[12:00] about the dockling === devscott [~scott@68-187-101-186.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] === tonyo [Antoine@dav-dhcp-157-160.ce.Berkeley.EDU] has left #ubuntu ["tcho] === Doomgaze [~Doomgaze@] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] Velcan: i'm not a programmer, but all the mail apps are open-sourced and have 'hooks' for you to 'call' functions [12:01] snackalot, are you sure you enabled the root account? === splitta [~needanewn@dialin-168-10.tor.primus.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] when i want to install ftd4linux i get an error over mozilla-headers and gtk+2.0? what to do? [12:01] duz anyone know if kill disk will run with linux [12:01] Velcan: so theoretically one would create a dockling, or panel applet which called the running email client and kept count of unread mails or whatever you wanted to make it do [12:01] TheRoss: install theme [12:02] yes cant get pack maneger or root term [12:02] oh i thought would were saying panel docklings where some basic script or something of that nature [12:02] Velcan: there is "mail-notification" but it istn part of any mail app [12:02] yeah i have messed with that a bit [12:02] it starts to open then vanishes [12:03] i cant seem to get ssl to work with it though [12:03] or i wold be content with it === Chambers` [~Thom@pcp02906040pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] Velcan: i believe there is a "google mail" section in mail-notification [12:03] yep [12:03] theme? with apt-get? [12:03] fails to connect everytime :( [12:03] Velcan: ah [12:04] nalioth: how do i use the sound devices for 2 apps? let say i want to open xmms and amarok at the same time? [12:04] i have to enable ssl somehow but the man mentions nothing about ssl accept that it supports ssl ... [12:04] Belutz: i don't know anything bout sound (except the link to the fixsoundhoary wikipage) [12:04] does mail-notification work for gmail now? [12:04] !fixsound [12:04] well, fixsound is http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly [12:04] it's not for me :( [12:05] it had some probs last i used [12:05] it [12:05] nalioth: thx :) === MIK3MAN [~none@142-217-13-119.telebecinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] hey everyone [12:05] how did that URL get into the bot? [12:05] need help with setting up my wifi [12:05] any experts? [12:06] MIK3MAN > maybe me =) [12:06] mik3man you have to be rich === Echelon-H [~Echelon-H@HFA62-0-162-190.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu === chrissturm [~chris@83-65-246-1.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] lol [12:06] heh === silmaris- is now known as wHisKy [12:06] MIK3MAN: just ask your question... [12:07] hey bob [12:07] how can i handle this error: [12:07] just kidding cant mutch help either [12:07] checking if Mozilla has GTK2 support... Kan niet achterhalen of Mozilla met GTK2 ondersteuning gebakken is of niet [12:07] checking if gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0... no [12:07] TheRoss: what are you trying to do? [12:07] yea most the cards i have seen with 'good' linux support will run ya $60+ [12:07] installing ftd4linux === primos [~primos@38-180.adsl.lpoy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] ok guys: I did a little reading and I installed madwifi [12:07] TheRoss> i hate german [12:07] TheRoss: what's that? [12:07] oliwer: that's nice, but off-topic [12:07] actually not even nice [12:08] TheRoss: try: sudo aptitude install mozilla-dev libgtk2.0-dev build-essential [12:08] bob2, seriously =) === ompaul [~john@159-134-128-241.as1.pal.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] if there is no /dev/dsp where should I begin looking to rectify this? [12:08] trying now [12:09] oliwer: what sort of soundcard do you have? [12:09] mail-notification hasn't worked with gmail for over a month to the best of my knowledge [12:09] did it work previously and then it 'broke' ? [12:09] bob2: was that for me :) Creative Labs SB Audigy LS [12:09] ubuntou does recognize the card (dlink) but I cant connect to the network yet... I am rebooting the machine as I type === ictyl [~ictyl@user-0ce2k2n.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:10] yes, i used it for a while. I believe it broke because google changed something in gmail [12:10] MIK3MAN: you don't need to "install" madwifi, it comes with ubuntu [12:10] well i did see taht they do plan of releasing their gmail-notification for linux and mac [12:11] i jsut hope it's soon :) [12:11] as do I :) [12:11] bob: can you help me configure my dlink then? its on the list as compatible [12:11] MIK3MAN: remove whatever you installed first [12:11] right now I'm using a pop mail checker along w/ evolution ... It works, but its more of a pain to use [12:12] what one is it? I never got my dlink working (dwl-g630) [12:12] hi bob2 haven't seen ya in a while hows it going? === Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-66.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === frostyfedora [~frostyfed@] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] wow it's working bob2. thnx!:D [12:12] bob: ok go ahead [12:12] I'm good thanks === RalfX [~ralf@cpe-66-27-196-236.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] MIK3MAN: you've removed whatever other drivers you installed? [12:12] MIK3MAN: what model is your dlink? [12:12] bob: yep [12:12] i can download mail from google using evalution [12:13] bob: DWL520 [12:13] hi all, does anyone know why the ubuntu live cd won't boot from a mac g4? the option is enabled [12:13] frostyfedora: have you booted other cds on the mac? [12:13] mumbles: the software in question is a panel applet for checking email === eric__ [~eric@ip70-177-237-196.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] frostyfedora, did you hold down the "c" key? [12:13] MIK3MAN: you should have better luck than i did from what i have read [12:13] HELP: I want to install OpBiz on a 5.04 Ubuntu, however I can't seem to find a java 1.4 anywhere in Sympatic. I have tried searching with sun and java, not sure which of all the Java's I would need. [12:13] ah ok dideant read enough [12:13] bob2: indeed i have === eric__ is now known as forsaken [12:13] where do i stick xmodmap stuff? i tried /etc/X11/xmodmap, but it was a no-go... [12:14] <|rockinnerd|> RalfX, hold on ive got a link in the wiki [12:14] is there a way to see/copy the config file used for the kernel currently running an ubuntu box? [12:14] !java [12:14] from memory, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin. [12:14] tritium: no not yet! thanks i will try ;-) [12:14] Velcan: what you mean? [12:14] <|rockinnerd|> ^^ === Chipmunk [~kaushik@pool-71-112-18-190.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] frostyfedora, also, make sure to use the right kernel image ;) [12:14] RalfX: wiki.ubuntu.com/Java [12:14] qt2: you generally use the gnome keyboard thing instead, these days [12:14] i tried to get my dwl-g630 working for like a day 1/2 before i fed it to the dog [12:15] qt2: or put it in ~/.xmodmap, and run the xmodmap as part of your gnome login thing [12:15] How do I get rid of menu items in the Applications menu? The program has been removed, but the menu item is still there [12:15] mumbles: when you just use evolution for pop it doesn't mark your mail as read when you read it using a webbrowser [12:15] bob2, for my mouse? [12:15] Chipmunk: use smeg === Andares [~andares@] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] Velcan: dont tell me that!! I worked with tritium for 2 days to find out I had a bad burn of ubuntu === LoneElf [~bkinman@office-ip-brdn.pacific.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:15] nalioth, smeg? [12:15] MIK3MAN: is it too late to return it? [12:16] MIK3MAN: that's why the first thing you should do if the install fails is check the cd [12:16] the 630 was like the only damn dlink in the dwl-g series that wasnt classified as supposed to work off install [12:16] Chipmunk: get it from its homepage https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnomeMenuEditingHowTo [12:16] Hey.. [12:16] Where does Ubuntu keep it's startup scripts? [12:16] i was angry :P but i got over it and ordered a new card [12:16] Andares, /etc/init.d [12:16] Andares: which ones? === kyncani [~kyncani@lns-vlq-25-ren-82-254-145-48.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] and the dog got a snack too :) lol [12:16] bob: dont worry, I have a different version and its on the list, I am just a noob when it comes to manual install. Go ahead and tell me what to do plz [12:17] (jaduagarr84) mumbles: when you just use evolution for pop it doesn't mark your mail as read when you read it using a webbrowser yeh [12:17] tritium, thanks. [12:17] sure === wrtpeeps [~andy@wrtpeeps.user] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] MIK3MAN: no, it's a dodgy driver, is it too late to return it and get a better supported one? [12:17] i may be getting a new computer and i want to put ubuntu on it can i just take my hd outta this one and stick it in the new one? [12:17] Would it be safe to add a few mount commands in there or is there a special-purpose startup script for that stuff? [12:17] nalioth, thanks! [12:17] MIK3MAN: if yes, then "sudo modprobe acx_pci" [12:17] what is the minimal amount of space required to install gnome [12:17] MIK3MAN: yea thats what im saying i think you'll have good luch with that card [12:17] ChurcH_of_FoamY, yes, you should be able to [12:17] Andares: that's what /etc/fstab is for [12:17] *ubuntu [12:17] nalioth hey man howya doin? [12:18] bob2, k. [12:18] luck* [12:18] yes that so rocks ^_^ [12:18] bob2, it says it doesn't exist. >.< === hom3ro [~hom3ro@OL149-165.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] bob: no by "version" I meant hardware.. the card itself [12:18] ChurcH_of_FoamY: i'm fine today, and you? [12:18] <|rockinnerd|> wrtpeeps, hit F1 when u boot from ubuntu cd [12:18] fine ^_^ [12:18] wrtpeeps: gnome with ubuntu requirs 1.8GB of disk to install [12:18] MIK3MAN: yes, the card seems to not be very good [12:18] just found out i can take my ubuntu hard drive and stick it in a nother box ^_^ [12:18] Andares: well, it does [12:18] can't it be brought down to less than 1.8 ?! === mattyJ [~matt@oh-clevelandheights-cdnt1-bg2c-224.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] wrtpeeps: 1.2GB if you don't cache the .debs [12:19] ChurcH_of_FoamY: that won't always work [12:19] k [12:19] MIK3MAN: so, sudo modprobe acx_pci [12:19] O_o um why not? is there a linitation oir somethin? === acomadrej [~comadreja@] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] ChurcH_of_FoamY: "limitation"? [12:19] yea sorry lol [12:19] bob2: done, what next? === hamza [~guest5826@buerbach228.buerbach.wohnheim.Uni-Siegen.DE] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] i just seen that and was gonna check it lol [12:20] ChurcH_of_FoamY: if the disk moves to a different location on the ide chain, it won't boot [12:20] how do i get the computer trash and home folder icons on the desktop? i can just make a link, but is there a option to put them there? === tpjohn [~tpjohn@159-134-128-241.as1.pal.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] MIK3MAN: now configure /etc/network/interfaces properly [12:20] ok cool [12:20] MIK3MAN: no, it's a gconf setting === wrtpeeps [~andy@wrtpeeps.user] has left #ubuntu [] [12:20] bob2, did you read that link i sent to you? [12:20] i thought you should see it ^_^ [12:21] ChurcH_of_FoamY: no [12:21] oh ok [12:21] uhh, so why exactly does mplayer depend on xmms? [12:21] Hey. === tpjohn [~tpjohn@159-134-128-241.as1.pal.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu === Jaivaz [~Jaivaz@adsl-69-152-233-164.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] well i pm'd you with it so you can read it when you want [12:21] topyli, libs? [12:21] topyli: do mplayer with no interface [12:21] ChurcH_of_FoamY: no, in the channel please [12:21] oh ok [12:21] mattyJ: i want the interface :) [12:22] bob2: you have a link or a readme for that?? sorry like I said I'm just starting out on linux [12:22] Hi. [12:22] Where is sources.lst located? (for apt) [12:22] http://ubuntuforums.org/journal.php?do=showjournal&j=64 [12:22] MIK3MAN: perhaps the gnome network ui thing might work [12:22] Andares: /etc/apt/sources.list [12:22] Andares: you don't need xmms to _build_ mplayer though [12:22] bob2,rad the last post there [12:22] read even ;p [12:23] ChurcH_of_FoamY: hah, cool [12:24] what is the best newsgroup program to use? [12:24] yea i thought it was about time someone show appreaciation lol [12:24] that's great, thanks [12:24] ^_^ [12:24] The_Vox: slrn probably. if you want a real gnome app, try pan [12:25] The_Vox: it's a religious question really :) === _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-8-145.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === hom3ro [~hom3ro@OL149-165.fibertel.com.ar] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === |rockinnerd| [~chris@ppp-69-215-99-195.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:27] bob2: ifconfig sees the card ath0, and the network gui says its connected, but I dont see my ip and I cant browse === hom3ro [~hom3ro@OL149-165.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [12:27] MIK3MAN: you'd need to set the ip [12:27] or get dhcp to do it [12:27] Ive never used the gnome network thing, sorry === StR [~str@] has joined #ubuntu [12:27] Hi all [12:27] bob2: I have it set to DHCP, but nothing === hom3ro [~hom3ro@OL149-165.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu === redx [~aj@69-170-93-192.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] bob2, why would you use the gnome keyboard ting for a mouse? ;) [12:28] how can I compilemy own kernel and make it an ubuntu package? === crp [~yyy@e178020156.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === d-man_ [~d-man@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] Can anybody think of a way to make a program/script in linux that will tell the computer to start a network device? [12:29] Everything else works except that... [12:29] qt2: no idea, you didn't mention the mouse in your original question [12:29] redx: that's what editing /etc/network/interfaces is for [12:29] I did that. [12:29] It almost works... [12:29] How do I run a program as a process? [12:29] then it's incorrectly set === WeirdAl [~al@spc2-bagu3-6-0-cust29.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] paste your file to #flood [12:30] K. [12:30] Andares: do you mean "as a daemon" or "in the background"? [12:30] Hallo. Decent Gnome cd copying program please :-) [12:30] GUI style [12:30] oh yeah, I said gnome [12:30] WeirdAl: nautilus does a good job [12:30] Does it clone? [12:30] please don't be preemptively obnoxious [12:30] sure, copy the stuff off, burn it back on a new one [12:30] or try graveman or k3b (please don't whine) [12:30] sorry, I just realised I'd already said gnome when I said gui style === ubuntukmc [~ubuntu@cpe-68-174-78-8.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === cmatheson [~cmatheson@] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] bob2, well, I'm attempting to run bitlbee after a successful installation. === d-man_ [~d-man@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:31] there. I did it. [12:31] It's the closest I've come to making internet work. [12:31] Andares: so, you're all done, it's running already === Tuxist [~jan@dyndsl-080-228-213-103.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] Andares: just connect to localhost:6667 with your irc client [12:31] bob2, k. [12:31] i have amarok 1.3 compiled [12:31] redx: and how does it not work? [12:32] bob2, why does Ubuntu's APT repository not include nmap? [12:32] :-) [12:32] I have to go to system admin networking... [12:32] Andares: it does [12:32] Andares: it doesnt? [12:32] Andares: it does... [12:32] !info nmap [12:32] And tell it to activate. [12:32] nmap: (The Network Mapper), section net, is extra. Version: 3.75-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 548 kB, Installed size: 1840 kB [12:32] Andares: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto, it's in universe === Tuxist [~jan@dyndsl-080-228-213-103.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [12:32] redx: in what sense doe it not work? [12:32] nalioth, E: Package nmap has no installation candidate [12:33] I can't got internet connection unless I do that. [12:33] Andares: check out the link he just gave you... [12:33] *get [12:33] Andares: it's in the universe repository [12:33] Andares: check the link bob2 sent you for repositorys [12:33] bob2: [12:33] * Looking up [12:33] * Unknown host. Maybe you misspelled it? [12:33] so, basically, what all does the activate button do in system/administration/networking? [12:33] that looks like a privat ip [12:33] Andares: yes, that wasn't meant literally [12:34] Andares: you want ip, port 6667 [12:34] redx: does "sudo ifup eth0" work? === J_P [jp@] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] bob2: /server 6667 [12:34] why is apt ignoring my backport sources? [12:34] * Looking up --- private ip - not wan [12:34] hi all [12:34] Hmm, maybe I have a problem with my CDRW [12:34] Ign http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net hoary-extras/restricted Packages [12:34] people, have python2.4-gtk2 in ubuntu ? [12:34] How can I check it's working without wasting a CD? === surly [~surly@user-0ce2ksl.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] arrgh it's so annoying [12:35] ventrilo 2.1.1 seems to be working fine [12:35] It sais misplaced option. [12:35] but 2.2.0 is not === yvyn [~yvyn@] has joined #ubuntu === levander [cponder@user-11211sf.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] Andares: yes [12:35] WeirdAl: have you checked md5 results? [12:35] mumbles: yes, the irc server is on his/her machine === yvyn [~yvyn@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [12:36] chillywilly: it's not ignoring it, it's saying that there is no Release file [12:36] Why is nautilus refusing to write a directory with 4.6 GB in it to a DVD because of lack of space? The label on the DVD says it holds 4.7 GB. [12:36] bob2: ok [12:36] J_P: of course === RalfX [~ralf@cpe-66-27-196-236.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:36] right im offto bed [12:36] got work in the morning === parabolize [~paraboliz@68-69-136-167.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] levander: the filesystem itself consumes space [12:36] havent got anything else to do [12:36] <_frank> levander: different definition of gigabyte [12:36] mumbles: stop mumbling damnit, I can't hear you [12:36] levander: do you have 4.6gb available? [12:36] levander: I think they hold on the order of 4.3GB of iso-9660 or udf data [12:36] Anyone know how to run a local Ident Server so I can use IRC Networks that require Ident? [12:37] <_frank> levander: you can fit 4.35 GB on a DVD as reported by the OS [12:37] Kyral: install oidentd [12:37] how can I compilemy own kernel and make it an ubuntu package? [12:37] so how do i know how much space the filesystem takes up? [12:37] /join #debian [12:37] nalioth, http://pastebin.com/315873 [12:37] Kyral: but that won't help if you're behind a NAT'ing router [12:37] StR: with make-kpkg, but why? === liroth_ [~liroth@p548DD82A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] That's what happens when I try to use readcd to get an image. [12:37] oy, I am behind NAT [12:37] but I can make Port-Forwarding [12:38] NAT is evil O_o [12:38] Which, in turn, is what k3b tries to do. [12:38] yeah, one day ipv6 will get rid of it... [12:38] WeirdAl: i have no idea what "readcd" is [12:38] bob2: in stable or in testing ? [12:38] oh. Neither do I. [12:38] <_frank> levander: DVD fits 4700000000 bytes which is about 4.35 GB [12:38] J_P: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ === mumbles points out that hes trying to become cisco qualified [12:38] It appears to be a program to rip an image from CD [12:38] It's no biggie. [12:39] It'd just be useful is all. === _mage_afk is now known as _mage_work [12:39] as i said .. cya all [12:39] WeirdAl: just mount it [12:39] bob2: cd /usr/src/linux-blabla; make; make-kpkg ? [12:39] bob2: ok [12:39] _frank: thanks, i'll try to narrow the directory down to 4.35 instead of having to make two [12:39] ... === ed1t [~ubuntu@ool-4355c7cd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] bob2: how many packages have actual stable ? [12:39] StR: why are you compiling a new kernel? [12:39] haha, it was mounted. [12:39] unmounting it got it, nalioth [12:40] Guess I needed the obvious pointing out. [12:40] bye now :-) [12:40] bob2: to configure my ATI right... [12:40] redx: so, did "sudo ifup eth0" work? [12:40] StR: you don't need to compile a kernel for ATI support [12:40] Like I said, it returned misplaced option. [12:40] So I'd guess not. [12:41] so, your interfaces file is scrwed [12:41] get rid of the "network" line [12:41] k. [12:42] hey bob2 any idea why samba won't let me get files from windows boxes? === Thewarmachine [~thewarmac@] has joined #ubuntu === hanasaki [df@CPE-69-76-135-193.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:42] Still sais misplaced option [12:42] im back! [12:42] ChurcH_of_FoamY: samba has nothing to do with accessing files on windows machines [12:42] oh ok then um what does? [12:42] Then it sais ifup: couldn't read interfaces file /etc/network/interfaces [12:42] redx: is what you pasted actually correct? [12:42] Yes. [12:42] redx: e.g. is there a line really starting with the word "and"? [12:42] ChurcH_of_FoamY: smbfs [12:42] anyone here use audacity [12:42] ? [12:42] Now I took out the network line like you said though. [12:43] is there any difference betwenn 'cp -a temp/* backup/.' and 'cp -a temp/* backup' ? [12:43] farkin' egg [12:43] smbfs...um whats that? [12:43] ChurcH_of_FoamY: nautilus will just let you access them [12:43] anto9us, which is part of samba. :P === chillywilly slaps smartmontools around some [12:43] dockane: not on linux [12:43] No, that's got to do with the spacing of your window. [12:43] ChurcH_of_FoamY, Samba File System. [12:43] so i've got a bunch of text files (gaim logs) w/ chinese in them... i can view them fine in gnome-terminal, text-editors, etc. but using caterm i get chinese gibberish (i think it's using the wrong encoding or something? how can i tell what my terminal is trying to view my text file as? [12:43] redx: no, it's not to do with my window size [12:43] chillywilly: be kind to the messenger [12:43] it's not wrapped on this end, they're seperate lines [12:43] oh ok cause no windows boxes on my network can access my storage drive [12:43] cmatheson [12:44] i have no clue [12:44] and it really sucks [12:44] nalioth: um, only when you start making sense [12:44] perhaps you are missing fonts [12:44] ? [12:44] anyoen got mondevelop running in hoary? [12:44] ChurcH_of_FoamY: you need to define your problem very carefully [12:44] Well I just checked in a full gedit window, and it's on the same line.... [12:44] stable is 5.0.4 ? === XRayNuke [~satan@DHCP-155-84.caltech.edu] has left #ubuntu [] === _iKe__ [~applet@eu64-181.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] yes jp [12:44] ChurcH_of_FoamY: are you looking to have a linux box access windows machines, or vice versa? [12:44] So it should be a comment. [12:44] redx: ok [12:44] J_P: yes [12:44] hanasaki: warty = 5.0.4 ? [12:44] bob2: I wasn't able to run the 3d aceleration === Hoxzer [Hoxzer@dsl-hkigw2ga0.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] J_P: i htink thats hoary [12:44] I got wy wifi going!! [12:45] chillywilly: * chillywilly slaps smartmontools around some << i can access all windows machenes fine but no window machene can access my box [12:45] Thewarmachine: possibly... it's showing some sort of chinese characters however, so i'm not sure (they do look like crap though, and some of them are weird (i haven't ever seen them before) [12:45] StR: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto [12:45] so folks anyone use audacity??? [12:45] bob2, mmhh that makes me curious [12:45] ChurcH_of_FoamY: so, that could be a samba problem [12:45] humm ok, then next release is warty ? [12:45] Thewarmachine: what fonts would you suggest? [12:45] bob2: I did that.. but it didn't start === theplateau [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === d-man_ [~d-man@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:45] jp breezy [12:45] dockane: some old unixes cared about that, I think...maybe old netbsd? [12:45] i get that from progs like audacity [12:45] nalioth: smartmontools is not a person and therefore cannot relay any messages [12:45] ok any idea how i might go about fixing it? [12:45] J_P: the next release is breezy badger [12:45] thats the only thing i can think of cmatheson [12:45] chillywilly: if you say so [12:45] warty is old then ? === nophix [~nophix@ua-83-227-163-203.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] ChurcH_of_FoamY: so, you installed samba, and setup the workgroup name correctly? [12:45] what are the ubuntu releases named after? [12:45] yes jp [12:46] J_P: yes [12:46] ok [12:46] Thewarmachine: er, do you view chinese from the terminal? what fonts are you using? [12:46] hanasaki: animals [12:46] i dont know\ [12:46] nalioth: smartmontolls is for monitoring disk drives that implement S.M.A.R.T. [12:46] as far as i know everything is correct but then again i'm no expert [12:46] J_P: it's still supported, but you might as well get the latest and greatest :) [12:46] redx: that's odd [12:46] bob2: didnt now if ran deeper than that [12:46] bob2: Thanks for your help... I'm gonna reboot and if everything works I'll get back on to let you know... [12:46] tools too [12:46] thanks [12:46] <_frank> hanasaki: african animals + adjective I thing [12:46] but i only get them in the help window [12:46] redx: ok [12:46] thanks frank [12:46] chillywilly: yes i know what it is, and it relays info to YOU from the HD [12:46] hanasaki: "animals that amused us" was the old policy ;p [12:46] chillywilly: therefore, it's a messenger of sorts === ChurcH_of_FoamY can't waite for breezy to come out [12:46] I made an mplayer package from source that included mencoder, now I can't install programs which rely on mencoder, any ways round this? [12:47] topyli: breezy when is relesed ? === nickoli [~nickoli@pool-71-111-148-127.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === chillywilly takes nalioth's crack pipe away [12:47] heh, how can i have a linux box access another linux box on my network? [12:47] aimaz: just use the mplayer package in ubuntu? [12:47] on october i heatr [12:47] hear [12:47] even [12:47] qt2: depends what you mean by access [12:47] chillywilly give that back [12:47] lol [12:47] Thewarmachine: oh ok,thanks [12:47] qt2: share files? terminal login? X? [12:47] J_P: release numbers are release dates breezy 5.10 october, 2005 [12:47] how can i get my logitech usb headset to work [12:47] J_P: yep, and hoary right now. upgrading should work very well [12:47] humm but is possible use use today breezy ? [12:47] bob2, i grew up with ms dos 6.22 and since i switched to linux i got used to do a lot with the shell again. i know that command prompt from dos and bash are totally different but i am somehow used to it [12:47] bob2, all of the above? ;) [12:47] os is beterr upgrade after ? === hanasaki [df@CPE-69-76-135-193.kc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Demasu."] [12:48] J_P: hoary hedgehog 5.04, april 2005 [12:48] J_P: breezy is quite unstable [12:48] i would update to breezy now but my box works just peachy (asides from samba >.<) [12:48] J_P: it's available, yes, but it's not a good idea for new users to use it [12:48] and i have put alot into it and would hate for it to go buggy on me >.< [12:48] J_P: currently breezy is broken for regular use [12:48] dockane: ah [12:49] nalioth ok === c_rodge [~cale@pool-68-238-7-94.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:49] has anybody hear setup a usb headset in hoary [12:49] then o go use hoary [12:49] J_P: sounds like a plan :) [12:49] exist netinst for ubuntu as in debian sarge ? [12:49] no [12:49] hey i hace a little problem, i am trying to play avi files in ubuntu 4.10 but i can hear the sound but no vudeo? [12:49] humm [12:49] only complete cd ? [12:49] c_rodge: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support === inemo is now known as inemo|asleep [12:49] so bob2 is there any info i can get for you that might help solve my problem?" [12:50] J_P: i consider that an ubuntu bug :( [12:50] J_P: when breezy releases, you can upgrade over the net === xlogik [~Joolike@h-67-100-206-16.cmbrmaor.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Ursin [~oursin@78.80-203-71.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] bob2, any pointers? :P [12:50] 5.04 detects my headset but i cant hear sound [12:50] nalioth yehs, as in debian woody to sarge iupgrade ? [12:50] i wonder how many of my little tweaks that will survive when breezy gets out [12:50] without errors ? [12:50] nickoli: turn up the volume? [12:50] so um whats wrong with the new x? [12:51] cmatheson tried that [12:51] oh, and are there any bugs relating to programs just quitting and dropping to desktop, or something of the sort? === A[D] minS [~Whisky@] has joined #UBUNTU [12:51] J_P: should work. a little prayer doesn't harm though :) [12:51] J_P: we use apt-get here, so i guess so [12:51] how i can enable bash_completion? === ice_1963 [~gary@pcp08931591pcs.brghtn01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] bob2 isen't selling ubuntu illegal? [12:52] I cant find mplayer on apt-get anymore....anyone knows? [12:52] Ursin: use synaptic [12:53] <_frank> ChurcH_of_FoamY: you can legally sell ubuntu for a million dollars if you want === Seq [~chris@CPE0050bf1a898b-CM0011ae907ae4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] got it from /etc/bash.bashrc === mgalvin [~mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] cant find i there wither === sinferno [~charles@65-194-22-127.block4.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu === karljp [~karl@194-144-39-202.du.xdsl.is] has joined #ubuntu === Druke [~druke@] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] ChurcH_of_FoamY: you can "sell" cds for the cost of cds, your time in burning them, you gas to deliver them, etc [12:53] oh wow [12:53] ChurcH_of_FoamY: but the software is free [12:53] <_frank> ChurcH_of_FoamY: but no one will buy it at that price === karljp [~karl@194-144-39-202.du.xdsl.is] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:53] Does ubuntu have framebuffer support compiled into the kernel? [12:53] Ursin, you have the universe and multiverse repositories in sources.list? === inemo|asleep [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:53] i thought it was illegal cause i see that some goof is sellin them on ebay [12:53] yes [12:53] ok, i want to install a tar and overwrite the old files, because im upgrading... i used tar -xzvf /file/file/blah [12:53] Ursin, apt-get update? [12:54] but it wont overwrite the old files, should i uninstall somehow? [12:54] to me that kinda defeats the term "free" [12:54] i dont see how that helps me i just need to find what codec to get for avi files i dont want mplayer [12:54] yup === mgalvin [~mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:54] c_rodge, grab w32codecs. [12:54] ChurcH_of_FoamY: have you been to "best buy" or "circuit city"? [12:54] and im afraid to do it as root cause isnt it bad to unpack with tar as root? [12:54] how? [12:54] sinferno: unpack it as a normal use [12:55] nalioth no we don't have one up here >.< [12:55] ChurcH_of_FoamY: how so? If you're supplying a service and adding value, even if it's just good advice, you're entitled to charge for it. [12:55] ChurcH_of_FoamY: of course not, it's fine to sell it [12:55] ChurcH_of_FoamY: your local electronics place? [12:55] nalioth, i know, i did, but as a normal user it wont overwrite the old files === keikoz [keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] nalioth, cause im upgrading [12:55] ChurcH_of_FoamY: people even sell cds they got for free from canonical [12:55] which is lame [12:55] nalioth, is there an option i can add to the line? [12:55] sinferno: unpack as a normal user, use sudo to move your stuff where you want it [12:55] nalioth we have a radio shack === keikoz [keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] and thats it === vladuz977 [~vladuz976@pool-71-106-211-189.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] ChurcH_of_FoamY, wow, middle of nowhere? <.<; [12:56] nalioth, why not just unpack it as sudo then? [12:56] i just replaced the windows key with a gonme foot that i airbrushed onto the key today ^_^ [12:56] I agree, getting cds from Canonical and selling them is well out of order [12:56] hey can someone help me with ssh? [12:56] vladuz977: best to just ask your question [12:56] sinferno: you raised the security question [12:56] yes i live in the middel of nowhere on the shores of lake supirior [12:56] hey, i not found python2.4-gtk2 in hoary [12:56] nalioth, but im saying isnt it the same to unpack it as sudo as it is to move it with sudo? [12:56] and thats what there doin on ebay [12:56] there is a lot of lag today [12:57] j_p add repositories [12:57] stupid people need sighns [12:57] >.< [12:57] i can hear my avi video playing in totem i jsut can see it [12:57] bob2: ok i installed sshd and i am trying to connect to my desktop from another computer, my laptop, but it just doesn't wor [12:57] sinferno: if you unpack, you can see what you are moving [12:57] work [12:57] Thewarmachine: what repository ? not is oficial repository ? [12:57] ChurcH_of_FoamY: i was gonna explain about "selling" linux === Minuo [~adam@] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] nalioth, i trust the package i was just scared if i unpacked as sudo it would set root permissions [12:57] vladuz977: try using the '-vv' flags when you're trying to connect with the ssh client; it'll give us a better idea of the problem. [12:57] nalioth well go ahead sorry to interupt ^_^ [12:57] is there program better than KGet ? [12:58] vladuz977: whats the other puter (you are coming from)? [12:58] vladuz977: do other network services work? does ssh to localhost? what's in between them? [12:58] j_p when I installed this i got loads of crap problems [12:58] its tooooooooooooo slowww [12:58] Thewarmachine: in http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/allpackages.en.txt.gz in find : python2.4-gtk2 (2.6.1-0ubuntu2) Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set === aceofhertz [~aceofhert@164-4.mohawk.golden.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] sinferno: is it system stuff? [12:58] Thewarmachine: but in http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/allpackages I not found === topyli loves the firesomething extension and is currently using "mozilla junglezebra" [12:58] bob2, nalioth yes to local host works [12:58] is there a problem with the sound in 5.04 [12:58] i dunno [12:58] nalioth, its cedega [12:58] ChurcH_of_FoamY: they sell boxed linux at best buy and circuit city and frys [12:58] A[D] minS, bash completion should be enabled by default [12:59] but its usually suse [12:59] nalioth, im upgrading from 4.2 to 4.4 [12:59] nalioth: what do you mean by the other puter? [12:59] wow thats kinda defeating the "free" thing isen't it? [12:59] ChurcH_of_FoamY: they are not selling the linux, they are selling the nice book that's in the box, the box itself, the labor to make the box, the gas to bring the box to the store, etc [12:59] tritium, nope u have to remove comments at da last 3 lines [12:59] vladuz977: the client machine [12:59] fre as in freedom [12:59] not beer [12:59] oh ok [12:59] hi, I have a Dell Dimension 4600 and I've installed Ubuntu on it, but I can't get the sound drivers to play. Anyone got any suggestions? [12:59] vladuz977: are you on a windows computer tryin to access your vladuz977-box? [12:59] i just give the cd's i orderd away [12:59] i hate the ide though [12:59] and refer customers to here [12:59] A[D] minS, read those last 3 lines of your ~/.bashrc carefully. [12:59] lol [01:00] sinferno: most system software belongs to root anyway [01:00] i don't charge for it at all [01:00] nalioth: no from my ibook [01:00] <_frank> nalioth Actually some distributions are not completely free. proprietary configuration tools and stuff [01:00] Thewarmachine: I found too, soory for my error!! [01:00] thats good [01:00] A[D] minS, i.e., the "you don't need to enable this..." part [01:00] its ok j_p [01:00] nalioth, ok so im just gonna do it as root === _str [~str@] has joined #ubuntu === Ursin [~oursin@78.80-203-71.nextgentel.com] has left #ubuntu [] [01:00] vladuz977: so are you in a terminal, connected to network, using "ssh vladuz977@vlads.ip.address"? === Xatu [dragon@user00265.student.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] nalioth: yes [01:01] nalioth: but it doesn't connect [01:01] hey all, actually I use debian stable for all, servers and desktops... Then I have somes problems in desktops where i need new packages.. then i think use debian stable for servers and ubuntu for desktops. What you think about this ? === syd09 [~blah@dsl-084-057-252-005.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:01] those BSD people are funny...they want the stability of BSD but they want drivers too [01:01] tritium, aha i got what u r talking a bout thx tritium :D [01:01] nalioth, ok cool i had it right the first time, srry lol [01:01] :) [01:01] vladuz977: what does it do? [01:01] nalioth, thanks for your time [01:01] Dont install debian packages on ubuntu [01:01] J_P: if that's what you want, it seems reasonable [01:01] it is moste certaine deathe [01:01] sinferno: security is a good practice [01:01] lol [01:01] nalioth: it just hangs there and doesn't do anyting [01:01] nalioth: doesn't return the comman line [01:01] nalioth, yeah i have done some stupid crap with permissions before [01:02] beep-media-player rocks ^_^ [01:02] vladuz977: try 'ssh -vv HOST' [01:02] vladuz977: can you "ping" the IP on your box? [01:02] its ok though, ill rule the universe anyway [01:02] vladuz977: will output more info we can look through [01:02] nalioth: i don't know what that is [01:02] nalioth, like i changed my whole usr dir to 777 or something once [01:02] beep eminds me of xmms [01:02] bob2: Or ubuntu is very stable for servers productions/firewall too ? [01:02] nalioth, that was way bad lol === ice_1963 [~gary@pcp08931591pcs.brghtn01.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:02] hah...you have to keep fucking with the kernel every day for 11 years until you drive the hardware manufacturers insane and they just say "fuck it, we can't keep up with all your god-damned kernel changes so just take all of our driver code that cost us a fortune and take it for free and you put it in your constantly changing kernel. [01:02] Hi, got a simple unzip question. 10 files. One directory. How come unzip *.zip gets me "caution: filename not matched: medici.zip" and same for all 10 zip files? [01:02] sinferno: what fun... (not) [01:02] bojangles: language, please [01:02] nalioth, it was a blast === redx [~aj@69-170-93-192.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] bojangles HAHAHA [01:03] IFRFLYR: becauase "unzip *.zip" is the same as running "unzip 1.zip 2.zip 3.zip 4.zip ...", which is wrong [01:03] hi, I have a Dell Dimension 4600 and I've installed Ubuntu on it, but I can't get the sound drivers to play. Anyone got any suggestions? [01:03] IFRFLYR: for i in *.zip ; do unzip $i ; done [01:03] tritium, is there bot for helping ? === ChurcH_of_FoamY listens to voltaire [01:03] bob2: Had to reset the router... [01:03] what is it with the "watch your language it [01:03] bit [01:03] Ah. bob2 thank you so much! [01:03] ubuntu is very stable for servers productions/firewall too ? [01:03] J_P: yes. [01:03] why cant i view video, i installed the w32codecs im pretty sure, i havve the sound of the video just not the actual video [01:03] But I got a different error... when I said sudo ifup eth0 [01:03] Worked like a charm, of course. [01:04] J_P: i run ubuntu, debian and OpenBSD -- all work fine. [01:04] Now it sais ifup: interface eth0 already configured === vladuz [~vladuz@pool-71-106-116-91.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] emx whats the diff between open and free bsd [01:04] emX: where situation use use debian and ubuntu ? [01:04] whats the "perfect" computer for linux? [01:04] s where/what === Elsidox [~Elsidox@CPE-70-94-4-87.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu [01:04] emX: where can i post the output of ssh -vv host === vladuz977 [~vladuz976@pool-71-106-211-189.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:04] c_rodge: the newer wmv wont play [01:04] vladuz: see the topic (paste.ubuntulinux.nl) [01:04] nalioth: i hate that [01:05] Thewarmachine: see openbsd.org :-) [01:05] damn wmv [01:05] emX: ok pastebin [01:05] J_P: web/ssh/cvs server [01:05] redx: and does it work? [01:05] emX: this above is debian or ubuntu ? [01:05] Thewarmachine: it's pretty much political, but freebsd is more geared towards desktops, openbsd is a secure server [01:05] Internet connection? [01:05] got it [01:05] J_P: all three. [01:05] and what about dragonfly? === theine [~theine@c181190.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] Not at startup, on it's own. [01:06] J_P: (each has runs each service) [01:06] I have to go reset the router. [01:06] J_P: s/has// [01:06] emX: my question is : how i choice debian or ubuntu for web/ssh/cvs server ? === stetyR [~stetuR@37stb68.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] emX: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/667 === HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.114.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] hola [01:07] whats the bes linux firewall? [01:07] Thewarmachine: another fork. the bsd stuff is messy politics, i'm not getting into that discussion === stan-am [~nico@68-207-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] :) [01:07] emX: here ? [01:07] Thewarmachine: there is only one firewall [01:07] hey guys! [01:07] lol topyli [01:07] Thewarmachine: its in every linux distro [01:07] J_P: you'll probably be ok with either one -- if you're happy with this channel and the ubuntu community, i suggest ubuntu. [01:07] Thewarmachine: it's called iptables [01:07] can anyone give me the command to add 1024x768 screen resolution [01:07] lol [01:07] that sudo something command [01:07] Thewarmachine: http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=130 [01:07] emX: nalioth: any ideas? [01:07] vladuz: it looks like your client computer is having trouble making a network connection to the ssh server. [01:07] vladuz: :-) [01:08] <_frank> Thewarmachine: I use guarddog [01:08] ^^ [01:08] A[D] minS, yes, ubotu [01:08] emX: :-) sure. But that wuestion is only for i larn about your exeperince.. [01:08] can anyone give me the command to add 1024x768 screen resolution [01:08] that sudo something command === bit0 [~jose@61.Red-80-24-119.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] emX: anything i can do there? [01:08] is firestarter sufficient [01:08] ? [01:08] what is moment where is better use debian and not ubuntu... understant. If this moment exist, sure! [01:08] vladuz: are you sure the ssh server is running on the server machine? have you configured any firewall rules on it? [01:08] ubotu: !help [01:08] A[D] minS: No idea [01:08] loooool [01:08] <_frank> Thewarmachine: yeah that works too [01:09] Thewarmachine: firestarter is fine. they all do the same thing, configure iptables [01:09] ubotu: install nvidia driver [01:09] A[D] minS: Wish i knew === gangjavitis [~gangjavit@d53-64-49-161.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] lol [01:09] emX: how can i make sure the ssh server is running [01:09] hi guys [01:09] tritium, ubotu Good helper [01:09] i did it manully [01:09] vladuz: on the server machine: ps aux | grep sshd [01:09] Thewarmachine: all the better :) [01:09] !nvidia [01:09] somebody said nvidia was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto [01:09] ever heard of peerguardian? [01:09] emX: ok [01:09] A[D] minS, see above [01:09] vladuz: you should see something like :root 5475 0.0 0.1 3472 1512 ? Ss 08:44 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd [01:09] ubotu, any way thx i found it :PP~~~ [01:09] A[D] minS: I give up, what is it? [01:09] Thewarmachine: Here's a firewall script that I wrote for Ubuntu: http://rob.pectol.com/ubuntu-firewall.sh Feel free to try it out and give me some feedback on it! It [01:09] do you? === stetyR [~stetuR@37stb68.codetel.net.do] has left #ubuntu [] === ben_d [~ben@cpe-66-66-209-96.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] emX: yes [01:10] vladuz: how are the two computers connected? [01:10] can someone tell me how to get gaim installed [01:10] vladuz: via a router? switch? crossover cable? [01:10] I am doing download of ubuntu hoary :-) [01:10] Thewarmachine: is commented fairly well so it should be easy to configure... [01:10] aha OK [01:10] emX: they are not. i am trying to connect via ssh [01:10] A[D] minS: ubotu is a bot, it doesn't understand very complex questions :) [01:10] emX: ?? [01:10] emX: i'm interested in the physical connection [01:10] hi, I have a Dell Dimension 4600 and I've installed Ubuntu on it, but I can't get the sound drivers to play. Anyone got any suggestions? [01:11] emX: router, but on my ibook i am using my neighbor's wireless right now [01:11] bye all, I come back after.. === bit0 [~jose@61.Red-80-24-119.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [01:11] emX: no physical connection [01:11] topyli, do u know how i can ask him :)P [01:11] flodine, "sudo apt-get install gaim" will install it [01:11] I'm having a bit of an issue with udev - I'm not sure if its a kubuntu specific issue, but I can't seem to get udev to constantly set my USB HD to something like usbhd1 [01:11] robert_pectol # Micro$oft LOL [01:11] i agree [01:11] hmm ibook is probably the problem.. had tons of trouble doing NFS between ubuntu and my mac [01:12] Thewarmachine: I see... well then good luck! [01:12] why cant I get gaim 1.4.13 === J_P [jp@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:12] vladuz: well, the problem isn't with ssh. if you can't ping the server, you can't ssh to it. [01:12] A[D] minS: try something like " !nvidia " or " !mp3" [01:12] 141 [01:12] ubotu, !nvidia [01:12] A[D] minS: I give up, what is it? [01:12] emX: i am wondering if i use the wrong ip [01:12] loooooooool [01:12] emX: i got it from ifconfig [01:12] A[D] minS: or "!help" :) [01:12] thx topyli [01:12] no way [01:12] vladuz: are there more than one network interface on the server? [01:12] googling better :) [01:12] hey guys can anyone give me that command to configure the resolution? [01:12] hey guys can anyone give me that command to configure the resolution? [01:13] that sudo something [01:13] emX: no [01:13] hehe [01:13] stan-am: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? [01:13] sudo something [01:13] vladuz: you are using the wrong IP [01:13] nalioth: how do you know [01:13] its "sudo + something" [01:13] cant really remember [01:13] A[D] minS: when ubotu doesn't know something you do, you should teach it :) [01:13] vladuz: you are using the internal IP address, you need the IP the internet sees [01:13] stan-am: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?? [01:13] stan: try what kyncani said with sudo before it [01:13] topyli, am not teacher :P [01:14] nalioth: how do i get that [01:14] heh [01:14] stan: and use the easy option when asked [01:14] vladuz: do you have a router on your home box? [01:14] nalioth: yes [01:14] nop thats no it [01:14] it used to open a blue screen [01:14] stan-am: that will do [01:14] yeah that's what you're looking for... but you have to do it from a prompt [01:14] not a shell [01:15] vladuz: you need to dmz your home machine, and go to the routers admin screen ( or whatever it is) and get the external IP [01:15] vladuz: consider using a package like ddclient (with dyndns) [01:15] brb [01:15] so hit ctrl-alt-F1 [01:15] Can anyone give me a hand getting my USB HD set up to always get the same device node? [01:15] nalioth: emX: i went there and the external ip is the same but it ends in 47 instead of 43 === sinferno [~charles@65-194-22-127.block4.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] stan-am, that is the correct command. Please try it again. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto === jp_ [~jp@216-155-91-141.bk2-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] vladuz: an external IP can't be 192.168.X.X [01:16] !mp3 [01:16] stan exit gnome and try it [01:16] atlas95: I don't know, could you explain it? [01:16] vladuz: that's not 'world routable' [01:16] i need to completely uninstall cedega, but i didnt install it with apt obviously, how do i do this? [01:16] vladuz: that isnt correct 192.168 are internal only addresses [01:16] !nautilus [01:16] atlas95: I don't know, could you explain it? [01:16] i upgraded it to a newer version and its all fukked [01:16] so i need to uninstall and just install it fresh [01:16] vladuz: do you have a web browser on the server computer? [01:16] emX: yes === lamm3r [~xkill@] has joined #ubuntu === aeolist [~aeolist@ppp-229-018.dialup.ntua.gr] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] sinferno: in the future, use "checkinstall" [01:17] vladuz: go to checkip.dyndns.org [01:17] emX: nalioth : i am on the router page now [01:17] nalioth, i dont have that [01:17] vladuz: on the server computer, open a browser and go to checkip.dyndns.org [01:17] nalioth, is it in apt? === jadugarr84 [~chris@12-203-179-26.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] emX: if vladuz is not ip-forwarded or dmz'd his box will never hear the requests [01:17] vladuz: that'll give you the 'external' IP address [01:17] nalioth, anyways, how do i uninstall this [01:17] sinferno: yes === A[D] minS [~Whisky@] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] nivida working now [01:17] sinferno: and it's used in place of "make install" [01:18] nalioth: should do that first, true. [01:18] hey nalioth === Rawplayer [kevin@ipc111e1d2.oom-killer.org] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] emX: ok i got the ip [01:18] nalioth, ok i got it [01:18] anyone had any luck running ubuntu PPC? [01:18] is there an official ubuntu ppc channel? === ChurcH_of_FoamY wonders if he should switch to the opera browser [01:18] sinferno: you have a mess, but i'd find the "cedega" binary and remove it [01:18] has anyone here sucessfully used gnome-launch-box that is in backports? [01:18] emX: but i still can't connect [01:18] vladuz: now you need to configure your router to pass information from the internet to a computer on your internal network [01:18] vladuz: this is called IP forwarding, usually. [01:19] emX: do you know how to do that [01:19] nalioth, theres no command to remove all directories linked to a program? [01:19] vladuz: it depends on what kind of router you have. [01:19] Guys is there Games 3D under Linux ? [01:19] vladuz: do you know the manufacturer and model? [01:19] or Games as in windows [01:19] emX: westell 327w [01:19] vladuz: find the "dmz" setting on your routers admin page and add your home boxes IP (the 192.168 one) to it [01:19] nalioth, cause theres several folders i will need to remove [01:19] my young brother will kill me if i culdn't find good games :) [01:19] !opera [01:19] Bugger all, i dunno, ChurcH_of_FoamY [01:19] sinferno: i'd rename them (for safety reasons) === rg58sma [~rg58sma@] has joined #ubuntu === LeeColleton [~lc@dsl231-061-247.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] ChurcH_of_FoamY: is there a problem with the browser selections that are "free"? [01:20] i need help with my user UID [01:20] please is urgent!!! [01:20] emX: nalioth: i have port forwarding and trigger ports [01:20] gangjavitis, many people, yes [01:20] rg58sma what's wrong? [01:20] um no but i want to try it just to see what it's like anyway [01:20] i have problem creating my user [01:20] A[D] minS: install Scorched3d from the repos, it's great & 3d [01:21] and i wanna create a new user [01:21] like installation [01:21] okay thx Madpilot [01:21] besides if it ends up being an inconvience to use it without regestering it i'll just hack it [01:21] vladuz: can you configure port forwarding to point port 22 (ssh) incoming to your server's IP address (192.168.X.X)? [01:21] rg58 what problems are you having? [01:21] vladuz: no "dmz" under game settings, perhaps? [01:21] Madpilot, u r pilot ? [01:21] sinferno: here's a tip when you roll your own. make a list with: find / | grep -v -e ^/dev/ -e ^/tmp/ -e^ /pro/ > preinstall-programname.list. Then install your program and run the same command with postinstall-programname. At the end run: diff prinstall-programname.list preinstall-programname.list > installed-programname.list <--now you have a list of file to delete and where they are to uninstall [01:21] nalioth, well like it made a virtual c drive and everything, i would rather not go thru searching for parts of the install deleting things [01:21] A[D] minS: yes, I've got my private pilot's license [01:21] nalioth, theres alot of things that cedega installs [01:21] nalioth: i think westell calls DMZ static nat. [01:21] i wanna create a new user with root permition like the user of instalation === jp_ [~jp@216-155-91-141.bk2-dsl.surnet.cl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:21] nalioth: i can't find game settings [01:21] an adminstrator? [01:22] vladuz: any 'static nat' settings? [01:22] emX: it asks for global port range and base host port [01:22] pax, ohhh cool [01:22] vladuz: emX may have an answer [01:22] Greaaaat ... Madpilot am studying in Civil aviation in Egypt :) [01:22] yes [01:22] emx yest [01:22] yes [01:22] ChurcH_of_FoamY: Opera have a Ubuntu deb available - www.opera.com/download [01:22] vladuz: and there's also 'port forwarding'? [01:22] looool delete first "in" === EGCdgital [~michael@] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] emX: static NAT enabled for [01:22] A[D] minS: I'm (slowly) working toward my Commercial license, part-time... [01:22] rg58 pretty sure you need root access to do that, do you have root access? [01:22] emX: yes have port forwarding [01:23] yes [01:23] It seems like nautilus writes some temporary image file for any DVD it's about to burn. Anybody know where this is located? [01:23] ok so [01:23] what exaclty is stopping you? [01:23] yes i have a root access [01:23] vladuz: static nat will forward ALL traffic to the interal server; port forwarding will forward only traffic on a certain port [01:23] but i wanna create a user like installation make [01:23] vladuz: if you're comfortable exposing all ports, use static nat. [01:23] vladuz: if you're not, try port forwarding [01:23] i'm using debian 3.0 right? [01:23] levander: k3b burns on the fly, fwiw [01:23] i know it's not sarge [01:23] isen't it woody? [01:23] emX: what would be the drawback === homer2 [~ghozer@user-12hc4oe.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === EGCdgital [~michael@] has left #ubuntu ["I] [01:24] how do i change my system hostname [01:24] vladuz: you might want to go with port forwarding for now... === erirlar [~erirlar@cm-] has joined #Ubuntu === flipy [~flipy@62-15-245-77.