: your drive is /boot/vmlinux?04:21
concept10BSD is very good for servers, not desktop, linux has more drivers and rapid development for the desktio04:21
frequencyno, the drive is /dev/hda, partition /dev/hda204:21
frequencythe kernel is /boot/vmlinuz04:21
concept10That doesnt mean you cant run BSD on the desktop04:22
absintheComputer__Guru, So no real gain unless you're using a server?04:22
Computer__Guruconcept10: if you take the time to set bsd up, it is just fine for a desktop - especially in a workstation environment04:22
Computer__Guruabsinthe: right.04:22
Razor-Xno, what do you want to do, frequency ?04:22
Computer__Gurufreebsd tends to be a little more secure04:22
absintheComputer__Guru, Thanks for answering my questions =)04:22
Computer__Gurubut when a bug IS found, it's usually a real bitch04:22
concept10Computer__Guru, I understand that but for desktop environments I dont want to spend alot of time with config.04:22
frequencyi want Grub to boot that kernel, and it won't do it..04:22
jimmychilinux has a reputation for greater variety of hardware support04:22
Computer__Guruabsinthe: all these things were my personal opinion and experience.. ymmv04:23
frequencyit just freezes when i make the selection04:23
absintheComputer__Guru, Of course.04:23
gabaugComputer__Guru, Razor-X : turns out I was getting my libgnome-menu-dev pkg from packports (I just put it in for mono..forgot that it might have other dev libs..) .. and it's still not recent enough :(04:23
tankibeen a while since someone used ymmv04:23
=== kevin_ [~kevin@dsl-72-1-218.229.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu
DonLComputer__Guru, every time I've gone through the install instructions for BSD, it's kind of put me off04:24
gabaugRazor-X: and I'm not a coward, I just don't relish the idea of compiling all the dozens of required dev libs just to get hacking is all04:24
Computer__Gurugabaug: well, herein lies the problem. if you installt he sources to a new4er menu than what the rest of your system runs, when you recompile it to get your changes, will it even work?04:24
frequencyRazor-X: i altered all the paths to do the right things (they're back to what they were before i changed them, though.. long story)04:24
=== NoHope [~silas@201-1-146-69.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
concept10tanki, you have rats in your computer case?04:24
NoHopehi all04:24
Computer__GuruDonL: make world can be very intimidating04:24
DonLThat's what I thought04:24
NoHopeDo you know how to make gnome-terminal output ls with colors? Only root can do that...04:24
absintheAny Soulseek compatible clients for Linux?04:24
Razor-Xfrequency: why use console flag?04:24
tankiit was a mouse and he got lost04:24
Computer__Guruaxis: do you have 32bit io turned on?04:25
Razor-Xabsinthe: that's not a P2P you hear about often... try WINE on it04:25
gabaugComputer__Guru: I'd just be compiling the dev pkg .. so it would be fine (as long as I uninstalled the pkg'd version)04:25
axisComputer__Guru, : i've tried both ways04:25
Computer__Guruwtf is soulseek?04:25
tankimy fault for leaving computer parts all over the place04:25
axisComputer__Guru, that's what i had to do for this computer04:25
gabaugabsinthe: Nicotine04:25
frequencyRazor-X: i didn't add anything to it.. all i've done was alter the paths for the partition and kernel04:25
frequencyRazor-X: and the root partition04:25
tankiguru, sounds like a dating service04:25
NoHopehey, Do you know how to make gnome-terminal output ls with colors? Only root can do that...04:25
absinthegabaug, Thanks04:25
kevin_Hello eveyone! I am an exremely new Linux newby and I actually got my wireless working thanx to the awsome Documentation put out by the people of Ubuntu, thanx to all whom made it work04:25
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=== Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
MathManJeffyanyone else having connectivity issues with security.ubuntu.com?04:26
frequencyer.. the root parameter rather04:26
Computer__Gurugabaug: the dev package, when compiled, becomes the binary package.. ie, when you  go into gnome-menu-source dir (or whatever its called) and hack about with it then do a make and a make install, you've just replaced your production gnome-menu04:26
jimmychikevin_: you using ndiswrapper?04:26
=== SunTzuTech [~bent@cltea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu
tankikevin_, neat i think the ubuntu developers would be glad to hear that04:26
kevin_nope, madwifi04:26
Computer__Guruor are you working on something else that just requires those sources?04:26
axisWhen I turn on, oor leave off 32 bit io, or dma, it says "HD_IO_GET_GEO_ERROR"04:26
=== Majestic [dragon@] has joined #ubuntu
tankikevin_, keep your chin up and ubuntu will open doors you never knew existed.. until of course, you get a girlfriend then all bets are off04:27
frequencytanki: amen, brother04:27
kevin_lol, married here04:27
Computer__Guruaxis: it's not fetching the geometry of the disc.. have you tried another brand of blanks or maybe even another blank?04:27
MathManJeffytanki, easy enough, don't tell her about it and you're fine04:27
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axiscomputer: 3 different brands, a couple cds of each brand .. gah04:27
frequencykevin_: lol in that case, there's no hope..04:27
ce33naNoHope: do you have color ls output from one of the consoles?04:27
gabaugComputer__Guru: I'm trying to hack on gnome-panel which requires libgnome-menu-dev04:28
Cooner750ok, is the installer partitioner graphical?04:28
Computer__Gurui dunno what to tell you then.. google the error04:28
=== SDFH_Linux [~moo@adsl-065-006-180-151.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Frank_dotCooner750: no but its pretty easy04:28
Computer__Gurugabaug: ah,t hats where i misunderstood04:28
kevin_lol, I am a pc tech and she knows when I am on a pc don't bother I won't here anything04:28
Cooner750How does it work?04:28
Cooner750Entering #s?04:28
axishoy i'm going to have to try installing anothe rburner.. sigh.. ok thx.. bbl04:28
Cooner750How long would it take to install Ubuntu?04:28
Computer__Guruhear, not here04:28
Cooner750to a USB 2.0 drive04:28
frequencytook me about 10 minutes earlier04:28
Computer__Guruapparently the IT field doesn't require basic reading and writing skills :D04:29
Cooner750frequency: Are you responding to my Q?04:29
kevin_Took me close to 2 hours but I am on a p1 233 laptop lol04:29
DonLCooner750, about 20 minutes for me04:29
frequencyoh, to a USB drive, i'm not sure..04:29
frequencyCooner750: yes04:29
Cooner750Ok. Can Ubuntu burn ISO images?04:29
Computer__Guruyou installed ubuntu on a 233?04:29
frequencyany Linux distro can04:29
Cooner750I dont feel like booting into windows04:29
Computer__Guruhows it run?04:29
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Computer__GuruCooner750: yup04:29
tankikevin_, http://systm.org/ has a great article and video on building an open source wardriving box if you're interested04:29
Cooner750What program should I install/use for burning the ISO image04:29
sushubhcan i run ubuntu as a server04:29
Cooner750I'm a little new to Linux, kind of04:30
tankiI mean if you're really into wifi stuff04:30
Computer__GuruCooner750: k3b04:30
frequencyCooner750: I use XCDRoast and... er.. i can't remember the other.. hold on04:30
kevin_tanki: I may in a while right now playing with the good old wireless04:30
Cooner750Computer_Guru: Does that come with Ubuntu LiveCD or should I sudo apt-get it?04:30
ce33nasushubh: yes...just install the server program you desire and set the appropriate options in its config file04:30
Cooner750I have another CD burner open04:30
frequencyCooner750: GnomeBaker, that's it..04:30
gabaugCooner750: GNOME has builtin support for burning ISOs ... just right click on it in nautilus or from the desktop and choose "write to cd" or similar04:30
jimmychikevin_: i run similar specs on my test laptop...an old thinkpad...had a helluva time with wireless cards04:31
DonLI have an old P1 here, and it seems to me the only thing I could get working was DSL04:31
sushubhce33na: on a celeron 500 with 128 mb ram? :P04:31
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frequencygabaug: that works for ISOs, too?04:31
Cooner750i'm starting Firefox to download the installer CD iso04:31
ce33nasushubh: go for it.04:31
tankijimmychi, does it have a touchpad or that red dot in the middle of the keyboard04:31
gabaugfrequency: yes, IIRC04:31
=== Computer__Guru packs a bowl
sushubhcool thanks. does it support serial mouse?04:31
sushubhfedora does not work with serial mouse :D04:31
jimmychitanki: red dot only, i've gotten used to it04:31
kevin_I actually got the dlink dwl-g650 to setup pretty sweet04:31
kevin_with the madwifi04:31
tankii knew a guy who played quake with that dot04:32
ce33nasushubh: I haven't used a serial mouse in a long time. I don't know04:32
sushubhnp. thanks mate :)04:32
tankiof course he wasn't very good04:32
ce33nasushubh: I suspect that it will04:32
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Frank_dottanki: I knew a guy who was in a quake clan who played keyboard only04:32
jimmychii tried a netgear, a belkin, and an SMC card...all ZERO luck04:32
tankikevin_, i've gotten a lot of help with wireless in #wireless by the way if you can't find your answer here04:32
Computer__Guruthe bowl is clogged04:32
Computer__Guruand i have no poker04:32
DonLFrank_dot, my son prefers Quake on keyboard04:32
tankiFrank_dot, that's intense04:33
=== robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
kevin_it is working great, I am using it now but thanx04:33
gabaugComputer__Guru: (just to pass it on) it's dammit04:33
frequencygabaug: no it's not..04:33
Frank_dottanki: well that was in the Quake 1 days04:33
frequencyhe spelled it correctly04:33
Computer__Guruyou sure?04:33
Computer__Guruits damnit, im almost certain04:33
tankiFrank_dot, if the xbox allowed you to play fps games with a keyboard and mouse i would totally pwnt at halo04:33
Cooner750how do I mount my /dev/sda1 back again?04:33
frequencyit is04:33
gabaugfrequency: http://www.google.com/search?&q=damnit04:33
jimmychii'd say damn it, or dammit, but not damnit04:33
=== dylan_ [~dylan@ppp-68-251-79-98.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
dylan_how do i enable 3d acceleration for an integrated VIA video thingy04:33
MathManJeffywho googles damnit?04:33
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gabaugMathManJeffy: somebody looking for a fast response :)04:34
Cooner750I need to mount my external /dev/sda1 back to download the is04:34
=== Computer__Guru checks websters
MathManJeffyi'm still having connectivity issues with security.ubuntu.com, anyone else or is my router going screwy again04:34
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fishhello all04:34
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MathManJeffyhi fish04:35
jimmychihey fish04:35
Cooner750mount external FAT32 HD?04:35
frequencyedit /etc/fstab04:35
=== pmazer [~pmazer@c-67-191-170-172.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MathManJeffyjust mount /dev/sda1 somewhere04:35
=== JavaOnLinux [~andyleung@CPE000625de9d0e-CM400035832997.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cooner750so... mount /dev/sda1 where?04:35
gabaugCooner750: anywhere you want04:36
JavaOnLinuxhello, does anyone know that if there is a software that can replace adobe premiere in linux?04:36
Computer__Guruactually, neither dammit or damnit are a word. the proper phrase is damn it04:36
gabaugCooner750: make a directory and do: mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /path/to/your/dir/04:36
=== RedDevil [~couceiro@bl5-44-97.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruso says merriam websters04:36
frequencyCooner750: add this line: "/dev/sda1       /mnt/whatever         vfat defaults           0       1"04:36
=== Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ce33namount -t msdos /dev/sda1 /<directory you created>04:36
MathManJeffyit's a conjugate and perfectly acceptable slang computer :-P04:37
=== lord [~lord@wd5.BFL7.vectant.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
dylan_how do i enable 3d acceleration for VIA S3 chipset?04:37
kevin_dylan: no idea here04:37
Cooner750Can I disconnect and reconnect the drive and will that remount it?04:37
Computer__Guruit's not a conjugate, it's two complete words... but ill concede it perfectly acceptable slang.. and as such, either dammit or damnit are equally acceptable04:37
merriamComputer__Guru: http://onelook.com/?w=dammit&ls=a04:38
fishgrammar is no fun04:38
ce33naCooner750: is this a usb external hard drive?04:38
Cooner750ce33na: yep04:38
Computer__Guruthe dumb shit we argue over04:38
Madpilotodd. X just locked up on me; when I used ctrl-alt-bksp it wouldn't restart...04:38
Computer__Gurumerriam: if it's not in websters it isnt a word.04:38
frequencyComputer__Guru: except damm isn't a word04:38
=== KarlosII reminds "Hey guys please keep your torrents open after you d/l so that we can build the seeds. This way we can release new torrents faster. You can watch your torrent as it seeds. Thank You!"
Computer__Gurufrequency: exactly. damn is04:38
ce33naput it in fstab as someone showed before. Make sure you unmount properly before you disconnect it04:39
MathManJeffyok well the point is that i'm still all pissy over security.ubuntu.com :P i think it's going to make me install apache by myself ><04:39
jimmychiso i 'xhost +'  on the machine running the x server (Win), and on the machine i'm connecting to (linux) i set the DISPLAY to <win IP>:10.0...am i missing something?  still cant get X apps to come up on the Win display...04:39
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=== KarlosII says oops
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frequencyComputer__Guru: right, so how are they equally acceptable?04:39
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Computer__Gurufrequency: slang is weird like that... show me what two words make up ain't04:39
frequencyComputer__Guru: er.. ai and not? ;-)04:40
tforti'm running openbox on my ubuntu system, and iw as wondering, where's the config or rc file for starting apps when I enter a session from GDM?04:40
MathManJeffyand btw, it IS a conjugate :P04:40
hondjeain't is ought and not04:40
MathManJeffyactually its "am" and "not"04:40
Computer__Guruso while the gramatically proper way of saying it would be "damn it" the widely accepted slang is "dammit"04:40
tforthondje, i still love the southern ya'll'll04:41
tfortas in... you all will04:41
MathManJeffybut can be are not as well04:41
hondjethere goes my troll, thanks MathManJeffy04:41
JavaOnLinuxhello, does anybody know that if there is a software that can do MPEG video editing like Adobe premiere but free?04:41
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MathManJeffyso aint = i am not or am i not?04:41
hondjetfort: lol04:41
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Frank_dottfort: so that's what it means04:41
ce33natfort: I resemble that remark04:41
frequencyi think people just started spelling it "dammit" because they can't spell..04:41
frequencyi seriously see a lot of people spell "damn" as "damm"04:41
Computer__GuruJavaOnLinux: there is indeed, but the name escapes me.. go to http://www.google.com/linux and search for mpeg editors04:41
tfortregardless, anyone know the answer to my question?04:41
tfortfrequency, im just lazy and spell it ..d04:42
MathManJeffywell depends frequency04:42
JavaOnLinuxComputer__Guru, thanks04:42
Computer__Gurufrequency: ive seen grown men spell "of" "ove"04:42
=== bigfoot1 [~hideseek@FLH1Aax021.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1deb files are really meant for a debian system, right? So how can i tell whether a particular deb will work on ubuntu?04:42
frequencyMathManJeffy: on whta?04:42
Computer__Guruor "said" sead04:42
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MathManJeffydam mit could be short for "dam mitten" a 'lazy' form of "dam the mitten" as in "plug up the glove"04:42
frequencyComputer__Guru: i know a professional programmer that consistently confuses "know" and "no"04:42
kevin_later folks, time for me to go and see what kind of trouble I can stir up elsewhere04:42
Computer__Guruthe world is growing more stupid by the day, and we just keep on giving them diplomas04:43
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Frank_dotbigfoot1: If it doesn't come from a ubuntu repository, you can't be absolutely sure04:43
synddoes linux have good hfs+ read/write support?04:43
RedDevilhi alll... need some help... stupid question perhaps... I've been reading the wiki on compiling the kernel for  ubuntu... I tried that but end up with an error... then I tried the "make all"... error again... the kernel is 2.6.11-34.3... is there some problem with that kernel, or am I missing something? (I bet in this last one, but don't know what is missing...)04:43
ce33naComputer__Guru: mechanical engineers seem to be getting dumber as each year passes04:43
MathManJeffyok so really :P anyone want to explain why i'm getting a 111 connection refused when i try to apt update from security.ubuntu.com?04:43
Computer__GuruIF you manage to graduate high school in Kentucky, you will have an educatione qual to that of an eighth grader in ohio04:43
frequencyComputer__Guru: the biggest problem is that nobody cares about standards anymore..04:44
bigfoot1Frank_dot, yes this particular deb file (http://hem.no-ip.info/debian/libiaxclient-dev_0.0+cvs20050503-1_i386.deb) is from the net. what do you guys recommend? will it hurt to try to install it?04:44
syndComputer__Guru, i beg your pardon04:44
Computer__Gurusynd: it's an abslute fact.04:44
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-121-123.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Frank_dotIt's a -dev  package, it shouldn't hurt but its only usefule to compile stuff04:44
syndComputer__Guru, but what's your point?04:45
frequencybigfoot1: i install debian packages all the time..04:45
Computer__Gurui know an english lit grad from univ of kentucky whoc an barely form complete sentences, and she has a bachelors degree in english lit04:45
bigfoot1by the way, how do we install deb files? with dpkg? or with aptitude or with apt-get?04:45
frequencydpkg -i04:45
Computer__Gurusynd: that education is relative, and no matter how stupid society gets, we'll just keep handing out diplomas04:46
syndComputer__Guru, thats absurd and few and far between04:46
bigfoot1frequency, and you have no problems with the deb packages you install? So all deb packages work fine with ubuntu, right?04:46
Computer__Guruit is?04:46
socommComputer__Guru: `whoc?04:46
Computer__Gurulook around yourself the next time you're out in public04:46
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tfortanyone here use cedega?04:46
Computer__Gurusee how many faces are slack and almost unaware of their surroundings04:46
=== flgr_ [flgr@p54A5CD9C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruthis is the AVERAGE high school student, these days04:47
syndComputer__Guru, do you live here?04:47
Computer__Gurubut this is a debate for another time and place04:47
Computer__Gurulets back off it04:47
Computer__Guruin the US>04:47
syndno, im asking if you live in Kentucky04:47
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ce33naComputer__Guru: this is getting dangerously close to a political discussion. Its neither the time or place.04:47
frequencybigfoot1: official debian debs may be different (due to possible minor differences in C library versions, etc), but only minor things..  but regular debs that someone is offering on their site for a debian system should be fine..04:47
Computer__GuruI most certainly do. but I'm also educated, well spoken, and extremely intelligent. I have never worn that slack expression on my face, and I never will.04:47
sushubhwhat service do linux run for mouse?04:47
syndComputer__Guru, well good for you! want a cookie?04:48
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bigfoot1frequency, how do we install deb files? dpkg? apt-get? aptitude? which is the best way to install deb files?04:48
socommComputer__Guru: Intellegent and modest.04:48
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Computer__Guruno, i want america to start teaching our kids again, instead of passing them through the ranks regardless of how much theyve managed to avoid learning..04:48
tfortbigfoot1, dpkg04:48
Computer__Gurusocomm: no sin in modesty04:48
Frank_dotComputer__Guru: After quite a few beers, my face is also pretty slack, usually.04:48
frequencybigfoot1: run 'dpkg -i foo.deb'04:48
bigfoot1aptitude doesn't install deb files?04:49
=== aarcane [~aarcane@70-97-197-191.dsl2.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1nor apt-get?04:49
frequencybigfoot1: it does..  but dpkg is what i use..04:49
Computer__GuruFrank_dot: after quite a few beers, my face is usually about 6 inches above the rim of the commode04:49
tfortanyone know a good place to get more sources for source list?  i can't even get mplayer up due to md5sum checks!?04:49
Computer__Gurubeer doesnt sit well in my stomach04:49
bigfoot1ok. i'll do dpkg, then. thank you! 8-)04:49
frequencybigfoot1: it's simple with dpkg (which i think may even use apt-get internally)04:49
Computer__Gurutfort: take the us. out of every line in sources.list and do an apt-get upate04:49
frequencybigfoot1: not a problem, brother04:50
Computer__Guruerr update04:50
socommComputer__Guru: No offense but this is sorta off topic.04:50
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Computer__Gurusocomm: yeah ill stop :)04:50
ce33naHydraIRC...isnt that a windows program?04:50
lordnewb question: How do I update my comp to firefox 1.0.504:50
Computer__Gurusocomm: the declining level of education in the us is a real sensitive spot for me04:50
tfortComputer__Guru, do you mean any deb with us.whatever just ## comment them out?04:51
dj28Computer__Guru: the educational system has always been crap. all good scientists here have ALWAYS come from abroad04:51
NoHopelord, I think there is not firefox 1.0.5 at ubuntu repositories. you have to install on your own.04:51
socommComputer__Guru: Im guessing it is for most of the intellegent people.04:51
Computer__Gurutfort: remove "us." so that each reads "archi.." instead of "us.acrhiv.."04:51
frequencylord: download the installer from getfirefox.com04:51
ce33nadj28: tell that to the followers of Richard Feinman04:51
Computer__Guruthen sudo apt-get update04:51
Frank_dotlord: you can wait a few days, and the security patches will be in hoary security04:51
lordok, guess ill wait04:52
Computer__Gurutfort: you're also going to want universe and multiverse04:52
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Computer__Gurutfort: then apt-get build-dep mplayer-686 && apt-get install mplayer-686 mplayer-fonts04:52
Frank_dotce33na: thats Feynman04:52
=== Computer__Guru hits the bowl
dj28does anybody know when the us repositories will get fixed?04:52
=== socomm [~socomm@adsl-69-104-76-44.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu [":wq"]
Computer__Gurui never use localized repositories anyways04:53
synddj28, just dont use them04:53
dj28duh, i'm not04:53
=== aarcane [~aarcane@70-97-197-191.dsl2.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
dj28that's not what i asked though04:53
syndwell then dont worry about them.04:53
=== glick [~noobia@cpe-24-193-254-95.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dj28then don't answer if you can't04:53
frequencysynd: what if he really wants to know?04:53
=== P3L|C4N0 o/
glickhmm for some reason i cant get xfce4 i get MD5Sum mismatch04:54
Computer__Guruseems like int he open source community, us-based repositories always get and remain neglected (as evidenced by the month long broken us ubuntu repositories.. solution: fix them? noooo, just tell ppl to use the main repository) heh04:54
frequencydj28: if you really want you can mirror the main repository yourself.. ;-)04:54
dj28i wish i had the resources04:54
=== parabolize [~paraboliz@68-69-136-167.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
tfortComputer__Guru, thanks04:54
Computer__Gurutfort: if you get stuck along the way anywhere, just throw me a /msg and ill be happy to help04:55
Computer__Gurubut you dont need to compile mplayer,t here's a package in multiverse04:55
=== covux [~steffi@p54AA0568.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
aarcanehi, my kubuntu desktop stopped making my icons appear on my desktop!!!04:56
frequencydj28: i've actually been planning on opening a web-hosting business.. if i do, i'll more than likely do that..04:56
covuxhi. is there a way to delete the "suspend to disk" entry in logout screen?04:56
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=== cafuego jumps from behind a bush and scares you
dj28frequency: ah, cool04:56
poningruglick: try the uk mirror04:56
drcodehi all04:56
aarcaneI got a few icons, but when I plug in my ipod it doesn't show up anymore like it used to u,.,u04:56
poningruif you are in the US04:56
drcodeany one know answer machine client server?04:56
Computer__Guruubotu mplayer-install is Simple: enable universe and multiverse in /etc/apt/sources.list, then sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get build-dep mplayer-686, then sudo apt-get install mplayer-686 mplayer-fonts04:56
ubotuokay, Computer__Guru04:56
NoHopehey, Do you know how to make gnome-terminal output ls with colors? Only root can do that...04:56
glickponingru, how do i change mirrors?04:57
drcodeor answer machine that will know to answer voice \ fax and send them in email?04:57
poningrugo into your source.list04:57
calcNoHope: uncomment the lines in .bashrc04:57
Computer__Guru!mplayer install04:57
ubotuComputer__Guru: I don't know, could you explain it?04:57
ubotuI heard mplayer-install is Simple: enable universe and multiverse in /etc/apt/sources.list, then sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get build-dep mplayer-686, then sudo apt-get install mplayer-686 mplayer-fonts04:57
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ubotuponingru: I don't know, could you explain it?04:57
poningruoh wow04:57
=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuego!mplayer-install =~ s/-686/$CPU/g04:57
ubotuOK, cafuego04:57
Computer__Guruthere we go :)04:57
poningruwho cleaned ubotu?04:57
ubotuWish i knew, Madpilot04:58
Computer__Gurucafuego: you're an ass.04:58
ubotuI heard sources is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersAddingRepositories04:58
poningruglick: hold on let me go look04:58
Madpilotponingru: is that what you meant? ^^^04:58
Computer__Guruyou know how long it took to type that, and how often i type it?04:58
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frequencyalright, ladies, i'm off to get some chow..04:58
frequencytake care04:58
=== frequency [~frequency@cpe-24-28-173-234.elp.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Oops,]
cafuego!mplayer-install =~ s/fonts/fonts. $CPU can be 686 if you're on a pentium or k6 or k7 if you're on an Athlon.04:58
ubotucafuego: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about04:58
NoHopecalc, I could. thx.04:59
cafuegoComputer__Guru: if you didn't add broken factoids I wouldn't have to be.04:59
Computer__Guruoh i see what u did04:59
poningruMadpilot: that page does not exist04:59
aarcaneHelp!!  I put kubuntu on my laptop, and it worked fine, then my ipod stopped working..  Now whenever I plug it in, it doesn't show up >,.,<04:59
Computer__Gurumy bad04:59
cafuegointel fanboi ;-)04:59
poningruglick: just find your source.list04:59
Computer__Guruit's not that broken, mplayer-686 isd a pseudo package anyways and autoselects either mplayer-386 or mplayer-58604:59
mebaran151which would be a better language to take up04:59
Computer__Guruso neener04:59
poningruand change every us. to uk.04:59
Madpilotponingru: damn, you're right. oops. know the real URL?04:59
mebaran151Python or C#04:59
glickwtf on the live cd there is rythmbox but not in repositryies?04:59
glickcd poningru what do you mean?05:00
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Computer__Gurumebaran151: c, imo05:00
Computer__Gurush: mplayer-install: command not found05:00
mebaran151just plain old C05:00
mebaran151but how passe05:00
cafuego!find rhythmbox05:00
ubotuUbuntu Package Listing of 'rhythmbox' (2 shown): rhythmbox ;; rhythmbox-applet.05:00
Computer__Guruthats cool05:00
cafuegoglick: Spell it right, might help.05:00
Computer__Gurui like how u did that, cafuego05:00
duck-i installed ubuntu today, and i'm getting the error "Frequency Out of Range"... any suggestions?05:00
uboturepos is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto05:01
cafuegoComputer__Guru: sed if yer friend.05:01
poningruglick: gah hold on05:01
Computer__Gurualthough, you should edit it and make it mplayer-$CPU instead of mplayer$CPU05:01
tfortComputer__Guru, got it running, thanks, btw, do you know where the RC is for setting startup programs?05:01
Computer__Gurutfort: in what desktop?05:01
tfortComputer__Guru, i want to setup torsmo and fspanel05:01
newbieduck change the screen resolution05:01
tfortbut... i can't use the .xinitrc cuz im still using gdm05:01
Computer__Guruno clue, heh.. ~/.Xsession maybe05:02
glickdamn gnome is so damn heavy compared to xfce405:02
Computer__Guruubotu forget mplayer-install05:02
ubotui forgot mplayer-install, Computer__Guru05:02
poningruglick: hmm I cant figure out how to change the mirror05:03
cafuegoComputer__Guru: Actually, that build-dep is fully superfluous. It just pulls in useless -dev packages.05:03
Computer__Guruubotu mplayer-install is Simple: enable universe and multiverse in /etc/apt/sources.list, then sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get build-dep mplayer-$CPU, then sudo apt-get install mplayer-$CPU mplayer-fonts. $CPU can be 686 if you're on a pentium or k6 or k7 if you're on an Athlon.05:03
ubotuComputer__Guru: okay05:03
poningrubut https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories05:03
Computer__Gurucafuego: nice to have though.05:03
poningruMadpilot: did you get that too?05:03
cafuegoComputer__Guru: No, useless unless you're compiling it.05:03
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Computer__Guru*shrug* thats how i was taught05:04
Computer__Gurueither way, it doesnt hurt05:04
glickthere is an MD5Sum mismatch on the us servers when i try to install xfce405:04
cafuegoComputer__Guru: build-dep pulls in the libs and headers for compilation of that package.05:04
Computer__Guruglick: remove the .us fromy our sources.list05:04
=== sk2 [~Phillip@60-240-213-111.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
scanwinderis there a way to not boot into gnome in ubuntu?....and just boot into the terminal05:05
Madpilotponingru: sorry? was away from the comp?05:05
Computer__Guruerr the us.05:05
cafuegoComputer__Guru: The normal depends pull in required libraries... and additional stuff is in 'suggests'.05:05
zeeblehi. I get a md5sum mismatch when trying to install libcairol_0.3.0... which is apparently a firefox dependancy.. anyone got a workaround?05:05
glickComputer__Guru, and replace it with what?05:05
Computer__Guruglick: just remove any instance of "us."05:05
Frank_dotzeeble: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the "us." in front of archive everywhere05:05
Computer__Guruand then apt-get update05:05
zeeblehm, ok05:05
cafuegoglick: Whilst you're add it, can you do that in the UN too, please?05:05
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=== dejan_ [~dejan@dsl-084-060-199-148.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotponingru: sorry, you mean the Newuser...repos URL?05:06
Frank_dotzeeble: us archive is having problems05:06
glickso  deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe becomes  deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe05:06
sk2has anyone had success running ubuntu on older hardware - I have debian installed on my P200/32mb ram laptop and was wondering how well ubuntu would handle it05:06
scanwinderis there a way to boot into the linux shell and not gnome?05:06
Quest-Mastersk2: read up on a custom install, and use something like Fluxbox or XFCE05:06
cafuegosk2: it's not going to be happy with only 32Mb ram.05:06
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zeebleFrank_dot: yeah, got it. installed fine now.05:06
Frank_dotzeeble: great05:06
Madpilothmmm... don't NewUserGuideAddingRepositories & AddingRepositoriesHowto overlap far too much?05:06
Computer__Gurusk2: cli would probably be fine, although you're not gonna get much of a wm above maybe fluxbox or windowmaker05:06
sk2yeah thats what i thought05:07
=== zeth [~zeth@ip68-224-202-157.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoMind you, all you need is cli anyway. (maybe with fbcon, so you can view gfx too)05:07
zeeblescanwinder: do not start gdm/kdm. man update-rc.d to remove gdm from startup.  or chmod -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/gdm05:07
Computer__Gurusvgalib is your friend05:07
sk2just debian has  minimal documentation I can find, so as thinking of switching to ubuntu05:07
cafuegosk2: /usr/share/doc/*05:08
=== dejan__ [~dejan@dsl-084-060-199-148.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
glickErr http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe xfce4-panel
glick  Could not connect to archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)05:08
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Computer__Gurusk2: i say go for it, but just install the server, then install like fluxbox or windowmaker - both should do 'okay' in the limited ram you have05:08
=== nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth
teferiahhh, no wonder my mplayer was broken, it was still the marillat one05:08
glicklol no i cant connect to the archive05:08
sk2cafuego: i meant more in the way of how-to guides05:09
Computer__Guruglick: thats odd05:09
Computer__GuruFetched 103kB in 24s (4124B/s)05:09
Computer__GuruReading package lists... Done05:09
Computer__GuruDate: Fri Jul 15 Time: 23:09:4505:09
Computer__Guru{jay@psilocybin (~)}:$05:09
glickthis is why i was hesitant about installing ubuntu05:10
=== lord [~lord@wd5.BFL7.vectant.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Gurui dunno whats wrong with your sources.list but mine updates just fine05:10
=== Moppin [~Moppin@d14-69-103-39.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruglick msg me and ill give you a good sources.list05:10
=== kamstrumental [~kamstrume@ip68-225-61-59.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Computer__Guru hearts shrooms
zeebleglick: the archive is working fine. paste your sources.list somewhere.05:10
=== Bugsbang [~bonny@ALamentin-103-1-4-68.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
zeeblebut yeah, i have problems too, like when installing mozilla-firefox 1.4.. did'nt install05:11
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glickthere is my sources list05:12
Computer__Guruglick you got mine?05:12
kamstrumentali just installed ubuntu................ now what should i do? :)05:12
Computer__Gurukamstrumental: have fun05:12
zeeblego to http://www.ubuntuguide.org and see if you want to follow some stuff there.05:13
ubotusomebody said ubuntuguide was a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.05:13
_DuDe_./racbot: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.4.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:13
Computer__Gurush: ubuntuguide: command not found05:13
_DuDe_HELP ME@!!@!!@!!@!!@!!05:13
glickdoes anyone know why apt wont connect to shit?05:14
glicksometimes it does then it doesnt05:14
glicki bet if i reboot my computer it would work again05:14
_DuDe_./racbot: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.4.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:14
glickcause thats what i did the firest time it stopped working, but if i have to reboot my computer everytime i want to install something then thats bullshit05:15
Computer__Guruglick: try that i guess... sounds almost like you're banned from the archives05:15
kamstrumentali switched from suse 9.2.... in that, there was what was called YAST.. is there an equivelant to that in ubuntu?05:15
glickwhy would i be banned?05:15
=== poningru [~poningru@pool-71-101-7-23.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Gurui dont know05:15
Computer__Gurudoesnt make sense05:15
Frank_dotkamstrumental: yes, apt05:15
Computer__Gurui dont have that problem at all05:16
ce33nakamstrumental: synaptic package manager05:16
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=== _DuDe_ needs help
Computer__Guruyeah synaptic is nice05:16
tuxJr_14_DuDe_, wassup?05:16
_DuDe_./racbot: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.4.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:16
Computer__Guruwhatever you do dont use kynaptic though05:16
ce33naI have had intermittent problems such as glick is having05:16
ce33naI think its a bandwidth problem05:17
ce33natoo many people swapping over to ubuntu05:17
Frank_dot_DuDe_: where did you get that program?05:17
tuxJr_14i'm getting a measly 640x480 in ubuntu even though i get 1024x768 in my other distros.05:17
_DuDe_Which one?05:17
tuxJr_14i even tried reconfiguring xserver-xorg05:17
Frank_dot_DuDe_: ./racbot05:18
_DuDe_from, ummm, lemme get url05:18
Computer__Guruyou try checking xorg.conf to see if its using the right driver?05:18
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glickce33na, what the hell this sucks05:18
naliothtuxJr_14: have you chosen the VESA driver when you reconfigure?05:18
tuxJr_14Computer__Guru, yup. it's using the right one05:18
Computer__Gurucause i got no problems in 1280x96005:18
tuxJr_14nalioth, nope. i81005:18
glickwhat does this mean05:18
Computer__Guruthere was a chick in here yesterday with an i810 having the EXACT same problem05:19
glickWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!05:19
naliothtuxJr_14: reconfigure, and choose the VESA driver and see if you get more rez options05:19
tuxJr_14nalioth, thanks05:19
Computer__Gurujust what it says glick, proceed at your own risk05:19
kamstrumentali see synaptik but not apt under system menu05:19
glickComputer__Guru, yeah i know what it means05:19
glickwhy does it say that05:19
tfortanyone here know how to do an rc for openbox when using GDM?05:19
zeeblekamstrumental: apt runs from the command line.05:19
JavaOnLinuxtuxJr_14, XOrg doc mentioned that there are problems with i810, read there.05:19
glickwhy arnt they authorized05:19
Computer__Gurukamstrumental: apt is cli... use synaptic05:19
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drcodehi all05:20
naliothglick: that is not a network problem, that is a security-of-package problem (are you using official repos?)05:20
=== dylan_ [~dylan@ppp-68-251-79-98.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
ce33naglick: are you using unofficial sources, such as backports?05:20
Computer__Guruglick you got backports in there?05:20
dylan_how do i know which kind of file system im using?05:20
glicknalioth, yeah05:20
zeeblekamstrumental: and no, apt is not a complete replacement for yast.05:20
ce33nakamstrumental: apt is command line05:20
Computer__Gurudylan_: df -Th05:20
glickce33na, nope05:20
glickthats my sources list05:20
=== JDahl [~qwerty@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2v1-119.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruglick: backports are unofficial, there's no authentication available for them yet05:20
Computer__Guruie, theyre not yet signed05:20
glicki just want to get xfce405:21
Frank_dot_DuDe_: you compiled from source?05:21
Computer__Guruso get it05:21
=== Or1on [~orion@rrcs-24-105-151-218.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== krod is now known as krod_laptop
_DuDe_Frank_dot, I did everything that it said to do in Readme, and Install05:22
Computer__Guruit instalkls just fine for me05:22
Computer__Gurui should install it just to take a peek at it05:22
Computer__Gurusee how much its changed05:22
=== brkforcoffee [~brkforcof@ool-4353bb80.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
kamstrumentali'll stab synaptik and build up my braveness to try apt05:23
Frank_dot_DuDe_: it wants tcl 8.4.905:23
_DuDe_I did that also05:23
=== tuxJr_14 [~arjun@] has joined #ubuntu
Frank_dot_DuDe_: ubuntu has tcl 8.4.705:23
tuxJr_14it worked!05:23
Computer__Guru0 upgraded, 42 newly installed, 0 to remove and 48 not upgraded.05:23
=== dylan_ [~dylan@ppp-68-251-79-98.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__GuruNeed to get 15.6MB/15.8MB of archives.05:23
Computer__GuruAfter unpacking 67.2MB of additional disk space will be used.05:23
Computer__GuruDo you want to continue [Y/n] ? y05:23
glicki got md5sum mismatch error on the us mirrors05:23
dylan_how do i change my file system?05:23
ce33nakamstrumental: I used apt with debian for a long time. I'm happy as a lark to use synaptic. Its far easier than apt.05:24
=== radioh0 [wine@c-24-98-128-135.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
radioh0anyone here?05:24
tuxJr_14radioh0, very much here05:24
poningruok now I have a problem05:24
radioh0i cannot install apache.05:24
radioh0Package apache is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:24
radioh0This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:24
radioh0is only available from another source05:24
radioh0E: Package apache has no installation candidate05:24
radioh0what the hell05:24
tuxJr_14radioh0, from the net repo or from the cd repo?05:25
Computer__Guruwhy in the hell did it want my ubuntu cd when its downloading everything05:25
naliothradioh0: use synaptic and search for the pkg05:25
Computer__Guruhow odd05:25
dylan_can i change my file system?05:25
tuxJr_14dylan_, you can,05:25
ce33nasources.list may be ubuntu's undoing05:25
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radioh0tuxJr_14: i'm not sure --- how can i check05:25
naliothdylan_: what do you want to do that for?05:25
ce33nadylan_: not after you install the system05:26
dylan_i dont want to defragment my hard disk and currerntly have ext305:26
tuxJr_14radioh0, paste your /etc/apt/source.list in #flood05:26
dylan_but i hear Reiser is unfragmentable05:26
dylan_its like impervious to fragmentation05:26
Computer__Guruyou can override the default fsck behavior, but if fsck sees fit to check your drive, you should let it05:26
glickwow i love how shitty ubuntu mirrors are!05:26
ce33nadylan_: better leave it alone05:26
Computer__Gurunothing is impervious to fragmentation05:26
kamstrumentalthis is awesome...05:26
tuxJr_14dylan_, you must take backups firsty05:26
dylan_right....is ext3 just as good05:26
naliothdylan_: both reiser and ext2/3 are low fragmentation filesystems05:27
=== radioh0 [wine@c-24-98-128-135.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
glickComputer__Guru, im using your file now and still get the same problems05:27
naliothdylan_: >%405:27
Computer__Guruglick: how odd.. whereabouts are you located?05:27
glickphiladelphia US05:27
Computer__Guruglick: im getting relatively slow transfers, but they're going05:27
Computer__Guruhey im a state away :)05:27
Computer__Guru<-- columbus, oh05:27
dylan_what's that do, nalioth?05:27
ce33nadylan_: ext3 has better support05:27
dylan_so will i ever need to defrag?05:28
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Computer__Guruext3 is also more stable.. though reiser i considerably faster05:28
ce33naor should I say....has had better adoption rates05:28
glickthis blows as05:28
kamstrumentalwhat exactly is debian05:28
naliothdylan_: with ext2/3 or reiser, you need never defrag (and i dont know a linux defrag program anyway)05:28
glickkamstrumental, it works05:28
kamstrumental*i am VERY new to this.05:28
glickkamstrumental, which is more then i can say of these mirrors so far05:28
kamstrumentalglick: lol05:29
Computer__Guruglick im gonna say its probably got something to do with either your isp or somewhere in your pipe between you and the archive,c ause im on roadrunner and it works just fine.. nev er even so much as a hiccup05:29
glickim on roadrunner too05:29
=== Cooner750 [~Cooner750@cpe-65-27-211-165.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ce33nakamstrumental: debian is the linux distro that ubuntu is based on05:29
glickand my isp doesnt block apt for debian05:29
glickthey must really hate ubuntu05:29
dylan_thanks guys!05:29
mebaran151glick, I dont think they can05:29
mebaran151apt works through port 8005:29
mebaran151http or ftp05:29
glickwatch ima reboot then it will work05:29
mebaran151if ftp port 2105:30
dylan_will Wine run iTunes?05:30
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Computer__Guruif i use rr and you use rr and i can get sources, then you can too.. rr policies are set byt he national office, not the individual branches05:30
ce33nadylan_: you can try, but I wouldn't bet on it05:30
kamstrumentalis debian command line based?05:30
mebaran151Computer__Guru, I dont think they can block port 805:30
levanderAnybodies done the math to see if burning a CD-RW at 24x is faster than burning a DVD-RW at 6x?05:30
mebaran151that would be sort of crappy05:30
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mebaran151levander, DVD should be faster05:30
mebaran151I think05:30
tomchuklevander,  CD is much slower05:30
Computer__Gurukamstrumental: they're all command line based, but you can installa desktop05:30
ce33nakamstrumental: you can set debian up any way you like05:31
naliothkamstrumental: you may learn more about debian at www.debian.org05:31
Cooner750If were talking about Road Runner; I have it and i05:31
kamstrumentalsounds like i have lots to learn05:31
Cooner750i'm pretty sure they dont block port 8005:31
Cooner750UDP or TCP?05:31
naliothkamstrumental: as much or as little as you like05:31
ce33nakamstrumental: I loved debian, but I have swapped to ubuntu05:31
levandermebaran151: really, even though the x number is slower, and a DVD is much bigger? (granted I am talking about burning the same amount of data onto each disc)05:31
Scroopyanbyone know how to allow access to multplie directoris in an FTP?05:31
JDahlmebaran151, I am fairly sure that an ISP blocking port 80 wouldnt be in business for long05:31
poningruguys problem05:32
poningrueric: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/htp could not be found.05:32
poningruwhat does that mean?05:32
=== _DuDe_ might be back later
levanderthere is a simple explanation why CD is so much slower?05:32
poningruerr The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/htp could not be found.05:32
Cooner750Port 80 is quite important to a lot of programs05:32
Scroopycan anyone here help with with FTP problems05:32
poningruand how do I fix it?05:32
mebaran151JDahl, exactly05:32
poningruScroopy: sure whats the prob?05:32
mebaran151levander, yeah05:32
mebaran151because 1x for CDROM is much slower05:33
Computer__Guruim installing xfce, windowmaker, and fluxbox just for kicks.. like to see how much theyve changed since i used them last05:33
Scroopywell i have anonymous working fine with access to a directory05:33
Scroopyi want it to add another directory05:33
Scroopyhow do i do that?05:33
mebaran151the x is based on the speed of the first recorder of its kind05:33
ce33naoh boy....java 1.5 over dialup05:33
naliothlevander: there is a point in writing speed where the data cannot be written in a reliable method05:33
tomchuklevander,  1x CD = 150KBps, 1x DVD = 1350 KBps05:33
levanderwhere's a good place online to buy blank media?05:33
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Frank_dotmebaran151: actually 1x for cd is the speed of reading an audio disk05:33
=== glick [~noobia@cpe-24-193-254-95.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cooner750levander: http://www.newegg.ocm05:33
glicknope still wont work05:33
Cooner750try them05:33
mebaran151Frank_dot, ah05:34
Frank_dotlevander: in canada?05:34
antoine_what are the package managers which ship with ubunut05:34
levandertomchuk: thanks, that's the info I was looking for05:34
levanderFrank_dot: usa05:34
glickapparently everyone else can connect to it cept me05:34
Computer__Gurureally sorry to hear it glick, but dont blame it on ubuntu if you're the only person or one of a very few experiencing the problem05:34
mebaran151but that was the first player ...05:34
Frank_dotlevander: I don't know, then05:34
levanderCooner750: newegg has prices that are about like going to compusa and buying them.  There's not a place to get them really cheap online?05:34
dylan_how do i install additional fonts?05:35
poningruScroopy: dude dont pm me05:35
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dylan_like the MS fonts n stuff so web pages look better05:35
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antoine_how do i install a .deb file05:35
Computer__Guruit's easy in kde, i dunno in gnome05:35
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Scroopythen how i do it?05:35
poningruScroopy: just use something like gftp05:35
Computer__Guruim gonna go play in different window managers, bbiaf05:35
tomchukdylan_,  install msttcorefonts05:35
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poningrubecause there are bunch of cli commands05:35
Scroopyi got proftpd05:35
shrayany harry potter fans ?05:35
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levanderCircuit City has great prices on blank discs, but they don't carry the discs rated at the fastest speeds.05:35
shraygood news!05:35
Scroopyyeh i am one05:35
Scroopygot th boook lyin on my bed05:35
poningruyeah me too05:35
poningrubut not in here please05:35
naliothdylan_: you can use ANY truetype fonts you like, they go in ~/.fonts05:36
Cooner750whereever you get blank CDs I recommend Verbatim. Never had one prob. with them. I've had tons of issues with Sony and Memorex05:36
Frank_dotshray: if I cared, I would be pissed05:36
=== damon [~damon@vt-williston-cuda1c1-135.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
poningrushray: so wrong05:36
hondjeshray: I never saw it coming :)05:36
hondje+2, quality trolling05:36
Scroopyponingru: so how i add another folder to my FTP access05:36
shrayhondje: didnt you write harry potter?!05:36
Yockshray: you think there will be another?05:37
shrayYock: hell yeah. and this time pooter dies too05:37
damonDoes anyone know when all the new Breezy xorg packages will be in a usable state?05:37
poningruScroopy: that should be set accordingly in the other server05:37
Frank_dotdamon: In october for sure05:37
antoine_how do you add a package to your package manager05:37
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Frank_dotantoine_: a repository or just one pacakge?05:37
damonThanks Frank...05:37
=== shray suicidebombs
dylan_where can i get good theemes?05:37
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damonTHEMES: gnome-look.org05:38
antoine_whats the other package manager besides synaptic05:38
Cooner750dylan_: Search Google for Gnome themes?05:38
jswensenI am getting a bunch of MD5Sum Mismatch errors on pretty common packages...any suggestions?05:38
antoine_its a .deb file05:38
kamstrumentalc33ena: why did you go from devian to ubuntu05:38
Frank_dotantoine_: there is kynaptic but synaptic is the best gui one05:38
damonMD5 MISMATCH: remove the "us" from your servers so they look like archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu05:38
poningruyeah synaptic is the best05:38
naliothdylan_: themes.org, www.deviantart.com, gnome-look.com05:39
Cooner750this is neat: http://gnome-look.org/content/pre1/22628-1.jpg05:39
glickFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xfce4-panel/xfce4-panel_4.2.1.1-1ubuntu1_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch05:39
antoine_i though there was one that was mentioned in the forum that people liked better because it removed uneeded packages once the dependencies were removed05:39
ubotusomebody said usrepos was if you get MD5Sum mismatches when doing apt-get installs don't use the us mirror.  Change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list05:39
naliothglick: ^^^^^05:39
Frank_dotantoine_: that's aptitude one the console05:39
ce33nakamstrumental: x.org transition screwed up my Debian box. I had some ubuntu experience with my wife's machine. it was time to start fresh05:39
glickyeah when i did that i couldnt connect to shit05:39
antoine_ah, yes05:39
Cooner750is there a program for Ubuntu to cover all of the text with a splash screen and loading bar?05:40
naliothglick: then check your syntax05:40
antoine_im trying to install enlightenment engage for the osx-like dock05:40
Scroopycan anyone assist me in some ftp issues?05:40
antoine_and the download was a .deb file05:40
kamstrumentalce33na: why ubuntu? why not red hat, it seems very popular?05:40
glicknalioth, i just delete 'us.'  from each one05:40
damonCooner: not that I know of, but "USplash" is in the works05:40
MadpilotCooner750: lots of good stuff there. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=2300905:40
jswensenI am trying that now.  Hope it works.  Someone should get google to make a forum with that tip as the first hit :-)05:41
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glickis there a uk.archive.ubuntu.com?05:41
ce33nakamstrumental: there are two types of people in the linux world. Those who love RH and those who hate RH. I'm in the latter camp.05:41
naliothkamstrumental: red hat is popular, but there is a term invented because of redhat  "red hat hell"05:41
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naliothglick: use gb.archive.etc05:42
ce33nakamstrumental: I got that way by actually using RH at one time05:42
Cooner750I was just wondering; Is the LiveCD version bootable off of a harddrive? Like as if it was on a oversized usb pendrive (considering it's over 600MB)?05:42
fortysixand2ce33na:  I dunno, I can take it or leave it.  It has it's place05:42
kamstrumentalwow  :)05:42
tuxJr_14Cooner750, you can do that05:42
damonantoine: run "sudo dpkg -i [packagename] .deb"05:42
tuxJr_14if you have a free partition05:42
jswensenAll: removing the 'us.' prefix fixed everything.  Thanks for the help.05:42
damoncooner: I have a 1Gb pendrive :)05:42
Cooner750I have a free little 2GB FAT32?05:43
kamstrumentalthe reason i swtiched off suse is because all the dependency issues that seemed to keep on arising05:43
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Computer__Guruxfce4 is FAST05:43
Cooner750BUT; how would I boot it? Since it is a secondary partition; the BIOS skips it and loads windows05:43
tuxJr_14Cooner750, alll the data will be lost on that partition and you will be using iso9660 instead of fat3205:43
Cooner750Would I edit the windows boot.ini to point to something?05:43
fortysixand2Computer__Guru:  duh, thats why we love it!  :D05:43
Frank_dotlula you can try #ubuntu-es for spanish05:43
=== Cooner750 needs to use bathroom. brb
Computer__Gurufortysixand2: but umm05:44
damonCooner: I think it would be uber-complicated, you'd need to change your MBR and set up a linux loader like Grub05:44
Computer__Gurufortysixand2: when i try to configure sound for it, the control panel just closes05:44
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tuxJr_14how can i install kde from kubuntu cds on ubuntu?05:44
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Computer__Guruwhat sound server does it require?05:44
damontuxJR: In synaptic, install the kubuntu-desktop package05:44
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Frank_dotlula    /join #ubuntu-es05:45
jswensenlula, hablo yo el espanol.  No se Ubuntu tanto, pero se Linux en general.05:45
fortysixand2not sure. I run alsa05:45
tomchukComputer__Guru,  set up dmix instead of using a sound server05:45
tuxJr_14damon, thanks05:45
stetyRhablan alunos espaol05:45
lulaalguien ahi?05:45
stetyRbien que bien05:45
Quest-Master#ubuntu-es pour espanol05:45
Computer__Gurutomchuk: whats the package name?05:45
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lulayo escribo espaol05:45
naliothpor favor, habla espanol en #ubuntu-es05:46
kamstrumentalwhat is the best media play to get in synaptik05:46
tomchukComputer__Guru,  no package name, it's built into alsa05:46
=== Cooner750 back
damontuxJR: then in the login screen choose sessions and choose KDE05:46
Cooner750anyway. Can the windows boot.ini be edited to point to a05:46
jswensenlula, abra un DCC CHAT y le ayudo.05:46
Cooner750Ubuntu file?05:46
tomchukComputer__Guru,  http://wiki.arslinux.com/Dmix05:46
damonkamstrumental: try beep-media-player05:46
Computer__Gurutomchuk: well, alsa works... at least in kde.. but in xfce when i try to hit the sound icon under settings, it crashes the control panel05:46
tuxJr_14damon, k05:46
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Cooner750I'm extracting the iso now05:47
tfortso i'm watching streaming media now05:47
Or1onhmmm... my laptop is dying. I found a good deal on some of the dells those anyone know if ubuntu works well with those laptop. the inspiron 6000? are they reliable?05:47
glickfuck it05:47
kamstrumentalTotem will not play anything for nothing.05:47
jswensenlula, esta utilizando XChat?05:47
tfortand my cpu seen from torsmo is hitting 83%... i'm thinking my gpu isn't even doing anything?05:47
glicki dont know why this is so gay05:47
damonI'm typing on an Inspiron 6000 running Breezy right now05:47
Or1on*does :oD05:47
Cooner750I know someone who has a Dell Insipiron 5500 it's very reliable05:47
Cooner750just make sure you keep the fan grill on the back clean :P05:47
tomchukComputer__Guru,  I'm on Debian Sid, so I've got different versions of xfce4, mine work fine with dmix05:48
tfortCooner750, i hate dell's cases05:48
fortysixand2I am running Hoary on an old Inspiron 260005:48
tfortand i hate that dell is stubborn with intel and inferior processor05:48
Or1ondamon, sweet. does everything work? how about the modem?05:48
jswensenclick sobre my nombe con la tecla derecha de tu mouse, va al 'Direct client-to-client' y oprima 'Ofrece chat'05:48
Cooner750tfort: yes, at least the insp. series is like that. I like the Latitude. Thinner lighter machine05:48
damonOrlon: dont know bout the modem, internal wireless works great though05:48
tfortCooner750, if i'm going to go mainstream company, i'd like HP, at least they're AMD05:49
damonthere are great linux laptops sites with howtos for various machines05:49
fortysixand2I am awaiting delivery of an HP LiveStrong special edition05:49
tfortfortysixand2, love the sn btw05:49
Cooner750tfort: HP is my favorite. I have a Pavilion a320n and a a720n. both with AMD Athlons05:49
tfortfortysixand2, i'm doing nothing but building the 9300's at work right now05:49
fortysixand2tfort:  thx.  I heard they hve a new release coming out Aug 23.....05:50
tfortfortysixand2, its a dvd05:50
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tfortfortysixand2, the last 6-7 live shows on the last tour05:50
Cooner750ok I extracted the livecd iso. Can someone tell me how this works. (What file is the first one that starts the whole Ubuntu loading process?)05:50
Cooner750I see start.exe start.ini autorun.inf and a bunch of folders05:50
fortysixand2tfort:  nice.  I am wating for another toor05:51
Cooner750like "isolinxu" etc...05:51
damonCooner: don't extract it. Burn it directly to a CD using a ISO burning program (google it)05:51
tfortwon't happen utnil the new cd05:51
fortysixand2I know, but I can dream05:51
fortysixand2going to see system of a down and mars volta in a month05:51
antoine_how does one go about installing a .deb package from the internet05:51
tfortfortysixand2, new cd will probably come in december / spring of next year05:51
Cooner750damon: Is it possible to boot the LiveCD ISO from a HD? I know how to burn the ISO, etc...05:51
naliothCooner750: are you wanting to remaster the livecd?05:51
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damonCooner, don't extract it. type "freeware windows iso" into google and follow directions.05:52
Frank_dotantoine_: sudo dpkg -i package.deb05:52
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fortysixand2antoine_:  sudo dpkg -i <package name>05:52
tfortfortysixand2, one of my friends talked with members of PLC and were talking about danny's drumming on the new cd05:52
antoine_k thanks05:52
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Or1onI don't mean to start a flame war heheheh... but how are the amd vs. intel on the mobile processor. as far as performance/battery05:52
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fortysixand2Orlon:  too early to tell05:52
calcOr1on: p-m has better battery life in general05:52
tfortwho cares?05:52
fortysixand2not enough benchmarks out05:52
tomchukOr1on,  Pentium M > *05:52
damonOrlon: I hear Pentium M;s are better than AMD equiv. as far as battery life05:52
glickthis blows sweaty gay balls05:52
Cooner750damon: I know how to burn a ISO. I wanted to be able to put the ISO contents on a seperate partiton and edit windows boot.ini to also point to whatever file starts the LiveCD.05:52
calcOr1on: though amd is working on better mobile chips05:52
Or1onYeah I have tried googling it but no luck05:52
glicki cant install shit05:52
glickcause apt wont connect to shit05:53
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damonCooner: oops!05:53
calcmy athlon64 laptop lasts around 2.5hr on battery last i checked05:53
tomchukMy pentium M lasts 605:53
tfortcalc, intel uses about double the watts that amd does05:53
Cooner750I even made a post on the Ubuntu forums about a program called BurnCDCC. A freeware very small ISO burner utility05:53
calcbut it isn't the low power "thin & light" model05:53
fortysixand2Once I get my turion with 12 cell battery, I'll report the results  :D05:53
calctfort: erm i think you got that reversed if you are talking about pentium m05:53
tforttfort: i'm just talking about intel vs amd in general05:54
nalioths_dogglick: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3805:54
Cooner750Is there a specific file that starts Ubuntu?05:54
calctomchuk: i've seen pentium m that last much less depends on the battery in the laptop05:54
Cooner750like for windows I think it's win.ini or something05:54
tfortthe latest pentium's vs amd64's are rediculous in their power consumption, amd64 is almost half of intel's05:54
damonOrlon: two identical Averatec laptops with amd and Intel. Manufacturer claims 1 hr BETTER battery life for pentium model.05:54
tomchukcalc,  yeah, I've got a t40 with the extended battery :)05:54
Computer__Gurugonna try this dmix thing, bbiaf05:54
calcthe bettery i have is 65230mWh and full is currently at 59200mWh05:54
naliothCooner750: perhaps you'd like to check out www.linuxfromscratch.org   it's quite informative05:55
MadpilotCooner750: if your motherboard supports booting from USB, can't you just stick the entire ISO on your USB pendrive intact?05:55
calctomchuk: yea those are nice :)05:55
Cooner750My pendrive is only 256MB05:55
glicknalioth, i cant connect to archive.ubuntu.com05:55
glicki get connection refused05:55
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calctomchuk: whats the mWh on the t40 extended battery?05:55
tfortglick, sounds like a personal problem05:55
MadpilotCooner750: ah, that's a problem! :)05:55
tfortglick, try sudo apt-get update05:55
tfortand see what it sasy05:55
tomchukcalc,  mine's max is 71280 mWh05:55
glicktfort, not even with a webbrowser05:55
naliothglick: can you ping it or connect to http://archive.ubuntu.com  ?05:55
mebaran151I am getting a very strange error05:55
mebaran151when I run file-roller05:55
mebaran151I get the error05:55
kamstrumentalwhay can't i view any video with totem05:56
Cooner750I wanted to put it on a seperate partition I have on my USB external HD and boot from that. But the issue is; is that the BIOS skips over that 2nd partiton when booting from USB and goes ahead and boots windows05:56
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mebaran151/bin/sh: command 'tar' not found05:56
SapUh... I'm new to Linux. Only played around with it a couple of times - Lycoris, mainly. Anyway, I'm installing ubuntu on my laptop. It's an Acer Extensa 3255XC. It has Windows XP on it and ideally I'd like to keep it that way - dual booting is good, although seeing there's a recovery installer I guess I could be convinced to just have ubuntu. I'd also like to keep the partitions how they are. Anyway, I'm at the part of the install w05:56
nalioths_dogkamstrumental: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support05:56
mebaran151and I know I hav tar05:56
calctomchuk: hmm then the p-m is roughly 2x better at battery life it seems05:56
SapSo the question is: How?05:56
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calctomchuk: thats about what i would have guessed at as well05:56
glicki can ping it fine05:56
Cooner750so; I was wondering what file 'starts' the Ubuntu loading process so I can point the windows boot.ini to it and be able to select it at boot time05:56
tomchukcalc,  IBM actually updates a pdf with benchmarks of all their laptops and all their batteries every quarter05:57
=== bigfoot1 [~hideseek@FLH1Aax021.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu
Frank_dotSap: Part of your message is missing\05:57
calctomchuk: cool happen to have a link?05:57
tomchukcalc,  one sec...05:57
SapIt is?05:57
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fortysixand2Cooner750:  google for windows boot.ini Linux05:57
SapIt seems okay on this side...05:57
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SapOh, please.05:57
damonCooner: Try extracting ISO to partition, in partition program make the partition bootable. Then install this http://gag.sourceforge.net/ to your master boot record to allow you to choose which partition you want to boot from05:58
kamstrumentalthanks guys... i'm off.05:58
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glickholy moses now out of the blue it worked!05:58
Frank_dot. Sap Anyway, I'm at the part of the install w     I have nothing after05:58
damonGlick: glad to hear it!05:58
Or1onhmm. I think I'm going to order one of those dells. I hope it will last a bit... I heard IBM makes pretty reliable laptops. looks like I can get more for less money with the dells tho..05:58
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goldfishSap: Partition MAgic.05:58
fortysixand2IBMs are pretty solid05:58
Sapwhere I have to configure partitions. It says I have three FAT32 partitions: #1 primary (2GB), #2 primary (18.8GB) and #5 logical (19GB). The 2GB isn't visible in Windows and has the recovery installer of Windows, which is compressed. I don't want to touch it. I just want to play with the other two. And as I said, I'd ideally like to avoid having to ditch Windows.05:58
calcOr1on: of course dells are cheap05:58
damonDell has great deals... got my 6000 for under $1000 with "deal of the week"05:58
fortysixand2I had one at my last job05:58
SapOh, I guess it trims long messages.05:58
SapThat's the rest.05:58
calcOr1on: IBMs are the best laptops you can get, bar none05:58
fortysixand2andit would NOT die, no matter how much I wated it to05:58
=== Bugsbang [~bonny@ALamentin-103-1-4-68.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1does anybody here use iaxclient or kiax on their computer? It seems that this won't run if I'm on the phone with skype.05:59
nalioths_dogSap: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partitions mount automatically05:59
calcfor pricing you probably can't get much cheaper than dell for what they have in them05:59
mebaran151how do I save an ENV variable for later use in debain05:59
calcbut dell quality is an oxymoron05:59
Cooner750damon: I mustve read somewhere (mustve be wrong) that there was a ubuntu.ini file or something that windows bootloader could be pointed to to start ubuntu05:59
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damonCooner: interesting... that would be a lot easier :)05:59
naliothmebaran151: in a text file?05:59
calci hear they now actually use real plastic in their cases at least05:59
mebaran151where ever05:59
calcso it doesn't feel like you will break them by just touching them ;)05:59
mebaran151I just want RUBY_OPTS=--rubygems05:59
tomchukcalc,  http://www.pc.ibm.com/ww/thinkpad/batterylife.html05:59
mebaran151every time I start up05:59
Cooner750damon: I wish it was that easy :)06:00
mebaran151or something of that sort06:00
JDahlmebaran151, edit /etc/init.d/bashrc06:00
SapAs I said, my only experience with 'nix is fooling around in Lycoris... that looks a bit... difficult...06:00
naliothmebaran151: then in your ~/.bashrc06:00
calctomchuk: thanks06:00
mebaran151JDahl, all users or jjust root06:00
mebaran151I want it for all the users06:00
mebaran151even the users like apache who are sort of fake06:00
mebaran151and use shell none06:00
mebaran151they still will call ruby06:00
mebaran151and ruby can read the env variables06:00
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damonCooner: you may be right... check out http://bratlady.com/linux_boot.shtml06:00
mebaran151right now exporting works ... ok06:00
naliothmebaran151: then use what JDahl said06:01
=== Coag [~aiushd@adsl-68-127-90-192.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mebaran151that is for everybody nice06:01
Cooner750damon: waiting for firefox to start (windows is slow today)06:01
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nomasteryodawindows is always slow06:01
firebird619Hi, where can I get a Parser perl module. I am trying to install a program that says that Parser perl module is required. Can anyone help me?06:02
Cooner750damon: where can I get ahold of Lilo?06:02
Cooner750or some other bootloader?06:02
damonCooner: google it06:02
naliothfirebird619: open synaptic and serch for parser06:02
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calcwow ibm has laptops that last nearly 7.5hr06:02
damonCooner: google is your friend :)06:03
tomchukyeah, they know how to do it, hopefully linovo won't screw up the thinkpad06:03
Coagi installed ubuntu today with ndiswrapper, and well, i went to system>administration>network and configured the device to work with dhcp and activate it and it doesnt work so i try iwconfig wlano ESSID my_network and dhclient wlan0, and it says no dhcrequest happened06:03
Sapnalioths_dog: How do I use that if Linux isn't installed.06:03
calchmm actually more, 7:4906:03
naliothSap: sorry, i thought you had ubuntu installed already06:03
Cooner750so it's pretty much pointing the windows bootloader to the grub or lilo ini and then start linux from that?06:03
chaerwini need ubuntu information for a class in the university..06:03
hyphenatedCoag: you've gotta check iwconfig to see if it associated or not06:04
=== spasmodo [~reid@c-24-22-45-119.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
chaerwincan u help me06:04
SapHmm so how do I set it up?06:04
tomchukjust ask06:04
hyphenatedCoag: otherwise the dhcp requests will be a waste of time06:04
damonCooner: I think so... Sorry I don;t have a lot of experience with that06:04
Coaghyphenated and if it didnt, what can i do next?06:04
firebird619nalioth: thanks, I wll do that.06:04
Coagbecause it says ESSID: off/any06:04
hyphenatedCoag: check it now. if it says "not associated" then you've gotta fix that first06:04
chaerwinif you have manuals or pdf documents06:04
damonChaerwin: have you checked out ubuntu.com ? ubuntuforums.org ?06:05
hyphenatedCoag: did _anything_ change after doing iwconfig wlan0 essid my_network ?06:05
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naliothchaerwin: wiki.ubuntu.com  ?06:05
calcthinkpad x40 with extended battery over 11hr06:05
Coagnothign seemed to06:05
goldfishCoag: iwlist wlan0 scan , that pick up anything?06:05
Coaglet me check06:05
Or1oncalc, wao!06:05
calcthat would be nearly enough for an transatlantic flight06:05
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Coagno it didnt goldfish let me check the antenna06:06
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goldfishchaerwin: you looking for a pdf reader?06:06
Coagthe antenna is connected and still no results06:07
Cooner750this is what my current XP boot.ini looks like (myfilestash adds a ad to the bottom of it) http://myfilestash.com/userfiles/Cooner750/boot.html06:07
fortysixand2Coag:  do you have Kismet?06:07
Coaglet me check06:07
Or1onwell I just hope this dell will last a while and the modem will work.... I may have to get a linuxant driver I think.06:07
Coagno i dont06:07
goldfishinstall it.06:07
fortysixand2you migt try d/l'ing that and scanning for APs06:07
Or1onLooks like everything else will work.06:07
goldfishalthough, iwlist should find it.06:08
Coagsynaptic package manager have it?06:08
fortysixand2very true, just trying another angle06:08
Coag(could it be that im using the ndiswrapper that came with ubuntu?)06:08
tomchukcalc,  the X40 is next on my shopping list ;)06:08
goldfishyou could try unplugging the router , sometimes mine goes dodgy, have to plug it out and back in.06:08
Coagi see it under windows06:08
damonCooner: Sorry, ithink you're on your own from here on, its as far as my help can go06:08
goldfishCoag: k.06:08
goldfishCoag: iwconfig detects the card, yes?06:09
Coagstill do kismet?06:09
calctomchuk: t43p at 5hr isn't too shabby either for what all it has in it ;)06:09
spasmodoanyone have gtk 2.7.3 installed on Hoary?06:09
goldfishworth a shot06:09
fortysixand2might as well06:09
Coagill be back after i try that06:09
Coagthanks alot06:09
fortysixand2won't take long06:09
tomchukcalc,  yeah I love the 1400x1050 on my t4006:09
calcpm 770, 1gb ram, dvd-rw, 15" 1600x1200, 60gb hd, FireGL 128MB :)06:09
tomchukcalc,  my brother just got the t43p - 2GHz, 2GB, 1600x120006:10
Cooner750anybody know of a cd iso that is capable of allowing be to select different partitions to boot from? (cd because I have no floppy disk with me right now)06:10
calctomchuk: cool :)06:10
tomchukcalc,  I'm a little jealous to say the least06:10
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fortysixand2I would have gotten an IBM, but they do not sell AMD  :(06:11
fortysixand2in laptops, anyway06:11
Coagkismet is not in synaptic06:11
spasmodo Cooner750 - are you talking about gtk?06:11
Coagso i really have no way of getting it on the machine06:11
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fortysixand2james@tressa:~$ apt-cache search kismet06:11
fortysixand2kismet - Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool06:11
rainingzigzagshow do i extract a tar file06:11
goldfishCoag: have u added multiverse and universe to your repos?06:11
goldfishrainingzigzags: tar.gz ?06:12
fortysixand2Coag: try "sudo apt-get install kismet"06:12
rainingzigzagsjust tar06:12
rainingzigzagsi already gunzipped it06:12
fortysixand2oh yeah, repositories06:12
Cooner750spasmodo: Just a bootable cd that will allow me to select different partitons to boot from06:12
goldfishtar -xvvf foo.tar06:12
Cooner750Floppy would be eaiser; but I dont have a diskette with me now06:12
Coagapt-get needs internet access doesnt it06:12
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goldfishCoag: It does.06:12
fortysixand2Coag:  yes06:12
damonCooner: copy the files from http://btmgr.webframe.org/ to a CD, then run it in DOS06:12
damonCooner: oh, I see, you don't want to install it. You could try ultimatebootcd.com06:13
naliothrainingzigzags: you know you can gunzip and untar at the same time, right? issue "tar -xvzf file.tar.gz"06:13
rainingzigzagsyea but i didnt remember what to type06:13
rainingzigzagswhat is tcl?06:13
goldfishalais !!06:13
rainingzigzagsi am tryin to isntall eggdrops but it says i need tcl to compile06:14
goldfishtcl is a programming language?06:14
naliothrainingzigzags: open synaptic and search for tcl06:14
ed1trainingzigzags, install itcl3.0 from synaptic06:14
Coagi think im confused06:15
fortysixand2Coag:  how so?06:15
Coagit isnt working06:15
Coagand i dont know why06:15
tfortanyone here use cedega and play WoW?06:15
Coagthis is my first experience of debian06:15
Coagive used redhat mandrake FC3 and gentoo before06:15
naliothCoag: the server is having diffecultys atm, evidentally06:16
fortysixand2I like gentoo too06:16
Cooner750i'm downloading the Ulitmate boot cd. I see it has GRUB and a few other boot managers06:16
damonCooner: yeah, I think that might help you06:16
IcemanV9Coag: did you have success with wireless card on RH or FC3??06:16
Coagnalioth but it isnt, im on the same network here that im trying to be on there06:16
Coagyes i did06:16
Cooner750And i'm also copying the extracted ISO to my blank partiton06:16
Coagthrough ndiswrapper06:16
fortysixand2and kismet found nothing?06:17
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Coagi cant get kismet06:17
fortysixand2why not?06:17
Coagno way to06:17
IcemanV9no access to the net, right?06:17
rainingzigzagsTcl cannot be found on this system.06:17
Coagno access to net on that machine06:17
rainingzigzagsi just installed it06:17
rainingzigzagsbut says it isnt there06:17
jewelCoag: the version of kismet in hoary is pretty old06:17
fortysixand2oh, you're on a different box06:18
=== capcrash [~capcrash@cpe-24-209-242-68.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jewelCaog: You might want to install from source06:18
IcemanV9Coag: ifconfig wlan0 .. is it up?06:18
Coagdidnt even come on Hoary for me06:18
Coagwhere does it say06:18
=== Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Computer__Gurufluxbox is kinda pretty06:19
Computer__Gurubut actually seems a touch slower than xfce06:19
Computer__Guruand has no run command06:19
capcrashim trying to use synaptic package manager to install kde and parts of it are installed but some keep failing.06:19
CoagComputer__Guru i like xfce :)06:19
IcemanV9Coag: let's try it again .. ifconfig wlan0 down .. dhclient wlan006:19
Cooner750damon: just to say; my setup on this box is: 1 internal 120GB NTFS w/ windows xp. 1 external Maxtor 120GB w/ 2 partitons. 1 100-something FAT32 partition and one 2GB FAT32 partition06:19
capcrashit says: some of the packages could not be retrieved from the server06:20
capcrashany idea how to get around this ?06:20
Cooner7507 minutes left on the UBCD download (I have Road Runner; but it's a 158MB Zip)06:20
IcemanV9Coag: i understand that you already iwconfig wlan0 .. it should work when you type comands (fingers crossed)06:20
glickcapcrash, hah yeah i just had that problem too06:20
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glicki dont know then out of the blue it worked06:20
naliothcapcrash: try again later06:21
=== Cheetahfoot [~Cheetahfo@adsl-68-122-28-70.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
capcrashhmm, cause i tried this like last week and it wouldnt do it. and i just tried again and the same thing :/06:21
Cheetahfootstrange problem ... just installed latest ubuntu on a new box, i'm installing packages and i keep on getting an unusual number of md5 checksum errors ... any ideas?06:21
goldfishComputer__Guru: Slower?06:21
Cheetahfootwhat could i check?06:21
capcrashi was getting those too06:22
damonCooner750: good luck, I've got to go. If nothing else seems to work, consider installing one of the boot managers (like SBM, GAG, etc) on your master boot record. That will let you boot from any partition of any HD on your machine06:22
glickcapcrash, switch to debian?06:22
capcrashstill am actually06:22
goldfishCheetahfoot: using us mirrors?06:22
capcrashim trying ubuntu out, coming from debian actually06:22
Cheetahfootgoldfish: sorry to be such a noob, but how would i know?06:22
IcemanV9Coag: something ain't right ... dhcp is not enabled on the wireless router??06:22
naliothCheetahfoot: watch ubotu06:22
capcrashi like to check diffrent distros out06:22
ubotuI guess usrepos is if you get MD5Sum mismatches when doing apt-get installs don't use the us mirror.  Change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list06:22
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CoagIceman it is06:23
damonCheetafoot: in /etc/apt/sources.list, change all instances of "http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" to "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"06:23
Coagthat is how i am on on this machine06:23
Coaglet me try something else06:23
capcrashW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kdeutils/ark_3.4.0-0ubuntu2_i386.deb06:23
capcrash  MD5Sum mismatch06:23
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AlbanianLordwhat is a good cd/dvd burner for gnome06:23
goldfishcapcrash: us mirrors are broke.06:23
rob^AlbanianLord, gnomebaker06:23
Cheetahfootyes, i am using us mirrors.06:23
damonCheetah: that is, in a text editor as root OR easier, you can do it in Synaptic06:23
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capcrashchanging now06:23
spasmodoAlbanianLord k3b06:23
Cheetahfootokay, i'll make the change ...06:24
IcemanV9ok - like others mentioned it before - iwlist wlan0 scan .. it should have your router on the list06:24
AlbanianLordi meant just for gnome06:24
damonCheetah: just remove the "us" and you;ll be all set06:24
damonsomeone here had the same problem 15 min ago06:24
rob^AlbanianLord, what I said before06:24
eliquestion for the knowing, when you do a make file do you need any particular compiling programs installed?06:24
spasmodoAlbanianLord - never tried gnome baker06:24
Cheetahfootgotta do an apt-get update then, right?06:24
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damonCheetah: ya06:24
AlbanianLordnah it isnt that06:24
Computer__Guruflux is ugly06:24
AlbanianLordbut linux advances so quickly06:24
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Computer__Guruim gonna check out whats new in wm then probably head back to xfce4, i think i like it06:25
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dylan_where do i  install themes in xml format?06:25
Cheetahfootjust out of curiosity, why would the us mirrors be generating md5 errors?06:25
Cheetahfootare they out of sync?06:25
goldfishthey are broke06:26
Coagugg i see one this wrong when i do dhclient06:26
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Coageach time it says dhcprequest, it says at whil my subnet mask should be
capcrashchanging there mirrors has fixed my prob06:26
=== qt2 blinks..
