
kikothanks bradb 12:11
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=jamesh,stub]   distroarchrelease added to PublishedPackage class. (patch-2137: daniel.debonzi@canonical.com)12:41
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #launchpad
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #launchpad
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=BjornT]  More gina improvements. (patch-2138: stuart.bishop@canonical.com, daniel.debonzi@canonical.com)01:40
=== sabdfl [~mark@sabdfl.silver.supporter.pdpc] has left #launchpad []
=== terrex nanit // good nigth
=== asgeirf [~asgeirf@nat-pool-brisbane.redhat.com] has joined #launchpad
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: Convert the +addseries page to be a autogenerated form, cleaning up warnings and XXXs in my wake. Grudged an r=salgado just in time for it. (patch-2139: christian.reis@canonical.com)04:39
=== eyequeue [~eyequeue@eyequeue.user] has joined #launchpad
eyequeuehow do i comply with this?:  str: Failed to verify the signature, check if the GPG key you used to sign is correctly published in the global key ring.07:34
eyequeue(trying to sign the CoC, after verifying my gpg sig with launchpad profile)07:35
eyequeuewhere do i find this "global key ring"?07:36
eyequeue/msg MemoServ send eyequeue $(suggestions), if someone becomes un-idle here and has any ideas.  thanks07:38
=== eyequeue [~eyequeue@eyequeue.user] has left #launchpad ["Leaving"]
=== eyequeue [~eyequeue@eyequeue.user] has joined #launchpad
eyequeuebtw, if it matters, i first tried with firefox, then fearing the wordwrap in the textbox may have been the culprit, and not being able to get around that, i tried using lynx ... same error07:41
=== eyequeue [~eyequeue@eyequeue.user] has left #launchpad ["Leaving"]
dilysNew Malone bug 1537 filed on The Launchpad by Carlos Perello Marin: Email notification testing does not work with LaunchpadZopelessTestSetup10:10
=== mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has joined #launchpad
BjornTpqm is hung again. anyone around that can fix it?12:01
=== Kinnison intends to update dogfood, anyone actively using it right now?
=== Kinnison takes that as "no" and goes ahead
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #launchpad
KinnisonGoodness me, but baz is being slow today12:31
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
dafBjornT: have we got any attachments in the sample data?12:46
BjornTdaf: no12:47
dafhow do I add one?12:48
daftemporarily, I mean, not to the sample data12:48
=== SnakeBite [~SnakeBite@] has joined #launchpad
BjornTwhy do you need one? you can't create attachments atm, i haven't merged my branch yet12:53
dafah, right12:54
dafI wanted to test a change to the traversal code12:54
Kinnisondogfood is back, sorry for the delay01:04
carlosBjornT, bradb-afk, if I close a bug that have other bugs marked as duplicated, shouldn't the duplicate be closed automatically?01:10
BjornTcarlos: maybe, i'm not sure. better to let brad answer that, he did the dup implementation.01:18
carlosBjornT, I'm asking because it does not work that way01:20
carlosor at least I found a duplicated that is not closed01:20
dafit didn't work that way for me, either01:23
BjornTyeah, the dup handling is really basic at the moment. we'll need to spec it out and improve it sometime01:27
=== mpt [~mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
Kinnisondaf: I'm not going to make it to the kingston :-(01:31
Kinnisondaf: I'll see you tonight though, if that's okay01:31
dafhmm, I wonder if anybody else is still going01:32
=== Kinnison thinks it was going to be you and me
dafnattie was threatening to come01:32
=== Kinnison simply has too much context on his desktop to switch to the laptop today
Kinnisonand it's a bit late now, I'd not make it there before the meeting was due01:33
dafpubbage once a day is enough for me :)01:34
=== Kinnison nods
carlosdaf, shouldn't the po export page use the same UI that we have now with the preferences page?01:37
dafit doesn't?01:37
dafyou're talking about the language selector?01:37
carlosno it does not look the same01:38
carlosseems like the po export page is missing the css magic01:38
dafhmm, I guess RosettaApplication should be moved to lib/canonical/launchpad/systemhomes.py01:38
dafyou mean the bit to limit the size?01:38
carlosvs. https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/rosetta/prefs/01:39
dafask mpt01:40
carlosmpt, ?01:40
mdkespiv, around by any chance?01:44
spivmdke: Yeah.01:44
mdkespiv, awesome. i don't know if henrik has spoken to you about this: we have a "bug" in user.py on the wiki01:45
spivNo, I don't think so.01:45
mdkespiv, what happens is that users are redirected to the last page visited (last_page_visited is the string apparently), whereas this should be turned off (which is the default)01:46
=== cprov [~cprov@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
spivHmm, I wouldn't have expected my changes to affect that... are you sure that the wiki config has that turned off?01:46
=== spiv looks at the code
mdkespiv, apparently that is configured in user.py, I don't know whether it has accidentally been overridden elsewhere01:47
mdkegrep for last_page_visited01:47
spivThat string doesn't occur in my user.py01:47
spivDo you mean "remember_last_visit"?01:48
mdkespiv, "remember_last_visit"01:48
mdkei suck01:48
=== debonzi [~debonzi@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
=== morgs__ [~morgs@196-46-162-1.gprs.vodacom.co.za] has joined #launchpad
=== SteveA [~steve@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
=== mdke wanders off in search of lunch
spivmdke: Hmm, I don't see anything in my changes to affect that at all.01:56
SteveAhello spiv 01:57
spivHi Steve.01:57
spivHow's Brazil?01:58
=== jamesh [~james@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
bradbcarlos: To answer your dup question: maybe. I think the plan is to do more thinking about what to do about the tasks on dup bugs post 1.0.01:59
=== salgado [~salgado@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
carlosbradb, ok01:59
carlosdo we have a meeting?02:00
=== morgs__ [~morgs__@196-46-162-1.gprs.vodacom.co.za] has joined #launchpad
Kinnisonhmm time for meeting02:01
SteveAYeah, let's start the meeting02:01
SteveAwho is present?02:01
kikoNOT ME02:01
=== carlos is here
=== stub [~stub@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
SteveAlifeless is here02:02
=== debonzi here
SteveA /msg me special items02:02
=== cprov here
=== otep [~otep@AP-] has joined #launchpad
=== Kinnison is here
SteveAkiko: what do you mean "NOT ME" ?02:03
kikoi'm cute02:03
=== stub is me
SteveAthat means you can roomie with keybuk02:03
SteveAhe specified "cute"02:03
SteveA== Agenda ==02:03
SteveA - roll call02:03
SteveA - agenda02:03
SteveA - activity reports02:03
SteveA - three sentences02:03
kikowhich arrives at 10am, ftr02:03
SteveAactivity reports: who's the dude and who's the suck, and who's excused because they're in brazil ?02:03
=== SteveA is excused
=== Kinnison is the suck
=== bradb is studly
kikoI'm no good02:04
=== jblack is playing with the monkeys
SteveAkiko: you're in brazil ;-)02:04
=== debonzi is in Brazil :)
=== BjornT is the dude
=== cprov is bad, bunch of days behind
jameshhave a few I missed b efore going to brazil (need to catch up)02:04
=== SteveA should have said "sprintathoning in brazil"
