
=== FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010487351pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== kbrooks [~kbrooks@kbrooks.user] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkerwabel, UserDocumentation is starting to look great now, thanks for your work!02:30
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkehow's it going Burgundavia ?03:16
mdkenice wiki work dude03:16
Burgundaviais this a special wiki page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LocalSpellingWords03:17
Burgundaviamdke, I am just beginning03:17
mdkeoh yeah?03:18
mdkewhat are you planning?03:18
mdkeBurgundavia, what do you mean by special wiki page?03:18
Burgundaviagoing to cleanup UserDocumenation03:18
Burgundaviadoes moin use that LocalSpellingWords for spell check?03:19
Burgundaviaadd a Laptop page03:19
Burgundaviaadd a PDA page03:19
Burgundaviamake more useful03:19
mdkedunno about that spelling page03:19
mdkeBurgundavia, what did you have in mind for UserDocumentation?03:19
rwabelmkde: yeah it's great03:20
mdkeBurgundavia, rwabel and myself have been doing some work on it recently, perhaps we can pool ideas03:21
Burgundaviabasically, I need to forstall the creation of the NewUser guide stuff03:21
Burgundaviaso I need to prove that I can make UserDocumentation useful for all03:21
Burgundaviamostly need to cleanup the New to Ubuntu section03:21
mdkei would like that too03:21
Burgundaviawhat is this?03:22
Burgundaviacan I kill it?03:22
mdkewhy kill?03:22
Burgundaviait seems to be a non-useful brain dump03:23
mdkethere are 2500 pages on the wiki man, many will be non-useful. The important thing IMHO is to get the useful pages linked well03:23
mdkemaybe someone wants that page03:23
Burgundaviamurdering non-useful pages is also useful03:23
mdkethe author03:23
rwabelwhy not just ask the author?03:24
mdkeIMO we should be careful with murdering pages, the person who created them might want them, and if they are doing no harm...03:24
=== Burgundavia mumbles about harm...
mdkeremove links to it if there are prominent links on important pages which mislead users03:25
Burgundaviathe first paragraph on UserDocumentation needs work03:25
mdkeyes indeed03:25
mdkethat is out of date03:25
rwabelI'm sure the author of the page has just started, it's dated from yesterday03:25
BurgundaviaI am going to get rid of the icon, as it takes up too much vertical space03:26
=== mdke is working on it
Burgundaviajust did an edit03:26
Burgundaviawe need a DeletionRequests page03:27
mdkedamn you03:28
mdkecrossing over edits = bad03:28
BurgundaviaI said I was editing it03:28
Burgundaviasorry, saw that after I had saved03:28
mdkethe wiki should have told us that someone else was working on the page03:28
Burgundaviamdke, you done?03:31
mdkenot quite03:31
Burgundaviaouch https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BackupYourSystem needs some love03:31
Burgundaviatoo wordy03:31
mdkeyou removed the warning not to make structural changes without talking to ubuntu-doc?03:31
Burgundaviano, moved it to the bottom03:32
mdkeBurgundavia, its a howto from the forum, i only just copied it over03:32
Burgundavia"To do this, become root with03:32
Burgundaviasudo su03:32
Burgundaviaumm, no03:32
mdkeBurgundavia, ah hmm. Maybe it would be better to have it at the top but commented?03:32
Burgundaviayes, like that idea03:32
mdkeBurgundavia, sudo su works afaik, i have followed that howto to the letter03:32
Burgundaviait works, but is not hte ubuntu way03:33
Burgundaviado we have a standard "Needs work message?"03:33
mdkewell... i asked the author of the howto to maintain the wiki page too, maybe he will say yes. You can make recommendations for the howto on the forum thread i guess. or just change the wiki page03:34
mdkeBurgundavia, there is a needs work section in WikiToDo iirc03:34
Burgundaviajust added a comment to the top about using at your own risk03:34
mdkei've finished editing the first para on UserDocumentation03:35
mdkelemme know what you think03:35
Burgundavialooks good03:36
mdkethat page is rocking now compared to a week ago03:36
Burgundaviacheck the page now03:38
BurgundaviaI seperated installation methods03:38
mdkegreat idea03:38
BurgundaviaI rather like AudioCDBurning03:39
mdkeonly thing missing from installation 1 is some install guides03:39
mdkei'll add em03:40
mdkeah shit03:40
mdkethe existing ones are for warty03:40
Burgundaviathen fix them03:40
Burgundaviaanyway, all our installation stuff is about to be obselete03:40
