=== dapimp53_ [~chatzilla@c-24-23-233-194.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu |
amortal_mistake | lindsey: np, you have to be root or use sudo to use it, btw | 12:01 |
amortal_mistake | lindsey: so a normal user account would type: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales" | 12:01 |
robotgee3 | any package for preventing/detecting dropped wireless connections? | 12:01 |
=== aceidia [~Aceidia@Cornwall-ppp3521264.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
aceidia | does anyone know how to enable the -jit in wine? | 12:03 |
=== tanki [~tankiii@] has joined #ubuntu |
=== NavYBarT [~brian@adsl-67-64-148-191.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu |
lindsey | amortal: I'm working on it. :) | 12:04 |
=== aceidia [~Aceidia@Cornwall-ppp3521264.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
aceidia | can anyone help me? | 12:05 |
=== theplateau [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
=== TokenBad [tokenbad@c-24-22-50-84.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
benplaut | darn | 12:06 |
benplaut | bird stuck in the house | 12:06 |
aceidia | that sucks\ | 12:06 |
TokenBad | now why will az not let me save to mounted drive when I can download from www to mounted drive | 12:06 |
benplaut | cathederal celing with windows at the top. te bird keeps trying to go out of those | 12:07 |
benplaut | and they have glass and screens | 12:07 |
remyforbes777 | hey guys this is not a linux question just a general hardware question | 12:07 |
=== Spike-Sp [~spike@AClermont-Ferrand-251-1-13-97.w83-113.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
remyforbes777 | I have 256 MB in an abit mobo | 12:08 |
remyforbes777 | i add another 256 and it doesnt show up | 12:08 |
lindsey | amortal it generated them so I am hoping everything will work right | 12:08 |
remyforbes777 | ahh forget it | 12:08 |
remyforbes777 | lol | 12:08 |
kbrooks | ? | 12:08 |
aceidia | doe anyone know anything about wine in here? | 12:08 |
kbrooks | remyforbes777, what? | 12:08 |
=== warnk [~me@pool-151-203-185-120.wma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
HappyFool | aceidia: try #winehq | 12:08 |
aceidia | thankx | 12:09 |
knowledge_ | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/635 <---anyone wanna help me with this one? | 12:09 |
knowledge_ | i"m officially stumpped | 12:09 |
ozan_smirnoff | officially? | 12:10 |
Belutz | HappyFool: how do i play a file from samba directory? | 12:10 |
HappyFool | Belutz: should work as for other files | 12:11 |
knowledge_ | yeap | 12:11 |
remyforbes777 | kbrooks: i got it working | 12:11 |
knowledge_ | officially | 12:11 |
HappyFool | knowledge_: you're missing some critical include files (e.g., 'string.h') | 12:11 |
HappyFool | knowledge_: try aptitude install build-essential | 12:11 |
ozan_smirnoff | knowledge_: install build-essential package. than come back | 12:11 |
remyforbes777 | my RAM wasnt showing up so i just switched banks , put the new ram in the first bank and put the existing Ram in a different bank and it showed up | 12:11 |
Belutz | HappyFool: but i cannot browse the samba directory from mplayer ? | 12:11 |
=== ashaak [~rick@adsl-ull-96-149.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu |
ashaak | hi | 12:11 |
ashaak | i have a question | 12:12 |
HappyFool | Belutz: hmm | 12:12 |
HappyFool | Belutz: try using nautilus to get there first, then right-click -> open with mplayer ? | 12:12 |
knowledge_ | that's done | 12:12 |
HappyFool | knowledge_: those include files are part of libc6-dev -- maybe it got lost when before | 12:12 |
=== X7C [~xtc@pc-34-184-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu |
HappyFool | knowledge_: err, when you had your libc issue, that is | 12:13 |
=== lindsey [~Lindsey@68-114-62-43.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu |
HappyFool | i need sleep | 12:13 |
TokenBad | anyone know how to get AZ to let me download to my mounted drive | 12:13 |
Belutz | HappyFool: the mplayer is started, but don't play it (right click -> open with mplayer) | 12:13 |
lindsey | Amortal: I still need help please. | 12:13 |
knowledge_ | HappyFool, I see, thanks I think it's doign it right now | 12:13 |
knowledge_ | it just went ape shhh.... | 12:13 |
=== ompaul [~ompaul@] has joined #ubuntu |
HappyFool | Belutz: you can try mount it using mount -t smbfs or -t cifs -- sorry, i really need to go to bed | 12:14 |
HappyFool | Belutz: ask someone else for more details, or look on the wiki | 12:14 |
=== hivDAVIS [~hiv@] has joined #ubuntu |
=== hivDAVIS [~hiv@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] |
=== knowledge_ is going out for a ciggarette |
=== DaZjorz [~sjorsgiel@] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | helloooo :) | 12:15 |
=== robotgee3 has quit smoking |
knowledge_ | things keep scrolling on the screen now....don't have a clue as to what's going on....I just wanna come back and see that I screwed yet another thing up | 12:15 |
lindsey | Okay I am still working on localization. I generated the locales and now need something called lang ru_RU | 12:15 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | anyone know if theres an astronomical clock app for ubuntu? | 12:15 |
DaZjorz | Church of foamy: for what ? | 12:16 |
DaZjorz | knowledge: whats the problem | 12:16 |
=== BillGates [~r0d@CPE-65-30-208-109.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | don't you know what an astronomical clock is? it can only be used for one purpose | 12:16 |
DaZjorz | lindsey: try apt-get install ru_RU | 12:16 |
ozan_smirnoff | DaZjorz: he needed some dev packages, seems solved | 12:16 |
=== no_gatez_fan [~caz@cpe-069-132-003-103.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | k | 12:16 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | and thats astronomy | 12:16 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ^_^ | 12:17 |
DaZjorz | church: erm.. xP tell me | 12:17 |
Kyral | DIE! | 12:17 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | lol | 12:17 |
warnk | I am trying to fix the display on my laptop, it has i915 graphics, but I can't seem to get X to use the drivers. Anyone able to help? | 12:17 |
lindsey | Daz: COuldn't find it. | 12:17 |
Kyral | Wow, I have quite a reflex to the name Bill Gates | 12:17 |
=== Velcan [~matthew@12-216-142-98.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | what the hell is bill gates doin in a linux chat room O_o | 12:17 |
robotgee3 | i think Billy boy likes ubuntu! | 12:18 |
ozan_smirnoff | ChurcH_of_FoamY: be nice to little boys :) | 12:18 |
=== Elerosse [~Elerosse@167-148.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
lindsey | DaZjorz, I am going to reset for full file name. | 12:19 |
no_gatez_fan | maybe he figured it out | 12:19 |
=== Rydekull [~Rydekull@c-2d7673d5.012-55-6c756c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu |
eruin | Gnobody free software sex goes something like this: mount /dev/mounter /media/bush ; fsck ; unzip thestuff.zip ; fsck ; umount /media/bush ; slocate pants | 12:19 |
eruin | and I had JUST gotten over "mount"... | 12:19 |
=== robotgee2 [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | Ozan: Talk for yourself. | 12:22 |
TokenBad | anyone know why azureus will not let me download a file to my mounted drive when I can download from website to mounted drive? | 12:22 |
DaZjorz | erm | 12:23 |
DaZjorz | what error does it give | 12:23 |
BillGates | :) | 12:23 |
=== lindsey [~Lindsey@68-114-62-43.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu |
BillGates | microsoft is going open source | 12:23 |
DaZjorz | BillGates: Please, PLEASE change your name into Anti-BillGates | 12:23 |
BillGates | you heard it now | 12:23 |
DaZjorz | because | 12:23 |
DaZjorz | Linux is like a tent. No windows, No gates, No bills and a lot of bugs | 12:23 |
=== GodFather [~rcc@pcp09006310pcs.watrfd01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
lindsey | For everyone concerned it works. Thanks for all your help everybody. :) | 12:23 |
BillGates | everyone LOVES bill gates | 12:23 |
robotgee2 | BillGates is a troll! | 12:24 |
=== DaZjorz slaps BillGates |
BillGates | lol | 12:24 |
DaZjorz | Good Lindsey :) | 12:24 |
BillGates | why ty sir | 12:24 |
DaZjorz | I want admin powers | 12:24 |
DaZjorz | then i can kick him xP | 12:24 |
BillGates | i dont even like windows.... | 12:24 |
=== DaZjorz votes to kick BillGates. |
BillGates | wow all this hate from a name | 12:24 |
=== robotgee2 joins in |
=== DaZjorz BillGates is being kicked in 9 |
=== DaZjorz BillGates is being kicked in 8 |
=== DaZjorz BillGates is being kicked in 7 |
=== DaZjorz BillGates is being kicked in 6 |
=== DaZjorz BillGates is being kicked in 5 |
=== DaZjorz BillGates is being kicked in 4 |
=== DaZjorz BillGates is being kicked in 3 |
=== DaZjorz BillGates is being kicked in 2 |
=== BillGates [~r0d@CPE-65-30-208-109.wi.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
=== DaZjorz BillGates is being kicked in 1 |
=== DaZjorz BillGates is being kicked in 0 |
DaZjorz | LOL | 12:25 |
Bols | ahah | 12:25 |
=== robotgee2 is now known as robotgee_ |
DaZjorz | i just wanted to type /me Kicking failed. | 12:25 |
=== ozan_smirnoff is now known as decaf_cakirkeyf |
DaZjorz | ^^ | 12:25 |
robotgee_ | lol | 12:25 |
DaZjorz | ;-D haha | 12:25 |
=== Microsoftt [~r0d@CPE-65-30-208-109.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | NOOOOO | 12:25 |
DaZjorz | MICROSOFT | 12:25 |
Microsoftt | :) | 12:26 |
Microsoftt | no could get microsoft... | 12:26 |
DaZjorz | ;-D | 12:26 |
robotgee_ | the death star arrives | 12:26 |
DaZjorz | ;-( | 12:26 |
Burgundavia | DaZjorz, please keep if on topic and please stop spamming | 12:26 |
=== [ubu-e] GazaM [~gareth@213-94-244-233.b-ras1.srl.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Microsoftt | all your base belongs to me!! | 12:26 |
TokenBad | operation not permitted. setlength fails | 12:26 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ok i always wanted to kill bill gates so umm..... | 12:26 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | where do you live? | 12:26 |
DaZjorz | the death star was already here..... and now he's firing :'( | 12:26 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | muhahahahahaha | 12:26 |
DaZjorz | sorry, i'll be on topic | 12:26 |
DaZjorz | sorry Burgundavia | 12:27 |
robotgee_ | is it possible to ban specific nicks :) | 12:27 |
=== kitsch [~mirshafie@] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | If you own the server | 12:27 |
Burgundavia | DaZjorz, np | 12:27 |
=== Microsoftt is now known as FatPenguin |
TokenBad | DaZjorz, operation not permitted. setlength fails | 12:27 |
dam | cann anyone recommend some good fax software for ubuntu? external modem. tested and worked on knoppix | 12:27 |
DaZjorz | ...I'm gonna host an IRC server ;-D | 12:27 |
TokenBad | thats the error it gives | 12:27 |
DaZjorz | Dam: Let me search on google... | 12:27 |
=== Corvus [~Corvus@] has joined #ubuntu |
zenlunatic | are there any free software mp3 players for windows? | 12:27 |
DaZjorz | Dam: It seems there is some "Linux Fax Server" | 12:27 |
DaZjorz | Dam: I think you want a client... | 12:28 |
dam | DaZjorz, i'd rather a personal opinion from a person, not a google | 12:28 |
ompaul | dam, what software did you use on knoppix? it most likely is available for Knoppix? | 12:28 |
robotgee_ | zenlunatic: u mean like winamp? | 12:28 |
ompaul | s/Knoppix/Ubuntu | 12:28 |
DaZjorz | Zenlunatic: Why are you asking this in a Linux channel? | 12:28 |
=== ompaul blames stress |
dam | dial-cfg or something | 12:28 |
DaZjorz | Dam: I don't know fax programs, but I want to help, so I search google for a good one | 12:28 |
=== decaf_cakirkeyf is now known as decaf_sarhos |
DaZjorz | Google is almighty | 12:28 |
zenlunatic | DaZjorz, my windows using friend needs a mp3 program and i cannot recommed a non-free software | 12:29 |
DaZjorz | Ah | 12:29 |
DaZjorz | right | 12:29 |
DaZjorz | lol | 12:29 |
dam | DaZjorz, OK, | 12:29 |
DaZjorz | ;-D | 12:29 |
zenlunatic | robotgee_, do you know what free sfotware is | 12:29 |
DaZjorz | I like to use 'open-source' and not 'free' | 12:29 |
dam | zenlunatic, cooplayer is free for winX | 12:29 |
DaZjorz | free sounds like "i say its no cost, but after all you gotta pay though" | 12:29 |
robotgee_ | zenlunatic: free as in beer! | 12:29 |
DaZjorz | ;-D | 12:29 |
FatPenguin | convert the poor bastard zenlunatic | 12:30 |
DaZjorz | ;-D | 12:30 |
DaZjorz | lool | 12:30 |
ompaul | dam, efax-gtk might be up your street | 12:30 |
robotgee_ | lol | 12:30 |
DaZjorz | Zenlunatic: I think you should take some MP3 converter thats shareware | 12:30 |
DaZjorz | and that can also play MP3's | 12:30 |
DaZjorz | l-D | 12:30 |
DaZjorz | ;-D | 12:30 |
ompaul | zenlunatic, you really should try Ubuntu it can do so much for you that you will not want to turn that thing you use now | 12:31 |
zenlunatic | free as in freedom! | 12:31 |
DaZjorz | Nvm. I'm really thinking to delete Windows from my own computer. | 12:31 |
zenlunatic | ompaul, im on ubuntu | 12:31 |
DaZjorz | Though then I can't play games anymore. | 12:31 |
DaZjorz | Not much, i mean | 12:31 |
zenlunatic | omaru, i was refering to my friend | 12:31 |
FatPenguin | you know beer isnt free.... | 12:31 |
DaZjorz | like San Andreas | 12:31 |
robotgee_ | does everyone know of the Free as in Speech Beer? | 12:31 |
DaZjorz | thats the good thing on Windows | 12:31 |
DaZjorz | games like GTA: San Andreas | 12:31 |
lsuactiafner | DaZjorz : i havent had windows in years, tho using windows to convert ppt to jpg is usefull.. | 12:31 |
zenlunatic | omaru, i haven't used windows on computers i own for years | 12:31 |
aru | DaZjorz: get an xbox for that | 12:31 |
DaZjorz | i'd rather use Windows then pay 200 euros :\ | 12:32 |
lsuactiafner | but other than that there is no use in windows | 12:32 |
robotgee_ | http://www.voresoel.dk/main.php?id=70 | 12:32 |
highvoltage | i'd rather pay 10 000 euros than to use windows | 12:32 |
lsuactiafner | 200 for what? | 12:32 |
zenlunatic | lsuactiafner, the issue shouldn't be about use. it should be about freedom! | 12:32 |
highvoltage | (not that i have 10 000 euros) | 12:32 |
DaZjorz | Highvoltage | 12:32 |
DaZjorz | if you pay me 500 euros | 12:32 |
DaZjorz | then I will buy an X-box and remove Windows from my computer forever | 12:33 |
=== mikee [~mikee@home-080042.b.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu |
=== b00gz [~b00gz@cpe-65-25-158-165.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
lsuactiafner | if you pay me 100 euro i would use windows for a week | 12:33 |
DaZjorz | LOL | 12:33 |
ompaul | FatPenguin, I have a recipe for beer http://www.valdyas.org/andal/peoples_and_places/food/kvass.html | 12:33 |
mikee | hello ppl | 12:33 |
lsuactiafner | heh i need money | 12:33 |
DaZjorz | hello Mikee | 12:33 |
=== highvoltage won't use windows for any amount of money |
ompaul | FatPenguin, and the souce for Linux :) | 12:33 |
=== highvoltage will just feel filthy |
mikee | can anyone help a tottaly noob ? | 12:33 |
poningru | mikee: whats up? | 12:33 |
DaZjorz | we're currently doing a discussion about how much money everyone wants to (not) use Windows for a while | 12:33 |
mikee | i rather that then return to windowz :(( | 12:33 |
zenlunatic | mikee, im sorry no one can help you | 12:33 |
=== robotgee_ is crazy enough to use ubuntu on a mac! |
DaZjorz | Ofcourse, Mikee | 12:33 |
DaZjorz | Whats the problem ? | 12:34 |
DaZjorz | Zenlunatic: Talk for yourself xP | 12:34 |
zenlunatic | robotgee_, ibook here | 12:34 |
mikee | ok i'm trying to inst valknut | 12:34 |
NuffSed | does anyone know of a GUI-version of deborphan? or is there a way to make synaptic uninstall dependencies that are not in use anymore? | 12:34 |
DaZjorz | Valknut... | 12:34 |
mikee | big pbs with .rpm's | 12:34 |
mikee | :(( | 12:34 |
zenlunatic | DaZjorz, its a stupid question | 12:34 |
zenlunatic | DaZjorz, any human being is capable of helping there neighbor | 12:34 |
DaZjorz | Zenlunatic: There are no stupid questions | 12:34 |
robotgee_ | zenlunatic: powerbook | 12:34 |
DaZjorz | only questions that are easy to answer | 12:34 |
DaZjorz | xP | 12:34 |
DaZjorz | Mikee: Whats the problem with the RPM ? | 12:35 |
FatPenguin | ompaul, I see. never understood that "free as beer" thing. | 12:35 |
=== jcarr [~jcarr@216-138-43-178.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu |
mikee | error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - No such file or directory (2) | 12:35 |
mikee | error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm | 12:35 |
DaZjorz | Does it give an error? | 12:35 |
zenlunatic | robotgee_, cool do you know the code to get the mouse button emulation to work? | 12:35 |
DaZjorz | Ermm Mikee | 12:35 |
DaZjorz | does this work | 12:35 |
jcarr | hey... what is the default root password for a new ubuntu install? It never prompted me to enter one during install :( | 12:35 |
DaZjorz | apt-get install valknut | 12:35 |
zenlunatic | robotgee_, not echo /proc code but xmodmap | 12:35 |
jcarr | I need to log in as root | 12:35 |
mikee | i'll try now | 12:35 |
TokenBad | DaZjorz, I found out why azureus wouldn't let me save to mounted drive | 12:35 |
zenlunatic | robotgee_, im trying to get the same effect on BSD | 12:35 |
aru | jcarr: ubuntu doesn't use root, use sudo | 12:35 |
DaZjorz | And ? | 12:35 |
ompaul | FatPenguin, you might say it is freedom to do the business | 12:35 |
zenlunatic | robotgee_, but i don't know the code | 12:36 |
poningru | DaZjorz: its not in the universe | 12:36 |
DaZjorz | Mikee are you logged in as Root ? | 12:36 |
jcarr | aru, I need to do alot of stuff though | 12:36 |
poningru | or multiverse | 12:36 |
robotgee_ | zenlunatic: mouse emulation?? | 12:36 |
TokenBad | I had to turn on incremental file creation | 12:36 |
aru | then go to applications > System tools > root terminal | 12:36 |
TokenBad | in azureus | 12:36 |
zenlunatic | robotgee_, do you have external mouse on your powerbook? | 12:36 |
mikee | apt-get install valknut | 12:36 |
ompaul | jcarr, sudo -s will give you a root prompt if you really need one | 12:36 |
jcarr | how can DaZjorz ask mikee if he is logged in as root if Ubuntu doesn't let you log in as root? | 12:36 |
DaZjorz | Aru: Ubuntu uses su to become root, but there is a root for sure | 12:36 |
TokenBad | for it to save to a fat32 drive | 12:36 |
mikee | yes i'm root allright | 12:36 |
robotgee_ | zenlunatic: yeah...and also keyboard | 12:36 |
DaZjorz | TokenBad: Ah right :) | 12:36 |
mikee | E: Couldn't find package valknut | 12:37 |
DaZjorz | jcarr: There is always a command like su :/ | 12:37 |
TokenBad | thanks for help though | 12:37 |
DaZjorz | Mikee: RPM error about the package ? | 12:37 |
zenlunatic | robotgee_, oh well i guess you don't know then. i dond't use external mouse i use f11 and f12 for second and third mouse clicks, respectively | 12:37 |
=== liroth_ [~liroth@p548DB45D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu |
tfort | gahhhhhhhh, once again, WoW freezes on install] | 12:37 |
robotgee_ | zenlunatic: i do that too | 12:37 |
=== miscz [~miscz@amk210.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | Mikee: I'll try to see if I have the same problem. Please wait a sec. I'll start the Live CD in VMWare. | 12:37 |
jcarr | DaZjorz, I tried to su to root | 12:37 |
DaZjorz | jcarr And ? | 12:37 |
jcarr | it prompts me for a password | 12:37 |
DaZjorz | Ofcourse it does | 12:37 |
jcarr | which is always rejected | 12:38 |
DaZjorz | ermm | 12:38 |
=== jcarr is not a newbie btw |
zenlunatic | robotgee_, do you know the code to enable it? i know its automatic in hoary but i need to know the code | 12:38 |
=== DaZjorz didnt think so |
jcarr | the install never let me enter a root pasword! | 12:38 |
ompaul | mikee, you should try the debian one it is nearest ubuntu if you are really going to do that | 12:38 |
robotgee_ | zenlunatic: one sec... | 12:38 |
=== DaZjorz didnt think you were |
=== chaps0063 [~bjr223@pcp02115427pcs.lebnon01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
ompaul | jcarr, the password is the password for jcarr | 12:38 |
DaZjorz | LOL | 12:38 |
zenlunatic | robotgee_, sure msg me when you get back so we can stop flooding the channel | 12:38 |
DaZjorz | jcarr, only 'expert' installations have that question | 12:38 |
jcarr | omaru, I tried that... didn't work... but does if I use sudo :( | 12:38 |
jcarr | ah well | 12:38 |
DaZjorz | its really a bad idea | 12:38 |
robotgee_ | zenlunatic: okie :) | 12:38 |
DaZjorz | they should always include the question in the normal installation | 12:39 |
mikee | well..if i'm 2 stupid for that please give me an alternativ for a dc sharing application | 12:39 |
mikee | pls | 12:39 |
linukso | jcarr: if you want to change the root password you must run "sudo passwd root" | 12:39 |
DaZjorz | Mikee: What RPM did you download actually ? | 12:39 |
knowledge_ | heyy guys....how long should 'sudo make-kpkg --us --uc --initrd --append_to_version "-5-386-alps" kernel_image kernel_headers kernel_source' take to complete? | 12:40 |
chaps0063 | hi, I'm trying to setup partitions. I currently have NTFS, when I create /boot, swaparea, /, I cannot create /home, the rest of the space is tagged as unusable? | 12:40 |
mikee | there were 2 on the srver | 12:40 |
mikee | some libs | 12:40 |
mikee | and the valknut rpm | 12:40 |
=== jorgp2 is now known as jorgp |
=== b_e_n_z [~Mercedes@pcd317021.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | erm Mikee | 12:40 |
DaZjorz | when you go to the Stable download... | 12:40 |
DaZjorz | it asks you for the OS | 12:40 |
DaZjorz | what did you fill in | 12:40 |
mikee | debian | 12:40 |
=== chase [~Chase@stuartma.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu |
mikee | right? | 12:40 |
DaZjorz | Yup. | 12:40 |
DaZjorz | erm | 12:40 |
DaZjorz | let me test ... | 12:40 |
knowledge_ | anyone know? | 12:40 |
DaZjorz | booting the live cd... | 12:40 |
Virtuall[v16] | ...i don't get it. what do i have to do to start translating? Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page. You are logged in as Danko Alexeyev | 12:40 |
linukso | mikee: try "sudo aptitude install dcgui" | 12:41 |
ompaul | mikee why did not you not do the debian one, a close relative of ubuntu, not an rpm which is completely alien to the structure of Ubuntu (excuse the pun those of you who got it) | 12:41 |
poningru | knowledge_: a freaking long time | 12:41 |
DaZjorz | Erm;... | 12:41 |
=== jcoxon_ [~jcoxon@81-178-242-198.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu |
poningru | depending on your computer speed | 12:41 |
knowledge_ | seems like it | 12:41 |
knowledge_ | wow...1.6 P4 | 12:41 |
DaZjorz | ompaul He chose debian | 12:41 |
poningru | heh thats not so fast | 12:41 |
knowledge_ | am I recompiling the kernel? | 12:41 |
ompaul | DaZjorz, eariler he said rpm | 12:41 |
mikee | it's going smooth so far | 12:41 |
poningru | not really | 12:41 |
linukso | mikee: dcgui is available through apt | 12:41 |
mikee | ok all done | 12:41 |
knowledge_ | oh....I wanted to do it for i686 | 12:41 |
DaZjorz | OK... | 12:42 |
=== pvanhoof [~pvanhoof@dD576CB7F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu |
poningru | knowledge_: you can just use a precompiled package | 12:42 |
poningru | from synaptic | 12:42 |
poningru | for P4 | 12:42 |
DaZjorz | Well I don't know much programs for Linux actually. Only the programs I use myself, thats mainly server programs. | 12:42 |
poningru | what program are you looking for> | 12:42 |
poningru | ? | 12:42 |
DaZjorz | Though I am gonna install Linux on my own computer. | 12:42 |
knowledge_ | yeah, but I need that patch in there for my alps glidepoint | 12:42 |
DaZjorz | but though | 12:42 |
=== seth_k [~seth@24-117-104-21.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | the only thing that keeps me from installing Linux on my own pc | 12:42 |
tfort | im getting so frustrated with ubuntu now with cedega that i might just frag this install and go back to gentoo | 12:43 |
DaZjorz | is games like GTA: San Andreas.... | 12:43 |
DaZjorz | Whats the problem tfort | 12:43 |
aru | get an xbox | 12:43 |
raven3x7 | dcgui-qt=valknut | 12:43 |
DaZjorz | Aru: I already said, too expensive | 12:43 |
=== AlbanianLord [~root@] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | Tfort | 12:43 |
tfort | DaZjorz, WoW install keeps freezing during install in Cedega 4.4 | 12:43 |
knowledge_ | I like Ubuntu....then again my only other distro i used was mandrake | 12:43 |
ompaul | if you want to know what stuff is installed you might consider 'apt-cache show ubuntu-base' and 'apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop' to see what is in a base system | 12:43 |
=== J35U5 [~Jesus@] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | Errm | 12:43 |
aru | thats right, you did talk about that once before... | 12:43 |
knowledge_ | which (Imo) blows | 12:43 |
tfort | worked fine on gentoo when isinstalled it, but now i can never get it to install | 12:44 |
DaZjorz | check your logs in /var/log/ | 12:44 |
DaZjorz | does it give any errors ? | 12:44 |
DaZjorz | Also, are things like graphical engines on ? | 12:44 |
DaZjorz | etc. | 12:44 |
DaZjorz | 3D support ? | 12:44 |
=== BROKEN_LADDER [~pral@adsl-69-226-227-118.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU |
DaZjorz | I repeat, i didnt do much with home-based linux... | 12:44 |
DaZjorz | only server-based. But i'm gonna change that | 12:44 |
tfort | DaZjorz, which log errors would i be looking for | 12:44 |
mikee | No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed. | 12:45 |
mikee | :(((( | 12:45 |
DaZjorz | Anything | 12:45 |
DaZjorz | any error | 12:45 |
tfort | i dont see any cedega and i dont see any point2play | 12:45 |
aru | could you please use sentences? | 12:45 |
mikee | is occured durring sudo aptitude install dcgui | 12:45 |
tfort | there's syslog and base-config but that's about it | 12:45 |
DaZjorz | you can paste errors in http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 12:45 |
DaZjorz | Sorry, Aru. | 12:45 |
=== graabein [~jo@ti121210a081-9014.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu |
AlbanianLord | cedega | 12:45 |
AlbanianLord | ? | 12:46 |
AlbanianLord | lol | 12:46 |
DaZjorz | But every time after typing something, something else pops into my mind to type. | 12:46 |
tfort | AlbanianLord, yes, what? | 12:46 |
AlbanianLord | i always used wine | 12:46 |
DaZjorz | tfort,.. Do other 3D games work ? | 12:46 |
AlbanianLord | and it worked | 12:46 |
tfort | DaZjorz | 12:46 |
tfort | haven't tried | 12:46 |
tfort | just installed 2 days ago | 12:46 |
tfort | AlbanianLord, for WoW? | 12:46 |
DaZjorz | You should, actually... | 12:46 |
DaZjorz | then you know if the problem is there | 12:46 |
DaZjorz | AlbianLord | 12:46 |
=== imaek [~imaekphp[@adsl-69-235-156-173.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | WINE doesn't support 3d / directx things, does it | 12:47 |
AlbanianLord | no | 12:47 |
=== Doomgaze` [~Doomgaze@] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | i surely can't run GTA: San Andreas in a window on linux :'( | 12:47 |
tfort | no, it doesn't that's why you use cedega | 12:47 |
tfort | for d3d emu | 12:47 |
AlbanianLord | but i can make it work | 12:47 |
DaZjorz | Cedega. | 12:47 |
DaZjorz | Google is almighty ^^ | 12:47 |
AlbanianLord | did you install cedega off a debian package or from source | 12:47 |
AlbanianLord | ? | 12:47 |
robotgee_ | zenlunatic: i've pm'd u! | 12:47 |
DaZjorz | Cedega...oo this might just be the reason for me to install Linux.. | 12:48 |
DaZjorz | any bad experiences with Cedega here ? | 12:48 |
imaek | For some reason, neither K3b nor GnomeBaker will sense that there is a blank CD in my CD drive, but I can read data disks, play DVDs, and listen to music through it | 12:48 |
tfort | DaZjorz, mine, hehe | 12:48 |
DaZjorz | Wtf | 12:49 |
=== Pixel83 [~pixel@p54AABE6E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | cedega costs money, ? | 12:49 |
knowledge_ | Ubuntu can be used for web server right? | 12:49 |
graabein | what you got, baby i want it | 12:49 |
tfort | $5 a month | 12:49 |
DaZjorz | jeez | 12:49 |
DaZjorz | only for a porter.. | 12:49 |
poningru | DaZjorz: you do know there is Wine? | 12:49 |
DaZjorz | Nvm. I'll stick with Windows then. | 12:49 |
DaZjorz | I know, Poningru | 12:49 |
tfort | poningru, it doesn't do d3d | 12:49 |
DaZjorz | but it doesn't support DirectX nor any 3D things | 12:49 |
poningru | DaZjorz: why not do a dual boot? | 12:49 |
poningru | thats what I do | 12:50 |
DaZjorz | I can,.. but then, after a while, i can't stop myself from booting Windows every time :\ | 12:50 |
poningru | dual boot for games | 12:50 |
tfort | poningru, because that's completely contrary tot he whole point of me wanting a linux system | 12:50 |
poningru | whats the point? | 12:50 |
poningru | functionality right? | 12:50 |
=== airmikey [~airmikey@c-67-160-238-101.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
ompaul | knowledge_, yes | 12:50 |
DaZjorz | not only that | 12:50 |
DaZjorz | the point is | 12:50 |
poningru | you use the products that are best suited to that function | 12:50 |
DaZjorz | that Linux is a great OS | 12:50 |
DaZjorz | its faster etc. | 12:50 |
tfort | i like an automated system that i dont have to reboot, it can stay up all the time, and at the same time, runs very effeciently and smoothly | 12:51 |
DaZjorz | not only that | 12:51 |
tfort | windows does not | 12:51 |
DaZjorz | Exactly | 12:51 |
DaZjorz | Tfort (Y) | 12:51 |
tfort | and with linux, you get much better performance on WoW and other d3d games | 12:51 |
airmikey | whats the command to open my file browser with the location bar | 12:51 |
DaZjorz | erm Airmikey | 12:51 |
DaZjorz | what file browser ? | 12:51 |
=== gobbolino [~nko@host199-148.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu |
gobbolino | hi | 12:52 |
DaZjorz | Normally its just the first argument | 12:52 |
DaZjorz | Hi gobbolino | 12:52 |
gobbolino | i ahve a small problem | 12:52 |
gobbolino | have | 12:52 |
poningru | so the reason you dont wanna dual boot is? | 12:52 |
DaZjorz | OK | 12:52 |
DaZjorz | I would like to dual boot | 12:52 |
gobbolino | i have a notebook widescreen | 12:52 |
DaZjorz | and i'm gonna set it up once i get back from vacation | 12:53 |
DaZjorz | Yes ? | 12:53 |
ompaul | airmikey, Places -> Home Folder | 12:53 |
=== jcarr [~jcarr@216-138-43-178.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | ^^ | 12:53 |
DaZjorz | I'm really thinking of dual booting Windows / Linux | 12:53 |
DaZjorz | but i'm afraid i'm gonna start Windows every time ... | 12:53 |
DaZjorz | because i can't fast-switch between windows and linux | 12:54 |
DaZjorz | it takes a restart | 12:54 |
DaZjorz | which is another 2 minutes | 12:54 |
poningru | DaZjorz: you can hibernate | 12:54 |
poningru | both | 12:54 |
poningru | so more like 20 secs | 12:54 |
gobbolino | with 1280x800 resolution (see on Windows)... ubuntu seem to have the same resolution but it distorce image... | 12:54 |
airmikey | yeah for my home folder | 12:54 |
DaZjorz | Poningru: I use USB devices | 12:54 |
ompaul | poningru, I don't and have not since late 1994 when I choose to start with the command line :) | 12:54 |
DaZjorz | as keyboard, mouse | 12:54 |
DaZjorz | if I hibernate | 12:55 |
tfort | gobbolino, it should be 1280x1024 | 12:55 |
DaZjorz | then they won't be activated in Windows when I boot | 12:55 |
DaZjorz | Gobbolino | 12:55 |
DaZjorz | 1280x800 sucks | 12:55 |
DaZjorz | i'm using 1280x1024 because its well | 12:55 |
gobbolino | and in how i can use that? | 12:56 |
DaZjorz | handy | 12:56 |
DaZjorz | Change your resolution to 1280x1024 | 12:56 |
tfort | DaZjorz, it's also the right frigin' resolution | 12:56 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | you all have to check this out is awsome | 12:56 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | http://www.deathclock.com/ | 12:56 |
=== ciocanel [~alex@client-75.pf.matco.ro] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | k | 12:56 |
DaZjorz | LOL | 12:56 |
knowledge_ | you could hibernate linux?....on a laptop? | 12:57 |
=== mae [~mae@dpc674653178.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu |
jcarr | what's the package that just installs the latest kde, all of it? | 12:57 |
gobbolino | but ubuntu resolution preference give me only 1024x768!!!!! | 12:57 |
robotgee_ | ChurcH_of_FoamY: read the comments!! | 12:57 |
linukso | jcarr: kubuntu-desktop | 12:57 |
benplaut | knowledge_: what laptop? in linux, it's called suspend-to-disk, BTW | 12:57 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | ? | 12:57 |
knowledge_ | Dell Inspiron 8200 | 12:57 |
jcarr | gobbolino, live with it... I get a 640x480 screen that is 50% the size of the monitor, centered | 12:57 |
jcarr | Dell Inspiron 1100 | 12:57 |
jcarr | cuz I'm a poor bastard | 12:57 |
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robotgee_ | ChurcH_of_FoamY: or the letters on deatch clock. | 12:57 |
jcarr | the 845patch seems not to work in ubuntu | 12:57 |
knowledge_ | oh, I thought it actually shuts down and saves everything | 12:58 |
DaZjorz | gobbolino: then I think you should do the highest but most comfortable to see | 12:58 |
ChurcH_of_FoamY | kk | 12:58 |
robotgee_ | Linux, cause we shouldn't have to compromise | 12:58 |
=== jashk [~chalo@pc-35-34-241-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | !! hibernate mode on windows doesnt work if you use keyboard and/or mouse as USB device | 12:58 |
ubotu | DaZjorz: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about | 12:58 |
benplaut | knowledge_: it saves the RAM image to the disk, and then restores it when it booted back up | 12:58 |
tfort | Your Personal Day of Death is... Wednesday, December 11, 2019 | 12:58 |
tfort | damn | 12:58 |
DaZjorz | because when you resume, they won't be activated | 12:58 |
DaZjorz | LOL | 12:58 |
to|m | why is ma CUI of XMMS so grey, big sonts, and ugly gtk1 style, where could I set it right? | 12:58 |
gobbolino | yes i want increase resolution but how can i make it? | 12:58 |
knowledge_ | benplaut, so it actually shuts down? meaning doesn't run the battery down? | 12:59 |
benplaut | knowledge_: yeah | 12:59 |
to|m | +GUI | 12:59 |
knowledge_ | no kidding | 12:59 |
DaZjorz | tfort: *what do you do if you hear that you have only 14 years to live anymore...* | 12:59 |
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tfort | DaZjorz, time to rob some banks | 12:59 |
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knowledge_ | well I'm guessing that "hibernate the computer" in the logout menu is the same thing | 12:59 |
=== silentrage [~silentrag@ip68-101-182-205.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | Tfort: I agree ^^ | 12:59 |
tfort | can someone check if transgaming.org is up right now? | 12:59 |
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poningru | can someone go to www.freeculture.org and see if its down? | 12:59 |
jcarr | anyone here ever install ubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 1100? | 12:59 |
benplaut | knowledge_: you can also suspend-to-ram (standbye), which supplies only enough power to keep the RAM image from wiping clean | 12:59 |
benplaut | yup, same thing | 12:59 |
DaZjorz | tfort: No, i don't actually, cuz my day of death is.. | 12:59 |
gobbolino | Daz where i can change resolution? | 01:00 |
knowledge_ | battery on my laptop is no good | 01:00 |
Corvus | does anyone has problems with its dvd unit ? input/output errors | 01:00 |
jcarr | anyone here ever install ubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 1100? | 01:00 |
knowledge_ | I wish I could use that | 01:00 |
jasoncohen | tfort, i can ping transgaming.org but the site isn't coming up | 01:00 |
robotgee_ | knowledge_: same here...it's more like a desktop now | 01:00 |
tfort | jasoncohen, yea thanks, same for me, this is weird, i just want to download the damn thing | 01:00 |
jcarr | Normally, I need to run 845patch to correct the faulty bios, but it aint working in Ubuntu | 01:00 |
jcarr | this is a first | 01:00 |
knowledge_ | jcarr, do you ever have a problem with closing your screen and seeing the desktop all messed up when you open it | 01:00 |
DaZjorz | tfirt: it is... | 01:00 |
jcarr | it worked on FC, Debian, and Slackware? | 01:01 |
linukso | poningru: freeculture.org is up and running... | 01:01 |
jcarr | knowledge_, YES!! :( | 01:01 |
knowledge_ | robotgee_, I'm in the club with you | 01:01 |
Corvus | or are the benq 1640 dvd unit's known to have problems on ubuntu/linux ? | 01:01 |
knowledge_ | jcarr, it cuts it in like half right? | 01:01 |
DaZjorz | Friday, June 19, 2065 | 01:01 |
DaZjorz | ;-D | 01:01 |
poningru | ok thanks dude | 01:01 |
DaZjorz | i have another 60 years to live | 01:01 |
jcarr | knowledge_, I need to use 845patch to get the screen full screen, and it aint working right in ubuntu (runs, but doesnt fix it) | 01:01 |
jcarr | knowledge_, yeah | 01:01 |
DaZjorz | LOL | 01:01 |
robotgee_ | knowledge_: it sucks, and a new battery is > 100$ | 01:01 |
jcarr | the top half will be all scrambled | 01:01 |
jcarr | :( | 01:01 |
knowledge_ | robotgee_, you can try ebay | 01:01 |
jcarr | I wish linux would just work | 01:01 |
jcarr | no bullshit to deal with, just work :) | 01:02 |
=== darkling [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu |
knowledge_ | or crack the battery open and if you're lucky enough you can find the cells and replace them | 01:02 |
tfort | damnit why is transgaming down | 01:02 |
knowledge_ | jcarr, there's no fix for it? | 01:02 |
robotgee_ | jcarr: ubuntu is the closest to "It just works" linux | 01:02 |
DaZjorz | tfort: nobody bought their produc | 01:02 |
DaZjorz | +t | 01:02 |
knowledge_ | I'd agree with robotgee_ | 01:02 |
DaZjorz | tfort: stupid guys should've made it open-source and asked for donations | 01:02 |
DaZjorz | they would've earned more | 01:02 |
knowledge_ | I really really like ubuntu | 01:02 |
jcarr | knowledge_, for the close laptop scramble, or the 50% of the screen problem? | 01:02 |
DaZjorz | me too | 01:02 |
robotgee_ | knowledge_: what's with cracking open the battery?? | 01:03 |
jcarr | the 50% of the screen resolution is the suckiest :9 | 01:03 |
knowledge_ | I mean I'm not a Linux guru...and I suck at command line...and between mandrake and ubuntu | 01:03 |
knowledge_ | I like ubuntu | 01:03 |
tfort | knowledge_, eh, i definately liked portage more than debian's apt-get | 01:03 |
robotgee_ | knowledge_: yeah. | 01:03 |
jcarr | well, I'm a long time debian user | 01:03 |
DaZjorz | Guys | 01:03 |
=== keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
knowledge_ | jcarr, the 50% | 01:03 |
concept10 | Any thunderbird users here that use RSS feeds? | 01:03 |
jcarr | I just install Ubuntu because I didnt have time to reinstall debian | 01:03 |
DaZjorz | do you think people will hear me downstairs when I put a cd in my loud CD-player ? | 01:04 |
robotgee_ | tfort: except for the fact that it would take 5 days to cimpile something! | 01:04 |
jcarr | knowledge_, 845patch fixes it... but it doesnt seem to work for me in Ubuntu so far :/ | 01:04 |
