
slomohmm seems they're all sleeping or busy :( tseng, you haven't voted yet ;)12:06
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tsengi have not12:06
tsenglink me again please12:06
bddebianOK darnit, I added the checks for DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE and DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE and confflags += gcc-3.4 and put the build dependency for gcc-3.4 in the control file but it still seems to be trying to build with gcc-4.x.  What am I missing?12:20
slomobddebian: which package?12:20
bddebianslomo: openswan12:21
ajmitchbddebian: why can't it build with 4.0?12:22
ograajmitch, kernel modules12:22
bddebianajmitch: It builds some kernel modules and apparently that is a problem!?12:22
ajmitchah, I see12:22
bddebianogra: Any quick quidance on what else I could be missing?12:23
ograbddebian, what happens if you only add the 'confflags += gcc-3.4' line, without the if construct12:23
bddebianWell I didn't try that :-)12:24
ograsince you want it for all arhes....12:24
bddebianDo I?12:26
bddebianHmm, still the same12:27
ajmitchogra: did you see the url about utnubu?12:27
ograajmitch, yes12:40
ograajmitch, its a nice move...12:40
=== ajmitch will probably try & join the team, if time permits
ograyes, the latter is also my problem12:44
ajmitchsince we've probably got a thousand or so patches to try & get back upstream to debian12:44
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
niranif a package has a .desktop file, it'll always be in /usr/share/applications, right?01:05
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ograniran, depends.. if its gnome. yes.... kde has some weird ways to abuse .desktop files for themes...01:18
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=== HostingGeek is now known as DarkSSH
=== DarkSSH is now known as HostingGeek
=== jamessan|laptop [~jamessan@c-24-218-220-129.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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HostingGeek|QuaD-: yo02:25
HostingGeekhow are you?02:28
|QuaD-and onw i have to get my X in breezy workign :)02:29
HostingGeekme? sick... threw up a lot yesterday...02:29
=== HostingGeek is planning on swaping back to debian sid
HostingGeeknow that xorg is in sid02:30
HostingGeekthere is nothing intresting in ubuntu02:30
HostingGeeksid is always bleeding edge02:30
bddebianThat's nice02:30
HostingGeekubuntu is 6 months of the year bleeding edge and broken as hell02:30
|QuaD-feel better!02:30
=== bddebian is going back to Windows
=== |QuaD- is going back to msdos
HostingGeekbddebian: you used windows o.002:31
bddebianFine, I'm going back to CPM then :-)02:31
=== ogra is going to sleep
=== HostingGeek goes back to unix
bddebianHostingGeek: Windows pays my bills :-(02:31
=== |QuaD- is going back to multics
bddebianGnight ogra02:31
ogranight all02:31
|QuaD-bddebian: my windows laptop pays the bills :)02:31
=== HostingGeek goes back to lay down... stomic is hurting :|
|QuaD-interesting how -devel says "yes, X is broken. a fix has already been uploaded."02:34
|QuaD-if its uploaded, why isn't it fixed?02:34
=== |QuaD- is confused
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:HostingGeek] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo | please file universe bugs in https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | package for reviewing (NEW or updated)? go here: http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/ | Whoever should speculate about our first priority: REVIEWING | X is roken more broken than broken
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:HostingGeek] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo | please file universe bugs in https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | package for reviewing (NEW or updated)? go here: http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/ | Whoever should speculate about our first priority: REVIEWING | X (X is like foo its a place holder) is roken more broken than broken
jamessan|laptop"is roken more broken than broken" ?02:38
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:ajmitch] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo | please file universe bugs in https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | package for reviewing (NEW or updated)? go here: http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/ | Whoever should speculate about our first priority: REVIEWING
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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HostingGeekwhat is roken?05:17
HostingGeekroken is a broken, broken05:17
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ajmitchhello bddebian05:36
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
AndyFitzCowbell, Cowbell, Cowbell,  :-)05:37
bddebianHeya ajmitch, how's things?05:37
bddebianAndyFitz: :-)05:37
BurgundaviaAndyFitz, how are the icons coming?05:37
AndyFitzg'day bddebian05:37
AndyFitzBurgundavia, they are doing good.  writing up a wiki document so the art team can help up05:38
schweebomg it's ajmitch05:38
schweebanyone using these new cairo enabled gtk2.7 packages?05:40
