
seth_knot quite as easy12:04
seth_ksudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx12:04
seth_kecho fglrx | sudo tee -a /etc/modules 12:04
=== jurujen needs some help getting the correct kdevelop installed
seth_ksudo sed -i -e 's/"ati"/"fglrx"/' /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:04
seth_kand restart.12:04
seth_kjurujen: what's up?12:04
gdh_ooh that's a handy sed recipe12:05
gdh_will save that12:05
jurujenwell... aside from the fact that its not listed in any of kynaptics repositories12:05
jurujenive tried the dep packages i found on google, but they seem to be a version ahead of this distro12:05
jurujenim running 5.0412:05
=== theplateau [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
seth_kthe kdevelop package is called "kdevelop3" and can be found in universe12:06
seth_k!info kdevelop312:06
ubotukdevelop3: (An IDE for Unix/X11 - development version), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 4:3.2.0-0ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 3296 kB, Installed size: 10396 kB12:06
jurujenok, noob question then... whats universe ?12:07
seth_kopen a terminal12:07
seth_kand type "kdesu kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list"12:07
seth_k?? sources.list12:07
kinfo[sources.list]  example /etc/apt/sources.list with all official repositories plus KDE 3.4.1 and Koffice 1.4 from kubuntu.org can be found at: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/30380212:07
seth_kthen delete everything in there12:07
seth_kand replace it with kinfo's version12:07
=== _hippie [~hippie@pc-200-74-33-24.trinidad1.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #kubuntu
seth_kthen save and exit, and click Reload in Kynaptic12:08
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seth_k(the recycle arrows)12:08
seth_kyou will then be able to find kdevelop12:08
jurujenkinfo being !info ?12:08
seth_kno, see about 10 lines up12:08
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seth_kthe kubuntu.pastebin.com link12:08
seth_khi ashaak 12:08
ashaaki have a question12:09
ashaaki tried to install ubuntu 12:09
frankis there a use for the deb-src repositories?12:09
ashaaki had some problems12:09
seth_kfrank: you use those to download sources, so you can compile yourself12:10
seth_kashaak: what problems? and Kubuntu, or Ubuntu?12:10
frankseth_k: yeah but was is the advantage? optimization?12:10
ashaakwhy menu-xdg isnt in default installation?12:10
seth_kfrank: no, usually so you can compile different features into them, or compile for a different arch12:10
seth_kfor example, I use the deb-src repos to grab breezy sources, which I then backport to Hoary12:11
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seth_kashaak: if it's Ubuntu you tried to install, /join #ubuntu12:11
frankseth_k: ok. 12:11
seth_kjurujen: did you get it okay?12:11
seth_kno problems12:11
seth_kthey'll just be better able to help you12:11
ashaaki have also a kubuntu 8-(12:12
ashaaki have an other problem in kubuntu12:12
jurujenseems a bit of a weak link in the chain yea... shame theres no RSS feed or something which has the latest sources and a simple client in kubuntu that can find it.12:12
ashaaki want to use mplayer as default player12:13
frankashaak: you can try kplayer which is a frontend to mplayer12:13
jurujenseth_k: yea, thanks... my kynaptic is looking much healthier now12:13
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ashaakkmplayer isnt in the repo12:14
frankashaak: its kplayer I whink12:14
ashaakapt-cache search kplay12:15
ashaakI have universe multiverse restricted12:15
seth_kjurujen: they are all in your sources.list already actually, just commented out12:15
seth_kjurujen: you see, the "universe" repository is not officially supported. That's why it's not enabled by default12:16
jurujenseth_k:  bitchin...12:16
jurujenseth_k: i was having a bad linux week there, after giving up on suse 9.3 becuase the fonts were screwed i was pleased to see kubuntu was much quicker, but devistated that i couldn't find the apps i needed.12:17
frankashaak: yeah I got kplayer from debian unstable12:17
seth_kyeah, there needs to be a better way to see that there is a possibility to have more apps12:17
ashaaki have problem to install debian pgk12:18
ashaakdeps problem12:18
gdh_this is kubuntu's first release - Kynaptic was thrown together at the last minute - it will be replaced by something better in br Breezy 12:18
gdh_s/br //12:18
jurujenseth_k: anyway, its all good now. kynaptic/synaptic shits on any other package system that ive seen... 12:19
seth_kjurujen: the apt management system pwns all12:19
seth_kYum, YaST, everything12:20
seth_ki used SuSE for a year12:20
seth_kthings got super broken12:20
jurujenseth_k: that's what sits under knaptic yea ?  ... i like anything that just works(tm)12:20
seth_kjurujen: yes, synaptic, kynaptic, aptitude are all based on APT12:20
ashaaki have an other problem 8)12:21
ashaakhow can i import bakports repo gpg key 12:21
=== jurujen wonders if anyone else has had trouble getting kopete to loging to hotmail recently ?
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seth_kjurujen: indeed, I can't even use it anymore12:25
seth_ki use gaim12:25
jurujenseth_k: so have they changed the protocol ?  ..or is kopte out of date (same thing really)12:26
seth_kjurujen: correct on both counts12:26
=== wincide [~tricoma@237.Red-83-34-41.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
testmadhow do i resttart x again?12:33
seth_kctrl alt backspace hard-kills it12:33
testmadfrom console?12:34
testmadi just edited some files from console..need to restart x for it to werk12:34
=== wincide is away: Away at the moment
testmadill just do it this way12:37
=== MacManX [~macmanx@lsanca1-ar44-4-62-146-030.lsanca1.elnk.dsl.genuity.net] has joined #kubuntu
MacManXIf anyone has a few extra seconds, I need help with my LiveCD of Kubuntu (PPC).12:39
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MacManXBasically, all of my enabled network interfaces remain enabled for five seconds, then disable themselves.12:41
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=== testmad [~testmad@pool-151-205-12-149.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
testmadyea..i got X12:42
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testmadseth_k: i got X12:43
=== BROKEN_LADDER [~pral@adsl-69-226-227-118.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #KUBUNTU
testmadnow to tweak this thing12:44
MacManXAnybody for a little network troubleshooting (hoping to catch the attention of at least on of the 85 here)?12:45
BROKEN_LADDERi just converted to kde after years of gnome, just a few minutes ago.12:45
BROKEN_LADDERnow how can i remove the freakin bottom panel?12:45
BROKEN_LADDERi can make it smaller, change its position, etc.  but i can't figure out how to just delete it.12:46
BROKEN_LADDERin gnome this would be easy..c'mon dudes. help a convert out.12:46
MacManXBroken_Ladder, you can click the small arrow on the far right of the bar to hide it.12:48
BROKEN_LADDERi don't want to hide it.12:48
BROKEN_LADDERi want it GONE12:48
seth_kyou want kicker gone?12:48
seth_koy, hi MacManX 12:48
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BROKEN_LADDERi want the second panel gone..the one that is at the bottom by default.12:48
MacManXYeah, and I want someone to help me with my network problem, but we can't all get what we want, can we?12:49
BROKEN_LADDERi just want one panel, at the top, with everything i need.12:49
jurujenlooks like theres a workaround for kopete, and a patch also.. surprised is hasnt made it onto apt yet12:49
BROKEN_LADDERi love the customizability of kde, but this is frustrating.12:49
MacManXHey, Seth12:49
jurujenworkaround is here http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Kopete+Jabber+Transport12:49
MacManXI'm having trouble enabling my netwrok devices.12:49
seth_kBROKEN_LADDER: you can remove any panels by right-clicking > remove from panel > remove panel...12:49
BROKEN_LADDERthe main reason i switched to kde is that application menus can be set to be at the top, on the top panel.12:49
BROKEN_LADDERthere is no such option.12:50
seth_kMacManX: what kind of device? ethernet or wireless12:50
seth_khow do you have two panels anyways broken_ladder, KDE only comes with one by default12:51
MacManXEthernet.  I had no trouble doing it under GNOME (Ubuntu), but under KDE (Kubuntu), the device enables for 5 seconds, then disables itself.12:51
BROKEN_LADDERthere's one at the bottom, and one at the top.12:51
BROKEN_LADDERthe one at the bottom has a kde "start" menu in it.  the one at the top has the menus.12:51
seth_koh, so you've customized it12:51
BROKEN_LADDERi don't want the one at the bottom.  it occupies space and is annoying.12:51
seth_kMacManX: what does "sudo ifup eth0" say12:51
BROKEN_LADDERbut if i minimize it, there's a little arrow that remains.12:51
testmadis 3745 fps good in glxgears?12:52
seth_kBROKEN_LADDER: i really don't think you can remove kicker12:52
seth_kthat's okay, testmad 12:52
seth_knot super, but okay12:52
seth_kmuch more normal12:53
BROKEN_LADDERi just killed it.12:53
BROKEN_LADDERwith xkill12:53
seth_kthat, you can do12:53
seth_kbut it'll come back12:53
BROKEN_LADDERhmm..i guess i can add a startup line killall kicker12:53
seth_k*maybe* try sudo aptitude remove kicker12:53
seth_kb/c it is its own package12:54
testmadsince i got an amd 3800+ should i use a different kernel?12:54
seth_ki dunno if it'll let you remove it though12:54
BROKEN_LADDERsurely there should be some line somewhere that is executing it to begin with.12:54
BROKEN_LADDERthat i could remove in theory.12:54
BROKEN_LADDERwhy make it so damned difficult for a user to remove a panel?12:54
MacManX"too few parameters for iface line ifup: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces"12:54
BROKEN_LADDERaside from the ugly "decor" of kde, this is my only complaint so far.12:54
seth_kthere's the problem12:54
seth_klet's peek at /etc/network/interfaces12:54
MacManXBroken_Ladder, you could cut a small strip of light blue paper and tape it across the bottom of the screen.  ^_-12:55
MacManXYes, let's peek12:55
seth_kcat /etc/network/interfaces and paste it at http://kubuntu.pastebin.com12:55
BROKEN_LADDERand waste screen space12:55
MacManXHm, that's going to be difficult12:55
MacManXI'm using IRC off of my main Mac because I can't connect to anything on the KDE mac. ^_-12:55
gdh_digicam? :)12:56
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MacManXTHis is the LiveCD, do you think restarting would improve anything?12:57
seth_kohhhhhhh, it's the live cd!12:57
seth_kwell you can't test anything properly on the live cd. It'll work better on the real thing12:57
paxwhat's a widely used KDE ftp client, other than kbear (crash like a mofo)12:57
MacManXI hope so12:57
seth_kespecially if you know Ubuntu already worked with it. They use the same packages12:57
seth_kpax, I just use the built in kioslave12:57
BROKEN_LADDERoh, bad things happen if you kill kicker12:57
gdh_pax: That's prety much the only one. KBear is just a fluffy manager for the ftp:// kioslave...12:58
paxthx guys.12:58
MacManXAllrighty then, I'll take your word for it ^_- .  Thanks, Seth!  I'll be installing tonight.12:58
=== markus [~markus@ACB0DA21.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== pax dont think he will ever fid konqi as ftp client :)
=== dargo is now known as dargoPETA
testmadseth_k:  since i got a amd 3800+ should i use a diffferent kernel?01:02
P3L|C4N0AMD 32bits = K701:03
testmadactually im K801:04
fromozexp = k701:04
testmad64 bit01:04
paxathlon is k701:04
testmadbut im not using 64bit ubuntu01:04
fromozeathlon64 = k801:04
testmadso how do i go about installing the k7 kernel?01:04
fromozewhy are you interested in it?01:04
paxjust apt-get into it (:01:04
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paxlinux-image- linux-image-k7 linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-k7 and plain k701:06
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testmadso which one?01:08
=== debian [~debian@4.Red-80-59-18.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
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paxall of'em01:08
=== _debian [~debian@4.Red-80-59-18.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
paxwheter you chose one or all is the same apt-get will get you whatcha need anyway01:08
paxsudo apt-get install linux-image-k7 --dry-run <-- will show you what will happen without installing anything01:09
testmadwhats the smp?01:10
paxThe Simple Network Management Protocol ?01:11
testmadmultiple processors01:11
gdh_symmetric multi-processing, yes.01:12
testmadok..so when i install the new kernel..will it remove the old one?01:13
testmadie. any possibility of conflict?01:13
testmadand should i pull from restricted, base or universe?01:15
testmadi just spennt hours getting kubuntu up..and i dont want to mess it up yet01:15
=== ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
paxnop it will not remove or hurt anything01:16
testmadhi ray_ 01:16
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paxjust an extra entry in grub01:16
ray_testmad: everything work out?01:16
paxthing is, I dont think k7 will do you any good01:16
testmadyea..in X now01:16
testmadgot ubuntu drivers in01:16