gobbolino | sorry someone can help me to increse resolution of my screen? | 01:04 |
robotgee_ | DaZjorz: go ahead, blast away! | 01:04 |
jcarr | I may need to change the driver X is using | 01:04 |
DaZjorz | robotgee_ i dont want anyone to hear me | 01:04 |
knowledge_ | robotgee_, if the battery isn't too old (Still produced) you can split the casing apart and you'll find nothing more than what looks like AA cells in series, you can buy them from on line and replace them | 01:04 |
DaZjorz | xP | 01:04 |
DaZjorz | i mean, the cd player in my own PC | 01:04 |
tfort | robotgee_, it wasn't that bad | 01:04 |
chaps0063 | does anyone use napster and have the music downloaded from there playing and working on a non-windows box? | 01:04 |
DaZjorz | i would like to set up dual partitioning now | 01:04 |
robotgee_ | knowledge_: neat..will take a look into that | 01:04 |
knowledge_ | MUCH cheaper than buying a whole new battery | 01:05 |
DaZjorz | i'd like to set up dual partitioning now but i think my cd-player is too loud | 01:05 |
jcarr | man.. the season premiere of Stargate SG1 kinda sucked | 01:05 |
DaZjorz | it produces too much sound | 01:05 |
robotgee_ | tfort: i tried gentoo on a sparc, it took abt 2 days to compile X :) | 01:05 |
knowledge_ | BUT that's only if you're inclined to doing that....soldering, working with ribbon cables | 01:05 |
tfort | jcarr, welcome to the series | 01:05 |
DaZjorz | ;-D | 01:05 |
DaZjorz | Damn i'm bored | 01:05 |
tfort | robotgee_, that's insane it only takes me 45 min | 01:05 |
jcarr | tfort, eh? | 01:05 |
DaZjorz | someone tell me what to do with my linux box... | 01:05 |
chaps0063 | DaZjorz: use it. | 01:05 |
knowledge_ | mann, I don't get this whole patching thing....the only way I'm doing it right now is because there's a how to | 01:05 |
tfort | jcarr, after the first 1 maybe 2 seasons, that show got really lame | 01:05 |
=== asimismo [~chatzilla@dsl231-060-187.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu |
knowledge_ | I have NO clue as to what the commands do | 01:06 |
DaZjorz | goddammit | 01:06 |
jcarr | tfort, eh!? I thought season 6 and 7 were the best | 01:06 |
DaZjorz | my stupid hosting provider | 01:06 |
airmikey | whats the command to open home browser | 01:06 |
jcarr | I think it's dying now though | 01:06 |
DaZjorz | i asked them to change my NS | 01:06 |
tfort | jcarr it needs to be replaced with more episodes of Firefly | 01:06 |
chaps0063 | DaZjorz: who does your hosting? | 01:06 |
linukso | jcarr: did you read this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptopsDell | 01:06 |
DaZjorz | but now they ask me Why? You can change your DNS settings on our own MCS -.- | 01:06 |
=== troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
robotgee_ | tfort: i think i went a bit overboard on the optmization flags, and it was only a 200 mhz box | 01:06 |
=== oberon_ [~oberon@24-247-149-21.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu |
tfort | robotgee_, to be honest, you can just use the gen-kernel and you won't see THAT big a difference | 01:07 |
DaZjorz | Dammit, my hosting provider refuses to change the domains NS servers to my own server :\ | 01:07 |
jcarr | tfort, I think they should just end the series, especially with O'Neill gone from the show | 01:07 |
=== mitch528 [~mitch528@cpe-66-91-239-53.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
jcarr | I mean, they could have went out solid at the end of season 8 | 01:07 |
tfort | jcarr, yea | 01:07 |
=== zaudragon [~takumi@c-24-7-87-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jcarr | The jaffa are free with Teal'c as the leader of the new Jaffa Nation, the go'loud have been defeated, the replicators are defeated, etc | 01:08 |
mitch528 | can anyone help me set up a ftp server for ubuntu? | 01:08 |
robotgee_ | tfort: i don't want to get into gentoo anymore :) | 01:08 |
zaudragon | does Ubuntu support Airport cards? | 01:08 |
robotgee_ | mitch528: ur back! | 01:08 |
mitch528 | yea | 01:08 |
tfort | robotgee_ you can do alot more with it / have a lot more access to breaking tech on it, than on any other system | 01:08 |
asimismo | I've got an Athlon and tried to switch to k7. Should it require any more than a Synaptic install? I'm getting a kernel panic after reboot... | 01:08 |
jcarr | now we get to enjoy Stargate/Farscape :| | 01:08 |
airmikey | when i type nautilus i get the browser without the location bar...how do i get the location bar to come up | 01:08 |
robotgee_ | zaudragon: hey, are u the same guy on the adium team? | 01:08 |
zaudragon | robotgee_: I'm not on the team but I am pretty into Adium :D | 01:09 |
robotgee_ | zaudragon: nope, no airport express support...older orinoco cards only | 01:09 |
zaudragon | robotgee_: express? | 01:09 |
zaudragon | robotgee_: do you mean extreme? | 01:09 |
robotgee_ | zaudragon: yeah, sorry | 01:09 |
zaudragon | well, I get the pint then; no Airport :D | 01:09 |
=== zaudragon goes over to teh iMac to use the LiveCD |
=== DaZjorz hates his hosting provider: they refuse to set my domains NS server to my own server :\ |
robotgee_ | tfort: true, but after i quit using the mac, ubuntu just works! | 01:10 |
airmikey | well | 01:10 |
=== Maddy [~maddy@AMontpellier-252-1-48-139.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
knowledge_ | wow...that command is STILL doing | 01:10 |
knowledge_ | that's amazing | 01:11 |
DaZjorz | ? | 01:11 |
aru | is there anything for playing wmv files? | 01:11 |
DaZjorz | mpg123 | 01:11 |
chaps0063 | does anyone use napster and have the music downloaded from there playing and working on a non-windows box? | 01:11 |
DaZjorz | i thought it worked | 01:11 |
DaZjorz | no, doesnt suport wmvfile | 01:11 |
DaZjorz | !!! I recommend everyone to FIRST LOOK UP YOUR QUESTIONS AT GOOGLE!!!!! | 01:12 |
ubotu | DaZjorz: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about | 01:12 |
zaudragon | well thanks robotgee_ | 01:12 |
=== Derreck [~Derreck@69-162-63-128.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== zaudragon is off to the iMac to run his LiveCD |
=== zaudragon [~takumi@c-24-7-87-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] |
=== Bols [~bols@164-223.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu |
tfort | anyone know where the tmp directory is for firefox? | 01:12 |
DaZjorz | i can't keep saying that enough | 01:12 |
knowledge_ | I do....google sucks | 01:13 |
knowledge_ | well it doesn't suck | 01:13 |
knowledge_ | but it's very generic | 01:13 |
knowledge_ | for me anyhow | 01:13 |
DaZjorz | knowledge = ?? | 01:13 |
poningru | tfort: do you mean the cache? | 01:13 |
tfort | .. i suppose | 01:13 |
poningru | its in your profile folder | 01:13 |
tfort | i believe its something */tmp | 01:13 |
knowledge_ | I seem to create problems for myself that no one has heard of before | 01:13 |
Servo888 | When ever I try to ./configure something I get a "lib/cpp" fails sanity check error... What's up with that? | 01:13 |
tfort | but i dont know the whole directory extension | 01:13 |
=== crazy2k [~eyey@] has joined #ubuntu |
ompaul | !wmv | 01:13 |
ubotu | ompaul: I haven't a clue | 01:13 |
poningru | ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxxx.default/Cache | 01:13 |
poningru | thats where all of it is stored | 01:13 |
DaZjorz | Servo888 try apt-get install gcc | 01:14 |
DaZjorz | it'll give u some packages that are recommended | 01:14 |
poningru | also you can check by about:cache in your url and pressing enter | 01:14 |
DaZjorz | you can install them using apt-get too | 01:14 |
Servo888 | DaZjorz, already installed... | 01:14 |
ompaul | Servo888, do this 'apt-get install build-essential' | 01:15 |
crazy2k | I just installed Ubuntu but I have two problems: First, it doesn't let me change the resolution, it just gives me 640x480 as the only option available (and my card supports up to 1024x768). Second, I can't manage to connect to the Internet. The network configuration tool doesn't let me write my user and password. | 01:15 |
jcarr | is there a cd burner provided by default with ubuntu? | 01:15 |
DaZjorz | dont think so | 01:15 |
=== blacksky [~blacksky@blacksky.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu |
jcarr | I have kde installing now, with k3b included, but just curious | 01:15 |
jcarr | :( | 01:15 |
=== gm78 [~gm78@S01060004e28f5eac.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jcarr | I need to update my bios it seems | 01:15 |
DaZjorz | not sure | 01:15 |
jcarr | that is what the problem was | 01:15 |
DaZjorz | never tried | 01:15 |
jcarr | it doesnt | 01:15 |
DaZjorz | i love apt-get | 01:16 |
crazy2k | Can someone give me a hand? | 01:16 |
gm78 | crazy2k, with what? | 01:16 |
linukso | crazy2k: whats you video card? for network, try pppoeconf | 01:16 |
crazy2k | It's an old 3dfx Voodoo 3 | 01:16 |
ompaul | jcarr, nautilus does burn, however I am a command line freak - cdrecord -pad dev=/dev/hd* random.iso where * is the letter of the burning drive | 01:16 |
gm78 | crazy2k, what do u need help with? | 01:16 |
knowledge_ | sudo make-kpkg --us --uc --initrd --append_to_version "-5-386-alps" kernel_image kernel_headers kernel_source <--takes how many minutes on a P4-m 1.6? | 01:17 |
blacksky | Hey all, I'm following the RestrictedFormats page on the wiki, trying to install Flash. But its not working | 01:17 |
crazy2k | gm78, scroll up please. | 01:17 |
Corvus | has anyone a benq 1640 ? | 01:18 |
blacksky | when I do an "apt-get update", the hoary-extras sources are being ignored :( | 01:18 |
=== ltk1608 [~ltk1608@] has joined #ubuntu |
=== NuffSed [~secret@c-306d73d5.030-16-67626717.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | blacksky i had that too | 01:18 |
ompaul | blacksky, what seems to be the issue | 01:18 |
DaZjorz | comment out your CD | 01:18 |
ltk1608 | | 01:18 |
=== bet0x is now known as alberto__ |
ltk1608 | | 01:18 |
DaZjorz | just comment out the line that says something about your CD | 01:18 |
ltk1608 | | 01:18 |
gm78 | crazy2k, doesnt work when u just entered the room | 01:19 |
=== Nard|true is now known as Nard |
blacksky | Dazjorz: it is commented out | 01:19 |
DaZjorz | wtf ?! | 01:19 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: No double lines ? | 01:19 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: Where did you save the file | 01:19 |
alberto__ | Any know how i can IMPORT my old dbx email database from Outlook espress to Evolution? | 01:19 |
crazy2k | It asks me for my root password. I haven't set one. The installer didn't ask for one. How can I set it? | 01:19 |
ltk1608 | | 01:19 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: and what lines are available | 01:19 |
=== alberto__ is now known as bet0x |
blacksky | the file is /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:20 |
ompaul | blacksky, you did a apt-get update after you added multiverse to your system? | 01:20 |
gm78 | crazy2k, sudo passwd root it will ask for a password, enter urs, then enter the new root password | 01:20 |
crazy2k | Thanks. | 01:20 |
bet0x | Any know how i can IMPORT my old dbx email database from Outlook espress to Evolution? | 01:20 |
gm78 | crazy2k, no prob. | 01:20 |
linukso | crazy2k: could you paste the "Device" section from xorg.conf | 01:20 |
gm78 | crazy2k, what r u having problems with in regard to ur display? | 01:20 |
linukso | crazy2k: just use you user password! | 01:20 |
crazy2k | Yeah. Hold on. | 01:20 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky Good, can you paste it in http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 01:20 |
gm78 | linukso, having a root passwd is a good idea anyways, ive had it where i couldnt log into my user account, it was a good thing i had the root password set | 01:21 |
blacksky | DaZjorz: ok, 1 minute. Could you do the same? | 01:21 |
=== Velcan [~matthew@12-216-142-98.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu |
linukso | crazy2k: sudo wants *your* password, not roots. The root passwd is disabled in ubuntu by default, but you can as gm78 said set it with sudo passwd root | 01:21 |
crazy2k | It's loading the pppoeconf thing. | 01:21 |
=== ionte [~Jonatan@w103-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu |
robotgee_ | mitch528: http://ubuntuguide.org/#installftpserver | 01:21 |
Will_ | gm78: Surely if you can forget a user password, you can forget a root password? | 01:22 |
crazy2k | gm78, it doesn't let me change my resolution to anything but 640x480. That is the problem. | 01:22 |
gm78 | Will_, didnt forget my user account, deleted my home directory | 01:22 |
linukso | crazy2k: could you paste the "Device" section from xorg.conf | 01:22 |
Will_ | gm78: Noted | 01:22 |
gm78 | Will_, lol | 01:22 |
crazy2k | Now, I should disconnect this computer in order to configure Internet on the other. | 01:22 |
blacksky | DaZjorz: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/643 | 01:22 |
crazy2k | Can you wait till I'm back? | 01:22 |
DaZjorz | k | 01:23 |
linukso | crazy2k: in pastebin.com | 01:23 |
crazy2k | Thank you. | 01:23 |
tfort | when i try to do a upgrade | 01:23 |
tfort | The following packages have been kept back: | 01:23 |
tfort | mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox-gnome-support | 01:23 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: Remove your double lines | 01:23 |
tfort | i get this, any idea how to upgrade them? | 01:23 |
blacksky | DaZjorz: eh? What are double lines? | 01:23 |
DaZjorz | blacksky: Like 2 lines that are the same :/ | 01:24 |
linukso | tfort: sudo aptitude upgrade | 01:24 |
tfort | linukso, still nothing | 01:24 |
linukso | tfort: hmmm, try synaptic | 01:25 |
blacksky | DaZjorz: I can't see any. There are lines for binaries, and lines for source, but they're not duplicates. | 01:25 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: Standby | 01:25 |
blacksky | or am i being thick! | 01:25 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: Remove all double servers. hoary includes hoary-updates, i thought. | 01:25 |
tfort | transgaming's site is down anyone have the point2play deb files? | 01:26 |
chaps0063 | how do I enable dma on my dvd drive? | 01:26 |
=== arcanum [arc@kevorkian.pulltheplug.org] has joined #ubuntu |
arcanum | hi | 01:27 |
DaZjorz | hi | 01:27 |
tfort | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox-gnome-support_1.0.4-1ubuntu3~5.04ubp5_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/components/mozgnome.xpt', which is also in package mozilla-firefox-gnome-support | 01:27 |
arcanum | has anyone solved the gnome hanging problem/ | 01:27 |
arcanum | googled it looks like there's no straight answer | 01:27 |
robotgee_ | what problem? :) | 01:27 |
arcanum | well | 01:27 |
=== candrodor [candrodro@user-1381.l6.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] |
arcanum | after the install | 01:27 |
arcanum | it's all dandy | 01:27 |
arcanum | do some updates | 01:27 |
arcanum | and reboot | 01:27 |
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arcanum | gdm starts - then i login and gnome hangs | 01:27 |
arcanum | i see mouse and background | 01:28 |
arcanum | (the brown one) | 01:28 |
blacksky | DaZjorz: Still getting Ign's. :/ I don't understand whats going on here. What causes a source to be ignored? | 01:28 |
crazy2k | Ok. Internet is working now. | 01:28 |
arcanum | it takes like 3-4 mins before it actually starts | 01:28 |
crazy2k | What was it that you wanted me to paste? | 01:28 |
crazy2k | I'm on the Ubuntu computer, | 01:28 |
linukso | crazy2k: The "Device" section from /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:29 |
crazy2k | Ok. | 01:29 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: Do you get an error msg | 01:29 |
robotgee_ | arcanum: nope...don't know anything abt that :( | 01:29 |
arcanum | gr | 01:29 |
arcanum | it's just annoying waiting 4 mins for gnome to start | 01:29 |
arcanum | ;| | 01:29 |
blacksky | DaZjorz: no, just "Ign:" at the start of some of the lines | 01:29 |
arcanum | and there's no error messages | 01:29 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: Try apt-get update and paste all output on the pastebin | 01:30 |
robotgee_ | arcanum: tried openbox? it's a great window manager, and works really fast in gnome | 01:30 |
blacksky | DaZjorz: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/644 | 01:31 |
arcanum | well | 01:31 |
DaZjorz | k | 01:31 |
arcanum | i decided to try ubuntu+gnome before i was running fedora+xfce | 01:31 |
arcanum | worked great | 01:31 |
crazy2k | linukso: http://pastebin.com/314709 Apparently everything's ok. | 01:31 |
arcanum | but i guess i'm going to have to go back to fedora | 01:32 |
arcanum | =\ | 01:32 |
robotgee_ | which one? | 01:32 |
arcanum | which sucks becuase ubuntu looks promising | 01:32 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: Standby | 01:32 |
arcanum | minus that gnome bug | 01:32 |
=== robotgee_ hates fedora |
arcanum | you know what i noticed/ | 01:32 |
arcanum | i decided to strace gnome-panel | 01:32 |
knowledge_ | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/645 | 01:32 |
arcanum | it looks like it's trying to connect to localhost port | 01:32 |
knowledge_ | Can anyone explain that? | 01:32 |
arcanum | to a localhost port | 01:32 |
arcanum | rather | 01:32 |
=== linukso recommends this for everyone who claims that *-wm is the fastest.... http://www.rasterman.com/index.php?page=News |
arcanum | maybe there's a connect() timeout | 01:33 |
crazy2k | gm78: Could you read what I pasted? | 01:33 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: I thought the hit means that the file was downloaded correctly etc. | 01:33 |
chaps0063 | my music is really quiet.. | 01:33 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: the IGN. Where does that stand for ? | 01:33 |
blacksky | Ignored I presume. | 01:33 |
chaps0063 | how do I turn it up, the volume is max in xine.. | 01:33 |
blacksky | It seems to hit and ignore the same sources - which is weird. | 01:33 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: lol ofcourse . My bad. I'll send you my /etc/apt/sources.list. | 01:33 |
=== gobbolino [~nko@host199-148.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu |
blacksky | ta! | 01:34 |
crazy2k | What should I do now? | 01:34 |
knowledge_ | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/645 <---anyone? | 01:34 |
gobbolino | hi again | 01:34 |
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=== dbw [~dbw@208-186-60-67.nrp3feld.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu |
blacksky | knowledge: erm, have you filled your hard disk? | 01:35 |
linukso | crazy2k: hmm, what about the display section? | 01:35 |
knowledge_ | I sure would hope not | 01:35 |
knowledge_ | how can I check? | 01:35 |
blacksky | df or df -h | 01:35 |
DaZjorz | I commented it to the pastebin. | 01:35 |
linukso | crazy2k: arg. Monitor section... | 01:35 |
chaps0063 | can someone help me get the volume to a normal level? | 01:35 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/646 | 01:36 |
blacksky | DaZjorzL Thanks - will try it! | 01:36 |
zenlunatic | anyone know if links browser can do tabs? | 01:36 |
gobbolino | someone use 855resolution? | 01:36 |
arcanum | sigh | 01:36 |
crazy2k | linukso: It's ok apparently. http://pastebin.com/314710 | 01:37 |
=== arcanum grumbles @ having to re-download the fedora dvd |
=== dapimp53 [~chatzilla@c-24-23-233-194.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: No problem. Does it work ? | 01:37 |
blacksky | DaZjorz: you don't have a hoary-extras source there? | 01:38 |
=== Derreck [~Derreck@69-162-63-128.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu |
linukso | crazy2k: ah, damn. I'm a bit slow... Getting late where I am. You must modify the Screen section | 01:38 |
linukso | crazy2k: Just add the missing modes. | 01:38 |
=== Belutz is now known as Belutz`sleeping |
dapimp53 | I currently have a dual boot and its using Grub1.5. How do I set wich OS is the defualt | 01:38 |
DaZjorz | blacksky: Its included with the main things | 01:38 |
blacksky | DaZjorz:I was wanting to install flash, Reak Player etc | 01:38 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky I think all these things are included in the normal servers too...? | 01:39 |
=== r0d [~r0d@CPE-65-30-208-109.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
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blacksky | DaZjorz: I was trying to follow this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 01:39 |
crazy2k | linukso: The problem is there are no missing modes. The 1024x768 option is there. But it's not shown when I want to change the resolution via the preferences. | 01:39 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: Try to do a apt-get update | 01:40 |
DaZjorz | then apt-get upgrade | 01:40 |
DaZjorz | and after that, try to download what you wanted | 01:40 |
DaZjorz | it should work | 01:40 |
linukso | crazy2k: hmmm | 01:41 |
crazy2k | linukso: I think this has happened to me before but I don't remember how I fixed it. | 01:41 |
crazy2k | It was one of those goddam files. | 01:41 |
linukso | crazy2k: all the simple solutions failed... | 01:41 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: And ? | 01:42 |
blacksky | DaZjorz: nope: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/647 | 01:42 |
=== ignacio_ [~ignacio@81-172-25-249.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #ubuntu |
blacksky | that package is supposed to be in multiverse in the hoary-extras source | 01:42 |
linukso | crazy2k: last resort: past the entire xorg-log (/var/log/xorg-something...) | 01:42 |
TokenBad | what program for monitoring your bandwidth in ubuntu? | 01:42 |
DaZjorz | blacksky: isn't "apt-get install flashplugin" working ? | 01:42 |
dapimp53 | Is there somewhere I can edit the Grub config or anything | 01:43 |
tfort | bah to this.. back to gentoo i go | 01:43 |
gm78 | crazy2k, sorry, left the room | 01:43 |
crazy2k | linukso: Sorry, I did not understand. | 01:43 |
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blacksky | DaZjorz: same message - not found | 01:43 |
TokenBad | anyone? | 01:44 |
crazy2k | gm78: It's ok. We haven't fixed the problem anyway. Scroll up if you want to. | 01:44 |
=== robotgee2 [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
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dapimp53 | Also I have a Toshiba Satellite Laptop with a Realteck audio. When I am in Ubuntu I dont have any audio. Any idea how I can make it work so I can hear stuff while I am in Ubuntu | 01:45 |
=== billytwowilly [~billy@S01060040f4acc23c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: Erm, Sorry, No idea then. Maybe add the servers now and retry it, and just ignore the IGN lines? | 01:45 |
billytwowilly | best star wars parody ever: http://www.storewars.org/flash/index.html | 01:45 |
linukso | crazy2k: if you just paste the content of /var/log/Xorg.0.log in pastebin, then the answer must be somewhere in there... | 01:45 |
DaZjorz | they must be ignored for some reason | 01:45 |
crazy2k | linukso: Oh, ok. Hold on. | 01:46 |
blacksky | DaZjorz: Ok, thanks for the help. I'm beginning to suspect that that wiki page is wrong/out of date. | 01:46 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: No problem. | 01:46 |
=== Jimbob [jcape@c-24-14-115-101.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
blacksky | Maybe a better question is: Has anyone got flash working, and if so, how? | 01:47 |
crazy2k | That's a lot of text. I don't know if I'm allowed to. | 01:47 |
r0d | does ubuntu go out of their way to make kernel compiling hard | 01:47 |
r0d | have never had so much trouble before... | 01:48 |
DaZjorz | Blacksky: Use /me. People will read your question easier. | 01:48 |
DaZjorz | like /me has a problem: (...) | 01:48 |
=== dylan_ [~dylan@ppp-68-251-79-98.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu |
linukso | crazy2k: use sudo to read it and pipe it to a textfile on you desktop | 01:48 |
=== blacksky can't get flash working. Can anyone help? |
blacksky | :) | 01:48 |
linukso | crazy2k: sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log > ~/x.log | 01:49 |
dylan_ | how do i tell firefox that the version is actually 1.0.4 and not 1.0.2 (the ubuntu version) | 01:49 |
linukso | arg, thats not really a pipe :) | 01:49 |
crazy2k | linukso: I was talking about pastebin.com. Don't know if I'm allowed to paste all that text. | 01:49 |
linukso | Ah, stupid me... Think it must be time to go to sleep soon... | 01:49 |
dapimp53 | where are the error logs located for when the computer boots up | 01:49 |
=== ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
crazy2k | linukso: Done. http://pastebin.com/314717 | 01:50 |
NuffSed | dylan> about:config general.useragent.vendorSub | 01:50 |
dylan_ | thanks, nuffsed | 01:50 |
NuffSed | change to 1.0.4 | 01:50 |
=== glick [~noobia@cpe-24-193-254-95.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
=== JDahl [~qwerty@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2v1-119.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu |
glick | cd | 01:51 |
dapimp53 | where are the error logs located for when the computer boots up | 01:51 |
crazy2k | There seems to be a lot of errors realting to the resolution. | 01:51 |
crazy2k | related* | 01:52 |
crazy2k | hsync out of range | 01:52 |
dylan_ | Why does gtkpod tell me that my iPod's file structure isnt right? Can i fix this? thanks for all the help, guys im a total n00b | 01:52 |
linukso | crazy2k: did you try changing the refreshrate when switching resolution? | 01:53 |
linukso | crazy2k: 1024x768 only support 60 hz | 01:53 |
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crazy2k | linukso: I have just on option for refresh rate. | 01:53 |
crazy2k | one* | 01:53 |
=== Ferris_B [~silentrag@ip68-101-182-205.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
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crazy2k | Which is 60Hz. | 01:53 |
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu |
=== neuronlapse [~neuronlap@cpc1-wear2-4-0-cust68.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu |
ilmari | is the X breakage mentioned in the topic known to affect dead keys in emacs? | 01:54 |
crazy2k | And just only one for resolution, which is 640x480. | 01:54 |
linukso | crazy2k: arg... | 01:54 |
neuronlapse | hey, how is there a website like packages.gentoo.org that shows all the ubuntu packages? | 01:54 |
=== mitch528 [~mitch528@cpe-66-91-239-53.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
crazy2k | linukso: Maybe I have to explicitly write my default refresh rate and resolution. However, I don't know how to do it. | 01:55 |
crazy2k | It might work though. | 01:55 |
ilmari | neuronlapse: packages.ubuntu.com | 01:55 |
ilmari | neuronlapse: who'd'a thunk? ;-) | 01:55 |
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=== robotgee3 [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
sizzam | if i create a file in vmware, whats the easiest way to get access to that file in my normal linux environment | 01:56 |
neuronlapse | thanks :-D | 01:56 |
dapimp53 | where are the error logs located for when the computer boots up. I need to check what is going wrong when I boot the computer | 01:56 |
dylan_ | why doesnt beep show up in synaptic anymore? | 01:56 |
=== fabiob [~fabio@host149-81.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu |
ilmari | sizzam: loopback mount the vmware disk image | 01:56 |
=== robotgee3 curses the goddamn wireless connection and begs everyone to tell him of a good tool to manage it! |
sizzam | ilmari: thanks, i'll search on how to do that | 01:56 |
ilmari | robotgee3: network-manager | 01:56 |
ilmari | sizzam: mount -o loop /path/to/fs.image /mount/point/ | 01:57 |
TokenBad | is shockwave on linux? | 01:57 |
ilmari | robotgee3: but that's only in breezy | 01:57 |
ilmari | TokenBad: nope, just flash | 01:57 |
neuronlapse | how can I find which ubuntu I'm using? | 01:57 |
crazy2k | linukso: Any idea on how to do that? | 01:57 |
TokenBad | that sucks | 01:57 |
neuronlapse | like hoary breezy etc? | 01:57 |
sizzam | ilmari: thanks! | 01:57 |
ilmari | neuronlapse: cat /etc/issue | 01:58 |
ray_ | mo shockwave | 01:58 |
ray_ | no | 01:58 |
ray_ | it sucks | 01:58 |
crazy2k | linukso: Oh, found a similar problem in the forum. | 01:58 |
=== robotgee1 [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== SDFH_Linux [~moo@adsl-065-006-180-151.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu |
neuronlapse | thanks :) | 01:58 |
ray_ | can anyone find a way to use shockwave? | 01:58 |
dapimp53 | Wow how come no one is answering me where the error logs are located for ubuntu | 01:58 |
=== robotgee1 [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] |
=== Thomas [~asdasd@] has joined #ubuntu |
synd | dapimp53, cause no one paying attention knows? | 01:59 |
synd | dapimp53, just be patient. | 01:59 |
=== robotgee1 [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Thomas | !repositories | 01:59 |
ubotu | repositories is, like, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 01:59 |
Kyral | try /var | 01:59 |
linukso | crazy2k: great! Hope it helps you. Sorry I couldn't, but now I got to go to sleep... Happy hunting for a solution. | 01:59 |
crazy2k | Thanks anyway. | 01:59 |
blacksky | dapimp53: what logs are you looking for? Try /var/log? /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages are a good start | 01:59 |
crazy2k | :) | 01:59 |
Thomas | dude | 01:59 |
ilmari | dapimp53: what error logs? | 01:59 |
=== robotgee1 [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] |
Thomas | what happen with repositories today i can't update | 02:00 |
Thomas | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 02:00 |
dapimp53 | I need to check up when the computer is booting | 02:00 |
dapimp53 | it gives some errors | 02:00 |
Thomas | any idea | 02:00 |
=== Nard is now known as Nard|reanimation |
Kyral | dapimp53, dmesg | 02:00 |
chaps0063 | I just upgraded to 2.6.10 kernel and sound does not work in xine, any thoughts? | 02:00 |
blacksky | dapimp53: syslog or messages is what you are looking for. Also try the command dmesg | 02:00 |
chaps0063 | never mind, wrong button in xine.. | 02:01 |
Thomas | hello | 02:01 |
=== crazy2k [~mabel@] has left #ubuntu [] |
Thomas | !ping me | 02:02 |
ubotu | Thomas: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 02:02 |
dylan_ | why doesnt beep show up in synaptic? | 02:02 |
=== jomdom [~jomdom@24-113-118-131.wavecable.com] has joined #ubuntu |
kbrooks | dylan_, reload? | 02:03 |
dylan_ | ooh thanks lol | 02:03 |
Thomas | ? | 02:03 |
=== Gman [~gerrit@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu |
Thomas | help me pls some body | 02:03 |
=== ubuntu_ [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu |
=== activez [activez@] has joined #ubuntu |
blacksky | Thomas: whats up? | 02:04 |
dapimp53 | On my wireless network config it asks for a WEP key. What if I am using a WPA key... what do I do. I cannot seem to connect | 02:04 |
Thomas | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 02:04 |
Thomas | there | 02:04 |
Thomas | i just run apt-get update | 02:04 |
blacksky | Thomas: and it worked in the past? | 02:05 |
ray_ | Thomas: i had the same problem | 02:05 |
=== Spec[x] [~Spec@charon.devis.com] has joined #ubuntu |
blacksky | Thomas: Does this file exist: /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_universe_binary-i386_Packages | 02:06 |
=== tfort [~tfort@a8.organicweb.net] has joined #ubuntu |
tfort | anyone have the point2play and/or cedega .deb files lying around? | 02:06 |
rob^ | tfort, try | 02:06 |
rob^ | !cedega | 02:06 |
ubotu | it has been said that cedega is http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=45 | 02:06 |
tfort | transgaming.org has been down for 2 days now and i'm seriously in a bind for some WoW'in | 02:06 |
ray_ | what is cedega? | 02:06 |
=== erik_ [~erik@cm-] has joined #ubuntu |
rob^ | ray_, a way to play windows games on Linux | 02:07 |
tfort | d3d emu | 02:07 |
erik_ | how do i make firefox support java? | 02:07 |
=== bpuccio [~brian@ool-457158b1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== erik_ is now known as xry |
rob^ | !tell xry abou java | 02:07 |
dapimp53 | On my wireless network config it asks for a WEP key. What if I am using a WPA key... what do I do. I cannot seem to connect | 02:07 |
xry | !tell xry about java | 02:07 |
rob^ | hmm | 02:07 |
xry | but it doesnt work | 02:08 |
=== finn [~jani@ppp84-229.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jomdom | hey guys, any reason ubuntu wouldn't be saving my refresh rate when i restart? | 02:08 |
jomdom | it always defaults back to 75 | 02:08 |
xry | but i just need the plugin for firefox | 02:08 |
rob^ | xry, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java | 02:08 |
xry | whats the name? | 02:08 |
jomdom | i'd use 75, but the viewport is off the right side of the screen | 02:09 |
Thomas | ray_ doe u fix ur apt-get update ? | 02:09 |
xry | i repeat, i have java, just need the plugin for firefox | 02:09 |
=== doom [~doom@44.Red-83-36-97.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu |
nightswim | symlink it | 02:09 |
blacksky | Thomas: was that file there? | 02:09 |
rob^ | ubotu java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java includes the Firefox plugin | 02:09 |
ubotu | ...but java is already something else... | 02:09 |
nightswim | jomdom: because you havent told it o | 02:09 |
rob^ | wtf? | 02:09 |
rob^ | !java | 02:09 |
jomdom | nightswim: how do you mean? | 02:10 |
ray_ | Thomas: i changed my apt sources to the canadian ones' | 02:10 |
rob^ | I think ubotus on crack again | 02:10 |
=== doom [~doom@44.Red-83-36-97.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
jomdom | i am using the system -> preferences -> screen resolution | 02:10 |
jomdom | tool | 02:10 |
pax | ubotu: forget java | 02:10 |
=== doom [~doom@44.Red-83-36-97.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu |
ray_ | gotta have java | 02:10 |
synd | java sucks | 02:11 |
tfort | anyone know the answer to this, but the AGP aperture should be half your video ram right? | 02:11 |
=== fromoze [~fromoze@] has joined #ubuntu |
rob^ | ubotu java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin. | 02:11 |
synd | limewire and azureus are prime examples | 02:11 |
ubotu | from memory, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java | 02:11 |
ubotu | pax: i forgot java | 02:11 |
ubotu | okay, rob^ | 02:11 |
=== darmou [~darmou@CPE-61-9-146-174.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu |
synd | !synd | 02:11 |
ubotu | somebody said synd was a badass | 02:11 |
synd | smart bot :) | 02:11 |
=== keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== fromoze [~fromoze@] has left #ubuntu ["gone] |
tfort | !synd | 02:12 |
synd | wtf | 02:12 |
synd | wtf | 02:12 |
synd | !synd | 02:12 |
ubotu | rumour has it, synd is a badass | 02:12 |
tfort | wow... even smarter bot, it has flood protection :-) | 02:12 |
Thomas | blacksky this file /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_universe_binary-i386_Packages | 02:12 |
concept10 | thank god | 02:12 |
pax | rob^: seems like the bot already had a java entry and needed to forget that one before taking yours :) | 02:12 |
tfort | !forty | 02:12 |
ubotu | Bugger all, i dunno, tfort | 02:12 |
Thomas | ray_ can u give ur sources.list ? | 02:12 |
tfort | :-) | 02:12 |
Thomas | where it is canadian sources ? | 02:12 |
rob^ | pax mine was the same, it just wasnt spitting out the one it had | 02:12 |
blacksky | Thomas: yes. Is it there? | 02:13 |
ray_ | Thomas: sure | 02:13 |
=== ugo [~ugo@CMU-147125.WV.CC.cmu.edu] has joined #ubuntu |
Thomas | dcc me pls | 02:13 |
pax | rob^: maybe someone should work on his AI script | 02:13 |
Thomas | and i will replace with my one | 02:13 |
ugo | hi has anyone been able to get arla or openafs working on an amd64 | 02:14 |
ugo | ? | 02:14 |
=== DaZjorz [~sjorsgiel@] has left #ubuntu [] |
=== doom [~doom@44.Red-83-36-97.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
=== decaf_cakirkeyf is now known as decaf_ayilir_gib |
=== decaf_ayilir_gib is now known as decaf |
=== greatgazoo [~chamilton@ool-4570ae08.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu |
ugo | ive torn my hair out trying out different compile settings.....aargh!!!! | 02:15 |
ray_ | ur gonna have to except it thomas | 02:15 |
ray_ | Thomas: U GOTTA ACCEPT IT | 02:15 |
cafuego | !find MkTemp.pl | 02:15 |
ray_ | there ya go | 02:15 |
Thomas | yes | 02:15 |
Thomas | wait i'll check it | 02:16 |
ray_ | Thomas: basicly its changing the us to ca | 02:16 |
Thomas | oh ic | 02:16 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'MkTemp.pl' returned no results. | 02:16 |
Thomas | soo archive.ubuntu.com change to ca./archive.ubuntu.com | 02:17 |
Thomas | *ca.archive.ubuntu.com | 02:17 |
=== lordgoth [~evilrabbi@ip68-97-70-223.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
ugo | hey....anybody see my question...id really like some help or a pointer at least? | 02:17 |
cafuego | !find MkTemp.pm | 02:18 |
cafuego | d'oh | 02:18 |
=== w01f [~C@] has joined #Ubuntu |
ray_ | Thomas: just paste mine in there | 02:18 |
lordgoth | hello | 02:18 |
lordgoth | how do you get on the dev team? | 02:18 |
w01f | weird! | 02:18 |
w01f | I was going to ask the saem question | 02:18 |
lordgoth | lol | 02:18 |
lordgoth | lies | 02:19 |
w01f | I just read somewhere that you have to post some poics to get approved | 02:19 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'MkTemp.pm' returned no results. | 02:19 |
kbrooks | poics? | 02:19 |
lordgoth | pics i think | 02:19 |
kbrooks | no | 02:19 |
poningru | pics? | 02:19 |
w01f | yes pics of kiddy porn i guess | 02:19 |
kbrooks | you dont | 02:19 |
lordgoth | yeah i heard the same thing | 02:19 |
w01f | thats what i heard | 02:19 |
kbrooks | lordgoth, w01f: WRONG | 02:19 |
=== cafuego sighs |
=== sizzam [~sizzam@ip65.220.23.209.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu |
lordgoth | i just want to do get on the dev team because of the 9 year old chick hookups I heard they have | 02:19 |
w01f | kbrooks? | 02:20 |
lordgoth | kbrooks more like RIGHT | 02:20 |
sizzam | ilmari: can you give me that command to mount a vmware image again? | 02:20 |
ray_ | lordgoth: what? | 02:20 |
kbrooks | lordgoth, stop the jokes | 02:20 |
lordgoth | sizzam rm -rf / | 02:20 |
sizzam | haha | 02:20 |
w01f | sizzam: vmware wont get you pussy | 02:20 |
lordgoth | <3 | 02:20 |
=== Zaphod__ is now known as Agrajag |
poningru | yes thats it you email it to these people: J. Edgar Hoover Building | 02:20 |
poningru | 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW | 02:20 |
poningru | Washington, D.C. 20535-0001 | 02:20 |
poningru | mail the kiddie porn to there | 02:20 |
lordgoth | k | 02:20 |
lordgoth | that's not what i heard though | 02:21 |
kbrooks | lordgoth, dont lie then | 02:21 |
w01f | kbrooks: are you a genuine Ubuntu hacker? | 02:21 |
lordgoth | w01f no | 02:21 |
=== Moppin [~Moppin@d14-69-103-39.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu |
lordgoth | he's a genuine ubuntu pedophile | 02:21 |
w01f | lol | 02:21 |