qt2what he hell..06:27
goldfishCoag: so u can see your AP now?06:27
fortysixand2dhcp requests always go to
spasmodoCoag - is the broadcast address06:27
qt2starting firefox hard freezes my whole x session.06:27
AlbanianLordwhat is it with the  X past 6.8.2-3606:27
fortysixand2how would it know your subnet if it doesn't have a lease yet?06:27
AlbanianLordi updated to it and it died06:27
Coagit doesnt06:28
dylan_how update themes?06:28
Coagi checked the info on this machine06:28
Coagtrying to see if i specified it if it would work06:28
Coagand it didnt06:28
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AlbanianLorddoes anyone in here use the compaq a1500 printer06:28
qt2anyoe have any idea why firefox would do that?06:29
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IcemanV9what about "iwlist wlan0 scan"? does the router show up on the list?06:29
Cheetahfootyes, that fixed it. awesome. thanks everyone, goldfish, damon, nalioth06:29
CoagIceman no06:29
elmagozizouHi....I have a problem with my printer...06:29
Coagand i have no clue why06:29
tomchukqt2,  firefox from the main ubuntu repo?06:29
elmagozizoudoes any body can help me?06:29
AlbanianLordif anyon does, the lexmark z53 driver works06:29
fortysixand2when you do iwconfig wlan0 essid <whatever> and then do iwconfig, does it show the name of your AP there?06:29
MadpilotAlbanianLord: share that info with linuxprinters.org?06:30
spasmodoqt2 - are you using ndiswrapper?06:30
IcemanV9that's why dhclient doesn't work .. couldn't find the router06:30
MadpilotAlbanianLord: sorry, http://www.linuxprinting.org/06:30
AlbanianLordi havent yet06:30
AlbanianLordill do soo now06:30
Coagwhy cant it find it though?06:30
fortysixand2I say download kismet on another box, copy it over, and install06:31
Coagcant copy it over if it is not connected06:31
fortysixand2floppy, USB flash, whatever06:31
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elmagozizouprinter problem!!! help06:31
fortysixand2wtf kind of box is it?06:31
Coagno floppy drives left in the hosue cept on my machine06:31
Coagdont own a flash drive06:31
fortysixand2no 10/100 Ethernet either06:31
qt2tomchuk, err, dunno about either of those questions. i've got synaptic, and universe/multiverse enabled... installed it from there.06:32
Cooner750brb Testing UBCD06:32
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qt2spasmodo, how would i check?06:32
tomchukqt2,  no backports or anything?06:32
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tomchukqt2,  does wget http://google.com work from the console?06:32
ksmurfhello all I'm having one heck up a time getting it up.... My wifes' DWL 520 wireless card won't connect on install06:33
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qt2tomchuk, yes, other browsers work fine as well, just not firefox?06:33
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tomchukqt2,  weird, rename ~/.mozilla to ~/.mozilla.bak06:34
IcemanV9more wireless problem :)06:34
qt2tomchuk, and the only backports that are done on firefox are the ones that ubuntu devs have done ;)06:34
ksmurflol Ice06:34
goldfishCoag: tried iwconfig wlan0 essid any ?06:34
fortysixand2ksmurf:  can you find your access point?06:34
Coagthat is what it stays as06:34
tomchukqt2,  do you mean that you are using the ubuntu backports repository in /etc/apt/sources.list06:34
Coagi do iwconfig wlan006:34
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Coagand the essid is off/any06:34
qt2tomchuk, err... no. <.<;06:35
IcemanV9ksmurf: you'll need madwifi driver06:35
qt2nevermind, misread your question ^.6;06:35
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spasmodoqt2 - are you using a wireless connection - if not, then no06:35
qt2spasmodo, nope.06:35
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qt2tomchuk, hm, should i try starting it now?06:35
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tomchukqt2,  after renaming your .mozilla direcotry - yes06:35
IcemanV9ksmurf: i have DWL-650 wireless card .. it worked beautiful06:36
ksmurfForty ... I do not know untill this install goes through.  I turned off wep and reset router.   I'm doing a fresh install and it didn't autoconfig... I'll get the madwifi driver and be back in a min (thanks Ice and forty)06:36
fortysixand2np, let us know how it goes06:37
qt2tomchuk, hm... starts fine :o06:37
qt2...why didnt i try that? i knew about the directory... :P06:37
tomchukqt2,  did you install any extensions or themes?06:37
=== jayparadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
qt2tomchuk, a few, but they all worked before...06:37
tomchukqt2,  hmmm, well, copy over your bookmarks.html and cookies.txt to your new .mozilla dir06:38
tomchukqt2,  and try reinstalling themes and extensions one-by-one and make sure that none of them are screwing anything up06:39
IcemanV9blah - forget the firefox .. fire up epiphany06:39
=== qt2 raises an eyebrow...
AlbanianLordwhats so great about opera anyway06:39
tomchukIcemanV9,  meh, epiphany, galeon is *the* browser06:40
IcemanV9firefox shut down for no reasons lately .. so i started using epiphany06:40
AlbanianLordiceman are you using 1.0.506:40
Coaganyone else have any ideas?06:40
IcemanV9nope, AlbanianLord06:41
AlbanianLordi had trouble with 1.0206:41
IcemanV9just a regular Ubuntu FireFox pkg06:41
AlbanianLordwent to 1.0.406:41
AlbanianLordget 1.0506:41
AlbanianLordsee if it  works06:41
fortysixand2any idea what gam_server is?06:41
tomchukfortysixand2,  gamin server i believe06:42
ibthomsonhey guys, would anyone be able to help me set up my radeon x700 pro PCI-e card to work with x? I just installed ubuntu fresh and can't get to gnome06:42
AlbanianLordit isnt in apt-grt06:42
tomchukfortysixand2,  replacement for fam06:42
qt2AlbanianLord, 1.0.5 is out? <.<;06:42
IcemanV9AlbanianLord: thought about it .. prolly will install over the weekend06:42
tomchukfortysixand2,  allows gnome to know when menus and config files are updated06:42
fortysixand2cool, googling it now!06:43
AlbanianLordbut you dont have it in the repos yet06:43
qt2AlbanianLord, heh, dont suppose it's in the repo's yet?06:43
fortysixand2not yet06:43
qt2ah, thought as much.06:43
qt2i prefer to not install things manually. ;)06:43
Coagi just dont know what else to do :(06:43
spasmodog'night all06:43
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AlbanianLordwell if i can figure how to make it a deb ill do it06:44
IcemanV9Coag: take a break from it 'til the next day :)06:44
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qt2my last try at installing something manually failed horribly.06:44
Coagmeanwhiel in the monring it wont work either :(06:45
=== Cooner750 [~Cooner750@cpe-65-27-211-165.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cooner750ok back06:45
AlbanianLordi know its a pain06:45
AlbanianLordbut i prefer it06:45
IcemanV9Coag: just to clear your head and start again on the wireless thing06:45
AlbanianLordi learn more that way06:45
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Cooner750is there a function in Ubuntu like "configsave"?06:45
goldfishCoag: tried turning off the router and turning it back on?06:45
AlbanianLordbut for whatever reason gtk doesnt compile for me06:45
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IcemanV9Coag: you got the card working, but it is not seeing any router06:46
fortysixand2what is configsave?06:46
Coagand the router isseeable06:46
goldfishit is?06:46
coreyoanyone have problems with the sk98lin drivers in the 2.6.10-5 kernel image?06:46
qt2AlbanianLord, heh, dont suppose you've tried installing stepmania?06:46
Coagi am on router on this machine06:46
Cooner750well; In Slax (based on Slackware) it's syntax is like this "configsave /dev/sda1/slaxconf.mo" and it saves the whole config, where your at, desktop settings, etc...06:47
AlbanianLordslax is the s***06:47
Cooner750it's like shuttdown down windows and turning it back on and everything is there where it was06:47
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Cooner750well; config saver06:47
Coagi actually did take  a break06:47
qt2AlbanianLord, a PC DDR clone. ;)06:48
IcemanV9Coag: did you read this thread? > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3897206:48
Cooner750it remebers everything that would get lost in RAM06:48
Coagi just dont know what to start nesxt06:48
AlbanianLordi can only imagine06:48
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Cooner750brb. biting bullet and running LiveCD06:48
IcemanV9Coag: check out jaykay's instruction of how to get it running06:49
AlbanianLorddependencies suck06:49
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AlbanianLordyou need gtk to compile firefox06:49
tomchukAlbanianLord,  that's why apt-get build-dep is do great :)06:49
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AlbanianLordhows that work06:50
glickhmm apparently xmms is missing a necessary library in order for it to work06:50
tomchukAlbanianLord,  just apt-get build-dep mozilla-firefox and it will install all the build-time deps for firefox06:50
=== qt2 blinks.
SapI've just installed ubuntu. At the end of the installation it made me take the CD out and reboot. It said more questions would be asked. Text came up on screen, I figured it was doing it's thing... and then, nothing. I don't understand the code, but it seems to indicate an error. Then it says, "<6>note: mount(187) exited with preempt_count 1." Now I can't turn my laptop off...06:50
qt2http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/upgrade/?application=%7bec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384%7d <- they really need to do something about this... :o06:50
SapSo it's stuck there but I can't reboot or anything.06:50
AlbanianLordtomchuk where the hell you been man06:50
SapIs there some sort of command to kill it?06:50
elmagozizouSomeboy  can tell me wich is the best partitioning program in linux?06:51
tomchukAlbanianLord,  hehe, reading apt manpages ;)06:51
glickwhy does xmms freeze when i try to get it to play an mp3?06:51
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AlbanianLordman ive been so overwhelmed with the slackware method of things06:51
TokenBadok what is going on here06:51
uboturumour has it, restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats06:51
TokenBadI can't seem to get flash installed06:51
goldfishglick: ^^06:51
TokenBador something is messed up06:52
TokenBadcause it says installed06:52
TokenBadbut can't load flash on pages06:52
goldfishelmagozizou: fdisk, cfdisk,  gparted06:52
tomchukAlbanianLord,  there are a ton of how-tos for building debian packages online, look for debhelper, checkinstall, etc06:52
glickgoldfish, what?06:52
goldfishglick: the link.06:52
glickgoldfish, i have the library installed now06:52
AlbanianLordill go for it06:53
glickits still not playing the song06:53
AlbanianLordby the way06:53
naliothTokenBad: gplflash.sourceforge.net06:53
fortysixand2TokenBad:  did you close and reopen the browser?06:53
AlbanianLordslackware was my first distro06:53
TokenBadyes I did06:53
TokenBadmany times06:53
TokenBadeven rebooted like 5 or 6 times06:53
=== Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
fortysixand2uninstall the plugin and reinstall?06:53
goldfishglick: maybe it needs an mp3 plugin , i cant remember, i use beep-media-player now.06:53
goldfishComputer__Guru: wb.06:54
TokenBadnalioth, I get connection refused when try to connect to that site06:54
Computer__Guruive switched wm's06:54
TokenBadI did that to fortysixand206:54
IcemanV9what about "about:plugins" - is it there?06:54
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goldfishcant believe u dont like flux :)06:54
diphow do I clean the mbr using Linux like fdisk /mbr in msdos ?06:54
Computer__Gurugoldfish: ive switched from kde to xfce406:54
goldfishah right.06:54
goldfishxfce is nice.06:54
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Coagi wish *nix supported my card without ndiswrapper06:55
Computer__Gurui didnt like flux, no06:55
naliothTokenBad: google "gplflash"06:55
TokenBadwhere see the about plugins at?06:55
fortysixand2I love xfce4 too06:55
fortysixand2best combo of speed & features06:55
Coagi love xfce06:55
Coagim installing it assoon as i get my box on the internet06:55
glickis alsa not installed by default?06:55
fortysixand2not completely stripped, but not bloated06:55
coreyohere here, I thought I was the only one06:55
tomchukxfce + rox pinboard rules06:56
Razor-Xwhat's a great server distro just for servers?06:56
AlbanianLordwtf is xfce06:56
IcemanV9TokenBad: type it in web address - you see list of plugins06:56
Razor-XI can set it up while my friend is here06:56
goldfishRazor-X: debian.06:56
fortysixand2no way man.  I've been using it for a year, and don't forsee any changes06:56
CoagRazor-X gentoo06:56
Razor-Xbut, when he leaves ,I don't want him stuck on a BSD box ;)06:56
Frank_dotfortysixand2: with a gig of RAM, kde isn't bloated... maybe I'm bragging here06:56
ed1tAlbanianLord, its an desktop system like gnome or KDE06:56
Computer__Gurutomchuk: is there any way to get different backgrounds for my different desktops? like a different jpg or png for each desktop06:56
Razor-Xgoldfish: that's a lot of CDs ;)06:56
AlbanianLordi installed it06:56
CoagRazor-X gentoo06:56
TokenBadno its not listed06:56
AlbanianLordamd its just a little bar06:56
Coagor debian netinstall06:56
fortysixand2Frank_dot:  not really.  My new lappy has 2GB.  This one only has 320MB06:56
goldfishRazor-X: freebsd :)06:57
TokenBadbut I did the apt-get install stuff06:57
tomchukComputer__Guru,  not that I know of, xfdesktop is pretty simple06:57
TokenBadthat was on ubuntu site06:57
ed1tAlbanianLord, i think u installed fluxbox then06:57
fortysixand2I can't wait until Wednesday!  :D06:57
AlbanianLordi like flux06:57
Computer__Gurutomchuk: i can live with it06:57
goldfishflux rocks.06:57
Coagi dont think flux has enough06:57
coreyois there a way to get the restricted modules (wihtout doing them all by hand) if you build a custom kernel package from the source?06:57
IcemanV9FreeBSD is a great server OS; www.freebsd.org06:57
=== Computer__Guru can't believe how genuinely impressed i am with xfce4
AlbanianLorduceman he wants simple06:58
tomchukflux has some neat features - I love tabbed windows06:58
goldfishComputer__Guru: yeah its nice.06:58
fortysixand2the new enlightenment looks nice too06:58
ed1t!info java-package06:58
ubotujava-package: (utility for building Java(TM) 2 related Debian packages), section multiverse/misc, is optional. Version: 0.23 (hoary), Packaged size: 18 kB, Installed size: 264 kB06:58
Coagextensive installguide06:58
Computer__Guruflux was missing basic things06:58
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Computer__Gurulike a run command option06:58
goldfishfbrun ?06:58
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Computer__Guruand it was slower than xfce ont his box06:58
coreyofortysixand2: there's anew enlightenment?!  I didn't think they'd touched that in 4 years06:58
fortysixand2DR17 is in dev06:58
fortysixand2it looks SWEET06:58
IcemanV9AlbanianLord: it is simple .. ONE cdrom .. very easy to install :P06:59
Computer__Gurui want xfce icon sets :D06:59
fortysixand2I ran it on my slackware 10.1 laptop.  It's got a ways to go, but it looks promising06:59
AlbanianLordgive him slackware06:59
coreyofortysixand2: enlightenment is still better in most ways than  most of today's WM's... but it just died for no good reason....06:59
Computer__Guruoh wow06:59
=== Xyc0 [~xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Guruxffm is hideous06:59
Xyc0Anyone else getting this Ignored Packages Error with apt-get?07:00
fortysixand2I did not dig enlightenment 16 much07:00
fortysixand2dunno why, just didn't07:00
AlbanianLord16 wasnt that great07:00
tomchukComputer__Guru,  install rox-filer07:00
IcemanV9E17 is better than E1607:00
Computer__Guruwill do07:00
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goldfishXyc0: us mirrors?07:00
Cooner750talking on Ubuntu LiveCD now07:00
qt2E19 is better than E17. ;)07:00
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fortysixand217 will rock07:01
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raven3x7|awayE17 is still under development07:01
AlbanianLordwhere can I obtain such n item07:01
Coagcant... fix.... this07:01
Xyc0goldfish: I cant install any backports or extras anymore07:01
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Computer__Guruapparently rox-filer is what xfce uses07:01
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Xyc0goldfish: yes, us mirrors07:01
Computer__Gurui dont think i care much for it..w hat are the alternatives?07:01
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goldfishXyc0: us mirrors are broken.07:01
Cooner750I still dont understand why Ubuntu comes with the mulitmedia codecs not installed. What a annoyance07:01
IcemanV9E17 won't come out 'til they're tired of testing it ;)07:02
Xyc0goldfish: so its not just me?07:02
AlbanianLordseems like microsoft07:02
qt2AlbanianLord, i was making a joke. ;)07:02
fortysixand2Iceman:  hopefully soon!07:02
tomchukComputer__Guru,  spend a litte time to get it customeized and learn its features, change the ugly icon theme, etc07:02
Frank_dotCooner750: they're usually legally dubious07:02
goldfishXyc0: nope, change mirrors07:02
AlbanianLordi was playing along07:02
Cooner750how come every other Distro I've used was able to play mp3s and other audio fine?07:02
tomchukComputer__Guru,  it takes some work but its nice once you;ve got it set up07:02
Xyc0goldfish: reccomend a good resorce to look for better mirrors?07:02
=== kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-23.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Coagthis really blow, this is the only distro i have not been able to get my wifi working07:03
Computer__Gurutomchuk: what i'd like to do is stop it's very annoying constant resizing feature07:03
AlbanianLordfolks g;night07:03
goldfishXyc0: just remove the us in your mirrors in sources.list07:03
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roybotniki am roybotnik's fiance07:03
Xyc0Coag: did you try ndiswrapper?07:03
raven3x7Cooner750 obviously you never tried fedora07:03
fortysixand2Albanian was running as root?!?!?07:03
roybotnikand he just took my laptop and installed ubuntu07:03
Coagthat is what i am using07:03
goldfishhe might have been07:03
roybotnikgranted it is better than windows, i just wish he would have said something07:03
tomchukComputer__Guru,  right-click in the window, options, filer windows, check never automatically resize07:03
qt2http://sitedocs.sourceforge.net/status/support_sitestatus.html <- lol, even the sourceforge site status page is down. :P07:03
Cooner750no. However it just bugs me.07:03
Computer__Gurutyvm, that right click int he window thing is what i was missing :)07:04
roybotnikand also made it so that i could still talk on my usual irc windows07:04
CoagXyc0 i am using ndiswrapper07:04
Cooner750I wish it was easy to install the codecs; but um.. I've tried it multiple times with no success, or freezing.....07:04
Coagi have to (WMP54G)07:04
roybotnikso, what is going on here?07:04
raven3x7Cooner750 you should complain to frauenhofer actually07:04
fortysixand2Coag is having wireless problems (still)  :(07:04
Xyc0Coag: and it wont work, what is the error you get?07:04
tomchukComputer__Guru,  one of the best features is you can just start typing a path and things like tab completion work07:04
arthurdent2coag: this helped me a lot http://www.gidforums.com/t-4390.html07:05
CoagXyc0 it doesnt see my router07:05
raven3x7Cooner thats weird07:05
Computer__Gururight on07:05
Computer__Guruyeah im playing in the options now07:05
fortysixand2elightenment's site is down  :(07:05
roybotnikwell, i guess i will go now07:05
roybotnikit is quite late here07:05
roybotnikhavea good one guys :)07:05
Computer__Gurupretty straightforward07:05
raven3x7need to go to work07:06
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Xyc0Coag: does ndiswrapper -l  tell you if hardware is present?07:07
Xyc0Coag: and iwconfig give what output?07:08
Coagtells me  ESSID: off/any07:08
Coagand i do iwconfig wlan0 ESSID my_network07:08
Coagand nothing changes07:08
Coagi do iwlist wlan0 scan07:09
Coagand not AP's are found07:09
Computer__Gurui need some icon sets for this thing :)07:09
IcemanV9Computer__Guru: xfce-look.org07:09
Xyc0Coag: what card are you using?07:09
=== deepthought [~mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
CoagLinksys wireless g WMP54G07:09
Xyc0what router?07:10
Xyc0Everything works on windows?07:10
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Coagand onother distos07:10
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Xyc0Coag: did you change the encryption to WEP for now?07:10
Xyc0tho that shouldnt matter07:11
CoagWEPis off07:11
tomchukComputer__Guru,  any icons you install for xfce should also work for rox07:11
Xyc0you have no encryption?07:11
Xyc0or WPA?07:11
Coagno encryption07:11
=== simplicity [~mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tomchukCoag,  try ifconfig wlan0 up; iwconfig wlan0 essid <essid> ; dhclient wlan007:12
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=== PlutoPrime [~Pluto@66-190-240-58.dhcp.klmt.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Gurutomchuk, how do i make that nifty goto: line stay there forever?07:13
Xyc0Anyone recommend a good package mirror for the West Coast?07:14
tomchukComputer__Guru,  not sure you can...07:14
glickheh my drive borked on my again :)07:14
Computer__Guruthere a kb shortcut for it?07:14
tomchukComputer__Guru,  just type a forward slash07:14
PlutoPrimegnomebaker 0.4 came out and I'm trying to compile from source .. tried to apt-get "libgnomeui-dev" and I get md5sum mismatch errors... what gives?? the packages in the repositories are foobar?07:14
Computer__Guruthats about as much of a shortcut as you can get, heh07:15
=== qt2 [~qt2@pool-64-223-233-139.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Computer__Gurutomchuk: i think i like this xfce thing a lot07:15
Coagsays no dhcpoffer recieved07:15
qt2tomchuk, take a guess as to what just happened...?07:15
tomchukCoag,  do you have wireless mac filter installed on the wrt54g?07:16
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tomchukqt2,  firefox crashed?07:16
kenosisSuddenly XMMS crashes frequently07:16
goldfishget beep-media-player07:17
kenosisbeep eh?07:17
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Coagtomchuk i am not going tomake any changes to my router, works for everyone else on every other os and distro than this07:17
tomchukCoag,  ok07:17
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Cooner750anyone tried VLC in Ubuntu?07:17
goldfishyes. it rocks.07:17
=== ny3ranger` [~wahidta@207-38-225-18.c3-0.43d-ubr10.qens-43d.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
goldfishvideo lan player07:18
goldfishmedia player07:18
goldfishcheck it out07:18
Computer__Gurutomchuk: can a folder be embedded into the panel as it can in kde?07:18
Xyc0only good for Videos tho07:18
Xyc0and mozilla plugin07:18
fortysixand2better than mplayer?07:18
kenosisOK I've got beep, but not UI?07:18
Coagshould i go for gentoo again though?07:18
kenosisNot in the menu anyway07:18
tomchukCoag,  do you have anything after  "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" in /etc/network/interfaces?07:18
goldfishfortysixand2: i prefer it.07:18
ny3ranger`whats wrong with the hoary documentation page?07:18
goldfishCoag: if u want :)07:19
kenosislol - I JUST got "beep".07:19
=== johnnybezak [~johnnybez@203-166-237-252.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
fortysixand2I like gentoo on faster machines, but this 1 Ghz celeron with 320MB RAM couldn't hack it07:19
johnnybezakhey guys07:19
Coagiface command not found07:20
goldfishkenosis: hah07:20
goldfishapt-cache search mencal07:20
goldfishjohnnybezak: hi.07:20
PlutoPrimeCoag, that's not a command, open /etc/network/interfaces with a text editor07:20
fortysixand2Coag:  I think tomchuk wanted you to "cat /etc/network/interfaces"07:20
kenosisAnyone here using "irc" (as in the terminal client)?07:21
tomchukCoag,  paste the contents of /etc/network/interfaces to  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl07:21
Coagic ant07:21
Coagno internet access07:21
goldfishCoag: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper?highlight=%28ndiswrapper%29 <- that shows you how to set up that file.07:21
Razor-XI converted yet another person to emacs ;)07:21
IcemanV9tomchuk: Coag's card is up running, but does not see the router - that is the problem07:21
goldfishRazor-X: Damn you.07:21
PlutoPrimeI have no internet access either :)07:21
emXkenosis: yeah07:21
johnnybezakkenosis: irssi?07:21
emXkenosis: irc -> irssi07:21
PlutoPrimeI'm talking to you through my l337 brain waves07:21
Razor-Xgoldfish: your grasp slips, MUAHAHAHAHA ;)07:21
goldfishirssi rocks.07:21
johnnybezaki agree07:21
emXgoldfish: :-)07:21
johnnybezakjust not on mac os x's terminal :P07:22
fortysixand2yeah, let's debate vi versus emacs07:22
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tomchukCoag,  you should have the line "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" in /etc/network/interfaces, but is there anything after that line like pre-up statements or wireless stuff?07:22
kenosisWell...wondering how to switch between multiple open channels, or if I have multiple open channels, and also how to back out of a channel into the main windw without exiting the whole program (ie /exit)07:22
emXkenosis: or /window show NUMBER07:22
goldfish/win !07:23
goldfishless typing :)07:23
goldfish /win 307:23
johnnybezakor ctrl-windownumber07:23
uboturumour has it, windows is Everything runs in linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office, or find an !alternative07:23
johnnybezakwhat the hell that is illegible07:24
goldfishalt + window-number07:24
johnnybezakwho wrote that07:24
mouse_hi all07:24
emXre: irssi, what is the nickcolor script called? nickcolor.pl?07:24
mouse_anyone noes the fstab for ubuntu?07:24
ubotugoldfish: I haven't a clue07:24
goldfishemX: try dau.pl :)07:24
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emXwhat's dau.pl?07:25
concept10mouse_, what was that?07:25
qt2tomchuk, firefox locled my computer.07:25
goldfishemX: "How to type like a moron"07:25
mouse_concept10, it's the file that mounts all the directories at boot time07:25
qt2tomchuk, the catch is, i didnt start installing any themes or extentions...07:25
concept10I know what it is07:25
kenosisOK - last question for the night: The command for su (not sudo) in Ubuntu? (sudo -H or something...)07:25
mouse_concept10, oh.. i can't seem to find it07:25
tomchukqt2,  weird, I haven't got a clue then07:26
emXkenosis: sudo -s07:26
kenosisThank you07:26
concept10locate fstab07:26
kenosisMore for the helpful attitude than even the answers - RARE on IRC07:26
mouse_ah ok07:26
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emXgoldfish: sorry, i didn't get what dau.pl was for...07:27
mouse_concept10, oh thanks! wish i knew the locate command before07:27
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johnnybezakhmmm time to get some more soup i think07:27
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ksmurfYAHOO!!!! I got it up....07:28
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tomchukjohnnybezak,  if by soup you mean tequila, I agree07:28
ksmurfmmmm tequila07:28
johnnybezaktomchuk: haha07:28
goldfishemX: emmm its for messing.07:28
johnnybezakanyone know where the roadmap to breezy is?07:29
emXgotcha -- reading the source...07:29
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Cooner750I get this when using sudo apt-get install vlc - E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?07:31
emXCooner750: do your errors also include something about MD5sums?07:31
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ksmurfanyone have any exper. with wpa on wireless?07:32
emXCooner750: oh.07:32
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bigfoot1hello all, you know, in your panel, the programs have an icon. For example Xchat has an orange "X", while Gnome Terminal has a black computer monitor. WHere is the icon file (a blue phone handset) for Kiax? I07:33
elmagozizoudoes any one use gparted here?07:33
ksmurfI do07:33
Cooner750I do. Until I got a error while resizing07:33
ksmurfelma what do u need07:33
elmagozizouI cant modify my particions...all apear whith a lock07:34
ksmurfsudo gparted07:34
elmagozizouiven if y execute gparted as root07:34
=== glick [~noobia@cpe-24-193-254-95.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tomchukelmagozizou,  just don't run it on mounted partitions07:34
Cooner750try unmounting the drive first07:34
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glickubuntu live cd is selling a false bill of goods07:34
ksmurfhow so glick?07:35
glickon the live CD my external fireweire drive worked perfectly07:35
glicki tested it07:35
bigfoot1anybody use kiax here?07:35
elmagozizouyeah but how can I umont the drive if Im working on it07:35
glicknow it hangs whenever i write large files from it07:35
glickto the local drive07:35
glicki had the same problem before07:35
ksmurfwhat format is it07:35
glickwhich is why i went back to debian07:35
Computer__Gurutomchuk: how do i set a custom size for terminal (130x42) and have it save for when i use terminal again?07:35
tomchukComputer__Guru,  which terminal?07:35
foxinesselmagozizou, first close anything like pdf07:36
glicki get Input/output error on the drive07:36
ksmurfhow much data?07:36
Computer__Guruthe one that comes with xfce07:36
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elmagozizouhow is that?07:36
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elmagozizoulike pdf?07:36
tomchukComputer__Guru,  I believe it's a wrapper for whatever terminal you have installed - probably xterm07:36
glickksmurf, a coupla gigs07:36
foxinesselmagozizou, if you open it from this drive next use "add-on-panel" Disk mounter07:37
glickbut i tested it with liveCD07:37
Computer__Guruhaha, happen to know the args for xterm by any chance?07:37
glicki wrote and read gigs of data to and from it07:37
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foxinesselmagozizou, to umount it from GUI07:37
tomchukComputer__Guru,  from the command line I think the --geometry= option should do it07:37
tomchukComputer__Guru,  don't have xterm installed though07:37
emXtomchuk: ?? no X?07:38
Computer__Guruthat did it07:38
tomchukemX,  no xterm07:38
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tomchukemX,  it's a seperate package, and not installed by default on Debian07:38
Computer__Gurutomchuk: it's xfterm4 and --geometry didnt work.. ill look at it07:38
nosHaving a problem connecting a Nokia Phone via USB, can anone help me out please?07:39
elmagozizou#5 foxiness, but this partition that im working on is the one that i want to rezise07:39
foxinesselmagozizou, i think you can not do that :)07:39
emXtomchuk: i though it was part of x-window-system-core...07:39
concept10anyone know of some playlist manager for XMMS or BMP sortof like Rhythm Box?07:39
emXi wish dpkg globbed...07:39
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foxinesselmagozizou, use something like live-cd07:40
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tomchukemX,  not on the new xorg packages in Sid07:40
emXtomchuk: hmm.07:40
tomchukemX,  er, rather I think the dep is a virtual for x-terminal-emulator07:40
ksmurfanyone have any exper. with wpa on wireless?07:41
tomchukemX,  I already had aterm installed07:41
emXtomchuk: maybe the switch to xorg changed it. my memory's faulty, i guess.07:41
emXtomchuk: i'm quite the fan of aterm myself.07:41
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tomchukemX,  yeah can't get enough of it with a tweaked .Xdefaults and proggy fonts07:41
emXtomchuk: which fonts are you using? i'm not totally happy with mine07:42
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tomchukemX,  proggy clean slashed-zero bold punctuation07:42
Computer__Gurutomchuk: it's saying that --geometry=80x42 should work but it's not working.. it's just ignoring the --geometry arg, and not giving me any output on stdout07:42
qt2tomchuk, i was wrong... backports ARE in my sources.list07:42
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nosHaving a problem connecting a Nokia Phone via USB, can anone help me out please?07:43
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glickdoes anyone know why i get input/output errors when i transfer from external firewire to local disk? it seems whenever the local disk has to write large chunks of data and momentarily suspend data transfer from the external disk, after that it hangs07:43
glickthis was my same problem months ago07:43
tomchukemX,  http://www.proggyfonts.com/07:43
minkis it possible to mount a .bin like one can mount an ISO ?07:43
qt2tomchuk, bad thing?07:43
Computer__Guruglick: firewire driver buffer problem, sounds like07:43
glickwhich is why i switched back to debian07:43
emXtomchuk: tx...07:43
glickComputer__Guru, debian doesnt have these problems07:43
Computer__Guruthats the easy way out07:43
emXglick: debian's great too.07:43
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Computer__Guruno, debian has a whole host of its very own problems07:43
tomchukqt2,  try commenting out the backports repo from sources.list, do an apt-get update; apt-get remove mozilla-firefox; apt-get install mozilla-firefox07:44
glicki guess it will never be fixed this problem07:44
glickcause i had this months and months ago07:44
evillightAnyone know what causes the pivot_root/ dev/console: no such device error after compiling/installing a new 2.6.10 kernel?07:44
glickat least not on ubntu07:44
emXtomchuk: pardon the (rather) silly question, but i don't use X all that much. how'd you install your fonts?07:44
minkis it possible to mount a .bin like one can mount an ISO ?07:44
cafuegoglick: Different kernel? Might one have a broken driver?07:44
glickit worked on the liveCD07:44
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glickso i assumed it would work on the installled version07:45
cafuegomink: No. You should convert it to .iso first07:45
tomchukemX,  copy them to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc for the pcf fonts07:45
cafuego!find bchunk07:45
ubotubchunk: (CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr), section universe/otherosfs, is optional. Version: 1.2.0-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 12 kB, Installed size: 68 kB07:45
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emXtomchuk: tx.07:45
tomchukemX,  the ttf fonts from that site are hideous07:45
cafuegotomchuk: Don't PCF fonts work in ~/.fonts ?07:46
spo0nmanis there a document to make DRI work?07:46
tomchukcafuego,  dunno, never tried07:46
spo0nmanis dri packaged?07:46
cafuegospo0nman: Dri is a set of kernel and X driver features. Not  apackage.07:46
tomchukspo0nman,  http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/Documentation07:46
emXcafuego: as pcf.tgz or extracted?07:47
minkcafuego - guess if I have the .bin but not the .cue i'm SOL ?07:47
cafuegoemX: extracted I expect07:47
cafuegomink: You can create the .cue with $EDITOR07:47
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evillightAnyone know what causes the pivot_root/ dev/console: no such device error after compiling/installing a new 2.6.10 kernel?07:47
liableApina: look in /tmp too07:47
spo0nmancafuego: i need to recompile or i can load it as a module?07:47
mink$EDITOR :?07:47
spo0nmantomchuk: thanks.07:47
max__Could anyone here help me on how to create an FAT32 partition on a 250gig harddrive?07:48
cafuegospo0nman: You can load it if you have a supported video card. otheriwse you may need additional packages.07:48
elmagozizouWhy does my printer doesnt work?????07:48
rok47you have to turn it on07:48
foxinessmax__, there are many way07:48
elmagozizouI have a HP deskjet 840c07:48
elmagozizouand aparently linux recognize it07:48
max__Well I've been running into difficulty trying to use fdisk.07:48
elmagozizoubut it doesnt print!07:49
elmagozizouand any one help me?07:49
max__Namely it says that the resource is busy (error 16) when I try to write the changes.07:49
tomchukmax__,  apt-get install dosfstools, and use mkdosfs /dev/hdXn07:49
dr_williselmagozizou,  that a printer/scanner combo?07:49
foxinessmax__, try cfdisk than07:49
dell500has anyone here messed with lm-sensors?07:49
tomchukmax__,  you cannot run fdisk on a drive with mounted partitions07:49
glicki think i know what the problem is07:49
minkcafuego - can you go into more detail on what you mean by with $EDITOR ?07:49
evillight$EDITOR = text editor of choice07:50
glickhey is anyone using a single partition with reiser?07:50
emXmink: use your preferred text editor07:50
max__Right, so I did a umount, still wouldn't work.07:50
elmagozizou#5 dr_willis , no is just a printer07:50
cafuegomink: echo -e "FILE \"mydisk.iso\" BINARY\n\tTRACK 1 MODE1/2352\n\tINDEX 1 00:00:00\n" > whatever.cue07:50
foxinessmax__, but remember if you fromat something like fat32 for windowsXP for exp. may not work like you exp07:50
elmagozizou#5 dr_willis , all the documents that i send to print stays in waiting list07:50
minkok I try07:50
cafuegomink: Make sure the cue has the same name as the bin, run bchunk on it, viola.07:50
max__I thought that FAT32 was compatible with both Linux and Windows in terms of read & write.07:51
minki replace mydisk.iso07:51
minkwith the filename07:51
cafuegomink: if you want to07:51
minkdon't need too?07:51
cafuegomink: mydisk.iso is the filename bchunk will convert it to07:51
foxinessmax__, sure but better if you create this from tool like partition magic07:51
cafuegomink: Oh, that will NOT work if it's a dual format disk image07:51
evillightAnyone know what causes the pivot_root/ dev/console: no such device error after compiling/installing a new 2.6.10 kernel?07:52
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minkits working07:52
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minkwhen it says <basename>07:52
minkwhat does it want?07:52
max__Alright.  One last quick question, is W95 FAT32 the FAT32 filesystem?07:52
foxinessmax__, you can try do this from linux and see if it will work with you or not07:52
cafuegomink: ANy alphanumeric string07:52
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foxinessmax__, yes07:52
max__Alright, thank you very much, let me try this right now.07:53
tomchukevillight,  sounds like you messed up in your config - did you compile in devfs (you shouldn't have)07:53
Xyc0As a temporary fix for the broken US mirrors, reccomend you edit the source.list file and remover the us. in the mirror url07:53
foxinessmax__, good luck07:53
Xyc0It makes life a bit easier07:53
Xyc0untill fixed07:53
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tomchukevillight,  and you did compile filesystem drivers for your root  and bootg partition into your kernel?07:54
evillighttomchuk: yes, I did because it was trying to mount something with it (in the previous kernel compile) it would halt with a kernel panic of devfs unknown fs07:54
evillighttomchuk: yes, not as modules07:54
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tomchukevillight,  a little background - hoary or warty, do you have a kernel that works?07:55
evillighthoary, yes, I am booted into the stock kernel as we speak07:55
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cafuegoevillight: Did you set up an initrd image in the bootloader when you really needn't have bothered?07:55
evillightcafuego: no previously I did not07:56
qt2...okay ...maybe it ISN'T just firefox doing it07:56
glickyeah i think i kow what the problem is :(07:56
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qt2it crashed with firefox not even installed.07:56
cafuegoevillight: Well, without initrd there's no reason for it to call pivot_root07:56
MidNightRaVeNdo any of you guys use dvdrip here?07:56
glickgod damnit!07:56
cafuegoglick: Yes?07:56
tomchukevillight,  pata, sata or scsi root?07:56
glickmy drive isnt broken07:56
glickubuntu isnt broken07:57
glickits fuckin FAT07:57
glickthat particular partition was FAT07:57
glickFAT was fuckin up07:57
=== cafuego shrugs
MidNightRaVeNanyone use dvdrip =/ ?07:57
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emXMidNightRaVeN: no, but i use dvdbackup...07:57
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glicki tried transferring a large amount of data with a reiser partition on the same disk and it works no problem07:57
MidNightRaVeNemX: hmmmm.... work well?07:57
evillighttomchuk: pata07:58
glickwindows can not read ext3 can it?07:58
emXMidNightRaVeN: well enough for me; what do you need?07:58
burneranyone know if there are gnome baker .4 .debs yet?07:58
emXglick: nak07:58
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burnerglick: ext2fs07:58
glickcan windows read any linux filesystems?07:58
darei thought not07:58
tomchukevillight,   and /boot/grub/menu.lst has the same "root=" for the working and non-working kernels?07:58
glickBurgundavia, ext2?07:58
cafuegoglick: Not natively, but with free drivers it can read and write ext2.07:58
coreyois there an ubuntu kernel package for 2.6.11 that works well?07:58
glickit can read ext2?07:58
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evillighttomchuk: yes07:58
burnerglick: it can read ext2/3 but only copy the data off to a windows partition to open and manipulate07:58
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glickburner, i need to write to ext207:59
MidNightRaVeNemX: dvdrip is giving me a wierd error thing in the preferences and i have no idea what it means... is says "Default data base directory: has whitespace: NOT ok07:59
evillighttomchuk: previously it would not mount root, even though both options referred to the same /dev07:59
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cafuegoglick: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsd/07:59
dareQuick question - to view Xvid movies is there more i need to do other than install an xvid codec?07:59
cafuegoglick: It can write to ext2 just fine with that driver.07:59
kakaltowhen will the version of firefox in the repos be updated to 1.0.5?07:59
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burnerooh... i've never seen what cafuego pasted before... i'll have to try08:00
whoiamsomeone please help me installing firefox on Kubuntu08:00
emXMidNightRaVeN: i've played a bit with dvd::rip, but i haven't come across that error. some more context?08:00
thechitowncubskakalto: the repos will be updated with the security patches applied to the 1.0.2 version i believe08:00
coreyodoes ubuntu have a frontend similar to packages.debian.org where i can look for packages and their components?08:00
dell500can anyone here help me with lm-sensors to work with superkaramba/kde-look?08:00
cafuegoburner: it's a service/driver with mount.exe08:00
tomchukevillight,  hmm are you using an initrd with the new kernel, do you have a stray initrd line in menu.lst if not08:00
burnercafuego: question about it... if i have an mp3 on an ext3, can windows play it?  or say... an image, can it read it?  without copying to a fat or ntfs?08:00
emXcoreyo: in the terminal: apt-cache search PACKAGE08:00
evillighttomchuk: I've searched all over and have been working on this problem since last night, so thanks for the help :)08:00
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cafuegoburner: just mount yer partition on a drive letter.08:00
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kakaltothanks thechitowncubs08:00
Hackmohey, can someone tell me how to check if my wireless network card is detected in Ubuntu08:00
cafuegoburner: it has no issues with my DivXes and MP3s on ext3 even :-)08:01
evillighttomchuk: no, the entry for the new kernel did not have an initrd line08:01
dikadikahello, is there a trick to installing new hardware? i added a dvd+rw drive and it is not recognized in ubuntu08:01
tomchukHackmo,  sudo ifconfig -a should show all your recognized interfaces08:01
burnerbad ass... it'll be nice to put my music and pictures on a ext3 instead of crappy fat or no windows support at all08:01
thechitowncubsi've got a general question, when i'm in windows, firefox seems a lot more responsive during the switching of tabs, loading of pages, startup... anyone know the answer to this? i've always wondered08:01
burnerthanks cafuego08:01
whyameye_where do I add configuration settings for alsa that are seen for all users?08:01
tomchukevillight,  are they kernel.org sources?08:01
thechitowncubswhy isn't it as fast in linux/ubuntu...08:01
burnernow if only I could convert a reiserfs to ext3 without data loss ;)08:01
MidNightRaVeNemX: well... basically i'm running dvdrip on my chroot of 32 bit cuz my 64 bit won't install some drivers needed to run it... and i've been trying to figure out how to fix that preference but i dunno how... I just want to rip some dvd's i have and maybe i should just find another alternative?08:01
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cafuegoburner: Yes, same with my DVD backups. FAT has a 4GB size limit, which is shit for 4.7GB disk images <heh>08:01
evillighttomchuk: from the repos's08:01
burneri thought fat was 2 gig even08:02
tomchukevillight,  did you build them the Debian Way(tm)08:02
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thechitowncubsit seems to go unresponsive when it tries to load a long page, such as a slashdot article with a lot of comments08:02
cafuegoburner: fat32 goes to 4 anyway08:02
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Hackmotomchuk: ifconfig -a shows lo and sit0 but I don't know if any of them are my net card08:02
tomchukHackmo,  no they aren't08:02
evillighttomchuk: I followed the howto on Ubuntu Forums08:02
tomchukHackmo,  what card?08:02
emXHackmo: iwconfig08:03
TokenBadok wtf in ubuntu would make it keep making this sound...at random times08:03
TokenBadlike something closed08:03
TokenBador connected08:03
TokenBador something08:03
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evillighttomchuk: compiled kernels before, no biggy.. but just wanted to see if there was anything special since this is my first attempt with ubuntu, I'm a previous slack and debian user08:03
Hackmotomchuk: it's a netgear Wg311T08:03
dareTokenBad: are you running gaim?08:03
emXMidNightRaVeN: i use dvdbackup to mirror disks to my hdd, dvdshrink (in wine) to requantize, and growisofs to burn08:03
dareit has sounds for all status changes08:03
HackmoemX: iwconfig shows no wireless extensions08:03
darego and turn them off in preferences08:03
emXHackmo: that suggests that the default install didn't pick up on your card.08:04
MidNightRaVeNemX: what is wine?08:04
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poningrucan someone transfer me there htp file from /usr/lib/apt/methods/08:04
emXMidNightRaVeN: wine -> "wine's not an emulator", wrapper to run windows programs under linux08:04
poningruerr their08:04
HackmoemX: how do I get it working?08:04
TokenBadthanks dare it was the buddy log out noise I was hearing08:04
tomchukevillight, so this is a devfs-enabled kernel right?08:04
HackmoemX: I checked the supported hardware on the Ubuntu wiki and it says that it should work, i'm running warty btw08:05
evillighttomchuk: Yes, this one is08:05
evillighttomchuk: I would gladly turn it off hehe, in fact I may try that again08:05
emXHackmo: i think i used to have a wg311t; don't remember if i got it working or not...hang on.08:05
MidNightRaVeNemX: maybe i'll have to give that a go =/ is it really complicated lol? just out of curiousity, to use dvdbackup?08:05
poningruso no one?08:05
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HackmoemX, : ok thanks08:06
dell500how do i uninstall an app, such as lm-sensors?08:06
tomchukevillight,  you'd need to manually create the console device if you want to run devfs, and installing devfsd wouldn't hurt either08:06
emXMidNightRaVeN: dvdbackup -M -i /dev/dvd -o ~/DVD08:06
poningrudell500: if you installed through apt08:06
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spo0nmanok I have a the Unichrome video card is there a ubuntu way to get dri and 3d working? or I need to compile my own X and drivers?08:06
dareYep i had that on too... just turned it off08:06
poningruthen you can just go into synaptic and uncheck the thing08:06
emXMidNightRaVeN: dvdshrink is easy to use, too; there are examples at the end of the growisofs manpage for burning dvds, as well.08:06
MidNightRaVeNemX: i'm guessing that's the only line you need lol08:06
dell500poningru, sweet08:06
emXMidNightRaVeN: yep08:06
darei just installed Ubuntu today... i'm trying to figure out how to get my divx/xvid movies to play08:07
tomchukevillight,  and to create /dev/console you'd have to umount tmpfs from /dev/ so it would last through the reboot08:07
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goldfishdell500: sudo apt-get remove lm_sensors --purge08:07
poningrudare: ubuntuguide.org08:07
darei installed the xvid codec... but Totem doesn't seem to recognize it08:07
HackmoemX: I have a WG311T in my hoary box and it works fine08:07
MidNightRaVeNemX: sweet =) thx! I'll try that instead of dvdrip, let's just hope i don't blow anything up ;-)08:07
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emXHackmo: it uses the ath driver, right?08:07
emXMidNightRaVeN: :-) shouldn't be able to hurt much copying dvds...08:07
HackmoemX: yeah it's the atheros chipset08:07
burnerdare: www.ubuntuguide.org will tell, but basically just apt-get install totem-xine08:07
evillighttomchuk: last through the reboot? explain please :)08:07
emXand lsmod | grep ath doesn't show anything?08:08
darecool thanks08:08
=== Aegir [~Richard@d220-238-50-203.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
tomchukevillight,  AFAIK, udev creates device nodes on a tmpfs which are destroyed when the tmpfs is unmounted08:08
dareis there a global keyboard shortcut to open a terminal?08:08
ubotuhmm... ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.08:08
goldfishdare: ^^ :)08:08
evillightoh i see08:08
dell500anyone here use superkaramba for themes such as cynapses?08:08
evillighttomchuk: umount tmpfs and then create /dev/console ?08:09
emXHackmo: wanna paste the output from 'ifconfig -a' and 'iwconfig' on the pasetbin?08:09
dareif you mean SHIFT+66 that doesn't do it ?08:09
evillighttomchuk: and then reboot?08:09
dikadikais there a new hardware detection method in ubuntu?08:09
goldfishdare: ubuntuguide is frowned upon.08:09
dareoh i see08:09
HackmoemX: ok give me a second08:09
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tomchukevillight, well if your box stays up long enough with no /dev ;)08:09
poningrugoldfish: why?08:09
darelet me bookmark these other links then...08:09
tomchukevillight,  any particular reason for wanting devfs?08:09
thechitowncubsi guess im the only one that notices the slowness08:09
poningruthechitowncubs: what slowness?08:10
=== La_PaRCa [~parca@cable200-116-215-17.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
dareBut anyways, so is there a keyboard shortcut to open a new terminal?08:10
evillighttomchuk: none, only that something was trying to use it with the previous compile attempt on boot08:10
poningrudare: if there isnt one you can set one up08:10
burnerdare: in gnome, u can create one08:10
La_PaRCaI remember I could use Applications:/// in gnome to access the apps in the menu, but I cant do that in hoary. Any equivalents?08:10
burnerdare: well, technically... metacity handles that08:11
dikadikahow do i get ubuntu to recognize my dvd drive i just installed?08:11
poningrudare: system->preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts08:11
crimsundikadika: it should recognise it automatically08:11
darenice =D08:11
tomchukevillight,  did you enable /dev/pts filesystem support?08:11
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darethx poningru08:11
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dikadikacrimsun, thanks for responding, so since it didnt, i should assume something is wrong08:11
evillighttomchuk: good question, let me check08:11
poningrunow if only someone would help me08:11
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dareim a n00b lol =D08:12
gijoshHey.  I created an extra partition on another hard drive.  How do I format it with reiserfs.08:12
crimsundikadika: not necessarily. grep ^hd /var/log/dmesg08:12
poningrudare: actually you can help08:12
darewhat's the problem?08:12
poningrucan you go into08:12
poningruerr hold on08:12
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HackmoemX: this is iwconfig http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/61408:12
evillighttomchuk: CONFIG_DEVPTS_FS_XATTR=y08:12
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poningrucan you go into  /usr/lib/apt/methods/08:12
poningruand transfer me the htp file08:12
HackmoemX: I can't put up iwconfig -a because their is too much for me to type up08:13
tomchukevillight,  hrm, one sec.. let me check my config08:13
evillighttomchuk: ok08:13
dikadikacrimsun, since it is a sata drive i used sd rather then hd, it didnt return anything08:13
dareu mean the http file?08:13
qt2tried to manually install 1.0.5... "DLError: libxpcom.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" during install... might that be the reason its been locking  up?08:13
poningrudare: there is no htp file?08:13
poningruhmm somethings fishy08:13
whyameyeto run totem-xine from the command window, I just type totem?08:13
poningruok thanks dude08:13
emXHackmo: first, can you manually insert the ath kernel module? 'sudo modprobe ath'?08:13
dareno worries08:13
burnerwhyameye: yes08:13
gijoshIs there a way to mount two different partitions to /home?  I'm running out of space for my /home partition, and I have an entirely seperate hard drive for extra space.  I set up a partition on it, and I'm about to format it.08:14
darebzip2  cdrom  copy  file  ftp  gpgv  gzip  http  rsh  ssh08:14
darethose are the ones there08:14
dikadikacrimsun, but hd did return something drives hda and hdc, but nothing else (those were installed before)08:14
HackmoemX: "FATAL: Module not found."08:14
whyameyeburner: okay it isn't working then. I just get the command prompt back. I think it is because I just switched from ESD to ALSA. Can I tell totem to use ALSA?08:14
burnergijosh: when you put a file there, how would it know which partition to go to?08:14
evillightgijosh: no, but you should be able to mount the seperate drive within your home directory....08:15
poningruyeah thats what I have too08:15
burnerwhyameye: man totem08:15
poningruI probably messed up my source.list08:15
crimsunwhyameye: you need to configure gstreamer-properties's default audio sink to alsa08:15
nickrudgijosh, I've heard of things called lvm and evms or some other acronym; I just added an extra partition for the big stuff: media and the like08:15
emXHackmo: sorry, ath -> ath_pci (i think)...08:15
tomchukevillight,  do a diff -Naur between /boot/config-2.6.10(working kernel) and /usr/src/linux/.config and paste it to the pastebin08:15
gijoshevillight:  Yea I figured I could.  burner:  Well, I'm sure developers could figure out a way. ;)08:15
whyameyecrimsun, gstreamer-properties already is set to alsa.08:15
HackmoemX: ok done, didn't give me any output though08:16
gijoshAll the space is being taken up by my videos folder, so I'll probably split it up in two.08:16
emXHackmo: now lsmod | grep ath08:16
darehey does anyone find that GAIM will automatically position itself to the left of the screen, regardless of where you minimize it from?08:16
crimsunwhyameye: so test works successfully?08:16
HackmoemX: ok done08:17
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emXHackmo: now iwconfig; do you see ath0 there?08:17
whyameyecrimsun, I'm not familiar with test. I type "test" at the command prompt and I get the prompt back again. Not sure what this means...08:17
HackmoemX: no still not there08:17
MidNightRaVeNemX:  how long does it normally take for dvdbackup to make an image?08:17