Burgundaviawhat about removing the non-technical/faq stuff from the NewUbuntu User stuff?03:41
Burgundaviaand Kubuntu does not need to be in the New Users stuff03:43
mdkei will tend to avoid that NewUsers stuff03:44
mdkei still think that the UserDocumentation page can/should be user-friendly enough03:44
Burgundaviaok, I am going to go to town on the new users section03:45
mdkethey will roll back maybe03:46
mdkebest thing is to keep communication strong so that they know what you are doing and why03:46
Burgundaviano, the section in the UserDocumentation page03:46
Burgundaviais there a getting Ubuntu page?03:47
mdkeoh sorry i see03:48
mdkewhere will you put the kubuntu link?03:48
mdkethat is important IMHO03:48
Burgundaviano idea03:48
mdkei think it should be there myself03:48
mdkebut you are right about the faq probably03:48
mdkemaybe move that to other resources03:49
Burgundavialet me edit and you can critique03:49
mdkealso probably the basic CLI commands can go03:49
mdkesomewhere lower03:49
Burgundaviashould getting ubuntu list development versions?03:50
mdkei like it, its at the bottom so does no harm IMO03:51
mdkewhat do you think?03:51
Burgundaviathinking of moving into its own page03:51
Burgundaviato cleanup getting Ubuntu03:51
mdkei think lots of people look for the Development version03:51
mdkei think having it under a subsection on that page is quite nice myself03:51
mdkekinda makes sense to have it in GettingUbuntu to me03:52
mdkei tell you what I don't like03:53
mdkelinks to the spanish version03:53
mdkealso I'm gonna change the section titles so that Development is more clearly separated from the rest03:53
Burgundaviaediting it03:53
Burgundaviajust a sec03:53
Burgundaviahow to I link to specific section of a wiki page?03:54
mdkewhat is your view on having spanish links in pages?03:55
Burgundaviano need to make it harder to find the international links03:56
mdkebut none of the other languages link03:56
Burgundaviathen link them03:57
mdkeand the spanish pages should have their own table of contents really03:57
mdkei'll leave it for now03:58
mdkeknow anything about iptables?04:00
Burgundaviahow do I make a link this  [[Page linked to|actual link in page] ] 04:00
Burgundaviano much04:00
Burgundaviaumm, firestarter?04:00
mdkei've heard firestarter is a bit shit04:01
Burgundaviafirestarter needs some interface love04:01
Burgundaviabut isn't bad04:01
mdke[:PageNameInCamelCase:your lovely readable link] 04:02
=== mdke waits for Burgundavia to go through the entire wiki to change all links like that
mdkewe should be copying more gentoo docs ;)04:03
mdkei gotta sleep04:04
mdkeparting thought04:05
mdkei wonder if it would be helpful to have a list of wikiteam people04:05
mdkefor coordination purposes so people can communicate and feedback on what they're doing04:06
Burgundaviamight be04:06
mdkethis session has been useful IMO04:06
mdkeok --> bed04:06
mdkehassle elmo abo04:06
mdkeut commit accounts04:07
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-doc
rwabelme too04:10
mdkeBurgundavia, do you mind if i remove the "non-technical" reading section? I think it complicates a bit. I was thinking, remove StartingTheJourney altogether and put UbuntuPhilosophy in the first section under About Ubuntu?04:16
mdkelooking good04:18
mdkewe can make some nicer links another day04:18
BurgundaviaNewUbuntuUsers - answers to common questions for new users04:19
Burgundavia[WWW]  Glossary - learn the meaning of some words related to computers, linux, and Ubuntu.04:19
BurgundaviaFrequentlyAskedQuestions - Answers for questions not yet in the [WWW]  FAQ database04:19
Burgundaviawhat do you think about these 3 links?04:19
BurgundaviaI want them to go away04:19
mdke2. glossary i like04:20
Burgundaviaglossary is a little technical04:20
mdke3. i don't like. not sure whether it should go away but we can think about it04:20
mdkemaybe move to other resources for the glossary then?04:20
BurgundaviaNewUbuntuUsers duplicates the section it is in04:20
mdkeremove 104:20
Burgundaviamdke, were you not going to bed?04:21
mdkei'm making a list of people on WikiTeam, robitaille, rwabel, Burgundavia I'm adding you04:21
mdkeBurgundavia, might have been04:21
Burgundaviais 3am there, no?04:21
Burgundaviayou must not live with anyone04:21
mdkewell i have a flatmate04:22
mdkebut he has his own room :)04:22
mdkemy g/f is coming to visit on saturday so I might as well get going on Ubuntu until she does :)04:22
