
=== elmo [~james@83-216-156-21.jamest747.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #launchpad
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=== Kinnison [~dsilvers@haddenham.pepperfish.net] has joined #launchpad
=== Kinnison is doing a dogfood update, anyone using dogfood be aware it might go wonky...
=== mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has joined #launchpad
mdkeis rosetta still out of use?11:29
mdkeI can't access any pages11:30
KinnisonMy understanding is that a bunch of rosetta's tables had their access revoked because of a DoS we discovered last week.11:32
KinnisonI imagine lifeless or stub would know more. Both are now in Brazil so won't be around for a few hours11:32
carlosmdke, yes, it's still "offline"11:40
carlosmdke, I'm waiting for our DB master to review and approve the patch11:41
carloshe should appear soon11:41
carlosdaf, morning!11:55
carlosdaf, back in .uk?11:55
dafcarlos: did you reply to the guy asking about a Czech translation team?12:00
carloshmmm, I think I missed that12:02
carloswill answer as soon as I finish my karma branch12:02
dafcarlos: did you do the IMP import that was requested?12:10
carlosdaf, before you review all your inbox. I worked on bug fixes last week. PO imports are stalled so I expended my time fixing and adding as much tests as possible and decided to import them this week12:16
carlosI have my fixes approved since last week, but PQM hates me and gives weird errors and I'm not able to merge it12:17
=== carlos just discovered why his last request was not received by PQM...
KinnisonThere's nothing in PQM's merge queue right now12:18
carlosKinnison, I know, I just remembered that as I moved, my IP changed and my email relay was closed to my new IP when I requested the merge12:19
dafoops :)12:20
Kinnisoncarlos: this is why I relay mail by ASMTP/TLS12:21
dafthis is why I relay mail over SSH ;)12:21
carlosKinnison, I should do it too, if you would share your config with me ;-) (are you using postfix?)12:22
carlosdaf, it makes no sense to do that with a desktop computer ;-)12:23
carlosdaf, as I don't move it too often12:23
dafwell, I don't have a desktop computer12:23
dafright, I'm caught up on mail12:24
dafexcept for the 424 messages on hte launchpad list12:24
dafshall we have a meeting when I'm done with that?12:24
carlosdaf, tomorrow? :-P12:25
Kinnisoncarlos: exim412:26
Kinnisoncarlos: I couldn't persuade postfix to do ASMTP/TLS on the submission port12:26
dafcarlos: tomorrow?12:27
carlosdaf, if you have 424 messages to read....12:30
dafmost of them are bug mail and can be ignored12:31
carlosI was joking, just ping me when you are ready12:32
dafis "the huge pomsgset" query Rob mentioned the lastsubmission one?12:41
dafor is that something different?12:41
carlosdaf, samething12:44
carlosgrr, my merge was rejected again....12:44
dafhave we tried to make that query faster?12:45
dafalso, don't forget to reply to the mails about Tibetan and Macedonian plural forms12:45
carlosdaf, I did but explain told me that it costs the same12:46
carlosdaf, and anyway, the cached value is faster12:47
carlosmuch more faster12:47
carlosand we don't need any cron script to update it12:47
dafthat sounds good12:47
dafI'm guessing you've added an attribute on POFile that gets updated automatically, right?12:48
carlosit's updated every time we add a new poselection12:48
dafdid you see what I said about plural forms?12:48
carlosyes, I saw it, I have a bunch of emails marked as pending to answer, don't worry12:49
dafright, I need food12:49
dafback in a bit12:49
dafcarlos: meeting?01:14
=== debonzi [~debonzi@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
carlosdaf, could we do it after lunch?01:20
kiko-zzzhey ho01:20
carlosI'm testing my karma changes atm and want to have lunch soon01:21
carlossay at 13:00 UTC?01:21
carloskiko, hi!01:21
carloskiko, do you have stub near you? :-)01:21
dafcarlos: ok01:21
