
MezOi! Riddell!12:42
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RiddellMez: hmm?12:50
Mezwe've got the old version of 0.3 from the developer :D12:51
Mezand there seems to be a few cool changes12:52
Mezshould I try and merge them in - or should i just like...12:52
RiddellMez: ah, katapult12:52
RiddellMez: have you worked out what the changes are?12:53
MezI've made a diff :D12:53
Mezhttp://www.sourceguru.net/stuff/13/katapult = changelog12:57
Mezlemnme upload the diff somewhere12:58
RiddellMez: they all look like good changes12:59
Riddelldoes it compile?12:59
Mezhavent tried to be honesy01:01
Mezwhen it decides it wants to upload :D01:01
MezIt's a 1.3 Mb Diff01:01
Riddellyou have access to te sf stuff?01:02
Mezyes :D01:02
MezI forwarded you the email ffs :D01:02
Mezlmao :D01:03
Mezand that's because he's saving the BG in the .h file :D01:03
Mez--- katapult-0.2/plugins/display/glassdisplay/qembed_images.h2005-07-16 13:46:01.000000000 +010001:04
Mez+++ katapult-0.3/plugins/display/glassdisplay/qembed_images.h2005-02-28 18:06:23.000000000 +000001:04
Mezuploaded, btw01:04
RiddellI noticed that, seems a bit weird01:04
Mezmmhmm :P01:05
=== Mez tests a hoary compile
Mezlol, no it doesnt compile01:05
MezI may be able to fdix that01:06
=== Mez plays
MezFeature: It is now possible to refresh the catalogs (this should be done01:07
Mezautomatically after I add multithreading)01:07
Mezthat's probably why01:07
Riddellmultithreading.  scary01:07
Mezok, so i got rid of that first error01:08
Mezand the second01:09
Mezok maybe not01:10
=== Mez has no idea how to fix them
Mezpoop :D01:26
Mezhe's using a type, which he hasnt defined01:26
=== Mez adds it to svn
MezRiddell, you're a programmer right, can't you fix it?01:34
RiddellMez: not tonight I can't01:34
RiddellMez: can you put instructions for getting svn on the wiki page01:34
MezI know not tonight, it's a big pain in the ass, if it wasnt, i'd fix (but I cant be arsed to try and figure out the typedef for this bloody error01:35
MezRiddell: will do01:35
MezRiddell: want me to update katapult.sf.net ?01:54
RiddellMez: just put a link to the wiki page there I guess01:54
Riddell"Katapult has new management" :)01:55
MezI was going to post news about that on the news page for it :d01:55
Riddellbest not to make too many promises though01:57
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uniqnice :)11:42
fromoze_awaynice dude! :D11:51
JRehehe cool :)11:51
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uniqgah. revu process is so slow.02:35
Riddelluniq: what needs reviewed?02:36
uniqriddell: i have a kio-apt with nicer graphics ready. i'll post a i386 deb on dev.kubuntu.org.uk/~frode/ in a moment. great working on that box btw. thanks :)02:37
uniqhum.. i can't upload a new version to revu without changing the versionnumber.. 02:43
pefuniq: try dput -f02:48
\shRiddell: ping...can u change the dependency of libarts1-dev: from libqt3-mt-dev (>= 3.3.3) to >=3.3.4 02:49
\shriddell: this is the bug why it's not installing in pbuilder or anywhere02:49
uniqpef: thanks.02:50
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-084-059-087-002.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
\shhey doko...back from .fi?02:57
dokoRiddell: can the xbase-clients dependency replaced by some of the packages, which are split out from this package?02:58
Riddelldoko: I don't think so, it's for authice which is still part of xbase-clients02:59
=== OculusAquilae [~bastian@p548D0CF9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddelliceauth rather03:01
Riddellhmm, there's nothing in xbase-clients, wonder where it's gone to then03:04
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\shthis is a secret03:45
Riddellit's not mentioned in xorg's /debain directory03:46
\shdid u ever try to install this package inside a chroot? it complains about xdpyinfo bla03:47
Riddellthat's why doko is complaining03:48
\shit's really a mess03:53
\shbut kdebase is not pbuilding because of this...it's complaining earlier...and I think it's arts03:53
\shi'm just repackaging arts and kdelibs to see if i'm right in a chroot03:55
=== lamont is now known as lamont-away
MezRiddell: any idea why wen i type my password in to get into "administrator mode" in kcontrol it just puts me back to the screen you getwhen you launch kcontrol ?05:29
RiddellMez: it's an evil beastie05:29
Riddellreinstall kcontrol should fix it05:29
MezWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!05:30
Mez  kcontrol05:30
Mezoh, kde 3.4.1 ... nvm05:30
Meznow i dont even get asked for my password05:31
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\shRiddell: ping09:10
Riddell\sh: hi09:11
\shRiddell: did u compile in the last time (before Xorg broke) k3b?09:11
Riddellif that's what you're after09:12
\shI see k3b rdepending on libstdc++509:12
Riddelldepends on libstdc++6 here09:13
Riddellapt-cache rdepends libstdc++5 | grep k3b   nothing09:13
\shReverse Depends: libstlport4.6 k3b09:14
\shbut ldd says something else..what the hack09:14
\shwhats wrong with my cache?09:15
\shvery strange09:17
\shI think it has something to do with updating hoary to breezy :(09:17
\shRiddell: sry..bug updating kde from hoary to breezy is not correct.09:21
\shk3b konqueror were not updated e.g.09:21
\shactually from kubuntu + 3.4.1 packages 09:22
Riddellis it held back?09:25
Mezk3b problems?09:58
\shRiddell: sry...showering ;) no..just not updated10:11
\shupgraded better to say...dist-upgraded10:11
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MezRiddell: the latest bug just looks like buffer underrun11:01
Mez(for k3b)11:02
Mezwhat status should I close it with11:02
RiddellMez: don't think I've seen that11:02
MezMin drive buffer fill was 12%11:05
Mezthat's REALLY loe11:05
Mezlow *11:05
MezTrack 01:  115 of  583 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf  85%]    0.9x.11:06
Riddell"I am copying this message to cdrtools@packages.debian.org as well."  is that a mailing list?  did they respond with anything?11:06
Mezthe speed is a bit... iffy too11:06
Mezwriting at slower than 1x speed = bad11:06
pef_awnight !11:07
Mezlooks like they closed the bug report in debian11:08
Mezno, not reported in debian11:09
RiddellMez: well yeah, close it as INVALID11:14
Riddellbut be polite :)11:14
=== Mez just sent a "can youn reproduce this"
\shRiddell: i can't even build-dep on kdelibs4 because of this xbase-clients crap11:21
\shbut i think everything is getting better tomorrow night..11:24
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