emXHackmo: ok -- are you on a laptop?08:17
crimsunno, the test for the default audio sink in gstreamer-properities08:17
HackmoemX: no, desktop08:18
emXMidNightRaVeN: depends on the hardware. i usually take ~30m on a AMD64 3200+08:18
whyameyecrimsun, in general I have sound. All the ubuntu sounds are there. VLC runs fine...08:18
gijoshHow do you format a partition to ext3?08:18
emXHackmo: and the PCI card is all plugged in and stuff? just checking...08:18
MidNightRaVeNemX: you're using 64 as well =D ??08:18
HackmoemX: yeah it's plugged in and the led showing that it is connected is lit08:18
emXMidNightRaVeN: running 32bit on the 64bit processor, though08:19
weiersHi, I have a problem with GRUB - it does not want to load my windows XP. I get the following error message: Root (Hd1,0) Filesystem type unknown, partition typ0x7, safe default, makeactive, cahiloader +1 ... and then everything just stops. I have to reboot. Can somebody shed some light?08:19
emXHackmo: ok. do you see the card in the output of 'lspci'?08:19
crimsunwhyameye: are you using totem or totem-xine?08:19
nickrudgijosh, I cheat a bit, and use cfdisk08:19
HackmoemX: yeah I do08:19
MidNightRaVeNemX: same same..... can't run any apps well or easily otherwise... have you been able to play dvd's smoothly under the 64 or are you using 32?08:20
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emXHackmo: 'sudo ifconfig ath0 up'08:20
emXMidNightRaVeN: haven't really used the 64bit stuff yet. i actually built this box with the intention of running mythtv/freevo on it, etc and doing HDTV08:20
emXMidNightRaVeN: haven't gotten around to the software side of all that, though; just a regular box for now with an hdtv card.08:21
HackmoemX: "ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device"08:21
emXHackmo: hrrm. is this a known good card?08:21
HackmoemX: yeah it's a good card, I use it in my other Ubuntu box.  It's also on the ubuntu wiki under supported hardware08:22
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whyameyecrimsun, I'm using totem-xine. I just got it to work. I had to kill a runaway process of it, then it loaded up and plays great!08:22
MidNightRaVeNemX: koo =) i haven't been able to do much of jack with 64 cuz I'm a linux newb for one ;-) and two... it looks hard enough for some one who does know what they are doing so I've kinda just gone to 32 for most my apps... o well lol thx for the help though!08:22
emXMidNightRaVeN: np.08:22
gijoshnickrud: cfdisk doesn't have filesystems like ext3 or resier or whatever under its list. It just sais Linux.  What does it meen by that?08:23
crimsunwhyameye: great.08:23
HackmoemX: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards?highlight=%28support%2908:23
darei tried using apt-get to get codecs like it says in ubuntuguide, but all of them say the dependency trees were not found08:23
OberAlbus Dumbledore dies, Half Blood Prince is Godric Gryffindor, Hermione and Ron are finally a thing, Draco leaves Hogwarts!!!08:23
emXHackmo: i've read it :-)08:23
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HackmoemX: Ok, just showing you where I was getting it from08:23
emXHackmo: i was wondering more if you knew that the physical card itself was good -- seems it should be08:23
HackmoemX: ah i've not tried it in any other computer but it was a brand new card bought from dabs08:24
dell500trying to get the sensors to work, i do this sudo modprobe smbus-arp and get this FATAL: Module smbus_arp not found.08:24
=== Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
HackmoemX: and it's being picked up under lspci08:24
nickrudgijosh, under type (at the bottom) you have a lot of options for formatting, if i remember correctly08:24
Computer__Guruis there a menu editor for xfce4?08:25
emXHackmo: that's persuasive enough for me...08:25
emXHackmo: can you name the devices seen in 'ifconfig -a'?08:25
crimsunComputer__Guru: included in xfce4? yes.08:25
poningrudare: use synaptic if you can08:25
HackmoemX: lo and sit008:25
tomchukComputer__Guru,  xfce4-menueditor08:25
nickrudgijosh, sorry, I made the mistake of believing my memory rather than checking first08:26
weierscrimsun - last night (about 10 hours ago) you advices me to install snd-azx and alsa source and sent me the command to do that. I ran the command and it seems the alsa source downloaded and began to install, but it eventually encountered an error. Every time I run the command it encounters the error again. I wonder if you could look at the output and advise me what I could do to get sound working? I posted the output in the paste bin a few minutes ago.08:26
gijoshnickrud: Lol, man.  I figured it out anyway. :)08:26
nickrudgijosh, yeah, mkfs.ext3 :)08:27
dareponingru: what should i be searching for? xvid returns no entries, i tried instealling some MPEG codecs...08:27
poningruhmm what was the name of the package you tried with apt?08:27
dell500is there a way to undo a modprobe command?08:27
emXHackmo: hate to say it, but i'm falling asleep...08:28
PlutoPrimedell500, rmmod modname08:28
crimsunweiers: sure08:28
HackmoemX: lol ok, thanks for your help i'll figure it out somehow08:28
weiersthanks very much crimsun08:28
poningrudare: dont just do a name search do a name and description search08:28
poningruand are you sure you have enabled all the repositories?08:29
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dell500PlutoPrime, thanks08:29
darehuh? i have to enable repositories?08:29
MidNightRaVeNemX: you think it's ok to run other programs while using dvdbackup?? or should i just let it burn away with no distrurbance?08:29
poningruyeah there are a couple that are not enabled by default08:29
gijoshEr, when editing fstab, if the folder you want to mount a partition too's name ends up taking it into the next column, how do you take care of that?08:29
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dareok i'm lookijng at the repository list08:29
darewhere does it show if they are enabled or not08:29
emXMidNightRaVeN: should be fine, although it eats up a lot of CPU (for me) -- firefox gets sluggish.08:29
poningrujust go into advanced08:29
mophat..  what's the name of the default burning package that comes with ubuntu .. i want to apt-get remove it .. i'm using k3b now08:30
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thechitowncubsMY sisters computer has been out of order for a while and i have some free time to fix it but i have no idea what to look for, i got into recovery mode... the thing that wont work is that the gdm won't completely start, the cursor shows up and all but the gdm login never shows. I would appreciate any support :)08:30
nickrudOh, good, the ubuntu guide is getting fixed after all08:30
dareok i got it08:30
MidNightRaVeNemX: i have a 3500+ so it's not really all that much better ;-)08:30
dareso i should enable all of them?08:30
Novicei have problems installing ubuntu; after it displays the message the remove ur cdroms media and it will reboot, it just hangs after displaying grub08:30
poningruthere should only be two that are not enabled08:30
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darei saw 408:30
poningruhmm really?08:30
mophatwhat's the burninig software that comes by default08:30
darei think each had a clone though08:31
emXMidNightRaVeN: you could go ahead and install wine/dvdshrink/growisofs whiel you wait..l08:31
poningruthere were 4 disabled?08:31
darewait it's reloading the source list08:31
emXnight all...08:31
poningrunight dude08:31
MidNightRaVeNemX: lol wait08:31
tomchukmophat,  nautilus-cd-burner08:31
HackmoemX: night08:31
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mophattomchuk, gracia08:31
weiersemX: I just got up08:31
emX_conked-outweiers: ah, the life.08:31
mophat=] 08:31
MidNightRaVeNemX_conked-out: awwww ='(08:31
PlutoPrimethechitowncubs, that happened to me too and the problem went away on it's own08:31
PlutoPrimeI use backports.. so could have been one of the updates from there that messed it up08:32
thechitowncubsPlutoPrime, well it isn't, its been doing it for about a week through constant reboots and all08:32
mophatthis is definatly a beauty distro08:32
PlutoPrimehave you tried making a new account and see if you can login ok?08:32
gijoshI think I'm going to beet up fstab now08:32
mophatdefinatly a b E  A yooot08:32
thechitowncubsshe said it happened when she was burning a cd in graveman, it froze so she rebooted and now its not working08:32
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PlutoPrimeyou can make an account through the terminal and try see if it can successfuly login... if you can then something got messed up with her profile08:33
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thechitowncubsPlutoPrime: well the gdm won't start08:33
thechitowncubsPlutoPrime: so i can't even get that far, unless making a new user would help in some odd way08:33
PlutoPrimedo you see the cursor?? doex X load?08:33
thechitowncubsya, the cursor loads08:33
thechitowncubsi can't even get to a virtual terminal08:33
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nickrudthechitowncubs, if you get the cursor, X is getting somewhere: look at the end of /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/gdm/gdm/\:0.log for some clues08:34
thechitowncubsalright, i'll put that in my notes for tomorrow :)08:34
evillighttomchuk: well, it seems I was being a complete retard. I have no need to recompile08:34
thechitowncubsany other ideas?08:34
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PlutoPrimeI can't think of anything else... it's really odd08:34
tomchukevillight,  ???? I'm on the edge of my seat08:34
PlutoPrimeout of anything that would break I would imagine gnome would.. not gdm08:35
dareponingru: do i have to do some sort of refresh after installing codec libaries?08:35
poningrunot really08:35
PlutoPrimedid she install some invalid theme for GDM maybe?08:35
evillighttomchuk: it looks like both were compiled in stock08:35
darei installed libavcodec which had some good other dependencies that came with it08:35
dareand i have xvid installed08:35
=== Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
darewhat the heck else does totem want =/08:35
tomchukevillight,  cool08:35
darewait you know in the package list08:36
poningrudare: http://ubuntuguide.org/#codecs08:36
evillighttomchuk: one problem, when I switch to console from X, my consoles are garbled. =/08:36
poningrudid you follow that?08:36
daredude i just linked you to that08:36
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dareto tell you it didn't work =P08:36
tomchukevillight,  how so?08:36
dareoh wait08:36
darei'm supposed to try again aren't i08:36
dareteehee :x08:36
evillighttomchuk: it looks as if the text is still in 792 mode, but it's trying to display in default 80x25 mode08:36
evillighttomchuk: that make sense? heh08:36
tomchukevillight,  oh, you're using a framebuffer console?08:37
evillighttomchuk: yes, boot option vga=792 in grub08:37
tomchukevillight,  any other video options?08:37
evillighttomchuk: I could try others, but that's what I'm used to, though I have no loyalty to it ;)08:38
tomchukevillight,  try adding video=vesa:mtrr,ywrap08:38
evillighttomchuk: ok08:38
Xyc0How do I make VLC default Media Player?08:41
weiersAnybody have any idea what I must do to get GRUB to boot my windows XP? I just get a message: root (hd1,0) - Filesystem type unknown, Partitiontyp 0x708:41
nickruddare, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingCodecsToTotemHowTo may help08:41
=== Stalkr [Stalkr@71-35-119-75.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
PlutoPrimeXyc0, rightlick file, properties, Open With tab, Add Vlc if not in the list, or select it form the list if it's there08:42
Stalkris there a startup floppy image for ubuntu?08:42
crimsunsee the netboot images08:42
Xyc0PlutoPrime: ERROR: Could not add application to application database08:43
Xyc0PlutoPrime: its in the list08:43
Xyc0PlutoPrime: I just get that08:43
PlutoPrimethat's a problem08:43
nickruddare, if you have the codecs from backports (I think they're in /usr/lib/win32) link from there in the totem-addons  chunk08:43
PlutoPrimehow did you install VLC?08:43
weierscrimsun: did the output give you any idea of what might be going wrong?08:43
darei followed ubuntuguide and installed codecs08:44
darethe movie loads now08:44
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darebut it's choppy08:44
PlutoPrimeXyc0, I haven't dealt with that error, I suggest you try adding it again if it's there, simply point the path to /usr/bin/vlc08:44
darewhy is this?08:44
Xyc0PlutoPrime: I got it, I used custom command, vlc08:44
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Xyc0PlutoPrime: I guess it didnt like the wxvlc command08:44
thechitowncubshave you guys read any good books lately?08:45
Xyc0Shadow of the Giant08:45
=== Genesee [~Genesee@cpe-69-203-10-218.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Xyc0By Orson Scott Card08:45
ICXCNIKA"Tai-Pan" by James Clavell.08:45
StalkrSo I guess there isn't08:46
weiers"Dark night of the soul" by St. John of the Cross :-)08:46
nickrudChain of Fools by Steven Womack08:46
Xyc0Shadow of the Giant is the next book in the Ender's Shadow Series08:46
ICXCNIKAAnyway, I am probably going to download Ubuntu in a month. I need to make a list of what programs I need (IRC clients, etc).08:46
crimsunweiers: not really. Which options did you choose while running dpkg-reconfigure alsa-source?08:46
Stalkrthechitowncubs: I read The Broker by John Grisham.08:46
thechitowncubsnice nice08:46
darei will try adding the codecs to the addon folder08:46
Xyc0ICXCNIKA: almoist everything is installed with Ubuntu08:46
poningrudare: the choppiness?08:46
ICXCNIKAIncluding an IRC client?08:46
poningruits because of totem08:46
poningrutry vlc08:46
Xyc0ICXCNIKA: Gaim08:46
tomchukICXCNIKA,  xchat08:47
AgrajagGaim is not an IRC client08:47
poningrualso are you playing the vid from cd?08:47
Xyc0yes it is08:47
tomchukICXCNIKA,  irssi as well08:47
weierscrimsun: It gave me two options - one where I chose the driver (AZX) and another where it asked me to generate some feedback or code to help with debugging. I chose yes.08:47
poningruyeah gaim sucks as an IRC client08:47
Agrajagit happens to have IRC functionality, but come on, it's horrid08:47
poningruyou cant run any commands08:47
ICXCNIKAHmm. I don't use AOL Instant Messenger.08:47
Xyc0hell no, gaim with gaim-irchelper is awsome08:47
Agrajaggaim works with all IM networks08:47
crimsunweiers: I hope you answered "no" to PnP08:47
=== blrich [~blrich@c220-239-6-54.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
blrichanyone know where i can get skype in the debian tree? repositories for it?08:48
=== SysFail [~chains@12-202-163-214.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
ICXCNIKAI have windows right now, so I use mIRC.08:48
blrichi have the extra repositories from the ubuntu guide but can't find it anywhere in there08:48
weierscrimsun: I am trying that now, I still said yes for the debuggin08:48
=== evillight [el@adsl-64-217-182-136.dsl.lgvwtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
tomchukICXCNIKA,  xchat is probably the closest equivalent08:49
evillighttomchuk: no go, still garbled08:49
Xyc0blrich: http://ubuntuguide.org/#skype08:49
tomchukevillight,  what video card?08:49
StalkrAnyone know how I can install ubuntu if my cdrom won't initialize for a boot?08:49
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evillighttomchuk: GeForce2 MX44008:49
weierscrimsun: I still get the message that the dpkg-deb: package name has characters that are not accepteble08:49
poningruStalkr: I remember there being a net installer08:50
ICXCNIKABut I presume irssi is a good client.08:50
poningrubut dont remember any details08:50
Xyc0Stalkr: That is a bios problem08:50
=== Dr_Willis [~willis@12-222-71-130.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
poningruICXCNIKA: its textbased so no gui08:50
crimsunweiers: use the sudo debian/rules .... by itself08:50
Stalkrit's a really old machine08:50
poningruICXCNIKA: I would say use xchat08:50
tomchukevillight,  hrm, not to sure then, removing the vga line will probably leave your console in a decent state08:50
evillighttomchuk: I think I'm gunna forget about it for now, I'll try more later ;) thanks for your help. Much appreciated.08:50
Xyc0Stalkr: Shouldn't make a difference08:50
poningruStalkr: it should still boot from cd08:50
tomchuknp evillight08:51
evillighttomchuk: yes, it does. :)08:51
poningrudare: did everything work out ok?08:51
Xyc0its flawless08:51
imaekIs there any easy well to tell if there is any traffic on eth0?08:52
Xyc0just turn off esd tho08:52
StalkrSo, you're saying there's nothing I can do without a cd device to boot from?08:52
poningruStalkr: if you can boot from floppy08:52
Stalkrit says Iintializing boot cd-rom but never does08:52
Xyc0Stalkr: Im saying you should play with your bios to get it work08:52
poningruthere is an old program that makes it boot from cd08:52
Dr_WillisXyc0,  hmm.. last i tried it - it was NOT flawless...08:52
StalkrI set the bios to boot from cd first then the hdd08:52
Dr_WillisXyc0,  they may of done some updates however.08:52
Stalkrit just won't go, and I mean with nothing, redhat, XP or ubuntu08:53
blrichXyc0, thanks =)08:53
weierscrimsun: still get the same dh_builddeb: command returned error Code 51208:53
StalkrI'd boot fom floppy if I could find an image08:53
poningruStalkr: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-28948.html08:53
Xyc0blrich: It work?08:54
nickrudimaek, I use the system monitor applet, and set the colors for contrast on the network. It's not absolute numbers, but does show activity08:54
crimsunweiers: Hoary, correct?08:54
weierscrimsun: yes08:54
poningruStalkr: wait thats for the net install08:54
crimsunweiers: so the binary/ruls package i sbreaking it?08:55
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weiersI do not really know: I don't know if I should paste just the last 10 lines of the output so that you can see. crimsun08:56
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crimsunweiers: sorry, that was supposed to read "the debian/rules command"08:56
poningrugaah I cant find it08:56
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poningruStalkr: still looking this might take a while08:56
SysFailimaek: install wmnet08:57
StalkrI did look, I just couldmn't find anything08:57
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ICXCNIKAI just hope when I install ubuntu that my modem will work.08:58
Pro_NewbieWhat program can i use for system monitoring? Like CPU, Memory, Network and so on.... (im on KDE)08:59
philcI have many versions of automake installed. How can I select which one to use?08:59
weierscrimsun: I just pasted the last 10 lines or so ... I do not know enough to really know what is breaking it. The command generates a huge amount of output and then suddenly it says that some package has the wrong characters in it.08:59
SysFailPro_Newbie: gkrellm08:59
poningruStalkr: hahaha found it08:59
nickrudICXCNIKA, if you have a win or soft modem, that may take some work. You might want to consider getting an external serial modem just for simplicity.09:00
poningruphilc: what do you mean?09:00
=== Stalkr looks around madly for a floppy
Coagthanks alot to anyone here that helped today09:01
philcponingru: I meant update-alternatives09:01
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poningruphilc: so you installed two diff versions and you want to choose which one to update?09:01
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poningruor which one to use?09:01
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poningrugah I am confused09:01
philcponingru: which one to use. auto-update does what I need.09:01
=== edamron [~eric@c-67-168-4-197.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
poningruthats pretty simple09:02
poningrujust browser to where the different things are09:02
poningruerr executable is09:02
harshacan some please help me how to access apt-get from behinf a proxy09:02
poningruand ./auto-update09:02
dareplaying an xvid in xine almost crashed my PC =(09:02
poningrudare: use vlc09:03
darehow to fix the choppy issue?09:03
darethat has a linux version?09:03
poningruI love it and google loves it09:03
poningruyou know about vid.google.com?09:03
harshai have authentication to the proxy server too (username & passwd)09:03
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poningruwell they are using vlc09:03
daredo i get it from synaptec?09:03
poningrudare: yep09:03
darewhat is Synaptic anyway09:04
darejust a name?09:04
nickrudsome files seem to play better in mplayer, some in xine, and some in vlc. I've never understood why09:04
SysFailif he has choppy vid maybe its his dma setting09:04
poningruoh yeah09:04
nickrudSysFail, yes, good call09:04
poningruhmm dare turn on dma in HD09:04
poningruerr in your hard drive09:05
darearen't those on by default?09:05
poningruit should support it if its relatively new09:05
darehow do i turn it on09:05
SysFailnot on by default always09:05
poningruhold on let me find the link09:05
nickruddare, you can check by doing hdparm -i /dev/hd?09:05
harshahey nickrud09:06
harshaplz help me09:06
bluefoxicyis there a program where I can put in a bunch of X-Y coords and have it draw me a graph, like a graphing calculator09:06
harshaset up an apt-get client09:06
weierscrimsun: If only you could explain to me what the actual issue is. Then I can perhaps begin to look elsewhere for help. I feel very frustrated because I have no idea what I am busy doing and why it is failing. I've installed ubuntu on two other computers without any such problems, now suddenly I cannot get it to work.09:06
bluefoxicyand plot me a quadratic or cubic line of best fit?09:06
nickrudharsha, I'm not sure I know what you mean09:06
dareuh oh09:07
nickrudharsha, explain what you want a bit more in length, please :)09:07
darei changed my password in Users & Groups09:07
darenow my sudo login seems to fail09:07
harshai want to use apt-get command09:07
harshato install some packages09:07
harshai am behing a proxy09:08
nickrudharsha, ok09:08
harshabehind a proxy09:08
harshahow to i connct to the ubuntu servers09:08
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Jomdomhey guys09:08
nickrudharsha, networks are not one of my strong points, to say the least :)09:08
poningrudare: found it09:09
daremy sudo pass is rejecting me09:09
harshaits ok nickrud09:09
poningruwait what happend?09:09
dareall i did was change the pass in Users & Groups for my current account... but i changed it back and still no luck09:09
poningrudoes it give an error? or stare you in the face?09:10
dare'Sorry, try again'09:10
poningrulike just doesnt do anything?09:10
nickrudharsha, I've never needed a proxy, but my first pass at looking it up for apt gave me apt.conf.09:10
weiersAnybody have any idea what I must do to get GRUB to boot my windows XP? I just get a message: root (hd1,0) - Filesystem type unknown, Partitiontyp 0x709:10
darehow the heck can it be wrong... i just set it... bah whatv i done =/09:10
daredoes it reset to some default master when i change it in Users09:10
=== MidNightRaVeN_zz is now known as MidNightRaVeN
harshahey nickrud09:11
poningrudare: how did you change it?09:11
harshamy schoo has a proxy setup09:11
dareAdministration -> Users & Groups09:11
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darethen i clicked on my account09:11
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dareand set by hand09:11
harshawe have logins to access the net09:11
harshabut how do u do a apt-get upgrade09:11
poningrudare http://ubuntuguide.org/#setchangeenablerootpassword09:11
Jomdommind if i bore you all with some dual boot questions?09:12
nickrudharsha, sudo apt-get upgrade  ?09:12
poningruJomdom: go for it09:12
poningrunickrud: no he has to put in password inorder to access the interweb09:12
harshahmm i know09:13
harshabut id does not09:13
poningruharsha: how do you enter the password?09:13
darecrap.. still blocks me =/09:13
poningruthrough a browser?09:13
harshapningru: thats what  i wanted to know09:13
nickrudok, then I'm pasting a chunk from man apt.conf into #flood; that's what I'd try09:13
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poningrudare: hmm09:13
poningruwhat did you try?09:13
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harshanickrud: do that09:13
daresudo passwd root09:13
mr-russhi, where can I find examples of how to write scripts to create ubuntu compatible .debs?09:14
darethen i tried all of the passes09:14
darethey all say Sorry, try again09:14
nickrudharsha, did you join in time, or should I repaste09:14
darebut it lets me set my password in Users & Groups09:14
discord_anyone know if the hoary kernel comes compiled with devfs? Im trying to find the device name of my usb dvd burner09:14
dareis there a difference between that password and my sudo pass?09:14
discord_i know its connected from cdrecord -scanbus but i dont know the device name to use mkiso-fs09:14
poningrudare: no shouldnt be09:15
harshanickrud: plz paste it again09:15
=== HappyFool [~HappyFool@tedo-ip-nas-1-p486.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
StalkrSBM says Disk error! 0xAA09:15
poningrudare: hmm09:15
StalkrI know the disk is good, I used it on another laptop yesterday09:15
MidNightRaVeNwhat package will allow me to play wmas?09:16
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darei wasn't setting the root account09:16
poningrudare: ?09:16
darei was just setting the user account09:16
poningruStalkr: you sure its not write protect09:16
Stalkrthe cd rom?09:16
poningrudare: hehe common mistake09:17
poningruStalkr: oh I thought you meant floppy09:17
Jomdomi have windows xp installed on an 80gb ide drive, and just threw in a new 160gb ide drive for linux/data... i am currently at the partioning stage of ubuntu install and have configured (on my 160ide) ~117gb ext3 for ubuntu (don't ask - i like my space ;), 40gb fat32 for data sharing, and 2.7gb for swap09:17
StalkrI made the boot manager but now it won't mount the cd rom09:17
Jomdommy real question is, where should i install grub?09:17
Jomdomand moreso, how do i select where to install it?09:17
poningruJomdom: it will be installed in the mbr09:17
poningruand you dont have to worry about that09:17
Jomdomi have just heard so many horror stories...09:17
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Jomdomand back when i did redhat i had some issues getting back into windows09:18
dareok... it still fails09:18
poningruJomdom: yeah I dont have experience with two hard disks09:18
Jomdomcan i do something super safe like install it to a floppy and leave my mba's clean?09:18
bigfoot1my leftALT key works okay, but my Right ALT key doesn't work. What's wrong?09:18
MidNightRaVeN=/ where can i get dvdshrink from???09:19
mr-russhi, where can I find examples of how to write scripts to create ubuntu compatible .debs?09:19
discord_im not quite sure how to tell if devfs is present09:19
poningruJomdom: I dont think you have to worry about it, but just make a ghost of the windows partition just in case09:19
poningruJomdom: I did not have any trouble with my dual boot09:20
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Jomdoma ghost meaning stop the install, boot back into windows, find a ghosting utility, and do it across the network, etc?09:20
Jomdombut yeah - i am probably being paranoid09:20
MidNightRaVeNdoes anyone know much about burning dvd's and such??09:20
discord_MidNightRaVeN, i know a little09:20
Jomdombut, is there at least a way to install grub to the second drive and not the first (w/ xp on it?)09:21
Jomdomthen i can just change boot priority\?09:21
xliuwhat is anacron?09:21
Jomdomvia BIOS09:21
Jomdomso if things do go bad my windows drive is still unscathed09:21
MidNightRaVeNdiscord_: i just used dvdbackup to write and image to my hard drive... and i was told that i would need to resize it... know how or if i need to do that?09:22
MidNightRaVeNdiscord_: an image*09:22
poningruMidNightRaVeN: how big is the image?09:22
=== Gourami [~nick@196-46-174-160.gprs.vodacom.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudxliu, anacron is system daemon that runs things at intervals; monthy, weekly, daily, etc.09:22
discord_yeah how big is it09:22
discord_ls -la09:22
xliunickrud: thanks, but is it differentiate with cron?09:23
MidNightRaVeNponingru: says 7.8 Gigs... so can i just do it to a dual layer dvd?09:23
nickrudxliu, :)09:23
discord_um i think those are only 5.8 gigs could be wrong though09:23
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discord_anyone know how to find the device name of my dvd-rom?09:23
MidNightRaVeNdiscord_: dual layer should be technically 8.409:23
GouramiHi, I am battling with a machine that is currently doing heavy hard drive access and constantly grinds to a halt09:23
discord_hmm then it sounds like you dont need to resize it09:24
poningruMidNightRaVeN: I would use something like K3b09:24
djphi all. could somebody please do me a quick favour? preferably somebody with a fairly fresh install or someone who hasn't changed their splash theme?09:24
Gouramishouldnt there be a swap file, Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,09:24
=== Jomdom presses "write partitions" and cringes
poningruit doesnt give you much trouble09:24
nickrudanacron runs at a particular time, and staggers the weekly monthly daily stuff, and if the machine is shut off and then turned on, tries to figure out if it should run those things immediatly or not. cron doesn't care about boots09:24
darealright... i'm really blocked out now09:25
darewhats going on >_<09:25
MidNightRaVeNponingru: that doesn't resize though does it?09:25
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darehow can it let me set root/user passes in Administration09:25
dareand then not recognize them for sudo09:25
nickrudA feeble stab at a two sentence description :)09:25
xliuwhat is "locatedb"?09:26
dareit should at least throw an error or something09:26
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djpi would like to know what the default contents of /usr/share/pixmaps/splash, should be?09:26
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poningrudare: try using the terminal instead of the gui09:26
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darewith sudo passwd root?09:26
dareit wont let me09:26
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dareit rejects my pass09:26
discord_MidNightRaVeN, what are you going to use to burn the dvd?09:26
Jomdomdid you try some mistypes?09:26
poningruyou should be able to change your own password I think09:27
MidNightRaVeNdiscord_: k3b is what poningru suggested, so i'm guessing that09:27
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poningruMidNightRaVeN: it doesnt resize but it solves many problems by itself09:27
poningruwell it did for me09:27
=== poningru is a total noob
=== MidNightRaVeN is in the same boat ;-)
nickruddjp, you can find out what package a file comes with by using dpkg -S /usr/share/pixmaps/splash ; then, you can find the original file in the deb.09:28
weierscrimsun: I just did the dpkg -i ../asla*.deb thing despite the error message in the command before that. Now my sound is working. Thank you for the information. I would still like to know more, however, because I felt quite helpless in the process.09:28
=== nickrud used to have mc nicely configured to open graphics inside deb packages
daresigh wtf09:28
poningrudare: did it work?09:29
dareis there a master reset function...09:29
poningruhmm guess not09:29
djpnickrud: thanks for that09:29
weiersNow I just need GRUB to boot windows. Is there somebody who can give me advice on that?09:29
dareif i open Synaptic09:29
dareit doesn't ask me for my password09:29
poningrudare: try a restart09:29
daredoes that mean there's some running sudo session09:29
darethat hasn't been killed09:29
poningrutry this09:29
darelol, i'm afraid to restart, what if i can't get back in09:29
glicki guess there is an error in the FAT file system module in this version of the kernel09:29
poningrusudo -K09:30
darei tried sudo -K09:30
nickrudmc and aptitude make a nice pair09:30
poningrutry it again09:30
poningruand then try getting into synaptic09:30
darestill lets me in09:30
=== tiglionabbit [tiglionabb@c-67-171-159-205.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dareearlier the xvid thing really almost crashed my comp09:31
poningruthat is weird09:31
darei think that 'locked' something09:31
poningrudare: just restart09:31
poningruyou are screwed either way09:31
imaekWhat is the find command in vim?09:31
MidNightRaVeNanyone know what package i can use so that BMP can play wma files???09:31
xliuwhat is "slocate"?09:31
MidNightRaVeNbeep media player09:32
poningruwow no clue09:32
=== AlohaWulf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-121-123.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitfound in hoary-extras09:32
ubotusources is, like, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersAddingRepositories09:32
poningrumore like09:33
tiglionabbityeah.  Who keeps changing it back?09:33
djpnickrud: hmm. it tells me of a couple of packages related to that direcotry, but not what .png files are installed by default into the splash directory09:33
MidNightRaVeNtiglionabbit: =) thx09:33
nickrudxliu, one of the things that anacron runs daily is updatedb. That indexes nearly all the file names on your drives.  slocate looks in the database that is created for matching file names09:33
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Frank_dotgood night everyone!09:34
=== tiglionabbit boots up windows, anticipating some heavy flash animation watching... and watches windows flub up flash worse than linux ever did. Holy crap I just spawned 8 instances of the volume control meter
nickruddjp, ah, splash is directory; either package can create it if it doesn't exist. Try doing the dpkg -S on a particular file in the splash directory09:34
tiglionabbitand firefox crashes...09:35
Jomdomoh fantastic! "GRUB Loading stage1.5....GRUB Loading, please wait... Error 17"09:35
poningruoh shit09:35
tiglionabbitoh no, not error 17!09:35
=== poningru runs and hides in the corner
tiglionabbit(seriously, I've never seen any error from grub other than 17)09:35
=== nomis_ [~nomis|@chello062178225065.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
Jomdomso, what now?09:35
Madpilotubotu forget sources09:35
ubotui forgot sources, Madpilot09:35
Madpilotubotu sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories09:36
ubotuokay, Madpilot09:36
tiglionabbitJomdom: so now, uh, grub can't find your kernels!  oh no09:36
Jomdomand? i lose everything... or?09:36
Madpilottiglionabbit: fixed on ubotu. wonder if it'll get reverted?09:36
djpnickrud: ok thanks! sorry, i found the files included, my mistake09:36
tiglionabbitMadpilot, it will, as soon as Burgundavia or whoever notices that09:37
poningruJomdom: http://www.sysresccd.org/09:37
poningruthat has a tool to fix up grub09:37
tiglionabbitwe got in a documentation fight09:37
tiglionabbitlook what he did to my guide:  http://wik.ubuntu.com/NewUbuntuUsers09:37
poningrubut I am so sorry dude09:37
Madpilottiglionabbit: they haven't noticed that the other page DOESN'T EXIST?09:37
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tiglionabbitoops, spelled wiki wrong09:38
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poningru http://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUbuntuUsers09:39
tiglionabbitanyway, look at that!  He deleted some of my favorite parts, and didn't even fix up the weak ones09:39
tiglionabbitstupid CoreyBurger209:39
Madpilottiglionabbit: CoreyBurger2 = Burgundavia09:40
Jomdomworks now09:40
Jomdomi rammed f12 on boot and got the grub menu09:40
MidNightRaVeNurgghh... can't find w32codecs even with -extras in my sources list...09:40
Madpilottiglionabbit: = my younger brother... shall I thump some sense into him? :)09:40
Jomdomnot sure it was correlated though09:40
kakaltois there a program for managing users in kde/kubuntu?09:40
MidNightRaVeNi bet it's my 64 bit eh ;-) hehehehehehehe09:40
poningruJomdom: w00t09:41
Madpilottiglionabbit: I'd say his revision is a bit clearer on prefering sudo to root. But only because he doesn't mention root at all...09:41
poningruI dont feel so bad09:41
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Jomdomeveryone wins09:41
poningrutiglionabbit: let me guess installing java and dvd etc.09:41
Jomdomi must have been the fact that i went into BIOS and changed the boot priority of each drive in turn09:41
Jomdomrestarting after each09:41
Jomdomsomehow that helped09:41
tiglionabbitMadpilot, yes, you certainly should.  He seems to think that all Ubuntu users are morons, and the documentation should be written so grandmas can understand it.  It seems this means to him that there should be no options (I mentioned Synaptic, Aptitude, and Apt-get in the same section), however I don't find his own work all that understandable anyway09:41
discord_xliu, slocate stands for secure locate guess its more secure than the old locate09:42
tiglionabbitand can someone with knowledge of different architectures please fix the part where I try and advise about proper kernel-images to use?09:42
=== Nsaneice [~whocare@c-24-0-133-247.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Madpilottiglionabbit: he's gone a bit obsessive about user interface, I know that much...09:43
MidNightRaVeNis there a page on how to add programs from your 32bit root to your Applications tab??09:43
Madpilottiglionabbit: but user interface doesn't always have to mean "as simple as possible"...09:43
tiglionabbitquoth Burgundavia, "If I have to ever touch the console, it is a bug that should be fixed"09:43
MidNightRaVeNanyone? =)09:44
bob2not simply09:44
Atlas95good morning09:44
nickrudubuntu is still a bit conflicted about the command line :)09:44
bob2you'd need a shell script, or use dchroot09:44
=== Centaur [~fishman@68-187-77-61.dhcp.stgr.ut.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Atlas95someone can help me for keyboard keycodes?09:44
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Madpilottiglionabbit: CLI bites - but that's a different problem to writing full documentation...09:44
MidNightRaVeNbob2: =/ so basically... no lol i'm too newb for anything else right now...09:45
tiglionabbitMadpilot, I couldn't imagine living without the commandline.  There are a ton of things I simply couldn't do without it09:45
bob2CLI doesn't "bite".  it's perhaps unfriendly to new users, but it is critical to power users.09:45
=== IIIEars [~billharps@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitLike mounting volumes.  Does ubuntu have Anything graphical for that?09:45
NsaneiceI love CLI, even in Windows09:45
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HappyFoolheh. The Crazy Camel release, without bash09:45
MidNightRaVeNwhat is CLI?09:45
bob2you don't need a GUI for mounting things09:45
NsaneiceCommand Line Interface09:46
Jomdomtiglionabbit: pipes.09:46
nickrudcommand line interface09:46
joolztiglionabbit: disk mounter applet09:46
IIIEarscommand line interface09:46
bob2you need a tool that automates generating fstab09:46
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tiglionabbitme too.  I love it so much, I made an alias for ls=dir in ms-dos!  =309:46
MidNightRaVeNlol wow09:46
Jomdomone of the best things about a terminal is pipes09:46
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HappyFooltiglionabbit: didn't ms do that in win nt or win 2k too ?09:46
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tiglionabbitHappyFool: dunno, I use XP Tablet09:46
MidNightRaVeNi wish my canadian buddy would come on....09:47
MadpilotMS & Co have spent years removing the need for regular user to do CLI-anything.09:47
aarcanetiglionabbit, how well des Linux support a tablet PC09:47
xliuthanks nickrud09:47
JomdomBut... wizards! They are so _easy_ to use!09:47
CentaurFor some reason I can't connect to any other access point other than the one that I used during the installation (which is what I'm using now). What can I do?09:47
HappyFoolMadpilot: maybe not a competely bad thing, for common tasks09:47
nickrudxliu, np, I hope those one liners helped09:47
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Tomcat_Madpilot: Bad strategy - when you want to do something on the console, you hate it so much you'd cut your arms. :)09:47
Madpilotit's one of the reasons, I think, that Linux is still "scary"...09:47
bob2Madpilot: and then spent a huge amount of effort writing an entirely new one for Longhorn, after realising that people *need* it09:47
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Tomcat_But look at the breezy screenshots - it's just like Windows!! :D09:48
tiglionabbitwell, I got it to work great.  Completely pressure sensitive in the gimp and several other programs, awesome input rate, and I could even use the button on it.  Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to make the eraser work, even though I can grab input from it09:48
xliunickrud: I have disabled updatedb by removing the corresponding script in /etc/cron.daily/, is that OK?09:48
HappyFoolTomcat_: where are these screenshots?09:48
MidNightRaVeNwait... so longhorn is going to have cli more accessable??09:48
GNULinuxerTomcat_: where are breezy screenshots?09:48
Tomcat_Boxes for Services, installer/uninstaller, graphical partitioner, anything! :)09:48
MadpilotI'm not saying MS's strategy is a good thing - but that's what has happened, I think.09:48
Tomcat_Wait a sec...09:48
bob2MidNightRaVeN: no, it's just going to make it suck less09:48
bob2Madpilot: no, it's not what happened, see above09:48
MidNightRaVeNbob2: OOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo09:48
nickrudxliu, sure, that works. Why do want to do that tho, slocate is useful09:49
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bob2Madpilot: making the CLI optional in ubuntu is good, but getting rid of it is fatal09:49
tiglionabbitAll I had to do to make it work was apt-get the wacom packages, modify my xorg.conf, and make a "setserial" command at startup09:49
aarcanetiglionabbit, lol...  you need software to send the right keystrokes for it...  anyway, how's the hand writing recognition09:49
Whistlercan anybody gimme a link to breezy screens?09:49
Madpilotbob2: the Longhorn thing? Have MS really re-emphasized the command line?09:49
SeveasA lot of the power of linux/unix is in the CLI09:49
Tomcat_Whistler: I'm searching.09:49
SeveasI don't want servers/clusters to run gui crap09:49
nickrudall the power, just not the ease :)09:49
xliunickrud: because my laptop is so slow, everytime updatedb runs, lots of cpu time it will take09:49
bob2Madpilot: again, read what I said,  it's nothing to do with emphasis, it's to do with making it useful09:49
Tomcat_Whistler, GNULinuxer, HappyFool: http://mitglied.lycos.de/chrizwlz/desktop/linux_workstation/breezy/09:49
HappyFoolta Tomcat_09:49
bob2if nothing else, all the people who write the Free software you use use the CLI...get rid of it, and you have no more people writing stuff for you09:50
Tomcat_To be honest, I'm more interested in the stuff beneath the GUI in breezy. :)09:50
nickrudxliu, good reason. You can add a line to /etc/cron, which will run, say, at 2:am if you leave the laptop plugged in; if you don't leave it plugged in, it doesn't run09:50
Madpilotbob2: I haven't been following Longhorn at all - except to make jokes about Windows2010...09:50
MidNightRaVeNbob2: soooo =/ i installed both bmp and w32codecs in my chroot... but bmp still says it can't recognize that file format??09:50
Seveasbob2, there are already people cursing the fact that Ubuntu does not install build-essential and emacs by default :)09:51
bob2MidNightRaVeN: sure, bmp has nothign to do with using windows dlls09:51
poningruso anyone need help in this chaos?09:51
IIIEars<< Windows frustration #996 - add a new disk and suddenly discover the OS won't reinstall - GAWD Bill Gates Has got to be laughing his A$$ off. - got new drives today.09:51
nickruds/plugged in/turned on/09:51
GNULinuxerTomcat_: you must be mad ... it's just stock gnome 2.1109:51
xliuthanks very much, nickrud, you helped me a lot09:51
HappyFoolheh. interesting logo riff09:51
MidNightRaVeNbob2: o.... so lol what am i doing with w32codecs then?09:51
Tomcat_GNULinuxer: I've never seen Stock Gnome 2.11... sorry then. :)09:51
bob2MidNightRaVeN: if you really care about this sort of thing, it's way easier to just install the i386 version of ubuntu09:51
SeveasMidNightRaVeN, for mplayer/xine :)09:51
MidNightRaVeNSeveas: lol kk09:52
GNULinuxerTomcat_: and if you think it looks like Win32, it's great for us actually09:52
IIIEarssomeone make cedega easier to use so i can finally do everything in linux.09:52
MidNightRaVeNbob2: i know it's way easier.. but lol i like doing things the hard way ;-) maybe i'll be able to learn more i guess09:52
Tomcat_GNULinuxer: Yeah, I don't say it's bad looking like Windows... I'm just more interested in the system than the GUI. :)09:52
GNULinuxerTomcat_: yep09:52
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bob2MidNightRaVeN: well, install the dchroot package and read it's manpage, I guess09:53
bob2pretty sure that would work09:53
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bob2hm, you'd need to bind mount /tmp and /home, tho, I guess09:53
IIIEars<< 10 CD's to reinstall windows on a prepackaged PC. - ugh09:53
aarcanetiglionabbit, how is the handwriting recognition ?09:53
GNULinuxerTomcat_: and since I use the exact same theme and icon set, it's all the more same to me :)09:54
MadpilotIIIEars: aren't driver disks FUN?09:54
MidNightRaVeNbob2: real quick question.. what does the -d of "dchroot -d" do?09:54
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IIIEarsMadpilot - no control - security cabinet files are locked. - you MUST install it all. - lol09:55
aarcaneMidNightRaVeN, makes you ask about the -d.09:55
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nickrudIIIEars, too many update from win95 :)09:55
Computer__GuruDoes XFCE4 happen to have a utility that will import or convert a kde icon theme?09:55
ubotuI don't know, rendi09:55
nickrudIIIEars, lol, I mean, updating from a win95 disk, maybe :)09:55
MidNightRaVeNaarcane: lol i'm so confused now... -d makes me ask about -d....09:55
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MadpilotIIIEars: with XP on this box, it took me about a day and a half of installing & tweaking before it was secure & working09:55
bob2MidNightRaVeN: it keeps environment variables set, which is a bit hard to explain.  it's like the difference between running the progrm from an existing shell and logging in again from scratch09:56
=== MidNightRaVeN has a siezure
aarcaneMidNightRaVeN, did you check the man page ?09:56
MadpilotIIIEars: Ubuntu took half an hour of additional setup. ATI drivers, install Opera, done.09:56
MidNightRaVeNaarcane: going to do that now =D09:56
aarcanealright MidNightRaVeN  :)P09:56
Madpilot*that* converted me to Linux for good... :)09:56
MidNightRaVeNbob2: kk =)09:56
IIIEarsnickrud - going to build the next one. - who needs 8 "Express" trial apps and 16 trialware games09:56
=== IceDC571 [~Ice@c-24-4-87-132.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rendiguy's can help me09:57
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Whistleri have installed ubuntu in 2 partitions 1 swap and other system now i want to use another partition for home is it possible?09:57
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aarcanebob2, if you have chroot, and the new app, dchroot, why just make one app, and give it the presence of mind to know how it's called..  if called as dchroot then make it act like it, and if called as chroot, then make it act like it ?09:57
tiglionabbitWhistler, swap is a different format than home should be09:57
nickrudnot me09:57
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discord_come on anybody know how to find the device name for my dvd or if hoary uses devfs?09:58
discord_it looks like it doesnt use devfs09:58
Whistleri know but can i create another partition and use it for home?09:58
IIIEarslspci -l  ??09:58
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discord_its usb09:58
tiglionabbitWhistler, besides, swap shouldn't be more than 1 gig anyway...    You can resize partitions though09:58
spiraldiscord_: /dev/dvd ?09:58
MidNightRaVeN=/ anyone think if i get a book about Linux... it'll help me become less newby-ish? or will it just be a waist of money....09:58
discord_spiral thats a guess09:58
spiraldiscord_: uses udev09:58
poningruMidNightRaVeN: try the library09:58
aarcaneMidNightRaVeN, waste of moneyh09:58
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tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN, use the internet09:59
bob2aarcane: you could do that09:59
MadpilotMidNightRaVeN: spring for one of the OReilly books...09:59
tiglionabbitit's much more up to date than a book09:59
rendii'm install grub on floopy now i want to copy that grub into hda2 where my ubuntu sit, my xp sit on hda1 any one help me ?09:59
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IIIEarsthe internet has more info09:59
bob2aarcane: but they're both so small, there wouldn't be much point09:59
spiraldiscord_: an usb dvd ? /dev/sdsmth ?09:59
aarcaneMidNightRaVeN, waste of time to read even, very few things are even up to date in the newest of books....09:59
tiglionabbithttp://nick-zap.home.comcast.net/stuff/unix.html   <-- simple unix manual, I read this when I was a newbie09:59
tiglionabbitoops, .pdf09:59
bob2aarcane: dchroot's newer, too; it was written to make chroots easy to use on debian.org devel machines09:59
aarcaneMidNightRaVeN, if you want to learn about Linux, the best way is hands on..09:59
HappyFoolwww.tldp.org has lots of linux stuff, some a bit dated09:59
aarcanebob2, so dchroot is basically a chroot -d ?10:00
tiglionabbitOr you could apt-get the Rute Book10:00
rendiany one help me pls10:00
IIIEars<< 12th week with linux - Yaay!10:00
MidNightRaVeNaarcane: that's what i was kinda thinking.... just wasn't sure if there was something more i could do to maybe take the load off the community without all my nonsense questions :-)10:00
nickrudMidNightRaVeN, get a decent bash book, it's the one hardcopy I've actually used more than once10:00
HappyFoolrendi: what do you mean /dev/hda2 ?10:00
bob2aarcane: my 'chroot' command doesn't have a -d flag10:00
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IIIEarssed, awk and grep are amazing! ;)10:01
aarcaneMidNightRaVeN, google, man, and try to idle in more than one linux based channel..  spread the load around a bit10:01
rendimy 2 partition10:01
HappyFoolrendi: as far as i know, grub is installed to '/dev/hda'  -- i.e., to the mbr of the disk10:01
rendiwhere my ubuntu sit on it10:01
tiglionabbitMidNightRaVeN, rute book, it's on synaptic, in html format10:01
rendicause i'm instal grub on floppy10:01
MidNightRaVeNtiglionabbit: rute book? what is that?10:01
HappyFoolrendi: hang on10:01
rendinow i wanna change it to my linux partition10:01
=== emanuelez [~emanuelez@adsl-169-111.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudjust tell me about pipes, and building simple scripts. You gurus can keep awk and sed :)10:01
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rendimy 1st partition it's for xp10:02
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emanuelezhavr anybody noticed that many scientific apps have wrong md5 values and can't be installed?10:02
MadpilotMidNightRaVeN: search Synaptic for 'rute'. just found it myself...10:02
bwbrniIce: prolly lot more traffic in this channel10:02
IIIEarsrendi - grab a usb thumb drive if your bios can boot it. - much larger and faster10:02
aarcanenickrud, pipes are this --> |10:02
ubotuit has been said that usrepos is if you get MD5Sum mismatches when doing apt-get installs don't use the us mirror.  Change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list10:02
Flannol`hi, just wondering... does ubuntu run windows programs like mirc.exe? ..and msn, etc10:02
MidNightRaVeNMadpilot: kk =)10:02
HappyFoolrendi: look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows10:02
bob2emanuelez: /topic, us.archive.ubuntu.com is screwed10:02
Madpilotemanuelez: check what ubotu just posted10:02
rendii will check it10:02
bob2Flannol`: it can run some, yeah10:02
bob2Flannol`: generally you just run native linux programs, tho10:03
Flannol`ahh ok, (sorry for the questions) what about Steam, and anything java-driven?10:03
HappyFoolFlannol`: you can maybe use wine for that; but there are native substitutes for mirc (x-chat) and msn (to an extent -- gaim)10:03
rniIcebwb:yea this one's quite larger10:03
emanuelezMadpilot: i can't find it10:03
aarcanenickrud, I have a simple script for you to run that demonstrates the use of pipes:  :(){ :|:& };: <-- see the | in there ?  don't actually run it, but yeah, that's one of their many uses10:04
MidNightRaVeNsince i should idle in on other linux based channels... any suggestions which one?10:04
HappyFoolFlannol`: java can be done; i don't know about steam10:04
bob2Flannol`: there are native java implementioans for linux, no need to run the windows one10:04
Madpilotemanuelez: here:  "it has been said that usrepos is if you get MD5Sum mismatches when doing apt-get installs don't use the us mirror. Change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list"10:04
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bob2Flannol`: steam doesn't work as far as I know10:04
aarcaneMidNightRaVeN, ##linux, #linuxhelp, #emotion, etc...10:04
bob2Flannol`: you can reboot to windows to play games, if that's important to you10:04
bwbrniIce: yeah10:04
mythbinderI'm having Install Problems10:04
MidNightRaVeNaarcane: thx =)10:04
aarcaneFlannol`, steam works flawlessly in Cedega for me10:04
bob2MidNightRaVeN: if you're going to go to other channels for help, tho, bear in mind they often won't know ubuntu specifics, and can sometimes give advice that's kinda bad to follow on ubuntu10:05
Flannol`bob2 how big is the OS (on harddisk space) with all the programs it installs? i only have 20gb not sure if i can have a multiboot10:05
nickrudaarcane, I do use pipes, and was parrotting someone else who was advocating them as one of the first tools to learn about :)10:05
bob2Flannol`: 1.8GB for the default install10:05
IIIEarsCedega is nice - but you have to be patient to get results with it. not a one click install usually.10:05
aarcanenickrud, sorry..  bad night for me, I'm a bit behind..10:05
MidNightRaVeNbob2: will keep in mind. I'll probably just go to float around there and see what I can pick up and such10:05
Flannol`hmm ok thanks :] 10:06
rendidude how to mount floppy10:06
ubotumethinks mount is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions10:06
aarcaneMidNightRaVeN, chill in the first and third I listed, I'm in them, and if I see any ubuntu nonos, I'll smack you with a penguin plushie10:06
HappyFoolrendi: you said you booted from floppy?10:06
IIIEarsubotu you are a genius. ;)10:06
ubotuIIIEars: I think you lost me on that one10:06
mythbinderCan anyone Help me with Teh Installation Of Ubuntu? Its freezing Up on the Configuring Apt screen10:06
MidNightRaVeNaarcane: lol10:06
rendiyes HappyFool10:06
rendimy grub sit on floppy10:07
tiglionabbitubuntu has a "configuring apt" screen on the installation?10:07
nickrudaarcane, np, it bears repeating10:07
aarcanemythbinder, you insert the CD, it runs10:07
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bob2rendi: mounting a boot image isn't very useful10:07
rendiif i lost my floopy i lost my ubuntu too :(10:07
MidNightRaVeNthx for all the help peeps!! =) =D =) I would die in Ubuntu if it were for you people!!!!!10:07
HappyFoolrendi: so you are right now running ubuntu?10:07
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mythbinderI insert the CD go thru Partitioning and several other screens10:07
rendii'm running ubuntu now but my grub on floppy10:07
=== MidNightRaVeN puts head on keyboard and passes out....