ajmitchgreat, call for NMUs on debian-devel to some lib packages05:45
ajmitchI see at least 5 there that I touched in ubuntu05:45
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siretartmoin folks!\09:15
siretartwheeez. 55 mails since saturday..09:17
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Burgundaviarobitaille and I are going to town on the wiki, siretart09:23
siretartBurgundavia: I've seen it in my inbox ;) - great job!09:24
siretartBurgundavia: what's about this Category* Pages? Just for better navigating or is there some policy describing how it should work?09:24
BurgundaviaCategory pages are automatically created indexes09:26
Burgundaviaof any page with CategoryFoo in them09:26
siretartah. cool!09:26
TreenaksBurgundavia: can a page have multiple?09:27
Burgundaviajust add another CategoryBar to it09:27
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Burgundaviastill useful for you?09:39
siretartI dont think so, because the archive seems to be unfrozen now, uploads of cxx application should work again09:52
Burgundaviaok, will kill it09:53
=== poningru [~poningru@pool-71-101-7-23.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shwine is compiled but not in the archives...09:59
\shand with all the kde stuff...we're waiting for xbase client09:59
=== Seveas [~seveas@ksl403-uva-135.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretarthi \sh, how are you?10:09
\shsiretart: fine...but waiting for some NEW love ,-)10:10
siretarthehe :)10:10
\shsomeone has to move wine to the archives10:11
siretartdoes this make sense with xorg beeing unusable atm?10:11
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pefis revu frozen ?12:06
siretartpef: not that I'm aware, why?12:17
pefsiretart: no motu comments since a few days12:17
siretartI cannot speak for other MOTUs, but I'm currently very busy. sorry :(12:18
pefno problems ;) I just want to know12:19
ograargh, Burgundavia removed the Cxx page ?12:23
siretartisn't it possible to recover deleted wiki pages?12:38
Amaranthoh dear12:52
Amaranthit's a PITA12:52
Amaranthi don't know how (or if it's possible) with the new wiki software12:52
ograi restored it12:55
ograyou go to the recent changes page, click on info and click on restore in the info page....12:56
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=== havoc figures out how to installl breezy packages on hoary
Treenakshavoc: witha large hammer?03:05
havocI need netatalk-2.0-beta{n}03:06
havocoh, nto even beta anymore, nice :)03:06
havoc2.0.3 is out and in breezy03:06
havocthis si for that 1.2TB machine03:06
havocfileserver for a mac network03:07
havocand the netatalk version that comes with hoary (1.6.4) doesn't quite work for a mixed OS9 and OSX network03:07
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=== rem_ [~rem@adsl-169-48-bs1.datacomm.ch] has joined #ubuntu-motu
NafalloI just found myself blogging for the second time today :-P03:19
=== Nafallo hugs drivel *
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bddebianHello havoc03:32
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=== havoc wonders just how stable breezy is right now
Treenakshavoc: so do we04:02
havocI *need* netatalk-2.0.3, so my options are to go to breezy, or build from source04:03
AmaranthX does not work at all in breezy04:03
Amaranthif you haven't been following X from at least -36 to now04:03
havocwell, I don't have X installed anyway04:03
havocok, build from source it is04:04
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havocok, build from source isn't as easy as it sounds :(04:12
sivangAmaranth: works for me04:14
sivangAmaranth: I had a broken X from about a week ago, I dist-upgraded today and everything's fine04:14
Amaranthsivang: You went from hoary to breezy xorg 6.8.2-42?04:14
Amaranthof course it works for you04:15
Amaranthyou have an xbase-clients04:15
sivangAmaranth: no, from breezy to breezy04:15
Amaranthyes, going from hoary to breezy or a fresh install of breezy (if daily snapshots are building) is broken04:16
sivangAmaranth: ah that is bullocks ;-)04:27
Amaranthblame daniels :)04:27
=== robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== bddebian blames daniels though he doesn't know what for :-)
=== tritium [~tritium@12-208-96-155.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianWould anyone find any value in me adding comments or a link to a comments page about problems with packages that I find in UniverseUnmetDeps that I may not be able to fix myself??04:36
siretartbddebian: if you think your comments could save work for others fixing the package, I'd say absolutly. if in doubt, yes ;)04:37
ograbddebian, everything you do is valuable here :)04:38
bddebianYeah right04:38
bddebianHere are two examples, give me your opinion.  zorp needs to be updated from upstream due to libzorpll 3.0.xx and some changes in functions therein.  Openswan FTBFSs with gcc-4.0 because it includes kernel modules.  Unfortunately the rules/control set up is all makefiles so it's not a "small" change, I don't think.04:40
bddebianNo comment?04:44