mptI'm in Brazil but still the suck02:04
kikoSteveA, I'm usually in brazil02:04
kikomove on02:05
mptAh, so that's why kiko hardly ever sends activity reports02:05
=== salgado is one day (tuesday) behind. I forgot to send my that day
SteveAddaa is rebooting02:05
SteveAokay, any pressing items before we do the three sentences?02:05
stubI'm up to date and excused02:05
spivI'm behind on activity  reports.02:06
=== SteveA does the countdown to three sentences
=== carlos is the dude
SteveAokay, three sentences please02:06
kikoDONE: sprint prep, sprint, hack some malone code02:06
kikoBLOCKED: no02:06
kikoTODO: more sprint02:06
dafDONE: Debconf, bug #5, language views02:06
dafTODO: language views, BrazilTopics02:06
dafBLOCKED: nowt02:06
lifelessDONE: fly here, sprinting, some baz code02:07
jblackDONE: sprint, travel02:07
carlosDONE: LaunchpadPoImport cleanups, datamigration script for bug 1036, bug 1444, karma integration into Rosetta, Language packs02:07
carlosTODO: more language packs, fix karma after review, GNOME imports, reduce open bugs02:07
carlosBLOCKED: Nothing02:07
jblackDO: sprint, travel02:07
debonziDONE: Gina reviews, review applied approved; Some more work on PublishedPackaged.02:07
debonziTODO: Apply review; Brazil sprint02:07
debonziBLOCKED: None02:07
lifelessTODO: baz-lp 1.0 specs02:07
lifelessBLOCKED: nothinh02:07
SteveADONE: specs02:07
SteveATODO: specs02:07
SteveABLOCKED: no02:07
jblackBLOCKED: In the colon, but medicine can fix that.02:07
KinnisonDONE: Dogfood setup, publishing work on dogfood, buildd prep02:07
KinnisonTODO: Dogfood builders running, gina in production02:07
KinnisonBLOCKED: Sysadmin time (still waiting for elmo to respond to an email)02:07
mptDONE: bugfixes, Bazaar-related specs02:07
mptTODO: specs, specs, bugfixes02:07
mptBLOCKED: Haven't investigated wi-fi at the hotel yet02:07
SteveAKinnison: i'm going to phone elmo again today02:07
salgadoDONE: code review, some fixes in sqlobject/launchpad, fixed person vocabs to allow search for email addresses too02:07
BjornTDONE: email interface fixes. some bug fixes. reviews. some more BBA implementation. notifications threading.02:08
=== kiko looks at BjornT
BjornTTODO: nag kiko to finally review BBA. land BBA. notifications threading. go to brazil.02:08
BjornTBLOCKED: the usual, spec review from kiko02:08
SteveAKinnison: please make it clear the urgency of your stuff on the LaunchpadSysadminRequests page02:08
stubDONE: Black beans & Pork on Rice02:08
stubTODO: Various salgados02:08
stubBLOCKED: Very regular, thankyou02:08
=== ddaa [~ddaa@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
KinnisonSteveA: Will do02:08
spivDONE: Reviews, SQLObject/distinct issues, diagnosed why carlos can't use zopeless in poimport.txt yet.02:08
spivTODO: Sprint next week!02:08
spivBLOCKED: No.02:08
jameshDONE: code reviews, some calendar work, sprintathon02:08
jameshTODO: code reviews, sprintathon02:08
jameshBLOCKED: no02:08
KinnisonSteveA: that's on the internal wiki now, isn't it?02:08
bradbDONE: Landed some usability low hanging fruit fixes. Implemented one-bugmail-per-recipient. Stumbled through implementing menus. Removed IBugTaskSubset.02:08
bradbTODO: (Try to) finish menus (might involve other app-level changes first.) Respond to salgado's reviews on o-b-p-r and sort out a login issue that came up removing IBugTaskSubset.02:08
bradbBLOCKED: No.02:08
kikodaf, congratulations on the menus landing, it looks spectacular02:09
SteveAbradb: you actually removed IBugTaskSubset?02:09
salgadoTODO: start the second round of BasicVoting, finish my changes in the person vocabs, code review. or maybe nothing of those because I'll have the sprint next week02:09
=== morgs is here now, sorry I'm late!
=== morgs is up to date
salgadoBLOCKED: no02:09
stubDONE: LinkChecker 3.0 fixes02:09
stubTODO: Rollout monitoring02:09
stubBLOCKED: Elmo02:09
bradbSteveA: yes, one failing test left though, related to login02:09
cprovDONE: bug fixing GPG/COC and buildd DF setup02:09
cprovTODO: buildd DF setup02:09
cprovBLOCKED: elmo on DC issues02:09
SteveAbradb: you're kinda blocked on me doing page titles stuff ;-)02:09
SteveAbradb: awesome02:09
SteveAbradb: i'd like to review the traversal part02:09
morgsDONE: Registry bugfixing esp RDF problems Edd Dumbill highlighted02:09
morgsTODO: DoapSchemaNG02:09
morgsBLOCKED: None02:09
ddaaDONE: pybazarchivelocation02:09
ddaaTODO: specs?02:09
ddaaBLOCKED: no02:09
dafkiko: thanks!02:09
SteveAstub: make sure the elmo stuff you need urgently is clearly marked on that wiki page02:10
SteveAjblack: that goes for you too02:10
dafDONE: (land menus)02:10
jblackYeah. 02:10
bradbSteveA: In doing it I noticed that the example from which I stole is almost surely broken, but we can discuss that at some point after the meeting.02:10
jblackWhich wiki? canonical? 02:10
SteveAbradb: if you can send me an email pointing to branches, etc. then i can fit it in between spec sessions02:10
SteveAjblack: canonical02:10
dafstub: hmm, is staging down?02:10
SteveAdaf: cool02:10
bradbSteveA: ok02:11
SteveAi'll note that i also have about 4 menus bugs to address02:11
SteveAOkay, anyone else blocked that we haven't dealt with yet?02:11
stubStaging shouldn't be down, but is. I'll look into it.02:11
kikome for BjornT, but I'm not making any promises02:11
SteveAddaa: your three sentences?02:11
kikoSteveA, he sent them. 02:12
jblackThe elmo queue page doesn't seem to be on the top wiki page. Anyone know the wikiname offhand? 02:12
ddaaSteveA: i've sent them02:12
SteveAkiko: okay, cool02:12
SteveAkiko: where's my meeting bot?02:12
SteveAthanks ddaa02:12
kikoasking me?!02:12
mptjblack: https://wiki.canonical.com/LaunchpadSysadminRequests02:12
jblackThanks much02:12
SteveAkiko: yeah, you're everyone's bitch ;-)02:12
kikoyeah, I've had people ask me for diet coke at 9am :-P02:13
jblackYou've got some? 02:13
lifelessessential life support02:13
lifelessin the fridge02:13
SteveAkiko always gets some02:13
stubkiko: White with two sugars02:13
SteveAthanks folks02:13
SteveAsame time next week02:13
spivShort and sweet :)02:13
KinnisonSteveA: cool02:13
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:SteveA] : Discussion with Launchpad users and developers. || https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/ || Includes Rosetta and Malone. || Launchpad meeting Thursday 28th, 1200 UTC / 0900 So Carlos
carlosthis one was fast ;-)02:13
Kinnisonkiko: Plenty of coffee ready for me next week?02:13
Kinnisonkiko: Oh and I started to like guarana too02:14
bradb#launchpad: ping02:14
SteveAKinnison: not tea!02:14
SteveA(that was supposed to be an interrobang)02:14
KinnisonSteveA: Petrol coffee :-)02:14
bradboops, /me got lost in his scroll buffer02:14
Kinnisonbradb: /ctcp #launchpad ping02:14
bradbKinnison: no, i meant #launchpad, i thought it went dead, but i was lost in my scroll buffer02:15
SteveAKinnison: is your stuff on the sysadmin requests page?02:16
KinnisonThe stuff I wanted to talk to elmo about is now up, yes02:16
SteveAokay, i'm going to do the call now02:16
dafstub: is staging down?02:18
jordiDONE: little02:18
jordiTODO: JOIN!02:19
dafBLOCKED: the trunk02:19
jordithe trunk is not blocked *AT ALL*02:20
jordikiko: dude, POP THE TRUNK02:20
ddaaDONE: breakfast TODO: wake up BLOCKED: nose02:21
jordiddaa: lol02:22
ddaaemergency: sabdf is asking me a question!!!02:23
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
=== carlos -> lunch
