
aruLa_PaRCa: install stable12:00
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La_PaRCaaru, how would he go about that?12:00
ubotucodecs is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats12:00
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arudownload the stable iso and install12:00
thoreauputicaru: erm... what are you talking about?12:01
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martin_Anyone knows about some nice photo manager for gnome? STK like picasa...12:01
thoreauputicmartin_: gthumb is nice12:01
thoreauputicI don't know picasa, guess it's a Windows thing...12:02
vinithoreauputic, thanks a lot... now I'm listen MP3, but WAV files do not play12:02
martin_I know, but I miss some features (album generating, slideshow, red-eyes correction etc.)12:02
thoreauputicvini: wav or wma ?12:02
retteketetyes picasa is a windows thing12:02
vinithoreauputic, wav :)12:03
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jnkmartin_, f-spot maybe (didn't try in a while so I don't know if it has those features)12:03
thoreauputicvini: in a terminal, what happens if you type   aplay song.wav ?12:03
kyncanivini: install gstreamer0.8-plugins which will install a whole bunch of gstreamer codecs12:03
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htaccesshow do i tab between virtual desktops in ubuntu?12:04
htaccessctrl tab dont seem to work12:04
jnkctrl alt arrows12:04
vinithoreauputic, aplay: test_wavefile:689: can't play not PCM-coded WAVE-files12:04
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thoreauputichtaccess: ctrl-alt arrow I think (I'm in fluxbox...)12:05
martin_I tried installing imgseek via apt-get, but didnt work... I will try the f-spot, thx for the tip.12:05
htaccessyea thats it, thanks12:05
thoreauputicvini: hmmm... what does the command   file test_wavefile   say ?12:05
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jnkoops do not feel lucky for f-spot on google12:06
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arutakes you to the project page...12:07
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jnkaru does it?12:07
apokryphosCan the Ubuntu partition manager not format free space that hasn't been partitioned/formatted before?12:07
jnkI typed f-spot in the location bar in firefox... went elsewhere12:07
vinithoreauputic, test_wavefile: ERROR: cannot open `test_wavefile' (No such file or directory)12:07
martin_And guys, Ubuntu rules!12:07
jnkapokryphos, you mean gparted? sure it can, if you don't have too many primary parittions12:08
thoreauputicvini: well, of course you need to be in the right directory and use the right file name :)12:08
martin_I have tried Suse, Fedora, Mandrake, Debian and Ubuntu is my choice...12:08
thoreauputicvini:  file <name of file>12:08
apokryphosjnk: nope, the installer partioner12:08
martin_see you12:08
kevinSame here martin_12:09
jnkapokryphos, it definitely can12:09
apokryphosjnk: could be the fact that there's too many primaries; I'll check that out12:10
vinithoreauputic, ohhh, I didn't understand :P12:10
thoreauputicvini: :)12:10
vinithoreauputic, Menu-Tarantino.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, mono 22050 Hz12:10
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thoreauputicvini: OK, well it should play AFAIK - try   play Menu-Tarantino.wav12:10
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apokryphosjnk: is there any potential loss of data on a partition that's changed from primary to logical?12:11
vinithoreauputic, play? command not found12:11
jnkapokryphos, I don't know how you can do that without loss12:11
vinithoreauputic, whats AFAIK12:12
jnk(except by copying)12:12
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thoreauputicvini: as far as I know12:12
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thoreauputicvini: OK it's odd that you can't play a .wav file - seems you don't have the "play" script, which doesn't matter, but I think installing gstreamer-plugins is a good idea, as someone suggested12:13
nickrudvini, try this: sudo apt-get install esound-clients, then esdplay <file.wav>12:13
yourghetekis there a way to get a "boot from cd" command in grub?12:14
SogniXjnk, mind helping me some more? :p12:14
nickrudvini, I'm assuming you're using ubuntu, not kubuntu12:14
vininickrud, yes, ubuntu12:14
nickrudvini, ok12:14
jnkSogniX, I can try12:14
bastifucking ATI cant they just make a driver that works...12:14
vinithoreauputic, I installed gstreamer-plugins when kyncani suggested12:14
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SogniXjnk, I'm booted from a live CD and staring at a terminal window as root... but the drive with ubuntu installed does not show up in df12:14
MIK3MANI am running the ubunto live cd, everything looks great, but I cant get wy wireless lan to work, I downloaded ndiswrapper.deb, but how can I install it manually?? I would like to make sure I can configure my wireless lan before I install ubuntu to the harddrive. Can someone help??12:14
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jnkSogniX, it's not mounted12:15
nickrudvini, and, what app are you trying to play the wav file from?12:15
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MIK3MANndiswrapper.deb is now on a cdrw, and is loaded in terminal. How do I install... anyone??12:16
vininickrud, totem and rhythmbox12:16
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MrMoMIK3MAN, dpkg -i is your friend12:16
nickrudvini, and mp3's work in both?12:16
MIK3MANMrMo: thanks, hold on12:17
vininickrud, yes, after I install gstreamer0.8-mad12:17
thoreauputicvini: hmmm.... I don't often need to play .wav files, but if I were you I would install beep-media-player and set it to use the esound output plugin - I'm surprised totem won't play that file: else try running gst-register-0.812:17
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vinimaybe my WAV file is broken12:17
vininickrud, esdplay Menu-Tarantino.wav12:17
viniAudio File Library: WAVE file data format 0x161 not currently supported [error 0] 12:17
thoreauputicvini: actually running gst-register-0.8 is probably a good idea anyway12:18
vinithoreauputic, I will try download another wav file12:18
thoreauputicvini: that command should regiater all your plugins12:18
nickrudvini, use the files in /usr/share/sounds as your test files12:18
MIK3MANMrMo: its reading database... I have the source package... that shouldnt matter right?12:19
lcoreHmm. Chrootkit wrote: Warning: `//root/.bash_history' file size is zero. What apart from an intruder could zero it?12:19
MrModunno. should handle it transparently I think12:19
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vininickrud and thoreauputic, yes, my WAV file is broken12:19
viniworks with another one12:19
thoreauputicvini: ah, OK :)12:19
vinithanks a lot :)12:20
thoreauputicno worries :)12:20
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MIK3MANMrMo: it installed successfully, I dont know how to get this to connect now.. trying through network, btw its a dlink card12:21
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bastiseriously. anyone can help me understanding what is wrong with my ati driver installation12:22
MIK3MANMrMo: is there a terminal command I could use to get my ip stats?12:22
MIK3MANsays its connected, but I cant browse12:23
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thoreauputicMIK3MAN: ifconfig12:23
ubotuit has been said that lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Hoary is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LAMPForHoary12:24
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MIK3MANthoreauputic: thanks, hold on12:24
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thoreauputicMIK3MAN: don't paste the output!12:24
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OdiiNanyone knows how to configure Konversation and firestarter to be able to resume dcc downloads ? ( i'm behind a router)12:29
MIK3MANthoreauputic: I know that.. heh, still not working.. think I need ndiswrapper utils?? its a dlink card. Under network it says connected and active, but I cant browse12:29
MIK3MANifconfig just gives me my loopback ip12:29
thoreauputicMIK3MAN: unfortunately, what I know about wireless and ndiswrapper would fit comfortably on a postage stamp , sorry ;)12:30
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=== thoreauputic uses steam-age cat 5 cables
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nickrudfelo, ask12:31
=== Will_ pushes his internet through pipes filled with mercury
=== nickrud still sneaker nets
MIK3MANthoreauputic: thats ok, thanks, I know that the card will work under debian, I had it going with simplymepis12:31
Will_It's a good conductor! But a bugger to get into drywall12:31
feloi need driver song card daemond dt0398 ubuntu system12:31
CrushToZerooCan someone give me a hand. I downloaded the window decorations at http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=12330 but I don't know how to install them.12:31
thoreauputicWill_: well, it beats string and two paper cups i guess ;-)12:31
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Will_thoreauputic: I was experimenting with string soaked in mercury... but the fumes got to me12:32
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NsaneiceHey, what is the best place to put Windows drivers that ndiswrapper is going to use?12:32
thoreauputicWill_: ah yes, and I guess your face is kind of pale and drawn now - but it used to be a cure for syphilis, so I guess you aren't likely to get that at leaast ;-)12:33
nickrudfelo, thinking and looking, I'm not a real sound guru :)12:33
Will_thoreauputic: I've not had sex in about....At least a month. I think I would have noticed an STD by now12:33
thoreauputicWill_: it took Henry VIII a lot longer than that to notice the symptoms ;-)12:34
IIIEars<< practices safe sex - anyone have that 1-800 number? - lol12:34
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thoreauputicWill_: but I guess this is for #ubuntu-offtopic - heheh12:35
feloi dont now12:35
felono speak spanish12:35
CrushToZeroohow do I register my nick?12:35
imaekWhen I try to use DVD::Rip, or even try to play a DVD, I get the message "libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable."12:35
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thoreauputicCrushToZeroo:  /msg nickserv help12:35
IIIEarsI don't worry about sex since i got married. - abstinence - lol12:36
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Burritodoes anybdy know where is the floppy disk in linux?12:39
CrushToZeroCan someone help me please. I downloaded a few window decorations from http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=12330 but I'm not sure on how to get them installed.12:40
Burritohow can i save a file in the floppy?12:40
thoreauputicBurrito:  /dev/fd012:40
thoreauputicor /media/floppy012:40
enycbutt: at least, thats the floppy _device_12:40
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enyc/media/floppy0 is somewhere a filesystem on floppydisk may be mounted12:40
TheWarMachinehello one and all12:40
TheWarMachineI have a question12:41
thoreauputicenyc: yes, hence my follow-up to clarify where he might find it :)12:41
enyci.e. "/dev/fd0" is usually a 1.44mb file representing the disk itself,  /media/floppy0 is where the files/etc may be visible individiually ;-)12:41
TheWarMachineim using realplayer and I get  no sound12:41
enycthor: kk ;-)12:41
TheWarMachineany ideas12:41
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nickrudBurrito, first, you must mount the floppy, in a terminal, mount /media/floppy012:41
NsaneiceHey, what is the best place to put Windows drivers that ndiswrapper is going to use?12:41
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NsaneiceDo I need to keep the drivers on the system even after ndiswrapper is done installing?12:42
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thoreauputicTheWarMachine: sometimes deleting the *.swf files in the realplayer plugins directory helps (don't ask me why)12:42
imaekARGH.  The DVDRIP package doesn't work12:43
indentbphi all12:43
derral_8I looked at the ubuntu web site to find out what version still runs XFree86 but could not find it. Anyone no ?12:43
thoreauputicderral_8: warty12:43
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TheWarMachinethoreauputic: ilol try it12:43
derral_84.3.0 ?12:43
TheWarMachinei will*12:44
thoreauputicderral_8: I think so - type X -version to see12:44
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knowledge_ok guys I did menu makeconfig on my kernel and did what that guy told me and still no Wifi card12:44
thoreauputicderral_8: to see if you have warty type   cat /etc/issue12:44
knowledge_do I have to do a modprobe12:44
zukalkheyko_, i just installed a LAMP and put some php files i wrote using windoze. they work fine in the Win apache2 server, but here i always get this error: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource12:45
zukalk(heyko_ this wasn't just for you, but xchat assumed it was, sorry)12:45
nickrudthoreauputic, yes, moving those swf* works, thanks12:45
indentbpDoes anyone here have experience with the wifi rt8180 chipset12:45
thoreauputicnickrud: :) you're welcome12:45
Burritonickrud: where is the floppy now?12:45
nickrudBurrito, if you did the mount command, then the files on the floppy are in /media/floppy012:46
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indentbpAll of my hardware is supported on Kubuntu except my netgear wireless card... can anyone help?12:46
nickrudBurrito, move files around as you wish, then umount /media/floppy0 before you eject, too late12:47
zukalkdoes anyone why i get the error "Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /var/www/phpxs/test/news-admin3.php on line 128"? it works fine with windoze12:47
zukalkdoes anyone know*12:47
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nickrudthoreauputic, I been using totem-xine, but it's nice that realplayer works now12:47
enycinde: Does the hardware manafacturer provide/help the kernel developers with driver etc. ?12:47
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cafuegoindentbp: ndiswrapper12:48
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indentbpnndiswrapper didnt work12:48
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cafuegoindentbp: Which card do you have?12:48
indentbpnetgear ma52112:48
nickrudenyc, lol, not very often12:48
thoreauputicnickrud: I use totem-xine too, and ironically it plays more real media than realplayer :) I use realplayer to listen to the BBC12:48
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nickrudmmm, bbc12:49
nickrudI miss it12:49
psai_anybody got a terratec dmx6fire 24/96 working with ubuntu ? i can only play soundfiles in some kind of fast forward mode12:49
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thoreauputicnickrud: well, tune in with realplayer - the plugins for firefox seem to work OK here12:50
cafuegoindentbp: Driverloader, ndiswrapper or a buggy realtek driver (8081L) are your only options.12:50
Tsukasazukalk: you sure mysql is running? you sure the username allows your host?12:50
nickrudthoreauputic, I have dialup right now, I'm basically not on the net ;(12:50
indentbpcafuego: netgear ma521... im trying to use the rt8180 driver, im about ready to give up and either go with a different distro or buy a new card12:50
thoreauputicnickrud: I have dialup too - BBC radio works OK12:50
nickrudthoreauputic, I'll check it out12:51
zukalkTsukasa, i'm sure it's running, i can confirm it using mysql-admin. how do i know about the username-host thing?12:51
cafuegoindentbp: A different distro will still have the same issue. A new card might be a better option. I have a WG311, which works fine using ndiswrapper.12:51
Tsukasazukalk: check out your mysql -> user table12:51
thoreauputicnickrud: realplay automatically changes the quality for low bandwidth12:51
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indentbpim leaning towards getting a new card... im just nort ready to give up kubuntu. Any reccomendations on an easily supported wireless card?12:51
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enycinde:  "orinoco" chipset cards are good I understand12:52
Tsukasamaybe doing a check in the script itself would help too12:52
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indentbpcafueago: wg311? thanks, im buying it now12:52
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cafuegoindentbp: Keep in mind that will _NOT_ work without windows drivers. There surely are cards that have _native_ Linux drivers.12:53
zukalkTsukasa, these are the users i have: H:localhost U:root - H:ubuntu  U:root - H:localhost U:[blank]  - H:ubuntu U:[blank]  - H:localhost - U:debian-sys-maint12:54
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funkyHatwhat is the default font path for ubuntu?12:57
imaekWhen I try to use DVD:: RIP, I get a "filetype/codec not yet supported by 'transcode'" message, and then it doesn't do anything.12:58
imaekIs there any way to correct this?12:58
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nickrudfunkyHat, you can find at the top of /etc/font/font.conf01:00
funkyHatthanks :)01:00
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nickrudfunkyHat, sorry, it's /etc/font/fonts.conf01:01
funkyHatls: /etc/font: No such file or directory01:01
nickrudfunkyHat, I cannot type correctly tonight, /etc/fonts/fonts.conf :)01:01
funkyHatlol. i should have guessed and tried that01:02
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sphincteranyone know where the xorg headers/sdk is?01:04
evo|utioni wanted to knw which gui does ubuntu use01:04
sphincterevo, whatever you want01:04
evo|utioni like gnome01:05
sphinctercan be had with gnome or kde depending, but install what you want01:05
evo|utionwill it work01:05
Will_Stop asking me!01:05
evo|utionim a newbie01:05
nickrudevo|ution, then get ubuntu, it uses gnome01:05
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evo|utionthnx ppl01:05
kutucapehi all01:06
sphincterno ideas on the xorg sdk?01:07
nickrudsphincter, sudo apt-get install  x-window-system-dev will get you just everything01:07
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sphincterahhhh... that's it. thanks01:08
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sphincteri tried apt-cache search dev, but i guess i missed that ;)01:08
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evo|utionok one last question, can i have the link for the lastest version of ubuntu for amd6401:08
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sphincterer..... ubuntulinux.org?01:09
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feugan3333Hi all. Does anyone know where I can get the man pages for socket programming. eg "man bind","man listen"01:09
cafuegofeugan3333: manpages-dev01:10
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nickrudsphincter a good trick is, if you know a file you want, but don't know which package: search on packages.ubuntu.com01:10
GreaseMonkeyyou have to be frickin' kidding me01:10
GreaseMonkeyI didn't pingout yet>!01:10
sphincternick, thx01:10
cafuegofeugan3333: I told the info pages are better for beginners and people who need more extensive docs than just a list of function calls and params.01:10
sphincterjust making the switch from fedora, still unlearning ;)01:11
indentbpcafuego: is the wg311 a pci or pcmcia card01:11
cafuegoindentbp: pci01:11
cafuegoindentbp: If you're after pcmcia, get a decent prism54.01:11
feugan3333cafuego: Thanks. Where would I find the info pages?01:11
indentbpcafuego: does the prism have come with native linux drivers?01:11
cafuegoindentbp: Alternatively, cisco ahs prettyd ecent support afaik.01:12
cafuegoindentbp: http://www.prism54.org/01:12
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KB2000indentbp: my laptop has a prism54g WLAN card internally... and it works in ubuntu autodetected...01:13
feugan3333Yes, linux supports the prism chipset in the kernel01:13
indentbpcafuego: thanks, i want to go with something that has linux support to avoid the possibility of not installing ndiswrapper correctly01:13
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cafuegofeugan3333: There are various prism54 chips and not all are supported the same way.01:13
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KyralYah, I feel like an idiot01:13
=== DAC1138 [~dave@24-56-174-97.co.warpdriveonline.com] has joined #ubuntu
KyralI had this XChat open on another Desktop and forgot about it01:14
KB2000anybody know of an ubuntu supported webcam?01:14
indentbpwhen trying "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" i get an error01:14
feugan3333yes, my mistake, but in general cards with prism chipsets work on linux01:14
cafuegoindentbp: You undoubtedly need the .inf, the .sys and various firmware files.01:14
cafuegoKB2000: My wife's iSights works OK on Linux.01:14
KB2000i didn't need any firmware files for my prism WLAN card01:15
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KB2000isights? it sounds like a mac thing?01:15
cafuegoKB2000: Correct01:15
KB2000can it run on a pc?01:15
cafuegoKB2000: It just a firewire cam. I run it off Coriander via v4l.01:15
KB2000and coriander is a webcam app?01:16
cafuegoI do note that windows can't use it <heh>01:16
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sphincterwell, nuts01:16
sphincterthat still didn't do it01:16
=== Aapzak [~quido@dslam27-38-166-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
sphincterand a search doesn't turn up anything01:16
sphinctercan't find xf86Version.h anywhere01:16
cafuego!find xf86Version.h01:17
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bob2doesn't appear to be in ubuntu01:17
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DAC1138is there a gnome equivilant of kdesu?01:18
cafuego!find xorgVersion.h01:18
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=== cafuego eyes teh bot
thoreauputicDAC1138: gksudo, for sudo01:18
bob2DAC1138: yes, which ubuntu uses by default: gksu01:18
cafuegoStop putting the load on 1 and just answer me.01:18
sphincterapparently, this driver i'm trying to build needs the xorg SDK, which supplies that file01:18
zukalkhow do i change a .txt's encoding?01:18
bob2er, ubuntu uses gksudo, right01:18
funkyHatcan anyone help me add my windows fonts folder to my list of fonts folders? (mounted ntfs volume)01:18
ubotuUbuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'xf86Version.h' returned no results.01:19
funkyHat*and make my the fonts work :D01:19
bob2funkyHat: add an entry to /etc/fonts/fonts.conf01:19
=== bit0 [~jose@61.Red-80-24-119.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
JDahlbob2, what are the chances of openafs 1.3.82 (http://packages.qa.debian.org/o/openafs.html) making it into Breezy, possibly in universe?01:19
Will_You know, somebody told me their were umable to view .txt files on their computer the other day. I was not sure if I should laugh or cry01:19
bit0where is mkfondir file?01:19
cafuego!info openafs breezy01:19
ubotuUbuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'xorgVersion.h' returned no results.01:19
bob2JDahl: if it's in Debian already, I wouldn't think you'd need to send too much whiskey to mdz01:19
=== chase [~Chase@stuartma.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
MIK3MANcan I configure my dlink wifi card with the ubuntu live cd? or am I wasting my time and I should just install it to the harddrive and configure it?? I have been googling for hours.01:19
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bob2JDahl: email the ubuntu-devel list, I guess01:19
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nickrudbit0, try locate mkfontdir01:20
bob2MIK3MAN: you're wasting your time in the sense that if you configure it on the live cd, you'll need to reconfigure it over again once you install01:20
bob2most things don;t care about mkfontdir01:20
MIK3MANbob2: thats what I'm thinking01:20
bob2(ie kde, gnome, mozilla, etc)01:20
nickrudnot any more, thank god01:20
DAC1138anyone using e17? or anyone know how i would replace gdm with entrance?01:20
cafuegobob2: especially a read-only ntfs font directory01:20
bit0nickrud, which package contais "mkfondir"?01:20
bob2hah, yeah01:20
MIK3MANbob2: I dont know what distro I want though... lol01:21
zukalkhow do i change a .txt's encoding?01:21
cafuegoor am I mixing up users now?01:21
bob2MIK3MAN: then just install ubuntu and enjoy!01:21
bit0nickrud, i'm using breezy01:21
bob2zukalk: iconv is one way01:21
nickrudinteresting, mkfontdir is not installed by default in hoary01:21
bob2but you need to know what you're doing with it...01:21
feugan3333MIKE3MAN: you want ubuntu01:21
cafuegobit0: Well, X is a bit broken in breezy01:21
nickrudbit0, if I remember, it's mkfontdir :)01:21
zukalkbob2, thanks01:21
bit0cafuego, "a bit broken" ??? :((01:21
MrMoWhaaaaa! I gotta kill this !... I want to use my USB at HIGH speed... damit!01:22
cafuegobit0: Ok ok, VERY broken.01:22
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MIK3MANfeugan3333: I wanted my dlink wifi to work with the live cd, but that aint happenen01:22
KB2000bit0: X is quite broken in breezy...01:22
bit0cafuego, suuure!!01:22
cafuegobit0: See /topic.01:22
paxanyone used QTParted successfully to resize an ext3 partition?01:22
=== FormerWindowsUse [~dylan@ppp-68-251-79-98.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegobit0: if it wasn't broken, X works wotk fine and half of Gnome wouldn't try to uninstall when upgrading.01:22
bit0cafuego, how could i return to "stable"??01:22
funkyHatso will just adding <dir>/mnt/win/WINDOWS/fonts</dir> make the fonts work, or do i need to do anything else?01:23
feugan3333MIKE3MAN: yes there are not a lot of cards that work with live cds?01:23
cafuegobit0: Wipe, reinstall.01:23
=== raven3x7 [~raven@thes730a-915.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
MIK3MANI guess I'll just try the full blown ubuntu for a week then decide01:23
KB2000bit0: breezy IS "unstable"... :)01:23
FormerWindowsUseI won an iPod via Apple's new 500 Million competition and tried to access it via gtkpod but it says my iPod's file structure is invalid.  What do I do?01:23
feugan3333MIKE3MAN: most cards require you to install their drivers (that is if there are any)01:23
KB2000it's nice to have the bleeding edge apps and get updates every day, but when X breaks it's not cool... been there... :)01:23
bit0KB2000,sure!,.. i know :(01:24
cafuegoFormerWindowsUse: You probably need to set it up and format it using FAT32 (It may be an HFS formatted one). HAve you copied anything onto it yet?01:24
FormerWindowsUsecafuego, no01:24
=== Slipaway172 [~slipaway1@adsl-211-189-155.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
MIK3MANI will prolly be on here later guys once its downloaded and installed. You can help a noob to configure wifi01:24
cafuegoX is a fairly minor thing to be broken.01:24
KB2000cafuego: why is that minor? :)01:24
Madpilotis it possible to use Adobe's .pfb format fonts in Ubuntu?01:24
feugan3333Is breezy out in some form?01:24
indigo_can anyone tell me if there is something i must do to get alsa to use my echo indigo (pcmcia sound card) ?01:24
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cafuegoFormerWindowsUse: See if you can mount it (it'll be a scsi disk, sda or sdb)01:24
MIK3MANI know the dlink works though, cause I had it working on Mepis01:25
bob2feugan3333: it's available for testing, but it's not recommended for new users01:25
Slipaway172i would like to know the difference between a primary and extended partition. i will use ext3 on a 2nd HDD to use as a backup01:25
bob2Madpilot: are they postscript ones?01:25
MIK3MANI'll be back later01:25
indigo_Slipaway172: there is no significant difference, really01:25
feugan3333bob2: cool where can I get a look?01:25
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Slipaway172what would reccomend i use for backing up?01:25
Madpilotbob2: yeah, google says .pfb is one of the Postscript formats01:25
cafuegowhere the crap did bringing go oin the kernel config?01:25
raven3x7indigo_,  huh there is a difference depending on how many partitions you need on your hd01:25
bob2Madpilot: then it should work fine01:26
FormerWindowsUsecannot mount my iPod, cafuego01:26
bob2feugan3333: dunno, if you wanted it, you'd just upgrade, or read the devel list01:26
indigo_Slipaway172: it doesn't really matter, but you can't have more than 4 primary partitions, and 4 subpartitions per extended partition01:26
bob2feugan3333: things like X are slightly broken, tho, so I wouldn't recommend it01:26
HrdwrBoBFormerWindowsUse: use the 'create file structure' ion the menu01:26
Madpilotbob2: OK, interesting. Ubuntu recognizes them as fonts, but OOo doesn't seem to...01:26
Slipaway172OoOohhhh ..... thanks01:26
feugan3333bob2: ahh ok01:26
bob2Madpilot: OO has it's own magic font system01:26
=== ishai_ [ishai@24-205-124-191.bb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoFormerWindowsUse: mkdir /media/ipod; sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/sda(X) /media/ipod01:26
bob2like it has it's own printing system, and toolkit, and java and ...01:27
bob2reuse is for the weak01:27
indigo_Slipaway172: http://www.ata-atapi.com/hiwtab.htm explains it in detail, but probably you don't really need to read it01:27
FormerWindowsUsecafuego, will this screw up my sys?01:27
raven3x7indentbp,  but for Slipaway172 backup drive its bobably irrelevant01:27
Madpilotbob2: ah. I'll have a look thru OOo config then. or ask on #openoffice.org...01:27
cafuegoFormerWindowsUse: No01:28
raven3x7i just noticed that killall gnome-panel also kills azureus. thats weird01:28
FormerWindowsUsecafuego, do you own an iPod Shuffle?01:28
HrdwrBoBcafuego: it should automatically mount01:28
funkyHatit sometimes kills gaim too, it's a bit annoying01:28
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cafuegoHrdwrBoB: That would depend on what's compiled into teh kernel.01:28
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: Notably Mac partition map support01:29
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HrdwrBoBtrue, I converted my ipod to fat for better compatibility01:29
funkyHatwhat do i need to do to get X to re-read fonts.conf?01:29
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cafuegoHrdwrBoB: Yes, I expect gtkpod wants that, which is why he might be having errors.01:29
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: he's not used it udner windows or macos...01:29
enycUrrrm, do the breezy openoffice2 packages work on hoary? are there backports available for hoary ? [i cant see them myself] 01:30
enyconly older 1.9.79 openoffice2 packages for hoary01:30
FormerWindowsUseok thanks cafuego01:30
HrdwrBoBcafuego: gtkpod doesn't care01:30
HrdwrBoBcafuego: gtkpod is file-level01:30
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bob2enyc: the breezy onesalmost certainly won't install on haory01:30
bob2wow, my typing is getting worse01:30
HrdwrBoBunless you're talking about initialising the directories .. in which case, yes01:31
feugan3333Anybody running amd64 with an nvidia graphics card. The installer provided by nvidia seems broken101:31
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cafuegoHrdwrBoB: Would it whinge if you were on a kernel without apple partition map or hfsplus support?01:31
enycbob2: interesting01:31
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: (IF you had an apple formatted ipod) ?01:31
bob2feugan3333: so, wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:31
HrdwrBoBcafuego: only in dmesg01:31
HrdwrBoBwhen it tried to mount it01:31
enycbob2: btw, I decided after much trying ot get used to various keyboards all over the place that my IBM ps/2 original clicky-clacky keyboard is the best that i make the least mistakes on and get east annoyed with01:31
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: He's getting some "Invalid structure" or somesuch error.01:31
bob2hah, I never been able to find one of them01:32
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: "file structure is invalid"01:32
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enycbob2: see http://clickykeyboards.com/  // http://www.pckeyboard.com/  ;-)01:32
cafuegoNever mind, he left anyway.01:32
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HrdwrBoBcafuego: yeah, that's because the ipod needs to be 'initialised'01:33
hondjeI have some .mp4 files, nautilus doesn't recognize/thumbnail them, but xine plays them fine....how can I get them to thumbnail?01:33
HrdwrBoBwith certain directories01:33
JDahlisn't it funny how laptop manufacturers charge you for recovery CDs and have more people in techsupport than a medium sized Europea city, and in the end all you need (and all that works) is a Linux boot CD? :/01:33
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: Can gtkpod do that?01:33
HrdwrBoBthere is a very clear menu entry for doing so :)01:33
HrdwrBoBin gtkpod01:33
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: Ok, user error on his part then :-)01:33
HrdwrBoByeah :)01:33
=== nebular [~nebular@Toronto-HSE-ppp3685627.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== cafuego has no pods
HrdwrBoBI have my wife's ipod mini :)01:34
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sphincteranother question... shutdown hangs for several minutes at deconfiguring network interfaces and on everything after that01:34
feugan3333bob2: I'll take a look. Thanks01:34
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cafuegomy wife's birthday is in 32 days, she has a new mac mini and a new car stereo with ipod attachment....01:34
=== cafuego 's bank account will hurt
hondjecafuego: buy her a keychain01:34
sphincteror a hotwheels01:34
cafuegosphincter: We already have a few ACTUAL cars ;-)01:35
bob2enyc: oh, cool, I didn't know anyone had new ones anymore01:35
sphincterok, put linux on her mini01:35
sphinctershe'll thank you for it01:35
HrdwrBoBcafuego: heh, an ipod mini is $SFA01:35
cafuegosphincter: It's been running Kubuntu since the day we got it.01:35
HrdwrBoB(well overall)01:36
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: She wants an ipod photo, though (also have new digicam)01:36
sphincterso why does this bloody thing hang so long at shutdown?01:36
HrdwrBoBcafuego: why though?01:37
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HrdwrBoBI mean.. pointless thing to argue with a woman01:37
HrdwrBoBbut last time I looked the camera already had a screen :)01:37
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: took the words out of my mouth01:37
=== linlin [~linlin@c-67-184-214-229.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoI expect the large storage has something to do with it01:38
cafuegoour mp3s won't fit on a 30 or 40G ipod01:38
linlinHi, I installed ubuntu hedgehog a few weeks back, without a gui. Now, I want to put in a gui, what is the easiest way?01:38
robert_pectolsphincter:  Do your system logs give any clues?01:38
HrdwrBoBcafuego: 4gb still holds a lot of mp3s :)01:38
cafuegoand who can really go to the shops without Right Said Fred?01:38
hondjewhat's the difference between mpeg1, 2 and 4?01:38
paxa women is just another partition, never gives you trouble unless you mount it01:38
enycipods do seem a bit silly..  fancy and have the 1394 connection.. but there are many more players/etc. out ther to choose from with more versatile autdio-format support and everything.. it seems a bit odd to me01:39
=== IIIEars [~billharps@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
The_Voxlinlin: "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop" if you want gnome...kubuntu-desktop if you want kde01:39
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HrdwrBoBenyc: they have a very very very good interface and a few other things01:39
anto9usI'm too sexy for the shops01:39
cafuegoenyc: The issue is ease of use. Pretty much any other player I've seen comes with shitty windows software01:39
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The_Voxenyc: it's the Cool factor, nothing else matters :)01:40
enychrrrm iirc they still supproted only mp3 [which isnt as good as newer codescs in many ways]  and   their weirdo aac which hardly any other portable player supports anyway.. and needs silly licensing etc. to useit01:40
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cafuegowell, that and having it in the glovebox whilst you control it from the car stereo itself is handy re not crashing.01:40
HrdwrBoBenyc: FLAC and mp301:40
HrdwrBoBand AAC01:40
raven3x7linlin sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop i believe01:40
linlinok thanks01:40
enychrrm, flac -- lossless,  not really what you want for portable thignie in most cases01:40
=== bimberi [~bimberi@DC-245-171.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu
linlinits downloading a bunch of stuffs now01:40
enycmp3 is not partcuarl good codec, you need needless anmounts of bitrate compared to aac, vorbis01:41
raven3x7The_Vox, why aptitude?01:41
The_Voxlinlin: it'll take a while...it downloads tons of stuff01:41
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enycaac is not well supported on anyt oher player thingie et.c and loads of rpograms, which tend to support either vorbis or wma instead01:41
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=== enyc much rather get something with Vorbis support on principle
The_Voxraven3x7: it has better dependancy management logarythm than apt....even debian has marked apt as deprecated for the new release, and marked aptitude as the prefered tool01:42
naliothy'all talking about an ipod or a mac mini in the glove box?01:42
cafuegonalioth: yes01:42
IIIEarssynaptic works too. - good to know a variety of ways to install things. - synaptic is easiest01:42
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raven3x7The_Vox,  didnn't know that. good to know01:42
The_Voxnalioth: ipod...you need more hacking power to get a mini working in there :)01:42
JDahlI'd rather make my own using gumstix...01:42
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raven3x7The_Vox  should'nt it look for the cd first?01:43
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IIIEarsDRM - "Treat all of your customers like potential thieves." - O_o01:43
nickrudIIIEars, lol01:44
The_Voxraven3x7: only if you have the CD source for packages still uncomented in your sources.list01:44
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nickrudhe must work retail01:44
sphincterso.... i'm thinking 10 minutes and counting for deconfiguring network interfaces isn't normal?01:44
The_Voxraven3x7: the first thing I did when I installed was get rid of the CD line...I hate having to find CDs01:44
nebularOk after a year long lapse in windows world I just switched to kubuntu, and now I can't figure out how to configure my X server. the default settings work, but they're a little off. Debian used to ask a lot more configuration settings01:44
The_Voxsphincter: it is too long...shouldn't take over a few seconds...a minute at the extreme01:45
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudnebular, you can do sudo dpkg-reconfigure -Plow xserver-xorg01:45
robert_pectolsphincter:   And your system logs??01:45
raven3x7The_Vox, yeah i gues if you have a good connection it really doesnt matter01:45
anto9usnebular: you can edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf directly if you're adventurous, make a backup first though01:46
roycan someone help me change my display resolution 640x480 to 1024x768?01:46
=== liquidten [~anthony@adsl-12-126-76.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
IIIEarsnickrud - "-Plow" - what does that switch do?01:46
sphincterstops the kernel log daemon before deconfiguring network interfaces01:46
The_Voxraven3x7: it's not only that...I have the (bad?) habit of treating CDs as disposable media...there's around 500 unlabeled CDs here that I have no clue what they have....looking through them to find the kubuntu CD I installed from is...not advaisable :)01:46
raven3x7roy system>settings>screen resolution01:46
royraven ...that doesn't work...and I'm new to linux - today is 1st day...01:47
IIIEarsThe_Vox - recycly your old hard drives with USB external cases.01:47
nickrudIIIEars, debconf has several levels for configuration, I don't remember them all, but critical asks the least questions, and low asks the most01:47
naliothroy: ubotu will send you a clue, watch him01:47
raven3x7The_Vox,  i know what that feels like, although i do tend to at least write something on them01:47
uboturesolution is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:47
The_VoxIIIEars: that's what's sitting on top of my computer...couple of 40G and an 80G :)01:47
=== DAC1138 [~dave@24-56-174-97.co.warpdriveonline.com] has joined #ubuntu
HrdwrBoBThe_Vox: CDs are disposable media01:47
raven3x7roy what do you mean doesnt work exactly?01:48
IIIEarsnickrud - Nice tip. :) - can't help but to learn something new here.01:48
HrdwrBoBjust make sure you dispose of them01:48
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=== doonz is in love with ubuntuuuuuuuuu
The_Voxnickrud: thanks for that tip, didn't know it either :)01:48
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: Yeah, creek is full of 'em01:48
The_VoxHrdwrBoB: hehehe that's also true :) I do need to get rid of all of these CDs :)01:48
royRaven3x7 - It only offers 640x480...no other choices...01:49
raven3x7roy interesting what drivers are you using?01:49
raven3x7roy btw you might wanna look at that wiki page ubuto spat out01:50
royraven: i have a dell monitor w1700 with drivers that should do a lot more than 640x480.01:50
thoreauputicroy: *cough* we suggest you read the recommended wiki page01:50
cafuego!wiki FixVideoResolutionHowto01:51
roythoreauputic .... will do..... thanks all!01:51
IIIEars<<- should put all USB drives on the desk. Gave the cats a bath and 10 mins later "Cat"-tastrophe they were peed on. - lol, kinda hard on the USB controllers01:51
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nickrudwho says cats art stupid ;\01:51
nebularis there a good resource for setting up multiple monitors using 2 different video cards?01:52
cafuegoIIIEars: yeah, you can throw those away. Corrosive as hell.01:52
IIIEars<<- going to get a gerbil soon. - grin01:52
cafuegoIIIEars: That said, my Laserjet survived (though it needed a service and clean-out)01:52
robert_pectolsphincter:   Have you tried manually stopping the network?  If so, does it take a long time?  Are you certain it's the networking scripts that are taking so long to run?01:52
jmspeexFor some (unknown) reason, the Ubuntu installer kept failing in the "timezone" section. How do I set my timezone manually?01:52
IIIEarsdifficult to hold nose and turn a screwdriver....01:52
cafuegoIIIEars: If you can remove the actual drive from the case, rinsing the case in warm water and letting it dry out for a few days might save 'em01:53
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IIIEarscafuego - interesting idea. i just tied the usb cable and box to the cats tail. - Just kidding.01:53
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naliothIIIEars: yes, cafuego is correct, a good washing, and let dry completely01:54
cwellsnebular: the best results i've had (not on ubuntu) is to put in one card, run X -configure, get the config, swap cards, repeat, then merge the two configs01:54
cafuegoIIIEars: I rescued an apple keyboard by dumping it in warm water and hanging it on a clothesline for a week. Mind you, that was coffee, not cat.01:54
=== Steve0 [~steve@stjhnbsuh71-142167184254.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
IIIEarssearched ebay for cat diapers. - no luck. - lol01:55
cafuegoIIIEars: corks01:55
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wrtpeepshi, i am wondering if i am allowed to redistribute ubuntuguide.org's downloadable guide01:55
Madpilot"Do not meddle in the affairs of cats, for they are not subtle and will pee on your computer" - read somewhere on the net... :)01:56
nickrudwrtpeeps, I think it's under the gpl now, check it's copywrite01:56
naliothoh i've reached nirvana now!01:56
cwellswrtpeeps: does it have a license with it?01:56
naliothnickrud: the ubuntuguide?01:56
IIIEarswrtppeps - it's updated frequently to reflect changes with ubuntu. - much easier to add a link to it.01:56
wrtpeepsi will check01:56
nickrudnalioth, yes, I was browsing the docs mailling list, and the author approved putting it under the gpl01:57
cwellsIIIEars: he could mirror it01:57
nickruddon't know if actually is, yet01:57
wrtpeepsah, in the Disclaimer01:57
wrtpeepsit's GNU GPL01:57
cwellsthe GPL is a disclaimer?01:58
=== cwells scratches head
wrtpeepscwells: yea, under Disclaimer it says copyright.... released under GNU Gpl..... no warranty .. blah blah blah01:58
cwellsno warranty01:59
cwellsmakes sense01:59
cwellswrtpeeps: are you looking to provide a mirror for general consumption?01:59
cwellsi guess not01:59
IIIEarsGNU Public License - It can be distributed and any derivitive works using it must be freely available.02:00
wrtpeepsam i looking to provide a mirror for people to download off?02:00
bob2that's not quite true02:00
naliothnickrud: good! there is hope yet02:00
cwellsjust the docs?02:00
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raven3x7need to get some sleep02:00
nickrudnalioth, yes, and if you'll look, the repositories are already fixed :)02:00
cwellsthanks, i was just wondering02:00
=== Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-66.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
aukhmm it is 17:00 here02:00
bob2IIIEars: the author of derivative works can decide who he/she gives them to, and only those people have the right to ask for the source02:00
wrtpeepsubuntuguide is unofficial docs right?02:00
bob2IIIEars: those people can of course give it to whoever they like, tho02:01
bob2wrtpeeps: yes02:01
naliothwrtpeeps: very unofficial02:01
IIIEarsthe repos are fixed? - growing pains ubuntu is getting very popular. - wide grin02:01
ubotuhmm... ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.02:01
wrtpeepsare the official docs available to download02:01
TokenBadwhats a bandwidth monitor for ubuntu?02:01
thoreauputicI think that factoid needs rewording :/02:01
nickrudheh, ubotu still has the right answer, though02:01
aukwrtpeeps: if you want to download the entire wiki02:02
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bob2thoreauputic: iptraf is nice02:02
thoreauputicTokenBad: I think bob2 meant that for you :)02:02
=== socomm [~socomm@adsl-69-104-76-44.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
IIIEarsthe ubuntuguide contains from what i have heard some misinformation about configuring repositories. specifically backports02:02
bob2TokenBad: iptraf is nice02:02
wrtpeepsgood night02:02
ubotusocomm: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about02:02
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Mobiusanyone know where one finds information about themeing GDM?02:03
socommMobius: http://www.google.com02:03
Mobiusthanks for the help socomm -_-02:04
nickrudIIIEars, good point. at least it doesn't have marillat, and all that really needs to change on the repo's is commenting out backports, and pointing out how to uncomment them for codecs and a couple other things02:04
naliothwell i was not aware it'd been gpl'd02:04
IIIEarsubuntuguide is well done concise and step by step illustrated.02:05
socommIIIEars: The thing about the ubuntu guide is that theres very little explation behind the process.02:05
nickrudexcept when it's wrong, like rp-pppoe. (at least that was bad)02:05
naliothIIIEars: with no "how or why" to learn from02:05
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=== blaylock [~sfv100@24-49-51-43.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudmaybe it should be retitled to expertubuntuguide :)02:06
DAC1138theme GDM?02:06
DAC1138wow, there''s such an interest in themeing everything nowdays02:06
thoreauputicat least the language on the wiki link for "don't advise ubuntuguide" has been improved... formerly it was kind of offensive02:07
=== liz4rd [~liz4rd@static65-87-245-51.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
DAC1138even login screens in which you only see every time you login.02:07
liz4rdwhats the package called for the ms fonts?02:07
IIIEarsI couldn't have done without it. - true i didn't learn a lot that was transferable. It was a toehold into linux02:07
thoreauputicliz4rd: msttcorefonts02:07
nickrudI think that reflects the doc teams efforts to integrate it into the mainstream docs02:07
DAC1138but thats the cool thing about linux, everything is customizeable02:07
=== socomm <3s entrance.
naliothliz4rd: msttcorefonts, i believe02:07
bit0cafuego, are you using breezy?02:08
socommliz4rd: What nalioth said.02:08
liz4rdk thx02:08
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=== aceidia [~Aceidia@Cornwall-ppp3521264.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
aceidiadoes anyone know of a dvd player i can find?02:08
ubotumethinks msfonts is apt-get install msttcorefonts - you'll need universe enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list first.02:08
aceidiaon multiverse?02:09
blaylockanybody know why i get an error saying that [somelang] .UTF-8 does not exist when i try to use a different language?02:09
socommaceidia: totem-xine02:09
nickrudaceidia, and vlc and mplayer02:09
naliothaceidia: any of your media players will play dvds, with the right codecs02:09
blaylockive installed the various language packs via synaptic02:09
IIIEarseveryone has a favorite. - grin02:09
bit0where could i find mkfontdir file ? (breezy)02:09
socommnickrud: mplayer does not support dvd-menu though, dunno about vlc.02:09
thoreauputicthe !msfonts factoid is inaccurate: msttcorefonts is in multiverse02:09
aceidiai have mplayer but it wont work02:09
nickrudblaylock, I think you have to do sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales02:10
nalioth!info msttcorefonts02:10
ubotumsttcorefonts: (Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts), section multiverse/x11, is optional. Version: 1.2ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 21 kB, Installed size: 160 kB02:10
tankihi socomm02:10
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nickrudaceidia, try mplayer -ao esd <file> see if that works02:10
naliothcafuego: what other db can ubotu be piped into?02:10
tankisocomm, can you view flash?02:11
Madpilotis someone re-writing !msfonts?02:11
socommtanki: Yes. Follow the guide on ubuntus wiki.02:12
ubotuwell, restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats02:12
IIIEarsVLC is nice and can be used with all platforms02:12
tankisocomm, http://omgwtf.superlime.com/attention.swf heehee02:12
IIIEarsokay i don't think it works with amiga02:12
nickrudjust be sure to get vlc-esd if you use ubuntu02:13
ubotuI guess msfonts is apt-get install msttcorefonts - you'll need multiverse enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list first.02:13
thoreauputicMadpilot: done02:14
thoreauputichmm...missing sudo...02:14
Steve0Does anyone know how to keep movies' audio/video in sync in various Linux players? I'm trying to play a series of movies that play fine in Windows.02:14
Madpilotthoreauputic: good; I wrote the original but it was a straight copy'n'paste of !msttcorefonts or something too long...02:14
ubotuI guess msttcorefonts is apt-get install msttcorefonts - you'll need universe enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list first.02:14
Madpilotubotu forget msttcorefonts02:15
ubotuMadpilot: i forgot msttcorefonts02:15
blaylockthanks nickrud, i think it worked02:15
=== PLaf [~blarg@Toronto-HSE-ppp3916690.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
blaylocknow to test it02:15
Madpilotubotu msttcorefonts is apt-get install msttcorefonts - you'll need multiverse enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list first.02:15
ubotuokay, Madpilot02:15
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Madpilotjust to be completist about it...02:15
ubotuIIIEars: I give up, what is it?02:16
thoreauputicMadpilot: I also inserted a sudo in the msfonts one02:16
ubotusocomm: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about02:16
PLafi'm trying to boot to the install cd/live cd, but even though the bios allows me to set cdroom to boot, it wont find the boot sectors on the cds02:16
socommPLaf: Could it be that you burned a freesbie instead of cd?02:16
thoreauputicMadpilot: teaching the bot should pronbably be done in /query02:16
Madpilotthoreauputic: i /msg'd ubotu, I'll fix the long msttcorefonts one now02:17
PLafsocomm: i ordered the cd's from ubuntu, it came in that cute little packet02:17
thoreauputicMadpilot: K02:17
socommPLaf: Hmmmm.02:17
naliothPLaf: are the cds burnt properly? (correct MD5s run on teh image adn the disk?)02:17
PLafnalioth: well, once i boot into windows i can access the cd's fine02:18
socommPLaf: Do other cds boot fine?02:18
PLafsocomm: nope02:18
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PLafsee the thing is guyz, i have win95 installed, and i DESPERATELY need something else because it sucks02:18
socommPLaf: What is the primary boot device?02:18
socommTry setting your cd room as your first boot device.02:18
socommCD->Floppy->HDD, or something like that.02:19
PLafsocomm: right now its just the harddrive, i already tried setting the cd as #1, and it just said "insert boot disk"02:19
IIIEarsubotu DVD is There are several DVD applications Totem is installed with Ubuntu add totem-xine and it should work. Mplayer,VLC (Cross platform), XINE are just a few. All are threatened by US style patents.02:19
ubotuokay, IIIEars02:19
socommWell you could make a boot floppy and then point the installer to use the CD.02:19
naliothIIIEars: but you need codecs, for most of them to play dvds02:20
hondjePLaf: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootManagerHowto02:20
PLafah thats smart, are there doc's on the web that explain how to do that?02:20
PLafah thank you hondje02:20
hondje:) No problem02:20
IIIEarsffmpeg is warning on it site that it will close soon.02:20
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tankisocomm, when you get done with helping people i have another which requires a lot of reading and is long but is hella funny02:21
cwellsIIIEars: ?02:21
IIIEarsmost players use a restricted codec. - got my fingers crossed that europeans wake up and crush the move towards new patent laws.02:21
hondjeI think they already did02:22
cwellsi don't see anything02:22
thoreauputicIIIEars: the patents directive was defeated02:22
IIIEarsAh, great! - you made my day. :)02:22
nickrudah, good news for once02:22
IIIEarsubotu forget DVD02:23
ubotui forgot dvd, IIIEars02:23
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|QuaD-always love when my X won't start after a reboot on breezy :)02:23
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socommWhy are you using breezy?02:24
arume too, which is why I love stable02:24
|QuaD-socomm: why not?02:24
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teferisocomm: because I'm a crazy masochist, clearly02:25
=== wonderland [~sirwan@dsl-80-42-3-22.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
|QuaD-teferi: :)02:25
wonderlandcan anyone help02:25
teferialso because seven years of running debian unstable has taught me how to deal with massive breakage02:25
bob2wonderland: you need to ask a question first...02:25
socommWell if youre running the development branch you really have no right to complain when things break.02:25
teferii even know how to hack preinst and postinst scripts and fuck with dpkg internals at this point02:25
teferihey, i don't complain02:25
wonderlandis there any kind people liker there are on ubuntuforums.org02:25
aruthere won't be, unless you ask a question :)02:26
wonderlandI bet there alot of hackers here and can sense that im n00b and gonna hack the fuck out of me02:26
thoreauputicsocomm: I didn't notice any complaints...02:26
socommteferi: I was not refering to you in particular.02:26
teferii actually find ubuntu's unstable branch to be a heck of a lot more stable than debian's unstable branches02:26
teferihave been02:26
teferii've yet to get a single package ending up in 'Half-installed'02:26
socommalways love when my X won't start after a reboot on breezy02:26
bob2wonderland: please just ask your question02:26
teferiwonderland: relax and ask already, man02:26
parabolizewonderland just ask man02:26
teferijust chill02:26
cwellswonderland: just turn your computer off. you'll feel safer02:26
|QuaD-socomm: i never complained02:26
thoreauputicwonderland: I think you misunderstand the term "hacker"02:26
IIIEarsubotu DVD is There are many good free players for linux. Totem is installed in Ubuntu by default add totem-xine and voila! - Mplayer, XINE, VLC (Cross platform) are also very good.02:26
ubotuokay, IIIEars02:26
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wonderlandok, i need help regarding apache02:27
teferiIIIEars: gstreamer totem does DVDs now too02:27
teferi...wait, only in breezy, nevermind02:27
wonderlandi have read the bit in the ubuntu guide of where it says "Q: How to map URLs to folders outside /var/www/?"02:27
IIIEarsubotu DVD is also gstreamer-totem02:27
ubotuokay, IIIEars02:27
wonderlandAnd i dont understand it02:27
nickrudIIIEars, it's totem-gstreamer02:28
teferiubotu, ubuntuguide?02:28
ubotuI guess ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.02:28
bob2wonderland: so, why don't you ask a specific question02:28
cwellswonderland: you can use symlinks02:28
bob2then someone can give you a specific answer02:28
naliothIIIEars: do those players play DVD out of the box?02:29
ubotuNo idea, Madpilot02:29
ubotuI guess hacker is well, a misunderstood term: see http://catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/H/hacker.html02:29
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ubotuquestions is, like, recommend reading: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html02:29
wonderlandthe information the guide gives to add to the new file, thats what i dont understand, where it saysAlias /URL-path /location_of_folder/02:29
wonderland<Directory /location_of_folder/>02:29
wonderland   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks02:29
wonderland   AllowOverride All02:29
wonderland   Order allow,deny02:29
wonderland   Allow from all02:29
IIIEarsunfortuneatly - no, - all need codecs added. except VLC for windows02:29
wonderlandAlias /URL-path /location_of_folder/02:29
wonderland<Directory /location_of_folder/>02:29
cafuego!ubuntuguide =~ s/3/4/02:29
ubotuOK, cafuego02:29
wonderland   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks02:29
wonderland   AllowOverride All02:29
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bob2wonderland: please don't paste crap in here02:29
wonderland   Order allow,deny02:29
cafuegowonderland: Please stop pasting.02:29
wonderland   Allow from all02:29
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uboturumour has it, pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ or #flood02:29
naliothIIIEars: then you should probably amend the factoid to include that additional codecs WILL be necessary for DVD enjoyment02:30
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hondjeeww, sending people to ESR? :(02:30
teferihondje: indeed :(02:30
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thoreauputichondje: have you read the jargon file? It's very good and entertaining02:31
Madpilotwhat, the !questions thing I made? skim the article, it's pretty good...02:31
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thoreauputichondje: not everything esr does is bad, you know ;)02:31
wonderlandcan someone help please, that bit i pasted above,02:31
hondjeNo, I never read the jargon file, other than when someone links to an anti-sco joke :)02:31
socommESR is a good guy. When you said Ewwww you probably meant RMS.02:31
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2
=== thoreauputic waits for the holy war to recommence
bob2esr's a bit of a nutter02:32
socommStill, I admire RMS more than most people.02:32
bob2and far too eager to just babble instead of hacking02:32
nickrudMadpilot, maybe start with 'when you ask a question, be as specific as you can, <the link> can provide guidance'02:32
hondjeRMS hasn't really ever been wrong :)02:32
wonderlandwhere do i change it to make it work on home/chris/public_html02:32
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Madpilotnickrud: good point. hold on...02:32
thoreauputicbob2: I agree - but the jargon file is kind of fun02:32
hondjeESR wants people to wear 'the game of life' logo as an official hacker thing, and pretends that it's still 1989....RMS wears a robe and calls himself a saint02:33
thoreauputicwonderland: great psychology, sir02:33
socommhondje: Funny, neither have I. :P02:33
bob2wonderland: just ask your question, and don't flood the channel02:33
nickrudwonderland, probably noone around feels competent enough; wait a bit and ask again02:33
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HrdwrBoBwonderland: if you used pastebin02:33
bob2wonderland: where it says "URL-path" it means "the path you want to have appear at the end of the url"02:33
HrdwrBoBwonderland: people could look at your problem properly02:33
hondjewonderland: what part of that guide thing confused you?02:33
thoreauputicwonderland: also shouting doesn't endear you to people02:33
bob2wonderland: where it says "location_of_folder", it means "where is the folder on your hard disk"02:33
hondjethoreauputic: well, I'm mostly deaf so sometimes it helps :)02:33
=== funkyHat [~matt@cpc3-nthc3-3-1-cust65.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
wonderlandthe folder which is var/www02:34
socommhondje: http://stallman.org/harry-potter.html02:34
Madpilottweaked !questions:02:34
ubotusomebody said questions was what #ubuntu exists for. Please help by asking good, clear questions. http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html is recommended reading.02:34
PLafhey hondje, i tried the smartbootmanager, and when i booted it said "SBM Bad!"02:34
funkyHatxmms has mysteriously stopped playing .wma files02:34
DAC1138xmms never works here02:35
DAC1138loads, then freezes and needs killed02:35
bob2wonderland: I don't think you've really explained what you're trying to do, though02:35
wonderlandwhat do i replace with this part: /URL-path /location_of_folder/02:35
bob2wonderland: which makes it hard to help you02:35
funkyHat:( i don't like any of the other media players02:35
bob2wonderland: by default it serves /var/www, so you don't need to do anything02:35
nickrudMadpilot, very nice02:35
=== aru loads another album into xmms
DAC1138anyone here able to get ANY audio editing apps working?02:35
=== indentp [Vortex@ip68-1-232-116.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
wonderlandthe guide gives you text to enter in a text file, which is that text that i copied and pasted02:36
DAC1138or is my ubuntu install just b0rked?02:36
nickrudDAC1138, try changing the audio output02:36
DAC1138nickrud, how do i do that?02:36
wonderlandso what do i  replace with this part of the text:  /URL-path /location_of_folder/02:36
thoreauputicDAC1138: yes, audacity works for me02:36
chaps0063has anyone gotten any WMAs that are DRM'd to play?02:36
DAC1138thoreauputic, doesnt work here, says some crap about not being able to access sound system02:36
funkyHatchaps0063, no, it's not possible at the moment02:36
chaps0063funkyHat: darn.02:37
=== tobsen [~tobsen@p50906281.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2wonderland: so, stop talking and explain what the hell you're trying to do02:37
thoreauputicDAC1138: yet another esd issue, I'm afraid02:37
funkyHatuntill someone breaks the wma drm ;)02:37
bob2wonderland: if your goal is "have apache server the contents of /var/www", you're already done02:37
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wonderlandbib can i talk to you by your self02:37
nickrudDAC1138, I don't have it installed at the moment, but right click options/preferences, something like that I think02:37
bob2wonderland: if it's something else, you've done a terrible job if enlighetning it02:37
indentpI succesfully installed the buggy rt8180 driver by using driverloader and i am getting a signal from the wireless network but I still can not access the internet or ping any websites02:37
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thoreauputicDAC1138: short and dirty way: killall esd - longer way, configure dmix and get rid of esd02:37
DAC1138"Error initializing the i/o layer"02:37
HrdwrBoBwonderland: you want to have your webserver serve the contents of /home/user/public_html by default?02:38
bob2wonderland: just ask your real question02:38
wonderlandho fucking ray02:38
indentpare there any settings in konqueror i am forgeting about?02:38
HrdwrBoBwonderland: you could have said that.02:38
wonderlandwell like i said im a n00b02:38
funkyHatanyone got any ideas for my xmms-wma problem?02:38
DAC1138thoreauputic, that worked. thatnks.02:38
HrdwrBoBeasiest way is to go to /vart02:38
DAC1138thoreauputic, is that a bug they're working on in ubuntu?02:38
bob2wonderland: so, stop telling us what you don't understand, and just tell us what you're trying to do02:38
HrdwrBoBsudo mv www www-orig02:39
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wonderlandyou just said what i want to do02:39
thoreauputicDAC1138: I believe breezy will fix it, yes02:39
HrdwrBoBsudo ln -s /home/yourusername/public_html www02:39
nickrudbest way, if it's not a portable, is getting a sound card that supports hardware mixing02:39
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bob2wonderland: so, you don't need to do anything, apache is already doing that02:39
HrdwrBoBanything based on the emu10k1 is good02:39
parabolizewonderland: when you get some free time read this: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html02:39
bob2wonderland: and in future, just ask your question to begin with, don't flood the channel, and don't be aggressive and rude to people trying to help you02:39
indentpcan ayone help me with a wifi card problem?02:39
HrdwrBoBwonderland: what *I* said or what he said02:40
funkyHatwell, i'd like to be able to configue both my soundcards :D not a lot of hope of that is there02:40
wonderlandbut how does apache now that public_html02:40
wonderlandis being part of its webserver02:40
bob2wonderland: it's configured to do that in apache2.conf02:40
nickrudfunkyHat, yes, alsa supports that, look on alsa-project.org02:41
wonderlandok so im going to add a file in there called index.php but how do i access that file02:41
PLafgreat, im trying to make a boot disk and windoze is giving me magic disk problems rofl02:41
tobsenhello can i just ask something quickly? i dont know how to tell the terminal that ive got SUDO rights... the thing is: i want to mount a HD but the PC thinks ive got no rights :o02:41
tobsenthanks :P02:41
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nickrudtobsen, do you still have your originally installed user account available?02:42
hondjewonderland: if it's in the root dir for your webserver, you just go to your domain (or and it'll pop up02:42
tobseni was just told i should type "su command"02:42
nickrudtobsen, log in as that user, then sudo adduser <newuser> admin02:42
funkyHatnickrud,  one of my soundcards appears to be using ALSA (I can see them both in , but can't choose between them in applications)02:42
HrdwrBoBtobsen: sudo02:42
HrdwrBoBnot su02:42
bob2tobsen: no, 'sudo command'02:42
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wonderlandbut it wont be becuse var/www/ is completely locked and un writable02:43
tobsenno i dont want a new user i just want the system to know ive got the rights02:43
bob2tobsen: look at the adduser manpage, that command is not creating a new user02:43
wonderlandthats why iwant to create a folder away02:43
hondjewhy would you want a php script to write to /var/www?02:43
bob2it's adding an existing one to the admin group02:43
tobsenahh, sorry i am very new to ubuntu :blush:02:43
bob2hondje: he/she wants to write to a php script there02:43
hondjeoh, you can't copy it to there02:43
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HrdwrBoBwonderland: make the php file02:44
wonderlandfinally someone02:44
HrdwrBoBwonderland: then use sudo to copy it02:44
hondjesudo cp index.php /var/www/index.php02:44
HrdwrBoBsudo cp index.php /var/www02:44
PLafoh too slow :D02:44
hondjesudo gives you permission to write there, cp copies02:44
wonderlandcould i do that in gui02:44
wonderlandinstead of going sudo02:44
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PLafpersonally, i hate guis02:44
nickrudfunkyHat, I ran two cards a while ago, I think I had to write wrapper scripts, but my memory extremely fuzzy on htat02:44
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wonderlandbecuase scripting php in linux is gona be a nightmare02:44
bob2wonderland: er, no, it's the same as writing php anywhere02:45
nickrud*is extremely fuzzy on that02:45
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wonderlandok ill make the php file02:45
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TheWarMachinewhere is realplayer installeed02:45
tobsenthe user i am currently logged in with is already member of the "admin group"02:45
naliothwonderland: giving a gui root priveleges to fix your current problem can lead to your user account being severely messed up02:45
bob2tobsen: paste the exact error you got to #flood02:46
bob2including the command you ran02:46
indentpI am getting excellent signal on my KWiFi Manager but still can not ping or access any websites.... any ideas?02:46
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joKKer_frdes francais ici ?02:46
TheWarMachinewhere is realplayer installeed02:46
hondjejoKKer_fr: #ubuntu-fr02:46
tobsenits in german *blush02:46
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wonderlandill note that02:46
socommjoKKer_fr: /join #unbuntu-fr02:46
joKKer_frok thanks02:46
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tobsentobsen@Tobsen:~$ sudo adduser tobsen admin02:46
tobsenDer Benutzer tobsen ist bereits ein Mitglied der Gruppe admin.02:46
indentpIt took me a good 8 hours to get this driver installed, and I finally got the card up and running, but still no internet02:47
evaderHi I'm using Hoary. How can I get some sort of mail notification for Evolution in my systray/notfication area please?02:47
tobsenit says "tobsen is already a membe rof the admin group"02:47
wonderlanddoes that mean ill have to use console mode through out my whole php coding experience in ubuntu02:47
evaderI thought there was an applet, cant fidn it02:47
funkyHatTheWarMachine, do locate realplayer02:47
bob2tobsen: no, from the command you were trying to run to begin with02:47
bob2wonderland: no02:47
indentpare there any special settings in konqueror i am overlooking?02:47
PLafblarg, ive tried two different ways to install SBM, and both have failed02:47
wonderlandanyway i created the php file now its in desktop where shall i copy it to in gui02:47
tobsentobsen@Tobsen:~$ mkdir /media/windows_c02:47
thoreauputicwonderland: try to be less negative: there are usually solutions if you need them :)02:48
bob2tobsen: no, that's wrong02:48
tobseni was trying that02:48
bob2tobsen: sudo mkdir /media/windows_c02:48
DAC1138alright, this is beginning to annoy me. my mouse lags every time i open a program or have a sudden jump in cpu useage02:48
tobsenthank you I'll try02:48
wonderlandi dont mean to be rude but what does that mean02:48
DAC1138ive got a 2.2 ghz processor and 768 mb ram, i should see lag in a mouse cursor02:48
evaderAnyone please? Mail notifcation with Evolution in the systray? Is there an applet? Anything?02:48
bob2evader: just use the mail notification applet02:49
DAC1138evader, gdesklets maybe02:49
wonderlando yeah i have NOT dont this step of the guide "How to map URLs to folders outside /var/www/?"02:49
bob2wonderland: yes, that's fine02:49
nickrudevader, not really no, the one that comes with ubuntu is not really useful with evo02:49
umarmungevader: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=40202:49
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indentpcafuego: you there? my card has signall but I still can not ping any addresses outside of my network02:49
indentpmy head is about to explode02:49
wonderlanddo i need to do that step to make home/chris/public_html run as part of the server02:50
chaps0063I was hoping to get some help in setting up apache/mysql as inetd for use on my laptop instead of daemon.02:50
nickrudoh, umarmung thanks02:50
aceidiacan anyone help me to get mplayer to play dvd's..?02:50
nickrudgonna try that very soon02:50
naliothevader: there is a mail-notification applet, but dont think it runs with evolution02:50
chaps0063aceidia: you need libdvdcss202:50
cafuegoindentp: Load drivers, set options (essid, key, etc) fetch IP, set route, off you go.02:50
TheWarMachineim not getting any sound from realplayer02:50
TheWarMachineor vlc02:50
chaps0063aceidia: plus, I use xine-ui instead.02:50
wonderlandbob2: please help02:51
TheWarMachineany thoughts?02:51
wonderlandweres bob2?02:51
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bob2wonderland: no, as I said, you don't need to02:51
DAC1138aceidia, yeah, why limit yourself to mplayer?02:51
nickrudTheWarMachine, you probably need vlc-esd02:51
aceidiaif i get that do i need to get the codex or w/e.?02:51
DAC1138aceidia, there's xine, videolan, ogle (i use ogle, it supports menus) and i think powerdvd for linux is out, though its not free02:51
wonderlandok sorry for being a pain, but then what do i do, just please give me a general step by step guide02:51
bob2wonderland: no02:52
chaps0063aceidia:  http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories02:52
bob2wonderland: you need to ask specific questions02:52
bob2wonderland: you have apache working, and youve been told how to put your php file there02:52
funkyHatwonderland, all you need to do is uncomment the related lines in apache2.conf, and make sure your home directory permissions are ok02:52
bob2wonderland: what do you want to do next?02:52
chaps0063aceidia: add those, then sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 xine-ui02:52
aceidiai'm new don;t know what i can get..02:52
indentpcafuego: drivers are loaded, essid is correct and no WEP for now... no local ip address picked up under KWiFi Manager however02:52
chaps0063aceidia: I was new once too...:-)02:52
TheWarMachinenickrud, what about realplayer?02:52
aceidiak thanx02:52
DAC1138aceidia, doesnt matter if you're new, look at the ubuntu guide02:52
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wonderlanddoes this not leave security issues02:52
nickrudTheWarMachine, I haven02:52
bob2wonderland: how?02:53
chaps0063DAC1138: yeah, I was a nub one day...I still am..hehe02:53
wonderlandwy the way where is the config file02:53
indentpgetting excellent signal strength, yet still cant get online02:53
nickrud't configured realplayer recently, but I think you need to configure it to use esd for sound02:53
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DAC1138chaps0063, we're all n00bs, we're just a higher level :)02:53
TheWarMachinehow wuld I do that?02:53
bob2wonderland: /etc/apache2/ (basically all packages put system config files in /etc/packagename/)02:53
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DAC1138but the thing is, you can be a n00b, that doesnt mean the ubuntu guide is too hard02:53
bob2wonderland: but please don't touch it, you'll only screw it up02:53
chaps0063DAC1138: but now I can install java without looking at any directions.02:53
DAC1138actually, the unofficial ubuntu guide is the best written distro documentation ive ever seen02:53
chaps0063DAC1138: and thats a big step from where I was, got my start with mandrake.02:54
knowledge_really stupid question....when using Gnome....are you using GTK+ or X11?02:54
bob2knowledge_: both02:54
DAC1138knowledge_, gtk02:54
thoreauputicknowledge_: both02:54
wonderlandbut you said uncomment it now your saying dont touch it02:54
bob2knowledge_: X just put pixels on the screen, gtk tells x11 to draw buttons and menus and ...02:54
DAC1138you cant have gtk really without x, can you?02:54
knowledge_mannnn I think I'm just going to format and reinstall02:54
bob2wonderland: no, I didn't say that at all02:54
wonderlandshall i just go back to windows02:54
DAC1138x11 libs02:54
bob2wonderland: just leave it alone02:54
bob2wonderland: if you want to use windows, go for it02:54
wonderlandno i dont02:54
DAC1138wonderland, if you're not willing to help yourself, yes02:54
bob2DAC1138: you can, it has been ported to run directly on the framebuffer, and it works on windows without X02:55
bob2wonderland: you haven't asked a useful question02:55
DAC1138wonderland, we can help, but you need to put fourth some effort and not expect us to baby you through it all02:55
chaps0063wonderland: what are you having trouble with02:55
naliothwonderland: windows has more oppertunitys for hackers, then linux02:55
HrdwrBoBwonderland: you might do well to spend some time familiarising yourself with the linux environment02:55
indentpcafuego: i may need help configuring the card correctly, everything seems to be fine except no local IP resolved... is this the problem? how can I check to see what is not configured correctly?02:55
nickrudheh, it's been so long I don't even recognize realplayer10's config screen :)02:55
knowledge_bob2, or anyone ever deal with wxWidgets?02:55
DAC1138wonderland, help us help you02:55
bob2knowledge_: I used it once from python, I think02:55
bob2I prefered glade02:55
wonderlandi cannot create anything in /var/www/02:55
bob2wonderland: yes, indeed02:56
wonderlandbecuase its completely locked02:56
knowledge_I'm trying to install soulseek...I updated like a million and a half packages...and it's still lnot working02:56
wonderlandso where do i put my php files to access them through a webbrowser02:56
paxwonderland: #apache02:56
HrdwrBoBwonderland: an easy fix for this is sudo chown youruser /var/www02:56
knowledge_I think I'm going to format and reinstall so I can also get my wifi card back02:56
bob2wonderland: sudo chown $USER /var/www/02:56
bob2wonderland: but be very careful02:56
kbrooksNo, knowledge_02:56
wonderlandno this is a security risk iv been told02:56
wonderlandwhat other ways is there02:57
funkyHati was hesitant to give that advice...02:57
kbrookswonderland, um02:57
knowledge_kbrooks, I've tried what people told me to try, and no dice....02:57
funkyHatcreate a directory inside /var/www02:57
DAC1138knowledge_, wait, what?02:57
kbrooksthis is not a "security risk"02:57
aruwonderland: I would consider going back to windows if I were you02:57
funkyHatcall it whatever you want, chown that to $USER:apache02:57
bob2wonderland: how on earth is it a security risk?02:57
chaps0063wonderland: are you editing locally or are people other than those on your computer going to access them?02:57
DAC1138knowledge_,  try "dhclient eth1" or whatever your wifi card was detected as02:57
paxwonderland: your other option is to set a vhost and have rootdir as user dir02:57
kbrooksDONT BE SERIOUS02:57
wonderlandim alone user on the computer02:58
indentpiwconfig gives me: wlan0 IEEE 802.11-DS ESSID:"homenet" Nickname:"unknown"02:58
knowledge_DAC1138, no such device02:58
wonderlandthis computer is the linux (ubuntu)machine02:58
DAC1138knowledge_, im having problems getting wired ethernet working. ubuntu wants to default to the wifi device that isnt there anymore02:58
chaps0063isn't there a way to not allow anyone else to connect to apache but localhost?02:58
DAC1138knowledge_, so its not even detecting a secondary ethernet device?02:58
chaps0063I'm not sure.02:58
TheWarMachinenickrud any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated02:58