w01f | i thought so | 02:21 |
sizzam | ugh, trolls | 02:21 |
=== funkyHat [~matt@cpc3-nthc3-3-1-cust65.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu |
kbrooks | cut it | 02:22 |
w01f | id like to be a pedophile for once | 02:22 |
ugo | kid jokes are not funny people | 02:22 |
lordgoth | sizzam where? | 02:22 |
kbrooks | cafuego, | 02:22 |
cafuego | kids aren't funny either, so that's a good match. | 02:22 |
w01f | ugo: sorry if we hurt ur feelings | 02:22 |
cafuego | kbrooks: where? | 02:22 |
pax | last thing you should bring here is some bad joke like that | 02:22 |
ugo | no need for the sorry....take that kind of chat out of here | 02:22 |
w01f | h0h0h0 | 02:22 |
ugo | not on this thread.... | 02:22 |
w01f | fag ALERT! | 02:23 |
w01f | lol@thread | 02:23 |
kbrooks | i am a contributor to ubuntu, lordgoth and w01f | 02:23 |
w01f | so you DO get 9yo pussy | 02:23 |
w01f | so you DO get 9yo pussy | 02:23 |
w01f | lucky bastard you | 02:23 |
kbrooks | dont you dare say bad things to the community | 02:23 |
ugo | then you should be ashamed of yourself | 02:23 |
w01f | should I? | 02:24 |
=== ralobao [~ralobao@201009097167.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu |
w01f | whats wrong with kiddy pr0n? | 02:24 |
kbrooks | ... ... ... ... | 02:24 |
cafuego | kbrooks: ? | 02:24 |
=== Atlas95 [~cyril@] has joined #ubuntu |
=== ralobao [~ralobao@201009097167.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Fui] |
kbrooks | cafuego, um, those trolls are evil | 02:24 |
r0d | omg w01f your a numb.... | 02:24 |
lordgoth | I love ubuntu pedophiles like kbrooks! | 02:24 |
lordgoth | __ __/ | 02:24 |
lordgoth | .' '.' `. | 02:24 |
lordgoth | _.-| o | o |-._ | 02:24 |
lordgoth | .~ `.__.'.__.'^ ~. | 02:24 |
lordgoth | .~ ^ / \ ^ ~. | 02:24 |
lordgoth | \-._^ ^| | ^_.-/ | 02:24 |
cafuego | kbrooks: No, they're just stupid and bored. Put them on /ignore. | 02:24 |
lordgoth | `\ `-._ \___/ ^_.-' /' | 02:24 |
lordgoth | `\_ `--...--' /' | 02:24 |
lordgoth | `-.._______..-' /\ /\ | 02:24 |
lordgoth | __/ \__ | |/ /_ | 02:24 |
lordgoth | .'^ ^ `. .' `__\ | 02:24 |
lordgoth | .' ^ ^ `.__.'^ .\ \ | 02:24 |
r0d | wheres an admin when ya need one... | 02:24 |
lordgoth | .' ^ . ^ . ^ .' \/ | 02:25 |
lordgoth | / / ^ \'.__.' | 02:25 |
lordgoth | | ^ /| ^ | | 02:25 |
lordgoth | \ \|^ ^ | | 02:25 |
=== mpet [~mpet@ppp20-adsl-71.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu |
lordgoth | `\^ | ^ | | 02:25 |
lordgoth | `~| ^ | | 02:25 |
lordgoth | | ^ ^ | | 02:25 |
r0d | flooding is bad for your health | 02:25 |
lordgoth | \^ / | 02:25 |
lordgoth | `. ^ .' | 02:25 |
lordgoth | jgs : ^ ; | 02:25 |
lordgoth | .-~~~~~~ | ^ ~~~~~~-. | 02:25 |
lordgoth | / ^ ^ | ^ \ | 02:25 |
auk | wtf!! | 02:25 |
lordgoth | \^ ^ / \ ^ ^ / | 02:25 |
lordgoth | `~~~~~~~~' `~~~~~~~~~' | 02:25 |
=== ralobao [~ralobao@201009097167.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu |
zenlunatic | quick everyone mess up his flood | 02:25 |
r0d | admin where are u! | 02:25 |
cafuego | If you don't feed the trolls, they die within minutes. | 02:25 |
ugo | honestly these ppl ought to be banned | 02:25 |
=== arcanum [arc@kevorkian.pulltheplug.org] has left #ubuntu [] |
auk | /ignore | 02:25 |
=== thilo [~thilo@pcp0011934888pcs.summit01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
r0d | they have nothing better to do | 02:25 |
r0d | sad ppl | 02:25 |
sizzam | auk: thx | 02:25 |
lordgoth | LOL | 02:26 |
sizzam | ls | 02:26 |
=== ralobao [~ralobao@201009097167.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Fui] |
w01f | r0d, like you never wacked at ur neighbour's kids | 02:26 |
w01f | r0d, like you never wacked at ur neighbour's kids | 02:26 |
lordgoth | w01f lol yes he uses ubuntu | 02:26 |
r0d | im sure you are a kid | 02:26 |
auk | lordgoth: don't laugh; if you keep it up no one on this channel will know when you say anyhting | 02:26 |
r0d | actually i use gentoo | 02:26 |
r0d | but thx for the assumption | 02:26 |
lordgoth | r0d just as bad | 02:26 |
=== cafuego puts r0d on ignore too |
w01f | gentoo gets more pussy? | 02:26 |
w01f | gentoo gets more pussy? | 02:26 |
=== nalioth_zZz is now known as nalioth |
w01f | gentoo gets more pussy? | 02:26 |
mpet | theubuntu is the best distro it has sux name | 02:26 |
lordgoth | ubuntu pedophiles and gentoo homos | 02:26 |
r0d | and i care of what u think because.... | 02:27 |
lordgoth | both are lol | 02:27 |
=== auk is about to put him on ignore |
zenlunatic | nalioth, attack of the trolls :) | 02:27 |
w01f | lol@GNU/pedophiux | 02:27 |
ugo | lordgoth....whats wrong with you? | 02:27 |
auk | rofl | 02:27 |
r0d | sad kids | 02:27 |
w01f | lol@GNU/pedophilux | 02:27 |
r0d | dont u have homework to do | 02:27 |
nalioth | zenlunatic: trolls? | 02:27 |
=== robotgeek [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
zenlunatic | nalioth, scroll up | 02:27 |
w01f | r0d? joo got pics? | 02:27 |
w01f | r0d? joo got pics? | 02:27 |
sizzam | i hate it when the mandriva kids come to this room | 02:27 |
w01f | r0d? joo got pics? | 02:27 |
cafuego | People, stop responding to them. Sheesh. it's not hard, is it? | 02:27 |
lordgoth | r0d a.s.l? | 02:27 |
nalioth | ah, yes grafitti | 02:27 |
=== aru [~aru@70-58-155-210.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu |
nalioth | has an @op been informed? | 02:27 |
cafuego | nalioth: No, scroll back further. | 02:27 |
w01f | sizzam, we dont use mandriva. we use MS-REDHAT | 02:27 |
w01f | sizzam, we dont use mandriva. we use MS-REDHAT | 02:28 |
auk | rofl | 02:28 |
cafuego | nalioth: ubotu needs an 'inform ops' command. | 02:28 |
auk | heh | 02:28 |
zenlunatic | cafuego, they're kinda funny | 02:28 |
w01f | oh my god! i hear IRC sirens | 02:28 |
auk | who's in charge of ubotu dev? | 02:28 |
ugo | better....twits ignored | 02:28 |
cafuego | zenlunatic: But not particualrly topical. | 02:28 |
lordgoth | r0d touched my jenkies =~( | 02:28 |
lordgoth | / | 02:28 |
lordgoth | .--..--..--..--..--..--. | 02:28 |
lordgoth | .' \ (`._ (_) _ \ | 02:28 |
lordgoth | .' | '._) (_) | | 02:28 |
lordgoth | \ _.')\ .----..---. / | 02:28 |
=== Melechorion [~necrodamo@p548B2ED2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu |
lordgoth | |(_.' | / .-\-. \ | | 02:28 |
lordgoth | \ 0| | ( O| O) | o| | 02:28 |
aru | what the hell | 02:28 |
lordgoth | | _ | .--.____.'._.-. | | 02:28 |
Melechorion | hio | 02:28 |
auk | well--ignore time | 02:28 |
lordgoth | \ (_) | o -` .-` | | 02:28 |
nalioth | no, they just need to catch up on the "we need to add these users to the access list" list | 02:28 |
lordgoth | | \ |`-._ _ _ _ _\ / | 02:28 |
lordgoth | \ | | `. |_||_| | | 02:28 |
lordgoth | | o | \_ \ | -. .-. | 02:29 |
lordgoth | |.-. \ `--..-' O | `.`-' .' | 02:29 |
lordgoth | _.' .' | `-.-' /-.__ ' .-' | 02:29 |
lordgoth | .' `-.` '.|='=.='=.='=.='=|._/_ `-'.' | 02:29 |
lordgoth | `-._ `. |________/\_____| `-.' | 02:29 |
lordgoth | .' ).| '=' '='\/ '=' | | 02:29 |
lordgoth | `._.` '---------------' | 02:29 |
Thomas | WTF !!!!!!!!! | 02:29 |
lordgoth | //___\ //___\ | 02:29 |
lordgoth | || || | 02:29 |
lordgoth | LGB ||_.-. ||_.-. | 02:29 |
lordgoth | (_.--__) (_.--__) | 02:29 |
auk | yeah, jsut ignore him | 02:29 |
lordgoth | lol | 02:29 |
no_gatez_fan | geeze | 02:29 |
glick | lol | 02:29 |
nalioth | Thomas: and /ignore <username> works wonderfully | 02:29 |
w01f | nalioth? what is that you are talking about? j00 seem like a proficent Ubuntu man | 02:29 |
glick | nice art! | 02:29 |
=== lordgoth is now known as lol |
auk | not liek i'm seeing anything of his anymore | 02:29 |
zenlunatic | you guys got to admit he is a good ascii artist | 02:29 |
r0d | yea just did that | 02:29 |
lol | damn gnu hippies | 02:29 |
=== w01f is now known as pedofile |
^thehatsrule^ | lol he just copy and paste... | 02:29 |
rob^ | lol this is a help channel | 02:29 |
kbrooks | lol: troll | 02:30 |
ugo | all he wans is attention | 02:30 |
pedofile | THEN HELP US! | 02:30 |
auk | just ignore him! | 02:30 |
pedofile | THEN HELP US! | 02:30 |
lol | rob^ i know | 02:30 |
nalioth | rob^: so we are helping psychopaths vent thru art? | 02:30 |
rob^ | lol go elsewhere | 02:30 |
lol | rob^ #ubuntu helps you get kinder pr0n | 02:30 |
lol | rob^ but only if your on the ubuntu dev team =~( | 02:30 |
lol | haters =\ | 02:30 |
kbrooks | ..... | 02:30 |
=== pedofile was kicked off #ubuntu by bob2 (bob2) |
=== pedofile [~C@] has joined #ubuntu |
ugo | can someone pls point me where i can get some arla support | 02:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by bob2 |
sizzam | bob2: a ban is in order | 02:31 |
sizzam | right on | 02:31 |
r0d | ty! | 02:31 |
nalioth | aw, bob2 it was just gettin fun! lol | 02:31 |
=== pedofile was kicked off #ubuntu by bob2 (bob2) |
cafuego | bob2: thanks | 02:31 |
lol | ugo http://support.on.nimp.org/ | 02:31 |
=== BobaFett [~felipe@] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | please do point that sort of thing out...(ie use my nick so the hilight triggers) | 02:31 |
sizzam | i need help mounting my vmware vmdk XP file | 02:31 |
cafuego | bob2: Can you msg be a list of op nicks? I'll an an !ops command to the bot. | 02:31 |
bob2 | ok | 02:32 |
BobaFett | guys ... i'm having problems installing the flash player plugin for Opera ... I get a 'bad interpreter: permission denied' when running the installer ... any ideas? :( | 02:32 |
rob^ | good | 02:32 |
robotgeek | anybody know a good tool for managing wireless connections? | 02:32 |
Thomas | bob2 can u set the topic from where to must get source.list for apt- | 02:32 |
chaps0063 | how do I get audio to work in firefox with flash? | 02:32 |
Thomas | it change from us | 02:32 |
nalioth | BobaFett: pull the libflash thingy out of mozilla plugins and cp it into the opera plugins folder | 02:32 |
r0d | robotgeek, like what? just seeing all the AP's | 02:33 |
bob2 | Thomas: hm? | 02:33 |
ugo | hey does anyone have experience with afs on ubuntu? | 02:33 |
kbrooks | bob2, spammer detected: lol | 02:33 |
=== Plnt_ is now known as Plnt |
cafuego | sheesh, I should disable ssh for a while. | 02:33 |
robotgeek | r0d: i can see my AP's, and all that...the connection keeps dropping | 02:33 |
BobaFett | nalioth: supposedly, I completely removed firefox (it didnt work properly in my fresh ubuntu install) so I replaced it with an Opera .deb I got off the web... | 02:33 |
poningru | nalioth: please dont be gay | 02:33 |
Thomas | !sources | 02:33 |
ubotu | I heard sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 02:33 |
robotgeek | r0d: i'm pretty sure that when u tell me, my connection will drop | 02:34 |
r0d | bob2, having hella time compling kernel. keep getting "cant mount vfs" i have all filesystems buildt in kernel | 02:34 |
nalioth | poningru: what? | 02:34 |
r0d | what card are u using? | 02:34 |
kbrooks | bob2, spammer | 02:34 |
r0d | or chipset robotgeek | 02:34 |
nalioth | BobaFett: do you still have your ~/.mozilla folders for firefox? | 02:34 |
kbrooks | there is a spammer, bob2 | 02:34 |
bob2 | r0d: then you forgot your ide controller | 02:34 |
poningru | oops sorry nalioth | 02:34 |
robotgeek | r0d: i am using a Belkin Card, with rt2500 on a ppc (no ndiswrapper) | 02:34 |
bob2 | r0d: the stock answer is "don't do that", tho | 02:35 |
poningru | someone fingered me | 02:35 |
poningru | I thought it was you | 02:35 |
=== liroth [~liroth@p548DB45D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu |
poningru | /Finger | 02:35 |
r0d | bob2 i i need to patch my kernel to. thats why im compling plus ntfs write | 02:35 |
nalioth | poningru: so put a good finger response in your client | 02:35 |
=== didymo [~ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu |
BobaFett | nalioth: yes, they're still lying around my home folder, but the plugins folder's completely empty... | 02:35 |
bob2 | r0d: so use the default ubuntu config | 02:35 |
Thomas | !proxy | 02:35 |
ubotu | Thomas: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 02:35 |
lol | Why is bob2 the same as all other ubuntu users?? He loves little boys... | 02:35 |
lol | _ __________ _, | 02:35 |
lol | _.-(_)._ ." ". .--""--. _.-{__}-._ | 02:35 |
lol | .'________'. | .--------. | .' '. .:-'`____`'-:. | 02:35 |
lol | [____________] /` |________| `\ / .'``'. \ /_.-"`_ _`"-._\ | 02:35 |
lol | / / .\/. \ \| / / .\/. \ \ || .'/.\/.\'. | /` / .\/. \ `\ | 02:35 |
lol | | \__/\__/ |\_/ \__/\__/ \_/| : |_/\_| ; | | \__/\__/ | | 02:35 |
bob2 | r0d: and don't forget to make the initrd | 02:35 |
lol | \ / \ / \ '.\ /.' / .-\ >/-. | 02:35 |
pax | leave insiders politics outta this help channel. if you have problems with dev team or other, how's this kinda behavior gonna help your case? | 02:35 |
lol | /'._ -- _.'\ /'._ -- _.'\ /'. `'--'` .'\/ '._-.__--__.-_.' | 02:35 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q *!*@ip68-97-70-223.ok.ok.cox.net] by bob2 |
kbrooks | bob2: lol spammed a GNAA site | 02:35 |
bob2 | lol: idiot | 02:35 |
poningru | hmm good artwork though | 02:36 |
r0d | yea bob2 that initrd is giving me hell to. is their a wiki on that to learn more? | 02:36 |
=== Derreck [~Derreck@69-162-63-128.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu |
ugo | i agree | 02:36 |
=== lol [~evilrabbi@ip68-97-70-223.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] |
=== Keiz [~keizer@pcp0011334407pcs.ctftmy01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | r0d: no need. use the right .config, build with 'make-kpkg --initrd' | 02:36 |
Keiz | Sup guys | 02:36 |
=== lordgoth [~evilrabbi@ip68-97-70-223.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== auk [~scott@h-69-3-212-171.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Keiz | Anyone here managed to install NetworkManager? | 02:36 |
ilmari | sizzam: provided that it's just a plain filesystem image: mount -o loop /path/to/fs.image /mount/point | 02:36 |
ugo | sup keiz | 02:36 |
ugo | know anything about afs? | 02:36 |
robotgeek | r0d: i thought that it was dropping cause the card was too hot | 02:36 |
=== lordgoth [~evilrabbi@ip68-97-70-223.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] |
=== i_love_you_bob2 [~evilrabbi@ip68-97-70-223.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
cafuego | right | 02:37 |
nalioth | BobaFett: are you still here? | 02:37 |
cafuego | !ops lol is a troll | 02:37 |
ubotu | cafuego: okay | 02:37 |
JDahl | upo, I know AFS as a user... | 02:37 |
bob2 | i_love_you_bob2: er, your ip is the same, sorry | 02:37 |
r0d | bob2, ok in a nutshell; I'll compile the kernel w/ the ntfs write option and patched driver. then run that make-kpkg? | 02:37 |
=== cafuego eyes ubotu |
nalioth | boy howdy! it's fun night in #ubuntu | 02:37 |
cafuego | you broken | 02:37 |
=== robotgee1 [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | r0d: no, make-kpkg compiles it | 02:37 |
r0d | oooooo | 02:37 |
=== Thomas is now known as darkwind |
r0d | kool thx bob2 . was hoping u'd get on.. | 02:37 |
bob2 | r0d: bear in mind the normal ntfs-write driver is guaranteed to corrupt the disk, tho. | 02:38 |
bob2 | s/disk/filesystem/ | 02:38 |
chaps0063 | how do I get (in gnome) a panel to show what my current cpu speed is? | 02:38 |
ugo | afs..afs...afs....my life depends on the shit application | 02:38 |
r0d | bummer | 02:38 |
bob2 | well, I'm glad my insomnia benefited someone ;p | 02:38 |
robotgee1 | r0d: i'm pretty sure that when u tell me, my connection will drop (did u tell anything?) | 02:38 |
robotgee1 | Keiz: it's on breezy, have to wait for dhcpbd to get ported to hoary | 02:38 |
JDahl | ugo, do you happen to have specific AFS questions? | 02:38 |
r0d | robotgee1, no | 02:38 |
ugo | yes.... | 02:38 |
r0d | robotgee1, do you know the chipset that uses | 02:38 |
BobaFett | nalioth: yes ... I was trying to get something under 'interpreter' from Synaptic to see if this thing installs :( | 02:38 |
bob2 | networkmanager for hoary is more complicated than that | 02:38 |
robotgee1 | r0d: rt2500 | 02:38 |
BobaFett | nalioth: but my mozilla plugins folder is empty... | 02:38 |
ugo | im trying to compile arla or openafs on amd64 | 02:38 |
bob2 | it's unlikely it will ever be usefully backported | 02:38 |
ugo | both fail | 02:39 |
cafuego | !ops | 02:39 |
ubotu | Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, and, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia! | 02:39 |
cafuego | There we go | 02:39 |
robotgee1 | bob2: oh okie... | 02:39 |
nalioth | BobaFett: you should have more than one mozilla-related folder | 02:39 |
bob2 | cafuego: s/and// :) | 02:39 |
cafuego | ubotu: unlock ops | 02:39 |
ubotu | cafuego: unlocking factoid ops | 02:39 |
cafuego | ubotu: ops =~ s/and, // | 02:39 |
ubotu | cafuego: OK | 02:39 |
cafuego | !lock ops | 02:39 |
ubotu | locking factoid ops, cafuego | 02:39 |
ugo | what information do you need JDhal | 02:39 |
BobaFett | nalioth: I never installed flash plugin for mozilla in the first place, so it shouldn't be there ... maybe if I get it from Synaptic, and then cp it to the opera plugins folder ... ? | 02:39 |
ugo | ? | 02:39 |
benplaut | still trying to figure out what you guys are trying to do...? | 02:39 |
r0d | robotgee1, dont know anything about that chipset. do a iwlist eth1 ap | 02:40 |
JDahl | ugo, CVS openafs compiles quite easily on x86; I dont know 64 bit complicates it | 02:40 |
darkwind | !backports | 02:40 |
ubotu | backports is at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org; also, Do not use the backports for day to day usage! | 02:40 |
r0d | robotgee1, replace eth1 w/ your card's configuration | 02:40 |
bob2 | cafuego: thanks dude | 02:40 |
cafuego | bob2: np. | 02:40 |
ugo | ok ill take my chances with that version | 02:40 |
robotgee1 | r0d: the chipset works fine, it;s just that suddenly, the led's go off and the connection drops | 02:40 |
nalioth | BobaFett: you'll probably end up installing moz again | 02:40 |
=== Bugsbang [~bonny@ALamentin-103-1-4-68.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
JDahl | ugo, there's also unofficial Ubuntu packages for arla (x86) somewhere... maybe get those and rebuild? | 02:40 |
r0d | robotgee1, reason i asked chipset because their is a patch you need for certain drivers | 02:40 |
ugo | already tried that | 02:40 |
robotgee1 | r0d: i've have nothing but problems today (i even had to use some other nick ... like now) | 02:41 |
=== i_love_bob2 [~evilrabbi@55d7157d8cb466ce.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu |
i_love_bob2 | i love you | 02:41 |
r0d | robotgee1, did you trie #wireless channel? | 02:41 |
i_love_bob2 | why did you do that to me | 02:41 |
i_love_bob2 | =~( | 02:41 |
=== scorpix [~arabian@as17-134.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu |
BobaFett | nalioth: I downloaded flashplayer from macromedia.com , extracted it ... but when I run ./flashplayer-installer I get the 'permission denied' error, even as root... | 02:41 |
JDahl | ugo, arla seems like a mess to build from source... I would try to get openafs working - you just need the client, right? | 02:41 |
robotgee1 | r0d: on freenode? | 02:41 |
r0d | yea | 02:41 |
ugo | yes | 02:41 |
robotgee1 | cool, i dint know that...off i go! | 02:41 |
r0d | those guys no their stuff | 02:41 |
kbrooks | nalioth, btw i added " Do not use the backports for day to day usage!" | 02:42 |
darkwind | hey this say conection refused when conecting http://backports.ubuntuforums.org | 02:42 |
ugo | i have the module sources of openafs from ubuntu | 02:42 |
robotgee1 | okay..be back | 02:42 |
nalioth | BobaFett: have you tried "gplflash.sourceforge.net"? | 02:42 |
kbrooks | i_love_bob2, no you do not love him | 02:42 |
nalioth | kbrooks: bravo! | 02:42 |
i_love_bob2 | kbrooks i do too | 02:42 |
bob2 | i_love_bob2: abuse of tor will result in tor being banned | 02:42 |
i_love_bob2 | i want to have gay nigger sex with him | 02:42 |
BobaFett | nalioth: nopes ... what's that? | 02:42 |
i_love_bob2 | i'm only a top though | 02:42 |
i_love_bob2 | -\ | 02:42 |
=== P3L|C4N0 [~gcamposm@] has joined #ubuntu |
nalioth | BobaFett: go check it out | 02:42 |
=== Suepahfly [~kvirc@co455933-a.almel1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu |
ugo | do you know if the module sources for openafs from ubuntu fail are problematic on x86 | 02:42 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@@.tor] by bob2 |
ugo | ? | 02:42 |
nalioth | BobaFett: it might work for you | 02:42 |
Keiz | Did Thom give up on NetworkManager | 02:43 |
i_love_bob2 | lol | 02:43 |
=== i_love_bob2 molests bob2 |
BobaFett | nalioth: will do ... thanks a bunch! ({) | 02:43 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@*.tor] by bob2 |
JDahl | ugo, I build openafs maybe 6-7 months ago... I think I had to patch a few things manually | 02:43 |
=== i_love_bob2 [~evilrabbi@55d7157d8cb466ce.session.tor] has left #ubuntu [requested] |
=== P3L|C4N0 o/ |
ugo | ok | 02:43 |
ugo | lets go have a look at cvs then | 02:43 |
chaps0063 | has anyone gotten the tablet on a tablet pc working? | 02:45 |
=== mitch528 [~mitch528@cpe-66-91-239-53.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
=== calamari [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu |
zenlunatic | chaps0063, google it | 02:45 |
calamari | hi | 02:45 |
=== Amphibious_Tank [~AT@pcp09967972pcs.narlington.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== Amphibious_Tank [~AT@pcp09967972pcs.narlington.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] |
chaps0063 | zenlunatic: I have, but I haven't found my particular tablet...and all things I found online haven't worked. | 02:46 |
=== Amphibious_Tank [~AT@pcp09967972pcs.narlington.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
JDahl | ugo, as I remember, you to follow the README instructions down to the last detail, and there's something about incorrect redefines in afs headers files, but compiling it was doable | 02:46 |
mitch528 | how do you set your screen saver in ubuntu? (one that you download) | 02:46 |
JDahl | s/you to/you have to/ | 02:46 |
Keiz | Dang | 02:46 |
Keiz | NetworkManager is no workie on Ubuntu | 02:46 |
calamari | I have my floppy at /a in the fstab.. so I do "mount /a", then "cp files /a", then "umount /a".. but on the umount it says the device is busy. I tried sync, then umount again.. still buys. The only way to make it unbusy again seems to be a reboot. Is this a linux bug? | 02:46 |
Keiz | When I try to compile it I get lib errors but the libs are up to date. | 02:47 |
bob2 | Keiz: it works in breezy | 02:47 |
=== [ubu-e] GazaM [~gareth@] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | Keiz: it won't work on hoary | 02:47 |
=== BROKEN_LADDER [~pral@adsl-69-226-227-118.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU |
darkwind | guy's where to get source.list and backport ?? | 02:47 |
=== [ubu-e] GazaM is now known as GazaM |
Keiz | bob2, Gah | 02:47 |
Keiz | Breezy the new one? | 02:47 |
kbrooks | darkwind, | 02:47 |
The_Vox | calamari: you need to run "lsof /a" and see what's actually keeping it busy | 02:47 |
mitch528 | how do you set your screen saver in ubuntu? (one that you download) | 02:47 |
kbrooks | !backport | 02:47 |
bob2 | darkwind: the default sources.list is fine | 02:47 |
ubotu | Bugger all, i dunno, kbrooks | 02:47 |
kbrooks | !sources.list | 02:47 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, kbrooks | 02:47 |
kbrooks | !source.list | 02:47 |
ubotu | kbrooks: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 02:48 |
kbrooks | ? | 02:48 |
kbrooks | :| | 02:48 |
BROKEN_LADDER | anyone know whether gnome will soon/ever support "menubar in panel" mode, like in os x and kde? | 02:48 |
kbrooks | !backports | 02:48 |
ubotu | backports is at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org; also, Do not use the backports for day to day usage! | 02:48 |
bob2 | Keiz: breezy is the development version, yes. NM needs a newer dbus binding than is in hoary | 02:48 |
ugo | ok JDahl | 02:48 |
calamari | aha.. famd 3256 calamari 37r DIR 2,0 2048 183 /media/floppy0/.Trash-calamari | 02:48 |
bob2 | BROKEN_LADDER: #gnome | 02:48 |
Keiz | bob2, Dang. | 02:48 |
calamari | The_Vox: thanks | 02:48 |
nalioth | BROKEN_LADDER: have you tried superkaramba? (i know it's not gnome) | 02:48 |
=== blastmanu [~blastmanu@dyn-83-157-225-221.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
Keiz | bob2, How can I upgrade my current one to Breezy? | 02:48 |
ugo | its checking out at the moment....hope you'll be here in case i need to ask any more questions | 02:48 |
ugo | thanks | 02:48 |
=== zwnj [~behnam@] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | Keiz: don't, just wait for it in october | 02:48 |
The_Vox | calamari: once you find out what's keeping it busy, you undo it :) | 02:48 |
BROKEN_LADDER | never heard of it nalioth | 02:49 |
=== zenlunatic eats calamari |
BROKEN_LADDER | heh..i alwsay thought your nick was nanolith. | 02:49 |
=== Keiz pulls hair out |
BROKEN_LADDER | never actually read it. | 02:49 |
nalioth | BROKEN_LADDER: superkaramba is to KDE what gdesklets are to gnome | 02:49 |
BROKEN_LADDER | oh. | 02:49 |
=== blastmanu [~blastmanu@dyn-83-157-225-221.ppp.tiscali.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
calamari | The_Vox: I guess the trash can is keeping it buys, because there was a trash directory and it must have loaded when I mounted it | 02:49 |
zenlunatic | nalioth, does gdesklets stand for gay? | 02:49 |
JDahl | ugo, I will be around, but I dont have the AFS builds handy, so not sure how helpful I'll be | 02:49 |
BROKEN_LADDER | nalioth how did you know i'm using kde? | 02:49 |
zwnj | hi there. what's the situation of hoary-backport and hoary-extras? what's your opinion on turning them on? | 02:49 |
calamari | maybe I can delete the trash directory | 02:49 |
kbrooks | zenlunatic, no | 02:49 |
darkwind | bob2 darkwind: the default sources.list is fine <== us.archive.ubuntu.com still alive ?? | 02:50 |
bob2 | darkwind: no, then change that | 02:50 |
=== Amphibious_Tank [~AT@pcp09967972pcs.narlington.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] |
nalioth | zenlunatic: i have no clue, no, yes, maybe <swish> | 02:50 |
nalioth | BROKEN_LADDER: KDE apps work under gnome and vice versa | 02:50 |
desrt | zwnj; they seem fairly good quality these days | 02:50 |
BROKEN_LADDER | nalioth i know this. | 02:50 |
darkwind | doh | 02:50 |
=== calamari hopes that linux can someday grow out of this mounting stuff.. totally dumb |
nalioth | BROKEN_LADDER: i've been dispatching cab drivers for 12 hours already today (on-the-job-training) | 02:51 |
darkwind | change too ? | 02:51 |
nalioth | BROKEN_LADDER: i'm doin good to type in english here | 02:51 |
=== Spec [~Spec@charon.devis.com] has joined #ubuntu |
darkwind | what mirror bob ? | 02:51 |
=== mpet [~mpet@ppp20-adsl-71.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu |
BROKEN_LADDER | nalioth lol. | 02:51 |
JDahl | ugo, AFS is such a great technology... a pity it's so cumbersome to build and configure | 02:52 |
=== Sniper^ [~darkon@] has joined #ubuntu |
funkyHat | is it possible to get gaim to blink the taskbar under gnome? (like it does in KDE) | 02:52 |
zwnj | desrt: and it's firefox update and deprecating mozilla-firefox? | 02:52 |
=== light_punch2 [1000@usrns125.dialup.hawaii.edu] has joined #ubuntu |
D1 | it will be in gnome 2.12 | 02:52 |
zenlunatic | breezy will be gnome 2.10 still correct? | 02:52 |
D1 | not as far as I know. | 02:53 |
light_punch2 | anyone know if grub can do something like "lilo -R distro2"? | 02:53 |
zenlunatic | funkyHat, that feature would be annoying | 02:53 |
zenlunatic | funkyHat, i just have an audio bell to alert me of new msgs | 02:53 |
funkyHat | but is it possible? | 02:54 |
=== light_punch2 [1000@usrns125.dialup.hawaii.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
zenlunatic | funkyHat, im sure its technically possible | 02:54 |
zenlunatic | funkyHat, just hasn't been done yet | 02:54 |
funkyHat | heh, ok | 02:54 |
=== finn [~jani@ppp84-229.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu |
zenlunatic | funkyHat, probably not a priority for developers | 02:54 |
=== Bols [~bols@44.135-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu |
zenlunatic | funkyHat, you could implement it yourself | 02:55 |
funkyHat | i guess not | 02:55 |
ugo | yeah we use it all over our campus | 02:55 |
bob2 | funkyHat: you could file a wishlist bug if you feel it's important | 02:55 |
ugo | i learnt how it works internally last semester | 02:55 |
bob2 | funkyHat: bugzilla.ubuntu.com | 02:55 |
ugo | very very well thought out... | 02:55 |
funkyHat | thanks :) | 02:55 |
benplaut | funkyHat: look on Ubuntu Forums, someone figured out how to do it | 02:55 |
benplaut | i have it, and it works great | 02:56 |
kbrooks | benplaut, url? | 02:56 |
benplaut | looking | 02:56 |
benplaut | here you go: | 02:57 |
benplaut | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39776 | 02:57 |
=== mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu |
mdke | i can't get my breezy packages. getting connection refused from the archives? anyone know what might be causing this? | 02:57 |
funkyHat | brilliant :D, thanks | 02:57 |
nalioth | mdke: its happening across the board, not just you | 02:57 |
funkyHat | mdke, i've had a few problems with hoary during the day | 02:58 |
mdke | hmm | 02:58 |
mdke | i see thanks nalioth, funkyHat | 02:58 |
=== Moppin [~Moppin@d14-69-103-39.try.wideopenwest.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
Amaranth | hmm, !lock | 02:59 |
Amaranth | ubotu: help lock | 02:59 |
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=== phillipc [~pcrosby@pixpat.austin.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu |
phillipc | I just unmoutned my ipod, but it hasn't been ejected afaik. The screen on the ipod still says do not disconnect. I unmounted it by right clicking the icon on the desktop and selecting umount. How can I now eject it? It doesn't exist in media | 03:00 |
=== Chambers` [~Thom@pcp02906040pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== glyph [foobar@c-24-147-173-95.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== d-man [~d-man@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
Amaranth | cafuego: does this mean i have more control over the bot now? | 03:01 |
robotgee1 | !humor | 03:01 |
ubotu | robotgee1: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 03:01 |
Amaranth | phillipc: ouch | 03:01 |
robotgee1 | Amaranth: not exactly the best reaction on a help forum. lol! | 03:02 |
=== ElBarono [adam@] has joined #ubuntu |
Amaranth | haha, someone was telling me off for telling them something was illegal while having a link to PyMusique in my sig | 03:03 |
Viddy | gotta hate that middle mouse buttont | 03:03 |
Viddy | hn | 03:03 |
Viddy | | 03:03 |
Amaranth | (I wrote it) | 03:03 |
robotgee1 | Amaranth: pymusique?? | 03:04 |
Amaranth | yeah | 03:04 |
chaps0063 | has anyone gotten WPA-PSK working, with using default drivers (no ndiswrapper_ | 03:04 |
=== chgh [~james@ip24-253-118-203.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
robotgee1 | i thought that was dvd jon. wait... | 03:05 |
funkyHat | benplaut, thanks :D it looks great too | 03:05 |
=== scoperesolution [~scoperes@adsl-68-255-102-14.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu |
darkwind | does kiosk for kde work fine on gnome ?? | 03:05 |
robotgee1 | Amaranth: so, ur dvd jon? | 03:05 |
Amaranth | no | 03:06 |
robotgee1 | Amaranth: so, u wrote it with him or he's just linked to you?? | 03:06 |
=== d7rt [~d5rt@] has joined #ubuntu |
Amaranth | He did registration, the initial code breaking, and the iTunes 4.7 code breaking. | 03:07 |
Amaranth | I wrote the GUI and such. | 03:07 |
kbrooks | ? | 03:07 |
Amaranth | Figuring out how iTunes talks to the server. | 03:07 |
nalioth | Amaranth: dont be so modest, tell us the truth, LOL | 03:07 |
Amaranth | That's what he did. | 03:07 |
robotgee1 | Amaranth: cool, havent used it yet. Still havent bought an song from intunes! | 03:07 |
Amaranth | Well, if we go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back... | 03:08 |
Amaranth | Me and Cody wrote PHPTunes which was mostly me. He did the connection to the server, I did the XML parsing and rendering and such. | 03:08 |
robotgee1 | okie... | 03:09 |
Amaranth | Cody ported the core of that to Python, I took over the project, added twisted and a GUI, and then jlj added his stuff. | 03:09 |
Amaranth | so yeah, it's complicated | 03:09 |
robotgee1 | i think we should add this information to the wikipedia page on pymusique :) | 03:09 |
Amaranth | go ahead | 03:09 |
synd | bbl | 03:10 |
Amaranth | do something to make my wikipedia page seem less worthless too :P | 03:10 |
nalioth | come on Amaranth tell us who you REALLY are.... lol | 03:10 |
=== Nard|reanimation is now known as Nard |
robotgee1 | lol! | 03:10 |
Amaranth | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis_Watkins | 03:10 |
Amaranth | that guy | 03:10 |
robotgee1 | a wordpress blog! | 03:11 |
Amaranth | yes... | 03:11 |
nalioth | y'all wanna know something sad...? | 03:11 |
robotgee1 | i use wp too, it's very nice :) | 03:12 |
robotgee1 | go ahead | 03:12 |
nalioth | i joined the army in 1986 | 03:12 |
Amaranth | haha | 03:12 |
Amaranth | old geezer | 03:12 |
glick | hehe im gonna ride the bull tonight! | 03:13 |
nalioth | watch yer mouth, sonny! lolol | 03:13 |
glick | lol | 03:13 |
robotgee1 | so, where's the sad part? | 03:13 |
=== jago [~jago@24-231-191-215.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu |
Amaranth | robotgee1: I was born in 1986 | 03:14 |
robotgee1 | okie..me 82 | 03:14 |
Amaranth | ubotu: smeg | 03:14 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, smeg is a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports. | 03:14 |
Amaranth | someone try to change that | 03:14 |
Amaranth | a non-op | 03:14 |
Amaranth | type 'ubotu: no, smeg is foo' | 03:14 |
chgh | Installing ubuntu-desktop freezes at setting up ttf-opensymbol. It says Fontconfig error: cannot load default config file, and stops... any ideas? | 03:14 |
Kyral | ubotu: no, smeg is foo | 03:15 |
ubotu | Kyral: okay | 03:15 |
nalioth | smeg is already something else | 03:15 |
nalioth | Amaranth: is that what you wanted to see? | 03:15 |
Amaranth | chgh: This is happening on the hoary install cd? | 03:15 |
=== awb4422 [~awb4422@] has joined #ubuntu |
Amaranth | !smeg | 03:15 |
ubotu | hmm... smeg is foo | 03:15 |
darkwind | !backports | 03:15 |
ubotu | backports is at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org; also, Do not use the backports for day to day usage! | 03:15 |
Amaranth | doh, it didn't lock | 03:15 |
Kyral | I feel very powerful right now | 03:15 |
chgh | yeah... for powerpc... I'm installing on a powermac g3 | 03:15 |
Amaranth | ubotu: no, smeg is a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports. | 03:15 |
ubotu | okay, Amaranth | 03:15 |
Amaranth | !lock smeg | 03:15 |
ubotu | locking factoid smeg, Amaranth | 03:15 |
Kyral | shall I try again? | 03:16 |
Amaranth | sure | 03:16 |
Kyral | ubotu: no, smeg is foo | 03:16 |
ubotu | okay, Kyral | 03:16 |
awb4422 | is anyone getting really really slow speeds from us.archive.ubuntu.com servers? | 03:16 |
Amaranth | grr | 03:16 |
Amaranth | cafuego: !!! | 03:16 |
Amaranth | !smeg | 03:16 |
ubotu | smeg is, like, foo | 03:16 |
Kyral | !smeg | 03:16 |
Amaranth | ubotu: no, smeg is a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports. | 03:16 |
ubotu | okay, Amaranth | 03:16 |
Amaranth | ok, stop now | 03:16 |
Kyral | Yep | 03:16 |
=== anto9us [~antoninus@cpc2-ptal1-5-1-cust109.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu |
ugo | awb4422: same thing here | 03:16 |
=== caonex [~sarah@ip70-177-55-187.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jago | can any one tell me a good gui to use for my firewall | 03:17 |
ugo | try firestarter | 03:17 |
anto9us | jago: firestarter | 03:17 |
jago | thank you | 03:17 |
ugo | apt-get install firestarter...its pretty basic | 03:17 |
glick | has anyone know what "riding the bull" is? | 03:18 |
glick | lol | 03:18 |
glyph | I've got a fancy "internet" keyboard with lots of extra keys | 03:18 |
=== usr [~usr@adsl-62-167-35-86.adslplus.ch] has joined #ubuntu |
glyph | I'd like to make them do things | 03:19 |
glyph | but only some of them are visible to X (using xev) | 03:19 |
glyph | all of them show up fine on the console (using showkeys) | 03:19 |
nalioth | jago: try this: http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=130 | 03:19 |
=== hybrid_goth [~hybrid@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu |
Amaranth | all i know about X keyboard mapping is the developers say it sucks | 03:19 |
glyph | what configuration do I need to diddle to make X recognize them as valid scancodes, even if there are no associated keysyms? | 03:19 |
glyph | Amaranth: I know enough to know that :) | 03:20 |
glyph | Amaranth: I don't think this is even mapping, though. I think that I have to say something other than 'pc104' in my xorg.conf, but I have no idea what my options are. | 03:20 |
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=== AlexanRO [~alexanro@pool-71-100-29-228.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jago | thank again | 03:21 |
chgh | also, Amaranth... it didn't stop with an apt error, it just hasn't processed any more | 03:21 |
Amaranth | eh? | 03:22 |
robotgee1 | Amaranth: i've done my bit to make you a little more famous :) | 03:22 |
=== virgule [~virgule@modemcable234.158-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
chgh | nevermind I guess | 03:23 |
chgh | I'll bbl... | 03:23 |
=== dradul [~dradul@] has joined #ubuntu |
Amaranth | robotgee1: err | 03:23 |
Amaranth | robotgee1: show me? | 03:23 |
virgule | !bug report | 03:23 |
ubotu | virgule: I give up, what is it? | 03:23 |
virgule | !bugreport | 03:24 |
robotgee1 | your wikipedia page :) | 03:24 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, virgule | 03:24 |
nalioth | robotgee1: you didnt spend $500,000 for a half-page in the New York Times, did you? | 03:24 |
=== asimismo [~chatzilla@dsl231-060-187.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== nickrud [~ajax@ppp-66-140-227-115.dialup.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu |
d-man | hello | 03:24 |
d-man | i cannot get wine to work | 03:24 |
=== robotgee1 is a poor grad student. /me eyes light up at the mention of $500,000 |
d-man | can someone point out the command after i get the packages from synaptic | 03:24 |
=== kevin_ [~kevin@dsl-72-1-219.194.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu |
d-man | hello | 03:25 |
d-man | anyone here know how to get wine working in ubuntu | 03:25 |
robotgee1 | i was gonna add all the nice info u gave me, but first i need to figure out the command to scroll up in irssi :) | 03:25 |
Amaranth | d-man: get winesetuptk | 03:26 |
=== sfvt [~sfvt@pool-64-222-117-63.burl.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
d-man | i did | 03:26 |
Amaranth | run it | 03:26 |
nalioth | robotgee1: ctrl-p for up and ctrl-n for down | 03:26 |
d-man | and i did wine winesetuptk | 03:26 |
Amaranth | no | 03:26 |
d-man | and i got an error | 03:26 |
Amaranth | winesetuptk | 03:26 |
d-man | just that | 03:26 |
Amaranth | Yeah. | 03:26 |