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mythbinderGet to Configuring Apt screen it freezes at 25%10:08
tiagohi guys10:08
aarcanemythbinder, yes, none of them are anything to ph34r10:08
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emanuelezthx a lot... it seems to work now10:08
bob2rendi: just install grub to your MBR already10:08
tiagocan some one plz tell me how to make a directory in konsole?10:08
nickrudtiago, mkdir <dir>10:08
tiglionabbittiago, mkdir10:08
aarcanemythbinder, hrrm..  did you verify your CD after burning it ?10:08
rendiany suggest for me or something ?10:08
HappyFoolrendi: ok. what does /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 say?10:08
tiagothanx xD10:09
HappyFoolrendi: sorry10:09
mythbindersayz Setting Up Primary installation repository at bottom, Yes I did Verify10:09
HappyFoolrendi: ok. what does ls /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 say?10:09
bob2rendi: why are you still screwing around with floppy disks after a week?10:09
HappyFoolbob2: you reckon it'll be ok just to run 'update-grub' ?10:09
rendii just installed for 2 hours10:09
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IceDC571hmm.. now that torrentspy doesnt work, could someone reccomend a good torrent site for me?10:09
rendii'm still googling now too10:09
bob2er, copyright-violating torrent sites are off-topic here10:10
mythbinderIts the DVD Install/Live Disc, I had the dl/ checked after it was done and verified the burn after it was done,10:10
tiagoanother question how do i mount fstab again?10:10
IIIEarsthere was a big international law enforcement crackdown on torrent sites last week10:10
tiagoi just edited fstab and i wana mount the newly added partitions10:10
mythbinderActually useing the Live boot off said disc as we speak, Xp Boot is fubared currently10:10
IceDC571well im searching torrent sites for knoppix10:10
nickrudtiago, then just mount /mnt/point should work10:11
aarcanemythbinder, the dual mode DVD ?10:11
rendihmm ok hot to tell m$ for boot to linux10:11
nickrudtiago, mount -a for mounting everything in /etc/fstab10:11
HappyFoolrendi: my guess is to run 'update-grub' and 'grub-install /dev/hda'10:11
tiagothats what i wanted10:11
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rendii mean how10:11
bob2IceDC571: http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=02743#010:11
HappyFoolrendi: that should make grub know about windows, and then install grub as your boot-manager10:11
bob2IceDC571: shockingly, the first hit on google for "knoppix 4.0 torrents"10:11
IIIEarsIceDC571 - "Knoppix"? - ya should'a quit while ya were ahead. - wide grin10:11
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rendioh but i don't wanna instal my grub on mbr HappyFool cause if i format my xp my grub lost too10:12
nickrudI lost my knoppix recovery disk, and am down to lnx-bbc. I do wish I had a good connection back.10:12
mythbinderThe DVD ISO Listed on this Page http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/5.04/10:12
bob2rendi: are you really reformatting windows that often?10:12
_one_rendi WHATS YOUR QUESTION10:12
HappyFoolrendi: then you just reinstall grub again10:12
rendiyes bob10:12
mythbinderIntel x86 Install/Live DVD10:13
bob2rendi: why?10:13
rendii have instal on /dev/hda2 but it's not working so im instal on floppy10:13
HappyFool_one_: please don't shout10:13
aarcanemythbinder, did you verify the disk after you burned it ?10:13
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IceDC571bob2: wow... im speechless... i didnt notice it was released to the public now10:13
bob2_one_: please chill out if you don't know what people are discussing10:13
mythbinderYes I did Used Nero 610:13
rendicause m$ is suck bob :) many virus out of there10:13
_one_I do your telling them the wrong thing to do10:13
aarcanemythbinder, dunno then, sorry10:13
=== aarcane waives byebye to _one_
bob2_one_: please stop it10:14
=== OculusAquilae [~bastian@p548D1305.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
IIIEarssystem rescue cd isn't as intuitive as knoppix but it does what knoppix does with a smaller D/L http://www.sysresccd.org/10:14
=== Crush [~looking@67-150-61-255.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolrendi: it sounds like you are making life difficult for yourself; just find out how to reinstall grub after installing windows, and make that part of your 'windows reinstallation' process10:14
=== lamp_ [~la@dsl-084-056-159-030.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudrendi, I think you want grub-install10:15
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IIIEarsyou might use the ntloader and a "boot.lnx" file. - a little extra work now a lot of saved time later.10:15
IceDC571hmm.. how do i get my friend to switch to openoffice from officexp?10:15
mythbinderGuess its too Xp recovery for for me then, unless theers a way to get the Boot loader functioning manually from the Live run10:16
=== kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-23.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
rendii wanna reinstal it but i'm still update10:16
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nickrudIceDC571, not much, especially if it10:16
MadpilotIceDC571: point out that OO is free?10:16
=== _one_ [~one@cpe-66-87-4-181.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudcame with the box for free10:16
Belutzi just installed webmin, how do i access it from the browser? what's the default url?10:16
IceDC571nickrud: well they've got "copies" for free lol...10:17
aarcaneIceDC571, sit him down in front of openoffice..  tell him it's XP, later tell him j00 lie10:17
IceDC571ive got an idea10:17
nickrudIceDC571, tell them about the microsoft militia10:17
IceDC571i'll rename it to office 200610:17
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aarcaneMadpilot, oxp is free, too...  like beer tho, not speech10:17
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troglodytBelutz https://localhost:1000010:18
IceDC571anyone have an idea of how i could rename openoffice to office 2005 or something like it?10:18
rendihey dude10:18
rendicheck this out wha happen10:18
rendiFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/universe/source/Sources.gz  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)10:18
rendiReading package lists... Done10:18
rendiE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.10:18
tiglionabbitIceDC571, it would be hard, because of the splashscreen and such...10:18
IceDC571lol i could change the source i guess10:18
Belutztroglodyt: thx :)10:18
HappyFooluse sed to s/openoffice/Office 2005/g on the openoffice source code, and recompile10:18
Razor-XI have a fever ;)10:18
=== Bubbling_Zombie [~zombie@dD577A0CC.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolrendi: try again10:18
HappyFoolRazor-X: doh!10:19
Razor-XHappyFool: or s/openoffice/Office 2005/10:19
IIIEars"OXP"? - do you have a link?10:19
tiglionabbitHappyFool, splash screen?10:19
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Bubbling_Zombiehi kids ^-^10:19
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mythbinderAnyway to Install and configure Boot Loader from with in the Live DVD load?10:19
HappyFooltiglionabbit: draw on it with crayons with Gimp :P10:19
aarcaneIIIEars, www.microsoft.com/office ?10:19
action09hi all10:19
IceDC571tiglionabbit: i think the splash screen is easy, not part of the source code10:19
IIIEarsAh - okay. - lol10:19
ubotuWish i knew, tiglionabbit10:19
aarcaneIIIEars, lol10:19
MadpilotIIIEars: think he means Office XP...10:19
IceDC571lol are we talking about xp... restore?10:19
ubotuI heard recover is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows10:20
aarcaneMadpilot, lol, of course..10:20
Madpilotaarcane: and it's "free" like beer -sure- after you've paid insane amounts of $$$ for the beer case... :)10:20
IceDC571i love gnome bittorrent, simple yet effective.. none of that fancy bloat10:21
mythbinderhhm How do you execute That? I tried the run command from menu cant find either of those10:21
aarcaneMadpilot, never paid a penny for it10:21
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IceDC571well there are free microsoft apps, trials for up to 180 days.. im sure someone will get sick of it before their time is up10:21
Madpilotaarcane: XP? not supposed to admit that here, y'know...10:22
Belutztroglodyt: what's the default root password?10:22
Bubbling_Zombieuse sudo Belutz10:22
IceDC571Madpilot: athlon xp, athlon xp.... Athlon XP!!!10:22
Bubbling_Zombieand your own pasword10:22
HappyFoolmythbinder: have you read that wiki URL (RecoveringUbuntu....) ?10:22
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troglodytBelutz think it's blank fisrt time10:22
BelutzBubbling_Zombie: i'm using webmin10:22
MadpilotIceDC571: those are very nice chips. I'm using an XP-M right now. not all "XP" branded stuff is junk...10:23
HappyFoolBelutz: maybe you need to set it using 'sudo passwd root' or something -- or look at the webmin config10:23
aarcaneMadpilot, no harm in admitting the mistakes our 1337 sk1llz have enabled us to make...  as long as we don't share the steps and materials to make those mistakes10:23
=== oz__ [~oz@c211-30-253-67.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbithehe, I get a bunch of microsoft stuff for free because I'm a CS student10:23
nickrudBelutz, you must have a valid root password to use webadmin, sudo is not sufficient10:24
jadugarhey, has anyone here upgraded to tomboy .3.2 sucessfully in hoary?10:24
IceDC571Madpilot: im planning to get a linux box for around $300, im sure you're familar with the XP-M chips.. what shall i get?10:24
BelutzHappyFool: where's the webmin config file?10:24
HappyFoolBelutz: not a clue! look in /usr/share/doc/webmin, or try 'dpkg -L webmin' to find out10:24
tiglionabbitI didn't even realize it, but pow, any version of windows, and pretty much anything that microsoft makes, mine free!  woo.  Only problem is now I mostly use linux =P10:24
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aarcanetiglionabbit, install Linux on all the CS computers at school, lol10:25
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IceDC571Madpilot: where are you at?10:25
Tim__Anyone running Linux using an ATI Rage 128 Video card with TV output?10:25
mythbinderhappyfool, Just did Unfortunately I understoon none of it10:25
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MadpilotIceDC571: $300 USD? See if you can't find a 2500+.10:25
MadpilotIceDC571: Canada. BC.10:26
mythbinderComplete Ubuntu Noob here i din expect such a disastrous install after the Live Booted up flawlessly10:26
poningrumythbinder: whats wrong?10:26
IceDC571Madpilot: do those XP-M's still have unlocked multipliers?10:26
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HappyFoolmythbinder: maybe you can just reinstall?10:26
Bubbling_Zombieor try to fix your current install -_-10:26
Bubbling_Zombieyou might pick up some useful knowledge along the way10:27
MadpilotIceDC571: AFAIK, yes. my OC's quite happily. 1.8 stock, currently running at 2.010:27
HappyFoolsome people just want working systems *shrug*10:27
mythbinderThe Install Freezes at Configuring Apt, 25%, Setting Up primary installation repository.. I've tried it 5 times now10:27
Bubbling_ZombieHappyFool, bleh, where's the fun in that10:27
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HappyFoolmythbinder: ok, i'm sure someone asked this, but have you checked the CD using md5sum ?10:27
MadpilotIceDC571: I think it was the regular XP CPUs that got locked10:27
nickrudmythbinder, have you checked to be sure the cd was written correctlyl10:27
HappyFoolmythbinder: this can be done in windows, as far as i know10:27
MadpilotIceDC571: XPM are actually laptop CPUs by design, they can't be locked (power conservation)10:28
mythbinderNo I checked the Download after it was complete and had Nero check the burn after it was done wher is mdsum5?10:28
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HappyFoolmythbinder: how did you check the download?10:28
IceDC571Madpilot: yep.. as for memory, im not doing anything really productive.. do you think 512mb is enough?10:29
nickrudmythbinder, you can get md5sum.exe off the net for windows10:29
=== aarcane laughs at IceDC571
mythbinderAzurous sp? the Torrent Client has a right cli9ck verify10:29
aarcanemythbinder, azureus10:29
HappyFoolmythbinder: hmm10:29
mythbinderCant boot windows rigth now just the Live DVD heh XP Boot is fubared also10:30
IceDC571real linux users use the terminal.. hah10:30
HappyFoolmythbinder: doh10:30
MadpilotIceDC571: can you squeeze 1Gb out of your budget?10:30
Madpilotthe more RAM the merrier...10:30
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MadpilotIceDC571: /msg me, this is getting off topic10:31
nickrudI can say from recent experience that 512 is much better than 256 :)10:31
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HappyFoolmythbinder: i recommend going in the mount directory of the cd/dvd, and running 'md5sum -c md5sum.txt'  -- it should report any files that are bad10:31
Madpilot...and 1Gb beats heck out of 512...10:31
mythbinderBah I can recover XP NP..   I hope anyway I made sure not to mess with that partition during any of the install attemtps so recovery should be simple10:31
HappyFoolmythbinder: you should be able to do this from a terminal in the live dvd10:31
nickrudI would assume so10:31
IceDC571lol Madpilot what the hell are you running that needs 1gb of ram?10:32
aarcanenickrud, I am currently stuck with a mere 512, I'm looking to upgrade to about 2 gig, 'cause I've had the same 512 for about 5 years10:32
IceDC571i had 1gb of ram before, i never used it10:32
HappyFoolmythbinder: yeah, you should be able to recover XP with 'fixmbr' or something on the Win CD10:32
IceDC571well.. until i ran OS X on windows... it ate up all my ram10:32
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MadpilotIceDC571: Ubuntu seems quite happy to play in a 1Gb box! XP too...10:32
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IIIEarsXP especially - nearly 130 megs used idling - geez10:33
nickrudaarcane, 512 is so far not getting into swap, under my normal usage. I'm happy :)10:33
mythbinderOK opened terminal10:34
aarcanenickrud, I find myself running out very often..  I need very much 4 to 8 times the ram10:34
IIIEarsadd spyware and anti virus protection and a registry monitor (life support apps) and there is no ram left for anything useful10:34
=== Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudaarcane, I just use this thing for office stuff mostly. Also, I haven't really run it long enough to get a lot of apps open at once. I'll see then.10:35
IIIEarswell okay, you could add webshots desktop before windows began to flog the swapfile10:35
Xyc0I'm playing with BeepMP, anyone else using it?10:35
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aarcanenickrud, over a month uptime average..  would be more, but i have to do "business" in windows10:36
Xyc0ie games10:37
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aarcanenickrud, I have the computer doing massive numbers of things at a time.. steam, diablo 2, firefox, gaim, xchat, gcc...10:37
Xyc0tho all my games work in linux now10:37
nickrudaarcane, 3 hrs 37 min, the longest it's run yet :)10:37
aarcaneXyc0, linux game10:37
Xyc0Guild Wars works!!!!10:38
Xyc0cedega is an awsome thing10:38
aarcaneXyc0, the only thing I can't do in Linux about 30 times better than in windows is Webcam10:38
IIIEarsit's amazing how much power there is without a hundred life support apps and services running. - grin10:38
tombshi ppl10:38
tonyhi tombs /hi ppl10:38
aarcaneIIIEars, exactly10:39
mythbinderhappyfool: OK I think I got that done must be busy doing it just gave me a curser10:39
Xyc0aarcane: Who wants to see your ugly face anyways :D j/k10:39
aarcanetime to go put this webcam aside, my girlfriend is getting jealous that the lappy is in my lap more than she is10:39
aarcaneerm..  s/webcam/laptop/10:39
Xyc0in bash come on :D10:40
IIIEars<< 1.5 ghz 380 mbs ram boots to a useable desktop faster than 2.8ghz 760mbs ram. - rofl10:40
MadpilotIIIEars: nice, isn't it? makes setup far easier too!10:40
aarcaneI'm using Linux, I now use both Ubuntu and Gentoo, depending on the situation, and I DO have a girlfriend, and I DO get some..  so Nyah!!10:41
Xyc0... un important10:41
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poningruaarcane: yeah right10:41
Xyc0sex is overrated, untill you arnt getting any10:41
Belutzhow do i edit the grub config file?10:41
Xyc0like air10:41
aarcaneponingru, she's kicking me off now10:41
=== dam [~dam@d220-237-216-92.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
poningruXyc0: just like everything in life10:42
aarcaneponingru, she keeps slapping me for sharing my "business" with the whole ubuntu communi--  ow!10:42
damhey! just installed Ubuntu Linux 5.04: The Hoary Hedgehog Release10:42
Xyc0I co0uld do without this $500 speeding ticket10:42
=== Tomasu [~moose@S010600045a4c73cc.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
aarcanedam, congrats, what are you going to do now ?10:42
damit didnt ask me during setup for a admin password10:42
Xyc0dam: yey10:42
tonydam : how do u like it?10:43
poningruXyc0: ok just like everything worhtwhile in life10:43
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damwhats the admin password?10:43
Xyc0dam: we use sudo instead10:43
aarcanedam, sudo passwd10:43
tonydam : i cant tell u :)10:43
Xyc0dam: sudo <commands>10:43
Xyc0dam: then you use the users pwd10:43
TomasuI was thinking about trying kubuntu out.. and I was wondering how difficult is it to setup software raid? (not for boot/os, just a few disks for data.) Are there any docs specific to ubuntu and software raid?10:44
Xyc0pwd... gotta stop using that abbrev10:44
aarcanedam, alot of the users use sudo, but it is still very important to know the damn password for when you get a single sulogin prompt and need to haxx at your fstab,..10:44
=== iXiiON [~cucky@dsl-084-059-039-230.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
damyeah. but.... i want to click on synaptic package manager. it asks me for a PASS10:44
Xyc0sudo gedit /etc/fstab10:44
aarcaneTomasu, nothing about it is distro specific10:44
damhow do i change password or reset it?10:44
aarcanedam, that's your users password10:44
eyequeuedam:  rhat is YOUR password10:45
Tomasuaarcane, maybe I'm just used to gentoo's awsome wiki and forums ;)10:45
aarcanedam, you should set a root password using sudo passwd, and remember it just in case, but for teh most part, sudo is j00r friend10:45
Xyc0ubuntu's wiki is pretty good10:45
damso not knowing the admin password is OK?10:45
eyequeuedam:  you can change your password with the passwd command10:45
aarcaneTomasu, I know what you mean, I haven't found jack crap on the ubuntu wiki without a link to it10:45
Xyc0Gentoo is for people with way too much time on their hands10:46
eyequeueaarcane:  it's bad advice to tell him to set a root password10:46
aarcanedam, no, you should always know your root password..  anyone gets on your PC, and knows it, say byebye to any chance of security10:46
eyequeuedam:  there should not BE an "admin password" in ubuntu10:46
TomasuXyc0, doesnt take that much time with a little tweaking and pre setup (aka: several distcc boxes ;))10:46
Xyc0its randomly genorated, what do you mean?10:46
aarcaneeyequeue, It's bad advice to NOT set a root password10:46
iXiiONhello , i m going to install ubuntu/kbuntu but i have an old pc and want to know the more about the system requirements but didnt found something about this10:46
eyequeueaarcane:  wrong, this is ubuntu10:47
Xyc0iXiiON: what do you got?10:47
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eyequeueaarcane:  there is a reason there is no root password in ubuntu, kindly don't spew bad security advice in here10:47
IIIEarspasswords aren't any real security - it would be weak not to have them but buffer overflows are the real weak link now.10:47
iXiiONp3 550 mhz 256mb ram 20gb hdd10:47
damalright.... so do i need to know it? install didnt ask me for one10:47
Bubbling_ZombieiXiiON, depends. to run the basic ubuntu system you don't have to have a powerhouse. Using a mildly-powerhoused computer is nice if you want to install gnome/kde tho10:47
Xyc0iXiiON: your good10:47
Bubbling_Zombiebut that should suffice ^-^10:48
Xyc0iXiiON: are you putting Ubuntu on the whole drive?10:48
eyequeuedam:  there is none, and that is intentional, a security feature of ubuntu10:48
iXiiONcan i run kbuntu on this system smoothly ?10:48
aarcaneeyequeue, so what is your reason for not having the root account properly secured ?10:48
damok, sweet10:48
damwell im loving it so far10:48
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Bubbling_ZombieiXiiON, sure. Just don't expect too much eyecandy tho.10:48
damhopefully ubuntu is going to be my server!10:48
Xyc0eyequeue: yes there is one, its randomly genorated10:48
eyequeueaarcane:  "properly secured"?  it's properly secure by NOT enabling it10:48
eyequeueXyc0:  that is false10:48
IIIEarsthe newer processors have a "No Execute" marker in ram that should buy some time gainst hackers for awhile.10:48
concept10eyequeue, The reason is to get people to use sudo instead of root account, there is nothing wrong with having a root account10:48
eyequeueXyc0:  that is false10:49
ilucivhow does one uninstall the nvidia drivers (the ones from nvidia.com)10:49
Xyc0look up the pwd if you want10:49
Bubbling_Zombiedon't caps on us !10:49
iXiiONokay thanks for your help i will try and see :)10:49
Xyc0unless you changed it10:49
aarcaneeyequeue, sudo gedit the right file in /etc/pam and you can type in root at the console prompt, and voila, you're in10:49
damcan anyone recommend a good download manager for ubuntu?10:49
eyequeueaarcane:  anyone with physical acess is "in" anyway, of course10:49
Xyc0dam: what network?10:50
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IIIEarsdam - a web crawler app might work to d/l links10:50
Xyc0at ease10:51
damXyc0, something like getright... queable and sheduling.10:51
poningruyeah its too hard to block physical access attacks10:51
Xyc0dam: http://ubuntuguide.org/#d4x10:52
=== Fanskapet [~din@h247n1fls303o1124.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
aarcaneeyequeue, too true..  well, on my home PC, that's not true..  I have a 3x character long root password, and linked sudo to /usr/bin/nothing.  I did some reasearch, and when I get home, I'm going to get a USB key to bypass the root pass or use sudo, but for now, I'm perfectly secure since noone knows that pass but me10:52
eyequeueXyc0:  we aren't supposed to recomend ubuntuguide10:52
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linuksoDoes anyone here know what has happend to backports.ubuntuforums.org?10:53
IIIEarsdam - "kget" seems well regarded. haven't tried it.10:53
Xyc0aarcane: there is a project that uses USB drives as keys to your computer10:53
Xyc0aarcane: donno what its called tho10:53
ilucivno worries just found readme10:53
poningrueyequeue: why not?10:53
eyequeuelinukso:  did you read the site? (http)10:53
Bubbling_Zombieponingru, it just gives you a sets of commands10:53
Bubbling_Zombiewithout explaining them10:53
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Xyc0eyequeue: Dev's are not supposed to10:53
aarcaneXyc0, yeah..  too lazy to look it up, but I can make it work in like 30 seconds by writing the bloody C code myself and compiling a PAM module10:53
ubotusomebody said ubuntuguide was a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.10:53
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eyequeueXyc0:  see ubotu10:54
Xyc0um no10:54
Tomasuhmm.. I take it the "new" debian installer (or at least a graphical front end for it) isn't quite working yet? I remember a couple-few years ago when I was still on debian it seemed to be going well :o10:54
Xyc0I really don't care, its a great guide10:54
linuksoeyequeue: eh, I get no reply from http://backports.ubuntuforums.org...10:54
Xyc0it gets to the damned point10:54
Bubbling_ZombieTomasu, if you're talking about the installer that comes with sarge.10:54
Bubbling_Zombieit works10:54
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eyequeueXappe:  you've been asked not to give bad advice here10:55
Xyc0you missed10:55
eyequeuewtf is happening to this channel? :(10:55
Madpilotdam: Opera's download manager is far superior to Firefox's....10:55
qt2tried to manually install firefox 1.0.5... "DLError: libxpcom.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" during install... might that be the reason its been locking  up?10:55
qt2err... i mean...10:55
qt2*blinks* nevermind.10:56
=== oliwel waves a hello to the crowd
TomasuBubbling_Zombie,  Well, I could be, but Its a shame ubuntu isn't using it ;) a nice graphical installer would be nice ;) wouldn't it be nice if I can use the word "nice" a few more times? :o10:56
=== aarcane [~aarcane@70-97-197-191.dsl2.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu ["off]
Xyc0too big10:56
Xyc0takes too much space on a disk10:56
Bubbling_ZombieTomasu, it looks like the ubuntu installer <_<10:56
oliwelHi Guys -easy and might be stupid question- is there a graphical ssh client in ubuntu (such like kssh on kde)10:56
IIIEarsBe good to eacr guys. if you want surly there is always freenode #debian. - lol10:56
eruinis it possible to get a list of xkb keymaps ?10:57
Madpilotseems like they get pretty snarly over on #linux, too...10:57
poningruoliwel: there is gftp10:57
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oliwelponingru:ssh not ftp...10:57
TomasuBubbling_Zombie, um, the "new" installer actually supports pluggable interfaces and platforms.. ie: a nice graphical interface is possible...10:57
poningruoliwel: it handles ssh, ssh2 etc.10:58
Bubbling_Zombieow Tomasu , didn't know that.10:58
=== icn_ [~icn@pool-71-107-142-34.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
poningruoh wait only ssh210:58
poningruwell I would just use the terminal10:58
Bubbling_Zombiedon't see the use of it actually but still, it's nice10:58
poningrussh username@host10:58
Xyc0New users learn by doing, not reading through pages of "explanations" that never really address the ideas of practicality that Linux is so missing.  ubuntuguide.org gives healthy examples of how to WORK with Linux.10:58
Xyc0my rant for the day10:59
oliwelponingru- yes I know ssh on the konsole but I'd to manage around 100 machines...10:59
poningruoliwel: well you can just start up kssh10:59
TomasuI saw a script that automated multiple ssh connections.. you just worked with an interface that looks like one ssh command prompt, and it sends out the commands to all the connected hosts.. cant recall the name though :(11:00
poningrujust use apt it will take care of it11:00
=== Jurgeni [jyrha@hylsy.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Bubbling_ZombieXyc0, but when they get explanations they actually _know_ *gasp* what they're doing. And they'll apply it later in other situations.11:00
oliwelponingru: how di I install kssh on ubuntu -  I havenot found an entry in the package manager11:00
poningruhmm let me see11:00
oliwelponingru: I am new to debian based systems - so "apt -geh kssh? "11:01
IIIEarsUbuntuguide isn't 100% correct but it is concise11:01
icn_is ubuntu any good11:01
poningruhmm you are right its not in a package11:01
=== wijnand [wijnand@spoon.pkl.net] has joined #ubuntu
poningruso you cant do apt-get11:01
=== Seveaz [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Bubbling_Zombieicn_, what do you expect to get if you ask that kind of question on #ubuntu11:02
kalvewhat should i use to configure wifi?11:02
icn_biased answers maybe11:02
oliwelpoingru: im not addicted to kssh but i am looking for a cute solution to nt type my IPs/Hostnames all day11:02
Xyc0Bubbling_Zombie: Nothing is wrong with explanations, I wish the author of UG.org would provide links for explanations.  But when users come here, all the usually need is a quick command to get things rolling.11:02
qt2Bubbling_Zombie, however, when the run a command and see how the stshem reacts, they learn how the systhem reacts, its teaching through action vs teaching through explanation.11:02
Tomasuicn_, I havent even installed it yet, but it looks promising ;)11:02
Madpiloticn_: got it in one... :)11:02
=== DJ_Mirage [~djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
icn_all linux distros are the same aint they?11:02
Xyc0thanks qt2, you get where i was trying to go11:02
Bubbling_Zombieqt2, well, i spend the last two days helping somebody setting up his box.11:02
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas
poningruicn_: thats like saying all the people in the world are the same11:03
qt2icn_, it'd probably make more sense to ask that in ##linux11:03
poningruoliwel: there are many it seems11:03
icn_all u need is to open firefox and surf11:03
icn_thats all i do11:03
Bubbling_Zombieafter explaining two times how he updates his system in a "do this and do this" way11:03
icn_works the same no matter what distro u use11:03
Bubbling_Zombiehe didn't ask it anymore, cuz i actually explained what he was doing11:03
Xyc0Bubbling_Zombie: now think of how long it would take if the user just learned how through trial and error11:03
qt2Bubbling_Zombie, different people learn in different ways.11:03
Tomasuicn_, you have four basic types of Linux systems, RPM, DEB, EBUILD, and targz based systems... and they all do things in thier own way ;)11:03
poningruoliwel: here we go11:04
poningruapt-get install kdessh11:04
oliwelponingru:ok :)11:04
qt2Bubbling_Zombie, you shouldn't condemn a certain way of doing things because thats not the way YOU would do it.11:04
Bubbling_Zombietrue qt2 , but in my experience the "explaining what's happening" works better in the long term.11:04
oliwelhmm ok I will give it a try - can you point me to a kind of packagelist for ubuntu11:04
poningrutry synaptic11:05
icn_i've used both red hat, fedora, debian, and gentoo11:05
qt2i was reading the forums, reading the post about a bootsplash for ubuntu...11:05
oliwelpg: I used suse in the past and rpmseek was my best friend :)11:05
icn_just login and logout11:05
Xyc0icn_: no slack?11:05
IIIEarsdamn - firewal is complaining hit with unsolicited connections from reverse.layered.tech.com11:05
qt2half the poeple didnt want to give a choice in the matter...11:05
icn_i used slackware back when it was 2.0.24 kernel11:05
poningrusystem->admin->synaptic package manager11:05
icn_back then it was just console and bitchx11:05
qt2personally, i think that people should be able to choose how they want to do things.11:05
oliwelponingru: yes but there is no "kdessh"11:05
Xyc0icn_: it isn't still like that? j/k11:06
poningruooh you may have to add the universe to source.list11:06
Tomasuicn_, hmm, I've used all but slack..11:06
icn_all the same once kde loads basically11:06
icn_or gnome11:06
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icn_and maybe some icons11:06
Tomasunot once you want to actually install something11:06
Tomasuor remove a program...11:06
Bubbling_Zombiei've used slack , ubuntu & debian. Think i'll stick with the latter. Lynching is illegal tho, keep tahat in mind11:06
Xyc0icn_: and the whole packaging system11:06
Tomasuor figure out how to customize the startup11:06
=== cafuego stabs you
poningruoliwel: go to /etc/apt/source.list11:07
qt2so... what's the big difference between ubuntu and debian?11:07
Xyc0Bubbling_Zombie: Illegal where?11:07
poningruopen up in fav text editor11:07
cafuegoXyc0: outside texas11:07
poningruand read the doc to add universe11:07
Tomasuor even just figuring out where each distro decides to not follow the FSH11:07
Bubbling_Zombiethe world? o_O11:07
Xyc0Bubbling_Zombie: Not everyone here is in the U$11:07
Tomasuqt2, uptodate packages?11:07
=== Stalkr [Stalkr@71-35-119-75.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bubbling_Zombiedon't do  transatlantic lynching kids, it's bad for you :<11:08
qt2Tomasu, heh, so its more 'bleedng edge'?11:08
ubotuubuntuguide is probably a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.11:08
Tomasuqt2, I stopped using debian a while back becuse it took them a year to package updates to KDE.11:08
Xyc0qt2: Ubuntu focus on desktop and practicality, Deb on stability11:08
Stalkrhey, whomever was helping me earlier...thanks for trying, turns out to be a bad cd-rom drive11:08
Computer__Gurudid ubotu die?11:08
oliwelpoingru: ok I will do - what ssh gui are you using ?11:08
Xyc0Stalkr: That info would have helped :d11:08
qt2Computer__Guru, no... it responded to you o.o;11:08
Stalkrwell, I only just determined it11:09
poningruoliwel: I dont like ssh guis11:09
Computer__Guruqt2: tyvm, i was lagged11:09
oliwel*gg* - I dont like them but I need them11:09
poningruI like the bash11:09
poningruyeah never had to manage more than like 2 servers at the same time11:09
Stalkrhad to create a startup floppy using this machine to set up 98 se on that one from hdd to get a 98 disk to load mscd drivers to determine the drive had failed11:09
poningruso wouldnt know what it feels like11:09
=== poningru is a noob
=== Stalkr sighs
Xyc0Stalkr: I was just joshing you, awsome that you found out instead of trashing your whole system like i usualy do11:10
poningruok that came out sarcastic11:10
poningruit wasnt meant to be11:10
Computer__Guruokay, im runnin xfce here, and im looking at my panel, which ive customized.. thee's a little up arrow that allows me to add things to it, and i want to delete it from the panel but it doesnt have that option..11:10
Stalkrwell, it's pretty much trash now11:10
oliwelpoingru: np:)11:10
=== Stalkr laughs
=== oz___ [~oz@c211-30-253-67.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== Stalkr goes to bed to dream of building a machine for ubuntu tomorrow
Xyc0$15 for a new cd rom?11:10
oliwelponingru -seems my kyb is loosing the second n everytime ;)11:11
Bubbling_ZombieComputer__Guru, right click on it11:11
Stalkrit's an OLD laptop11:11
Xyc0Stalkr: ha ha ha, im sorry11:11
Bubbling_Zombieand remove the thingy next to the "add menu to..."11:11
Stalkr366 k6-1111:11
tiglionabbitComputer__Guru: Right-click the icon next to it, and in the properties disable the arrow thingy11:11
oliwelponingru: thxfor the support-I will try11:11
Bubbling_Zombie(in properties)11:11
Computer__GuruBubbling_Zombie: didnt work.. but i fixed it, i had to uncheck "attach menu to launcher"11:11
Stalkrhardly worth the effort of finding the drive for it11:11
Computer__Guruyeah what tiglionabbit said11:11
=== oliwel waves a goodbye
=== Stalkr waves
poningrucome back if you need more help11:11
Bubbling_Zombieoh, yeah that. I don't use launchers myself, so i was kinda going on memory ^_^11:11
IIIEarsStalkr - have you visited newegg.com - nirvana for computer builders. - grin11:12
Xyc0he left11:12
poningruI should sleep as well11:12
poningrunight guys11:12
=== poningru is now known as poningru_sleep
Xyc0Beeb or XMMS?11:13
=== oliwel waves goodbye to the crowd
Xyc0That was the whole reason i joined chat...11:13
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Madpilotoff to sleep myself. later, all.11:14
=== Bubbling_Zombie uses BMP
=== internat [~internat@dare.to.play.on.our-lan.com] has joined #ubuntu
Xyc0Does beeb have a gnome panel app like gxmms?11:15
=== kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-23.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
poningru_sleepubuntu community should get its own server for IRC11:15
Xyc0poningru_sleep: What happened to sleeping?11:15
Bubbling_Zombieno clue Xyc0 . poningru_sleep : why?11:15
poningru_sleepBubbling_Zombie: look at mozilla11:15
=== DodGeR [~DodGeR@c4-289-1.pta.dial.mweb.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
poningru_sleepalso because you can maintain your own policy11:16
poningru_sleepthis time for real11:16
Xyc0gxmms works for beep too11:17
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zwn1hi there11:19
Tomasumaintaining an IRC server takes work :o wonder if the team can afford to spend effort on something like that? :o11:19
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zwn1do ubuntu main/universe 5.04 packages compiled with gcc-3.3?11:19
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imaekWhen I was installing ubuntu, it asked me what resolution my graphics card supported, and it had a couple of default ones selected.  Now those are in System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution.  Unfortunately, the largest one was like 800x600, and I am stuck with that.   Is there any way to edit what resolutions I can change to?11:20
Xyc0Most linux users know to join the channel for their distro on freenod11:20
bob2zwn1: that's the default, yes11:20
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Xyc0imaek: What kind of videocard?11:21
zwnjbob2: danke :)11:21
imaekNVidia geforce 6600 i think11:21
imaekI may be completely wrong.11:21
TomasuXyc0, that I doubt :o most "linux" users are probably running Fedora or Mandrake with no clue how to do much of anything :o11:21
imaeki know it's nvidia11:21
Xyc0imaek: install nvidia drivers11:21
imaekand geforce11:21
imaekXyc0 I have them installed11:21
DodGeRi have mine running at 1600x1200@75 , also 6600GT's works fine11:22
DodGeRu take a look in your /etx/X11/xorg.conf ?11:22
DodGeRsee wots there ?11:22
Xyc0imaek: nvidia-settings also?11:22
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Xyc0fiddle with that11:22
imaekNow I do, Xyc0.11:22
imaekThank you.11:22
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Xyc0its in applications > system tools11:22
=== dave [~dave@c-24-23-80-230.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Xyc0it is?11:23
DavusEh, don't think so.11:23
imaekXyc0, nvidia-settings doesn't say anything about resolution11:24
Tomasuno RandR support :o11:24
Tomasukrandrtray is ahandly little app :)11:24
=== calamari [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
DavusRunning Ubuntu for the first some.  So far seems solidly built.11:24
imaekit is a GeForce 6600 GT, though.11:25
DodGeRsame as mine imaek11:25
Xyc0i had this problem with my 9800 Pro11:25
=== thomas [~thomas@easyconnect2121136-159.clients.easynet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
imaekall i have is11:26
=== sh0k [~ubuntu@p54818413.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
sh0khi guys11:26
DodGeRwhat i found was that i needed to set my horizSync/vertZyn rates and then add modes in my xorg.conf11:26
imaekshould I get nvidia-kernel-source11:26
sh0khow is the boot manager called which u can get installed with ubuntu?11:26
Xyc0what DodGeR said11:26
DodGeRi couldnt run high resolution till i fixed the sync rates11:26
Bubbling_Zombierestricted modules imaek11:26
imaekerm... what11:26
Bubbling_Zombieapt-get restricted modules for your kernel11:26
bob2sh0k: grub is installed by default11:27
imaekhow would I set HorizSync and VertZyn rates11:27
sh0kthanks :)11:27
bob2imaek: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:27
=== ramlambmoo [~woot@c211-30-186-151.rivrw1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
sh0kand u know how i deinstall it?11:27
DodGeRopen your /etc/X11/xorg.conf with an editor - after you make a backup of that file11:27
bob2sh0k: why do you want to do that?11:27
sh0ki delted my swap & ext3 hdds, and now when i reboot my pc11:27
sh0ki get GRUB error11:27
DodGeRsee what rates are currently set , and what screen modes (resolutions are there)11:27
sh0kand cant boot into my windows11:27
=== qt2 [~qt2@pool-64-223-233-139.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xyc0for BMP, how do you open whole directories of music?11:27
calamariis there a way to find out how fast my modem connected?  (I'm using pon / ppp to get online)11:27
bob2Xyc0: cick and hold on the add button on the playlist window11:28
Xyc0sh0k: don't delete linux :D11:28
sh0ki wanted to dell all again11:28
sh0kand make new partions11:28
bob2sh0k: so, if you want to get rid of ubuntu, get windows to overwrite the mbr11:28
Jurgenihas anyone had firefox crashing problems when accepting certificates permanently, for example at wiki.ubuntu.com?11:28
DavusWill check.11:29
Xyc0bob2: I have nested directories, that is what I am trying to add to PL11:29
Jurgeniwhen I try to start firefox from console, it says "segmentation fault" when crashing11:29
DodGeRwhat monitor do u have imaek , and what screen res would u like to run ?11:29
DavusChecking now Jurgeni, seems fine.11:29
bob2Jurgeni: this is the ubuntu version of firefox?11:29
Jurgenibob2: yep11:30
bob2Xyc0: it will recurse11:30
bob2Jurgeni: does it affect other users?11:30
sh0kin windows i need to do fixmbr.. but i cant geet into windows..11:30
imaekDodGeR: I have a 17" monitor, and I'd like to run something above 1024x76811:30
imaekmaybe like 1152x864 or something11:30
Jurgenibob2: I'm the only user11:30
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imaekDodGeR: Modes"1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"11:30
bob2Jurgeni: make another and try11:30
bob2sh0k: you'll need a boot cd11:30
Xyc0bob2: Ah, it worked, thnx11:30
imaek1080x1024 is no tin the Resolution changer thing11:30
bob2sh0k: in future, don't do this without a boot disk on hand11:30
=== koke [~koke@dsl-roigw1l33.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
sh0ki got a boot disc.. i just read a bit at google11:31
sh0kjust boot from winxp cd and make in console fixmbr11:31
=== Nic [~NicP_@c211-28-154-116.brasd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
sh0kim going to try11:31
sh0kcya later11:31
imaekbob2: I've done this binary monitor thing11:31
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bob2I don't know what that means11:32
Xyc0sh0k: I keep 3 gig for ubuntu so I can keep grub and have most of the HD to windows, but I only do that in extreme cases11:32
imaekbob2: you told me to go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:32
imaekand I'd done that already11:32
imaekit's just telling me to get glx11:32
=== sKaBoy [~luogni@host8-103.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
bob2you asked how to install the binary drivers11:33
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Jurgenibob2: I tried to make another user and tested firefox, no crashing there, funny...11:33
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=== zara [sweet@bzq-80-47-86.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xyc0Anyone get xmms2 working?11:36
DodGeRimaek, some 17" screens cant do very high res specially if they are lcd/tft ..  - do u know for a fact it can do 1200.1024 ?11:36
zarawhere can i get free cd from ubunto ?..i forget the site..i once registed.11:36
=== guillem [~guillem@28.Red-213-97-37.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
imaekI got it11:36
bob2zara: http://shipit.ubuntu.com/11:36
=== aigarius [~aigarius@a130-233-4-123.debconf5.hut.fi] has joined #ubuntu
guillemI'm in trouble with an Nvidia card. I get low quality image with some noise (like if I was looking at the TV), with "shadows" at high contrast zones and with both nv and nvidia drivers...11:37
=== Troy_McClure [~addison@24-119-228-8.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Xyc0guillem: Noise?11:37
=== qt2-2 [~qt2@pool-64-222-243-98.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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guillemXyc0, yes, random moving noise11:38
guillemXyc0, as if cable was not plugged correctly11:38
Xyc0guillem: Did you recently install this card?11:38
guillemXyc0, like VHS quaility11:38
nsaneiceHello, is there a package for the Gnome skin? Like the minimize, close and move?11:38
guillemXyc0, it is a brand new computer11:38
guillemsorry brand perhaps it is not the right word... I'm spanish...11:39
nsaneiceI am building Ubuntu from server11:39
guillemIt is a new from yesterday computer11:39
=== visor [~gustavo@red-corp-] has joined #ubuntu
Xyc0guillem: The connections for the card are dirty11:39
guillemXyc0, which ones??11:39
ilucivok I can't seem to find the uninstall command for the nvidia.com nvidia drivers does anyone know what it would be??11:39
Xyc0guillem: aka they are not fully connected11:39
guillemXyc0, so...11:39
Xyc0guillem: AGP or PCI Express?11:39
=== zeedo [~zeedo@www.reboot-robot.net] has joined #ubuntu
guillemPCI express11:39
=== ficoc [~ficoc@p50871081.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Xyc0The PCI Espress ones...11:40
bob2iluciv: there may not be one, there's a reason people use packages...11:40
bob2iluciv: #nvidia might know11:40
=== popey [~popey@dsl-80-46-101-238.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
guillemXyc0, what can I do, then?11:40
Shorty`with the nautilus dvd/cdrom burning stuff11:40
ilucivbob2: alreaqdy there11:40
Xyc0guillem: take the card out of the slot, blow with compressed air for electronics, and use rubbing alcohol on the cards brass connectors.11:40
Shorty`can I make it actually tell me what ti's doing?11:41
=== klaas_ [~khagen@ip503c6061.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
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guillemXyc0, are you sure? I mean, the computer is new!11:41
bob2Shorty`: it tells you when it's generating the image, and when it's burning...what more do you want to know?11:41
Xyc0guillem: I am not a pro, but that is what I do11:41
visordo you know where to see the list of options for iocharset and codepage to mount a share with samba? (trhough smbfs) i have some trouble with special characters and i have tried utf8 but yet i have no luck11:41
Shorty`the speed, what it's adding to the image, perhaps a percentage?11:41
guillemXyc0, and do you success?11:41
Xyc0guillem: do not do if inexperienced11:41
Xyc0guillem: always11:41
bob2visor: man smbmount11:41
Shorty`bob2, I just like to know *exactly* what its doing, that's all.11:42
=== Nic [~NicP_@c211-28-154-116.brasd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Xyc0guillem: or11:42
Shorty`maybe even how full the buffer is? :>11:42
Xyc0guillem: you can return the computer and tell them its borked11:42
guillemXyc0, OK, I'll save this chat and talk to the store guy11:42
=== NicP [~NicP_@c211-28-154-116.brasd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
guillemXyc0, the card has several outputs. Would it be better with another one?11:42
Xyc0What display do you use?11:42
visorbob2: yeah, i already did that, but i dont really know which codepage to use under the codepage and iocharset option i thought utf8 would do but it doesnt11:43
Shorty`youusing DVI or?11:43
guillemIt is a LG studiobworks 19 inch11:43
bob2visor: Ive never had to set it11:43
Shorty`we found some of the newer cards with the HD15 connector on a ribbon were shithouse11:43
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Shorty`try a DVI -> Analog converter11:43
guillemWich one is DVI?11:43
Xyc0the round one11:43
guillemI have adaptor for the largest one to the "usual" one11:43
anacrondvi is usually white' connector11:43
visorbob2: i guess so, you dont have to use special characters but i do ;)11:44
Xyc0I was wrong about the round one11:44
Xyc0dont listen to me11:44
Xyc0im being lazy11:44
guillemHowever there is not signal at the largest one right now11:44
Shorty`guillem, try that.11:44
anacronguillem: check from image.google what dvi looks like :)11:44
Shorty`guillem, you will probably have to reboot.11:44
guillemOK, but there is no signal at the DVI one11:44
guillemShorty`, do I have to restart the computer with the monitor plugged at DVI one?11:45
Xyc0DVI or not it shouldnt cause picture noise11:45
Shorty`it's probably gone.. "mm.. he's using VGA and I'm not in dual head mode, I'll just enable the analog port"11:45
Shorty`Xyc0, we had a video card do it from new recently..11:45
Shorty`on the DVI it was fine11:45
guillemXyc0, I agree, I just want to avoid to go to the store....11:45
Xyc0Wow, makes me really want to upgrade to PCI Ex11:45
Shorty`guillem, just try it for me? I'm curious now. :)11:46
guillemShorty`, how do I enable the DVI port? it is automagic or do I need something?11:46
Shorty`automagic on bootup11:46
=== GNULinuxer [~ghoseb@gnulinuxer.user] has joined #ubuntu
Shorty`I think the card detects what display you're using11:46
Shorty`and outputs to it11:46
tiglionabbitrofl.  "You've just won a year's supply of Calendar!"11:46
guillemShorty`, I really want to try all the available options :-))11:46
Shorty`with a preference for DVI in dualhead mode I believe11:46
guillemOK, I reboot now and I will connect again to let you know.11:47
guillemsee you soon ;-))11:47
visorbob2: i just found the thing, cp850 is the codepage11:47
highvoltagetiglionabbit: to receive your prize, type cal 200511:47
=== sky_monkey007 [~sky_monke@ip68-6-248-5.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
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guillembtw, how do I save this chat?? (Xchat)11:47
Shorty`not sure actually. :)11:47
guillemOOps I found it11:47
sky_monkey007go to Settings -> preferences -> chatting -> logging11:48
Shorty`I would *love* to know how fast this things writing11:48
sky_monkey007I have a quick question about Ubuntu Software update manager...11:49
bob2Shorty`: you can file a wishlist bug if it's really important to you11:49
sky_monkey007if you see alot of packages that it marks as "Unauthenticated", does that mean it's coming from a universe, or multiverse repo?11:49
bob2or just use cdrecord11:49
Shorty`bob2, you don't agree that it would be useful?11:49
bob2sure, but it's fluff and clutters th ui11:50
bob2the point of nautilus' cd burning abilities is that you tell it to do it and it just does it, quietly11:50
=== HappyFool [~HappyFool@tedo-ip-nas-1-p486.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Shorty`well you could have a dropdown like synaptic does..11:50
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bob2I use it occasionally for burning dvds (since dvdrecord outsmarted me), and I've never really missed it11:51
bob2sure, propose it if you feel it's important11:51
=== guillem [~guillem@28.Red-213-97-37.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Troy_McClurei'm bored...  i need a new linux project... what should i do?11:51
guillemWOW! WOW! WOW!11:51
sky_monkey007bob2, when you see Software Update tell you that there are package updates from "Unauthenticated" sources, what is your best recommendation?11:51
Shorty`bob2, know the site for the bug tracker?11:51
Shorty`guillem, better?11:52
bob2Troy_McClure: you could start squashing debian or ubuntu bugs11:52
Troy_McClurei am not that l33t11:52
bob2Shorty`: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/11:52
guillemXyc0, Shorty` , et al, Now it is impressive11:52
bob2sky_monkey007: I've never used it, but it probably means you have non-ubuntu lines in your sources.lsit11:52
Shorty`guillem, figuired.. it seems to be worryingly common these days :/11:52
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sky_monkey007well, all of them are ubuntu, but not all are official...like the universe and multiverse repos..11:53
guillemShorty`, definitely better quailty. Still some small shadow after high contrast zones but this used to happen with the old computer also (probably because high resolution and refresh rates) It is not anoying so far11:53
sky_monkey007bob2, in otherwords, it might not be safe to install them eh?11:53
Troy_McClureis there a gmail notifier type thing for linux?11:53
guillemNow I'm happy again!!!!11:53
guillemTroy_McClure, there is gmail extension for firefox11:54
Shorty`guillem, great :> another satisfied customer :>11:54
HappyFoolsky_monkey007: use the 'reload' in synaptic, or do 'sudo apt-get update' in a terminal and try again -- it's probably just a glitch.  happens to me all the time.11:54
Troy_McClurea plugin you mean?11:54
Troy_McClureoh okay they are callaed extenstions :P11:54
sky_monkey007does gnome 2.8 has nautilus cd burning abilities?11:54
guillemTroy_McClure, yes, they are called "extensions" at firefox context11:54
bob2sky_monkey007: do you know what "unauthenticated" means in this context?11:54
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Bubbling_Zombieplugins are flash etc.11:55
Troy_McClurei just realized that :P11:55
guillemShorty`, I'm a bit worried, nevertheless...11:55
sky_monkey007bob2, basically, it means that it's not been checked by the people who administer the original hoary software packages and official repo's, right?11:55
guillemShorty`, I won't be able to use dualhead unless I try with Xyc0 's  method,....11:55
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sky_monkey007bob2, so if I just wanted to get security updates, I could comment out everything except official security repo's and just let Update install those?11:56
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Xyc0guillem: What's my method?11:56
bob2sky_monkey007: sort of.  it means the packages aren't digitally signed, so they could have been modified in transit, and that they're not..."approved" by the ubuntu people, yeah.11:56
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bob2sky_monkey007: yes11:56
sky_monkey007cool.  Thanks :)11:56
djpis there a way to decrease the size of icons that appear on the desktop? i amusing ubuntu hoary with gnome gui11:56
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guillemXyc0, to clean the card with air and alcohol...11:56
onkarshindeHow to use spesial keys on keyboard in Ubuntu (ex. Windows Key)?11:56
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Xyc0guillem: i didn't know this was a widespread problem with PCI Express11:57
Xyc0guillem: Try theirs first11:57
Xyc0guillem: then if all else fails11:57
Xyc0guillem: my method11:57
Shorty`guillem, to be fair.. I'm guessing it's one of the 5200s ?11:57
guillemXyc0, I've solved it by using the dvi port, but now I know I could use two monitors... hmmmmm you know :-P11:58
guillemShorty`, no11:58
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guillemShorty`, NVIDIA Corporation NV40 [GeForce 6200 TurboCache] 11:58
Shorty`confirm for me that it has a ribbon cable for the HD15 connector?11:58
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Shorty`eeewww? :P11:58
Troy_McClureanyone know of any sonar/cakewalk clones for linux?11:59
Shorty`0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AR [Radeon 9600] 11:59
guillemShorty`, however, nvidia drivers do not perform well in 3D accel... The driver complains about my kernel and I don't know if it is that the problem...11:59
Shorty`guillem, does it do it in windows?11:59
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guillemShorty`, I don't have windows at all.11:59
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Shorty`I'm trying to assertain if its the card of something quirky in the kernel/driver.12:00
zaradebian runs on ntfs?12:00
zarai mean ubuntu12:00
Shorty`does it?12:00
Shorty`I don't know! ask it :>12:00
onkarshindeHow to use spesial keys on keyboard in Ubuntu (ex. Windows Key)?12:00
=== didymo [~ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Troy_McClureit will read NTFS12:00
Troy_McClurebut not write to NTFS12:00
Troy_McClurewriting to NTFS from linux is not a good idea12:00
Troy_McClureoften leads to drive corruption and the like12:00
Shorty`has anyone actually put a package for captive into any of the repositories?12:00
guillemShorty`,  "NVRM: WARNING [...]  ychange_page_attr kernel interface [...]  you update to a 2.6.11 or newer kernel"12:00
HappyFoolonkarshinde: system -> preferences -> keyboard and keyboard shortcuts12:00
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Xyc0Shorty`: 6600 and below are horrid designs12:00
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Xyc0Shorty`: (EEEWWW)12:01
Shorty`Xyc0, you're not paying *my* card out now are you? :)P12:01
Troy_McCluredamn! the new harry potter book is out..12:01
Troy_McClurei want it...12:01
Xyc0Me too12:01
Shorty`I'm tempted12:01
Shorty`even though I don't read much12:01
Xyc07800 are already out eh12:01
Xyc0reading is cool, stay in school12:02
Shorty`been through school already ;)12:02
damhttp://ubuntuguide.org/ ROCKS12:02
damcheck it out12:02
damunless you have already12:02
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.12:02
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Shorty`I love blootot.12:03
Shorty`blootbot even12:03
Xyc0ha ha ha12:03
Xyc0HappyFool: were you waiting for that?12:03
guillemStrange, now the 3D acceleration seems to be just OK...12:03
HappyFoolXyc0: not at all12:03
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HappyFooldam: sorry, i didn't mean to be rude12:03
guillemPlaying torcs at 1024 gives me about 50-50 fps and yesterday only 10...12:03
Shorty`"How to clean up unwanted files on your ubuntu install"12:03
HappyFooldam: just for your information12:03
Shorty`"ubuntu~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda12:04
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Xyc0dam: It helps, but its best to learn why you type what you type12:04
Xyc0dam: bash prompt can me trixy12:04
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Xyc0HappyFool: I just found it funny, its been a few minutes since you last responded here12:05
Xyc0alright kids, im off to bed12:06
guillemTFT monitors use DVI output??12:06
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Shorty`Is this a self-answering question??12:08
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|stefan|if i install a package that replaces a ubuntu-base package . if i've understad correctly the "auto update package" function won't work ? but will still apg-get dist-upgrade work ??12:09
guillemShorty`, no, I'm just gessing that since customers tend to buy TFT monitors lately, the old CRT outputs might have been lowered their quality checks. This would make sense if TFT monitors do not use the old VGA outputs....12:09
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discord_spiral thats a guess12:11
tiglionabbitsay guys, I just noticed that Edubuntu is looking for breezy badger animations.  What software should I use?L12:13
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OculusAquilaetiglionabbit: wat kind of animations?12:14
tiglionabbitthey put a link on the ubuntu main page, check it out.  I'm wondering what animation program I should use though...12:15
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HappyFooltiglionabbit: isn't there something called 'cinepaint' -- some sort of gimp thing?12:17
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tiglionabbitare there any good SVG Animation programs yet?12:17
guillemWell, at the end I'm pretty happy with my new machine. I finally decided to upgrade my old AMDk6-2+ to this AMD64 thing... with sata disk which has not given any problem at ubuntu install... amazing, ubuntu has set up the network and sound cards embedded into the main card, and it has not given me any trouble at all.12:17
blackskyanybody know why I'm getting "MD5Sum mismatch" on some packages errors when trying to dist-upgrade from hoary to breezy?12:17
tiglionabbitblacksky, are you sure you want to do that?12:18
guillemblacksky, read the Topic...12:18
blackskyah, ok!12:18
tiglionabbitanyway, I need to sleep, I'll explore the internet for good animation programs later12:18
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blackskybreezy is obviously a bit more bleeding edge than I was hoping for :)12:19
aehoI'm trying to play CodeRED: Alien arena, and I'm having some serious problems: http://pastebin.com/31440112:20
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aehoCould something be wrong with my drivers?12:21
tiglionabbitblacksky, not as bleeding as Grumpy Groundhog12:21
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guillemtiglionabbit, I think that latests openoffice releases can export things to flash... I don't know.12:22
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tiglionabbithm really12:23
blackskytiglionabbit: ooo, not even heard of that one yet. I'm a recent convert from debian - is there somewhere that explains how the different ubuntu releases work?12:23
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tiglionabbitblacksky, they release a new stable distro every 6 months and call it an animal and an adjective with the same beginning letter.  Grumpy Groundhog however is the developers version that is meant to easily synchronize CVS builds of things in the ubuntu project12:24
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blackskyta for the info tiglionabbit12:25
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HeimdallSeveas, (hello) could you remember me what is the latex package you told me about ?12:25
tiglionabbitgoodnight everyone12:26
tiglionabbitif you find a program you think I could animate with, mail me  (  tiglionabbit@gmail.com )12:27
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newbieheimdall what do you want latex to do for you?12:27
HappyFoolblacksky: take a look on the website -- www.ubuntulinux.org and wiki.ubuntu.com -- you'll probably find some info on the release policy there12:27
Heimdallnewbie, I'm just looking for the name of the latex package I have installed12:28
HappyFoolHeimdall: tetex ?12:28
newbietry tetex12:28
Heimdallah yes HappyFool  :)12:28
Heimdallthis is it12:28
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Heimdallwell, now I can ask my question lol12:28
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Heimdalldo you know if in tetex it is possible to convert dvi or tex file in html ?12:29
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Heimdallthing like latex2html12:29
newbieyah it is called latex2html12:29
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newbiebut sometimes the translation is not soo good12:30
HappyFoolHeimdall: there are some others, whose names escape me12:30
HappyFoolHeimdall: i think there's also 'tth'12:30
HeimdallI don't have latex2html12:30
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newbiei tried it with elsavier and did not work well12:30
Heimdallit would be good if I could create a little "web site" with a tex document I made12:30
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newbietry installing latex2html12:31
newbieit might work for standard classes. But sometimes tables are not translated12:31
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newbieheimdall you know the ctan site right search for a package there12:32
cionhey all newbie here: how come no multimedia file works on my ubuntu?12:32
onkarshindecion:what do you want to play?12:33
Heimdallnewbie, synaptic's running...12:33
cionmp3, divx, dvd, .mov.mpg12:33
cionnothing works12:33
onkarshindecion: either install totem & totem-xine packages or install vlc12:34
OculusAquilaecion: try to look at ubuntuguide.org/12:34
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OculusAquilaecion http://ubuntuguide.org/#codecs12:34
cionwhats vlc?12:34
cionOculus: ok got that, I'll check it, thx12:34
newbieheimdall what front end for latex you use (kile or acutex)12:35
OculusAquilaecion: vlc is a media player, very good12:35
djpcion: try and use ogg vorbis instead of mp3 and theora instad of divx, mov and mpg. if you really need to use the other impeded formats then install g-streamer-plugins and gstreamer-ffmpeg12:35
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Heimdallnewbie, what ??12:35
bassembghi room12:35
OculusAquilaedjp: I think its not acceptable for a newbie to convert all files :-)12:36
newbieheimdall you said you use latex i was asking what front end you used12:36
blackskywhen i do an "apt-get update" its Ign:(oring) the backport sources I've got listed. Anybody know why?12:36
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djpOculusAquilae: sure. i wouldn't advise converting mp3 to ogg anyway.12:36
Heimdallnewbie, sorry I don't understand 'front end'12:37
bassembgany one good in linux12:37
cionOk thx to all, you guys rock!12:37
newbieheimdall what program you use to write latex files12:37
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onkarshindebassembg: Just ask your question.12:37
bassembgi need to adjust my screen resolution12:37
mirceaSystem>Preferences>Screen Resolution12:38
bassembgit dosen't work12:38
Heimdallnewbie, emacs12:38
mirceaHow exactly does it fail?12:38
bassembgits fixed on 640*480 and no other obtions12:39
onkarshindebassembg: What is your graphic card?12:39
mirceaI'm not sure which configuration file you need to edit then. Give me a second.12:39
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jasmuzbye ya'll12:41
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bassembgmircea still there12:44
mirceaSo my next question is, what does it say in your xorg.conf file. It's in /etc/X11.12:44
mirceaYeah, I was just checking some stuff on google and my computer.12:44
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bassembgok let me c12:45
Heimdallnewbie, do you know about latex2html ?12:45
=== MeltedDuron has a major problem
newbiei have it installed here12:45
frodo24i still have problems with pon and i get disconnected after a minute or few seconds of net12:45
newbieand i ran it from lyx12:45
newbienever new how to work under emacs though12:46
MeltedDuroni swapped gfx cards, and i can't get the xserver to start, what do i do?12:46
frodo24i'm starting to think ubuntu sucks since i can't get it online12:46
Heimdallit does not make good pictures for my formulae :-/12:46
HappyFoolfrodo24: you've look in /var/log/messages for clues ?12:46
HappyFoolMeltedDuron: try running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org'12:46
frodo24but i don't know12:46
Heimdalllatex2html filename.tex ===> pictures are VERY bad12:46
newbietold you it has some problems12:46
MeltedDuronok thnx will do12:47
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bassembgmircea still there12:47
mirceaHappyFool; that's a new one, what exactly does it do?12:47
Heimdallnewbie, http://nico.aunai.free.fr/man/node11.html see yourself.... here it should be a formula :-/12:47
bassembgit says Graphics Device"12:47
bassembgSubSection "Display"12:47
bassembgModes"1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"12:47
frodo24i'm thinking to get kppp for ubutu12:47
HappyFoolHeimdall: i'd recommend generating pdf instead -- most people can read it12:47
HappyFoolmircea: runs xorgconfig, or an ubuntu/debian equivalent, afaik12:47
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mirceaAre there any entries under Depth 24 ?12:48
newbiethere is no formula at all12:48
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newbieno i had the formulas working not the tables though12:48
HeimdallHappyFool, yeah I'm making pdf too...12:48
mirceaHappyFool; thanks, I think I understand now12:48
bassembgyae theres depth 4 , 8 , 1612:48
ice_1963i jest installed icewm it's good12:48
HeimdallHappyFool, but I thought html version could be nice too12:48
frodo24heimdall is that name after the game heimdall?12:49
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MeltedDuronhappyfool: it says xserver-org isn't installed :-/12:49
HappyFoolHeimdall: fair enough. i'd worry less about that, and get on with writing the article/thesis whatever ;)12:49
HappyFoolMeltedDuron: hmm. Are you running ubuntu 4.10 ?12:49
mirceabassembg: What does it say under Depth 16?12:49
HappyFoolMeltedDuron: aka 'warty warthog' or older ubuntu release12:49
HeimdallHappyFool, yeah you're rigth :)12:49
Heimdallfrodo24,  ?12:50
bassembgSubSection "Display"12:50
bassembgModes"1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"12:50
bassembgSubSection "Display"12:50
MeltedDuronnope 5.04 hoary hedgehog12:50
frodo24if i copy and paste my log/messages next time will i get better tech support?12:50
HappyFoolMeltedDuron: maybe i got the name wrong -- please stand by12:50
MeltedDuronokies thnx12:50
HappyFoolbassembg: please don't paste here -- use a pastebin, or #flood12:50
mirceabassembg: strange12:50
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newbiei use to run hyperlatex too12:51
newbieyou can try that12:51
bassembgok , sorry but still new12:51
bassembgso mircea what to do12:51
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HappyFoolMeltedDuron: no, xserver-xorg is correct12:51
bassembgit supports other resolutiom but i can't change it12:51
mirceaHow do you arrange some sort of direct chat?12:51
HappyFoolMeltedDuron: X did work previously?12:51
bassembgshould i be root to change resolution12:52
HappyFoolmircea: try '/query bassembg'12:52
qt2-2i know what was locking up my system \o/12:52
MeltedDuronokie yeh12:52
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ice_1963you need to run icewm lol12:52
MeltedDuroni swapped gfx cards tho12:52
frodo24anyone has any idea why i get disconnected after?12:52
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qt2-2frodo24, after what?12:52
HappyFoolMeltedDuron: that certainly shouldn't cause an uninstall of xserver-xorg12:52
frodo24connection to isp12:52
MeltedDuronyaay it r workeh now thnx HappyFool12:53
qt2-2what are you using to connect?12:53
HappyFoolfrodo24: can you paste the output of 'grep pppd /var/log/messages' to a pastebin?12:53
HappyFoolMeltedDuron: ok, cool12:53
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HappyFoolfrodo24: i have to go soon, so I may not be able to fully debug your problem12:53
frodo24no now as i'm in windows but later yes12:53
evaderI love it when the topic answers my question12:54
frodo24ok someone will is ok happyfool12:54
HappyFoolfrodo24: you can read linux filesystems with explore2fs12:54
MeltedDuroncan someone with a calculator help me find out what 128mb is in kb pleese?12:54
frodo24ok i will go and  download it and paste it12:54
HappyFoolfrodo24: maybe you can use a windows text editor (notepad, whatever) to manually find pppd related lines and put them up there -- no need to boot into linux12:54
frodo24i use scite on win12:55
HappyFoolMeltedDuron: 13421772812:55
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MeltedDuronthanx :)12:55
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frodo24ok i go now to download12:55
frodo24so can't read chats12:55
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frodo24why is so popular ubuntu?12:57
action09because it kicks ass12:57
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frodo24i know why linux is popular but not ubuntu12:58
Chipparnubuntu rocks12:58
mirceaBecause it's easy to use and well integrated.12:58
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HappyFoolfrodo24: regular release cycle, post-release support of 18 months (up to now) and emphasis on ease of use12:58
frodo24mandrake also is easy12:58
action09frodo24 install in 20 minutes and has a Debian style (best linux cos of apt..and free software) desktop oriented , and Desktop is for 90% of users...12:58
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MeltedDuronHappyfool: have configed x, now what?12:59
HappyFoolMeltedDuron: no12:59
HappyFoolMeltedDuron: try 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'12:59
frodo24i c12:59
MeltedDuronok thx12:59
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frodo24is fast in booting12:59
frodo24i noticed12:59
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frodo24cool i c my linux system01:00
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MeltedDuronHappyFool: it don'twork01:01
HappyFoolMeltedDuron: unfortunately i must go now. Look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log for some clues as to what is breaking, or ask someone else for help. My apologies.01:01
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frodo24Jul 16 01:30:12 localhost pppd[23075] : Using interface ppp001:03
frodo24Jul 16 01:30:12 localhost pppd[23075] : Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS101:03
frodo24Jul 16 01:30:40 localhost pppd[19147] : Device ttyS1 is locked by pid 2307501:03
frodo24Jul 16 01:30:41 localhost pppd[23075] : PAP authentication succeeded01:03
frodo24Jul 16 01:30:49 localhost pppd[23075] : local  IP address
frodo24Jul 16 01:30:49 localhost pppd[23075] : remote IP address
frodo24Jul 16 01:30:49 localhost pppd[23075] : primary   DNS address
frodo24Jul 16 01:30:49 localhost pppd[23075] : secondary DNS address
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frodo24i knew it whould happen01:04
catstop flooding,01:04
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frodo24i had to paste a problem01:05
frodo24anyone read it and tell me01:05
Bubbling_Zombiefrodo24, use the pastbin (check /topic)01:06
catwell, don't pasted you'r problem gives us, information about the issue,01:06
catpasting doesn't meing anything01:06
frodo24i can't01:07
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catwell then we can't help you, simple as that01:07
frodo24listen i have to go to shower after tell me a solution01:07
frodo24how u pastbin?01:08
catwell when you come back explain the issue, and we will do our best to help you,01:08
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frodo24ok cat01:08
kevinI am proud of myself, the true Linux newby got his wireless working with no help and no cheasing people off, it was easy thanx to the awsome documentation of the Ubuntu forums01:09
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frodo24is cool when a newbiew does it by himself i also agree01:09
catwell what can we say kevin there's some people that love to read and others, lazy that don't really read much01:09
kevinnow all I have to do is get icewm installed and setup01:10
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kevinI am normally the latter01:10
frodo24i'm not a lazzy person just i can't fix the damn modem01:10
catfrodo24: www.google.com/linux01:11
kevincat: it is awsome, the firsat try and my wireless works! I am using it now to be in here01:12
catthat's awsome01:12
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bassembghi room01:13
kevinI normally won't spend $35.00 to play but I had to01:13
bassembgi need to change my screen resolution01:13
bassembgany help01:13
kevinhi bassemg01:13
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sheeparegreatdoes anyone know where I can find some nice themes for Gnome?01:14
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catsheeparegreat: art.gnome.org01:14
zerokhi :-)01:14
cathiya zerok01:14
bimberibassembg: something here may help you ...01:15
ubotumethinks resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:15
kevinbassemg: mine is under Computer then system config01:15
kevinsorry I will hush lol01:15
bassembgok thanks01:16
bimberibassembg: yw - hope it helps :)01:16
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=== tanki wakes up
tankigood morning all01:21
bassembgi used the reconfigure command and every thing get mixed up and i renstall linux again01:22
kevintanki: morning01:22
bassembgi edite the xorg.conf and it seems to support all resolutins01:22
bassembgwhy then i cant change it01:23
=== naliothatwrk [~arbeit@adsl-70-240-112-46.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
djpmorning tanki01:23
tankiI know this is a help channel but it would be nice once in a while if someone came in here and said something like "Hello! All is well!"01:23
tankimornin' kevin, djp01:23
evillightGOOD MORNING! =D01:23
kevintanki: I did this am ;)01:23
tankiyes kevin I remember :)01:24
bassembgtanki u seems to be abou tanki (in arabic)01:24
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tankiinteresting, what's tanki in arabic?01:25
tankiI mean what's it translate to in englishh01:25
bassembgit means metalic tank01:25
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bassembgand when u say about some one that he is abou tanki it means he is old stuff01:26
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lesshastehow do I make dev/mapper/control ?01:26
tankii'm 27 so in some circles i'm old01:26
bassembgwell i'm 30 ;)01:27
bassembgtoo old01:27
tankiwhen i started to hide linsey lohan movies under my bed, i knew i was old01:27
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kevinwell, I shall return tonight. Time for me to go and start seeing Windows customers01:30
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Funraiserit would be nice if there was this feature: after reaching a folder with Nautilus, select a file, right click an choose: type a command line that will apply to this file on this folder (see what I mean?)01:30
fonskenanyone knows how i can extract a .CAB-file?01:31
Chipparnanyone have a tip on another cool and easy use windowmanager?01:31
frodo24OK I'M BACK01:31
=== mactiny [opera@nps-ip-nas-1-p48.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
fonskenthx nightswim :)01:31
frodo24cap where on01:31
mactinydoes anyone here know what is currently the best gfx card for laptops01:32
mactinyspeed wize01:32
frodo24so know do i paste my log?01:32
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xxenonmactiny - I have a geforce 6200, not bad.01:32
mactinywhat 3dmark scores do you get roughly01:33
xxenonmactiny - no idea.01:33
zwnjhow i can get GLX without NVIDIAs module (i mean Mesa-GLX)?01:33
tankimactiny, If you can afford it, try to find a laptop that allows interchanging of gfx cards. More and more manufacter's are doing this and it's a great idea if you get a laptop as a desktop replacement (ala. gaming). DELL XPS is one I know of that does this.01:33