ray_testmad: nice01:16
paxyour cpu is fast enough (:01:16
testmad7350 fps in glxgears01:16
paxhmm and?01:17
testmadis that normal?01:17
paxmaximise the sucker and see what fps you will get :)01:17
ray_testmad: yes01:17
paxthat's great but what for?01:17
testmadim gaming on this thing too01:17
ray_testmad: what game?01:17
paxtestmad: ah ok.01:18
paxyou get what 600 when maximized?01:19
testmadhold on01:19
testmadlemme try01:19
ray_i get like  01:19
paxgood enough, using nvidia?01:20
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testmadif i turn off dri will it help?01:20
paxno clue, wont hurt if you try/01:21
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gdh_130 frames in 7.0 seconds = 18.571 FPS01:21
gdh_sm0kin' :)01:21
pax#dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg <- to tweak some more01:21
testmadsudo right?01:22
testmadlemme update the kernel first01:22
pax# <- tells you gotta be root01:22
testmadso still on the kernel..base, universe, or restricted?01:23
testmadand what is the diff?01:23
paxInst linux-image-2.6.10-5-k7 (2.6.10-34.3 Ubuntu:5.04/hoary-security)01:23
paxInst linux-image-k7 (2.6.10-7 Ubuntu:5.04/hoary)01:23
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=== _luis_ is now known as _luis
paxyou still convinced you gonna gain something from k7 eh :)01:25
=== ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
testmadso is newhampshire nice?01:27
ray_how did u know i was in new hampshire?01:29
BROKEN_LADDERis there any way to avoid ever seeing the hand instead of my normal mouse arrow?  i just want an arrow, not a hand.01:29
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=== testmad [~testmad@pool-151-205-12-149.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
testmady did i come up in console01:33
testmadnot x?01:33
testmadi just installed k7 kernel01:33
paxBROKEN_LADDER: get some nice mouse themes from kde-look.org maybe?01:34
paxtestmad: what level are you running?01:34
testmadand wheen i booted..it gave some errors..then rebooted on its own..and came up no err0ors but i was in console01:34
ray_why did u install a new kernel/01:34
testmadoptimised for my cpu01:35
ray_what is ur cpu?01:35
testmadamd 3800+01:35
testmadbut this is not cool01:35
BROKEN_LADDERmouse themes?  woah01:35
ray_and x did not start...... i have no idea how to fix that01:35
BROKEN_LADDERhow can i make it so that all new applications will be maximized with no border?01:36
testmadlet me try reboot again01:36
ray_BROKEN_LADDER: did you look in the control center?01:36
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BROKEN_LADDERUH..control center?01:38
=== testmad [~testmad@pool-151-205-12-149.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
testmadstraight to console again01:38
BROKEN_LADDERoh i see it01:38
paxBROKEN_LADDER: check special window seettings. right click on any window and make remember the size and position for no border you will have to set your window decoration settings01:38
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paxtestmad: #/sbin/runlevel01:39
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ray_BROKEN_LADDER: yup01:40
testmadN 201:40
ray_BROKEN_LADDER: its in the menu01:40
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paxtestmad: what happenss when you startx?01:41
testmadwhat is command?01:41
paxcommand for what?01:41
testmadstarting x01:41
paxarent we all01:41
McScruffdoes anyone kubuntu on a G3 ibook?01:42
Riddellwin 1501:42
paxwish I had one :)01:43
testmadits failing on the nvidia drivers01:43
testmadare there k7 nvidia drivers?01:43
testmadowell..ill reboot and figure it out01:43
paxtestmad: did you mess around with xorg.conf?01:43
paxlove it when they do that01:43
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=== testmad [~testmad@pool-151-205-12-149.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
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testmadgonna go eat real quick..then i got another problem for you geniuses..01:49
ray_oh boy lol01:50
_userquick question: why can't i write on the fat32 partition?01:53
seth_khow did you mount it?01:57
_user"/dev/hdb5       /mnt/share      vfat    defaults        0       0"01:57
testmadok..heree it is..02:00
testmadi have sli setup.02:00
testmad2 660gt's02:00
testmadwhen i boot...card1 werks..then when it gets to X..its just a black screen..and card 2 werks..02:01
ray_u want to hook up 2 monitors02:01
testmadand when i boot from card 2...i get black..until x comes up02:02
testmadso how do i fix?02:02
ray_dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:02
testmadnv or nvidia driver?02:03
testmadnvidia right?02:03
testmadenable fram buffer?02:06
ray_whats the default02:06
testmadthere isnt.02:06
testmadsays you can use either02:06
ray_i think you should enable it02:07
ray_but not sure02:08
=== grimse [~malte@p5481FCEF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
testmadso after you select 24bit color its done?02:10
ray_i guess i thought it would give you the option to pick between the two cards02:11
ray_u might have to swith you bios settings02:11
testmadit said if i have another card..i have to add it manually 02:11
testmadso what file do i edit?02:12
ray_i dont know02:12
ray_im still kinda new myself02:12
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=== Tomasu [~moose@S010600045a4c73cc.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
TomasuI "just" installed kubuntu... and apt-get is already confused :( it need kdelibs-data, but knetworkconf already provides /usr/share/icons/default.kde, so it fails, and won't install anything.. even with a apt-get -f install02:25
testmadhow do you get kate to open files as root?02:31
gdh_sudo kate /path/to/file02:32
Tomasumanaged to fix the problem.. thank god for google..02:32
seth_ksorry Tomasu, I've been away. Not sure what your solution was, but mine would be "sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-data-whatever"02:34
=== jurujen anyonne know how to fix the kde menu, i used dpkg to install some stuff and now the entire development branch is gone
seth_kjurujen: right click the K and hit edit, you can play with it then02:34
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Tomasuseth_k, thats the exact one I found ;)02:35
seth_kTomasu: cheers, sorry I wasn't here earlier to tell you to do it02:35
Tomasuseth_k, saight :)02:35
gdh_wasn't that fixed in a hoary-updates release?02:35
jurujenseth_k: unfortunately i think the  editor is what scrwed it last time... is there a rebuild command ?02:36
gdh_deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted02:36
seth_knot to my knowledge, jurujen02:36
jurujenseth_k: bugger.... cos nothing i  do gets the development  branch  back.02:37
Tomasunow to configure the fglrx drivers...02:37
gdh_Tomasu: a paste from earlier...02:38
gdh_[23:04]  <seth_k> sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx02:38
gdh_[23:04]  <seth_k> echo fglrx | sudo tee -a /etc/modules02:38
gdh_[23:04]  <seth_k> sudo sed -i -e 's/"ati"/"fglrx"/' /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:38
gdh_(then reboot)02:39
Tomasuwell, I suppose I'll go see if that worked ;)02:40
gdh_i.e. if it trashes your system, it's seth's fault :)02:41
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=== P3L|C4N0 o/
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=== seth_k , Destroyer of Linux and trasher of systems
gdh_seth_k: Out of interest, what does "echo fglrx | sudo tee -a /etc/modules" do that "echo >>/etc/modules fglrx" doesn't?02:44
testmadok.. ive been editing this file for a bit..and it wont save02:44
seth_kwhat does >> do02:44
testmadi sudo'd kate02:44
=== seth_k finds one way to do something that works, and never looks for another
seth_ktestmad: there's your issue, you can't sudo kde apps02:45
seth_kkdesu kate02:45
testmadddang it02:45
jurujenthe kde menu editor just doesn't want to work...02:47
=== BROKEN_LADDER [~pral@adsl-69-226-227-118.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #KUBUNTU
jurujenkeep creating a new submenu, and it doesnt update :(02:47
jurujenwell... its intermittent at the least.02:48
BROKEN_LADDERhow can i change my keyboard shortcuts, so that meta-tab, instead of ctrl-tab, switched windows for instance?02:48
BROKEN_LADDERhow do i stop workspace warping?02:50
BROKEN_LADDERanyone awake?02:51
=== testmad [~testmad@pool-151-205-12-149.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
testmadok..getting better..02:51
testmadgot it all to werk on the same card now02:51
testmadafter i added in the secong and changed thier order02:52
BROKEN_LADDERhow do i set my keyboard shortcuts in kde?02:52
testmadbut now..my res is low02:52
gdh_BROKEN_LADDER: use your initiative, ffs.02:52
gdh_control centre -> regional -> shortcuts02:53
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gdh_Tomasu: and the verdict? :)02:53
Tomasuwell, it worked :) though I don't seem to be getting the same smoothness and "speed" I got before...02:54
Tomasuin gentoo with the latest ati drivers I'd get near 2000fps, now its more 1500...02:54
Tomasuwith glxgears...02:54
gdh_gentoo is for ricers tho :)02:54
Tomasunot nesesarily :P02:54
gdh_get out the family pack of Funroll Loops, etc. ;)02:54
Tomasuseriously though, glxgears was faster and smoother in my last install ;)02:56
Tomasunot that its a "good" benchmark..02:56
=== wincide is back.
Tomasuohh.. I think I recall this being due to odd mtrr mappings...02:57
Tomasuat least it was on my mini-itx box...02:57
seth_kTomasu: if you care about fps at all on Linux, you don't run ATI cards :P02:58
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Tomasuthats not very helpful :o02:59
Tomasubesides, I dont really care, I currently have a Radeon 9200 SE :P but I'd like it to at least match what I had previously :P02:59
Jeezishmm, anyone else try playing battle of wesnoth and it gives a segfault?03:00
Tomasuthough I will be getting a Radeon 9600xt next week :o03:00
Tomasualmost got a gf 6200...03:00
Tomasubut the site I rodered it from canceled the order. :(03:01
testmadok..my res is low..how can i fix?03:01
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jagoCan any one tell me what firewall gui is best03:14
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testmadanyone that can help with my screen res problem?03:18
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ray_does anybody know how i can print to a windows shared printer through a router..... i did it using gnome03:21
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ray_does anybody know how i can print to a windows shared printer through a router..... i did it using gnome03:37
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ray_does anybody know how i can print to a windows shared printer through a router..... i did it using gnome03:38
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hettaranyone know if there are monotone packages for hoary ?? They are in the breezy devel tree but won't install into hoary03:52
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testmadwell..got my resolution problem fixed03:54
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testmadany graphical compression proggies  for linux out there?04:02
testmadwinrar unfortunatly isnt04:02
Jeezistestmad: ark04:03
Jeezisgaaaaaahhhh!!! libwine is taking forever to set up!04:04
testmadit does rar and zip..tetc..etc04:07
sbcl3most distros include it04:07
testmadtime to setup klibido then04:07
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testmaddoes ubuntu have berkley db?04:12
testmadi see it has the docs..04:12
testmadbut nothing else04:12
testmadi need help04:30
testmaddoes ubuntu have support for tcl/tk?04:31
testmaddoes it come with it?04:31
crimsuninstall ti04:31
crimsunit, rather04:31
testmadwhat package?04:31
crimsunwell, what version are you looking for?04:31
testmadi guess most current04:32
crimsunaptitude search tcl8.504:32
crimsunor tcl8.404:32
crimsunor tcl8.304:32
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testmadawesome already has 8.404:33
testmadnow to add a  deb source..04:33
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testmadquestion..in kynaptic..if a package has a star on it..what does that mean?04:36
sbcl3what is the best ftp client the people here have used?04:36
sbcl3(graphical client)'04:36
_gdhLeechFTP :)04:37
_gdhworks nicely in Wine as I remember =)04:37
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BROKEN_LADDERwhy is there kubuntu?  why not just install kde on ubuntu?  that's what i did.04:39
sbcl3i'm just using the command line right now04:39
sbcl3broken_ladder: because we don't need to uninstall gnome ^_^04:39
_gdhsbcl3: tried KBear? Or even just Konqueror with ftp:// URLs ?04:39
BROKEN_LADDERi just switched to kde today..not sure whether i'll stick with it.04:40
crimsunBROKEN_LADDER: the reason KDE exists in Ubuntu is because of the guys who worked hard in Kubuntu.04:40
BROKEN_LADDERkde just takes an incredible amount of tweaking for me to like it.04:40
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_gdhBROKEN_LADDER: You've just mentioned the secret to KDE - it's /configurable/ :)04:40
BROKEN_LADDERthe main reason i'm using kde is that it has the application menus in the panel, although i wish its panels behaved like gnome panels where you could just delete them and have as many as you want.  and then the menubar could just be an "applet"04:41