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu === blmartin777 [~blmartin7@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:24] emX: ok, for port forwarding what do i enter for global port range? [01:24] vladuz: the more ports available, the more possible ways for a cracker to break into your computer === Gatton [~me@adsl-157-120-21.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === tahooie [~tahooie@] has joined #ubuntu === tahooie_ [~tahooie@] has joined #ubuntu [01:25] i'm using debian 3.0 right? thats what ubuntu comes with yes? [01:25] vladuz: you want to forward port 22 (ssh) to your internal computer [01:25] hostname mamamia or edit /etc/hostname [01:25] vladuz: emX this isnt windows [01:25] vladuz: emX i have my *nix boxen all open to the net [01:25] nalioth: :-) no reason to expose ports unnecessarily [01:25] ChurcH_of_FoamY, debian is not ubuntu. [01:25] ChurcH_of_FoamY: cat /etc/debian_version [01:26] emX: vladuz should only have port 22 listening [01:26] ok ubuntu is built on debian [01:26] nalioth: *should*; does? [01:26] emX: nalioth: so for global port range i type form 22 - 22 [01:26] jeeze [01:26] vladuz: that should be fine. [01:26] you use ubuntu and don't know that? [01:26] emX: and for base host port [01:26] ChurcH_of_FoamY: 3.1 you're using sarge [01:26] vladuz: that should be the same (22), i think [01:27] vladuz: i'm not very familiar with westell's interface... === khermans [~khermans@proxy-sjc-1.cisco.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] emX: then the last thing it asks is TCP or UDP [01:27] vladuz: TCP [01:27] Anyone know how to get VNCREC installed?? [01:27] emX: ssh -vv still doesn't connedt === Druke [~druke@71-11-166-58.dhcp.sprn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === ChurcH_of_FoamY goes to his favorite hack site to get a key [01:28] ChurcH_of_FoamY: that is uncalled for in here [01:28] vladuz: did you configure the port forward to point to the server's local IP (192....)? [01:28] nalioth sorry >.< [01:28] Madpilot, is there something like fifa or need 4 speed under Linux ? [01:28] emX: it didn't ask me for the ip === chaps0063 [~bjr223@pcp02115427pcs.lebnon01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === argos [~argos@ti541110a080-7130.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] vladuz: hmmm. it should; there's no real point to port forwarding if there's nobody to forward *to* === bharath [~bharath@YAKUZA.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu === X7C [~xtc@] has joined #ubuntu [01:29] I need help unistalling some package... [01:29] anybody using wifi with ubuntu? [01:29] X7C: yep [01:29] A[D] minS: not sure. check http://www.happypenguin.org/ or http://tuxgames.com/ [01:29] yes === apokaway [~dw@host-84-9-35-107.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [01:29] emX how do you connect to the AP? [01:30] X7C: have you tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto [01:30] do you have it statically settup? or are you using some kind of script for automating or t least makint it easy and flexible [01:30] I'm brand new to ubuntu and Linux. Could'nt get wifi to work but cable works... [01:30] X7C: yes. [01:30] ahm.. nope. :p [01:31] X7C: what kind of security are you using on your wireless? === Razor-X [~user@user-11fa5i1.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === Burrito [~Gonzalo@pc-237-165-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] vladuz: any luck? find anything else in the router's dialogs? [01:31] emX: can you look at this? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/668 [01:32] vladuz: sure. hang on. [01:32] chaps0063 X7C: what kind of security are you using on your wireless? << none [01:32] I'd like to do some benchmark tests on my SAMBA server. Does anyone know how to do this? [01:32] X7C: ah, I see. [01:32] LeeColleton: benchmark a local server? [01:33] i know it works i had my computer routing inet to other computers via wifi on ad-hoc mode [01:33] vladuz: looks like you got it to work. could you log in? === stetyR [~stetuR@37stb68.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] LeeColleton: sudo apt-get install swat [01:33] X7C: so what exactly are you trying to do? [01:33] but i wanna make my wifi interface just turn on and scan for networks so i can connect === pinpoint [~pinPoint@pinPoint.sustaining.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] emX: no password doesn't work [01:33] and therefore it is seen well huge kise to change of resolucion but me does not give but options the limit says is 1024 my monitor is of 19' my card is ati radeon 9200l that is my main problem 07:36 I can live without sound but without video [01:33] sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid any === mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium [01:33] i had statically set up the network when i was sharing inet [01:33] vladuz: well, the connection looks fine. are you using the correct username/password? === Burrito [~Gonzalo@pc-237-165-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [01:34] X7C: that should pick things up... [01:34] !resolution [01:34] extra, extra, read all about it, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto [01:34] i wont' :p [01:34] X7C: hah ;) [01:34] vladuz: just to be sure, try this: 'ssh -v USER@HOST' where USER is the username on the HOST (and HOST is the server's IP) [01:34] emX:how do i specify the username [01:34] ok === DAC1138 [~dave@24-56-174-97.co.warpdriveonline.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] mind me, i'm LaTeXing, so I won't be helping very interactively [01:34] it's weird [01:35] emX: hey it worked [01:35] cool [01:35] X7C: iwlist eth1 scanning [01:35] vladuz: great! congrats. [01:35] won't spit nothing out [01:35] emX: thanks so much [01:35] Razor-X: emacs implant coming up soon? [01:35] it prints no scan results [01:35] vladuz: no problem. === snackalot [~brad_@12-219-191-151.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] nalioth: mmmm, that would be awesome [01:35] maybe i'll reboot and do that cause i already kinda messed around a lot with iwconfig [01:35] X7C: ok. [01:35] vladuz: your IP address will probably change, though, assuming you're on DSL/cable [01:35] a cranial emacs implant would be crazy [01:35] How safe is it to remove stuff out of /tmp if I need the space for something temporary? [01:35] !wpa [01:35] chaps0063: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? === stetyR [~stetuR@37stb68.codetel.net.do] has left #ubuntu [] [01:36] see ya [01:36] vladuz: so instead of having to manually check your server's IP all the time, check out dyndns.org (or similar) [01:36] nalioth did you get that pm? [01:36] has anyone done anything with WPA-PSK? [01:36] ChurcH_of_FoamY: did you send me one? [01:36] chaps0063, try !info wpasupplicant [01:36] yes [01:36] !info wpasupplicant [01:36] wpasupplicant: (Client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i)), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 0.3.8-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 135 kB, Installed size: 376 kB [01:36] emX: i will thanks [01:37] vladuz: they provide a service (and a client available on Ubuntu) to automatically point a domain name (like vladuz.ath.cx) to your server's IP [01:37] ChurcH_of_FoamY: look at your server window for a msg [01:37] vladuz: good luck. [01:37] Anyone here try vncrec? [01:37] oh ok then can you pm me? so i can talk to you for a min? === _seth [~seth@24-117-104-21.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] tritium: the manual pages are short..hehe. [01:38] ChurcH_of_FoamY: identify yourself to nickserv [01:38] how? [01:38] ChurcH_of_FoamY: type /msg nickserv help [01:38] i tryed in the past and it won't do it === nickrud [~ajax@ppp-66-140-226-108.dialup.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] need to know how to install realplayer please [01:38] snackalot, ubuntuguide.org [01:38] thank you === ioboss [~ioboss@host10-21.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] salve [01:39] chaps0063, enjoy :) === VeEee [~madd@pool-70-21-173-183.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] hello [01:39] O_O [01:39] khermans: please avoid recommending the guide, it can lead new users into trouble === VeEee is now known as DETOXv [01:39] i have a problem with dependences.. [01:40] tritium: will do... [01:40] nalioth, why? === Gnobody [~jason@blk-222-50-94.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] !ubuntuguide [01:40] hmm... ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide. Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why. [01:40] !ubuntuguide === sethk [~seth@24-117-104-21.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] nalioth, in this case, it's not bad advice :) [01:41] nalioth, explain to me how to get vncrec working [01:41] ok i had to regester something musta changed cause i did this twice now lol [01:41] khermans, nalioth is right in general, though === queuetue [~Scott@h69-21-252-54.69-21.unk.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu === jdub_ [~jdub@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] nalioth unless the doc team start moving, the guide will be used no matter what, especially for codecs related stuff. [01:42] Hello. What is a tool I can use to turn a handful of mp3s into an audio disc? [01:42] how do i configure my internet in ubuntu [01:42] the only thing I really disagree with in UbuntuGuide is the use of Azureus and Limewire [01:42] queuetue: mp3burn [01:42] nick Eazy_Rider [01:42] Gnobody, the lack of mentioning java-package is another [01:42] homer2: use network-admin === argos is now known as Eazy_Rider [01:42] and suggesting burning programs over nautilus-burn [01:42] queuetue: works for ogg vorbis and flac, too [01:43] nautilus-burn "just works!" [01:43] quazion_, try k3b for that and burning [01:43] nickrud: not saying it was, just advising to avoid recommending the guide in general [01:43] and rp-pppoe instead of pppconfig [01:43] Gnobody, It works for audio, or for data cds? [01:43] pax: the team IS moving (see the wiki to see what has changed) [01:43] Im not sure about audio disks [01:44] nalioth, yeah, I backed off on that as quickly as I could [01:44] but it works great for data cds/dvds [01:44] queuetue, k3b works for all CD/DVD types [01:44] nalioth, politics aside and between you and me, the guide is not *that* bad for newbs [01:44] I could burn a CD image to a DVD no questions asked === MIK3MAN [~mike@142-217-13-119.telebecinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] in nautilus-burn [01:44] starting out as semi-n00b, I used the guide and its not too bad. === huttan [~eja@h200n2fls310o968.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] hey everyone, chattin to you on my new ubuntu box [01:45] khermans, and if I could stand the kde interface, I might check it out. :) [01:45] pax, giving instructions (maybe bad, maybe good, which is irrelevant) without any explanation is bad [01:45] pax: parts of it are great, but new users are not able to tell the wheat from the chaff [01:45] if people want to educate them selves in a serious way they will go to bn.com and grab books. most just want a command or two to install this thingy or than program === Druke [~druke@71-11-166-58.dhcp.sprn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] MIK3MAN, finally, huh? [01:45] pax: and the chaff will break their systems [01:45] khermans sure is vague to busy to help a nubi [01:45] Hello, I just installed ubuntu 5.04 on my toshiba laptop and when it tries to boot it freezes on "Starting hotplug subsystem..." Anyone here that knows what might be wrong? [01:45] can someone give me a repository for bittorrentgui? [01:45] huttan: do you have any devices attached to it, printer, usb drive, etc? [01:46] tritium: yeah!! thanks to you.... === Ninwa [~joey@d14-69-38-157.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #Ubuntu [01:46] chaps0063, onlything is an wireless networkcard === c_rodge [~cale@pool-68-238-7-94.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] nalioth I dont think so, but respect your opinion. some in the doc team themselve use the guide we're talking about, enough said. [01:46] huttan: did you try taking that out and letting it boot? [01:46] MIK3MAN, only in part :) [01:46] where i can find libasound2 1.09? [01:46] chaps0063, yepp. same problem [01:46] MIK3MAN: gnome-bittorrent doesnt work for you? [01:47] dose anyone have a repository for realplayer [01:47] huttan: hmm...weird... [01:47] chaps0063, yes, I never had this problem before [01:47] MIK3MAN, a good tool is apt-cache search, try using bittorrent with that === cmatheson [~cmatheson@71-32-225-68.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] snackalot: you want to edit your sources.list to include packports and then sudo apt-get install realplayer [01:47] nalioth: yeah it worked, but its strange.. I like the more advanced features of bitorrnado [01:47] pax: if you are an experienced *nix user, the guide is great [01:47] chaps0063, Do you think it would work with an older ubuntu version ? [01:48] is there a channel for VNC ? [01:48] i'm italian, somebody can help me? === challenged [~jason@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === poutine [~0@cpe-65-24-126-227.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Mavro [kafra@] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] ioboss: is there and #ubuntu-it? [01:48] hi there [01:48] huttan: i don't have the slightest...I just started using it about a month or so ago, i did the only troubleshooting i know :-) [01:48] nalioth, tnx.. :p i'm newbie [01:48] chaps0063, heh === Zaki [~fff@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:48] Hello people i'm an old windows junkie trying out linux (ubuntu) for the first time. Where can i find help on how to connect to my Windows network? [01:48] I'm currently installing ubuntu from a cd I got in the mail, and it errors out trying to copy bsdutils with a "input/output" error, weirdly it installed fine before, I'm having to IRC using netcat to get here, so p [01:49] Can linux help me get a green card? [01:49] Will_, only if you marry it [01:49] Will_, if you get good, someone will want to hire you :) [01:49] As I was saying, weirdly, it installed fine before when I used the entire hard drive === x\ [~zx@] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] http://www.fu-fme.com [01:49] pax thanks ill try it === ramblingturtle23 [~ob@c-67-185-59-89.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:49] Will_: yes Linux can help you achieve that if you apply online to be join the us army [01:49] anyone using zoom usb adsl modem here with ubuntu? === Gatton [~me@adsl-157-120-21.clt.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:50] hi, anyone plays ETF in here? [01:50] Ircing using netcat is unbearable in here, brb [01:50] pax, apply to the US army if you want to lose your life for nothing these days... [01:50] pax: don't listen to them, join the navy or air force instead [01:50] how is linux gonna help ya get a green card? [01:50] khermans, please, that's offtopic === poutine [~poutine@cpe-65-24-126-227.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === ed1t smacks pax === asdiuahsdbaskjdb [~admin@] has joined #ubuntu === jcfreak [~jcfreak@nowire-39-123.sciotowireless.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] khermans: freedom is not free. but let's not talk about that here by respect for the topic, I just answered will's question [01:51] !sound [01:51] well, sound is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 [01:51] tritium, he started it ;-) === concept10 was a Navy recruiter [01:51] I'm trying to install unbuntu on my other computer, it installed ubuntu fine before, and this cd *just* came out of the slip cover, yet it errors always installing "bsdutils" how can I make it select an external source or fix this? === Mavro [kafra@] has left #ubuntu [] === nickrud was navy, and, does not recommend it as a means to get residency [01:52] poutine: if it's a burnt CD === TongMaster [~TongMaste@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] mo [01:52] no [01:52] khermans, but you turned it into a political rant. Please avoid sensitive politics in here. Thanks. [01:52] hrm [01:52] this is a ubuntu cd from ship-it [01:52] poutine: there is a problem with some CD drives and the CD at that exact point [01:52] nickrud, rate> [01:52] it worked fine before.... [01:52] poutine: some of those cds didnt press well [01:52] yes, you'll upset us communists [01:52] poutine, some ubuntu cds are corrupted [01:52] I encountered the issue myself [01:52] poutine: can you find a burnt copy (from a freind or library)? [01:52] well thanks for the free coasters [01:53] lol [01:53] No, i'll see if I can find the cd I used earlier [01:53] poutine: well, my advice would be to grab the iso off that CD [01:53] well for your wifi issues...Intel has finally fuck it...just take our expensive wifi driver code for free and put it in your damn constantly changing kernel....so there should be some support now for a few intel nics [01:53] poutine: almost like aol cds? [01:53] poutine: then rsync the image and then burn it [01:53] anto9us, please don't [01:53] poutine, download the iso image from ubuntulinux.org [01:53] :) [01:53] can I somehow keep going with the installation from the point I left off if I have a working CD? === jorgp3 [~jorgp@bnet-dial2-245.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] can i hav a $ [01:53] but we are more interested in who has the tunable lasers working on their local area networks. [01:53] poutine: yes [01:53] how? [01:54] just stick it in and retry === sethk [~seth@24-117-104-21.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:54] poutine: HrdwrBoB's advice is quicker [01:54] HrdwrBoB: umm, well no, I'd need to unmount it first === epiloc [~blake@ip68-1-232-116.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:54] poutine: heh, point [01:54] and it doesn't seem to be reading off the cd drive during that point [01:54] poutine: console is on alt-f2 [01:54] I think it copies it to memory [01:54] yeah I know, already tried that [01:54] the error is usually when it's trying to copy [01:55] ok, I'll try unmounting it and selecting the same step I was at [01:55] yeah === liquidboy [~Miranda@210-54-197-247.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] is this correct: metacity and sawfish are window managers, but not in the same way as fluxbox is (like they can't be used on their own) [01:56] Hello, I just installed ubuntu 5.04 on my toshiba laptop and when it tries to boot it freezes on "Starting hotplug subsystem..." Anyone here that knows what might be wrong? [01:57] huttan: you aren't running on battery by any chance? [01:57] seth_k, tried booth [01:57] you know, if you're going to say, "Linux for human beings" the installer needs a helluva lot of work [01:57] huttan: I see this on my Dell Inspiron 600m when wireless is enabled on boot with ndiswrapper. Sound like you? === u19809 [~u19809@cable-62-205-104-152.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] seth_k, sounds very much like me [01:57] Where can i get help on how to access the files on my windows network from my ubuntu-laptop? === corvix [~corvix@214.Red-213-98-112.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] hi all, the arping utility that comes standard with ubuntu is very limited [01:58] Eazy_Rider, samba [01:58] synaptic? [01:58] I want the debian arping package. How can I install it ? [01:58] think so? [01:58] huttan: only happens to me when on battery :( however could you visit https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=9942 and describe your system configuration? [01:58] I've installed NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Solaris 8-10/sparc, debian, and pretty much every other linux operating system before and I've never had as much trouble with it [01:58] Installed samba, no go... [01:58] can someone tell me how to get gaim installed [01:58] shoot [01:58] poutine, it's the debian installer, so its ease should be >= that of debian ;) [01:58] afaik its installed .. [01:58] Eazy_Rider, you gotta mount your windowsshare with samba [01:59] shoot [01:59] dhoot me or help me [01:59] corvix : talking to me ? [01:59] help [01:59] flodine: easy, easy. Someone will get to you [01:59] no more like flodine [01:59] flodine: patience. === knowledge_ [~knowledge@c-24-14-163-27.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] flodine: sudo aptitude install gaim [01:59] Can someone tell me where I can find ncurses-devel from? [01:59] Eazy_Rider, ie. mount -t smbfs -o username=xxxx,password=xxxx,uid=xxx,gid=xxx //name/share /mount/point or something [02:00] !info ncurses-devel [02:00] Eazy_Rider, been a while since I messed with it [02:00] huttan: ok, guess i'm too new to linux. Will do some samba and linux reading.. [02:00] seth_k it wont give me 1.4 [02:00] why === |rockinnerd| [~chris@adsl-69-213-153-238.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] thanks huttan. i'll look into that. [02:00] <|rockinnerd|> how does one add the multiverse again? [02:00] flodine: you may need to compile from scratch, if you want the new hotness [02:00] flodine: 1.4 isn't in hoary. [02:00] knowledge_, try "apt-cache search ncurses | grep dev" [02:00] nalioth: there's a 1.4 backport [02:00] ubuntuguide.org === evo|ution1 [qwe@] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] seth_k: ah [02:01] seth_k can i install with a deb file [02:01] corvix, please don't recommend ubuntguide [02:01] corvix: please dont blindly advise ubuntuguide [02:01] knowledge_, apt-cache searching can be very useful [02:01] sorry [02:01] flodine: debian debs may damage your ubuntu [02:01] flodine: add the backports repositories if you want 1.4. But better to just wait on Breezy [02:01] but for that multiverse thing it should be obvious [02:01] if I have 2 nics in a system 1 with an internal ip and a netmask and the other nic with an external IP and a netmask, and connected through the same hubs/switches... would that bork it? I seem to be having intermittent problems over the external link. Do I need to subnet my internal addresses? [02:01] nobody has the tunable laser approach working on their local area networks yet...what is the hangup [02:01] is dere someway too boot to iso files from a hard drive [02:01] anybody help me with a raid/LVM issue? [02:02] has anyone tried upgrading from debian sarge to ubuntu hoary? [02:02] evo|ution1: yes and no [02:02] since you're asking, I'd say no [02:02] jasoncohen, i run both [02:02] jasoncohen, but not changed from one to the other === Druke [~druke@] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] your best bet is to find someone with a cd burner [02:02] <|rockinnerd|> nevermind my question [02:02] I have an LVM volume on a raid5 set and the LVM makes the raid set in use so I can't shut it down [02:02] tritium, yo're the man [02:02] bojangles, sarge's 2.6.8 gives me kernel page faults and 2.6.11 doesn't compile ivtv correctly for me. i think i was able to do it using hoary's 2.6.10 kernel [02:02] poutine, i have a cd burner but isnt dere a way [02:03] knowledge_, glad it helped :) [02:03] if linu can be installed from ftp based services than why not via iso file on a har disk [02:03] jasoncohen, sarge is newer than hoary [02:03] jasoncohen, ok..there must be a few header changes...so you just have to experiment. [02:03] jasoncohen, 2.6.11 is unsupported, and shouldn't be used (for example, no l-r-m) [02:03] jasoncohen, sarge --> breezy is possible [02:03] hmm opera is quick and has some nice features but i don't like the interface >.< [02:03] evo|ution1: Well, you could make a partition, copy it to that partition, and set it as bootable, but the problem would be, that partition would have to remain persistant through installation, and some scripts may need edited since it thinks it's booting off a cd, that's why I said, if you're asking, the answer is probably no [02:04] shucks [02:04] Burgundavia, sarge was frozen for a while so most packages are behind the version in hoary but i guess i should wait until breezy is released to try it [02:04] i got ur point [02:04] if you have a burner what's the problem? [02:04] <|rockinnerd|> ChurcH_of_FoamY, you can change the interface if u use skins, and custom layouts [02:04] What is the default starting priority for acpid and apmd in Ubuntu? Could someone go into their /etc/rc5.d directory and tell me what number is assigned to each? Thanks! [02:04] oh ok [02:04] thnx [02:04] jasoncohen: far easier woody > hoary [02:04] well i'll try that then [02:04] it is a very quick browser === ubuntu [~ubuntu@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] nalioth, yeah, i would imagine [02:05] jasoncohen, the key thing is that sarge has a newer libc [02:05] robert_pectol: 20 [02:05] thanks! [02:05] Burgundavia, ah, that's going to be a bitch === benplaut [~benplaut@cpe-66-8-184-56.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] to downgrade [02:05] robert_pectol, I looked in rc2.d, since it's the default init and they're 20 [02:05] nickrud and seth_k: Thank you! [02:06] jasoncohen: from sarge > hoary, its not much of an upgrade/downgrade, more like mix-n-natch [02:06] true [02:06] is there some hybrid (linux or WINE'able) that does web design tasks but works more like a graphic design program? [02:06] benplaut: like quanta, nvu or bluefish? === jadugar84 [~jadugar84@12-203-179-26.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] <|rockinnerd|> quanta isn't wysiwyg though [02:07] nalioth: except without frame hell... === chaps0063 [~bjr223@pcp02115427pcs.lebnon01.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:07] don't you find that there's already enough websites around that look like they were made in frontpage benplaut? [02:07] thanks for the help guys [02:07] read: [02:07] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=261084#post261084 [02:08] i'll try with 2.6.11 again [02:08] i'm in a state of throw-either-$300-or-my-dad-out-the-window at the moment [02:08] tell me where you live, and I'd suggest the $300 [02:08] benplaut, go for the money === dyc [~s4026869@cust2703.qld01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:09] i get about $40 an hour cleaning up spyware'd computers [02:09] I doubt that [02:09] so, a days work to keep dad happy? priceless :) === AlexanRO [~alexanro@pool-71-100-29-228.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] if so, it's probably one person, who is related to you who is paying that [02:10] jasoncohen, but like all the others before you....if you can't get your driver code to work....you can just give all your expensive proprietary code to Linus for free and he and his leutenants will make an effort to include for everyone for free in their constantly changing kernel [02:10] hi. I have attempted to install hoary on a amd 64, however i get the error: cannot find partitionable media [02:10] my dad still thinks it's worth finishing the $300 web design job that i've hardly started with, and already spent about 15 hours on [02:10] dyc: SATA? [02:10] 40/hr isn't very far off [02:10] benplaut: use bluefish [02:10] cleaning a computer takes about an hour [02:10] poutine: yes === nalioth loves text interfaces [02:10] guys, how can when I do make menuconfig, how can I find out what it loads for my wifi, so when I recomile my kernel I could re-enable it [02:11] and i do flat rates [02:11] dyc: nfi [02:11] nalioth: not all of us are coders... [02:11] bugger [02:11] benplaut: then use NVU [02:11] wow...I don't think i've ever put together a worse sentence [02:11] dyc: You need some sort of module to recognize the SATA drive [02:11] that's all I can tell you [02:11] bojangles, it's actually on open source driver - see chris kennedy's ivtv driver [02:11] nalioth: frames hell [02:11] ok === nocilis [~nocilis@cpe-68-201-114-243.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] benplaut: i'm not understanding "frames hell" === Dobs [~declan@213-202-158-75.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] read the post [02:11] benplaut, sometimes you have to eat the job, to get a good reccomendation. Balance your needs. [02:12] jasoncohen, well linus is into free and gpl...so if they hand over all rights to the code forever....they can give it to linus [02:12] i'm incapable of doing the job! [02:12] i've never done web design in my life [02:12] i [02:12] GPL != free === Jaivaz [~Jaivaz@adsl-69-152-233-164.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] subcontracting is good [02:12] GPL == free if you're living in russia === ChurcH_of_FoamY wonders why neoplanet hasen't been ported to linux [02:13] 've tried several times, but always failed becuase of frames. or is it tables. or is it dividors? i have no idea... === adx [ajd@pcp0010747498pcs.howard01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] <|rockinnerd|> poutine, why so? [02:13] does anybody here know how to use wall write or talk? [02:13] GPl = one perfectly valid definition of Free === x\ [~zx@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:13] vladuz: lots of people do [02:13] benplaut: according to the post, there's not much else available to you [02:14] knowledge_: it's fairly likely the driver for your wireless card doesn't come with the stock kernel [02:14] that's my problem :) [02:14] bob2: so how do i write to someone, i read the man but it says little [02:14] knowledge_: why are you compiling a new kernel? [02:14] write username message? [02:14] i'm thinking wine'd fireworks MX [02:14] Hi all. Quick question, I think. I've a new wireless card, which I've yet to get working. I think I have the ndiswrapper and driver installed. But on iwconfig I get no wireless extensions detected. Should I conclude that the card is simply not detected? [02:14] maybe flash will work [02:14] benplaut: and i'm still lost on "frames hell" [02:14] |rockinnerd|: I'm not going to get into the politics of licensing, but I find it funny that one of the only ways to make money off linux (as a non-programmer) is through support, and people give it away for free on IRC [02:14] are you a web designer? [02:15] benplaut: i have done a few sites, yes [02:15] then you won't understand [02:15] bob2, when I install ubuntu my network card works...then I follow this how to on making my alps touchpad work better...and BAM it stops working [02:15] vladuz: "write username" [02:15] <|rockinnerd|> Well, according to the GPL and various interpetations, you can charge for software, but it probably won't succeed, because you must give away the source for free [02:15] Dobs: my Netgear WRT511G costs less than $50 on most e-tailers, works great on linux and freebsd [02:15] vladuz: assuming that the user is only logged in once === danny [~danny@cp42256-a.gelen1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] |rockinnerd|: er, only to the people you sold the binaries to [02:16] give a graphic designer a web design program, and all the frames run into each other, overlap, don't fill up like they should, etc [02:16] benplaut, no, but I've done contracting, and paid people more than I made to get the contract completed. Be more careful about the jobs you take in the future :) [02:16] bob2: and where does the message go? [02:16] <|rockinnerd|> ah. [02:16] i didn't take it === |rockinnerd| stands corrected [02:16] i was given it [02:16] bs with ubuntu and real player 10 codec for firefox [02:16] vladuz: to the terminal they're logged in to [02:16] somebody could help me?? [02:16] just ignore me... i'm just venting [02:16] Poutine. Good. But when you type iwconfig, you automatically see the card detected, don't you? [02:16] benplaut :) [02:16] vladuz: if hey logged in with GDM, it goes to one of their xterms [02:17] This one is a linksys. It should work [02:17] venting is a virtue :) [02:17] danny: maybe #ubuntu-nl would be a better place to ask [02:17] ok thnx === benplaut cracks knuckles === Flying-Penguin [~flyingpen@pool-71-103-171-206.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] poutine, well you are wrong by a long shot....they give the advice away for free so no one else can make any money. [02:17] knowledge_: yes, probably because you're rbuilding the kernel and losing all the extra modules ubuntu has === jessta_ [~jessta@203-173-46-120.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] lets see what this so called "Macromedia Fireworks MX" can do [02:17] bojangles: poutine this seems more approriate for #licensing or #ubuntu-offtopic [02:18] poutine, but the chip manufacturers like IBM, Intel, AMD, Sun, SGI, and a few others make billions of dollars off of linux [02:18] <|rockinnerd|> knowledge_, try make oldconfig if u have the .config file [02:18] bob2: see "I'm not going to get into the politics of licensing" [02:18] poutine, it is just that you cannot. === synd [~synd@h188.43.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] it's not that I cannot [02:18] poutine: cool, thanks [02:18] I'm a commercial developer [02:18] bojangles: please don't [02:18] Even without particular configuration, a wireless card should be detectable. How can I confirm that? [02:18] lspci -v [02:18] I think [02:18] or pciconf -v [02:18] I'll try that. [02:18] something like that === pd [~paul@h103.31.40.69.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] Dobs, lspci, for internal, or lsusb [02:19] define "detectable". the kernel cis aware of the physical existence of all usb and pci devices, but that doesn't help it use them. [02:19] ubuntu-nl is already in sleeep :(:(:(:( [02:19] no answer === spiderworm [~spiderwor@ip68-3-31-10.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] iwconfig will only show devices with working and loaded wireless drivers [02:20] OK bob2. It doesn't show a card unless its ready to run? That's worth knowing. [02:20] how do I install media player 10 in linux ubuntu//// [02:20] danny: you can't [02:20] i mean real player 10 [02:20] danny: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [02:20] srry === evo|ution1 is now known as evo|ution [02:20] wow! lspci -v gives me a lot of information, but not informatoin that I understand. [02:21] try without the -v [02:21] real player 10 i meant [02:21] -v == verbose [02:21] poutine, if you want to see who is making the money go look at all the chip manufacturers supported by Debian [02:21] I did that too, but I don't see linksys. [02:21] poutine, they support more than anybody [02:21] <|rockinnerd|> Dobs lspci -v | grep -e linksys [02:21] Dobs, try lsusb, if it's a usb device [02:21] bojangles: I have no doubt billion dollar companies are making billions more off of free software, it's more the "ordinary person" category I worry about [02:21] How can I install real player 10 in linux ubuntu [02:22] danny: go read that page === synd [~synd@h188.43.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu === micahf [~micahf@user-12l39dc.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] <|rockinnerd|> danny, follow the yellow-bricked link === Druke [~druke@71-11-166-58.dhcp.sprn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] Dobs: it's likely linksys is not in the output of lspci [02:22] i did it didnt work [02:22] hey guys [02:22] That's a good plan. And if grep doesn't find it, can I conclude that it's not detected? [02:22] poutine, well...the ordinary person can always start up a multibillion dollar fab and compete....nobody stops them [02:22] see what boggles me is this....before I reinstalled "sudo make-kpkg --us --uc --initrd --append_to_version "-5-386-alps" kernel_image kernel_headers kernel_source" worked...I reinstalled ubuntu because my wifi card wasn't working...and now that command isn't working [02:22] since it probably rebadged someone else's card === bimberi [~bimberi@DC-245-205.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] Dobs: no, not at all [02:22] bojangles: If you really think that, you're in fantasyland [02:22] Aha bob2. I think that too. So, what should I be looking for? [02:22] it says something about kpkg not being there [02:22] does ubuntu support pci-e graphics cards well? [02:22] because I'm a mac dude and I'm about to build a PC [02:22] does ubuntu use clearlooks theme? === Thewarmachine [~thewarmac@] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] i did made use of the terminal to install it [02:22] AlexanRO: by default, yes === david [~david@r3al23.chello.upc.cz] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] crimsun! [02:23] knowledge_: er, so, install it? it's in the kernel-package package. [02:23] and does vram matter on a PCIe graphics card? [02:23] ty, time to switch to ubuntu [02:23] actually, I might just use gentoo [02:23] if those billion dollar companies didn't have enough capital to not have to worry about other people using their "secrets", their software wouldn't be released under open source licenses [02:23] any idea what a really fast cd ripper would be? [02:23] capital + market share [02:23] poutine: I agree [02:23] nobody? [02:23] What might indicate wireless card in the output of lspci, if not the manufacturer's name? Or the word wireless? [02:23] Cos I don't find those. [02:24] Thewarmachine: basically everything is a frontend to cdparanoia [02:24] Dobs: you're looking for the chipset [02:24] does anybody here know of somthing called dyndns client [02:24] And yet the card has a light shining. [02:24] <|rockinnerd|> Dobs, wlan0 if it's up [02:24] It's not up === atlas95 [~cyril@] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] not the name of the card that was on the box [02:24] Dobs: 0000:02:02.0 Network controller: Intel Corp. PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter (rev 04) [02:24] bob2, I see... [02:24] Dobs: that's what I get for mine, so try searching for Network === SunTzuTech [~bent@cltea-proxy-1.sun.com] has left #ubuntu [] [02:24] vladuz: ddt-client is the packeg you want, iirc [02:25] vladuz, take a look at ddclient, that' supposed to work with dyndns [02:25] if KFC just started yesterday, and they released their secret recipe under the GPL, do you think they'd be in business long? [02:25] No network mentioned, except for ethernet. that's the wirey connection though === EGCdgital [~michael@] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] <|rockinnerd|> Dobs, is your card PCMICA, PCI, or USB [02:26] nickrud: the thing for the ip right === Strife [~mdepalati@gyruss.gpcc.itd.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu [02:26] Either pcmcia or pci, I don't know actually [02:26] Not usb [02:26] hey! does anyone know how VRAM works on PCIe cards? [02:26] graphics cards? [02:26] and do they work with X? [02:26] vladuz, try apt-cache show ddclient in a terminal, if the descriptions fits ... === EGCdgital [~michael@] has left #ubuntu ["I] === synd [~synd@h188.43.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:26] micahf: yes, they work fine [02:26] micahf: assuming your driver supports the pci-e version of cards [02:26] yay neoplanet is coming to linux and mac ^_^ === DAC1138 [~dave@24-56-174-97.co.warpdriveonline.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:27] bob2, and how does memory work, I know that some of them say "maximum memory" [02:27] micahf: that sounds like marketing crap to me [02:27] bob2, are PCIe cards special because they can use shared memory very quickly? [02:27] poutine, it is not fantasy land....recently a newcomer to linux is making some ARM chips for special purpose devices. [02:27] bojangles: with no starting capital from proprietary designs? [02:28] poutine, you are free to go get billions of dollars and then open your own fab and compete if you can. [02:28] micahf: I don't think so === robotgeek [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] bojangles: market share + capital [02:28] bojangles: poutine this seems more like #ubuntu-offtopic material [02:28] bob2, see, I'm wondering why these all of these PCIe cards only have 16-32 mb of vram [02:28] nickrud: do you know a little about this? [02:28] poutine, well the ARM chips don't have a big picture outlook they are focusing on a niche market [02:29] poutine, but that is what they want to do. [02:29] micahf: Coz business PCs don need 256MB ram. [02:29] bob2: why does everything need to be in it's own separate channel? [02:29] micahf: I can't imagine how using shared memory would be faster, but I'm no expert [02:29] So, if no reference to network is in the output of lspci, then I can conclude that I have a problem which is unrelated to drivers etc. [02:29] but I thought PCIe 16x was faster than AGP? [02:29] bojangles: how do you figure? Do you know how many embedded devices are powered by ARM chips? [02:29] so why would they give them less RAM? [02:29] vladuz, only peripherally, I toyed with it a while back. I believe I used that tool, but my memory may be fuzzy [02:29] poutine: because pointless religious wars go nowhere [02:29] micahf: it is. Still no match for on-board ram though. [02:30] hmmm [02:30] well shit [02:30] what ubuntu mirrors are there for apt-get and where do i find them [02:30] bob2: Have you ever heard of obsessive compulsive disorder? [02:30] nickrud: when it asks to enter a list of fully qualiified domain names for my host, is that where i pick a name or what? [02:30] poutine: yes? [02:30] I can't figure out which card to buy because all of them say "maximum memory" [02:30] instead of VRAM [02:30] homer2: wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive, iirc [02:30] micahf: The whole point to PCIe is that it isn compatbile with AGP slots, so all fanboys will need to upgrade their CPUs, ram and mainboards *again*. === synd [~synd@h188.43.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] bob2: Are you an op here? [02:31] poutine: yes [02:31] vladuz, I would look in /usr/share/doc/ddclient for more info, because I don't remember :) === tritium points to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct [02:31] I kind of figured, what's wrong with people /ignoring others? [02:31] poutine: nothing at all [02:31] poutine: I don't put anyone on /ignore, tho [02:31] I think the separate and classify thing is very ocd-like [02:31] that's an interesting viewpoint [02:31] ocd? [02:31] I use it as a technique to stop stupid discussions taking over the channel === atlas95 is now known as ATlas95|Dodo [02:32] is there any way to permanently solve the firefox version problem? [02:32] oh...obseesive [02:32] robotgeek: poutine is implying that I have obsessive compulsive disorder [02:32] poutine: The other 600 users here (including ALL ops) would disagree. The majority is ALWAYS sane, so you lsoe. === aatim [~aatim@] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] So, if no reference to network is in the output of lspci, then I can conclude that I have a problem which is unrelated to drivers etc? [02:32] Dobs: is it a pci wireless card? === Kaltzu [~Kaltzu@addr-82-128-218-97.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] I think so. [02:32] qt2: use the backports, update and change the vendor id [02:32] yeah...have we seen the ascii art trolls today? [02:32] you need to find that out === synd [~synd@h188.43.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] bob2: Well, if people wish to discuss something, why do they have to go somewhere else? [02:32] robotgeek: dunno, i still have them on ignore [02:33] what is gnome-moz-remote [02:33] Google, I will. [02:33] ? [02:33] anto9us, "general.useragent.vendorSub"? === DAC1138 [~dave@24-56-174-97.co.warpdriveonline.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] poutine: they don't have to, I was merely suggesting it [02:33] ok, but I'm asking your opinion [02:33] poutine: if the discussion got more stupid and/or disruptive, then I might intervene [02:33] Google I have. Yes, it is pci [02:33] cafuego: if i leave and come back, are they still on ignore? === robotgeek is a irc newb! [02:33] robotgeek: try changing your nick [02:33] most ignore lists are based on that [02:33] qt2: yes [02:34] and you can usually tell if someone is ignoring you by pinging them [02:34] Ping! [02:34] anto9us, yeah, that's what i've done, but i have to redo it every session... <.<; [02:34] through the client to client protocol...... === astronut [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [02:34] poutine: oh okie...i don't thing i've behaved badly for anyone to ingore me! [02:34] qt2: you're running the updated firefox from the backports? [02:35] mmhmm. [02:35] qt2: 1.0.5? === EGCdgital [~michael@] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] robotgeek: No idea, depend son the ignore and the client. I ignore by hostmask. [02:36] but the news is that 1.0.5 has bugs, and they are going to update to 1.0.6, so it's kinda pointless [02:36] is it in the repos yet? [02:36] cafuego: i think i just used nick. will learn in time :) [02:36] So, it is pci. Sorry to re-present the same question, but I'll go off satisfied if I can find out the following: is lspci makes no mention of wireless, or network, etc. it is safe to assume that the system (for whatever reason) is not detecting the card correctly. I don't have to worry about drivers etc. yet. I'm still a few steps away from configuration? [02:36] robotgeek, nope, 1.0.4, 1.0.5 isnt in the repo's yet. [02:36] bob2: I know a lot about unix, unix-like, and unix-derived systems, I don't go to channels solely to help people (I think that's weird), I go to get questions answered, or when I anticipate a question (I've been having troubles), I like to discuss off topic things, but I'll help someone if I see a question asked which I know the answer to, if I'm having a discussion in another channel, I'm not going to flip back to this one just to [02:36] spend time helping someone, do you think that's unreasonable that someone might see a benefit in allowing off topic conversations to happen as long as their tasteful? [02:37] of course not [02:37] they're [02:37] wow, the #ubuntu thesis :) [02:37] i'm test driving the ubuntu live cd, and i was wondering if anyone has used a dlink wifi card and wants to help me get it working (dlink says not possible, google says maybe, but ath_pci and other driver's didn'tt work in knoppix as those sites suggest)... [02:37] qt2: i tht us said the updated firefox [02:37] i don't even see the card in lspci at the momment [02:37] bob2, actually, surprisingly, PCIe makes it so that GPU's don't need onboard RAM! [02:37] see here: http://arstechnica.com/articles/paedia/hardware/pcie.ars/6 [02:37] everyone calm down I am back now [02:37] astronut: might need that silly acx_pci module instead [02:37] well, do *you* see a benefit in allowing off topic conversation for the purpose of putting questions in the viewable area for people who potentially know the answer? [02:37] micahf: agp does that too, but it's crap and slow [02:37] bob2, how do i init the card? [02:38] astronut: load the module... [02:38] micahf: yeah but they still suck [02:38] (basically) [02:38] poutine: yes [02:38] robotgeek, the 'updated forefox fromt he backports' refers to '1.0.4-1ubuntu3-5.04ubp5' i believe... [02:38] poutine: Now imagine 600 people all blabbering off-topic. Why should _you_ get a special treatment? [02:38] correct anto9us? [02:38] bob2, not sure pcmia sees it [02:38] !cedega [02:38] methinks cedega is http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=45 [02:38] astronut: oh, ouch [02:38] not sure [02:39] acx_pci you said? [02:39] seriously important question [02:39] modprobed, don't see a light on the card [02:39] not if it's pcmcia [02:39] qt2: yes [02:39] !cedega [02:39] cedega is probably wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega [02:39] poutine, did you know there's an #ubuntu-offtopic channel ? [02:39] is updating to gcc4.0 a problem [02:39] hmm... [02:39] qt2: okay..i already have, i guess [02:39] Thewarmachine: as the default compiler, yes [02:39] shit [02:39] !cedega [02:39] acx_init_module: TI acx_pci.o: Ver 0.2.0pre8 Driver initialized, waiting for cards to probe... [02:39] i think this does sound like the right module [02:39] cafuego: you're assuming everyone here wants to have an offtopic conversation, most people are here solely to get help, they don't know the answers to questions, and I'm willing to bet those people are less likely to participate in geeky conversations [02:39] Note that acx_pci doesn work proeprly for some acx_111 cards. ndsiwrapper might be a better choice for those. [02:39] HrdwrBoB, why do they suck? [02:39] i wanna update firefox, and its telling me to install gcc 4.0 [02:40] astronut: except it's for pci... === aatim is now known as aatim[afk] [02:40] but not sure how to get the pcmia to recognize [02:40] !cedega [02:40] Me again. The linksys card is pci. Sorry to re-present the same question, but I'll go off satisfied if I can find out the following: if lspci makes no mention of wireless, or network, etc. it is safe to assume that the system (for whatever reason) is not detecting the card correctly. I don't have to worry about drivers etc. yet. I'm still a few steps away from configuration? [02:40] well, cedega is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega [02:40] bob2, agp doesn't have 4000mb/s bandwidth [02:40] The following NEW packages will be installed: [02:40] firefox gcc-4.0-base libcairo1 libpixman1 libstdc++6 [02:40] micahf: do you really think anything on your system can push out data at 4GB/s? [02:40] What if everyone here committed mass suicide? Should there be something in the topic warning us about that? an #ubuntu-suicide channel just because a what-if which will never happen? [02:40] even your memory bus is probably not that fast [02:41] poutine shut the fuck up already [02:41] bob2, what is your point? [02:41] poutine, ? [02:41] Dobs: paste your "lspci" output to #flood [02:41] poutine: No, my querstion is why should some people be allowed to go on off-topic whilst others shouldn't. Do you suggest an arbitrary cut-off point when too much off-topic chat is going on? Do the ops start devoicing then? (Because they will ALL argue, as opposed to desist (like you)) [02:41] micahf: that shared memory is crap and a way for manufacturers to save money [02:41] Thewarmachine: final warning === [2] BoxingFiend [~[2] Boxing@c-67-190-91-216.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === tritium reminds Thewarmachine of http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct [02:41] anto9us, ah, figured it out, i had to run firefox with su so it would save the about:config permanently. [02:41] <[2] BoxingFiend> evening [02:41] final warning what [02:41] i never got a first! [02:41] bob2, I don't understand what you have against system memory if the bandwidth is 4000mb/s [02:41] Thanks bob2. I'll look for # flood [02:42] cafuego: I'm merely answering the flood of remarks aimed towards me [02:42] poutine: The channel rules state be on topic. if you can or won you'll be removed. it's as simple as that. [02:42] Thewarmachine: er, you're obviously in the wrong, so just don't do it again [02:42] if you don't want me answering you [02:42] Dobs: the channel #flood [02:42] bob2: its cool man === cafuego pads the iglist [02:42] the most logical solution would be to stop talking to me, wouldn't it? [02:43] micahf: because it's not really going to be 4GB/s, and it presumably consumes memory bandwidth your cpu could be using, and it probably ties up the cpu [02:43] Thewarmachine, please remember the ubuntu code of conduct [02:43] root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu # cardctl status [02:43] Socket 0: [02:43] 3.3V CardBus card [02:43] function 0: [ready] === rbhas [~rbhas@kaveri.Stanford.EDU] has joined #ubuntu === geargolem [~shogun@pool-141-158-178-198.cap.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] but no light on card [02:43] is there anyway to see more info about it? [02:43] I GOT THE MESSAGE ALREADY [02:43] sheesh [02:43] did you see the link bob2? === Atlas-EnConsole [~cyril@] has joined #ubuntu === evo|ution [qwe@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:43] so, Thewarmachine you wanted to know a bit about gnome-moz-remote? [02:43] micahf: to ars? === Efwis [~Efwis@colo-02-172.dsl.netins.net] has joined #ubuntu === sky_monkey007 [~sky_monke@ip68-6-248-5.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] yes nickrud! === simon_ [~simon@x1-6-00-30-ab-22-48-e8.k123.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] micahf: all the pci-e cards I've heard of have the same memory range as AGP ones do [02:45] Thewarmachine, it's a generic interface to netscape/mozilla/firefox that allows a program to call up a web page [02:45] oh [02:46] i got that when running grip [02:46] strange, huh? [02:46] bob2, I pasted that for you. === cortney [~cortney@user-2inikfs.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] poutine, i don't want you to think the people are discriminating or anything.....but you cannot make a dime because you were not rich to begin with....but whose fault is that. [02:46] micahf: you cannot read 4GB/sec off any memory that exists today [02:46] nickrud whats a really fast cd ripper [02:46] micahf: not normal system memory, not tricked-out DDR3 [02:47] Thewarmachine, not really, but I tend to use sensible-browser in anything that calls gnome-moz-remote === Velcan [~matthew@12-216-142-98.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:47] bojangles: I have no problems making money, but I'm telling you, it wouldn't have been possible with the GPL [02:47] regardless of who co-signed a loan for me [02:47] micahf: 4GB/sec is a theoretical limit of 'how much could you send if there were no constraints at all' [02:47] or how much that loan was [02:47] Dobs: so, it's not pci, unless it's not physically plugged in, or it's pysically broken [02:47] daniels, I know, my point is just that the bus doesn't inhibit the card's access to the memory [02:47] micahf: if you have to wait for a round-trip, or -- and this will happen -- endure latency for your request, you're not going to even get close [02:47] Burgundavia, is the startup time on breezy better than hoary? i find that starting the hotplug system in hoary takes excessively long. [02:47] Thewarmachine, cdripping is pretty much taken care of in linux by cdparanoia, most apps use that app === Aegir [Richard@] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] Thanks. That's good to know. I think there's a problem with the laptop [02:48] micahf: sure it does [02:48] nickrud, i get speeds of no greater than 2x [02:48] micahf: you have to stall other ops on the bus while you tie it up for memory access [02:48] jasoncohen, that is being worked on at the hardware level...there are now some iRAM boards and some solid state hard drives with fiber optics coupling that will help the i/o latency stuff. [02:48] Thewarmachine: as nickrud and I have said, they all use cdparanoia, which is a good thing; it does a very very good job [02:48] I read somewhere on the net about Toshiba A60 -302 difficulties with pci. [02:48] Thewarmachine: it's probably just that your cd rive is crap (most are) [02:48] micahf: not to mention that you're now going to have contention between your gpu and cpu for memory accesses, so suddenly render ops become bound to your cpu again. ironically. [02:48] why do i get such sluggish speeds [02:48] Anyway, that's good. It saves me trying to configure what is not there. [02:48] Thanks bob2 [02:49] Thewarmachine: you could try cdda2wav if you care more about speed than quality [02:49] Thewarmachine, maybe try sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/ , I've heard that that can speed things up [02:49] jasoncohen, so you won't have to worry...just get or design the right hardware. [02:49] and i have a philips [02:49] Thewarmachine, that sets dma to on [02:49] unless it's a dvd-rom driveor from plextor, 2x is pretty good [02:49] wow [02:50] I get 6x or so with my dvd drive, in paranoid mode [02:50] its a dvd9 === mfabing [~mfabing@222-153-54-196.