BjornTlifeless: pqm is stuck02:26
carlosstub, could you enable poimport script on production?02:28
carlosstub, now that you merged the fixes, it should be safe to be executed.02:28
carlosstub, pretty please.... :-P02:28
BjornTcprov: while reviewing your branch i came to think about some issues. i've replied to your mail about pyme and unicode02:29
cprovBjornT: ok, reading 02:30
bradbSteveA: Just emailed you with a description of the problem: "Login Issue with Twiddling the Traversal Stack"02:31
bradbAnd on that note, I must finish waking up.02:31
=== bradb & # *yawn*
SteveAbradb: cool02:32
cprovBjornT: most of you said is right, but you forget to say LP is sending emails with unicode content. this is the first issue I've tryied to solve02:33
cprovBjornT: and you 're right about my patch in verifySignature(), it's wrong ... I can't be sure about the encode of incomming messages. 02:35
cprovBjornT: so, can we think together in a solution ?02:35
dafSteveA: RosettaApplication has a __parent__ = rootObject, but none of the other *Application classes do02:35
dafSteveA: is it necessary?02:36
SteveAdaf: in a meeting.  sorry.02:36
SteveAdaf: almost certainly not, though.02:36
dafI'll leave it out if the tests pass without it02:36
BjornTcprov: yes for encrypt it might make sense to allow unicode (if we're sure that our outgoing emails always will be utf-8), but i didn't suggest that since i thought it would make more sense to have all methods accept the same input types02:36
cprovBjornT: I see you point ...02:37
BjornTcprov: personally i'd say only allow strings, raise error if you get a unicode string. that way we're sure that the caller is aware of the issue. but maybe there's a better solution02:41
cprovBjornT: in this way, the first effect i can see is losing some displaynames as reported in #1496, how we can handle it, people do have unicode displaynames02:43
cprovBjornT: also if we have translated email-templates it would be an issue.02:43
cprovBjornT: resuming "content.encode('ascii', 'replace)" is the most safe action we can take, but it's ugly and will have bad reflects soon 02:46
BjornTcprov: no, we wouldn't loose anything. the difference would be that instead of encrypt(unicode_content), you would have to do encrypt(unicode_content.encode(charset_email_will_use))02:46
SteveAdaf: mark is talking about the "contributors" portlet on a translation page02:47
SteveAdaf: he says, it should grow up to 10 contributiors.  when you get 11 or more, it should have a link that says "see all 512 contributors", going to a page showing them all.02:47
BjornTcprov: my point is that the caller should be aware of encoding problems, otherwise we'll might run into subtle issues later02:48
=== cprov is thinking
dafSteveA: perhaps we should put this in a bug, or a spec02:49
SteveAdaf: please file a bug on it02:50
cprovBjornT: you're probably right, but how to guess the content encoding when it comes back, today we have this issue at least for tests purposes (not really because "Sample Person" is not encoded, but let's suppose we have "Bjrn" instead)  02:51
BjornTcprov: the charset should be specified somewhere. i'm not quite sure yet, i'll try to find some more information about it...02:53
cprovBjornT: I'll do the same. maybe having a attribute charset='utf-8' in methods that we use this way and still passing unicode content... I'm not sure02:55
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Make the nohup output precious (patch-2140: daniel.silverstone@canonical.com)02:56
dilysNew Malone bug 1539 filed on Rosetta by Dafydd Harries: translation contributors portlet should be limited to 10 items02:56
dafSteveA: ^^^02:56
BjornTcprov: yes, that's one option. the problem is that we might run into subtle problems later since the caller wasn't aware of the problem. but it depends on our use cases. what do we use encrypt/decrypt for today?02:58
=== BjornT -> lunch
dafbradb: any objections to me splitting up BugExtRefSet to BugExtRef{Set,Subset}?03:05
SteveAdaf: the Subset should go away altogether03:06
lifelessstub - the integral trees03:06
SteveAKinnison: my call with elmo is delayed03:06
SteveAKinnison: why don't you try calling him now?03:06
SteveAKinnison: and let me know when you've finished so i can call03:06
KinnisonOkay, remind me of his number?03:06
SteveAOffices page03:06
SteveAon canonical wiki03:07
dafSteveA: hmm -- I'll give that a try03:08
SteveAdaf: so, you know about the fancy url traversal stuff to get rid of subsets?03:08
KinnisonSteveA: I've spoken to James now, he'll be about 10-15 mins sorting the stuff out for me03:12
KinnisonSteveA: I guess you can either ring him now, or wait and ring him after03:12
dafSteveA: there are some examples in traversers.py already, yes?03:13
=== sabdfl [~mark@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
SteveAKinnison: i'll call him in 20 mins or so03:13
elmoKinnison: done03:14
Kinnisonelmo: thanks dude, I'll check it and confirm03:15
Kinnisonelmo: looks fine, thanks03:15
stubstaging is back up btw - config file changes that landed yesterday caused it to not restart.03:21
=== Keybuk [~scott@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
=== cprov away, call me on mobile if you need
=== bradb returns
bradbSteveA: BTW, the sooner the IBugTaskSubset login problem gets review, the sooner menus will land too, because with IBTS gone so too are some of the issues that it created with the menu system03:51
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  No ubuntu mirrors on staging yet (patch-2141: stuart.bishop@canonical.com)03:52
dafSteveA: hmm, this is interesting04:01
dafSteveA: my new traversal stuff seems to work if you're already logged in, but it breaks if you have to go via +login04:01
SteveAdaf: that is interesting04:01
dafso I'm looking at http://localhost:8086/malone/bugs/104:02
dafI have a relative link to watches/2/+edit04:02
dafbut I get redirected to watches/+edit/+login04:02
dafwhen I submit the login form, I turn up at watches/+edit04:03
dafwhich correctly returns a NotFound04:04
bradbdaf: I emailed the list about that problem earlier.04:04
daf(although the error message is a bit confusing, because it implies that it's the 'watches' part that's not found, and not that '+edit' is an invalid watch id)04:04
dafbradb: aha, I missed that04:04
bradbIt's almost surely to do with the .setTraversalStack bit04:05
dafthat's what I thought04:05
bradbBut I'm not brainful enough to know how to fix it without putting on my scuba gear04:05
dafI suspect the login code uses the traversal stack to construct the redirect URL04:05
dafperhaps it's as simple as making it use the request URL instead04:06
bradbIt might be, but I wonder why it wasn't doing that already04:06
=== bradb will see what SteveA says in response to the email
SteveAthe login code i think just ignores all traversal04:07
dafperhaps the problem is in Zope, then04:08
=== stub [~stub@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
SteveAdaf, brad: don't try to debug this now.  i'll deal with it.04:12
dafbradb: looks like the bugwatch traversal change was a success on the whole; I think I'll tackle the other Bug stuff04:13
bradbdaf: which "other Bug stuff"?04:13
dafother traversals from Bug04:13
bradbok...what problem are you tackling, exactly?04:14
daftraversers.py imports from the database04:14
bradb(note: I've already removed IBugTaskSubset on my branch, just so you know.)04:14