d-man | it said bad command | 03:26 |
Amaranth | ... | 03:26 |
Amaranth | Ok, run 'wine'. | 03:26 |
d-man | i did wine -winesetuptk and it started | 03:27 |
d-man | but it came with an error | 03:27 |
Amaranth | Run 'wine' and click the 'Configure wine' button on the little dialog that comes up. | 03:27 |
=== Amphibious_Tank_ [~chatzilla@pcp09967972pcs.narlington.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
robotgee1 | i have the logs, will add some more in a bit :) | 03:27 |
d-man | hmm | 03:27 |
cafuego | yay, /me is in the 'host pool.ntp.org' rotation :-) | 03:27 |
=== knowledge_ [~knowledge@c-67-163-42-179.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
d-man | i will try | 03:27 |
LinuxJones | d-man, maybe this will help >> http://www.winehq.com/site/howto | 03:28 |
knowledge_ | of course I reinstalled everything | 03:28 |
d-man | i am on windoze right now | 03:28 |
d-man | i read that | 03:28 |
knowledge_ | it only makes sense | 03:28 |
ugo | gcc4 issue here | 03:28 |
anto9us | glyph: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com//MultimediaKeys | 03:28 |
darkwind | guy's how to open *.mdb files ?? | 03:28 |
ugo | warning: `struct flock64' declared inside parameter list | 03:28 |
bob2 | darkwind: you boot into windows and run Access | 03:28 |
d-man | what is the best password manager for linux? | 03:28 |
darkwind | doh | 03:28 |
virgule | I have a problem with fvwm95 there is no font at all. I can click the buttom (start menu?)and right-click the background but all I get is a beige rectangle with no text. I can highlight items.. what should I do ? | 03:28 |
darkwind | i don't wanna back to M$ | 03:29 |
ugo | hey does anyone know what this kind of gcc problem signifies | 03:29 |
=== Amphibious_Tank_ is now known as Amphibious_Tank |
anto9us | darkwind: install mdbtools from universe | 03:29 |
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
knowledge_ | Yaar helped me with a command to get my fan control to work...because when I launch the program it says can't find /proc/i8k | 03:29 |
darkwind | ty | 03:29 |
knowledge_ | anyone know? | 03:29 |
=== JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
OddAbe19 | Hmmm... i need dual monitor help | 03:29 |
OddAbe19 | who knows about dual monitors on nvidia cards | 03:29 |
knowledge_ | grep | something something | 03:29 |
chaps0063 | I have apache installed, but its not processing php files, any help? | 03:30 |
=== d-man [~d-man@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] |
darkwind | !archive | 03:30 |
ubotu | darkwind: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about | 03:30 |
darkwind | !mirror | 03:30 |
ubotu | darkwind: I don't know, could you explain it? | 03:30 |
bob2 | chaps0063: you mean apache2, right? | 03:30 |
bob2 | darkwind: yo ucan /msg the bot, you know | 03:30 |
LinuxJones | dark, doesn't Open Office work with those files ? | 03:30 |
anto9us | darkwind: mdbtools-gmdb has a nice gui | 03:30 |
bob2 | OddAbe19: best to just ask your question | 03:30 |
darkwind | i'm stiill on apt-get update now | 03:31 |
LinuxJones | err, darkwind ^^ | 03:31 |
virgule | !mol | 03:31 |
ubotu | hmm... mol is See https://wiki.ubuntu.com//MacOnLinuxHowto for help | 03:31 |
glyph | OddAbe19: I might know something | 03:31 |
glyph | OddAbe19: what do you want to know | 03:31 |
OddAbe19 | well, I have one monitor on DVI ->VGA (CRT) and another on the VGA part of the card (CRT) | 03:31 |
=== sizzam [~sizzam@ip65.220.23.209.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu |
chaps0063 | bob2: no. | 03:31 |
knowledge_ | no one knows how to add i8k to /proc? | 03:32 |
OddAbe19 | i need to know how to make it work, right now the DVI monitor works in GDM, and the other only works in CLI mode | 03:32 |
bob2 | chaps0063: apache isn't part of ubuntu's supported section | 03:32 |
OddAbe19 | lol | 03:32 |
OddAbe19 | i only have one in my xorg.conf | 03:32 |
chaps0063 | bob2: ok. | 03:32 |
bob2 | chaps0063: and did you install libapache-mod-php4 and read it's README.Debian? | 03:32 |
OddAbe19 | i'd like it side by side | 03:32 |
=== JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
glyph | OddAbe19: Are you using the proprieitary Nvidia driver? | 03:32 |
ugo | someone was asking about mdb files on linux | 03:32 |
ugo | still need help? | 03:32 |
OddAbe19 | yeah, 7667 | 03:33 |
glyph | OddAbe19: okay, it's easy then | 03:33 |
glyph | OddAbe19: read up on the TwinView option | 03:33 |
OddAbe19 | and twinview is too confusing | 03:33 |
OddAbe19 | lol | 03:33 |
glyph | OddAbe19: TwinView is super easy | 03:33 |
OddAbe19 | here, PM me | 03:33 |
OddAbe19 | so i can talk to you | 03:33 |
OddAbe19 | and not hold up the channel | 03:33 |
glyph | OddAbe19: here, I'll /msg you the appropriate contents of my XF86Config | 03:33 |
glyph | erm I mean xorg.conf | 03:33 |
ugo | so...gcc4 issue here | 03:33 |
=== keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
ugo | is there a developer ubuntu channel? | 03:34 |
Amaranth | ugo: You mean code that sucks issue. | 03:34 |
ugo | sure Armanath.... | 03:34 |
Amaranth | ugo: gcc4 fails to compile bad programs, gcc3 didn't :) | 03:34 |
Amaranth | What's the problem? | 03:34 |
chaps0063 | bob2: ok, so I removed everything, what do I need to apt-get install? | 03:34 |
benplaut | WHY, oh WHY can't ubuntu have the newest version of wireless-tools | 03:34 |
=== SDFH_Linux [~moo@adsl-065-006-180-151.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
ugo | here....im trying to compile openafs on x86_64 | 03:34 |
benplaut | my pet peeve X 09872405 | 03:34 |
bob2 | chaps0063: what do you want to install? | 03:35 |
=== gyaresu [~gyaresu@ppp111-83.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu |
ugo | here's the error im getting | 03:35 |
chaps0063 | bob2: apache. | 03:35 |
bob2 | benplaut: because hoary was frozen 6 months ago | 03:35 |
sfvt | ugo: #ubuntu-devel | 03:35 |
chaps0063 | apache, php, mysql | 03:35 |
knowledge_ | anyone know anything about i8kutils? | 03:35 |
bob2 | chaps0063: which version? | 03:35 |
chaps0063 | apache2 preferably. | 03:35 |
=== kevin_ [~kevin@dsl-72-1-219.194.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu |
ugo | warning: `struct flock64' declared inside parameter list | 03:35 |
Amaranth | this is not a question for the developers | 03:35 |
bob2 | chaps0063: sudo aptitude install apache2 libapache2-mod-php4 | 03:35 |
Amaranth | yeah, that's because gcc4 is stricter | 03:35 |
darkwind | guy's change this id.archive.ubuntu.com | 03:35 |
ugo | yeah i know its not for the devels | 03:35 |
darkwind | it's work :) | 03:35 |
Amaranth | tell the openafs guys to fix their code | 03:35 |
bob2 | chaps0063: if by "mysql" you mean "mysql server", then mysql-server is the package you want | 03:35 |
bob2 | chaps0063: if you mean the php4 mysql stuff, then php4-mysql | 03:36 |
anto9us | knowledge_: it's designed for Dell Inspirons, controlls throttling of processer and fan speed | 03:36 |
ugo | i just need someone with sufficient gcc knowlege to tell me what i could change | 03:36 |
Amaranth | ugo: Probably lots of things. | 03:36 |
benplaut | bob2: i was told that becuase the latest version isn't considered stable (and development, AFAIK, has stopped), it _won't_ be implimented, in breezy either | 03:36 |
Amaranth | ugo: Usually invalid code errors come in swarms. | 03:36 |
chaps0063 | bob2: and after that, will apache start? | 03:36 |
ugo | well...better to start hacking at it in someway | 03:36 |
bob2 | benplaut: take it over then | 03:36 |
bob2 | chaps0063: of course | 03:37 |
=== ilmari [ilmari@ritchie.ping.uio.no] has left #ubuntu [] |
ugo | ok...still | 03:37 |
=== ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
benplaut | bob2: for those of us who aren't programmers... | 03:37 |
ugo | if i could get openafs or arla working my life is complete till monday | 03:37 |
=== darkwind is now known as rendi |
benplaut | i'm still on the endless search for how to successfully compile | 03:37 |
chaps0063 | bob2: when I http://localhost it says connection refused | 03:37 |
JDahl | ugo, I might try to compile it on an x86 later tonight; I will need to figure it out with the next few months anyway | 03:37 |
ray_ | does anybody know how i can print to a windows shared printer through a router using KDE..... i did it using gnome | 03:37 |
benplaut | sorry... i'm just ranting | 03:37 |
knowledge_ | anto9us, I know, I just installed it, but it's not working right, I need to add /proc/i8k by doing grep | something | 03:37 |
knowledge_ | I forgot what the command is | 03:37 |
bob2 | ray_: try #kubuntu | 03:38 |
knowledge_ | Yaaar had told me it yesterday | 03:38 |
ray_ | bob2: i did | 03:38 |
ugo | ok.... | 03:38 |
JDahl | ugo, except I run Hoary | 03:38 |
bob2 | benplaut: there's not much anyone can do then...unless someone wants to take it over | 03:38 |
ray_ | bob2: its dead over there | 03:38 |
bob2 | chaps0063: so, what's the first thing you do when a daemon doesn't work? check the logs! | 03:38 |
ugo | yeah...ive been thinking of making that switch | 03:38 |
bob2 | chaps0063: /var/log/apache2/error.log | 03:38 |
chaps0063 | bob2: fairly new to linux.. | 03:38 |
chaps0063 | bob2: empty. | 03:38 |
JDahl | bob2, I thought you powercycled your box?? | 03:38 |
gyaresu | JDahl, that's windows. | 03:39 |
bob2 | JDahl: this isn't hp-ux! | 03:39 |
ugo | ubuntu's nice but once the easy install and cute gui wears off..you get to see where there's a lot of work still left....more power to the ppl anyways | 03:39 |
nalioth | JDahl: linux need not ever be rebooted (as long as you are happy with it) | 03:39 |
bob2 | chaps0063: paste the output of "dpkg -l apache2 | tail -n1" here | 03:39 |
bob2 | ugo: for e xample? | 03:39 |
anto9us | knowledge_: maybe this will help http://people.debian.org/~dz/i8k/00-README | 03:40 |
JDahl | ugo, isnt your grief more with Linux in general? | 03:40 |
chaps0063 | ii apache2 2.0.53-5ubuntu next generation, scalable, extendable web se | 03:40 |
ugo | *ducks* | 03:40 |
ugo | ok....here come the fanboys.... | 03:40 |
bob2 | chaps0063: and now 'ps aux | grep -c www-data' | 03:40 |
chaps0063 | 1 | 03:41 |
bob2 | ugo: no, if you have actual gripes, please file bugs so they can be fixed. just ranting on irc is pointless | 03:41 |
HurricanePink | Huh... How do I make the icon for my mounted windows partition not show up on the desktop? :3 | 03:41 |
JDahl | ugo, not at all... just things like AFS issues are not Canonical's fault | 03:41 |
bob2 | you're more or less trolling | 03:41 |
anto9us | HurricanePink: unmount it | 03:41 |
ugo | nah no ranting dude.... | 03:41 |
bob2 | ugo: then which issues in particular are you concerned about? | 03:41 |
gyaresu | !bugs | 03:41 |
ugo | if thats how this was percieved...i apologize | 03:41 |
knowledge_ | anto9us, nope...doesn't have that command in there | 03:42 |
chaps0063 | bob2: ps aux | grep -c www-data - - > 1 | 03:42 |
bob2 | chaps0063: and 'dpkg -l apache | tail -n1'? | 03:42 |
ugo | i had some problems working connecting to this obscure printer on my campus | 03:42 |
chaps0063 | ii apache2 2.0.53-5ubuntu next generation, scalable, extendable web se\ | 03:42 |
chaps0063 | err, no \ | 03:42 |
HurricanePink | It wasn't on the desktop -before-... :3 | 03:42 |
gyaresu | someone killed ubotu? | 03:42 |
bob2 | ugo: what sort of printer is it? which protocol doe it use? | 03:42 |
ugo | they run an lpr queue....and gave us the details to connect to it | 03:42 |
robotgee1 | from what i've seen, things have really really improved on the linux front...i havent been forced to use OS X for abouut a month now | 03:42 |
=== Keiz [~keizer@pcp0011334407pcs.ctftmy01.fl.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
HurricanePink | I've always wanted to try OS X. Heh. | 03:43 |
=== warty [~warty@] has joined #ubuntu |
ugo | for some reason i couldnt get duplex printing to work | 03:43 |
=== seanmc42 [~seanmc42@pool-71-112-187-66.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
knowledge_ | insmod -f i8k.o <----how would I use that command? | 03:43 |
chaps0063 | bob2: ii apache2 2.0.53-5ubuntu next generation, scalable, extendable web se | 03:43 |
ugo | its a laserjet-8150 | 03:43 |
warty | I'm looking for the tty command for connecting to a serial device (i.e. a Cisco switch) | 03:43 |
seanmc42 | wussup, bitches? | 03:43 |
bob2 | chaps0063: you really typed the exact command I gave you? | 03:43 |
bob2 | knowledge_: you wouldn't | 03:43 |
bob2 | seanmc42: language please | 03:43 |
chaps0063 | bob2: yes. | 03:43 |
seanmc42 | my bsd | 03:43 |
seanmc42 | bad | 03:43 |
ugo | it started working all of a sudden....i dont remember doing anything with the config unfort :- | 03:43 |
knowledge_ | bob2, I wouldn't use that? | 03:44 |
bob2 | chaps0063: with no '2'? | 03:44 |
bob2 | knowledge_: because that module exists on disk already. sudo modprobe i8k. | 03:44 |
knowledge_ | THAT'S IT! | 03:44 |
knowledge_ | you're the sh.......mann | 03:44 |
=== Nard is now known as Nard|bbq |
chaps0063 | bob2: when it is without 2 - rc apache 1.3.33-4 verstaile, high-performance HTTP server | 03:45 |
bob2 | chaps0063: that's what I asked for, thanks | 03:45 |
knowledge_ | thanks a lot bob2 | 03:45 |
bob2 | chaps0063: how about 'sudo netstat -plnt | grep 80'? | 03:45 |
chaps0063 | bob2: sorry, you said with the two.. | 03:45 |
chaps0063 | bob2: nothing. | 03:45 |
bob2 | chaps0063: 11:42:08 @ bob2 | chaps0063: and 'dpkg -l apache | tail -n1'? | 03:45 |
bob2 | chaps0063: how about 'sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 start', then netstat again? | 03:46 |
chaps0063 | bob2: oh, sorry I pasted from before...my bad. | 03:46 |
ugo | ok...i really hope i can get some useful info that could help with afs... | 03:46 |
chaps0063 | bob2: still nothing. | 03:46 |
bob2 | chaps0063: now look in the error log file again | 03:47 |
ugo | but here's the stuff comming out of the compiler for an fyi.... | 03:47 |
bob2 | please don't paste masses of gcc output here | 03:47 |
chaps0063 | still blank. | 03:47 |
bob2 | it's highly unlikely anyone here is an afs hacker | 03:47 |
ugo | right... | 03:47 |
bob2 | if you have problems compiling it with gcc-4.0, you need to talk to upstream, or perhaps on the ubunut-devel mailing list | 03:47 |
ugo | ok... | 03:47 |
chaps0063 | bob2: error.log still blank | 03:48 |
=== seanmc42 [~seanmc42@pool-71-112-187-66.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
virgule | !afs | 03:49 |
ubotu | Bugger all, i dunno, virgule | 03:49 |
=== osmel [~osmel@250.Red-81-38-89.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== uc50ic4more [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== Strife [~mdepalati@centipede.gpcc.itd.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu |
=== idaho45 [~john@] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | chaps0063: what about if you run 'sudo apache2', then netstat? | 03:50 |
chaps0063 | tcp6 0 0 :::80 ::::* LISTEN 15635/apache2 | 03:50 |
=== Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | rock | 03:51 |
bob2 | hrm | 03:51 |
chaps0063 | paper? | 03:51 |
chaps0063 | lol. | 03:51 |
bob2 | is that all it prints? | 03:51 |
chaps0063 | oh you mean for netstat.. | 03:51 |
chaps0063 | I did netstat -plnt | grep 80 | 03:51 |
bob2 | ah, tcp6 implies tcp | 03:51 |
bob2 | that's cool | 03:51 |
bob2 | but why does the init script not work | 03:51 |
bob2 | chaps0063: sudo pkill apache2 | 03:52 |
chaps0063 | bob2: done. | 03:52 |
=== naringas [~naringas@] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | chaps0063: now try 'sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 stop ; sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 start' | 03:52 |
chaps0063 | bob2: it stopped it but didn't start it. | 03:53 |
bob2 | did it print anything? | 03:53 |
virgule | there is a fairly annoying bug in fluxbox i am clueless where to go please advice | 03:53 |
chaps0063 | bob2: not after start.. | 03:53 |
robotgee1 | virgule: what is it? | 03:53 |
virgule | the 'system tray' can only take one icon at all | 03:54 |
virgule | right now it show kmail icon but if I open liferea it gets overriden by the new icon | 03:54 |
Madpilot | evening, all | 03:55 |
=== rem_ [~rem@adsl-138-25-bs1.datacomm.ch] has joined #ubuntu |
=== weo1 [~weo@p5499C524.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== Hylas [~Hylas@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu |
robotgee1 | virgule: i've moved to openbox | 03:55 |
virgule | how is it? | 03:56 |
=== blastmanu [~blastmanu@dyn-83-157-225-221.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
robotgee1 | it's pretty good,i am using it under gnome... | 03:56 |
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=== kevin_ [~kevin@dsl-72-1-219.194.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu |
virgule | you mean i can run a wm in a wm? | 03:56 |
Madpilot | how do I unpackage a .gz file that's owned by root? | 03:56 |
kevin_ | hopefully that's the last time I get unplugged tonight lol | 03:56 |
robotgee1 | virgule: it replaces metacity | 03:56 |
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
virgule | sudo tar balh balh | 03:57 |
=== seanmc42 [~seanmc42@pool-71-112-187-66.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | virgule: gnome isn't a window manager...it's window manager, metacity, can be replaced. | 03:57 |
robotgee1 | sudo gunzip <blah> | 03:57 |
bob2 | Madpilot: chown it to the user | 03:57 |
virgule | doh me | 03:57 |
Amaranth | virgule: GNOME is a Desktop Environment, it's a bunch of things including a wm all brought together as one cohesive unit | 03:57 |
OddAbe19 | glyph, it kinda works, the left screen shows login, then when Gnome comes up, the right screens has it, but the left screen is white | 03:57 |
chaps0063 | bob2: start printed nothing | 03:57 |
bob2 | chaps0063: hm, I don't know what could be the problem then, unless you've done something weird | 03:58 |
Amaranth | yay, i used the right word | 03:58 |
chaps0063 | bob2: like? | 03:58 |
Madpilot | thnx, all. I don't need to own the directory - it's in /usr/share/... just unpack this one file. | 03:58 |
Amaranth | stupid vocabulary, i just spit random words out | 03:58 |
bob2 | chaps0063: what have you done? | 03:58 |
naringas | hello | 03:58 |
=== sularus76 [~sularus@fl-atlnfl-u3-c4b-193.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== virgule jump to openbox |
hondje | cat /dev/random | 03:58 |
chaps0063 | bob2: nothing stupid that I know of. | 03:58 |
naringas | i have this strange problem | 03:59 |
bob2 | Madpilot: then 'zcat /usr/share/blah.gz > ~/blah' is probably what you want | 03:59 |
scorpix | if i install windows xp in another partition, do i have to reinstall grub or do any configurations for the boot loader? | 03:59 |
benplaut | are these packages safe (do you think?) | 03:59 |
naringas | some special url in nautilus don't work | 03:59 |
benplaut | http://mirror.isp.net.au/ftp/pub/ubuntu/pool/main/w/wireless-tools/ | 03:59 |
OddAbe19 | glyph, anyhelp? | 03:59 |
nalioth | naringas: i don't think nautilus is a web browser | 03:59 |
chaps0063 | bob2: I did have apache 1.33 working.. | 03:59 |
=== Davey [~davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
=== KarlosII says http://www.pclinuxonline.com/article.php?sid=9908 intel to cut opensource out of content market |
Servo888 | Hey what package provides x11 headers? I've got xorg-common and xserver-xorg | 04:00 |
naringas | i mean special uri like start-here:/// | 04:00 |
blastmanu | mais o trouver des fichier .torrent parce qu'il n'y a pas de moteur de recherche comme dans les autres p2p? | 04:00 |
Kyral | Kyral says the AMD is still around | 04:00 |
sularus76 | I am new to ubuntu. Where can I get programs for it? Does anyone know how load and where I can get an ICA client for ubuntu.?Thankyou. | 04:00 |
nalioth | blastmanu: si'l vous plait en #ubuntu-fr | 04:00 |
naringas | or preferences:/// or applications:///, however themes:/// does work | 04:00 |
blastmanu | sorry | 04:00 |
seanmc42 | try the synaptic app | 04:00 |
naringas | so does smb:/// | 04:00 |
seanmc42 | from the cmd line | 04:00 |
OddAbe19 | can anyone help me with dual monitors? | 04:00 |
=== virgule [~virgule@modemcable234.158-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
=== niran [~niran@cpe-67-10-213-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
keikoz | do somebody can help me on a kernel-compilation pbl ? i need to compile the generic kernel, but i receive a lot of errors | 04:01 |
kevin_ | OddAbe:.........not me Ubuntu dummy here, I am just proud that I got my wireless working in it lol | 04:01 |
bob2 | keikoz: why do you need to compile a kernel? | 04:01 |
=== sizzam [~sizzam@ip65.220.23.209.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== kamstrumental [~kamstrume@ip68-225-61-59.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
virgule | damn the right-click menu is killing me.. is there a way to make it stop blasting itself around like that!! | 04:02 |
keikoz | bob2 cause i have a not recognized controller; only way is the -ac patch | 04:02 |
robotgee1 | kevin_: good | 04:02 |
sizzam | how do USB 2.0 external hard drives compare to IDE or SATA drives speedwise? | 04:02 |
bob2 | ouch | 04:02 |
=== blmartin777 [~brandon@c-67-185-23-199.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
keikoz | it is a ide/radi controller | 04:02 |
keikoz | raid* | 04:02 |
cafuego | keikoz: Are you running it in raid mode? | 04:02 |
=== xiao [~xiao@] has joined #ubuntu |
=== Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu |
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
keikoz | no, in ide mode, but anyway it isnt recognized without that patch | 04:02 |
=== dapimp53 [~chatzilla@c-24-23-233-194.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
JDahl | sizzam, I get around 11Mbytes/sec transfer to my usb harddisk | 04:03 |
Computer__Guru | i want a very clean, modernized theme for kde.. | 04:03 |
sizzam | JDahl: what kind of speeds would you say you get to your IDE? | 04:03 |
JDahl | sizzam, probably 50-60Mbytes/sec | 04:04 |
sularus76 | sata 3GB transfers | 04:04 |
=== dylan_ [~dylan@ppp-68-251-79-98.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu |
gyaresu | question: the /usr/local/games folder has the group 'staff' my user isn't a member of 'staff' and can't save games configs/settings. Is that a bug? | 04:04 |
sizzam | cool, thanks for the info | 04:04 |
dylan_ | is there an itunes alternative for linux? | 04:04 |
keikoz | if somebody want to see the errors (sorry it's a french post) http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=8346 | 04:04 |
naringas | dylan_: amarok? | 04:04 |
cafuego | gyaresu: usr/local isn't normally ubuntu stuff, so not an ubuntu bug. | 04:04 |
bob2 | gyaresu: all of /usr/local/ is owned by staff | 04:04 |
keikoz | that's what happens with the kernel i compiled | 04:04 |
kevin_ | <-- even got the xfce4 running with no problems lol, I may stick with Ubntu if I could get more memory for this laptop | 04:05 |
sularus76 | where can I get a dtffrent desktop backround | 04:05 |
gyaresu | bob2, Can you recommend the prefered Ubuntu place for installing games. (or do i just export paths and such?) | 04:05 |
dapimp53 | I need some help with my wireless connection. I currently have a WPA key on the wireless network. I can get it to work with WEP but the rest of the computers seem to loose internt connection. How do I configure my wireless connection with my WPA key | 04:05 |
gyaresu | cafuego, thanks. | 04:06 |
bob2 | gyaresu: I'd just chgrp that dir to be owned by 'games' | 04:06 |
virgule | huhuh-- dpkg -p openbox | grep Version show 3.2-7 but openbox website say latest (stable) is 2.2.3. Dev. version is 2.3. So where is the 3.2-7 from?? | 04:06 |
naringas | why could start-here:/// don't work ? | 04:06 |
dylan_ | amarok doesnt let me buy music | 04:06 |
Computer__Guru | how does openbox look? | 04:06 |
gyaresu | bob2, thanks. | 04:06 |
=== cmatheson [~cmatheson@71-35-243-33.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu |
cafuego | dylan_: they payware sites in say iTunes use proprietary encryption, so Linux can never legally support those. | 04:07 |
=== Zaphod_ [~Agrajag@66-215-172-61.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu |
kamstrumental | are there any better resources than art.gnome.org for gnome themes? | 04:07 |
virgule | pretty empty - all I have is this right-click menu.. | 04:07 |
nickrud | I think start-here (spelling?) was depreciated a gnome revision or two ago | 04:07 |
nalioth | kamstrumental: www.deviantart.com, gnome-look.com | 04:08 |
keikoz | nobody can help me then ? :( | 04:08 |
naringas | nickrud: it's in the docs | 04:08 |
naringas | i can't acces preferences:/// nor applications:/// | 04:09 |
naringas | neither | 04:09 |
virgule | I think I prefer fluxbox | 04:09 |
ugo | hi | 04:09 |
keikoz | another way could be to integrate the -ac patch in the ubuntu kernel, but i dont know how to do it | 04:09 |
blmartin777 | what is a good gnome based frontend for mldonkey? | 04:10 |
=== Zaphod_ is now known as Agrajag |
nickrud | naringas, if a lot of the docs are for gnome 2.6 (according to yelp) | 04:10 |
=== niran [~niran@cpe-67-10-213-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
kamstrumental | nalioth: thanks alot! | 04:11 |
=== jcarr [~jcarr@216-138-43-178.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== robotgee1 [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [""bye""] |
nalioth | kamstrumental: np | 04:11 |
virgule | ...and I don't have a ~/.openbox/ directory | 04:11 |
naringas | thac could be it, sad | 04:11 |
=== explorer_ [~explorer@] has joined #ubuntu |
jcarr | is the default bittorrent download client that comes with ubuntu 5.04 broken? | 04:11 |
Madpilot | kamstrumental, nalioth: it's http://www.gnome-look.org/ actually, not .com! | 04:12 |
jcarr | I keep trying to download stuff.... the downloads NEVER begin | 04:12 |
nalioth | jcarr: no, it just suX0rs | 04:12 |
jcarr | on 10 seperate torrent from 10 seperate trackers for ten seperate things | 04:12 |
nalioth | jcarr: are you open to the internet? | 04:12 |
=== billytwowilly [~billy@S01060040f4acc23c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
nickrud | getting people to do docs as volunteers is hard, from what I've seen. | 04:12 |
naringas | then, how can I edit the applications menu? | 04:12 |
nalioth | naringas: smeg | 04:12 |
jcarr | Nakkel, no I'm not... I am on irc by using my advanced telepathy ... :( | 04:13 |
=== Amaranth looks around |
Amaranth | oh, you said smeg | 04:13 |
jcarr | nalioth I mean | 04:13 |
Amaranth | you know, since i started making xchat beep on 'smeg' i've not gotten anything done | 04:13 |
jcarr | bah... .what's the name for the python based bittorrent download gui | 04:14 |
nalioth | jcarr: bt clients need to be 'connectable' (not behind a firewall) | 04:14 |
JDahl | nickrud, IMO developers should be forced to do their own documentation - they write better code that way (at least that goes for myself) | 04:14 |
jcarr | I used it on debian... never had a problem | 04:14 |
=== naringas doesn't undestand |
nickrud | force, lol | 04:14 |
nalioth | Amaranth: well, waht do you expect? | 04:14 |
jcarr | nalioth, that cannot be the case... it worked fine on other distros and I have a static IP | 04:14 |
=== SDFH_Linux [~moo@adsl-065-006-180-151.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jcarr | it is not public though | 04:14 |
jcarr | it's an internal ip | 04:14 |
Amaranth | jcarr: 'bittorrent' | 04:14 |
nickrud | When I got paid, I did docs, when I didn't, I didn't :) | 04:14 |
Amaranth | the official bittorrent client is written in python | 04:14 |
jcarr | Amaranth, whatever | 04:14 |
nalioth | jcarr: use the official 4.0 bt from the bt homepage | 04:15 |
Amaranth | no, i was saying the name | 04:15 |
jcarr | oh | 04:15 |
=== kiwi [~pinkpinkp@CPE000f6690f692-CM00080d881284.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu |
=== spiderworm [~spiderwor@ip68-3-31-10.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
cafuego | smeg is a kind of stove! | 04:15 |
pax | what's smeg anyway? | 04:16 |
=== jcarr is now known as smeg |
Amaranth | probably | 04:16 |
smeg | thanks | 04:16 |
naringas | does applications:/// still exists in gnome 2.10 | 04:16 |
nalioth | jcarr: or azurerus if you have extra cpu cycles to sacrifice to the processor-sucking-demon-Java | 04:16 |
Amaranth | pax: Simple Menu Editor for GNOME | 04:16 |
Amaranth | naringas: no | 04:16 |
Amaranth | smeg: wtf | 04:16 |
desrt | naringas; no. replaced with gnome-menus | 04:16 |
kamstrumental | Madpilot: thanks ;) | 04:16 |
smeg | nalioth, well, I do alot of java dev | 04:16 |
smeg | and as a result, I have a lot of java based apps | 04:16 |
smeg | another one won't hurt | 04:16 |
pax | umm maybe I should ask about smeg when you're not around | 04:16 |
Madpilot | kamstrumental: np. | 04:17 |
naringas | I'm usually a kde kind of user | 04:17 |
Amaranth | pax: Good luck with that. :) | 04:17 |
smeg | it only sucks resources on one JVM invocation... multiple apps only use one JVM invocation | 04:17 |
=== Computer__Gur1 [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu |
nalioth | jcarr: i unfortunately am on a G3/600 iBook, and azureus was killed after trying to load for over 12 hours | 04:17 |
kevin_ | on xfce4, how do I add buttons or something so I can access other programs? | 04:17 |
Computer__Gur1 | wonder if that was lag or just some weird net thing | 04:17 |
cafuego | nalioth: Which jvm you using? | 04:18 |
=== naringas is puzzled by gnome |
pax | but seriously, I have gnome-desktop installed but smeg is nowhere to be found, doest it come packed with gnome? | 04:18 |
kiwi | Hi, I'm trying to mount a newly formatted ext3 partition. But even though I set the options as default, the mounted folder is still read-only... | 04:18 |
kiwi | Is there anything I seem to do wrong? | 04:18 |
bob2 | pax: nope | 04:18 |
bob2 | it's not even in hoary at all | 04:19 |
pax | ah ok. | 04:19 |
=== Computer__Gur1 is now known as Computer__Guru |
nalioth | cafuego: the one i had to give my soul to IBM for (their iseries jre) | 04:19 |
cafuego | nalioth: I've previously been using the IBM jvm on ppc, and had good results with it. | 04:19 |
bob2 | kiwi: once you've mounted it, the root of the mount point is ro? | 04:19 |
pax | bob2: smeg must suck then ::looks at Amaranth:: :p | 04:19 |
nalioth | Amaranth: tell pax where to get s m e g, please | 04:19 |
nickrud | out of curiosity, will there be an official ubuntu menu editor in breezy? | 04:19 |
Amaranth | !smeg | 04:19 |
ubotu | hmm... smeg is a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports. | 04:19 |
Amaranth | pax: They don't think an editor like smeg is needed, appearently. | 04:19 |
Amaranth | pax: Plus I never proposed it. | 04:19 |
nalioth | nickrud: yes, s m e g | 04:19 |
=== OneRaider [~Raider@pool-70-105-181-101.alt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== cafuego needs more coffee |
nickrud | heh | 04:20 |
Amaranth | cafuego: I can't lock things. | 04:20 |
kiwi | bob2: How could I check that? | 04:20 |
=== Computer__Guru is stoned |
bob2 | mm, coffee | 04:20 |
HurricanePink | So I've got DVDs playing in Xine now... but the picture output looks a little strange. o.O | 04:20 |
cafuego | Amaranth: do you have a key? | 04:20 |
bob2 | kiwi: ls -ld /where/you/mounted/it/ | 04:20 |
Amaranth | haha | 04:20 |
Amaranth | !lock smeg | 04:20 |
Velcan | how can i change my mouse so that left+right click != middle click | 04:20 |
knowledge_ | guys...I'm installing the updates...and it's saying "configuring linux-image-2.6.10-5-386" for a long time | 04:20 |
knowledge_ | how long does that take? | 04:20 |
cafuego | Amaranth: Are you identified? | 04:20 |
Amaranth | oh, you locked it | 04:20 |
smeg | NICE.... I'm leechin all kinds a shit offa bt now :) | 04:20 |
smeg | thanks | 04:20 |
Amaranth | i thought we needed dcc for that | 04:20 |
cafuego | Amaranth: Yes, i saw you struggling ;-) | 04:20 |
smeg | I'll have Sin City DVD by tomorrow :0 | 04:20 |
naringas | gnome is strange | 04:20 |
cafuego | Amaranth: no, /m bot identify <pass> | 04:21 |
Amaranth | smeg: Can you change your nick please? That's going to get confusing. | 04:21 |
LinuxJones | Amaranth, smeg is definately needed what could they be thinking that users are going to edit text files by hand ? | 04:21 |
Computer__Guru | i converted the three disc svcd to dvd myself :D | 04:21 |
cafuego | Amaranth: dcc is only for chatline command (like die, rehash, etc) | 04:21 |
smeg | LinuxJones, I am needed | 04:21 |
=== neuronlapse [~neuronlap@cpc1-wear2-4-0-cust68.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu |
Computer__Guru | avidemux is your friend | 04:21 |
smeg | thanks! | 04:21 |
=== marsh [~marsh@82-32-120-29.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu |
Amaranth | cafuego: I forgot my password. :) | 04:21 |
kiwi | bob2: read-write by root, read-only by users/group | 04:21 |
LinuxJones | heh | 04:21 |
smeg | j/k about the leeching stuff btw | 04:21 |
neuronlapse | Hi, how can I unlock my /dev/ttyS0 cable in ubuntu? | 04:21 |
bob2 | kiwi: cool, that's normal | 04:21 |
Amaranth | smeg: Please? | 04:21 |
neuronlapse | I checked with fuser and no apps are using it | 04:21 |
cafuego | ubotu: lobotomy | 04:21 |
ubotu | cafuego: No idea | 04:21 |
smeg | sigh | 04:21 |
smeg | okay | 04:21 |
bob2 | kiwi: if you want to change the permissions, use chmod | 04:21 |
cafuego | typical | 04:21 |
=== smeg is now known as afaik |
JDahl | ugo, what architecture do you use when you compile for AMD 64bit? Openafs has support for lots of i386_xxx, but for 64bit you only seem to have sparc, alpha, ia64 | 04:21 |
nalioth | jcarr, sure you were kidding, you pirate! lol | 04:22 |
=== Amaranth will fix it for good |
kiwi | Ok, thanks. =D | 04:22 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ |
Amaranth | :D | 04:22 |
naringas | so, smeg or Simple Menu Editor for GNOME is the way to edit the applications menu in gnome 2.10 | 04:22 |
=== brime [~brime@207-118-125-8.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== afaik is now known as jcarr |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q smeg!*@*] by Amaranth |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by ChanServ |
bob2 | er | 04:22 |
bob2 | that seems a tad excessive | 04:22 |
nickrud | neuronlapse, take a look in /var/lock | 04:22 |
HurricanePink | The DVD image looks all... uh... liney. | 04:22 |
Computer__Guru | wtf is +q? | 04:22 |
=== Securus [0@] has joined #ubuntu |
Amaranth | bob2: I'll get rid of it in a bit. | 04:22 |
HurricanePink | Like interlaced or whatever it is. ^^; | 04:22 |
jcarr | nalioth, "ARGH!!! Shimber me tembers!!! I must unload these leet warez at the nearest ftp!" | 04:22 |
nalioth | Computer__Guru: mute the user it's placed on | 04:22 |
=== Securus [0@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
bob2 | Computer__Guru: like +b, but they can join still. ie it "quiets" them | 04:22 |
neuronlapse | nickrud: already tried, just lvm in there | 04:22 |
Amaranth | naringas: yeah | 04:22 |
Computer__Guru | hahaha | 04:22 |
jcarr | *timbers | 04:23 |
Computer__Guru | right on | 04:23 |
Computer__Guru | can they change nicks? | 04:23 |
ugo | JDahl: there's apparently a hidden configure option | 04:23 |
naringas | so, smeg or Simple Menu Editor for GNU is Not Unix Network Object Model Environment is the way to edit the applications menu | 04:23 |
nickrud | neuronlapse, that's the only place I've seen a ttys0 lock, so ... | 04:23 |
bob2 | Computer__Guru: think so | 04:23 |
neuronlapse | booo :( | 04:23 |
Computer__Guru | like if you +q me can i change my nick to YouSuck | 04:23 |
neuronlapse | heh | 04:23 |
Amaranth | haha | 04:23 |
knowledge_ | so anyone know how long that usually takes? | 04:23 |
Amaranth | naringas: That's nothing, expand PHP-GTK. | 04:23 |
Velcan | am i right in thinking the line 'Option"Emulate3Buttons""false" ' will be my solution? | 04:23 |
neuronlapse | i'm using pppd over serial with my phone as a modem | 04:23 |
knowledge_ | "configuring linux-image-2.6.10-5-386" | 04:23 |
Velcan | in the xorg.conf | 04:23 |
=== blastmanu [~blastmanu@dyn-83-157-225-221.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
nickrud | neuronlapse, yes, I assumed so, that's where my lock shows up | 04:24 |
Amaranth | Velcan: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:24 |
neuronlapse | ttyS0 was working but when i killed off pppd i think it got locked | 04:24 |
=== naringas stands amazed |
bob2 | knowledge_: go make a cup of tea | 04:24 |
ugo | JDahl: amd64_linux24 | 04:24 |
marsh | i.have.a.roblem...after.cutomizing.keyboard.hortcut.i've.lotload.of.letter | 04:24 |
Amaranth | Velcan: tell it to not emulate 3 buttons | 04:24 |
jcarr | heh... "warez" the warez, d00dz? :P | 04:24 |
Computer__Guru | cause i know if you're banned on a channel you cant change your nick if it will affect the ban | 04:24 |
Velcan | thanks | 04:24 |
knowledge_ | bob2, Point very well taken | 04:24 |
JDahl | ugo, do you have kernel 2.4? | 04:24 |
blastmanu | hi | 04:24 |
Amaranth | marsh: You can't hit the spacebar anymore? :) | 04:24 |
ugo | hey J how do i get the red? | 04:24 |
neuronlapse | thanks anyway nickrud... a reboot might do the trick | 04:24 |
=== hoof [~ty@] has joined #ubuntu |
marsh | no | 04:24 |
hoof | hi | 04:24 |
Amaranth | ugo: like this? | 04:24 |
nalioth | Computer__Guru: knowledgable ops will ban you into a new ISP | 04:24 |
ugo | yeah....? | 04:24 |
Amaranth | marsh: So uncustomize it. :) | 04:24 |
Computer__Guru | marsh:thatsgottareallysuck | 04:24 |
Amaranth | ugo: It happens when someone says your nick. | 04:25 |
blastmanu | where is i found of files .torrent for testing bittorent please ? | 04:25 |
cafuego | Computer__Guru: notsbasyoumighthting | 04:25 |
ugo | ugo | 04:25 |
hoof | i just installed ubuntu yesterday...i was a fedora user...im still getting used to the ubuntu environment | 04:25 |
marsh | or.theonebetween.v&n.ortheonebetween.a&d | 04:25 |
ugo | ugo hi | 04:25 |
cafuego | ugo: someone not you, normally. | 04:25 |
Computer__Guru | nalioth: yeah i know, just making a point | 04:25 |
nalioth | blastmanu: legaltorrents.org | 04:25 |
=== ivan_qk [~ivan@] has joined #ubuntu |
hoof | so far, i find ubuntu to be better than fedora | 04:25 |
neuronlapse | hoof: me too :) | 04:25 |
jcarr | Computer__Guru, lol... I am banned from a certain efnet channel for life! They banned me back in 2001 | 04:25 |
ugo | oh ok....better to test on me.... | 04:25 |
jcarr | still banned | 04:25 |
naringas | PHP-GTK = PHP Hypertext Preprocessor - GNU is Not Unix | 04:25 |
neuronlapse | I'm a gentoo user really, but I'm testing ubuntu for my gf | 04:25 |
marsh | Amaranth, Itried.and.have.but.te.key.till.don'twork | 04:25 |
cafuego | now about that coffee | 04:25 |
neuronlapse | it's great for new linux users | 04:25 |
naringas | PHP-GTK = PHP Hypertext Preprocessor - GNU is Not Unix ToolKit | 04:25 |
jcarr | all it was over was typing too fast and the called it flooding | 04:25 |
Computer__Guru | cafuego:iusedtotalklikethisjusttopisspeopleoffinglobopsondalnetallthetime | 04:25 |
jcarr | narlings: WRONG | 04:26 |
jcarr | er, naringas | 04:26 |