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [02:50] Does anyone else get annoyed by ubuntu's lies about how much is installed? why is the progress bar separate for "base system" and "remaining packages", are those remaining packages _NOT_ mandatory and part of the base system? [02:51] I really don't like your attitude [02:51] No [02:51] bob MUTE him [02:51] "base" is a well defined concept in ubuntu (and Debian) [02:51] poutine: nope [02:51] poutine: as long as it works, i don't care! [02:51] Lies? [02:51] I kinda like knowing what's what, and if I don't understand, look around [02:51] poutine: and ubuntu works very very well! === ed1t sits on a throne of lies! [02:52] eh, I bit again, didn't I [02:52] bob2: may I see the definition === synd [~synd@h188.43.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] or a link to it [02:52] nickrud, that command you gave me doesnt work [02:52] Thewarmachine, sensible-browser? [02:52] Good night fine people! [02:52] robotgeek: never said it didn't === zho40 [~zho40@user-24-214-168-103.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] poutine: grep for packages in /var/lib/apt/lists/*Packages which have Section: base [02:53] ??. [02:53] poutine: it's defined in Debian policy, www.debian.org/devel/ [02:53] Thewarmachine, I just did it, and got firefox [02:53] is that a definition or an example? [02:53] no [02:53] poutine: i know, but i was just speaking for myself! [02:53] thats not what I was talkin about [02:53] lol [02:53] poutine: and seriously, try to phrase questions in a less annoying manner, especially when the problem is that you don't understand something [02:53] i meant the command for cd ripper [02:53] Thewarmachine, ah, I use grip as my ripper [02:54] same here === sky_monkey007 [~sky_monke@ip68-6-248-5.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] and the command for dma gives me nothing [02:54] bob2: English is not my native language, if I use words which do not fit, I apologize, but I'm short on synonyms [02:54] i want to make hdparm run at boot, where do i put that command? [02:54] poutine: "The base system is a minimum subset of the Debian GNU/Linux system that is installed before everything else on a new system. Thus, only very few packages are allowed to go into the base section to keep the required disk usage very small." [02:54] i would rather not create any files, just modify one already there like i could on slackware [02:54] poutine, you should have picked different parents when you were born...like Bill Gates did or Sam Walton....if you had picked Sam Walton as your father you could have $18billion dollars for nothing to open your own fab === dobwan [~duane@pcp01101547pcs.pntiac01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] poutine: "lies" is a very loaded term [02:55] bob2: ok... but even by that, the "base system" includes those "remaining packages" [02:55] DAC1138, there is an hdparm initscript in /etc/init.d. Also of importance is the config file in /etc === martine [~me@81-170-191-196.bahnhofbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] Thewarmachine, 'gives me nothing', explain please [02:55] what are you wanting hdparm to do on startup? [02:55] poutine: no... [02:55] poutine: they're distinct sets [02:55] is it not required disk usage? [02:55] or did they throw that in the definition just for fun? [02:55] poutine: please stop it [02:55] or you will be removed [02:55] please stop what? === robotgeek [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] I'm trying to understand [02:55] being so aggressive, it's highly unpleasant [02:55] oh just remove the troll === keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] what did I do? [02:55] sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/cdrom [02:55] /dev/cdrom: [02:55] setting using_dma to 1 (on) [02:55] HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted [02:55] using_dma = 0 (off) [02:55] :( [02:55] tritium, whoa, i just do "hdparm -c 1 -d 1 -k 1 /dev/hda" whats all that other junk do? [02:56] it's always the same pattern. the instant someone gets ops, he'll say "i'll be good" etc [02:56] DAC1138, basically they're variables that you can set for all the possible switches for hdparm [02:56] is scpm (system configuration profile manager - GPL Suse thing) going to be in the 10-05 release [02:56] As I explained before, english is not my native language, I learned how to speak it from Rated R movies, I do not know the synonyms in your language to properly express my views and ideas on the subject matter, it's beyond my control [02:56] dobwan: no [02:56] are you starting to notice the trolling yet? [02:56] tritium, so can i just throw my hdparm command in there? [02:56] poutine: and what is your native language? === robotgeek [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] spanish [02:57] trolling.....yeah [02:57] DAC1138, near the very bottom of that file you can use your command line. [02:57] sproingie: I'm not dumb, I just try to give people the benefit of the doubt [02:57] Thewarmachine, since I don't know your drive, maybe it cannot handle dma. We're pushing the limits of my hardware knowledge here [02:57] bob2, thanks === mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ [02:57] tritium, alright. thanks a bunch === poutine [~poutine@cpe-65-24-126-227.columbus.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2 [02:57] lol === poutine [~poutine@cpe-65-24-126-227.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === mgalvin [~mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] DAC1138, of course === danielcj [~danielcj@200-153-196-219.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] they don't speak my dialect [02:57] bob2 === mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ === mode/#ubuntu [+q *!*@cpe-65-24-126-227.columbus.res.rr.com] by bob2 === mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2 === mgalvin [~mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:57] poutine tu tienes una problema? [02:57] i think it's kline time === mfabing [~mfabing@222-153-54-196.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:58] no ones going to kline someone for being slightly annoying [02:58] Thewarmachine: try using the /dev/hd? instead of /dev/cdrom...probably won't help, though === foursti [~foursti@pool-71-107-102-109.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] The Obsessive COmpulsive Discusser! I think someone had some projection issues and forgot their medication. === The_Vox thinks everybody forgot their meds today... [02:58] bob2: I would, if I were an oper. (On mondays anyway) [02:58] guys my touchpad doesnt work in hoary new install, its a acer ferrari 4000 [02:58] found my issue, it's detailed here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-39379.html [02:58] nothing [02:58] hello, what's happening? [02:59] hi everybody... please, can anyone help me with latex on ubuntu? I'm having problems in configuring brazilian portugues in latex... [02:59] poutine is speechless now, lol [02:59] mmm latex [02:59] Thewarmachine, then, it looks like dma is not an option on your cd drive ;( [02:59] anyone know how to get my touchpad working [02:59] awwww man === cafuego slices his hand with a serrated breadkniffe [02:59] foursti, are you using 2 devices? === otep [~otep@AP-] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] cafuego: nice === nameless1 [~nameless1@ppp108-42.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] foursti, i had to make my linux use 2 devices, since i use a usb mouse and a touchpad [03:00] DAC1138, no i dont have any mice connected [03:00] Thwar [03:00] there a good wifi manager on the live cd? [03:00] to detect networks and such [03:00] sproingie, know anything about configuring latex? [03:00] ? [03:00] cdrom drives are only 20 bucks :) [03:00] like kwifimanager, but gnome? [03:00] foursti, hmm. afaik, linux uses ps2 mouse "drivers" or whatever to apply to touchpads === chaps0063 [~bjr223@pcp02115427pcs.lebnon01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === kjon [~kjon@pc-183-143-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] Can someone tell me howto repartition and format a hdd thru ubuntu, is there some software i can install thru synap to do this? [03:01] danielcj: my knowledge of all things tex is like 15 years old [03:01] sky_monkey: wheres the fun there [03:01] !info libvorbis-dev [03:01] libvorbis-dev: (The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec (development files)), section libdevel, is optional. Version: 1.0.1-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 446 kB, Installed size: 1996 kB [03:01] is there any way to get my window to flash in gaim when a new message arrived? [03:01] nameless1, qtparted [03:01] nameless1, cfdisk, and it should already be in your install [03:01] astronut, I've used the gtkwifi applet for a nice long time. It works great for gnome [03:01] DAC1138, can u give me the right driver to use? === EGCdgital [~michael@] has left #ubuntu ["I] [03:01] nameless1, or just parted [03:01] DAC1138, psaux? === AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [03:01] ouch === AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] I'm not sure if it's in the livecd tho. [03:01] thanx [03:01] sky_monkey007, live cd :-) [03:01] foursti, no, im using a funky xserver, so mines different === robotgeek [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] Does anybody know where can I get libvorbis-dev? === Minuo [~adam@] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] kjon, the sf.net project page [03:02] kjon, it's probably on the universe or multiverse repo's, === micahf [~micahf@user-12l39dc.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === TokenBad [~tokenbad@c-24-21-26-217.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] jasoncohen: from ubuntu... [03:02] !find libvorbis-dev [03:02] well found out don't like Xandros [03:03] libvorbis-dev: (The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec (development files)), section libdevel, is optional. Version: 1.0.1-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 446 kB, Installed size: 1996 kB [03:03] DAC1138, well i did cat for psaux and input/mice === shad0w1e [~shad0w1e@ool-182ede79.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] DAC1138, neither work [03:03] help! how do I configure my ethernet adapter from the console? [03:03] shad0w1e, ifconfig [03:03] eps. sky_monkey007: You're wrong. That package *isn't* on the ubuntu repositories... I heard that I might get it from debian's, but I don't know if I should do that... [03:03] TokenBad, whats bad about Xandrox? [03:03] astronut, , thank [03:03] s [03:03] DAC1138, which other drivers are there [03:03] it keeps disconnecting my inet [03:03] for no apparent reason [03:03] foursti, i dont know. is it a new laptop? [03:03] (I had to reinstall ubuntu... T-T no more debian repositories T-T) [03:03] kjon: libvorbis-dev - The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec (development files) [03:03] will be online for a good bit..then nothing [03:03] kjon: no, it's in ubuntu [03:03] all lights on modem and stuff are still on [03:04] kjon, sorry about that. Just a guess. I'd be very careful about dipping into Debian repos, unless you know much about apt-pinning. [03:04] DAC1138, yes brand new [03:04] and everything but can't get on irc..can't load webpages..nothing [03:04] DAC1138, acer ferrari 4000 === [koji] [~[koji] @host-67-128-166-59.entouch.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] sky_monkey007: buaaahhhhh T-T :'(... [03:04] acer sells a desktop called a ferrari? [03:04] yes [03:04] chaps0063, not sure about flashing windows, but you may want to check out gaim-guifications [03:04] kjon: perhaps you have the network repositories disabled [03:04] that's like driving a Kia Lamborghini [03:04] TokenBad, that sucks bro! How does Ubuntu work on with your box? [03:04] kjon: you'll need to fix that [03:05] sproingie: I got acer's ferrari (but the notebook version!) [03:05] tritium: is gnome 2.12 working with ubuntu [03:05] it works fine [03:05] never had a problem with my inet out of it [03:05] chaps0063, it will in breezy [03:05] kjon, ...im talking about the notebook versin [03:05] tritium: ok. [03:05] kjon, yea [03:05] foursti, i couldnt tell ya then === gentoothreefour [~gentoothr@c-24-6-97-245.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] does anyone know why for some reason when bootsplash is change from silent to verbose there is no splash image on the background? i have splashutils installed latest version and i am having problems making the spash image display when it is in verbose [03:05] foursti: I guess I read "desktop"... sorry. [03:05] kjon, do u have ur touchpad working [03:05] um how do I "save and exit" under vi? === SunTzuTech [~bent@cltea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] shad0w1e, :wq [03:05] kjon, in ubuntu [03:06] nickrud, thanks [03:06] foursti: On ubuntu, not fully. I have that damned erratic movement naggin' me... [03:06] shad0w1e, you may have to hit excape first [03:06] gentoothreefour: er, you seem to be in the wrong channel [03:06] they should give a class on vi [03:06] I was going to install Xandros on my moms computer..but if it going to disconnect all the time [03:06] brb, gotta reboot in windows :( [03:06] kjon, mine doesnt even work can u tell me what driver ur using in xorg.conf [03:06] then will not do it [03:06] vitutor [03:06] bob2: About repositories... I added updates, patches and all that stuff from synaptics... [03:06] bob2: But I don't know any other... [03:07] kjon: well, libvorbis-dev is certainly in main [03:07] what really need to find is a linux that will let her run autocad [03:07] foursti: hell... give me five minutes, I have a friend who might help you with that. [03:08] kjon, alright === Raptoid [~Raptoid@] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] kjon, I was right. It is in the Ubuntu repos :) [03:08] ...and how do I quit vi? [03:08] hit :q [03:08] sky_monkey007: Damned synaptics... I'm gonna wipe it out!!! T-T [03:09] tritium: apparently gaim's flashing windows will only work with gnome 2.12 [03:09] that's why I love the creepy bash... [03:09] I like Aptitude better than Synaptic [03:09] sky_monkey007, it aint working [03:09] it says read-only [03:09] ! to overwrite [03:09] shad0w1e, try running vimtutor from the command line, it will get you thru the basics [03:09] shad0w1e: Are you smoking crack? [03:09] hold the shift key and the semi colon, and then type q [03:09] g [03:09] chaps0063, did you look into gaim-guifications? it might have something that'll work for you/ [03:09] can I do a net install of UBUNTU(say it loud and proud) using only a boot floppy and wireless Orinoco card? (it's to a laptop with no cd) [03:09] sky_monkey007, not working! [03:09] you may have to hit the esc key first to get out of edit mode [03:09] tritium: i'm just going to wait for breezy. === edited [~ubuntu@ool-4355c7cd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] hit the escape key, and then :q [03:09] sky_monkey007, I'm already out of edit mode [03:09] it keeps saying cannot write, ! to override [03:09] shad0w1e, that probably means you tried editing a file you do not own [03:09] tritium: right now I'm using message notification and just inserting (*) into the title window when a new message has arrived. [03:09] I'm gonna have to come in as su [03:10] Does anybody tried the Gnomebaker 0.4? [03:10] nickrud, well yes [03:10] now I just want to get out [03:10] shad0w1e, it works in my vi [03:10] shad0w1e, :q! [03:10] dobwan: no [03:10] im gonna try it again [03:10] dobwan: you could use pxeboot floppies, tho, if yo usetup a pxe/dhcp server [03:10] just hit ctrl-c if you can't figure it out [03:10] dobwan: I wanna be like you when I grow older!!! [03:10] lol [03:10] and find a pxeboot image that does wireless [03:11] ah the q! did it... [03:11] thanks [03:11] sky_monkey007, evil ;) === sky_monkey007 knows he's evil [03:11] ah, thats good === sky_monkey007 thinks someone should printout a "vi cheatsheet" [03:11] kjon u there [03:12] sky_monkey007: Why don you order the VIM Coffee Mug? [03:12] bob2, man I got 2 strikes and I don't even play ball (kjon, how did you know I was "older"?) lol === rg58sma [~rg58sma@] has joined #ubuntu === sky_monkey007 says or they should use gedit. === D1 [~damian@pool-71-104-101-157.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] hiiii [03:12] guys im getting: synaptics touchpad not detected (EE) [03:12] cafuego, I used to have that, actually :) [03:12] any clue how to get the touchpad workin === nebular_ [~nebular@Toronto-HSE-ppp3685627.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === J35U5 [~Jesus@] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] hey rg58sma [03:12] foursti, do you actually have one? [03:13] rg58sma, what model of laptop [03:13] tritium, i have a touchpad, lol [03:13] foursti, but is it a synaptics one? [03:13] finally, I got into GUI! the first thing I'm doing is installing nano! === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:13] lol [03:13] sky_monkey007: http://www.lagmonster.org/docs/vi.html [03:13] tritium, how do i check [03:13] as soon as I get my connection working... [03:13] more like... [03:14] rg58sma, were you able to add your new user to the admin group? [03:14] shad0w1e, http://www.lagmonster.org/docs/vi.html [03:14] ok thanks a lot guys [03:14] now... my mouse is a laptop touch pad.... the right side has ridges, it's software mapped to a scroll wheel....how do i set that up in linux? [03:14] lol. is vi really better than nano? [03:14] should I get hit for asking that question? === chaps0063 [~bjr223@pcp02115427pcs.lebnon01.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:14] nano rules the universe [03:14] shad0w1e, vi > all [03:14] !start an editor war [03:14] astronut: Bugger all, i dunno [03:14] oops, that's #debian [03:14] shad0w1e: Yes, but it has a far steeper learning curve and is guaranteed to annoy you for the first few days. [03:14] oh and another question [03:15] ubotu is a bot right? [03:15] astronut: Bugger all, i dunno [03:15] tritium, how do i check [03:15] does maddox really use vi for everything? [03:15] nano will fix the universe, when everything else is broken === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:15] astronut, is vi better than kate? [03:15] shad0w1e, yes [03:15] vi > all [03:15] yes but its no gui [03:15] vi is always > all [03:15] .. === X7C [~xtc@] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] foursti, foursti try mdetect === AlexanRO [~alexanro@pool-71-100-29-228.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["poof!"] [03:15] exactly === aatim_ [~aatim@] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] gui = bloat === dobwan [~duane@pcp01101547pcs.pntiac01.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:16] no gui = no cut copy paste [03:16] my touchpad has a portion that is software mapped to a mouse wheel, how do i do this in linux? (windows laptop) [03:16] shad0w1e, try gvim, it has a gui over vim [03:16] hahahaha [03:16] shad0w1e, gpm = copy/paste [03:16] shift-insert === cheesycow5 [cheesycow5@1Cust1620.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] tritium, mdetect displays intellimouse.. [03:16] = cli past [03:16] good point [03:16] in vi, you can cut a line using dd, then p to past it [03:16] paste rather [03:16] tritium, theres no mouse connected [03:16] shad0w1e: a gui only makes an editor slower. ':14' is far quicker them moving your hand to the mouse, moving he mosue, moving your hand back. [03:16] plus I think theres a way to get the mouse working in the console [03:16] foursti, it's your touchpad then [03:16] shad0w1e, gpm [03:16] if it's a console app, then ya [03:16] one of these days i gotta learn vi [03:16] like Aptitude [03:17] until then its nano for me! [03:17] tritium, so what steps do i need to take [03:17] Also see vim in screen, extra paste buffer. [03:17] my touchpad has a portion that is software mapped to a mouse wheel, how do i do this in linux? (windows laptop) [03:17] someone try typing: /server irc.flash.yahoo.com [03:17] just force yourself to use it for all of your non-critical text editing [03:17] im testing something === nickrud cannot do debs without aptitude, anymore [03:17] ..... [03:17] k thanks guys I'm out [03:17] poutine, and also another niche market player is the E12K processor which tries to be useful in the scientific markets....so you have proof this is not fantasy land === astronut thinks knowledge_ fell for cheesycow5 [03:17] foursti, is your mouse working right now? === cheesycow5 does too [03:17] what is LaTeX? === snackalot [~brad_@12-219-191-151.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu === sky_monkey007 says "never trust anyone saying, "click this link/run this command/etc...I'm testing something." [03:17] are there any ubuntu bugs abiout random programs crashing to the desktop? [03:17] no offense, of course [03:18] tritium, touchpad? no its not, and i havnt tried an external mouse [03:18] benplaut, beautiful typesetting software :) [03:18] benplaut: DTP on the console. [03:18] none taken :P [03:18] benplaut, it's an old page layout format [03:18] he [03:18] how bout this [03:18] foursti, I'm not talking about an external mouse [03:18] can someone test: /disco flashy lights [03:18] tritium, well the touchpad doesnt respond [03:18] nickrud, it's still widely used, despite its age [03:20] latex isn't a page layout format === tiglionabbit [~nick@c-67-171-159-205.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] cheesycow5: bash: /disco: No such file or directory [03:20] it's a document format [03:20] say, anyone here know a lot about LVM? [03:20] you just provide the text, marking up titles, index words, etc, and it lays it out for you [03:20] tritium, I've used it once or twice, but since I don't write/publish technical stuff .... [03:20] cafuego: hold on lemme try === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] nickrud, I use it all the time === cheesycow5 is almost stupid enough to actually do so === david [~david@] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] hello === nickrud hides, not wanting to start another format war :) [03:21] is there a way to bind arbitrary keycode (not keysyms) with xmodmap? [03:21] tritium, ? any idea [03:21] i have all these funky buttons on top of my keyboard, and they all give off keycodes [03:21] any one know a thing or 2 about 3d acceloration [03:22] david: you trying to get your card working in Ubuntu? [03:22] actually, oddly enough only some of them give off keycodes [03:22] foursti, try reconfiguring your xserver, and configure the mouse for your hardware. "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" [03:22] !ati [03:22] it has been said that ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto [03:22] !touchpad [03:22] No idea, astronut [03:22] I have a ati mobility radeon 9700 [03:23] david: see the URL that ubotu just posted, probably... [03:23] ya ubuntu === cheesycow5 [cheesycow5@1Cust1620.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === DAC1138 [~dave@24-56-174-97.co.warpdriveonline.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] I have done this 2 times and it dont work [03:23] just changed ubotu's entry on itself... [03:23] !ubotu [03:23] well, ubotu is uh... Thaaat's me! I'm a bot. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! [03:24] benplaut, LaTeX is a software which allows you to create professional documents... and you don't need to worry about appearance... wanna know more? [03:24] ubotu, what did you do get eggdrop out of synaptic [03:24] bojangles: I don't know === edited is now known as ed1t [03:24] benplaut, I use it daily. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. [03:24] bojangles: eggdrop is in universe or multiverse. [03:24] !synaptics [03:24] ubotu, seems like every channel wants to play with their bots [03:24] I haven't a clue, nickrud [03:24] bojangles: I don't know, could you explain it? [03:25] I get an error saying only 2d acceloration is enabled [03:25] ubotu, they have one in ##hurd also [03:25] I haven't a clue, bojangles [03:25] !synaptic [03:25] I guess synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto [03:25] You can play with ubotu on #debian-bots === ben_d [~ben@cpe-66-66-209-96.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] cafuego, is there an easy way to add an alias to an ubotu factoid? [03:27] do I need to use xfree86? [03:27] !lvm [03:27] tiglionabbit: No idea [03:27] nickrud: There's a way to do reference ones, I think. Let me check. [03:27] someone wanna helpme with chown [03:27] Can anyone give me a hand with enabling 3D Rendering for a Voodoo 3 [03:27] david: do you have the kernel module installed? [03:28] whitch one [03:28] xfree? [03:28] david: for ati === robotgeek [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] rg58sma, you were asking earlier about giving a new user sudo priveleges. Did you end up adding that user to the admin group? [03:28] oh the ati modual [03:28] lsmod | grep fgl [03:28] no [03:29] modprobe fgl? [03:29] you need that [03:29] fglrx actually [03:29] apt-get install linux-restricted-modules [03:30] yes [03:30] ok [03:30] one sec === konki [~konki___@pool-71-111-171-19.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === whakerson [~whakerson@c-66-41-133-173.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] actually it looks like the version and name are in the module [03:30] search for it with aptitude or synaptic and install the appropriate package for your kernel [03:30] s/module/package/ [03:30] E: Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules [03:30] have a litle problem with ln -sf [03:31] cafuego, I need to log off, if you don't mind, I'll ask again later [03:31] sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r), sproingie [03:31] nickrud: np [03:31] sproingie: I have the same issue with a Microsoft Elite Wireless keyboard and mouse... just use the setkeycodes command to assign them to unused/available slots... won't give you any functionality but it'll keep the kernel from complaining and your /var/log/messages won't grow un-necessarily large with unrecognized keycodes messages... === nickrud [~ajax@ppp-66-140-226-108.dialup.snantx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:31] robert_pectol: it logs them? wowsers. [03:31] sproingie: sympatic says it is installed === apollo2011 [~apollo201@] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] sproingie: I just added them to the /etc/keymap.sh script so that they get assigned automatically... [03:32] anyone === EfaistOs [~efaistos@m239.net81-64-31.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] david, good. It should have been [03:32] robert_pectol: i have no such script in /etc actually [03:32] rg58sma, you never answered me... [03:32] sproingie: what now [03:33] I am trying to add my Palm Tungsten T to the PalmOS devices list and I am not sure what port it is. I looked in the messages log and it is apparently on USB1 but I don't know the location of that in /dev. I cant find any usb devices in the /dev folder [03:33] stupid bot [03:33] david: what kernel version are you using? [03:33] sproingie: not using ubuntu? Either way, you can put them in any of the init scripts... [03:33] 2.6.10 [03:33] robert_pectol: i am, but don't have such a script === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:33] sproingie: I see... [03:33] dose anyone know of a program for tuning your guitar [03:34] david: ok, did you just install the package? try insmod fglrx === Nard [~i_am@h-68-165-47-99.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu === aatim_ [~aatim@] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] cafuego: don't insult my brethren! === SunTzuTech [~bent@cltea-proxy-1.sun.com] has left #ubuntu [] [03:35] sproingie: it has bean installed 4 a while and the out put of insmod fglrx is can't read 'fglrx': No such file or directory [03:35] is the X.org an OS like Ubuntu with a windows like environment... can it run microsoft programs? [03:35] konki: no. [03:35] robotgeek: :) [03:35] someone plz help me [03:35] david, what are you trying to do? === poutine_ [~poutine@cpe-65-24-126-227.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] konki: X.org is a GUI display system for Linux (and BSD and UNIX) [03:35] get 3d acceleration working [03:35] konki: it has nothing to do with MS Windows. [03:35] apollo2011: try asking at www.ubuntuforums.com [03:35] konki, no...basically X is a server that supports some graphics drawing routines....along with one or several X client to access it [03:36] david, and you followed this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto ? [03:36] hii [03:36] yes but didnt work [03:36] benplaut: I could...i've gone on there before [03:36] i wanna make permition to fat32 unit [03:36] is it worth upgrading or setting up X?? [03:36] on my PC === tha_gamemaster [~tha_gamem@c-67-166-135-123.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/video/fglrx.ko === mats_ [~mats@ADijon-151-1-111-5.w83-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] er [03:36] david: ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/video/fglrx.ko [03:36] david: that show anything? [03:36] apollo2011: go ahead and ask there... alot more people will see your question ;) [03:36] david, which part failed? [03:37] konki, there is nothing really unique about it.....and there is a y-server to compete with it....but most apps have been ported to X which makes it popular [03:37] has anyone installed transcode from the tree without errors? i'm still using warty. [03:37] No such file or directory [03:37] david, modinfo fglrx fails? [03:37] DRI initialization failed [03:37] david: you don't actually have the module. sure you have the restricted-modules package for your kernel? === mats_ [~mats@ADijon-151-1-111-5.w83-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:38] I will check again [03:38] david: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) [03:38] tritium: insert nag about testing evo-mail-notify to see if it works [03:38] tritium: also, pull the new version, same url === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === X7C [~xtc@] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] teferi, can you please provide the URL to me again? :) [03:39] sure [03:39] http://wmute.net/~teferi/evo-mail-notify.py [03:39] I am using sympatic [03:39] david, what does "uname -r" tell you? [03:39] now supports newer versions of dbus than even breezy has [03:39] synaptic [03:40] konki, now MS plays a different game....they put the graphics devices in the kernel instead of having it as an external server add-on to the kernel === aatim_ is now known as aatim[afk] [03:40] 2.6.10-5-386 [03:40] bojangles: it's been that way since NT4... [03:40] david, "sudo apt-get install linux-386" then, to pull in the restricted modules package [03:40] it's not really "different" anymore [03:40] konki, but either way you have some graphics drawing primitives at your disposal. [03:40] david, you might also want to try linux-686 if you have a newer processor [03:41] thanks, teferi [03:41] no problem [03:41] ok [03:41] linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-386 is already the newest version [03:41] you need python-gnome2, python-gnome2-dev, python-gnome2-extras, python-gnome2-extras-dev, python2.4-dbus [03:41] davidf, good === Marble2 [~Marble@CPE-24-163-214-72.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] what is this script??? [03:41] teferi, it would be nice if it didn't depend on -dev packages [03:41] rg58sma: my thing? [03:41] ok so I am getting to kernel now [03:41] tritium: the not -dev packages don't actually have anything in them [03:41] check dpkg -L [03:42] hello [03:42] yes [03:42] just the /usr/share/doc entries [03:42] is there a good video editor out there I can use? I want to cut part out of the middle of a video clip [03:42] rg58sma: it's a script that sticks an indicator in your system tray when evolution says it has new mail === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === aeddan [~aeddan@] has joined #ubuntu === Skywind [~Skywind@] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] tritium: this is probably a bug [03:42] can anyone tell me wich lib i need rof mp3 on music player [03:42] ok works with yahoo??'' [03:43] rg58sma: no, it works with evolution [03:43] imap, pop3, whatever else it does [03:43] ok [03:43] i have yahoo [03:43] ok thanks bojangles... [03:43] snackalot, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [03:44] after apt-get install linux-386 I do a apt-get dist-upgrade right? [03:44] tritium: i dare say that that link needs to be more prominently placed [03:44] i think it's the most frequently asked FAQ [03:44] thanks A === aru_ [~aru@70-58-155-210.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] how to install it?? [03:45] teferi, yeah, so does the RootSudo one [03:45] rg58sma: install the packages i mentioned a few lines back and then make it executable and run it [03:45] and the BinaryFormats one [03:45] aye [03:45] I mean BinaryDriverHowto === nalioth is now known as nalioth_wrkn [03:46] what packages [03:47] after "apt-get install linux-386" do I just restart === dad_ [~dad@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] python-gnome2, python-gnome2-dev, python-gnome2-extras, python-gnome2-extras-dev, python2.4-dbus === DAC1138 [~dave@24-56-174-97.co.warpdriveonline.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === bigfish [~Ashley@toronto-HSE-ppp4140213.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] david, again, you may wish to try linux-686. Also, what part fails when you follow the BinaryDriverHowto? [03:49] rg58sma: aye [03:49] it all works it just has no effect..... in my /var/log/Xorg.0.log it says DRI initialization failed [03:49] I am now trying 686 === Nard is now known as Nard|meli [03:50] david, can you paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log on pastebin? [03:50] pastebin? [03:50] sh evo....... === bigfish [~Ashley@toronto-HSE-ppp4140213.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:50] python evo... [03:50] it's python [03:51] !pastebin [03:51] rumour has it, pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ or #flood [03:51] that its all?? [03:51] aye [03:51] should I send it 2 you === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] david, no, please see the above URL for pastebin === hou5ton [~hou5ton@n14-99-152-206.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:54] ok it is done [03:54] can someone tell me how to get my kernel version thru the console ? === weo1 [~weo@p5499F5FA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:54] nameless1, uname -r [03:55] teferi: I've installed the script (and the packages) and have it running, sent myself an email. Nothing appears in the Notification Area of the gnome panel === cmatheson [~cmatheson@71-32-225-68.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] bimberi: Wait until evolution acknowledges that you have new mail [03:55] Also, you need evolution-plugins installed... === mindamp [~mindamp@host-216-119-180-65.vista-express.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] how do i add something to startup? [03:55] teferi: k [03:55] like mount -t smbfs yada yada yada === michaeln [mike_idlin@cpe-66-75-238-6.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === phzi [~phzi@S010600110960f57d.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] bimberi: sorry, i should have mentioned that [03:56] hello? === Discipulus [~disc@main065.ppp.rockriver.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] sorry made misstack did it again === kokl [~gooneey@209-161-225-44.dsl.look.ca] has joined #ubuntu === homer2 is Away, Reason: ( sleep ) | Since: ( Monday, July 18, 2005. 16:03:35 ) Xlack v2.1 === abarbaccia [~christine@ool-18b8cf07.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] is anybody here? [03:57] Does anyone know if the netgear wg121 usb wireless adapter is supported? [03:57] do u guys support suse 9.3? === AlexMBas [~AlexMBas@] has joined #ubuntu === SmooAwKish [~smooawkis@] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] no [03:57] go away [03:57] lol [03:57] #ubuntu [03:57] mindamp, be nice [03:57] i thought its all alike [03:57] could someone help me with startup scripts? [03:58] kokl, it's rather different. Sorry... [03:58] thansk anyway [03:58] try #suse [03:58] i did [03:58] startup scripts... [03:58] no response [03:58] teferi: np whatsoever - can't find an package called "evolution-plugins" though [03:58] whats your problem [03:58] bimberi: moment [03:58] http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/315941 === bandg [~bg@] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] do u know wat is compile? [03:59] bimberi: if you go to edit->plugins in evo, what do you see? [03:59] if it's not under edit, it may be somewhere else; this is breezy evo [03:59] any reason that irssi and xterm not work well? [03:59] ie. the alt+num doesnt work [03:59] mindamp, to add a startup script, you should use update-rc.d [03:59] yes i know what compile is [03:59] is that a command? [03:59] or a program? [04:00] neither [04:00] its a word [04:00] a word that is a command? [04:00] tritium.. so if i wanted to add "bashscript" to startup... [04:00] anyone? [04:00] what would be the structure... [04:00] compiling is taking a lump of code and re-organizing it into a program [04:00] can anyone explain better? [04:01] kokl, check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler === homer2 is back ( Away 4 mins 3 secs ) [04:01] teferi: Tools -> Manage Plugins (Evo - I'm using hoary). Lots of things - all enabled [04:01] mindamp, check the manpage for update-rc.d [04:01] well.. it is to translate code from human readable to computer readable [04:01] homer2, i beleive that was actually 0:4:4 ;) [04:01] bimberi: Is the "NEw Mail Notification" thing among them? [04:02] That's the thing that puts messages on D-Bus [04:02] tritium: incidentially, did it work for you? [04:02] teferi: Yes - I can see "New Mail Notification" which is enabled [04:02] anyone know how to get Adobe Postscript fonts (.pfm format) to be selectable in OpenOffice? the OOo IRC is dead, dead, dead... [04:02] bimberi: hm...it should be working, then... [04:03] bimberi: run 'dbus-monitor' from another terminal and send yourself another mail [04:03] wait for it to show up in evo [04:03] teferi, sorry, haven't tried yet [04:03] you should see a 'Newmail' signal in dbus-monitor, and the indicator should show up in your tray [04:03] teferi: k [04:04] when is breezy going to go into software freeze [04:04] when it's ready. [04:04] theres a date i believe [04:04] its not random [04:04] lol I posted a fix to fedora's weak ass kernel handling, I stopped using the distro a couple of weeks ago and I just got an email they fixed the documentation... [04:04] dates have been known to be flexible [04:05] you have to go through a BUNCH of nonsense to get yourself a decent kernel out of their kernel.src.rp,s [04:05] rpms === |||Atti2d||| [~bleh@] has joined #ubuntu === bddebian [~bddebian@pcp08717033pcs.phnixv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === benplaut is now known as dates === redtech [~redtech@adsl-69-104-65-164.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === bddebian [~bddebian@pcp08717033pcs.phnixv01.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === dates is now known as flexible [04:05] teferi: hm - nothing seen in the dbus monitor - however I'm manually getting mail by clicking "Send/Receive". [04:06] teferi: I'll try shortening the "check for email" interval and leave it alone [04:06] bimberi: has the mail shown up in your inbox? === flexible is now known as benplaut [04:06] if it shows up in your inbox, it should emit the signal === mmuzzy [~mmuzzy@ip68-9-107-140.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] if that isn't happening, something beyond my control is going on === poutine_ [~poutine@cpe-65-24-126-227.columbus.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] === poutine [~poutine@cpe-65-24-126-227.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] teferi: it did - after I clicked "Send / Receive" [04:07] grr [04:07] i wonder if that's a bug in hoary's evolution [04:07] foursti, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Calendar [04:08] teferi: I'm not running the script as root [04:08] benplaut , why go thru all that? === Flying-Penguin [~flyingpen@pool-71-103-171-206.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] as anyone installed OpenOffice 2 in Hoary? How beta-ish is that beta? [04:08] bimberi: i hope you're not! [04:08] you don't need to [04:08] it listens on the session bus, not the system bus [04:08] robotgeek: i'm bored :) [04:08] er...you are running a session bus, right? [04:08] teferi: lol - k [04:08] bimberi: look in ps aux for a dbus-daemon or dbus-1-daemon running under your username [04:09] is it possible to modify the kernel to weed out all useless modules? it would help a lot with memory, resources, etc, right? [04:09] if not, that's likely the problem right there... [04:09] any wiki page on it? [04:09] IcemanV9: it only loads drivers for hardware you have [04:09] so don't worry === r0d [~r0d@CPE-65-30-208-109.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] teferi: k [04:09] lucky me, robots don't get bored! [04:09] is that right? interesting [04:09] IcemanV9: it's the magic of discover and hotplug [04:09] share and enjoy. [04:09] ha. ok. teferi [04:10] IcemanV9, lsmod to see the modules that you have loaded. It's a subset of all that are available to you. [04:10] teferi: yes - a "dbus-daemon-1 --fork --print-pid 8 --print-address 6 --session" process is running [04:10] grrrrr [04:11] let me grab a hoary livecd and test this on my other box [04:11] teferi, I'll test your software on Friday afternoon [04:11] tritium: no rush [04:11] i just want to find out why this isn't working for either of the hoary users i asked to test it === aatim_ [~aatim@] has joined #ubuntu [04:12] ok === danny [~danny@cp42256-a.gelen1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] if would start a vi vs emacs troll, but the ops will kick me out :) === Efwis ok gang, I'm gone for the night, see ya [04:13] hello I need help installing real player on my ubuntu but it wont work [04:13] Madpilot: yup...u mean openoffice beta? [04:13] teferi: FYI it ran happily without python-gnome2-dev, python-gnome2-extras and python-gnome2-extras-dev. I've since installed them just in case that was the issue. [04:13] i tried a lot but doesnt work [04:14] plz help [04:14] ... with the lack of notification [04:14] i tried the bin file [04:14] danny: what seems to be the problem? [04:14] Madpilot, I had installed it at one point, but rarely use such software [04:14] won't work [04:14] bimberi: huh, that shouldn't happen :P [04:14] I can't get real player 10 at work === kyncani [~kyncani@lns-vlq-25-ren-82-254-145-48.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] Madpilot: i used openoffice.org2 since i installed Ubuntu; it worked just great so far. i have used it a lot for cover letter, resume, complaints, suggestion, tech document and whatsnot. [04:15] danny: what machine are using, intel/mac? [04:15] intel [04:15] pentium 4 [04:15] danny: tried helix? [04:15] IcemanV9: i've typed half of my thesis in oo2 [04:15] danny: what do u mean doesn't work? [04:15] yeah but i am a real newbie so i tried to install it but didnt seemed to work :S [04:15] robotgeek: that's great. [04:16] robotgeek, your university doesn't use LaTeX for theses? [04:16] danny: whats the real package name [04:16] he only installs in my hopme folder [04:16] RealPlayer10GOLD.bin === illogic-al [~orville@illogic-al.user.konversation] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] tritium: latex is for typsetting. that's the final stage. and yes, we do use latex [04:16] hey, any gmaers here? [04:16] OOo2 is in ubuntu's repos; I'm thinking of installing it in the hopes of fixing some of the irritations in OOo1... [04:16] danny: ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin [04:16] I tried [04:17] what happened [04:17] only thing i don't like about oo2 is the splash screen. i want the new one. [04:17] robotgeek, yeah, I'm aware of what it's for. I use it daily ;) [04:17] illogic-al: in the linux world? unlikely... [04:17] IcemanV9: i personally hate all kinds of splash screens :) [04:17] he says that he has ownership errors and then it installs [04:17] danny: i suggest helixcommunity.org === FlyingSquirrel32 [~FlyingSqu@ool-4571f2e3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] is it ready it still doesnt work i don't get the wizard [04:17] well i meant here in this channel. i been using a long time and I'm a gamer === inc595 [~christina@] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] tritium: that's just my official policy! my professor is really uncomfortable with latex and all. he still doesn't know i am using oo2 for all my work! [04:18] danny: helix is in synaptic i thinl [04:18] anyone know how to get a joystick to work? [04:18] danny: apt-get install helix-player [04:18] robotgeek: got to keep the profs happy, right? :) === colmore [~colmore@] has joined #ubuntu [04:19] okay folks, I've got a fun question. I'm trying to set up nfs server and client. when I run mount, client says "mount: RPC: Program not registered" an ideas? [04:19] Madpilot: yeah. and all the screwups with the formatting (after conversion to .doc) gets blamed on word! [04:19] I am no root [04:19] danny: type your pass [04:19] !sudo [04:19] hmm... sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo [04:20] where? [04:20] robotgeek: you can blame a lot on Word... I'm just running into conversion troubles the other way, myself. old Word97 --> OOo... [04:20] robotgeek, sounds like a pita, especially if you include figures/plots. [04:20] I'm having a strange problem with my wireless (built in, toshiba laptop) it works, but it "configuring network devices" takes FOREVER on startup, and likewise the network utility is very slow to "activate" eth0, and sometimes I have to reboot in order to pick up a new wireless network. Help please! Thanks. === illogic-al [~orville@illogic-al.user.konversation] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [04:20] danny: type sudo apt-get install helix-player then it says password: type your password there [04:20] convert it to pdf instead of doc; doc always mess things up. [04:21] IcemanV9: i agree doc sux === _mage_work is now known as _mage_afk [04:21] it's an internal format and should only be used as such [04:21] ok now he is doing something :) [04:21] "convert to PDF" has to be the best small feature of OOo... [04:21] he is downloading : === ablyss [~ablyss@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:21] No takers on an "easy" NFS question? === zwnj [~behnam@] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] especially when you try to print doc to the printer; it almost comes out little funny [04:21] tritium: the process is significanty less painful if you keep all your fonts consistent === cmatheson [~cmatheson@71-32-225-68.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] because every printer is set differently than your own. [04:22] robotgeek, I'm talking about openoffice(or word) -> LaTeX. That sounds like a PITA. [04:22] IcemanV9: pdf's can't be edited :( === robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === BROKEN_LADDER [~pral@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU [04:22] tritium: are u talking about the writertolatex plugin? [04:23] Mmm. LaTeX. [04:23] So much easier to just write the document in LaTeX from the start [04:23] never used it, robotgeek. I just edit my .tex files in a text editor. [04:23] tritium: sure it doesn't convert the figures, but i figure all i need is to write myself a script! [04:23] tritium: it works, even converts equations! === tritium agrees with teferi [04:23] robotgeek: agreed. that's too bad. i want it to be editable. especially for the contract, so people can fill out the blank. [04:24] LaTeX is dreamy [04:24] I could never go back to Word now [04:24] IcemanV9: though u can do that with latex :) [04:24] never use LaTeX; even though i heard about it for a long time [04:25] LateX is teh awesome :) [04:25] IcemanV9: i highly recommend doing so. it's not at all hard to pick up [04:25] the important thing is to stop worrying about formatting your document. LaTeX is better at formatting than you are [04:25] instead, just tell it the semantic structure of your document and it'll make it pretty for you [04:25] first rule of latex: latex is always right [04:25] except when it's wrong. but that's pretty rare [04:26] and even when it happens, it's usually correctable by using the right package [04:26] cool. :) [04:26] IcemanV9: want me to shoot you an example simple document? [04:26] teferi: sure. pls do. [04:26] IcemanV9: hang on, let me find one without a jillion pieces of math in it === Lorex [~laura@] has joined #ubuntu === Lorex [~laura@] has left #ubuntu ["Fui] [04:28] teferi, but that's the best feature [04:28] tritium: yeah, but it's imposing to look at [04:28] fine, i'll give him my term paper on automorphism groups :P [04:28] tritium,teferi : used lyx? and can it import latex style sheets? [04:28] robotgeek: no, i write it by hand [04:28] in emacs [04:28] apt-get install lyx? [04:28] using AucTeX [04:29] robotgeek, I tried it and hated it. I just use a text editor. [04:29] emacs+auctex is joy [04:29] absolute joy [04:29] teferi: vi forever! [04:29] if you're composing TeX in anything else, you're missing out [04:29] teferi: vim-latex package [04:29] so many entries for apt-cache search latex [04:29] pfft [04:29] robotgeek, you can try kile, if you don't kdelibs on your system [04:29] is Ghostscript included somewhere in Ubuntu repos? Can't find it, and it has a util that'll convert my pfm fonts into linux-readable formats... [04:29] IcemanV9: apt-get install tetex-base [04:29] Madpilot, yes [04:29] and tetex-bin [04:29] and tetex-extra [04:29] that's all you really need [04:29] tritium: i tried it, din't like. vim fanatic [04:30] tritium: what's it called? search in Syn w/ "ghostscript" got no results. === nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth [04:30] tritium: likewise "pf2afm" - no hits [04:30] okay [04:30] does mplayer from synaptic play .rm movies [04:30] Maddy, are you serious? apt-cache search ghostscript returns a long list for me [04:30] http://wmute.net/~teferi/term-paper.tex <-- my term paper for sci-fi lit about quantum teleportation [04:30] so anyone have any idea why a wireless card would be functioning very slowly? [04:31] some of the markup isn't as neat as it should be, but it's certainly structured semantically [04:31] colmore: too far away from the router, like i am? [04:31] is .rm movies a "restricted Format" [04:31] no, it's not the connection speed [04:31] hybrid_goth: yes [04:31] colmore: then? [04:31] it takes forever for "configuring network devices" to happen and the network utility is also super slow [04:31] teferi: it is restricted [04:31] and sometimes i have to reboot to find a new network [04:31] tritium: I thought I had all repos enabled. which repos are you using? === imaek [~imaekphp[@adsl-69-235-172-121.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] hybrid_goth: yes, it is; it's realmedia [04:32] Madpilot, main,restricted,universe, and multiverse [04:32] colmore: same here, except the reboot part. [04:32] but once i connect, the speed is fine, unless it drops the signal, then it can't find it again without a reboot [04:32] is there a plugin for embedded .rm movies [04:32] hmmmm, there's got to be a solution [04:32] colmore: you might just be fine with a sudo dhclient ath0/wireless card [04:33] what does dhclient do? i've been feeling my way around the command line utilities, but i haven't figured that one out yet [04:33] tritium: got all those. what's the core package name? [04:33] Madpilot, i did not like OpenOffice 2 on breezy....it has Sun's logo all over it. [04:33] colmore: request a dhcp lease [04:33] colmore: and configure interfaces and the routing table approriately [04:33] colmore: that IS windows mentality; get rid of that :) you only need dhclient like robotgeek said [04:34] ok [04:34] didn't know about that command [04:34] Madpilot, now..uh OpenOffice 1 on debian has the debian logo all over it...it is much better and stands for debian freedom [04:34] bojangles: there's a way to disable the logo [04:34] tried bringing the network up and down under the gui utility, and that didn't work === spartas [~tim@adsl-065-082-233-182.sip.btr.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] pardon me, i get these uncontrollable twitches when people start talking about logos and freedom... [04:34] but still, any way to get "configuring network devices" to not take so darn long on startup [04:34] tritium: nevermind. just tried "man pf2afm" and it must exist, there's a man page for it... not showing in Syn, tho... [04:35] could i at least manually run the command, or have it automatically go in the background once i've booted, rather than waiting for it to finish? [04:35] Madpilot: if you have the manpage, you have the binary [04:35] robotgeek, well anyway who needs it....kile works great. [04:35] Madpilot, sorry, I'm multitasking here [04:35] robotgeek, and so does gnumeric [04:35] bojangles: I can live with Sun's logo for an improved word processor... === ridejib [~ridejib@user-1120e2h.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] colmore: i just end up control c it [04:35] anyone know nfs? [04:35] bob2: yeah, figured that! :) === Velcan [~matthew@12-216-142-98.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] and you can still get online, robotgeek? [04:36] Madpilot, well you do what you want...and let everybody else do what they want. [04:36] ugh, nfs [04:36] tritium: np, I think I'm sorted [04:36] Madpilot: you can use "dpkg -S" to find out which package it came from === |||Atti2d||| [~bleh@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:36] (not that I was following properly) [04:36] colmore: agreed, they need to background the process [04:36] colmore: i just let it book, and run a script to bring it up. === CVirus [~ZVirus@] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] Madpilot, okay, great. Thanks. === robotgeek is waiting for networkmanager [04:36] what's up my brethren's? [04:36] bob2: dpkg -S pf2afm [04:37] has anyone else here used Skype before? [04:37] "let it book?" [04:37] ridejib: if you have a question about it, best to just ask it [04:37] is there some way I can background that process? [04:37] NM looks cool, but flakey === rommer [~rommer@] has joined #ubuntu [04:37] colmore: boot, /action sorry === robotgeek is still a irc newb! [04:37] no worries [04:37] bob2: not really a specific question, just curiosity as to how well it works [04:37] NM would be lovely... [04:37] anyway, is there some way i can tell that process to run in the background? [04:38] if it DIDN'T HARDLOCK MY LAPTOP RRRGDFADfalhlq [04:38] keep it down, teferi [04:38] sorry, it's just rather vexing [04:38] teferi: lol. i am gonna wait till it becomes stable :) [04:38] wise [04:38] bob2: pf2afm is in both gs-esp & gs-gpl, it seems. it would be nice if the description in the repos included mention of that util... [04:39] colmore: moment, looking at the init script === SDFH_Linux [~moo@adsl-065-006-180-151.