BROKEN_LADDERi didn't know kde was any more configurable than gnome.04:41
BROKEN_LADDERhow can i configure it not to do workspace warping?04:41
BROKEN_LADDERit's terribly annoying04:41
_gdhI think it is vastly so. I don't mean useless shit like 'themes' - useful things like hotkeys / dialog operation / window operation :)04:42
_gdhno idea what 'workspace warping' is04:42
crimsuncontrol center04:42
BROKEN_LADDERyou put your mouse pointer at the edge of the screen and it goes to the next workspace04:42
crimsunopen it up and configure workspaces04:42
BROKEN_LADDERi did.04:42
BROKEN_LADDERthere's no option for that04:42
sbcl3how do i get into a directory that has spaces in its name?04:43
crimsunoh this is going to be good.04:43
_gdhsbcl3: prefix the space with a blackslash \04:43
_gdhbackslash :)04:43
sbcl3gdh: so if i wanted to go into "hello world" i'd type "cd hello\ world"?04:44
_gdhor surround the whole directory path with double-quotes.04:44
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_gdhsbcl3: yes.04:44
aseigo_afkBROKEN_LADDER: control center -> desktop -> window behaviour04:44
aseigo_afkBROKEN_LADDER: Advanced tab, Active Desktop Borders: select Disabled04:44
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BROKEN_LADDERoh thanks!04:45
BROKEN_LADDERhow did i not see that.04:45
BROKEN_LADDERokay, next i set kde to use esd, but it's not working right.04:45
BROKEN_LADDERkde apps can't use sound.04:46
aseigo_afkkde doesn't use esd. where did you select esd? in the Sound System panel?04:46
_gdh"esound is junk. The only thing esd has is a good client API for going boing at approximately the right time. Anything else is beyond it." - Alan Cox04:46
sbcl3how do i download an entire directory in ftp? (the terminal)04:46
BROKEN_LADDERoh holy crap..kde lets me set my $ sign _after_ the value.  that's just what i always wanted.. sweeet.04:47
_gdhinsane, "153.55 $" ?04:47
sbcl3i think its get04:47
aseigo_afksbcl3: wget -r ...04:47
BROKEN_LADDERif i don't use esound, how do i get my gnome apps to have sound?04:47
_gdhsbcl3: er, you can't easily.. 04:47
_gdhthe standard 'ftp' client is fairly lightweight.04:48
aseigo_afksbcl3: or just use a decent ftp client and when logged in do "get dirname" or "mget <filelist"04:48
BROKEN_LADDERoh it's working now.04:48
aseigo_afker, mget <filelist>04:48
BROKEN_LADDERat least four times today i've had to restart my computer because kde just froze up.04:48
aseigo_afksbcl3: better yet, just use konq ;) right click on the folder, copy to -> ping!04:48
_gdhthe normal commandline ftp will suport mget , but won't auto-create / download multiple subdirs.04:48
_gdhYes, listen to aseigo_afk  :)04:49
aseigo_afkBROKEN_LADDER: that would likely not be kde but your x configuration04:49
_gdheven though he's obviously not afk :)04:49
aseigo_afkok, i'm now really afk04:49
BROKEN_LADDERaseigo_afk it never EVER froze up in gnome.04:49
=== aseigo_afk flips back to the desktop with kaffeine on it and goes back to his salad. stupid irc. ;)
testmad_gdh: goto klibido's website and look at the install instructions for ubuntu..and tell me what is wrong with it pls..04:49
testmadcus its not werkin for me04:50
aseigo_afkBROKEN_LADDER: that doesn't mean it isn't X =)04:50
_gdhtestmad: Excuse me?04:50
BROKEN_LADDERone thing that drove me bonkers in kde is removing the bottom panel.04:50
testmadi said pls..04:50
BROKEN_LADDERi finally just made it hidden or whatever.04:50
testmadthe magic word04:50
_gdhwhose website? I think you have me confused with someone else..04:50
BROKEN_LADDERmade it so that apps can be on top of it.04:50
testmadits a newsgroup reader04:50
BROKEN_LADDERin gnome, i'd just select "remove panel"04:50
_gdhnever heard of it, I only use usenet for, er, binaries :) <ahem>04:50
testmadtowards bottom.04:51
aseigo_afkBROKEN_LADDER: yes, there is always at least one panel ... best you can do is autohide it04:51
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testmadyea..ok..but..i use nzb's04:51
_gdhtestmad: Snap :) i use 'nzbget' for those04:51
testmadlink pls04:52
_gdhhttp://noisybox.net/computers/nzbperl/ is also cool04:52
_gdhelse, sf.net/projects/nzbget04:52
_gdhperfect for firing up a screen, start it going, detach... go do something more interesting and check back later =)04:53
testmad which is best?04:53
BROKEN_LADDERaseigo_afk no, there are TWO panels.04:53
testmadin yer opinion04:53
BROKEN_LADDERaseigo_afk there's the top panel and the bottom one.04:53
=== aseigo_afk notes he just uses konsole tabs for putting such things in the background...
sbcl3i can't figure out how to download a whole directory04:54
=== aseigo_afk wishes his phone would stop ringing actually
_gdhtestmad: I've only used nzbget so far - but the perl one looks pretty :)04:54
sbcl3how does one download a whole directory through ftp?04:54
aseigo_afkBROKEN_LADDER: right click on the panel, remove from panel -> panel -> select which one you want gone04:54
_gdhsbcl3: 'cd' into the dir then do 'mget *'04:54
aseigo_afkBROKEN_LADDER: e.g. the same way you added the second panel =) it's a bit more obvious in 3.504:55
_gdhyou might want to issue 'prompt' before that04:55
_gdhso it doesn't ask you to confirm each download04:55
BROKEN_LADDERaseigo_afk you cannot remove the bottom panel.04:56
BROKEN_LADDERaseigo_afk there's the panel that holds the menubar, which is the only one i want.04:56
BROKEN_LADDERi can't delete the bottom one.04:56
aseigo_afkBROKEN_LADDER: right. but you can move it. you said you had two panels right? but only wanted one?04:56
aseigo_afkBROKEN_LADDER: ah.. the menubar panel. well, actually you can.04:56
BROKEN_LADDERi want that to be the only panel.04:57
aseigo_afkBROKEN_LADDER: it's a rather hidden little feature. want to know the trick?04:57
BROKEN_LADDERor rather, i want just one panel, at the top, with a menubar on it.04:57
BROKEN_LADDERi hated kde for so long..so odd that just today i decided to use it, and i'm finally liking it.04:57
sbcl3gdh: theres no way to just download it by naming the directory?04:57
sbcl3you have to go into the directory to get everything?04:57
aseigo_afkBROKEN_LADDER: ok.. open a konsole window... dcopquit kicker04:57
=== BROKEN_LADDER listens to Coldplay's X&Y in flac format with an optical digital out to his receiver.
aseigo_afkBROKEN_LADDER: then open up ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc in a text editor04:58
aseigo_afkBROKEN_LADDER: then look for:04:58
BROKEN_LADDERwoah..hold on04:58
aseigo_afk[Main Panel] 04:58
aseigo_afkif that doesn't exist, create it04:58
aseigo_afkthen put:04:58
_gdhBROKEN_LADDER: wow, you mean as good as if you bought the CD? :|04:59
BROKEN_LADDERi did buy the cd.04:59
_gdh... I don't get it, then.. why not just play the CD? :)04:59
BROKEN_LADDERthe point is, i didn't compress it, and it's through a digital out, and i have no eq on.  it sounds greaaat04:59
aseigo_afksave the file, start kicker again04:59
BROKEN_LADDERaseigo_afk this is wacko..let me try it..one minute.05:00
_gdhEither way it's still nonsense mumbling by a pack of over-rated wankers who'll be long forgotten in 12 months =)05:00
crimsunnow now05:00
aseigo_afkBROKEN_LADDER: wacko or not, i only had so much time to fix strange shit for 3.405:00
_gdhhehehe :)05:00
=== _gdh stirs
aseigo_afkfinally .. phone conversations over. stupid phones. back to my movie. 05:01
_gdhand on that note I bid you all a good evening. nna :)05:03
BROKEN_LADDERtrying it now..05:03
testmadgot klibido to install05:04
testmadi was using the version name used in the instructions..the src has been updated but not the instructions..had different version numbers05:05
lokitoany one know how to control the upload speed , for a ftp or any service under kubuntu05:09
BROKEN_LADDERthose lines are already in my kickerr05:11
BROKEN_LADDERgdh that's so fucking stupid.05:12
BROKEN_LADDERcoldplay has been around for years.05:12
BROKEN_LADDERthey are perhaps the greatest songwriters of our time.05:12
crimsunhe left, man.05:12
BROKEN_LADDERahh..fuck 'im05:12
BROKEN_LADDERcoldplay will be the next u2.  they'll be around in 15-20 years and popular.05:12
BROKEN_LADDERaseigo_afk like i said, those lines are in my config file already05:13
aseigo_afkBROKEN_LADDER: ConfigFile=kicker_menubarpanelrc? in the [Main Panel]  group? i doub it05:14
aseigo_afker, doubt it05:14
BROKEN_LADDERyes it is05:16
BROKEN_LADDERi never put it there.  it's just there05:16
BROKEN_LADDERokay, this is another annoying thing.  when i go to any kde program, all of the applets on the top panel that are to the right of the menu bar, disappear.05:17
testmadmake dir is md right?05:18
testmadhow can i see all hardware on my pc..specifically all partitions05:23
testmadeven ntfs05:23
seth_ksudo fdisk -l05:23
seth_kto show partitions05:23
testmadnow if i mount a drive on boot..can i change it if its not the right one?05:25
testmadjust edit the fstab right?05:25
seth_kyeah, you can mount and unmount whenever you want05:26
seth_kas long as the drive isn't in use05:26
testmadeven when its mounted at boot?05:27
seth_kyeah, it makes no difference05:27
testmadis there an mp3 player that has visualizations?05:34
BROKEN_LADDERhow about a digital music player.05:35
BROKEN_LADDERno reason to use mp305:35
BROKEN_LADDERperhaps vorbis or flac05:35
BROKEN_LADDERwhen i make a shortcut for alt-f1 to go to workspace 1, it doesn't work.  every other combo works. :/05:36
testmadwell..al my audio is in mp3 and wma05:38
seth_kprobably already taken05:38
testmadian i dont feel like converting it over for a few days05:38
testmadgetting mplayer stuff..05:42
testmadand at libdvdcss05:42
testmadwhat do i get?05:42
seth_kis that a rhetorical question? ;)05:42
seth_kout of backports/restricted05:43
seth_kit's all nice and Ubuntuized05:43
testmadi was looking at the website05:43
testmadi dont have backports05:44
testmadhow do i get?05:44
seth_kadd these to /etc/apt/sources.list05:45
seth_kdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted05:45
seth_kdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted05:45
testmadwhat about the codecs..are they there too?05:47
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testmadhow do i change file associations?05:50
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seth_kKDE components > File associations05:52
testmadi think im going to associate everything with kaffiene05:53
testmador is there a better audio video player?05:53
seth_kno, kaffeine pwns05:55
testmadcan it play mpeg?05:56
seth_kdepends on what codecs you feed it05:57
seth_kthe short answer is yes05:57
testmadhow would i install all-20020412.tar.bz2 ?06:01
kalenedraelun-tar it06:02
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kalenedraelthen copy it to /usr/lib/codecs or wherever the codecs are supposed to be06:02
kalenedraeldid you compile mplayer from source?06:03
kalenedraelok, i see, you used apt06:03
kalenedraeli like mplayer06:03
seth_kerg, don't do that06:03
seth_kjust go to a backports mirror manually, and install w32codecs out of hoary-extras/restricted06:03
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gigaclonthe repositories are messed up for me06:04
seth_k(instead of using kynaptic)06:04
seth_kgigaclon: you're using the US repos, eh06:04
gigaclonno im not06:04
seth_kwhich ones?06:04
gigaclonthe non ones06:04
gigacloni update and get and error06:05
sbcl3how do i run one .exe file through wine?06:05
seth_khttp://kubuntu.pastebin.com for the error please :)06:05
sbcl3do i need to do lots of configuration first to use it?06:05
seth_ksbcl3: wine blah.exe06:05
sbcl3yay...no config06:05
gigaclonor right click and config it06:05
testmadhow do i unmount?06:06
seth_ksbcl3: if it's a complex exe, it won't run without config.06:06
sbcl3umount /dev/bla06:06
seth_ksbcl3: but lots do just fine06:06
sbcl3(with sudo)06:06
gigaclonwhen trying to refresh I get this:06:06
gigaclonCouldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)06:06
seth_kgigaclon: could you compare your sources.list with kinfo's ?06:07
seth_k?? sources.list06:07
kinfo[sources.list]  example /etc/apt/sources.list with all official repositories plus KDE 3.4.1 and Koffice 1.4 from kubuntu.org can be found at: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/30380206:07
seth_ker, you have done a sudo apt-get update haven't you?06:09
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mosheam I reading inittab correctly, that runlevel 2 is the default runlevel?06:10
seth_kmoshe: you are correct :)06:10
gigaclonwhat GUI prog can I use to edit sources.list06:10
moshethis is the first linux system I've used that didn't default to four or five06:11
seth_kmoshe: I think all Debian systems use init 206:11
seth_kgigaclon: kdesu kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list06:11
moshenews to me06:11
mosheBack when I tried Debian, I didn't know a thing about runlevels.06:12
mosheis there a guide on how to tweak the services that ubuntu runs on startup?06:12
mosheI was a little disappointed that I couldn't simply uninstall postfix without uninstalling practically the whole system.06:12
seth_kmoshe: you might peek at BUM, the BootUp Manager06:12
moshesome of the package dependencies in kubuntu are somewhat nutty06:12
seth_kkubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage06:13