mactinyareu able to play most of the current games01:33
frodo24how do i paste01:33
mactinyoh ok, thanks01:34
xxenonmactiny - I play HL2 1280x800 very smoothly01:34
mactinygood to know01:34
mactinyive been away from the gaming scene for awhile, i must say, im quite amazed that the gfx are that fast01:34
mactinyhow would you compare mobile gfx to desktop01:35
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zwnjanyone would help me please?01:35
mactinyat the mo01:35
xxenonmactiny - laptop's are still a lot slower. Just check the size of a 6800Ultra..with the fans and all...and the power comsuption01:35
xxenonyou cantz  bring that to a laptop01:35
tankimactiny, they've come a long way but in general the desktop beats them out because traditionally you're stuck with the gfx card you have in your laptop for the life of the laptop01:36
xxenonbut my VAIO with that geforce has decent performance, I think.01:36
mactinyi get that01:36
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mactinyim thinking of getting a new laptop, ill have a look at the dell xps01:36
tankimy laptop was able to play most games on the market at a great fps but now i don't dare try to play battlfield 2 on it for example01:37
tankiand i can't really do anything about that01:37
mactinywhat laptop you got01:37
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tankimactiny, just remember the two things you can't replace on a laptop is the lcd and the keyboard so make sure whichever laptop you choose, you like both those components01:39
tankiso it doesn't matter if your laptop can power a rocket shuttle, if the keyboard doesn't feel right, then your experience with it will suck01:40
jacob__external keyboard01:40
jacob__external display screen01:40
=== Nitrous [bleh@82-42-187-184.cable.ubr06.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
tankiin that case you might as well just build a pc01:41
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jacob__well a laptop you bring home01:41
jacob__if you are a student01:41
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mactinytanki ..thanks, ill keep that in mind01:41
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silverphoenixUbuntu is beadth of which debian?01:41
jacob__and I always though that replacing parts in a laptop is rather expensive01:41
Nitroushey need help, when you boot up ubuntu and it comes to the boot screen what do you type to start the gnome desktop environment01:41
tankiif you buy an external monitor and keyboard for your laptop because you don't like the laptop's keyboard and lcd, then you bought the wrong laptop imho01:42
ben_underscoreNitrous, it should just start when you log in01:42
jacob__laptop keyboards are mostly not very nice01:42
Nitrouswell its probably because im not using a physical hdd01:42
Nitrousi was using vmware01:42
=== tanki loves his laptop keyboard
jacob__and external keyboards are not expensive01:42
ben_underscoreNitrous, did it give you a gdm login screen with the ubuntu logo, etc?01:43
silverphoenixUbuntu is beadth of which debian?01:43
Nitrousyer it did01:43
Nitrousbut it wasnt really a login prompt01:43
frodo24i can't get online without falling after a second or minute of net01:43
Nitrousit had boot:01:43
silverphoenixUbuntu is beadth of which debian(woody,sarge,sid)?01:43
Raptoidturkish support channel01:44
Nitrouswell ill create a partition and try it on a physical hdd01:44
ben_underscoresilverphoenix, sarge i think01:44
Nitrousif not ill come back01:44
=== gjc [~gjc@bl5-167-202.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
tankiif you select a laptop that has a keyboard you're comfortable with, then you don't need an external keyboard01:44
jacob__they synchronize with sid for every new version01:44
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ben_underscorejacob__, well there you go01:44
gjc"xbase-clients: Depends: xdpyinfo but it is not installable"01:44
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gjcthis is known problem?01:45
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jacob__what do you mean ben_underscore01:45
ben_underscorejacob__, i had it wrong on the debian version ubuntu uses!01:46
jacob__oh ok01:46
=== Fanskapet [~din@h247n1fls303o1124.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
el_katois there an command to "fix" broken package. I have a package libstdc++5 thats broken!01:47
jacob__silverphoenix, this url explains it: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/relationship/document_view01:47
frodo24anyone wants to help me or do i have to talk bad about ubuntu?01:48
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=== heyko [heyko@p54844C4D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Dalkus [~David@81-86-159-34.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dalkushi, where's grub.conf by default?01:48
el_katofrodo24: do you have an firewall installed?01:48
frodo24no i don't think so , i don'y know01:49
frodo24i just installed it from cd01:49
uniqdalkus: /boot/grub/menu.lst01:49
frodo24and it installed alot of crap without asking if i want xya package01:50
Dalkusthats the conf?01:50
DalkusI thought there was a grub.conf too?01:50
ben_underscorefrodo24, what sort of network connection do you have01:50
sJaMdalkus you are a gentoo user01:50
el_katofrodo24: have you set your host name, some isp demands it01:50
sJaMI think01:50
sJaMit is01:50
Dalkusno, just ubuntu01:50
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sJaMwell on gentoo I had a symbolic link grub.conf to menu.lst01:50
frodo24i can surf but just if i'm fast and click a link after logging in the net01:51
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Dalkusmm ok01:51
Smofhey all01:51
frodo24i only know my isp need dns and user and password01:51
frodo24but after 1 click of a url i get cut off01:52
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frodo24i had this problem with mdk but kppp now doesn't do it on mdk01:52
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Dalkuswhen I run grub-install, I get alot of errors saying command not found01:54
Dalkusbut its in my /sbin01:54
ben_underscorefrodo24, same machine?01:55
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frodo24now i don't have mdk anymore but i have the dvd still01:56
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sJaMgrub-install isn't the recommend way of installing grub01:57
erombwhy does ubuntu use the perl rename (with regexps) instead of the normal one?01:57
Dalkus *what would you suggest?01:57
sJaMthe grub shell01:57
frodo24i change to ubuntu to try and to get my damn 3d card working so i can't some games on linux when i'm bored01:57
sJaMbut if you install ubuntu, grub is installed by default01:57
Smofanyone here able to help me find out how to get my scanner working? I've tried using google and came up with nothing, and I'm too much of an ubuntu newbie to guess my way through it01:57
ben_underscorefrodo24, all i can possibly suggest is that there is some weirdness happening with your modem under linux.01:58
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frodo24but i workd with mdk kdialer01:58
frodo24is not a winmodem01:59
ben_underscorefrodo24, ok.01:59
sJaMdalkus it is quite easy01:59
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frodo24can i get kdialer for ubuntu?01:59
sJaMto do it with the shell01:59
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sJaMtype: sudo grub01:59
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sJaMroot (hd0, 0) if that is the location where you /boot resides02:00
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sJaMsetup (hd0) if you want it in your mbr02:00
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Dalkusyeah just managed, gonna reboot in a sec02:00
=== action09 [~action09@rue92-2-82-228-120-222.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ben_underscorefrodo24, perhaps do a google for the hardware type and the pppd version on ubuntu?02:00
sJaMit is also wise to make a floppy02:00
sJaMwith grub on it02:01
frodo24i have the ppp of 5.04 ubuntu02:01
klaymhello! does anyone know of a gnu-licensed, simple 3d modeling program? (I'd do fine with as simple as Valve Hammer)02:02
frodo24i know02:02
sJaMsame procedure only then with your floppy02:02
frodo24well i don't know valve hammer02:02
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klaymit's the tool for making maps for HL/CS :P02:03
frodo24but i know 2 good gnu 3d modelrs02:03
klaymok. can they be found on apt?02:03
visorklaym: Kpovray maybe02:03
klaymvisor: thanks I'll check02:03
sJaMroot (fd0)02:03
sJaMsetup (fd0)02:04
chrissturmklaym, blender is good02:04
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sJaMalthough you have to copy your /boot to the floppy first02:04
=== ptolo [~senko@83-131-64-199.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
frodo24there is 3dmax for gamers, and blender02:04
frodo243dmax is not the comercial one i mean the free download version use for makin games02:05
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Ephyonoh yeah? sound interesting02:05
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chrissturmfrodo24, and that 3dmax runs on linux?02:06
klaymI've been using 3dsmax and it's very good. but I have a very limited computer capacity on my use now02:06
frodo24i use povray but not for making maps i stop making maps02:06
chrissturmklaym, use blender, its very nice02:06
Ephyonhey? what are you talking about?02:06
klaymchrissturm: I'll check that02:07
chrissturmthere's also maya for linux but its expensive02:07
Ephyoncan i join?02:07
Ephyonhi too02:07
bassembgi'm editing my xconfig file using vi02:07
bassembghow to save changes02:07
spo0nmanis there a meta package to installing gnome?02:07
frodo24i can't help more is long time i don't go around to the world of making maps for games02:07
=== Fanskap [~din@h247n1fls303o1124.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
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bimberibassembg: :wq <- saves and quits02:08
frodo24but there has to be something out there02:08
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bassembghow to do this02:08
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bassembgpress w and q at the same time02:08
sam_what was the command for checking free space on a disk again?02:08
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bassembgpress w and q at the same time?02:09
bimberibassembg: no - colon ":", then "w", then "q"02:09
weiersHi ... I think I need to configure ESD to release the soundcard when it is not using it in order for me to be able to listen to music etc.  Unfortuanately the wiki seems to be broken at that point. It give me the entries, but it does not say where I can find the esd configuratrion file. Can somebody give me advice?02:09
bimberisam_: df -h02:09
sam_bimberi, thanks02:09
bimberisam_: yw :)02:09
bassembgi'll be back , i hope02:10
=== masdrae [~dsajfhkas@abn132-166.interaktif.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu
Gato26_asturiasAlguien q hable espaol?02:11
frodo24where can i get dedicated software for ubuntu?02:11
frodo24si yo02:11
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frodo24hola, eres asturiano?02:11
hmrochaWhat happened to ubuntuguide.org?02:11
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weiersAny pointers to where I can find the ESD configuration file?02:11
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frodo24Gato26 que quieres?02:12
kevintanki: I am using the xfc4 desktop and want to add the button to get to my programs, any ideas?02:12
bimberiweiers: I have a /etc/esound/esd.conf - perhaps that's it02:12
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asdasddude does ubuntu have a cyber cafe software ?02:13
Gato26_asturiashola frodo pues ponerme al dia en linux02:13
bassembghi again02:13
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weiersthanks bimberi ... will go look02:13
bassembgi did it , i change my screen resolution02:13
bimberiweiers: yw :)02:14
asdasdanyone know ?02:14
bassembgbimber , do u want to know how02:14
bimberibassembg: yes pls :)02:14
frodo24no puedo connectar me con el modem me caigo despues de connectar me con timofonica02:14
asdasdbassembg does ubuntu have a cyber cafe software ?02:14
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weiersbimberi, that seems to be it. I'll edit it and see waht I can do.02:15
bimberiweiers: k - good luck :)02:15
frodo24demomento no puedo hacer mucho con ubuntu02:15
asdasd!cyber cafe02:15
ubotuasdasd: I don't know02:15
bassembgok i edit my xorg.config file02:15
frodo24yes i have asdasd02:15
bimberihmrocha: ubuntuguide.org loads for me02:15
frodo24something of kde for ciber02:16
bassembgit seems to know the vga but not the moniter02:16
asdasdfrodo24 do you have it ?02:16
asdasdyes i need it for my cafe02:16
frodo24on dvd02:16
frodo24ok i tell u the name02:16
asdasdcan send to my email pls02:16
bassembgso i entered the vertical and horizental frequenceys of my monitor and it works02:16
frodo24may be02:17
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ordi666I'd like some help about forcing my computer tu use some drivers instead of the one that ubuntu load automaticaly for my wifi card, please ;)02:17
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frodo24kde kiosk02:17
bimberibassembg: ah ok.  Glad that worked for you.02:17
asdasdi must pay for it or not ?02:18
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frodo24no is gnu02:18
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bassembghope it will work for u too02:18
asdasdit working on gnome too frodo ?02:18
GNULinuxerordi666: unload those drivers ... load your own drivers02:19
frodo24don't know let me read the review02:19
kevinordi666: I am using the d-link dwl-g650 and the base driver worked for me02:19
cionhey all, I'm using totem-xine and i can't play .wmv file what do I have to do?02:19
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to0omcion, install w32codecs02:19
GNULinuxercion: apt-get install w32codecs02:19
frodo24is very big revie02:19
frodo24look at web02:20
frodo24is better u check the program site02:20
asdasdok btw thks frodo i will googling for it02:20
cionthat's after adding extra reps right?02:20
frodo24good luck02:21
to0omyes cion02:21
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cionok thx all02:21
PiTiLeZarDme revoila avec xChat c'est dja mieux02:22
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Heimdallwhat are the port TCP and UDP that I need to open for azureus ?02:22
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kevinordi666: have you looked for the wiki on your make and model card?02:23
ordi666GNULinuxer, I can't unload orinoco_cs module till the card is plugged in, and when it's unpluged it's unloaded automaticaly, but as soon as it's pluged back they load :S02:23
GNULinuxerordi666: modprobe -r -f orinoco_cs02:23
frodo24how can i desable the pc speaker everytime i use tab in bash02:24
sJaMyou can define them yourself Heimdall02:24
sJaMin the config somewhere02:24
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GNULinuxerordi666: edit /etc/modules and remove orinoco_cs if it's there02:24
sJaMyou only have to open 1 tcp port and an optional udp port02:25
HeimdallsJaM, I know but maybe it is better to put default ones02:25
Heimdall6889 is good then ?02:25
sJaMdefault ports for bittorrent are a lot02:25
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sJaMsince it used to have for each torrent a port02:25
sJaMbut clients are dropping that policy02:25
ordi666GNULinuxer, nop they arent there02:25
to0oma general question: is it recommended to install packages from the backports servers, or is it better i leave my fingers from them?02:25
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ordi666modprobe -r -f orinoco_cs          FATAL: Module orinoco_cs is in use.02:26
Dalkusthanks sJaM, fixed it.02:26
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HeimdallsJaM, but in the options it is written 6889 TCP, I just oppened it but it does not download (red head)02:26
sJaMI never understood why they have a grub-install actually ?02:26
sJaMI have my second hd on hdd and with lilo and grub-install I have to manual change that02:27
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kevinwhat is a good and lite web browser?02:27
sJaMbut with using grub it works right out of the box02:27
sJaMlynx kevin02:27
GNULinuxerordi666: well, it seems forced module unloading is not allowed in the default kernel02:27
sJaMit is a terminal one ;)02:27
frodo24where can i get software for ubuntu02:28
sJaMHeimdall, you can use https://grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 (Shields Up) to check if your ports are not stealth (open or close)02:28
kevinokay I want one that I will be able to check email with02:28
el_katofrodo24:    apt-get install "program"02:29
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sJaMyou could try Epiphany kevin02:29
bimberifrodo24: Synaptic02:29
kevinI may thanx again02:29
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frodo24i can't as i have no net02:29
sJaMbut it uses the gecko engine02:29
sJaMso I don't know if it is light enough for you02:29
kevinI am using a p1 233 with 48 mb ram02:30
sJaMare you using gnome ?02:30
ordi666GNULinuxer, I supose that there is a file that say that if my card is present it have to load orinoco_cs , if I change it to load hostap instead that should work no ?02:30
el_kato frodo24: if the software is on the ubuntu cd it will tell you02:30
kevinright now no, using the xfce402:30
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sJaMyou could check freshmeat.net02:30
kevinthat improved the speed a lot02:30
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GNULinuxerordi666: that's done via hotplug02:31
kevinI will soon, just thinking about what all I have to do today.......... yukkk laundry and more customers lol02:31
kingruediI removed ubuntu-desktop and now I'm missing the Administration tools02:31
kingruediwhich package must be installed for the administration tools?02:32
Heimdall6889 02:32
HeimdallOPEN! Unknown Protocol for this port02:32
HeimdallUnknown Application for this port02:32
kevinsjam: is Heimdall using a router?02:33
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Heimdallkevin, yes02:33
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Heimdallbut I openned the port 6889 both udp and tcp02:34
Heimdallit should works02:34
sJaMkevin, that doesn't matter02:34
kevinsjam: okidoki02:34
sJaMshields up checks it finds something behind the port02:34
sJaMHeimdall, open that means there is nothing wrong with your ports settings (firewall/router)02:34
sJaMsomething is wrong with the tracker perhaps ?02:34
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HeimdallsJaM, hum no...02:35
siimohow to check the memory usage program by program in commandline? like task manager on windows?02:35
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othernoobsiimo: top02:35
action09siimo  sudo  top   and sort it by memory doing  shift + M   or CPU Usage doing  shift + P02:35
sJaMred means that it is not started02:35
sJaMif you view the details of the torrent02:35
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sJaMthere is perhaps a error msg02:35
siimotop is not showing all programs :-/ >02:36
red_flowerguy's what shutdown command to shutdown my pc02:36
othernoobaction09: what do you need sudo for top?02:36
red_floweron shell prompt02:36
HeimdallsJaM, at centraltracker.org:81 I have : d14:failure reason56:unsupported tracker protocol, please upgrade your cliente02:36
bimberired_flower: shutdown -h now02:36
to0omwould you recommend putting the backports into the sources.list or not??02:36
red_floweroh thanks02:36
red_flowerc u02:36
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othernoobto0om: only the hoary-backports02:37
action09othernoob  yes you're right.. cos i was using iftop and it was mandatory in this case  :)02:37
bimberito0om: I do - but only for installing something I need.  For (dist-)upgrades I edit the backports lines out02:37
othernoobaction09: :)02:37
kingruediwhich package includes the administration tools?02:38
action09siimo  don't need to do   'sudo'  so  :)02:38
siimoyes but not all programs are showing up in top02:38
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siimocan i scroll down somehow?02:38
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HeimdallsJaM, where could be the error ?02:39
sJaM"d14:failure reason56:unsupported tracker protocol, please upgrade your cliente"02:39
Heimdallyeah but I don't understand it...02:39
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Heimdallmy azureus is not old02:40
Benjibut i'm here with debian :)02:40
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highvolt1gedebian is cool too.02:40
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sJaMperhaps it is the trackers fault02:41
kingruediwhere are the administration tools?02:41
HeimdallsJaM, I have doubts, there are thousands of downloaders for this file... it has to work02:42
liableBenji: wtf was that all abot?02:43
sJaMcould you dcc me the torrent02:43
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to0omkingruedi, look what ubuntu-desktop depends on, and install those packages02:44
to0omthen your administration tools should be there again02:45
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Wimpie does anybody know what is goin on with prism54.org website ?02:45
HeimdallsJaM, 14:44:25]  Not monitoring 'filename': tracker available (announce: http://centraltracker.org:81/announce)02:45
sJaMwell it certainly doesn't have anything todo with azureus or ubuntu02:46
Wimpiewell, I try to install a SMC wlan card in ubuntu and it failed02:46
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Wimpieso I wanted to check that site to see what is going on02:47
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HeimdallsJaM, I don't know really...02:47
ShengDoes Ubuntu support the Ralink RT2500 out of the box?02:47
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FraeonThere is no box02:48
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othernoobFraeon: are you sure?02:48
Pro_NewbieHow to add cyrilic encoding in Kopete? There plenty of ISO, CP and so on that i don understand. Im from bulgaria02:48
othernoobFraeon: i've seen ubuntu in boxes for 20 bucks :p02:49
HeimdallsJaM, is it working for you ?02:49
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bimberiSheng: It would seem not - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Rt2500WirelessCardsHowTo02:51
Shengthat sucks ass02:52
Shengmandrina supporst it02:52
leroji want this to work: http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~kuliniew/rhythmbox-applet/02:52
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Shengand i cant get it to work manually02:52
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vertexHello everybody, does anybody have a working "whereami" config?02:53
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Virtuallwhat is whereami? :D02:55
sJaMyip Heimdall02:55
sJaMworking for me02:55
sJaMusing the original bittorrent client02:55
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A[D] minSwhats is da last kernel ?02:56
A[D] minSapt-get install kernel-2.6..12 ?02:56
A[D] minSnightswim, i mean from packages?02:56
HeimdallI don't understand.....................02:56
vertexwhereami is a auto-network configurtion util at boot time02:57
Virtuallwow :)02:57
SmofHi guys. Does anyone know if the standard Ubuntu kernel supports scanners?02:58
GNULinuxerSmof: it does02:58
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SmofSo no module required then?02:58
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Pro_NewbieAnyone can helpp me? ? :(02:59
qt2o.O steange02:59
Shengthanks for that link02:59
Shengat least now, i can configure it02:59
bimberiSheng: yw - hope it works for you :)02:59
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SmofPresumably, if you plug in a USB device, it should show up when you type lsusb, right?03:00
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dylan_I get the message that my iPod File Structure is missing while in GTKPod.  How do  I fix this?03:01
Pro_NewbieAh Come one03:01
seekerAll questions and no answers?03:02
dylan_I know nothing.03:03
dylan_Do you advise that I switch back to Windows?03:03
sJaMI am now checking bittornado03:03
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seekerHeheheh same here. Ubuntu was doing pretty good with few issues until I got greedy and added Kubuntu then limewired til I filled up my hard drive now I can't keep up with all the bugs showing up.03:05
sJaMbtw Heimdall bittorrent uses default ports between 6881 and 699903:05
HeimdallsJaM, hum.. so I should open all of them ??  noo ??03:07
othernoobsJaM: are you sure about 6999 :p03:07
othernoobsJaM: didn't you mean to say 6889?03:08
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ordi666I'd like some help, I installed (no error) Hostap driver, but when I plugg the card the stupid orinoco_cs module load instead, please I'd like some help03:09
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AlexBOhello world!I've just installed Grip, but the ripping of the cd-rom is very slowly.can i set the CD-ROM reading speed?03:09
othernoobAlexBO: enable DMA03:10
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action09AlexBO  on wiki index search DMA03:10
m0biu5hi everyone =), how are we today?03:10
AlexBOaction09:wiki of ubuntu or wikipedia?03:10
dylan_So does anybody know how I can fix my iPod?03:11
othernoobAlexBO: in a terminal. sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hd*  *=> for example c, if your cdrom drive is hdc03:11
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dylan_Screw this....switching back to Windows in 5 minutes.03:11
othernoobAlexBO: sudo hdparm -v /dev/hd* to check whether DMA is enabled or not03:11
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m0biu5anyone know why thunderbird isnt packaged with ubuntu?03:12
dj28it uses evolution by default i think03:12
dj28you can apt-get it03:12
m0biu5i know, im just curious dj2803:12
dj28i guess someone had a preference for evolution ;)03:13
martiganthunderbird keeps hanging here.. got 53000 new emails but it's to much to handle i think on a 1.8 with 1 gb ram :P03:13
m0biu5guess so =P03:13
m0biu5holy smack..03:13
sJaMno othernoob according to bittorrent it uses default from 6881 to 699903:13
othernoobmartigan: 53000 new emails= and you actually want them??03:13
sJaMbut azureus only uses 1 port Heimdall so just choose a port and opne that one03:13
martiganhehe not checked that box for a long time ;)03:13
othernooba very long time indeed03:14
m0biu5is that your ISP email?03:14
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martigancompany one hehe03:14
Heimdallothernoob, you know something about azureus ports ?03:14
AlexBOothernoob: why are you used the '1' option?03:14
othernoobAlexBO: what?03:15
martiganill try to remove most of the spam trough webmail now ;)03:15
othernoobHeimdall: not that much03:15
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m0biu5Before - 53K, after, 42.03:15
martiganproberly yes03:15
AlexBOothernoob:sorry. why have you used -d1 (one) and not only -d?03:15
JonexHow do I remove all files ending with .html in a folder and it's subfolders?03:16
m0biu5my problem with thunderbird is that it wont let me change any of the settings for the default account - it quietly crashes.. I tried to export my stuff from windows a few months ago when I switched..03:16
m0biu5it didnt go so well =/03:16
othernoobAlexBO: because you have to set DMA to 103:16
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martiganbut still a bad thing it lets thunderbird crash :P03:16
othernoobAlexBO: 1= on, 0=off03:16
Heimdallothernoob, this is odd, I have openned all ports both tcp and udp between 6881 and 6889, but it is still not downloading03:16
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martiganit can poll the mail but you cant select the folder incoming afte rthat ;)03:16
othernoobHeimdall: have you tried a different torrent?03:16
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Heimdallothernoob, sJaM has tried the torrent, it works03:17
sJaMnothing wrong with the torrent03:17
sJaMI can download on with bittorrent03:17
AlexBOothernoob: okey. in the manual it wasn't so clear. thank you03:17
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sJaMsomething that has todo with azureus03:17
othernoobAlexBO: you're welcome03:17
sJaMbecause shields up shows that port as open03:17
Heimdallyes, azureus too03:17
othernoobsJaM: i use Azureus and have yet to encounter a problem.03:18
Heimdallno pb for the ports...03:18
sJaMwell here you have03:18
sJaMI using bittorrent03:18
Heimdallothernoob, so, a torrent is not downloading, red head, what would you do ?03:18
othernoobHeimdall: so you're not connecting to any peers/seeds?03:18
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AlexBOothernoob: have i to modificate hdparm.conf?03:19
Heimdallothernoob, indeed03:19
othernoobHeimdall: first i'd check whether this is the only torrent with that problem03:19
othernoobAlexBO: it wouldn't hurt03:19
vertexremember that bittornado conflicts with bittorrent and therefore both of them should *not* be installed at the same time03:19
Heimdallothernoob, it is not... same pb with another torrent03:20
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Heimdallothernoob, and sJaM  has no pb with the torrent, must be something else03:20
othernoobHeimdall: then i'd assume that it's a problem with your settings03:20
othernooband/or connection03:20
bigfoot1hello, where can i get more fonts for ubuntu, for use in word processing?03:20
Heimdallothernoob, possible but I don't know then03:20
Heimdallothernoob, the port in option/connection is set to 688903:21
Heimdalland this one is openned.. so... probably not that too03:21
othernoobHeimdall: weird..tried a diff port?03:21
othernoobweird indeed03:21
Heimdall.. :'(03:22
othernoobHeimdall: does your ISP block these ports?03:22
blackskyhas anyone got Flash working? The hoary-extra source in my sources.list, is being ignored.03:22
sJaMShields up display them as open03:22
sJaMJul 16 14:32:44 Heimdall        688903:22
sJaMJul 16 14:32:44 Heimdall        OPEN!   Unknown Protocol for this port03:22
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Protequeis the ppc-installer capable of resizing partitions like the x86-install?03:23
Heimdall[15:14:11]  Not monitoring 'filename': tracker available (announce: http://centraltracker.org:81/announce)03:23
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Heimdallwhat does it mean ???03:23
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Raptoidd14:failure reason56:unsupported tracker protocol, please upgrade your cliente03:24
Heimdallyes I know03:24
Heimdallbut what does it mean too ??03:24
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othernoobHeimdall: well, have you updated your client?03:25
Heimdallyou mean azureus?03:25
Heimdallin the help menu there is check for update ok ?03:25
Heimdalli click on it but nothing appears... I assume this means there is no update03:26
othernoobwhat version do you have03:26
nagualHello. I have hoary main in sources.list, i have a p 4 (3 gig) with two satas, 512 meg ram, an ati radeon 9800 se with 256 megs of ram, and when i install either linux-image-2.6.11-1-686 or linux-image-2.6.11-1-686-smp my computer hangs just when my machine is about to finnish loading gnome (i have logged in to user account, and its just about to populate the buttons in the wm)03:26
to|msomeone an idea why my rythmbox don't have mp3 suppoert. NO mp3 plugin installed? Where to get it?03:26
othernoob2.3.0.4 is the latest.03:26
nagualmaybe i should try linux-image-2.6.11-1-38603:27
Protequenoone tested the ppc-installer?03:27
othernoobHeimdall: tried a different torrent-client?03:27
Heimdallothernoob, this is not a solution, I won't try a different client each time I have a pb ... :-/03:28
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othernoobHeimdall: sure, but it'd eliminate the possible causes ;)03:28
Heimdallwhat other good client to you suggest me ?03:29
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onkarshindeI have some custom keys on my keyboard (Compaq). How do I make them usable in Ubuntu?03:29
othernoobwhat's sJaM using Heimdall ?03:29
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Heimdalloriginal bittorent client03:29
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Heimdallhttp://www.bittorrent.com/  <<=== from here I suppose03:29
sJaMdon't know03:30
sJaMthe one from Bram03:30
sJaMapt-get install bittorrent bittorrent-gui03:30
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othernoobwell, that or bittornado then..both available in the repos03:31
qt2Heimdall, that only shows up when the tracker isnt available...03:31
Heimdallqt2,  ?03:31
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Heimdallwhat is 'that' ?03:31
qt2that errror...03:31
Heimdallbut it tells it is available03:32
Heimdalland sJaM can dl it03:32
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othernoobqt2: if the tracker wasn't available it'd at least go to dht and most likely find someone03:32
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onkarshindeI have some custom keys on my keyboard (Compaq). How do I make them usable in Ubuntu?03:33
seekerIs there something in Kubuntu that overides the bios? I'm wanting to start over and reload ubuntu but now my computer won't boot from cd anymore.03:33
scanwinderon my old 166 laptop, i have ubuntu installed and im using fluxbox, it takes forever to open up fluxbox, is there anything i can do to speed it up?03:33
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AlexBOothernoob: it doesn't work.it's slow03:33
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A[D] minSAlexBO, same with me :) .... slooooooooooow03:34
onkarshindeI have some custom keys on my keyboard (Compaq). How do I make them usable in Ubuntu?03:34
A[D] minSbut kde much better03:34
HeimdallsJaM, your bittorent software works03:34
AlexBOA[D] minS:i hate kde.sloooooow03:35
Heimdalldownload is active :/03:35
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Heimdalli don't understand03:35
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A[D] minSlooooool03:36
araHi.. Does anyone know anything about having problems burning CDs in Hoary?03:36
qt2othernoob, read the code ;)03:36
qt2ara, what sort of problem?03:36
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AlexBOothernoob: i understand. it extract and decodified at the same time.that's why.bye03:36
othernoobqt2: heh, a bit too much to read ;)03:36
onkarshindeI have some custom keys on my keyboard (Compaq). How do I make them usable in Ubuntu?03:36
othernoobAlexBO: okay i guess03:36
GarrisonAnyone have an nForce2 kernel-config I could have?03:36
qt2othernoob, heh, the parts that pertain to the problem are highlighted thanks to google... ;)03:36
araTrying to burn from Nautilus gives an error asking for a blank CD to be inserted, even when the CD is blank. Tried lots of different disks.03:36
qt2othernoob, a bit more than halfway down the webpage. ;)03:37
HeimdallsJaM, your client is a little obscure :)03:38
dmkokeanos, have you tried selecting the compaq keyboards from System - Preferences - Keyboards03:38
onkarshindeWill seamonkey (new unofficial mozilla suite) ever make to Hoary repositories?03:38
sJaMno it isn't03:39
yuachtwhere can i get cool fonts for ubuntu?03:39
sJaMdepends on what your using03:39
sJaMI always use03:39
dmksorry okeanos, I meant onkarshinde ;-)03:39
HeimdallsJaM, where are parameters options ?03:39
sJaMlook mom, without x hehe03:39
sJaMjust run without any arguments03:40
Heimdallhum... :)03:40
Heimdallit has shown that my pb came from azureus, certainly a configuration pb... :-/03:40
sJaMnot many options03:40
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sJaMthat's why bittornado has his existense right03:41
araqt2, any ideas?03:41
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qt2ara, not really.03:41
qt2ara, although, i'm a bit sidetracked.03:41
Heimdallbittornado, another client ??03:41
araThat makes two of us then ;)03:41
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sJaMforked from bittorrent03:41
sJaMwith more options03:42
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HeimdallI heard that azureus was the best to have .?03:42
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sJaMit is one (if it isn't the best) of the best bt clients03:42
sJaMBitComet seems to gain popularity though03:42
sJaMbut I only use it once in a while03:42
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sJaMand java and linux doesn't play well together03:43
Heimdallhum, well it would be cool if it could work :)03:43
other|studysJaM: why doesn't java and linux play well together?03:44
sJaMdon't know03:44
sJaMyou think they are ?03:45
lsuactiafner CTCP PING reply from lsuactiafner: 577.568 seconds03:45
lsuactiafnerheh that rocked03:45
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other|studysJaM: linux has little to do with java.03:46
qt2Heimdall, perhaps you should try #azureus to solve your azureus issue?03:46
frodo2441i'm back i gone to ubuntu and now i have a short log of what i get with pon03:46
sJaMand tell that your port is open03:46
qt2Bitcomet sucks majorly by the way, and java and linux play fine together.03:46
sJaMand that you can download with bittorrent03:46
lsuactiafnersJaM : linux + java does play well?03:46
Heimdallqt2, oh i didn't know it exist03:46
qt2Heimdall, ;)03:46
lsuactiafnernever had problems with java in linux03:46
sJaMI had03:47
onkarshindeWhich java is best for linuz? Sun, IBM or the one that is in repos?03:47
Heimdallqt2, #azureus-users is better I think03:47
dj28java works great in linux. i do a lot of development with it03:47
to0omme too03:47
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lsuactiafneronkarshinde : sun03:47
sJaMwell if you compare with python03:47
other|studyjava works "great" on any system..03:47
lsuactiafnersun made java. i will trust the offical keepers of java to develop java03:48
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dj28onkarshinde: ibm's version isn't fully compliant03:48
sJaMI don't like java very much :D03:48
dj28it will not work with a lot of apps03:48
dj28use sun's03:48
other|studysJaM: java is the same on every machine..you can't compare it to another language that easily. and if you do, why not compare it with ruby instead :p03:48
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blackskyarggh, this is driving me nuts. Why are some of the sources in my /etc/apt/sources.list getting ignored (Ign:)?03:48
humehi...i am trying to make a pxe installation of ubuntu, but cannot get the pxe boot to work - anyone knows how the tftpboot folder are to look like?03:48
sJaMwell because bittorrent is made in python and azureus in java03:49
onkarshindeHey anybody of you have tried project looking glass?03:49
Sean___are there any tweaks for ubuntu/gnome that lets you make a window "Always on top"?03:49
bigfoot1I found some great .ttf fonts on the internet. In what folder should I put them, in order for my PC (and openoffice) to recognize these new fonts?03:49
sJaMyou can do it with every window onkarshinde03:49
sJaMyou can do it with every window Sean___03:49
sJaMjust click on the icon03:49
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other|studysJaM: well, java is a shitty language. but that has absolutely nothing to do with linux03:49
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Sean___oh :P03:49
linuksobigfoot1: ~/.fonts03:49
anto9usSean___: just right click the title bar and select on top03:49
Sean___thanks :P03:50
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bigfoot1linukso, i'm afraid i don't have that folder. I can't find it in nautilus (file explorer)... 8-(03:50
onkarshindeother|study: What maked you think java is shit?03:50
sJaMothernoob, well perhaps it is just my linux that doesn't work nice with java03:50
linuksobigfoot1: create it03:50
sJaMbecause everythings has to be OOP03:50
bigfoot1linukso, you mean these new fonts will not be in the folder that has all the old/pre-installed fonts?03:51
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martigansomeone could help me? gnome isnt starting up anymore it hangs right after login, i removed some sound modules and added some, has to do with it :S?03:51
other|studyonkarshinde: google for "why i hate java" and you'll find the answers ;)03:51
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lsuactiafnermartigan : my guess is you removed the video driver module lol03:51
anto9usI hate java03:51
linuksobigfoot1: if you put the fonts in there, they should show up everywhere03:51
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martigannah dont think the video drivers :P03:52
onkarshindeIMHO java has made lot of contribution to internet03:52
dj28they've made a lot of contributions to linux by merely porting it..03:52
other|studysJaM: ruby is OOP as well and better at it than java :p03:52
DiscipulusJava? Yea.03:52
bigfoot1linukso, As a newbie, i'm just wondering: is this the usual way of installing new fonts? Don't new fonts belong in the same folder as old fonts?03:52
sJaMwell I like python03:52
sJaMbecause you can go either way03:52
martiganhow do i start the gnome sound server i think that is what missing03:52
DiscipulusJava, IMHO, is the only TRULY portable programming language03:52
DiscipulusI'm not saying it's a good language or a bad language, but it does what it was meant to do03:53
linuksobigfoot1: fonts available to all users are in /usr/share/fonts/03:53
sJaMit was ment for multimedia on the internet03:53
linuksobigfoot1: but you can add personal fonts by putting them in ~/.fonts03:53
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linuksobigfoot1: ~ == you home folder03:53
bigfoot1linukso, I'm the only user on my computer. No one else uses my computer.03:54
linuksobigfoot1: then just put them in you personal font folder. If you open fonts:/// in nautilus, they should show up.03:54
sJaMjava isn't very portable because it is not nice to install java on linux03:54
bigfoot1linukso, do i have to run a command in terminal afterwards?03:55
dj28sJaM: what in the world are you talking about? it installs on linux just as easily as windows03:55
sJaMI think C is also very portable03:55
other|studysJaM: what are you talking about? java is easily installed.03:55
sJaMjust compile it on the os itself03:55
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anto9usyou can't get more portable than an application server03:55
linuksobigfoot1: nope03:55
sJaMon linux things can be easier installed than on windows03:55
sJaMif atp provides is03:55
thenuke_sJaM: depends on a thing :)03:55
djpDiscipulus: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/java-trap.html03:55
bigfoot1linukso, if i have a visitor to my home, coming for a vacation, and i create a user account for him, will he be able to use these fonts, too?03:56
thenuke_sJaM: right03:56
other|studysJaM: and yet you have problems with java?03:56
sJaMyes, finding the wiki03:56
lsuactiafnerinstallin java on windows took me weeks to fing the line to allow java to be run from anywhere03:56
sJaMclicking on the link03:56
lerojwhat do i need to play .wmv?03:56
sJaMfollowing instructions03:56
dj28ah yes, the windows path file03:56
other|studyleroj: w32codecs03:56
dj28worst idea ever03:56
sJaMspoiled ?03:56
sJaMdon't know03:56
anto9usI abondoned java and decided to go with postgresql and zope, much better solution, java is a nightmare in comparison03:56
linuksobigfoot1: nope, then you should put in /usr/share/fonts/03:56
sJaMzope is python03:56
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dj28anto9us: no complaints here. zope is one of the best frameworks ever03:57
dj28but i like both python and java ;)03:57
Brammecan someone give me the name of a nice RSS reader for gnome with an intergrated browser?03:57
naliothatwrkbigfoot1 re your earlier question, you can use ANY truetype fonts.  they go on ~/.fonts03:57
dj28Bramme: firefox ;)03:57
linuksoBramme: blam or straw03:57
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bigfoot1linukso,  so if i understand well, there's no good reason to selfishly put these new fonts in /fonts, correct? Or maybe you can tell me if there is a reason why one should choose to put fonts in /fonts, rather than in /usr/share/fonts, please.03:58
Brammedj28, that's a brower with an rss reader intergrated03:58
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onkarshindeDo I have to restart X after changing keyboard type?03:59
linuksobigfoot1: the reason for putting them in ~/.fonts/ is that you might want extra fonts on a computer which you don't have root access on.03:59
bigfoot1linukso, but in my case, since i have sudo access, i should just put new fonts into usr/share/fonts, correct?04:00
naliothatwrkbigfoot1 if you put them in ~/.fonts, only YOU will have access, in /usr/share/fonts, everyone who uses the puter has access04:00
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anto9usspeaking of portability, you guys, xul looks very interesting04:01
onkarshindeWhat is exactly different in Ubuntu custom CD for HP laptop?04:01
bigfoot1linukso, I'm at /usr/share/fonts, i see three sub-folders (truetype; type1; wine) and one file (fonts.cache-1). Do i put the new fonts in this folder, or in one of the 3 sub-folders?04:01
leroji am trying to insattl Mplayer, but i get this error: E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?. I tried apt-get update the the problem is still there04:01
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Discipulusdjp, very interesting read, thank you04:01
linuksobigfoot1: truetype04:01
bigfoot1linukso, what's type1?04:02
linuksobigfoot1: you might want to create a subfolder in truetype04:02
naliothatwrkbigfoot1 there are many types of fonts, type1 are adobe style, i believe04:02
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bigfoot1linukso, what name should i give to this new subfolder i will create in truetype?04:02
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leroji am trying to insattl Mplayer, but i get this error: E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?. I tried apt-get update the the problem is still there04:03
GHtWhat do you think about Russia, friends?!04:03
lsuactiafnerccache stats : cache hit 19618 : cache size 425.1 Mbytes : files in cache 24070 (:04:03
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linuksobigfoot1: type1 = postscript04:03
bigfoot1naliothatwrk, i see.04:03
linuksobigfoot1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_1_font04:03
linuksobigfoot1: whateveryouwant :)04:03
scarlettechohi.  I'm trying to install the Opera browser but so far no luck.  Anyone here know how to do this successfully?04:03
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bigfoot1linukso, and i can put more than one font in this new folder? Or should i make a new subfolder for every new font i add?04:04
GHtWhat do you think about Russia, my young friends?!04:04
anto9usGHt: I've never been there but, in my experience, people are the same wherever you go04:04
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bigfoot1GHt, i think they are tall.04:04
linuksobigfoot1: no no, just put all you own fonts in that folder04:04
bigfoot1linukso, okie-dokie. 8-)04:04
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GHtanto9us it is interesting opinion04:04
other|studyscarlettecho: just download the .deb from opera.com and then sudo dpkg -i nameof.deb04:04
GHtbigfoot1 but why do you think so???04:05
naliothatwrkbigfoot1 linukso was suggesting some order to your font collection, you can have fonts directly under /truetype/ or in folders of descriptive names04:05
bigfoot1GHt, i just heard that russion people are comparitively tall.04:05
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leroji am trying to insattl Mplayer, but i get this error: E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?. I tried apt-get update the the problem is still there04:05
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scarlettechootherstudy, the Opera website link won't work for me.  it says i have something set wrong in my cookies?  I'm using Firefox....04:06
bigfoot1naliothatwrk, should one care about organizing their new fonts? is there a mess if we just put all new fonts into one folder?04:06
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GHtbigfoot1 but it's wrong because they are the same tall as other04:06
DaZjorzI have a partitioning problem...04:06
leroji want some help :(04:06
other|studyleroj: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories04:06
DaZjorzhow do I make /dev/hde1 my root, but still be able to boot04:06
leroji did that04:06
DaZjorzI also have a /dev/hda btw04:07
anto9usbigfoot1: I think that's true in comparison to Japanese people, not to Europeans though04:07
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GHtanto9us bingo!04:07
other|studyscarlettecho: then fix what's wrong with your cookies?04:07
bigfoot1anto9us, i see. 8-)04:07
naliothatwrkbigfoot1 some users like to keep the fonts they collect in some type of order (by d/l site, by style of font, etc) it is all up to you04:08
DaZjorzsomeone who can help me with partitioning ?04:08
bigfoot1naliothatwrk, i understand. 8-)04:08
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GHtanto9us and what do you think about threre communistic past??04:08
bigfoot1i'm in the truetype folder, but i can't create a new folder. what's up?04:08
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=== DaZjorz needs help !!!
DaZjorzyes i do04:09
yuachtDaZjorz, what's the problem04:09
DaZjorzerm how do i make /dev/hde1 my root04:09
naliothatwrkbigfoot1 any time you are not in your ~/  folder, you need root permission to write things04:09
DaZjorzbut still be able to boot ?04:09
anto9usGHt: I don't think it was the communism that Marx and Engels wrote about04:09
linuksobigfoot1: you need more power! sudo mkdir uber_fonts04:09
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bigfoot1naliothatwrk, how do i give myself permission?04:09
anto9usGHt: it was elitist04:09
GHtanto9us you are the smart man!!!!!! respect!04:09
bigfoot1linukso, uber_fonts?04:10
naliothatwrkbigfoot1 you can name it what you like, just use "sudo"04:10
linuksobigfoot1: or whatever you want to name you fontfolder04:10
anto9usGHt: well, thank you, I'm not as smart as I like to think I am though :)04:10
bigfoot1can i work through nautilus (gui) rather than terminal to "powerfully" create a subfolder?04:10
=== DaZjorz still needs help :\
troglodytDaZjorz , are you doing a fresh install?04:11
linuksobigfoot1: you can... but then you would have to start nautilus from a terminal with sudo.04:11
sJaMyes you can bigfoot104:11
DaZjorzi dont need to save anything so partitioning is no problem04:11
naliothatwrkbigfoot1 it is NOT advised you let nautilus have root priveleges (it can really mess up your user space)04:11
GHtanto9us and can i dare to ask you where are you from??? and what do you think about Lenin???04:11
troglodytok when you get to the partioning section, you just select hde and format it to ext3 and mount it as /04:12
bigfoot1naliothatwrk, can it? in that case, i'll do the "sudo mkdir" method ,then.04:12
DaZjorzif I make a partition on hde and mount it as04:12
DaZjorzas /04:12
naliothatwrkbigfoot1 learning the terminal is a good investment in time04:12
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DaZjorzthen Linux won't boot04:12
DiscipulusDaZjorz, do you already have Linux installed?04:13
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troglodytmake a small /boot partiontion on hda then04:13
linuksobigfoot1: terminal is a might friend not to be afraid of :)04:13
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DaZjorzDoscipulus: At the moment, yes, but I am gonna reinstall it cuz it doesnt work this way again04:14
bigfoot1okay, i've made a subfolder. but now i can't paste the .ttf (true type font) into this new subfolder. Let me guess: i need more power again.?.?  What sudo command do i do?04:14
DaZjorzTroglodyt: Won't work. It'll boot and say "Waiting for device /dev/hde1 to appear... Not Found"04:14
DiscipulusDaZjorz, you have to set the root partition at install time, you can't change it04:14
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DaZjorzDiscipulus: I know, thats why i'm gonna reinstall04:15
troglodytwhat it hde1?  usb drive?04:15
anto9usGHt: I'm from England, now living in Wales. A working class man working in IT. I think Lenin believed in democracy, I respect anyone who believes in that.04:15
DaZjorzEveryone: I know how to do partitioning :\ i'm a noob but not such a big noob...04:15
=== Psystorm [~psystorm@p549656BC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
DiscipulusDaZjorz, then reinstall and everything will be fine :-P04:15
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DaZjorzEveryone: Its just that if I make /dev/hde1 my root, then it won't boot anymore.04:15
linux-frodo24i get disconnnected after connection04:15
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Frafrahi all04:15
DaZjorzDiscipulus: I tried that 3 times. Each a different way. Didn't work.04:15
DaZjorzFrafra: Hi04:15
linux-frodo24Jul 16 15:22:12 localhost pppd[15895] : No response to 4 echo-requests04:15
bigfoot1linukso, naliothatwrk okay, i've made a subfolder. but now i can't paste the .ttf (true type font) into this new subfolder. Let me guess: i need more power again.?.?  What sudo command do i do?04:15
linux-frodo24Jul 16 15:22:12 localhost pppd[15895] : Serial link appears to be disconnected.04:15
linux-frodo24Jul 16 15:22:12 localhost pppd[15895] : Connect time 1.5 minutes.04:15
linux-frodo24Jul 16 15:22:12 localhost pppd[15895] : Sent 4368 bytes, received 4804 bytes.04:15
linux-frodo24Jul 16 15:22:12 localhost pppd[15895] : Connection terminated.04:15
linux-frodo24Jul 16 15:22:13 localhost pppd[15895] : Hangup (SIGHUP)04:15
Frafrai've 20 *.wav04:15
kbrookslinux-frodo24, HEY!04:16
Discipuluslinukso, paste.ubuntulinux.nl04:16
Frafrai must write they in a audio cd using shell04:16
DaZjorzLinux-frodo24: isn't there some paste channel for that04:16
naliothatwrkbigfoot1 use the "cp" command with sudo  (in a terminal, type "man cp" for basic usage)04:16
kbrooksdon't flood the channel please. linux-frodo2404:16
Discipuluslinux-frodo24, , paste.ubuntulinux.nl04:16
linux-frodo24what is that?04:16
Discipuluslinux-frodo24, problem with the phoneline, there's either static on the line or the phone company terminated it04:17
linux-frodo24how i use?04:17
bigfoot1naliothatwrk, is there a way to give my new subfolder write/copy permission? and is it safe?04:17
Discipuluslinux-frodo24, but I'll bet on the first one ;-)04:17
linuksobigfoot1: sudo mv ~/folderwhereyoudownloadedthefont/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/fontfolder04:17
lsuactiafnerlinux-frodo24 : or a network specific modem04:17
DaZjorzEveryone: If I just set my /dev/hde1 to format and mount it to /, then Linux won't boot04:17
tzafrir_homeI'm testing ubuntu 5.04 . I've added universe through the graphical sources list management.04:17
Discipuluslsuactiafner, out of the 7 years I've had dial-up I've seen that problem many times, and it's never been my modem.04:17
kbrookstzafrir_home, and?04:17
DaZjorzkbrooks: why was to me ?04:17
linux-frodo24but windows works and mdk04:17
tzafrir_homeAn update went well, but now I have tons of unmet dependencies (apt-cache -i unmet)04:18
kbrooksDaZjorz, yes04:18
Discipuluslinux-frodo24, it isn't the OS or the modem, it's the phone line, there's nothing you can do04:18
troglodytDaZjorz is hde a IDE drive?  where aer you putting grub?04:18
tzafrir_homee.g: Package python-imdbpy version 1.8-0.1 has an unmet dep:04:18
tzafrir_home Depends: python (< 2.4)04:18
Discipuluslinux-frodo24, is it a recurring error or is this the first time?04:18
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linux-frodo24but wht works for win and mdk?04:18
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naliothatwrkbigfoot1 the permissions are the filesystem the way they are for security reasons (malicious code, malicious people, etc)04:18
linux-frodo24if is phoneline?04:18
ProtequeDoes the ppc-install support resize of partitions?04:18
DaZjorzTroglodyt: /dev/hde is an IDE drive behind a controller. GRUB is in /dev/hda (MBR) but I don't know how to set up it to boot /dev/hde104:19
Discipuluslinux-frodo24, there is static on your phone line!!!04:19
naliothatwrkProteque it should, yes04:19
Protequenaliothatwrk: thanx :)04:19
Discipuluslinux-frodo24, doesn't mean there's static on it 24/7, maybe when you connect from windows the phone line's clear?04:19
Discipuluslinux-frodo24, my suggetsion: get DSL or Cable :-P04:19
kbrooksDiscipulus, no no no04:19
PsystormI'm a total noob to Linux and can't figure out how to view my NTFS-filesystem partitions with ubuntu.04:19
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tzafrir_homewhere should I find the package "python" (version < 2.4) ?04:19
Discipuluskbrooks, are you telling me I'm wrong?04:20
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sJaMit is simple DaZjorz04:20
kbrooksDiscipulus, yes.04:20
sJaMinstead of setup (hd0)04:20
naliothatwrk!info python2.404:20
lsuactiafnertzafrir_home : apt-cache search python04:20
ubotupython2.4: (An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.4)), section python, is optional. Version: 2.4.1-0 (hoary), Packaged size: 2716 kB, Installed size: 9116 kB04:20
DaZjorzsJaM: how ?04:20
sJaMyou use setup (hd4,1)04:20
PsystormCan anyone help me?04:20
sJaMif you install via grub shell04:20
Discipuluskbrooks, umm, I work for a dial-up ISP, I know what I'm talking about....04:20
tzafrir_homelsuactiafner, apt here reports broken dependencies04:20
lsuactiafner!info bitchx04:20
ubotubitchx: (Advanced Internet Relay Chat client), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 1:1.0-0c19.20030512-2 (hoary), Packaged size: 1352 kB, Installed size: 6232 kB04:20
ubotufrom memory, ntfs is the filesystem used under Windows XP. The Ubuntu installer can safely resize an NTFS partition to create a new partition for you to install Ubuntu. http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab04:20
DaZjorzsJaM: so I just type setup (hd4,1) ?04:20
DaZjorzsJaM: i'll try now04:20
naliothatwrkPsystorm read what ubotu said re ntfs04:21
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sJaMfirst you do04:21
frodo2441damn net04:21
sJaMa root04:21
DaZjorzsJaM: i'm in the grub shell.04:21
sJaMwait a sec04:21
tzafrir_homelsuactiafner, I originally simply wanted to install icewm. I added the universe soruces for that.04:21
PsystormI didn't want to resize my NTFS partition, I wanted to view it.04:21
bigfoot1linux-frodo24, thank you!04:21
sJaMgrub> find /boot/grub/stage104:21
leroji still can't get Mplayer to work04:21
DaZjorzsJaM: Private conversation please? I can't see anything.04:21
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bigfoot1naliothatwrk, thank you/ arigato04:21
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linuksoPsystorm: did you search for ntfs in synaptic? There are tools there...04:22
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naliothatwrkPsystorm if you d/l that script, it'll mount your nfts read-only04:22
bigfoot1maggotbrain, why that nickname? 8-)04:22
lsuactiafnerapt-get instal icewm shoudl work..04:22
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PsystormAha, doesn't tell me much, I'm a total beginner.04:22
pink_maggitmy other irc nickname04:22
Discipuluslinux-frodo24, it's the phone line, I'll bet a million dollars on it, I'll guarantee it.04:22
linuksoPsystorm: synaptic is in the System-> Admin menu in the top left corner.04:23
pink_maggiti think its a network specific modem now authentication properly against the isp...04:23
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PsystormYeah, I searched it.04:23
bigfoot1linukso, naliothatwrk i don't see these new fonts in openoffice version 1. Do i have to restart openoffice?04:23
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PsystormI think I need libntfs5, right?04:23
linuksobigfoot1: hm, try to log in and out...04:24
frodo2441so i call my isp since nobody call help me?04:24
frodo2441or i go back to mdk ?04:24
frodo2441anyone reads me?04:24
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kbrooksfrodo2441, yesq i read u04:24
kbrooksfrodo2441, call your isp04:24
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kbrooksfrodo2441, say that the phone line is going static04:25
wiseanyone has ubm?04:26
tzafrir_homemy sources.list is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/621 .  apt-cache -i unmet produces 130 lines04:26
lsuactiafnertzafrir_home : have you run apt-get update recently?04:26
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tzafrir_homelsuactiafner, yup. verified it04:26
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tzafrir_homelsuactiafner, this is a fresh install, BTW04:27
bigfoot1how can i see all the characters/symbols that a truetypefont file offers?04:28
PsystormI now executed the script and installed libntfs5, so where can I find my ntfs partitions?04:28
lsuactiafnertzafrir_home : apt-get check04:28
=== dam [~dam@d220-237-216-92.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
damubuntu guide?04:29
tzafrir_homelsuactiafner, returned no error. Problem persists04:29
Discipulusdam, don't use ubuntu guide04:29
damwhere is wiki?04:29
Discipulusdam, wiki.ubuntu.com04:29
damwhat ver should firefox be?04:29
dammine is 1.0.204:30
tzafrir_homehmmm... not exactly. Still tons of unmet dependencies. but I seem to be able to install icewm04:30
damsynatptic didnt update it04:30
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ubotufirefox is probably version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"04:30
Discipulusbackported = binary patch04:30
Discipulusit says 1.0.2, but it's 1.0.404:30
damim getting errors when i try to bookmark pages in firefpx04:31
lsuactiafnertzafrir_home : run synaptic see if it helps in anyway04:31
Discipuluswhat error?04:31
lsuactiafnertho i'm just guessin now, dont know much about apt-get since i compile from source04:31
damna its working now, reboot musta fixed it04:32
lsuactiafnerapt-get build-dep icewm but thats not really what you are supposed to run04:32
damgot error on openoffice04:32
Discipuluslsuactiafner, compile from source and use checkinstall ?04:32
Discipulusdam, what error?04:32
damcouldnt copy it. im doing it again. 12 minutes remainging04:33
lsuactiafnerDiscipulus : scripts i have to automate cvs + installation04:33
bigfoot1a website offers a font in three formats: mac ttf; mac ps1; pc ttf. Which one should i get?04:33
damskype can run on ubuntu?04:33
Discipuluslsuactiafner, ah, alright04:33
Discipulusdam, yes04:34
Discipulusdam, is the error something about an md5sum mismatch?04:34
BolsDiscipulus, and what about firefox 1.0.5? it has been released 3 days ago...04:34
damyer. dats it04:34
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DiscipulusBols, Ubuntu Hoary Repos are only updated on security fixes04:35
ubotumethinks usrepos is if you get MD5Sum mismatches when doing apt-get installs don't use the us mirror.  Change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list04:35
Discipulusdam, ubotu methinks usrepos is if you get MD5Sum mismatches when doing apt-get installs don't use the us mirror.  Change us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com in /etc/apt/sources.list04:35
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BolsDiscipulus, 1.0.5 version is a security fixes version...04:35
linux-frodo24my isp has no support for linux04:36
damnot many in .au do.04:36
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bigfoot1naliothatwrk, linukso: a website offers a font in three formats: mac ttf; mac ps1; pc ttf. Which one should i get?04:37
Garrisonbigfoot1; pc ttf04:38
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bigfoot1Garrison, thanks. just wondering. mac fonts won't work?04:38
damDiscipulus, http://au.archive.ubuntu.com is what i have. should i still change it?04:38
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GarrisonId' just think PC fonts would be better. You know.. PC .. MAC? lol, I'd go PC just to be safe.04:40
psybafireis it possible to play games that usually run in windows, on ubantu?04:40
ubotuwell, firefox is version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"04:40
Garrison!tell psybafire about wine04:41
kbrooks!firefox =~ s/4/504:41
ubotukbrooks: I don't know, could you explain it?04:41
kbrooksfirefox =~ s/4/504:41
kbrooksubotu, firefox =~ s/4/504:41
kbrooksubotu, firefox =~ s/4/5/04:41
ubotuOK, kbrooks04:41
Garrisonpsybafire; google for wine and cedega04:41
kbrooksubotu, firefox04:41
uboturumour has it, firefox is version 1.0.5 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"04:41
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psybafirethanks, ill do that now.04:41
kbrooksubotu, firefox =~ s/5/4/04:41
ubotukbrooks: OK04:41
Garrisonsomeone knows perl substitution04:42
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ramblingturtle23I cant'04:43
kbrooksGarrison, s/// is not specific to perl.04:43
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Garrison=~ s/Garrison/The.Craz3d(.*)/ig04:44
ramblingturtle23i cant get firefox extensions to install and the work around doesn't seem to work at all. Anybody with any suggestions on how to get extensions working04:44
slsdoes any on know how to get swedish support in evloution?04:44
ubotuit has been said that firefox is version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"04:44
kbrooks^^^^ this?04:44
dammy general.useragent.vendorSub had value of 1.004:45
ramblingturtle23ubotu- i did that but had to change it to what is now version 1.0.5 and that work around is not working04:45
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kbrooksramblingturtle23, 1.0.404:46
kbrooksramblingturtle23, he is a BOT!04:46
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Discipulusramblingturtle23, he's a bot dude04:47
AlexBOHello!I've just downloaded with synaptic an issue of linux gazzette.how can i see it?04:47
ramblingturtle23kbrooks, a bot dude? what does that mean04:47
DiscipulusAlexBO, /usr/share/doc if I believe04:47
Discipulusramblingturtle23, a bot as in a robot04:48
kbrooksramblingturtle23, i didnt say that!04:48
Garrison"he ert a program"04:48
ramblingturtle23kbrooks. sorry this is still all a little new to me04:48
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Chrischanwhos a bot? :o)04:49
ramblingturtle23ok if there is no work around to make version 1.0.4 seem like 1.0.5 then how would i install a tar in ubuntu?04:49
Chrischanramblingturtle23, first, i would extract it and watch out for a INSTALL.TXT or README.TXT04:50
ubotumethinks firefox is version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"04:50
lsuactiafner!info firefox04:50
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lsuactiafnerramblingturtle23 : you can create a chroot of another idstribution iwth a more recent versin of glibc to run 1.0.5 from mozilla04:51
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AlexBODiscipulus: for the next time, where i can find informations like this of an installed programs?04:52
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DiscipulusAlexBO, Not really sure, hold on, I'll figure it out04:52
kbrooksdon't give confusing advice!04:52
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lsuactiafnerthats not confusing..04:52
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ramblingturtle23ubotu, i have tried this but now the newest version is 1.0.5 and it seems if you don't have this version installed you cant download extensions. That work around dosn't work for me right now because i have 1.0.4 installed already04:53
uboturamblingturtle23: what are you talking about?04:53
lsuactiafner"1.0.2" to "1.0.5" aint confusing.. and the chroot is a very good idea for a more experienced user..04:53
kbrookslsuactiafner, not for a newb!04:53
lsuactiafnerramblingturtle23 : type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.5"04:53
lsuactiafnerhe might not be a n00b04:53
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DiscipulusI'm not entirely sure04:55
Discipulussomeone else in here might know though04:55
ramblingturtle23Ok my general.useragent.vendorcommet is changed from version 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 but i can still not download extensions04:55
chrissturmhey, how can i override my nickname for some networks in x-chat?04:55
Discipulusramblingturtle23,  you don't need the latest versions04:55
Discipulusramblingturtle23, if you wanted the latest of everything then I'd say use Breezy, but that isn't a good suggestion for a n00b04:55
kbrooksramblingturtle23, vendorSun04:56
uboturumour has it, firefox is version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"04:56
troglodytgeneral.useragent.vendorSub not .vendorcomment04:56
kbrooksnot comment04:56
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Discipulusramblingturtle23, download extensions or install extensions?04:57
kbrooksubotu, firefox =~ s/firefox/firefox on warty/04:57
ubotukbrooks: that doesn't contain 'firefox'04:57
Discipulusramblingturtle23, because if you can't download them then the problem isn't firefox04:57
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kbrooksubotu, !firefox =~ s/firefox/firefox on warty/04:57
ubotui didn't have anything called '!firefox', kbrooks04:57
kbrooksubotu, firefox =~ s/firefox is/firefox on warty is/04:57
ubotukbrooks: that doesn't contain 'firefox is'04:57
ubotufirefox is, like, version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"04:57
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kbrooksubotu, forget firefox04:58
ubotukbrooks: i forgot firefox04:58
Discipulusubotu, tell me about ubuntuguide04:58
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ramblingturtle23kbrooks, THANK YOU! that was the hole problem right there i will make a note of that for future reference. Extension can now be installed04:58
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kbrooksubotu, firefox is <reply> Firefox on warty is version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"04:58
ubotukbrooks: okay04:58
ubotuFirefox on warty is version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"04:59
troglodytmake it to 1.0,.5 now04:59
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chrissturmwhat software does ubotu run?04:59
Discipuluswhat lang is ubotu in?04:59
lsuactiafnerubotu is a chinese kid working for us05:00
ubotuI don't know, lsuactiafner05:00
lsuactiafneryes you do ubotu think back deep inside you know its true..05:00
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slsdoes anyone know how to enable multilanguage support in gnome?05:02
slse.g. Frenc, Swedish?05:02
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slsFrench that was...05:02
lsuactiafnerubuntu-fr or something05:02
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ramblingturtle23anybody know if ubuntu is working on a control center for the next release?05:03
KyralGNOME Control Center05:04
Kyralalready there :P05:04
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Raptoidwhats uninstall *.deb files ?05:05
lsuactiafnerdpkg -r05:05
slsRaptoid: apt-get remove "packagename"05:05
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lsuactiafneror that..05:06
chrissturmis there another option to refresh the menus after installing an app than killall gnome-panel?05:06
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damDiscipulus, now up to date.05:07
damcann anyone recommend some good fax software for ubuntu? external modem. tested and worked on knoppix05:08
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AlexBOhello!i've just downloaded the package "lg-all" for all issues of linux gazette, but it lacks of the last nine! the most up2date lg that i've got is the 107, but the last is the 116!how can it be?05:12
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_one_jst is05:12
_one_i gues05:12
mjkelly93anyone have a sec to help me get fglrx working, i have it installed and everything but when i set it as a driver and restart, X hangs?05:13
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_one_maybe i used to do alot of fglrx driver compiles/installs05:14
mjkelly93thatd be great05:14
_one_pm me05:14
gigaclonI keep getting MD5 mismatch when downloading some packages05:14
mjkelly93in ur sources.list      remove the "us." from all the archives05:14
=== Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-66.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
leroji have removed us. from all archives, now i can't get any updates :S05:15
deliremjkelly93: i built the latest fglrx against a 2.6.12 kernel i compiled and it also hangs. 2.6.10 is fine. i haven't had time to look into it.05:15
kbrooksapt-get update05:15
ubotuI don't know, kbrooks05:16
mjkelly93really delire?05:16
lerojE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)05:16
lerojE: Unable to lock the list directory05:16
=== Garrison [~Garrison@68-64-153-94.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
deliremjkelly93: what kernel are you?05:16
mjkelly93im runni 2.6.10-5-386 tho, just the default kernel05:16
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delireleroj: are you root? and or are you running an apt-get process elsewhere?05:17
delireleroj: sudo apt-get update05:17
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kbrooksubotu, usarchive is <reply> us.archive is broken. Edit your sources.list and remove the "us." in front of ALL archives. Then YOU MUST sudo apt-get update, and everything will work.05:17
ubotuokay, kbrooks05:17
lsuactiafner   <pairo> you know you're doomed when you have to whois your domain registrar ID to find out your own phone number05:17
AlexBOhello!i've just downloaded the package "lg-all" for all issues of linux gazette, but it lacks of the last nine! the most up2date lg that i've got is the 107, but the last is the 116!how can it be?05:17
ubotuus.archive is broken. Edit your sources.list and remove the "us." in front of ALL archives. Then YOU MUST sudo apt-get update, and everything will work.05:18
mjkelly93leroj, when i run a modprobe, i dont get any errors like i used to so i think tis installed05:18
delireAlexBO: i don't know why this is, perhaps the maintainer is being slack.05:18
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kbrooksubotu, usarchive =~ s/work/work as normal with no md5sum errors!/05:18
ubotukbrooks: OK05:18
kbrooksubotu, usarchive05:18
ubotuus.archive is broken. Edit your sources.list and remove the "us." in front of ALL archives. Then YOU MUST sudo apt-get update, and everything will work as normal with no md5sum errors!.05:18
=== gigaclon [~gigaclon@68-232-98-224.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Novicei just installed ubuntu and on restart it gives me error 17: unable to mount05:19
AlexBOubotu: are you writing to me?05:19
ubotuAlexBO: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about05:19
Noviceany workarounds05:19
kbrooksubotu, usarchive =~ s/!\././05:19
ubotukbrooks: that doesn't contain '!\.'05:19
kbrooksubotu, usarchive =~ s/!//05:19
ubotukbrooks: OK05:19
delireAlexBO: ubotu is a bot05:19
kbrooksubotu, usarchive05:19
ubotuus.archive is broken. Edit your sources.list and remove the "us." in front of ALL archives. Then YOU MUST sudo apt-get update, and everything will work as normal with no md5sum errors.05:19
ed1tubotu, usarchive05:20
delirekbrooks: hehe05:20
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AlexBOdelire: well...so how can i downloaded them with synaptic?05:20
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delireAlexBO: i doubt you can, as i said it's more likely the package maintainer hasn't added recent issues.05:21
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AlexBOdelire: he forgot ONE YEAR!!!05:22
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delireAlexBO: think of it in the context of seoftware, he's a version or two behind ;)05:22
NoviceHEY can ANYONE help me with this installation issue05:22
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delireAlexBO: yes, it's not good, send him an email.05:22
delireNovice: so you just installed it fine and then on reboot you receive this error?05:23
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AlexBOdelire: well, who is him?05:23
lsuactiafnerNovice : means the kernel ubuntu installed by default doesnt recognise your hard disk..05:23
lsuactiafneri had the same problem and i had to make my own kernel..05:23
delireNovice: sometimes you have to be patient to receive help - especially while others are being helped.05:23
delirelsuactiafner: ouch!05:23
delireNovice: what architecture? is it a SATA disk?05:23
Novicebut i think its grub error, kernel is not in picture yet05:23
=== delire has never heard of this with Ubuntu.