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] thanks === Arthemys [~Arthemys@dsl39.barrvtel.sover.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] Madpilot: the descriptions can't mention every little utility in the package...packages.ubuntu.com lets you find files in packages, tho === minholi [~minholi@] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] how can I tell if portmapper is running? [04:40] bob2: true, and thnx. I keep forgetting about packages.ubuntu.com === lakin [~lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] FlyingSquirrel32: sudo netstat -plunt | grep portm [04:41] bob2: would bind be the same? [04:41] colmore: sorry, not what i though. it isn't there === Davey [~davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] FlyingSquirrel32: yes, except the binary might be called named, not bind [04:41] I forget [04:41] teferi: I've pasted the (probably very boring) output from dbus-monitor to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/669 just in case it's of use. [04:41] bob2: I'm getting RPC: Program not registered from my nfs client. [04:41] FlyingSquirrel32: sounds like you don't have it installed, or you have a broken firewall somewhere === pinPoint [~pinPoint@pinPoint.sustaining.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] bob2: named should show up in "netstat -plunt | grep named", right? === Davey [~davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] FlyingSquirrel32: if it's called named, yes [04:43] and if it's running [04:43] yadayada [04:43] bob2: what pakages should I install on my client? [04:43] so where do you think that command is located, robotgeek? [04:44] bob2: yeah, pretty sure you right about the name named. [04:44] I mean, there's gotta be a way to change it, but I don't know anything about the ubuntu boot process. [04:44] FlyingSquirrel32: don't think you need anything on the client [04:44] FlyingSquirrel32: do either of the machines, or the network between them, have any firewall rules at all? [04:44] bob2, well, have to have nfscommon, no? [04:45] isn't it part of the ubuntu base system? [04:45] bob2: only if ubuntu has one. [04:45] oh, no, my mistake [04:45] colmore: i think i read something on ubuntuforums a long time ago [04:45] hmm [04:45] ubuntu [04:45] a good system it is ? [04:46] colmore: mine does the same thing on my laptop, what do you have for a nic? [04:46] bob2: pretty sure I had to install it on the server. the client already had both client and server installed. [04:46] I love Gnome [04:46] Madpilot, we can do everything we want to do with lyx or kile or gpaint or gimp or glom or dia or planner.....so we don't need openoffice at all.....but you use it if you want to. [04:46] is there a way to just search for the string "configuring network interfaces?" === hone [~hone@] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] FlyingSquirrel32: ah [04:46] it's a built in card on a new toshiba [04:46] i could look up the make if you think it makes a difference [04:46] CVirus, Your in the chat room.. I would think you would kinda likeit [04:46] bojangles: um, good. I'm glad I have your permission... [04:46] FlyingSquirrel32: nfs-kernel-server and nfs-user-server both Depend on it, anyway [04:46] colmore: okay all your network interfaces are in /etc/network/interfaces [04:46] Madpilot, and plus we can even animate stuff with latex [04:47] bob2: ubuntu has no firewall? [04:47] colmore: probably not, I just assumed it had something to do with my pcmcia nic on the laptop, it could do the same on my desktop but I haven't rebooted in a few weeks so I don't remember [04:47] bojangles, it would be nice if editing pdf images (such as in scribus) was easier, and produced better results [04:47] ok, i'm looking at the interfaces file [04:47] FlyingSquirrel32: it does, but by default it does nothing [04:47] tritium, well i don't use scribus or pdf because i am not sure of their legalities.....someone said they are proprietary and with patents. [04:48] where? [04:48] colmore: just comment out that ones you don't want to bring up. [04:48] and i can still bring them up manually after boot? [04:48] bojangles, okay, same for postscript images, though [04:48] FlyingSquirrel32: where what? firewalling is a kernel function, you can use "sudo iptables -L -v -n" to see the current (filter) rules. [04:48] colmore: well, with a couple of hacks...i paste my little script for my wireless [04:49] how cute, the UPS the router is on fails at random now... [04:49] colmore: well, with a couple of hacks...i can paste my little script for my wireless [04:49] sounds good [04:49] tritium, no problem with the old postscript ...its patents have long since expired....only the enhanced encapsulated postscript is still a problem [04:49] bob2: oh, that's right. [04:49] bimberi: that's frustrating and not my fault. i'm working on debugging it === jasmuz [~jasmuz@63sdl30m45.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] bojangles, my concern is the difficulty in editing/modifying postscript images [04:50] tritium, and we make sure not to use ghostscript-ESP....we use the old gnu version [04:50] teferi: k - good luck - happy to help out if required :) === robitaille [~daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:50] bojangles, I see. [04:51] hey guys === robert_pectol [~rob@cust-ipadvanced-dynnat-232130.d-star-eutelsat.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:51] anyone running splashy at boot? [04:52] jasmuz, I am [04:53] seth_k: im running into trouble just setting it up...the first thing it says is that i passed an incorrect video mode, and after says to check the config files === Jimbob [jcape@c-24-14-115-101.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] damn... how do I over-ride that "Cannot open [foo] " dialog? I *know* the file is OK, but Ubuntu isn't convinced... [04:55] jasmuz, you ran an apt-get install and got it from the splashy repos? === dbw [~dbw@208-186-60-67.nrp3feld.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu === stetyR [~stetuR@43stb68.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu === knowledge_ [~knowledge@c-67-163-42-179.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] seth_k: nein, downloaded it off the Debian repos === ATlas95|Dodo [~cyril@] has joined #ubuntu === rudd [rudd@ool-182dbfee.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] is there a command to find out what kernel I'm using? [04:57] knowledge_, uname -r [04:57] I wanna make sure the patch worked [04:57] tritium, Thank you kindly [04:57] uname -a for more info [04:57] i have a problem, i just installed ubuntu, and i can't sudo su, or sudo anything for that matter [04:57] so if there's no -alps at the end...it didn't work? === stetyR [~stetuR@43stb68.codetel.net.do] has left #ubuntu [] [04:58] knowledge_, what is "-alps"? === stetyR [~stetuR@43stb68.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] the patch [04:58] rudd, you try sudo -s [04:58] rudd, and you use your password [04:58] knowledge_, did you use make-kpkg and append a version name like that to it? [04:58] jasmuz, i'd try adding "deb http://splashy.alioth.debian.org/debian unstable main" to your sources.list and using that copy === ethichs [~jason@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] seth_k: thanks [04:59] nomasteryoda, thank you [04:59] http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-27851.html <--I just copied and pasted... [04:59] I have NO clue as to what those commands do === jmanns [~jmanns@24-183-230-251.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] tritium, well i can see where that might be a valid concern especially with those nice encapsulated images. [05:00] knowledge_, after you built your new kernel, did you reboot and select that kernel to boot into? [05:00] bojangles, yeah [05:00] ohhhhhhh.....that might make sense === teferi [teferi@wmute.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] tritium, that print real fast [05:00] I thought it would default to it [05:00] alrighty...brb [05:00] knowledge_, the good news is this works by default on breezy ;) my alps pad works great [05:00] tritium, but we don't edit anything but the free formats. === stetyR [~stetuR@43stb68.codetel.net.do] has left #ubuntu [] [05:00] bojangles, oh, okay [05:00] mine does too, however I can't use tpconfig [05:01] seth_k: that is good news, my friend will be happy to hear that [05:02] crud, this isn't getting debugged tonight [05:02] too damn late === vladuz976 [~vladuz976@pool-71-106-211-189.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] does anybody know how to view .chm files [05:02] chmview [05:02] or something like that [05:03] xchm === Davey [~davey@davey.user] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] how do you search with apt [05:03] vladuz976, apt-cache search [05:04] apt-cache search blah [05:04] vladuz976: System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager [05:04] click the search button and type in what you want === Davey [~davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === jmspeex [~jmspeex@modemcable194.50-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] How come is current (5.04) version of firefox only 1.0.2? Any way to upgrade? [05:06] jmspeex, it actually does contain the security fixes from 1.0.4 backported into it === Sponge_ [~Sponge@pc-183-143-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu === Burrito [~Gonzalo@pc-237-165-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] jmspeex: it's 1.0.2 with 1.0.4 patches. 1.0.5 apparently has bugs and 1.0.6 is due out soon. [05:07] How do I display my kernel version? [05:07] Sponge_: uname -a [05:07] uname -r [05:07] thanx! === stetyR [~stetuR@43stb68.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu === david [~redactech@] has joined #ubuntu === as7943 [~as7943@24-155-232-155.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu === billytwowilly [~billy@S01060040f4acc23c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === david [~redactech@] has left #ubuntu [] === oneleaf [~oneleaf@] has joined #ubuntu === SDFH_Linux [~moo@adsl-065-006-180-151.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === trevi [~eugoias@dial-148-240-42-170.zone-1.dial.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] well, it's boring in here === eli [~eli@vnam1.uhh.hawaii.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] browsing thru lynx is actually fun :) === DETOXv [~madd@pool-70-21-173-183.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:11] until it gets old === X7C [~xtc@] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] tritium, cafuego thanks. The only annoyance now is the fact that I can't access firefox extensions. [05:13] !firefox [05:13] Firefox on warty is version 1.0.4 backported. To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4" === BROKEN_LADDER [~pral@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU [05:13] good ubotu! [05:13] jmspeex: that fix should work for extensions too === jorgp2 [~jorgp@bnet-dial2-250.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] ubotu: Tried it, but it didn't work. Somehow, setting my user agent to IE6 *did* work. [05:14] jmspeex: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about [05:14] nice... i was just about to ask about firefox [05:14] ubotu to the rescue [05:14] Bugger all, i dunno, eli [05:14] jmspeex: ubotu is a real bot, unlike me :) [05:15] :) [05:15] :-) [05:15] so, robotgeek is not actually a robot geek... [05:15] ;) [05:15] Madpilot: well, i am a fake bot. [05:15] :-) [05:16] Madpilot: this was an automated message === nickrud [~ajax@ppp-66-140-227-140.dialup.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] !ubotu [05:16] ubotu is, like, uh... Thaaat's me! I'm a bot. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! [05:16] teferi, you around? === La_PaRCa [~parca@cable200-116-215-17.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] yeah [05:16] i'm getting reports of it not working on hoary [05:16] likewise [05:17] I'll wait :) [05:17] Any extra urls I can add to my sources.list so I can get stuff that's normally in unstable (e.g. gcc 4.0.1 and gnome-alsa-mixer) [05:17] it seems to be an evolution bug [05:17] it's just not emitting dbus signals at all for some reason [05:17] ubotu: why? [05:17] jmspeex: Are you smoking crack? [05:17] ubotu: yes [05:17] jmspeex: No idea [05:18] i know it's possible to create custom ubuntu install cds. is it also possible to create custom ubuntu live cds with additional packages? [05:18] jmspeex, because 1.02 has libgtkembedmoz that is used in many other programs === digitalfox [~urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:18] man who converses with bot speaks into ether. === stetyR [~stetuR@43stb68.codetel.net.do] has left #ubuntu [] [05:18] bojangles: I was just entertaining the bot. [05:18] jmspeex, and if you put the new firefox in..it wipes out the old directory and destroys the library [05:18] There is some utility I can run to verify that a CD I've got hasn't been scratched and that the data on it is still good? [05:18] man who converses with ubotu gets asked if he is on crack [05:19] offensive, isn't it === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:20] levander, you can do an md5sum on the device, like md5sum /dev/cdrom === geneo93 [~kane@1Cust1679.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] also can the ubuntu live cd store settings on a USB key? [05:20] levander, I used that to check my hoary download, for example [05:20] and compare that to the iso, aye [05:20] So, any way to get gcc 4.0.1? [05:20] nickrud: do a md5sum on the device file itself? [05:20] jmspeex: don't, it breaks the C++ ABI === hosler [~hosler@ACA1D44F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] thou shall not insult bots (my bretheren ) on #ubuntu [05:20] breezy is still working on the transition [05:20] levander, just make sure the cdrom you want to check is mounted [05:20] nickrud: and, I don't have to compare it against a md5 sum file that has the correct sum in it? [05:21] nickrud: actually, you don't even have to do that === concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] nickrud: you can check against the raw device file [05:21] Is there a program for linux which will free up memory? [05:21] "free up memory"? [05:21] hosler: programs take up memory [05:21] hosler: 'kill' [05:21] hosler: not free it === _mage_afk is now known as _mage_work [05:21] jmspeex, in fact nobody even uses firefox....we have faster browsers...but we all download firefox1.02 to get the library that we need in lots of other places [05:21] hosler: You don't want to do that you think you want to do anyway. [05:21] teferi: well in windows some programs leave information in the memory even after they have been closed. Im wondering if linux does the same thing and if there is a program to fix it. [05:21] hosler: no they don't :P [05:22] hosler: No, Linux is not braindead in that way. [05:22] teferi: so how is this that I'm supposed to run md5sum on a device file? what's it supposed to do? I don't need to know the correct md5sum to compare the output against? [05:22] linux is great for the memory problem... never had a problem with it. used 30 programs at once today and it was running fine [05:22] they may leave bits of themselves running, but that's different altogether [05:22] levander: md5sum , compare to md5sum [05:22] levander, I did that, and got the same md5sum that was posted on the ubuntu site, so I was quite comfortable [05:22] hosler: if you're talking about DLLs staying in memory, shared libraries that aren't being used get paged out [05:22] so they're not actually taking up memory [05:22] it's like that on windows too [05:22] ok [05:22] don't worry about it [05:22] yeah, guys, but I don't know what the correct md5sum is supposed to be, i made these discs myself from files I just archived onto them [05:23] ubotu tell me about repositories === crazyhorse [~ps@p508BFAD3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] if you look in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox...you should be able to see the critical library [05:23] La_PaRCa , you mystified ubotu this time [05:23] hosler: Linux will start using some of your ram as disk cache, but that is freed the moment it is needed. In the mean time it speeds up I/O on yor machine./ [05:23] :) [05:23] teferi: I'm a developer. [05:23] levander, md5sum the iso you meant to burn, then the cdrom [05:23] compare those [05:24] ubotu tell me about backports [05:24] jmspeex: er? I didn't say anything to you... [05:24] TerminX: nickrud: but will running md5sum attempt to read the entire disc? And give me an error if it can't read something? That's the common problem I have with old CD's. Programs stop being able to read them. [05:24] ubotu tell me about repositories [05:24] teferi: regarding gcc 4.0 [05:24] oh [05:24] um [05:24] i meant teferi, not TerminX [05:24] don't know what to tell you [05:24] pardon me [05:24] 4.0.0 is badly broken AFAIK, but 4.0.1 is supposed to be usable [05:25] levander, if the cd cannot be read, then all comparisons are moot, if I read you right [05:25] uboru tell me about gdesklets [05:25] ubotu tell me about gdesklets === cool_bud1993 [~gene@1Cust1679.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] ubotu tell me about gdesklets [05:26] serves me right for assuming [05:26] nickrud: right, but seee, i think that's what I want to check. Just since I've burned the CD, it hasn't got any scratches on it, preventing me from being able to read it. So, *if* md5sum attempts to read the whole disc, I would think it would give me an error saying "unable to read" if there's a scratch on the disc. [05:26] levander, try it and see what happens [05:27] nickrud: but, does it sound to you like I'm checking what I think I'm checking? about to try now === homer2 [~ghozer@user-12hc4oe.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:27] levander, yes, the check seems ok, but I would expect you to have some kind of hardware error if the disk is scratched [05:28] and plus the kde people are hacking libgtkembedmoz to produce libqtembedmoz [05:28] nickrud: exactly, i'm checking to see if I get that hardware error [05:28] nickrud: only thing I don't know is if md5sum tries to read the entire disc or not [05:28] it will [05:29] it has to read every byte to compute the md5sum [05:29] yeah, it's kind of acting like it is [05:29] one byte's difference will produce a radically different hash === jorgp2 is now known as jorgp [05:29] teferi: but I don't care about the hash [05:29] levander: the md5sum [05:29] teferi: because I don't know what the correct hash (md5sum) is supposed to be [05:29] levander, yes you do, it's the md5sum [05:29] no guys, i really don't think i do [05:29] ohh, i see, this isn't burned from an image? [05:30] someone i'm not explaining this correctly [05:30] levander, ah, you are just trying to see if the disk is borked [05:30] levander, am I stupid, or excellent :) === the_walrus [~lc@203-173-168-142.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] nickrud: exactly!!! it's an old cd with a bunch of music files on it, i want to see if i need to reburn it now that i have access to the same music through a friend [05:31] nickrud: so, do you think this test will work? [05:31] levander, if you cannot read it, then it's borked. Get it from your friend [05:31] i have a backports server in my sources.list yet when I try to get a pkg that I know is backported, it tries to get the old version [05:31] nickrud: so you think md5sum is trying to read the whole disc then? [05:31] okay, time to try the hoary livecd and see if i can get evo-mail-notify working [05:32] or at least start on it [05:32] !firefox [05:32] Firefox on warty is version 1.0.4 backported. To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4" [05:32] levander, just try to copy the cd data to your harddrive, forget md5sum === hoof [~scratchdr@] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] the ABI transition in debian is annoying [05:32] nickrud: md5sum did just give me an io error, i think it worked [05:33] SDFH_Linux, well you can't expect your object to constantly be compatible...this is no different than the MS platform === FlannelKing [~flannel@crlsbd-cuda5-68-67-177-17.crlsca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] object code [05:33] is there an easy way that I can install RPMs in ubuntu? [05:33] yep [05:33] SDFH_Linux: patience [05:33] hoof: alien [05:33] SDFH_Linux: this, too, shall pass [05:33] MS changes their API and ABI all the time [05:33] isn't there some eject button on the ubuntu desktop somewhere? [05:33] ok [05:33] all things are transient. bugs doubly so. [05:34] are RPMs supported in ubuntu? Im new to ubuntu, i use fedora [05:34] bojangles: tell that to the copy of VisiCalc for DOS I have that still runs on windows XP... [05:34] maybe i am worried about breaking my debian system [05:34] ah, which abi is changing, I'm on dialup and cannot be current [05:34] so that developers will keep handing over to Bill Gates all their money in the vain hopes of making any money [05:34] bojangles: also tell that to my copy of MS-DOS Executive from Windows 1.0 [05:34] hoof: try to avoid using rpms,but yes, you can install rpm on ubuntu [05:34] bojangles: also tell that to my copy of File Manager from Windows 3.1 [05:34] You get the idea. [05:35] Octane: yes, alien...but I had to do that in the command prompt right? How about a package manager that works in the GUI [05:35] teferi: also note that by keeping compat to the extent that ms can't fix their security problems :) [05:35] hoof: not that i know of, sorry [05:35] hoof: the debian/ubuntu packaging system is called "dpkg" [05:35] we use .debs rather than .rpms [05:35] levander: yes, but most of my linux softwares are in rpm...i wanted to install maya for linux in ubuntu but they're in rpms [05:35] teferi, you mean XP is binary compatible with the real old stuff. [05:35] but as far as saying microsoft doesn't keep compat with their own stuff that is untrue they keep it to a fault [05:36] bojangles: yep [05:36] hoof, look on packages.ubuntu.com for what you want before using any rpms, the odds are good [05:36] teferi, well that seems to conflict with a lot of gamers reports [05:36] bojangles: therefore, there hasn't been significant ABI breakage [05:36] the only things that lose out for microsoft stuff tends to be things that do low level driver magic [05:36] yeah [05:36] like norton utilities, etc [05:36] or old drivers [05:36] or [05:36] things like that [05:36] teferi, well the gamers are saying that their directx object code has to change from one version to the next === mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] i don't think linux is particularly bad in that it doesn't support old stuff though [05:37] bojangles: nuh-uh [05:37] it just makes open source software more important :) [05:37] bojangles: you ask for a specific version of DX in your code === geneo93 [~kane@1Cust1679.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] bojangles: and it gives you exactly that interface [05:37] teferi, hmm..ok...maybe i got some inaccurate news. [05:37] warts and all === SunTzuTech [~bent@cltea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] hoof: look for .debs in the ubuntu repositories before you install rpms === AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] bojangles: you can ask for the DX 1.0 interface in your code on windows today running DX9, and everything will still work just as it once did [05:37] ok [05:38] ill check it out [05:38] isn't there supposed to be an icon that shows up on my desktop whenever I put a CD in my drive? That I can right click on and choose "Eject"? [05:38] hoof, what is it you are looking fore [05:38] does anyone know what the best html editor for linux is? [05:38] hoof: when you said may, did you mean amaya? [05:38] bojangles: it's really a rather nice piece of hackery [05:38] levander: yes usually :\ [05:38] teferi, hmm...that is interesting....perhaps then the game engines aren't being written properly [05:38] levander: sometimes it doesn't work [05:38] calc: I think I turned that feature off, anybody can remember hwo to turn it back on? [05:38] levander: system->preferences->removable drives and media [05:39] under removable drives and media preference [05:39] hoof: also, packages.ubuntu.com lets you search all the .debs ubuntu has packaged [05:39] nickrud: actually, im just trying to figure out how to install my rpms in ubuntu because most of my linux apps are in rpms...such as Alias MAYA [05:39] under system -> preferences on my gnome 2.11.x [05:39] teferi: which option on that dialog re-enables that icon on the desktop? === Di42lo [~Di42lo@] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] oh no another flavor of ubuntu ;) [05:39] i used to be a fedora user === coolkev [~coolkev@CPE0006255ab096-CM400049887786.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] edubuntu [05:39] hoof, there's about 15,000 packages available as debs for ubuntu [05:39] the e dub's edition ;) [05:40] levander: "mount removable media when insered" [05:40] ...inserted [05:40] how can i format drive hdb1 to use resierFS filesystem [05:40] currently it's on FAt32 [05:40] coolkev: mkfs.reiserfs /dev/hdb1 [05:40] thanks calc [05:40] anyone here know anything about m4b files? [05:40] how to convert mp3s to them [05:40] coolkev: oh hold on [05:41] coolkev: if you also have windows for dual boot still you need to zero out the partition first [05:41] teferi: yeah, i got that one checked, but a little icon doesn't pop up on the desktop when i put a cd in the drive. An entire nautilus window does that lets me see all the files on the CD. [05:41] i want to complete format it and clean it [05:41] nickrud: yeah but does it include MAYA [05:41] no i'm completely linux [05:41] coolkev: to zero the partition first do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdb1 [05:41] levander: if you go to Places->Computer, there'll be an icon in there that you can right-click on to eject === darmou [~darmou@CPE-61-9-146-174.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] coolkev: if the system is only going to run linux the dd step isn't necessary [05:42] i already typed it [05:42] am i screwed? [05:42] it won't hurt anything [05:42] ok [05:42] dd zeros out the partition completely [05:42] ok good [05:42] writing a new fs to a partition only overwrites the parts it needs to [05:42] is there a website that will instruct me how to compile a new kernel? [05:42] ye i needed to completrely format it [05:43] which if you dual boot with windows may not overwrite parts that windows looks at to see if it is FAT/NTFS [05:43] but dd overwrites it all === the_walrus [~lc@203-173-168-142.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has left #ubuntu [] [05:43] teferi: thanks, i might use that, i just like that icon that shows up on the desktop is all. I went ahead and ejected the cd from the command line [05:43] after wards when it's finished it's operation i type mkfs.reiserfs /dev/hdb1 [05:43] coolkev: yea [05:44] ok thanks bud [05:44] !kernelcompile [05:44] You will probably find info about this at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCompileHowto [05:44] levander: it should show up, i couldn't tell you why without knowing more about your system [05:44] hoof: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-20974.html should help; it refers to ppc, but the instructions generally apply [05:44] hoof, ah, I looked around, and probably not, unless alias provides a deb. Alien can be your friend, in this case ) [05:45] teferi: I vaguely remember changing an option a long time ago on this machine to turn it off. Now I've got to find that damn option and turn it back on. [05:45] it is funny in a way....all these people say they can't make any money on gpl system...even though the rich make billions of dollars off of it. === trevi [~eugoias@dial-148-240-42-170.zone-1.dial.net.mx] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === trs80 [~trs8@narbalek.daa.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] nickrud: if i use alien, would it install my rpm without any problems? === Davey [~davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] but it is the same on MS system because Bill Gates gets all their money for constantly changing development tools...and consulting fees....and they never get a dime for their MS code. [05:46] Hi, does anyone have any idea why I'm getting 10-60% iowait on a dual 3.4ghz xeon? HP proliant DL360 with 1GB ram and two 160gb seagate 7200.7 drives in raid 1 [05:47] so these people are fucked either way....so they might as well just join the free software community....at least they don't have to pay for development tools [05:47] where do i get make-kpkg === Freedomzen [~Rob@ip68-9-72-159.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === trs80 [~trs8@narbalek.daa.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === trs80 [~trs8@narbalek.daa.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] hoof, sudo apt-get install kernel-package [05:47] trs80: do you have dma enabled on the drives? [05:47] calc: they're sata [05:48] teferi: found the damn thing, in gconf: apps -> nautilus -> desktop -> volumes visible has to be checked === Octane [~octane@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] trs80: oh ok [05:48] hey bojangles, watch the language please [05:48] teferi: but thanks for letting me know i wasn't crazy and that that icon was supposed to be there [05:48] trs80: they are already synced up too i presume? [05:48] it was [05:48] yeah [05:48] md0 : active raid1 sdb2[0] sda2[1] [05:48] 156095488 blocks [2/2] [UU] [05:48] ok tritium: thanks [05:48] aru, ok...just trying to be accurate. [05:48] trs80: not sure then, i haven't used software raid much though [05:48] hmm === trs80 ponders breaking the raid and seeing if that's the problem [05:49] Ok I just installed Ubuntu (Breezy) on my laptop and nothing... so I tried to apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and got a bunch of depend problems anyone have info on this? [05:49] hoof, alien is pretty smart, but, it's not perfect. You can try. [05:49] what is iowait trs80 [05:49] I don't see why it should be ... elsewhere I've got a dual opteron 242 doing raid 5 over 4 disks no sweat [05:49] bojangles: it's cool, but we need linux to be a good place for the kids to turn, if they want sex, violence and cursing they can switch to fox news :) [05:50] coolkev: processes are waiting for the disk to return the data [05:50] !kernel recompile [05:50] Wish i knew, hybrid_goth [05:50] oh ic [05:50] Freedomzen: breezy is expected to be broken until it's released (see channel topic); unless you have specific errors, we'll have a hard time helping you. === Cybercon [~user1@adsl-69-234-69-118.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] !kernel compile [05:50] I don't know, hybrid_goth [05:50] !kernelcompile [05:50] You will probably find info about this at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCompileHowto [05:50] it shows up in top as ##% wa in the Cpu(s) line. also gettable from /proc/stat [05:50] hoof, I have caught a few people wanting to get gftp (for example) using alien, you may want to ask on the ubuntu-mailling list about maya === Cybercon [~user1@adsl-69-234-69-118.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Ubuntuguide [~boone@CPE0004e2946e45-CM000e5cd9ca02.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === _ted [~ted@phi-broadband-pppoe2-ws-110.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu === geneo93 [~kane@1Cust1679.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has left #ubuntu [] === robotgeek [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] grr this stupid hold won't work :\ [05:52] emX, used latest install iso and upon boot when it usually configures base system, it immediatly went to apptitude.... then fell back to a console login so I logged in and ran a update then an install ubuntu-desktop but got a bunch of dependincy errors [05:52] aru, yes that is true...we don't know if there are any kids in here. [05:52] are amd sempron processors any good? [05:53] does it happen to everybody that if they leave their cd's out of their case for awhile, the cd eventually gets scratched and can't be read? [05:53] coobra, no [05:53] they are very affordable but do their performace suck? [05:53] er [05:53] coolkev: get one of the new 64bit if you do === FlyingSquirrel32 [~FlyingSqu@ool-4571f2e3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] out of my price range [05:53] coolkev: the socket a based ones are near end of life [05:53] Hey, really in need here, anyone know nfs? === user2 [~user2@ppp-69-236-28-157.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] FlyingSquirrel32: a bit, whats up? [05:53] levander: cd's get scratched only in the process of putting it in & out of the cdrom [05:53] levander, that is probably a derivative of murphy's law [05:53] Freedomzen: sorry, i personally haven't moved to breezy yet; perhaps someone else in the channel has? === _ted [~ted@phi-broadband-pppoe2-ws-110.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] Flying-Penguin, no..that is proprietary stuff === user2 [~user2@ppp-69-236-28-157.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:54] nfs = Need for speed? [05:54] robotgeek: not true [05:54] Permission denied. [05:54] Flying-Penguin, i think NFS belongs to NOvell file system or somthing [05:54] Freedomzen: breezy is a bit broken at the moment [05:54] NFS is the Network File System [05:54] network fs [05:54] levander: there's no contact in the cdrom drive? [05:54] from Sun [05:54] It is a very old network file system and is, unfortunately, a lingua franca as far as Unix is concerned. [05:54] teferi, ok..is it patent free [05:54] Unfortunately because it's pretty awful [05:54] one sec I'll get my export [05:54] robotgeek: i'm just saying cd's can get scratch in other ways [05:54] and relies on a pretty awful RPC mechanism [05:54] bojangles: by now, certainly [05:55] robotgeek: like scraping them against something [05:55] bojangles: seeing as linux implements it... [05:55] teferi, oh...well that is good news. [05:55] <_ted> does anyone here know any more info about Ubuntulite? [05:55] so I could wait and apt-get update sometime in the near future and deps could be fixed or are we talking long term [05:55] robotgeek: true, i meant it's kinda ironic that it doesn't get scratched while in actual use [05:55] teferi, you can't go by what some linux distros put in...because they are still learning and make mistakes [05:55] would I be better off installing sid? [05:55] bojangles: it's in the linux kernel [05:55] teferi, What do admins use in a unxi/linux network? [05:55] bojangles: and has been since before linux 2.0 [05:55] _ted: i think that's the thing they're doing for the education markets, look in the breezy wiki for explanation [05:56] Freedomzen: you'd be better off installing Hoary === nickrud reads debian legal now and then [05:56] bojangles: nfs is not patent-encumbered. don't worry [05:56] it's a shame that it's awful. [05:56] FlyingSquirrel32: depends on how big the network is [05:56] Freedomzen: is there some reason you need Breezy? === Maddy [~maddy@AMontpellier-252-1-54-154.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] teferi, oh...ok...well i hear Linus and his leutenants watch things carefully so they probably already investigated this. [05:56] in a big environment, everyone loves to use (Open)AFS because it's fast, scalable, etc [05:56] simple. [05:56] bojangles: just relax, man [05:56] <_ted> I tried, but the Ubuntulite site (linked from distrowatch) was down [05:56] whee i managed to fix breezy with enough fscking holds to do an upgrade [05:56] FlyingSquirrel32: probably nfs === gnuyen [~gnuyen@68-66-11-106.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] oh. with NIS? [05:56] it is simple to use once you set it up, confound it [05:56] emX, other than the fact im a "has to have the new stuff guy" no [05:56] god forbid [05:56] no one uses NIS anymore [05:57] does anyone have a motorola razr phone and sync contacts w/ evolution successfully? [05:57] Freedomzen: if you use a package manager and have a lot of patience you might be able to get it to work now [05:57] Freedomzen: iow not apt-get [05:57] well, okay, that's not true, but no one's deploying new installations of it [05:57] teferi: what then? [05:57] FlyingSquirrel32: for centralized auth, today, ldap's the thing [05:57] teferi: what they use instead of nis? [05:57] we rolled out windows authentication for linux boxes at work :0 [05:57] thats some evil shit ;) [05:57] levander: ldap [05:58] calc: been there, done that, wrote the book [05:58] linux journal just had an article this year on setting up nis with kerberos === ethics [~none@] has joined #ubuntu === killapop [~allan@] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] well, not the book, but a detailed internal doc [05:58] _ted: i'm looking for that breezy wiki for you [05:58] FlyingSquirrel32: no one's deploying new installations of nis [05:58] i assure you [05:58] teferi, so, you are on the dark side? ;P [05:58] it's hacky and scales very poorly [05:58] nickrud: "dark side" [05:58] ? [05:58] what are talking about? === redx [~redx@69-170-93-192.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] I use whatever works best to do my job. [05:58] :-) [05:58] I don't care who made it or whether they eat babies. [05:58] so for some bizarre reason i have downloaded ubuntu i38 install cd around the 585 MB area....is there a windows way to md5chk them? [05:59] teferi, lol [05:59] That's completely between them and the babies. [05:59] teferi, but anyway my point is that you cannot go by what distros try to include because they don't know all the facts and some of the legal issues are still unsettled....so you have to err on the safe side. [05:59] <_ted> levander: thank you [05:59] bojangles: good god, man, EVERYTHING unix speaks NFS [05:59] ethics: there's a program called blue md5 or something which is free (as in beer) === AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [05:59] ethics: see http://www.linuxiso.org/viewdoc.php/verifyiso.html === chaps0063 [~bjr223@pcp02115427pcs.lebnon01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] _ted: i think what you're talking about is edubuntu, at the top of this wiki page: http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDownUnder/BreezyGoals [05:59] even windows can do nfs with a download [05:59] bojangles: sun released it unencumbered eons ago [05:59] emX: better, i guess [05:59] _ted: that wiki lists all the goals for breezy [05:59] just relax [06:00] robotgeek: elinks is my friend. [06:00] ;) [06:00] teferi, ok...just making sure it was not that proprietary Novell File System...because NFS can stand for different things [06:00] I was wondering if there are any gui file synchronization utilities to sync between a local folder and a windows share. [06:00] if people put half the energy they do into having panic attacks over IP law into hacking, linux would be awesome [06:00] bojangles: You're thinking of NetWare [06:00] emX: are u talking abt the browser?? [06:00] bojangles: There are several open-source implementations of NCP. [06:00] robotgeek: yeah; quick find, copy, etc. makes helping easy. [06:00] All are completely legal. [06:01] teferi, we don't touch open source stuff [06:01] bojangles: Novell FS is called something else, i forgot what === desplesda [~desplesda@CPE-143-238-232-240.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] NetWare Core Protocol Filesystem. [06:01] NO ONE calls Netware Novell FS. [06:01] teferi: ah yea NCP [06:01] teferi, many of them are being sued right and left by the big guys as soon as they get some money [06:01] emX: nice, i use simpy for all that...different systems, access to bookmarks is ensured [06:01] <_ted> levander: thats is not the one I was referring to... will post link as soon as I get it back [06:01] teferi, we don't touch open source [06:01] bojangles: well, seeing as novell is abandoning netware anyway, that's rather unlikely [06:01] but you know what? be that way. it's late and i'm too tired to care [06:01] night. [06:01] anyone know how to md5 check something from windows? === wasabi [~wasabi@c-67-174-81-195.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] bojangles: who is suing any open source company other than SCO? [06:02] teferi: so It sounds like nfs is good if you're savy enough to set it up. just seems todays admin's have been temped by the dark side to go with something easier to set up[ === nalioth is now known as nalioth_zZz [06:02] So what's the proper way now to set up a X login script for a user? [06:02] So it works with GDM. [06:02] <_ted> levander: http://www.ubuntulite.org/ [06:02] There IS no "dark side", god damn it! There's stuff that works, and there's stuff that doesn't work, and that's the ONLY distinction that needs to be made! [06:02] wasabi: x login script?? === teferi goes to bed [06:03] FlyingSquirrel32: nfs is trivial to setup [06:03] i tried to compile kernel 2.6.12 and i couldnt make menuconfig...it's looking for ncurses [06:03] teferi: true, as long as it's not on the dark side :) [06:03] NCP support itself has been in the linux kernel for many years (maybe even since 1.2 i can't remember that far back) [06:03] <_ted> hoof: sudo apt-get install ncurses === Davey [~davey@davey.user] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] teferi robotgeek: i refer to closed source as bl;ack magic rather than dark side....makes more sense to me hehe === Orborde [Orborde@dial-51-201-11-01.ind.iquest.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] robotgeek, yeah to launch other than gnome-session [06:03] teferi, I do happen to agree with you, I sometimes like to fish :) [06:03] _ted: couldnt be found... === zwnj [~behnam@] has left #ubuntu [] === SunTzuTech [~bent@cltea-proxy-1.sun.com] has left #ubuntu [] [06:04] ethics: http://www.linuxiso.org/viewdoc.php/verifyiso.html [06:04] !info build-essential [06:04] build-essential: (informational list of build-essential packages), section devel, is optional. Version: 10.1ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 6 kB, Installed size: 48 kB [06:04] hoof: apt-get install build-essential [06:04] teferi: but I can speak for the fact that when nfs is set up, it's MUCH nicer than SMB [06:04] what's build essential? [06:04] HrdwrBoB:^ [06:04] hoof: apt-cache show build-essential [06:04] FlyingSquirrel32: yea SMB sucks [06:04] hoof: needed to ./config [06:04] Hey, Ubuntu folks. Where would I get a copy of the GNU dev tools suitable for Ubuntu installation, as Ubuntu seems to lack important things like a compiler? === slinky [~melanie@blk-224-208-137.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] hoof things that are essential to build stuff like kernels and debs in general..... [06:04] <_ted> all the packages you need to install source packages [06:04] FlyingSquirrel32: that's not saying much, SMB is a bastard slut-whore of a protocol [06:05] hoof, build-essential gets you gcc, etc [06:05] ahhhh...good...thanks [06:05] hoof: gcc make ncurses ....all the minimums [06:05] Orborde: apt-cache show build-essential [06:05] whats wrong with slut_whores? [06:05] SMB is based of network neighborhood [06:05] HrdwrBoB: okay. hold on and I'll get the exports === Chinman [~izon90@] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] hybrid_goth: eh? [06:05] hybrid_goth: you're thinking of netbios broadcast name resolution [06:05] slinky: tired hard day? [06:05] FlyingSquirrel32: what's the problem? [06:05] different thing altogether, though it also sucks [06:05] i guess.....sorry [06:05] and now stop talking to me, god damn it, i need sleep [06:05] HrdwrBoB: Permission Denied. === calc props teferi's eyes open === mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === nickrud offers coffee [06:06] _ted: that link you sent me doesn't even show up in google's cache. I guess it's possible they just haven't submitted it to google yet. [06:06] i hate you all. and now, good night for real. on pain of pain. [06:06] teferi: no i was readin in synaptic samba is made like network neighborhood in windows === ubuntu [~ubuntu@ool-43518583.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] teferi, good night, and thanks [06:06] HrdwrBoB: /home,rw) laptop(rw) [06:06] no, it isn't, read the docs on samba.org, more about SMB, NetBIOS, and the rest than you ever wanted to know [06:06] teferi: nite [06:06] using ubuntu for cou[le weeks now...OK to use straight deb repos? [06:07] im liking what im experiencing in ubuntu so far...i think it's really stable compared to fedora or redhat [06:07] slinky, if you mean debian repos, no [06:07] slinky: not really; what do you need? [06:07] hi I'm trying to fix grub with Ubuntu Live CD, but it seems grub is not there, is there away to restore grub? [06:07] FlyingSquirrel32: are you root === ChurcH_of_FoamY goes out to use his 400lbs 6ft tall 32in dobsonian telescope [06:07] except for the rpm thingy [06:07] FlyingSquirrel32: if so, that's the problem [06:07] well, havnt really came across situation yet, just curious === hypa7ia [~leigh@HSE-Montreal-ppp142947.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === chaps0063 [~bjr223@pcp02115427pcs.lebnon01.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === ChurcH_of_FoamY is now known as FoamY_StarGazing === FoamY_StarGazing is away: can't be botherd with bastard bits of knoledge [06:07] HrdwrBoB: what?? I have to use sudo to run the mount [06:07] slinky: most everything you'll need is supplied in the ubuntu repos (or the 'universe' repository) [06:07] could anyone tell me what the name of the gnome cd burning app is? [06:08] cool....ty [06:08] hypa7ia: gnomebaker [06:08] FlyingSquirrel32: you get permission denied with mount? [06:08] slinky: np [06:08] slinky, most of the debian repos as of around april 1 are available in ubuntu [06:08] yay! [06:08] robotgeek: Okay...so what do I do with this information? It spat out a filename; I assume I need to unpackage it? How do I do that? [06:08] thanks emX ! [06:08] hypa7ia: there aer others, but i prefer gnomebaker [06:08] s/aer/are [06:08] anyone knows how to restore grub with Live CD? [06:08] oh no [06:08] really....sounds like someone is trying to replace debian? [06:08] maybe it's a disc manager software [06:08] slinky: debs are just like rpms but a bit better....if its a crap build itll still crash etc....dependancies may be meetable but sometimes debs are built for a distro....ie etch/sarge over ubuntu [06:08] i meant the one that comes by default [06:08] Orborde: you can install it to get all the basic tools, with a sudo apt-get install build-essential [06:09] ubuntu: make sure to mount the fs without nodev set [06:09] emX: just in nautilus [06:09] well i cam from etch 2 days ago and no problems... [06:09] slinky, the way I see it, is debian for the non-techs [06:09] ubuntu: then chroot into the mount point [06:09] hypa7ia: ?? [06:09] ubuntu: then run grub-install === visor [~gustavo@red-corp-] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] HrdwrBoB: Good god. === nickrud looks around this list, and laughs [06:09] mmmm...id agree...judging by trhe ubuntu forum [06:10] *channel, can never get that right [06:10] nickrud: ;_ [06:10] HrdwrBoB: all this time I've been running: "sudo mount desktop:/hosts /nfs" [06:10] AHhhhhh!!!! [06:10] emX: it was nautilus-cd-burner [06:10] wrong share name! === s0lid [~s0lid@] has joined #ubuntu [06:10] FlyingSquirrel32: hahah [06:10] debian is a server version ubuntu is the desktop version.....debians getting more desktop stuff daily tho and it's not far behind really [06:10] FlyingSquirrel32: oops [06:10] FlyingSquirrel32: get some cofee! [06:10] ah well, just though id pop in and check out the ubuntu channel [06:10] will drop by again [06:11] robotgeek: Does that require an Internet connection? So far this Linux box has no Internet. [06:11] how can i set xmms to run by default when i double click an mp3 file? [06:11] gonna go mount the wife now [06:11] It wasn't until a was typing it in to show you guys that I noticed. === hypa7ia [~leigh@HSE-Montreal-ppp142947.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] oops [06:11] is the sid kernel image of 2.6.12 coming out soon? the udev package wont' upgrade because it requires 2.6.12 kernel [06:11] Orborde: yeah, you need a net connection. i guess there are extra cd's which you can download later [06:11] hypa7ia: of course; sorry. that makes sense. that'll work, too. [06:11] Of course I alsways was repeating the same command with the up arrow [06:11] slinky mount -t rootfs /dev/wife /mounts/me [06:11] how can i set xmms to run by default when i double click an mp3 file? [06:12] okay, next question. i've got a bunch of invalid unicode in some m[3 [06:12] errr crap, cant type tonight [06:12] s0lid : gnome? [06:12] Orborde: also there are apt-zip and apt-move, but i havent used them before === zwnj [~behnam@] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] Okay, then, where might I find a decent freeware proxy server? === hard_i [~hard_i@rapla.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] HrdwrBoB: thanks for your help, good night all! [06:12] okay, next question. i've got a bunch of invalid unicode in some mp3 filenames and i'm trying to locate which files have them. any suggestions? [06:12] hypa7ia: might not be unicode then === FlyingSquirrel32 [~FlyingSqu@ool-4571f2e3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] that is /.dev? i have no problem when umount it... [06:13] robotgeek: it's asking for the CD... [06:13] hypa7ia Grep === killapop [~allan@] has joined #ubuntu === Davey [~davey@davey.user] has joined #ubuntu [06:13] grep for what though, don't knwo what characters are incorrect [06:13] Hey, one more thing... What should I use NIS, LDAP or something else? [06:13] hypa7ia: hmm [06:13] Orborde: are u on a different machine than ur ubuntu? [06:13] hypa7ia you can do most things with grep but amarok has a retty hardcore databse engine in it for a mp3 player if you need gui [06:14] FlyingSquirrel32: I'd go with openLDAP [06:14] Orborde: i forgot, you would need to install both those programs using the net again. my bad [06:14] i actually just need to get these files onto a dvd so i can return them to their owner [06:14] hypa7ia do you know what mp3s? [06:14] nope [06:14] that's the problem [06:14] FlyingSquirrel32: NIS installs are becoming fewer and further between; LDAP sites are growing. [06:14] Orborde: you might be better off getting the extra cd [06:14] (anecdotally) [06:14] i thought i had renamed allt he problem ones but i'm getting the same rror [06:15] hypa7ia: hmm ok so how do you know they have unicode/? === hyphenated [~cgilmour@] has joined #ubuntu === AlexMBas [~AlexMBas@alexandre.beigetower] has left #ubuntu [] [06:15] emX: can you suggest a howto or something similar? [06:15] hypa7ia and could you just retag them and solve it you think? [06:16] tags arent the problem [06:16] FlyingSquirrel32: hang on; finding... [06:16] ethics: filenames are [06:16] hypa7ia there were a few mass tag changers so if the id3 tags are good you can tag the files from id3 or vice versa === Davey [~davey@davey.user] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] yeah [06:16] that's not the issue, it;s the filenames === Maddy [~maddy@AMontpellier-252-1-54-154.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] and i don;t know how to generically search for "bad unicode" [06:17] gues i'm stuck with ls -R | less [06:17] FlyingSquirrel32: http://aqua.subnet.at/~max/ldap/ -- focuses on debian woody/sarge, but should be generally applicable [06:17] i think something writes to syslog for bad unicode filenames (iirc) [06:17] so if that happens you could catch it that way [06:18] how to mount ntfs in ubuntu linux? [06:18] ooh, cool, how do i do that? tail /var/something? [06:18] chinman [06:18] emX: is this diff from plain ldap? [06:18] do you know what drive it is? [06:18] FlyingSquirrel32: how so? [06:19] like hda1 or hda2? [06:19] teferi: the three discs I tried testing with md5sum all gave me io errors when I ran as "md5sum /dev/hdc". However, I just copied the entire disc over just fine using Windows Explorer and copying from the CD to the hard drive. I don't think that tests works. [06:19] coolkev, hda3 === AndyR_ [~andrew@rogers666.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] levander: teferi's gone to sleep... === netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> kornbluth.freenode.net === Al_Gonzo [gonzo@] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] robotgeek: Yes, I'm on a separate machine from my Ubuntu, but I have the Ubuntu working with this one via network file sharing. [06:19] emX: no, I'm asking. Is this the same as "plain" ldap [06:19] FlyingSquirrel32: openLDAP and 'plain' LDAP are interoperable, yes. [06:19] levander, and, the copy is the ultimate test :) === beezly [~andy@2001:618:400:1ad7:20c:6eff:fee1:a9da] has joined #ubuntu === thenuke [thenuke@nuke.the-jedi.com] has joined #ubuntu === nikkia [~nikki@3ffe:80ee:33e6:1:202:2dff:fe8b:59b2] has joined #ubuntu === bob2 [~rob@crumbs.ertius.org] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] where do you want to mount chinman? [06:19] robotgeek: I think I just managed to install everything from my Ubuntu install CD. [06:20] calc, it is all over the place....but if SCO gets $3billion dollars from IBM....there will be lots of lawsuits flying in every direction [06:20] emX:cool. I like open. [06:20] do you kno the specific folder? === Dr_Willis [~willis@12-222-71-130.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] FlyingSquirrel32: open is nice, indeed. [06:20] bojangles: SCO will not get anything [06:20] remember the folder must exiist [06:20] ok, disabling the raid 1 still leaves iowait of 10%+ [06:20] coolkev: mnt [06:20] thanks. see you guy later. [06:20] ok [06:20] bojangles: they have no case at all [06:20] Orborde: yeah, i follow. but there's an additional cd with other packages. i'm trying to pull up the link === krischan [~krischan@p54B807B8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] bojangles: it will likely get a summary judgement once the preliminaries are done at the end of the year [06:20] Chinman: sudo mount /dev/hda3 /mnt -t ntfs -o umask=222 [06:20] SCO -> #ubuntu-offtopic? [06:21] calc, well lots of legal issues are still unsettled...and patience is required to sort out the facts [06:21] bojangles: with no cases what is there to sort? [06:21] please take it to offtopic channel as emX mentioned === da_bon_bon [da_bon_bon@dabonbon-0000001.user] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] calc, who knows i am not a judge..there is some Judge Kimball or someone looking into everything [06:22] calc: ;) === Davey [~davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:22] Question time: What IRC clients are you folks using? [06:22] xchat [06:22] xchat [06:22] irssi [06:22] (on win32, but I'm at work. my main irc client is ircII though) [06:22] Orborde: irssi (aliased to 'irc' on Ubuntu) === barlas [barlas@barlas.user] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] hi all [06:23] hello da_bon_bon [06:23] da_bon_bon, blast from the past. How are you? [06:23] anyone here uses ubuntu-lite ? [06:23] hi emX [06:23] tritium: lol.. i am fine :) [06:23] so this hoary install disc is a screwed image on the website or is there some bizarre burning method? === SPCCrow [~root@] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] !info x [06:24] Orborde: moment, slow internet :( === Davey [~davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === sss_lr [~sss_lr@] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] coolkev: what's the umask=222 means? [06:24] how bout you, tritium ? [06:24] How do i get ubuntu to reinstall the x package? === illogic-al [~orville@illogic-al.user.konversation] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] i don't know... but it's just the way it is [06:24] da_bon_bon, I'm fine, thanks :) [06:24] i have been doing it this why [06:24] SPCCrow: sudo apt-get --reinstall install x-window-system [06:24] bojangles: do you think that if there was a case IBM wouldn't have already bought SCO since they are only worth $70M? :) [06:24] ? [06:24] to xhcat users, how do you switch tabs? [06:24] SPCCrow, why reinstall? [06:24] robotgeek: Compared to my dialup, anything is fast. Delay away. [06:25] IBMs part of the court case alone probably costs more than that [06:25] has anyone here burnt the hoary 5.04 install for i386? seems the images are all gooshed... [06:25] Orborde: i am on a filthy wireless, with the router far far away! [06:25] The x-server messed up and now ubuntu cant start it, need to reinstall and reconfigure it [06:25] ethics: I burned a hoary disc recently; no problem for me. === bwlang [~bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] is there a default root pasworld in ubuntu? [06:25] nope [06:25] Chinman: no; use sudo instead [06:25] Chinman: root is disabled [06:26] !sudo [06:26] [sudo] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo [06:26] robotgeek: i sympathize; my radio's trying to connect through a hot, humid day. makes IRC a jittery experience... [06:26] @all, please give Orborde the link for the ubuntu extra packages cd! [06:27] emX: *sigh* [06:27] ubotu if i have a iso with the right md5 checksum and the fucking think doesnt work from 4 servers who do i need to tell? [06:27] I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, ethics [06:27] robotgeek: fricking humidity... [06:27] sigh === ICXCNIKA [ICXCNIKA@dialup-207-218-202-59.ev1.net] has joined #ubuntu === Elmo2 [~elmo@pool-141-158-3-175.