\shbddebian: the comments of siretart and ogra say "Yes, do it" I say "do it" if this is not the majority, then I don't know anymore *lol*04:46
Amaranthopenswan is C though, right?04:48
bddebianOK.  Should I put them right on the UnmetDeps page or a link?04:48
=== infinito [~infinito@75.Red-80-59-227.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartbddebian: I think some sort of 'commented' .debdiffs would be most helpful04:48
ograAmaranth, yes, but kernel stuff doesnt compil with gcc-4.004:49
Amaranthogra: I know, but you can compile it with gcc-3.4 :)04:49
bddebiansiretart: How would I do that?  Actually go ahead and update zorp for example, from upstream?04:49
siretartbddebian: ah, I see. for bigger changes this is not feasible..04:53
siretartrather for smaller changes04:53
bddebianWell obviously if I can fix the package, I intend to try :-)04:55
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\shugh....this is.../me is ashamed05:02
tritiumhey teferi :)05:02
teferiso tritium tells me that i should package my stupid little evolution mail notifier tray icon05:02
comadrejagmail-notify would go into section universe/net ?05:02
\shwhat about mail?05:03
comadrejabetter, right ?05:03
bddebian\sh: What are you ashamed about?05:03
teferii'm not sure he's right, it's a 40-line python hack and it's not even done yet05:03
ograteferi, based on the dbus messages ?05:03
teferiogra: yep05:03
\shbddebian: i just found a piece of evidence of me...10 years ago05:03
ograDO IT !05:04
bddebian\sh: Ah :-)05:04
teferiogra: there hasn't been one since em-panel-applet broke after the big dbus api break05:04
teferiand i finally got tired of switching desktops to check mail05:04
teferianyway, let me finish version 0.2 and you all can take a look at it05:04
tritiumawesome, teferi05:04
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teferihmm...0.2 will be a little longer, tooltips aren't working for some reason05:07
teferiah, that would be why.05:07
teferigood god, there's something seriously wrong with my mail system if it takes this long for mail to percolate up into evolution...05:12
Lathiatlol percolate05:12
teferiwell, postfix to courier to evolution05:13
teferier, postfix to procmail to etc.05:13
Lathiatahh courier is the problem? ;)05:13
teferii suspect courier05:13
Lathiatuse dovecot!05:13
teferiis it any good?05:13
Lathiatworks great05:13
teferialso, what's the migration path from courier like?05:13
Lathiati use it all the time05:13
Lathiatno idea05:13
Lathiatdepends what features of courier you are using i guess05:14
teferium, nothing fancy05:14
Lathiatyeh that shold work fine05:14
Lathiatmore worried about things like virtual users05:14
teferinothing that fancy05:14
teferiall right! tooltips!05:17
teferilemme check this into cvs and then i'll upload it somewhere05:17
teferirequires python, python-gnome2-dev, python-gnome2-extras-dev05:21
teferiand python2.4-dbus05:21
teferiplease beat on it and tell me if you break it05:22
tritiumteferi, thanks again :)05:24
teferitritium: hey, i'm doing this because i need it. the fact that you may find it useful is entirely coincidental :)05:25
teferioh crap, small bug05:25
teferiokay, try now05:26
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
teferitritium: it work okay fro you?05:35
tritiumteferi, no, import error for egg.trayicon05:36
tritiumIm probably missing a python lib05:36
teferitritium: you need python-gnome2-extras-dev05:36
tritiumcool, thanks05:36
tritiumteferi, I'm going to have to check it out later.  I'll let you know next time I see you.  Thanks again.05:39
teferino problem, i'll hang around05:39
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teferihuh, switching to dovecot broke my folders just a teensy bit05:51
Lathiatmight need to fiddle with the option for folders05:52
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teferiit doesn't root its namespace in INBOX like courier did05:53
teferiwhich is a bit different05:53
teferii seem to still be able to access all my old folders, though, so no loss yet05:53
teferihowever, i don't seem to be able to subscribe to folders from inside evolution. odd, that.05:53
=== teferi shrugs
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Amaranth\sh_away: Your server is about to die. :P06:11
bddebianIf someone gets a second, can they just check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UniverseUnmetDeps and let me know if that is too much or too little info for the page?06:24
slomobddebian: you are BarryDefreese? well it seems like too much information ;) should be ok this way :) at least me and the others just list on what packages we're working currently...06:29
bddebianslomo: Well I was trying to get info out there for others that I have looked at it but not necessarily will be able to fix the package itself.  You think it's too much?06:37
slomobddebian: that was a joke :) i think it's ok this way06:40
bddebianslomo: Oh sorry :-)  Thanks for looking.06:40
slomobddebian: maybe add a link to the debian bugreport you mean :) is this #304666 or #30161806:42
bddebianI thought about that but I was trying not to get too verbose. :-)06:44