Novicepc pentium 3 IDE05:24
lsuactiafnerdelire : had to find a gentoo 64bit box on the net, make a kernel, install the kernel from a slackware disk (:05:24
delireNovice: right. i would use the LiveCD, if you have it handy.05:24
AlexBOdelire: i've found his e-mail.thanks05:24
delirelsuactiafner: jesus..05:24
delireAlexBO: no problem05:24
lsuactiafneranother reason why i make my own kernels..05:25
delireAlexBO: this sort of thing is rare.05:25
Novicei got its iso image with some magzine, thought of giving it a try, really dont have anything apart from tht iso image05:25
delirelsuactiafner: yes but for new users ... ouch05:25
mjkelly93Guys where should the driver fglrx.ko be located in my file tree to determine that its installed right?05:25
delireNovice: it's a shame this has happened. do you have any other Linux LiveCD around?05:25
Noviceyes LFS05:26
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deliremjkelly93: if you can modprobe -l | grep fglrx.ko then it's in the right place. the next question is whether it's the version you want to be running  - have you install an fglrx driver before?05:26
=== ptlo [~senko@83-131-64-199.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
jkkaI got my 20 Hoary CD's today05:27
=== kritty [~kritty@S01060040053062ae.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== DaZjorz had BOOTSTRAP ERROR: Installation to /target failed.
jkkagotta go spread em around05:27
jkka10 wartys were gone in couple of days05:27
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deliremjkelly93: FYI mine is in lib/modules/2.6.10/kernel/drivers/char/drm/fglrx.ko05:27
mjkelly93ok i found it in about 7 places05:27
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mjkelly93no i havent05:27
krittyhello all.... anyone want to kelp with a wireless setup?05:27
mjkelly93so is mine05:27
mjkelly93cept the kernel number is diff05:28
deliremjkelly93: if there is any fglrx in your module path (see above) then there's a problem.05:28
deliremjkelly93: your module path begins here /lib/modules/$(uname -r)05:28
mjkelly93hmm   my module path....05:28
mjkelly93ok hehe05:28
jcfreakkritty: what part are you having a prob with?05:28
mjkelly93yeah all of them are05:29
delirewhere 'uname -r' outputs the current running kernel version.05:29
mjkelly93yes yes   they all are05:29
=== flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Noviceok i try with LFS LCD05:29
=== _one_ [~one@cpe-66-87-4-181.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu
mjkelly93theres 7 different copies in those /lib/modules/2.6.-10-5/kernel/drivers/videofglrx./ko05:29
krittyjcfreak... I have no wep on and I want to use WPA05:29
mjkelly93theres 6 others     i'd cp and paste but it says not to05:29
=== DaZjorz had: BOOTSTRAP ERROR: Invalid Release File: No entry for Main/Binary~/Packages
deliremjkelly93: all of them? paste the output of 'updatedb && locate fglrx | grep $(uname -r)' into a pastebin.05:30
LinuxJoneskritty, have you seen the howto on the wiki ? >> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto05:30
_one_dont let newbs help newbs05:30
deliremjkelly93: it will take a while.05:30
deliremjkelly93: i want to be sure..05:30
LinuxJones_one_, that's how you learn :)05:30
krittyLInux Jones... thanks.... My husband did this install last night05:30
_one_thats how u ruin things05:30
kbrooksDaZjorz, ask05:30
kbrooksDaZjorz, ask05:30
mjkelly93its taking a while05:30
DaZjorzlook up05:30
DaZjorzInvalid release file05:31
DaZjorzNo entry for Main/binary~/Packages05:31
delireDaZjorz: this happens when you do what?05:31
LinuxJoneskritty, don't get discouraged if your new to Linux wifi can be problimatic for many folks :)05:31
kbrooksDaZjorz, breezy?05:31
ACSpikeAre there non-free (possibly legally encumbered) packages in the universe repository?05:31
delirekritty: congratulations!05:31
mjkelly93theres alot more of them too05:31
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DaZjorzDelire: When I install05:31
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DaZjorzKBrooks: Breezy ?05:31
sJaMgtg cu guys05:31
kbrooksACSpike, multiverse?05:31
deliremjkelly93: paste the output of that command into a pastebin.05:32
DaZjorzcu sJa<05:32
deliremjkelly93: pastebin.com05:32
mjkelly93a pastebin..... hmm05:32
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DaZjorzDelire: it happens when I install.05:32
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delireDaZjorz: what were you doing before this error occurred?05:32
delireDaZjorz: be honest ;)05:32
lerojfinally i have Mplayer05:33
DaZjorzErm, well, it was setupping, and it failed installing the kernel, but that happened before05:33
delireleroj: ;)05:33
DaZjorzso I did partitioning again and then setup05:33
DaZjorzand this error appeared05:33
mjkelly93ok all done05:33
delireDaZjorz: hoary?05:33
DaZjorznormally when I try to install base05:33
deliremjkelly93: send me the URL05:33
DaZjorzdelire: no idea. i just ordered some cd's05:33
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delireDaZjorz: but you have been compiling a custom kernel.05:33
DaZjorzdelire: i think so though05:33
DaZjorzdelire: No I haven't.05:34
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DaZjorzDelire: I just inserted the CD.05:34
DaZjorzand then installed05:34
krittyTHANKS!   My husband has been using ubuntu for 6 wks and I liked what i saw.  Just this wireless config is left.05:34
ACSpikekbrooks: I'm asking about universe. I want to avoid installing patent encumbered software but some of the apps I need (tv card) are in universe.05:34
DaZjorzand as normal, at 71%, it stops installing cuz kernel failed05:34
delireDaZjorz: what architecture?05:34
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delirekritty: yes, with certain cards it can be a pain. most work well however.05:35
mjkelly93did that work delire ?05:35
DaZjorzDelire: i38605:35
=== JDahl [~qwerty@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2v1-119.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
krittydelire ... well it's working but I just want to secure it a little more and fine tune the flow05:36
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SAM_themanhow do i change my resolution05:36
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SAM_themanSrry forgot to say hi05:36
DaZjorzDelire: I'll reset the PC and run setup again.05:36
delirekritty: ahah05:36
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delireDaZjorz: ok.. luck05:36
deliremjkelly93: how did you install this fglrx?05:36
anto9usSAM_theman: Hi, System | Preferences | Screen Resolution05:37
deliremjkelly93: from the install method provided by the ATI site or the ubuntu package?05:37
SAM_themanyeah i know05:37
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mjkelly93first i tried downloading the rpm version and using alien to change it to a deb from ati05:37
SAM_themanit just gives me 640*80005:37
mjkelly93then i tried ubuntu05:37
mjkelly93uninstaleld ubuntu cuz it did nothing05:37
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mjkelly93then ran the SH script from ati05:37
dmoneyok how do i play mp3s it says i need a plugin05:37
mjkelly93and that one instaleld correctly05:37
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dmoneynforce 2 mobo05:38
anto9usSAM_theman: then you need to edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file05:38
deliremjkelly93: when did you install it? '/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/char/drm/fglrx.ko'05:38
SAM_themanhmmm my dad is using a ati card05:38
jcfreakdmoney: http://ubuntuguide.org/#codecs05:38
deliremjkelly93: sorry 'ls -l /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/char/drm/fglrx.ko'05:38
dmoneysomeone pm i need some serious help05:39
deliremjkelly93: is the date returned yesterday?05:39
mjkelly93-rw-r--r--  1 root root 296521 2005-07-16 00:35 /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/char/drm/fglrx.ko05:39
mjkelly93actually early this morning hehe05:39
krittyath0 is my wireless card ... right?05:39
deliremjkelly93: you have fglrx.ko files in misc/. i would delete all these and reinstall using the ATI method. you have duplicate drivers from a previous install05:39
ACSpikekbrooks: I'm asking about universe. I want to avoid installing patent encumbered software (like mp3) but some of the apps I need (tv card) are in universe.05:40
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
delirekritty: or eth0..05:40
anto9usSAM_theman: look for the default screen and depth and add the required modes beneath it05:40
mjkelly93ok which ati method?   the run script or the rpm and alien?05:40
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delirekritty: or eth1, or wlan0 (depending on the hardware05:40
kbrooksACSpike, i dont know.05:41
dmoneyany help here05:41
jcfreakdmoney: http://ubuntuguide.org/#codecs05:41
dmoneyi've had same problem with every llinux install05:41
mjkelly93what command should i run to delete all those fglrx's05:41
dmoneyok i'll rey05:41
deliremjkelly93: i use alien to convert the rpm, then i install the deb, then in 'cd /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod && sh make.sh && cd .. && sh make_install.sh'05:41
deliremjkelly93: manually delete them05:42
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mjkelly93yes thats the way i built mine05:42
ACSpikekbrooks: thanks, with further reading I get the impression it doesn't.05:42
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deliremjkelly93: once done, make sure 'fglrx' is in the file /etc/modules, reboot and 'glxinfo | grep direct' to check whether you have hardware accelleration.05:43
deliremjkelly93: one should only ever use *one* method for installing fglrx ;)05:43
mjkelly93hehe ic ic05:43
deliremjkelly93: you (and fair enough) have tried two methods, which conflict.05:44
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A[D] minSchecking tcl build dir... configure: error: Unable to find Tcl directory or Tcl package is not tcl-dev05:45
delireA[D] minS: what are you compiling?05:45
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A[D] minSdelire: cause i want to install amsn CVS05:45
A[D] minSso i have to compile :)05:45
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delireA[D] minS: ok, is there a 'INSTALL' file in the source package with the list of dependencies required to build said software?05:46
A[D] minSjust wana know what da  name package =  tcl-dev05:46
delireA[D] minS: apt-cache seach libtcl | grep dev05:46
delireA[D] minS: apt-cache seach tcl | grep dev05:46
delireA[D] minS: here, this returns a likely candidate: tcl8.4-dev05:47
=== thoreauputic [~prospero@wolax6-146.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
wartyi cant work on ubuntu05:47
delireA[D] minS: apt-cache search|show is your friend05:48
delirewarty: what's up?05:48
flodinewhats up with k3b and ubuntu05:48
LinuxJonesflodine, is there a problem ?05:48
flodinek3b and ubuntu ERROR ERROR ERROR05:48
wartyafter loading ubuntu i have no panel no right click.....i cant do anything05:48
delireA[D] minS: either that or use synaptic, and search for it.05:48
=== linux-frodo24 [~Miranda@3.Red-81-47-66.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
linux-frodo24i hate ubuntu or it hates me05:49
wartyi have gettys but i dont know what to do05:49
flodineLinuxjone when i burn a cd i get errors05:49
delirelinux-frodo24: what are you trying to do?05:49
delireflodine: does it work using nautilus?05:49
A[D] minSthx delire05:49
delireA[D] minS: anytime, good luck with compiling that program.05:50
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flodineLinuxjone when i burn at a slower speed it burns but nothing on cd after done05:50
linux-frodo24stay online connected05:50
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linux-frodo24i get cut after 1.9 minutes05:50
mjkelly93ok delire, all done.   i removed all those fglrx files, then went and ran both scripts successfully05:50
=== DaZjorz is installing Ubuntu....
other|studyany set release date for breezy yet?05:51
=== DaZjorz has got no errors untill now
wartyHELP HELP HELP05:51
=== DaZjorz is going to software now, i'll tell any errors (for Delire?)
LinuxJonesflodine, you don't have the simulate checkbox or whatever it's called ticked off ?05:51
delirelinux-frodo24: 'sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog' and look for a possible cause.05:51
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linux-frodo24i did and i have same log problem05:52
=== ogra [~ogra@p5089E1C4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
delirelinux-frodo24: nearly everything on a linux system is logged.05:52
=== DaZjorz is installing The Base System............
delirelinux-frodo24: what is05:52
A[D] minSdelire: compiled :)05:52
=== DaZjorz will tell any errors :)
=== Shachaf [~Shachaf@line133-191.adsl.actcom.co.il] has joined #ubuntu
delire"same log program"05:52
=== InitMass [~InitMass@c83-248-181-174.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
delireA[D] minS: congrats ;)05:52
linux-frodo24i know want me to paste ?05:52
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delirewarty: don't shout, be patient. not many people here right now05:52
DaZjorznot many people who can answer questions xP05:52
delirewarty: i am helping others right now..05:53
DaZjorzbut much people who HAVE questions05:53
delireDaZjorz: perhaps, it's saturday ;)05:53
=== HappyFool [~HappyFool@tedo-ip-nas-1-p486.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
linux-frodo24how i paste without flooding ?05:53
DaZjorzDelire, you help him, my first error will appear in minimally 5 minutes05:53
DaZjorzand I gtg now05:53
DaZjorzcu in 5 mins05:53
delirelinux-frodo24: please use pastebin.com05:53
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delireok by DaZjorz05:53
flodineLinuxJone if i use nautilus will it burn it as and iso05:53
delirewarty: what's up?05:53
linux-frodo24what is that a web?05:53
wartyafter loading hoary05:53
delirewarty: explain in detail the boot error.05:53
wartyafter log in05:54
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linux-frodo24or an irc command?05:54
=== Zerboxx [~zerboxx@d57-203-244.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
wartyapears only the wallpaper of hoary05:54
wartyno panel05:54
delirewarty: linux-frodo24: yes05:54
delirewarty: hmm..05:54
wartyno right click.........05:54
linux-frodo24how i use it?05:55
delirewarty: odd. sadly i am not a gnome expert, as i don't run gnome here.05:55
delirelinux-frodo24: try05:55
wartywhat do i have to do.........?05:55
ZerboxxIf I'm running ubuntu on a 500mhx, 196mb computer, what would "you" recommend to speed things up???05:55
delirewarty: that must be frustrating. is this a *fresh* install?05:55
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chrissturmZerboxx, run xfce05:55
HappyFoolgdm has logs in /var/log/gdm/, with names like ':0.log'05:55
linux-frodo24who /pastebin doesn't work05:55
chrissturmZerboxx, sudo apt-get install xfce405:55
delireZerboxx: use a lighter window manager. i reccommend openbox.05:55
wartyis an old one05:55
linux-frodo24im new to irc as i hate irc05:56
chrissturmlinux-frodo24, use http://rafb.net/paste05:56
delirewarty: be honest, what were you doing *before* this first happened?05:56
Zerboxxchrissturm: delire: I've never used another window manager (as my main box is more then powerful enough) what does it change?05:56
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wartytry do reinstall the applets05:56
mjkelly93delire, i rebooted and i needa get that command off u again to check and see about installation.05:56
martiganis there an app like kweather for gnome?05:57
delirelinux-frodo24: go to the website http://pastebin.com and paste in the text you wish to show me and then give me the URL to the pastebin.com page you created.05:57
chrissturmZerboxx, you can then select it in gdm05:57
delirewarty: ok, did you edit a file to do this?05:57
wartyfrom synaptic05:57
delirewarty: which applets? gdesklets?05:57
linux-frodo24where nick i put urs?05:57
thoreauputicmartigan: right click the panel and look for the weather applet05:57
HappyFoolmartigan: i don't know kweather; try right clicking on the panel, and choose 'add to panel', and look for 'Weather report'05:58
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delirewarty: i would go to another console <CTRL-ALT-F1> and login and 'sudo dpkg -P the package.05:58
wartyafter that i tried the recovery mode and nothing05:58
delirewarty: these X applets are conflicting with gnome session i think.05:58
linux-frodo24now what i clicked paste05:59
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HappyFoollinux-frodo24: tell us the URL that appears in the address bar06:00
linux-frodo24copy and paste from the web?06:00
delireHappyFool: thx, i need a hand here. a bit busy ;)06:00
mjkelly93hehe sorry06:00
JavaOnLinuxhello, any of u r using Dell D800 series? any idea of getting the wireless to work?06:01
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mjkelly93i rebooted and all after installed, can u cp and paste me that command u wanted me to run delire ?06:01
SAM_themanIS Gdesklets site down????????????????06:01
SAM_themanIS Gdesklets site down????????????????06:01
deliremjkelly93: glxinfo | grep direct06:01
HappyFooldelire: cool :)06:01
HappyFoollinux-frodo24: that's your pppd errors?06:01
mjkelly93direct rendering: No06:02
mjkelly93OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect06:02
HappyFoollinux-frodo24: do you know what modem you have?06:02
flodinecan you update k3b to 11.2406:02
deliremjkelly93: how did that turn out?06:02
mjkelly93everything went well06:02
linux-frodo24i have that problem too mjkelly06:02
deliremjkelly93: a 'yes'? from that command?06:02
mjkelly93nice im not the only one06:02
mjkelly93well i ran the command and thats what i got06:03
mjkelly93there was no question06:03
linux-frodo24i give up mdk to use 3d card on ubutu06:03
deliremjkelly93: hehe great, you have fglrx setup now.06:03
deliremjkelly93: test the frame rate with 'glxgears'06:03
mjkelly93same as before   ~20006:03
HappyFoollinux-frodo24: do you know what modem you have?06:03
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mjkelly93my fglrxinfo says im using Mesa 3d06:04
linux-frodo24genius 56k external06:04
HappyFoollinux-frodo24: ok, what is it?06:04
HappyFoolexternal? hmm06:04
HappyFooli thought those worked without problems, usually06:04
deliremjkelly93: so 'glxinfo | grep direct' returned a "direct rendering: YES" and you have that frame rate?06:04
mjkelly93no it said no06:04
mjkelly93mjkelly93 direct rendering: No06:05
mjkelly93mjkelly93 OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect06:05
deliremjkelly93: ok, not setup yet then. there are other files we need to remove.06:05
mjkelly93should i reformat delire ?     i havent installed anything yet06:06
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HappyFoollinux-frodo24: how did you setup your dial-up connection?06:06
rook5hello how do i view C: drive from live cd??06:06
deliremjkelly93: no, it's fine. can you 'ls -l ls /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so' and paste the output in a pastebin?06:06
linux-frodo24well with sudo pppconfig06:06
HappyFoollinux-frodo24: ok06:07
linux-frodo24and then also with pppgnome06:07
deliremjkelly93: sorry, make that 'ls -l ls /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so*' and paste the output in a pastebin?06:07
ubotuI guess windows is Everything runs in linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office, or find an !alternative06:07
linux-frodo24now i tryed with manualy scripts06:07
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, ntfs is the filesystem used under Windows XP. The Ubuntu installer can safely resize an NTFS partition to create a new partition for you to install Ubuntu. http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab06:07
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=== araw1 is away (BRB a sec...)
HappyFoolrook5: read that last link (winmac_fstab)06:07
HappyFoollinux-frodo24: and they all give the same error?06:08
mjkelly93http://pastebin.com/314497   delire06:08
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rook5HappyFool: look for it on the wiki?06:09
linux-frodo24in mdk i think i also have that problem but  kdialer works fine in mdk06:09
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linux-frodo24is the only dialer good to me06:09
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linux-frodo24cool ubuntu espaol06:10
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HappyFoolrook5: there's some stuff there; i was referring to this http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab06:10
mjkelly93brb delire06:10
blackskywhat does it mean when an "apt-get update" ignores certain sources, like this: "Ign http://public.planetmirror.com hoary-backports Release"06:10
flodineflux and ubuntu work so good together06:11
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blackskythe full output is here: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/62206:13
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delirei have to go..06:13
HappyFoollinux-frodo24: i'm running short on ideas06:13
WinuxGnome-Baker sucks06:13
deliresorry anyone not helped thoroughly yet.06:13
linux-frodo24i have one but only if someone tell me how to get on rendering 3d on X on mdk06:14
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HappyFoollinux-frodo24: typically ati/nvidia make drivers available for download on their sites06:15
linux-frodo24if i had render on in mdk i whould go to ubuntu06:15
mjkelly93ok im back delire       any more advice for this fglrx?06:15
WinuxDoes anybody know how to change prepag preferences in Gnome-Baker?06:16
HappyFoollinux-frodo24: you should be able to get them to work with mandrake06:16
linux-frodo24yes but i c that is not easy u have to compile some kernel in mdk06:16
WinuxHow delete pause between songtracks?06:16
linux-frodo24i can't find any easy good tutorial06:16
{Phoinix}Hello everyone from Greece. Where can i find repositories for ubuntu 5.04. In google i'm finding only Debain repositories. The only repostiories tha i've found  for ubuntu is from ubuntuguide.org But when i use them i get crc errors :-(06:16
linux-frodo24for mdk06:16
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HappyFool{Phoinix}: try archive.ubuntu.com06:17
{Phoinix}HappyFool, thanks :-)06:17
HappyFoollinux-frodo24: ask in #mandriva (for mandrake)06:17
DekaPinkThat's odd... I just booted into my ubuntu partition and it has an icon on the desktop for the mounted windows system which has never been there before. :306:17
HappyFoollinux-frodo24: i'm sorry, but i don't have any more ideas for your dial-up problem06:18
linux-frodo24do u hate windows unable to copy like in x11?06:18
linux-frodo24thx anyways06:18
GarrisonAnyone want to test out a little utility I just wrote? It's like 'cp' but easier to use (uses an X file dialog for file selection) and gives a terminal progress-bar06:18
linux-frodo24c u06:18
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=== mjkelly93 is looking for help installing fglrx for a radeon 9250, any takers?
marcushow do i download msn messenger on ubuntu?06:19
Garrisonmarcus; use Gaim?06:19
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{Phoinix}marcus, apt-get install gaim06:19
Garrisonmarcus; alt+F2 and type 'gaim' press enter (without quotes)06:19
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marcusi have gaim already06:20
marcusbut i dont now how to use it06:20
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Garrisonmarcus; tools > accounts06:20
Garrisonmarcus; pretty easy06:20
ScOrpion-boyhi anyone can help me?06:20
mjkelly93anyone know anythng about this fglrx or why it installed right and wont render 3d?06:21
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Dr_Willisati can be a pain in the backside06:21
marcusim not sure how its used how do i create an account?06:21
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mjkelly93ur tellin me its about a week now of trying this06:21
Dr_Willisbut it was a fairly easy setup on the last ubuntu box i made. :P06:21
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Dr_Willistook all of 60 sec. On my ati970006:22
mjkelly93it was fairly easy on FC4, ubuntu is hell06:22
FUSiONXwhat is a good cd burning app?06:22
dj28marcus: go to Tools -> Accounts06:22
mjkelly939250 here06:22
dj28marcus: then press Add06:22
mjkelly93i like k3b06:22
dj28at the bottom06:22
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dj28marcus: then select the Protocol, which is AIM, MSN, etc06:22
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ScOrpion-boythis is the matter.. I'm trying to intstall NVIDIA driversI managed get as root in consolke but when I start it says "it appears you running a X server" what is that and how can I solve it? please06:22
dj28marcus: and then enter the rest of the info06:22
dj28and repeat for any accounts you have06:23
FUSiONXif I want to install xmms I just type in the console -i whateverxmms.deb06:23
mjkelly93i wish i was having problems installing a nvidia driver =(06:23
lsuactiafneranyone know of a rar cracker?06:23
Dr_WillisScOrpion-boy,  check the binary driver wiki/docs page at ubuntu's page. you  may be going about it the wrong way.06:23
=== Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
rook5i mounted windows partition, but when i try to display it 'sudo cd /mnt/windows' it gives me sudo: cd: command not found??06:23
ScOrpion-boyDr_Willis ?06:23
mjkelly93u cant sude a cd command06:23
FUSiONXThere are rar password crackers out there but most likely it will not work06:24
mjkelly93try just cd /mnt/windows06:24
mjkelly93anyone have extensive knowledge about FGLRX or shitty ATI?06:24
FUSiONXmjkelly93, If I wanted to install xmms I just type -i whateverxmms.deb in the konsole right06:24
mjkelly93try    sudo apt-get install xmms06:25
Dr_WillisScOrpion-boy,  the procedure is very well documented when i did it a month ago.. tookl me just a min. dident have to do anything in the console if i recall.06:25
=== D1 [~damian@pool-71-104-101-157.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
FUSiONXwhat ius apt?06:25
mjkelly93or try    system > administration > synaptic   and search for XMMS06:25
ScOrpion-boyso you sayin I'm the wring file?06:25
highvoltageFUSiONX: Advanced Package Management06:25
marcusyo tanks guys06:25
mjkelly93apt is the debian based program and dependency fetcher06:25
highvoltagewith super cow powers06:25
FUSiONXwhere is that at?06:26
marcusi owe u guys lunch06:26
Madpilotmorning, all.06:26
mjkelly93FUSiONX, just open a console,   right click on desktop and choose open console,    then copy and paste or type in there        sudo apt-get install xmms06:26
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mjkelly93that should work06:26
highvoltageFUSiONX: you use apt-get06:26
highvoltageie, apt-get install apache206:26
FUSiONXalright thanks, will that also download it too?06:26
marcustanks loads guys06:26
highvoltageor apt-get install tuxracer06:26
mjkelly93and install it06:26
highvoltageFUSiONX: yes06:26
FUSiONXholy ubuntu!06:26
dj28marcus: np06:26
mjkelly93its a little tricky to get it to play mp3s tho06:27
FUSiONXbecause it doesn't have a codec?06:27
Madpilotlast night I installed the Rute Linux Book from Synaptic - rutebook - but I can't find where it installs itself! Find Files hasn't been any use - anyone know where it hides?06:27
mjkelly93yeah or something to do with licensing and that nonsense06:27
FUSiONXThen what is a good MP3 player for Linux?06:27
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mjkelly93check out   ubuntuguide.org   and scroll down for the xmms section06:28
mjkelly93or search the page for xmms06:28
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Madpilotack, nevermind... /usr/share/doc/rutebook - just had to ask Synaptic where it put it...06:28
mjkelly93then copy and paste those commands in a console, u can copy and paste them all at once06:28
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rook5mjkelly93: when i just cd /mnt/windows its says bash: cd: windows: Permission denied06:29
mjkelly93is it mounted?06:29
Madpilotrook5: who owns that directory?06:29
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rook5Madpilot: dunno.. i probably didnt mount it with user priviliges?? i did mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows06:30
egg.... just a option06:31
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Mobiusanyone have some out-of-the-ordinary program suggestions I could check out?06:31
Madpilotrook5: check in Nautilus for ownership? (I can't remember the command line for checking ownership right now...06:31
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MadpilotMobius: Wanda the Fish06:31
mwels -l06:32
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psystorm_Need help installing php5 on ubuntu06:32
ChurcH_of_FoamYhow to tell how much room is on yer hard drive in human speak?06:32
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mbirkisChurcH_of_FoamY: df -h06:32
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kbrooksdisk free -human06:32
marcusneed help again06:32
Mobiuslol Madpilot..06:32
marcuswhat do i use to download stuff?06:32
MadpilotChurcH_of_FoamY: or the bottom-left corner of Nautilus06:32
mleastefor some reason I cannot install Java... can anyone help really quick06:32
punkrockguy318How can I install ubuntu with netboot?06:33
^DodGeR^df -h06:33
djpmarcus: synaptic06:33
mweyou need mount -o umask 022206:33
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raven3x7marcuss stuff?06:33
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Mobiusanyone here have suggestions for web development tools?06:34
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HappyFoolpunkrockguy318: take a look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetbootInstallHowto06:34
mleastecould anyone help me with installing sun's java on ubuntu?06:34
ubotufrom memory, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java06:34
HappyFoolmleaste: that page has several options06:34
MadpilotMobius: Screem or Bluefish. both in repos, I prefer Screem slightly06:34
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mleastethank you06:34
raven3x7whats a working option for dc++ under ubuntu/linux. what i found on websites is rather confusing. any suggestions?06:35
djpMobius: i use emacs, however if you want a simple dreamweaver alternative, try nvu06:35
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punkrockguy318Hackmo, can you do a net install with the install CD?06:35
Ju1cewhy doesn't sudo work for me? I always get authentication failure even though the password is alright06:35
Mobiuswhat about for FTP guys? I gues I could get used to gFTP06:35
HappyFoolpunkrockguy318: (i assume that's for me) i don't know -- that is the only resource i can direct you to06:36
HappyFoolJu1ce: what error do you get?06:36
punkrockguy318HappyFool, alright, thank you!06:36
MadpilotMobius: in Nautilus, you can "mount" other sites directly. no need for a seperate FTP program. good thing, becuase gFTP is pretty awful...06:36
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MobiusMadpilot: I agree, it isnt too impressive. Do you suggest mounting over using gFTP or somesuch?06:37
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Ju1ceit just asks the password over and over again06:37
Ju1cesu works06:37
jcfreakanyone know a repository for mono 1.1.8?06:37
HappyFoolJu1ce: did you enter a root password during ubuntu install?06:38
MadpilotMobius: I prefer it for the three sites I run! makes FTPing just a matter of copy-n-paste in Nautilus06:38
mweJu1ce, you need to type your own password, not the root, you know?06:38
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MobiusIs there any speed difference Madpilot?06:38
MobiusI remember my windows days, doing it thru IE was crap...06:38
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MadpilotMobius: File --> Connect to Server in Naut...06:38
Ju1cewell, that was something too unlogic :D06:38
MadpilotMobius: can't say WRT speed difference06:39
raven3x7anyone using dc++ here? is dcgui or dcgui-qt better?06:39
Madpilotsorry, I've got to go. workign Saturdays bites06:39
JDahlMobius, if you have ssh on the machines, rsync is easier than ftp06:39
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Mobiusthanks JDahl, ill take a look into it06:40
Ju1cewell, now I added myself to the sudoers list06:40
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Ju1cethanks for the answer for my stupid question.06:41
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marcuscan i use bitcommet on ubuntu?06:41
other|studymarcus: afaik, bitcomet is only available for windows06:42
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lesshasteany mencoder experts here?06:42
JDahlMobius, I couldnt live without rsync... from reading the man page it might not look that great, but it actually is06:42
marcusso wat would u suggest i use?06:42
raven3x7marcus there's still azureus available06:42
lesshastegot a tricky problem06:42
MobiusWhat do you use it for JDahl?06:42
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lesshasteJDahl, try zsync06:43
mbirkismarcus: why not use bittornado?06:43
Wimpieanybody around that knows apache a bit ?06:43
FUSiONXI only messed with it with win3206:43
FUSiONXand one some webhosting accounts06:44
Mobiusanyone else use brightside?06:44
Wimpiehmm.  I have a FollowSymLink problem.  Does not seem to work06:44
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=== DaZjorz wants to know if Deline is still here..?
=== DaZjorz knows he isn't :\
JDahlMobius, it lets you synchronize directories between computers, and only updates changed files which saves alot of bandwidth06:45
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raven3x7so noone uses dc++? wow06:45
FUSiONXMy internet is REALLY slow with Ubuntu06:45
darkwiseYa wow.06:45
DaZjorzERROR: Unable to install the selected kernel: linux-38606:45
FUSiONXalmost not usable06:45
darkwiseWho wants to use shit with spyware?06:45
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=== DaZjorz got error Unable to install the selected kernel: linux-386
FUSiONXany else experince this?06:46
keikozDaZjorz installing with a cd-rom or synaptic ?06:46
HappyFoolDaZjorz: what does 'uname -r' say?06:46
ompaulfuisiox what kind of a conneciton have you got?06:46
kyle_hello.. supernoob here.. need help on a few things anyone like to help out for a few minutes?06:46
lsuactiafnerDaZjorz : why kernel 386?06:46
DaZjorzerrm i'll try HappyFool06:46
daniskype doesn't work06:46
FUSiONXfast in windows06:46
FUSiONXbut in Ubuntu is s l o w06:47
DaZjorzHAppyFool: 2.10.6-5-38606:47
^DodGeR^kyle_, can u be a bit more specific ?06:47
keikozFUSiONX probably bad driver/configuration06:47
DaZjorz2.6.10 i mean06:47
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lsuactiafnerDaZjorz : 386 is for very slow pcs... look for 586 or something06:47
DaZjorzHappyFool: 2.6.10-5-38606:47
FUSiONXits onbard06:47
FUSiONXboard* there lol06:47
lsuactiafnersomeone help him, i dont use ubuntu kernels.06:47
HappyFoolDaZjorz: ok, what are you trying to do?06:47
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DaZjorzlsuactiafner: i'm installing the normal06:47
DaZjorzHappyFool: i'm trying to install Ubuntu ^^06:47
FUSiONXI'll install a Linksys card06:47
DaZjorzserver installation so minimum06:48
HappyFoolDaZjorz: ... ok. what are you running at the moment?06:48
kyle_i've just got ubuntu running, i'm trying now to get bittorrent to work.06:48
lsuactiafnerDaZjorz : yeh, 2.6.10 is new enough, but its compiled for a pc thats 10yrs old..06:48
DaZjorzWHo says my server isn't 10 yrs old xP06:48
keikozDaZjorz i had same pbl once, the cd was bad in fact06:48
FUSiONXis there a good newsreader for download from newsgroups?06:48
lsuactiafnerget 2.6.10 compiled for a i586 pc06:48
HappyFoolDaZjorz: where did you run that command? the live cd ?06:48
DaZjorzHappyFool: No, it just installed06:48
keikozi had to burn it another time and it worked06:48
marcushow do u install azureus on linux which version of linux do i chose?06:48
djpkyle_: it is installed by default under hoary06:48
DaZjorzI ran the command you gave06:48
DaZjorzon console 206:48
FUSiONXi'll install it on my xbox06:48
djpjust follow the torrent link and it should prompt you from there on...06:49
DaZjorzMarcus: what versions are available06:49
raven3x7DaZjorz, pan maybe?06:49
DaZjorzi386 ?06:49
HappyFoolDaZjorz: it sounds like things are ok -- what generated the previous error?06:49
DaZjorzraven: Pan? whats that06:49
ompaulFUSiONX, cap your upstream to 85% of the cap using a traffic shaper like http://lartc.org/wondershaper/ sorry I only know of this - I guess if all you were doing was web it would be fast but if you are uploading it will kill your download connection06:49
HappyFoolDaZjorz: the error regarding 'not able to install linux-386'06:49
DaZjorzHappyFool: Previous error ?06:49
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DaZjorzHappyFool: well, I had this problem fixed before by running:06:49
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DaZjorzin console 206:49
DaZjorzcd /usr/bin06:49
marcuslinux gtk, linux amd, linux motif, linux ppc06:49
raven3x7DaZjorz,  sorry that was directed at FUSiONX06:49
djpmarcus: azureus uses java. there is a better alternative installed by default, which does not use suns java06:49
raven3x7FUSiONX pan maybe?06:50
DaZjorzln -s updgs pdgs (i'm not sure about the pdgs ?!)06:50
DaZjorzsorry i gtg..06:50
DaZjorzbrb in 5 minutes or so06:50
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coolkevhow come ubuntu doesn't exactly support AMD Sempron Processors fully06:50
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coolkevit thinks i have amd athlon xp06:51
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coolkevbut i have sempron06:51
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coolkevmaybe that could be fixed in up comming version of ubuntu06:51
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raven3x7DaZjorz,  there is also a how-to for adsl-bandwidth management at www.tldp.org06:51
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marcusis there anything easier to use?06:51
JDahlcoolkev, that06:51
Drukedo i have to modify something in order to open .rar files?06:51
yccheokhw i can check which process is using my cdrom since i cannt eject my cdrom06:52
JDahlcoolkev, that's probably an issue with the kernel... does it matter much?06:52
HappyFoolDruke: you may need to install unrar or unrar-free06:52
coolkevwell sorta06:52
DrukeHappyFool, thanks06:52
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HappyFoolyccheok: try 'lsof /dev/cdrom' or 'lsof /media/cdrom'06:52
sss_lryccheok: ps aux06:52
coolkevif ubuntu wants to be a good OS it needs to support the hardware very well06:52
coolkevi think linux people need to concentrate more on hardware and drivers06:53
marcusits there any easy to use bittorent clients available for ubuntu06:53
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paxcoolkev: what do you get with cat /proc/cpuinfo06:53
coolkevyes Azereus06:53
JDahlcoolkev, ubuntu doesn't make changes to the kernel, so isn't it a generic linux problem?06:53
tim_so nice06:53
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FUSiONXI'm out peeps06:53
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Drukeis something wrong with "http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net "06:54
marcusdont know how to use azureus06:54
coolkevpax: it shows the wrong clock speed and shows AMD Athlon Xp06:54
coolkevand i have AMD sempron 2400+06:54
paxcoolkev: are you aware that AMD do not go by frequency clocking?06:54
JDahlmarcus, if you just need to download simple things like Linux ISO, then Gnome's btclient is fine06:55
coolkevbut my speed is suppose to be 1.5 ghz06:55
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coolkevas it says on box06:55
djpmarcus: if you click on a torrent file in your web browser it should launch the default bittorrent client. all you do is choose the directory to download to and... that's it!06:55
paxcoolkev: you need to check your bios to find out what your multiplier is set to06:55
coolkevfor AMD i got06:55
coolkevwhat should it be set to?06:55
paxcoolkev: check AMD site to find out.06:55
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HappyFoolcoolkev: your speed should be 1.5 GHz and /proc/cpuinfo says 1500 ... what's the problem?06:56
paxHappyFool: he's confused.06:56
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kutucapehi all06:57
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lsuactiafnercat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz06:59
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lsuactiafnercoolkev : also if the cpu aint used 100% it scales the frequency down to use less power06:59
CentaurMy wireless card will only work with the access point that I used to install ubuntu and not with any other. I do get connected to other access points but I can't ping anything. What can I do to fix it?06:59
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lsuactiafnerlike my 3200 runs @ 1G if loads are low but @ 2G if high07:00
paxlsuactiafner: he left the building long ago.07:00
^DodGeR^Centaur, u need to change the routing/dns's ? u try in your netwokring setup ?07:00
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lsuactiafnerand he left..07:00
Centaur^DodGeR^: Well I have changed them with routers that are static but they're usually dhcp and it doesn't even get assigned an ip07:01
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^DodGeR^hrmmm, i usually set them static ..07:01
Centaur^DodGeR^: I've tried it with wep on, off, ssid broadcast on and off, and on routers that assign via dhcp I tried static and still no traffic07:02
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Centaur^DodGeR^: But the router does show that it's connected07:02
^DodGeR^basically all i need is dns server , gateway , my ip , essid and wep key , i put those in static and im a-for-away07:02
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Centaur^DodGeR^: Yeah, that's how it should be but it won't work...only with the router that I initially used to install07:03
kutucapexlibs can't be configured after upgrading to breezy ;(07:03
^DodGeR^your default gateway must obviously be the gw on the essid connection of interest07:03
CentaurHmm....wouldn't I still be able to ping local computers though?07:03
^DodGeR^whats route show u Centaur  ? the one with UG in it ? ie whats yer default gw route07:03
Centauror atleast be able to ping the router07:03
kutucapei wonder that xlibs means nothing07:04
^DodGeR^yeah local u should always be able to reach07:04
kutucapealso xbase-clients07:04
mwekutucape, according to /topic X is broken in breezy07:04
^DodGeR^depending on local interface setup though07:04
HappyFoolkutucape: someone (tefli?) yesterday mentioned something about need to create /etc/xkb/ files, but i didn't have a clue what he was on about07:04
fabiobseems that xkeyboard-config holds /etc/xkb/ files07:05
fabiobbut without xbase-clients, X freezes (here)07:06
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Centaur^DodGeR^: When I turn wireless on my default gw is wlan007:06
seth_kfabiob: breezy X is terribly broken since 3607:06
^DodGeR^ok , and u want default route to be via wlan0 gateway07:06
^DodGeR^not the origional other essid gateway07:06
fabiobseth_k: yes, I noticed that (late) :)07:06
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CentaurSo are you saying that the default gw wlan0 is actually saved settings for my original router?07:07
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^DodGeR^so change your default gw to the one on the new essid07:07
CentaurOh, alright then....I'll give that a shot real quick07:08
D1I have to say07:08
^DodGeR^eg. if essid blah gateway was xyz. but u want your new essid with gateway abc to be activated .. change your default gw route to be via abc07:08
D1ubuntu has been the only distro my wireless worked so flawlessly with without so little effort.07:08
D1especially through gnome.07:08
^DodGeR^then try ping gateway abc07:08
seth_kD1: word07:09
mike998seth_k: so giving breezy a go today isn't a good idea?07:09
^DodGeR^agreed D1 , wireless in ubuntu a breeze :)07:09
^DodGeR^gentoo it freezes my box !07:09
^DodGeR^lunar it works , but only if i pray a lot07:09
^DodGeR^ubuntu zero issues whatsoever :)07:09
D1can't wait till breezy comes out in oct.07:10
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nnWhere do i submit packages i've built for hoary?07:11
HappyFoolnn: maybe ask in #ubuntu-motu07:11
lesshaste can someone explain to me how usb storage works in linux? When I attach the device I can then mount it. But if I disconnect it presumably that is bad if I don't umount it first?07:11
HappyFoolnn: or perhaps the backports guys will take it07:12
D1nn: what have you built?07:12
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lesshasteor is there some automatic way of mounting/umounting?07:12
HappyFoollesshaste: that sounds right. You need to manually unmount07:12
lesshaste but then it isn't really hot pluggable07:12
ZerboxxHey, if I insatll xfce, will it become the default wm automatically?07:12
HappyFoollesshaste: you should be able to right-click on the icon and unmount07:12
tim_anyone know if breezy is planning to include beagle in the distro?07:12
D1Zerboxx, I'm sure you can change that through GDM07:13
flodinewhats up with the backports mirrormax07:13
nnD1: joe and pork working fully, planning to release xmcast packages soon as 1.1 is ready07:13
lesshasteHappyFool, well.. I know how to umount it. It just doesn't seem very hot pluggable if you have to umount by hand07:13
HappyFoollesshaste: it don't know what the definition of 'hot-pluggable' is, but it's a lot more pluggable than pci or ide ;)07:13
nnD1: but basicly anything i use that isnt in hoary i'll be building07:13
lesshasteHappyFool, :) ok07:13
D1ah, sounds good.07:13
flodineis there a backport problem today07:13
D1I'm waiting for gnomebaker .0407:13
nnLocally i'm the guy everyone comes to for ubuntu help since i passed out about 100 ubuntu cd's recently07:14
D1it looks really good from the changelog.07:14
HappyFooltim_: take a look on packages.ubuntu.com -- you can search for breezy packages there07:14
nnneed to order more as a matter of fact and drop more at the library, they're out already07:14
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tim_thx Hackmo07:14
tim_and by Hackmo....I mean HappyFool07:14
flodineanyone use backports07:14
smoochieanyone know how to get the debian repo keys working and in turn the debian repos working?07:15
jkkapropably someone07:15
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mwesmoochie, ubuntu is not binary compatible with debian07:16
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smoochieI thought it was just a header in the repos that serarated the two07:16
nnsmoochie: different versions of libraries and what not07:16
jkkatotally complete patching even in the main repos07:17
kutucapeHappyFool, ok i'll try...07:17
smoochiewow so it would never work that sucks07:17
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nnI like ubuntu so far07:18
kutucapeX broken in breezy because Xorg is in modular now?07:18
HappyFoolkutucape: he strace'd something-or-the-other do find out what was wrong07:18
kbrookskutucape, dont ask07:18
jkkaI havent missed debian repos07:18
DiscipulusWhat's wrong with Breezy?07:18
mweit's broken07:18
DiscipulusHow'd X break?07:18
nni need to set up a repo for my packages before i leave for iraq :)07:18
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nnmaybe get one of the other kclug guys to maintain it07:19
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lsuactiafnerHappyFool : know of a way to crack rar files?07:19
lsuactiafnerfriend sent me images of his holiday and forget to tell me the passwd07:19
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kutucapekbrooks, pardon me, dont ask about what?07:19
HappyFoollsuactiafner: sorry, no07:19
DekaPinkThat seems like a silly thing to ptu a password on.07:19
other|studylsuactiafner: bruteforce ;)07:20
kutucapei have upgraded my gtk and pango package to support cairo too07:20
kutucapeand it works07:20
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other|studyDekaPink: no it's not a silly thing07:20
kutucapebut i dont see any differences07:20
other|studylsuactiafner: it'll be easier to ask your friend. and a lot faster.07:20
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raven3x7oh man both dcgui and dcgui-qt seem not that usefull07:21
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WheatleyDo I have to do something like reboot after I modify limits.conf for it to take effect?07:22
fabiobkuntucape: don't install xbase-clients07:22
Discipuluslsuactiafner, ask in #crypto07:22
Discipuluslsuactiafner, my guess though is that it would actually be stored in the file, probably in a header07:22
kutucapefabbione, do i have to apt-get remove xbase-clients?07:23
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lsuactiafnerother|study : yeh about ready to do a dictionary attack with bash07:23
Discipuluslsuactiafner, nah, don't do that, look at the file in a hex editor first07:24
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kutucapewell i have to wait for X to be fixed07:24
other|studyDiscipulus: do you honestly believe that rar files are that easy to crack?07:24
kutucapethanks all07:25
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fabiobkutucape: just leave it in that state, you'are lucky it's working07:25
Discipulusother|study, yes07:25
mjkelly93anyone out there using a 9xxx radeon card?  what driver r u using in xorg.conf?07:25
KarlosIIare we ever gonna see 3d accellerated desktops in linux, I wonder when xorg is gonna progress to thatpoint07:25
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lsuactiafnerDiscipulus : thanks07:26
Discipulusother|study, you would be surprised at the protocols and algorithms that they use for that sort of thing07:26
Maddyhi folks07:26
Fanskapetmjkelly93 a mobility-chip?07:26
mjkelly93its a radeon 9250 pci07:26
mjkelly93i think it is a mobility07:26
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mwemjkelly93, Im using the binary fglrx from ati07:26
Fanskapetno it's not... if it's pci :)07:26
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mjkelly93yeah i was just gonna say its not a mobility chip07:26
mjkelly93mwe,  what card do u have?07:27
Fanskapetwell then i dunno07:27
kutucapefabiob, yes, i'm lucky after struggling :D07:27
mwemjkelly93, radeon 9800 pro07:27
Fanskapetfglrx should work since it's made for those cards :)07:27
mjkelly93i know but it really really doesnt work at all07:27
Fanskapeti have had some problems using it though odd ones07:27
mjkelly93its like a week now trying this and it really doesnt work07:27
Fanskapethave you tried to install the fglrx driver then?07:27
kutucapeso, what libcairo for?07:28
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mjkelly93it runs the make files correctly but then doesnt work07:28
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Fanskapetfrom where? the one included in the "program updater" app in ubuntu? :)07:28
mjkelly93homeslice@ubuntu:~$ glxinfo | grep direct direct rendering: No07:28
mjkelly93OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect07:28
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mjkelly93i downloaded the ati rpm file, converted via alien, and install the deb07:28
Fanskapetthen try that one instead..07:28
mwemjkelly93, did you modprobe fglrx and change the driver in xorg.conf?07:28
mjkelly93if i change the driver in xorg.conf and restart x, i get a black screen07:29
mjkelly93when i modprobe fglrx i get no return, which is a good thing cuz theres no error07:29
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JDigital`Hey guys, what's the best way to install Java runtime to use applets in firefox?07:29
mwemjkelly93, check the log for errors07:30
JDigital`To get the self-installer from the Sun website?07:30
JDigital`or is there a package I can apt-get that will be easier07:30
mjkelly93i cant check the Xorg.0.log because when i restart my comp from that black screen, that i CANT alt ctrl out of, it rewrites the log07:30
Fanskapetsounds like the problem occured for me once07:30
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mjkelly93id love to be able to read that log07:31
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nnmjkelly93: ctrl-alt-f107:31
nnmjkelly93: try the magick console switch07:31
mjkelly93doesnt work07:31
mjkelly93nor does ctrl alt backspace07:31
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=== AlexBO [~alex@adsl-198-17.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
fabiobmjkelly93: startx 2> ~/log07:32
nnmjkelly93: Worst case, when you reboot, hit shift @ grub, pick the ubuntu from grub menu, press 'e', select the 'kernel ...' line, append 'init=/bin/sh'07:32
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Fanskapetmjkelly93 have you booted up in "safe mode" and looked in xorg.conf so you're card is chosen and not any other card?07:32
AlexBOHello!I've got Ubuntu 5.04. Can anybody advice me a good download manager?07:32
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mjkelly93yes i tried recovery mode, and it still writes to the log07:32
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DiscipulusAlexBO, wget07:32
Fanskapetmy problem was that the driver chosed a different card than I really had.. had to change it manually to the 9700 mobility07:32
mjkelly93fabiob whats that?07:32
AlexBODiscipulus: I'm using it.I'm disgusted :-o07:33
Fanskapetchange some other options aswell though.. frambuffer and stuff07:33
DiscipulusAlexBO, because it doesn't have a GUI?07:33
tonyanyone know of a gui to mount iso on ubuntu?07:33
=== MagiPink [~nanami@brndmb02dc1-193-94.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fanskapetbut then again.. is probably another problem you have since you're not on a mobility chip07:33
mjkelly93listen what i need to do is change the xorg.conf to reflect fglrx, then stop the X server via /etc/init.d/gdm stop, then start X again and write that log file somewhere other than var/log/Xorg.007:33
raven3x7ugh the vesa drivers are making my system sluggish07:33
fabiobmjkelly93: it writes the log in ~/log07:33
AlexBODiscipulus: what is a GUI?07:33
MagiPinkWeird computer... I left it for a few minutes and when I came back the screen was all black.07:33
Fanskapettony why not use mount? :)07:33
DiscipulusAlexBO, Graphical User Interface, why don't you like wget?07:34
FanskapetGUI == Graphical User Interface07:34
mjkelly93fabiob, would that answer the last comment i made?07:34
tonyanyone know any gui to "open" iso:s -07:34
kbrooksMagiPink, thats by design07:34
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tonyi cant figure mount out07:34
raven3x7AlexBO d4x07:34
fabiobmjkelly93: it should07:34
tonyit says that it is not a catalog...07:34
MagiPinkkbrooks: Yes, but... It wouldn't be not-black. o.O I had to restart.07:34
mjkelly93fabiob, whats the 2 for?07:34
fabiobtony: file-roller07:34
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AlexBODiscipulus: no :-)  because it's very slow. I'm used to getright with win and it was more and more speedier07:35
fabiobmjkelly93: it redirects the standard error07:35
HappyFooltony: what does 'file <filename.iso>' tell you -- maybe it's not a standard iso ?07:35
Seveastony, use mount -o loop /path/to/iso /path/to/mountpoint07:35
tonythankx ill try file roller!07:35
mjkelly93ill try that fab, im gonna have to restart twice so it wil take a while for me to get back07:35
Discipulusaleksi_, it isn't slow, it goes as fast as your internet connection...07:35
Seveastony, a nice gui for it will be available in Breezy07:35
AlexBOraven3x7: Discipulus: I've used it, but it doesn't work with this link: http://download.oracle.com/otn/linux/oracle10g/ship.ccd.lnx32.cpio.gz07:35
Discipulusaleksi_, why not?07:35
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DiscipulusAlexBO, what's the problem with it?07:36
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tonyISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data07:36
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raven3x7AlexBO, maybe oracle block download managers?07:36
Centaur^DodGeR^: Are you still around?07:36
knowledge_can someone tell me why I can't install the Locales package/07:37
DiscipulusAlexBO, you need to be logged into their website to download that and wget doesn't support cookies07:37
AlexBOraven3x7: Discipulus: yes, it can be this problem. usually it requires me a password, but that time it didn't. and dx4 didn't work07:37
=== DaZjorz is back !!!
knowledge_it keeps saying something about unresolved dependancies07:37
tonyi get this ... mount:is not catalog....07:37
AlexBOraven3x7: Discipulus: now i will retry07:38
=== DaZjorz has just chose the newest linux kernel to install ^^
Fanskapethmm FireFox downloadmanager suits me well atleast07:38
DaZjorzYou're back!07:38
DiscipulusDaZjorz, yes?07:38
raven3x7AlexBO, see if you can tell d4x to supply a password somewhere07:38
Discipuluslol, so?07:38
AlexBOraven3x7: Discipulus: ok07:38
flodineis breezy nice07:38
^DodGeR^im here Centaur07:39
=== david_ [~david@pool-70-110-28-129.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
DaZjorzi'm installing Ubuntu07:39
raven3x7AlexBO, there is an option for supplying a password in d4x in the new download tab. you probably need to enable it07:39
Centaur^DodGeR^: No luck at all, I can't change the default gw to anything cause wlan0 is the only thing listed07:39
DaZjorzfor the how-maniest time now07:39
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DaZjorzits giving errors about the kernel all the time...07:40
tonySeveas:i get ....mount:is not catalog.... what can be wrong?07:40
DaZjorzNvm, it works now :)07:40
AlexBOraven3x7: it seems be it! :-)07:40
just_incould anyone suggest a Open source CAD program for linux?07:40
DaZjorz-- NOTIC: Everyone who has a kernel error saying "linux-386 can't be installed"07:40
Centaur^DodGeR^: I looked at the log on my router and it keeps saying that the mac address keeps connecting but it appears that it doesn't stay connected07:40
raven3x7just_in what exactly do you wanna do?07:40
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DaZjorz-- NOTICE: Do this on console 2: cd /usr/bin (and) ln -s udpgk dpgk07:40
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raven3x7AlexBO, cool!07:41
DaZjorz-- NOTICE or something :\07:41
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DaZjorz--NOTICE: not sure about the DPGK07:41
just_inwhat I want to do is design a ball - like a toy whiffle ball07:41
just_ininjection molding type stuff07:41
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tonyfile-roller cant open .iso files.... hmm any other gui:s07:42
Centaur^DodGeR^: I did change the dns in /etc/network/interfaces just to be sure07:42
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raven3x7well theres qtcad or something like that but it does only 2d. you seem to be looking for 3d. am i right?07:42
^DodGeR^uff Centaur  , no clues really , manually change the route ??07:42
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fabiobtony: what version?07:42
^DodGeR^route del default07:42
^DodGeR^route add default gw youNewGw07:42
Seveas<tony> Seveas:i get ....mount:is not catalog.... what can be wrong? <-- is it a good iso file..?07:42
just_inyes -3D07:42
=== marcus__ [~marcus@68-114-62-43.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveastony, what does 'file filename.iso' say?07:43
raven3x7well for 3d i only know blender3d but thats not a cad app07:43
fabiobtony: file-roller supports iso from 2.7.007:43
tonySeveas:i think so it passed a par2 check+ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data07:43
tonyi have 2.10.1 thanks!07:43
=== DaZjorz says Heya all ^^
MagiPinkHey. :-D07:44
fabiobtony: maybe it's not a common iso. It is a XBOX game, or something?07:44
raven3x7surly that does 3d?07:44
tonyfabiob errr yes ;)- can i use something else?07:44
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tonyfabiob:like quix for xp?07:45
surlyjust_in: standard 2D XY axis stuff. Blender is your best bet with the 3D07:45
fabiobtony: search for xbiso, xtract or xbtool :)07:45
=== Mobius [~micah@ip205.155.45.216.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
raven3x7surly that link is wrong07:45
=== DaZjorz would like an APT mirror list. Where can I find it ?
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tonyfabiob: muy bien , gracias!!07:46
raven3x7surly sorry my bad07:46
fabiobtony: np07:46
surlyraven3x7: np07:46
=== DaZjorz would like an APT mirror list. Someone has some APT mirrors ?