DAC1138knowledge_, in ifconfig?02:58
knowledge_I had it working until I patched my kernel02:58
DAC1138knowledge_, ah, yeah, i'd say reinstall02:58
knowledge_and the only reason I patched it was because there was a how to02:58
indentpwith ndiswrapper?02:58
wonderlandso now every nows my problem, what can i do apart from changing the permission of var/www/02:58
bob2wonderland: so, chown it02:59
chaps0063wonderland: who told you its a security risk?02:59
bob2wonderland: it is not a security issue02:59
nickrudTheWarMachine, my realplayer freezes also, but then, I generally use totem-xine to watch real media. I hadn't noticed, and have no advice at the moment.02:59
knowledge_DAC1138, no hope huh?02:59
robert_pectolWhat's the best way (command) to search for a specific package name for Debian and Debian derived distros?  I just moved to Ubuntu after 5+ years on Red Hat/Mandrake and am still trying to "come up to speed" on the subtle differences...02:59
hondjebut having /dev/shm mounted rw is ... what a world :)02:59
wonderlandits a thread on ubuntuforums, and anyway why doesnt the guide tell my chown it then02:59
HrdwrBoBwonderland: you can use sudo cp like we said02:59
bob2robert_pectol: apt-cache search package02:59
wonderlandthats a good way02:59
HrdwrBoBwonderland: because the guide is on crack02:59
bob2wonderland: because tthe forums are wrong03:00
TheWarMachinenickrud, totem doesn't even work03:00
bob2wonderland: and the guide is also wrong03:00
robert_pectolbob2:   Thanks!03:00
wonderlandbut i want to use gui03:00
kbrookswonderland, dont believe everything you read03:00
naliothrobert_pectol: use synaptic03:00
DAC1138knowledge_, probably not. ive been having wifi problems until i tried ubuntu, its the only distro to get my card working out of the box (at all actually)03:00
wonderlandyou lot are talking bullshit03:00
chaps0063wonderland: sudo (app you want to use)03:00
knowledge_yeah I hear ys03:00
bob2wonderland: please stop it03:00
bob2wonderland: you're being rude, and you're way out of your depth03:00
kbrookswonderland, dont believe everything you read!!!!!!!!!!!!03:00
wonderlandbob2 your taking the piss03:00
naliothrobert_pectol: system > admin > synaptic package mangler03:00
bob2wonderland: the solution to your problem is to chown /var/www03:00
kbrookswonderland, no you are03:00
HrdwrBoBwonderland: no he's not03:00
wonderlandyou dont really talk like that03:00
indentpDAC1138: could you help me with getting my card online?03:00
bob2wonderland: do it, or not, but you're wasting everyone's time03:01
chaps0063wonderland: relax.03:01
wonderlandis there any other way then03:01
chaps0063wonderland: what gui-app do you want to use?03:01
DAC1138indentp, i could try, whats the problem?03:01
HrdwrBoBwonderland: I assure you that you're surrounded by people who by and large know damn well what they're talking about03:01
bob2wonderland: use chown.03:01
IIIEarsHey! if you guys can't get along will we have to seperate you? - ;)03:01
robert_pectolnalioth:   Cool!  I'll try that although I prefer the cli for installing software.  Thanks again!03:01
nickrudTheWarMachine, I used https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingCodecsToTotem to get totem-xine to work right03:01
knowledge_alright...I'm off to reinstall03:01
knowledge_later people03:01
chaps0063IIIEars: lol... wonderland to the corner in the left please...03:01
wonderlandi want to drag and drop php files on to var/www/ so i can access them through a web browser03:01
bob2wonderland: you can continue to argue with people who know far more about this than you do, but it doesn't change the fact that you're wasting time03:01
naliothrobert_pectol: then use "apt-cache search <pkgname-fragment-etc>"03:02
bob2wonderland: sudo chown $USER /var/www/03:02
HrdwrBoBwonderland: so use chown like it has been explained to you many times03:02
indentpDAC1138: I am using an MA521 with the rt8180 driver through driverloader and the card is picking up excellent signal strength03:02
HrdwrBoBthis is *NOT* a security risk03:02
bob2wonderland: if you're going to continue to be disruptive, perhaps it's better if you go03:02
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hondjeif you have to use a gui to move a couple files, are you sure running a webserver is really a good idea?03:02
indentpDAC1138: but still having trouble accessing the internet03:02
hondjesounds like a bigger security risk than chown, IMHO03:02
chaps0063hey bob2, I got apache/mysql and all that working as of yester...03:02
chaps0063yesterday...if I could spell.03:03
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chaps0063thanks for your help.03:03
DAC1138indentp, ah, i had that same problem03:03
wonderlandis there any other way? thats all im asking, like what the guide says, it says create a text file and enter that text the guide provides, thats what i need help on that bit of the guide03:03
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DAC1138indentp, does anything show up in ifconfig?03:03
wonderlandthats what i originally came for03:03
paxbob2: dude you have some patience. kudos03:03
wonderlandthe bit i copied and pasted03:03
hondjethen do what the guide says03:03
kbrookswonderland, dont read the guide03:03
hondjeif that's really what you want03:03
bob2wonderland: no, ignore that, it's complicated and pointless03:03
chaps0063wonderland: its been told to you.03:03
naliothwonderland: the ubuntuguide has been known to lead to total reinstallation of system03:03
indentpDAC, yes03:03
bob2wonderland: run "sudo chown $USER /var/www/"03:03
kbrooksnalioth, how?03:03
HrdwrBoBwonderland: running that single command fixes ALL of your problems03:03
DAC1138indentp, what does it say?03:03
HrdwrBoBand is trivial to do03:04
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bob2wonderland: whoever told you that adding an Alias was any more secure is an idiot03:04
kbrooksnalioth, other than backports03:04
naliothkbrooks: i spoke on this earlier03:04
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DAC1138indentp, you should see something like eth0 for your wired ethernet, and eth1 or wlan0 for wireless03:04
HrdwrBoBthe ubuntu guide should be a wiki03:04
Bob_hey, a friend of mine setup my wireless card and told me to use ifup and ifdown... I had to restart due to lock up and now there is no card! how do I get it back>03:04
wonderlandim going to " CHOWN " it03:04
HrdwrBoBwonderland: excellenty03:04
kbrookswonderland, changes the owner of the directory03:04
wonderlandbut i bet my computer crashed becuase the amount of hackers trying to access my new linux computer03:05
bob2wonderland: plese stop being an idiot03:05
DAC1138indentp, i had the same problem in other distros. driver was installed, kde applet showed a network and signal strength, yet i couldnt get any information out of the network or internet03:05
indentpDAC, Link encap:local loopback inet addr: Mask inet6 addr ::1/128 Scope:host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:1643603:05
bob2wonderland: I don't know if you're trolling, or really clueless, but it's just annoying.03:05
wonderlandwhat changes the owner of the directory what does that mean03:05
indentpiwconfig you mean?03:05
kbrookswonderland, please do not clutter the channel03:05
kbrookswonderland, chown03:05
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thoreauputicwonderland: please get a clue from ubotu 's URL below03:06
funkyHatwonderland, open a terminal, type "sudo chown *your username* /var/www"03:06
Bob_how do I mount my network card?03:06
kbrookswonderland, currently, you cant write to /var/www03:06
ubotusomebody said hacker was well, a misunderstood term: see http://catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/H/hacker.html03:06
wonderlando is that what it stands for03:06
kbrookswonderland, currently, you cant write to /var/www03:06
indentpDAC, under iwconfig i see lo eth0 and wlan003:06
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DAC1138indentp, i mean what devices do you see? anything like eth1 or eth0? list all the eth# and wlan# you see03:06
Bob_I already ndiswrappered it--I think...03:06
wonderlandsorry my user name is chris so how would the command look like03:06
kbrookswonderland, REPLACE03:06
DAC1138indentp, alright, wlan0 is probably it then03:06
HrdwrBoBsudo chown chris /var/www03:06
wonderlandlike this "sudo chown $chris /var/www/"03:06
HrdwrBoBno,  no $03:06
indentpDAC, the correct essid is picked up and everything seems ok03:06
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bob2the command I actually gave would work03:07
DAC1138indentp, try "dhclient wlan0"03:07
indentpDAC, but still can not ping anything03:07
bob2since your shell sets $USER03:07
paxwtf everyone in this channel got their troll detector off?03:07
kbrooksbob2: From what I've read, he is a IDIOT03:07
DAC1138indentp, or "dhclient eth0"03:07
reborthey... i could use some simple breezy help03:07
wonderlandok GUYS (is there any girls here by the way) im about to wack on the old CHOWN03:07
chaps0063kbrooks: I concur.03:07
bob2wonderland: enough03:07
=== thoreauputic is wondering about trolls in wonderland
=== carrot [~toor@218-160-80-154.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
wonderlandevery ones waiting03:08
indentpDAC, permision denied, let me try in root03:08
DAC1138about now im thinking linux isnt for you wonderland03:08
hondjeyeah, he's trolling03:08
=== ukato [~trey@ip24-251-108-240.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudwonderland, if I may, http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/index.html and http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/index.html make good reading03:08
DAC1138ya know, its not for everybody03:08
wonderlandwhats trolling for f sake03:08
=== hondje is a troll, and can recognize his own breed
Bob_how do I mount my network card in hoary?03:08
kbrooksnickrud, NO!!!!!!03:08
rebortit's the /etc/X11/X is not executable issue... i'd rather hear from one reliable source about how to fix that instead of hearing many non-working and unofficial fixes03:08
carrotthat is old03:08
wonderlando sware to god i really do need help03:08
HrdwrBoByes, we know03:08
kbrooksnickrud, Do not make him RTFM03:08
wonderlandive been on ununtu forums for a day now03:08
wonderlandcheck out my post03:08
rebortcan anyone give me an official answer?03:08
wonderlandwait let me get the url03:09
kbrookswonderland, the forums are inaccurate03:09
indentpDAC you are my savior03:09
=== kevin [~kevin@dsl-72-1-219.238.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudboth are dated 2005, I check first03:09
DAC1138indentp, worked?03:09
kbrookswonderland, Honestly.03:09
wonderlandok just see what iv learn so far from the forums03:09
bob2rebort: that's a symlink, perhaps it's broken03:09
indentpsomthing as simple as grabbing an IP address03:09
kbrookswonderland, irrevelant03:09
naliothrebort: breezy is not for everyday use atm03:09
rebortbob2: we share a name, and it is broken03:09
naliothrebort: most of us in here do not use it for that reason03:09
evaderHi. How can I get Evolution to put a notification in the systray when I get mail PLEASE.03:09
DAC1138indentp, well, i was frusturating as hell for me, and i still couldnt get mine fixed, and now that ubuntu has it working out of the box, i know what to do03:09
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rebortnalioth: i know, i have suffered through much with breezy, and i was hoping to also suffer through this03:10
bob2rebort: it should point at /usr/bin/X or so, I'd assume03:10
cafuegoindentp: Blah, I told you that 20 minutes ago :-P03:10
DAC1138indentp, i was about to throw my laptop on the wall and slam my head on my desk. glad i could save someone from the same troubles03:10
bob2rebort: surely the answer is in the bts?03:10
indentpDAC, so the command dhclient just hits the dhcp server on my router to request an IP address?03:10
HrdwrBoBlrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 17 2004-11-10 09:30 /etc/X11/X -> /usr/bin/X11/Xorg03:10
evaderHi. How can I get Evolution to put a notification in the systray when I get mail .... ANYONE?03:10
wonderlando yeah by the way what does this mean "chmod 744"03:10
DAC1138indentp, i guess, i was told to do that to switch to my eth0 wired network03:10
bob2wonderland: ignore it03:10
cafuegowonderland: read,write,execute by owner, read-only for anyone else.03:11
nickrudkbrooks, that is not rtfm, that is basic research03:11
=== d-man_ [~d-man@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2wonderland: if you don't understand an answer on the forum, follow up saying you don't understand it03:11
indentpDAC, will switching to my eth0 be difficult?03:11
carrotjust a link..03:11
DAC1138indentp, because by default, ubuntu wants to use my wireless card for network access, which isnt always in, so i have to run that command everytime i want to use my wired net03:11
Bob_ah ha! I just had to wait a bit03:11
Bob_it works now!03:11
rebortthere is not a /usr/bin/X11/Xorg, only a [...] /X03:11
Bob_thanks all :-p03:11
HrdwrBoBnickrud: even more than that; compulsory background knowledge03:11
DAC1138indentp, no, just run dhclient eth0 to switch back to wired03:11
kbrooksnickrud, SO?03:11
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indentpDAc, ahhh... i see. I dont have to disable the wlan0?03:11
HrdwrBoBrebort: then link it to that03:11
kbrooksHrdwrBoB, this is irrevelant03:11
DAC1138indentp, nope03:12
wonderlandhave you had a look03:12
nickrudkbrooks, although I do take your point.03:12
indentpDAC, sweet. I love it when everything works simultaneaosly03:12
=== pschulz01 [~pschulz01@eth6067.sa.adsl.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksnickrud, huh?03:12
=== joolz [~joolz@kiar.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
wonderlanddo you bob2 and the others have some kind of blog so i can trust you becuase in common sense, id rather trust the forum then some chat on IRC03:12
nickrudkbrooks, about not shoving manuals at people, instead of helping03:12
DAC1138wonderland, you can trust google03:12
kbrookswonderland, listen to me03:12
bob2wonderland: I'd trust IRC ahead of the forums03:13
kbrookswonderland, forums suck.03:13
kbrooksEnd of story.03:13
=== cafuego asks bob2 about DALnet
bob2and having a blog just proves someone has too much time on their hands ;p03:13
naliothwonderland: perhaps you should have lurked in here for weeks to see the quality of answers that are given03:13
indentpDAC, i am running a buggy rt8180 driver that i could only get to work under driverloader (which will cost me $20 after 30 days), do you have any experience with ndiswrapper?03:13
bob2cafuego: well, ok, good point03:13
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kbrookswonderland, you are still a troll.03:13
wonderlando well if you decide to hack me03:13
tritiumbob2, heh, I agree ;)03:13
pschulz01Greetings. Anyone know if 'nvu' is available for  Ubuntu? It's on TheOpenCD v3.03:13
pschulz01for windows...03:13
wonderlandill just re-install whats the worst that could happen03:13
kbrookswonderland, *crack*03:13
naliothpschulz01: yes, you can d/l it from its homepage03:14
=== shojo [~shojo@pool-151-202-45-237.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
wonderlando shit03:14
thoreauputicwonderland: seek help for your paranoia :)03:14
kbrookswonderland, you are a troll and a idiot that is NOT READY FOR LINUX03:14
evaderHow can I get Evolution to put a notification in the systray when I get mail03:14
pschulz01nalioth: no package yet?03:14
evaderI cant find an applet03:14
wonderlandwhat does *crack* mean03:14
rebortUSR/BIN/X11/X points to /etc/X11/X, so it would be unwise to link03:14
tritiumevader, I don't believe that capability exists yet03:14
naliothevader: there is NO KNOWN way (that i know of) check the evolution homepage03:14
cafuegoevader: if evolution has no pref to do that, it probably means it can't (yet)03:14
indentpalthouh driverloader might be nice to have down the road with other windows based drivers. the the nice web-based GUI as opposed to ndiswrapper03:14
kbrookswonderland, cr`acker03:14
wonderlandwho the fuck ever is, linux is shit man, your all communists, man, im a php coder, whats the point of using linux,03:14
cafuegoindentp: driverloader is payware though03:15
tritiumwonderland, please calm down03:15
wonderlandkbrooks aint helping03:15
kbrookscrackers are not hackers and vice versa03:15
cafuegoindentp: and a GUI only makes it 1) slower and 2) larger03:15
DAC1138indentp, no, ive tried that with my card, i couldnt figure the dang thing out03:15
wonderlandand what does he even mean,03:15
DAC1138indentp, madwifi you might want to check that out03:15
indentpDAC you tried ndiswrapper?03:15
cafuegowonderland: Did you actually have an ubuntu question?03:15
DAC1138indentp, no, i havent used ndiswrapper03:15
rebort  no ideas then?03:16
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ
=== wonderland [~sirwan@dsl-80-42-3-22.access.as9105.com] has left #ubuntu [requested]
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2
DAC1138i think we need to boot wonderland03:16
DAC1138ah, good03:16
indentpDAC, what did you try with your card?03:16
DAC1138indentp, there were some kernel modules i had to download for my chipset on sourceforge03:16
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu []
DAC1138indentp, i have an atmel chipset, so there were some 3rd party open source stuff i could download03:17
=== kahles1 [~kahless@pcp0010116099pcs.lebnon01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DAC1138wow it got quiet since he was booted03:17
indentpha, yeah03:17
nickrudkbrooks, now that that's over, those two links are really good for new folks. What's a decent way to point at them.03:17
indentpthe need for "nick: question" format is gone03:17
kbrooksnickrud, i dont think so03:18
kbrooksnot here anyways03:18
=== Doomgaze [~Doomgaze@] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksnickrud, i would never ever .... *EVER* point a newbie to ubuntu at those 2 links.03:18
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kbrooksnickrud, why do so when we can ALL help and the wiki exists?03:19
indentpDAC, what types of cards use the Atheros chipset?03:19
MIK3MANwhich is the best kernal to install for ubuntu?? stability wise..??03:19
kevinquestion, how would I add say a button to xfce for say abiword?03:19
rebortlinking /etc/X11/X to /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg works03:19
DAC1138indentp, i dont know. isnt atheros supported in the kernel? i was building a kernel todya and thought i saw atheros in there03:19
=== chaps0063 [~bjr223@pcp02115427pcs.lebnon01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
JDahlMIK3MAN, the one that's installed by default, I think03:20
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IIIEarsvulnerability discovered in zlib compression03:20
indentpDAC, im not sure... im trying to find out if madwifi will work with my card03:20
DAC1138MIK3MAN, i dont think ubuntu takes kindly to new kernels03:20
rebortbut mouse keyboard and nv modules arent found03:20
DAC1138MIK3MAN, i just built the latest, and i cant get the thing to boot03:20
thoreauputickevin: you can add lauchers to the panel through the config app - I'm in fluxbox and can't recall the exact name but it has a cross shaped icon IIRC03:21
DAC1138indentp, check your manuals or label on the card, it should have the chipset or model # on there03:21
=== wonderland [~sirwan@dsl-80-42-3-22.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
TheWarMachineanyone know how to get sound working in realplayer>?03:21
wonderlandu rock bob203:21
ablyssanyone want to see a screenshot of my ubuntu?  http://www.epluribusunix.net/screenshots/07-17-05_21:18:48.jpeg  :)03:21
MIK3MANJDahl: whats the difference from linux 386 and linux-image 386, and linux image 2.6?? they are all on the install cd03:21
wonderlandeverythings dandy03:21
indentpDAC, i think its a realtek, not sure though03:21
DAC1138indentp, google search for the model # and look for the chipset, then search google.com/linux for using that chipset in linux03:21
=== Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-66.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Daveyablyss: do you have a pr0n background?03:21
wonderlandalthough one last proper question03:21
kevinhmmmmmmmmmmm ok, thanx anyways, I will wait for someone running xfce03:21
Daveyablyss: if not, I don't care :D03:22
wonderlandwhy was the var/www/ folder locked in the first place03:22
HrdwrBoBMIK3MAN: they are logical packages of the same thing03:22
JDahlDAC1138, if you must, you can build a kernel using Ubuntu defaults by copying the /boot/config file to the kernel source tree03:22
Madpilotpschulz01: your question sort of got lost. nvu is installable. watch the two posting's ubotu's about to make03:22
=== Davey runs
ubotuI heard nvu is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HowToInstallNVUHTMLEditor/ http://www.nvu.com/ Linux/Mac/Windows Web authoring.""03:22
kevinnot trying tobr rude dude03:22
=== keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
MIK3MANHrdwrBoB: which should I choose??03:22
ubotu[html]  HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. HTML editors available in Hoary include Bluefish & Screem, both installable through Synaptic. HTML can also be written in any text editor, as purists will be quick to tell you!03:22
kbrookswonderland, because linux sucks.03:22
Daveyablyss: whats the second graph to the right of the CPU one?03:22
naliothwonderland: anything outside of your home directory belongs to someone else, that is why it's "locked"03:22
ablyssDavey: CPU and memory03:22
DAC1138JDahl, thats what i did03:22
HrdwrBoBMIK3MAN: any of them, they're effectively all the same03:22
Daveyah, didn't see that one03:22
naliothpschulz01: i answered your question right after you asked it03:22
wonderlandso now it belongs to every one now that i changed the previliges to everyone03:23
HrdwrBoBMIK3MAN: choose linux-38603:23
DAC1138JDahl, and basically i only changed the acpi and the processor info, and the partition stuff03:23
wonderlandnow that i chown it03:23
DAC1138JDahl, still wont boot03:23
=== d-man_ [~d-man@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
IIIEarsubotu html is also "!NVU" html editor.03:23
ubotuokay, IIIEars03:23
ablyssDavey: hehe i dont watch pron :P03:23
thoreauputicwonderland: you changed it to belong to your user03:23
TheWarMachineablyss what prog do you use as the dock>03:23
indentpDAC, thanks for daving me an increcible headache. now I must decide if I want to buy a new card or purchase driverloader03:23
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ablyssTheWarMachine: gnome panel03:23
wonderlandthoreauputic you are a star03:23
thoreauputicwonderland: unless you did something no-one advised03:23
wonderlandsudo chown chris /var/www03:24
ubotuhmm... nvu is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HowToInstallNVUHTMLEditor/ http://www.nvu.com/ Linux/Mac/Windows Web authoring.""03:24
wonderlandthats what i did03:24
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, nvu is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HowToInstallNVUHTMLEditor/ http://www.nvu.com/ Linux/Mac/Windows Web authoring.""03:24
IIIEarsauk - ubotu is chewing on the database update for html. - it takes a minute or two03:24
wonderlanddoes that still mean its safe03:24
wonderlandand no one of you lot can access it03:24
kbrookswonderland, ummmm03:24
wonderlandwhat kbrooks03:24
ubotuWish i knew, kbrooks03:24
aukIIIEars: no--he messaged me03:24
thoreauputicwonderland: if you run ls -ld /var/www  you'll see that it  now belongs to chris03:24
ubotukbrooks: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?03:24
nickrudkbrooks, sorry had to step away for a sec. I don't think most of that is on the wiki, and it's also extremely relevant.03:24
ablyssBTW, i took the picture of the lilly from my backyard.. you guys like it?  I have about 6 more that make really awesome desktop wall paper03:25
ubotusomebody said hacker was well, a misunderstood term: see http://catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/H/hacker.html03:25
Madpilotkbrooks: there you go...03:25
ubotuauk: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about03:25
wonderlandwhy is kbrooks saying hacks for then03:25
ubotuauk: I don't know03:25
ubotuauk: Are you smoking crack?03:25
=== ictyl [~chatzilla@user-0ce2k2n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
TheWarMachine`ablyss tell me how you got/config it03:25
kbrookswonderland, you misunderstand the term03:25
Madpilotwonderland: we're fooling around with ubotu. but ppl should be doing that thru /msg, really03:25
thoreauputicauk: ubotu doesn't have a factoid for that yet03:25
IIIEarsbe nice to the bot a slender database is a lot faster.03:25
=== aceidia [~Aceidia@Cornwall-ppp3521264.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
aukhis factiod now is good enough for me03:25
aceidiadoes anyone know of a good dvd player?03:26
kbrookswonderland, go and read ESR's jargon database entry for hacker'03:26
DAC1138aceidia, ogle03:26
wonderlandwheres that then03:26
chaps0063aceidia: I like xine-ui03:26
DAC1138aceidia, i suggested a bunch earlier, didnt oyu read?03:26
tritiumaceidia, gxine is nice too03:26
aceidiacan i get it off mulitiverse?03:26
kbrookswonderland, at the link the bot posted03:26
aukcheck out the blender package03:26
wonderlandoh yeah how about phpMyAdmin03:26
aukway bloated03:26
wonderlandhow do you install that03:26
thoreauputicwonderland: hacker is not a bad word - go read the URL and learn what it means03:26
ablyssTheWarMachine: well transparency is optional in the panel preferences.. svg icons are downloadable off synaptic gnome themes... there isn't too much to config about it03:26
aceidiai did but some aren;t working.. nad i closed the window03:26
=== crudpuppy [~bocephus@24-241-117-101.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
wonderlandok whatevery. but how do you install phpMyAdmin03:27
aukwonderland: were you talking to me03:27
DAC1138aceidia, ah. ogle is in multiverse and so is gxine03:27
wonderlandi need help03:27
kbrookswonderland, d/l, untar, cp, config, you're done03:27
chaps0063wonderland: do you have mysql installed?03:27
bob2wonderland: stop being annoying03:27
bob2wonderland: or you will be permanently removed03:27
bob2wonderland: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto03:27
ubotulamp is, like, Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Hoary is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LAMPForHoary03:27
DAC1138wonderland, you arent the only person in the world you know, other people need help too03:27
chaps0063wonderland: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/03:27
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Madpilotwonderland: see the link ubotu just posted...03:27
ablysswow this chat is a rocking.. dont bother knocking :D03:27
signbarnWhat's a good p2p application for ubuntu?03:27
userusersignbarn: mldonkey03:28
kbrooksMadpilot, are you the resident ubotu expert?03:28
sizzami try to start mail-notification from a terminal and nothing happens, it just sits there.   what log files can i check to point me in the right direction?03:28
naliothsignbarn: depends on how you want to p2p03:28
aukablyss: hahahahahaahahaha...03:28
kbrookssignbarn, amule03:28
thoreauputicwonderland: do what we all have to do sometimes: use google, read howtos, use http://google.com/linux...... etc etc03:28
wonderlandthas what i been looking for03:28
kbrooksamule > *03:28
wonderlandthat lamp thingy, i been using it on windows03:28
auksignbarn: tinyP2P03:28
signbarnwell i guess i'm just looking for a "large" user base03:28
kbrooksauk: uh.......03:28
aukwonderland: wtf?03:28
Madpilotkbrooks: no, but I"ve got nothing else to do right now... gotta be fast with the ! key... :)03:28
naliothsignbarn: gtk-gnutella03:28
naliothsignbarn: bittorrent03:29
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kbrooksnalioth, amule ;)03:29
=== identp [~blake@ip68-1-232-116.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
plbhey guys heres another metacity theme i did..thoughts?> http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=2657403:29
aukwonderland: linux on windows?03:29
=== Evil [~666@ip-33.net-81-220-11.versailles.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksauk: no03:29
Evilhello all03:29
thoreauputicwonderland: erm... the "l" in LAMP stands for what, do you think?03:29
wonderlandIs there any GIRLS here03:29
kbrooksauk, think think03:29
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DAC1138plb, shouldnt you be checking in #metacity?03:29
bob2wonderland: final warning03:29
DAC1138wonderland, yes03:29
plbDAC1138: i like it here better =P03:30
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Evilcan someone say me how to fix this bug : "error activating wkb configuration"03:30
DAC1138bob2, hes had enough warnings, i'd say boot him03:30
wonderlandwhos heard of WAMP, its for windows03:30
wonderlandWAMP 5.403:30
bob2wonderland: please stay on-topic03:30
=== thoreauputic waits for the inevitable to happen to wonderland, yet again
aukpbl: what have you got in the way of gtk+ ?03:30
kbrookswonderland, OT alert03:30
wonderlandcan bob2 stop bosing me about and picking on me03:30
IIIEarsthorauputic - hehe03:30
signbarnpbl: that's a pretty slick theme. i like it03:30
chaps0063wonderland: bye.03:30
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q *!*@dsl-80-42-3-22.access.as9105.com] by bob2
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2
DAC1138to be honest, wonderland is the worst ive seen on any linux irc chat03:30
nickrudlol, wonderland bob2 is bos03:30
bob2I'lll un+q when I get to Sydney03:30
chaps0063bob2: when are you going there?03:31
kbrookswonderland, bob2 is boss03:31
thoreauputicDAC1138: you're new here, aren't you ? *grin*03:31
DAC1138thoreauputic, not really, ive been here ltos before03:31
Madpilotbob2: you're going to Sydney in about ten years, right? :)03:31
DAC1138thoreauputic, ive never really been this active though03:31
bob2chaps0063: about tne minutes ;)03:31
=== tritium has seen DAC1138 around
kevinI am going there by the time I die lol03:31
DAC1138thoreauputic, but im saying of all the linux chats ive been in, #linux, #suse, #slackware, #vector, ive been around03:31
thoreauputicDAC1138: it was a reference to a well known slashdot meme actually :)03:31
chaps0063bob2: hehe...I'd love to go.03:31
=== kbrooks thinks the +q is arbitrary
aukpbl: got any GTK+ mac-liek buttons, by any chance?03:32
kbrooksand unfair03:32
chaps0063kbrooks: he probably has no clue it even happened.03:32
kbrookschaps0063, so?03:32
DAC1138tritium, yeah, i remember you, you were the one who told me about the linux headers needing to be installed03:32
plbauk: no but i can make some03:32
Madpilotchaps0063: did wonderland have any clue to begin with?03:32
tritiumDAC1138, cool :)03:32
chaps0063kbrooks: just pointing it out.03:32
DAC1138tritium, back when i had the kernel compiling problems like im having now03:32
chaps0063Madpilot: this is true.03:32
kbrooksnalioth: is the +q fair? ;)03:33
DAC1138tritium, by the way, that headers tip was awsome, thanks. saved my butt on many other distros too03:33
bob2kbrooks: yes, irc is kinda inherently undemocratic03:33
aukpbl: i'm hacking a gtk/metacity theme to make it more what i want, but all the mac buttons i find are cheesy-looking03:33
=== redtech [~redtech@adsl-69-104-18-220.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumDAC1138, of course :)03:33
bob2kbrooks: I try very hard to not remove people just because they annoy me03:33
IIIEarsUbuntuans are a considerate bunch. - banning isn't done lightly03:33
naliothkbrooks: bob2 did wonderland a favor. he allowed wonderland to stay to soak up all this wonderful knowledge, w/o disrupting the dispersal of said knowledge03:33
plbauk: google os x themes there are a few good sites out there03:33
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chaps0063bob2: from what I witnessed, your patience is great.03:33
kevinuh hu03:33
trinidadHELP! How do i remove the stipple from detailed list view in konqueror when i browse my folders?03:34
nickrudlol, when I first started following this channel ...03:34
chaps0063bob2: he would've been gone after the first "is there any girls here" for two reason, one for being off topic, two for improper grammar.03:34
teferiman, I have had it up to here with not having any kind of new-mail notification from evolution. time to learn how to use dbus and write a notification-area thingy...03:34
bob2trinidad: #kubuntu or #kde might know more, but is there nothing in the options?03:34
DAC1138chaps0063, sexual harassment come in anywhere?03:34
bob2chaps0063: hah03:34
naliothchaps0063: there are many non-native-english speakers in here.03:34
tritiumteferi, I do believe it's being worked on03:34
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redtechI dont want to use gnucash...  is there a package for quotations/invoicing ?03:35
bob2teferi: that would be awesome03:35
teferitritium: there was one called em-panel-applet03:35
teferibut it didn't get updated after the big dbus api breakage03:35
chaps0063nalioth: understood, but his spelling was bad also....and if english was his second language then I would retract that statement.03:35
nickrudteferi, someone mentioned http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=402 , I haven't tried it yet03:35
tritiumteferi, ah, I see.03:35
IIIEarsin ubuntu "SWM" is a window manger - lol03:35
naliothchaps0063: i look at attitude over anything else03:35
teferinickrud: i'm skeptical as to how recent that is03:36
teferinickrud: in particular, as of september 29, 2004, the evolution dbus plugin didn't even exisit yet03:36
chaps0063nalioth: well, I guess I judge based on spelling/grammar (at least online, and within emails) to see how the person's attitude might be.03:36
nickrudteferi, it uses filters, as I read it, so it's a hack, but it may work for now03:37
teferibob2: i can't imagine it'd be very hard...if there's ruby bindings, i'll hack with that, otherwise i'll brush up on my python03:37
Will_'is there any girls here', classic.03:37
trinidadbob2, nothing I can see03:37
chaps0063nalioth: I guess its because I'm a stickler about spelling, etc.03:37
teferinickrud: but there's no reason to do it that way anymore, now that evolution puts messages on d-bus when mail comes in03:37
nickrudteferi, when someone writes it, I'll send a donation.03:37
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, auk03:37
teferinickrud: hey, i'm working on it now :P03:37
auk!info scribus03:37
chaps0063bob2: is it possible Channel Topic we could append "is there any girls here"?03:37
ubotuscribus: (free software desktop page layout program), section graphics, is optional. Version: 1.2.1-1ubuntu2 (hoary), Packaged size: 4414 kB, Installed size: 13080 kB03:37
=== nickrud scrambles for paypal
tritiumteferi, awesome!03:38
naliothnickrud: want my pp info?03:38
teferifoo, no dbus ruby bindings03:38
teferitime to relearn python :/03:38
nickrudnalioth, sure03:38
nickrudwhatever pp is ;P03:38
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IIIEarsSpreadFirefox site was hacked (PHP/Drupal) - wow03:38
teferiwhat do you expect from php?03:38
naliothnickrud: since you're passing out $03:38
nickrudoh, paypal, duh03:38
nickrudnalioth, give it to me in person03:39
julzHi. Can Ubuntu run fine on an *External USB Hard Drive* and still use other  USB devices easily?03:39
bob2julz: except that your bios probably can't boot it, yes03:39
aukIIIEars: yeah, taht's what i thought03:39
bob2chaps0063: hah, the answer is "yes"03:39
teferigrr, i saw a dbus tutorial on planet gnome just yesterday03:39
HrdwrBoBbob2: most modern bioses can, but ..03:40
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chaps0063bob2: yes!03:40
HrdwrBoBI don't know why you would do that03:40
nickrudteferi, that is the one thing that I truly want, so I was serious :)03:40
sizzami can't get mail-notification to start, any suggestions on where to start troubleshooting?03:40
julzbob2: it can. i just heard that with usb, adding another device can cause the drive to unmount03:40
aukbob2: why probably can't boot it?03:40
teferifound it...03:40
teferigreat, now to figure out how to make a notification area icon show up03:41
aukmost computers can...03:41
julzso no usb problems?03:41
tritiumsizzam, did you go to System->Preferences->Mail Notification and configure it after adding the applet?03:41
HrdwrBoBjulz: it's just a bad idea in general03:41
julzhow come?03:41
aukjulz: is it for a live distro03:42
aukor something?03:42
HrdwrBoBbecause USB is slow and not generally reliable03:42
bob2auk: I guess I'm out of date03:42
sizzamtritium:  thanks.  do you know where the actual file is that holds those settings in case i need to wipe it03:42
bob2julz: I'd be pretty surprised if it managed to unmount /03:42
julzi would use usb cos my main drive is for windows and i cant change it (families)03:42
sizzamtritium:  i dont see anything obviously labeled in /home/<user>03:42
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tritiumsizzam, under ~/.gconf/apps/mail-notification, but I don't think you want to be editing that by hand03:43
aukjulz: for a desktop distro, you would be much better partitioning03:43
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sizzamtritium:  thanks again03:44
tritiumsizzam, no problem03:44
julzauk: but it would still work ok on usb03:44
teferigeh, that's not good...03:44
nickrudteferi, and if I can make a feature request: per folder notification ;)03:45
teferinickrud: doable, but not right now03:45
nickrudfirst things first, I guess03:45
teferi the dbus signal says what folder the mail is in, so it's just a matter of parsing03:45
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JDahljulz, I tried to boot both Debian and Ubuntu from a USB harddrive about a year ago, but I could never get it to work... Installation went smoothly, but the boot process stopped halfway through03:46
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nickrudthere was a thing (flink?) that I used for a bit, but was just too darn hard to keep in sync, and was extremely buggy03:46
IIIEarsAdding Ubuntu to a second spare disk seems to be the way to go as windows will fdisk your ubuntu in a heartbeat with a one of those frequently needed reinstalls.03:46
DukGalNamui got a quick couple of questions, does ubuuntu have good wireless support for laptops?03:47
julzJDahl: what do you suggest then?03:47
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damneinstiendoes anyone know if ubuntu has released the new patches for firefox and gaim?03:47
tritiumdamneinstien, not for firefox 1.0.503:47
damneinstienfor gaim?03:47
tritiumdamneinstien, don't believe so03:47
JDahljulz, I am suggesting anyway - just saying it didnt work for me - and I put alot of effort03:47
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teferihow the hell is dpkg running out of memory?!03:48
JDahlinto it03:48
damneinstienDukGalNamu, great support for laptops. personally running centrino03:48
tritiumDukGalNamu, it depends on the chipset03:48
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tritiumDukGalNamu, for example, Airport Extreme on Apple laptops is not supported03:48
JDahljulz, erm... I am not suggesting anything03:48
julzbut how did u solve ur problem?03:48
JDahljulz, I didnt03:49
IIIEarstritium - no wrappers for aiport extreme?03:49
DukGalNamutritium: but a basic PC laptop should be supported..03:49
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IIIEarseye stile canned spell03:49
tritiumIIIEars, no03:49
DukGalNamuok then does ubuntu have any remote testing software for systems?03:49
DukGalNamummmm i love canned spell....03:49
tritiumDukGalNamu, in general03:49
JDahljulz, at that time there was something wrong the Sarge's stock initrd, I dont know if it's fixed now03:49
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tritiumbob2, how long will you be down under?03:50
teferinoooo, session-saver didn't...03:50
sizzamanyone use nzb files for newsgroups?03:50
DukGalNamutell me if that was not clear enough03:50
julzJDahl: so it may work?03:50
JDahljulz, there's only one way to find out ;)03:51
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DukGalNamuok let me try again, is there any type of remotes system diagnostic tools for ubuntu (for diagnosing computers that i were to connect to the ubuntu machine)03:52
julzno way! i just wiped my other hard drive.03:52
DukGalNamujulz: was it ext2?03:53
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tritiumDukGalNamu, you can always setup a ssh server on the ubuntu machine03:53
julzwindows. i used partition magic to resize the ntfs so i could install linux, now i want an external so i dont destroy it again03:54
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DukGalNamutritium: what i want is to be able to hook the ubuntu machine up to a not to good working machine and diagnose any problems it ay be having...03:54
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tritiumDukGalNamu, I'm not aware of anything like that03:55
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DukGalNamutritium: but i could use it to diagnose a problem with a network right?03:56
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tritiumDukGalNamu, yes03:56
DukGalNamutritium: at least i could do that much :P03:56
DukGalNamutritium: do you know of any other utalitarian uses of an ubuntu laptop?03:57
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tritiumDukGalNamu, I could hardly enumerate them all ;)03:57
naliothDukGalNamu: use the LiveCD03:57
levanderAnybody has a link to that wiki where they're talking about what they're going to do in Ubuntu for Breezy? I'm working on a backup strategy and think I remember them standardizing on a backup tool for Breezy in there.03:57
MIK3MANI just installed ubuntu and my X will not start up... can someone try and help me here03:58
MIK3MANI am going to reboot03:58
naliothMIK3MAN: no need to reboot03:58
DukGalNamunalioth: but that doesn't accomplish what i need, and that is a complete, standalone point where i can access anything i need about another computer03:58
tritiumMIK3MAN, which video chipset?03:58
MIK3MANati rage pro03:59
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naliothDukGalNamu: what OS is on the other computer?03:59
tritiumMIK3MAN, did you follow http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto ?03:59
DukGalNamuMIK3MAN: make sure your mouse is plugged in and that you plugged both your mouse and keyboard in BEFORE you started up03:59
MIK3MANtritium: not yet, but I will03:59
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DukGalNamunalioth: most likely it will be a winbloze03:59
chaps0063what is a good application to remote desktop to windows machines besides rdesktop?03:59
tritiumMIK3MAN, I'm not sure you want to.  I don't know if Rage Pro is supported with fglrx.  That's why I'm asking.04:00
kjonI need help compiling gnomebaker 0.4. Anybody can help me???04:00
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naliothDukGalNamu: so what do you want to know about the 'not-so-good" system?04:00
thoreauputickjon: gnomebaker is in ubuntu04:00
thoreauputickjon: you don't need to compile it04:00
kjonthoreauputic: Have you seen the features of gnomebaker 0.4???04:00
bimberichaps0063: vnc04:00
naliothtritium: the VESA driver will operate his video successfully04:00
tritiumnalioth, thank you...04:01
DukGalNamunalioth: basically, check hard drive, irg problems, mobo problems, etc04:01
DukGalNamunalioth: *irq04:01
thoreauputickjon: ah my  bad - I didn't read the version number, sorry04:01
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naliothDukGalNamu: the LiveCd will do that, as will the new knoppix04:01
nickrudlevander, http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDownUnder/BreezyGoals04:01
teferiyay, completely undocumented stuff...04:01
chaps0063bimberi: vncserver or xvncviewer04:01
flodinecan someone tell me way i cant use gaim 1.404:01
DukGalNamunalioth: but i can't do it from another computer remotly?04:01
teferithe state of the gnome docs is a tragedy04:01
MIK3MANtritium: hmmm, another problem wiki points me to apt-get, but I have to configure my wireless still... grrrr04:01
levandernickrud: thanks04:02
kjongnomebaker is quite cool. But, the "./configure" shows me an error about a "vorbisfile.pc" file...04:02
bimberichaps0063: vncserver on the m/c you want to control, viewer on the controlling m/c04:02
kjonI heard that those files are related to pkg-config. But, I don't know how to get that damned file.04:02
nickrudgoogle to the rescue :)04:02
naliothDukGalNamu: windows is not a "network operating system" for one, and two if it's not working well, adding extra connectivity features to it isnt gonna help04:02
tritiumMIK3MAN, please don't follow that wiki page.  Rage Pro is not supported by fglrx.  nalioth pointed out that you likely want the VESA driver04:02
teferii've been googling for half an hour now04:02
thoreauputic!find vorbisfile.pc04:02
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teferii may just have to dig through the source, which we all know is the /best/ way of learning a new language and new api04:03
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nickrudah, but I knew it existed :)04:03
ubotuUbuntu Search of 'vorbisfile.pc' (1 shown): (/usr/lib/pkgconfig/vorbisfile.pc) in libdevel/libvorbis-dev.04:03
DukGalNamunalioth: what about remote burn in?04:03
kjonthoreauputic: Didn't work. Even if I tried to install some vorbis-devel packages...04:03
naliothDukGalNamu: you need "the ultimate boot cd" it has burnin capability04:03
MIK3MANtritium: ok, so just get the proper driver?? I dont understand why this happened, I used the live cd for 2 days and it detected the proper driver04:03
tritiumkjon, you installed libvorbis-dev?04:03
thoreauputickjon: I think ubotu just gave ab abswer though...04:04
sizzamgrrrrrr, i can't get firefox to start04:04
redtechanyone know of a simple,small quotation/invoice program?04:04
kjonI tried with apt, but I couldn't find anything...04:04
thoreauputic*an answer04:04
DukGalNamunalioth: so ultimate boot cd and new knoppix...04:04
tritiumMIK3MAN, the installer should have.  Can we please see your /etc/X11/xorg.conf?  Please paste it on pastebin04:04
MIK3MANrage pro is very popular chipset04:04
sizzami see 'starting firefox' in my window list, and then it disappears04:04
=== ChurcH_of_FoamY is away: can't be botherd with bastard bits of knoledge
DukGalNamunalioth: what if i am faced with a client... with no cd or disk access..?04:04
kjonSo? what should I do? make a few prays and give my life to apt?04:04
MIK3MANtritium: I am on a separate machine, winblows xp04:04
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snackalotAnbody know y package manager wont open when i have wine running04:04
tritiumMIK3MAN, okay04:05
IIIEarsthere is a "Free iso burner powertoy" available for windows written by alex feinmann04:05
teferieternal love to someone who can help me figure out how to do a notification area icon in python...04:05
thoreauputickjon: install libvorbis-dev  ?04:05
DukGalNamuor a bootleg alcohol04:05
naliothDukGalNamu: go and check out the featureset on "tubcd" and you may not need knoppix or ubuntu-live04:05
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DukGalNamunalioth: tubcd....04:06
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IIIEarsalcohol 120% is terrific04:06
caonexwhat are you suppose to do when hal is not running? How can one restart it?04:06
naliothDukGalNamu: The Ultimate Boot CD04:06
naliothDukGalNamu: typing out the same thing all the time leads to stress04:06
nickrud120% O-004:06
DukGalNamunalioth: hehe, i see...04:06
enumhi.. I jjust completed an install of ubuntu, and xmms will "play" with alsa enabled, but no sound.. I get system sounds, and such.. Any ideas?04:07
IIIEarsFaxes nalioth two aspirin and a cold pepsi04:07
kjonReading package lists... Done04:07
kjonBuilding dependency tree... Done04:07
kjonE: Couldn't find package libvorbis-dev04:07
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nickrudenum, you need to set xmms to use esd04:07
DukGalNamuenum: turn up the volume?04:07
enumnickrud, why ESD?04:07
cwilluif I say uqm, does anybody here know what I'm talking about?04:07
naliothMIK3MAN: on your video, log in and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and when you get to the driver section, choose VESA (make sure you choose the rez options you want, also)04:07
bob2tritium: hah, I live here04:07
damneinstienenum, thats a problem with ubuntu not accepting sounds from more than 1 source04:08
tritiumbob2, oh, didn't realize that.  Sorry :)04:08
nickrudenum, that's the sound server for gnome, and see damneinstien04:08
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gyaresu_bob2, what time zone are you in?04:08
kjondamneinstien: I had the same trouble! - I fixed installing the alsa libraries!04:08
enumhmm.. changed it in xmms, and still no sound04:08
MIK3MANnalioth: thanks, gimme a min04:08
bob2gyaresu_: +1004:09
kjonenum: With the multimedia selector, pick alsa instead osd!04:09
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damneinstieni followed a guide on ubuntuforums04:09
damneinstienim trying to find it for enum04:09
ubotuwell, sound is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206304:09
cwillusuppose I'm safe bringing libc6 up to 2.3.2.ds1-21 from 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu?04:09
gyaresu_bob2, same. figures.04:09
ubotukjon: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?04:09
kevinnow I remember why I quit using windblows, it eats the CPU baddddddddddd04:09
snackaloti cant get xmm to work at all thought i had all drivers in but dont no04:09
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damneinstienenum try: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206304:09
ubotuI don't know, kjon04:10
naliothkjon: you want !info libvorbis-dev04:10
chaps0063bimberi: so I have xvncviewer installed but I can't get to my windows desktop.04:10
kjonT-T I can't compile gnomebaker T-T :'(04:10
cwilluchaps0063:  you have a vnc server running on your windows machine?04:10
naliothcwillu: i'd leave it alone. libc6 runs your box04:10
Steve0 Does anyone know how to keep movies' audio/video in sync in various Linux players? I'm trying to play a series of movies that play fine in Windows.04:10
kjonwhere is that damed libvorbis-devel (or dev) --- I can't find it anywhere!04:10
naliothcwillu: and changing anything about it could kill the box04:10
nickrudkjon, good advice, if his card can do hardware mixing of multiple sound streams04:10
cwilluand my box does nothing importatn04:10
chaps0063cwillu: no, thats why I figured it wouldn't work...I was hoping to just use remote desktop.04:10
snackalotuse search04:11
bimberichaps0063: Hm - I may have misunderstood your Q - you will need to install vncserver on the remote m/c04:11
cwilluchaps0063:  download ultravnc for the windows box04:11
tritiumkjon, main repo04:11
cwilluthen you should be able to connect just fine04:11
chaps0063bimberi: ok...np04:11
flodinecan i upgrade my gaim 1.404:11
chaps0063cwillu: well not every machine I am going to use I have vnc installed on.04:11
damneinstienanyone know about directx 9.0 w/wine?04:11
bimberichaps0063: apologies :)04:11
kjonok, I'll try that... t-T04:11
sizzami can't get firefox to start for my account.  it works for  a different account on this machine.  ive killed my .mozilla folder, still wont start, any suggestions?04:11
cwilluchaps0063:  what's the context?04:11
flodinehello help04:11
gyaresu_Steve0, i found the same prob last night.04:11
cwillui.e., I've got a script to remote install vnc if you have admin04:12
kjon!info libvorbis-dev04:12
chaps0063cwillu: the network admin won't like that.04:12
ubotulibvorbis-dev: (The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec (development files)), section libdevel, is optional. Version: 1.0.1-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 446 kB, Installed size: 1996 kB04:12
gyaresu_Steve0, no solution though.04:12
cwilluif it's 2k+, you can just use remote desktop04:12
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snackalotcan someone tell me how to install bin. file04:12
chaps0063cwillu: I can do that, but I was hoping for something with an interface similar to windows' remote desktop app04:12
Zerboxxhow well does partitioning work within ubuntu?  I currently have a dual boot system, and I want to move files from my windows partition to ubuntu's and then remove windows.  How well will this all work out?04:13
kevinI use it all of the time at work (RDP) that is04:13
tritiumsnackalot, what is it, if I may ask?04:13
damneinstienzerboxx, mount ur ntfs partition and copy files over04:13
cwilluinteret | terminal server client is what you're looking for I think04:13
chaps0063cwillu: never mind, its terminal server client.04:13
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chaps0063cwillu: lol.04:13
Zerboxxdamneinstien: alright, and after they're all on the ubuntu partition?04:13
DukGalNamunalioth: hmm, you are right, thats cool...04:14
snackalotwell i would like to install bin files and tar and dnh04:14
damneinstienthen format the windows partition04:14
caonexi am running ubuntu but when i log in to gnome, my desktop is basically empty. It only has the two bars, empty, and a empty background as well.04:14
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Zerboxxdamneinstien: and when that is combined to my current linux partition it will all work nicely?04:14
levanderokay, not much on the breezy wiki about backing up, it's going to be a Windows System Restore thing.  Anybody with recommendations on how to backup serveral directories on my Ubuntu box?  What utilities to use?  I want to backup to DVD-RW04:14
caonexI read in the xsessionerrors that it has to do with hal and gnome=device-manager04:14
caonexany ideas?04:14
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kevinok, later all it is time for my shower and maybe some sleep will worklol04:14
cwillusleep's overrated04:15
Burgundavialevander, there is a guide here --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BackupYourSystem04:15
enumhmm.. tried the multimedia selector.. maybe I am doing something wrong04:15
Burgundavialevander, but be caeeful with it04:15
swosHi, I have a quick question regarding APT.  Any takers?04:15
damneinstienzerboxx: I never did that : (.. all i did was create another ext3 and had another partition running besides /04:15
nickrudswos, sure, I'll bite04:15
chaps0063cwillu: that is what I was looking for...thanks for the help..04:15
chaps0063cwillu: I'm getting closer and closer to dropping windows..04:15
cwilluI know the feeling04:15
chaps0063if I can get the tablet to work on this laptop, its gone.04:15
kevogodI dropped Windows awhile ago. No looking back.04:16
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cwilluhoy hoy04:16
MIK3MANnalioth: I tried that command you gave me a few times, I keep getting "conflicting actions --control and --remove"04:16
kevogodAlthough I am not using Ubuntu... heh04:16
chaps0063kevogod: I have a tablet pc, the tablet doesnt work so I still like that..04:16
snackalothow to install real player04:16
swosI've just upgraded my system from woody.  My sources.list file was overwritten with the default Ubuntu sources.list (I assume this is what happened).  If I attempt to uncomment any of the lines with remote servers and run apt-get update, I receive an error stating that the connection was refused.  Any ideas what could be causing this?04:16
nickrudsnackalot, advice here will depend on what you're installing04:16
axiswhat different kernels are there for amd6404:16
levanderBurgundavia: they recommend using tar to back everything up, I was thinking of doing incremental backups04:16
naliothtritium: have you seen MIK3MAN's errors with dpkg?04:16
axisi can't find anything on ubuntulinux.org about it04:16
swos(Upgraded to hoary.)04:16
tritiumnalioth, no, let me scroll up...thanks04:16
nickrudswos, I have bitten more thain I can chew, wood->hoary is very hoary :)04:17
cwilluswos, you still have network on that machine?04:17
axisi'm running amd64-generic, but i think there's a kernel for the k804:17
swosnickrud: hehe, gotcha.04:17
swoscwells: Indeed.04:17
Burgundavialevander, a simple backup solution is coming04:17
tritiumMIK3MAN, what command did you run?04:17
snackalotsettrack-3.1.5.tar.gz and y dos it matter dont u do it the same every time???04:17
MIK3MANtritium: I can go into the x11 directory and manually edit, if you help04:17
Burgundavialevander, http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleBackupSolution04:17
kevogodchaps0063: What Tablet PC do you have?04:17
cwillufirst things first, can you ping those hosts?04:17
swoscwells: I thought the list of servres may have changed, so I attempted to hunt those down.  No dice.04:17
chaps0063kevogod: Fujitsu Lifebook T4010D04:17
nickrud!info settrack04:17
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chaps0063kevogod: its sweet.04:18
MIK3MANsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:18
tritiumMIK3MAN, trying to.  what were you doing with dpkg?04:18
levanderBurgundavia: yeah, i just read about that, but not until breezy.  And, it's just a bounty task.  Who knows if the random guy will come through for the bounty.04:18
swoscwells: Just a sec.04:18
Burgundavialevander, he is being paid 4500 USD by google to do it04:18
MIK3MANtrying to set the normal vesa driver04:18
swoscwells: Yes, I can.04:18
chaps0063kevogod: tablet, modem (read that most fujitsu modems don't work), and brightness control don't work.04:18
kevogodchaps006: What kind of problems are you running into?04:18
MIK3MANso I can get in x04:18
kjonI tried to look for libvorbis-devel with synaptic. The most similar match was "libvorbis0" (or something like that), but I couldn't find anything related to "libvorbis-devel" (even with the information of the bot). What can I do?04:18
chaps0063kevogod: the simple fact I have no clue how to get it to work. :-)04:18
kevogod(answered I see)04:18
cwillucan you paste in one of the repo lines?04:18
levanderBurgundavia: $4500?? It's going to take only three weeks to do it? $4500 isn't much.04:19
cwilluI'll double check it on my machine04:19
kevogodSo it boots all up and everything, just those won't work?04:19
Burgundavialevander, is part of google Summer of Code04:19
chaps0063kevogod: oh yes, it works great but those things.04:19
levanderBurgundavia: what does that mean, that it's being done by a college student?04:19
tritiumkjon, make sure you have a proper /etc/apt/sources.list, and that you've clicked "Reload" to start04:19
Burgundavialevander, yes04:19
naliothtritium: MIK3MAN is trying to reconfigure xserver to VESA04:19
levanderBurgundavia: Summer of Code doesn't sound like a promise that it'll be done.04:19
Burgundavialevander, no, but it is likely04:20
Burgundavia4500 is a lot of money04:20
tritiumnalioth, yeah.  I've not seen that error before...04:20
kevogodchaps0063: Have you tried http://linmodems.org/?04:20
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chaps0063kevogod: not really, the modem isn't high on my priority list of things to get to work04:20
chaps0063kevogod: but I will check it out.04:20
kjontritium: I added to my repositories' list all the ubuntu 5.04 related servers....04:20
enumgot  it04:20
tritiumMIK3MAN, did you just install?  did it complete?04:20
naliothMIK3MAN: did you do a server install, by chance?04:20
levander$4500? $60K/year is very cheap for a programmer in the US for a programmer.  And, $4500 isn't even one month if you make $60K/year04:20
swoscwillu: I feel rather silly now.. it's working.04:20
tritiumkjon, did you update the list of packages?04:21
cwilluheh :)04:21
swoscwillu: For whatever reason.04:21
cwilluno problem :p04:21
chaps0063kevogod: I want the tablet to work but I just don't know how to go about it.04:21
chaps0063kevogod: like who to talk to, etc.04:21
swosThanks, though ;)04:21
teferi#!%#!%ing lack of docs04:21
kjontritium: Yes, I did. I do that three times a week.04:21
cwilluany time :)04:21
swosI'll probably hang out in here for a while.  I'm sure I'm bound to find some other snags.04:21
levanderAnybody know of a solution to do incremental backups to a DVD-RW?04:21
tritiumteferi, for which package?04:21
teferitritium: python-gnome2-extras{-dev}04:21
chaps0063swos: I hang out here so that when I break something, I don't have to run that far.04:21
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tritiumteferi, nothing good under /usr/share/doc ?04:22
teferitritium: i've been using debian and derivatives for seven years now, that's the second place i check...04:22
MIK3MANnalioth: I did a normal install04:22
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tritiumMIK3MAN, did it complete succesfully?04:22
teferianyway, I have the FFI defs right here04:22
teferiwhich you'd think would be helpful04:22
swoschaps0063: Yeah.  After documentation fails, it's certainly nice to have live help.04:22
teferibut aren't04:22
chaps0063swos: documentation ? ;-)04:22
bojanglesdoes anybody know where the #tex channel is.04:23
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tritiumwe don't need no stinkin documentation04:23
chaps0063swos: to me. documentation = #ubuntu04:23
snackalothow can i installrealplayer04:23
swosI like to refer to the docs before I come in here and make an ass of myself is all ;)04:23
tritiumbojangles, what's your tex question?04:23
MIK3MANtritium: I did get one error that said it was unsuccessful, then it brought me to the main menu and I chose base install I think it was called04:23
tritiumswos, that's a good policy.  I was merely joking04:23
teferiwonder if there's a pygtk irc channel, hm.04:23
swostritium: heh, yes, I know.04:24
teferii'll go give *them* a piece of my mind04:24
chaps0063snackalot: sudo apt-get install realplayer04:24
bojanglestritium, well i am trying to figure out what directory is the tex-input directory for the files srctlx.sty and srctex.sty04:24
tritiumMIK3MAN, do you recall the error?04:24
MIK3MANtritium: the base install completed ok and it then installed the grub ok04:24
chaps0063snackalot: but make sure you visit http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories and add then.04:24
snackalotthank you verry mutch!!!!!!!!!!!!04:24
Burgundaviachaps0063, please don't recommend ubuntuguide.org04:24
chaps0063Burgundavia: why?04:24
Ubuntuguideis best !04:25
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Burgundaviachaps0063, some incorrect info with no explanations04:25
Burgundaviachaps0063, the wiki is better04:25
tritiumbojangles, where they installed from a particular package?04:25
bojanglestritium, do you have any idea what directory to place those files in.04:25
MIK3MANtritium: said something like not being able to completely install all the packages,"maybe a bad cd" is what it said04:25
chaps0063snackalot: never mind ubuntuguide..04:25
bojanglestritium, no...kile installation is still bad...so i had to go get the files but where to put them?04:25
gyaresu_Burgundavia, chaps0063 the wiki is incomplete. more of US need to be adding to the wiki.04:25
ukatoi'm having some trouble getting my wireless card to work. my computer can see my card, but i don't have access to my network or the internet04:25
ukatoany ideas04:25
damneinstienwhat card ukato?04:26
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MIK3MANtritium: I figured it was my wireless network04:26
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ukatosomething by airlink10104:26
tritiumbojangles, for system-wide, you can use /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex04:26
bojanglestritium, i found the files inside kdvi...but i am not sure where to put them so tex will know they are available04:26
ukatomodel is AWLH403004:26
MIK3MANtritium: it gave me the option to hit enter to continue04:26
bojanglestritium, that will be fine...let me try that04:26
tritiumbojangles, for just your user, under ~/texmf/tex/latex04:26
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damneinstienukato: never worked w/airlink..04:26
jasoncohendoes anyone else notice that gnome-system-monitor in Hoary loses its settings each time the program is restarted? I removed a few process columns and enabled a few, and after restarting the program, the settings had reverted back to default.04:26
tritiumbojangles, don't forget to run texhash after you install them04:27
jasoncohenare you guys seeing the same issue?04:27
light_punch2does *.deb packages works with ubuntu?04:27
tritiumMIK3MAN, that does not sound good04:27
damneinstienlight_punch2: yes04:27
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jasoncoheni created a new bug report because there wasn't one for this issue04:27
naliothlight_punch2: its not advised to use non official debs in ubuntu04:27
tritiumlight_punch2, yes, that's wht ubuntu uses, but you shouldn't mix .debs from various distributions.  You should use ubuntu .debs04:27
gyaresu_light_punch2, damneinstien : they just may break things...04:27
Burgundaviajasoncohen, I just noticed your bug. The breezy version will not save across sessions04:28
axisANY confirmed SATA installs with 32bit i/o04:28
MIK3MANyeah I know, I think I'm gonna look for a diff distro, I was running ok with Mepis and fluxblox, but I thought I would give ubuntu a shot04:28
light_punch2ok, cause i have a few debian ISOs / cdRs here.04:28
snackalothay chaps thanks that helped alot it realey helps to know were to go for info04:28
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chaps0063snackalot: np.04:28
MIK3MANwhat do you guys think of xfce?? I never tried it04:29
axisANY confirmed SATA installs with 32bit i/o04:29
axisANY confirmed SATA installs with 32bit i/o04:29
jasoncohenBurgundavia, if you change the settings, close the program and restart it in the same session, do the settings remain or are they reverted back to default?04:29
tritiumMIK3MAN, it's probably a bad burn.  Make sur ethe CD image you have is good04:29
axisxfce is lame04:29
axisso bare04:29
ubotuNo idea, chaps006304:29
teferiah, god bless irc04:29
axistoo bare04:29
teferifound sample code04:29
axisi feel naked with xcfe04:29
Burgundaviajasoncohen, the changes remain within one sessin04:29
jasoncohenMIK3MAN, you should verify the MD5 sum before burning04:29
tritiumaxis, please don't repeat04:29
ubotuchaps0063: Are you smoking crack?04:29
kahles1some people like bare wms :)04:29
light_punch2the archive utility mount the ISOs fine, considering that, it's from an external harddrive formatted as NTFS.04:29
kahles1im using fluxbox here04:29
Madpilotaxis: stop repeating yourself, pls. but yes, I'm on a SATA HDD right now...04:29
gyaresu_axis, hdparm doesn't seem to give clear info back but i get constant ~50-66MB/sec04:29
axisha gah04:29
MIK3MANdoes that mean I have to redownload the image?? or just reburn??04:29
light_punch2MIK3MAN, download a live cd with xfce on it.04:30
tritiumMIK3MAN, first check its md5sum04:30
axisMadpilot:  i'm on a msi k8t neo2 plat. running 1 maxtor 16mb cache 250gig SATA . it installs great, dma enables, 32 bit io .. nope04:30
MIK3MANtritium: I know K3B auto does that, but what about windows?04:30
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tritiumMIK3MAN, I don't use windows, and can't say.04:30
jasoncohenBurgundavia, ok, well i did a bug report. we'll see if anything happens. does ubuntu have enough developers to go through all the bug reports- especially on packages in universe? Each debian package has its own maintainer, and I almost always get some response/fix when i report bugs on debian packages.04:30
axismy hdparm is hdparm -d1 -c3 -a64 -X66 -k1 /dev/sda04:30
gyaresu_axis, md5sum.exe for windows (google)04:31
naliothMIK3MAN: there is a livecd with xfce for its UI04:31
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jasoncoheni actualy just received an email saying that a minor bug i reported on debian's openvpn package has been fixed04:31
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gyaresu_axis, sorry. not you.04:31
MIK3MANlight_punch2: I used the live cd for ubuntu and liked it... look where I am now... I cant get into X04:31
Burgundaviajasoncohen, basically these kinds of bugs get filed upstream with gnome directly04:31
axishehe ok.. i was confused hehe04:31
gyaresu_MIK3MAN, md5sum.exe for windows (google)04:31
Burgundaviajasoncohen, and then when gnome fixes it, it gets fixed in Ubuntu04:31
axisMadpilot: Do you have 32bit i/o enabled on your SATA ??04:32
MIK3MANgyaresu_: thanks, I'll check the image04:32
axisMadpilot: and if so, how did you manager04:32
tritiumMIK3MAN, that is very rare.  Something is likely wrong with your media.  ubuntu would not top distrowatch if it failed like that very often04:32
jasoncohenBurgundavia, but little things like this are only fixed between distribution releases, right?04:32
Madpilotaxis: haven't a clue. WTH is 32bit i/o? the damn thing works, that's all I care about...04:32
jasoncohenhoary-updates are only used for major bug fixes, correct?04:32
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naliothMIK3MAN: have you run apt-get since you installed?04:33
gyaresu_Maddy, hdparm04:33
axisMadpilot, : Your hard disk is running at half speed. drop to root console and type "hdparm /dev/sda"04:33
jasoncohenkevogod, yeah- i was referring to bug fixes-  not security fixes04:33
Burgundaviajasoncohen, gnome is going to release 2.12, so I doubt any fixes will make it and therefor breezy. And you are correct about hoary-upgrades04:33
MIK3MANnalioth: I have wireless, has to be configured04:33
axisand it will say HD_GET ERROR - 32bit i/o not enabled, defaulting to 16bit04:33
MIK3MANbrb, gonna test the image04:33
jasoncohenBurgundavia, when is 2.12 supposed to get released?04:33
naliothMIK3MAN: no ethernet port on your box?04:33
identphas anyone  ever had trouble with kopete?04:33
Burgundaviajasoncohen, http://live.gnome.org/ReleasePlanning/TwoPointEleven tells me Sept 7th04:34
axis/dev/sda: IO_support   =  0 (default 16-bit)04:34
bojanglestritium, yes...ok that fixed one problem just fine with kile...but still debian does not seem to have acroread...whatever that is for.04:34
jasoncohenbtw, does mozilla's official firefox build allow updating firefox itself through its update tool?04:34
Madpilotaxis, no ERROR msgs, but it says this: IO_support   =  0 (default 16-bit)04:34
Burgundaviajasoncohen, Breezy already has the major features of .12, as the .11 develpment release04:34
tritiumbojangles, debian, or ubuntu?04:34
jasoncoheni know the ubuntu package has it disabled04:34
giantanyone mind if I ask an OT question ?04:34
kevogodjasoncohen: No.04:34
Burgundaviajasoncohen, yes, but it is disabled for ubuntu04:34
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bojanglestritium, debian sarge04:34
kevogod(sorry, was assuming Ubuntu's version)04:35
axisMadpilot, : yah sorry, it says error when you type "hdparm -d1 -c3 -a64 -X66 -k1 /dev/sda"04:35
tritiumbojangles, you can get it from marillat's repo04:35
bojanglestritium, ok i will try04:35
gyaresu_tritium, bojangles no.04:35
naliothbojangles: but disable the repo when you are done04:35
gyaresu_tritium, bojangles user backports04:35
gyaresu_tritium, bojangles *use04:35
tritiumgyaresu, he's not an ubuntu user04:35
jasoncohenBurgundavia, ah, good. i don't like waiting for the security fixes to be backported to hoary by the security team and i find backport's firefox package to be underpar so i just installed 1.0.5 from the official build04:35
tritiumgyaresu, he's using debian sarge04:35
MIK3MANC:\DOCUME~1\MIKE\DESKTOP>md5sum ubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso04:35
MIK3MANf6b3f164c99761234858a4d2c12d0840 *ubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso04:35
ukatowith a wireless card, do you have to do any other configuration than what's in Networking in the Admin menu of GNOME04:35
giantI'm working my way through Spidering Hacksy by Oreilly, and they recommend you contact the site before running your spider/scraper04:35
nickrudaxis, have you tried -c1?04:35
gyaresu_tritium, sorry.04:36
MIK3MANdoes that mean it passed??04:36
teferiattn all waiting anxiously on the evolution mail applet thing: i should have a rough prototype tonight!04:36
axisnickrud, : yep04:36
naliothMIK3MAN: no ethernet port on your box?04:36
giantwould this include the sites used in the examples in the book?04:36
tritiumgyaresu, no problem.  Also, backports are unofficial04:36
nickrudok, that's my contribution :)04:36
axisnickrud,   "hdparm -d1c1 /dev/sda" was what i got from hdparm04:36
knowledge_the reinstall went well04:36
giantit makes sence that Oreilly would have gotten permission from them beforhand04:36
gyaresu_tritium, all the good stuff though ;)04:36
naliothMIK3MAN: go to the ubuntu d/l page and compare your md5 with the one listed on the d/l page04:36
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axisbut the everything i've googled has crazy stuff .. like "hdparm -d1 -c3 -a64 -X66 -k1 /dev/sda"04:36
tritiumgyaresu, I guess some people feel that way04:36
Madpilotaxis: this isn't an AMD64 box, it's a K7. the 64 bit part might be your problem?04:36
knowledge_but I have a question....what does http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/654 <----Mean?04:36
MIK3MANnalioth: yeah its got both, but I would have to dig out the old net cards and cat504:36
axisMadpilot, : It installs fine, but it's only at 16 bit i/o like yours04:37
axisare you able to change your hd's IO to 32 bit?04:37
tritiumknowledge_, please "sudo apt-get install build-essential" to install a compiler04:37
cafuegoaxis: The crazy stuff tends to blow up controllers, just c1d1u1 should pop it in the optimal mode.04:37
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Burgundaviajasoncohen, just confirmed that it does save stuff across sessions as well04:37
naliothMIK3MAN: i'd be interested in seeing what happens when you apt-get update/upgrade04:37
Madpilotaxis: I'm not even going to try, frankly. it works, it's stable, and I'm not that speed obbsessed right now...04:37
gyaresu_nickrud, axis I don't now but seial drives seem to not work with hdparm. i have good speed but i returns the same PIO 0 that you've got04:37
knowledge_tritium, thank you kindly04:37
tritiumsure :)04:38
cafuegoaxis: And yes, don believe what hdparm tells you about sata drives.04:38
naliothtritium: dang you are quick04:38
axisHDIO_SET_32BIT failed: Invalid argument04:38
giantI'm having a problem playing .wmv's with mplayer04:38
tritiumnalioth, heh, sometimes04:38
naliothtritium: or my corner of the net is slow04:38
axisHDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device04:38
jasoncohenBurgundavia, cool- so i'll just backport gnome-system-monitor from breezy myself04:38
axisIO_support   =  0 (default 16-bit)04:39
giantI've tried installing the codecs and that helped for .mpg's but totem is buggered and mplayer still won't play .wmv's04:39
naliothgiant: you are out of luck with the newer wmv04:39
cafuegoaxis: hdparm is for pata drives. Not for sata or scsi (to a lesser extent).04:39
chaps0063is there any way to get hibernation to work?04:39
paxgiant: which book are you talking about again?04:39
axiscafuego: so how do i check the transfer rate of my SATA drive?04:39
giantpax, Spidering Hacks04:39
paxgiant: k04:39
cafuegoaxis: copy a large file and time it.04:39
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tritiumchaps0063, it should already.  is it not one of your logout options?04:39
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giantpax, I didn't want to run a spider and have somone jumping my shlt for using an example in the book04:40
axiscafuego, : is there an easier way to get direct results through CLI ?04:40
MIK3MANI dunno guys, I think I have a corrupt download, when I installed it didnt even ask me for a root pass... so I cant switch to root04:40
kahles1eh, does your kernal suport acpi chaps?04:40
tritiumMIK3MAN, no, that's a feature.04:40
cafuegoaxis: Though 'hdparm -tT' might give you a fairly decent result. the other options mainly just don't apply to non-pata drives and controllers.04:40
tritiumMIK3MAN, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo04:40
paxgiant: wep, careful, and exemples in the book mean nothing04:40
chaps0063tritium: ah yes, it is...04:40
chaps0063tritium: however I don't know that it works.04:40
=== kevin [~kevin@dsl-72-1-219.238.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu
nalioths_dogMIK3MAN: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo04:41
giantpax, the ones I figured were safe were the ones looking at Oreilly's site and Cpan...04:41
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tritiumchaps0063, it usually does, provided you have a swap partition04:41
axiscafuego, : But if it's saying 16bit i/o, that's got to be what it means .. i mean how else do you check SATA drives ?04:41
chaps0063tritium: which I do.04:41
cafuegoaxis: If it really is PIO 16 bit,. youl get around 3MB/sec04:41
nathanaelI need help - I think I'm addicted to Installs!!!!04:41
tritiumchaps0063, I hope it will work for you, in that case04:41
paxgiant: I would simply contact the person who wrote the book and ask04:41
nathanaelI just re-installed ubuntu for the 3rd time...04:41
axis3600 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1799.37 MB/sec04:41
chaps0063tritium: I tried it, screen went black then gave me pw prompt..04:42
tritiumnathanael, why so often?04:42
nickrudgiant, try doing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingCodecsToTotemHowTo04:42
nathanaelISthere something wrong with me?04:42
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cafuegoaxis: You _don't_ check sata drives because they _don't_ do pio. 'hdparm' is OLD and doesn't KNOW about sata.04:42
tritiumchaps0063, wich laptop?04:42
paxgiant is it Carla Schrode?04:42
nathanaelI just love that New System feel!04:42
=== Mats [~mats@ADijon-151-1-78-138.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
paxgiant is it Carla Schroder*?04:42
chaps0063tritium: Fujitsu Lifebook T4010D04:42
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cafuegoaxis: That was memory speed, useless benchmark.04:42
tritiumnathanael, well, glad there's no problem ;)04:42
axiscafuego:  pio = primary input output04:42
giantpax, I'll have to go get the book out of my car04:42
=== memoryleek [~memorylee@cpe-67-11-156-202.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nathanaelWith the computer anyway...04:42
nickrudgiant, if you have gotten w32codecs thru backports, use /usr/lib/win32/ as the source of the links04:42
cafuegoaxis: No, it's Programmed I/O04:42
cafuegoaxis: And it does not apply to sata (or scsi)04:43
nathanaelHas anyone here used the HAIH?04:43
axisTiming buffered disk reads:  178 MB in  3.00 seconds =  59.32 MB/sec04:43
paxgiant: nah never mind04:43
tritiumchaps0063, you might check here, and HoaryPMResults as well: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//HoaryPM04:43
nathanael(after install helper)?04:43
giantpax, by Kevin Hemenway, Tara Calishain04:43
=== shad0w [~shadow@S01060011113d45c1.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
axis180 megs a second, is that right04:43
shad0whey guys, can anyone help me with mp3s on ubuntu04:43
cafuegoaxis: there you go. that's fairly normal.04:43
bojanglestritium, this is quite good...debian and ubuntu seem to work ok for a change04:43
axisi thought top speed was 150mb04:43
giantpax, ya I did all that,, totem is still buggered04:43
tritiumbojangles, for a change?  You have frequent problems?04:43
axiscafuego, : thanks alot for the info04:43
cafuegoaxis: No.04:43
kevindid I miss soemthing?04:43
tritiumbojangles, so are you using ubuntu then?04:44
kevogodMy name is Kevin. What a coincidence.04:44
axiscafuego, : you say fairly normal.. put should be faster .. hmm..04:44
bojanglestritium, yes there were many problems with ubuntu....and a few with debian sarge04:44