ugo | JDahl I have the 2.6.10-5 kernel | 04:26 |
Amaranth | blastmanu: http://bt.etree.org/ | 04:26 |
naringas | ehh!? | 04:26 |
neuronlapse | i'm tempted to use it myself but gnome is too heavy on my laptop | 04:26 |
naringas | wah? | 04:26 |
jcarr | naringas: gtk.php.net | 04:26 |
JDahl | ugo, and you remembered to specify different links to the kernel header files and kernel source? | 04:26 |
hoof | i tried to compile kernel 2.6.12 but i got some errors...could any of you guys refer me to a site that will instruct me how to compile kernel 2.6.12 from within ubuntu? | 04:26 |
jcarr | YOU HAVE IT WRONGF | 04:26 |
marsh | how.can.i.re5et.defualt5? | 04:26 |
blastmanu | ok merci | 04:26 |
nickrud | celebese beans, freshly ground (tongue hanging out) | 04:26 |
blastmanu | thanks | 04:26 |
ivan_qk | anybody know how to init ubuntu without startx? | 04:26 |
=== jcarr notes that php-gtk is not wise development |
=== imaek [~imaekphp[@adsl-69-235-156-173.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jcarr | it is HIDDEOUSLY slow | 04:26 |
Computer__Guru | neuronlapse: so install something like fluxbox or even better xfce | 04:26 |
jcarr | I developed an app using it for the Zend PHP competition | 04:26 |
JDahl | ugo, amd64_linux24 would be for kernel 2.4... I think openafs is still considered beta, at best, for linux2.6 | 04:27 |
neuronlapse | Computer__Guru: I thought ubuntu was totally dependent on gnome? | 04:27 |
neuronlapse | I'm using fluxbox on this machine that I'm using now | 04:27 |
Computer__Guru | that reminds me i need to do a sysv init audit | 04:27 |
neuronlapse | (in gentoo) | 04:27 |
marsh | theyareallkey5.that.i.ut.in.a5.ctrl.5hft.[key] | 04:27 |
Amaranth | PHP-GTK == Personal Home Pages Hypertext Preprocessor GNU's Not Unix Image Manipulation Program ToolKit | 04:27 |
=== tritium [~tritium@12-208-96-155.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu |
jcarr | PHP-GTK is for those who feel that Java applets that use the older GUI library (that one before Swing) is too fast | 04:27 |
ugo | JDahl no i specified the headers only | 04:27 |
LinuxJones | ivan_qk, Ubuntu should give you the gdm login screen by default | 04:27 |
Computer__Guru | neuronlapse: nope. i'm running kde, but i was setting up xfce yesterday | 04:27 |
ivan_qk | yes | 04:27 |
ugo | JDahl...right | 04:27 |
ivan_qk | i dont wanna that | 04:27 |
kiwi | Um... will the access permissions be changed after reboot? | 04:27 |
imaek | According to netstat, the package "ftpd" is actually inetd, and I can't get one specific user to be able to access their ftp | 04:27 |
ivan_qk | how i cant quit that? | 04:27 |
neuronlapse | ah, cool :) | 04:28 |
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
ugo | JDah: what about arla...? | 04:28 |
ivan_qk | can* | 04:28 |
=== naringas stands corrected |
ugo | JDahl: what about arla...? | 04:28 |
neuronlapse | Computer__Guru: how would I go about getting rid of gnome and putting in fluxbox? | 04:28 |
LinuxJones | ivan_qk, ok then sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove | 04:28 |
rob^ | when using Synaptic to add universe/multiverse repositories, are they already listed in synaptic on a default install or do you need to add them? | 04:28 |
naringas | the php i didn't know, the gtk i forgot | 04:28 |
Computer__Guru | imaek: may i recommend proftpd or another replacement for standard ftpd (which, imho, blows) | 04:28 |
Amaranth | jcarr: PHP-GTK isn't that slow | 04:28 |
ugo | JDahl: is there any possibility in that direction | 04:28 |
tritium | rob^, universe is listed, but commented out. multiverse must be added | 04:28 |
bob2 | rob^: you need to add them | 04:28 |
Amaranth | jcarr: And version 2 uses GTK2 so it doesn't look like crap either. | 04:28 |
rob^ | thanks | 04:28 |
Computer__Guru | neuronlapse: apt-get remove gnome-desktop && apt-get install fluxbox | 04:29 |
JDahl | ugo, compiling arla is not for the faint of heart... what happened when you tried to rebuild the i386 for amd64? | 04:29 |
ivan_qk | thanks alot man | 04:29 |
ivan_qk | u are gret person :d | 04:29 |
neuronlapse | Computer__Guru: what about all the gnome-dependent packages? :) | 04:29 |
=== naringas is still impressed |
marsh | 5o .how.do.i.get.rid.of.problem? | 04:29 |
LinuxJones | ivan_qk, why thank you very much :D | 04:29 |
Computer__Guru | well you don't HAVE to get rid of gnome, youknow | 04:29 |
jcarr | Amaranth, yes, but... I just don't feel PHP-GTK is a step in the right direction. Perhaps one day it will be, but that day isn't today | 04:29 |
=== Jedi_ [~Jedi@] has joined #ubuntu |
=== naringas [~naringas@] has left #ubuntu [] |
neuronlapse | I'd have to on my laptop | 04:30 |
Amaranth | jcarr: I don't like it either. The right direction is PyGTK. :) | 04:30 |
neuronlapse | way too heavy | 04:30 |
Computer__Guru | neuronlapse: do this: apt-get install fluxbox, then log out of gnome, and at the gdm screen, choose session type, and change it to fluxbox | 04:30 |
ugo | JDahl rerunning it now...just a sec | 04:30 |
marsh | 5hortcuts5.are.not.defined.for.the5e .keys | 04:30 |
jcarr | I'm a Qt fan myself | 04:30 |
Amaranth | meh | 04:30 |
cafuego | the problem with pygtk is py. | 04:30 |
cafuego | and gtk | 04:30 |
jcarr | I've only done QT work in C++ though | 04:30 |
=== Jedi_ [~Jedi@] has left #ubuntu [""] |
marsh | and.i.can.find.no.way.to.reset .them | 04:30 |
neuronlapse | ok point taken... thanks Computer__Guru, I'll try that out | 04:30 |
Computer__Guru | lol@cafuegu | 04:30 |
Amaranth | cafuego: heretic! | 04:30 |
nalioth | cafuego: so only the 'oink' works? | 04:30 |
Computer__Guru | anytime | 04:30 |
marsh | hjkhsssdf | 04:31 |
neuronlapse | can I remove gdm too? | 04:31 |
JDahl | ugo, for i386 you can build a working version of openafs in an hour or two, if you follow the INSTALL guide line by line... but there's a lot of low-level kernel stuff that might not've been ported to AMD64 | 04:31 |
neuronlapse | and use qingy? | 04:31 |
kevin_ | got a dumb ?? what is fluxbox? totally new to linux lol | 04:31 |
tritium | nalioth, have you installed on your new iMac yet? | 04:31 |
marsh | shit - they just came back! | 04:31 |
Amaranth | kevin_: You don't want it. | 04:31 |
cafuego | Amaranth: I have come to that considered opinion after doing some pygtk debugging. | 04:31 |
kevin_ | k | 04:31 |
nalioth | tritium: please dont get me started | 04:31 |
marsh | Yipeeeee!!!! | 04:31 |
nalioth | PLEASE DONT | 04:31 |
ugo | JDahl yeah...now since my kernel is x86_64.....? | 04:31 |
nalioth | heh | 04:31 |
Computer__Guru | kevin_: it's a window manager like gnome or kde, but extremely lightweight and streamlined | 04:31 |
rob^ | also, by default, does the normal repos and universe repos point to archive.ubuntu.com or to the country you supplied during installation (in my case au.archive.ubuntu.com) | 04:31 |
tritium | nalioth, sorry, I never heard what happened.. | 04:31 |
neuronlapse | Fluxbox is great | 04:31 |
JDahl | ugo, just making idle conversation | 04:31 |
ugo | JDahl whats the best option...downgrade? | 04:31 |
marsh | bin like that since friday morning | 04:31 |
Amaranth | fluxbox is not for Normal Users | 04:31 |
imaek | Computer__Guru: Alright, I now have proftpd, but again I cannot access this specific user's FTP | 04:31 |
neuronlapse | gnome's a desktop manager isn't it, technically? | 04:32 |
Amaranth | Desktop Environment | 04:32 |
Amaranth | It includes a WM called metacity. | 04:32 |
cafuego | imaek: Check the ftp and/or auth logs. | 04:32 |
=== ZeroXp [~Zero-Xp@9stb46.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu |
neuronlapse | yep that's it | 04:32 |
Computer__Guru | imaek: okay, make sure proftpd is running from within inetd.conf, then make sure that your user is a member of the group ftp | 04:32 |
JDahl | ugo, give me a few to refresh my memory on ./configure for openafs... then you can try the same | 04:32 |
cafuego | imaek: Does that user have a valid shell? | 04:32 |
=== seth_k [~seth@24-117-104-21.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu |
neuronlapse | fluxbox takes a lotta getting used to, but i like it | 04:32 |
ugo | JDahl ok....appreciate your help | 04:32 |
Amaranth | cafuego: PyGTK is preferred Ubuntu language/toolkit. :) | 04:32 |
ZeroXp | hello | 04:32 |
Amaranth | err, is the | 04:33 |
kevin_ | ok, I am using xfce and I cannot get it to where I xna get to my menus or none of that. to use xchat I have to open a term and type xchat | 04:33 |
Computer__Guru | i prefer xfce, it's faster than flux | 04:33 |
neuronlapse | really? | 04:33 |
ZeroXp | aloooooooooo | 04:33 |
Computer__Guru | of course, windowmaker is faster than both of them | 04:33 |
imaek | cafuego: I don't know. How can I check? | 04:33 |
neuronlapse | I've never tried it | 04:33 |
cafuego | Amaranth: Yes, I noticed. Doesn't mean it's not shit, though. | 04:33 |
ugo | JDahl ok....i have arla here also it seems to have the same kind of errors | 04:33 |
=== zaudragon [apache@ua-83-227-153-76.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu |
cafuego | imaek: Check /etc/shells | 04:33 |
Amaranth | cafuego: What do you use? | 04:33 |
Computer__Guru | neuronlapse: apt-get install xfce4 | 04:33 |
neuronlapse | what about fvwm? | 04:33 |
Amaranth | cafuego: btw, language | 04:33 |
cafuego | imaek: Make sure their shell is listed. | 04:33 |
ugo | JDahl ok....and they both seem more gcc4 related | 04:33 |
zaudragon | help! | 04:33 |
Computer__Guru | dunno, havent used it in years | 04:33 |
neuronlapse | so Computer_Guru, why do you prefer ubuntu over debian? | 04:33 |
cafuego | Amaranth: Dutch, germand and english. | 04:33 |
imaek | cafuego: I don't know which shell is their shell | 04:33 |
Amaranth | cafuego: haha, i meant watch your language :) | 04:34 |
cafuego | imaek: it's listed in /etc/passwd | 04:34 |
Amaranth | cafuego: what do you use instead of pygtk? | 04:34 |
cafuego | Amaranth: I always do. | 04:34 |
zaudragon | what's the passwor on the LiveCD's? | 04:34 |
zaudragon | *password | 04:34 |
Amaranth | 'ubuntu', iirc | 04:34 |
Computer__Guru | neuronlapse: it's put together better, and all the automagic scripting they do to make installation easy | 04:34 |
JDahl | ugo, is it possible to mix gcc4 and gcc3.4 on your system? or too much trouble? | 04:34 |
crimsun | there isn't one. If you need one, set it. | 04:34 |
zaudragon | m0nk: really? | 04:34 |
cafuego | Amaranth: Nothing, I use C on the cli and avoid GUI apps like the plague. | 04:34 |
zaudragon | woah | 04:34 |
imaek | cafuego: it doesn't seem to have one. How can I add one? | 04:34 |
ugo | JDahl is it possible to have both? | 04:34 |
Amaranth | cafuego: I take it you're a screen and/or ratpoison user. | 04:34 |
=== fortysixand2 [~no@ip24-253-203-192.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== bddebian [~bddebian@pcp08717033pcs.phnixv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
cafuego | imaek: 'sudo chsh user' | 04:35 |
cafuego | (I think) | 04:35 |
Amaranth | cafuego: With w3m embedded in emacs. | 04:35 |
zaudragon | m0nk: DENIED | 04:35 |
Amaranth | cafuego: and erc | 04:35 |
zaudragon | ack | 04:35 |
zaudragon | I mean Amaranth | 04:35 |
cafuego | Amaranth: LANGUAGE! | 04:35 |
ugo | JDahl id do whatever....im not really a gcc4 fan anymore.... | 04:35 |
neuronlapse | Computer_Guru: from first impressions over the last few hours it seems great for anyone that wants a fully fledged desktop that installs very fast, also very organised and nice gui | 04:35 |
Computer__Guru | yeah i like it | 04:35 |
JDahl | ugo, I think so, but you better get a second opionon on that - I never tried gcc4.0 | 04:35 |
imaek | cafuego: IT WORKS! | 04:35 |
cafuego | imaek: I'm magic. | 04:35 |
neuronlapse | I'm a bit put off by all the apps installed by default | 04:35 |
Amaranth | cafuego: I don't see how anyone can avoid X and _not_ use emacs. | 04:35 |
neuronlapse | but hey they can be removed | 04:35 |
Computer__Guru | im gonna audit my sysv init system, i'll be back in a little bit | 04:36 |
Amaranth | cafuego: I'm a gedit user myself though, so meh. | 04:36 |
fortysixand2 | Computer__Guru is still high on XFCE4? :D | 04:36 |
ugo | JDahl right....hmm.... | 04:36 |
neuronlapse | it'll be perfect for my gf tho, she's new to linux but keen to learn | 04:36 |
=== cafuego puts his fingers in his ears and yells at the top of his lungs |
Computer__Guru | fortysixand2: nah, im back in kde.. but xfce4 was very impresisve | 04:36 |
Amaranth | cafuego: vi sucks! :D | 04:36 |
Computer__Guru | impressive | 04:36 |
fortysixand2 | really? why? | 04:36 |
=== Velcan [~matthew@12-216-142-98.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu |
ugo | Amarnath hey do you know if its possible to mix gcc3 and 4 on the same box | 04:36 |
Amaranth | cafuego: nano > * | 04:36 |
zaudragon | Amaranth: 'ubuntu' didn't work | 04:36 |
=== Amaranth watches cafuego cry |
Computer__Guru | just already have everything setup how i like it | 04:36 |
Amaranth | zaudragon: try no password | 04:36 |
bddebian | Amaranth: Amen! :-) | 04:36 |
fortysixand2 | ah | 04:36 |
neuronlapse | vi is king :-P | 04:37 |
Computer__Guru | although i wish i could find kde window decorations as nice as those in xfce4 | 04:37 |
cafuego | bddebian: amaranth is trolling, could you +q it? | 04:37 |
zaudragon | Amaranth: Login Cancelled | 04:37 |
cafuego | bob2 even | 04:37 |
Amaranth | cafuego: haha | 04:37 |
Davey | Anyone know of a status bar indicator for my UPS? | 04:37 |
kevin_ | I use gedit or vi | 04:37 |
bddebian | cafuego: ? | 04:37 |
cafuego | Amaranth: Incidentally, did the locking work after you were identified? | 04:37 |
Amaranth | oh, that reminds me, since everyone else stays opped... | 04:37 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ |
Computer__Guru | anyone who uses vi is a masochist | 04:37 |
Amaranth | cafuego: no, i don't know my password | 04:37 |
pax | you use vim | 04:38 |
cafuego | <heh> | 04:38 |
Computer__Guru | rather, anybody who uses it by choice | 04:38 |
fortysixand2 | vi > emacs | 04:38 |
fortysixand2 | *flame on* | 04:38 |
zaudragon | Amaranth: no password did not work | 04:38 |
=== zaudragon is desperate |
Amaranth | vi -> /etc/alternatives/vi -> /usr/bin/vim | 04:38 |
Computer__Guru | vi < joe | 04:38 |
=== DETOXv [~madd@pool-70-21-148-9.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] |
=== Computer__Guru ducks |
Amaranth | zaudragon: No clue then, sorry. | 04:38 |
Amaranth | I've never used the LiveCD. | 04:38 |
zaudragon | Amarath: thanks anyways | 04:38 |
=== cafuego waves |
Computer__Guru | sorry, not a vi fan | 04:38 |
Amaranth | cafuego: ? | 04:38 |
=== karvr [~karvr@ppp-216-106-108-111.storm.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
zaudragon | anyone in here use the LiveCD? | 04:39 |
pax | how big is emcas 22MB last time I checked? you call that editor? | 04:39 |
zaudragon | or used? | 04:39 |
karvr | yea just got it going | 04:39 |
bddebian | zaudragon: I have, what's the problem? | 04:39 |
Computer__Guru | yeah emacs is a word processor, at the very least | 04:39 |
=== mame [~mame@m13.net81-64-227.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
zaudragon | bddebian: what's the password? | 04:39 |
fortysixand2 | password? | 04:39 |
Computer__Guru | not to mention just about any programming ide you want it to be | 04:39 |
=== Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-66.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
Computer__Guru | email program | 04:39 |
bddebian | zaudragon: Password for what? | 04:39 |
Computer__Guru | etc etc etc | 04:39 |
fortysixand2 | for root? | 04:39 |
karvr | you are root of the live cd | 04:39 |
mame | hi | 04:39 |
zaudragon | bddebian: like Ilocked the sc reen | 04:40 |
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
karvr | reboot | 04:40 |
bddebian | Hello mame | 04:40 |
Computer__Guru | i should download charlie and the chocolate factory | 04:40 |
ahuman01 | Which repository has Azureus ? | 04:40 |
fortysixand2 | reboot +1 | 04:40 |
mame | I have a presario R3000 but mouse doesnt work ... and i dont know too much about xorg ... Someone could help me ? | 04:40 |
=== cafuego waits |
Computer__Guru | ahuman01: i wasnt aware there was one | 04:40 |
Amaranth | Computer__Guru: Please don't discuss illegal activities here. | 04:40 |
Computer__Guru | oh my lord | 04:40 |
=== ubotu [~blootbot@ubuntu.cc.com.au] has joined #ubuntu |
Computer__Guru | you got it, buddy | 04:40 |
ahuman01 | Computer__Guru, ahh ok | 04:41 |
kevin_ | well, I am going to go to the ubuntuweb site and see what wkse I can figure out | 04:41 |
bddebian | zaudragon: Yeah, you may be stuck rebooting unfortunately | 04:41 |
dapimp53 | Where is a good howto on ndiswrapper | 04:41 |
karvr | this live cd works very well, i may actuially make some space on the hd and install this | 04:41 |
=== Computer__Guru goes to download a video about the gpl (pd, of course) |
Computer__Guru | 8-) | 04:41 |
cafuego | Amaranth: there ya go | 04:41 |
mame | nobody for my little mouse ? | 04:42 |
Amaranth | ubotu: Amaranth is testing something | 04:42 |
ubotu | okay, Amaranth | 04:42 |
Amaranth | ubotu: lock Amaranth | 04:42 |
ubotu | Amaranth: locking factoid amaranth | 04:42 |
zaudragon | karvr/me leaves | 04:42 |
=== kevin_ [~kevin@dsl-72-1-219.194.tel-ott.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
zaudragon | thanks anyways guys | 04:42 |
pax | forget emacs and vim, I'll use Joe, Joe's Own Editor | 04:42 |
Amaranth | someone type 'ubotu: no, Amaranth is foo' please | 04:42 |
bddebian | zaudragon: Sorry | 04:42 |
=== zaudragon [apache@ua-83-227-153-76.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu [] |
=== ^butang [~jircii@2Cust205.vr1.dtm1.alter.net] has joined #ubuntu |
cafuego | ubotu: no, Amaranth is foo | 04:42 |
ubotu | cafuego: okay | 04:42 |
tritium | Computer__Guru, sorry to know that's what you're doing | 04:42 |
=== tanki [~tankiii@] has joined #ubuntu |
Amaranth | gah | 04:42 |
Amaranth | of course you can change it :P | 04:42 |
cafuego | maybe I should not be reg'd though ;-) | 04:42 |
mame | pax, I used to use it but now i'm only using vim ... | 04:42 |
mame | :) | 04:42 |
=== cafuego_ [~cafuego@macchiato.cc.com.au] has joined #ubuntu |
karvr | can anyone see this typing ...? | 04:42 |
bddebian | mame: Doesn't work at all? What have you tried so far? | 04:43 |
cafuego_ | ubotu: no, Amaranth is eally foo | 04:43 |
ubotu | okay, cafuego_ | 04:43 |
bddebian | karvr: Nope :-) | 04:43 |
Amaranth | karvr: no :) | 04:43 |
karvr | lol | 04:43 |
nickrud | ubotu: no, amaranth is knowledgeable | 04:43 |
ubotu | nickrud: okay | 04:43 |
=== tmt [~tmt@c-67-169-217-109.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
cafuego_ | broken POS | 04:43 |
Amaranth | gah, hang on | 04:43 |
=== ^butang [~jircii@2Cust205.vr1.dtm1.alter.net] has left #ubuntu [] |
Amaranth | ubotu: Amaranth | 04:43 |
ubotu | I heard amaranth is knowledgeable | 04:43 |
Amaranth | ubotu: lock Amaranth | 04:43 |
ubotu | Amaranth: locking factoid amaranth | 04:43 |
Amaranth | try again | 04:43 |
cafuego_ | ubotu: no, Amaranth is eally foo | 04:43 |
=== ptlo [~senko@83-131-74-82.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu |
tmt | hello | 04:43 |
karvr | i cant believe i actually go 10 cds in the mail lol..... | 04:43 |
cafuego_ | ubotu: no, Amaranth is really foo | 04:43 |
ubotu | cafuego_: okay | 04:43 |
mame | bddebian, nope I just installed ubuntu on this laptop and everything is ok except the mouse ... | 04:43 |
Amaranth | wtf | 04:43 |
=== cafuego_ sighs and start up the $EDITOR |
Amaranth | it fails the first time? | 04:43 |
tmt | I'm having trouble with my konicawc based webcam | 04:43 |
neuronlapse | what's the easiest way to compile a custom kernel on ubuntu? | 04:44 |
cafuego_ | Amaranth: no, 28 seconds flood protection told me to go jump | 04:44 |
Computer__Guru | tritium: in a fascist or closed-minded community, it is often necessary to use code, or speak very vaguely. If you'd like an example of this, please refer to studies done of the song "Tamborine Man" by Bob Dylan | 04:44 |
bddebian | mame: Is is a USB or PS/2 mouse? | 04:44 |
=== nashife [~nashife@c-24-21-147-122.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== Crane [~Crane@71-8-46-55.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu |
tmt | neuronlapse: did you download the kernel source? | 04:44 |
Amaranth | Computer__Guru: _HIGHLY_ off-topic. | 04:44 |
Computer__Guru | okay, ill shutup | 04:44 |
Computer__Guru | ;) | 04:45 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ |
crimsun | just take it to #ubuntu-offtopic | 04:45 |
dapimp53 | Where is a good howto on ndiswrapper | 04:45 |
mame | bddebian, it's a laptop computer .... | 04:45 |
bddebian | dapimp53: Google :-) | 04:45 |
Computer__Guru | nah iw as just being a smartass anyways, ill just stop | 04:45 |
dapimp53 | mame: what type of laptop | 04:45 |
bddebian | mame: Oh, synaptic touchpad kinda thing? | 04:45 |
Amaranth | ok, no more talking to me | 04:45 |
mame | dapimp53, presario R3000 | 04:45 |
=== Amaranth goes back to working on smeg |
mame | bddebian, dont know | 04:45 |
cafuego_ | Amaranth: I see, the bot checks hostmask for locking, not user. | 04:45 |
nashife | I'm trying to install sun java's java on ubuntu, so that I can get azereus to work, and I can't figure out how to install the .bin file. can someone help? I'm new to linux... | 04:45 |
dapimp53 | who is the manufacturer of the bios? | 04:45 |
bddebian | mame: Trackstick or touchpad? | 04:46 |
mame | is there a way to maximize a window by key ? | 04:46 |
Amaranth | cafuego: But it worked when nickrud did it too. | 04:46 |
cafuego | Amaranth: grr | 04:46 |
mame | bddebian, touchpad ... | 04:46 |
ugo | JDahl so it seems its ok to mix | 04:46 |
nashife | I've tried searching google, but I can't find help... so I'm checking here... can someone help? | 04:46 |
Amaranth | mame: alt+space, then x | 04:46 |
ugo | the next question is how to do it with apt get | 04:46 |
mame | Amaranth, thanks | 04:46 |
JDahl | ugo, ./configure-libafs complains about a missing src/libafs/Makefile.in, but it works if you just symlink to src/afslib/MakefileProto.LINUX (probably works for AMD also) | 04:47 |
ugo | JDahl: any pointers | 04:47 |
dapimp53 | mame: check in your bios if your bios supports legacy usb. If it does, disable it. It fixed my touchpad | 04:47 |
mame | bddebian, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? | 04:47 |
bddebian | Aye | 04:47 |
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mame | aye quoi ? | 04:47 |
bddebian | Aye as in yes :-) | 04:47 |
=== WillySilly [~WillySill@c-24-23-145-194.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
ugo | JDahl: what was the command you typed for configure | 04:48 |
HurricanePink | Kino doesn't seem to like to open video files. --; | 04:48 |
ugo | JDahl: i didnt get any problems during that part | 04:48 |
mame | bddebian, do u think the thing about the BIOS that dapimp53 will help me ? | 04:48 |
tritium | nashife, I'd recommend using java-package to build a .deb from the .bin you have | 04:48 |
tritium | !java | 04:48 |
ubotu | rumour has it, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin. | 04:48 |
=== jadugar [~chris@12-203-179-26.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu |
bddebian | mame: It can, try that first | 04:48 |
WillySilly | rm -rf /dev/god | 04:48 |
nickrud | !realplayer | 04:48 |
ubotu | nickrud: I give up, what is it? | 04:48 |
nashife | tritium, how can I do that? | 04:48 |
nickrud | !realplay | 04:48 |
ubotu | nickrud: I haven't a clue | 04:48 |
JDahl | ugo, ./configure[-libafs] --with-linux-kernel-header=/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5 | 04:48 |
crimsun | !info java-package | 04:48 |
ubotu | java-package: (utility for building Java(TM) 2 related Debian packages), section multiverse/misc, is optional. Version: 0.23 (hoary), Packaged size: 18 kB, Installed size: 264 kB | 04:48 |
mame | ok i'm going back in 3 minutes | 04:48 |
mame | :) | 04:48 |
crimsun | nashife: ^^ | 04:49 |
JDahl | ugo, ./configure[-libafs] --with-linux-kernel-header=/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5 --prefix=/usr/local | 04:49 |
nashife | crimsun, ^.- | 04:49 |
seth_k | nashife: indeed, I just updated the Java how-to today, so it should be impeccably correct | 04:49 |
tritium | nashife, give that a try, and if you run into trouble, let me know | 04:49 |
nashife | seth_k, can you give me a link? just in the howtos on ubuntulinux.com? | 04:49 |
JDahl | ugo, that's two commands: ./configure and ./configure-libafs, but you probably figured that out | 04:50 |
seth_k | ubotu gave you the link nashife | 04:50 |
ubotu | seth_k: I give up, what is it? | 04:50 |
tmt | when I try to use my intel webcam with camorama, it freezes up camorama and won't unload the konicawc module | 04:50 |
WillySilly | rm -rf /dev/god | 04:50 |
=== Efwis [~Efwis@colo-02-172.dsl.netins.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bddebian | WillySilly: ?? | 04:50 |
tmt | I don't see anything in messages | 04:50 |
fortysixand2 | WillySilly: wtf? | 04:50 |
fortysixand2 | are you Nietzsche? | 04:51 |
bddebian | heh | 04:51 |
=== sizzam [~sizzam@ip65.220.23.209.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== incubii [~incubii@cor9-ppp1087.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu |
=== nickrud sighs |
=== dravine [~dravine@lab.jraleigh.com] has joined #ubuntu |
pax | I don't think god is in /dev anyway, try just plain rm -rf / he's probably there. | 04:52 |
dravine | howdy everyone | 04:52 |
bddebian | Hello dravine | 04:52 |
nickrud | hey, dravine | 04:52 |
dravine | so, anyone know how to get postgres to not need ident? | 04:52 |
dravine | I'm going nuts trying to get it to talk to my webserver/php | 04:52 |
seth_k | nashife: did you find the link? | 04:52 |
=== arnav [~arnav@68-234-216-25.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu |
arnav | hey ho | 04:53 |
arnav | need some help on creating debs on ubuntu | 04:53 |
bddebian | Hello arnav | 04:53 |
=== ealden [~ealden@] has joined #ubuntu |
bddebian | arnav: What kind of help>? | 04:53 |
nashife | seth_k, i'm looking for it right now | 04:53 |
seth_k | what are you creating them from, arnav? | 04:53 |
seth_k | ubotu tell nashife about java | 04:53 |
nickrud | seth_k, heh, that is a much cleaner page now :) | 04:54 |
=== Gnobody [~jason@blk-222-50-94.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
arnav | am creating them from source tar files | 04:54 |
dravine | anyone else run into this? | 04:54 |
seth_k | just for you, arnav, or would you like to distribute them to others? are the sources already debianized (e.g. with a debian/ directory) | 04:54 |
=== mame [~mame@m13.net81-64-227.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
hoof | i need help in compiling kernel 2.6.12 | 04:56 |
mame | back | 04:56 |
bddebian | mame: Any luck? | 04:56 |
=== jcfreak [~jcfreak@nowire-39-123.sciotowireless.net] has joined #ubuntu |
mame | nothing about legacy usb in the bios... | 04:56 |
bddebian | hoof: Why do you need to compile it? | 04:56 |
mame | bddebian, nope | 04:56 |
mame | what's next ? | 04:57 |
=== tmt is now known as weis |
jcfreak | anyone know a work around to get into cups web admin? | 04:57 |
=== thundrcleeze [~thundrcle@24-159-246-25.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu |
nickrud | jcfreak, yes, sudo adduser cupsys shadow, restart cups, and point at :631 | 04:58 |
=== nameless1 [~nameless1@ppp108-42.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bddebian | mame: I am reading a site that says you may need a kernel patch. Hang on. You said that this is an R3000 right? | 04:58 |
=== WillySilly is playing The Pillows -- THAT HOUSE [04:31] with Rhythmbox |
=== heatxsink [~jmioph@adsl-69-109-235-207.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jcfreak | nickrud: thanks, i'll give that a shot | 04:59 |
nickrud | jcfreak, it was recommended to me to deluser cupsys shadow and restart cups, after each use | 04:59 |
mame | bddebian, apparently int he bios i saw R3200 but on it's written R3000 | 04:59 |
JDahl | ugo, it's compiling (and will be for the next hour or so), and seems to work doing just what pasted earlier - after that it's just a matter of configuration, as far as I remember | 04:59 |
=== ed1t [~ubuntu@ool-4355c7cd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu |
hoof | bddebian: because it's the kernel source. How am I supposed to install it? | 05:00 |
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kamstrumental | I just downloaded 3 icon sets... Anybody give me a lead on how to install these puppies? | 05:00 |
nameless1 | i just installed my new 200gb sata hdd can someone tell me if there is any software with ubuntu that can format and mount it thru a graphical interface | 05:01 |
neuronlapse | how do i set a kernel module to load at boot time? | 05:01 |
bddebian | hoof: Hoary? | 05:01 |
=== mariano [~mariano@adsl353-tasa.via-net-works.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu |
dapimp53 | has anyone here installed madwifi on there ubuntu install? | 05:01 |
tritium | neuronlapse, list it in /etc/modules | 05:01 |
crimsun | neuronlapse: append its name to /etc/modules | 05:01 |
mame | bddebian, so ... do you have an idea ? | 05:01 |
bddebian | mame: Everything I have read so far says you need a kernel patch and an updated driver for the ALPS touchpad | 05:01 |
neuronlapse | thanks :) | 05:01 |
=== hondje is now known as hondje_ |
nickrud | kamstrumental, extract them into ~/.icons | 05:01 |
neuronlapse | never needed to use a module before | 05:01 |
hoof | bddebian: can we talk in private? | 05:02 |
=== gmaniac [~jens@dsl-082-082-167-217.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bddebian | Sure | 05:02 |
ugo | JDahl: all done | 05:02 |
mame | bddebian, which kernel patch ? and where can i find the driver for ALPS ? in the testing version ? | 05:02 |
kamstrumental | nickrud: I can add multiple sets at once? | 05:02 |
ed1t | kamstrumental, go to system > preferences > theme, and then click on install new theme and locate the .tar.gz file | 05:02 |
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bddebian | mame: Google a little. I found two different sites explaining the problem. | 05:02 |
=== _arty [~arty@136-49-89.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu |
nameless1 | i just installed my new 200gb sata hdd can someone tell me if there is any software with ubuntu that can format and mount it thru a graphical interface | 05:03 |
mame | bddebian, hard when you dont have a fucking mouse ... | 05:03 |
nashife | seth_k, I followed the instructions and added the new repositories, but synaptic says I already have that version of java installed. This means something is wrong? | 05:03 |
mariano | hola a todos estoy probando este hermoso y pintoresco sistema opertivo | 05:03 |
seth_k | mariano: #ubuntu-es | 05:03 |
tritium | mariano, #ubuntu-es por favor | 05:03 |
nashife | how can i get azereus and other java applications working in ubuntu? | 05:03 |
ed1t | nashife, trying to install jre 1.5? | 05:03 |
bddebian | Sheesh | 05:04 |
seth_k | nashife: that's just java common. Keep following the rest of the steps to install java itself | 05:04 |
nashife | edlt, how can I install it? my first question was how do i install the .bin file from the sun website, but no one answered | 05:04 |
r0d | anyone in here every patch their orinoco driver for monitor mode? | 05:04 |
seth_k | nashife: you have to download that 50MB file from Sun's site | 05:04 |
tritium | nashife, we did answer you, actually | 05:04 |
JDahl | ugo, compiled and everything? | 05:04 |
=== DonL [~don@d206-116-131-181.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== mame [~mame@m13.net81-64-227.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
nickrud | kamstrumental, you can have as many icon directories in ~/.icons as you want; you can select them by using System-Preferences-theme, button Theme Details tab icons | 05:04 |
ed1t | !tell nashife about java | 05:05 |
=== kevin [~kevin@dsl-72-1-219.194.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium |
nashife | tritium, sorry if you answered. Maybe I couldn't understand the answer... | 05:05 |
mariano | hola aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 05:05 |
tritium | nashife, I recommended you use java-package and gave you a URL to follow. crimsun provided an additional URL | 05:05 |
ugo | JDahl: apparently | 05:06 |
tritium | mariano, #ubuntu-es, por favor | 05:06 |
=== virgule [~virgule@modemcable234.158-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
ugo | JDahl: it had no errors | 05:06 |
nashife | tritium, you gave me a url? | 05:06 |
nashife | tritium, i'll scroll up and look again | 05:06 |
=== d-man_ [~d-man@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
tritium | nashife, it's the wiki page seth_k was referring you to as well | 05:07 |
kamstrumental | nickrud: thanks again | 05:07 |
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=== zho40 [~zho40@user-24-214-168-103.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu |
nashife | tritium, yes, i found that link finally and i'm trying to follow the instructions | 05:07 |
hondje_ | how can I change screens in irssi over ssh from a mac? It has no alt key | 05:07 |
=== Aegir [~Richard@d220-238-41-173.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu |
nashife | tritium, seth_k, i didn't know that the ubotu user was an infobot | 05:07 |
nashife | sorry | 05:07 |
seth_k | haha no worries | 05:07 |
JDahl | ugo, and see the build libraries somewhere src in the source tree? damn that fast - I should get a new computer | 05:07 |
=== heatxsink [~jmioph@adsl-69-109-235-207.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu |
seth_k | need him to tell you the url again? | 05:07 |
tritium | nashife, no problem :) | 05:07 |
weis | nashife, type /window (window number) | 05:08 |
weis | that drives me batty on my mac | 05:08 |
=== JiveNix [~kmesiab@24-119-91-112.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu |
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JDahl | ugo, s/see/you see | 05:08 |
nashife | no i got the message, and the url. i'm just still struggling to follow the instructions. | 05:08 |
heatxsink | hi all | 05:08 |
heatxsink | where can I find the default .Xsession for the system? | 05:08 |
nickrud | kamstrumental, np, I get the low hanging fruit here :) | 05:08 |
ugo | hey its not over yet.... | 05:08 |
hondje_ | weis: thanks | 05:08 |
ugo | JDahl hey its not over yet.... | 05:08 |
JiveNix | anyone with soundblaster audigy 2? | 05:08 |
tritium | heatxsink, /etc/X11/ | 05:08 |
seth_k | nashife: follow the instructions in JavaPackageBuildNewVersions | 05:08 |
weis | hondje: sorry, wrong name. No problem | 05:08 |
JiveNix | working under ubuntu? | 05:08 |
heatxsink | JiveNix, me | 05:08 |
JiveNix | heatxsink, did it work out of the box install? | 05:09 |
crimsun | JiveNix: just unmute the Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack | 05:09 |
heatxsink | JiveNix, what crimsun said | 05:09 |
heatxsink | JiveNix, I still cannot get firewire working | 05:09 |
JiveNix | where is that setting? alsamixer? | 05:09 |
heatxsink | I dunno whyh | 05:09 |
JiveNix | i'd be happy with sound, period :D | 05:09 |
heatxsink | right on | 05:09 |
=== _arty [~arty@136-49-89.adsl.terra.cl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
r0d | do i need to patch pcmcia-cs to use monitor mode on my card. cant i just use the kernel pcmcia? | 05:09 |
heatxsink | tritium, i'm trying to do a ssh-add | 05:09 |
bddebian | Damn I'm too slow.. | 05:10 |
JiveNix | anyone willing to hold my hand through it? | 05:10 |
heatxsink | in my .Xsession file | 05:10 |
JiveNix | i'm new to linux in general | 05:10 |
heatxsink | JiveNix, you need to apt-get alsa-mixer | 05:10 |
crimsun | JiveNix: amixer sset 'Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack' on | 05:10 |
heatxsink | nm | 05:10 |
kevin | that's what I need to do on this laptop yet, I keep forgetting to set the sound up lol | 05:10 |
heatxsink | crimsun, got it | 05:10 |
JiveNix | ok let me try it | 05:10 |
JiveNix | i should have come here last night | 05:10 |
mame | bddebian, could you give the links to the two articles you saw about the touchpad problem ? | 05:10 |
heatxsink | I meant crimsun got it | 05:10 |
=== DonL [~don@d206-116-131-181.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
bddebian | mame: One is: http://www.plausible.org/r300z/ | 05:11 |
bddebian | mame: There are links to the other one from there | 05:11 |
JiveNix | unable to find simple control 'Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack',0 | 05:11 |
=== flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
crimsun | JiveNix: paste amixer output onto the topic's pastebin | 05:11 |
heatxsink | tritium, i'm trying to do a ssh-add in my .Xsession file | 05:11 |
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mame | bddebian, ok thnks | 05:12 |
heatxsink | tritium, what I didn't realize is that when I make a .Xsession file, it doesn't run the default one first | 05:12 |
JiveNix | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/652 | 05:12 |
JiveNix | my motherboard has onboard sound too | 05:12 |
JiveNix | i never use it | 05:12 |
tritium | heatxsink, you tried your own ~/.Xsession ? | 05:12 |
heatxsink | JiveNix, did you disable it in your bios? | 05:12 |
=== digitalfox [~urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu |
JiveNix | no, let me try that | 05:13 |
JiveNix | i'll be back | 05:13 |
heatxsink | k | 05:13 |
=== root_ [~root@68-191-51-15.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu |
mame | bddebian, are you sure about your link ? | 05:13 |
heatxsink | tritium, yes, but I believe that i have to implement which session I'd like | 05:13 |
heatxsink | but I don't remember how to do that | 05:13 |
=== scoperesolution [~scoperes@adsl-68-255-102-14.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu |
flodine | anyone running E17 yet | 05:13 |
=== samigaru [~samigaru@] has joined #ubuntu |
scoperesolution | anyone know how to get a usb hd to auto mount? | 05:14 |
bddebian | mame: Whoops should be /r3000z/ | 05:14 |
kamstrumental | where is the wallpaper folder anyone? | 05:14 |
jcfreak | nickrud: thanks for the help...that worked great | 05:14 |
=== tfort_ [~tfort@a8.organicweb.net] has joined #ubuntu |
nickrud | jcfreak, I freaked out until I got told about that ;) | 05:14 |
tfort_ | thank god.. finally got WoW to install | 05:14 |
=== samurai [~samurai@12-221-179-164.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu |
weis | /usr/share/backgrounds | 05:14 |
sizzam | if i run a program with wine, how do i give myself the ability to browse to folders that lay outside of my fake_windows folder | 05:14 |
tritium | heatxsink, I'm not sure | 05:14 |
heatxsink | ahh | 05:14 |
=== samurai is now known as samiam |
heatxsink | tritium, i found that file in /etc/X11 but I think that's a top level Xsession file, I'm gonna go through that more throughly and figure out where it's pulling the "default" settings from. | 05:15 |
kamstrumental | weis: it says i do not have privelages? | 05:15 |
weis | kamstrumental: might need root priv. | 05:16 |