bradbdaf: ah, ok, that'd be dandy04:14
dafjust wanted to make sure I'm not treading on your toes :)04:14
bradbnope, green lights all the way04:15
daftraversers.py is the last bastion of unseemly importing04:15
dafSteveA: I have two reminders for you04:15
dilysNew Malone bug 1540 filed on The Launchpad by James Blackwell: supermirror sftp server does not disconnect`04:17
SteveAdaf: what are the reminders?04:21
dafSteveA: 1. my patch to Zope's error service04:22
dafSteveA: 2. my email about the pyflakes harness04:22
SteveAdaf: 1. i'm not going to get around to looking at that until you are in brazil04:22
SteveA2. kiko's been looking at that.  let's all look at it in person in brazil.04:22
dafsounds good04:22
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Do not show the +emails link for teams; for teams we should show the +editemail link. (patch-2142: guilherme.salgado@canonical.com)04:28
SteveAbradb: hello04:32
bradbSteveA: hi04:32
SteveAbradb: i want to merge your code that demonstrates the login link problem04:32
SteveAso i can look into it04:33
bradbSteveA: brad.bollenbach@canonical.com/launchpad--remove-IBugTaskSubset--004:33
salgadoBjornT, ping04:33
BjornThi salgado 04:33
salgadohi BjornT, I just reviewed the cprov's branch that's in your queue without realizing that; I did it because he mailed me asking for the review04:34
salgadocan I move it to my queue or you already reviewed it?04:34
bradbSteveA: Quick stylistic question for you:04:35
bradbSteveA: If I have a class that implements(IFoo)...04:36
bradband IFoo inherits from IBar...04:36
bradband in my class, I'm defining a method I want to override from the IBar interface...04:36
bradbIn the method's docstring, do I say "See IFoo", or "See IBar"?04:36
BjornTsalgado: sure you can review it if you want, i haven't finished doing so yet. i do think that there are some issues to be resolved first, though, that's why i haven't reviewed it yet.04:38
SteveAbradb: say "See IBar." for things that you can read about in IBar.  Say "See IFoo." for things you can read about in IFoo.04:42
bradbSteveA: ok, thanks04:42
salgadoBjornT, you mean, some issues in that patch or issues other than that patch?04:43
BjornTsalgado: basically decide how to solve the problem the patch tries to solve. we can't assume that everything should be encoded/decoded using utf-804:47
BjornTi replied to cprov's 'pyme & unicode' email about it04:48
salgadoBjornT, I just saw your email. I'll discuss that with cprov and see what we can do about it. thanks for raising this04:53
BjornTsalgado: cool. i'll see if i can find some more information about it. i'm not quite sure if there's a default encoding, if none is specified04:56
NafalloBjornT: I raised to bug with him. seems I can't add my GPG key cause my lastname is Bjlevik, and hence doesn't get parsed correctly in gpgme.05:01
elmostub: around?05:02
lifelessbjorn - you should remove the ancestry.gz file in that revision05:03
BjornTNafallo: yeah. the problem is how to fix that bug properly.05:04
NafalloBjornT: indeed.05:05
BjornTlifeless: in which revision?05:05
dafbradb, BjornT: are there any infestations in the sample data?05:06
bradbdaf: nope, don't worry about infestations for now05:07
bradbdaf: when in doubt, you might want to just comment out, XXX, and file a bug on the relevant code, to make sure we remember to come back to it at some point. right now though, it's looking like infestations won't even be accessible from the UI for 1.0 (they aren't currently)05:08
dafwould it be sensible to just remove the traversal cases for infestations and add an XXX?05:09
dafthat seems prudent if there are no tests for them05:09
dafhmm, is /bugs/N/tasks/ linked from anywhere?05:12
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Landing initial version of linter script -- use it before committing\! (patch-2143: christian.reis@canonical.com)05:13
kikodoes it even exist, daf?05:13
bradbdaf: Shouldn't be.05:13
dafit's in the traversals05:13
dafhmm, that's interesting05:13
dafhttp://localhost:8086/malone/bugs/1/tasks/ takes me to the Ubuntu task for that bug05:13
dafsounds like it should die05:14
daf    elif name == 'tasks':05:14
daf        return getUtility(IBugTaskSet).get(bug.id)05:14
bradbdaf: Might as well delete it. The Malone forcefield will let you know if something broke.05:15
BjornTdebonzi: ping05:20
debonziBjornT, pong05:21
BjornTZConfig.ConfigurationSyntaxError: /usr/share/keyrings is not an existing directory05:22
BjornTdebonzi: ^^ i get that when i try to run tests05:22
debonziBjornT, ohh05:24
debonziBjornT, why don't you have it.. I was thinking it was installed by default05:25
debonziBjornT, give one sec05:25
salgadodebonzi, BjornT, I think it's installed by ubuntu-keyring05:27
salgadodebonzi, if so, you need to update the list of dependencies in the wiki05:27
debonzisalgado, I think it is.. I will check and do that05:28
dafbradb: Malone is very nearly DB-import clean05:28
dafbradb: the only remaining issue is the import of BugTaskReport into the traversal code05:28
debonziBjornT, could you try install ubuntu-keyring and check if it works please?05:29
debonziBjornT, AFAICS here it will solve the problem05:29
bradbdaf: awesome05:29
dilysNew Malone bug 1541 filed on Registry by Morgan Collett: RDF can't have multiple elements in a <lp:product> or <lp:series>05:30
BjornTdebonzi: ok, i'll try that05:30
debonzithanks BjornT 05:30
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dafI wonder if that is evil05:32
dafI think it's ok05:32
dafshould make it a doddle to add the infestation stuff back in05:33
dafmaybe we can close #1118 now05:35
bradbLooks good with a dict, IMHO05:38
bradbhm, re: 1118...not sure. /me thinks.05:40
bradbyeah, i think so, once it's confirmed that all the tests pass, etc.05:41
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dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Add back sorting to the distrorelease translations table (patch-2144: christian.reis@canonical.com)05:44
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carlosstub, hi, do you have a minute?05:46
KinnisonIs there a way to get sqlobject to throw away its cache?05:47
KinnisonI'm having problems where my publisher is regularly using 1.6G of ram05:47
Kinnisonwhich is a bit sucky05:47
=== cprov [~cprov@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
cprovsalgado: ping05:48
Kinnisoncprov: Is there a way to empty the sqlobject cache without committing/aborting the txn?05:49
salgadocprov, pong05:49
Kinnisonsalgado: ^^ same question to you05:50
cprovKinnison: not that I know, AFAIKS the cache isn't exposed through ztm interface05:50
KinnisonI'm touching thousands and thousands of objects. Most only once05:51
Kinnisonbut the entire publishing process is one transaction05:51
salgadostub, is patch-2142 going into next production rollout?05:51
dafI think we came across this when I was working on the language pack stuff05:51
cprovsalgado: do we mind if I use "assert" to ensure arguments type in LP code ?  isn't it UGLY ?05:51
dafI think stub or Steve dug into the the cache stuff for me05:51
daftry using sqlobjectinstance.expire()05:51
dafthere's another thing you can do also05:52
dafbut I can't remember what it is05:52
salgadocprov, you shouldn't use asserts to check argument types/values. you should raise exceptions in that case05:52