nathanaelshad0w: What's up?04:44
gyaresu_axis, and you'll only get 30MB/sec across a gigabit network.04:44
knowledge_I never knew you could rebuild rpms as .deb04:44
cafuegoaxis: Twekaing sta with hdparm is like using a wrench to turn a small screw. Wrong tool.04:44
axisgyaresu, : really04:44
=== jubei [~jubei@ppp233-162.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumbojangles, what problems did you have?04:44
cafuegoaxis: Are you a gentoo user or something?04:44
gyaresu_axis, yes. and ~50MB/sec is fine.04:44
bojanglestritium, well acroread whatever that is is still missing on debian sarge.04:44
MIK3MANok, I read about the root thing... thats cool, but I still dont know what to do... try redownloading and burning the image maybe04:44
shad0wwell mp3s wont play in xmms, and in the jukebox thing it says theres no plugin for it04:44
bojanglestritium, it does seem to be available on ubuntu04:45
tritiumit is04:45
gyaresu_bojangles, it's the adobe reader 7. they renamed it.04:45
knowledge_who wants to help me for a minute or 2 before I disable my WiFi card again04:45
cafuego"Oh my god it's not as fast as yours, i must recompile and tweak it more lolol!"04:45
=== FormerWindowsUse [~dylan@ppp-68-251-79-98.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
axisgreat analogy .. hehe ..  hmm.. i just wish there was another way to look at it04:45
tritiumMIK3MAN, did the md5sum not match?04:45
FormerWindowsUsemust i defrag my drive if im using ext3?04:45
axisbut, hdparm says it enables DMA04:45
bojanglestritium, also i have to recompile smeg for debian sarge as it uses python2.4 instead of 2.304:45
nickrudknowledge_, using alien is a last resort, there's usually a better way04:45
axisso do you think that's actually a correct report?04:45
cafuegoaxis: for PATA, not SATA.04:45
axisi only have 1 drive04:45
bojanglestritium, whereas it just works on ubuntu04:45
knowledge_nickrud, I see04:45
tritiumbojangles, so has #ubuntu become a good debian support channel?04:45
cafuegoaxis: Then hdparm is not a useful tool for you in any way04:46
MIK3MANtritium: I was on the ubuntu site, but they dont have the checksums posted04:46
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bojanglestritium, well i like to have debian, gentoo, ubuntu, mepis working if possible04:46
knowledge_does anyone want to look over a how to that I used before, and see why it caused my wifi card to stop working?04:46
axisit wasn't enabled on a base install,  but once i added hdparm -d1 /dev/sda" in a startup script, it actually worked04:46
shad0wcan someone tell me how i can get MP3's to play in ubuntu04:46
jasoncohenBurgundavia, did you respond to my bug report? - https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1277004:46
tritiumbojangles, I'm just curious, and don't mind you asking debian questions.04:46
bimberishad0w: Hopefully this will help you - http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats04:46
axisshad0w, : www.mp3.com04:46
shad0wthanks dude04:46
cafuegoaxis: That's probably a matter of a not-yet-mature driver.04:46
Burgundaviajasoncohen, closed it as fixed04:47
FormerWindowsUsemust i defrag if im using ext3 fs?04:47
kevinknowledge, did you use madwifi?04:47
jasoncohenBurgundavia, ok, just wondering04:47
axiscafuego, : so it could be running at half04:47
tritiumFormerWindowsUse, nope04:47
nickrudFormerWindowsUse, no04:47
gyaresu_FormerWindowsUse, no.04:47
=== cafuego throws his hands in the air and gives up
axisi should be getting about 300mb/s04:47
shad0wi just switched from XP to ubuntu today ;o other than the mp3 thing its great04:47
gyaresu_FormerWindowsUse, it's a journaling filing system.04:47
chaps0063tritium: followed it, no dice.04:47
cafuegoYou just didn't listehn at all.04:47
tritiumMIK3MAN, see the file named "MD5SUMS"04:47
=== thoreauputic [~prospero@wolax8-046.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
nathanaelWhy does my kernel always say "mounting TMPfs over /dev/..." at boot?04:47
nickrudif it's said three times, it must be true :)04:47
=== shojo [~shojo3@pool-151-202-45-237.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumchaps0063, did you look for any HoaryPMResults for your hardware?  Were there any?04:47
axisi know what you're saying, using hdparm to look at SATA is like using a paper towl tube with saran wrap and a drop of water to look at the rings on saturn04:48
gyaresu_axis, you don't know what you are talking about and cafuego is right.04:48
axisgyaresu, : thanks for the update04:48
knowledge_kevin, nah, it worked when I first installed ubuntu then I patched my kernel with a driver for my alps touchpad (just to get scrolling) and it stopped working04:48
MIK3MANtritium: got it thanks04:48
tritiumaxis, please don't pester04:48
gyaresu_axis, s'aight.04:48
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axisdon't act all fucking tough04:48
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axisit's not hard to get a shell04:48
axisand a vhost04:48
chaps0063tritium: not listed.04:48
tritiumaxis, relax, dude04:48
kevinknowledge: did you report the bug?04:48
knowledge_to who?04:49
axisTritium stop telling me what to do04:49
gyaresu_axis, language please.04:49
tritiumaxis, please, don't be a jerk04:49
nickrudaxis, you don't want to go there04:49
tritiumchaps0063, oh, sory04:49
kevinto the bug report built into ubuntu04:49
axisi doubt anyone in here is under 1804:49
tritiumaxis, last warning04:49
axisnickrud, : who are you, mr oc192 boy?04:49
axislets get a gline right now04:49
shad0wim only 1504:49
thoreauputicaxis: erm... tritium is an op in case you didn't notice04:49
gyaresu_axis, we're here to help.04:49
nickrudno, just a wanna be friend04:49
chaps0063tritium: were you here for wonderland?04:49
knowledge_no sir...kevin I didn't04:49
Will_ops can still be annoying04:49
chaps0063tritium: its like the total opposite...lol..04:49
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giantI was about to say.... I'd hope people here were under 1804:50
axistrue that04:50
tritiumchaps0063, yeah, I saw that04:50
kevinI would, they will look it over04:50
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axisgiant, : why's that?04:50
axisgiant, : so you can pm them?04:50
knowledge_I think the how to commands had something to do with it04:50
axislol you perv04:50
chaps0063tritium: I don't know why no one has been touching this laptop..04:50
shad0wim 15 d:o04:50
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giantbecause it shows an interest that the younger generation has in Linux and computers04:50
axisshad0w,  look out for giant  .. he's a ped04:50
MIK3MANtritium: chesum matches.. could it be a setting in Nero that did it?? I remember switching to DAO instead of TAO04:50
axis  2304:51
knowledge_because people kept telling me that I had to recompile my kernel with the wifi drivers04:51
shad0wi love linux! :D04:51
axisshad0w, : ubuntu is the goods04:51
giantif a computer related chat room ends up having only 18+ people in it... it means the technical expertice of the next generation is sliipping04:51
shad0wi use it on both my comps04:51
axisshad0w, : if you want a challange, rung FREEBSD as your core, then VMware (or other free alternatives)04:51
concept10Anyone here recently switched from Windows to Linux? or just installed Ubuntu this week?04:51
tritiumMIK3MAN, I suppose it's possible. Again, I don't use windows, and hence haven't used nero04:51
giantI'm not perv04:51
giantI just play one at work04:51
memoryleekconcept10: i did04:51
Will_axis: fbsd is not difficult at all04:51
chaps0063concept10: close, I've had it for a little over a month.04:51
kevinI use it on my desktop and my laptop04:51
shad0wi hate challanges04:51
aruconcept10: as did I04:51
nathanaelI used it on my server...04:51
axisWill_,  I know, hardware support with it is though <:04:51
axisWill_, : i love freebsd04:52
shad0wubuntu is refreshing, after so many years of windows04:52
shad0wand harder distros of linux ;o04:52
MIK3MANhmmm, ok, I am going to redo it on an rw04:52
axisthey've just changed the x-windows install04:52
axisi have to figure that out04:52
Will_axis: It depends on the HW, I guess04:52
axiswhat command it is04:52
axisto   xf86cfg now04:52
Will_axis: Don't use fbsd for desktops though. pointless04:52
memoryleekover the past 2 years linux has changed in leaps and bounds04:52
nathanaelApt is far superior to the windows install process...04:52
axisit's different04:52
MIK3MANshould I maybe try a server install?04:52
concept10Would you guys care to write me an email about what made you go ahead and take the linux plunge?04:52
giantI'm so used to useing KDE on other distro's athat I'm a bit lost in Gnome as of righ now but getting much better04:52
axisWill_, : i want it to run vmware, that is all. it will be my main file server04:52
memoryleekconcept10: addy?04:52
nathanaelAdd Synaptic, and it just smokes XP altogether04:52
axisWill_, : i'm going to use open bsd as my gateway, and ubuntu/xp for my desktops04:52
kevogodFreeBSD can be used a Desktop system pretty easily04:52
tritiumaxis, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:53
shad0whave any of you had any luck gaming on ubuntu?04:53
_DuDe_Anyone seen HappyFool recently04:53
concept10Im trying to convince some small business and I need some stories04:53
giantI guess I could install K3B but I'd rather use the Gnome programmed tools for burning stuff04:53
axistritium, : that works for freeBSD ?04:53
tritiumWill_, hopefully you haven't found that to be the case...04:53
nathanaelconcept10: There's a million online already...04:53
tritiumaxis, no, for ubuntu04:53
arukevogod: as can PCBSD :)04:53
kahles1I used to play cs 1.6 on slackware regularlly04:53
axis_DuDe_, : last time i saw him was last night about midnight i think04:53
kahles1havent treid source yet thou04:53
thoreauputicconcept10: worth pressing the advantages of the lack of malware04:53
Will_tritium: HHm?04:53
kevogodYes, but I prefer the real thing aru.04:53
concept10It doesnt have to be a long story, just want made you try Ubuntu and how its been so far04:53
axisWill_, :  Kde installs fine with freebsd04:53
gianti'm thinking of installing an playing with Solaris 10 for x86 but not sure what good it would do me04:54
axisWill_, : and gnome04:54
shad0wim going to try half-life 2 on winex later04:54
tritiumWill_, regarding your earlier comment about annoying ops04:54
memoryleekconcept10: sure04:54
concept10nathanael, I know that.  I want some recent switchers04:54
giantdon't you have to pay for winx?04:54
_DuDe_axis, Thanks!04:54
giantwinx = winex04:54
kahles1yeah, but its really cheap04:54
shad0wpay.. lol04:54
gyaresu_#ubuntu-offtopic ???04:54
axisthere's another version too04:54
kahles1or you can install from cvs04:54
axisother then winE04:54
giantI'd love to run Doom III and Half-life2 on my linux boxy04:54
axisand vmware04:54
giantOMG... that would rock04:54
axisthere are like 2 others04:54
concept10email your stories to tenthconcept@gmail.com.  No spam guaranteed, seriously04:54
Madpilotconcept10: what're you needig recent linux switchers stories for?04:55
axisgiant, : there's another program you use for games04:55
kevogodUT2004 works.04:55
axisgiant, : PC games are supposed to ROCK on linux, MAD FPS ..04:55
bojanglesaxis, forget vmware...that is commercial...they will be shipping zen in most newer distros04:55
axisgiant, : i haven't figured it out yet04:55
giantits also like that sevice that will setup wireless cards for you04:55
qt2how stable is breezy aside from the X problems?04:55
bojanglesaxis, you can find it at cambridge04:55
giantyo uhave to pay for it but they say they support all of them04:55
axisbojangles, : that's the name of the alternative? sweet great tip04:55
kevogodaxis: You have an ATI card?04:55
=== ksmurf [~ksmurf@S01060040053062ae.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
concept10Madpilot, I want some switcher stories, I putting together some presentations for some small business.  I want to know how to address normal peoples concerns about switching04:55
axiskevin, : yah , how'd you know04:56
jasoncohenBurgundavia, i compiled the package from breezy and installed it with checkinstall (i couldn't compile it with apt-get source -b because its build dependencies couldn't be satisfied but it apparently compiled fine nonetheless)04:56
kevogodaxis: ATI has poor driver support in Linux.04:56
giantaxis, how can you get MAD FPS by running the program through a non native OS?04:56
nickrudbojangles, does xen do windows again?04:56
ksmurfThere is a couple of questions I have like how do I do it04:56
giantI though it did04:56
kevogodaxis: You need to get the fglrx drivers from ATI's site.04:56
axisgiant, : beyond me, i haven't done it yet.. ..04:56
tritiumksmurf, you're always welcome to ask04:56
jasoncohenBurgundavia, the program not only is fixed but in the 2.11.5 version, there are sane choices for ending or killing a program and there's a device section- very nice indeed04:56
bojanglesnickrud, well right now...you can run patched versions of the hurd, linux, and bsd under xen04:56
concept10Any more takers please?04:56
memoryleekconcept10: i'll write04:56
axis i don't even play  games on my pc, i use my xbox for that04:57
bojanglesnickrud, and since it was paid for by the taxpayers it is free04:57
axispure video editing04:57
nickrudconcept10, I'll write as well04:57
concept10jasoncohen, how is it going?04:57
MIK3MANtritium: I am reburning it right now04:57
axisand not 3D rendering04:57
knowledge_wow...this rpm rebuild is taking forever04:57
thoreauputicconcept10: how recent is "recent" ? ;-)04:57
tritiumkevogod, unless of course you're on ubuntu, and you can use the ubuntu fglrx support04:57
ksmurftririum .... It's in the paste bin....04:57
axistritium, : how do you enable that04:57
tritiumMIK3MAN, okay, good luck04:57
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ksmurfit's about bash scripts and starting them at startup04:57
Madpilotconcept10: well, I switched from XP bout 2-3 months ago. I'll trash out a semi-coherent email for you later tonight04:57
jasoncohenconcept10, quite well. i've been busy lately but other than that i'm doing well.04:57
tritiumaxis, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:57
axislink me04:57
kevogodtritium: Ubuntu does not come with fglrx.04:57
=== JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MIK3MANI'll keep ya posted, 35%04:58
jasoncohenconcept10, how are you?04:58
tritiumkevogod, sure it does04:58
kevogodYou have to add repositories.04:58
nickrudksmurf, that seems pretty generic04:58
ksmurfand how to write one04:58
MIK3MANburning it slower this time04:58
kevogod(Or enable)04:58
qt2bojangles, what's this 'zen' you speak of?04:58
gianthow good is ubuntu's Radeon support?04:58
tritiumkevogod, no, it's in restricted, which is enabled by default04:58
qt2oh... xen...04:58
giantXen... its a VM program04:58
ksmurfnickrud that's what I thought04:58
giantsuposed to be really good04:58
kevogodThey're still not installed.04:58
concept10thoreauputic,  It really doesnt matter, I just need people that have had no prior linux experience (you know someone from Red Hat 5.2).  Im looking for recent switchers.  There is no money in this for me.  Just something im working on04:58
kevogodThe drivers.04:58
qt2i see...04:58
tritiumkevin, but they are avialable for installation04:59
qt2hm... i wonder if its in synaptic... o.o;04:59
nickrudksmurf, but accurate04:59
tritiumkevogod, ^^^04:59
ksmurfI'm looking to write a script ( like a dos BAT file)04:59
thoreauputicconcept10: I don't think I qualify :)04:59
concept10jasoncohen, good.  I have something that you may be interested in.04:59
ksmurfand have it go at startup04:59
kevogodSo downloading them ATI's site or from Restricted... what's the difference?04:59
tritiumksmurf, actually, you should look into update-rc.d04:59
jasoncohenconcept10, sure- PM me04:59
=== liquidten [~anthony@adsl-12-126-76.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
qt2concept10, err, i switched from windows recently, though i dont know how my help i can be.04:59
kevinI am slowly learning about linux and it's bells and whistles. The important part is I am learning with a lot of patience from the good people around me both home and online05:00
tritiumkevogod, ATI's site doesn't have nice .deb packages that will be managed by the package management system05:00
ksmurftritium... commands can go from there?05:00
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giantI've been running linux for a bit05:00
tritiumksmurf, see the manpage for update-rc.d on how to use it to add startup scripts05:00
giantbut its mostly if it doens't install and go to a GUI I'm at a loss as to how to debug it and make it work05:00
giantso I'mnot a very good linux person yet05:00
nickrudksmurf, for example, you could create a bash script that does  'hdparm -d1 /dev/cdrom', drop it into /etc/init.d, and use update-rc.d to add it to the /etc/rc2.d directory05:00
memoryleekhow many of you are running ubuntu on a laptop05:00
kevinI am05:01
giantI would be...but my lappy is buggered05:01
anto9usme too05:01
aruI am05:01
tritiummemoryleek, lots of us05:01
kevinhow do I change my nick?05:01
chalengedi have it on 8 laptops for work atm..05:01
identpim having a small problem with kopete, anyone use this message client?05:01
UbuntuguideI am05:01
memoryleekkevin: did you have any probs during install???...i'm going to buy a laptop soon and just wondering05:01
kevinnope, I am running a p1 233 and it went seamlessly05:01
ksmurfnickrud That's what I want.....  how do I write the script05:01
identpi am running kubuntu on a dell laptop05:02
bojanglestritium, what is up with the gpl version of cinerella and why does it require a dual opteron 6405:02
chalengedidentp  i did for a while then went to gaim when ms changed to v7 protocols as kopete broke ...i beleive its fixed now tho05:02
memoryleekkevin: server install?05:02
Ubuntuguiderunning on a dell c840, no prob05:02
tritiumbojangles, no idea - never used it.  Sorry.05:02
kevinnope, boot from cd05:02
tritiumUbuntuguide, same here.05:02
memoryleekohh...is the WiFi support good?05:02
Ubuntuguidetritium, works good, right?05:03
tritiumUbuntuguide, every bit, from nvidia to suspend-to-ram05:03
kevinseams to be I am using my d-link dwl-g650 to talk to you05:03
Ubuntuguideusing cisco aironet 350 pcmcia wifi05:03
anto9usI'm running a Dell Inspiron 9100, suspend is my only issue but that's because of the binary ATI drivers05:03
identpchalenged, i am having trouble seeing or receiving messages from AIM and AOL users, is this similar to your experience?05:03
nickrudksmurf, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/31537205:03
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ksmurfu rock05:03
memoryleekkick ass...i want a laptop but i dont want to dual boot it...i just want linux on it...thanks05:03
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kevinthat's all I use in my personal life05:04
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gyaresu_debian on an m5200n laptop. works perfect. should work with ubuntu05:04
ksmurfnickrud how do I make it exacutable05:04
nickrudksmurf, sudo chmod u+x /etc/init.d/<whatever you named it>05:04
bojanglesgyaresu, well debian sarge is in fair shape but still has a few bugs.05:04
memoryleekgyaresu_: yea i used to run debian...if that works on a laptop then i know this will05:05
kevinI use suse 9.2 on my desktop and ubuntu on my laptop05:05
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memoryleeki couldnt get debian 3.1 to install...kept hanging05:05
bojanglesmemoryleek, well look at the boot options05:05
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kevinI could but I hhave a prob with Debian, my lack of knowledge05:05
gyaresu_bojangles, memoryleek yeah. this is a new asus and even the ipw2200 wireless is working. don't know about the modem of course ;)05:05
memoryleekbojangles: yea i'd have to go over it again..but i'm satisfied with ubuntu for now05:06
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nickrudksmurf, then, sudo update-rc.d <whatever you named it> defaults05:06
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bojanglesgyaresu, well i heard intel released some free source code for their own wireless05:06
gyaresu_memoryleek, noacpi05:06
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giantI'm liking ubuntu... not as many programs as my SuSE 9.3 install..but it works pretty good05:06
memoryleekgyaresu_: well it hung when it was configuring the network settings05:06
gyaresu_bojangles, i use the native drivers and they do monitor mode. all i need.05:06
nickrudksmurf, correction,  sudo update-rc.d <whatever you named it> defaults 9905:06
bojanglesgyaresu, but nobody gives a shit about wireless....they are all trying to get the tunable laser networks working05:06
tritiumgiant, there should be more programs available than in Suse05:06
misfit_toygiant, not as many programs??? there are MORE05:07
Ubuntuguidegiant you should be able to install anything you want05:07
delltonyreal quick simple question how do you mount a dvd ? isn't it mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /pathtomountpoint ?05:07
bojanglesgyaresu, and the solid state hard drives with fiber optics coupling05:07
kevinI used suse 9.3 on my desktop pc untilmy desktop disapeared 4x05:07
gyaresu_memoryleek, do use ubuntu. much more of the 'just works' factor.05:07
tritiumgiant, approximately 15,00005:07
giantI can.... I mean on a default intall05:07
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arugiant: There are more available, just fewer installed by default05:07
memoryleekgyaresu_: exactly....i like it a lot05:07
chalengedi think ive managed to get 1 / 17 modems in laptops to work with a free driver05:07
MIK3MANtritium: ok installing ubuntu take 2!!05:07
misfit_toygiant, you get less crap up front. ;)05:07
gyaresu_delltony, 'mount cdrom'05:07
thoreauputicgiant: enable universe and multiverse and choose from ~ 16 000 packages :)05:07
tritiumMIK3MAN, good luck, buddy :)05:07
giantand that is nice05:07
gyaresu_delltony, if it's listed in the /etc/fstab05:07
identpdoes anyone know what version of KDE comes with kubuntu 5.04 or how i could find out?05:08
delltonyits not05:08
giantmisfit_toy, Probably the reason Ubuntu loads in a fraction of the time05:08
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liquidtenidentp: open up kcontrol05:08
MIK3MANtritium: right away its asking me for my ESSID for my wifi05:08
memoryleekidentp: none come with, but you can get 3.405:08
kevinchalenged: I have gotten most laptop modems working with the good help of some programmer friends05:08
tritiumMIK3MAN, okay05:08
misfit_toygiant, yes, and everything you need to get goin', tastes great, less filling.05:08
gyaresu_identp, #kubuntu05:08
delltonyactually it is05:08
delltonyentry is /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       005:09
MIK3MANtritium: it actually see's the card, but I dont know what to put here???05:09
delltonyso id mount cdrom0 ?05:09
identpthanks, its pretty quiet in #kubuntu05:09
tritiumMIK3MAN, do you use an essid?05:09
gyaresu_delltony, and a symlink to /dev/cdrom i'm guessing.05:09
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MIK3MANnot yet.. no WEP05:09
kevinit is scarey what they can do with even the OLD versions of Linux05:09
tritiumMIK3MAN, okay, leave it blank05:09
gyaresu_delltony, got X ?05:09
teferii think i have a prototype...05:09
nickrudteferi, I'll be happy to be a test bed05:10
gyaresu_delltony, just eject it and then reinsert the disk. should automount05:10
teferinickrud: not until i confirm it works...05:10
nickrudif I can do it, anyone can :)05:10
teferiit's less than 20 lines of code05:10
kevintritium: has MILK done an iwlist scan?05:10
teferiand this test message i just sent myself isn't arriving...05:10
tritiumkevin, he says he hasn't setup WEP on his router, unless I misunderstood him05:11
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kevintritium: woops there I go again, I don't know the whole story, sorry05:11
shad0wthanks guys! i got mp3s to work05:11
teferiIt WORKS05:11
delltonyits works i can play it but its only if i using xine and point it to /dev/hdc05:11
tritiumkevin, no need to apologize, thanks for double-checking :)05:11
gyaresu_delltony, who are you talking to?05:12
MIK3MANtritium: ok, DHCP has failed cause I have to configure the wifi later, I have a menu here, should I choose do not configure network at this time?05:12
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teferinickrud: lemme clean this up (actually put it in a file :)) and i'll shoot you a copy05:12
teferiit's really really simple05:12
tritiumMIK3MAN, how many wireless routers are in your proximity?05:12
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MIK3MANsorry 1 router, 2 cards05:13
nickrudteferi, I'll hang out for a while05:13
knowledge_what is meant by cd rpmdir in http://www.bitpim.org/developer.html05:13
giantwish me luck05:13
teferinickrud: yeah, i have to handle a few more cases than the code does right now, but the basic thing is *tiny*05:13
gianti'mt rying to get 3d on my ubuntu05:13
teferii really wonder why no one did this sooner!05:13
memoryleekgood luck05:13
nickrudteferi, I gotta go for 10 min, be back05:13
tritiumMIK3MAN, just the one?  It's yours?05:13
giantbut I've been drinking...so if I don't totally screw it up... it should work05:13
giantor I'll hose my xwindows05:13
memoryleekbeen there done that05:13
delltonygyaresu,  anyone that will listen and help i have the fstab entry05:14
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delltonybut i get bad superblock when trying to mount media/cdrom0 when a dvd is in the drive05:14
MIK3MANIm in a basement with concrete walls.. I think just mine, I mean I could pull up a sniffer05:14
gyaresu_delltony, do you have a GUI?05:14
gyaresu_delltony, i'm just wondering hy you are trying to mount it manually05:15
tritiumMIK3MAN, can you drop to a virtual console, and verify you're seeing with iwlist please?05:15
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MIK3MANtritium: its not installed, Im on winblows remember?? heh05:15
aruits windows05:16
MIK3MANI figure I could skip the network and use madwifi after05:16
tritiumMIK3MAN, you're right.  Well, how important is getting networking configured right now rather than later?05:16
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ksmurfnickrud .... that didn't like me either05:17
gyaresu_knowledge_, you are using the wrong instructions.05:17
=== Capilano [~ubuntu@modemcable028.87-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ultraquixDoes ubuntu not allow regular root logins on virtual terminals05:17
tritiumMIK3MAN, okay, if you wish to proceed with the installation, go for it05:17
knowledge_gyaresu, how so?05:17
ksmurfsorry fixed05:17
Capilanohello all !05:17
qt2Remember folks.. dont drink and config/compile. ;;<05:17
tritiumultraquix, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo05:17
MIK3MANbut I may get errors down the line when there is apt-get update, or that kinda stuff05:17
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tritiumMIK3MAN, that's fine.  You can install purely off CD05:17
gyaresu_knowledge_, sorry. no you're not. their instructions are a little wacky.05:18
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giantALL RIGHT.... its smoke test time05:18
qt2ultraquix, use sudo.05:18
MIK3MANI'll skip for now and give you the errors if I get any05:18
giantif I come back... it means I didn't totally hose this thing05:18
tritiumMIK3MAN, okay.  I won't be sticking around much longer, though.05:18
knowledge_gyaresu, I see....I'm at the "cd rpmdir" line...but I don't know what the dir is....05:18
CapilanoI was tweaking my system, and I delete the following directory: /usr/share/fonts Now I cannot, of course log back into a system that has no fonts. Any suggestion05:18
giantwait...maybe I should ask before I go05:18
knowledge_gyaresu, any input?05:18
giantwondering if I did this right05:18
MIK3MANthats ok05:18
giantI downloaded and installed the fglrx05:19
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MIK3MANIf this dont work, ubuntu dont like my hardware05:19
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kevinI will be here for 45 mins or so05:19
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Jivemonkeyanyone have updated info on mono repository for ubuntu?05:19
=== Will_ laughs at the word 'tweaking'
tritiumMIK3MAN, okay, good luck to you :)05:19
Jivemonkeythe ones listed in the wiki are out of date05:19
giantthen ran the 'echo fglrx  | sudo tee -a /etc/modules'05:19
chris_what file needs to be edited to allow root login at gui login screen?05:19
Capilanoso did I, for a lack of a better word05:19
gyaresu_knowledge_, i presume it doesn't just make a folder in the directory you rmpbuil in then?05:19
kevinJvemonkey: sorry not I05:19
giantthen added that one line to the xorg.cong because I have an nforce2 board05:19
giantdid I miss anything?05:20
knowledge_gyaresu, no sir05:20
ukatowith a wireless card, do you have to do any other configuration than what's in Networking in the Admin menu of GNOME05:20
qt2MIK3MAN, you can force ubuntu to like any hardware pretty much ;)05:20
giantknowledge_, I'm guessin gthat was for me?05:20
thoreauputicchris_: that's generally deprecated, but you can configure it in the settings for GDM05:20
tritiumGood night, all.05:20
giantoh or not05:20
aruchris_: there is really no reason to log in as root05:21
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MIK3MANqt2: yeah, but I am a noob to linux, maybe a week or so, there are other distros just until I get comfy05:21
gyaresu_knowledge_, why don't you just apt-get install wxpython2.5.3 ?05:21
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knowledge_I need 2.605:21
ultraquixMy ATI IXP audio is not coming up, although the likely culprit kernel module atiixp.ko is05:21
gyaresu_knowledge_, ah. sorry. reading that now.05:21
qt2MIK3MAN, so didnt i.05:21
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Jivemonkeyanyone in here using mono?05:22
MIK3MANqt2: like I was telling everyone Mepis went in without a hitch, I just want to test all the flavors05:22
qt2MIK3MAN, i've been on linux for a total of 1.5 weeks :P05:22
qt2MIK3MAN, heh, i se.05:22
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chris_i have  a firewire disc that will mount but not let me record to it. Says I dont have permission but my username is owner/group and permissions are -R 775. Anyone know what's up?05:22
gyaresu_knowledge_, looks to me like rpmbuild should build you a folder in the same dir05:22
gyaresu_knowledge_, i'm guessing it doesn't or you wouldn't be asking05:23
kevinI have been using linux off and on for a year now, forthe past 3 months solid but have finally gotten to whereI do things myself instead of havingothers do for me05:23
knowledge_i thought it would be in /usr/src/rpm/RPMS/i386 but the next command doesn't do anything05:23
MIK3MANMicro$oft is going to start checking product keys to validate windows update now05:23
thoreauputicchris_: what file system is on that disc?05:23
MIK3MANtime to switch to linux05:23
knowledge_gyaresu, nope...05:23
Capilanoin a hurry Mik305:24
kevinMILK3MAN: yes they are that's one reason for my deployment to Linux05:24
gyaresu_knowledge_, rpmbuild log?05:24
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Will_MIK3MAN: Or to pay for your operating system05:24
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kevin<--- cannot afford legal windblows05:24
kevogodMIK3MAN: I have completely removed myself from Windows.05:24
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gyaresu_knowledge_, specify it to log on the command line/05:24
epon validating produckt key, you mean Longhorn?05:24
chris_thoreauputic - i am noob so i dont know for sure but i brought it to this machine from a Mac so I must believe HFS+05:24
memoryleekwho can afford windows legally?05:24
NsaneiceNot I, memoryleek05:24
=== thr1ce uses pirated win2k pro
knowledge_gyaresu, there's an extremely long log05:24
MIK3MANyeah, I read the article, like 95% is pirated in China05:24
kevinep: no, xp, 2k and all of that I believe05:24
Capilanosorry about that people05:25
MIK3MANindia is like 80%05:25
memoryleekhehe...my college sells microsoft software for 7 bucks a CD...LEGALLY05:25
chris_thoreauputic - i can read it though05:25
memoryleekbut they limit you to one copy :(05:25
gyaresu_knowledge_, good. :) any clues in it?05:25
thoreauputicchris_: if it's ntfs you can't write to it - hfs+ I'm unsure but I think is writable05:25
kevogodMicrosoft subsidizes to monopolize.05:25
knowledge_gyaresu, not that I can see...05:25
Capilanoyes, but once the sn has been use05:25
kevinyup lol kevogod05:25
knowledge_should I pastebin it so you can take a gander?05:25
snackalot7 dollars i paid 100 those assholes05:26
chris_thoreauputic - i have written to it in past, but suddenly i cant, even when sudo change permissions.05:26
Madpilotkevogod: well put. and memoryleek's school probably paid $$$$$ for their licences.05:26
MIK3MANmemoryleek: I'll paypal ya, send me a valid key for XP Pro for $7 ;)05:26
memoryleekhaha...wish i could05:26
snackalotsomeone should hack there ass and shut them down05:26
gyaresu_knowledge_, updatedb ; locate py2.305:26
kevogodMadpilot: They pigeon hole you into using their operating system.05:26
memoryleekMadpilot: i'm sure they did...and my tuition keeps going sky high05:26
thoreauputicchris_: you might need to have a file system specified in /etc/fstab for it05:26
Capilanoperhaps, but maybe they are using Linux servers05:27
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kevogod"Sky High" - a great Kurt Russell film I'm sure of it!05:27
chris_thoreauputic - do you have a link for tutorial?05:27
thoreauputicchris_: for fstab?05:27
NsaneiceHey, is there anyway I can shorten the timeout on the "Configuring Network interfaces"? It takes to long with the eth0 and wlan0.05:27
chris_thoreauputic - sorry, like i said, noob05:27
gyaresu_snackalot, language please.05:27
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knowledge_gyaresu,  updatedb ; locate py2.305:27
Will_snackalot: Hack who?05:28
knowledge_gyaresu, http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/65505:28
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snackalotmicrosoft assholes05:28
gyaresu_knowledge_, why lol?05:28
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gyaresu_snackalot, please stop.05:28
arusnackalot: calm down05:28
thoreauputicchris_: ah OK - well a start is to run " less /etc/fstab " and have a look at it, then try reading man fstab05:28
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snackalot4 overcharging for there shit05:28
Capilanoany idea how to reinstall basic fonts ?05:28
Will_IBM has _just_ stopped support for OS2. JUST. Do you really think windows will 'go away' in our lifetime? Stop bitching.05:28
knowledge_because I meant to paste the url05:28
thoreauputicchris_: man fstab won't make much sense at first ;)05:28
gyaresu_snackalot, STOP SWEARING05:28
arubob2: snackalot is out of hand :)05:28
giantOFG.... it worked05:29
snackalotsorry OK just makes me mad05:29
ksmurfok I followed the instruction and still no go ... the shell script is at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/315375.  I ran the script to see if it would work and it does, but not at startup.05:29
giantI can now get my screensavers 3d05:29
chris_thoreauputic - firewire not in fstab05:29
giantubunto rocks05:29
thoreauputicchris_: if you hang on a minute I'll see if I can find a link for you05:29
MIK3MANsnackalot: I'll take some blame, I started the Micro$oft talk05:29
ksmurfcan i list my init.d?05:29
chris_thoreauputic - i have it open in pico05:29
NsaneiceYea Ubuntu is nice, its even better when you install it as server and not default05:29
snackalotwhat do you expect im a constrution worker05:30
thoreauputicchris_: how are you mounting it?  Is it just appearing automagically?05:30
MIK3MANbut hey! we are converting05:30
aruMIK3MAN: #ubuntu-offtopic05:30
snackalotthats ok05:30
chris_thoreauputic - yes05:30
ultraquixupgrading kernel...05:30
vkmI'm trying to install acroread via apt on Ubuntu Hoary. My only nonstandard apt sources are universe/multiverse, backports and nerim. When I try to install acroread, apt tells me it wants a newer version of libc6 than the one currently installed. Have I somehow broken my package system or is there some other apt source I should add?05:30
epyour college has probably entered into some "agreement" with Microsoft.  So they get they money via your tax dollars.  Its one way or another.05:30
knowledge_gyaresu, nothing on the locate05:30
thoreauputicchris_: OK, well I'm not sure how that works - probably gnome-volume-manager is doing it05:30
knowledge_you see anything in the url?05:30
snackalotcan someone tell me were to go to get hacking tuts05:31
ultraquixboot boot05:31
Burgundaviavkm, get rid of nerim05:31
Burgundaviavkm, acroread is in mutliverse05:31
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vkmBurgundavia: Is there a more ubuntu-centric source for the nerim packages?05:31
chris_thoreauputic - it is possible to add this to my fstab manually though?05:31
Burgundaviavkm, hoary-extras from the backports project05:31
ksmurfnickrud...? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/315375 is the script... but it didn't start at startup.05:31
gyaresu_knowledge_, yeah and nothing in the /usr/src/RPMS/i386 ?05:31
teferinickrud: okay, i have a working test script05:31
knowledge_gyaresu, no sir05:32
gyaresu_knowledge_, hmmm.05:32
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teferiit's probably not written in The Python Way, but it works05:32
thoreauputicchris_: probably, but I don't know how, sorry - someone else might05:32
vkmBurgundavia: Thanks. Will switch. But: Removing nerim shouldn't affect my acroread troubles, no?05:32
chris_thoreauputic - thank you for the help though. i have a place to start now.05:32
Burgundaviavkm, nerim is for sarge, not hoary05:32
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MIK3MANlooks like my installation is going in with no errors05:32
gyaresu_knowledge_, locate rpm05:33
Burgundaviavkm, and acroread is part of the offiical uubuntu repos05:33
spermie_411 is there any vet or doctor IRCS to get medical advice???05:33
knowledge_gyaresu, actually there is...but the alien *py2.3* isn't doing anything05:33
thoreauputicchris_: you're welcome - good luck :)05:33
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=== MIK3MAN looks for some wood to knock on
giantum thats not right05:33
giantI tried running Hugo's Smoke and it froze05:33
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giantI guessing thats a problem with the 3d driver I just intalled05:33
gyaresu_knowledge_, what's the name of the py file  in the /usr/src/blah05:34
giantRadeon 9800 pro05:34
giantI installed the fglrx05:34
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giantand put the part in the config file for the nfore2 chipset05:34
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giantanyone know where I could look for log output05:35
knowledge_wxPython2.6-devel-gtk2-unicode-  wxPython2.6-gtk2-unicode-  wxPython-common-gtk2-unicode-
MIK3MANgiant: you may know this already, but I was just on ATI site and I seen that the 9800 has genuine drivers, just so you know05:35
thoreauputicgiant: /var/log05:35
gyaresu_giant, /var/llogXorg.0.log05:35
giantMIK3MAN, would the genuine driver work better than the ones I got with apt-get05:35
gyaresu_giant, /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:35
MIK3MANgiant: genuine for linux I mean05:35
=== Capilano is now known as Capilano_away
knowledge_gyaresu,  you meant that?05:36
spermie_411 is there any vet or doctor IRCS to get medical advice???05:36
mjkelly93im lookin for someone very experienced with fglrx, im very close to having the module run correctly05:36
vkmBurgundavia: Thanks much.05:36
MIK3MANgiant: I would say yes, cause if ATI is backing them...05:36
giantMIK3MAN, Makes sence05:36
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blmartin777Do you install new kernels with synaptics package manager?05:36
mjkelly93any takers for help with fglrx and a radeon 9250?05:36
MIK3MANcheck it out, Im sure it was the 9800 series05:36
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gyaresu_knowledge_, yeah.05:37
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knowledge_gyaresu, any idea on why the alien command isn't working?05:38
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mjkelly93noone wants to help with fglrx? cmon i know someone out there wants a challenge :)05:38
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bojanglesMIK3MAN, you mean India is pirating Windows at 80%05:38
gyaresu_knowledge_, i think the 3 packages are rebuilt to show as  'version 2.3' . you could try alien'ing all three of them but i'm not sure.05:38
bojanglesMIK3MAN, instead of paying through the nose.05:38
regeyaisn't Windows offtopic?05:38
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syndregeya, depends.05:39
knowledge_mann....ahh screw it...I give up05:39
regeyasynd, not really.05:39
blmartin777Can I install new kernels in synaptics05:39
MIK3MANbojangles: I was told off topic, but yeah, they ranked 3rd05:39
syndregeya, when the ops say its off topic, then its off topic05:39
abhayks"QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded" after update of libmsql-mt05:39
gyaresu_knowledge_, you should be able to make copies and then try alien'ing them without harming anything else.05:39
syndtil then, dont worry05:39
regeyasynd, well pardon moi.05:39
bojanglesMIK3MAN, well they are going to be in big trouble when MS goes to Trusted Network Computing05:39
syndregeya, yup05:39
giantI run a .run file from the terminal correct?05:40
knowledge_I see.05:40
gianthow do I do that?....sorry if I'm a noob05:40
regeyaso who likes pie?05:40
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MIK3MANthats why I'm here05:40
giantcherry pie05:40
giantin the eye05:40
regeyaI like blackberry pie, and apple pie a bit less than blackberry.05:40
bojanglesMIK3MAN, their pirated stuff will no longer work and it will be much more difficult for them to pirate anything05:40
knowledge_gyaresu, alien wxPython* will work?05:40
regeyacherry pie and peach pie are right out.05:40
mjkelly93i just had some shoe fly pie05:40
thoreauputicgiant: what .run file do you have there?05:40
regeyagiant, that's an unusual method for eating pie.05:40
giantI picked up the ati-driver-installer-8.14.13.run05:41
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gyaresu_knowledge_, should work.05:41
elmagozizouHi, I have a problem with mplayer...I dont know why it show me a message every time is gonna play somethig...The message is something about the FONT05:41
giantyou got to pop a lot of cherries to get a pie like that05:41
MIK3MANbojangles: join #ubuntu-offtopic and I will tell you whats going to happen05:41
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bojanglesMIK3MAN, ok.05:41
thoreauputicgiant: have you read the wiki on binary drivers?05:41
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ubotuI heard drivers is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//BinaryDriverHowto05:41
giantno not het05:41
elmagozizouI mean mplayer in grafic mode05:41
abhaykslibqt3-mt-mysql and libqt3-mysql upgraded and not getting05:41
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abhayks"QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded"05:41
mjkelly93giant, if ur installing a radeon 9800, i watched someone in here do it from scratch yesterday with the exact same model following these directions to a T:    https://wiki.ubuntu.com//BinaryDriverHowto05:42
elmagozizouin terminal mode is fine05:42
thoreauputicgiant: i suggest you read the ubotu URL above05:42
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elmagozizouHi, I have a problem with mplayer...I dont know why it show me a message every time is gonna play somethig...The message is something about the FONT05:42
blmartin777where is a good place to find all available repositories for ubuntu?05:42
ajax_teferi, I'm back05:42
elmagozizouJust ins grafic mode, in terminal mode is fine...05:42
hoslerThis may sound really stupid, but has anyone been able to get visual studio 6.0 to work on linux yet? I tried wine and crossover, but those send me the same error messages.05:42
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kevinbk for a bit then I am off to bed so I can try and sleep with the drunk twits downstairs slamming doors!!05:42
mjkelly93elmagozizou, try   sudo apt-get install mplayer-fonts05:42
ubotusomebody said repos was at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto05:42
abhayksanyone does mysql related programming on breezy05:42
regeyahooray, pie isn't offtopic yet!05:42
teferiajax_: you want the crude but working script?05:42
Madpilotblmartin777: read the URL that ubotu just posted05:42
ajax_heh, I'm ajax, now05:43
elmagozizoumjkelly93, I all ready download that...but doesnt fix05:43
giantI tried that05:43
teferii noticed, was confused05:43
mjkelly93i couldnt get mplayer to install right either so i just use    xine05:43
mjkelly93i think its better05:43
ajax_my dialup died, this is nickrud :)05:43
giantmjkelly93, I tried those... it brings back up my video..but when I try and run a 3d screensaver it locks05:43
mjkelly93giant, what does fglrxinfo look like?05:43
teferii noticed05:43
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elmagozizoubut can you play all the formats in XINE?05:44
mjkelly93elmagozizou, all of them i tried so far05:44
erudeyei has just install ubuntu05:44
teferiat any rate, ajax_, wmute.net/~teferi/evo-mail-notify.py05:44
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erudeyen i don't have root password05:44
teferier, http://wmute.net/~teferi/evo-mail-notify.py05:44
ajax_teferi, I'll give it ago05:44
giantdisplay: :0.0  screen: 005:44
giantOpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.05:44
giantOpenGL renderer string: RADEON 9800 Pro Generic05:44
giantOpenGL version string: 1.3.4769 (X4.3.0-8.8.25)05:44
giantsorry about that05:44
erudeyewhere i can get that pass?05:44
teferijust run it and wait for mail to show up in your inbox05:44
teferithe indicator will go away if you click on it or start reading a message05:44
thoreauputicajax_: /msg nickserv ghost nickrud <your password>05:44
MechcozmoI've been looking at Ubuntu for a bit as a good Linux distro05:44
ajax_thoreauputic, thanks05:44
IIIEarserudeye - ubuntu is a bit different it uses a format similar to Macs05:45
thoreauputicajax_: then you can reclaim your nick05:45
Mechcozmolooking at geting into it05:45
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uboturumour has it, rootsudo is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo05:45
elmagozizoumjkelly93, let me try it05:45
regeyacan anyone comment on sweetmeats?05:45
abhayksis this really the ubuntu IRC famous for its community ever eger to help others ?05:45
elmagozizoumjkelly93, and mp3s?05:45
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thr1ceabbe80, no05:45
MechcozmoQuestion: What are the weaknesses of Ubuntu?05:45
thr1ceabhayks, no05:45
mjkelly93elmagozizou, havent tried mp3s, i use xmms for that05:45
erudeyewhere i can get my root pass?05:45
IIIEarserudeye - check out the link ubotu posted05:45
thoreauputicabhayks: yeah, we're a myth ;)05:45
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regeyasynd, what's your opinion on sweetmeats and sweetbreads?05:45
syndregeya, say waht?05:45
Mechcozmoalright, lemme repeat that05:46
syndregeya, im from the states05:46
MechcozmoQuestion: What are the weaknesses of Ubuntu?05:46
nickrudah, that works nicely, thanks again, thoreauputic05:46
erudeyewhere is the link?05:46
syndMechcozmo, none05:46
uboturootsudo is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo05:46
Mechcozmoi don't believe in software that has no problems05:46
thoreauputicMechcozmo: a very biased community that thinks Ubuntu is strong ;)05:46
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abhayksthrlce: great to know u have time to reply to a stupid question of mine but not to a genuine question05:46
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Mechcozmobecause I'm looking at going feet-wet with it in terms of Linux05:46
giantoh wait a minute05:47
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Mechcozmowondering if I'll outgrow it or somthing05:47
giantHufo's Tunnel is working now05:47
liquidtenabhayks: genuine questions are harder to answer05:47
Capilanoany idea how to reinstall basic fonts ?05:47
giantoh well... i'm off to bed... later all05:47
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Mechcozmoalso want to know how easy it is to screw up05:47
regeyasynd, but you're familiar with what they are, right?  don't you think they're, well, you know, misnamed?05:47
mjkelly93giant, try this command:   glxinfo | grep direct05:47
syndMechcozmo, problems are few and far between with ubuntu. at least in comparisons to other linux distros. but for the ones that do exist, #ubuntu is here as is the wiki05:47
IIIEarsG'nite giant05:47
abhayksliquidten: thats true05:47
mjkelly93giant, nevermind then hehe05:47
thoreauputicMechcozmo: the secret is to get to know repositories and apt or synaptic package management - but don't tell anyone!05:47
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Mechcozmosince the people i do tech work for are notorious for doing that05:47
syndregeya, no, not really.05:47
Mechcozmohow is configuration?05:47
giantit says direct rendering : yes05:47
mjkelly93anyone out there wanna take a crack at my problems with fglrx for a radeon 9250?05:48
giantso I guess it is working05:48
mjkelly93then it should be wroking05:48
Mechcozmoa bunch of other distros have differing ways05:48
teferinickrud: you need python-gnome2-dev and python-gnome2-extras-dev05:48
thoreauputicMechcozmo: could you be a bit more vague?05:48
Mechcozmousually involving vi or emacs05:48
poutineHello, I installed ubuntu moments ago on this laptop, and it freezes right after I enter my user/pass in the screen, and plays that sound with the ubuntu splash05:48
teferiand, uh, python2.4-dbus05:48
giantthen why did Hufo's Smoke lock up but Hufo's tunnel work?05:48
nickrudteferi, yes, that is small, and thanks for the links. It'll take a while on my measly pipe05:48
giantwho knows05:48
Mechcozmoour house, all computers have static IPs05:48
teferiand then it should just work05:48
poutineI checked /var/log/messages and I don't see anything05:48
Mechcozmohow hard is that to do?05:48
thoreauputicMechcozmo: generally stuff tends to work out of the box05:48
giantnot important... I wanted the tunnel anyway05:48
giantlater all05:48
Mechcozmowhich is the wrong answer....05:48
mjkelly93poutine, try     grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:48
teferiif it doesn't, privmsg me and ill get back to you tomorrow05:48
teferii need sleep05:48
Mechcozmoi know it works out of the box05:48
IIIEarsMechcozmo - Popular distros come and often go quickly. Ubuntu is Debian. - it'll be around for a long time. - easiest distro yet.05:48
Mechcozmowith DHCP and stuff05:48
SogniXhas anyone had any success using an ultra ata ide addon card with ubuntu? seems ubuntu throws a fit the moment I install an Adaptec IDE card with two storage drives :(05:49
Mechcozmoso is there a panel i just open up05:49
Mechcozmoand enter network info?05:49
Mechcozmoor do i have to dig through a text file?05:49
elmagozizoumjkelly93, Hey you know that I use xmms but recently it was frezzing because of the audio thig...so I change it to eSound and it play the files but....05:49
thoreauputicMechcozmo: for static IPs you can enter stuff during install or hack /etc/network/interfaces05:49
Mechcozmoso i do need to use a text editor05:49
thoreauputicMechcozmo: there's a gui networking thing too05:49
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mjkelly93elmagozizou, yeah ya gotta change the output plugin to esound,   ya dont like it?05:49
elmagozizoumjkelly93, the sound isnt very good...any solutions?05:50
Mechcozmothat's what i wanted to know....05:50
TokenBadbesides network tools is there anything else in ubuntu that can do like traceroute?05:50
redguyMechcozmo: on install, when dhcp fails you can enter static IPs. Later you would have to edit /etc/network/interfaces05:50
mjkelly93elmagozizou, huh, nope havent heard that one yet05:50
killapopMechcozmo: network-admin gives u a gui to do it thru05:50
nickrudteferi, python-gnome2-extras-dev does not pull in python-gnome2-extras, do I need that as well?05:50
Mechcozmosee, DHCP is present05:50
IIIEarsMechcozmo - i have only a few eeks with linux so a GUI was mandatory. "Firestarter" firewall  is a snap.05:50
poutineDRI screen init failed, disabling DRI, hmm, should I remove DRI from my xorg.conf, I take it that was successful since it just was disabling it05:50
elmagozizoumjkelly93, ok...05:50
crimsunelmagozizou: what do you mean it's not very good?05:50
teferinickrud: it's an empty package, but grab it anyway, just in case(future-proofing, natch...)05:50
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IIIEarserm "Eeks" - oops . "Weeks"05:50
Mechcozmobut all computer that are fixed have static IPs05:50
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MelechorionGood morning, guys05:50
mjkelly93elmagozizou, is it only xmms or does the ubuntu sounds sound bad too?05:50
Mechcozmodon't need a firewall05:50
Mechcozmohave a Linksys router that does fine on it05:51
ColonelKernelall my linux boxes, regardless of distro, seem to be having dns resolution lags05:51
Mechcozmocan Ubuntu do any network serving?05:51
ColonelKernelit takes a bit to get the initial connection made05:51
poutineColonelKernel: Could be your nameservers05:51
thoreauputicMechcozmo: it isn't hard - you just give your IPs, gateway, masks rtc in the install05:51
DarkSpyinda n/qui05:51
Mechcozmolike Apache, etc05:51
ColonelKernelyeah but its not happening in windoze05:51
mjkelly93poutine, i get that error too, i wouldnt sweat that one05:51
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[2] BoxingFiendcolonel: disable IP6 lookup to speed up the process unless your DNS server supports IP605:51
IIIEarsMechcozmo - it will enable port forwarding DHCP and other services with a graphical interface. no text editing. - Whew05:51
Mechcozmobut if later I need to CHANGE the network info, i obviously don't need to reinstall to change those things05:51
poutinemjkelly93: Well any thoughts on how to fix or debug ths?05:51
thoreauputicMechcozmo: you can install apache no problem05:51
mjkelly93poutine, how far does it go? like u get the ubuntu splash screen and all?05:51
poutineit shows the strip05:52
ColonelKerneljoolz - if youre the guy who did those neat CS cheats, thanks for a few years of wasted time :D05:52
poutineand it plays the startup sound05:52
poutineand then it freezes05:52
MechcozmoOpen Office I assume also works nicely?05:52
poutinecaps lock key stops lighting when I press it05:52
ColonelKernel[2] BoxingFiend how do I do that?05:52
thoreauputicMechcozmo: changing static IPs is pretty trivial unless you have a big network05:52
Mechcozmogood to hear05:52
mjkelly93poutine, how many of the programs load on that script?  all of them?05:52
Mechcozmoinstallation is via apt-get or something?05:52
hypermodernistAnybody know where I can find a PHP 5 .deb?05:52
mjkelly93poutine, does it freeze on any of them?   did u have any complications during the install?05:53
thoreauputicMechcozmo: apt-get or synaptic (GUI)05:53
nickrudteferi, I interrupted an mplayer install earlier, I have about 30min to get all the things in the queue, so, I'll let you know when I've tested it05:53
poutinemjkelly93: nothing loads05:53
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zenroxok i have a quick question?? ok how do i mount a scvd mount -t iso9660 -o loop dont work05:53
poutineif there is supposed to be icons on that strip05:53
IIIEarsMechcozmo - "Bastille" is another good graphical interface for iptables.05:53
teferinickrud: like I said, I'm going to bed05:53
poutineit doesn't even get to that05:53
ColonelKerneli would google it but im in text mode right now05:53
ColonelKernelfresh install05:53
MechcozmoSynaptic is extremely easy to use, I assume?05:53
hybrid_gothColonelKernel: w3m google.com?05:53
MechcozmoI'm pretty much network-admin qualified with OS X and Windows05:53
Mechcozmobut i want to get into Linux05:54
mjkelly93poutine, yeah there is, like 5 of them are default... hmm id say its some kinda problem with gnome, but i couldnt even guess at it05:54
Mechcozmotried before, hated the distros05:54
hybrid_gothColonelKernel: text browser05:54
thoreauputicMechcozmo: synaptic is quite easy05:54
ColonelKernelim not too hot on text browsers05:54
ubotuI heard synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto05:54
poutineI'll try disabling sound05:54
Mechcozmohow is installation?05:54
Mechcozmowebsite said easy05:54
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nickrudteferi, good night, and, you can find me here most days about this time05:54
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poutineI didn't like the installation05:54
poutineit lies about progress05:55
mjkelly93poutine, what r u using now?  bitchx?05:55
Mechcozmobut the computer i'm going to install it on has WinXP on it05:55
poutinemjkelly93: irssi05:55
IIIEarsinstalling apps is a three mouse click affair with synaptic05:55
Mechcozmobut there are 4 partitions05:55
=== nickrud is salivating
MechcozmoXP's is NTFS05:55
Mechcozmoother 3 are FAT3205:55
[2] BoxingFiend!ip605:55
ubotu[2] BoxingFiend: I give up, what is it?05:55
mjkelly93poutine, try running a    sudo apt-get update05:55
Mechcozmoany foreseeable issues?05:55
La_PaRCaWhat driver should I use for an ATI Radeon 9200?05:55
Mechcozmoi don't want to loose my XP partition05:55
thoreauputicMechcozmo: ntfs is read-only except with special experimental stuff (captive ntfs)05:55
Mechcozmo(almost happened once.... not good)05:55
kevogodMechcozmo: There should be no problem.05:55
poutinemjkelly93: I *just* finished the install, and if I was paying attention correctly, it spent hours doing that05:55
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crimsunLa_PaRCa: either the open-source radeon or fglrx05:56
IIIEarsBoxingfiend - Be nice to the bot a slender database runs much faster.05:56
Mechcozmoso installation should be easy?05:56
mjkelly93poutine,     it still needs to upgrade more stuff then      like another 60 megs worth for me at least05:56
mjkelly93then   sudo apt-get upgrade05:56
La_PaRCacrimsun, is fglrx in universe or in the regular repos?05:56
kevogodMechcozmo: It is text-based, but simple.05:56
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Mechcozmothat's fine05:56
crimsunLa_PaRCa: restricted. See wiki/BinaryDriverHowto05:56
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Melechorionwith windows u can do everything05:56
nickrudIf I hadn't sworn off programming, this little thing might actually make me want to learn python05:56
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La_PaRCacrimsun, is restricted on by default?05:57
mjkelly93poutine, ur install took hours?   are u on highspeed?05:57
crimsunLa_PaRCa: yes05:57
IIIEarsnickrud - infonbot?05:57
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thoreauputicMechcozmo: be aware you can have a maximum of 4 primary partitions05:57
Melechorionif u want to learn python help us - www.inselnderwinde.de05:57
Mechcozmothat's the number I have05:57
nickrudI can actually read it05:57
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zenroxok i have a quick question?? ok how do i mount a scvd mount -t iso9660 -o loop dont work i am mounting a local iso file05:57
Mechcozmohate that whole partition thing05:57
mjkelly93anyone wanna help with an fglrx problem???   i have the module installed and everything, just need some help with an xorg.log file....     anyone?05:57
kevinnickrud: I sore off of programming for one reason; I didn't start using pc's till 5 years ago05:58
kevogodMechcozmo: I assume you are going to format one of those FAT32 partitions as EXT3?05:58
thoreauputicMechcozmo: one of those would need to be an extended partition to fit Linux in05:58
zenroxmjkelly93,  read the howto on the forums05:58
Mechcozmothere are 4 partitions05:58
Mechcozmoso... shouldn't have an issue05:58
nickrudIIIEars, no, http://wmute.net/~teferi/evo-mail-notify.py05:58
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mjkelly93zenrox, im very far passed the howto on the forums05:58
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kevogodMechcozmo: You will have to choose a partition to format for Ubuntu.05:59
nickrudkevin, lol, I stopped programming nearly 20 years ago05:59
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Mechcozmokevogod: I'll assume that is easy to do and when started into XP nothing will happen to it?05:59
kevogodIt will not be FAT32 after you format it.05:59
thoreauputicMechcozmo: if they are all primaries, one of them would need to be formatted for linux05:59
Mechcozmothats fine05:59
zenroxmjkelly93, the howto will tell you what to edit05:59
IIIEarsnickrud - that would be handy05:59
mjkelly93zenrox, if u would like to take a look at how far passed i am:   http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4952605:59
Mechcozmodont care if it gets reformatted... not doing much anyways05:59
Zerboxxthoreauputic: When you have a chance, mind answering some partition based questions for me?05:59
kevogodMechcozmo: Windows XP will work fine.05:59
Mechcozmoactually partitioned it with this in mind05:59
thoreauputicZerboxx: just sk and if someone knows they will answer05:59
mjkelly93zenrox, its not about editing...   the modules is reading a device at pci bus 1:2:1 and 1:2:0... when my xorg.conf only points at 1:2:006:00
[2] BoxingFiend!interface06:00
ubotu[2] BoxingFiend: No idea06:00
kevogodUbuntu adds Windows XP to the boot list in GRUB automatically.06:00
MechcozmoXP will be fine, but it wiped my HFS+ USB thumbdrive once without asking me06:00
=== digitalfox [~urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
erudeyeideei can't get my root user06:00
ColonelKernelso what was the solution to my ip6 problem?06:00
erudeyeideewhere i can get?06:00
Mechcozmowill it do that to the partition?06:00
ubotuColonelKernel: Are you smoking crack?06:00
kevinnickrud: if I had the understanding of even one program fro programming I might give it a shot but.... you know... dislexia and programming don't mix and match too well06:00
ColonelKernelno, just weed06:00
zenroxmjkelly93,  then tell xorg to use 1:2:106:00
erudeyeideegive me the link again06:00
zenroxthats probly your vid card06:00
Melechorionbut u have to install windows first, than ubuntu06:00
Mechcozmoits ok06:00
mjkelly93zenrox, but my card is on 1:2:006:00
MechcozmoXP is already installed06:00
ZerboxxWell I'm currently have XP on it's own, 2 partitions (C:\ and D:\ for all my docs n music n videos), I want to remove XP, replace it with Ubuntu, and change my D:\ to my /home, how easy will this be to do?06:00
zenroxmjkelly93, you look at the xorg log file06:01
=== richard_ [~richard@] has joined #ubuntu
kevogodYou don't have to. You can add the Chainloader stuff into Grub manually.06:01
Mechcozmoisn't GRUB the bootloader?06:01
mjkelly93zenrox, yes i have plenty of times06:01
IIIEarsMechcozmo - My windows installation gets virus infected so frequently and it's reinstall fdisks everything. using a seperate Disk for ubuntu is a good idea06:01
zenroxmjkelly93,  ok06:01
Mechcozmoit does that automagically06:01
kevogodMechcozmo: Yes, it is.06:01
zenroxmjkelly93,  any thage else like errors06:01
kevogodMechcozmo: I was just saying you could install Windows second.06:01
erudeyeideei has just install ubuntu n got no root pass06:01
erudeyeideewhere i can get that?06:02
Zerboxxerudeyeidee: It's your main user's password06:02
zenroxmjkelly93,  i need to know the error it spits out at you06:02
MechcozmoIIIEars: i don't have a seperate disk, sorry, but I rarely reinstall XP06:02
kevogoderudeyeidee: Ubuntu uses the Sudo setup.06:02
mjkelly93zenrox,  there are no EE errors in the xorg.log file besides one that talks about DRI and thats not relevant06:02
Mechcozmoits fresh right now at least06:02
nickrudkevin, I hear you06:02
kevogoderudeyeidee: The root account is disabled.06:02
kevogoderudeyeidee: It uses the Mac OS X type of security.06:02
kevinerudeyeidee: sudo su and then password for user06:02
mjkelly93zenrox, my beliefe is that the computer hangs before it spits those errors out, like a hard hang that i cant alt ctrl f1 out of06:02
MechcozmoGRUB is configured automagically?06:02
kevogodMechcozmo: Yes.06:02
zenroxmjkelly93, coment out the line for dri06:02
erudeyeideesow sudo?06:02
Melechorionnow i'll go to the baker -.-06:02
Mechcozmowell the torrent is sucking it down now06:02
IIIEarsI'm new to linux but beginning to come around to the idea of  a linux only home06:02
=== Melechorion is now known as Mele|BakenSomeBl
=== jorgp [~jorgp@bnet-dial2-228.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
zenroxmjkelly93, didja do a modprob06:03
kevinin a terminal window06:03
mjkelly93zenrox,  i have that error right now in this loading of X11 and its running fine06:03
kevintype in sudo su06:03
jorgpanyone know why \C<Up> would not bind correctly in mutt, #mutt is dead06:03
=== Liudy [~ldy@] has joined #ubuntu
mjkelly93zenrox,    ill do u one better and show the part of my kern.log here:06:03
nickrudkevin, better is sudo -s06:03
zenroxmjkelly93,  past in in a msg to me06:03
Mechcozmofaster than their server?06:03
kevinoh, okay I will remember that nickrud06:03
=== emX|away is now known as emX
erudeyeideeso, can i get my root pass with current user?06:04
Mechcozmowhat's the format that Ubuntu uses?06:04
=== richard_ is now known as Aegir
ZerboxxI currently am running an XP only box, 2 partitions (C:\ (windows), and D:\ (Docs)) I want to replace C:\ with ubuntu, and change d:\ with /home, so I keep all the documents/music/videos I have on that partition.  Is this possible to do, and if so, is it "relatively" easy?06:04
=== Pixel83 [~pixel@p54AABB96.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
kevogodMechcozmo: Format as in what?06:04
jasoncoheni think i asked this before, but does anyone know why the boot-admin program isn't packaged with gnome-system-tools like it is on debian?06:04
Mechcozmosorry, hard drive format06:04
thoreauputicMechcozmo: file system can be ext3, reiserfs, jfs, xfs06:04
kevogodThe default is ext3.06:04
kevinyeyou are root, just type in sudo -s in a terminal and it will ask for pass and you type in your user pass06:05
Mechcozmoi'll stick with that then...06:05
Burgundaviajasoncohen, turned back in breezy06:05
thoreauputicMechcozmo: most people accept the default ext306:05
Mechcozmois there are major difference between those four however?06:05
kevogodI personally like ReiserFS.06:05
Burgundaviajasoncohen, no idea why it wasn't packaged06:05
IIIEarsJasoncohen - sounds interesting do you know the app name?06:05
BurgundaviaMechcozmo, stick with ext3, it is more stable06:05
=== sizzam [~sizzam@ip65.220.23.209.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicMechcozmo: this is material for holy wars ;)06:05
kevogodReiserFS is the fastest!06:05
ugoyeah ReiserFS is cool06:05
BurgundaviaReiserfs4 may be the fastest, but it is also the newest06:06
Mechcozmoi was thinking about HFS, HFS+, and HFSX06:06
thoreauputickevogod: minix forever!!06:06
sizzamim trying to compile and install nzbget.  during ./configure, i fail with the following:     checking for inflate in -lz... no06:06
Mechcozmowhen you said that06:06
elmagozizouIs it posible to play mp3s on xine?06:06
jasoncohenIIIEars, it's gnome's tool for administering grub/lilo06:06
Mechcozmoso was wondering06:06
sizzamany idea how to get around that?06:06
IIIEarsthoreauputic - reiserfs and emacs. - sly grin06:06
jasoncohenand it's called boot-admin06:06
ugovery good for laptops too06:06
elmagozizoui try but it close the program06:06
jasoncohenBurgundavia, you sure, i just checked breezy and it's not showing up06:06
emXZerboxx: you shouldn't mount a Windows drive as your home, although you could easily mount or link to it from *within* your home directory06:06
joolzColonelKerne: "CS cheats"?06:06
Mechcozmohow well does Ubuntu run on older hardware?06:06
thoreauputicelmagozizou: xine will play just about anything06:06
nickrudkevin, this time I was right, but, look at my advice thru a lens :)06:06
kevogodMechcozmo: It should work fine.06:06
thoreauputicMechcozmo: that depends...06:06
Burgundaviajasoncohen, shows up on my machine06:06
kevinummmmmm okay06:06
MechcozmoPII 350MHz?06:07
jasoncohenBurgundavia, http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=boot-admin&searchmode=searchfilesanddirs&case=insensitive&version=breezy&arch=i38606:07
ZerboxxemX: I don't want to mount it as my home, I want to change it from ntfs to ext3 so it can be my home, but I want to keep all the files on that partition06:07
[2] BoxingFiendmech: i run ubuntu on a p3 833 and 384 megs of ram at work... works well06:07
emXZerboxx: you can do that, but you'd have to first copy all the files off of it, then reformat it, then copy the files back.06:07
thoreauputicMechcozmo: on really old hardware you need to use lighter apps and window managers06:07
Burgundaviajasoncohen, it is part of gnome-system-tools06:07
Mechcozmoi have a spare PIII 500MHz 384MB (or is it 512MB?)06:07
[2] BoxingFiendmech:  p2 should be fine, just get a 32megs or more pci nvidia graphic card and you will be fine06:07
thoreauputicMechcozmo: should be fine06:07
elmagozizouthoreauputic, yeap but mp3s close the program...thats why im asking06:07
jasoncohenBurgundavia, yeah- but if you check that link i pasted you'll see there's no boot-admin binary06:07
=== nickrud is no guru, but is exceedingly happy at the moment
Mechcozmoand a PII 350MHz 64MB RAM06:08
Burgundaviajasoncohen, there is on my machine06:08
kevogodYou might want to consider XFCE if it is antique.06:08
=== ScislaC [~scislac@ip68-2-249-199.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Burgundaviajasoncohen, packages.ubuntu.com sometimes lags behind06:08
thoreauputicMechcozmo: 64MB RAM isn't enough for gnome06:08
syndMechcozmo, i have it run awesome on a p3 650 with 128MB06:08
kevogod(as the Desktop Environment)06:08
[2] BoxingFiendi would use fluxbox on an older machine06:08
Zerboxxemx: Alright, not too tough to do, I assume, how is partitioning handled in ubuntu? or is it just as "dangerous" as it is made to seem in xp?06:08
jasoncohenBurgundavia, dpkg -L gnome-system-tools shows /usr/bin/boot-admin ?06:08
IIIEarsMechcozmo - Fluxbox and XFCE4 are popular and can be innstalled using synaptic06:08
syndMechcozmo, but use XFCE4 or flux06:08
La_PaRCaubotu tell me about codecs06:08
Burgundaviajasoncohen, yes06:08
Mechcozmoi'll get used to Ubuntu then try those other ones06:08
syndubuntu itself isnt a DM06:09
[2] BoxingFiendla_parca unbuntuguide.org has a nice write up on codec06:09
emXZerboxx: partitioning is always 'dangerous', insofar as you can easily goof up your data -- be sure to back it up first.06:09
=== Zerboxx_ [~zerboxx@d57-203-244.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
kevinnickrud: me thinks me wife is ready for bed, night and see you all tomorrow06:09
=== norris [~norris@user-1120j8v.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
syndMechcozmo, gnome is the DM on ubuntu06:09
Mechcozmosynd: eh?  DM?06:09
jasoncohenBurgundavia, i guess it does lag behind- see http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=gnome-system-tools&searchmode=filelist&case=insensitive&version=breezy&arch=i38606:09
Burgundavia[2] BoxingFiend, please don't recommend the ubuntuguide06:09
Mechcozmodesktop manager06:09
syndMechcozmo, desktop manager06:09
Zerboxx_emx: if you replied to my last comment, I didn't see it, sorry06:09
emXZerboxx: partitioning is always 'dangerous', insofar as you can easily goof up your data -- be sure to back it up first.06:09
IIIEarsG'nite - kevin.06:09
La_PaRCa[2] BoxingFiend, thanks, but I just needed something that I knew was specifically there06:09
AegirWell, GNOME is a Window manager. GDM is the Desktop manager06:09
Zerboxx_emx: thanks!06:09
BurgundaviaLa_PaRCa, wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:09
AegirBut they're kinda one and the same anyway06:10
thoreauputicMechcozmo: there's a whole bunch of alternatives - see  http://xwinman.org06:10
parabolizeAegir: gnome isn't a window manager06:10
nickrudkevin, good night06:10
identphas anyone installed the new KDE 3.4.1 ?06:10
Zerboxx_emX: On a clean install, approximately how much room does Ubuntu take up?06:10
IIIEarsthoreauputic - nice link06:10
Aegirparabolize, Yeah, spose so06:10
crimsunidentp: see the topic of #kubuntu06:10
syndZerboxx_, depends06:10
BurgundaviaZerboxx_, 1.8 gb06:10
AegirBut GDM is the desktop manager06:10
Zerboxx_Burgundavia: Thanks :D06:10
parabolizemetacity is06:10
syndZerboxx_, default is almost 2g06:10
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emXZerboxx_: i don't usualy use the deafult; if space is a concern, it can easily come in below 1GB06:11
Aegirparabolize, I stand corrected, I often refer to GTK, Metacity, and the software itself as Gnome, and being the Window manager. Tad incorrect, but eh.06:11
=== IcemanV9 [~nobody@ppp-68-20-4-201.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
identpcrimsun, yes that is what prompted me to do so, i am having trouble installing and #kubuntu is pretty quiet06:11
Mechcozmowell, Ubuntu if i know it to be correct, is like the other Linux distros where you have the shell behind it all06:11
=== dopplerT [~tporcella@adsl-68-125-49-32.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mechcozmoand the DM is a program06:12
Zerboxx_emX: If I were doing a clean insatll, space isn't a problem, but the way I have things set up for my XP box, it may be....I just don't want to have to rip all these cds again06:12
jasoncohenLa_PaRCa, if you want info on how to easily install multimedia codecs see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia06:12
Mechcozmowhich runs other programs(?)06:12
IIIEarsubotu windowmanagers is http://xwinman.org/ Feel the power of open software and choices.06:12
ubotuokay, IIIEars06:12
HrdwrBoBMechcozmo: init runs which runs other programs06:12
emXZerboxx_: can you back the ripped files up to DVD or a different computer via the network?06:12
thoreauputicMechcozmo: gdm and kdm are kind of login managers for the GUI06:12
La_PaRCagod, I ask about codecs because I need the link to the repositories article and I get flooded.06:12
Zerboxx_emX: Not until September06:12
HrdwrBoBMechcozmo: init starts all the daemons etc, including GDM, which starts X which starts gnome-session which starts metacity+gnome-panel etc06:12
=== ColonelKernel [~ishai@24-205-124-191.bb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mechcozmogot it06:13
=== IcemanV9 is saddened by the death of OS/2 in 2006
=== Une-ga-dihi [~DrFate@] has joined #ubuntu
jasoncohenBurgundavia, i wonder when boot-admin was added. i don't see anything in the changelog06:13
MechcozmoOS/2 was good... but not good enough06:13
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IIIEars<<- still laments the passing of CPM? - grin06:13
memoryleekany k3b users have problems burning .iso images??06:13
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emXZerboxx_: i see.06:14
=== thoreauputic hopes to live to see a similar announcement about Windows
poutinemjkelly93: I ran the update, to no avail06:14
Mechcozmo<<--still mourns the Happy Mac06:14
Zerboxx_Another question regarding a fresh defaul isntall of ubuntu, how does the auto-partitioning work? how much goes to swap, and all that? (if there is a %)06:14
Burgundaviajasoncohen, it was always there, just left out at compile time06:14
=== Orborde [Orborde@dial-109-201-11-01.ind.iquest.net] has joined #ubuntu
poutineI selected "session" and clicked failsafe gnome, and it froze right after I clicked it too06:14
kevogodmemoryleeK: Works fine for me.06:14
IIIEarsmemoryleak - windows prefers the joliet extensions for it's CDs06:14
jasoncohenBurgundavia, and no reason was mentioned for leaving it out?06:14
mjkelly93poutine,   why did it take u so long to install?06:14
Burgundaviajasoncohen, no idea06:14
memoryleekkevo did you change any settings06:14
memoryleekIIIEars: what's that?06:14
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nickrudMechcozmo, look into /etc/rcS.d, which runs before /etc/rc2.d06:15
Mechcozmonickrud: for what?06:15
nickrudIIIEars, you really that old ;)06:15
poutinemjkelly93: because I'm on wireless06:15
=== nashife [~nashife@c-24-21-147-122.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudMechcozmo, for the things that init runs06:15
mjkelly93poutine, ahh i c06:16
IIIEarsanother solid reason i use gnomebaker - musta burned a dozen coasers with the wrong options ( i'm new - lol)06:16
=== enum [~enum@ip-207-145-127-226.lax.megapath.net] has joined #ubuntu
IIIEarsmy first computer was an "Eagle II"06:16
Mechcozmomy first was a Mac Plus06:16
poutineThis is a HP pavilion zv6000US, AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 2ghz w/ 512 megs ram, 128 dedicated ATI radeon xpress 200m06:16
poutineif it helps06:16
nickrudIIIEars, that thing was not even ibm compatible, if I remember right06:16
IIIEarsgot a commodore 64 a bit later06:16
memoryleekmy first puter was an atari...but i was about 3 at the time06:17
Burgundaviajasoncohen, I suspect the reason is that is not the most user-friendly app06:17
poutineApple IIgs here06:17
OrbordeI need help setting up a Win98-Ubuntu network over a crossover cable.06:17
IIIEarsnope - worse neither was it a main stream CPM - lol06:17
mjkelly93poutine,  i really dont know what to tell ya      u can try a    grep EE /var/log/*06:17
nickrudah, the atari 800, my second06:17
=== thoreauputic remembers trying to write assembler on a PDP-11
mjkelly93see if anything pops out there06:17
regeyaa crossover cable!  the important thing is to wire the cable correctly.06:17
enumquestion.. I have windows 2000 pro located on /dev/sda2.. I added the approipriate lines to lilo.conf, and I get "error loading opertating system" note:  this was a cut and past from my previous linux os ( same partitioning )06:17
=== Mechcozmo remembers having to plug in the hard drive because sometimes the power cable fell out
regeyathoreauputic, you're totally old. ;-)06:17
Mechcozmoit was external06:17
=== regeya runs!
poutinenothing :(06:18
thoreauputicregeya: yep06:18
Mechcozmo100MB of pure space06:18
nickrudthe best keyboard, except for the clicky ibm one06:18
Mechcozmo8MHz of power06:18
Mechcozmothe first Macs had great keyboard which made springy noises06:18
mjkelly93poutine,   there was none at all?06:18
Orborderegeya: Yeah, I messed that up at first. Now they're talking to each other, but I'm not getting Fun Windoze Services.06:18
=== memoryleek remembers apple logo
regeyaand I feel old because some "computer professionals" have never heard of a TRS-8006:18
IIIEarsmy first linux was a stab at RH 5.0 (it lasted a few hours before bieng erased with great prejudice.)06:18
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=== eltino [~eltino@ALamentin-101-1-10-29.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
regeyaapple logo!06:18
=== Madpilot remember some little tape-recorder-using computer. If you bumped the table, it would crash...
OrbordeOh, wait. Scratch that. It works now. JK. Ignore me. I'm an idiot.06:19
=== darmou_ is now known as darmou
La_PaRCaYou kids these days, when I was young we didnt have "keyboards"06:19
MadpilotI was about 4 or 5 when Dad got that...06:19
IIIEarsMadpilot - lol06:19
thoreauputicregeya: affectionately known as Trash-80 ;)06:19
=== memoryleek has seen pictures of punch card computers...