=== misfit_toy [~guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== DaZjorz wants to know if someone knows some APT mirrors xP
=== mjkelly93 [~homeslice@pool-71-245-2-147.scr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
DaZjorzcan I find them on the Ubuntu page ?07:47
surlydoes anyone have JACK running in ubuntu yet?07:47
mike998DaZjorz: www.ubuntuguide.org07:47
mjkelly93fabiob, where will that log be written cuz i cant find it?07:47
DaZjorzThanks a lot Mike998 :)07:47
raven3x7surly we were actually talking about the same prog i just confused the name07:47
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mjkelly93i did a grep fglrx *     in /var/log/ and i found it in the kern.log07:48
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fabiobmjkelly93: it's in your home07:48
uboturaven3x7: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?07:48
mjkelly93its not there07:48
surlyraven3x7: i figured as much. there arent alot of options other than those 2, unless i'm mistaken.07:48
uboturaven3x7: Bugger all, i dunno07:48
ubotuwell, repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto07:49
raven3x7surly yeah its a pitty but i guess cad requires a hell of lot of resources07:49
raven3x7Saveas thanks07:49
=== DaZjorz has just installed Ubuntu
SeveasDaZjorz, ubuntuguide puts backports in there by default07:50
Seveasthat is not recommended07:50
SeveasDaZjorz: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3807:50
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mike998DaZjorz: please stop using the /me command.07:51
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jinrohnickserv IDENTIFY jinroh07:51
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surlyraven3x7: yes it certainly does. i used[still do sometimes]  autocad for years. but now for 2D, i can run QCad on my old laptop just fine.07:52
HappyFooljinroh: try '/msg nickserv identify <yourpassword>'07:52
JMCShello I spoke in spanish07:52
metadoes anyone know why ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net is down?07:52
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Raptoidnickserv IDENTIFY blablabla07:52
=== synd hands Raptoid a /
JMCSany girl for me07:53
HappyFooland hopefully your password and nick aren't the same ;)07:53
Raptoidmsg nickserv identify 4464987643431407:53
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raven3x7surly i work at a printshop. we sure would love an open autocad compatible cad app.07:53
=== poningru [~poningru@pool-71-101-7-23.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
jinrohHas anyone had success installing Blender3d07:53
david_does anyone know how to make things transparent in GIMP?07:53
linuksojinroh: yes07:53
lancer285is anyone here good w/ video capturing?07:54
david_I'm trying to adapt a windows icon but i can only get it to a png with white background07:54
linuksodavid_: add alpha channel07:54
HappyFooldavid_: ask in #gimp if no-one here knows07:54
=== spiderworm [~spiderwor@ip68-3-31-10.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
david_linukso, how would i join an alpha channel?07:54
david_er add07:54
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fonskendavid_, does png support transparant backgrounds?07:55
=== DaZjorz is really happy: "WHOOHOO, ITS BOOTING!!!"
jinrohlinukso: Did you build from source or pkg. If a package where did you obtain it07:55
david_fonsken, absoulteutheat that'[s what all linux icons are07:55
highvolt1geis it possible to use bittorent if my isp blocks p2p stuff?07:56
surlyjinroh: sudo apt-get install blender      .... this gets you blender 2.3607:56
linuksodavid_: rightclick on the layer you want to add the alpha channel to and select "add alpha channel"07:56
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linuksojinroh: sudo aptitude install blender07:56
DaZjorzlinukso: isn't that offtopi... offchannel ?07:57
david_linukso, i don't have layers, i have an img and a tool window07:57
meta340 fps on glxgears = drivers installed for a geforce2MX ?07:57
surlyraven3x7: do you work with the DXF format alot?07:57
msieradzkii see next upgrade available of X.org after apt-get update, it's still considered as broken?07:57
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HappyFoolmeta: try 'glxinfo|grep direct'07:57
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HappyFoolmeta: if it says 'direct rendering: Yes' things are probably working07:57
msieradzkii can guess that until someone "oficially" say that X are usable, we are not "encouraged" to use new X.org?07:58
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metahappyfool: yeah it does, cheers07:58
jinrohsurly; linuko: Thanks.  Just made the switch from Fedora07:58
HappyFoolmsieradzki: see the topic07:58
HappyFoolmsieradzki: there's a specific X-org version mentioned there07:58
DaZjorzHappyFool, welcome back ^^07:58
DaZjorzHappyFool, my server can't resolve names... how do i solve that ?07:58
linuksodavid_: as DaZjorz said, its a bit of topic, but... select file -> menu -> dock-something -> layers-something...07:58
msieradzkiyeah, i know but how do i roll back X.org version?07:59
BeefTubewow! Ubuntu64 is so fast i see smoke comeing out of my computer case! cool!07:59
surlyjinroh: welcome07:59
HappyFoolDaZjorz: how are you connected?07:59
DaZjorzhappyfool, i have the nameserver set to my router, .. how do i change ?07:59
HappyFoolmsieradzki: um, dunno, sorry07:59
poningruBeefTube: put water on it now!07:59
msieradzkii have part of 41 and part of 36 so i wanted to be on something that is sure07:59
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DaZjorzhappyfool, you mean what kind of connection?07:59
HappyFoolDaZjorz: dial-up, adsl, something else07:59
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BeefTubedoes ubuntu64 use regular or unleaded?07:59
msieradzkiis there something like debian X strike force in ubuntu?07:59
DaZjorzthe linux server is connected via eth0 to my router, and my router is connected via ADSL07:59
DaZjorzso linux should get its internet via ethernet08:00
poningruBio Diesel08:00
mleastehow do I get a sun java package into synaptic. I already have the universe and multiverse loaded08:00
mleasteand there is no sun java08:00
HappyFoolDaZjorz: ok, do you know the IP addresses of your nameservers?08:00
metajinroh: can you access the servers for updating java and codecs?  http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/08:00
DaZjorzInternet is working (or i wouldn't be here, ofcourse, cuz i'm on the same network)08:00
poningrumleaste: you wont find java on there08:00
flodinedoes anyone have E17 installed08:00
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overdoseCha , I like to ask a question about a BIG order of your Free Cds. Its for a Lan!08:00
poningruyou have to install it yourself08:00
DaZjorzHappyFool, well, not by hart,.. i'll go take a look what the router thinks about that08:00
D1I use the apt/source.list from ubuntuguide and backports and java is in synaptic08:00
mleasteponingru: i have to install it by hand??08:00
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DaZjorzOverdose: I see it as your username. An overdose on CD's ? xP08:01
poningruweill just go to the java website08:01
poningruit should have a .deb iirc08:01
D1look for jre08:01
linuksomleaste: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:01
HappyFoolDaZjorz: does your router act as a dhcp server?08:01
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poningrumleaste: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java08:01
DaZjorzHappyFool: It does, but I have my server configured to have a static IP08:01
poningruthere that should help08:01
=== sagitta [~sagitta@host-84-9-20-189.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
knowledge_can someone tell me why I can't install the Locales package?08:02
jinrohmeta:  Nope.  Can't ping it either08:02
BeefTubeummmm on laptop I get error installing grub.. it trys to install to hd0.... if I tell it to do a full install(write over entire hard disk) will I get theis same problem? TIA08:02
DaZjorzknowledge_: does it give an error ?08:02
knowledge_it keeps saying something about unresolved dependancies08:02
poningruBeefTube: whats the prob?08:02
poningruwhy are you trying to install grub by itself?08:03
DaZjorzknowledge_: try apt-get install locales <-- i'm not sure about that08:03
david_linukso, there is no select file menu, no file menu under select08:03
HappyFoolDaZjorz: in that case you need to set the nameserver IP's manually08:03
BeefTubeerrr ummm,,, grub trys to install to a hard disk that dont exist.. hd0... and crashes08:03
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HappyFoolDaZjorz: the place to do that is /etc/resolv.conf08:03
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DaZjorzHappyFool: I know. But my router isn't telling me the nameservers. Is there another way to discover them ?08:03
HappyFoolDaZjorz: look on your other machines08:03
HappyFoolDaZjorz: other machines on the network, i mean08:03
DaZjorzHappyFool: It only tells the default gateway for the router to connect.08:04
koistihow to get ssh1 protocol working in ubuntu's sshd08:04
DaZjorzHappyFool: Ok, i'll try that.08:04
HappyFoolDaZjorz: or restart eth0 using dhcp temporarily and find out what the namservers are08:04
david_linukso, nvm, got it it's under filters color to alphaty!08:04
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Seveaskoisti, ssh1 is unsafe...08:04
DaZjorzHappyFool: Thanks a lot08:05
koistiI know, but that's the only way for me08:05
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Seveaskoisti, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config08:05
Seveasit says 'Protocol 2' by default08:05
poningruBeefTube: so you are just using a normal installer right?08:05
DaZjorzHappyFool: On Windows, I have the nameserver set to the router IP. And it works.08:05
=== ^DodGeR^ [~DodGeR@tbnb-165-213-251.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
DaZjorzHappyFool: Does this work on Linux too ?08:06
HappyFoolDaZjorz: hmm08:06
raven3x7surly not really... i only remember one client using it. mostly we do plt files sometimes we will get some dwg and rather scarcely dxf. we would need Autocad for the dwg files anyway08:06
poningruand when it gets to installing grub08:06
poningruthe thing fails out?08:06
BeefTubethe 64 bit hoary08:06
koistiI have try but something have to went wrong because it gives permission denied when I try to take a connection08:06
HappyFoolDaZjorz: i would've thought so08:06
HappyFoolDaZjorz: we can maybe test with dig08:06
Seveaskoisti, did you restart sshd?08:06
poningruBeefTube: what is the error given?08:06
DaZjorzHappyFool: Apparently they aren't.08:06
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koistiyes and also restart the whole machine,. doesn't help08:06
=== uc50ic4more [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
DaZjorzHappyFool: On Windows, I have a static IP too. How do I discover them? Is there some website like www.whatismyip.com but then like www.whataremynameservers.com ^^08:07
koistiso what can I miss08:07
jinrohsurly:  When I run the command to get blender I'm told that package can't be found.  Do I need to add a repository to apt08:07
DaZjorzHappyFool: My router is only telling me its default gateway.08:07
HappyFoolDaZjorz: what does 'dig @ip.of.router www.google.com say?08:07
koistiI have added that protocol 1 to file and also the protocol 1 key file08:07
BeefTubeit says "Beef tube, you suck... I tryed to install grub to HD0 and it did not work... LOL"..  Iwill try to install again tomarow... i gotta clean up and do some shopping today...08:07
DaZjorzHappyFool: On Windows...08:07
kbrooksBeefTube, dude08:07
kbrooksBeefTube, dude08:07
kbrooksBeefTube, dude08:07
poningrudude seriously08:07
poningruif you didnt want help08:07
kbrooksBeefTube, real error message please08:08
kbrooksALL OF IT08:08
HappyFoolDaZjorz: no, on linux08:08
DaZjorzHappyFool: It tells me a lot about Google.08:08
BeefTubeit says grub failed08:08
DaZjorzHappyFool: OK08:08
HappyFoolDaZjorz: dig works on windows?08:08
BeefTubeand a red background screen08:08
=== othernoob [~othernoob@p54A2F02A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
DaZjorzHappyFool: No, I have a dig.exe08:08
poningruhow many times have you tried installing?08:08
HappyFoolDaZjorz: ah08:08
mouse_any tried playing .asf files?08:08
HappyFoolDaZjorz: try on linux?08:08
DaZjorzHappyFool: OK08:08
tonySeveas:thanx man xbiso works!!08:08
=== mjkelly93 [~homeslice@pool-71-245-2-147.scr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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poningruBeefTube: how many times have you tried installing?08:09
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raven3x7jinroh, blender is in universe08:09
BeefTubetwice...  iwill check the md5 and perhaps try burning another copy on a better CDr08:09
kbrooksBeefTube, its not the md508:09
sagittaI have a nice simple question: how do I get numlock to be on by default (in Hoary)?08:09
DaZjorzHappyFool: It waits a few seconds and then it says "No servers could be reached. Time-out."08:09
kbrooksBeefTube, it's something else.08:09
poningruBeefTube: are you dual booting?08:09
=== gardenia [~neighborl@d8-224.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
surlyjinroh: yes, i added these awhile ago, and i always forget that i've done it. but again, yes, add repostories.08:10
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BeefTubetripple booting08:10
poningruheh nice08:10
BeefTubewin x64, win 32, and linux08:10
=== hanasaki [df@CPE-69-76-135-193.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
poningrumake sure that there isnt another bootloader in the MBR already taking up space08:10
HappyFoolDaZjorz: but you can ping the router from linux?08:10
BeefTubehopefully linux will be ubuntu6408:10
hanasakiwehre can i set the default app for when a file is double clicked?08:10
DaZjorzHappyFool: I'll try.08:10
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poningruBeefTube: why win64?08:10
poningruexpensive piece of crap08:11
DaZjorzHappyFool: My bad. The module isn't loaded. The light is off and "network is unreachable".08:11
=== misfit_toy [~guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
hakanhi guys im turkey in hakan im little english for help me pls08:11
HappyFoolDaZjorz: ah-ha ;)08:11
DaZjorzHappyFool: I'll do a modprobe 3c509 (my eth0 card)08:11
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BeefTubefor farcry64bit, and for Zbrush 2... I hold the record in highest subdevision of a model... I got 8 million polys08:11
hakanim my pc ubuntu installed.08:11
FUSiONXI don't understand step 4 and 708:11
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poningruhakan: what language do you speak well?08:11
DaZjorzHappyFool: It works now. Thanks. Do I have to type 'modprobe 3c509' every time I restart the server?08:12
poningruthere are other language help channels08:12
kbrooksFUSiONX, then dont use the guide08:12
HappyFoolDaZjorz: hrm08:12
misfit_toyhas anyone had the 99% cpu issue? where your cpu is suddenly pegged yet TOP doesn't show anything pegging it? I've had this happen with both FC and Ubuntu, I swear it's Gnome.08:12
hakanim turkey. to turkish08:12
BeefTubex64 makes me feel young and sexy too08:12
DaZjorzHappyFool: Can I place it in boot.local or make it load automatically ?08:12
HappyFoolDaZjorz: you can add that module to /etc/modules08:12
hakanturkish help plz.08:12
FUSiONXkbrooks don't be an asshole08:12
DaZjorzHappyFool: Okay, Thanks a lot :)08:12
koistican someone try to help me with that ssh108:12
kbrooksFUSiONX, be nice!08:12
seth_kmisfit_toy: that can be esd + gaim, eating your computer08:12
Tsar_vonHumbugpeeps - what's the easiest way to get c-kermit running?08:12
FUSiONXCan you help me08:12
FUSiONXDo I just make a text file in pico>08:13
misfit_toyseth_k, really, sound and GAIM?08:13
mouse_anyone noes the necessary audio codecs that i need to install to listen to .asf files?08:13
kbrooksFUSiONX, and execute it? er wait08:13
misfit_toyseth_k, next time it happens I'll kill -9 Gaim and see what happens. thx.08:13
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seth_kmisfit_toy: let me look up the bug for you. Basically some things like Gaim spawn a new process each time they try to play a sound, and esd doesn't properly kill it off. So you get a bunch of processes that kill your system08:13
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misfit_toyseth_k, wow, interesting, thanks!08:14
HappyFoolTsar_vonHumbug: there's a ckermit package in the ubuntu multiverse repository08:14
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lancer285does anyone here know anything about cinelerra??08:14
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kbrooksFUSiONX, that runs the runLime.sh08:14
DaZjorzHappyFool: Is openssh-server the same as sshd ?08:14
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Tsar_vonHumbugfor the record, I got my usb converter to work - just plugged it in & usbserial seems to detect the port - can now cat /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 - pretty neat08:14
OdiiNanyone knows what command can produce system bell sound ( echo $'\a' dont works ) ?08:14
HappyFoolDaZjorz: openssh-server should provide an sshd08:15
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poningruoops sorry08:15
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DaZjorzHappyFool: Thanks08:15
HappyFoolOdiiN: try it in an xterm -- it seems to work there08:16
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HappyFoolOdiiN: maybe you need to tweak gnome-terminal settings08:16
hakanhelp me pls (im turkish)08:16
Tsar_vonHumbugHappyFool, have you used it? I can only find gkermit, which doesn't seem to support serial08:16
poningruhakan: ask the question we will try to help as much as we can08:16
HappyFoolTsar_vonHumbug: sorry, no. i haven't used kermit in over 8 years08:17
uc50ic4morelancer285 - I have taken a look-see @ their web site, but have not installed yet... I assume you are using some type of editing app in Windows, and *really* want to find something suitable in Linux?08:17
seth_kmisfit_toy: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5711 is one example, but there are newer ones that are not fixed yet. I can't find them right now.08:17
HappyFoolDaZjorz: no problem ;)08:17
Tsar_vonHumbugheh - serial is so yesterday ;)08:17
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OdiiNHappyFool:  works at terminal, but i need a command, to use in gkrellm08:17
hakannot understand please turkish talk me operator08:17
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DaZjorzHappyFool: It works :) I'm connected remotely. thanks a lot08:17
DaZjorzHappyFool: One luxery thing, if its ok... Is it possible to change the login message ?08:18
godofchickenhi guys, just got my ubuntu cds (thanks a lot) but I'm having a bit of a problem installing08:18
Tsar_vonHumbug/etc/motd iirc08:18
HappyFoolDaZjorz: um08:18
poningrugodofchicken: whats wrong?08:18
HappyFoolDaZjorz: maybe /etc/issue08:18
DaZjorzHappyFool: Thanks again :) And thanks for all again :)08:19
HappyFoolDaZjorz: or look in /etc/ssh/sshd_config -- and 'man sshd_config'08:19
godofchickenBasically, I'm on a laptop and it won't acknowledge the keyboard during install08:19
godofchickenI don't have a spare keyboard here, either08:19
HappyFoolDaZjorz: or what Tsar_vonHumbug said about /etc/motd -- i'm not too sure08:19
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jinrohraven3x7:  Where do I add the unverse entry.  I thought it was /etc/apt/sources.list but that does not appear to be working.  I added the following entries "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main restricted universe08:19
jinrohdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main restricted universe"08:19
poningruooph no clue dude08:19
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misfit_toyseth_k, thanks08:20
DaZjorzHappyFool: Thanks thanks :)08:20
HappyFooljinroh: are you running warty ?08:20
HappyFoolDaZjorz: cool ;)08:20
HappyFooljinroh: warty = ubuntu 4.10 (older), hoary = ubuntu 5.04 (newer)08:20
jinrohHappyFool:  I'm running version 5.0408:20
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OdiiNoh, i see manual of xterm, i'll look for settings08:20
godofchickenno ideas, then?08:21
HappyFooljinroh: then that line is incorrect08:21
poningrugodofchicken: what kind of keyboard does your lappy have?08:21
poningrulike the standard US one or the EU one?08:21
HappyFoolOdiiN: sorry, no clue about gkrellm ;)08:21
godofchickenIt's inbuilt standard EU one08:21
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jinrohHappyFool:  The file that should be updated is it still sources.list in 5.0408:21
HappyFooljinroh: yes08:21
HappyFooljinroh: but you need 'hoary' lines, not 'warty'08:22
HappyFooljinroh: that file should have almost correct lines, just that they start with a '#'08:22
raven3x7jinroh, deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe08:22
ubotufrom memory, sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories08:22
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raven3x7jinroh, yes it is sources.list08:22
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HappyFoolhmm, what happened to Seveas' sources.list example?08:22
jomdomhey guys, could I get some help installing the updated firefox 1.0.5 on my new ubuntu install? how do i go about finding the old one, removing it, and cleanly re-installing?08:23
HappyFoolgah, that's an empty page!08:23
jinrohraven3x7; HappyFool:  Thanks08:23
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raven3x7jomdom apt-get remove firefox should remove it08:23
lancer285I'm having problems getting mplayer to work08:24
lancer285err even installing08:24
kbrooksHappyFool, maybe #ubuntu-nun knows?08:24
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HappyFoolinteresting channel name08:24
poningrujomdom: why do yo want to remove firefox?08:24
HappyFoolkbrooks: you mean #ubuntu-doc?08:25
jomdombecause i want to install the newest08:25
poningruoh upgrade08:25
jomdomi tried the upgrade via the package manager08:25
jomdombut it only takes me to 1.0.208:25
poningruwait till 1.0.608:25
raven3x7lancer285 what exaclty is the prob?08:25
OdiiNif anyone needs a bell for gkrellm this is the command -> xterm -e echo $'\a'08:25
jomdomwell, i figure this is something i need to learn08:25
poningruthey will come out with 1.0.6 within a week08:25
OdiiNthanks HappyFool08:25
jomdomi dont' want to have to depend on precompiled packages08:25
poningruwell maybe a little more08:25
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Dr_WillisOdiiN,  ive also seen several 'beep' type commands that can do more controll.08:25
DaZjorz  Is there some general place where the newest full sources list is ?08:26
Centaur^DodGeR^: hey I just wanted to thank you for your help earlier. I think I'm pretty screwed with this network though so maybe I'll have to do a reinstall on my router at work.08:26
poningrujomdom: just go into synaptic and uninstall fierfox from there08:26
Tsar_vonHumbugHappyFool, found it thanks, once I enabled multiverse08:26
raven3x7jomdom,  1.0.2 from ubuntu is actually 1.0.4 from mozilla08:26
poningruand then go to getfirefox.com08:26
ubotuFirefox on warty is version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"08:26
poningruand download firefox and install08:26
HappyFoolTsar_vonHumbug: cool. happy serialising08:27
Tsar_vonHumbugFirefox 1.0.4 is available from backports, btw08:27
poningruyeah but 1.0.5 isnt08:27
ubotuhmm... backports is at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/08:27
OdiiNDr_Willis: which are they?08:27
raven3x7Tsar_vonHumbug,  1.0.4 is already in ubuntu. no need for backports08:27
poningruno thats not it08:27
^DodGeR^that sux Centaur  :(08:27
lancer285raven3x7 when I do sudo apt-get install mplayer it says that its in the database, but not actually there08:27
^DodGeR^hope u get it going08:27
Tsar_vonHumbugcool - I'll update thx08:28
lirothhey kids, how do I figure out why my USB 2 device is only doing USB 1 thoughput? (10 kbit/s)08:28
raven3x7lancer do apt-get update and retry08:28
kbrooksubotu, backports =~ s////. Do not use these for days./08:28
Dr_WillisOdiiN,  one i think was called 'beep' :P used it a few mo back on a headless server.. i made it beep out different codes during boot up.08:28
Tsar_vonHumbugumm - do you have the right drivers for USB 2 ?08:28
Centaur^DodGeR^: yeah, I took it to my friend's house yesterday cause he's been using linux for years and he said that he had the problem with his old mac but he can't remember how he fixed it08:28
lancer285raven3x7 okay thanks!08:28
raven3x7lancer285, you need to sudo ap-get btw08:29
^DodGeR^Centaur, maybe just remove the wireless connection alltogehter , then reboot , adn readd it from scratch ?08:29
Tsar_vonHumbugliroth, what's hanging off the USB?08:29
kbrooksubotu, backports =~ s#/#. Do not use the backports for day to day usage.08:29
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ubotukbrooks: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about08:29
^DodGeR^pointin at new essid and router and whatnot08:29
kbrooksubotu, backports =~ s#/#. Do not use the backports for day to day usage.#08:29
ubotukbrooks: OK08:29
ubotuwell, backports is at http:. Do not use the backports for day to day usage./backports.ubuntuforums.org/08:29
DaZjorzHappyFool: its /etc/motd :)08:29
lirothTsar_vonHumbug, only an USB Storage Device08:29
HappyFoolDaZjorz: cool, will remember that08:30
lirotha USB 2.0 Storage Device to be exact08:30
OdiiNany command as beep :\08:30
DaZjorzHappyFool: I just made it 2 lines instead of 15. xP08:30
lirothTsar_vonHumbug, any way I can check wether the kernel treats it as an USB1 or USB2 port-08:30
DaZjorzHappyFool: well 8, not 1508:30
HappyFoolDaZjorz: oh yeah, i vaguely remember ssh'ing into an ubuntu box08:30
poningruliroth: go into system admin and device man08:30
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Centaur^DodGeR^: Maybe I'll give that a shot or I'm actually thinking about buying a new wireless card but I'm not sure which brand uses the prism208:31
Mobiusanyone here using adblock with firefox?08:31
raven3x7anyone got experience with the nvidia driver?08:31
HappyFoolMobius: me08:31
MobiusHappyFool, check this out: http://www.pierceive.com.nyud.net:8090/08:32
OdiiNbeep installed, good program xD08:32
poningruMobius: yeah whats up?08:32
^DodGeR^dont get a ralink / rt250008:32
lirothponingru, well usb 1.0 doesn't support power right?08:32
godofchickenNo ideas, then?08:32
^DodGeR^i hear oronco or some such works fine08:32
poningruliroth: I think it does08:32
HappyFoolMobius: this going to break anything ? :)08:32
Tsar_vonHumbuglsmod might be a start ...08:32
poningrugodofchicken: sorry08:32
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MobiusHappyFool - no, it is a great set of filters.. just found it08:32
lirothponingru, that'd be new to me... since my usb 1 ports at home do not...08:32
Mobiusfigured I would share it with my beloved Ubuntuers =)08:32
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kbrooksubotu, backports is <reply>backports is at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org ; also, Do not use the backports for day to day usage!08:32
ubotu...but backports is already something else...08:32
CentaurWell I was told that the new linksys cards don't work cause they have the broadcom chipset so that made me really disappointed08:32
kbrooksubotu, forget backports08:33
ubotukbrooks: i forgot backports08:33
lirothponingru, any way I can make linux use these ports as USB 2.0? istead of USB 1.0?08:33
kbrooksubotu, backports is <reply>backports is at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org; also, Do not use the backports for day to day usage!08:33
ubotuokay, kbrooks08:33
mike998I've installed a program called yeahconsole, and it states that I should be using the xdefaults for the keybinding for this program to hide and show...  Where are my xdefaults>?08:33
HappyFoolMobius: ah, right. thanks08:33
MobiusHappyFool - make sure you spread the word if you like it =)08:33
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Tsar_vonHumbugliroth, what do you get when you do 'lsmod | grep usb' ?08:34
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jcfreakCentaur: i got a belkin card working (broadcom chipset) w/ ndiswrapper08:34
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lirothTsar_vonHumbug, what am I supposed to look for?08:35
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Centaurjcfreak, Really?  So was it a pretty smooth installation and how is wep support?08:35
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admin0hi all .. what do I do to have hedgehog utilize my HT processor ?08:35
admin0what do I do to have it load a smp kernel ?08:35
ScislaCanyone have success with the most recent ATI drivers and xorg?08:35
hanasakii sold my ati and got a nv08:36
Tsar_vonHumbugliroth, just 1st place to look - usbview shows which mode you're running apparently08:36
poningruadmin0: go into synaptic08:36
jcfreakCentaur: i've never messed with the wep settings, but the card setup was quite easy08:36
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poningruand search for linux-08:36
poningruthere should be package for smp08:36
HappyFooladmin0: there are -smp kernel images, afaik08:36
DaZjorz !! UBUNTU ROCKZ !!08:36
ubotuDaZjorz: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?08:36
jomdomponingru: when i try to remove "mozilla-firefox" from synaptic, it tells me i'll need to uninstall ubuntu-desktop and yelp as well08:36
Tsar_vonHumbugliroth, lsmod should show usb-storage and scsi-mod for starters08:37
poningruoh wow08:37
poningrujomdom: hmm08:37
admin0are there login screens available or ubuntu ? where I can select a few ?08:37
DaZjorzUbotu: My server is... But ubuntu itself.. I have no idea what is bigger, about 1 GB or a breadbox08:37
ubotuthat's too long, DaZjorz08:37
DaZjorzubotu ?08:37
ubotuDaZjorz: I don't know, could you explain it?08:37
Tsar_vonHumbugyep jomdom, same here - probably not a good idea to uninstall methinks...08:37
DaZjorzubotu, is that a bot .. xP08:37
ubotuDaZjorz: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?08:37
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Centaurjcfreak: Well maybe I'll have to look into a new card then, I have a sneaky suspicion that my problems with my wireless right now is probably because of the card (D-Link DWL-630)08:37
DaZjorzIt iz.08:37
jcfreakCentaur: here is some info that could be helpful: http://www.gidforums.com/t-4390.html08:37
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DaZjorzThats for sure08:38
DaZjorzUbotu is a bot08:38
ubotuDaZjorz: I give up, what is it?08:38
DaZjorzA BOT08:38
raven3x7i think ubuntu-desktop is not what the name suggests if i remember correctly08:38
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HappyFooladmin0: look in System -> Administration -> Login screen setup08:38
jomdomwell, hmmm... how do I install firefox 1.0.5 then?08:38
DaZjorzUbotu, I don't like to tell you this... I'm really sorry for this... But, i have to be honest... You are a bot....08:38
ubotuDaZjorz: I think you lost me on that one08:38
mjkelly93how do i completely uninstall the fglrx module because i need to reinstall it?08:38
Dr_Willisjomdom,  could use the source.08:38
Tsar_vonHumbugjomdom, did you install the backports firefox?08:38
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admin0i know that HappyFool , i want to know if there were alternatives and more available for choice D:08:38
mjkelly93my kern.log is telling me its loaded even after i removed it via synaptic08:38
jcfreakCentaur: i would try to set the wep up and let you know how it works, but its on my pc at work08:38
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HappyFooladmin0: ah, no clue08:38
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Tsar_vonHumbugjomdom, cool - so that's not the problem - whew!08:38
=== DaZjorz wants to be honest to Ubotu. Sorry dude....
jomdomwell, i marked firefox for upgrade in synpatic08:38
=== DaZjorz but you're a but xP
MobiusIt is safe to remove this package if some of the desktop system08:39
Mobiuspackages are not desired.  However, it is recommended that you keep08:39
Mobiusit installed, because it is used to carry out certain upgrade08:39
Mobiustransitions (such as adding new packages to the system).08:39
jomdomand it worked08:39
=== DaZjorz bot*
lirothTsar_vonHumbug, yea that's what it shows.08:39
=== DaZjorz but you, Ubotu, are a bot xP
Mobiusthats ubuntu-desktop jomdom08:39
Tsar_vonHumbuginstall & run usbview08:39
jomdomhmm, so i think i'll leave it in there08:39
lpkHow could i configure GTK 1 fonts etc. in similiar fashion than with qt-config?08:39
MobiusI took it out on my laptop jomdom08:39
poningrujomdom: you can just install 1.0.508:39
mjkelly93anyone                   im trying to completely remove the fglrx module, any advice?08:39
poningruit doesnt matter08:39
poningruoh btw08:39
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jomdombut isnt' that like... dirty?08:39
Centaurjcfreak: Wep is really important to me cause I'm never going to disable that at my store, too many customers with personal info that I don't want to risk08:39
jomdomduplicate files, etc?08:39
poningrujomdom: no the installer should detect08:40
poningruyou should take a look at their installer08:40
jomdomi am used to a windows file system where programs go into program files, etc.08:40
lancer285raven3x7 I tried the apt08:40
jomdomwhere are programs typically installed?08:40
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poningrujomdom: where ever you want08:40
DaZjorzmjkelly: Does this work: apt-get uninstall fglrx08:40
lancer285raven3x7 I tried the apt-get update, but that didn't help08:40
poningruI go with /usr/local08:40
DaZjorzmjkelly: Just trying08:40
poningrubut its your choice08:40
my_hazjomdom: /usr/local/08:40
mjkelly93ill try it but i doubt it08:40
poningrumake sure to run sudo when you run the installer08:40
raven3x7jomdom poningru it is not recomended to istall firefox over a previous installation08:41
my_hazjomdom: exes are in /usr/local/bin08:41
FUSiONXany one use Cedaga?08:41
DaZjorzmjkelly93 you're trying to remove a driver module? try /etc/modules ...08:41
Centaurjcfreak: What model is your card?08:41
lancer285fusionx, yeah I use cedega08:41
poningruI am currently running 3 diff firefox at the same time08:41
FUSiONXdoes it work?08:41
lancer285works great08:41
poningruerr 3 diff versions08:41
lancer285yeah, you having problems?08:41
FUSiONXmay I PM you?08:41
poningruno problems here08:41
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DaZjorzmjkelly93 it has the modules you are loading at boot. Maybe this helps.08:41
raven3x7lancer285, try mplayer-386 i thought there was a meta package. you could also search for mplayer in synaptic08:41
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jomdomponingru: it's more of a personal thing... i like neatness08:42
lancer285raven3x7 I tried that too, but I get the same error08:42
BROKEN_LADDERhow do i set grub to use a different kernel08:42
jomdomno old versions if they aren't needed, etc.08:42
lirothTsar_vonHumbug, okay... and now?08:42
poningruright that makes sense08:42
my_hazlancer285: mplayer installs fine, on unbuntu from the main site, you make sure to get a bunch of codecs too08:42
raven3x7thats weird08:42
poningrujomdom: for me synaptic does not ask to remove everything08:42
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poningruso I dont know whats going on08:42
greatzkygood afternoon.08:42
jcfreakCentaur: i can't remember the exact model.  its a 54G card, lspci describes the chip as Broadcom Corporation BCM94306 802.11g (rev 03)08:42
lancer285okay, I'll keep looking around08:42
DaZjorzHappyFool: Another problem.08:42
poningrutry to install another browser first08:43
lirothTsar_vonHumbug, this system is supposed to have USB 2.0 ports... but usbview is reporting 1.008:43
poningruand see if that helps08:43
mjkelly93DaZjorz,  i need to remove the actual module so i reinstall over it08:43
HappyFoolDaZjorz: shoot08:43
DaZjorzHappyFool: Where can I paste the error message? #paste ?08:43
DaZjorzmjkelly93: can't you just overwrite ?08:43
jomdomponingru: alright08:43
HappyFoolDaZjorz: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl08:43
DaZjorzHappyFool: could u take a look there08:43
mjkelly93DaZjorz, everywhere i look it says overwriting doesnt always work for fglrx08:43
raven3x7lancer285, maybe there's a temporary problem with the repo?08:43
CentaurDoes anybody know how well the internal wireless intel cards are supported by linux?08:43
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HappyFoolDaZjorz: where? #flood ?08:44
my_hazCentaur: like a centrino ?08:44
DaZjorzmjkelly93: sorry. Maybe you can try, if it doesnt work, ask someone else...08:44
Centaurmy_haz: yeah, cause my laptop can have one if I want it08:44
lancer285raven3x7 okay.08:44
DaZjorzHappyFool: Do I fill in my own username there or the one I want to paste to08:44
Tsar_vonHumbugliroth, ah... well the 1st step to solving a problem is knowing you have a problem...08:44
HappyFoolDaZjorz: yours08:44
HappyFoolDaZjorz: it doesn't matter too much08:44
mjkelly93DaZjorz, do u know where i can find the module?08:44
my_hazCentaur: mine it works fine, but you might try knoppix first to see how much of a problem it will be08:45
my_hazCentaur: you can use ndiswrapper, its pretty easy08:45
DaZjorzHappyFool: pasted. Please take a look at the Dazjorz one08:45
Tsar_vonHumbugliroth, so what make/model is the storage device?08:45
HappyFoolDaZjorz: standby08:45
Centaurmy_haz: Okay, well maybe I'll call my distributor and find out the chipset if I was to buy the card. I think it's time for a change.  :)08:45
my_hazCentaur: of course you can't do any security auditing with these crap cards08:46
HappyFoolDaZjorz: eek08:46
DaZjorzHappyFool: what do I do ?08:46
my_hazCentaur: you don't have the card yet?08:46
lirothTsar_vonHumbug, WesternDigital, 80GB, USB 208:46
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Centaurmy_haz: Well I think I'll buy a new one cause this d-link seems to be a problem08:46
HappyFoolDaZjorz: can you cd to /media/cdrom   (I assume the ubuntu cd is in the drive)08:46
DaZjorzHappyFool: Ofcourse08:46
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my_hazCentaur: well if you buy one BYE A GOOD ONE! hehe not one of those intel jobies08:46
HappyFoolDaZjorz: and run 'md5sum -c md5sum.txt'   -- that will verify the integrity of the files08:47
my_hazCentaur: do your research08:47
lirothTsar_vonHumbug, whats makeing me wonder is: usbview is reporting that the usb slot is version 1.10 and speed is 12Mbit/s but I am told these slots are usb 2.0 ....08:47
DaZjorzHappyFool: cdrom is mounted as /cdrom, not /media/cdrom08:47
my_hazCentaur: go to netstumblers website and you will find tons of info!08:47
HappyFoolDaZjorz: ok08:47
DaZjorzHappyFool: Its not mounted. Sorry.08:47
DaZjorzHappyFool: It is now. I'll try08:47
HappyFoolDaZjorz: that could be the problem ;)08:47
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DaZjorzHappyFool: No, apt-get mounts it automatically08:47
Centaurmy_haz: Well I figure I'll buy external but I'm just looking into my options. I switched to ubuntu because of my wireless card and it works fine but only with the router I used to install  :)08:47
HappyFoolDaZjorz: ok08:47
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DaZjorzHappyFool: I'm checking integrity.08:48
my_hazCentaur: Sounds like a plan08:48
raven3x7lancer285, synaptic works for me. you used that repository i gave you?08:48
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poningruanyone know how to mount a usb wireless adapter?08:48
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DaZjorzHappyFool: Does this md5sum.txt contains the md5's for all files on the whole CD ?08:48
Dr_Willisponingru,  a wireless network adaptor?08:48
Centaurmy_haz, Thanks for the info.08:48
HappyFoolDaZjorz: as far as i know08:49
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DaZjorzHappyFool: K. How long does this take |-)08:49
HappyFoolDaZjorz: a little while08:49
tobytwirlHi all! Having a bit of a crisis here and would be grateful for some help.  How can I log on as su ?08:49
DaZjorztype su xP08:49
DaZjorzsudo su -08:49
DaZjorzand type in password08:49
Discipulusya'll got the wallop08:49
Discipulusfollow it08:49
lancer285raven3x7 the main site?08:49
synd/ignore lilo08:50
DaZjorz ??08:50
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raven3x7deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe08:50
tobytwirlThere's the problem ... I only have one password and it says it's wrong08:50
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DaZjorzAre you sure you typed it in correctly08:50
DaZjorzIs your caps lock off08:50
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tobytwirlYes but I was only ever asked to supply a password once during installation and I have that written down08:51
HappyFooltobytwirl: that password should work with sudo08:51
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DaZjorzHappyFool: This takes long -.-08:51
=== robotgeek hates wireless connections, a necessary evil!
HappyFooltobytwirl: to test, try 'sudo ls' and enter your user password08:52
tobytwirlOK let me try again08:52
elmagozizouDoes anyone recomend me a a good partitionig program???(not gparted)08:52
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HappyFoolDaZjorz: we can test only those files, if you want08:52
=== DaZjorz things wireless connections are handy. If they work
DaZjorzHappyFool: Maybe08:52
erirlarwhere can i find the ubuntu package list?08:52
poningruDr_Willis: yep08:52
HappyFoolerirlar: maybe packages.ubuntu.com is what you want08:52
tobytwirlnow it says unknown id xP08:52
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raven3x7lancer285, deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe08:52
DaZjorzHappyFool: Maybe it helps if I don't copy the files off the cd, but download them from the internet. How do I setup my sources.list to make it do that ?08:53
erirlarHappyFool: thanks, just what i needed08:53
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HappyFoolDaZjorz: fairly easily08:53
HappyFoolDaZjorz: you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list, and uncomment the appropriate lines08:53
HappyFoolDaZjorz: or you can look here:08:53
ubotusomebody said sources was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories, or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3808:53
HappyFoolDaZjorz: at the second URL is an example sources.list you can use08:53
tobytwirlsudo ls returns   install-report.template08:54
HappyFooltobytwirl: then sudo is working08:54
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DaZjorzHappyFool: I'll put the CD at the bottom.08:54
khalhow can i install ati x600 mobile drivers?08:54
HappyFoolDaZjorz: you can just comment it out (put a '#' at the front)08:54
DaZjorzI know, but I still want to use it if the other sources aren't working.08:54
HappyFoolDaZjorz: fair enough08:54
Tsar_vonHumbugliroth, the question is, how to get the driver to recognise it as usb 2.0 - might be possible with driver options, don't seem to be other mentions of the problem found on google though08:55
HappyFoolDaZjorz: maybe it was just a temporary blip -- i don't know. i haven't had CD problems before08:55
offLimitshello all08:55
tobytwirlSorry - I'm a newbie (only installed for the first time yesterday) and it's all a bit confusing08:55
DaZjorzHAppyFool: I tried twice.08:55
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DaZjorzI could try another CD though.08:55
HappyFoolDaZjorz: might be an idea08:55
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offLimitssometimes when I log in with Ubuntu I get a message telling me my hostname was not found and that gnome may not work correctly08:56
offLimitsanyone knows what it is?08:56
DaZjorzBut I prefer using the internet above using the CD, because then I have all new upgrades too. :)08:56
HappyFoolDaZjorz: 'short read' looks like a fairly low-level error to me, but I'm not sure08:56
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jkkaim waiting for the day that every internet site is done with flash08:57
jkka*download missing plugin*08:57
elmagozizouDoes anyone recomend me a a good partitionig program???(not gparted)08:57
DaZjorzHappyFool: Yea, but it says 'error' though, thats enough for me to just use the internet.08:57
jomdomponingru: i downloaded the newest firefox, and am in the installer - should I install it right to /usr/local or to /usr/local/bin, or what?08:57
DaZjorzelmagozizou: FDISK ?08:57
DaZjorzCFDISK ?08:58
DaZjorzfdisk is good in windows08:58
DaZjorzi think in linux, cfdisk is better08:58
Maddyjomdom, look for the version 1.0.408:58
poningrujomdom: I create a seperate file08:58
candrodor(Psst, I think s/he means "separate")08:58
poningrubut upto you08:58
jomdomMaddy: "look for the version 1.0.4"?08:58
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poningruelmagozizou: I would go with qtparted08:58
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jomdomi just got the tar for 1.0.5 off getfirefox.com08:59
poningruelmagozizou: systemrescuecd08:59
Maddyjomdom, what do you use right now as browser?08:59
jomdommozilla firefox 1.0.508:59
jomdommozilla firefox 1.0.208:59
jomdom(so says the about screen)08:59
poningrujomdom: thats the 1.0.408:59
poningruin reality08:59
poningruubuntu backports09:00
jomdomokay, isn't that counter-intuitive? ;)09:00
Maddyok, then look for the path to the binary09:00
poningruwell for package managment purposes09:00
tobytwirlOK thanks for the suggestions - better go back to XP then ...09:00
poningruits quite helpful09:00
poningrutobytwirl: whats the prob?09:00
HappyFooljomdom: latest hoary is 1.0.2 with security fixes up to 1.0.4 -- presumably up to 1.0.5 soonish09:00
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DaZjorzHappyFool: I changed the /src/apt/sources.list file. CD is now at the bottom. I'll retry.09:00
HappyFoolDaZjorz: ok09:00
jomdomthe path to the binary is in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox09:00
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elmagozizouok thks09:00
tobytwirlcannot log in as su - the only password I have is invalid09:00
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poningrutobytwirl: use sudo09:01
HappyFooltobytwirl: you cannot login as root, by default09:01
poningrutry this09:01
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poningrusudo -k09:01
HappyFooltobytwirl: we recommend using sudo instead09:01
poningruand now09:01
ubotusudo is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo09:01
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poningrusudo apt-get update09:01
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tobytwirltried that and again the password won't work09:01
poningrudo those two commands09:01
HappyFooltobytwirl: you can read that url for more info09:01
HappyFooltobytwirl: but 'sudo ls' worked earlier?09:01
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mjkelly93guys i figured out my problem now,   i install the fglrx package via synaptic but the kernel doesnt load the module09:02
jamesWould anyone here be able to help me to setup xorg.conf file to work with the 3d ati drivers?09:02
elmagozizouBut qtparted is unstable...is not a risk for my HD?09:02
mjkelly93if the package installs correctly how can i instruct the kernel to load the module at bootup?09:02
tobytwirlsudo ls returned the message   install-report.template09:02
mjkelly93james,  when u figure it out, u let me know too09:03
HappyFooltobytwirl: that's a file list (or so i assme)09:03
HappyFool!wiki binarydriverhowto09:03
mjkelly93james, cuz thats why im here too,     what ati model do u have?09:03
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jamesATI 980009:03
mjkelly93i got a ATI 925009:03
jomdomMaddy: when i try to select the /usr/local/mozilla-firefox directory, it tells me i don't have permission to install... do I need to shut down the installer and run it as sudo root, or is there a way to transfer an already running proccess?09:03
tobytwirlsorry don't know/understand - as mentioned, I am new to all this09:03
HappyFooltobytwirl: what error message do you get when using sudo ?09:03
HappyFooltobytwirl: fair enough09:03
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elmagozizouBut qtparted is unstable...is not a risk for my HD?09:04
Maddyjomdom, sudo09:04
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mjkelly93i think that the ATI driver dont support my 9250 otherwise id be done already09:04
tobytwirljust entered sudo su again and for the first time I have a # prompt09:04
lancer285does anyone here have experience w/ Cinelerra? I need some help09:04
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HappyFooltobytwirl: here's maybe a better test: try 'ls -l /home' and then 'sudo ls -l /home'   -- if it works, you should see exactly the same output09:04
mjkelly93anyone got experience with FGLRX out there?  specifically the ubuntu package?09:05
jamesIve spent a good number of hours trying to setup the config file without any luck, just does not want to boot some im out of ideas09:05
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mjkelly93yeah me2     james im on day 7 now09:05
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jamesbe right back, just grabbing some food09:05
HappyFoolmjkelly93, james: have you guys read this page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto09:05
lancer285my video display in cinelerra is slow, but in kino it looks fine.09:06
tobytwirlOk - ls - l /home has come up with my username in BLUE!09:06
HappyFooltobytwirl: yay09:06
HappyFooltobytwirl: and with sudo it did the same thing?09:06
Discipulustobytwirl, that's cuz it's a directory....09:06
tobytwirlWill try that now09:06
mjkelly93yes im pretty sure ive been there09:06
|stefan|if i install a package that replaces a ubuntu-base package . if i've understad correctly the "auto update package" function won't work ? but will still apg-get dist-upgrade work ??09:07
HappyFooltobytwirl: it won't be in colour this time -- that doesn't matter09:07
tobytwirlsame details but user name in WHITE!09:07
damonw|stefan|, what package did you replace?09:07
HappyFooltobytwirl: ok. that means that sudo works. Whenever you are asked for a password, enter your user password09:07
tobytwirlforgive my ignorance but what is the significance of this?09:07
damonwtobytwirl, there is no root account. To do something as root, type "sudo [command] "09:08
HappyFooltobytwirl: i was making absolutely certain that sudo works -- i.e., that you can become 'super-user'09:08
HappyFoolDaZjorz: yo09:08
DaZjorzHappyFool: I just got back. I looked on the server09:08
mjkelly93HappyFool, heres my response to that                          homeslice@ubuntu:~$ sudo depmod -a ; sudo modprobe fglrx09:08
mjkelly93FATAL: Module fglrx not found.09:08
DaZjorzHappyFool: It said like 15 lines of "CDROM I/O ERRORS"09:08
tobytwirlOK - what should I do next?09:08
DaZjorzHappyFool: eventhough it wasn't even logged on09:08
HappyFoolDaZjorz: cd-rom is poked, i guess09:08
DaZjorzHappyFool: i'll try another cd09:09
mjkelly93im gonna try rebooting again     we'll see09:09
HappyFoolmjkelly93: rebooting won't help09:09
BROKEN_LADDERis gnome eventually going to have that apple behavior where a program's menu can be put in the top bar area?09:09
HappyFooltobytwirl: what are you trying to achieve09:09
tobytwirlwant to mount a device09:09
HappyFooltobytwirl: what device?09:09
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: what device09:09
tobytwirla second hd09:10
DaZjorzHappyFool: i try to get ur workload a little off09:10
DaZjorzTobytwirl: where do you want to mount09:10
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: example /secondhd or /backup or /stuff09:10
HappyFoolDaZjorz: ta ;)09:10
erirlaris there a net-install disc for ubuntu?09:10
tobytwirlthe command I entered was  mount -auto .dev/hdb / mnt09:10
DaZjorzTobytwirl you want it to mount to /mnt ?09:11
tobytwirlwithout the .09:11
HappyFoolerirlar: take a look here (best i can do): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LocalNetInstall09:11
DaZjorzTobytwirl: Use "mount /dev/hdb /mnt" without the "'s09:11
HappyFool/dev/hdb1, maybe09:11
damonwerirlar, try http://www.wrigley.me.uk/wp/?p=7109:11
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DaZjorzoo yes i forgot09:11
DaZjorzTobytwirl: Did u already partition, what partition do you want to mount09:11
DaZjorzTobytwirl did u already do partitioning **09:12
jomdomwoah, cool09:12
kbrooksyou cannot mount entire hard drives.09:12
jomdomponingru: it automatically detected an old install, deleted the files, and reinstalled it09:12
DaZjorzlol i know09:12
HappyFoolhopefully he hasn't run that -- i tried to mount an extended partition (i.e., the partition itself) once, and my machine broke09:12
DaZjorzi forgot09:12
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jomdomand now I am running 1.0.509:12
tobytwirlit says special device does not exist - and this is a second physical hd (old xp d:)09:12
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mjkelly93HappyFool, im getting the same fatal error after a reboot09:13
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DaZjorzTobytwirl: try this: mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt09:13
erirlarHappyFool, damonw: thanks guys!09:13
DaZjorzTobytwirl: I forgot the 1 after hdb, it means "take partition 109:13
HappyFooltobytwirl: you can use 'sudo fdisk -l' to find all your partitions -- don't paste the output here09:13
|stefan|damonw postfix09:13
HappyFoolmjkelly93: ok09:13
HappyFoolmjkelly93: stand by...09:13
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mjkelly93HappyFool, i had the fglrx drivers working when i installed them from the ATI site, but they dont support my 9250 card... *im pretty sure*,         the ubuntu package installed drivers in a couple completely different places than the ATI package did09:14
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tobytwirltried that command and it returns to #09:14
HappyFoolmjkelly93: is the 9250 a very recent card?09:14
DaZjorzTobyTwirl OK, now do cd /mnt09:14
mjkelly93not particularly09:14
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: it'll have the contents of your partition :)09:14
mjkelly93in synaptic it is listed as a support card exactly09:14
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HappyFoolmjkelly93: ah, ok09:15
HappyFoolmjkelly93: standby again (sorry ;)09:15
ChurcH_of_FoamYso breezy is still broke?09:15
tobytwirlreturned /mnt #09:15
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damonwChurcH_of_FoamY, yes, X is still broken in Breezy09:15
mjkelly93HappyFool, thats why im just gonna focus on the ubuntu registered program and not mess around with the ati packages anymore,     sure take your time     ive been tryin this for about 4 days straight now i can wait a lil while09:15
DaZjorzTobytwirl: try 'dir'. Does the harddisk partition contain anything ?09:15
ChurcH_of_FoamYany idea when it will be fixed cause i am just dieing to upgrade....09:16
tobytwirlit should have dir with mp3 files09:16
mjkelly93HappyFool, the ubuntu package installed about 10 files in /usr/X11R6, the ati packages didnt install anything there?09:16
poningruChurcH_of_FoamY: breazy aint broke09:16
HappyFoolmjkelly93: what's the output of 'dpkg -l xorg-driver-fglrx| tail -1'   ?09:16
damonwChurcH_of_FoamY, I don't know, but hang around the breezy forums at ubuntuforums.org to find out when09:16
poningruits being deved right now09:16
mjkelly93homeslice@ubuntu:~$ dpkg -l xorg-driver-fglrx| tail -109:16
mjkelly93ii  xorg-driver-fg 6.8.0-8.8.25-0 Video driver for ATI graphics accelerators09:16
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: if you have done the mount, do "cd /mnt" and then "dir"09:16
HappyFoolmjkelly93: hmm09:16
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: Does it output anything09:16
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mjkelly93my kern.log isnt loading the module on bootup even tho its listed to be loaded in /etc/modules09:17
damonw|stefan|, what do you mean "postfix"?09:17
HappyFoolmjkelly: how about 'dpkg -L xorg-driver-fglrx|grep fglrx.ko' ?09:17
mjkelly93but it WOULD load the ati drivers....09:17
DaZjorzmjkelly93: What does modprobe (module) say09:17
tobytwirlyes - the dirs are all listed and the one I'm intereted is there MP309:17
mjkelly93it says nothing HappyFool09:17
mjkelly93DaZjorz,  1 sec09:17
HappyFoolmjkelly93: hmm09:18
mjkelly93homeslice@ubuntu:~$ modprobe fglrx09:18
mjkelly93FATAL: Module fglrx not found.09:18
HappyFoolmjkelly93: ok, let me go find where that file is09:18
DaZjorztobytwirl: OK, good :)09:18
DaZjorzmjkelly: ok, just wanted to know if it is a built-in module09:18
mjkelly93HappyFool, before i unloaded the ATI version fglrx, there would be a successful modprobe09:18
tobytwirlbut I cannot cd to that directory - says it doesn't exist09:18
HappyFoolmjkelly93: did you install the ubuntu version before or after uninstalling the ati version?09:19
damonw|stefan|, what do you mean "postfix"?09:19
othernoobmmh, how long should it take to load a 300 pages pdf?09:19
HappyFoolmjkelly93: ah09:19
BROKEN_LADDERis there any way to make apps be in "full screen" mode, but still leave the panel visible?09:19
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HappyFoolmjkelly93: i think i know what might have happened09:19
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: What is the name of the directory09:19
damonwothernoob, do you have broadband or dial-up09:19
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DaZjorzHappyFool: another CD seems to work09:19
HappyFoolmjkelly93: the fglrx.ko file is in the linux-restricted-modules package09:20
BROKEN_LADDERmp3 is a dinosaur that we should all quit talking about and using.09:20
mjkelly93after uninstalling09:20
DaZjorztobytwirl: try "cd mp3"09:20
othernoobdamonw: i meant, in a program, i have the file on my pc.. it seems that everything is a lot slower lately.09:20
DaZjorzwithout "'s09:20
HappyFoolmjkelly93: the ATI version overwrote that, and then erased it when uninstalled09:20
mjkelly93hmm interesting idea09:20
HappyFoolmjkelly93: you just need to reinstall linux-restricted-moudles09:20
damonwothernoob, hmm interesting09:20
mjkelly93HappyFool,  didnt think of that,   ill use apt-get and specify my kernel version right?09:20
damonwothernoob, what OS and version are you using?09:20
poningruwhen was hoary released?09:20
DaZjorzHappyFool: I inserted another CD. It works now. :)09:20
damonwponingru, April 200509:21
tobytwirlok that worked09:21
othernoobdamonw: kubuntu hoary09:21
HappyFoolDaZjorz: cool ;). Throw the first one away09:21
HappyFoolmjkelly93: yeah09:21
DaZjorzHappyFool: lol :) sure ^^09:21
poningruso do we excpect an october breazy release?09:21
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: Good09:21
HappyFoolmjkelly93: you know how to do this?09:21
DaZjorzHappyFool: No, sorry, doesn't wrk :\09:21
HappyFoolponingru: yip09:21
damonwponingru, Of course!09:21
mjkelly93i have a pretty good idea09:21
tobytwirlhow do I list the contents09:21
DaZjorzHappyFool: still /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code.09:21
mjkelly93its telling me its already installed, should i force overwrite?09:21
DaZjorztobytwirl: dir09:21
HappyFoolDaZjorz: hmm09:21
damonwponingru, Every six months09:22
HappyFoolmjkelly93: yip09:22
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HappyFoolmjkelly93: i think there's a --reinstall flag -- check the --help or 'man apt-get'09:22
DaZjorzTobytwirl: You use mount (device) (dir) to link the directory to the contents of the device.09:22
DaZjorzTobytwirl: You use cd (dir) to go to a directory.09:22
damonwmjkelly93, "sudo apt-get reinstall install [package] "09:22
HappyFoolDaZjorz: when you have time, try running that md5sum thing -- will check the CD and you cd-rom09:22
mjkelly93reinstall isnt an option09:23
DaZjorzTobytwirl: You use dir (or ls which is the same) to see the contents of a folder09:23
tobytwirlok got the listing and they're all there - now all I have to do is load the player, which is where all the trouble originall started!09:23
mjkelly93damonw, i had to to sudo apt-get install --reinstall Package09:23
DaZjorzHappyFool: No, I think the problem is in /usr/bin/dpkg.09:23
damonwmjkelly93, oops! sorry09:23
DaZjorzHappyFool: Because thats the file that returns errors.09:23
DaZjorzHappyFool: Could that be possible ?09:23
HappyFoolDaZjorz: same error? I think i have it open on the paste-bin still...09:23
|stefan|damonw that's the package i replaced =) you asked that earlier.09:23
mjkelly93damonw, its ok :)    i was trying force-overwrite heh09:23
damonwmjkelly93, :)09:23
DaZjorzHappyFool: Yes, same error.09:24
mjkelly93HappyFool, ok that reinstalled correctly from the CD09:24
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DaZjorzTobyTwirl: I had a player a while ago ermm09:24
Garrisonmjkelly93: here's your man apt-get -- http://www.xironet.org/?UserPasteBin&paste=95b26118377ad093ff3feb8a6e970bac09:24
damonw|stefan|, you should probably be fine09:24
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: i thought its named mp123 or something09:24
HappyFoolmjkelly93: ok, try the 'depmod -a; modprobe fglrx' thing now09:24
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tfortanyone here play WoW on their linux system?09:24
damonw|stefan|, did it uninstall any of the "ubuntu" base packages when you removed it?09:24
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: but not sure. Standby i'll search it.....09:24
|stefan|damonw well when i replaced that package it forced me to remove the ubuntu-base package09:25
mjkelly93HappyFool,  uh oh09:25
HappyFoolDaZjorz: hmm. to be honest i suspect your cd-rom09:25
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mjkelly93HappyFool,    homeslice@ubuntu:~$ depmod -a; modprobe fglrx09:25
mjkelly93FATAL: Could not open /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/modules.dep.temp for writing: Permission denied09:25
mjkelly93FATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/video/fglrx.ko): Operation not permitted09:25
OdiiNsudo :)09:25
DaZjorzHappyFool: But then both cdroms would be broken. I'll do a check.09:25
HappyFoolmjkelly93: remember not to paste too much here09:25
HappyFoolDaZjorz: i meant your drive ;)09:25
DaZjorzTobytwiirl: mpg12309:25
mjkelly93HappyFool, i know    if it would have been another line or 2 i woulda used pastebin09:25
tobytwirlThat's the one09:25
DaZjorzTobytwirl you can try "apt-get install mpg12309:25
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DaZjorzTobytwirl: or if that doesn't work, I'll send you the installer URL.09:26
mjkelly93HappyFool, whaddya think about that error?09:26
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tobytwirlOK hang on a mo09:26
HappyFoolmjkelly93: as OdiiN said, you need sudo for both of those09:26
mjkelly93HappyFool, ok didnt see that09:26
DaZjorzHappyfool: If ur workload is a little to much, u can forward some of the things to me.09:26
damonw|stefan|, ubuntu-base is for warty and hoary, it depends on other packages so if the devels decide to add a standard package it will automatically get installed the next time you do an upgrade09:26
mjkelly93homeslice@ubuntu:~$ sudo modprobe fglrx09:27
mjkelly93FATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/video/fglrx.ko): Operation not permitted09:27
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mjkelly93HappyFool, nothing09:27
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HappyFoolmjkelly93: um09:27
jamesHappyfool: Thanks, the link worked great :)09:27
mjkelly93HappyFool, should i reboot then try those commands?09:27
jamesI only wish I had come accross it sooner09:27
HappyFooljames: cool09:27
DaZjorzTobytwirl: I just read that mpg123 has huge security problems. You can try this program...09:27
HappyFoolmjkelly93: this is new on me09:27
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mjkelly93HappyFool, well then we're both learning hehe09:28
DaZjorzTobytwirl: mp3blaster its called09:28
HappyFoolmjkelly93: the depmod -a worked ?09:28
yahalomare others having issues with apt-get? i keep getting errors: (111 Connection refused)09:28
|stefan|damonw i'm running hoary i think. but what does actually the ubuntu-base package do ? it was just some documents and nothing really that important. and is it still possible to run apt-get upgrades ?09:28
Strifehmm are the backports repositories down?09:28
mjkelly93HappyFool,  yes09:28
poningruStrife: no09:28
DaZjorzHappyFool: Though I've changed my source.list file now. But still its trying to copy the files from the CD. Should I remove the line completely ?09:29
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Pro_NewbieHow to install a *.deb package?09:29
HappyFoolmjkelly93: i can't tell why that module does not load; rebooting is an option09:29
mjkelly93HappyFool, im gonna reboot then try those commands again as per described on the wiki                     ill brb09:29
HappyFoolDaZjorz: i would09:29
|stefan|Pro_Newbie dpkg -i packagename09:29
poningruoh wait it is down09:29
Strifeponingru: k, well I'm getting a "connection refused" error... I'll just try agin later, I guess09:29
poningrustrife yes09:29
damonw|stefan|, yes you can still upgrade existing packages, but the ubuntu-base dpeendencies make it so the ubuntu devels can automatically install or uninstall packages as needed when you upgrade your whole system09:29
DaZjorzHappyFool: Roger that. :)09:29
Pro_Newbie10x |stefan|09:29
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HappyFoolmjkelly93: if fglrx is still in /etc/modules, it *should* load on boot09:29
poningruyahalom: whats the prob?09:29
tobytwirlit says cannot find package09:29
mjkelly93HappyFool, its there   ill brb09:29
tobytwirl... for either09:29
DaZjorzTobytwirl: Okay, i'll send you the file URL.09:30
damonw|stefan|, in general for a RELEASED version like hoary its ok to get rid of it09:30
Tsar_vonHumbugliroth, if you do a lsmod, do you see ehci_hcd listed?09:30
DaZjorzTobytwirl: Do a cd /09:30
mjkelly93HappyFool, its actually listed there 4 seperate times hehe    does that matter?09:30
candrodor(Psst, I think s/he means "separate")09:30
yahalomponingru, Could not connect to ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)09:30
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poningruI think everything is down09:30
HappyFoolmjkelly93: only once is fine09:30
poningruyahalom: its down09:30
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|stefan|damonw well i don't have any choise really =) i want to have sendmail instead of postfix. so then i have to get rid of it =)09:30
poningrutry again later09:30
DaZjorzTobytwirl: then do a mkdir sources && cd sources09:30
candrodor(Psst, I think s/he means "separate")09:30
yahalomponingru, the whole thing?09:30
HappyFoolwhat is this candrodor thing? another bot?09:30
yahalomponingru, how long already?09:30
poningruuniverse main everything09:30
punkrockguy318Where can I find a list of all packages installed in a normal hoary install?09:30
poningruno clue09:30
damonw|stefan|, that ok you should be fine09:30
DaZjorzTobytwirl: then type this command exactly09:31
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DaZjorzwget http://www.stack.nl/~brama/mp3blaster/src/mp3blaster-3.2.0.tar.gz09:31
D1does anyone know if OpenOffice has some sort of "CORRECTION MODE" of typing?09:31
|stefan|damonw ok =) thanks for your help.09:31
poningruD1: what do you mean?09:31
poningruas in auto correction?09:31
D1like all my text would be highlited red09:31
DaZjorzTobytwirl: You should copy & paste that, if you are using SSH.09:31
D1I'm trying to peer edit a paper for a friend09:31
HappyFoolDaZjorz: steady pm09:31
HappyFoolDaZjorz: steady on, even09:31
tICT_NoobHi all - does anyone have experience with wlans?09:31
D1and I want all my text to be autohighlighted red.09:31
candrodorThis candrodor thing is I. I put the script up for some friends, to improve their spelling, and it works.09:31
damonwD1, yes you can09:31
D1do you know how, by any chance?09:31
lirothOkay. now THIS is weird.09:32
Tsar_vonHumbugtICT_Noob, yes, but not Linux specifically - wassup?09:32
lirothI got this USB 2.0 card09:32
HappyFoolDaZjorz: mp3blaster is installable via apt - tobytwil just needs to setup his /etc/apt/sources.list09:32
DaZjorzHappyFool: ??09:32
damonwD1, turn on AutoSpellCheck09:32
DaZjorzHappyFool: How09:32
lirothTsar_vonHumbug, hey I'm back. I installe an USB 2.0 card.09:32
tICT_Noobgot problems connecting with Hoary09:32
tobytwirlusing f1  and now back to sources dir09:32
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DaZjorzTobytwirl wait...09:32
Tsar_vonHumbugliroth, try a lsmod & see if ehci_hcd is listed...09:32
damonwD1, are you using version 1.1.x or 2.0 beta?09:32
DaZjorzit seems you can download it via apt09:32
D12.0 beta09:32
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D1I dont mean autocorrect grammer09:32
candrodor(Psst, I think s/he means "grammar")09:32
lirothTsar_vonHumbug, but unfortunately it add's 2 1.1 UHCI for it...09:33
DaZjorzTobytwirl Nvm. Did you download the file ?09:33
tobytwirlNot yet - waiting for the command you mentioned09:33
DaZjorzTo finish?09:33
lirothTsar_vonHumbug, but it sais USB 2.0 hub, VIA82xxx USB 1.1 UHCI Device09:33
D1I mean I'm correcting my friends paper and I want all my text to be red but I dont wannat keep pressing the highlight text color button09:33
HappyFoolDaZjorz: same way you did -- uncomment lines n /etc/apt/sources.list, or use this:09:33
ubotuI guess sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories, or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3809:33
damonwD1, make sure you have all your "en" openoffice language packs installed in synaptic and your "en" myspell packages09:33
lirothTsar_vonHumbug, yes, it's a VIA chip I know. But why does it load the USB 1.1 driver than? makes no sense to me...09:34
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DaZjorzHappyFool: I'll just make him compile it. If that doesn't work, i'll try it that way.09:34
tICT_Noobhave everything setup ndiswrapper & static IP - wireless card picks up network but stops there09:34
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: Finished yet?09:34
damonwD1, the auto spellcheck wont show the red highlighting when you print09:34
lirothTsar_vonHumbug, and ehci_hcd is loaded09:34
robert_pectol... up and running with a brand new install of Ubuntu...  took about 1/2 hour to install and it recognized most all of my hardware!  nice!09:34
tICT_Noobcannot ping gateway or other local clients09:34
elmagozizouDoes qtparted brings risk for my HD?? i mena because is unstable...09:34
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HappyFoolDaZjorz: on ubuntu it's generally preferred to install the deb - that way security fixes etc are installed automatically09:34
damonwD1, you'd need a macro, which could get complicated09:34
lirothTsar_vonHumbug, ehci AND uhci...09:34
D1ok, thanks.09:35
DaZjorzHappyFool: Ok. I'll try.09:35
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damonwD1, you could check out oooforum.org09:35
hussamhow can I tell the installation date as in when Hoary was installed on my computer?09:35
D1will do.09:35
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D1thanks for the tip.09:35
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: You can cancel the download and do this command: "vi /etc/apt/sources.list"09:35
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poningrusorry wrong window09:35
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: Put a # in front of the first line that says ..09:35
HappyFoolDaZjorz: don't forget sudo ;)09:36
DaZjorzHappyFool: I guess he's root already..?09:36
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tobytwirldownload it into /sources #09:36
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DaZjorzTobyTwirl: execute "sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list"09:36
mjkelly93HappyFool, modprobe didnt load any errors09:36
DaZjorzThe first line should read: deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Release i386 (20050407)] / hoary main restricted09:37
DaZjorzTobyTwirl right ?09:37
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: or around that.09:37
mjkelly93it says the module was loaded09:37
HappyFoolmjkelly93: cool09:37
mjkelly93in kern.log09:37
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: push "i" and then place a # in front of the line.09:37
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: Then delete the #'s in front of the lines like deb ***09:38
HappyFoolmjkelly93: now you just need to tweak /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:38
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: like this line: deb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted universe09:38
tobytwirlyes - got loads of stuff on the screen ...09:38
tICT_NoobTsar_vonHumbug, ever seen a conflict with dhcp in linux with wireless?09:38
HappyFoolmjkelly93: you need to change 'ati' to 'fglrx'09:38
tobytwirlyes line similar to that09:38
DaZjorzTobyTwirl: Private conversation could be handier.09:38
tobytwirlOK let's do it09:38
mjkelly93HappyFool, im gonna do that right now,  modprobe and depmod both ran smoothly09:39
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HappyFoolmjkelly93: you should not need to run those again, especially if fglrx is listed in /etc/modules09:39
DaZjorzHappyFool: I fail opening a private conversation with TobyTwirl :S09:39
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HappyFoolDaZjorz: just use /query tobytwirl09:39
HappyFoolDaZjorz: don't bother with dcc09:39
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mjkelly93HappyFool, ok      well kern.log says it loaded, modprobe says its loaded, ubuntu says its the correct version and has been verified to work on my radeon 9250, all i gotta do is restart now, wish me luck ill be back in 2 minutes09:40