carlosdaf, could you test something for me?01:22
dafwhat is it?01:22
carlosdaf, pqm keeps rejecting it01:22
carlosbecause librarian is not able to find a file that the test just added (it's not new code)01:23
carlosdaf, I cannot run test atm here, could you try to run them in your computer just in case you get some extra info? (I'm forwarding the error mail I get)01:23
carlosdaf, thank you.01:24
kikocarlos, not yet, but soon01:31
kikooverwhelmed by email :-(01:33
=== daf discovers that Launchpad doesn't work with GCC 4.0
dafspecifically, Zope doesn't compile01:37
=== daf switches back to 3.3
carlosdaf, hmm I think you will have the same problems I'm having then....01:38
carlosdaf, my problem is with twistd2.001:38
carlosit does not work even with your patch01:39
=== carlos waits for Xorg fixed in breezy, so he can install debootstrap and develop inside a hoary chroot
dafcarlos: is it the Librarian is failing to start?01:40
carlosdaf, it depends on how fast is your machine or the load it has01:40
carlossometimes you get a connection denied and when it's fast enough, you get a 500 internal server error01:40
carlosdaf, your patch does not work as the message you look for is printed before librarian is ready01:41
carlos s/as/because/01:41
dafspiv: you were planning to implement a proper solution to this, yes?01:43
dafspiv: (involving the Librarian creating a file when it's ready, IIRC)01:43
spivdaf: it's waiting for review01:43
dafin the meantime, perhaps we can look for a message that appears later in the log01:43
dafjust so carlos can land his stuff01:44
carlosdaf, well, the pqm error is unrelated with this issue01:44
dafok, I'll run the tests now01:44
carlosthat problem is just preventing me to debug it in my local computer01:45
spivcarlos: merge my branch?01:45
carlosanyone that knows how launchpad events work?01:45
carlosspiv, will that fix the internal server error I told you last week?01:45
carlosspiv, anyway, I hope after lunch I will be able to install debootstrap and get a hoary chroot01:46
carlosso all pain will disappear01:46
spivcarlos: it will avoid the startup race, and also leave the logfile around for diagnosis.01:48
carlosspiv, ok, branch?01:49
daf andrew.bennetts@c.c/launchpad--librarian-cleanups--001:49
carlosdaf, thanks01:50
carlosdaf, I think karma support is done but I'm missing a hook or something because the notification is never executed...01:51
carloswill ask salgado when he appears.01:51
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=== carlos -> lunch
=== salgado [~salgado@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
jblackGuten Morning02:04
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
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dafcarlos: looks like I'm getting the same errors you were getting02:17
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dafI'm going to go out for a bit to pick up a parcel02:59
dafhopyfeully that will wake me up too02:59
Kinnisoncya soon daf02:59
BjornT_good morning bradb 03:08
BjornT_how's it going?03:08
bradbhey BjornT_. pretty good, you?03:08
BjornT_quit good as well. what's on your todo today?03:09
bradblp menus, one-bugmail-per-recipient, and a quick code review response to land a branch. what about you?03:10
BjornT_cool. i'm going to fix a few bugs in the mail interface, and try to get threaded notifications working03:12
bradbthreaded notifications, in combination with one-bugmail-per-recipient will go a long way to improving the bugmail traffic that lands in people's Inbox, i think03:13
BjornT_yeah, definitely. although the threading will be quite weird, since there's no threading in the web ui. 03:16
bradbyup. it'll be interesting to hear what the users say about that once all the wires are connected.03:17
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Use a different <form> for adding a new email address in a person's email address page. Fix https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/bugs/1348. (patch-2112: guilherme.salgado@canonical.com)03:19