=== Chubster [~Josh@rhhe21-115.2wcm.comporium.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Mechcozmo is probably the youngest here
nashifeis anyone here willing to give me (linux newbie girl) some one-on-one help figuring out if I have bad blocks on my hard discs? Ubuntu won't reliably start up and I don't know what it means to unmount my disk in order to run fsck.  the friend I usually ask to help me is frustrated with how I don't know anything and don't understand what he means when he tells me to do something, so I'm looking for someone else who's patient and could06:19
nashifehelp me learn how to use badblocks or fsck.06:19
=== Mechcozmo used the Mac Plus at age 6
=== Isee might be younger
IIIEarsTRS-80 - $2,700 nicely equipped06:19
eltinoa girl asking for one on one?06:19
poutinemjkelly93: just the DRI thing I said earlier06:19
=== ColonelKernel [~ishai@24-205-124-191.bb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpiloteltino: can it.06:20
nashifeeltino, yeah one-on-one06:20
mjkelly93ok    well that kinda makes things a little hard when theres no errors to show06:20
=== Zerboxx_ is now known as Zerboxx
mjkelly93maybe try shutting down X and restarting it?06:20
jasoncohennashife, when you boot up, does fsck say that your file system is corrupted and needs to be checked?06:20
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IIIEarsa 20 megabyte hard drive was vast06:21
nickrudIIIEars, lol, I put over 3,500 into my atari 800, a 93k drive, a color monitor, and a printer :)06:21
Mechcozmoi have 100MB of space06:21
ZerboxxemX: Thanks for your help, I think what I'll do is wait until I can..."borrow" a friends computer to transfer files over, then clean install, and take'em back06:21
Mechcozmo9" B&W monitor06:21
Mechcozmo800KB floppies were the limit though06:21
nashifejasoncohen, I don't think so. i would have remembered the word 'corrupted' or soemthing.  it doesn't boot up at all for a while. hangs at "starting ubuntu". then randomly it continues after i power down. last time it rebooted, gave me an error I didn't write down, and dropped me into a root user prompt. (!!!)06:21
nickrudMechcozmo, an S100 bus machine?06:22
Mechcozmoi must leave06:22
jasoncohennashife, when did this start happening?06:22
Mechcozmono nickrud06:22
IIIEarsvisicalc was a ram/processor hog. (most jpg files are larger than it is)06:22
MechcozmoMac Plus06:22
nashifethen i typed 'exit' and it finally loaded the rest of ubuntu.06:22
nashifeit started this today.06:22
=== kg6gfq__ [~chatzilla@c-24-5-89-36.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilota friend still has a 650Mb drive in daily use. You could fit the *entire* thing on one CD...06:22
Mechcozmo1MB of RAM, 8MHz 68000, 800KB floppy drive06:22
=== krischan [~krischan@p54B81BD4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
nashifebefore today, it would occaisionally restart randomly and I thought it was overheating... so I have a new fan and i'm watching the temp06:22
nickrudMechcozmo, k06:22
Mechcozmo100MB external SCSI drive06:23
Mechcozmoit still runs06:23
nashifebut it rebooted randomly today, and that's when it wouldn't boot up successfully06:23
Mechcozmoi have it right here06:23
IIIEarsMadpilot - thats cool. - You can't wear them out.06:23
Madpilotnashife: I had something similar happen. turned out to be a bad motherboard06:23
thoreauputicMechcozmo: luxury ;-)06:23
emXZerboxx: ok; good luck.06:23
Mechcozmono kiddin'06:23
nickrudMechcozmo, I can remember envying you06:23
Mechcozmoi must leave06:23
Mechcozmoafter the torrent is over my Powerbook is taking a sleep06:23
Mechcozmonickrud: my friend's first computer was a K206:23
nashifeMadpilot, yick... bad motherboard...?  it's possible for me. all my hardware is pretty old and basically parts from friends06:23
slavehow do you burn .iso file to cd "setup for installation cd" ?06:23
=== Une-ga-dihi [~DrFate@] has joined #ubuntu
Mechcozmobut by that time i had the fastest video card on the block06:24
Mechcozmoincluding his06:24
La_PaRCaslave, right click->burn to cd06:24
nashifeso, can someone help me learn how to use fsck?06:24
jasoncohennashife, and what did your friend tell you to do. sounds like you need to run fsck from a failsafe mode06:24
Mechcozmonashlife: don't fsck unprotected!06:24
Mechcozmognight everybody06:24
=== anggie_aqr [~anggie_aq@] has joined #ubuntu
Mechcozmo(conversation dies)06:24
Madpilotnashife: ouch. mine was brand-new and still covered by warrenty, thank Dog...06:24
Mechcozmo(damnit i always do that)06:24
slaveLa_PaRCA, thanks ! let me try out06:25
anggie_aqrhow to find out our ubuntu version, iam newbie linux either ubuntu06:25
nashifeMadpilot, he told me to go into 'single user mode' and run it. but i don't know what that means, and he got annoyed with me when I asked him to step-by-step explain it.06:25
nashifeso i came here.06:25
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thoreauputicanggie_aqr: type   cat /etc/issue in a terminal06:25
nickrudnashife, telinit 1 will get you single user mode06:25
nashifeer, that last msg was for jasoncohen06:25
anggie_aqrok i`ll try06:25
Madpilotnashife: if it is hardware, you're out of luck. but try fsck, it won't hurt.06:26
nickrud*sudo telinit 106:26
naliothnashife: there is a hard drive monitoring suite, if you want to look at that "smartmontoold"06:26
thoreauputicanggie_aqr: to get a terminal right click the desktop and choose it from the menu that pops up06:26
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naliothdamn i'm slow06:26
IcemanV9ubuntu -version doesn't work?? :p06:27
nickrudthere's a lot of lag right now06:27
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anggie_aqrits reply no such file or directory, thore\06:27
abarbacciahey guys, are some of the ubuntu repositories down?06:27
anggie_aqrsorry i got typos with your nick06:27
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nickrudabarbaccia, the us ones seem to always be donw06:27
thoreauputicanggie_aqr: are you sure you typed it right?06:27
Burgundaviaabarbaccia, the us ones are iffy right now06:27
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anggie_aqryes \06:28
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thoreauputicanggie_aqr:  cat /etc/issue06:28
nashifeeeep. someone could have told me what that was going to do...06:28
abarbacciaalright - thanks guys - just making sure its not my connection....06:28
thoreauputicanggie_aqr: well, if it's ubuntu that file must exist :)06:28
anggie_aqrUbuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" \n \l06:28
ColonelKernelim still having problems with initial DNS resolution on things, its taking a bit06:28
thoreauputicanggie_aqr: aha06:28
anggie_aqrthats worked06:28
ColonelKernelits almost instantaneous on windoze06:28
thoreauputicanggie_aqr: OK that's current06:28
crimsunanggie_aqr: lsb_release -a06:28
nickrudnashife, what's 'that'?06:28
ColonelKernelnot so good at all in ubuntu06:29
anggie_aqrthe mean, i have latest version or what?06:29
[2] BoxingFiendcolonel: you have try disabling ip6 in firefox?06:29
ksmurfok I wrote a script and made it u+x and placed it in the init.d folder and did an update ..defaults99.  The script won't start but will start in sessions?  anyone know what I'm doing wrong?06:29
thoreauputiccrimsun: canonically correct but I neer remember it :)06:29
nashifesomeone here just told me that a command like tinit 1 or something would put me in single user mode... and I didn't know what that would do, so I tried it...06:29
naliothnashife: are you concerned with your hard drive?06:29
ColonelKernelI have - this is not a firefox thing, its a system wide thing06:29
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nickrudksmurf, may I pm you?06:29
SDFH_Linuxhow you get kde desktop06:29
nashifenalioth, yeah i'm worried.  I can't afford to replace much, so I want to scan it and make sure it's usable... or start looking for a cheap replacement.06:30
anggie_aqrthoreauputic: is this ubuntu 5.04 is the lattest version?06:30
[2] BoxingFienddo a cat /etc/modprobe.d/aliases under net-pf-10 change from ip6 to off and reboot06:30
thoreauputicanggie_aqr: yes06:30
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nashifeso, what was that command again to get into single user mode?  that kills everything except for root right?06:30
thoreauputicanggie_aqr: except for the unstable development version06:30
nashifei'll write it down this time06:30
naliothnashife: install "smartmontools" and run 'smartctl'06:30
anggie_aqrso the mean, i can connect my usb flash disc automatically (no need mount manually), right?06:31
naliothnashife: smartctl will read the S.M.A.R.T data from your HD06:31
thoreauputicnashife: sudo telinit 106:31
ColonelKernelalias net-pf-10 ipv6 off <--- did that already06:31
[2] BoxingFiendcolonel no should read alias net-pf-10 off06:31
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nashifenalioth, is smartctl gui?06:32
thoreauputicanggie_aqr: usb usually just works, yes06:32
naliothnashife: no it is terminal06:32
nashifenalioth, what's different about it vs fsck?06:32
anggie_aqrthanks for your help thoreauputic06:32
thoreauputicanggie_aqr: no problem :)06:32
nashifecan i use it from my regular session? or do i also need to be in single user mode?06:33
anggie_aqroh yeah, once again, where can i d/l ubuntu version for live cd?06:33
naliothnashife: S.M.A.R.T hard drives keep a record of faults and operating status to an onboard recorder06:33
anggie_aqrtheres a live cd, isnt it?06:33
naliothnashife: fsck checks data integrity06:33
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naliothnashife: smartctl can be run anywhere06:33
parabolizeI am having trouble with a UMS device on a specific computer. I am searching for somebody with the same errors but can't find anyone. Here is my post on the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4959706:34
nashifeso, what is smartctl used for? it's not for checking integrity? it just logs stuff?06:34
anggie_aqris there any live cd version?06:34
nashifeer, smartmontools?06:34
anggie_aqrlike knoppix?06:34
jasoncohenBurgundavia, i just compiled gnome-system-tools from breezy and installed it but boot-admin isn't installed06:34
IIIEarsanggie_aqr - yes there is06:34
thoreauputicanggie_aqr: yes06:34
anggie_aqrthank you everyone06:34
jasoncohenBurgundavia, what version of gnome-system-tools do you have?06:34
Madpilotanggie_aqr: yes. ubuntu.com06:34
anggie_aqryou`re so helpfull06:34
naliothnashife: smartctl basically has the HD bring out its log of HARDWARE status06:35
anggie_aqrhappy helping06:35
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naliothnashife: smartctl will tell you if your HD is having a hardware failure06:35
bluefoxicydoes bugzilla.ubuntu.com contain no data for anyone else06:35
IIIEarsanggie_aqr - We certainly try - if you want surly you need to try the #RedHat channel. - lol06:35
bluefoxicyit's frequently down for me.06:35
nashifenalioth, ok. so I should run those tools before running fsck? or instead of?06:35
La_PaRCawhere is Xorg.conf located?06:35
naliothIIIEars: i thought it was #debians turn this week for "surly"06:35
naliothnashife: run both06:36
crimsunbluefoxicy: definitely contains data for me06:36
naliothnashife: they complement each other06:36
IIIEarsnalioth - Oops - erm i didn't get the memo06:36
mmc_greetings on the channel... i'm new to IRC so... i have an ubuntu config question if anyone has time06:36
[2] BoxingFiendwhat sup mmc06:36
Burgundaviajasoncohen, 1.3.006:36
naliothmmc_: ask away06:36
mmc_boxing and nalioth... i want to hook up an "old school" iomega paralell port zip drive06:36
mmc_not sure where to start06:37
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naliothmmc_: first thing is to plug it in :)06:37
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mmc_nalioth... k... not quite THAT noobs... <grin>06:37
bluefoxicyok got it.06:38
IIIEarsmmc_ - then maybe lspci - l  - is that right?06:38
naliothmmc_: ubuntu will either 'see' it and mount whatever disk you put in, or it won't and you'll have to configurate06:38
IIIEarsAh well - i am a newb - never mind06:38
mmc_nalioth... would it mount to /mnt??? cause nothing there06:39
barlasG'morning IIIEars :-p06:39
[2] BoxingFiendafter plugging it in, under System -> Admin -> Device Manager, under the zip drive, Advance tab what /dev/hd?? is it listed as06:39
naliothmmc_: ubuntu mounts most things (in my experience) to /media06:39
mmc_let me chk... brb06:39
jasoncohenBurgundavia, i installed 1.3.0 on hoary and i don't have a boot-admin06:40
jasoncoheni removed hoary's gnome-system-tools and built a new package with checkinstall06:40
bluefoxicythere, bug #12772 submitted.06:40
[2] BoxingFiendanyknow if the original zip drive still uses ppa module or imm?06:40
bluefoxicydoesn't this channel have a bot that states new bugs :/06:41
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mmc_nothing listed under device manager06:41
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naliothmmc_: i see you are in good hands with [2] BoxingFiend06:41
[2] BoxingFienddo a lsmod | grep "imm|ppa"06:41
mmc_nalioth... thanks and peace to u, brother06:42
bimberi[2] BoxingFiend: ppa (mine's the parallel port model)06:42
mmc_boxingfiend... let me try that lsmod...06:42
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[2] BoxingFiendwow... jazip package includes a nice gui part of universe06:43
benplautwow... it's quiet in here today...06:43
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mmc_got no response to lsmod06:44
thoreauputicbenplaut: a temporary calm :)06:44
mmc_boxingfiend... what's jazip06:44
nickruda lull between the wonderful storms06:44
[2] BoxingFienddo you have universe unlocked under /etc/apt/sources.list?06:44
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thoreauputicbenplaut: you missed the entertainment provided by one "wonderland" some hopurs back...06:45
mmc_boxingfiend... i just did a standard install... ur a little over my head at the moment06:45
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sizzamanyone here use NZBGet?06:45
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[2] BoxingFiend!sources.list06:45
ubotuI haven't a clue, [2] BoxingFiend06:45
ubotusources is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto06:45
erudeyehow to mount partition so the user can access, not only root06:46
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[2] BoxingFiendcheck out that link mmc and then install jazip package06:46
naliothsizzam: what is nzbget?06:46
erudeyehello, need help :D06:46
sizzamits an app to handle nzb files - basicall xml postlists for newsgroups06:47
erudeyeabout mounting06:47
nalioths_dogerudeye: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partitions mount automatically06:47
[2] BoxingFiendfound this i thought i share... www.serbaniaotic.com/TomKillsOprah.mov06:47
crimsun[2] BoxingFiend: keep the off-topic stuff in #ubuntu-offtopic, please06:47
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naliothsizzam: did you need help with it, or were just asking?06:47
mmc_boxingfiend... checkig out the repositories link... will chk back w/ questions06:48
sizzami need help with the configuration file for it06:48
mmc_boxingfiend... thanks and peace to you06:48
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ksmurfcan anyone help me with configuring my wacom inside xorg.conf06:48
naliothsizzam: i use Pan for my nntp, (cuz they dont do nzb's)06:48
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sizzami was using nzbperl, but im having trouble getting all of the required perl modules for it06:49
erudeyei don't want mounting forever, just right now :D06:49
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arui want mounting forever06:50
drcodedd2hi all06:50
naliothsizzam: the perl mods aren't in the repos?06:50
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drcodedd2how I get back to packge installed menu ?06:50
drcodedd2I want to check if gnome is installed06:50
sizzamnalioth: some are, theres a list of about 20 of them06:51
thoreauputicdrcodedd2: there is no package called gnome afaik06:51
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thoreauputicdrcodedd2: and it should be obvious if gnome is installed ;)06:51
drcodedd2I think it didnt installed it06:52
naliothsizzam: so have you installed all the perl mods you've found in the repos?06:52
thoreauputicdrcodedd2: I stand corrected - there is indeed a gnome package06:52
sizzamnalioth:  i havent done it on this install, let me run through it and see how it goes06:52
thoreauputicdrcodedd2: why do you think this?06:52
nickrudcan someone teach me how to cleanly exit a channel created by right clicking a nick in xchat?06:52
naliothnickrud: you mean a private message window?06:53
Madpilotnickrud: /part [name of channel]  ?06:53
nickrudnalioth, yes06:53
thoreauputicdrcodedd2: if it's because you can't get the desktop to start, your problem is elsewhere06:53
Madpilotnickrud: ah, nvrmnd...06:53
nickrudMadpilot, tried that :)06:53
naliothnickrud: right click on the tab with the user nick in it and click close06:53
drcodedd2it say no X file06:53
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ksmurfis it one & or 2 && to send a command to the background?06:54
thoreauputicdrcodedd2: did you do a standard install ?06:54
nickrudnalioth, does that really close it, for real, I'm not real comfortable that that works06:54
dafinaksmurf: one &06:54
drcodedd2I will try to reinstall it06:54
ksmurfdafine and at the end right?06:54
[2] BoxingFiend& for backgroup, && for an AND operator06:54
thoreauputicdrcodedd2: what does the command  "which X" return? (without the quote marks)06:55
erudeyei has just mount, the root can access, but the user can't, how to fix?06:55
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naliothnickrud: did it disappear?06:55
nickrudnalioth, closed, tab gone06:55
thoreauputicbah another "reinstall before trying" quit...06:55
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erudeyei has just mount, the root can access, but the user can't, how to fix?06:56
[2] BoxingFienderudeye: mount reads /etc/fstab, make sure the mount point you have in question contains user as one of the flag06:56
thoreauputicerudeye: what did you mount, and with what command?06:56
newbiehi i was wondering when the new ndiswrapper will be integrated to ubuntu will it be in breezy?06:56
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erudeyemount /dev/hda5 /mnt/data06:56
erudeyethat command06:56
imaekWhat is the file to lsof to see what is using ALSA?06:56
Une-ga-dihiAnyone had Ubuntu kill a hard drive?06:56
[2] BoxingFienddo a df -T -h06:57
Seveasnewbie, 'new ndiswrapper'..?06:57
[2] BoxingFiendwhat file type is /dev/hda506:57
Seveaswhen was the release?06:57
thoreauputicerudeye: you mounted it as root then06:57
erudeyei have06:57
erudeyei mount it on root06:57
erudeyebut when i back to normal user, i can't read it06:58
thoreauputicerudeye: what line in /etc/fstab do you have for that partition?06:58
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thoreauputicerudeye: type  less /etc/fstab  to see06:58
[2] BoxingFienddo you have something like /dev/hda4 /mnt/data ntfs rw,user,noauto in /etc/fstab?06:59
newbiesevas ndiswrapper 1.2 http://sourceforge.net/projects/ndiswrapper/06:59
erudeyeno one06:59
erudeyeno hda506:59
[2] BoxingFiend/dev/hda5*06:59
aruI had a drive I could access as root but not as user, I had to delete the mountpoint then make the dir as user :)06:59
newbieis ndiswrapper 1.1 integrated to ubuntu?06:59
erudeyeno one06:59
erudeyeshould i add that?07:00
thoreauputicerudeye: as [2] BoxingFiend points out, you should have a line like the one he gave above07:00
erudeyeOK :D07:00
erudeyethanx guys07:00
thoreauputicerudeye: wait07:00
erudeyeyes what07:00
thoreauputicerudeye: you need  0 0 at the end of the line as well07:00
erudeyewhat that mean?07:00
[2] BoxingFiendyeah sorry /dev/hda5 /mnt/data ntfs rw,user,noauto 0 007:01
erudeyewhat is dump07:01
erudeyewhat is pass07:01
thoreauputicerudeye: yes - just make sure you put  0  007:01
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erudeyeplease explain me what that meaning of 0 007:01
thoreauputic[2] BoxingFiend:  rw is kind of pointless for ntfs07:02
[2] BoxingFiend !fstab07:02
ubotu[2] BoxingFiend: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?07:02
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erudeyeyes, it's read only07:02
erudeyeno rw07:02
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thoreauputicerudeye: I would suggest you use   noauto,ro,users,umask=022 0 007:03
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erudeyebut can i add rw so i can write to it?07:03
thoreauputicerudeye: you can't write safely to ntfs07:03
thoreauputicerudeye: those entries are what I use here07:03
naliotherudeye: writing to NTFS is the quick way to an all linux hard drive07:03
[2] BoxingFienddump = determine if the filesystem needs to be dump, and pass = is used by fsck upon reboot time07:04
benplauti thought CaptiveNTFS was stable by now (didn't cause corruption)?07:04
mmc_boxingfiend... ok, i have installed jazip07:05
thoreauputicbenplaut: feel free to walk erudeye through setting up CaptiveNTFS ;-) I suggest not07:05
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[2] BoxingFiendbe lazy like me and use smb to mount ntfs07:05
[2] BoxingFiendmmc_: got it to work?07:05
benplautthoreauputic: point taken :)07:06
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crowanyone know if its possible to use other GUIs in ubuntu?07:06
benplauti use all ext3 anyway, so...07:06
shad0wi cant get 3d accelleration to work.. i have an ATI Radeon 920007:06
erudeyelike kde :D07:06
benplautcrow: other Desktop Environments?07:06
crowben: like fluxbox07:06
shad0wanyone know how to fix 3d accelleration ;o07:06
seth_kshad0w: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:06
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benplautcrow: yup... just install using apt-get or synaptic, and then select session when you log in07:07
benplauti use flux for games: )07:07
mmc_boxingfiend... well... not sure what to do now... i tried to run jazip from the command line and  it says can't read config file... permissions wrong maybe?07:07
crowben: i love flux, its simple yet powerfull07:07
[2] BoxingFiend1 sec let me install it and read the man page07:07
mmc_boxingfiend thx07:07
benplautcrow: too simple, IMO, but... to each his/her own :)07:08
[2] BoxingFiendmmc: sudo jazipconfig07:08
crowjust installed ubuntu today, used several other distros but liking ubuntu so far07:08
crowben: most other GUIs use too many system resources IMHO07:08
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SysFailhas anybody gotten mp3 to audio cd burning to work????07:09
[2] BoxingFiendcrow: flux rocks on system resources07:09
digitalfoxflux is beautiful07:09
emX*box are cool WMs, but i'm most pleased with ion07:09
digitalfoxis ion low resource?07:09
emX!info ion07:09
naliothcrow: i'm not sure if the fluxbox packager included a .desktop file07:09
crowhavent heard of that one07:09
digitalfoxnalioth, why would it? O.o07:10
mmc_boxingfiend... "no zip devices detected by system"  am i mising a driver for scsi or someting?07:10
emXion's really low resource usage07:10
emXtiled window manager -- no overlapping windows.07:10
naliothcrow: if you dont see it in "sessions", you'll need to open a /usr/share/xsessions/ *.desktop file READONLY and use it as a template for the flux .desktop07:10
digitalfoxyou need to reboot gdm07:11
thoreauputicnalioth: there's a more serious issue with the hoary fluxbox which is only solved by compiling with --disable-xmb  (slow starts)07:11
benplautcrow: the minimum [on features]  i can handle is XFCE, but i abandoned it because the "start" button doesn't go all the way to the bottom-left corner :P07:11
IcemanV9emX: sounds like you needs a LARGE lcd to see all windows :P07:11
digitalfoxto see the changes take effect07:11
digitalfoxIcemanV9, that's what I was thinking :p07:11
[2] BoxingFiendmmc_: i am assuming your parallel is detected under /dev/sda.. if so then add to /etc/fstab; /dev/sda /zip auto auto 0 0, where /zip is the local directory you want to mount to07:11
crowi havent installed it yet, was going to ask to see if it works, before i tried installed07:11
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digitalfoxI wonder how much memory that saves07:11
emXIcemanV9: :-)07:11
mmc_boxingfiend... thx.. i'll be back07:11
Wckdkl0wnnpdsply could not create direct show player    i get this error in firefox.. what do i have to isntall to fix it?07:11
nalioththoreauputic: i dont use flux, but i have seen several users in here with less-used DMs, not have an entry in the sessions menu for their new DM07:11
emXdigitalfox: funs about as low as straight X07:11
crowbenplaut: yeah, i dont require eyecandy though, as long as the system works for me...07:12
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thoreauputicnalioth: correct - enlightenment is an example I think07:12
emXIcemanV9: use it on my laptop, with 15" screen at 1024...works fine.07:12
digitalfoxI've never run straight X, only twm07:12
nalioththoreauputic: i dont remember how many, but i've done it on my system for more than one07:13
IcemanV9emX: 15" @ 1024?? you're kidding, right?? not 1600 or 1400?07:13
Wckdkl0wnanyone know?07:13
benplautcrow: i'm stuck with the GUI config tools of Gnome :)07:13
thoreauputicnalioth: yes, i've done the same07:13
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emXIcemanV9: blame the i810 drivers (or IBM); that's all it can do.07:13
Wckdkl0wnnpdsply could not create direct show player    i get this error in firefox.. what do i have to isntall to fix it?07:13
IcemanV9emX: aw, shucks! too bad, i am using 1400 w/ 15"07:14
erudeye/dev/hda5       /mnt/data       ntfs    ro,users,umask  0       0 <<< this is on my fstab07:14
thoreauputicnalioth: flux does include fluxbox.desktop in the ubuntu package though07:14
emXIcemanV9: that'd be nice...07:14
digitalfoxuh, the i810 drivers work fine at higher than 1024x76807:14
erudeyebut i still can't read it07:14
digitalfoxpretty sure...07:14
[2] BoxingFiendchange users to user07:14
emXdigitalfox: not with my specific chip07:14
nalioththoreauputic: tx 4 the info07:14
emXdigitalfox: i spent a weekend fiddling with it...07:14
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thoreauputicnalioth: the trouble with the ubuntu fluxbox is it floods the font server or something - which slows the startup alarmingly (like 30 seconds or more)07:15
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dbernar1oh thats why...07:15
nalioththoreauputic: will have to keep that in mind, will it be addressed in 5.10?07:16
dbernar1I guess not alarmingly for me...07:16
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erudeyeYou do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "data". <<<< :(07:16
thoreauputicthe issue is fixed by compiling flux with --disable-xmb07:16
dbernar1or alarmingly enough, to point to the reason.07:16
erudeyei didn't got the ide07:16
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[2] BoxingFiendmake sure you sudo umount /mnt/data, then mount again07:17
thoreauputicnalioth: I emailed the maintainer, but got no reply07:17
ecliptikmy wireless card is crashing out randomly, it works fine when I'm in the room with the router but when I move away from it some the activity light goes solid and my networking is dead, any ideas on what's going on with it?07:17
Wckdkl0wnnpdsply could not create direct show player    i get this error in firefox.. what do i have to isntall to fix it?07:17
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ecliptikit's a netgear wg511 v1 pcmcia card using prism2 drivers07:17
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erudeyeit can't07:17
thoreauputicerudeye: did you edit fstab?07:17
erudeye/dev/hda5       /mnt/data       ntfs    ro,users,umask  0       0 <<< this is on my fstab07:18
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thoreauputicerudeye: wrong07:18
erudeyeshould i restart?07:18
erudeyewhat wrong?07:18
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thoreauputic/dev/hda5       /mnt/data       ntfs    noauto,ro,users,umask=022  0 007:18
keikozwhat's the umask for, if you dont put a value ?07:19
erudeyeok let me try07:19
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holycowanyone here run cinelerra by chance?07:19
[2] BoxingFiendi think it's user not users for the options flag, let me check the man page07:19
thoreauputicerudeye: if you fix it you will be able to mount with "mount /mnt/data" as a user07:19
keikozyes it is user07:19
thoreauputic[2] BoxingFiend: they do different things07:20
keikozbut i dont see what putting it for07:20
keikozput umask=0222 that's enough07:20
Wckdkl0wnnpdsply could not create direct show player    i get this error in firefox.. what do i have to isntall to fix it?07:20
thoreauputicusers allows any user to umount07:20
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thoreauputicuser only the one who mounted it07:20
keikozand the ro is not useful; you can't anyway write on it07:20
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yahalomanyone using the StarterBar desklet?07:21
thoreauputickeikoz: it does no harm :)07:21
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keikozno that's sure07:21
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thoreauputickeikoz: let's just get it working for him, OK?07:21
keikozi just like making it simple, when it is possible07:21
mmc_boxingfiend... back... no go yet... /dev/sda not appearing07:21
keikozrhaaaa he was asking, i explained him07:22
jasoncohenBurgundavia, the gnome-system-tools version from breezy doesn't appear to work properly with sudo. It asks for my root password when i start time-admin, network-admin, shares-admin etc. and refuses to accept the password of my current user. if i remove the breey version and re-install the hoary version it uses gksdo i believe07:23
imaekHow do I tell what is using alsa? It is lsof something07:23
[2] BoxingFiendmmc: cat /proc/scsi/scsi and see which drive is detected07:23
thoreauputickeikoz: well, we've been helping him, and there's no point in prolonging the agony with unecessary corrections :)07:23
SysFailhas anybody gotten mp3 to audio cd burning to work????07:23
dabaRwhere is w32codecs? ubotu does not kno...07:23
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La_PaRCacan i just add a resolution to my xorg.conf if its not there?07:23
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jasoncohenBurgundavia, even after using sudo with another application, it continued to ask me for my root password when i should have 15 minutes of access.07:23
[2] BoxingFiend!restricted07:24
ubotuhmm... restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats07:24
thoreauputicdabaR: ^^^07:24
Burgundaviajasoncohen, there is another a fix, make certain you get the latest one07:24
jasoncohenBurgundavia, are you seeing this issue in breezy>07:24
Burgundaviajasoncohen, yes, but it has been fixed07:24
mmc_boxingfiend "AttachedDevices: "07:24
mmc_boxingfiend.. nothing showing07:24
dabaRLa_PaRCa: ya, you prolly could. or use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:24
jasoncohenBurgundavia, it must have been fixed very recently because i just downloaded the source package off packages.ubuntu.com07:24
La_PaRCadabaR, its not for me, its for a newbie, so I need to do it the easy way for me07:24
Burgundaviajasoncohen, run breezy or run hoary, mixing is total crack07:24
jasoncohenBurgundavia, does ubuntu have something like qa.debian.org that is more up to date?07:24
mmc_i feel like i must be missing scsi support in the kernel??? ya think?07:25
Burgundaviajasoncohen, what does qa.debian.org?07:25
jasoncohenBurgundavia, i just wanted to see if gnome-system-tools had boot-admin07:25
[2] BoxingFiendmmc: it's there, forgot the module name for insmod07:25
Burgundaviajasoncohen, it does, trust me07:25
jasoncoheni don't need the instability of breezy for that07:25
thoreauputicerudeye: please keep your questions in channel and ask before /msg ing or dcc chatting07:25
dabaRthoreauputic, [2] BoxingFiend: in fact, it is not there any more.07:26
dabaRIs it in backports, or marillat, what was it?07:26
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jasoncohenBurgundavia, package tracking system with up to date info + changelog info + bug info - see http://packages.qa.debian.org/common/index.html07:26
thoreauputicdabaR: it's in backports I think07:26
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keikozthat's a bill gates -style opinion :p07:26
dabaRi should just go see.07:26
erudeyebut i'm confuse07:26
thoreauputickeikoz: chill07:27
Burgundaviajasoncohen, that is nifty. I believe launchpad will have something similar07:27
jasoncohenBurgundavia, debian has a much better infrastructure for handling bugs (reportbug provides useful info that isn't available through bugzilla)07:27
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thoreauputickeikoz: thanks for the gratuitous insult07:27
Burgundaviajasoncohen, https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/products/gepolabo/07:27
keikozwas joking xD07:27
mmc_<scrathing head>07:28
thoreauputickeikoz: since you feel like hijacking the process, feel free to help erudeye and I'll disappear happily07:28
dabaRbah, I really did not have them installed.07:28
jasoncohenBurgundavia, that's for stock quotes, isn't it?07:28
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keikozno, i go to sleep07:28
dabaRI am not using my ubuntu, it seems.07:28
[2] BoxingFiendis scsi support, scsi disk support, and iomega parallel port zip drive scsi support compile by the default kernel?07:28
dabaRok, I go to something else.07:28
jasoncohenBurgundavia, qa.debian.org is updated live i believe. packages.debian.org/packages.ubuntu.com get updated once a day at most or less07:29
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icemanAnyone using 64 bit ubuntu ...07:29
jasoncohenBurgundavia, qa.debian.org is done based on source packages. it's more a tool for develoeprs07:29
Burgundaviajasoncohen, launchpad is also sources packages07:30
Burgundaviait is very much a tool for developers07:30
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erudeyeOK i got it, thanx guys07:30
OrbordeWhere does Ubuntu store its default interface info for eth0? I can't make eth0 remember the static IP address I assigned it past a reboot.07:30
jasoncohenBurgundavia, btw, do you have firefox 1.0.5 in breezy? it went into sid on 7/1607:30
Burgundaviajasoncohen, not currently07:30
keikozthoreauputic i'm sorry, didnt want to hurt you07:30
Burgundaviajasoncohen, Ubuntu just passed the Upstream Version Freeze07:30
keikozand i dont search pbls ... ^^07:30
jasoncohenBurgundavia, ...already?07:31
jsgotangcoit did07:31
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icemanI'm looking at a upgrade ... to 64 bit AMD based System ... need advice ..07:31
Burgundaviajasoncohen, http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyReleaseSchedule07:31
ColonelKernelstill getting very slow dns resolution07:32
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jasoncohenBurgundavia, so breezy may actually be decently stable in a few weeks?07:32
Burgundaviajasoncohen, notice any similarities? --> http://live.gnome.org/ReleasePlanning/TwoPointEleven07:32
Burgundaviajasoncohen, might07:32
Burgundaviagnome 2.12 is still coming07:33
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Burgundaviaand the X stuff isn't finished yet07:33
holycowby the way, if anyone is interested, the cinelerra rpms from http://heroinewarrior.com/download.php3 convert fine with alien and install cleanly it seems07:33
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bluefoxicyoh my GOD07:33
jsgotangcoJaneW, hi07:34
highvoltageJaneW: I second that :)07:34
OrbordeWhere does Ubuntu store its default interface info for eth0? I can't make eth0 remember the static IP address I assigned it past a reboot. Help, please?07:34
jasoncohenBurgundavia, well, the ubuntu release schedule will have to be flagrantly ignored to get 2.12 in07:34
holycowbluefoxicy, they write quite a lot of open source and support quite a bit of open source development07:34
holycowi'm happy they are making money frankly07:35
OrbordeI'm assigning it with "ifconfig -a eth0", and it works until I reboot.07:35
Burgundaviajasoncohen, most of the features are already there07:35
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Burgundaviajasoncohen, for gnome 2.1207:35
highvoltagebluefoxicy: that is evil.07:35
Burgundaviajasoncohen, and that is one thing that does ignore the feature freeze, due to how closely Ubuntu works with gnome07:35
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jasoncohenso, after august 11th, there will be no more updates for most everything else?07:36
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jasoncohensince that's the featurefreeze date07:36
Burgundaviajasoncohen, only stablization stuff07:36
mjkelly93anybody know what command or program is used to configure the "ati" module for ati cards?    Im looking for a program similar to fglrxconfig, except for the ati module?07:37
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jasoncoheni still don't understand ubuntu's policy on firefox. i get the theoretical argument for not having packages change versions due to potential library changes and thus breakage in other apps, but that need not happen with firefox AND more importantly the ubuntu security team doesn't seem to be able to keep up with firefox updates- especially on warty07:38
JaneWmorning :)07:38
Madpilotdoes "Upstream Freeze" for Breezy mean that the latest version of Screem (among others) won't be in Breezy?07:38
jasoncohenit took quite a while to get al of 1.0.4's fixes backported (over 2 weeks) and there's been nothing for warty and it's been nearly 2 months!07:38
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QaDeSanyone can help me setting up my wpa encrypted wlan?07:39
jasoncohenBurgundavia, how do you feel about ubuntu's policy on upgrading packages- in particular firefox07:39
[2] BoxingFiendOrdorde: /etc/network/interfaces for default values07:39
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Andrewcoolanybody there?07:40
jasoncohenQaDeS, you'll want to use wpasupplicant. i can show you my config file. I use WPA-PSK. there are also examples installed.07:40
MadpilotAndrewcool: only 405 of us... :)07:40
Burgundaviajasoncohen, same as debians07:40
QaDeSok :)07:40
Andrewcool:D well umm 403 can be asleep :D07:40
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jasoncohenBurgundavia, true- but debian doesn't cater to desktop users07:41
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jasoncohenBurgundavia, they also don't care as much about ease of use07:41
Burgundaviajasoncohen, as long as the security fixes get in, I am fine07:41
AndrewcoolWell umm i have a question about Ubuntu07:41
BurgundaviaAndrewcool, don't ask to ask, just ask07:41
AndrewcoolWill can Ubuntu do duel like xp and Ubuntu07:41
jasoncohenBurgundavia, well, they don't in a timely fashion. 2 weeks is a long time for hoary and it's been 2 months and there's no updates for warty. hoary's mozilla never was patched07:41
ubotudualboot is probably http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38398 or ask me about <grub>07:42
ubotugrub is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto07:42
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jasoncohenBurgundavia, and the breakage of mozilla's extension site was unfortunate- and not mozilla's fault07:42
Andrewcoolok thanks07:42
MadpilotAndrewcool: you should look at the 'grub' link that was just posted07:42
Burgundaviajasoncohen, yes it was actually, if you read the bug07:42
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jasoncohenthey make a valid argument that by distributing firefox in the way that debian, ubuntu and other distros distribute it, you're not getting an official mozilla package and when things break they get the complaints- like the inability to use extensions. in order for them to have safely allowed ubuntu users, they would have had to look at the full version tag of firefox- and do the same for all distros07:43
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jasoncohenand at the time they merely wanted to block access to old firefox versions which was more important than catering to all the distros07:44
SysFailwould be nice if konqueror worked without crashing...wouldnt need firefox :)07:44
Burgundaviajasoncohen, the reason mozilla had to break u.m.o is because they cannot tell if a version is patched except through the vendorstring07:44
jasoncohenfor me the issue is that it's unacceptable that mozilla-browser still hiasn't been patched and that warty's firefox and mozilla haven't been patched07:44
QaDeSjasoncohen, i instaled wpasupplicant now07:45
andrewcool_awayIs there a easyier way to do duel install.. :D07:45
jasoncohenBurgundavia, i thought they could07:45
Burgundaviajasoncohen, nope07:45
jasoncohenBurgundavia, so, are they doing anything to change that?07:45
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Madpilotduel install? is that where the two OSes fight with each other?07:45
andrewcoolumm *confushed*07:46
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hondjethey take 10 inodes and fire07:46
jasoncohenBurgundavia, since firefox is perhaps the #1 used app in ubuntu and mozilla-browser is in main, ubuntu should either have timely security updates or it should release the newest version available07:46
Madpilotit's spelled "dual", andrewcool... and those URLs are the standard resources07:46
Burgundaviajasoncohen, security patching is not easy07:47
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jasoncohenBurgundavia, it's not as big as an issue on debian because if you are running etch, you can easily install the latest version from sid and sarge users tend not to be desktop users- at least that i have seen07:47
Burgundaviathey always need more people to help07:47
jasoncohenBurgundavia, i know it isn't. that's why i don't think this particular app should be patched07:47
Wckdkl0wnnpdsply error occurs in firefox how would i fix it... i did google for it but keeps coming up as a problem for windows07:47
Madpilotgah... someone pls remind me what I enter to figure out my kernal version?07:47
Gattonuname -a07:47
Burgundaviajasoncohen, I happen to agree with you, but convince the powers that be07:47
jasoncohenheh, that will be hard07:48
MadpilotGatton: thnx...07:48
holycowhttp://cvs.cinelerra.org/packages.html#apt-x86  <-- cinelerra via apt07:48
GattonMadpilot np. Finally an easy question I can answer ;)07:48
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MadpilotGatton: start small and work up! ;)07:48
icemanAnyone using 64 bit ...07:48
swarmiceman: me07:49
icemanswarm what processor07:49
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swarmiceman: mobile amd6407:49
icemanswarm what speed ..07:49
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swarmiceman: fast07:49
jasoncohenBurgundavia, remember when you were telling me that the documentation has to be easy to use for grandmothers? Well, a newbie expects to have the latest version of firefox. they don't understand the concept of backporting security fixes. When things break, regardless of who's fault it is, the users pay. Debian users wont' mind changing a string in about:config but many new Ubuntu users would mind. It's just easier and more secur07:49
jasoncohene for the users to have timely and official updated firefox packages07:49
swarmiceman: which is your problem?07:50
jasoncoheni'm glad you agree though. i just don't understand why the ubuntu developers are so opposed to the position that seems to have a lot of support07:50
icemanswarm: i'm looking to move from a p4 2.8 to a AMD 64 3000... want to know whats out htere for 64 bit ..07:50
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bojanglesman that is hard to believe that India is pirating windows at 80%...I always thought they were the most honest people and that they would each pay $20,000 for a basic version of MS enterprise07:52
swarmiceman: there is good support but not perfect. Depends on what you need. Ubuntu works fine for what I need. Of course wine still doesn't work. Check even debian-amd64.07:52
robotgeekbojangles: lol07:52
jasoncohenBurgundavia, i personally just installed the official firefox build. Unfortunately that solution isn't as nice for upgrades, is more difficult for new users, and requires manual linking to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins07:52
icemanWhat software is out supporting 64 bit ..07:52
Burgundaviajasoncohen, yes07:52
andrewcool i have a amd 64 anthlon but do i get the intel or amd64 install cd07:52
Burgundaviaiceman, almost everything in the ubuntu repos can run on amd6407:53
HrdwrBoBandrewcool: you can get either07:53
Dr_Willisandrewcool,  if you want the 64bit disrto get the amd6407:53
andrewcoolwhich one is better :D...07:53
Dr_Willishowever going '64 bit' can have some annoying issues.07:53
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jasoncohenBurgundavia, doesn't everything in main have to be supported on all 3 archs?07:53
Dr_Willisso i stick to the 32 bit for the time being.07:53
icemanWhat issues...07:53
Burgundaviajasoncohen, yes07:53
bojanglesrobotgeek, what is so funny...the prices escalate far beyond that per person for a basic enterprise system plus a few enhancements07:53
swarmandrewcool: if you want most stable thing use intel install. if you want most performance but a few things not working use amd64 install as I'm doing.07:53
robotgeekbojangles: how did u arrive at the 80% figure?07:54
andrewcoolok thanks07:54
Dr_Willisflash,  some other web things..   cedega/wine quirks..07:54
bojanglesrobotgeek, that is what this dude said earlier in here.07:54
robotgeekbojangles: sorry, just came in :). I think the figure would be much higher, though07:54
jasoncohenswarm, there are packages missing from amd64 like mplayer07:54
icemanI know my p4 lacks hyperthreading... so i gain hyper transport in the move ...07:54
bojanglesrobotgeek, well i can't understand why they don't each pay the $20,000 to get started and be honest.07:55
swarmjasoncohen:  yes indeed07:55
jasoncohenswarm, anything in main will be on amd64 but bets are off for univese and multiverse. most apps are built for amd64 but not all. it depends on what *you* need07:55
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robotgeekbojangles: i think it's difficult if that represents your life savings!07:55
swarmjasoncohen:  that's what I have tried to say. even debian amd64 misses some hundred packages over almost 6000.07:55
Wckdkl0wnnpdsply error occurs in firefox how would i fix it... i did google for it but keeps coming up as a problem for windows07:55
jasoncohenswarm, it can't be 6,000. i thought they had 98-99% of packages07:55
kidaait's a long shot but does anybody here have any experience using ubuntu in a medical practice at either user or support?07:56
bojanglesrobotgeek, that is no excuse...they know that MS is on the side of "intellectual robbery....i mean property"07:56
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icemanand the move will cost me less that 200.oo for the motherboard, processor, and case ...07:56
swarmjasoncohen: no, I mean 98% of about 6000.07:56
jasoncohenwell, debian doesn't even have an OO version for amd64. hoary just has a 32 bit version for amd64 because it won't compile clean for a 64 bit processor07:56
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jasoncohenswarm, you mean 16,00007:56
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jasoncohendebian sarge has approximately 15,250 packages07:56
jasoncohensid has in the mid 16,000s07:57
icemanNeed to find informatin on the IBM AS/400 Servers ... know where there is one i might get cheap ..07:57
bojanglesjasoncohen, yes sarge has quite a bit...but not everything works07:57
swarmjasoncohen: perhaps I have missed first number :D07:57
andrewcoolok when i install this..well it detect xp and partion the harddrive?07:57
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cafuego!dstats hoary07:58
ubotuUbuntu Distro Stats on hoary... 16270 packages, 1437 maintainers, 31005 MB installed size, 9820 MB compressed size.07:58
jasoncohenbojangles, the debian maintainers are damn good. everything in "main" on sarge should work as it's been thouroughly tested, and remember- main on debian probably includes 13-14,000 packages. it encompasses all free software, unlike ubuntu07:58
Dr_WillisI find it much safer to install linux onto its own Hard drive.07:58
[2] BoxingFiendkidaa: hard question to answer, linux is so versatile, from a firewall, LAMP, desktop replacement... I personally don't know of linux distro in the medical field, but my wife uses linux on her laptop and she's in the medical field07:58
bojanglesjasoncohen, well most of the stuff works...but there is a lot more than just main07:58
supernixUptime: 4 days, 10 hours and 7 minutes07:58
cafuegoDebian Distro Stats on sarge... 15660 packages, 1468 maintainers, 28183 MB installed size07:58
Burgundaviajasoncohen, that is fud. Ubuntu has everything in Debian and more07:58
jasoncohenbojangles, no- you don't understand07:58
Centaur5So if a program won't work on the amd64 the package manager won't list it?07:58
jasoncohenbojangles, main on debian is NOT LIKE MAIN ON UBUNTU07:58
cafuegoAnd those are the ACTUAL number, as opposed to made-up ones.07:59
jasoncohenmain on ubuntu contains 2 or 3,000 packages07:59
=== glick [~noobia@cpe-24-193-254-95.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthcafuego: Most of ubuntu's 'maintainers' showing up there are actuall debian folks07:59
jasoncohenmain on debian includes 90-95% of packages07:59
glickdamnit where are the decent games?07:59
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robotgeekso, now we have FUD in debian vs ubuntu!07:59
jasoncohenso 14,000+07:59
robotgeekglick: tuxracer!07:59
glickarnt there any decent and fun games for linux i can get into?07:59
bojanglesjasoncohen, well i see thousands of packages at the sunsite repository and there is a lot more than just main07:59
cafuegoAmaranth: yes, but they're still package maintainers ;-)07:59
icemanglick america's army for linux ...07:59
glickrobotgeek, tuxracer is fun for about 2 mintures07:59
jasoncohenbojangles, you can't blame debian for broken UNOFFICIAL packages07:59
Amaranth!dstats breezy07:59
glickiceman, i dont have a fantastic video card07:59
ubotuUbuntu Distro Stats on breezy... 16845 packages, 1567 maintainers, 31667 MB installed size, 10018 MB compressed size.07:59
Madpilotglick: Scorched3d. it's in the repos08:00
holycowglick, heh08:00
robotgeekglick: :), chess, blackjack!08:00
Amaranthyay, lots bigger08:00
bojanglesjasoncohen, well what is the official apt sources.08:00
icemanglick what video ... you got08:00
Dr_Willisglick,  hundreds of them  :P   - but I tend to like Emulators/Old-Skool08:00
glicklaptop nvidia408:00
bojanglesjasoncohen, because i had to look around and find several universities and also sunsite08:00
icemannvidia.. what memory08:00
Burgundaviaglick, look for something called glest08:00
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ian_glick: get snes9x08:00
Amaranthgeforce4MX was always 32MB, iirc08:00
glickian_, heh i have tha08:00
icemanglick dang 64 bit and you could play aao08:00
ian_glick: what kind of games do you want?08:01
glickwhats aao?08:01
icemantry wolfenstein enemy terratory ...08:01
glickian_, like a game i can get into08:01
jasoncohenbojangles, check out packages.debian.org. nearly everything is in main. contrib and non-free only have packages that can't be included in main for licensing reasons. everything in main gets full security support and is thoroughly tested. they're not handpicked packages like in ubuntu main. it includes everything- which is why debian takes forever to release. they are testing 10s of thousands of packages on 11 architectures and08:01
jasoncohenhave very high stability standards08:01
glicki like management sims08:01
Centaur5what's the coolest game you could put on an ati 9700 128 meg video card?08:01
glicktrade sims08:01
icemanglick america's army online ... aao08:01
[2] BoxingFiendglick: freeciv08:01
glickiceman, ah08:01
=== Codestorm [~Codestorm@203-217-89-226.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
glick[2] BoxingFiend, freeciv would be fine except....i have played sid miers civ so i cant possibly go back to anything less08:01
[2] BoxingFiendcentaur5: neverwinter runs smooth on that08:02
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icemancheck on enemy terratory ... might be playable ... and it full install and free ..08:02
jasoncohenbojangles, packages.debian.org lists all packages in debian- search sarge08:02
cafuegoCentaur5: Transport Tycoon Deluxe. Mind you, that would also run fine on a 256MB vga card08:02
jasoncohenall official packages that is08:02
cafuego256Kb even08:02
[2] BoxingFiendcentaur5: doom3 runs well on 128 megs08:02
Centaur5doom3 runs on linux?08:02
Dr_Willisif you can see in the dark... doom3 is fun. :P08:02
glickwhat linux games do you play?08:02
robotgeeki have a old machine, so i'm better off playing chess/blackjack08:02
jasoncohenCentaur5, a ati 9700 pro is a damn good card...the drivers on the other hand aren't so good but you should be able to play most any game.08:03
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=== phaedrus_ [~phaedrus@cpe-24-198-29-175.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
[2] BoxingFiendthere is a wine config for it somewhere08:03
phaedrus_wuts a good place for mp3 torrents?08:03
QaDeSjasoncohen, i creates a config via wpa_passprase, but starting wpy_supplicant yields "ioctl[IPW_IOCTL_WPA_SUPPLICANT] : Operation not supported"08:03
Centaur5jasoncohen: Well that is the video card my laptop has, so it's actually a 9700 mobile if that makes a difference08:03
Burgundaviaphaedrus_, not in #ubuntu08:03
phaedrus_: 0008:03
robotgeekphaedrus_: not here!08:03
phaedrus_: )08:03
jasoncohenCentaur5, sure does08:03
cafuegojasoncohen: All those packages are also in ubuntu, they're just not in main becasue 1) Downloadign a 2MB package list takes forever on dialup and 2) Most of those packages are not used. (See popularity-contest).08:03
jasoncohenati 9700 pro was top of the line when it came out. it was a very good card08:03
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ubotuHelp! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia!08:04
phaedrus_im not on my ubuntu box right now..i have this channel programmed for startup08:04
jasoncohencafuego, i know the reasoning behind ubuntu's main08:04
Centaur5So I assume that most of these games you guys are talking about requires wine?08:04
Amaranthphaedrus_: Please don't discuss illegal activities in this channel.08:04
phaedrus_no prob08:04
=== Amaranth goes back to harry potter
[2] BoxingFiendneverwinter and aa is about the only 2 linux ported games i know08:05
jasoncohencafuego, but you missed a few important reasons- a) ubuntu has 50 or so developers whereas debian has about 1400 maintainers, b) canonnical provides support and can't support 15,000 packages08:05
=== cafuego mocks Amaranth
phaedrus_i just downoad backups because my cd ripping doesnt werk...08:05
Swedish_Chefdoes ubuntu have the option of installing a barebones system, a la a new install of debian?08:05
jasoncohenand not all of those packages are so uncommon. main doesn't even have midnight commander/mcedit08:05
BurgundaviaSwedish_Chef, install the server option08:05
glickwhy is the army releasing first person shooter games?08:05
phaedrus_well...try server install at install boot08:05
Burgundaviaglick, marketing08:05
AmaranthSwedish_Chef: Yep, boot the installer with the 'server' option.08:06
crowdoes ubuntu have a fluxbux package?08:06
Burgundaviacrow, yes08:06
robotgeekcrow: fluxbox08:06
[2] BoxingFiendglick:  recruitment campaign08:06
Madpilot!info fluxbox08:06
ubotufluxbox: (Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 0.9.11-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 626 kB, Installed size: 1988 kB08:06
jasoncohenyou also need universe for many important apps for a server - spamassassin, many php4 modules, openvpn etc.08:06
glickso you can be like wow! i wanna get my head blown off in real life just like i did in the game!08:06
phaedrus_army has had first person shooter games for years...trained on them when i was in the marine corp08:06
crowapt-get install fluxbox says package not found08:06
robotgeekwhoa..ubotu is nice!08:06
Amaranthphaedrus_: Sure, but now they use 3rd party games. :)08:06
uboturepositories is, like, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto08:07
[2] BoxingFiendcrow: you need to add universe to /etc/apt/sources.list08:07
cafuegojasoncohen: To be honest, people who need a stable production server won't be running ubuntu on it.08:07
phaedrus_: )08:07
Swedish_Chefdoes the server option install anything on top of the base distro?08:07
jasoncohencafuego, ubuntu is a highly polished desktop system but it's lacking on the server side since many server apps don't get security updates (they're in universe)08:07
Amaranthlike America's Army08:07
Madpilotrobotgeek: ubotu is a real robot geek... ;)08:07
jasoncohencafuego, heh...a lot of people run servers on fc308:07
robotgeekMadpilot: they took our joooob :)08:07
Amaranthjasoncohen: They're nuts. :P08:07
jasoncohenSwedish_Chef, it just installs ubuntu-base which is very slim indeed08:07
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jasoncohenAmaranth, wikipedia runs nearly all their servers on fc308:07
kidaai please get the command to list all partitions / harddrives detected by ubuntu (again)08:07
cafuegojasoncohen: Yes, but they also paid for a RCSE.08:07
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jasoncohenkidaa, fdisk -l08:07
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Amaranthjasoncohen: Yeah, and they use gcj and mono too, they _are_ nuts.08:08
cafuegojasoncohen: SO i think we can discount their opinion outright.08:08
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jasoncohenheh, i would use debian08:08
cafuego!info gcj08:08
ubotugcj: (The GNU Java compiler), section devel, is optional. Version: 4:3.3.5-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 1 kB, Installed size: 36 kB08:08
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cafuegojasoncohen: Indeed.08:08
grauehey, I have a partly used CD-RW disc that I want to add more stuff to, how do I do that in Ubuntu?08:08
jasoncohenthough i  get kernel page faults in 2.6.808:08
Swedish_Chefwhy would anyone want to run a real server on fedora? the 6 month release cycle and lack of support, plus the fact that you're supposed to do a clean install makes servers a nightmare...08:08
robotgeekpeople like me have to use gcj (ppc)08:08
jasoncohencould be related to my ivtv card (mythtv system)08:08
cafuegorobotgeek: There's an IBM jdk.08:09
Amaranthrobotgeek: Sure, but you're not running a site like wikipedia. :)08:09
=== cafuego runs his own kernels on sarge
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robotgeekrobotgeek: i know, but firefox keeps crashing08:09
AmaranthThey switch back and forth between using Java Lucene and Lucene-Sharp for searches, appearently.08:09
cattry reporting a bug, or see what's making firefox to crash08:09
robotgeekno java for me, me happy without it!08:09
jasoncohencafuego, i tried 2.6.11 from etch but it wouldn't compile ivtv. that driver is so finicky...you need the right firmware/driver/kernel combo to get it to compile, heh08:10
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robotgeekcat: yeah...will do08:10
jasoncohenrobotgeek, talking to yourself now?08:10
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robotgeekjasoncohen: i am not real, am i?08:10
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cafuegorobotgeek: You won't be using java in firefox if you're not on i386.08:11
=== robotgeek is a fake bot!
Velcananyone around that can tell me how to save the output of zenity to a var?08:11
cafuegorobotgeek: botsnack08:11
robotgeekcafuego: and why is that??08:11
catVelcan: man bash08:11
jasoncohencafuego, anyways, ubuntu mentioned something about a corporate/server release with a 12-24 month release cycle08:11
jasoncohen"Ubuntu will make a new release every six months. In addition, we may make an Enterprise Release every 12 to 24 months, which will receive additional testing."08:12
cafuegorobotgeek: Coz java on non-i386 Linux is crap at the best of times.08:12
Velcanoh didnt think i would find it in there. thanks08:12
jasoncohendoes ubuntu have the resources to maintain a desktop distro + a server distro?08:12
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cafuegojasoncohen: Yes. I expect that will have a limited set of packages and optional payware support.08:12
catjasoncohen: www.ubuntu.com08:12
robotgeekcafuego: true, it was all right on OS X, linux, esp ppc has been nothing short of a nightmare!08:12
Burgundaviajasoncohen, yes08:13
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jasoncohencat, huh? i obviously know ubuntu's site. i just pasted a link08:13
cafuegorobotgeek: it's fine once you decide flash and java are both crufty distractions.08:13
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jasoncohencafuego, a limited set of packages? the problem currently is that the set of packges in main is TOO limited for a server08:13
robotgeekcafuego: :), it works well for me! not having java and flash!08:13
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cafuegojasoncohen: Nobody said they would be using the *same* main (or not include universe/multiverse by default)08:14
ugohuh? i have an amd64....java64 works quite well thank you08:14
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ugohow do you mean?08:14
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cafuegougo: In mozilla? As plugin?08:14
jasoncohencafuego, "Yes. I expect that will have a limited set of packages and optional payware support.08:14
robotgeekdamn firefox crashed again (no script extension)08:14
jasoncohenisn't that the same as ubuntu now?08:14
cafuegojasoncohen: "I expect" - note I am guessing.08:15
ugocafeugo: oh that...i never set it up....are there issues?08:15
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cafuegougo: Yeah, there is no plugin. Hence my remark.08:15
=== robotgeek waits for ubuntu to release ffox update
jasoncohenmain is limited to the packages ubuntu wants to support. universe is just taken from debian08:15
Velcancat:  looking at man bash - do you know how? I'm wondering if im on the right track by thinking maybe i need to turn my zenity command into a function?08:15
cafuegojasoncohen: support != enterprise support08:15
=== Nsaneice just made a FFox 1.0.5 .deb
jasoncohenrobotgeek, it seems to take a while- took over 2 weeks last time. i just installed the official mozilla build08:15
Burgundaviajasoncohen, have you seen the announcment of the ubuntu foundation?'08:15
jasoncohenBurgundavia, the 10M donation to create a new foundation.08:16
jasoncoheni heard about it- don't know the details08:16
steve_what is a multiverse08:16
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cafuegosteve_: a possibly infinite collection of universes08:16
robotgeekjasoncohen: i am on ppc, so mozilla build doesn't work08:17
steve_cafuego, im scared....08:17
robotgeekjasoncohen: i dunno if they have a ppc veersion08:17
Burgundaviajasoncohen, 6.04 will be an enterprise release. 5 years of support on the server, 3 on the desktop08:17
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=== cafuego twangs a superstring at steve_
jasoncohenBurgundavia, very nice08:17
jasoncohenBurgundavia, do you have a URL on that info?08:17
crow!info aterm08:17
ubotuaterm: (Afterstep XVT - a VT102 emulator for the X window system), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 0.4.2-10 (hoary), Packaged size: 90 kB, Installed size: 276 kB08:17
=== cafuego goes to reboot (again)
jasoncohenBurgundavia, and what's the release cycle going to be like?08:18
ugocafeugo: that'll hurt08:18
steve_!info pr0n08:18
Burgundaviajasoncohen, the current 6 month cycle will continue in parallel08:18
jasoncohenare there plans to expand main to include more server stuff for the 6 month releases?08:18
Burgundaviajasoncohen, support for 5 years == no new release for 5 years08:18
Gattoncuz you can never have too many terms08:18
jasoncohenBurgundavia, you sure? RHEL has support for 5 or 7 years but releases every 18 months08:19
ugoone thing i'm curious about is the naming structure for ubuntu08:19
graueam I in the wrong channel? is there a support channel somewhere I should use?08:19
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graueI'd really just like to know how to use CD-RW discs...08:19
ugoso we've got warty warthog...hairy hedgehog...08:19
jasoncohenBurgundavia, "Ubuntu will make a new release every six months. In addition, we may make an Enterprise Release every 12 to 24 months, which will receive additional testing."08:19
Burgundaviajasoncohen, yes, fairly certain08:19
jasoncohennot 5 years08:19
Burgundaviajasoncohen, ok08:19
eyequeuehoary hedehog08:19
bojangleswell i don't know who the was but he said India was #3 on the list and was not paying $20,000 for each copy of windows08:19
jasoncohenBurgundavia, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/releases/document_view08:20
bojanglescrimsun was there in the channel...maybe he remembers08:20
ugois there any chance they'll run out of matching word animal pairs?08:20
eyequeuebreezy badger08:20
ugolets see zany zebra08:20
Nsaneicezany zebra08:20
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NsaneiceI need to enable timestamps08:21
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ugoNsaneice i am a mind reader...08:21
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glickwhat are games that you can play over and over again and that last a while?08:21
eyequeueNsaneice:  in?08:21
NsaneiceWell your good, sometimes I can't read my own mind...08:21
[2] BoxingFiendglick: neverwinter08:21
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jasoncohenanyone know if gnomebaker is going to go into main? the latest release has fewer dependencies from universe and it can create audio & data CDs as well as DVDs. serpentine only does audio08:21
glick[2] BoxingFiend, free games08:21
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ugoNsaneice yeah i was wondering why there was a brick wall somewhere08:22
grauejasoncohen, do I need that in order to rewrite to CD-RW discs?08:22
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NsaneiceJust to see how far apart ugo and my post was08:22
eyequeueNsaneice:  settings > preferences > interface > text...08:22
eyequeue4 seconds, here08:22
ugohmm....an animal that starts with q08:22
jasoncohengraue, i dont' believe so. nautilus probably supports CD-RWs08:22
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bojanglesthat is hard to believe that India is pirating at 80%08:22
=== QaDeS_ [~QaDeS@p54A9AD01.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
glickwhats with that game thats on the open cid08:22
glickthe open cd08:22
NsaneiceThanks eyequeue08:22
grauejasoncohen, how would I add to one that already has stuff on it?08:23
jasoncohenbut i think gnomebaker is important to have as nautilus isn't a full fledged cd burning app08:23
glickwhats it called the battle for wesnoth08:23
graueI see08:23
bojanglesand that they rank #3 on the list...instead of each person paying $20,000 for a legal copy of windows08:23
glickhow is that08:23
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jasoncohengraue, i've never done it- sorry08:23
graueok, thanks, I'll try gnomebaker08:23
nagualwhere is the documentation for /boot/grub/menu.lst?08:23
Madpilotglick: wesnoth is in the U repos. it's good08:23
robotgeekbojangles: i am from india. I am now studying in the US, but I did not know anyone who has a legal copy of windows08:23
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ugobojangles well im really happy you dont fix the prices of m$ windows08:24
=== Madpilot knows maybe two ppl with legal copies of Windows... and I'm in Canada...
bojanglesrobotgeek, you mean nobody wants to pay MS $20,000 for a legal copy of windows08:24
jasoncohenrobotgeek, no one purchased a PC with windows on it?08:24
=== hondje has a legal copy
hondjeas jasoncohen described...never used it though08:24
hyphenatedbojangles: was the source of that stat just about india, or did it include other countries?08:24
=== cafuego has various legal copies of windows.
jasoncohenbasically everyone who buys a PC has purchased a legal copy of windows08:24
bojanglesugo, i don't fix the prices...MS reports the prices on their website08:24
robotgeekbojangles: well, lemme see...no!08:24
=== GhostFreeman [~HP_Owner@24-151-221-249.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
jasoncoheni have a legal copy of windows but i didn't pay for it. it was given to me08:24
QaDeS_jasoncohen, may i past you the output in a query?08:25
bojanglesugo, yes and that is just for the basics.08:25
Madpilotjasoncohen: unless - like most of the ppl I know - you buy parts & roll your own comp...08:25
GhostFreemanAnyone here know how to get voodoo 3 to run X08:25
robotgeekjasoncohen: well, ther's a difference in the way it works08:25
eyequeuejasoncohen:  i recommend asking for it "bare" (all reputable shops around here do that)08:25
ugoi got mine on discount...$1008:25
hondjeI don't thinkI know anyone with a pirated copy of windows08:25
bojanglesugo, just for 5 user licenses it starts at $400008:25
glickhow is bzflag?08:25
GhostFreemanall my attempts to do so excluding vesa don't work08:25
jasoncohenMadpilot, that's what i've done as well- but most pc users don't08:25
bojanglesugo, and for MSSQL it escates beyond calculation08:25
eyequeueglick:  i've heard it's violent, something to do with tanks i think08:25
jasoncoheneyequeue, i build my own boxes. i was just saying most people don't and therefore paid for windows08:25
Madpilotglick: bzflag is fast, goofy and oddly addictive...08:25
jasoncohenQaDeS, the output of what?08:25
eyequeuejasoncohen:  gotcha08:26
cafuegoDo you ever get those support emails that make you go "I'm not doing your homework for you" ?08:26
ugoyeah i did pricing for a company once....08:26
hyphenatedglick: it looks about as cool as 3D games from the late 80's08:26
QaDeS_jasoncohen, of my wpa_supplicant08:26
ugobojangles funny how i forgot bout it....08:26
QaDeS_it's getting further, but it won't connect08:26
glickhyphenated, is that good or bad08:26
hondjebzflag is awesome08:26
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QaDeS_No suitable AP found08:26
=== ptlo [~senko@83-131-65-118.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
robotgeekjasoncohen: the big guns like HP/Compaq come with legal version. but the build ur own is much cheaper08:27
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robotgeekjasoncohen: and those people generally prefer not to buy their windows copies08:27
hyphenatedglick: it depends. do you like games for their looks, or for how fun they are?08:27
jasoncohenQaDeS, sure08:27
glickhyphenated, mostly how fun they are08:27
=== didymo [~ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeuerobotgeek:  i build my own, and definitely prefer not to buy ms things :)08:27
MadpilotMS charges about $400 Canadian for a retail copy of XP Pro. that's obscene...08:27
ugohey i did a manual build of openafs yesterday08:27
hyphenatedglick: no loss giving it a go then :-)08:27
jasoncohenrobotgeek, but comparitively few people build their own computers or buy bare PCs08:27
jasoncoheni would bet less than 5%08:28
robotgeekeyequeue: :)08:28
NsaneiceI don't know what it is USD something like 135?08:28
ugounfort i dont have the startup scripts08:28
hondjeI bet it's less than %508:28
robotgeekjasoncohen: nah...there are guys who build it for you, say ur local geek08:28
ugocan anyone give me a pointer how to extract them from an official ubuntu package?08:28
hondjethere's a reason dell is obscenely rich08:28
hyphenatedxe.com/ucc says it's 327 USD08:28
jasoncohenrobotgeek, and how many people do you think do that?08:28
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OrbordeWhere does Ubuntu store its default interface info for eth0? I can't make eth0 remember the static IP address I assigned it past a reboot. Help, please?08:28
Madpilot400 Cdn = ~ 325 US, Nsaneice08:29
jasoncohenthose people aren't cutting into MS's market share of legal windows copies08:29
NsaneiceFor the Home?08:29
OrbordeWhere does Ubuntu store its default interface info for eth0? I can't make eth0 remember the static IP address I assigned it past a reboot. Help, please?08:29
eyequeueugo:  a .deb is an "ar" archive which then contains tarballs08:29
jasoncohenOrborde, /etc/network/interfaces08:29
OrbordeSorry, double-posted that.08:29
robotgeekjasoncohen: local geeks have stores, and they have friends08:29
hyphenatedOrborde: how are you configuring it? I use 'network-admin'08:29
Gattoncurse you smeg08:29
MadpilotNsaneice: no, that's XP Pro, full retail not OEM08:29
AmaranthGatton: What did smeg do?08:29
=== Coag [~look@adsl-68-127-90-192.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeueugo:  if you don't want to get low-level with it, you can just tap enter on the deb using "mc"08:30
Orbordejasoncohen: Um...I don't really know. I've been trying to use ifconfig under the admin username from a root terminal08:30
Coaghello everyone :)08:30
NsaneiceI think my father bought a XP Pro OEM for 8908:30
robotgeekAmaranth: :)08:30
GattonAmaranth, it doesn't want to allow me to put the new entry under the menu I want. Always puts it under System Tools08:30
Gattondoesn't seem to allow me to drag it either08:30
AmaranthGatton: Do you have the system tools menu selected when you click on New Entry?08:30
MadpilotNsaneice: yah, OEM can be very cheap - relatively - but retail is crazy...08:30
hondjeNot to be offensive, but most people that think pirated copies of windows are the majority don't have much work experience08:30
robotgeekatleast out here, XP is like 21$...some upgrade version.08:30
NsaneiceThere is OEM, Retail, and Winbeta08:30
GattonAmaranth, No I have Office selected. But doesn't seem to make a difference.08:31
AmaranthGatton: hrm08:31
robotgeeki used to use OS X, but i din't like it!08:31
jasoncohenOrborde, set your static IP in network-admin08:31
glickdamn the version that comes with ubuntu is old as shit08:31
Madpilothondje: you mean corporate copies? sure, those're all legit @ work. I'm talking private PCs08:31
jasoncohenOrborde, System > Administration > Networking08:31
GattonOf course I'm using 0.5. Not sure if there's a newer version08:31
robotgeekthe Fink Download and build thing did not work for me!08:31
AmaranthGatton: Can you email the /home/<username>/.config/menus/applications.menu file to alleykat@gmail.com ?08:31
hondjemost private pcs aren't pirated either08:31
hyphenatedNsaneice: I should check how much it costs across the road. probably about 1USD :-) (I'm in indonesia right now)08:31
Orbordejasoncohen: Oh. I thought it needed to be DHCP.08:31
robotgeekthe private PC's are mostly pirated. I dunno abt the work PC's. I guess they must be legal08:32
GattonAmaranth, Sure thing08:32
Orbordejasoncohen: Subnet mask/gateway address should be what?08:32
bojanglesnow it appears MS has a bargain basement price for the stripped down standard version instead of the enterprise version which has cut all the valuable features....so you can get it at the bargain prices legally08:32
_4strOyop yop08:32
robotgeekabt 2 years ago, it was q$08:32
Madpilothondje: I don't know all that many ppl who buy Dell, I guess08:32
AmaranthGatton: I probably won't be able to get to it right away though.08:32
hondjeMadpilot: then you don't know many people :p08:32
bojanglesis anyone interested in paying MS a fortune....just to get started....at least they will be honest08:32
eyequeueOrborde:  man 5 interfaces, iirc, gives you an example of manual (static) configuration (it's not terribly hard really)08:32
NsaneiceI am on a Dell lappy right now..08:32
hondjethere's a really good reason Dell and Microsoft are rolling in the money08:33
hyphenatedNsaneice: did you get suspend to work, out of curiousity?08:33
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Madpilothondje: most of the computer users I know are on pirate copies on built-by-a-friend systems...08:33
GattonAmaranth, No biggie. Anything you can suggest I look for in the meantime? Or is it a programming thing? :)08:33
=== Matteo21 [~jdssw535g@ip082.238-51-69.sogetel.net] has joined #ubuntu
NsaneiceI bought it from a rich guy, who got it as a gift from work, so he gave it to me to stop from paying taxes08:33
bojanglesugo, so you see i am not fixing the prices...those are MS prices at microsoft.com08:33
jasoncohenOrborde, gateway is the IP of your router and subnet is usually\08:33
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robotgeekhey...my sleep works mostly, but sometimes...it just crashes on 'unsleep'08:34
NsaneiceLike Hibernate?08:34
lcore_Firewall questions: I've noticed NEW connection outgoing from my tcp80 port to my ISP network addresses ports 4328 and 4802. What could tickle this (apache2 listening on port 80?). Can this be a sign of intrusion?08:34
AmaranthGatton: After you've sent that file try running 'rm -rf ~/.config/menus ~/.local/share/desktop-directories ~/.local/share/applications'08:34
robotgeekand the dmesg output doesn't say anything!08:34
hyphenateda working suspend or hibernate would make me happy08:34
AmaranthGatton: That'll clear out all the changes you've made and start you fresh.08:34
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Nsaneiceit doesn't work for me, and I don't know much Linux..08:35
eyequeuelol, unsleep: nothing appropriate.08:35
eyequeuesleep (1)            - delay for a specified amount of time08:35
GattonAmaranth, good advice. Let me give it a shot08:35
hyphenatedeyequeue: they're descriptions of the actions that occur, not literal commands :-)08:35
AmaranthGatton: *cough* send the file first :)08:35
NsaneiceBut, I did enjoy building Ubuntu from server08:35
eyequeuehyphenated:  i knew :)08:35
GattonAmaranth, don't worry I backed it up ;)08:35
robotgeekeyequeue: or whatever u call suspend!08:35
bojangleshah...this dude said no wonder MS and Dell are making a fortune.08:35
bojangleshah...they don't make peanuts...IBM made over $14billion dollars in just one year last year08:36
NsaneiceIBM go down the hole, no more PPC chips..08:36
crowanyone else having problems with pastebin?08:36
eyequeuerobotgeek:  i think there's two names for each, one being a to-disk and one being a to-ram, and each having two differing names in differing docs :/08:36
RattboiNsaneice: I think Xbox's sell better than Apple's do08:36
Madpilotyeah, seems there's big companies - MS & Dell - and then there's IBM, still the super-heavyweight...08:37
robotgeekeyequeue: so what do u call, what it does when you shut the lid08:37
Rattboisame with PS308:37
MadpilotNsaneice: i read that most of the new gaming consoles will have PPC chips inthem...08:37
Rattboiand Revolution08:37
=== NewUbuntuUser [~chatzilla@cpe-66-25-129-124.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
GattonAmaranth, do you want the file attached or just the listing? There isn't very much in the file. Only a few lines08:37
NsaneiceMadpilot: Just saying that Apple is looking to Intel chips08:37
eyequeuerobotgeek:  i think that was (beleive it or not) "lid.sh"08:37
AmaranthGatton: whichever works08:38
MadpilotNsaneice: not looking, but going, I thought?08:38
RattboiNsaneice: yeah, but I don't think that has much to do with their profit margins08:38
GhostFreemancan someone please tell me if PPC is superior than x8608:38
AmaranthGatton: doesn't make a difference, i just need to read it08:38
robotgeekIBM got a real sweet deal, with everyone buying chips from them.08:38
GhostFreemanI want to end this argument with a friend i've been having08:38
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eyequeuerobotgeek:  i started by looking in /etc/default/acpi-support08:38
Rattboiespecially since like Freescale was making a lot of PPC for Apple anyways08:38
NsaneiceMadpilot: No clue..08:38
bojanglesrobotgeek, it is not just selling all the chips now...but they will lock in future sales because the chip buyers will want to maintain backward compatibility08:39
RattboiGhostFreeman: superior how?08:39
Rattboieach will have it's advantages08:39
AmaranthGhostFreeman: PPC is superior on paper08:39
hyphenatedGhostFreeman: they're not comparable like that. is white bread better than brown bread?08:39
robotgeekeyequeue: i don't have a acpi-support directory08:39
NewUbuntuUserthis is a quick question that probably has a long answer... but in a nutshell... is it easy or at least POSSIBLE to play Battlefield 2 or World of Warcraft on Ubuntu?08:39
Rattboihyphenated: exactly08:39
shawarmaHi! There's some sort of problem with liba52 and mplayer... Does anyone know what causes this? (To reproduce: try playing almost any DVD with the mplayer from multiverse)08:39
bojanglesGhostFreeman, PPC is shit...but the cell processor is quite impressive08:39
GhostFreemanI think i understand08:39
linuksoGhostFreeman: PowerPc is a much cooler name then x68 => superior!08:39
=== PPC_Guy [~cledusddp@253-32-178-69.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
Rattboiask PPC_Guy08:39
RattboiI wonder what he'll say08:39
eyequeuerobotgeek:  acpi-support: /etc/acpi/lid.sh08:39
bojangleslinukso, that is a lie...PPC is shit...the research went into the cell processor08:40
AmaranthGhostFreeman: And for floating point operations it's better than x86, but in reality the x86 generally blows the PPC away.08:40
PPC_Guyhey all. Question. Just added a second hd to my ubuntu box but can't see the flippin thing08:40
GattonAmaranth, I sent it thanks08:40
GhostFreemanI was told x86 was inferior to PPC but then again he was a mac geek08:40
NsaneiceI think x86 uses less power and has less heat08:40
Coagdidya format it PPC_Guy08:40
Rattboiyeah, mac guys will say that08:40
eyequeuerobotgeek: see if sudo apt-get install acpi-support seems like it wants to be reasonable on your box (not removing anything important for example)08:40
AmaranthGhostFreeman: Everytime a new PPC comes out (G3, G4, G5) it is temporarily the fastest desktop CPU available but the x86 folks regain the crown quickly and the PPC just keeps falling behind until a new major version.08:40
robotgeekeyequeue: one sec08:41
CoagPPC didya mont t?08:41
eyequeuerobotgeek:  i'm on a breezy laptop, so things may differ a bit here08:41
RattboiI can't believe that it's less heat08:41
NsaneicePPC_Guy: add it to fstab08:41
Coagmount it*08:41
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linuksobojangles: I didn't comment on the facts, just the name :)08:41
robotgeekeyequeue: cool, PPC?08:41
NsaneicePPC_Guy: then a good old " sudo mount -a "08:41
Coagmount -t fs /dev/hd# /home/persona08:41
PaxAnimais it possible to perform a netinstall of ubuntu using floppy?08:41
GhostFreemanso why the hell are the new consoles using PPC when x86, on paper, kicks its ass08:41
eyequeuerobotgeek:  nah, centrino here08:42
nagualwhen grub first installed itself during install it did some stuff 'automatically' question is, can i get back to that?08:42
GhostFreemanThat's what I don't get. Seems like they're downgrading based on what you guys say08:42
AmaranthGhostFreeman: Because the PPC in the consoles is nothing like the one in desktop.s08:42
robotgeekeyequeue: apt-cache doesn't show acpi-support, or anything similiar08:42
AmaranthGhostFreeman: The console versions don't do out of order execution or any of the stuff a desktop machine needs.08:42
GattonAmaranth, Nevermind. I'm a moron. I was leaving the Category picker blank when creating the new entry08:42
AmaranthGhostFreeman: They are tuned specifically to running games.08:42
eyequeuethe other thing to keep in mind is that clock speeds on one archetecture don't map well to clock speeds on another archetecture08:43
AmaranthGatton: Category picker?08:43
AmaranthGatton: What version are you using?08:43
NewUbuntuUserthis is a quick question that probably has a long answer... but in a nutshell... is it easy or at least POSSIBLE to play Battlefield 2 or World of Warcraft on Ubuntu?08:43
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hondjeyes, if you pay money08:43
GhostFreemandual boot08:43
Razor-Xfever sucks ;)08:43
Amaranthdoesn't bf2 have a native version?08:43
robotgeekeyequeue: eyequeue, i belive that this machine runs apm08:43
NsaneiceNewUbuntuUser: Yes if you pay for software08:43
eyequeuerobotgeek:  drat, could be a breezy thing :(  you've got all the various repositories added i gather?08:43
NewUbuntuUser=P darn08:43
robotgeekeyequeue: pretty much08:43
GattonAmaranth, 0.5. When creating the new entry under icon there is an option for Category which has all of your menu headings listed. I was forgetting to choose Office thinking that it would automatically place it in the highlighted category08:43
AmaranthGatton: It sounds like you're using 0.5, the latest version is 0.7.5. :)08:43
NewUbuntuUseri wanted to give Mr. Gates the boot =P08:44
Razor-XNewUbuntuUser: i'm stuck on a Windows box08:44
=== orangerange [~hideseek@FLH1Abu014.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu
glickexcuse me what package is esddsp in?08:44
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glickesound wrapper?08:44
GattonAmaranth, oops. I assumed Synaptic would pick up on that but told me I had the latest version. Off to upgrade :)08:44
robotgeekeyequeue: no problem, just wanted my linux laptop to be close to/better than OS X08:44
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NewUbuntuUserstuck is a good way to put it08:44
AmaranthGatton: wait08:44
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GhostFreemanI use Windows but MS dosen't get my money08:44
Razor-Xthe only way i'm making do is an SSH shell connected to an emacs session, and XEmacs-native with Eshell08:44
orangerangecan anyone please help me work with openoffice writer?08:44
Razor-XDOS is just too horrendous.....08:44
barlasorangerange, what do you want help with?08:44
eyequeuerobotgeek:  i also found it works best on this particular box with 2.6.12, which isn't recommended with hoary :/  i think the best advice i could give may be to wait a few months? :(08:44
AmaranthGatton: If you're an x86 user, please run http://dev.realistanew.com/smeg/installsmeg to install the latest version.08:45
NewUbuntuUserwell thanks for the info XD!08:45
eyequeuerobotgeek:  or of course, find that your box works with apm unlike mine, heh08:45
GattonAmaranth, gonna do that right now thanks08:45
Razor-Xespecially the WinXP emulation of DOS08:45
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=== carlos [~carlos@243.Red-83-47-24.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
orangerangebarlas, thank you so much for your help. My document is at http://koyuri.tripod.com/Original_Useful_Phrases.sxw . I want to: 1) keep everything on one page by having the remainder of the table wrap to the right side of page 1.   2) I want to be able to enter text inside the table  while keeping the scheme of alternating white and grey rows08:46
eyequeuerobotgeek:  btw, sometimes i find it doesn't like to bring wlan back up, and other times, it seems to hate sound ... this is with suspend-to-disk, the -to-ram option has never behaved here with this hardware08:46
robotgeekeyequeue: i don't mind, actually. I don't really want to mess around with the configuration right now. it's a bad time. and i need to get work done :)08:47
orangerangebarlas, in regards to point 1, i want it to look something like http://linux.ee/~vagula/ooshots/dictionary.png08:47
GattonAmaranth, niiice. This is much nicer08:47
eyequeuerobotgeek:  that's usually when i break systems myself, heheh08:48
robotgeekeyequeue: my wireless kind of sucks. I have a script which i run to bring it back again.08:48
AmaranthGatton: :D08:48
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Razor-Xso.... to help out an ailing Ubuntu user... can anyone suggest a nice DOS emulator that does all of DOS well? (not just games)08:48
Coagubuntu doesnt support my wireless no matter what it seems08:49
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eyequeuerobotgeek:  mine seems to be a firmware problem, it's still under development (and needs 2.6.12 to work with suspend at all)08:49
robotgeekCoag: what seems to be the problem?08:49
Coagwell i was in here yesterday08:49
robotgeekeyequeue: well, the pros of having a old machine!08:49
Coagi had my WMP54G setup with ndiswrapper and recoginized08:49
GattonAmaranth, thanks for your help. And please disregard the email. I appreciate it08:49
Coagbut no matter what i did i could get it to see an AP08:49
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eyequeueCoag:  i don't know the exact url, but there was a page on the wiki that talked of wireless chipset support, maybe that could help08:50
Razor-Xi've been noticing that, nowadays, preference has been much more on wireless internet, very very whacky wireless networks08:50
AmaranthGatton: No problem. Always happy to help one of my users. :)08:50
orangerangeHello all. I want to: 1) keep everything on one page by having the remainder of the table wrap to the right side of page 1.   2) I want to be able to enter text inside the table  while keeping the scheme of alternating white and grey rows. . My document is at http://koyuri.tripod.com/Original_Useful_Phrases.sxw .08:50
orangerangeHow do i do so?08:50
ugohey....aptitude keeps trying to remove openoffice automatically08:51
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Amaranthugo: aptitude is stupid like that ;)08:51
eyequeueugo:  does it say why?08:51
Coagwell, eyequeue and robotgeek i ended up gettign rid of ubuntu :9 which i didnt want to but not seeing an AP was not ok so im STUCK on Fedora Core 3 and the nasty YUM system08:51
ugoi tinkered with my box the wrongway majorly yesterday08:51
Razor-Xis sxw the Oo format, thingy?08:51
ugoso i know im at fault...08:51
robotgeekCoag: can you turn off the ip masking if you have it enabled.08:51
MadpilotRazor-X: yes.08:51
ugoThe following packages will be automatically REMOVED:08:51
Razor-Xugo: you can probably change that in aptitude's settings08:51
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robotgeekCoag: ubuntu had it turned on by default on mine, and i had the same problem08:52
orangerangebarlas, ?08:52
Coagare you serious?08:52
robotgeekCoag: /etc/init.d/ipmasq stop08:52
Coagi coulda fixed it?08:52
Razor-Xif I had a physical copy in front of me (like I use normally) then I could hel pmore interactively08:52
EGCdgitalHi everyone08:52
Coagtoo bad youw erent here yesterday08:52
EGCdgitalI need some help08:52
barlasorangerange, hmm... wait a second08:52
Coagyouw erent08:52
eyequeueCoag:  i hear you, but you do need to have something that works with the peculiarities of your own hardware.  do give it another try when breezy releases08:52
barlaslet me see08:52
orangerangebarlas, thank you.08:52
robotgeekCoag: if it was enabled, that might have done the trick!08:52
Coagthanks alot08:53
Razor-XI stay away from WYSIWYG now.....08:53
EGCdgitalmy video card dont works 100%  I cant change my resolution =( I dont have audio too08:53
Coagalot of people tried to help me08:53
Coagbut none had been in the situation before08:53
Coagso they were guessing08:53
EGCdgitalsomebodt help me please08:53
Razor-XEGCdgital: what happened?08:53
EGCdgitaldont works ok my video card08:53
EGCdgitalI've ati radeon 920008:53
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ubotufrom memory, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:54
Coaglinux + ait = not good08:54
EGCdgitalis my first time with linux08:54
EGCdgitalIm virgen08:54
eyequeueCoag:  are you dual booting there?08:54
=== Seveas [~seveas@ksl403-uva-135.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-XI misread, and thought that you did something to break the video-card support08:54
Coageyequeue, i tried08:54
robotgeekCoag: i found out only by looking at the kernel logs :(08:54
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Razor-Xthere you are, a generic, bot-ified response to a commonly bleated question ;)08:54
Coagcan i pm you with my dual boot situation eyequeue08:54
Razor-XCoag: I can help with double-booting as well08:54
Coagill jsut say it in here08:55
Coagmight take a while08:55
Coaghere goes08:55
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EGCdgitalI cant change my resolution08:55
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EGCdgitalof my desktop08:55
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:55
eyequeueCoag:  a trick i've heard with some chipsets/firmware:  if the linux driver is misbehaving due to misconfiguration, sometimes you have to boot to another OS to get it sort of "reset" to a working config, then go back to linux with the correct (attempted-correct?) configuration08:55
Razor-Xread everything that people say08:55
CoagI installed XP with two partitions, the first partition on the disk i made FAT and 500 megs the second one i made the windows drive08:55
Coagwhen i installed ubuntu i formatting that fat drive and made it boot08:56
robotgeekeyequeue: what??08:56
Coagso now i cant boot back into windows08:56
Razor-XCoag: you installed Ubuntu on 500 mb?08:56
Coagi used the 500 mb as boot08:56
eyequeuerobotgeek:  weird, but when the linux driver is still somewhat unfinished, the other OS driver apparently can force a more-complete reset or something08:56
Coagwhich had XP boot files im assuming, and i formatted it08:56
Razor-Xwhy in the world would you boot a 500 MB FAT partition with nothing bootable on it?08:57
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Razor-XXP Boot files are all located in the same partition08:57
robotgeekeyequeue: weird!08:57
vinuxhey guys what's that website with alot of ubuntu themes?08:57
Madpilotvinux: gnome-look.org?08:57
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vinuxMadpilot, I think that's it08:58
firestormHi all. When installing transcode I get: transcode: Depends: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.0.0-7) but 1:4.0-0pre6ubuntu7 is to be installed   ... any hints?08:58
eyequeueCoag:  okay, IF you can get into ubuntu, such as from a livecd, try running "sudo grub-install" to get a boot sector back08:58
Coagwhen i installed ubuntu i formatted that partition with the ext2 and put the bootloader on it and pointed towards an ext3 partition for ubuntu which worked fine, and my windows XP partition where it could boot08:58
robotgeekalrite ppl, off to bed!08:58
barlasorangerange, can't find anything like that :-/08:58
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Seveasfirestorm, if you use transcode from hoary-extras, you need libgcc1 from hoary-backports08:58
Coagi already install over ubuntu because being without internet was not ok08:58
orangerangebarlas, what can't you find?08:58
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Coagi can boot to linux, but i cant boot to windows08:58
Coagand i do have grub pointed at the right parition08:59
SysFailand the problem is?08:59
Razor-XCoag: so, for clarity purposes, can you get me a partition table of your drive(s)?08:59
barlasorangerange, unfortunately, my OOo  is not working atm here :-/ can't find on net08:59
=== TFP [~Patrick@dsl-084-056-132-058.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Coaghd (0,4)08:59
=== Hoxzer [Hoxzer@dsl-hkigw2ga0.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
CoagRazor-X, sure how?08:59
ugohey is there a guide of some sorts on how to maintain two gcc versions on one box08:59
eyequeueCoag:  i've seen ppl in here mention an ms command something with -mbr or something, but i don't know that one myslef (that would give you back windows, i think)08:59
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Razor-Xhah, ok08:59
orangerangebarlas, okay. thank you 8-)08:59
firestormSeveas: yikes, how do I get libgcc1 from hoary-backports?08:59
Razor-Xeyequeue: I know the command, but it may do more harm than good08:59
Seveasfirestorm: To find out the location of backports, go to backports.ubuntuforums.org/url.php08:59
Coagfdisk couldnt be found08:59
abhayksSeveas: or better upgrade to breezy09:00
Coagok so how to get that partition table09:00
Razor-XCoag: what about cfdisk, parted, gparted, or qtparted?09:00
eyequeueCoag:  try cfdisk09:00
Seveasabhayks, NO09:00
Razor-Xabhayks: Breezy is HIGHLY deprecated09:00
Seveasupgrading to breezy is risky and not to be done ....09:00
SeveasRazor-X, ehm...09:00
Seveasget a dictionary09:00
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Seveasdeprecated means outdated...09:00
Coagnone of the commands work09:00
eyequeueCoag:  actually, listen to Razor-X, he probably doesn't have the headache that i do now, heh09:00
Seveasbreezy is bleeding edge :)09:00
Coagdamn fedora core 309:00
SeveasCoag, this is #ubuntu, not #fedora :)09:01
Coagi know09:01
abhayksbreezy is NOT risky09:01
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Coagbut this is a problem that started in ubuntu09:01
Seveasabhayks, it is09:01
Coagthat i carried on to fedora09:01
linuksoWhy why why! Gnome-volume-manager is very nice, but when two users are logged in at the same time, why can't only the "active" session mount external medias and cd/dvd's?09:01
abhayksI am running it very successfully on my thinkpad09:01
crowhow do you compile a program with options when you get it off of apt-get?09:01
Seveasabhayks, that does not mean it isn't risky...09:01
Razor-Xdeprecated: To express disapproval of09:01
eyequeueabhayks:  it is (i'm on it) ... see /topic for one example09:01
firestormSeveas: and what should the options in /etc/apt/sources.list be for the backports?09:02
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Razor-Xdeprecated is just to steer people away from softwary that shouldn't be used09:02
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Seveascrow, apt-get source $programname, edit debian/rules and run dpkg-buildpackage09:02
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crowsay i want to make aterm --enable-transparency09:02
Seveasfirestorm: To find out the location of backports, go to backports.ubuntuforums.org/url.php09:02
Seveaslook there :)09:02
Razor-Xcrow: ./configure --help09:02
firestormSeveas: I already have an entry that looks like: deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted09:02
Razor-Xin the source directory of aterm09:02
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eyequeuefirestorm:  -extras and -backports are different.  clone the line with the other suffix :)09:03
Seveasfirestorm, add another with hoary-backports instead of hoary-extras09:03
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=== eyequeue takes his headache offline a bit. good $time all
=== Atlas95|Zzz is now known as Atlas95
firestormSeveas: thanks...now I need to dl 45MB for apt-get upgrade...will see how apt-get install transcode looks then....thanks for your help :)09:04
Razor-Xfirestorm: be careful with backports09:05
abhayksFor Laptops, breezy is real bliss. Yes I do except that I don't upgrade Xorg very often.09:05
Razor-Xif you replace too much of your system with backported stuff, things can break09:05
Razor-Xregardless... i'm off09:05
=== DukGalNamu [~andrew@adsl-69-225-136-246.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-XI may not have a headache, but i'm fighting fever09:05
Razor-Xso... night everyone09:05
crowdoes ubuntu not use gcc or cc?09:06
DukGalNamuhey, anyone hear use btdownloadheadless?09:06
Razor-Xcrow: sudo apt-get install build-essentials09:06
abhaykscrow: it does09:06
Razor-Xand with that, i'm off09:06
crowok, thanks09:06
Coag<3 apt-get09:06
Coagusing it on fedora :)09:06
crowsays there isnt a package called build-essential09:07
DukGalNamucrow: try just apt-get build-essentials09:07
crow!info build-essentials09:07
DukGalNamuwithout the install09:07
crowthats an invalid operation09:08
ubotuDukGalNamu: I haven't a clue09:08
firestormSeveas: with razor-x's comment, should I enable backports *only* for transcode then comment it out again in sources.list once installed?09:08
vinuxabhayks, so breezy is working pretty good?09:08
Burgundaviavinux, sort of09:08
abhayksvinux: OH its perfect --09:08
vinuxBurgundavia, what do you mean sort of?09:08
abhayksjust ensure that you do not upgrade Xorg very often09:09
Burgundaviavinux, might not work for you09:09
benplauttry the live CD09:09
abhayksI have gnome configured, with no pannel and using adesklets instead. It is just too good an eye-candy09:09
benplautif that works, than a clean install is likely to work09:09
SysFailbreezy has a live-cd?09:09
abhayksall the applications are bleeding-edge.09:10
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SysFailI musta missed that09:10
Coagwanna post a screenie?09:10
abhayksand this is my way of giving back my testing results to my fav distro- Ubuntu09:10
benplautabhayks: if you don't have gnome-panel, then go ahead and use flux or blackbox... you will hardly notice a difference, and it will be alot faster09:10
SysFailor WM09:11
=== ColonelKernel [~ishai@24-205-124-191.bb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
abhaykscan I post in IRC ?09:11
=== ColonelKernel [~ishai@24-205-124-191.bb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Coagumm... flux is a huge difference09:11
benplautthose _are_ WMs...09:11
SysFailWM= window maker09:11
Coagabhayks, upload the picture somewhere and post the link09:11
benplaut_that_ WM :)09:11
SysFailyeah :)09:11
abhayksbenplaut: Thanks for the advice, I'll definately try fluxbox. Was thinking of XFCE4 also09:11
SysFailI love WM09:12
linuksometacity is a fast windowmanager, I dont understand what you are complaining about...09:12
vinuxxfce4 is awsome09:12
benplautXFCE, IMHO, is awesome09:12
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Coagi love xfce09:12
benplautwell, common opinion :)09:12
abhaykscoag: I'll try to post in ubuntuforums.09:12
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Coagyou could jsut imageshack.us09:12
benplauti do too, but i don't use it for the simple reason that the "start" button cant's go all the way to the bottom pixel of the screen09:12
benplautvery annoying09:12
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abhaykswhat is imageshak.us ?09:13
benplautmy system is powerful enough that i can still use Gnome, with noth that much speed decrease09:13
benplautit's an image host site09:13
benplautit's good- use it09:13
benplautit's www.imageshack.us09:13
Coagsame difference09:14
Coagi left out a c09:14
Coagno he did09:14
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z[banditohow can you disable certain keys on the keyboard?  i have a system with a japanese keyboard, but the software is configured for US english.  it works ok, but the spacing on some keys is too close .. like print screen is very close to backspace and easy to hit on accident.  on a slow machine this can cause additional pain ;)09:17
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diceshello everyone09:17
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linuksoz[bandito: if its gnome, you can just change the gnome keyboard shortcuts to make printscreen do... Nothing09:18
dicesIs it possible to select all wanted apps with apt-get and export of list of downloads ? so i can take it and download elsewhere ?09:18
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cafuegodices: apt-zip and apt-move09:19
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dicescafuego: thx lemme see09:19
z[banditoyes it is gnome.. is it in settings?  sorry I'm not on the system atm09:19
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z[banditowasn't sure if there was an easy to access setting from gnome or if i would need to launch a configuration from the shell, or edit a config, or what ;)09:20
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dicescafuego: is that in the apt-get repositories ?09:20
cafuegodices: it ort to be, let me see.09:20
cafuego!info apt-zip09:20
ubotuapt-zip: (Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media), section universe/admin, is extra. Version: 0.13.2 (hoary), Packaged size: 14 kB, Installed size: 96 kB09:20
cafuegodices: universe09:21
linuksoz[bandito: you can change keyboard shortcuts from the system -> preferences menu09:21
mebaran151what is the best cdripper09:22
z[banditothanks very much linukso :)09:22
=== pax excited his partioning plan worked
linuksoz[bandito: np09:24
z[banditoyou wouldn't know how to disable a certain pointing device would you?  :)  i have an other machine, also older (i'm trying to set up some older machines as desktop linux boxen for some poor college student friends for homework using firefox, gedit, and o.office) which has a broken trackpoint eraser pointing device... it has a USB mouse but sometimes the trackpoint overrides the mouse and takes the pointer all over the screen ...09:24
z[bandito=\    :)09:24
gyaresumebaran151, goobox for ripping. and do it in 'flac' (free lossless audio codec)09:25
linuksomebaran151: sound-juicer works fine.09:25
Atlas95i have an 9600 pro and i want to buy a x800 because R300 chipset don't support 3d under linux09:25
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Atlas95but i don't know if x800 is supported?09:26
gyaresuAtlas95, anything nvidia is fine.09:26
Atlas95someone can help me?09:26
paxapt-cache search cd ripper and try them all09:26
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mebaran151goobox is the best09:26
mebaran151I would like to use ogg09:26
mebaran151I know FLAC is lossless09:26
mebaran151but I dont have that much space09:26
z[banditogotta run09:27
mebaran151my MPEG 4 movie collection needs its room09:27
mebaran151Atlas95, the newere it is, the less likely linux will natively accelerate it09:27
z[banditothanks for the help bbl09:27
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mebaran151try the fglrx driver09:27
mebaran151it is pretty recent09:27
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paxmebaran151: kidding :)09:28
mebaran151I am writing a little ruby script09:28
mebaran151to grant access09:28
mebaran151to my little database over streaming ftp09:28
erudeyewhere i can find package for ubuntu09:28
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
bojanglesok here is the minimum $4000 for windows price at microsoft.com....i did not fix any prices these are quoted by MS as they consider how valuable they are.09:28
gyaresu!tell erudeye about sources09:28
mebaran151do you know if ssh opens files bsd style, as streams09:28
mebaran151or if it requires the whole block to connect09:29
bojanglesnow notice that is only for 25 clients....the price escalates beyond calculation for additional features09:29
cafuegomebaran151: ssh user@remotehost "command to add user to db"09:30
abhayksHi managed to host a snapshot on Imageshak09:30
bojanglesi can't understand why India is pirating windows....instead of honestly paying the money asked per person and per processor09:30
cafuegobojangles: Because windows is shit and MS demanding money for it is a crime.09:30
gyaresucafuego, said a potty word.09:31
robotgeekbojangles: for the n'th time. cause they can't afford it!09:31
bojanglescafuego, you mean you don't want to pay $4000 for a minimum os without SQL server even...just to get started09:31
diceshey i love windows, keeps work for me09:31
=== reka [~Unknown@WNPP-p-203-54-24-38.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
dicessame person comming 3 times a month = $$$09:31
Atlas95what card graphik i can buy09:31
rekasny ML/SML programmers?09:31
gyaresuAtlas95, anything nvidia.09:31
cafuegoAtlas95: Depends on your budget and cpu.09:31
Atlas95what tyoe09:31
firestormHi. I cannot play DVDs but previously a package suggested i install 'libdvdcss'. When I try, I get: E: Package libdvdcss has no installation candidate09:31
Atlas95under 30009:31
=== text_ [text@adsl-69-231-86-133.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Atlas95but recente09:31
cafuego300 whatnow?09:31
Atlas95a good card09:32
gyaresuAtlas95, nvidia 6800gt09:32
pax6800gt is ancient by now09:32
rekafirestorm: it's in backports09:32
gyaresuAtlas95, ~$300AU will do the job09:32
=== xvlun [~Jan@dsl-213-023-176-167.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
abhayksThough I had to use gnome pannel to get access to snapshot application ( as yet not part of my adesklet pannel)09:32
abhaykshere is the link to it09:32
text_how do i exit xwindows? when i press ctrl+alt+backspace it goes to back to the classic console but then starts x again instantly09:32
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paxtext kill gdm or stop it09:33
cafuegoAtlas95: if you have a 32bit intel box and want to run games on Windows and other stuff on Linux, an ATI is going to be fastest. if you want decent 3D on windows AND Linux and/or have a 64bit Athlon, get nvidia.09:33
rekatext_: iirc, sudo /etc/init.d stop09:33
rekatext_: iirc, sudo /etc/init.d gdm stop09:33
paxtext, /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:33
=== jcoxon [~jcoxon@81-178-242-198.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
gyaresutext_, for admin stuff?09:33
mebaran151how do I clear my CDDB database09:33
abhaykstext_: set the system to init 3 mode09:33
mebaran151in goobox I accidently clicked the wrong album choice09:33
=== silmaris- [vampyre@m130.net81-67-104.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu
text_thanks alot guys09:34
text_appreciate the quick replies09:34
paxtext anything to kill x, welcome09:34
Atlas95for the moment i have a barton 2800+ with 1go of pc3200 and sapphire 9600 pro09:34
abhayksbenplaut: did u like the snapshot09:34
bojanglesnow you don't even want to ask about MS price of this one09:34
=== Tomcat_ [~Tomcat@p54A18779.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
bojanglesit supports up to 64 processors on your motherboard and an 8 node cluster for starters09:35
=== finn [~jani@ppp84-229.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoAtlas95: Then you need a faster CPU, not a faster gfx card.09:35
bojanglesbut you don't even want to ask how much money?09:36
Madpilotbojangles: has this become #microsoft-prices at some point? ;)09:36
abhaykscomeon guys I took so much time just to upload one image -- please give your reviews09:36
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bojanglesMadpilot, no...we are just trying to understand why someone said India is pirating windows at 80%09:36
Madpilotabhayks: intersesting. what WM is that again?09:36
cafuegoabhayks: bad green09:36
abhayksIts normal gnome09:37
Madpilotbojangles: um, because it's freakin' expensive & overpriced. next question?09:37
gyaresuabhayks, it's sexy.09:37
abhayksgyaresu: thanks09:37
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paxwhat, republicans want to bomb India now?09:37
robotgeekabhayks: is that gdesklets?09:37
Madpilotabhayks: cool. what is the resources thign on the side?09:37
robotgeekabhayks: and what's the dock thing?09:37
abhaykscafuego: that is a fully transparent gnome-terminal running top. Yes green ids not looking good09:38
benplautabhayks: that's really good looking!09:38
benplautdo you have anything for a taskbar, however?09:38
gyaresuabhayks, does that mean ALL your terminals look that way?09:38
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robotgeekabhayks: try torsmo09:38
Madpilotgo with dark blue or dark grey text. or just black...09:38
benplautoh, and junk the Ubuntu Human icon theme ;)09:39
abhayksrobotgeek: that is adesklets. The dock is modubar and That system REsources is System monitor09:39
abhayksThey are all desklets of adesklets09:39
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Madpilotcool stuff, abhayks. no multiple virtual desktops, though?09:39
gyaresu"adesklets" ?09:40
Madpilot... i couldn't function anymore without all four desktops...09:40
mebaran151how do I enable mp3 recording in goobox09:40
mebaran151what pkg do I need09:40
robotgeekMadpilot: i even quit os x for it :)09:40
ubotusomebody said codecs was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats09:40
sss_lrapt-cache search " mp3 recordin"09:40
Madpilotrobotgeek: ? the virtual desktops convinced you to go w/ Ubuntu?09:41
abhayksMadpilot: no multiple desktops09:41
robotgeeki used to use debian before09:41
abhayksgyaresu: apt-get install adesklets09:41
Madpilotabhayks: too bad.09:41
mebaran151gyaresu, I dont think it was codecs09:41
mebaran151I can play mp3's just fine09:41
robotgeekthen pathner came along, used it for quite a while, then dual booted, and now running only ubuntu09:41
mebaran151both in mplayer and in totem09:41
gyaresumebaran151, ah. sorry.09:41
=== Jimmothy [~applepop@user-3343.l4.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
robotgeekMadpilot: got most of my issues sorted out09:42
mebaran151and I installed lame09:42
abhayksMadpilot: that will take too much resources09:42
Jimmothywhat's the name of the ftp client with  ubuntu?09:42
mebaran151the only encoder of any note09:42
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gyaresumebaran151, what repository. i'm not getting it.09:42
robotgeekabhayks: adesklets doesn't show up?09:42
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Madpilotabhayks: how resource-intense is gdesklets,then?09:42
abhayksMadpilot: gdesklets are very resorce hungry-- unlike adesklets09:43
Madpilotrobotgeek: search Syn for "gdesklets", not a...09:43
abhayksu can see CPU load =5%09:43
robotgeekMadpilot: yeah, gdesklets shows up..what's adesklets?09:43
abhayksrobotgeek: adesklets are displayed as SystemMonitor and the dock bar09:43
gyaresuabhayks, they're not listed though.09:44
abhayksapt-get install adesklets09:44
gyaresuabhayks, no.09:44
mebaran151gyaresu, universe09:44
gyaresuMadpilot, robotgeek can you guys seem them.09:44
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robotgeekabhayks,Madpilot : i manage with torsmo, and no icons. thank u09:44
mebaran151goobox is not technically supported09:44
robotgeekgyaresu: nope09:44
gyaresumebaran151, i got full sources.09:44
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erirlarhow can i change the computer name? tryed changeing it in /etc/hosts but then i couldnt log inn to Gnome09:45
mebaran151what mp3 pkg's do you have09:45
abhayksabhayks@abhayks:~/Work/Themes/modubar-0.0.1$ apt-cache search adesklets09:45
abhayksadesklets - interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window System09:45
gyaresumebaran151, I have uni and multi and backports...09:45
mebaran151it does ogg vbr which is all I reall need09:45
mebaran151hmm, I am on AMD6409:45
abhayksset ur source.list09:45
Madpilotgyaresu: no adesklets I can find?09:45
mebaran151that might be it09:45
mebaran151what mp3 pkgs hav eyou installed09:45
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Madpilotabhayks: which repos are you using? I thought I had all the standard U ones enabled...09:45
bojanglesnow intel is starting off with the dual core Itanium2 called Montecito to be released soon for SGI....then when they get to 64core...it will be ready for the MS windows i just posted09:46
bojanglesthen you can ask how much?09:46
abhayksMadpilot: I am using breezy ( main, universe and multiverse)09:46
abhayksthis is why I say Breezy rocks09:46
robotgeekabhayks: no, i am not ready for breezy!09:47
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bojanglesand this dude said...no wonder MS and Dell make so much money09:47
Madpilotabhayks: that's the problem, I'm still on Hoary...09:47
Madpilotbojangles: please drop it? we know MS is evil, it doesn't need to be repeated endlessly...09:48
gyaresuMaddy, abhayks living on the edge.09:48