testmadawww..i cant play wmv06:13
moshethe notion that uninstalling kaffeine would uninstall kde is a little silly06:13
seth_kit can be safely uninstalled06:13
B-Lwhenever i choose a kde app (ie not a gnome app) everything in my panel to the right of the menu bar disappears.06:13
mosheseth_k, that wasn't obvious.06:13
moshewhere do I find bum?06:13
seth_khere is a URL for bum: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=7506:13
seth_kmoshe: I know, it's kind of a hack06:13
gigaclonso can replace my sources.list with the one on the pastebin06:14
seth_kmoshe: but it's the only sane way to dist-upgrade between versions06:14
seth_kgigaclon: yes06:14
mosheI wanted to uninstall Kaffeine and compile 0.4.3, which is a version that actually works without crashing every two seconds.06:14
mosheseth_k, which means I need to have the dummy package installed.06:14
seth_kyou have kde 3.4.1, moshe?06:14
seth_kit fixed a lot of the crash stuff06:14
testmadseth_k: can yer kaffeine play wmv?06:15
seth_ktestmad: yes06:15
testmadhmm..mine cant06:16
seth_kyou didn't use the deb form of w32codecs06:16
gigaclonthere is a wiki for it06:16
testmadfrom backports06:16
mosheseth_k, yes06:16
mosheI'll deal with the issues with kaffeine.  I liked the earlier version, before the devs decided to fuck up the interface.06:17
mosheI've come to prefer amarok for music, and xine is good for video06:17
mosheI just installed bum and I'm running it now.06:17
gigaclonwhich repos had us in them?06:17
mosheI just wish I knew how to do this stuff on the cli.06:17
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gigaclonlibpango is messed up06:19
moshethanks for the suggestion.06:19
moshe'night, all.06:19
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B-Lhell yeah..i got my esperanto keymap working again.06:21
testmadi got the codecs werkin06:21
B-Ljesus h. christ kde is buggy.06:21
testmadbut everytime i close kaffeine it crashes06:21
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testmadand i cant play rmvb files either06:24
gigaclonso i can safely remove kubuntu-desktop?06:24
testmadi get a preview of the first screen06:24
testmadbut no playing06:24
gigaclonim trashing kynaptic06:24
B-Lgigaclon probably, but i'd install fluxbox or gnome first.06:24
B-Lso you have something..06:24
seth_kgigaclon: if that's the only reason you want to remove kubuntu-desktop, imo just leave it in and ignore it...06:24
B-Ldoes kubuntu use gdm?06:24
seth_kit's only a few MB06:24
seth_knope, kdm06:25
B-Lnever heard of that.06:25
seth_kgigaclon: and it will make life a lot easier come Breezy time06:25
gigaclonI don't want to trash KDE, just kynaptic06:25
B-Ljust use apt-get ;)06:26
B-Lwhat is kaffeine?06:27
seth_ka video / music player for KDE06:27
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seth_kgigaclon: just install synaptic and ignore kynaptic. Don't break kubuntu-desktop just for that06:28
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B-Lwhy is kwrite not in my list of apps in the kde menu?06:37
testmadseth_k: are you using kaffeine 2.1?06:37
seth_ktestmad: there's no such thing. I use .606:38
testmador something liek that06:39
testmaddebian package06:40
testmadif i install this will it just over write the old kaffeine?06:44
testmador install another one?06:44
B-Lhow do i set my system to use kdm instead of gdm?06:50
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TomasuI'm getting the weirdest kernel logs :o06:54
TomasuJul 16 22:43:16 localhost kernel:  [schedule+1283/1296]  schedule+0x503/0x51006:54
Tomasuand right about when a ton of those are written, my system hangs :o06:55
B-Lyou know how to set to kdm instead of gdm?06:57
B-Lby any chance?06:57
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ardent11hey if i have ubuntu, is it possible to turn it into kubuntu, because im on dialup and i dont have the patience to download kubuntu but im getting ubuntu cds sent to me...06:59
testmadhow do i move files when i need root?06:59
sbcl3how do I start up artsd? it just crashed. it doesn't appear to be in init.d06:59
Tomasuardent11, I think the docs mention you just need to install kubuntu-desktop07:00
Tomasusbcl3, it gets started automatically by kde apps...07:00
sbcl3amarok won't start it...07:00
slicslakanyone know how to build a shipyard in freecraft?  i just can't find the option07:00
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sbcl3fixed :)07:01
ardent11thanks tomasu, i'll just wait till my cds arrive :)07:02
sproingiewow, kword is crashy07:06
testmadso to copy files in console use cp *.* destination?07:06
Tomasutestmad, that'll only work if theres a . in the filename.  now   cp * destination   should pick up most files.07:10
testmadkaffeine just wont open rmvb files07:12
testmadthat sux07:12
testmadfixed the kaffeine crashing on me when i close problem07:15
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testmadis koqueerer mozilla compatible?07:22
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B-Lkword isn't in my kde menu that i see07:28
B-Lspeaking of the kde menu, how can i set it to display the program's name instead of its description?07:29
B-Llike it says, PDF Viewer (KPDF), and i want it to say, KPDF (PDF Viewer)07:30
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_thomasHello everyone.07:34
_thomasI need some help. :)07:34
_thomasDUh. LOL07:34
_thomasI have a Radeon 9800 pro video card that I successfully had running great in Ubuntu.  But I like KDE better than GNOME so I install KUBUNTU.07:35
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_thomasBut now I cannot get my 9800 pro to install using the same steps as I did in UBUNTU.07:36
testmadok.if i want flash sites to werk rite i cant use konquerer can i?07:37
sbcl3_thomas: what exactly is the problem? when you boot does your x server spew out errors?07:38
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BROKEN_LADDERwhen i start kde, esd isn't running and i have to manually start it.  how do i fix this?07:38
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_thomasNo. No errors. But I do have this from my fglrx.log file:07:39
_thomas<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">07:40
_thomas<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">07:40
_thomas<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />07:40
_thomas<meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor" />07:40
_thomas[Message]  Kernel Module : Trying to install a precompiled kernel module.07:41
_thomas[Message]  Kernel Module : Precompiled kernel module version mismatched.07:41
_thomas[Error]  Kernel Module : No kernel module build environment - please consult readme.07:41
_thomasAck. Sorry about that.07:41
sbcl3i'm then assuming you installed the fglrx driver through apt?07:41
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sbcl3and that you updated xorg.conf?07:41
_thomasI followed everything in the HOWTO.07:41
_thomasWorked fine in UBUNTU, but not in KUBUNTU.07:42
sbcl3not sure then. worked fine for me07:42
hettarhmm I can't get ndiswrapper to work on ubuntu :(07:46
P3L|C4N0ndiswrapper is easy07:52
BROKEN_LADDERhow can i make konquerer require double-click to open files instead of single click?07:54
testmadkonquerer cant do flash can it?07:54
P3L|C4N0$ sudo aptitude install wireless-tools07:55
P3L|C4N0$ sudo aptitude install ndiswrapper-utils07:55
P3L|C4N0$ sudo ndiswrapper -i /path_of/driver-of-windows.inf07:55
P3L|C4N0$ sudo modprobe ndiswrapper07:55
P3L|C4N0$ sudo ndiswrapper -m07:55
BROKEN_LADDERkonquerer seems to be very hard to configure.07:57
testmadi should just install firefox huh?07:57
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BROKEN_LADDERcan multiple apps use alsa at the same time, or must they use something like esd?08:03
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newbieanyone know of good pdftohtml convertor08:41
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MacManXAnyone around for a quick KDE bug question?08:46
aseigoif not here, #kde08:49
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MacManXWell, I just installed Kubuntu PPC, and my colors are very messed up.08:50
MacManXIt almost seems like I have random pixels mis-associating themselves.08:50
MacManXFor example, pink seems to replace most ocurrances of what would be "light blue".08:51
MacManXI was hoping that this may be a known issue with a work-around.08:51
MacManXI think I'll rest first.  I'll take a stab at this tomorrow.08:55
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janehi all, I think I have missed something...kubunto was a breeze to install, I wan to add firefox and thunderbird..."E: Couldn't find package"... thunberbird or firefox09:01
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hettarYay I got ndiswrapper to work.09:27
hettaryeah :(09:29
hettarat least until my new laptop arrives this week09:29
KaiL_then really congrats09:29
hettarI had to install a newer version of ndiswrapper than is in hoary09:29
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KaiL_I know09:30
KaiL_I had the same fun09:30
KaiL_the intel ipw2200 here is much nicer, that just works :)09:31
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hettarYeah I just order an asus w2 and it has the intel. I will never get another laptop with the broadcom chips09:32
Zibarhi all. im trying to install kubuntu on a sata drive but installer wont recognize drive .... do i need any special boot parameters or something ?09:32
KaiL_hettar: integrated chip or PCMCIA?09:34
KaiL_uuhm, W2? you mean W2V?09:35
Zibaranyone ? installing on sata ? im using the newest kubuntu install disc ....09:36
KaiL_...17" 16:10, 1680x1050 px.... 09:36
KaiL_Zibar: depends on the sata controller09:36
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KaiL_somewhere between "hopeless" and "works out of the box"09:37
KaiL_hettar: uuhm, W2? you mean W2V?09:37
Zibarso if the drives doesnt show up they are not supported09:37
Zibaroh well, bye bye kubuntu ... :(09:37
KaiL_which controller is that?09:38
Zibarintel something  ... hang on ...09:38
Zibarintel 82801 i think .... system info in xp says ata controller though, but it must be the one .....09:39
KaiL_Issue #3: "Enhanced mode" or "SATA-only mode" may need to be set in BIOS.09:39
KaiL_..that's the only thing, what my information says09:40
Zibarim running native mode ... got 2 sata drives and 2 dvd drives .....09:40
Zibarhmm ok09:40
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Zibarive had the same issues with debian .... booting with kernel 2.6 solved it back then ....09:41
Zibarbut no info on ubuntu forums .....09:41
Zibarwhat kernel is the kubuntu installer using ?09:42
KaiL_sarge has 2.6.8...09:42
Zibaryes, i think that was the one i used on debian09:43
Zibarwhile im here - anyone running wow on cedega ? would kiek to hear any first hand experiences with this ....09:45
Zibarlike even09:45
Zibarthanks for the info kail ....09:47
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hettaranyone know of some .debs for monotone on hoary ?09:50
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BROKEN_LADDERanyone awake?11:13
BROKEN_LADDERwhat password is kcontrol wanting me to enter to go into administrator mode in the kdm setup?11:13
BROKEN_LADDERit's not accepting my password, nor the root password11:13
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petkohello all11:15
petkohow to configure konversation to read BG English ?11:15
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m0ns00nAnyone care to make a .deb out of my paint app?12:22
buzweird name for a linux app12:24
buzluna is the name of the butt ugly XP theme12:24
m0ns00nDon't be so narrow minded :-) Lunapaint is an excellent name hehe - who cares what's happening in the Windows world12:25
tiagohi can some one help me get the games menu to appear when i click on the K menu?12:40
tiagoi downloaded a bunch of games but there is no game menu in kubuntu xD12:40
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tiagohello... can some one please help me out?12:51
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ermac`hmmz i have a question02:02
ermac`when i try to open a CD in Juk then it says you can only select local files?02:02
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ubotupaste is probably ""http://ubuntu.pastebin.com http://pastebin.com or #flood here on freenode.""02:47
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_jorisif i install apache2 on kubuntu will other ppl be able to access my files on my apache server?02:52
azol_joris: see /etc/apache2/ports.conf02:55
_jorisuhu then change it to 78?02:56
azol_joris: something like this - Listen
_jorishmm listen 80 is it now...02:58
azol_joris: and only you will be able to use apache02:58
_jorisand when i read the guide02:58
_joristhey recommend me to change it to 7802:58
azol_joris: try it03:00
_joriscan someone dns me :D03:01
_jorisi don't know my own ip03:01
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azol_joris: PING dD5773890.access.telenet.be (
_jorisazol can you do this for me:
azol_joris: no result - timeout03:10
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_jorisuhu server is down :( made a mistake03:10
azol_joris: :-)03:11
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_jorisazol can you do this for me:
_jorisfixed it03:12
_jorisazol: does it work now?03:13
azol_joris: no03:13
_jorisfuck :(03:14
_joristhat's on the ports.conf file now03:14
azol_joris: and what do you want?03:15
_jorisjust to other ppl being able to access my php-server03:15
nikkiajoris, Listen will only listen for connections from localhost03:16
nikkiajoris, you want Listen   most likely03:16
azol_joris: Listen 8003:16
_jorisi did03:17
_jorisdoesn't change i guess :'(03:17
azol_joris: restart apache03:17
nikkiajoris, are you restarting apache each time you make a change?03:17
_jorismaybe because i have a router?03:17
_jorisyes nikkia03:17
_jorisi did restart it03:18
_jorisisn't it 78?03:18
nikkiajoris, you may very well have to setup a PAT rule in your router03:18
_jorishow do i do that?03:19
_jorishow can i access the router-config?03:19
nikkiajoris, it depends on your router, you'll have to read its manual :)03:19
azol_joris: hmm (The 1662 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: filtered) - you should open 80 port03:19
_jorisnvm 03:23
_jorisi'll only use it as a testing server then03:23
_jorisgot a webspace and domain so nvm03:23
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Pie-makeranyone have experience with skim in KDE?03:42
Pie-makerI wanted to type japanese stuff into kde apps so I followed the instructions from the wiki at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/JapaneseInputHowto 03:43
Pie-makerI can type stuff in japanese in gtk apps but not qt apps03:44
gyaresuPie-maker, sorry man. it's pretty empty in here eh? just wanted to see if anyone would help you.03:45
Pie-makerits empty here?03:45
gyaresui came here after you....03:46
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RiddellPie-maker: is scim required to input CJK in gtk?03:48
Riddellwe don't seem to have a package for skim03:50
Pie-makeroops. typo. supposed to be scim03:50
Riddellskim is the KDE stuff for scim :)03:50
Riddellyou sure there isn't some other way of inputting CJK?  how have all our users managed until now?03:51
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Pie-makerI don't know. there are a bunch of apps that seem funny to me. xim, uim, qt-immodule03:52
Riddellfunny in which way?03:53
Pie-makerfunny as in a bunch of apps that are probably great but I have little idea how to make them work03:54
pv_I believe you can input CJK to qt apps if XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM"  is set03:55
Riddellcould you download skim and test it to see if it works?  http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/scim/skim-1.4.0.tar.bz203:56
Riddellpv_: set where?03:56
pv_And scim is running.03:56
pv_Riddell, environment variable, which should be set before starting kde.03:56
Pie-makerI have that var set03:56
Pie-makerto @im=SCIM03:56
pv_Also run scim -d 03:57
pv_I have 03:57
pv_scim -d03:57
pv_XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM"; export XMODIFIERS03:57
pv_in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/02xmodifier-scim03:57
Pie-makergot that as well. except my file is /etc/X11/Xsession.d/74write-japanese03:58
pv_Have you modified the "/SupportedUnicodeLocales" in /etc/scim/config ?03:59
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pv_I think it is required to use one of the locales listed in there, or add the locales you will be using. Perhaps ~/.scim/global will also work.04:00
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Pie-makerpv_: are you using skim?04:11
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pv_Pie-maker, no.04:17
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_joriscan i get all standard windowsfonts on my kubuntu?04:22
_jorislike verdana, tahoma, arial04:23
Pie-makersudo apt-get install msttcorefonts (with universal repo enabled)04:29
_joriscan i get all standard windowsfonts on my kubuntu?04:30
_jorislike verdana, tahoma, arial04:30
Pie-makeryes. just type in04:31
Pie-makersudo apt-get install msttcorefonts04:31
Pie-makerthis should work if you have universal repositories enabled04:32
Pie-makeryou need to type that command into a console04:33
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RiddellPie-maker: have you tried skim?04:35
_jorisPie-maker: thx a lot ;) for the hint04:35
_jorisit works great04:35
Chambers`hey guys, will kubuntu let you play dvd's or is there a trick to it you have to do first?04:36
RiddellChambers`: you need libdvdcss from marillat04:36
Chambers`ok thanks04:36
Pie-maker%c4 Riddell: Yes I'm working on getting skim compiled04:36
RiddellPie-maker: cool, let us know how you get on04:37
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jarod501est ce que j'cris bien05:02
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Chambers`is kubuntu as fast as ubuntu?  Reason I ask is because i used to use Suse and it was really slow (that used kde)05:09
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Pie-maker Riddell: I'm having trouble with makeing scim 1.4.0. Scim is required to build skim 05:10
RiddellPie-maker: install scim-dev05:11
Riddell(and please don't use IRC colours)05:11
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Pie-makerfrom repo?05:11
Pie-makeri downloaded the scim tarball05:12
_StarScreamChambers`, erm...its plenty fast here...how much ram do you have?05:12
Chambers`1.5 gigs05:12
_StarScreamChambers`, wow...thats a lot..KDE should fly05:12
Chambers`well suse was pretty slow to start up, that's why i asked :)05:13
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Pie-makerhave you used kubuntu yet chambers?05:13
RiddellPie-maker: wow, we have a very old version of scim05:13
RiddellPie-maker: what's the problem building scimi?05:14
RiddellPie-maker: what's the problem building scim?05:14
Chambers`nope, only Ubuntu which i really liked, so I'm getting the live cd of kubuntu now05:14
_StarScreamChambers`, slow compared to suse with gnome?05:14
RiddellChambers`: live CD will be slow :)05:14
Pie-makerriddell: I can configure. I get an error when I make.05:14
Pie-makerthe first error I get is-- automake-1.9: html was already defined in condition !HAVE_DOXYGEN, which is included in condition TRUE ...05:14
Chambers`only used suse with kde, but i know people say kde is a resource hog05:14
Pie-makerchambers: kde and gnome steal similar amounts of resources. If  you don't need the features that they provide, then yes, kde is a resource hog05:16
Chambers`the torrent for the dvd is sloooooooooow :P05:16
_StarScreamChambers`, depends what  you were expecting...KDE tends to use a bit more ram sometimes but this is generally to make the UI more responsive.05:17
_StarScreami.e it remembers lists rather than re-generating etc..05:18
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Pie-makerriddell: I've tried almost everything I could think of. I've even looked into the scim channel (no responses). It looks like I'm going to need to go code hunting when I wake up after a nap I'm going to take now05:27
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dutchhello yourself !05:53
testmadis there a way to net install kubuntu?05:54
dutchI think so...I thought I had a net install  cd here some place05:54
dutchtry google...I think that's where I found it 05:55
dutchi just checked google...it's there some where, but I don't have a link05:56
dutchor, you can install ubuntu and then install KDE from synaptic 05:59
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dutchtesdmad: try this 1, http://ubuntu.cbn.net/Ubuntu-Release/kubuntu/hoardy/06:02
dutchnet installs, live cd/dvd's, just about what ever your little heart desires :)06:02
testmadthat link doesnt werk06:03
dutchoops..don't link on that one...spelling mistake near the end06:03
gdhUnknown host ubuntu.cbn.net06:03
dutchdamn, and I just deleted firefox on the other box..06:04
dutchlet me check again...06:04
testmadcus a net install of kubuntu would be  great.06:04
=== QaDeS [~QaDeS@p54A9B9FB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
dutchi see the mistake now06:05
dutchtry that one..06:05
testmadbeen there..thats the distro page06:06
dutchtestmad: I assume you have a fast internet connection ?06:06
testmadfast nuff06:06
dutchyou can d/l the iso cd from there06:06
testmadyea..i got it already06:07
dutchburn it to a cd, and install the cd in cdrom, re-boot06:07
testmadlooking for pure netinstall06:07
dutchokay, that's how I install kubuntu the first time06:07
QaDeSi'm a dork. installed plain ubuntu and now don't get my beloved menu entries in kde :o/ is there a way to create them automagically?06:07
dutchnot that I know of 06:07
testmadand is there a way to get konqueror to support flash?06:07
dutchQaDeS: have you tried using synaptic to install KDE ?06:08
testmadcus when i tell it to identify as netscape, it still doesnt werk06:08
dutchlet me know it you find a way..I have to use firefox for flash06:08
testmadyea..i installed firefox off kynaptic last nite and it messed some stuff up06:08
testmadim bout to reinstall06:09
dutchI install firefox from the terminal06:09
testmadd/l the pkg?06:09
dutchit seems to  work okay now 06:09
dutchsudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox06:09
QaDeSdutch, yea, that's the way i did it06:09
testmadi just dont like firefox06:09
dutchI use kong most of the time...but if I want to get the news on msnbc, I use firefox06:10
testmadall i want is  access to the doom3 site06:10
testmadwell..im off to reinstall06:11
QaDeSalso, i don't get all the languages i installed support for :o/06:11
dutchhave fun...06:12
QaDeSthere was an error in kdenetwork-admin or so. might be there's some post-install thingy yet to run?06:12
dutchcheck the /etc/apt/sources.list06:16
dutchif you see us./archive in there, remove the us., save, and apt-get update06:16
QaDeSit's all de. archives ^^06:18
QaDeSand de is what i don't get ;)06:19
QaDeSis there something like debconf that should be run after installs?06:19
dutchdon't know...real newbie myself06:19
QaDeSbut the empty menu really sucks :o/06:20
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_dylanwhich is better:  GNOME or KDE?  i find kde a little slow...06:36
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_jorishow do i fix this problem with apache? var/www/ is the dir, where the website-files should be put, but when i try to put files into it it says permission denied.... :'(06:37
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matsKDE is just fine ;) Gnomeand KDE uses more memory then black-/fluxbox06:37
mart_joris: make sure the permissions on the files are right06:38
_dylanhow do i totally remove GNOME, then?06:38
mart_joris: the webserver needs to read them, so make sure 'everyone' has read access06:38
matsapt-get remove kde-desktop or something ;)06:39
mart_joris: sorry, in konqueror properties it's 'Others' not 'Everyone'06:39
mats_dylan: you can install more wms .. no need for removing kde.06:40
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Sho_Does Kubuntu have OpenSSH (and thus sshd) in its default install?06:41
martSho_: don't think so06:41
Dhraak[knoppix] what does the kubuntu installer do in terms of partitioning?06:42
Sho_mart: damn06:42
martSho_: but it's in main06:42
=== Dhraak[knoppix] is planning to install kubuntu in the *very* near future
Sho_mart: Main being on the CD? I'm faced with the task of doing remote assistance for a friend and anything complex I need to explain is bad06:43
Dhraak[knoppix] (having already backed up ~, resized the mostly unused XP partition, and blown away everything else)06:43
martSho_: don't know if it's on the CD, you'd have to check the manifest.  I suspect not.  is using kynaptic really that hard to explain? :)06:44
Sho_mart: Since I have never seen Kynaptic personally: possibly06:45
Dhraak[knoppix] any tips for a gentoo user switching to kubuntu?06:45
Sho_mart: Is an "apt-get install openssh" going to succeed? ;)06:45
martjust ssh06:45
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matsSho_: sshd06:45
Sho_And he needs to sudo that, right?06:46
Sho_no root and all?06:46
martthere is no sshd06:46
martit's in ssh06:46
martapt-get install ssh, and it should ask if you want to start the sshd server06:46
Sho_oook ..06:47
martoh, there is openssh-server an oopenssh-client, don't know if they're in hoary06:47
martyes, they are06:48
testmadwhats the web address to the backports/restricted?06:48
Sho_mart: As long as Linux is so hard to use, sshd should be included in every default install IMO06:48
Sho_Newbies just need a friend to be able to do remote assistance via ssh06:48
testmadim a newbie and wont touch remote assistance06:49
Dhraak[knoppix] heh06:49
martSho_: no good complaining to me, it's not my decision06:49
Sho_yeah, just ranting a bit06:49
testmadanyways..web adddy for backport/restricted pls?06:49
Dhraak[knoppix] hmm06:49
Sho_now he's getting "starting openbsd secure shell server failed" - wohoo ..06:50
Dhraak[knoppix] what does the kubuntu installer do in terms of partitioning?06:50
martDhraak[knoppix] : there's a "Do what you think is sensible" option for newbies06:50
Dhraak[knoppix] heh06:51
martDhraak[knoppix] : or you can use the partioner to create, delete and format06:51
Dhraak[knoppix] I can never decide how I want to partition things06:51
Dhraak[knoppix] I have 70GB available06:51
Dhraak[knoppix] (shrinking the XP partition from 30GB to 10GB felt sooooo good)06:51