bradbmpt: hey dude. did you have a chance to think about my most recent menu email that proposes four menu options?03:22
SteveAfour menu options?03:36
bradbfour menu options03:39
SteveAthe number shall not be two or three.  nor shall it number five.03:39
SteveAif it shall number six, it shall be way off03:39
bradbthree sixes and you've got the devil on your back. four is fairly safe.03:40
carlosdaf, so I'm not alone in the land without tests... 03:41
carlosstub, hi, around?03:41
SteveAspiv: ping03:41
stubcarlos: Yes03:41
SteveAcarlos: tests before code!03:41
carlosSteveA, I'm talking about not being able to run tests 03:42
SteveAi'm just ranting03:42
SteveAtests before code!03:42
carlosstub, could you review the bug 1444 patch I did on Friday?03:43
carlosstub, Rosetta is useless atm03:43
carlosSteveA, ;-)03:43
stubcarlos: I did03:43
carlosoh, didn't see any email03:43
dafcarlos: you probably need to do a transaction.commit in poimpot.txt03:43
carlosdaf, I think it's there...03:44
carlosdaf, as I told you, I didn't change that part of the code03:44
carlosdaf, yeah, transaction.commit is just before the error I'm getting03:45
dafyeah, I see it03:45
stubcarlos: I forgot to CC you. Forwarded.03:45
carlosstub, thanks03:45
carlosdaf, absolutly03:45
dafspiv: any ideas?03:46
dafspiv: getting a LookupError on an alias immediately after adding it and doing a transaction.commit()?03:46
carlosand it was working without problems...03:48
dafthere are other very similar bits of code in the same file which are not failing03:48
dafhmm, no, wait03:49
dafthere are multiple failures like that03:49
KinnisonIf I have three or four changes which each could be merged [trivial] , is it okay if I merge them as an aggregate [trivial]  change, or should I be getting reviewed?03:51
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=== Kinnison dances around wildly
KinnisonDEBUG:Dominator:php4/4:4.3.10-2ubuntu4 has been judged as superseded by php4/4:4.3.10-10ubuntu403:56
Kinnisondaf: You around?04:07
Kinnisondaf: Tomorrow, lunch @ free-press. You up for it?04:07
KinnisonI'll prod you about times later04:08
dafgrr, this doesn't make any sense04:08
bradbSteveA: how's the page title love coming?04:09
sivangHey Kinnison 04:15
sivangKinnison: what's that php stuf? :-)04:15
Kinnisonsivang: It's part of launchpad's archive publication process04:15
Kinnisonsivang: I was happy that it seems to be dominating correctly04:15
dafbradb: around?04:21
KinnisonKeybuk: ping04:22
bradbdaf: yes04:23
dafbradb: I'm just looking at the new bugmail format04:26
dafand I've noticed the first field is not indented04:26
sivangKinnison: is figures by itself which packages (source) are superseded by which ?04:27
bradbdaf: by design, yes04:27
Kinnisonsivang: yep04:28
KinnisonAlthough now it's crashing04:28
=== Kinnison pokes keybuk again
dafbradb: ok, just thought it looked a little odd04:29
sivanglaunchpad is so interesting04:29
sivangKinnison: how do you judge it ? changlog entries?04:29
Kinnisonsivang: Currently it uses source package names, versions etc04:31
bradbdaf: would you think it better for "Affects:" to be indented at the same level as "Priority", "Status", etc. what if two bug "sites" were reported in one email?04:31
dafgood point04:31
dafit makes more sense now04:32
dafthough perhaps it might be more obvious if the Affects: were made to look more like a heading04:32
dafmaybe a line of --- under it or something04:32
dafanyhow, my problem is that I don't know whether new bugs are on source packages or products04:33
bradbdaf: can you give me an example?04:34
bradb(and, yes, it might be useful to make the "Affects:" line look more like a header, i agree)04:34
dafbradb: Affects: The Launchpad04:35
dafdilys doesn't know if that's a product or a package04:35