abhayksI had to use my mouse pointer to take the snapshot-- else if I place my mouse pointer on any icon  in the modubar-- they become enlarged and sort of pop up09:48
robotgeekmy maverick days of living on the edge are over!09:48
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abhayksHey Breezy is not risky, not at all for our normal everyday work09:49
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Madpilotrobotgeek: yeah, no more Windows viruses for me, either... :)09:49
=== jorgp [~jorgp@bnet-dial-96.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
robotgeekMadpilot: :)09:49
cafuegoabhayks: It sure is over here, though.09:49
robotgeeklater folks...09:49
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abhayksActually I found Ubuntu to be the best for my thinkpad.09:50
gyaresuNermal, You better behave.09:50
Nermalhmm ?09:50
abhayksand breezy is like a breeze of fresh air09:50
NermalI had a lovely weekend, you ?09:50
Nermalabhayks when it works :)09:50
mebaran151abhayks, breezy aint working on AMD6409:50
mebaran151at all09:50
mebaran151the partition corrupts parititons09:50
mebaran151it wont even layout the lsb09:50
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Nermalhmm... I need to install cyprus for bitchx :|09:51
mebaran151is grip any good for cd burning?09:51
cafuegomebaran151: it runs OK here, provided I update _very_ carefully.09:51
mebaran151it has lots of neato options09:51
mebaran151cafuego, the current arrays have a very borked installer09:52
mebaran151that complains the kernel doesnt know that paritions have been set or mounted09:52
gyaresuAnyone use an Optical-out on their sound card?09:52
cafuegomebaran151: This is a dist-upgraded Debian Sid ;-)09:52
Nermalmebaran151 grip is more for ripping audio off a cd to disk09:52
cafuegomebaran151: sid -> hoary -> breezy09:52
Nermalgnomebaker is quite nice for gnome cd burning09:52
abhayksNermal: mebaran1: A couple of my friends had initial problems on AMD64 with breezy, but they are all happy now09:52
mebaran151Nermal, isnt that would goobox does too09:52
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mebaran151abhayks, they need to fix the installer09:53
mebaran151it wont let me parition09:53
abhayksfor CD/DVD burning, I trust only k3b09:53
mebaran151and my rig is pretty standard09:53
mebaran151so what should I use, goobox or grip09:53
Nermalnautilus has worked fine for me, though it is rather basic :|09:53
abhayksmebaran151: you may try installing hoary and do a dist-upgrade to breezy09:53
mebaran151grip has more output functions09:53
mebaran151abhayks, I'm scared09:54
mebaran151I do my devel on this computer09:54
mebaran151I am willing to fix the occasional bug09:54
mebaran151which is why I like to run the devel copy09:54
mebaran151but I also need to work09:54
mebaran151and not having X can be a big deal09:54
mebaran151the biggest draw of breezy is its much imporved mono support09:54
gyaresu| X still broken in Breezy - DO NOT USE BREEZY YET |  - how bad could it be? :)09:54
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mebaran151I would like to try it out09:54
mebaran151gyaresu, now we wonder why ...09:54
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abhayksmebaran151: i understand ur concerns. Surely not having X would make life hell for me. Though I use this mostly for doing telnet to my server machines where I do the work.09:55
NermalI've rested my hand in superglue :|09:55
gyaresuNermal, DON'T EVEN START.09:55
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lokthen force a downgrade of xserver-xorg09:56
Atlas95how to manually install a gdm theme?09:56
Atlas95the install button don't work for me09:57
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NermalAtlas95 drag and drop09:58
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BurgundaviaAtlas95, drag the theme into the theme window09:58
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ecarrollAlright here is a fun problem to chew on, I have recently installed kubuntu, on a machine in which only the /home was left from a previous installation, now my sound system is borked, in KDE control panel i can play the sound test but not the midi test, in addition XMMS sends to stderr that the sound device is busy and cannot be opened, it sends to a gui dialog a message telling me my sound card is misconfigured; now here is the real 09:58
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Nermalecarroll midi needs a sequencer device09:59
Nermalxmms is probably trying to use anying but arts09:59
Nermalso either install the xmms arts output plugin09:59
Nermalor turn arts off09:59
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ecarrollI set xmms to use both artsd and alsa to no avail10:00
bojanglesgyaresu, X is not broken in breezy...worked fine here...it just needs a couple of symlinks and don't use the latest kernel10:00
Nermalecarroll output of lsof /dev/dsp ?10:00
hussamhey guys, anybody using the win32 codecs package? ( the one from mplayer )10:00
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ecarrollNermal: nothing10:00
gyaresubojangles, really. should get an op to change the motd.10:00
ecarrollhussam: yes, get it from marillat mirror10:01
bojanglesgyaresu, what is motd?10:01
scaroobojangles, dont you have issues with xkb ?10:01
scaroomine is totally broken, even with symlinks10:01
gyaresubojangles, message of the day10:01
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bojanglesscaroo, no..it worked fine for me but it missed a couple of symlinks in /usr/bin/X11 or so10:01
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abhayksscaroo: mine was broken too, but symlinks helped me10:01
Nermalbojangles motd = message of the day10:02
bojanglesscaroo, you have to make sure the keyboard module is available and locatable10:02
Nermaldisplays a message to users when they log on10:02
kjonI updated my ubuntu with a debian repository and I get a 'broken pipe' error. How can I solve that?10:02
scaroook, could you please guys tell me wich symlinks i need10:02
hussamecarroll: I already have it. but I was asking why there were no updates after the one released in 20050412?10:02
Nermalkjon erm.. by not using a debian repository ?10:02
bojanglesscaroo, it is easy to trace....look for the broken symlinks and fix them10:02
Nermalscaroo you using breezy ?10:02
scarooNermal, yep10:02
abhaykskjon: If u want bleeding edge go for breezy, my advice dont use debian repo10:02
bojanglesscaroo, you should find one called X in /etc/X1110:03
Nermalaye.. my xkb is screwed10:03
NermalI guess you need to find the rules file and symlink it10:03
kjonHell... something says me that I screwed it up.10:03
scarooi symliked xkeysymb and /etc/x11/xkb10:03
hussamhussam: will mplayer ever update the packages?10:03
bojanglesscaroo, don't change the symlink that is broken but instead make the right directories available10:03
ecarrollhussam: because the windows codecs haven't been updated10:03
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Nermalscaroo iirc.. I removed a .rules file10:03
the_walrushas anyone here used Xen at all?10:03
kjonBut, the update installed a lot of things; however, the only problem -at this stage- is with python2.3-gtk210:03
ecarrollhussam: try vlc it doesn't use w32-codecs10:04
hussamecarroll: but mplayer itself isn't being shutdown, is it?10:04
bojangleswell anyway i have things to do.10:04
rekahow do i report a package bug?10:04
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hussamecarroll: i use xineui10:05
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hussamecarroll: i heard mplayer were having problems over some patent issues10:05
mouarffrhi there, Is free.fr (french ISP) is a running mirror for Ubuntu ?10:05
mouarffrthe official fr mirror is very very slow10:05
scaroomouarf : ca tourne pas mal pour moi10:06
ecarrollhussam: non-vlc uses w32-codecs, vlc uses dvdbob code10:06
hussamecarroll: ah, I see10:06
ecarrollNermal: what is mcop when i run artsd It says it can't open some file with that name in /tmp10:06
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mouarffrscaroo, can U please provide me your apt line config10:07
mouarffrscaroo, tks10:07
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julohow can I know which package a file belongs to, using apt ?10:07
mebaran151how can I use mencoder to repair a broken avi index10:07
ecarrollapt-get install apt-file, apt-file search <name>10:08
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scaroomouarffr, deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy main restricted universe multiverse10:08
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mebaran151anyone here know how?10:09
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kc122hey, i have a question about installing ubuntu linux on my intel based desktop10:10
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julothanks ecarroll10:10
kc122i curently have windows installed on my computer10:10
kc122will the ubuntu instalation erase windows and all my current files?10:11
zenroxkc122,  thare is a nice howto on www.ubuntuforums.org10:11
guillemHi. I'm playing around with my new  AMD64 ubuntu64 system... What do you guys do to run 32 apps? I've heard about chrooting... Do I install also ubuntu32 in another partition and chroot from 64 or something like that?10:11
ecarrollkc122: depends.10:11
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kc122depends on what?10:12
Nermalwhether you tell it to or not10:12
ecarrollkc122: depends, 100% on if you tell/allow ubuntu to reformat your windows partition10:12
kc122O.K. thanks10:12
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ecarrollkc122: no prob =D10:12
zenroxlike i said a nice howto10:12
Nermalguillem don't think so10:12
NermalI think you have a seperate dir for 32bit libs :|10:12
ecarrollnow why do you need a howto when you have us nice folks here10:12
Nermalor something10:12
benplautg'night all10:12
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Nermalecarroll to save time / typing10:13
Computer__Guruanybody have a clue as to why there's no png2yuv available for ubuntu?10:13
guillemNermal, so you say that the 64bit packages install 32 libs also in another place?10:13
NermalComputer__Guru there probably is.. just in a random package10:13
Computer__Gurunot that i can see10:13
Nermalguillem yeah.. well. at least I think so10:14
zenroxComputer__Guru, you can open the file in gimp and probly save as a yuv??10:14
abhayksComputer__Guru: Nice name u have10:14
Computer__Guruzenrox: an application i use is requiring png2yuv, which should be part of either mjpegtools or netpbm, but isnt present ont he system, though both packages are installed10:15
ecarrollwhat is the best way to perminatly disable artsd without breaking the ubuntu-desktop meta package? is there like a blacklist.d i can add it too?10:15
Computer__Guruabhayks: ty10:15
guillemNermal, wow, I can see I have the "/usr/lib32" plenty of stuff10:15
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zenroxComputer__Guru,  ya its plobly with anothe packare10:15
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d4rksh4dehow to edit menu.lst correctly?10:15
DarkLighthey guys. Can you help me with Ubuntu plz?10:15
zenroxsearch for that in synaptic10:15
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NermalComputer__Guru hmm.. can't see it on packages.ubuntu.com :|10:15
Computer__Guruzenrox: any idea how i'd find it?10:15
abhayksDarkLight: what help u want?10:16
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Computer__Gurusynaptic isnt going to search within packages, though10:16
zenroxComputer__Guru,  also try some of the defernt searches too that synaptic provides10:16
DarkLightabhayks: heh, Im running now on Live Ubuntu Linux, its nice (I wanted to try it cause Im Winoz user) but I cant acces to my HDD10:16
DarkLightits correctly connected, I can normal boot on it to windows, but this Live Ubuntu cant see partitions and acces to disk :(10:17
zenroxDarkLight,  thats casue your windows partions = ntfs10:17
d4rksh4dehow to put Windows boot to 1st in list correctly?10:17
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DarkLightyep, its ntfs. why linux cant acces to ntfs?10:17
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hondjeit can read ntfs fine, it can't write safely10:17
guillemNermal, however seems that some packages from multiverse, for instance, do no follow that policy :-((10:17
MadpilotDarkLight: because MS owns the standard, I think10:18
DarkLightI have Suse live cd from 03/2003 and it couldnt acces to ntfs, I thought that new version can :|10:18
domsterd4rksh4de - su, vim /boot/grub/menu.lst, change '0' to 'saved' under default10:18
zenroxDarkLight, the live cd dont provide read access to ntfs in the first place10:18
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DarkLightis any way how to acces to my disc over the live cd on which Im running? :)10:18
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DarkLightbtw sry for my stupid questions, linux is new for me :)10:18
zenroxDarkLight,  but linux can read ntfs partions just cat write to them10:18
ecarrollDarkLight: mount -t ntfs10:18
scarooarg i dont succeed repairing my xkb :( could someone help me ?10:19
zenroxDarkLight,  not on a live cd10:19
DarkLightzenrox: :|10:19
d4rksh4dedomster> 0 to saved    ... where?10:19
DarkLightbut thanx to all for ur help :)10:19
zenroxecarroll,  is right i need to look up befor i press enter10:19
domsterd4rksh4de - I should probably explain a bit better, hold a sec10:19
d4rksh4dedomster> i have the file opened10:19
identpis it possible to print a file from ubuntu to a shared network printer connected to a windows machine?10:19
Nermalguillem :|10:20
shadelandman, i'm trying to get mp3 support on the livecd, this is a challenge :)10:20
Nermalidentp of course10:20
Computer__Gurusynaptic returned nothing, as did packages.ubuntu.com10:20
zenroxidentp, yes nice howto on the forums10:20
Nermalthere are gnome tools to configure cups10:20
identpgreat, ill check it out10:20
NermalComputer__Guru I couldn't even see it on packages.debian.org :|10:20
DarkLightshadeland: heh, how can you try to run mp3z when you cant acces to HDD with ntfs? ha, u have fat32 :D10:20
domsterd4rksh4de: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/65610:20
Computer__GuruNermal: i swear it exists10:20
zenroxComputer__Guru,  look for a tar.gz on the web and compile and add it your self10:21
NermalComputer__Guru google ? :)10:21
shadelandDarkLight, I can access ntfs fine10:21
Computer__Gurugoogled it, as well. cant find a source package10:21
Computer__Guruso oh well10:21
Computer__Guruscrew it10:21
ecarrollwhat is the best way to perminatly disable artsd without breaking the ubuntu-desktop meta package? is there like a blacklist.d i can add it too?10:21
domsterd4rksh4de - there should be a comment right above the line you need to change pointing it out10:21
shadelandntfs support is built in (although I'm only using it as read-only)10:21
DarkLightshade: u r lucky man, I cant =)10:22
shadelandWhy not, I'm using 5.04 live CD10:22
shadelandmount -t ntfs -o ro /mnt/hda3 /mnt/cdrive10:22
zenroxshadeland,  you manuly mounted it tho10:22
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shadelandor whatever10:22
DarkLightwuuuu, thanx for tip, ill try to mount it :)10:22
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shadelandmake sur to include -o ro10:23
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shadelandthat makes it read only10:23
zenroxthe live cd (imho) should auto mount any ntfs fs systems it finds10:23
d4rksh4dedomster> and when i do this it puts the Windows on the list 1st? (right now windows is the bottomest)10:23
abhayksyes linux does not have a stable driver to write to ntfs partetion10:23
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DarkLightzenrox: for example, live cd of suse linux do it (find ntfs auto) but this ubuntu not :|10:23
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zenroxDarkLight,  better exxompol = knoppix10:24
Belutzhai all, i just insall kubuntu desktop over my ubuntu... it's greatttttt10:24
Belutzi love ubuntu!!!10:24
DarkLightzenrox: =)10:24
DarkLightdarkshade: console after mount cmd say that only root can do it :( fcuk10:24
domsterd4rksh4de: not exactly - you could just edit the order. what this does is make it so it defaults to the OS you last booted into10:24
zenroxDarkLight, add a sudo inforunt10:25
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Belutzanyone, how do i set different wallpaper for each desktop in gnome?10:25
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DarkLightzenrox: ?? xixi, sry for my suxxx english, Im from CZ and only 14yrs old =)))))10:25
Androowhat repository has the "regionset" tool?10:25
zenroxsudo mount ..........10:26
d4rksh4dedomster> but i can choose any time other OS?10:26
abhayksI dont understand this kde/gnome issue ( both are bloated and work properly) though I feel k3b is the best DVD ripping appl, but that apart both are equally good10:26
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domsterd4rksh4de, sure can10:26
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zenroxBelutz,  dual monitor??10:26
d4rksh4dedomster> ok thank you10:26
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Belutzzenrox: 1 monitor10:26
abhayksNow I'll try XFCE ( it is low on system resources)10:27
zenroxBelutz,  thats not possable as far as i know?10:27
ubotuNermal: No idea10:27
Belutzis XFCE have a great look?10:27
Belutzzenrox: ic... cause it's possible in KDE10:27
zenroxBelutz,  yes10:27
jukki want to setup music server for my LAN to listen to...most of the music is in mp3 format. is there a php script to do this?10:27
abhayksWell, I have not tried as yet but seen the screenshots- they appear gr810:27
Belutzis XFCE available in hoary universe?10:27
NermalAndroo   utils/regionset [universe] 10:27
zenroxBelutz,  gnome dont have that capability10:27
abhayksyes XFCE is in hoary10:28
zenroxBelutz, yes10:28
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zenroxxfce4.2.1 tho10:28
Belutzok... trying to get XFCE *excited*10:28
abhayksUSE Breezy-- for latest ones10:28
zenroxi love xfce10:28
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zenroxi have 4.2.2 debs installed10:29
Nermalxfce isn't that exciting10:29
zenroxit is for me10:29
Nermalzenrox bless10:29
zenroxnice clean and faster on my dual monitors10:29
=== Nermal ties a balloon to zenrox's chair
abhayksPlease check "http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot24ii.png"10:30
abhayksthis is a gnome session- a bit modified though10:30
abhayksXFCE appears equally good with very low on resources10:30
zenroxthis is true10:30
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tobi_good morning!10:31
zenroxbut reall fast on sys's with lots of resources10:31
ecarrollwhat is the best way to perminatly disable artsd without breaking the ubuntu-desktop meta package? is there like a blacklist.d i can add it too?10:31
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tobi_is there a way to fix x keymaps in breezy? *duck*10:31
abhayksPlease any comments about the images !!10:32
tobi_daniels: are you there :) ?10:32
d4rksh4dedo my intel x86 Ubuntu work on AMD 64 Athlon?10:32
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zenroxd4rksh4de,  no10:33
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abhayksd4rksh4de: It should not10:33
zenroxd4rksh4de, it can but will run in emulated mode10:33
d4rksh4deit should work on AMD Athlon10:33
tobi_damn, i'm dying without brackets :(10:33
d4rksh4debut in 64 bit?10:33
danielstobi_: hm?10:33
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DarkLightgrrr, now it says that "hdaX" (instead x is numer) does not exist :| im so sorry for my stupid problemz ;)10:34
tobi_daniels: is there a way to fix the keymaps in xorg?10:34
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tobi_daniels: or just to make altgr work?10:34
danielstobi_: make sure you have the newest xkeyboard-config and xlibs installed, and that /etc/X11/xkbcomp is a symlink to a binary that runs10:34
daniels(preferably xkbcomp itself if you want anything to work ...)10:34
danielsand also, /etc/X11/xkb/compiled should be a symlink to /var/lib/xkb, I think10:34
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tobi_daniels: xlibs won't install, it tries to delete the xkb stuff.10:35
mebaran151why is sound juicer so damn slow compared to goobox10:35
danielstobi_: it should, it just needs some poking10:35
tobi_and the postconfig-script exits with signal 110:35
mebaran151also for ogg, should I be using 160 kbps or 128 kbps10:35
mebaran151is 160 so much better10:35
AndrooI have installed libdvdcss2 and Totem still will not play encrypted DVDs ("don't know how to handle video/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)2 ....")10:35
mebaran151in the modern iteration of ogg10:35
mebaran151Androo, I dont think Totem will ever be able to use it ...10:36
mebaran151use mplayer10:36
tobi_daniels: so it will never run through, even if i delete the whole xkb dir10:36
danielstobi_: make sure /etc/X11/xkb/rules exists as a directory10:36
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danielstobi_: mkdir -p /etc/X11/xkb/rules && sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/xlibs_6.8.2-42_all.deb && sudo apt-get install xkeyboard-config10:36
danielstobi_: i have a fix for this coming up tonight10:37
tobi_daniels: ok, i'll give it a try! thanks a lot!10:37
DarkLightzenrox: still here?10:38
zenroxDarkLight, hdaX = hda 1-99 (usualy 1 for a cdrive)10:39
zenroxc drive10:40
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DarkLightI tried from 1 to 10 and it still say "special device /mnt/hda1 does not exist10:42
yahalomhey guys i'm working on a windows box are there any apps that will give me a linux terminal?10:42
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Androoyahalom: SSH + PuTTY10:43
NinwaIs it just me or is like half the internet down.. O_O10:43
NinwaYes, I mean that in ths most serious way possible...10:43
abhayksanyone tried archLinux ?10:43
Androoif you mean accessing a remote box10:43
=== Mr_Smiley [~smiley@CPE-144-136-186-183.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
NinwaI can only resolve about half of the domain names I try... and sometimes it will resolve but not connect to the IP10:44
Androoabhayks: yes, its quite nice, though the package selection isn't always fantastic10:44
Ninwa... I think maybe there's a very bad node right next to me...10:44
yahalomAndroo: i got putty. i want to be able to browse this box with alinux terminal not a remote host10:44
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Ninwait literally split the internet into two :(10:44
abhayksyahalom: try cygwin10:44
Androoyahalom: cygwin10:44
yahalomwhat is cygwin?10:44
abhayksAndroo: Planning to install it on my desktop-- looks too risky for Thinkpad10:45
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abhayksyahalom: it is an application that gives a *NIX like interface, most of unix utilities and even XServer10:46
scaroodaniels, the "apt-get install xkeyboard-config" fails because it tries to replace a file owned by xbase-clients10:46
yahalom:( admin has give me no install access.10:46
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abhayksscaroo-- this is the worst part of dependency hell10:46
danielsscaroo: which one -- /etc/X11/xkb/compiled, or /xkbcomp?10:46
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yahalomanyone know where i can get a gaim.exe without having to isntall it?10:46
abhayksyahalom: use Linux Live CD10:46
hondjeyahalom: http://xlivecd.indiana.edu/10:46
scaroodaniels, /etc/X11/xkb/compiled10:46
yahalomabhayks: workign from a terminal10:47
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LasseLis there any way I can "right-click-drag" in nautilus like I can in windows explorer?10:47
danielsscaroo: ok, there's a fix on the way for that10:47
=== ChurcH_of_FoamY is back (gone 06:43:10)
abhayksu can download gaim.exe, without installing it10:47
scarooabhayks, well said ! but it also a way to keep a system coherent :)10:48
ChurcH_of_FoamYok can anyone help me i'm trying to install java10:48
abhaykssorry I don't have it, becoz I don't use any application ending with .exe10:48
scaroodaniels, ok so i wait and see10:48
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abhayksscaroo: true10:48
yahalomabhayks: where? i onyl dounf installation exes10:48
yahalomabhayks: yeah i never use windows. just at work they are using windows :(10:49
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hussamBy next month, will breezy be safe enough to upgrade?10:49
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abhayksyahalom: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/downloads.php10:49
abhaykshere u'll find the windows version too10:49
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yahalomabhayks: but its an install10:49
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ChurcH_of_FoamYso um anyone have any ideas about my java question?10:50
pokemon69hello, i'm with a small problem with debmirror I can't get with to download the backports packages, anyone can help out ?10:50
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin.10:50
abhayksu mean -- u need the executable, OH to get around the restriction of not able to install10:50
=== bojangles [~george@adsl-68-91-123-72.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
hondjewhat's the Q, ChurcH_of_FoamY ?10:51
MadpilotChurcH_of_FoamY: ubotu does - or do you have that URL already?10:51
bojanglesthere is one statement that i just don't understand no matter how hard i try10:51
ChurcH_of_FoamYi installed java but can't figure out how to get the plug in for mozilla10:51
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bojanglesthis person said "Because they are freaking overpriced, that is why"10:51
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hondjewhere'd you install it to?10:51
ChurcH_of_FoamYto work10:51
yahalomabhayks: exactly10:51
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pokemon69anyone can help me out with a comando so i can make demirror get the packages from the Backports project ??10:51
ChurcH_of_FoamYhell if i know i followd this10:51
TPCwill the debootstrap on a hoary cd work when installing a "normal" debian system? or do I have to install debians debootstrap?10:51
abhayksyahalom: there is a hack for that-- not ethical though10:52
Madpilotbojangles: are you STILL rabbiting on about MS? why?10:52
bojanglesbut Apple is even more expensive than MS and Blade setups are even more expensive than Apple....so why do they say $20,000 for a basic copy of windows is overpriced.10:52
abhayksyahalom: use a linux live CD and get the windows administrator password10:52
yahalomabhayks: tell me10:52
yahalomabhayks: how?10:52
bojanglesand RedHat is more expensive too.10:52
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yahalomabhayks: how would i do that?10:53
hondjeChurcH_of_FoamY: but where did you extract it to?10:53
yahalomabhayks: i m on terminal :(10:53
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje i don't know where it installed to >.<10:53
bojanglesit seems like they just don't want to individually fork over the $20,000 each.10:53
scarooChurcH_of_FoamY, you should use the java-common package wich offer you a tool to generate a deb file from the sun'sjava installer10:53
=== QaDeS [~QaDeS@p54A9AD01.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
scarooit will resolve for you the symlinks and so on to get the mozilla plugin10:54
=== ValheruLord [~ValheruLo@valherulord.user] has joined #ubuntu
bojanglesand every TCO study has shown that $20,000 for windows is always cheaper than free Linux10:54
ChurcH_of_FoamYi downloaded it from java's website >.<10:54
ChurcH_of_FoamYcause the how to dosen't work with my repos10:54
ValheruLordare there any good documents about POSIx Standards10:54
hondjelinux saves us assloads of money at work, ymmv10:54
=== ChurcH_of_FoamY shivvers at the winhaxp talk
hondjeTCOs are for PHBs :p10:55
Madpilotbojangles: you do know that MS sponsered at least some of those "Linux is expesive" studies, don't you?10:55
bojanglesMadpilot, well regardless...cant you see that $20,000 is cheaper than free.10:55
ChurcH_of_FoamYhondje i tryed yesterday to follow this link but the repos woulden't work for me10:55
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Madpilotbojangles: WTF is your problem? You've been on this subject for hours, and it wasn't even that interesting in the first place...10:56
BurgundaviaMadpilot, hey, remember the ubuntu code of conduct10:56
identpkubuntu decided that it didnt like my cdrom anymore10:56
identp[15:56]  <identp> i took out one cd and put a new one in10:56
identp[15:57]  <identp> now i get the error: Unable to create io-slave: error loading 'kio_media'10:56
bojanglesMadpilot, i am trying to understand why every individual in India doesn't want to be honest and pay the $20,000 for a legal copy of windows.10:56
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zenroxidentp,  try in #kubuntu10:57
Burgundaviabojangles, this is #ubuntu, not #bashwindowstco10:57
MadpilotBurgundavia: yeah, yeah. bojangles, because that's a lot of money, esp. in India?10:57
abhayksbojangles: Refrain yourself from making such slandrous remaks about Indians10:57
identpzenrox, tried there, no help :(10:57
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ChurcH_of_FoamYwhats the current version of java?10:58
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scarooChurcH_of_FoamY, 1.510:59
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abhayksMadpilot: this is #ubuntu and not  #regional forum10:59
xuniluserHI Guys: I'm looking for a Visual-like Software Development tool for ubuntu linux. Anyone?10:59
scarooChurcH_of_FoamY, 1.5 rev3 to be precise10:59
scarooxuniluser, try eclipse10:59
abhayksI believe we are all using ubuntu ( FREE)10:59
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RattboiI'm not10:59
hondjeI thought it was 410:59
scarooxuniluser, try eclipse + cdt (c dev environement) + visual editor plugin11:00
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hondjejava version "1.5.0_04"11:00
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scaroohondje, ah maybe ! i may have missed the fouth release11:00
=== ChurcH_of_FoamY stumbles through ubuntu wiki for installing java
hondjeI don't think you're missing much :)11:01
scarooyep ii sure is a minor revision :p11:01
hondjeanyone using matlab r14?11:01
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bojanglesabhayks, i am going on heard facts...i did not make those facts...someone in this room made them and crimsun was also in the room11:01
the_walrusdoes anyone know where a list of repositories is?11:02
scaroothe_walrus, apt-get.org11:02
bojanglesabhayks, i just forget who it was11:02
the_walrusthanks scaroo11:02
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tobi_daniels: still won't work. the xlibs postinst-script always deletes the /etc/X11/xkb/rules, if it exists...11:03
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linuksohondje: yes11:03
linuksohondje: not r14, but I think R1711:03
tobi_daniels: and setxkbmap dies with "Couldn't interpret _XKB_RULES_NAMES property"11:03
abhayksbojangles: sure u believe in having your own point of view and not to follow someone else views11:03
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hondje17? When they'd jump that high? Oh well...how does the UI run in linux?11:04
danielstobi_: ok, just add 'exit 0' at the end of /var/lib/dpkg/info/xlibs.postinst and run sudo dpkg --configure -a11:04
danielstobi_: did you install xkeyboard-config?11:05
hondjelinukso: I'm still using r13, and I'm tired of it being retarded, like not using gl for plots, etc11:05
tobi_daniels: yeah11:05
the_walruswhat happens if I put on a standard debian repository?11:05
hondjethe_walrus: things break and you come back asking how to fix it11:05
the_walrusthought as much11:05
the_walrusi know how to fix stuff, its called "the axe"11:06
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mouarffrdoes anyone have an idea ? Xorg only launch on 640*48011:06
linuksohondje: ah, sorry. Mixing the numbers a bit. its R14, and I have not had any problems with the gui11:06
hondjethen someone will point you to a guide on apt pinning, and you'll shorten your life from the stress11:06
mouarffreven if I don't have 640*480 in the conf file11:06
linuksohondje: except that it is slow11:06
reka!tell mouarffr about fixres11:06
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hondjenext thing you know, kids will throw rocks at you and laugh :( Very sad11:06
hondjelinukso: happen to use a nvidia card with ti?11:06
tobi_daniels: i'll give it a try11:06
=== hondje wonders why mathworks still uses a retarded java ui :(
linuksohondje: yes11:07
bojanglesabhayks, in this case i am just trying to understand the person' s comment "They are freaking overpriced"11:07
bojanglesabhayks, this is not an obvious conclusion11:07
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hondjelinukso: awesome, and opengl doesn't complain?11:07
=== hondje is paranoid whne it comes to throwing down a large chunk of cash
mouarffrfor my screen resolution, the howto does not help me11:08
bojanglesabhayks, nearly every TCO study has shown that paying  $20,000 each is far cheaper than paying nothing.11:08
linuksohondje: hmmm, never used opengl with matlab. sorry11:08
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bojanglesabhayks, so you can see it is not obvious.11:08
rekamouarffr: why not?11:08
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hondjewell, thanks a ton linukso11:09
linuksohondje: np11:09
mouarffrreka, my conffile is correct11:10
xuniluserscaroo: sorry for the delayed response, is eclipse included in the 5.0.4 ubuntu package?11:10
rekadaniels: i posted a bug report for a broken package (sml-nj) today.  if the hoary repos only provide security updates, does this mean i'll have to wait for breezy before the problem is fixed?11:10
rekamouarffr: post it to a pastebin and i'll have a look.11:10
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xuniluserscaroo: and how do i add the visual plugin and cdt?11:10
abhayksbojangles: these studies are worldwide an not restricted to India. Its OK to talk about M$, but plz talk in general terms and not with respect to any particular Country.11:10
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mouarffrreka, pastebin ?11:11
bojanglesabhayks, well this particular person came into this room and specifically stated that India is pirating over 80% because they do not want to pay $20,000 each for a legal copy of windows.11:11
bojanglesabhayks, this is why India has been focused on.11:11
danielsreka: right11:12
WilowExcuse me.  I have windows XP and Ubuntu Hoary 5.04 updated.  I recently over-rided my MBR sector when I reinstall windows.  However I am now unable to boot Ubuntu.  I ready on (ubuntuguide.org) that I should type "rescue" at boot and log in as root then type "grub-install /dev/hda".  Where /dev/hda is the location of my /boot partition.  However it comes up with an error message.  I think my boot partition is called something else.  So my question is how do I f11:12
Wilowind out which is my boot parition.11:12
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rekadaniels: *sigh* thanks.11:12
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rekaWilow: 'sudo fdisk -l' maybe?11:13
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Wilowreka: Can you confirm that will work?  I have to reboot this computer.11:15
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mouarffrreka,  posted now11:15
ilba7rhi i installed gtk2_qt theme manager so i can manage the fonts from kde. Unfourtanetly it messed up all my gtk fonts. I removed it but still the fonts are messed up. ANY ONE KNOW HOW CAN I RETRIVE THE DEFAULT FONTS FOR GTK APPLICATIONS11:15
rekaWilow: i'm not certain actually...but when  use that, i get a 'Boot' column, and and asterix on /dev/hda1 which is my windows partition11:15
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the_walrusI've added the backport repository, and I cant get flash installed11:16
the_walrusi cant even find the package11:16
Wilowreka: brb11:16
=== Aegir [Richard@d220-238-41-173.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
hondjeflashplugin-nonfree IIRC, it's in multiverse11:16
erirlarwhen i uninstall an app in Synaptic how can i make it to also remove it's dependencies?11:16
the_walrushondje, thats what I thought, I cant find it anywhere though11:16
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hondjewhat do you mean, find it?11:17
tobi_daniels: still no success :(11:17
=== Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-66.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
the_walruswell, I do "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"11:17
abhaykserirlar: dep clean11:17
rekamouarffr: sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange11:17
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the_walrustells me it cant be found, so I search in synaptic, cant be found11:17
tobi_daniels: the postinst script ran through but it changes nothing11:17
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erirlarabhayks: thanks11:17
hondjethe_walrus: do you ahve multiverse repos?11:17
the_walrusI think so11:17
DarkLighthey guys, me again...11:17
the_walrusdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted11:18
the_walruswould that line do it?11:18
=== AlohaWulf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-121-123.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
danielstobi_: did you install xkeyboard-config?11:18
the_walrusok, then no I dont have multiverse repo's11:18
mouarffrreka, monitorrange: 30-83, 56-7611:18
hondjego above, see the line that has universe in it, archive.ubuntu.something/hoary universe ?11:18
tobi_daniels: sure11:18
DarkLightzenrox: I mounted it to "home/ubuntu/disk" but I still cant see the content of my mounted partition :(11:19
tobi_daniels: and the xkbcomp also exists11:19
the_walrusdeb http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted, that line?11:19
hondjehttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe11:19
DarkLightI used cmd: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /home/ubuntu/disk11:19
hondjethat line11:19
hondjeadd the word multiverse after universe11:20
the_walrussweet, thanks11:20
mouarffrreka, This not seems to be a conf problem.. On Gnome I only have 640*480 and 60hz11:20
hondjethen run apt-get update and then you can do it11:20
abhayksDarkLight: " sudo ls /home/ubuntu/disk"11:20
danielstobi_: ugh, weird11:20
danielstobi_: let me check it out11:20
the_walrusthanks hondje11:20
rekamouarffr: i entered your monitor rates you gave me in the 'Monitor' section, which is what you would've gotten if you weren't so lazy and just followed the wiki instructions. :P11:20
tobi_daniels: yeah! btw - /etc/X11/xkb and the rules subdir where only root-accessible11:20
rekamouarffr: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/65811:20
abhayksDarkLight: Please ensure that /dev/hda1 was mounted properly11:20
danielstobi_: oh, cool11:20
abhayksuse "mount" to display all mounts11:21
DarkLightI mouted it correctly, (it didnt say any error message)11:21
rekamouarffr: replace your xorg.conf file with that, then restart X with a ctrl+alt+backspace11:21
tobi_daniels: but i changed that anyway... could you inform me via /query if you find something? i'll be idle then...11:21
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DarkLightbut when I open the mouted location (disk folder) it say that only root can show that or something like that11:21
DarkLightbtw "sudo ls home/ubuntu/disk" >> No such file or directory11:22
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abhayksDarkLight: u did not give the normal user the permission to see mounted parttetion11:22
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DarkLightabhayks: aaaha :) and, how can I do that? :D11:22
mouarffrreka, If I kill gdm and launch startx it's work11:23
mouarffrreka, but if the computer startx with gdm it's only on 640*480 :(11:23
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rekamouarffr: did you do what i said?11:24
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hondjebut if it works w/out gdm, then it should be configured fine11:24
mouarffrreka,  yep but i did not restart gdm until the changes11:24
mouarffrreka,  let's restart gdm to see what it does11:24
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=== hondje ponders the vast depths of freenode
=== reka is confused
mouarffrreka, seems to work better :)11:25
rekamouarffr: fixed?11:25
DarkLight*angry_with_mounting_ntfs_partitions* :(11:25
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mouarffrreka, didn't xorg able to do this alone ?11:26
rekawhat do you mean?11:26
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mouarffrreka, on my debian I didn't put the settings11:27
mouarffrreka, and it's working great11:27
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McYodaHello world. Umm, I have a slight problem with Apache (1.3.33), I wonder if anyone could help? The problem is that I have drwxr-xr-x access to my /images folder, but still I get 403 error. I have also <Directory> configured as Allow from all. What could be the problem?11:27
rekamouarffr: likely then that debain detected your monitor correctly and ubuntu did not11:27
Wilowreka: it didn't work11:27
=== Ninwa [~joey@d14-69-38-157.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Wilow"cannot open /proc/partitions"11:27
WilowI did it through user and root11:28
Wilowfdisk -l11:28
rekamouarffr: it's  a *very* common problem.  i myself have to do it when i reinstall.11:28
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mouarffrreka, yep seems to be something like that, thanks for your help11:28
rekasure, next time try the wiki at least11:28
Tomcat_McYoda: Are the files inside readable by the webserver?11:28
McYodaAnd, I figured that I can access the folder when I rename it to e.g /imagess or anything else. Just when the name is "images", it turns forbidden.11:28
rekawhen someone tells you to. :P11:28
McYodaYes, they are, Tomcat_11:28
Tomcat_Mh. :\11:29
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WilowThis is urgent I need to boot up my Ubuntu 5.04 but my MBR is erased and I don't know which is my boot parition.11:29
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WilowMy Windows XP overrided Ubuntu GRUB MBR and I can't boot Ubuntu11:29
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BurgundaviaWilow, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:30
snowblinkWilow, have you got a linux CD handy?11:30
mouarffrreka, I just saw the line sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange in the wiki :)11:30
WilowI put the Ubuntu CD in and followed that Burgundavia11:30
bojangleswhat does this mean "freaking overpriced" ....what determines price?11:30
WilowExcuse me.  I have windows XP and Ubuntu Hoary 5.04 updated.  I recently over-rided my MBR sector when I reinstall windows.  However I am now unable to boot Ubuntu.  I read on (ubuntuguide.org) that I should type "rescue" at boot and log in as root then type "grub-install /dev/hda".  Where /dev/hda is the location of my /boot partition.  However it comes up with an error message.  I think my boot partition is called something else.  So11:30
Wilowmy question is how do I find out which is my boot parition.11:30
mouarffrreka, I didn't do this test as it's working on my debian.. My fault11:30
hondje!tell Wilow about windowsmbr11:31
ColonelKernelWilow, when you do grub-install put --rescan at the end11:31
DarkLight:( mounting still wont work!11:31
Wilowgrub-install --rescan11:31
Wilowno path name?11:31
ColonelKernelWilow, I apologize its -recheck11:31
Wilow"grub-install -recheck" is the exact command, character for character roger?11:32
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ColonelKernelgrub-install /dev/whateveryourbootpartitionusuallyis -recheck11:32
WilowI do not know wher emy bootpartion is or what is is named though11:32
rekathat's the thing, he's not sure which is the boot partition11:32
lonetreehi guys11:32
lonetreeis this the ubuntu irc channel?11:33
McYodaYes, it seems to be it.11:33
bojangles"freaking overpriced?" by what formula do you determine the correct price?11:33
golanzyes it is lonetree11:33
lonetreethanks golanz11:33
golanz:-) lonetree11:33
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DarkLightlonetree: yep =)11:34
lonetreei have encounter a problem here which i do not whether any of you guys here has it11:34
lonetreedo you guys enounter problem with timestamp?11:34
DarkLightabhayks: u there? =)11:34
golanza question on usb drives: when I attach one, my dmesg doesn't tell me where it is attached (eg. sdb1)11:34
golanzhow can I discover it for sure?11:35
WilowI am rather annoyed.  I use Ubuntu so that I can have a Linux Operating System to use.  However I could have fixed this problem by reformatting and installing ubuntu again by now.  The only thing that is stopping me are my remaining files on Unbuntu.11:35
lonetreei.e, when you copy a file or a folder with file over to a network share, the folder date changes to the current date and file date changes to 1980 01 01 tues11:35
ColonelKernelWilow, the do grub-install -recheck /dev/hda11:35
golanzwilow: if you use a root partition, and a separate partition for home, you can reinstall without losing data11:35
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bojanglesWilow, there are grub docs available online so you don't have to ask such questions...they are in apt-get11:36
golanzany help for usb drives?11:36
marcus__how do i watch movies on ubuntu?11:36
ColonelKernelmarcus__, I use mplayer11:36
marcus__cos the ones i download are all frm widows player11:37
lonetreei use mplayer too11:37
bojanglesWilow, this way if you are busy reading the millions of documentations pages...you won't have to take anyone's time to ask any questions.11:37
lonetreeworks just fine11:37
WilowI'm sick of reading articles and forums to learn linux.  They mostly all lead to the wrong direction and searching in most cases such as these is a terribly painful process of elimination11:37
lonetreei do agree with you wilow11:37
marcus__can u watch any downloaded movies on mplayer?11:37
lonetreebut learning is a process11:37
bojanglesWilow, absolutely....that is why RTM is changed to RTFM....note the word fuckedup11:37
WilowI would rather learn to program or do something else than waste my time trying to fix something so linux trivial11:38
ColonelKernelWilow, youve been told what to do, numerous tinmes11:38
housetierhttp://instant-knowledge.com/ <- no learning, just clicking and knowing11:38
ColonelKernelno ones holding a gun to your head11:38
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WilowI still think a solution should be put http://ubuntuguide.org/#restoregrubmenuafterwindowsinstallation to find your home parition.  My personal opinion.11:39
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lonetreeso what about my question?11:39
lonetreedid anyone have this problem on timestamp11:40
Wilowmplayer song11:40
rekaWilow: do you know if you installed grub on the windows partition?11:40
Datamy time is too fast (AMD Athlon 64 proc w/ cpud freq scaling) Any ideas?11:40
lonetreei.e dat and time change on copy and paste to network share folder11:40
WilowI have no idea, sorry.11:40
marcus__how do i download mplayer?11:40
WilowI selected install Ubuntu on largest free space available11:40
Wilowsudo apt-get mplayer?11:40
Madpilotlonetree: start with the really obvious: you've double-check system time & date on all the comps, right?11:41
rekaWilow: well, assuming you did, did you ever mount your windows partition in /etc/fstab?11:41
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WilowI just mounted it when I needed to access the windows files through Linux if that is what you are referring too.11:42
rekaWilow: but you didn't use /etc/fstab?11:42
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Wilowreka: no I did not.11:43
Wilowlonetree: http://www.oldskoolphreak.com/tfiles/hack/ubuntu.txt11:43
erirlarhow can i change the computer name? tryed changeing it in /etc/hosts but then i couldnt log inn to Gnome11:43
Wilowgo to Mplayer 1/4 of the way down11:43
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rekaWilow: well that stuffs up my suggestion...have you tryed ColonelKernel's one yet?11:44
Dataerirlar, /etc/hostname11:44
ColonelKerneljust add -recheck11:44
Wilowgrub-install -recheck /dev/hda?11:44
WilowI am just about to check it now, roger?11:44
ColonelKernelWilow, if that doesnt work try -rescan11:44
ColonelKernelI cant remember which one it was11:44
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erirlarData: thank you11:45
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lonetreeI am still stuck with this date and time problem11:45
orangerangeHello, all: Do you have even a bit of a knack/eye for good design/layout? If so, please  take a second to look at a one-page handout that I will be giving to my audience. It' an openoffice file. http://koyuri.tripod.com/bigfoot.sxw or http://koyuri.tripod.com/bigfoot.odt. Please give me your advice, as to how I can better the design or layout.11:45
lonetree anyone else here has this problem?11:45
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marcus__where can i find the download for mplayer?11:46
Dataplease, has anybody an idea, why my time is running too fast? is that a problem with cpud frequency scaling?!?!?11:46
mouarffrarg My new workstation is now installed on ubuntu :) I will test the difference with my old station on Debian11:46
bojanglesmarcus__, Wilow posted a decent documentation for everyone before he left and he was careful to note the dependencies11:46
bojanglesmarcus__, but sadly they are illegal in the US as far as i know...but i don't know all the facts.11:47
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Madpilotmarcus__: mplayer is in Synaptic. no need to go to the web11:47
orangerangethe one page paper is just a simple list of "Useful Japanese Phrases". I just want to make it look clean and pretty, and something that my audience would like to use and refer to. If you have the time, please take a look at the document as referred to above. Thank you very much! I know this is not a ubuntu-specific question, but if you have a minute of time, I'd appreciate it. Thank you. 8-)   8-)    8-)11:47
orangerangeAgain, the file is at http://koyuri.tripod.com/bigfoot.odt or http://koyuri.tripod.com/bigfoot.sxw. 8-)11:48
lonetreesudo apt-get install mplayer-38611:48
marcus__so how do i get it then?11:49
lonetreei shall ask my question again11:49
lonetreeat console11:49
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lonetreetype sudo -s11:49
lonetreethen enter your root password11:49
bojangleslonetree, well hard to say...have you read the docs on tzinfo11:49
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lonetreeand then issue the command sudo apt-get install mplayer-38611:49
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bojangleslonetree, or maybe tzselect...not sure about ubuntu11:50
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wilowTHe command is "grub-install --recheck /dev/hda"11:50
wilowResponse is:11:50
wilow"/dev/hda does not have any corresponding BIOS drive"11:50
j2dopehi guys. i've got an external HDD. one partition is NTFS, the other i made to Fat32... ubuntu only mounts the Fat32 partition. how can i make it mount the NTFS (where most of my music is)11:50
lonetreetime zone?11:50
bojangleslonetree, or tzconfig11:51
bojangleslonetree, not sure about ubuntu11:51
bojangleslonetree, you should read the docs on those11:51
lonetreeit doesn't help at all11:51
wilowHmm.. only 1 and a half hours wasted on a trvial linux problem which is still not solved.11:51
lonetreein fact i think this is a common problem on lots of linux distro11:51
bojangleswilow, well at least you posted some nice docs for others.11:51
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lonetreei haver tried fedora core 4 , novell suse, ubuntu, gentoo, and PCBSD11:52
bojangleswilow, there are grub specific docs so you can learn more about grub11:52
bojangleswilow, and they are in apt-get11:52
lonetreeall has this problem on date and time issue11:52
bojangleslonetree, well what did the docs say on tzconfig11:52
orangerangenobody has a spare minute of time?11:52
lonetreeI'm not sure11:52
lonetreebut if tz is about time zone then i have no issue cos all are set correctly11:53
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bojangleslonetree, well maybe you should check your bios11:53
lonetreei can't see anything there11:53
wilowI can almost assure you that I would read through half of it, get half and won't get half.  That will takes hours.  I can assure you, that idea is not even worth considering.  Just like most of the stupid linux man pages without any examples of the parameters in play in which can and can't be used together etc.11:53
bojangleslonetree, perhaps your clock is set wrong11:53
orangerangelonetree, you talking to me?11:53
tobi_daniels: you upgraded xkeyboard-config - is it already solved?11:53
danielstobi_: yeah11:54
danielstobi_: well11:54
danielstobi_: the file conflicts, anyway11:54
danielsit works locally, but I'm still trying to find out why it's broken for you11:54
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lonetreebojangles, if one system is like that then maybe that is the problem11:54
lonetreei have 4 boxes here11:54
lonetreeall installed with different os11:54
lonetree3 linux 1 windows11:54
lonetreeall 3 linux gave the same problem on time and datre11:55
lonetreeyes orange11:55
lonetreei tried to go to the link but i can't see anything11:55
bojangleslonetree, well are the bios set correctly and are you loading any services that try to get the time from the web11:55
bojangleslonetree, perhaps at a wrong location11:55
rekawilow: i understand your frustration and personally, i would just reinstall and get it over and done with.  did you have a seperate home partition?11:55
lonetreelike wat?11:55
orangerangelonetree, do you use openoffice 1.1.X? or version 2?11:56
lonetreei use 211:56
tobi_daniels: ok, thanks! i'll upgrade and try it in a few minutes...11:56
bojangleslonetree, well i have seen some linux distros that try to sink to some external web based clock11:56
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lonetreebojangles, wat issue will that have?11:56
wilowNo, not in this install.  I usually do it with other Linux Distos but I'm new to Ubuntu and wanted to pretty much just Use linux not nessessary Learn linux.11:56
bojangleslonetree, and they always screw up the clock....so make sure you are not running the wrong service in  your runlevel.11:56
j2dopehi guys. i've got an external HDD. one partition is NTFS, the other i made to Fat32... ubuntu only mounts the Fat32 partition. how can i make it mount the NTFS (where most of my music is)11:57
martiihi folks11:57
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martiiwhat do you use for spam filtering with exim ?11:57
marcus__how do u get it man11:57
orangerangelonetree, i'm trying to send you file. please accept11:57
marcus__i cant seem to work it out11:57
marcus__mplayer how do get it?11:57
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orangerangelonetree, i'm trying to send you the openoffice file. please accept it.11:58
ilba7rhi again somehow i managed to mess up my fonts11:58
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rekawilow: ok then, you can use something like this: http://ext2fsd.sourceforge.net/ or this: http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/explore2fs.htm to get the files you need on your ubuntu partition.11:58
lonetreetell me more11:58
lonetreewhat should i do?11:58
ilba7ri have a pdf file with times new roman fonts but with evince i am sure it is not displaying the right font how can i rectify that11:58
orangerangelonetree, please accept the file.11:58
orangerangelonetree, hit the "accept" or "receive" button.11:59
bojangleslonetree, what happens if you just try to use date11:59
lonetreewat is it abt?11:59
orangerangelonetree, you talking to me? If so, please say my nickname "bigfoot1".11:59
rekawilow: ...then just reinstall....take the experience with a grain of salt.  at least it will remind you next time to work out which is the boot partition before installing windows11:59
Madpilotorangerange: actually, you're not using 'bigfoot', but orangerange...12:00
bojangleslonetree, can you not correct the time with date12:00
Madpilotoff to sleep. later, everyone...12:00
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lonetreebojangles, wat do you mean?12:00
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lonetreeare you trying to say that i dun sync the time and date with time server?12:01
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huttanhello, Im trying to install ubuntu on my laptop, but it always freezes on bootup on "Starting hotplug subsystem..."12:01
bojangleslonetree, what i am saying is why don't you just set the time with date or bios and take the external stuff out of your runlevel12:01
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wilowreka: Windows has stopped me booting Linux12:02
wilowA very common occurrence. What happens is that Uncle Bill does not accept that any other operating system (O/S) apart from one created by Microsoft should be allowed to run on a PC. So, when you load / re-load any of Uncle Bill's O/Ss it will overwrite a part of your hard disk called the Master Boot Record (mbr). This is the bit that tells your PC, during boot up, where to find the operating system.  (Knew this already.... but AMEN)12:02
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bassembghi room12:02
bassembgits me again12:02
bojangleswilow, well i suppose that is why MS charges $20,000 for a legal copy of windows and nobody complains.12:02
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bassembgi'm trying to install my printer driver but it dosen't work  any help12:03
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curuthey peep i have a question if i want to refresh the sound without restarting which resources should i kill?12:03
rekawilow: i was actually thinking of that....didn't want to start the ms-hating. :)12:03
Belutzhmmm after trying KDE and XFCE, i think Gnome is the most suitable for me...12:03
huttanAnyone have any idea ?12:03
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curutis it esd?12:03
bojanglesbassembg, well so far i have found 3 printers that work12:03
bassembgbut i allready have one12:03
wilowDon't you Love that line ""It's business, not personal"12:03
bojanglesbassembg, an HP LJ, the Brother MFC3420C and the Epson CX5400 MFC12:04
bojanglesbassembg, that is all i have found that work12:04
bassembgits sumsoung scx 410012:04
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lonetreei think i have done that12:04
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rekawilow: off 'the apprentice'? :)12:04
lonetreebut just in case i have done wrongly12:04
wilowYeah bro12:04
bassembgit has a linux software but wit sh extension12:04
lonetreecan you let me know the steps?12:04
marcus__man i still cant get mplayer12:04
bassembghow can i run it] 12:04
marcus__anybody can help me?12:04
huttanhello, Im trying to install ubuntu on my laptop, but it always freezes on bootup on "Starting hotplug subsystem...", anyone know what might be wrong?12:04
bojanglesbassembg, and the Brother was quite difficult to make work...especially the scanner stuff12:05
to|mmarcus__: reionstall it?12:05
ColonelKernel does the linux-source dir one installs with apt-get have ubuntu patches applied to it or is it a vanilla 2.6.10?12:05
curutguy when i try to run mp3 it say my sound resources is being used what should i do?12:05
marcus__reinstall wat?12:05
bassembgso what to do?12:05
bojanglesbassembg, but it does work as well as the Epson but the Epson is much easier to make work.12:05
Belutzhuttan: what's the brand of your laptop?12:05
to|mmarcus__: mplayer package?12:05
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to|mmarcus__: like the other software look in menu12:06
huttanBelutz, Toshiba12:06
bassembgwhat about sh files or mfp files12:06
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bojanglesbassembg, because you have to modify the Brother cupswrapper from cups to cupsys12:06
bojanglesbassembg, however both work fine.12:07
huttanBelutz, Toshiba m-40 140 FS12:07
bassembghow can i do that12:07
huttanBelutz, sorry. M-40 148 FS12:07
Whistleri wanna reencode mp3 i use audacity12:07
Whistlerbut it needs12:07
lonetreebojangles, can you let me know the steps?12:07
Whistlerwhere can i get it?12:08
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marcus__so i have to restart my comp?12:08
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to|mmarcus__:  search ubuntu wiki 1st12:08
wilowreka: thanks for the links to extract win32 files from linux12:08
bassembgbojangles , how can i make sh files work on my linux12:08
wilowlinux files from linux12:09
wilowlinux files from windows12:09
rekawilow: no problem...hopefully your future experiences aren't as painful. :)12:09
bojanglesbassembg, you need to get csh from synaptic12:10
wilowI still don't understand why fdisk -l isn't working12:10
bojanglesbassembg, because some drivers require that particular capability12:10
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bojanglesbassembg, but for the most part you can use bash12:10
universalhi all12:10
bassembgok i'll try it first12:10
Whistlerwhere can i get it?12:10
bassembghow to use bash12:10
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universalcan some of u tell me were i can se details of my RAM?12:11
bojanglesbassembg, there are plenty of examples...just look at a few scripts and it should become obvious12:11
bojanglesbassembg, and also there is some nice 30 or so page documentation12:11
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bassembgoh no i can't read any mor12:11
bojanglesbassembg, what did you do?12:12
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universaldo u know were i can se details of my hardware?12:12
to|mhow i get NUM Lock on at startup?12:12
bassembgi'm geting blind oh12:12
bojanglesbassembg, oh well i have that problem too...12:12
bojanglesbassembg, i bought a $1 lens that i use to read a little here and there.12:12
bojanglesbassembg, when i have to12:12
bojanglesbassembg, it works ok12:13
bassembghow to get csh from synaptic12:13
bojanglesbassembg, well i got it from the debian web site12:13
bojanglesbassembg, but you should be able to get it from several places.12:13
universalhello u there?12:13
Whistleranybody knows where can i get libmp3lame.so12:13
bassembgok i'll search for csh , right?12:14
huttanhello, Im trying to install ubuntu on my laptop, but it always freezes on bootup on "Starting hotplug subsystem...", anyone know what might be wrong?12:14
bojanglesbassembg, well if you need it....i needed it for the Brother stuff12:14
bojanglesbassembg, just depends on what you are trying to do.12:14
bassembgall i'm trying to do is to use my laser printer12:15
rekato|m: http://freshmeat.net/projects/numlockx/12:16
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Nermalhuttan: boot with pci=noacpi noapic12:16
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to|mreka: thx ;)12:16
orangerangehello. does anybody have a minute. I need some advice.12:17
universalhow can i see what tyoe of RAM i have????12:17
universalhow can i see what tyo'pe of RAM i have????12:17
scaroodaniels, ok the xkeyboard package is fixed and i could install it, xkb seems to be saner now but i still cant use the shift key to get upercased letters :/ (with a french layout), any clue ?12:17
Whistleranybody knows where can i get libmp3lame.so12:17
Nermaluniversal: usually when you turn your computer on12:17
orangerangeWhistler, search ubuntuforums.com12:18
universalok, yeah12:18
Nermalotherwise lspci -vv maybe12:18
Nermalmight give you a clue12:18
universalNermal, but i cant see details here in ubuntu?12:18
Nermalor the output from dmesg12:18
Nermallike I said.. maybe12:18
universalill try12:18
danielsscaroo: no idea, sorry.  will investigate it.12:18
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orangerangeHello all: before i submit a one-page document to headquarters, I'd like to get anyone's advice on how to make it more pleasing to the eye. Does anybody have a spare minute to just quickly skim over a page containing a few words?12:20
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orangerange8-) 8-) 8-)12:20
marcus__i have totem MPlayer12:20
marcus__is it any good?12:20
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huttanNermal, that doesnt fix it12:22
huttanNermal, it seems whatever I do it stalls there =(12:22
Nermalhuttan: cntrl-c it ? :|12:23
Nermalmarcus__: two different products12:23
huttanNermal, hehe nah12:23
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Nermalboot with nohotplug ?12:24
huttanNermal, how do I do that?12:24
FireW0lferm - what display applet does ubuntu use? my gf has just installed it and cant seem to get a res better than 800x60012:25
ubotuit has been said that fixres is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:25
apokryphosFireW0lf: she'll likely have to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:25
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bojanglesbassembg, well what laser do you have12:26
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bojanglesbassembg, what model what brand?12:27
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Nermalhuttan: well, how did you try the other thing I suggested if you don't know how to boot with kernel parameters ?12:27
huttanNermal, I knew those kernel parameters and tried them, didnt work. Donnu what parameter for not using hotplug tho12:27
=== Nermal sighs
mouarffrFireW0lf, read the faq not like me :) add the confif of your screen12:28
rekamouarffr: :)12:29
=== ColonelKernel is attempting to build kernel 2.6.12-3 the debian way
ColonelKernelI sure hope it works12:29
marcus__argh..... i have no idea how to get MPlayer is there another altenative?12:29
pschulz01Anyone here use an iPod (photo) with Ubuntu?12:29
huttanNermal, Still wants to start hotplug subsystem...12:29
=== Nermal screams
mouarffrI trying to install mp3 support but gstreamer0.8-mad is not available ?12:30
uboturepositories is, like, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:30
mouarffrapt-cache search didn't find this pac12:30
Whistleranybody can help me with audacity needing libmp3lame.so?12:31
AMDXPpschulz01: I have to send my ipod in to get the firewire port fixed =(12:31
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pschulz01AMDXP :(12:31
bojanglesi am glad the brother and the epson work but i sure am tired of the ink approach12:31
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catfoxWhistler, mouarffr: you both need to enable the extra repositories. see www.ubuntuguide.org12:31
bojanglesit is just so expensive12:31
mouarffrcatfox, I m on the faq right now :) tks12:32
pschulz01AMDXP: There is currently an email discussion on the ubuntu-user mailing list about it.12:32
j2dopei have a Creative Zen micro. im trying to use Gnomad with it... when i do lusb it can see my Creative Zen... but how do i 'mount' it?12:32
huttanNermal, any idea? =)12:32
pschulz01AMDPX: I have had similar problems..12:32
rekacatfox: please don't recommend ubguide12:32
Nermalhuttan: so you edited your grub boot line and then hit "b" to boot it yes ?12:32
bojanglesbassembg, what laser are you trying to get working.12:32
uboturumour has it, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.12:32
huttanNermal, yea12:32
catfoxreka, why not?12:32
Nermalwith pci=noacpi noapic12:32
catfoxreka, i see12:33
Nermalnoacpi and noapic being different things12:33
AMDXPpschulz01: without the firewire i cant do anything it doesnt have a single mp3 on it12:33
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Whistlercatfox i have done this12:33
huttantrying now...12:33
orangerangeHow do i keep "Do you have a cheaper one" line on the bottom of the left side? Take a look at  http://koyuri.tripod.com/Screenshot-6.png12:33
orangerangeFile is at: http://koyuri.tripod.com/bigfoot.odt12:33
rekamouarffr: if you want a valid sources.list, use this one: paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3812:33
huttannot working12:34
pschulz01AMDXP: .. sorry.. did you manage to use it with ubuntu?12:34
Nermalhuttan: dunno then12:34
catfoxWhistler, install lame-devel12:34
swhelp me pls12:34
huttanNermal, thanks anyways12:34
AMDXPpschulz01: I was going to try to use gtk-pod but i will not know till i get it fixe12:34
Nermalhuttan: :|12:34
Nermalyou could always try pci=biosirq12:34
Nermalor off12:34
Nermalor rather acpi=off12:35
lonetreebojangles, are you still there?12:35
=== FireW0lf^ [~me@m36-mp4.cvx1-c.edi.dial.ntli.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nermalnot pci=off :D12:35
huttanput that in the boot?12:35
Whistlercatfox no such file12:35
Nermalend of the kernel line as before12:35
orangerangehow can i get people's attention here, i wonder.12:35
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catfoxWhistler, you haven't added the repository then12:35
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snowblinkhi - are there any programs recommended for tracking server load?12:35
huttanstill freezes at hotplug =(12:36
catfoxWhistler, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines12:36
rekaorangerange: perhaps by asking an ubuntu-relevant question instead of asking us to look at your work. :P12:36
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mouarffrreka, tks I m going to test net speed to these mirrors12:36
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FireW0lf^dammit - stupid modem12:36
pschulz01AMDXP: gtk-pod seemed to work OK., but the iPod doesn't automount. It would bee cool if it worked the same way as my USB Memory Stick12:36
FireW0lf^erm - what display applet does ubuntu use? my gf has just installed it and cant seem to get a res better than 800x60012:36
Nermalsure it freezes and not just waits ?12:36
orangerangereka, i'm at openoffice.org chatroom, but no one is responding12:36
anildigitalscreen resolution problem in Ubuntu12:36
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Nermalpschulz01: you can get gtkpod to mount it on start uo12:36
Nermalproviding you have the appropriate fstab line12:36
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Nermalwith a mountpoint and user as a mount option12:37
AMDXPpschulz01: my camera automounts with gnome12:37
reka!tell anildigital about fixres12:37
swi have nat problem in Ubuntu12:37
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anildigitalscreen resolution problem in Ubuntu12:37
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swnat problem in Ubuntu12:37
orangerange!tell orangerange  about fixres12:37
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apokryphosorangerange: tell orangerange about fixres12:37
bojangleslonetree, yes  i am still around.12:37
apokryphosI think it's like that..12:37
Whistlercatfox http://pastebin.com/31548912:38
rekaanildigital: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:38
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bojangleslonetree, just working on other stuff12:38
Whistlerheres my sources list12:38
orangerange!tell orangerange  about his life12:38
rekaanildigital: keep it in the channel please12:38
huttanNermal, where can I get older ubuntu images?12:38
rekaanildigital: go to that site to fix your problem12:38
huttanmaybe those dont have the same bug12:38
lonetreebojangles, ok, thanks anyway, will take your advice and try12:38
orangerange!tell orangerange  about ubuntu12:38
lllmanulllHi there, I guess the xkeyboard-config depencies problem has already been discussed here ?12:38
swnat problem in Ubuntu plsssssssssss12:38
anildigitalmy resolution get set to 640*480 everytime I reboot12:38
Nermalhuttan: erm.. you on hoary atm ?12:38
huttanNermal, yea12:39
orangerange!tell orangerange  about shuttleworth12:39
rekaorangerange: /msg ubotu <term>12:39
NermalI imagine you can get them off ubuntu.com12:39
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, Nermal12:39
huttanNermal, what should I get ?12:39
=== Nermal sighs
rekaanildigital: go to that site to fix your problem12:39
bojanglesanildigital, try xorgcfg12:39
Nermalwarty is the older one12:39
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anildigital my resolution get set to 640*480 everytime I reboot12:39
Whistlercatfox so anything wrong there?12:39
bojanglesanildigital, and make sure your monitor will support adequate freq..to get slightly higher pixelation12:39
Nermalor is it 5.01 ?12:39
catfoxWhistler,  have you updated apt?12:39
catfoxWhistler, apt-get update12:40
huttanis the one I have12:40
=== reka adds anildigital to ignore list
bojanglesanildigital, also be aware that some things are limited by the driver...not the hardware.12:40
Nermalhoary == 5.10 ?12:40
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Nermalodd numbering scheme :|12:40
swhey somebody can't halp me? pls I must routing Ubuntu12:40
Whistlercatfox yep12:40
Whistlerbut still nothing12:40
Nermalsw: english please12:41
mouarffrarg the package gstreamer broke all sound on my box :(12:41
PDanii've some problem with the web interface of cupsys... when i try to login on the web interface, i get the following message: Administrative commands are disabled in the web interface for security reasons. Please use the GNOME CUPS manager (System > Administration > Printing).12:41
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swenglish :(12:41
bojanglesanildigital, for example nividia sometimes uses the same chip on their $50 boards as well as their $7000 boards...but they will supply a better driver for the $7000 boards.12:41
NermalPDani: and ?12:41
catfoxWhistler, try using synaptic and search for lame12:41
NermalPDani: it tells you what is wrong and what to do12:41
bojanglesanildigital, so just remember sometimes it can be the driver not the hardware.12:41
PDaniNermal: i would like to login on the web interface, and i don't know how could i12:41
NermalPDani: don;t use it12:42
mouarffrgstregister saved me :)12:42
Nermalit's disabled for security reasons12:42
swHow to make Internet Connection Sharing in Ubunutu?12:42
Nermalread the error message12:42
Nermaluse the gnome cups interface12:42
Nermalsw: enabled ip forwarding12:42
lllmanulllHuh, hi everyone !12:42
Whistlercatfox i found it12:42
PDaniNermal: i don't like the gnome way... actually, i don't use gnome12:42
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NermalPDani: oh..12:42
lllmanulllAnybody knows how to solve the xkeyboard-config depency problem ?12:43
lllmanulllOr am I the only one experiencing this ?12:43
mouarffrSomeone already tried to use Skype on Ubuntu ?12:43
swHow do I enable ip forwarding?12:43
mouarffrI can run, see my contact12:44
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mouarffrbut that's all12:44
swHow do I enable ip forwarding?12:44
Nermalsw: stop repeating yourself12:44
Nermaland use google12:44
Nermalor look at the ubuntuguide12:44
Nermallol indeed, fuckwit12:45
NermalCoC! CoC! *wave wave*12:45
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Nermal2 hours 45 minutes.. I lasted longer than usual :)12:45
Nermaln00b fill for today12:45
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mouarffrok, the debian package of skype seems to not be stable :)12:46
mouarffrit crashed when I receive a call12:46
Whistlerhow can i restart sound server?12:46
Whistlercause it hang up12:46
Whistlerand plays same song12:46
PDanii found the solution: in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, change the User lp line to User root...12:48
marcus__im looking for a media player that can play my downloaded movies12:48
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huttanAnyone know where I can find older ubuntu versions?12:48
marcus__how the hell do i get it?12:48
rekaWhistler: try 'killall esd'12:48
marcus__totem sucks so wat should i use12:49
Minyuncan ubuntu be set up as a mail server? or that only enterprise ed?12:49
mouarffrmarcus__, vlc ?12:49
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pschulz01Minyun: Not sure how to do it with postfix (ubuntu default) but if you install12:50
rekamarcus__: you need to install codecs for totem to play them.  or use a player that comes with it's own, such as vlc as suggested.12:50
anildigitalhow to log in Ubuntu as a root in gnome session12:50
anildigital how to log in Ubuntu as a root in gnome session12:50
rekahuttan: older version of the distro?12:50
pschulz01Minyun: exim.. the debian configure script is very easy and straight forward.12:50
anildigital how to log in Ubuntu as a root in gnome session help!12:50
anildigitalhelp!  how to log in Ubuntu as a root in gnome session12:51
anildigital how to log in Ubuntu as a root in gnome session12:51
rekaanildigital: STOP flooding.12:51
anildigitalhelp me!  how to log in Ubuntu as a root in gnome session12:51
=== reka shakes head
anildigitalreka, pls answer12:51
rekaanildigital: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RootSudo12:51
swme to12:52
mouarffranildigital, this is not a good method to flood the chan :)12:52
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anildigital: )12:52
bojanglesFiretech, 800x600 should be all you will ever need...that is all i ever use for many years.12:53
JayParadisesudo makes konqueror usesless in some ways12:53
bojanglesFiretech, if you go any higher...it takes more time to move the pixels around12:53
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bojanglesFiretech, and if certain apps don't support 800x600...that is what apt-get remove is for12:55
axishow do you chmod access back to your home directory12:55
axisor chown12:55
axisi've tried everything12:55
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axissudo chown axis /home/axis12:56
axissudo chmod 700 /home/axis12:56
axisthat's what i did, but that didn't help12:56
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axissomeone's got to know.. come on12:57
chaps0063is there anything out there that would allow me to synchronize with a windows share?12:57
rekachmod 77712:57
ColonelKernelchaps0063, smb-client12:58
ColonelKernelI have never tried it though12:58
ColonelKernelsupposedly it works12:58
swwho much are 8mb in kb?12:58
decaf_tekkedesw: 819212:58
axisreka: how do I add recursive12:58
rekaaxis: although mine seems to be 75512:58
ColonelKernelsw http://www.egret.net/kb__mb.htm12:58
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rekaaxis: man chmod12:59
axisnm sa'll good12:59
orangerangehello, a question regarding saving oo Writer files: I have put some small clip art stuff into my file. Will it be saved inside the file?12:59
axisi wanted 700 00 to the others oh well12:59
McYodaAh, I got the annoying /images problem solved. There was an alias by default in httpd.conf, I had always just ignored it :-)12:59
anildigitalis there kde in Ubunt?12:59
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anildigital is there kde in Ubuntu?01:00
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McYodaYes, it is called Kubuntu01:00
anildigitalI hav ubuntu only01:00
McYodasee http://www.kubuntu.org/01:00
anildigitalhow to install KDE01:00
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pschulz01Just downloaded 'TheLiveCD'! Includes live version of Ubuntu.. well done.01:01
McYodaAgain, see http://www.kubuntu.org/ - download and install01:01
decafanildigital: install kubuntu-desktop!01:01
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anildigitalwhich kernel is better 2.6.* or 2.4.*01:03
anildigitalI think 2.6 is buggy01:03
apokryphos#kubuntu exists, too01:03
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orangerangehello, if i give my windows os using colleagues an open office file, will they be able to convert it?01:03
orangerangehello, if i give my windows-using colleagues an open office file, will they be able to convert it?01:04
HiddenWolfanildigital, that opinion is not based on reality, it's been stable for ages.01:04
HiddenWolforangerange, no, they won't01:04
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pippijnhi all01:04
McYodaorangerange, they must have Ooo installed on their systems01:04
concept10orangerange, why dont you save the file as .doc01:04
orangerangeHiddenWolf, really. Open office allows us to save files as MS office formats, but I lose some of the important formatting.01:04
pippijnI am looking for the command to remove one item from all rc.X01:05
anildigitalthere is no gcc in Ubuntu?01:05
pschulz01give them TheOpenCD as well...01:05
pippijnI know there is one but I forgot and can't find it anymore01:05
bojanglesanildigital, well i have 2.6 running on ubuntu and 2.4 running on sarge....and to tell you the truth...i don't see much difference01:05
orangerangeconcept10, because i lose some of the important formatting.01:05
concept10orangerange, maybe save as PDF01:05
ColonelKernelanildigital, apt-get install build-essential01:05
HiddenWolforangerange, and MS Office has no option to import OOO files01:05
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pschulz01.. it has Ooo and Firefix.01:05
orangerangeconcept10, if i save as pdf, can they edit the pdf if they so choose?01:05
bojanglesanildigital, i suppose it depends on if you have esoteric hardware that needs a newer kernel01:05
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concept10Im not sure, anyone - can Office import PDFs?01:06
catfoxconcept10, i don't think it can edit them. only export01:06
McYodaanildigital, http://kerneltrap.org/node/539301:06
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rekaafaik, no01:06
axishow do i save my xwindows configuration01:06
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concept10orangerange, what type of formatting do you you lose when saving as .doc?01:06
axisi just install the ati-linux driver and it's saying "it's important to save your x-windows configuration file"01:07
axiswhere is that located01:07
pippijnanyone remembers?01:07
Linux_GaloreoO 2.0 is supposed to have improved export features01:07
orangerangeconcept10, some table formatting. What I would like to have in the top of the column 2 goes to the bottom of column 1. In might be easier if you see the documents yourself. Would you like to see them?01:07
bojanglesaxis, it damn sure is01:07
ColonelKernelaxis, /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:07
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axishow do i "save" it01:08
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bojanglesaxis, you better make an extra copy just in case...and maybe keep it on a floppy01:08
anildigital there is no gcc in Ubuntu?01:08
axisoh when it says that it just means "make a backup" ?? heah01:08
anildigitalit gives package not installed01:08
concept10orangerange, I understand what you are talking about.  Do they have to edit the document?01:08
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rekaanildigital: ColonelKernel's told you.01:08
pschulz01anildigital: apt-get install build-essential01:08
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McYodaanildigital, try some googling. http://kerneltrap.org/node/5393 <-- according to this, GCC can be installed to ubuntu01:09
bojanglesaxis, well i tell you ...everytime you replace the system it helps to have a floppy  of some key config files.01:09
orangerangeconcept10, well, i'd like them to make changes if they think it can be made any prettier.01:09
Linux_Galoreaxis: you dont save it you just copy it.  ie   cd  /etc/X11/  && cp  xorg.conf   xorg.conf-bak01:09
pippijnhow do I remove one init.d item from all rc.X directories at once?01:09
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axisyah ok01:09
axisi just didn't understand the wording, thx01:09
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mdeboerpippijn: man update-rc.d01:10
bojanglesaxis, now you know linux is a moving target and changes the system nearly everyday.....so you may want to keep some vital config files separate from your daily installations.01:10
pippijnmdeboer: thanks that was the command01:10
anildigitalwhat is apt-get?01:10
concept10orangerange, have you actually open the document in word after saving with OOo?01:10
Linux_Galoreanildigital: system to update and install packages via a remote server01:10
orangerangeconcept10, no what i did was save the file as a doc. then i opened it in open office.01:10
mdeboerpippijn: if you forget these things, apropos is your friend01:10
axisman why dos the video card driver installation want ot know what mouse i'm using01:10
mdeboerpippijn: apropos rc.d01:11
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pippijnthanks that is great01:11
pschulz01anildigital: Synaptic pachage manage uses 'apt' under the hood.01:11
orangerangeconcept10, i don't have any msoffice apps on my computer.01:11
Linux_Galoreaxis: because X manages not just your screen but the mouse01:11
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axisbojangles, : i just want to get 1 stable computer up. hopefully FREEBSD, then run my VMware off that..   and just have a backup paged of each os01:11
concept10orangerange, if you have word, send it to your co-workers and see if they loose anything.  I would do it for you but I hate booting into windows :)01:11
anildigitalOk I understood all things, now I wanna break my UBUNT CD01:11
bojanglesaxis, well that is an idea for some.01:11
ColonelKernelcd ..01:12
axisLinux_Galore, : whats the default /dev/mouse01:12
rekapippijn: if you want to set services, install rcconf01:12
Linux_Galoreaxis: the graphical display in Linux is actually portable in that you can send it from one machine to the other so what mouse you have is important01:12
Linux_Galoreaxis: yep01:12
orangerangeconcept10, okay. i'll just send them the file in word .doc format and the reliable pdf format.01:12
orangerangeconcept10, thanks for your ears.01:12
bojanglesaxis, but i have no idea what stable means....as linux has been in a state of flux for over 11years and no signs of that stopping01:12
pippijnreka: I will look at that01:12
orangerangehow do we draw ears on our emoticons, anyway?01:12
bojanglesaxis, you will be replacing the system nearly everyday01:13
concept10orangerange, you should also suggest for them to install OOo01:13
pippijnhm that looks nice01:13
axisntcs-m or n LOL01:13
bojanglesaxis, that is why the BSD people say linux is a moving target01:13
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Raptoid/dev/hda5       /media/muzik  ntfs auto,users,umask=0,ro,nls=iso8859-9  0 001:13
scanwinderi just installed bittorrent and bittorrent-gui in ubuntu........it hasent shown up on the menu and, from a shell, typing in bittorrent wont do anything.........what is the command to open it?01:13
axisare you saying my box will be rooted within a week01:13
Raptoidread and write and executable ?01:13
concept10it just kills me how much the world is dependent upon microsoft.01:13
orangerangeconcept10, i guess i could do that. whether they'll bother to, i doubt it. 8-)01:13
axis.. i'm hopefully going to use net or openbsd as my firewall/gateway .. and freeBSD as my server ..01:14
orangerangeconcept10, OOo stands for Open Office what?01:14
pschulz01scanwinder: have a look in the menu.01:14
orangerangewhat does the last o stand for?01:14
Linux_GaloreLinux is way better today than it was years ago... I havent crashed my machine at work for ages....put it this way Windows 2000 crashed about every 3 days Linux crashes for me about every 6 months01:14
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bojanglesaxis, well you can enjoy the stability of BSD but only if you can stand the devil's insignia01:14
orangerangeages= 6 months     8-)01:14
Raptoid/dev/hda5       /media/muzik  ntfs auto,users,umask=0,ro,nls=iso8859-9  0 0    ---- read and write for ntfs ?01:14
orangerangeconcept10, gotcha01:14
=== [Spooky] [spookan_78@h16n2fls308o968.telia.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Raptoidplease example01:15
bojanglesaxis, i prefer to work with moving targets...they have some advantages that you would just not believe01:15
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Will_You just lead em less, right?01:15
Linux_Galorewhen I started using Linux 5 years ago I could crash it easily.......then again I had windows 98 and I used to crash the same system 3-4 times a day lol01:15
concept10Linux_Galore, I havent seen linux crash, only applications.  I do have a OLD box that locks up sometimes, i think the motherboard is going into retirement soon01:15
bojanglesaxis, a lot of driver manufacturers just say fuck it ...we can't keep up so take all of our driver code for free and you fix it with your ever changing kernel01:15
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bojanglesaxis, now this is a huge benefit of a moving target01:16
axisbojangles,  the daemon is in the logo spot on the front of my pc.. i think i can stand it .. (piano black sonata)01:16
scanwinderpschulz01: as i said, its not in the menu!01:16
Linux_Galoreconcept10: Im finding Linux gets a bit weird after being in use for about 3 years.....drivers go a bit goofy01:16
axiswell i would enjoy the stability of freebsd as my host01:16
axisand love to use different workstations01:17
axisi'll end up with VMWARE ESX server hopefully01:17
axisand run rackmount every os01:17
Linux_GaloreFreeBSD is a trade of I found.....very stable but your begging for hardware support01:17
axisLinux_Galore, : i'm lucky .. my buddy got me into bsd long ago, this computer is made for it [=01:17
bojanglesLinux_Galore, well if you want hardware support...play the linux game of moving target...drive the hardware people insane until they just hand over all their drivers for you to put in your ever changing kernel01:18
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axishe's a genius .. and i happend to pickup a couple crumbs.. good enough to ditch win completely01:18
Linux_Galoreaxis: yeah Ive got a OBSD machine and getting my nvidia stuff working at a decent speed took me ages01:18
axis*well enough01:18
axisobsd has nice networking setup .. utils.. appz.. i think it's tight01:18
axisdunno bout gui on it though01:18
axisnever tried [=01:18
Linux_Galoreyeah I found OBSD is very easy to admin....updates are a total no brainer01:19
concept10I have an idea, people always say drivers are the biggest problem in linux. I say only buy products that linux supports well.  Everyone doesnt expect Mac OS X to support all hardware on the planet01:19
axiscan adium be installed on ubunt01:20
axisis there like a MACE eg. wine01:20
Linux_Galoreconcept10: actually the windows is good with hardware thing depends on what hardware your using too....try installing windows on a beefed up AMD64... it isnt a happy camper01:20
axismac osx is based on which kernel.. eitherway it's linux .. correct? .. so .. has/can adium be ported?01:21
Linux_Galorealso Linux is very mature on 64 bit machines Windows is still breaking it teeth01:21
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concept10Linux_Galore, the only reason windows is good for hardware because people want to support the biggest platform.  If you made a PC mouse, you would ensure that it would work with the most popular operating systems01:21
Linux_Galoreaxis: no OSX is based on Darwin its a BSD kissing cousin to FreeBSD.....its totally different to Linux at the kernel level01:22
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axisha, interesting01:22
axisdarwin eh01:22
axisi love it01:22
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Linux_Galoreconcept10: not always true there are now cpu's that are only specific to Linux...ie "no windows support"01:22
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concept10I didnt say cpus, im talking about peripherals01:23
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Linux_Galoreconcept10: like a linksys router...hmm or an ipod01:23
Linux_Galoreconcept10: both can run and do run Linux but not windows01:24
concept10Linux_Galore, you dont understand my friend.  I was talking about "peripherals" not CPUS!01:24
Linux_Galorethose are peripherals01:24
LasseLi just got a ipod today, and it is streching the truth too long to say that it just worked01:24
Linux_Galoreanything you plug into a machine is a peripheral01:25
Linux_GaloreLasseL:  try www.ipodlinux.com   hack you ipod and dual boot Linux and play music and games01:25
LasseLi just have linux01:26
LasseLmy windows partition crashed01:26
Linux_Galoresomeone is porting doom to the ipod running Linux01:26
LasseLdidn't miss it (yet)01:26
DaveyLinux_Galore: the original I hope?01:26
Linux_Galorewell my last windows isntall corrupted about 4 years ago I ran Linux for a few months then said bugger it I need the space and formatted the windows partition01:26
Linux_GaloreDavey: yep01:27
shawarmaMy gaim doesn't go into the foreground when someone writes to me... Is this a known issue or am I the only one?01:27
LasseLLinux_Galore, I want my ipod to work WITH linux, I don't want it ON it01:27
DaveyI still have a fully functional WinXP on a 160GB HDD and I won't reformat it till I get a new 160GB HDD to put all my crap on to :)01:27
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Daveyshawarma: its not an issue, its expected behaviour01:28
Linux_GaloreLasseL: lol you get more features dude...... you even get a terminal to play with01:28
shawarmaDavey: Oh, I've configured it to do so, but it still doesn't.01:28
Daveyshawarma: its supposed to be more user friendly01:28
Linux_GaloreLasseL: you can also play more file formats than a standard ipod01:28
shawarmaDavey: What? How am I supposed to know that I have new messages?01:28
Daveyshawarma: so Gnome says. But making that happen before they got the URGENT visual cue working was stupid01:28
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Daveyshawarma: I have a hacked libwnck which allows my panel to blink and thus show me new messages :D01:29
Linux_GaloreLasseL: its also dual boot so you can swap back to a standard ipod01:29
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upoI2I want to reinstall all the ubuntu base tool (like g++......) so that I can run kdevelop properly01:29
shawarmaDavey: There's a conf option to make it jump to the foreground... Is that what they disabled?01:29
shawarmaDavey: So that no matter if it's enabled or not, it doesn't do anything?01:29
Linux_GaloreupoI2: remove them01:29
Linux_GaloreupoI2: then install them again01:29
ColonelKernel how do I turn off LVM/EVM management?01:30
ColonelKernel im just using a couple of partitions and no raid/scsi stuff01:30
upoI2what's the name of the base files then?01:30
upoI2is there a big package?01:30
ColonelKernelstandard /boot,/,swap setup01:30
Linux_GaloreupoI2: for what01:30
ColonelKernelsort of01:30
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Linux_GaloreupoI2: just remove gcc01:30
Daveyshawarma: see this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39776&highlight=GAIM01:30
ColonelKernelshwarma - mmm - I sure do miss that stuff01:31
Daveyshawarma: yeah, Gnome basically stopped all applications being able to do that01:31
ColonelKernelthats like middle eastern carls jr01:31
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Linux_GaloreI usually like to have  / /home / /swap /var01:31
ColonelKernelyou pay like 2 bucks and get a lb of roast lamb in a pita with all sorts 'o trimmings01:31
shawarmaDavey: That must the stupidest thing they've done yet, and that's saying a lot!01:31
Daveyshawarma: The real issue is a window taking your cursor focus when you get a message, so they fucked up and just make it not possible for a window to do anything :/01:32
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Linux_GaloreColonelKernel: oooh yummy lots of hormone injected cheap lamb........bet you have massive man boobs01:32
Daveyshawarma: I'm sure they'll get closer to that goal, but for now, that libwnck patch is great :D01:32
=== ShaneAu [~Shane@CPE-60-225-37-171.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ColonelKernelLinux_Galore, lol - nah, thats what clenbuterol is for01:33
Linux_GaloreColonelKernel: hai look found cheap bra's on ebay01:33
ShaneAuHow do I enable shell colours in Debian? (Eg. Green for executable files etc).01:33
=== Linux_Galore pokes ColonelKernel
=== ShaneAu means Ubuntu :P
ColonelKernelnah mon - quasi illegal asthma medications are much better - ask baseball players.01:34
shawarmaDavey: Hey, it sends it to the foregound. Excellent.01:34
shawarmaDavey: Sometimes the gnome folks are asshats.01:34
shawarmaDavey: Seriously.01:35
rekaShaneAu: you mean straight console (i.e. without X)?01:35
concept10Davey, it is about keeping your focus not having apps pop in your face whilst you are working on something01:35
rekaShaneAu: or gnome-terminal?01:35
ShaneAuConsole sorry.01:35
Linux_GaloreColonelKernel: yeah get sus when you see baseball players with guts the big enough to feed a small village in afica being called sport profeesionals01:35
shawarmaDavey: Thanks for your help!01:35
=== Linux_Galore not to self dont read two channels at the same time and type
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rekaShaneAu: not certain, but try looking in ~/.bashrc01:36
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rekai *think* console uses bash....01:37
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=== Davey notes that he just had colors. Didn't have to do anything
rekaDavey: me too actually...01:38
ShaneAu:( well, it is Debian actually, not Ubuntu, I joined the wrong channel, but asked regardless (I use Uuntu a lot at home)01:39
ShaneAuRed hat has the colors defualt also01:39
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Linux_GaloreShaneAu: http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/g/c/gca101/linux_howtos/bash_prompt.html01:40
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ShaneAuhumm it was much simpler then that01:40
ShaneAuI've done it befor01:40
ShaneAuBut forget the command01:40
djpanyone know if there is software to create photo-cd's under linux? i'm using the ubuntu hoary distro...01:41
ShaneAuIt was short and sweet01:41
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FireW0lferm - what display applet does ubuntu use? my gf has just installed it and cant seem to get a res better than 800x600 (sorry - having real bad connection probs here with my ISP)01:41
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Linux_Galoreheres how to set the colours for different file types for the ls command -> http://www.linux-sxs.org/housekeeping/lscolors.html01:42
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reka!tell FireW0lf about fixres01:43
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=== reka is puzzled by the term 'display applet' though
Linux_GaloreShaneAu: that link is what your after the other one was wrong sorry01:43
ShaneAualias ls='ls --color'  - That's the one! :D.01:44
ShaneAuThanks Linux_Galore.01:44
FireW0lfreka: well, im not familiar with ubuntu, and my gf is new to linux, so i assumed she went for an "easy" distro - applets to deal with settings01:44
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rekaFireW0lf: again, i'm puzzled by your use of the word 'applets'. :)  but i can walk you through if you like.  do you have access to her machine?01:45
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Linux_Galoretrying to remember a firewall distro that has a really good ls -- colours setup01:47
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erudeyecan i watch my tv tuner on ubuntu?01:52
HrdwrBoBmost likely yes01:53
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erudeyeno one here?01:57
anacronerudeye: check out what apt-cache search tv says01:57
anacronmaybe all guru's have coffeebreak now01:58
domsteras a guess anyway01:58
lonetreeanyone here encounter time and date issue on file?01:58
lonetreei mean with files01:58
lonetreeerudeye, you toking to me?01:59
domsterooh. 'bttv'01:59
anacronerudeye: or just try that mythTV, install with sudo apt-get install mythtv, or something like that01:59
lonetreeanyone there?01:59
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domsterFor almost all TV boards there is a great module included with the 2.4.x+ tree called BTTV (http://bytesex.org/bttv/). Most distrubtions include it as a loadable module that you can just modprobe or insmod.01:59
anacronbytesex.org :D haha02:00
erudeyehmm ok02:00
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anacronwhat's insmod?02:01
anacronor what does it do02:01
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shawarmaanacron: It loads a driver into the kernel.02:01
lonetreei shall ask again02:01
anacronshawarma: okay02:01
domsterno answer means no I guess lonetree02:01
feugan3333Does anyone know of a way to search packages for a specific file. E.g I'm looking for the gtk include files gtk/gtk.h but I not sure which package to install?02:02
shawarmalonetree: What do you mean time and date issues?02:02
lonetreeanyone here has problem with file date and time problem, on copy paste02:02
shawarmalonetree: Could you be a bit more specific as to what the problem is?02:02
lonetreeshawarama, I just notice this recently, I copied a folder with files from my ubuntu and paste it on a network folder02:03
Whistleris it possible to install gtk?02:03
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Whistlerwith apt-get02:03
lonetreethen i notice the date and time changes02:03
domsterWhistler, certainly02:03
lonetreethe files on the new location changes to 1980 01 01 Tues 0800hr02:03
shawarmalonetree: A network folder? What kind?02:03
lonetreeany kind02:04
Whistlerdomster how its called?02:04
domsterapt-get install libgtk02:04
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shawarmalonetree: For example...02:04
lonetreeit could be a windows shared folder02:04
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lonetreeit could be a linux shared folder02:04
lonetreei.e via samba02:04
WhistlerE: Couldn't find package libgtk02:04
shawarmalonetree: Good. That was what I was looking for. There's other kinds of remote folders, you see.02:04
feugan3333domster: do you know which package gtk/gtk.h comes from?02:04
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shawarmafeugan3333: libgtk2.0-dev, probably.02:05
shawarmalonetree: sftp02:05
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cionhey guys I want to buy a new PC, but I'd like to check what is the best hrdware supported by ubuntu, is there any info arrund?02:05
domsterfeugan3333: yeah, it'd be the -dev if you want the headers02:05
HrdwrBoBcion: I can give you a few recommendations if you like02:05
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shawarmalonetree: sftp is a kind of ftp through an SSH tunnel. The gnome vfs system allows you to access it as a folder.02:05
cionyeah thx02:05
HrdwrBoBcion: most 'normal' hardware is fine02:05
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HrdwrBoBwhat do you want?02:06
cionlikw what?02:06
Whistlerlibgtk2.0-dev so i should use this for creating c programs with gui?02:06
HrdwrBoBI would recommend an athlon64 based machine with an nvidia card02:06
domsterWhistler, you could. 'should' is up to you02:06
lonetreei dun really get it shawrma02:06
shawarmaWhistler: Possibly.02:06
cionwhat is normal hardware?02:06
HrdwrBoBcion: disks/motherboards etc02:06
hindleyWHOIS hindley02:06
lonetreeare you trying to tell me to use sftp instead of samba?02:07
Whistlerok thx ill try02:07
Whistler=] 02:07
=== Aegir [Richard@d220-238-41-173.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
cionproc and vid card?02:07
domstercion: stay away from cheap modems and ATI. pretty much everything else works great.02:07
HrdwrBoBcion: yeah02:07
shawarmalonetree: I was just pointing out that saying "a remote folder is giving me problems" is not sufficient for anyone to answer your queston. There's different kinds of remote folders and definietely different kinds of "problems" to be experienced. Details, my friend, details. The more details you provide, the more likely you are to get a good answer.02:07
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HrdwrBoBand an nvidia graphics card02:07
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cioni need t work with audio too02:08
lonetreeok isee02:08
HrdwrBoBwhat sort of audio?02:08
shawarmalonetree: I'm not telling you to use sftp.02:08
lonetreewell, my set up is just a simple network02:08
HrdwrBoBthe envy series of cards is highly recommended by a friend of mine02:08
HrdwrBoBenvy24 will do 24/9602:08
cionno very hard work, just import, encode and make cd's02:08
lonetreeyou noe? the workgroup network02:08
domstercion: onboard audio will almost definatly work for new hardware02:08
HrdwrBoBoh, well then I'd recommend a soundblaster card of almost any time02:09
lonetreei get what you mean shawrma02:09
shawarmalonetree: My network is also simple. It just doesn't use samba.02:09
HrdwrBoBdomster: though without hardware mixing and occasional problems02:09
lonetreeu din said clearly just now02:09
cionneed something more heavey on audio like creative02:09
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HrdwrBoBthey all work02:09
cionis it welle supported by ubuntu?02:09
domstertrue HrdwrBoB02:09
shawarmalonetree: Good. Well, I haven't had any problems with samba like the one you're talking about, but I haven't really used it either..02:09
lonetreeI use samba because i have windows system in it02:09
HrdwrBoBcion: yes02:09
HrdwrBoBcion: creative have a fairly good open source driver02:09
lonetreeif you dun mind, you could probably try it02:10
cionsorry my english is poor, what does fairly means?02:10
HrdwrBoBcion: reasonable02:10
HrdwrBoBof acceptable quality02:10
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cionok thx man02:10
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HrdwrBoBno problem :)02:10
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lonetreeanyone else has this problem?02:11
abedoes anyone know how to get the usb ports to read the flash drives?02:11
shawarmalonetree: The date here looks just fine.02:12
lonetreedid you copy and paste it to the network shared folder?02:12
hindleyabe: usb flash drives should "just work" (tm)02:12
shawarmalonetree: Yes.02:12
lonetreewell i have this problem on all my linux system02:13
=== reka [~Unknown@WNPP-p-203-54-24-38.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
abebut it doesnt, so i'm having abit of a problem02:13
lonetreefedora core, suse 9.0 and ubuntu02:13
=== jorgp3 [~jorgp@bnet-dial2-252.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
lonetreedid you do any settings to samba?02:13
hindleyabe: go on, what are you trying?  ubuntu should automount and put on your desktop02:13
shawarmalonetree: No.02:13
hindleyhave you tried "lsusb"?02:14
lonetreedid you use time server to sync your time?02:14
abenothin appears on the desktop02:14
shawarmalonetree: Yes.02:14
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shawarmaabe: You ARE running Gnome, right?02:14
lonetreewhere did you copy and paste your file to?02:14
shawarmalonetree: Some share on some server.02:14
lonetreethats weird here02:15
shawarmashawarma: More specifically my home dir on a Debian file server.02:15
hindleyabe: try typing lsusb in a terminal to verify that the kernel has identified your hardware02:15
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shawarmaabe: Even better: try running dmesg in a term. At the very end, it should say something about a usb device being plugged in, and finding partitions... That sort of thing.02:15
domsterdmesg | tail     --less scrolling!02:16
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shawarmadmesg | tail -n 2502:16
lonetreeshawarma: do you use nautilus to view?02:16
shawarmalonetree: Yes.02:16
abeit shows up when i type lsusb02:16
abebut still cant view anythin on it02:16
lonetreeand you dun have this problem02:16
shawarmaabe: Can you check if gnome-volume-manager is running?02:17
domsterabe - is it fat formatted?02:17
domsteror ntfs - windows xp has a habit of doing that to flash disks02:17
lonetreethe other time i tried copying files from ubuntu to a fedora shared folder, the date time changes02:17
abewhere do i find gnome volume manager?02:17
lonetreeand to windows shared folder, it changes too02:17
shawarmaabe: ps aux | grep volume02:17
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lonetreei'll be back in a few minutes shawarma02:18
abeand then after i typed ps aux02:18
anacronhow can i make so that no-ip tool start's up with my ubuntu?02:20
domstercheck out 'boot' under settings02:20
domsterthe third tab along (iirc) lets you easily set start up programs02:21
anacrondomster: thanks a lot02:22
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swhow to install dcgui on my ubuntu?02:23
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swhow to install dc++ on my ubuntu?02:25
highvoltageecho 16i[q] sa[ln0=aln100%Pln100/snlbx] sbA0D4D465452snlb xq | dc02:26
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domsterhighvoltage: lol02:29
anacronis there a dc++ for linux?02:30
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anacroni think you'll have to use something other client02:30
swbut how to install it , and where to get him?02:31
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[Spooky] "sudo apt-get install dcgui" ?02:32
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swget it :)02:33
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anacrondctc looks interesting, text based client :)02:33
sinfernohey, has anyone gotten final fantasy xi (online) working with cedega?02:33
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sinfernoor wine02:34
sinfernoor anything02:34
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SweetsharkHi guys! I jsut installed ubuntu and am rather happy with it. However I miss the runlevel editor from gnome-system-tools - is there a reason for this?02:40
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jean-jacqueshello i need some heko to set up a printer02:41
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jean-jacquesit's a network printer, and i just have its ip adress02:42
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monteirowhen i write dvds in k3b the buffer don't get occupied, and the velocity instead of 8x passes to 1x, anyone knows how to resolve this problem?02:42
Dan_CI just got ubuntu CD's through, and i'm having a display issue with the livecd...02:43
Dan_CMy laptop res is 1024x768 on windows, but the best ubuntu seems to want to give me is 640x48002:44
=== JDigital` [~jdigital@host81-156-26-252.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
JDigital`Uh-oh! I think I broke mplayer.02:45
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JDigital`I had a file playing in mplayer with the window set to "on top" and then I pushed ctrl-alt-left to go to another screen02:45
JDigital`When I come back, mplayer is playing nothing but bluescreen02:46
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JDigital`mplayer continues to play bluescreen now for any file02:46
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lonetreeare you there?02:46
chrissturmJDigital`, log out, hit ctrl backspace, log in again02:46
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lonetreehi occy02:47
Dreyi was wondering some loverly person could lend me some time02:47
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soulflyhi. I must run "xmodmap" with a few parameters to get my mouse button working correclty.  where is the correct place to put such settings in the x server startup sequence?02:47
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mouarffrre all Just a question about the repositories : Synergy is 1.0.14 on Ubuntu and it's 1.2 on my Debian Sarge. What is the good repository to have the same version ? or How to browse the file version ?02:48
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ValheruLordhi all02:49
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ValheruLordwhen i try to umount an fs it says it is busy02:49
ValheruLordhow can i umount it02:49
Dreyso the problem is i decided to try ubuntu using a live CD and it all runs happy, except the internet i read around the forum and found out that this is because of the rt2500 drivery thing i was just wondering if i follow the same instructions to make it work or if there is no point trying02:49
gyaresuValheruLord, what type of fs?02:50
soulflyValheruLord: user the "fuser" command to see which process are using the resource02:50
mouarffrValheruLord, just be sure that you don't have any shell on a monted directory02:50
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|rockinnerd|ValheruLord, umount -f /mount/point02:50
|rockinnerd|but u may lose data doing so02:50
erudeyewhere i can find tutorial about "apt" command?02:50
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soulflyValheruLord: "fuser -k" can kill the processes for you02:50
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[2] BoxingFiend!apt02:50
ubotuwell, apt is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/02:50
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Dan_Canyone got a clue about the low-res display issue?02:52
|rockinnerd|yay! i'm converting from slack back to ubuntu02:52
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mouarffrDan_C, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FixVideoResolutionHowto02:54
SweetsharkDan_C: The live-CD is propably just consevative. On a HD-install it would be fixable by "encouraging" some config-files ...02:54
Dan_Cyeah, but i'd like to be able to test it properly before i potentially waste time installing it when it won't work. :)02:55
SweetsharkDan_C: Whats you gfx-card/chip?02:55
black-whisphow do you use ftp with terminal?02:55
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[2] BoxingFiendblack: ftp username@ftp.site02:56
soulflyis "X still broken" for breezy in the topic still valid?02:56
Sweetsharkblack-whisp: "man ftp" will tell you. Or use wget/lynx whatever ...02:56
=== redtech [~redtech@adsl-69-104-65-164.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ColonelKernelok theres a bunch of modules loaded and i'd like to keep them from doing so. I can't tell where these are loaded from, it isnt /etc/modules though - can anyone give me a clue?02:57
Dan_CSweetshark : it's an intel onboard thing, it's crap... but it works :)02:57
ColonelKerneljust a bunch of unused modules02:57
ColonelKernelim not sure what the module loading process really is in ubuntu02:57
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DanielCHello. How can I configure my floppy drive? Is there a reference I should read?02:58
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[2] BoxingFiendcolonel: what module you have in mind you want to remove from boot02:59
SweetsharkDan_C: intel810? Well, thats pretty well supported by linux and Xorg. No garantuees though for it to be configured out of the box by ubuntu ...02:59
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mouarffrDan_C, I've just installed my box with and intel integrated card03:00
ram_einsteinhow do you activate IrDA?03:00
Will_I never had problems with my 81003:00
mouarffrthe default config was 640*48003:00
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SweetsharkDan_C: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2702903:01
chrissturm810 is very well supported, probably because intel submitted their drivers to xorg in source form03:01
=== highvoltage just commited e-mail suicide and subscribed to 11 debian lists.