mdkei don't like the table of contents any more04:25
mdkei wonder if we can get it to use bullet points in the subsections04:25
Burgundaviawould be nice04:26
mdkedoesn't look like it...04:26
mdkewe can limit the max depth...04:26
mdkebut that wouldn't work04:27
=== ealden [~ealden@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== mdke plays with macros
=== HrdwrBoB [~matt@bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkehey dude05:11
mdkei noticed you're porting ubuntuguide to the wiki05:12
HrdwrBoBahh this would be th right channel05:12
mdkehow come?05:12
HrdwrBoBpeople keep reading the damn thing and if they're going to read it05:12
HrdwrBoBthey could at least read one that's up to date and correct05:12
HrdwrBoBor at least correctable05:12
mdkei have a couple of ideas on that05:13
HrdwrBoBis there a better way I should be approaching it?05:13
mdkefirst of all, do you know that the doc team is working on a version of the guide?05:13
mdkeit will be released with breezy and as static html on the website05:14
HrdwrBoBI search around the wiki but couldn't find anything easily available that was similar05:14
mdkethis document we are working on is not on the wiki but in our svn repository05:14
mdkeif you want to get involved with it, we would be happy05:14
mdkethere are two guys working on it, i'm sure they would love a hand05:14
mdkeif not, np05:14
HrdwrBoByeah that would be cool05:14
HrdwrBoBa lot of the issues i find is just dealing with the things ubuntu can't distribute05:15
mdkeyeah we have some difficulty with that too05:15
mdkeespecially since it will ship with the distro05:15
HrdwrBoBas an end user, I don't care about patents, I just want to play mp3s DVDs, other movies, java and flash05:15
HrdwrBoBis it a legal problem for ubuntu to tell people how to do it05:16
mdkesome things are05:16
mdkewe will probably be handling the problem thus:05:16
mdkewait to see what hoary-extras does when backports becomes "official"05:16
mdkethen act accordingly05:17
Burgundaviapatents are mostly ok05:17
Burgundaviait is w32codecs that are the real problem05:17
=== Burgundavia shoots himself now
mdkeHrdwrBoB, the other thing you might be interested in is that we are trying to improve the documentation area on the wiki to make available much of the material that is in the guide but not the wiki. Maybe you would be interested in helping out? The Homepage for documentation is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation05:17
mdkeHrdwrBoB, if you identify things that are in the guide but not in the wiki, perhaps you could create the pages and link in that page? that way we will have a rocking documentation area in the wiki05:18
HrdwrBoBis there a nicer way to refresh the gnome menu than killing gnome-panel05:20
mdkei reckon a really long page like UbuntuGuide is not so accessible as that method05:20
HrdwrBoBthat seems like an awfully vicious way of doing it05:20
mdkeHrdwrBoB, no, but it should update automatically. Only the icons don't update.05:20
HrdwrBoBwhat I find people like with ubuntuguide is it's a lot of 'quick fixes'05:20
HrdwrBoByeah I thought so05:20
mdkeHrdwrBoB, we are not against quick fixes :)05:21
mdkeHrdwrBoB, the main reason I called you in here was to make you aware of what we are doing and to ensure there is no duplication of effort :)05:21
HrdwrBoByeah that's cool05:22
mdkeok real bed time now05:22
HrdwrBoBheh, night05:22
HrdwrBoBlunchtime for me05:23
Burgundaviawhat are we going to do with UbuntuGuide right now?05:23
mdkeBurgundavia, that's up to HrdwrBoB 05:23
Burgundaviaas it is copyright violation, as well05:23
mdkeBurgundavia, that is debateable.05:23
Burgundaviaas the 5.04 is a deriv on the 4.10 one05:24
Burgundaviaand the 4.10 was tri-licensed05:24
mdkethere is a clear intention to give a licence on his page, even if it isn't properly done05:24
Burgundaviabut our wiki is not gpl05:24
Burgundaviathus it is license violation05:24
Burgundaviaas gpl and gfdl cannot be mixed05:24
mdkethat is a very stiff way of looking at it05:24
Burgundaviathe law is very stiff05:25
Burgundaviait sucks but is true05:25
mdkeyou canadians have the most flexible law of all of us05:25
Burgundavianot really05:25
HrdwrBoBBurgundavia: stuff on the wiki inherently becomes GFDL?05:25
BurgundaviaHrdwrBoB, dual licensed, actually05:25
Burgundaviagfdl and cc-by-sa2.005:25
=== robitaille remembers an slashdot article of a few days ago about a planned Canadian law banning search engines...