cprovKinnison: I'm not sure, but I always thought it is a weak point of sqlos 05:52
salgadocprov, have you seen Bjorn's email about pyme and unicode?05:53
cprovsalgado: uhm ... show me an good example05:53
stubsalgado: Nope - I was thinking of rolling out patch-2125 today or tomorrow. Please email me and lifeless if you need that particular patch rolled out.05:53
stubKinnison: Carlos thought he fixed that using sync, but I havn't tried running that code again to confirm.05:54
cprovsalgado: sure, I've already discussed it here today earlier ;) quite fuzzy yet 05:54
carlosstub, I'm not usin sync always, I'm using the flush call05:54
=== cprov still waiting salgado's example for "type awarness" code
carlosstub, btw, I saw that sometimes a commit() is not saved unless you do a .sync() first (I think that's broken)05:55
salgadostub, I just need to make sure that patch-2142 will be in the same rollout as patch-2132. I guess I can assume this will happen, right?05:55
Kinnisoncarlos: flush? sync?05:55
salgadocprov, look in database/person.py there's some examples there.05:56
cprovsalgado: good, thanks05:56
carlosKinnison, if you do changes to slqobjects, if you don't dump those changes into the database05:56
carlosKinnison, sqlobject eats a lot of memory05:56
carlosI think we reach 3GB on staging05:56
Kinnisoncarlos: yeesh05:57
Kinnisoncarlos: so what do I do?05:57
salgadocprov, I think we should hold this patch until we have enough discussion about this and are sure we're doing the right thing05:57
carlosKinnison, from canonical.database.sqlbase import flush_database_updates05:58
carlosKinnison, call that method05:58
Kinnisoncarlos: that'll keep memory down?05:58
carlosKinnison, I think so, but I will not know that for sure until stub executes my script on staging05:58
carlosKinnison, my theory is that after you flush the sqlobject content, the object can be destroyed by the garbage collector05:59
carlosbut it's just a theory05:59
=== Kinnison grins
SteveAcarlos: it is likely.  mail me about it.05:59
carlosand forgot to ask spiv 05:59
SteveAcarlos: i have done work on the sqlobject GC stuff05:59
cprovsalgado: I've already decided it, but every fixes suggested by you doesn't depend of it, let's keep the patch sane05:59
SteveAcarlos: so, if there is an outstanding bug ,i need to fix it.05:59
SteveAbradb: i have now merged your branch.  i'll look into it after lunch.06:00
carlosSteveA, ok, the only bug I see here is that a commit() does not implies a flush of all sqlobjects06:00
bradbSteveA: Thanks.06:00
SteveAcarlos: a commit should now (since a patch from spiv a few days ago) mean that all sqlobjects to do with that connection / transaction get flushed from caches.06:01
carlosSteveA, so I don't think it's related with the garbage collector unless my theory is wrong and my script eats all memory it can . In that case, the garbage collector will be buggy06:01
=== SteveA --> lunch
KinnisonDEBUG:Dominator:nscd/2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu11/i386 has been judged as superseded by the powerpc build of nscd/2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu1306:01
=== Kinnison growls unhappily
SteveAcarlos: mail me.  i will fix it.06:01
carlosSteveA, It was not that woy on Thursday06:01
dafKinnison: did you see what I said about .expire()?06:01
carlosif the patch got merged later, it's ok06:01
Kinnisondaf: yeah, I'll try those in a bit06:01
Kinnisondaf: I want to get it to dominate properly first06:01
dafKinnison: if you're just looking at stuff, it should be sufficient06:01
dafKinnison: (looking as opposed to modifying)06:02
dafKinnison: yes, making it work should come before making it fast :)06:02
=== Kinnison looks at this and wonders how he could have been so damned stupid
=== Kinnison puts the donut hat on
BjornTsalgado: i get failures in teammembership.txt. if i move that flush_database_updates() i get different errors06:06
salgadoBjornT, you mean you're getting errros without touching it?06:07
BjornTsalgado: yes06:09
salgadothat's weird06:09
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  re-adding conflict marker support to lint.sh, darn (patch-2145: christian.reis@canonical.com)06:16
dafspiv: around?06:17
dafbradb: aha, I've found a problem06:18
dafbradb: bugs/N/people/+new06:19
dafeither we move this to bugs/N/+new-person06:19
dafor I get SteveA to tell me how to get the traversals code to do the old URL06:19
dafSteveA: I believe you said that this would be possible06:19
bradbdaf: what's the problem?06:20
dafwell, previously, you had a +new page registered on BugSubscriptionSet06:20
dafthe replacement code I wrote doesn't know about +new06:21
bradbOh, I see. Couldn't +add-subscriber be registered on IBug without changing the URL scheme?06:21
daf"without changing the URL scheme"?06:22
dafcertainly +add-subscriber could be registered on IBug06:22
bradbi.e. Sticking with bugs/N/people/+new (not that I think this is an incredibly wonderful URL, but I mostly don't recommend changing URLs without approval from above)06:23
dafwell, package infestations are even stickier06:23
dafyou have:06:24
bradbdon't worry about them!06:24
bradbThose are antique URLs, don't worry about them.06:24
dafwell, there are tests failing for them :)06:24
daftherefore I am worried about them06:24
bradbhow many tests?06:24
dafjust one, I think06:26
dafthere are similar problems with bug references and watches06:27
dafbugs/N/references/+new, bugs/N/watches/+new06:27
bradbIf it's only one, can you disable the test and file a bug noting that it should be re-enabled when we spec out infestations?06:27
BjornTdaf: you could try to lookup a view first. if you find one, return it06:27
dafhow do I look up a view?06:28
bradbqueryView(object, viewname, request)06:28
bradbi think it's in zope.component06:28
dafok, I can give this a try06:29
BjornTyep. and object should be the FooSet06:29
bradbargh, this is evil though. It's looking like this "smarter traversal" might force us to collapse the URLs.06:30
dafso if I have, say, ['+new', 'watches']  in my traversal stack, I have to create a BugWatchSet with the context bug and return a vie wfor that06:30
dafbradb: mmm, yeah :/06:30
dafbradb: Mark seems happy to pay that price, though06:30
bradbI wonder if SteveA would let us consume one than one path step, or even it even makes sense to do so.06:30
dafe.g. foo/+new-person over foo/people/+new06:30
BjornTdaf: yes, the same way you have to create it if you have ['1', 'watches'] 06:31
bradbI'm not too religious about it one way or the other, it's just that it the more that has to change, the more manhours involved.06:31
dafBjornT: well, in that case, I can do getUtility(IBugWatchSet)[id] 06:32
dafsince the bug is not relevant06:33
dafbut it is relevant for creating new watches06:33
dafso, it's going to break unless you introduce some magic to the +new view class to work out which bug a watch is being added on06:34
bradbThe thing that is slightly sucky about +add-foo off a bug is that it breaks the consistent if we want to have view pages for each of these things, it seems we have to stick with the current URL scheme.06:35
dafmm, I like the current URL scheme06:35
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bradbdaf: Do you like having several different pages across which to spread this information?06:36
dafhow do you mean?06:36
bradbdaf: having to go to separate pages for subscribing, adding URL refs, adding CVE refs, marking as dup, etc.06:37