martDhraak[knoppix] : I've been using linux for 10+ years, and I'm only just beginning to figure out partitioning schemes that work for me...06:52
martI think I try to hard.06:52
Sho_Any idea why sshd would fail to come up?06:53
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Dhraak[knoppix] mart, I'm pondering 10GB /, 30GB /home, and 30GB audio/video06:54
martDhraak[knoppix] : yeah, depends where you compile stuff06:54
Dhraak[knoppix] heh06:54
Dhraak[knoppix] for gentoo, I just had ~40GB / (with everything), 512MB swap, and ~9GB misc06:55
martDhraak[knoppix] : I find partitioning affects the way I backup06:55
Dhraak[knoppix] the installer uses cfdisk, right?06:56
Dhraak[knoppix] heh06:56
martDhraak[knoppix] : don't think it's cfdisk06:56
=== Dhraak[knoppix] will admit that he doesn't back things up nearly enough
martit's more 'gui'06:56
Dhraak[knoppix] ooh06:56
martbut still text mode06:56
Dhraak[knoppix] ah06:56
Dhraak[knoppix] Curses!06:56
martyeah, takes a moment to get used to, if you know cfdisk06:57
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Dhraak[knoppix] other than resizing the ntfs partition with qtparted, all the partitioning I've done has been with cfdisk06:57
teprrrRiddell, so hmm, is kubuntu changing to gcc4 at the same time as debian?06:58
martDhraak[knoppix] : the hardest part is knowing what partitions are, and which ones you need, after that, partioners are much the same06:58
martteprrr: Breezy is already on gcc406:58
Riddellteprrr: kubuntu has already changed06:58
gdhsame time as debian?  Make a note in your diary for summer 2008 :)06:58
martheh :)06:59
teprrrhmm, breezy? next? :)06:59
teprrrgdh, debian is changing atm and is thus broken06:59
martbreezy will definately release before debian releases a new version with gcc406:59
gdhwe might see another ice age before Etch appears, mind =)07:00
teprrrso is breezy usable atm then?07:01
=== mart is using it
Dhraak[knoppix] which character was breezy?07:01
gdhLast I heard, it was encouraged to use breezy now07:01
gdhto help test + bugreport, etc.07:01
gdhDhraak[knoppix] : Debian uses Toy Story - i have no idea what Ubuntu is using.. :)07:02
martDhraak[knoppix] : huh? I know debian names after Toy Story, what does ubuntu name after?07:02
testmadgdh: what do you have for the backports/restricted in your sources.list?07:02
Dhraak[knoppix] nm07:02
bbailey"dirty furry rooting critters" ?07:02
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marthuge fire in newcastle right now.07:03
gdhtestmad: Personally I am still on hoary :)07:03
Dhraak[knoppix] o/` A hedgehog can neverbe buggered at all o/`07:03
gdhnot even carefully ...07:03
Dhraak[knoppix] gotta love Pratchett07:03
Dhraak[knoppix] when is the next version likely to be out?07:04
Dhraak[knoppix] okay07:04
gdhApril + October :)07:04
Dhraak[knoppix] a tad long to wait07:04
Dhraak[knoppix] so I will be using the 5.04 install CD07:04
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Dhraak[knoppix] at any rate, I should probably stop dallying around on freenode and actually reboot and install07:05
martDhraak[knoppix] : yeah, you can always dist-upgrade before October then if you get desparate07:05
Dhraak[knoppix] what's the time estimate on a 2.4GHz p4?07:05
Dhraak[knoppix] mart, that's like emerge -uav world, right?  !;)07:05
othernoob15 minutes maybe? 07:06
Dhraak[knoppix] hmm07:06
Dhraak[knoppix] hmm07:06
martDhraak[knoppix] : yeah, except you don't have to wait 4 days :)07:06
Dhraak[knoppix] mart, well, I try to emerge -uavt every week or so07:06
Dhraak[knoppix] to avoid the 4-day compiles07:07
=== mart never trusted gentoo packagers
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Skaaganyone managed to get a QuickCam 4000 working?07:07
Dhraak[knoppix] I went with x86 except for specific packages marked ~x86 in my /etc/portage/package.keywords07:07
martnot since the lets compile everything 'full optimisation' even if it goes slower that way days...07:08
gdhSkaag: I had one which broke, if that helps? :)07:08
Dhraak[knoppix] kde 3.4.1 is available for kubuntu, right?07:08
Skaagbut when it was working, was it working under linux?07:08
gdhSkaag: I used to use it with the binary-only 'pwcx' driver on Debian - worked fine07:08
Skaagah checking07:08
gdhSkaag: then I tried with Kubuntu and the free pwc driver and only got interference / static from the camer07:08
gdhSkaag: I tried it in windows, and got the same thing - the camera must've goot dropped / knackered when we moved house :|07:08
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Dhraak[knoppix] okay... gonna reboot and install07:10
teprrrso, is breezy usable atm? or is x still broken? :)07:18
othernoobteprrr: what does the topic in #ubuntu say?07:18
teprrrdon't know.. yet.07:19
teprrrso it's broken :)07:19
othernooblol ;)07:19
testmadhas anyone gotten flash to werk right on konquerer?07:21
teprrrtestmad, yup, works fine here07:21
teprrrthough I've debian.. :P07:21
aseigoyou have to use the NS4 plugin version though07:21
testmadtell conquere to id as ns4?07:22
testmadand itll werk?07:22
othernoobno, it'll never werk :p07:22
testmadok..not werkin07:23
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testmadupgraded all pachages..07:24
aseigono, you don't tell it to id as ns407:24
testmadthne how?07:24
testmadnoob here07:24
othernoobi think he didn't get the joke...07:24
testmadpls explain07:24
aseigowhat you do is you install the flash plugin and ensure konqueror can see it in the plugins config page in Settings -> Configure Konqueror07:24
testmadthe mozilla flash plugins right?07:24
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
aseigono, not the mozilla flash plugins. the NS4 flash plugins.07:30
=== aseigo ponders how many times he'll need to say that =)
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Dhraakellianokay... it's up and running07:42
Dhraakellianbut ew!ew!ew! 640x480 at 60Hz!07:42
teprrrhmm, what could cause kde to hang when checking for peripherals or something like that shows up in splash?07:42
teprrrwell, whole x restarts itself after being some time on that07:43
Dhraakellianhow might I get a higher resolution on here without going and grabbing my xorg.conf that I backed up from my gentoo installation?07:44
Dhraakellianor would that be the best option07:44
thoreauputicDhraakellian: try running ` sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg `07:44
Dhraakellianhow long should this take?07:46
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thoreauputicDhraakellian: umm... that command should ask you questions that you answer - not long07:46
Dhraakellianokay... removed the backticks07:48
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=== Dhraakellian wonders how much RAM he should have his video card use
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B-Lconverting to kde is screwing my system up :(07:55
B-Li logged in as my girlfriend, because when i try to log in, it just hangs.  nothing ever comes up.07:56
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thoreauputicB-L: I suggest you try renaming ~/.kde to say, .kde.bak and logging in again - you lose your personal settings, but it should at least work: you can put them back07:58
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thoreauputicB-L: that's in *your* home dir, of course07:58
B-Lthoreauputic, ahhh...smart07:58
B-Lwell, that worked08:00
teprrrwoohoo, it works :)08:00
thoreauputicB-L: good - now you can debug which thing in .kde caused the trouble by gradually putting stuff back into .kde from .kde.bak (or just start again)08:01
thoreauputicI mean start from the defaults, of course...08:01
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testmadok..remind me to never update all the packages again08:05
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Dhraakellianhmm... it doesn't seem to want to let me go above 640x48008:15
testmadquestion..whats command to reconfiguree xorg?08:15
Dhraakellian'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' is the one that was mentioned to me a few minutes ago08:15
testmadk..thats what i thought..couldnt remember tho08:16
thoreauputicDhraakellian: you might try selecting  a lower clour depth like 16 instead of 2408:16
testmadwhat is 128MB in kB?08:17
Dhraakellianon that note, what is a reasonable amount of memory for such things?08:17
Dhraakellian(intel integrated graphics)08:17
testmaddepends on how much system memory you got08:18
thoreauputictestmad: 128 * 1024 I suppose08:18
=== ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
testmadso you basicly got 128 MB RAM08:20
=== Dhraakellian fiddles around a little more
testmadthats a hard one08:21
ray_sup test08:21
testmadhey..not much08:21
Dhraakellianno, I have 768MB08:21
ray_still tweaking?08:21
testmadtrying to figure out what 128MB is in kB08:21
DhraakellianI was responding to the math question08:21
Dhraakelliantestmad: 13107208:21
Dhraakellianray_: KiB08:21
ubotuDhraakellian: Are you smoking crack?08:21
ray_i am08:22
Dhraakellianwhy, was my math off?08:22
Ko_OnradSomeone here who has installed qt4 (-dev)? I can't find those packages and compiling the `official' .tar.gz fails. :(08:22
thoreauputicDhraakellian: heh - ubotu is a bot who responds to the !08:22
Dhraakellianhaving lurked in #amarok so much, one would assume that I'd catch such things08:22
Dhraakellianubotu: are you a bot?08:23
ubotuI haven't a clue, Dhraakellian08:23
Dhraakelliantestmad: just seeing how it'd respond08:23
testmadDhraakellian: when playing with onboard gfx..you gotta balace between system and video08:23
testmadi would say split in half08:24
testmad64 and 6408:24
Dhraakelliantestmad: heh... no, I have 768MB RAM08:24
testmadbut..thats no good for any gaming08:24
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Dhraakellianthe 131072 was in answer to the multiplication question08:24
testmadthen give the vid 12808:24
testmadand 512 to system08:24
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testmadshould i load GLcore?08:25
Dhraakelliantestmad: and squirrel away the otther 128MB?  !;)08:25
testmaderr..sorry..my math is off08:25
=== Dhraakellian went with the automatic partitioning stuff that the kubuntu installer did, so he apparently has a couple GB of swap
=== Dhraakellian waits for the answer to testmad's question
Dhraakellianactually, I'm just gonna flip through stuff again and let it restart X08:27
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=== Dhraakellian is pretty sure he was using the same color depth on gentoo
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Dhraakellianmrr.... no fish?08:29
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Dhraakelliannm.  using the actual address instead of the hostname08:32
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testmady is it that after i config xorg all my fonts come back huge?08:32
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Dhraakellianwrong dpi?08:33
testmadi dunno08:34
dell500how do you upgrade firmware in linux for a DVD drive??08:34
gdhdell500: generally you don't. complain to your manufacturer :)08:34
dell500are you serious?08:35
dell500so you can't upgrade firmware without windows, mac osx or 9?!08:36
gdhyes. If the manufacturer has provided a stupid .exe all-in-one updater program08:36
gdhthen you have to use a windows PC08:36
dell500what a crock08:36
gdhHad that prob with aPhilips drive, but I expect most manufr.s are the same08:36
dell500well shizzle08:37
dell500time for a shower i guess08:37
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Dhraakellianokay, I backed up the xorg.conf I had here and copied over the one that I had backed up from my gentoo intallation08:38
testmadok..im officially peeved08:38
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Dhraakellianhmm... doesn't appear to have worked08:41
DhraakellianI *know* I've had this thing at 1600x1200 before08:42
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testmadpls help me..08:42
testmadthese fonts are huge and im not that blind08:42
teprrrhttp://pastebin.com/315147 -- is there anything I can do?08:44
Dhraakelliantestmad: iirc, putting the screen size in the xorg.conf helps with that08:44
Dhraakellianhighlighting in vim isn't copying08:46
DhraakellianSection "Monitor"08:46
testmadim at 1280x1024 right now08:46
testmadjust the fonts are huge.08:46
Dhraakellian   DisplaySize   365  273   : mm08:47
Dhraakellian# instead of :08:47
Dhraakellianis what I have08:47
Dhraakellianfor a 19" IBM P9208:47
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ubotuDhraakellian: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?08:47
jesusfishwhat is the version of kubuntu after hoary, and is it possibile to upgrade to that without severly messing one's system up?08:49
other|studyand yes. but not yet. x is broken08:50
jesusfishhow stable is it?08:50
=== Dhraakellian tests out recent changes
other|studyjesusfish: just wait till october till its official release08:50
jesusfishcuz hoary isn't get new package updates, right?08:50
other|studyjust security updates08:51
jesusfishother|study: well, my hoary isn't that stable anyways08:51
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jesusfishother|study: well, it's prolly more KDE, but various KDE apps crash all the time08:52