Burgundaviawell, the new canadian copyright law is mixed bag05:26
Burgundaviasome good, some bad05:26
Burgundaviathat is OT though05:26
HrdwrBoBso you can't have a section with a disclaimer that's GPL05:27
Burgundaviaactually, you can't have the entire guide05:27
Burgundaviaremoving the gpl stuff doesn't unlicense it05:27
HrdwrBoBthe GPL stuff isn't removed05:27
HrdwrBoBI moved it to the bottom05:27
Burgundaviathe ubuntuguide.org author released the 4.10 version to the doc team under our licenses05:28
Burgundaviayou can use that05:28
=== Skywind [~Skywind@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgundaviabut honestly, one monolithic page is not useful05:30
HrdwrBoBpossibly, but it seems to be preferred by end users05:31
Burgundaviano, end users want quick information05:31
Burgundaviathere are many way so geting that to them05:31
Burgundaviaa monolithic page is one way05:31
Burgundaviaa well linked wiki is our way05:31
Burgundaviaso, for your page, what are we going to do with it?05:33
HrdwrBoBI just updated it with a "under development due to copyright issues" message05:34
Burgundaviaplease don't like it from anywhere05:35
Burgundaviathis a useful link to keep?06:02
=== jsgotangco [~jsg@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== Skywind [~Skywind@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== Skywind [~Skywind@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
robitaillejsgotangco:  hi (30 minutes later...)07:24
Burgundaviasalut all07:24
=== venda [~sean@ndn-165-134-250.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
jsgotangcoBurgundavia, jeezz you're busy today08:27
Burgundaviakill it?08:28
jsgotangcoit seems pretty rendundant08:29
Burgundaviawhat is this?08:32
Burgundaviacan I kill it?08:36
jsgotangcosure mdke wanted to kill that page before08:37
robitaillehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuSecurity  should we bother keeping it?  I created that page as a proof of concept during a mailing list conversation, but obviously it hasn't be updated in 3 months.08:38
Burgundaviakill it08:39
Burgundaviahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DowngradingFromHoaryHowTo , kill that?08:40
rob^is there a copy of ubuntuguide on the wiki?08:40
jsgotangcodowngrading is ridiculous08:40
rob^you could always replace it with the one in subversion when we're done08:41
Burgundaviathere already is one08:41
rob^yes, thats the one I'm talking about08:41
rob^or even just remove the wiki one, I think ours will be on help.u.c when its done08:43
robitailledowngrading to Warty was on topic during Hoary's developmental cycle and users were upgrading for no real reason for no real reason.  Now, it's kind of useless.08:43
Burgundaviait is already dead08:43
=== Burgundavia is having fun deleting stuff
rob^good work though08:44
rob^the wiki needed it08:44
robitailleUbuntuSecurity is now gone.08:45
robitaillehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/IsoImage  I would kill it; not really useful content08:46
robitaillehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/NanoHowto  keep it?  there is some limited content in there for people interested in that application.08:48
Burgundaviais this out of date? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NautilusScriptsHowto08:51
robitaillefrom memory, NautilusScriptsHowto is where people were dumping example of Nautilus script.  A bit stale, but I don't think it is out of date per say; probably still useful as examples to use if you are trying to write your own scripts.08:53
robitailleI keep seeing my name on all these old pages because they all have icons that got repaired recently :)08:54
=== Seveas [~seveas@ksl403-uva-135.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgundaviamost of them are very old08:54
robitailleFinishInstallationHowto   I would delete08:54
robitaillevery limited content....need to much love to be even remotely useful08:55
robitaillehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhyIMAP   should that be CatDocumentation?08:56
BurgundaviaI would just kill it08:56
robitailleI'm 50/50 on WhyIMAP.  Too many new users have no ideas about IMap vs POP08:57
Burgundaviayes, but it doesn't really serve any audience08:57
robitaillehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToEnableMiddleClickURLLoadingInFirefox   I'm a bit confuse by that page.  Is that middle-button loading creating a new tab?  Or something else?08:59
Burgundaviathat is garbage09:00
Burgundaviakill it?09:01