carlossalgado, around?04:38
salgadocarlos, yep04:39
bradbdaf: what does dilys need to do more than take the string out of "Affects: (.+)$"?04:41
carlossalgado, I think I have Rosetta integrated with the karma, but the events are not working so I'm missing something....04:41
dafwell, previously, she said "New bug #NNN in {source package,product} by John Jones: It don't work"04:41
carlossalgado, should I raise the event by hand or is it raised automatically?04:42
dafI could just remove the {source package,product} part04:42
bradbdaf: seems like $1 from the regex above is the most consistent/simple way to do it04:42
dafalso, the filtering rules use it04:42
dafi.e. all bugs on source packages go to #ubuntu-bugs04:43
bradbthe filtering rules should be fine04:43
bradbwe discussed this before, right?04:43
dafum, maybr04:43
bradb /ubuntu/i04:43
bradbdaf: Affects: ubuntu mozilla-firefox04:44
daf(ideally, it would be "all bugs on source package in Ubuntu go to #ubuntu-bugs", but it's fine for now04:44
dafok, I didn't notice that04:44
dafbut that doesn't work either04:44
dafAffects: The Launchpad04:45
bradbwhat doesn't work/04:45
dafwell, you're assuming there's no products that start with "Ubuntu "04:45
dafwhich is a bit dodgy04:45
dafbut I guess it's good enough04:45
dafit might be a problem when there are more distributions, though04:46
salgadocarlos, you have to call notify() zope about the events your subscribers are registered to04:46
bradbit should be ok for now, i think. but we might go back to the "Affects: foo (ubuntu)" if experience shows otherwise. ultimately though, you'll have X headers that'll make this trivial.04:46
dafX headers04:46
dafbring 'em on04:46
bradbmaybe BjornT_ can sneak them in there while he's doing threading. otherwise probably something we can do within the next <insert slightly ambiguous timeframe here>04:48
carlossalgado, how?04:49
carlossalgado, I don't see any notify call inside database/ 04:50
=== carlos tries to follow Malone with the notifications
carlosok, I found it at browser/04:50
carlossalgado, thanks04:50
salgadocarlos, np. :)04:51
bradbcarlos: if you use the SQLObjectEditView or SQLObjectAddView that I wrote, you shouldn't have to worry about calling notify.04:57
carlosbradb, Yeah, I saw that code, but I have other events that are not raised that way04:58
bradbperhaps we can abstract the object delta calculation logic into something view and not-view code can use04:59
carlosbtw SQLObjectAddView is still sending add and edit notifications04:59
carlosbradb, you have a XXX note about that, that's why I comment it here05:00
BjornT_bradb: i could add some X headers, but it'd probably be best to spec them out first.05:00
carlosbradb, that would be a good thing05:00
bradbcarlos: yeah, i don't think it ever gets triggered though. it's some kind of z3 magic that i don't particularly understand.05:00
bradbBjornT_: indeed05:01
bradbwe have this in BugNotificationsHeaders, right? (at least, that's the holding place for it.)05:01
BjornT_bradb: yeah, it's a place holder there.05:03
carlosbradb, salgado: could I add notification code to database/ files? or is it view code?05:05
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bradbcarlos: lib/canonical/launchpad/mailnotification.py05:05
bradbit's got it's own spethial place!05:06
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carloswell, karma is not a mail notification  :-D05:06
salgadobradb, I think carlos is talking about notify()cation code05:06
bradbcarlos: heh, good point05:06
bradbcarlos: oh, the notify() stuff, you mean? sorry, i read that to mean that you were talking about mail notification sending code.05:07
salgadocarlos, I think the right place to put it is in browser code, but I don't know the rationale.05:07
bradbcarlos: what code are you talking about exactly?05:07
carlossalgado, well, in my case it's a zopeless script what should execute it 05:07