slomohm, just add them ;) that's ~15 additional characters and when somebody wants them deleted he just can do it... which one of these two bugs is causing problems? only the second?06:50
bddebianJust did :)06:53
slomook, fine :) hm, maybe you can try to do an updated package? uupdate ist your friend ;) but is the 2.1 branch source/binary compatible with 2.0?06:55
bddebianOf zorp?  It should be the 3.0.x branch06:56
slomooh ok :)06:58
Nafalloslomo: btw. for kismet you might want this debian/control: http://www.magicalforest.se/tmp/control.kismet06:58
Nafalloslomo: i.e. changed Suggests and Description to what debian has in the last sync :-).06:59
Nafalloslomo: hi btw :-)07:00
slomohi ;) hmm, why do you tell me that? kismet was on my todo list after gnucash/sawfish/python-gnome2 but nobody should've known that ;)07:01
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Nafalloslomo: I hacked on 2005.04.R1-2 to build on ubuntu before 2005.06.R1-0ubuntu1 was uploaded :-).07:03
Nafalloslomo: but that version had the Suggests from 2004.04.R1, so I wanted to tell you that for the next kismet upload :-).07:05
=== TMM [~hp@c51471f2c.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
comadrejaI need a revision on this http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/details.py?upid=15607:08
comadrejabtw siretart, thanks for kismet !07:08
Nafalloslomo: hmm, are you the right person btw? :-)07:08
slomoi don't think so ;) maybe you've mistaken me for comadreja? :)07:08
slomobut thanks anyway :)07:09
Nafalloslomo: ahh, hehe. sorry then :-).07:09
comadrejaoh, yes, it's me07:09
Nafallocomadreja: ^ s/slomo/comadreja/g ;-)07:09
comadrejasend me a diff07:10
slomocomadreja: the diff of your gmail-notify upload seems to be broken07:10
comadrejadamn, let me check07:10
comadrejaoh, it's a new package, damn07:10
Nafallocomadreja: k07:11
slomocomadreja: is kismet completely fixed now? in that case you can remove it from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UniverseUnmetDeps and add your name and the package name to the already-done-table ;)07:11
comadrejaslomo: should be, yes. I'll retry it07:12
comadrejaslomo: yes, it does07:13
slomocomadreja: it works at least on ppc :) and it isn't segfaulting for me like the old version07:14
Nafallocomadreja: that's http://www.magicalforest.se/tmp/control.diff07:16
comadrejaslomo : that's not thanks to me :D07:16
comadrejaNafallo : awesome07:17
=== |rockinnerd| [~chris@ppp-69-215-0-79.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHmm, I don't get any unmet install dependencies for the zope-* stuff on UniverseUnmetDeps07:20
slomowhich architecture? x86?07:21
|rockinnerd|i'm so confused on how to start to be a MOTU07:22
bddebian|rockinnerd|: Join the club :-)07:23
bddebianI'm just amusing enough to ogra to stick around.  Other than that, I'm useless :-)07:23
slomobddebian: even zope-popyda?07:23
bddebianslomo: Yep07:23
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slomobddebian: hmm, funny... zope-popyda: Depends: python2.1-popy (>= 2.0.8) but it is not installable  Depends: python2.1-popy (< 2.0.9) but it is not installable07:24
slomobddebian: this is also on x86 ;)07:24
bddebianslomo: On Breezy?07:24
slomobddebian: yes07:24
|rockinnerd|where does the community council meet?07:24
slomo|rockinnerd|: #ubuntu-meeting07:24
bddebian|rockinnerd|: #ubuntu-meeting07:25
slomobddebian: there really is no python2.1-popy anymore... maybe you have hoary sources in your sources.list or something?07:25
slomobddebian: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=popy&searchon=names&subword=1&version=breezy&release=all07:26
bddebianslomo: That's weird.  I don't get that dep in apt-cache search but I don't get an error when apt-get install zope-popyd07:26
bddebianI should really set up a chroot for this crap07:27
Nafallobddebian: pbuilder is your friend :-)07:29
slomobddebian: have a look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto07:29
bddebianI can install packages into my pbuilder?07:30
bddebianI thought it was more a test build environment07:30
Nafallobddebian: pbuilder login is your friend to ;-)07:30
slomobddebian: and this package should be easy to fix... probably just change the (build)depends to python2.4-popy07:30
bddebianslomo: I know07:30
bddebianNafallo: How do I do that?07:31
Nafallobddebian: set up a pbuilder and then run pbuilder login :-)07:31
bddebianI have a pbuilder07:32
slomobddebian: but don't make the same mistake as me and don't install something else than the default stuff ;) gets really hard to fix build dependencies when everything is there by default :)07:32
Nafalloslomo: well. you probably used --save-after-login ;-)07:32
Nafallologin is having a chroot that gets restored after you've been there :-)07:34
slomoNafallo: yes _that_ was the mistake ;) really stupid07:34
Nafalloslomo: login is great for testing installations and that stuff :-)07:34
slomoNafallo: sure... as long as you don't add --save-after-exec =) well... i'll search something to eat... brb :)07:35
Nafalloslomo: s/exec/login/ , but yea :-)07:36
=== Nafallo is using --save-after-login quite often though.