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:27] thanks. the ubuntu is different to other linux systems [06:27] emX: it's nighttime here :) [06:27] Well my ubuntu cd came in today. However, I am not certain once I put it on my computer I will have internet access. === Oompa [~Oompa@] has joined #ubuntu [06:28] robotgeek: same here. [06:28] ICXCNIKA: how do you access the internet? wired? wireless? [06:28] ethics: ubotu really is a bot... [06:28] how can i set xmms to run by default when i double click an mp3 file? yes it's gnome [06:28] Well currently through a Conexant modem. [06:29] :) I just installed Ubuntu. I am on it right now :D [06:29] However when I am at university, I use ethernet. I also have wireless, and I am sure that won't work once I install it. [06:29] bbl === Pixel83 [~pixel@p54AACD21.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] lol [06:29] Can someone point me in the direction of the ubuntu forums? [06:29] ICXCNIKA: standard PCI network cards are supported under ubuntu === Zaphod_ is now known as Agrajag [06:30] www.ubuntuforums.org [06:30] thanks [06:30] Just not my wireless or my dial-up. [06:30] how can i set xmms to run by default when i double click an mp3 file? yes it's gnome [06:30] ICXCNIKA: which wireless card do u have? [06:30] s0lid: moment === Davey [~davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] Dell TrueMobile WLAN 1300 === slask3n [~slask3n@217-163-2.7002.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] s0lid: right-click on the mp3 file [06:31] how do i get ubunutu to play mp3s [06:31] !restricted [06:31] I heard restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [06:31] Agrajag: interesting nick switch; no arthur here, though. [06:31] ;) [06:31] say open with other application [06:31] hrm [06:31] ICXCNIKA, I don't know about your particular wireless card, but Ubuntu was able to recognize my Netgear WG511 right off the bat [06:31] nautilus doesn't like .eps files? [06:32] how odd [06:32] hondje, it shouldn't have any problems [06:32] robotgeek, how can i make the xmms program be the default player for mp3 files? [06:32] Zaphod is the nick I use most places; someone else has it here [06:32] bojangles: how long have you used that nick btw? it sounds vaguely familiar [06:32] what wireless chipset does your laptop use? [06:32] say open with xmms [06:32] tritium: it cried about it being postscript (reasonable) and then told me to pick an application to open it with :-/ [06:32] atheros, for me [06:32] But some idiot bastard keeps trying to take it, so anytime I get disconnected I have to remember to kill him and switch back [06:32] hondje, hm [06:32] s/it/Agrajag/ [06:32] Zaphod? === cmatheso1 [~cmatheson@65-100-192-36.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] sky_monkey: I'm not sure. [06:33] are you from CJ? [06:33] robotgeek, yes [06:33] Agrajag: hehe; rather apropos to your current nick, no? [06:33] doeesn't thumbnail them either [06:33] one sec.. [06:33] Somewhat I suppose [06:33] it's really annoying; I think the guy who keeps taking it is a bot [06:33] Agrajag: ouch. [06:33] Agrajag, your not from CJ.com, are you? [06:33] no [06:33] I guess I will have to install it on another partition and just check..ugh. [06:34] s0lid: got it, right click -> properties -> open with -> xmms [06:34] good. Just checking [06:35] robotgeek, oh yeah! thank you very much :) [06:35] bojangles: still here? [06:35] what's the most popular playlist format? [06:35] levander: .pls? [06:35] .m3u? [06:35] ICXCNIKA: did u check the ndiswrapper wiki? [06:35] heh [06:35] Can anyone point me in the direction of a tutorial on how to mount hard drives? [06:36] Oompa: man mount [06:36] i need to write two scripts, one to generate xspf playlists cause it's the best format, another to generate a more popular format [06:36] Yes I am looking at it. However, I am not using wireless at the moment. I am using dial-up. So I want to figure out how to get my conexant modem working...or if Ubuntu will read it. [06:36] calc, yes...but anyway there are still quite a few lawsuits going on....just recently some law suit was levied against someone who hacked someone else's game server [06:37] Oompa: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//InstallingANewHardDrive [06:37] Oompa: above link generally addresses your question; can you be more specific? [06:37] If I run the Liveversion, I wonder if it will be detected... [06:37] Or if that is a good way to test. [06:37] HELLO all [06:38] bojangles: bnetd? [06:38] calc, but anyway the stuff is not settled so it is best to err on the safe side. [06:38] calc, i think it was called Battlenet or something like that [06:38] calc, bojangles: -> #ubuntu-offtopic? [06:38] :-) [06:38] bojangles: that case is even older than the SCO one [06:38] emX: ok :) [06:38] it's nice and quiet there... [06:39] Let me see... === maddy_ [~maddy@AMontpellier-252-1-54-154.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Oompa [~Oompa@] has joined #ubuntu === gnuyen [~gnuyen@68-66-11-106.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === zaphod_ [~Agrajag@66-215-172-61.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu === zaphod_ is now known as Agrajag === sss_lr [~sss_lr@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:42] HrdwrBoB: really? i always wondered how the product stacked up... === ajax_ [~ajax@ppp-66-140-226-192.dialup.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === vladuz [~vladuz@pool-71-106-211-189.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu === aarcane [~aarcane@70-97-197-191.dsl2.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu === EightBit [Uzi@pool-71-96-97-95.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] hey [06:44] can someone here help me w/ installation? === hosler [~hosler@ACA1D44F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] can you describe the problem? [06:44] I just went thought it :D [06:44] EightBit, please elaborate === keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] calc, well what about the lawsuit where some people were rerouting other people's websites to get all their traffic === mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ [06:44] well, quite simply === Davey [~davey@davey.user] has joined #ubuntu [06:45] calc, anyway there are quite a few [06:45] I have no idea how to install this thing [06:45] What is an easy and fun programming language for *nix operating systems? I want something that will allow me to write and compile very fast. Maybe something like vb6 on windows. [06:45] I haven't used linux before [06:45] 8: ok [06:45] Burn it to an cd [06:45] hosler, you might like python [06:45] burn what? [06:45] then stick it in your computer and reboot [06:45] ubuntu installer.. [06:45] !download [06:45] I haven't a clue, Madpilot [06:45] python rocks! [06:45] EightBit, what is it you want to install? ubuntu itself? [06:45] yes [06:46] i downloaded [06:46] tritium: any books/websites you recommend to start learning? [06:46] the unbuntu live files [06:46] and the permanent installation files [06:46] hosler, even one already installed on your machine... [06:46] tritium: a tutorial is allready on my machine? [06:46] hosler, open up the help system (life-preserver icon) and go to Applications->Programming->Dive Into Python :) === konki [~konki___@pool-71-111-171-19.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === illogic-al [~orville@illogic-al.user.konversation] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [06:47] what files do I need to burn? [06:47] EightBit: and you burned them to CD? [06:47] not yet [06:47] tritium: ok well is there a good gui for programming in python, or is it all done in the command line? [06:47] i wanna know what to burn first [06:47] you downloaded two iso files, right? [06:47] EightBit: you need to burn the whole ISO - either LiveCD or Install - to your CD [06:47] Or one. [06:47] hosler, also, you can install python-doc, and it'll have a nice tutorial as well [06:47] hosler: python (like other languages) can be written in plain text files. [06:47] he said both [06:48] hosler: I *think* Eclips has a python module [06:48] My Ubuntu is no longer seeing my Windows shares or computers. The network is up and ping, etc. work, but I can't access the shares or even see the computers under Samba. [06:48] EightBit, you only need the install CD if you want to install it. === ajax_ is now known as nickrud [06:48] i am confused [06:49] EightBit: what exactly did you download? [06:49] Orborde: are smbd and nmbd running on your linux box? [06:49] The_Vox: How do I find out? [06:49] Orborde: open a terminal, type "ps ax | grep mbd" and tell me what it spits out [06:49] tritium: I have diveintopython allready installed on my computer but its not on my meny. What should I open it with? [06:49] The_Vox: Not to sound too stupid, but it worked yesterday. [06:49] wait a second === abhayks [~abhayks@] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] do I oput what's inside the .rar thing onto a cd? [06:50] *put [06:50] .rar thing? [06:50] EightBit: rar?? [06:50] The_Vox: eclipse does have a python module, called pydev [06:50] EightBit, it should be an .iso, not a .rar [06:50] ubuntu doesn't come in a rar file [06:50] yeah === Aegir [~richard@] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] it's called .iso [06:50] hosler, you should be able to view it from the help system (yelp) [06:50] but [06:50] then it's an iso [06:50] emX: figures...the Eclipse dudes want to have a module for everything under the sun :) [06:50] it opens in winrar [06:50] not a rar [06:50] EightBit, you need to open it via burning software [06:50] ignore that, you don't use winrar for this [06:50] winrar has some odd ideas about what it should be opening... [06:50] The_Vox: 7151 pts/0 R+ 0:00 grep mpd, which I assume is grep itself. [06:50] maddy_: amen [06:51] i will host a picture [06:51] Orborde: that was it? [06:51] say winrar can open isos, thats it, dont worry abou tthat, open your burning software and open it that way === robotgeek uses vim for everything === bimberi [~bimberi@DC-244-73.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] vim uses me for everything... [06:51] The_Vox: Yes. [06:51] we don't need a picture, you just need burning software [06:51] robotgeek: I use emacs for everything :P [06:51] EightBit, what do you use to brun CDs? [06:51] Do you have nero? [06:51] or something similar? [06:51] The_Vox: so u are actually dual booting ? [06:52] Orborde: type this now: sudo /etc/init.d/samba start [06:52] ummm [06:52] to be honest === AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:52] EightBit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto === sri [[IarY41d16@onyx.spiritone.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:52] I never burn Cd's [06:52] hi folks [06:52] but i have the hardware to do so [06:52] hi, sri [06:52] robotgeek: lol! no, it's vm'ing...the kernel.el module isn't ready yet ;) [06:52] Alright, do you have an OEM computer? [06:52] anybody know when the split up of xbase-clients will be out? [06:52] The_Vox: :) [06:52] Did your CD burner come with software? [06:52] hiya emX [06:52] nope [06:52] it DID [06:52] but I had a bad format [06:53] EightBit, if you put a blank CD in the CDrom, what comes up? [06:53] a bunch of options [06:53] hm, there's some free burning software out there for windows, but damned if I can remember what it's called [06:53] what's the kernal version I am useing if I just downloaded ubuntu tuday? [06:53] EightBit, you'll get the windows options, what software is in there? [06:53] like what I want to install [06:53] blah [06:53] The_Vox: command not found [06:53] i mean burn [06:53] http://img332.imageshack.us/img332/2706/files7bb.png [06:53] Orborde: uhm...try sudo /etc/init.d/smb start [06:53] those are the files that came up [06:54] Oompa, uname -r tells you your running kernel, 2.6.10-5-386 for me [06:54] who was trying to use the Dell Tru Mobile 1300 wireless card? [06:54] EightBit: you want to burn the ISO itself [06:54] The_Vox: command not found [06:54] not the files? [06:54] EightBit: see the URL I posted above, it's got Windows instructions for you [06:54] robotgeek: ICXCNIKA, gone now === challenged [~jason@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [06:54] EightBit, put a blank CD into the CDrom, and tell us what options come up in the windows option thingy [06:54] nickrud: uname : command now found [06:54] i found what he needed :) === kkathman [~kkathman@h-66-167-95-183.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu === ethics [~none@] has joined #ubuntu === maddy__ [~maddy@AMontpellier-252-1-20-53.w83-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Razor-X is wondering how many people in this channel use `info' [06:55] !info info [06:55] info: (Standalone GNU Info documentation browser), section doc, is important. Version: 4.7-2.2ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 175 kB, Installed size: 344 kB [06:55] Oompa, that's hard to believe, check your spelling: 'uname -r' === LeeColleton [~lc@dsl001-134-149.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:55] robotgeek: i'm assuming you knew what it was before you asked ubotu about it? [06:55] Orborde: uhm...hold on...you don't have samba server stuff installed, but you were looking at shares and all yesterday, right? [06:55] nickrud: oops extra n. Thanks :) [06:55] Razor-X: which info did u mean though? [06:55] is it possible to create gui program by using REXX? [06:56] Razor-X, I look at it now and then, it's usually the man page [06:56] Razor-X: i've never used the bash info, only man [06:56] robotgeek: info is a form of documentation, more verbose than a man page [06:56] nickrud: yeah [06:56] I don't browse info that often, even if it is the emacs documentation of choice === EGCdgital [~michael@] has joined #ubuntu [06:56] seems there's a bloody wealth of stuff here though.... === EGCdgital [~michael@] has left #ubuntu ["I] === nickrud will not touch that with a 20 foot pole === robotgeek says *another* emacs user! === nekohayo [~Nekohayo@pc203.quamnet.com] has joined #ubuntu === AndyR_ [~andrew@rogers666.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:57] robotgeek: see? you are a persecuted minority now :P [06:57] robotgeek: as far as I can gather, i'm probably about one of the 2 or 3 users here of emacs === AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] === GNULinuxer [~ghoseb@] has joined #ubuntu [06:57] Razor-X: add me to the count :) [06:57] The_Vox: you're one ;) === troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:57] Razor-X, is bloody wealth similar to blood money? [06:57] nooo, not again [06:57] The_Vox: Yes, I did have shares yesterday. I have no idea about the Samba. Perhaps I should reinstall the package? [06:57] Razor-X: lol! [06:57] vi/vim users, shout! [06:58] grrr [06:58] sorry! [06:58] heeeeeeeeeey [06:58] Orborde: no, let's go from the fact that you had it working....are you on gnome or kde? [06:58] okay, I downloaded the stuff of the site [06:58] tritium: no, basically `lots of stuff in here' [06:58] hey there, could someone tell me if it is planned as a major goal to remove OSS/ESD/whatever and JUST keep an ALSA that works in the final breezy or something? [06:58] Razor-X, I know, just joking ;) [06:58] and [06:58] ;) [06:58] whenever i click it [06:58] a bunch of files open up in WinRAR [06:58] EightBit, you need to stop clicking it. [06:58] nekohayo: I hope not...ALSA sucks with my sound card === cmatheson [~cmatheson@65-100-192-36.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] heh [06:58] EightBit: unrar-nonfree works better than unrar [06:58] EightBit, Insert a blank CD into your CDR, and tell us what programs it gives you as options [06:59] but, I wouldn't suggest it unless you actually _need_ it [06:59] Razor-X: I'm pretty sure he's still in Windoze [06:59] Razor-X: he's on windows [06:59] The_Vox, don't know, but I hate to have three daemons running that collide with each other [06:59] ahhh, ok [06:59] Razor-X, he hasnt gotten that far yet ;) === robert_pectol [~rob@p54A6CC55.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] The_Vox: Gnome...well, I think so...yes, it's Gnome. [06:59] nekohayo: OSS and ALSA aren't daemons :) [06:59] what's more, no way to get skype to get sound [06:59] i am a n00b [06:59] okay [06:59] i dunno even if i am using alsa/oss, i have both modules loaded (altast the alsa emulation) [06:59] what's his problem? [06:59] sound servers then? [06:59] it says [06:59] what's the term? [06:59] no programs [06:59] just [06:59] shows me the file for the CD [06:59] he's just clicking on it in windows because when the only tool you've used is a hammer, everything looks like a nail [06:59] What file for the CD? [06:59] nekohayo: well, it seems some UNIX users still love the local client-server concept [06:59] and when you put files on it [06:59] *shrugs* [06:59] you burn it to it [06:59] as in, the folder? [06:59] i meant oss emulation [06:59] yes [06:59] the folder, I mean [06:59] I could care less, in sound anyways, ALSA works fine [07:00] The_Vox: According to Synaptic I have samba-common and smbclient installed, but not samba. [07:00] Orborde: ok, now you are in stuff I've never used lol! But I assume (damn, I hate to do that) that you should be able to type something in the nautilus addy bar that should show you the shares [07:00] you don't want a folder, just the file you downloaded === oga [~oga@220-253-91-127.QLD.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] Orborde: that makes sense [07:00] 'cept aRts has better support for simeltaneous sounds [07:00] is the whole thing just one file? [07:00] don't extract the files [07:00] yes [07:00] you burn it as an iso file straight to a CD [07:00] EightBit: what cd burning program do u have? [07:00] well usually, I want ONE thing controlling my system T_T actually the choice should be given at install time maybe [07:00] Orborde: do you know what the IP of each of your boxes is? [07:00] don't have one === Davey [~davey@davey.user] has joined #ubuntu [07:01] EightBit: an ISO is a file that contains all the files of a CD, coupled with extra information (such as boot-sector info) [07:01] The_Vox: Yes. I assigned them statically just so I'd know. [07:01] I have a broadcom BCM4301 card that I have heard works with Ubuntu. Which drivers do I need to probe? [07:01] EightBit: there's a link to a freeware Windows burner prog on the URL I posted [07:01] EightBit: do u have a burner? [07:01] yes === Toasta [~dallas@] has joined #ubuntu [07:01] nekohayo, if your sound card cannot handle multiple sound sources, you could try the following link [07:01] you shouldn't extract files from an ISO, because it contains extra information [07:01] anyone knows how i can install the firefox extensions "torrentbar" also others... the the extension website always take me to upgrade to firefox 1.0.5... this makes the website sucky [07:01] !sound [07:01] sound is probably http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 === ICXCNIKA [ICXCNIKA@dialup-207-218-212-195.ev1.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:01] alright [07:01] i will put the .iso [07:01] and you shouldn't burn the ISO itself as a file straight to the CD, because that defeats the point of a file that describes the CD [07:01] hello [07:01] on the CD [07:01] Orborde: ok, type this in a terminal: smbclient -L ip.of.remote.box [07:02] Well it won't detect my modem. [07:02] Orborde: tell me what it spits out [07:02] so, most burners out there allow you to burn CD images [07:02] just as an archive? [07:02] ICXCNIKA: your wireless card works with ndiswrapper [07:02] can i have that link again? [07:02] EightBit, do you have SP2 installed? [07:02] i am pretty sure I do [07:02] I think that the Broadcom BCM4301 card works somehow with the adm8211 driver, but I have loaded this and no joy [07:02] i already have firefox 1.0.4 installed thru apt... [07:02] yeah, I have to [07:02] EightBit, DONT just copy the iso to the cD, it wont work. [07:02] EightBit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto [07:02] thanks a ton [07:02] you can use Burn-at-once (a CDRDAO frontend) to burn ISOs [07:03] Yes robotgeek. I am aware of that. However, I cannot operate my dial-up modem...which is the only mode of internet access available to me at this time. [07:03] ICXCNIKA: is it a winmodem? [07:03] It's conexant. So yes, I believe it is. [07:03] hey all... i'm using a long cord for my LAN and in windows the only way to get connectivity is to force the speed to 10mb/s at half duplex but i dont know how to do this with linux [07:03] I tried to autodetect the Modem port. No luck. [07:03] have you googled about linux compatibility/drivers? [07:03] The_Vox: Three lines; all are "session request failed" to, 27, and *SMBSERVER, respectively, and all three end with (Called name not present) [07:04] Can anyone help me mount a hard drive? [07:04] I am really confused. [07:04] oga: why do you need to force a speed? [07:04] is unbuntu better than redhat? [07:04] Yes. I can't seem to find a driver to download or to make sense from it. [07:04] thanks ppl [07:04] how can you force a speed that isn't physically possible?? [07:04] EightBit: definetly [07:04] EightBit: in my opinion, leagues beyond leagues [07:04] as opposed to autonegotiate speed [07:04] It's possible [07:04] hehe [07:04] cause === IcemanV9 [~nobody@adsl-68-79-3-246.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Because] [07:04] I had some redhat boot disks [07:04] but they didn't work [07:04] Orborde: uhm...ugly. Ok, time to play hardball...use synaptic or whatever tool of choice and install samba [07:04] oga: ahhh, I see === keikoz bonne nuit tlm [07:05] quick question... if i remove the install cd from synaptics list of sources will it get all nessacary files from online repository? [07:05] yes Toasta [07:05] what's the gist of the LAN setup? [07:05] my friend has the exact same broadcom card working with Ubuntu but it doesn't work with my system, even with the adm8211 module loaded. Grr! [07:05] sweet, thanks [07:05] Toasta, well, provided you have them enabled [07:05] Toasta: yeahp [07:05] The_Vox: Yay! Overkill!" [07:05] the reason is.... who knows.... but i know that fixes it in windows [07:05] does redhat cost $$$? [07:05] just lappy to router [07:05] have what enabled [07:05] EightBit: yes [07:05] oga, possibly a module parameter. which NIC do you haev? [07:05] have [07:05] but this happens with pc also with this cable [07:05] Broadcom sucks! [07:05] i thought linux was open source? [07:05] Orborde: hehehe overkill works every time...specially when I have never used nautilus and have no clue how to fix it lol! [07:05] Fedora (a free fork) doesen't, though [07:05] EightBit, you bet....lots and lots of them [07:05] yeah, [07:05] open source doesn't mean free of charge [07:05] nic? [07:05] EightBit, they are nearly as expensive as MS [07:05] Broadcom is the suxx0rz [07:06] EightBit: here's something to remember for all of eternity, branded in your brain Open Sources ~= free [07:06] and how do you enable them? [07:06] !tell Toasta about repositories [07:06] remember that, remember it well [07:06] oga, Network Interface Card === robert_pectol [~rob@p54A6CC55.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["I'm] [07:06] too bad I already bought a card [07:06] oga: Network Interface Card [07:06] ahhhh [07:06] i saw redhat at fryes [07:06] Razor-X, you mean Open Source != free? [07:06] considered buying it [07:06] errr, yeah, sorry [07:06] I was gonna use \noteq [07:06] luckily, I am not using Broadcom, Intel guys have ndiswrapper [07:06] but, not many people here LaTeX [07:06] The_Vox: I'm not sure this machine even has Nautilus. === The_Vox sends Razor-X back to RegEx101.... [07:06] Razor-X, he is right...there is nothing free about opensource....stick with gpl [07:06] red hat is only worth buying for a corporation that needs the tech support [07:07] Orborde: if you have gnome, you have nautilus...it's the file manager thingy that gnome uses === bgstratt [~dad@68-64-172-28.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] ahhh [07:07] bojangles: huh, gpl doesn't mean free either [07:07] bojangles: hmmm? [07:07] okay [07:07] thanks nickrud [07:07] i am gonna burn the .iso [07:07] You can charge all you want for GPL software [07:07] Agrajag, yes the gpl is the only license that truly frees the code [07:07] thanks for all the help, guys === ICXCNIKA [ICXCNIKA@dialup-207-218-212-195.ev1.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:07] GNU GPL is an Open-Source license [07:07] doesen't mean free [07:07] you can slap GNU Emacs on a CD and charge $100 for it [07:07] Fuck me sideways, does noone have a Broadcom BCM4301 card? [07:07] Toasta, np, ubotu knows all :) [07:07] exactly [07:07] totally legal [07:07] LeeColleton: not me [07:07] exactly ;) === bgstratt [~dad@68-64-172-28.clspco.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [07:07] almost huh [07:07] as long as you provide the source code [07:07] with the nic what is the best way to find out [07:08] Agrajag: though i dunno any gpl'ed frograms which are not free==0$ [07:08] thanks The_Vox, that makes me feel better [07:08] Razor-X, that is just a bunch of confusion spread by the open source initiative.....they include gpl to diminish its importance and distinction [07:08] LeeColleton: i'll bet many people on google do [07:08] Im trying to make and install the latest stable kenrel from kernel.org, however after I install it a lot of things work very strangley [07:08] bojangles: have you read through the GNU GPL? [07:08] wait a second, is it a level 1 or 2 .iso? [07:08] Razor-X, the gpl is the only license that frees the code [07:08] The_Vox: Well, it's installed, and it still isn't showing the shares in Nautilus. [07:08] Razor-X: hooray for google [07:08] im gonna try make oldconfig [07:08] EightBit: it matters? [07:08] bojangles, no it's not. You can charge for it, but you also have to provide the source. [07:08] GPL is the roxors! [07:08] robotgeek: Red Hat Linux was just brought up, and began this whole conversation. It's GPL, but not free [07:08] Orborde: need to configure it first :) === julan [~julan@] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] ColonelKernel, the ubuntu kernel has some patches that the vanilla kernel does not [07:09] Agrajag: true [07:09] The_Vox: Okay...how? [07:09] Orborde: grab your favourite editor and open /etc/samba/smb.conf and edit the workgroup and save the file. [07:09] FlannelKing, you can TRY....repeat TRY....but GPL requires UNRESTRICTED redistribition === robotgeek slaps himself awake [07:09] I'm proud to say, i've read all the licenses (except the damned numerous M$ ones) of the software I use [07:09] the dirty legal code ;) [07:09] bojangles: yes, so anyone you sell the CD to can copy it and give it away [07:09] nickrud, yeah ive noticed that - I dont know how happy I am about that, I think that may be my only complaint about ubuntu [07:09] i know it works with short lead but not the long... eth0 is the name but how do i get the NIC? [07:09] Razor-X: that explains a lot lol! [07:09] FlannelKing, this forces excess supply until the marginal cost goes to zero for anyone [07:09] but that doesn't stop you from selling Emacs for $100 to anyone who will pay for it === julan [~julan@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === julan [~julan@] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] oga, you can't use too long a cable. Can you just buy a short one? [07:09] yay, I am writing the disk [07:10] Agrajag, absolutely [07:10] ColonelKernel, the patches are the reason I use ubuntu/debian, personally [07:10] Agrajag, that is the point of the GPL [07:10] Agrajag: actually, RMS sells it for 150...200 for gcc, IIRC [07:10] big house... no wifi for a while yet [07:10] wow really? [07:10] it is the only license that truly frees the code [07:10] though, what prevents ppl from selling redhat with the sources for about say 50$? [07:10] Does he sign the media or anything [07:10] Agrajag: sure, you can buy it at the fsf.org site [07:10] tech support? help? [07:10] "You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee." [07:10] it pays to read ;) [07:10] ColonelKernel, try starting from linux-source-2.6.10 [07:10] robotgeek, redhat is not gpl...they are opensource plus they include some proprietary stuff....so you cannot redistribute it [07:11] robotgeek: the copyright/trademark on the name...that's what CentOS is all about [07:11] nickrud, im hoping thats the patched ubuntu kernel code [07:11] damn this *redhat* === Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu [07:11] ColonelKernel, yes, it is [07:11] hai [07:11] i am sticking to ubuntu/debian [07:11] nickrud, I can live with that then [07:11] the cost for CD transferring/warranty can be $50 [07:11] robotgeek, they can sue your but off if you try to redistribute thier CDs....they are opensource at best not gpl [07:11] if it ain't free, it ain't linux! [07:11] it's up to the distributor for that [07:11] The_Vox: Okay, I'm at smb.conf and staring cluelessly. [07:11] damn them, why? They have a working business model using GNU/Linux, what's wrong with that? [07:11] xchat is kinda nice, eh [07:11] robotgeek: Linux is a kernel ;) [07:11] robotgeek, if you want to use redhat just use centos [07:12] ColonelKernel, apt-cache search linux-source in a terminal will get you going [07:12] its the best rhel clone out there, I personally think its a superior product to RHEL === harold [~harold@pool-71-106-102-196.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] Razor-X,ColonelKernel : in love with the apt-get goodness! === harold is now known as Harold [07:12] GNU is the actual OS, of which there exists multiple distros [07:12] Orborde: there should be a line that starts with WORKGROUP [07:12] nickrud, got that already, just hadnt make my custom kernel for this yet [07:12] nalioth_zZz: Sleeping, huh? [07:12] Orborde: find it and change the part after the = to whatever workgroup your windows boxes use [07:13] using different kernels === warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Help channel | Have a question? Just ask! | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | X still broken in Breezy - DO NOT USE BREEZY YET | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com | Ubuntu #1 on all distrowatch boards! | Don't upgrade X past 6.8.2-36! | New User Network: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserNetwork === Topic (#ubuntu): set by tritium at Mon Jul 18 21:46:12 2005 [07:13] (Harold/#ubuntu) Razor-X: Dedicated? [07:13] (robotgeek/#ubuntu) see, the only machine i have is a ppc. most of rh clones would not install. except ydl, and fc maybe [07:13] (Razor-X/#ubuntu) from whence have you come from?! [07:13] (Razor-X/#ubuntu) Harold: he's not active in the channel, why page him? === Hylas [~Hylas@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] (vladuz/#ubuntu) Razor-X: yes [07:13] (Razor-X/#ubuntu) dselect is highly deprecated [07:13] (The_Vox/#ubuntu) Orborde: ok, cool, then close the file and now do "sudo /etc/init.d/samba start"...if it gives you a command not found, try with smb instead of samba...or smbd [07:13] (Razor-X/#ubuntu) it's ancient ancient stuff [07:13] (The_Vox/#ubuntu) Orborde: one of those 3 has to work lol! [07:13] (nickrud/#ubuntu) vladuz, /usr/share/doc/aptitude/doc/README is a good start === Gatton [~me@adsl-157-120-21.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:14] vladuz, /usr/share/doc/aptitude//README is a good start [07:14] Razor-X: so what do you suggest instaead [07:14] sorry [07:14] Razor-X: nalioth was my first contact here; I guess I contact him out of habit. === The_Vox aptitude... === Turicas [slckusr@] has joined #ubuntu [07:14] robotgeek: Are you on PPC? [07:14] too bad you cant set the userlist to transparent [07:14] I cannot even correct typos :) [07:14] vladuz: first of all, dselect is old as _hell_, use aptitude [07:14] The_Vox: How about just "smbd stop" and "smbd start" ? [07:14] Harold: a powerbook g4 500 [07:14] Harold: heh, well, ask the channel away [07:14] okay [07:14] i burned it [07:14] now what? [07:14] or, if you're a member of the NUN, you know what to do [07:14] robotgeek: Any problems installing/using Ubuntu? [07:14] which one, the live CD? [07:15] or the installer? [07:15] EightBit: Live CD or Install CD? [07:15] lemme see [07:15] !java [07:15] extra, extra, read all about it, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin. [07:15] Harold: not really, i have problems with display out [07:15] The_Vox: Result is that the Linux machine now appears in the network browser on the Linux box, but not the Windoze box. And the Linux box still can't see the Windoze one. [07:15] Orborde: uhm...I'm not familiar with the ubuntu package, so I can't bet that'll work...what I gave you should work, tho. (I've only been using ubuntu for a bit over a week :) [07:15] Harold: and java, and flash === warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Help channel | Have a question? Just ask! | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | X still broken in Breezy - DO NOT USE BREEZY YET | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com | Ubuntu #1 on all distrowatch boards! | Don't upgrade X past 6.8.2-36! | New User Network: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserNetwork === Topic (#ubuntu): set by tritium at Mon Jul 18 21:46:12 2005 [07:15] (Harold/#ubuntu) robotgeek: Yikes. Wish I knew something about that. [07:15] (The_Vox/#ubuntu) Orborde: ok, in the terminal now try "smbclient -L localhost" and tell me what it spits out [07:16] (Agrajag/#ubuntu) You should probably burn the Live CD too, and try that out first. === pitti [~pitti@] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] (Razor-X/#ubuntu) EightBit: then, insert the CD in the drive, shutdown the computer, and restart ;) [07:16] (Razor-X/#ubuntu) Agrajag: no point wasting CDs [07:16] (Razor-X/#ubuntu) I myself have only 2 :( [07:16] (robotgeek/#ubuntu) Harold: but other than that, everything works fine. occasional hiccup with recovering from sleep [07:16] (robotgeek/#ubuntu) Harold: what do u use? [07:16] and i've asked this before -- anyone here use Das Keyboard? === hypatia_ [~leigh@HSE-Montreal-ppp142947.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] Razor-X, talk to someone about getting an income ;) [07:16] how can I control which modules are loaded when I boot - my build is loading a lot of them [07:16] Everyone: This is my second time seeing that message about Java installation on the wiki. What's the big deal about having java? (Just curious.) [07:16] Razor-X: a new user shouldn't necessarily dive in lie that-- what if he hasn't partitioned yet, and manages to wipe windows? [07:16] then [07:16] later guys [07:17] thanks for the help [07:17] robotgeek: PowerBook G3 233MHz [07:17] (note the intentional lack of `the') [07:17] Razor-X: never even heard of that one...and I'm a fan of weird kboards :) [07:17] Agrajag: ahhh, true that [07:17] The_Vox: o_O [07:17] you have an HHKL2? [07:17] nickrud: income... hmmm === axis [~axis@d150-126-33.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === Davey [~davey@davey.user] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] something I won't worry about for a good... many years now [07:17] Razor-X, the day will com [07:17] robotgeek: I just finished installing Ubuntu about a week or two ago, and finally got a wireless card to work under the madwifi driver. [07:17] sun doesn't provide jvm for linux ppc, gotta get from IBM === slomo [~slomo@p5487EDA6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] I have saved up money though, lunch money ;) === Amaranth [amaranth@ip68-225-172-54.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] The_Vox: Holy cow. The Windows machine doesn't appear in the server list by name, but I went Places->Connect to Server, punched in the IP and selected Windows Share as the service, and Boom! Access. [07:17] EightBit, you might want to install the liveCD and try it first, the $.20 cd is worth the non-risk, if youre installing on your only computer === bell [~bell@] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] Harold: nice [07:18] hah, hah [07:18] I got lucky with wireless, I have a cisco card 8) [07:18] robotgeek: Oh, because it's not open source? [07:18] Razor-X: nop...a Logitech-for-PS/2 gamingkboard...it's the smallest kboard I've ever been able to find :) The HHKL2 is expensive for a poor furreiner like me :) [07:18] something wroing with the repositories [07:18] i can't seem to access kubuntu-desktop [07:18] for a semester, and some more money from my schoo `services' and some debts my parents owe, and I have $100 [07:18] Orborde: that's what the overkill will give you :) [07:18] The_Vox: heh === digitalfox [~urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] Harold: nah, sun doesn't have a version. they do have something for the x86 platform === zwnj [~behnam@] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] google Das Keyboard [07:18] s/schoo/school/ === goli [~sunil@] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] riight === zwnj [~behnam@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:19] Razor-X: I've used an HHKL2 for a couple of weeks...friend ordered one, had it sent to my house...got to use it for a bit over 2 weeks...pretty sweet kboard :) [07:19] robotgeek: So someone just recently got java working on Linux? [07:19] The_Vox: Result of smbclient -L localhost: It asked for a password. Just a password. What password? I don't know, so I punched in my Linux user password. Result: session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE [07:19] The_Vox: I hear Das is even better ;) [07:19] Razor-X: that thing is *HUGE*! [07:19] Orborde: hit enter at the password prompt :) === AlexMBas [~AlexMBas@] has joined #ubuntu [07:19] Harold: i dont think so...there are only two versions, gcj and the ibm...both suck! [07:19] The_Vox: it's a normal sized 101 key keyboard [07:19] The_Vox: w00t. That worked. Spat out a lot of stuff. [07:20] only, it's weighted [07:20] mmmmmm... weighted..... [07:20] Razor-X: is Das the keyboard featured on slashdot [07:20] kubuntu? [07:20] robotgeek: Do you know anything about programming? [07:20] The_Vox: What am I looking for? [07:20] Harold: a bit [07:20] robotgeek: not sure [07:20] robotgeek: In your opinion, is it more beneficial to learn C or Java? [07:20] Harold, C [07:20] I either buy Das, HHKL2, a Sansa Sandisk 512 MP3 Player, or blow all of my money on Knife of Dreams leatherbound ;) === joolz [~joolz@kiar.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] FlannelKing: Why, perchance? [07:21] Harold, actually, learn C++ [07:21] Razor-X: my kboard is this one: http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/details/US/EN,CRID=2282,CONTENTID=6636 [07:21] any\one else having problems upgrading to kubuntu [07:21] the only leatherbound book i'ld have, but worth it if Jordan continues his proglogue-style writing throughout the novel [07:21] C, although I haven't programmed in a long time. [07:21] from apt [07:21] Harold: C, C++ [07:21] FlannelKing: I'm still going to have to learn C in order to learn C++, aren't I? [07:21] The_Vox: I use a trackball, meself [07:21] Orborde: any answer usually means "it's working" unless it's a "can't find a thing" answer :) [07:21] you can then pretty much pick up everything else [07:21] Harold: no, you're not [07:21] Harold, No, C++ is not a superset of C++ [07:21] I learned the latter without the former [07:21] Harold, erm, C [07:21] The_Vox: But it still fails to find the Windows machine. [07:21] and I hate the former now too ;) [07:21] Something that has survived for over 30 years, is worth knowing === ficoc [~ficoc@p50871D56.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] right [07:22] well obviously kubuntu isn't going to last === Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-66.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === EightBit [Uzi@pool-71-96-97-95.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] but, if you insist on learning C, try Obj C [07:22] Harold, learn c++, skip C, if you konw C++ you can program C with only a few tweaks, and learing C++ will teach you all the basics of programming Java [07:22] that did not work [07:22] axis, why? [07:22] FlannelKing, Razor-X : Is there another language I should be learning before C even? [07:22] Harold, C++ [07:22] no Lisp fans here? [07:22] Harold: don't try C if you want C++ [07:22] no :) [07:22] robotgeek: i'm learning emacs-lisp now ;) === Sponge_ [~Sponge@pc-183-143-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] tritium, : i'm having problems apt-get kubuntu-desktop [07:22] Harold, the first thing C++ people will do is try and unteach you C [07:22] Razor-X: my kboard is about...7.5 inches long, by 3.5 inches wide, by 3/4" thick....it's *small* [07:22] axis, "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"? === Ribs [~freenode@riblet.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] Harold: I myself started out with QBasic at 11, but that's worth almost nothing now, save nice, easy to make games [07:23] I downloaded realtime-lsm and the module-assistant. Now, I want this thing working. What do I have to do now? [07:23] dammit [07:23] Orborde: still fails? didn't you say you were able to connect to it already? [07:23] The_Vox: are you a Dvorak user? [07:23] Razor-X: where are those docs again, please? [07:23] windows just came up blank [07:23] robotgeek, FlannelKing : Dang, really? I have this "Teaching Yourself C" book in my hand right now. === Revelation [~angryce@] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] tritium: E: Couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop [07:23] Razor-X: yes...been one for...uhm....9 years or so [07:23] EightBit: thought you were loading the LiveCD? [07:23] tritium: which repository is it.. i've uncommented them all [07:23] Razor-X: Is QBasic a high-level language? [07:23] no === troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] the install [07:24] The_Vox: nice, so you can attest to it's usefulness? [07:24] Harold: not at all [07:24] axis, it's in the main repo [07:24] that's why it's so useless [07:24] The_Vox: I got a connection to the share by punching in the IP directly, but it still fails to appear in the network browser. A minor point, I suppose. [07:24] axis, have you done a "sudo apt-get update" first [07:24] tritium: and i've upgraded/updated dist [07:24] go with C++ or C# [07:24] yap [07:24] Harold, yeah, take a look... here: http://relisoft.com/book/index.htm, free, online, quality, C++ book [07:24] axis, doesn't sound right.... [07:24] I know C# is a M$ language, but I like it meself [07:24] I told you to try the liveCD first... So what do you mean by "windows came up blank"? [07:24] not blank [07:24] just [07:24] Dont Touch C# [07:24] nothing else happened [07:24] tritium, : can you spit me the repository link.. main link? [07:24] it just loaded as usual === zwnj [~behnam@] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] i will try the live [07:25] axis, and I speak from excuciating experience, there is something wrong with /etc/apt/sources.list [07:25] Razor-X: I think high-level languages are ones you don't need to know much about programming to begin. Low-level ones are like assembly language, I believe. C is middle-level. [07:25] oh [07:25] Razor-X: I changed to dvorak a month before my already-scheduled wrist surgery for RSD...cancelled the surgery 3 days before it happened...been happy ever since [07:25] tritium, : i didn't have my network instaled at boot time [07:25] You put the CD in and rebooted, and windows came up? [07:25] ok [07:25] first [07:25] EightBit, do you have the cdrom installed earlier than the HD in the boot order? [07:25] burn the livecd [07:25] you don't want to install a new OS yet. [07:25] Harold: then, you'll be mighty confused when reading books ;) [07:25] nickrud: i had a bad feeling about that [07:25] Orborde: on the network browser thing, I can't help...as I said, I've never used nautilus, so I have no clue at all about how to make it work [07:25] what do you mean boot order? [07:25] The_Vox, how long did it take you go get up to speed with Dvorak? [07:25] Harold, C is still pretty low level [07:25] The_Vox: I learned Dvorak only to increase my speed [07:25] axis, there must be something wrong with your sources.list [07:25] worth it, a 30 WPM increase ;) [07:25] Next time you reboot, hit DEL to go into your bios setup, and change the boot order so your CD boots before the hard drive [07:26] tritium, : where can i obtain an official copy? [07:26] EightBit, but burn the liveCD first [07:26] only side effect, more wrist strain (I never touch-typed previously, but still did a nice speed pseudo-touchtyping) [07:26] axis, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ExampleConffiles, use the better organized version [07:26] Gatton: a week to get usable speeds, 3 weeks to be as fast as I was on qwerty, a month and a half and I was 20WPM faster than on qwerty [07:26] okay [07:26] thanks, nickrud [07:26] that's why I switched to a trackball, mice hurt my hands a plenty [07:26] I am burning it [07:26] the thinking in c++ book by Eckel is also good [07:26] Actually, the Dvorak/Qwerty difference is mythological as well [07:26] FlannelKing, Razor-X: So if I went ahead and learned C, would it be a good foundation for what I'll need to learn with C++? [07:26] and now, if I point-and-click too much, my hand cramps, too much keyboard/CLI usage [07:26] Harold, it will be a detrement to you learning C++ [07:27] The_Vox, good to know. I have been wanting to switch over but am not looking forward to the transition period :) [07:27] Razor-X: that's the one change I've never been able to make...trackballs just drive me crazy [07:27] FlannelKing: then clearly explain why QWERTY the keys themselves are an advantage? [07:27] Clearly. [07:27] I try to avoid the mouse. i try to stick to one, either the keyboard/mouse [07:27] I cannot believe that someone had that same problem :) [07:27] The_Vox: Okay. Well, I have most of what I want. For some reason, though, I can't write to the share folder. === robotgeek wants to try ratposion [07:27] Harold, you're better off learning c++, which will teach you basically everything you need for C programming [07:27] Harold: C and C++ are about as similar as Java and Javascript [07:27] FlannelKing: Okay, thank you for your advice. [07:27] hyphenated: that's a bad example [07:27] Harold: which is to say.. not much [07:27] Harold: that's his decision [07:27] hyphenated, thats completely wrong [07:27] I suggest C++, C# isn't bad, the former I prefer === Davey [~davey@davey.user] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] Gatton: one recommendation: DO NOT SWITCH THE KEY CAPS OF YOUR KEYBOARD until you've learned dvorak...print the kboard layout and tape it somewhere you can see it with your head up...otherwise, you'll get in the habit of looking at the kboard while typing and that'll slow you dow [07:28] how come ubuntu can't seem to get the numbers right?? [07:28] how is dvorak better? [07:28] Orborde: that's a permissions problem, needs to be fixed on the windows side [07:28] The_Vox: I never had the luxury of either, a la my dad [07:28] EightBit: better distribution of the keys [07:28] konki, meaning? [07:28] ahh [07:28] i tried it the other day [07:28] very confusing the first time [07:28] The_Vox: Except that I set it to "full permissions" pending a password. [07:28] FlannelKing: there's a similar name, and some similar syntax, but that's about it [07:28] Razor-X, I never said they were an advantage, but theyre both about the same, there is no speed increase for one or the other, especially if youre coding [07:28] EightBit: it's better adapted to the English alphabet [07:28] ah [07:29] Razor-X, FlannelKing, hyphenated : I guess I'll have to get another book, then. I *do* have a Java book now, though. [07:29] FlannelKing: don't use the `coding' excuse, switching a few keys help coding enough [07:29] can I turn hotplug off? [07:29] Harold, try that web book === d-man_ [~d-man@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] Harold: Java is pure crap [07:29] ColonelKernel, no not ever [07:29] Orborde: uhm...ok, let's try the windows way of fixing this...reboot the stupid windows box [07:29] one of the few times i'll denounce a language, it's crap [07:29] FlannelKing: What's the URL again, please? [07:29] Razor-X, like I said, there is no difference in touch typers speed, they both are about the same === d-man_ [~d-man@cpe-68-203-172-88.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [07:29] Harold, http://relisoft.com/book/index.htm [07:29] nickrud, why the hell not [07:29] it's Garbage-Cleaning routines are.... garbage [07:29] FlannelKing: the fastest typist in the world uses Dvorak [07:29] tritium, well firefox released 1.0.4 that time we had 1.0.2.. now 1.0.5 is released... and i updated lastnight, and its 1.0.4... who does the math here??? [07:29] I myself increased speed with it [07:29] python is so nice! [07:30] Razor-X, Thats marketing, pure marketing [07:30] FlannelKing: and the aliens are trying to take over the media [07:30] konki: not me :) That's why I install firefox with the installer instead of using a package [07:30] nickrud: .. Well it's grabbing alot more now.. I hope this fixes .. thanks for the tip,. HiP! [07:30] ColonelKernel, the whole device stack: udev, hal, etc depends on hotplug, which is the current module loader. [07:30] konki, oh, that [07:30] Agrajag, but anyway..yes it is unfortanate if you actually have to pay for a gpl CD.....but if you get one....you are free to make millions of copies and give them to all your friends. [07:30] nickrud, how do I keep so many modules from loading then? [07:30] Razor-X, fine, let me dig up references, if you insist on being fickle [07:30] Razor-X: java sucks...(on a ppc) [07:30] Agrajag, but make sure you don't confuse gpl with opensource [07:30] Dvorak helps, but only as much as your hand-eye coordination lets you === Davey [~davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] robotgeek: exactly [07:31] ColonelKernel: edit /etc/modules.conf [07:31] FlannelKing: and I probably have counterreferences [07:31] what are you talking about [07:31] gpl is an open-source license [07:31] The_Vox, now i try to get extensions and it firefox always take me to the stupid upgrade room... [07:31] FlannelKing: I went from 70WPM to 90WPM when I switched...it *may* be better typing habits (I did force myself to use a better posture while learning and so on and so forth) but I *did* see increase. [07:31] axis, theres things loading that arent in that [07:31] konki: poor you [07:31] bojangles: GPL makes something Open-Source [07:31] Agrajag, again...that is open source way of hiding the benefits of gpl....and diminishing their importance [07:31] The_Vox: Sadly, the Windows machine is the one I'm on now. [07:31] people in mepis said their pkg has 1.0.5 why not us... i taught we are the best?? [07:31] ColonelKernel, look over the modules you have loaded, then use /etc/hotplug/blacklist to drop the ones you don't want. Hotplug is pretty smart on my machine [07:31] ColonelKernel, /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh [07:31] Agrajag, don't confuse the issue...either gpl or not [07:31] The_Vox: I could do 90 on QWERTY, now I can do a nice, thrumming, 110, with a max of 120 [07:32] nickrud, thank you [07:32] You're confusing me [07:32] ;) === tritium cries at the Signal-to-Offtopic_Noise ratio [07:32] bojangles: what _are_ the benefits? [07:32] Agrajag, let me give you one example....suppose i say Greece is just a part of Europe [07:32] bwa ha ha ha..... for anybody that ever wants to force their network speed to a certain speed (10mb/100mb) use mii-tool be aware that you may have to manually assign an IP === Madpilot points out that #ubuntu-offtopic is fairly quiet... [07:32] tritium: there's no-one really asking questions here ;) [07:32] :( UBUNTU firefox.... praise mepis... someone fix the pkg... [07:32] Agrajag, still don't confuse Greece with Europe because Greece existed before Europe === robotgeek [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:32] nickrud: thanks alot.. fixed me good [07:32] konki: compile away [07:32] What [07:33] bojangles: other than that? [07:33] Razor-X: I've never been that fast...wish I was :) [07:33] konki, the 1.0.2 packages actually had the 1.0.4 fixes in them [07:33] don't confuse BASH with SH, because SH existed before BASH? ;) [07:33] axis, I do not want to go into why I understood your problem :) [07:33] Will your next simile involve an emu, 5 ducks, and an umbrella? [07:33] The_Vox: probably because i'm younger and my limbs are more limber [07:33] konki, 1.0.5 is buggy, and 1.0.6 will be released soon, and then those fixes will go in too [07:33] tritium: why did they not put in the vendor.sub to 1.0.4? [07:33] Razor-X, well suppose you are a large corporation and you want to be able to distribute thousands of CDs for everone of your people for free [07:33] !firefox [07:33] Firefox on warty is version 1.0.4 backported. To install themes from addons.mozilla.org, type "about:config" into your address bar and change general.useragent.vendorSub from "1.0.2" to "1.0.4" [07:33] Orborde: uhm...I have no other clues about how to go about your problem. [07:33] yes it did.. but the number is different and it takes you to the same upgrade room [07:33] bojangles: so? [07:33] Razor-X: lol! probably :) [07:33] robotgeek, not sure [07:33] you don't have to make it free, you can charge as well [07:33] Razor-X, and maybe even others....the gpl...not opensource gives you this right. [07:33] nickrud: lol.. i'm curious now.. evil support staff? hehe .. wacky.. anyways it's installing now.. .. :D [07:34] konki, see that ubotu response about firefox above [07:34] bojangles: Open Source is a property, GPL is a license [07:34] GPL grants an intellectual property the property of Open Source [07:34] Razor-X, Open Source is a mixture of licenses....not a property [07:34] i bet when 1.0.6 is released we will have a 1.0.5 pkg... is there some kind of disagreement with ubuntu and firefox... i love firefox i think its the best browser [07:34] as does stuff like AFPL, and others === EightBit [Uzi@pool-71-96-97-95.