bradb(If this were all disclosable on the bug page, the URL scheme would be irrelevant and unnecessary altogether.)06:38
dafI'm really not sure06:38
Burgundaviathe more pages (and thus the more clicks) you introduce are simply going to infuriate people06:40
BjornTdaf: well, you're not going to be able to remove the database imports without changing some view code. but it's probably best to ask SteveA what the plan is06:41
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=jamesh]  unbreak process-mail.py. make canonical_url work in scripts. some email interface fixes. (patch-2146: bjorn.tillenius@canonical.com)06:43
dafyes, I want input from SteveA 06:44
dafbut he doesn't appear to be around06:44
stubLunch here in Brazil06:44
dafthought as much06:44
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Keybukstrange, my laptop decided to pick an AP with no signal, and wouldn't leave it for a better one06:45
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dafcanonical.launchpad.scripts.builddmaster is chock-full of DB imports07:03
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dafI thought the end was in sight07:03
Keybukoops, nearly threw out my "Get Out of Brazil Free Card"07:06
Kinnisondaf: we can chat about that tonight if you want07:06
KinnisonKeybuk: oops07:06
dafKinnison: at a glance, it doesn't look too difficult to fix07:07
dafKinnison: just tedious :)07:07
dafSteveA: around?07:07
Keybukdoesn't that translate as "salty lunch" ?07:10
Keybuknot good for your arteries07:10
daf"salgado" means "savoury", I believe07:10
elmostub: ?07:11
Kinnisondaf: savoury or salty07:12
dafah, ok07:12
Kinnisondaf: according to kiko and johan07:12
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Fix Bug 1541: RDF can't have multiple elements in a <lp:product> or <lp:series> (patch-2147: morgan.collett@canonical.com)07:15
carlosjamesh, around?07:15
jameshcarlos: yep.07:15
carlosjamesh, about my karma branch07:15
bradbBjornT: question for you about widgets...07:15
bradbI have a BugTaskAssigneeWidget whose __init__ looks like this:07:16
bradb    def __init__(self, context, request):07:16
bradb        SimpleInputWidget.__init__(self, context, request)07:16
bradb        # Set the attribute that allows for choosing an assignee other07:16
bradb        # than the currently logged-in user.07:16
bradb        self.assignee_chooser_widget = SinglePopupWidget(07:16
bradb            context, context.vocabulary, request)07:16
SteveAguys, please don't waste time working out how to get the traversal step things working.  i'm working on it.07:16
carlosI need to give a list of fields to SQLObjectModifiedEvent07:16
bradbproblem is, the assignee_chooser_widget is always empty when rendered (even though it properly *saves* a value I enter.)07:16
carlosjamesh, should I add any single field the sqlobject has or just the ones I care about at this moment?07:16
dafSteveA: what exactly are you working on?07:16
bradbBjornT: How do I get at the value of bugtask.assignee, if the above widget is a custom browser:widget on the bug task edit form?07:17
jameshcarlos: in the Malone code, they use the Snapshot class to take a copy of the old state of the object07:17
carlosjamesh, yeah, I'm using that too07:18
carlosjamesh, but as they use it from an edit form07:18
carlosthey put there the list of fields showed to the user 07:18
carlosin that form07:18
SteveAdaf: fixing problems that occur when you remove a step from the traversal subpath07:19
carlosin my case that's not so simple as I give the object to a function and that function modify the object07:19
carloshmm, ok, I see your point07:19
dafSteveA: ok -- I have a different problem07:19
jameshcarlos: just create an empty list for the changed fields, and append to it as you set fields07:19
jameshcarlos: and then use that to create the SQLObjectModifiedEvent07:19
carlosas I have the orginal object and the new one I can guess the changes07:19
carlosjamesh, I cannot do it that way because that implies to move the logic of the notification inside the function I call07:20
carlosI think that I would just compare both objects and that's all07:20
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jameshcarlos: maybe a helper for constructing an SQLObjectModifiedEvent would be helpful here.07:22
mpt_carlos/daf: Can you add a real-world example of "something %s something %d something" to RosettaOneDotZeroAnnouncement?07:22
carlosmpt_, :-?07:22
Kinnisonciao dudes07:23
carlosmpt_, I don't understand your request07:23
carlosjamesh, yeah, bradb talked about a way to generalize his solution07:23
mpt_carlos: RosettaOneDotZeroAnnouncement currently says 'For example, the string "XXX 23 YYY 5 ZZZ" may be available for translation as "XXX %s YYY %d ZZZ".' that needs to become a real example.07:23
BjornTbradb: i don't quite understand. you have a widget on a widget?07:23
SteveAdaf: what is your different problem?07:24
carlosmpt_, oh, ok07:24
jameshmpt: if a program does printf(_("Hello %s"), "World");07:25
dafSteveA: well, one instance of this problem is a URL such as /bugs/1/watches/+new07:25
SteveAsounds like the same problem to me07:25
mpt_thanks carlos07:25
jameshmpt: and the translation is "XXX %s %s", then you have a format string vulnerability, since printf will read an invalid value for the second "%s"07:25
bradbBjornT: right, it's like a "composite widget" as it were07:26
mpt_jamesh: Yes, I know, but "XXX %s %s" still isn't a real example07:26
bradbBjornT: i.e. it looks like this on a form:07:26
bradb(*) foo someone else: [             ] 07:26
bradb() foo me07:26
jameshmpt_: there was a real world example in dpkg, where it would reliably crash if using chinese a while back07:27
bradbi've hacked my way through getting the radio buttons set correctly, but the SPW thoroughly evades me07:27
Keybukjamesh: that wasn't a real world example, it was a wacky world example07:29
Keybukthe maintainer wrote a utf-8 po file, his mail client treated it as iso-8859-1 and then Christian's tried to convert it to utf-8 when he saved it07:30
elmook, I'm going to break staging - if anyone cares, shout now07:31
BjornTbradb: ah, ok. so, in setRenderedValue(self, value) you should call assignee_chooser_widget.setRenderedValue(value)07:31
elmo(tbh, I'll probably only break http://staging, rather than https, but then this is mod rewrite evil, so..)07:31
Keybukfor how long?07:31
elmoKeybuk: hopefully not long, but as long as it takes to beat the rewrite magic into submission07:32
elmoif it's a bad time, I can leave it07:32
Keybukah, so the db is ok?  that's all I care about07:32
elmooh, yah, it's only the apache instance, I'm messing with07:32
bradbBjornT: rock! that worked, thanks a million.07:34
BjornTbradb: cool07:35
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bradbmpt: around for a quick q about displaying the assignee widget?07:37
bradbmpt: (For when you are around) There are two "modes" for this widget, effectively: 1. assignee == None, 2. assignee != None07:38
bradbso, for 1. should the widget be shown like:07:38
bradb( ) Assign to me07:38
bradb( ) Assign to: [      ] 07:38
bradband then 2. would be07:39
bradb(*) Assigned to me07:39
bradb( ) Reassign to: [      ] 07:39
elmojamesh/someone: got an example calendar URL for me, pls?07:39
dilysNew Malone bug 1542 filed on Registry by Christian "kiko" Reis: Release root and release filename pattern fields are not available when creating a product series07:40