robitailleis probably not worth keeping.09:01
robitaillespam with a typo :)09:03
robitaillehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/OpenVPNClientMiniHowto   talk about v2, which is only available in Breezy.  So worth keeping around for a bit longer?09:04
Burgundaviatagged as documentation09:04
BurgundaviaI am going to kill the middleclick page09:04
Burgundaviadevelopment only09:05
Burgundaviahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility this is a glossary only term?09:06
robitaillehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/RemoteConnectionUbuntuLiveCD   risky business...but could be of use for someone.09:07
BurgundaviaI will tag it and then note that it is risky09:07
robitailleAccessibility:  looks like a glossary term for a page;  Not sure from where.  AccessibilityTeam needs a bit of my love on some links09:10
BurgundaviaI will kill it09:10
Burgundaviahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThunderbirdDefaultMailerHowto <-- one liner, better served in a more general place09:11
robitaillehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDownUnder     Should we have a general Confence Cateogry for the various past and future COFs pages?09:12
Burgundaviais this true anymore? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelDoesNotSupportCapabilities09:13
HrdwrBoBif it is, it could be cleaned up a bit09:16
Burgundaviawhy? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingFirefox09:16
BurgundaviaHrdwrBoB, go to it09:16
HrdwrBoB$() is better than `09:17
HrdwrBoBand it's better to add the module to /etc/modules09:17
HrdwrBoBthen all you have to do is mkinitrd09:17
Burgundaviafix the page pleaes09:17
HrdwrBoBand all future initrds will be created correctly09:17
Burgundaviaand add CategoryDocumentation to it09:17
HrdwrBoBdoing so09:17
Burgundaviacheers, thanks09:18
robitaillehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingFirefox  wasn't that on the WikiTODO list (install thunderbird and firefox from mozilla.org)?09:18
Burgundaviado we really need a howto on installing from source?09:18
Burgundaviaa user is more likely to seriously mess up their system with that09:19
robitaillepeople keep asking for it....09:19
Burgundaviais there a page that is better for this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WirelessFirmware09:19
Burgundaviaok, I will add huge "do not do" things on it09:19
robitaillehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/WikiToDo has Firefox+Thunderbird page to do.  Not sure who added that request09:20
robitaillehow to add a new category? for that COF one?  09:21
Burgundaviaadded huge caveat and category09:21
Burgundaviaadd it a page09:22
BurgundaviaThis page lists all pages in the documentation category on the wiki:09:22
Burgundavia[[FullSearch()] ] 09:22
Burgundaviathen add that to a page09:22
Burgundaviawow, take peek --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WartyWarthogTasks09:24
robitailleoh, that's simple.  So "CategoryUbuntuConferences"?09:25
robitailledelete?   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDownUnderCarPool09:27
robitaillea bit late for car pool :)09:27
BurgundaviaI feel perky today09:29
Burgundaviamore oldness --> 09:30
robitaillecarpool is gone.  CategoryUbuntuConferences has been created.09:31
robitaillewhat was the perkypenguin page?    it is already gone :)09:34
Burgundaviaoh sorry09:34
Burgundaviasome non-ubuntu release planning09:34
Burgundaviawhat I want are nice templates09:34
Burgundaviain wikipedia I can add a stub message to a page, and it automatically gets added to a category09:35
Burgundaviathus I could tag a page with "NotUpdatedforHoary" and it would be added to the CategoryUpdateForHoary09:35
Burgundaviauseful as a historical articfact?09:36
robitailleStagesofUse was on the agenda of that DocTeam meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeamMeeting2004110409:37
Burgundaviaah, ok09:37
robitaillewas that in Sydney?09:38
Burgundaviano, Mataro09:38
Burgundaviaall of UDU is on the UDU wiki09:39
=== jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
jsgotangcojiyuu0, hello09:41
robitailleBurgundavia: we finally did it:  tried to edit the same page at the same time:  "Conference".09:44
robitaillebut your version won09:45
Burgundaviathat is not bad09:45
BurgundaviaI am working from the bottom of the recent changes, 90 page09:45
jsgotangcogood thing you guys werent fixing X or else we now know why its not working heh09:46
Burgundaviathere are a lot of pages on the wiki that i had no idea existed09:47