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] alrite ppl, night! [07:35] bojangles: read Richard Stallman's "The Free Software Movement" [07:35] axis, to give the dime store answer, I bragged, and got flagged :) [07:35] okay, something happened === Ribs [~freenode@riblet.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === pitti [~pitti@] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] konki: doesen't every Firefox fanboy? ;) [07:35] i hit delete [07:35] Razor-X, i have read it enough...and seen enough...you read unrestricted redistribution and all that implies. [07:35] and everything was blank [07:35] ubotu, i already have 1.0.4 i want 1.0.5 just the number i know the bugs on this pkg are fixed [07:35] konki: what are you talking about? [07:35] nickrud, Haaa! [07:35] can't I just make a partition and install it there? [07:35] everything was blank? === Davey [~davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] lol [07:36] sh!t [07:36] yeah [07:36] nothing happened [07:36] just a black screen [07:36] EightBit, no, you need to chagne your boot order, or you'll never get to the CD [07:36] EightBit: yo need to boot from the CD to install or run the LiveCD [07:36] EightBit, youll need to get into your BIOS menu [07:36] how? [07:36] eight: smash "delete" "f1" "f2 "f10" [07:36] GNU GPL has a restriction [07:36] right when it starts up? [07:36] EightBit, : all in that order [07:36] yes [07:36] you may not charge money for the program itself (IIRC) [07:36] I gotta say I just love this channel. [07:36] it'll bring you into bios [07:36] if you change anything === Toasta [~dallas@] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] other then "boot order" [07:36] calling it unrestricted is sacrilege [07:36] Raptoid, but you can charge for support or the media [07:37] you will F**k your computer [07:37] #Ubuntu is awesome! [07:37] be right back [07:37] Razor-X, you can TRY....repeat TRY....repeat after me ....TRY [07:37] The_Vox: Thanks for your help. I'm going to BED. [07:37] i gotta write this doen [07:37] EightBit, : most likely [07:37] bojangles: you can try what? [07:37] EightBit: it's booting from floppy [07:37] EightBit: it's booting from floppy: then HD [07:37] anyone know where i can get a good driver for radeon [07:37] Razor-X, but if anyone else gets your program they have the right to distribute it for free and nobody is going to pay you anything. [07:37] !ati [07:37] extra, extra, read all about it, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto [07:37] EightBit, you'll want to change it to floppy, CD, then HD [07:37] EightBit: Change it to "CD-ROM" then "harddrive [07:37] Toasta: see the URL ubotu just posted [07:38] Razor-X, so repeat after me....you can TRY to charge...ok === Mestapheles [~Captain@d142-179-138-139.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] FlannelKing, Razor-X : So what's your opinion of the best C++ compiler for Linux, then? [07:38] gcc [07:38] what else would you use? [07:38] bojangles: charging has nothing to do with open-source [07:38] thanks [07:38] okay [07:38] Agrajag: Isn't there a g++? [07:38] IS there anything else? [07:38] i will try this out now [07:38] FlannelKing, : who needs to boot off floppy?" [07:38] g++ is just a script that calls gcc, I believe [07:38] are you saying that GPL is the only OSS license that allows you to change money? [07:38] if 1.0.6 is released they better make the name right and not "fox package provided by Ubuntu Linux""hey did not update the version number" http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/upgrade/?id=864 === nickrud looks around, "am I on debian-legal", he says [07:39] FlannelKing, : i've disabled my floppy drive.. i only unfortunately needed one for windows, to install onto an sATA device [07:39] axis, who cares? It wont hurt anything being in there, and is good incase he needs to use a boot disk [07:39] EightBit, : good luck [07:39] konki, lighten up, dude [07:39] do I have to pin the warty kernel when upgrading to hoary if I want to keep it?? [07:39] FlannelKing: true, true enough [07:39] Agrajag: I'm currently using gcc [07:39] FlannelKing: good point [= [07:39] i hope that lil guy makes it [07:39] if you're using c++, you shuld call it with g++, not gcc [07:39] lol [07:39] Mestapheles, no, the kernel will never be upgraded without your direct intervention [07:39] Mestapheles: If there is a newer kernel *with the same version* in hoary, yes. [07:40] Agrajag: I wonder if there are any other good c++ compilers for Linux? [07:40] Mestapheles: That will not normally be the case, though. [07:40] why, what's wrong with g++? [07:40] tritium, i know 1.0.6 will be released soon, so i'm cool until then i hope the name won't be 1.0.5 [07:40] I doubt there is, unless Intel's compiler does c++ [07:40] Agrajag: What's g++? === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] thanks === Jonas [Jonas@jonas.probe-networks.host.freenode] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] Harold, there are, but there isnt any wrong with g++ [07:41] konki, I understand, but it could be much worse of problem [07:41] Harold: No matter how good the compiler, using a flawed language to begin with will affect the result either way. [07:41] warty's kernel works better for me [07:41] so .. is c, c++ and perl / cgi scripting still the goods [07:41] or what [07:41] HEllo everyone, just eard about Ubuntu and i have a short tek question... [07:41] what's up in the world of programming today [07:41] cafuego: Hello again. Which language is flawed, in your opinion? [07:41] Harold: german [07:41] Harold: it's the official name for the GNU compiler that compiles C++ [07:41] Jonas: SHoot! [07:41] Jonas, what is it? [07:42] Harold: when it comes to languages and text editors, there comes a time when you must stop listening to people [07:42] axis, replace perl with python [07:42] things like these produce huge conflicts [07:42] Razor-X, true, true :)) [07:42] and replace python with ruby [07:42] just know the purpose of various languages, and their syntax, and shoot a dart at the wall [07:42] Agrajag, not until Ubuntu updates ruby :) [07:42] Razor-X: I suspect that's true. Still, I'm interested in listening to *some* opinions before deciding, you know? [07:42] we don't really want a language war [07:42] thanks :D i have 1 HD, 2 partition, if i install ubuntu will it format c and d and if only C will D be accesible ? [07:42] Harold: clearly you started several personal jihads ;) [07:42] tritium, i just want the extension "torrentbar" to dL my porn and stuffs [07:42] Seveas: Python ended up taking off eh? cool .. that's kind of sad for me though, i've ended up learning a bit of perl ... [07:43] Razor-X: Sorry, I didn't mean to. === barlas [barlas@] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] well, it's not like perl stopped working [07:43] perl 6 should be along... someday [07:43] Jonas, oh, I thought you literally had questions about TeX... [07:43] Razor-X: I was surprised to hear that c++ is better to learn than c. [07:43] Seveas: would you happen to have a good link to a python resource [07:43] Harold, you will get lots of different opinions, mostly depending on personal preferences and needs. You must find a language that matches your preferences and needs [07:43] hehe no im a nooby [07:43] especially considering Hosting providers still only run perl on their servers [07:43] Harold: C++, C#, C, and Obj C, are nice languages === LeeColleton passes out from exaustion [07:43] konki, okay then [07:43] axis, /usr/share/doc/diveintopython [07:43] C++ is the object oriented version of C with other additions [07:43] installed by default on Ubuntu === XRayNuke [~satan@DHCP-155-84.caltech.edu] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] jonas: no man that's easy [07:44] Jonas: when you go to install of the cd [07:44] Seveas: Hey there, Seveas. Finally got my wireless going on this *old* Mac PowerBook. [07:44] Razor-X, call them dialects, it's more accurate I would think [07:44] C# is an overhaul of C++ with a stricter Object Oriented goal [07:44] if i already mucked it up by installing another driver how do i revert to the original one my ubuntu install came with [07:44] Razor-X, objective C is crap... [07:44] nickrud: true that [07:44] Harold, nice! [07:44] C# is bloatware [07:44] it asks you to use the partition manager manually, or use the whole hard drive [07:44] nickrud, c# is in no way a dialect of C [07:44] Jonas, : you can easily delete your other partition [07:44] and C++ is crudware [07:44] nickrud, it's more like java [07:44] Obj C is a C derivative with Object Oriented-ness, I can't attest to the differences between it and C++ as I don't know them [07:44] !start a language war [07:44] German is better than Perl! [07:44] lol [07:44] Jonas, : and keep your other drive intact.. but *nix only READS ntfs, will R/W FAT32 if i'm not mistaken [07:44] hahaha === shadowjack [~shadowjac@c-67-177-114-206.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:45] axis:but it wont erase the second partition if i dont ask it too right ? [07:45] Java is a language whose original goal was total portability... that failed miserably [07:45] ubotu, so true :) [07:45] No idea, Seveas [07:45] Razor-X: I've been hearing this "Object Oriented" phrase for years, never really understanding its meaning. [07:45] Harold: ahhh! [07:45] Seveas, my experience with that died a while ago, I'm just trying to kill the traffic [07:45] Esperanto! [07:45] Harold: One word-- Python. [07:45] well, in the programming world, you can group things in different ways [07:45] Jonas: You'll have two options when you come to that [07:45] Lojban!!! [07:45] Harold, you'll understand when you learn an OO language [07:45] Jonas, : Format and use ENTIRE partition [07:45] Object Orientation is a different concept-model [07:45] Harold, it really does depend on your needs. [07:45] Urdu/Hindi > German AND Esperanto [07:45] if i download a source package using "apt-get source $package" where does it download the source to? [07:45] Jonas, : or "select individual partitions" [07:45] :) [07:45] by using specific constructs called Objects, and properties of the Objects themselves, you can organize things === digitalfox [~urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] Jonas: Just delete your c: partition, and then automatically assign free space [07:46] and also make things more portable from program to program [07:46] Jonas, : it's really easy [07:46] OO is nice [07:46] tritium, can i fix the firefox bug with bugzilla?? === oompa [~oompa@] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] Jonas: Ubuntu has a VERY nice parition manager [07:46] axis: thanks a lot bud, i was just scared it wouldnt recognise or erase the other part [07:46] Razor-X: I take it these "objects" are pre-constructed modules, so to speak? [07:46] konki, it's a known issue [07:46] Seveas: When it's implemneted properly, sure [07:46] shadowjack: probably somewhere under /var/cache/apt [07:46] Harold: yeah [07:46] Harold, no [07:46] Seveas: VBScript [07:46] Jonas, : no worries, good luck with the install [= [07:46] Burgundavia, any idea when linux-restricted-modules will be added for 2.6.12 in breezy [07:46] Hi. Can anyone help me mount my ntfs hard drives in Ubuntu? === dataw0lf- [~dataw0lf@c-24-10-173-249.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] shadowjack, in the current directory [07:46] Harold, you can construct them yourself :) [07:46] oompa: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically [07:46] good evenin' gents. [07:47] thanks again and i cant wait to get rid of window : [07:47] cafuego, stop swearing please :) [07:47] you can construct your own objects with its own variables, functions, and such [07:47] tritium, what current directory? [07:47] Jonas: me either.. lol.. i'm slowly implementing linux into my families world now thanks to kubuntu [07:47] how do i reconfigure my video to use the original driver? [07:47] languages come with predefined functions -- but the power of OO is personal creation of objects [07:47] but yeah, the only really nice implementation of OO is python imho [07:47] Seveas: How? [07:47] shadowjack, . [07:47] oompa, download it and read it, there are instructions inside the file [07:48] shadowjack, whichever directory you're currently in [07:48] Python; that's a scripting language, correct? [07:48] tritium, i see [07:48] Seveas: I like the Java one [07:48] yes Harold [07:48] Harold, yes. [07:48] Jonas: there's software called "vmware" that's not too dificult to setup, if you need windows, you can run it inside of that.. I think there are a couple other free alternatives too [07:48] Harold, python is more than that [07:48] Harold: all purpose language. [07:48] cafuego, that's not too bad either. I just hate java :) [07:48] Python is influenced heavily by both OOP and functional languages. [07:48] or actually, sun [07:48] Seveas: [07:48] Is it wise to first learn C/C++ before turning to Python? [07:48] The_Vox: you know how to chang the keyboard mapping for dvorak in ubuntu? [07:48] Harold: Yes. [07:48] oompa, sure, it's easy [07:48] Harold: Python is a nice scripting language that can do many things [07:48] dataw0lf, its still a scripting language, [07:48] Seveas: That's a different issue, though ;-) [07:48] Harold, that's not neccessary [07:48] I tend to do.. "Oops" prgraming.... :P [07:49] oompa, you just need to know the partition. use sudo fdisk -l to find out [07:49] Harold: you almost never have to learn prerequisites in programming [07:49] 'did my program really do that?' :P [07:49] FlannelKing: No, you're confusing 'scripting' language with 'interpreted' language. [07:49] just sit down with a good tutorial, and there you are [07:49] Harold, again, it depends on your needs. For some, it makes sense to learn assembly, then C. [07:49] Dr_Willis, lol :) [07:49] tritium, is there a place it should be? i mean, it looks like it downloaded in my home directory [07:49] Have been thinking of playing around with Python as my first language. At least to learn some concepts [07:49] 'scripting' language is a catchall for people who don't usually know what they mean. [07:49] axis, kewl i think i will get going and install right away ! have a good night ! [07:49] Razor-X, again...listen to me carefully...opensource is a mixture of licenses...such as Mozilla License just for one....the source is open but not free === rinke [~rinke@cc333669-a.frane1.fr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] tritium, and i'm assuming it shouldn't be there [07:49] shadowjack, if that's the directory where you called apt-get source, that's where it should have gone [07:49] dataw0lf-: This is true, since I know very little about all this. [07:49] bojangles: the property Open Source is that, the source of the program is distributed [07:49] oompa, then you're going to add an entry in /etc/fstab like this "/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs users,umask=000 0 0" [07:49] different licenses implement these in different ways [07:50] Razor-X, now the gpl is the only license that protects and frees the code from the human beings. [07:50] bojangles: the AFPL isn't too bad at that either [07:50] Are here some Dutch people? [07:50] oompa, replace /dev/hda1 with the correct partition and you'll need to do mkdir sudo /mnt/windows to create the dir [07:50] nor is the LGPL [07:50] rinke, jazeker [07:50] *sudo mkdir /mnt/windows [07:50] :D [07:50] rinke, en in #ubuntu-nl nog meer [07:50] Harold: the string of Python is it's elegance, non-trickery, and inclusion of cool features from languages like Lisp, Smalltalk, and Haskell. [07:50] dataw0lf, I agree it is an interpreted language, but it was originally designed (and still is) as a scripting language [07:50] Oke bedankt === EightBit [Uzi@pool-71-96-97-95.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] Harold: IMO, the only real choices you have are C++, C, and Python [07:51] FlannelKing, it is not a pure interpreted language [07:51] but there are niches here-and-there [07:51] okay, that didn't work either [07:51] it just ignores the CD [07:51] and definitely not just scripting [07:51] Razor-X, depends on the person's needs [07:51] EightBit, you're not configuring your boot order in your bios correctly then [07:51] Razor-X, C# is growing fast [07:51] do I need to make a partition? [07:51] FlannelKing: 'scripting language' is a confusing and rather vague term. [07:51] i did configure it right [07:51] EightBit, No, you just need to get it to boot of the CD [07:51] well, this is better than arguing open source, I guess [07:51] FlannelKing: Python was created, basically, to be a successor to the ABC language. === Aegir [~richard@] has joined #ubuntu [07:51] alright, i changed the order so it was [07:51] EightBit, you burned the ISO and not just the files, right? [07:51] Okay, everyone, I appreciate your help and advice. I'm going to go resume my programming study. [07:52] wait [07:52] I can call C a scripting language if I want. [07:52] Removable Devices, CD-Rom, Hard Drive, and Network [07:52] dataw0lf, but it's compiled [07:52] tritium, will there be problems if i move it to another directory? [07:52] what shows up on the CD when you put it in and look in windows explorer? [07:52] So I guess I should be learning FORTRAN, then, right? [07:52] shadowjack, nope, you'll be fine [07:52] LOL [07:52] tritium: 'scripting language' has nothing to do compilation. [07:52] dataw0lf, python was originally designed as a scripting language [07:52] that's why you're getting it confused with 'interpreted'. [07:52] tritium, thats interpreted [07:53] tritium, groovy. thanks :) [07:53] it says [07:53] the disk structure is corrupted and unreadable === pitti_ [~pitti@] has joined #ubuntu === parabolize [~paraboliz@68-69-136-167.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] dataw0lf, FlannelKing ok... [07:53] well then [07:53] i thought that meant it couldn't read the .iso [07:53] wait [07:54] on both CDs? [07:54] yes [07:54] lemme check the other one [07:54] that would explain why they're not booting [07:54] lol, FORTRAN [07:55] believe it or not, lots of scientific code is still implemented in fortran === digitalfox [~urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] tritium, I know [07:56] I work at the math/CS lab on a university === Oompa [~Oompa@] has joined #ubuntu === zwn1 [~behnam@] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] but that still does not mean it doesn't suck donkey balls :) === Computer__Guru sparks up a bowl [07:56] Seveas daar zijn geen opt's [07:56] Seveas, I don't like it either :) === troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] Thank you Seveas === digitalfox is now known as digitalfox|sleep [07:57] rinke, opt's? [07:57] Seveas: wher teh hell have you been! [07:57] this one says the format is not recognized [07:57] pax, right here :) [07:57] but nonetheless it is an error message [07:57] didnt see you for the past 3/4 days === Computer__Guru wonders if you can get linux on an ipaq pocketpc === sig_w32 [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] Computer__Guru, yes, I have it installed on mine === astro76 [~james@astro76.user] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] well, I got one more CD left [07:58] pax, I had work to do (restyle my website, implement forum for #ubuntu-nl, setup an Ubuntu cluster) [07:58] this one has to work [07:58] Computer__Guru: Yes indeed - http://www.handhelds.org [07:58] good man [07:58] tritium: phat [07:59] Razor-X, well ok...just so you understand the gpl is the only license that protects and frees the code from the human being that invested all that time and money to write the code. [07:59] tritium, how's the X server? what WM do you run? === bimberi has an iPAQ h3630 [07:59] bojangles, youre just hellbent, arent you? [07:59] lol [07:59] Razor-X, because if anyone gets a copy of your gpl program they can distribute it to the world for free an noone has to ever pay the author one dime. [08:00] Computer__Guru, I used opie, so it doesn't have X [08:00] so it's cli? === deadcat [~deadcat@netblock-66-245-217-235.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] no, and if you use gpe, you can get X [08:00] Computer__Guru: Mine has Familiar + Opie [08:01] Computer__Guru, check out http://www.handhelds.org, and see the familiar distribution, and then the GPE and Opie projects [08:01] i guess i'll have to look around and see what i wanna do by way of pda's [08:01] Is anyone having problems connecting to AIM from GAIM? === zwn1 is now known as zwnj === Davey [~davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === deadcat [~deadcat@netblock-66-245-217-235.dslextreme.com] has left #ubuntu [] [08:01] Oompa, nope, im connected right now [08:02] Oompa: same here - just connected ok [08:02] what is the advisable command to use searching files in terminal/unix [08:02] anacron, slocate [08:02] thanks === incubii [incubii@] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium === Tomcat_ [~Tomcat@p54A1AB35.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] no...no ops? it'll be anarchy! ;) [08:03] Seveas, is here [08:04] tritium, only for 20 minutes :) [08:04] g2g2 work sson === bimberi thinks it's always anarchy === viork [~viork@] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] Oh, okay. Well, I've got to get some sleep. [08:04] Seveas, have a good day at work :) [08:05] i will [08:05] i only ask my questions when seveas is around :D [08:05] more cluster-geeking :) === Sponge_ [~Sponge@pc-183-143-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] where is the configuration file for realtime-lsm? [08:06] Good night, everyone. [08:06] good night [08:06] CU === tritium waves === tritium [~tritium@12-208-96-155.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu [] === Bite_Me_Billy [~sirjoe@oh-67-77-123-4.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #Ubuntu [08:06] Sponge_, dpkg -L realtime-lsm [08:06] what a guy :) [08:06] ok, I'll try that. Thx. === Mr_Smiley [~smiley@CPE-144-136-186-183.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === robotgeek [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] Anyone know what a BDD is? As in "For that , we have to go in vhcs2 DD, in the 'domain' table. Change the value of the row named 'domain_status' (normally the value is ok) === AndyR_ [~andrew@rogers666.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] Hell... Next time, I'll have to write somewhere that I gotta backup all my how-to stuff before reinstalling. [08:10] Listen to me god! - I've wiped out windows from my machine (hell - that's scary... where is nero?!?) [08:10] :P === Bite_Me_Billy [~sirjoe@oh-67-77-123-4.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has left #Ubuntu ["Leaving"] === robotgeek [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === challenged [~jason@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === sig_w32 [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu === davidf [~david@adsl.slarti.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] does anybody know why it sometimes takes forever to boot at the stage * configuring network interfaces... is there a way to speed this part up? === highvoltage [~Jono@] has joined #ubuntu === DrSchlauf [~Sven@p54897746.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] oga, not if it takes that long to configure your interface :) [08:16] well maybe forever is a little bit of an exaggeration [08:16] oga: if your network isn't connected it waits to time out [08:16] oga, check /etc/network/interface maybe you have something not set right there [08:16] can i reduce the timeout time? [08:16] k [08:17] it might be because it waits for first ethernet then wlan to time out [08:17] heh, yeah [08:17] remove thea auto **** lines from /etc/network/interfaces for interfaces that aren't always connected [08:18] yes, usualy the hotplug hangs when you have one of your eth*s not set correctly [08:18] on my install, hotplug starts before networking [08:18] I just hit C when I know it's trying an interface that's not connected [08:19] bimberi: me too. [08:19] i didn't know you could do that on boot [08:19] well now i do [08:19] oga: yes - it's crappy - but it works [08:19] i ahve to manually start it up atm anyways as i have to force speed settings then re-apply IP [08:20] oga: then Seveas' solution will probably be better for you [08:20] no doubt, what Seveas said. You either have both set to hdcp or the local got some weird setting. === Mr_Smiley [~smiley@CPE-144-136-186-183.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === Seveas off, be back in 90 minutes === kevin06 [~kevin@loudsl01-253-101-31.iglou.com] has joined #Ubuntu [08:21] well the reason i have to force speeds is that autonegotiation will not work because i have a long cable attached to the pc/router.... === nickrud [~ajax@ppp-66-140-226-192.dialup.snantx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:23] lame was removed from backports or what? [08:23] This is not an Ubuntu question, but since I am building my new system to run Ubunut, I guess I should ask here. What would offer better proformance, 3 gigs of DDR2 at 266, or 2 at 400? === inemo [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === JaneW [~JaneW@wbs-146-138-178.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] oga: how long? I'm on the far end of a fifty-foot cat5 here, with no problems [08:24] bout that long i guess === JaneW [~JaneW@wbs-146-138-178.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:24] but it only works if i force autonegotion i don't know why === inemo [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has left #ubuntu [] [08:24] i noticed in windows & it fixes the problem in ubuntu also === firebird619 [~Jay@user-33qts6v.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] kevin06: are you talking FSB or memory timing? [08:26] Front side bus === _mage_work is now known as _mage_afk [08:26] Well, actually. I am not sure, I don't know much about memory... [08:26] well more is better, push FSB and lower multiplier === Digis [~digis@] has joined #ubuntu === poningru [~poningru@pool-71-101-7-23.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === QaDeS [~QaDeS@p54A9B24E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:27] kevin06: when you say 400 FSB is has nothing to do with memory timing unless you're saying you wanna have 266 with PC 3200 for exemple [08:27] hey what's the deal with this "libncurses" synaptics says it's installed but when i ./configure it does not want to work [08:28] pax, thanks. I am tossing around a few motherboard choices, and I have found many max at 2 gigs on 400, but also support up to 3 with 266, just wondering what would be best. === oga is jealous of kevin's funding === _paul [~paul@] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] gods, i hate python [08:29] oga, I don't have the funding yet, but the main feature of this will be upgradeablility. [08:29] fair enough [08:29] kev, to be honest, you're confusing the hell outta me. What's FSB has to do with memory slots? [08:30] pax, I am sorry to be confusing. I am confused myself... === darmou [~darmou@CPE-61-9-146-174.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] pax, how the fsb is setup has a lot to do with memory, as the memory bus is dirctly dependant on it [08:31] kevin06: unless you're a gamer, dont let the industry's marketing take your money for nothing. === Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-66.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === storyteller [~storytell@] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] the capacity probably has something to do with parity on the bus *shrug* you got me there [08:31] dear Computer__Guru we're taking FSB + Timing = performance. [08:31] pax, here is a direct line from the motherboard. "They can support up to 2GB of memory using DDR 333/400 Memory. Can also support up to 3GB when using DDR 266 Memory. [08:32] i could have sworn i saw kev talking about available memory [08:32] see, i did [08:32] now stop being a smartass [08:32] kevin06: that simply means that if you have for exemple 3GB of PC4000 you cant use it with mobo, but if you have 2GB of 2700 or 3200 you can [08:32] ? === axis [~axis@d150-126-33.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] is ubuntu a "RPM" distro? [08:33] oga: apt [08:33] hi room [08:33] kevin06: think of it as the mobo with accept 3 sticks of lower performance memory stick but only 2 of high performance/fast memory sticks [08:33] apt is the goods [08:34] pax, I got that. I was just wondering which of those set-ups would give best preformance, the 3gb of 266 or 2 of 400 [08:34] 2@400 [08:34] storyteller, I don't think the walls in here talk [08:34] Is the answer "More is better" still correct? [08:34] 2 of 4000 ofcourse [08:34] storyteller: tell me a story === azol [artem@] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] kevin06, you'll want a paired set of dimms, 2x1g [08:34] a bard has entered [08:34] actually, 2x512 would be the fastest configuration [08:34] hazah === QaDeS_ [~QaDeS@p54A9B24E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] bard; have you seen violet === SDFH_Linux [~moo@adsl-065-006-180-151.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:35] my b4llz are turning blue [08:35] i think i last saw seth with her [08:35] lol [08:35] for some reason systems seem to access memory over a gig quite a bit slower [08:35] i ask you to tell me one, sorry... for now: i want to fix icons so that they keep in that position on the desktop when i log back in on gnome, how can i do that? [08:36] storyteller, that is a good question [08:36] every time i log back in they revert to their old positions [08:36] Computer__Guru: Really? Is this a limitation for the time being, or is there another underlying reason? [08:36] well yes, Computer__Guru is correct if you're a gamer, you rather use two 512 than 1G stick in one slot, however, that's gaming not server user [08:36] and if you ever encounter a non-enterprise situation where you need more than a gig of ram, please let me know === Hoxzer [Hoxzer@dsl-hkigw2ga0.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] lol [08:36] either way, you want to use paired memory [08:36] dual [08:36] they're sold as a pair === desplesda [~desplesda@CPE-143-238-232-240.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === AndyR_ [~andrew@rogers666.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] i have an athlon tbird 1000mhz, 256 ram.. upgrading it to 500 .. possibly a gig it's so cheap [08:37] but if you're talking server functionality, you're just as well to go with 3gb of 2700 [08:37] and i have a 1.8 amd 3000+ oc'd to 2000mhz, with 1 gig of ram [08:38] your overall system performance will not suffer, and if it's a busy server, it will appreciate the extra doc-caching space [08:38] I don't game, and this computer will not be used as a server, actually. [08:38] and this dell p3 600 that i will be putting a 1ghz chip in, with 512 ram [08:38] kevin06: then go with cheaper hardware and pay less intention to marketing === FoamY_StarGazing is now known as ChurcH_of_FoamY [08:39] LOL [08:39] I had an AMD AThalon Xp 2400+ that performed slower than my ADM K6-2 when I was listening to music, web browsing, text editing and Iming. === ChurcH_of_FoamY is back (gone 02:31:30) [08:39] foamy: what's up [08:39] kevin06: a good place to shop is newegg.com ... check prices+review. [08:39] hell you could give the system 2gb of accessible memory, and load your entire / partition into a ramdisk :D - then just write a 'commit' script to run in crontab every five minutes [08:39] nothin you [08:39] kevin06, : i belive it [08:39] kevin06, did you have enough ram [08:39] what the heck do i need to play a .wmv file? [08:39] ChurcH_of_FoamY, Chillz chillz.. giving thx to the church of the universe right now .. [08:39] what alternatives are there to terminal? [08:39] xterm? [08:39] with access to /home and /var being disk based [08:39] ;D [08:39] what else? [08:39] I was running 256MB [08:39] ^_^ === KarlosII [~KarlosII@S0106000f3d5ae683.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu [08:40] ChurcH_of_FoamY, mplayer does it just fine [08:40] -_- === hussam [~hussam@] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] hmmm thats odd it's only playing the sound no video [08:40] ChurcH_of_FoamY: did you try vlc [08:40] kevin06, im running a sempron 2500+ with cheap samsung ram (512mb), 80gb wd drive (2mb cache), and an asrock board - paired with a ti4200 and it smokes most of my friends computers [08:40] do i have it? === ChurcH_of_FoamY goes to check === netmonk [~netmonk@NATGW3-15.BGMreja.com] has joined #ubuntu === AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-121-123.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] steve_: awesome [08:41] kevin06, i cant see a 2400+ being slower than a k6-2 === _eric [~eric@240-23-28.dial.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] synd, only cost me $400 cdn lol [08:41] yeah the ti is whats doin it for ya === ChurcH_of_FoamY finds it [08:41] steve_: nice [08:41] synd, plus paired it up with a used hitachi 21" monitor [08:41] `Steve, I couldn't either. I suspected hardware malfunction, but it all checked out... === SaumZ [saumz@68-191-157-172.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] They SWEAR it was the load on my system... [08:41] the only drawback to this system is the pos video card.. it's a 16mb ati rage pro 128 ultra 2xagp [08:41] and it sucks [08:41] Computer__Guru, absolutely. [08:41] but i can only put ahalf-height card in here [08:41] i got my ti4200 for $30, just needed a new fan [08:41] oh [08:42] Anyone familiar with how to fix the problem with AMD 64, 5.04 unbuntu, and the screen after logging in freezing? [08:42] weard no matter what no video [08:42] Computer__Guru, : that's not such a bad card [08:42] SaumZ, you use the 64 bit distro? [08:42] ati rage fury pro's were decent [08:42] yes [08:42] axis, yeah i mean it *works* but thats about it [08:42] ChurcH_of_FoamY: what's in the way that you can't fit a fullsized card in your AGP slot? [08:42] gl support blows [08:42] SaumZ, check /var/log/messages if u can [08:42] hello, I installed ubuntu, which i've done before but this time it told me that grub cannot be installed. i put lilo, but now I don't have the windows option. how can i switch to grub? [08:42] i want a half-height radeon 9200 [08:42] steve: i think i've heard about a k8t neo 2 upgrade? [08:42] :D [08:42] Computer__Guru, : lol [08:43] um besides the fact i don't have an AGP slot....nothin [08:43] I can try... but I am unable to login at all, is there a way I can login to the console? === _paul [~paul@] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] they make em [08:43] SaumZ, ctrl alt f2? [08:43] when you're talking speed/benchmark it's teh combination of hardware that counts, a good CPU with slow memory and cheap mobo will not perform to your expectations, you have to have a good combination of cpu/ram/mobo/cooling/gva ..etc to have a fast box [08:43] that would scream in this system [08:43] I'll try [08:43] pci express is next anyways ChurcH_of_FoamY [08:43] pax: for $400 i wont complain [08:43] pax: canadian even [08:44] pci express is gonna be nice [08:44] pAx: also bus speed [08:44] but its another standard way too soon [08:44] i know and for that kinda money i'll wait for 2 years then buy it on e-bay for 14.99 [08:44] ChurcH_of_FoamY, man upgrade. [08:44] axis: OC'ing is another story. [08:44] naw can't afford it === ChurcH_of_FoamY poor [08:44] ChurcH_of_FoamY, there's a new foamy out, m8 [08:44] Would you guys suggest AMD over Intel for any reasons? [08:44] ChurcH_of_FoamY, new asrock board can be found for < $40 [08:44] yea seen it ^_^ [08:44] pax: back in the day i had a few 200mhz systems that ROCKED the 333 celerons that were oc'd [08:45] kevin06, amd budget chips kick the shit out of intel's and are cheaper [08:45] kevin06, in a server environment, i recommend intel 24/7. for home users and gamers, the amd processors make more sense [08:45] it was a cyrix 166 at 250mhz [08:45] great can you lend me it? cause i'm broke till next month [08:45] kevin06: if you game AMD, if you want to pay less AMD, if you can cool the box AMD. [08:45] 100x 2.5 [08:45] and that think rocked [08:45] thing* [08:45] just like this p3 that has a 66mhz p3 chip in it [08:45] so lame [08:45] they should have been illegal [08:45] the duron is my favorite chip ever [08:45] 100mhz minimum to work with [08:45] let me girber stile it for ya (fixed income) ^_^ [08:46] axis, im amazed it didnt melt. orion.dal.net was a cyrix 6x86-166 @ 200 (100x2), and it had the side off and a fan pointed straight at it to keep it cool [08:46] pax: AMD chips run cooler than those of Intels :) [08:46] steve_, : the tbird is one of my classics.. i like to remember the celeron 333's tho === troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] or atleast these high-end ones do so [08:46] axis, haha did u have a dualie setup too? [08:46] but that machine took one hell of a load [08:46] axis, two celeron 300a ? [08:46] Poromies: umm yeah I like AMD but not to the point to say something like that. [08:46] steve_, . nah.. my buddy had a set of p pros [08:46] Computer__Guru, : it' [08:46] it took me 4 years to get the pc i have sitting next to me [08:47] i built it for me but the wife took it [08:47] ChurcH_of_FoamY, what are your specs [08:47] Computer__Guru, : it's amazin at what you can do when you have like 30 little fans laying around [08:47] in my box or the pc? [08:47] ChurcH_of_FoamY, pc [08:47] Computer__Guru, : i literally burned my fingers a few times on that exact chip [08:47] pax: well new venice (and later) core revision AMD:s run cooler and with less power consumption then any of p4:s === eyequeue [~eyequeue@eyequeue.user] has joined #ubuntu [08:47] anyone know if a amd 64 laptop should last longer than 2 hrs? [08:47] axis, lol.. yeah.. i burned mine too.. but hey, it was the best damned server on dalnet for almost two years, so im not gonna bitch [08:47] Poromies: yes, now you're talking venice is the best chip 'proly ever made by AMD. [08:47] i thought cool and quiet would help [08:48] steve_: Before it breaks? Of course. [08:48] Computer__Guru, : lol tha'ts l33tsk3wl d00d.. hehe [08:48] cafuego, battery life [08:48] good ol socket 7's [08:48] well the one the wifes on is a pentium 4 ht 1.5ghz with a 120gig raptor hd @ 10,000rpm 768 mb rambus @ 800mhz [08:48] dalnet was a political nightmare [08:48] steve_: yes im running with a lappy that has AMD turion chip and my battery lasts almost 4 hours [08:48] steve_: Depend son how new and what kind the battery is [08:48] it took me 4 years to get the money for a decent computer [08:48] Computer__Guru, : hehehe .. I remember it being a little wild [08:48] yeah remember back when the type of motherboard you had didnt limit the brand of processor you could install [08:48] those were the days [08:49] steve_: Also depends on what you're doing, if you use wireless etc. [08:49] lith-ion, brand new (my cousins) i guess he probably hasnt installed the software for it [08:49] =] definatly [08:49] the one i'm on is a celeron 1.0ghz 256mb pc133 and a 40gig hd [08:49] axis, fromt he administration standpoint it was a nightmare..t here was a friggen committee for everything you could think of.. hell there was even a committee for forming new committees [08:49] ChurcH_of_FoamY, that should perform decently [08:49] ChurcH_of_FoamY, provided u dont game [08:49] Steve, any clue what I am supposed to be looking for in this messages file? [08:49] dalnet = spambot net - last i was on it... [08:49] Computer__Guru, : that's crazy [08:49] and theres the problem [08:49] ChurcH_of_FoamY, you can prolly play maxpayne [08:49] i do [08:49] load average: 0.00, 0.05, 0.07 <- why would you want a $200 cpu for Linux? [08:49] you're tellin me [08:50] Computer__Guru, : I was a bit younger at the time, so i was into more of the a/s/l at the time [= [08:50] not to mention all the ircop wannabes that hounded you day and night [08:50] Computer__Guru, : when i was on dalnet, anyway hehe [08:50] 03:50:02 up 2 days, 13:07, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.11 [08:50] cs get's like 2 frams a sec with the onboard card [08:50] axis, but i got to autokill 3600 aol users for nine hours :D [08:50] pax: this is why: load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 [08:50] ChurcH_of_FoamY, lmfao [08:50] hehehehehe [08:50] thats why i need a pci card [08:50] Computer__Guru, : mr burns: Excellent [08:50] ChurcH_of_FoamY, i can give you a voodoo4 4500 === [Spooky] [~spookan_7@h16n2fls308o968.telia.com] has joined #Ubuntu [08:50] cafuego: hehe nice. [08:50] hey guys [08:50] don't install breezy :D [08:50] is it pci? [08:51] ChurcH_of_FoamY, yes [08:51] ChurcH_of_FoamY, full height card === desrt eyes the ashes where his computer once was [08:51] desrt: Too late, been running it for months. [08:51] and is it ati or nvidia? [08:51] oh man that's good [08:51] ChurcH_of_FoamY, 3dfx [08:51] cafuego; it's ok if it's already installed [08:51] cafuego; just don't install it now [08:51] ^_^ how much? [08:51] ChurcH_of_FoamY, $5 [08:51] or, i should say, "don't try" :) [08:51] and do you take pay pal === cafuego would install hoary anyway, then upgrade [08:51] ChurcH_of_FoamY, lol [08:51] ^_^ [08:51] ubuntu-desktop on breezy is uninstallable [08:51] ChurcH_of_FoamY, $5 + whatever shipping cost - yeah ill take paypal [08:51] (as is most of X) [08:52] you gots a deal [08:52] ChurcH_of_FoamY, you have ebay and you can't find an ati rage fury 32 meg for 5 bucks? [08:52] no shit dont install breezy yet [08:52] desrt: it prolly has an xbase-clients issue and/or evolution, yes. [08:52] it's not done [08:52] cafuego; ya. xbase-clients :) [08:52] my new best friend [08:52] Steve, any clue what I am supposed to be looking for in this messages file? === hiiiiiiiiiiiii [~hiiiiiiii@] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] nope [08:52] desrt: yeh, you can install it by hand tho [08:52] beleve it or not i'm looking for 16mb [08:52] I mean, if you are using Windows and consumed by the insdustry's marketing (Gaming/Hardware) then okay, but running Linux not only save you money but also protect you from the propaganda [08:53] SaumZ, anything out of ordinary, error msgs, etc [08:53] it's what i can afford [08:53] cafuego; you mean like drag an old version out of the respository? [08:53] ChurcH_of_FoamY, the 4500 is 32mb [08:53] hmm [08:53] desrt: mine seems to work... amd64 though. [08:53] SaumZ, how does it hang? === Computer__Guru just waits for breezy to release [08:53] cafuego; mine was working too... i made the mistake of uninstalling/reinstalling everything [08:53] thats fine but a 32mb card on ebay is like 19.99 +s&h [08:53] lot less trouble that way [08:53] that is money i don't have [08:53] 6.8.2-34 [08:53] ie: used debfoster to get myself down to ubuntu-base then tried to reinstall -desktop [08:53] ChurcH_of_FoamY, : there won't be a difference [08:54] ChurcH_of_FoamY : there has to be a used computer store near you [08:54] it hangs after I log in and on the small splash screen, the mouse and keyboard won't respond, and the system quits loading [08:54] [08:54] cafuego; it wants to install -42 [08:54] 4500 will be alot faster [08:54] plus opengl [08:54] dude i live in marqute michigan [08:54] http://search.ebay.ca/pci_Video-Cards-for-Desktop-PC_W0QQcatrefZC6QQcoactionZcompareQQcoentrypageZsearchQQcopagenumZ1QQfromZR2QQfsooZ1QQfsopZ3QQftrtZ1QQftrvZ1QQsacatZ40156 [08:54] look at our population [08:54] hehe well i live in nb canada [08:54] church [08:54] desrt: it wants, but tells me it can't, so doesn't [08:54] anyway... i'm told a fix is in the pipes.... so i'll see if i can live without my computer for a day or two :) [08:54] the biggest computer store we have up here is office max [08:54] http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-28677.html <--- people with the same problem [08:55] and to think i moved here from hartford ct [08:55] church of foamy === SDFH_Linux [~moo@adsl-065-006-180-151.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] yes [08:55] forget that card i will sell you [08:55] http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=40161&item=5221219747&rd=1 [08:55] much better [08:55] church: http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=40158&item=5219755142&rd=1 [08:55] wtf [08:55] rage 2? === Mr_Smiley [~smiley@CPE-144-136-186-183.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:56] are you joking [08:56] bett grab that up for 12 bucks dood [08:56] [= [08:56] i have like 3 of those [08:56] buy it now: $0.10 :) [08:56] lol [08:56] um thats not buy it now lol that can go up at any time [08:56] steve man .. send ChurcH_of_FoamY that card now for the cost of shipping .. :) [08:56] http://www.tuxmachines.org/images/julyclean.jpg <--whats the name of the program running on the top right [08:56] axis, the voodoo4? [08:56] church click on the link i sent you [08:57] axis, why tell him to get a rage 2? [08:57] the starting bid is 5 but that can go up and theres a reserve [08:57] as opposed to what [08:57] axis, they are like 4mb max, 3d sucks [08:57] axis, i had one of these in my pentium 60 [08:58] i'm still lookin [08:58] geez.. lol.. hge says he wants a shitty card that will load x-windows right? [08:58] well there ya go 10 bucks [08:58] lol [08:58] oh i thought he wanted it for games [08:58] lol [08:58] are ati's good with invidia? [08:58] i wonder if you could get doom3 going on that [08:58] *ahem* [08:58] ChurcH_of_FoamY, what do u mean [08:58] i mean good with ubuntu? [08:59] ChurcH_of_FoamY; ati's sort of suck with linux in general [08:59] desrt, wouldnt suprise me if someone made a wrapper for it [08:59] er slightly tired [08:59] ati sucks for linux [08:59] get a nvidia card, MUCH better support [08:59] damn >.< cause that was perfect [08:59] i have an ati radeon 9600 in this box [08:59] i'm quite happy with it [08:59] i could afford that lol [08:59] i agree with desrt, hondje [08:59] but not as happy as i could be :) [08:59] i have always gone with invidea === xkuseme [~vladuz976@pool-71-106-211-189.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:00] if i had a similar spec nvidia card, it would run faster [09:00] ChurcH_of_FoamY, : what do you want this card for? [09:00] doesnt anyone have an old mx440 they can give him? [09:00] it'll run, but nvidia is seriously better in linux [09:00] I had an mx400 that I gave away last week [09:00] take it back!! [09:00] ChurcH_of_FoamY,: 32 meg PCI card, 30 bucks man. . best i can doo off ebay . i could prolly get you the same card for 10-20 bucks at my local comp store [09:00] hehe i feel bad for the guy [09:00] i want to be able to play my postal 2 my cs and um.....thats about it [09:00] http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=40161&item=5220285020&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW [09:00] "sorry mom.. some guy on IRc needs it" [09:00] lol [09:00] hehehe [09:00] lol === hondje is sufficiently far from his mother that she doesn't bug him for computer stuff anymore [09:01] nvidia 32 meg 30 bucks man [09:01] so yall under 21 I guess? [09:01] 23 [09:01] but i'm from canada [09:01] 23 [09:01] so that's like .. [09:01] 23, as well [09:01] also from canada [09:01] so that's like .. [09:01] ontario.. [09:01] minnesota [09:01] ontario.. [09:01] <[Spooky] > 26 [09:01] hamilton [09:01] I'm the only not-23-candadian here :) [09:01] wow that is an awsome looking card kinda like my nvidia 4000mx [09:01] hamilton [09:01] http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=40161&item=5218827214&rd=1 [09:01] im 21 [09:01] dest: shoe? [09:01] shoe? [09:02] great, this means Linux is going solid and have a future [09:02] desrt: you went to wesmount didn't you [09:02] ChurcH_of_FoamY, you have a mx400? [09:02] ya. i did [09:02] steve_: except for being broke :p === culix [~maik@p54B241CF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] who are you? [09:02] DESERT LOL [09:02] des === culix [~maik@p54B241CF.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [09:02] i hung out with Shoe a bit [09:02] Adam [09:02] no mx4000 256mb agp [09:02] ya.. adam and i used to be good friends [09:02] i dated marissa [09:02] in my other computer [09:02] i remember [09:02] don't know marissa === hondje has an mx5200 that works fine [09:02] ChurcH_of_FoamY, use that one then [09:02] i got it for x-mas last year [09:02] desrt: marissa achong [09:02] ... [09:02] desrt: anyway [09:02] what is your name? [09:02] or is it something else-5200 [09:02] sam [09:02] scott [09:02] i have no pci card in the linuxbox that i'm on [09:02] hmm [09:03] fascinating :) [09:03] skate/stoner [09:03] at the time [09:03] fx5200, hey [09:03] oh lol [09:03] i came into the library one day [09:03] and got into dos [09:03] and there is no agp slot ither [09:03] in front of you and stevbe [09:03] stevbe [09:03] hehe [09:03] what steve? [09:03] me [09:03] then you two started talking about the linux penguin, and it intrigued me SOO much [09:03] thats why i need to get a pci video card [09:03] ;) [09:03] strangeways? [09:03] I don't have an agp slot either [09:03] hahahah [09:03] acutally i think [09:03] you were arguing charlie vs tux [09:03] woh [09:03] and i had no idea [09:03] the winbox as got all the good stuff [09:03] ChurcH_of_FoamY, well you dont need it that much then :P [09:03] yes [09:03] steve was a bsd-lover [09:03] i was like you two are the best [09:03] hahaha [09:04] desrt, how did u know - i like freebsd [09:04] and his name is beastie === cmatheso1 [~cmatheson@65-100-192-36.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] not true the wife has dominated it now [09:04] i remember you guys had servers under your bed [09:04] not charlie :P [09:04] ChurcH_of_FoamY, slap the wife [09:04] i did build it for me at first [09:04] hehe [09:04] ChurcH_of_FoamY, ;) [09:04] heheh [09:04] so funny. [09:04] man [09:04] roflmao [09:04] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=261482#post261482 I also looked in the log files, and nothing out of the ordinary, seems like to me... it's freezing after it loads my profile's xml (maybe) [09:04] westmount was such a funny part of my life :) [09:04] dood [09:04] highschoo.. blah [09:04] SaumZ, did u try to install again [09:04] i have been looking for a cheapo pci card for a few monthes now [09:04] such a joke [09:04] highschool was fun for me [09:04] not yet [09:04] SaumZ, honestly i have no idea.... :/ [09:04] it was like a 6 year reality vacation [09:04] the best i can find with instant access is at wall mart for [09:05] I can try a re-install [09:05] ChurcH_of_FoamY: define cheap [09:05] SaumZ, try reinstalling - doesnt take that long [09:05] 129 bucks [09:05] ok [09:05] Same for me too, a little too much and I ended up leaving early :/ [09:05] SaumZ, i would tell u more if i knew [09:05] axis; mcnab? [09:05] desrt: lol hehehe [09:05] ChurcH_of_FoamY: I got mine, pci fx5200 w/ 256mb of ram off newegg for $90 [09:05] cheap for me would be no more than maybe 30 bucks and [09:05] uhmm nope westmount/westdale, i never went to westdale tho [09:05] oh, not 129 :) [09:05] so many people bail out of westmount and go to mcnab :P [09:05] that was my local school [09:05] I'll try the reinstall tomorrow, maybe someone on the forums will be able to have a fix [09:05] ah [09:05] i didn't bail [09:05] if it's some one i know a copy of xp with key [09:05] thanks for the help! [09:05] i had 90's [09:05] that year [09:05] you still live in the west end? [09:05] SaumZ, did u post on there? [09:05] b ut iwas on probatiion === sss_lr [~sss_lr@] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] steve_, yes [09:06] oh god... i remember my probation [09:06] and missed 1 class cause iwas moving [09:06] i live on my own man it's not easy [09:06] SaumZ, they are generally very quick to reply and very helpful [09:06] and my mom called [09:06] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=261482#post261482 [09:06] to say iwas going to miss a day [09:06] i come back monday [09:06] they're all like "if you don't get all your credits then you're expelled" [09:06] and mr smith had kicked me out [09:06] so i failed all my classes [09:06] and what even worse is i rent >.< [09:06] and the VP calls me into her office [09:06] desrt, : i'm the guy who spit on mr smith if you remember that" === chliu [~chatzilla@61-222-22-212.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] and thats like throughing money away [09:06] yeah, renting sucks [09:06] "so... we had a meeting about it.... and you're welcome to come back clean slate" [09:06] SaumZ, well wish you the best. you'll get it [09:06] hah [09:06] axis, desrt, maybe take it to /msg? === sss_lr [~sss_lr@] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] mr. smith was a jerk [09:06] hehe [09:06] every month 460 dollars poof gone [09:06] I rent, but I know I'm going to move in the next couple years... [09:06] thanks :) [09:07] I'll just wait until the housing bubble pops [09:07] any electrical engineers here === sss_lr [~sss_lr@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === pvanhoof [~pvanhoof@cvs.maia-scientific.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] <_paul> I am [09:07] yea it sucks thats why i jumped at that card for 5 dollars [09:07] what does everyone here do for a living [09:07] steve_ almost (4 months left) [09:08] to me thats a deal cause i can offord that [09:08] _paul / oga - wanna chat in EE im about to enter first year [09:08] <_paul> Unemployed [09:08] channel #ee [09:08] I make pretty pictures [09:08] then I get a prettier paycheck [09:08] no i'm actually somewhat self employd [09:08] then I pay ugly bills :( [09:08] i build computers for people i make clocks === ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] and then i pay the bills and well thats it wify get the food [09:09] but i got a nice place to live so meh [09:10] yea see it's the damn bills === cbruggeman [~cbruggema@] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] they should be illegal [09:10] ^_^ [09:11] most of my bills aren't too bad, but health insurance for mydaughter runs about ~$500 a month [09:11] ChurcH_of_FoamY, sorry to cut this short, but can you keep it on topic? [09:11] hondje: my god [09:11] that's insane :( [09:11] shure sorry [09:11] if you want offtopci chat, #ubuntu-offtopic exists for that exact purpose :) === GNULinuxer [~ghoseb@gnulinuxer.user] has joined #ubuntu === vince_ [~vince@AVelizy-154-1-20-38.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] and #ubuntu-offtopic is totally dead... come liven it up! === cafuego gives Madpilot a wary stare === jk24 [~jk24@] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] Hi, ping tritium, i've uploaded X -34 packages for i386 here : http://jk24.free.fr/X-6.8.2-34_i386-Breezy/ === ^rob^ [~daci@] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] nvidia is hiring a lot right now, wonder why [09:15] <^rob^> hello room [09:15] hondje: going to buy transmeta, develop their own cpu, killintel. [09:15] <^rob^> does anyone know if there's a macromedia flash plugin port for ubuntu - or i have to dl the plugin from MM and install it manually [09:16] cafuego: hehehe [09:16] ^rob^, search for flash in synaptic, it is there === derelictfrog [~ubuntu@220-253-100-54.