mouarffrDan_C,  after setting up the HorizSync and VertRefresh it works03:02
chrissturmhighvoltage, i always use gmail accounts for these kinds of suicide03:02
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Sweetsharkhighvoltage: Hey, there is gmane and RSS for that ....03:02
Dan_Cmouarffr: how would I go about doing that?03:02
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mouarffrDan_C, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FixVideoResolutionHowto  read the section about the screen setup03:03
ram_einsteinhow do you activate IrDA here?03:03
ram_einsteinor even find out if the laptop is bluetooth enabled?03:04
Dreyno one have any clue about the rt2500 thing using live CDs?03:04
highvoltageSweetshark: gmane?03:05
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mouarffrI have a version pb with synergy.. in the Universe section there is synergy 1.0.14 and synergy 1.2.2 ... But I can only install the 1.0.14 version ...03:05
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Sweetsharkhighvoltage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gmane <- Allows reading mail via RSS, Web or NNTP. Much more convienient than a "real" subscribe ...03:07
=== Drakend [~drakend@213-156-52-105.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
Drakendhello to all guys03:07
highvoltageSweetshark: sweet. thanks, i'll check it out.03:07
DrakendI'm a total newbie to the distro03:07
Drakendand I have some questions03:07
Drakendfirst of all the root password: it wasn't asked during installation03:08
Drakendis this normal?03:08
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black-whispDrakend yes. :D03:08
Drakendehehe lol03:08
Drakendand what is it?!?03:08
black-whispyou can use sudo instead.. :) the just use you normal user password03:08
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|rockinnerd|well, here i go! im gonna (re) install ubuntu...03:09
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[2] BoxingFiend!sudo03:09
uboturumour has it, sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo03:09
Drakendis sudo that program to execute programs with the priviliges of other user?03:09
SweetsharkDrakend: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/root03:09
=== Blissex [~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
black-whispor you could use: sudo passwd i think03:09
black-whispto create a root password.03:09
Drakendahh ok... anyway ubuntu is really nice03:10
Drakendit runs well on a p3 1 ghz03:10
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Sweetsharkit runs . . on a K6-200Mhz with 64MB RAM03:11
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Drakendwith all the options?!?03:11
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SweetsharkWithout Openoffice - it doesnt fit on the 1.5GB HDD.03:12
Drakendoh my god, I love linux03:12
golan77i'm trying to use qemu to try ubuntu 5.04 on my debian... I have a problem, could not boot an hd image just created... any help?03:13
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SweetsharkBut otherwise - yes, it runs. Awfully slow though ... I will either get some old EDO-RAM or just use twm on that machine ...03:13
pluffsyIs ubuntu any good for servers? I'm about to switch to ubuntu as my desktop OS and I was wondering if I for simplicity should switch my server over to ubuntu too.03:14
Sweetsharkpluffsy: Where are you switching from?03:14
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to|mwhere do I change icons of filetypes in gnome?03:15
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nilslWhere do I find a working DC-client for Ubuntu?03:15
pluffsySweetshark: From Yellow Dog Linux. It's a Macintosh G3 (PPC) server.03:15
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Sweetsharkpluffsy: Sorry, cant help you with PPC Distros. But ubuntu as a server is pretty much just debian anyway, isnt it? (Im pretty new to ubuntu too ...)03:17
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sinfernoahhhh. does anyone have final fantasy online running in linux???03:17
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sinfernoi cant get cedega to run it i guess im shit outa luck :\03:17
pluffsySweetshark: Yellow Dog is based on Fedora if that makes a difference for you?03:18
sinfernothey say they support it but, i havent seen one person get it to run03:18
sinfernothats lame03:18
Sam3773Can anyone tell me what version of GRUB Ubuntu 5.04 uses? :)03:18
black-whispsinferno try #cedega03:18
black-whispask if the guys in there know something. :)03:18
sinfernoblack-whisp, on this server?03:18
sinfernoblack-whisp, thanks great idea lol03:19
nikkiaSam3773: 0.9503:20
Sweetsharkpluffsy: Just from the "gutfeeling" I would prefer ubuntu/debian over yellowdog/fedora ...03:20
pluffsySweetshark: That's my gutfeeling too. So I'll guess I'll go with that :)03:20
Sam3773Hmm same as Debian then, cheers :)03:20
=== Scrambler has had RH and FC for years but Ubuntu changed my mind completely!
Scramblerhow's that for a "gut feeling?" ;-)03:21
nikkiaSam3773: iirc, 0.95 is the latest anyway03:21
=== Drey is gonna need some wires it looks
black-whisphehe.. ubuntu removed my ms addiction03:21
nikkiaoh, i tell a lie, there's a 0.96 and 0.9703:21
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=== Scrambler has never had an M$ addiction...
Sweetsharkpluffsy: I am gentoo guy usually. But Ubuntu is a really well done distro ....03:22
Sam3773Ahh cheers.. Im new to linux and had a few nice Gui GRUBs but on Fedora Core just a min ago it was command line based so im checking to see if this one has a GUi or not03:22
ScramblerSam3773  what do you need a gui image in grub for?03:23
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Sam3773Don't need one, just disliked the command one where i had to put kernel, then boot and all that..03:24
ScramblerOh you mean a config tool for Grub?!03:24
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Dan_Cworks now :D03:25
Dan_Cthanks guys03:25
SweetsharkSam3773: Ubuntus gnome-system-tools comes with a grub configurator IIRC ...03:25
=== andrewcool [~chatzilla@adsl-68-92-157-42.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sam3773Ah i see now.. *Very new*.. Anywho, Ubuntus on 65% downloaded so i should be installing any time soon :D03:25
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andrewcoolIs there a way to create a partion that will not erase all current data03:26
andrewcooland how :D03:26
Scramblerandrewcool several I suppose03:26
Sweetsharkhttp://www.gnome.org/projects/gst/screenshots/boot.jpg <- looking for something like this?03:26
nilslDirect Connect for ubuntu? Where? (sorry for repeat).03:26
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Sweetsharkandrewcool: yes, use "expert" mode on the install CD ...03:27
andrewcool*confushed* :D03:27
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snowblinkhi - are there any issues with running sarge packages on ubuntu?03:28
IFRFLYRHi, I'm trying to add some ttfonts to gimp under ubuntu - any idea where they belong?03:28
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Scramblerubuntu rules... printer installation has never been so easy...03:28
Dan_CI got another challange for you, now. :D03:28
pawani am trying to translate gnome-user-docs any advice03:28
Sam3773Nah what i ment before i i previously had SuSE and other GRUB linux's and when i first boot it comes up a list of Os's that i want to boot, Linux, windows ect.. But in Fedora Core 4 on first boot i got a command line telling me to put the kernel things in and i got confused :P Thats all i ment03:28
Scramblerandrewcool do you have an old suse distri, there's a tool for shrinking windows partition, too03:29
Dan_CIs there any way to install a wireless (usb) mouse, without reconfiguring x-org again?03:29
=== keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ScramblerSam3773  oh I see. just hit enter :)03:30
=== capi [~capi@CPE-65-31-169-86.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ScramblerDan_C edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf directly?!03:30
Sam3773... Does that work? Ok restarting to find out03:30
Dan_CScrambler: I don't think that's gonna be a wise plan for me :P03:30
IFRFLYRAnyone on the fonts for gimp question?03:31
=== Velcan [~matthew@12-216-142-98.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dan_Cso i'd need to reconfigure x-org ?03:31
andrewcoolBut how do i create a partion before the install...but doesn't erase everything..03:31
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Sam3773OK so i cant restart because of the download.. Im told Ubuntu's better anyway so i'll wait :)03:32
=== lamp_ [~la@dsl-084-056-153-213.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
pawanwe are also using the sam03:32
gyaresujoin #taslug03:32
andrewcoolCan somebody help me :D03:32
gyaresusorry typo.03:33
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gyaresujoin #taslug03:33
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Scramblerxorg needs a new mouse in the config, I guess03:33
Scramblerandrewcool what's wrong :-) you are not "cool" ;-)03:33
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otepandrew: wanting to dual boot?03:34
adamhDoes anyone know of a repository which contains qt4 packages?03:34
Scramblerandrewcool and be careful before you demolish your existing Windows partition03:34
andrewcoolnoo i don't want to demlish it03:34
andrewcooldemolish it*03:34
andrewcooli want to preserve it and create a new one :D03:34
Scramblerdo you happen to have PartitionMagic?03:34
andrewcoolno :(03:34
Scramblerhm, bad :)03:34
Scramblerit's not hard but to be sure you just have to know that sth can go wrong shrinking NTFS or FAT03:35
andrewcool*scared* :D03:35
Scramblerget a second HDD, they're not *that*expensive anymore, y'know? ;)03:35
=== Deancolinux [~Deancolin@frasier.ford.com] has joined #ubuntu
andrewcoolbut i have a 250gb hard drive :D03:36
ed1tScrambler wat hdd did u get? and for how much?03:36
Scramblersome maxtor 80 Gig drive to around 60,- Euros03:36
andrewcool80gb hard drive is like 50 dollars :D03:37
ed1thow much is that in $?03:37
ed1ti got 120 GB for $12003:37
Scramblercheck your local vendors..03:37
Sam3773I live in England and constantly get ripped off? :P03:37
otepwish i have one of those03:37
Scramblerand quit bragging about how little you've paid for yours...03:37
andrewcooli want to use my existing hard drive :D..lol03:37
Scramblerwell go ahead and scrub Windows, ya don' need it! :-)03:38
andrewcoolwell my sister does... :(03:38
feugan3333no she doesn't03:38
snowblinkSam3773, ebuyer?03:38
nikkiaSam3773: the going rate for 120GB drives these days is 45ish03:38
Sam3773Im sorry what?! I paid that for a 40gb from Pc World.. Bastards03:39
nikkiaSam3773: ergo, i deduce that we're not getting THAT ripped off on hard drives anymore03:39
andrewcoolPlus my computer windows boot cds are on the hard drive partation03:39
mouarffrarg , Someone can help me with the version problem on hoary ??03:39
h08817how much space does the "server" install take03:39
snowblinkSam3773, PCWorld is where you go when you want something now and don't mind paying over the odds.03:40
h08817i hear the normal install is 1.2GB03:40
Sam3773haha yep, im gonna buy off ebuyer from now on03:40
Scrambler160 Gig for 75  Euros03:40
nikkiaSam3773: i've stopped using ebuyer unless its something i can't find elsewhere, as have most of my friends...03:40
nikkiaebuyer has *no* customer support these days03:40
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Sam3773Hmm can you recommened any other sites? :P03:41
nikkiaif they mess up on an order, your only recorse is to email them, and hope someone reads it in the next 4-5 days...03:41
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Sam3773Haha yeah that is pretty crap i spose03:42
nikkiaSam3773: i use cclonline.com mostly, but they don't have anywhere near as wide a selection as ebuyer (noone does, really) so you either have to be a bit less picky, or put up with ebuyer when absolutely necessary03:42
capiwhats a command I can use to tell what my current resolution is?03:42
h08817does anyone know the sizes difference of the installation?03:42
andrewcoolWell guys i got to go :(03:42
swI have a proble with movies in ubuntu, the don`t run03:42
Blissexcapi: 'xdpyinfo'03:42
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Sam3773Kk Cheers :)03:42
andrewcoolAuf Wiedersehen!03:43
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otepwhy not go dual boot using 2 hds03:43
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nikkiaSam3773: heh, the most expensive HDD that ccl have, is 270... for 500GB03:44
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andrewcooli only have one hard drive!03:44
andrewcooland plus saving money up for a new grahpics card :D03:44
nikkiaSam3773: erm, most expensive regular IDE, i haven't looked in their SATA or SCSI sections :)03:44
Sam3773Oh only 500... haha who's gonna use 500gb :P03:44
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otepbuy another one03:44
nikkiaSam3773: i could, i have a total of nearly 400GB here, and about 3GB free :/03:44
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capiI'm having trouble gettin Ubuntu to give me a 1152x864@75 resolution.  I've messed with xorg.conf, and reconfigured xserver-xorg? Anyone have some ideas?03:45
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Sam3773haha nice :D Im looking their site now, pretty damn cheap03:45
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nikkiaSam3773:  they're not that cheap, they're just not pc world 'insane' prices :)03:45
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|rockinnerd|yep it worked!03:46
nikkiaSam3773: those are pretty average prices, you'll find similar from the other mail order placesw03:46
|rockinnerd|but, grub couldn't install :-(03:46
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mouarffrwho can explain me why in the directory there is two version of synergy and I can only install le older version ?03:46
scifiordieHi, I'm fairly new to Linux tho a longtime fan...NEED info on how to find and install plugins for shockwave and java run environments please help....03:46
|rockinnerd|scifiordie, there is NO shockwave plugin for linux, unless you use crossover office03:46
sJaMshockwave ?03:46
Sam3773Ooh ive been ripped off all my life :( Im actually gonna buy one from here :P Put my 40gb in another pc and buy a bigger one for me03:47
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scifiordiecrossover office is what where??? thanks03:47
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frostyfedorahi all, i am new to ubuntu and have some buggy errors with firefox; cannot download plugins and security updates03:47
Tsukasascifiordie: in a store near to you ;)03:47
Tsukasascifiordie: it's a commercial product03:47
Tsukasabased on wine though :p03:47
scifiordieok thank you what price range???03:48
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|rockinnerd|scifiordie, u can download a trial from codeweavers.com03:48
h08817ok help real quick03:48
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h08817so i know what size of a hd i need03:48
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nalioths_dogscifiordie: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support03:49
scifiordiewill crossover also help with java???03:49
h08817what size is the "normal" and "server" install03:49
Will_Stop asking me!03:49
ubotuFirefox on warty is version 1.0.4 backported.  To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4"03:49
Tsukasabtw I think Shockwave is supported by the flash plugin03:49
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naliothfrostyfedora: read above what ubotu said03:49
|rockinnerd|scifiordie, there is java for linux03:50
Tsukasaand java can be installed without a hassle (read ubuntuguide)03:50
|rockinnerd|h08817, hit F1 when u boot the ubuntu cd03:50
h08817ok thanks03:50
frostyfedoranalioth : cheers!03:50
naliothTsukasa: please dont recommend ubuntuguide03:50
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|rockinnerd|why won't grub install on my mbr??03:51
naliothscifiordie: read here please, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation03:51
Tsukasanalioth: For someone who has absolutely NO clue it's better than meddling with the forums :)03:51
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naliothTsukasa: the wiki has been simplified in recent days03:51
=== Will_ agrees with nalioth
djpnalioth: i totally agree03:52
TsukasaI think the wiki is still pretty messy though :x03:52
Will_I was pimping ubuntu guide, but the wiki is so much clearer. It explains03:52
Will_Tsukasa: So clean it up03:52
=== yahalom [~amichai@bzq-82-80-179-141.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tsukasawhen I clean things up people always start complaining ;)03:53
yahalomanyone here have top panel like on mac os x?03:53
naliothyahalom: that would be a "superkaramba" widget03:53
Amaranthyahalom: If you mean with the application menus up there no.03:53
=== FireW0lf [~me@m37-mp2.cvx1-c.ren.dial.ntli.net] has joined #ubuntu
FireW0lfmy missus version of ubuntu has XF86 rather than xorg - she still cant get a display greater than 800x600 - does she just need to add a subsection Display into the Monitor section? (there is no Display subsection there at all, altho there are 2 Display subsections in Screen)03:53
Amaranthyahalom: not possible03:54
yahalomnalioth, i have the mac os x panel which is the superkaramba widget i think, no?03:54
yahalomAmaranth, no way, not even a desklet?03:54
Amaranthyahalom: nope03:54
naliothyahalom: i dont know what ypu have installed03:54
Amaranthyahalom: there was a hack to make it work a long time ago03:54
yahalomAmaranth, so why did i see it on gnome-look.org?03:54
Amaranthplus it would only work for GTK apps03:55
yahalomAmaranth, he must have been using kde or soemthing03:55
Amaranthfirefox wouldn't work, Qt apps wouldn't work, etc03:55
naliothyahalom: the pic i think you're seeing is a pure OSX screenie03:55
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zwnjhow i can install src packages with synaptik?  is it possible?03:55
yahalomAmaranth, one sec03:55
AmaranthI think I know what you're talking about, it's different.03:55
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naliothzwnj: to my knowledge, you can only use apt to install source pkgs from the terminal03:55
yahalomAmaranth, http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=1354803:55
belhifethi, i just installed hoary and i cannot get it to connect to the internet03:56
yahalomnalioth, lol are u serious. the guys just posted a mac os x screenshot?03:56
Amaranthyahalom: That's not a real menu.03:57
naliothyahalom: yes, it is a OSX desktop03:57
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IIIEarsadd-deb "repo name" is one way no? - there must be a way to add zipped src eh?source03:57
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Amaranthyahalom: He just has a screenshot of that text showing on the menu.03:57
chaps0063is there any way in evolution to automatically attach your signature?03:57
Amaranthnalioth: no, that's GNOME03:57
belhifetit is done through administrator tools > networking03:57
IIIEarserm src-deb03:57
scifiordieTHank you all on java/shockwave03:57
=== |rockinnerd| [~chris@adsl-68-255-248-191.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothAmaranth: for real?03:57
|rockinnerd|where can i get grub splash images?03:57
=== yahalom feels betrayed
Amaranthyahalom, nalioth: You can tell it's faked because The GIMP and nautilus don't have the same menus.03:57
naliothAmaranth: is he runnning rootless gnome on OSX, cuz that is a real OSX dock03:58
Amaranthnalioth: pfft, i could make one of those in Javascript03:58
naliothAmaranth: well i dont think steve wants his icons out for our use03:58
Amaranthobviously not, it's copyright infringement03:59
Amaranthand the humility icons are so much nicer03:59
naliothyahalom: there is a "dock" superkaramba widget, i believe03:59
naliothzwnj: are you still here?03:59
|rockinnerd|look on kde-look.org @ the baghira theme, it has another dock program that i've used and it works pretty good03:59
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yahalomnalioth, well u see the bottom panel he has? i got that. thats a widget. but u saying there's another one for the top?04:00
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yahalom|rockinnerd|, what kind of dock program?04:00
naliothyahalom: the top in that pic is (i believe) OSX04:00
Amaranthhttp://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=26448 <--ooh, shiny04:00
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Amaranthnalioth, yahalom: The top panel is a real panel, but those menus are just an image he has on the panel. They aren't real.04:01
naliothAmaranth: well, he could be running gnome rootless, but overall it's a fake04:01
yahalomAmaranth, oh i get it. like a background image?04:02
Amaranthnalioth: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=26448 OS X-ish but they fit in better with GNOME04:02
Amaranthyahalom: Exactly.04:02
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Amaranthyahalom: That's what the 'drop shadow' on the panel is too, a background image.04:02
yahalomAmaranth, now thats seriously wannabe04:02
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Amaranthyahalom: Yeah, I dunno why people always want to copy OS X's crappy UI.04:03
naliothyahalom: i find it funny, cuz i've got 2 iBooks and havent used OSX since ubuntu was put on04:03
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snowblinkhi - what are the implications of running sarge packages on hoary?04:03
yahalomAmaranth, i like the linux look. i just want a really clean theme, any ideas?04:03
naliothsnowblink: you may break something04:03
Amaranthyahalom: clearlooks04:04
yahalomAmaranth, i havent found anything refreshing04:04
naliothyahalom: so make one of your own, and upload it04:04
yahalomAmaranth, yeah thats true. too used though.04:04
yahalomnalioth, if only i knew what i mean by refreshing04:04
snowblinknalioth, looking at the ruby packages in particular04:04
naliothyahalom: heh04:04
Amaranthhttp://www.realistanew.com/nautilus2.png <--clearlooks in action04:04
Will_I <3 OSX04:04
naliothsnowblink: you can't find the ruby pkgs you need on ubuntu repos?04:04
Amaranthsnowblink: sarge and hoary are not binary compatible04:05
HenkPoleyreinhardt is a clean theme (for KDE only AFAIK)04:05
snowblinkAmaranth, was thinking about rebuilding from the source package from sarge04:05
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Amaranthsnowblink: check for patches in the ubuntu version and port them over04:05
Amaranthsnowblink: then you should be good04:05
naliothsnowblink: there are plenty of ruby pkgs available here04:05
erchachewhere is sign command from openssl? i tried to find it without sucess04:05
snowblinknalioth, rails 0.13.1 requires ruby 1.8.2 stable (hoary is 2 days out)04:06
erchacheneed opengpg?04:06
naliothsnowblink: ah04:06
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naliothsnowblink: its better to build from source, then use pure debian debs04:06
snowblinknalioth, there is already a bug filed, but boss wants to go to 0.13.1 and can't wait...04:06
Amaranthsnowblink: I've said it before and I'll say it again: If something that major changed from beta to stable (2 days) and didn't get at least a week of testing applied ruby has major release problems.04:06
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yahalomAmaranth, that is actually really nice04:07
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Amaranthnalioth: building from debian package is better than pure source04:07
snowblinkAmaranth, thanks. No probs with the decision. Just need to build new packages for our servers.04:07
naliothAmaranth: so ya diff the debian source?04:07
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Amaranthnalioth: Nah, like I told snowblink: take the patches from the ubuntu version and port them to the debian version, then 'debuild binary'04:08
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KyralWhats the "code-freeze" for Breezy mean?04:09
=== nalioth has a lot to learn about source building
AmaranthKyral: No more changes unless they're security problems or crashers.04:09
snowblinkAmaranth, I've checked the patches from hoary ruby to vanilla ruby and some are in already, and others are minor04:09
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anacaonahello hello04:09
=== guillem [~guillem@28.Red-213-97-37.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
anacaonai'm having a problem with samba daemon on ubuntu04:10
=== snowblink will check debian patches
anacaonait won't come up at boot and i have to start it manually04:10
anacaonai've tried putting in a link to the init script in rc2-5 but that doesn't work04:10
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KyralSo after the code-freeze, it should be relatively stable?04:10
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chillywillymy buddy wants to install the latest netatalk but it's only in breezy...what are his options?04:11
guillemHow do I add devian menu to gnome menus? (hoary)04:11
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Kyralguillem, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3222004:12
mouarffrIs Breezy 5.10 really unstable ?04:13
highvoltagemouarffr: yes.04:13
guillemThank you, Kyral04:13
kbrooksmouarffr, no "breezy 5.10"04:13
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naliothmouarffr: right now it is04:13
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guillemmouarffr, read the topic above...04:13
kbrooksbreezy is unstable because X is broken.04:13
erchachewhere is sign command from openssl? i tried to find it without sucess04:14
erchacheneed opengpg?04:14
monteirowhen i burn dvds my buffer doesnt get occupied, how i make it to full the buffer? it works ok with normal cds04:14
mouarffrarg some package are in hoary but not "installable"04:14
mouarffrhow can I install these package  without running unstable version ?04:15
KyralBackports :D04:15
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naliothmouarffr: try to install them from source04:15
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mouarffrneed newer libc6 version so unable to install04:16
naliothmouarffr: apt-get can build you an ubuntu pkg from source04:16
naliothmouarffr: ah, in that case.. .. ..04:16
mouarffrthe .deb file can be downloaded from hoary directory04:16
mouarffrbut the installable version is not this one :/04:17
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erchacheneed to install opengpg to sign openssl certificates? sign command arent installed04:17
jncer... popped in to say that Breezy is sort of fubar at the moment for amd64 users, this is due to a malfunctioning buildmachine for Ubuntu devs04:18
=== stereo_ [~nebo@p5481FEAB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
hozerHi all.  I'm having major problems with Firefox seg faulting left and right.  Particularly when attempting to print.  Any ideas?  I'm using firefox 1.0.2 on Horay.04:18
teferiit happens04:18
jncit is possible to make X11 work again you have to build your own packages for some gnome things04:18
teferi(in re breezy being broken)04:18
mouarffrsynergy_1.0.14-1_i386.deb and synergy_1.2.2-1build1_i386.deb are in the same directory but I can't install the latest version04:18
=== kzd [~kzd@188.Red-213-98-184.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kyraljnc, Breezy is fubar for all Arches04:18
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jncKyral: oh.  well i have X11 working again04:18
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jncit seems that the packages are not messed up, they are merely not built04:19
teferiI have X working fine on breezy...04:19
jncgrab the dsc etc. file dpkg-source -x *.dsc cd $FOO  dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot04:19
jncinstall, works great04:19
jncneed to change keyboard -> kbd though on the xorg conf04:19
Kyralsomeone should make a HOWTO on how to get Breezy working04:19
KyralX in Breezy :D04:19
=== Rockett17 [~srockett@CPE0011097dafa9-CM001225449b02.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
jncwhich arch are you on?04:20
Gouramieven though the topic says NOT to use Breezy ?04:20
Kyralbut X is broken there as well04:20
jnci was going to offer you my  packages if you were on amd6404:20
KyralGourami, we are the tinkerers04:20
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KyralWe are the ones who break packages so you don't have to!04:20
zookoGreetings, people of #ubuntu!04:20
=== fortux [~borja@62-15-61-122.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu
chillywillywhat if you want a servre package from breezy? like netatalk?04:21
jncxlibs has trouble configuring, for that you'd need to carefully clean out parts of /usr/X11/xkb04:21
zookoI've recently upgraded to a newer breezy and my meta keys broke.04:21
chillywillyserver too04:21
Gouramithen arent you the same ppl that make the HOW TO'S ?04:21
jncor edit the postins script04:21
zookoOoh, you guys are already talking about xkb!  Great!04:21
Kyralchillywilly, Backports04:21
chillywillyI don't think it is in backports04:21
zookoI've read enough and experimented enough to understand that currently my meta key is not getting mapped via a keycode to any symbol.04:21
Kyralit is04:21
jnczooko: heh heh04:21
zookoI ran xev and watched and saw that it was "unknown".04:21
KyralaptS netatalk04:21
Kyralnetatalk - AppleTalk user binaries04:21
Kyralnetatalk-dev - AppleTalk library and development files04:21
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jnczooko: that is something i just ran into.  no idea what happened.  kbd driver behaves different, i'd guess04:22
zookoSo my question is: what's the Ubuntu'ish way to make my windows keys -- 114, 115, 116 -- get mapped to LWIN, RWIN, and the MENU thing?04:22
zookoI looked in /etc/X11/xkb04:22
Kyralzooko, running GNOME?04:22
jnczooko: there's a metacity option to flip that setting04:22
zookoI found a file named "xfree86" that has mappings from 114 to LWIN, etc.04:22
jncit's not working in Breezy (what i'm running)04:22
zookoKyral, jnc: I appreciate the offer, but I don't run Gnome or metacity.04:22
zookoI would like to understand what part of the underlying X system has changed.04:22
Kyralwhat do you run then? KDE?04:22
jncwell you asked what the ubuntu way is04:22
teferizooko: the x server package got modularized04:23
teferizooko: now it's broken up into the core and various drivers04:23
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zookoI don't run KDE or Gnome.  I just use Xorg, ratpoison, bash, screen, etc.04:23
jncit went kaboom04:23
chillywillyKyral: is that 2.0.3?04:23
zookojnc: good point...04:23
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Kyralchillywilly, no clue04:23
zwnjnalioth: thanks :)04:23
Kyralall I knwo that it is in Backports :D04:23
zookoI sometimes think maybe I should go back to Debian.  Even though Ubuntu is better, the "official" Ubuntu way to do things is using Gnome  or KDE, so I often have difficulty finding people who are having the same problems I am having.  :-(04:23
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zookoHm.  The file /etc/X11/xkb/keycodes/xfree86 has the keycode mappings that I want...04:25
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zookoAh.  Well, I'm using xlibs 6.8.2-32, and the current available on in breezy is 6.8.2-42.04:25
zookoI guess I should either (a) hold my breath and upgrade to current breezy, or04:26
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zooko(b) live without metakeys for a while.  ;-)04:26
=== Kyral points to the topic
Medrakili have one serial port.. what might it's device name be?04:26
Will_Don't upgrade to breezy!04:26
Medrakilin /dev, that is04:26
KyralDon't upgrade X past 6.8.2-36!04:26
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zookoHa!  You guys keep pointing to the topic when I come in here and ask about breezy issues.04:26
Will_Because it is broken.04:26
zookoWhat is the IRC channel for people who have upgraded to Breezy then?  ;-)04:26
teferioh yeah, the breezy xkb breakage. that *is* getting a little annoying04:26
zookoWorks okay for me except for my meta keys.04:26
teferibut i can ride it out04:26
zookoWell, I like to contribute to open source projects, both by (detailed, helpful, polite) but reports, and by patches.04:27
zookoMaybe I could fix this config issue and thus help the Ubuntu hackers understand the issue.04:27
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zookoMore likely they already understand it.04:27
zookoIt's possible they've even already fixed it, in newer versions of xlibs...04:27
Will_zooko: That would be #my_linux_does_not_work_and_will_not_work_till_they_release_it_on_stable04:27
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zookoI see.  I guess it isn't good to have a bunch of people with little knowledge of the internals trying an unstable release, as the volume of bug reports will be high and the value of each bug report low.04:28
zookoI'll stop coming to channel #ubuntu with my breezy issues then.  :-)04:29
Gouramidoes anyone here use irssi ?04:29
XappeGourami: yes04:29
Kyralzooko, you can post in the Breezy Development forum on UbuntuForums04:29
zookoKyral: thanks for the suggestion.04:29
Gouramizooko: make #Ubunut-Breezy04:29
naliothGourami: a couple folks use it04:29
SweetsharkGourami: yes04:29
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chillywillyno netatalk 2.0.3 in back ports04:30
Gouramilol ok not Ubunut but Ubuntu-Breezy04:30
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zookoIs there a mailing list alternative to the UbuntuForums?04:30
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stuNNedanyone use wpa_supplicant on a lappie?04:32
ashokmy wifi button keeps glowing.. any solution  for this ?04:32
Gouramihow do I close an existing query windiw with irssi anyone ?04:33
teferistuNNed: yes04:33
teferiwhat's up?04:33
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teferi(disclaimer: i'm only doing WEP with it because my driver is broken, WPA-wise...)04:34
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stuNNedteferi: sometimes do you have to run 'dhclient ath0' because ubuntu's wpa_supplicant doesn't assign and ip fast enough?04:34
XappeGourami: /wc04:34
naliothGourami: at the bottom of said window type /wc04:34
teferistuNNed: wpa_supplicant can call out to a dhcp client?04:34
ashokdoes anyone have a solution for my prob ?04:34
teferistuNNed: my normal course of action is to wait for wpa_supplicant to do the crypto stuff and then run ifup ath004:35
Gouramithanks Xappe ,nalioth04:35
Gouramiwindow close... who wouldve guessed :)04:35
stuNNedteferi: mmmk, shouldn't the ifup ath0 be auto?04:35
hozerAnyone else having segmentation fault issues with Firefox on Horay?04:35
teferistuNNed: this is how i've always done it04:36
teferii don't care enough to make it smoother04:36
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stuNNedteferi: i'd like open the lid on my sleeping laptop plug in the pcmcia card and wpa_supplicant does the rest, not you?04:36
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teferistuNNed: oh, indeed, but i don't care enough to make it so04:37
teferii'm rather lazy04:37
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miklack, the new gnome file-selector-menu is probably the most unfrindly POS ever...04:37
stuNNedteferi: lazy!=running ifup ath0 ;)04:37
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teferistuNNed: incidentially, are you using WPA or just WEP? because I couldn't get WPA working...04:38
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teferii ran into that problem where it'd associate, miss a beacon, drop the connection, and do it over and over and over04:38
IIIEarsis amd althlon XP3400  bit or 64?04:38
stuNNedteferi: WPA and Open i'm using04:38
zookoHeh heh.  Yes, I think new version of Ubuntu breezy has changed the xkb config...04:38
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teferizooko: just a bit...04:39
IIIEarser 32 bit?04:39
Sweetsharkmikl: well, its still better than the old one ...04:39
stuNNedteferi: did you try running wpa_supplicant in debug mode?  it is very useful.04:39
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miklSweetshark: I wish they would use one like they do in KDE...04:39
Gouramiok last irssi question: How can I get irssi what seems to be a 800x600 res when run on tty04:39
teferistuNNed: yes, not useful enough...it's a known problem which i don't think has been fixed04:39
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teferii should try the latest cvs and see if it's fixed there...oh well, maybe later04:39
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IIIEars32 bit isn't it? - saw a great deal on it. but i don't think it includes the no execute bit04:40
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Gouramilooking for full screen04:40
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stuNNedteferi: haven't seen that here but have been having general problems with wireless at my uni, affects windows too though04:40
Belutzanyone can help with this http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/659 ?04:40
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Rockett17anyone know if there is a way to stretch/make the icons bigger in KDE like you can in Gnome?04:41
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stuNNedteferi: wpa_supplicant is coming along nicely though imho04:42
teferistuNNed: well, i'm on wired ethernet here at work anyway, so it doesn't really matter right now :P04:42
flyvholmDoes "kernel-package" cover over a version-specific name, or should I be able to find such a package e.g. by "aptitude install kernel-package"?04:42
Sam3773Hey, urm sort of involves Ubuntu :D Just downloaded the ISO, but Neros telling me i cant burn it onto DVD, need a CD.. I only have DVDs though, anyone know a way round this?04:42
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rem_Rockett try ask in #kubuntu ...04:42
XappeSam3773: download the dvd :)04:42
teferiflyvholm: kernel-package is the set of tools for building kernels04:42
stuNNedteferi: i don't think wpa_supplicant handles the ip layer from what i'm hearing.04:43
Sam3773Im fine thanks, i spose i can install it onto the hard drive with Vmware.. Pretty sure i can :P04:43
teferiflyvholm: you want linux-{386,686,k7,whatever your cpu is}04:43
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teferiwhich should pull in the latest kernel04:43
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flyvholmI'm on AMD64 Hoary. I need make-kpkg and tried 'aptitude install kernel-package', but response was "No candidate version found for kernel package" :-|04:45
hybrid_gothhello all04:45
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stuNNedteferi: thanks for your input :)04:45
teferii already have it installed and i'm on 386 anyway, so...04:46
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flyvholmIs it possible that the kernel-package simply isn't available for my kernel version?04:47
VelcanI'm using zenity (which is like xdialog), and I want the "cancel" button to kill the job that's feeding input to the zenity --progress process. Can anyone help?04:47
gypsymauroI'm trying to use vpnc under ubuntu 5.04 but it doesn't creates the new route, it seems to be connected (I c the tun0 device) but it does't add the new default route..any hint?04:48
gypsymaurothe same configuration on debian sarge it works04:48
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anatolehey, anyone could help, how to disconnect properly my ipod mini from linux?04:49
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jnkgypsymauro, it works if you add the route yourself?04:49
tritiumgypsymauro, you're using the included vpnc-connect script?04:49
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jnkanatole, with eject I think04:49
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sleptflyvholm, kernel-package should be common to all arch, it should not depend on your kernel aswell , did you search via apt ?04:50
pestilencei installed some packages to try and get chinese characters to display properly in terminals, and now my konsole fonts are very ugly.  anybody know what i could do to fix this?  (i.e. what is the konsole font that is used  by default, and how do i get back to that?)04:50
monteirowhen i trie to install something it says tcpd invalid argument, what is this?04:50
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anatolejnk: but after that, ipod still tells not to disconnect it04:51
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anatoleis there anything wrong that could happen if i disconnect it despite that notice?04:52
gypsymaurotritium: yes I'm using that script04:52
flyvholmslept, I just did an 'aptitude install kernel-package' from a terminal. I also tried looking in the Synaptic Package Manager to see if I could find something...04:52
black-whispwhats the name of the dictornarieys for gaim?04:53
gypsymaurojnk: I can't know 'cause I'm on the same network at the moment04:53
spot_helllo, skype won't work correctly any idea'z..04:53
tritiumgypsymauro, it works fine here04:53
gypsymaurotritium: did you recompiled something?04:53
tritiumgypsymauro, no, just using the standard ubuntu package04:54
gypsymaurotritium: when I launch it vpnc-connect never ends...04:54
gypsymauroit starts tun0 but doesn't changes the route04:54
sleptflyvholm, why do you want to create a kernel ? you can get the package from package.ubuntu.com04:54
tritiumgypsymauro, check your script in /etc/vpnc.  Are you using default.conf, or did you setup a new one?04:55
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gypsymauroa new one04:55
gypsymauroI've made a little gtk interface to vpn04:55
flyvholmslept, I need to apply a patch to make my Alps touchpad work04:55
gypsymauroon sarge it calls vpnc-connect and it works04:56
gypsymauroon ubuntu doesn't , even if I call vpnc-connect by hand04:56
tritiumgypsymauro, first check "sudo vpnc-connect <scriptname>" from the command line04:56
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gypsymaurotritium: in fact I'm trying that :)04:56
gypsymaurobut the problem is that it doesn't add the new route04:57
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gypsymaurothe other strange thing is I can c04:57
gypsymauro tun0 in /proc/net/dev04:57
gypsymaurobut not in ifconfig04:57
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tritiumgypsymauro, make sure the file is correct.  I've found that even an extra space at the end of the line will cause trouble with vpnc04:58
yahalomhey guys can someone tell me how i can change the gnome logo in epiphany?04:58
sleptflyvholm, maybe you can use module-assistant would be less work and time04:58
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gypsymaurotritium: great!05:00
IIIEars yahalom -  would a search for png files find it? - then just exchange/rename it?05:00
gypsymaurotritium: that was the problem05:00
tritiumgypsymauro, excellent :)05:00
gypsymauroa f******************* space;)05:00
teferitritium: hey, were you one of hte people interested in a little evo mail notifier thing?05:00
yahalomIIIEars, no idea what its called05:00
tritiumteferi, yeah, did you get it working?05:00
teferitritium: yep :)05:00
tritiumteferi, awesome!05:00
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teferilemme finish version 0.2 and I'll shoot you a copy05:00
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tritiumteferi, super.  Also, might I interested you in joining #ubuntu-motu to discuss it futher?05:01
mridleshould have tried this # before trying out breezy05:01
tritiumteferi, universe package maintainers05:01
flyvholmslept - mmm, module-assistant - I need to be filled in a little. Just installed Ubuntu something like 10 hours ago :-)05:01
teferihah. this is a 50-line python hack, it's not worth packaging05:01
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tritiumteferi, oh, but it sounds good05:02
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teferifine, fine05:02
IIIEarscat /media/cdrom > /home/my_home/A-New.iso - Should work shouldn't it?05:02
shookuser1where can I get a patch called               libdvdcss2??05:02
Raskall-edgeshookuser1: do a "find" in your browser at www.ubuntuguide.org05:03
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jnkIIIEars, /media/cdrom is a directory isn't it?05:04
searcher`IIIEars: a better idea would probably be: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=a-new.iso05:04
IIIEarsshookuser1 - it was once upon a time on the marillat repository. - unfortuneatly it was removed prior to the patent vote in europe. - i had to google for it.05:04
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gypsymaurotritium: interested in the gtk client?05:04
IIIEarssearcher - would you mind if i called you guru? - grin05:04
shookuser1edge    ty!05:05
gypsymaurois just a layer over vpnc-connect but with tray icon05:05
tritiumgypsymauro, sure.  Do you have a site for it?05:05
gypsymaurotritium: nope05:05
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IIIEarsThank You guys05:05
tritiumgypsymauro, do you intend to package it?05:05
gypsymaurotritium: nope I'm not a debian developer I can post you the tgz05:05
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tritiumgypsymauro, sure, thanks05:06
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IFRFLYRHi, is there a font management tool in ubuntu, something which allows me to add fonts to the system's font folder, or must I do it manually>?05:07
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gypsymaurotritium: are u receiving the dcc?05:07
tritiumgypsymauro, I got the request, but I can't receive behind the router05:07
monteiroi cannot install or remove any package, it says -> failed in buffer_read(fd) tcp invalid argument" anyone knows how to resolve this?05:07
yahalomIIIEars, thanx. i just removed it.05:08
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jnkIFRFLYR, you just drag and drop the fonts to your ~/.fonts folder I think05:08
tritiumgypsymauro, any way to post it somewhere?05:08
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gypsymauroI'm looking tritium :)05:09
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tritiumgypsymauro, thanks05:09
Medrakilanyone know where i can find a java 1.4 .deb? i need it for lejos05:09
Medrakilsdk, that is05:09
IIIEarsdd_rescue - feel the power of open source - nice tip. :)05:09
uboturumour has it, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin.05:09
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jnkwhat's lejos?05:09
Medrakiljava firmware for the lego RCX05:09
Medrakilyou can program lego robots w/ a kind of java05:10
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IFRFLYRjnk, I have no ~/.fonts directory (!)05:10
jnkIFRFLYR, create it05:10
Medrakilwhat sucks about it, though, is that it doesn't support java 1.5, you have to have 1.1-1.405:10
jnkIFRFLYR, yes it sucks, but it's a huge improvement compared to the previous way of installing fonts :)05:10
Medrakiland the java 1.4 installer from sun didn't like me for some reason05:11
IFRFLYRAh. jnk, however I have lots of fonts on my machine already; would this be a font folder only functioning on a per user basis? That *is* pretty cool if that's the case05:11
jnkMedrakil, with java-package you convert the Sun .bin to a .deb without problem, be it 1.4 or 1.505:11
tritiumMedrakil, try using java-package with the .bin05:11
jnkIFRFLYR, yes it's per user05:11
stempienI've recently installed ubuntu, all went OK..i got X's working and prompt for username..but after logging in there's just brown screen and no graphical environment like gnome05:11
IFRFLYRCoool-o jnk. Thanks05:11
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stempienand gnome seems to be installed05:11
Medrakiljnk, tritium, thanks, i'll try that..05:11
rem_hey..i have a question: how can i print from the "eye of gnome" there is no print possibility ..?!05:12
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Medrakiljnk, tritium, what would the command for that be?05:12
jnkrem_, it has just been added, it will be in the next ubuntu version05:12
monteiroi cannot install or remove any package, it says -> failed in buffer_read(fd) tcpd invalid argument", i tried removing all packages in archive bt it didn't work.05:12
jnkrem_, meenwhile, use another prog05:12
IIIEarsstempian - i have seen that too - my guess is it happens periodically when i press enter two or three times after entering the paswword05:12
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Medrakili've installed java-package05:12
tritiumMedrakil, first, install java-package05:12
rem_is there a way i can add it, or what other program could i use, have probs printing with gimp ..05:13
tritiumMedrakil, see this:05:13
jnkMedrakil, read /usr/share/doc/java-package/README.Debian05:13
stempienIIIEars: so what to do ?05:13
ubotu[java]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin.05:13
IIIEarsstempian - likely an easier way but i usually reboot. - :/05:13
rem_...i guess ill use openoffice or seomthing ...05:13
stempienIIIEars: but hmm i bet it won't start anyway05:13
rem_thanx anyway ...05:13
jnkstempien, it's systematic ?05:13
stempieni've rebooted once05:14
stempienand no changes05:14
stempienstill brown screen05:14
IFRFLYRjnk: worked like a charm. Thanks!05:14
MIK3MANtritium: heya, good to see your still here... I've got problems05:14
IIIEars(shrug - dunno i'll cross my fingers) - grin05:14
tritiumMIK3MAN, I'n back, haven't been here the whole time ;)05:14
IIIEars13 weeks with Ubuntu05:14
MIK3MANI went to bed at 3am05:14
jnkstempien, something happens if you right-click in the brown?05:14
tritiumMIK3MAN, so what's up?05:15
MIK3MANsame error, looks like something with the grafix05:15
stempieni can start emergency xterm05:15
MIK3MANtritium: I will copy and paste in a PM for you ok?05:15
jnkrem_, gthumb maybe ?05:15
tritiumMIK3MAN, ok05:15
jnkstempien, how do you do that?05:15
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stempienthere's an option..i can choose gnome, emergency gnome, default environment and that emergency xterm05:16
kbrooksI have a question for newbies.....05:16
kbrooksHow can we reach out to new users?05:17
=== Dr_Willis [~willis@12-222-71-130.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
shookuser1can't find download site for libdvdcss2??? anyone please help  (Newbie)05:17
stempienand after starting that xterm (down right corner) i can use anything under x's like mozilla for example05:18
jnkstempien, try the emergency xterm, and there type gnome-session05:18
stempienbut no gnome :S05:18
kbrooksshookuser1, did you try to search for dvd?05:18
jnksee what happens05:18
MIK3MANtritium: trying to get ubuntu to work, I hate giving up but the g/f is getting pissed at me not spending time away from the comp05:18
tritiumshookuser1, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:18
tritiumMIK3MAN, I understand that.  What's the problem now?05:18
stempienbut first i'll reboot05:18
shookuser1tritum     yes nothing   Just other people with same problem05:19
kbrooksshookuser1, 'nothing'? give more detail05:19
MIK3MANtritium: btw, I lost that error cause the comp was in powersaver, I need to configure the video card... I cannot get into X05:19
tritiumshookuser1, I don't think you looked at the URL I gave you ;)05:20
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hybrid_gothtritium: hey! long time no see05:20
tritiumMIK3MAN, so X is still not getting configured right on install?05:20
tritiumhybrid_goth, hey there.  :)05:20
MIK3MANanyone: I have an ATI rage pro that needs setting up for X, I am a noob, sort of05:20
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tritiumYeah, I've not been around as much the past two months or so, hybrid_goth05:21
kbrooksI have a question for ALL! How can NUN reach out to new users?05:21
hybrid_gothtritium: yea i was gone for a month and a half to my dads05:21
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MIK3MANtritium: went through with no errors except the wifi configuration and DHCP05:21
tritiumhybrid_goth, wb05:21
hybrid_gothwhich brings up a question05:21
hybrid_gothtritium: ty05:21
tritiumMIK3MAN, so no errors, but you still have no X?05:21
jnkMIK3MAN, by nvidia next time, I'm so sick with my radeon mobility, just can't get the tv output to work, it was so simple with nvidia05:21
hybrid_gothhow can i set up a PPPoE connection from a modem no router.05:22
ubuntuhi amaranth05:22
ubuntur u an indian05:22
kbrooksubuntu, says who? :)05:22
MIK3MANtritium: right, but what I find strange is that the live cd works!!05:22
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sleptMIK3MAN, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , select ati05:22
tritiumMIK3MAN, so should the install CD.05:22
hybrid_gothjnk: is the all-in-wonder ati or nvidia?05:22
hybrid_gothjnk: ah ty05:22
tritiumMIK3MAN, is dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg still giving the same error?05:22
IIIEarsall in wonder is ATI05:22
MIK3MANslept: hold on, I tried that b405:23
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supernixHi anyone using a SDcard reader with Linux ?05:23
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hybrid_gothanyone know how i can set up a PPPoE connection from a modem no router.05:23
jnkkbrooks, what's NUN ?05:23
tritiumhybrid_goth, not sure, buddy.  Sorry.05:23
hybrid_gothtritium: ok np05:23
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sleptsupernix, my digicam :)05:24
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jnksupernix, yeah05:24
kbrooksjnk: new user(s) network05:24
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hybrid_gothtritium: i went 42 days at my dads no internet because he wouldnt get a router05:24
muluxI'm trying to build an apache2 module but it seems the apxs-script is broken, anyone know how to fix it?05:24
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jnkkbrooks, well it seems it hasn't reached out to me yet05:24
tritiumhybrid_goth, ah, wow05:24
hybrid_gothjnk: wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetwork05:24
supernixI can't get my Kodak to work with Kubunutu so I am trying to find a SDcard reader05:24
nebulargah! can't seem to get 1280x1024 on my xserver. I"m running kubuntu and I just ran dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg and it still goes to 1024x768. I have no idea what I"m doing wrong05:24
hybrid_gothtritium: yea...05:24
teferihttp://wmute.net/~teferi/evo-mail-notify.py <-- new version of last night's evoliution new mail notification applet05:24
kbrooksjnk: explain why05:24
supernixAnyone have any suggestions about finding a good SDcard reader ?05:24
teferiplease beat on it and tell me if it breaks05:24
DieguitoI need help to install ubuntu in my laptop without CD room05:24
ajhobbshybrid_goth: Try http://users.pandora.be/Asterisk-PBX/PPPoE.htm05:25
stempienjnk: i rebooted, login (choosing gnome), switched to shell (alt+ctrl+f1) and there's already process with gnome (ps x)05:25
hybrid_gothsupernix: have you tried mounting it as a sd drive?05:25
stempienbut still brown screeen05:25
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jnkNUN sounds cool05:25
hybrid_gothajhobbs: thanx05:25
MIK3MANslept: how do I run as root again?? I know su dont work05:25
jnkkbrooks, now it has05:25
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ajhobbsMIK3MAN: sudo -s05:25
zAo^nebular, got OpenGL working?05:25
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jnksupernix, any USB compatible is fine to me05:25
Dieguitocan anyone help me in private please?05:25
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kbrooksjnk: huh05:25
jnksupernix, just plug it in and a dialog appears in gnome05:26
nebularzAo^, haven't tried yet, just want to get 1280x1024 first05:26
kbrooksDieguito, ask here05:26
sleptsupernix, you can mount with mount /dev/sda... /mnt05:26
loolHi.  I had a look at the launchpad, and I could only find a couple of Debian bugs in it.  Is one supposed to login to see everything, or is it mostly empty yet?05:26
MIK3MANajhobbs: thanks, can I get the whold command line again.. dont want to mess up05:26
nebularthat's what I was running on debian a year ago and in windows05:26
zAo^nebular, get OpenGL first: mesa cant get 128005:26
zAo^nebular, VGA card?05:26
nebularthe max option I have in kde is 1024x76805:26
supernixOk I didn't know since the Kodak DX4150 was not working I was scared that if I did not get a particular device that I would have the same issue05:26
ajhobbsMIK3MAN: if you just do 'sudo -s' you'll get a root shell.  Easiest way if you need to do a number of steps.05:26
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:tritium] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Have a question? Just ask! | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | X still broken in Breezy - DO NOT USE BREEZY YET | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com | Ubuntu #1 on all distrowatch boards! | Don't upgrade X past 6.8.2-36!/m | New User Network: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserNetwork
jnkstempien, try loging in the emergency xterm and typing gnome-sessoin05:26
stempienyeah tried05:27
stempientrying i mean05:27
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MIK3MANok, I'll try that05:27
=== zAo^ still in Breezy :)
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hybrid_gothzAo^: X broken over there still05:27
DieguitoPlease,,,toshiba portege 3440ct i need install ubuntu without cd room05:27
kbrookstritium, ty ty ty ty ty :P05:27
tritiumkbrooks, :)05:27
=== author40 [~pliebe@p54AC12D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
supernixty jnk and slept for your help so you say any USB driven card reader will do ?05:27
zAo^hybrid_goth, yes, but I did not update last 5 days :)05:27
hybrid_gothkbrooks: we got a plug :P05:27
epwhats the command to print my version of ubuntu05:28
hybrid_gothzAo^: mine seems to work ok now05:28
sleptsupernix, your cam alswell if it has usb05:28
tritiumkbrooks, and thank you for your involvement05:28
zAo^hybrid_goth, version? -43?05:28
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jnksupernix, in my experience yes, they work out of the box as usb-storage I think05:28
kbrookstritium, in?05:28
nebularzAo^, ok I'm not following you. I could run 1280x1024 in X all the way back to my ATI AIW pro. and that was before they had rage drivers so I had to use mach64 (no openGL)05:28
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stempienSESSION_MANAGER=local....(some more)  <- freezed in that point05:28
tritiumkbrooks, the NUN05:28
hybrid_gothzAo^: idk i am in breezy05:28
jnksupernix, (so no problem with a standard ubuntu kernel)05:28
mihai_hey can you pls tell me what do i need to modify in the sources.list to get access to the testing repo ?05:28
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supernixMy cam has USB but I can only view the pics I can't actually transfer them for some reason it never works past viewing what is on the camera05:28
zAo^hybrid_goth, Xorg version?05:28
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zAo^nebular, what did you change? Reinstall?05:29
hybrid_gothzAo^: whats the command to tell05:29
MIK3MANok guys: dpkg is telling me that 'xserver-xorg' is not installed05:29
nebularzAo^, wipe and a reinstall05:29
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schasithats nice ;-)05:29
sleptsupernix,  mount and copy (cp)05:29
nebulara year ago I was running debian05:29
zAo^hybrid_goth, Xorg -version05:29
jnkmihai_, put you sources.list on pastebin.com05:29
nebularhung around in windows for a year and now I'm trying kubuntu05:29
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supernixYou mean after it mounts then issue a cp command by the command line ?05:30
hybrid_gothzAo^: Xorg command not found05:30
sleptMIK3MAN, try xserver-xfree8605:30
zAo^hybrid_goth, 6.8.2-36 here05:30
tritiumMIK3MAN, something is going seriously wrong with your installations if that's the case05:30
zAo^hybrid_goth, ?? $ Xorg -version (mark the capital_05:31
mihai_jnk http://pastebin.com/31559905:31
tritiumMIK3MAN, please first try "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"05:31
loolis someone using Launchpad here?05:31
MIK3MANslept: is that with dpkg or just the command?05:31
sleptsupernix, yes or with a filebrowser05:31
zAo^hybrid_goth, just look in synaptic  ;)05:31
hybrid_gothzAo^: i typed: Xorg -version and it wasnt found05:31
tritiumMIK3MAN, I don't advise trying xfree8605:31
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Dieguitoi need to install ubuntu in my laptop without cd room? do you know how?05:31
jnkmihai_, you put testing instead of stable05:31
hybrid_gothzAo^: I am in cli. I am not big in GUI05:31
zAo^hybrid_goth,  Xorg: /usr/bin/Xorg05:31
jnkmihai_, (it won't work for security though)05:31
ephow can I tell whether i have warty or hoary and what the version number is?  Can I do this from the command line?05:31
sleptMIK3MAN, do you use hoary ?05:31
toresbeDieguito: hey05:32
hybrid_gothzAo^: ha! i have X11 for some reason05:32
Dr_Willisi just  pop to the console and login. It says in the Message of the Day. :P05:32
hybrid_gothep: try uname -a05:32
zAo^hybrid_goth, $ ls -l /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg ???05:32
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loolDieguito: sure, see the debian-installer manual, it gives example of bootp05:32
SnuffkinI'm 5.04 x86 livecd, had to use the netcfg/dhcp option to disable dhcp (static ip), always freezes after specifying nameservers (static), ..?05:32
stempienjnk: any idea about that?i tried gnome-session in xterm but it freezed in SESSION_MANAGER=local...etc05:33
loolSnuffkin: wifi or wired?05:33
jnkep, in debian you have a file /etc/debian_version (I'm under debian right now), there must be something similiar inubuntu, or maybe "uname -a" will be informative05:33
toresbeDieguito: You need to use netboot05:33
epthat gives the kernel, nothing about distro05:33
MIK3MANslept: yeah hoary05:33
sleptep  cat /etc/apt/sources.list or apt-cache search xserver-xorg05:33
hybrid_gothzAo^: no xorg i have X and XFree8605:33
VelcanI'm using zenity (which is like xdialog), and I want the "cancel" button to kill the job that's feeding input to the zenity --progress process. Can anyone help?05:33
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zAo^hybrid_goth, in Breezy? How did you do that? Did you do a `apt-get dist-upgrade`?05:34
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hybrid_gothzAo^: yes long time ago05:34
MIK3MANtritium: I tried sudo apt-get and it told me to do apt-get -i05:34
hybrid_gothzAo^: all my repos have breezy05:34
jnkstempien, if works if you just launch metacity? then nautilus? (metacity & nautilus)05:34
zAo^hybrid_goth, Breezy (even Hoary) did not have XFree05:35
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sleptMIK3MAN,  try dpkg --get-selections |grep xserver to find out if you have an xserver05:35
hybrid_gothzAo^: wow. i just did another dist-upgrade05:35
zAo^hybrid_goth, LOL05:35
tritiumMIK3MAN, bizarre05:35
jnkVelcan, you pulse with a pipe?05:36
stingerx52how do I Install PureFtp server?05:36
hybrid_gothzAo^: thanks that was umm.... weird05:36
stempienjnk: metacity works05:36
zAo^hybrid_goth,  :) Hope you can restart X :$05:36
=== hybrid_goth shakes his head in confusion
Velcan'zenity --progress --pulse' is what im using05:37
hybrid_gothzAo^: as long as i have screen i am ok :P05:37
tritiumMIK3MAN, bottom line is we need to get xserver-xorg installed05:37
MIK3MANtritium: CORRECTION, it told me to do apt-get -f install05:37
zAo^hybrid_goth, lol :) dont restart X then :D05:37
hybrid_gothzAo^: i am really boggled how this happened05:37
belhifethow do i connect to the internet??05:38
tritiumMIK3MAN, okay, that makes a little more sense, and confirms that something is going dreadfully wrong during your installation05:38
toresbeAnyone here speak Spanish?05:38
stempienjnk: nautilus freezes like gnome-session05:38
stempieni mean there's nothing05:38
MIK3MANtritium: after I did that it was unpacking stuff then open office had tar corruption05:38
tritiumtoresbe, yes, but you should use #ubuntu-es05:38
hybrid_gothtoresbe: ubuntu-es05:38
jnkVelcan, and the process you want to kill is piped to zenity right? "program | zenity --progress --pulsate"05:38
toresbeThere's a guy here who can't speak English very well05:38
stempientype nautilus but nothing05:38
sleptMIK3MAN, paste the error in # flood05:38
toresbehybrid_goth: Excellent!05:38
toresbethanks guys05:38
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hybrid_gothtoresbe: np05:38
khermansAnyone know how to convert a Flash swf to a movie file?05:38
tritiumMIK3MAN, you're positive your installation media is good?05:38
belhifetanyone can tell me how to get ubuntu to connect to the internet?05:39
Velcanjnk:  yea. http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/OlLGPG23.html05:39
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MIK3MANslept: problem is that I am on a diff machine, I have to configure the wifi in ubuntu05:39
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Dr_Williskhermans,  theres a tool under windows to do it... but ive never used it.  Perhaps a tool to convert a X session/display to a recording may do what you need.05:39
jnkstempien, try this: "aptitude reinstall nautilus", create a new user, and try to log in to this new user05:39
ajhobbsAnyone remember the RFC mail addresses needed for a domain?05:39
hybrid_gothbelhifet: what connection are you on05:39
MIK3MANtritium: I reburned twice, unless the downloaded image is currupt?? also... I burned from Windows05:40
tritiumMIK3MAN, if certain packages (e.g. openoffice) are corrupt, your install CD is hosed05:40
epI was reading on the forums, trying to determine if bzflag 2.0 is available on the backports.  I stumbled  upon this ubuntu url, it has bzflag 2.0 listed.  But I'm not sure if it is appropiate for me to use it.  The URL is knda long.05:40
tritiumMIK3MAN, did the "sudo apt-get install -f" complete?05:40
DieguitoAny one can help me please in private ,,,I need help instaling Ubuntu in my laptop without cd room..in can follow instruccion here05:40
belhifet56k i mean05:40
hybrid_gothbelhifet: ok you ready?05:40
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gyaresuDieguito, you are better off here. lots of different knowledge.05:41
hybrid_gothbelhifet: dailup isnt real easy in linux05:41
khermansDr_Willis, i have x112vnc as well -- but no way to convert outputted SWF to a movie05:41
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MIK3MANtritium: no, did not complete, openoffice had tar corruption, it stopped05:41
belhifethybrid_goth:why is that? i thought it would be really easy05:41
belhifetwith kde at least it is05:41
Dr_Williskhermans,  no idea there. ive never messed with videos under linux.05:41
tritiumMIK3MAN, try "sudo dpkg --configure --pending" please05:41
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jnkVelcan, you mean the script continues even if you press cancel? that's starnge05:41
raven3x7any suggestions for a good ripper/encoder?05:41
sleptMIK3MAN, what did happen after/while  you installed ? What did you do after that ?05:41
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raven3x7for music05:41
khermansDr_Willis, what tool did you use under Windows?05:42
hybrid_gothbelhifet: well what kind of modem do you have05:42
jnkraven3x7, sound-juicer won't do?05:42
MIK3MANtritium: ok give me a min05:42
khermansDr_Willis, i could try crossover office with it05:42
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belhifethybrid:3com us robotics 56k message05:42
hybrid_gothbelhifet: but you may not have drivers and such05:42
sleptraven3x7, ogg abcde05:42
belhifetno but it's a good modem05:42
gyaresuraven3x7, goobox05:42
hybrid_gothbelhifet: do you already have the drivers?05:42
raven3x7dunno never tried it. i only have goobox which is not much of use as a ripper really05:42
Dr_Williskhermans,  i never used the tool. :P I just saw it mentioned on a "get flash to play on your psp web site" it was like a $30 tool (stupid shareware)05:42
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Velcanyea. I want it to killall dd when i hit cancel05:42
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hybrid_gothbelhifet: well then this wont be too hard. it isnt a winmodem?05:43
MIK3MANslept: install went smooth except wifi config and DHCP, after that said some packages could not be installed, reboot, cant get into X, graphical error... I dunno05:43
belhifethybrid: maybe.are they required?can't ubuntu recognize the modem by itself?05:43
jnkraven3x7, sound-juicer is a simple program to rip audio CDs... If you want to rip to mp3 instead or orgg vorbis or flac, you'll have to create an mp3 profile first (and install the gstreamer lame plugin)05:43
hybrid_gothbelhifet: ok you see there are two kind of modems05:43
hybrid_gothbelhifet: software and hardware respectively05:44
khermansDr_Willis, thanks anyways!05:44
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belhifethybrid: ok go on05:44
hybrid_gothbelhifet: the hardware ones usually work ootb with linux but the software ones only have the software for windows05:44
raven3x7jnk ill take a look. i already have the lame gstreamer plugin but mostly i want flac capability05:44
gyaresuraven3x7, simple is ripit.pl http://www.suwald.com/ripit/ripit.html05:45
hybrid_gothbelhifet: so if yours isnt an outside box then its safe to say it is software aka winmodem05:45
belhifethybrid:ok mine is an external good 56k modem05:45
jnkVelcan, you can check the $? variable in the next command. Should be 1 if you press cancel05:45
ubotuI guess apt is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/05:45
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hybrid_gothbelhifet: ok then all we should need to do is put in your isp info into the KDE network prog05:45
jnkraven3x7, should work out of the box then (choose CD quality, Lossless in the sound-juicer settings905:46
belhifethybrid:im with ubuntu, hence not kde05:46
belhifetbut gnome05:46
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hybrid_gothbelhifet: oh well you said it was easy with kde i assumed you were in kubuntu i appologize05:46
epWhats the difference between warty an hoary?05:47
jnkep, warty is old05:47
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phwilI'm running ubuntu 5.04 on laptop but can't seem to use external monitor.  resolution way off.  any pointers?05:47
hybrid_gothbelhifet: try system>network and see if there is anything that sounds like it would set up a connection05:47
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horI can't install (configure) xlibs with breezy. how can i get more information what the problem is or can force dpkg to install the package? (i get the problem, when i do 'apt-get dist-upgrade'05:47
jnkphwil, what's your current resolution?05:47
raven3x7ep if you have new hardware yyou really dont wanna run warty05:48
belhifethybrid:ok wait05:48
epI must be doing something wrong then.  I've been on a quest to install bzflag 2.0 and I'm only finding it here : http://mirror.brianpuccio.net/ubuntu-backports-repository/dists/warty-backports/universe/binary-i386/05:48
hybrid_gothphwil: prolly X configuration05:48
phwiljnk: laptop is 1024x76805:48
hybrid_gothbelhifet: ok at yuor pace =D05:48
sleptMIK3MAN, if you the apt-get .. that tells you use -f you can scroll up and look for the packages / the error , maybe it's a half installed package that prevents apt from finishing05:48
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jnkphwil, well I don't know sorry05:48
hybrid_gothis it linmodem.org or linmodems.org?05:49
jnkhor, you can use "dpkg --force-all -i something.deb"05:49
epBut its not listed in the same universe Hoary location.  Why woud it be in warty and not in Hoary?05:50
stempienjnk: damn no changes...anyway when i login (choosing gnome) hdd seems to work for a while but nothing anyway05:50
nebularok so I reconfigured my xserver-xorg at low priority, manually entered my vsync and hsync, did everything the same as I've done before with debian and I can't get 1280x1024. the only new thing I have is I'm using xorg rather then xfree05:50
stempienbrown screen05:50
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horjnk: This also doesn't work, thats stragen05:50
nebularmy monitor can do 1280x1024, not a problem, but in the display properties in kde the max is 1024x76805:51
nebularanyone have any ideas what I could be missing?05:51
jnkstempien, so it won't login even in a new user? I don't know then.. maybe a problem with some daemon? file a bug if you can't get it to work05:51
Velcanjnk:  hmm ... I did ...) | zenity --progress --pulsate;echo $?     and it returns 'Hangup'05:51
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stingerx52how can I Install programs troughtout ubuntu? For example : Pure Ftp server05:51
raven3x7slept ogg abcde doesnt seem to be in the repos05:52
stempienjnk: i can login..i type user and password push enter and *piuf* brown screen all the time05:52
stempienno matter which user05:52
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raven3x7jnk while basic i think sound-juicer might do for now05:52
jnknebular, and what does gnome-display-properties say (if you have it installed)05:52
Will_brown screen of death?05:52
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stempienbrown screen of ubuntu :S05:53
jnkthat's BSOD too05:53
nebularjnk, don't, sorry I forgot to say I"m running kubuntu05:53
zAo^did any1 succesfully connect his Ubuntubox to his PocketPC ??05:53
sleptraven3x7, abcde is there an with ogg I thought of ogg (vorbisvorbis-tools - Several Ogg Vorbis Tools)05:53
chaps0063so what is a good app to play music in besides xmms?05:53
zAo^Chambers`, Beep-media-player05:54
jnknebular, it would be interesting if you could install this just for testing because it doesn't care what's in you X config file (it's in the capplets package)05:54
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zAo^chaps0063, beep-media-player05:54
belhifethybrid_goth: look i tried what you suggested yesterday and it brought a screen with the modem config etc, but now i started ubuntu and it says "could not look up internet address for . this might prevent ubuntu from functioning properly. add to etc/hosts/ " or smt like that05:54
lemone!info xmms05:54
ubotuxmms: (Versatile X audio player that looks like Winamp), section sound, is optional. Version: 1.2.10-2ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 1917 kB, Installed size: 5988 kB05:54
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jnknebular, basically, if gnome-display-properties doesn't allow a higher resolution, then it's probably a problem with your video driver (wrong one likely)05:54
zAo^!info multisync05:55
belhifethybrid: i pressed log in anyway and went to system>network and it wont open.i mean the window.i restarted and same thing again05:55
ubotumultisync: (A program to synchronize PIM data), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 0.82-5ubuntu3 (hoary), Packaged size: 75 kB, Installed size: 288 kB05:55
belhifetwith same error05:55
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hybrid_gothbelhifet: is ubuntu installed?05:55
sleptstempien, if you are really desperate you can delete .gnome in your home but you'll lose all gnome settings (I had more or less the same with xfce and that made it for me)05:55
raven3x7slept oh will check05:55
stempienslept: ok i'll try05:55
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stempienslept: i don't have any gnome settings yet05:55
nebularjnk, well I'm using a geforce4 MX 440, I reconfigured the xserver at low priority, so I chose nvidia (rather than nv).05:55
SnuffkinHow can I disable network completely using boot options with the 5.04x86 livecd?05:55
jnkVelcan, mm I can't test, it kills the terminal when I press cancel :/05:56
hybrid_gothbelhifet: ok h/o just a second ill see if there is a command line command for all this05:56
stempienslept: i have gnome2 is it the same?:P05:56
jnknebular, If you run with nvidia and it works, then the driver is probably not the problem :) (you can try with nv though). Check the resolutions in /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:56
belhifethybrid:i installed ubuntu yesterday and first thing that i looked for is connecting to the internet.after searching for a while i found system>network and i tried to make it work but failed.shut down normally and today i get this error when i log in05:57
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raven3x7bilhefit i was geetting that message in fedora but that was never a real problem as it did not affect the system05:57
=== keikoz re
belhifetraven3x7: it wont let me open the networking window05:57
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shinuhi all05:58
belhifethybrid: i know there's wvdial for the CLI but would prefer to do it the gnome ubuntu way with the network window05:58
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shinuwhats the file where i could put some startup commands in?05:58
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belhifetraven3x7: did you ever understand what that error was?05:58
hybrid_gothbelhifet: wvdial is semi graphical05:59
Chambers`hey guys, whats a good mp3 file tag renamer?  I currently use tag&rename for windows (wine)05:59
sleptstempien, don't know but you can try, if you restart gnome it should be recreated05:59
Chambers`like something that will get tags from the internet, multi file renamer based on tags, etc05:59
hybrid_gothChambers`: check synaptic i know there is one there05:59
sleptChambers`, cantus05:59
raven3x7belhifet i didnt really check. it said something about adding a line somewhere. dont remember exactly05:59
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[2] BoxingFiend!info easytag05:59
ubotueasytag: (viewing, editing and writing ID3 tags), section universe/sound, is optional. Version: 1.99.3-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 667 kB, Installed size: 2088 kB05:59
swHow to comfigure ubuntu firewall?05:59
hybrid_gothbelhifet: man wvdial i think it will help you and it should show you all you need to do06:00
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Chambers`thanks guys06:00
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jmannscan anyone help me install apps through codeweavers crossoffice?06:00
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raven3x7slept abcde also does mpc cool06:01
hybrid_gothbelhifet: hey i got to go for a few minutes try that wvdial it should do it06:01
Chambers`is there a windows port of cantus also for my windows machine?06:01
mumbles-outlo all.. im back from breef hoilday... if anyone cares in here06:01
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raven3x7belhifet are you using an internal or external modem?06:01
Velcanjnk:  here's what im using now actually http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/eUxHS993.html06:02
belhifethybrid: now i have the annoying error06:02
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raven3x7as hybrid_goth said try wvdial its the most reliable dialer06:02
belhifethybrid:and i have to edit wvdial.conf etc to get wvdial to connect...it's better with the other way06:02
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Velcanjnk:  oops forgot to change something else :P06:02
belhifetwhat of the error?06:03
jnkVelcan, does it work?06:03
Velcanjnk:  http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/u6WeOg78.html .... no still isnt06:03
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raven3x7belhifet i didnt really check. it said something about adding a line somewhere. dont remember exactly. i dont think this is really the reason for youre problem at least it wasnt a problem for me06:04
epFrom this site http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12095.html  I'm learing that bzflag 2,0 has been promoted to the stable tree.  But try as I may I can't find it anywhere.  What am I doing wrong?06:04
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Dieguitocan anyone help me?06:04
milesmatt30anybody know where there might exist a repostiory for gaim 1.4? I'm hanging on 3 protocols.06:04
tapiaI have a problem on my ibook with breezy: the Apple key doesn't work as AltGr06:04
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raven3x7belhifet run sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf06:04
tapiait worked till 4 o 5 days ago06:04
Velcanjnk:  that script there exits but dd continues running06:04
milesmatt30using 1.306:04
tapiaany help, please?06:05
jmannscan rhapsody be installed on gnome or kde?06:05
raven3x7belhifet, that will create a proile. then you just need to edit the passwords and phone number06:05
Dieguitoin have a portege 3440ct toshiba06:05
sleptep its in universe06:05
jnkcan you insert an echo $? before killall and see what it says?06:05
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epversion 2.0 ?06:05
epor 1.1006:05
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raven3x7amarok rules06:06
belhifetraven3x7: after getting the error, i click on system>networking and it seems to load, i see the app minimized and after a few seconds it vanishes,wtf!06:06
jmannsraven3x7:  what is amarok?06:06
epslept Not the same -- they run different servers :)06:06
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raven3x7music player but its kde based. im using it anyway though06:06
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DieguitoInstall ubuntu in Toshiba portege 3440ct without cd room, any help?06:07
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jmannsraven3x7:  you got the url for me to d/l it?06:07
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shinuso where could i put some commands to be run at booting?06:07
jnkDieguito, can you boot from a usb thing or something?06:07
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Dieguitojust by a usb fdd06:08
jnkshanon, /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh or your own init.d script06:08
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raven3x7belhifet i didnt have any such problem on fedora. ant say for sure. i remember gnome suggestet adding localhost.localhost somewhere06:08
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raven3x7jmanns its in the repos06:08
epI don't understand why I'm only finding a Warty dep package.   That above article said it was promoted to the stable tree and I cant find it anywhere.06:08
Dieguitojnk, can we talk in private,,,i cant follow you06:08
raven3x7cant say for sure06:08
shinunvm i found it 8)06:08
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sleptep http://packages.debian.org/unstable/games/bzflag  for 2.0.206:09
raven3x7belhifet ones you get wvdial running it really is quite handy06:09
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belhifetraven3x7:but what could have caused that.i mean i was running ubuntu yesterday without any errors06:09
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belhifetraven3x7:ok wvdial.conf found a modem .how do i edit the phone number and user&pass?06:10
Velcanjnk:  not outputting anything ...06:10
raven3x7sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf06:10
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belhifetand i need only the phone number,usrname and passwd?06:11
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raven3x7belhifet im really not that experienced to debug gnome06:11
dr_willisare not some ISP's useing that encrypted password stuff now.  as part of the pap/chap stuff? been ages since i messed with dialup.06:12
raven3x7belhifet although i do have some experience with modems06:12
jnkVelcan, that's weird... and if you just put a killall after zenity, without checking $?, does it work?06:12
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epI've been that route slept -- that requires libcurl3 version >= 1.13.x   Debian and other distros have that version, ubuntu does not.  I tried installing it but thats dependency hell (for me anyway, I'm a newbie)  I think a ununtu package should be easier to install, no?06:12
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raven3x7belhifet, it should work if not tell me what wvdial says06:12
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belhifetraven3x7:ok i edited it06:13