jesusfishother|study: would running breezy be similar to running Debian unstable?08:52
teprrrother|study, atm yes08:52
=== Dhraakellian changes the default color depth to 16 and tries again
teprrrother|study, as borh are broken :)08:52
other|studyheh, teprrr i didn't ask :p08:53
jesusfishoh wait....I don't think I'm using hoary's KDE packages anyways08:53
other|studyjesusfish: which kde version?08:53
teprrrother|study, you should talk on query if you don't want other people to disturb your discussions.. :P08:53
=== jesusfish checks hist apt sources
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jesusfishoh, they are hoary's kde packages08:54
other|studyteprrr: that's no prob, but jesusfish asked the questions and you directed the answers at me ;)08:54
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other|studyi thought 3.4.1 was supposed to fix some crashes..08:55
jesusfishI used to run Deb unstable08:55
jesusfishother|study: ya, so did I08:55
other|studymaybe teprrr knows more about that :p08:55
other|studyteprrr: aren't you a kde developer? :p08:55
jesusfishthe 2.6.11 kernel has serious issues with my system as well08:55
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bbaileyI'd be very happy if ubuntu unstable was as stable as debian unstable, heh08:56
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Jeezisjesusfish: same here, i am just sticking with 2.6.10-508:56
jesusfishJeezis: ya, that's what I use for now08:56
other|studyjesusfish: you're not supposed to use the 2.6.1108:56
Jeezisjesusfish: had major stability issues08:56
other|studyit's broken..the ubuntu people didn't fix it08:56
jesusfishother|study: I think apt-get update installed it, I didn't actually intend to08:56
jesusfishdist-upgrade, that is08:56
Dhraakellianso... how to get the resolution up to something bearable?08:57
teprrrother|study, uh, om08:57
JeezisDhraakellian: what is it at now?08:57
teprrrother|study, yup, akregator devel actually..08:57
jesusfishother|study: how do I config grub to use .10 by default?  I'm used to Lilo08:57
DhraakellianI had it up to 1600x1200 before I blew away my gentoo installation08:58
JeezisDhraakellian: damn, do you have the drivers for your video card installed?08:58
Jeezisnever tried gentoo, went from red hat 9 to mandrake to debian to ubuntu to kubuntu :-p08:59
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DhraakellianIntel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Device08:59
Dhraakellianthat's what I have, I believe09:00
Jeezisoo, i haven't had any experience with intel graphics cards09:00
=== Dhraakellian was also using xorg 6.7 under gentoo, since 6.8.x was unusably slow for some reason
other|studyjesusfish: i'm not a grub expert09:00
=== mart has:
mart0000:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corp. 82865G Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)09:00
Jeezismart: how do you check that?09:01
Jeezisah ok09:01
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Jeezisyeah, i have an ati radeon 320m09:02
jesusfishmaybe 2.6.11 was working for me...it's what I compiled LIRC under09:02
Jeezisglxgears was only giving me aroun 168 fps >_<09:02
Dhraakellian0000:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corp. 82865G Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)09:02
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Jeezis0000:01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility U109:04
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Dhraakellianwoah... kcontrol just crashed on startu09:04
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testmadthis is better09:05
testmadchanged dpi to 96 and its all good again09:05
Jeezisit's so nice to watch synaptic as it downloads and installs things flawlessly09:05
testmadheh..is nice till you upgrade kernels09:06
testmadeverytime ive upgraded or switched i always end up in console09:06
Jeeziswhich is why i'm sticking to 2.6.10-5 :-p09:06
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Dhraakelliankate: ERROR: Communication problem with kate, it probably crashed.09:11
segfault2kbreezy is still broken?09:11
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Dhraakellianhrm... installing gvim means installing gnome stuff?09:13
teprrrwhee, got it working.. I had no shell installed and thus it didn't work09:15
=== Dhraakellian wonders why the heck he can't get this thing above 640x480 at 60Hz
=== Dhraakellian goes to grab a snack and cool off for a minute
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Mezwhat's a good CD "backup" tool ?09:30
Mezfor KDE?09:30
Dhraakellianhow would I go about forcing this thing to a higher resolution?09:30
jesusfishwhere the heck does Kubuntu get it's list of modules to load and such?09:30
DhraakellianMez:, you looking for a burner app or something else?09:30
jesusfishI tried editing discover.conf, but it did not skip the modules I told it to skip09:31
Dhraakellianfor burning, I'd say k3b09:31
MezDhraakellian, noo... I maintain k3b, just want to rip them to my PC :D09:31
MezFirst time I've bought a CD in ages, so, well - I havent "ripped" any since I moved to linux :D09:31
MezI mean I know I can drag ogg files off it, but it seems pretty slow09:32
Dhraakelliandrag'n'drop from audiocd:/?09:32
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Dhraakellianthere's also grip09:32
Dhraakelliankaudiocreator would be the one for KDE09:32
Mezyeah, but drag and drop from audiocd is a bit slow :D09:33
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=== Dhraakellian really wants to get away from this 640x480
Mez~I mean, a lot of programs in windows will rip a CD for me in a few minutes... and I'm sure that something in KDE can do the same09:34
DhraakellianI think the audiocd ioslave uses cdparanoia09:34
MezDhraakellian, kcontrol -> Peripherals -> display09:35
DhraakellianMez:, hah! don't I wish!09:35
MezDhraakellian, What's the problem with that09:35
Dhraakellian640x480 and 60Hz are the only options listed09:35
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Dhraakellianxorg.conf has a lot more than just 640x480 listed09:38
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ray_any of u guys know of a good dvd ripper?09:51
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ray_or copyer09:51
Dhraakelliancheck kde-apps.org perhaps?09:51
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=== Dhraakellian ponders
=== Dhraakellian wonders what things he could try in order to get the resolution up
=== Dhraakellian will ponder it while afk
testmadDhraakellian: got one for you09:53
testmad1280-1024 dpi at 433x34709:53
testmadthat 75x75dpi09:54
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ermac`does anyone know how i can run the photoshop installer with wine?09:57
testmadwhat version of photoshop?09:57
testmaddoesnt werk09:57
ermac`wich then?09:57
ermac`wich should work09:58
testmadi thnik 7.0 does09:58
ermac`then i'll search it somewhere09:58
ermac`do you know a mirror?09:58
testmadi dual boot for my ps09:58
ermac`fuck then i downloaded 330mb for nothing :(09:58
Mezermac`, watch you're language09:59
testmady is it that i cant get flas to werk with konqueror10:01
testmadthis blows10:01
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ubuntuhello 10:11
ubuntuhow can i modprobe a module from a live ubuntu cd ??? please help...10:11
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ubuntucome on .... somebody must know10:12
fromoze_awayyou can't10:12
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ubuntufromoze: are you sure???10:12
fromozeubuntu: ;)10:13
fromozei don't understan the cuestion10:13
ubuntui want to install a module10:13
ubuntuie: speedstep-centrino 10:13
ubuntumodprobe speedstep-centrino10:13
fromozefrom the live-cd to a hdd instalation?10:13
ubuntujust the live cd10:13
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fromozethen 10:14
fromozemodprobe -l | grep centrino to get the exactly name10:14
ubuntui have the exact name10:14
fromozeand sudo modprobe speedstep-centrino10:14
ubuntuthank you10:15
fromozepasword: ubuntu  or morphix or not asked10:15
ubuntustill ... it fails ... the i can't get cpufreq to work on my centrino laptop10:15
fromozewhat error?10:15
ubuntuNo such device10:16
ubuntu:) I'm pretty sure there is such a device :))10:16
fromozeI think powernowd do the work for centrino too.. i use it for my amd6410:16
fromozedo: less /proc/cpufreq10:17
ubuntumodel name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1600MHz10:18
ubuntucpu MHz         : 598.52910:18
fromozeto see if it's configure cpufreq step, I don't know about centrino.. but it works on amd10:18
fromozethen, you've cpufreq working, no?10:18
ubuntucpufreq can't work if i don't have the module running 10:19
fromozenot necesary10:19
fromozenew kernels do it :)10:20
BROKEN_LADDERdoes kde have something equivalent to esd on gnome, so that multiple apps (and users) can use sound simultaneously?10:21
fromozearts BROKEN_LADDER 10:21
BROKEN_LADDERmy onboard audio is pretty minimal.10:21
BROKEN_LADDERhow do i set that up?10:21
fromozeit must work by default10:21
BROKEN_LADDERand can i make gnome apps use it?10:21
BROKEN_LADDERit works  by default?10:21
BROKEN_LADDERit's not working for me.10:22
BROKEN_LADDERonly one user can use sound at a time10:22
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fromozegnome-audio/sound-control something like that permets you to choice auido daemon to use10:22
fromozemay be you're using esd and arts at same time == problems10:23
aseigoBROKEN_LADDER: yeah, linux audio kind of sucks like that10:26
fromozeaseigo: I'm really happy with my sb live!  :P10:27
BROKEN_LADDERi don't think i'm running esd..lemme check10:27
testmadhow do you keep konqueror from opening new tabs?10:27
aseigofromoze: heh .. well, linux audio is hella better than it was 5 years ago ... but we still have a ways to do =)10:27
fromozeaseigo: I now, it's why I never use the system sounds xD10:28
aseigotestmad: Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Web Behaviour -> unchck "Open Links in new tab instead of in new window"10:28
testmadwell..see..im at a flash site that has age verification..and it opens in a new tab..when i submit my age..nothing happens to the main site10:29
BROKEN_LADDERalso, when setting keyboard shortcuts in kde, i can't get it to recognize my "multimedia" keys at the top of my keyboard.10:29
BROKEN_LADDERthose were handy for playing music and stuff.10:29
testmadthis is the Doom3 site..not prono10:29
BROKEN_LADDERit was simple in gnome10:29
fromozeaseigo: But I want to say that sound hardware is going wrost these days... on-board chips are really bad stuff :/10:30
fromozeBROKEN_LADDER: In kde is easier 10:30
fromozeBROKEN_LADDER: What's your keyboard model?10:30
fromozeBROKEN_LADDER: Control Center --> Regional Setting --> keyboard layout : use keyboard layout and look for the model of your keyboard, if isn't there, just choice the more similar.10:32
fromozewell.. i'm using spanish-kde, then the names of sections can be wrong10:33
fromozefor the unknown keys you can configure them in the section some english user can tell you xD10:34
aseigofromoze: indeed10:34
fromozein gnome my Genius Keyboard only get the volume control working... in kde all the keys works like a charm -- DCOP RULEZZZ10:35
teprrrhmm, where can I find libc6 package?10:38
teprrrI haven't ever been able to make my multimedia keys to work with kde...10:38
teprrrbut yes, with gnome they work easily :P10:38
teprrrno kkeyinputdialog recognize them without hazzling around with xmodmap and such10:38
BROKEN_LADDERi'm trying to eliminate the idea of "windows"10:39
BROKEN_LADDERevery program i run, i try to keep borderless and maximized.10:39
BROKEN_LADDERi think it would be a very good evolution in desktop design.10:39
fromozeteprrr: I thinked my multimedia keys won't work ever, but once I try to configure the keyboard by DCOP all was ok :)10:39
BROKEN_LADDERwindows make no sense.10:39
teprrrfromoze, by dcop? um10:40
BROKEN_LADDERwhat's that?  DCOP?10:40
fromozeDCOP.. I a powerfull thin xD10:40
teprrrBROKEN_LADDER, I think ion does something like that10:40
BROKEN_LADDERwhat is ion?10:40
fromozewmii to10:40
teprrrdcop is communication protocol used by kde10:40
BROKEN_LADDERi just have one panel, the one at the top with my application menubar on it, as well as the kde menu on it, and a few handy applets, and a window list button.10:41
fromozeyes, and you can control any program on kde by the terminal10:41
fromozemore or less like me BROKEN_LADDER 10:41
BROKEN_LADDERthere must be way more people working on kde than on gnome10:41
teprrryup, but I still don't understand what you meant by configiring it by dcop :)10:41
fromozein quick keys on kde, you can associate key to a dcop command10:42
fromozeI'm translating from spanish, sorry xD10:42
teprrryes I know..10:43
teprrrbut the problem is that kde doesn't recognize my buttons10:43
fromozewich layout are you using?10:43
=== Dhraakellian wonders and ponders some more
teprrrsome standard one10:44
fromozethen kde won't look to the multimedia keys10:44
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Dhraakellianso, what things should I try now in an attempt to get the resolution higher?10:44
teprrrfromoze, um, and gnome works fine?10:45
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fromozeyes, gnome is senseless xD10:45