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] gday [09:17] <^rob^> Burgundavia: i have - there's a lot of mm player - i guess only 4 and 5 [09:17] <^rob^> i need 7 [09:17] ne one in here know how to mount a raid0 sata windows partition? [09:17] Looking for a new job is fun, you can find stuff like ' Experience with Antarctic precipitation analysis is preferred.' :) [09:17] ^rob^, you need flashplugin-nonfree [09:17] that is version 7 [09:17] <^rob^> yes === KarlosII [~KarlosII@S0106000f3d5ae683.ed.shawcable.net] has left #Ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:18] and flashplugin-mozilla [09:18] so i guess not then === troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] <^rob^> i don't have it in my apt - (universe enabled) [09:18] ^rob^, you need multiverse === pointwood [~pointwood@] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] <^rob^> roger that [09:19] <^rob^> ty [09:20] np [09:21] <^rob^> q2: is there a driver for canon i550 ? === othernoob [~othernoob@p54A2B498.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === linuxboy [~anon@yoda.frogfoot.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] check gphoto2's website === hein1 [~heinz@] has joined #ubuntu === robert_pectol [~rob@p54A6CC55.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] they have a chan and if you ask nicely they'll support an unsupported camera pretty fast [09:23] took them like, 2 weeks to add mine, amazing [09:24] ^rob^, grab the camera and plug it in [09:24] heh, or that [09:24] turn it on. It should pop up a little thing saying "import photos" [09:24] if it doesn't, it is a bug [09:24] and go with the above solution === inemo_ [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:26] Burgundavia: does the gf's new digital work in your Ubuntu box? === hein1 [~heinz@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:26] absolutely [09:26] what do you think I used in Spain at the Mataro conference? [09:26] better than in her iMac? [09:27] working is working [09:27] true [09:27] iphoto is a little bit nicer than gthumb [09:27] fspot is just odd === tobi_ [~newbie@p549FB905.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] heya [09:28] daniels: any news regarding xkb :) ? === cbruggeman [~cbruggema@] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] Burgundavia: fspot? [09:29] mono photo management application === McYoda [McYoda@dsl-hkigw5q81.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === ChurcH_of_FoamY is now known as FoamY_is_zZZZzzz === FoamY_is_zZZZzzz is away: can't be botherd with bastard bits of knoledge === FoamY_is_zZZZzzz [~kisain@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:31] FoamY_is_zZZZzzz, please turn off your away message [09:31] must be a breezy thing; it doesn't seem to be in Hoary's repos === FoamY_is_zZZZzzz [~kisain@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] f-spot === egli [~egli@] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] found it. it is only release 0.0.12... === Nermal [~peter@www.stock-it.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === ^rob^ [~daci@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:32] hey, if i install no-ip tool with apt-get, how can i configure it? [09:33] same goes with bitlbee, where can i find those configure files? === Slarti [~david@adsl.slarti.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu === Slarti is now known as davidf === traveller2k [~kenneth@220-245-129-11.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === Nermal [~peter@www.stock-it.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] === XeosX [~you@ppp-69-213-251-228.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === XeosX [~you@ppp-69-213-251-228.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === firebird619 [~Jay@user-33qts6v.dialup.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] [09:37] shit === dwa_ [~dwa@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] anyone here know how to make the sound work on a thinkpad 600e in linux? [09:37] its driving me insane [09:38] is anyone home? === Amaranth [amaranth@amaranth.user] has joined #ubuntu === oga_ [~oga@220-253-91-127.QLD.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] need a breezy user to test something with totem [09:39] XeosX: there're people here, but evidently none that know answers to your questions... [09:39] hey does anybody know anything about ubuntu/kismet/laptop? [09:39] haha [09:39] point made [09:40] XeosX: have you already try what ubuntuguide and ubuntu wiki says about sound things? === joshoa_ [~joshoa@i5387406E.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] tried* [09:40] yeah === Guybrush|Numb [~franz@host35-185.pool62211.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] to the best of my ability [09:40] XeosX: you should mention that as well if you ask that later, when guru's get back from their coffeebreak [09:41] ill have to come back in here during the day then. === liable [~linux@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === ColonelKernel [ishai@24-205-124-191.bb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu === Eonflare [~Eonflare@c-67-161-110-41.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] what happened to the language wars? [09:42] it's late at night in N. America, and early morning in Europe right now. quiet. [09:42] !start language war [09:42] Madpilot: Are you smoking crack? [09:42] I bet it's also late at night in S America [09:43] and early in Asia [09:43] !start a language war [09:43] C is better than PHP! [09:43] nooooo!!!! === Razor-X throttles ubotu [09:43] ;) [09:43] !start [09:43] I haven't a clue, Razor-X [09:43] Razor-X: http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ <-- top entry there. clever, actually [09:45] what's ubotu syntax? [09:45] burgundavia: I am on Breezy === mroth [~mroth@mroth.user] has joined #ubuntu === holycow [~a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] abhayks, never mind, I have found a test user === mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] Razor-X: still working it out myself. is there a standard bot-engine that it's based on? [09:47] hey, what itunes replacement is there [09:47] other than rhythmbox [09:47] I dont like soundjuicer [09:47] it works at 2x on my machine! [09:47] mebaran151: muine === housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-151-213.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] so my fellow ubuntu users ... [09:47] ... i have returned from yet another grotesque windows upgrade/transfer mission [09:48] my god [09:48] Madpilot, muine? [09:48] mebaran151: xmms is my choise, looks like winamp, works like winamp [09:48] I use xmms === lammers [~lammers@s73-33.resnet.ucla.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] I want something more for organization [09:48] how much easier everything is on linux, it's staggering === holycow kisses the ground ubuntu and debian devs walk [09:48] mebaran151: Muine - it's in the repos === aatim [~aatim@] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] mebaran151: amarok? === user1 [~user1@] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] hi all [09:48] oh come on KDE! [09:48] I am on XFCE [09:48] it's alot like rythymbox, except better. (IMO) [09:49] what I need to download to get nice gui to admin samba? [09:49] mebaran151: that doesn't mean you have to use kde to run amarok :/ [09:49] looks seem to matter a lot in Media Players === ptlo [~senko@83-131-67-91.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] i'll stick by my cplay/emms === DagaZ [~rolle@h34n1fls35o858.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] anacron, but I like gtk === Fidelio [proxyuser@] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] mebaran151: so? [09:50] I hate the qt look [09:50] just dont like it [09:50] at all [09:50] is there no ubuntu kicad pkg? [09:50] I'm in need of some help on configuring my wireless connection in Hoary [09:51] I hardly ever look at Muine. it just runs on the notification area and I refill the playlist every four or five hours... === j2dope [~j2dope@203-206-242-34.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] muine? === otep [~otep@AP-] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] Fidelio: don't ask can someone help you, just ask the question, it's much simple to help people then [09:51] it's in universe right? [09:51] mebaran151: you know, there is no definitive QT ``look'' [09:51] or am I going to be compiling from src [09:51] Razor-X, I think they skin GTK apps nicer [09:51] just like there's no definitive GTK ``look''? [09:51] mebaran151, it is in universe [09:51] mebaran151: I think it's in universe. just a sec... === j2dope [~j2dope@203-206-242-34.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === catfox [~paul@host81-138-210-156.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu === jsgotangco [~jgotangco@] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] mebaran151: in my perspective, my GTK apps skin, not my QT apps === cbruggeman [~cbruggema@] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] yes, Muine is in Universe === stefan_dk [~stefan@0x535d66ea.boanxx16.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] where should I start troubleshooting if I just installed Hoary on my desktop with a wireless D-Link card and I can't connect to my broadband router [09:52] not for AMD64 [09:52] !wireless [09:52] rumour has it, wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards [09:52] mebaran151, there is no mono for amd64 in hoary [09:52] oh [09:52] mebaran151: ah, OK. K7 machine here, sorry [09:52] mebaran151, and thus no muine [09:52] its a mono app [09:52] I can connect from my windowsxp laptop, but not in hoary yet [09:53] Fidelio: i can help you in private if you want, i have d-link as well [09:53] I can get mono [09:53] Fidelio: read above [09:53] I have working setup at the moment [09:53] GTK compiled and runs [09:53] anacron : please! [09:53] only problem is that the repos arent going to have anything [09:53] does anyone in this channel read anything not expressly addressed to them? :( [09:53] i've noticed that half the time I prompt ubotu to answer someone's question.... they keep asking [09:53] if anyone answers, that would mean yes [09:54] until they see their naem all highlighted nice in XChat [09:54] s/naem/name/ [09:54] arg they need to fix breezy [09:54] I want mono pkg's === b00v [~b000vvvv@pc79.tsl.uct.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu === Jimbob [~jcape@c-24-14-115-101.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] mebaran151: compile me friend [09:54] mebaran151, the issue was upstream, and I believe it has been done [09:54] Razor-X: I've noticed that too. makes ubotu a bit hard to use sometimes [09:55] Burgundavia, huh [09:55] new lab with ubunut :P [09:55] rules [09:55] looking hot [09:55] ubutu tell Razor-X about ati [09:55] anyway, me off to other server [09:55] ubotu tell Razor-X about ati [09:55] Razor-X: you can do /msg's like that, tho [09:55] Madpilot: ahhh, I need to do that [09:55] what was upstream [09:56] it should use notice instead of msg [09:56] mebaran151, sorry, the mono developers have worked on making it work with amd64 and that is in breezy, I believe (I don't run amd64, but our main mono dev does) [09:56] yeah [09:56] it works [09:56] I compiled it [09:56] sort of [09:56] it wont link anything but my own apps [09:56] and Beagle doesnt run, but I think that is a kernel thing [09:57] no inotify or extend attributes [09:57] beagle is a mess of dependencies [09:57] yeah [09:57] it is the most neato app though [09:57] works well in Breezy === xvlun [~Jan@dsl-213-023-179-236.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:58] I would like to use Breezy but the installer is a mess at the moment === ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving..."] [09:58] the new installer/live cd is coming [09:58] oh === pinPoint [~pinPoint@pool-70-104-159-10.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === sten_ [~ztonzy@c-4945e055.560-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [09:58] I was surprised my programming concepts remain sound, even after the time I haven't programmed for.... [09:58] probably why the current version is so sound [09:58] Razor-X, what's ya writing? [09:58] i'm thinking of relearning Python.... but I need an application for learning it.... [09:58] I write ruby and C [09:58] mebaran151: I was talking about the language wars ;) [09:58] Ruby is a better language I believe === Trackilizer [~sdfhgdshg@p54AE5175.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] hey ppl === sten_ [~ztonzy@c-4945e055.560-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving..."] [09:59] Razor-X, en garde! [09:59] Ruby is meant more for sysadmining, no? === Fade [~fade@outrider.deepsky.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] eh I say that aobut python [09:59] the only sysadmin language is bash and maybe perl [09:59] well, I unno, Ruby i've been recently hearing about [09:59] can anyone send me a source.list file [09:59] Ruby is like perl on OO steroids [09:59] a good one [10:00] mine doesnt seem to be that good [10:00] does anyone know of a pdf viewer for linux? [10:00] but, Perl is pretty much only for sysadmining [10:00] Chinman, you got xpdf [10:00] Chinman, evince [10:00] Razor-X, and cgi ... [10:00] Chinman: XPdf and KPdf [10:00] i cant seem to install VLC with synaptic [10:00] mebaran151: ahhh, and that too === gyaresu [~gyaresu@ppp111-83.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] Trackilizer: do you have universe and multiverse added to your sources.list? [10:00] !sources [10:00] Razor-X, ruby is all about OOP [10:00] well, sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto [10:00] i have the all the things from ubuntuguide.org [10:00] if you dont think in an oop style ruby will not fit [10:01] Trackilizer: see the link ubotu just posted [10:01] you can pretend it is procedural [10:01] i'm really happy with the reader tools in KDE, they render beautifully, and are very full featured [10:01] but it isnt [10:01] mebaran151: I prefer over-structured OO, meself [10:01] python is more hybrid [10:01] can someone please try to install VLC and see if it works [10:01] Razor-X, me too [10:01] that is why I like Ruby [10:01] well, I need applications for Ruby, immediate ones [10:01] mebaran151, Burgundavia ,Razor-x : how to get it? [10:01] Razor-X, evince actually uses the same renderer as kpdf [10:01] Chinman, it comes iwth the system [10:01] Chinman, it is in the universe repos [10:02] Razor-X, apps? [10:02] Burgundavia: ahhh, I thought so [10:02] liek Ruby on Rails, or Nitro, or Og? [10:02] mebaran151: but what apps? my school isn't about to let me devolop for them === maradong [~bhentges@vodsl-3888.vo.lu] has joined #ubuntu === ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #ubuntu [10:02] i see. thanks [10:02] envince is a lot cleaner than xpdf [10:02] probably the only application at this point would be a game, and some scripts that would help here and there [10:02] Razor-X, what apps are in python [10:02] I love KPdf, it's incredible, IMHO [10:02] and KDvi [10:02] if you want to learn a language, it should be based on what isnt there === cazabam [~cazabam@] has joined #ubuntu [10:03] not what is [10:03] does envince have a search feature? [10:03] mebaran151: that's true... [10:03] Python has a billion-and-one things already there [10:03] Razor-X, the pygtk stuff used quite often === cazabam [~cazabam@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:03] Burgundavia, ruby gnome bindings are more than decent [10:03] everybody has gnome bindings now [10:03] also libraries like pygame and stuff [10:03] mebaran151, Burgundavia : and how about a chm viewer? [10:03] Chinman: xchm [10:03] Chinman, xchm [10:04] also excellent, but not as good as native CHM viewers of Windows [10:04] gnomchm unfortunately doesn't work on hoary [10:04] don't like CHM that much, meself [10:04] there's a gnomchm? hmmmm [10:05] is there anyreason why aMSN freezes everytime i open it? [10:05] Razor-X, Burgundavia : i can't find xchm. so how i get it? [10:05] and also, how much does a Kinkos print cost? [10:05] Chinman: do you have multiverse and universe added in your sources.list? [10:05] Chinman, universe repository [10:05] maybe === jgotangco [~jgotangco@] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] I'm planning to print one of the many LaTeX ebooks I have [10:06] so did anyone install VLC [10:06] I have money... and it's burning a hole in my pocket... :( [10:06] Trackilizer: I did [10:06] no [10:06] now*? [10:06] i cant seem to [10:06] did you add multiverse and universe to your sources.list? [10:06] how did you do it? [10:06] Razor-X, Burgundavia : where is the sources.list? === aigarius [~aigarius@] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] !sources [10:07] I guess sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto [10:07] Chinman: /etc/apt/sources.list [10:07] Chinman: /etc/apt/sources.list [10:07] is there a sources.list file i can download [10:07] a good one? [10:07] no, only bad ones :p [10:07] there was a generic one, can't remember where.... [10:07] not too hard to add it yourself [10:07] Trackilizer, better to use synaptic [10:07] hey if a 15 year old can do it, and has been doing it since he was 12 (moi) then you can too ;) [10:07] i know its not hard opend it with gedit [10:08] the thing is i dont know where to the the info to add [10:08] hondje: Ctrl-F gets a search box in envince [10:08] Trackilizer: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 [10:08] add it to the end of the file [10:08] simple azzat === gwilma [~gwilma@pces526.eng.warwick.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] thx!! [10:08] Razor-X: yeah, there are multiverse and universe in my sources.list. what's the netxt step? [10:08] and prepend a # to the beginning of a file for a comment [10:08] Razor-X: was that one the one you were thinking of? ^^ [10:08] Chinman: sudo apt-get update [10:09] othernoob: yeah, that's the one! === jcoxon [~jcoxon@81-178-242-198.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] :) [10:09] how to quit from vi editor? === user1 [~user1@] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] join # === feugan3333 [~pico@tpnnat.trispen.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] Chinman: :wq [10:09] that will write the file, and quit [10:10] hit Esc first, to enter Command-mode [10:10] CONFIG_CC_ALIGN_FUNCTIONS <-- do I set this to 4 for 32 bit or to 32 for 32 bit? Im not finding the help very clear [10:10] this is in the latest kernel source === nikkia [~nikki@3ffe:80ee:33e6:1:202:2dff:fe8b:59b2] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] Razor-X: it's not work [10:10] Hi all. Does ubuntu have a telnet server in its repository? "apt-cache search telnet" does not show anything? [10:11] feugan3333, termnetd [10:11] or telnetd [10:11] ubuntu is one amazing distro [10:11] Chinman: Esc :wq should quit [10:11] it simply works [10:12] unlike most other distors i tried === Corical [~corical@] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] I've only kernel compiled once [10:12] Trackilizer: which did you try [10:12] and that was to prove to certain people that I have Linux mastery ;) [10:12] Fedora core 3 [10:12] suse [10:12] i directly enter wq, but it's not work [10:12] and many others [10:12] the former is bearable, the latter is horrible === jgotangco is now known as jsgotangco [10:12] Chinman: you have to prepend a ':' [10:12] Burgundavia: With apt-get install: E: Couldn't find package telnetd [10:12] Trackilizer: and why didnt they work [10:13] they wouldnt connect to the internet [10:13] with any vi command sequence (IIRC) you have to append the `:' [10:13] feugan: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 get that sources.list [10:13] and istalling stuff was really hard [10:13] and my digi cam didnt work [10:13] CONFIG_CC_ALIGN_FUNCTIONS <-- do I set this to 4 for 32 bit or to 32 for 32 bit? Im not finding the help very clear [10:13] well, FC3 had yum [10:13] ColonelKernel: try #linux [10:13] and my mp3 player didnt work either [10:13] everything works with ubuntu [10:14] and ubuntu has ubuntuguide.org [10:14] feugan3333, it is in the universe repository [10:14] on a Fedora box, back when there was FC1 and I tried it, I used apt-rpm for sanity [10:14] very usefull [10:14] Razor-X: it's still not work, but shows "E45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override) " [10:14] hey I didnt mean to post that twice [10:14] !guide [10:14] Razor-X: I don't know [10:14] something all other distros didnt have [10:14] sorry about that [10:14] !ubuntuguide [10:14] extra, extra, read all about it, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide. Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why. [10:14] Burgundavia: ahh, Ok thanks === casanova [~casanova@000d3aaf843b.click-network.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] Trackilizer: heh, Trackilizer FC3 has yum to install things, FC3 does not have mp3 support by default, but easily obtained. FC has a guide as well, by far better than the ubuntuguide ;).. and setting up a inet connection with FC is really easy [10:14] Chinman: that's because you have to be root to modify the file [10:15] you should've done sudo vi [10:15] if you want to go anywhere with vi, take the tutorial... if you want to go anywhere with Linux, learn emacs ;) [10:15] well, my internet connection worked at boot up with ubuntu [10:15] didnt with FC3 [10:15] any my digicam didnt work with FC [10:15] FC3* [10:16] and my mp3 player [10:16] so... [10:16] Will the packages in Universe ever be newer that the packages from the default repository, thereby upgrading default packages? [10:16] :] [10:16] feugan3333, universe is a different repo [10:16] wow what ablast from the past [10:16] feugan3333: universe and multiverse are meant to supplement the packages from the main repos [10:16] there are no packages in universe that are in main [10:16] backports are meant to contain different versions, but YMMV [10:17] so there is no danger of replacing packages? [10:17] no [10:17] Your Mileage May Vary [10:17] things can break, be careful if you decide to use backports [10:17] Razor-X: i finished the update job, but i still can't find xchm? [10:17] feugan3333, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components/document_view === Fulg [mitza@49.Red-81-34-40.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] thanks [10:17] 500 OOPS: cap_set_proc [10:17] Chinman: well, you added multiverse and universe... right? [10:17] 500 OOPS: cap_set_proc [10:17] vsftpd issue [10:18] Razor-X: right [10:18] anyone ?any ideea ? [10:18] Chinman: odd.... [10:18] xchm is there in my repos... but I have a huge sources.list [10:18] try the generic one above [10:19] http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 === djp [~david@dynamic-62-56-55-165.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:19] why cant someone just post thier sources.list file? [10:19] my own search returns: [10:19] i xchm - Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file viewer for X [10:19] not many people are ready for my sources.list ;) [10:19] Trackilizer, synaptic will do it all for you [10:19] i wont have to add anything? [10:20] with 67 lines, and only a handfull of comments, it's cryptic at best [10:20] yes [10:20] cool! [10:20] or you can use what I pasted above [10:20] http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 [10:20] ill try as soon as i get home [10:20] i really want VLC but it doesnt seem to want to work === anatole [~anatole@a84-0-161-38.adsl-pool.axelero.hu] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] Razor-X can u help me ? [10:20] Fulg: shoot === Invis [~invis@clients-217-17-89-157.mikrovisata.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] Fulg> 500 OOPS: cap_set_proc [10:20] vsftpd issue [10:21] hello everyone [10:21] ahhh [10:21] not sure,s orry [10:21] could it be the kernel ? [10:21] possibly... possibly [10:21] Razor-X: how to modify the sources.list? === user1 [~user1@] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] gedit etc/usr/sources.list === GoodSpeed [barlas@] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] Chinman: open it up in your favorite text editor with root privileges [10:22] like gedit, or vi ;) === peterretief [~peterreti@] has joined #ubuntu === koke [~koke@dsl-roigw1l33.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] anyways, it's time I leave for the night [10:24] night all === telemaco [~telemaco@239.Red-81-38-244.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === golanz [~golan@] has joined #ubuntu === GhostFreeman [~HP_Owner@24-151-221-249.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:25] <[Spooky] > can i force umount a cdrom ? [10:25] I have some exotic device connected to parallel port. It is printer argox amigo series:a100, a200, a300. I cant make it work in any way, cups wont work, printcap makes no sense. Tried with generic and raw, still no help. I can connect printer to usb or parallel port, forgot to mention its barcode printer. Anyway, tried doing this: "dd if=barcode.txt of=/dev/lpt" from lpt, lpr and lp0-8. Didn't worked out. Tried sending "cat barcode.txt" === b_e_n_z [~Mercedes@pcd317021.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu === item0 [~tang@] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] [Spooky] : umount /dev/drive === black-whisp [~black@] has joined #ubuntu === barlas [barlas@] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] <[Spooky] > axis_zombocom: dosent work [10:27] [Spooky] : sudo eject? [10:27] [Spooky] , : what's the error [10:27] <[Spooky] > "device busy" [10:27] Where do source packages install? eg I'm looking for the source code for telnetd which I installed with: "apt-get source telnetd" [10:27] [Spooky] , are you in the root terminal [10:27] or just regular terminal [10:27] feugan3333: in the current directory [10:28] <[Spooky] > axis_zombocom: yes [10:28] <[Spooky] > root trem [10:28] <[Spooky] > *term === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-18-97.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] hyphenated: lol, I'm an idiot === nxv_ [~nxv_@dsl-084-056-096-194.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] feugan3333: then I guess I was too, the first time I used apt-get source [10:29] [Spooky] : umount -r /dev/dev [10:29] [Spooky] , : what's your drives name [10:29] hd what [10:30] I didn't ask where it installed to, but I looked in /usr/src and so on for a while :-) [10:30] [Spooky] : dmesg|grep CD [10:30] thanks === Valandil [~chrys@dsl-084-056-127-161.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu [10:31] feugan3333, you could also "sudo updatedb" then "locate " [10:31] updatedb updates your file list index [10:31] and locate searches through it [10:31] better then find [10:31] <[Spooky] > axis_zombocom: didnt get anything on dmesg thing... [10:31] yes, I was using find but it was taking very long. [10:31] [Spooky] , Are you sure linux mounted them in the first place? === fgr [~fgr@host198-200.pool8534.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === Amaranth [~travis@amaranth.user] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] <[Spooky] > axis_zombocom: yes i have copied some files... [10:32] what is a file with a dsc extention? [10:32] <[Spooky] > and i have the cd icon on the desktop... [10:33] [Spooky] : type "mount -l" [10:33] list your drives [10:33] lists your mounted drives ;-) === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] [Spooky] : do you see anything with "CD" in it [10:34] feugan3333: dsc files - a quick google found me this http://nixdoc.net/man-pages/Linux/man8/dpkg-scansources.8.html [10:34] hello, i have utf-8 in x-chat and im using hoary with en_US.UTF-8 as locale. i can't see correctly + (plus) in xchat. where's the mistake? [10:34] <[Spooky] > axis_zombocom: "/dev/hdd on /media/cdrom0 type iso9660 (ro)" ? [10:34] + that should be a plus sign [10:34] <[Spooky] > should i use umount -r /dev/hdd ? [10:34] [Spooky] , : try "umount -r /dev/hdd" [10:35] Madpilot, can't see plus [10:35] yepo [10:35] + [10:35] [Spooky] good call [10:35] [Spooky] , try that === GoodSpeed [~barlas@] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] <[Spooky] > hm just getting the device is busy... === emuzesto [~einar@ti521110a080-8821.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] [Spooky] , "umount -f /dev/hdd" [10:35] fgr: I saw the plus sign you posted. three of them: + + + [10:36] you can always type "man umount" to get the help files [10:36] man axis_zombocom: same :( === atlas95 [~cyril@] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] [Spooky] : umount -l /dev/hdd [10:37] thanks Madpilot [10:37] have you tried pressing the button on the cd drive [10:37] hehe === joshoa__ [~joshoa@i5387406E.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] <[Spooky] > axis_zombocom: yeah that worked... dunno why it gets stuked like that... [10:38] hoy [10:38] spooky [10:39] type === memorial [~memorial@N499P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] <[Spooky] > axis_zombocom: thanks btw :) [10:39] hdparm /dev/hdd [10:39] np [10:39] does it say 16 bit i/o [10:39] if you want to take it a step further === memorial [~memorial@N499P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] <[Spooky] > 32-bit [10:39] if nothing works press ctrl - alt - del [10:39] add "hdparm -d1c1 /dev/hdd" to the end of the file "/etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh [10:39] [Spooky] : ok you're good to go [10:40] [Spooky] , : no worries [10:40] <[Spooky] > ok :) === memorial [~memorial@N499P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] [Spooky] : if it gets stuck, it should just eject with the button, my comp does that too.. it isn't an LG by chance, is it? [10:40] <[Spooky] > nope a Nec [10:40] lg burner or MSI motherboard? [10:40] coo === herrrrrrrrrr [~memorial@N499P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] Madpilot, really can't see any plus i typed. i have en_us.UTF-8 and an italian keyboard. maybe i can't use keyboard setting that differs from locale? === memorial [~memorial@N499P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu === epiloc [~blake@ip68-1-232-116.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === ^rob^ [~daci@] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] <^rob^> hi [10:44] hi [10:44] <^rob^> i have a Damn big problem - just upgraded as ubuntu say - even the kernel - now - i can't see my hda or cdrom - just sata disk - any clue what to do? [10:44] im too noob [10:44] <^rob^> 2.6.10-5-386 [10:45] thats what im running === rob^ [~rob@rob-ubuntu.student.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu === Delgul_at_work [~gerard@delgul.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === atlas95 [~cyril@] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] <^rob^> epiloc: can you pls do a lsmod |grep ide? === janga [~janga@dsl-084-056-114-139.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] <^rob^> and dump the result to private [10:47] im running kubuntu [10:47] <^rob^> np [10:47] still want me to run lsmod? [10:47] <^rob^> do you have sata? [10:47] <^rob^> yes [10:47] <^rob^> please [10:47] is there a player likes xmms in ubuntu? === ubuntu [~ubuntu@ip51cdebe6.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Sponge_ [~Sponge@pc-183-143-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] yes [10:47] xmms [10:47] <^rob^> do you have cdrom - no? and ide hdd [10:47] Question: Is there any way to fix the font problems caused by installing kde appz into gnome? === slak [~h3h@slak.user] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] Trackilizer: i can't find xmms. [10:48] <^rob^> it seems that my kernel does not load ide modules if sata is fount [10:48] sdf [10:48] several laptops have integrated intel wireless mini pccards with an external wlan switch, how can i query it's status on or off? [10:48] (Even nerolinux looks horrible on gnome) [10:48] Chinman, use synaptic [10:48] HI NIGGERS! WHATS UP YOU LITTLE WADDYMELON CHASIN JIGABOOS [10:48] WHO WANTS TO PLAY FETCH THE BUCKET OF POPEYES CHICKEN WITH ME!? === slak throws it [10:48] HI NIGGERS! [10:48] GO FETCH NIGGERS [10:48] WTF?!?!?! [10:48] !ops [10:48] Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia! [10:49] slak: No man... I'm not in mood today... :P [10:49] go away go racist pig [10:49] hi === mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ === slak was kicked off #ubuntu by Amaranth (Amaranth) === slak [~h3h@slak.user] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] Please stop. [10:49] --- You have been kicked from #ubuntu by Amaranth (Amaranth) [10:49] Amarnath: thankx === Sponge_ claps Amaranth... [10:49] WEW [10:49] That was the fastest kick I've ever seen (since ChanServ gave +o to Amaranth) [10:50] :D [10:50] /mode #ubuntu +q *!*@slak.user [10:50] err [10:50] BAN ME YOU FUCKING VELCRO HEAD, BAN ME BEFORE I TAKE AWAY YOUR READING PRIVILAGES SPEAR CHUCKER === mode/#ubuntu [+q *!*@slak.user] by Amaranth [10:50] that's a damn useful ubotu command: !ops [10:50] Consider it done. [10:50] please... his begging a +b... pleeesee mister operator! [10:50] +q is better [10:51] not sure why these people get into IRC [10:51] what's the diff btwn +q and +b? === nebular [~nebular@Toronto-HSE-ppp3704225.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] Okay, I got a font problem with kpdf, K3b and Nerolinux under gnome. What can I do to fix that? [10:52] Madpilot: I guess is the letter... jajaja :D [10:52] +q means they can be here but can't talk === troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] Hey mister operator --- that means that I'm able to say to him everything I ever wanted... ? O-O [10:53] Sponge_: Only if you want +q as well. :) [10:53] Like... die you son of... :P [10:53] and +b is outright banning? [10:53] Yep. [10:53] Amaranth: But... mister operator.... you've no sense of humor :P [10:53] i want a soft which can translate the english to chinese and the chinese to english. [10:54] lot of people do :) === seb128_ [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-41-116.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] have you looked at bablefish? === Madeye [~Jad@] has joined #Ubuntu === Ghetek [~administr@c-24-7-51-170.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] is there an mp3 player that works in the console? [10:54] bablefish is really handy [10:54] an mp3player that doesnt use x? === david [~redactech@] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] Ghetek: mpg123? [10:55] uuuu.... What can I do to solve font problems??? === xota [~neoworld@81.Red-81-33-31.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === yuacht [~zth@] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] Nerolinux looks "functional" (I don't wanna say "horrible"... ) === xota saluda! [10:56] xota: Where are you from? === Proteque_ [~gjorans@dsl236-106.adsl.no] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] Amaranth: dling now [10:56] <^rob^> Sponge_: Nerolinux sux [10:56] <^rob^> :) === slak [~h3h@slak.user] has left #ubuntu [] [10:57] which one i should use, nerolinux or k3b? [10:57] ^rob^: But is far more functional than cdrecord... === mode/#ubuntu [-q *!*@slak.user] by Amaranth === atlas95 [~cyril@] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] anacron: K3b is quite cool... === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@slak.user] by Amaranth [10:57] anacron, k3b, because it is free [10:57] anacron: nerolinux is closed source, however... that little proggy only does what it has to do: BURN! [10:58] k3b is still in testing [10:58] <[Spooky] > i love k3b... [10:58] I gotta say that I see a bright future for gnomebaker... [10:58] read that somewhere in a blog [10:58] Sponge_, i'm from spain, excuse the "saluda" ;) [10:58] xota: Yo soy de chile, as que saludos de estos lados del planeta :P -- por eso te pregunte :D [10:58] so k3b it is, what is gnomebaker? [10:59] anacron: Gnomebaker is the simplest proggy for cd/dvd burning I've ever seen. Is ugly, but quite functional. [11:00] Sponge_: you've never used k3b have you [11:00] <^rob^> Sponge_: use k3b [11:00] anacron: If you want it, get it from gnomebaker.sf.net... grab the source and compile it yourself (I havent seen the binaries around T-T) === byxtha001 [~byxtha001@pc18.tsl.uct.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] helooooooo [11:00] you can install it with apt-get [11:00] Sponge_: Gnomebaker is in Ubuntu's repos, no need to compile! === Ghetek [~administr@c-24-7-51-170.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:00] you dont have to compile the whole thing yourself [11:01] othernoob: YES... I've used it!!! --- uuu. It's my favorite proggy in case of computer collapse! (knoppix!) [11:01] Trackilizer: :) [11:01] the only real way to burn is cli cdrdao [11:01] Madpilot: You mean gnomebaker 0.4 is out? === SnakeBite [~SnakeBite@] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] Sponge_: the repos version is 0.3 [11:02] gnomebaker sound's small, maybe i'll try that before k3b === thisfred [~thisfred@a80-127-80-154.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === randabis [~randabis@ppp-70-246-84-255.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] anacron: Are you using ubuntu? --- Because if you're a gnome user, you will have to download a lot of additional libraries in order to make k3b run... (it's a kde app!) [11:03] anacron: that's why I don't like it. [11:03] again you can use synaptic for that === hondje uses nautilus's cd burner thing [11:04] it will dload all the other l [11:04] drag and drop, easy enough that even I can use it === ^rob^ [~daci@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:04] 15/07/2005 Gnomebaker 0.4 is out. Get it here. Sorry it's been so long coming. :-) === tapia [~tapia@163.Red-80-25-218.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] hi [11:04] Sponge_: sure i am ubuntu user, why i would be here if i wouldn't be [11:04] hondje: I don't think nautilus will burn ISOs, though [11:04] anacron: because kubuntu users come here too :-) [11:05] anacron: T-T Sorry... stupid question... stupid user... stupid windoze... [11:05] I have some problems with my ibook keyboard. I can't configure xorg to use the apple key as AltGr. It worked till one week or so. Then some update broke it. [11:05] any help, please? [11:05] Sponge_: Synaptic takes care of all the dependencies. I've got K3b on this (gnome) machine [11:05] hyphenated: that's true, but basicly that's same as ubuntu user [11:05] Madpilot: you mean make them, or burn them? [11:05] hondje: burn ISOs. will Nautilus? [11:05] because to burn an ISO in gnome, you just have to right click on it and pick the burning option [11:05] indeed === tenshiKur0 [~tenshiKur@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] anacron: apart from the fact that they'll have all the libraries required for k3b already installed. which was Sponge_'s point, I think [11:06] hondje: heh. nvrmnd... [11:06] Madpilot: That's right, If you have a big hard disk! :P [11:06] :) [11:06] Madpilot: And a fast internet connection (not my case :( ) === mumbles [~mumbles@cpc1-bror1-6-0-cust90.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] Sponge_: HDD are down to less than $1/Gb now... [11:06] hyphenated: well anyway, i am ubuntu user :) [11:07] Madpilot: But I live in the very end of the world! --- here PC's hardware is quite expensive!! T-T [11:07] Sponge_: where do you live? [11:07] where is the end of world? [11:07] some say america :p [11:07] othernoob: I live in .cl [11:07] dot-what? === helloyo [~alex@c220-239-14-166.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] .CL [11:07] :D [11:08] Sponge_: you live in an internet doman? ;) [11:08] chile hondje [11:08] can anyone help me with beagle? "** ERROR **: file class.c: line 2119 (mono_class_setup_parent): should not be reached" [11:08] othernoob: I just looked it up, should have been lazy and waited :) [11:08] i'll check where is that with google earth :D [11:08] Madpilot: Yeah, and I just moved to a new server :P --- It has slackware installed :D [11:08] anacron: Chile [11:08] Madpilot: A very beautiful server farm ! [11:08] I saw it on a map once === DJ_Mirage [~djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] how to install a .deb file? === helloyo [~alex@c220-239-14-166.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:09] Chinman: dpkg -i "foo" [11:09] Chinman: sudo dpkg -i xyz.deb [11:09] Madpilot: well if you say chile, i know it's "there", but i'd like to see where it really is [11:09] Chinman: (as superuser) === cmatheson [~cmatheson@65-100-192-36.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu === user1 [~user1@] has joined #ubuntu === snowblink [~snowblink@wind.snowblink.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === helloyo [~alex@c220-239-14-166.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] anacron: you didn't have geography in school? [11:09] anacron: Well... next to Argentina :) [11:10] on the other side of the andes [11:10] can anyone help me with beagle? "** ERROR **: file class.c: line 2119 (mono_class_setup_parent): should not be reached" === Sam3773 [~Sam3773@host86-135-41-2.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === jpaixao [~jpaixao@a83-132-228-8.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] othernoob: Planet Earth, South America, Chile, Temuco (is the city)... [11:10] othernoob: yes but i didn't listen [11:10] anacron: somewhere in the middle of some water, that's where chile is :p [11:10] you know what's fun to say to south americans? "You speak mexican, down there, right?" === ^_aQa_^ [~aQa@208.Red-83-46-201.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] othernoob: well i already know, google earth shows me :D [11:11] T-T [11:11] hondje: i don't get the joke.. === atlas95 [~cyril@] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] Well, this chilean guy has to leave. Current "chilean time" is 5:12 am... and I need to sleep. I have to keep myself away from my computer. Ubuntu is addictive. [11:12] Sponge_: g'night === inemo [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] i think it's irc which is addictive :D === Tirno [~dyke@vpn-epfl-a048.epfl.ch] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] bye bye from the other side of the world to all those people who can get a hdd for a $1/gb!! :'( === bean [~bean@] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] othernoob: It's not a joke, it's just fun to say, because people will easily believe you're that dumb [11:13] Hey all! Just installed Ubuntu on my PC and when i boot up it says it cant load X Server, in the detailed reason it says something about no screen configuration [11:13] Hi. Does the FHS define a place for permanent mounts? e.g. a big second disk [11:13] good night, Sponge_ [11:13] hondje: i...see..eh.. === hondje is a troll [11:13] indeed :p === AlohaWulf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-121-123.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] Sam3773: You'll want to run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' [11:13] CU === daves [~daves@] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] damn your fast hondje :D [11:14] :) [11:14] Cheers :) [11:14] do you use your feet as well when you type?, or is my irc laggy === user1 [~user1@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:14] I have three arms [11:14] okay === pedromengual_ [~pedromeng@249.Red-83-45-135.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === ColonelKernel [ishai@24-205-124-191.bb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] amm, where's the third one located? [11:15] anacron: are you sure you want to ask? :) [11:15] lol [11:15] While im here.. Whats the Ubuntu default root password? Didnt give me the option to set one in the install [11:15] see ya later pll [11:15] bye [11:15] im not sure :D [11:16] well that seemed to work out rather well === Seveas [~seveas@ksl403-uva-132.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] Sam3773, wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo === Trackilizer [~sdfhgdshg@p54AE5175.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:16] Sam3773: none, you use sudo for everything :) [11:16] hi folks, [11:16] I changed some of the standard system feature settings and now things are running kinda fast [11:16] Ah cheers :D Well, brb then, hopefully on Ubuntu [11:16] lets try 3d === psf [~psf@] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] oh, I found a minor bug in nautilus, yay === Medrakil [~medrakil@swarm.idi.ntnu.no] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] hurray [11:17] hondje, what sort of bug? [11:17] hmm a lil choppy on 3d [11:17] i personally would be happier if there wouldn't be any errors [11:17] a real minor one === mroth [~mroth@mroth.user] has left #ubuntu ["Do] [11:17] if you drag and emblem to the desktop, the reset button doesn't put it back [11:18] er, I mean a patter [11:18] n [11:18] just installed warty, and hope someone can help with things I wish to do [11:18] "sorry we help only with hoary" [11:18] :D [11:19] Hi people. I'm having trouble with my internet connexion. I can usually access all urls. But when I'm at school, I'm behind a vpn (using vpnc). and I can no longer access certain websites. There is no problem when I'm under windows and using the official vpn-client (cisco's I think) is this a problem with vpnc? [11:19] how do you setup a downloaded area of debs for synaptic to use ? === Belutz [~Belutz@] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] yeah, 3d is kinda choppy [11:20] hai all [11:20] can anyone point me to a IRC for warty ? [11:20] how do i open .vsd file in ubuntu? [11:20] daves: you add 'repositories', either in synaptic or in /etc/apt/sources.list [11:20] install hoary!!! === Kaloz [~kaloz@arrakis.dune.hu] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] why? Isn't warty supposed to be supported for 18 months? [11:21] daves, we can help you with warty, but there isn;t much reason not to upgrade to hoary [11:22] hondje ya can do that but need to create a packages.gz === inemo [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has left #ubuntu [] [11:22] how can i configure my no-ip tool, if i download it with apt-get? [11:23] what i have done is to d/l OOo 1.9 snapshot to try and use synaptic to install the app. [11:23] oooh [11:23] synaptic can't do that [11:23] is it a .deb file? [11:23] or the tarball? === hno73 [~henrik@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] Burgundavia ya using 56k modem so am using warty as a test bed [11:24] tarball == .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tgz, or some reasonably close varient [11:25] anyone know about gnome theme details === sam_ [sam@eor.nuqe.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] hondje tarball (think it's rpm too inside) anyways did do a conversion with an older snapshot - all fine but got hit with the packages issue [11:26] amusing Linux-adopter story, from one of the online forums I frequent. this guy installs Linux, then goes to M$ to find a Linux version of IE6... ouch === bladesE [~ryan@] has joined #ubuntu === dragan [~dragan@124.Red-83-39-124.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=94318 <-- forum thread there, if anyone needs a giggle. "BBurger" is me... === martink [~martin@p54B38B5C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] hondje did manage to create "a" pakages.gz then went into synaptic and entered the following lines === Shorty` [~shorty@shorty.arach.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] !visio [11:27] Bugger all, i dunno, Belutz [11:27] url = files:/home dir for debs [11:27] description = downloads [11:27] !vsd [11:27] Wish i knew, Belutz === ^rob^ [~daci@] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] daves: you just want to install OpenOffice 2 beta, right? [11:28] service = hard drive [11:28] <^rob^> how can i make lilo load piix before sata drivers? [11:28] but it crocked on me === ColonelKernel [ishai@24-205-124-191.bb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu === aatim_ [~aatim@] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] othernoob Yup that's right [11:29] ok so 16 is better than 32 [11:29] daves: if you downloaded the .debs, why not dpkg -i them? Are you trying to run your own repository? [11:30] now I still need some help keeping some modules from loading up with hotplug, I listed some in /etc/hotplug/blacklist but they are still loading when I boot [11:31] to be honest I dont like hotplug [11:31] i'd be happy just to remove it [11:31] sorta yes im new to Debian === compubomb [house@compubomb.user] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] daves: http://ftp.linux.cz/pub/localization/OpenOffice.org/devel/680/ download 106, extract it to a directory, remove the testtool.deb (it's useless anyway, and will prevent you from installing) [11:32] i have a question, i setup ubuntu and it didn't ask me for a root password [11:32] !sudo [11:32] hmm... sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo [11:32] how the hell do i get to root ? [11:32] daves: then cd to that directory in a terminal and type sudo dpkg -i *.deb [11:32] daves: to get the debs installed, just run 'sudo dpkg -i ', setting up your own repository would take a little bit of reading [11:32] I was able to get rpms (Mandrake) create a repository and use the software manager to install 'em [11:32] compubomb, use the link that ubuntu gave === MidNightRaVeN [~ravencorp@67-42-243-211.dnvr.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] <^rob^> can grub see lvm ? [11:32] you dont need a root acc compubomb, try do use sudo :D [11:33] daves: the precompiled debs later than 106 will cause problems [11:33] or not let you install at all [11:33] compubomb: ubuntu doesn't use the root account in the traditional way that most distros use it. Root actions are done with the sudo command [11:33] gnome 2.12 i going to kick ass [11:34] heh [11:34] 2.10 was supposed to also === orangerange [~hideseek@FLH1Abu021.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] I wasn'\\ [11:34] so if putting a module into /etc/hotplug/blacklist wont prevent it from loading - what else can I do? [11:34] is there a way to get an on-screen keyboard, with which to input letters via mouse? [11:34] heh stupid keyboard [11:34] I like 2.10, big improvements [11:34] You chappies are giving me the info i need :) [11:34] I am visiting the site now.... === funkyHat [~matt@cpc3-nthc3-3-1-cust65.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:35] also anyone had dealing with firestarter ? [11:35] daves: are you using gnome or kde? [11:35] yeah it's good, but I enjoy kde 3.4 more overall [11:35] i have used iptables directly but was a bit of a pain to get things going for a while === nxv__ [~nxv_@dsl-084-056-096-194.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === TiffOn [user@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:35] yeah ive got all sort of modules blacklisted and theyre still loading [11:35] im hurtin [11:36] does anybody know: How to get a virtual keyboard that appears on our monitor/display? [11:36] what are the modules doing to you, ColonelKernel ? Conflicts? [11:36] sucking up memory [11:37] getting on my nerves === ^rob^ [~daci@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:37] making lsmod too large [11:37] twisting up my intestines and constipating me [11:37] probably killing your kittens, too [11:37] what i want to do is to pin-hole the firewall for a P2P and have it so it is open while the app is connected to a server [11:37] back in a minute, need to check something in my IRC settings [11:37] yes [11:38] its making my cats fat and lazy and turning them into reefer junkies [11:38] those damn extra modules === Kamping_Kaiser [~kaiser@ppp208-157.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] evil modules indeed [11:38] so is there any way to get rid of them? I'd personally like to ditch hotplug altogether but i've been told this is impossible === Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] using gnome used to kde and this is a learning curve too === Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === trs81 [~trs8@narbalek.daa.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === ntoll [~ntoll@] has joined #ubuntu === tombs [~tombs@h141156.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === atlas95 [~cyril@] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] OK, cool. Opera IRC does have an auto-authenticate feature. Cool. [11:41] hi ppl === Whistler [tu10@82-135-244-53.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] how can i make sure gxmms loads with --with-bmp ? === mrverbose [~unknown@i538747B6.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:43] Hin, does ubuntu also come with icewm, or is there just gnome as desktop/wm? [11:44] what do i have to install to get shared services ? [11:44] yeah I was wrong bout the memory too, i guess they arent sucking up much memory at all === scorpio2002 [~Administr@host57-88.pool8261.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] mrverbose, icewm is in the repositores, so you can install and use it if you want [11:44] <[Spooky] > sshd isnt default in Ubuntu ? [11:45] no, it isn't [11:45] hi there! [11:45] I'm new to Ubuntu and I need help [11:45] scorpio2002: just ask === mantass [~Mantas@] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] [Spooky] : i don't think it is [11:46] can't complete the installatin, it gets stuck at "Configuring APT" at 50 %... :| [11:46] WinXp has an on-screen keyboard feature (perhaps for the visually handicapped/or those who can't use a real keyboard well). How about Ubuntu? Is there a virtual keyboard that shows up on the monitor/dispaly? [11:46] question, what package do i need to install shared-services from System->administration->shared folders [11:46] funkyHat, fine, just thought because there was an extra version of the install cd if you want kde. so i thought there was no other way of getting arround kde/gnome [11:47] because i cannot afford any of them, for my box is too slow and has low memory === heyko [~face@p54845F63.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === heyko_ [~face@p54845F63.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] I also started a topic in the official forum: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50124 === mantass [~Mantas@] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] I saw there are some work-arounds, but they don't let you complete the installation and you and up with a system missing packages [11:48] :| === loftus [~adam@cpc2-oxfd8-3-1-cust56.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] orangerange, gok [11:49] funkyHat, thank you! stay funky! [11:49] :D === djp [~david@dynamic-62-56-55-165.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === munki [~munki@port271.ds1-hj.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] np :D [11:49] nobody can help me? [11:49] :| [11:50] funkyHat, wow! it takes 30Megabytes????!!! is this correct? [11:50] um... i don't know [11:50] : [11:50] oh, it seems to have a lot of dependencies [11:50] :| === twilight [~twilight@host87-135.