belhifetwhat's next?06:13
belhifethow do i execute it?06:13
volvoguyfabbione: howdy, i have an irc logging question for you.06:13
fabbionevolvoguy: go ahead06:14
raven3x7type sudo wvdial but im not really sure sudo is necessary06:14
sleptep, that should be the reason why you can't have that version with ubuntu06:14
Velcanjnk:  do you mean like ... | zenity --progress --pulse && killall dd ?06:14
jnkVelcan, no just  --pulsate ; killall dd06:15
fabbionevolvoguy: just ask...06:15
Velcanill try06:15
guillemHey! I'm crunching numbers with my new AMD64 3.5+ (2.211 GHz), and it is fast!. I'm getting about a 15% speedup using a 64 bit executable respect a 32 bit executable...06:15
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nathan__Hey guys, here's a 2 question...06:15
epslept but thats what i don't understand, why is that version of bzflag listed on a warty backport and why this : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12095.html06:15
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volvoguyfabbione: we're starting to ramp up work on the #ubuntu-artwork channel. is there any chance we could get that channel logged?06:16
guillemThe machine seems to be slower than a P-IV at 3.5 GHz in 32 bit mode, but using 64bit executable it is about a P-IV 3.7!06:16
fabbionevolvoguy: yes, send me an email as a reminder.. i will do it tomorrow06:16
guillemEventhough it has only a 512Kb cache...06:16
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belhifetraven3x7:ok going to test it now.going offline .hopefully i log in with linux this time...06:17
Velcanjnk:  nope ... ) | zenity --progress --pulsate;killall dd ... and dd still running06:17
volvoguyfabbione: excellent, thanks!06:17
Velcanmagical ...06:17
jnkVelcan, yeah looks like a bug in zenity06:18
epI'll ask on the forums i guess.  I'm thinking about trying to install that warty deb file.  Would that work?06:18
Velcanmaybe i should try pkill06:18
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epI have hoary06:18
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Velcanhumbug ... pkill doesnt work either06:20
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blahaI'm having a hard time getting Gnome to accept the correct screen resolution. I edited xorg.conf, but no matter what I do it won't show anything higher than 1024x768@80 in the Grub resolution manager?06:21
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guillemblaha, what do you mean with "Grub resolution manager"?06:22
blahasorry, ment Gnome.06:22
guillemblaha, does your monitor allow such resolution?06:23
blahayes, it got it on windows, and the specs confirm it.06:23
guillemblaha,  OK, make sure that the horizontal frequency range at xorg.conf is correct (see specs)06:23
jnkVelcan, I think the script just quits after zenity06:24
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guillemblaha, also make sure you are modifiying the resolution entry for the defaultColorDepth ...06:24
muluxhow come you never have to worry about the horizontal frequency in windows, and linux is always bugging you about it? :O06:24
jnkVelcan, you should probably file a bug report against zenity06:24
blahaguillem, pretty sure I did that, but double checking as we speak06:25
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guillemWhat do I have to do to play e.t. at ubuntu64?06:27
blmartin777If I use fvwm as my window manager are my media's (cd-rom, Floppy) going to auto-mount still?06:27
guillemblmartin777, probably not. But I guess cd-rom would automount when you place a shell inside the /media/cdrom. Not sure at all nevertheless.06:28
blmartin777guillem , Thanks06:29
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jnkblmartin777, you just have to launch gnome-volume-manager in the background06:30
capiguillem, this is blaha, everything was correct and I rebooted to make sure it was being used as the currect config. Still no higher resolution.06:30
guillemcapi, hmmm.06:31
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guillemcapi, you don't need to reboot to check it. CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE should suffice for testing....06:32
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guillemcapi, it is not an old monitor or old card, is it?06:32
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capiguillem, fairly new, only a year and a half old.06:33
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blmartin777jnk: that easy and it will work. thanks06:33
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capiguillem, here are the specs? http://www.emachines.com/support/product_support.html?cat=monitor&subcat=CRT&model=eView+17f206:34
guillemcapi, looking at it...06:34
kbrooksBleh, capi06:34
kbrooksthey're bullshit06:35
capikbrooks, i don't like them either, but the computer was $50 after all the rebates and sales i got out of them. Pretty nice for the time.06:35
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blmartin777jnk: do I need to run dbus or anything else06:35
guillemcapi, this is not the answer to your question, but I would never use 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz06:35
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kbrooksmoney dont matter06:35
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capiI'm not, I"m using the 11** one, 60 Hz would kill my eyes.06:36
kbrookscapi: you should buy a HP no matter what the  amount of the eMachine is06:36
ugohey i have an e-machine!06:37
guillemcapi, but is it crt or tft?? because it says crt but the photo is a tft...06:37
bastiis there anyone that would like to try to get radeon drivers running on my pc by remoting via vnc?06:37
othernoobkbrooks: why HP06:37
capiguillem, it is most definetly a CRT, photo is just a default.06:38
kbrooksothernoob, no idea06:38
ugodont flame my baby! *gearing for flame war*06:38
IIIEarsI suffer with an emachine also (+ 2 HP's and a grey box home build)06:38
guillemcapi, oh it is crt I see it at the guide.06:38
ugo*loading textual ammunition*06:38
othernoobkbrooks: then why advise it?06:38
kbrooksAccessible capacity varies; MB = 1 million bytes; GB = 1 billion bytes.06:38
jnkblmartin777, ah maybe yes...06:39
kbrooksothernoob, they're good06:39
othernoobkbrooks: on what do you base that06:39
kbrooksothernoob, my grandfather brought one06:39
capikbrooks, I did have a fun mistake happen with emachines today. it appears their coder forgot to turn off some debugging features, so an error gave me their db password in plain text. I can understand why you think they are idiots. :P06:39
blmartin777jnk: thanks06:39
othernoobkbrooks: i see. makes sense then...06:40
IIIEarscapi - lol06:40
ScramblerNo manual entry for stdio.h06:40
guillemcapi, I don't understand your problem. You won't use 1280x1024@64 but you complain you cannot reach anything better than 1024x768@80, is that right?06:40
bastinoone wants to remote my pc? :S06:40
kbrooksothernoob, the HP was so modern06:40
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kbrooksbasti, pm06:40
ScramblerUm... what package has the man pages for libs?06:40
ugojust put linux on it...ditch windows06:40
sJaMwhereofore basti06:40
IIIEarscapi - should i buy my next computer online with emachines? - roflmao06:41
guillem(I meant 1280x1024@60)06:41
capiguillem, I'm attempting to get 1152x864 @ 75.00 Hz, which is what I get with this monitor on Windoze.06:41
jnkblmartin777, you need hald running, which probably need d-bus too06:41
stinkywhen I try to run "make" to install my ipw2200 driver , I get the following error : "make[1] : Entering directory `/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/build'06:41
stinky"make[1] : *** No rule to make target `modules'.  Stop.06:41
stinky".  Does anybody know what causes this06:41
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capisorry if I wasn't clear on that.06:41
guillemcapi, OK, now I understand your problem ;-)06:41
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guillemcapi, the problem is that probably xorg has not a  1152x864 @ 75.00 Hz line by default06:42
blmartin777jnk: when I log into gnome those are automatically started  right?06:42
guillemcapi, you could add it if you knew the exact values and it would work.06:42
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jnkblmartin777, yes06:43
mantasheh, i'm that happy user who upgraded X in breezy :)06:43
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jnkblmartin777, actually, I think hald is started even before, at boot06:43
capiguillem, what `exact value' would I need to know?06:43
marcinhi all is there any networking guru here?06:43
guillemcapi, you need a correct "modeline" to be added under the "monitor" section06:43
stinkyCan anybody help me06:43
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marcinI got a problem with configuring wireless network on my laptop06:44
marcincould anybody help me06:44
jurgonhHello there, anyone who would like to help me out? i have never used Linux before, and i have just installed Ubuntu on my computer, i would like som help with a lot of things.. =)06:44
stinkyI also have a wireless network problem06:44
capiguillem, I already have that I think... my config file, http://pastebin.com/31564206:44
jnkstinky, when building ipw2200, I just followed the simple instructions in the README.Debian file, using module-assistant06:44
IIIEarsWhen in doubt and model names are obscured for motherboards or monitors the FCC ID# will give you EXACT device specs. you can find them online at fcc.gov06:45
jnkjurgonh, just ask them here06:45
jnkmarcin, what's the problem?06:45
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marcinjnk, the problem is that I got a laptop with ethernet and wireless connections - intel chipset06:46
marcinjnk, and ubuntu hoary06:46
marcinjnk, ethernet is eth0 and (strange) wireless as eth106:46
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marcinjnk, I can activate both interfaces and I can configure them06:46
guillemcapi, I don't know where you got that modeline from. Just see http://stp.ling.uu.se/~perweij/priv/div/ati9100igp_tvout/XF86Config-4 and you'll see another one that might be as good or as wrong as yours ...06:47
marcinjnk, unfortunatelly there is no way to establish connection via wireless interface06:47
jurgonhok, first of all i have no idea how to install programs, i am used to .exe files and so... i just downloaded opera 8.01 and its in a xxxxx.tar.gz format.. have do i install this? =)06:47
stinkyjnk, you used the debian package ?06:47
jnkstinky, first ubuntu's, now I'm using debian06:47
marcinjnk, I turned off eth006:47
IIIEarsWelcome Jurgoh :)  ( Don't know if i can help but no need to ask to ask. - i am new also)06:47
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jnkmarcin, if you type "sudo iwconfig", what do you see?06:48
guillemcapi, probably it would be a good idea to try a knoppix to see if it gets the right modeline and if so check the modeline line that it is using...06:48
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guillemcapi, xvidtune program can show you the actual modeline.06:48
marcinjnk, and configured eth1 (wireless) with static IP -
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mantasjurgonh: use apt-get or synaptic06:48
guillemcapi, I mean the current one.06:48
M1N10Nhey all06:48
marcinjnk, I can see a lot of informations about network card06:48
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jnkjurgonh, opera is not free (as in free speech) so it's not well supported on ubuntu. Normally you install packages, and it's quite simple. Try the synaptic package manager (it's in some menu)06:48
raven3x7what would happen if nvidia drivers couldnt find a useable resolution-refresh rate combination. and could there be a reason why these same settings would work with for the nv driver06:48
capiguillem, okay.06:49
mantasor opera's .deb package and read ubuntu guide06:49
jnkmarcin, eth1 right ?06:49
guillemcapi, good luck!06:49
marcinjnk yes06:49
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stinkyjnk, but you didn't compile the source, you just had a .deb packages, cause I can't find any in the apt-cache06:49
marcinjnk, I thought that this should set up as wlan0 or something like this06:49
marcinjnk, no idea why it is eth106:49
guillemcapi, besides, the card has enough ram to do 24 bit at that resolution???06:49
jnkmarcin, it's normal06:50
jnkmarcin, do you see some network if you type "sudo iwlist scan" ?06:50
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marcinjnk, anyway this connection works nice with win xp06:50
M1N10NI have a newb question06:50
marcinjnk, yes I can see network06:51
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marcinjnk, propably the thing is that it is "ad-hoc" connection06:51
jnkmarcin, there was a small flame over the naming of the ipw2200 /ipw2100 interfaces :)06:51
M1N10NI want to stop ubuntu from displaying the cd on the desktop when it mounts it06:51
jnkmarcin, you want to connect to an ad-hoc network?06:51
marcinjnk, so no AP - only 2 wireless cards06:51
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marcinjnk, yes I have to - while there is no AP06:51
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sss_lrM1N1ON: remove entry from /etc/fstab06:52
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zAo^M1N10N, go to "Removeable drives and Media"06:52
capihmm, last modline didn't work either. :\ ... guillem, I think I'll try Kubuntu, maybe it's just Gnome messing with my mind?06:53
jnkmarcin, can you paste the output of "iwconfig" and "iwlist scan" in pastebin.com ?06:53
marcinjnk, sorry - not now - unfortunatelly I don't have an access to this wireless network I want to connect to06:54
marcinjnk, because I'm at home now and I got LAN here06:54
M1N10NI don't want to stop automatically mounting the disc. Just to stop the icon from displaying on the desktop06:54
marcinjnk, while I need to connect with wi-fi at work - tomorrow06:54
marcinjnk, and now when I got an access to internet I want to find out what could be a problem06:55
jnkmarcin, well you can try and install netapplet, but frankly I didn't find it very reliable especially with ad-hoc networks... it may work though.06:55
capiOut of curiousity, anyone know a scripting language that uses the keyword `my'? like in the syntax `my $variable'06:55
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jnkmarcin, your best bet is to learn some terminal commands06:56
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TrackilizerHey people06:56
marcinjnk, you mean NetworkManager?06:56
TrackilizerI need your help06:56
marcinjnk, ok - what commands?06:57
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sol77Hello guys, I've got a quick question. How can I find out what cluster size a fs, i.e ext3, uses on a partition uses?06:57
jnkmarcin, no netapplet... anyway I'll tell you in private06:57
emX|awaycapi: perl.06:57
TrackilizerIs there any IM i can use in ubuntu that will let me watch my freinds webcams when chating in MSN?06:57
^thehatsrule^Trackilizer: doubt it06:58
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TrackilizerIs there any reason why there isnt?06:58
capiThats what I thought, but I'm not enough of a perl junky to know.06:58
^thehatsrule^msn is by microsoft? :P06:58
kbrooksTrackilizer, no webcam feature developed for gaim etc06:58
tomchukamsn supports it IIRC06:58
kbrooks^thehatsrule^, be helpful06:58
^thehatsrule^the reason why there isnt is cause m$ is too tight on their products06:59
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TrackilizerThat sucks06:59
sol77Anyone know? I'd be very grateful.06:59
tomchukTrackilizer,  amsn06:59
TrackilizerDoes it have webcam support?06:59
kbrookstomchuk, bs07:00
Trackilizerthanks alot07:00
Trackilizerit doesnt?07:00
tomchukkbrooks,  do your homework ;)07:00
TrackilizerSo it does?07:00
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Protequeis this for real?!07:00
Trackilizerthanks alot dude07:01
tomchukThey've even got ubuntu packages for the latest version on the wiki07:01
Trackilizeragain thanks alot07:01
tomchukI'm not sure if the version in Hoary supports video07:01
Trackilizerim going to install the stuff07:01
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stinkyDId anybody have a problem with the wireless card ipw2200 that it was installed properly but couldn't detect anny networks07:03
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PhatiThis needs the ncurses library. If it is not available, menuconf wont work. If you are using curses, use make menuconfig-curses instead.07:05
Phatiwas wie ist das? :-/07:05
supernixHi could someone tell me what would be the best way to rename a bunch of files ?07:05
Phatidas kommt beim "make menuconfig" beim psybnc07:05
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tomchuksupernix,  bash loop or the gnu rename program07:06
bastiIll be back07:06
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supernixwhere can I get the gnu rename program ?07:07
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tomchuksupernix,  one sec, lemme check07:08
M1N10Nsupernix, the unofficial ubunto starter guide has lots of how-to's07:09
Bubbling_Zombieso has the wiki07:09
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supernixsh ty M1N10N and tomchuk07:09
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tomchuksupernix,  usually rename is part of util-linux, but I think it's replaced with a crappy perl version on Debian distros07:11
cionhello everybody, newbie here, I need help with wireless USB peripherical07:11
cionany1 can help me with installation?07:11
Scramblercan someone tell me how to get the man pages for the library functions?07:11
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nebulararrgh, keep getting called away from the computer07:11
Bubbling_Zombiecion, what kind of card?07:11
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tomchuknebular,  install glibc-doc07:12
epOk, on my quest for the holy grail.  I posted the question on the ubuntu forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4994707:12
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supernixI have some images that need renaming since I messed up the name while downloading them from my cam07:12
jnkScrambler, install manpages-dev07:12
Scramblerjnk ah thanks07:12
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nebularso to reiterate my issue, I have a geforce4 MX 440, and I can't seem to get it to display at 1280x102407:13
tomchuksupernix,  what are they named now, and what would you like them named?07:13
nebularI've been able to in the past on debian, the only difference fron thwen to now is that I"m running xorg rather then xfree07:13
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tritiumnebular, are you using nvidia or nv driver?07:15
epI tried to 'apt-cache search gin'  to search for a gin card game.  Lots of stuff contains the string of characters "gin".   Do I need regular expressions or something?07:15
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gorlisthi, i get an error when logging in that says "could not open up internet address . this may cause gnome to not run properly. try editing /etc/hosts" or something like that07:17
gorlistdoes anyone know the solution to this?07:17
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othernoobnebular: just curious, do you like pokemons?07:17
nebularothernoob, no07:18
jnkgorlist, can you paste your /etc/hosts on pastebin.com ?07:18
emX|awayep: you can use regexes with apt-cache07:18
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nebulartritium, using nvidia07:18
othernoobnebular: weird..your name reminds me of one ;)07:18
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emX|awayep: or pair multiple queries (eg 'gin card game')07:19
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gorlistjnk:yeah just a moment07:19
supernixthat is the file names right now well something like that07:20
supernixof course with the jpg extension07:20
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supernixI just wanted them to have the date like 7-16-06.jpg07:20
freeradicalshow are you people07:20
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nebularwhat I have done is reconfigured xserver-xorg at low priority and entered in my v and hsync values manually and made sure that 1280x1024 was selected and after all that verified that it was all put into my xorg.conf correctly07:21
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nebularbut when I start it up it goes into 1024x76807:21
tritiumnebular, have you checked /var/log/Xorg.0.log for clues?07:21
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mastertethey, some chanel for ubuntulite?07:23
tomchuksupernix,  is the 0252 number on the end unique for each image?07:23
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nebulartritium, checking now07:23
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kbrooksmastertet, what is ubuntulite07:23
jnkgorlist, maybe try putting " gorlist localhost" instead of " gorlist"07:23
freeradicalshow is ubuntu different from, lets say win xp? (n00bie question)07:23
mastertetkbrooks: http://www.ubuntulite.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page07:23
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gorlistjnk:i'll try but maybe you should see you hosts file to see the difference07:24
nebulartritium, well that seems to be it, it saying my h and vsync values are out of range07:24
othernoobfreeradicals: it's free ;) it's more stable than xp.. it's faster..it's better ;)07:24
^DodGeR^freeradicals, u can get online for longer then 12 minutes (on average) b4 u contract a virus07:24
mastertetfreeradicals, first, it is Linux and it is free. Next, it comes with softwares for each task you wanna do on a desktop pc, all free07:24
freeradicalshahah lol07:24
^DodGeR^plus it looks better and is actually something stable07:24
freeradicalsso the interface is more attractive?07:25
nebulartritium, that however is incorrect as they came from the manual and I've used tham before (but that was xfree)07:25
kbrooksfreeradicals, u dont have to run AV07:25
freeradicalswhats AV?07:25
^DodGeR^i personally think so (av = anti virus)07:25
mastertetfreeradicals, just check screenshots on official website07:25
othernoobwhat's with people always claiming that there are no virii for linux...07:25
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nebularhang on07:26
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jnkgorlist, I  have localhost for, and my hostname for my LAN ip (
^DodGeR^surely there are othernoob07:26
mastertetothernoob, lets just say that there are a lot less07:26
freeradicalsI see many windows opened in the screenshots, does that indicate that it takes less memory than xp07:26
othernoobi really should change my name...07:26
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nebularthat worked, the xserver wasn't restarting properly07:27
supernixtomchuk: actually the 0252 number is the unique number07:27
gorlisthow do i restart x?07:27
nebularthanks tritium07:27
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Trackilizerhey its me again07:27
^DodGeR^memory aint the win if thats what ure after freeradicals07:27
Trackilizeri need your help again07:27
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Trackilizerwith aMSN07:27
jnkfreeradicals, each part of the system (including each part of the graphical interface) is completely modular and configurable... if you don't like the program which handles your windows, you can change it. If you don't like the program which displays your files, you can change it, etc.07:27
tomchuksupernix,  cool...07:27
tritiumnebular, sure.  let me know what you end up finding out07:27
Trackilizerit freezes as soon as i login07:27
chaps0063is there any quick way to switch between workspaces in gnome?07:27
jnkchaps0063, ctrl+alt+arrows07:28
cionanyone can help me with usb wireless card installation?07:28
raven3x7othernoob, there is very few virii for linux07:28
freeradicalsahh I see07:28
chaps0063jnk: thanks!07:28
tomchukfor i in `ls *.jpg`; do mv $i `echo $i | cut -d"-" -f1,2,5`; done07:28
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nebulartritium, that was it, nevered used a display manager before, when I ened the session, it didn't restart X so I was using the old version of xorg.conf07:28
jnkfreeradicals, you have several workspaces in ubuntu :) (don't think you have that in windows without third-party programs?)07:28
nebularworks great now07:28
Trackilizerdoes anyones aMSN freze07:28
freeradicalsIn a way microsoft is like nazis with their restrictions07:28
tritiumnebular, super :)07:28
Trackilizermine freezes everytime i login07:28
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^DodGeR^there certainly is no ActiveX by default on any linux , so that in itself is a win :)07:29
jnkfreeradicals, you can type "for i in `ls *.jpg`; do mv $i `echo $i | cut -d"-" -f1,2,5`; done" in ubuntu )07:29
tomchuksupernix,  that should rename the file you gave me, to 7-16-0252.jpg07:29
supernixtomchuk is that something I execute on the shell line ?07:29
freeradicalsjnk, ?07:29
othernoobraven3x7: i know.. my question was rethorical...07:29
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tomchuksupernix,  I'd make a copy of the files first, just in case ;)07:29
cionanyone can help me with usb wireless installation card?07:30
tomchuksupernix,  or try it on just a few07:30
jnkfreeradicals, if you ever decide to learn some commands, you can do very powerfull things just by typing a command in a terminal07:30
tomchuksupernix,  that command will rename all *.jpg in the current directory07:30
othernoobyea..like sudo rm -rf * ;)07:30
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kbrooksothernoob, HEY!07:30
tritiumothernoob, please don't do that07:31
othernoobkbrooks: HEY! what?07:31
othernoobtritium: what?07:31
freeradicalsthanks jnk07:31
supernixOMG ty ty ty tomchuk it worked like a charm07:31
jnkfreeradicals, typically, things that are boring and repetitive with windows, become a matter of typing a fun command in a terminal (maybe I should speak of looking for the right command for hours but it wouldn't be good advertising)07:31
tritiumothernoob, see your previous comment07:31
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othernoobtritium: and?07:31
supernixI had to redo the command to *.JPG for some reason the extension was in capitals07:31
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tomchuksupernix,  gotcha07:32
tritiumothernoob, again, please don't post such things07:32
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othernoobtritium: what is your problem?07:32
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freeradicalsbut of course there are websites that list commands07:32
tritiumothernoob, it's not mine, dude07:32
thierryX is not broken anymore in breezy, just updated07:32
supernixtomchuk you sure saved my bacon it would have taken a long time to rename all those pics I think there was around 150 of them07:32
othernoobtritium: of course not...who elses?07:32
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wingslineI have a question: why the firefox ubuntu package is much slower than the original package from mozilla?07:33
tritiumothernoob, please stop07:33
tomchuksupernix,  if you don't mind kde apps, there's one called krename that will give you a gui to rename files07:33
jnkfreeradicals, yes but the window where you type commands, there's a program listening to your commands in there, which interprets them, and it's a whole programming language so things can get quite complicated :)07:33
othernoobtritium: what the fuck is wrong with you? either tell me what your problem is with my comment or shush ;)07:33
jnkand of course you have the choice between a dozen of interpreters, each with its own language07:33
wingslineI did the http://scragz.com/tech/mozilla/test-rendering-time.php test on both, and on ubuntu version it did 7 seconds, and on original 3 sec07:33
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freeradicalsIm going to college to learn some languages, but at the moment Im really n00bie on commands07:34
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freeradicalsHow come ububuntu is free? where does the money come from?07:35
supernixkewl ty for the info tomchuk I shall look for it as I use KDE :D07:35
marcinok guys yet another question today07:35
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marcinhow to configure xorg server to drop shadows?07:35
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bluefoxicyIt's unbelieveable that there's no KeePass-like program for Linux07:36
bluefoxicyaside from a crappy Qt program, and a crappy TCL/TK program07:36
bluefoxicy(comparing them is like comparing Notepad to OpenOffice.org2 Writer)07:36
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urbanfoxhey blue07:37
bluefoxicyhi urban.07:37
urbanfoxhave you taken a look at simplekde?07:37
urbanfoxbefore it got slashdotted?07:37
urbanfoxbecause I haven't!07:37
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urbanfoxbut the idea sounds like something we need07:37
urbanfoxa stripped down DE that doesn't look utterly horrid07:37
bluefoxicybut if it's Qt based then it's evil.07:37
urbanfoxwhat's wrong with Qt?07:37
bluefoxicyconsidering that 95s-99% of linux apps are GTK+07:38
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bluefoxicythey don't look quite right in a KDE environment07:38
marcinok googling was faster07:38
marcinplease don't answer07:38
bluefoxicyeven if you skin them like Qt, the save/print/open dialogs are all different.07:38
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Pro_NewbieHow to download from FTP server (via wget) with difrent user name and password??07:38
bluefoxicyusers go07:38
urbanfoxso it's only evil based onlack of use07:39
bluefoxicyOK urban07:39
tomchukPro_Newbie,  wget ftp://user:pass@server07:39
bluefoxicylet's try this approach.07:39
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freeradicalshello again07:39
bluefoxicyIf you sit in front of a computer and some windows and dialogs on it look like MacOSX and others look like WIndows07:39
bluefoxicyare you going to think it's a well-designed OS, or are you going to think that the developers are all confused and lost and in their own world?07:39
freeradicalshow is it possible to run ubuntu when windows xp is already factory installed07:39
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bluefoxicyUsing KDE means either dealing with what oloks like a hacked-up pile of trash, or using ALL KDE apps07:40
tomchukbluefoxicy,  Linux is hardly alone in that respect - MS office on windows, pinstripe/brushed metal on OS X07:40
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bluefoxicytomchuk:  Yeah, though office is its own fault.07:40
bluefoxicyand historically doesn't office serve as a testbed for new designs?07:40
tomchukbluefoxicy,  or you can use gtk-qt engine under kde07:40
jcarroffice is amazing... it's even a platform!07:40
[2] BoxingFiend07:40
[2] BoxingFiend                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              !grub07:40
ubotu[grub]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto07:40
[2] BoxingFiend07:41
jcarr[2] BoxingFiend, nice :)07:41
bluefoxicytomchuk:  gtk-qt-engine won't make the GTK dialog box look like a Windows mock-up07:41
freeradicalsargh what was that!?07:41
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bluefoxicywhich is what Qt's looks like.07:41
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bluefoxicyIt'll leave it looking like the Gnome dialog boxes.07:41
freeradicalsare there such thing as picture/graphic enabled ircchatrooms07:41
bluefoxicywhich means that for a typical user, the buttons moved around, things are different, this isn't what I'm used to, and I should use a program that isn't a piece of shit07:41
Pro_Newbietomchuk: yea but how to specify which file to download07:41
tomchukPro_Newbie,  wget ftp://user:pass@server/path/to/file.ext07:42
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tomchukPro_Newbie,  or just use a real ftp client like lftp07:42
Pro_Newbieaha 10x07:42
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freeradicalshow do I get onto the dalnet server??07:43
freeradicalsor channel? ;(07:43
jaduagarr84dalnet is different irc server07:44
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ermac`how do i start bittorrent?07:45
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[2] BoxingFiend!info azureus07:45
tomchukermac`,  btdownload{curses,gui} file.torrent07:46
ermac`is bittorrent shellbased?07:46
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tomchukermac`,  there's a wxgtk gui for the original client and bittornado07:47
ermac`how do i get it?07:47
jaduagarr84ermac: you can also use gnome-bittorent which is installed w/ ubuntu07:48
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AmaranthAndyFitz: Do you have svg versions of your smaller icons? I just noticed that gnome-util only has a 22x22 version which makes it look like ass in Smeg at 42x42. :)07:48
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tomchukermac`,  you should have a client installed by default see jaduagarr84's comment07:48
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SchonhoseHi all, can anybody explain how I can fix my Gnome printersettings?07:49
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Schonhoseit says CUPS isn't running, but it is07:49
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ermac`how do install gnome bittorrent?07:50
timDesperate question: is there a way for me (using Ubuntu 5.0.4 on an older white iBook) to dim the screen brightness?07:50
tomchukermac`,  should be installed aready -> go to the network section in you application menu07:50
jaduagarr84ermac`: it should be installed already if your using ubuntu07:51
timI'm low on battery, and every little bit helps :)07:51
ermac`using kubuntu...07:51
ChurcH_of_FoamYdid anyone know that bill gates was knighted? O_O07:51
Schonhoseermac`, tried apt-get already?07:51
timUsing the screen brightness button (shared with F1) just switches among my Chatzilla tabs. Which is a neat thing to be able to do, but not what I want at the moment :)07:51
jasoncohentim, that's usually done directly via the hardware with a key combination. here it's fn + left and fn + right07:52
AmaranthChurcH_of_FoamY: Just an honorary knighting, he isn't a british citizen07:52
SchonhoseChurcH_of_FoamY, no, did he? The old fashioned way by sword?07:52
ermac`schonbose wath is the package name of the gnome-bittorent?07:52
^DodGeR^when was this ChurcH_of_FoamY07:52
timjasoncohen: you are a life saver.07:52
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ChurcH_of_FoamYi gusse and why would anyone give him an honerary knighting?07:52
jasoncohentim, it worked?07:52
kevintritium: hello07:52
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ChurcH_of_FoamYwhat are they stupid thats just like sayin we beleve in you for putting out crappy software07:52
Schonhoseermac`, try apt-cache search bittorrent07:53
timjasoncohen: in this case, it's Function+F1 (dim) / F2 (brighten)07:53
hybrid_gothanyone know what Nvu is?07:53
tritiumkevin, hi07:53
timBut Yes :)07:53
jasoncohentim, makes sense07:53
chris12349has anyone installed beagle on hoary? and if so is it stable?07:53
tomchukhybrid_goth,  yes...07:53
SchonhoseChurcH_of_FoamY, if it was by sword the world would be a better place if they made a mistake07:53
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ChurcH_of_FoamYmay 2 0507:53
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hybrid_gothtomchuk: what is it07:53
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timjasoncohen: Thought I'd tried every combination before, but must have skipped that (in retrospect, obvious) one. Thanks.07:53
kevintritium: how are you today? I am using the wireless at a cafe........hehehe it is working great!07:53
ChurcH_of_FoamYSchonhose yup ^_^07:53
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tritiumkevin, I'm great, thanks.  I'm glad it's working for you :)07:53
tomchukhybrid_goth,  app to design webpages for those who don't feel like spending 20 mins to learn html ;)07:54
ChurcH_of_FoamYsorry bill diden't mean to cut off the top part of your head >.<07:54
ChurcH_of_FoamYbut eh ya diden't need it anyway07:54
hybrid_gothtomchuk: ah lol.07:54
hybrid_gothtomchuk: i was reading a /. interview with mitchel from mozilla and he was discussing Nvu07:54
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chillywillynvu sucks07:54
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=== ChurcH_of_FoamY reads an article from bill gates as to why linux is cheap
kevinwell, must go didn't buy anything just wanted to test it out lol07:55
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ChurcH_of_FoamYread this bunch of bs guys07:56
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marv_got a stupid question...how do i set root password in ubuntu?^^07:57
Schonhoseok question... how do I disable the quiting messages in X-Chat?07:58
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^DodGeR^sudo su - << then passwd07:58
marv_i installed two times and the installer didn't ask a password...07:58
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Schonhosemarv_, try sudo su << passwd07:58
ptlomarv_, the philosophy is that you don't need to log in as root. use your normal account and then use 'sudo' for tasks which require root privileges07:59
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marv_ok thx =)07:59
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Schonhosehow do I disable the annoying quit messages and join messages????08:00
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desrtSchonhose; depends on your client.. but some form of /ignore08:00
desrtprobably like /ignore *!*@* JOIN PART08:00
Schonhosedesrt, X-Chat ;)08:01
auk!info recover08:01
uboturecover: (Undelete files on ext2 partitions), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 1.3c-8 (hoary), Packaged size: 15 kB, Installed size: 104 kB08:01
desrt^^ try that one08:01
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desrtoh.. also QUIT08:01
desrtJOIN PART QUIT08:01
aukSchonose: rioght click on the tab you want to disable08:01
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aukSchonhose: *08:02
Schonhoseauk, thanks08:02
desrtfancy xchat youngin's08:02
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marv_to execute apps with sudo a password is asked :-/08:02
desrtmarv_; it's your user' password08:02
desrtlike, your normal login password08:02
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marv_ah thx that was easy^08:03
desrtsomeone needs to patch sudo to replace the first-use lecture with a "this is your normal login password" message08:03
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kbrooksdesrt, wouldnt be a good idea to include this in upstream yknow08:04
rcsarverhello, i am an absolute noob. can anyone help me install java for firefox?08:04
Schonhosercsarver, yeah I can08:05
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ubotuwell, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin.08:05
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Schonhoseit involves some command line work though08:05
kbrooksSchonhose, why would he use the CLI?'08:05
rcsarverthat isn't a problem08:05
kbrookscli == evil to newbies08:05
tritiumkbrooks, java-package08:05
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Schonhosekbrooks, mainly cause that's the only way I know how :+08:06
kbrooksSchonhose, !java rules08:06
truz24I wonder why Php5 isn't in the ubuntu repositories08:06
tritiumSchonhose, the java-package method?  java-package is definitely the preferred method.08:06
SnuffkinI'm trying to get the livecd working, but X won't start. I use an ATI Radeon X800 PCIE card, and I think the PCIE may have something to do with it08:07
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Schonhosehmmm perhaps I'm a bit outdated08:07
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Schonhoseseems I could save a lot of hassle with the java-package method :o08:07
ChurcH_of_FoamYha! reading another articule that says some jounalists have even throughn an actual pie in gates face ^_^08:07
Schonhoseyou guys won't believe the troubles I had with java08:08
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-q *!*@p54A2EE5C.dip.t-dialin.net] by tritium
jasoncohenthere appears to be something wrong with hoary's gnome-cups-manager. when i first installed my system, i enabled LAN Printer Detection and my networked Epson Color C84 from my sarge box appeared automatically. now it no longer appears. i had to manually add it. any idea why?08:09
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Pro_NewbieHow to enable Cyrilic support in Kopete???08:09
ubotuhmm... java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin.08:09
Pro_NewbieI tried with CP-1251 but nothing happens08:09
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FloKhi. newbie coming from gentoo08:11
tritiumwelcome FloK :)08:11
FloKjust installed, allfine except mouse08:11
SchonhoseFloK, don't be alarmed but most of us are newbies08:12
FloKand how do i set the root passwd?08:12
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Belutzyup... i'm a newbie too :D08:12
Schonhosehowever not always in the world of Linux ;)08:12
tritiumFloK, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo08:12
robert_pectolI've written a fairly-automated firewall script for Ubuntu that provides stateful packet inspection.  It supports many of the more common servers (more can be added easily) and it has the ability to automatically detect network settings such as IP, Network, Netmask, Gateway, and whether or not it's in private IP space, etc.  It's very configurable and easy to use.  I've even written a simple init script for it for loa08:12
robert_pectolding it automatically upon booting.  Anyone care to take a gander at it or possibly run it and tell me what they think.  I'm looking for suggestions.08:12
FloKSchonhose, np, as i know linux well08:12
ChurcH_of_FoamYi hate m$ but want to work as him for 1 day he makes $300.00 a second O_o08:12
Belutzflodine: sudo passwd root08:12
BelutzFloK: sudo passwd root , i think08:12
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ubotuI guess root is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo08:13
SchonhoseFloK, I was trying to make a joke O_o08:13
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ChurcH_of_FoamYcan you beleve that 300 dollars a second thats wack i'd like to rob him on payday08:13
SchonhoseChurcH_of_FoamY, why the sudden interest in billy-boy?08:13
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kbrooksI updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java08:14
ChurcH_of_FoamYi typed into google "how many people hate bill gates"08:14
ChurcH_of_FoamYand it was one of the articuls that poped up08:14
ubotu[java]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin.08:14
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Haroldkbrooks: Cool, I'm checking it out08:14
tritiumkbrooks, ugh, the preferred method is java-package, and should have remained method 108:14
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kbrookstritium, um, scroll down08:15
marv_does anyone know how to run two screens? i want to expand the desktop to the sevond screen08:15
PLafi have a problem installing ubuntu. my bios is too old to boot to cd's, i tried using SBM on a floppy but it keeps saying "SBMK BAD!", now i am at a loss08:15
BelutzHarold: are you going to install J2SE ?08:15
FloKSchonhose, i see :) btw how long does ubuntu exist?08:15
RiggzyJust finished downloading the Kubuntu DVD - just wanted to ask - how easy is it to install kubuntu on 60 gigs of unpartitioned space? is tehre a graphical partition wizard like in FC installtions?08:15
stempienhey could anyone help me? after typing login and password (in X prompt) and pushing enter i get brown screen and nothing more08:15
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stempiengnome does not start08:15
HaroldBelutz: Don't know.  Why should I?08:16
stempienthough there is gnome-session process08:16
SchonhoseFloK, ubuntu in general or the hoary release?08:16
tritiumkbrooks, my bad ;)08:16
tomchukRiggzy,  curses installer, but more logical than redhat08:16
IFRFLYRHi got a firestarter problem: when it's on, I can't get to google -- apparently google sends packets back at me? Anyone hear of this problem before?08:16
BelutzHarold: ow i thought you want to install java, sorry08:16
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FloKubuntu in general Schonhose08:16
RiddellRiggzy: did you download it from bittorrent?08:16
__DeMican you ping any host?08:16
SchonhoseFloK, first release was in october 2004 (hence the version number 4.10)08:16
RiggzyRiddell - yep08:16
Belutztritium: are the one who going to install java?08:17
IFRFLYR_DeMi, yes?08:17
RiddellRiggzy: i386?08:17
HaroldBelutz: Don't be sorry; I'm just wondering why I would need to.  If I'm a developer or something?08:17
__DeMican you ping google?08:17
tritiumBelutz, no, but thanks :)08:17
RiggzyRiddell - yep, this is *K*ubuntu now lol08:17
__DeMican you load any other page?08:17
FloKif i do sudo -s in console and enter my user pw i dont have root perms08:17
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SchonhoseFloK, second release april this year (5.04) and the upcomming will be 5.1008:17
IFRFLYR_DeMi, yes!08:17
__DeMibut you cant load google08:17
RiddellRiggzy: thanks (someone was complaining the powerpc torrent was not seeded, good to know the i386 one is)08:17
IFRFLYRI can if firestarter is off08:18
RiddellRiggzy: there's no graphical partitioning but it's fairly straight-forward08:18
BelutzHarold, tritium : because i'm going to install it... and still don't know how, just read the wiki and trying to install it08:18
IFRFLYRI can ping whether it's off or on08:18
__DeMithats weard because google is, afaik, a normal webpage08:18
Haroldnalioth_wrkn: Are you available by any chabnce?08:18
IFRFLYRMe too.08:18
RiggzyRiddell - it took me a good 20 hours but the speed was pretty constant (around 50kb/s)08:18
ptlohmm...out of pure curiosity, where did the version numbers for warty, hoary and breezy come from?08:18
PLafdoes anyone have thoughts on my problem?08:18
doonzLinux 2.6.10-5-386 i686 Thats what my system script just said im using08:18
HaroldAnyone know how to get SSL into dillo or links?08:18
tritiumBelutz, if you need help, just ask.  The preferred method is using java-package, but we realize that other methods may be easier for you.08:18
Schonhoseptlo, I just told that ;)08:18
doonzCandover -386?  At least install the -k7 kernel package.08:18
jasoncohenanyone else having problems getting gnome-cups-manager to show remote printers?08:18
tomchukptlo,  year.month08:18
IFRFLYRI look at inbound problems on Firestarter and I see inbound from  Source:
doonzand thats what some guy said to use?08:18
IFRFLYRwhich is a google domain. . . . .08:18
=== Riggzy cracks open his box of blank DVDs and gets-a burning
__DeMiu~IFRFLYR, can you load an other google page, ie google.co.uk08:18
__DeMior something?08:18
Schonhoseptlo, year.month ;)08:18
Belutztritium: what's the other method?08:18
ptloSchonhose, oh! :) missed that line .) thanks! :)08:18
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Schonhoseptlo, np, it tends to get confusing sometimes ;)08:19
tritiumBelutz, those listed on the wiki, primarily08:19
robert_pectolIFRFLYR:   Can you get to any other Websites when Firestarter is active?08:19
h08817hey everyone08:19
ptlocool thing to do, btw :) with all the meaningless version # bloating going on in other distros....08:19
IFRFLYRrobert_pectol, yes, indeed I can. It seems limited to google!08:19
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__DeMiu~IFRFLYR, can you load an other google page, ie google.co.uk08:19
h08817i had a problem with the install08:19
IFRFLYR_DeMi, no!08:19
PLaf*taps his microphone* is this thing on08:19
IFRFLYRI agree08:19
tritiumjasoncohen, did you click on "Global Settings->Detect LAN Printers" ?08:19
Schonhoseh08817, what?08:19
h08817it installs08:20
IFRFLYRIt's ONLY google which causes this problem it seems.08:20
Belutztritium: so i still have to download 131mb... hehehe08:20
FloKok now it works (sudo)08:20
Schonhoseh08817, that's a problem?08:20
h08817but then the first boot it says it has to install the rest of the packages so i take out the cd when it tell me to and it rebots08:20
__DeMiu~IFRFLYR, i assume you can reach google with other pc's in your network?08:20
Schonhoseh08817, ok08:20
tritiumBelutz, for the .bin ?08:20
h08817but then the screen fills with the word GRUB08:20
__DeMiand with firestarter off?08:20
h08817and just sits there08:20
IFRFLYR_DeMi, yes  and yes08:20
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h08817Schonhose: any ideas?08:21
__DeMivery odd, did you check the firestarter config08:21
Belutztritium: maybe... it's from http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/install-linux.html08:21
__DeMiand see if there are any host specific settings?08:21
__DeMiyou can for instance run a sudo iptables -nL08:21
__DeMito check if there are google.com specific rules loaded08:21
Belutztritium: yup, it's the .bin file08:21
IFRFLYRI'll checkc. .  . .08:21
tritiumBelutz, yes, grab the .bin, and not the .rpm08:21
PLafh08817, the only thing i can think of is reinstalling and configuring grub08:21
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tritiumThen, follow the wiki instructions for java-package08:22
robert_pectolIFRFLYR:   Do a, "dig google.com" and get the IP addresses for it.  Then, do a, "iptables -t filter -L -nv | grep google.ip.address." for each address resolved.  If there is a rule that is blocking google, that will find it... hopefully!08:22
h08817how do i just install grub?08:22
IFRFLYRWell, sudo iptables -nL | grep google given me nada08:22
tritiumh08817, did it not install?08:22
HaroldAnyone know how to get ssl into a browser?08:22
PLafboot in rescue mode on the cd08:22
tritiumsudo grub-install08:22
ChurcH_of_FoamYok there are just too many webpages about gates >.< the internet needs to be reset08:22
IFRFLYRHmmmm robert_pectol....Thanks for that advice!08:22
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h08817tritium:  it installed it prompted me to take out cd and do the first boot08:22
h08817tritium: then the screen filled with GRUB08:23
jasoncohentritium, yes i did08:23
h08817tritium: and that is my problem it never went to linux08:23
jasoncohentritium, it just stopped detecting my LAN printer today but i think i know why08:23
tritiumh08817, ah, strange08:23
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tritiumjasoncohen, oh, okay08:23
robert_pectolIFRFLYR:   Good luck and let us know if you find anything08:23
h08817tritium: any ideas? i reinstalled it  but same error08:23
ubotuwell, nvidia is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto08:23
HaroldUsing the Terminal makes me feel smarter, LOL.08:23
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^DodGeR^u have another linux distro running h08817 , or just ubuntu ?08:23
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tritiumh08817, no, sorry.  That's unusual08:23
hybrid_gothHarold: heh08:23
jasoncohentritium, when firestarter is enabled, the LAN printer isn't shown. when it's disabled, it is shown08:24
h08817^DodGeR^:  nope nothing was on the hd08:24
^DodGeR^and is your ubuntu drive some lurgy filesystem or on some weird HDD h08817  ?08:24
tritiumjasoncohen, yeah, I didn't realize you had a firewall setup08:24
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IFRFLYR_DeMi and robert_pectol.... ran sudo iptables -t filter -L -nv | grep 216 (the start of all public google addresses) and got nothing. . . .08:24
jasoncohentritium, strangely, i don't see any blocked connections for the last day- and nothing on port 63108:24
h08817^DodGeR^:  the file system is fat1608:24
tritiumh08817, you may need to enable LBA in your BIOS08:24
frostyfedorahi all does anyone know how to integrate xsane on ubuntu (not under root :-)08:24
Belutztritium: ow the .bin file only 46.51mb08:24
jasoncohenCUPS only needs port 631 to broadcast, right?08:24
tritiumjasoncohen, I think you're on the right track08:24
h08817tritium: what does lba do exactly?08:24
jasoncohentritium, and the strangest part is that it works fine if i do it manually08:25
h08817tritium: and why would that make a difference?08:25
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^DodGeR^you should partition an ext2 /boot (say 256MB)  , and then whatever else u got as '/' ext3 h0881708:25
tritiumh08817, it's logical block addressing, and it is sometimes necessary08:25
h08817^DodGeR^: thats all i need is 256mb for linux?08:25
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^DodGeR^no 256MB for /boot, say 10GB for /08:25
abarbacciahey whats the package name for the engine amarok needs to use to play08:26
^DodGeR^and swap08:26
h08817^DodGeR^: its a small hd 450MB08:26
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^DodGeR^howmuch space u want to give ubuntu h08817  ? in total ?08:26
other|study^DodGeR^: 256mb for /boot? what for?08:26
h08817^DodGeR^: all of it08:26
robert_pectolIFRFLYR:   You might need to substitute grep for egrep and use a regexp instead.  Maybe its blocking a network range which google is located in...08:26
timback to work, cannot read in here right now ;)08:26
h08817^DodGeR^: i only did the server intall08:26
jasoncohentritium, and here's the weirdest part- i have a policy to allow ALL connections from the private IP Of the cups server08:26
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^DodGeR^450MB in total ?08:26
jadedstarHi all. whats the URI for the apps menu in Ubuntu?08:26
jasoncohentritium, so the firewall shouldn't matter08:26
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tritiumjasoncohen, yeah, very odd08:26
Belutztritium: so i just follow the steps on the wiki page right?08:27
jasoncohenmaybe there are issues with CUPS and firestarter08:27
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h08817^DodGeR^: so any ideas?08:27
^DodGeR^other|study,  for some kernels (and backups and some conf files if needed , if he has 80GB he can spare 256) right ? hehe08:27
tritiumBelutz, yep08:27
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Belutztritium: ok, thx :D08:27
^DodGeR^didnt think he had only 450MB in total08:27
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h08817i guess i'll have to turn on lba and see what happens08:27
tritiumh08817, I would try enabling LBA in your bios.  It may be that simple.08:27
^DodGeR^no clues about the server install h0881708:27
other|studyquite a few kernels and backups if you ask me..08:27
orangerangehelllo, i was working on a small document in gedit. and now it's stuck. all other programs are working. How can i give CPR to this program?08:27
frostyfedoradodger: can you please tell me a getaround for xsane (only starts under root) thnx08:27
Razor-Xfrostyfedora: a workaround for xsane?08:28
h08817tritium:  and then it might just install the rest of the packages by enabling lba?08:28
jasoncohentritium, it must be firestarter. as soon as i disable the firewall, it shows the lan printer08:28
^DodGeR^huhu ?08:28
frostyfedora razor: yep : it only starts under root :-(08:28
jasoncohentritium, i even added a new entry to allow all connections on port 631 TCP/UDP as well as the general acceptance of all incoming connections from (the printer server)08:28
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robert_pectolIFRFLYR:   pipe it through egrep '^first_two.octets' and see if it finds a rule...08:29
orangerangethe cursor in gedit is blinking when i select this program, but when i try to type, there's no output. Can anyone tell me how to give CPR to this program?08:29
jasoncohenshould i post a bug in bugzilla or directly with firestarter08:29
Razor-Xfrostyfedora: chmod and chown the directory under your username and give yourself privileges08:29
tritiumh08817, it should fix grub as far as bootloading.  See this for more info: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub-faq.html08:29
IFRFLYRrobert_pectol... Looking. . . .08:29
hoslerHelp. I cant get sound with zsnes for linux. I also have esound all configured to let other programs use the dsp device when its not using it. Anyone know whats wrong?08:29
frostyfedorarazor : cheers!!!08:29
h08817ok thanks08:29
Razor-Xfrostyfedora: heh08:29
tritiumjasoncohen, must be firestarter, which I've never used.  I'm not sure how to advise you on that.08:29
PLafhey guys, my computer is too old to boot to cd, i tried putting SBM on a floppy and all that did was display "SBMK BAD!", now im at a loss, can anyone help?08:30
tritiumWhat's up Razor-X?  How's the set theory coming?  :)08:30
Razor-XI don't really think many have the skill to break through my hardware firewall into my Linux box08:30
jasoncohentritium, it must be. each time i disable firestarter the printer shows up08:30
Belutzanyone can suggest a good front-end for database that support various database such as MySQL, MS SQL Server and Oracle?08:30
Razor-Xbut, if you do, then ... errr... i'm insignificant ;)08:30
Razor-Xtritium: am reading Spivak's book on Calculus08:30
Razor-Xstill, it assumes a comfortability with trig functions that I don't have quite yet08:31
robert_pectolIFRFLYR:   Incidentally, I've written a firewall script for Ubuntu... Care to give it a try?08:31
orangerangewhat does "renice" (in top) mean?08:31
Razor-Xrobert_pectol: you're an iptables master? ;)08:31
tritiumRazor-X, cool08:31
Razor-Xtritium: i've also learned LaTeX08:31
robert_pectolnot really!!!08:31
nebularhow do I go about changing the default priority level for apt or synaptic?08:31
tritiumRazor-X, ah, brilliant!08:31
^DodGeR^robert_pectol, what the url to it ? ill try it next time ive botoed ubuntu08:32
ptloorangerange: change/changed cpu priority (lower is better, -20 is the best)08:32
Razor-Xrobert_pectol: regardless, if you did it with iptables, that takes definite skill08:32
Razor-XI'm stuck with IE on this box... it's so stupid08:32
Razor-Xah well, an SSH session helps a lot08:32
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Razor-Xand the fact that I can switch the keyboard to Dvorak if need be08:32
hybrid_gothRazor-X: portable firefox?08:32
orangerangeptlo, gedit is already running. can i change priority still?the cpu is low right now, so i don't understand why gedit is in a seemingly frozen state. all other programs are working fine.08:32
teferitritium: get my thing working on your end?08:33
Razor-Xhybrid_goth: oh yeah... I have a copy of that on this server08:33
tritiumnebular, try "man apt_preferences"08:33
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Razor-Xbut it's old... :( unfortunately08:33
Di42lohow can i take pkg with all the dependies and make one file so i can install on another ubuntu machine ?08:33
tritiumteferi, no, sorry.  Not yet.08:33
hybrid_gothRazor-X: its still Firefox08:33
teferiokay, sorry if i'm nagging08:33
Razor-Xhybrid_goth: yeah, I guess so08:33
IFRFLYRrobert_pectol - possibly...What's it based on?08:33
robert_pectolIFRFLYR:   Here's the script:   http://rob.pectol.com/ubuntu-firewall.txt   Let me know what you think.  I'd like suggestions...08:33
tritiumteferi, I keep staying longer than I should.  I need to get back to my real work.08:33
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hybrid_gothWHAT! tritium  you have a life outside irc? OMG! :-P08:34
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ptloorangerange, it's just cpu priority. gedit is probably waiting for some I/O operation to finish (where "I/O" could be anything from reading a config file to accessing X server or sound daemon)08:34
robert_pectolOh, and you can replace the .txt at the end with .sh for easier downloading...08:34
tritiumhybrid_goth, :)08:34
Belutzanyone playing around with database?08:34
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IFRFLYRWill look -  thanks!08:34
orangerangeptlo, but the only document i'm working on in gedit is my journal/diary. I've been waiting for 10 minutes now.08:34
ptloorangerange: so giving it more CPU priority won't do the trick. anyways, you can do that even on an already running process with 'renice' command (there's probably a gui equivalent in ubuntu also, but i didn't use renice for a long time so i wouldn't know about that)08:35
Will_What do I look at?08:35
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhats the "tmp" directory used for?08:35
ptloorangerange, did you start gedit from the terminal/shell, i.e. manually?08:35
tonyohey, does anyone run ubuntu on a toshiba laptop?08:35
sJaMtemp files ChurcH_of_FoamY08:35
orangerangeptlo, i started it from gui-->menu-->accessories or something like that.08:35
sJaMjust as the C:\Windows\Temp08:35
ChurcH_of_FoamYare they safe to remove?08:35
hybrid_gothChurcH_of_FoamY: well take your fav album from bittorrent store it there and you will be pissed08:35
sJaMin windows08:35
sJaMwhy would you08:35
sJaMwill be automatically done08:35
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sJaMthey are actually not on your hd08:36
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sJaMbut on your ramdisk if I have it right08:36
robert_pectolIFRFLYR:   It uses iptables... pretty easy to configure... should work fine but still in "beta" though :-)08:36
hybrid_gothChurcH_of_FoamY: figured that out the hard way08:36
jasoncohenwell, firestarter has to be the problem08:36
jasoncoheni restarted with firestarter disabled and the LAN printer was detected. i'll post a comment on the firestarter forum and make a bug report on ubuntu's bugzilla08:36
ChurcH_of_FoamYouch thats where bit looks for files?08:36
hybrid_gothChurcH_of_FoamY: no thats where i saved my cradle of filth album and couldnt find it the next day08:37
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orangerangeanyone. how can i resuscitate gedit?08:37
sJaMhehe hybrid_goth08:37
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sJaMthat isn't very clever08:37
hybrid_gothsJaM: I know.08:37
Razor-Xorangerange: ressurect?08:37
^DodGeR^robert_pectol, looks pretty decent from quick read :) can i ask u a q though , im looking for 1-3 commands to enable internet-sharing , ie route from 192.168.1.X via me out on an interface - so wifey can surf08:37
Razor-Xa question for you graphical text editor users -- stuck on a box without said text editor, what would you do?08:38
ptloorangerange, hmm......you could in theory run strace (process tracing) on it and see where it's stuck, but if you're unfammiliar with unix programming that won't do much help. i suggest you close it and start it again (if the problem persists, run it from the terminal, it might give some error output there)08:38
tritiumorangerange, is it locked up?  Can you just kill it and restart it?08:38
^DodGeR^i dont want to ahve to runa  big script/firewall for that , just two or soe iptables commands to route her out through me08:38
Razor-Xand no ability to forward an X session08:38
orangerangeRazor-X, it's not totally dead yet. It's on my panel. the cursor is blnking, but i can't make it work. i can't even do a force quit from the panel (right-click icon, select "close")08:38
hybrid_gothhow do i forward a port08:38
sJaMjust learn iptables ^DodGeR^08:38
sJaMit isn't that difficult08:38
orangerangetritium, i can kill it, but i might lose some stuff i've typed08:39
robert_pectol^DodGeR^:   Pretty easy indeed!08:39
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sJaMthe basic stuff isn't difficult08:39
Razor-Xorangerange: open up a terminal and type in "xkill" and hit enter08:39
^DodGeR^yeah but itll take me a while , i want 3 commands that i can memorize08:39
tritiumorangerange, do you have multiple windows open?  Is there an open dialog box that's hidden?08:39
Razor-Xorangerange: you can't do anything about it, your stuff is probably lost08:39
sJaMyou need to configure a router08:40
sJaMor a firewall08:40
orangerangetritium, i don't see any dialog box. I hit escape from the main gedit window to make sure.08:40
Pro_NewbieCan someone tell me which is the cyrilic layout ? I mean whicho the many ISO-**** and CP-****08:40
Razor-X'cept gedit probably comes with an auto-backup thing08:40
^DodGeR^i want to ./wifey-surf and ./wifey-nosurf08:40
tritiumorangerange, just checking08:40
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^DodGeR^and as i said commands i can memorize hehe08:40
Razor-Xso, maybe you have it backed up now08:40
XRayNuke^DodGeR^: just write a script and memorize the name of the scriprt08:41
Razor-Xanyways, it's time I leave08:41
Razor-Xsince I do have class and such08:41
Razor-Xsee yah all08:41
sJaMif you block all trafic input and ouptut except localhost08:41
sJaMyou have wifi off08:41
orangerangeRazor-X, i did an xill, but it reappeared and is still irresponsive.08:41
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhat is an Emacs?08:41
^DodGeR^the writing opf the script is the pain .. i got 6 OS dualbooting here and move around diff pc's ..08:41
^DodGeR^cant always copy it , and cant always rewrite it08:41
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ubotuChurcH_of_FoamY: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?08:42
robert_pectol^DodGeR^:   I'll whip a little NAT script together for you if you like...  let me know08:42
tritiumChurcH_of_FoamY, it's an editor/kitchen sink that people seem to either love or hate08:42
ChurcH_of_FoamYoh ok08:42
^DodGeR^robert just two commands , if u know them off your ehad anyways .. else ill look into it myself08:42
^DodGeR^i dotn want to have to install firewalls (56k modem here)08:42
sJaMjust like vim ChurcH_of_FoamY08:43
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sJaMthere is the Church of Emacs08:43
robert_pectol^DodGeR^:   ok... here goes (there are 3 - I think)08:43
robert_pectol^DodGeR^:   $IPT -t nat -A POSTROUTING --out-interface $EXTIF -j SNAT --to-source $EXTIP08:43
robert_pectol^DodGeR^:   $IPT -A FORWARD -o $EXTIF -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT08:43
robert_pectol^DodGeR^:   $IPT -A FORWARD -o $INTIF -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT08:44
^DodGeR^less the better :) lemme boot her box into ubuntu ,and try (on luanr-linux myself currently)08:44
robert_pectol^DodGeR^:   obviously you'll need to make the variables something useful :-)08:44
^DodGeR^thanx robert_pectol , will check in a few secs when box is up08:44
^DodGeR^currently extif is pp008:44
=== ^DodGeR^ kix his modem
^DodGeR^i need to move to the first world , africa is nowhere08:45
zAo^does anyone have a Clearlooks Firefox theme?08:45
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robert_pectol^DodGeR^:   One other thing about packet forwarding in Linux... you need to enable it with, "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" or something equiv.  That has bitten me once or twice in the past!  Good luck!08:49
^DodGeR^yeah got that set to 108:49
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^DodGeR^checking now ..08:49
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HaroldAnyone: Suggest large packages I can remove?08:50
stonithwhy harold?08:50
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Haroldstonith: To clear HD space08:51
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evo|utionis dere a way to install ubuntu from windows08:51
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Haroldstonith: Thank you.  Any others?08:51
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bojanhi folks! is there someone who has eclipse installed?08:51
stonithHarold no that wasn't for you, vmware not for you.08:51
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Haroldstonith: Oh, okay08:52
stonithHarold: how much HD space do you need to clear?08:52
zAo^Harold, sudo apt-get clean08:52
HaroldzAo^: Thanks08:52
Haroldstonith: I'd say around 200MB or so would make me comfortaBLE08:52
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stonithdo what zao said08:53
zAo^df -h08:53
jasoncoheni'm seeing the same issue in firestarter 1.0.1 and firestarter 1.0.3 from backports08:53
robotgeekdf -kh08:53
HaroldzAo^: Appears to have returned a few MB.08:53
PLafwait a tic, vmware installs ubuntu while youre under windows? thats exactly what i need08:53
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zAo^Harold, what give df -h ~ ?08:54
HaroldJust a little bit more space than before.08:54
PLafstonith do you have a link for vmware?08:55
disposable_mikebojan: i do08:55
zAo^no temp directories in ~?08:55
stonithPLaf: you have to pay for that program.08:55
HaroldI'm currently using 86% of my HD space; I have 242M available out of 1.8G.08:55
zAo^PLaf, www.vmware.com08:55
=== jurgonh [~jurgonh@75-117.powerdsl.t3.se] has joined #ubuntu
PLafcrap, i cant afford anything more than $008:55
zAo^Harold, used Bittorent?08:55
HaroldzAo^: Not on this system.08:55
robotgeekzAo^: please don't suggest anything illegal in #ubuntu08:56
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zAo^robotgeek, sorry? read m8, read08:56
HaroldzAo^: The space used is after an install of Ubuntu, plus a few small packages.08:56
tritiumHarold, does "apt-get clean" clear up any space for you?08:56
robotgeekzAo^: no probs08:56
PLafalright im in a bit of a sticky wiki, SBM failed me, someone told me grub cant boot to cd's, i desperately need to boot to cd's to install ubuntu08:56
=== Apina [~apina@dsl-aur-wf6.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Haroldtritium: Just a little, but not enough.  I've run it recenlty, so it's not doing much.08:56
zAo^Harold, I guess you cant then. Sorry08:56
=== JzE [jze@a84-231-49-203.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
HaroldzAo^: I'm just looking for packages to remove.08:57
zAo^Harold, remove openoffice.org ?08:57
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PLafharold: maybe this isnt up your alley, but why not do a minimalistic approach, server install and then load gui packadges, thats what im going to do... once i can boot to bloody cd08:57
HaroldzAo^: That's a good example, and I may remove that again.  (I had removed OpenOffice before, but ended up reinstalling it.  I'm currently seeking other packages I can remove.)08:58
HaroldPLaf: I couldn't do that; had trouble installing Ubuntu on my PowerPC using that method.08:58
robotgeekHarold: if you want to get a bit adventerous, you can get rid of gnome :)08:58
Haroldrobotgeek: Already removed gnome08:59
zAo^Harold, Gimp then?08:59
=== slomorbo [slomorbo@ip041.215-51-69.sogetel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Haroldrobotgeek: Thanks for the suggestion, though.08:59
HaroldzAo^: Removed Gimp.08:59
HaroldAll good suggestions, and I'm looking for more.08:59
zAo^Harold, remove Gnome, install XFCE408:59
=== lsuactiafner [~noirrac@tpc-ip-nas-1-p205.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
robotgeekHarold: get openbox!08:59
zAo^srry ^^09:00
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HaroldzAo^: LOL, already done that.09:00
=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nebularok, when I was using debian, when things were being setup it asked what level of configuration input did I want to use, high, medium or low, high meaning use the default as much as possible and low meaning ask for everything. how do I change that setting in kubuntu?09:00
zAo^Harold, why didnt you do a server-install?09:00
Haroldrobotgeek: Is openbox a display manager?  I'09:00
bojandisposable_mike: i have installed JDK and JRE, but it still says: A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK)09:01
bojanmust be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine09:01
bojanwas found after searching the following locations:09:01
bojan'java' in your current PATH09:01
robotgeekHarold: yup, similiar to fluxbox, but i think it's better09:01
HaroldzAo^: Couldn't do it; had trouble installing from  BootX.09:01
jasoncohennebular, dpkg-reconfigure debconf09:01
nebularjasoncohen, thanks much09:01
Haroldrobotgeek: I'm currently using wdm with xfce4; would openbox be smaller?09:01
robotgeekHarold: i don't think it's gonna make that much of a difference09:02
sJaMjust try out Harold09:02
zAo^Harold, apt-get install ubuntu-minimal,09:02
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sJaMicewm is a slim one09:02
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uboturobotgeek: No idea09:02
HaroldzAo^: I kind of like the setup I've got right now; it took me weeks to get here, so I'm just looking for packages to remove.09:02
=== niran [~niran@cpe-67-10-213-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jasoncohennebular, many ubuntu packages have preset defaults which are uesd so you wont' be asked anything09:03
HaroldI just anticipate needing more HD space.09:03
jasoncohennebular, if you want to reconfigure a package do dpkg-reconfigure packagename09:03
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jafn_hi all09:03
Outriderhi folk09:03
=== bur[n] er [~norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
HaroldAnyone: How do I check the size of installed packages?09:04
robotgeekzAo^: ubuntu-minimal / ubuntu-base?09:04
nebularjasoncohen, I know, I just wanted to have the option to change it09:04
jafn_are you ubuntu geeks?09:04
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jafn_cause i need help09:04
zAo^robotgeek, saw that in my repo :)09:04
zAo^jafn_, shoot :)09:04
robotgeekzAo^: it doesn't show here :)09:04
stonithHarold: 'du' can help you get a grasp of how large a directory in your filesystem.  'man du'09:04
jasoncohennebular, you can just use dpkg-reconfigure or use synaptic and choose package > reconfigure09:04
Haroldstonith: Thank you.09:04
dnakatawhat's the funnest way to debug a postinst script09:04
jasoncohenubuntu added a graphical configuration tool09:04
HenkPoleysynaptic ?09:05
jafn_i need my ubuntu box to listen a wins server how can i do that?09:05
dnakatain my case, xlibs09:05
zAo^ This package depends on all of the packages in the Ubuntu minimal system,09:05
zAo^ that is a minimally functional system that can boot and install more09:05
zAo^ packages.09:05
zAo^srry all09:05
dnakatai've cranked dpkg debug up to 1000/2000 and it spews loads of useless trash, and upon postinst states nothing09:05
jafn_i need my ubuntu box to listen a wins server how can i do that?09:05
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jafn_i need my ubuntu box to listen a netbios server how can i do that?09:06
alchemist0405what's the name of the window manager that looks just like windows, with the blue bubbley interface? (not icewm)09:06
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Harold  Anyone: When removing packages,  how do you stop them from removing needed dependencies?09:06
HenkPoleyalchemist0405: XPDE?09:07
alchemist0405not quite the one i was looking for, but i like it better anyway09:07
alchemist0405AH, HA!  that's the one09:07
HenkPoleyI never got that one working, but that's been over a year ago09:07
alchemist0405HenkPoley, i couldn't remember the name of it09:07
disposable_mikebojan: do a "which java" and "which javac" to find your current JDK/JRE09:07
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jurgonhi am a n00b to linux.. a cant install totem-xine it sais its in conflict with totem gstreamer?09:08
=== pete051 [~pete051@user-5523.l2.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kevinwow, it is hot out there again!09:08
disposable_mikebojan: if they point to the wrong directories, then you must change your JAVA_HOME and PATH variables in either /etc/profile or ~/.bashrc09:08
alchemist0405HenkPoley, i'm not really a fan of the bubbles, but i have an admin who would appreciate it09:08
nebularjasoncohen, I know, but when I"m dealing with a large number of packages that I _know_ I"ll be needing something other than the defaults, then I"d like to do that enmase09:08
Waffer-lo, everytime I try to upgrade ubuntu or installing for example xorg-driver-fglrx I get an error. "Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/openoffice.org-mimelnk_1.1.3-8ubuntu2_all.deb". Whats up with that? (im a ubuntu/linux newbie)?09:08
=== Cain [~dercain@erf9-d9bbe889.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
^DodGeR^robert_pectol, its working :)09:08
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zAo^jurgonh, does apt want to remove it??09:09
robert_pectol^DodGeR^:   Cool!09:09
=== ChurcH_of_FoamY is completely lost about dosbox
kevinhey wftl09:09
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wftlHi Kevin.09:09
zAo^Waffer-, try apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade09:09
alchemist0405xpde isn't in ubuntu and i don't want to bother installing otherwise, i'll give fvwm95 a shot09:09
evo|utionsorry was dc at tht time, is dere any way to install ubuntu off windows09:09
kevinHow are you?09:10
wftlDoing fine.  Just doing a little information gathering.09:10
Caindoes anyone have a faster link for ubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso ? i have only 15kb/s down at mine09:10
HaroldAnyone: Does irssi in the terminal use less RAM than X-Chat in the xfce4 GUI?09:10
uboturobotgeek: Wish i knew09:10
robotgeekChurcH_of_FoamY: what is dosbox?09:11
Waffer-zAo^: same error when trying sudo apt-get upgrade09:11
emXrobotgeek: try !info dosbox09:11
HenkPoleyalchemist0405: XPDE has binary releases, you can install in entierly in /opt09:11
robotgeek!info dosbox09:11
ubotudosbox: (A x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA graphics, sound and DOS), section universe/otherosfs, is optional. Version: 0.63-2 (hoary), Packaged size: 368 kB, Installed size: 1000 kB09:11
zAo^Waffer-, sudo apt-get -f install09:11
wftlCan anyone on the channel tell me who the press contact would be in the Ubuntu foundation?09:11
ChurcH_of_FoamYrobotgeek it's dos for linux...it allows you to play old dos games09:11
Waffer-zAo^: i've tried that too09:11
robotgeekChurcH_of_FoamY: cool09:11
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ChurcH_of_FoamYyea but i don't know how to run it >.<09:12
alchemist0405HenkPoley, hmmm, if fvwm95 doesn't "wow" him i'll do a binary isntall09:12
HaroldHey there, ChurcH09:12
zAo^Waffer-, rm /var/cache/apt/archives/openoffice.org-mimelnk_1.1.3-8ubuntu2_all.deb09:12
PLafalright, im going to loose my mind, i just tried a windows boot disk and even that doesnt boot09:12
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ChurcH_of_FoamYhi Harold09:13
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhats up?"09:13
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zAo^PLaf, did follow your prob, can you give a summary ?09:13
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PLafzAo^: have a computer, bios gives option to boot to cd's but it mysteriously fails at it, tried putting SBM on a floppy, result: "SBMK BAD!", tried a win98 boot disk, result: "_" flashing, trying to install ubuntu with a cd09:14
zAo^sorry Waffer- donno then09:14
=== benplaut [~benplaut@cpe-66-8-184-56.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ChurcH_of_FoamYthere has GOT to be a better app out there than dosbox >.< i know dos and this isen't it09:14
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=== ChurcH_of_FoamY has 386 with dos 6.22 on it
zAo^PLaf, tried ubuntu liveCD?09:14
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missmarplegood evening09:15
Thewarmachineim having a problem with my soundcard09:15
Waffer-zAo^: tried all those things :P well, thanks anyway09:15
PLafzAo^: yes, result: "insert boot disk" or something like that09:15
Thewarmachineim not getting any sound09:15
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zAo^PLaf, you CD drive is 1st in bootorder?09:15
benplautgood morning everyone! :)09:15
PLafzAo^: yes09:15
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evo|ution007is dere any way to install ubuntu in windows xp09:16
kevinsame here warmachine but I preffer it that way lol09:16
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zAo^PLaf, waht can you boot? :)09:16
evo|ution007through windows xo09:16
PLafzAo^: harddrive with win95 installed on it... you can see why i want ubuntu09:16
evo|ution007or even mount it without burning a CD09:16
to|mhow I get my handy photos to linux?09:16
zAo^PLaf, old PC? Try to change the HDD settings from AUTO09:16
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hussamis anybody able to connect to msn service? I've tried every IM in the world including gaim and I can't connect. It was working earlier.09:17
Thewarmachinecan anyone please help me?!09:17
to|mhow I get my mobile phone photos to linux?09:17
Zerboxxhussam: I'm connected with msn itself09:17
PLafzAo^: this bios is one of the worst ive seen, it doesnt allow you to specify settings manually or even view them, its hard-coded to AUTO09:17
kevinhussam: one sec I will look09:17
PLafhussam: im on msn09:17
zAo^PLaf, USB-boot?09:17
Cain<hussam> i am connected09:18
zAo^so am I :)09:18
PLafzAo^: the comp doesnt have any usb ports, and i dont have any usb media anyways09:18
kevinhussam: yes just connected09:18
zAo^PLaf, Im out of ideas :$09:18
PLafzAo^: if i install grub while in windows, can it give me the option to boot to cd's?09:18
robotgeekPLaf: boot floppies?09:19
PLafrobotgeek: ive tried SBM and win98 boot floppies, both have failed09:19
Caindoes anyone have a faster download mirror for ubuntu 5.04 than 15-20 kb/s ??????09:19
zAo^PLaf, I think so. There is something called linwin I think..09:19
PLaf!info linwin09:19
ThewarmachineOMG!! please help me out09:19
benplautCain: try a torrent?09:19
=== mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-5-63.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
teferiwin4lin is the fancy windows emulation environment that costs money09:19
Caingive me al link plz .-/09:20
benplautThewarmachine: what brand?09:20
Thewarmachinehow do I figure t out?09:20
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robotgeekPLaf: okay...09:20
PLafits really a pain, all my other motherboards died so i cant hook the harddrive to a normal system, so im stuck with this09:20
hussamIt's probably my internet conenction, but I'm able to use IRC, weird.09:21
benplautThewarmachine: is it a seperate PCI card or connected to the motherboard?09:21
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Thewarmachinei think its on the motherboard09:21
robotgeekPLaf: prop the hard drive out, go to your friends place..put ubuntu on it, bring it back!09:21
benplautdo you know what kind of motherboard you have?09:21
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PLafrobotgeek: lol... i dont have any friends that would do that for me09:21
Thewarmachineits all intel stuff09:21
PLafstupid IBM proprietary crap09:22
=== flipy [~flipy@62-15-245-77.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu
benplautdoes it work with any LiveCDs, IE Knoppix?09:22
HaroldAnyone: How do I check to see how much RAM is currently being used by the active applications?09:22
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flipyis there any way to remove a package without all the ncurses stuff? (drupal keeps me asking for a root user and pass to be unistalled)09:22
zAo^Harold, free -m09:22
robotgeekPLaf: okay...no i am outta ideas09:22
HaroldzAo^: Thanks, you're a big help09:22
PLafrobotgeek: thats ok, i'll just have to get creative now09:23
HaroldzAo^: Now I can compare the various browsers I'm using.09:23
benplautwell, i can't personally help you (i have no experience with this sort of thing), but there's enough info floating around now that someone probably can...09:23
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benplauttry asking at www.ubuntuforums.com09:23
zAo^lo eduardo09:23
Thewarmachineforums suck09:23
benplautnot this one :)09:23
=== Harp00 [1000@adsl-ull-134-110.42-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
Thewarmachinei know crimsun helped a friend of mine with the same problem09:24
=== freeradicals [~safsd@dsl-80-43-99-164.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Thewarmachinethis is irc09:24
freeradicalshello people09:24
benplautthere are currently 679 active users on the forum09:24
eduardono, speking english09:24
Thewarmachinethey never help09:24
benplautfor IRC, you have to be there when it hapens09:24
eduardoalguien de habla latina09:24
=== SogniX [~SogniX@24-55-5-214.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
benplautthe question goes to many more people on a forum09:24
dataw0lfflipy: use -y with apt-get09:24