Nafallomirrorchanges, getting ccache to work etc... :-)07:37
bddebianWeird.  I get the depency failure in pbuilder but not in my normal breezy environement.. WTF07:37
ograbddebian, is your installation up to date ? is you pbuilder up to date ? i guess one of them is outdated07:38
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|rockinnerd|what do you think i should put in my Wiki; ive added myself to tomorrow's meeting agenda07:41
=== thierry [~thierry@modemcable094.69-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
thierryat http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/ what means the hammer, the light and the heart?07:44
bddebianThe CC meeting is tomorrow? Yeesh07:44
bddebianogra: Well I thought I updated my pbuilder but it was pulling from uk.ubunutu.com and I know I changed that so I am confused07:45
slomotseng: ping?07:46
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-084-059-089-064.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianOK damnit, shouldn't pbuilder be using my /etc/pbuilder/apt.conf/sources.list???07:59
=== ozamosi [~ozamosi@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
slomohmm, i've created a package for cowbell yesterday uploaded it to revu and now the upstream author asked me whether i want the debian/ stuff included upstream :) would this be wise or can this cause problems somewhere? and what would be the best choose for the version numbering in that case? 0.1-0?08:05
jamessan|workdebian/ should not be in upstream08:06
slomojamessan|work: ok, thanks :) are there any reasons for this?08:07
jamessan|workfor one, it means there's no diff.gz08:07
bddebianOK, I don't get a build dependencie installing zope-speedpack in pbuilder, but it does explode08:09
slomojamessan|work: and this confuses buildd/archives?08:11
bddebianIf someone is bored, could you look at this? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/66008:12
jamessan|workslomo: no, it makes it easier to see what changes the maintainer is making.  also, why should it be in upstream if it's debian specific?08:13
comadrejaI'm uploading the fixed gcl 2.6.6 package08:15
comadrejato revu08:15
slomojamessan|work: no idea ;) he just asked :) doesn't really make much difference but is useless imho... same as the .spec files included with some packages08:16
ograbddebian, are all this python modules in the depends ?08:18
ograespecially the python package that contains shutil08:18
bddebianogra: All which python modules?08:19
ogra import fnmatch, glob, os, re, sys, shutil08:19
ograthats a line of python imports08:19
ograhmm, should be in python2.408:20
bddebianIt doesn't depend python2.4 I don't think.  Which is probably the problem08:20
ogracould also be a older version, or the python metapackage08:21
ograthey contain it all08:21
comadrejawhy don't you use dh_python ?08:22
comadrejathe debian helper thingy for python08:23
bddebianI know what you meant, I meant who were you talking to, me? :-)08:23
comadrejabddebian : yes, sorry08:23
comadrejabddebian : I forgot, I was talking to you08:23
NafalloI search for the author of books I want and get her homepage :-P08:23
NafalloI actually want to buy books :-)08:24
Nafallostupid google :-P08:24
thierryat http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/ what means the hammer, the light and the heart?08:24
ograNafallo, ever heard of amazon ? :p08:24
Nafalloogra: heard of it. never been there ;-).08:24
thierryI'd like to review some package on breezy... could someone point one and how this works?08:24
bddebianDepends python2.3-psyco?? WTF?08:25
=== SloMoSnail [~slomo@p5487EEB0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Amaranth wonders how that got missed in the python transition
Nafalloogra: how to make it sort only the swedish translation? :-P08:26
pef_awthierry: hammer = need work, light = new package (not already debianized), and heart means the package is accepted08:27
ograNafallo, tried amazon.se ?08:31
Nafalloogra: yepp. leads to www.active24.se or something like that.08:33
siretarthi folks08:34
siretartCC concil is tomorrow, yes?08:34
Nafallosiretart: yes08:34
Nafalloogra: irritating when you got the first three books, but can't find book five and six anywhere on the internet ;-).08:35
comadrejasiretart : thanks about kismet :)08:35
ograheh, probably the are confidential :)08:35
comadrejasiretart : I uploaded two more packages08:38
siretartcomadreja: I (and the whole community) has to thank YOU for preparing the upload! :)08:38
siretartcomadreja: great! :)08:38
bddebianAmaranth: Are you talking about my zope question wrt "got missed on python transition"?08:40
Amaranthi guess so08:40
=== bddebian just flaps in the breeze
bddebianCC meeting is 15:00 EST ?08:42
Lathiatbddebian: date --utc and #ubuntu-meeting topic08:46
bddebianOh, only 4 hours difference so 16:00 EDT08:48
SloMoSnailbddebian: 14:00 UTC... should be 15:00 EST08:49
seth_kbddebian: we're in daylight savings, so EST is only -4 right now (not -5 as it is normally)08:49
bddebianseth_k: Right08:49
comadrejabut the topi says 14:00 UTC08:50
seth_kyeah bddebian read the tech board time08:50