Burgundaviathink I can kill this?09:47
Burgundaviadashboard is basically dead09:47
Burgundaviabeagle is coming along nicely though09:47
jiyuu0jsgotangco, yes :)09:48
Burgundaviadoes evolution spam filter by default?09:51
robitailledon't think so.  I think you have to install spamassassin to be able to enable it.  (never done it)09:52
Burgundaviaok, saved that page09:53
robitailleGtk1Fonts is probably of use for some "older" applications...like xmms in the example09:54
Burgundaviahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/FOSSFP <-- why is this on our wiki?09:54
robitailleFOSSFP is promoting the wide-spread use of UBUNTU in Pakistan. FOSSFP is the main contact for UBUNTU in Pakistan.09:56
robitaillefrom https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FouadRiazBajwa09:56
jsgotangcopretty structured heh09:56
jiyuu0promoting ubuntu?09:57
jiyuu0just did this 2 days ago :-)09:57
Burgundaviaout of date?09:57
jsgotangcojiyuu0, ooohh pretty neat09:58
Burgundaviavery nice09:58
Burgundaviaall those shiny new machines09:58
jsgotangconice lab09:58
jiyuu0first lab was ok09:58
jiyuu0but warty live can't display res properly09:58
jiyuu02nd lab, those shinny machines... can't install warty09:59
jiyuu0live also can't work09:59
jiyuu0but works fine for hoary09:59
jiyuu0but the unfortunate thing is, my CDs are all warty09:59
jsgotangcomust be machines with shared video 09:59
jsgotangcoyou should have asked mako for cds09:59
jiyuu0haven come yet10:00
Burgundaviaif you are doing an event, he can bump your order10:00
=== robitaille is also still waiting for Hoary's CDs....
=== Burgundavia already has some
jsgotangcoi got loads from UDU10:00
jsgotangcobut i dont have them anymore10:00
jiyuu0they were pretty much ok with ubuntu10:01
jsgotangcogrrr if i had access to such labs i would do the same10:01
robitailleI want to do an internal seminar at work about Ubuntu in Sept-Oct;  I'll have to bug Mako before then.10:01
jiyuu0but at the end of class, i ask em to burn the mepis and ubuntu10:01
jiyuu0most of em choose mepis10:01
jsgotangcothey like KDE then10:02
jiyuu0i think new to linux ppl like kde more10:02
jsgotangcoits understandable10:02
jsgotangcoits also the colors10:02
jiyuu0and they said, everything in one easier10:02
jsgotangcomy wife prefers using RHEL than Ubuntu probabaly because of bluecurve10:03
Burgundaviaironically, RH is dropping bluecurve10:03
robitailleEventsInBelgium:  maybe add a note about the out of date event? But we should keep it.  They ar most up to date than Canadian events :)10:03
=== robitaille always liked bluecurve
jsgotangcoBurgundavia, really? what for? Clearlooks?10:04
jsgotangcowell that's a step forward i guess10:04
=== Seveas [~seveas@ksl403-uva-135.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgundaviathere is a lot of crap docs on our wiki10:05
robitaillebut less now than a few hours ago :)10:06
Burgundaviaumm --> 10:07
robitailleobviously someone trying to sell an idea who got initially turned down on ubuntu=devel10:09
Burgundaviakill the page?10:09
Burgundaviado we know have japanese input by deafult?10:10
robitailleI think so.  That's conference'spec material10:10
robitailleif it was accepted....10:10
robitailleInputMethods refers to that Japanese input page....10:12
Burgundaviashould we have a category people?10:12
Burgundaviafrom the old doc team --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelHowto10:13
robitaillecategory people?  like this: CategoryHomepage10:13
Burgundaviaah, nev mind10:14
robitaillenotice in that KernelHowTo the link to the unknown CategoryTechnical10:14
robitailleI'm going to bed...I have to work tomorrow morning...10:15
jsgotangcoooh there's a CC meeeting tommorow10:22
Burgundaviaright, when?10:23
Burgundaviaouch 1400 UTC10:24
Burgundaviais 7 am10:24
=== Burgundavia doesn't see himself making that, for some reason
jsgotangcohmmm i make it on meetings with 6am on my side :P10:25
jsgotangcoit arrived! it arrived at last!10:34
jsgotangcoa parcel just arrived my copy of Zeta10:34
Burgundaviaah, that10:35
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Burgundaviamorning Kinnison11:01
Kinnisonmorning burgey11:02
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rwabelBurgundavia: do you know that the HowToStart page is in czech11:35
jsgotangcowell its under LoCoTeams category11:36
rwabelbut it's on the main page of the wiki11:36
rwabelit's linked under Community11:37
Burgundaviayou want to fix that?11:39