tritium | heatxsink, you asked where the system level one was, right? That's it. | 05:16 |
=== ubuntu [~ubuntu@203-173-168-142.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu |
JDahl | ugo, building it was faster than I remembered.. now it's done and I have /src/openafs/src/libafs/MODLOAD-2.6.10-5-686-SP/libafs.ko. After a "sudo make install" I should be able to manually load that module and run afsd. If you get that far, you should be ok (modulo configuration, where you're on you own) | 05:16 |
weis | kamstrumental: you could change permissions on the backgrounds folder to allow anyone to write to it, or you could do a sudo bash from the console and copy it manually | 05:16 |
heatxsink | tritium, so if I just cp'ed it from /etc/X11/ to ~/ and added my stuff to the end of it? | 05:16 |
WillySilly | rm -rf /dev/god | 05:16 |
=== scoperesolution [~scoperes@adsl-68-255-102-14.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] |
heatxsink | haha | 05:16 |
bddebian | tritium: WillySilly ? | 05:17 |
neuronlapse | I'm trying to setup irda but /dev/ircomm0 doesn't exist | 05:17 |
tritium | bddebian, what? | 05:17 |
neuronlapse | well I used mknod to create it | 05:17 |
kamstrumental | weis: must i log out as user and log in as admin? | 05:17 |
neuronlapse | but I think I might need a kernel modules | 05:17 |
weis | kamstrumental, no, just open a root shell from the applications menu | 05:17 |
kamstrumental | weis: because as is, i cannot change permissions | 05:17 |
JDahl | ugo, as a last note, you may have to manually copy the library to the right /lib/modules dir and update modconf etc. (I think I had to do that last time) | 05:17 |
tritium | heatxsink, you can if you like, although you don't need to copy it. Your personalized one can contain only what you need. | 05:17 |
heatxsink | tritium, so how would I just start gnome-session? | 05:18 |
=== dapimp53_ [~michael@c-24-23-233-194.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== ubuntu is now known as the_walrus |
nickrud | kamstrumental, just sudo cp the background picture into into /usr/share/backgrounds | 05:18 |
dapimp53_ | when I type modprobe ndiswrapper I get this error: FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted | 05:18 |
dapimp53_ | How do I fix it | 05:19 |
tritium | heatxsink, I see. You're not running a display manager like gdm? | 05:19 |
heatxsink | i am | 05:19 |
heatxsink | I used to do this on slackware | 05:19 |
kamstrumental | weis: would it be "sudo cp filename.png /usr/share/backgrounds"? | 05:19 |
tritium | heatxsink, it should have a gnome-session for you automatically | 05:19 |
weis | kamstrumental, with a trailing slash on backgrounds, like /backgrounds/ | 05:19 |
=== JiveNix [~kmesiab@24-119-91-112.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu |
JiveNix | ok onboard sound disabled | 05:19 |
heatxsink | JiveNix, work? | 05:20 |
=== synd [~synd@h188.43.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu |
tritium | heatxsink, what happens when gdm starts fo ryou? | 05:20 |
JiveNix | still no sound | 05:20 |
JiveNix | using the multimedia system selector test | 05:20 |
heatxsink | run that one command | 05:20 |
ugo | JDahl: checking whats been compiled right now | 05:20 |
heatxsink | that the one dude gave you | 05:20 |
WillySilly | rm -rf / | 05:20 |
heatxsink | should work after that | 05:20 |
ugo | JDahl: dude i cant thank you enough | 05:20 |
JiveNix | can you paste it again? | 05:20 |
WillySilly | thats what i call the apocalypse | 05:20 |
=== xlogik [~Joolike@h-67-101-122-176.cmbrmaor.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
tritium | WillySilly, please stop | 05:20 |
JiveNix | nm | 05:20 |
JiveNix | i remembered | 05:20 |
=== nickrud looks at WillySilly |
crimsun | JiveNix: what's the status of amixer's current output? | 05:21 |
WillySilly | ? | 05:21 |
nashife | seth_k, tritium, and anyone else. is there more that I need to do after I finish the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaPackageBuildNewVersions ? Do i need to restart? do I need to remove other versions of java? azereus still does not run... | 05:21 |
nickrud | WillySilly, bad joke | 05:21 |
JiveNix | oh shoot | 05:21 |
nashife | do i need to remove and re-add azereus? | 05:21 |
JDahl | ugo, as a matter you fact you can... let me just fetch my paypal number... brb | 05:21 |
heatxsink | tritium, okay so when I define my own .Xsession with just my ssh-add gdm bombs cause there's not directive in the .Xsession file to start any kind of manager. | 05:21 |
JiveNix | its all garbling | 05:21 |
WillySilly | you must have a bad sense of humor | 05:21 |
JiveNix | i did amixer set 'audigy analog/digital output jack' on | 05:21 |
JiveNix | and now its making a bubbling sound | 05:21 |
heatxsink | tritium, i'm gonna try this thing again | 05:21 |
nickrud | WillySilly, someone might try it, cuz they believe what they read here | 05:21 |
JiveNix | but at least its making some kind of sound | 05:21 |
tritium | heatxsink, you don't have to do that with ubuntu. I'm not understanding why you're doing that, since you're running gdm. | 05:22 |
heatxsink | JiveNix, like when you click or something? | 05:22 |
JiveNix | thats deffinitely a step forward | 05:22 |
JiveNix | no its doing it constantly | 05:22 |
WillySilly | well they shouldnt believe everything they read | 05:22 |
WillySilly | its common sense | 05:22 |
bddebian | WillySilly: If you don't need help or aren't going to help, why are you in this channel? | 05:22 |
heatxsink | tritium, cause I don't want to have to enter a passpharse when opening a terminal session | 05:22 |
=== cew_smp_calm [~cew_smp_c@] has joined #ubuntu |
heatxsink | do a man on ssh-ad | 05:22 |
heatxsink | do a man on ssh-add* | 05:22 |
seth_k | WillySilly: stop spamming and stay on topic, please. People need help. | 05:22 |
heatxsink | you'll see what i'm trying to do | 05:22 |
JiveNix | any idea about this garbling? | 05:22 |
nashife | :) like me. i need help. :) | 05:23 |
seth_k | nashife: no, that should be the end of it. You dpkg -i'd a deb? | 05:23 |
=== bigfoot1 [~hideseek@FLH1Aax021.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu |
D1 | does xine play mp3s? I can't get my totem-xine to play mp3s. | 05:23 |
nashife | seth_k, yes i did. and it seemed to install fine | 05:23 |
heatxsink | tritium, brb | 05:23 |
WillySilly | meh | 05:23 |
JiveNix | uh oh | 05:23 |
nickrud | WillySilly, :) | 05:23 |
nashife | seth_k, when i run azereus from the terminal, a long output comes up and then it just hangs. | 05:23 |
JiveNix | anyone else can help wiht my sound card? | 05:24 |
dapimp53_ | when I type modprobe ndiswrapper I get this error: FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted | 05:24 |
kamstrumental | weis: I entered the following: "sudo cp /home/daren/Desktop G.png /usr/share/backgrounds/" and got: "cp: omitting directory `/home/daren/Desktop' -- cp: cannot stat `G.png': No such file or directory" | 05:24 |
bigfoot1 | hello all. I want to put the Preferences-->Keyboard-->Typing Break Applet on my panel. I have it marked, but it's not showing up on my panel. What's up? | 05:24 |
seth_k | nashife: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com and lemme have it :P | 05:24 |
crimsun | JDahl: I really hope you're joking | 05:24 |
WillySilly | :| | 05:24 |
kamstrumental | weis: i identified origin and destination.. wrong order of command? | 05:24 |
kevin | dapimp3: I use madwifi and it is working great | 05:24 |
mame | bddebian, what's weird is that on this computer a debian was installed before this ubuntu and the touchpad was working .... So what is different between the Debian and Ubuntu kernels ? | 05:24 |
bddebian | dapimp53: Did you run that as sudo? | 05:24 |
weis | kamstrumental, you'll need to do this: sudo cp /home/daren/Desktop\ /G.png /usr/share/backgrounds/ | 05:24 |
JDahl | crimsun, yeah... actually it did seem abit rude :S | 05:25 |
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weis | the space in your filename makes it look like two files | 05:25 |
dapimp53_ | bddebian: yes I did | 05:25 |
=== ggeecko_ [~ggeecko@adsl-19-26-136.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu |
dapimp53_ | kevin: I cant get madwifi to install... would you be willing to help me get it installed | 05:25 |
nashife | seth_k, this is embarrassing... but what's pastebin? paste the output and send it to your username? or...? | 05:25 |
ugo | JDahl: where's the proper place to put this module | 05:25 |
ugo | ? | 05:25 |
kevin | one sec I will post a link | 05:25 |
=== nashife cries... |
bddebian | mame: What kernel version are you running? uname -a | 05:25 |
=== tritium comforts nashife |
=== WillySilly [~WillySill@c-24-23-145-194.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
seth_k | nashife: no worries. Click the link, then paste the output there | 05:25 |
nashife | aw, thanks tritium. someday i won't feel so dumb. | 05:25 |
seth_k | about time WillySilly left | 05:26 |
=== Mr_Smiley [~smiley@CPE-144-136-186-183.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu |
=== Liudy [~Liu@] has joined #ubuntu |
mame | 2.6.10 | 05:26 |
nashife | it's long. you want it in the main channel? | 05:26 |
tritium | nashife, you're not dumb. You're learning something new. | 05:26 |
kevin | dapimp3:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41670 | 05:26 |
kevin | this is what I used | 05:27 |
mame | bddebian, 2.6.10 ... maybe another should work .... | 05:27 |
mame | or maybe some module is not loaded ... | 05:27 |
nashife | 1. | 05:27 |
nashife | java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException | 05:27 |
nashife | 2. | 05:27 |
nashife | at java.nio.charset.Charset.forName (Charset.java:125) | 05:27 |
nashife | 3. | 05:27 |
nashife | at org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.BEncoder.BEncoder (BEncoder.java:32) | 05:27 |
nashife | 4. | 05:27 |
seth_k | noooooooooooooo | 05:27 |
nashife | at org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.BEncoder.encode (BEncoder.java:43) | 05:27 |
nashife | 5. | 05:27 |
nashife | at org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.FileUtil.writeResilientConfigFile (FileUtil.j ava:354) | 05:27 |
nashife | 6. | 05:27 |
nickrud | he did ask :) | 05:27 |
nashife | at org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.impl.ConfigurationManager.save (Configurati onManager.java:110) | 05:27 |
nashife | 7. | 05:27 |
nashife | at org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.impl.ConfigurationManager.save (Configurati onManager.java:145) | 05:28 |
=== Kennyjb402 [~Kennyjb40@pcp0010939528pcs.columb01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
nashife | 8. | 05:28 |
=== seth_k cries "pastebin" :/ |
nashife | at org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager.save (COConfiguratio nManager.java:218) | 05:28 |
nashife | 9. | 05:28 |
nashife | at org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AEDiagnostics.startup (AEDiagnostics.java:117 ) | 05:28 |
seth_k | he did ask! I didn't notice :( | 05:28 |
nashife | 10. | 05:28 |
nashife | at org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AEDiagnostics.getLogger (AEDiagnostics.java:1 84) | 05:28 |
nashife | 11. | 05:28 |
nashife | at org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug.static{} (Debug.java:16) | 05:28 |
nashife | 12. | 05:28 |
nashife | at java.lang.VMClass.step8 (VMClass.java) | 05:28 |
nashife | 13. | 05:28 |
bddebian | mame: What happens if you go to a terminal and type: "sudo modprobe psmouse" ? | 05:28 |
nashife | at java.lang.Class.initialize (Class.java:145) | 05:28 |
nashife | 14. | 05:28 |
nashife | at org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.BEncoder.BEncoder (BEncoder.java:37) | 05:28 |
nashife | 15. | 05:28 |
aru | sweet | 05:28 |
nashife | at org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.BEncoder.encode (BEncoder.java:43) | 05:28 |
seth_k | well, at least we know it's not a java problem. | 05:28 |
nashife | 16. | 05:28 |
JDahl | ugo, ideally a "sudo make install" should do it for you (I dont want to install it on this machine). Dont you get a library installed somewhere in /lib/modules/2.6.10-xxx? I think you have tweak module loading yourself. First try loading it manually, and then start afsd, though | 05:28 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ |
nashife | at org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.FileUtil.writeResilientConfigFile (FileUtil.j ava:354) | 05:28 |
nashife | 17. | 05:28 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q nashife!*@*] by tritium |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-q nashife!*@*] by tritium |
nashife | 19. | 05:28 |
nashife | at org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager.save (COConfiguratio nManager.java:218) | 05:28 |
nashife | 20. | 05:28 |
seth_k | hahahahahahaha | 05:28 |
nashife | at org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.impl.ConfigurationChecker.checkConfiguratio n (ConfigurationChecker.java:448) | 05:28 |
tritium | sheesh | 05:29 |
nashife | 21. | 05:29 |
nashife | at org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.impl.ConfigurationManager.initialise (Confi gurationManager.java:91) | 05:29 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q nashife!*@*] by tritium |
mame | bddebian, nothing it's just loaded the module ... | 05:29 |
seth_k | I told him to use pastebin... | 05:29 |
mame | I can see it with lsmod | 05:29 |
tritium | no worries | 05:29 |
Madpilot | ooops... :) | 05:29 |
=== Crisalita [~Crisalita@243-47-89.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu |
bddebian | mame: It did load? | 05:29 |
seth_k | anyways, nashife, when you get back from quiet, this isn't a java problem | 05:29 |
tritium | nashife, sorry, just wanted to quite the channel down a bit | 05:29 |
mame | bddebian, maybe i have to restart X ? yes it did | 05:29 |
Crisalita | alguien habla espaol? | 05:29 |
seth_k | nashife: the error shows that java is installed just fine. The problem is with azureus | 05:29 |
tritium | nashife, we'll show you how to use pastebin | 05:29 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-q nashife!*@*] by tritium |
bddebian | mame: Yes, try to restart X | 05:30 |
D1 | can somebody tell me how to play mp3s with xine? | 05:30 |
aru | :) | 05:30 |
aru | !mp3 | 05:30 |
ubotu | aru: I don't know, could you explain it? | 05:30 |
mame | back in two minutes | 05:30 |
ugo | JDahl: actually thats what i just did | 05:30 |
=== heatxsink [~jmioph@adsl-69-109-235-207.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu |
tritium | Crisalita, #ubuntu-es | 05:30 |
aru | hmm | 05:30 |
D1 | !mp3 | 05:30 |
=== nalioth is now known as nalioth_zZz |
=== nalioth_zZz is now known as nalioth_wrkn |
ugo | JDahl: i ran locate to find the file.... | 05:30 |
JDahl | ugo, and no errors loading the module or starting afds as root? then you're all done, I think. | 05:30 |
heatxsink | tritium, doh | 05:31 |
tritium | nashife, you okay there? | 05:31 |
ugo | JDahl: i didnt see it | 05:31 |
tritium | heatxsink, what's up? | 05:31 |
ugo | JDahl: however i did an insmod....that worked | 05:31 |
nashife | tritium, I don't know. am I? | 05:31 |
heatxsink | tritium, still didn't work | 05:31 |
heatxsink | doh | 05:31 |
heatxsink | oh well | 05:31 |
=== nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth |
tritium | nashife, just making sure ;) | 05:31 |
ugo | JDahl: i noticed somethings in var messages about missing symbols | 05:31 |
seth_k | nashife: did you get azureus from their website? | 05:31 |
bddebian | Heya nalioth | 05:31 |
=== mame [~mame@m13.net81-64-227.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
mame | back | 05:31 |
nashife | seth_k, i got it from synaptic. | 05:31 |
nashife | i thin | 05:32 |
nashife | k | 05:32 |
mame | doesnt work | 05:32 |
JDahl | ugo, actually starting afsd is not a good before you've created the cache and made the /afs mount point... AFS is one of the annoying kernel modules where nothing but a reboot will help if you screw up | 05:32 |
bddebian | mame: Any luck? | 05:32 |
bddebian | Damnit | 05:32 |
seth_k | ok, nashife. You're using backports? | 05:32 |
JDahl | ugo, s/a good/a good ieda | 05:32 |
JDahl | jeez... my keyboard is broken | 05:32 |
ugo | JDahl: ok... | 05:32 |
Crisalita | thanks tritium | 05:32 |
nashife | seth_k, um... I think so? you mean in my repositories, right? | 05:32 |
bddebian | mame: Do an "lsmod" and see if you have tsdev, evdev, mouse, and psmouse modules loaded | 05:33 |
tritium | Crisalita, no problem. | 05:33 |
dapimp53_ | kevin: I still get this Makefile.inc:101: *** KERNELPATH: /usr/src/linux-2.6.10-5-386 does not exist. Stop. | 05:33 |
JDahl | ugo, but insmod complained about missing symbols? | 05:33 |
the_walrus | Do I have the option of installing Grub at install time with Ubuntu? | 05:33 |
bddebian | Hoary > Warty right? I dunno why I can't keep that straight | 05:33 |
ugo | JDahl: ok...however...just tell me the best place to stick this module in lib/modules and i'll take it from there | 05:33 |
mame | bddebian, ok | 05:33 |
tritium | the_walrus, it's the default boot loader | 05:33 |
ugo | JDahl: no insmod worked cleanly... | 05:33 |
nashife | seth_k, tritium, should I remove azereus and reinstall it? | 05:33 |
the_walrus | sweet, I just killed my slack install trying to get grub working | 05:33 |
seth_k | that's right, nashife. You might try removing it and installing directly from azureus' site | 05:33 |
kevin | dapimp3: I had the same problem, did you download the linux-headersfor your kernel? | 05:34 |
nashife | seth_k, alright i'll try it | 05:34 |
ugo | JDahl: arla had issues at that point...i did get a compile with it | 05:34 |
seth_k | nashife: the URL is http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/azureus/Azureus_2.3.0.4_linux.GTK.tar.bz2?download | 05:34 |
dapimp53_ | yea. | 05:34 |
seth_k | nashife: ping me if you need help with this manual install | 05:34 |
mame | bddebian, there is no tsdev | 05:34 |
tritium | nashife, I haven't been following your conversation, sorry. | 05:34 |
dapimp53_ | should I remove them and reinstall them | 05:34 |
ugo | JDahl: however....when i took a look at /var/log/messages | 05:34 |
misfit_toy | the_walrus, slack? why are you in ubuntu? | 05:34 |
bddebian | mame: Try to modprobe it | 05:34 |
ugo | JDahl: in noticed some symbol complaints... | 05:34 |
kevin | try again cos I did it and upon a retry it did it | 05:34 |
mame | bddebian, just did it | 05:34 |
mame | and it loaded it | 05:34 |
nashife | tritium, ok np. you were just the other person who was sometimes helping me so... kept your name in. | 05:34 |
=== IcemanV9 [~nobody@adsl-68-79-13-202.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu |
the_walrus | misfit_toy, well, I killed slack, booted into Ubuntu live, and about to install it | 05:34 |
mame | restart X ? | 05:34 |
the_walrus | Just wanted to make sure it had Grub first | 05:34 |
misfit_toy | the_walrus, good idea | 05:35 |
=== flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] |
JDahl | ugo, copy libafs.ko /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/kernel/fs/afs.o and use modconf I guess... you can also steal the init scripts from Debian's ancient AFS version - they are pretty good | 05:35 |
bddebian | mame: Try it. You may also need to check your X config to make sure your mouse is using psaux | 05:35 |
=== digitalfox is now known as digitalfox|sleep |
benplaut | what's the name of that handy little util to change your cursor theme? | 05:36 |
dravine | gcursor? | 05:36 |
ugo | JDahl: nah forget the symbol stuff...i think those were from alna...i just checked the times | 05:36 |
root_ | limewire ubuntu | 05:36 |
ugo | JDahl: ok...thats a really awesome wrap.... | 05:36 |
benplaut | dravine: thanks :) | 05:37 |
ugo | JDahl: ill work out the rest of the stuff from here.... | 05:37 |
=== cmatheso1 [~cmatheson@71-35-243-33.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu |
tritium | benplaut, gcursor? | 05:37 |
=== mr-russ [~mr-russ@CPE-203-45-47-117.vic.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["I] |
benplaut | yup | 05:37 |
=== mame [~mame@m13.net81-64-227.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
seth_k | nashife: once you download the .tar.bz2 file, stick it in your home. Then, in a terminal, "tar -xvjf blahblahblah.tar.bz2" | 05:37 |
dravine | sure thing | 05:37 |
JDahl | ugo, later you need to look at /etc/openafs... I dont what make install gave you? but you're almost done, I think... create the cache, and make the /afs directory | 05:37 |
ugo | JDahl: where are you....from JDahl.... | 05:37 |
mame | bddebian, back | 05:37 |
tritium | ah, dravine had the answer :) | 05:37 |
nickrud | root_, ubuntu gtk-gnutella in universe | 05:37 |
mame | but nothing mpre :( | 05:37 |
nashife | seth_k, thanks | 05:37 |
seth_k | nashife: then cd to the azureus directory and ./azureus to run it | 05:37 |
mame | s/mpre/more | 05:37 |
=== Ex-Cyber [Ex-Cyber@1Cust4495.an1.rdu6.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== dravine stabs postgres in the face with a soldering iron |
JDahl | ugo, from a place called LA | 05:37 |
seth_k | i'm sorry this is becoming such a pain for you, nashife. But we'll get it sorted | 05:38 |
ugo | JDahl: right im in Pittsburgh....i go to CMU.... | 05:38 |
nashife | seth_k, the sad part is that I did this before in warty... but it was so long ago i don't remember... | 05:38 |
JDahl | ugo, oh... they drafted large parts of AFS, right? | 05:39 |
ugo | JDahl: whoops...make install doesn't seem to be installing this stuff to the right place... | 05:39 |
nashife | seth_k, i got an error when i entered ./azureus | 05:39 |
dravine | how do I tell postgres to not use ident? | 05:39 |
seth_k | same error? | 05:39 |
ugo | JDahl: yeah...thats where the background knowledge bout how it works comes from | 05:39 |
nashife | never got an error before. | 05:39 |
=== the_walrus [~ubuntu@203-173-168-142.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
seth_k | (this time, go to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com and paste it there.) | 05:39 |
seth_k | unless it's < 4 lines or so | 05:40 |
seth_k | then just paste here | 05:40 |
ugo | JDahl: i had a distd systems class last sem...we covered afs...unfort the coverage was a little to brief for my liking.... | 05:40 |
=== lakin [~lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu |
nashife | seth_k, oh i get pastebin now. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/314797 | 05:41 |
JDahl | ugo, you should have alot of things installed in /usr/local/xxx by now. You dont? | 05:41 |
nashife | just says i need to upgrade java i think... | 05:41 |
seth_k | yeah... ugh, odd | 05:41 |
kevin | dapimp3: did that work? | 05:42 |
=== jamie_ [~jamie@07-077.164.popsite.net] has joined #ubuntu |
seth_k | tritium, look at nashife's pastebin. I've never had such issues with azureus | 05:42 |
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ugo | JDahl: nope...for some reason not at all.... | 05:42 |
bddebian | mame: Sorry man, you might be over my head on this one. :-( | 05:42 |
dapimp53 | kevin: I got madwifi to install. I am just rebooting now to finish everything | 05:42 |
JDahl | ugo, and you use -prefix with configure? | 05:42 |
kevin | okay, awsome | 05:42 |
dapimp53 | so if I get this to work I dont need all that ndiswrapper and wpasupplicant stuff? | 05:42 |
tritium | seth_k, I'll take a look, but I'm not familiar with azureus | 05:42 |
nashife | seth_k, is there a way to whipe all that I've done and start from scratch? like, kill all java and azureus? uninstall? synaptic actually doesn't list azureus so I was wrong about getting it there, so i can't remove it there. | 05:42 |
=== cmatheson [~cmatheson@71-35-243-33.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu |
kevin | that's right | 05:43 |
dapimp53 | sweet | 05:43 |
dapimp53 | I hope this works | 05:43 |
kevin | all you will need is all that is listed | 05:43 |
seth_k | nashife: oooh | 05:43 |
seth_k | nashife: then let's grab it that way | 05:43 |
dapimp53 | you going to be around for a bit just in case I need some more help with this | 05:43 |
ugo | JDahl: yup to /usr/local | 05:43 |
mame | bddebian, ok thanks anyway .... | 05:43 |
nashife | oh maybe i spelled it wrong. i was spelling it wrong before | 05:43 |
kevin | yes | 05:44 |
seth_k | nashife: first, cat /etc/apt/sources.list and look for the backports (especially hoary-extras universe) | 05:44 |
tritium | nashife, which java did you install? Did you build it with java-package? | 05:44 |
=== Crisalita [~Crisalita@243-47-89.adsl.terra.cl] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] |
nashife | seth_k, nevermind. it's listed. i was spelling it wrong. | 05:44 |
JDahl | ugo, and you used sudo with make install? strange... | 05:44 |
jadugar | Has anyone here been able to upgrade tomboy to 0.2.3 in hoary? | 05:45 |
nashife | tritium, i followed the instructions in the link you sent... a page linked to from there about building new versions... | 05:45 |
ugo | JDahl: actually im using sudo -s | 05:45 |
seth_k | nashife: okay. what version is it? (right click > properties) | 05:45 |
tritium | nashife, and you used a command similar to "fakeroot make-jpkg ..." ? | 05:45 |
ugo | JDahl: funny huh? | 05:45 |
nashife | tritium, yes, i used fakeroot... followed those instructions and it seemed to work. | 05:46 |
nashife | seth_k, right-click on what? | 05:46 |
seth_k | never mind, I peeked at the version in backports myself | 05:46 |
jamie_ | hey guys, I just installed ubuntu and I need to know what is the root password? | 05:47 |
dapimp53 | kevin: does it matter that I use a WPA Key | 05:47 |
bddebian | !root | 05:47 |
nashife | should I remove azureus and go from a downloaded file again? | 05:47 |
ubotu | methinks root is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 05:47 |
nickrud | heh, I'm slow :) | 05:47 |
kevin | dapimp3: yes, got into your system and add | 05:47 |
jamie_ | I will try that | 05:47 |
dapimp53 | kevin: what do you mean | 05:47 |
=== cerbero__ [~CerBerO@pc-138-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu |
nickrud | bddebian, I hope that piece of fruit was tasty :) | 05:48 |
=== cmatheson [~cmatheson@71-35-243-33.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu |
seth_k | nashife: yeah, it looks like Azureus won't work except with the synaptic version. My best guess is that some other version of Java on your system is what Azureus sees, and not the new 1.5 we just installed | 05:48 |
bddebian | nickrud: ?? | 05:48 |
seth_k | nashife: do you have the sun-whateverit'scalled installed from synaptic? The old version? | 05:48 |
nickrud | bddebian, I pick a lot of low hanging fruit around here | 05:48 |
kevin | dapimp3 I need someone using the regular desktop, to tell you how to get there | 05:48 |
nashife | seth_k, can i remove the wrong version of java? or create simlinks in the place that azureus would look for the right version of java? | 05:48 |
JDahl | ugo, yeah... that's odd. Something you could do while you think about that issue is to create the cache and populate /etc/openafs (unfortunately I dont remember the details). I seem to vaguely recall that there was some issues with aklog once you get the other issues solved | 05:49 |
bddebian | nickrud: Heh, well it seems to be all I can get.. :-) | 05:49 |
=== DAC1138 [~dave@24-56-174-97.co.warpdriveonline.com] has joined #ubuntu |
tritium | nashife, what is the result of "java -version"? | 05:49 |
=== root_ is now known as Kurios |
nickrud | bddebian, it lets the 'ones who know' focus on the good stuff | 05:49 |
Kurios | Anyone Reccommend an RSS client for Ubuntu? | 05:49 |
dapimp53 | kevin: I got the madwifi to install but I still dont have internet connection | 05:49 |
nashife | tritium, want the output here?it's 8 lines | 05:49 |
nickrud | Kurios, I use liferea | 05:49 |
JDahl | ugo, something about having to patch and rebuild aklog for authentication (if you use kerberos) | 05:50 |
seth_k | nashife: pastebin ;) | 05:50 |
nashife | or just certain info from it? | 05:50 |
tritium | nashife, no, pastebin or #flood | 05:50 |
kevin | dapimp3: give me 5 mins will boot into gnome | 05:50 |
bddebian | nickrud: Nah, let's make up answers. :-) | 05:50 |
Kurios | All in favor of Liferea, say "I" | 05:50 |
=== brime [~brime@207-118-125-8.dyn.centurytel.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
nickrud | Kurios, or, straw, or, ... | 05:50 |
=== decaf [~mehmet@] has joined #ubuntu |
nashife | tritium, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/314798 | 05:51 |
heatxsink | Kurios, liferea | 05:51 |
dapimp53 | ok | 05:51 |
nickrud | bddebian, I've done that enough without trying ;P | 05:51 |
bddebian | hehe, amen :-) | 05:51 |
heatxsink | I | 05:51 |
seth_k | nashife: remove "sun-j2" in synaptic, if you have it (props tritium ;) ) | 05:51 |
ugo | JDahl: i do use kerberos....life depends on it | 05:51 |
tritium | seth_k, :) | 05:51 |
=== delltony [~delltony@c-24-99-11-118.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
nashife | seth_k, ok | 05:51 |
=== Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] |
JDahl | ugo, I'll be semiafk working, but will be around for another couple of hours, if you get that far | 05:51 |
Kurios | Any fans of the Linux Box podcast? | 05:51 |
ugo | JDahl: i have the heimdal libraries installed | 05:52 |
=== asimismo [~chatzilla@dsl231-060-187.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Kurios | I enjoy but would like something a little less dry | 05:52 |
DAC1138 | Kurios, yeah, i tried it | 05:52 |
ugo | JDahl: right.... | 05:52 |
DAC1138 | Kurios, too...boring | 05:52 |
Kurios | or maybe less "read off a sheet of paper-ish" | 05:52 |
nashife | seth_k, i removed sun-j2re1.5 and sun-j2sdk1.5 | 05:52 |
delltony | hi can any ubuntu/linux gurus help me with a heat issue please my laptop starts out nice and fast running at 59C then it gets up too 76C and stays there with fans running full blast it use to not do that when i first installed Ubuntu. I don't know what the issue is i suspect that there is something wrong with powernowd or cpufreq or something. help would be greatful | 05:53 |
=== cmatheson [~cmatheson@71-35-243-33.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu |
delltony | hi can any ubuntu/linux gurus help me with a heat issue please my laptop starts out nice and fast running at 59C then it gets up too 76C and stays there with fans running full blast it use to not do that when i first installed Ubuntu. I don't know what the issue is i suspect that there is something wrong with powernowd or cpufreq or something. help would be greatful | 05:53 |
seth_k | hm, that was it nashife? | 05:53 |
JDahl | ugo, I dont think you want heimdal - dont you just want krb5? | 05:53 |
tritium | delltony, please don't do that | 05:53 |
JDahl | ugo, I cant remember, actually... | 05:53 |
delltony | i didn't mean to | 05:53 |
tritium | ok | 05:53 |
delltony | it didn't show the first time sorry | 05:53 |
tritium | no problem | 05:53 |
nashife | seth_k, so my next step is to reinstall java from the bin file like before? | 05:54 |
nashife | the azureus installer still gives me the 'you need to upgrade..." error | 05:54 |
seth_k | nashife: not quite | 05:54 |
seth_k | nashife: first remove package "sablevm" in synaptic (THAT's the solution!) | 05:54 |
seth_k | nashife: then reinstall java from the DEB file, not the bin file | 05:54 |
bob2 | delltony: what have you changed since it last worked? | 05:54 |
seth_k | nashife: and you're gold! | 05:54 |
tritium | I think you're right, seth_k | 05:55 |
delltony | well, i have just updated the kernal i was running initially i386 kernal i changed it to 686 kernal | 05:55 |
delltony | then i changed it to smp kernal cause of HT | 05:55 |
seth_k | nashife: just make sure you install from the deb you created with "fakeroot make-jpkg..." and not the bin you downloaded from Sun | 05:55 |
bob2 | delltony: does booting the old one "fix" it? | 05:55 |
delltony | thats the only major thing i can think of | 05:55 |
nashife | seth_k, ok i'm at that step now | 05:56 |
seth_k | tritium: I sure hope I am, b/c otherwise I'm gonna go hide :D | 05:56 |
delltony | that i haven't tried but i should do that | 05:56 |
delltony | is there a way to cat grub s i can see if i still have the old boot image? | 05:56 |
tritium | delltony, if you didn't remove it, it's still there | 05:56 |
delltony | yeah i didn't remove it just go back to the first one i assume or last on the list | 05:57 |
delltony | ill try that cause like right now its runninga t 70C and i have only been using it for about 10 mins | 05:57 |
tritium | delltony, since you asked, the file is located at /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:57 |
delltony | thanks | 05:57 |
=== kutucape [~zayn@] has joined #ubuntu |
tritium | delltony, you can comment out the "hiddenmenu" line if you want to see the kernel images you have to choose from | 05:58 |
=== chizang [~achiang@c-24-9-120-225.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
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kutucape | hi all | 05:58 |
delltony | yeah ill try the i386 kernal and see | 05:58 |
bddebian | Hello kutucape | 05:58 |
delltony | cause like i say it use to run fast and all but its heating up and scaling down | 05:58 |
chizang | how do i install w32codecs in hoary? it seems like it's a broken package when i do an apt-get install | 05:58 |
kutucape | bddebian, are you using breezy? | 05:59 |
chizang | Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 05:59 |
chizang | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 05:59 |
chizang | is only available from another source | 05:59 |
=== delltony will be back thanks |
bddebian | chizang: I blieve you have to get it from backports | 05:59 |
ugo | JDahl: well hieimdal is a similar implementation of kerberos | 05:59 |
tanki | chizang, isn't that just a zip of dll's that you put in /usr/lib/win32? | 05:59 |
bddebian | kutucape: As a matter of fact yes | 05:59 |
bob2 | chizang: that just means the package doesn't exist | 05:59 |
seth_k | chizang: it's in hoary-extras/restricted, in backports | 05:59 |
kutucape | bddebian, me too but my X is broken | 05:59 |
bob2 | chizang: easier to get the .zip file and untar it to /usr/lib/win32/ manually | 05:59 |
ugo | JDahl: ill get back to you....i think i need to tweak the config settings | 05:59 |
kutucape | i don't know how to fix it | 05:59 |
chizang | bob2, where can i get the .zip from? | 05:59 |
bddebian | kutucape: X has been up and down recently | 05:59 |
bob2 | chizang: mplayer.hu | 06:00 |
nickrud | lol, is the font thing still left broken? | 06:00 |
chizang | ah, ok | 06:00 |
seth_k | bob2: easiest to go to a backports mirror and download a deb, then dpkg -i it for easy uninstallation later | 06:00 |
ugo | JDahl: on yeah im working with code checked out from cvs.... | 06:00 |
tanki | bob2, we need some action in #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:00 |
kutucape | yeah, i know and i get the worse one :D | 06:00 |
bddebian | kutucape: Supposedly a fix was uploaded today | 06:00 |
nashife | seth_k, it seems to be working! thank you for sticking with me | 06:00 |
tanki | i'm getting dangerously bored my friend | 06:00 |
seth_k | nashife: wooooo! | 06:00 |
tritium | nashife, yay! | 06:00 |
bob2 | seth_k: ah, that too | 06:00 |
kutucape | bddebian, oh really? | 06:00 |
bddebian | nashife: Woohoo.. :-) | 06:00 |
bddebian | kutucape: That's what they say in #ubuntu-devel | 06:00 |
=== sizzam [~sizzam@ip65.220.23.209.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | tanki: hm? | 06:01 |
=== cmatheson [~cmatheson@71-35-243-33.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu |
kutucape | ok, maybe apt-get update will save mine ;) | 06:01 |
=== nalioth is now known as nalioth_zZz |
nashife | i wish I could understand more about what I did... :) i'm glad it's working | 06:01 |
=== KSmurf [~ksmurf@S01060040053062ae.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
seth_k | nashife: sablevm was the culprit. It was keeping Sun's 1.5 Java from working | 06:01 |
kutucape | is that right, bddebian ? | 06:01 |
tanki | s/actin/activity chatter misc links of booties, whatever floats your boat | 06:01 |
KSmurf | anyone know why I was banned? | 06:01 |
JDahl | ugo, right.. I think, just stick with kerberos if you can | 06:01 |
seth_k | nashife: so basically in the end, we uninstalled sablevm, and installed Sun's Java | 06:01 |
nashife | seth_k, what was sablevm anyway? | 06:01 |
DAC1138 | anyone here using an external usb hard drive? | 06:01 |
sizzam | i have mounted some iso's, but im not sure which are still mounted. is there a command that shows me everything thats currently mounted? | 06:01 |
tritium | KSmurf, when? | 06:01 |
weis | sizzam, type mount | 06:01 |
seth_k | nashife: sablevm is a free java, reverse-engineered. | 06:01 |
nickrud | sizzam, mount | 06:01 |
bddebian | kutucape: From /topic in #ubuntu-devel : | yes, X is broken. a fix has already been uploaded. | 06:01 |
kutucape | DAC1138, yes I do, i used to use it | 06:01 |
weis | it'll list mounted volumes | 06:01 |
sizzam | easy enough, thanks | 06:01 |
nashife | ahh... ok. it makes sense. | 06:02 |
DAC1138 | kutucape, did you have any problems with it? | 06:02 |
KSmurf | I came back from supper and noticed I had been booted | 06:02 |
seth_k | nashife: Java has a very restrictive license, so it can't be included in ubuntu. hence sablevm | 06:02 |
kutucape | bddebian, oh great.. apt-getting... | 06:02 |
KSmurf | was It because I was on tor? | 06:02 |
DAC1138 | kutucape, mine works upon bootup, then after a while it stops working and i can remount it | 06:02 |
seth_k | nashife: but sablevm doesn't work very well yet, and only emulates java 1.4. Azureus needs 1.5 | 06:02 |
=== nickrud will have dsl in august |
seth_k | KSmurf: yes, the freenode network doesn't allow tor | 06:02 |
tritium | KSmurf, you're not banned, though | 06:02 |
bddebian | nickrud: Nice | 06:02 |
DAC1138 | kutucape, it sometimes works in windows too. sounds like a flaky drive, but it works perfectly over on a mandrake 10 box | 06:02 |
kutucape | DAC1138, nope, it works smooth on my hoary | 06:02 |
KSmurf | I changed my use name and disabled tor | 06:03 |
kutucape | but i can't write to it :( | 06:03 |
DAC1138 | huh. weird | 06:03 |
nickrud | bddebian, had, have lost, will get back, I want to try breezy once it starts getting towards rc status | 06:03 |
KSmurf | sorry | 06:03 |
kutucape | just read.. maybe it formattd with ntfs | 06:03 |
DAC1138 | im going to try building a new kernel, see if that does it | 06:03 |
=== kevin_ [~kevin@dsl-72-1-219.194.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu |
DAC1138 | mines fat32 | 06:03 |
DAC1138 | even with ext3 it wasnt readable in ubuntu | 06:03 |
ugo | JDahl: did you use exec-prefix | 06:03 |
DAC1138 | is there a way to scan a drive for bad sectors while installing ubuntu? | 06:04 |
ugo | JDahl: i think that may have been it..... | 06:04 |
bob2 | tor is banned due to abuse this morning | 06:04 |
=== Moppin [~Moppin@d14-69-103-39.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu |
kutucape | DAC1138, i think you have remount it with -oremount -t ext3? CMIIW | 06:04 |
tritium | bob2, what happened? | 06:04 |
kevin_ | dapimp3: go to computer, then to networking and doan add, and put in your wep key | 06:04 |
JDahl | ugo, ah no... that's probably it - I never installed it, just build it | 06:05 |
kutucape | DAC1138, you can try with livecd first | 06:05 |
bob2 | tritium: someone was banned for ascii crapflooding, so they joined using tor and started making GNAA comments | 06:05 |
kutucape | from livecd you can check your harrdrive | 06:05 |
dapimp53 | kevin_: its not a WEP key its a WPA key | 06:05 |
=== _simple [~jircii@adsl-146-57-144.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu |
tritium | bob2, in #ubuntu specifically? | 06:05 |
DAC1138 | kutucape, okay, but ubuntu is already installed, im running it now, cant i just scan it here? | 06:05 |
kevin_ | still go into there and do it | 06:05 |
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bob2 | tritium: yes | 06:05 |
kutucape | nope, you can't | 06:06 |
=== britt_radiofree [~mbs@cpe-24-25-235-109.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
DAC1138 | kutucape, i want to scan the usb drive, not this hard drive | 06:06 |
dapimp53 | and I just enter my paraphrase? | 06:06 |
DAC1138 | i still need the live cd? | 06:06 |
kutucape | scan only works if read only mode | 06:06 |
DAC1138 | ah, okay | 06:06 |
kutucape | yes, that's the safe way | 06:06 |
kevin_ | I guess dude, mine worked right off | 06:06 |
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ugo | JDahl: i should buy you a beer... | 06:06 |
kevin_ | and you have done a reboot? | 06:06 |
DAC1138 | so i do "mount /dev/sdc1 /media/drivename -oremount -t vfat" ? | 06:06 |
dapimp53 | yes | 06:06 |
Ex-Cyber | DAC1138: for drive testing you're probably better off using a utility from the manufacturer | 06:06 |
DAC1138 | its got fat32 currently | 06:07 |
dapimp53 | I just finished one | 06:07 |
kutucape | DAC1138, oh, you can do this.. | 06:07 |
dapimp53 | it tells me my ath0 is down now | 06:07 |
kutucape | what type of filesystem do you have on usb harddisk? | 06:07 |
DAC1138 | Ex-Cyber, i cant even find the manufacturer. its a firestorm case with a toshiba drive | 06:07 |
kevin_ | ok open a term and see what dmesg says | 06:07 |
JDahl | ugo, already covered there... besides I am home alone, so not much better to do | 06:07 |
bob2 | kutucape: people generally use fat32, so other OSs can read it | 06:07 |
DAC1138 | kutucape, its fat32 currently | 06:07 |
=== [1] jUiCeR [HydraIRC@adsl-63-193-251-28.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu |
DAC1138 | yeah, i need fat32, but i tried ext3 to see if it would work with ubuntu (which is messing it up) | 06:08 |
kutucape | hmm, it's better you check with WIndows OS too, CMIIW | 06:08 |
dapimp53 | kevin_: what are you looking for specifically | 06:08 |
=== mitch528 [~mitch528@cpe-66-91-239-53.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
=== weis is still waiting for his free ubuntu cd's |
DAC1138 | it needs to be able to be read on the macs at school and on my windows box here and linux laptop | 06:08 |
Velcan | en i have teamspeak on i cannot hear ingame sound. anyone familliar with how to fix this? | 06:08 |
DAC1138 | kutucape, windows wouldnt work | 06:08 |
kutucape | because fat32 is windows file system | 06:08 |
kutucape | hmm, strange... | 06:08 |
mitch528 | can someone help me install winex? | 06:08 |
kevin_ | or even do an iwlist scan to see if it sees your wireless router | 06:08 |
DAC1138 | kutucape, windows wont detect the drive sometimes, and when it does, it says "scandisk could not complete the scan" | 06:08 |
bob2 | weis: when did you order them? | 06:09 |
ugo | JDahl: damm! there was something you mentioned about configure and symlinks right? | 06:09 |
weis | 5 weeks ago | 06:09 |
kutucape | well, i guess it become flaky | 06:09 |
weis | but they shipped on the 28th | 06:09 |
Velcan | mitch528: www.transgaming.com cedega is great | 06:09 |
ugo | JDahl: i think i just hit that now.... | 06:09 |
kutucape | mine is burn :( | 06:09 |
weis | just waiting for them to come in the mail | 06:09 |
tritium | weis, did you check shipit? did they already ship? | 06:09 |
DAC1138 | kutucape, but it works perfectly in mandrake 10 | 06:09 |
kutucape | i think usb harddisk is vunerable... | 06:09 |
DAC1138 | kutucape, its mounted right now | 06:09 |
weis | they did ship, yes | 06:09 |
bddebian | USB sucks | 06:09 |
DAC1138 | bddebian, thanks for your input, some people dont have a choise to use usb | 06:10 |
bddebian | Don't have a choice? | 06:10 |
bddebian | There's always a choice :-) | 06:10 |
dapimp53 | kevin_: yes it does | 06:10 |
ugo | JDahl: what was the file again? | 06:10 |
DAC1138 | bddebian, alright, i know there are firewire pci cards, but belive me, I HAVE NO CHOICE!!! | 06:10 |
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=== Safari_Al [~tr@ppp241-209.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu |
kevin_ | ok, then go into computer, networking and set it up | 06:10 |
JDahl | ugo, I dont you would be able to run ./configure-afslib without fixing it - src/afslib/Makefile.in is missing, but you can symlink to src/afslib/MakefileProto.LINUX | 06:10 |
dapimp53 | I tried but it still doesnt work | 06:11 |
britt_radiofree | does apt-get install realplayer break for everyone and is there a place to get newer libc without breaking all? | 06:11 |
DAC1138 | bddebian, so lets not get into a firewire/usb debate | 06:11 |
jamie_ | I still don't have the correct root password, what else can I try? | 06:11 |
=== samurai [~samurai@12-221-179-164.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu |
dapimp53 | do you use WPA on your wireless? | 06:11 |
britt_radiofree | i really need to watch a few real videos | 06:11 |
bddebian | DAC1138: And that statement wasn't meant to offend, just that USB should be restricted to keyboards and mice IMHO. :-) | 06:11 |
desrt | DAC1138; no debate. usb sucks. | 06:11 |
desrt | DAC1138; usb 2 is practically useless | 06:11 |
=== samurai is now known as samiam |
kevin_ | no, I don't at this time | 06:11 |
bddebian | jamie_: There is no root password. Use the password that you gave when you installed if using sudo and such | 06:11 |
ugo | JDahl: right thats exactly what i was looking for | 06:11 |
=== _mage_bf2 is now known as _mage_afk |
dapimp53 | See I think that is my problem | 06:11 |
DAC1138 | yeah, its only goot for thumb drives, mice, keyboards, bluttooth adapters, usb ethernet adapters, yeah, sounds useless | 06:12 |
DAC1138 | good* | 06:12 |
dapimp53 | I dont know how to configure it with the WPA key | 06:12 |
kevin_ | I am looking | 06:12 |
desrt | i'd be happy if i could get a firewire thumb drive | 06:12 |
=== IIIEars [~billharps@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
bddebian | USB ethernet sucks too | 06:12 |
dapimp53 | I tried the WEP key but it causes some problems on the other computers on the network | 06:12 |
bddebian | desrt: Amen | 06:12 |
DAC1138 | bddebian, man, you're not happy with anything | 06:12 |
desrt | DAC1138; he's happy with firewire :) | 06:12 |
bddebian | DAC1138: I'm very happy with the 10 machines I have running here, none of them using USB devices :-) | 06:12 |
desrt | anyone who has used a significant amount of firewire gear is bound to hate usb | 06:12 |
desrt | it's just the way it goes :) | 06:12 |
jamie_ | I don't think it ask me for the root password, it just went into installing the users. | 06:12 |
DAC1138 | kutucape, so anyway, its running on mandrake.ive been trying to set that up as a way to access my drive through the network | 06:13 |
=== i3dmaster [~yongjian@c-24-9-28-43.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
desrt | bddebian; what do you use for keyboards? | 06:13 |
desrt | adb? :P | 06:13 |
tritium | jamie_, there is no root password. | 06:13 |
bddebian | jamie_: Did you read that link? We don't use root | 06:13 |
bddebian | desrt: PS/2 what else? ;-P | 06:13 |
desrt | die. :P | 06:13 |
DAC1138 | kutucape, but ubuntu wont access any windows computers on the network or the mandrake box. its visible, but not browsable | 06:13 |
desrt | ps/2 is definitely worse than usb :) | 06:13 |
bddebian | Heh | 06:13 |
IIIEars | bddebian - 10 machines. at home? (only four here. - lol) | 06:13 |
kevin_ | dapimp3: try googling for the answer, it is probably something simple | 06:13 |
desrt | if you could IPs, i have 7 machines here.. but counting IPs can be deceptive | 06:14 |
IIIEars | <<-- my electric bill is amazing. - rofl | 06:14 |
desrt | *count | 06:14 |
Velcan | en i have teamspeak on i cannot hear ingame sound. anyone familliar with how to fix this? | 06:14 |
bddebian | IIIEars: Tell me about it. I finally shut down the Proliant 1500 I was running cause it wasa pig | 06:14 |
i3dmaster | just upgraded to breezy, everything is ok but the right click menu, I did not see "open terminal" on there anymore, anyone knows how to add it back? | 06:14 |
desrt | so guys | 06:14 |
desrt | can i get any programs for ubuntu to scam the power company? | 06:15 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium |
nickrud | heh | 06:15 |
ugo | JDahl: that should be libafs... | 06:15 |
=== KSmurf is now known as ksmurf |
sizzam | yea, check out gnuLectric | 06:15 |
desrt | sizzam; can't find it. is it in multiverse or something? | 06:15 |
nickrud | $411 last month, I could use some help | 06:15 |
dapimp53 | kevin_: I found this to add pre-up wpa_supplicant -B -i ath0 -d <your_supported_wlan_card_type> | 06:15 |
sizzam | hmm, try apt-get update ;-) | 06:15 |
dapimp53 | what is the supported wlan card type | 06:15 |
IIIEars | bddebian - just curious do you use disk image backups? if so what app do you like best? | 06:16 |
=== desrt enjoys his new secure passwordless sudo |
kevin_ | ok, I am looking at google now | 06:16 |
desrt | dapimp53; if you're using atheros, it's madwifi | 06:16 |
bddebian | IIIEars: No sorry. I have varying OSs. 4 Windows, 3 Hurd, 1 Debian GNU/Linux and 1 Ubuntu | 06:16 |
dapimp53 | so I just put madwifi there? | 06:17 |
desrt | "-dmadwifi" | 06:17 |
ksmurf | I got my wifes' wireless card up but I notice It seems to operate in bursts. It is a DWL-G520. Any suggestions. Someone mentioned the madwifi driver. | 06:17 |
desrt | ya | 06:17 |
desrt | ksmurf; i have the same card. | 06:17 |
desrt | ksmurf; i find that keeping ping going in the background helps a lot | 06:17 |
=== elmagozizou [~Manu@] has joined #ubuntu |
desrt | keeps the interface awake or something :) | 06:17 |
kevin_ | ty desrt | 06:18 |
zenlunatic | sounds like a nasty hack | 06:18 |
desrt | kevin_; do you find that it randomly freezes up your laptop and you need to pull/reinsert the card? :) | 06:18 |
desrt | i'd love a solution to that particular issue :) | 06:18 |
IIIEars | hehe - yep, same here mixed bunch of OS'es - really looking for a way to distribute images for bare metal restore. | 06:19 |
elmagozizou | Im just wondering..in linux we dont have to defrag? | 06:19 |
desrt | elmagozizou; the ext2 file system does a good job of keeping itself defragmented | 06:19 |
kevin_ | nope | 06:19 |
desrt | elmagozizou; if you're really concerned then every 2 or 3 years tar up the filesystem, erase all the files, then reextract it :) | 06:19 |
kevin_ | desrt: no problems with it | 06:19 |
=== jadugar [~chris@12-203-179-26.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu ["ubuntu"] |
=== IcemanV9 [~nobody@adsl-68-79-13-202.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Because] |
desrt | O_o | 06:20 |
kevin_ | the only freeze up is when I open too many windows lol | 06:20 |
elmagozizou | #5 desrt , how do i do that? | 06:20 |
=== parabolize [~paraboliz@68-69-136-167.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== Vantage__ [~tcharron@www.toddcharron.com] has joined #ubuntu |
desrt | elmagozizou; tar czvf /path/to/file.tar.gz * | 06:21 |
desrt | to create file.tar.gz out of the contents of the current dir | 06:21 |
=== Bite_Me_Bill [~joe@oh-67-77-123-4.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu |
ksmurf | desrt do u ping the wap evry 5 secs with a scipt? | 06:21 |
desrt | actually, use . instead of * ... then you'll get hidden too | 06:21 |
dapimp53 | kevin_: I got it to work!!! It was a combination of WPAsup and the madwifi | 06:21 |
dapimp53 | thanks man | 06:21 |
desrt | ksmurf; nah. just run ping in a term :) | 06:21 |
=== kormoran [~krischan@p54B81FAE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu |
Vantage__ | anyone here successfully used bootcd and ubuntu hoary? | 06:21 |
dapimp53 | does anyone how to change the boot order of Grub | 06:21 |
elmagozizou | #5 desrt , no I mean the file system... | 06:21 |
desrt | dapimp53; edit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:21 |
kevin_ | kool dapimp3 awsome dude!! | 06:21 |
ksmurf | is there a way to timeit? | 06:22 |
tanki | howdy kevin | 06:22 |
desrt | elmagozizou; oh. mke2fs | 06:22 |
desrt | elmagozizou; use with extreme care :) | 06:22 |
tanki | and mr smurf | 06:22 |
kevin_ | hey tanki | 06:22 |
ksmurf | Tanki | 06:22 |
kevin_ | <--- brb needs a walking break | 06:22 |
=== jamie_ [~jamie@07-077.164.popsite.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
elmagozizou | #5 desrt , but that no for making ex2 floppies? | 06:23 |
desrt | elmagozizou; also, you probably want -j if you're creating new filesystems... makes them ext3 | 06:23 |
tanki | you both should come to #ubuntu-offtopic, take your shoes off, order a drink, chill | 06:23 |
=== chris_ [~chris@adsl-69-230-3-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
desrt | elmagozizou; it's for making all filesystems | 06:23 |
desrt | elmagozizou; i really don't recommend that you do this... | 06:23 |
desrt | elmagozizou; fragmentation is seriously not a problem | 06:23 |
elmagozizou | ok. | 06:23 |
dapimp53 | desrt: how do I make my windows the defualt | 06:23 |
desrt | dapimp53; just move it up in the order | 06:23 |
IIIEars | !grub | 06:24 |
elmagozizou | #5 desrt , maybe you now...where are all the packages that i donload throu synaptic or apt-get | 06:24 |
desrt | dapimp53; or modify the "default" line | 06:24 |
IIIEars | !dualboot | 06:24 |
desrt | elmagozizou; all over the place | 06:24 |
Vantage__ | dapimp53: set the default to the number it is in the order (starting from 0) | 06:24 |
nickrud | elmagozizou, /var/cache/apt/archives | 06:24 |
IIIEars | Ubotu is taking some time off i guess | 06:24 |
desrt | elmagozizou; the package files are sometimes cached in /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 06:24 |
=== Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu |
Computer__Guru | this is gonna seem like a weird question | 06:24 |
desrt | elmagozizou; but in general, if you want to find out where the files of a specific package are installed, check out /var/lib/dpkg/info/packagename.list | 06:24 |
=== cp_ [~cp@203-173-168-142.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu |
elmagozizou | #5 desrt , No but I mean if y want to burn then on a CD to take them to another computer that dont have internet conection | 06:25 |
=== _maydayjay_ [~maydayj@ip101028.101.nas.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== cp_ is now known as the_walrus |
chris_ | is enabling root an easy thing to explain here? I would like to enable that account and use it. | 06:25 |
desrt | elmagozizou; /var/cache/apt/archives then | 06:25 |
Computer__Guru | but where owuld i find the .config file that they used when they made the ubuntu syste,? or is it vanilla (all dfaults)? | 06:25 |
ubotu | grub is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto | 06:25 |
ubotu | from memory, dualboot is ""http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38398 hm "", or "" !grub"" | 06:25 |
ubotu | IIIEars: I don't know, could you explain it? | 06:25 |
desrt | elmagozizou; make sure you get all the dependencies | 06:25 |
desrt | ubotu, botsnack | 06:25 |
ubotu | thanks desrt :) | 06:25 |
=== finn [~jani@ppp84-229.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu |
nickrud | chris_, sudo passwd root, enter your user password (if it asks), then enter the new root password | 06:25 |
kevin_ | <--- is back | 06:25 |
seth_k | chris_: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 06:25 |
IIIEars | Welcome back ubotu :) | 06:25 |
IIIEars | !grub | 06:26 |
desrt | ubotu, status | 06:26 |
ubotu | well, grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto | 06:26 |
chris_ | thenks! | 06:26 |
sizzam | what's everyone's favorite ftp client? | 06:26 |
desrt | hmm. i love infobots :) | 06:26 |
Computer__Guru | gftp | 06:26 |
nickrud | nautilus | 06:26 |
nickrud | for ftp | 06:26 |
kevin_ | gftp here | 06:26 |
IIIEars | infobots are nice | 06:26 |
bddebian | Gnight folks. Enjoy | 06:26 |
sizzam | i can't get used to gftp | 06:26 |
cafuego | !forums 38398 | 06:26 |
Computer__Guru | where would i get the kernel config file for the shipped-with-hoary kernel? | 06:26 |
ubotu | Forums: Thread 38398 is: Ubuntu Forums - Dual Boot with windows: where to put the boot loader? | 06:26 |
sizzam | im used to filezilla on windows | 06:26 |
=== drcodedd2 [~user1@] has joined #ubuntu |
=== desrt used to run one named 'url' on efnet |
sizzam | although filezilla is coming to linux | 06:27 |
drcodedd2 | hi all | 06:27 |
kevin_ | yes it is soon | 06:27 |
nickrud | heh, now that is a very obscure ubotu reference :) | 06:27 |
the_walrus | I just installed, and its booted into X, apparently I only have 9MB mem free, out of 1gig | 06:27 |
drcodedd2 | any one mybe know about fax/voice answer machine client server for linux - ubuntu | 06:27 |
cafuego | the_walrus: Yes, that's fine. | 06:27 |
elmagozizou | #5 desrt , sorry but they are not in there | 06:27 |
drcodedd2 | I Want to use my linux server as answer machine to fax/voice | 06:27 |
desrt | elmagozizou; they get cleaned up after a while | 06:27 |
Computer__Guru | i have a simple question about kernel config and no answers | 06:27 |
desrt | elmagozizou; it's just a cache | 06:27 |
the_walrus | cafuego, 9MB free, out of 1gig? That doesn't really seem fine | 06:27 |
elmagozizou | #5 desrt , mmmm... | 06:27 |
drcodedd2 | and my windows to get those fax/voice mail? | 06:27 |
elmagozizou | #5 desrt , thnks | 06:28 |
nickrud | the_walrus, most of that is cache or such, linux tries to use all your mem well | 06:28 |
desrt | elmagozizou; what's with the #5 business? | 06:28 |
cafuego | the_walrus: linux is not as stupid as Windows. it's using your "free" ram as disk cache. When an application needs it, it will be freed. | 06:28 |
IIIEars | drcodded2 - that sounds like a good idea. - voice message boxes are very handy | 06:28 |
the_walrus | cafuego, ok, that makes more sense, just seems unusual, never had a linux box doing this before | 06:28 |
flodine | what do i need to load for a tar file to work | 06:28 |
drcodedd2 | IIIEars, is there somthing for linux / | 06:28 |
desrt | the_walrus; yes you have :) | 06:28 |
drcodedd2 | that I Can use? | 06:28 |
elmagozizou | #5 desrt , I am trying to do what ure doing with me...I mean that i see your message in red | 06:28 |
desrt | elmagozizou; oh. that's just notification. | 06:29 |
Computer__Guru | where do i find the shipped-with-hoary kernel config file? | 06:29 |
elmagozizou | I guest is not that way | 06:29 |
=== Computer__Guru puts it on a timer |
desrt | elmagozizou; it happens because i put your nick at the beginning of the message | 06:29 |
=== ubuntu_phil [~ubuntu_ph@adsl-69-107-45-68.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu |
the_walrus | desrt, I've never had a linux box showing this much mem in use, before I installed, my system was showing about 270MB used | 06:29 |
nickrud | Computer__Guru, /boot/config-your-kernel-version | 06:29 |
tritium | Computer__Guru, /boot | 06:29 |
IIIEars | drcodded2 - there must be be sounds like a common request | 06:29 |
Computer__Guru | ty | 06:29 |
Computer__Guru | that's all i wanted to know, heh | 06:29 |
elmagozizou | desrt, like this? | 06:29 |
desrt | the_walrus; well.... it's definitely a good thing :) | 06:29 |
cafuego | the_walrus: Was that via 'free' or via other utils? | 06:29 |
the_walrus | Cool :) | 06:29 |
desrt | elmagozizou; yes. now you show up in yellow for me | 06:29 |
the_walrus | via /proc/meminfo | 06:30 |
IIIEars | freshmeat.org or sourceforge.org is where to look | 06:30 |
the_walrus | same as I'm lookingat now | 06:30 |
desrt | the_walrus; use 'free' | 06:30 |
drcodedd2 | thanx | 06:30 |
ubuntu_phil | can someone help me out with cd burning. cdrecord dev=ATAPI: -scanbus is not working and i don't know what else to do (gnomebaker, graveman do not work) | 06:30 |
elmagozizou | desrt; and here? | 06:30 |
the_walrus | total used free | 06:30 |
the_walrus | Mem: 906660 901504 5156 | 06:30 |
desrt | elmagozizou; yup | 06:30 |
the_walrus | ahh, the next line makes sens | 06:30 |
the_walrus | e | 06:30 |
elmagozizou | red? | 06:30 |
cafuego | the_walrus: Then my guess is that you previously had buggy vm behaviour. | 06:30 |
desrt | the_walrus; ya. it's nice. | 06:30 |
=== hondje_ is now known as hondje |
elmagozizou | desrt; red? | 06:30 |
desrt | elmagozizou; yellow | 06:30 |
the_walrus | I probably screwed up my kernel compile somehow | 06:30 |
desrt | elmagozizou; it's something that my client does. you have no control over it | 06:30 |
elmagozizou | ahh ok... | 06:31 |
nickrud | ubuntu_phil, I've given up: I use dd to get a disk if I want to copy it, and use nautilus-cd-burner for writing data. I don't wirte music. | 06:31 |
sizzam | i have two hard drives. the second gets mounted as /home. i think my primary drive is going to crash soon. whats the best way to get all that data onto the /home drive and use it as the sole hd? | 06:31 |
desrt | elmagozizou; and likewise, i have no control over what colour your client makes me show up as | 06:31 |
=== firestorm [~firestorm@cust1698.vic01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu |
elmagozizou | desrt; ahh ok | 06:31 |
firestorm | Hi. I've installed CUPS in Ubuntu but when I try adding a printer the username/password combo I try doesn't work. I've already typed lppasswd -a root .. any hints? | 06:31 |
cafuego | the_walrus: Yes, you forgot to enable HIGHMEM 4GB | 06:31 |
desrt | firestorm; the web interface is disabled | 06:31 |
elmagozizou | desrt; thanks for the atention | 06:31 |
nickrud | firestorm, try using system-administration-printing | 06:31 |
desrt | firestorm; you're supposed to use the gnome printer utilities | 06:31 |
cafuego | the_walrus: looks like your kerel didn't find all ram (or do you have integrated vga?) | 06:31 |
nickrud | firestorm, top menu bar | 06:32 |
the_walrus | cafuego, I always wondered what that did | 06:32 |
=== drcodedd2 [~user1@] has joined #ubuntu |
desrt | firestorm; if you want the web interface back you have to modify the cups config file | 06:32 |
firestorm | nickrud: erm using KDE now....is there a Gnome command from a shell I can type? | 06:32 |
the_walrus | cafuego, I dont have integrated mem, I should have a gig of mem there :/ | 06:32 |
cafuego | the_walrus: Without that option you can only access about 986 or so MB ram. | 06:32 |
elmagozizou | desrt; hey are u there? | 06:32 |
firestorm | desrt: I can access http://localhost:631 but just cannot add printers...asks for a username/password which denies me | 06:32 |
cafuego | the_walrus: Then yeah, you need to set HIGHMEM to 4, recompile and reboot. | 06:32 |
elmagozizou | desrt; I have an problem with mplayer | 06:32 |
the_walrus | crap | 06:32 |
elmagozizou | desrt; maybe you can help me... | 06:32 |
desrt | firestorm; gnome-cups-manager | 06:33 |
cafuego | the_walrus: Precompiled ubuntu kernels already have that enabled. | 06:33 |
the_walrus | cafuego, then why do I only have 900MB of ram or so it tells me? | 06:33 |
desrt | the_walrus; 900 exactly? | 06:33 |
desrt | the_walrus; or 890? | 06:33 |
nickrud | firestorm, gnome-cups-manager | 06:33 |
cafuego | the_walrus: You on the -386 installer kernel still? | 06:33 |
the_walrus | cafuego, I just installed, so I'm not sure | 06:34 |
the_walrus | I haven't had a chance to play yet | 06:34 |
desrt | cafuego; the -386 kernels installed by default don't support himem systems (ie: any more than 890 megs of ram) | 06:34 |
=== samurai [~samurai@12-221-179-164.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu |
cafuego | the_walrus: Then yes. Install a kernel for your cpu and you'll be fine. | 06:34 |
desrt | *er | 06:34 |
desrt | the_walrus rather | 06:34 |
=== cafuego ruffles desrts hair |
the_walrus | cheers guys | 06:34 |
desrt | cha | 06:34 |
=== samurai is now known as samiam |
=== desrt combs his hair, having just had a shower |
=== billytwowilly puts in his corn rows, having just started listening to rap music |
desrt | elmagozizou; i don't really use mplayer... but ask your question... maybe someone else knows | 06:35 |
=== billytwowilly ducks |
billytwowilly | what's the mplayer question? | 06:35 |
cafuego | the_walrus: 'apt-cache search linux-image' should give you alist of kernels to pick from. | 06:35 |
kevin_ | well later folks it is time for me to go and have a shower, then head off to bed. Cheers and have a great night!! | 06:35 |
firestorm | nickrud, desrt: excelelnt, been able to add a printer, print a test page with gnome-cups-manager....now, how can I set it up so that I could do the same with CUPS web interface? | 06:35 |
the_walrus | cafuego, thanks, I was just googling that | 06:36 |
desrt | kevin_; cha. | 06:36 |
=== Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
cafuego | the_walrus: -686 for p2,p3,p4. k7 for athlon. | 06:36 |
desrt | the_walrus; don't install the -image package | 06:36 |
nickrud | firestorm, sudo adduser cupsys shadow, sudo invoke-rc.d cupsys restart, then go to localhost:631 | 06:36 |
elmagozizou | billytwowilly, I have a problem with mplayer, I think with the nvidia configuration | 06:36 |
desrt | install linux-686 or linux-k7 or whatever... it pulls in the correct image package, plus the extra modules you need | 06:36 |
the_walrus | excellent | 06:36 |
=== kevin_ [~kevin@dsl-72-1-219.194.tel-ott.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
billytwowilly | elmagozizou, the nvidia configuration? just use -vo xv | 06:37 |
nickrud | firestorm, after you're done, sudo deluser cupsys shadow, sudo invoke-rc.d cupsys restart , for security | 06:37 |
the_walrus | 686-smp for p4 with HT? | 06:37 |
billytwowilly | elmagozizou, if that doesn't work than your nvidia card isn't configured properly in x. | 06:37 |
desrt | the_walrus; HT is currently off for security reasons | 06:37 |
the_walrus | oh, i remember reading that | 06:37 |
desrt | you can reenable it by modifying grub config | 06:38 |
Madpilot | hi all... is it possible to update Hoary's version of Screem with the stable version from the Screem website? Screem keeps freezing on me... | 06:38 |
=== r0d [~r0d@CPE-65-30-208-109.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
desrt | just add "ht=on" to the commandline | 06:38 |
elmagozizou | billytwowilly, My nvidia card is fine... I couldt run 3ddesktop until i install the nvidia module etc... | 06:38 |
firestorm | nickrud: ok, and what username/password do I use for the htaccess prompt at localhost:631/admin ? | 06:38 |
nickrud | ah | 06:39 |
the_walrus | Thanks desrt | 06:39 |
elmagozizou | billytwowilly, but now mplayer show me an error, and I can play anything | 06:39 |
tritium | firestorm, that's disabled | 06:39 |
desrt | it's only a problem if you don't trust the other users of your machine | 06:39 |
the_walrus | i'm the only user | 06:39 |
billytwowilly | elmagozizou, what error? pm it to me please. | 06:39 |
desrt | do you trust yourself? :) | 06:39 |
nickrud | firestorm, you need a root password to use a web admin tool | 06:39 |
elmagozizou | billytwowilly, let me put the error to you in private | 06:39 |
nickrud | ubotu, tell firestorm about rootsudo | 06:39 |
the_walrus | not really :) every reinstall is because I've broken something | 06:39 |
sproingie | wow, take 2 on openoffice and it still manages to infuriate me | 06:39 |
desrt | the_walrus; take yourself out of the sudoers file, then :) | 06:40 |
desrt | the_walrus; alot harder to break stuff :) | 06:40 |
ugo | JDahl: hey...whats that patch you were talking about for krb5...i think im going to need it | 06:40 |
the_walrus | desrt, where's the fun in that though ;) | 06:40 |
cafuego | Nore to the point, you don't need a web admin tool. | 06:40 |
desrt | the_walrus; the fun is in trying to hax0r your way back in :) | 06:40 |
the_walrus | heh, thats a good point | 06:41 |
firestorm | nickrud: I tried the root username/password but it didn't work | 06:41 |
=== adwait [~adwait@] has joined #ubuntu |
tritium | firestorm, as I told you, it's disabled | 06:41 |
cafuego | firestorm: There is no root password. | 06:41 |
=== desrt enjoys a passwordless existance |
cafuego | !root password | 06:41 |
ubotu | Ubuntu has no root password. If sudo or gksu are asking for a password, they mean _your_ password. | 06:41 |
adwait | aloha ppl | 06:41 |
nickrud | heh | 06:41 |
=== Vacendak [~frank@ip68-2-56-248.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
desrt | oh! awesome idea | 06:42 |
nickrud | several things here: gnome-cups-manager is not as flexible as localhost:631 | 06:42 |
JDahl | ugo, you dont need to worry about until everything else is setup... I think the you might need to build your own aklog for authentication to work, but you can setup everything else first and test that you can list directories etc. | 06:42 |
desrt | i should extend my passwordless sudo thing to work with ssh-agent | 06:42 |
desrt | that would rule | 06:42 |
sproingie | how do i convince openoffice to put 1+ in a table cell without it thinking i *really* wanted a right-justified number 1? | 06:42 |
nickrud | two, web admin tools exist, and sudo does not work with them | 06:42 |
Vacendak | Just finished first Ubuntu install. Whats root password? | 06:42 |
desrt | "1+" work? | 06:42 |
desrt | hahahah | 06:43 |
the_walrus | sproingie, its under format, set the cell type to text | 06:43 |
sproingie | desrt: i don't want it in quotes | 06:43 |
=== wickedlester [~wickedles@ip68-105-249-2.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
desrt | !root password | 06:43 |
ubotu | Ubuntu has no root password. If sudo or gksu are asking for a password, they mean _your_ password. | 06:43 |
tritium | Vacendak, there is none | 06:43 |
imaek | Does anyone know of a manga viewer for linux? | 06:43 |
desrt | that comes in handy :) | 06:43 |
sproingie | desrt: i want it to stop second-guessing me | 06:43 |
=== eyda|mon [~blah@nero.netwalk.org] has joined #ubuntu |
=== mgalvin [~mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
=== sproingie turned off ALL the autoformat stuff, and it STILL does it |
Vacendak | Cool. Thanks | 06:43 |
=== simplicity [~mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
desrt | sproingie; just thinking maybe the quotes would make it stop second-guessing you :) | 06:43 |
eyda|mon | is there a seperate sources.list for amd64 bit ubuntu? if so where can I find what it is? | 06:43 |
desrt | eyda|mon; do you have amd64 installed? | 06:43 |
Vacendak | Works perfect. Thanks Again | 06:43 |
eyda|mon | desrt: nope, I just swapped mobo and cpu though | 06:44 |
desrt | eyda|mon; fairly sure it's just the same file... | 06:44 |
ugo | JDahl: well the issue right now is a compilation failure because some kerberos function calls are missing | 06:44 |
firestorm | nickrud, and others: thanks, didn't realise ubuntu was root-passwordless | 06:44 |
nickrud | firestorm, if you really want to use the localhost:631 from the web, then do sudo passwd root , and create a root password | 06:44 |
desrt | my sources.list contains no mention of powerpc | 06:44 |
eyda|mon | desrt: so nothing optimized for 64bit? | 06:44 |
desrt | eyda|mon; it automatically detects your arch and installs accordingly | 06:44 |
ugo | checking for krb5_princ_size... no | 06:44 |
ugo | checking for krb5_principal_get_comp_string... no | 06:44 |
ugo | checking for krb5_524_convert_creds... no | 06:44 |
ugo | checking for krb524_convert_creds_kdc... no | 06:44 |
=== chaps0063 [~bjr223@pcp02115427pcs.lebnon01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
sproingie | desrt: yes, but it puts it in quotes then | 06:44 |
eyda|mon | desrt: cool | 06:44 |
=== simplicity [~mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
ugo | apparently those are the culprints | 06:44 |
sproingie | fuck it. word works under wine | 06:45 |
desrt | eyda|mon; or, rather, apt just knows | 06:45 |
eyda|mon | desrt: what does your uname -a say? | 06:45 |
chaps0063 | bob2: hey bob, you there? | 06:45 |
desrt | eyda|mon; which box? | 06:45 |
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bob2 | chaps0063: ? | 06:45 |
eyda|mon | desrt: uname -m actually. on your ppc ? | 06:45 |
sproingie | maybe kword won't try to be too smart for me | 06:45 |
tritium | nickrud, does that work for you? | 06:45 |
ugo | JDahl: i did a compile and noticed the errors were as a result...thing is i need kerberos because andrew afs works with it... | 06:45 |
firestorm | nickrud: If I've sudo passwd root then how can I later undo it to disable root login? | 06:46 |
desrt | eyda|mon; ppc for one, ppc64 for the other | 06:46 |
JDahl | ugo, hmm... that's not what I was thinking of. But you were able to build it before, right? just with a different prefix... | 06:46 |
chaps0063 | bob2: I've decided, I'm just going to format, the apache error was too weird, I was just getting started on this install anyways.. | 06:46 |
Madpilot | sproingie: lead your cell with a single quote -- ' -- and it'll treat it as a pure text string. | 06:46 |
ugo | JDahl: yeah...it built alright... | 06:46 |
Madpilot | I use it to keep OO from fscking with my date formats... | 06:46 |
bob2 | chaps0063: that seems like rather massive overkill | 06:46 |
eyda|mon | desrt: apt might be using the info from uname -m ... or some other kernel info. Maybe all I need to do is up the kernel. | 06:46 |
nickrud | tritium, yes, I actually use it mostly so I can pick the name of my printers, and not be limited to gnome-cups-manager's names | 06:46 |
desrt | eyda|mon; i really don't know. i think it might just be built-in to apt | 06:46 |
tritium | nickrud, cool | 06:46 |
firestorm | nickrud: sorry, found it in RootSudo wiki :) | 06:47 |
sproingie | Madpilot: it keeps the single quote | 06:47 |
chaps0063 | bob2: I come from a long time of using windows...lol, formatting is no problem! | 06:47 |
desrt | eyda|mon; my ppc64 mac has a ppc64 kernel on it, and apt still knows to download powerpc packages | 06:47 |
Madpilot | sproingie: really? what else is in the cell? | 06:47 |
ugo | JDahl: but i have to specifically enable kerberos during the config... | 06:47 |
=== MrMo [~moritz@p548DC70A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu |
sproingie | Madpilot: i entered '1+, and the cell now contains '1+ | 06:47 |
chaps0063 | bob2: I was used to formatting every two weeks. | 06:47 |
chaps0063 | lol | 06:47 |
sproingie | Madpilot: i want it to contain 1+ | 06:47 |
ugo | JDahl: ./configure-libafs --with-linux-kernel-header=/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5 --with-krb5 --prefix=/usr/local/ --exec-prefix=/usr/local/ | 06:47 |
desrt | Linux velocity.desrt.ca 2.6.12-3-powerpc64-smp #1 SMP Tue Jun 28 15:17:11 UTC 2005 ppc64 GNU/Linux | 06:47 |
sproingie | Madpilot: i have similar issues with 2/ | 06:47 |
desrt | ^^ downloads powerpc | 06:47 |
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Madpilot | sproingie: have you asked on #openoffice.org? | 06:48 |
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sproingie | Madpilot: ah, that's the channel name | 06:48 |
ugo | JDahl: somedays you gotta love this os.... | 06:48 |
=== sproingie tried #openoffice, and it doesn't even forward |
JDahl | ugo, I am not sure, but I dont think I used --with-krb5 when I built it, and maybe it doesnt matter for the client - I definitely matters for the server | 06:48 |
JDahl | it matters for the server... | 06:49 |
Madpilot | sproingie: on my Hoary install of OO, entering '1+ in a cell displays 1+ in the cell... | 06:49 |
desrt | Madpilot; spreadsheet or wordprocessor? | 06:49 |
eyda|mon | desrt: well, ppc64 is still powerpc so I'm not surprised | 06:49 |
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Madpilot | sproingie: spreadsheet | 06:49 |
desrt | eyda|mon; amd64 is still 386... | 06:49 |
JDahl | ugo, and yes, afs is way to complicated to use on linux - I dont what happened; it wasnt always this hard | 06:49 |
desrt | Madpilot; i think he wants it for a table in the wordprocessor | 06:49 |
=== firestorm [~firestorm@cust1698.vic01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu |
chaps0063 | so bob2, would you recommend apache2 or apache on this next install? | 06:50 |
sproingie | Madpilot: it leaves the single quote in in the word proc | 06:50 |
Madpilot | desrt: ah, different prob. haven't used tables in OO Text yet | 06:50 |
firestorm | One thing I have noticed is that general users can't really select COLOUR or B&W when printing. Seems as though admin enables one or the other from admin tools. Any userspace workaround? | 06:50 |
=== desrt avoids OO entirely |
bob2 | chaps0063: apache2 | 06:50 |
eyda|mon | desrt: no. uname -m shows amd64 for those who have it. | 06:50 |
sproingie | desrt: smart | 06:50 |
eyda|mon | desrt: not i686 | 06:50 |
chaps0063 | bob2: ok, and what would be the proper command for apache2, php, mysql to install. | 06:50 |
desrt | eyda|mon; and uname -m shows ppc64 for me | 06:51 |
desrt | not ppc | 06:51 |
chaps0063 | and DAMN there is a good ass storm coming. | 06:51 |
sproingie | desrt: i used to prefer abiword ... back in the day when it wasn't crashy as hell | 06:51 |
desrt | Linux velocity.desrt.ca 2.6.12-3-powerpc64-smp #1 SMP Tue Jun 28 15:17:11 UTC 2005 ppc64 GNU/Linux | 06:51 |
=== fortysixand2 [~no@ip24-253-203-192.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
eyda|mon | desrt: I think apt would be clever enough to deduce that to be ppc tho :P | 06:51 |
eyda|mon | not that far off | 06:51 |
tritium | firestorm, can you setup separate printers, one b&w and one color? | 06:51 |
desrt | sproingie; ya.. abiword has some stability issues... it's getting better again lately, though | 06:51 |
ugo | JDahl: do you use kerberos? | 06:51 |
desrt | eyda|mon; i seriously think it's just built-in | 06:51 |
bob2 | chaps0063: as I gave you earlier | 06:51 |
chaps0063 | bob2: ok..is it possible we could revisit that command as I did not save it? | 06:52 |
eyda|mon | desrt: how would it know what packages to download if there's no indication that you have a ppc? It has to guess it somehow, right? uname -m seems reasonable enough | 06:52 |
desrt | eyda|mon; no mention of 'uname' in the source of apt, except in the autoconf stuff | 06:52 |
eyda|mon | desrt: well, /proc/cpuinfo then | 06:52 |
desrt | eyda|mon; because apt is a powerpc binary | 06:52 |
bob2 | chaps0063: sudo aptitude install mysql-server php4-mysql apache2 libapache2-mod-php4 | 06:52 |