HappyFoolmjkelly93: also, you don't need to reboot again. let me know when you've tweaked xorg09:40
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HappyFoolmjkelly93: woah ;)09:40
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mjkelly93HappyFool,  :)09:40
HappyFoolmjkelly93: have you tweaked xorg.conf ?09:40
knowledge_where can I get information on how to install the latest kernel?09:40
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mjkelly93HappyFool, yes    im gonna shut down gdm and restart it09:40
HappyFoolmjkelly93: ok09:40
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mjkelly93HappyFool, brb09:40
Maddyknowledge_, for ubuntu or generally?09:41
OdiiNand ctrl+alt+backspace ?09:41
aeolisti have installed the nvidia drivers and followed ubuntuguides guidelines... should my xorg.conf have Driver "nv" or Driver "nvidia" written?09:41
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james_Where would I go about finding support for using Wine? im having trouble running an application that I know should be supported?09:41
OdiiNmjkelly93:  please, try to play a video when had fglrx driver loaded, i have poor performance with this drivers in a 980009:41
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knowledge_I tried but when I load that kernel it says "kernel panic" something yadda yadda09:41
Maddyjames_, ubuntuguide.org09:41
HappyFooljames_: /join #winehq09:41
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james_Thanks :)09:41
mjkelly93ok OdiiN ill let ya know how it goes09:41
azambujai have just one simple question09:41
poningruI had a question for Mathew Garret09:41
catazambuja: ask09:42
azambujacan i install KDE on ubuntu after, in my HD?09:42
othernoobazambuja: yes09:42
azambujaor i have to download Kubuntu?09:42
HappyFoolaeolist: nvidia09:42
azambujai want to use both gnome and kde09:42
poningruis laptop support for compaq come under HP support?09:42
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HappyFoolazambuja: you can install kubuntu-desktop after installing -- that will give you kde too09:42
knowledge_Maddy, ubuntuguide.org will explain it?09:42
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concept10Has anyone noticed that firefox brings pages up slower in Linux than the windows version?09:42
azambujaothernoob: thanks09:42
othernoobazambuja: you're welcome09:42
azambujaHappyFool: by apt-get?09:42
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azambujaHappyFool: cant i apt-get kde directly?09:43
HappyFoolazambuja: yip. or synaptic09:43
Maddyi have my informations about wine from ubuntuguide09:43
aeolistconcept10, you can make some changes to firefox, read the ubuntuguide part about ff09:43
jimcooncatconcept10, have you disabled IPV6 lookups?09:43
concept10jimcooncat, aeolist : I have disabled those, but I will check again09:43
azambujaHappyFool: ok, ill try it :-) im a gentoo user09:43
ValheruLordwas anybody able to configure the modem: Zoom 5510 USB09:43
HappyFoolazambuja: i don't follow 'kde directly' -- assuming you have the diskspace and bandwidth, i'd just install 'kubuntu-desktop'09:43
Forty|is there anyway to force eject a cdrom?09:43
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azambujaHappyFool: ok, i mean pure KDE, i guess Kubuntu-desktop comes with more than just "pure" kde09:44
damonwForty|, use a paper clip in the little hole next to the eject button :)09:44
azambujaHappyFool: got me?09:44
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othernoobForty|: sudo umount -l /dev/hdX  or sudo umount -f /dev/hdX to unmount the drive09:44
HappyFoolazambuja: there's a kde-core, which might be what you want, but i'm not sure -- i don't use kde09:45
ValheruLordwas anybody able to configure the adsl modem: Zoom 5510 USB ??09:45
BROKEN_LADDERDOES anyone know whether gnome will eventually have "program menu in panel" mode, like in Mac OS and KDE?09:45
concept10jimcooncat, I have cable internet, I havent used windows in a long time, but this morning I booted windows to do something and those pages were flying in firefox09:45
raven3x7i just installed nvidia-glx. but only get a blck screen09:45
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Tsar_vonHumbugliroth, the uhci is needed - apparently ehci supports only high speed09:46
catraven3x7: TRY configuring the X for a fact,09:46
damonwconcept10, http://ubuntuguide.org/#loadwebsitefasterfirefox09:46
knowledge_has anyone patched their kernel with the alps.patch file?09:46
damonwknowledge_, I run breezy with the following info09:46
damonwand my touchpad works finew09:46
raven3x7cat what do you mean?09:46
DaZjorzHappyFool: What is the name of the package mp3blaster ?09:46
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HappyFoolDaZjorz: mp3blaster09:47
DaZjorzHappyFool: just mp3blaster or something else09:47
knowledge_well mine does too, however I would like the extra features like scrolling and such09:47
HappyFoolDaZjorz: you can search apt using 'apt-cache search <search-string>'  (no <>)09:47
jimcooncatHi, am playing with bricolage-cms. I want to have it start up with init.d, but I need to "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/perl5/auto/libapreq/" before I can start it. Where can I put this environment variable to be set?09:47
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mjkelly93HappyFool, didnt work, it hung like usual09:47
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damonwknowledge_, to get scrolling etc to work go to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2813209:47
HappyFooljimcooncat: are you writing an init script for it?09:48
BROKEN_LADDERthere are two beautiful yellow and black butterflies outside my apartment in san francisco, doing this mating chase thing in the sun.09:48
HappyFoolmjkelly93: hmm09:48
mjkelly93HappyFool, hmmm is right    wtf   =(   i had my hopes up there09:48
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DaZjorzHappyFool: Couldn't find package09:48
knowledge_damonw, Tried that, but I get errors09:48
HappyFoolmjkelly93: sorry. have you looked in /var/log/Xorg.0.log  ?09:48
concept10Yep, I already had all of those changed in firefox09:48
HappyFoolDaZjorz: it's in 'universe'09:48
raven3x7cat if you mean editing i've been playing with it for hours trying to find an error09:48
mjkelly93HappyFool, it hangs before it gets to write to the log, ive tried like 5 different ways to get to read that but it doesnt get to write to it09:48
BROKEN_LADDERi just upgraded my kernel, and although esd seems like it's working fine, i'm getting no sound.. :(09:48
jimcooncatI thought I'd modify the init script for it, but maybe I need to be looking at apache? I don't get the envrionment here, like I could with gentoo09:49
HappyFoolDaZjorz: don't forget to run 'apt-get update' before trying to install09:49
damonwknowledge_, are you running hoary or breezy?09:49
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raven3x7xorg conf that is09:49
damonwthats hoary09:49
knowledge_I see09:49
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knowledge_there's a new version out already?09:49
damonwit's a testing version ("breezy")09:49
knowledge_I see09:49
mjkelly93HappyFool, i think im just about out of ideas    i just cant see whats going wrong?09:50
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HappyFoolmjkelly93: i'm out of ideas too, sorry.09:50
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damonwknowledge_, This is how I got it working with scroll, etc on breezy, you could try it :) : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4825709:50
mjkelly93HappyFool, can u think of anywhere else i can get advice?09:51
azambujaHappyFool: ok, but kde-ubuntu will give me kde and gnome on my machine, right?09:51
azambujaHappyFool: assuming im installig ubuntu09:51
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DaZjorzI gotta go, won't be back in 3 weeks :(09:51
HappyFoolmjkelly93: ubuntuforums, and the mailing lists09:51
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HappyFoolDaZjorz: cheers09:51
ubotuHappyFool: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?09:52
Seveasubotu, no09:52
ubotuSeveas: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?09:52
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knowledge_damonw, Thanks, I'll look into it...I'll be back after to let you guys know how it went09:52
Tsar_vonHumbuglater peeps09:52
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mjkelly93HappyFool, i tried ubuntuforums like 3 times but noone there helped09:52
HappyFoolmjkelly93: ok, the mailing list. standby09:52
knowledge_I was trying to install a new kernel but that didn't work out09:52
knowledge_I guess I"ll just do this for now and see how it goes09:53
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looksaushm, minor problem here09:53
damonwknowledge_, good luck I hope it works09:53
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HappyFoolknowledge_: note that breezy is still in testing, and may break in unexpected ways09:53
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damonwHappyFool, I think he's gonna try it in Hoary09:54
damonwHappyFool, but good advice =)09:54
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mjkelly93HappyFool, ok   i dont know what that is so ill wait for ya here   just lemme know09:54
HappyFoolubotu, ubuntuforums is an Ubuntu web forum at http://ubuntuforums.org/09:54
ubotuHappyFool: okay09:54
looksausI accidentally removed the kernel image from a system I crossgraded from Knoppix09:54
HappyFoolmjkelly93: finding the mailing list address09:54
looksaus(which is why there was no error message, presumably)09:54
looksausI wonder about the best way to get going again09:54
jasoncohenlast night my root file system died on me. it was an LVM2 ext3 partition. there were unrecoverable FS errors and i couldn't fsck manually. i decided to re-install the system using regular ext3 partitions which i did. however, now, i can't update my menus with smeg. smeg shows my old menus with the customizations i made but they aren't being saved.09:55
looksaussystem boots lilo fine, and an initrd kernel09:55
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looksausbut chokes after that09:55
mjkelly93HappyFool, ok  im gonna register at linuxquestions.org and try there too09:55
looksausany suggestions to remedy this welcome09:55
jasoncoheni.e - when i exit smeg, the changes don't take affect. smeg used to use 100% cpu while it was updating the menus. now it doesnt' do that so I'm assuming it's doing nothing09:55
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SeveasHappyFool, lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users09:55
HappyFoolmjkelly93: look here: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/lists  or look at Seveas' URL09:56
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raven3x7this is really weird... i have nvidia glx installed but in xorg.log it says it cant find the nvidia X driver...09:57
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HappyFoolraven3x7: is the module loaded?09:58
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HappyFoolraven3x7: what does 'lsmod|grep ^nvidia' say ?09:58
mjkelly93HappyFool,  ok thanks again09:58
knowledge_the only thing I'm running into is something about "...to default locale: No such file or directory"09:58
to|mdoes there exist an equalizer for Rhythembox?09:58
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raven3x7dunno... should have thought about that. it's nvidia-glx right?09:58
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HappyFoolraven3x7: the kernel module seems to be called simply 'nvidia'09:59
QaDeS_i just installed ubuntu as a server, but it didn't ask for a root password...is there a default or something?09:59
jasoncohennevermind, apparently i just had to restart gnome09:59
raven3x7HappyFool,  nvidia               3923388  009:59
HappyFoolQaDeS_: ubuntu uses sudo; you can read about it here:10:00
ubotuhmm... sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo10:00
HappyFoolraven3x7: hmm10:00
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raven3x7HappyFool, the exact line (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (NVIDIA X driver not found)10:01
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HappyFoolraven3x7: what does 'dpkg -l nvidia-glx|tail -1' say ?10:01
jtgcan anyone help with totem? get "could not read from resource" when trying to play dvd10:02
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raven3x7HappyFool, ii  nvidia-glx     1.0.7174-0ubun NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver10:02
ray_i thought ubuntu used xorg10:02
HappyFoolit does; that is evidently a generic driver. Mine says the same10:03
raven3x7ray_, hoary does10:03
Arkainiumhmm.. anyone know if windows xp can be installed on an extended partition?10:03
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ray_raven3x7, is xorg better?10:03
HappyFoolraven3x7: it sounds like you've done all the right things10:03
xryhow do i play WMV in ubuntu?10:03
QaDeS_ok, got it. so how do i install grub the easy way? :o>10:03
ray_xry, get the w32codecs10:03
raven3x7HappyFool, yeah i've done this before. first time on xorg though10:04
xrycouldnt find the package10:04
uboturestricted is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats10:04
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raven3x7ray_, xorg is newer and should have a lot of improvements10:04
HappyFoolxry: read that URL -- should tell you how10:04
ray_xry, u need to add the backports to your apt list10:04
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koldunhi there10:05
HappyFoolQaDeS_: why do you need to install grub? You overwrote your mbr with windows?10:05
ray_xry, hold on i will copy and pastes what they are10:05
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knowledge_So, anyone know wanna help me with yet another error?10:05
kolduni've got problem with fglrx_xgamma someone here how can help me10:05
kolduni've got problem with fglrx_xgamma10:05
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HappyFoolraven3x7: there are no other errors reported?10:06
koldunfglrx_xgamma: error while loading shared libraries: libfglrx_gamma.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:06
ray_koldun, what are you trying to do?10:06
koldun <-- but fglrx-dev is installed and the shared object is in /usr/X11R6/lib/10:06
koldunand the driver works10:06
raven3x7HappyFool, no but let me check again10:06
QaDeS_HappyFool, naw, i just don't want to have lilo as my loader10:07
koldunfglrx sais that the card works10:07
koldundisplay: :0.0  screen: 010:07
koldunOpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.10:07
koldunOpenGL renderer string: RADEON 9200 Series DDR Generic10:07
koldunOpenGL version string: 1.3.4769 (X4.3.0-8.8.25)10:07
HappyFoolQaDeS_: um. i don't actually know how to install grub like that, but i guess something like 'apt-get install grub'10:07
ray_xry, deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted10:07
ray_deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted10:07
knowledge_well, I'll just kick back and wait for someone to come up with time to help10:07
QaDeS_yea. alas, it doesn't automagically create the menu.lst :o/10:08
HappyFoolQaDeS_: do you have some sort of custom install? ubuntu-base is dependent on grub, so you should have it10:08
HappyFoolQaDeS_: ah10:08
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raven3x7HappyFool, only found this warning (WW) Open APM failed (/dev/apm_bios) (No such file or directory) and a couple more about fonts10:08
HappyFoolQaDeS_: try 'update-grub'10:08
QaDeS_interesting...it booted from lilo o.O10:08
QaDeS_oh cool :oD txvm10:09
ray_xry, u got that?10:09
HappyFoolQaDeS_: you'll also need to run 'install-grub /dev/hdXXXX' -- do be careful though ;) and don't screw up your hard-drives10:09
xryim downloading the package10:09
HappyFoolraven3x7: hrm10:09
kolduncan someone help me with this wicked fglrx_xgamma problem?10:09
QaDeS_we'll see ;)10:09
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koldunsorry for paste10:09
pax# grub-install --root-directory=/boot   /dev/hda   (exemple)10:10
ray_xry, after u get that i would remove the backports from your apt list. some packages have caused me problems10:10
paxthen # update-grub10:10
QaDeS_ok *trying*10:10
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HappyFoolkoldun: try 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/X11R6/lib flgrx_xgamma'10:11
Kyralanyone know how to escape a : on the command line?10:11
HappyFoolknowledge_: it's usually best just to ask the question, regardless of how busy things are ;). What's the problem?10:11
HappyFoolKyral: \: ?10:12
KyralTried it10:12
Kyralmkdir Mobile\ Suit\ Gundam\:\ MS\ IGLOO10:12
Kyralmkdir: cannot create directory `Mobile Suit Gundam: MS IGLOO': Invalid argument10:12
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OdiiNwhat settings needed for allow dcc resume downloads in konversation, i cant configure it propertly ( i use firestarter and i'm behind a router )10:12
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HappyFoolKyral: is this maybe on a fat32 partition?10:12
Kyralyah :D10:12
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HappyFoolKyral: i would guess colons can't be used there -- think C:10:12
QaDeSwhen i perform grub-install it tries to access my fd0 and xields an error :o/10:13
KyralFscking hell10:13
HappyFoolQaDeS: did you see pax's command ?10:13
Whistlerhow can i change grub settings?10:13
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HappyFoolWhistler: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst  (probably what you want)10:13
QaDeSyea, that's whyt i tried to execute10:13
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HappyFoolQaDeS: what's the error?10:14
QaDeSok, got it10:14
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QaDeS--no-floppy did it :oD10:15
paxupdate-grub wont probably create a complete menu.list on a mulitiboot system, but it will enable you to boot into linux. then you can add your other operating system to menu.list10:15
Kyraloyah, because I could set the umask and uid easy :D10:15
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meminHello people10:15
QaDeStyvm pax and HappyFool10:15
xrywhat about mplayer? which source can i get that from?10:15
koldunHappyFool, thank you it works well10:15
meminHas anybody try to make a cutomized bootable cd fom ubuntu?10:16
caramboladd multiverse to ur repo10:16
HappyFoolkoldun: you can add that path to /etc/ld.so.conf and then run 'sudo ldconfig' so that you don't need to do that LD_LIB..= thing everytime10:16
imaekI have a nVidia GeForce 6600, and when I was installing ubuntu, it asked me what resolutions my video card could handle.  I left it at the defaults, and now I am stuck with the highest resolution being 1024x768, which is too small.  Now, I tried "sudo apt-reconfigure xserver-xorg", but every time I do that and restart XServer, I get my monitor informing me that something is out of sync.  Is there any surefire way to just add 110:17
imaek resolution?10:17
knowledge_HappyFool, is it possible to post a few lines of an error message?10:17
HappyFoolknowledge_: on a pastebin, preferably10:17
HappyFoolknowledge_:  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl10:17
kolduncool thank you HappyFool10:18
xrycarambol: but i did :(10:18
QaDeSumm...could it be grub doesn't support xfs boot partitions?10:18
xrycant find the package10:18
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knowledge_HappyFool, ok, done10:18
OdiiNimaek:  check if in /etc/X11/xorg.conf , the horitzontal and vertical sync of your monitor are configured propertly10:18
HappyFoolQaDeS: there's a 'xfs_stage1_5' in my /boot/grub, so i think it (probably?) should10:18
carambolapt-get install mplayer-386 mozilla-mplayer mplayer-fonts10:19
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ray_xry, get xine-ui10:19
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imaekOdiiN: they are right now, but it is working in 1024x768 right now.10:20
jtgHi, I need a hand with Totem to play DVDs any offers10:20
knowledge_http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/624 <---that's my problem10:20
HappyFoolknowledge_: i think this might be fixable using dpkg-reconfigure10:20
HappyFoolknowledge_: hold on just a sec10:20
koldunThank you for the help10:20
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lerojhallo pmMike10:21
xrythe package xine-ui doesn't have a installationcandidate10:21
imaekOdiiN: I also added "1280x1024" to the Modes section for each depth, but that choice isn't in System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution10:21
robotgeekjtg: why don't you use vlc?10:21
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ray_xry, really? did u uncomment the universe10:22
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OdiiNimaek:  you want to set up at 800x600 ?10:22
jtgrobotgeek: I just started with Ubuntu and Totamis the10:22
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HappyFoolknowledge_: hmm. ok, i'm not 100%, but i think what you need to do is generate the files for your locale10:22
imaekOdiiN: no, I'd like something Larger than 1024x768 (like 1280x1024)10:23
jorgpis it possible to convert kubuntu back to ubuntu?10:23
HappyFoolknowledge_: to do this, run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locals'10:23
kdphow would i configure my modem through the Network settings menu if it was connected to PCI slot 2?10:23
QaDeSto be prepared for my notebook isntall...will ubuntu support 1280x800 out of the box? or recognize it after the nvidia install?10:23
HappyFoolknowledge_: to do this, run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales'10:23
crimsunjorgp: install ubuntu-desktop10:23
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jtgrobotgeek: sorry Totem is the default viewer. It recognises the dvd but I get a "could notread fromresource" error10:23
HappyFoolknowledge_: you'll get one helluva list -- find en_US.UTF-8 and make sure it's selected10:24
jorgpI want to switch to gnome instead of kde10:24
ray_jorgp, dont like kubuntu?10:24
kdpthe autodetect function says it cant find the modem10:24
xryray_: i found it now10:24
xrywhat now?10:24
robotgeekjtg: do u have the libdvdcss library, i am not sure if that is what's it called!10:24
ray_xry, it should work10:24
poningruhey who do I contact about the bounties?10:24
knowledge_HappyFool, "locals is not installed"10:24
jorgpray_: no10:24
HappyFoolknowledge_: yeah, i made an error10:24
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HappyFoolknowledge_: locales10:24
ray_jorgp, why not..... just curious10:25
HappyFoolponingru: isn't there a web-site for those?10:25
knowledge_HappyFool, "locales is broken or not fully installed"10:25
HappyFoolknowledge_: erk10:25
knowledge_uh huh10:25
HappyFoolknowledge_: you're running hoary?10:25
jtgrobotgeek:I've got the gstreamstuff, I'll check on libdvdcss, hang on ...10:25
jorgpmy wife likes gnome better, and kde just seems unfinished10:25
HappyFoolknowledge_: default install10:25
knowledge_uh huh10:25
HappyFoolknowledge_: err, that was a question ;) -- the default install ?10:25
ray_yeah kde needs some tweaking10:26
jorgpray_: but all I had at the time was a kubuntu cd10:26
jorgpray_: and have been waiting on ubuntu cd's for about 6 weeks10:26
knowledge_HappyFool, yeah, default install10:26
amortal_mistakeanybody ever have a problem where nxclient(freeNX) just shows up as a blank xmessage with an ok box?10:26
ray_jorgp, yeah ne too!10:26
jorgpray_: so I wanted to convert this kubuntu to ubuntu, I heard the gnome desktop is nice10:26
HappyFoolknowledge_: um. let's try 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo aptitude reinstall locales'  and see if that works10:27
JeranAny idea on how long the CD's might take to get to the USA?10:27
xryray_: i want to play WMV in Firefox10:27
xrywhat to do?10:27
knowledge_HappyFool, how would I be able to save my settings and installed programs but reinstall the base system so all these files can be included10:27
ray_xry, it still doesnt?10:27
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HappyFoolknowledge_: um. i'm not following what you want to do10:27
jorgpJeran: it's been 6 weeks here Oklahoma10:28
jtgrobotgeek: mmmmm doesnt look like it is there?10:28
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knowledge_reinstall ubuntu, but keep all my settings and progs10:28
xryfirefox says: additional plugins needs to install10:28
HappyFoolknowledge_: hmm. not very easy. you could try backing up your home directory and /etc, but that tends to be messy10:28
xryand if i try manual install, it sends me to microsoft.com10:28
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sJaMyou can do with most packages10:29
sJaMapt-get install --reinstall10:29
HappyFoolknowledge_: if you really want to reinstall, i'd backup only your user data (pictures, mail, blah blah) and reinstall and then reconfigure/restore user data10:29
toolaphialxry: install mplayer with win32 codecs10:29
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ray_xry, sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc10:29
xrybut i can't find the mplayer codec10:29
carambolxry you need w32 codecs10:29
knowledge_I see10:29
xryi have w32codecs10:29
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ray_yeah either get mplayer or use mozilla-plugin-vlc10:29
lin_Question about muddleftp................10:29
carine_hello! :) can someone help me please I have a serious problem with my external hard drive. I am a complete newbie I don't know what to do10:30
benplautcarine_: what's thew problem? :)10:30
knowledge_HappyFool, locales is not currently installed, so it will not be reinstalled.10:31
HappyFoolknowledge_: ok, 'sudo aptitude install locales'10:31
carine_hi :) I installed my external hard drive and at the beggining I didn't have any problems. In fact ubuntu recognised it. Now it doesn't allow me to modify files and folders10:31
knowledge_I see....10:32
carine_the problems started a week after using it10:32
HappyFoolknowledge_: that's pretty weird - libc6 dependent on locales10:32
knowledge_HappyFool, can I use that pastebin thingy again?10:32
sJaMdpkg-reconfigure locales10:32
JeranIs Ubuntu a good thing to use when trying to switch from Windows to Linux?10:32
HappyFoolknowledge_: sure10:32
ray_yes it is a very good thing10:32
HappyFoolknowledge_: something is screwy with your system10:32
knowledge_of course, it's just my luck10:32
knowledge_Mandrake..!?....mann that os sucked on ANY of my computers10:32
ray_xry, did it work10:33
HappyFoolcarine_: you probably need to tweak /etc/fstab10:33
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knowledge_then I switched to this, and it's a helluva lot better10:33
Jeranis Ubuntu 'Laptop' safe?10:33
jorgphow is breezy coming along?10:33
ray_i hate mandrake10:33
HappyFoolcarine_: maybe you can paste your current /etc/fstab here: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl10:33
carine_okay one minute10:33
jorgpJeran: I dont think ubuntu will prevent someone from stealing your laptop10:33
knowledge_HappyFool, posted on pastebin10:33
HappyFoolknowledge_: it's busy loading10:34
HappyFoolknowledge_: erm10:34
knowledge_{singing} telll me something gooodd....10:34
ray_Jeran, an even better choice if coming from windows is kubuntu10:34
Jeranjorgp: I mean will it work on my laptop? I know some version of linux don't like laptops.. I don't think ubuntu is going to eletrify my laptop and make it zap everyone, except me, that touch it :-P10:35
HappyFoolknowledge_: what does 'dpkg -l "glibc*"|grep ^ii' say ?10:35
ray_xry, it worked?10:35
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knowledge_HappyFool, nothing10:35
jorgpJeran: will it works perfectly on my laptop10:35
HappyFoolknowledge_: um, ok, how about 'dpkg -l "libc6"|tail -1'  ?10:36
jorgpray_: what do you like about kubuntu?10:36
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knowledge_ohh, wait....do I have to uninstall those packs? because I think I installed the newest libc6.....but I forgot what it was for10:36
knowledge_oh yeah, my fan control on my lappy toppy10:36
HappyFoolknowledge_: how did you upgrade libc6?10:37
knowledge_ii  libc6          2.3.5-1ubuntu7 GNU C Library: Shared libraries and Timezone10:37
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knowledge_just installed the newest package10:37
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ray_jorgp, it looks better and you can use sound in multiple apps... better control...menu control etc10:37
HappyFoolknowledge_: oh my10:37
HappyFoolknowledge_: you've got breezy libc6 ?10:37
robotgeek_jtg, sorry...back now10:37
knowledge_oh goody...that's always a good reaction10:37
knowledge_I have no clue happy10:37
elmagozizoudoes anyone use mplayer with nvidia drives installed?10:37
HappyFoolknowledge_: i'm not sure how you should proceed10:37
ray_i use it with fglrx10:38
knowledge_can I msg you?10:38
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HappyFoolknowledge_: sure10:38
carine_here is my etc/fstab http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/62610:38
raven3x7HappyFool, i ran a dpkg-reconfigure. the error in the log is gone but i still get a black screen. no errors reported!10:38
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HappyFoolcarine_: hmm -- your external drive is usb?10:38
QaDeSyay, it's bootin :oD10:39
robotgeek_jtg, libdvdcss2  is the name of the debian package10:39
robotgeek_jtg, oops..ubuntu :)10:40
JeranI'm looking at the screenshots and so far I like what I see10:40
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HappyFoolraven3x7: sorry, i'm more-or-less out of ideas. i think you may be stuck with nv drivers for now. I can only point you to ubuntuforums and the mailing lists10:41
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raven3x7elmagozizou, are you getting a signal 11 from audio_decode10:41
mitch528Can anyone help me setup a FTP SERVER on ubuntu?10:41
robotgeek_mitch528, sure...10:42
HappyFoolcarine_: sorry, i'm kind of multitasking here10:42
raven3x7HappyFool, thanks for the try. will sent a mail to the list10:42
elmagozizou#5 raven3x7 , what do you mean?10:42
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robotgeek_mitch528, sudo apt-get install ftpd10:42
HappyFoolcarine_: can you plug the drive in (if it isn't) and paste output of the command 'mount' to the pastebin? the /etc/fstab was a red herring, my apologies10:42
apollo2011I have a Dell Inspiron 8600 and I installed Ubuntu on it and used ndiswrapper to get the broadcom card working and Ubuntu froze when I ejected it from the dock without going into standby or turning off and now I can't boot it.10:42
robotgeek_mitch528, and done!10:42
mitch528thank you rpbotgeek10:42
raven3x7im getting that with nv drivers during dvd playback. didnt get it with the vesa ones10:43
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robotgeek_mitch528, no probs :)10:43
mitch528robotgeek it says Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock     and some other stuff....10:43
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robotgeek_mitch528, are you root?? "sudo apt-get install ftpd"10:44
carine_okay, one minute10:44
mitch528i have sudo privlages10:44
OdiiNwhat settings are needed for allow dcc resume downloads in konversation, i can't configure it propertly ( i use firestarter and i'm behind a router )10:44
kbrooksftpd is insecure10:44
kbrooksmitch528, close down synaptic10:44
carine_here it is: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/62710:44
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carine_and there's no problem, happyfool. take your time :)10:45
mitch528now it says Couldn't find package ftpd10:45
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robotgeek_kbrooks, is pro-ftpd a better choice?10:45
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kbrooksrobotgeek_, yes10:45
kbrooksspiral, no10:45
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spiralkbrooks: even kernel.org uses it10:46
HappyFoolcarine_: ok. what is the output of 'id -u' (not run as root) ? It looks like the device is being 'given' to the user with uid 1000, which is the first user created (during install, probably)10:46
DukGalNamuhey all, is there a video player that can run without x?10:46
tfortanyone here using point2play or cedega?10:46
mitch528when i try to connect to myself it says this ftp server is anonymous only Login Failed.10:46
robotgeek_mitch528, are you configuring a ftp server for ur laptop or so?10:46
DukGalNamui think mplayer needs x...10:46
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crimsunmplayer can output to framebuffer10:47
robotgeek_mitch528, one sec...lemme pull up my conf10:47
ray_why dont you want it to play in x10:47
carine_HappyFool: I have no idea what Id-u is. my username for my ubuntu installation is carine10:47
DukGalNamuits not i am just wondering if i can run entirely by command line, including media...10:47
HappyFoolcarine_: 'id -u' is a command to run in the terminal -- like mount10:48
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carine_ooh ok. let me check :)10:48
HappyFoolcarine_: however, don't open a 'Root terminal' -- just a normal one10:48
DukGalNamucrimsun: so i CAN play mplayer without x?10:48
crimsunDukGalNamu: yes, you just need to use a version of mplayer compiled with directfb support enabled10:48
carine_id -u is: 010:48
robotgeek_mitch528, edit the /etc/ftpusers file10:48
DukGalNamucrimsun: COOL10:49
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robotgeek_mitch528, and make sure it has root, ftp, and anonymous (in 3 lines)10:50
ksmurfhello all10:50
HappyFoolcarine_: that's root. Can you start a terminal with 'Applications -> System tools -> Terminal' and run it that way10:50
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QaDeSwasn't there some ubuntu-extra archive or something like that?10:50
mitch528i cant edit it. It is read only10:50
robotgeek_mitch528, sudo :)10:50
HappyFoolQaDeS: yeah, 'backports'10:50
ubotubackports is at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org; also, Do not use the backports for day to day usage!10:50
carine_ok id -u is: 100010:51
ubotumethinks repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:51
HappyFoolcarine_: hrm10:51
ksmurfthis may sound stupid but can someone please do a SuperWhois on me10:51
QaDeSokay *trying*10:52
HappyFoolcarine_: oh, that has a funny umask10:52
HappyFoolcarine_: have you changed any settings? I'm not even sure where that would be set...10:52
amortal_mistakeerror while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:52
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robotgeek_mitch528, works fine?10:52
ksmurfI wanted to make sure it was working10:53
mitch528hold on... still changing the file10:53
elmagozizouPlaying Deftones - 7 Words.mpeg.10:53
elmagozizouMPEG-PS file format detected.10:53
elmagozizouVIDEO:  MPEG1  352x240  (aspect 12)  29,970 fps  1150,0 kbps (143,8 kbyte/s)10:53
elmagozizouTrying to force audio codec driver family libmad...10:53
elmagozizouOpening audio decoder: [libmad]  libmad mpeg audio decoder10:53
elmagozizouAUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, 16 bit (0x10), ratio: 28000->176400 (224,0 kbit)10:53
HappyFoolcarine_: no, sorry, 077 is right. If that mount output is right, you should be able to right to the disk10:53
ubuntuI need to install ubuntu over an existing installation, but keep one of the directories completely untouched (/backup)10:53
elmagozizouSelected audio codec: [mad]  afm:libmad (libMAD MPEG layer 1-2-3)10:53
ubuntuIS IT!?10:53
elmagozizouvo: X11 running at 1152x864 with depth 24 and 32 bpp (":0.0" => local display)10:53
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o crimsun] by ChanServ
elmagozizouOpening video decoder: [mpegpes]  MPEG 1/2 Video passthrough10:53
elmagozizouVDec: vo config request - 352 x 240 (preferred csp: Mpeg PES)10:53
elmagozizouCould not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...10:53
elmagozizouOpening video filter: [scale] 10:53
elmagozizouThe selected video_out device is incompatible with this codec.10:53
elmagozizouVDecoder init failed :(10:53
elmagozizouOpening video decoder: [libmpeg2]  MPEG 1/2 Video decoder libmpeg2-v0.4.0b10:53
ubuntuelmagozizou, paste that shit somewhere else10:53
elmagozizouSelected video codec: [mpeg12]  vfm:libmpeg2 (MPEG 1 or 2 (libmpeg2))10:53
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q *!*@] by crimsun
carine_I haven't changed anything on it..that's why it's so strange. it worked for a week then I started having these problems10:53
ubuntuI need to install ubuntu over an existing installation, but keep one of the directories completely untouched (/backup)10:53
ubuntuis that possible?!10:54
crimsunelmagozizou: please use the topic pastebin or #flood for floods10:54
carine_when I switch it on, it's okay. If I touch certain files, i can't modify anything afterwards :-/10:54
ubuntufuck it10:54
ubuntuI guess I'll find out10:54
mitch528it still does not work.10:54
HappyFoolcarine_: in the normal terminal window, what does 'touch /media/sdb1/temp' say ?10:54
robotgeek_mitch528, what does it say??10:54
ed1tubuntu, why dont u just copy those files into CD or something10:54
ubuntuI'll just blame you all if /backups gets deleted10:54
highvolt1geubuntu: yes, it is possible.10:54
=== mode/#ubuntu [-q *!*@] by crimsun
ubuntued1t, the damn cd burner won't work10:54
mitch528it says only anonymous can access ftp when i ftp my ip address...10:54
elmagozizouwhatts that, i cant use this program very well10:54
ubuntubecause the current linux installation won't boot10:54
highvolt1gedelete everything except /backups, then choose to keep existing data when you install10:55
ubuntubecause I broke slackware trying to get the damn cd burner to work in the first place10:55
carine_it says: touch: cannot touch `/media/sdb1/temp': Read-only file system10:55
ed1tubuntu, how big is that directory?10:55
giantyou can boot off of live cd and use cdrecord to burn them10:55
ubuntu40 gig10:55
mitch528when i have my name in /etc/ftpusers10:55
highvolt1geyes, just remove everything except /backup, or fix the existing system with a live CD10:55
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ubuntued1t, all VERY important stuff (work related code, documents, etc)10:55
highvolt1geubuntu: just don't be impatient. 90%+ of all data is lost because people try quick fixes.10:55
robotgeek_mitch528, don't put your name in that...all users in that file are disallowed access10:56
uboturumour has it, grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto10:56
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bimberiubuntu: how about backup it up across a network to another machine?10:56
giantis /backup a seperate partition?10:56
candrodor(Psst, I think s/he means "separate")10:56
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DukGalNamucrimsun: i have my own channel, but occasionally my internet goes down and i have to rejoin and i lose my op status, how do i get it back?10:56
GeffDEIs the apple airport express card support in hoary hedgehog?10:56
ubuntuanyway, before slackware I used debian, and had it configured perfectly... I am assuming that ubuntu will let me install without the bullshit? I don't have time to spend the whole neext week getting linux working right10:57
crimsunDukGalNamu: configure chanserv settings for your channel10:57
mitch528ok i did that but it still says this ftp server is anonymous only.10:57
ubuntubimberi, across what network? This is a home PC! :P10:57
mitch528Login Failed.10:57
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robotgeek_GeffDE, i think not10:57
Jonhi all, I have a hoary liveCD and powerCD burnt from the ISOs on the web (powerpc versions). Try as I might, I cannot for the life of me get an ibook g4 to boot from them. I've tried various key combos that I've read about on the web to no avail. any suggestions?10:57
DukGalNamucrimsun: where can i go to learn how to configure the settings?10:57
robotgeek_mitch528, weird10:57
HappyFoolcarine_: how about the same command in the 'root terminal' ?10:57
crimsunDukGalNamu: /msg ChanServ help10:57
bimberiubuntu: k (I came in late on this )10:57
ubuntubimberi, are you suggesting I transfer 40 gigs of data to some remote ftp?10:57
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HappyFoolcarambol: the one where you ran 'mount' earlier10:57
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ubuntuwhen I want to just get my computer working within 4 hours?10:57
DukGalNamucrimsun: and can i register my channel, so that it doesn't close when nobody is there?10:58
Belutzanybody, i use dual boot, how do i set the grub to be booting to windows by default ?10:58
guerrerojon...what tool did you use to burn the cds?10:58
ubuntuHeh... I just want the damn thing to work :)10:58
JonBelutz: put the windows option above the linux ones10:58
JonBelutz: nautilus10:58
HappyFoolcarine_: err, that was for you10:58
NavYBarThow do i fix the nvidia problem with ubuntu?10:58
Jonguerrero: Nautilus10:58
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crimsunDukGalNamu: look at the link I gave you. These questions are better in #freenode.10:58
carambolHappyFool: ???10:58
kdpdoes anyone have experience with modems?10:58
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BelutzJon: thx :)10:58
HappyFoolcarambol: sorry, tab-completion error10:58
DukGalNamucrimsun: ok thanks :)10:58
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Jonguerrero: the thought had crossed my mind that something has prevented the CD's boot magic from working, but it seems unlikely. any idea how I might check though?10:58
JonBelutz: np10:59
mitch528robotgeek, what do i do then?10:59
guerreroJon...I had problems downloading images from the websites...bad checksums...only using bittorrent did I get a good image that installed clean10:59
Will_ If I can use irc in ubuntu, then I can ask questions about it in here!10:59
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Jonguerrero: hmm I'll check the checksums, brb10:59
guerrerojon...do other bootable cds work?10:59
carine_@ happyfool: it says "bash: /media/sdb1/temp: No such file or directory"10:59
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NavYBarTcan anymore help me i got a nvidia card and cant seem to get a better resolution10:59
HappyFoolcarine_: hmm10:59
guerreroi have ubuntu installed on my G3 ibook from the hoary iso..but I burnt in windows with burnatonce10:59
Jonguerrero: I'm not sure. I do  recall booting a different ubuntu live CD in the past, but I don't have any others to hand10:59
HappyFoolcarine_: what does 'mount|grep /dev/sdb1' say ? it sounds like the drive's been disconnected10:59
benkong2hey anybody got cyrus-sasl for ubuntu noe of the mirrors i use have it.11:00
Belutzanybody knows the meaning of "WIT" suffix after the date time? eg: 16 July 2005, 22:22:22 WIT11:00
carine_hmm it can't be disconnected I'm listening to music which is stored in it... but let me try one sec11:00
ray_carine_, BROKEN DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!11:00
benkong2Belutz, hmmm usually that is the time zone like EST CST etc.11:00
NavYBarTcan anymore help me i got a nvidia card and cant seem to get a better resolution ???11:00
Jonguerrero: ok the checksums match for the ISOs, but I'll try summing the devices too11:00
HappyFoolcarine_: oh, hang on11:01
carine_please don't say that! :( :( :(11:01
HappyFoolcarine_: you miseed the 'touch' bit11:01
djpok, quick question. does this make any sense. i needed to mount a floppy disk formatted by my partner on an xp machine. when i tried to mount it under gnome it would not let me. i have altered my /etc/fstab to show auto,vfat instead of just auto. now it mounts. is that the correct alteration to make to my /etc/fstab file ? can somebody who knows let me know?11:01
guerreroJon, good idea...a lot of people have complained of bad checksums on the devices vs isos11:01
HappyFoolcarine_: 'touch /media/sdb1/temp'11:01
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robotgeek_mitch528, one sec...pastebin coming up!11:01
carine_oh! my mistake..let me try again11:01
NavYBarTcan anymore help me i got a nvidia card and cant seem to get a better resolution ??? anyone?11:01
sJaMyes djp it seems that vfat isn't included with auto11:01
JonNavYBarT: what driver are you using11:01
Belutzbenkong2: ok11:01
carine_ok it says "touch: cannot touch `/media/sdb1/temp': Read-only file system"11:01
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Jonguerrero: ok. macos seems happy enough to sum the device, will return when it's done :)11:02
sJaMI have that problem also11:02
d_iGood evening everyone :)11:02
sJaMwhen I use floppies11:02
Belutzwhat's the best cd/dvd burning app for ubuntu?11:02
sJaMonce in a year11:02
benkong2Belutz, go here for the meaning http://www.worldtimezone.com/wtz-names/wtz-wit.html11:02
djpsJaM: thanks. is that the only file system or do i need to add any others?11:02
robotgeek_mitch528, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/62811:02
NavYBarTits a riva128 card and i just now installed ubuntu11:02
sJaMgraveman is nice Belutz11:02
benkong2Belutz, I like kb3 its a KDE app11:02
JonBelutz: I'd use the nautilus built-in burner for most things11:02
sJaMsudo apt-get install graveman11:02
ubuntuhow do i INSTALL FROM THE LIVE CD?11:02
HappyFoolcarine_: hmm. can you quickly run 'mount|grep /dev/sdb1' and tell me what that says?11:02
robotgeek_mitch528, also try a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart11:02
crimsunubuntu: you can't.11:02
HappyFoolubuntu: you can't install from the live cd11:02
carine_@happyfool: the other thing says: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/62911:03
benkong2hey anybody got cyrus-sasl for ubuntu noe of the mirrors i use have it. anybody got some extra repos?11:03
JonNavYBarT: yes, but what driver?11:03
ubuntuso pop the other one ine?11:03
sJaMdjp don't think so11:03
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Belutzbenkong2: is it ok to use KDE app in Gnome?11:03
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JonBelutz: yes11:03
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Jowigoooodevening all11:03
carine_that is from root. or should I do the normal terminal for that one?11:03
benkong2Belutz, Waktu Indonesia Timur is what WIT means I use KDE11:03
HappyFoolcarine_: that's fine11:03
JonBelutz: integration (e.g. drag and drop) might not work properly, but otherwise there's nothing stopping you11:03
BelutzJon: ic11:04
NavYBarTjon i am not sure11:04
djpsJaM: like you say, i wouldn't have ever noticed this, as i don't use flopies much at all anymore! ;)11:04
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HappyFoolcarine_: somehow the drive has become read-only, though mount thinks it's still read-write (that's what the 'rw' after vfat means)11:04
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Belutzbenkong2: hmmm so it's a bug then, i set my time zone into Asia/Jakarta and it says 'WIT' it's suppose to be 'WIB = Waktu Indonesia Barat' (West Indonesian Time)11:04
zerboxxIf I just apt-get'd xfce4, what do I do to use it, and to set is as the default wm?11:04
carine_yes. it is read-write sometimes. and once i touch particular folders it becomes read only11:04
benkong2Belutz, not sure about that one I believe you would need kde11:04
BelutzTimur = East11:05
HappyFoolcarine_: hmm. which folders?11:05
JonNavYBarT: ok. erm, try looking at /etc/X11/xorg.conf - does it say 'nv' or 'nvidia' (ry searching through the file for 'nv')?11:05
guerreroNavYBarT, in the '11:05
robotgeek_mitch528, works??11:05
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guerrerodevice' section11:05
benkong2Belutz, hmmm...check that site maybe you can get the correct zone11:05
carine_I transfered some music folders. I think 3-4 of them cause that. In addition ubuntu created a wastebin on the drive. i can't retrieve or delete anything from it either11:05
Belutzmaybe i should try gnomebaker11:05
ubuntuI just wont forma11:06
ubuntuwish me luck11:06
poningruBelutz: the best is k3b11:06
ubuntuif /backups gets removed11:06
ubuntuI'm a dead man11:06
carine_it's very strange11:06
zerboxxHow do I set up xfce4 as the default wm (and how do I start using it once I d/l it?)11:06
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ubuntumy life as i know it will come to an end11:06
poningruzerboxx: once you set it up11:06
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benkong2Belutz, same site shows that to be a valid time zone11:06
zerboxxponingru: how do I do that?11:06
carine_the files that cause problems refuse to be deleted as well :-/ when i try the drive becomes read only11:06
guerreroubuntu maybe you should backup to cd or dvd first11:06
poningruyou can choose it in the login screen11:06
poningruzerboxx: use synaptic11:06
Jonguerrero: argh looks like a bad checksum - good call11:06
NavYBarTjon it says nv11:07
ubuntuguerrero, 40 gigs?11:07
zerboxxponingru: I used synaptic to d/l it, but now what?11:07
guerreroubuntu, triage :-)11:07
poningruif its installed then you should restart11:07
JonNavYBarT: ok, that's the open source nvidia driver. it only supports 2D and is slower. you can get it to crank out higher resolutions than the default, but you may want to move to the proprietry nvidia driver11:07
trevorhow do you install kde-3.4 on kde, apt-get install kde gives me ALOT of packages, is that what I want or do i need to do something different?11:07
HappyFoolcarine_: my last idea is this: can you paste the output of 'dmesg|tail -30' to the pastebin ?11:07
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JonNavYBarT: I can't help you with that (haven't even installed ubuntu properly yet:-) ) but hopefully that helps11:07
trevorerr, not "on kde" i mean on ubuntu11:07
ubuntuguerrero, the whole point of installing ubuntu is because I couldnt get my cd burner working in slackware, and when I upgraded the kernel to use ATAPI, i rendered my system un-bootable11:07
poningruand when it asks for your username and password there is an option to change the thing11:07
benkong2trevor, that's what you want if you want kde11:07
ubuntuand unuseable11:07
poningruzerboxx: did you get that?11:08
benkong2do you want kbuntu?11:08
Belutzbenkong2: WIT is a valid time zone for Eastern Indonesia, not for western Indonesia, eastern indonesia is GMT+9 while western indonesia is GMT+711:08
trevorbenkong2: ok thanks, is kubuntu the same as ubuntu but with kde instead of gnome?11:08
ubunturm -rf /usr11:08
zerboxxponingru: just restart?11:08
ubunturm -rf /opt11:08
ubunturm -rf /home11:08
Jonubuntu, use a liveCD then do the backup11:08
ubunturm -rf /var11:08
benkong2trevor, yes11:08
trevorok. thanks.11:08
ubuntuJon, can I burn from the live cd?11:08
mitch528robotgeek i am still working on it11:08
poningruzerboxx: do you know the screen when it asks for your username and password?11:08
guerreroubuntu, I dont recall exactly, but I think you have the option of leavign the target filesystem intact...but just in case..maybe you can resize your partitions and install on a separate parttion first11:08
Jonubuntu: I expect so yes11:08
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zerboxxponingru: yeah11:08
mitch528robotgeek i am still working on it11:08
Jonubuntu: oh wait hmm, there might be a issue of drive logicistics; )11:08
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ubuntuJon, you think?11:09
pgidzubuntu have you got /home as a seperate partition11:09
candrodor(Psst, I think s/he means "separate")11:09
poningruin that screen there is a button that when pressed allows you to change your wm11:09
Jonubuntu: not guaranteed though. a chroot on a ramdisk ro something... still not straightforward11:09
ubuntupgavin, no11:09
guerreroyury...the OCF...wow that's still around .11:09
ubuntubut boot is11:09
Jonubuntu: whatever you end up doing, I'd suggest revising your backup strategy afterwards11:09
ubuntubut /boot is small11:09
Belutzbenkong2: should i report it as a bug to ubuntu ?11:09
benkong2Belutz, WIB shows being for site shows Waktu Indonesia Barat Western Indonesia Standard Time UTC =0711:09
HappyFoolcarine_: hmm. that last line might be the problem11:10
HappyFoolcarine_: it looks like the vfat filesystem is poked11:10
Belutzbenkong2: that's true, Jakarta is Wester Indonesia, i set my time zone into Asia/Jakarta and i get 'WIT' as the suffix11:10
HappyFoolcarine_: that is, broken11:10
carine_oh! is it fixeable?11:11
NavYBarTanyone else here know how to get a better resolution in ubuntu with a nvidia card?11:11
HappyFoolcarine_: i suggest copying all your data off the drive, reformatting it and copying the data back11:11
HappyFoolcarine_: how big is the drive?11:11
benkong2Belutz,  Set time zone to Waktu Indonesia11:11
carine_oh wow. it's 100GB and I'm already using half of it11:11
bendebiani cannot install dvdrip, because transcode isn't installable because it depends on libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) but in hoary is only "2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13"11:11
benkong2Belutz, did you go to the site link I gave you?11:11
HappyFoolcarine_: erk11:11
ubuntubah! I'm a moron11:12
carine_wow I can't remove everything ... there's no other way?11:12
NavYBarTanyone else here know how to get a better resolution in ubuntu with a nvidia card??? someone please11:12
ubuntuI have an empty ntfs partition... I'll just slice somethin out of it11:12
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Belutzbenkong2: yes11:12
HappyFoolcarine_: maybe you can try using a file-system checker11:12
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guerreroNavYBarT, check your xorg.conf ..the device section11:12
thisisalex02sup everyone11:12
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thisisalex02how can i check which program is using my bandwidth11:13
guerreroNavYBarT, you are probably running a vesa driver or sumsuch11:13
ubotusources is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories, or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3811:13
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zenlunatichow can i time 5 minutes then have a audio bell go off after 5 minutes in hoary?11:13
NavYBarTguerrero,  what do i do in there?11:13
carine_hmm how do i do that? is there a special program to download for that?11:13
Belutzbenkong2: i already set my time zone into Asia/Jakarta, Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia, which is located in western indonesia11:13
Will_How can I use linux to make me a cup of tea?11:13
HappyFoolcarine_: no, there's a checker in ubuntu already11:13
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thisisalex02cause after i close wahtever program is downloading or whatever my network icon is still transmistting and receiving and i dont know which programs is using it11:14
HappyFoolcarine_: i think you first need to unmount the drive though -- so stop listening to music, close all folders using the drive11:14
bimberiWill_: lol - install teatime :)11:14
pgidzwill_ apt-get wife11:14
robotgeek_Will_, apt-get install cups11:14
ubuntuhow can I format a partition?11:14
Xyc0zenlunatic: Look in snayptic for an alarm clock program11:14
ubotuI guess sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto11:14
guerreroNavYBarT, do you know how to edit files in unix?  use your favorite editor and open /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:14
Will_robotgeek_ wins the prize11:14
ubuntuafter fdisking it11:14
HappyFoolubuntu: using mkfs11:14
bimberiubuntu: mkfs11:14
Will_robotgeek_: WARNING, Prize may or may not be broken glass11:14
carine_ok done11:14
guerreroNavYBarT, go to the 'device' section and tell me what driver you see there11:14
HappyFoolcarine_: and then, in the root terminal, type 'umount /dev/sdb1' -- there should be no messages11:15
=== robotgeek_ accepts! yay!!
guerreroNavYBarT, for example...mine: Section "Device"  Driver "mga"11:15
guerreroNavYBarT, wuts yer driver?11:15
NavYBarTits NV11:15
zenlunaticXyc0, hm it has tons of old deps like gtk111:15
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carine_ok. i had already unmounted it via desktop11:16
guerreroNavYBarT, now down in the screen section, what resolution modes are available?11:16
HappyFoolcarine_: ok, great11:16
NavYBarT"1336x1336" "1336x1068" "1027x0" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" "272x272" "248x248" "248x198"11:17
zenlunaticXyc0, i wonder if there is a shell script for this or a console program11:17
HappyFoolcarine_: the program to check the filesystem is called dosfsck -- however, i don't know what the risks of running it are (probably not too great)11:17
Belutzbenkong2: as you can see in that website, WIB is UTC +7 and WIT is UTC +911:17
HappyFoolcarine_: if you like, you can run it in 'test' mode -- in that mode, it will only tell you what it would have done, but won't do it11:17
guerreroNavYBarT, and when you try to change the resolution by "System->Preferences->Screen REsolution" what options do you have?11:18
Xyc0zenlunatic: kalarm, timer-applet11:18
HappyFoolcarine_: given the size of the drive, this could take some time11:18
ubuntuwow... is it me, or did the new Stargate SG1 episode suck?11:18
NavYBarT 640 x 48011:18
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guerreroNavYBarT, that's it? no other in the pull down?11:18
HappyFoolcarine_: if you're feeling lucky, you can just run the program normally11:18
NavYBarTjust that11:18
benkong2Belutz, do an ls -al /usr/share/zoneinfo and look for WIB or you city there then do a link to the correct zone11:18
JowiNavYBarT, your monitor setting is off. wrong horiz and vertical setting.11:19
=== jimmychi3 [~jimmychi@69-162-9-74.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
NavYBarThow do i fix this11:19
JowiNavYBarT, if you select your correct settings for the monitor the resolutions will be available11:19
guerreroNavYBarT, did you edit the xorg.conf by hand?11:19
carine_hmm I can't find the program. it's not in system tools or system11:19
Servo888I need some help with setting up my ltmodem. So I apt-got the restricted package - and modprobed the module. Yet I'm not sure which device node the modem is on. None of the logs report that a device was assigned to any node.11:19
HappyFoolcarine_: dosfsck ?11:19
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NavYBarTi havent touched the xorg.conf file just opened it didnt make any changes11:20
carine_yes. I can't see it11:20
HappyFoolcarine_: oh, no, this is from the command line11:20
HappyFoolcarine_: it's not available from the menus11:20
HappyFoolcarine_: but, tell me if you want to run it in test mode first ;)11:20
NavYBarTi was readin on google that there is diff drivers for nvidia cards  but  i cant seem to get them to work11:20
carine_oh ok. I dont know much about the command line. yes I'd like to test mode, it's safer11:20
guerreroNavYBarT, so first thing...back it up...cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak11:20
guerreroNavYBarT, so you changed the driver entry in the xorg.conf and this happened?  or the install was hosed from the get go?11:21
Xyc0zenlunatic: gdesklets has alot of little applets too11:21
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benkong2ubotu, thanks for the link just what I needed I thing :/11:21
NavYBarThosed from the get go11:21
ubotubenkong2: de nada11:21
HappyFoolcarine_: ok. in the root terminal, run 'dosfsck -nv /dev/sdb1' -- should be a fair bit of output. If you like you can paste it to the pastebin11:21
zenlunaticXyc0, my friend is writing me a shell script since i don't know how. thanks.11:21
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NavYBarTok i copied it11:22
carine_ok here it is:11:22
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Xyc0zenlunatic: sudo apt-get install timer-applet11:23
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HappyFoolcarine_: is the drive still plugged in?11:23
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Belutzbenkong2: how do i link it?11:23
carine_oh I didn't mention that sometimes ubuntu calls the Hard drive usbdisk and sometimes sdb1. it depends on its mood11:23
carine_let me try again11:23
Xyc0zenlunatic: then add to one off the panels on your desktop11:23
guerreroNavYBarT, can you paste the xorg.conf and send a link?11:23
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HappyFoolcarine_: no, the device name should be constant (i.e., /dev/sdb1)11:23
NavYBarTdo what11:23
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benkong2Belutz, ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/<yourtimezone> /etc/localtime I believe11:23
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LiteWhere can I get the kernel sources for hoary (2.6.10-5-386)? I don't see them in Synapic's repositories and I need them to install the latest nvidia drivers.11:24
carine_oh this one changes names. maybe it's because i alternate between ubuntu and kubuntu?11:24
guerreroNavYBarT, go to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ and paste the contents of your xorg.conf file11:24
carine_I started alternating long after the problems started though11:24
HappyFoolcarine_: hang, let me unmount my usb drive -- maybe it gets powered down11:24
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guerreroso I can see it11:24
HappyFooloh, i did that11:24
HappyFoolcarine_: the drive is plugged in still, right?11:24
Xyc0I used to use KDE untill Gnome 2.10 got alot of the features KDE was popular for11:25
carine_i had unplugged it. just one min11:25
sagittahi, I just created an account on the wiki, but I can't log in11:25
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carine_ok it says the same thing11:25
bimberiLite: The package is "linux-source-2.6.10"11:25
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Belutzbenkong2: i still have 'WIT' as a suffix, i link the localtime into /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Jakarta11:26
HappyFoolcarine_: you plugged it back in?11:26
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benkong2Belutz, I'm lost sorry I tried :-{11:27
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Litebimberi: Thanks.11:27
HappyFoolcarine_: did it not get automatically remounted?11:27
=== benkong2 gotta go BRB reboot
carine_it did11:27
bimberiLite: yw :)11:27
carine_I unmounted it, without switching it off and tried11:27
zenlunaticXyc0, cool timer-applet is nice11:28
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carine_it says the same thing. tried again when mounted and still the same11:28
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mjkelly93HappyFool, ya think i can get this fglrx nonsense working if i recompile a kernel following this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelHowto11:29
carine_hard drive is usbdisk instead of sdb1 now :-/ maybe I need to switch to kde to have sb1 again11:29
HappyFoolcarine_: no, hang on11:30
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carine_okay :)11:30
HappyFoolcarine_: can you plug the drive out and in, type 'mount |grep /dev/sd' and tell me what the output is?11:30
ttyS0Hello people. Can anyone tell me that if possible to teach wvdial use cbcp. I've already installed pppd 2.4.3 with CBCP support. Thanks.11:30
HappyFoolcarine_: if it's one line you can paste it here11:30
HappyFoolmjkelly93: i don't know, sorry11:31
mjkelly93HappyFool, ok ill give it a shot i have nuttin to lose11:31
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HappyFoolmjkelly93: do you have a reason to think it will help?11:31
knowledge_http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/635 <---anyone wanna help me with this one?11:31
carine_it says: /dev/sda1 on /media/usbdisk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)11:32
HappyFoolcarine_: ok11:32
mjkelly93HappyFool, no   none at all11:32
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HappyFoolmjkelly93: you can try, but i wouldn't be too optimistic11:33
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HappyFoolcarine_: it's become /dev/sda -- this is maybe the difference between gnome/kde11:33
HappyFoolcarine_: anyway, unmount it *without* unplugging it, and try 'dosfsck -nv /dev/sda'11:33
ubotusomebody said java was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java11:33
mjkelly93HappyFool, ok11:34
HappyFoolcarine_: ah, crap11:34
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HappyFoolcarine_: sorry,  'dosfsck -nv /dev/sda1'11:34
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carine_okay: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/63811:34
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carine_alright let me try the other one11:34
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jasoncoheni added two NFS shares to /etc/fstab. when i do a mount -a it sits there for quite a while before mounting but it doesn't give any error. it does the same thing at boot11:35
Velcani can't figure out what i'm doing wrong to get this boxes hostname to broadcast over our lan. can anyone help me?11:35
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highvolt1gehostname broadcast?11:35
Velcanwell ... resolve11:36
carine_Here: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/64011:36
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Velcani can connect via the lan by ip but not hostname11:36
dapimp53hey I have been refering to some howtos and forums and they say to download the package from universe. What is universe and where can I find it?11:36
highvolt1geVelcan: you need dns or entries in your hosts file.11:36
carine_oh it's not finished yet ... wait11:36
knowledge_Can anyone help with that? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/63511:36
crimsun!tell dapimp53 about components11:36
Tomasuwoo. burnt my kubuntu cd.. back in a "flash"11:37
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HappyFoolcarine_: given the size of your drive, it might take a while11:37
damonwdapimp53, hold on... ill answer you11:37
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mindspinany windows/samba experts here?11:37
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carine_okay it's finished : http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/64111:37
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Velcanhighvolt1ge:  do i just plain add them or do i have to prefix them with anything?11:38
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damonwdapimp53, try this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto11:38
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HappyFoolcarine_: ok, it looks like dosfsck wants to change some free-cluster-count11:38
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HappyFoolcarine_: also, that trash directory looks broken11:39
marcus__I'm trying to add russian support to my desktop, but when I start it it says i need a UTF-8 or something? Can anybody help with where I can find this?11:39
carine_it also showed the original folder that cause problems11:39
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HappyFoolcarine_: the Youssou Ndour?11:39
ChurcH_of_FoamYis it hard to compile java?11:39
carine_yes. the trouble started when I transfered that folder11:39
Will_In soviet russia, the UTF-8 supports YOU11:40
carine_im not sure why11:40
Will_Thank you folks, I'm here all night11:40
HappyFoolcarine_: anyway, i'd let dosfsck do it's thing -- i don't think anything will go wrong (but i'm not guaranteeing anything ;)11:40
HappyFoolcarine_: maybe it's possible to switch off the 'trash' folder11:40
marcus__Will: You are funny.11:40
carine_gotta take risks in life isn't it? :)11:40
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carine_if it's possible to delete the trash it owuld be even better11:41
carine_gnome created it11:41
HappyFoolcarine_: anyway, you can run dosfsck with 'dosfsck -av /dev/sda1'  -- that should fix the drive11:41
marcus__I think I might be in the wrong channel?11:41
dapimp53so its just adding the extra one from the synaptic package manager11:42
ChurcH_of_FoamYum ok the link to get java that ubotu spit out is like old is there something newer?11:42
carine_ok, doing it *crossing fingers*11:42
dapimp53Is it just the one that Says Ubuntu 5.0.4 Security Updates. Community Maintained (Universe)11:42
HappyFoolChurcH_of_FoamY: it should still apply -- method 2, especially11:43
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eruinany fully updated breezy users with non-english keyboards here?11:43
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ChurcH_of_FoamYHappyFool um i'm using hoary not warty and even more troubling i'm confused >.<11:44
ChurcH_of_FoamYi did manage to get the build essential part right11:44
carine_ok it's finished. should i restart it?11:44
HappyFoolcarine_: try unplugging and replugging the drive11:44
eruinChurcH_of_FoamY, what are you trying to do?11:45
HappyFoolcarine_: i can't find a way to stop gnome creating a .trash directory11:45
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carine_hmm :-/ I'm starting to use kde more often now, I think kde doesn't do that (although I can't be sure)11:46
HappyFoolChurcH_of_FoamY: you see the shell commands at the bottom?11:46
carine_So i can modify that youssou ndour folder now?11:46
HappyFoolcarine_: ok. i don't know how the disk came to have these errors -- it may not be gnome/kde that created them11:46
HappyFoolcarine_: try it and see11:46
ChurcH_of_FoamYHappyFool yes11:47
HappyFoolChurcH_of_FoamY: i didn't run the last three commands there, and my java works11:47
robotgee2Will_: havent read /. today11:47
LasseLok, this is incredible cool. I just got azureus to run on my file server, but show up on my machine via X forwarding11:47
HappyFoolChurcH_of_FoamY: i just did the 'make-jpkg' and 'dpkg -i' steps11:47
ChurcH_of_FoamYoh ok11:47
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highvolt1geVelcan: in your /etc/hosts file, you can add hosts like the examples11:49
ttyS0Let's repeat :) Can anyone tell me that if possible to teach wvdial use cbcp. I've already installed pppd 2.4.3 with CBCP support. Thanks.11:49
highvolt1gefor example: gateway gateway.company.com11:49
carine_okay it's working :)11:49
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carine_thank you soo soo much! :)11:49
highvolt1ge192.168.0.2 test testmachine11:50
Velcanhighvolt1ge:  I have ' localhost.localdomain localhost atlantis' in there now11:50
Velcanis taht what you are talking about?11:50
HappyFoolcarine_: cool11:50
highvolt1gethe first word after the ip address is what you want to call it, the others are aliases.11:50
highvolt1geVelcan: yes.11:50
jasoncohenthat's weird. if you try to mount a nfs partition without nfs-common on boot, it'll just sit there at "mounting remote filesystems" and then either fail or mount it after a long wait11:50
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HappyFoolcarine_: maybe you can ask here again about the Trash directory thing -- i don't know how to stop that happening11:50
jasoncohenonce you install nfs-common it works fine. how would it mount it at all without nfs-common?11:50
carine_yep I will ask again11:51
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LasseLcan I start a program on anther server with X forwarding, the "disconnect" from it, and reconnect later as if nothing happened?11:51
LasseLa gui program that is11:51
HappyFoolLasseL: i think you might be able to using vnc11:51
HappyFoolLasseL: for non-gui programs you can use screen11:51
LasseLI'd like to do it with x-forwarding11:52
chrissturmyou can use a nested x server11:52
Velcanhighvoltage:  that's how it has been since i started this. yet when i 'ping atlantis' froma remote machine it jsut times out.11:52
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LasseLchrissturm, a nested x server?11:53
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highvoltageVelcan: you need to put those entries in the /etc/hosts of the remote machine too.11:53
termitorhello , backport for hoary is down ?11:53
Velcanhighvoltage:  but i can 'ping'11:53
=== LasseL googles
highvoltageso in the remote machine, you need to add a line that says ' machinename'11:53
highvoltageor setup a nameserver.11:54
carine_@ happyfool: actually the waste basket is working now11:54
Velcanahh ... but should they replicate themselves if they are on the same local network?11:54
Velcanautomatically i mean11:54
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highvoltageVelcan: no, they don't :(11:54
highvoltagehence the need for a nameserver.11:54
HappyFoolcarine_: cool. hope it stays that way11:54
carine_thank you so so much for your help. I really appreciate it :)11:54
termitorhttp://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ and  http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ is down11:54
highvoltageare you talking about samba? because then you might just have to start nmbd11:55
HappyFoolcarine_: np ;)11:55
lindseyCan someone help with desktop localizing? I need to find ru-ua.utf-811:55
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amortal_mistakelinsey : dpkg-reconfigure locale11:56
amortal_mistakelindsey: then select from list and hit enter11:56
lindseyAmortal: is that permanent?11:57
amortal_mistakelindsey: ? i'm not sure i follow11:57
zenlunatici use epiphany browser and in the right click menu there is a "save link as" and a "download link" whats the difference between the two choices?11:57
lindseyamortal: I'm trying to localize my desktop, so I can switch between english and russian. Will that do it?11:57
amortal_mistakezenlunatic: download link is associated to a "common place" usually; save as lets you pick11:58
amortal_mistakelindsey: yes, i believe so11:58
amortal_mistakelindsey: what window manager?11:58
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lindseyamortal. Gnome11:58
amortal_mistake*ponder* lindsey: i think after you compile it; restart gdm; you can then select from preferences11:59
lindseyamortal: I'll give it a try. Thanks.12:00

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