Burgundaviaremoe the link or fix the page11:42
rwabelI can remove it, but I can't fix the page...don't speak czech11:42
rwabelwe should ask the author to translate11:43
rwabeldamn...no email11:43
Burgundaviathen just remove the link11:43
Burgundaviaand rename the page to CzechLocoTeam11:44
mdkebut check for backlinks before you rename11:46
mdkeit is still linked11:49
jsgotangcohi mdke11:50
rwabelI've removed...strange11:50
rwabelwill check again11:50
mdkeits linked in a page called TheUbuntuCommunity11:51
rwabelsorry, I shouldn't use opera..I get sometimes problem while editing with opera11:52
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jjessedon't know if this is a known issue, but i reloaded kubuntu (hoary) this weekend and my homepage is the default one04:44
jjesseget an error message "The file /usr/share/ubunut-artwork/home/index.html cannot be found.  Please check the location and try again.04:44
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mdkejjesse, looks like a typo05:13
jjessewait i typed it05:31
jjessehold on05:32
jjesseubuntu is spelled correctly05:32
jjesseit is looking for /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html05:32
mdkewell they have probably removed it from the artwork package05:32
mdkeit should never have been there anyway05:32
jjessethings now located at /usr/share/ubuntu-docs?05:33
mdkeit should point at the aboutubuntu doc from ubuntu-docs or kubuntu-docs05:33
mdkebut we haven't got an ubuntu-docs yet ;)05:33
jjesseeven though there is a folder there05:34
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mdkemgalvin, rob^, commit accounts?09:25
mgalvinmdke, not yet ;(09:26
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkei've sent elmo PM's and stressed him in -devel09:33
mdkei wouldn't mind if he explained why he can't do it, but he just doesn't answer09:33
mdkeafter undertaking to put all requests through in 48 hours, 3 weeks or more is a bit much...09:34
=== Treenaks [~martijn@messy.foodfight.org] has joined #ubuntu-doc
TreenaksHello all09:34
mdkewhat's on your mind?09:35
mgalvinhas he gotten back from debconf yet09:35
mdkemgalvin, just about.09:35
TreenaksI'm planning to have a mini-meeting with the Ubuntu-NL LoCoTeam somewhere just after breezy-release (early November), to translate as much docs as possible to Dutch09:35
Treenaksis there a "translation policy"09:35
mdkeTreenaks, we will be using Rosetta to translate09:36
Treenaksmdke: for the wiki too?09:36
mdkeno wiki is not official docs, just for official docs we will use rosetta09:36
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Treenaksmdke: ah ok09:36
Treenaksmdke: most upstream docs are OK (especially Gnome, etc.)09:36
mdkeTreenaks, about a month before breezy we have a string freeze, at that stage we will through the stuff into rosetta09:36
mdkeand then make a mad appeal for translations09:37
Treenaksmdke: it's more like the questions we get tired off answering on the mailinglists & irc :)09:37
mdkeTreenaks, well hopefully our docs will be useful for that09:37
mdkeTreenaks, we are writing a number of guides09:37
Treenaksmdke: guides.. like "I want to play an mp3"-guide etc.?09:38
mdkecheck out the work in progress at http://tseng2.ath.cx/~ubuntu-doc/ (ubuntu) and http://www.lnix.net/~froud/ (kubuntu)09:38
mdkeTreenaks, there is a frequently asked questions guide, which will certainly cover that question ;)09:38
Treenaksmdke: and this will all be rosetta stuff?09:39
Treenaksmdke: we can't get cheap enough space to stay for a weekend before the release though :(09:40
Treenaksmdke: and we really want to make it a LoCo activity :)09:40
=== rwabel [~rwabel@gw.ptr-80-238-205-70.customer.ch.netstream.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkeTreenaks, translation in rosetta is available to all. I agree the locoteam should coordinate it09:41
mdkebut we have to try and get as much done before breezy as possible09:41
Treenaksmdke: of course09:41
mdkewe will be appealing to locoteams and generally to the translation mailing list/community09:41
mdkeTreenaks, i supose the locoteam coordinates the dutch translation group in rosetta?09:42
Treenaksmdke: not quite09:42
Treenaksmdke: for some reasons people don't come to the Dutch LoCoTeam09:42
Treenaksor at least09:42
Treenaksdifferent people do09:42
mdkeTreenaks, we all have that problem09:42
mdkebut you can get through it :)09:42
Treenaksmdke: yes.. and we might just make it a hackfest, if everything is translated beforehand :)09:43
Treenaksmdke: teaching packaging stuf09:43