carlosbradb, to update karma actions05:08
bradbcarlos: in what way are the events being generated? by someone doing something in a browser? by some code running in a script?05:09
carlosbradb, somecode running in a script05:10
carlosbut that code is inside database/05:11
bradbcarlos: hm, maybe best to ask SteveA where to put notify() code for a database/ script05:13
carlosSteveA, hi05:14
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=salgado]  small usability fixes: de-underline release bug portlet links, vocab renaming. (patch-2113: brad.bollenbach@canonical.com)05:23
mptbradb: I just got to your message about Malone menus and replied to it05:28
bradbmpt: thanks05:30
mptand dang, I should have brought more warmer clothes05:31
bradbmpt: you mention the "Advanced" button; are you saying that i should add that back to the page in my local branch?05:31
mptWhat did you replace it with?05:32
bradbclean air05:32
bradband a fourth menu option05:32
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
bradb"Advanced Search"05:32
mptIt should be possible for you to be part-way through entering text you want to search for05:33
mptand then to realize that this search needs to be an advanced one05:33
bradbshould it be possible to access the advanced search screen when you're looking at an individual bug report?05:34
mptthat's why it needs to be a button05:34
bradbmpt: how would that happen?05:34
mptby clicking "Show Reports"05:34
mpt(I remind you again that this categorization may be crack, but I haven't encountered a better one yet)05:34
bradbmpt: how do i know that's where i go for an advanced search? how do i click that tab if it's already selected (which, according to your mail, it is.)05:35
mptselected != unlinked05:35
mptMalone should not have 9999 tabs05:36
bradbi agree05:36
mpttherefore each tab has to represent more than one page05:36
bradbi agree with that as well05:36
mpttherefore there are some cases where you can click a tab representing the section you're in at the moment, and it takes you somewhere else05:36
mptthat's why LaunchpadMenus has separate linked and selected statuses05:36
mptso the search page is the "home" of the Show Reports section05:37
mpte.g. show me the bug reports made by bradb on the doap product that aren't fixed05:37
bradbthere's just one main thing i'm not clear on then: i think to myself "hm, i'm going to need to a do an advanced search to find what i want". i've never done one before. i'm looking at the bug page. what am i going to click on, and why would i click on that?05:37
mptIf you're new to Malone, you'll probably click on "<context> bugs", and then on "Advanced Search" on that page05:38
mptbecause you won't have learnt yet that clicking "Show Reports" takes you to the same place straight away.05:38
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bradbi always thought that button was a bit of a cist, but i guess you don't05:41
mptwell, search engines tend to just make it a link05:42
mptnavigationally it makes sense as a link05:43
mptbut I'd also like it to copy what you've entered so far, so that you don't need to enter it again05:43
bradbsure, that makes sense to me. sounds like a job for a disclosure-based layout05:44
mptthat would be ideal05:44
mpta disclosure-based layout would prove that my categorization was crap, though05:44
carlosspiv, with your branch I'm able to use librarian like pqm does05:49
carlosspiv, at least I don't get any 550 error or conection refused, just the 'LookupError' 05:50
=== morgs will be back late
morgslater, also05:52
carloskiko, salgado is stub around?05:52
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=stub]  add launchpad.conf setting for changing statement_timeout (patch-2114: james.henstridge@canonical.com)06:11
=== jdahlin is now known as jd-fud
bradbSteveA: is there a way to "comment out" a big chunk of a .txt doctest easily?06:32
=== bradb trips over security-proxied lists.