jameshelmo: https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/products/webcalendar/+calendar/+icalendar07:41
bradbmpt: or maybe the first bit of 2. would read either "Assigned to me" or "Assigned to foo.bar@canonical.com" if it's assigned to someone other than, what do you think?07:41
bradbs/other than/other than me/07:41
jameshthat's the icalendar file for a product with a registered calendar07:42
elmojamesh: will that work on staging?07:42
elmoohh, sexy, it does07:42
jameshelmo: probably07:42
elmojamesh: ok, so that url redirection magic is setup on staging07:42
elmocan you check it out and see if your happy?07:42
elmoyou're too07:42
elmobtw, inventing a random URL does strange things07:42
elmoe.g. http://staging.ubuntu.com/projects/foo/+calendar/+icalendar07:42
elmodoesn't do what I'd expect07:43
dafhmm, that should be a 40407:43
jameshelmo: seems to redirect to https07:43
elmojamesh: which?  foo or webcalendar?07:44
elmojamesh: on staging?07:44
elmooh, so it is.  I am teh suck.07:45
jameshlynx -mime_header -source http://staging.ubuntu.com/products/webcalendar/+calendar/+icalendar07:45
jamesh(lynx can't do ssl, so shows the redirect error)07:45
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elmothat's because it's _products_07:47
elmono one said anything about redirecting _products_ :-P07:47
jameshI missed that one :(07:48
elmookay, added, now WFM07:49
jameshnot quite07:49
jameshit is giving me the Launchpad home page07:49
jameshrather than a text/calendar (iCalendar) file07:50
KeybukSteveA: I appear to have bought the complete set of "Aaron Carter" albums with me ... *bribe*07:50
elmoah, right, meh07:50
elmoI am _still_ teh suck07:50
SteveAwho is aaron carter, and what nefarious favour do you want?07:50
jameshelmo: looks nice now07:52
elmook, will transfer to live 07:52
dilysNew Malone bug 1543 filed on Registry by Christian "kiko" Reis: Filing duplicate source details raises an integrityerror instead of a nice error07:53
SteveAbradb: I know what the problem is.  now I just need to work out how to fix it.07:53
bradbSteveA: ok, cool07:53
elmojamesh: do you want me to bounce ssl requests for those urls back to non-ssl or is there no point?07:56
jameshelmo: no point.  If the client can handle SSL, then let them use it07:58
elmojamesh: production done too07:59
dilysNew Malone bug 1544 filed on Registry by Christian "kiko" Reis: Choosing a source package for a +source import of a product series should use a selection widget08:02
SteveAbradb: the bad thing is, it looks like a zope3 bug08:08
bradbi worried it might be that deep08:09
bradbBjornT: In my ZPT for a widget, is there an easy way to get the value that would be displayed when the widget is rendered, or do I have to write some little wrapper around self._data?08:10
KeybukSteveA: younger brother of some american boyband member -- very camp and bouncy music08:10
Keybuktherefore you'd like it08:10
BjornTbradb: no i don't think so. you probably have to add a method/property for that08:15
=== bradb searches for the PHP plugin for Zope 3
kikoBjornT, is there a way of finding out what type a certain widget is, from the template?08:20
BjornTkiko: no08:21
bradbkiko, mpt, BjornT: what do you guys think of this assignee widget?
bradbto see all its modes try seeing what it looks like: 1. with you as the assignee, 2. with someone else as the assignee, 3. unassigned08:24
kikoBjornT, could we add it?08:24
kikoBjornT, mpt and I want to do smarter layout of form fields08:25
kikobradb, Log in or register08:25
bradbkiko: right, it's just the test data dude08:25
bradbtest@canonical/test, etc.08:25
bradbor foo.bar@canonical.com, whatever08:25
kikobradb, the radio buttons are lacking label08:26
kikoshouldn't test@canonical.com be the name of the person, and a link to the person's page?08:26
kikoI see why you didn't do that though08:27
bradbkiko: the name of the person? hmm...not sure. the name of the person is not what you see when you make the assignment.08:27
bradblinkifying is probably a good idea though08:27
kikoand then the worst past is that a link on the email address...08:28
kikobut the radio button is actually useless, come to think of it08:28
kikompt to the rescue08:28
BjornTbradb: well, it's not entirely clear how to unassign yourself08:29
bradbyeah, i thought of that too08:29
bradbmaybe mpt has some ideas...?08:29
BjornTkiko: what different types of widgets are you interested in?08:29
kikoBjornT, check, radio, text, textarea08:30
kikoBjornT, very good point, unassigning the bug is also important08:30
bradbis mpt looking at it?08:32
=== mpt returns!!
bradbmpt: -- can you login and check out the assignee widget, if you have a moment?08:33
BjornTkiko: you can't do it with css?08:34
kikoBjornT, no.08:34
mptbradb: That's what I'm doing08:34
mptit's very slow08:34
=== mpt kicks this useless Brazilian Internet
=== mpt fends off an attack from Mr. Reis
mptOk, the page I'm looking at has a set of radiobuttons of which neither are selected08:35
mptthat's not right08:35
bradbmpt: radio buttons are what you suggested to me. what's a better widget for that field?08:36
mptideally, we'd use a combo box08:37
=== stub [~stub@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
bradbor, i guess you want the assign to: selected by default?08:37
mptbut HTML doesn't have combo boxes08:37
KeybukI get images of a man printing out the packets, writing them carefully on a postcard and sending them across the sea to be delivered08:37
mptAssigned to: [(nobody)       ] 08:37
bradbmpt: why the need for (nobody)?08:38
mptto make the nobodiment obvious08:38
bradbThat seems to draw my attention to that field, and then say "oh, that was just nobody, not an actual person"08:38
mptbut that's not my final answer, I'm just throwing ideas out08:38
BjornTkiko: hmm, ok. i can't think of an easy of adding something like that.08:39
mptbradb: ok, how about a <select> + a text field08:39
mptthe <select> contains "Nobody", "Me", and "Other:"08:40
mptand the current assignee08:40
mpt"Nobody", "Me", "Brad Bollenbach", "Other:"08:40
mptand then the text field is for if "Other:" is selected08:41
bradbThat seems a bit awkward to me, but I dunno.08:42
bradbkiko, BjornT: opinions on that?08:42
mptwell, we could make them radio buttons08:42
mptAssigned to:08:42
mpt( ) Nobody08:42
mpt( ) Me08:43
mpt(*) Brad Bollenbach08:43
mpt( ) [                    ] 08:43
mptbut that would take up lots of space08:43
Keybukdid someone break the staging librarian?08:43
bradbmpt: what about:08:43
bradb( ) Assign to me08:43
bradb(*) Assign to: [      ] 08:44
bradbor (when there's an assignee)08:44
bradb(*) Assigned to foo.bar@canonical.com08:44
bradb( ) Reassign to: [      ] 08:44
bradb( ) Remove assignee08:44
bradb(or whatever wording for the last option)08:44
mptIn the last case you're missing reassigning to yourself08:44
bradbmpt: does that matter though?08:45
mptalmost as much as it does for when there isn't an assignee08:45
mptit wouldn't be obvious why the option existed for that case but not the other08:45
mpt(*) Assigned to nobody08:46
mpt( ) Assign to me08:46
mpt( ) Assign to: [current assignee goes here] 08:46
mptthat's from four down to three08:46
=== bradb twiddles with the form a bit
bradb2 mins08:46
bradbmpt: what do you think now?08:52
mptyou're still missing the initial selection08:52