mdkewell we'll see09:43
mdkeall you dutch speak perfect english anyhow...09:43
Treenaksmdke: yes.. but my grandmother does not09:44
Treenaksmdke: and en_NL is not really a supported locale :)09:44
mdketsk tsk09:44
mdkewell i am a big fan of translation09:45
mdkei will make sure to come to you guys when we are looking for translators09:45
Treenaksmdke: ok, we hang out on #ubuntu-nl09:45
mdkei will go to #ubuntu-locoteams :)09:46
Treenaksmdke: is there one?09:46
mdkemaybe visit some individual channels if I can09:46
mdkeTreenaks, yes, Seveas is often there09:46
Treenaksah cool09:46
Treenaksmdke: yeah, he's the new "official" leader, I'm the old one :)09:47
mdkerevolution eh09:47
Treenaksmdke: not really.. just jack of motivation.. and I do more now than I did first :)09:47
mdkethat's cool09:47
Treenaksanyway -> otherchannel09:47
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mdkemgalvin, actually now I look at the faq guide I don't quite understand the structure09:55
mdkeyou around?09:56
mgalvinmdke, yea09:56
mgalvinlooking at it now09:56
mdkemgalvin, ok chapter 3 is obviously pretty big09:56
mgalvini haven't looked since rob^ updated it09:56
mdkeand groups a number of things09:57
mdkebut then some of the other later chapters are very specific, e.g. apache, streaming media server09:57
mgalvindoes the faqguide build for you?09:57
mdkealso tips and tricks is very large09:57
mdkemgalvin, yeah i'm looking at it here: http://tseng2.ath.cx/~ubuntu-doc/faqi386/C/09:58
mgalvinwell chapter 3 just goes over installing common things, and there are a lot of them09:58
mgalvinfailed for me, will look at it there09:58
mdkethe thing that strikes me is that users may well find it hard to find what they are looking for. First of all because they don't know whether to look in tips and tricks, add-on applications etc, and secondly because a new user will not know what things like ssh and samba are09:58
mgalvinright ok09:59
mdkefor example if I want to enable mp3 support, where do I go?09:59
mdkei look down, i see networking, security, but no multimedia/music09:59
mgalvinmaybe we should break the add-on apps into sections based on type of app09:59
mgalvinmultimedia, office, development, etc...10:00
mdkei would say the whole thing could be type-based10:00
mdkebecause having a single chapter for add on applications, and a single chapter just for DHCP (which a new user will struggle to figure out what is about) seems odd10:01
mdkei would say things like ssh, samba, apache, dhcp should be under networking10:01
mdkeand maybe have more user friendly titles10:02
mgalvinright they should be, right now its still reflects ubuntuguide.org10:02
mgalvinwe should organize it better10:02
mdkeyeah i was just thinking that is the reason10:02
mdkewith ubuntuguide because it was one single page, structure didn't matter that much because users would just search10:03
mdkefor us, we need to get the categories right10:03
mdkeand the titles. 3.13. 10:04
mgalvinadditionally, ubuntuguide is meant to be a beginners getting started guide but...10:04
mdke"How to install Multimedia Codecs?" is not user friendly10:04
mdkemy flatmate has had a computer for years and I taught him what a codec is just today10:04
mgalvinit seems to have gotten into really tech stuff like dhcp and streaming servers which most users don't need10:05
mdkemgalvin, i think it is cool to have them, but they need to be in categories so that users know where to find them, and what they do10:05
mdkeBurgundavia, btw check UserDocumentation, I was chatting in #moin today and one of the guys was playing around with the TOC. I'm not sure whether I like it or not.10:06
Burgundaviaon the side roc?10:07
BurgundaviaI am also undecided10:08
Burgundaviashall we solicit opinion elsewhere?10:08
mgalvinso we should start moving the content into more properly named categories add provide more friendly titles, i am all for it, it will definitely help make the doc understandable/useable10:10
Burgundaviamore cruft10:10
mgalviner more understandable10:11
BurgundaviaI had a thought regarding cleanup10:13
Burgundaviarather than have a page for it10:13
Burgundaviahave a category10:14
Burgundaviais more scalable10:14
=== |rockinnerd| [~chris@ppp-69-215-99-195.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgundaviathe doc team does the wiki12:00
Burgundaviaand that windows page needs some major love12:01
Burgundaviathanks for doing it12:01
mdkeBurgundavia, url?12:01

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