bradbSteveA: do we need a warning about using the builtin "isinstance" in our code? that would have saved me a couple hours just now.06:53
=== ddaa [~ddaa@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
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=== stub [~stub@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
SteveAbradb: you should know about isinstance.07:37
SteveAbradb: by all means add something to the LaunchpadHackingFAQ page07:38
SteveAbradb: to comment out a largh chunk of .txt doctest, copy it to another .txt file07:39
SteveAand then remove what you don't want07:39
SteveAso, notification code07:43
SteveAit should be in database code07:43
SteveAwe need to be careful about any remaining scripts or systems that are not using zcml07:43
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: bug 1444, performance problems that causes a DoS attack r=stub and [trivial (patch-2115: carlos.perello@canonical.com)08:44
carloslifeless, please, could you cherrypick it? ^^^^^08:46
bradbSteveA: "you should know about isinstance" -- I'm not sure if that means yes we need a warning, or no we don't. ;)08:49
bradbyes, copying to another file is what i ended up doing to "comment out a large chunk of .txt doctest"08:50
=== Keybuk [~scott@syndicate.netsplit.com] has joined #launchpad
KeybukKinnison: pong08:56
SteveAKeybuk: hello.  did elmo mention the lack of free diskspace on mawson?08:57
SteveAmawson is running a bit low on disk space08:57
morgslifeless: with baz version 1.5~200507172216, when I do a baz switch it tells me "switched to revision" and lists the revision I switched FROM...08:57
Keybukok, running my magic "clean up all my crap" script :)08:58
morgslifeless: although a baz tree-id shows it did what I wanted...08:58
Keybukhmm, I wasn't using much08:59
SteveAmaybe it is Kinnison then09:00
Keybukwell, fsvo "much"09:00
Keybukmy temporary directory isn't using much09:00
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lifelessmorgs: thanks can you fie it in malone09:03
morgslifeless: OK09:04
ddaaprefixMatch = re.match('^(.*)(%s)$' % filename, rcsName)09:08
ddaaduh... regex metacharacters are _valid_ in file names, stupid!09:09
KeybukSteveA: I'm using no more than 12GB total09:14
Keybukso _totally_ isn't me09:14
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #launchpad
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/dists--bazaar--1.5: new build (patch-46)09:27
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/bazaar--devo--1.5: Bugfix: print target revision in final "switch" message (not source) (patch-35: Matthieu.Moy@imag.fr)09:28
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/dists--bazaar--1.5: new build (patch-47)10:04
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/bazaar--devo--1.5: --show-ancestor and --two-way options for switch. (patch-36: Matthieu.Moy@imag.fr)10:05
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dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/dists--bazaar--1.5: new build (patch-48)10:28
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/bazaar--devo--1.5: Display a message "switched to revision ..." at the end of "branch" (patch-37: Matthieu.Moy@imag.fr)10:29
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/cscvs--devel--1.0: [r=jamesh]  CVS.Module.prefix() to support regex metachars in file names (patch-101: david.allouche@canonical.com)10:43
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--production--1.25: Cherry pick patch-2115 (patch-4: carlos.perello@canonical.com, rocketfuel@canonical.com)11:06
bradbmpt: *drool* It's so much nicer when the listing page has no "search results" by default.11:15
bradbYet another step in the direction of making Malone look like a Real Bug Tracker11:16
bradbmpt: I guess ideally it would be useful if 1. Simple Search, 2. Advanced Search and 3. Search Results were three different page templates, right?11:22
bradbIt seems like when MFP goes live each of those three pages will look sufficiently different to merit splitting them up now (which happens to be fairly straight forward to do.)11:24
carlosstub, hi, I forgot to add to the email that you should execute the migration script after the patch is applied to production so the cache is updated with current production data11:43
stubcarlos: ok.11:43
carlosstub, btw, could you send me the output of the other migration script you executed on staging on Thursday so I can check if all went well so we execute it on production?11:44
stubcarlos: No output until the exception saying its database connection was terminated. Looks like that script needs to be refactored to not chew up all that memory so it has a chance of completing.11:45
carlosstub, do you think a flush will be enough?11:46
stubcarlos: I don't know if that will clear the caches out or not. Perhaps with recent changes to SQLObject, just committing will be enough - Steve or Spiv would know.11:47
carlosok, will ask tomorrow, now I want to go to sleep11:48
=== carlos checks that production is back
stubI havn't done the rollout yet - doing it now11:49
carlosoh, ok11:49
carlosstub, will you fix this: https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/errors/showEntry.html?id=1121723298.040.994704341538 ?11:50
carlosstub, lifeless disabled pomsgset on production and seems like is still off11:50
stubyup - I need to reenable the permissions11:50
carlosok, perfect, I suppose that the patch will be good enough to have Rosetta back11:51
=== carlos cross his fingers
carlosstub, btw, the migration data will take a while11:51
carlosas it executes the code that was giving us so many problems for every  pofile we have in our system11:52
stubSo will launchpad need to be down while it is running?11:52
carlosdon't think so11:58
carlosit's just a cached value11:59
carlosis more a cosmetic thing than a critical functionality11:59
carlosbut we need it, of course11:59

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