bddebianHehe, I was confusing it with the NuN meeting :-)08:50
seth_k14:00 UTC - 4 = 10:00 UTC, hope you drink coffee bddebian08:50
bddebianShiite, that's only 10:00 am :-)  I'll just join in from work.. ;-)08:51
seth_k9 am for me, hello early rising08:51
comadrejait's 16:00 for me :D nap time :D08:52
\shwell...xfs is fast..but removing files is slow08:53
comadreja \sh you could move them to another dir and have a cron job to delete them08:54
\shcomadreja: na..08:54
\shi need space...and I don't want to move to canada08:55
\shogra: is it ok to say: Rebuild because of C++ Transition? I don't know if k* gets mad ,-)08:56
ogra\sh, the HDs are bigger in canada ?08:56
\shogra: more trees actually08:56
ogra\sh, just describe: changed dependsncy blah to dependency blupp08:56
\shogra: it's a rebuild...:(08:57
\shno changes at all...08:57
ograbecause of which dep do you do the rebuild ?08:57
ogramention it :)08:57
\shI just copied dokos text ,-)08:57
tsengSloMoSnail: ?08:59
=== lsuactiafner [~noirrac@tpc-ip-nas-1-p205.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shthe list is completly borked09:00
SloMoSnailtseng: already solved :)09:01
\shogra: can u compile a list of libstdc++5 rdepends on amd64?09:03
=== niran [~niran@cpe-67-10-213-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ogra\sh, not worth it currently, my system is heavy outdated...09:03
\shthe list of unmetdeps is completly *censored*09:04
ograand since only half of xorg is waiting i'm not after upgrading currently09:04
Nafallo\sh: better wait til does buildds are up2date again :-)09:04
comadreja\sh, I created a small script, don't know if I told you09:04
bddebian\sh: It is?09:04
\shcomadreja: yeah09:04
Nafallo"til does" wtf do I mean? :-)09:04
ogra\sh, look through the recent changes and revert the breakage09:05
Nafallo"till the" I guess ;-)09:05
\shcomadreja: but some of the apps are already done by doko...and they're listed in my rdepends list09:05
ograNafallo, i (as a suffering amd64 user) understood you ;)09:05
\shit's a mess09:05
Nafalloogra: hehe09:05
\shI complete auto rebuild should be ok..to see what breaks and what not09:06
siretart\sh: if you paste me the correct grep-dctrl line, I will sent the output to you09:06
\shI'm not sure, if it's correct to see libqt3c102-mt in my list09:07
bddebianI didn't think that was valid anymore?09:08
bddebian\sh: Don't listen to me, I don't know shit though :-)09:08
\shk3b is in main?09:09
\shwhy the hell is it depending on libqt3c102-mt?09:10
siretartgnarf. forget it. should concentrate more on my work here. only partial multitasking support available here :/09:11
\shsiretart: work :)09:11
bddebian\sh: I might be wrong.  libqt3c102 still shows in my archive.  Though I swore that was replaced by libqt3-mt?09:12
=== sn9_ [~danielg4@gimpelevich.san-francisco.ca.us] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianOK, so zope-speedpack is crashing looking for shutil and some other functions.  It depends python2.3-psyco.  Doing a dpkg -S for shutil only returns python-2.4 and python2.4-twisted.  Should zope-speedpack depend on python2.4 then?09:20
jamessan|workdo you even have a 2.3 version of python installed?09:21
jamessan|workdpkg -S only searches currently installed pacakges09:21
bddebianOh yeah, good point09:22
bddebiandumbass :-(09:22
NafalloI need popcorn09:22
bddebianWell it is in python2.3 but not python2.3-psyco.  Of course -psyco depends on python-2.3 I am sure.09:23
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sn9_it does09:24
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sn9_What's the canonical way (lower case C; no pun intended) to keep track of broken universe deps for breezy?09:28
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=== bddebian doesn't understand why these are failing
sn9_Are you positive it's looking at the right path?09:35
bddebiansn9_: Me?09:44
sn9_The exact path for shutils.py is dependent upon the python version.09:45
sn9_I just thought it might be looking for the wrong one.09:45
bddebiansn9_: This fails on apt-get install zope-speedpack and zope-popyda09:45
sn9_Well, .deb pkgs don't depend on individual files, so exactly what dep isn't satisfied?09:47
sn9_oh. you mean it's not depending on what it should...09:48
sn9_Still, the problem could very well be a bad path somewhere in the install script for speedpack.09:50
ograbddebian, did you make it depend on python or python2.4 now ?09:50
bddebianogra: Neither yet.  I was trying to get a better handle on the actual problem. :-)09:51
ogradepend on python, rebuild it and see if the error still occurs (i doubt it)09:51
sn9_If it depends on python2.3-psyco, and that depends on python-2.3, apt-get should set them both up first, so if the script is still failing, it's not really a dep problem.09:51
bddebiansn9_: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/66009:51
bddebianogra: Just python vs. python-psyco?09:52
ograbddebian, additionally09:52
bddebianAhh, OK09:52
ograbddebian, if it doesnt work, there is something else broken, but i'd try the obvious first...09:54
bddebianSHould I change python2.3-psyco to just python-psyco also?09:54
ogradunno, is there a metapackage ?09:55