desrt | it's a chicken-and-egg t hing | 06:52 |
desrt | and you wouldn't use /proc/cpuinfo | 06:52 |
bob2 | chaps0063: I assume; you never did say what you meant by "mysql". | 06:52 |
firestorm | tritium: good idea | 06:53 |
desrt | eyda|mon; apt knows to download for powerpc because apt itself is for powerpc | 06:53 |
chaps0063 | bob2: php and mysql. | 06:53 |
eyda|mon | desrt: so you're theorizing there's no way to convert a 32-bit installation to a 64-bit? | 06:53 |
bob2 | chaps0063: I don't know what that means. | 06:53 |
firestorm | tritium: and is it possible for users to get a nice print dialog instead of manually typing in 'lpr -P<printername> or something similar with lp or mpage? | 06:53 |
chaps0063 | bob2: to use php to query mysql | 06:53 |
desrt | eyda|mon; more or less | 06:53 |
chaps0063 | so yeah, the php4-mysql I'm assuming is correct. | 06:53 |
bob2 | chaps0063: then php4-mysql | 06:53 |
desrt | eyda|mon; think about it... it would be a fairly impossible process | 06:54 |
Madpilot | !lamp | 06:54 |
ubotu | lamp is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LAMPForHoary | 06:54 |
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desrt | eyda|mon; you'd have to simultaneously swap the libc and all of the applications | 06:54 |
JDahl | ugo, as long as the client uses the correct protocol it should be fine... it shouldn't matter if you build it using heimdal or kerberos. I think I used Kerberos for a server I built on Debian/Sarge kernel 2.4, but I managed to build a 2.6 client also, but I dont remember if I used kerberos... I am looking at Debian docs right now | 06:54 |
Madpilot | chaps0063: sorry, haven't been following, but have you seen the link ubotu just posted? | 06:54 |
desrt | eyda|mon; not to mention the kernel (somehow) | 06:54 |
tritium | firestorm, only from applications that use the gnome cups interface, as far as I'm aware (excluding kde apps, which I don't know about) | 06:54 |
eyda|mon | desrt: maybe apt looks at the kernel header files when it's being built | 06:54 |
ugo | JDahl: paste url pls | 06:54 |
r0d | what linux header files do i use w/ the amd64 chip? | 06:54 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: yes. | 06:54 |
desrt | eyda|mon; no. ./configure calls uname during building | 06:55 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LAMPForHoary | 06:55 |
desrt | eyda|mon; fairly sure that's how it gets it | 06:55 |
eyda|mon | desrt: fair enough | 06:55 |
eyda|mon | sounds plausible | 06:55 |
firestorm | tritium: and finally...using gnome-cups-manager means it automatically names my printer queue and I can't seem to change it...any hints? | 06:55 |
tritium | firestorm, no, nickrud was just commenting on that earlier | 06:56 |
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ksmurf | Damn Gnome install didn't go well | 06:56 |
firestorm | tritium: ah thanks | 06:56 |
eyda|mon | I'll have to reinstall then | 06:56 |
eyda|mon | sucks | 06:56 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: nice..thanks. | 06:56 |
ksmurf | It won't start | 06:56 |
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=== Tattoo [~b0x@r12h6.dixie-net.com] has joined #ubuntu |
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desrt | eyda|mon; the process, if it was possible, would be extremely painful | 06:56 |
Tattoo | im in desperate need of help | 06:56 |
Madpilot | chaps0063: np. sounds like that's what you need? | 06:56 |
dapimp53 | OMG this is so nice now that my wireless works | 06:56 |
dapimp53 | LOL | 06:56 |
desrt | eyda|mon; so you'd want to reinstall anyway :) | 06:56 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: yeah, sure does.. | 06:56 |
dapimp53 | My last thing I have is my sound. I need to get my sound to work | 06:56 |
eyda|mon | desrt: update apt to get 64-bit packages, then upgrade the kernel. Doesn't sound too bad? | 06:57 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: had one to many, and the fact that I never heard of LAMP. | 06:57 |
Tattoo | i have a ubuntu live cd...need to make a module or something...to conect to the internet....so if anyone can help me..please say so. | 06:57 |
Tattoo | for my driver | 06:57 |
desrt | eyda|mon; you can't have 64bit packages installed with a 32bit kernel | 06:57 |
desrt | nothing would work | 06:57 |
desrt | so you'd have to do the kernel first | 06:57 |
eyda|mon | desrt: fine. that's not too hard either :P | 06:57 |
desrt | eyda|mon; but you can't have 64bit programs with 32bit libs... so you'd have to do libs first | 06:57 |
desrt | eyda|mon; but you can't have 64bit libs with 32bit programs... so you'd have to do programs first | 06:57 |
Madpilot | chaps0063: neither had I a few weeks ago, but it's the 'standard' server setup. I'm running it on my box right now, behind firestarter so it's not publicly accessible... | 06:57 |
eyda|mon | heh | 06:58 |
desrt | eyda|mon; and now you've got trouble | 06:58 |
=== Mestapheles [~Captain@d142-179-138-139.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu |
B-L | anyone know how i can set to use kdm instead of gdm? | 06:58 |
tritium | eyda|mon, you can have a 64 bit install, and a 32 bit install in a chroot | 06:58 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: well I want this as a "testing" on my laptop for when I am away from the net to develop sites. | 06:58 |
eyda|mon | ok, I'm convinced just to reinstall :P | 06:58 |
tritium | B-L, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm" (using gdm also works), and select kdm | 06:58 |
desrt | :) | 06:58 |
=== delltony [~delltony@c-24-99-11-118.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
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=== tfort [~tfort@a8.organicweb.net] has joined #ubuntu |
tfort | gah.. anyone here play wow at all? | 06:59 |
delltony | tritium, figured out my overheat problem it was the obvious | 06:59 |
tritium | delltony, what was it? | 06:59 |
desrt | world of warcrack? | 06:59 |
tfort | i'm having a new issue with the 1.6 patch randomly freezing, hehe | 06:59 |
delltony | well kinda obvious i should say | 06:59 |
tfort | desrt,yes, and i need my fi | 06:59 |
tfort | fix | 06:59 |
desrt | freak | 06:59 |
Tattoo | HELLO | 06:59 |
ses| | ubuntu with kde? | 06:59 |
Madpilot | chaps0063: that's what mine is for. want to learn PHP, for the heck of it | 06:59 |
delltony | i took out my fans and went holy bork | 06:59 |
desrt | #ubuntu isn't for crack addicts :P | 06:59 |
B-L | thx | 06:59 |
tfort | haha | 06:59 |
desrt | ses|; apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 06:59 |
delltony | the inside was like the lint guard from a dryer | 07:00 |
Tattoo | grrr | 07:00 |
Tattoo | SOMEONE HELP ME | 07:00 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: well I do a bit of web design, www.bredinger.com is my home page, basically I just have a blog and such ATM. | 07:00 |
tritium | delltony, hah | 07:00 |
ses| | thanks | 07:00 |
fortysixand2 | yeah, yelling will help | 07:00 |
delltony | i pealed it off and wala temp is 45 | 07:00 |
Tattoo | sorry | 07:00 |
Tattoo | kinda frustrated | 07:00 |
fortysixand2 | :p | 07:00 |
ses| | thanks | 07:00 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: as my site's bandwdith usage goes through the roof cause a link was posted...lol. | 07:00 |
desrt | Tattoo; uh | 07:00 |
fortysixand2 | Tattoo: what;'s up? | 07:00 |
nickrud | firestorm, I had to walk away for a while, have you got your printer queue set up the way you want it? | 07:00 |
delltony | fans were workking but couldn't do nothing i should have known | 07:00 |
desrt | Tattoo; i don't think you've actually asked any questions yet | 07:00 |
Tattoo | i need help installing a 'module' | 07:00 |
Tattoo | yes i did | 07:00 |
JDahl | ugo, this is a very old link: http://www.debianplanet.org/node.php?id=816. The debian docs are /usr/share/doc/libopenafs-doc, but then you have to install their old AFS version. As I recall those old docs recommends using Kerberos, but maybe you should try to build it with --with-krb5 and see what happens | 07:00 |
tritium | Tattoo, you need to ask a more specific question than "make a module or something" | 07:01 |
fortysixand2 | ok, which one? | 07:01 |
Tattoo | i have a ubuntu live cd...need to make a module or something...to conect to the internet....so if anyone can help me..please say so. | 07:01 |
Tattoo | yea | 07:01 |
desrt | Tattoo; so good job at getting frustrated for people not answering your non-existant question | 07:01 |
Tattoo | some guys said | 07:01 |
Tattoo | guy | 07:01 |
delltony | glad it fixed though i was beinginig to crank out the tools and start doing laptop repair man | 07:01 |
delltony | haha | 07:01 |
Tattoo | said that its not a driver | 07:01 |
Tattoo | i gotta install a driver for my antenna | 07:01 |
Madpilot | chaps0063: I should add a bit more to ubotu's LAMP link, so ppl know why it's being posted...! | 07:01 |
Tattoo | to connect to another computer for internet access | 07:01 |
emX | Tattoo: you have a wireless card? | 07:01 |
Tattoo | no | 07:01 |
Tattoo | my antenna plugs into a usb port | 07:01 |
dravine | el crapola! | 07:01 |
desrt | that's wireless. | 07:01 |
Tattoo | i know | 07:01 |
delltony | oh but i did learn some cool stuff in the making of figuring it out, i learned how to manual scale the processor with cpu govenor and setstep | 07:01 |
firestorm | nickrud: yup got it now...had to use CUPS so that I could give it a sane name though :) And added 2 entries, one for b+w, another for colour...thansk for your perserverence! | 07:01 |
tritium | delltony, I'm glad you found out the problem | 07:01 |
desrt | Tattoo; do you know what kind of card it is? | 07:01 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: yes, I had no clue what LAMP was, I thought it was something I lit when it was dark ;-) | 07:01 |
fortysixand2 | what card is it? | 07:01 |
Tattoo | its not a card | 07:01 |
fortysixand2 | oops, too slow | 07:02 |
desrt | Tattoo; ... | 07:02 |
dravine | what chipset | 07:02 |
dravine | tat? | 07:02 |
Tattoo | its a usb port | 07:02 |
Tattoo | dunno | 07:02 |
desrt | Tattoo; still a wireless card | 07:02 |
nickrud | firestorm, np | 07:02 |
desrt | Tattoo; what brand? | 07:02 |
Tattoo | i dont know | 07:02 |
delltony | yeah me too thanks for your help and the rest of you that tried | 07:02 |
Tattoo | agere | 07:02 |
fortysixand2 | what product is it? model number, manufacturer, etc? | 07:02 |
Tattoo | umm | 07:02 |
Tattoo | Agere | 07:02 |
Tattoo | i dont have the model number | 07:02 |
Tattoo | i have a serial number | 07:02 |
emX | Tattoo: that might help | 07:02 |
Tattoo | its: | 07:02 |
dapimp53 | I have a Realtec sound card and I can't seem to get it to work in Ubuntu. Any ideas? | 07:02 |
desrt | agere isn't mentioned on the wireless page | 07:02 |
=== auk [~scott@h-69-3-181-84.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
delltony | tritium, 53C is about normal correct? | 07:03 |
Tattoo | 02UT31414673 | 07:03 |
glick | its saturday night for godsakes why dont you people go out or something? | 07:03 |
=== phaedrus__ [~phaedrus@cpe-24-198-29-175.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
weis | dapimp53, is it AC97? | 07:03 |
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dapimp53 | desrt: are you having problems with your wireless network? | 07:03 |
desrt | Tattoo; when the card plugged in, do 'lsusb' | 07:03 |
desrt | dapimp53; not really | 07:03 |
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Tattoo | WTF | 07:03 |
Tattoo | oops | 07:03 |
nickrud | I'm at work, what about you, glick :) | 07:03 |
dapimp53 | its alC250 | 07:03 |
Tattoo | caps | 07:03 |
chaps0063 | glick: I have about 5-6 beers down now...is that good enough, lol. | 07:03 |
fortysixand2 | glick: I prefer reading and learning to "going out" | 07:03 |
desrt | Tattoo; does one of those look like a wireless card? | 07:03 |
glick | nickrud, i just rode the bull | 07:03 |
Tattoo | desrt, can i PM you | 07:03 |
desrt | Tattoo; no | 07:03 |
Tattoo | gdit | 07:03 |
=== hait [~hait@216-155-93-6.bk2-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu |
weis | try loading the i810 audio driver | 07:04 |
tritium | delltony, I believe so | 07:04 |
Tattoo | there too much commotion | 07:04 |
nickrud | how many times did you get thrown :) | 07:04 |
weis | that's worked for me in the past with onboard AC97 audio | 07:04 |
emX | Tattoo: it's better to resolve these issues in the channel so that other folks can see the answer | 07:04 |
dapimp53 | weis: how do I do that? | 07:04 |
Tattoo | umm | 07:04 |
JDahl | ugo, that's without --with-krb5, of course | 07:04 |
Tattoo | how | 07:04 |
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desrt | emX; represent. | 07:04 |
desrt | :) | 07:04 |
Tattoo | because 2390487923 peple are talking at once | 07:04 |
Tattoo | and i cant even get the answer | 07:04 |
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=== Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has left #Ubuntu [] |
glick | heh riding the bull is when your doing a chick you slap her ass and tell her her sister was better, and hang on | 07:04 |
weis | you could modprobe -i snd_i810 | 07:04 |
weis | I think that's the right module | 07:04 |
delltony | wow i feel like i have a new pc again haha | 07:04 |
desrt | Tattoo; did you do lsusb yet? | 07:04 |
Tattoo | no | 07:04 |
Tattoo | i dont know how | 07:04 |
emX | Tattoo: just be patient -- there are people that want to help; it takes a little time, though | 07:04 |
Tattoo | im new | 07:04 |
Madpilot | !lamp | 07:05 |
ubotu | lamp is probably Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Hoary is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LAMPForHoary | 07:05 |
desrt | oh | 07:05 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ |
=== Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu |
desrt | do you know how to get to a terminal? | 07:05 |
Tattoo | lol | 07:05 |
Tattoo | yea | 07:05 |
desrt | do lsusb in there | 07:05 |
Tattoo | and then? | 07:05 |
tritium | glick, please, enough of that | 07:05 |
useruser | how do i find out what verion of ubuntu I'm running? | 07:05 |
desrt | look to see if one looks like your network card | 07:05 |
glick | haha | 07:05 |
dapimp53 | weis: FATAL: Module snd_i810 not found. | 07:05 |
Madpilot | chaps0063: just revised ubotu's LAMP entry. better now, I think! | 07:05 |
Tattoo | well ill have to brb | 07:05 |
Tattoo | cuz i gotta restart and run the live CD | 07:05 |
desrt | oh. | 07:05 |
Tattoo | just type lsusb ? | 07:05 |
tritium | useruser, lsb_release -a | 07:05 |
desrt | for what it's worth.... | 07:05 |
glick | computers are ok, but you cant comb your fingers through their hair | 07:05 |
emX | Tattoo: yeah | 07:05 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: sounds better... | 07:05 |
desrt | i doubt you'll get this card to work | 07:05 |
=== cp_ [~cp@203-173-168-142.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu |
Tattoo | dude | 07:06 |
=== cp_ is now known as the_walrus |
Tattoo | would you please listen | 07:06 |
delltony | hey tritium you know if they have fixed the last -d bug yet? | 07:06 |
Computer__Guru | i didnt mean to do that | 07:06 |
Tattoo | i need a driver!! | 07:06 |
=== poningru [~poningru@pool-71-101-7-23.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Tattoo | for the antenna | 07:06 |
desrt | Tattoo; one might not exist. | 07:06 |
=== mircea [~mircea@60-240-145-222.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu |
Computer__Guru | compiling a kernel is so phun | 07:06 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: I never even heard of it as lamp before. | 07:06 |
Tattoo | hold on | 07:06 |
tritium | delltony, I'm not sure, sorry | 07:06 |
Tattoo | yo | 07:06 |
desrt | Tattoo; in fact, one probably doesn't | 07:06 |
Tattoo | yes | 07:06 |
emX | Tattoo: lsusb will give us more information about your wireless device | 07:06 |
Tattoo | on the CD | 07:06 |
Tattoo | if you explore it | 07:06 |
ugo | JDahl: looks like all the files get installed in /usr/local/ alright | 07:06 |
Tattoo | it has a driver folder with linux and tells you what to do | 07:06 |
Tattoo | except i dont understand it | 07:06 |
delltony | its fine but my question is this it is infact a bug and not some russian dude trying to access me right? | 07:06 |
desrt | oh. interesting. | 07:06 |
useruser | tritium: thanks. seems I'm running warty - should I upgrade as for debian, change sources.list and then dist-upgrade to hoary (?) | 07:06 |
desrt | ok. that's good information. | 07:06 |
glick | damn i gotta crap load of mp3 files i gotta sort | 07:06 |
glick | itll take me hours :( | 07:06 |
Tattoo | thats why i wanna pm | 07:06 |
=== hait [~hait@216-155-93-6.bk2-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu |
Tattoo | to tell you waht it says | 07:07 |
ugo | JDahl: but not in openafs under that directory rather in /usr/local/bin and so on | 07:07 |
desrt | you can just say here | 07:07 |
pax | that lamp kiwi is a mess. | 07:07 |
Tattoo | no | 07:07 |
Tattoo | its long | 07:07 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: you recommended bluefish to me right? | 07:07 |
=== jashk [~chalo@pc-35-34-241-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu |
weis | try ac97_codec instead of i810 | 07:07 |
desrt | then use a pastebin | 07:07 |
=== matt__ [~matt@68-187-209-093.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu |
Tattoo | oh | 07:07 |
Tattoo | okay | 07:07 |
emX | Tattoo: can you paste it in paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 07:07 |
emX | ? | 07:07 |
tritium | useruser, yes | 07:07 |
fortysixand2 | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 07:07 |
fortysixand2 | oops, too late again! | 07:07 |
=== Vacendak [~frank@ip68-2-56-248.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== matt__ is now known as slymat |
emX | fortysixand2: ;-) | 07:07 |
dapimp53 | weis: no error... Let me check to see if it work | 07:07 |
fortysixand2 | me = teh slow :-( | 07:07 |
hait | hi, i need a direct conect client, please | 07:08 |
emX | hait: apt-cache search dcc | 07:08 |
Tattoo | d | 07:08 |
emX | hait: on the command line... | 07:08 |
Tattoo | here is the installation instructions: | 07:08 |
Tattoo | http://pastebin.com/314815 | 07:08 |
Madpilot | chaps0063: I think so. sometime this morning? | 07:08 |
hait | okm thks | 07:08 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: depends where you are... | 07:08 |
Madpilot | chaps0063: install Screem too | 07:08 |
hait | and a graphic client? | 07:08 |
JDahl | ugo, that's mildly annoying, but ok... google abit on how to create the cache and populate /etc/openafs. There your school probably provides most of the info (cells etc) | 07:08 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: Ahhhhhhhhhhh! ;-) | 07:09 |
desrt | ah. wavelan card | 07:09 |
Tattoo | eh? | 07:09 |
Madpilot | chaps0063: heh. OK, about 12.5hrs ago, then... :) | 07:09 |
emX | hait: dcgui - Direct Connect Graphical client (GTK+) (peer-based file-sharing) | 07:09 |
=== jcfreak [~jcfreak@nowire-39-123.sciotowireless.net] has joined #ubuntu |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: it wasnt that long, where are you located? | 07:09 |
useruser | tritium: thanks | 07:09 |
desrt | Tattoo; holy crap this is involved | 07:09 |
Tattoo | desrt, so what? | 07:09 |
Tattoo | yea i know | 07:09 |
Tattoo | i have know idea what to do | 07:09 |
Vacendak | I've been running ubuntu for about 15 minutes now and it is really slick but I can't understand the root password system. What are the advantages over the traditional *nix way? | 07:10 |
tritium | useruser, :) | 07:10 |
fortysixand2 | if it's a usb thing, why do you need pcmcia sources? | 07:10 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: with the LAMP wiki, is it not required to uncomment anything in httpd.conf for php usage? | 07:10 |
tritium | Vacendak, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 07:10 |
Tattoo | no idea | 07:10 |
Madpilot | chaps0063: BC, Canada. Pacific timezone. it must have been around 0930 my time, it's now 2210 local... | 07:10 |
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fortysixand2 | seems odd to me | 07:10 |
Tattoo | yo | 07:10 |
Tattoo | do you just want me to go to the terminal and type lsusb | 07:10 |
desrt | Tattoo; the fact that you can't be in ubuntu and on IRC at the same time makes this almost impossible | 07:10 |
hait | emX: yeah, i know but dcgui client is bad... | 07:10 |
desrt | Tattoo; no. we know what type of card you have now, from the docs | 07:10 |
Madpilot | chaps0063: I don't think so. I didn't change anything,and PHP runs on my machine... | 07:10 |
Tattoo | umm | 07:10 |
emX | emX: how so? | 07:10 |
Tattoo | im on windows right now | 07:10 |
Tattoo | i know | 07:11 |
emX | hait: how so? | 07:11 |
Tattoo | ill have to restart with the cd in | 07:11 |
ugo | JDahl: sure... | 07:11 |
desrt | lemme see if i can make some sense of this documentation | 07:11 |
dapimp53 | weis: nope no sound | 07:11 |
Tattoo | wait | 07:11 |
Tattoo | thats not all of it | 07:11 |
Tattoo | do you need all of it? | 07:11 |
=== maximaus [~max@01-188.193.popsite.net] has joined #ubuntu |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: ok, I will follow it to a T and let you know how it turns out | 07:11 |
Tattoo | the system requirements and all that? | 07:11 |
weis | dapimp53, did you get a mixer set up too? | 07:11 |
dapimp53 | no | 07:11 |
weis | I think it's MAKEDEV mixer under /dev | 07:12 |
emX | Vacendak: http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/RootSudo | 07:12 |
weis | but that could be way oldskool | 07:12 |
bob2 | you shouldn't ever need MAKEDEV on ubuntu | 07:12 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: gotta love cable internet, 510KB/s | 07:12 |
=== benplaut [~benplaut@cpe-66-8-184-56.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
desrt | Tattoo; does the driver work on 2.6? | 07:12 |
hait | i'm use wulfor rigth now... but this is unestable | 07:12 |
desrt | Tattoo; from what i'm seeing here, it's for linux 2.4 | 07:12 |
Tattoo | what is 2.6 | 07:12 |
desrt | Tattoo; that's probably trouble | 07:12 |
Tattoo | *sigh* | 07:12 |
Madpilot | chaps0063: not sure how the dailup ppl manage w/ Linux... or at all, really... :) | 07:12 |
desrt | Tattoo; the version of linux you have | 07:12 |
=== nickrud thinks about /etc/udev, and cringes |
Vacendak | Thanks. makes sense. I am very impressed | 07:12 |
Tattoo | so im not going to be able to run linux am i? | 07:12 |
Tattoo | well | 07:13 |
desrt | Tattoo; definitely not very easily | 07:13 |
Tattoo | with intenrent access | 07:13 |
Tattoo | typos | 07:13 |
dapimp53 | Says it doesnt know how to make device "mixer" | 07:13 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: no clue...it must be ashame, my girlfriend is still on AOL... | 07:13 |
emX | Vacendak: i like it alot, too; i administer solaris and debian boxes, too; i've come to prefer sudo | 07:13 |
weis | dapimp53, doesn't www.viaarena.com have some linux drivers for your sound? | 07:13 |
desrt | Tattoo; i guess it doesn't just detect it when you boot up with it plugged in? | 07:13 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: its terrible when I'm at her house.. | 07:13 |
Tattoo | eh | 07:13 |
Tattoo | i guess not | 07:13 |
useruser | hm. I'm trying to upgrade from warty to hoary, but dist-upgrade is holding lots of packages back. there seem to be lots of unsatisfied dependencies according to aptitude. is this usual? | 07:13 |
emX | Tattoo: other wireless devices are rather inexpensive... | 07:13 |
desrt | :( | 07:13 |
Tattoo | im not buying anything | 07:13 |
chaps0063 | unfortunately, my modem doesnt work in linux, so I can't use my dialup account. | 07:13 |
Tattoo | brb | 07:13 |
Tattoo | ima just go do that lsusb | 07:14 |
=== the_walrus [~cp@203-173-168-142.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu |
Tattoo | would that help at all? | 07:14 |
Vacendak | I am a Suse guy but I am loving this | 07:14 |
desrt | not really | 07:14 |
Tattoo | grr | 07:14 |
Tattoo | what do i need to do? | 07:14 |
desrt | we already know it's a wavelan | 07:14 |
the_walrus | whats a normal transfer rate for an ATA100 HD? | 07:14 |
fortysixand2 | does that live cd contain the wavelan modules? Couldn't he/she just "modprobe wavelan_cs"? | 07:14 |
Tattoo | me? | 07:14 |
fortysixand2 | yeah | 07:14 |
Tattoo | <-- dude | 07:15 |
emX | Vacendak: suse is nice, too; i'm quite a fan of the Debian-eque linuxes, though | 07:15 |
Tattoo | and how do i know if i have wavelan mods | 07:15 |
fortysixand2 | ok, he then :) | 07:15 |
tritium | Tattoo, try "modinfo wavelan_cs" | 07:15 |
Tattoo | how can i find out | 07:15 |
Tattoo | hmm | 07:15 |
Tattoo | ill brb | 07:15 |
Tattoo | gotta restart now =( | 07:15 |
=== jcapote [~capotej@adsl-149-108-214.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu |
fortysixand2 | when it's plugged in, what does lsmod give | 07:15 |
Tattoo | rofl | 07:15 |
Tattoo | i dont know | 07:15 |
emX | ?? | 07:15 |
nickrud | the_walrus, I seem to get about 40MB/sec on my disks, your milage may vary | 07:15 |
Tattoo | hold on a second | 07:15 |
tritium | Tattoo, wait. That just tells you info about the module. | 07:15 |
Tattoo | ill brb | 07:15 |
jcapote | has anyone in here used suse? | 07:16 |
=== La_PaRCa [~parca@cable200-116-215-17.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu |
Tattoo | so | 07:16 |
Tattoo | what do i need to do? | 07:16 |
Vacendak | emx: Think this is a going to be my distro of choice | 07:16 |
tritium | Tattoo, just so you know. lsmod to load it | 07:16 |
nickrud | jcapote, well, about 5 years ago :) | 07:16 |
La_PaRCa | Hey guys. I updated to hoary from warty and now all my stuff is in english. How do I change my Locale? | 07:16 |
jcapote | I wanted someone to give me a comparison between ubuntu and suse 9.3 | 07:16 |
desrt | tritium; ? | 07:16 |
fortysixand2 | lmod doesn't load, does it? thought modprobe did | 07:16 |
fortysixand2 | lsmod, I mean | 07:16 |
Tattoo | hey | 07:17 |
tritium | desrt, oops, modprobe ;) | 07:17 |
=== StoneTable [~stone@pcp01103376pcs.aubrnh01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
tritium | thanks for catching taht | 07:17 |
emX | fortysixand2: yeah, modprove does. | 07:17 |
desrt | tritium; np :P | 07:17 |
tritium | Tattoo, I'm out of my mind ;) | 07:17 |
Tattoo | wait | 07:17 |
Tattoo | listen: | 07:17 |
emX | s/modprove/modprobe | 07:17 |
=== slomo [~slomo@p5487E108.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Tattoo | To unpack the Linux PCMCIA package, copy it to the | 07:17 |
Tattoo | current working directory and type: | 07:17 |
Tattoo | % tar xzvf pcmcia-cs-3.1.29.tar.gz | 07:17 |
Tattoo | how do i do that | 07:17 |
=== Zerboxx [~zerboxx@d57-203-244.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
desrt | Tattoo; while you're out picking up your new network card, grab some valium | 07:17 |
=== calamari [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu |
emX | Vacendak: i've also been getting into the *BSDs of late -- especially OpenBSD. | 07:17 |
fortysixand2 | I don't think you don't need to do that, since it's USB | 07:17 |
Tattoo | sigh | 07:17 |
Tattoo | then what! | 07:17 |
ksmurf | Ok when I try to log into my new install I am kicked out of the session right away with an error about not being able to create a ~/.gnome dir. What does this mean? | 07:18 |
=== Kokey [~Propietar@dup-148-221-58-213.prodigy.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu |
=== desrt tries the latest atheros cvs |
ugo | JDahl: hmm...do you know of any issues with reiserfs? | 07:18 |
Tattoo | how do i change directorys in a terminal | 07:18 |
desrt | i should take the BSD hal for a spin | 07:18 |
emX | ksmurf: do you have write permissions in your home directory | 07:18 |
nickrud | Tattoo, if you think you need to compile the pcmcia stuff yourself, take a deap breath, and rethink | 07:18 |
desrt | Tattoo; cd | 07:18 |
Tattoo | cd what | 07:18 |
Tattoo | like | 07:18 |
desrt | cd newdirectory | 07:18 |
ksmurf | emX how should I check? | 07:18 |
useruser | for example, I can't upgrade mozilla-firefox because of --- libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.9.0) (UNAVAILABLE) | 07:18 |
Tattoo | if i wanted to go to a director on my desktop named mole | 07:18 |
=== inemo [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu |
useruser | what's that all about? | 07:19 |
desrt | cd Desktop/mole | 07:19 |
Tattoo | hmm | 07:19 |
JDahl | ugo, no.. what issues would that be? | 07:19 |
Tattoo | well what do i need to do? | 07:19 |
emX | ksmurf: 'ls -l /path/to/homedirectory'; probably 'ls -l /home/ksmurf' | 07:19 |
thr1ce | netBSD =] | 07:19 |
holycow | useruser, running breezy? | 07:19 |
nickrud | useruser, something is wrong with /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:19 |
holycow | or using a non ubuntu repository? | 07:19 |
desrt | emX; ~ | 07:19 |
ksmurf | emX not on this box but on my wifes | 07:19 |
Vacendak | emX: played with the BSDs, don't like the naming conventions but can't beat the security of OPENBSD even if the lead developer talks trash about linux. | 07:19 |
=== La_PaRCa [~parca@cable200-116-215-17.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu |
ksmurf | emX i'll check | 07:19 |
Tattoo | well what do i need to do? | 07:19 |
emX | desrt: ;-) | 07:19 |
La_PaRCa | Hey, I just updated from hoary to warty, and I had everything in spanish before. How come everything is in english now? | 07:20 |
emX | desrt: didn't assume it was his user. | 07:20 |
La_PaRCa | Where can I change my gnome locale? | 07:20 |
useruser | nickrud: probably - I have hoary universe multiverse and hoary-security main restricted | 07:20 |
useruser | nickrud: should there be more? | 07:20 |
=== Tattoo breaks down and cries |
Tattoo | i want linux on this computer so bad its not funny | 07:20 |
desrt | wow | 07:20 |
chaps0063 | Madpilot: working on LAMP now.. | 07:20 |
desrt | madwifi is well-maintained | 07:20 |
=== tritium comforts Tattoo and points out "the plane, the plane!" is in the sky |
=== emX sends tatoo $30USD for a new wireless card |
benplaut | wait... i missed something... what was the problem? | 07:21 |
fortysixand2 | rofl @ tritium | 07:21 |
Tattoo | grr | 07:21 |
Tattoo | yo | 07:21 |
benplaut | ohhh | 07:21 |
Tattoo | is there ANYTHING i can do withouth having to buy something | 07:21 |
benplaut | wireless trouble | 07:21 |
Tattoo | yes | 07:21 |
Tattoo | i hate this stupid crap | 07:21 |
benplaut | probably not | 07:21 |
Tattoo | if my bitch mom would get cable | 07:21 |
jcapote | does ubuntu have an easy way to manage the changing of wireless networks | 07:21 |
emX | Tattoo: sheesh... | 07:21 |
jcapote | like say you have a static ip at home but at a friends house you use dhcp | 07:21 |
useruser | holycow: no, trying to upgrade warty to hoary | 07:21 |
=== dravine [~dravine@lab.jraleigh.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
benplaut | try GTKwifi | 07:21 |
Tattoo | i need to install the driver | 07:21 |
desrt | Tattoo; seriously... valium would help a lot | 07:21 |
aru | Tattoo: maybe you should get a job and buy your own cable | 07:21 |
tritium | Tattoo, calm down, man. No need to talk about your own mom that way. | 07:21 |
Tattoo | <--- is 15 | 07:22 |
nickrud | useruser, I recommend https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ExampleConffiles, the more organized version. | 07:22 |
benplaut | <--- is 13 | 07:22 |
Tattoo | cant get a job | 07:22 |
desrt | Tattoo; we'd never have guessed | 07:22 |
aru | ok, maybe you should get a paper route | 07:22 |
emX | Tattoo: assuming you're in the US, you are legally employable. | 07:22 |
Tattoo | okay | 07:22 |
Tattoo | no sir | 07:22 |
emX | YMMV in other countries... | 07:22 |
ugo | JDahl: i just read something wrt locking | 07:22 |
tritium | fortysixand2, no wonder he didn't get the Fantasy Island reference ;) | 07:22 |
Tattoo | im not | 07:22 |
Tattoo | because i havent a way back and forth | 07:22 |
benplaut | Tattoo: clean spyware/adware/virii from Windows computers ;) | 07:22 |
ugo | JDahl: just asking if you had some preknowlesge | 07:22 |
Tattoo | my mother works | 07:22 |
benplaut | that's what i do :) | 07:22 |
Tattoo | and we only have one car | 07:22 |
fortysixand2 | can you take the card back and get a new one? | 07:22 |
Tattoo | okay | 07:22 |
Tattoo | get back on the subject | 07:22 |
Tattoo | no | 07:23 |
Tattoo | its not a card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 07:23 |
thr1ce | it is a card | 07:23 |
emX | Tattoo: s/card/device | 07:23 |
benplaut | what is it? | 07:23 |
desrt | Tattoo; it is. | 07:23 |
fortysixand2 | ok, forget it | 07:23 |
emX | benplaut: wireless usb | 07:23 |
Tattoo | its a fucking usb port thats been in this bitch for 8 years | 07:23 |
aru | Tattoo: come into #ubuntu-offtopic so we can discuss you getting a job :) | 07:23 |
desrt | "wireless card" == something that does wifi that's not a base station | 07:23 |
emX | desrt: :-) | 07:23 |
fortysixand2 | I quit | 07:23 |
Zerboxx | Tattoo: It's a usb wireless device? | 07:23 |
Tattoo | i guess | 07:23 |
tritium | Tattoo, please tone down the language, and calm down a bit as we try to assist you | 07:23 |
Tattoo | all i know is | 07:23 |
desrt | fortysixand2; wise. :) | 07:23 |
Tattoo | i plug it into a usb port...and it works | 07:24 |
La_PaRCa | Where can I change my gnome locale? | 07:24 |
=== Ocid [~pete@dsl-lprgw4s2a.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu |
=== mgcross [~mgcross@] has joined #ubuntu |
desrt | La_PaRCa; from the login screen | 07:24 |
benplaut | you can pick up a PCI (or maybe USB) card for... $20 | 07:24 |
Zerboxx | Tattoo: What is name of the brand, and the model number | 07:24 |
desrt | La_PaRCa; just pick a different language | 07:24 |
Tattoo | *sigh* | 07:24 |
Computer__Guru | make modules is taking a quick minute | 07:24 |
Tattoo | IM NOT BUYING NOTHING | 07:24 |
La_PaRCa | desrt, its not working. | 07:24 |
desrt | :( | 07:24 |
benplaut | OK, then you won't have internet | 07:24 |
desrt | La_PaRCa; what language? | 07:24 |
Tattoo | no | 07:24 |
Tattoo | there is a way | 07:24 |
=== nickrud [~ajax@ppp-66-140-227-115.dialup.snantx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
Zerboxx | Tattoo: What is name of the brand, and the model number | 07:24 |
Tattoo | without buying something | 07:24 |
La_PaRCa | desrt, spanish | 07:24 |
Tattoo | i dont know the model number | 07:24 |
Tattoo | i know the serial number | 07:24 |
desrt | La_PaRCa; did you install language-pack-es ? | 07:24 |
Computer__Guru | name brans? | 07:24 |
emX | Tattoo: there is a way, but it's going to require a good deal of familiarity with linux | 07:24 |
=== nickrud [~ajax@ppp-66-140-227-115.dialup.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu |
tritium | And more patience than you're showing | 07:25 |
Tattoo | and the brand is Agere Systems | 07:25 |
desrt | La_PaRCa; better question, i guess... did you pick spanish as your language during the installer? | 07:25 |
Computer__Guru | since when did manufacturers start monopolizing the pc market? | 07:25 |
emX | Tattoo: we can only help you so much; | 07:25 |
Tattoo | eh | 07:25 |
emX | Tattoo: we'd like to help, though. | 07:25 |
La_PaRCa | desrt, um, its not there for some reason. used to be there before the update. go figure. | 07:25 |
chaps0063 | I followed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LAMPForHoary, where is httpd.conf? | 07:25 |
Tattoo | apparently not | 07:25 |
mgcross | question: I have a number of full DVDs that I dumped to my HD before comming to Korea...how the heck do I play them as a dvd...not just the individual tracks, one at a time? WHere are the menues? | 07:25 |
desrt | La_PaRCa; did you move to breezy? | 07:25 |
Tattoo | i've been here for half an hour | 07:25 |
benplaut | emX: hate to be a pessimest, but after 3 months struggling with my first card (and learning tons about linux in the process), i ended up buying a new card. sometimes it... just plain doesn't work | 07:25 |
Computer__Guru | in /etc/apache/ | 07:25 |
Tattoo | and all you do is bitch at me | 07:26 |
Computer__Guru | i think heh | 07:26 |
nickrud | Tattoo, a whole half hour :) | 07:26 |
La_PaRCa | desrt, nope, from warty to hoary. needless to say it didnt go completely smooth | 07:26 |
useruser | nickrud: thanks, that did the trick | 07:26 |
emX | benplaut: i've been there, too; wireless is rough. | 07:26 |
desrt | La_PaRCa; try apt-get install language-pack-es language-support-es | 07:26 |
=== Grooby [~jonlin@ip24-250-126-171.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
benplaut | emX: i'm still there :) | 07:26 |
desrt | La_PaRCa; maybe the files got lost in the upgrade or something | 07:26 |
emX | benplaut: me too. | 07:26 |
benplaut | stupid old version of wireless-tools... | 07:26 |
emX | benplaut: and with all sorts of wireless to boot. | 07:26 |
La_PaRCa | desrt, yeah. lots of stuff got lost for some reason or other, not sure. | 07:26 |
Tattoo | this totally sucks | 07:27 |
tritium | Tattoo, we've been trying to help you. No need to insult those who have helped you. | 07:27 |
=== pulk [pulk@jolt6.modeemi.cs.tut.fi] has left #ubuntu ["] |
Tattoo | no one has helped me because the thing still isnt working | 07:27 |
fortysixand2 | I bet a reboot, insert the DEVICE, and type "modprobe wavelan_cs" would work | 07:27 |
emX | Tattoo: it's very difficult to support wireless hardware; lots of manufacturers insist on keeping their specs closed. | 07:27 |
tritium | Tattoo, yes, several have tried. | 07:27 |
=== Trace [~Trace@] has joined #ubuntu |
nickrud | Tattoo, maybe if you can do a bit of work, like getting us the exact model of the thing you want to work | 07:27 |
benplaut | Tattoo: first of all, it's not definate that someone even knows what to do... and a half hour isn't alot. i've been in this channel all day :) | 07:27 |
Tattoo | 'tried' | 07:27 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q *!*@r12h6.dixie-net.com] by tritium |
La_PaRCa | desrt, might have something to do with me not having enough space with the partition to cache all the packages for the dist-upgrade :P | 07:28 |
desrt | tritium; is that like a selective +m? | 07:28 |
=== Tattoo [~b0x@r12h6.dixie-net.com] has left #ubuntu [] |
fortysixand2 | whose IP could that be? | 07:28 |
desrt | La_PaRCa; oh man. i ran out of space during a dist-upgrade once... it wasn't happy. | 07:28 |
dbw | desrt: yes | 07:28 |
emX | heh | 07:28 |
tritium | desrt, it's ot quiet | 07:28 |
desrt | dbw; sweet. | 07:28 |
tritium | to | 07:28 |
Computer__Guru | seriously, though, for a channel with 400 people in it, i think service is pretty fuckin zippy - especially considering nobody gets paid to do this | 07:28 |
emX | Computer__Guru: definitely. | 07:28 |
La_PaRCa | desrt, I know that now. not making that mistake again. | 07:28 |
desrt | that kid has some serious issues | 07:28 |
=== Kokey [~Propietar@dup-148-221-58-213.prodigy.net.mx] has left #ubuntu [] |
chaps0063 | if I followed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LAMPForHoary, where is my httpd.conf | 07:29 |
fortysixand2 | no kidding, it's not like we HAVE to be here and help | |