bradbit WFM, apparently08:53
=== bradb tries clearing cache
mptah, now it works08:53
mptlooks good08:54
mptOne more suggestion:08:54
mptchange "Assignee" to "Assigned to:"08:54
mptThen you can simplify the labels by removing "Assign(ed) to" from all of them08:55
=== bradb tries that
bradbmpt: like that?08:59
=== bradb bends his head slightly sideways in wonder
mptexcept that you forgot to make "nobody" and "me" <label>s09:00
mpthmmm, that whole form looks as though it's been thrown on the page a bit09:01
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #launchpad
bradbmpt: didn't forget; didn't know I was supposed to09:02
bradbthey seem too dark when I put <label> around them. are they supposed to look like that?09:03
SteveAbradb: your fix:09:03
mptbradb: ah, true, there's a label {font-weight: bold;} in launchpad.css09:03
SteveA            nextstep = travstack.pop()09:03
SteveA            request._traversed_names.append(nextstep)09:03
SteveA            request.setTraversalStack(travstack)09:03
mptthat probably shouldn't be there09:03
SteveAyou need to add that middle line after the "pop()" line09:04
SteveAfor the true fix, i need to write a zope3 proposal and fix it properly.09:04
bradbSteveA: ! right, I shall try that shortly and confirm whether or not it worked for me, thanks.09:04
SteveAit is rather evil09:04
SteveAbecause it is using an internal attribute of the request09:04
bradbmpt: should i leave them un-<label>'d for now then?09:04
SteveAbut, it will do until we get it fixed upstream09:05
SteveAwhen i land the nav stuff, it will be evil only in one place09:05
mptbradb: If you like, and I'll look through the places we've used <label> later to make sure nothing bad happens when I un-bold them09:05
SteveAthe api that our traversal code uses will be decent and pure 09:05
bradbvirgin-like, even?09:06
bradbmpt: thanks for the pointers. i'll clean this up a bit and submit for review.09:06
mptno probs09:09
bradbSteveA: that appears to work, thanks!09:09
Keybuk11m for a baz commit -- improving09:12
KeybukSPEEDING UP!09:12
=== sabdfl [~mark@sabdfl.silver.supporter.pdpc] has left #launchpad []
SteveAbradb: can you fix up everywhere we use setTraversalStack ?09:24
bradbSteveA: sure09:24
SteveAthanks brad09:25
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  add branch pages and portlets (patch-2148: mark.shuttleworth@canonical.com)09:25
bradbSteveA: I have to wonder why that existing code does travstack[0]  and setTraversalStrack(travstack[1:] )09:28
bradbI'll change it to pop() and see if anything breaks09:28
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=== SnakeBite [~SnakeBite@] has joined #launchpad
SteveAbradb: pop removes from the end09:30
bradbI know ;)09:30
SteveAso, code that does travstack[0]  is wrong, unless it reverses first09:30
bradbthat's what i mean. I think it only got away with it because there was always only one extra step09:30
bradb(that's my guess, anyway)09:30
=== bradb runs the tests again
SteveAthis will be clear in the new zope3 api09:31
SteveAthere will be only pop() and push() to an ITraversalStack object09:32
SteveAcalled request.traversal_stack09:32
bradbnew zope 3 api? you mean like when we upgrade to a newer version of zope 3? or are you talking about your nav code?09:33
SteveAwhen 09:33
SteveA1. i write a proposal and some code for zope309:34
SteveA2. we upgrade to include that code09:34
bradbSteveA: looks all good now. will commit, take a quick look through the diff, then put the IBugTaskSubset removal code in your queue.09:46
bradb(i.e. the tests all pass after those changes + .pop() instead of that [0]  weirdness)09:47
SteveAway cool09:49
SteveAwho is Lionel Montrieux ?10:04
bradb* Comparing FROM and TO ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................baz: uncaught exception: -1:(unable to fork for diff)10:09
SteveAyou ran out of memory10:09
bradbi figured as much, but that's no comfort10:10
SteveArun again10:11
SteveAyou may have cached data10:11
SteveAso that it will take less memory10:11
bradbI imagine I'm not the only one who often finds an hour added to the end of his day (if not more), /purely/ because of baz.10:12
SteveAhow much memory do you have?10:12
bradb512 MB. i.e. enough.10:12
SteveAyou will go much faster with 1GB or even 2 GB10:13
SteveA mark has just over 1GB on his laptop10:13
SteveAand baz is fast enough10:13
SteveAi have 2GB at home.  no worries.10:13
bradbit is? wow.10:13
bradbi'd be much happier if the bug like that were fixed, instead of each user having to spend the extra money on RAM to accomdate baz.10:14
SteveAit is getting fixed10:14
SteveAit will take a while, though10:14
=== bradb_ [~bradb@modemcable082.64-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad
bradb_anyone know what the solution to the /usr/share/keyrings problem was?10:38
bradb_I didn't notice a mail to the list about it10:38
SteveAbradb_, BjornT: who is getting rid of the malone database imports into browser/traversers.py ?10:39
bradb_SteveA: daf, i think10:39
bradb_that's what he said earlier10:39
SteveAthis is malone responsibility10:39
bradb_i agree10:39
SteveAso, if daf is doing it, you need to know about it10:39
bradb_i found out when he told me, but i'm not sure how far he ended up making it10:40
bradb_BjornT: i saw you talking about the /usr/share/keyrings problem earlier, i think. what was the solution/10:41
bradb_this whole lp-not-starting thing is a slight blocker10:41
SteveAwhat is the /usr/share/keyrings problem?10:44
bradb_debonzi: did you mail the list about ubuntu-keyring? I might have overlooked that mail.10:44
bradb_SteveA: lp fails to start, because, according to what debonzi says in my channel logs, ubuntu-keyring is a new dependency10:45
bradb_  File "/home/bradb/launchpad/lib/ZConfig/cfgparser.py", line 178, in error10:45
bradb_    raise ZConfig.ConfigurationSyntaxError(message, self.url, self.lineno)10:45
bradb_ZConfig.ConfigurationSyntaxError: /usr/share/keyrings is not an existing directory10:45
bradb_(line 261 in file:///home/bradb/launchpad/configs/default/launchpad.conf)10:45
bradb_make: *** [stop]  Error 110:45
SteveA$ ls /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-10:47
SteveAubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg       ubuntu-archive-removed-keys.gpg10:47
SteveAif we have a new dependency, it needs to be updated in the LaunchpadSetup page, and announced to the list10:48
SteveAbradb: what does "baz tree-id" in sqlobject tell you?10:53
bradbugh, portlet renamings == nasty conflicts10:57
dilysNew Malone bug 1545 filed on The Launchpad by svaksha: bug -a system error occurred during PO File Export11:01
bradbkiko: now that IBugTaskSubset is removed, there's two portlets called rocketfuel@canonical.com/sqlobject--test--0.6--patch-3111:01
bradbmake that +portlet-actions11:01
bradbkiko: what's the proper way to name the one that is specific to the bugtask listing?11:02
=== bradb calls it portlet-bugtasklist-actions and moves forward
debonzibradb, I've updated the rocketfuelsetup page.. but missed the mail list part.. sorry11:05
bradbdebonzi: no worries, thanks for mailing the list to let others know11:31
debonzibradb, welcome11:42
bradbSteveA: the remove IBugTaskSubset branch is in your queue now11:54
SteveAbradb: ta11:55
bradbgotta run, later all11:57
SteveAbradb-afk: reviewed, replied12:04

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