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dataw0lf(this is the non-interactive switch, it will assume 'yes' for any and all prompts)09:25
Thewarmachineeduardo: #ubuntu-es09:25
robotgeekbenplaut: also stays there for longer, indexed by google etc09:25
freeradicalswhats so special about ubuntu09:25
dataw0lfbenplaut: the forums? pssh, they're so boring!09:25
eduardoam sorry09:25
=== Harp00 [1000@adsl-ull-134-110.42-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu ["Ciao]
Thewarmachinedatawolf could you help09:25
eduardono entender conversation09:25
dataw0lfThewarmachine: what's up?09:25
Thewarmachinemy soundcard09:25
dataw0lfoh? not workin?09:26
benplautno sound from on-mobo intel sound09:26
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evo|utionis dere any way to mount ubuntu images without burning them on a CD or a DVD09:26
dataw0lfwhat you getting in dmesg?09:26
zAo^evo|ution, you can mount them, but you cant install from the mount09:26
robotgeekevo|ution: on a mac, yes...09:26
freeradicalsevolution, can you speak english please09:27
evo|utioncan i have the link to the resource09:27
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
evo|utionim speaking in english09:27
zAo^evo|ution, mount -t iso9660 /dev/XXX /target -o loop09:27
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evo|utionoh okkkkkkk09:27
=== piohiiri [~piohiiri@82-203-143-32.dsl.gohome.fi] has joined #ubuntu
zAo^evo|ution,  XXX is the deveice09:27
Grid_blockhey everyone how do i install a BZ2 file ??09:28
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piohiiriis there a version of Kazaa or simial for linux?09:28
decafGrid_block: extract it09:28
flipyhow can I reconfigure mysql? (what is the name of the package?)09:28
dataw0lfGrid_block: bunzip2 to extract09:28
zAo^sorry; the image :$09:28
[2] BoxingFiend!mysql09:28
ubotu[2] BoxingFiend: I give up, what is it?09:28
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robotgeek!info mysql09:28
flipy!info myql09:28
flipy!info mysql09:28
Thewarmachinedatawolf http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/66309:29
zAo^$ apt-cache search ^mysql09:29
flipythanks zAo^09:29
benplautwhat is this !info business?09:29
m0rphxis someone using breezy here? do you also have a black and white mouse cursor?09:29
robotgeekalrite ppl, later!09:29
dataw0lfum, uh, I guess I can be the bot here, MySQL is a semi-relational database that < Postgres09:29
=== robotgeek [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
monteiroi cant install or remove any packages in synaptic, because it says always the error: failed in buffer_read(fd): files list for package `ubuntu-artwork': Input/output error :: anyone knows how to solve this?09:29
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zAo^monteiro, I got that msg 2, but I can install/remove pkgs09:30
m0rphxmonteiro: is apt-get working?09:30
zAo^try `sudo apt-get -f install`09:30
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monteiro m0rphx: i can't install or remove the packages, it says that error and interrups the installing and says that has ocorred lots of errors09:31
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monteirozAo^ : you know how to fix ?09:31
m0rphxmonteiro: try what zAo^ said, or do apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-artwork09:31
zAo^^^ :)09:32
Thewarmachinedatawolf any ideas09:32
zAo^m0rphx, Breezy here09:32
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monteirom0rphx : ok, i'll try, tks :)09:32
m0rphxzAo^: do you also have the standart mouse cursor?09:32
monteirozAo^ : is it stable?09:32
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zAo^m0rphx, yes. That Debian-mouse-thingie :)09:33
upollI would like flash player for ppc, is it possible09:33
monteirom0rphx : it says the same error :(((09:33
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m0rphxmonteiro: keep away from it ^^ X.org will be broken for a while, and it will soon become stable09:33
zAo^monteiro, well; the latest isnt, just dont go past X 6.8.2-36 (see topic)09:33
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monteirookeys :)09:34
monteirom0rphx zAo^ : you think i should upgrade to breezy to fix this problem ?09:34
zAo^but Gnome 2.11.5 is stable09:34
Thewarmachineanyone know anything pertaining to sound?09:34
zAo^monteiro, no; not now09:34
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monteirozAo^ : i can't install or remove packages, its terrible :(09:35
zAo^monteiro, not with apt????09:35
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monteirozAo^ : nop09:36
zAo^what does `sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade` say?09:36
monteirozAo^ : its something to do with package tcpd09:36
zAo^show me/us09:36
AlexMBasdoes anyone uses vmware 4.x with ubuntu here?09:36
zAo^plz donnot flood09:36
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zAo^AlexMBas, ubuntu host? I did. Worked fine09:37
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AlexMBasI use it here, but I allways have to run vmware-config.pl as root09:37
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monteirozAo^ : it says the normal, no errors, it says i've the latest system installed09:37
AlexMBasit seems like the modules do not persist after a reboot09:38
zAo^monteiro, sudo apt-get install <pick_a_pkg>09:38
Thewarmachinewhy is it that im being ignored everytime I mention sound??????09:38
AlexMBaszAo^:  did you have this problem?09:38
dataw0lfThewarmachine: I spoke to you earlier and you didn't respond.09:38
zAo^sorry Thewarmachine09:38
zAo^I dont know09:38
dataw0lfThewarmachine: 'Check dmesg'09:38
zAo^show some errors09:38
dataw0lftype dmesg at a prompt09:38
dataw0lfand give us any relevant to sound09:38
Thewarmachinei sent you a link to the pastebin09:38
PLafhey robotgeek are you still here?09:38
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dataw0lfThewarmachine: I never got a link to the pastebin.09:38
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zAo^AlexMBas, I had that too. On the ubuntuforums.org is a tread09:39
glickhey how do i install nvidia drivers in ubuntu? is there a special way or just go to the nvidia site and download and instlal them?09:39
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[2] BoxingFiend!restricted09:39
ubotusomebody said restricted was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats09:39
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ubuntuthis is cool :)09:40
AlexMBaszAo^: thanks, I will look for it ...09:40
monteiroglick : sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx && modprobe nvidia && echo nvidia >> /etc/modules && change in xorg.conf driver = "nv" to driver = "nvidia"09:40
dataw0lfThewarmachine: what's the output of lsof /dev/dsp* ?09:40
AlexMBaszAo^: I thought I had done something worg ... heheheh09:40
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AlexMBaswrong I mean09:40
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zAo^no, thats the default :S09:40
m0rphxglick: Install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-686  and nvidia-glx09:40
Grid_blockhmm i extracted gbtcr-1.0-cvs.tar.bz2 but all i get is a folder with the files in it.. how do i start the program?09:41
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m0rphxif you have a P3 etc, else install the pkg for another architecture09:41
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glickk thanks09:41
glickill have to do it another time, time for class eiy! damn time always creepin up on you!09:41
Thewarmachinedatawolf i sentyou a pm09:41
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Mephist0_i have a question.. i use ubuntu live cd now and it looks promising.. Before i have had a FreeBSD box and a Windows XP "surf computer" and in addition to that a game computer.. Im thinking of combining the surf computer and my server. How is Ubuntu to run as a web-server ? (Apache2, PHP5) ..09:42
tritiumglick, for when you return: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto09:43
jk24hi, is there a place where i can found X <= (please don't laugth) ?09:43
flipy!info mysql09:44
Grid_blockhow do i install gbtcr-1.0-cvs.tar.bz2 ???09:44
sJaMtar xfj gbtcr-1.0-cvs.tar.bz209:44
sJaMlook for a new directory09:44
sJaMfind the README09:45
flipyhow can I reconfigure mysql? (what is the name of the package?)09:45
m0rphxMephist0_: it works for me ^^ I think it's nearly better than Debian09:45
tritiumjk24, are you running breezy?09:45
sJaMmysql-server flipy09:45
jk24tritium just upgraded09:45
sJaMdpkg-reconfigure mysql-server09:45
tritiumand your X is broken now?09:45
jk24tritium, yes, as it's warned on the topic :)09:46
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:tritium] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Have a question? Just ask! | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | X still broken in Breezy - DO NOT USE BREEZY YET | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com | Ubuntu #1 on all distrowatch boards! | Don't upgrade X past 6.8.2-36! | New User Network: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserNetwork
flipysJaM: i dont have that installed09:46
sJaMsudo apt-get install mysql-server09:46
sJaMsudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server09:46
sJaMshould be done with sudo09:46
jk24tritium how can i pin apt to install X 'up-to' -36 ?09:46
Mephist0_m0rphx: ok.. nice :) I run a gallery on my web server hosting 10000+ images.. But i dont want to have a whole server park up and running just because of a web server with 8gb pictures on it :) .. on my workstation i mainly do sum ICQ and MSN (gaim) and Bittorrent... so that's not much.. :)09:46
flipysJaM: but i do have mysql* binaries09:46
jasoncohenbtw, if anyone wants to know how to automate security updates with cron-apt & to receive email notifications, i wrote instructions here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=260769#post26076909:47
sJaMhow did you installed ?09:47
flipysJaM: sudo apt-get install drupal09:47
sJaMI drupal ?09:47
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jasoncoheni include instructions on how to use a custom sources.list file that just upgrades security updates so this will work even if you have backports/extras enabled09:47
tritiumjk24, only if earlier packages are available in the repos, which I don't think is the case now09:47
^DodGeR^nite all, have fun09:47
m0rphxMephist0_: the only thing I don't know very much about is how fast the fix bugs, but it should be ok09:47
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Servo888Anybody know why the modules in /etc/mkinitrd/modules don't load on boot?09:48
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tritiumjasoncohen, what are its advantages over the update-manager and update-notifier?09:48
sJaMdrupal only depends09:48
sJaMon the mysql-client09:48
Mephist0_m0rphx: thats not a big problem i think.. I ran my FreeBSD box for 3 years without upgrading it.. so... it probably had a lot of security holes ;)09:48
SogniXanyone know why when trying to install grub, I get this error : The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.09:48
vdmHi, im using the nvidia drivers and am trying the nehe tutorials on opengl programming. While opengl itself runs fine (WoW, doom3 etc) all those tutorials only show a black screen. Any ideas?09:49
m0rphxMephist0_: lucky guy ^^09:49
jasoncohentritium, a) this only installs security updates- not all new packages available, b) it can automatically install the upgrades and email you09:49
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Mephist0_m0rphx: i heard from a friend that the package system is quite nice in this system.. is there a grafical tool for it? :)09:49
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tritiumjk24, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg/09:49
flipysJaM: but when I try to uninstall drupal it asks for user amnd pass09:49
tritiumgrab the old -36 packages while they're still there09:49
m0rphxMephist0_: yep, there's aptitude for ncurses and synaptic for GTK09:49
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jk24tritium thanks09:50
sJaMwell I never used drupal09:50
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sJaMyou need the mysql-server09:50
sJaMor the cleint09:50
jk24tritium i think you can tell that on topic :)09:50
jasoncohentritium, someone asked on the forums so i answered. it's more useful for a server. I use it on my debian sarge server. all security upgrades are automatically installed and i receive emails so i know i'm up to date. i don't have to administer it manually09:50
tritiumjasoncohen, pretty cool :)09:50
Mephist0_m0rphx: what windows manager system do you use on ubuntu? .. Is gnome standard?09:50
tritiumjk24, well, the topic asks people not to use breezy ;)09:50
jasoncohentritium, i also receive anacron reports telling me that there are upgrades and the debian & ubuntu security advisories09:50
m0rphxMephist0_: yes, gnome is standard. but there's also KDE. for that u can use kubuntu09:51
jk24tritium, yes, and i'am like evrybody :)09:51
jasoncohenanacron gives the package that needs to be upgraded and the new changes.09:51
tritiumjasoncohen, pretty cool09:51
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flipysJaM: but now everytime I try to run apt-get or dpkg I've a lot of packages pending09:51
jasoncohenyes it is09:51
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jasoncohenthere are many cool things that can be done with apt09:51
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sJaMa lot of packages pending ???09:52
sJaMwhat do you mean09:52
jasoncohenflipy, pending upgrade?09:52
jk24flipy apt-get install -f |dpkg --configure -a09:52
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Mephist0_m0rphx: well i guess gnome is sufficiant.. im dont know much about WM:s for Unix/Linux.. I heard bout enlightment.. But that is like a theam for Gnome and KDE or how is it?09:52
flipyno, pending to uninstall09:53
kpanichey people, I have a macmini and want to boot /dev/hda5 from the rescue image... Is the correct way of doing? on intel IIRC I had to pass to the boot image root=/dev/hda5, how could I do now?09:53
RiggzyHey, I'm partitioning my harddrive ready for installing ubuntu... how big should i make the partition for the actual install? I have 63GB to play with - I need to split it into install, swap and shared09:53
Servo888Could somebody point me in the direction of how to load modules on boot?...09:54
Thewarmachinecan ANYONE HERE help me with my soundcard issues?!?!09:54
m0rphxMephist0_: Enlightment is cool and you can also use the gnome and kde programs, but I would stay with Gnome09:54
kpanicServo888, /etc/modules?09:54
PLafi have an aptiva 2176-c33, im looking for bios upgrades, help?09:54
djpthe latest episode of lugradio is hilarious! i'm in stiches here... :D09:55
mastertetsoo, nobody here work on ubuntulight or know an irc chanel about ubuntulight?09:55
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m0rphxMephist0_: It's a window manager and has some nice gfx09:55
RiggzyHow big should my partition be for the ubuntu install?09:55
Servo888kpanic, yes there we go. ty09:55
Thewarmachinethis is ridiculous09:56
Mephist0_m0rphx: oh ok.. ic.. yes, i know bout the nice grafix.. But i think when you install it, its quite "clean" .. not much things added..09:56
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djpoops... last post was intended for #lugradio. sorry everyone!09:56
tritiumdjp, no worries :)  it's not like it's seriously off-topic09:57
Grid_blocknow i got a GBTCR_0_86_TAR.BZ2.out   file... what do i do now? :s09:57
Thewarmachineyeah, like people rather listen to that rather than help me out anyway09:57
tritiumThewarmachine, what's the problem?09:57
Thewarmachinei get no damn sound whatsoever09:58
tritiumsound card issues?  Which card?  What have you tried?09:58
Thewarmachinei dont know what to try out09:58
tritiumhave you looked in /proc/asound?09:58
Thewarmachinethats the problem09:58
Thewarmachinefor what?09:58
Belutztritium: the java works.... thx a lot :D09:59
tritiumThewarmachine, to see what alsa detected, for one09:59
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tritiumBelutz, awesome :)09:59
Grid_blocknow i got a GBTCR_0_86_TAR.BZ2.out   file... what do i do now? :s09:59
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Belutztritium: i'll be bothering you with another problems later.... :D09:59
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tritiumBelutz, okay, :)09:59
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PLafi need help updating my bios :S10:00
zAo^Thewarmachine, what does beep-media-player say when you play a MP3?10:00
Grid_blocknow i got a GBTCR_0_86_TAR.BZ2.out   file... what do i do now?10:00
Thewarmachinezao let me install it10:00
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tritiumThewarmachine, do you see any files in /proc/asound?10:01
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ThewarmachineI do10:01
anto9usPLaf: you need to flash it?10:01
tritiumlike cards, devices10:01
tritiumThewarmachine, okay, have you checked alsamixer to see if it's just a muting problem?10:01
zAo^^^ good old prob :)10:02
PLafanto9us: no i downloaded a program to just copy a bios, the problem is i need to find the latest version of mine10:02
Thewarmachineit isnt a muting problem10:02
Thewarmachinethat im sure of10:02
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tritiumif you could double-check with alsamixer, that would be great10:02
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Thewarmachinei have10:02
anto9usPLaf: you visited your motherboard manufacturer's website?10:02
IcemanV9what programming languages were installed default?? which one can I create gui application easily?? ty in advance10:02
zAo^Thewarmachine, what does lspci say and what does lsmod say10:03
Thewarmachinethat doesnt even show up10:03
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PLafanto9us: no, i dont know who made it10:03
IcemanV9*installed by default10:03
jk24IcemanV9, python+gtk10:03
ThewarmachineIntel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)10:03
zAo^IcemanV9, try gtk (www.gtk.org)10:03
tritiumThewarmachine, what doesn't show up?10:03
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zAo^sorry, have to go... :$10:04
zAo^later all!10:04
anto9usPLaf: reboot and make a note of the very long ID at the bottom of the screen when it boots, you might need to keep resetting till you've got it all, it can disappear quickly10:04
IcemanV9gnome is based on gtk as well?10:04
mihai_can anybody tell me what's the java package name needed for azureus?10:04
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jk24IcemanV9, http://www.pygtk.org/tutorial.html10:04
PLafanto9us: no ID comes up10:04
Thewarmachinetritium alsa gives me nothing10:04
Thewarmachineesd gives me nothing10:04
WermutHello, I have a question which might sound stupid; but I was not able to find out where Evolutions stores my emails. Which file/folder contains them?10:04
PLafit just flashes an extremely large IBM picture, then boots, so i dont know the model number10:04
IcemanV9ty jk2410:04
jk24Wermut, .evolution/mail/10:05
Mephist0_guys.. im going to install ubuntu now.. something to think of before the installation? Shall i install apache, php and such after the installation?10:05
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tritiumThewarmachine, can you paste the output of "amixer" to pastebin please?10:05
anto9usPLaf: you system isn't from a major manufacturer, like Dell or anyone like that?10:05
Grid_blocknow i got a GBTCR_0_86_TAR.BZ2.out   file... what do i do now?10:05
anto9usPLaf: what model?10:05
Thewarmachinethewarmachine@ool-44c79b8b:~$ amixer10:06
Thewarmachineamixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or directory10:06
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jk24Grid_block, what's that ?10:06
mihai_can anybody tell me what's the java package name needed for azureus??10:06
Wermutjk24, I already found that folder. Do I have to backup the entire folder? Or only single files?10:06
isohow do i find a list of available kernel packages10:06
Grid_blockjk24, its a program that lets you controll gnome programs thru your cellphone using bluetooth10:06
isoi have a gig of memory in the target machine10:07
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jk24Wermut, why not just drag and drop your mails on a folder ?10:07
PLafanto9us: 2176-C3310:07
Thewarmachinetritium i posted it here10:07
Mephist0_Grid_block: thats COOL :)10:07
tritiumThewarmachine, scrolling up...10:07
Grid_blockmephist0_ hehe :P10:08
Mephist0_Grid_block, is it GUI?10:08
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Grid_blockmephist0_ yes10:08
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tritiumokay, you need to poke around in /proc/asound and see what alsa thinks you have10:08
Mephist0_Grid_block, possible to find in the Synaptic Package Manager?10:08
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anto9usPLaf: it's not listed as a model on the IBM website, can see 2177 and 2178 though10:09
Thewarmachine--- no soundcards ---10:09
Grid_blockmephist0_ i dont know.. ill check10:09
Wermutjk24, I can't believe it... now that's comfort. I didn't expect it to be that simple. Thanks for the information.10:09
Thewarmachinethats what asound says man10:09
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mihai_can anybody tell me what's the java package name needed for azureus??10:09
PLafanto9us: S/N = 23GGY3710:09
Thewarmachinemihai ce curu me vrei?10:09
funkabbestiahello folks a simple question: where i can download the j2re10:09
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin.10:09
tritiummihai_, funkabbestia ^^^10:10
Grid_blockmephist0_ no its not..10:10
tritiumThewarmachine, which file says that?10:10
Mephist0_ok.. :)10:10
anto9usPLaf: why do you need to update your bios?10:10
Grid_blockmephist0_ http://chileforge.cl10:10
Mephist0_Grid_block, whats the other way to find packages?10:10
funkabbestiaok i will try10:10
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Mephist0_Grid_block, ah ok10:10
Mephist0_thx a lot :)10:10
PLafanto9us: because i need to boot to my cd, and it wont let me10:10
mihai_well the thing is i have debian10:10
Grid_blocknow i got a GBTCR_0_86_TAR.BZ2.out   file... what do i do now?10:10
tritiumThewarmachine, well, that's definitely a problem10:11
jk24mihai_, java-package :)10:11
Thewarmachinei figured10:11
mihai_jk24, i got that, now what ?10:11
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tritiummihai_, that's fine.  debian and ubuntu deal with java the same way10:11
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jk24Grid_block, open a shell, tar xvzf GBblabla.tar.bla; cd GBblabla; ./configure; make10:11
djansahow can i manage my service with an graphic aplication with ubuntu plz?10:11
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mihai_i did apt-get install java-package, now what do i do to get the actual java so i can run azureus ?10:12
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jk24mihai_, apt-get install java-package10:12
jasoncohenBurgundavia, you thought boot-admin was difficult to use? granted it's not as easy as something like startup-settings but it's more straightforward than webmin-grub for example10:12
jk24mihai_, RTFM10:12
mihai_jk24, WHAT F M ?10:12
jk24mihai_, sorry, reads the docs :)10:12
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Mephist0_lol :)10:12
mihai_oh come on i'm in a hurry, isn't it doable by apt-get ?10:13
KB2000djansa: i think it depends on what you wanna do10:13
jk24mihai_, yes and no10:13
tritiummihai_, I gave you a URL10:13
djansai want add and del service10:13
Burgundaviajasoncohen, yes, but webmin doesn't exactly set the standard very high10:13
mihai_i don't see any10:13
funkabbestiaubotu what's is the pkg name?10:13
ubotuI think you lost me on that one, funkabbestia10:13
tritiumscroll up, mihai_.  I had ubotu tell you10:13
tritiummihai_, here:10:14
uboturumour has it, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin.10:14
KB2000djansa: i think i saw an article in the ubuntu wiki about bootup services10:14
Thewarmachinetritium.... what do i do know10:14
mihai_oh god10:14
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tritiummihai_, blame Sun for their licensing schemes10:15
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tritiumit could be much simpler10:15
mihai_tritium, i want to get it with apt-get what's tha package name/server ?10:15
anto9usPLaf: is that a japanese model?10:15
tritiummihai_, please read the wiki page10:15
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jk24mihai_, man make-jpkg10:15
jk24mihai_, download the jdk from sun10:15
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AlexBOhello! can i insert into the main gnome pannel an icon? i've read about third mouse's button, but the third mouse is not supported. how can i do?10:16
Thewarmachinethe sfx10:16
PLafanto9us: id assume not10:16
Thewarmachinenot rpm10:16
stempiendoes anyone have a clue why after inputting login and password, pushing enter (all under X's) i get brown screen and no gnome????10:16
tritiumThewarmachine, we need to first make sure the proper module is loaded10:16
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jk24mihai_, and just build the package calling make-jpkg the_big_file_from_sun10:16
Thewarmachinehelp me out then sir!10:16
tritiummihai_, the wiki is not hard to follow.  Please give it a try.10:16
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mihai_ok is there any other good gui torrent client without java ?10:16
Thewarmachinegnome bittorrent?10:16
funkabbestiatnx a lot10:17
tritiumThewarmachine, which sound chip is it again please?  Do you know which module supports it?10:17
anto9usPLaf: all I see with a google site search for that model is a lot of kanji10:17
jk24mihai_, you should try, it's for your 'well'10:17
Grid_blockjk24 it dont work10:17
Thewarmachinetritium its azx10:17
Thewarmachinesome hting something10:17
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mihai_Method 1: Get a ready Java package10:17
Thewarmachinecrimsun helped a friend of mine with the same prob10:17
mihai_It is not too difficult but you need package development environment installed.10:17
mihai_i want to use this one, what do i do ?10:17
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PLafyou know what, im just gona give up10:18
tritiumThewarmachine, crimsun is the expert on alsa.10:19
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jk24mihai_, please, follow : download the jre 1.5 from sun, when you get it, ask me10:19
tritiumjk24, awesome.  Thanks for helping him.10:19
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Thewarmachinei tritium i know it is the azx module or something10:19
jk24Triffid_Hunter, X packages, are big do download :)10:19
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Thewarmachineby the way becareful when installing fluxbox10:20
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tritiumThewarmachine, is it loaded?10:20
jk24sorry, whas for tritium10:20
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Thewarmachinehow to load?10:20
hybrid_gothThewarmachine: why be careful10:20
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tritiumjk24, yeah they are ;)10:20
tritiumThewarmachine, did crimsun have your friend build newer alsa modules?10:21
Servo888Anybody know where to get kinternet?10:21
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Thewarmachinefor whatever reason, after i installed it, my system thought it was  debian10:21
Thewarmachinei think so tritium10:21
stempiencould we find a solution to my problem now?:P10:21
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Grid_blocknow i got a GBTCR_0_86_TAR.BZ2.out   file... what do i do now?10:22
jk24Grid_block, forgout you .out file10:22
tritiumThewarmachine, you may need to do the same thing10:22
jk24Grid_block, you have your .tar.bz2 ?10:22
Thewarmachinecan you take me through it10:22
Grid_blockjk24 yes10:22
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tritiumThewarmachine, I can point you in the general direction10:23
Thewarmachinego ahead10:23
jk24Grid_block, open a shell, and type "tar xvjf GBTCR_0_86_TAR.BZ2"10:23
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Thewarmachinetritium did you know that tritium glows in the dark?10:24
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tritiumThewarmachine, it's usually gaseous10:24
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sJaMwhy the v option jk2410:24
Thewarmachinei have it in my watch10:25
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hybrid_gothtritium didnt doc oct us that in spidey 210:25
jk24sJaM, to 'view'10:25
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hybrid_gothhi joe__10:25
joe__I'm new to Kubuntu10:25
tritiumhybrid_goth, I don't know :)10:25
hybrid_gothjoe__: welcome10:25
nitinhey anyone know if breezy is broken right now10:25
joe__can anyone help10:25
sJaMit stands for verbose10:25
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joe__i'm looking to install Limewire10:25
jk24nitin, see /topic10:25
ubuntuhi all10:25
hybrid_gothtritium: i think he did and made a major nuclear reaction10:25
sJaMbut you don't need it10:25
PLafwell thanks for your help all, im gona go10:25
Thewarmachinesee the wiki10:25
ubuntuits nice10:25
hybrid_gothjoe__: new to linux?10:25
jk24sJaM, do as you like... I like it10:25
tritiumhybrid_goth, tritium is often used for that ;)10:25
mihai_why is ubuntu on all distrowatch boards ?10:25
hybrid_gothtritium: heh10:26
jk24sJaM, you should help him10:26
sJaMI know10:26
jasoncohenBurgundavia, yes, but without boot-admin, you are left with webmin or manual editing which is harder still10:26
sJaMbut I can't help everyone10:26
joe__yeah new to Linux10:26
Thewarmachinejoe ill help10:26
nitinif it possible to get the special effects (composite + tansparancies) in hoary?10:26
tritiumhybrid_goth, seriously10:26
nitinis it*10:26
sJaMsorry for that jk2410:26
sJaMjust wondered10:26
jk24sJaM, np10:26
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joe__I'm still trying to find my way around10:27
hybrid_gothjoe__: well try this apt-get install limewire10:27
hybrid_gothtritium: i know10:27
tritiumThewarmachine, I haven't forgotten you.  GIve me a moment.10:27
joe__ there's so much to learn10:27
hybrid_gothjoe__: yes but it is worth it10:27
Thewarmachinego there joe_10:27
joe__how long have u been using Linux10:27
ubotuI don't know, hybrid_goth10:27
IcemanV9another ?? - which programming language (GUI) can be ported to Windows?? i did not want to install win just to create an app for my parents' win box10:27
nitinis it possible to get the special effects (composite + tansparancies) in hoary?10:27
joe__yeah so i'm told, i moved from win2k caused it crashed quite a bit and i jus want to learn more about this OS10:27
Thewarmachineiceman i think gtk10:28
KB2000IcemanV9: mono and C# should be quite portable and fairly easy10:28
hybrid_gothjoe__: on and off for 3 yrs and since jan/feb i have used it non stop10:28
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Thewarmachine that wasnt it i guess10:28
anto9usany pointers on setting up a mail server on ubuntu?10:28
hybrid_gothjoe__: it can be fun if you let it10:28
chrissturmIcemanV9, wxwindows is nice10:28
mihai_jk24, i got the jre 1.5 .bin file what now ?10:28
joe__I've downloaded Limweire RPM10:28
zeverwhere can i get a full partition table10:28
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joe__i HAVE NO IDEA WHAT RPM is10:28
Burgundaviajasoncohen, true10:28
joe__or how to get it to do anything10:28
Thewarmachinewel alien -d -i the package name here10:28
IcemanV9ty KB2000 chrissturm - will look into it :)10:28
tritiumjoe__, please don't yell, thanks10:29
Thewarmachinejoe do what I told you10:29
hybrid_gothjoe__: well do this alien -d <limewire rpm> the sudo dpkg <limewire deb>10:29
joe__oopps sorry10:29
tonyodoes anyone use a toshiba laptop?10:29
hybrid_gothjoe__: RPM is used in red hat linux10:29
joe__didn't mean to yell10:29
nitinanyone here use a ferrari 4000 laptop10:29
hybrid_gothnitin: ferrari?10:29
jk24mihai_, (as it's writen on the docs,...) open a shell, and type make-jpkg the_big_file_form_sun_you_have.bin10:29
ThewarmachineJOE JUST FOLLOW THE WIKI10:29
nitinhybrid_goth: yep, acer ferrari10:29
joe__the wiki?10:30
hybrid_gothnitin: how fast does it go from 0 to Linux?10:30
Thewarmachinei gave it to you for a  reassin10:30
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joe__ummmm this may sound silly but where is the wiki10:30
Thewarmachinei sent you the adress10:30
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Thewarmachineyou want it again10:30
nitinhybrid_goth: well its amd turon 2.0ghz 64bit :P so i bet its pretty fast10:30
IcemanV9nitin: i was thinking about purchasing one .. how was it so far?10:30
joe__yes please10:30
hybrid_gothnitin: :-P10:30
nitinIcemanV9 its crazy fast10:30
hybrid_gothThewarmachine: thats not a wiki10:31
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EGCdgitalI need some help10:31
Cater90su100Hello! Someone can tell me how restore Grub after a reinstall of Windows?10:31
IcemanV9nitin: Ubuntu64 works good?10:31
nitinwith x700 gfx card -> i can play CS source @ 1680x1050 with 70fps10:31
nitinIcemanV9 that what im about to try10:31
EGCdgitalmy video card dont works10:31
nitinIcemanV9 hopefully it does ><10:31
EGCdgitalonly 102410:31
Thewarmachinelets say it is for this purpose10:31
EGCdgitalhow fix that?10:31
IcemanV9ah! ok :)10:31
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, recover is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows10:31
hybrid_gothwhat is that amd 64 bit dual core processor coming out10:31
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Cater90su100thx ubotu10:32
Cater90su100yes _frank10:32
EGCdgitalI've ati radeon 920010:32
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nitinanyone know if its possible to get the nice graphices working in hoary -> translucency and xcompmanager with all those nice mac like special effects ?10:32
zeverwhere can i get a full partition table10:33
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Will_My toes itch. Can linux help?10:33
Bubbling_Zombiezever, cfdisk /dev/hd<letter>10:33
Bubbling_Zombiesure Will_10:33
hybrid_gothzever: type sudo parted /dev/hda1/ then type print10:33
IcemanV9nitin: it was mentioned often in forums on composite & translucency10:33
=== Bubbling_Zombie drops a beowulf cluster on Will_ 's toes
Bubbling_Zombiedone with the itching :')10:33
nitinanyone have an X700 radeon working in horay?10:34
=== Will_ rolls a d20, gets 15, adds to his dex mod of +5, dodges the cluster
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IcemanV9nitin: you could try with LiveCD to see how it works10:34
Bubbling_Zombieo...k... so i'm not the only geek here -_-10:34
Will_Bubbling_Zombie: Geekier than thou, perhaps10:34
ChurcH_of_FoamYhow to determin what app has gone Zombie?10:34
ompaulhow do I get this beauty to work? Creative Labs SB Audigy LS10:34
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IcemanV9ChurcH_of_FoamY: check with top10:35
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Bubbling_Zombieimagine that Will_ xD10:35
ChurcH_of_FoamYi did it just says 1zombie10:35
hybrid_gothnalioth: wb10:35
Thewarmachinedo you mean neurotically yours foamy?10:35
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=== ChurcH_of_FoamY listens to adult swim mello mix
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Cybo-Mobilewhat does ubuntu call the kernel package it is using for the kernel?10:36
ChurcH_of_FoamYyes the neurotically yours foamy10:36
jk24mihai_, when you get the .deb, dpkg -i it, and anjoy10:36
jk24good night10:36
shaliI installed fluxbox, why does it not work?10:36
ChurcH_of_FoamYif you waite for a bit pillzy will show up10:36
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Cybo-Mobilekernel-image shows nada for me10:37
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naliothshali: what doesnt work about fluxbox?10:37
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stempiendoes anyone have a clue why after inputting login and password, pushing enter (all under X's) i get brown screen and no gnome????10:37
ChurcH_of_FoamYso um like this app as gone zombie and i can't tell which it is10:37
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ChurcH_of_FoamYbrb gonna reboot x10:37
shalinalioth: I mean as I restart the X, and choose the fluxbox, it shows only the mouse.10:38
ChurcH_of_FoamYmaybe that will work10:38
naliothshali: how long do you wait?10:38
jasoncohenare there any plans to add an option to update notifier to automatically download & install security updates?10:39
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shalinalioth: nalioth: so not so lang, less than 30 seconds. But fluxbox is a light weight window manager, isn't it?10:39
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ompaulnalioth any ideas on getting this one going? Creative Labs SB Audigy LS10:40
=== ompaul pours nalioth a virtual guinness
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hybrid_gothanyone use a creative zen micro with linux?10:41
naliothshali: the fluxbox that is default has a little bug in reading fonts10:41
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naliothshali: takes it a while to load10:41
naliothshali: can you compile?10:41
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shalinalioth: really? I have a livecd(dsl), it loads the fluxbox in seconds.10:42
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teprrrhmm, so, how long do you think X will be broken in breezy?10:42
teprrrweek, two, more?10:42
shalinalioth:yes, i can compile.10:42
tritiumThewarmachine, sorry, had an important phone call.10:42
naliothshali: the DSL livecd is far different from ubuntu10:42
=== ChurcH_of_FoamY [~kisain@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
naliothshali: if you compile fluxbox with "./configure --disable-xmb" it should load immediately10:43
shalibut they are all based on debian. and ubuntu should be faster than a live cd.10:43
elianyone know how to make the terminal tell you the size of all the information inside a folder? =S10:43
=== ChurcH_of_FoamY starts to think that p2p and cedega is a waste of time for games
Thewarmachinetritium should I wait for crimsun?10:43
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ptloeli: du -sh folder10:43
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eligracias :)10:44
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ptlode nada (if my spanish is correct :)10:44
IcemanV9stempien: are you using Breezy? if so, it's broken; i have seen this behavior on my test box10:44
tritiumThewarmachine, if it's not too much trouble.  He'd be more knowledgeable than me.10:44
eliptlo , rest assured it is good ;)10:44
KB2000icemanv9: i've seen the breezy behaviour on my real machine :(10:44
=== ulisse [~cristina@net156-217.mclink.it] has joined #ubuntu
Thewarmachinewell i was sent a package by my friend who got help from crimsun10:45
ulissehi all10:45
Thewarmachinethis is the name10:45
ChurcH_of_FoamYis linux hardware dependant like m$ for games10:45
Will_ChurcH_of_FoamY: Explain?10:45
tritiumThewarmachine, yeah, they built new modules10:45
ChurcH_of_FoamYi have a game that runs in xp (of course >.<) but when i try to install that game in linux10:45
Thewarmachinehow do i install that10:45
ChurcH_of_FoamYit just won't run and zombies out on me10:45
Thewarmachinedpkg -i roght?10:46
ubotuI haven't a clue, eli10:46
tritiumThewarmachine, yes10:46
Raskallthinkgeek.com (and ups) impresses me. I ordered 8 shirts and som other small stuff on friday. Got the package today. US to Norway in one business day is impressive.10:46
KB2000raskall: wow, that's wicked10:46
ulisseI'm trying to connect a win2k3 share via smb: but it keeps to ask me to login, when there is no login on that share...10:46
IcemanV9KB2000: yike! hope you have hoary on your real box10:46
teprrrso, anyone know how long it's aprox. take? I mean when breezy will be usable again...10:46
ulissesomeone can help?10:46
=== ChurcH_of_FoamY starts thinking ups might be a cheaper way to travel the world
=== tritium boxes up ChurcH_of_FoamY for shipping
Thewarmachinei installed it10:46
lsuactiafneri want a shirt that says 'i'm currently away from my pc right now.'10:46
KB2000icemanv9: i do know... but i got it working before... but i was tired of fixing everything all the time... the forums were quite helpful, but it was still annoying...10:47
ChurcH_of_FoamYso anyone here use linux for gaming?10:47
lsuactiafnerand 'dont as me to fix your pc'10:47
joe__what is fakeroot10:47
joe__or how should i log in as fake root?10:47
lsuactiafneri use it to game..10:47
tritiumThewarmachine, okay, hopefully the newer module will be autoloaded at boot now.10:47
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ChurcH_of_FoamYwhat games do you play10:47
lsuactiafnerut2004 doom and q3a only tho10:47
shalijoe: fakeroot is a program to make to act like a root10:47
ChurcH_of_FoamYoh ok10:47
IcemanV9KB2000: well, of course, you do know there is risk using breezy! :p10:47
Raskalllsuactiafner: thinkgeek.com has a shirt that says "No, I will not fix your computer!"10:47
lsuactiafnerut2004 on amd64 is damn fast10:47
IcemanV9*risk for using10:47
lsuactiafneryeh, need that one Raskall10:47
=== tims [~tims@c-24-21-58-44.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lsuactiafnercurrenly have a pc here i need to fix up10:48
lsuactiafnerhate it10:48
ChurcH_of_FoamYi can play steam and such but not ragnarok (private server) and it sucks10:48
lsuactiafneri'm not a techie10:48
hybrid_gothChurcH_of_FoamY: a guy mail himself from NYC to Houston and when the law found out the fine was greater then the plane ticket10:48
lsuactiafnerand i dont know how windows works..10:48
KB2000icemanv9: i knew, but i was too tempted by the freshness of the packages... I did have a working machine and i fixed the problems that occured, but it was still annoying to fix it twice a week... hehe10:48
ulissesomeone can help me with samba?10:49
shaliulisse: what is your problem?10:49
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ulisseshali, i can't connect to a w2k3 share, i'm asked to login but there is no login for that share...10:50
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=== qt2 raises an eyebrow.
teprrrhmm, no one is hearing me because I use kde? :/10:51
shaliulisse: u mean u want to share the files of a windows server from a linux box?10:51
lsuactiafnerteprrr : kubuntu10:51
teprrrlsuactiafner, they don't know much about ubuntu internals (like x) I think10:51
ulisseshali, I want to access that files10:51
hybrid_gothteprrr: try #kubuntu ...10:52
IcemanV9teprrr: mm .. my hearing aid must be broken :p10:52
teprrrhybrid_goth, I'm already there, but as I answere lsuactiafner, I don't think they know about X stuff :P10:52
shaliulisse: do you use a gui or command line to mount?10:52
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hybrid_gothteprrr: :-P well it is KDE :P10:53
teprrrand besides of that, I've already asked there10:53
teprrrhybrid_goth, nah, it's X which is broken :P10:53
ulisseshali, the best result I got was via nautilus (smb://192.1....)10:53
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teprrrhybrid_goth, yeah10:53
teprrrhybrid_goth, just thinking when it could be usable again10:53
ulisseshali, it pops up a windows and asks for user and password10:53
hybrid_gothteprrr: Have you tried it lately10:53
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ulissebut other PC in the network, with windows on board, access the share w/o password10:54
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priestdoes ubuntu have a .deb for flashplayer to firefox?10:54
teprrrhybrid_goth, yes, I just upgraded to it.. xbase-clients isn't installable10:54
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KB2000priest: i think there's a wiki article on ubuntu.com that shows an easy way to install flash for firefox10:55
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hybrid_gothteprrr: so you are in CLI?10:55
KB2000priest: or maybe it was on ubuntuguide.org10:55
teprrrhybrid_goth, yup10:55
tritiumpriest, in multiverse, yes.10:55
hybrid_gothteprrr: i love it10:55
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elipriest type !codecs10:55
tritium!info flashplayer-mozilla10:55
teprrrhybrid_goth, cool10:55
ubotuflashplayer-mozilla: (Macromedia Flash Player), section multiverse/web, is optional. Version: 7.0.25-0.0 (hoary), Packaged size: 956 kB, Installed size: 2136 kB10:55
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eliand go to that page listed10:55
priesttritium: what's the packagename?10:55
doodzhello priest10:55
tritiumpriest, see ubotu's response above :)10:55
joe__how do i install JAVA?10:56
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joe__does anyone know about Kynaptic10:56
priestdoodz: hey honey :D10:56
elijoe__ type !codecs10:56
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[2] BoxingFiend!restricted10:57
ubotuI heard restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats10:57
qt2where do i stick xmodmap stuff? i tried /etc/X11/xmodmap, but it was a no-go...10:57
doodzpriest: what's up dude?10:57
KB2000joe__: http://ubuntuguide.org/#jre10:57
tritiumjoe, type "!java" here and read ubotu's reply10:57
=== IIIEars [~billharps@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ChurcH_of_FoamYubotu hi10:57
uboturumour has it, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin.10:57
BurgundaviaKB2000, please don't recommend the ubuntuguide10:57
KB2000Burgundavia: why not?10:58
hybrid_gothubotu has some anoying responces10:58
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, hybrid_goth10:58
BurgundaviaKB2000, some of it is not accurate, and it offers no explanations10:58
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KB2000Burgundavia: sorry, but it looks pretty good and has helped me in some cases10:58
IIIEarsHi ChurcH_of_FoamY, Burgundavia10:58
BurgundaviaKB2000, the wiki is better resource10:58
ubotuwindows is probably Everything runs in linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office, or find an !alternative10:58
KB2000Burgundavia: ok, i'll go by the wiki from now on... :)10:59
tritiumKB2000, for example, the preferred method of obtaining java involved using java-package10:59
ubotu[alternative]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant10:59
IIIEarsubotu what is a computer? ( is this what you meant by annoying)10:59
ubotuIIIEars: what are you talking about?10:59
Thewarmachinetritium i installed that package10:59
IIIEarsubotu what is a computer? ( is this what you meant by annoying)10:59
tritiumThewarmachine, did you reboot?10:59
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Thewarmachineill do thaat in a few10:59
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IIIEarsgotta love "Are you smoking Crack?"10:59
GattonBurgundavia, do you live in here? ;)  That's my way of saying...thanks for all the help you give us newbies :)10:59
ubotuI heard ubotu is uh...  Thaaats me!11:00
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BurgundaviaGatton, not really11:00
IIIEarsBurgundavia - "" Thank You. :)11:00
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snackalothow to remove a user11:00
nalioth!good bot11:00
ubotuthanks nalioth :)11:00
hybrid_gothnalioth: heh11:00
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hybrid_goth!bad bot11:00
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, hybrid_goth11:00
naliothsnackalot: system > admin > users and groups11:01
snackalotwhat is a bot and what dos it do11:01
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snackalotcant get it to open can i do it from command promt11:01
Andrilhello all11:01
glickexcuse me, i installed sun-j2re1.5 via apt and java still doesnt work in firefox :(11:01
glickhow do i get web java working?11:01
naliothhybrid_goth: how do ya remove a user from terminal?11:02
tritiumglick, one that you built with java-package?11:02
AndrilI am experiencing a sluggish effect within Ubuntu - when I try to connect to the Internet - anyone else have this issue?11:02
hybrid_gothnalioth: quick way? rm -f *11:02
IIIEarsdd if=/dev/cdrom0 of=/home/my_directory/a_new.iso   Gives the error "... is a folder." - Would someone pl-e-a-s-e give a poor newbie a clue?11:02
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glicktritium, huh? i didnt build it11:02
hybrid_gothor maybe deluser11:03
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naliothhybrid_goth: please be serious, snackalot wants to know11:03
tritiumglick, that's the preferred method.  see the wiki page.11:03
IIIEarsHint? Pointer? - lol11:03
Gattoni usually use userdel -r  but i think deluser will do the same thing as hybrid_goth said11:03
snackalotthank but im not a geek11:03
hybrid_gothnalioth: check out topal11:05
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=== tritium scolds hybrid_goth for even mentioning "rm -f *"
IIIEarscelery stalks what? peanut butter?11:05
eliquestion for the knowledgable -> if i were to do a global keybinding how do i type in the scroll button?11:05
jasoncohenBurgundavia, most of the breezy goals are still listed as WIP. when will we have a better idea what's going to get implemented in breezy and what isn't11:05
eliexample: <Control><???>11:05
Burgundaviajasoncohen, unified installer will come11:05
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snackaloti added user now cant get root or user groups or pkg manager please HELP!!!11:06
=== hybrid_goth hangs his head in shame
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tritiumhybrid_goth, buck up little buddy :)11:07
jasoncohenBurgundavia, i'm wondering about this - http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDownUnder/BreezyGoals and better print support - auto setup of hpoj and automatic calling of gnome-cups-add as shown in http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/PrintingRoadmap11:07
hybrid_gothtritium: i set up an alias just for fun in .bashrc that is oh_shit_here_is_the_cops and it is sudo rm -r *11:07
IIIEarssnackalot - don't panic - someone here has the answer.11:07
Burgundaviajasoncohen, printing is almost certainly not going to be done, due to lack of people to do it11:07
tritiumhybrid_goth, dude, what is it you need to hide?11:07
hybrid_gothtritium: from the mpaa or riaa?11:08
snackalotTHANK YOU 3 EARS11:08
naliothtritium: he has nothing to hide, cuz he'll still be on "cops" when they get to him11:08
IIIEarsDon't make me give snackalot an answer. give him a little help. - if you don't i the newb will. (uh-oh)11:08
Burgundaviajasoncohen, http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-July/008850.html11:08
hybrid_gothnalioth: i am ratting on you first11:08
supernix Anyone know of a GUI FTP client that runs on KDE that I can use?11:08
naliothIIIEars: wheres the newb?11:09
supernixI tried kbear it keeps crashing though11:09
Burgundaviasupernix, #kubuntu might have a better answer11:09
tritiumand if they come asking, hybrid_goth who?  don't know the dude...11:09
ompaulsnackalot, are you that user now?11:09
paxsupernix: kbear11:09
IIIEars<<<- (raises hand for snackalot)11:09
hybrid_gothtritium: heh11:09
_franksupernix: You can use gftp11:09
snackalotRIGHT HEARS THE NUBI11:09
hybrid_gothsupernix: try gftp if it runs in KDE11:09
supernixBurgundavia: tried them no luck though11:09
snackalotnot the one i added11:09
supernixwhat is gftp _frank11:09
Burgundaviasupernix, does konqueror not do ftp?11:09
paxsupernix: konqi works just fine too.11:10
_franksupernix: I run gftp on kde and it works fine11:10
jasoncohenBurgundavia, too bad11:10
supernix#kubuntu told me that kbear was real unstable ?11:10
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ubotuWish i knew, hybrid_goth11:10
eliwhy just use ftp? its a simple system11:10
ompaulsnackalot, please do not use caps lock, it is considered really bad manners, and shouting11:10
supernixthanks _frank I shall try that11:10
Burgundaviajasoncohen, the ubuntu team is really really small. 20 developers to debians 100011:10
jasoncohenBurgundavia, what's the unified installer?11:10
ompaulsnackalot, I asked you are you that user now?11:10
supernixwhat is konqi Pax ?11:10
paxsupernix: konqueror11:10
Burgundaviajasoncohen, last pieces are landing now, should be ready for colony-311:10
snackalotsorry bout that guss thers a few things i need to learn11:11
supernixOIC LOL I should have figured that one out11:11
snackalot no i am not11:11
jasoncohenBurgundavia, why doesn't ubuntu have more developers?11:11
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supernixdidn't know that Konqueror would do ftp though sounds great11:11
loplyhi folks11:11
Burgundaviajasoncohen, it has only been around for a year?11:11
tritiumjasoncohen, Debian is a much older project11:11
Burgundaviaand debian is the 2nd oldest still active distro11:11
jasoncohentrue, but ubuntu has gained a lot of popularity very quickly11:11
loplya few weeks ago both of my Hoary Hedgehog desktops stopped booting, telling me "pivot_root: no such file or directory \n /sbin/init: 428: cannot open dev/console: no such file"... is this a known issue?11:11
jasoncohenBurgundavia, what's the oldest- slackware?11:12
_frankBurgundavia: what is the oldest distro? slack?11:12
hybrid_gothjasoncohen: i second that11:12
loplythis is with all ubuntu kernels including recovery mode11:12
hybrid_goth_frank: yup11:12
Burgundaviajasoncohen, _frank yes11:12
paxthe oldest is minix :p11:12
stinkyI have a wireless chipset on my laptop, ipw2200.  And it worked yesterday , but this afternoon, it still "works" but it doesn't see any wireless networks anymore.  Does Anybody have any idea what the problem could be11:13
ptlojasoncohen, ubuntu doesn't start from scratch. it's based on a very high quality distro (debian), and adds new features which made it so popular (and also a cool "marketing" strategy :)11:13
jasoncohenptlo, i know11:13
ptlopax :))))11:13
hybrid_gothpax: minix isnt linux11:13
jasoncohenptlo, i used debian before shifting my desktop to ubuntu11:13
IIIEarsdoh! - 13 weeks and i am not a newb? - certainly not a guru - lol11:13
hybrid_gothlinux isnt minix11:13
naliothpax: minix isnt linux11:13
jasoncohenmy server still runs sarge11:13
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naliothIIIEars: we are all newbs at something11:14
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tritiumloply, nobody else is experiencing that problem.  What changed in your system?11:14
hybrid_gothIIIEars: yea i am prolly a windows newbie now i forgot all i knew and i aint great at OSX11:14
ompaulpax, if you want that kind of age start looking at the BSDs but as they said that ain't Linux11:14
IIIEarsnalioth - you have been very helpful. If i haven't said it before. - THANK YOU! :)11:14
paxLinux systems relied on Minix components.11:14
stinkyI'm gonna write a column about my ubuntu installation :), been very "weird"11:15
naliothIIIEars: not bad for a cabbie, eh?11:15
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IIIEarshybrid_goth - too true - rofl11:15
ompaulpax it was initally build on a minix disk but that was all, when it ran it ran by itself11:15
hybrid_gothpax: linux is reverse engineered minix11:15
IIIEarsnalioth - i should get more sleep - lol11:15
supernixI am curious why are people choosing Gnome over KDE ?11:16
paxLinux did start as a Minix hack. Period.11:16
naliothsupernix: why do folks choose ford over chevy or dodge?11:16
hybrid_gothbut linux isnt never was minix11:16
supernixLOL so just a matter of person prefs11:16
hybrid_gothjust like linux isnt unix11:16
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paxYou can hack my statement all you want, it wont change the fact.11:16
epilocEverytime I reboot, I have to fetch an ip address fromt my router with "dhclient wlan0"  ...  I want to write a script to automatically do this on startup.  Where would I start?  Keep in mind I am a linux newb :)11:17
jasoncohensupernix, well, the KDE in kubuntu is pretty crappy. it's not customized like the KDE in fedora or mandrake etc11:17
IIIEarsTrying to mount an Alcohol 120% *.mdf file or convert it to an iso for linux install. - no luck. dd, ddrescue all give me the destination is a folder error. - tips?11:17
jasoncohenalthough mandrake's artwork has gotten uglier and uglier it seems11:17
ompaulpax, ehhh ask Andrew S. Tanenbaum about that (the author of Minix) he will tell you to several decimal places exactly how wrong you are11:17
tritiumepiloc, System->Administration->Networking11:17
anto9usepiloc: System | Networking and set the device as configured with dhcp and it should do it automagically from then on11:18
IIIEarsSame trouble with dd if=/ of=/ some.iso file11:18
hybrid_gothompaul: heh thanx11:18
jasoncohenepiloc, you should just use DHCP. it should be the default11:18
naliothIIIEars: stop using stuff meant for windows11:18
stinkyAnybody knows any issus about wlan cards just stopping to see networks just like that11:18
jasoncohenepiloc, system > administration > networking. choose configuration DHCP for your ethernet card (probably eth0)11:18
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paxompaul: ask linus tovarlds with no lawyer next to you, he'll tell you.11:19
IIIEarsnalioth - Believe me another 2-3 hour long windows reinstall is a pain. - linux is fast flexible and powerful.11:19
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epilocim running wireless, so ill try wlan011:19
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stinkyepiloc, my wireless is eth0 :p11:20
rg58smasomeone use clackconnect???''11:20
epilocstinky, iwconfig should tell me right?11:20
paxAs Linux was being written, it was written on a Minix-using computer,11:20
paxlike you might use scaffolds to help you construct a building. As the11:20
paxbuilding is built, you get rid of the scaffolding, bit by bit, and at11:20
paxthe end, you don't need any scaffolding at all, because the building11:20
paxstands on its own.11:20
ompaulpax, go and study with Ken Brown, President of the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution11:20
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devscottI was wondering if someone could help me with xargs. I tried googling but I had no luck.11:20
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stinkyepiloc, so should the networking tool11:21
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ompaulpax, cos he is about the only one on planet earth who might agree with you11:21
IIIEars<< Isn't linux a copy of Sun's 5,000 OS originally?11:21
tuxxmani am installing vmware11:21
devscottI have this command  find -name :2eDS_Store | xargs --null rm11:21
ThewarmachineTRITIUM I DID IT!!!11:21
tuxxmanit is asking:11:21
devscottbut it says the file name is to long11:21
tuxxmanWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running11:21
tuxxmankernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 11:21
tuxxmanwhere are they11:21
tritiumThewarmachine, way to go, dude :)11:21
hybrid_gothpax: i agree with the building analogy11:22
tuxxmantritium: do u know11:22
ompaulIIIEars, no it is a posix based system which is what that sun implementation was supposed to be :)11:22
IIIEarsSun wanted 5 thousand dollars for a university/corporate license that linus and many others couldn't afford?11:22
_franktuxxman: install the package linux-source first11:22
tuxxmansomeone help me please11:22
tuxxmanhow do i do that11:22
tuxxmanit dont work, it says no installation candidate11:22
tritiumtuxxman, what?11:22
tuxxmanWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running11:23
tuxxmankernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 11:23
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tuxxmantritium: do u know where they are?11:23
tritiumtuxxman, you nead to "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r):11:23
tuxxmanthx man11:23
IIIEarsWhat is the easiest way to create and mount an iso image or a protected disk?11:24
tritiumtuxxman, no colon.  That was supposed to be a closing "11:24
tuxxmanyeah i figured11:24
tuxxmanso after that installs, what do i do11:24
ThewarmachineIIIEars there is mkisofs11:24
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tuxxmannevermind i got it11:24
tritiumtuxxman, then you'll have the headers installed, and you can go about doing what you were trying before11:24
tuxxmantritium: thx man11:25
tritiumof course :)11:25
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IIIEarsThewarmachine - Thank You. - guess i'll give that a shot.11:25
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devscott I have this command  find -name :2eDS_Store | xargs --null rm       but it won't run because it says the file name is to long. Any ideas?11:26
ThewarmachinelllEars google iso and linux11:26
IIIEarsAnyone want an mpeg of me smashing a Windows box when i can install Farcry?11:26
Thewarmachinehave a good day folks ill be on later11:26
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IIIEarson linux11:26
dindevscott, try \:2eDs_Store11:27
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hybrid_gothIIIEars: what are you smashing it with11:27
devscottdin: same thing11:27
stinkyshouldn't smash windows :)11:27
stinkyyou'll need it11:27
ChurcH_of_FoamYwhos smashing what?11:27
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IIIEarsI am open to suggestion.11:27
hybrid_gothIIIEars: if it is a windows box i want to see great suffering11:27
epilocjasoncohen, stinky, tritium, anto9us, thanks for the info... found an easy soultion11:27
IIIEarsDisassemble and microwave each part seperately?11:28
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hybrid_gothIIIEars: maybe internal fire?11:28
ChurcH_of_FoamYthe best way to make windows sweat is to pull out the power cable from the hd while it's running11:28
tritiumepiloc, what did you do?11:28
naliothIIIEars: not spectacular enough, and will destroy your microwave11:28
hybrid_gothIIIEars: the microwave sounds nice11:28
stinkywindows is less exhausting to get too work11:28
IIIEarsmicrowaves are only 60 bucks at wal mart11:28
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ChurcH_of_FoamYno no put it on the train tracks just as a train goes by11:28
Pro_Newbiemrgreen@host13:~$ sudo cp download/cedega+p2p/install/etc/X11/applnk/ /etc/X11/11:29
Pro_Newbiecp: omitting directory `download/cedega+p2p/install/etc/X11/applnk/'11:29
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hybrid_gothIIIEars: maybe launching bottle rockets at it11:29
anto9usstinky: that's not only debatable but very dependant on what you want from it11:29
ChurcH_of_FoamYthat way you can tell people that windows kills11:29
tritiumstinky, good luck getting windows to keep working ;)11:29
Pro_NewbieWhy doesnt copys the dir i want???11:29
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IIIEarsI don't have any bottle rockets :/11:29
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hybrid_gothIIIEars: blackcats?11:29
devscottdin: output is here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/66611:29
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spanglesontoasthello there11:30
vladuz976anybody know why apt-get install sshd doesn't return anything11:30
naliothvladuz976: you need to install "openssh-server"11:30
Chris24TNhi, all. for various reasons, i want to set up an ftp server on my home machine (not ssh), but the wiki doesn't give me much info on this. can anyone help here?11:30
hybrid_gothIIIEars: pour diesel on it and we can all party! broadcast it over a website and we all will have a salute11:30
spanglesontoastdoes anyone ubuntu failing to install on a k6 something about bootstrap11:30
sleeper_what i must install to vieu wmv files?11:30
vladuz976nalioth: is that what it's called?11:30
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epiloctritium, just had to find the dhcp utility and enable in for wlan0 upon startup11:30
alexwillmervladuz976: because the correct package is openssh-server11:30
naliothvladuz976: yes it is11:31
Chris24TNwmv = windows media video = you need windows media player11:31
spanglesontoastdoes anyone ubuntu failing to install on a k6 something about bootstrap11:31
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hybrid_gothChris24TN: nope mplayer plays them i believe11:31
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epiloctritium, i am just unfamiliar with the gui11:31
nalioths_dogsleeper_: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support11:31
Chris24TNsleeper_, i'm afraid you're stuck with windows, unless you want to go spelunking in wine territory11:31
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Chris24TNhybrid_goth, i was unaware of that11:31
sleeper_i know that we can see wmv files with xine11:31
Chris24TNhybrid_goth, does it just need some ddls or something?11:31
sleeper_but i need install something11:31
hybrid_gothChris24TN: mplayer will play about anything with the codecs11:32
tritiumepiloc, really, you should have it setup in /etc/network/interfaces to "auto" and "dhcp"11:32
IIIEarsSounds good. - maybe a nice BBQ roast a few hotdags? (probably not a good idea to eat them smoked in PCBs)11:32
sleeper_qhat pakage i must install to see it?11:32
naliothwmv3 codecs (which are used in WMP 9 and 10) may not play in linux at all. ymmv11:32
spanglesontoastdoes anyone ubuntu failing to install on a k6 something about bootstrap?11:32
tritiumepiloc, "man interfaces" for details11:32
vladuz976nalioth: still doesn't return anyting11:32
=== chiquito [~pedromeng@249.Red-83-45-135.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
hybrid_gothnalioth: i believe i saw win32 codecs in mplayer's essential codecs11:32
naliothvladuz976: it should, that's the pkg name11:32
naliothvladuz976: try using synaptic11:32
Chris24TNhmmm...so does anyone here have any advice on setting up a simple ftp server on my ubuntu box? i just want to share files with one friend of mine over the internet. he's not a power user, so i'm not going to force him to learn ssh and linux commands11:32
alexwillmersleeper_: look at the link Nathlioths_dog posted, it should explain where to get the dlls11:33
naliothhybrid_goth: yes, but support is spotty for the latest from uncle bill11:33
stinkytritium, I agree that windows needs lotsa formats, but quite there is more support for win :p11:33
hybrid_gothnalioth: oh yea like OOo having .doc11:33
naliothChris24TN: i recommend an ssh server11:33
vladuz976nalioth: oh it's installed11:33
vladuz976that's why11:33
naliothvladuz976: that would do it11:33
Chris24TNnalioth, well true, it's more secure, but is there a gui client that he can use? he runs windows xp11:33
vladuz976nalioth: how do you start it11:33
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tritiumstinky, well, we're here trying to support ubuntu, doing what we can11:34
naliothChris24TN: putty, filezilla, and others use ssh11:34
hybrid_gothIIIEars: do you have somewhere where you could broadcast over the internet a live cam of the computer fire?11:34
naliothvladuz976: it is running now11:34
Chris24TNi'll have to check out filezilla, i know that putty is going to be beyond him11:34
LasseLChris24TN, if he can use ftp he can also use sftp -- check winscp11:34
Chris24TNhe needs something "drag-n-drop" simple11:34
vladuz976nalioth: don11:34
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vladuz976nalioth: don't know11:34
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naliothChris24TN: filezilla emulates windows explorers interface11:34
Chris24TNvery cool11:34
alexwillmerChris24TN: try this  http://ubuntuguide.org/#ftpserver11:34
naliothvladuz976: try from a term "ssh"11:35
naliothalexwillmer: try not to recommend ubuntuguide11:35
vladuz976nalioth: what is
alexwillmeroh, why?11:35
Omni|WorkHi there |D|.11:35
hybrid_gothvladuz976: loopback to your ip11:35
naliothvladuz976: that is the IP address of your machine (local)11:35
ubotuubuntuguide is probably a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.11:35
epiloctritium, the man pages should keep me occupied for a while, thx11:35
naliothalexwillmer: there are lots of pitfalls in the guide for new linux users11:36
Belutznalioth: do you know image viewer app like ACDSee in Windows?11:36
alexwillmernalioth: righto, understood11:36
tritiumepiloc, cool :)11:36
vladuz976nalioth: ok done11:36
KB2000belutz: gthumb should be good11:36
Chris24TNalexwillmer, thanks so much, i think that's what i need11:36
naliothBelutz: if you have java, there is jcdsee, and there is gthumb, kview, (a whole buttload of em)11:37
Chris24TNit's not like this thing has to be secure, anyway. it's a toy box and file server, really11:37
IIIEarsis irfanview open source?11:37
BelutzKB2000: oh yes... never try that before :D11:37
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naliothChris24TN: practice makes perfect11:37
vladuz976nalioth: where do i go from here11:37
axishow do i enable esd support with mplayer11:37
KB2000IIIEars: i think it is... but not quite sure11:37
Belutznalioth: ok, thx, fortunately i just installed java :D11:37
naliothIIIEars: yes it is, i believe11:37
_frankaxis: I think yo just go in mplayer preferences11:37
naliothvladuz976: you find your local IP (external) and go to kinkos or a friends house and "ssh vladuz976@vlads.ip.address"11:38
KB2000anybody got skype working with esd?11:38
=== oliwer [~oliwer@bon31-1-82-234-80-31.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
axis_frank,  it doesn't detect esd.. i need the ./configure param for ESB11:38
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axiser, ESD11:38
oliwerhi all11:38
Chris24TNnalioth, very true, and of course every day spent with the penguin is another day of mind-beating learning11:38
KB2000i still need to do "killall esd" before i use skype11:38
axis./configure --enable-gui --enable-esound11:38
axis ?11:38
hybrid_gothnalioth: is he tryin to forward a port11:38
Servo888Anybody know how to make a software link on a device node perminant? Seems after a reboot it disappears11:38
naliothChris24TN: yes, but learning here, the knowledge isnt useless with the next release11:38
alexwillmera strange question, when switch between folders evolution jumps to some random point and must be scrolled to new messages, why doesn't it keep the scroll position where it was left?11:38
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hybrid_gothaxis: ./configure --help11:39
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naliothhybrid_goth: vladuz976 is wanting to use his sshd from outside his house, i think11:39
vladuz976nalioth: i find my ip with ifconfig?11:39
axisserious.. like i've found 4 ways to do it already .. and then i found one sweet way .. now i've lost it11:39
MortiI did an apt-get dist-upgrade from Warty to Hoary and now X won't start. Says it can't load the nvidia module but the nvidia module seems to be there, I tried a modprobe nvidia and everything.11:39
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naliothvladuz976: ifconfig will show you, yes11:39
oliweris somebody running xfce here ?11:39
tritiumMorti, "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"11:39
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hybrid_gotholiwer: i am11:40
vladuz976nalioth: i tried from my laptop but i can't access it11:40
tritiumMorti, warty->hoary switches from xfree86->xorg11:40
MortiDon't have nvidia-glx-config, it'd seem.11:40
Mortitritium: I know.11:40
oliwerhybrid_goth > do you know how to enable icons on desktop ?11:40
snackaloti know its better to figure things out by yourself but iwish to god that someone would have told me 6 monts ago that the man pages were were thy are11:40
hybrid_gothvladuz976: do you have a firewall up11:40
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vladuz976hybrid_goth: i think i don't11:40
topylioliwer: you want trash, home, computer? those icons?11:41
hybrid_gotholiwer: start up nautilus11:41
tritiumMorti, if you don't have that command "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx"11:41
vladuz976hybrid_goth: i just connected to the router and it says no firewall11:41
oliwerhybrid_goth : yes ! and maybe other (shortcuts)11:41
Mortitritium: Thanks.11:41
boowdoesn't ubuntu already have nvidia-glx11:41
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oliwerhybrid_goth > i don't have nautilus (i have kubuntu :(11:42
hybrid_gothvladuz976: ok j/w for it maybe blockin a port but nvm11:42
MortiI don't see why nvidia-glx would be completely left out...11:42
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KB2000is gaim 1.4.0 available for hoary?11:42
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hybrid_gotholiwer: you have UbuntuX if you have XFCE11:42
boowhoary already has nvidia glx11:42
axishybrid_goth: there's a command to disable ESD support, but not to enable it ... ???11:42
tritiumboow, yes, linux-restricted-modules should depend on it, and bring it in11:43
axishybrid_goth, : and when it compiles, it says .. "installing esd support ..... NO"11:43
Mortitritium: Weird. Well, it works now. Thanks. :)11:43
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Velcanis there a channel for the evolution mail client? #evolution is for something far more ludicrous. :P11:43
tritiumMorti, cool :)11:43
hybrid_gothKB2000: try backports11:43
ubotubackports is at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org. Backports are not advised for regular use, mainly because you might not be able to upgrade Ubuntu.11:43
tritiumVelcan, yes, on irc.gnome.org I believe11:43
devscottI having problem with "  find -name :2eDS_Store | xargs --null rm "    but it won't run because it says the file name is to long. output is here http://pastebin.com/315838. It looks to me like find is giving it all to xargs as one big line. How do I fix this?11:43
axiswhere's the link for enabling ESD support with mplayer11:43
axiscome on i know some of you use MPlayer11:43
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oliwerhybrid_goth > hum... i've a kubuntu and i installed xfce later. What do you mean by "ubuntuX" ?11:44
ubotumplayer is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto11:44
snackalotno totem works just fine11:44
hybrid_gothsomeone needs to change ubotu backports are safe now11:44
ptloaxis: the command line switch is -ao esd  (use esd audio output plugin)11:44
MortiSlightly confused as to why I seem to have a Debian menu now.11:44
Echelon-Hcan Alias Maya work on ubuntu?11:44
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MortiUbuntu showing its roots a little. ;)11:44
ptloaxis: there is probably something equivalent to put in your ~/.mplayerrc11:44
anto9ushybrid_goth: will they remain so?11:44
KB2000hybrid_goth: no lucjk11:44
axisptlo: i  got that .. but apparent'y i don't have the  plugin11:44
hybrid_gotholiwer: it is a joke ubuntux is ubuntu with xfce like kubuntu is ubuntu with kde11:44
=== MartinDuke [~MartinDuk@82-37-92-251.cable.ubr04.dudl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Echelon-Hannyone got a clue if MAYA works on ubuntu?11:45
tritiumMorti, you must have installed something that depends on the debian menu system package11:45
topyliMorti: you have installed menu and menu-xdg or whatsitcalled11:45
snackalotptlo if you install gstreamer totem will work11:45
hybrid_gothaxis: are you compile from source11:45
MortiI guessed that, but a bit weird for Ubuntu to require that.11:45
axishybrid_goth, : yes11:45
topyliMorti: universe packages are very much debian11:45
hybrid_gothKB2000: if it isnt in backports it isnt availiable unless you get a deb11:45
hybrid_gothanto9us: yes11:45
oliwerhybrid_goth > I would be happy if ubuntuX could exist ;)  I'm gonna launch the project lol11:46
KB2000hybrid_goth: damn... well, they do have an autopackage11:46
axiscodecs, video, full screen.. a okay. esound not enabling..11:46
KB2000hybrid_goth: but i autopackages aren't well integrated in the apt system yet...11:46
tritiumoliwer, and what would differentiate it?11:46
hybrid_gothaxis: well do this ./configure --help and it will let you know what all you can do i.e. -enable-graphics11:46
ptlosnackalot: i use totem myself (and imho the gstreamer framework is great!:), i was just trying to help axis with mplayer install11:46
naliothhybrid_goth: using debian debs is not advised11:46
hybrid_gotholiwer: good luck we tried long time ago but hey we didnt try too hard11:47
axishybrid_goth, : if you don't know, don't say anything11:47
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axishybrid_goth, : i've read the --help a bunch of times11:47
oliwertritium > it would be an ubuntu without gnome && kde11:47
hybrid_gothnalioth: yes but if he wants to have 1.4 he *can*11:47
=== MartinDuke waves to try and get some attention
boowi never could get gstreamer to play dvds so i use totumxine11:47
hybrid_gothnalioth: it isnt in backports he tells me11:47
Echelon-HWhat's the name of the windows emulator? Something like WAIM?11:47
axishybrid_goth, : it says ALOT about disabling ESD, but not ENABLING .. MPlayer tries to install ESD by default, but it's not finding it11:47
bpuccioummm, hello MartinDuke11:47
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MartinDukethank you!11:47
hybrid_gothaxis: i was just saying it should tell you all your options11:47
naliothhybrid_goth: using debian debs can break your ubuntu, better to compile from source11:47
topyliEchelon-H: wine11:48
tritiumoliwer, go for it11:48
axisdoes nobody here use mplayer?11:48
oliwerhybrid_goth > what was the main problem ?11:48
hybrid_gothnalioth: they say compiling will do the same11:48
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flipydoes anyone know if there is any way to unistall a package without all the ncurses questions? (or to tell apt-get to forget the broken packages... o to reinstall them without unistall it first)11:48
topyliaxis: we love totem too much :)11:48
axispole smokers lol11:48
Quest-MasterEww Totem11:48
Quest-MasterVLC forver :D11:48
Echelon-Htopyli, thanks11:48
hybrid_gotholiwer: not enough ppl we knew using xfce so we didnt really get up an going enough to try for the official stand11:48
Echelon-HQuest-Master, AYE :D11:48
oliwertritium > ok :) maybe in ten years when i'll know how to build nice debian packages11:48
=== topyli is thinking about building mplayer
naliothhybrid_goth: just don't advise debian debs, w/o a warning of system breakage11:49
tritiumoliwer, :)11:49
hybrid_gothnalioth: ok11:50
=== gentoothreefour [~gentoothr@c-24-6-97-245.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
gentoothreefouris it possible to get a console background while your in the console working it?11:50
oliwerhybrid_goth > i was wondering : can we use something else than KDM or GDM ?11:50
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Echelon-HDo you think that Ventrilo might work with WINE?11:50
gentoothreefouris it possible to get a console background while your in the console working it?11:50
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topyliEchelon-H: look in the apps database in winehq.org11:51
axisSerious  .. I found like 3 tutorials yesterday on how to get sound working.. now i can't find anything today, WTF11:51
hybrid_gotholiwer: look in kynaptic for alternatives11:51
axisESOUND Mplayer damnit11:51
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gentoothreefouris it possible to get a console background while your in the console working it?11:51
tritiumaxis, relax11:51
nalioths_doggentoothreefour: please stop repeating the same question. If someone knows, (s)he will answer. You can try posting on the mailing list too.11:52
axislink me11:52
hybrid_gothnalioth: is your dog a bot11:52
naliothhybrid_goth: no, he's a lazy fat furball11:52
hybrid_gothnalioth: heh11:53
tritiumgentoothreefour, you can use transparent backgrounds with gnome terminal11:53
hybrid_gothnalioth: that reminds me did you see that interview on /. with the head of mozilla11:53
VelcanLooking for a good mail app that has capability to be removed to the notification area.11:53
naliothhybrid_goth: no i've missed it (or has it been more than 2 days?)11:53
Echelon-His it worth installing Wine? anyone ever used it?11:54
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ubotusamba is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba11:54
_frankEchelon-H: I use it to run DVD Shrink11:54
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devscottscott@Carbon:/mnt/stor/Music$ find -print -name :2eDS_Store |xargs -0 rm11:54
devscottxargs: argument line too long11:54
ubotuit has been said that mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto11:54
devscottany ideas?11:54
=== Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, vlc is a media player with native support for a large handfull of popular formats and excellent streaming support11:54
hybrid_gothhey everyone i g2g bbl tonight11:54
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axisok like..  mplayer installs fine.. SOUND DOESN"T WORK11:55
=== LoneElf [~bkinman@office-ip-brdn.pacific.net] has joined #ubuntu
loplyhi folks11:55
LoneElfWhich repository is  sun-j2re1.5 in?11:55
loplywhen i try and log in (Hoary) gnome reports that "GDM could not write to your authorization file." any idea what the first thing i shoudl check is? Perms on my home dir are normal, and nothing within it is wrongly permed11:55
Madpilotbackports, I think11:55
=== Bugsbang [~bonny@ALamentin-103-1-9-204.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotyes, the jre is in backports...11:56
naliothloply: go into your rescue terminal and delete your .ICEauthority11:56
naliothloply: sometimes nautilus changes it to RO instead of RW for some crazy reason11:57
tritiumLoneElf, or build your own .deb from Sun's .bin installer with java-package.  This is the preferred method.11:57
Madpilotloply: or chown it to your user. I've had to do that sometimes11:57
VelcanCan anyone suggest a good mail client with the appility to be removed to the notification area?11:57
oliwerhybrid_goth > after searching, i think that XDM coupled with xbanner would be the best choice for an ubuntuX. Did you ever tried xdm ?11:57
nalioths_dogLoneElf: for java: download the .bin file from java.sun.com, apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , fakeroot make-jpkg [the bin file] , dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] 11:57
=== McYoda [McYoda@dsl-hkigw5q81.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
loplywtf, the kernel just spammed me with an NLS error and now my capslock key isnt working11:57
loplyso I cant delete ICEauthority lol11:57
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loplyi think a reboot is in order, one second11:57
naliothVelcan: i dont know of any mail apps with panel notification11:57
loplyah, I got it using tab completion11:57
Madpilotloply: um, SHIFT should still work?11:57
flipydoes anyone know if there is any way to unistall a package without all the ncurses questions? (or to tell apt-get to forget the broken packages... o to reinstall them without unistall it first)11:57
loplyno, strangely capital I works but no other letters :S11:57
naliothloply: that is <DOT>ICEauthority11:58
loplyyeah i know the file11:58
Echelon-HI wonder if I should install WINE for ventrilo.11:58
Velcanthere's gotta be one. seems odd that one is not more common11:58
Echelon-HCan wine screw up anything?11:58
snackalotcan some body tell me how to tell if i broke my ubuntu with to manny debs11:58
naliothVelcan: write a panel dockling for one11:58
loplyive removed it, im just rebooting with the root mounted ext3 instead of 2, maybe that was causing the keyboard error (?)11:58
LoneElfsnackalot, That is a terrible question.11:59
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loplybtw out of interest folks, my two ubuntu boxes stopped booting (kernel panic) and to fix it I had to remove the (default option) "splash" from the kernel options11:59
snackalotbut its the truth cant get root11:59
Velcani mean if im working i dont want my mail app taking up a spot on my window list but i do need to know when i get mail11:59
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loplydunno why but splash stopped them both booting, so there yah have it11:59
oliwerhybrid_goth > after searching, i think that XDM coupled with xbanner would be the best choice for an ubuntuX. Did you ever tried xdm ?11:59
TheRosswho knows how to install FTD4Linux on Ubuntu??11:59
tritiumVelcan, ask teferi about what he's working on11:59
Velcannalioth:  can you explain that or refer me to some doc.12:00

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