ograif so, it will depend on python2.4-psycho .... so you should test if it still works later09:55
ograsince you changed versions of the deps09:55
sn9_Note that -psyco is only available on i386, so anything that depends on it won't be installable on amd64 or ppc.09:57
=== Mo42 [~mo@p548756CD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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Mo42hi there... i think that i found a bug in some universe packages...10:03
sn9_that's not hard to do10:04
ograMo42, file them as pointed out in the topic10:04
Mo42i do not know which package is wrong...10:05
sn9_ogra: does that apply to breezy as well?10:05
ograsn9_, yep10:05
Mo42yes, only breezy10:05
ograyou can file bugs on hoary too... but it very much depends if it gets solved10:05
Mo42it's about gnome-art, which is not included in hoary10:05
ograMo42, the wallpaper downloading thonie ?10:06
ograMo42, ask seb128 in ubuntu-devel, he probably wants to package it10:06
bddebiansn9_: But the package current depends on python2.3-psyco.  Hmm, but it is arch: all.  Does that mean, that is wrong also?10:07
Mo42it has already been packaged? its in universe already10:07
ograsorry then10:07
ografile the bug :) and dont listen to me :)10:07
Mo42but there seems to be a dependency missing10:07
ograMo42, on what ?10:07
Mo42it does not run if librexml-ruby is not installed10:08
ograeek, its ruby ?10:08
ogranow i know why its not in main :)10:08
=== ogra adds the dependency
sn9_bddebian: according to packages.ubuntu.com, -psyco is i386-only, so anything that's "all" best not depend on it10:09
Mo42on debian unstable, libglade2-ruby depends on librexml-ruby, not gnome-art directly10:09
ograyes, the package is very odd...10:09
ograi'm just looking at it10:09
SloMoSnailogra: and while you're at it... libgda2-ruby and libgtkglext1-ruby also have missing binary dependencies but a simple rebuild should do ;)10:10
ograSloMoSnail, all these ruby packages have fixed depends and build depends... its a mess...10:11
ogranormally i refuse to touch ruby crack at all10:11
SloMoSnailwon't it be possible to write something like dh_python for ruby which puts the depends in automatically?10:13
ograyes, thats whats missing...10:13
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bddebianWould dh_python be better for zope-speedpack et al do you think?10:18
ograbddebian, try it.... maintaining packages is driven by boring rebuilds ;)10:19
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bddebianogra: ??10:22
\shogra: lol10:22
bddebianHmm, how do I test a .deb in pbuilder?10:23
ograbddebian, i try it in my main system (which is not right) set up a chroot is the alternative10:24
bddebianHmm, maybe I'm not so off.  I usually test everything right in my main environment too :)10:25
ograyes, but you'll never really know if the deps match then ;) because it might be that the missing dep is already installed10:26
bddebianBah :-)10:27
\shbddebian: every two days a complete new chroot is good :)10:34
bddebianYou guys are killing me here.. :)10:35
Nafallo\sh: for what? :-)10:35
Nafalloas I said earlier... pbuilder login is your friend :-)10:36
Nafallono need to replace chroots, they will do that themselves when you logout :-)10:36
\shNafallo: well...old school ,-)10:40
Nafallo\sh: *s*10:41
bddebianNafallo: But if I did that, how would I get my .deb file over?10:43
Nafallobddebian: I do it the \sh way :-)10:44
bddebianAhhhh, nice10:44
bddebianDamn, tooo much to learn :-)10:45
\shbddebian: my exp is yours10:45
Nafallobddebian: naah, set it up and it's working ;-)10:45
\shNafallo: thx for reading it actually ,-)10:45
Nafallo\sh: you mean using it? we should have  a hook for uploading built stuff btw ;-)10:46
Nafallodirectly from pbuilder that is :-)10:47
\shNafallo: actually...my server is full (no mem anymore :() so sbuild has to w8 for mark :)10:49
NafalloI was actually talking about a pbuilder hook to dput local stuff :-)10:50
\shand revu needs really some love10:50
\shNafallo: oh...hmmm10:50
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bddebianCan I use dpkg to install the deb but resolve the dependencies from sources.list?10:56
Nafallobddebian: that's why I prefer the solution on that wikipage :-)10:57
bddebianNafallo: Yeah but I already have my chroot now and I'm supposed to be working.. ;-P10:57
Nafalloogra: hi :-)10:57
ogra debian/rules clean10:58
ograruby1.8 extconf.rb10:58
ograextconf.rb:9:in `require': no such file to load -- mkmf (LoadError)10:58
ogra        from extconf.rb:910:58
ogramake: *** [configure-stamp]  Error 110:58
ograwho the f*ck invented this ill language10:58
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ograthis packages are as silly as you can build a package10:59
=== ogra cries
ograthe rules file is written in ruby....11:03
ogramake calls ruby and ruby calls the commands11:04
SloMoSnailwtf?! next time i'll write my rules in brainfuck :)11:04
ograwould be fine with me, if it wouldt do that already in the clean target...11:05
ograjust to build a source package you have to install all this crap11:05
comadrejahow do I reupload a package to revu ?11:06