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] funkyhat, using commandline, how can you do the equivalent of a synaptic search? [11:52] apt-cache search foo [11:52] apt-cache search === tzuqris [~tzuqris@fl-71-49-106-212.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu === loftus_ [~adam@cpc2-oxfd8-3-1-cust56.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] memorial, funkyHat just wondering: why not apt-get search foo? === zwnj [~behnam@] has joined #ubuntu === albert_ [~albert@27.Red-80-32-88.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] because you are searching the cache :D === compubomb asked a stupid question the first time around, need to stop and read some stuff [11:54] apt-cache does no changes to the system [11:54] i gotta say guys... [11:54] i like ubuntu [11:54] i kinda have a dumb question... but i accidentally removed the Trash bin icon from my bottom panel and does anyone know who i can restore it? [11:55] um, i got gok. but when i run it, I get this error: ** ERROR **: Could not locate registry [11:55] yeaah tzuqris it`s the best ! [11:55] memorial: well...i still am quite fond of slack [11:55] tzuqris: me too, so far the desktop is very posh in terms of interoperability [11:55] MidNightRaVeN: you're in gnome? [11:55] Madpilot: yup =) [11:55] MidNightRaVeN: yea, rightclick add panel [11:55] MidNightRaVeN: OK. just right-click on your panel, Add Panel, find Trash [11:56] it does bother me that some of these packages happen to be extremely old... === Nomis_ [~nomis|@chello062178225065.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu [11:56] compubomb and Madpilot thx =D [11:56] MidNightRaVeN: after you add it, right-click on Trash & select Move to get it where you need it [11:56] I erased my Trash bin twice last night === user1 [~user1@] has joined #ubuntu [11:56] hit "Remove From Toolbar" istead of "Empty Trash" - restored - then did it again. *doh* [11:57] lol I was just messing with my panels and I did it... and then i thought i might be stuck without a trash bin for life ;-) === user1 [~user1@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:58] hmmmm... i can't seem to get it to move to the right side of my screen panels =/ it won't just move over [11:58] MidNightRaVeN, right click on the workspace switcher, click 'lock to panel' [11:59] then try again [11:59] funkyHat: sweet, thx! [11:59] alright guys...say i want gaim newer than 1.1.4....am i gonna have to build myself or is there a place with newer packages === highvoltage [~Jono@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:01] tzuqris, get the rpm from sourceforge and do alien -i *packagename* === cazabam [~cazabam@] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] tzuqris: i have gaim 1.4.0 but i don't see much of a difference === cazabam [~cazabam@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:01] "Lock To Panel" doesn't actually seem to work. You can still select Remove From Panel and it'll vanish... [12:01] tzuqris, get the autopackage from the gaim website. its very easy to install [12:01] :/ [12:01] tzuqris, do what he said :D [12:01] i will just build my own [12:02] Madpilot: lock only locks the applet position, you can still remove it [12:02] topyli: ah, OK, misunderstood the point of lock to panel! === nxv_ [~nxv_@dsl-084-056-096-194.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] back [12:05] well guys...i was only using gaim as an example === mumbles is now known as mumbles-work [12:05] time for work even [12:05] if i can not download more recent stuff then i would like to build my own packages === highvoltage [~Jono@] has joined #ubuntu === trs82 [trs8@narbalek.daa.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] tzuqris, there is a backports repository (which you can get from the unofficial ubuntu user guide site), but it's not recommended [12:06] Hi all. Is there any way to access a remote resource (windows share) from the file dialog of gnome apps? I have a lot of ogg files in a samba share but I can't find how to use them from Rhythmbox [12:07] how to unmount a device? [12:07] the umount command [12:07] Chinman: sudo umount -l /dev/hdX , X being c for example.. [12:08] or sudo umount -f .... [12:08] anybody use gok here? i installed it but got this error: ** ERROR **: Could not locate registry. What must i do? [12:09] albert_: map the Samba-share with Nautilus, and then you are able to add the contents from it to Rhythmbox-library === yifeng [~yifeng@mna75-1-81-57-39-40.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Pretoriano [~jlgs@62-14-92-186.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu === maddler [maddler@] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] is there a partition manager software in ubuntu? === user1 [~user1@] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] qparted ? [12:10] hola [12:10] Nomis_, you recommended that tzuqris gets gaim from gaim website. Is there no harm? if no harm, what's the use of having a ubuntu repository. and speaking about getting direct from website, i heard that OOo (1.1.x and a pseudo- 2.0) in repostiory are not very good. Is it okay to get the latest stable version from the OOo website? === user1 [~user1@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:10] off to sleep. good night/morning/day/whatever, everyone [12:11] ok, im following a simple tutorial on installing the fglrx drivers for my radeon... but im receiving an error after the command apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-386 xorg-driver-fglrx [12:11] orangerange: afaik, there are only rpms on the official OOo site. [12:11] albert_: to map the Samba-share, go to Places --> Connect to Server, and there Windows share... [12:11] no entiendo nada [12:11] orangerange: http://ftp.linux.cz/pub/localization/OpenOffice.org/devel/680/ --get 106 [12:11] Reading package lists... Done [12:12] Building dependency tree... Done [12:12] linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-386 is already the newest version. [12:12] E: Couldn't find package xorg-driver-fglrx === compubomb hates gnome terminal === ateves [Alex@e176105219.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] what a pile === Pretoriano [~jlgs@62-14-92-186.inversas.jazztel.es] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === derelictfrog [~ubuntu@220-253-100-54.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] eterm > gnome terminal [12:12] orangerange, the point of having an ubuntu repository is so those of us that are lazy don't have to do much work to keep up to date :P [12:12] is there any way to view installed packages without synaptic? [12:12] orangerange: the deb files of course ..they're in a tar.gz, extract that with Ark to a directory, delete the testtool.deb , then cd to the dir, sudo dpkg -i *.deb [12:12] Whistler: apt-get... [12:13] orangerange: do not get anything higher than 106, they will not install on ubuntu === Grid_block [~orhs@cm-] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] can any one help me to mount my sata raid 0? [12:13] othernoob, is it safe to get ooo from outside ubuntu repository? [12:13] hey all [12:13] orangerange: it's not only safe, it will actually work === feugan3333 [~pico@tpnnat.trispen.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:13] orangerange: unlike the OOo from the repos...which are outdated and broke [12:13] heh, i have OOo 2 beta working fine from the ubuntu repos [12:14] i still don' understand what's the point of having a limiited/confining repository , if it sounds like stuff outside the repo are okay to use, and, in this case, better. [12:14] orangerange: i'd rather not voice my opinion about that ;) [12:14] Whistler: sorry, 'apt-cache pkgnames --installed' is the command to list all installed packages. [12:14] on OOo site. the stable version (1.1.4) is in tar.gz format. [12:14] Ila-ri: I have the samba share mapped and it shows in the file dialog, but then rhythmbox doesn't import the files... 0 songs [12:15] othernoob, please do. [12:15] orangerange: naa, i'd get banned if i flamed ubuntu :p === theine_ [~theine@c229226.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] hahaha [12:15] orangerange: i will be building a few packages for myself [12:15] in case you are curious [12:15] ne one help me troublshoot mounting my raid0 drives? [12:16] othernoob, would you be banned if you said something not nice about ubuntu here? perhaps we can all learn from it, and maybe we can find out the truth of the matter . === [Spooky] [~spookan_7@h16n2fls308o968.telia.com] has joined #Ubuntu [12:17] <[Spooky] > i have a charmap issue with irssi, anyone knows how to enable ISO-8859-15 ? === QMario [~qmario@adsl-69-154-184-126.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu [12:17] orangerange: well, in all honesty, i find this distro to be quite poor, only hyped and well marketed, and of course, free-cd shipping helps its status as popular distro [12:17] i think it's really annoying that they don't keep the repos up to date with stuff like firefox and OOo, when the new versions are better (and, in the case of firefox, you have to hack your user-agent string to use the mozilla extensions site) [12:17] Is it possible to scan using an HP PSC 2410? [12:18] i think it's a good distro, it could just do with keeping more up to date ;) [12:18] With XSANE. [12:18] othernoob, I i wanted your opinion on ubuntu's repository === yuacht [~zth@] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] othernoob, it sounded like you thought ubuntu's repository was useless. === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host106-112.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] I tried downloading the 'hpoj' driver, and running the setup, but the it says that it failed to communicate with the device. Can anyone tell me what the problem is? [12:19] albert_: hmm, for me, it works all right. [12:19] orangerange: well.. the entire concept of backporting is idiotic, the only repos which will be updated are the security repos.. no maintainence of the others even though the hoary is still the latest version [12:19] albert_: are you able to browse the samba-share with nautilus? [12:19] don't all distros have the equivalent of repos? [12:20] This site says that scanning works with this printer, but it doesn't. http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-PSC_2400 [12:20] no [12:20] Ila-ri: yes, I can browse, copy and write in the samba-share [12:20] so no one knows nething about mounting raid0 [12:21] Ila-ri, if I copy the files on my desktop, everything works perfectly [12:21] weird... sorry I can't help anymore. === lambert [~lambert@d80-170-46-154.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] Ila-ri: thanks! [12:22] so other distros that don't use repositories, where do the users get their stuff? === redtech [~redtech@adsl-69-104-17-186.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] derelictfrog, don't you just mount it in the same way as a normal drive? [12:23] Can anyone tell me what is wrong? [12:23] Has anyone ever experienced this problem before? === Garathor [~Unknownn@] has joined #Ubuntu === HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.114.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu === deblianoid [silent82@] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] Is anyone still here? [12:26] so can i get people's adivice here. Is it okay to get openoffice from outside official ubuntu repository? === docnova [~docnova@24-158-106-158.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] yes, it looks like no-one knows how to help you [12:26] orangerange: yes it is [12:26] orangerange, yes [12:26] orangerange: you're not confined to the repos. you can do what you want. [12:26] brb [12:27] what in the world is the use for the repos then? [12:27] orangerange: easier access to precompiled stuff for newbies [12:27] does anyone use internet explorer under wine? === nxv_ [~nxv_@dsl-084-056-096-194.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] deblianoid: BLASPHEMY! [12:28] deblianoid, what is wrong with you!? === marcin [~marcin@www.e-dev.tele2.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] omg [12:28] I just need to access Internet trough applications under wine [12:29] debianoid: err why when you have firefox, then why not use firefox, it's safer [12:30] he just explained why ^ [12:30] are trough applications activeX? [12:30] funkyHat, no === Rawplayer [kevin@ipc111e1d2.oom-killer.org] has left #ubuntu [] [12:30] how do I benchmark my new kernel? [12:30] what are they then? [12:31] funkyHat, I have IE6sp1 installed [12:31] I need to test my sites under IE === yoz [~yoz@] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] but I don't want to use another cp with Winsux [12:31] *cp = pc === makatol [~makatol@] has joined #ubuntu === QMario [~qmario@adsl-69-154-184-126.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #Ubuntu [] [12:32] ive been on ubuntu a week now and i dont even wanna touch windows ever again [12:32] me too [12:32] =] === ^rob^ [~daci@] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] <^rob^> hello [12:33] ive got every thing working but dual monitors and my system sound [12:33] docnova, i hear ya === traveller [~kenneth@220-245-129-11.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] docnova, what kind of sound card === hettar [~hettar@ppp116-231.lns1.bne3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] nvidia nforce 2 integrated [12:34] i know nothing about them, sorry. === lambert [~lambert@d80-170-46-154.cust.tele2.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:34] it works on movies and mp3's and everything [12:34] even in gaim and flash === qpid [~dfgdfgdfg@a81-14-181-117.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu === {Seb} [~{Seb}@i-195-137-120-148.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] Is there a gnome app anything like amarok on kubuntu ? [12:34] just now on the system clicks and stuff [12:34] <{Seb}> does anyone know what subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 means? [12:34] selamlar.. [12:34] <{Seb}> hattar: RhythmBox? === Prof_Frink [~Alan@tnt-2-91.easynet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] {Seb}: most like the the postinstall script is missing the exit 0 at the end [12:35] <^rob^> i have a problem and partially i have fix it - sata->ide - I upgraded the kernel - my sys is on sata disk, my ide is not seen any more (cd and second hdd) - if i do manually unload piix and load sata_piix and ide_generic, ide_disk, ide_cd - all works ok - I tryed remaking the initrd - but on next reboot i have the same thing - doing manually all the load-unload part - what to do? - can somebody help??? [12:35] {Seb}: From what I saw Rhythmbox didn't have anywhere near as many features [12:38] is it safe to umount swap and /home while logged in? [12:38] {Seb}: Have a look at the script /var/lib/dpkg/info/.postinst and make shure it has an exit 0 right at the end [12:38] <{Seb}> hattar: got it thanks === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host106-112.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === bimberi [~bimberi@ppp-43-122.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] :D === chase [~Chase@stuartma.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === herzi [~herzi@d044198.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu === Virtuall [~virtuall@] has joined #ubuntu === Corical [~corical@] has joined #ubuntu === didymo [~ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] ne one help me mount a raid0 setup? === Kamping_Kaise1 [~kaiser@ppp208-157.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] thanks for the help folks, othernoob esp. === Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === orangerange [~hideseek@FLH1Abu021.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] ? === wHisKy [vampyre@m130.net81-67-104.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu === ^rob^ [~daci@] has left #ubuntu [] === maradong [~bhentges@vodsl-3888.vo.lu] has joined #ubuntu === StarScream [~am@] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] using galeon, how can i make the keyboard binding "backspace" for the "go back" command? === lolo__ [~lolo@au213-1-82-235-204-54.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] plop :) === athlon [~athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu === davi1 [~redactech@] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] moanin' all === davi1 [~redactech@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:49] hi. iam using an epson stylus color 740 printer under ubuntu hoary. however if i try to print using the gimp-print drivers (which are apparantly meant to be the best according to www.linuxprinting.org) the quality is very faded. does anyone know if this is a correctable problem? === killapop [~allan@] has joined #ubuntu [12:49] when you set up the printer, what driver was listed as "recommended"? [12:49] and did you try epson's own drivers? [12:50] but yes, there should be a way to change the contrast/gamma, etc. [12:50] im trying to connect the net with eciadsl, i'v install the .deb file for debian/ubuntu and after configuring and trying to eciadsl-start it goes error that some .bins files are missing [12:50] try checking the printer settingsss [12:50] well I've got it working [12:50] anyone here use knode === azol [artem@] has joined #ubuntu === Chinman [~chinman@] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] ? [12:50] sphincter: stcolor [12:51] sphincter: that was the recommended driver, however it always manages to leave a small part of the bottom of the page off, even if i mess around with page settings etc [12:52] sphincter: is the epson driver the stc740ih.upp? [12:52] not sure, but i heard that epson released a set of drivers for most of their printers. [12:52] I'm wanting to make a webpage that simply is a page containing annotated bookmarks. What is the best no-cost online service for this? [12:53] deblianoid: you have the gimp-print driver working? [12:53] you'd have to get them from their site though, most likely [12:53] if you are a galeon user, please say hi to me. [12:53] not sure if they're gpl or not [12:53] sphincter: thanks for your advice [12:53] < hp guy ;) === deblianoid [silent82@] has left #ubuntu ["(Read] === selinium [~selinium@82-69-69-151.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] is there a no-cost website that has no or very minimal and unintrusive ads? (Somethning like blogspot.com when it comes to blog services: blogspot is free and there are no ads). Thanks people. [12:55] hmmmm... no knode users? [12:55] orange, i run my own domain, so... [12:55] if you're happy and you use galeon, say hello. === zeedo [~zeedo@www.reboot-robot.net] has joined #ubuntu === Alessio [~chatzilla@randaold.abanet.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] sphincter, i see. I know that geocities has free service but they put ads on their site. I want a very clean and simple look for a website. any suggestions? [12:58] orangerange, www.memebot.com [12:58] ne one help mount raid0? [12:58] funkyHat, thanks. will look into it now. 8-) [12:58] orangerange: I use http://www.freezope.org - using them would require a small journey up the zope learning curve === epiloc [~blake@ip68-1-232-116.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === okeanos [~okeanos@rulerbude.wh-hauff.uni-ulm.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] ... but a rewarding journey :) [01:00] bimberi, thank you! I just need maybe 2 or 3 pages for a website containing hyperlinks to websites and my comments about these websites. And, also, I'd like to be able to receive feedback from the people who view this simple website. [01:01] orangerange: well zope is an ideal way to do it. You can edit your page(s) by simply adding /manage to their URLs (and authenticating) [01:01] funkyHat, i'm signing up with memebot.com now. Looks nice! [01:01] bimberi, when you mentioned learning curve, i got scared. I didn't want to delve into html or any coding. [01:01] YES! === nxv_ [~nxv_@dsl-084-056-096-194.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === flipy [~flipy@62-14-221-120.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] Is there a crystal-reports-like tool that works for postgres and mysql under linux? === zeedo [~zeedo@www.reboot-robot.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] how can I benchmark my system? [01:02] funkyHat, with memebot around, why would anyone choose geocities or one of those websites-services? 8-) [01:02] ColonelKernel, benchmark what about it? [01:03] benchamrk wat video or ram or cpu? [01:03] queuetue, its "power" [01:03] orangerange, because no-one has heard of it, and hopefully they won't, i don't want them to stop their service or start charging ;) [01:03] orangerange: fair enough - and I'm having a look at membot now myself :) [01:03] so far my custom kernel runs pretty nicely [01:03] ColonelKernel, Get a meter from home depot? === DagaZ [~rolle@h34n1fls35o858.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] lol [01:04] how can i reboot my bitblee service? and how to configure no-ip tool? anyone === cmihai [~cmihai@cmihai.user] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] wow - how incredibly helpful queuetue [01:04] What's this "Ubuntu has support for LDFLAGS" and Debian does not supposed to mean? [01:04] ColonelKernel, If you want to tell us what you want to benchmark, then I'll get more useful. :) [01:05] raw computing power I guess. [01:05] ColonelKernel, There is no such thing, but if you isist, then grep for "bogomips" in dmesg. === marcus__ [~marcus@] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] Your "bogomips" value is all you need to compare "raw computing power." [01:06] yo trying to download mplayer but having some problems === e-spy [~metod@tech.spijon.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] what does this mean? Package autoconf is not available, but is referred to by another package. [01:06] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [01:06] is only available from another source [01:06] E: Package autoconf has no installation candidate [01:07] yeah, im talking about some kinda heavynumber crunching app === SunTzuTech [~bent@cltea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] I think ill install cedega and see is sisoft sandra works on it [01:07] funkyHat, Then I must say thanks, for sharing this valuable secret with me. TY TY TY 8-) 8-) 8-) === user00265 [dragon@] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] how can I force to uninstall a package without all the ncurses stuff? [01:07] I dont think it will === user00265 is now known as Xatu [01:07] orangerange, are you using the oddmuse wiki? === theine [~theine@c157223.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] ColonelKernel, Why do I have ther feeling you're looking to stick racing stripes, ground light kit and a 'nitrous tank' on your computer? [01:08] funkyHat, what's that? a memebot service? If so, i'm still registering! I'm slow, because I have the typing break applet running; it forces me off the PC every so often. === Douwd [daniel@douwd.user] has joined #Ubuntu === mrverbose [~unknown@i538747B6.versanet.de] has left #ubuntu ["verbosity-level=0"] [01:09] orangerange, yes it's a wiki that memebot will automate the installation of for you [01:10] funkyHat, it will install something on my computer? [01:10] no === DragonFly [vampyre@m130.net81-67-104.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] phew. === tombs [~tombs@h141156.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] funkyHat, i can't believe they require our phone number! is this for real? [01:11] if I have a source dir for cedega, how can I make a deb package out of it? === lkn [~shufla@aev134.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] hello :) [01:12] when you finish registering, your account will just be empty, you can ftp up html files if you want to do that. but memebot also has some built in features that you can set up quite easily from the administration page (blog, wiki) [01:12] orangerange, i didn't remember that, just put a fake one in if you're worried. they don't phone you anyway [01:12] is there a good way I can measure the graphics performance of my system? That way I can see if it pays off to upgrade to the naitive ati driver (for my 8500LE) or not [01:12] is it a required field? [01:12] funkyHat, gotcha. is there some WYSIWYG html/webpage editor for ubuntu? something like MS FrontPage, I guess? === lkn is now known as Shufla [01:13] a webpage editor that does'nt have to be too complicated. just a simple one. [01:13] orangerange, absolutely...there is kile and latex2html [01:13] bojangles, and the patents have long since expired [01:14] bojangles, it just takes a long time to learn how to use it...it is not user friendly === ateves [Alex@e176122073.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === poningru [~poningru@pool-71-101-7-23.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] hi! is there any possibilty to save the current config and made changes of the ubuntu live CD === whitewindow [~arpu@chello213047151200.4.15.tuwien.teleweb.at] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] bojangles, thank YOU for your suggestions. um, which is better? what's the diff, basically? what's good for newbies? what's simple enough for a simple 2 or 3 page- website? [01:14] ateves: afair not. there's exp Knoppix with such possibility. === cmatheso1 [~cmatheson@65-100-192-36.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] orangerange, there is a wysiwyg html editor in development (it's not in the ubuntu repos yet) but i can't remember the name of it [01:15] orangerange, kile is the fastest way to get a website up and running [01:15] orangerange, and you can post your blogs or whatever [01:15] using commandline, how can i get the full length description of packages in repositiory? [01:15] orangerange, aptitude [01:15] apt-cache showpkg === snackalot [~brad_@12-219-191-151.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] orangerange: I've heard good things about (but not personally used) "bluefish" [01:16] aptitude or apt-cache showpkg? [01:16] bimberi, is bluefish a website or an editor? === e-spy [~metod@tech.spijon.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:16] orangerange: editor [01:17] hi. what do i change in my cups.conf file to enable admin on the web interface? [01:17] orangerange, sorry, showpkg doesn't do that [01:17] is there a torrent for Breezy ? cdimage.ubuntulinux.org is down ? can i use Breezy ? === finn [~jani@ppp71-140.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] orangerange, apt-cache show [01:18] doesnt it say something about breezy not working correctly up the top? === guerby [~guerby@gut75-4-82-235-162-148.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === c0mpub0mb [~house@pool-71-110-86-61.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] OMFG, no mplayer ?...... [01:19] grrrrrrrrrrrr === J_P [jp@] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] hi all [01:20] how could ubuntu not include mplayer ? [01:20] c0mpub0mb, you can get it through synaptic === Bugsbang [~bonny@ALamentin-103-1-8-201.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] mplayer is the holly grail of all media players === aeho [~aeho@qn-vlk-2b7.cable.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] c0mpub0mb, i don't find mplayer very fun to use. === nxv_ [~nxv_@dsl-084-056-096-194.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] uh.. [01:20] apt-cache search mplayer shows nothing [01:20] does synaptic use a different source ?.. [01:21] no [01:21] no mplayer [01:21] grr [01:21] is gtk2 the same as gnome? [01:22] why can't totem play xvid [01:22] orangerange: no [01:22] c0mpub0mb: you need codecs === nxv_ [~nxv_@dsl-084-056-096-194.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] c0mpub0mb, enable the other repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list [01:23] how can i move around the "tabs" of application windows on my panel? For example, move Xchat "tab" from the right to the left? [01:23] although i thought mplayer was in base === Robinho_Peixoto [~preview@] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] can we have tab in eterm ? [01:23] ...maybe i'm too stupid, bu t don't get it how to use rosetta. it says Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page. ??? :( === Bugsbang [~bonny@ALamentin-103-1-8-201.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] bojangles, your thoughts on latex2html, please? === jhaa [~juha@dsl-aur5-m1c.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] c0mpub0mb, the package for mplayer is called mplayer-386 or mplayer-586 [01:24] k [01:24] done [01:24] i see universe [01:24] :p [01:24] still no mplayer [01:24] bojangles,um, are you sure latex2html is a webpage editor? i read the info on it. it looks like a conversion tool. [01:24] !info mplayer-586 [01:24] mplayer-586: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu6 (hoary), Packaged size: 3486 kB, Installed size: 7508 kB [01:24] orangerange, well it has been useful for many years and there are many websites up today that have made wise useof it. [01:24] heh, multiverse... [01:25] c0mpub0mb: it's in multiverse [01:25] okay, so i think I'll try kile or bluefish. Does anybody else have any suggestion for a webpage maker geared for newbies? A program that is simple and easy to use? for 2 or 3 pages only? === n3C [~n3C@klik28.klik.bydgoszcz.pl] has joined #ubuntu === Exposure` [~exposure@a80-126-234-67.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Ali`G [cake@] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] hi all [01:26] :) [01:26] orangerange, well lyx-qt is based on the GPL qt stuff also...but i have not found a converter from lyx to html [01:26] does anyone know if the new cedega has fixed the Counter-Strike Source? === addox [~addox@dyn157.kif6.nas.panafonet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] bojangles, lyx? do you mean latex? [01:27] bojangles, well lyx seems to make its own unique kind of mixed format [01:27] bojangles, speaking of latex, i've never heard of it. When i think of webpage creation, i think of html files. am i wrong to think this? [01:27] bojangles, so i have not found a converter from lyx to html [01:27] bojangles, why are you writing to yourself ? 8-) [01:27] lol [01:27] bojangles, but lyx-qt is very easy to use for a lot of things and is GPL [01:28] is bojangles trying to convince himself? 8-) [01:28] orangerange, no...most webpages are still html [01:28] just joking [01:28] orangerange, although a few have gone to xml with their own sylesheets. [01:28] so i don't have to bother with lyx or latex for now, right? They are advanced stuff, yes? [01:29] orangerange, no they are the patent unencumbered stuff so no one sues your butt off [01:29] where are the fonts located in ubuntu for mplayer ?.. [01:29] orangerange, nobody said they were the easiest === Ali`G is now known as Fr0Gs [01:29] are lyx and latex related? is html patented, you're saying? [01:30] orangerange, no...kile and latex are related [01:30] ubuntu have security team as in debian where some time need apt-get update; apt-get -f dist-upgrade for correct bugs ? === Psystorm [~psystorm@p54965CE3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] orangerange, lyx has kind of a strange format and you would have to find a lyx2html converter....but lyx-qt is GPL and very easy to use to write all your reports and stuff [01:31] bojangles, i just need a simple webpage WYSIWYG editor for newbies. I'll be making static pages. I don't need to bother with lyx or kile or latex, right? [01:31] orangerange, well there just aren't any...unless you want to violate someones patents or get your butt sued off. === klaym [~klaym_@a81-197-217-153.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [01:32] bojangles, i don't understand. html is patented? === elephanto [~elephanto@dip28.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [01:32] bojangles, pardon my ignorance: making html files is illegal? Huh [01:33] what is the command to do a search in repository using keywords? === TOXiC^ [~toxic@a81-197-16-16.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === TheRoss [~TheRoss@ip503d8eed.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] for example: i want to search repository for webpage editor. (Oh, what are the appropriate search terms?) === J_P [jp@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:34] orangerange: it's wise to export latex from lyx anyway in addition to saving lyx files [01:34] hey guys... why everytime i try and use ftp from the command line does it sometimes hang with the prompt flashing when i try and change a directory, list etc? like it is waiting for the server to respond? [01:34] Instead of using first in the list, suggest to define your LANG environment variable like this: LANG=en_US <---- how do I do this? [01:34] hello. when i try to install Disciples II(game) with Wine i get this error: Could not initialize installation. X:\GLC4dd.tmp File not found [01:34] i have to keep restarting ftp and then getting one step further normally each time! [01:34] orangerange: apt-cache search === halgeir [~halgeir@] has joined #ubuntu === decaf [~mehmet@] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] boobleboo === annett_ [~annett@pptp-212-201-76-31.pptp.stw-bonn.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] how do I change language in Hoary? [01:38] halgeir: gnome language or system language? === pedromengual_ [~pedromeng@249.Red-83-45-135.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] both really, but I want to keep my keyboard settings... rest I want to change === domster [domster@202-74-218-20.ue.woosh.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] halgeir: in /etc/environment i guess === inemo [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === mantass [~Mantas@] has left #ubuntu [] === Invis [~invis@clients-217-17-89-157.mikrovisata.net] has left #ubuntu [] === user1 [~user1@] has joined #ubuntu === Eiggen [~Miranda@dsl-84-223.utaonline.at] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] can somebody help me with this plz: [01:42] when i try to install Disciples II(game) with Wine i get this error: Could not initialize installation. X:\GLC4dd.tmp File not found [01:42] topyli, but i don't need to bother with latex or lyx if i'm just making simple webpages, right? [01:42] orangerange, if you want to know more about patents go to www.freepatentsonline.com [01:42] orangerange, you can search for whatever and it does not cost you anything [01:42] also thi: [01:42] this: [01:42] Warning: the specified Windows directory L"C:\\Windows" is not accessible. [01:42] Warning: the specified System directory L"C:\\Windows\\System" is not accessible [01:42] orangerange: probably not. use nvu === ed1t [~ubuntu@shunat236-253.shu.edu] has joined #ubuntu === klaas_ [~khagen@cust.12.215.adsl.cistron.nl] has joined #ubuntu === klaas_ [~khagen@cust.12.215.adsl.cistron.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === learn25 [~learn25@] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] topyli: Do you know the correct settings in /etc/environment for standard EN_UK? [01:43] topyli, i did apt-cache show nvu: nothing appears. [01:44] hi [01:44] bojangles, i'm at that site. in one sentence tell me the relevant info about patents and making simple webpages. [01:44] anybody tried postfix to send/receive email? [01:44] orangerange, nvu isn't in the ubuntu repositores [01:44] orangerange, just search for example...type 01/01/74 05/05/2005 html [01:44] orangerange: get it from nvu.com === Davey [~davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] topyli, nvu is a simple webpage maker for newbies, right? [01:45] yes [01:45] orangerange, there is no excuse for anyone to be ignorant of patents since www.freepatents.com cost them nothing to find out the facts === pitti [~pitti@] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] How can i configure postfix to send/receive email like user@mydomain.edu.ph? [01:45] halgeir: i have LANG=en_US.UTF-8. i guess en_UK works similarly === gurumeditationer [~gud@82-40-113-4.cable.ubr02.dumb.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] halgeir: you have to actually have the locale too :) [01:46] is nvu gtk+2 or Qt? [01:46] halgeir: dpkg-reconfigure locales might do all this for you actually [01:46] funkyHat: gtk === Fr0Gs [~dean@] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] hi all [01:46] :) [01:46] i need help removing my old cedega [01:46] topyli, on http://nvu.com/download.html, which format should i download? [01:47] How can i configure postfix to send/receive email like user@mydomain.edu.ph? [01:47] i can't find a .deb of it so i'm going to get the source === Torchie [~tehinu@adsl-156-234-245.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] dean@ubuntu:~/Desktop $ sudo dpkg -i cedega-4.4_1.i386-2_all.deb [01:47] (Reading database ... 69694 files and directories currently installed.) [01:47] Unpacking cedega-4.4 (from cedega-4.4_1.i386-2_all.deb) ... [01:47] dpkg: error processing cedega-4.4_1.i386-2_all.deb (--install): [01:47] trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/cedega/copyright', which is also in package cedega-4.3.2 [01:47] topyli... thanks that seems to work perfectly [01:47] dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe) [01:47] Errors were encountered while processing: [01:47] what do i do with sources? [01:47] cedega-4.4_1.i386-2_all.deb [01:47] dean@ubuntu:~/Desktop $ === klaas_ [~khagen@cust.12.215.adsl.cistron.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] orangerange: get the bzipped tarball built on linspire [01:48] how do i get rid of cedega-4.3.2 [01:48] Fr0Gs, apt-get remove cedega* [01:48] ? [01:48] orangerange: actually, there's a deb in the backports repositories too :) [01:48] topyli, will it work in ubuntu? how come you chose that and not the one for fedora or madriva? [01:48] Fr0Gs, apt-get remove --purge cedega* [01:48] might be a good idea [01:48] topyli, is that so? is it safe to get nvu from backports repo? === Rockett17 [~srockett@CPE0011097dafa9-CM001225449b02.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] topyli, and same version? [01:48] orangerange: tarballs are universal. you're not on fedora or mandriva :) [01:49] dean@ubuntu:~/Desktop $ sudo apt-get remove --purge cedega* [01:49] Reading Package Lists... Done [01:49] Building Dependency Tree... Done [01:49] Package cedega is not installed, so not removed [01:49] E: Couldn't find package cedega-4.4_1.i386-2_all.deb [01:49] dean@ubuntu:~/Desktop $ [01:49] orangerange: i have nvu from backports, it works [01:49] topyli, it's the current version? [01:49] d/w [01:49] figured it out thanks === redtech [~redtech@adsl-68-125-32-42.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] hmm... does nvu depend on moooozilla? [01:50] topyli, okay, so tarballs are universal, but all three are tarballs. === annett_ [~annett@pptp-212-201-76-31.pptp.stw-bonn.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [01:50] orangerange: backports has a slightly older version [01:50] topyli, why use an old version, if you can get the newest? === bypark [~bypark@] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] orangerange: yep, but two of them say "fedora" and "mandrake", and one is "linux" [01:51] orangerange: no reason :) [01:51] so for me, it's best to get it from nvu.com, right? [01:51] might as well, since you already are at it === Raptoid [~Raptoid@] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] so i should get tarball, and not "build from source" stuff, correct+ [01:51] ? [01:52] orangerange: yes. building mozilla is not fun === Karahana [~karahana@lns01-1095.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] topyli, mozilla? how did mozilla come into the picture? === kolcvk [~assew@] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] orangerange: it's a mozilla project like firefox and thunderbird [01:53] hey ppl i have a problem :) [01:53] lol [01:53] topyli, i see. I thought it was a linspire project. [01:53] if nvu is from mozilla, it must be good [01:53] nvu is starting to look pretty sweet [01:53] orangerange: yes, but it's built on mozilla source === inemo_ [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === Corical [~corical@] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] topyli, "but"? why "but"? is it bad to be built on mozilla source? [01:54] what magic must i do on the tarball file? [01:54] orangerange: no, i was answering your linspire question [01:54] ok...so...I can't get ubuntu live to run, it always freezes at CDrom detection [01:54] as does knoppix [01:54] orangerange: extract it to /opt and you're ready to go [01:55] topyli, it's that easy? === dosabl [~dosabl@85-50-67-155.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu [01:55] orangerange: you probably want to make a shortcut or a menu entry too [01:55] buenas [01:55] topyli, so why look for a deb when it's this easy with tarballs? === klaas_ [~khagen@cust.12.215.adsl.cistron.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:55] are there any disadvantages of using tarballs, as opposed to deb files? === halgeir [~halgeir@] has joined #ubuntu [01:55] orangerange: i like to have stuff in the dpkg database that's all [01:55] topyli, /opt? or usr/opt? [01:56] orangerange: /opt [01:56] gotcha. === kolcvk [~assew@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:56] orangerange: actually, you can put it anywhere but /opt is standard [01:56] orangerange: it's outside the package management system - no automatic security updates for example [01:56] :( === selinium [~selinium@82-69-69-151.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] so nvu was made by linspire people, correct? nvu is not made by mozilla people, correct? [01:56] yes === Serapophis [~harry@p549C3A30.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] i don't have a high view of linspire. 8-) [01:57] orangerange: they just took the mozilla composer code and started hacking [01:57] orangerange: me neither :) [01:57] but if nvu is good, my views can change. [01:57] hi all, After my motherboard at home died i have installed the HD as a slave on this ubuntu machine. How do I 'see' it to get the data off? [01:57] orangerange: nvu is a lot better than the old mozilla composer === gud [~gud@82-40-113-4.cable.ubr02.dumb.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === Corical [~corical@] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] i don't have the right to extract into /opt. what magic must i perform? [01:58] orangerange: sudo [01:58] orangerange, were you able to answer your own question and do you see why Europe said "Fuck the patent system" === Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-hem12-6-0-cust227.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] bojangles, not yet. your info is news to me. never heard of html and patent being used in the same sentence together before. === emuzesto [~einar@ti521110a080-0755.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu === Psystorm [~psystorm@p54965CE3.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [01:59] topyli, sudo what? [01:59] orangerange: open a terminal. do "cd /opt". then do sudo tar xjvf . press enter [01:59] i tried to extract using GUI fileroller [02:00] orangerange, have you bothered to enter the data example i gave you and push the search button === inemo_ [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] topyli, wow, i didn't know you could drag stuff into a terminal window. neat! [02:00] is there a tool for installing/configuring you soundcard? (redhat had something called sndconfig) [02:00] orangerange: it's very cool [02:00] orangerange, there is no excuse for anyone to be ignorant of patents since the information is given free to everyone online [02:00] bojangles, no. i entered html only. will do so after i get a breather. [02:00] ppl I hate to repeat myself.... :D help me....ne1...pls :D [02:00] lol [02:01] bojangles, are you a webpage designer by profession? === PlanarPlatypus [~alucard@cpc2-cove3-5-0-cust220.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:01] Karahana, i like your cheerful attitude! [02:01] lol [02:01] tnx [02:01] Karahana: i guess nobody knows that's all === petros_ [~petros@] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] topyli, i should type in "sudo tar xjvf " and then drag the file? [02:02] orangerange: yes === mushroom [~yang11934@] has joined #Ubuntu [02:02] topyli, what does xjvf stand for? [02:02] if the answer is long, don't botheranswering. just curious. [02:02] extract, (bzip2?) verify, file [02:02] orangerange: once you have cd'd to /opt [02:03] I don't know why j means bzip2 === chaps0063 [~bjr223@] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] digitalfox|sleep: v is for verbose right? [02:03] does anyone here know how to get an apple keyboard to produce a hash symbol with +3 under ubuntu likes it does on a mac? [02:03] orangerange: x=extract j=use bzip2 v=list what you're doing f=here comes the filename [02:03] I thought it was verify archive integrity [02:03] oh [02:03] heh..... [02:03] huh, I must be thinking RPM [02:03] I just know I've always done it [02:04] and assumed that's what it was XD [02:04] Digis: v is a standard "verbose" switch [02:04] topyli, ok done. now i must make a shortcut icon inside my menu. should i use menu-editor for this? [02:04] Today it took gnome forever to boot up. It say at a blank window with just mouse after I entered my username/password were entered...any thoughts? [02:04] And where is the icon file for this program? === inemo [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] orangerange: use the menu editor, yes. the nvu executable should now be in the new nvu directory. you may find an icon there too [02:06] topyli, what category did you place nvu in? office? internet? accessories? === xTina [~xTina@laptop-dynip112.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu === Serapophis [~harry@p549C3A30.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] [02:07] orangerange: i put it in internet. i'm not sure if it belongs there but there it is now :) [02:07] orangerange: correction: the package put the icon there [02:07] topyli, oh right. you got nvu from backports. === qp1D [~dfgdfgdfg@a81-14-183-85.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu === orp [~orp@bl6-60-19.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu === mikl [~mikkel@mikl.active.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu === nalioth_zZz is now known as nalioth [02:08] I have no sound from my SB soundcard. Anybody know where to start? === kbrooks [~kbrooks@d235-175-248.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === Aegir [~Richard@d220-238-41-173.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] halgeir: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary [02:10] do anyone know how to configure firefox so that it uses the fancy gtk download manager??? [02:11] petros_, nobody uses firefox...it is just a shell for the gecko rendering engine [02:11] has anyone experience a slow boot up after entering username/password? [02:11] what do you mean nobody uses... I do === aka [~aka@lns-vlq-21-mar-82-255-61-38.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] can anyone help me add a harddrive to my setup? === inemo [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] setup? === wrtpeeps [~andy@wrtpeeps.user] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] selinium: ask a specific question [02:12] hi === nophix [~nophix@ua-83-227-163-203.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] when i went to install a package, it told me i didn't have X installed === aka [~aka@lns-vlq-21-mar-82-255-61-38.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] i asked a friend and he told me i am probably missing some libraries [02:12] After my motherboard at home died i have installed the HD as a slave on this ubuntu machine. How do I 'see' it to get the data off? [02:12] do you guys have any idea what libraries they could be.. [02:12] wrtpeeps: what package? [02:13] conky [02:13] http://conky.rty.ca/ === moberry [~moberry@cpe-065-191-097-196.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] selinium: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partitions mount automatically [02:13] wrtpeeps: are you compiling by hand? === digitalfox|sleep [~urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Sheng [~soup@cpe-24-92-61-26.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] can someone help me to find french channel ? [02:14] hello sorry for my english. I need help. [02:14] My ubuntu takes but not at all graphical nonload well, and after proving of everything, I want to know as to return to install the system. Thanks [02:14] ok [02:14] aka: #ubuntu-fr [02:14] yea [02:14] HAHAHAHAHAH [02:14] thanks [02:14] i am compiling using gcc i think [02:15] let's have fun! [02:15] :D [02:15] this error comes up during ./configure [02:15] wrtpeeps: then install xlibs-dev [02:15] ubuntu works on dell wifi? [02:15] ok, thanks [02:15] nalioths_dog: It is an Ubuntu HardDrive, I just need to be able to mount the drive. Or it might already be available. I just cant find it === makinen [~aaomakin@wire158.adsl.netsonic.fi] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] selinium: do a "sudo fdisk -l" and see === dosabl [~dosabl@85-50-67-155.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has left #ubuntu [] [02:16] what is sudo? [02:16] nalioth: it shows the drive, but how do i navigate to it? [02:16] how come you can't isntall linux on a sata drive? [02:16] Sheng: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo [02:16] selinium: you mount it [02:16] bojangles, i searched 01/01/74 05/05/2005 html. no results. maybe you can give me a patent number or 2. [02:16] Sheng: you can === davi1 [~redactech@] has joined #ubuntu === davi1 [~redactech@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:17] selinium: create a folder in your /media folder [02:17] it could not recognize it [02:17] orangerange, no...i dont' want to brainwash you...i am satisfied you now know how to use the free information available to you to understand things the best you can. === jorgp2 [~jorgp@bnet-dial-02.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] !info slow [02:19] how can i upgrade to 64bit ubuntu? I'm currently running 32bit ubuntu. [02:20] nalioth: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/670 ok i now have a folder /media/slave === JzE [jze@a84-231-49-203.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] can anyone tell me why gaim just decides to close itself? [02:20] anyone knows when will be released a new version of rhythmbox? [02:20] like 0.9 i mean [02:20] Hackmo, easy .. it doesn't like you [02:21] Hackmo, :P [02:21] axis^zzz: if only the reason was as simple as that :P === inemo [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] makinen: Apparently 64bit core works fine, but there are problems with running alot of the applications on it. [02:21] any kiax users here? [02:21] hackmo :P === Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-hem12-6-0-cust227.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] selinium: I know that i have to play with chroot but I still want to test it out [02:23] Has anyone experienced a slow boot into gnome after entering their username and password? [02:24] how do i fix this error: [02:24] linux.c:16:25: proc/procps.h: No such file or directory [02:24] linux.c:17:27: proc/readproc.h: No such file or directory [02:24] make: *** [linux.o] Error 1 [02:24] selinium: then issue "mount -t ext3 /dev/hdX /media/slave the hdX is the partition number you saw in the fdisk output [02:24] chaps0063: i don't think i've ever experienced a quick gnome startup :) === xliu [~xliu@STH-9-NAT-] has joined #ubuntu === bcroq [~bertrand@bruz.freeskop.net] has joined #ubuntu === ptlo [~senko@darguner.rdlab.carnet.hr] has joined #ubuntu === Karahana [~karahana@lns01-1095.dsl.iskon.hr] has left #ubuntu [] === TheRoss [~TheRoss@ip503d8eed.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] anyone? [02:25] a general question about softphones: after hitting the dial button, you usually can't input any more numbers, right (for the purpose of, say, cheking your voicemail, or etc)? [02:25] how can i solve this problem with wine: [02:25] topyli: this is different than normal though... [02:25] Warning: the specified Windows directory L"C:\\Windows" is not accessible. [02:25] Warning: the specified System directory L"C:\\Windows\\System" is not accessible === Sander__ [~Sander@ip51ccf0d1.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] wrtpeeps: google is your friend (it's where i'm at right now) [02:25] topyli: like you can tell its not right. === blackb0x [~Fear@] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] write access is possible === aka [~aka@lns-vlq-21-mar-82-255-61-38.adsl.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:26] nobody? [02:26] nalioth: the slave is the 30gb drive, it has three references /dev/hdb1 hdb2 hdb5, which one do i use? === moberry [~moberry@cpe-065-191-097-196.nc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === kinjoo [~kinjoo@83-169-172-144-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:26] selinium: which drive do you wawnt the info off off? [02:27] wrtpeeps: have you installed "procps" pkg? [02:27] not sure [02:27] yes [02:27] bojangles, i don't get your last message. were you sarcastic? you told me about html and patents. It whetted my curiosity. if you could provide a direct link, or a patent number, it'll help. [02:27] be right back, I'm going to try and see if anything I did may have fixed the problem. [02:27] i have === merhojt [~merhojt@h248n1c1o885.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] anybody here use any brand/type of softphone (software that runs VOIP)? === inemo_ [~inemo@81-178-13-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] wrtpeeps: then the error is weird, does that site have a list of depnds? [02:28] no === J_P [jp@] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] hi all === digitalfox|sleep [~urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] how do I find what package a file belongs to? [02:29] nalioth: take a look at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/670 and you can see my fdisk -l. the disk is the 30gb (second) drive. It appears to have all three partitions. It was a Primary Ubuntu drive on my old PC [02:29] there must be at least a few who use softphones in this chatroom. please say hi. === ccc [~ccc@c-ac0f70d5.015-28-6c6b7010.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] softphones? === domster [~dominic@202-74-221-17.ue.woosh.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] selinium: hdb1 appears to be linux, hdb2 appears to be windows and hdb3 appears to be swap === Chambers` [~Thom@pcp02906040pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] Heh. Firefox was using 300MB of ram. I hate it when that happens [02:30] people, I am think in use ubuntu in workstation for developemnt in python/C/C++ and sarge for server... but my programas runn in server(sarge), and i write and compile in ubuntu using diferents compilers version(python,gcc). exist anyone problem ? === ethichs [~jason@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] Will_: try galeon or kazehakase [02:30] nalioth: But I _like_ firefox. I do. It just..... [02:30] nalioth: If i am going to look at all three, how do I unmount the drive to look at the second? [02:31] "./