teprrruh, great10:45
teprrrstill those keys doesn't work for me10:45
ermac`can someone help me?10:46
fromozehave you the model of your keyboard?10:46
teprrrwell, I can get them working with lineak, but it's one more thing to take care of10:46
teprrryup, logitech's ultrax flat10:46
ermac`why do i get the error: could not initialize vbox, when i start photoshop.exe in wine?10:46
fromozethe more thing configure it with hotkeys :)10:46
fromozeisn't too hard10:46
fromozeDhraakellian: left-button on the wallpaper and configure display?10:47
lokitoany know how can i control the upload of my coneccion  on kubuntu?10:47
teprrrlokito, control by which means+10:47
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Dhraakellianfromoze, first thing I tried10:48
Dhraakellianit only shows 640x480 and 60Hz10:48
=== P3L|C4N0 o/
lokitoftp teprrr10:48
fromozeDhraakellian: change your xorg.conf?10:48
ermac`why do i get the error: could not initialize vbox, when i start photoshop.exe in wine?10:48
teprrrlokito, your client doesn't support limiting?10:48
teprrrlokito, or is it server?10:48
lokitoi use proftpd10:49
Dhraakellianfromoze, I have higher resolutions listed for every color depth10:49
fromozeermac`: are you sure wine supports photoshop? 10:49
teprrrum, and it doesn't support limiting?10:49
fromozeDhraakellian: And the monitor configuration?? 10:49
gdhfromoze: Wine runs Pshop 7 fine - no idea about CS1/CS210:49
teprrrtrickle can limit any app, but I don't know if it's good idea to use with ftp server.. :P10:49
lokitoi hope so10:49
ermac`fromoze, wine started the installation and ended it without any problem so normallly it should work and friends of me have it running to..10:50
lokitoppl is killing my upload10:50
lokito125kb +10:50
fromozeDhraakellian: the refresh of your monitor is very important to get the resolution10:50
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Dhraakellianfromoze, yeah... I try pasting in the section from my old xorg.conf10:50
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Dhraakellianright... no gvim10:51
fromozeDhraakellian: but is ok the refresh?10:51
ermac`fromoze, wine started the installation and ended it without any problem so normallly it should work and friends of me have it running to..10:51
Dhraakellianthe only resolution available is 640x480; the only refresh rate available is 60Hz10:52
DhraakellianI know for a fact that this monitor can do 1600x1200 at 75Hz10:52
fromozeermac`: I don't use wine neither photoshop, I can't help you. Just try to get a tip about.10:52
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ermac`Dhraakellian, did you already change your colordepth? it should be 16 if you have that problem10:52
fromozeermac`: have you try gimp or krita? may be you don't need photoshop (just other tip ;) )10:53
ermac`ok fromoze 10:53
BROKEN_LADDERkonquerer won't save a web folder unless it can connect to it at the time of creation!? BAH10:53
Dhraakellianemac, I believe I did try that10:53
ermac`hehe i dunno, the gimp looks crap10:53
Dhraakellianand I put it back when it didn't work10:53
fromozeermac`: and krita? ;)10:53
BROKEN_LADDERanyone use kmail?  can it be set to actually "move" emails from one directory to another instead of marking deleted and copying; as well as being able to move a message to the trash istead of just marking it deleted?10:53
ermac`dunno never seen it10:53
ermac`wath site fromoze?10:54
MacManXI have a quick newbie-ish question about running fsck.  Anyone up to it?10:54
teprrrBROKEN_LADDER, yes10:54
fromozeBROKEN_LADDER: creates filters to do it10:54
teprrrI've filters which move all spam to spam folder10:54
ermac`Dhraakellian, did you add the HorizSync and VertRefresh lines too??10:54
fromozeermac`:  you need to do that http://kubuntu.org/hoary-koffice-14.php10:54
Dhraakellianemac, I'm now copying over monitor stuff from my old xorg.conf10:55
fromozeand info about on the site of koffice10:55
ermac`ok fromoze 10:55
Dhraakelliandunno why I didn't think to do that earlier10:55
ermac`because you didn't knew that?10:55
ermac`just a guess10:55
Dhraakelliandon't know why I didn't think to compare the two and see what was missing from the one10:56
ermac`fromoze, ive got koffice already..10:56
Dhraakellianmaybe it was because I tried the old one and it didn't work10:56
=== Dhraakellian will try the one generated by the tools on this distro with more monitor information added
Dhraakellianokay, brb10:57
=== Dhraakellian [~ntryon@cpe-66-67-53-29.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
ermac`fromoze, where can i get the krita-stuff?10:58
fromozeermac`: sudo apt-get krita?10:58
ermac`didn't work10:58
Dhraakelliannarfing smeg10:58
Dhraakellianit didn't work10:58
ermac`i updated the sources list as well10:58
ermac`oh ok sorry then Dhraakellian 10:58
fromozedo you introduce koffice 3.4.1 sources?10:58
BROKEN_LADDERteprrr i'm not talking about filtering10:58
ermac`how you mean fromoze?10:59
fromozekoffice 1.4 sorry :$10:59
BROKEN_LADDERteprrr i'm saying ,if i move a message from inbox to amikoj, i want it to move the fuckin message, not copy it and mark the inbox copy as deleted.  that is annoying.10:59
worzelDhraakellian, in xorg.conf section 'Screen'10:59
MacManXWill running fsck from Konsole on the current startup drive cause any problems? 10:59
Dhraakellianworzel, eh?10:59
fromozeBROKEN_LADDER: I get the move option doing that...10:59
worzeldoes it actually name your monitor10:59
BROKEN_LADDERalso, if i delete a message, i want it to be moved to a specified directory, say "trash", and then deleted from the current directory, so that it appears to be moved to trash, not just marked deleted.11:00
=== Jeezis [~roger@jeezis.user] has joined #kubuntu
Dhraakellianin the section "Monitor", it does11:00
worzelhow about section Screen11:00
Dhraakellianoh, yeah11:00
Dhraakellianin both11:00
BROKEN_LADDERfromoze in thunderbird or evolution if you do that, it appears to work, but then if you go to your web mail, you'll see that the original message is still there just marked deleted.11:00
worzelanother idea gone!!11:00
Dhraakellianokay, well, I'm gonna restart X again now11:01
fromozeBROKEN_LADDER: you must activate the delete the server message11:01
Jeezisi am so in love with kubuntu :-p11:01
Jeezisit just pwnz all 11:01
fromozeBROKEN_LADDER: I'm worng11:01
worzelother options, add DisplaySize to monitor11:02
MacManXWill running fsck from Konsole on the current startup drive cause any problems?11:02
fromozeBROKEN_LADDER: You need to desactivate the option 11:02
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fromozesee on the server configuration11:03
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=== Antoine__ [~Antoine@c-24-5-198-14.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERhow do i set gnome programs that use gstreamer, like rthymbox, to use artsd?11:03
Antoine__hey guys, does anyone know if its possible to boot with the livecd on a centrino laptop?11:03
MacManXHelp, please.  Will running fsck from Konsole on the current startup drive cause any problems? 11:04
fromozeBROKEN_LADDER: gnome-audio-setting or something like that.. Rhythmbox? DO you lnow amarok?11:04
Antoine__well, i've set it to boot from cd but it still boots win from the hd11:05
fromozeMacManX: It depends on wath you do11:05
fromozetry cfdisk11:05
fromozeMacManX: What are you trying to do?11:05
MacManXthanks, I'll try that.11:05
MacManXI'm just trying to run a normal check and repair if need be utility.  I run fsk weekly on my Mac.11:06
fromozeMacManX: what FS are you using?11:06
MacManXIm not entirely sure.  I just installed Kubuntu last night and set it to wipe and reformat my HD.11:07
MacManXI suppose that t would be UFS then?11:07
fromozeMacManX: if it isn't ext2 ... you're not supossed to need to do it11:07
MacManXah, so the file system will take care of itself?11:07
fromozeyes, reiserfs and ext3 do it.11:07
MacManXcool, thanks11:07
fromozeext3 do an scandisck every 30 mount times by defaults11:08
fromozereiserfs check integrity each boot time... may be I'm wrong about that :/11:08
fromozebut ext3 will make the scan disk for you11:08
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fromozeand you'll see it :)11:08
testmadanyone istalled doom3 on linux yet?11:08
worzelDhraakellian - does running xorgcfg show anything helpful11:08
Dhraakellianworzel, on the advice of someone in here I ran "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"11:09
DhraakellianI suppose running the other can't hurt11:09
bbaileyI've ran doom3 on linux, yes.11:09
testmadhod do i install it?11:10
MacManXThanks, Fromoze11:10
DhraakellianData incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:10
Dhraakellian        Undefined Monitor "IBM P92" referenced by Screen "Default Screen".11:10
DhraakellianProblem when parsing config file11:10
bbaileyThere's a linux install file you download from somewhere or other. It's pretty straightforward - you run it, it asks where the cd is mounted or where the data files are, installs it etc.11:11
worzelhad same problem but solved it, but not entirely sure how11:11
testmadummthe loki installelr11:11
testmadwont werk11:11
testmadsays i need gtk1.211:11
testmadi got 2.011:11
worzelperhaps add ModeLine specific to your monitor?11:11
testmadit should still work right?11:11
bbaileyis the one I used11:12
bbaileyworked fine (on debian sid a month ago, anyway)11:12
Dhraakellianworzel, commenting out the Monitor line in the "Screen" section11:12
Dhraakellianwondering if it dislikes having that in there twice11:12
=== Dhraakellian [~ntryon@cpe-66-67-53-29.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Dhraakelliancame up strangely11:14
testmadok..new problem..i got my doomdvd in the drive..but its not seeing anyhting..11:14
testmadit should tho right?11:15
=== BROKEN_LADDER [~pral@adsl-69-226-227-118.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #KUBUNTU
Dhraakellianthe display was in the upper right corner of the screen, and parts of it were also drawn in the other four corners11:15
Dhraakellianctrl+alt+minus brought be back11:15
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Dhraakellianand xorgcfg segfaults11:16
Dhraakellianworzel, and what did you mean by "ModeLine specific"?11:17
worzelI used that before but it may not be necessary, google for info11:19
testmady cant i see files on my dvdrw?11:20
worzelxorgcfg - read man page, it can rewrite xorg.conf from new11:20
Dhraakellianall this would be easier if I had a little more desktop real estate11:21
testmadhow can i see if its even mounted?11:21
worzelsorry cant help more, got to leave11:21
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testmadim lost11:24
testmadand this permissions stuff is makin me mad11:24
testmadi cant eject my cd11:24
testmadcould someone help me in getting my cdrom to werk like it should11:25
ermac`why do i get the error: could not initialize vbox, when i start photoshop.exe in wine?11:30
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kakaltoany ideas?11:31
kakaltowrong channel11:31
=== testmad [~testmad@pool-141-153-73-185.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
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testmadso y is it so hard to use a cdrom in linux?11:39
testmadapokryphos: you available?11:40
fromozetestmad: you can't eject the cdrom?11:42
fromozetestmad: how are you trying to do it?11:43
testmadno..im way past all that..i want basic uase and functionality of my drive11:43
testmaddo i have to mount my cdrom everytime i want to use it?11:44
fromozeit depends xD11:44
testmadi stick my ubuntu install cd in and i can read it fine..11:44
fromozethe app will do it most of the time11:44
testmadi put my doom3dvd in and it just spins the drive and lite comes on..for a while11:45
testmadand i just wait..and wait..and wait] 11:45
fromozethere you need to mount it11:45
fromozedo you have the icon of the drive on the desktop?11:45
ermac`when i want to play mpeg files in kaffeine i get a green screen, how come? and how to fix?11:46
testmadsee...i need someone to go thru and help me get kubuntu "dumbed" down as much as possible11:46
fromozeermac`: 11:46
ubotuit has been said that repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto11:46
fromozethe libxine from main don't support mpeg for patent problems11:47
ermac`i hate patents:(11:48
testmadso fromoze..you got time to help me dumb down kubunut?11:48
testmadlike hd and cdrom on desk?11:49
fromozetestmad: I was thinking how to explain it in english...11:49
ermac`fromoze, that helppage doesn't work, remember: Kubuntu11:49
fromozebut I can't now... I'm making my class writtings11:50
ermac`there is no menu like that in the helpfile11:50
fromozeermac`: the second section11:50
fromozeis by terminal11:50
fromozeI'm wrong..wait11:51
ubotumethinks kudos is at http://kudos.berlios.de11:51
fromozeermac`: try kudos :)11:51
ermac`in deutsch? :s11:51
fromozetestmad: maybe your answer is there... I need to kepp with Rousseau :/11:51
ermac`oh ok not in deutsch11:52
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_saschajemand da?11:56
_saschasomebody here?11:56
thoreauputic_sascha: currently 93 people, it would seem11:58
testmadhow do i get icons on the desktop?12:01

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