SloMoSnailcomadreja: remove the .upload file and upload it like before11:07
comadrejawithout changing the name... of course, just a word of changes :)11:07
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pef_awnight !11:07
comadrejaoops, that easy. Thanks :)11:07
ogracomadreja, but never ever do that to uploads.ubuntu.com11:08
comadrejataking note...11:08
comadrejaI don't have upload privs anyway11:08
ogracomadreja, but you're on your way, arent you ?11:09
comadrejaogra: hope so, I'm doing my best11:11
Nafalloogra: hehe. you're unstoppable ;-)11:11
ograyou do , really...11:11
=== |rockinnerd| [~chris@ppp-69-215-99-195.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
|rockinnerd|Can anyone here look @ my wikipage to see if i'll be accepted at tomorrow's Council meeting? <http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChristopherCmolik>  Any critique is appreciated11:24
|rockinnerd|I apologize for asking an all-to-often asked question, too11:29
bddebianWell time to head home.  Catch you all later.11:30
seth_k|rockinnerd|: what have you done to contribute to Ubuntu specifically?11:36
|rockinnerd|seth_k, nothing, yet11:40
seth_k|rockinnerd|: that's a very important prerequisite to applying for membership.11:40
|rockinnerd|oh... well, what do you suggest that i do?11:41
=== |rockinnerd| removes myself from the agenda
seth_kthere are plenty of ways to get involved11:41
|rockinnerd|so i dont have to be accepted to get involved? only with MOTU?11:42
=== infinito [~infinito@75.Red-80-59-227.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
seth_ksupporting in the forums and IRC, writing docs for the wiki, filing and testcasing bugs, packaging and backporting,11:42
seth_kno, anyone can get involved, even with MOTU11:42
|rockinnerd|only with MOTU i have to be accepted?11:42
ograor just some artwork ;)11:42
seth_kof course you cannot become a MOTU until you are a member11:42
seth_kbut REVU is open to anyone11:42
|rockinnerd|what's revu?11:42
ogra|rockinnerd|, first become a member, then do some packaging work we can judge... then become MOTU :)11:43
seth_kit's a system to which you can upload your packages for Ubuntu, and MOTUs will review them for inclusion in Ubuntu11:43
seth_ksee /topic for revu info11:43
|rockinnerd|ah. thank you.11:43
seth_kI started by supporting in #kubuntu and #ubuntu, and by backporting apps from Breezy to Hoary11:43
|rockinnerd|define supporting11:44
seth_kand getting to know the team of devs and MOTUs11:44
|rockinnerd|like tech support?11:44
seth_ktech support. There are plenty of new users about11:44
ograa wiki howto page would do it as well... or even better helping with a transition (we have plenty of them currently)11:44
seth_kso there are all sorts of ways to contribute. But contributing is something you do before becoming a member, to prove yourself, not after ;)11:45
|rockinnerd|has a windows to linux migration guide been done?11:45
seth_klots of wiki howto pages! make us lots! :P11:45
seth_knot to my knowledge, no11:45
=== |rockinnerd| claims it
ogra|rockinnerd|, tere is some pre work on the wiki11:45
|rockinnerd|ray_ how do i change the root password?11:45
|rockinnerd||rockinnerd| ray_, sudo passwd11:45
ogra|rockinnerd|, some guy has done really great resaerches, must be on the wiki anywhere11:46
|rockinnerd|^^ my first support case :-)11:46
ograjust use sudo :)11:46
seth_kwell we won't kill you this time11:46
|rockinnerd|well, he specifically asked11:46
seth_kbut http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo11:46
sn9_sudo passwd -L11:46
=== tseng dies
ograif users still need root, we need to improve sudo... not revert to the old crap ;)11:47
seth_kare you a Kubuntu or Ubuntu guy, |rockinnerd|11:47
ograheh, what a question11:47
|rockinnerd|Ubuntu with KDE, so both i guess11:47
seth_kit's all marketing anyways ogra11:47
ograseth_k, i stopped to distinguish :)11:48
sn9_sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop11:48
ograat least since i have to build edubuntu :-/11:48
tsengman today was one of those days where I worked straight through11:49
tsengi didnt goof off once11:49
=== seth_k updates his pbuilder and hopes that the new KDE packages fix his build
|rockinnerd|ok, i added to a wiki, just as a first step https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo11:58
seth_kyou need not label your changes, they are picked up by MoinMoin.11:59
|rockinnerd|ive been burned where it's bolded.11:59
Burgundavia|rockinnerd|, can you join #ubuntu-doc please?11:59
|rockinnerd|just doing whatever other people have been doing, but i wasn't aware of that fact.11:59
|rockinnerd|I apologize if i'm trolling12:00
seth_kyou're not :)12:00
seth_kwe're glad you're interested in helping12:00
|rockinnerd|^^ directed twoards Burgundavia12:00
seth_kgrumble Riddell, kde-devel depends kde-core, kdesdk, kdelibs4-dev, kdebase-dev, libkonq4-dev, but can't be installed12:01
SloMoSnailis someone here who wants to take a look at http://yggdrasil.sytes.net/files/debdiff/ ? these 3 debdiffs are for UniverseUnmetDeps packages and really simple... ogra maybe? ;)12:01

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